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English 1102, Rogerian Project Reflection

Name: Breyhauna

Please provide a short response to each following question or statement.

1. What topic did you select and why?
I selected the restriction on fossil fuels because this is an area Im very passionate about. Id like to focus most of my
career on this topic.
2. What benefits, if any, did you discover in composing with Rogerian formatted argument?
So much less writing than a research paper! It was a lot easier to write my ideas out this way.
3. What were the positives of a hit-and-run style project, with a quickly-given assignment, then submitting it, without time
for further researching, detailed/repeated revision, or procrastination?
It prevents procrastination and allows for a quicker assignment. Its easier to complete and grade as well.
4. What should I take into consideration that, if you dont tell me, I otherwise would not know?
5. Based upon the limited time you were granted, and considering that merely completing the task as assigned is worth an
average evaluation (a C grade), what grade does your work justify? Why?
I believe my work justifies an A-B range. Not enough information is included in an assignment like this, but I included
everything needed for this project.

Rubric ~
Point Value:
Part One ~ Rogerian Planning
Part Two ~ Rogerian Composition


25 pts
10 pts
65 pts (15 pts per Rogerian step, awarded on successfully employing argument
form, content and language use)

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