Report-On Local Agenda 21

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You are given a task by the mayor of your hometown to evaluate and give suggestion on how to
plan the town in accordance with Local Agenda 21. Write a brief report on your evaluation and

Figure 5.1 :The map of area of my hometown,Bandar Baru Bangi

Sustainable development, which has been defined as a means to meet the needs of the
present without compromising on the ability of future generations to meet their needs, is not a
new term these days. One of the initiatives that have been taken by the government of Malaysia
in realizing the idea of sustainable development is through the implementation of Local Agenda
21 (LA21).Local Agenda 21 ia a global action programme relating to sustainable development at
local level,which was adopted at the United Nations Conference on Environment and
Development (the Earth Summit) in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.

The strategy of sustainable development is one, by which communities seek economic

development approaches that benefit the local environment and, at the same time, enhance the

quality of life.Local Agenda 21 grew out of Agenda 21 and is aimed at forging a partnership
between local authorities and the public they serve, so that they may work together to plan and
care for their surroundings within the context of sustainability. There is no single correct way
to engage in sustainable development planning (ICLEI, 1997). Therefore, the process of LA21
can be interpreted in many ways as long as the concept remains the same .The involvement of
community participation and multi-sector strategic planning elements. In Malaysia, Ministry of
Housing and Local Government (2002) has described LA21 process into six stages:


Stage 1: Community vision


Stage 2: Partnership


Stage 3: Community-based issue analysis


Stage 4: Action plans


Stage 5: Implementation and monitoring


Stage 6: Evaluation and feedback

Furthermore, there are six key elements according to the Local Agenda 21 Malaysia. Based of
these elements, the evaluation and suggestion are listed as below :


Integrating sustainable development into the local authoritys policies and activity
Evaluation :
The sustainable development are less in these area compared other area
Rapid urban development has contributed to the degradation of environmental
quality especially the quality of water, air and noise and soil. Many rivers which
are major sources of water have undergone degradation in water quality due to the
pollution from domestic waste, industrial effluents waste, suspended particulates
from soil erosion and waste from factories and waste from construction. Air
pollution has also increased due to emission from motor vehicles, industrial
development and use of non-environmental friendly fuel sources. Furthermore,
increased human activities and high population rate have also generated noise
pollution in urban areas.

Suggestion :

The development of an urban system needs to be based on clear system of

hierarchy so that the provision and distribution of facilities and infrastructure will
be more efficient and thus can prevent wastage of national resources.
Urban development should be implemented in accordance with the principles of
smart growth with emphasis on redeveloping suitable areas especially in urban
centres and brown field areas, and prevent developing green areas and use green
areas for other purpose such as for recreational purpose and conserving
environmentally sensitive areas. This is to able to preserve prevent agricultural and
environmentally sensitive areas, to promote the optimum usage of existing
infrastructure and to revive the attractiveness and liveliness of the urban centres.
Urban development needs to be carried out within a specified area to ensure urban
sprawl is avoided. Towards this end, land use development should be based on the
adopted development plan and comply with all policies, programmes and action
plans proposed by the respective plan.


Managing and improving the local authoritys own environmental performance

Evaluation :
The various roles that are expected of these local authorities to attain a liveable
city with a high quality of life style had put pressure on those authorities to acquire
a strong well planned organisation. The pressure is left more intensely by small;
and medium sized local authorities that lack finance, manpower, skills and
equipment in providing the expected services.
The involvement of multiple agencies and departments in urban management had
made it difficult to coordinate many actions and in turn affects the effectiveness
of those actions
Good urban administration and management need to considerate the capability of
each local authority as each local authority as each differs in terms of manpower,
skills and financial capacity to provide good service for its population.
As the main agency, the local authority is responsible to urban management and
needs to update the administration and management system to optimise its financial
revenue including new sources, upgrade its capacity to enable towns to become

more competitive and viable, strengthen human resources by employing skilled and
experienced staff as well as expand the use of technology.
The challenges that been facing require the respective parties be more focused in
undertaking each and every responsibility in urban development.


