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Hello New York


Musical Numbers
When Im Gone (Page 6)......................................
Youll Be in My Heart (Page 9)..............................
Home (Page 15)..............................................
Empire State of Mind (Page )................................
The Way (Page ).............................................
Chasing Pavements (Page )...................................
I Think Im Gonna Like it Here(Page ).......................
Stayin Alive (Page )........................................
Never Again (Page ).........................................
Fabulous (Page )............................................

Page 1
Curtain opens - Catherine and Sara had just finished eating
dinner when Chris walks in from a long day at work, he
instantly pours himself a glass of some top shelf vodka.
Chris why must you always drink? It is not good for your
health; I really wish you would stop.
Its been a long day at work Catherine. You
to understand it. This is what men are made
bring home the money while maintaining
reputation. So just let me do my

wouldnt be able
for, we work and
good public

Well the drinking, it turns you into a mean person. I think
you have a problem. I have been trying to get you to stop
for years but you never listen to me. This is getting out
of hand. I want to take you to a therapist.
Catherine, shut up, all you do is nag, why don't you mind
your own business. Maybe I like alcohol because it makes you
less annoying. I just worked all day so I could pay for that
brace you have on your watch now. You do nothing. I swear
all you do is try and control me. Well Ill show you
Chris takes off belt and begins violently swinging it
Daddy no!
Chris, please take a breath. You're going to scare Sara
again. Knock off this behavior.
Dad what have you become?

Page 2

You deserve this. This will teach you to stop trying to
change me.
Chris starts beating her with his belt. Catherine starts
Please dad stop!
Continues beating Catherine and is whipping harder and
After Chris is done abusing her and puts his belt back on.
If the townspeople knew who you really were, you would be a
disgrace to this place.
He walks over to Sara and smacks her across the face.
And who will tell them?
Chris flicks his eyebrow in a mean manner and heads over to
the stairs. He open the door and turns to walk down the
Im going downstairs. I am done with your nagging, honestly
why do I stay with you. You are worthless.
Chris walks down the stairs.
Why does he have to be like that? All I have ever tried to
do is love that man and support him no matter what. But you
see the way he treats me. It is unfair. When we started
dating he was so nice to me and treated me right. When we
Page 3
moved in together I thought it was a great idea. I brought
you along with me because I thought he was a big part of our
life and that we could grow to become a big happy family. I
really thought he was the one for me, I had never met anyone
like him before in my life. I thought he was something
special. I started to believe that we could make it as a

family. I had hope. Then all of a sudden things changed.

He was like a whole new person. I person I do not want to be
with. I am sorry for putting you thru this honey. I never
planned on it turning out this way and him turning into the
person he is today. I know it is hard for you to watch
something like that.
Its okay mum, one day we will get out of here. Do not let
him do to you what he does, you have a backbone, you can
speak up.
I know that it would not be easy but still be strong.
I try but honey when he is hurting me like that it is hard
to speak up, I fear he will just get even angrier and hurt
me even more.
I dont know why you let him treat you like that in the
first place though, just run out of the room,but you dont
have to put up with it anymore
Sweetheart, I am hoping that one day he will change back to
the person I fell in love with. You dont understand how
hard I fell for him. When I see someone like that change so
much all I do is wish you would go back to his old self.
You cant change alcoholics. You cant change people, they
just become weaker or stronger. Now you see who Chris truly
Page 4
is and now you see he is a horrible person. I think you need
be strong, for you and me Mommy.
Honey you are right. I will be strong. For the daughter that
I love so much and for myself. You will see. But I also need
you to be strong for me. Do you think you can do that honey?
Yes I can Mom

Okay thank you sweetie.
Catherine and Sara sit down next to each other and hug.
I love you mum.

I love you too sweetie. Dont ever forget it. You are and
will always be my number one priority. I will always be by
your side and will defend and love you no matter what.
Catherine kisses Sara on the forehead.
Act 1, Scene 2
As the lights come on, you see Chris getting ready to
leave. Catherine is in the kitchen cleaning up the dishes
and acting on edge. In the room next door, Sara is fast
I will be back around dinner. Remember we are hosting a
banquet at the house tonight. Try to have the house at least
Page 5
cleaned up a little by the time I get home. Dont cause too
much trouble while Im gone.
Chris picks up his briefcase off the counter and grabs
fruit from the table. He then heads for the door, grabs the
handle, and then walks out to his car.
Trouble? What trouble are we? Everything will be just fine
Yes, indeed.

