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The University of Mississippi School of Education

Written Unit Plan

Understanding by Design (UBD)

Unit Cover Page

Unit Title: Holocaust

Grade Level: 10th Grade

Subject/Topic Areas: World History

Key Words: Jew, labor camps, work camps, Aryan, Hitler, Nazi,
Final Solution,
Designed By: Shelby Huf

Length of Unit: 10 Days

School District: Senatobia School District

High School

School: Senatobia

Brief Summary of Unit:

The unit is on the Holocaust which took place from 1933-1945 in Germany and parts of
Eastern Europe during World War II. In this unit, the student will learn about some of the
causes for the hatred that led to the mass murder of millions of Jews. The students will also
learn about what struggles the Holocaust brought upon them from the beginning with
persecution until death in the extermination camps. The students will interact with a map
while they discover the diference between what Europe looked like in the 1930s and 1940s
and what we know it to be today. The students will also learn about life in the camps
including getting to experience the lack of basic foods the prisoners were expected to live
of of.
List and attach Print Materials/Resources
List and attach Internet Resources/Links
Student Interest Inventory
Pretest key
Vocabulary list
Vocabulary key
Textbook- Ellis, Elisabeth, G. and Esler, Anthony. (2011) Prentice Hall World
History: The Modern Era. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
Chrome book cart
Project Rubric
Copy paper

How Many is Six Million

Group assignment sheet
Responsibility worksheet
Immigration and emigration worksheet
Black pens
Vocabulary Quiz
Vocabulary Quiz Key
Chrome Books
Research handout
Research handout key
Chrome books
Cups of water
Letter rubric
Chrome book

All presentations on google drive

Review guide
Unit test
Unit test key

Contextual Information
1. Knowledge of characteristics of students
Age-Range, Gender, Total number of students
The age range for this 10th grade class is 15- 17 years old. There are 13 girls, and 10 boys, for a
total of 23 students.
Achievement Levels (Remedial, Average, Advanced/ Accelerated, or specify range in
percentiles or grade-equivalent)
The students in this class are mostly average to above average in their grades. There is 1 student
performing below average and is receiving special education services. Of the 23 students in this
class 4 are in the National Honors Society.
Socio-Economic Description
There is a wide range of socio-economic backgrounds in this particular class. There are
students who are below the poverty level, students in the upper class, and several in between.
The median house hold income in this school district is $42,000. 22% of families are below the
poverty level. The majority of students come from middle class working or low socio economic
families and 62.79% of students receive free or reduced lunch.
Typical Demeanor of Students
The students in this class are very attentive. They seem to pay attention, participate and enjoy
the class. There is one student who likes to try to get the teacher off subject, but has a good
attitude about it when she quickly directs the class back to the lesson. The students get along
with one another as well as with the teacher.
Typical Interest and Involvement of Students
The students make up the average GPA in the sophomore class. These students are very
interested in learning and always have questions to ask that are above the average class interest.
When doing group work they generally follow instruction even without being told basic tasks.
2. Knowledge of students varied approaches to learning (Include information from
learning styles inventory)
When given the opportunity for group work, most work in pairs. However, there are 3 or 4 that
prefer to work alone. Those that prefer to work alone usually enjoy listening to music with their
headphones while working. It helps keep them on task. Most of the students do well with the
teachers direct instruction approach. While they all do well with the direct instruction approach,
the students are often given the opportunity and enjoy kinesthetic style lessons.

3. Knowledge of students skills and prior learning

The students, for the most part, came into the class with the knowledge they needed to succeed.
Recalling the information they learned in eighth grade seems to flow easily into the lessons they
are learning now.
4. Knowledge of community and school district (Include a description of the community
and school district)
The Senatobia School district has 3 schools, elementary (k-2), middle (3-5), and Jr./Sr. High (712). There are 465 students in the elementary school, 578 students in the middle school, and 770
students in the Jr./Sr. High school. 22% of families in this school district live below poverty
level and 62.79 % of students qualify for free or reduced lunch. The school has a website, that provides school calendars, lunch menus, faculty contact
information, and parental access to active parent. Active parent allows parents to receive up to
date information about the students assignments and grades. My clinical Instructor at Senatobia
High School is Shane Baltz.
The Senatobia School district covers 39 square miles including the city of Senatobia, as well as
land adjacent to the South, West and East. There are approximately 6,700 residents and 2,100
households. In 2011 Senatobia was ranked by Bloomberg and Business week as the best place in
Mississippi to raise a family. The Senatobia City School District is located 30 miles south of
Memphis, Tennessee and a large number of residents commute to Memphis and the surrounding
areas to work.

