IBJ 18 - Kode Logic1

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(A Behance.

com Alias)

Behance.com is a graphic design website. This user only lists their name as Kode Logic.

I am a fan of a few of Kode Logic’s pieces on Behance, but this one is my favorite. Although I
am an atheist, I love the portrayal of prayer in this image. The man is a clear representation
of all of humanity, which the artist portrays as having reached the brink of destruction.
Depicted on the man’s glasses are images of worldwide tragedies in the last century, albeit a
little USA-centric. The man’s face is covered in scars and his skin is cracking apart from the
inside – he is crumbling. Brows furrowed, and with tears streaming down his face, he makes
a desperate plea to the unknown for guidance, intervention, or deliverance. These little
touches each carry so much weight in their presence in the image that it is impossible not to
be moved. My photography teacher for two years, Danielle Picard-Sheenan, ingrained in me
a value for content and composition. Kode Logic composes the piece without extraneous
details. Each element adds to the content of the picture. For this reason, this skilled crafting
of the image, it is my favorite of his/her work.

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