Chris walks out the door and secretly walks off stage.
Catherine looks out the window and watches him pull out of
the drive way. At this point a car sound plays overhead,
giving effect he is pulling out of the drive way. Catherine
waves and turns around quickly, running to Saras room.
Sara! Sara! Wake up! We must go and pack fast, if we want to
make it to the bus station.
Sara lying asleep in bed, rolls over and pulls the covers
over her head.
Mum, what are you talking about go back to bed. Its way too
early for this nonsense.
We must go Sara. We must go to New York and leave this
dreadful place. We can catch the bus in a couple hours and
be on our way to New York. We dont have to stay here and
put up with this any longer. I know it sounds crazy, but
its much better than where we are now. There will be more
opportunities away from him and away from this town.
Page 6
Sara pulls the covers off her head and sits up in shock.
Well I would love nothing more than to get away from him.
But what about the good man we know that we are leaving
behind? What about the man that the town knows? The
sweetheart who always donates money and his time. The
jokester in the barber shop. He is the man who attends all
the high school sports games just to cheer on the kids that
arent his own. What will the town think of us when we
This is no good man Sara and I should
long time ago. Your father treats me
should have never put up with him to
your things we dont have all day.
whats necessary, we dont have

have showed you that a

with no respect and I
begin with. Now pack
And Sara bring only
unlimited space.

Sara pulls out a duffle bag from under her bed. She reaches
in her closet and starts pulling out clothes. Sara begins
to pack her bags, folding her clothes and placing them in
duffle bags. She starts to hum and it turns to singing. She
then sings When Im Gone. While singing she continues to
finish packing and dancing around her room.
(when I'm gone)
I've got my ticket for the long way 'round
Two bottle whiskey for the way
And I sure would like some sweet company
And I'm leaving tomorrow. What d'you say?
When I'm gone, when I'm gone
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
You're gonna miss me by my hair
You're gonna miss me everywhere, oh
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
Page 7
When I'm gone, when I'm gone
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
You're gonna miss me by my walk
You're gonna miss me by my talk, oh
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
I've got my ticket for the long way 'round
The one with the prettiest of views
It's got mountains, it's got rivers
It's got sights to give you shivers
But it sure would be prettier with you
When I'm gone, when I'm gone
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
You're gonna miss me by my walk
You're gonna miss me by my talk, oh
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
When I'm gone, when I'm gone

You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

You're gonna miss me by my hair
You're gonna miss me everywhere, oh
You're sure gonna miss me when I'm gone
When I'm gone, when I'm gone
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
You're gonna miss me by my walk
You're gonna miss me by my talk, oh
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

Page 8

On the very last line of when Im gone Sara picks up a

picture of her father and her. Gives the picture a sad look
and sets it face down. She picks up her bags and throws
them over her shoulder. Then walks over to the door and
exits her room.
The lights come on with Catherine and Sara walking into a
hotel room.

I cant believe we finally did it. We finally got away from
him and we no longer have to be bothered by him. I'm scared
though, but I know its best.
I know love bug, its all over now. Everything is going to
change. But I promise you that we will be okay. It is going
to be hard at first but trust me we are better off this way
than how we used to be. We are much safer here. It will take
time, but you will be happier here. Trust me.

Sara lays down in bed and cant fall asleep.

Mum, what if he comes to find us? He could send people out
looking. Everyone will think we were taken maybe even worse.
Couldnt we get in trouble for this?
He wont bother. Even if he did he wouldnt be able to find
us. We covered our tracks very well. I would never want to
put you in danger honey. We are in a whole new state. We did
not tell anyone where we were going or even that we were
leaving so do not worry he will not find us. Besides what we
did wasnt a crime. We left a dreadful place, and having
Page 9
courage isnt a bad thing sometimes. No harm was done to
Can you stay with me tonight, just incase?
Of course. Whatever you need. If you need anything else just
let me know.
Sara and Catherine lay down in bed and catherine begins to
sing Youll Be In My Heart.
Come stop your crying
It will be alright
Just take my hand
Hold it tight
I will protect you
From all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry
For one so small,

You seem so strong

My arms will hold you,
Keep you safe and warm
This bond between us
Can't be broken
I will be here
Page 10
Don't you cry
'Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart, always
Why can't they understand the way we feel?
They just don't trust what they can't explain
I know we're different but deep inside us
We're not that different at all
And you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
Don't listen to them
'Cause what do they know (what do they know)?
We need each other

To have, to hold.
They'll see in time
I know
Page 11
When destiny calls you
You must be strong (you gotta be strong)
I may not be with you
But you've got to hold on
They'll see in time
I know
We'll show them together
'Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
Oh, you'll be in my heart (you'll be here in my heart)
No matter what they say (I'll be with you)
You'll be here in my heart (I'll be there), always
I'll be with you
I'll be there for you always
Always and always
Just look over your shoulder
Just look over your shoulder
Just look over your shoulder
I'll be there always.
Youll Be In My Heart ends. Sara is fast asleep. She has her
head resting on her mothers should. Catherine lays her head
down on the pillow and falls asleep as well.

Page 12
Act 1, Scene 4
The lights come on and Catherine is excitingly walking down
the street. She sees a worker wanted sign and walks in. Mary
Jo is standing behind the counter and sees Catherine walk in.
Mary Jo(Loudly)
Is there something I can help you with hunny?
Mary Jo walks out from behind the counter and walks over to
Well actually yes. I saw your worker wanted sign and was
wondering if I could apply. I have a good attitude and do have
some experience in serving tables in my past.
We get lots of old folks in here, and they dont always have
the best attitudes. I just want to warn you now that they can
be quite rude and mean. I think you should give it a try
before you are hired.
Still carrying on conversation, Mary Jo walks over and wipes
off a table. Catherine follows behind her still talking.

