Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography for Restrictions on Fossil Fuels

Fossil Fuels vs. The Public Interest

This article is about how fossil fuel companies continue to stay afloat after all of
these years. The author of this article takes the arguments of these companies one
by one and addresses the issues with each one. Ranging from technology to price
and exploration, to safety and environment, this author refutes it all, making
extraordinary cases for each argument.

A carbon-based future
This article is about the impact of our future using fossil fuels. The author states
that fossil fuels are finite and will run out in time. He addresses four important
issues with this: fossil fuels are not convenient energy-carriers for everyday use, a significant
fraction of energy consumed is employed to perform work, as technology advances, our devices become
more energy efficient, but it is society (not the technology) that regulates the consumption level, and enduser applications are designed for very specific energy carriers. He explains each of these issues and
why 50 years from now, these issues will be very obvious if action isnt taken now to reduce fossil fuel

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