Math Help Pages: Integrating Even and Odd Functions

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Math Help Pages: Integrating Even and Odd functions

Integrating Even and Odd Functions

Firs t, a few definitions :
A function is called even if f(x) = f(-x) for all values of x.
Geometrically, an even function is s ymmetric about the y axis .
A function is called odd if f(x) = -f(-x) for all values of x.
Geometrically, an odd function will be s uch that, if you rotate the graph 180 degrees (or pi radians ), it will land on top of
its elf.
Now, the things you have to know:
If f(x) is an even function then,

If f(x) is an odd function then,


Firs t notice that the numbers at the bottom and top of the integral (-3 and 3) are the s ame except for a s ign change. And the
function ins ide is very difficult to integrate. That s hould make you think about us ing the s hortcuts I mentioned above.

Now, if we let

, then let's s ee what we get when we replace x with -x:

(Squaring a negative number is the s ame as s quaring the corros ponding pos itive number.
Cubing a negative number is the s ame as taking the negative of the cube of the pos itive number)

So, f(x) is an odd function and we conclude that

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