Stage 1 Identify Desired Results

(Stage 1 completed once for the unit)
Goal: Identify overall goal (s) of the unit based on the Mississippi Curriculum
Frameworks or Common Core Standards.


What understandings are desired?
The unit is on the Holocaust which took place from 1933-1945 in Germany and parts
of Eastern Europe during World War II. In this unit, the student will learn about some
of the causes for the hatred that led to the mass murder of millions of Jews. The
students will also learn about what struggles the Holocaust brought upon them from
the beginning with persecution until death in the extermination camps. The
students will interact with a map while they discover the diference between what
Europe looked like in the 1930s and 1940s and what we know it to be today. The
students will also learn about life in the camps including getting to experience the
lack of basic foods the prisoners were expected to live of of.
Daily objectives: What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result
of this unit? What should learners be able to do as a result of such knowledge?
Include integrated content areas from the Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks.
Label objectives with the DOK level of learning.

The students will:

TSW define vocabulary words that correlate with the Holocaust. DOK 1
TSW use cause and efect to see how the Germans reacted in alliance with Hitler for
the destruction of the Jews. DOK 2
TSW connect the past with what they know is to come for the Jews in the future.
TSW connect the course of the persecution of Jews by the Nazis. DOK 4
TSW recognize the results of the final solution. DOK 1
TSW construct a logical argument to why each scenario deserves a certain
responsibility. DOK 3

TSW compare the two document and analyze reasons for this setback. DOK 2
TSW identify and label the key aspects of Europe during the Holocaust. DOK 1
TSW recall the vocabulary from earlier in the unit. DOK 1
TSW identify and list the diferent meals served in labor camps. DOK 1
TSW analyze and draw conclusions of the imitations of foods they researched. DOK
TSW construct a letter of their experiences since being in the labor camp. DOK 2
TSW recall and analyze the information from the past two weeks. DOK 1 & 4

Stage 2 Planning Assessment

(Stage 2 completed once for the unit)
Performance Task(s): List the names of each performance task here and attach a copy of the
entire assignment (including grading rubric) to your plan.
Power Point Presentation

Test/Quiz Item(s) and Other Traditional Assessments: List the names of each
test/quiz/homework/etc. here and attach a copy of each to your plan.
Vocabulary Quizlet
Vocabulary quiz
Unit test
Informal Check(s): List ways you will check for understanding throughout your unit.
Student Interest Inventory
Vocabulary list
How Many is Six Million
Responsibility worksheet
Immigration and emigration worksheet

Food research
Review guide
Academic Prompt(s): List higher level thinking questions used throughout
the unit.
Was the Holocaust the first time there was hatred toward Jews?
Do you think it was Hitlers original plan to quickly eliminate the Jews? What
were the diferent stages of elimination Hitler went through?
Referring back to your vocabulary, what else did the Nuremberg Laws revoke
besides their civil rights?

With many common careers banned by the new laws, what other options of
work were the Jews left with?
What has been the most difficult time economically in United States history?
What was the unemployment rate during this time?
Why do you think sometimes the soup was watered down?
Why do you think the non-Jewish people wanted to risk their life to save
Why did it seem so easy for Hitler to successfully kill 6 million people?
Why were some situations easier to place blame on than others?

Stage 3 Daily Lesson Plans

( Stage 3- attach lesson plans)
Make a calendar to outline the objectives taught each day, the activities/strategies used and
the assessments used. Next, attach a separate lesson plan for each day of your unit using
the format on the following page.


STAGE 3: Daily Plans

TSW use cause
TSW connect the
and efect to
course of the
see how the
persecution of
Jews by the
reacted in
alliance with
TSW describe he
Hitler for the
results of the
Bell workdestruction of
final solution.
the Jews. DOK 2 DOK 4
TSW connect
Student Interest the past with
Bell work- book
what they know question: Why
is to come for
did Hitler begin
the Jews in the
mass killings of
future. DOK 4
TSW define
words that
correlate with
the Holocaust.

Vocab Quizlet

Bell work- have

students recall,
on their bell
work paper, as
many of the
terms as they
can without

Power pointfoldable notes

How Many is Six
Exit ticket


their notes
Power pointfoldable notes
Exit Ticket

TSW recognize
the results of
the final
solution. DOK 1
TSW construct a
argument to
why they think
that scenario
deserves a
TSW compare
the two
document and
analyze reasons
for this setback.

