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English 12 Course Syllabus

Teacher: DeSilva Room: 107
Phone: 918-542-4421, Ext. 107
Course Description
English 12 is a required course that will enable students to
become skilled readers, writers, and thinkers. Students will be
expected to read and respond to literature in a variety of ways. The
study of language in use (grammar, mechanics, sentence structure,
and usage) will be incorporated in this course, as well. The goal of this
course is to prepare students for the future, whether that is college,
military, Vo-Tech, job training, or the work force.
Students will demonstrate the ability to:
Respond to a text by employing personal experiences and critical
Write by developing content, using specific forms, and selecting
language appropriate for a particular audience and purpose.
Control language by applying the conventions of Standard
English in writing and speaking.
Evaluate the content and organization of a text.
Materials required every day:
Assigned text book
Pencil or pen
Notebook paper
1 or 1 binder with 5 dividers (Vocab, Journals, DGP,
Handouts, Homework)
A textbook will be assigned to every student at the beginning of
the school year. It is the students responsibility to keep track of his or
her book throughout the school year. The same book should be
returned at the end of the school year.
Major Units
The Canterbury Tales
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Research Paper
Lord of the Flies
Senior Memoir
Grading Policy
Grades will come from a combination of in-class work,
homework, essays, tests/quizzes, and participation. Classwork and
homework must be turned in on the assigned due date in order to
receive full credit. 20% will be deducted from an assignment for the
first day it is late. Another 20% will be deducted the assignment for
the second day it is late. After that, the highest grade a completed
assignment can receive is 60%. Late work will not be accepted after
each quarter ends (March 10 and May 18).
If the student is absent from class, it is his or her responsibility to
approach the teacher about make up work. This should be done
before/after school/through email never during class.
If a student demonstrates academic dishonesty, a zero will be
given for the assignment no exceptions.

and Expectations
Arrive on time.
Bring all needed materials and be organized.
Respect all ideas given by classmates during discussions.
Pick up after yourself (no food or drinks allowed in class).
One person may leave the room at a time.
Approach assignments with a positive attitude.
Try your best.

According to the MHS handbook, cell phones and wireless devices "are
not to be out or in use during classroom time (page 41). If phones are
in use during class, it is an interruption the students learning
experience. If a student is seen using his or her cell phone, it will be
confiscated and sent to the office.

Student Signature:
_____________________________________________________ Date:
Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________________
Date: ______________
Phone: _________________________________
Email: __________________________________

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