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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam May 12, 2016

Why should we be very careful and vigilant with the illusion that surrounds
God when He takes a human form? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us with a
charming anecdote today.
When Divinity dons the garb of a human body, people
are thickly blanketed by illusion and become blind to
the Divine Principle. Even Yashoda was no exception
to this. Once Balarama complained to Mother Yashoda
that Krishna was eating mud. When questioned by
Yashoda, little Krishna made a startling statement, Oh
mother dear! Am I an infant to eat mud? Poor Yashoda
failed to fathom the depth of this wonderful divine
revelation. She demanded that Krishna open His
mouth, so that she could verify herself. Little Krishna
opened His mouth wide. To her utter shock and
amazement, Yashoda saw heavenly spheres revolving
in Krishnas mouth. That instant she realised that
Krishna was verily God Himself. However as soon as
Krishna closed His mouth and stood before her with an
innocent look, she forgot about His Divinity, hugged
Him, and treated Him like an ordinary child.
- Summer Showers 1996, Ch 3.

God is present in the heart of every being. He is ever present and is infinitely powerful. Baba

12 meI,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: jd koeI Avqwr, mnu`K dy rUp iv`c Avqwr lYNdy hn qW ,auh mwieAw
,ijhVI swnUM Bgvwn nUM pihcwxx nhIN idMdI,aus leI swnUM ikauN swvDwn Aqy
cOk`nw rihxw cwhIdw hY? Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,iek jIvn dI rock Gtnw dy ky
smJwauNdy hn[

au`qr: jd idvXqw(Bgvwn), mnu`K dy Bys vwly kpVy pwauNdI hY ArQwq mnu`K

dy rUp iv`c pRkt huMdI hY qW,lok,Brm dI gUVHI c`dr iv`c,F`k jWdy hn Aqy
Bgvwn nUM pihcwxx iv`c, A`ny ho jWdy hn[ie`QoN qweIN ik XSoDw mW vI Bgvwn
ikRSn nUM nhIN pihcwn skI[iek bwr,blrwm ny, mW XSoDw nUM iSkwieq kIqI
ik ikRSn,im`tI Kw irhw hY[ jd mW XSoDw ny ikRSn nUM ies bwry pu`iCAw qW
aunHW ,cOkwaux vwlw jvwb id`qw Aqy ikhw,myrI ipAwrI mW,kI mYN koeI b`cw hW
ijhVw im`tI KwvW gw?bycwrI XSoDw nUM,Bgvwn dy, ies AdBuq ighrweI vwly
vcnW dI smJ nhIN AweI[aus ny AwpxI qs`lI krn leI,ikRSn nUM,Awpxw
mUMh Kolx leI ikhw[ikRSn ny,Awpxw mUMh,pUry dw pUrw Kol id`qw [ XSoDw ieh
vyK ky hYrwn ho geI ik ikRSn dy mUMh iv`c,bRhmMf dy igRh Gu`m rhy sn[aus vyly
hI,XSoDw nUM igAwn hoieAw ik ikRSn,s`c-mu`c hI Bgvwn hn[pr,ijaouN hI
ikRSn ny Awpxw mUMh bMd kIqw,XSoDw nUM,muV ieh Bu`l igAw ik ikRSn Bgvwn
hn Aqy aus nUM gly lgw ky ipAwr krnw SurU kr id`qw Aqy aus nUM,Awm
b`icAW vWg,sm`Jx l`g peI[(smr Swvrz 1996,A`iDAwey iq`n)[
Bgvwn,hr iek dy ihrdy iv`c vws krdy hn[auh srv-ivAwpk hn Aqy
srv-SkqImwn hn[(bwbw)[

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