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Name: Tyler Bajkowski

Education 1100 Spring 2016

Future Plan Project
Part One: Course Progress
**Please attach degree audit from MyAccess
Courses Already Completed or In Progress this Semester



Fall 14

Environmental Biology

Fall 14

Intro to Sociology

Fall 14

General Psychology

Spring 15

20th Century World History

Spring 15

World Religions

Spring 15

Intro to Humanities

Fall 15

Soc. Race and Ethnic Relations

Fall 15

Humanities: Arts & Cultural Diversity

Fall 15

Fundamentals Speech Communication

Spring 16

Soc. Sexual Relationships/Marriage


Spring 16

Contemporary Chemistry


Spring 16

Intro. to Education


Courses to Take to AAS/AA Complete Degree




Part Two: Academic Testing

Choose one option:
______ 1. I earned a 22 or higher on the ACT (with writing)
___X___ 2. I am going to take the TAP (Test of Academic Proficiency)
When do you plan to take the TAP?
What are you most concerned about with the TAP?-> The math
portion, but Im planning on taking prep classes and other tests.
______ 3. I am going to retake the ACT
When do you plan to retake the ACT?
What are you most concerned about with the ACT?

Part Three: Transferring

When do you plan to transfer? Spring 2017/Fall 2018
Four-Year College or University: Lewis University 2+2
Major: Secondary/Special Education
Minor (if applicable): History
Contact Person:
Name: Joan Williams
Title: Admissions for 2+2 program
Phone #: (815) 836-5268

Courses to Take to Complete Degree



Eng 1101/1102

Math 1321/1322

Psych 2280

Eng 1157

Poly Sci 1101

Hist 1130/1140

Educa 2220

Philo 1110

Educa 1101

Part Four: Other Requirements

1. What other requirements must you meet to graduate from this
college/university with your chosen degree? (Testing, Projects, Observation
hours, etc.)

2. Student Teaching What did you learn about options for student teaching
at your chosen college/university?

Part Five: Licensure

Please answer the questions below.
1. Which content test will you need to take? History
2. What did you learn about the edTPA?
Required to take and pass an evidence-based assessment of teacher
effectiveness. I would have to get a 35 or higher on the test.
3. How do you apply for licensure? Illinois State Board of Education

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