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English 1103, Critical Review Reflection

Breyhauna Johnson

Please provide a short response to each following question or statement.

1. Did you feel that the six questions, used as a lead-in, were helpful to starting your own composition? Why so/Why not?
I think they were extremely helpful, because I couldnt have gotten started without them. I was able to use those start-up
questions, and elaborate from there.
2. Influence me as to what to focus most upon during grading: what do you most want weighed in your favor as I grade
your overall project? Why?
I really weighed in my personal opinion on the book. I absolutely loved it and think it fits very well with the structure of this
class. I believe I explained well in my paper why I liked the book so much.
3. Influence me further as to what to focus least upon during grading: what do you want weighed least against you as I
grade your project? Why?
I feel as if I didnt open that strongly for this review. I also dont believe I have a clear thesis, which I dont want to be
graded against for.
4. Was the peer review beneficial to you? How so?
The peer review was very helpful; I got insight that I wouldnt have thought of without it.
5. Based upon what you have been assigned, verses what you have completed, what grade does your work justify?
I believe I should earn anywhere from an A-B on this project. I completed everything as I was supposed to.

Rubric ~
Point Value:
Critical Review


EC: Six-Question Lead-In/Pre-writing


+1 - +6

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