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ECE/Elementary Ed.

Required Lesson Plan

Lesson/Activity Title: Math/ Space Bar Graphs
Colorado Academic Standards Addressed:

M3.3.1a, M3.4.2c
Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to introduce students to collecting and
representing data using tally and bar graphs.
Learning Objective(s): The objective of this lesson is that students will be able to collect
data from fellow classmates by conducting a survey and represent the data using a bar
Your Goals for Learners: My goal for learners is for them to gain hands on experience
with collecting data by surveying fellow classmates and using a bar graph to represent the
Your Learning Principles: I believe that students learn best when they have hands-on
activities and real world applications.
Setting: 3rd grade classroom, 24 students working independently and in small groups, 1
teacher, 1 intern.
Materials and preparation:
Preparation: The students will have gained background knowledge of the planets and
differences between them. This previous knowledge will be used when students are asked
various poll questions such as, Which planet is your favorite? What planet do you
want to study next?
Grid Paper
Promethean Board/ Document Camera
Students will meet at the carpet. A bar graph will be on the board. They will turn and talk
with a partner reading the graph and identifying what data is being represented.
Activity Procedure:
1) Introduce bar graphs to students and go over reading a few examples.
2) Explain what a survey is and how to collect data

3) Model a few potential questions that students may ask, guideline is that the
questions will relate to what we have learned so far about our Solar System and
4) Students will walk around the room and ask each other survey questions using a
tally system to record.
5) Once students have collected information from the class, they will then create a
bar graph to represent the data that they collected.
6) To close the activity, students will present their graphs to the class under the
document camera and share what they can see and learned from the graph.
Differentiation: Visuals, students working together in appropriate groups, modeling and
whole group participation. Both teachers walked around the room and provided extra
assistance. For students (P and H) they worked at the back table with Mr. Andrews for
guided help in making and reading their own graph.
Assessment: When the students present and share their graphs, they will show that they
were able to ask a space related question that they can poll. The presentations will also
show that they can take that data and represent it accurately with a bar graph.
This lesson was an introduction to bar graphs and representing data. As an extension,
students are given a math packet with practice questions and math puzzles.

Intern Reflection and Self-Evaluation

(Elementary Education lesson plans)
Date: 3/22/16
Lesson: Math Space Bar Graphs
How was my preparation for this lesson useful?
This lesson didnt require a lot of preparation as far as materials go, however it was a
topic that our students will be tested on for their CMASS test, so talking with my mentor
to identify what we really needed to hit on so that our students got the preparation needed
and still align with my curriculum theme was ideal in this lessons prep.
As I am planning for my next lesson, what worked well that I would utilize in the
I found it very helpful to have a math packet that correlated with the material we covered
for the extension at the end of the lesson. This packet was also helpful for the students
who finished early; they had something to work on that kept them engaged.
In my introduction, what worked that I will utilize in future lessons?
I will utilize using multiple examples and chances for the students to discuss and work
with the different examples before they begin their activity on their own.
During the activity/lesson, what worked that I will utilize in future lessons?
What I liked about this lesson was that the students were responsible for collecting data
for their appropriate question. They then got to see the results when they made it into a
bar graph. Another element that I enjoyed was the presentation of the students work. This
was a great assessment as well as the students were able to take ownership of their work.
During the closure, what worked that I will utilize in future lessons?
During the closure, what I will utilize in the future is the opportunity given to the students
to share what they had completed and having the packet available for them when they
were done was very helpful.
Regarding the transition to the next activity, what worked that I will utilize in
future lessons?
The transitions in this lesson were primarily attention grabbers such as Bring it Back,
Bring it back or clapping a rhythm for them to copy.

What classroom management strategies worked well that I will utilize again?
A strategy that I will use again was having the students work within their small groups
and independently. This provided differentiation for some students, while others it
created the opportunity to be leaders and show their fellow classmates what to do.
What aspects of differentiation worked well? How do I know?
Visuals, students working together in appropriate groups, modeling and whole group
participation. Both teachers walked around the room and provided extra assistance. For
students (P and H) they worked at the back table with Mr. Andrews for guided help in
making and reading their own graph. I knew that this was working because each of the
students were engaged and their completed graph accurately displayed the data that they
had collected with the assistance of Mr. Andrews.
How did the assessment(s) help me to understand what my students know and are
able to do? How did the assessment help me to plan for future instruction?
The students presenting at the end of the lesson helped me understand their thought
process and how they worked as a group. This was also the perfect opportunity for me to
see their graphs and ask any questions if needed.
What worked in this lesson? What might I try differently next time?
The students really enjoyed collected the data by surveying around the room. What I
would like to try next time would be to focus a little more time on successful polling and
obtaining accurate data. I believe if the students had more background knowledge in this
regard, the questions could have been more in depth.
I am now thinking that my focus for my next lesson will be:
Truthfully I hope to somehow squeeze in another math lesson during this unit. The Solar
System is so rich in opportunities to come up with some great math lessons. I had
originally planned to teach a math lesson where the students measured jumps and
converted to how far it would be on the moon, as well as scale and distance lesson on the
planets. However, with CMASS approaching I knew that this was an area we needed to

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