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good morning dr arief, and our collegues. MY NAME IS PUNDI, and

our team shafiee, eki, cindy, and Tanti. Today we are gonna present our
OF UPPER EXTREMITY BONES". and we made succesfully this task
by the helps of our mentor, dr elis rompas.
3. This is the reason why we do the research....... is.......
4. In forensic medicine, one of the most important things that we need to
know is forensic identification, Because we have a make sure the body is
belong to whom. In simple situation we can identify by using face
recognition, But in difficult situation such as mutilation, the compous
bodies, it is harder to identify. So, to solve the problem, we use
identification methods, and one of them is height estimation.
5. The goal of our research is.....
6. The research benefit for
7. This is the theoritical review. Bone growth affected by internal
factors.... and eksternal factors.....
8.The independent variable is the length of....
The dependent variable is the body height.....
9. From the variable, We have this hypotesis, the.....
10. The next is theory
11.. -------if-------12. Many function of bone..... number one.... number twooo.....

My friend cindy will continue this presentation

This our presentation about our referat, and we would like to invite our
collagues who want to ask. Thank you very much for your attention.
thus our presentation about "estimasi...". and we would like to invite our
colleagues who want to ask. thank you very much for your attenti

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