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NEW SOUNDS FOR THE STAGE BAND La Play tt Cool tana nunnee Composed and Arranged by DICK LEB CONDUCTOR (Singlesine Part) Special notes to the director: ‘The title, "Play It Cool”, is also the clue to a fine performance style. It should be played “cool”, not fast but relaxed with soft overall dynamics, The loud spots are carefully marked and are important to the successful pacing and sense of climax, The ssubito » two bart before (F) is crucial to an effective performance. Don't let the band overlook it [Equally important i fine intonation and blending, which is easiest to do at these moderate dynamic levels, The harmonies are rich but not dissonant and will reward the band for their efforts in careful tuning. An JD and I are conceived as having a tiplet background meter (JB), howev should not be heavily accented but lightly felt. m this arrangement this ehythm All unisons are with no vibrato (but careful intonation). spy ene ESTES wre snt tne se bing Se 6 a6 re a letter (C), slide into the note from below and reach correct pitch jutt before the next pitch, ‘The turns! = at the beginning, bar 7 in the alto saxes, and at letter (A), bar 5, in the trumpets, are to be played: = When the part sys “as is” it should be played exactly as written otherwise the written parti & suggested comping (short for accompanying) ot chord feeding par and may be replaced by an improvised part in the same ayle ‘when the pianist is proficient enough todo s, Two points may be helpful for pianlats with less dance band experience: 41) The pianist does not have to play continually to help in the rhythm section, A fine planist waits for Just the right opportunities to pur in a few chords that will make the band fee! the rhythm. Listen to Count Basie, 2) Plano pedaling is not used often in dance band playing, When in doubt, don't use the pedal. "ABOUT THE DRUM PART] Like the piano, the drum is provided with a basic part which he may play as written, until he is thoroughly familiar with the arrangement, The drummer should follow specific instructions to use sock cymbal, ride cymbal, brush- 8, sticks, tom-toms, etc,, but he may freely alter the rhythms to arrive at the most helpful and swinging part. A fine drummer does not continually improvise solos for himself, or constantly fill up every hole in the arrangement, but like the planis, ties to Pt in the touches which will inspire the band to swing, In jazz vocabulary, “sock cymbal” and “hi-hat” are synonymous; “ride cymbal” (or “top cymbal") is a cymbal on a stand, played for a flowing shythmic effect behind solos and sometimes behind ensemble passages (dance band terminology for tweed pas- sages, usually with concerted rhythm). [A COMPLETE CONDUCTOR'S SCORE in concert pitch is available from the publisher. This includes all the information fon each instrumental part (including complete rhythm section parts) for the most efficient, professional-style rehearsing. Ray Wright, Editor Play It Cool tuoeany NUMBER Composed and Arranged NEW SOUNDS FOR THE oe BAND as CONDUCTOR (Sige ine Pon) bick ue MOD. FAST SWING UN'S TRE (= 150-160) iL Oe + Oman Soi TONBTENS eam sax - —— UNIS. SAKES. BRASS = ENS, f — unto namo ue l — mel Unis Brass __ 7 Qo rary = = t SF — = — SS = ‘rtuh TNE os ‘ora ——= o UNIS TRPTS. TRPTS. SAXES, UNS. TF vans FF oy ~ Se = = BRASS > > ==——[C) unis saxes as z —— a (© MCMLXA! by Sam Fox Pblshing