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F U N N Y ~ I N T E R E S T I N G ~ E N E R G E T I C

Jon Giolitti
I am Unique

First of all, I believe Im unique because my name is Jon. I spell it without an h. I can barely whistle, nothing even close to a song. Sometimes, actually most of the time, I am cranky in the morning. I like to dress
up- shirt and tie is the way to go. With my friends, Im loud, fun, and energetic. But when Im without them,
Im quiet and lonely. Outside of school, I tend to keep my life to myself. Im athletic in a special unique way,
and most everyone doesnt know that. Im also competitive.

My Hobbies & Downtime

To be honest, I dont really have my life devoted to anything as a lot of others do. Im busy with a lot of
things, believe me. I take school very seriously. I study and always do my homework. Every Monday morning at seven A.M. I was out on the golf course this summer. During the winter, I find myself skiing down Pine
Knob. When Im not doing any of this, Im outside in the neighborhood hanging out with my friends.

My Family
My family is pretty simple. It consists of my mom, dad, brother, and me. My mom still works in a doctors office and as an x-ray tech. My dad works as a counselor in a middle school. I have two great parents who I
want to be just like. My brother Jake is 11 and is in sixth grade. Yes, his first year of middle school. I also
have a dog named Lola. She is a black lab. I have a great family, and I wouldnt give anything for them.

Why I want to be in CSM Tech

I want to be in CSM Tech because I really want a challenge in what I am learning. Ive heard really good
things about CSM Tech, in what you do, how its done, and what you offer. I like how we get to utilize technology more, and it is to its fullest potential. Another reason I wanted to be in CSM Tech was because it was
full of students similar to me. Students that put forth one hundred percent, that do their homework, and know
their material. The final reason I want to be in CSM Tech is because I want to be a doctor. I know that the
classes offered here will prepare me, and project towards a good future.



Adv. Algebra
Adv. Biology
Spanish I
US Hist/Geo


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