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[Aardvark] to [Amphibian]

Aardvark: see Beast - Anteater


(Fieldless) An abacus Sa. (B: Wolfgang Rotkopf - Mar 95)

(Fieldless) An ermine passant counter-ermine maintaining an
abacus Sa. (B: Aleyne Edwinson - May 04)
Arg, 2 abaci Sa & a branch of juniper fesswise Vt. (D: William
MacDonald of Balnagowan - Apr 91)
Gu, an abacus Or & a chf embat Arg. (D: Vincent the Calculator Apr 93)
Or, an abacus Sa, a chf rayonny Gu. (D: Wolfgang Rotkopf Jul 90)
Per chev embat Arg & Vt, 2 walnut abaci with ebony beads proper
& a thunderbolt Or. (D: Walter Faversham - Aug 80)
Per pale Gu & Or, an abacus ctrch. (D: Reinhardt Breitenbach Aug 06)
Per pall Or, ermined Az, Sa & Vt, an abacus Arg. (D: Carwyn
OHirwen - Feb 90)
Per salt Purp & checky Arg & Purp, in chf 3 bezants 2 & one & in
base an abacus Or. (D: Heather of Arn Hold - Sep 00)
Per salt Purp & Vt, in pale 2 zules & in fess 2 abaci Or. (D: Gaius
Annaeus Equus - Jul 96)
Purp, a bend sin bretessed Or betw an abacus palewise & scissors
Arg. (D: Olivia Graeme - Dec 90)
Sa, a bend sin bretessed Or betw an abacus & a lit skyrocket
bendwise Arg. (D: Iames of Mann - Jul 04)
Sa, a bend sin wavy betw an abacus fesswise & an armoured &
fisted cubit arm palewise Or. (D: Labhriunn de Ramsay Jan 89)
Sa, an abacus bendwise Or within a bord Arg. (B: Abrahe aragoa
- Sep 06)
Sa, an Oriental abacus Or. (B: Labhriunn de Ramsay - Oct 90)
Vt, an abacus & on a chf enarched Arg, 2 quill pens in salt Sa. (D:
Padraig OCeallachain - Jun 90)
* * * End * * *
Abalone: see Shell - Other
Acorn: see Fruit - Nut - Acorn
Adder: see Reptile - Snake
Addices: see Axe
Adonis: see Flower - Rose
Adze: see Axe
Aeoli: see Cloud
Aeolus: see Cloud
Agricultural tool: see Tool - Agricultural
Alaunt: see Beast - Dog
Alaunts head: see Head - Beast - Dog
Albatross: see Bird
Alder: see Tree - Elongated shape


(Fieldless) A retort atop an athanor Arg. (B: Meridies - Dec 96)

(For Order of the Athanor)
(Fieldless) A retort Or, charged with an ermine spot Sa. (B: Rohais
de Marcy - Sep 92)
(Fieldless) An alembic flask Az charged with a sun Or. (B:
Atenveldt, Kingdom of - Oct 01) (For the Kingdom Herbalist
(Fieldless) An alembic flask reversed Gu. (B: Magnus von Lbeck
- Jul 99)
(Fieldless) Atop an athanor enflamed a retort Sa. (B: Osprey, the Jun 97) (For Order of the Sable Athanor)
(Fieldless) 2 retorts, necks crossed in salt, Gu. (B: James of the
Lake - Feb 94)
Arg, in fess 2 retorts, necks crossed in salt, Gu. (B: James of the
Lake - Feb 94)
Az, a bend cotised Or betw 2 alembic flasks, spouts crossed in salt,
& a thimble Arg, all within a bord Or. (D: Aubry du Bolduc Aug 85)
Az, a moon in its complement betw 3 retorts, a chf Arg. (D:
Michle il Matto - Apr 89)
Az, in pale an open book & 2 retorts, necks in salt Or within a bord
potenty Arg. (D: Arthur FitzWilliam the Scholar - Oct 92)
Az, 3 chevronels inv & in chf a retort Or. (D: Gwylon ap Owen Jan 99)
Az, 2 alembic flasks, spouts crossed in salt Arg, & a base wavy Or,
overall a trident inv ctrch. (D: Guy du Bolduc - Jan 85)

Alembic (continued)

Gu, an alembic flask Or within 2 wings conjoined inv Arg. (B:

Angels, the - Oct 85)
Per chev Arg & Or, a chev Az betw a Chinese Dragon Gu & 2
retorts, necks crossed in salt, Vt. (D: Melina Argente
Chercheuse - Jun 86)
Per chev Sa & Arg, in chf 2 alembics crossed in salt at the tips Arg
& in base a flame proper. (D: Todric han Raullsohn Koenig Oct 79)
Per fess engrailed Arg & Gu, 2 retorts, necks crossed in salt, & an
open book ctrch. (D: James of the Lake - Jan 93)
Purp, semy of bunches of grapes Or, a retort reversed Arg. (B:
Drachenwald - Feb 94) (For Drachenwald Brewers Guild)
Quarterly Gu, Az, Vt & Sa, a retort reversed Purp fimbriated Or. (B:
Rivenstar - Aug 79) (For the Alchemy Guild)
Sa, a retort atop an athanor, in sin chf a cross moline, a bord Or. (D:
Luu Naran - Sep 95)
Sa, a sword inv debruised by an alembic fesswise Gu, both
fimbriated Or, distilling from the alembic a gout Or. (D:
Radon of Ered Isen - Nov 79)
Sa, a sword inv surmounted by a retort fesswise Gu, fimbriated Or,
distilling from the retort a goutte dOr, a label Or. (D: Daphne
of Ered Isen - Nov 87)
Vt, a chev wavy Or betw 2 crosses potent & an alembic flask Arg.
(D: Annora Deorling - Feb 84)
Vt, in fess an alembic flask, stem to sin, & a beaker, both per fess
Arg & Or. (D: Alan MacMillan - Nov 83)
* * * End * * *
Alembic flask: see Alembic
Alerion: see Bird
Alewife: see Fish - Other
Alicorn: see Horn - Creature
Alk slip: see Tree branch
Alligator: see Reptile - Lizard
Almond: see Fruit - Nut - Not acorn
Almond flower: see Flower - Rose
Alphyn: see Monster - Griffin
Altar: see Architecture
Alternate vair: see Field treatment - Vairy
Amaranth flower: see Flower - Multipetaled


(Fieldless) A fleur-de-lys per pale Or & Sa, betw & supported by 2

frogs ramp respectant reguardant, the dexter Sa, the sin Or. (B:
Yseult de Cherbourg - Sep 92) (For Chteau Entre Lacs)
(Fieldless) A frog Gu. (B: Karl Rasmussen of Tvede - Sep 90)
(Fieldless) A frog sejant Or. (B: Annes Clotilde von Bamburg Jan 01)
(Fieldless) A frog sejant Vt. (B: Daria Baird de Navarre - Jul 04)
(Fieldless) A frog tergiant inv Arg. (B: George Anne - Jul 05)
(Fieldless) A frog tergiant Vt. (B: Ragnarr the Frog - May 98)
(Fieldless) On an escallop Or a frog Vt spotted Or. (B: Ofelia della
Crusca - Aug 92)
Arg, a chev betw 3 frogs tergiant Purp. (D: Rhonwen Euelchyld Jan 01)
Arg, a chev Vt betw 3 frogs ramp Gu & a bord embat Sa. (D:
Aelfraed of Shyrwode - May 92)
Arg, a fess dancetty, fleury in chf, Az betw a frog sejant Vt & daisy
Az, slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Gabrelle Cynara Prouste Jan 80)
Arg, a frog ramp guardant Vt, a chf embat Sa estoilly of five rays
Arg. (D: Feidhlimidh mac Griogair - Mar 98)
Arg, a frog ramp Vt spotted Sa, a bord embat Vt. (D: Greer
Jonsdottir - Feb 95)
Arg, a frog ramp Vt within a bord Sa. (D: Eithni ingen Talorgain Jan 04)
Arg, a frog salient & on a chf Vt a candle Arg enflamed at both
ends Or. (D: Prisilka od Cerveny Kamen the Sensible May 86)
Arg, a frog sejant affrontee Vt upon a base, in chf a cross peen
hammer fesswise Sa, hafted proper. (B: Thescorre - Aug 79)
(For the Armourers Guild)
Arg, a frog sejant affronty Az. (D: Karl Ulfson - May 83)
Arg, a frog statant erect affronty Vt holding in its mouth a dagger
Sa, a chf Gu. (D: William de Ness - Mar 93)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 1


Amphibian (continued)

Arg, a frog Vt & in chf 3 flies inv Sa. (D: Lughbec ni Eoin Nov 93)
Arg, a frog Vt & on a chf Gu 3 estoiles Arg. (D: Genevieve le Fey Dec 04)
Arg, a frog Vt betw 3 roses Gu barbed & seeded within a bord
embat Sa. (D: Juan Miguel Cezar - Aug 95)
Arg, a frog Vt spotted Or & on a chf Vt 2 unicorns couchant
respectant Arg crined & armed Or. (D: Ofelia della Crusca Jun 91)
Arg, a frog Vt within a bord gyronny Or & Purp. (D: Iosbail
inghean Ghilla Chrost - Dec 02)
Arg, a toad sejant affronte Vt, spotted & crowned Or, charged with
a heart Gu, fimbriated Or, within in annulo the inscription
"Before you meet the handsome prince you have to kiss a lot
of toads". (B: Caerthe - May 83) (For Courtesans Guild)
Arg, a winged frog sejant contourny Gu & a bord Vt. (B: Mateo de
Merida - Jul 07)
Arg, a winged frog sejant, wings elevated & addorsed Purp. (D:
Crystal of the Westermark - Sep 96)
Arg chausse lozengy Vt & Arg, a frog ramp Az. (D: Grecia
Tavernier - Mar 99)
Arg chauss Vt, a frog tergiant inv Sa. (D: George Anne May 02)
Arg, in pale a castle Sa & a frog Vt spotted Or, a bord nebuly Purp.
(D: James the Dragonseeker - Aug 92)
Arg, in pale a frog sejant affronty & a scourge bendwise sin all
within a bord Vt. (B: Dionysus of Grantham - Aug 04)
Arg, on a bend Gu betw a cross patonce Az & a frog Vt 3 scimitars
palewise Arg. (D: Diego Lopes de Toledo - Nov 05)
Arg, on a bend Sa betw 2 frogs Vt a heart betw 2 keys wards to chf
Arg. (D: Sorcha Spottiswood - Mar 00)
Arg, on a toad sejant Sa, an increscent Or. (D: Salvatore del
Rosposcuro - Aug 89)
Arg semy of hawks bells Purp, a frog Vt. (B: Sely Bloxam Jan 03)
Arg, 3 frogs in pall, legs extended, heads to center, within a bord
engrailed Vt. (D: Meadhbh n Ruadhin - Aug 94)
Arg, 3 frogs Vt. (D: Ails inghean u Ruairc - Jan 06)
Az, a frog Arg. (D: Eliko de Lindasund - Jan 08)
Az, a frog ramp to sin, issuant from base a demi-sun Or. (D:
Elizabeth Dougall - Nov 04)
Az, a frog sejant ermine, overall a dagger Or, imbrued at the tip Gu.
(B: William Ironwood - Sep 80)
Az, a winged frog tergiant disp, on a chf Or, 3 crescents Az. (D:
Calista von Froschewald - Jun 90)
Az, in pale 3 frogs salient fesswise ermine impaled by an arrow inv
Or, imbrued at the tip Gu. (D: William Ironwood - Sep 80)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, a frog bendwise sin Vt. (D: Magdalena
Engraia de la Huerta - Jan 06)
Bendy Gu & Or, 3 frogs Sa. (D: Fulk the Bald - Feb 04)
Bendy sin Vt & Or, in pale 2 frogs sejant Az. (D: Gislain
Provencher - Aug 93)
Checky Az & Arg, a dance Or & overall a frog Vt. (D: Josette
Claudin Duran - Feb 98)
Checky Gu & Arg, a frog salient Vt. (D: Gaston de lAbbaye Dec 90)
Checky of nine panes Vt & Arg, 4 frogs Vt. (D: Isabel de Triana Mar 01)
Ermine, a salt Gu surmounted by a bullfrog sejant Vt. (B: Mairi
Morag MacLeoid of Loch na hIolaire - May 84)
Gu, a fess Or betw 3 frogs Vt. (D: Satan - Dec 94)
(attributed)(Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, a frog & a base Arg all within a bord Or. (D: Llwyd Akers Dec 05)
Gu, a frog & a chf dovetailed Or. (D: Sline OConnor - Aug 03)
Gu, 3 chevronels engrailed & in chf 2 frogs salient respectant Arg.
(D: Gwynne Wallace of Carlyle - Nov 89)
Or, a bullfrog sejant & a chf Vt. (D: Ribert Diolun of Armagh May 89)
Or, a Celtic cross Purp, overall a frog salient to sin Vt. (D: Uilliam
Uaine - Nov 89)
Or, a chev Purp betw 2 toads sejant respecting each other Vt bellies
Arg & in base a cornucopia fluant proper. (D: Geraldine of
Toad Hall - Jan 73?)
Or, a frog ramp guardant contourny Vt, a bord wavy Az. (D:
Ragnarr the Frog - Sep 95)
2 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Amphibian (continued)

Or, a frog ramp within a bord wavy Vt. (D: Hertha Blair of
Froggestow - Aug 85)
Or, a frog sejant affronty Vt atop a mount & a label dovetailed
throughout Sa. (D: Ima of Granholme - Jul 05)
Or, a frog tergiant Vt, & in chf 3 crescents, one & 2 Gu. (D:
Duibheasa of Mona - May 86)
Or, a frog Vt, a chf rayonny Purp ermined Or. (D: Stanislaw of
Meridies - Oct 00)
Or, a toad sejant to sin Vt, bellied Arg. (B: Robert of Dunharrow Jan 73?) (For Toad Hall)
Or, in fess a glaive Sa sustained by a frog ramp guardant Vt. (D:
Victoria Fitzgerald - Jan 07)
Or, in pale 3 frogs Gu betw 2 pallets engrailed Vt. (D: Karl
Rasmussen of Tvede - May 89)
Or, on a chev inv Az betw a rose Gu slipped & leaved Vt & a frog
Az 3 hearts palewise Or. (D: Robin dit Dessaint - Sep 04)
Or, on a frog Vt a triquetra braced with an annulet Arg. (D: Aoife
inghean ui hEaluighthe - Sep 02)
Or, semy of Maltese crosses Sa a frog ramp Vt. (D: Isabella Dati Dec 02)
Or, 2 bones in salt Gu surmounted by a frog sejant affronty Vt. (B:
Dionysus of Grantham - Nov 07)
Per bend Arg & Sa, 2 rolled scrolls bendwise betw 2 frogs ramp, all
ctrch. (D: Thaddeus Zhukow - Jan 87)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a bat-winged frog segreant to sin Vt
maintaining an open scroll Arg. (D: Magge Nettlewood Dec 02)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, 2 frogs sejant Or. (D: Etain ingen Ruaidri Nov 04)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Az, a frog ramp to sin & a trapezoidal
psaltery bendwise sin ctrch. (D: Alyce Rene of Montauban Aug 89)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt, 2 frogs sejant contourny Arg. (D:
Veronique de la Rose - Dec 05)
Per bend sin rayonny Or & Gu, 2 frogs sejant affronty ctrch within a
bord rayonny per bend sin Gu & Or. (D: Eleri Breuestere Jun 08)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, a bend sin Gu betw 2 frogs ctrch Or & Vt.
(D: Bianca Mondragon - Oct 07)
Per bend sin Sa semy-de-lys Arg & Arg, a frog tergiant Sa. (D:
Michelle Duvergier - Jan 97)
Per bend sin Vt & Arg, a threaded needle bendwise sin & a frog
sejant affronty ctrch. (D: Gwenhevare Easter - Jul 03)
Per bend sin Vt & Arg, an increscent Arg & 3 tadpoles with legs
fesswise disp ctrch, orbed Or. (D: Will of Orkney - Jan 73?)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, a frog sejant affronty & a mountain issuant
from base ctrch. (D: Elaine Bel Monte - Jan 87)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, in bend a heart & a frog salient to sin within a
bord invected, all ctrch. (D: Louis Pelissier - Jun 88)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Az, a frog Vt & a cattail slipped & leaved
Arg. (D: Anna By the Water - Jun 08)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a bend engrailed betw a hare salient & 2 frogs
sejant, a bord engrailed, all ctrch. (D: Raylene of the
Whispering Woods - Jul 86)
Per bend Vt & Gu, a frog ramp Or. (D: Annes Clotilde von
Bamburg - Dec 99)
Per chev Az & Vt, a mullet of eight points & a frog Arg. (D:
Ambra da Monte - May 03)
Per chev Or & Az, 2 frogs sejant respectant & a frog tergiant, all
ctrch. (D: Alysandir of Elgin - Jan 08)
Per chev Or & Purp, 2 frogs sejant respectant Vt & a lion sejant
affronty Or. (D: Daria Baird de Navarre - May 01)
Per chev Or & Vt, 2 frogs sejant erect respectant & a clarion ctrch.
(D: Monika z Gniezno - Jul 87)
Per chev Purp & Arg, 3 rivets in fess Or, in base a frog sejant
affronty Vt. (D: William the Frogge - Sep 84)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 2 lilies Arg & a bat-winged frog sejant erect
affronty Vt, winged Sa. (D: Ella de Lille - Dec 01)
Per chev throughout Arg & Gu, 2 frogs tergiant Vt & an increscent
Arg. (D: Aemilia Sabine - Feb 03)
Per chev Vt & Or, 2 ankhs & a frog sejant affront ctrch. (D: Kara
MacKenzie - Apr 84)
Per chev Vt & Sa, in pale a tree eradicated & a toad tergiant Arg.
(D: Lorccan mac Cinaetha meic Dara - Oct 94)
Per fess Arg & Gu, a fleur-de-lys & a frog ctrch. (D: Jaspar de
Dunkerque - Feb 06)

[Amphibian] to [Anchor]

Amphibian (continued)

Per fess Arg & Gu, a raven Sa & a toad Arg within a bord ctrch. (D:
Hrafnhildr Frostadottir - Oct 04)
Per fess indented erminois & pean, a dance ctrch Sa & Or, in chf 3
frogs tergiant disp Vt. (D: Mora Naturalist of Blackmarsh Jul 89)
Per fess Or & Az, atop a thimble Arg a frog sejant affronty Gu. (D:
Kerry RanAurora - Oct 07)
Per fess wavy Az & Vt, in pale a seagull disp guardant & a frog
sejant affronty Arg. (D: Alisaundre Muir - Jun 89)
Per pale Arg & Or, a frog Az betw flaunches Purp each charged
with an arrow Or. (D: Alice of al-Barran - Jul 07)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a fess & overall a frog sejant affronty ctrch. (B:
Ancilla the Packrat - Sep 81)
Per pale Arg & Vt, 3 wolfs teeth issuant from sin Arg & in chf 3
frogs sejant ctrch. (D: Jolivette du Louvre - Jul 00)
Per pale Az & Arg, in bend sin 2 frogs sejant affronty ctrch. (D:
Cecilia of Dun Carraig - Jan 07)
Per pale Az & Gu, a frog Or. (D: sa Gilsdottir - Jul 04)
Per pale embat Arg & Vt semy of roses Arg, in dexter a frog salient
contourny Vt. (D: Edrich Moorshead - Jul 99)
Per pale Gu & Az, a crossbow & in chf 3 frogs Or. (D: Serena
Alvarez - Oct 07)
Per pale Gu & Az, a frog salient Arg. (D: Crd Mongfind
rnardttir - Mar 95)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a frog Or & a chf wavy erminois. (D: Anastasia
Antonia Benettini - Oct 06)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a frog ctrch. (D: Myra Frogbayn - Feb 07)
Per pale Vt & Purp, a frog betw 3 mullets of six points Arg. (D:
Fleurette Kirkpatrick - Nov 06)
Per pale wavy Vt & Arg, a sword inv Arg & a winged frog sejant
contourny Gu. (D: Mateo de Merida - Sep 06)
Per salt dovetailed Vt & Arg, 3 frogs sejant affronty & a candle in a
flat candlestick ctrch. (D: Dionysus of Grantham - Apr 99)
Per salt Or & Arg, 4 frogs, heads outward, Az. (D: Esther Anne
Wright - Sep 98)
Purp, an annulet Arg fretted with 2 seaxes in salt, all within an orle
of eight frogs sejant affronty Or. (D: Saethryth of Athelney Jan 87)
Quarterly per fess wavy Arg & Purp, in bend 2 frogs sejant affronty
Vt. (D: Eadric of Hastings - Sep 92)
Quarterly Vt & Arg all fretty ctrch, a frog sejant Purp. (D: Talento
Rana - Feb 04)
Sa, a frog salient to sin Arg. (D: Hieronymus de Hansworst Jun 91)
Sa, a frog tergiant Arg a bord Or. (D: Meredyth Alba McRegan Jul 98)
Sa, a winged frog sejant & on a chf Or 3 maunches Gu. (D: Maude
of Burgundy - Feb 96)
Sa, in fess 2 frogs salient contourny Arg, in dexter chf a mullet
within the horns of an increscent Or. (D: Bella Brandi Apr 05)
Vt, a winged frog salient Or. (D: Albreda Aylese - Apr 94)
Vt, on a bend sin Arg betw a white rose spray & another inv both
bendwise sin proper, a frog springing to sin Vt. (D: Katrina of
Dresden - Jun 86)
Vt, on a cushion Or a frog sejant affronty Vt, crowned Or. (D: La
Rana - Jan 73?)
Vt semy of frogs Arg. (D: Mea Cornario - Jun 05)
Vt, 2 frogs sejant respectant Arg. (D: Baldric of Falkonmore Sep 96)
* * * End * * *
Amphisbaena: see Monster - Dragon and Monster - Multiheaded
Amphora: see Bottle
Ampulla: see Bottle


(Fieldless) A cross of 4 anchors conjoined at the ring Or. (B:

Donal macRuiseart - Apr 06)
(Fieldless) A hand fesswise sustaining an anchor Or. (B: Kilian of
Golden Sea - Feb 94)
(Fieldless) An anchor Arg enfiling a coronet bendwise sin Or
pearled Gu. (B: Uilliam mac Ailne mhic Seamuis - May 05)
(Fieldless) An anchor Gu. (B: Berric Grayveson - Sep 07)
(Fieldless) An anchor Sa. (B: Valentine Blake - Feb 04)

Anchor (continued)

(Fieldless) An anchor Sa surmounted by 2 Kris knives inv in salt

Arg hilted Sa. (B: Sleyman Khaym - Apr 94)
(Fieldless) An anchor Vt. (B: Hillary Rose Greenslade - Sep 01)
Arg, a chev betw 2 compass stars Vt & an anchor fouled of its cable
Sa. (D: Eirkr geirsbrjtr - Mar 06)
Arg, an anchor Sa & a chf Gu. (D: Dyryke Stanley - Dec 06)
Arg, an anchor Sa betw 2 bars wavy Az, in chf a goutte Sa. (D:
Joscelin Tarr - Mar 07)
Arg, an anchor Vt & a chf counter-ermine. (D: Owen de Clare Jun 88)
Arg, in pale 3 anchors Gu betw a pair of flaunches Sa. (D:
Christian van den Voss - Feb 90)
Arg, on a chev throughout Gu 2 rapiers points to center proper, in
base an anchor Sa. (D: Angus MacDougall of Cragmere Nov 00)
Arg, on a pale Az betw 2 anchors Gu, a cup Or betw 2 cinquefoils
Arg. (D: Robert Simon Fraser - Jul 84)
Arg, on a pall wavy Az, 3 anchors pallwise Arg, a bord Az. (D:
Paul the Boteman - Jun 91)
Az, a cross Arg, overall in salt an anchor Or & an arrow inv Or. (D:
Beverly Hodghead - Jan 73?)
Az, a cross betw in bend an anchor palewise & a sword palewise
Arg. (D: Jon St. Vincent dOutremer - Apr 81)
Az, a fess wavy Arg, overall an anchor Or. (D: Patricia Philomena
de Saint Clment - Jan 95)
Az, a lion betw 3 anchors Arg. (D: James Guy of Bothwell Oct 05)
Az, an anchor & on a chf wavy Or 3 dolphins Az. (D: John Maelen
- Feb 94)
Az, an anchor bendwise, in chf 3 trefoils slipped Arg. (D: Liam
Oge of Cocraig - Mar 90)
Az, an anchor Or. (D: Rhode Island and Providence Plantation,
State of - May 99) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, in fess a unicorn ramp to sin Arg, armed, crined, unguled,
collared & chained to an anchor, within a bord Or. (D:
Hamish Kornilov - Jun 82)
Az, on a chev betw 3 anchors Arg, a sword fracted reversed Sa,
hilted Or. (D: Jeffrey Broken Blade - Jan 82)
Az, on a mullet of six points betw in annulo six anchors Or an
anchor Az. (D: Alasdair of Raasay - Sep 83)
Az, 2 lions ramp addorsed betw 3 anchors Arg. (B: James Guy of
Bothwell - Jan 06)
Barry Or & Sa, a reremouse disp betw 3 anchors Gu. (D: Yiannis
Damianos Draco - Jul 87)
Counter-ermine, an anchor Or maintained by a sea-horse erect to sin
Arg & a sea-lion erect Or. (D: Avarr of the Misty Seas Dec 85)
Gu, an anchor Arg debruised by a sealion naiant contourny, tail
reflexed over its head, within a bord Or. (D: Gaufridus of
Blackthorne - Jan 94)
Gu, an anchor Or. (D: John of the Rudder - Nov 73?)
Gu, on a pile inv throughout betw 2 anchors Or, a bears head
erased Sa. (D: Sven Magnusson - Sep 84)
Gu, upon & entwined about an anchor Arg betw 2 escallops Or, a
grapevine Vt, fructed Purp, all within a bord Or. (D: Bronwyn
Anchoret Selwyn - Feb 90)
Or, an anchor within a laurel wreath below a crown dancetty of 3
voided, all Vt. (B: West, the - Sep 71) (Ensign)
Or, an anchor within a laurel wreath, on a chf wavy Az 3 garbs Or.
(D: Golden Sea - Apr 94)
Or, on a bend betw six anchors Vt in dexter chf a fish Or. (D:
Geoffrey Tailor - Jan 07)
Or, on a plate betw a plow, a crossed shovel & pick, a cubit arm
maintaining a hammer, & an anchor, all proper, the arms of the
United States within the words "E PLURIBUS UNUM" in orle
Sa. (D: Wisconsin, State of - May 99) (Important non-SCA
Or, 3 anchors in pall rings to center Vt. (D: Aethelstan Osricson Oct 98)
Or, 2 rose branches in salt each flowered to chf proper surmounted
by a wolfs head couped close facing to dexter base all betw 4
anchors in cross Sa. (D: Laureno Affonso - Nov 01)
Per bend Arg & Az, an Arabian lamp & an anchor fouled of its
chain ctrch. (D: Katriona of Glenkirk - Jun 85)
Per bend Az & Arg, a cross flory Arg & an anchor Vt. (D: Gerard
de Saint-Thomas - Mar 04)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 3

[Anchor] to [Annulet - 1 - Argent]

Anchor (continued)

Per bend Az & Sa, 2 anchors Or. (D: Fedelm Dub - Mar 04)
Per bend Or & Az, an anchor entwined with a dolphin descending
ctrch Sa & Arg. (D: Roberta Nicol MacLeod - Sep 84)
Per bend Or & Sa, a rose Az, barbed & seeded proper, & an anchor
Arg. (D: Erzebet von Schachendorf - Oct 82)
Per bend Or & Vt, a bear ramp & an anchor ctrch. (D: Anlon
MacMatha - May 91)
Per bend Sa & Or, a dragonfly & an anchor ctrch. (D: Ricard
Lemarignier - Jan 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, a tower Vt & an anchor Or. (D: Angus
James MacDonald - Aug 97)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, an anchor & a tankard ctrch. (D: Juan
Alonso de la Vega - Nov 06)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, a dragon sejant & an anchor Or. (D: Kilian
van der Meer - Mar 03)
Per bend sin Gu & Or, an anchor & a sun ctrch. (D: Liam
MacMhuire - Sep 86)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, 2 anchors Or. (D: Olrik van Lubbeke May 03)
Per bend sin Sa & Purp, a bend sin betw a unicorns head couped
contourny Arg & 2 anchors in salt Or. (D: Garrick Seafarer Dec 90)
Per bend sin Vt & Arg, a sin hand Arg & an anchor Sa. (D:
Michael Hawkins of Portsmouth - Nov 05)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, an anchor Or sustained by a sea-lion Arg. (D:
Finn mac Dubgaill meic Cuill - Jan 04)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a Norse sun cross Arg & an anchor Sa. (D:
duin of Skye - Mar 01)
Per bend Vt & Az, a bend dovetailed betw an axe blade to sin, & an
anchor Or. (D: Odinkar of Westumbria - Nov 96)
Per bend Vt & Az, on a bend Arg betw a garb of wheat Or & an
anchor Arg 2 lions passant Sa. (D: Thomas de Cassel Jul 80)
Per bend wavy Arg & Az, in sin chf an anchor Sa. (D: Valentine
Blake - May 01)
Per chev embat Arg & Gu, 3 anchors fouled of their cables ctrch &
a chf Az. (D: Ealdred Battlescar - Jan 91)
Per chev inv Arg & Az, a pair of calipers & in chf 2 anchors, all
ctrch. (D: Claudius of Neddingham - Jun 86)
Per chev inv Or & Sa, an anchor within a bord ctrch. (D: Michael
le Marin - May 89)
Per chev rayonny Sa & Arg, 2 anchors & an antelope ramp ctrch.
(D: Yi Mong-ju - Apr 94)
Per fess embat Arg & Gu, in pale a raven, close & sin facing, Sa &
an anchor bendwise Or. (B: Ravens Fort - Mar 90) (Naval
Per fess wavy & per pale Arg & Sa fretty ctrch & Az & Arg, in base
an anchor ctrch. (D: Castellana de la Cueva - Mar 06)
Per fess wavy Az & Arg, 2 anchors ctrch. (D: Gwynfyr an
Sheoladair - Jun 83)
Per pale Az & Gu, an anchor Arg. (B: Jovan Greyhawk - Aug 97)
Per pale Gu & Az, an anchor & on a chf invected Or 3 seahorses
erect Gu. (D: Deodericus of Huntington - Jan 98)
Per pale Gu & Sa, an anchor Or & a cross formy swallowtail, a chf
Arg. (D: Gilbert des Moulins - Nov 00)
Per pale Or & Arg, a cross bottony betw 3 anchors Vt. (D: Gresch
der Turse - Sep 03)
Per pale Or & Sa, a lymphad betw 3 anchors ctrch & on a chf embat
Vt 3 harps Or. (D: Radhn of Thors Mountain - Feb 02)
Per pale Sa & Vt, an anchor & a bord Arg. (D: Kurt der Hager Sep 06)
Per pale Vt & Arg, an anchor & on a chf 3 mullets of eight points,
all ctrch. (D: Thomas Logan - Mar 84)
Per pall inv Sa, Az & Arg, 2 swans volant respectant necks crossed
in salt Arg & an anchor Sa. (D: Masina de Corvaria Jan 06)
Per salt Az & Arg, an hourglass Or, framed Sa, betw 4 anchors
ctrch. (D: Duncan Gallowglass - Aug 89)
Per salt Or & Sa, 4 anchors ctrch. (D: Clemente de Warrewyk Oct 07)
Per salt Purp & Az, an anchor & on a chf Arg 4 shamrocks Vt. (D:
Dante McGavin - Feb 05)
Per salt Purp & Az, an anchor betw 4 skulls Arg. (B: Elizabeth
MKena OBannon - Jun 05) (JB: Dante McGavin)
Purp, 2 swords in fess Arg betw 3 anchors Or. (D: ine hua
Murchada - Feb 05)
4 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Anchor (continued)

Sa, a fess checky Or & Gu betw in chf 3 anchors & in base a wolfs
head Arg. (D: Wulfric Tyrrell - Jan 96)
Sa, an anchor Arg, in chf five mullets 3 & 2 Or. (D: Finn of
Thescorre - Nov 04)
Sa, an anchor bendwise fouled of its chain Arg & a chf vair of one
trait. (D: Stefano dAmato - Aug 91)
Sa, an anchor Or within a bord Arg. (D: Honora Northgate Oct 03)
Sa, in pale a lizard & an anchor Or winged Arg. (D: Jamie Mac
Fionnlaigh - Jan 03)
Sa, semy of anchors Arg, a cockatrice erect contourny Or. (D: Ivan
Kalinin - Jan 94)
Sa, 3 anchors Arg. (D: Molle of Norwiche - Apr 01)
Vt, a pale betw 2 compass-stars Arg, overall an anchor ctrch. (B:
Thomas Logan - Feb 84)
Vt, a shakefork betw 2 anchors Or. (D: Dougall de Leslie Feb 92)
Vt, an anchor bendwise fouled of a pithon Or. (D: William
Dragonhelm - May 92)
Vt, an anchor, on a chf Arg 3 roses Vt. (D: Hillary Rose
Greenslade - Jan 94)
Vt, in pale an anchor Or & a cloud Arg. (D: Nymandus vom
Weidehgel - Apr 07)
Vt, on a pale Sa fimbriated betw 2 anchors bendwise sin & fouled
of their cables, 3 mullets Or. (D: Gyles Courtenay - Jan 08)
Vt, on a pile dovetailed Arg betw 2 anchors Or, a 2-headed dunghill
cock disp Sa. (D: Angus Sinclair - Jan 93)
* * * End * * *
Angel: see Monster - Humanoid
Angelfish: see Fish - Angelfish
Angle: see Chevron and Tool - Other
Ankh: see Cross
Ankhus: see Staff

Annulet - 1 - Argent

See also: Torse

(Fieldless) A bear ramp within & conjoined to an annulet Arg. (B:
Uther the Dark - Mar 08)
(Fieldless) A beehive within & conjoined to an annulet Arg. (B:
Robert Pine - Mar 05) (For House Beehive)
(Fieldless) A bow drawn & armed with an arrow Arg, flighted Az,
within an annulet Arg. (B: Atlantia - Sep 90) (For Guild of
(Fieldless) A cherry blossom within & conjoined to an annulet Arg.
(B: inara Suberria - Feb 02)
(Fieldless) A close helm & gorget affronty, plumed, within &
conjoined to an annulet Arg. (B: Alwyn Stewart - Jan 91)
(Fieldless) A cross clechy Or within & conjoined to an annulet
Arg. (B: Northshield - May 98) (For Order of the Pyxis)
(Fieldless) A cross formy within & conjoined to an annulet Arg.
(B: Conall Eoin MacTavish - Aug 99)
(Fieldless) A double-bitted axe Or within & conjoined to an
annulet Arg. (B: Mikhail Justinian - Jul 92)
(Fieldless) A flame proper within & conjoined to an annulet Arg.
(B: Steinsee - Feb 96)
(Tinctureless) A kraken environed of an annulet. (Seal: Styrbjrg
Ulfethnar - Apr 82)
(Fieldless) A magpie close Sa marked Arg within & conjoined to
an annulet Arg. (B: Urraca Cantbrica - Jan 97)
(Fieldless) A mermaid with her arms upraised maintaining in her
dexter hand an axe all within & conjoined to an annulet
engrailed on the outer edge Arg. (B: False Isle - Oct 07)
(Fieldless) A mullet of five greater & five lesser points within &
conjoined to an annulet Arg. (B: Hans Drrmast von der
Wanderlust - Jan 04)
(Fieldless) A mullet of 4 points gyronny Sa & Arg within &
conjoined to an annulet Arg. (B: Edric Longfellow - Aug 03)
(For Haus Tagestrne)
(Fieldless) A pheon within & conjoined to an annulet Arg. (B:
James of Troll Fen - Nov 94)
(Fieldless) A quill bendwise sin Sa enfiling an annulet Arg. (B:
Olwynn ni Chinnidigh - Sep 04)
(Fieldless) A ring of 3 keys in pall inv Arg. (B: Bordermarch Dec 98) (For Order of the Keys of Bordermarch)

[Annulet - 1 - Argent]

Annulet - 1 - Argent (continued)

(Fieldless) A scimitar Gu & overall a trefoil within & conjoined to

an annulet Arg. (B: Mahmud Ali ben Sinan - Mar 92)
(Fieldless) A seahorse within & conjoined to an annulet engrailed
on the inner edge Arg. (B: Stromgard - Mar 04) (type for
(Fieldless) A seeblatt within & conjoined at the base to an annulet
Arg. (B: Gysela von Diffinbach - Apr 06)
(Fieldless) A swan Arg sitting in a nest proper within & issuant
from an annulet Arg. (B: Meridies - Nov 96) (For Order of
the Cygnets Nest)
(Fieldless) A swan roussant within & conjoined to an annulet Arg.
(B: Meridies - Dec 96) (For Order of the Rising Swan)
(Fieldless) A tau cross within an annulet Arg. (B: Thorland
OShea - Feb 91)
(Fieldless) A trefoil within & conjoined to an annulet Arg. (B:
Tymothy John of Silver Oak - Apr 91)
(Fieldless) A triangle voided within & conjoined to an annulet Arg.
(B: Franchesca MacBeth - Sep 04)
(Fieldless) A triquetra within & conjoined to an annulet Arg. (B:
Dabhaidh Orcheard - Oct 90)
(Fieldless) A triskele within & conjoined to an annulet Arg. (B:
Morien ap Rhys of Cardiff - May 04)
(Fieldless) A wolfs head contourny within & conjoined in base to
an annulet Arg. (B: Seosaidh MacFaoilchire - Apr 97)
(Fieldless) A wolfs head erased within & conjoined to an annulet
Arg. (B: Stephen Wolfe - Feb 97)
(Fieldless) An acorn per chev Vt & Or, within an annulet Arg. (B:
Joanna de Bocage - Aug 84)
(Fieldless) An annulet Arg hurty. (B: Windmasters Hill - Nov 07)
(Fieldless) An annulet of flame Arg. (B: Wiesenfeuer - Jun 08)
(Fieldless) An antelope statant within & conjoined to an annulet
Arg. (B: Bronwen o Gydweli - Aug 95)
(Fieldless) An edelweiss Or, seeded Gu, within & conjoined to an
annulet Arg. (B: Drachenwald - Jan 85) (For Order of the
(Fieldless) An enfield ramp within & conjoined to an annulet Arg.
(B: Grainne the Red - Jul 07)
(Fieldless) An escarbuncle Purp surmounted by an annulet Arg. (B:
Christian dHiver - Jun 89)
(Fieldless) An escutcheon within & conjoined to an annulet Arg.
(B: Meridies - Dec 96) (For Order of the Argent Shield)
(Fieldless) An estoile within & conjoined to an annulet engrailed
on the inner edge Arg. (B: Stromgard - Mar 04)
(Fieldless) An oak tree eradicated within & conjoined to an annulet
Arg. (B: Pdraig Donn McMathna - Jun 03)
(Fieldless) An owls head cabossed within & conjoined to an
annulet Arg. (B: Meridies - Sep 97) (For the Order of the
Velvet Owl)
(Fieldless) An wine amphora conjoined at base & top within a
annulet Arg. (B: Thomas the Potter - Nov 98)
(Fieldless) Five plates in annulo betw in fess 2 chevronels inv &
conjoined to an annulet Arg. (B: Westermark - Feb 87)
(Fieldless) On a lozenge Or within & conjoined to an annulet Arg a
drakkar proper under a full sail Arg, charged with 3 pallets Gu.
(B: Storvik - Jul 81) (For the Order of the Lozulet)
(Fieldless) On a spider web Sa within & conjoined to an annulet a
lions head jessant-de-lys Arg. (B: Madallaine Isabeau de Cat
- Mar 01)
(Fieldless) 3 piles couped inv in point within & conjoined to an
annulet Arg. (B: Muirghein Dhaire - Nov 96) (For House
Az, a bend lozengy Arg betw a heart Gu fimbriated & an annulet
Arg. (D: Eideann de Blenkinsopp - Mar 83) (re-registered
Az, a castle tripletowered Or, environed of an annulet issuant of
eight arrows Arg. (D: Michael Oldcastle of Ravenspur May 05)
Az, a cross parted & fretted interlaced with an annulet, on a chf
Arg, 3 annulets Az. (D: Jordan Ceridwen of Thorngill Nov 94)
Az, a flame proper within an annulet nowed in base with a Stafford
knot Arg. (D: Randall Llewellyn Alyson - Aug 87)
Az, a flame within an annulet, a bord dovetailed Arg. (D: Ragnall
Ban - Mar 98)
Az, a Japanese well-frame crosswise with an annulet Arg. (D:
Tadatsune of Carolingia - Nov 03)

Annulet - 1 - Argent (continued)

Az, a mascle within an annulet Arg. (D: Peregrine Mellyrn of the

Last Mountain - Feb 81)
Az, a phoenix close affronte, head to sin, Or within an annulet
betw in fess 2 greatswords palewise reversed Arg. (D: Korwyn
Marius Velis Ariannaid - Aug 80)
Az, a polar bear statant to sin Arg, crowned of a coronet dovetailed
Or, within an annulet, a chf embat Arg. (D: Rowan Beatrice
vom Kampfer - Jan 88)
Az, a ring of 2 keys & a chf wavy Arg. (B: Atlantia - Aug 91)
(For the Office of the Chatelaine)
Az, a schnecke issuant from sin chf & in canton an annulet Arg. (D:
Skri Skey - Nov 03)
Az, a tower Or within an annulet Arg. (B: Michael Oldcastle of
Ravenspur - May 05)
Az, a unicorns head couped within an annulet & in chf 2 compass
stars Arg. (D: Kevin Eril - Jul 83)
Az, an annulet betw in pall 4 cinquefoils Arg. (D: Gwyneth of
Ramsey Mere - Aug 81)
Az, an estoile of eight rays within an annulet & a bord all Arg. (B:
Isaac de Hugo - May 92)
Az, an Ionic column within an annulet, on a chf Arg a slip of
English ivy proper. (D: Annolivia of the Sylvan Glade Mar 81)
Az, an oak leaf within a torque, a bord Arg. (D: Grfn mac
Breandin - Apr 98)
Az, 4 mortars & pestles in cross Or within an annulet Arg. (D:
Timothy of Christchurch - Jul 92)
Az, in salt 4 triquetras Or, points to center, within an annulet Arg.
(B: Turgeis Hakonsson - Apr 08) (JB: Sunniva Kyrre)
Az, 2 carpenters squares angles to chf short arms crossed in salt all
within an annulet Arg. (D: Kataura Hachir - Jan 04)
Az, 2 scythes in salt within an annulet of chain Arg. (D: Takamatsu
Tadayoshi - Apr 07)
(Dark) A mountain of 3 peaks issuant from base, the peaks in bend,
& in chf a barrulet beviled arrondi, all within an annulet. (B:
Takaguma Ishiyama no Sadomoni Bashi - Feb 81)
(Household mon)(For Clan Ishiyama)
Dark, 3 hollyhock leaves in pall inv tips to centre within & stems
conjoined to an annulet light. (B: Tokugawa - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA mn)
Gu, a cross gurgity Or within a serpent in annulo head to base Arg.
(D: Uther Schiemann der Hunt - Jun 03)
Gu, a Latin cross within an annulet, & on a chf Arg an arrow point
to dexter Gu. (D: Morgan Thorwald the Young - Jan 85)
Gu, a lozenge Or voided Vt within & conjoined to an annulet Arg.
(B: Lara Chery - Aug 05)
Gu, a reindeer statant regardant within an annulet Arg. (B: Sabia
Gunnhild Hunang - Aug 85)
Gu, an annulet & overall a unicorn dormant Arg, armed, crined, &
unguled Or. (B: Thorin Njalsson - date?) (For House
Gu, issuant from a tub Arg, scaly & banded Sa, 3 demi-arrows
bendwise Arg & 3 demi-arrows bendwise sin Or, all within an
annulet Arg. (B: Naevehjem - Mar 94) (For the Archery
Gu, 3 cypress saplings of 3 branches, one & 2, within an annulet
Arg. (B: Rowen Brithwallt - Jan 94)
Per bend Az & Vt, on a bend Sa, fimbriated, betw a ring with 3 keys
pendant & an open book Arg, a needle, point to chf, Or,
threaded Arg. (D: Elizabeth Latham - Aug 87)
Per bend Sa & Az, a bend betw a boar passant Or & in base 4 plates
in salt within an annulet Arg. (D: Rudhraighe OHagan May 88)
Per bend sin Az & Purp, a unicorn passant within an annulet Arg.
(D: Ariel of Dragonsmark - Nov 95)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, a scarpe, in chf within an annulet sundered in
chf Arg a tongue of flame proper, fimbriated Arg, in base a
hawks head erased to sin Sa, fimbriated Arg. (D: George of
Port Kar - Oct 76?)
Per chev Az & Arg, in chf a compass star within an annulet Arg &
in base a cedar tree proper issuant from a mount Vt. (D:
Darien Tevarson - Jul 83)
Per chev Az & ermine, in chf an annulet betw a pair of wings disp,
tips inv Arg. (D: Maili Donnel MacGregor - Sep 90)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 5

[Annulet - 1 - Argent] to [Annulet - 1 - Azure]

Annulet - 1 - Argent (continued)

Per chev inv Sa & chequy Sa & Arg, in chf a trefoil within &
conjoined to an annulet Arg. (D: Joseph of Silver Oak Jul 89)
Per chev inv Sa & Vt, a tower betw in demi-annulo five estoiles all
within an annulet Arg. (B: Chimene des Cinq Tours - Jul 85)
Per chev Sa & Purp, in chf 3 mullets & in base an annulet Arg. (B:
Peter Hawkyns - Dec 98)
Per fess Az & Sa, an hourglass fesswise per fess Arg & Or & an
annulet Arg. (D: Orin the Late - Jul 86)
Per fess Az & Vt, a barrulet Arg, overall on a plate voided Sa a
mullet of seven points Arg. (D: Elgil Mardil of Dor-Mallos Sep 81)
Per fess engrailed Or & Az, an orca embowed proper & a griffin
sejant within an annulet Arg. (D: Jehanne lEnragee Apr 82)
Per fess Purp & Or, a bar ctrch betw a sword bendwise sin proper
enfiled of an annulet Arg & a double-headed eagle disp Sa
maintaining in its talons a serpent Vt. (D: Franz von
Corgymonde - Nov 81)
Per fess Sa & Az, a compass star within a sea-serpent involved head
to base Arg. (B: Rrik Svermar - Jun 03)
Per pale Az & Gu, a compass star within & conjoined to an annulet,
a chf Arg. (D: Colin Gordon - Jun 98)
Per pale Az & Gu, a raven within an annulet Arg. (D: Branwen of
Werchesvorde - Feb 02)
Per pale Az & Sa, a wolfs head caboshed within & conjoined to an
annulet Arg. (D: Bleddyn of Hornwood - Feb 00)
Per pale Az & Vt, 2 axes in salt Or, fretted of a bowen knot, overall
an annulet Arg. (D: Alasdair Francis MacDhomhnuill Aug 90)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a bulls head caboshed Or, the sin eye debruised
by a mullet of six points Gu, within an annulet Arg. (D: Allara
of Stars Watch - May 83)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a lozenge within an annulet Arg. (D: Finnian the
Red - Jan 93)
Per pale Vt & Sa, 2 axes in salt within an annulet Arg. (B: Artr
mac Lochlainn - Nov 01)
Purp, a dragonfly Arg within a snake involved in annulo Arg
lozengy Purp. (D: Sabine Bryght of Ash - Jul 00)
Purp, a hand within an annulet Arg. (D: Johannes Fairhand Apr 04)
Purp, a triskele within & conjoined to an annulet & on a chf Arg 3
millrinds Purp. (D: Keri-Anne of Avacal - Jul 07)
Purp, a tyger ramp contourny within an annulet Arg. (D:
Alexandria Ariel MacKendry - Jan 95)
Purp, an annulet Arg fretted with 2 seaxes in salt, all within an orle
of eight frogs sejant affronty Or. (D: Saethryth of Athelney Jan 87)
Sa, a cross potent within an annulet Arg. (D: Nakagawa Sukeie Dec 06)
Sa, a decrescent & a mullet within an annulet convoluted into 3
lobes, all within an annulet all Arg. (D: Ketievia Segovia de la
Noche - Jun 75?)
Sa, a demi-sun of five rays throughout, eclipsed Sa, the center ray a
Ken blade, issuant within & conjoined to an annulet Arg. (B:
Davy Gunn of Scotland - Oct 93) (? missing tincture of sun:
Sa, a fess & in chf a wood sorrel blossom within an annulet Arg.
(D: Washizu Isaburo Nobuhide - Apr 02)
Sa, a fess Arg scaly Az betw a chest & a ring of keys Arg. (D:
Germaine Jambert lInnocente - Sep 97)
Sa, a fir tree within roundels conjoined in annulo Arg. (D: Eric of
Eisental - Aug 99)
Sa, a horse ramp within an annulet, on a mount Arg, a thistle
slipped & leaved Sa distilling 2 goutes Gu. (D: Rovena of Br
Lith - Oct 98)
Sa, a Japanese tapir sejant, head raised, within an annulet Arg. (B:
Symond Bayard le Gris - Oct 86) (For Kameyama
Sa, a kuwagata helm crest Arg & in chf a plate charged with the
kanji "tomo" ("friend") Sa, all within an annulet Arg. (B:
Nakagawa no Ienobu - May 84) (For Clan Nigawa)
Sa, a Maltese cross within an annulet within & conjoined to a
compass star voided, all within a bordurelet Arg. (D: Alacidar
of the Towers of the Morning - Feb 81)

6 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Annulet - 1 - Argent (continued)

Sa, a rams skull cabossed environed of an annulet rayonnee Arg.

(D: Morgan Argante Elandris of Cantref Gwaelon - Aug 79)
Sa, a tongue of flame Gu, fimbriated, within an annulet sundered in
chf Arg. (B: George of Port Kar - May 86)
Sa, a tower betw in demi-annulo five estoiles, all within an annulet
Arg. (B: Chimene des Cinq Tours - Oct 80)
Sa, a winged goat courant, wings elevated & addorsed, within an
annulet voided Arg. (D: Ysabeth of Weemyss - Oct 83)
Sa, a wyvern passant to sin within an annulet Arg. (B: Elspeth
Gunn of Strathmore - Apr 82)
Sa, an annulet surmounted by 3 crescents in pall, horns outward, all
within a bord Arg. (D: William Ranulf le Broc - Mar 89)
Sa, an annulet surmounted by 3 dragons claws in pall conjoined at
the tips Arg. (D: Minowara Kiritsubo - Dec 06)
Sa, an annulet surmounted by 3 dragons claws in pall conjoined at
the tips Arg betw, as an augmentation, in pale in annulo an
Oriental dragon passant to sin & another passant inv & in fess
2 coronets Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Minowara Kiritsubo Dec 06)
Sa, an iris within an annulet, Arg. (B: Keridwen of Montrose Aug 81)
Sa, an open penannular brooch, pin to base, Arg. (B: David
MacColin - Jul 85)
Sa, betw 3 gouttes in pall inv points outward an annulet all within
an octagon voided Arg. (D: Kinokuniya Hayato - Feb 96)
Sa, in pale a trefoil within & conjoined in base to an annulet Arg &
a lion contourny Or on a chf Arg 3 increscents Gu. (D: Colin
Vargus OConnor - Jun 97)
Sa in pale the kanji "Kawa" (river) & a Japanese helmet crest
(kuwagata), within an annulet Arg. (B: Nakagawa no Ienobu Jun 86)
Sa, in salt a pen Or, quilled Arg, surmounted by a sword inv proper,
all within an annulet knotted in chf by a ligature knot Arg. (D:
Gareth of Bloodwine Gorge - Jun 80)
Sa, mullety, a cross patty sarcelled within & conjoined to an
annulet, all within a bord Arg. (D: Gwilym y Fferill o Caer
Lleuad - Feb 81)
Sa, 3 ferrets statant in pale Or within an annulet Arg. (D: John the
Artificer - Aug 90)
Sa, 2 chevronels couped counter-couched within an annulet Arg.
(D: Komura Shimitsu - Aug 76)
Vt, a chalice within an annulet betw 3 crescents Arg. (D: Etain
ingen an Aba - Oct 04)
Vt, a dragonfly bendwise within a hexagon voided Arg. (D:
Kataura Kagehira - Jan 04)
Vt, a fret couped within an annulet Arg. (D: Eleanor dAutun Sep 88)
Vt, a horse courant contourny conjoined with an annulet Arg. (B:
Scoithin mac Mhuireadhaigh - Sep 04)
Vt, a ring of 3 keys inv & on a chf Arg a coronet Az. (D: Drusilla
of Northumbria - Mar 87)
Vt, a stag ramp within an annulet Arg. (D: thelwulf Cynricson of
Stonegrave - Jan 98)
Vt, a wagon within an annulet Arg. (D: sa the Fierce - Jul 03)
Vt, an annulet Arg enflamed on the outer edge proper & a chf
engrailed Arg. (D: Julia da Brescia - Feb 08)
Vt, an annulet rayonny on the outer edge Arg & in chf a sword
fesswise proper. (D: Elffin of Mona - Mar 88)
Vt, an annulet rayonny on the outer edge Arg & in chf a sword
fesswise proper, & as an augmentation, on a chf Or a dragon
passant coward Sa ducally crowned Gu. (Augmentation of
Arms: Elffin of Mona - Jan 99)
Vt, an elm leaf in bend sin environed of a cartouche voided Arg. (B:
Eva van Oudeachterkol - Oct 86) (For Embla Willsdottir)
Vt semy-de-lys Or, a knight armed cap--pie mounted upon a horse
passant within an annulet Arg. (D: Corinne Castilla - Apr 95)
* * * End * * *

Annulet - 1 - Azure

See also: Torse

(Fieldless) A crab within & conjoined to an annulet Az. (B:
Lochmere - Mar 95)
(Fieldless) A cross of 4 lozenges Or within & conjoined to an
annulet Az. (B: Margherita da Fiorenza - Jul 07)
(Tinctureless) A kraken environed of an annulet. (Seal: Styrbjrg
Ulfethnar - Apr 82)

[Annulet - 1 - Azure] to [Annulet - 1 - Gules]

Annulet - 1 - Azure (continued)

(Fieldless) A male griffin segreant Sa, armed Or, within an annulet

Az. (B: Geoffrey Fitz Roger - Nov 87)
(Fieldless) A pale wavy within & conjoined to an annulet Az. (B:
Ansgar Otkelsson - Feb 92)
(Fieldless) A raven disp within & conjoined to an annulet Az. (B:
Isibel sveraspillir - Aug 07)
(Fieldless) A wooden tankard proper charged with a sun in
splendor Or all within & conjoined to an annulet Az. (B:
Atenveldt, Kingdom of - Jul 02) (For the Brewers Guild)
(Fieldless) An annulet Az platy. (B: Windmasters Hill - Nov 07)
(For Award of Notus)
(Fieldless) An annulet Az surmounted by an empty drop spindle
inv Arg. (B: Atlantia - Nov 07) (For Company of the Silver
(Fieldless) An estoile of five points Arg within an annulet Az. (B:
Genevra of Estolat - Aug 79)
(Fieldless) An oak tree eradicated proper within an annulet of
flame Az. (B: Rhys ap Rhodri - Jan 86)
(Fieldless) On a rose within & conjoined to an annulet Az a chalice
Arg. (B: Atlantia - Apr 01) (For the Atlantian Pages
(Fieldless) 3 passion nails fretted in triangle within an annulet Az.
(B: Anna of Argos - Apr 83)
Arg, a fleur-de-lys within an annulet, all within an orle Az. (D:
Isabeau de la Fort - May 88)
Arg, a heart enflamed to chf Gu within an annulet Az. (D:
Edmundo da Monreale - Nov 97)
Arg, a lion couchant to sin within an annulet Az charged with roses
Arg, barbed & seeded Gu. (D: Geoffrey Cathan - Nov 85)
Arg, a swan naiant Sa within an annulet Az. (D: Elspeth
Buchannane of Loch Lomond - Jan 90)
Arg, a triquetra inv Vt interlaced with an annulet Az. (D: Caillech
Dh Silvertongue - Nov 06)
Arg, a wolfs head erased Sa within an annulet Az. (B: Afanasiia
Volokhovna - May 98)
Arg, issuant from base a Bird of Paradise plant proper, overall in
base a pheon inv Or within an annulet Az. (D: Sesha ma
Tamer-t - Aug 79)
Gyronny of sixteen Arg & Sa, an annulet within a bord Az. (B:
Minamoto Genkuro Kagetane - May 04) (For Kevin of
Sentinels Keep)
Or, a hautboy fesswise, mouth to dexter, within an annulet Az. (B:
Dikran Aivazian - Oct 84)
Or, a trefoil within an annulet Az. (D: Sile Pwyllog - Jul 93)
Or, an annulet Az, overall a swan migrant palewise proper. (D:
Auberon Cirin - Nov 77?)
Per bend wavy Vt & Or, a mullet of eight points Arg & an annulet
Az. (D: Pdraig connell - Dec 85)
* * * End * * *

Annulet - 1 - Fur

See also: Torse

(Fieldless) A cross bottony within & conjoined to an annulet
erminois. (B: Ivan Mikhailovich - Oct 99)
(Tinctureless) A kraken environed of an annulet. (Seal: Styrbjrg
Ulfethnar - Apr 82)
(Dark) A mountain of 3 peaks issuant from base, the peaks in bend,
& in chf a barrulet beviled arrondi, all within an annulet. (B:
Takaguma Ishiyama no Sadomoni Bashi - Feb 81)
(Household mon)(For Clan Ishiyama)
Dark, 3 hollyhock leaves in pall inv tips to centre within & stems
conjoined to an annulet light. (B: Tokugawa - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA mn)
* * * End * * *

Annulet - 1 - Gules

See also: Torse

(Fieldless) A fleur-de-lys within & conjoined to an annulet Gu. (B:
Jacqueline de Lyons - Mar 00)
(Tinctureless) A kraken environed of an annulet. (Seal: Styrbjrg
Ulfethnar - Apr 82)
(Fieldless) A lion ramp contourny within & conjoined to an annulet
Gu. (B: Jacqueline de Lyons - Dec 95)
(Fieldless) An annulet fretted with a Bowen knot Gu. (B: Ragnar
Torbjrn - Jun 90)

Annulet - 1 - Gules (continued)

(Fieldless) An annulet Gu & overall a thorn branch bendwise sin

blasted & fructed Arg. (B: Yin Mei Li - Oct 01) (For
Whitethorne Manor)(JB: Marie Lorraine de Montclair)
(Fieldless) An annulet Gu, overall a sword winged at the quillions
inv Arg. (B: Michael Brangwyn - Dec 00)
(Fieldless) An annulet Gu platy. (B: Windmasters Hill - Nov 07)
(Fieldless) An annulet of flame Gu. (B: Wiesenfeuer - Jun 08)
(Fieldless) 4 armored legs Sa issuant in salt from a drum, the legs
within & conjoined to an annulet Gu. (B: Taichleach Selwyn Mar 93)
(Fieldless) On a compass star within & conjoined to an annulet Gu
a cross bottony Arg. (B: Dun Carraig - May 00)
(Fieldless) 2 arrows crossed in salt within & conjoined to an
annulet Gu. (B: Chinua Temur - Jan 05)
Arg, a bend Gu enfiled of an annulet Sa. (D: Thomas Wolfgame
von Lauer - Jan 74?)
Arg, a hawk volant within an annulet, both Gu. (D: Thorvald inn
Grimmi - Jan 74?)
Arg, a lizard tergiant fesswise within an annulet of flame Gu,
overall a sword palewise inv Sa. (D: Erik mac Donnachaidh Mar 89)
Arg, a lotus in profile Purp within an annulet, embat on the outside,
Gu, betw in chf 2 falcons close aspectant Az. (D: Zubayda of
Blackthorn - Apr 88)
Arg, a mug Sa charged with a sword Or, within an annulet within a
bord Gu. (D: Howard of Redstone - Mar 83)
Arg, a mullet within an annulet Gu. (D: Ida Haroldsdottir Apr 01)
Arg, a tigers pawprint within an annulet Gu. (D: Kita Jirou
Toramasa - Apr 04)
Arg, a triquetra Purp interlaced with an annulet, a bord wavy Gu.
(D: Fne Binnech - Sep 04)
Arg, a wolf statant erect contourny reguardant Sa, breathing flames
& sustaining a finger ring Gu, gemmed Az. (D: Sofiye
Darkhawk - Jul 92)
Arg, an annulet fretted with a Bowen knot Gu. (D: Ragnar
Torbjrn - Jun 91)
Arg, 3 torii, tops to center, within & conjoined to an annulet Gu.
(D: Shinomoto Yoshinaga - Dec 92)
Barry dancetty & paly Az & Arg, an annulet & on a chf Gu in sin a
sword hilt inv with blade stub Arg. (D: Giulianno Giovanni
Lapcevic - Aug 81)
Erminois, 3 maple leaves, one & 2, within an annulet Gu. (D:
Denis of Maplewood - Jul 86)
Gu, on a sun Or 3 bendlets & 3 bendlets sin, all enarched, within &
conjoined to an annulet Gu. (B: Kyrgyzstan - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Or, a rabbit salient Purp within an annulet Gu. (D: Signy
Brandadottir - Dec 90)
Or, a sword Sa piercing an annulet Gu maintained by 2 griffins
passant aspectant Az. (D: Rhiannon Dragonsword of the
Mystic Woods - May 88)
Or, a 2-tailed scorpion tergiant fesswise within an annulet Gu. (D:
Burdun the Quester - Sep 87)
Or, a wolf passant Vt within an annulet Gu. (D: Faolan mac Aodh Nov 04)
Or, billetty Sa, an annulet & a chf Gu. (D: Steffan Wolfgang von
Ravensburg - May 90)
Or chap Gu, 4 armored legs Sa issuant in salt from a drum, the legs
within & conjoined to an annulet Gu. (D: Taichleach Selwyn Mar 93)
Per bend sin Arg, goutt de larmes, & Az, a sword Or enfiled with
an annulet Gu. (D: Marika NicLachlainne na Gunn - Jan 81)
Per fess wavy Or & Az, issuant from the line of division a trefoil Az
within a demi-annulet flammant Gu. (D: Erinn of Lemati Aug 79?)
Per pale Arg & Sa, on a torteau a roundel ctrch of the field, a bord
Gu. (D: Giovanni di Gregorio - Aug 95)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a chev inv ctrch & in chf an annulet engrailed on
the outer edge Gu. (D: Madog ab Emrys - Jan 86)
Per pale Or & Arg, in pale a crow disp head to sin Sa perched atop
an annulet Gu. (D: Ashley Little - Aug 05)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 3 fir trees in fess ctrch, overall an annulet Gu.
(D: Gideon of the Silverwood - Feb 88)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 7

[Annulet - 1 - Gules] to [Annulet - 1 - Or]

Annulet - 1 - Gules (continued)

Sa, an annulet Gu enflamed within & without betw 3 mullets of 4

points Or. (D: Hida Korin - Oct 83)
* * * End * * *

Annulet - 1 - Multicolor

See also: Torse

(Fieldless) A butterfly per salt Az & Sa within & conjoined to an
annulet per salt Sa & Az. (B: Isabeau della Farfalla Nov 04)
(Fieldless) A compass star gyronny Or & Gu within & conjoined to
an annulet quarterly Or & Gu. (B: Red Lrien of Oak River Nov 00)
(Fieldless) A double-headed eagle per pale Az & Arg within &
conjoined to an annulet per pale Arg & Az. (B: John the
Pursuwer - Dec 97)
(Fieldless) A dragons claw inv Sa within & conjoined to an
annulet per pale Or & Gu. (B: Drachenwald - Sep 02) (For
the Order of the Companions of Albion)
(Fieldless) A jocelyn wreathed Or & Vt with six bells Or. (B:
Nottinghill Coill - Nov 94) (For Order of the Coills Bells)
(Tinctureless) A kraken environed of an annulet. (Seal: Styrbjrg
Ulfethnar - Apr 82)
(Fieldless) A snake in annulo lozengy Vt & Or. (B: An Crosaire Mar 08) (For Ordo Torquis)
(Fieldless) A sun in his splendour within & conjoined to an annulet
quarterly Or & Sa. (B: Artemisia - May 03) (For Order of
the Golden Sun in Splendour)
(Fieldless) A tower within an annulet per pale Gu & Arg. (B:
Artan macAiln - Feb 91)
(Fieldless) An annulet checky Az & Arg fimbriated Gu pendant
therefrom five hawks bells Or. (B: Atenveldt, Barony of Mar 07) (For the Order of the Dogs Jambe)
(Fieldless) An annulet per pale Gu & Az, overall a cranes head
couped Arg. (B: Enoch Crandall mac Cranon - Nov 91)
(Fieldless) On a compass star elongated to base per pale Sa & Arg
within & conjoined to an annulet gyronny Sa & Arg a tower
Or. (B: Tobias of Emerickeskepe - Apr 98) (For House
Arg, a gore sin Az, overall an annulet ctrch. (D: Aceline Barrett of
Seven Oaks - Jul 81)
Counter-ermine, a sun in splendor Or within an annulet wreathed Or
& Gu. (D: Oshima Kinuneko - Feb 85)
(Dark) A mountain of 3 peaks issuant from base, the peaks in bend,
& in chf a barrulet beviled arrondi, all within an annulet. (B:
Takaguma Ishiyama no Sadomoni Bashi - Feb 81)
(Household mon)(For Clan Ishiyama)
Dark, 3 hollyhock leaves in pall inv tips to centre within & stems
conjoined to an annulet light. (B: Tokugawa - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA mn)
Or, a blasted tree eradicated Sa enfiled of a ring of flames proper.
(D: Adela of the Fiery Woods - Nov 82)
Or, a sprig of holly fructed proper within an annulet wreathed Arg
& Gu conjoined to 4 hawks bells in cross Gu. (D: Jocelyn
Holyer - Aug 85)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, an annulet within & conjoined to 4 pheons
in salt, barbs outward, all ctrch. (D: Hans Orwig - Aug 88)
Per bend sin Gu & Or, an annulet rayonny without ctrch, overall a
stag springing, head & forelegs lowered, proper. (D: Warumer
oFarren - Nov 80)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, in bend an annulet betw 2 trees ctrch. (B:
Cailean Bane McDougall - Feb 96)
Per bend sin wavy Az & Arg, in annulo a lizard tergiant Arg & a
lizard tergiant Az all within an annulet ctrch. (D: Toms mac
Caoil - Oct 07)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a lion dormant within an annulet ctrch. (D:
Alysaundra ferch Llewelyn - Oct 85)
Per chev Arg & Az, in chf 2 quills & in base an ankh within an
annulet ctrch. (D: Rosemary the Nightingale - Jun 83)
Per chev Sa & Arg, an annulet within an orle ctrch. (D: Jessica
Tanhuser - Feb 92)
Per fess Sa & Arg, an annulet betw 2 bars dancetty ctrch. (D:
Fionnghuala Leasa na Linne - Apr 89)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 anoles tergiant palewise respectant Vt & Arg
& an annulet ctrch. (D: Donella Chameleon - Oct 81)
Per pale Az & Arg, a serpent involved ctrch & a point pointed Sa.
(D: Bjarki Bjornlfsson - Jan 08)
8 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Annulet - 1 - Multicolor (continued)