Company, i Ai gba reared rv This congo 7 ot vaebiy “omporiion, o pat Se crlaced ony forts whbot eration of te pobiber > 1st ALTO soLo_AD us. Gms ee Unis TaNS jaz Bassa. TRPT 2 SOLO ADLIB.. (SaREST— ft UNIS. TRTS, ae i NEW SOUNDS ga THE STAGE BAND Play It Cool e Composed and Arranged Ist Eb Alto Sax. Moderately slow swing z by DICK LIEB f HO VIB —oa~ a oy. ta > UNIS. = MCMIXII by Sam Fox Publishing Company, ln, New York ‘ramen era sci et nah exec Ti compostion, pen tea ‘produced in ay form wxtbout permis of the eee mp PERFORMANCE NOTES FOR SECTION LEADER: In playing the smears (/f ) which occur in the 5th and 6th bars of the beginning and throughout, slide into the note fron below and reach correct pitch just before the next note In the turns (~) add extra notes of indeterminate pitch: — NEW SOUNDS FOR THE STAGE BAND i Y DICK LIEB 2nd Ep Alto Sax. Moderately slow swing yf —= # UNIS, No Vib. = f O—, _ © MCMLXII by Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc, New York Tngeraconal copyraht secutd Pred io USA ‘ight, veered hit composition. o parts theres). may not be refdated any frm tous permition of Toe pabbiber NEW SOUNDS [2s THE STAGE BAND Play It Cool Y 3rd Bb Tenor Sax. DICK LIEB Moderately slow swing —=™‘“ # = © MCMLXII by Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc, New York Tnwenaont copyrahe seared Prec ia USA Alrighty rexrsed. This composition. or parts Se repiodecl te any jor tbo jermbiton of tbe pablisber NEW SOUNDS a2 le STAGE BAND Kg ca] Mat Gat u* y DICK LIEB 4th Bb Tenor Sax. Moderately slow swing ——_ nf = + a ————— oa La —— © MCMIXIT by Sum Fox Publishing Company, lnc, New York Toxetationl cpysaht secured een USA ‘Ai gba svreed Tht somporiion Se ptolaced any Tots ike permiios of the pobliber hee SOUNDS FOR THE STAGE BAND Play It Cool tiaeaRy NUMBER Composed and Arranged by E> Baritone Sax. DICK LIES Moderately slow swing a —— UNIS, NO WB. Gig) toa $_ _ - Y@ = — —— (© MCMLXII by Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc, New York Tngernational copyright secored Primed ia USA Al igh resersed This composition. or parts theeal. may nei Ge rprodacd in any Jor aatboat permbeiton of tbe publisher Play It Cool NEW SOUNDS FOR THE STAGE BAND as UWaeARY NUMBER Composed and Arranged by Y DICK LIEB Ist Trumpet Moderately slow swing UNIS. nf @MCMLXII by Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc, New York warn Sirsa sere Pred in USA "Medned ian fore Cabos fermiuos of he peblber a ars “ @) 2nd Te, Solo ad lig Dal—~ Fm7. BoT Bat aa at PERFORMANCE NOTES FOR SECTION LEADER: In playing the smears (/f ) which occur in the 2nd and 5th bars of the beginning and throughout, siide into the note from below and reach correct pitch just before the next note. In the turns (~) add extra notes of indeterminate pitch: NEW SOUNDS FOR THE STAGE BAND Play It Cool y DICK LIEB 2nd Trumpet Moderately slow swing ONIS. ¢ — UNIS. ©MCMLXII by Som Fox Paling Company Ine, New York Insinaonal coyrahy seated i nghey seal This composition, o Se eprodaced i ony frm watbont we of ie ase —— 2 Soto ad lib, GTB (13) emt_—_—____ gas) Dat Ber Bm7 9 AS 1S (Soul) a—™~ he > + fy (ptr 7 > e B UNIS. NEW SOUNDS FOR THE STAGE BAND Play It Cool Composed and Arranged by Y 3rd Trumpet DICK LIEB Moderately slow swing ous. Unis. > (© MCMLXII by Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc, New York Insrmagonl oprah ered Ped in USA Se eprodaced im any frm without perminion ofthe pbisher