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Artifact: Impact on Student Learning Lesson Plans

Topic/Title: Abolition development

Medium: Electronic Word Processor
Technology Used: Microsoft Word

Student engagement was anchored in the Gary Paulsen novel NightJohn which explored the
life of an enslaved girl who was establishing her literacy. Student curiosity of the abolish
movement directly impacted the development of this lesson, along with the culture of the
community surrounding the school. Students had finished learning the amendments to the US
Constitution which connected to the abolishment of slavery. The planning of this lesson supports
my achievement of standard three which requires that as a candidate I, develop and implement
relevant, inviting, challenging, integrative, and exploratory interdisciplinary curriculum within
an effective learning environment that connects subject areas when planning. Students prior
knowledge was built upon to ensure that students were successful in all content areas.
Within students weekly homework they were asked to read an article from Newsela, which
expounded upon high school students in Virginal being suspended for wearing the Confederate
flag. Confederate flags were very popular in this school setting and provided a modern
connection to make this lesson relevant. Students were required to text code, and summarize the
article to demonstrate understanding. However, they were also given extra credit for writing a
short opinion paragraph relating to the article. This homework assignment was given at the end
of the lesson and was due the following week. By allowing students to fully engage with the
lessons and then reflect upon their own culture students were encouraged to reflect upon the
problems of the Virginian school and their unique community. This problem and critical thinking
development supports Standard Threes requirement that a candidate, incorporates instructional
strategies that encourage higher order and critical thinking, inquiry, problem solving and
communication to advance young adolescent learning, creativity and innovation.

Artifact: Integrated Unit Lesson Plans

Topic/Title: Group Identifiers
Medium: Lesson plans and established formal assessment
Technology Used: Microsoft Word

The first lesson concerns itself in the ethnic development of the Brazilian people as students
are asked to explore the organic establishment of a new ethnic identity through an interactive
Punnett Square activity. Students will select two countries of origin discern the probability of
offspring from these countries having dark or light hair color. Students will also create a graph
representing the immigration growth and decline from these countries. The setting of these
activities is a English Language Arts classroom, where students are encouraged to map their data
through bar graphs a mathematic component, and complete Punnett Squares, a science
component while exploring social studies content. This demonstrates the candidates proficiency
at integrating a multitude of content areas into the social studies classroom as required by
Standard Three, [candidate] develops and implements relevant, inviting, challenging,
integrative, and exploratory interdisciplinary curriculum within an effective learning
environment that connects subject areas when planning.
The students are also asked to explore the query, what is your make up? Students will be
grouped to create a written report on genetic variation over time and how it relates to the
perception of individuals based on differences. Students are asked to devise a method to obtain
random samples of a specific trait such as eye color or hair color. Students will be asked to
submit a written report as the formative assessment, which will be graded by the English
Instructor based on the strength of the writing conventions. As a candidate I have ensured that,
all young adolescents to observe, question, and interpret knowledge and ideas from diverse
perspectives including knowledge of families, community and inter connections among cultures
of the nation and world in integrated ways in accordance to Standard Three. Students will also

prepare an oral presentation for their classmates which will ensure that students engage in the
Speaking and listening components of the Common Core. Finally, students will write a short
reflective piece and anonymously rate their group performance.

Artifact: 8th Grade Yearlong Plan

Topic/Title: Curriculum Mapping including texts, standards, and
Medium: Word Processor
Technology Used: Microsoft Word

Within each unit anchor and supplemental texts are identified to support the instructor in
yearlong planning. Within each unit a formal summative assessment is outlined to match the
standards and learning objectives identified. By planning the curriculum, assessments, and
objectives in conjunction, I have established that as a candidate I am capable of designing
assessments that align with standards and student learning goals Student goals are written in to
broadly translate the application of skills learned, as designated by the Common Core, with
relevance to the topics and texts being explored.
This attention to the yearlong calendar ensures that all Common Core Standards are met
within the year and that students are assessed fairly and effectively according to the lessons,
which will allow for broad outlines that may be adjusted to meet students developmental needs
supporting that this candidate, uses the resultant assessment data to guide instructional
decisions. This curriculum map is meant to be used as a guide as the instructor will later apply
individual lesson plans which include formative assessment. It is these formative assessments
which will lead the instructor towards scaffolding to ensure that the formal assessment outlined
is met.

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