Per pale Az & Arg, on an annulet 4 towers in cross ctrch. (B: Kevin
of Thornbury - Feb 04)
Per pale Az & Or, an annulet within a bord embat ctrch. (D:
Richard Wyn - Aug 02)
Per pale Or & Sa, a goats head cabossed within an annulet, both
ctrch. (D: Solomon the Black Wizard - Aug 71?)
Per pale Or & Vt, a serpent involved betw 3 cups ctrch. (D: Cian
Fitzwalter - Feb 04)
Per pale Or & Vt, a vol & in chf an annulet ctrch. (D: Angelo Paolo
Cavelli - Sep 02)
Per pale Sa & Or, an annulet voided ctrch. (D: Michael OBrien Jan 07)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a cross flory within an annulet charged with 4
hearts in cross, all ctrch. (D: Christiana Leigh - Mar 93)
Per salt Purp & Arg, an annulet ctrch. (B: Marcus Christian Mar 06) (JB: Jehanne Chrestienne)
Per salt Sa & Or, a serpent involved ctrch. (B: Giovanni Basilio de
Castronovo - Oct 02)
Quarterly erminois & Vt, an annulet quarterly Sa & Arg. (D:
Geoffrey the Younger - May 04)
Quarterly Sa & Vt, an annulet betw 4 fleurs-de-lys within a bord all
ctrch Arg & Or. (D: Perrin le Blanc - Jan 05)
Sa, a bear ramp to sin Arg within an annulet gyronny Arg & Az. (B:
Llwyd Emrys - Jan 90) (For House Whitebear)
* * * End * * *

Annulet - 1 - Or

See also: Torse

(Fieldless) A bee within & conjoined to an annulet Or. (B: Marion
Glen - Mar 04)
(Fieldless) A Bowen knot braced with an annulet Or. (B: Borhe
Olafs - Oct 93)
(Fieldless) A butterfly within & conjoined to an annulet Or. (B:
Rosalia di Bellavita - Feb 03)
(Fieldless) A double-bitted axe within & conjoined to an annulet
Or. (B: Neil Greenstone - Jul 92)
(Fieldless) A flame proper within & conjoined at the base to a
serpent involved Or. (B: Ysabeau Anais Roussot du Lioncourt
- Oct 04) (For Chateau Flammel)
(Fieldless) A fleur-de-lys within & conjoined to an annulet of chain
Or. (B: Christopher Rawlyns - Feb 03)
(Fieldless) A galleon Sa, sailed Gu, within & conjoined to a gem
ring Or, gemmed Vt. (B: Angela Sara Mara Daz de Valds Aug 93)
(Tinctureless) A kraken environed of an annulet. (Seal: Styrbjrg
Ulfethnar - Apr 82)
(Fieldless) A lion dormant Arg within & conjoined to a wingless
dragon involved head to chf Or. (B: Rowen the Shiftless Oct 01)
(Fieldless) A lion ramp contourny Or maintaining a goblet & a
sword inv Arg, within & conjoined to an annulet Or. (B:
Alastair Ronal Kester Aeyalweard - Aug 91)
(Fieldless) A mullet of 4 points within & conjoined to an annulet
Or. (B: Darius of the Bells - Aug 03)
(Fieldless) A pheon inv within & conjoined to an annulet Or. (B:
Middle, the - Feb 98) (For Award of the Dragons Flight)
(Fieldless) A portcullis Vt debruised by an annulet Or. (B: Unser
Hafen - Feb 91) (For the Order of the Golden Ring)
(Fieldless) A ravens leg erased la quise Sa sustaining an annulet
Or. (B: Winifred Corbet de Wynterwood - Mar 96) (For the
Ravenstreet Players)
(Fieldless) A Russian thistle (tumbleweed) bush within an annulet
Or. (B: al-Barran - Feb 91) (For Order of the Russian
Thistle of al-Barran)
(Fieldless) A scorpion bendwise within an annulet Or. (B: alBarran - Feb 91) (For the Order of the Scorpion of alBarran)
(Fieldless) A scorpion statant brandishing a scimitar, within an
annulet Or. (B: al-Barran - Feb 91) (For Order of the
Scorpions Sting)
(Fieldless) A sea-lion erect per fess Or & Gu maintaining in its
dexter paw an annulet Or. (B: Aceline Barrett of Seven Oaks Nov 90)
(Fieldless) A sea-wolf within & conjoined to an annulet Or. (B:
Halldr Skaptason - Jul 91)

[Annulet - 1 - Or]

Annulet - 1 - Or (continued)

(Fieldless) A spider web within & conjoined to an annulet Or. (B:

Ronane Blackwell - Apr 02) (For House Blackwell)
(Fieldless) A stags head cabossed within & conjoined to an
annulet Or. (B: Atlantia - Nov 01) (For Company of the
Sergeants of Saint Aidan)
(Fieldless) A stags massacre within & conjoined to an annulet of
chain Or. (B: Aethelred of Andredesleage - Mar 08)
(Fieldless) A sun Gu within & interlacing with its rays an annulet
Or. (B: Frank the Illiterate Scribe - May 80)
(Fieldless) A tree within & conjoined to an annulet Or. (B:
Gyldenholt - Jan 02) (For Order of the Fort dOr)
(Fieldless) A tridents head within & conjoined to an annulet Or.
(B: Calafia - Sep 91) (For Order of the Golden Trident)
(Fieldless) A trillium Vt barbed & seeded within & conjoined to an
annulet Or. (B: Kalliera Laskarina - Jan 04)
(Fieldless) A triskelion of dragons heads within an annulet Or. (B:
Aidan Cadwaladr of Gwynedd - Jan 86)
(Fieldless) A winged unicorn segreant Arg within & conjoined to
an annulet Or. (B: Wulfran Forester - Jun 05)
(Fieldless) A wolfs head contourny Gu within & conjoined to an
annulet Or. (B: Ragnar MacHardy - Mar 99) (For Clan
(Fieldless) An annulet engrailed Or & fretted with 2 candles in salt
Arg enflamed at both ends proper. (B: Elspeth Keyf of
Neddingham - Jul 91) (For Schola Lucernae)
(Fieldless) An annulet Or debruised by a morningstar bendwise sin
Sa, hafted proper. (B: Macsen Aelian y ffyrdig - Sep 84)
(Fieldless) An annulet Or, overall a corbie Sa. (B: Teague ap
Cynan - Dec 91) (For Bardo Salvatore Corvi)
(Fieldless) An annulet Or, overall a harp Gu. (B: Teague ap Cynan
- Dec 91)
(Fieldless) An annulet Or pellety. (B: Windmasters Hill Nov 07) (For Order of Aeolus)
(Fieldless) An annulet pendent from a chain palewise enfiled of an
arrow fesswise Or. (B: Aoibheann nic Mhuirghis - Apr 95)
(Fieldless) An apple tree Arg within & conjoined to an annulet Or.
(B: Maryn Grey - Sep 98)
(Fieldless) An hourglass Purp within & conjoined to an annulet Or.
(B: Cellach Mac Faoitigh - Oct 04)
(Fieldless) An urchin within & conjoined to an annulet Or. (B:
Michael Geoffrey fitz William - Jul 05)
(Fieldless) On a glove within & conjoined to an annulet Or a mullet
Vt. (B: Lughaidh Cruitire - Jul 05)
(Fieldless) On a sun within & conjoined to an annulet Or a tower
Sa. (B: Sol Haven - Nov 07) (# sun charged)
(Fieldless) On an annulet of flame Sa an annulet Or. (B:
Wiesenfeuer - Jun 93)
(Fieldless) The Archangel Michael passant & brandishing a sword
Arg, garbed Gu, breastplate Or, within & conjoined to an
annulet indented on the inner edge Or. (B: Mikola Kazimir Jan 95)
(Fieldless) 3 arrowheads conjoined in pall inv, points to center,
within & conjoined to an annulet Or. (B: West, the - Dec 96)
(Fieldless) 3 thistles conjoined in pall inv bases to center proper
within & conjoined to an annulet Or. (B: Isabel du Lac dAzur
- Aug 01)
(Fieldless) 2 stalks of barley in salt within & conjoined to an
annulet Or. (B: Edric Longfellow - Aug 03)
Az, a Bowen knot crosswise braced with an annulet within a bord
Or. (D: Fergus OFey - Sep 01)
Az, a bulls skull affronty Arg within a serpent involved Or. (D:
Orm the Wanderer - Sep 03)
Az, a candle enflamed within an annulet Or. (B: Cariadoc of the
Bow - Aug 89)
Az, a chamfron within an annulet Or. (B: Mina Fioravanti Jun 06)
Az, a cross formy within & conjoined to an annulet Or. (D:
Johanna aff Hucka - Dec 00)
Az, a demi-pegasus Arg within an annulet Or. (D: Tamesin the
Catfooted - Feb 88)
Az, a hippogriff segreant within an annulet rayonny on the outer
edge Or & in chf 2 quill pens inv in chev Arg. (D: Micheal
mac Tomas - May 87)
Az, a salt voided Arg, overall an annulet Or. (D: Marcus Bruce de
Maccusweil - Sep 90)

Annulet - 1 - Or (continued)

Az, a sword proper, winged Arg enfiling an annulet Or, in chf 2

fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Sylvana Evelune de Aneslea - Jul 97)
Az, a Thors hammer Arg within an annulet Or charged with eight
mullets of eight points Az. (D: Bjorn Eirksson - May 03)
Az, a winged annulet, wings inv, on a chf wavy Or an arrow wavy,
point to dexter, Sa, flighted Az. (D: Randal Pace the Mistaken
- Jun 86)
Az, a winged lioness passant contourny reguardant within an
annulet Or. (D: Deborah FitzWilliam - Dec 95)
Az, an annulet engrailed Or surmounted by a sewing needle
bendwise Arg. (D: Kristen de Kennett - Nov 90)
Az, an annulet surmounted by a mullet of 4 points, all within a bord
embat Or. (B: Richard dAndrade - Mar 89)
Az, an anvil Arg within an annulet, all betw 3 annulets Or. (D:
Tomas the Lapidary - May 88)
Az, an elm tree eradicated Or within an annulet Arg within a bord
pean. (D: Rhodri ap Elydyr of Killanin - Jul 81)
Az, in salt 4 triquetras Arg, points to center, within an annulet Or.
(B: Turgeis Hakonsson - Apr 08) (JB: Sunniva Kyrre)
Az, on a plate within an annulet Or, an ermine spot Gu. (B:
Naevehjem - Dec 92)
Az, 2 sea-dogs combattant within an annulet of rope Or. (B:
William MacArthur - Sep 03)
Az, within a roundel engrailed & voided of the field betw 4 mullets
2 & 2, a decrescent Or. (D: Deborah of Llyr - Jan 73?)
(Dark) A mountain of 3 peaks issuant from base, the peaks in bend,
& in chf a barrulet beviled arrondi, all within an annulet. (B:
Takaguma Ishiyama no Sadomoni Bashi - Feb 81)
(Household mon)(For Clan Ishiyama)
Dark, 3 hollyhock leaves in pall inv tips to centre within & stems
conjoined to an annulet light. (B: Tokugawa - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA mn)
Ermine, above a mount Vt a penannular brooch, tongue pendant,
Or. (D: Debrangal Greyheart - Jan 73?)
Gu, a cross fleury within an annulet Or. (D: Stephen of Hunmanby
- Jan 05)
Gu, a cross parted & fretted Arg interlaced with an annulet Or,
overall a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Iron Wood Loch - Jun 95)
Gu, a cross throughout parted & fretted Arg interlaced with an
annulet Or. (B: Iron Wood Loch - Aug 02)
Gu, a dolphin embowed Arg naiant through an annulet Or. (B: Far
West, the - Apr 89)
Gu, a dragons head couped contourny within an annulet Or. (D:
Kelan McBride of Arainn - Mar 92)
Gu, a horse ramp to sin within an annulet Or. (D: Eachann na
Beinne Lithe - Oct 93)
Gu, a hound sejant Arg within an annulet Or. (B: Louise de La
Mare - Jan 06)
Gu, a penannular brooch opening to the sin, the pin bendwise sin,
within an orle of 3 strands plaited clockwise Or. (D: Daviel
Reshechai - Sep 80)
Gu, an annulet within a bord embat Or. (D: Bran of Lochiel Feb 91)
Gu, atop a skull Arg a dragons claw inv erased, all within an
annulet Or. (D: Jeffrey Walther - Jan 97)
Gu estencely, an annulet Or. (D: Jehanne Chrestienne - May 03)
Gu, on a plate within an annulet Or, an ermine spot Gu. (B:
Naevehjem - Dec 92)
Gu, 2 rapiers in salt Arg within an annulet Or. (B: Middle, the May 00) (For the Order of the Bronze Ring)
Gyronny of fourteen Az & Arg, a lozenge Or within an annulet Or
estoily Az. (D: Aldeyn von Ltringen - Jul 91)
Gyronny of six Gu & Az, a reremouse disp within an annulet
enflamed Or. (B: Eric of Telemark - May 85)
Gyronny Sa & Gu, a rams head erased affronty within an annulet
Or. (D: Gerald Grimmwald of Bavaria - May 86)
Per bend Az, & Gu semy of oak leaves, in sin chf a trefoil knot
interlaced with an annulet Or. (D: Fiachra mac Domhnaill May 04)
Per bend sin Az & Gu semy of pheons Or, in dexter chf a natural
tiger ramp contourny Arg striped Sa, as an augmentation
maintaining betw both paws an annulet Or. (Augmentation of
Arms: Anne Geoffreys of Warwick - Feb 00)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a horses head couped contourny within an
annulet Or. (D: Bethia de la Birche - Jan 95)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 9

[Annulet - 1 - Or]

Annulet - 1 - Or (continued)

Per bend sin Gu & Sa, an annulet within a bord Or. (B: Samuel of
Ealdormere - Jul 06)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, 4 lozenges conjoined in cross within &
conjoined to an annulet Or. (D: Malachi Delacot - Aug 85)
Per bend sin Purp & Or, an annulet & a horse salient ctrch. (D:
Faoiltiarn of Loughrea - Mar 99)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, a trillium Arg barbed & seeded within &
conjoined to an annulet Or. (D: Kalliera Laskarina - Jan 04)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, a triquetra within & conjoined to an annulet
Or, & a swan disp facing sin Sa, all within an orle of ivy ctrch.
(D: Meadhbh OComin a Corca Laoidhe - Jun 92)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a phoenix within an annulet Or. (D: Clare de
Schirle - Jan 94)
Per chev Arg & Az, in pale a stag courant proper & a cross formy
within & conjoined to an annulet Or. (D: Brid nic Sharlais Dec 88)
Per chev inv Gu & Arg, a chev inv ctrch, in chf a celtic triquetrum
brooch Or. (D: Kara of Golden Rivers - Aug 90)
Per chev Sa & Vt, an annulet Or betw 3 towers Arg. (D: Torquil
MacGillavrey - Sep 03)
Per chev throughout Gu & Az, a chev throughout & in base an
annulet Or. (D: Catherine Greyeyes - Jul 85)
Per fess Az goutty deau & Vt, a fess indented to chf in base an
annulet Or. (B: Endless Hills - Aug 99)
Per fess embat Vt & Or, in chf a torque, opening to chf, Or. (D:
Weyland OFaolin - Jan 90)
Per fess Or & Vt, 2 griffins segreant & an annulet ctrch, all within a
bord counter-ermine. (D: Cipriano de Alvarez - Mar 81)
Per fess Vt & Sa, a fess betw 2 dragons heads erased addorsed Arg
& an annulet Or. (D: Christian MacLellan - Apr 05)
Per fess wavy Sa, mulletty Arg & barry wavy Arg & Az, in base an
annulet Or. (D: Cristiaern Nichulasson - Nov 89) (reregistered 9001K)
Per pale Arg & Vt, 2 chevronels braced Sa & in chf an annulet Or.
(B: Dubhn Mac Thomais - Oct 95)
Per pale Arg ermined Purp & Purp, an annulet Or. (D: Vladimir
Vitalievich Volkov - Apr 97)
Per pale Az & Gu, a smiths hammer Arg within an annulet Or. (D:
Peter of the Golden Isles - Feb 82)
Per pale Az & Sa, issuant from the line of division a compass star
throughout conjoined to a demi-annulet, all within a bord Or.
(B: Shadowlands, the - Mar 90)
Per pale Az & Sa, issuant from the line of division a demi-compass
star & a demi-annulet, in base a laurel wreath Or. (D:
Shadowlands, the - May 80)
Per pale Gu & Arg, in pale a chevronel couped palewise & 2
crosses patty ctrch, as an augmentation, on an escutcheon Az,
2 bears passant erect addorsed reguardant Arg, each
maintaining a berdiche proper, in base an annulet Or.
(Augmentation of Arms: Jan w Orzeldom - Dec 93)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a bird migrant within a serpent involved Or all
within an orle Arg. (D: Styrr lfsson - Nov 01)
Per pale Purp & Or, a catamount salient Arg maintaining an annulet
Or, in chf 2 tankards ctrch. (D: Sigridr Thorbjarnardottir Apr 99)
Per pale Purp & Vt, an annulet & a pair of wings conjoined in pale
Or. (D: Angele Plaisance - Apr 97)
Per pale Sa & Az, a gout fesswise within an annulet Or. (B:
Antonin Malyi Barsukov - Oct 92)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a serpent involved in annulo Or. (D: Alexander le
Browere - Jul 01)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a ring of 3 keys Or. (D: Viljalempi Talventytr Jul 96)
Per salt Arg & Vt, in pale a spider inv & a spider Sa, maintaining
betw them an annulet Or, within a bord engrailed Sa. (D: Isa
Fialka Ziska - Jan 91)
Per salt Az & Purp, a salt interlaced with an annulet Or. (D:
Fionnghuala inghean mhic Oitir - May 05)
Per salt Sa & Az, within an annulet Or a mullet of 4 points Arg,
ridged Sa. (D: Brenn of Armagh - Jul 74)
Per salt Sa & Gu, an annulet & a chf Or. (D: Abner Plunkett Feb 94)
Purp, a pegasus segreant within an annulet Or. (D: Ariana
Montgomery - Feb 92)
Purp, a sin arm embowed aversant Arg sustaining an annulet Or, a
chf embat Arg. (D: Quentyn Siobhn Riordin - Feb 05)
10 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Annulet - 1 - Or (continued)

Purp, a unicorn couchant within an annulet within a bord rayonny

Or. (D: Ulrica Bronwyn - Feb 85)
Purp, an edelweiss Arg seeded within an annulet Or. (D: Dulcinea
von Pfeffers - Jan 93)
Purp, an increscent Arg within an annulet, a bord Or. (D: Beatrice
of Hamtunscir - Nov 00)
Purp, on a plate within an annulet Or, an ermine spot Gu. (B:
Naevehjem - Dec 92)
Quarterly Az & Gu, a chalice within an annulet Or. (D: Judith of
Osborn - Sep 86)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, an annulet Or charged in salt with 4 mullets of
4 points ctrch. (D: Alfreada of the Lake - Mar 86)
Quarterly Purp & Vt, an annulet Or fretted with 2 swords inv in salt
proper. (D: Ferrante La Volpe - Sep 97)
Quarterly Vt & Purp, a cross parted & fretted with an annulet Or.
(D: Ceinwen Haele Cynwyth - Mar 87)
Quarterly Vt & Sa, a triquetra inv interlaced with an annulet Or. (D:
Thaddeus Blayney - Oct 06)
Sa, a bears head couped affronty within an annulet Or. (D: Tesui
Takeda - Jul 79?)
Sa, a bend Az fimbriated Arg betw a mullet of seven points & an
annulet Or. (D: Shaylan Issac - Feb 81)
Sa, a bend sin Or cottised Arg, & in dexter chf a compass star Arg
within an annulet Or. (D: Corwin of Lincoln - Nov 84)
Sa, a Bowen knot braced with an annulet Or. (D: Borhe Olafs Oct 93)
Sa, a drakkar Or sailed Arg within a snake involved in annulo Or.
(D: Ulric Wulfricson - Feb 06)
Sa, a griffin segreant within an annulet Or. (D: Gordon Rede Oct 96)
Sa, a monkey sejant erect affronty, in chf an annulet Or. (B: Kyra
Kai ferch Madoc - Dec 00)
Sa, a square anvil within an annulet Or. (D: Balin the Fairhaired Jan 73?)
Sa, a sun in splendor within an annulet Or all within a vol Arg. (D:
Fulke Grim - Jul 01)
Sa, a trefoil within & conjoined at the base to an annulet all within a
double-tressure Or. (D: Dinaris the Wanderer - Jun 86)
Sa, a triskele within an annulet Or. (B: Darius Xavier Drake Jun 04)
Sa, an annulet within & maintained by 2 dragons in annulo, wings
disp, each biting the others tail, all within a laurel wreath Or.
(D: Dragouns Weal - Sep 83)
Sa, an ermine spot within an annulet, all within a bord Or. (B:
Caryl de Trecesson - Dec 84)
Sa, in bend sin an annulet Or betw 2 bend cotices wavy betw a dove
volant fesswise Arg, maintaining in its beak an olive branch
proper, & a battleaxe bendwise Arg, hafted Or. (D: Rhora
Goldring - Mar 81)
Sa, on a plate within an annulet Or, an ermine spot Gu. (B:
Naevehjem - Nov 89) (For the Naevehjem Elite Military
Sa, on an annulet of flame Or a laurel wreath Vt, a base of flame
proper. (D: Wiesenfeuer - Jun 93)
Sa, 3 Bowen knots Arg within a serpent involved head to base Or.
(D: Bjorn Arnaldsson - Jan 05)
Vt, a chev inv ermine, in chf a lynx passant contourny guardant Arg
maintaining an annulet Or. (D: Philippa la Blanche - Jul 93)
Vt, a compass star within & conjoined to an annulet, & on a chf Or
3 shamrocks Vt. (D: Egan C Chaille - Feb 96)
Vt, a cross fleury throughout betw in bend a lymphad, sails furled,
& a torque Or. (D: Gwennan Caoilfhionn n Chonnaill Dec 83)
Vt, a goose holding in its beak an open scroll Arg, within a laurel
wreath, in chf an annulet Or. (D: Saint Cecilia - Sep 92)
Vt, a hawthorne blossom Arg within an annulet Or. (D: Julia of
Candleshoe - Jun 90)
Vt, a ring of 3 keys within a bord Or. (B: An Tir - Mar 86) (For
the Chatelaine)
Vt, a rooster Arg within an annulet Or. (D: Brandr of Atenveldt Nov 07)
Vt, a stump eradicated proper within an annulet Or. (B: Selva of the
Treeless Plain - Nov 81)
Vt, an acorn Arg within an annulet rayonny counter-rayonny Or, a
chf wavy barry wavy Az & Arg. (D: Silvija the Landlady Dec 90)

[Annulet - 1 - Or] to [Annulet - 1 - Sable]

Annulet - 1 - Or (continued)

Vt, an annulet Or surmounted by a crane statant in its vigilance to

sin, wings disp, Arg, in chf 2 laurel wreaths Or. (D: Fenwood
Knoll - May 91)
Vt, an annulet Or within a bord counter-compony Vt & Or. (D:
Altea di Firenze - Dec 93)
Vt, an owl disp ermine & in base an annulet Or. (D: Anders
Botman - May 03)
Vt, 4 oak leaves conjoined in cross & fructed within & conjoined to
an annulet in chf 3 harps Or. (D: Alill Mac Bard de Kermichel
- Apr 97)
Vt, in bend 2 inescutcheons Arg, at the honor point an annulet Or.
(D: Siegfried das Wiltekind - Oct 82)
Vt, in pale a portcullis & an annulet, within an orle of grain heads
Or. (B: Unser Hafen - Feb 97) (For the Order of the Corona
Graminea of Unser Hafen)
Vt, in salt a quillonless sword & a single-bitted axe, both Arg,
surmounted at the cross by an annulet Or. (D: Bjarni de
Eorlingas - Jul 74?)
Vt, on a plate within an annulet Or, an ermine spot Gu. (B:
Naevehjem - Dec 92)
Vt, on an annulet Or, seven torteaux & on a chf dovetailed Or, a slip
of oak fesswise, leaved & fructed, proper. (D: Rhydderch the
Hunter - May 87)
Vt, 3 ivy leaves conjoined in pall inv within an annulet betw 3
shamrocks & in chf a label dovetailed of five points Or. (D:
Daniel Cileachair - Oct 02)
Vt, 2 crab apple leaves inv, stems in salt Arg, within an annulet Or.
(D: Gytha Hakonardottir - May 88)
* * * End * * *

Annulet - 1 - Purpure

See also: Torse

(Fieldless) A goblet Or supported by 2 vested cubit arms in chev
inv within & issuant from an annulet Purp. (B: Carol of Tour
dYvoire - Aug 92)
(Tinctureless) A kraken environed of an annulet. (Seal: Styrbjrg
Ulfethnar - Apr 82)
(Fieldless) An annulet Purp. (B: Margherita Alessia - Sep 04)
(Fieldless) An enfield ramp within & conjoined to an annulet Purp
maintaining in its sin talon a mask of comedy Arg. (B:
Morfydd ferch Bronwen - Feb 06) (For House of the White
Arg, a cross doubly parted & fretted Vt interlaced with an annulet
Purp, within & conjoined to an annulet Vt. (B: Seonaid of
Nairn - Sep 92)
Arg, a tree blasted couped within & conjoined to an annulet, all
betw 4 roundels in cross Purp. (D: lina Vestrlnd - Dec 04)
Arg, a wingless dragon dormant involved in annulo Purp & on a chf
Gu 3 pheons inv Arg. (D: Evelyn Macrae - Feb 02)
Arg, on a linden leaf Vt within an annulet Purp a German fraktur
capital letter "L" Arg. (B: Karl von Lindenheim - Apr 07)
Ermine, a sword inv Sa enfiled by an annulet Purp. (B: Siegfried
von Halsstern - Jan 90) (For House Full Circle)
Or, a cross parted & interlaced with an annulet Purp betw in chf 2
compass stars, their greater points wavy, Az. (D: Mara
Marguerite of House Morningstar - Dec 82)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, a mullet voided & conjoined to an annulet
Purp, & a sword bendwise sin Or, a chf Sa. (D: Robert of
Pembroke - Jan 85)
* * * End * * *

Annulet - 1 - Sable

See also: Torse

(Fieldless) A compass star dismembered of eight passion nails,
points outward, within an annulet Sa. (B: Astrid Ragnarsdottir
av Arvika - Oct 81) (For House Thrymheim)
(Fieldless) A compass star per pale Arg & Gu, within & conjoined
to an annulet Sa. (B: Cnut Ragnarsson - Feb 98)
(Fieldless) A cross flory Gu within & conjoined to an annulet Sa.
(B: Cathyn Fitzgerald - Apr 04)
(Fieldless) A delf Or within & conjoined to an annulet Sa. (B:
Hernando Herodes Montenegro de Mondragon - Jan 93)
(Fieldless) A dragonfly within & conjoined to an annulet Sa. (B:
Caterina Amiranda della Quercia - Jul 06)

Annulet - 1 - Sable (continued)

(Fieldless) A hawk striking to sin maintaining in its talons a

compass star all within & conjoined to an annulet Sa. (B:
Ricart Berenguer Falcn - Oct 04)
(Fieldless) A horse courant contourny within & conjoined to an
annulet Sa. (B: Scoithin mac Mhuireadhaigh - Sep 04)
(Tinctureless) A kraken environed of an annulet. (Seal: Styrbjrg
Ulfethnar - Apr 82)
(Fieldless) A lozenge within & conjoined to an annulet Sa. (B:
lfra Long - Jun 02)
(Fieldless) A mullet of six points voided & interlaced within &
conjoined to a serpent involved Sa. (B: Tamlin Mac Gryhme
of Westray - Jul 04)
(Fieldless) A pheon Or within & conjoined to an annulet Sa. (B:
Ragnar MacHardy - Oct 99)
(Fieldless) A raven close to sin within on an annulet Sa an annulet
Or. (B: Dubhgall McAllestyr - Feb 86)
(Fieldless) A reindeer passant within & conjoined to an annulet Sa.
(B: scwynne t Bodanhamme - Apr 06) (For Nadezhda
Petrova Stoianova)
(Fieldless) A rose Sa, barbed & seeded proper, within an annulet
Sa. (B: Aliskye MacKyven Raizel - Oct 82)
(Fieldless) A rowan branch Arg fructed Gu within & conjoined to
an annulet Sa. (B: Angharad verch Rhuawn - Feb 92)
(Fieldless) A sheep ramp within an annulet Sa. (B: Jonathan de
Laney - May 83)
(Fieldless) A tower Sa within & conjoined to an annulet Sa mullety
Or. (B: Artemisia - May 03) (For Order of the Defenders of
the Citadel)
(Fieldless) A wolfs head couped & ululant within an annulet Sa.
(B: Scannlach Faolsctha - Jul 89)
(Fieldless) An annulet Sa surmounted by a sword inv Arg. (B:
Bran Trefonin - Nov 91)
(Fieldless) In dexter 2 chevronels surmounted by in sin a chevronel
all within an annulet Sa. (B: Anlieplic Dn - Dec 81)
(Fieldless) On a pile inv within & issuant from an annulet Sa, in
base a mullet of eight points Arg. (B: Mons Tonitrus Nov 00)
(Fieldless) On a tankard Arg within & conjoined to an annulet an
anchor Sa. (B: Juan Alonso de la Vega - Nov 06)
(Fieldless) On an annulet of flame Sa an annulet Or. (B:
Wiesenfeuer - Jun 93)
(Fieldless) 3 bendlets wavy Az within & conjoined to an annulet
Sa. (B: Lyndhaven - Jan 03)
Arg, a compass star Gu within an annulet Sa. (B: Paul of Bellatrix Jun 88)
Arg, a cross parted & fretted Gu interlaced with an annulet Sa. (B:
Jasper Greensmith of the Seagirt Glen - Mar 84)
Arg, a cross patty within an annulet Sa, on a chf triangular Vt a
unicorns horn inv Arg. (D: Jerilyn of Vert Silva - Jan 81)
Arg, a cross pointed raguly surmounted by an annulet Sa betw in
bend a standing balance & a goblet Gu. (D: Bartholomew
Didymus - Jun 82)
Arg, a rose Gu within an annulet of thorns Sa a bord Vt. (D: Bryne
McClellan - Aug 01)
Arg, a rose leaf within an annulet Sa. (D: Takayama Yasunaka
Uchiyasu - May 06)
Arg, a rose within an annulet embat on the inner edge Sa. (D:
Takeda Sanjuichiro Akimasa - Sep 05)
Arg, a triskelion arrondi within & conjoined to an annulet Sa betw 3
butterflies Purp. (D: Fu Ching Lan - Apr 02)
Arg, a triskelion of spirals within & conjoined to an annulet Sa &
on a chf Purp 3 ermine spots Arg. (D: Ellisif unnkrr Dec 03)
Arg, a unicornate pegasus ramp Sa, armed, crined & winged Sa,
chased Arg, within a winged annulet Sa. (D: Jayme ODarcy
of Glen Laurie - Aug 82)
Arg, an annulet fracted on the dexter side Sa. (D: Conrad
Breakring - Feb 96)
Arg, an annulet Sa betw 3 oak leaves bendwise sin Vt. (D: Osanna
Schauenengel - Jul 03)
Arg, in pall 4 cats paw prints, overall a winged annulet, all Sa. (B:
Jayme ODarcy of Glen Laurie - Aug 79) (For House of Glen
Arg, issuant from an annulet 3 Norse wolfs heads ululant, one & 2,
facing clockwise, Sa, delineated Gu. (D: Hildr lfsdttir May 82)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 11

[Annulet - 1 - Sable] to [Annulet - 2]

Annulet - 1 - Sable (continued)

Arg, the Hebrew letter "aleph" within a star of David within &
conjoined to an annulet Sa. (D: Elisheva bat Yisrael Nov 06)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, a triquetra inv Or interlaced with an annulet
Sa. (D: Duibheasa inghean Fhionnghaile - May 07)
Checky Arg & Gu, 2 griffins combattant & in base an annulet, on a
chf Sa 3 annulets Arg. (D: Regenweald Acleah Beorthram Sep 93)
Gyronny Purp & Or, an annulet Sa & on a chf Arg 3 shamrocks Vt.
(D: Haakon Thorgilsson - Mar 92)
Or, a butterfly Sa marked Or within an annulet Sa. (B: Mariposa de
los Montoyas - Feb 01)
Or, a pawprint within an annulet Sa. (B: Arthur Blackmoon Aug 07)
Or, an ermine spot within an annulet Sa. (B: Mikjal Annarbjorn Feb 85) (For Mikjalheim)
Or, betw 3 dragons statant in annulo Gu an annulet Sa. (D: Caillin
Ruadh - Feb 97)
Or, 4 arrows fretted points to chf within an annulet Sa. (B: East, the
- Feb 91) (For the Archers of the East)
Per chev Sa & Arg, a hawks head erased Arg & a cross flory
surmounted by an annulet Sa. (D: Artorius ap Caradoc May 85)
Per pale Or & Gu, a boar statant to sin ctrch within an annulet Sa.
(B: Lloyd of Penrose - Oct 07) (For House Penrose)
Per salt Or & Arg, a mullet within an annulet Sa. (B: Quentin
Sablestar - Aug 86)
Vair, an annulet interlaced with a salt, parted & fretted, Sa. (D:
Wylliam of Carterhaugh - Jul 87)
* * * End * * *

Annulet - 1 - Vert

See also: Torse

(Fieldless) A dragons tail palewise, barb to chf, within & issuant
from an annulet Vt, scaly Arg. (B: Middle, the - Feb 88)
(For the Order of the Dragons Barb)
(Tinctureless) A kraken environed of an annulet. (Seal: Styrbjrg
Ulfethnar - Apr 82)
(Fieldless) A salt couped Sa involved by a snake facing sin Vt
armed & langued Gu. (B: An Crosaire - Dec 03) (For Order
of the Cross and Serpent)
(Fieldless) A slow match Vt, enflamed proper. (B: Katherine
Throckmorton - Jul 05) (JB: Ivan Kosinski)
(Fieldless) An annulet Vt platy. (B: Windmasters Hill - Nov 07)
(For Award of Eurus)
Arg, a brown bear statant to sin proper within an annulet Vt. (D:
Pdraig Donn McMathna - Aug 93)
Arg, a bunch of grapes proper environed of a annulet Vt, betw 3
swords fracted Sa. (B: Johann von Traubenberg - Nov 90)
Arg, a cross doubly parted & fretted Vt interlaced with an annulet
Purp, within & conjoined to an annulet Vt. (B: Seonaid of
Nairn - Sep 92)
Arg, a triquetra within & conjoined to an annulet Vt. (D: Katari no
Tashi - Oct 05)
Arg, an annulet Vt, enflamed without proper. (D: John the Dragon
Protector - Feb 80)
Ermine, within a serpent-headed torc opening to chf Vt surmounted
by a sword Sa, a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Draca Mor - Jul 86)
Or, a pallet Sa enfiled with an annulet enhanced Vt. (D: Anne de
Junius - Sep 80)
Or, a serpent encircled Vt, a bord embat Az. (B: Dun Or - Mar 01)
(For L Ordre du Serpente Vert)
Or, a triskelion arrondy within an annulet, a chf Vt. (B: Deirdre
OSiodhachain - Nov 89)
Or, 2 sprigs of rosemary in salt Vt betw 4 violet blossoms Purp
seeded Or, all within an annulet Vt. (D: Catherine de Babeuf Dec 84)
Per bend sin, checky Vt & Arg, & Arg, a bend sin Gu & in base an
annulet Vt. (D: Grimric the Obnoxious - Aug 86)
Per chev Arg & Sa, in pale an annulet Vt & a goutte Or. (D: Ambra
Adriana - Jan 85)
Per fess wavy Az & Or, five gouttes 2 & 3 Arg & an annulet Vt. (D:
Elisabeth de Besanon - Jul 00)
Per salt Arg & Sa, a salt ctrch, overall an annulet Vt. (B: Marcus le
Silex - Dec 84)

12 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Annulet - 1 - Vert (continued)

Sa, an annulet Vt fimbriated Arg, overall a sword fesswise point to

sin Or. (D: Jared Alexandre Blaydeaux - May 85)
* * * End * * *

Annulet - 2

See also: Torse

(Fieldless) A hammer reversed Or handled Gu, fretted with 2
annulets interlaced in pale Arg. (B: Grimwulf Harland Nov 97)
(Fieldless) In fess 2 ovoid annulets conjunct at the smaller ends
Arg. (B: Frederick of Holland - Nov 81)
(Fieldless) 2 annulets interlaced issuant from a barrulet arched
couped, overall a quill pen palewise Sa. (B: Megara di
Alessandra - Nov 97)
(Fieldless) 2 annulets interlaced issuant from a barrulet arched
couped, overall a sword Sa. (B: Megara di Alessandra Aug 83)
Arg, in chf 2 annulets conjoined in fess within a bord Vt. (D:
Larisa Andriushkina zhena Ivanova doch - Sep 02)
Arg, in fess 2 annulets interlaced & on a chf Gu a quill pen
bendwise sin Arg. (D: Lisette de Meyners - May 99)
Arg, on a bend sin wavy Az betw 2 penannular brooches, openings
to chf, pins bendwise sin, Sa, a penannular brooch, opening to
base, bendwise sin, Arg. (D: Morgan Catriona Bruce Jan 86)
Arg, on a cross quadrate betw in chf 2 annulets Az a compass star
Arg. (D: Matthew the Ponderer - Nov 94)
Arg, 2 annulets interlaced in fess within a bord Sa. (D: Garth
McEwen the Tinker - Jan 91)
Az, a bend sin bretessed betw a horses head couped contourny
within & conjoined to an annulet & a horses head couped
within & conjoined to an annulet Arg. (D: Joel the Wanderer Dec 01)
Az, a Celtic cross Arg betw in base 2 annulets Or, a chf embat Arg.
(D: Patric of Blackthorn - Oct 99)
Az, a centaur passant guardant maintaining in each hand an annulet
Or, a chf indented Arg. (D: Anne Brynley - Mar 01)
Az, a cross erminois, surmounted by a unicorn salient to sin Arg,
armed, betw in chf 2 mullets & in base 2 annulets Or. (D:
Emrys Cador - Jan 86)
Az, a plate within 2 annulets rayonny Arg. (D: Eudaimon of
Alexandros - Feb 75?)
Az, a unicorns head couped to sin above 2 ovoid annulets conjunct
in fess at their smaller ends Arg. (D: Frederick of Holland Nov 81)
Az, an owl affronty wings disp Arg sustaining a wheel Or all within
2 concentric annulets Arg. (D: Keja Tselebnika - Mar 03)
Az, on a pale betw 2 annulets Arg a carnation Gu slipped & leaved
Vt. (D: Roscelin Silversmith-doghter - Jun 02)
Az, on a pale endorsed betw 2 annulets Arg, a laurel wreath proper.
(D: Giants Gate - Apr 84)
Az, 2 annulets interlaced in fess betw 3 fish naiant Or. (D: Petronia
of Kent - Mar 98)
Az, within a roundel engrailed & voided of the field betw 4 mullets
2 & 2, a decrescent Or. (D: Deborah of Llyr - Jan 73?)
Checky Arg & Purp, in fess a sin fist & a dexter fist each sustaining
an annulet Sa. (D: Basarab the Wary - Jan 96)
Gu, a bend per bend counter-ermine & ermine betw 2 penannular
brooches bendwise Or. (D: Christianna Eyvindsdottir Jan 82)
Gu, a vol conjoined to a vol inv betw in pale a torc & a torc inv, all
within a bord embat Or. (D: Gaius Tascius Severus Fabianus Apr 07)
Gu, on a bend sin betw a sword inv & 2 linked annulets Or, 3 lyres
palewise Gu, all within a bord Or. (D: Loric Silvestris Oct 84)
Gu, on a fess Sa fimbriated betw 2 annulets, five mullets pierced
Or. (D: Matthew of Battle - May 06)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, a roundel Sa voided & fimbriated Arg. (D:
Ushi Kerai Tokoyo No Kokuo - Jan 80)
Or, a straight trumpet fesswise Gu betw 2 annulets Sa, on a chf Gu
3 bezants. (D: Gabriella Okehorn - Jun 87)
Per bend Az & Arg, 2 open penannular brooches palewise, pins to
base, ctrch. (D: Cliodhna ni Bhriain - May 85)
Per bend sin Or & Vt, 2 roundels, each within an annulet, all ctrch.
(D: Lassair of Waterford - Dec 86)

[Annulet - 2] to [Annulet - 3]

Annulet - 2 (continued)

Per bend sin Purp & Arg, 2 annulets ctrch. (D: Ursula of
Teufelberg - Jan 90)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, 2 annulets Or. (D: David Ritchie Mullins Feb 92)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 annulets Purp & a cross formy fitchy Arg.
(D: Cordelia Tosere - Sep 93)
Per chev Az & ermine, 2 closed penannular brooches, openings to
chf, Or & a rose Az, barbed & seeded Or. (D: Dagmaer or
Nautaloek - May 89)
Per chev Az & Purp, 2 annulets Or & a griffin segreant to sin
maintaining a hammer palewise Arg. (D: Edmund of Golden
Rivers - Feb 89)
Per chev inv Sa & Gu, a chev inv Or betw in chf a scimitar fesswise
reversed Arg & in base 2 annulets in fess, the dexter
overlapping the sin, Or. (D: Saleem ibn Alefan ibn Iftakruddin
- Dec 83)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev embat betw 2 Thors hammers & 2
annulets interlaced in fess Arg. (D: Wilhelm von Kiel Dec 98)
Per chev Sa & Az, a sword inv betw in chf 2 annulets Arg. (D:
Ieuan o Ynys Wyth - Dec 89)
Per chev throughout Sa & Arg, 2 open penannular brooches
palewise, pins to base, an astrolabe ctrch. (D: David MacColin
- Nov 82)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a phoenix Az & 2 annulets interlaced in fess
Arg. (D: Anastasia Amalasuintha of Hyrnkeepe - May 95)
Per fess Sa & Arg, in pale an annulet Or & an annulet Gu,
interlaced. (D: Baldur Peregrinator - Aug 95)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 annulets conjoined ctrch. (D: Mathgamain
OBrien - Aug 95)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a sword inv, the blade interlaced with 2 annulets
linked in pale Arg. (B: Rowena le Sarjent - Sep 92)
Per pale Vt & Sa, 2 fish palewise in annulo within an annulet Arg.
(D: Ashikaga Kimiko - Nov 94)
Per salt Gu & Arg, 2 foxs masks in pale Arg & 2 annulets in fess
Sa. (D: Eadwine de Foxcote - Mar 03)
Purp, a cross parted & fretted betw in chf 2 annulets Or. (B:
Rosaline Weaver - Aug 95) (For Penilond Maner)
Quarterly Arg, ermined Gu, & Sa, in bend sin 2 annulets Or, overall
a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Naevehjem - Nov 89)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, in bend 2 trefoils, each within & conjoined at
the slip to an annulet Arg, all within a bord Gu. (D: Tymothy
John of Silver Oak - Aug 89)
Sa, a decrescent & a mullet within an annulet convoluted into 3
lobes, all within an annulet all Arg. (D: Ketievia Segovia de la
Noche - Jun 75?)
Sa, a winged goat courant, wings elevated & addorsed, within an
annulet voided Arg. (D: Ysabeth of Weemyss - Oct 83)
Sa, in fess a billet betw 2 annulets Or. (D: Christoph von Mnchen
- Sep 03)
Tierced per pale Az, Gu & Sa, 2 annulets embraced Arg. (D: Eric
the Fierce - Aug 72?)
Vt, a lozenge & in chf 2 annulets Or. (D: Fritz the Peasant Mar 01)
Vt, on a bend engrailed betw 2 annulets Or 3 cinquefoils Az. (D:
Mare Wischart - Sep 02)
Vt, on a pile engrailed Arg betw 2 annulets Or, a quatrefoil slipped
Vt. (B: Frank the Fortunate - Jan 91)
Vt, 2 bendlets betw 2 annulets, all within a bord Arg. (D: Leofwine
the Lost - Feb 87)
* * * End * * *

Annulet - 3

See also: Torse

(Fieldless) 3 annulets conjoined one & 2 Arg. (B: Suzanna the
Herbalist - Jul 96)
(Fieldless) 3 annulets conjoined one & 2 Sa. (B: Suzanna the
Herbalist - Jun 03)
(Fieldless) 3 annulets linked in fess Arg, Purp, & Arg. (B: Marian
of Heatherdale - May 98)
Arg, a double-headed sea-dragon erect heads addorsed betw 3
annulets Gu. (D: William of Montengarde - Jul 85)
Arg, a pall inv Vt betw 3 annulets Gu. (D: Valeria Tertia
Alexandrina - Aug 03)
Arg, a rose proper & in chf 3 annulets conjoined in fess within a
bord embat Sa. (D: Thurkill lArmeurier - Dec 90)

Annulet - 3 (continued)

Arg, on a bend sin wavy Az betw 2 penannular brooches, openings

to chf, pins bendwise sin, Sa, a penannular brooch, opening to
base, bendwise sin, Arg. (D: Morgan Catriona Bruce Jan 86)
Arg, on a pair of ravens wings proper conjoined in lure, 3 annulets
Or. (D: Behadon Ravenscloak - Jan 73)
Arg semy of lozenges Gu, an eagle disp head to sin maintaining 3
annulets braced 2 & one all within a bord Sa. (D: Stanislav
Norovich - Jul 03)
Arg, 3 annulets Az. (D: Carl of Carolingia - Feb 96)
Arg, 3 arrows in pall, points to center, betw as many annulets Gu.
(D: Hiroshi Shizukana - Aug 86)
Arg, within 3 annulets interlaced Gu, as many ravens Sa. (D: Iain
of Cawdor - Mar 75?)
Az, a boars head erased, in chf 3 annulets Arg. (D: Erling of
thelmearc - Aug 99)
Az, a chev ensigned with a Latin cross betw 3 annulets engrailed on
the outer edge Or. (D: Stephan of Churchton - Jan 05)
Az, a lion sejant to sin coward Or betw 3 annulets, each surmounted
by a mullet of 4 points, within a bord embat Arg. (D: Richard
dAndrade - Dec 82)
Az, an anvil Arg within an annulet, all betw 3 annulets Or. (D:
Tomas the Lapidary - May 88)
Az, in pale 3 triquetras each within & conjoined to an annulet Arg.
(D: Aoki Kentarou Tadamitsu - Apr 05)
Az, 3 annulets interlaced one & 2 betw 3 wolfs heads erased
ululant contourny Arg. (D: Chaia bat Johanan - Feb 00)
Az, 3 annulets interlaced one & 2 within a bord Or. (D: Cainwen
Prenrhos - Apr 00)
Az, 2 needles in salt & in chf 3 annulets Or. (D: Averial Thorhalla
- Feb 95)
Gu, a bend Az, fimbriated Or, betw 3 annulets interlaced, one & 2,
& 3 swords palewise Arg. (D: Dafydd Caramon - Jun 87)
Gu, in fess 3 annulets interlaced Or. (B: Armilda Astyages of Lydia
- Sep 84)
Gu, on a fess raguly Arg betw 3 annulets Or a chain throughout Sa.
(D: Wulfbrand Lurkr - Mar 84)
Gu, 3 annulets interlaced 2 & one & on a chf Arg 3 wheels Gu. (D:
Krista Silverlock - May 02)
Or, 3 annulets interlaced 2 & one & a fess wavy abased, a bord Sa.
(D: Galene Leonilla of Blackwater - Oct 98)
Or, 2 ravens close respectant Sa betw 3 torques Gu. (D: Caw ap
Rhys - May 87)
Pean, 3 annulets in bend sin Or. (D: Asha of the Outlands Dec 91)
Per bend Az & Gu, 3 annulets interlaced 2 & one Or. (D: Doreen
Dragonet of Darkstone Castle - Sep 93)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, 3 annulets in bend sin ctrch. (D: Giana
Gabriella da Milano - Jan 03)
Per bend sin Or & Az, in pale 3 annulets ctrch. (D: Gregory of Bec
- Jul 97)
Per chev embat Az & Arg, 3 annulets, one & 2, Arg & a rose
proper. (D: Cassandra Arabella Giordani - May 04)
Per chev engrailed Or & Vt, 3 annulets linked fesswise Purp & a
celtic cross Or. (D: Katherine OPhelan - Dec 90)
Per chev ermine & Az, in base in pale a coronet & 3 annulets
interlaced one & 2 Or. (D: Lile ni Mhordha - Dec 94)
Per chev Gu & Az, 2 Bengal tigers heads cabossed Or, marked Sa,
each within an annulet Arg, & in base a Bengal tiger passant to
sin guardant Or, marked Sa within an annulet Arg. (D:
Seamus MacDonald - Feb 87)
Per chev inv Arg & Gu, a raven passant croaking Sa & 3 annulets
Or. (D: Bronwyn ferch Morgan - Mar 84)
Per chev throughout Purp & Arg, a merlin disp Gu maintaining 2
sprigs of heather proper betw 3 annulets ctrch. (D: Marian of
Heatherdale - Aug 95)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 3 annulets ctrch. (D: Garrett Fitzpatrick Jul 06)
Per fess Arg & Vt, in pale 3 arrows fesswise reversed Vt barbed Sa
& 3 annulets one & 2 interlaced Arg. (D: Einarr mac
Dhmhnuill - Apr 04)
Per fess embat Gu & Arg, 3 crescents, each within an annulet, all
ctrch. (D: Elizabeth Wigglesworth of Kirton - Jan 88)
Per fess Or & Gu, 3 roses Gu, barbed & seeded proper, & 3
annulets interlaced Or. (D: Rosamir du Vale dAmour Jul 74?)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 13

[Annulet - 3] to [Annulet - 4 or more]

Annulet - 3 (continued)

Per pale Arg & Az, on a fess betw 3 annulets, 3 crosses crosslet, all
ctrch. (D: Maliusha Sepukhovicha - Jul 00)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a mullet of six points ctrch points enfiling 3
annulets braced 2 & one Sa. (D: Ute Rogge av Nordenskld Oct 05)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 3 crosses crosslet fitchy within as many
annulets, all ctrch. (D: Siobhan MacDonald - Mar 85)
Per pale Gu & Or, a raven disp Sa perched atop 3 annulets
interlaced 2 & one ctrch. (D: Ludwig von Ravenstein Aug 96)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 3 annulets conjoined one & 2 & a chf wavy all
ctrch. (D: Suzanna the Herbalist - Sep 90)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 3 annulets in pale within a mascle throughout,
all ctrch. (D: James Aikman of Battle Abbey - Jan 87)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a warhammer betw 3 annulets Arg. (D: Iain Mac
Botolf de Errol - Oct 93)
Per pale Vt & Az, an angel Arg betw in fess 2 annulets & in base a
third Or. (D: Judith of Kirtland - Jul 93)
Per salt Az & Vt, a goat passant Arg & in chf 3 annulets Or. (D:
Edward de Molay - Jul 03)
Per salt Gu & Sa, an alphyn ramp & in chf 3 annulets interlaced in
fess Arg. (D: Kaios Alexandrou - Aug 05)
Per salt Gu & Sa, 3 annulets interlaced one & 2 Or. (D: William
Britt the Scot - Aug 98)
Plumetty Or & Gu, a horses head, couped & sin facing, betw 3
annulets Arg. (D: Phillippa MacCallum - Mar 89)
Quarterly Az & Arg, a cross ctrch, overall 3 annulets interlaced Or.
(D: Clifford Bardric - Dec 82)
Quarterly Az & papelonny Az & Arg, 3 annulets interlaced one & 2
Or, a bord ctrch papelonny Az & Arg, & Arg. (D: Catherine
de Mares - Sep 92)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, 3 annulets in pale betw 2 lances ctrch. (D:
William Ringlancer of Locksley - Jun 91)
Sa, a chev checky Arg & Sa betw 3 Norse sun crosses Arg. (D:
Kenneth MacQuarrie of Tobermory - Jan 93)
Sa, a dexter hand appaumy couped betw 3 annulets, all within a
bord Arg. (D: Harold O Mainnn - May 88)
Sa, a dragons head couped betw 3 annulets Arg. (B: Katharina
Jourdain - Mar 03)
Sa, a fess lozengy Arg & Az betw 3 annulets Or. (D: Ellen de
Lacey - Oct 04)
Sa, a fess wavy Az fimbriated & in chf 3 annulets Arg. (D:
Margaret Holbrook - Jun 96)
Sa, a sea dragon erect contourny & in chf 3 annulets Or. (D:
Meriall Hogaine - Aug 02)
Sa, on a fess wavy betw 3 annulets & a crab Or 2 olive branches
stems to center Sa. (D: Laila Hannesone - Jul 05)
Sa, 3 annulets interlaced one & 2 Arg within a triangle voided Or, a
bord Arg. (D: Stephen North - Jan 05)
Sa, 3 annulets interlaced Purp, Vt, & Gu, fimbriated Or. (D: Knud
Kaukinen - Jul 74?)
Tierced per pall Arg, Purp, & Or, 2 thistles proper, 3 annulets
interlaced Arg, & a triskelion arrondi Purp, one & 2. (D:
Kaarna of the Amethyst - Nov 81)
Vt, a stork counterstatant closed, the dexter leg elevated, in chf 3
annnulets interlaced fesswise, the central enlarged, Arg. (D:
Ayn Percival - Aug 79)
Vt, an inv triangle of rope interlaced with 3 annulets Arg. (D:
Richeldis de Haute Saone - May 87)
Vt, in pale 3 annulets interlaced one & 2 Or & in chev 2 doublepointed knitting needles Arg. (D: Johanna MacAnna Jun 99)
Vt, on a chev betw 3 annulets in chev & a double-headed chess
knight Or, 2 arrows in chev Sa. (D: Carantoc of Darkdale Jan 90)
Vt, 3 annulets in bend Or. (D: Astrid Esbjrnsdotter - Dec 94)
Vt, 3 annulets interlaced in fess & on a chf Or 3 ivy leaves Vt. (D:
Genevieve de Blois - Dec 93)
Vt, 3 annulets interlaced one & 2 Arg. (D: Margie of Glen More Jun 96)
Vt, 3 annulets interlaced one & 2 betw 3 roundels Or. (D: Johanna
of Gleann Dubh - Feb 98)
Vt, 3 annulets interlaced, 2 & one, Or, on a chf Arg 3 pellets. (D:
Catarina de Liguria - Nov 89)
Vt, 3 serpents involved in annulo & on a chf Arg 3 Arabian lamps
lit Vt. (D: Owain Penbras - Sep 06)
14 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Annulet - 3 (continued)

Vt, 3 stags massacres each within an annulet of chain Or. (D:

Aethelred of Andredesleage - Apr 01)
Vt, 2 unicorns ramp addorsed, in base 3 annulets interlaced one &
2, a bord Arg. (D: Lasair ingen mhic Seoin - Aug 00)
* * * End * * *

Annulet - 4 or more

See also: Torse

Arg, a boar statant betw 4 annulets, 3 & one, Az. (D: Conall Mac
Roigh - Nov 94)
Arg, eight annulets in annulo alternately Sa & Gu. (B: Gerard of
Helmsley - Jan 87)
Arg, five annulets fretted in salt within a bord Az. (D: Janos the
Ringsmith - May 89)
Arg semy of annulets Sa, a bord per pale Purp & Az. (D: Shanda
MacNeil - Dec 05)
Az, a chain of six annulets bendwise sin throughout Arg betw 2
escallops Or. (D: Elwyn Lytefoote - May 84)
Az, a cross of annulets braced throughout Or. (D: Aldric Greystone
- Nov 84)
Az, a fess wavy Arg surmounted by a sea-lion erect ctrch betw 4
annulets in salt Arg. (B: Storvik - Feb 84) (For the Company
of the Silver Silkie)
Az, five annulets interlaced in salt & a bord Arg. (B: Corwin de
Harfleur - Jan 04)
Az, five annulets 3 & 2 Or. (D: David Mullens - Jan 97)
Az, on a pile Sa fimbriated betw 2 sets of 3 annulets interlaced one
& 2, a crux ansata fitchy Arg. (D: Valdemar den Ivrige Jan 92)
Az, semee of annulets, a hammer Arg. (D: Frederick Rug Mar 87)
Az semy of annulets, on a bend sin Or 3 bulls heads cabossed
palewise Az. (D: Angus MacGregor of Argyll - Jan 04)
Ermine, on a mullet of nine points betw 3 sets of 3 annulets each
interlaced one & 2 Gu, a wolf ramp maintaining a sword &
shield Arg. (D: Aidan Brandr Arinbjornson - Jan 97)
Gu, a griffin with the forelegs of a horse passant contourny
regardant coward betw five annulets 2, 2, & one, all within a
bord Or. (B: Jeanne Anne la Bonnetire - Apr 98)
Gu, a pall Sa fimbriated betw 3 sets of 3 annulets interlaced 2 & one
Or. (D: Edric of Hamsteleie - Apr 01)
Gu crusily couped, a cross betw crosses couped each within an
annulet Or. (D: Constantinople, Latin Empire of - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, five annulets interlaced in bend within a bord Or. (D:
Catherine de Clare of Alconleigh - Jul 91)
Gu, on a cross moline quadrate Arg betw 4 annulets Or, a raven
maintaining in its beak an annulet Sa. (D: Peter Engelke Dec 95)
Gu semy of annulets, a sin hand in benediction Arg. (D: William of
Blatha an Oir - Apr 00)
Gu, semy of annulets Or, a hawk disp, the tip of each wing
terminating in a hawks head, beak to center, per pale Sa &
Arg. (D: Sigmund Shadowhawk - Mar 90)
Gyronny of sixteen Arg & Sa, 4 annulets in cross Az. (D:
Minamoto Genkuro Kagetane - Aug 03)
Or, a fess pean betw six annulets Az. (D: Mikjal Annarbjorn Jan 98)
Or, annuletty, a mouse ramp Sa. (D: Samantha MacChluarain Jan 73?)
Or semy of annulets Sa. (B: Shanda MacNeil - Mar 07)
Or, semy of annulets Vt, a swan rising, wings elevated & addorsed,
Sa within a bord dovetailed Vt. (D: Ilsa von Sonnenburg Nov 89)
Pean, on a chf Gu 2 pairs of annulets, each pair fretted, Or, & on a
point pointed Arg, a mailed fist appaumy Sa. (D: Michael
Bohun - Sep 88)
Per bend Arg & Gu, in base five annulets in bend Or. (D: Jeanne
Anne la Bonnetire - Apr 07)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a griffin passant betw 3 sets of 3 annulets
each interlaced 2 & one, a bord Arg. (D: Bryan Laurence
Griffith - Feb 96)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, a lightning bolt bendwise Or betw 2 pairs of
annulets interlaced bendwise Arg. (D: Mary Anne Bulpett Sep 93)

[Annulet - 4 or more] to [Anvil]

Annulet - 4 or more (continued)

Per bend sin Sa & Arg, 2 pairs of annulets conjoined in fess ctrch.
(D: Artemius Andreas Magnus - Dec 93)
Per bend sin Vt & Arg, an annulet betw & interlaced with 4
annulets in salt Arg & a tree, eradicated & inv, Vt. (D:
Jonathan Gray - Mar 89)
Per chev Az & Arg, in chf five annulets interlaced in chev Or in
base a fleur-de-lys Sa. (D: Antonio Marco Giovanni Bastiano
- Nov 90)
Per chev indented Sa semy of annulets Or, & Or, in base on a sun
Sa semy of annulets Or, an annulet Or. (D: Juan Macas de
Alarcn - Feb 86)
Per chev Sa & Arg, a decrescent & an increscent Arg & six annulets
interlaced in annulo Purp. (D: Ibrahim al-Dimashqi Mar 03)
Per chev Sa & Vt, in chf five annulets in chev & in base 2 trunkless
fir trees in fess, all Arg. (D: Ingirith Austsfari - Jan 88)
Per chev throughout Arg & Purp ermined Arg, 2 sets of 3 annulets
fretted Purp & a horned owls head erased affronty Arg. (D:
Aldwyn Ciniath - Dec 89)
Per fess Sa & Gu, 2 pairs of annulets conjoined in fess Or & a
butterfly Or, marked Sa. (D: Judith de Bohun - Jan 91)
Per pale Az & Or, five annulets linked in salt ctrch. (D: Joseph the
Mailer - Oct 94)
Per pale Gu & Az, 4 annulets 2 & 2 within a bord Or. (D: Stefan
Franz - Jan 08)
Per pale Gu & Az, 2 bars enarched betw 4 annulets, 3 & one Or. (D:
Mathieu Chartrain - Nov 96)
Purp, a martlet close Arg within five annulets in annulo, in chf 2
open books Or. (D: Geoffrey de Saint-Denis - Apr 99)
Purp, a pavilion Arg within an orle of annulets Or. (B: Victor of
Shrewsbury - Apr 97)
Purp, five annulets in salt Or. (D: Anne des Anneaux - Sep 71?)
Purp, seven annulets, 2, 3 & 2, upon a chf enarched embat Or a cat
courant to sin Purp. (D: Karl the Purple - Aug 91)
Purp, six annulets, 3, 2, & one, Arg. (D: Brienus the Silent May 96)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a seahorse erect within an orle of annulets Arg.
(D: Serena Gethin - May 00)
Sa, a bend of interlaced annulets betw a sword inv & a tree Or. (D:
Marie du Bois - Jan 85)
Sa, a chev raguly Az fimbriated, & in chf 2 sets of 3 annulets
interlaced 2 & one Arg. (D: vangr Krsson - Oct 07)
Sa, a claymore inv betw five annulets, 2, 2, & one, Or. (D: Michael
Hugh Stuart - Jan 82)
Sa, a goats head caboshed within an orle of annulets Arg. (D: Erik
von Wollin - May 85)
Sa, a heart pily bendwise sin Gu & Arg within an orle of annulets
Or. (D: Torin Ertheshert - Mar 88)
Sa, betw 2 harpies addorsed wings elevated Arg, 4 annulets
interlaced in cross Or. (D: Guillaume Fanchon de La
Tremblade - Jan 95)
Sa, in pale five annulets braced in salt & a square anvil Arg. (D:
Gwydion of Fennbrycg - Oct 93)
Sa, semy of annulets Arg, on a wine amphora per fess Arg & Or a
goblet Sa. (D: Ciaran Fionn MacCuillean - Nov 91)
Vt, a garb within an orle of annulets Arg. (D: Christoffer
Bolheimer - Dec 00)
Vt, a Latin cross of six annulets interlaced within an orle of
decrescents Or. (D: Gisela Redihalgh - Dec 00)
Vt, in salt 2 spears betw 4 annulets Or. (D: Aedan Kincora May 82)
* * * End * * *
Annulo: see Arrangement - In annulo
Annulus: see Arrangement - In annulo
Anole: see Reptile - Lizard
Ant: see Arthropod - Ant
Anteater: see Beast - Anteater
Antelope: see Monster - Antelope
Antelope - Natural: see Beast - Deer
Antler: see Horn - Creature


(Fieldless) A bird contourny sustained by & perched atop the

dexter corner of a square anvil Gu. (B: Duff MacKellar Sep 04)

Anvil (continued)