NEW SOUNDS FOR THE STAGE BAND % [| Play Ut Cool by DICK LIEB 4th Trumpet Moderately slow swing UNIS. $$ nis. : @©MCMLXII by Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc, New York Inwrnanal erat coe Pec in US. be reproduced in any frm wth permition of te publiber ” of — NEW SOUNDS Jae THE STAGE BAND Play tt Cool LUseaRY_NUMaER Composed and Arranged by Ist Trombone ee Moderately slow swing a= > ~~ — ——— © MCMEXA! by Sam Fox crating one NE New York it ‘abt, reseed. This composition. or obedaed omy fre wae bradite o t ed Play It Cool Y 2nd Trombone DICK LIEB Moderately slow swing © MOXA! by Sam Fox Publishing Compuy, lnc, New York Ineraonl ipa es a ‘Agha rsreed This tomporiion. or part Se reradaced n'y Jorm i sont of be se NEW Soe FOR via ee BAND Play lt Cool by 3rd Trombone DICK LIEB Moderately slow swing ie a — 3 inp eee SG ums, : © MCMLXII by Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc, New York Insertional copyright secure. ted Ais gb reseecd Tit comporition. or part th Be flac ony fo wiho permbiion of te pbc ee SOUNDS lode THE eee BAND [| Play It Cool . Y DICK LIEB 4th Trombone Moderately slow swing _ — o> 7 > ——— Ks = © MCMLXII by Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc, New York Inernaonal cpyriah secured Printed in USA ivvghiy reserved. This composition. or parts there. may woh se vtfedaced ion) form wibeas permiinon of oe prbliber NEW SOUNDS FOR THE STAGE BAND Play It Cool LIBRARY NUMBER Composed and Aerangnd YY Bass DICK LIEB Moderately slow swing pitt.» # LR. © MCMAXII by Sum Fox Publishing Company, nc, New York ‘arn eh ein UA rabeduced non} Jorm boa prin of oe pablbr NEW SOUNDS FOR THE STAGE BAND aS Play tt Cool DICK LIEB Drums Moderately slow swing 27 7 mf SOCK CYMB. © MCMLXAI by Sim Fox Publishing Company, Inc, New York ein USA Alright resereed This composition. or be reproduced tan} form a ‘plton of tbe pablaber Auto Sax Solo ———— é cYma, gg S0eK CYB. AW) mp _ og NEW SOUNDS FOR THE STAGE BAND as Composed and Arranged by v DICK LIEB rap Gn (Bas) 7 - obo Gna") >Tepal) ‘Soli with Bass c $3 z ——— Ata ans) pra) p72) | Grgglrei”? yt) Ho 2 a AT) emai) * pea) ‘© MCMLXII by Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc, New York Imeraionalcopyray seuted Pape in USA We edad an} for Cia permbon of he pair Ante) ooh a” | Gmé Amn? = pve) 2 eo Te Sh eae Dn? Che? EP pat | 6X9) Gg?) Gm es) Alto Solo ad lib ri | =~ sj i Be (9) Am? — amtes) pt) ame prs) Gm® DE? yX) Ge 7% pe) Tept. Solo ad lib pms) erate) Gas) 5. (Fg ost ls D*D) | Gm(Zu57) NEW SOUNDS FOR THE STAGE BAND a Play It Cool UWoRARY_ NUMBER Compored and Arranged Y Guitar DICK LIEB Moderately slow swing m6 aks) pres) cb? Gné ebook be pe i wth @ me Ren™5) ple D7 Amt 18) m6 cmt) era) bai 7 an? __p) af a 9) ants) __€ D? Soli with Bas Amt) De DT amo Gmé Cm? (9) E73) e%?) ” cm) Cm? ebm? ap Dn? _chn? EP Dm? ¢ amt) 2 _at rr PSS So (© MCMIXII by Sum Fox Publishing Company Inc, New York Inuernational coprrih secured. (Mtb seed Ti compoyon, ioe produced tn on} form ‘bout permition of he i © Gms Gmo eb pe #7? 7 ; ae Gmé ie Cm’ Gh £9 7 (@uro $010} BPmaj? A ) Am? pra) Go Bem? (9) 13 é Am? amt5) 169) gm ped) D qne a) pm!) eb D+ D%) GmS___% Gm 79) rm x Gmé___£b9_D*?) mf C2 Cm? Er aKTO" 58? EX) 1) 7 7 Cm! ent ah9 aml De) pts) area) Des) ané ares) De # B Gm®) 9) (4) De? pI) ame pie Gm Cm im cde? che? EP Dn? gid 1 cn! cha? ab Anta) DrG9 2 pe FSS zest

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