TSW identify
and label the
key aspects of
Europe during
the Holocaust.
Bell work- Map,
black pen,
Exit ticket

Bell work- turn

in map/study
Vocab quiz
Work on

TSW identify and

list the diferent
meals served in
labor camps.
TSW analyze and
draw conclusions
of the imitations
of foods they
researched. DOK
TSW construct a
letter of their
since being in
the labor camp.
Bell work- log
into chrome

Bell workfoldable check




emigration WS


TSW recall and
analyze the
information from
the past two
weeks. DOK 1 &

TSW recall and

analyze the
from the past
two weeks. DOK

Bell work- turn

in letter

Bell work- study


TSW recall the

vocabulary from
earlier in the
unit. DOK 1

Unit Test

TSW construct a
letter of their
since being in
the labor camp.
Bell work- log
into chrome
Work on letters
and/or projects

Review Guide


Daily Lesson Plan

Your daily plans should include the following:
Day: (Day 1)

TSW define vocabulary words that correlate with the Holocaust. DOK 1
Pretest key
Student Interest Inventory
Vocabulary list
Vocabulary key
Chrome book cart
Project Rubric
Opening (Set):
1. TSW take the pretest as their bell work for the day. A student will take these up.


TSW complete the student interest inventory. Another student will pass these out.
TSW use the textbook and chrome books to identify the vocabulary terms.
TTW introduce quizlet and help students set up an account.
TSW create a study set and share it with my virtual classroom in quizlet.
TTW introduce the power point project and rubric that is due at the end of the unit.
Good morning class! Today we will be starting a new unit on the Holocaust. I know
that you all already studied this in your English class earlier this year, so we are
going to take a pretest for me to see where you all stand. I hope though that will be a
diferent approach since this is social studies after all! My overall plan is to go over
the main historic points for two days at the beginning of the unit, and then follow up
with maps, worksheets, and group work to make this more of an experience than a sit
down lecture. My goal is to show you that learning about such a horrible time in
history can be interesting even with the tough information we will experience.

Learning Tasks (Procedures):

1. TTW pass out the vocabulary list while the students are turning in their pretest.
2. TSW look up their vocabulary words and write them on the vocabulary list.
Okay class while I look over these pretests and see where we stand as a class on this
subject I want you to define your terms I just gave you.
3. TTW pass out chrome books as the students finish their terms. The students should
log into their gmail accounts while we wait on everyone to catch up.
Okay class now that we are all done and logged in I will teach you how to use quizlet.
Has anyone ever used quizlet before? Since high school is to prepare you for college I
thought this would be a nice tool to introduce you all to. This doesnt have to just be
used for vocabulary. College students use this all the time for their lecture style
Steps for setting up an account, creating a study set, and submitting it to the virtual
-click make a study set
- use your google account
- Your username should be the first part of your email so you can remember when
you sign in later
- click free quizlet
-title is Baltz (your class period) Holocaust
-type your terms in and click create
-Dont add to a class yet- click no
-now click my sets, tools, and add to class
1. TTW go over the project again and take questions.
Okay class, as you might know this lesson is going to take about two school weeks.
Two weeks from today will be our unit test. The day before we will have a quick
review and then present projects. Your project for this unit is to research a Holocaust
survivor. You will have to make a power point presentation. The minimum number of
slides can be five and the maximum can be seven. There are only four requirement
you have to include in your presentations. These are the survivors name, a picture of
them, their story, and a map of what country and camp they were held in. If the
person you choose does not have one of these components, you will need to decide
on another survivor, so you can successfully meet all the requirements. As you can
see there will have to be at least one component that needs to be more than one
slide long. The easiest would be their story. Another note: power points are just that...
points. I do not want a whole paragraph on each slide. I want the main points either
in bullets or short sentence form.

2. TSW put back their chrome books one row at a time. (This will only be the students at
the front of each row)
Differentiated Instruction:
Enrichment: The higher students can write a sentence or two about how the word
relates to the holocaust instead of just the basic book definition.
Intervention The teacher will evaluate how the students are not understanding the
information. There will be a backup lesson to teaching the material again, or more
guided practice for understanding the concepts.
Accommodation These students can use the chrome book if they need it while they
define the words and then can copy and paste the terms into quizlet. One student
with an IEP requested to not use technology at all. She does better with just pen and

Daily Lesson Plan

Day: (Day 2)

Your daily plans should include the following:

