Review of The Critical Review

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Review of the Critical Review

Your Name: Sarah Ruisi

Partners Name: Reggie Cobbins
Date: 03/21/2016
Please read your partners draft without making any notes or comments; read only for content and comprehension.
Please re-read your partners draft, and now seek out the following items, even if you need to go through the draft
multiple times...
1. Identify the thesis. Indicate how clear it is to you; state how it could be clearer or more specific.
2. Highlight each point used to support the thesis. Mark them as Point One, Point Two, etc..
3. Go back to Point One, and look for a why statement (a reason why Point One is so/is true/is the case...) given
after it. When found, highlight it. Repeat this with each Point.
4. Go back through the support points, and flag any which do not make sense as Illogical offer suggestions how
to make it clearer. Do this for each point.
5. Find where two (2) quotes or statements from The Last Lecture were used in the review. Mark as Quote One
and Quote Two. If the statement is not a direct quote, but paraphrased, that is fine, still use Quote One and Quote
Two. If you cannot find two such quotes or statements, offer suggestions on where they might be used and why so.
6. Go through the draft and circle each time you find each of these four (4) words. These words weaken
vocabulary and writing. They can be omitted or should be replaced with stronger works. Circle all uses of:
* very
* really
* just
* a lot (or a lot)
Add up the total number of four words circled and write that total here: 0
Offer suggestions on substitute words to make the vocabulary stronger in the draft itself, whenever possible
Rate your partners work on the following elements. Use a scale of 1 (needing revision) - 5 (being superior). Offer
a reason afterward for each.
7. Overall Logic:

Reason: He did well overall. All of the points were made.

8. Overall Clarity:

Reason: He made very clear, straight to the point statements.

9. Overall Content:

Reason: The paper included many detail. The quotes that were incorporated
enhanced the understanding of the details that were in the paper.

10. I would suggest my partner do the following to earn the highest grade possible on this assignment:
The paper was pretty well overall.

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