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English 1103, Critical Review Reflection

Morgan Woolner

Please provide a short response to each following question or statement.

1. Did you feel that the six questions, used as a lead-in, were helpful to starting your own composition? Why so/Why not?
Yes I did. I was lost without them. Starting a piece of composition is always the hardest part for me. Any sort of kickstart
is immensely helpful.

2. Influence me as to what to focus most upon during grading: what do you most want weighed in your favor as I grade
your overall project? Why?
I would like my understanding of the book to be considered. I didnt use as many examples from the text as I would have
liked, but I ran out of space and was unwilling to trim anything down. I believe everything I said deserves its place in my
3. Influence me further as to what to focus least upon during grading: what do you want weighed least against you as I
grade your project? Why?
I would like to focus on the analysis of the book, rather than spewing out text examples and quotes. I tried to focus on
what I took away from the book, as opposed to what the book was saying. Anyone can read the book and see what it
says on the page, but not everyone takes away the same things.

4. Was the peer review beneficial to you? How so?

Yes it was, not for anything super important, but she caught a couple grammatical errors.

5. Based upon what you have been assigned, verses what you have completed, what grade does your work justify?
I believe I deserve an A, for providing an in-depth analysis that shows my understanding of the book on a deep level.

Rubric ~
Point Value:
Critical Review


EC: Six-Question Lead-In/Pre-writing


+1 - +6

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