(Fieldless) A hawk rising wings disp & inv perched atop an anvil
Arg charged with a cross moline Gu. (B: Aelfraed Hawkmoon
- Jun 01)
(Fieldless) A phoenix rising from & supported by a single-horned
anvil Arg. (B: Fionnghuala Gliobach Mael Ailbe - Oct 02)
(Fieldless) A rose proper atop an anvil Sa. (B: Blackstone
Mountain - Jun 98) (For Order of the Sable Anvil)
(Fieldless) A sugarloaf helm affronty & an anvil in pale Sa. (B:
Brendan mac Artuir - Oct 87)
(Fieldless) A tree eradicated Sa, its roots surmounted by a doublehorned anvil Arg. (B: Enniaun Llwyd or Coed - Jun 93)
(Fieldless) An anvil environed of & conjoined to a horseshoe inv
Sa. (B: Arthur of the Fen - Nov 93)
(Fieldless) An anvil pean. (B: Osric the Pale - Jun 07)
(Fieldless) An anvil within an arch with raised portcullis Sa. (B:
Jonathan de Laney - May 83)
(Fieldless) Issuant from an anvil Sa, 3 sprigs of heather Purp,
slipped & leaved Vt. (B: Heatherwyne - May 99)
(Fieldless) On a single-horned anvil Arg a 4 leaved shamrock
saltirewise Vt. (B: Adam of Erin - Dec 98)
(Fieldless) On an anvil Arg a rose Gu. (B: Angus MacIver of
Stirling - Apr 05)
(Fieldless) On an anvil Az a compass star Arg. (B: Eisental Aug 95)
(Fieldless) On an anvil per chev Arg & Vt, in base a cross patonce
Arg. (B: Raimondo Ricchi detto il Lemosino - Oct 05)
(Fieldless) 2 tridents in salt Arg, overall an anvil reversed Sa. (B:
Padruig an Mhuilinn Gordan - Apr 96)
Arg, a bend embat counter-embat betw 2 anvils reversed Vt. (D:
Malachi of East River - Jun 01)
Arg, a bend sin Vt betw an inescutcheon & an anvil bendwise sin
Sa, within a bord Vt. (D: Richard of Black Iron - Jun 82)
Arg, a blacksmiths anvil & a chf wavy Sa. (D: William Beornsson
- Oct 88)
Arg, a chev Or fimbriated betw 3 anvils Sa. (D: Halfdan Blackanvil
- Feb 98)
Arg, a double-horned anvil Sa & on a chf Vt a straight trumpet Or.
(D: Edric of Scardburgh - Mar 02)
Arg, a double-horned anvil Sa, in chf 2 smiths hammers in chev
proper & a base rayonny Sa. (D: Dabhaidh Earmourer the
Tiny - Sep 91)
Arg, a double-horned anvil Sa within a bord Vt. (D: Wilhelm
Smydele von Soelinge - Apr 06)
Arg, a fess wavy Gu betw 2 cauldrons & an anvil Sa. (D: Garwed
Cadburiensis - Jul 82)
Arg, a lion sejant contourny Gu crined & maintaining in his paw a
hammer betw 3 anvils reversed, on a chf embat Sa 3 bezants.
(D: Leo Diogenes - Oct 07)
Arg, a pale engrailed Gu betw a single-horned anvil reversed & a
raven close affronty Sa. (D: Ianuk Raventhorne - Jan 02)
Arg, a pall inv cotised betw 2 cinquefoils & an anvil Az. (D: Johan
Blau - Aug 90)
Arg a pall inv Gu betw 2 turtles & a single-horned anvil reversed
Sa. (D: Ivan Petrovich - Aug 03)
Arg, a single-horned anvil reversed & in chf 3 mullets one & 2 Az.
(D: Hagbarr lerftr - Sep 02)
Arg, a sprig of heather palewise Vt surmounted by a single-horned
anvil Sa. (B: Heatherwyne - Feb 86)
Arg, a 2-horned anvil Sa within an orle of six hammers proper. (B:
Will Langdon of Greymorne - Nov 00)
Arg, an anvil Sa, on a chf Az, 2 hammers, heads to center, Arg. (D:
Antonio de Armado - Apr 91)
Arg, an armorers anvil Sa & a chf embat Gu. (D: Sven
Gunnarsson of Fjathrundaland - Jan 99)
Arg estencely, an anvil betw 3 eagles Sa. (D: sleifr Arnrs son Apr 06)
Arg, in pale a butterfly & an anvil within a bord dovetailed Sa. (D:
Rudolph Fekter - Oct 95)
Arg, in pale a trefoil Vt & an anvil within a bord embat Sa. (B:
Simkin Colfox - Feb 97)
Arg, in salt a smiths hammer & a pair of tongs, in base a square
anvil Sa. (D: Gerbert Faber de Rouen - Apr 88)
Arg, on a single-horned anvil reversed Vt a Celtic cross Or. (D:
Seaan Mac an Ghabhann - Jul 00)
Arg, on a single-horned anvil Sa a pheon Arg & on a chf Sa 3
trilliums inv Arg. (D: Seaan OHagan - Jan 04)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 15


Anvil (continued)

Arg, on a tree stump eradicated Sa a double-horned anvil Arg, in

chf 3 mullets of 4 points Gu. (B: Maredudd ap Cynan Oct 93) (For Ty Bon Du)
Arg, 3 anvils Sa. (D: George Edward Archer - Jul 07)
Arg, 2 cross-peen hammers in salt Sa surmounted by an eagles
head, erased & sin facing, Gu, in base an armourers anvil, all
within a bord Sa. (D: Klas Steinelehne - Jan 90)
Az, a chev embat-counterembattled Or betw 3 2-horned anvils Arg.
(D: Thorgrim Sindrason - Nov 97)
Az, a chev of chain betw 2 anvils & a Thors hammer Arg. (D: Orn
engilsson - Jun 07)
Az, a double-horned anvil & overall a ragged staff Or. (D: Vgg
Hjalti Hrolfsson - Jun 92)
Az, a double-horned anvil within a bord embat Arg. (B: Smythkepe
- May 02)
Az, a needle palewise surmounted by an anvil Or, all betw a pair of
flaunches Arg. (B: River Haven - Dec 87) (For the Order of
the Pierced Anvil)
Az, an anvil Arg within an annulet, all betw 3 annulets Or. (D:
Tomas the Lapidary - May 88)
Az estencelly Or, in pale a smiths hammer bendwise sin inv & a
single-horned anvil Arg. (D: Tycho Juls - Aug 01)
Az, in pale a demi-bear ramp to sin Or & a double-horned anvil
Arg. (D: Valerius Paencalvus - Oct 84)
Az, in salt a sword inv & a thistle, slipped & leaved, both
surmounted by a single-horned anvil, all within a bord Arg.
(D: Charles Gladney - Jul 87)
Bendy sin of eight Gu & Arg, in pale a hammer fesswise & an anvil
Sa. (D: Nestor Svaerdsmet - Jul 83)
Ermine, in pale a tree, blasted & couped, & an anvil, all within a
bord dovetailed Sa. (D: Seinn Irontree - Dec 87)
Gu, a bend Or betw a hammer bendwise & a bickern (anvil) Arg.
(B: stgarr - Oct 85) (For the Armorers Guild of
Gu, a chev inv pean betw in cross a wolfs head erased, 2 wolfs
paw prints, & an anvil Or. (D: Kenard Eisenwolf - Oct 82)
Gu, a double-bitted axe bendwise inv Arg embedded in an anvil Or.
(D: Barn Silveraxe - Jun 83)
Gu, a helmet betw in fess 2 hammers reversed & in base another, on
a chf Or 3 anvils Gu. (D: William of Bellefonte - Feb 86)
Gu, a pall inv betw 3 bickerns (anvils) Or. (D: Roberto di Milano May 88)
Gu, an amphisbaena betw 3 anvils, a bord Or. (D: Otto Helmsmid May 04)
Gu, chap ploy Or, an anvil, a bear passant Sa, & a Thors hammer
inv Or. (D: Thorbjorn Gunnarsson - Jun 83)
Gu, in pale a brachet ramp reguardant & an anvil betw 2 pallets
Arg. (D: Rioghan of Segontium - Sep 87)
Gu, on a bend sin Arg, betw a laurel wreath & a single-horned anvil
Or, 3 oak leaves palewise Vt. (D: Iron Oak - Jun 98)
Gu, on a chev raguly Or betw 3 anvils Arg 3 hearts palewise Gu.
(D: Adolphus Staalslager - May 83)
Gyronny Gu & Arg, an anvil standing upon a square block Sa. (D:
Samuel the Steadfast - Apr 87)
Gyronny Gu & Sa, a horse salient to sin atop a single-horned anvil
reversed Arg. (D: Jacques dAymonet - Jun 85)
Or, a brown bear statant erect affronty proper, maintaining in its
dexter forepaw a hammer & its sin forepaw a sword inv,
standing atop an anvil Sa. (D: Artos Barefoot - Feb 08)
Or, a chev pean & in base a double-horned anvil Vt. (D: Arterus O
Keynan - Jul 07)
Or, a double-horned anvil within an orle of mullets Sa. (D: Ren
Deforge - Dec 90)
Or, a gore sin Az, in chf a lions head erased, & in dexter base an
anvil Sa. (D: Robert of Grandloch - Feb 86)
Or, an anvil Sa, & on a chf embat Gu a sword reversed proper. (D:
Hans von Steinhaus - Sep 83)
Or, in pale a pig-faced bascinet pierced bendwise by an arrow, & a
2-horned anvil Sa within a bord potenty Vt. (D: Robert
Brandon Smythe - May 86)
Or, in pale a raven maintaining a reed pen inv perched atop an anvil
Sa. (D: Alexsander von Mausheim - Oct 05)
Or, in pale a smiths hammer fesswise & a one-horned anvil Purp.
(D: Otnand Vettich - May 01)
Or, in pale an owl affronty Gu perched atop a double-horned anvil
within a bord potenty Sa. (D: Kentigern Owle - Feb 07)
16 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Anvil (continued)

Or, mailly, a bend sin Gu betw 2 anvils Sa. (D: Thomas Mailer Apr 87)
Or, on a chev Az betw 2 roundels & an anvil Sa 2 swords in chev
Or. (D: Friedrich Hirsch von Bremen - Jan 03)
Or, on a single-horned anvil Sa a spear fesswise Or. (B: Czcibor
the Bearslayer - Oct 00) (For Company of the Iron Lance)
Or semy of apples Gu slipped & leaved Vt, a single-horned anvil
Sa. (D: Eden Blacksmith - Nov 02)
Or, 3 anvils Az. (D: Ragnar of Elandris - Feb 92)
Party of six pieces per fess nebuly Gu & ermine, 3 anvils Arg & 3
falcons close Sa. (D: Theodoric of Salt Keep - Oct 96)
Per bend Arg & checky Vt & Arg, in sin chf an anvil Sa. (D:
Santiago de Monte Verde - Oct 07)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a single-horned anvil Sa. (D: Leonardo
Giovanni - Sep 02)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a dragon passant & an anvil Arg. (D: Una von
Rabenwald - Feb 06)
Per bend Or & Sa, an anvil betw 2 bees ctrch. (D: Fritz von dem
Bienenstocke - Mar 93)
Per bend rayonny Or & Gu, a wolf salient Sa & an anvil Or. (D:
Wulf Feuerschmied von Bern - Nov 86)
Per bend Sa & paly Gu & Or, a double-bitted anvil Or. (D: Stephen
of Forth Castle - Feb 02)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, an anvil Sa & a quill pen bendwise sin Or.
(D: Thorbjorn inn Mikligerzki - Aug 92)
Per bend sin Arg, ermined Gu, & Gu, ermined Arg, an anvil Sa
betw in bend a dragon ramp to sin Sa & a dragon ramp Arg.
(D: Richard de Montmorency - Jul 07)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, 2 arrows inv in salt Or & an anvil Sa. (D:
Connor Mac Cormaic - Nov 92)
Per bend sin Gu & Vt, a bend sin betw an anvil & a tower Arg. (D:
Taran the Pict - Sep 00)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt, within six roundels a 2-horned anvil Or.
(D: Waldryk Fierebrache - Dec 04)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a great helm facing to sin & an anvil ctrch.
(D: Erick Blackgate - Apr 88)
Per bend Vt & Or, a sheaf of arrows Or & an anvil Sa. (D:
Dnchadh mac an Gabhann - Jul 05)
Per bend Vt & plumetty Vt & Or, a bend Arg & in sin chf a double
horned anvil Or. (D: Cormac OGowan - Jul 96)
Per chev Arg & Az, an anvil, an anvil reversed, & a bear ramp
ctrch. (D: Gareth of Gelderland - Jul 84)
Per chev Arg & Az, in chf 3 crosses crosslet in chev Gu & in base a
great helm affronty resting atop an anvil Arg. (D: Athelwulf
the Ancient of the Dry Lands - Sep 83)
Per chev Az & Gu, a chev Or betw 3 armorers anvils reversed & a
castle Arg. (D: Conrad Wappenschmied - Nov 04)
Per chev Az & Gu, 3 anvils Arg. (D: Edward the Smith - May 05)
Per chev Az & Sa, 2 hammers & an anvil, all within a bord Arg. (D:
Alasdair Blackhill - Nov 91)
Per chev embat Purp & Or, 2 fleurs-de-lys Arg & a single horned
anvil Sa. (D: Jacobus Randolph - Apr 95)
Per chev Gu & Or, 2 bees Or & an anvil Sa. (D: Ivar Forkbeard Feb 97)
Per chev Purp & Arg, in base a doubled horned armorers anvil Sa
& on a chf Or a hand Sa. (D: William of Wealdsmere Nov 93)
Per chev Sa & Or, 3 fleurs-de-lis in chev Or & lying atop a singlehorned anvil a smiths hammer Sa. (D: Gilbert Valker Jul 03)
Per fess embat Gu & Or, a single-arched bridge Arg & a doublehorned anvil Sa. (B: William of Stonebridge - Feb 07)
Per fess Gu & vair, in salt 2 scimitars proper, in chf an anvil Or. (D:
Robert of the Woodlands - Nov 88)
Per fess Or & Arg, a sin clenched gauntlet & a single horned anvil
Sa. (D: Sebastian Eisenfaust - Jan 92)
Per fess rayonny Arg & Gu, a Maltese cross & an anvil reversed
ctrch. (D: Galen MacLean - Oct 06)
Per pale & per chev Sa & Arg all semy of ferrets statant ctrch, a
single-horned anvil ctrch Arg & Sa. (D: Maredudd ap Cynan Sep 03)
Per pale Arg & Az, in pale an anvil & 2 hammers palewise in fess,
all ctrch. (D: Aubrey Kendall of Rosewood - Mar 89)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a double-bitted axe betw the 2 halves of a
fractured anvil, within a bord all ctrch. (D: Rask Ulfbjorn Aug 90)

[Anvil] to [Architecture]

Anvil (continued)

Per pale Arg & Vt, in salt 2 lances ctrch & in base an anvil Sa. (D:
Chadris dArgent - Feb 82)
Per pale Az & Arg, a cats face & in chf 3 single-horned anvils
ctrch. (D: Anders Olafsson - May 00)
Per pale Az & Arg, a double-horned anvil betw 2 unicornate natural
seahorses respectant ctrch. (B: Atlantia - Apr 90) (For the
Master Armourer of the Kingdom of Atlantia)
Per pale Az & Or, 3 anvils in pale & in chf 2 swords fesswise points
to center ctrch. (D: Coel Lonydd - Aug 85)
Per pale ermine & counterermine, atop a double-horned anvil 2
ravens close respectant ctrch. (D: Snorri Bjarnarson Apr 99)
Per pale Or & Vt, in pale a single-horned anvil & a hare salient Sa.
(D: Guilla Ironhare - Feb 04)
Per pale Purp & Sa, a reed pen palewise Or surmounted by an anvil
Arg. (D: Thomas Megatherium of Castle Leviathon May 80)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a double-horned anvil ensigned with a hammer
fesswise reversed betw 4 lozenges all ctrch. (D: William
Eisenhand - Jun 94)
Per pale Sa & Arg, in pale a ferret statant & a single-horned anvil
ctrch. (D: Maredudd ap Cynan - Jun 89)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 wolves combattant ctrch, enflamed proper, in
base an anvil reversed ctrch. (D: Conrad Swarzolf - Oct 93)
Per pale Sa & Vt, 2 battle-axes in salt & in base a double-horned
anvil Arg. (D: Svarkell bldr - Feb 04)
Per pall Arg Az & Vt, a double-horned anvil Vt & 2 bears
combattant Arg. (D: Bjorn Thorsson - Jan 03)
Per pall Gu, Sa & Or, in chf an anvil Arg. (D: Brian Barnum Aug 99)
Per salt Arg & Az, in pale a hawk disp & an anvil Sa. (D: Steinar
Vidfamne - Jun 98)
Per salt Or & Vt, a salt Purp betw in pale a smiths hammer
fesswise & a 2-horned anvil Sa. (D: Baldmuotus Sigihard Nov 02)
Per salt Purp & Arg, in pale a comet bendwise sin Or headed of a
mullet & a single-horned anvil Arg. (D: Marcus Christian Jun 02)
Plumetty Arg & Vt, a sledgehammer Sa hafted proper & overall a
single-horned anvil reversed Sa. (D: Antartus Valentior Sep 95)
Potent, a dragon passant Gu atop an anvil Sa. (D: Eric lstene Aug 94)
Purp, a hammer betw 4 single-horned anvils, 2 & 2, Arg. (D:
Thorhall Halftroll - Jul 89)
Purp, a single-horned anvil Arg, on a chf Or, 3 bunches of grapes
Purp. (D: Michael the Farlander - Mar 88)
Quarterly Arg & Az, a sword inv bendwise sin proper betw 2 anvils
Sa. (D: Karl Michael Helmschmied - Nov 85)
Quarterly Arg & lozengy Or & Sa, a double-bitted axe bendwise sin
Gu betw 2 anvils Sa. (D: Gavin Llewellyn Wycliffe - Jul 96)
Quarterly Az & Gu, 4 anvils Arg. (D: Kendrick the Tinker Sep 06)
Quarterly Az & Gu, 2 eagles stooping respectant & a 2-horned anvil
Or. (D: Balin Kendrick - Feb 07)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a compass star elongated to base Or betw in
first & fourth quarters a dagger proper & in second & third
quarters an anvil Sa, all within a bord Or. (D: Steven of
Norham - Apr 81)
Quarterly Gu & Az, a sword proper betw 3 2-horned anvils Or. (D:
Arland the Bastard - Jan 05)
Quarterly Gu & Az, in cross 4 anvils bases to center Or. (D:
Siegfried Waffenschmiedt - Dec 04)
Quarterly Or & Arg, a ferret statant betw 3 anvils Sa. (D: Mchel
de la Ferret - Jun 93)
Quarterly Or & Vt, in bend 3 anvils Sa betw in bend sin 2 pairs of
axes in salt Or. (D: Eoghan of Dragonsfire Tor - Jul 02)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, 4 single-horned anvils ctrch. (D: Tybalt di
Milano - Aug 88)
Sa, a double horned anvil & on a chf Arg 3 Thors hammers inv Sa.
(D: Grettir the Slow - Dec 95)
Sa, a hammer & a sword inv in salt Arg surmounted by a mullet of
4 points & in base an anvil reversed Or. (B: Peter of the
Golden Isles - Jun 84) (For North Star Armoury)
Sa, a pall Az fimbriated & in chf an anvil Or. (D: Edward de Anvil
- Jan 80)

Anvil (continued)

Sa, a phoenix rising from & supported by a single-horned anvil Arg.

(B: Fionnghuala Gliobach Mael Ailbe - Oct 02) (For milia
Sa, a square anvil within an annulet Or. (D: Balin the Fairhaired Jan 73?)
Sa, a wyvern sejant Or betw 3 single-horned anvils Arg. (D:
Corwin Magone - Dec 98)
Sa, in pale five annulets braced in salt & a square anvil Arg. (D:
Gwydion of Fennbrycg - Oct 93)
Sa, on a pale Or betw six anvils, horns to center, Arg, a bull ramp
Gu. (D: Theodoric aus dem Freiwald - May 88)
Sa, on a plate, a wolfs head erased ululant contourny Sa, in base an
anvil Arg. (D: Lupus the Mad - Jul 91)
Sa, 3 arrows in pall, points conjoined Or betw 3 daggers inv, each
blade surmounted by an anvil Arg. (D: Greger Eberhard Aug 92)
Vair, an anvil Gu. (D: Wolfram the Smith - Jul 88)
Vt, an anvil Arg. (B: Kelvin Alastair MacGowan - Nov 80) (For
Clan MacGowan)
Vt, an arrow & overall an anvil, a base Arg. (D: Phineas Thomas
ONeal - Nov 03)
Vt, in pale a hippogriff ramp & a 2-horned anvil Arg. (D:
Alexander Caithnes of Wyk - Jul 85)
* * * End * * *
Ape: see Beast - Monkey
Apothecary jar: see Ewer
Apple: see Fruit - Apple
Apple tree: see Tree - Rounded shape
Arachnid: see Arthropod
Arch: see Architecture and Arrangement - In arch
Archer: see Human figure and Monster - Centaur


See also: Castle and Gate and Keystone and Windmill

(Fieldless) A bridge of 3 spans Vt. (B: Marten Jeros Brker Sep 07)
(Fieldless) A dolmen Gu. (B: Edric of Hamsteleie - Feb 02)
(Fieldless) A dolmen Sa. (B: Standing Stones - Oct 91)
(Fieldless) A pillar Sa. (B: Osprey, the - Jun 97) (For Order of
the Sable Pillar)
(Fieldless) A single arched bridge per pale Or & Sa. (B: Ponte Alto
- Jan 92)
(Fieldless) A step-gabled arch ensigned with a Celtic cross Arg &
charged with 3 lions heads erased Sa. (B: Nordmark May 97) (For Vita Portens Orden)
(Fieldless) A zule Arg. (B: Carlos Juan Ramiro - Dec 99)
(Fieldless) An anvil within an arch with raised portcullis Sa. (B:
Jonathan de Laney - May 83)
(Fieldless) In pale an ounce couchant Sa, incensed proper, atop a
triumphal arch Or. (B: Badouin MacKenzie of Balfour Jan 08)
(Fieldless) On a temple Or a Thors hammer Gu. (B: Arenvald Kief
av Kiersted - Dec 96)
(Fieldless) 2 columns in salt Arg. (B: Robert of Deerbourne Mar 02)
Arg, a boar statant, in base a single-arched bridge throughout Vt.
(D: Tearlach na Drochaide - Sep 07)
Arg, a bridge of one span within a laurel wreath Az & in base a ford
proper. (D: Saint Martin - Oct 94)
Arg, a bridge throughout embat & of 3 spans Sa masoned Arg
issuant from a ford proper, in chf a ravens head erased Sa
within a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Ravensweir - Sep 07)
Arg, a cairn of stones Sa betw 3 thistles, slipped & leaved, proper.
(B: Jocelyn Douglas of Fairfax - Nov 86) (For Clan
Arg, a column betw 2 beavers combattant Gu. (B: Carolingia May 02)
Arg, a dolmen Az & in base a thistle proper. (D: Rowan the
Weaver - May 98)
Arg, a fess Az betw a triple-arched bridge & a tower Vt. (D: Anne
of Corbridge - Jun 81)
Arg, a pale Az, in pale over all 3 single-arched bridges Gu, in chf 2
laurel wreaths Vt. (D: Dreibrucken - Aug 06)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 17


Architecture (continued)

Arg, a pillar Sa surmounted by a horse passant contourny & on a

chf rayonny Purp a rose slipped & leaved Arg. (D: Micaela
Leslie - Feb 02)
Arg, a singly arched bridge, its span fracted, Gu, masoned Arg,
within an orle of lozenges Sa. (D: Bertrand dAvignon Dec 87)
Arg, a 3-tiered fountain Vt spouting & a chf embat Az. (D:
Radegund von Feuchtenstadt - Dec 91)
Arg, a wooden Halifax Gibbet proper bladed Sa. (D: Sean Holden Jul 01) (A Halifax Gibbet is an early form of guillotine)
Arg, in pale a cloud Sa & a bridge of one span Gu masoned Arg & a
base wavy Az. (D: Balthazar van der Brugghe - Aug 03)
Arg, in pale a dolmen Purp & a sheeps head cabossed Gu. (D: Una
Eadgyth Eastmund - Nov 93)
Arg, in pale a heron statant close atop a bridge of 3 spans Gu all
within a laurel wreath, in canton an oak tree eradicated Vt. (D:
Fennbrycg - Sep 07)
Arg, in pale a phoenix & a dolmen Vt. (B: Sacred Stone, the Nov 86) (For Order of the Sacred Stone)
Arg, in pale a rose Az charged with the letter "A" Or & a dolmen
Purp. (D: Agatha of Tintagel - Nov 99)
Arg, in pale a 3-tiered fountain Sa spouting Az & a laurel wreath
Vt. (D: Fontaine dans Sable - Jan 85)
Arg, in pale 3 single-arched bridges betw flaunches Az, each
flaunch charged with a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Threebridges Sep 07)
Arg, on a fess Az betw a bridge & a seal couchant reguardant Sa 3
grenades Arg. (D: Firmin Sewell - Apr 96)
Arg, on a fess Az betw a single-arched bridge & a seal couchant
reguardant Sa 3 grenades Arg. (D: Firmin Sewell - Sep 07)
Arg, 3 pallets wavy Az, overall a bridge throughout of 2 spans Sa
masoned Arg.. (D: Jessa of Avondale - Sep 07)
Arg, within a wall-less onion-domed pavilion an increscent doubled
arched Sa. (B: Hastini Chandra - Jan 80) (For House Gehe
Az, a bridge of 2 spans, throughout & enarched to chf, betw 3
swans naiant Arg. (D: Paulette of Poitiers - Jan 07)
Az, a candle enflamed within an arch stooped Arg. (B: Society for
Creative Anachronism - Mar 86) (JB)(For Arts and Sciences)
Az, a column Arg entwined of a snake Sa, in chf 2 swords in salt
Arg, a bord Arg semy-de-lys Az. (D: Arianna de Navarre Jun 98)
Az, a column within an orle of escallops Arg. (D: Lorenzo Falconi
- Jun 04)
Az, a dolmen & in chf 3 mullets Arg. (D: Alta of Salesbury Sep 02)
Az, a dolmen Or. (B: Juelda of Salisbury - Jan 96)
Az, a dolmen Or & a ford proper. (D: Juelda of Salisbury Nov 89)
Az, a Grecian temple within a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Tempio Jul 96)
Az, a lion ramp guardant, maintaining a patriarchal crosier, within a
stooped arch, doors open, all Or. (D: Aleksandr Vasilyevich
Lev - Jul 88)
Az, a mullet of 4 points within a dolmen & a bord Arg. (B: Agatha
of Tintagel - Jan 95)
Az, a natural fountain Or, a tierce wavy paly wavy Arg & Az. (B:
Marcaster - Feb 06) (For Order of the Golden Well)
Az, a single arched bridge Arg, each tower charged with a laurel
wreath Az, in chf a lion dormant Or. (D: Rockwall - Aug 97)
Az, a twin-towered, 3-arched bridge & on a chf Or a laurel wreath
Vt. (D: Bridge, the - May 81)
Az, a wall Arg masoned pierced of a portal Sa, in chf a laurel
wreath betw 2 pheons Or. (D: Rockhaven - Sep 95)
Az, an eagle disp facing sin perched upon a marshals baton in chf
the constellation of Ursa Major Or & a bridge of 3 arches
issuant from a base wavy Arg. (D: Bernadotte - May 95)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Az, an Ionic column within an annulet, on a chf Arg a slip of
English ivy proper. (D: Annolivia of the Sylvan Glade Mar 81)
Az, an Ionic pillar betw in fess 2 mullets of eight points Arg. (B:
Tir Rgh - Nov 04)
Az, an obelisk betw six roundels one, 2, 2 & one & on a chf Or 3
mullets Az. (D: Bianca Caterina dei Medici - Apr 97)

18 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Architecture (continued)

Az, atop a demi-wall issuant from dexter base, a starling contourny

Arg perched in a nest Or. (D: Danamas of Starlinghurst May 07)
Az, in pale a triumphal arch, embat to chf, & a wolfs head, erased
& sin facing, Arg. (B: Mathghamhain MacCionaoith Jul 89) (For Ulfgrd)
Az, on a bend sin embat counterembattled voided humetty plain
betw 2 columns Arg, a straight trumpet Or. (D: Justinian
Clarus - Oct 90)
Az, on a bend sin embat counterembattled voided humetty plain
betw 2 columns Arg, a straight trumpet Or, & in augmentation
the column in dexter chf enfiled by an annulet Or.
(Augmentation of Arms: Justinian Clarus - Sep 91)
Az, on a pall betw a bridge of 3 arches & 2 spoons in chev inv Arg
3 knives in pall handles to center Az. (D: Jacob Simon of
Carolingia - Oct 04)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, a tower conjoined to dexter with a wall, both
issuant from a mound, in dexter chf a laurel wreath, all Sa. (D:
Ar n-Eilean-ne - Nov 89)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, on an inescutcheon Gu a Dolmen Or. (D:
Mersi Stonegate - Sep 94)
Barry wavy Az & Or, a Doric column Arg. (B: Bridge, the Mar 84) (For the Order of the Pillar)
Barry wavy Az & Or, in pale a towered bridge of 2 arches & a heart
Gu. (D: Sergio dello Scudo Bianco - May 89)
Bendy wavy Gu & Arg, a bridge of one arch Sa a bord Vt. (B:
Middleford - Mar 97)
Bendy wavy Gu & Arg, a bridge of one arch Sa within a laurel
wreath Vt. (D: Middleford - Sep 84)
Counter-ermine, a minaret & dome Arg, illumined Or. (B: Yolanda
del Campo de Cerdana - Aug 79?) (For Lyceum of the Ivory
Gu, a city Arg. (D: Valencia, Kingdom of - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Gu, a column Arg crowned & its capital & base Or. (D: Colonna,
House of - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, a falcon close to sin within a dolmen Arg. (D: Peregrine de
Porticu - Aug 85)
Gu estencely, a doubly-arched bridge Arg & a ford proper. (D:
John de Irwyne - Oct 97)
Gu, in fess a mullet inv betw 2 Doric columns Arg. (D: Randall of
Willowrock - Mar 06)
Gu, in pale a Grecian faade Arg & a cat couchant to sin guardant
Or. (D: Georgina of Athens - Apr 84)
Gu, issuant from a wall embat Arg portalled Sa, issuant from base, a
natural demi-tiger ramp Arg marked Sa maintaining a pole &
pennon Arg, a chf counter-compony Sa & Arg. (B: Darius of
Jaxartes - Dec 97)
Gu, on an obelisk betw 2 elephants trunks issuant from the flanks
Arg, 3 roundels Sa. (D: Giovanna Luigia di Milano - Jun 92)
Gu, 3 stalks of barley in pile Or, on a chf Arg a bridge of 2 arches
Purp. (D: Siobhn Chantoiseau de Longpont sur Orges Nov 92)
Lozengy Or & Vt, a 3-tiered natural fountain Arg. (B: Alexandria
Wright - Jun 05)
Or, a dolmen & on a chf Vt 3 lozenges Or. (D: Nechtan MacIver Sep 04)
Or, a dolmen Sa betw 2 flaunches plumetty Sa & Or. (D: Garlanda
de Stanes - Dec 88)
Or, a dragon salient contourny Sa breathing flames Gu, issuant from
base a wall Sa. (D: Eric de Dragonslaire - Apr 93)
Or, a flame Gu above an altar Sa betw 2 lions combattant Az. (D:
Arthur Glendower - Feb 75?) (Deceased)
Or, a pegasus segreant Gu within a dolmen issuant from base, on a
chf Sa a plate. (D: Malcolm Strider of Amesbury - Jan 91)
Or, a pointed arch Sa betw 3 oak leaves Vt. (D: Simon de Okewode
- Nov 02)
Or, a single-arched bridge & on a chf Sa a barrel palewise Or. (B:
Ponte Alto - Sep 07) (For the Baronial Brewer)
Or, a single-arched bridge & on a chf Sa a helm Or. (B: Ponte Alto
- Sep 07) (For the Baronial Rattan Champion)
Or, a single-arched bridge & on a chf Sa a pair of calipers Or. (B:
Ponte Alto - Sep 07) (For the Baronial Artisan)
Or, a single-arched bridge & on a chf Sa a pheon Or. (B: Ponte Alto
- Sep 07) (For the Baronial Archer)


Architecture (continued)

Or, a single-arched bridge & on a chf Sa a rapier fesswise Or. (B:

Ponte Alto - Sep 07) (For the Baronial Rapier Champion)
Or, a single-arched bridge & on a chf Sa 3 harps Or. (B: Ponte Alto
- Sep 07) (For the Baronial Bard)
Or, a wall issuant from base Gu, the gate closed proper, & issuant
from the battlements a demi-weasel ramp Sa. (D: Ziegfried
Gunter von Wieselburg - Nov 07)
Or, atop a bridge of 3 arches throughout a tower, the streams
transfluent Gu. (D: Grmr Vthfari - May 96)
Or, in fess a quilliq abased Sa enflamed Gu & an inuksuk & on a
chf Az a mullet above five roundels enarched to base, the
center roundel issuant from base Or. (D: Nunavut, Territory of
- Sep 00) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, on a bend sin cotised Vt betw a robin rising contourny, wings
addorsed, & a church Az, 3 billets Or. (D: Robin Arthur Kyrke
- Jan 93)
Or, on a bend sin embat counter-embat betw 2 dolmens Az, 3 suns
Or. (D: Arnoff Ragnarsson - Jan 86)
Per bend potenty Or & Sa, in bend sin 2 Ionic columns in bend & 2
garbs in bend, all ctrch. (D: Demetria Nichole - May 89)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a single-arched bridge ctrch. (D:
Alexandria Dalassene Kourkouaina - Oct 01)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a bear statant contourny & a dolmen ctrch.
(D: Arthur Bayn - May 04)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, 2 gateways within an orle Arg. (D: Eleanor
del Yete - Nov 96)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a double arched bridge & a bord Arg. (D:
Alys Beaupied - Feb 96)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a double arched bridge & a bord Or. (D:
Aldric of Stonebridge - Jun 95)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 2 griffins sejant respectant & a church ctrch.
(D: Piers Blackmonster - May 94)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 2 columns & a cross patonce within a bord
ctrch. (D: Friederich von Blumenkamp - Oct 99)
Per chev Az & Arg, in chf a single-arched bridge Or masoned Sa.
(B: Thorhalla Carlsdottir Brberg - Sep 07) (For House
Per chev Gu & Or, a fork & knife in salt Arg, in base a flame proper
within an arch stooped Sa, a bord indented ctrch. (D:
Rhonwen of Chesleigh - Feb 91)
Per chev inv Vt & Az, a chev inv Or & in chf a dolmen Arg. (B:
Aidan Davidson - Jan 85) (For House Glenhollow)
Per chev inv Vt & Sa, a dolmen & a bord Or. (D: Cerridwen of
Heygate - Mar 97)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a flat-topped arch Or masoned Sa & in base an
ewer reversed Or. (D: Aber of Western Seas - Aug 07)
Per fess Arg & Az, a lion passant & a tower conjoined to sin with a
wall, all within a bord ctrch. (D: Joella of Blue Lions Keep Jul 88)
Per fess Az & Arg, a fess wavy Vt betw in chf 3 equal-armed Celtic
crosses Or & in base a natural fountain Az. (D: Caoimhghin
ODalaigh - Jul 86)
Per fess Az & Gu, a pillar Arg betw 2 swords inv proper. (D: Bryan
Williamson - Apr 97)
Per fess Az & Gu, a triple-arched bridge & in chf a laurel wreath
Arg betw 2 piles in point Or. (D: Londinium ad Rubrum
Flumen - Nov 81)
Per fess Az & Vt, a barrulet betw in bend sin a tower & 2 towers
joined by a single-arched bridge Arg. (D: David of
Chancellorbridge - Sep 07)
Per fess Az & Vt, a wall with a portal Arg betw a sun & a laurel
wreath Or. (D: Juneborg - Mar 99)
Per fess Az & Vt, on a fess Arg betw 2 single-arched bridges Arg
masoned Sa & a badge ramp Arg marked Sa, a laurel wreath
Vt.. (D: Skerjastrond - Sep 07) (? typo for badger)
Per fess embat Gu & Or, a single-arched bridge Arg & a doublehorned anvil Sa. (B: William of Stonebridge - Feb 07)
Per fess Gu & vair, in pale a pegasus courant to sin Arg, crined &
winged Or, & a natural fountain Or, watered Az. (D: Sarah
Minet - Jun 90)
Per fess Or & Sa, a single-arched bridge & a sword inv ctrch. (B:
Ponte Alto - Jul 06)
Per fess Or & Sa, 3 flames & a pagoda ctrch. (D: Ito Nori Nov 92)
Per fess Sa & Arg, a chev throughout embat counter-embat betw 3
columns ctrch. (D: Leximus Taurus - Jun 97)

Architecture (continued)

Per fess Sa & Arg, in chf a house & in base 3 roundels in fess ctrch.
(B: Brian of Leichester - Mar 04) (JB: Katryna Robyn)
Per fess Sa & Or, a fleur-de-lys & a single-arched bridge ctrch. (B:
Ponte Alto - Aug 06) (For Onore del Ponte dOro)
Per fess Vt & Sa, a fess Arg surmounted by an arch within a wreath
environed of 2 scimitars crossed at the hilts tips in base Gu. (B:
Afghanistan - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Vt & Sa, a fess Arg surmounted by an arch within a wreath
environed of 2 shamshirs crossed at the hilts tips in chf Or. (B:
Afghanistan - Nov 99) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Vt & Sa, a sun Or betw 3 dolmens Arg. (D: Domhnall
Hadrianus Scipio MacLeod - Feb 91)
Per fess wavy Vt & Sa, in pale a dolmen & 2 unicorns combattant
Arg. (D: Kathryn of Atenveldt - Aug 01)
Per pale Arg & Vt, in pale 2 single-arched bridges throughout ctrch,
a bord Gu. (D: Demetri the Greek - Sep 07)
Per pale Az & Arg, a chev inv betw a tower & 2 dolmens, all ctrch.
(D: Terricus MacRorie - Aug 89)
Per pale Az & Or, 2 walls couped with portals ctrch & on a chf Vt
an arrow Or. (D: Hans Schneckenburg - Sep 03)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 columns ctrch. (D: Octavia Columella Jan 01)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a lion passant reguardant betw 3 columns fracted
Or. (D: Shimshon Aryeh ben Avraham - Nov 95)
Per pale Or & Az, 2 towers conjoined by a bridge enarched Arg & a
bord ctrch. (B: River Haven - Jan 95) (For Order of the
Bridged Towers)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a wyvern disp atop a column fesswise Or. (D:
Tarquin of Assisi - Mar 99)
Per pale Sa & Or, a single-arched bridge betw 3 gouts ctrch. (D:
Devin of Stillwater - Aug 92)
Per pale Sa & Or, in pale a single-arched bridge & a laurel wreath,
ctrch. (D: Ponte Alto - May 91)
Per pale Vt & erminois, a dolmen ctrch. (B: Anas ibn Haroun Abd
al-Zaki - Jul 95)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a wyvern betw 3 dolmens Arg. (D: David O
Kellahan - Nov 98)
Per salt Or & Sa, a laurel wreath Vt, 2 dolmens Arg, & a sun Sa.
(D: Standing Stones - Oct 84)
Pily fesswise Purp & Arg, a dolmen of 3 pillars Or, a bord Sa semy
of mallets Arg. (D: Liam MacAuliffe - Dec 91)
Purp, a dolmen betw in cross 4 crescents Or. (B: Meadhbh ni
Bhriain - Jul 86)
Purp, a domestic cat couchant guardant within a arch Or. (D: Asad
ibn Zayyan al-Baghdadi - Oct 99)
Purp, a double arched bridge & a bord Or. (B: Aldric of
Stonebridge - Jun 96)
Purp, on a scroll Arg an hourglass Sa & on a chf Arg a dolmen of 3
lintels Sa. (B: Jocelyn Douglas of Fairfax - Sep 91)
Purp, 3 columns in fess within a bord Arg. (D: Christopher
Delamaison - Mar 95)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a column Arg within a bord Arg masoned Sa.
(B: Lonely Tower, the - Jul 01) (For Order of the Column)
Sa, a dolmen & in chf a mullet of eight points Arg. (D: Gwyneth
merch Macsen - Dec 80)
Sa, a dolmen of 3 uprights standing on a mount Arg, in chf 3 oak
leaves Or. (D: Jilara of Carrowlea - Mar 87)
Sa, a gate within & conjoined to a stone archway within a laurel
wreath Or. (D: Caversgate - Oct 98)
Sa, a portcullised wall betw 3 musical notes & a sword fesswise Or.
(B: Brian Brock - Jul 99)
Sa, a Thors hammer pendent from the lintel of a dolmen Or. (B:
Arenvald Kief av Kiersted - Dec 96)
Sa, a tower conjoined to sin with a wall, all issuant from sin base, in
chf a cloud Or. (B: Abelard Kif de Marseilles - May 07)
Sa, a wall Arg masoned Sa betw 2 suns & a demi-sun issuant from
base Arg. (D: sc of Crganforda - Jul 98)
Sa, a wall issuant from base Arg masoned & portalled Sa & in chf 3
A-frame plumb lines Or. (D: Griffith Jenner - Apr 06)
Sa, an increscent Or betw five columns, 2, 2, & one Arg. (D: Timur
ibn Junaid - Oct 98)
Sa, an Ionic column & in chf a mullet of sixteen points, within an
orle Arg. (D: Harsulf of Brutonholm - May 83)
Sa, an oak tree Or betw 3 single arches Arg. (D: Joanna Christabel
- Jul 81)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 19

[Architecture] to [Arm]

Architecture (continued)

Sa, five roundels in annulo within 4 lathes fretted as on a mascle Or.

(D: Takahara Otoshi - Aug 97)
Sa, in bend sin an axe inv reversed & an axe both bendwise sin Or
betw 2 scarpes, overall a column Arg. (B: Axemoor - Apr 98)
(For Order of the White Pillars of Axemoor)
Sa, in chf betw the halves of a single-arched bridge, its span fracted,
an arrow bendwise sin inv all Gu fimbriated Arg, in base a
flame Or. (D: Edward Kalkin of Doombridge - Sep 07)
Sa, in pale an arch & a wolf dormant Arg. (D: Sybella Paganini Apr 92)
Sa, on a fess Az fimbriated betw 3 dolmens a dragon passant Arg.
(D: Corwin MacCamie - Sep 02)
Sa, on a pall inv betw in chf 2 bridges doubly arched Or 4 mullets
Sa. (D: Bertrik van Triecht - Jun 91)
Sa, 2 towers in fess joined by a single-span bridge Or. (B: William
of Hoghton - Sep 07) (For Hoghton Towers)
Sa, within a fireplace Arg, masoned Sa, flames of fire proper. (D:
Kalida Ivanovna - Oct 86)
Tierced in point Purp, Gu, & Vt, a fountain betw a selle, a dome, &
a rest Or. (D: Ann de Fountain of Seldom Rest - Nov 81)
Vt, a college Arg, issuant from chf a demi-sun Or. (D: William and
Mary in Virginia, College of - May 99) (Important non-SCA
Vt, a column betw 2 swans rising & counter-rising, wings elevated
& disp Arg, beaked, membered & gorged of chains Or
involved bendwise sin about the column. (D: Persephone of
Woodland - Jan 80)
Vt, a column Or within a bord embat Arg. (D: Heoroweard of
Lindcylene - Apr 91)
Vt, a decrescent Arg within an arch stooped Or, betw 3 mullets Arg.
(D: Luanmaise nic Ailithir - Nov 92)
Vt, a dolmen of 3 uprights capped by 2 lintels Arg. (B:
Cadwalladyr Stone of Stonecroft - Jan 74?)
Vt, a fess Sa fimbriated surmounted by a domed mosque of one
minaret, in canton a decrescent Or. (D: Afra bint Tamir alSahrahwayyiah - May 98)
Vt, a mullet Or within a dolmen Arg, a chf embat Or. (D:
Morgaine FitzStephen - May 86)
Vt, a pale Arg betw 2 towers joined by a single-span bridge overall
Or, on a chf indented Arg a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Castle Keep
- Sep 07)
Vt, a roofless stone well Arg, a bord Or. (B: Gwenllian Brighid
Hertewelle - Oct 95)
Vt, a single-span bridge throughout Or betw 2 increscents Arg. (D:
Grinne inghean u Uaithne - Sep 07)
Vt, a 3-tiered natural fountain Arg betw 3 harps Or. (D: Alexandria
Wright - Nov 00)
Vt, a wall Arg betw in chf 2 crossbows & in base 2 swords in salt,
all within a bord Or. (D: Zachariah of Westlake - Dec 94)
Vt, a wall issuant from base Arg masoned Sa with a wooden door
proper & on a chf Arg 3 cups Az. (B: Dafydd MacNab Feb 07)
Vt, an altar Arg betw 3 vols Or. (D: Una MacRobert - Nov 98)
Vt, in pale a stags head cabossed Or & a stone well Arg. (D:
Gwenllian Brighid Hertewelle - Nov 91)
Vt, on a bend betw 2 dolmens Or a spade Sa. (D: Rhonwen of
Watkins Hall - Nov 95)
Vt, on a pale Az fimbriated, in base a laurel wreath Arg, overall in
chf a single-arched bridge Or. (D: Stonebridge Keep Sep 07)
Vt, 3 arches in pale Or betw 2 flaunches invected ermine. (D:
Jeane Chantal la Bouviere - Jul 91)
Vt, 2 columns Arg & a peacock in his pride Or. (D: Demetrio Biagi
- Jun 04)
Vt, 2 stags combatant sustaining betw them a column Arg, a bord
engrailed Or. (B: Outlands, the - Apr 99) (For the Order of
the Stag)
* * * End * * *
Ark: see Ship


(Fieldless) A cubit arm armored bendwise sustaining a flanged

mace bendwise sin Arg. (B: Andrew William Montgomery Feb 96)
20 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arm (continued)

(Fieldless) A cubit arm proper issuant from the mouth of a fishs

head couped close Vt, maintaining a crescent Gu. (B: Simona
Zon dAsolo - Aug 93)
(Fieldless) A fess couped, engrailed to chf, invected to base, in chf
a cubit arm palewise maintaining a bottle, all Arg. (B: Kylson
Skyfyre - Jun 90)
(Fieldless) A goblet Or supported by 2 vested cubit arms in chev
inv within & issuant from an annulet Purp. (B: Carol of Tour
dYvoire - Aug 92)
(Fieldless) A pentaskelion of arms proper, vested Arg, each hand
maintaining a knife Arg hilted Sa. (B: Rose de Le Mans Dec 04)
(Fieldless) A quill pen bendwise sin Arg maintained by a cubit arm
fesswise proper, vested Or. (B: Idonia Tait - Jan 90)
(Fieldless) A triskelion of arms proper vested papellony Sa & Arg,
each hand maintaining a wooden recorder proper. (B: Stefania
Krakowska - Dec 04) (JB: Rathfled du Noir)
(Fieldless) A triskelion of arms vested each hand maintaining an
artists brush Az. (B: Juliana de Florey le Ymagour - Jun 00)
(Fieldless) An arm embowed palewise issuant from flames Or. (B:
Eloise of Coulter - Oct 92)
(Fieldless) An arm embowed proper, vested & maintaining
palewise a rose Sa, slipped & leaved Vt, seeded & barbed of
five crosses crosslet fitchy Or. (B: Nicole Sinclair - Nov 89)
(Fieldless) An arm palewise embowed, armored, & enflamed
sustaining a sword inv bendwise proper. (B: Harald
Brandarm Olafssen - Oct 97)
(Fieldless) An armored arm embowed Arg. (B: Gavine
Armestrang - Jul 04)
(Fieldless) An armored cubit arm fesswise Or sustaining by the tail
a wyvern erect Gu. (B: Gregor von Mnchhausen - Mar 93)
(Fieldless) From a torse of Or & Gu a dexter armored arm
embowed grasping a battle-axe Gu hafted Sa. (B: Jerald of
Galloway - Apr 86)
(Fieldless) 2 arms embowed & clasping hands proper vested Vt.
(B: Efenwealt Wystle - Jul 99)
(Fieldless) 2 arms embowed & interlaced Gu, the dexter
maintaining an arrow & the sin maintaining a recorder Or. (B:
Eric Morrison of Thistlekeep - Apr 98)
(Fieldless) 2 dexter arms, armed & gauntleted, counter-embowed
interlaced Arg. (B: Dg Thorgrimsson - Aug 90) (For House
Arg, a dumbek Vt conjoined in base to 2 Moors arms embowed
counterembowed proper, in chf a peacocks feather Purp eyed
Or. (B: Osol Altan - May 05)
Arg, a falcon disp Vt sustained by a sin cubit arm fesswise fist
clenched & on a chf Sa 3 feathers bendwise sin Or. (D: Donal
Bane of Blakmers - Dec 00)
Arg, a gauntleted sin cubit arm Sa maintaining a rose Gu, barbed,
slipped & leaved Vt, within a bord Sa semy of roses Arg. (D:
Colin Fraser MacLeod - May 92)
Arg, a Moors arm fesswise embowed proper atop a trimount Vt &
on a chf Az 3 crescents Arg. (D: Ileana Welgy - Sep 03)
Arg, a sledge-hammer bendwise, on a chf Sa 2 cubit arms, hands
clasped Arg. (D: Gawain Ord Dubh - Aug 92)
Arg, a triskelion of arms in armor brandishing swords Vt, a bord
engrailed Purp. (D: Sylwein Tarianlas Ysginydd - Feb 07)
Arg, a triskelion of arms vested each hand maintaing an artists
brush Az, within an orle of carnations Gu slipped & leaved Vt.
(D: Juliana de Florey le Ymagour - Oct 99)
Arg, a triskelion of arms vested each hand maintaining an artists
brush Az, within an orle of carnations Gu slipped & leaved Vt.
(D: Juliana de Florey le Ymagour - Feb 07)
Arg, a trisklion of arms in armor brandishing swords Vt, a bord
engrailed Purp. (D: Sylwein Tarianlas Ysginydd - Mar 99) (?
blazon typo for "triskelion")
Arg, in pale an arm in armor fesswise sustaining a shamshir & a
tower couped bendwise sin at the top Sa. (D: Kamal Mishwa
ibn Javid Daoud Khan-ad-Din - Nov 07)
Arg, sem of leaves Vt, in pale in chev a sword inv grasped by a
dexter cubit arm armored Sa & a Madrone tree eradicated Gu,
leaved Vt. (B: Madrone - Mar 83) (For the Champion of
Martial Arts)
Arg, 2 arms embowed fesswise, hands grasped Sa, atop a mount Vt
a stump proper. (D: Finnr Grimulfsson - Nov 98)


Arm (continued)

Arg, 2 Moors arms issuant from the flanks, maintaining a brownhaired melusine proper, all betw 3 crescents Gu. (D: Simona
Zon dAsolo - Nov 93)
Az, a Celtic cross Or sustained by a cubit arm issuant from dexter
base proper. (D: Honour Grenehart - Nov 93)
Az, a chev inv betw a cubit arm apaumy Arg & 2 bees Or. (D: Varr
the Silent - Jan 05)
Az, a crescent bendwise Or, sustained by a cubit arm palewise
proper, a bord Or. (D: Ysabet ferch Gwydyon - Feb 98)
Az, a cubit arm bendwise sustaining by the handles a pair of
scissors Arg, on a chf Arg 3 butterflies Az. (D: Paulette Anne
le Nedlere - Mar 94)
Az, a cubit arm grasping 3 arrows fesswise Arg, issuant from a ford
proper, a chf Arg maily Sa. (D: Simric Mailweaver - Aug 90)
Az, a cubit arm issuant from sin base Arg, sustaining atop its palm a
beehive, in chf 3 bees, a bord Or. (D: Orlando de Castilla May 94)
Az, a cubit arm palewise, hand fisted appaumy, Arg environed of a
pair of wings conjoined, disp & inv, Or. (B: Ulrich Sigismund
von Eisenstrand - Nov 88) (For House Eisenstrand)
Az, a sword bendwise inv proper, surmounted by a dexter arm Arg
fesswise, vested Gu, fimbriated, cuffed & maintaining a quill
Arg. (D: Roberto Prospero de Ruyter Northkirk - Aug 77?)
Az, in pale a colt passant Arg & an arm embowed palewise issuant
from flames of fire Or. (D: Eloise of Coulter - May 90)
Az, in pale a wagon wheel & a pair of arms embowed respectant, a
bord Arg. (D: Tighearnn an Fhiona - Mar 07)
Az, 2 arms in armor counter-embowed & interlaced Or. (D:
Gregory Blount - Aug 98)
Az, 2 cubit arms in chev Or clasping a dagger proper. (D:
Brunhilde Jorgesdottir - May 83)
Checky Or & Arg, a triskelion of arms proper, garbed Sa, each hand
grasping a quill pen Gu. (B: An Tir - Nov 88) (For the
College of Scribes)
Counter-ermine, a sun Gu grasped in the hands of 2 arms issuant
from chf proper. (D: Routt of the Red Wind - Jan 73?)
Ermine, issuant from a base embat Sa a dexter arm embowed,
vested Az, cuffed Arg, grasping a sword Or, crossed in salt
with a sin arm embowed vested Arg & cuffed Az, grasping a
wine cup Or. (D: Guillaume de Vinvert - Sep 73?)
Gu, a cubit sustaining a hunting horn reversed within a bord Or. (D:
Seamus ua Murchada - Dec 95)
Gu, a dexter arm, armoured & gauntleted & issuant from sin Arg,
sustaining a chalice Or, from which issues a dragons tail Vt
fimbriated Arg. (D: Gregor ban Tymparum - Nov 00)
Gu, a fret Or, overall a mailed cubit arm issuant from dexter
grasping the hand of an arm, vested & issuant from sin, Arg.
(B: Robert de Spencer - Mar 89) (For Hold Tyte)
Gu, a sin arm embowed sustaining a bow fesswise all within a bord
Arg. (D: Robert of Hawthorne - Oct 02)
Gu, an armored sin cubit arm bendwise sin grasping a mallet
bendwise, all within a bord urdy Or. (D: Arenvald Kief av
Kiersted - Oct 88)
Gu, in chf 3 bones & in base an escarbuncle of six arms Arg. (D:
Lot mac Grigair - Jul 06)
Gu, on a bend sin Or betw a bears head erased & muzzled & a
cubit arm in armor bendwise sin Arg, a sword Gu. (D: Bjorn
wythe Mace - Aug 97)
Gu, on a pale Sa fimbriated betw 2 cubit arms 2 axes in salt Arg.
(D: Brychen Silverfist - Apr 02)
Gu, on an open book sustained by a cubit arm vested issuant from
base Arg 2 stars of David Sa. (D: Avigaal bas Yaahov Aug 94)
Gu, 3 bezants betw as many cubit arms conjoined, each holding a
book Or. (D: Harolde of Gloster - Mar 78?)
Gu, 3 dexter arms conjoined at the shoulder & flexed in pall,
armored & gauntleted Arg, each fist grasping an iris Or,
slipped Vt. (B: Glaedenfeld - Sep 83)
Gyronny of six palewise Vt & erminois, in pall 3 dexter arms,
flexed & conjoined at the shoulders, each hand grasping a
dagger, Arg. (D: Ternon de Caerleon - May 87)
Or, a battle axe bendwise sin sustained by a cubit arm Sa & on a chf
Vt 3 bells Or. (D: Timothy Fletcher - May 03)

Arm (continued)

Or, a bend per bend Arg & Sa & overall issuant from a crescent Gu
charged with the phrase "Always render service with Gods
guidance" in Arabic Sa betw in fess a pair of cubit arms
palewise a palm tree ensigned with a platform & banner Gu, in
base & conjoined to the crescent a ribbon Gu charged with
"Brunei, city of peace" in Arabic. (B: Brunei - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Or, a dexter arm embowed & armored, maintaining an axe, Sa. (B:
Friedrich Ethelred aus Schloss Trier - Aug 86)
Or, a dexter arm fesswise issuant from dexter proper vested Gu
sustaining a roundel barry wavy Sa & Arg. (D: Marcus
Blackwell - Jan 00)
Or, a scimitar reversed bendwise sin sustained by an armored arm
fesswise embowed & on a chf Az 3 martlets Or. (D: Konrad
Ryman - Jun 05)
Or, in salt issuant from base a dexter cubit arm debruising a sin
cubit arm Sa. (B: Hillary Stormrider - May 80)
Or, on a bend sin Vt betw a dexter arm embowed & armored,
maintaining an axe, & a castle Sa, in chf a double-headed eagle
disp Or, all within a bord Sa. (D: Friedrich Ethelred aus
Schloss Trier - Jan 85)
Or, on a pale Gu a sin armored arm embowed to sin maintaining a
hammer Or, a bord Gu. (D: Rodbert Cospatrick - Oct 82)
Or, on a plate betw a plow, a crossed shovel & pick, a cubit arm
maintaining a hammer, & an anchor, all proper, the arms of the
United States within the words "E PLURIBUS UNUM" in orle
Sa. (D: Wisconsin, State of - May 99) (Important non-SCA
Or, 2 chevrons cotised & in base an armored arm embowed
fesswise Sa. (D: William Elleison - Mar 89)
Or, 2 pallets Sa, overall a pair of cubit arms in salt Gu. (D: Janos
the Surly - Jun 98)
Paly Arg & Vt, 2 arms counterembowed & interlaced within a bord
embat Sa. (D: Christophe Lejeune - May 07)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend betw 2 armored arms embowed Arg. (D:
Gavine Armestrang - Jan 07)
Per bend Gu & Vt, a bend betw an arm, issuant from the bend &
embowed in chev inv maintaining a sword inv Arg & 2 wheels
in bend Or. (D: Liam MacFarlane - Nov 89)
Per bend, Sa, an African elephants head Arg, couped close, & Arg,
guttee de sang, a dexter forearm palewise clenched & mailed
Sa. (D: Tomascz the Hammerhand - Aug 79)
Per bend Sa & Or, a flexed arm bendwise sin proper, upon a gloved
hand Vt, a crow close Sa. (D: Gnther von Stein - Feb 90)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a bend sin betw a vested sin cubit arm
palewise, the hand in benediction, & an armored & gauntleted
dexter arm palewise embowed Arg. (D: Wilhelm Finger May 85)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a rose Arg barbed & seeded proper, & a cubit
arm bendwise sin couped Or, vested Arg. (D: Guillena of
Curbarcroft - Nov 84)
Per bend sin engrailed Gu & Arg, a cubit arm & a branch bendwise
sin ctrch. (D: Conchobhar Loingseachin - Sep 95)
Per bend sin indented Or & Gu, a sin cubit arm Sa & a mullet of
seven points voided & interlaced Or. (D: Arthur Blackhand Jan 94)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a cross Moline & a armored arm embowed
palewise ctrch. (D: Madyn ap Cadell - Aug 04)
Per bend sin Vt & Arg, an arm armoured embowed fesswise,
maintaining a scimitar bendwise sin, & a bow bendwise sin
reversed ctrch. (D: Aleyn the Younger - Jan 90)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 Moors cubit arms in chev issuant from the
flanks proper & a phoenix Arg & on a chf Az 3 annulets Arg.
(D: Jaine Elizabeth Parr - Dec 02)
Per chev Az & Or, in chf 2 open books & in base 2 cubit arms
vested, couped, the hands clasped, ctrch. (D: Linda of London
- Mar 78?)
Per chev Az & Vt, an armoured arm embowed sustaining a spear
fesswise Arg. (D: Sion ap Rhainallt - Jan 08)
Per chev Az, ermined Or, & Az, 2 armored & gauntleted arms
conjoined in chev & in base a seagull close Arg. (B: Southern
Shores - Jul 81) (For Warlord of Southern Shores)
Per chev Gu & Sa, 2 chevronels betw 3 triskelions of arms each arm
maintaining a hammer Arg. (D: David Michael Collanwood Oct 02)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 21


Arm (continued)

Per chev Sa & Arg, 3 mullets of 4 points one & 2 Arg & a cubit arm
armored Gu betw in fess 2 mullets of 4 points Sa. (D: Cerdic
Blackmoore - Sep 93)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a cubit arm Arg, vested Or, cuffed Sa, belled
Arg, grasping a thunderbolt Or, winged Gu & enflamed
proper. (B: Huldah von Jal - Oct 71)
Per chev Vt & Gu, a dexter arm fesswise embowed erased at the
shoulder, fist clenched, armed Arg. (D: Wilhelm von Armfelt Oct 04)
Per chev Vt & Or, 3 dexter arms embowed in armor, each
maintaining a scimitar palewise inv, edge to sin, all ctrch. (D:
Charles of Shepardswell - Dec 84)
Per fess Arg & Az, an armoured arm palewise embowed &
maintaining a sword bendwise inv Sa, naissant from a fess
barry wavy Az & Arg. (D: Culann Mac Cruimein - Aug 89)
Per fess Az & Sa, a laurel wreath Or sustained by a skeletal cubit
arm palewise Arg. (D: Loch Bis - Jan 98)
Per fess Sa & Az, on a fess Arg a heart Gu & in base an arm
fesswise embowed vested Or. (D: Anne Gyldensleve Mar 06)
Per fess Sa & Vt, a fess wavy Arg betw 3 armored arms fesswise
embowed, each brandishing a hammer Or. (D: Tth Istvn Mar 93)
Per fess Vt & Arg, issuant from dexter chf a cubit arm Gu grasping
a Sauvages head proper, crined Sa, embrued Gu. (B: Denis of
the Titans - Jun 80) (For Monsters of Monster Hall)
Per fess Vt & Arg, issuant from dexter chf a ladys arm proper
within a maunch Gu, grasping a sauvages head proper, crined
Sa, embrued Gu. (B: Denis of the Titans - Jun 80) (For
Ladies Auxiliary of the Monsters)
Per fess wavy Az & Arg, in chf an armored arm fesswise embowed,
maintaining a sword, & in base 3 fish haurient, ctrch. (D: Kurt
der Laut - Apr 96)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a sword betw a cubit sin arm & a cubit dexter
arm, the fists clenched, ctrch, each arm manacled at the wrist
Sa, all within a bord ctrch. (D: Liam Devlin - Aug 84)
Per pale Az & Arg, 3 cubit arms conjoined in pall each sustaining a
smiths hammer & a bord ctrch. (D: Beorhtric Folcwinesone May 99)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 3 cubit arms conjoined in pall inv, each grasping
a jugglers club, on a chf Or, a fox passant Gu maintaining a
gunstone. (D: Tormod dubh Gunn - Feb 95)
Per pale Or & Az, in fess a cubit arm maintaining an arrow palewise
inv Sa conjoined in chev inv to another maintaining an arrow
palewise Or. (D: Katherine Fletcher of Stonemarche Jan 90)
Per pale Purp & Az, a cubit arm Arg sustaining a sun betw 3 fleursde-lys Or. (D: Iseult du Soleil - May 96)
Per pale Purp & Az, a cubit arm armored bendwise, sustaining a
flanged mace bendwise sin Arg. (D: Andrew William
Montgomery - May 96)
Per pale Sa & Az, a dexter cubit arm fist clenched bendwise sin
betw the pieces of a sword fracted in bend Or. (D: Hrothgar
Breaksword - Nov 96)
Per pale Sa & Or, a pair of arms in armor counter-embowed & a sun
issuant from base ctrch. (D: Etienne dAvignon - Sep 95)
Per pale Sa & Or, in pale a heart & a dexter armored arm fesswise
embowed ctrch. (D: Thorvald Strongarm - Jun 91)
Per pale Vt & Gu, a cubit arm Or maintaining a quill pen & an
artists brush in salt Arg, a bord embat Or. (D: Duccio
Alighieri - Oct 07)
Per pale wavy Az & Or, issuant from the line of division a sin arm
reversed sustaining a sword Sa. (D: Swjetoslaw Stargradskoj Oct 96)
Purp, a sin arm embowed aversant Arg sustaining an annulet Or, a
chf embat Arg. (D: Quentyn Siobhn Riordin - Feb 05)
Purp, a sin arm fesswise embowed reversed Arg sustaining a
jesters bauble Or, faced of skull Arg, capped per pale ermine
& Or. (B: Cecilia Warvic de Stradforde - Sep 98)
Purp, an armoured arm palewise embowed maintaining a peregrine
falcon Or & in chf 2 broadarrows Arg, all within a bord embat
Or. (D: Catherine of Hammerstone Manor - Mar 90)
Quarterly Az, ermined Arg & counter-ermine, an arm bendwise
maintaining a battle-axe bendwise sin, betw in bend sin 2
boars heads erased, respectant Arg. (D: Cadwyd Enwir Feb 92)
22 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arm (continued)