TSW use cause and efect to see how the Germans reacted in alliance with Hitler for the
destruction of the Jews. DOK 2
TSW connect the past with what they know is to come for the Jews in the future. DOK 4
Copy paper

Opening (Set):
1. TSW pick up a sheet of copy paper and a pair of scissors.
2. Two students will pass out the bell work paper turned in the previous day.
3. TTW explain how to make the foldable in addition to the instructions that are on the
Good morning class! As you can see we are making a foldable today. I know this may
seem complicated with written instructions, but I will walk you through it. It is very
First you take your paper and fold it hamburger style. Then open it back up and fold
the outsides to the middle so it looks like a brochure. Then fold it back hamburger
style and cut one inch thick strips to the center so it looks like this. (an finished
example will be provided in addition to the teacher walking them through the steps)
4. TTW go around and check the foldables for correctness.
Will the light leader please turn of the lights for us please?
Learning Tasks (Procedures):


Slide 1: The Holocaust

Slide 2: setting the stage
Slide 3: persecution
Slide 4: Nuremberg laws
Slide 5: more than anti-Semitism
Slide 6: the first shot
Slide 7: Kristallnacht
Slide 8: flood of refugees
Slide 9: refugees
Slide 10: segregating the Jews
Slide 11: isolation
Slide 12: attempt to hang on
Slide 13: determination


Was the Holocaust the first time there was hatred toward Jews?
Do you think it was Hitlers original plan to quickly eliminate the Jews?
What were the diferent stages of elimination Hitler went through?
Referring back to your vocabulary, what else did the Nuremberg Laws
revoke besides their civil rights?
With many common careers banned by the new laws, what other
options of work were the Jews left with?
What has been the most difficult time economically in United States
history? What was the unemployment rate during this time?

Will the light leader please turn on the lights for us please?
Okay class, please go ahead and pack up your stuf. Hopefully we retained something
from the lesson today! As your exit ticket, you will place your scissors back in the box
as you exit the room, so I can see they all get returned.

Differentiated Instruction:
Enrichment: If the lesson takes less time than planned, then the teacher will have
an open ended discussion with students. The discussion will determine the students
critical thinking skills, while also assessing whether or not the students
comprehended the information presented during lecture.
Intervention The teacher will evaluate how the students are not understanding the
information. There will be a backup lesson to teaching the material again, or more
guided practice for understanding the concepts.
Accommodation The teacher will have the foldables made for these students or
have printed slide options for students that need this accommodation.

Daily Lesson Plan

Your daily plans should include the following:
Day: (Day 3)

TSW connect the course of the persecution of Jews by the Nazis. DOK 4
TSW recognize the results of the final solution. DOK 1
How Many is Six Million
Opening Set:
1. TSW answer the questions on the board: Why did Hitler begin mass killings of Jews?
Answer: Because starvation and disease were not killing them fast enough.
2. Two diferent students will pass out the bell work/ exit ticket paper turned in the
previous day.
3. TSW get out their foldables.
Will the light leader please turn of the lights for us please?
4. TTW continue with slide 14.
Learning Tasks (Procedures):
Slide 14: Hitler becomes inpatient
Slide 15: A new solution
Slide 16: Mass killings and round up
Slide 17: Final solution
Slide 18: two options
Slide 19: labor camps
Slide 20: death camps
Slide 21: numbers and survivors
1. (If time allows) TSW work the real word problems to get a better understanding of
how many six million really is.
Will the light leader please turn on the lights for us please?
Why do you think the non-Jewish people wanted to risk their life to save another?
Why did it seem so easy for Hitler to successfully kill 6 million people?
Okay class, please go ahead and pack up your stuf. Hopefully we retained something
from the lesson today! As your exit ticket I want you to tell me something on the
same paper as the bell work I gave back to you from yesterday that stuck out to you
from today. Dont forget I will check the foldables for completion Monday during bell
work. If you were not here yesterday I would get with someone to get those notes.
You were here today, so you know I will be checking them.
Differentiated Instruction:
Enrichment: If the lesson takes less time than planned, then the teacher will have
an open ended discussion with students. The discussion will determine the students
critical thinking skills, while also assessing whether or not the students
comprehended the information presented during lecture.
Intervention The teacher will evaluate how the students are not understanding the
information. There will be a backup lesson to teaching the material again, or more
guided practice for understanding the concepts.
Accommodation The teacher will have the printed slide options for students that
need this accommodation.

