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A Cone Congress of the Cnited States Mouse of Representatives September 8, 2014 Cassie Cooper 648 W Long Ave Dubois, PA 15801 Dear Cassie: “Thank you for contacting me with cegard to the Second Amendment and gun control, 1 appreviate learning your views on these important issues (Over the past several years, our nation has seen a number of horifie mass shootings. While overall gun violence is down o the lowest levels since the Department of Fustice began ‘compiling data in 1995, these shootings have led many to advocate for universal background ‘checks and stricter gun control laws ‘Unfortunately, many ofthe legistative proposals put forth have failed to address the underlying problem and have the potential to infinge upon the Constitutional rights of law abiding citizens to ovm firearms. There are current laws to keep Felons and other dangerous individuals from possessing firearms, and the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) runs mandatory background checks fr firearm purchases involving a federal firearm license. | have always supported responsible gun ownership, and [have consistently ‘oted in favor of robust funding the NICS system, fo ensure that we are enforcing our nation’s ‘gun laws, including most recently during deliberation of LR. 4660, the Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2015, Rather than imit the rights of law-abiding citizens, tis my heartfelt belie that we must Fook at the root cause ofthe problem, which often revolves around mental illness. For example, bath Tueson shooter Jared Lee Loughner and Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza were troubled individuals with a long history of mental illness that went unidentified uni it was, tragically, too late. After Elliot Rodgers killed six people and wounded many others a the University of California in May of 2014, his parents said “Its now our responsibility ta do everything we can {o help avoid this happening to any other family ~ not only to avoid any more innocence destroyed, but also to identity and deal with the mental issues that drove our son to do what he aid" Significant weaknesses exit inthe current framework relied upon to identify and eare for ‘those with mental health issues, ineluding inadequate treatment options and a lack of coordination among private organizations and government agencies. For this reason, | continue to-advocate for policies that actually begin to address these shortcoming, including my ccosponsorship of HLR. 3717, the Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act of 2013. This Cassie Cooper Page 2 September 8, 2014 measure makes commonsense reforms to our mental health system and seeks to alleviate the ‘more significant policy nd legal barirs, which prevent those with mental illness from accessing care ‘As your representative and an active member ofthe Mental Health Caueus, please be assured that as debate continues I will keep your specifi concerns in mind ‘Again, thank you for contacting my offie, For more information on my policies and happenings around the Sth District, please visit my website at wnpson house gov. There yout ean sign up to receive periodic updates via my e-newsletter, The Thompson Times Glenn "GT" Thompson ‘Member of Congress Gide

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