Quarterly Gu & pean, an armored arm fesswise embowed

maintaining a rose Arg slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Ursula von
Bremen - Nov 00)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a dexter arm, armoured, couped & embowed
fesswise & on a chf Arg 3 gouttes de poix. (D: Bedawyr of
Avaricum - Oct 85)
Sa, a bend sin wavy betw an abacus fesswise & an armoured &
fisted cubit arm palewise Or. (D: Labhriunn de Ramsay Jan 89)
Sa, a dexter arm embowed fesswise armored & gauntleted, fist
clenched, Arg, in chf a dexter gauntlet clenched palewise inv
betw 2 lightning flashes in chev inv Or. (D: Olaf Armcrusher Jun 81)
Sa, a Latin cross Arg & in chf a sword fesswise proper maintained
by a sin cubit arm palewise Arg. (D: Robert de Lacey May 96)
Sa, a sin arm embowed fesswise, fist clenched to sin, within a bord
embat Arg. (D: Benedict Scattergoode - Apr 87)
Sa, a sin arm embowed vested at the shoulder sustaining by the
blade a sword bendwise, a bord Arg. (B: Loch Salann Sep 94) (For the Baronial Guard)
Sa, a sin arm fesswise reversed embowed proper armored Or
grasping 3 tulips Or slipped Vt all within a bord Or. (D:
Gerald Loosehelm - Feb 92)
Sa, a sword sustained by a gauntleted cubit arm fesswise reversed
vested Arg betw 3 mullets Or. (D: Olaf Blodhx - Apr 96)
Sa, a sword sustained by a gloved cubit arm fesswise, on a chf Arg
3 roundels Sa. (D: Corwyn Montgomery - Jun 01)
Sa, a tankard sustained by a gloved cubit arm fesswise, a bord Arg.
(B: Corwyn Montgomery - Jun 01)
Sa, an arm embowed vested at the shoulder holding on an open
palm a string of pearls, a bord Arg. (B: Loch Salann - Sep 94)
(For the Baronial Artisans League)
Sa, an infants arm couped at the shoulder fesswise embowed Or
maintaining an apple proper. (D: Piedro Vega y Garcia de
Barcelona - May 02)
Sa, in pale an eagles head erased & an arm couped maintaining a
spear fesswise Or betw flaunches vairy in pale Gu & Or. (D:
Hurlan OCorra - Jun 01)
Sa, issuant from an open tankard Arg, a dexter arm embowed
reversed proper, grasping a sword fesswise Arg. (D: Kenneth
MacCintsacairt - Dec 85)
Sa, on a salt Arg another humetty Gu, in base an arm conjoined to a
sin wing & maintaining a sword, on a chf Arg 3 annulets Gu.
(D: Peter Hibben - Aug 92)
Sa, 2 arms couped counterembowed & interlaced proper. (D: John
of Flanders - Jul 97)
Sa, 2 cubit arms fesswise hands clasped Arg, a bord Or. (B: Etain
Eame - Oct 07)
Tierced per pall dovetailed Az, Gu & Sa, a crescent, a dexter arm,
vambraced & gauntletted, issuant from the line of division Arg
maintaining a sword proper, & a lion ramp Or. (D: John
Fettersson of the Misty Hills - Oct 82)
Vair ancient, a sin arm embowed, armored & gauntleted of chain
mail Sa, grasping a closed book Gu. (D: James of Penmore Nov 82)
Vt, a dexter arm erased palewise embowed proper sustaining a
needle bendwise Arg. (B: Black Taylor of Lochaber - Oct 04)
Vt, a pair of cubit arms issuant in chev & crossed at the wrists Arg.
(D: Sine NicChluarain - Dec 82)
Vt, an arm embowed with hand to sin Arg, holding zils, with 4
armbands & entwined by a double-headed serpent, all Or. (D:
Stevanna of Houghton - Feb 75)
Vt, an arm issuant from sin Arg sustaining a Celtic cross Or. (D:
Christina Armstrong - Feb 97)
Vt, an armored cubit arm maintaining a sheaf of arrows fesswise, on
a base Or 3 boars heads erased Vt. (D: Pdraig hinle Sep 92)
Vt, in cross 4 cubit arms joined at the elbows, hands clenched, Or,
thereon a quatrefoil Gu, pierced Or. (D: Maria Alysaundre de
Rohese - Mar 78?)
Vt, in fess 2 towers Or, each with an armored arm embowed issuant
from the battlements Arg, maintaining 2 swords inv in salt Or.
(D: Guillaume de Marris - Oct 90)
Vt, on a triskelion of arms each brandishing an axe Or, a torteau.
(D: Fearghus Siadhail - Nov 93)

[Arm] to [Arrangement - Creature - Addorsed]

Arm (continued)

Vt, 3 armored arms in triskelion, each maintaining a spoon, Arg,

betw 3 cooking pots Or. (D: Steffan of the Close - Feb 97)
Vt, 2 arms in armor embowed & interlaced Arg, each maintaining a
goblet Or, a bord embat Arg. (D: Alaric Gruenwolf - Sep 92)
* * * End * * *
Armadillo: see Beast - Anteater
Armillary sphere: see Tool - Astronomical


See also: Clothing and Hand and Helmet

(Fieldless) A demi-moose ramp its dexter foreleg replaced by an
arm in armor Arg, armed unguled & garnished Or, brandishing
a sword proper. (B: Aarnimets - Mar 99)
(Fieldless) A demi-moose ramp Sa, armed & unguled Or, its dexter
foreleg replaced by an arm in armor Arg garnished Or,
brandishing a sword proper. (B: Aarnimets - Mar 99)
Arg, a trisklion of arms in armor brandishing swords Vt, a bord
engrailed Purp. (D: Sylwein Tarianlas Ysginydd - Mar 99) (?
blazon typo for "triskelion")
Az, a lion ramp Or, tail nowed, dexter forearm armored Arg,
maintaining a seax proper a bord embat Arg. (B: Kian hrafn af
Dyrnesi - Jul 97)
Az, 2 arms in armor counter-embowed & interlaced Or. (D:
Gregory Blount - Aug 98)
Gu, a breastplate Arg, a point pointed & on a chf Or 3 gunstones.
(D: Richard Devlin Bordeaux - Feb 91)
Gu, on a bend sin Or betw a bears head erased & muzzled & a
cubit arm in armor bendwise sin Arg, a sword Gu. (D: Bjorn
wythe Mace - Aug 97)
Gu, 3 armored legs couped at the knee & conjoined in pall within a
bord Or. (B: Aleric Ironleg - Sep 92)
Per pale Sa & Or, a pair of arms in armor counter-embowed & a sun
issuant from base ctrch. (D: Etienne dAvignon - Sep 95)
Per salt Sa & Gu, an armored angel maintaining overhead a sword
Or. (D: Theoland Grimulf - Dec 96)
Sa, a breastplate affronty betw 3 flanged maces palewise, all within
a bord engrailed Or. (D: Charles the Black - Jun 90)
Sa, a cuirass & on a chf Arg, in sin a decrescent Az. (D: Khalid alKhadir - Jan 99)
Sa, a gauntlet bendwise Arg sustaining a Celtic cross bendwise sin,
on a chf Or a salt Sa. (D: Duncan of the Bridge - Aug 99)
Vt, an armored cubit arm maintaining a sheaf of arrows fesswise, on
a base Or 3 boars heads erased Vt. (D: Pdraig hinle Sep 92)
Vt, 2 arms in armor embowed & interlaced Arg, each maintaining a
goblet Or, a bord embat Arg. (D: Alaric Gruenwolf - Sep 92)
* * * End * * *
Arrangement - Beast: see Arrangement - Creature

Arrangement - Creature - Addorsed

(Fieldless) 2 demi-swans rousant addorsed conjoined wings

addorsed Arg. (B: Ginevra Bagnesi da Diacceto - Aug 00)
(Fieldless) 2 horses ramp addorsed tails entwined Arg. (B:
Beautrice Hammeltoune - Apr 00) (For House Kyngesbridge)
(Fieldless) 2 horses salient addorsed conjoined Sa. (B: Maria de
Andaluzia - May 08)
(Fieldless) 2 lions addorsed tails entwined, the dexter Gu & the sin
Or. (B: Chendra Rudd ferch Arianwen - Feb 03)
Arg, a chev Gu betw 2 wingless wyverns sejant addorsed Sa & a
hurst of 2 pine trees Vt, all within a bord Gu. (D: Dirk of
Frisia - Jun 92)
Arg, a fess Gu betw 2 griffins segreant addorsed Vt & a tower Sa, a
bord Gu. (D: Eric of Kelton - Dec 94)
Arg, a griffin Gu & a domestic cat Az ramp addorsed, tails
entwined, within a bord Gu. (D: Arianna Benyt - Apr 88)
Arg, a unicorn ramp Az & a griffin segreant to sin Gu. (D: Szerena
Fehr the Indecisive - Apr 86)
Arg, in chf a cat couchant to sin & in base 2 cats ramp regardant
addorsed Sa. (D: Elizabeth Ruthven Carmichael - Jul 81)
Arg, on a pale Az betw 2 unicorns ramp addorsed Sa, 3 decrescents
Arg. (D: Elinor de Chacenay - Jan 95)
Arg, on a pale Sa betw 2 dragons ramp reguardant addorsed Gu, a
sword proper, a bord Sa. (D: Crystoffer ap Cynan Llwyd May 95)

Arrangement - Creature - Addorsed (continued)

Arg, 2 cats sejant addorsed their tails entwined a bord embat Sa. (D:
Milborough Aldaway - Sep 97)
Arg, 2 domestic cats sejant addorsed tails entwined Sa betw in pale
2 roses proper. (D: Rioghnach ny Rise - Aug 03)
Arg, 2 domestic cats sejant erect addorsed Purp & a chf embat Az.
(D: Judith le Alefondere - Jan 91)
Arg, 2 natural panthers salient addorsed Sa & a base urdy Vt. (D:
Halla Hrafnsdttir - Sep 05)
Arg, 2 otters salient addorsed reguardant proper, a bord per pale Az
& Purp. (D: Francois Belgraunde - Dec 95)
Arg, 2 ounces ramp addorsed regardant tails entwined Sa incensed
Gu within a bord embat Sa platy. (D: Cerdic Cuileamhaim Mar 07)
Arg, 2 panthers ramp addorsed regardant tails entwined Sa incensed
Gu within a bord embat Sa platy. (D: Cerdic Cuileamhaim Apr 94)
Arg, 2 stags springing addorsed & in chf a sun Gu. (D: Tuathal
mac Catcheirn - Apr 02)
Arg, 2 stags springing addorsed Gu & in chf a mullet Sa. (D:
Konrad the Hunter - Aug 01)
Arg, 2 unicorns ramp addorsed reguardant, horns crossed, Sa, & a
Maltese cross Gu. (D: Richard de la Croix - May 86)
Arg, 2 wingless sea-dragons erect addorsed, tails entwined, Vt. (D:
Jehanne Urchurdan - Aug 85)
Az, a chev inv wavy Or betw a castle & 2 foxes sejant addorsed
Arg. (D: Robert Corwen of Dunbar - Jul 98)
Az, a lion & a unicorn ramp & addorsed, tails intertwined, within an
orle Arg. (D: Jonathan de Laney - Aug 80) (re-registered
Az, a lion Or & a lioness Arg ramp addorsed, tails entwined, & in
chf a sun Or. (D: Alarick Gerard von Goldenlwen - Nov 06)
Az, a pale erminois betw 2 panthers ramp guardant addorsed Or
pellety, incensed Gu, on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D:
Dennet de Poitou - Aug 95)
Az, an oak tree eradicated Or betw in fess 2 gryphons passant
addorsed Arg. (B: Bohemund von Greifshafen - May 82)
(For Household of the Warded Wald)
Az crusily fitchy & 2 barbels haurient addorsed Or. (D: Bar,
Counts of - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, in fess a sea-unicorn Arg scaly Sa & a unicorn ramp contourny
vairy ancient Arg & Sa. (D: Anastasia of Tor Brant - Apr 92)
Az, in salt 2 sealions ramp addorsed within a bord engrailed Or. (B:
Aithne Lassarina Anderson of Shadowskeep - Apr 87) (For
House of Shadowskeep)
Az, on a bend betw 2 dragons segreant addorsed Or a stick shuttle
Az. (D: Laure Anne the Plaidweaver - Jul 95)
Az, on a pale Arg betw 2 hippogriffs salient addorsed Or, a pine
tree eradicated Vt. (D: Filib Mac Samuis Conaill Aug 94)
Az, on a pale Or betw 2 griffins segreant addorsed Arg, a rose Az &
another Gu. (D: varr Snbjarnarson - Feb 97)
Az, 2 bears ramp addorsed within a bord embat Arg. (D: Fferyl ap
Llywelyn - Nov 92)
Az, 2 demi-lions ramp addorsed & conjoined into a single fishs tail
curled to sin Arg. (D: James du Mer - May 85)
Az, 2 demi-unicorns clymant, addorsed & conjoined, betw 3 clovers
one & 2, all Arg. (D: Fiona OMull - Jan 73?)
Az, 2 dolphins haurient addorsed Arg. (D: Roberto Giano May 00)
Az, 2 flaunches Or, overall 2 brown bears sejant addorsed proper.
(D: Ronald of Bywater - Apr 73?)
Az, 2 greyhounds salient addorsed, on a chf embat Or 3 crescents
Sa. (D: Randal Sinclair Hawkins - Jun 00)
Az, 2 griffins sejant addorsed reguardant & an arrow inv Or. (D:
Reys Saethydd de Glamorgan - Jan 07)
Az, 2 herons addorsed Arg. (D: Brennan O Loughran - Sep 00)
Az, 2 lions ramp, addorsed & respectant, Or, on a chf erminois an
increscent Az. (D: Matthew the Taylors Son - Mar 88)
Az, 2 lions ramp addorsed betw 3 anchors Arg. (B: James Guy of
Bothwell - Jan 06)
Az, 2 natural dolphins haurient addorsed Arg & Or. (D: Dolfin of
Cork - Oct 00)
Az, 2 pegasi ramp addorsed, wings elevated, addorsed & crossed in
salt, within twelve mullets in bord Arg. (D: Rosemary the
Starseeker - Jul 80)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 23

[Arrangement - Creature - Addorsed]

Arrangement - Creature - Addorsed (continued)

Az, 2 scarpes wavy betw a tyger ramp & a lion ramp to sin, tail
nowed, Or. (D: Seamus of the Cats - Jul 85)
Az, 2 seahorses addorsed, tails nowed, & in chf a decrescent Arg.
(D: Alyna of Snow Camp - Sep 88)
Az, 2 squirrels sejant erect, addorsed, & on a chf Or, 2 swords in
pale, the upper reversed, Az. (D: Grigorei Nikolaevitch Belkin
- Nov 91)
Az, 2 unicorns ramp addorsed & on a chf wavy Or a 4 towered
castle Sa. (D: Felicia Heather of Newcastle - Sep 99)
Bendy & per pale Sa & Or, 2 griffins segreant addorsed their tails
nowed together Vt. (D: Nicolas de la Hale - Sep 02)
Chevronelly Arg & Vt, 2 horses salient addorsed within a bord Sa.
(D: Tams of Esfenn - Jul 92)
Counter-ermine, 2 dragons ramp addorsed breathing flames Or. (D:
Bedwyr ap Cedifor - Jan 84)
Counter-ermine, 2 Greek sphinxes ramp reguardant addorsed their
tails entwined in a Bourchier knot with the dexter maintaining
a sword & the sin maintaining a quill pen all within a bord
embat Or. (D: Gnther von Weiensee - May 03)
Ermine, 2 goats clymant addorsed within a bord Sa. (D: Yazida bint
Zarif - Nov 02)
Gu, ermined Arg, a unicorn bicorporate ramp addorsed Arg. (B:
Dosia of Glendalough - Feb 81)
Gu scaly Or, 2 dragons segreant addorsed Arg. (D: Iain Alasdair
MacKenzie - Jan 96)
Gu, 2 bears ramp addorsed Or, each maintaining a scimitar Arg, on
a chf triangular Or, 3 crescents, 2 & one, Gu. (D: Valerian
Zakharevitch Druzhinnik - Apr 89)
Gu, 2 griffins segreant addorsed Or. (D: Hugh the Undecided Jan 74?)
Gu, 2 lions addorsed tails entwined & on a chf indented Or five
annulets Az. (D: Annabelle Perrot - Sep 06)
Gu, 2 lions ramp regardant addorsed Or, a chf double-enarched
ermine. (D: Constance Lyonnete de Beaumont - Dec 04)
Gu, 2 lions sejant addorsed regardant, a bord Or. (D: Imayne de
Merlowe - Jun 05)
Gu, 2 natural seahorses addorsed & on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Sa.
(D: Briana von der Ostwache - May 97)
Gu, 2 peacocks pavonated to base addorsed reguardant, in chf a
crescent Or. (D: Rashid ibn Hilal - Nov 94)
Gu, 2 sagittaries salient addorsed Or. (D: Chuluun the Scribe Oct 04)
Gu, 2 Sassanian horned winged demi-lions statant addorsed
conjoined Or. (D: Abraham ben Aaron - Jul 80)
Gu, 2 sea-unicorns addorsed & conjoined into a single tail Or. (D:
Jehanne Eloise de la Mer - Apr 88)
Gyronny Az & ermine, 2 sea-lions erect regardant addorsed within
an orle Or. (D: Aithne Lassarina Anderson of Shadowskeep Nov 84)
Gyronny Gu & ermine, a bear & a lion ramp addorsed Or. (D: Rolf
Sewardson - Nov 97)
Lozengy Or & Vt, 2 owls addorsed & a cross crosslet fitchy Arg.
(D: Tonwen verch Gruffydd - Apr 02)
Or, a bend sin Vt betw 2 dragons addorsed Gu a bord Vt. (D: Boo
Hg - Nov 97)
Or, a dragonfly volant en arrire Gu & in base 2 rabbits sejant erect
addorsed regardant Az. (D: Hibrida Longhair - Feb 85)
Or, a drakkar & on a chf Gu 2 lions passant addorsed, tails
interlaced, Or. (D: Dagmar Pate Paty of Smland - Jun 83)
Or, a pale Gu betw 2 domestic cats sejant addorsed Sa. (D: Morgan
MacBride - May 96)
Or, a pile Vt betw 2 ravens addorsed reguardant Sa. (D: Robert le
Raven MacLeod - Apr 02)
Or, 2 cats sejant addorsed reguardant, tails entwined Sa & a chf
engrailed Gu. (D: Adelheit Schwarzenkatze - Feb 06)
Or, 2 cats sejant reguardant addorsed, the dexter Az & the sin Vt.
(B: Herrel of Smael Nest - Jul 83)
Or, 2 horses salient addorsed & in base a mullet of eight points Sa,
all within a bord pean. (D: Maria de Andaluzia - May 08)
Or, 2 hounds ramp addorsed & a chf Gu. (D: Rian Gortyroyan Jun 92)
Or, 2 hummingbirds rising addorsed, wings elevated & addorsed,
Gu, a chf embat Vt. (D: Lucia Zaffarana - Dec 05)
Or, 2 levriers ramp addorsed, tails couped, Sa. (D: Mary of Tamar Jan 73?)

24 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - Creature - Addorsed (continued)

Or, 2 lions ramp addorsed betw in chf 3 mullets of eight points Az

& in base 2 swords in chev inv Sa. (D: Anrothan of Loch
Suibhne - Jul 86)
Or, 2 lynxes ramp guardant addorsed Gu, in chf 3 ostrich feathers
bendwise sin Az. (D: Perrin Ghelincx - Apr 97)
Or, 2 pheasants addorsed tails crossed in salt & on a chf Vt five
lozenges Or. (D: Lydia of Sardis - Nov 95)
Or, 2 wyverns addorsed & conjoined at the tail Az, each bearing a
broken hafted battle axe Sa. (D: Eirik the Elder - Jan 87)
Pean, 2 panthers ramp addorsed Or spotted Sa. (D: Talon the
Bastard - Nov 06)
Per bend Gu & Az, 2 dragons segreant addorsed & in base a mullet,
a bord embat Or. (D: Melcher Lloyd of Hawkwood - Feb 05)
Per bend sin embat pean & erminois, a winged stag ramp regardant
Or & a wolf ramp to sin guardant Sa. (D: Jarique Ravenelle of
Marseilles - Apr 84)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 2 domestic cats sejant guardant addorsed & a
decrescent ctrch. (D: Jocea Anne Gallowglass - Mar 88)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 2 dragons segreant addorsed Gu & a tower Arg
masoned Sa. (D: Erich von Drachenholz - Mar 98)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 2 ravens addorsed Sa & a bear ramp Arg. (D:
Einarr inn spaki - Feb 07)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 demiwolves ramp addorsed issuant from the
line of division Arg, & a dog statant reguardant Sa. (D: Bran
of Silver Keep - Jul 97)
Per chev Az & chequy Arg & Vt, 2 griffins segreant addorsed Arg
& a Celtic cross Gu. (D: Christopher Patrick ONeill Aug 90)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 coneys couchant addorsed & a dragons
gambe palewise erased ctrch. (D: Danulf Donaldson Apr 88)
Per chev inv Arg & Az, a rose & 2 wolves ramp reguardant
addorsed one & 2, a bord ctrch. (D: rennach ingen Chormaic
- Jun 99)
Per chev inv Arg & Sa, a hammer & 2 dragons segreant addorsed
breathing flames ctrch. (D: Steinarr Hamarr - Oct 95)
Per chev ploy Or & Sa, 2 griffins segreant addorsed Az & a rod of
Aesculapius Or. (D: Devin Adair Bartholomy - Dec 93)
Per chev ploy Or & Sa, 2 griffins segreant addorsed Gu & a harp
reversed Or. (D: Daedra McBeth a Gryphon - Dec 93)
Per chev Purp & Vt, in chf 2 swords inv in chev & conjoined at the
pommel Arg & in base 2 fish haurient addorsed Or. (D:
Giovanni Allegri - Feb 96)
Per chev reversed Vt & Az, a chev reversed Arg betw a hippogriff
courant & 2 unicorns salient addorsed, all Or. (D: Alewaulfe
the Red - Apr 76?)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 2 harts trippant reguardant addorsed Arg & a
rose slipped & leaved Gu. (D: Jonathon Whitehart - Jan 99)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev betw in chf 2 lions ramp addorsed & in
base an eagle disp Arg. (D: Wilhelm of Greyland - Oct 80)
Per chev throughout Arg & Az 2 ravens addorsed Sa & 3 drinking
horns in annulo Arg. (D: orvaldr rlfsson Vaksfjall Sep 93)
Per fess embat Vt & Arg, in pale 2 bears ramp addorsed Or & 3
roses Gu. (D: Jason of Rosaria - Oct 82)
Per fess Vt & fusilly Vt & Arg, on a fess Arg 3 roses Gu, barbed &
seeded proper, & in chf 2 cockatrices passant addorsed, tails
entwined Arg. (D: Anne Embrey - Mar 84)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 bears ramp addorsed ctrch. (D: Thorfinn
Sigurdson - Apr 96)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 birds addorsed ctrch. (D: Jrg Jorge the
Short - May 95)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 horses salient addorsed ctrch Sa & Arg, in chf
a rose Gu barbed & seeded proper. (D: Ronan ap Morgan Sep 95)
Per pale Arg & Gu, 2 cats sejant addorsed ctrch. (D: Ilijana
Krakowska - Sep 98)
Per pale Arg & Purp, 2 dragons addorsed, conjoined at the tails,
ctrch. (D: Constance the Curious - Jun 05)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a cat ramp Az & a natural tiger ramp to sin Arg,
striped Sa, & in chf a roundel ctrch. (D: Rgn hinn Stilligr Jun 83)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a tree betw in base 2 bears ramp addorsed ctrch.
(D: Wolfrath Jger - Apr 03)

[Arrangement - Creature - Addorsed]

Arrangement - Creature - Addorsed (continued)

Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 dragons rising addorsed ctrch, breathing
flames & their tails grasped by, in base, a gauntlet ctrch Gu &
Or. (D: Balin the Grisley - Feb 86)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 lions ramp addorsed regardant ctrch, in chf a
goblet Or issuant therefrom a demi-sun Gu. (D: Alwin of
Chailewai - Apr 98)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 natural panthers ramp addorsed tails nowed &
crossed, in base a county coronet, all within an orle of chain
ctrch. (D: Toirdhealbhach an Cat Dubh - Nov 06)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 boars ramp addorsed ctrch. (D: Osgar
MacAnna - Dec 92)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 demi-horses passant addorsed issuant from the
line of partition & in chf 2 shamrocks, all within an orle, ctrch.
(D: Astrid Eriksdotter af Tafle - Feb 98)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 lions ramp addorsed within a bord seme of
lions jambs couped at the elbow, all ctrch. (D: Lazar ben
Yoal - Jan 87)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 wyverns erect addorsed, tails nowed in a
Wake knot, ctrch. (D: Daniel Stuart - Jul 97)
Per pale Az & ermine, 2 weasels ramp addorsed their tails entwined
ctrch. (B: Kirsten Weisel - Jan 04) (JB: Jerrolt Bschler)
Per pale Az & Gu, 2 ounces addorsed & incensed Arg, a chf embat
Or. (D: Isabella of Northumberland - Mar 07)
Per pale Az & Or, 2 elephants salient addorsed, a bord ctrch. (D:
Thomas Alaric - Jun 00)
Per pale Az & Sa, in fess a sword inv betw 2 hawks addorsed Arg.
(D: Richard of Stonemarche - Sep 04)
Per pale embat Az & Arg, a dragon segreant & a unicorn ramp
contourny ctrch. (D: Seamus of Loch Ness - Jun 99)
Per pale embat Az & Or ermined Az, 2 stags ramp addorsed ctrch
Or & Az. (D: William Welwyn - Jul 01)
Per pale embat Sa & Gu, 2 griffins segreant addorsed within a
single tressure Or. (D: Conrad of Castleton - Jul 96)
Per pale ermine & Sa, 2 natural ibexes ramp addorsed ctrch. (D:
Cainder of Loch Suilli - Oct 06)
Per pale Gu & Arg, in pale a chevronel couped palewise & 2
crosses patty ctrch, as an augmentation, on an escutcheon Az,
2 bears passant erect addorsed reguardant Arg, each
maintaining a berdiche proper, in base an annulet Or.
(Augmentation of Arms: Jan w Orzeldom - Dec 93)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 dragons segreant addorsed ctrch. (D: Eirikr
Drekdoelski - Apr 87)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 hares ramp addorsed ctrch. (D: Rhonwen
ferch Alun - May 93)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 stags ramp addorsed ctrch within a bord
checky Vt & Arg. (D: Palymar of the Two Baronies May 86)
Per pale Gu & Or, 2 lions ramp addorsed, queue forchy, within a
bord, all ctrch. (D: Chendra Rudd ferch Arianwen - Feb 90)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 wolves ramp addorsed, each maintaining an
axe, on a chf Arg an eagle per pale Sa & Gu. (D: Thorgrim
Skullsplitter - Jul 07)
Per pale Gu & Vt, 2 sea-horses addorsed Arg. (D: Kathryn Daggett
- Jan 08)
Per pale Or & Arg, 2 tygers ramp addorsed incensed, tails
intertwined, Sa. (D: Domenic DAquila - Mar 80)
Per pale Or & Purp, 3 chevronels flory at the points braced & in chf
2 wyverns passant addorsed ctrch. (D: Gabrielle Honore de
Saint Pierre - Feb 94)
Per pale Or & Sa, 2 griffins segreant addorsed, a bord embat ctrch.
(D: Radu Patrascu - May 07)
Per pale Or & Sa, 2 hedgehogs ramp addorsed the dexter
maintaining a bow & the sin maintaining an arrow inv all
ctrch. (D: Willelm Bogamann - May 02)
Per pale potenty Az & Or, 2 bears ramp addorsed ctrch. (D: Hugh
Gottfried von Regensburg - Jun 92)
Per pale Purp & Az, 2 catamounts ramp reguardant addorsed tails
entwined, the dexter Or & the sin Arg. (B: Katryne MacIntosh
the Strange - Nov 01) (JB: Pol MacNeill)
Per pale Purp & Or, 2 dolphins haurient addorsed ctrch. (D:
Ohthere Strongitharm of Thaxted - Mar 06)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a wolf & a hare salient addorsed & on a chf 3
mullets of six points ctrch. (D: Enoch MacBain - Oct 02)

Arrangement - Creature - Addorsed (continued)

Per pale Sa & Arg, in fess 2 sea-horses couped to the forefin &
conjoined, a mullet above the head of each, all ctrch, upon the
line of division a sword inv of the field, fimbriated ctrch. (D:
Eoin MacChlurain of Northmarch - Jun 76?)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 bears ramp addorsed ctrch. (D: Duncan
Thorfinn - May 89)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 foxes ramp addorsed, each brandishing a
battle-axe, ctrch. (B: Sionnaich Creag - Dec 87)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 lions couchant addorsed ctrch, on a chf Vt a
plate. (D: Alexondra Ivasheva - Feb 08)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 lions ramp addorsed ctrch, & in chf a laurel
wreath per pale Or & Vt. (D: Lions Gate - date?)
Per pale Sa & Arg 2 sea lions addorsed in chf five roundels, a
mount enarched indented all ctrch. (D: Medb Renata Jun 94)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 wolves salient addorsed within a bord
rayonny, all ctrch Arg & Gu. (D: Iryena Kustodieva Apr 89)
Per pale Sa & Az, 2 bears statant erect addorsed Arg each
maintaining a spear, on a chf triangular Or an increscent Az.
(D: Glmr sbjarnarson - Jan 98)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 2 dragons addorsed & a tau cross Arg. (D: Toma
Drake - Sep 02)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 griffins addorsed ctrch. (B: Brennus Barbatus Feb 03)
Per pale Sa & Vt, 2 lions ramp addorsed tails entwined Arg. (D:
Rieinmelt ferch Owain - Jul 00)
Per pale Sa & Vt, 2 peacocks addorsed Arg. (D: Alicia Hennenberg
- Apr 07)
Per pale Sa & Vt, 2 wolves salient addorsed & in base a cup Arg.
(D: Eleanor Fitzgerald - Apr 98)
Per pale Vt & Az, 2 horses salient addorsed & on a chf Arg an ivy
vine Vt. (D: Rebekah ferch Anna - May 02)
Per pale Vt & Gu, 2 demi-elephants passant addorsed & conjoined
at the waist betw 3 lilies Arg. (D: Karina de Elephantide Aug 98)
Per pale Vt & Or, 2 dogs ramp addorsed ctrch. (D: Anneke van
Twente - May 97)
Per pale Vt & Purp, a sword inv betw 2 swans rousant addorsed
Arg. (D: Innogen of Clonmel - Jan 97)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a demi-sun & 2 bears ramp addorsed one & 2
Arg. (D: Gwilim Bryn - Jan 05)
Per pale Vt & Sa, 2 horses ramp reguardant addorsed within a bord
Arg. (B: Altavia - Jul 83)
Per pale wavy Vt & Arg, a dragon & a lion addorsed ctrch. (D:
Gabrell Fairecloughe - Jun 08)
Per pall inv Or, Arg & Sa, 2 yales ramp addorsed Gu & a sword
Arg. (D: Armand de Lacy - Oct 07)
Per pall inv Vt, Purp, & Arg, 2 unicorns ramp addorsed Arg & a
thistle Purp. (D: Madeline MacLachlan - Nov 92)
Per pall inv Vt, Sa, & Or, in chf 2 swords in chev Or, in base 2
natural seahorses erect addorsed Vt. (D: Sebastian Eton
Frobishire - Aug 85)
Per pall Sa, Gu, & Arg, a mullet of 4 points Arg & 2 stags salient
addorsed ctrch. (D: Ailill mac Cin - May 07)
Per salt Az & Arg, in pale 2 eagles disp Or, & in fess 2 seahorses
erect addorsed Az. (D: Dulcinea Maria von Mhlberg y
Aguilar - Jun 85)
Per salt Vt & Az, in pale 2 owls Or & in fess 2 bears passant
addorsed Arg. (D: Coinneach Caimbeul an Boghadair Mar 96)
Plumetty Gu & Arg 2 ravens addorsed regardant Sa. (D: Lance
Artur de Beauregard - Apr 98)
Purp, a pallet betw 2 lions ramp addorsed Arg. (D: Orin of the
Argent Lions of Mightrinwood - Jun 80)
Purp, a unicorn & a dragon addorsed Arg & in chf 3 fleurs-de-lys
Or. (D: Merlyn Kuster - Jun 07)
Purp, 2 cats ramp guardant addorsed, tails intertwined Arg, in chf 3
butterflies Or. (D: Ermosinda Istra - Oct 92)
Purp, 2 horses ramp addorsed betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D:
Honore dAvallon - Feb 02)
Purp, 2 natural panthers ramp addorsed, tails nowed together, on a
chf Arg 3 falcons heads erased Vt. (D: Careach inghean u
Ghiolla Phdraig - Dec 05)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 25

[Arrangement - Creature - Addorsed] to [Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Argent]

Arrangement - Creature - Addorsed (continued)

Purp, 2 peacocks pavonated to base addorsed, tails crossed in salt,

on a chf urdy Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Vt. (D: Maeve Kelly de
Navarre - Aug 94)
Purp, 2 stags springing addorsed reguardant Arg, attired, in chf a
Lacy knot Or. (D: Berengaria Mordaunt - Feb 94)
Quarterly Az & Arg, 2 unicorns ramp addorsed ctrch. (D: Andrew
MacEdward - May 94)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, 2 lions ramp addorsed regardant within a bord
Or. (D: Aleksej Voronikhin - Nov 92)
Sa, a bear & a catamount ramp addorsed betw in pale an arrow
fesswise reversed & an arrow fesswise Arg. (D: Uilliam mac
Maolin - Apr 02)
Sa, a dragon & a winged lion addorsed, the dragon Arg & the
winged lion Or. (D: Reyni-Hrekr Brandsson - Feb 03)
Sa, a lion Or & a lioness Arg ramp addorsed, tails entwined, & in
chf a plate betw 2 mullets of eight points Arg. (D: Morgain
Rohais Kenedor - Nov 06)
Sa, in pall 2 serpents addorsed, tails entwined Arg, betw an apple &
2 owls Or. (D: Iacopo Attaviano da Vizzi - Sep 99)
Sa, on a pale engrailed betw 2 horses ramp addorsed Arg, a pallet
Gu. (D: Karl von der Ostwache - Nov 92)
Sa, 2 lions sejant erect addorsed, tails entwined, each maintaining a
scimitar inv palewise, Or, hilted Arg, in chf seven increscents
Or. (D: Wolfram Vincenzio dIfola - Aug 88)
Sa, 2 men mounted on horses passant addorsed Arg & a flame
issuant from base proper. (D: Elrik of Sutherland - May 92)
Sa, 2 sea-lions passant addorsed Or & Arg, tails curved over their
heads & braced. (D: Donall Gallivin - Aug 93)
Sa, 2 unicorns statant reguardant addorsed, in chf a compass star, &
on a chf Arg 3 compass stars Sa. (D: Mary of Storvik Feb 94)
Tierced per pall Or, Vt, & Az, 2 hounds ramp addorsed Arg, spotted
Sa, & in chf a grape cluster slipped & leaved proper. (D:
Gregory Falconheart - Oct 82)
Vt, a demi-lion passant regardant Or conjoined at the waist with a
demi-unicorn passant to sin reguardant Arg, armed & unguled
Or. (B: Xena Baxter Wynthorpe - Jan 98)
Vt, on a pile Az fimbriated Arg betw 2 African leopards ramp
addorsed, a leopards head caboshed Or. (D: Aodhagan O
Caoimh - May 80)
Vt, 2 bears ramp reguardant addorsed Arg on a chf rayonny Or a
compass star Az. (D: Ulf Johannas Peter von Greiffenburg Jun 95)
Vt, 2 cats sejant addorsed reguardant tails entwined erminois & in
base a compass star Sa fimbriated Or. (D: Edith Gray Feb 03)
Vt, 2 dolphins hauriant addorsed & on a chf wavy Arg five
decrescents Vt. (D: Briant Huntington - May 02)
Vt, 2 horses salient addorsed within an orle Arg. (D: Nuala
inghean Diarmada - Mar 07)
Vt, 2 lions ramp addorsed & a wolf passant Arg. (D: Tristam
McFarland - Sep 99)
Vt, 2 lions ramp addorsed & on a chf triangular Or, a harp Vt. (D:
Patrick Thomas MacManus - May 93)
Vt, 2 lions ramp reguardant addorsed, on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys
Sa. (D: Collette de Calais - Aug 99)
Vt, 2 natural seahorses addorsed Arg. (D: Adriana von Vogelsang Mar 97)
Vt, 2 peacocks close pavonated to base addorsed reguardant tails
crossed in salt Arg on a chf invected Or 3 elm leaves inv Vt.
(D: Muriel FitzLloyd - Jul 97)
Vt, 2 salmon hauriant embowed addorsed & a bord Or. (D: Petrus
filius Silvein - Oct 02)
Vt, 2 stags ramp addorsed Arg & in chf a water bouget, on a chf Or
a bar embat to base Sa. (D: Nicolette dAvignon - May 92)
Vt, 2 unicorns ramp addorsed, in base 3 annulets interlaced one &
2, a bord Arg. (D: Lasair ingen mhic Seoin - Aug 00)
Vt, 2 wolves sejant addorsed, in chf a wolfs head cabossed Arg, a
bord dovetailed Or. (D: Asne Whitewolf - Mar 95)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Argent

(Fieldless) A hand bell Or supported by 2 unicorns combattant

reguardant Arg. (B: Sean Lewis OConnor - Nov 94)

26 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Argent


(Fieldless) 2 coneys ramp guardant respectant Arg, crowned &

sustaining betw them a goblet Or. (B: Kassandra NicKraken Sep 92)
(Fieldless) 2 griffins combattant sustaining in chf a sun in splendor
Arg. (B: Rowen Killian - Mar 05)
(Fieldless) 2 polar bears combattant proper, gorged of belled
collars Or. (B: Morrigan Fitz-Rolf - Oct 80)
(Fieldless) 2 talbots combattant Arg maintaining betw them a
thighbone Gu. (B: Uther Shieldbreaker - Aug 94)
Az, a chev potenty in point Or & Gu, in chf 2 griffins combattant
Arg. (D: Thorstein Christianson Ronnow - Feb 00)
Az, a chev rompu betw 2 seahorses combatant Arg & a sword Or.
(D: Ari Wilhelmsen - Jan 99)
Az, a dragon & a coney combattant Arg. (D: Alvar Dax - Apr 03)
Az, a natural tiger Arg marked Sa & a dragon combatant within an
orle Arg. (D: Davin Mac Alister of Drakes Height - Nov 06)
Az, a patriarchal cross throughout betw in base 2 bears combattant
Arg. (D: Nathon of Arindale - Jun 87)
Az, a salt Or overall 2 wolves combattant Arg all within a bord Or.
(D: Coinneach Aindrias MacLeod - May 95)
Az, a stalk of young wheat leaved Or betw 2 rams salient
combattant Arg, armed & unguled Or. (D: Allasondrea de
Fano - Jan 82)
Az, a sword Or entwined of a rose Arg, slipped & leaved proper,
betw in fess 2 boars combattant Arg. (D: Tamera
FitzGloucestre of the White Boar - Feb 75?)
Az, a winged stag & a griffin segreant combattant within a bord
Arg. (D: Gideon Alexandru de Sighisoara - Jan 87)
Az, a wolf & a unicorn combattant Arg. (D: Alair of the Bloody
Fountain - Mar 78)
Az, 4 lions ramp combattant, 2 & 2, Arg, on a chf embat Or, a lion
passant Az. (D: Johannes von Schwoykau - Aug 85)
Az, in fess a carrot palewise betw 2 coneys combattant Arg. (B:
Kassandra NicKraken - Aug 79?) (For Household de
Menage de la Lapin)
Az, in fess a tower betw 2 stags combattant Arg. (D: William
Malcolm - Nov 97)
Az, on a pile throughout betw 2 Continental panthers combatant
Arg, a Latin cross Az. (D: Deotrich Hiltipard - Nov 06)
Az, 2 bears combattant & in chf a compass star Arg. (D: orlkr
bjarki Eirksson - Nov 04)
Az, 2 cats combattant & on a chf triangular Arg, 3 hearts 2 & one
Az. (D: Katla of Bergen - Jul 92)
Az, 2 cats combattant, tails sufflexed, Arg, both maintaining a
fountain fimbriated Arg. (B: Tamera FitzGloucestre of the
White Boar - Feb 82) (For Harrogate Hall)
Az, 2 elephants combatant Arg, on a chf Or 3 torteaux. (D: Adela
Dagmar OFlynn - Jul 01)
Az, 2 goats combattant betw 3 mullets Arg. (D: Miguel Estevan de
Cabra - Nov 02)
Az, 2 horses combattant Arg atop a sword fesswise reversed Or, a
bord Arg. (D: Patrick ONeill of Cork - Nov 98)
Az, 2 rams combattant within a bord Arg. (D: Lucais du Belier Aug 95)
Az, 2 sea-unicorns combattant Arg, a chf nebuly ermine. (D:
Cassandra de Scardeburgh - Jul 05)
Az, 2 stags combattant Arg, a chf ermine. (D: Steffan de
Hauckelegh - Oct 97)
Az, 2 winged foxes combattant Arg & in base a sprig of 3 aspen
leaves Or. (B: Morberie of Tor Denly - Mar 96)
Az, 2 wolves combattant Arg maintaining a cross potent Or, a bord
embat Arg. (D: Leofsunu lfstanes sunu - Mar 05)
Az, 2 wyverns combattant guardant Arg, a point pointed & a chf
embat Or. (D: Avery the Seeker - Oct 83)
Bendy sin Or & Az, a fox Gu & a wingless griffin Arg combattant.
(D: James of Carinthia - Nov 01)
Checky Vt & Or, 2 lions combattant, each tail nowed & a mouse
couchant, an orle of roundels Arg. (D: Eoghan g Mac
Labhrainn - Feb 98)
Counter-ermine, a pale embat betw 2 bears combattant Arg. (D:
Olaf Bearcrusher - Jan 87)
Gu, a pall inv Or betw 2 unicorns combattant Arg & a natural tiger
couchant Arg marked Sa. (D: Franziska Gerdrudis
Kesselheim - Nov 01)

[Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Argent]

Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Argent


Gu, in fess a spear betw 2 wingless wyverns combatant Arg. (D:

Angus mac Padraig - Feb 08)
Gu, on a pale betw 2 hippogriffs combatant each maintaining a
glaive Arg, 3 cinquefoils Sa. (D: Arabella da Siena - Nov 97)
Gu, 2 lions combattant Arg & a ford proper. (D: James of Atlantia Dec 01)
Gu, 2 mountain sheep salient combattant & a point pointed Arg. (D:
Thorkel Arnisson - Sep 84)
Gu, 2 wolves combattant & in chf a mullet Arg, a point pointed
ermine. (D: Sergei Bolotnikov - Apr 04)
Pean, a unicorn & a winged cat combattant Arg. (D: Timony
Olyveyr - Feb 03)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a unicorns horn palewise betw in fess a bear &
a bull combattant Arg. (B: Erik Loren Elcara - Aug 83) (For
Huw Iago)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, 2 griffins combattant maintaining betw them
a fret couped Arg. (D: Thorgeir the Sinister - Jul 83)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 horses combattant Arg, & in base a garden
rose Sa slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Theresa de Foxton May 86)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 horses combattant Arg & a triskelion of 3
wings Sa. (D: David of the Hungarian Marches - Jul 86)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 rabbits combattant Arg & a thistle proper. (D:
Joanna Montgomery - Jun 85)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 winged bears combattant Arg & a thistle
proper, a bord ctrch. (D: Clare inghean Dhmhnuill Feb 00)
Per chev Az & Sa, 2 polar bears combattant & a bord Arg. (D:
Griffyn Cleisiog ap Madoc - Dec 90)
Per chev Az & Vt, a pall inv of chain betw 2 griffins combattant &
a tower Arg. (D: Tristan Gryphonroke - Jul 89)
Per chev embat Purp & Or, 2 horses combatant Arg & a tower Sa.
(D: Cellach of Flinthyll - Apr 07)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 rams combattant & a Latin cross inv ctrch.
(D: Aaron Graves - Oct 98)
Per chev Gu & Sa, a chev Or betw 2 winged rams combattant & a
sun Arg. (D: Meghan of Tara Hill - Nov 82)
Per chev Gu & Sa, 2 dragons combattant Arg & a lions head
cabossed Or. (D: Gavin McLaren - Mar 02)
Per chev Gu & Sa, 2 unicorns combattant Arg. (D: Peregrine of
Westerness - Nov 93)
Per chev inv Vt & Sa, in fess a sword inv proper betw 2 dragons
combatant Arg. (D: Robert de Forge - Mar 04)
Per chev Purp & Az, a chev rompu betw 2 goats combattant & a
goat passant contourny Arg. (D: Rutger van Dieveren Sep 99)
Per chev Purp & Vt, on a chev Or betw 2 natural leopards
combattant & a tower Arg, a cross of Calvary Purp. (D:
Roderick Billingsley Mac Leod - Jan 99)
Per chev rayonny Vt & Arg, 2 stags combattant & a standing
balance ctrch. (D: Andrew Ward - Sep 87)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 2 lions double-queued combattant Arg & a
Bowen cross Gu. (D: Courtney of Houghton - Feb 03)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev betw 2 wolves combattant & a ship Arg
atop a ford proper. (D: William Silverwolf - Jun 92)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev fracted betw 2 wolves combatant Arg & 2
falchions in salt proper. (D: Timur Borte - Jul 96)
Per chev Sa & Az, 2 dogs combattant & a unicorn dormant Arg. (D:
Hreodbeorht MacBeath - Sep 92)
Per chev Sa & Gu, 2 dragons combattant Arg & a cross patonce
gyronny Sa & Arg. (D: Gilbert Christian Blackmoore May 92)
Per chev Sa & Gu, 2 lions combatant & a rams head cabossed Arg.
(D: Kathryn Elizabeth Lyons Ramsey - May 07)
Per chev Sa & Gu, 2 wolves combattant Arg, maintaining betw
them a flask Or charged with a millrind Sa. (D: Yvon Bater of
Darkwood - Nov 93)
Per chev Vt & Arg, in chf 2 griffins combattant each holding a
tankard & in base a tankard, all within a bord embat ctrch. (D:
Sorcha McNewell - Feb 94)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 2 griffins combattant Arg & a tower Sa. (D:
Morgan MacDougal - May 96)
Per fess Sa & lozengy Vt & Arg, in chf 2 demi-horses combattant
Arg. (D: Morgaine Rhys ap Gruffydd - May 96)

Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Argent


Per fess urdy Gu & Sa, 2 winged unicorns combattant & a hounds
head caboshed Arg. (D: Raedmund de Arden - Jun 94)
Per fess wavy Vt & Sa, in pale a dolmen & 2 unicorns combattant
Arg. (D: Kathryn of Atenveldt - Aug 01)
Per fess with a left step Gu & Sa, 2 dragons combattant in bend Arg
within a bord Or. (D: Andreas Syndikus Drachenfreund May 86)
Per pale Az & Gu, 2 ferrets combattant Arg, a base embat Or. (D:
Rhodri Longshanks - Mar 87)
Per pale Az & Vt, 2 horses combattant & a demi-sun issuant from
base Arg. (D: Bjrn Haraldsson - Sep 92)
Per pale Gu & Az, a dragon & a unicorn combatant & on a chf
triangular Arg a triquetra inv Vt. (B: Catan ingen ui Chuinn Sep 05) (JB: Ailleann Mac Quyn)
Per pale Gu & Az, a lion & a dragon combattant Arg, maintaining
in their forepaws a sword & a great axe crossed in salt, in base
a massacre Or. (D: Eirkr Strox - Nov 87)
Per pale Gu & Az, 2 boars combattant each sustaining a doublebitted axe, a base embat Arg. (D: Diego de Marulanda Aug 95)
Per pale Gu & Az, 2 sea-lions combattant Arg. (D: Wystan of
Wallesende - Feb 05)
Per pale Gu & Purp, 2 rams combattant Arg. (D: Johan Gregor the
Wanderer - Dec 95)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 wolves combattant Arg, on a chf embat Or a
paw print Sa. (D: Tjorvi Lodinsson - Dec 92)
Per pale pean, & Gu ermined Or, a wavy sword proper betw 2
demi-dragons combattant Arg, the dexter one bellied & spined
Gu & the sin one bellied & spined Sa. (D: Llewellyn Sheridan
- Nov 84)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 2 bears combattant within an orle Arg. (B: Bryon
lOurs dArgent de Bourgogne - Jan 04)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 2 wolves combattant Arg, a chf embat erminois.
(D: Iohann Folcwulfes sunu - Oct 99)
Per pale Sa & Vt, 2 wolves combatant Arg maintaining betw them a
goblet Or, a bord Arg semy of Maltese crosses Sa. (D: Dougal
MacNeil - Jul 06)
Per pale Vt & Az, a griffin & a lion combatant & on a chf Arg 3
towers Sa. (D: Richard von Tanne - Nov 05)
Per pale Vt & Az, a stag & a sea-lion combattant, a chf triangular
Arg. (D: Tristram von Rottweil - May 98)
Per pale Vt & Gu, a chev throughout Sa fimbriated betw 2 dragons
combatant & a warhammer Arg. (D: Fulk de Cherbourg Sep 02)
Per pale Vt & Sa, 2 griffins combatant & a sunburst Arg. (D:
Vinzenz Karius - Jan 05)
Per pale Vt & Sa, 2 pegasi combatant Arg. (D: Moira OConnor May 04)
Per pall Arg Gu & Vt, in chf a quatrefoil Gu seeded & barbed Vt &
in base 2 griffins combattant Arg. (D: Roghnach of
Ruantallan - Oct 02)
Per pall Gu, Sa & Az, a compass star of sixteen points elongated to
base betw a pair of gauntlets clasped & 2 griffins combattant,
Arg. (B: Brandon DArindel - Nov 80)
Per pall inv Gu, Vt, & Arg, 2 unicorns combattant Arg & a tree
eradicated Vt. (D: Isabelle MacLeod - Mar 00)
Per salt Arg & Az, in fess 2 dogs combattant Arg. (D: Uther
Shieldbreaker - Sep 91)
Per salt Arg & Sa, a dragon & a pegasus combattant Arg & on a chf
Az 3 mullets of 4 points pierced Or. (D: Nasir ibn al-Khazzaz
ibn Qadir - Jan 94)
Per salt Az & Sa, 2 winged lynxes combatant guardant Arg. (D:
Simon Gwyn - Feb 08)
Per salt Sa & Az, an enfield & a natural tiger combattant Arg, in chf
a sun Or. (D: Elynor of Deganwy - Jul 85)
Per salt Sa & Purp, a dragon & a tyger combatant Arg. (D: Eoin
Gallda mac Nill - Aug 07)
Per salt Vt & Sa, a bear & a wolf combattant Arg. (D: smundr
vpni - Mar 05)
Purp, a bezant betw in fess 2 pegasi combattant Arg. (D: Catherine
Elane DeMarksburry - Jun 83)
Purp, a sword betw 2 griffins combattant within a bord embat Arg.
(D: Julio Galvn - Nov 94)
Purp, an arrow Or sustained by 2 stags combatant Arg within a bord
embat Or. (D: Gearoid MacEgan - Aug 03)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 27

[Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Argent] to [Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Gules]

Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Argent


Quarterly Vt & Sa, a bear & a lion combatant Arg. (D: Arthur
Greenwood - Aug 07)
Sa, a dragon & a bear combattant, on a chf Arg 3 mullets Gu. (D:
Eldgrimr Brotamadr - Jan 94)
Sa, a goat & a lion combattant & on a chf Arg 3 crabs Gu. (D:
Wulfrun Spakona - Feb 87)
Sa, an Irish wolfhound & a stag combattant Arg. (D: Kelly of
Settmour Swamp - Aug 95)
Sa, an open scroll Or betw in fess 2 wolves combattant & in base a
roundel Arg. (D: Athalwolf Svartaskald - Dec 84)
Sa, estoilly Or, 2 griffins combattant Arg. (B: Jerimia von Braun Nov 89)
Sa, on a pile betw 2 wolves combattant Arg a crescent Gu. (D:
Seamus Connachtach - Jan 96)
Sa, 2 bears combattant & on a chf indented Arg, 3 laurel wreaths
Gu. (D: Crannog Mor - Apr 90)
Sa, 2 bulls combattant Arg. (D: Ranulf fitzStephen de Acre Jul 00)
Sa, 2 dragons segreant combattant Arg. (B: Alisoun MacCoul of
Elphane - Jul 81) (For Silver Dragon Company)
Sa, 2 foxes combatant & a chf dovetailed Arg. (D: Raphael Dunoir
- Jul 04)
Sa, 2 griffins combattant Arg & in chf a fireball Or enflamed
proper. (D: Constance of An Dun Theine - Jul 04)
Sa, 2 horses combatant & on a chf Arg 3 roses proper. (D: Frederic
Martel - Nov 96)
Sa, 2 horses combattant & on a base Arg, a wolfs head cabossed
Sa. (D: Charles von dem Wlfenhaus - Sep 93)
Sa, 2 mink sejant erect & combattant Arg & a chev abased Or. (D:
Aleksandrina Petrovna Danilova - Feb 88)
Sa, 2 natural panthers combatant & on a point pointed Arg a rose Sa
slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Vladimir Mechnik - Feb 06)
Sa 2 pegasi combatant Arg a base erminois. (D: Fane Bradley Jan 98)
Sa, 2 sea-dragons combattant & in chf a snowflake Arg. (B:
Charles of Saxony - Jan 84) (For Household of Niveum
Sa, 2 winged stags combattant Arg. (D: Sibal inghean u Ruairc Jan 02)
Sa, 2 winged unicorns combattant & on a chf Arg 3 estoiles Sa. (D:
Edeva de Vere - Dec 01)
Sa, 2 winged unicorns combattant Arg & in base a 3 towered castle
Or. (D: Sorcha Kilcullen - Apr 91)
Vt, a pale betw 2 horses combattant, a chf Arg. (D: Jaufr of Dinas
Emrys - May 93)
Vt, a pale engrailed ermine betw 2 dragons combatant Arg. (D:
Degen aus Nierstein - Jul 96)
Vt, a sword inv proper sustained by 2 dragons combattant Arg, on a
chf Arg 3 trefoils Purp. (D: Anna Christine Espen - Nov 94)
Vt, a tilting lance sustained by 2 stags combatant Arg, a bord
engrailed Or. (B: Outlands, the - Dec 04) (For Order of the
Silver Lance)
Vt, a unicorn & a domestic cat salient combattant Arg. (D: Bridei
nic Gillechatten - Jan 82)
Vt, in fess a lion queue-forche salient to sin & a stag ramp Arg, in
chf a compass star Or. (D: Faleena Camille - Apr 83)
Vt, in fess a rose betw 2 rats combattant Arg. (D: David Gladstone
- Apr 02)
Vt, on a chev betw 2 horses combattant & a griffin passant Arg 3
lozenges Sa. (D: Rhieinwylydd Cyfeiliog - Oct 99)
Vt, on a pale betw 2 lions combattant Arg, 3 roses Gu. (D: Juliana
di Modena - Dec 87)
Vt, 2 badgers combattant Arg marked Sa, in chf a roundel & a point
pointed checky Sa & Arg. (D: Eileen Dover of Calafia Dec 01)
Vt, 2 boars combattant Arg, each maintaining a recorder Or. (D:
Eoforhild of Cantwarabyrig - Aug 92)
Vt, 2 coneys combattant Arg. (D: Rainillt Leia de Bello Marisco May 03)
Vt, 2 seahorses combattant Arg, maintaining betw them a staff
topped by a harp Or. (D: Caol of Bannockburn - Jun 89)
Vt, 2 stags combatant Arg sustaining betw them a sexfoil, a bord
engrailed Or. (B: Outlands, the - Apr 99) (For the Order of
the Flower)

28 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Argent


Vt, 2 stags combatant Arg sustaining betw them an axe Arg hafted
Or, a bord engrailed Or. (B: Outlands, the - Apr 99) (For the
Order of the Iron Hart)
Vt, 2 stags combatant sustaining betw them a column Arg, a bord
engrailed Or. (B: Outlands, the - Apr 99) (For the Order of
the Stag)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Azure

(Fieldless) 2 wolves combattant Az maintaining betw them in chf a

mullet of eight points pierced Gu. (B: Jean de Leedes Dec 03)
Arg, on a chev Sa betw 2 gryphons combattant & 2 swords in salt
Az, 3 compass-stars Or. (D: Duncan Angus MacDonald Dec 85)
Arg, on a pale betw 2 pegasi combattant Az 3 drinking horns
fesswise Arg. (D: Jason Rodbeard - May 94)
Arg, on a pale Vt betw 2 griffins combattant Az, a sword inv Or.
(D: Tristan Gyles - Jul 96)
Arg, 2 dragons combatant Az & a wolf couchant Gu. (D: Wulfwyn
lfwines dohtor - Jan 06)
Arg, 2 dragons combattant, on a chf Az, 3 Thors hammers Arg. (D:
Gunnar Tortryggsson - Oct 98)
Arg, 2 pantheons combattant Az, mulletty Arg. (D: Jessica of the
Old Forest - Jan 80)
Arg, 2 pegasi combattant Az. (D: Frideger Leopo Sturmreiter Jun 86)
Or, a flame Gu above an altar Sa betw 2 lions combattant Az. (D:
Arthur Glendower - Feb 75?) (Deceased)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 Norse one-legged serpents combattant, each
nowed in a Stafford knot, & an alder tree ctrch. (D: Thomas
Woltaire of Alderwood - Aug 86)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Fur

Arg, 2 elephants combattant counter-ermine. (D: Hrgierr

Hrgierson - Feb 00)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Gules

(Fieldless) 2 natural sea-horses respectant, tails conjoined in a

Hungerford knot Gu, collared & bound by a chain Sa. (B:
Dederick ap Oweyn - Jun 92)
Arg, a column betw 2 beavers combattant Gu. (B: Carolingia May 02)
Arg, on a pale Sa betw 2 natural sea-horses respectant Gu, an arrow
inv Or. (D: Dederick ap Oweyn - Jun 92)
Arg, 2 bears combattant Gu & a rose, a chf engrailed Az. (D:
Gabriele Ren de Bernard - Jan 00)
Barry wavy & per pale Az & Arg, 2 wyverns combattant Gu. (D:
Thomas Hickson - Aug 88)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, 2 sea unicorns combattant within a bord Gu.
(D: Etta von Felsenstrand - Jul 03)
Checky Arg & Vt, 2 hares combattant Gu. (D: Ricardo de
Montague - Sep 94)
Ermine, 2 lions combattant Gu & a cross potent, a bord embat Sa.
(D: Gawin Nortmann - Jan 05)
Or, a chev betw 2 griffins combattant & a double-bladed axe Gu.
(D: Eirikr inn Litli - Oct 96)
Or, a claymore Sa betw in chf 2 wolves combattant Gu. (D:
Donnchadh Dubhghlas - Mar 97)
Or, a coney & a fox combatant within an orle Gu. (D: Gwillim
Kynith - Oct 06)
Or, a sword inv Az, hilted Sa, betw 2 red foxes combattant proper.
(D: Russell Balgair - Aug 79?)
Or goutty de poix, 2 wolves combattant Gu & a chf Sa. (D: Bran
MacNeill - Feb 95)
Or, on a pale betw 2 dragons combattant queue-forchy Gu a flanged
mace inv Or. (D: Albrecht Maximilian von Aachen - Oct 94)
Or, on a pale Vt betw 2 griffins combattant Gu, an artists brush Or.
(D: Eilwen Llywelyn - Nov 94)
Or, 2 dragons combattant Gu in chf a mullet of seven points voided
& interlaced Sa. (D: Ricard of Starhaven - Aug 97)
Or, 2 dragons combattant, tails entwined in base Gu, within an orle
of golpes. (D: Rhys le Vyngnon - Jun 93)

[Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Gules] to [Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Multicolor]

Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Gules


Or, 2 lions combattant, on a chf Gu a foi Or. (D: Miriam of Ried

bei Kerzers - Jul 99)
Per chev Arg & Az, in chf a dagger inv Sa betw 2 lions combattant
Gu & in base a mullet of 4 points Sa. (D: Kathleen Eriksdatter
- Jan 87)
Per chev Arg & Vt, in chf 2 foxes combattant proper. (D: Adelaide
Wanderer - May 96)
Per chev dovetailed Or & Gu, in chf 2 lions salient combattant & in
base an open book ctrch. (D: Ranulf FitzOsbern - Dec 86)
Per chev Or & Gu, 2 wolves combattant & a deaths head ctrch. (D:
John Norris of Dreiburgen - Feb 96)
Per chev Or & lozengy Sa & Or, in chf 2 lions combattant Gu. (D:
Ulric de Dalyhel - May 98)
Per chev Or & Purp, 2 bears combatant Gu & an owl disp Or. (D:
Aleksei Nikolai Rusianov - Feb 07)
Per chev Or & Sa, 2 boars combattant Gu & an eagle disp Or. (D:
Wilhelm von den Rotenkeilern - Nov 85)
Per pale ermine & Or, 2 lions combattant & in chf a crescent Gu.
(D: Jenefer Philippa Crosthwaite - Sep 04)
Per pale Or & Arg, on a pale Vt betw a lion & a bear combattant
Gu, a fleur-de-lis Arg. (D: Merewyn de Courcy of Tavistock Jul 86)
Per salt Sa & Arg, in fess 2 gryphons combattant Gu. (D: Gareth of
Gryphons Nest - Sep 88)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Multicolor

(Fieldless) A fleur-de-lys per pale Or & Sa, betw & supported by 2

frogs ramp respectant reguardant, the dexter Sa, the sin Or. (B:
Yseult de Cherbourg - Sep 92) (For Chteau Entre Lacs)
(Fieldless) A goblet per pale Or & Sa sustained betw 2 talbots
combattant Or & Sa. (B: Alys Montgomerie - May 98)
(Fieldless) A griffin & an enfield combattant per fess Gu & Sa,
armed Or. (B: owyn Amberdrake - Nov 86)
(Fieldless) 2 demi-wyverns combatant Az & Arg issuant from a
brown nest proper. (B: Shawn Robert of Kilkenny - Mar 06)
(Fieldless) 2 dragons combatant Purp & Az maintaining a cross
formy Gu. (B: Antonio Giordano da Sicilia - Jul 04)
Arg, a dragon Gu & a winged unicorn Sa combatant, in chf a cross
of Santiago, a base rayonny Az. (D: Ian of Beinn Dhubh Nov 07)
Arg, a dragon Vt & another Gu combattant maintaining betw them
an ogress. (B: Stefano Ricciuto - Aug 95)
Arg, a lion Sa & a griffin Purp combattant. (D: Igor Lvov Sep 00)
Arg, a wolf Sa & another Gu combatant & a bord per pale Gu & Sa.
(D: Benedict Hawkins - Jul 06)
Arg, in fess a coney sejant erect to sin Gu & a coney sejant erect Vt.
(D: Madeleine Simeon - Feb 90)
Arg, 2 dragons combattant tails nowed to base in a Ormond knot the
dexter dragon Gu & the sin dragon Sa & in chf a flame per
pale Gu & Sa. (D: Symmonne Deccarrete de Villette Jan 04)
Arg, 2 griffins combatant, that to dexter Sa & that to sin Az, on a
bord Sa an orle of chain Or. (D: Sidroc Hrlfsson - May 08)
Arg, 2 horses combattant that to dexter Sa that to sin Gu & a chf
indented Az. (D: Ceara ingen u Ladnin - Oct 01)
Gyronny Gu & Or, 2 unicorns combattant, that to dexter Arg, that to
sin Sa. (D: Robyn Aelfwyn of Anglesey - Aug 89)
Or, a unicorn Purp & a lion Sa combattant, in chf 3 grenades Sa.
(D: Edward MacMillan - Mar 99)
Per bend Or & Az, a dragon segreant Vt & a unicorn ramp to sin
Arg. (D: Tigernach mac Cathail - Sep 07)
Per bend Or & Az, in bend sin a dragon ramp to sin & a lion ramp
guardant ctrch. (D: Judith of Acre - Jan 90)
Per bend sin Or & Purp, a squirrel ramp to sin Gu & a coney ramp
Arg. (D: Klaus Meyer - Nov 88)
Per bend sin Purp & Arg, a griffin segreant to sin & a boar ramp
ctrch. (D: Everett of Seven Jays - Jun 85)
Per chev Arg & counter-ermine, 2 bears combattant ctrch. (D:
Robert Wylmot - Feb 87)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 pegasi combattant & a harp ctrch. (D:
Hlne Dupres de Bretagne - Jun 85)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 horses combattant & a tree eradicated ctrch.
(D: Ater of Sarum - Jun 91)

Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Multicolor


Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 otters combattant & another ramp to sin, all
maintaining glaives, ctrch. (D: Vladimir Ivanovich
Aleksandrov - Jan 99)
Per chev Gu & Arg 2 otters combattant & another ramp to sin, all
maintaining glaives ctrch, for augmentation, a unicornate
natural seahorse erect contourny maintaining in its tail a lance
& pennon Or betw the otters in chf. (Augmentation of Arms:
Vladimir Ivanovich Aleksandrov - Sep 99)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a gryphon Arg & a male gryphon Or combattant,
in base a flame proper. (D: Prydwen of Gryphonscrag Jan 85)
Per fess Az & per pale Arg & Gu, a demi-sun Or issuant from the
line of division & a lion & a griffin combattant ctrch. (D:
Latvia, Republic of - Jan 00) (Important non-SCA arms)
Per fess engrailed Arg & Az, on a pale betw 2 sea-horses
combattant, in chf a cup ctrch. (B: Rhys Morwaywffon May 88) (For House Morwaywffon)
Per fess Purp & Az, a unicorn Arg & a wingless dragon Or
combattant. (D: Anne of the Midlands - Mar 93)
Per pale & per chev Arg & Az, in chf 2 tygers combattant ctrch. (D:
Liam MacRae - Mar 89)
Per pale & per chev Sa & Arg, in chf 2 wolves combattant ctrch a
bord Gu. (B: Sukayna bint Salim - Jan 03)
Per pale & per fess indented Gu & Sa, in chf 2 horses combattant
Arg & Or. (D: Duncan Montgomery Culhane - May 94)
Per pale Arg & Az, in fess a double-bitted axe betw 2 wyverns
combattant ctrch. (D: Shawn Robert of Kilkenny - Oct 98)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 domestic cats combatant, the dexter Sa & the
sin Arg. (D: Alison of Hightower - Jan 73?)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 domestic cats combattant ctrch Sa & Arg &
on a chf Vt a domestic cat couchant Or. (D: Aniushka
Sekerina - Jan 03)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 horses combatant ctrch. (D: lfwynn of
Boscastle - Nov 04)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 lions combattant each maintaining a sword
ctrch & on a point pointed Or a crossbow Sa. (D: Duncan
MacDuff - Sep 02)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 lions combattant, in chf a sun ctrch. (D:
Colum Mac Eoghain ui Neill - Jan 99)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 winged unicorns combattant ctrch within a
bord potenty Or. (D: Erlechin de Battenhelm - Jul 84)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a dragon Gu & a natural tiger Arg marked Sa
combattant, in chf 3 crossbows, a bord ctrch. (D: Richard
Surefoot Mallory - Nov 95)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a sword Sa betw a unicorn & a dragon
combattant ctrch. (D: Donovan Delane - Oct 85)
Per pale Arg & Gu all semy of maple leaves ctrch, 2 boars
combattant the dexter Sa & the sin Or. (D: Stefan le Sanglier Sep 02)
Per pale Arg & Gu, 2 dragons combattant, each maintaining a
halberd, ctrch. (D: Elerwyn Collyns - Sep 92)
Per pale Arg & Gu, 2 hares combattant, conjoined at the forepaws,
ctrch. (B: Enid Aurelia of the Tin Isles - Feb 90)
Per pale Arg & Gu, 2 unicorns combattant, a bord ctrch. (D: Isabel
Kelsey de Cameron - Oct 99)
Per pale Arg & Gu, 2 wolves combattant within a bord ctrch. (D:
Randwulf de la Terre dt - Sep 89)
Per pale Arg & Purp, 2 ferrets combattant & in chf 2 quill pens in
salt ctrch. (D: Moira Morag MacRae - Jan 91)
Per pale Arg & Purp, 2 hedgehogs combattant ctrch. (D: Kseniya
Mikhailovna Morskaya - Apr 96)
Per pale Arg & Purp, 2 unicorns combattant ctrch. (D: Danielle
dAvignon - Feb 98)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a dragon & a wolf combattant, in chf a crescent,
all ctrch Gu & Arg. (D: Lucian le Wolfe - Jul 05)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a pale fusilly Az betw 2 lions combattant ctrch.
(D: Caterina da Salerno - Feb 98)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 cats combattant & a chf ctrch. (D: Lecelin of
Ravenscroft - Jan 95)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 dogs spotted combattant ctrch. (D: Ceallach
Maraidhe - Jan 94)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 domestic cats combatant ctrch Sa & Or. (D:
Santiago Ruiz de Zaragoza - Jan 08)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 griffins combatant each maintaining a chalice
& a laurel wreath ctrch. (D: Grifphon Shadow - Jan 97)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 29

[Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Multicolor]

Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Multicolor


Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 rats combatant ctrch. (D: tan ingen u
Chommin - Jul 06)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 wolves combatant within a bord embat ctrch.
(D: Gyrerd von Altwolfstein - Aug 94)
Per pale Arg & Vt, 2 wyverns combattant ctrch. (D: Colin ap
Llywarch - Aug 03)
Per pale Az & Arg, a dragon & a yale combattant ctrch, maintaining
betw them a laurel wreath proper. (D: Dragonship Haven Aug 79)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 bears combattant Arg & Sa, each maintaining
a battle axe Or, & in base a mullet of eight points ctrch. (D:
Sean Patrick Cornelius McMann - Jun 86)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 horses combattant within a bord charged with
mullets of six points ctrch. (D: Jacqueline de Champagne Mar 93)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 otters combatant within a bord wavy ctrch.
(D: Eluned Hwylard - Jan 06)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 stags combattant ctrch. (D: Kilian Schnell Jan 97)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 unicorns combatant ctrch. (D: Sabine Dubois
- Feb 08)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 wolves combatant ctrch. (D: Feln hua
Meic Laisre - Jul 07)
Per pale Az & Gu, a pale Or betw a unicorn Arg & a dragon Or
combattant. (D: Deirdre of the Wilds - Jan 84)
Per pale Az & Or, a dragon Arg & a dragon Vt combattant, each
maintaining a sword, the swords crossed in salt Arg. (D: Isaac
Wolfstan - Nov 05)
Per pale Az & Or, 2 eagle-winged wyverns combattant, a bord
ctrch. (B: Brianna Je Nell Aislynn of Blue Shadows - Dec 96)
Per pale Az & Or, 2 pegasi combattant & a chev rompu ctrch
ermine & counter-ermine. (D: Katya Leonovna Belokoneva Sep 87)
Per pale dovetailed Or & Az, a dragon & a ram combattant ctrch.
(D: Antonio Tagliaferro - May 97)
Per pale dovetailed Or & Gu, a lion & a horse combattant ctrch. (D:
Tangwen ferch Sylwein - Sep 01)
Per pale embat, Az & Arg, 2 rabbits combattant ctrch. (D: Brandr
Kjollsigssen - Aug 79)
Per pale embat Gu & Arg, 2 bears combattant & in chf an arrow
fesswise ctrch. (D: Ursul Vladislavl pravnuk - Mar 05)
Per pale embat Sa & Or, a pegasus & a griffin combattant within a
bord embat ctrch. (D: Tim of Ezaret - Jan 92)
Per pale embat Sa & Or, a wolf & a horse combattant ctrch. (D:
Faoiltighearna n Eachtighearna - Sep 92)
Per pale Gu & Arg all semy of caltraps, 2 dragons combattant ctrch.
(D: Angharad of Morfa Caer - Feb 05)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 boars ramp combattant ctrch within a bord Or.
(D: Stuart Osric de Becquet - Nov 86)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 dragons combattant ctrch, on a base embat Or
a Celtic cross Sa. (D: Gallchobar macc Faelchon - Jul 00)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 ferrets combattant ctrch. (D: Robert de Bere Jan 02)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 foxes combattant, in chf a compass star, all
within a laurel wreath, all ctrch. (D: Vulpine Reach - Dec 82)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 griffins combattant ctrch, on a chf embat Sa a
Latin cross betw 2 crosses couped Or. (D: Gustav Athanasius
von Hausenstadt - May 83)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 wolves combattant a bord ctrch. (B:
Randwulf de la Terre dt - Dec 96)
Per pale Gu & Or, 2 bears combattant maintaining battle-axes ctrch.
(D: Toirdhealbhach MacMathghamhain - Feb 07)
Per pale Gu & Or, 2 bears combattant maintaining battles-axes
ctrch. (D: Toirdhealbhach MacMathghamhain - Sep 91)
Per pale Gu & Or, 2 dragons combatant & in base a laurel wreath
ctrch. (D: Adora - Oct 07)
Per pale Gu & Or, 2 dragons combattant & in chf a sword fesswise,
all within an orle of roundels ctrch. (D: Gregor von
Mnchhausen - Nov 89)
Per pale Gu & Or, 2 Grecian sphinxes combattant ctrch. (D: Wlfric
Huffman - Aug 95)
Per pale Gu & Or, 2 rams combatant each maintaining a halberd,
the sin inv, in chf 3 pheons all ctrch. (D: Thorgeirr Bollason Oct 96)

30 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Multicolor


Per pale indented Arg & Sa, a wolf & a stag combattant within a
bord indented, all ctrch. (D: Joanna de Gordon - Jun 92)
Per pale indented Arg & Sa, 2 dragons combattant tails entwined
ctrch. (D: Bryan Brunston - Mar 05)
Per pale indented Az & Arg, 2 griffins combatant ctrch. (D: Iames
Levyngistoun - Jan 08)
Per pale indented Purp & Or, a fountain betw 2 bears combattant
ctrch. (D: Uilliam MacCloskey - Mar 95)
Per pale nebuly Az & Or, a Bengal tiger Arg & a 3-headed dog Gu
combattant. (D: Eldred Sharptooth - Nov 89)
Per pale Or & Az, 2 eagle-winged wyverns combattant, a bord
ctrch. (B: Brianna Je Nell Aislynn of Blue Shadows - Dec 96)
Per pale Or & Az, 2 horses combattant & in base a quatrefoil
slipped bendwise ctrch. (D: Tara of Middleford - Mar 05)
Per pale Or & Az, 2 pegasi combattant betw in pale a crescent
pendant & a compass star, all within a bord ctrch. (D: Fiona
von Steinhaus - May 81)
Per pale Or & Az, 2 tygers combattant ctrch. (B: East, the Aug 79) (For the Order of the Tygers Combattant)
Per pale Or & Az, 2 unicorns combattant ctrch. (D: Nicholaa
Halden - date?)
Per pale Or & Gu, 2 bears combattant ctrch & on a chf Sa a bears
pawprint Arg. (D: Sean Ladds - Jul 05)
Per pale Or & Gu, 2 dragons combattant ctrch. (D: Murienne
Duquette - Jan 04)
Per pale Or & Gu, 2 lions combattant & in chf a tower ctrch. (D:
Felicia of the True Layne - May 87)
Per pale Or & Gu, 2 winged stags combattant ctrch. (D: Cassandra
of Kingswear - Jun 98)
Per pale Or & Sa, a bear & a lion combattant ctrch, a chf triangular
chequy Sa & Or. (D: Caradoc Danyllson of Botley Grange Jun 88)
Per pale Or & Sa, 2 dragons combattant betw 2 bars embat to base
ctrch. (D: Milo FitzLyon - May 86)
Per pale Or & Sa, 2 Irish wolfhounds combattant ctrch. (D: Fergus
de Maundeville - Aug 78)
Per pale Or & Vt, 2 bears combattant ctrch. (D: Tobias der Starke Jul 98)
Per pale Or & Vt, 2 hares combattant ctrch. (D: Katheryn of
Heronter - Dec 93)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 2 dragons combatant ctrch. (D: Adrian
Dragon - Aug 99)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 2 pantheons combatant mullety of six of
points all ctrch. (D: Katerina von Brandenberg - Nov 06)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 2 unicorns combattant reguardant a bord
goutty ctrch. (D: Eloine ni Mhaoileoin - Oct 97)
Per pale Purp & Or, 2 horses combattant ctrch. (D: Morgan
Sparhawk - Mar 99)
Per pale Purp & Or, 2 wyverns combatant ctrch. (D: Esclarmonde
de La Tour - May 07)
Per pale rayonny Arg & Gu, 2 griffins combattant ctrch. (D:
Martha de Blenkensop - Aug 89)
Per pale rayonny Az & Or, a mare ramp Arg & a cat ramp
contourny Sa, collared Gu. (D: Aislinn of Tir-y-Don Feb 07)
Per pale rayonny Gu & Or, a dragon & a winged stag combattant
ctrch. (D: Sarah Rumoldestohter - Sep 92)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a laurel wreath betw 2 Dun dragons combattant
ctrch. (D: Anlieplic Dn - Oct 80) (A Dun dragon is an
invented charge resembling a two-horned dinosaur.)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a mullet of eight points & in chf 2 lions queueforchy combattant ctrch. (D: Vaunda of Hunters Home Dec 95)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 bears combattant ctrch & on a chf Gu 3
bezants. (D: ra ttarsdttir - Jan 03)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 griffins segreant combattant mullety ctrch. (D:
Eugne de Doyen - May 80)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 panthers combatant guardant ctrch, incensed
proper, spotted ctrch. (D: Genevieve de Courtanvaux Mar 07)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 wolves combattant ctrch, enflamed proper, in
base an anvil reversed ctrch. (D: Conrad Swarzolf - Oct 93)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 wolves combattant ctrch within an orle Gu.
(D: Wolfker Krieg von Lindenthal - Jan 04)

[Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Multicolor] to [Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Or]

Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Multicolor


Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 wolves combattant, in chf 3 roses ctrch. (D:
Felina von Behren - Feb 99)
Per pale Sa & ermine, 2 stags combattant ctrch atop a trimount Vt.
(D: Otto von Heidelberc - Jun 05)
Per pale Sa & erminois, on a fess ctrch a unicorn Arg & a dragon
Vt, bellied & winged Gu, combattant. (D: Krisztina
Holgyasszony - Dec 87)
Per pale Sa & Or, a dragon & a griffin combattant ctrch & a chf
triangular Gu. (D: Arthur Phillip van Zanten - Feb 90)
Per pale Sa & Or, a goblet sustained betw 2 talbots combattant
ctrch, a bord embat Gu. (D: Alys Montgomerie - Feb 00)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 dragons combattant within a bord ctrch. (D:
Aeruin na Cantairechet Sreagan - Nov 88)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 lions combattant ctrch. (B: Robert of Sacred
Stone - Oct 97)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 pegasi combattant ctrch. (D: Gawain Ivarsson
- Jun 03)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 talbots combatant & a point pointed, all ctrch.
(D: Ulrich von Brandenburg - Aug 01)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 wyverns combatant & on a chf 3 roundels, all
ctrch. (D: Bjorn inn hvi - Dec 07)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a horse & a wyvern combattant, wings
disclosed, betw in pale a trefoil & a dagger fesswise, all ctrch.
(D: Caitilin ni Lochlainn - Oct 80)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a unicorn & a dragon combattant ctrch & on a
chf Sa 3 castles Or. (D: Thomas Gryffyth - Feb 97)
Per pale Vt & Arg, 2 greyhounds combattant ctrch. (D: Rhys ap
Morgan - Nov 03)
Per pale Vt & Arg, 2 horned pegasi combattant, that to dexter Arg,
to sin Sa. (D: Leissa Melyrn - Aug 79)
Per pale Vt & Or, 2 dragons combattant & in chf a mullet within a
bord embat all ctrch. (D: Draco Rorichssohn - Oct 04)
Per pale Vt & Or, 2 dragons serpentine combattant ctrch. (D:
Aaron Elvenspeed - Jun 76?)
Per pale Vt & Or, 2 lions combattant ctrch, on a chf Gu, 3 pairs of
needles in salt Or. (D: Brendan OFarrell - Jun 99)
Per pale Vt & Or, 2 lions combattant guardant & in chf 3 fleurs-delis one & 2, all ctrch. (D: Guinevere of the Garloch Aug 79?)
Per pale wavy Arg & Az, a bear & a dog collared combatant ctrch.
(D: Andrew Cameron - Sep 06)
Per pale wavy Arg & Vt, a seahorse erect to sin Az & a hippogriff
salient Arg. (D: Enid nic Eoin - Jun 83)
Per pale wavy Az & Arg, ermined Gu, a dragon ramp to sin Or & a
lion ramp Sa. (D: Aelfred of Cres - Feb 88)
Per pale wavy Or & Gu, a wolf & a bear combatant ctrch. (D:
Snbjorn Hkonarson - Mar 07)
Per pale wavy Purp & Or, a unicorn Arg & a dragon Sa combattant.
(D: Lecelina OBrien of Mountshannon - Feb 99)
Per pall Gu, Arg & Az, a cross of Santiago Or & 2 lions combatant
ctrch. (D: Raphael Delchambre - Jul 07)
Per pall inv Arg, Sa & Vt, in chf a lion & a talbot combattant ctrch.
(D: Leonia Talbot - Jun 05)
Per pall inv Gu Or & Sa, 2 bat-winged lions combattant ctrch Or &
Gu & a glove Arg. (D: Brighid inghean Mhurchada Dec 01)
Per pall inv Or Gu & Sa, in chf 2 lions combatant ctrch Gu & Or.
(D: Daniel Lyons - Jan 03)
Per pall rayonny Gu, Sa & Or, a bear Az & a bear Or combattant.
(D: orbjorn Karlsson - Oct 04)
Per salt Sa & Or, in pale 2 drakkars contourny, sails set, & in fess 2
bears combattant ctrch. (D: Almarr Dmarr bjarnarkl Nov 93)
Per salt Sa & Or, in pale 2 fleurs-de-lys & in fess 2 griffins
combattant ctrch. (D: Olav Sigurdsson - Feb 85)
Purp, a sword palewise Or betw 2 winged cats combattant, that to
dexter Arg, that to sin Or. (D: Margherita Alessia - Mar 89)
Purp, a wolf collared & chained Arg & a lion maintaining the chain
combattant, in chf a cup Or. (D: Marghet Asketilsdottir Mar 98)
Quarterly Az & Or, 2 dragons combatant & a fleur-de-lys ctrch. (D:
Franois Gaston dAvignon - Mar 97)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a stag Or & a griffin Arg combattant. (D:
George Griffinhart - Nov 89)

Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Multicolor


Quarterly Or & Sa, a griffin & a dragon combattant ctrch. (D:

Drusilus von Oberbessenbach - Jul 87)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, a dragon & a griffin combattant ctrch,
maintaining respectively a sword Or & a quill pen Az. (D:
Sibyl Cairnfalcon - Apr 86)
Quarterly Vt & Az, a griffin Arg & a lion Or combattant. (D:
Agnarr Klngsson - Aug 03)
Sa, a compass star elongated to base quarterly Or & Arg supported
by 2 lions queue forchy combatant, that to dexter Or & that to
sin Arg. (D: Andr de Foucault - Jul 98)
Sa, a lion, tail nowed, Arg & a griffin combattant & in chf a
compass star Or. (D: Eric Bearsbane - Nov 82)
Sa, a wolf Arg & a boar Or combattant, overall a base of flames
proper. (D: Harald Bodvarson - Oct 82)
Tierced in point Vt, Arg & Sa, 2 bulls combattant ctrch & a sword
proper. (D: Michael Gallglach ua Corcaigh - Jun 83)
Tierced per pall inv Vt, Or, & counter-ermine, in chf 2 lions
combattant ctrch. (D: Cormac OSullivan - May 84)
Vt, 2 zebras combattant Arg, striped Sa. (D: Mary Felix the Fool Dec 83)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Or

(Fieldless) A dragon & a tyger combattant, maintaining 2 straight

trumpets crossed in salt to chf, Or. (B: Middle, the - Jun 84)
(JB: East, the)
Az, a chev brettess betw 2 lions combattant & a tower Or. (D:
Geoffrey Thomas - Jan 83)
Az, a laurel wreath & 2 sea-lions combatant, one & 2, on a chf
wavy Or 3 escallops Az. (D: des Iles des Diamants - Dec 06)
Az, a pall of chain mail betw a six-petalled rose & 2 unicorns
combattant Or. (D: Ariane MacFhearguis - May 88)
Az, on a pale betw 2 stags combattant Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Gu. (D:
Cassia dArtois - May 96)
Az, 2 dragons combattant Or. (D: Damhnait of the Cleftlands Apr 98)
Az, 2 lions combattant reguardant maintaining a star of David all
betw 3 roundels Or. (D: Shlomo Korobenik - May 98)
Az, 2 sea-dogs combattant within an annulet of rope Or. (B:
William MacArthur - Sep 03)
Az, 2 winged unicorns queue-forchy combatant & on a chf Or, 3
clarions Az. (D: Celia des Archiers - Jun 93)
Counter-ermine, 2 unicorns combattant Or armed Gu & in chf a
Saracens head cabossed proper turbaned Arg. (D: Athelas of
the Knife - Dec 02)
Gu, a billhook Arg betw 2 brocks combattant, issuant from base a
sun Or. (D: Liam of the Barque - Sep 73?) (Deceased)
Gu, a chev betw 2 brocks combattant & an open book all within a
bord Or. (D: Caissne Merdrech - Nov 03)
Gu, a pale pean betw 2 dogs combattant Or. (D: Andrea des Chiens
- Aug 87)
Gu, a sword inv proper betw 2 lions combattant Or, a bord Arg
goutty de sang. (D: Ricardo Urdiales del Bosque - Jun 93)
Gu, a sword, its hilt betw the forelegs of 2 boars combattant Or. (B:
Ali al Ahmed Abdullah - Apr 87)
Gu, a sword proper betw 2 unicorns combattant Or. (D: Grinne
ingen Chormaic - Aug 02)
Gu, betw 2 mountain lions combatant Or, a mullet Arg. (D: Allyn
Samildanach - Aug 78)
Gu, on a pale betw 2 seadogs combattant Or 2 fleurs-de-lys Gu. (D:
Lucien de la Rochelle - Mar 02)
Gu, 2 bears combatant sustaining betw them a wagon wheel Or. (D:
Kisaiya Sonakeyeskie - Jul 96)
Gu, 2 dragons combattant & a base rayonny Or. (B: Brand
Regenald - Jun 98)
Gu, 2 Grecian sphinxes combattant Or winged & in base a book
Arg. (D: Cormac MacLean - Jan 96)
Gu, 2 lions combattant Or. (D: Anjou-Plantagenet, first house of
Anjou - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, 2 opinici combattant Or & on a chf Arg 3 apples Gu, slipped &
leaved Vt. (D: Elizabeth McIntosh - Dec 82)
Gu, 2 talbots combattant Or. (D: Otta the Terrible - Mar 98)
Gyronny of eight Gu & Sa, 2 winged wolves combatant Or. (D:
Cedric of Mercia - Aug 78?)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 31

[Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Or] to [Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Purpure]

Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Or (continued)

Per chev abased Gu & Az, a Bengal tiger & a bear combattant, in
base an urn, all Or. (D: Deborrah Rodriguez Silva - Mar 84)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 rams combattant Or, & a laurel wreath Gu.
(D: Ramsgaard - Jul 88)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 wolves combattant Or & a castle Gu. (D:
Lyon Woulfran - Nov 01)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 unicorns combattant Or & a thistle proper. (D:
Gwyneth of Glenstrae - Aug 85)
Per chev Az & Sa, a chev rompu betw 2 unicorns combattant & a
pithon erect contourny Or. (D: Donndubn ua Cathniad May 96)
Per chev Az & Sa, 2 dragons combattant & a chev abased Or. (D:
Mariano of Rivers Point - Sep 03)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev Arg betw 2 winged lions combattant & in
pale a compass star & a lamp Or, enflamed at the tip proper.
(D: Gordon MacBlayr de Galowaye - Jun 83)
Per chev dovetailed Gu & Vt, in chf 2 domestic cats combatant
guardant & in base on a triskelion Or, a triangle inv Vt. (D:
Lerben of Cambion - Oct 86)
Per chev embat Sa & Or, 2 lions combatant & a tower ctrch. (D:
Malcolm MacCallum of Moffat - Jan 05)
Per chev Gu & Az, a chev romp betw 2 griffins combattant & a
sword Or. (D: Etienne Dubois - Sep 99)
Per chev Gu & Or, 2 griffins combattant & a dragon segreant
maintaining a mace ctrch. (D: Eirkr inn danski - Nov 01)
Per chev Gu & Vt, on a chev betw 2 lions combattant & a tower Or,
2 sprigs of mistletoe Vt. (D: Rafael da Venezia - Sep 94)
Per chev Purp & Arg, 2 lions combattant Or & a sheaf of arrows inv
Purp, in chf a trefoil knot Arg. (D: Abinn Shlibe Glass Oct 00)
Per chev Purp & Vt, 2 lions combattant Or & a chalice Arg. (D:
Ysabel Natalia Osorio de Len - Apr 00)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a pall inv betw 2 dragons combattant & a rose
Or. (D: Ina Estroboren - Jan 90)
Per chev Sa & Gu ermined Or, in chf 2 dragons combattant Or. (D:
Duncan MacAngus of Skye - Sep 00)
Per chev Sa & Or, 2 pegasi combattant Or, winged Arg & incensed
Gu, & a tree eradicated Vt. (D: Duncan MacEwan - Dec 86)
Per chev Sa & Or, 2 wolves combattant & a tower ctrch. (D:
Wulfstan Egweald - Sep 93)
Per chev throughout vair en pointe & Arg, 2 unicorns combattant Or
& 2 lutes, necks crossed in salt, Az. (D: Michael OGeorge Mar 86)
Per fess rayonny Purp & Gu, in chf 2 continental panthers
combattant Or. (D: Aurora Howe - Dec 94)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 natural panthers combatant, tails nowed,
ctrch, each gorged of a crown embat Or, maintaining betw
them a rose Gu, barbed, seeded, slipped & leaved proper. (D:
Sharra de la Pradera Blanca - Nov 06)
Per pale Az & Gu, a chev Sa, fimbriated, betw 2 lions combattant
queue-forchee & a lion passant guardant Or. (D: Tristan Keck
- May 86)
Per pale Az & Gu, 2 lions combattant Or within an orle of Maltese
crosses Arg. (D: Mathias von Leuwenberg - Jun 99)
Per pale Az & Gu, 2 pegasi combatant & in chf a sun Or. (D:
Serena Zane - Jan 07)
Per pale Az & Sa, a dragon & a lion combatant & on a chf Or 3
axes Sa. (D: Galen of the Axe - Jul 99)
Per pale Az & Vt, 2 griffins combattant Or. (D: Magnus
MacTagart - Sep 02)
Per pale Gu & Az, a bull & a unicorn combattant Or & a chev
abased ermine. (D: Guillaine de Vaux - Jun 84)
Per pale Gu & Az, on a pale embat counter-embat Arg betw 2 bears
combattant Or, a sword inv Sa. (D: Bjrn gullhrr - Nov 96)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a chalice betw 2 pegasi combattant Or. (D:
Idonea dAubignie - Jan 85)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 bears combatant within an orle of rope Or. (D:
Egill Gullbjarnarson - Jan 06)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 dragons combatant Or & in base a lotus
blossom in profile Arg. (D: Kovach Bolshoi - Aug 05)
Per pale Purp & Vt, on a pile inv betw 2 lions combattant guardant
Or, a laurel wreath Gu. (D: Monarchs Rest - Feb 94)
Per pale Sa & Az, a sword proper betw 2 lions combattant Or. (D:
Michael of Northwood - Jun 98)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 2 rams combatant betw 3 mullets Or. (D: Nezhka
Radokovaia - Mar 07)
32 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Or (continued)

Per pall inv Gu Sa & Or, 2 horses combattant Or & a heart Gu. (D:
Sunnifa Eirksdttir - Sep 01)
Per pall Or Gu & Az, a hammer fesswise reversed Sa & 2 dogs
combattant Or. (D: Raibeart MacKever - Sep 02)
Per salt Az & Gu, a chev & in chf 2 griffins combattant Or. (D:
Blayne atte Wood the Juggler - Jul 85)
Per salt Az & Sa, 2 dragons combattant Or & a compass rose Arg.
(D: Connor Alexander Maxwell - Apr 00)
Per salt Or & Gu, in pale 2 thistles & in fess 2 lions combattant, all
ctrch. (D: Angus Coilein - Nov 05)
Per salt Sa & Purp, 2 ferrets combattant Or. (D: Alycie Stirling Jun 02)
Per salt Vt & Sa, 2 wolves combattant, supporting a cup, in base a
fleam Or. (D: Hrolf Ulfsson - Oct 87)
Pily Arg & Purp, 2 winged unicorns combattant Or, a bord Sa semy
of compass stars Arg. (D: Muirgel Lyon - Jun 92)
Purp, a griffin & a dragon combattant & on a point pointed Or a
rose proper. (D: Bronwen McFinlay - Sep 94)
Purp, 2 horses combatant Or & on a chf Arg 4 roses Gu. (D:
Gunnarr of Endless Hills - May 07)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, 2 bears combatant Or & a cross formy Arg. (D:
Brian de Barri - Jan 98)
Quarterly Sa & Vt, 2 enfields combattant Or. (D: Dafydd ap y
Kynith - Sep 03)
Sa, a bear & a griffin combatant Or maintaining betw them a lyre
Arg. (D: Max the Minstrel - Jan 97)
Sa, a chev indented Arg betw 2 griffins combattant & a castle
double-towered Or. (D: Taliesin ap Gwythur - Apr 85)
Sa, a pall inv betw 2 dragons combattant & a phoenix issuant from
base Or. (D: Corwin Roberts - Nov 02)
Sa, a stag & a greyhound combattant Or. (D: Caleb Stewart Jun 05)
Sa, on a pale betw 2 lions combattant Or, 3 fleurs-de-lys Sa. (D:
George Emerson True - Dec 87)
Sa, on a pile betw 2 griffins combattant, each maintaining an arrow
Or, an ancient crown within a laurel wreath Sa. (D: Artemisia
- Sep 96)
Sa, 2 Bengal tigers combattant Or marked Sa, in chf an estoile, all
within a bord rayonny Or. (D: Morbran Two Tigers - Oct 93)
Sa, 2 dragons combatant Or each maintaining a sword Vt in its tail,
a chf checky Sa & Arg. (D: Richard Tremayne - Jan 97)
Sa, 2 dragons combattant within a bord embat Or. (D: Arthur of the
Black Marsh - Feb 92)
Sa, 2 eagles ramp combattant Or & a dove disp Arg. (D: Flavius
Valerius Verus - Jun 88)
Sa, 2 griffins combattant guardant Or, a base nebuly Arg. (D:
Morann Will Owen - Dec 92)
Sa, 2 lions combattant Or, on a chf triangular Arg a triquetra inv Sa.
(D: Eliza OCulane - Nov 99)
Sa, 2 winged stags combattant, each maintaining a halberd, & in chf
3 bars Or. (D: Vigbrand of Scandia - Nov 83)
Sa, 2 wolves combatant Or, each charged on the hip with a crescent
Sa. (D: lfr Edmundarson - Jan 07)
Tierced per pall potent, Gu, & Purp, 2 male griffins combattant & a
bord Or. (D: Sean MacKieran - Jul 95)
Vt, a bear & a lion combattant & a bord embat Or. (D: Daniel
Archer the Bear - Nov 01)
Vt, a pall Arg betw 2 lions combatant Or. (D: Isabeau de Kendale May 04)
Vt, a sword Or hilted Sa betw 2 continental panthers combattant Or
incensed Gu. (D: Andrew de Londres - Oct 04)
Vt, a tun Arg betw in fess 2 male gryphons combattant & in chf
another statant guardant Or. (D: Griffith ap Griffith ap Griffith
- Feb 82)
Vt, on a pale Arg betw a dog & a horse combattant Or 3 morning
glory flowers Purp. (D: Eochaidh MacEochada - Sep 95)
Vt, 3 arrows in pall, points outward, betw a cat sejant affronty & 2
cats combattant Or. (D: Shaw Shadowdweller - Nov 83)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Purpure

Arg, 2 cats combattant & a bord Purp. (D: Clarissa the Traveller Mar 03)
Arg, 2 dragons combattant Purp sustaining betw them an arrow inv
Vt. (D: Deirdre McLair - Dec 03)

[Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Purpure] to [Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Sable]

Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Purpure


Or, a dragon & a sealion combattant Purp, within a bord Vt. (D:
Alexandrina Natalia Cristiano - Jan 92)
Or, 2 ounces combatant guardant incensed & on a point pointed
Purp a castle Arg. (D: Alejandra Lucia del Castillo - Nov 06)
Quarterly Purp & Arg, in bend sin 2 unicorns combatant Purp
crined Or, a bord ctrch. (D: Sorcha inghean an tSaoi Feb 06)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Sable

(Fieldless) A lyre Or sustained by 2 hares salient respectant Sa. (B:

Scraeling Althing, the - Sep 94) (For the Order of the Black
(Fieldless) 2 hares combatant conjoined at the lower forepaw Sa.
(B: Deodar - Sep 06)
Arg, a chev rayonny on the upper edge betw 2 cats combattant Sa &
a phoenix Gu rising from flames proper. (D: Rhiannon
Strongsheres - Sep 95)
Arg, a hazel branch fructed Vt supported by 2 cats combattant Sa.
(D: Sorcha of Gwynedd - May 96)
Arg, a tree Vt betw 2 bears combattant Sa & issuant from a base Vt
charged with a Maltese cross Arg. (D: Parzifal sans Peur Jun 92)
Arg, on a long cross throughout betw in base 2 lions combattant Sa,
a sword inv Arg, enflamed proper. (D: Balthazar Thornguard
- Feb 87)
Arg, on a pale Vt betw 2 pegasi combattant Sa, an elm leaf
bendwise sin betw 2 roses Arg. (D: Ygerne Darras - Apr 97)
Arg, on a pile betw 2 catamounts combattant Sa a sword inv proper
transfixing a skull Arg. (D: James Malcolm Helme - Aug 96)
Arg, on a pile inv Az betw 2 stags combatant proper, a mullet Arg.
(D: Sarah Croft - May 99)
Arg, on a pile inv throughout betw 2 wolves combattant Sa, a stags
head cabossed Arg attired Or. (D: Duncan Walensis of Selkirk
- Feb 00)
Arg, semy of estoiles Az, a pale betw 2 pegasi combattant Sa. (D:
Christopher Darras - Oct 85)
Arg, 2 brown bears combattant proper & on a chf indented Vt 3
mullets of eight points Or. (D: Thomas of Selviergard Oct 03)
Arg, 2 brown bears combattant proper maintaining a roundel
erminois pierced by a sword inv Az. (D: Edward of Tatham Aug 84)
Arg, 2 cats combatant & on a chf Sa, a butterfly Arg. (D: Katrin
Bchlein - Jan 07)
Arg, 2 dogs combattant Sa & a parrot disp, a bord Az. (D: Savina
des Gitanes - Aug 99)
Arg, 2 dragons combatant & a dragon passant Sa, all detailed &
breathing flames Gu. (D: Rgn mac Ferchair - Jul 06)
Arg, 2 dragons combattant Sa maintaining betw them a step-cut
gemstone palewise Gu all within a bord Sa. (D: Brion Dargan
- Aug 03)
Arg, 2 Great Danes combattant Sa within a bord invected Vt. (D:
Guenever of Ravenscroft - Oct 88)
Arg, 2 griffins combattant Sa & on a mount Purp a Celtic cross Or.
(D: Duncan of Atenveldt - Jun 04)
Arg, 2 horses combattant Sa & in chf a cross of 4 pheons conjoined
at the points Gu, overall a label of 3 points Sa. (D: Consuela
Maria de Leon - Mar 97)
Arg, 2 horses salient combattant Sa, in chf a cross of 4 pheons
conjoined at the points Gu. (D: Atalaya la Sanadora Mar 97)
Arg, 2 lions combattant guardant Sa & on a chf Az 3 lilies Arg. (D:
Sabina of Borthwick - Jun 02)
Arg, 2 natural panthers combatant guardant Sa maintaining in their
forepaws a triple-headed thistle slip Vt flowered Gu within a
bord Gu platy. (D: Seanach Mac Tmais - Mar 07)
Arg, 2 natural panthers combattant guardant, tails entwined to base,
Sa, in chf a rose Gu. (D: Elizabeth Harcourt - Mar 89)
Arg, 2 rabbits combattant Sa & in chf a laurel wreath Vt. (D:
Deodar - Feb 84)
Arg, 2 unicorns combattant & on a point pointed Sa, a harp Or. (D:
Fiachra ni Ciardhubhin - Apr 88)
Arg, 2 unicorns combattant, on a chf Sa 3 roses Or barbed & seeded
Arg. (D: Isabeau Reiner - Jun 98)

Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Sable (continued)

Arg, 2 winged cats combattant Sa, on a chf Az 3 broadarrows inv

Arg. (D: Laura Serafina - May 93)
Arg, 2 wolves combatant Sa, a ford proper. (D: Afanasiia
Volokhovna - Apr 98)
Arg, 2 wolves combattant, on a chf Sa 3 patriarchal crosses Arg.
(D: Sophia Mikhailovna Serpukhova - May 92)
Checky Arg & Gu, 2 griffins combattant & in base an annulet, on a
chf Sa 3 annulets Arg. (D: Regenweald Acleah Beorthram Sep 93)
Ermine, a unicorn & a stag combattant Sa. (D: Adriana the Fierce Sep 93)
Ermine, 2 weasels combattant within a bord Sa. (D: Pepin le
Fouinon - Feb 05)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, a unicorn & a ram ramp combattant, each
maintaining a scimitar, Sa. (D: Elias Barbarossa von
Zweibrcken - Dec 88)
Lozengy Arg & Gu, 2 bears combatant Sa within a bord Or. (D:
Svetokhna Nikolaevna doch - Dec 04)
Or, a chev Gu betw 2 brown bears salient combattant proper & a
laurel wreath Vt. (D: College on the Hill - Jan 82)
Or, a chev Gu betw 2 horses combattant & a castle Sa. (D:
Gwenhevare Cordelia Maynard - Nov 01)
Or, a grapevine palewise throughout Vt, fructed Purp, betw 2 brown
bears combattant proper. (D: Geoffrey de Belleville - Oct 82)
Or, a pale Gu surmounted by 2 goats combattant, a bord embat Sa.
(D: Albyn Buckthorne - Aug 94)
Or, on a pale Az betw 2 bulls combattant Sa, a sword Or. (D:
Walther von Erfurt - Sep 92)
Or, 2 bears combattant Sa within an orle of escallops inv Purp. (D:
Antoinette Clarissa du Bte - Sep 97)
Or, 2 calygreyhounds combattant guardant Sa. (D: Eowyn
Feemaister - Apr 91)
Or, 2 cats combattant Sa maintaining a heart Gu enflamed to chf, on
a chf Sa 3 crosses flory Or. (D: Victoria MacKinnon Aug 98)
Or, 2 continental panthers combattant Sa maintaining betw them a
rose all within a bord Purp. (D: Ghislaine of Calafia Jan 02)
Or, 2 horses combattant Sa, on a chf enarched Gu 3 triskelions of
legs Or. (D: Godfrey Avonsford - Feb 98)
Or, 2 lions combattant, each supporting a pennoncelle, poles
crossed in salt, within a bord embat Sa. (D: Cynewulf atten
Hyrste - Mar 94)
Or, 2 natural panthers combattant Sa & a bord Vt. (D: Gregory
Morgan - Aug 01)
Or, 2 ounces combattant Sa, incensed, in chf a sun Gu, all within a
bord Sa. (D: Gunther Kriegsmann von Braunschweig Dec 06)
Or, 2 pegasi combattant Sa, maintaining betw them a lyre Gu. (D:
Richenda Lenoir - Nov 86)
Or, 2 ravens close respectant Sa maintaining betw them a crescent
Gu, all within an orle Sa. (D: Ellisif Arngunnardottir Jul 92)
Or, 2 unicorns combattant Sa within a bord dovetailed Vt. (D: Kara
of Lions March - Jun 94)
Or, 2 wolves combattant & on a chf Sa, 3 roses Or. (D: Michael
Phelan - Nov 92)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 demi-horses combattant Sa & a goblet Arg.
(D: Antonio di Marco - Mar 00)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 pegasi combattant Sa & a rose Arg. (D:
Ellisif Kormaksdottir - May 84)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 2 rams salient combattant & a Celtic cross
ctrch. (D: Sionnaich Creag - Mar 82)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 2 catamounts combattant Sa & a boar couchant
Arg. (D: Mrgrg ingen Chana - Feb 97)
Per chev dovetailed Or & Gu, in chf 2 Pomeranian hounds
combattant Sa & in base a femur fesswise Or. (D: Tomasz
Pomaranski - Apr 92)
Per chev Or & Sa, 2 pegasi salient respectant & a tower ctrch. (D:
Robert of the Mountains - Mar 87)
Per chev Sa & Or, in chf 2 daggers & in base 2 griffins combattant
ctrch. (D: Gwynne of Brynmawr - Jan 84)
Per fess Arg & Vt, 2 horses salient respectant Sa & in base 2 trefoils
in fess Or. (D: Eduard von der Kiebitzwiese - Apr 84)
Per fess embat Gu & Or, 2 bulls combattant Sa. (D: Adrian Alonzo
De Cadiz - Oct 04)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 33

[Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Sable] to [Arrangement - Creature - Respectant]

Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Sable (continued)

Per pall inv Arg, Or & Sa, 2 horses combattant Sa & a seahorse
naiant Arg. (D: Cynthia Blackmore - Aug 95)
Per pall inv Az, Arg & Sa, 2 ewes combattant maintaining recorders
Sa & Arg & in base a mullet of six points Or. (D: Marie
Genevieve of Aquitaine - Jun 98)
Per salt Sa & Or, 2 suns Or & 2 dragons combatant Sa. (D: Muriel
Loterel - Sep 05)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - Creature - Combattant - Vert

Arg, a pall inv Az, betw 2 griffins combattant Vt, armed & winged
Gu, & a caltrop Sa, embrued at the upper point Gu. (D:
Llewelyn o Lanteprey - Aug 84)
Arg, 2 dragons ramp respectant Vt sustaining a wooden chalice
proper. (D: Eilonra Fgn - Apr 98)
Ermine, in fess an oak tree eradicated proper betw 2 dragons
combatant, wings close Vt. (D: Borimir Dimitrian - Oct 07)
Or, 2 lions combattant, in chf a fleur-de-lys Vt. (D: Denise
Duvalier - Feb 00)
Or, 2 wyverns combattant Vt in base a tower Gu within a laurel
wreath Vt. (D: Mons Draconis - Jun 97)
Per chev Arg & Gu, 2 wyverns combattant Vt & a battle axe Or. (D:
Gilnaur Greystone - Dec 82)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 2 dragons combatant Vt & a thunderbolt Arg.
(D: Dagobert de Gallia - Feb 06)
Per chev inv Vt & ermine, a pall Or betw a heart & 2 tygers
combattant ctrch. (D: Amyfelyse Alexandra Ives de Mintestede
- Aug 84)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - Creature - Respectant

(Fieldless) 2 dolphins haurient respectant Az gorged of comital

coronets & maintaining betw them a rose Or. (B: AElfgifu
Haraldsdottir - Aug 01)
(Fieldless) 2 dolphins haurient respectant Or sustaining a trident
Gu. (B: Darkwater - Dec 95)
(Fieldless) 2 falcons rising respectant conjoined at the talons Or.
(B: Elizabetta Malatesta - Jul 97)
(Fieldless) 2 wolves salient respectant Arg sustaining a pretzel
erminois. (B: Roberto Carlos Dominguez - Apr 07)
Arg, a bend sin Gu betw 2 rabbits statant respectant Sa. (D: Bianca
Mantegna - Sep 04)
Arg, a cross of Santiago Sa & 2 winged & haloed lions passant
gardant respectant Gu one & 2, a point pointed papellony Vt &
Arg. (D: Leo Alejandro - Mar 98)
Arg, a fess urdy-counter-urdy betw in chf 2 natural salamanders
statant respectant & in base a compass star Sa. (D: Grimaud
dAsterisque Noir - Jul 85)
Arg, a fret Gu betw 2 cats salient respectant guardant Sa. (D:
Katerina of Enchanted Lakes - Nov 82)
Arg, a lozenge Az betw 2 serpents erect wavy respectant Gu. (D:
Belinda of Emeric - Jul 82)
Arg, a pall inv Az betw 2 cats salient respectant guardant & a
chalice Sa. (D: Catriona Nic Aoidh - Dec 93)
Arg, betw 2 dolphins hauriant respectant Purp a thistle proper, a
base engrailed Vt. (D: Killian MCahall - Jun 95)
Arg chap Gu, 2 catamounts sejant respectant Sa. (D: Constance
Caterina of Padua - Feb 95)
Arg, in bend sin 4 pawprints bendwise sin betw 2 cats sejant
respectant Sa. (D: Honor Catlin MacCurtain - Apr 00)
Arg, in fess 2 rabbits statant respectant Sa. (B: Bianca Mantegna Sep 04)
Arg, 3 lozenges Sa in bend sin betw 2 scarpes Gu betw 2 cats sejant
respectant each lifting a forepaw Sa. (D: Loinseach Mac an
Leisdeir - Feb 96)
Arg, 2 birds migrant respectant fesswise Az holding in their beaks a
heart Gu, a bord invected Az. (D: Caitln Nic Mhaolin of
Gleanntaigh - May 94)
Arg, 2 dolphins haurient respectant & on a chf Gu 3 hearts Or. (D:
Catrin Brynmorgan - Oct 99)
Arg, 2 domestic cats sejant respectant tails entwined in base Sa & a
chf Az. (D: elwynn filia Caschin - Aug 03)
Arg, 2 falcons respectant Gu & a chf triangular Az. (D: Giovanni
Orsini da Venezia - May 02)

34 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - Creature - Respectant (continued)

Arg, 2 falcons rising wings addorsed respectant, maintaining betw

them a stone Sa. (D: Thorfinnr inn vegsvinni Ingason Feb 98)
Arg, 2 foxes salient respectant Gu, & a mullet of eight points Sa.
(D: Corwin of Fox Mountain - May 84)
Arg, 2 herons respectant necks entwined & on a chf invected Az 2
swords inv in salt Arg. (D: Elizabet MacKenzie de Ross Feb 02)
Arg, 2 hummingbirds hovering respectant & a chf engrailed Purp.
(D: Laurette de Montasalvy - Dec 07)
Arg, 2 sea-horses erect respectant, in chf an ivy leaf Vt, a base wavy
Az. (D: Eibhiln Nic Thighearnin - Jun 95)
Arg, 2 sea-horses respectant Az. (B: Colin MacLear - Dec 02)
Arg, 2 snakes erect respectant Vt & a chf engrailed Purp. (D:
Sagevarda von Rottweil - Feb 95)
Arg, 2 vultures rising respectant, wings inv & addorsed, a chf
engrailed Sa. (D: Edvard Gayer - Jul 99)
Arg, 2 winged cats sejant erect respectant Purp, sustaining betw
them a rose Sa barbed & seeded proper, slipped & leaved Vt.
(D: Morganna Blackrose - May 93)
Az, a compass-star elongated to base betw in base 2 rabbits sejant
erect respectant, a bord Arg. (D: Signy of Stavanger May 99)
Az, a long cross moline Arg, in chf 2 wyverns passant respectant
wings disp, a bord Or. (D: Merrick Xavier - Sep 95)
Az, a pallet wavy couped Arg betw a dragon counter-couchant, tail
pendant, Or & a unicorn couchant Arg. (D: Britha of the
Unicorns Forest - Aug 80)
Az, a roundel barry wavy Arg & Vt betw 2 tailless cats sejant
guardant respectant, a base wavy Arg. (D: Albrecht of
Catsprey - Jan 98)
Az, a sword betw 2 falcons rising respectant wings addorsed Arg.
(D: Meuric or glyn - Sep 03)
Az, a unicorn & a winged unicorn forcene respectant, horns crossed
in salt, Arg. (D: Kyna Analisa Dunmore of Galloway Aug 79?)
Az, an otter ramp contourney Or & a blonde mermaid erect proper
respectant a chf invected Arg. (D: Andela Romier - Mar 97)
Az, in annulo 4 pairs of kittens couchant respectant, tails arched,
Arg orbed Az. (D: Kathleen of Kittens - Mar 88)
Az, in chev 2 wasps statant respectant within a bord Arg. (D:
Robert Pine - Aug 02)
Az, in chf a 4-towered castle & in base 2 dolphins haurient
respectant Or. (D: Jonathan of Newcastle - Dec 02)
Az, in fess 2 dolphins naiant respectant betw in pale an escallop &
another inv Arg. (D: Aristide du Landolet - Oct 82)
Az, 2 bears statant erect respectant Or within six plates in annulo.
(D: Josef Gajdos - Oct 84)
Az, 2 dolphins haurient respectant & in base a sun in splendor Arg.
(D: Galen Niccoli - Sep 97)
Az, 2 dolphins haurient respectant & on a chf wavy Arg 3 crosses
bottony Az. (D: na Barid - Apr 03)
Az, 2 dolphins urinant respectant & on a chf Arg 3 bears ramp Gu.
(D: Canice Scrupe - Jan 96)
Az, 2 domestic cats sejant respectant, tails sufflexed & crossed in
salt, Or. (D: Jerimia von Braun - Nov 81)
Az, 2 hawks respectant & a double-bitted axe inv within a bord
dovetailed Arg. (D: Havoc atte Ree - Mar 02)
Az, 2 natural seahorses respectant Or within an orle of crescents
Arg. (D: Kiara Rowland - Aug 96)
Az, 2 sea wolves respectant within a bord wavy Arg. (D: Llyr ap
Morgwn - Jan 00)
Az, 2 sea-lions respectant Or on a point pointed Arg a fleur-de-lys
Az. (D: tienne de la Fleur - Mar 95)
Az, 2 sheep passant respectant & on a chf Arg a shepherds crook
fesswise reversed inv proper. (D: Cassandra Felicia Jan 03)
Barry Vt & Az, issuant from base 2 demi-bears erect respectant &
in chf a crescent Arg. (D: Ursuline de Grennan-Barrett Aug 79?)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, 2 sea-horses respectant crossed in salt Vt.
(B: Elspeth Islay of Glen Meara - Aug 96)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, 2 seahorses respectant Or. (D: Ceara ingen
ui Chellaig - Jan 99)
Barry wavy Or & Az, 2 swans naiant respectant & a lozenge Arg.
(D: Sarmasia Lakadaimoniote - May 95)

[Arrangement - Creature - Respectant]

Arrangement - Creature - Respectant (continued)

Bendy sin & per bend Az & Arg, 2 narwhals hauriant respectant
horns crossed in salt Gu. (D: Godwine of Sherborne - Jul 97)
Counter-ermine, an anchor Or maintained by a sea-horse erect to sin
Arg & a sea-lion erect Or. (D: Avarr of the Misty Seas Dec 85)
Ermine, 2 ravens close respectant Gu. (D: Thrbjrn Assa Jan 08)
Ermine, 2 swans respectant, regardant, necks entwined Sa, within a
bord Gu. (D: Siobhan McClure - May 92)
Erminois, 2 ravens close respectant a bord dovetailed Sa. (D:
Anthony Iron Skull - Sep 96)
Gu, a chev inv betw a winged cougar sejant to sin & 2 more sejant
respectant Arg. (D: Morwenna Trevethan - Mar 00)
Gu, a pall betw a trefoil & 2 pithons nowed erect respectant Arg.
(D: Ceridwyn Nith of Cashel - Mar 85)
Gu, a sword inv betw 2 hawks striking respectant Or, the sword
issuant from a ford proper. (B: Highland Foorde - Apr 02)
(For the Order of the Golden Hawk)
Gu, chap Arg ermined Gu, 2 gryphons statant respectant wings
elevated & addorsed, tails conjoined in a Bowen knot
crosswise Arg. (D: Kendrick Griffenfeld of House Gryphons
Lair - Sep 90)
Gu, on a pile inv throughout counter-ermine betw 2 horses salient
respectant, a dolphin hauriant embowed Arg. (D: Phillipa
Lloyd de Tarifa - Mar 85)
Gu, 2 cats sejant erect respectant guardant ermine within a double
tressure Or. (D: Mairi Jeannette Howard - Nov 93)
Gu, 2 elephants statant respectant, trunks elevated & crossed in salt,
on a chf Arg 3 roses Gu seeded Arg barbed Vt & on a base Arg
a rose Gu seeded Arg barbed Vt. (D: Nadrah al-Zarqa May 04)
Gu, 2 foxes sejant respectant guardant, the dexter fox Arg & the sin
Or. (D: Chabi negen - Nov 06)
Gu, 2 lion-headed serpents nowed in a wake knot respectant within
a bord Or. (D: Sinech ingen engusa manaig meicc Senaig
Ua Liathin - Oct 95)
Gu, 2 martlets respectant, a bord dovetailed Or. (D: Sorcha n
Dhonnghaile - Feb 00)
Gu, 2 narwhals haurient embowed respectant ermine, horns in salt,
Or. (D: Cassie Charlesworth - Apr 07)
Gu, 2 peacocks respectant & a pomegranate slipped & leaved Or.
(D: Gorandookht Mamigonian - Oct 07)
Gu, 2 squirrels sejant erect respectant vair en point maintaining in
chf a nut Or. (D: Ismay of Giggleswick - Nov 99)
Gu, 2 swans statant respectant Arg, on a chf triangular Or a fleurde-lis Gu, a bord ermine. (D: Lynnette Huntingdon - May 96)
(re-registered 9609A)
Gu, 2 winged lions statant respectant Or. (D: Elisabetta Malipiero Jun 03)
Gu, 2 winged stags salient respectant & in base a fleur-de-lys Arg, a
chf indented Or. (D: Sebastian De Lasset - Jan 08)
Gu, 2 wolves sejant respectant erminois betw 3 suns Or. (D:
Ambrosine Aelfwynn de Beaumont - Jun 83)
Gu, 2 zebras salient respectant Or striped Sa. (D: Anne Guest Sep 04)
Lozengy Vt & Arg, 2 ravens rising respectant wings addorsed
within an orle Sa. (D: strdr Oddsdttir - Sep 03)
Or, a pall inv Az betw 2 penguins respectant proper. (D: Anna
Catrina McKenzie - Jul 96)
Or, a pall inv engrailed betw 2 sea coneys respectant Az. (D:
Geoffrey Visick - Oct 99)
Or, a pall inv Sa betw 2 peacocks close respectant proper & a spider
inv Sa marked Or. (D: Colin Severne - Jan 98)
Or, a sword inv Sa transfixing a heart Gu betw 2 sea-lions
respectant Sa. (D: Fergus of Ironwood - Aug 97)
Or, a sword Sa piercing an annulet Gu maintained by 2 griffins
passant aspectant Az. (D: Rhiannon Dragonsword of the
Mystic Woods - May 88)
Or, a wolf & a stag salient respectant & on a chf Gu 3 suns Or. (D:
Deirdre of Lochmere - Apr 07)
Or, in fess a sword inv betw 2 eagles rising respectant Sa, on a chf
triangular Az 3 gouttes deau. (D: Theunis MacDhmhnuill Jan 00)
Or, 2 beavers sejant erect respectant a ford proper all within a bord
Sa. (D: Hildegund von Bieber - Feb 02)

Arrangement - Creature - Respectant (continued)

Or, 2 chipmunks sejant erect respectant proper, on a chf triangular

Vt an acorn Or. (D: Anne de Silva - Jul 93)
Or, 2 domestic cats sejant erect respectant, in base a heart & on a
chf Sa 3 hearts Or. (D: Kara the Twin of Kelton - Nov 96)
Or, 2 foxes sejant respectant Gu, a bord embat Sa. (D: Gwaeddan o
Ystrad Llangollen - Dec 90)
Or, 2 Orcas haurient respectant proper & in chf a compass star Az..
(D: Anne of Whaleshaven - Dec 03)
Or, 2 stags salient respectant, a mountain of 3 peaks Sa. (D: Dugal
Cavendish McRobert - Jul 95)
Or, 2 wolves salient respectant & a chf indented Sa. (B: Garick
Kpke - Nov 89) (For House Wlfslager)
Paly Vt & Arg, 2 wyverns erect respectant Sa & on a chf Az 3
mullets Arg. (B: Iamys MacMurray de Morayshire - Jun 03)
Per bend sin rayonny Arg & Sa, a gryphon statant to sin Sa & a
gryphon statant Or. (D: Galen Ciallmhar of Connaught May 82)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, in fess 2 seagoats respectant Arg each
maintaining a trident, the tridents in salt Or. (D: Domenica
Zorzi - Apr 03)
Per bend sin Sa crusilly patonce Or & Az, 2 legless dragons erect
respectant, tails entwined & 4 wolfs teeth issuant from sin
Arg. (D: Nakas Sandor - May 08)
Per bend sin Vt & Arg, 2 griffins passant respectant ctrch. (D:
Robert Kirkpatrick - Feb 99)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, in fess a male griffin coward & a natural
spotted leopard sejant respectant Arg. (B: Jordre Pargon of
Windhovers Reach - Aug 83) (For Household of
Windhovers Reach)
Per chev abased Arg & barry wavy Az & Arg, 2 satyrs passant
respectant, each maintaining a trident, & in base a laurel
wreath Gu. (D: Barren Sands - Jan 85)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 dunghill cocks respectant Sa & a hangmans
noose Or. (D: Mateo Lopez - Oct 07)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 mallard drakes rising respectant proper & a
double bitted axe Arg. (D: Ivarr Thorgislsson - Jan 07)
Per chev Arg & Gu, 2 griffins passant respectant & a chalice ctrch.
(D: lfwine of Eoferwic - Mar 07)
Per chev Arg & Purp, 2 cats sejant respectant & a Thors hammer
ctrch. (B: Hagar Helmsplitter - Sep 86)
Per chev Arg & Purp, 2 cows statant respectant Sa & a battle axe
Arg. (D: Lorcan Mac Colla - Jan 04)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 2 griffins sejant respectant & a church ctrch.
(D: Piers Blackmonster - May 94)
Per chev Az & Arg, in chf 2 angels statant respectant hands
conjoined Arg. (D: Ludovica de Turre Eburnea - Apr 94)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 coneys courant respectant & an escarbuncle
ctrch. (D: Emilia Mazzo de Novella - Apr 94)
Per chev Az & ermine, 2 natural dolphins naiant embowed
respectant Arg & a fleur-de-lys Az. (D: Laure Aleire de Laon
- Jul 99)
Per chev Az & Purp, a chev Arg betw 2 bears sejant erect respectant
Or & a peach tree couped Arg fructed Or. (D: Anna Zen Aug 07)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev Or betw 2 swans rousant respectant Arg
& a mullet of eight points Or. (D: Yakoub Kadar - Jan 00)
Per chev embat Or & Vt, 2 falcons close respectant jessed & a
goblet ctrch. (D: Gundric Fawkes - Nov 95)
Per chev embat, per pale Or & Gu, & pean, in chf a fox & a cat-amountain sejant guardant respectant ctrch. (D: Avery
Austringer - Jan 85)
Per chev engrailed Or & Az, 2 dolphins haurient respectant & a
dragon segreant ctrch. (D: Sofia Augusta da Livorno Sep 00)
Per chev engrailed throughout Or & Az, 2 lions sejant respectant Az
& a sun Or charged with a fleur-de-lys Az. (D: Maria Sol de
Leon - Dec 98)
Per chev Gu & Arg 2 owls respectant Arg & a rose proper within a
bord embat ctrch. (D: Francesca Cellini - Nov 94)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 wyverns erect respectant Arg & a scorpion
passant Sa. (D: Edward Cire of Greymoor - Oct 03)
Per chev Gu & Az, 2 reindeer respectant at gaze proper & a blasted
birch tree couped Arg. (D: Bjarg-njtr Olfass - Jul 80)
Per chev Gu & Az, 2 swans rousant respectant wings addorsed & a
crescent Arg. (D: Xemena Xemenez - Sep 03)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 35

[Arrangement - Creature - Respectant]

Arrangement - Creature - Respectant (continued)

Per chev Gu & Or, 2 doves volant respectant wings addorsed Arg &
a triple-towered castle Vt. (D: Seamus Sinclair - Aug 97)
Per chev Gu & Vt, a chev embat to base betw 2 dragons passant
respectant & a tree Arg. (D: Lorenzo di Monte San Savino Aug 94)
Per chev inv Arg, & Arg semy of thistles proper, a chev inv & in
chf 2 hounds salient respectant Az. (D: Diarmait
Caomhanach mac Alasdair - Oct 93)
Per chev Or & Az, 2 frogs sejant respectant & a frog tergiant, all
ctrch. (D: Alysandir of Elgin - Jan 08)
Per chev Or & Sa, 2 dragons sejant erect respectant Gu, winged Sa,
& a water bouget Or. (D: Leona of Dragun Fen - Feb 85)
Per chev per pale Az & Purp & plummety Arg & Sa, 2 stags
springing respectant & in chf a crescent Arg. (B: Elaine of
Elswicke - Mar 01)
Per chev Purp & Gu, 2 hummingbirds rising respectant wings
addorsed & a decrescent Or. (D: Genevieve Marie Etiennette
de Montagne - Apr 97)
Per chev Purp & Vt, 2 dragons sejant erect respectant, & in chf a
compass star Arg. (D: Elisabetta della Mirandola - Mar 98)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 2 greyhounds courant respectant Arg, & a
phoenix Gu. (D: Alanna de Culan - Aug 98)
Per chev Sa & Az, 2 eagles striking respectant & a fleam Arg. (D:
Nathaniel Sharpe - May 89)
Per chev Sa & Gu, 2 dogs passant respectant Arg & a Thors
hammer Or. (D: Sunn Egilsdttir - Dec 04)
Per chev Sa & Gu, 2 leonine centaurs passant respectant
maintaining spears & a demi-sun issuant from base Or. (D:
Cerridwen nic Alister - Feb 97)
Per chev Sa & Or, in chf 2 eagles stooping respectant Or & in base
a sagittary ramp contourny Gu. (D: Rycharde Hrodebert Feb 94)
Per chev Sa & Or, 2 lions couchant respectant & an eagle disp
ctrch. (D: Dietrick von Tyrol - Jun 98)
Per chev Sa & Vt, 2 natural dolphins haurient respectant & a
pawprint Arg. (D: Gabrielle Dauphin - May 96)
Per chev throughout Arg & Az, 2 owls respectant Az & a flanged
mace inv Arg headed Or. (D: Ignatius Calvin - Dec 95)
Per chev throughout Arg & Vt, 2 ravens respectant Sa & a
reindeers head erased Arg, collared Sa & chained Or. (D:
Kian hrafn af Dyrnesi - Aug 93)
Per chev throughout Az & Arg, 2 geese respectant reguardant & an
arrow inv ctrch. (D: Meredith Welles of Goosewood Nov 94)
Per chev throughout Az & Arg, 2 stags springing respectant Arg &
a fir tree eradicated Vt. (D: Aelwyth the Grey - Mar 93)
Per chev throughout Gu & Arg, 2 swans close respectant & a
dragon passant ctrch. (D: Gwendolyn Dylwen Llywelyn Mar 94)
Per chev throughout Or & Vt, 2 falcons close respectant Sa & an
arrow inv Or. (D: Felix Gruenstrasse - Jan 98)
Per chev Vt & Az, a chev Arg betw 2 natural dolphins embowed
respectant Or & a water wheel Arg. (D: Patrick MacFynn Oct 95)
Per chev Vt & Az, 2 domestic cats sejant guardant respectant & a
tree blasted & eradicated Or. (D: Amy of Trimaris - May 96)
Per chev Vt & Or, 3 trefoils one & 2 Or & 2 ravens respectant Sa.
(D: Sorcha Rafenild Darkeyes - Nov 92)
Per fess Arg & Az, 2 birds respectant & a crescent ctrch. (B:
Rosalynd of Thornabe on Tees - Apr 94)
Per fess counter-ermine & Az, 2 sea-lions respectant Or & a conch
Arg. (D: Daimhn Mac Leid - Jun 95)
Per fess dovetailed Gu & Arg, 2 seahorses naiant respectant Arg &
3 roses Gu, barbed Vt, seeded Sa. (B: Curnn Wesley
MacLeod - Apr 96)
Per fess embat Arg & Sa, in chf a wolf sejant ululant & in base 2
more respectant ctrch. (B: Feln Caomhnach - Aug 94)
Per fess embat grady Purp & Or, a wolf sejant affronty & 2 wolves
sejant respectant ctrch. (D: Hervod of Vatnaskvadstadir Mar 84)
Per fess embat Gu & Arg, 2 demi-rams respectant Arg & a laurel
wreath Vt. (D: Ramshaven - Nov 93)
Per fess enarched Gu & Arg, 2 owls respectant Arg & a monkey
statant collared & chained Vt. (D: Lucian MacCrimmon May 00)

36 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - Creature - Respectant (continued)

Per fess Or & Gu, 2 dolphins respectant Az & a tree blasted &
eradicated Or. (B: Tobias Alan MacKenzie - Jun 93)
Per fess Or & Gu, 2 ravens respectant Sa & a drakkar Or. (D: Asa
Hrafnsdttir - Feb 03)
Per fess Or & Vt, 2 wyverns passant respectant Gu within a bord
embat ctrch. (D: William of Friedrichsburg - Sep 93)
Per fess Purp & Arg, 2 horses passant respectant Arg & a tripleheaded thistle Vt, flowered Purp, all within a bord countercompony Purp & Arg. (D: Meghan the Pitiful - May 87)
Per fess wavy Az & barry wavy Arg & Az, in chf 2 doves volant
respectant Arg. (D: Fiona Arthur - Jul 97)
Per fess wavy Vt & Arg, 2 stags trippant respectant & a laurel
wreath ctrch. (D: Abhainn Iarthair - Dec 05)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 anoles tergiant palewise respectant Vt & Arg
& an annulet ctrch. (D: Donella Chameleon - Oct 81)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 dragons salient respectant each bearing a
tankard ctrch, a chf Gu. (D: Theodwine of Falconbridge Feb 95)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 ferrets sejant erect respectant within a bord
embat all ctrch. (D: William MacKeown - Jan 85)
Per pale Arg & Gu, 2 fish hauriant embowed respectant ctrch. (D:
Eirikr the Eager - Jan 05)
Per pale Arg & Sa, on a pale Gu betw 2 sealions respectant ctrch, an
arrow Arg. (D: Alastar Clark Bowman - Mar 93)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 bears statant erect respectant ctrch collared
Gu. (D: Adalhard Bjrnsson - Nov 98)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 griffins sejant respectant, foreleg raised, ctrch.
(D: Calylvorr Ine Skylycorne - Nov 06)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 horses salient respectant ctrch & on a chf
rayonny Az 3 crescents pendant Or. (D: Triq ibn Khalil Jan 05)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a natural panther & a bear passant respectant
ctrch & on a chf Az 3 cinquefoils Arg. (D: Elena Glamorgan Nov 06)
Per pale Arg & Vt, in fess enhanced an estoile Or betw &
maintained by the jaws of a griffin & a fox sejant respectant, a
base ctrch. (D: Griffith Foxstar - Nov 82)
Per pale Arg & Vt, 2 unicorns salient respectant ctrch. (D: Ysolde
Eileen de Lorraine - Feb 96)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 cameleopards statant respectant reguardant
necks crossed in salt ctrch marked Sa. (D: Helene Lionstar of
Ravenspur - Mar 05)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 geese respectant enraged ctrch. (D: Mathilde
Meyer - Jan 85)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 hares salient respectant ctrch Arg & Sa, on a
chf per pale Arg & Az 3 cinquefoils ctrch Sa & Arg. (D:
Ceara inghean u Mhadadhin - Oct 07)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 martlets respectant ctrch. (D: Ceri of
Carmarthen - Sep 95)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 peacocks close respectant ctrch maintaining
betw them a bezant, a bord ctrch. (D: Eleonora Salutati Jan 00)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 swans naiant respectant, wings addorsed, betw
3 hearts ctrch Arg & Sa. (D: Tatiana Nikolaevna Gdanskaya Jul 93)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 winged sea-unicorns respectant ctrch. (D:
Helena Hrolfsdottir - Aug 94)
Per pale Az & Gu, 2 dolphins haurient respectant, in chf 3 roundels
Arg. (D: Robert William MacArthur - Sep 99)
Per pale Az & Or, 2 hawks respectant ctrch. (D: Sigurd Grunewald
- Nov 03)
Per pale Az & Or, 2 lions couchant respectant & on a chf 2 cats
pawprints ctrch. (D: tan ingen Domnaill - Jan 04)
Per pale Az & Or, 2 wyverns statant respectant conjoined at the
breast ctrch, on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Eibhln n
Chaoimh - Aug 97)
Per pale bendy Or & Vt & Or, 2 stags springing respectant Sa & on
a chf embat Sa 3 suns Or. (D: Gryffith FitzWilliam - Nov 04)
Per pale counter-ermine & ermine 2 dolphins urinant respectant Arg
& Sa & on a chf Vt 3 escallops inv Arg. (D: Girard Antoine
de Beauchamps - Dec 90)
Per pale counter-ermine & Or, 2 hounds sejant erect respectant
ctrch issuant from base a demi-sun Gu. (D: Susan Landbeorht
- Apr 98)

