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MUED 211

5 Es Lesson Plan Form

Name Kasey Brylski
Grade Level 11/12

Date 4/18/2016
Quarter 3

School Gallifrey High School

Section I: Big Picture Planning

Central Concept Human expression created through music
Instructional Objectives:
Which of your CMP Teaching Plan Outcomes is this lesson designed to instruct?
Students will recognize how human expression translates into musical ideas in the contrasting sections of
aggressive complexity and melodic beauty in Tempered Steel.
To what CMP Teaching Plan Strategy is this lesson connected?
This lesson plan is connected to a mainly auditory strategy.
What do you expect your students to KNOW / be able to DO at the end of the period that they did
not know/ could not do at the beginning of the period? These must be measurable. Look at the
Blooms Taxonomy verb sheet. Do not use the words know or understand!
At the end of this lesson, I expect my students to be able to compare and contrast different types of music
and will be able to interpret them into human expressions and feelings and give examples that corresponds
to the appropriate human emotion. They will also be able to differentiate between different moods of music
as presented in Tempered Steel. They will be able to describe different types of articulations, dynamics,
textures, and timbre to connect it to the emotion being portrayed.
Wisconsin Model Academic Standard (WMAS) Connection:
List one (or two) at most.
This lesson plan connects to the standards of response and connection.

What materials do you need to have prepared for the lesson?

The materials I will need for this lesson plan are the full score of Tempered Steel and a projector so that all
the students can see the score.

What will be the next activity in this unit for which this lesson is a preparation?
The next lesson will be about playing this piece in order to convey the emotions that the piece is asking for.

Section II: Lesson Planning

Include time estimates.
1. Engage: Include what happened yesterday, what they will be doing in class today and how it ties to
future learning. Then catch the students interest by posing a question, showing something, doing
something funny, or reading a quote. Do anything that gets their attention and allows you to focus on
the goals of the lesson. Make a connection to the students lives (ie. Compelling Why).
Yesterday we talked about the different sections within Tempered Steel and where the shift in style happens
within the piece. Today they will be thinking about how human expression can be transformed into music. I
will catch the students interest by asking them what makes them feel calm/happy and in contrast ask them
what makes them feel angry/troubled. This will probably only take a minute.

2. Explore: Students interact with each other through discussion and/or materials in small groups.
They explore a limited area of inquiry requiring them to categorize, classify, or answer questions.
How will you assess that students are exploring?
Students will discuss within small groups about what they think defines aggressive music and what defines
melodic/beautiful music. I will have half of the class talk about aggressiveness and the other half talk about
melodic music in their groups for 2 minutes and then we will come back as a class to discuss what they
talked about for about a minute.

3. Explain: Concepts under exploration are expressed through a book, teaching of vocabulary, short
lecture, video, etc. Students then share what they said/discovered in the exploration stage and connect
it to this new info. Differing views are shared. How will you assess students explanations?
I will then talk about how Charles Young conveyed a sense of calamity in Tempered Steel with the thin
textures, beautiful and soft expressive melody that the flute and oboe play, the low level of dynamics, and
the use of legato and slurs in the music. I will also discuss how Young conveyed a sense of aggressiveness
within this piece with the use of staccatos, marcatos, accents, loud dynamics, repetition of rhythm, and a
dense texture. I will show them some of the places that these are present within the piece in the score. I will
talk about how he wrote this piece after he had overcome the most difficult time in his life, when he had
lost feeling in his arms and hands because of a disease and how he overcame it and went to therapy to get
feeling back in his hands. I will talk about how Young wrote this piece to convey all of the emotions he felt
during this struggle and how he wanted this piece to help others understand these emotions through music.
This should take about 4 minutes.

4. Elaborate or extend: Students apply information to a new situation. How will you assess students
ability to apply information?
I will then show parts of the score and ask them for their thoughts on what the composer was trying to say
through the specific passage now that they know why he wrote the piece and what the message of the
overall piece is..

5. Evaluate: Assess students knowledge and/or skills. What evidence will you use to prove that
students have changed their thinking or behavior?
I will be able to tell that they understand how different musical choices change the emotion of the piece
when we discuss the questions posed in the elaborate/extend part of the lesson.

Section III (to be completed AFTER teaching the lesson!):

Reflection: What went well, what needs to be changed? List specific ideas that might improve your
Something that I need to add to this lesson plan is an auditory aspect. I would either have them
play scales or something in contrasting styles and have them determine which emotion is being portrayed
or I would play for them different pieces and ask them what emotion corresponds to the pieces. I would
also play them the piece so they could hear how it relates and hear a good example of how the different
emotions are shown. Something that went well was that everything flowed nicely and everything came
together in the end. Everyone had really good examples too and I felt comfortable up there which was

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