Unit Day 13

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Approx. Time

Day 13
Students will have a greater understanding of what empathy means
Students will have a greater understanding of what the purpose of empathy is
Students will understand the importance of vocabulary building
Standard: 2. Reading for All Purposes
c. Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and
domain specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when
considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.
(CCSS: L.8.6)
Standard: 4. Research and Reasoning
a. Analyze the purpose, question at issue, information, points of view,
implications and consequences, inferences, assumptions, and concepts
inherent in thinking
b. Determine strengths and weaknesses of their thinking and thinking of
others by using criteria including relevance, clarity, accuracy, fairness,
significance, depth, breadth, logic, and precision
60 minutes
Remind students that we are completing the activity from yesterday. They
will need to stay in their 5 groups. They will be spending 10 minutes at each
station. If they are done with the stations activities, they will need to write
down notes of what they did, saw, and felt during that time. They should also
reflect on how this information will shape the way that they finish their final
project. Instruct them that this will be what they base tomorrows activities
off of.
Get the room ready. Ask students from cluster one to get parchment paper.
Cluster two, paper and copies of Out of the Dust
Cluster three, power up laptops, butcher paper
Cluster four, copies of Out of the Dust butcher paper
(5 minutes)
At this time, you should tell students to clear off their desks. Explain to them
that they will be working in small groups at each station. Explain that each
station will have a set of instructions, and that they will have 4-5 minutes at
each station to complete each task. After the 4-5 minutes are done, each
station will move clockwise to the next station.
-At this point you should offer a brief overview of what they will be doing at
each station:
-Station one- students will write down specific instances from Out of the
Dust where a character displayed empathy for another character, or when
they did not display empathy for a character that really needed it
-Station two- students will select one student to read a passage and the rest

will close or cover their eyes. Then, the reader will pick a poem from the first
50 pages of the book. The student will read this to the blind students.
Without looking around, the students will draw what they feel the narrator is
experiencing in this passage. Once they are done drawing, students will
reflect on the process (How difficult was this activity, how close was the
drawing to the picture, and what was the point of this activity in relation to
the text?)
-Station three- Students will be watching (https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=9_1Rt1R4xbM) During this video students should reflect if this video
would be a good tool to use to explain empathy to someone (possibly
younger). On a butcher sheet, students will jot down why they liked/did not
like the video to be used as a tool for explaining empathy (This station will
need a computer with internet access, a butcher sheet labeled why this
is a good tool and why this is not a good tool)
-Station four- Students will be doing a short reading of an emotional excerpt
of Out of the Dust. On butcher paper, students will respond if they think
characters responded with empathy. If so, how. If not, how could they (Label
this sheet Yes, and how. And No, and here is how they could) (
-Station five- this station is where students will brainstorm why they think
empathy is an important trait to have. They will also brainstorm how they can
show future 8th graders empathy within their final assessment.
(50 minutes)


After the activities, ask students to volunteer why they believe that empathy
is a skill that everyone should have? Do they think it is a skill? Do they ever
think its ok to not have empathy?
(5 minutes)

Handout, internet, parchment, writing utensils, copies of Out of the Dust,


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