[Arrangement - Creature - Respectant]

Arrangement - Creature - Respectant (continued)

Per pale Gu & Arg, in fess enhanced an estoile Or betw &

maintained by the jaws of a lion & a red fox sejant respectant
proper, a base ctrch. (D: Leona Foxstar - Nov 82)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 wolves sejant respectant ululant ctrch. (D:
Gavin MacKinlay - Apr 00)
Per pale Gu & Purp, 2 Great Danes couchant regardant respectant
Or. (D: Eva le Fayre - Jul 02)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 bat-winged snails respectant, wings erect &
addorsed, in base a fleur-de-lys all Or. (D: Saerlaith
lEstrangere - Dec 85)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 owls respectant Arg & a sun Or. (D: Seuilla de
Crdoba - Aug 04)
Per pale Gu semy-de-lys Or & Arg semy-de-lys Gu, 2 herons statant
respectant wings addorsed ctrch Arg & Sa. (D: lfwynn t
Wenlocan - Jan 08)
Per pale indented Arg & Sa, 2 cats sejant respectant, a bord ctrch.
(D: Nataliya Ananovna Petrova - Jan 99)
Per pale Or & Purp, a chev embat pean betw in chev 2 greyhounds
courant respectant & an escallop, all ctrch. (D: Francesca
della Terrazza - May 81)
Per pale Or & Purp, 2 bulls ramp respectant, in base a crescent, all
ctrch, & a chf embat Sa. (D: Chandra al-Samira - Jun 90)
Per pale Or & Purp, 2 cats sejant respectant ctrch. (D: Nicholas der
Katzenjger - Sep 96)
Per pale Or & Purp, 2 cranes in their vigilance respectant ctrch. (B:
Calontir - Jan 98) (For Royal University of Scirhafoc)
Per pale Or & Sa, 2 ravens rising respectant wings elevated ctrch.
(B: Aarnimets - Sep 98) (For Korven kyl)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 2 natural seahorses respectant a bord engrailed
ctrch. (D: Alasdair MacFhearghuis - Dec 96)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 2 sea-lions respectant & a bord embat ctrch.
(D: Beatriz de Santiago - Jan 02) (Blanket permission to
conflict with device with one CD granted 0512w)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 2 sharks haurient embowed respectant, on a
chf 2 Maltese crosses all ctrch. (D: Antonio Cellini - Apr 99)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 2 swans naiant respectant & a bord charged
with card piques ctrch. (D: Deirdre N Mhaolruanaidh Sep 93)
Per pale Purp & Or, 2 cats sejant erect respectant & a roundel ctrch.
(D: Wynne ferch Rhodri - May 95)
Per pale Purp & Or, 2 dragons sejant respectant & in chf 2 bars
wavy all ctrch. (D: Amye Goldwyn - Jul 06)
Per pale Purp & Or 2 herons respectant ctrch. (D: Arianna othe
Windisle - Feb 96)
Per pale Sa & Arg, betw 2 rabbits sejant erect respectant ctrch a
rose Gu. (D: Anne of Grenewode - Jun 04)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 bulls passant respectant ctrch. (D: Freygunnr
lfarsdttir - Oct 07)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 dragons statant erect respectant ctrch breathing
flames proper, a chf per pale ermine & counter-ermine. (B:
Symmonne Deccarrete de Villette - Jan 04)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 greyhounds dormant respectant betw 2 bars all
ctrch. (B: James Beckett of Westmorland - Dec 01)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 rabbits sejant erect respectant ctrch & a chf
embat Or. (D: Arianwen o Aberystwyth - Nov 01)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 swans respectant & on a chf 4 increscents
ctrch. (D: Katherine Sinclaire - Oct 01)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 wyverns passant respectant within an orle
ctrch. (D: Elspeth Gunn of Strathmore - Apr 82)
Per pale Sa & Az, 2 horses salient respectant Or & a flame proper.
(D: Jehanne la Doulce - Sep 04)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 2 eagles rising respectant Or & in base an open
book Arg. (D: Vladimir of Eztergom - Mar 02)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 2 ravens respectant Arg. (D: thelwine of
Ealdgythesleage - May 04)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 serpents glissant palewise respectant ctrch,
overall a cross of Cerdana Vt. (D: Ariel Bruce - May 92)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 talbots passant respectant ctrch. (D: Diana the
Wanderer - Mar 08)
Per pale Sa & Vt, 2 swans rousant respectant, necks entwined, & in
chf 3 crosses bottony Arg. (D: Sigenoth the Blissful May 93)
Per pale Sa & Vt, 2 winged stags couchant respectant, wings
elevated & addorsed, Arg & in base a caltrap Or. (D: Natalia
MacDhonnchaidh - Sep 87)

Arrangement - Creature - Respectant (continued)

Per pale Vt & Arg, 2 demi-foxes statant respectant issuant from the
flanks ctrch. (D: Zedena of Tir Ysgithr - Feb 07)
Per pale Vt & Az, 2 marlins haurient respectant in chev Arg. (B:
Marinus - May 98) (For the Award of the Marlin)
Per pale Vt & Gu, 2 foxes sejant respectant on a chf Arg 3 roses
proper seeded Sa. (D: Affrica nic Pharlain Sidhein Mhoir Sep 95)
Per pale Vt & Sa, 3 hawks striking, those in chf respectant, Arg. (D:
Alizaunder Haukes - Mar 98)
Per pale Vt & Sa, 2 herons close respectant & on a chf Arg 3 fleursde-lys Sa. (D: Chiara Genevieve dAnjou - Nov 98)
Per pale wavy Arg & Az, 2 seahorses erect respectant within an orle
of decrescents ctrch. (D: Marion Brady - Apr 99)
Per pale wavy Arg & Gu, 2 dragons sejant respectant ctrch. (D:
Luca Sacchetti - Aug 02)
Per pale wavy Az & Or, 2 natural seahorses respectant ctrch. (D:
Robert Kydde of Blacathathir - May 07)
Per pale wavy Gu & Arg, 2 domestic cats sejant guardant respectant
ctrch. (D: Trudi von Bayern - Mar 86)
Per pale wavy Sa & Arg, a doe & a wolf salient respectant ctrch.
(D: Fiadnat n Chonchobair - Jan 92)
Per pall Az, Arg & Sa, a sprig of grape vine Arg & 2 dogs salient
respectant ctrch. (D: Marina of Vinewood - May 97)
Per pall inv Arg, Sa & Az, 2 swans rousant respectant ctrch & a
Latin cross Arg. (D: Chad Silverswan - Feb 98)
Per pall inv embat Gu Sa & Or, 2 winged lions passant respectant
Or & a harp Vt. (D: Taliesin Flynn - Jul 03)
Per pall Vt Arg & Sa, a decrescent Or & 2 wolves sejant respectant
ululant Sa & Arg. (D: Ceinwen Bleddyn - Nov 02)
Per pall Vt, Sa & Arg, a butterfly Or & 2 cats statant respectant Arg
& Sa. (D: Dairenn Hrafnsdottir - Feb 08)
Per salt Purp & Arg, in pale 2 hearts Arg & in fess 2 narwhales
embowed, hauriant & respectant, Vt. (D: Siobhn
oLeathlobhair - Oct 87)
Per salt Sa & Gu, in fess a wolf Arg & a lion Or sejant respectant.
(D: Wulf Darkstalker - Nov 04)
Per salt Vt & Arg, in fess 2 ravens respectant Sa. (D: Corbinus of
thelmearc - Feb 06)
Per salt Vt & Or, 2 trees blasted & eradicated Or & 2 bears statant
respectant Gu. (D: Tairdelbach MacLachlainn - Mar 99)
Per salt Vt & Purp, 2 swans naiant respectant & a bord Arg. (D:
Celestine of Arn Hold - Apr 02)
Plumetty Or & Sa, 2 squirrels sejant erect respectant Gu. (D:
Rosalinda Lucinda Mondragon de la Vega - Aug 94)
Purp, a fess cotised Arg betw 2 lions statant respectant guardant & a
lions head cabossed Or. (D: Leo Winthrop of the Torn
Surcoat - Feb 86)
Purp, a pall Arg betw 2 dolphins haurient respectant, in chf a mullet
of 4 points Or. (D: Elizabeth of Devon - Oct 96)
Purp, on a pile inv betw 2 natural dolphins haurient respectant Arg,
a mullet Sa. (D: Brianna Elizabeth Sutherland - Feb 97)
Purp semy-de-lys, 2 swans naiant respectant Or. (D: Dobrushcha
de Neuf-Claire - Nov 03)
Purp, 2 dolphins haurient respectant Arg, on a chf embat Or 3
pomegranates slipped & leaved Vt, seeded Gu. (D: Ynez
Chaiya Benveniste - Oct 07)
Purp, 2 natural seahorses erect respectant Arg & a point pointed
ermine. (D: Seanan the Beleaguered - Nov 86)
Purp, 2 owls respectant guardant & on a chf Arg 3 wolfs pawprints
Purp. (D: Abdah al-Rumiyyah - Sep 04)
Purp, 2 winged cats sejant respectant dexter paws raised & in chf a
decrescent Arg. (D: Svanhildr Valdimarsdttir - Jun 00)
Purp, within a laurel wreath, its base sustained by 2 seahorses
respectant, a flame Or charged with a step-cut gemstone
palewise Purp. (D: Mare Amethystinum - Oct 94)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a Latin cross clechy betw in base 2 geese
rousant respectant all ctrch. (D: Gerhard Goosen - Sep 02)
Quarterly Az & Gu, 2 eagles stooping respectant & a 2-horned anvil
Or. (D: Balin Kendrick - Feb 07)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, a goblet Or betw & sustained at the stem by 2
lions sejant erect reguardant respectant Sa. (D: lvaro
Rodrigo de Len - Jul 00)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, in bend sin 2 cats sejant respectant Purp. (D:
Medb ingen Imchada u Fhlaithbertaig - Jun 04)
Quarterly Vt & Or, 4 boars statant respectant ctrch. (D: Edward de
Clare - Jul 05)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 37

[Arrangement - Creature - Respectant] to [Arrangement - Head - Addorsed]

Arrangement - Creature - Respectant (continued)

Sa, a compass star & 2 swans naiant respectant, one & 2, Arg. (D:
Horatio Townsend - Jul 07)
Sa, a trident betw 2 natural seahorses respectant Or. (D: Kolozsvri
Arpd - Mar 97)
Sa, a triquetra betw 2 narwhals haurient respectant horns crossed in
salt Arg. (D: Deonysia Crowell - Nov 99)
Sa, 2 dragons sejant erect respectant, that in dexter Or & that in sin
Arg betw in pale 2 fleurs-de-lys per pale Arg & Or. (D: Louis
Phillippe Richard de Paris - Apr 98)
Sa, within a laurel wreath 2 dolphins haurient respectant Or, on a
chf wavy Arg 3 trident heads Gu, as an augmentation, on the
chf a canton throughout in base Az charged with a triskele Arg.
(Augmentation of Arms: Darkwater - May 94)
Vt, a chevronel Or betw in chf 2 bulldogs statant respectant Arg,
each gorged of a collar Sa, studded Arg, & in base a squirrel
sejant erect Or holding in its forepaws an acorn Arg, capped
Or. (D: Sterling of Toad Hall - Aug 79?)
Vt, a German panther ramp Or maintaining a fleur-de-lis Arg & in
chf 2 serpents nowed respectant Or. (D: Bohmond de Nice Sep 95)
Vt, an oak tree eradicated Or, on a chf Arg 2 griffins passant
respectant Vt. (D: Serwyl ap Morgan - May 93)
Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 swans naiant respectant Arg 4 oak leaves
fructed Gu. (D: Tana lEsprit Fort - Jul 96)
Vt, on a chev betw 3 Maltese crosses Arg, 2 lions passant respectant
maintaining betw them a Maltese cross Sa. (D: Caradoc Llew
Du ap Morgan - Jan 85)
Vt, on a pale betw 2 talbots sejant respectant Or 3 bugle horns
stringed Gu. (D: Peter Blackbeard - Aug 81)
Vt, semy of lucys haurient Or 2 natural tigers sejant respectant Arg
marked Sa. (D: Luighseach nic Lochlainn - Mar 00)
Vt, 2 chevronels betw 2 swans naiant respectant & a sun in splendor
Or. (D: Agripina Argyra - Jul 93)
Vt, 2 ewes passant respectant & in chf 4 mullets in cross, all Arg.
(B: Jane Trower - Mar 86) (For Lucy Ales)
Vt, 2 frogs sejant respectant Arg. (D: Baldric of Falkonmore Sep 96)
Vt, 2 natural dolphins haurient respectant within a orle of ivy Or.
(D: Ianthe Delfini del Mare - Oct 94)
Vt, 2 natural leopards statant guardant respectant Or spotted Sa & in
base a crescent inv Arg. (D: Geoffrey Fitzodo de Montrouge May 94)
Vt, 2 natural seahorses respectant Or & in chf an escallop Arg. (D:
Alix de Minerve - Jan 03)
Vt, 2 swans rousant respectant Arg. (D: Michal of Michelstadt Jul 97)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - Head - Addorsed

(Fieldless) A dragons head affronty betw in fess 2 dragons heads

addorsed all conjoined at the neck Gu. (B: Windwyrm Oct 97)
(Fieldless) A dragons head & an eagles head erased, addorsed &
conjoined at the neck Or. (B: Jamal Damien Marcus Aug 92) (For House Drakes Mark)(JB: owyn
(Fieldless) On 2 horses heads addorsed couped conjoined Sa 3
hawks bells one & 2 Or. (B: L Ban ingen Echtigeirn Aug 02)
(Fieldless) 2 dragons heads addorsed conjoined at the neck to a
third affronty Or, the necks debruised by a rose Sa. (B:
Elizabeth Cameron Campbell - Jun 98)
(Fieldless) 2 horses heads addorsed couped conjoined Or. (B: L
Ban ingen Echtigeirn - Aug 01)
(Fieldless) 2 horses heads addorsed couped conjoined per pale Sa
& Gu. (B: L Ban ingen Echtigeirn - Aug 02)
(Fieldless) 2 rams heads erased addorsed & conjoined at the horns
& neck Arg. (B: Eirik Frostbeard Banna - Jan 96)
(Fieldless) 2 stags heads erased addorsed & conjoined at the neck
Or. (B: Hirsch von Henford - Jan 04)
(Fieldless) 2 unicorns heads addorsed conjoined at the neck Or, at
the point of conjunction 2 leaves Vt. (B: Alewaulfe the Red Jul 79)
Arg, an arrow Gu betw 2 horses heads couped addorsed Sa. (D:
Ceara nic Fhaolin - Mar 98)

38 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - Head - Addorsed (continued)

Arg, 2 brown bears heads erased, addorsed, & conjoined proper.

(D: Charles the Bear - Dec 01)
Arg, 2 dragons heads erased addorsed Gu, issuant from their
mouths rose slips, leaved, & terminating in chf in a garden rose
blossom Sa. (B: Theresa de Foxton - Jan 87)
Az, a bend sin betw 2 eagles heads couped respectant Arg, a bord
counter-compony Az & Arg. (D: Cadwallader the Crazed Aug 94)
Az, a chev Arg betw 3 dragons heads couped those in chf
addorsed, Or. (D: Triston de Grey - Dec 98)
Az, in pale 2 wolfs heads erased addorsed & conjoined at the neck
Arg & 2 arrows in salt Or. (B: Borealis - Dec 99) (For the
Order of the Silverwolf)
Az, in pale 2 wolfs heads erased addorsed & conjoined at the neck
Arg & 2 calipers in chev inv the chiefmost prongs crossed Or.
(B: Borealis - Dec 99) (For the Order of the Silverwolf)
Az, in pale 2 wolfs heads erased addorsed & conjoined at the neck
Arg & 2 swords inv in salt Or. (B: Borealis - Dec 99) (For
the Order of the Silverwolf)
Az, on a fess engrailed Or betw 2 lions heads erased addorsed & an
acorn Arg, a bar Az. (D: Andrew Lyon of Wolvenwood Jun 85)
Az, 2 wolfs heads erased addorsed & conjoined at the neck Arg
within a laurel wreath Or. (D: Borealis - Feb 83)
Az, 2 wolfs heads erased addorsed & conjoined at the neck issuant
from the battlements of a demi-tower Arg. (B: Borealis Feb 83)
Az, 2 wolfs heads erased addorsed conjoined at the neck Arg & a
chf dovetailed ermine. (D: Seanach of Trimaris - May 08)
Gu, a salt Or, overall in base 2 grey wolfs heads erased addorsed
conjoined at the necks proper. (D: Bartholomew of
Wolfetwain - May 80)
Gu, a sword betw 2 wolves ramp addorsed Or. (B: Tedrick von
Wolfschatten - Sep 92)
Gu, on a pile ploy betw 2 wolfs heads erased addorsed Arg a
rabbits head cabossed Sa. (D: Fenice dAix - Nov 96)
Or, a chev betw 2 horses heads couped addorsed Sa & a rose Sa
barbed Vt seeded Or, within a bord Sa. (D: Robert Gethin
Albret - May 95)
Or, on a sun Vt, 2 lions heads erased, addorsed & conjoined at the
neck, Arg. (D: Elspeth Starwatcher - Jan 87)
Or, 2 dragons heads couped addorsed Vt & on a chf wavy Az 3
doves volant wings addorsed Arg. (D: Loinn Vkarsson Mar 02)
Or, 2 lions heads erased conjoined at the neck & a chf Sa. (D:
Wulfgang von den Lowen - Feb 87)
Per bend Az & Gu, a bend Or, in sin chf 2 horses heads addorsed &
conjoined at the neck Arg. (D: Ammaerlin de Montrose et
Chardonnay - May 81)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 horses heads couped addorsed & a harp
ctrch. (D: Brienna Llewellyn Lindsay - Sep 02)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 foxes heads erased & addorsed Arg, in base a
fleur-de-lis Vt. (D: Irene Murdoch Fockxworth - Sep 84)
Per chev Sa & Or, 2 wolfs heads erased addorsed Arg & a mullet
Az, & on a chf Or 3 lozenges Az. (D: Seamus MacOwen of
Kirkhill - Jan 84)
Per fess embat Or & Sa, a chev Gu betw 2 ravens heads erased
addorsed & a sun ctrch. (D: Wulfgar of Northumbria Dec 83)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a wolfs head & a unicorns head addorsed
conjoined, overall a sword inv Gu. (D: Kendra bean Lupus Dec 83)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 wolfs heads couped addorsed ctrch. (D:
Alethea OPhelan - Feb 97)
Per pale Az & Arg, a tower & in chf 2 hawks heads erased
addorsed ctrch. (D: Wynflaed of Hawksmir - Aug 85)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 swans heads erased & addorsed ctrch. (B:
Aneala - Jan 93)
Per pale embat Sa & Arg, in fess a wolfs head erased Or & another
reversed Gu. (D: Shona of Red Wolf - May 80)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a Latin cross bottony betw 2 boars heads
couped close addorsed ctrch. (D: Obadiah the Obstreperous Dec 94)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 dragons heads addorsed & conjoined at the
neck, a bord Or. (B: Dragons Laire - Aug 98)

[Arrangement - Head - Addorsed] to [Arrangement - Head - Respectant]

Arrangement - Head - Addorsed (continued)

Per pale Or & Purp, 2 wolfs heads erased addorsed & conjoined &
in base 2 axes addorsed all ctrch Sa & Arg, a bord embat Sa.
(D: Dafydd Balch de Cantref Blaidd - Sep 05)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 2 horses heads couped addorsed & a fleur-delys, all ctrch. (D: Morgause de Tarascon - Nov 86)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 2 wolfs heads erased, addorsed, & conjoined
ctrch & a bord embat per pale Arg & Sa. (D: Aron of
Ealdormere - Jul 06)
Per pale Purp & Or, on a pair of dragons wings conjoined, disp &
inv, 2 dragons heads, addorsed & conjoined at the shoulder,
all ctrch. (D: Tamara of the Russ - Jan 87)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 unicorns heads erased addorsed ctrch. (D:
Carol the Just - Sep 87)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 dragons heads addorsed & conjoined at the
shoulder, a bord ctrch. (D: Torbjorn Sjurdson - Nov 96)
Per pale Sa & Vt, 2 horses heads couped & addorsed Arg. (D:
Lora Greymare - Aug 94)
Per pale wavy Or & Az, 2 horses heads couped addorsed betw a
chf & a base, all ctrch. (D: Stephanie of Oultre-Mer Mar 83)
Per salt Arg & Az, in fess 2 lions heads couped addorsed Arg & in
chf a tree blasted & eradicated Sa. (D: Mark of the Dark
Woods - Jun 95)
Per salt Vt & Or, in chf a hammer palewise Arg & in fess 2 wolfs
heads erased addorsed Sa. (D: Ljtr Einarsson - Aug 98)
Purp, on a pile invected betw 2 stags heads erased addorsed Arg, a
heart Purp. (D: Alaine Laudonniere - Nov 94)
Purp, 3 cats heads one & 2, the upper cabossed & the lower couped
& addorsed, Or. (D: Linda-Muirreal von Katzenbrasse Jan 73?)
Purp, 2 eagles heads addorsed & conjoined Or. (B: Casia
Thessalonica apo Constantinopolios - Feb 96)
Quarterly Az & Vt, a unicorns head & a dragons head, both
couped & addorsed, within a bord Arg. (D: Damon Mercutio
de Tarragona - Sep 89)
Sa, a chev ermine betw 2 griffins heads erased addorsed breathing
flames Or & a sword proper. (D: Stefan le Gascon - Oct 01)
Sa, a 2-headed tyger ramp, heads addorsed, within a bord Or. (D:
Marcus Isenax - Nov 96)
Sa semy of oak leaves Arg, 2 dragons heads couped addorsed Or &
on a chf triangular Arg a compass star Sa. (D: Halfdan
Blackwood the Gray - Nov 95)
Sa, 2 boars heads couped close & addorsed & on a bord Or 3
crosses crosslet fitchy Sa. (D: Thorgrim Varghosson Mar 08)
Sa, 2 stags heads couped addorsed Arg, on a chf embat Or, a bow
Sa. (D: Gareth of Staggmoor - Mar 93)
Sa, upon a bezant a lions head Gu & a womans head Vt addorsed,
their mane & hair intermingled. (D: Cynthia Arianhrod Jan 73)
Vt, issuant from a can 2 wyrms heads addorsed Or. (B: Caerthan
Heraldic Symposium - Sep 81)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - Head - Respectant

Arg, a sheaf of arrows inv Sa within a laurel wreath Vt & on a chf

Az 2 boars heads couped respectant Or. (D: Vest Yorvik Oct 83)
Arg, a sword bendwise inv Sa, its blade entwined with a heather
vine proper, betw a ravens head erased close & another
reversed, both Sa, beaked Gu. (D: Corwin Breemore Dec 82)
Arg, an amphisbaena statant respectant Vt, winged Or, gorged of 2
oak wreaths Or connected betw the wings by a chain
containing 3 Catherine wheels Sa, in base a point pointed Gu.
(D: Edward the Gentle - Jul 81)
Arg, in chf 2 eagles heads erased respectant Az, beaked Or, & in
base a tankard Gu garnished Or & issuant from flames proper.
(D: Dimitri Yaroslavich Aryelov - Sep 73?)
Arg, 2 wolfs heads erased respectant & on a tower Sa a Latin cross
bottony Arg all within a bord embat Sa. (D: Hruodland of
Starhaven - May 08)
Az, a chev Or betw 2 doves volant palewise Arg & 2 rams heads
erased combattant Or. (D: Quentin Wrenguard ap Rhys Jul 83)

Arrangement - Head - Respectant (continued)

Az, in bend sin 2 rams heads, erased & respectant, within a bord
Arg. (D: Carlos Richey - Oct 89)
Az, 2 eagles heads erased respectant & a goblet Or. (D: Kazimir
Konstantinov - Jan 08)
Az, 2 rams heads erased combattant Or. (B: Quentin Wrenguard
ap Rhys - Aug 86)
Az, 2 unicorns heads erased respectant, the dexter Arg, the sin Or.
(D: Rachael du Bois le Basque - Dec 97)
Erminois, 2 horses heads erased respectant Sa & a pair of wings
conjoined Gu. (D: Sioned Esyllt Gwalhafed - Apr 93)
Gu, a unicorns horn throughout betw 2 dolphins urinant respectant
Or. (D: Rhiannon de Carreg Cennen - Oct 92)
Gu, in chf 2 rams heads couped respectant Arg. (B: Ramshaven Jan 06)
Gu, in chf 2 rams heads couped respectant Arg within a bord Arg.
(B: Ramshaven - Jan 06)
Gu on a pale engrailed Arg betw 2 lions heads erased respectant Or
a Maltese cross Sa. (D: Axel Reebocjager - Jul 98)
Gu, 2 hawks heads erased respectant Arg. (D: Alexandria
Sylverhawke - Jun 87)
Gu, 2 rams heads erased respectant Sa fimbriated Arg. (D: Mouice
Negra - Jun 01)
Gu, 2 rams heads respectant issuant from a bord Arg. (B:
Ramshaven - Mar 05)
Or, a double-bitted poleaxe Sa betw 2 boars heads couped
respectant Gu all within a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Axed Root Sep 85)
Or, a pale Sa betw in bend 2 dragons heads couped respectant Gu.
(D: William Thomas of Locksbury - Jan 73?)
Or, a pall wavy Az betw a laurel wreath & 2 dragons heads couped
respectant Vt. (D: Drachentor - Feb 94)
Or, a salt Purp betw in pale 2 garden rosebuds Gu, slipped & leaved
Vt, & in fess 2 wolfs heads erased respectant Sa. (D: Adria of
the Crosswinds - Mar 94)
Or, chauss Az, a dragon segreant Az betw in fess 2 dragons heads
couped respectant Or. (D: Svea Wartooth - Jul 85)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a bend sin erminois betw 2 horses heads
couped respectant Or. (D: Rhys Ravenscroft - Jul 02)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 2 cats heads erased respectant Sa & a flame
Arg. (D: Aislynn of Jarrow - May 92)
Per chev Az & Gu, 2 unicorns heads couped respectant & a sword
Arg. (D: Airyk Eriksson the Sinister - Apr 93)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 bears heads erased respectant Arg & on a hurt
a coronet Or. (B: Gerard MacEanruig - Jan 98)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 bears heads erased respectant Arg & on a
roundel Az a goblet Arg. (B: Gerard MacEanruig - Mar 98)
Per chev engrailed Az & Or, 2 falcons heads erased respectant Arg,
armed & orbed Or, & in base 3 Catherine wheels Sa, 2 & one.
(D: Caterina Maddalena Damiani da Ferrara - Jan 87)
Per chev Gu & Purp, a chev ermine betw 2 eagles heads respectant
Arg, armed Or & a plant of 3 lilies, slipped & leaved, Arg. (D:
Ysabeau Marie Juliet de Chartres - Aug 91)
Per chev inv Sa & Vt, in chf a compass star Gu, fimbriated, & in
base 2 herons heads, couped at the shoulders, respectant Arg,
beaked & crested Or. (B: Aeruin ni hEarain o Chonnemara Jun 84) (For Fine Corrgriain)
Per chev Purp & Vt, 2 dogs heads erased respectant & a spiral
hunting horn reversed Or. (D: Maria de Cinisi - Nov 01)
Per chev rayonny Az & Or, 2 bears heads erased respectant Arg &
a dragon passant Az. (D: Gerard MacEanruig - Apr 99)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 2 elks heads, erased & respectant, Arg & a
laurel wreath Vt. (D: Elkshire - Jun 89)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev betw 2 rams heads erased respectant & a
rams head cabossed Arg. (D: Ram the Reticent - Aug 79?)
Per chev Sa & Or, 2 unicorns heads couped at the shoulder
respectant & in salt 2 arrows inv ctrch. (D: Juliana
FitzWilliam - Nov 83)
Per chev Vt & Or 2 unicorns heads erased respectant Or & a cats
face Sa. (D: Alan MacRonan MacCalum - Feb 91)
Per chev Vt & Sa, a chev rompu betw 2 wolves heads respectant
erased & a sheaf of spears Or. (D: Jehane Wulfeken - Jan 98)
Per fess embat Arg & Az, in chf 2 mooses heads couped respectant
Sa. (D: Dafydd Whitacre - Sep 02)
Per fess engrailed Az & Arg, a sword ctrch, hilted Sa, betw 2
dragons heads respectant issuant from the line of division Or.
(B: Stephen de Huyn - Apr 84) (For Drachenmeer Alliance)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 39

[Arrangement - Head - Respectant] to [Arrangement - In annulo - 4 or fewer]

Arrangement - Head - Respectant (continued)

Per pale Arg & Gu, 2 bulls heads couped respectant within a bord
embat ctrch. (B: Stierbach - Aug 92)
Per pale Arg & Purp, in fess 2 unicorns heads couped respectant &
in pale a heather blossom & a heather blossom inv all ctrch.
(D: Giorsal of Heatherskeep - Mar 86)
Per pale Arg & Vt, 2 unicorns heads conjoined at the necks
respectant, horns crossed, ctrch. (D: Arianna Windhaven Jun 85)
Per pale Az & Vt, 2 hawks heads erased respectant Or. (D:
Richard Fairbourne - Sep 92)
Per pale ermine & counterermine, atop a double-horned anvil 2
ravens close respectant ctrch. (D: Snorri Bjarnarson Apr 99)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a lance throughout Arg betw 2 horses heads
couped respectant Or. (B: Dragons Laire - Sep 96)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 rams heads couped respectant & a bord Or.
(D: Marina Zanne - Jul 92)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 wolves heads erased respectant Arg, on a chf
embat Or a paw print Sa. (B: Tjorvi Lodinsson - May 93)
Per pale indented Vt & Arg, an arrow bendwise betw in bend sin 2
sea-tygers heads erased respectant ctrch. (D: Amalia Knne Jan 03)
Per pale Or & Gu, a chev betw 2 wolfs heads erased respectant & a
pine tree, all ctrch. (D: Wolf Dietrich von Hohenwald Aug 86)
Per pale Purp & Or, a palm tree eradicated betw 2 wolves heads
erased respectant ctrch. (D: Gunnarr Brunwulf - Jul 85)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 griffins heads erased respectant ctrch & a rose
proper. (D: Robert fitz Urse - Jan 98)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 unicorn heads erased respectant ctrch & a bord
rayonny Gu. (D: June of Vatavia - Nov 01)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 wolves heads respectant ctrch. (D: Killian
Stewart - Sep 95)
Per pale Sa & Az, 2 wolfs heads erased respectant ululant within a
bord all ctrch Arg & Or. (D: Lisette de Saint Trond - Jun 00)
Per pale Sa & Or, a double-bitted axe inv betw 2 badgers heads
banded & couped at the shoulder respectant within a bord
ctrch. (D: Gunter von Wissenberg - Jul 84)
Per pale Vt & Az, 2 unicorns heads couped respectant, horns
crossed Arg. (D: Kerkira Anastasia Tamarina - Jun 94)
Per pall wavy Arg, Vt & Az, a wolfs head & an eagles head both
erased respectant Arg, & in chf a wooden staff proper & a
sword Az crossed in salt. (D: Alden Pharamond - Dec 84)
Per salt Arg & Gu, in pale a cup Gu & a castle Sa, masoned Arg
betw in fess 2 natural leopards heads erased respectant Arg,
spotted Sa. (D: Kasilda Kubasek - May 87)
Per salt Az & Vt, 2 unicorns heads erased respectant Or. (D:
Julian Faith McCabe - Aug 00)
Per salt erminois & Sa, in fess 2 dragons heads couped &
respectant Or. (D: Adrian Conquest - May 91)
Per salt Or & Az, six thistles proper & 2 rams heads erased
respectant Arg. (D: Ruairidh MacDuncan - Oct 99)
Purp, a Latin cross throughout & in chf 2 unicorns heads erased
respectant Arg. (D: Kaun Steinrarson - Mar 04)
Purp, 2 stags heads erased respectant Arg & on a bezant a cross of
ermine spots Sa. (D: Aithne Olwen Aoibheil - Oct 96)
Sa, a millrind betw 4 wolves heads, 2 & 2, couped respectant Arg.
(D: Griss Flettir - Aug 94)
Sa, a pale engrailed Or semy of pawprints inv Sa betw 2 natural
leopard heads erased respectant Arg spotted Sa. (D: Thaddeus
Camberwell - Apr 98)
Sa, a sword betw 2 lions heads erased respectant Or. (D: nnae
Catha an Dna - Aug 01)
Sa, on a bend sin Or betw 2 griffins heads couped respectant Arg
an arrow Sa all within a bord Or. (D: Jean Paul de Pont Jun 95)
Sa, 2 unicorns heads erased at the shoulder respectant & on a chf
wavy Arg 3 estoiles Gu. (D: Dainiad Elen Fashti o
Llanrhyddlad - Feb 83)
Sa, 2 wolfs heads erased respectant & in chf a mullet of 4 points
elongated to base Arg. (D: Tyrvaldr berserkr - May 07)
Vairy Or & Az, 2 talbots heads erased respectant Arg, orbed &
langued Gu. (D: Elsa die Jungfrau - Jan 73?)
Vt, 2 dragons heads respectant couped & conjoined at the neck
Arg, on a chf Sa fimbriated an arrow reversed Arg. (D:
Michelle de Feraud - Mar 81)
40 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - Head - Respectant (continued)

Vt, 2 hounds heads couped respectant Or. (D: Anna Eisenkopf Aug 96)
Vt, 2 mooses heads, eradicated & respectant, horns locked, Or. (B:
Forgal Kerstetter - May 89)
Vt, 2 unicorns heads couped respectant, horns crossed in salt, in
base a crescent, a chf Arg. (D: Gwenddydd Rhosyn o Gymru
Newydd - Oct 84)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In annulo - 4 or fewer

(Tinctureless) A circular chain. (Regalia: Society for Creative

Anachronism - Oct 98) (For the Order of Knighthood)
(Fieldless) A daisy Arg seeded Or within & conjoined to a serpent
involved in annulo Vt. (B: Margarita Alegria Gonzalvo Apr 97)
(Fieldless) A garter buckled in annulo Az garnished & charged
with the words HONI SOIT QUI MAL Y PENSE Or. (B:
Garter, Order of the - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA badge)
(Fieldless) A garter buckled in annulo Or. (B: Ponte Alto Sep 93) (For the Order of the Garland)
(Fieldless) A garter buckled in annulo Vt, garnished, inscribed with
the words cyfiawnder, callineb, gwroldeb, dirwest Or. (B:
Tonwen ferch Gruffudd Aur - Oct 95)
(Fieldless) A harp within a wingless dragon involved, head to chf,
Or. (B: Rosamonde de lOiselet - Mar 90)
(Tinctureless) A rope looped in annulo, the ends tied in chf in a
granny knot, chased. (B: Moira Maureen ua Seamus of the
Green Hills - Jun 81) (For Granny Wartmonger)
(Fieldless) A salamander tergiant inv & another tergiant conjoined
in annulo Sa enflamed proper. (B: Isobel Grace Hadleigh Aug 01)
(Fieldless) A sea-serpent in annulo head to chf & vorant of its own
tail Vt. (B: Loch Soilleir - Jan 03) (For Order of the
Serpents Toils of Loch Solleir)
(Fieldless) A serpent involved in annulo Az. (B: Gwilym Coedwr Jul 99)
(Fieldless) A stag springing Arg collared & chained within &
conjoined by the chain to a chain in annulo Or. (B:
Maximilian Racheengel - May 01)
(Fieldless) A stinging nettle eradicated Arg within an annulet of
rope Or. (B: Fionnabhair Kyriath Inghean U Nill - Sep 90)
(Fieldless) A thistle within & conjoined to an annulet of rope Arg.
(B: Catriona Elspeth Montgumery of Renfrewshire - Jan 96)
(Fieldless) In annulo an oak leaf fesswise Gu conjoined to an oak
leaf fesswise reversed Or. (B: Rhonwen Wynterbourne Aug 03)
(Fieldless) 3 birds close conjoined in annulo Arg. (B: Bran
Trefonin - May 98)
(Fieldless) 3 birds close conjoined in annulo Az. (B: Isolde Corby
- Jan 03)
(Fieldless) 3 birds close conjoined in annulo Gu. (B: Rnn mac
an Stalcair - May 08)
(Fieldless) 3 birds close conjoined in annulo Or. (B: Robert of
Sacred Stone - Jan 03)
(Fieldless) 3 birds close conjoined in annulo Purp. (B: Victoria
Pringle - May 08)
(Fieldless) 3 birds close conjoined in annulo Sa. (B: Bran Trefonin
- Jan 03)
(Fieldless) 3 oak leaves conjoined in annulo Or. (B: Avine de Hert
- Mar 08)
(Fieldless) 3 Savoy knots in annulo Or. (B: Annunciation, Order of
- Nov 98) (Important non-SCA badge)
(Fieldless) 3 sharks naiant conjoined in annulo Az. (B: Griffyn
Cleisiog ap Madoc - Nov 06)
(Fieldless) 2 comets conjoined in annulo Or, heads in fess Gu. (B:
Robyyan Torr dElandris - Dec 91)
(Fieldless) 2 comets in annulo, heads in fess, Sa. (B: Joseph
dAquitaine - Mar 90)
(Fieldless) 2 fish naiant conjoined in annulo Vt. (B: Cristina de
Asturias - Mar 98)
(Fieldless) 2 spears in salt Or surmounted by a serpent in annulo
with a head at either end Arg. (B: Christof Gately - Mar 96)
Arg, a caltrap Sa betw 3 serpents glissant in annulo each biting the
tail of the next Purp. (B: Chrystal Ariana MacRuari - Jul 96)
Arg, a cross clechy within a belt in annulo a bord embat Purp. (B:
Katerina da Brescia - Aug 97)

[Arrangement - In annulo - 4 or fewer]

Arrangement - In annulo - 4 or fewer (continued)

Arg, a cross couped quarter-pierced environed of a dragon inv in

annulo, Sa. (D: Retepert the Barbarian - Apr 85)
Arg, a crown of thorns Vt, barbed, a bord Sa. (D: Morwith
Blackthorn - Aug 99)
Arg, a dragon involved in annulo Or fimbriated Sa, surrounding a
double rose Gu seeded Or. (D: Allissaundra Olympia
Martiessa de Constantine - Aug 78)
Arg, a fox courant to sin within a serpent in annulo, head to chf, Sa.
(B: Reynard the Brown - Jul 87) (For Refsheim)
Arg, a harp betw 3 dolphins naiant one & 2 in annulo Az. (D: Miri
ni Raghallaigh - Aug 90)
Arg, a legless wyvern erect & sin facing, tail curled in annulo,
within a serpent in annulo widdershins, head to base & biting
its own tail, Vt. (D: Styrbjorn Ulfhamr - Jun 87)
Arg, a lion statant Vt within a serpent, its head in sin chf, its body
looped in annulo, & its tail in dexter chf, Sa. (D: Owain ap
Ioan - Aug 83)
Arg, a pair of dexter hands clasped couped Az above a dragon
involved Gu. (D: Amie of Exeter - Jan 73?)
Arg, a pile Az & a chev ctrch within a bord Gu charged with 3
dragons passant deosil Arg. (D: Stephen Haroldson - Nov 86)
Arg, a rose Gu within an annulet of thorns Sa a bord Vt. (D: Bryne
McClellan - Aug 01)
Arg, a roundel per fess embowed counter-embowed Gu & Az betw
in salt trigrams from the I-Ching in annulo Sa. (B: Korea,
South - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Arg, a salt formy Vt betw 4 axes in annulo blades to center overall
on a roundel Sa a spangenhelm affronty Arg. (D: Greger
Sondenstede - Jun 01)
Arg, a step-cut gemstone palewise Gu within an ivy vine in annulo
Vt. (B: Therica of Stonegate Manor - Sep 95)
Arg, a triskele Gu betw 3 wolves courant in annulo one & 2 Sa. (D:
Ceasan MacCullum - Feb 94)
Arg, betw the arms of a triskelion arrondi 3 orcas naiant in annulo
Sa. (D: Mungo Maglinchie - Dec 01)
Arg, 4 lavender flowers Purp, slipped & leaved Vt, conjoined in
annulo within a bord Purp. (D: Morgana de Mont St. Michel Jan 84)
Arg, on a chev Gu a hand couped appaumy Arg within overall a
serpent in annulo biting its tail, head in base, ctrch Vt & Arg.
(D: Drstha Maida of the Lowara - Feb 81)
Arg, 3 dogs courant in annulo backs to center Az. (B: lric of
Coventree Grove - Feb 97)
Arg, 3 dolphins embowed in annulo clockwise within a bord wavy
Az. (D: Elena Belmare of Sherwood - May 87)
Arg, 3 horses passant in annulo Sa. (D: L Ban ingen Echtigeirn Oct 00)
Arg, 3 triangles voided & conjoined, one & 2, Az within a serpent
involved Vt. (D: Breichiol map Lludd o Fannauc - Aug 89)
Arg, 2 domestic cats courant in annulo Sa, an orle of ivy leaves
conjoined Vt. (D: Hannah Isobel Lowrie - Feb 97)
Arg, 2 fish naiant in annulo on a chf indented Vt an escallop Arg.
(D: Cristina de Asturias - May 96)
Arg, 2 hammerhead sharks naiant in annulo surrounding a rose, on a
chf Sa 3 Latin crosses botonny Arg. (D: Daemon Broussard Jul 98)
Az, a pall inv embat counter-embat Or betw 3 natural dolphins
naiant in annulo Arg. (D: Aldric of Galway - Sep 96)
Az, a serpent involved in annulo betw 3 roundels Or. (D: Gwilym
Coedwr - Jul 99)
Az, a standing balance within a snake involved in annulo, a chf
enarched Arg. (D: Corwin McMorann - May 92)
Az, a sun in splendour betw in fess 2 scimitars inv, blades outward,
Arg. (B: Ahmed of Sternfeldt - Nov 88) (For House Two
Az, an estoile of eight rays Or within 3 bottlenosed dolphins naiant
clockwise in annulo all within a bord engrailed Arg. (D:
Marina Ariadne ni Chlurain - Feb 82)
Az, on a bend sin Gu fimbriated Or betw 2 natural dolphins naiant
in annulo Arg a harp palewise Or. (D: Sile ingen
Chonchobhair - Apr 00)
Az, six lozenges invected in annulo Arg within 3 dragons conjoined
in annulo widdershins Or. (D: Antonia Leonora Dragonsrun
de Beaumont - Jun 83)

Arrangement - In annulo - 4 or fewer (continued)

Az, 3 cats couchant in annulo Arg, each biting the tail of the cat
previous. (D: Elspet NicDhubhghlaise bean Iain
MhicThomaidh - Aug 94)
Az, 3 drinking horns in annulo & a bord embat Arg. (B: orvaldr
rlfsson Vaksfjall - Sep 93)
Az, 3 natural dolphins naiant in annulo one & 2, a chf wavy Arg.
(D: Isibel sveraspillir - Feb 02)
Az, 3 sharks naiant in annulo Arg, a bord Or. (B: Anton Tremayne May 99)
Az, 3 sin gauntlets in triquetra Arg, within & grasping a ring of
chain Or. (D: Donn an Bronach - Apr 76?)
Az, 2 comets in annulo, heads in fess, Arg. (D: Joseph dAquitaine
- Dec 86)
Az, 2 fish counter-embowed in annulo Or. (D: Sheridan of the
Mists - Jan 73?)
Az, 2 natural dolphins in annulo Arg & on a chf ermine a stag at
gaze proper. (D: Tatiana Kionova - Feb 05)
Az, 2 natural dolphins naiant in annulo & on a chf Arg 3
broadarrows Az. (D: Robyn of Pevensey - Jan 95)
Az, 2 otters courant widdershins in annulo Or, gorged of county
coronets Sa. (B: Takya Mereleone - Oct 88)
Checky Az & Or, 3 mastiffs courant in annulo Arg each gorged of a
coronet Gu. (B: Cun MacDaige - Jul 96)
Checky Or & Gu, 3 ravens in annulo biting each others tails & a
bord Sa. (D: Cerdic Peregrine - Dec 03)
Ermine, a red fox couchant betw 2 tiger lilies, slipped & leaved,
conjoined in annulo proper. (D: Joselyn Allyne Reynard May 80)
Ermine, a salt Sa surmounted by a roundel within overall 4 dragons
in cross passant in annulo widdershins, biting each others tail,
Vt. (D: Marcus le Silex - Aug 83)
Erminois, a wingless dragon in annulo, vorant of its tail, Gu, within
a bord per pale Vt & Az. (D: James Lawless - Sep 89)
Gu, a bend betw 2 natural dolphins in annulo Arg. (D: Alexandra
of Falcons Keep - Aug 97)
Gu, A Celtic cross Or betw 3 quill pens in annulo, one & 2, Arg.
(D: Margaret Brownwell - Jul 90)
Gu, a dragon dormant in annulo & a bord rayonny Or. (B:
Hinterland - Sep 95)
Gu, a lion statant betw in pale a scimitar fesswise inv & a scimitar
fesswise reversed Or, all within a bord Arg. (D: Hassan alRashid - Apr 89)
Gu, a raven disp, head to sin, within a serpent in annulo reguardant,
head to base, Or, the head & tail bound together with a cord
Arg. (D: Thorvald Wulfaersson - Oct 87)
Gu, a rose Or betw 3 rabbits courant contourny in annulo one & 2
Arg. (D: Genevive Beauchamps - Nov 03)
Gu, on a bezant within a serpent involved Or, an arrowhead Az. (D:
Sigurd Svenson the Far-Travelled - Jan 73?)
Gu, 3 conies courant in annulo widdershins Arg. (D: orkell inn
vikverski Mks son - Aug 06)
Gu, 3 natural dolphins naiant embowed in annulo Arg. (D: Louise
de Lauzun - Apr 96)
Gu, 2 ravens addorsed environed of a serpent in annulo involved
vorant of its tail, a chf Or. (D: Sven Dragon Ormson Jan 91)
Gyronny Gu & Arg, a Chinese dragon involved in annulo guardant
Sa, scaly, spined & the face Or. (B: Helmut Wolfgang von
Drache - Sep 83)
Gyronny of eight Arg ermined Gu, & Vt, 4 swords in annulo points
to center Sa. (D: Mocholla MacDhaibhidh - Feb 97)
Gyronny of six arrondy Gu & Arg, 3 greyhounds passant in annulo
Sa. (D: Hakon of Jorvik - May 92)
Gyronny Vt & Arg, 3 lizards tergiant conjoined in annulo Or. (D:
Toms Niallagin - May 99)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, an owl Or within a looped leather belt, buckled
& knotted proper. (D: Alexander the Desert Dweller Jan 92)
Or, a butterfly Gu betw 3 serpents, each involved in annulo Vt. (D:
Cassandra Brighid - May 92)
Or, a crescent pendant Az within a serpent in annulo, head to base,
Gu. (D: Cerdic Lejoune - Feb 86)
Or, a lion ramp to sin guardant within a sash in annulo knotted in
base Sa. (D: Stephen MacAlpine - May 92)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 41

[Arrangement - In annulo - 4 or fewer]

Arrangement - In annulo - 4 or fewer (continued)

Or, a pheon inv environed of a wingless dragon in annulo, head to

chf Purp. (B: Lachlann Faol-lonn o Lochlon - Sep 84) (For
Alstan Arrowmonger)
Or, a scorpion palewise betw 2 scimitars palewise, blades outwards,
all within a bord Sa. (D: Raushan ibn Khursheed - Jan 90)
Or, a shakefork Gu & overall 3 orcas conjoined in annulo Sa,
marked Arg. (D: Baldavin Thorfinnsson - Jan 91)
Or, a thistle betw 3 domestic cats courant in annulo, all with their
paws to base, Sa. (D: Cadhla MacBean - Apr 88)
Or, a wooden goblet proper within 3 newts in annulo Az. (B: Eirik
Haarfager Gransson - Jul 91)
Or, betw 3 dragons statant in annulo Gu an annulet Sa. (D: Caillin
Ruadh - Feb 97)
Or, in pale a crescent & a serpent in annulo Az. (D: Thorval
Wronghand - Feb 87)
Or, 3 natural dolphins naiant in annulo one & 2 Gu within a bord
Sa, mullety Or. (D: Ekaterina of Shadowed Stars - Jun 92)
Or, 3 seals naiant in annulo Sa a bord Vt. (D: Damian le Gravenor
- Nov 97)
Or, 2 bottle-nosed dolphins naiant in annulo Az, on a chf Sa 3
sheaves of arrows Or. (D: Natalie of Carillion - Sep 95)
Or, 2 dragons involved in annulo Vt winged Sa. (D: Eoghan
MacFhearguis - Jul 01)
Pean, a double-bitted axe, its handle surmounted by a scimitar
fesswise reversed with blade to base Arg, all within a dragon
passant in annulo Or. (D: Raadgjer Katla - Jul 86)
Per bend Arg & Purp, in bend sin 2 fish naiant in annulo ctrch. (D:
Mahliqa bint Ali - May 02)
Per bend Az & Sa all goutty deau, a snake involved in annulo Or.
(D: Denise of Amberley - Sep 99)
Per bend Gu & Az, 2 hammerhead sharks naiant in annulo Arg. (D:
Pascual de la Mar - Jun 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, 2 lizards tergiant in annulo heads in fess
ctrch Vt & Or within a bord ctrch. (D: Lasairfhona inghean
Uilliam na Seoltadh - Sep 03)
Per bend sin Purp & Gu, a salamander biting its tail in annulo
widdershins, head to base, Or & in canton a mullet of eight
points Arg. (D: Tirion ferch Elissed - Dec 83)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, 2 dragons statant in annulo, heads in bend
sin, biting each others tails, ctrch. (D: Black Aislynn
Straithbaern - Jan 92)
Per bend sin wavy Az & Arg, in annulo a lizard tergiant Arg & a
lizard tergiant Az all within an annulet ctrch. (D: Toms mac
Caoil - Oct 07)
Per chev Arg & Gu, 3 dolphins naiant in annulo widdershins ctrch.
(D: Phillip of Southwell - Apr 84)
Per chev ploye Vt & Sa, 3 narwhales naiant in annulo Arg. (D:
Asenaeth of Thorne - Jan 87)
Per chev throughout Arg & Az 2 ravens addorsed Sa & 3 drinking
horns in annulo Arg. (D: orvaldr rlfsson Vaksfjall Sep 93)
Per fess Arg & Az, a boars head cabossed per fess Sa & Arg within
a torc formed of 2 serpents embowed, tails nowed in base,
ctrch. (D: Serric der Grimmige - Oct 88)
Per fess Arg & Or, an ogress betw 2 dogs courant in annulo Gu. (D:
Dougal of Icolmkill - Apr 00)
Per fess engrailed Arg & Vt, all semy of ferns ctrch, 2 bottlenosed
dolphins naiant in annulo Az & Arg. (D: Gareth Lynn
Crestwick - Jan 93)
Per fess Gu & Purp, a natural sea turtle betw 2 sharks naiant in
annulo Arg. (D: Rowena of the Thornes - May 96)
Per fess Gu & Sa, betw 2 killer whales naiant in annulo Arg, a
drakkar Or. (D: Guthrum Ivarsson - Jan 93)
Per fess nebuly Arg & Sa, in pale 2 bottlenosed dolphins in annulo
ctrch. (D: Jfrdr Thorbjarnardttir of the Westfjord Aug 90) (? name typo for "Westfjord")
Per fess wavy Arg & Purp, 2 natural dolphins naiant in annulo
ctrch. (D: Alisandra Bennett - Mar 92)
Per fess wavy Arg & Vt, a sea-serpent in annulo, head in chf, ctrch,
in base a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Loch Soilleir - Feb 87)
Per fess wavy Or & Az, 2 natural dolphins in annulo ctrch. (D:
Egbert of Hastings - May 92)
Per pale & per salt Gu & Arg, 3 boars statant in annulo Sa. (D:
Aelfwyn of Longwood - Apr 97)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 fish in annulo Gu. (D: Andrea Pellegrini Apr 01)
42 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - In annulo - 4 or fewer (continued)

Per pale Arg & Vt, on a compass star betw 2 dragons volant
palewise in annulo, a wolfs head cabossed, all ctrch. (D:
Taysa Ariello - Jun 87)
Per pale Az & Vt, a stags head, erased & affronty, betw 3 wolves
courant in annulo Or. (D: Tarl Godric the Brokentoe Mar 88)
Per pale embowed counterembowed Arg & Sa, 2 natural dolphins
naiant in annulo ctrch. (D: Catriona Stiubhard - Jan 00)
Per pale Or & Arg, 3 lionesses ramp in annulo Sa. (D: Davina of
Silverlake - Dec 99)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a rose ctrch, seeded Purp, barbed Vt, betw 2
lizards tergiant disp in annulo clockwise Or & Az. (D:
Rebekah of Lizards Nest - Mar 83)
Per pale Sa & Az, an escallop inv betw 3 natural dolphins naiant in
annulo Arg. (D: Rachel de Marseille - Jan 92)
Per pale Vt & Az, a harp contourny Arg betw 3 seals naiant in
annulo ermine. (D: Rowen Brithwallt - Aug 93)
Per pale Vt & Sa, 2 fish palewise in annulo within an annulet Arg.
(D: Ashikaga Kimiko - Nov 94)
Per salt Arg & Sa, a compass star per salt Az & Arg within an
annulet of ivy Vt. (D: Fionnghuala Bethoc of Lindisfarne Feb 91)
Per salt Gu & Az, 4 wolves passant contourny in annulo Arg. (D:
Beornwulf se cealdheort - Dec 07)
Per salt Purp & Vt, an apple within in pale 2 feathers in annulo Or.
(B: Dmitri Alexandrovich Liadov - Nov 95)
Per salt Sa & Az, a sword inv within a sea-serpent involved head to
base Arg. (D: Rrik Svermar - Apr 97)
Plumetty Az & Arg, a dragon statant in annulo & on a chf Or 3
roundels Az. (D: Adelinde Katla - Feb 92)
Purp, a Coptic cross throughout Or betw 4 natural dolphins in
annulo Arg a bord Or. (D: Eugenios Athanasiou - Sep 01)
Purp, a tower within an annulet of thorns Arg. (B: Rosalie of
Rosethorne Castle - May 98)
Purp, an open scroll betw 4 quill pens in annulo Arg. (D:
Jacqueline Griselda Vittre - Jan 92)
Purp, 4 hearts conjoined in annulo, points outward, Arg & a bord
Or. (D: Levia Rhys Llaw Wen - Sep 91)
Purp, 4 natural dolphins naiant in annulo Arg. (D: Aletheia de la
Mer Argente - Jun 88)
Purp, 3 horses passant in annulo & a bord Arg. (D: Kolfinna of
Bergen - Apr 08)
Purp, 2 dolphins embowed in annulo, tails chained together Or. (D:
Deirdre of Shadowdale - Sep 92)
Quarterly Az & Arg, in annulo a mermaid embowed & a merman
embowed inv ctrch. (D: Eldjarn the Thoghtful - Feb 05)
Quarterly Purp & Sa, a Celtic cross betw 3 dragons courant in
annulo each biting the tail of the next Or. (D: Wilhelm of
Thunderhall - Oct 95)
Quarterly Sa & Vt, a dragon couchant in annulo, its dexter foreclaw
clutching its tail, Arg. (D: Oweneth Weavewell - Jun 84)
Sa, a beorc rune within a serpent involved head to base Arg. (D:
Beornwulf the Belligerent - Jul 97)
Sa, a cat statant guardant coward Arg betw a ferret courant to sin &
a ferret courant & inv Or. (B: Coinneach MacKenzie Mar 86) (For the House of the Confused Cat)(JB: Megan
Sa, a chrysanthemum blossom of eight petals sans sin chf petal,
within 3 feathers in annulo counter-clockwise Arg. (D:
Takaoka Midori - Jan 83) (Mon)
Sa, a fountain encircled by a thornbush couped Or. (B: Kemreth
Danil - Jun 80) (For House Thornwell)
Sa, a Japanese clove within 3 cranes heads, couped at the shoulder,
in annulo Arg. (D: Yamakado Choji - Nov 88)
Sa, a mountain within & issuant from 2 sheaves of rice in annulo
Arg. (B: Jazelle Rae of Leyster - Apr 92)
Sa, a pair of pine needles palewise betw 2 pairs of pine needles in
annulo Arg. (D: Matsuyama Yoshitoshi - Feb 90)
Sa, a pheon within 3 scimitars in annulo Arg. (B: Keradwc an Cai Sep 89) (For Original Keradwc)
Sa, a reef knot bendwise sin throughout Or betw 2 snakes in annulo
Arg. (D: Malachy OCaoimh - Jun 92)
Sa, a sun betw 2 lizards tergiant in annulo clockwise, all within a
bord Or. (B: Rebekah of Lizards Nest - Mar 84)
Sa, a trillium inv betw 3 cranes volant in annulo addorsed Or. (D:
Ise Jogoru Kazunori - Jan 03)

[Arrangement - In annulo - 4 or fewer] to [Arrangement - In annulo - 5 or more]

Arrangement - In annulo - 4 or fewer (continued)

Sa, a unicornate natural sea-horse within a double stranded pearl

necklace in annulo Arg. (D: Debralaan dOpparre - Oct 91)
Sa, an annulet within & maintained by 2 dragons in annulo, wings
disp, each biting the others tail, all within a laurel wreath Or.
(D: Dragouns Weal - Sep 83)
Sa semy of hangmans nooses Arg, an annulet of chain Or. (B:
Finn Herjlfsson - Oct 92)
Sa, 3 African leopards passant in annulo proper. (D: Rand the
Silversmith - Dec 71?)
Sa, 3 crescents conjoined in pall inv, horns outward, within 3
scimitars in annulo Arg. (D: Keradwc an Cai - Aug 85)
Sa, 3 dragons tergiant wings disp in annulo Or. (D: Brsi of
Dragonvale - Jul 94)
Sa, 3 fish naiant in annulo Or. (D: Onra inghean mhic Cathin Aug 00)
Sa, 3 iris blooms issuing inward from a ring enclosure of bramble of
3 curls inward Arg. (B: Alys van Schaack of Lynnencorre Jul 91) (For Morimoto Ichihatsu)
Sa, 3 mountains couped & conjoined in fess within a belt buckled in
annulo, on a chf Or a bear passant Sa. (D: Donald of Mount
Gurten - Jul 93)
Sa, 3 scimitars in annulo Arg. (B: Keradwc an Cai - Mar 83)
Sa, 2 fish naiant in annulo & a bord Or. (B: Jararvellir - Feb 95)
(For Order of the Pisces)
Sa, 2 narwhals naiant in annulo & on a chf Arg 3 ravens Sa. (D:
Thorin of Kvalsund - Dec 94)
Sa, within a wingless, legless dragon in annulo, head to chf, a
mullet within a mullet pierced, all Arg. (D: Colleen of Lions
Gate - Sep 86)
Vairy Or & Gu, an arrow Arg enfiling a serpent involved Sa. (D:
Audrey Wormsbane of Brittany - Oct 93)
Vt, a mermaid affronty, head to sin Arg, maintaining in her dexter
hand a sword inv proper, all within a dragon dormant
widdershins in annulo Or. (B: Robert du Chateau du Dragon Sep 83) (For House Dragongrotto)
Vt, a portcullis Arg within a dragon dormant widdershins in annulo
Or, a chf Arg. (D: Andrew MacEth - Sep 83)
Vt, a serpent in annulo Arg. (D: Ragnachar Radagaist - Apr 98)
Vt, a tower Arg within a dragon dormant widdershins in annulo Or,
a chf embat Arg. (D: Robert du Chateau du Dragon - Oct 82)
Vt, in salt 2 lilies slipped & leaved betw 4 quill pens in annulo Or.
(D: Catrona of Black Isle - Sep 92)
Vt, on a sun within a serpent vorant of its own tail Or, a mullet of 4
points betw the horns of an increscent Az. (D: Fia Naheed Aug 88)
Vt, 3 rabbits courant in annulo conjoined by the ears Arg. (D: Eoin
Cerd - Aug 96)
Vt, 2 dragons in annulo, biting each others tails, the dexter one Arg
& the sin Or. (D: Adair Mac Dermid - Jan 93)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In annulo - 5 or more

(Tinctureless) A circular chain. (Regalia: Society for Creative

Anachronism - Oct 98) (For the Order of Knighthood)
(Fieldless) A crescent Arg betw five rosebuds in annulo, blossoms
outwards, Or, barbed Vt. (B: Aldred Colson - Sep 83) (JB:
Elinor Aurora of Rosewood)
(Fieldless) A cushion crosswise Arg within a necklace of beads in
annulo Gu, its thread knotted in sin chf & passing through the
eye of a needle bendwise sin, point in base, Or, piercing the
cushion. (B: Catalina de Almera y Tiermas - Jan 90)
(Fieldless) A harp Or betw eight roses in annulo, barbed & seeded
proper. (B: Rosamonde de lOiselet - Mar 90)
(Fieldless) A rose Or, barbed & seeded proper, betw in mullet five
rosebuds Or, barbed Vt. (B: Elinor Aurora of Rosewood Mar 81)
(Fieldless) A sun in glory Or betw five crescents pointed outward
Arg. (B: Ursula die Taube - Oct 90)
(Fieldless) An open book within hearts sans nombre palewise in
annulo Arg. (B: Elaine Courtenay - Jul 89)
(Fieldless) Five crescents conjoined in annulo horns outward Arg.
(B: Caid - Jan 02) (For Arts and Sciences Pentathlon)
(Fieldless) Five fleurs-de-lys conjoined in annulo bases to center
Or. (B: Beau Fort - Apr 08)
(Fieldless) Five plates in annulo betw in fess 2 chevronels inv &
conjoined to an annulet Arg. (B: Westermark - Feb 87)

Arrangement - In annulo - 5 or more (continued)

(Fieldless) Five rats statant & conjoined in annulo Arg. (B: Kelwin
Ratslayer - Jul 96)
(Fieldless) 4 oak leaves in cross, stems to center Gu, & 4 acorns in
salt, caps to center Or all conjoined at the center point. (B:
Darkwater - Mar 99) (For Order of the Acorn Glade)
(Fieldless) On a torteau an annulet Or within eight bezants in
annulo. (B: Branwyn OBrallaghan - Apr 84)
(Fieldless) Six holly leaves conjoined in annulo Vt fructed Gu. (B:
Brigit ingen Chellaich - Dec 00)
(Fieldless) Six pheons in annulo, points to center & conjoined at
the edges, alternating Sa & Arg. (B: Terwyn of Glen Laxsey Aug 93)
(Fieldless) Six swords conjoined in annulo proper. (B: Wilhelm
von Westfalen - Mar 88)
Arg, a bear ramp Sa within in annulo eight double-bitted axes
palewise Gu, all within a bord embat Sa. (B: Alaric BearStalker - Jan 83)
Arg, a bear salient to sin Sa, maintaining a heart Gu, within an orle
of bears paw prints Sa. (D: Nicolaus Bernhardt - Jul 88)
Arg, a dagger fesswise reversed Purp within an annulet of acorns,
tips to center, proper. (D: Alienor Mighelles - Sep 90)
Arg, a fleur-de-lys Purp within an annulet of lozenges Vt. (B:
Elaine of Elswicke - Feb 94)
Arg, a laurel wreath Vt within eight boars heads couped in annulo
Gu. (D: Coeur dEnnui - Jul 84)
Arg, a lion ramp doubly-queued Sa betw six roses in annulo proper,
a chf lozengy Gu & Or. (D: Evzenie Apolena Vitkovic Apr 97)
Arg, a natural salamander passant coward Gu within an orle of ivy
leaves in annulo, stems to center, Vt. (D: Kambreda the Quiet
- Jan 86)
Arg, a salt couped within eight mullets in annulo Az. (D: Derek
MacTaggart - Dec 91)
Arg, a stag ramp to sin betw eight mullets in annulo & on a chf Sa,
a sun Or. (D: Fiadhnait Chelsea - May 88)
Arg, a tower Gu betw in annulo five pine trees couped, all within a
bord Vt. (B: Uther Blackthorne - Sep 92)
Arg, an increscent betw eight triangles in annulo points outward Sa.
(B: Avery del Marre - Dec 04)
Arg, eight annulets in annulo alternately Sa & Gu. (B: Gerard of
Helmsley - Jan 87)
Arg, eight flames in annulo bases to center Az. (B: Trimaris Aug 04)
Arg, eight flames in annulo bases to center Az. (B: Trimaris Nov 06) (For Order of the Watchful Flame of Trimaris)
Arg, five compass stars in annulo Az & a base engrailed barry
engrailed Az & Arg. (D: Thalassia de Rijkaard - Oct 94)
Arg, five dogs, statant coward to sin in annulo, legs to center, Sa.
(B: Gerald Goodwine - Jul 90)
Arg, five fleurs-de-lys in annulo base to center Sa. (B: Cline
Jeanne de Hermain - May 99)
Arg, five horses courant contourny in annulo Az. (D: Ansa alUqlidsi al-Ikhmimi - May 07)
Arg, five reremice in annulo heads to center Gu. (B: Cassandre
Nicole Loustaunau - Mar 01)
Arg, nine rats tergiant in annulo, tails to center & fretted at the tips,
Sa. (B: Samal Kaan Uxmalil - Feb 89)
Arg, on a heart betw six gouttes of flame in annulo Sa, a dragon
segreant Arg. (D: Frederick Dragonheart - Apr 89)
Arg, on a pomme within five reremice in annulo, heads to center
Gu, a dove rising, wings addorsed Arg. (D: Ynesyn Ongge
Xong Kerij-e - Jan 93)
Arg, six hurts in annulo within a bord Az. (D: Ronald of Wrm
Wald - Feb 88)
Arg, the Roman numeral 3 Gu within in annulo seven torteaux. (B:
Tertius the Nameless - Jun 76)
Az, a bezant betw eight ermine tails in annulo, tails to center, Arg.
(B: Rhodri Longshanks - Nov 89)
Az, a cat sejant affronty Arg, charged with a goutte Az, all within
six gouttes in annulo Arg. (D: Alexandria van de Zilverkat Jun 84)
Az, a hurst of 2 Japanese cherry trees in full bloom couped proper
within eight bezants in annulo. (D: Kobayashi Yutaka Oct 89)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 43

[Arrangement - In annulo - 5 or more]

Arrangement - In annulo - 5 or more (continued)

Az, a mullet of six points, each ray surmounted at its tip by a

crescent, horns outward, Or. (D: Rachel of Ravenskeep Jan 90)
Az, a rams head cabossed betw six axes in annulo Arg. (D: Eric of
Telemark - Aug 79)
Az, a rams head cabossed betw six axes in annulo Arg betw, as an
augmentation, 3 triskeles Arg each charged with a tau cross
Az. (Augmentation of Arms: Eric of Telemark - Oct 95)
Az, a ravens head erased environed of nine mullets in annulo Arg.
(D: Valtaire Cromis of Morgenwind - Jan 76?)
Az, a reindeer statant within estoiles in annulo Arg. (D: Eleanor
Chantrill - Jan 06)
Az, a sheaf of spoons Or banded Purp, within eight compass stars in
annulo Or. (B: Aoibheann Caoilfhionn Muirinn ODomhnaill Jul 04)
Az, a sun in his splendor Or within seven pheons in annulo, points
outward, Arg & a bord Or. (B: Atenveldt, Kingdom of May 92) (For the Azure Archers of Atenveldt)
Az, a swan Arg, beaked & membered Or, within eight mullets in
annulo Arg. (D: Arianwen of the Tuntlewald - Jul 71?)
Az, an estoille within six dolphins naiant in annulo, all within a
bord Or. (D: Hillary Stormrider - May 80)
Az, an owl affronty betw six mullets of eight points in annulo Arg.
(D: Ingvar the Restless - May 99)
Az, eight male tiger-swallowtail butterflies in annulo proper,
debruised of a gore sin Sa fimbriated Arg charged with a
dragonfly disp bendwise Arg. (D: Karen of the Silver
Dragonfly, the Sweet - Aug 79)
Az, eight petals in annulo, bases to center, within a bord Arg. (D:
Bianca Rosamund - Jan 89)
Az, eight pheons in annulo shafts to center Arg. (B: Alessandra di
Fiore - Aug 01)
Az, five dragons scales in annulo, points outward, Or. (B:
Dragonsspine - Dec 89) (For the Order of the Scales of
Az, five Masakari axe-heads voided conjoined at all points in mullet
inv, blades outward, Arg. (D: Sakura Tetsuo - Feb 83)
Az, five mullets of 4 points in annulo Or within a bord dovetailed
ermine. (D: Amalric de Montfort - May 89)
Az, five roundels Arg in annulo within a laurel wreath, a chf embat
Or. (D: Loch Meadhonach - Mar 05)
Az, in annulo 4 pairs of kittens couchant respectant, tails arched,
Arg orbed Az. (D: Kathleen of Kittens - Mar 88)
Az, mulletty, five swords in annulo, hilts to center, Arg. (D: Robin
Stryker Fortunatus - Jan 90)
Az, on a abased fess Arg a bar Gu, overall to dexter ten mullets in
annulo Or. (B: Cape Verde - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA
Az, on a mullet of six points betw in annulo six anchors Or an
anchor Az. (D: Alasdair of Raasay - Sep 83)
Az, on a pale betw six roses in annulo Or a white heath tree couped
proper. (D: Jeanette of Briarrose - Apr 82)
Az, on a pile inv throughout betw six mullets in annulo Arg, in pale
a sword palewise Gu & a laurel wreath Vt. (D: White
Mountain - Dec 89)
Az, on a plate within an annulus of compass stars Or, a wolfs head
cabossed Sa. (D: Kostbera Ulfsdottir - Jan 93)
Az, seven double-bitted axes in annulo a bord Arg. (D: Eric Lee Dec 96)
Az, six bees in annulo tails inward proper on a chf embat Or a
weavers slea proper. (D: Emelyn Gunnarsdttir - Sep 01)
Az, six lozenges invected in annulo Arg within 3 dragons conjoined
in annulo widdershins Or. (D: Antonia Leonora Dragonsrun
de Beaumont - Jun 83)
Az, six mice couchant in annulo & a bord Arg. (D: Barbara
Viggiani Milanese - Sep 90)
Az, six pavilions in annulo Or. (B: Ygraine o Gaerllion Fawr May 98)
Az, six strawberries in annulo Arg. (D: Mwynwen Ysginidd Jan 01)
Az, 3 acorns conjoined at the stems in pall inv Or within an orle of
eight oak leaves in annulo Arg. (B: Wealdsmere - Jan 99)
Az, 3 sin gauntlets in triquetra Arg, within & grasping a ring of
chain Or. (D: Donn an Bronach - Apr 76?)
Az, twelve mullets in annulo Or. (B: European Union - Dec 98)
(Important non-SCA flag)
44 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - In annulo - 5 or more (continued)

Az, 2 bears statant erect respectant Or within six plates in annulo.