Daily Lesson Plan

Your daily plans should include the following:
Day: (Day 4)

TSW construct a logical argument to why each scenario deserves a certain responsibility.
TSW compare the two document and analyze reasons for this setback. DOK 2
Group assignment sheet
Responsibility worksheet
Immigration and emigration worksheet
Opening (Set):
1. TTW have the desks arranged in pairs for easy access around the room.
2. TSW sit according to the assignments listed on the door when they came in. They will
be working in groups of two.
3. TSW grab the handouts, sit down, and get out their foldable to be checked.
4. TTW check the foldables for completion.
Learning Tasks (Procedures):
1. Responsibility worksheet
2. Immigration and emigration worksheet
Okay class we will be working in partners today with these worksheets. The first is a
responsibility worksheet. I want you to go through and discuss what level of
responsibility each scenario should receive. The key word is discuss. I need you to
come up with a combined efort answer.
After the first worksheet is completed I want you to go through and look at the
restrictions the Jews had both getting out of Germany and getting in the United
3. The class will have a discussion on what blame everyone chose to put on the
Okay class that was a great discussion! It is crazy how diferent people rationalized
each situation diferently. You can see now how easily it was for the Germans to fall in
line with what the Nazis were saying.
Why were some situations easier to place blame on than others?
We also see how difficult the Jews had it if we were to take out the entire
conversation with the struggles of the actual Holocaust dealing with the traditional
idea of just the camps.
Differentiated Instruction:
Enrichment: TTW talk with these students and get them thinking critically about the
immigration and emigration rules. Getting these children to develop a constant idea
of wanted to know more will help them beyond the classroom curriculum ever will.
Intervention TTW facilitate the questions they should be asking, but let them work
on the answers.
Accommodation These students may want to work alone or have their counselor
talk through these situations with them. This task may be difficult to think about and
make judgements on.

Daily Lesson Plan

Day: (Day 5)

Your daily plans should include the following:

TSW identify and label the key aspects of Europe during the Holocaust. DOK 1
Black pens
Opening (Set):
1. TSW grab the needed materials from the front and have a seat. This should include a
black pen, crayons, and a map packet.
Learning Tasks (Procedures):
1. TSW complete the map of Europe during the Holocaust.
The only thing we are doing today class is this map of Europe. The two maps you
will need to complete the packet are on pages 573 and 581. All the instructions
are in the packet, but if you have questions please come ask me. This will be for a
grade. It is crucial that you know this information for next year.
2. TTW facilitate and monitor the progress of the classroom as they work.
Okay class if you are not done this will need to be finished for homework. Your
exit ticket is the supplies you borrowed from me for the map. Dont forget we
have a vocabulary quiz tomorrow! Study!
Differentiated Instruction:
Enrichment: These students could make sure to identify the major camps and why
instead of just getting the option of any.
Intervention Reflecting on what is being asked on the map can be a mini review
session of what the class has been discussing the past week.
Accommodation A larger map and more time can be given to these students.

Daily Lesson Plan

Your daily plans should include the following:
Day: (Day 6)
TSW recall the vocabulary from earlier in the unit. DOK 1
Vocabulary Quiz
Vocabulary Quiz Key
Chrome Books
Opening (Set):
1. TSW turn in their maps and begin studying for the quiz.
Learning Tasks (Procedures):
1. TTW pass out the vocabulary quiz and instruct the time limit.
2. TSW come to the front and turn in the quiz, and grab a chrome book to work on their
Alright class that is enough studying. Put all of your things away until we finish
the quiz. You will only have 15 minutes to take it. That should be plenty of time
there are only 9 words and I know you all know them like the back of your hand.
When you finish bring it to me and grab a chrome book. This is your time to ask
me questions while you brainstorm and begin your PowerPoint presentations.
1. TTW instruct the students one row at a time to put away the chrome books. (This will
be the person at the front of each rows responsibility)
This is all the time we have today to work. If you all would one row at a time come
and put your chrome books back that would be great. I hope you all have an idea
what you are doing and got going on it today!
Differentiated Instruction:
Enrichment: Have these students use a new kind of technology such as Prezi for
their presentations.
Intervention This should continuously keep them reviewing the work, and should
start to make the needed connections.
Accommodation These students like to do projects in the room with their counselor,
so after the quiz they can go work on it with them.