Consulting and involving the general public

Evaluation :
This element has been implemented through the area. They may included
residents, youth club, senior citizen group, sports club, hobby societies,
environment/conservation organization.

Suggestion :
The concept of eco-partnership, which places emphasis on efforts of various
stakeholders such as private enterprises, various government agencies and
community based and non governmental organisations (CBOs and NGOs) to carry
out study activities to increase public awareness on sustainable environment and
development should be promoted and encouraged.
All parties, specially local authorities need to be more innovative, transparent and
efficient in promoting urban development which has its own quality, healthy,
competitive and progressive.


Evaluation :
These elements need to be improved to be more better than current situation to
achieve sustainability.

Suggestion :
Partnerships should give consideration to economic, social and environmental
dimensions of sustainable development in their design and implementation.
Partnerships should be based on predictable and sustained resources for their
implementation, include mobilizing new resources and, where relevant, result in
transfer of technology to and capacity building in, developing countries.


Measuring ,monitoring and reporting on progress towards sustainability

Evaluation :
These element need to be implemented.

Suggestion :
Those who choose to register their partnership should provide transparent,
participatory and credible information and reporting, focussing on their
contribution to the implementation of goals, objectives and targets of Local Agenda
Such reports, which should be in writing thus include an update of progress towards
stated objectives, lessons learned, identification of opportunities, problems,
constraints and proposed solutions. Registered partnerships should submit a regular
report, preferably at least on a biennial basis.
The policies that have been formulated and the guidelines to be drafted, shall form
the basis for a comprehensive framework to guide, control and manage new
development and improvement works in Bandar Baru Bangi. In order to
implement these measures, the Environment Unit under the Health Department of
City Hall Kajang should be strengthened to regulate and facilitate coordination
with other stakeholders both inside and outside City Hall Kajang.


Awareness raising and education

These element need to be improved.

The public should also be encouraged to adopt the 3R concept of Reduce, Reuse,
Recycle. Such programmes can be organised at a neighbourhood level. The
policies that have been formulated and the guidelines to be drafted, shall form the
basis for a comprehensive framework to guide, control and manage new
development and improvement works in Kuala Lumpur
Good access to high quality public, social and cultural facilities will contribute a
great deal to the improvement of the quality of life of the Citys residents. City Hall

Kuala Lumpur can provide good governance by recruiting the participation of

residents in the improvement of their living environment.


Water efficiency
Reducing water consumption and protecting water quality are key objectives in
sustainable building.

To the maximum extent feasible, facilities should increase their dependence on water that
is collected, used, purified, and reused on-site.

The protection and conservation of water throughout the life of a building may be
accomplished by designing for dual plumbing that recycles water in toilet flushing.

Waste-water may be minimized by utilizing water conserving fixtures such as ultra-low

flush toilets and low-flow shower heads


Sustainable transportation

Sustainable transportation is seen as transportation that meets mobility needs while also
preserving and enhancing human and ecosystem health, economic progress and social
justice now and for the future

Allows the basic access needs of individuals and societies to meet safely and in a
manner consistent.
Is affordable, operates efficiently, offers choice of transport mode and supports a
vibrant economy.
Limits emissions and waste within the planets ability to absorb them, minimizes
consumption of non-renewable resources, limits consumption of renewable
resources to the sustainable yield level, reuses and recycles it components and
minimizes the use of land and the production of noise.


To create awareness for sustainable life among the community
organized campaign recycle and reuse in town,apply more 3 recycle bins in town
save the electricity and water usage,
avoid printing notes if you can, use both sides of the paper.
campaign anti-polystyrene which is non-degradable.

In summary, LA21 Action Plan is indeed one of the tools to achieve sustainable
development which should be implemented not only by Bandar Baru Bangi City Council, but other
local authorities as well. Thus, the preparation of LA21 Action Plan which includes environments,
social and economic programs should be done together with all stakeholders in order to maintain
and improve the sustainability level of Bandar Baru Bangi City. Furthermore there are many
challenges faces the city of Bandar Baru Bangi in this new millennium, to transform into a world
class city and sustainability city will certainly involve concerted efforts by all parties involved.

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