(D: Josef Gajdos - Oct 84)
Az, 2 wings conjoined Arg enflamed betw in annulo six mullets of
six Or. (D: Bairinn de Taahe - Oct 86)
Counter-ermine, a harp betw eight mullets in annulo Or. (D: Odde
ap Tam - Dec 01)
Ermine, five pommes in annulo & in base a pair of hands Gu. (D:
Peter the Jovial - Jan 93)
Gu, a cross flory Or betw eight roses in annulo Arg. (B: Rosa
Maria da Cosenza - Nov 03)
Gu, a cross formy within roundels in annulo, all within a bord Arg.
(D: Aulus Allemanius Draconis - Oct 82)
Gu, a fret betw in annulo eight mullets Arg. (D: Paul of
Blackchurch - Sep 73?)
Gu, a mullet within & conjoined to five mullets in annulo, the
whole within & conjoined to a bord Or, semy of mullets of 4
points Az. (B: Sternfeld - Aug 89)
Gu, a pall counter-ermine betw in annulo five oak trees couped
proper. (D: Kaarin of Grey Oaks - Feb 85)
Gu, a seahorse Arg within six swords conjoined in annulo proper.
(B: Sophia de la Mer - Jul 88)
Gu, a tree eradicated within in annulo nine estoiles Or. (D: Susanne
of Woodwose Hall - Jan 73?)
Gu, an eagles head erased within seven pheons in annulo, points
outward, Or. (B: Sun, the - Apr 92) (For Order of the Eye of
the Eagle)
Gu, eight scorpions in annulo, facing outward, all within a laurel
wreath Or. (B: Blackwater Keep - Sep 06) (Ancient Arms)
Gu, in annulo twelve feathers, quills to center, Or, marked Sa. (B:
Catriona de Brynton - Apr 91) (For House of the Pheasant
Gyronny Arg & Az, eight borage flowers in annulo within a bord,
all ctrch. (D: Aithne Luighseach Darithne - May 92)
Gyronny Arg & Purp, eight fleurs-de-lys in annulo ctrch. (D:
Bohemir of Esclavonia - Nov 96)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, a horse head couped Sa within eight acorns in
annulo ctrch. (D: Kiera of Silverwood - Aug 90)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, eight oak leaves conjoined in annulo ctrch. (B:
Brianna Yseulte Wynman - Jan 90)
Gyronny, Az & Arg, eight drinking horns in annulo, mouths to
center, ctrch. (D: Ragnar Kaupmadr - May 91)
Gyronny Az & Arg, on each gyron a quatrefoil ctrch. (D: Bess
Haddon of York - May 91)
Gyronny Gu & Or, eight Latin crosses in annulo ctrch. (D:
Thorvaldr of Gates Edge - Jan 01)
Gyronny of six Vt & Sa, in annulo 3 garbs betw 3 crosses crosslet,
one & 2, Or. (D: Etienne du Neve - Feb 84)
Gyronny of ten Arg & Az, each gyron charged with an arrow point
to center, all ctrch. (D: Coinneach Mac an Leigh - Mar 94)
Gyronny Or & Az, eight butterflies in annulo ctrch. (D: Julianne
Journ - Jul 07)
Gyronny Or & Gu, a roundel within eight roundels in annulo, all
ctrch. (D: Gildarron Pathlighter - Sep 73?)
Gyronny Or & Sa, eight roses in annulo ctrch Or & Gu. (D: Rs n
Shein - Mar 97)
Gyronny Or & Vt, an axe Gu within arrowheads in annulo ctrch.
(D: Brian Longtooth - Sep 92)
Gyronny Or & Vt, on the gyrons eight ears of wheat conjoined at
the centerpoint ctrch. (D: Felene of Scotia - Mar 81)
Gyronny Purp & Or, eight church bells in annulo ctrch. (D:
Johanna von den Glocken - Nov 88)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, a mullet of eight points betw eight others in
annulo, all ctrch. (D: Endymion Meilichos - Oct 90)
Or, a butterfly within six roses in annulo Az. (D: Allanda de
Warwick - Oct 81)
Or, a lions head cabossed Gu betw six fir trees couped in annulo
proper. (B: Trelon of the Wood - May 88)
Or, a tower Sa with seven mullets in annulo Vt. (B: Mirhaxa av
Morktorn - Feb 81) (For House Morktorn)
Or, a winged gazelle springing Sa within nine mullets in annulo Gu.
(D: Michael de Harvitton - Apr 84)
Or, an acorn within oak leaves in annulo Vt. (D: Madoc Arundel Jul 85)
Or, five fleurs-de-lys in annulo, tips outward, Gu. (B: Atenveldt,
Kingdom of - Jan 85) (For the Order of the Fleur de Soleil)

[Arrangement - In annulo - 5 or more]

Arrangement - In annulo - 5 or more (continued)

Or, five mullets in annulo Sa. (B: Scott Caoindealbhin Feb 97)
Or, five wooden drop spindles in annulo, handles to center, proper,
threaded Az. (D: Sorcha inghen Chon Mhara - Jul 03)
Or, in annulo eight ladybugs in annulo Gu, marked Sa. (D: Roxana
Greenstreet - Jun 04)
Or, in annulo six torteaux. (D: Medici, Grand Dukes of Tuscany Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, in annulo six torteaux, the one in chf replaced by a roundel Az
charged with 3 fleurs-de-lis Or. (Augmentation of Arms:
Medici, Grand Dukes of Tuscany - Dec 94) (Important nonSCA arms)
Or, in salt a paintbrush inv & a sword Sa within six lozenges in
annulo, points to center, Gu. (B: Samuel Carrillo - Nov 90)
Or, on a mullet of six points Gu a hexagon fesswise throughout Or,
all within a bord Purp. (B: Chad Bitor - Apr 88)
Or, on an ogress within eight billets conjoined in annulo Az, a troll
Or. (D: Thorolf Egillsen - May 96)
Or, six quatrefoils slipped in annulo stems to center & a chf Vt. (D:
Alana of Ramskeep - May 04)
Or, within an annulet of cloves Sa a mortar & pestle Gu. (B:
Bjornsborg - Nov 77) (For the Herbalists Guild)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, six sprigs of lavender in annulo ctrch. (D:
Lavendar of Lorne - Aug 79)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a Celtic cross within & surmounting
shamrocks palewise in annulo ctrch, in chf a hawk migrant Sa.
(B: Eden Elisabeth McNab Sommerhawke - May 91)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, five acorns in annulo Or & a natural
leopard couchant Sa. (D: Ina Rowena of the Mist - Oct 87)
Per bend sin Az & Purp, a griffin passant to sin Or maintaining in
its talon a plate, within seven mullets of 4 points in annulo Or.
(D: Gwendolyn Fitch - Apr 91)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, five mullets in annulo Or & on a heart Arg, a
bears pawprint fesswise reversed Gu. (D: Jonathan Morgan
Reeve - Jan 90)
Per chev inv Sa & Gu, a leopards face Arg within passion nails in
annulo points outwards Or. (B: Alexandre de Vouvray Dec 96)
Per chev Or & Az, five bezants in annulo, on a chf embat Az a
sword reversed Arg. (D: Jarik Blackthorn - Sep 92)
Per chev Purp & Or, five estoiles in annulo Arg & a moose statant
guardant proper. (D: Ins de Avila - Nov 91)
Per chev Sa & Arg, a decrescent & an increscent Arg & six annulets
interlaced in annulo Purp. (D: Ibrahim al-Dimashqi Mar 03)
Per chev Vt & Arg, in chf 2 swords, crossed at the tips, & in base an
escarbuncle within an orle of mullets, all ctrch. (D: Loric
Bane - Oct 86)
Per fess Az & Gu, in fess 2 billets Or within ermine spots sans
nombre in annulo Arg. (B: Rhodri Longshanks - May 96)
Per fess Gu & Arg, in canton within the horns of a decrescent five
mullets in annulo Arg. (B: Singapore - Sep 95) (Important
non-SCA flag)
Per fess Gu & Vt, on a fess Arg a crown & to chf an arc of seven
mullets all in annulo Or. (B: Tajikistan - Sep 95) (Important
non-SCA flag)
Per fess indented Sa & Az, a dance Or betw six roundels in annulo
Or voided Gu all within a bord Or. (D: Bo of Baile na Scolairi
- Mar 94)
Per fess Or & Purp, in chf 2 pairs of arrows in salt Sa & in base
eight lozenges in annulo, points to center, Or. (D: Targan de
Montfort of Crystal Caverns - Sep 90)
Per fess Sa & Purp, in chf 3 escallops & in base eight spears in
annulo hafts to center Or. (D: Radigost the Lame - Feb 02)
Per fess wavy Arg & Az, five bottle-nosed dolphins embowed in
annulo ctrch. (D: Theron de Chnay - Dec 80)
Per pale & per chev Purp & Arg, a mullet of nine points, betw each
pair of points a roundel, all ctrch. (D: Dafydd Cyhoeddwr Apr 88)
Per pale & per salt Arg & Sa, six hearts in annulo ctrch. (D:
Rachael dAmour - Mar 91)
Per pale Arg & Az, six elm trees in annulo ctrch. (B: Dragonship
Haven - Dec 90)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a griffin betw six feathers in annulo ctrch. (D:
Ryan de Caergybi - May 03)

Arrangement - In annulo - 5 or more (continued)

Per pale Arg & Gu, an annulus of wolves heads cabossed & a chf
indented ctrch. (D: Raffe of Ardcreag - Dec 92)
Per pale Arg & Gu, five ducks naiant to sin in annulo ctrch. (D:
Makedonii Dmitrii Aleksievich Kolchin - May 96)
Per pale Arg & Vt, in annulo to dexter 3 crosses patty Gu & to sin 3
trefoils slipped Arg. (D: Gwenhwyfar Morgan Cornubia Oct 80)
Per pale Az & Arg, a cat sejant within estoiles in annulo ctrch. (D:
Elisabet Mathematika - Nov 90)
Per pale Gu & Az, a griffin passant contourny betw crescents in
annulo Arg. (B: Shajar al-Yaasmeen - Jul 02)
Per pale nebuly Sa & Az, in fess enhanced a cross crosslet & a rose
within nine plates in annulo Arg. (D: Margaret of Shaftesbury
- Jul 80)
Per pale Or & Gu, six Thors hammers in annulo handles to center
ctrch. (D: Saereid Sigmundsdottir - Apr 01)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a laurel wreath betw within six mullets of six
points in annulo ctrch. (D: Aventiure - Dec 03)
Per pale Vt & Sa, five bezants in annulo 2, 2 & one. (D: Alexander
Neep - Jul 04)
Per salt Gu & Az, a unicorns head couped Or horned Arg within an
orle of mullets in annulo Or. (D: Shayla from Zyra - Jul 86)
Per salt Sa & Gu, mushrooms in annulo Arg. (D: Fiona Gwyllt
Wynne - Aug 91)
Purp, a beehive Arg within bees in annulo Or. (D: Artemisia of
Nicaea - May 00)
Purp, a ferret statant erect Arg maintaining a sword proper all betw
five bezants in annulo, a bord Arg. (D: Nadya Gornastaevna
Chorkova - Nov 93)
Purp, a flame, in annulo five dragons scales points inward Or. (B:
Dragonsspine - Jun 94) (For the Order of the Guardians of
the Golden Flame)
Purp, a luna moth proper within cinquefoils in annulo Arg. (D:
Leila Dusterwinkle of Huntingtonwoods - Nov 84)
Purp, a martlet close Arg within five annulets in annulo, in chf 2
open books Or. (D: Geoffrey de Saint-Denis - Apr 99)
Purp, a mullet erminois betw five fountains in annulo. (D:
Giovanni Fontananera - Oct 93)
Purp, a pentagon within five mullets in annulo Or. (D: Hobart
Wendell Eldridge - Jan 93)
Purp, a stags head caboshed Or, betw its attires seven mullets of
eight points in annulo Arg, within a bord indented Or. (D:
Ekaterina Zvyozdosamtseva - May 84)
Purp, an estoile within an orle of tongues of flame Or. (D: Vashti of
the Flaming Tresses - Oct 88)
Purp, eight elephants passant in annulo, trunks conjoined to tails,
Or. (B: Hastini Chandra - Jul 93)
Purp, six crescents in annulo Arg. (D: Cassandra Cernakova May 85)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a Lacy knot betw eight hawks bells in annulo
ctrch. (D: Aurora dEcosse - May 89)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a mullet of twelve points betw twelve
cinquefoils in annulo within a bord, all ctrch. (D: Nimriel of
the Far Wind - Nov 86)
Quarterly Az & Gu, six ermine tails in annulo, tails outward, Arg.
(B: Emrys Bethoc - Nov 89)
Sa, a bezant betw the horns of a crescent, all within nine mullets in
annulo Arg. (D: Eriod of Eire - Jun 81)
Sa, a crescent Arg betw seven oak leaves in annulo, all within an
orle Or. (D: Arianwen ferch Morgan Fychan of Caer Llefelys Jul 87)
Sa, a decrescent within eight lozenges in annulo, bases to center, all
within a bord Or. (D: Patrick Levi Darkwrath - Dec 89)
Sa, a dragon dormant betw five mullets in annulo Arg. (D: Michael
Drache - Oct 93)
Sa, a fir tree within roundels conjoined in annulo Arg. (D: Eric of
Eisental - Aug 99)
Sa, a flame environed of ten pheons in annulo points inward Or. (B:
al-Barran - Feb 99)
Sa, a greyhound couchant regardant or, orbed Sa, within eight
primroses in annulo Gu, leaved & seeded proper, fimbriated
or. (D: Dana of Coleraine - Aug 79)
Sa, a lions head cabossed Or within fourteen suns in annulo Gu
fimbriated Or. (D: Astrid of Hawk Ridge - Jan 73?)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 45

[Arrangement - In annulo - 5 or more] to [Arrangement - In bend - 2]

Arrangement - In annulo - 5 or more (continued)

Sa, a plate issuant from a Japanese stream, within five drawerhandles conjoined in annulo Arg. (D: Kimura Tetsuo Mar 93)
Sa, a senmurv within an annulet of roundels Or. (D: Bahram the
Resplendent - Feb 83)
Sa, a sun in glory Or betw five crescents in annulo points outward
Arg. (D: Ursula die Taube - Apr 98)
Sa, a sun Or betw twelve keys in annulo wards outward Arg. (D:
Reinmar the Alchemist - Oct 97)
Sa, a tai-chi Sa & Arg, fimbriated Or, within flames in annulo
proper. (D: Malik the Malicious - Feb 99)
Sa, a vair-bell inv Arg, environed of eight plates in annulo. (D:
Ivan Brasonic - Aug 79)
Sa, a Viking longship under full sail affronte proper, the sail Or
charged with six palets Gu, all within eight mullets in annulo
Or. (D: Mika Longbow - May 80)
Sa, a wolfs head erased affronty betw mullets in annulo, & a bord
Arg charged with leaves Vt. (D: Taran Blackwolf of
Darkwood - Apr 91)
Sa, a wyvern passant betw six roses in annulo, & on a chf Arg a
crescent betw 2 bunches of grapes Sa. (D: Khalid Abd alRashid ibn Nasr ibn al-Husayn - Nov 96)
Sa, eight feathers in annulo conjoined at the shaft within a chaplet
graminy Arg. (B: Cristiania le Fey - Mar 05)
Sa, eight fleurs-de-lys in annulo bases to center Or. (D: Kaspar von
Helmenstede - Aug 04)
Sa, eight plates in annulo. (D: Griffin the Black - Nov 98)
Sa estencely Or, six crescents in annulo Arg. (D: Sign Sngvari
Svansdttir - Mar 93)
Sa, five double-bitted axe heads in annulo, touching at the blades,
Arg. (B: Adrienne of Toledo - Sep 73)
Sa, in annulo five pheons points to center Or. (B: Olaf Skytja Sep 04)
Sa, in annulo six mullets of eight points within a laurel wreath, a chf
rayonny Arg. (D: Flaming Skies, the - Feb 90)
Sa, in pale eight mullets in annulo & a drakkar in full sail, within a
bord Arg. (D: Corwyn Dragonstar - Dec 82)
Sa, 3 ken & 3 dragon scales conjoined in annulo, pointing outwards,
within a bord embat, all Arg. (D: Otagiri Tatsuzo - Oct 88)
Tierced per pall Sa, Purp & Gu, delineated Or, in chf a laurel wreath
Arg, issuant from dexter a demi-rising sun with rays couped Or
& in sin base five plates in annulo. (D: Westermark - Aug 79)
Vt, a catfish naiant betw six arrows in annulo Or. (B: Jararvellir Mar 97)
Vt, a lightning flash fesswise throughout Or betw in pale a horses
head couped Arg & in compass star a bezant betw eight billets
Or. (D: Katherine Marie Yvonne Jett - Aug 80)
Vt, a sea-horse contourny betw six mullets in annulo, a bord Arg.
(D: Laura Heredia de Castile - Jul 92)
Vt, a unicorns head erased betw acorns slipped & leaved in annulo
Arg. (D: Isabelle Franoise de Sancerre - Aug 03)
Vt, an owl contourny Arg betw five oak leaves palewise in annulo
Or. (D: Elizabeth Yvonne Owles - Jun 95)
Vt, in annulo six bees Or banded Sa. (B: Gisella Lisabetta Venier Oct 04)
Vt, in annulo six bees within a bord Or. (D: Gisella Lisabetta
Venier - Oct 04)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In arch

(Fieldless) In fess enarched six mullets of six points, elongated to

chf, Arg. (B: Elenfa of Starwood - May 90)
Arg, a jesters bauble Gu & in chf 4 golpes in arc. (D: Quin of the
Eastern Harhar - Sep 73?)
Az, a crescent environed to chf of five mullets in demi-annulo, all
within a bord embat Or. (D: Morgan Starbridge - Apr 89)
Az, a lute bendwise Or beneath five bezants in fess arched & on a
chf pean a sin hand couped reversed & a dexter hand couped
Arg. (D: Ergard Joelson - Feb 82)
Az, a polar bear counter-passant proper & in chf an arc of seven
mullets Arg. (D: Morrigan Fitz-Rolf - Oct 80)
Az, an amphora Arg beneath an arch of grape leaves proper. (D:
Aileen of Hesper - Feb 75?)
Gu, in canton a mullet within to sin an arch of 4 mullets points to
centre Or. (B: China - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)

46 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - In arch (continued)

Per bend Arg & Az, an oak tree eradicated environed of in chf five
mullets of 4 points in demi-annulo, all within a bord ctrch. (D:
Morwyn MacDonald of Strathclyde - Feb 89)
Per chev inv Sa & Vt, a tower betw in demi-annulo five estoiles all
within an annulet Arg. (B: Chimene des Cinq Tours - Jul 85)
Per fess Az & Vt, a double-bitted axe bendwise sin imbedded in a
sprouting oak tree stump snagged & eradicated proper betw
seven mullets of eight points in demi-annulo & in base a laurel
wreath Or. (D: Vanished Wood - Aug 80)
Sa, a tower betw in demi-annulo five estoiles, all within an annulet
Arg. (B: Chimene des Cinq Tours - Oct 80)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In bend - 2

(Fieldless) In bend a crescent sustained by a melusine Arg. (B:

Juliana de Luna - May 07)
(Fieldless) In bend a fleur-de-lis & another inv, both palewise, Vt.
(B: Alexander le Bonhomme - Nov 81)
Arg, a cross bretessed Vt betw in bend 2 crosses Sa. (D: Osric atte
Bek - Nov 96)
Arg, a dragon passant to sin reguardant coward Vt betw in bend 2
roundels enflamed proper. (D: Nicholas De Witte - Jan 87)
Arg, a fillet cross arrondi Sa betw in bend 2 lozenges Gu. (B: John
the Bearkiller - May 83) (For House of the Scarlet
Diamond)(JB: Heather of Tyson)
Arg, a pale lozengy Sa & Or betw 2 wolfs paw prints in bend Sa.
(D: Kytte Meliora Stevenson - Oct 98)
Arg, in bend a peregrine falcons head to sin erased Sa & a broken
fern leaf bendwise sin Vt. (D: Rhedereck Einsamjger Mar 83)
Arg, in bend a talbots head erased contourny Sa & a talbots head
erased Gu, a bord embat per bend sin Gu & Sa. (D: Willehalm
Greywolf - May 08)
Arg, in bend a thunderbolt inv Gu & a tower Sa. (D: Richard the
Steadfast - Aug 85)
Arg, in bend a torteau & a pomme, each charged with a trident head
inv Arg. (D: Margery Marche - Jul 99)
Arg, in bend 2 crosses couped Purp, overall a laurel wreath Vt. (D:
Carreg Wen - Jan 85)
Arg, in bend 2 hawks rising Gu. (D: Michael Gladewyne - Apr 06)
Arg, in bend 2 pawprints Gu. (B: Rhiannon Redwulf - Sep 01)
Arg, in bend 2 roses Gu slipped & leaved bendwise sin Vt within a
bord Gu. (D: Ris inghean u Scannail - Nov 07)
Arg, on a cross Az betw in bend 2 cats sejant contourny Sa, a goblet
Arg. (D: Catriona Katla - Mar 95)
Arg, on a cross betw in bend 2 fleurs-de-lys Sa a fleur-de-lys Arg.
(D: Patric de la Rose - May 01)
Arg, semy of swords Gu, in bend 2 hawks legs couped a la quise
bendwise sin Sa. (B: Blackhawk - Apr 94)
Arg, 2 stags heads cabossed in bend Gu within a double tressure
Az. (B: Rouland Carre - Jun 90)
Az, in bend a compass star Arg & a dogwood blossom Arg, barbed
Vt. (D: Kathryn Seabright - Aug 90)
Az, in bend a scimitar bendwise sin & a pegasus salient, with bat
wings elevated & addorsed, Arg, charged on the sin
hindquarter with a cross patt Gu. (D: Delilah Holtlaande Dec 82)
Az, in bend 2 acorns Arg. (D: Edana of Hawks Hill - Jan 88)
Az, in bend 2 hourglasses Arg. (D: Maelsnechtain de Brus May 92)
Az, in bend 2 open fans, bendwise sin & handles to center, that to
chf Or & that to base Arg. (B: Eleanora Valentina Beota Nov 89) (? name typo for "Beota")(For Casa del Colibri)
Az, 2 estoiles in bend betw 2 bendlets Or. (D: Roderick of
Glaedenfeld - Jul 00)
Az, 2 rainbows in bend proper a bord Arg. (D: Angelica Bellini di
Firenze - Apr 92)
Bendy per bend sin wavy ctrch Gu & Or, in bend a hunting horn inv
& a hunting horn reversed Sa. (D: Ian Cornelius Rubicundus Jul 80)
Gu, a bird migrant, in dexter chf 2 mullets of 4 points in bend, a
bord nebuly Arg. (D: Sebastiano da Pachino - Oct 98)
Gu, in bend a bezant & a pine tree couped Arg. (B: James the
Inconstant - Jun 83) (For House Inconstant)
Gu, in bend a cross couped & the letters S P Q R Or. (D: Rome,
City of - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)

[Arrangement - In bend - 2]

Arrangement - In bend - 2 (continued)

Gu, in bend a jawless human skull palewise Arg wearing a lobstertailed helmet proper & a wing Arg. (B: Jan w Orzeldom Sep 80)
Gu, in bend a lion & a unicorn ramp palewise addorsed within a
bord Or. (D: Arthur of Ross-shire - Oct 81)
Gu, in bend 2 crosses moline disjointed Or. (D: Katerine Bontemps
- May 07)
Gu, in bend 2 lace bobbins bendwise sin Or & a chf Or fretty Purp.
(D: Lois an der Baumhecke - Jul 01)
Gu, in bend 2 theatrical masks, a chf urdy Or. (D: Zoe Doukaina
Radene - Aug 00)
Gu, in dexter chf a tower Arg masoned Sa, in sin base a hind
trippant or. (B: Barbara-Katherine of Kenilworth - Aug 79)
(re-registered 7910A)
Gu, 2 wheels yoked in bend, the yoke fracted, within a laurel wreath
Or. (D: Knights Crossing - Feb 82)
Gu, 2 wolves heads cabossed in bend within a bord Arg. (D: Wulf
Fairhair - Sep 90)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, in bend a mallet & a wood chisel, blade to base,
both bendwise sin Or. (D: Adam Fairamay - Dec 05)
Or, a pair of wheels yoked in bend, yoke fracted, Gu. (B: Knights
Crossing - Jul 85)
Or, in bend a phoenix Gu & a lion contourny maintaining an arrow
Az. (D: Mauda inghean u Dhonnabhin - Aug 06)
Or, in bend a stag counter-lodged fesswise reguardant Gu & a
threaded needle bendwise sin Sa. (B: Aliste von Falkenhof Jun 80)
Or, in bend an arrow betw 2 strung bows, all bendwise sin, Sa. (D:
Robert Fletcher - May 85)
Or, in bend 2 fleurs-de-lys within a bord Sa. (B: Charles the Black
- Mar 94)
Or, in bend 2 lace bobbins bendwise sin Vt. (D: Ingrid von
Eichenkamp - Oct 07)
Or, 2 oak sprigs in bend Vt fructed proper & a bord Gu semy of
roses Arg. (D: Rosamund of Oakhill - Dec 90)
Pean, in bend a decrescent & a swan naiant wings addorsed Arg.
(D: Bronach ingen Eogain - Apr 05)
Pean, in bend a decrescent Or & a pile bendwise inv Arg. (D: Leif
Moonshadow Dalesonn - Oct 83)
Per bend Arg & Az, in bend 2 roses ctrch. (D: Gerelt of Lockeford Apr 86)
Per bend Az & Vt, in sin chf 2 fleur-de-lys in bend & in dexter base
an escallop inv Arg. (D: Bronwyn Morgan the Embroiderer Apr 98)
Per bend embat Purp & Or, a mullet & in bend 2 fleurs-de-lys
palewise ctrch. (D: Gytha Raecliffe of Dalenworth Keep Oct 81)
Per bend embat Vt & Or, in chf 2 mullets in bend Arg. (D:
Rikharr inn Vegandi Svansson - Jul 99)
Per bend Sa & Az, a sword inv betw 2 butterflies in bend Arg. (D:
Learbhean nighean Thoirrdhealbhaich - Apr 96)
Per bend sin Arg, ermined Gu, & Gu, ermined Arg, an anvil Sa
betw in bend a dragon ramp to sin Sa & a dragon ramp Arg.
(D: Richard de Montmorency - Jul 07)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a sun betw 2 mullets in bend Arg. (D: Mair
of Lew - Mar 92)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, in bend a pithon & a cobras head couped
contourny Arg. (D: Sigurr Gargansauga - Jul 96)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, a wolfs face Or betw 2 lilies in bend Arg.
(B: Wojciech Michal Volfovski - Jul 96)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, a wolfs head cabossed betw 2 lilies in bend
Arg. (D: Wojciech Michal Volfovski - Jul 96)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, in bend an open scroll & a sword bendwise
sin Or. (D: Michael Scrollseeker - Feb 86)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, in bend a snake nowed Or & a cinquefoil
Arg. (D: Rhys de Montfort - Dec 83)
Per bend sin lozengy Arg & Vt & Arg, in sin base a pair of musical
notes in bend conjoined Sa. (D: Meraud de Bariea - Oct 95)
Per bend sin Or & Arg, in bend 2 roses Purp, triply leaved Vt,
seeded Or. (D: Maura MacDonald - Sep 84)
Per bend sin Purp & Arg, in bend 2 unicorns ramp & in bend sin 2
roses all ctrch. (D: Magdalen Woderose - Sep 07)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, in bend 2 towers palewise ctrch. (D: William
of Hoghton - May 73) (implied reblazon of 7112 registration)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, 2 towers in bend ctrch & in chf a label of 3
points Arg. (B: Christopher of Hoghton - May 82)

Arrangement - In bend - 2 (continued)

Per bend sin Sa & Vt, in bend 2 phoenixes Arg. (D: Finnseach de
Lochiell - Oct 97)
Per bend sin Vt & vair, in bend 2 griffins segreant Or. (D: Hywela
Frech ferch Wyddel - Sep 85)
Per pale & per chev Arg & ermine, in bend 2 bicolor roses palewise
stalked & leaved proper. (D: Tricia of Weatherford - Apr 80)
Per pale & per chev Arg & Purp, in bend 2 stags ramp contourny
Sa. (D: Erik Aethelwulf of Grimsby - May 94)
Per pale & per fess wavy Or & Az, in bend a palm tree bendwise sin
couped proper & a quill pen bendwise sin Sa. (D: Tamara
Petrovna Tvoronova - May 81)
Per pale Arg & Az, a tower betw 2 mullets in bend ctrch. (D:
Dunhere Twostar - Jan 76?)
Per pale Arg & Sa, in bend 2 sets of 3 needles in pile, points
conjoined, ctrch. (D: Miranda the Seamstress - Jun 83)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 bars wavy ctrch betw in bend a harp Gu & a
dagger Arg. (D: Randal the Malcontent - Sep 97)
Per pale Or & Az, a cross moline betw in bend 2 crescents, all ctrch.
(D: Lazaro Bettencourt de Vega - May 94)
Per pale Sa & Arg, in bend a decrescent & an increscent ctrch. (D:
Eirkr Fence Splitter - Aug 92)
Per pale Sa & Az, a dexter cubit arm fist clenched bendwise sin
betw the pieces of a sword fracted in bend Or. (D: Hrothgar
Breaksword - Nov 96)
Per pale Sa & Or, in bend 2 mullets ctrch. (D: Christopher Amber May 89)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a horse ramp contourny Arg betw in bend 2
hawks striking Or. (D: Signe ingen Anmchada - Aug 99)
Per pale Vt & Sa, an eagle disp betw in bend 2 increscents Or. (D:
Muirne n Chathin - Feb 98)
Per pale wavy Purp & Or, 2 chalices in bend ctrch. (D: Michelino
di Gino Martini - May 07)
Purp, in bend a sun & a laurel wreath Or, the sun surmounted by a
bend sin wavy enhanced Az, fimbriated Arg. (D: Cloistered
Sun - Feb 84)
Purp, in bend 2 krisses inv Arg. (D: Gwenere of Ben Murry May 80)
Quarterly Arg & Az, a penannular brooch, open to chf betw in bend
2 boars passant Gu within a bord ctrch. (D: Torlough
MacTormagh - Apr 94)
Quarterly Arg & Az, in bend 2 Cornish choughs proper. (D: Cadan
of Mons Tonitrus - Jul 05)
Quarterly Arg & Gu, in bend 2 gillyflowers slipped & leaved
proper. (D: Catriona nicHugh McLae - Feb 96)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, in bend 2 cinquefoils Gu. (D: Ysabella de
Montrose - Jul 04)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, in bend 2 winged natural tigers ramp Gu
marked & winged Sa. (B: Maurya Etain Sableswan - Oct 98)
Quarterly Arg & Vt, in bend 2 hammers Sa. (D: Magnus of Esfenn
- Feb 85)
Quarterly Arg & Vt, in bend 2 lozenges Gu. (D: Genevive
Cordelia dOutremer - Apr 07)
Quarterly Arg & Vt, 2 crosses potent in bend Sa. (D: Arkell vom
Cophus - Nov 02)
Quarterly Az & Arg, in bend 2 cats sejant, dexter forepaws raised,
Arg. (D: Renate Gabrielle Grossvogel von Ramsau - Jun 88)
Quarterly Az & Arg, in bend 2 garbs Or. (D: William Aikenhead Jul 99)
Quarterly Az & Arg, in bend 2 lions ramp Or. (D: Cynan Gould Mar 99)
Quarterly Az & Arg, 2 unicorns ramp contourny Arg. (D: Bridget
de Kyrkeland - Mar 98)
Quarterly Az & Gu, an escallop betw in bend 2 dolphins naiant Or.
(D: Elisande Adela de Cteaux - May 95)
Quarterly Az & Or, in bend 2 Catherine wheels Or. (D: Werinbert
of Dragons Crag - Jan 88)
Quarterly Az & Or, 2 winged hourglasses in bend Or. (D: Cedric
van Kiesterzjil - Sep 93)
Quarterly Az & Vt, in bend 2 crescents Or. (D: Hubert dAvignon Jun 04)
Quarterly Az & Vt, in bend 2 swallows volant Or. (D: Myfanwy
Dolwyddelan - Aug 92)
Quarterly embat Arg & Purp, in bend 2 eagles heads erased Gu.
(D: Ulf Hammerhand - Nov 93)
Quarterly ermine & Az, in bend 2 crosses formy Gu. (D: Michael
Silverhand - Jul 03)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 47

[Arrangement - In bend - 2] to [Arrangement - In bend - 3]

Arrangement - In bend - 2 (continued)

Quarterly erminois & Sa, in bend 2 trefoils slipped Vt, a bord ctrch
Sa & Or. (D: Joseph Walter McFadden - May 96)
Quarterly first & fourth Arg, second Gu & third Az, in bend a
mullet Az & another Gu. (B: Panama - Nov 99) (Important
non-SCA flag)
Quarterly Gu & Az, in bend 2 dolphins Arg. (D: Elin the Timid Jun 02)
Quarterly Gu & ermine, a rose Sa betw in bend 2 mullets Arg. (D:
Flanna Dunwalton - Jan 86)
Quarterly Gu & erminois, in bend a bear ramp contourny & a bear
ramp Arg. (D: Azor Ryurik - Aug 00)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, in bend 2 griffins Or. (D: Griffin Garret Oct 06)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, in bend 2 thistles within a bord Or. (D: Aidan
Alpin of Dunkeld - May 04)
Quarterly Or & Arg, in bend 2 Celtic crosses Sa. (D: Duncan
Robertsoun - Apr 07)
Quarterly Or & Az, in bend 2 lions ramp Gu. (D: Ryan Murdoch
Mackenzie - Apr 02)
Quarterly Or & Az, 2 ladybugs in bend Gu marked Sa. (D: Julyan
of Glencoe - Jan 96)
Quarterly Or & Purp, a cross formy fitchy Sa betw 2 hearts in bend
Gu. (D: Valentina Isabella Rosati - Jul 96)
Quarterly Or & Purp, in bend a Bengal tiger ramp contourny &
another ramp, Vt. (D: Turge Ghanun - Sep 96)
Quarterly Or & Sa, in bend 2 snakes coiled guardant Vt. (D:
Brandon McLannom - Sep 84)
Quarterly per fess embat Arg & Sa, in bend 2 oak leaves bendwise
Vt fructed proper. (D: Teleri of Gwynedd - Jul 94)
Quarterly per fess embat Sa & Gu, in bend 2 bells Or. (D: Adella
Desmond - May 86)
Quarterly per fess indented Vt & Arg, in bend 2 stags springing Or.
(D: alt Andreas von Sohren - May 00)
Quarterly per fess wavy Arg & Purp, in bend 2 frogs sejant affronty
Vt. (D: Eadric of Hastings - Sep 92)
Quarterly per pale dovetailed Arg & Az, in bend 2 pairs of swords
in salt Sa. (D: Johann Caldron - Oct 94)
Quarterly Purp & Arg, in bend a mask of comedy & a mask of
tragedy Arg, a bord ctrch. (D: Morfydd ferch Bronwen Jan 00)
Quarterly Purp & Sa, in bend 2 mountains couped Arg. (D:
Caitrona Ghabhalfhada - Mar 98)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, in bend 2 hearts Arg. (D: Aurelia dAquitaine
- May 87)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, in bend 2 rams skulls Arg. (D: Eirkr
Lambason - Dec 92)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, 2 estoiles Arg within a bord ctrch. (D:
Gwenllian ferch Gwilim - May 01)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, 2 trees blasted Arg. (D: Miles of Whitewood
Hall - Nov 96)
Quarterly Sa & erminois, in bend 2 escallops Or. (D: Michael of
Montrose - Sep 92)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, in bend 2 boars heads erased Or. (D:
Kolskeggr Thorolfsson - Mar 06)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, in bend 2 cinquefoils Arg. (D: Roberto
Raimondo of Mons Tonitrus - Jun 98)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, in bend 2 goblets Or. (D: Tomaso da Barbiano
- Nov 03)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, in bend 2 increscents within a bord embat Arg.
(D: Angelique von Regensburg - Nov 03)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, in bend 2 oak leaves within a bord Arg. (D:
Ciar ingen Dire - Mar 07)
Quarterly Sa & Purp, in bend 2 escarbuncles Arg. (D: Ophelia of
Bavaria - Oct 95)
Quarterly Sa & Vt, in bend 2 wolves heads couped Arg. (D:
Shakir al-Fayyad - Aug 06)
Quarterly Vt & Arg ermined Vt, in bend 2 Thespian masks Arg. (D:
Estrid Ketilsdottir - Apr 97)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, in bend 2 straight trumpets bendwise Or. (D:
Curteis le Criur - Apr 98)
Quarterly Vt & Az, in bend 2 pine trees couped Arg. (D:
Gwendolyn MacAuslane of Loch Lomond - Sep 96)
Quarterly Vt & Or, in bend 2 rabbits ramp guardant, attired of stags
antlers, Arg. (D: Duncan Kieran - Jul 92)
Quarterly Vt & Or, in bend 2 ravens disp facing sin Or within an
orle ctrch. (D: Serena Bertram of Northumberland - Jul 91)
48 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - In bend - 2 (continued)

Quarterly wavy Arg & Purp, 2 butterflies rising to sin, wings

elevated & addorsed, Purp. (D: Rosalind the Tender Feb 99)
Sa, a lion ramp to sin reguardant betw in bend 2 crosses potent
palewise, all within a bord embat Or. (D: Trey of Bedford Apr 82)
Sa, in bend a compass star & a drakkar prow Or. (D: Bjorn inn
gauzki - Mar 06)
Sa, in bend a compass star Arg & a cat sejant Or. (B: Muirgheal
inghean Alasdair - Dec 07)
Sa, in bend a mask of comedy per pale Gu & Or, & a mask of
tragedy per pale Or & Gu. (D: Isabeau the Fool - Sep 83)
Sa, in bend a raven speaking Or, beaked & membered Arg, & a
wolfs head erased Or, armed Arg, orbed Sa. (B: Richard of
Ravenwolf - Jan 73?)
Sa, in bend a sun & a griffin ramp contourny, a chf embat Or. (D:
Ilya Yaroslavovich - Jul 93)
Sa, in bend a sword bendwise sin betw a mullet of 4 points & a
crescent bendwise Arg. (D: Aduial of Kensington - Aug 79?)
Sa, in bend a wolf ramp contourny & a tankard Or. (B: Wilhelm der
Wulf von dem Schwarzwald - May 05) (For House Goldwulf)
Vt, a spiderweb Or, overall in bend a mask of comedy & a mask of
tragedy Arg. (D: Deirdre Wydeville - Sep 99)
Vt, in bend a wooden staff bendwise sin proper & a recurved
Turkish bow palewise reversed, armed & drawn, Arg. (D:
Edward Birnam - May 80)
Vt, in bend 2 bezants, each charged with a pine tree proper. (D:
Lonna Animalia de los Pinos - Aug 78?)
Vt, in bend 2 inescutcheons Arg, at the honor point an annulet Or.
(D: Siegfried das Wiltekind - Oct 82)
Vt, in bend 2 plates, each charged with a raven contourny perched
atop & supported by an arrow fesswise Sa. (D: Bronwen of
Lakeland - Feb 06)
Vt, in bend 2 swans naiant Arg. (D: Swannoc Foxton - Mar 08)
Vt, 2 bunches of grapes in bend Or slipped & leaved Arg. (D:
Therasia Agnetis - Feb 97)
Vt, 2 lozenges in bend within a bord Or. (D: Marcel dArmand Sep 95)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In bend - 3

(Fieldless) In bend 3 boots palewise Arg. (B: Arwen Evaine ferch

Rhys of Gwynedd - Jun 90) (For the League of Freebooters)
Arg, a bend sin Gu, in bend 3 roses ctrch barbed & seeded proper.
(D: Rosalind of Wellmark - Sep 92)
Arg, a cross quarter pierced Vt & in bend 3 squirrels Sa. (D: Bero
Mace Carruthers - Jun 92)
Arg, a cross quarter-pierced Az ermined Arg, in bend 3 thistles Sa,
a bord Gu. (D: Duvessa MacSweeney of Cork - Dec 93)
Arg ermined Az, in bend 3 roses proper, a bord wavy Az. (B:
Femke de Roas - Jan 07)
Arg, in bend 3 apothecary roses proper. (D: Thomas Buttesthorn of
Ayle - Aug 79?)
Arg, in bend 3 hearts bendwise Purp. (D: Marija MacAlpine Sep 91)
Arg, in bend 3 platypuses naiant bendwise sin to base Gu. (B:
Michieal Dammary the Mischievous - Aug 88)
Arg, 3 double-bitted axes in bend Gu within a bord embat Sa. (D:
Angantyr Brynjolfsson - Oct 92)
Arg, 3 lozenges in bend Az, each charged with a pretzel Or. (D:
Lynette the Lost - Dec 91)
Arg, 3 triangles in bend Az. (B: Three Mountains - Sep 94)
Az, a bend sin Arg, in bend 3 dragonflies bendwise sin ctrch. (D:
Megen Paget - Jul 92)
Az, in bend 3 brocks statant Or. (D: Randall Brock - Nov 98)
Az, in bend 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Yzab de Rodez - Feb 05)
Az, in bend 3 German panthers ramp contourney Arg. (D:
Arianwen ferch Gareth - Jul 96)
Az, in bend 3 mallets betw 2 bendlets all betw 2 pairs of compasses
Arg. (D: Ferdinand of Strasburg - Apr 07)
Az, 3 fire-arrows bendwise sin in bend Arg, enflamed proper. (D:
Loran Redbow - Jun 76?)
Az, 3 pairs of shears bendwise in bend betw 2 owls Or. (D: Gunilla
Nilsdotter Tveuggla till Uggleholm - Apr 05)
Az, 3 triangles in bend Arg. (B: Three Mountains - Sep 94)

[Arrangement - In bend - 3]

Arrangement - In bend - 3 (continued)

Barry bendy Gu & Or, 3 fleurs-de-lys in bend within a bord Sa. (D:
Winther der Trwe - Apr 03)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, in bend 3 ships contourny proper, sailed Gu.
(D: Christofano Vecchione - Jan 92)
Gu, in bend 3 clenched gauntlets Or. (D: Murdoch of Muirhead Mar 99)
Gu, in bend 3 gouttes dOr. (D: Nichola de Lyne - Jul 00)
Gu, 3 caltraps in bend & in sin chf a sun, all Arg. (D: Avram of
Mercia - Oct 76?)
Gu, 3 thistles in bend Arg. (D: Gwyn ap Gweir - Apr 97)
Or, in bend 3 leaves bendwise sin within a bord Vt. (B: Christina
OCleary - Apr 03)
Or, 3 bendlets enhanced Az & in dexter base in bend 3 fountains.
(D: Solondra Carryl - Jun 82)
Or, 3 roses in bend Sa, a bord rayonny Gu. (D: Dionysios
Gregoropoulos - Aug 95)
Or, 3 towers in bend & a chf embat Sa. (B: Caerthe - Jan 03)
Paly Arg & Or, in bend 3 fleurs-de-lys palewise Sa. (D: Jocelyn
Crokehorn - Aug 81)
Per bend Arg & Az, 3 gouttes de sang in bend & a trillium inv Arg
charged with a torteau. (D: Isabeau Marguerite Deschamps Oct 07)
Per bend Arg & Sa, six ermine spots per bend gemel ctrch. (B:
Loch Salann - May 82)
Per bend Arg & Sa, 3 hawks bells in bend & a spear bendwise
ctrch. (D: Ananda of the Bells - Sep 94)
Per bend Az & Arg, in bend 3 roundels ctrch. (B: Sebastiano
Manetti - Aug 06)
Per bend Az & Arg, in bend 3 triquetras bendwise inv betw 2
dragons in bend sin ctrch. (D: Alexander the Blue - Jun 07)
Per bend Az & Arg, 3 quatrefoils in bend Arg & a wolf couchant
contourny Gu. (D: Aelfwynn of Wulfden - Jan 93)
Per bend Az & Sa, in bend 3 decrescents Arg. (D: Anna la Claire Nov 06)
Per bend Az & Vt, a boars head couped close & 3 more in bend Or.
(D: Edward Winterbourne - Nov 93)
Per bend bendy Arg & Az & Arg, in base 3 oak leaves in bend Vt.
(D: Karel of Silfren Mere - Mar 07)
Per bend Gu & Arg, 3 mullets bendwise in bend ctrch. (D: Tncos
Jnos - Apr 91)
Per bend Gu & Az, 3 fleurs-de-lys in bend Or. (D: Helevisa de
Horsmonden - Feb 02)
Per bend potenty Arg & Az, in bend 3 fleurs-de-lis palewise Az &
in bend 3 triskalions of armored legs Or. (D: Cushag an Ellan
Vannin - Jan 81)
Per bend Purp & bendy sin Or & Purp, a bee & 3 fleurs-de-lys in
bend Or. (D: Eufemia Serafina da Bergamo - Apr 98)
Per bend Sa & Or, in bend 3 quill pens bendwise sin counterchanged. (D: Robert atte Quill - Nov 00)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, in bend 3 cinquefoils ctrch. (D: Katrein
Adler - Nov 02)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, in bend 3 equal-armed Celtic crosses ctrch.
(D: Kathleen MacLaughlen - Oct 05)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, in bend 3 fleurs-de-lys ctrch. (D: Gaston
Dalstein - Apr 04)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, in bend 3 gouttes palewise ctrch. (D:
Anastasya Vasilyevna Katayeva - Nov 81)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, in bend 3 mullets of 4 points palewise
within a bord ctrch. (D: Imric Snowspear - Apr 82)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, 3 roses in bend betw 2 bendlets, all ctrch.
(D: Anna Herold von Ossenheim - Apr 86)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, in bend 3 wolves passant ctrch. (D: Mac
Con mac Conaill - Jan 04)
Per bend sin Az & Or, 3 harps in bend & a bord embat ctrch. (D:
Cassaundra Igraine of Gwynedd - Aug 87)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, in bend 3 bears ramp ctrch. (D: Duncan
Douglas MacPherson - Feb 94)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, in bend 3 lions Arg. (D: Angus Amhas Jan 01)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, in bend an annulet betw 2 trees ctrch. (B:
Cailean Bane McDougall - Feb 96)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a domestic cat couchant guardant Arg & 3
wooden drop spindles in bend proper threaded Vt. (D: Aurore
de Flandres - Sep 97)
Per bend Vt & Sa, 3 roses in bend Arg. (D: Bronwyn McKay
Kellough - Mar 98)

Arrangement - In bend - 3 (continued)

Per fess Or & Vt, a mountain range issuant from the line of division
Az, overall a pine tree proper betw in base 3 garbs in bend Or
& a cow statant Gu. (D: Vermont, State of - May 99)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Per fess Sa & Arg, in chf a needle bendwise sin Arg & in dexter
base in bend 3 gouttes-de-sang. (B: Elaina de Sinistre Dec 82) (For Ladies Sewing Circle of Storvik)
Per fess Sa & Az, in bend a swan naiant contourny reguardant betw
2 decrescents Arg. (D: Norbert of Iken - Jan 94)
Per fess Sa & Vt, in bend 3 suns Or. (D: Fria Srkvisdttir Aug 03)
Per pale Arg & Az, in bend 3 crescents ctrch. (D: Durien of Glarus
- Nov 82)
Per pale Gu & Az, in bend 3 Latin crosses moline Arg. (D: Linnet
Saunpite - Oct 94)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 3 towers in bend betw 2 roses ctrch. (D: Anna
de Curson - Apr 97)
Per pale Vt & Az, 3 mullets in bend Arg. (D: Meghan Ruadh nic
Guinne - Jul 02)
Purp, in bend 3 pegasi courant bendwise betw 2 bendlets Arg. (D:
Kalida Aristana - Dec 82)
Purp, 3 increscents in bend betw 2 ferrets statant Arg. (D: Gemma
Rosalia - Oct 05)
Purp, 3 roses in bend Or, a bord invected Or semy-de-lis Purp. (D:
Lavina de Beaujolais - Sep 94)
Purp, 3 thistles in bend Or, a chf checky Purp & Or. (D: Petronilla
of Argyll - Jul 97)
Quarterly Az & pean, 3 weavers knots in bend Arg. (D: Gwyneth
Felton - Sep 95)
Quarterly Gu & Or, in bend 3 cats face, a bord engrailed ctrch. (D:
Benedict of Luzern - Feb 99) (? blazon type for "faces")
Quarterly indented Vt & Sa, 3 gilly flowers in bend Arg seeded Or.
(D: Grainne inghean ui Ghobhann - Mar 99)
Quarterly Or & Arg, 3 mullets of six points bendwise Purp. (D:
Michael of Bree - Jan 74?)
Quarterly Or & Sa, in bend 3 hearts ctrch. (D: Raymond the
Iconoclast - Aug 99)
Quarterly Or & Vt, in bend 3 anvils Sa betw in bend sin 2 pairs of
axes in salt Or. (D: Eoghan of Dragonsfire Tor - Jul 02)
Quarterly Vt & Az, 3 thrushes in bend contourny Or. (D: Jocetta
Thrushleigh of Rowansgarth - Aug 98)
Quarterly Vt & ermine, in bend a decrescent, a mullet & an
increscent all Arg. (D: Miranda of Silvandel - Jul 74?)
Quarterly Vt & Or, in bend a hammer Sa betw 2 lightning bolts
palewise Or. (D: Rdger der Kreiger von Nrnberg May 07)
Sa, in bend 3 crescents Arg. (D: Cathan MacCullaich - Mar 06)
Sa, in bend 3 eagles disp bendwise betw 2 bendlets Or. (D:
Andreas Schwingehammer - Jul 01)
Sa, in bend 3 eagles palewise rising, wings addorsed, Gu fimbriated
Or. (B: Catriona Gillander - Jan 81)
Sa, in bend 3 plates, each charged with a compass star Gu, all
within a bord Or, ermined Gu. (D: Stephan Schwartzwald Mar 90)
Sa, in bend 3 valknuts betw 2 bendlets Arg. (D: Valdis
Isbrandsdottir - Jan 06)
Sa, 3 cinquefoils in bend Or betw 2 bendlets Arg. (D: Kolfinna
Fitzsimon - Oct 98)
Sa, 3 decrescents in bend betw 2 wolfs heads erased ululant
contourny Arg. (D: Wlfer Drachenhand - Feb 02)
Sa, 3 fleurs-de-lys palewise in bend betw 2 bendlets engrailed all
betw 2 winged lions ramp contourny Arg. (D: Jonathan de
Copeland - Jan 91)
Sa, 3 mullets in bend Arg, & a ford proper. (D: Muirgheal n
Sheanachin - Apr 97)
Sa, 3 patriarchal crosses botonny in bend Or. (D: Tucken Ashford Dec 84)
Sa, 2 bendlets sin Arg, in bend 3 falcons close affronty Or. (D: Jon
Tall of Threehawks - Sep 92)
Sa, 2 bendlets sin Or, & in bend 3 mullets Arg. (D: Anastasia
Vladimirovna - May 85)
Vt, in bend 3 bears passant to sin Or. (D: Ursus Arkuda - Apr 76?)
Vt, in bend 3 escarbuncles of six arms bendwise betw 2 wolves
statant Arg. (D: Dietrich Schneewolf - Feb 01)
Vt, in bend 3 hawks lures Arg. (D: Katerine del Val - Dec 03)
Vt, in bend 3 mascles bendwise Or. (D: Katherine Wert - Mar 08)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 49

[Arrangement - In bend - 3] to [Arrangement - In bend sinister]

Arrangement - In bend - 3 (continued)

Vt, in bend 3 mullets of 4 points palewise Or within a square knot

bendwise throughout Arg. (D: Doyel Mor-Ser - Aug 79)
Vt, in bend 3 wyverns erect to sin Or. (D: Benedetta de Spenser Jan 91)
Vt semy of hawks bells, in bend 3 talbots dormant Arg. (D:
Alianora Munro - Oct 95)
Vt, 3 annulets in bend Or. (D: Astrid Esbjrnsdotter - Dec 94)
Vt, 3 bees bendwise in bend Or. (D: Eleanor du Pr - Apr 96)
Vt, 3 bezants in bend betw 2 bendlets Arg. (D: Ingeborg p rby Oct 01)
Vt, 3 oak leaves bendwise in bend Arg betw 2 bendlets Or. (D:
Hrongvir hrulangr - Nov 03)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In bend - 4 or more

Arg, in bend a heart, a sword bendwise sin, a sword bendwise sin

inv, & a heart Gu. (D: Thomas de Chteau Noir - May 84)
Arg, in bend five cats paw prints bendwise Sa. (D: Cynthia
Waerfaest - Feb 88)
Az, a bend of chain betw 2 great helms & on a chf Or, a unicorn
couchant Sa. (D: Colinet Bradwarden - Sep 95)
Az, in bend 4 horseshoes bendwise Or. (D: Kezia Kiabarta Sep 01)
Az, in bend 4 horseshoes betw 2 4-leaf shamrocks slipped, a bord
Or. (D: Katerina de la Marne - Jun 01)
Bendy sin of six Az & Arg, in bend six roses alternately Arg & Gu
barbed & seeded proper. (D: Elspeth the Semstress of Dunkeld
- Dec 02)
Counter-ermine, in bend 4 ribands Gu issuant from the claws of a
cats paw Arg, itself issuant from sin base. (D: Elenya
Adkoshka - Aug 79?)
Gu, five annulets interlaced in bend within a bord Or. (D:
Catherine de Clare of Alconleigh - Jul 91)
Per bend Arg & Gu, in base five annulets in bend Or. (D: Jeanne
Anne la Bonnetire - Apr 07)
Per bend Arg & Vt, six octofoils in bend 3 & 3 ctrch, all pierced Or.
(D: Carol of Bellatrix - Sep 71?)
Per bend Or & Az, a bend of mullets abased Arg & a sin tierce Az.
(B: Bosnia and Herzegovina - Dec 03) (Flag)(Important
non-SCA flag)
Per bend Sa & Vt, a bend Or betw a compass star & 4 wolfs heads
in bend couped Arg. (D: Galina Petrsdottir - May 93)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, in bend 3 pairs of lozenges bendwise sin
conjoined in bend sin ctrch. (D: Aelfrike Ryngewevyre Mar 91)
Per bend sin Or & Gu, in bend 4 gouttes palewise ctrch. (D:
Adriana de lInconnu - Oct 89)
Per fess Sa & Arg, in bend nine wolf-paw prints ctrch five & 4, in
sin chf a plate. (D: Esther of Darkhaven - Jan 73)
Per pale Purp & Arg, in bend 4 pawprints bendwise ctrch. (B:
rfhlaith Broinnfind nic Bhriain - May 96)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, in bend 2 pairs of stags attires Arg. (D:
Ambrose Kilvintoun - Feb 01)
Sa, a bend of interlaced annulets betw a sword inv & a tree Or. (D:
Marie du Bois - Jan 85)
Sa, in bend 4 winged swine statant Arg. (D: Haluin t Eoforeslea Aug 95)
Sa, in dexter chf 3 lightning flashes bendwise sin in bend Or, in sin
base a mullet Arg. (D: Jeffrey of Spirit Valley - Dec 00)
Sa, six mullets in bend, 3 & 3, Or. (D: Kate Wood - Feb 75?)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In bend sinister

(Fieldless) In bend sin a fret couped Or sustained by a clenched sin

gauntlet aversant bendwise Sa. (B: Samus Maoil Riain May 06)
(Fieldless) In bend sin a hawk striking wings disp Sa tailed
sustaining a triquetra Gu. (B: Morgan mac Melin - Sep 02)
(Fieldless) In bend sin 3 mullets of 4 points conjoined Arg. (B:
Alysandir Hunter - Apr 03)
(Fieldless) In bend sin 2 pellets linked by a chain Sa. (B: Eleazar
Valentine von Mindelheim - Jul 85)
Arg, a bend sin lozengy betw a lion ramp & in bend sin 3 swords
inv Sa. (D: Ian MacDougall of Skye - Jun 83)
Arg, a chalice Az betw in bend sin 2 talbots heads erased Sa, all
betw 2 scarpes Vt. (D: Pedran Glamorgan - Oct 87)
50 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - In bend sinister (continued)

Arg, a pale bevilled Vt betw in bend sin 2 frets couped Sa. (D:
Rachel OMarron - Jul 95)
Arg, a pale offset Vt betw in bend sin 2 thistles bendwise proper.
(D: Clota ni Ghabhann - May 95)
Arg, in bend sin a raven close Sa & a demi-tower issuant from
dexter base Az, masoned Arg. (B: Lancelin of Ravens Nest Nov 82)
Arg, in bend sin 4 pawprints bendwise sin betw 2 cats sejant
respectant Sa. (D: Honor Catlin MacCurtain - Apr 00)
Arg, in bend sin 3 roundels Vt betw 2 scarpes gemel Sa. (D:
Catherine Hunter - Aug 07)
Arg, in bend sin 2 boars heads couped close, a bord Gu. (D:
Thorvaldr Hrlfsson - Oct 97)
Arg, seven triangles erect Az conjoined in bend sin abased, in sin
chf a bezant fimbriated Gu. (D: Geoffrey of Tannelorn Oct 76?)
Arg, 3 eagles in bend sin betw 2 scarpes Az. (D: Vladimir of
Wroclaw - Dec 92)
Arg, 3 hearts in bend sin Sa within a bord wavy Gu. (D: Juliana da
Mestre - Oct 91)
Arg, 3 lozenges Sa in bend sin betw 2 scarpes Gu betw 2 cats sejant
respectant each lifting a forepaw Sa. (D: Loinseach Mac an
Leisdeir - Feb 96)
Az, a bend Arg, in bend sin 3 domestic cats salient ctrch. (D:
Eleanor of Almedan - Jun 84)
Az, a cat salient betw 2 fleurs-de-lys in bend sin Or. (D: Kateline
de Lys - Dec 01)
Az, a Celtic cross betw in bend sin 2 pheasants, each facing to sin
bearing in its beak an olive branch, all Or. (D: Muirdeach of
Carrigart - Oct 87)
Az, a chain of six annulets bendwise sin throughout Arg betw 2
escallops Or. (D: Elwyn Lytefoote - May 84)
Az, a riven star betw in bend sin 2 laurel wreaths, all Arg. (D:
Rivenstar - Aug 79)
Az, five mullets in bend sin betw a decrescent & an increscent, all
Arg. (D: Berengaria of Lincoln - Nov 86)
Az, 4 mascles in bend sin Arg betw 2 torches Or, flamed proper.
(D: Mark Lightburn - Jun 91)
Az, in bend sin 3 fish naiant to sin base, a bord Or. (D: Olafr
Melrakki - Sep 92)
Az, in bend sin 3 lightning bolts bendwise Or. (D: Donnchad
MacGadfraidh - Sep 01)
Az, in bend sin 3 swans naiant within an orle wavy, all Arg. (D:
Otfrid Ammerthaler - Feb 86)
Az, in bend sin 2 quavers Or. (B: Killian MCahall - Nov 01)
Az, in bend sin 2 rams heads, erased & respectant, within a bord
Arg. (D: Carlos Richey - Oct 89)
Az, 3 lozenges palewise in bend sin within a double tressure Arg.
(D: Ian Dragonfang - Jun 86)
Az, 2 towers palewise in bend sin Arg. (B: Towers, the - Feb 85)
Bendy sin Arg & Az, in bend sin 2 wolfs heads erased contourny
Gu. (D: Wolfram Brant - Jan 00)
Checky Az & Arg, 2 harps reversed in bend sin & a bord Gu. (B:
Collawyn Lughaidh O Cearbhaill - Oct 90)
Ermine, in bend sin 3 hearts Az. (D: Christina O Ryan - Dec 92)
Gu, in bend sin 3 oak leaves bendwise within a bord Or. (D:
Aurddeilen ap Robet - Feb 86)
Gyronny pean & Or, in bend sin a lion ramp reguardant contourny
& a lion ramp reguardant Gu. (D: Colin Campbell de Leith May 02)
Or, a dexter gore & in sin chf a mask of comedy & a mask of
tragedy in bend sin, all Az. (D: Elaina Genevieve dAndance Oct 87)
Or, an otter ramp guardant contourny betw in bend sin 2 ermine
spots Sa. (D: Kormk Tryggvason - Oct 92)
Or, five compass stars in bend sin Sa betw 2 scarpes Az & in dexter
chf a compass star Gu. (D: William of Vielburgen - Mar 87)
Or, in bend sin a mullet of five greater & five lesser points Vt & a
stag springing Sa, a bord Gu. (D: Connor the Hunter May 07)
Or, in bend sin a wooden mallet bendwise inv proper & a woodhandled chisel bendwise inv proper bladed Arg, a bord Sa. (D:
Tomaso Floreano - Jul 01)
Or, in bend sin 3 trees blasted & eradicated & embowed to dexter,
within on a bord Sa a laurel wreath Or. (D: Borderwinds Oct 85)

