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Running Head: EZ RIDE

EZ Ride
Eduardo Robles/Alexandra Muoz
Estefania Martinez
May 5, 2016



This paper will be based off on a software that will help college
students in our community to be able to get to their classes. We are a
company that wants the best for each and every one of their users. We have
come up with an idea that will help students have more stability regardless
to their transportation situation. We have created an app that will give the
ability to students to find somebody that will be willing to help other people
out and by that they will also get help with gas money and some company.
Our app will solve also be able to start reducing some of the air pollution that
we have and also some of the traffic and there is close to the campus
because there a lot of cars. We will also talk about the competition which will
mainly be busses because there are cheaper. Our app will also help to start
reducing the air pollution that we have in our community. Caused by the
city's traffic and the plenty of cars that are close to the campuses. Lastly, we
will talk about our competition which will mainly be busses due to their
cheaper prices, or Uber drivers due to their quick services. We will also talk
about the cost that will go with it.


During students college years, have you ever wonder how students go
to their way around the campus and to other destinations? Some days they
have to miss school because they miss their bus or because they didnt know
the schedule or werent able to get a ride. Students have had to become
crafty and understand the bus routes in order to get to their destinations. Or
Taxis which are very pricey, to use, just to get to around town. In addition,
what about Uber drivers, Uber drivers charge their users 20% of their profits
that they make. We are a company that cares for the students because we
have experience this and we are trying our best to solve this situation. Our
company has created an application and a website that will help college
students to get to their campus with ease. With the creation of this
application we are targeting college students, within their communities. In
order for them to get easier ride to their college campus.
The people behind the creation of this great product, are college
students. That are having trouble getting to their college campus and have
been going through this and understand what it is like to not be able to have
a ride. We created this app to help those students who have a difficult time
to get to their campus. The current problem with college student have today
is findings an easier way of transportation. Another problem is pollution there
are a lot of cars nowadays and Earth is a really bad place right now. In 2013,


transportation contributed more than half of the carbon monoxide and

nitrogen oxides, and almost a quarter of the hydrocarbons emitted into our
air. (Union of concerned Scientist, 2014) The way it solves the problem is
that is cheaper than the bus, because each ride cost about two dollars. In
addition, it is cheaper than taxis drivers and Uber drivers which is really
expensive. Furthermore, the student will go straight to his destination,
instead of going around town. The needed so students do not have to worry
about getting to school. With these product students who do not have easy
access of transportation to school, will have a way of getting to school. It will
also help students to make new connections with students that go to the
same campus.
College students in general have many problems but with our software
we are trying to solve at least one of them. In the community that we live we
have notice that everything is far, just going to the University it will take
about 45 minutes to get there. For example, students face a
huge obstacle just trying to get to class. About half of the
college's students live more than five miles away, with a large number living
as far as 40 miles away. (Rural Students, 2006) We have realized that we
are probably not the only ones going through this. We decided to create
product that will help all the students that dont have a car, dont have
money to be spending on gas, or that just want to help the environment.
Our product will be a really help to a lot of students that are struggling in


getting to class. We have designed it in a way that each student will be able
to create a profile and they will be asked where they live. Not the exact
location but the zip code and a main street that is close to their house for
security purposes. Each student will also have to put in the hours of their
schedule and that is how it will match with other people. Then they will
receive a notification that there is a student that has the same
characteristics in terms of their schedule and where they live. It will also
have a message feature that way they can send each other messages to see
if they actually match. There is no other company that do this for students to
help them carpool with other people to make it easier for them to get to
Students will be the ones that will benefit from the product that we are
creating. We are doing everything around college students because we have
experienced that some of them have a lot of problems transporting to class.
It will also help the community to not have as much traffic. We are going to
target the students that live far from campus or that dont have a car
because there are the ones that needed the most. Then we will try to target
every student in general because it will save them a lot in gas, and the
mileage of their car. Which will also lead to them not having to change their
oil that much and other things that come with using that much a car. This
product will fulfill every college student that is struggling in finding a way
home to class because there are times when you cant get a ride to class or