Daily Lesson Plan

Day: (Day 7)

Your daily plans should include the following:

TSW identify and list the diferent meals served in labor camps. DOK 1
TSW analyze and draw conclusions of the imitations of foods they researched. DOK 3 & 4
TSW construct a letter of their experiences since being in the labor camp. DOK 2
Research handout
Research handout key
Chrome books
Cups of water
Letter rubric
Opening (Set):
1. TSW grab a research handout and a chrome book.
2. TSW log into their chrome book.
Good morning class! Today is that day I was telling you all about a few weeks ago
when we were going to have food. I told you not to get too excited though. Go ahead
and start researching what was served for every meal at the concentration camps!
Learning Tasks (Procedures):
1. TSW put back the chrome books. (The student at the front of each row will return the
chrome books for everyone in their row)
We will be working in groups on this project because we will be using some supplies
today and there isnt but a few to go around. Now that we have researched, lets talk
about what we found! Can anyone tell me what they were given every day for
breakfast? Yes just black cofee.
2. TTW pass out a small cup of plain cofee and the class will discuss how it tastes.



Now that we have had our breakfast and worked a few hours lets have some lunch.
I want you all to measure out 600 grams of bread.
TTW pass out the cheese and sausage while the students measure. Talk about how
often they actually got all three.
TTW have students help pass out the soup. Instruct them to drink only half of the
I want you all now to fill the cup back up with water and then taste it again.
Why do you think sometimes the soup was watered down?
TSW clean up their general areas, but leave desks in groups.
TTW pass out the rubric for the letter and explain the assignment.

Until the bell rings I want you all to talk about what you plan to mention in your letter.
You will use the information we have learned so far including the foods we tried
today, in addition to some research of the everyday living conditions the prisoners
Differentiated Instruction:
Enrichment: Have these students elaborate on the reasons behind such a small
amount of food. Where have we mentioned this previously this unit?
Intervention Assist these students in making these connection with their peers.
Have them be a leader, so they feel as though they are accomplishing something
during the activity.
Accommodation These students can chose to be in a group, have their counselor
join us, or complete the activity in their other room.

Daily Lesson Plan

Day: (Day 8)

Your daily plans should include the following:

TSW construct a letter of their experiences since being in the labor camp. DOK 2
Chrome book
Opening (Set):
1. TSW log into their chrome book.
Learning Tasks (Procedures):
1. TSW work on their letters and presentations.
Today you all get the class period to finish your letter and your presentations. They
are both due Monday and are both for a grade! I will be here if you have any
questions on the rubric or an idea you are struggling with. Both of these are to be
worked on alone, so no talking today. I really want you to focus on what you are
doing, so you can be proud of the work you will turn in!
One row at a time please come and put up your chrome books. I hope you all
finished, so you can have an awesome spring weekend outside! See you all Monday!
Differentiated Instruction:
Enrichment: These students should be challenged to do more than the required
amount stated on the rubric. I would love to discuss ideas they are having during class
Intervention Both of these assignments should be getting them on track to full
understanding of the unit.
Accommodation These students can chose to have their counselor join us or
complete the activity in their other room.

Daily Lesson Plan

Day: (Day 9)

Your daily plans should include the following:

TSW recall and analyze the information from the past two weeks. DOK 1 & 4
All presentations on google drive
Review guide
Opening (Set):
1. TSW turn in their letters as their bell work today.
2. TSW need to be ready to present- order will be in the order submitted.
Learning Tasks (Procedures):
1. TSW present their presentations.
Today is the big day! We are about to start the presentations. We will go in order of
who submitted them. You only get three to five min to present and I will cut you of. Is
everyone ready?
2. TTW have a student pass out the review guide after presentations stop for the day.
1. TTW go over the review guide the last ten minutes of class.
For the rest of the class period we are going to think back over the past two week
and sum up the key points we have learned. The review guide is not to give you the
answers, but to make you aware of the points that were not only to interest you, but
will be needed knowledge going into next year with Mrs. Walley.

Daily Lesson Plan

Day: (Day 10)

Your daily plans should include the following:

TSW recall and analyze the information from the past two weeks. DOK 1 & 4
Unit Test
Unit Test Key
Opening (Set):
1. TSW study for the test for five minutes.
Okay class! Its test day! I am going to give you all about five minutes to look over
your notes. I hope you all have been studying throughout the week. If you have then
this should not be too difficult.
Learning Tasks (Procedures):
1. TSW take the unit test
Please put your things away. I am going to start to pass out the test. You will have
about 45 minutes to take the test. This should be plenty of time, so take you time
and read all of the questions. Make sure to put your name on it and read the
directions! If everyone finishes we will continue will the presentations from yesterday.
Okay it looks like we have some time for more power points. Lets see who was next.

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