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Contact: Timothy Lantz


May 12, 2016


Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,C,I-Deerpark) issues a statement on the sentencing of Dean Skelos

As with Sheldon Silver last week, the sentencing of Dean Skelos and his son proves that
corruption will no longer be accepted in Albany. The past year has left an irrevocable stain on
New York State politics, and the actions of Dean Skelos and his son have further destroyed the
publics trust in government that is supposed to be sacrosanct. Regardless of ones party
affiliation, if you steal from taxpayers and use your power and influence for private gain, you
should be prosecuted, and I am glad to see that justice was served today.
The bigger issue is that lawmakers know going to prison means they still receive a
taxpayer-funded pension, so what is deterring future behavior like this? Term limits for
legislative leaders and pension forfeiture are our top priority before the close of session, and I
will continue to fight to make that a reality.

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