the busses hours dont match your schedule and you will end up waiting for
too long. That way it will be easier to transport to class and it will also be
convenient for the ones that do have a car that way they will only half the
While we know that developing an application can be quite expensive,
we have put together a budget and an estimated cost of what the price will
be to create our application. Using online tools, such as, we were able to figure out that the estimated
cost to create our application would be $64,700 using only the aid of the best
software developers in the business. Aside from the application, the website
would cost an estimated average of anywhere between $500 and $1,000.
Once our application is up and running, and our website has been developed,
an estimated $500 will go towards the launching process. Once the app is
launched we plan on making profit off advertising opportunities and possible
collaborations with campuses across the nation. Raising this money,
however, will prove difficult, which is why weve decided to pitch this product
to industrious companies which we think can supply us with great help.
Taking into consideration that this product is software with a
working cell phone application, we realize it may cost quite a bit of money to
launch it in any application store or network. For this reason, this product will
be pitched to Apple, Google, and Microsoft for possible investment
opportunities. Having Apple, Google, or Microsoft as prospective investors


would be a great opportunity, because with such big companies, we wouldnt

have any problems acquiring the funds needed to launch our product and
workout every detail or kink. It would also be a great opportunity because
these three companies are the biggest cellphone application networks in the
world, meaning that it would definitely make the process of launching our
product in their networks a whole lot easier. Their investment in our product
would play a key part in developing the software, advertising our product,
and finally launching the application and making it accessible to the public
via various platforms.
The way we would get these companies to invest in our product
is mainly by explaining how they would benefit and make a profit from
helping us develop our product. Investing in our product would benefit these
companies by entitling them to, at most, 7% of all monthly income earnings,
as well as slightly increasing the traffic within their app stores platform
application that would result from launching our product in their own
application networks. These companies would also benefit from the audience
that our product targets. Since the vast majority of students in college are
between the ages of eighteen and twenty-six, these companies would benefit
by appealing to a tech-savvy demographic, which they could then influence
into using their networks more often.
The current market competition for our product are the Yellow Cab,
Gold Route busses, and Uber drivers that are around our community,


Anthony NM, who make the way of transport difficult for students who have
the need to get to college. Their cost rate and waiting time for a ride are high
for those students who just cant afford to pay or with cheaper price and
their waiting time is very long. It can take around two hours in order to go
from one place to another taking a bus.
We will discuss the obstacles that some college students have to face
and doesnt let the arrive on time to their class. First, we will talk about taxis,
their cost rates are about $2.80 per mile, with a 15% discount if a person is
traveling three hours or more(2014). Meaning that they would charge a total
of $2.38 per mile. Busses have a cheaper pay fare of $2 dollars per ride or a
$6 dollars pay fare for all-day pass, the only problem with busses, as we
mentioned before, is that it takes hours to arrive/take you to your
destination. Buses affect students by not arriving on time to their classes.
This cause students to drop their grades and attendance due to delays
(Gordon,2006). We could consider Uber drivers as an easier way to get a
ride, but as you can see their pay fare is expensive. According, Ride with
Uber, their pay fare is $2.20 plus $0.26 per minute plus $1.30 per
mile(2016). Uber could be a better way to get to a destination but the total
pay will also be almost the same as if you take a cab, or even more. That is
one reason for how our software would be a better idea to download instead
of taking a ride where you have to wait hours or pay too much money.


To conclude, our product will be a very beneficial in a lot of ways

starting with the fact that it will help solve one problem for students and also
it will help the only home that we have. Our product is the key of a helpful
way that will help college students to keep going on their path. To help them
achieve their dream of become someone in live regardless of the
circumstances that they may be facing due to economic problems or any
other problems. This will help students economically, by saving money that
they could use to buy books, clothes or any other thing that they might need
for school. At the same time, they would attend to class at time without any
struggle. Also our software will help to reduce the air pollution that we have
on Earth. Helping our citizens to accomplish their goals and open doors for a
better tomorrow.




Always the ride you want.(2016).UBER.Retrieved from :

Cars, Trucks, and Air Pollution. (2014, December). Retrieved May 04, 2016, from
Gordon, D. (2006). Rural Students:Common Obstacles, Different Settings. Chronicle of
HigherEducation,53, 64-64.
Jennifer, M. (2012). New Mexico Department of Transportation. NMDOT Park and Ride.
Retrieved from:
Rural Students: Common Obstacles, Different Settings. (2006). Chronicle of Higher Education,
53(11), 64.
The fast taxi service in El Paso. (2014). Yellow Cab. Retrieved from:

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