May 13 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam May 13, 2016

What is the subtle difference between having human forms and being a
human? Bhagawan reminds us today.

Today we see human forms, but the human nature

and human qualities are dormant in this form. Most
people are behaving very much like an animal. The
qualities which are precious and which characterise
the human being are morality, adherence to
truth, dharma, and the like. If these are not evident,
then the human nature does not shine at all. We
should promote human qualities. We should not
cultivate simply the human form and appearance. You
not enshrining sacred Divinity in your heart and
thereby becoming distant from it, and also you letting
your body go where it likes, are not human qualities at
all. Enshrine Divinity in your heart and make it sacred.
Then you can use the human form to its fullest
- Summer Showers in Brindavan 1974, Ch 1

True devotion really means installing the Divine in the heart and enjoying the
bliss of that experience. Baba

13 meI,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: mnu`K hox Aqy mnu`K rUp nUM pRwpq krn iv`c,kI Byd(Prk) hY? Bgvwn,
A`j swnUM,Xwd duAwauNdy hn[
au`qr: A`j-k`l AsIN, mnu`KW dw rUp(Skl) vyKdy hW pr aunHW dy mnu`KI sBwau
Aqy mnu`KI gux,iSiQl AvsQw iv`c hn[bhuq swry lok,pSUAW dI qrHW
ivvhwr krdy hn[auh gux,ijhVy mnu`K nUM mnu`K khwaux leI cwhIdy hn Aqy
kImqI gux hn ,auh gux hn,sdwcwrI hoxw,s`c bolxw,Drm dI pwlxw krnw

Aqy ies qrHW dy hor keI guxW dI pwlxw krnw hY[jy mnu`K iv`c,ieh gux
ivKweI nhIN idMdy qW mnu`K,kdy vI qr`kI nhIN kr skdw[swnUM cwhIdw hY ik
AsIN Awpxy iv`c,mnu`KI gux pYdw krIey[swnUM, mnu`KI rUp Aqy ies dI sjwvt
v`l,bhuqw iDAwn nhIN dyxw cwhIdw[jy qusIN,Awpxy ihrdy iv`c idvXqw nUM pYdw
nhIN krdy Aqy ies qoN dUr jw rhy ho Aqy ij`Qy quhwfw SrIr jwxw cwhuMdw
hY,qusIN jwx idMdy ho qW smJo ik quhwfy iv`c,mnu`KI gux,iblkul hI nhIN
hn[Awpxy ihrdy iv`c,idvXqw nUM jwigRq kro Aqy ies nUM piv`qr bxwau[ies
qrHW krn nwl hI qusIN,Awpxy mnu`KI rUp dI SkqI dw lwB auTw skdy
ho[(smr Swvrz ien ibRMdwvn 1974, A`iDAwey iek)[
s`cI BgqI dw ArQ hY, Awpxy ihrdy iv`c,idvXqw dw pYdw krnw Aqy ies qoN
imly AnuBv dw AwnMd auTwauxw[(bwbw)[

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