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Confederate States of America

Aka Rebels, 5, of the South, died on

April 9, 1865 after a long deadly war
with the Superior Union Army. After
losing more than 490,000 men to the
long drawn out battles against the
North. Their sacrifice will not be in
The CSA start was born on 1861
with their President, Jefferson Davis,
leading the effort against the North.
They fought for slavery as well as
states rights, which the North limited
them on. The CSA had friends from
across the Atlantic they attempted to
help the CSA fight against their
superior adversary.
The CSA had a few good
victories in the war against the North,
they even made some good progress
into the North. They made it all the

way up to Gettysburg, PA. They were

on a roll against the North winning at
least six victories. These victories
include; 1st and 2nd battle of Bull Run,
Chancellorsville, Fredericksburg, and
the Seven Days.
They also had some bad defeats
in which turned the tide of the rest of
the war. There were also battles that
split the south into different pieces.
The south was cut into few different
sections after some crucial battles.
Everything west of the Mississippi
River was separated after the battle of
Vicksburg which surrendered to
General Grant. The South was once
again cut off but this time it was below
South Carolina. Shermans march to
the sea went through the entire state
of Georgia which then created the
Even after the war was over
there are still many loyal friends to the
cause of the South. Many new news
articles are coming out about how the
Confederate flag should be not
allowed to fly near government

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