Page 13

Very well, when can I start? I am available at any time to

give it a shot. I just moved here and I have all the time in
the world.
Mary Jo points to the back and directs Catherine to the
Operons are in the back, go ahead and grab one. There is a
customer who just walked in and needs taken care of. Go take
his order and we will see how you do.
Catherine walks around back and puts on operon and walks back
out. She walks up to a customer and begins taking his order.
Mary Jo watches from across the restaurant and customers begin
to chuckle.

Hello my name is Catherine and I will be your server today.
What would you like to order sir?
Customer #1
Who are you? Where is Mary Jo? Where did you come from anyway?
Who do you think you are?
Page 14
Well Im from PA. More of your country girl I would say. As I
said before my name is Catherine.

And I will be taking your

order for now.

Well until you can make a pie like Mary Jos I dont want
Crosses his arms and looks away
It is only fair you give me a chance? Besides I make a mad
pie. Trust me just give me a shot and I won't disappoint you
Oh, fair enough. Go ahead and try. I usually order her famous
hash browns with a ham sandwich with a slice of pie.


today I guess since you are here I will try something new.

would like to order some scrambled eggs with some two pieces
of bacon and also three pieces of sausage. I would also like
to have some sweet tea with a slice of you pie.
Is there anything else you would to order sir?

Page 15
Customer #1
No that would be all
Okay I have that ready for you in a few minutes.
Home begins.
Alabama, Arkansas,

I do love my Ma and Pa
Not the way that I do love you
Well, holy moly me oh my
Youre the apple of my eye
Girl, I've never loved one like you
Man, oh, man, you're my best friend
I scream it to the nothingness
There ain't nothing that I need
Well, hot and heavy pumpkin pie
Chocolate candy, my oh my
Ain't nothing please me more than you
Home, let me
Home is wherever
Home, let me
Home is wherever


with you
with you

La la la la
Take me home
Page 16
Daddy, I'm coming home
I'll follow you into the park,
Through the jungle, through the dark
Girl, I've never loved one like you
Moats and boats, and waterfalls,
Alleyways, and payphone calls
I been everywhere with you (that's true)
Laugh until we think we'll die,
Barefoot on a summer night
Never could be sweeter than with you
And in the streets we're running a free,
Like it's only you and me,
Geez, you're somethin to see.

Home, let me
Home is wherever
Home, let me
Home is wherever


with you
with you

Home, let me come home,

Home is wherever I'm with you
Home, let me come home,
Home is when Im alone with you
Alabama, Arkansas,
I do love my Ma and Pa
Moats and boats, and waterfalls,
Home is when I'm alone with you!

Page 16
Starts dancing and singing on tables and entertaining
customers. Also dancing throughout kitchen making pie.
Home ends. Catherine sets pie on table and looks at customer
Well, whatcha think of that?
Customer #1 takes a hard look at the pie. He reaches down and
takes a bite and nods his head rapidly. After swallowing he
jumps up and yells in excitement about how good the pie is.
CUSTOMER #1(Yelling)
Boy, I was wrong about you. You surely can make a darn good
pie. Mary Jo you would be crazy not to hire her! You have not

been able to find someone this good in forever. I want her

here everyday from now on taking my order. My gollie you are
something special Catherine
Mary Jo walks over to Catherine nodding her head of certainty
and shock.

Well Ill be the judge of how good this is. Here let me see
that, theres no way its this good. He is just overreacting.
He likes it so much because it is something new.
Mary Jo reaches down and picks up the fork, she takes a bite
of pie. She throws her head up fastly and in disbelief.
Well I must say, I wasnt expecting that from a younger girl.
Pleasing one of our toughest customers is not easy, thats for
sure. Hes been around here from twenty something years now
and no one has been able to please him. You really are
something special, and I didn't believe this pie would be that
good. But I must say that this pie is to die for.
Mary Jo points to customer #1 while talking to Catherine about
But pleasing me is even harder. How would you like a
permanent position here sweetheart? It would mean that you

would have to be here almost everyday and be on time. You also

have to bring a good attitude like you did today.

Are you up

for that?
Are you serious? I would love to work here, thank you so much.
I will not let you down.
Page 17
Remember though it wont always be easy, these people can rude
sometimes. You just gotta be patient with them. They don't
like change so at first they will not be nice to you but
eventually they should warm up to you.
Will do, Im sure I will be fine. Besides I like it here. Its
homey, like one big family.
Well we would like to keep it that way. Thats the way my
mother always liked it and I plan not to change a single thing
that she did. I grew up serving customers here while my mother
watched over me. And now I have the privilege to continue what
she started. So I will so you here tomorrow at 9 am right?
Yes mamm!

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