Academic Integrity Assignment

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Academic Integrity Assignment

After viewing the Academic Integrity Policy and the Common

Craft: Plagiarism Video, please respond to the following
1. Plagiarism is commonly referred to as cheating

2. How will student work be checked for plagiarism? (List at

least two ways)
By comparing work to their peers
By looking at websites to check if its word for word
3. Sanctions for plagiarism include (list at least two possible
Automatic 0 on the assignment that was plagiarized
Assignment is returned and the student is asked to redo
4. What is the difference between accidental plagiarism and
deliberate plagiarism? Accidental is when someone
unknowingly copies an answer word for word. Deliberate is
when someone goes looking through others work for the
5. How can you avoid plagiarism, while still integrating support
(ideas and quotes) in your own work? You can either change
enough of it so that it is different yet the same or you can
quote it and give credit

6. Other than the written work, what other items can be

plagiarized? Can you still use these items? How? Ideas and
pictures. Yes, by giving the person who created it credit

7. Do some internet research and find at least one website (not

listed in the Academic Integrity Policy or on the Common
Craft Video) that helped you understand how to avoid

Please sign (type name) after you have reviewed the statement

I have reviewed both the Academic Integrity Policy and viewed

the Common Craft: Plagiarism video. I have a good
understanding of Plagiarism and how avoid this practice. If I
have any questions (before the course begins or when completing
an assignment), I will send my questions to the teacher before I
submit my work.
Kaine Atamanik-Maluorno
(Type Name=Signature of Understanding)

Common Craft. (2011, December 27). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 18:28,
September 6, 2012, from

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