National Socialist Liberation Front - The Stormer

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Summer 1978 $2.00 IE IA NT The Magazine of White Revolution OTN ay ana hae Cana ag MULE Perrys h0 KARL HERLER UO teva) ENE ana CORUM cS RUA T ae PE ae aN Clara Calas UPA I Renee ats Vol.1, No.4 Summer 1976 STORMER Table of Contents American Revolution Tommasi Style Conservatism in Action in Cleveland. Last Interview with Tommasi .. .. Myth of the “Six Million”, Part Two. Security Services. Nazis in Detroit. “But It Can't Happen Here”... .-.. +--+ 4 Nazis in San Francisco. . . . National Knights of the KKK ‘The White Confederacy. .....+++eeeraeeed Books, Subscriptions, ete. ++ Page 32 The Magazine of White Revolution Affiliate of the White Confederacy Editorial AMERICAN gt TOMMAG] CTYLE by James Mason NSWWP General Secretary ‘This summer marks the third anniversary of the.death of i ‘Tommasi in El Monte, California. I can honestly say + that ot a day passes in which I don't think-of Tommasi. | It's easy to wish for the return of a dead comrade and to imagine how things might be going if he were still with us, But if I knew Joe correct- ly, even had|he escaped death in August, 1975, he'd have already managed to have got- ten himself Killed a dozen times over by now, So how do we look at his death? As a set-back to the Re- yolution? Or as the incident that got it started off in earn- est? | Tommasi was only twenty~ four at the time of his death and his work had hardly begun. But he left us something deci~ sive: He made us feel com- fortable as radicals, Radicalism and revolution come easy now whereas be- fore the American Nazis were actually just conservatives. ‘Things have changed dra- matically because of Tommasi, If you're old enough to recall back ten years, the radicals then in the U.S, were all Left- ists and Blacks. I fairly and objectively ‘ask anyone to come up with a group more revolutionary in America today than the Nazis. ‘This didn't happen by accident either. It took a ‘lot of work and strain, It took, firet of all, a revolution of the mind. What exactly is this rev- olution of the mind that Tomm - asi knew so well? It is the sin- gle common-denominator pos~ sessed by all movements who succeeded at revolution for, without it, all power would be meaningless, It is more than passion: It is the ability to become lar- ger than the forces around one and thereby the ability to mas- 4 ter and control any situation. It is the freedom to rid ‘oneself of the poisons of doubt and reaction. It is the strength of mind, character and purpose to view all existing society as the ene- my of revolution. |" Ir is the responsibility and challenge accepted of rev- glution by choice rather than by necessity. It is the skill and cunning to successfully use every ob- stacle to one’s own advantage. It is the philosophy of victory. It ts the new morality of that which works is good and that which doesn’t work is bad. It is the new loyalty to that which is correct. With this revolution of the mind, disillusionment and dis- couragement are out of the question, ‘Those with this attitude cannot be used, tricked or mis- led. It is the Rockwell concept of the one-man army come full circle. Without such an inner re- enforcement, revolution in this country would be impos- sible for to play the game the way one is supposed to is to acknowledge and try to deal with hopeless odds. Like a direct extract from ‘The Emperor's New Clothes", the "in" crowd must believe that, this time, there's no way out because Big Brother has learned from all fis mistakes over the centuries and today has all loopholes plugged. But the whole Big Brother System trembles when just one fanatic stands up wearing a Swastika and declares he is going to strike the System dovn! The tens of millions of those who say it "can't be done” amount to just part of the scenery. ‘The war is between us and the Big Brother Jews holding power. The war is strictly be- tween those in the know, I wish Joe were here to~ day not so that we could turn over the job for him to do but so that he could inow that he was RIGHT inhis ideas! Big Brother is SCREAM- ING in his press, radio and television about the fanatical Nazis, Again, it is no accident. Something is being done right! Instead of the tightest hold over any nation in history, it could be that here it is the biggest bluff in history. Big Brother doesn't panic often or over nothing, The revolution of the mind succeeded in spite of Joe's un- timely death, ‘Thanks to Joe, it's only ¢ question of a short time before we spot the gaping holes in Big Brother's defences and realize our own strength, ‘The American Reyolution of the Twentieth Century will resemble nothing else in all of history. Compared with the fight to overcome the pre-programmed defeatism instilled via Big Bro~ ther's "Liberal Education Sys~ tem" and the television, the real revolution - the act of dis- posing physically of Big Bro- ther himself - will be next to nothing at all, One thing is certain at this point, when it's all oyer with, Joe Tommasi will be recalled ag the man who turned the final tables. | | HO Cotomiun Biopath¢ _THURS JUNE, 1978 Police May Have Description Of Cleveland pon. CLEVELAND (AP) — carly Weénesday was the police said. 1 was, de. furrounded by dynamite equivalent to fo & jo elle probing the bomb, moe powerfuluredsofar, served as a pipe bab with an explosive force sticks of dynamite, 0. ur Yocational High ‘The bomb that explod- ed outside the school, 1o- ted in a predominantly shares on: 7ist St, | of dynamite were found Tuesday wired to the underear & riage of a truck at the home of Al H HERSHBERGER’S BOMB DAMAGE — Cleveland police sift through fhe rubble of the Martin Luther, King Jr ‘Vocational High School where a tomb expioded early Wednesday causing extensive damage. The If this is their idea of a At HAT in HELL& titi? ‘ill they do when they meet Up witha All, SHOOTING, Cont. Police sald they do not Know a motive for the sneident. HERSHBERGER WAS navallale for comment, ‘ it say he to ROVE Cons theme did not know who IT BLEW A door off its’ time of the explosion. ‘The bomber has left no ‘might have -placed the hinges,duga crater inthe Investigators declined notes and has contacted bomb, ground and ripped a two-' to discuss the ease in 0 one. Howover, police The body of James foot wide hole through a detail but said they be- theorize that he “ ‘Hershberger was found in einderblock wall. Hloe they wil be able to sie resident we i heh His ear on a road west of der man soon. e, hates - lin May-22. He ha solic sersie blast wes ‘ blacks and opposes school been shot once in the channeled down the ball. Theysaid they now Placks apd opposes school that profile is based. in Lorain County sheriff's way, tearing down sec. Where the| dynamite and pipe used jin making the tone ea aMaterIE bomb were obtained. Part'on interviews with deputies eald there were niture around. POLICE! AND federal >> Ser Grae reco rontors act Speaking tthe grand fry and growing palies pow sin tis, unin, Tommasi analyzed “Wve used to hava police ropros- sion. What wart geaing now 1 the. developmont of com buterized police stata in the ‘war movies they make @ Big dea out ot Germans eg ot jentiieaion: "Your papers, lease. Now we're stopped on {he stroot and aaked for two oF three locas of LD. and wera iat youre sesig now i a system that Is vara that the Bossy of revolution exists. ‘Tho sition taught thom what gan happen when people get {her shit togetner, ao mater if {ose peopie are trom the Right oF Left So. now the systems {king steps to Insure. thelr Stabily Demonstating cooptative tactics. In Tawventorcemont, Tommasi imitated 8. “Pancho Gonzalez” sherit appeaing to young Chicano men. “En. man, You fia wih us, help amas a these fhictle groups In your barrio.” Sounding much ike ho ‘evolutionary he claims he Ts, the Naz! Teader concluded "ou don'thave tb bo.a ack of Mex {ean to's00 whats going on Na county. Tha ytersin bg twoube™ ‘Summartzng his relationship ‘with law-enforeoment, Tommast

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