[Arrangement - In bend sinister]

Arrangement - In bend sinister (continued)

Pean, 3 annulets in bend sin Or. (D: Asha of the Outlands Dec 91)
Per bend Arg & Purp, in bend sin 2 fish naiant in annulo ctrch. (D:
Mahliqa bint Ali - May 02)
Per bend Az & Arg, 3 torches palewise in bend sin ctrch. (D:
Karen Stevenson - Jun 85)
Per bend Az & Gu, in bend sin a moon in her complement Arg, & a
phoenix Or. (D: Livia of Ravenswode - Dec 85)
Per bend embat Sa & Gu, in bend sin 2 swords crossed in salt & a
deaths head Arg. (D: Thorvald of Dragonsfjord - Jun 85)
Per bend Gu & Or, in bend sin 3 crosses crosslet fitchy ctrch. (D:
Magdalen Ainslee MacNeil - May 88)
Per bend Or & Sa, in bend sin 2 calla lilies stems issuant from the
line of division ctrch. (D: Celainn n Neachtain - Apr 98)
Per bend Or & Vt, 2 linden leaves in bend sin stems issuant from
the line of division ctrch. (D: Katerina of the Debatable Lands
- Jan 08)
Per bend raguly Gu & Arg, 3 bones bendwise in bend sin & a fleam
ctrch. (D: Lawrence Taillefer the Leech - Apr 85)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a wolfs head cabossed betw in bend sin a
sword bendwise inv & a sword bendwise, all ctrch. (D:
Brandolf Abelard - Feb 85)
Per bend Sa & Vt, in bend sin 3 crosses formy Or. (D: Eric von
Wald - Oct 90)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, in bend sin 3 butterflies bendwise sin Az.
(D: Ailleann inghean Fhiodhbhuidhe - Jul 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, in bend sin a chain throughout fracted Sa
betw a Latin cross patonce Gu & a standing balance Arg. (D:
Malachai von Riga - Jul 98)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, in bend sin five hearts bendwise sin ctrch.
(D: Nita of Forgotten Sea - Jun 04)
Per bend sin Arg & Or, 3 dexter hands in bend sin & a lion ramp
Gu, a bord Sa. (D: amonn mac Alaxandair - Jan 08)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, in bend sin 3 lozenges bendwise sin
conjoined throughout ctrch. (B: Gwyneth Banfhidhleir Aug 84)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, 3 annulets in bend sin ctrch. (D: Giana
Gabriella da Milano - Jan 03)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a horse salient Arg & 3 horseshoes in bend
sin Az. (D: Ponce Rodrigo de Loronha - Sep 99)
Per bend sin Az & Or, in bend sin 3 mullets of 4 points Gu betw in
bend a narwhal naiant embowed bendwise sin & an Emperor
penguin statant affronty, head to sin, proper. (D: Phelan of
Penguinroost - Sep 83)
Per bend sin Az & Or, in bend sin 3 spears bendwise ctrch. (D:
Aaron Wolfe Gunnvarson - May 91)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, an owls head couped affronty betw in bend
a mullet & an increscent bendwise sin Arg. (D: Ceallach Llyn
Tremen - Mar 87)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, in bend sin 3 bezants. (D: Jared le Tregettur
- May 92)
Per bend sin Gu & Or, a bend sin fusily betw 2 roundels each
charged with a wolfs head erased contourny all ctrch. (D:
Bjorn Torvaldsson - Oct 99)
Per bend sin Or & Gu, 3 escallops in bend sin & a sea-horse erect
ctrch. (D: Angharad ferch Gareth - Aug 86)
Per bend sin Or & Purp, in bend sin 2 butterflies bendwise sin ctrch,
the one in chf inv. (D: Gwyneth of Hillhaven - Feb 86)
Per bend sin Purp & Arg, in bend 2 unicorns ramp & in bend sin 2
roses all ctrch. (D: Magdalen Woderose - Sep 07)
Per bend sin Purp & Arg, 3 fleurs-de-lys in bend sin ctrch. (D:
Maria ferch Emrys - Dec 92)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt, 3 roses in bend sin Arg, barbed & seeded
proper, & a catamount sejant Or. (D: Genevieve Rose de
Glendalough - Jan 99)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, a bend sin of five rustres bendwise sin
conjoined ctrch betw an open book Arg, bound Or, & a falcon
to sin close guardant Gu, belled, jessed, & hooded Sa. (D:
Cynric of Bedwyn - Nov 85)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, in bend sin 3 roses betw in bend a dagger
fesswise reversed & a dagger fesswise ctrch. (D: Elisabetta
Rosa - Oct 02)
Per bend sin vairy Vt & Or & Gu, a raven contourny Sa & 3 cups in
bend sin Or. (D: Wulstan of Ravenswood - Apr 97)
Per bend sin wavy Or & Az, 3 tulip blossoms in bend sin Gu & 3
cushions in bend sin Or. (D: Cameron de Halby - Sep 95)

Arrangement - In bend sinister (continued)

Per bend Vt & Az, in bend sin 3 tulip-poplar leaves Or. (D: Viviana
Fiorentina - Nov 03)
Per bend Vt & Az, in bend sin 2 horses heads couped & addorsed
Arg. (D: Gustav von Silberwald - Dec 04)
Per bend Vt & Purp, in bend sin 3 mullets Arg. (B: Ulrich von
Landstuhl - Nov 00) (JB: Ysabel Natalia Osorio de Len)
Per bend wavy Gu & Sa, 3 lozenges in bend sin within a bord Arg.
(D: Alisaundre of Greyhame - Oct 92)
Per pale Az & Arg, in bend sin 2 frogs sejant affronty ctrch. (D:
Cecilia of Dun Carraig - Jan 07)
Per pale embat Arg & Sa, 2 mullets of five greater & five lesser
points in bend sin ctrch. (D: Talan Bardd - Oct 01)
Per pale embowed counterembowed Gu & Arg, in bend sin 2
roundels ctrch. (D: Dalkr Kyr - Jun 98)
Per pale Gu & Arg, in bend sin a mullet of six points betw 2 mullets
of twelve points within a bord ctrch. (D: Pieter of the High
Hills - Mar 83)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 3 compass stars in bend sin Or. (D: Awilda
Haeulfdan - Apr 85)
Per pale Purp & Vt, in bend sin 2 millrinds Or. (D: Robert
McGuiness - Jul 03)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a unicorn horn throughout betw 2 roundels in
bend sin Arg. (D: Penelope Cambden - Mar 93)
Purp, a natural tiger couchant guardant Or marked Sa betw 2
sexfoils in bend sin Arg all within a bord Or. (D: Zoraya de
Navarra - Apr 02)
Purp, five daisies in bend sin Or betw a decrescent & an owl Arg.
(D: Katya Aleksievna Polunochnika - Oct 91)
Purp, in bend sin a castle triply-towered & a unicorn ramp to sin
Arg. (D: Miriam Therese Believer of Dreams - Feb 90)
Purp, 3 delfs voided interlaced in bend sin Arg. (D: Robert de
Spenser of Wessex - May 91)
Purp, 3 roses in bend sin Arg betw 2 scarpes Or, betw a horses
head erased contourny & a horses head erased Arg. (D: Jenny
Lynn of Carlisle - Jan 93)
Purp, 2 handbells bendwise in bend sin Or. (D: Katryna Widova
Kolokolova - Nov 98)
Quarterly Arg & Az, in bend sin 2 bees Or within a bord embat
ctrch. (D: Annaka Poznanska - May 08)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, in bend sin 3 roundels ctrch. (D: Dart Dumas
- Oct 95)
Quarterly Arg ermined Az & Or, in bend sin 2 compass stars all
within a bord Az. (D: Alistair Kirk - Feb 04)
Quarterly Az & Arg, in bend sin a teazel head & a Catherines
wheel Sa within a bord ctrch. (D: Beatrix Elizabeth de Lara Mar 84)
Quarterly Az & Arg, in bend sin 2 legless wyverns erect embowed
& counterembowed Sa. (D: Avery of the Wode - Sep 06)
Quarterly Az & Arg, in bend sin 2 roundels Gu. (D: Robert
MacAllister of Loch Fyne - Apr 98)
Quarterly Az & Arg, in bend sin 2 sprigs of forget-me-nots palewise
proper. (D: Tamara la Gracieuse de Tours - Jan 82)
Quarterly Az & ermine, in bend sin 2 tawny owls contourny proper.
(D: Danielis Pyrsokomos - Jan 93)
Quarterly Az & Purp, a boars head couped betw 2 towers in bend
sin Or. (D: Connor of Drei Eichen - Oct 96)
Quarterly Az & Sa, 3 Latin crosses bottony in bend sin Or. (D:
Fonnlaoch OhAirt - Jun 91)
Quarterly Az ermined Arg & Sa, a Russian wolfhound courant
bendwise betw in bend sin 2 gamecocks Arg. (D: Akilina
Ioanna Rostislavova - Oct 95)
Quarterly barry of eight Arg, Gu & Az, & Or, on an inescutcheon
Vt betw 2 staves palewise in bend sin Sa each capped by a
roundel pierced Arg, a mullet Or. (D: Hawaii, State of May 99) (Important non-SCA arms)
Quarterly counterermine & Vt, in bend sin 4 swords inv Arg. (D:
Finn de Kirkpatrick - Nov 02)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, in bend sin 2 crosses fleury Sa. (D: Enrique
Matias de Rojas - Aug 02)
Quarterly Gu & Az, in bend sin a Danish axe sustained by a bear
ramp contourny Arg. (D: Leifr Vagnsson - Sep 03)
Quarterly Gu & Or, in bend sin a catamount ramp & another
contourny Sa. (D: Cunradt Scholl von Franken - Aug 01)
Quarterly Gu ermined Or & Sa, in bend sin 2 phoenixes facing sin
Or rising from flames proper. (D: Roland le Rouge - May 07)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 51

[Arrangement - In bend sinister] to [Arrangement - In chevron]

Arrangement - In bend sinister (continued)

Quarterly Or & Arg, a duck volant betw in bend sin 2 arrows

bendwise Sa. (D: Lewis ODonald - Jun 95)
Quarterly Or & Sa, in bend sin 2 double-bitted axes Arg. (D:
Richard of Walterma - Oct 83)
Quarterly pean & Gu, in bend sin 3 thistles Or. (D: Pdraign
hEachach - Jul 01)
Quarterly per pale embat Arg semy of pheons Sa, & Sa, 2 wings in
bend sin Arg. (D: lfgar Greyseas - Sep 92)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, in bend sin 2 roses proper. (D: Christiana
dello Falco - Sep 93)
Quarterly Sa & Az, in bend sin 2 single-headed chess knights
contourny Arg. (D: Stevyn of Leicester - Jan 98)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, in bend sin 2 Bowen knots Sa, fimbriated Or.
(D: Einrich Armpittsbaine - Sep 80)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, in bend sin 2 drakkars Arg. (D: Ott
rauskeggr - Feb 03)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, in bend sin 2 jawless skulls Arg. (D: Bodo
Rosti - Jun 88)
Quarterly Sa & Or, a cross crosslet throughout ctrch betw in bend
sin a griffins head erased & another erased contourny Sa. (D:
Guido Martini of Trinacria - Feb 94)
Quarterly Sa & Or, in bend sin a griffin & a griffin contourny Gu.
(D: Seamus an Bhogha Bhearnaigh Mac an tSaoi - Nov 03)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, in bend sin 2 falcons belled Sa. (D: Elspeth
MacTaggart - May 97)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, in bend sin 2 roses slipped & leaved bendwise
sin Sa. (B: Kathleen MacChluarain the Pure - May 03)
Quarterly Vt & Az, 2 hedgehogs in bend sin Or. (D: Cristiane
Woayde - Mar 06)
Quarterly Vt & Sa, in bend sin 2 paw prints Arg. (D: Angel la
Fiera - Feb 03)
Sa, a garden rose, slipped, betw 2 decrescents in bend sin, all within
an orle Arg. (D: Benjamin di Rosa of Aldea - Jan 85)
Sa, in bend sin a Chinese dragon couchant bendwise Or & another
couchant to sin bendwise Arg. (D: Dair Hawkwind of Skara
Brae - Mar 86)
Sa, in bend sin a crescent inv & a demi-sun inv Arg. (B: Ilya the
Fey - Aug 81)
Sa, in bend sin an axe inv reversed & an axe both bendwise sin Or
betw 2 scarpes, overall a column Arg. (B: Axemoor - Apr 98)
(For Order of the White Pillars of Axemoor)
Sa, in bend sin an axe inv reversed & an axe both bendwise sin Or
betw 2 scarpes, overall a shamshir inv bendwise Arg. (B:
Axemoor - Feb 98) (For Company of Hussars of Axemoor)
Sa, in bend sin 3 mascles palewise betw 2 scarpes Arg. (D: Ilia filia
Symeon - Jul 99)
Sa, in bend sin 3 mullets of 4 points conjoined all within an orle
Arg. (D: Alysandir Hunter - Apr 03)
Sa, 3 mullets in bend sin Or. (D: Asad de Barcelona - Oct 03)
Sa, 3 pallets & 3 bendlets fretted, betw in bend sin a rabbit ramp
contourny, maintaining a sword, & a natural panther ramp Arg.
(D: Shea mac Conn - May 93)
Vair, 2 bendlets & in bend sin a laurel wreath betw 2 tygers passant
to sin Or. (D: Northpass - Jan 87)
Vt, a mill-rind betw in bend sin 2 estoiles Or. (B: Garanhir of Ness
- Feb 84) (For Ahab ibn Ben-Achmed)
Vt, a scarpe Or, overall in bend sin 2 foxes courrant & countercourrant fesswise ctrch. (D: James Douglas Eastland Apr 80)
Vt, betw the horns of a decrescent bendwise sin 4 mullets bendwise
sin in bend sin Arg. (B: Comoros - Sep 95) (Important nonSCA flag)
Vt, 4 wolf pawprints bendwise sin in bend sin betw 2 wolves heads
erased Arg. (D: Olwen verch Heilyn Blaidd - Apr 99)
Vt, in bend sin a double-sail-backed salamander statant bendwise
embowed Arg, orbed Gu, & a bowl fesswise Or flammant
proper. (D: Ambros Celidonis - Oct 81)
Vt, in bend sin a goats head couped & a patriarchal cross within a
bord embat Arg. (D: David Friedrich von Einbeck - Dec 03)
Vt, in bend sin a mullet of 4 points bendwise sin & an owl close
affronty chased Arg. (D: Morna of Cenydd - Mar 72?)
Vt, in bend sin 4 wolfs heads contourny couped Arg. (D: Feln
Caomhnach - May 93)
Vt, in bend sin 3 acorns inv slipped & leaved Or. (B: Conchobar
mac Lochlainn - Jan 05)

52 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - In bend sinister (continued)

Vt, in bend sin 3 paw prints bendwise sin & in dexter chf a cat
sejant to sin, forepaw raised, all within a bord Arg. (D:
Juliana Greyfern Kindlehurst of Clowderhome - Mar 88)
Vt, in bend sin 2 winged sheep statant contourny Arg within a bord
Arg semy of acorns proper. (D: Colm Caimbeul - Aug 93)
Vt, 3 increscents in bend sin betw 2 scarpes Arg. (D: Lydia
Brittanica - May 92)
* * * End * * *
Arrangement - In bordure: see Arrangement - In orle

Arrangement - In chevron

(Fieldless) A feather fracted in chev Arg. (B: Romula Rethe of the

Cleftlands - Aug 97)
(Fieldless) A griffins head erased Az & overall a snake glissant
chevronwise Sa. (B: Llawdden MacGryphon - Sep 86) (For
Clan MacGryphon)
(Fieldless) A snake glissant chevronwise Sa. (B: Llawdden
MacGryphon - Sep 86)
(Fieldless) In chev a tower Sa sustained by 2 lions gambes erased
Or. (B: Northkeep - Oct 05) (For Order of the Lions Paw of
(Fieldless) Seven mullets conjoined in chev Or. (B: Mynydd Seren
- Oct 93)
(Fieldless) 3 frets couped conjoined in chev Az. (B: Dubheasa n
Chirn - Sep 06)
Arg, a chev, in chf 2 hammers in chev Vt. (D: Edward le Blanc Apr 98)
Arg, a chev Vt betw 3 pine trees in chev & in salt 2 paint brushes,
all proper. (D: Padraic Anglebourne of Middleborough Apr 83)
Arg, a goblet betw 2 pheons in chev Sa & on a point pointed Vt a
bowed psaltery Arg. (D: Donald Andrew MacDonald Apr 02)
Arg, a pair of gauntlets chevronwise Vt holding a sun Gu, on a chf
Vt 3 mullets Arg. (D: Rudolf von der Drau - Nov 94)
Arg, a stemless Gentian blossom proper, in chev enhanced five
mullets Az. (D: Letitia des Montagnes Bleues - Nov 82)
Arg, in chev five lozenges palewise Sa betw 4 barrulets Gu. (D:
Johannes Peregrinus - Aug 80)
Arg, 3 pine trees couped in chev & a bord Az. (D: Johann vom
Blauholz - Nov 90)
Arg, 2 arrows in chev Sa. (B: Alan Fletcher - Mar 04)
Az, a armored foi in chev issuant from the flanks, on a chf embat
Arg 3 roses proper. (D: Guillaume de Saint Michel - Apr 94)
Az, a chev betw 2 swords in chev, tips crossed, & a unicorns head
couped, a bord embat Arg. (D: Darius the Elder - Oct 93)
Az, a flame Or betw in chf the halves of a sword reversed, fracted in
chev, proper. (D: Mathurin Kerbusso - Aug 89)
Az, a hippogriff segreant within an annulet rayonny on the outer
edge Or & in chf 2 quill pens inv in chev Arg. (D: Micheal
mac Tomas - May 87)
Az, a sin & a dexter half of a fleur-de-lys in chev throughout & in
base a dexter half of a fleur-de-lys fesswise Or. (D:
Engelbrekt Engelbrektsson - May 95) (Important non-SCA
Az, a sword inv betw 2 others in chev, all conjoined at the tips, each
pommeled of an estoille of eight points elongated to chf, & in
chf an estoille of eight points Arg. (D: Evan Aethalwald Jul 80)
Az, in chev a mace & a sword & in base a bears sin pawprint, the
pad voided, Or. (B: Ousa Stefan Llan Llyr - Dec 80)
Az, in chev 2 batons raguly issuant from the flanks, in base a
crescent Or. (D: Drew Oldcastle - May 92)
Az, in chf 2 eagles legs conjoined in chev at the thighs proper, on a
point pointed Sa, fimbriated Arg, a bald eagles head erased
proper. (D: Axel de Orh - Aug 79?)
Az, in pale 2 arrows chevronwise & fracted, points to sin, Or,
barbed & fletched Arg. (D: Louis de la Terre - Oct 87)
Az, 2 cubit arms in chev Or clasping a dagger proper. (D:
Brunhilde Jorgesdottir - May 83)
Ermine, in chev a spear fracted Gu. (B: Eirik Ulfhednar - May 89)
Gu, a human foot reversed couped at the ankle Arg betw in chev
enhanced 2 serpents glissant to chf & another glissant fesswise
to sin Or. (D: Kieran Harden Lampert - Feb 84)

[Arrangement - In chevron]

Arrangement - In chevron (continued)

Gu, betw a chev & a chev inv 2 double-bitted axes in chev Arg. (D:
John Logan - Sep 04)
Gu, five plates in chev, in base a laurel wreath, & on a chf Arg a
Celtic cross flory Sa. (D: Otherhill - Oct 81)
Gu, in chev seven mullets all betw 3 lions ramp Or. (D: Roger le
Brouillard - Sep 02)
Gu, 3 octofoils in chev Arg. (D: Luthian Greystone - Sep 73?)
Gu, 3 patriarchal crosses in chev Or. (D: John of Blackhawk Apr 96)
Or, a serpent glissant in chev Sa, betw 2 oak trees eradicated Vt & a
griffin segreant Az. (D: Llawdden MacGryphon - Oct 85)
Or, on a chev Az betw 3 hearts Gu, 2 swords conjoined at their
points Arg, a bord embat Gu. (B: Clarissa Wykeham Oct 97)
Per chev Arg & Az, 3 mullets in chev & a fox courant ctrch. (D:
Gawin der Fuchs - Oct 07)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 Moors cubit arms in chev issuant from the
flanks proper & a phoenix Arg & on a chf Az 3 annulets Arg.
(D: Jaine Elizabeth Parr - Dec 02)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 quill pens in chev Gu & a sealion regardant
maintaining by the blade a sword Or. (D: Griogair Loganach
a Bhnuillt - Mar 98)
Per chev Arg & Or, 2 vines of ivy in chev Vt & a foxs mask Gu.
(D: Morgan Aleynby - Apr 96)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 3 roses in chev proper & a sword fesswise Arg.
(D: Martin FitzJames - Jan 08)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 2 daggers in chev & a lymphad under full sail
ctrch. (D: Caterine le Marinier - Aug 03)
Per chev Az & Arg, in chf five annulets interlaced in chev Or in
base a fleur-de-lys Sa. (D: Antonio Marco Giovanni Bastiano
- Nov 90)
Per chev Az & Arg, six roundels in chev ctrch, overall a torch Sa
flamed proper. (D: James the Dancer - Jun 75?)
Per chev Az & Arg, 3 fireballs in chev Or & a seadog ramp Vt. (D:
Joo Baptista de Oliveira - Dec 07)
Per chev Az & Gu, a chev betw five mullets in chev & an arrow inv,
all within a bord Arg. (D: Caitlin Ross of Cairngorm Jan 93)
Per chev Az & Vt, in chf six threaded needles inv in chev Arg. (D:
Corisande of Starrhill - Jan 95)
Per chev Az, ermined Or, & Az, 2 armored & gauntleted arms
conjoined in chev & in base a seagull close Arg. (B: Southern
Shores - Jul 81) (For Warlord of Southern Shores)
Per chev counter-ermine & Arg, 2 scimitars in chev, edges to chf
Arg, & a raven Sa. (D: Sarra Hrafnhildr - Jul 92)
Per chev embat Arg & Sa, 2 oak leaves inv in chev Gu & an eagle
Arg. (D: Gaius Aquilius Britannicus - Oct 03)
Per chev embat Gu & Arg, 2 lutes addorsed in chev enhanced Arg
& a rose Gu, barbed, seeded, slipped & leaved Vt. (D:
Percival Vaughan - Jul 84)
Per chev Gu & Az, 2 Oriental dragons passant respectant in chev &
a griffin passant Or. (D: Seraphina le Dauncer - Mar 06)
Per chev Or & Gu, a lute & a flute in chev crossed at the neck Purp
& a snowy owl proper. (D: Elizabeth of Leicester - Jun 06)
Per chev Or & Sa, a chev betw 2 swords in chev & a wolfs head
erased ctrch. (D: Robert Demont - May 98)
Per chev Or & Vt, five shamrocks in chev enhanced & a garden
rosebud slipped & leaved, all ctrch. (D: Nichole of Elfsea Sep 84)
Per chev Purp & Arg, 2 feathers in chev & an apple ctrch. (D:
rennach Mac Conchoille - Feb 97)
Per chev Purp & Vt, in chf 3 estoiles in chev & in base a unicorns
head erased Arg. (D: Alyssa Elphinstone - Feb 94)
Per chev Purp & Vt, in chf 2 swords inv in chev & conjoined at the
pommel Arg & in base 2 fish haurient addorsed Or. (D:
Giovanni Allegri - Feb 96)
Per chev raguly Arg & Az, 3 Celtic crosses in chev Gu & a
keythong passant Or. (D: Robert ap Llywelyn Cynwyd Fawr Sep 04)
Per chev rayonny Sa & Arg, 2 headsmans axes inv & addorsed in
chev & a fox sejant regardant ctrch. (D: Fawkes Bailhache Jan 97)
Per chev rayonny Sa & Purp, a cannon reversed & a cannon in chev
Arg issuing flames proper & a buffalo courant Arg. (D:
Weltschin von Wertheim - Nov 98)

Arrangement - In chevron (continued)

Per chev Sa & Arg, 3 mullets in chev Arg & a double-bitted axe Sa.
(D: Nikolaj Valosatov - Jun 85)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 2 feathers inv in chev & a tower ctrch. (D:
Domnico Bonaugurio - Nov 93)
Per chev Sa & Gu, in chev five mullets Or, all betw 3 crescents Arg.
(D: Hubert FitzBennett - Jul 83)
Per chev Sa & Gu, 3 crosses formy fitchy in chev Or & a boar
courant contourny Arg. (D: Tormod de Palermo - May 98)
Per chev Sa & Or, 3 fleurs-de-lis in chev Or & lying atop a singlehorned anvil a smiths hammer Sa. (D: Gilbert Valker Jul 03)
Per chev throughout urdy Az & Arg, 2 berdiches in chev addorsed
Arg & a peacock in its pride Gu. (D: Anastassia Mikhailovna
Donskoi - Sep 92)
Per chev Vt & Or, 2 quill pens in chev Or & a rose Sa. (D:
Tetchubah of Greenlake - Jan 08)
Per fess Gu & Vt, a sea-unicorn & in chf 2 recorders in chev Or. (D:
Tatiana of Varena - Aug 94)
Per fess indented Gu & Sa, in chf five mullets in chev & in base a
sphere Arg. (B: Lucie de Villebrayant Boniface - Mar 83)
(For the Otherhill Drama Guild)
Per pale Az & Gu, in chev a sun Or & 2 falcons rising respectant,
wings disp Arg. (D: Vivienne Kestrel la Fauconnire Mar 06)
Per pale Gu & Sa, an escallop inv Arg betw in chf 3 bezants in chev
& in base a bezant. (D: Simonetta Giuliana Polissena
Ambrosini - May 82)
Per pale Gu & Vt, in chev an axe Arg hafted proper & a needle inv
& on a chf Arg 3 trefoils Vt. (D: Thorin of Caid - Jun 06)
Per pale invected Arg & Sa, 2 daggers in chev ctrch, a mount Gu.
(D: Catarina Veronese - Apr 07)
Per pale Vt & Az, 2 marlins haurient respectant in chev Arg. (B:
Marinus - May 98) (For the Award of the Marlin)
Per salt Vt & pean, a dragon passant Or, gorged of a county coronet
Gu, in chf 3 mullets in chev Arg. (B: Rhiannon of the Isle Apr 98)
Purp, seven mullets in chev betw 2 laurel wreaths & a phoenix Or.
(D: Mynydd Seren - Jul 83)
Sa, a chev embat Gu fimbriated Arg betw 2 swords in chev proper
& a wolfs head couped contourny Arg. (D: Elias mac
Griogair - Jun 01)
Sa, a dagger inv Arg beneath 3 sharks embowed in chev Or. (D:
Robert Leavenworth - Jan 73?)
Sa, a pine tree Arg, trunked & betw in chf 2 lightning bolts in chev
Or. (D: Duncan Alaric MacDonald - Jul 92)
Sa, an arrow reversed fracted chevronwise Or. (B: Douglas of
Blackstone - Oct 83)
Sa, in chev five compass stars elongated palewise Or. (B: Johann
von Sternberg - Sep 00)
Sa, 2 arrows in chev Arg. (B: Alan Fletcher - Mar 04)
Sa, 2 swords crossed in chev enhanced & in base a rose Arg,
surmounting the swords 3 Roman helmets, one & 2, Or,
crested Gu. (D: Barak Elandris Hanno von Halstern Feb 81)
Sa, 2 swords in salt proper, in chf 3 mullets in chev Arg. (B:
Meridies - Dec 96) (For Companionate of the Meridian
Kings Champion)
Vt, a broken snaffle-bit chevronwise Arg & in base a sun Or. (D:
Elizabeth de la Vigne - Jan 84)
Vt, a chev betw 3 apples in chev & a lion sejant, queue-forchy Arg.
(D: Julienne Thorne - Dec 96)
Vt, a dragon passant Or, gorged of a county coronet Gu,
maintaining an hourglass proper, in chf 3 mullets in chev Arg.
(B: Rhiannon of the Isle - Apr 98)
Vt, a pair of cubit arms issuant in chev & crossed at the wrists Arg.
(D: Sine NicChluarain - Dec 82)
Vt, in chev five mullets of 4 points Arg. (B: Bran of Lochiel Aug 04)
Vt, in chev 3 roundels betw in base a goblet & on a chf Or a serpent
nowed Gu. (D: Melissa of Greenbranch - Jan 84)
Vt, in pale a wolf passant, & seven thistles in chev Arg. (D:
Connor MacGregor - Nov 96)
Vt, in pale 3 annulets interlaced one & 2 Or & in chev 2 doublepointed knitting needles Arg. (D: Johanna MacAnna Jun 99)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 53

[Arrangement - In chevron] to [Arrangement - In cross - Argent]

Arrangement - In chevron (continued)

Vt, on a chev betw in chev 3 mullets of six points & a pine tree
eradicated Or a fleur-de-lys Vt. (D: Robyn FitzGeoffrey Jun 83)
Vt, 2 crab apple leaves inv, stems in salt Arg, within an annulet Or.
(D: Gytha Hakonardottir - May 88)
Vt, 2 rapiers conjoined in chev Arg. (D: Amannita Villarosa Jul 04)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In chevron inverted

See also: Arrangement - In pile

(Fieldless) A unicornate natural seahorse betw 2 swords in chev inv
points in base, all Or. (B: Atlantia - Feb 85) (For Kings
(Fieldless) An ankh & a feather conjoined at base in chev inv Az.
(B: Aletheia Isidora of Philae - Apr 98)
(Fieldless) 2 Aeoli with breaths conjoined, Arg. (B: Elvegast Aug 79)
(Fieldless) 2 oak leaves in chev inv conjoined at the stems Arg. (B:
Atenveldt, Kingdom of - Jul 05)
Arg, a hawk volant to base betw 2 arrows in chev inv Sa, a base
engrailed Az. (D: Owain of Hawksford - Dec 89)
Arg, a rats head cabossed & in chf a roundel Sa betw 2 daggers in
chev inv Gu. (D: Donald the Rat - Jun 96)
Arg, a sun betw 2 lightning bolts in chev inv & on a chf embat Sa 3
crescents Arg. (D: Bldwyn Honestus - Apr 02)
Arg, a winged sword, wings inv, Sa, maintained by a gauntlet
issuant from sin base & in chf 2 jugglers clubs in chev inv Gu.
(D: Thomas the Wanderer - Jan 91)
Arg, in pale a wolfs head caboshed Sa & 4 roses in chev inv Gu,
slipped & leaved, all within a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Caer
Penbledd - Jul 84)
Arg, semy-de-lys Gu, 2 quill pens in chev inv Sa, issuant in base
from a pheon Az. (D: Madelaine Bouvier - Feb 90)
Arg, 2 swords in chev inv Sa & a mountain Vt. (D: Cormac na
Sgeine Dhubhe - Nov 90)
Az, in chev inv seven mullets & in chf a gem ring Or gemmed Gu.
(D: Elizabeth la Brouillarde - Oct 04)
Az, in pale 2 wolfs heads erased addorsed & conjoined at the neck
Arg & 2 calipers in chev inv the chiefmost prongs crossed Or.
(B: Borealis - Dec 99) (For the Order of the Silverwolf)
Az, on a pall betw a bridge of 3 arches & 2 spoons in chev inv Arg
3 knives in pall handles to center Az. (D: Jacob Simon of
Carolingia - Oct 04)
Az, six lace bobbins in chev inv Or, threaded Arg, the threads
issuant from a bezant in chf. (D: Britta Jonasdotter - Oct 88)
Az, 2 maple leaves in chev inv, conjoined at the stems Arg. (D:
Angelina Foljambe - Dec 92)
Az, 2 quill pens in chev inv, & in base an ornamented trivet in
profile Or. (D: Maria Teresa Ribeiro dos Santos - Oct 84)
Ermine, 2 oak leaves in chev inv, stems in base, Vt & Or, in chf a
dagger inv Sa. (B: Hans von Bremen - Jan 73?)
Gu, 2 merlin feathers in pile, points crossed in nombril point, Arg.
(D: Salina of the Dale - Jun 73?)
Or, a bend sin pean betw 2 quill pens crossed in base Az & a cat
sejant affronty Sa. (D: Maria del Gato - Mar 87)
Per chev inv Az & Sa, a cinquefoil Or & 2 arrows inv in chev inv
Arg. (D: Adelheidis Sptauf - Sep 03)
Per chev inv Gu & Arg, a winged clay pot & 2 quill pens in chev
inv ctrch. (D: Elynor of Glastonbury - Sep 07)
Per chev inv Gu & Or, in chf a bee & in base five lozenges in chev
inv ctrch. (D: Amelinne de Louvain - Dec 03)
Per chev inv Purp & Or, a longbow Or & 2 arrows in chev inv Purp.
(D: Odd Bjarnarson - Apr 08)
Per pale Arg & Purp, six billets in chev inv & a bord embat ctrch.
(D: Aldric Haldane of Griswold - Sep 84)
Per pale Arg & Vt, 2 oak leaves in chev inv ctrch fructed in base
proper. (D: Shauna OShaughnessy - Oct 85)
Per pale Or & Az, in fess a cubit arm maintaining an arrow palewise
inv Sa conjoined in chev inv to another maintaining an arrow
palewise Or. (D: Katherine Fletcher of Stonemarche Jan 90)
Per pale Or & Gu, a heart fracted & in base a sword fracted, point to
sin, the pieces in chev inv ctrch. (D: Odo Uthyr of Jararvellir
- Jun 93)

54 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - In chevron inverted (continued)

Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 quills conjoined in pile ctrch, a chf Gu. (B:
Society for Creative Anachronism, Chronicler of the Nov 80)
Per pale Sa & Az, in pale a sea-gull volant & 2 quills pens
conjoined in chev inv Arg. (D: Araldo Antonio Maiella Dec 91)
Per pale Sa & Or, 3 chevronels braced, in chf 2 feathers in chev inv,
within a bord, all ctrch. (D: Gwenddoleu Idonea of the White
Dove - Jan 84)
Per pall Vt, Or & Arg, 2 oak leaves conjoined in chev inv Vt fructed
proper. (D: Joanna de Bocage - Dec 99)
Sa, a dexter arm embowed fesswise armored & gauntleted, fist
clenched, Arg, in chf a dexter gauntlet clenched palewise inv
betw 2 lightning flashes in chev inv Or. (D: Olaf Armcrusher Jun 81)
Sa, a quill pen & an arrow, crossed at their points Or, in chf a
candle Arg, enflamed Or. (B: Chidiock the Younger - Oct 91)
Sa, seven spears palewise in chev inv Or. (D: Elric Mounteney Oct 87)
Sa, 2 willow leaves in chev inv Or, on a chf Arg a fox courant
proper. (D: Aileve of the Mists - Nov 94)
Vt, a pair of cats eyes in chev inv Or slitted Vt, a base indented Or.
(D: Charles Veitch - Feb 06)
Vt, in chev inv 2 swords conjoined at the pommels proper betw 2
chevronels inv & in chf a stags head erased Or. (D: Peredur
Theron of Monmouth - Apr 84)
* * * End * * *
Arrangement - In compass star: see Arrangement - In annulo

Arrangement - In cross - Argent

(Fieldless) A cross of five mascles Arg. (B: Ellesbeth Donofrey Sep 04)
(Fieldless) A cross of 4 ermine spots conjoined Arg. (B: Darya
Kazakova - Oct 96)
(Fieldless) A cross of 4 lozenges Arg. (B: Disa blatonn - Oct 04)
(Fieldless) A cross of 4 lozenges Arg, within & conjoined to a torse
wreathed Az & Or. (B: Giovanni Rocco - Dec 98)
(Fieldless) A Latin cross of bones Arg enfiled with a coronet Sa.
(B: Thorbrandr Olafsson - Jul 99)
(Fieldless) Five mascles conjoined in cross betw 4 sewing needles
in salt, points outward, Arg. (B: Liadaine of Cul Mor Jan 87)
(Fieldless) 4 drawn bows & arrows conjoined in cross arrowheads
outward Arg. (B: Mykola Alecksandr - Aug 99)
(Fieldless) 4 drinking horns interlaced in cross Arg. (B: Ragnar
Kaupmadr - Nov 94)
(Fieldless) 4 swords in cross points to center proper & 4 oak leaves
in salt stems to center all conjoined at the center point Gu. (B:
Brice Colquhoun - Dec 03) (For Fellowship of the Oaken
(Fieldless) In cross a spoon & a key fesswise reversed Arg. (B:
Helene Gabrielle du Lac - Aug 03)
Arg, a Japanese well frame crosswise betw 4 crescents in cross
horns inwards conjoined Gu. (D: Ii Saburou Katsumori Mar 02)
Arg, a salt pierced, on a bord Gu in cross 4 mullets Arg. (B:
Ealdormere - Oct 99) (For the Order of the Wain)
Az, a boulder betw 4 Celtic crosses in cross Arg. (D: Lynne of
Greystone - Nov 89)
Az, a chev throughout wavy & in base 3 mullets & a crescent in
cross Arg. (D: Evangelia de Martin - Apr 99)
Az, a cross of 4 mascles Arg within & conjoined to a mascle Or. (B:
Francesca la Curiosa - Oct 01)
Az, a dove disp wings inv Or betw 4 garden roses in cross Arg. (D:
Mirille la Colombe - Oct 86)
Az, a lit candle betw 4 roses in cross, a bord Arg. (D: Michelle
Blancherose - Feb 97)
Az, a longship betw 4 gouttes in cross Arg. (B: Mord Hrutson the
Green - Jan 87) (For House Regnesfolc)
Az, a mascle Or conjoined in cross with 4 lozenges Arg. (D:
Adrienne Morgaine de Beaumont - Aug 86)
Az, a natural seahorse betw in cross 4 mullets Arg. (D: Elain y
Moryn - Feb 86)

[Arrangement - In cross - Argent]

Arrangement - In cross - Argent (continued)

Az, a pegasus segreant contourny Or in dexter chf a cross of 4

arrowheads conjoined at the points Arg, a gore Or. (D:
Dulcinea Steinhauser - Feb 98)
Az, a unicorn ramp to sin betw in pale 2 compass stars Arg & in
fess 2 plates. (D: Alexis MacAlister of Beverlay - May 84)
Az, an acorn betw 4 oak leaves in cross, stems to center, Arg. (D:
Adalard Rheinholt - May 83)
Az, eight single-bitted axes in cross, set in pairs, addorsed & hafts
to center, Arg. (B: Eirik Dweorgaex - Oct 88) (For House
Az, five mascles conjoined in cross Arg & a gore sin ermine. (D:
Ellesbeth Donofrey - Jun 86)
Az, 4 acorns in cross, caps to center, on a chf dovetailed Arg, a
barrulet Az. (D: Catherine Hope Hastings - Apr 89)
Az, 4 deers hoofprints in cross, heels to center, Arg. (B: Brid nic
Sharlais - Sep 90)
Az, 4 ermine spots in cross bases to center Arg each charged with a
roundel Az. (B: Constance de Montbard - Sep 01)
Az, 4 fleurs-de-lys in cross bases to center Arg. (D: Alienor
Beatrice Lucrezia - Mar 97)
Az, 4 lozenges in cross Arg each charged with an ermine spot Sa.
(D: Havoise de Rohan - May 03)
Az, 4 mullets in cross points outwards Arg. (B: Micronesia,
Federated States of - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Az, 4 swords in cross, points conjoined proper, overall a cartouche
Gu, fimbriated Or. (D: Jaren Bloodstone - May 93)
Az, in chf 4 hearts in cross points outward & in base a wolf statant
contourny ululant Arg. (D: Cara Silverwolf - Jul 91)
Az, in cross a decrescent betw 4 scorpions, heads to center, Arg. (D:
Atar Bakhtar - May 83)
Az, in cross a staff raguly & a staff raguly reversed Arg, on a chf Or
3 annulets Gu. (D: John Dougal MacAndrew - Dec 99)
Az, in cross a sword fesswise reversed proper & a sickle inv Arg.
(D: Mederic de Chastelerault - Nov 05)
Az, in cross five mullets of eight points, on a chf Arg, 3 laurel
wreaths Vt. (D: Saint Brendan - Jan 90)
Az, in pale 2 double-bitted axes in fess conjoined at the handles
surmounted by another palewise, the sin edge notched, proper
& a tower Or. (D: Raymel Notchblade - Mar 83)
Az, on a bend cotised Arg 3 thistles palewise proper, in chf a cross
of 4 lozenges Arg. (D: Fallan of Hathyrwyk - Jun 96)
Az, six acorns, one, 3, one, & one, Arg. (D: Roger Stockton Mar 90)
Az, 2 swords inv & 2 arrows fesswise fretted in cross, a bord Arg.
(D: C Larin Celn - Feb 94)
Gu, a bull ramp betw in cross 4 roses Arg. (D: Murchad Mac
Artgail - Aug 91)
Gu, a crossbow betw 4 thistles in cross Arg. (B: Triaria de la
Rivire - Oct 92)
Gu, a fleur-de-lys betw 4 crescents in cross horns to center &
conjoined at the tips Arg. (B: Kateryn Rous - Feb 02)
Gu, 4 bears paw prints in cross bases to center Arg. (D: Badai
Altai - Sep 02)
Gu, in cross 4 plates, a bord Arg. (D: Haldan Redshield - Jun 00)
Per bend Az & Gu, a cross clechy throughout Or, in sin chf 4
lozenges ploye in cross Arg. (D: Raphael of Silverdale Jan 93)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bird of paradise rising wings disp Or & five
mullets forming the constellation of the Southern Cross Arg.
(B: Papua New Guinea - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per bend Vt & Gu, in cross a spoon & a spoon fesswise reversed
Arg & a pomegranate slipped & leaved Or. (D: Joia de
Tarleton - Oct 07)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev betw 2 crescents & a cross of ermine
spots Arg. (D: Rhiannon of Lostwithiel - Feb 94)
Per chev inv throughout Sa & Vt, in cross 3 crosses forches & a
tower Arg. (D: Elestron an Tor Howlsedhas - Oct 83)
Per chev Sa & Or, in cross a plate, a decrescent, & an increscent
Arg, & a foxs mask Gu. (D: Fiona the Tarnhaunter of
Hazelgrove - Dec 81)
Per fess Vt & Gu, a fess embat betw a mullet of seven points & 4
lozenges in cross Arg. (D: Sarah Fletcher - Jul 81)
Per pale Gu & Az, 4 quatrefoils in cross Arg. (D: Jamila alZuhayriyya - Mar 08)

Arrangement - In cross - Argent (continued)

Per pale Gu & Sa, a compass star dismembered betw in cross 4

crescents, their horns facing inwards, Arg. (D: Manfred
Albrecht von Halsstern - Jan 83)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 4 lozenges palewise in cross within a bord embat
Arg. (D: Oscar of Bentwood - Feb 85)
Per pale Vt & Az, in base 4 mullets in cross, an orle Arg. (D:
Tatiana Nikolaevna Tumanova - Aug 86)
Per pale Vt & Az, in cross 4 lotus blossoms affronty Arg. (B:
Marinus - Apr 99) (For Award of the Water Lily)
Per salt Gu & Sa, a griffin segreant betw 4 crescents in cross Arg.
(D: Bryce of Heronter - Feb 97)
Per salt Gu & Sa, 4 roses Arg barbed & seeded proper. (D:
Aldgytha of Ashwood - Mar 98)
Per salt Purp & Sa, in pale 2 leopards faces jessant-de-lys & in fess
2 caltrops Arg. (D: Neassa ni Fhathaigh - Sep 92)
Per salt Sa & Az, a cross of 4 lozenges Arg. (D: Disa blatonn Oct 04)
Per salt Sa & Az, a laurel wreath betw 4 open books in cross Arg,
each book charged with a bee tergiant Sa, marked Or. (D:
Saint Bartholomew - Feb 88)
Per salt Sa & Gu, 4 owls faces in cross Arg. (D: Cristoval Gitano Sep 86)
Per salt Sa & Gu, in pale 2 boars passant & in fess 2 domestic cats
sejant, all within a bord Arg. (D: Gunnar Olofsson - Dec 94)
Per salt Vt & Az, in cross 4 bowen knots crosswise Arg. (D:
Cecelia Corr Mhire - Apr 94)
Per salt Vt & Sa, a pithon erect nowed, wings disp, betw in cross 4
crescents Arg. (D: Benjamin Xanthus Ruthendale - Apr 85)
Per salt Vt & Sa, 4 crescents conjoined in cross points inward Arg.
(D: Ramon de la Vega - Feb 00)
Purp, a moon in her plenitude Or betw 4 mullets in cross Arg. (D:
Bebinn ingen Brain - Apr 99)
Purp, 4 mascles conjoined in cross, within each mascle an arrow,
points outward, Arg. (D: Miriel la Jueler de Calais - Sep 84)
Purp, in cross a butterfly betw 4 crescents horns outward Arg. (D:
Sati al-Isfahaniyya - Jan 07)
Purp, in cross 4 roses Arg barbed & seeded proper, on a chf embat
Or 3 crosses of Calvary Gu. (D: Diana de la Roche - Aug 98)
Quarterly Sa & Az, 2 arrows inv in salt Arg, barbed & flighted Or,
surmounted by a sword proper, betw in cross 4 compass stars
Arg. (D: Wulfhere Nordwulf - Mar 93)
Quarterly Vt & Sa, a Celtic cross betw 4 mascles in cross Arg. (D:
Edana Astrid - Sep 88)
Sa, a chalice betw in cross 4 mullets of 4 points & a chf embat Arg.
(D: Sion Rhys of Badon - Jun 92)
Sa a plate betw 4 mullets in cross, all within a bord Arg. (D:
Lyanna of Kerneough - Dec 84)
Sa, eight swords 4 in cross & 4 in salt points to center Arg overall 2
lions heads erased addorsed Or. (D: Sosha Lyons ORourke Feb 94)
Sa, 4 caltrops in cross, points elongated to center, Arg. (B: Peredur
ap Tristan - Jan 93)
Sa, 4 patriarchial crosses in cross Arg, a chf ermine. (D: Elrond of
Gornoth - Feb 75?)
Sa, 4 swords in salt conjoined at the points proper, overall five
mullets in cross Arg. (D: Adelicia of Cumbria - Mar 83)
Sa, in cross a sword proper & staff fesswise Or, betw 4 compass
stars Arg. (D: John Malkin - Oct 91)
Sa, in cross 4 decrescent moons within a laurel wreath Arg. (D:
Shadows Edge - Feb 90)
Sa, in cross 4 pairs of wings conjoined Arg, each charged with a
heart Gu. (D: Robin Argyll du Coeur Ail - Jul 84)
Sa, in cross 4 roses Arg, barbed & seeded proper, within a chaplet
of thorn Or. (D: Ysabel de la Zarza - Feb 07)
Sa, in cross 3 mullets & a cap of Mercury affronty within a bord
Arg. (D: James Hawke - Jun 95)
Sa, in pale a crescent & a crescent inv Arg betw 2 plates in fess. (D:
Noel Raphael - Apr 87)
Sa, 2 vajhra in cross within a lotus blossom pierced Arg. (B: Evan
ap Llywelyn of Caernarfon - Jan 84) (For Teramura Shigeru)
Vt, a bear ramp Or betw in cross 4 pine trees Arg. (D: Ursula of
North Woods - Feb 81)
Vt, a cross of 4 pheons within a bord invected Arg. (B: Constance
Waite - Feb 02)
Vt, a pegasus ramp betw in cross 4 harps Arg, all within a bord
invected Or. (D: Rachel Kathleen Cundiff - Aug 84)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 55

[Arrangement - In cross - Argent] to [Arrangement - In cross - Multicolor]

Arrangement - In cross - Argent (continued)

Vt, an aspen leaf betw 4 arrows in cross, barbs outward, all Arg. (B:
Leif Ivarson - Sep 88)
Vt, 4 arrows in cross points to center, on a chf indented Arg a
mountain couped Gu betw 2 laurel wreaths Vt. (D: rdchreag
- Oct 94)
Vt, 4 sexfoils in cross Arg, seeded Sa, within a bord Arg. (D:
Alienor Flannabhar - Mar 89)
Vt, in cross 4 square weavers tablets bendwise Arg. (D: Astrid of
Eisental - Jun 01)
Vt, in dexter chf 4 hearts voided conjoined in cross, points outward
Arg. (D: Ali abd ar-Rashid - Jan 93)
Vt, on a daisy Or, seeded Sa, betw in cross 4 Latin crosses another
Arg. (D: Catheryn dIvori of Kent - Feb 84)
Vt, on a roundel Or betw in cross 4 crosses bottony fitchy Arg a
wolf ramp contourny Sa. (D: Katherine Mariana OMalley Aug 99)
Vt, 2 tusks, tips crossed in salt, betw in cross 4 cats pawprints Arg.
(D: Megan Kyle - Oct 92)
Vt, vetu, an elm leaf bendwise sin betw in cross 4 roses Arg. (D:
Eva van Oudeachterkol - Oct 86)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In cross - Azure

(Fieldless) A cross of ermine spots Az. (B: Siobhn ng Fhloinn u

Donnabhin - Jul 00)
(Fieldless) A cross of 4 pheons conjoined at the points Az. (B:
Glymm Mere - Nov 02)
(Fieldless) 4 lozenges in cross Az, overall a mascle Arg. (B:
Tamlyn of Wyntersea - Apr 94)
(Fieldless) In salt 2 stalks of wheat Vt betw 4 gillyflower blossoms
Az. (B: Theodelinda of Wenlock - Sep 89)
Arg, a bowen knot betw 4 roses in cross Az barbed & seeded
proper. (D: Gytha Karlsdotter - Dec 98)
Arg, a cross of ermine spots & a tierce Az. (D: Marisa Symmes of
Berewyk - Oct 06)
Arg, 4 broadarrows in cross points to center Az & on a chf Vt a
longbow Arg. (D: Godwin FitzGilbert - Oct 00)
Arg, 4 scimitar blades in cross Az. (D: Yseult of Broceliande Mar 86)
Arg, in cross five escutcheons Az each charged with five plates in
salt all within a bord Gu semy of castles Or. (D: Portugal Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, in cross five escutcheons Az platy. (D: Portugal - Dec 94)
(The orientation of the escutcheons to dexter and to sinister
varied.)(Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, in cross 4 cats sejant to sin Az. (D: Maeve of the Mist Feb 88)
Arg, in pale 2 crosses crosslet Gu betw in fess 2 frets couped Az.
(D: Filippa Ginevra Francesca di Lucignano - Nov 98)
Arg, 2 feathers in salt betw 4 crescents Az. (D: Brianna of Locksley
- Nov 85)
Gyronny of sixteen Arg & Sa, 4 annulets in cross Az. (D:
Minamoto Genkuro Kagetane - Aug 03)
Or, a fess Gu betw 3 fleurs-de-lys & a castle Az. (D: Amice of
Castleton - Oct 96)
Or, a spear & a longbow interlaced in cross & a bord Az. (B: Dirk
van Muiden - Dec 01)
Or, five lozenges conjoined in cross Az, each charged with a fleurde-lys Or. (D: Arianne des Jardins - Feb 92)
Or, 4 lilies in cross bases to center Az, a bord Vt. (D: Rhiannon
verch Madyn - Mar 06)
Or, in cross a lozenge betw 4 fleurs-de-lys crosswise Az. (B:
Deporodh of Rannoch - Aug 83) (For Ds Stgandi)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In cross - Fur

(Fieldless) A cross of 4 lozenges ermine. (B: Morgan ap Siarl Jul 85)

* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In cross - Gules

(Fieldless) A cross of 4 ermine spots conjoined Gu. (B: An Tir Jul 99) (For the Western Region)
(Fieldless) A spur rowel Sa, over all 4 spurshafts in cross, rowel
hubs to center, Gu. (B: Edrik Beroldsson - May 89)
56 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - In cross - Gules (continued)

(Fieldless) 4 oak leaves in cross, stems to center Gu, & 4 acorns in

salt, caps to center Or all conjoined at the center point. (B:
Darkwater - Mar 99) (For Order of the Acorn Glade)
(Fieldless) 4 tulips Gu slipped in cross bases to center conjoined
with 4 leaves in salt bases to center Vt. (B: Diana of the Tulips
- Jul 02)
Arg, a brazier Sa enflamed proper betw in cross 4 decrescents Gu.
(D: Usama al-Rashid - May 01)
Arg, a cross of 4 pheons conjoined at the points Gu. (B: Atalaya la
Sanadora - Apr 97) (For House of the Four Pheons)
Arg, a phoenix Gu rising from flames Or betw in cross 4 Latin
crosses swallowtailed Gu. (B: William of Friedrichsburg Aug 94)
Arg, a pomegranate, slipped & leaved, proper within a mascle Gu,
all betw 4 pomegranates in cross, slipped & leaved, the slips to
center, proper. (D: Tegan FitzHugh - Jul 88)
Arg, a tree blasted & eradicated Sa betw in cross 4 gouttes de sang.
(D: Melger OMorchoe - Nov 96)
Arg, a wolfs head cabossed Sa, enflamed betw 4 crescents in cross
Gu. (B: Logan Blackwoulfe - Oct 96)
Arg, 4 caltraps in cross, points to center Gu within a bord Sa. (D:
Leonora Kateryn de Provence - Oct 92)
Arg, 2 horses combattant Sa & in chf a cross of 4 pheons conjoined
at the points Gu, overall a label of 3 points Sa. (D: Consuela
Maria de Leon - Mar 97)
Arg, 2 horses salient combattant Sa, in chf a cross of 4 pheons
conjoined at the points Gu. (D: Atalaya la Sanadora Mar 97)
Arg, 2 swords inv in salt betw in cross 4 quill pens Gu. (B:
Atenveldt, Kingdom of - May 81) (For Office of the Lists)
Arg vetu Gu, 4 lozenges in cross Gu. (D: Damon Kirby - Sep 96)
Arg vetu ploy Az, in cross 4 hearts Gu. (D: Reichardt von Tyrol Jun 98)
Az, in cross 4 mullets Gu fimbriated Arg & a canton of the Union
Jack. (B: New Zealand - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, in cross 4 roses proper. (D: Laura Rydal of
Grasmere - Jun 89)
Gyronny Az & Arg, five fleurs-de-lys in cross Gu. (B: Guy de
Montferrat de la Meslaye - Jan 84) (For La Maison de la
Or, a winged roundel counter-ermine betw in cross 4 roses Gu,
barbed & seeded proper. (D: Frances Carmen von Ermantrodt
- Jan 81)
Or, 2 feathers in cross Gu within a bord chequy Sa & Arg. (D:
Sextus Plinius Callidus - Nov 88)
Or, 2 needles in salt, eyes to chf, Sa betw in pale 2 crabs & in fess 2
closed books palewise Gu. (D: Matilde des Isles Froides Aug 89)
Per pale Arg & Or, a cup Sa betw in cross 4 roses Gu, all within an
orle Sa. (B: John Paul Blacklore - Sep 92)
Sa, 4 piles conjoined in cross enarched gurgewise clockwise Gu,
fimbriated Or. (D: Hroar Bjarnarson - Oct 79)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In cross - Multicolor

(Fieldless) A cross of 4 lozenges quarterly Gu & Or. (B: Jibrail

Attar - Apr 08) (For Compagnia dellArcangelo
Gabriele)(Blanket permission to conflict with badge granted
Arg, in pale 2 thistles proper & in fess 2 Celtic crosses Purp. (D:
Gudrun of Three Rivers - Oct 97)
Or, a pale Az, overall five churchbells in cross ctrch, all swinging to
sin. (B: Allyson of Tintinnabula - Aug 79) (For House
Or, in cross 2 lizards tergiant disp respectant Vt & 2 wrens close
respectant proper. (D: Elizabeth of Lymond - May 83)
Or, in fess 3 crescents pendant Sa betw in pale 2 dragons statant Gu.
(D: Dragonetz de Xavier - Jul 03)
Per bend Arg & Vt, in cross a roundel betw 4 crescents, horns
outwards, all ctrch. (D: Eleanor de Montfort of Atlantia Mar 07)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, in bend 4 fusils in cross, those in chf &
dexter Or, those in sin & base Gu, betw 2 crescents fesswise
ctrch. (D: Dailina Catriona - Jan 80)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Gu, in cross 4 domestic cats sejant ctrch.
(D: Kaln Sigvaldakona - Aug 06)

[Arrangement - In cross - Multicolor] to [Arrangement - In cross - Or]

Arrangement - In cross - Multicolor (continued)

Per chev Sa & Arg, in cross 3 flames Arg & another Az. (D: Brand
Sucher of Rivenstar - Aug 83)
Per chev Sa & Or, in cross a plate, a decrescent, & an increscent
Arg, & a foxs mask Gu. (D: Fiona the Tarnhaunter of
Hazelgrove - Dec 81)
Per chev Sa & Vt, in cross 3 plates & a cobra coiled erect affronty
Or. (B: Gwenneth Bowynne of Glamorgan - Mar 06)
Per fess Arg & Vt, 4 crosses of Cerdaa in cross ctrch. (D:
Catherine Aime LeMoyne - Jan 85)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 swords inv in salt betw 4 roses ctrch. (D:
lfric of False Isle - Feb 02)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a heart betw 4 roses in cross ctrch. (D:
Corisande la Gracieuse - Sep 89)
Per pale Arg & Gu, all goutty, 4 mascles in cross, in base 2 bars
wavy, a chf invected, all ctrch. (B: Ysabella Celestina
Manrique de Palma - Apr 06)
Per pale Arg & Purp, in cross 4 estoiles ctrch. (D: Quataryna de
Montpelher - Aug 04)
Per pale Az & Or, 4 escallops in cross ctrch within a bord Arg. (B:
Brian of Asbar - May 89)
Per pale Gu & Arg, an open book betw 4 roundels in cross, all
ctrch. (B: Society for Creative Anachronism - Sep 81) (For
the Office of the Stock Clerk)
Per pale Sa & Arg, an albatross disp, head to sin, betw 4 millrinds
ctrch. (D: Fulk Mallei of Luxemberg - May 84)
Per pale Vt & Arg, five hawthorn leaves in cross ctrch. (D: Avicia
le Mey - Nov 97)
Per salt Arg & Az, 4 ballpeen hammers in cross, handles to center,
ctrch. (D: Amartine du Bon Coeur - Jun 85)
Per salt Arg & Az, in pale 2 fleurs-de-lys, that in base inv, & in fess
2 escallops, hinges to center, ctrch. (D: Suzanne Gabrielle
Marie Beraud - Dec 92)
Per salt Arg & Az, in pale 2 ravens disp Sa & in fess an increscent
& a decrescent Arg. (D: Qaragaj Qara Ton - Jul 88)
Per salt Arg & Gu, in pale 2 pheons & in fess 2 quivers, each
holding 2 arrows, ctrch. (D: Hal the Archer - May 92)
Per salt Az & Arg, 4 lilies ctrch. (D: Susannah Martin - Aug 99)
Per salt Az & Arg, 4 pheons in cross, points to center, ctrch. (B:
Stefan Albrecht Kaltstahl - Oct 84) (For the Free Archers of
Three Rivers)
Per salt Az & Arg, in cross a leopards face erminois betw 4 wine
amphorae ctrch. (D: Stephana Magnyn - Jul 05)
Per salt Az & Or, a candle Arg, flamed proper, betw in cross 4
escallops inv ctrch. (D: Joanna of the Singing Threads Jun 82)
Per salt Az & Sa, in pale 2 lions ramp & in fess 2 thistles Or. (D:
Iain MacArthur - Oct 93)
Per salt ermine & counter-ermine, in cross 4 leopards faces jessantde-lys ctrch Sa & Arg. (D: Deirdre dArgenteuil - Jul 89)
Per salt Gu & Or, in pale 2 crocodiles passant contourny Arg each
gorged of a county coronet, & in fess 2 crosses formy fitched
at the foot Sa. (D: Kobayakawa Ariake - Feb 97)
Per salt indented Vt & Or, 4 lizards tergiant in cross ctrch. (D:
Antonia dAlessandria - Mar 92)
Per salt Or & Az, a dragon ramp to sin Arg betw in cross 4 towers
ctrch. (D: Katrina Adeline aus Drachenfels Festung - Jun 86)
Per salt Or & Az, 4 recorders palewise ctrch within a bord Sa. (D:
Alaric MacConall - Sep 89)
Per salt Or & Az, in pale 2 thistles, slipped & leaved, & in fess 2
wolfs heads, erased & sin facing, all ctrch. (D: Hector
MacDougal - Feb 89)
Per salt Or & Gu, a laurel wreath Vt betw in cross 4 towers ctrch.
(D: Harpelestane - Sep 91)
Per salt Or & Gu, 4 escallops in cross, points to center, ctrch. (D:
Hrothgar of Farley - Jul 84)
Per salt Or & Gu, 4 roses ctrch. (D: Gwenlyn Aldwyn - Sep 94)
Per salt Or & Purp, in pale 2 roses slipped & leaved proper & in
fess an increscent & a decrescent Arg. (D: Kassandra of Loch
Salann - Feb 99)
Per salt Or & Sa, a salt betw in pale 2 roses & in fess 2 lobsters
ctrch. (D: Gwendolyn ABrook - Apr 98)
Per salt Or & Sa, 4 hearts in cross, points to center, ctrch. (B:
Jonathan DeLaufyson Macebearer - Nov 80) (For House
Per salt Or & Sa, in cross 3 ravens close & a laurel wreath ctrch. (D:
Ravens Cove - Apr 90)

Arrangement - In cross - Multicolor (continued)

Per salt Purp & Arg, in pale 2 snowflakes & in fess 2 fleurs-de-lys
all within a bord ctrch. (D: Megan de Guillaume - Nov 95)
Per salt Sa & Arg, in cross a roundel betw 4 crescents, horns
outward, ctrch. (D: Abu Shahid Malik al-Haddad - Jan 08)
Per salt Sa & Arg, 2 frets Or & 2 round buckles Sa. (D: Wyllyam
MacGregor - Apr 98)
Per salt Sa & Gu, in pale 2 roses Arg barbed & seeded in fess 2
covered cups Or. (D: Malak bint Aqil al-Husayn - Nov 96)
Per salt Sa & Gu, in pale 2 skulls Arg & in fess 2 compass stars Or,
all within a bord engrailed Arg. (D: Eric of Windstar Sep 88)
Per salt Sa & Or, 4 oak leaves, slips to center, fructed, ctrch. (D:
Karl Moennich von Nord Mark - Nov 91)
Per salt Sa & Or, in pale 2 drakkars contourny, sails set, & in fess 2
bears combattant ctrch. (D: Almarr Dmarr bjarnarkl Nov 93)
Per salt Vt & Arg, a cross of 4 lozenges ctrch, a base enarched &
indented Arg. (D: Sabine la Peureuse - Mar 93)
Per salt Vt & Az, in pale 2 owls Or & in fess 2 bears passant
addorsed Arg. (D: Coinneach Caimbeul an Boghadair Mar 96)
Quarterly Arg & Purp, 4 fleurs-de-lys conjoined in cross, bases to
center, ctrch, all within a bord compony Or & Sa. (B:
Genevieve Cameron Morcheartaigh - Sep 89)
Quarterly Az & Arg, 4 fleurs-de-lys in cross, bases to center, ctrch.
(D: Rebecca Mary Robynson - Dec 94)
Quarterly Or & Gu, 4 roundels in cross ctrch & a chf embat Sa. (D:
Hobb Drake - Sep 90)
Quarterly Or & Purp, in cross 4 suns ctrch. (D: Esja hjaltlendingr Oct 06)
Quarterly Or & Sa, 4 fleurs-de-lys in cross bases to center ctrch. (D:
Ciaran mac Cormaig - Jun 99)
Quarterly Purp & Or, in cross 4 roses ctrch. (D: Juliana Rose Apr 05)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, a cross of 4 mascles ctrch. (B: Dorren of
Ashwell - Aug 88)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, in cross 4 fleurs-de-lys in annulo ctrch. (B: Fu
Ching Lan - Sep 04)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, 4 caltrops conjoined in cross points to center
ctrch within a bord Sa. (D: Gunnar Thorisson - Sep 02)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In cross - Or

(Fieldless) A cross of 4 anchors conjoined at the ring Or. (B:

Donal macRuiseart - Apr 06)
(Fieldless) A cross of 4 ermine spots conjoined Or. (B: Ivan
Geronovich - Oct 96)
(Fieldless) A cross of 4 lozenges Or within & conjoined to an
annulet Az. (B: Margherita da Fiorenza - Jul 07)
(Fieldless) A grenade within & conjoined to 4 crescents conjoined
in cross at the points Or. (B: Brian Killian the Red - Aug 04)
(Fieldless) Eight keys in cross parted, addorsed in pairs, all
conjoined at the base by links of chain, Or. (B: Hindscroft Dec 80)
(Fieldless) 4 mascles conjoined in cross, pommetty at all joints, Or.
(B: Clarissa Elana de Perrenoud - Jun 81)
(Fieldless) 4 oak leaves conjoined in salt stems to center Gu betw 4
acorns conjoined in cross caps to center Or. (B: Darkwater May 99) (For Order of the Acorn Glade)
(Fieldless) In cross 4 Lochaber axes hafts to center Or overall a
wyverns head couped contourny Sa. (B: Seumas
Camshronach an Lochabair - Aug 96)
(Fieldless) On 4 demi-fleurs conjoined in cross Or a torteau. (B:
Eibhln n Chaoimh - Apr 00)
Arg, within a cross moline disjointed Vt nine roses in cross Gu
seeded Or. (D: Arthur de Beaumont - Sep 04)
Az, a butterfly Arg betw 4 acorns in cross Or, all within a bord
embat Arg. (D: Sidonia of Seven Oaks - Jan 90)
Az, a crab betw 4 quatrefoils in cross Or. (D: Tammara Courtenay
- Nov 89)
Az, a cross of annulets braced throughout Or. (D: Aldric Greystone
- Nov 84)
Az, a dexter hand apaumy couped proper betw in cross 4 mullets of
six points all within a bord Or. (D: Thea Gabrielle
Northernridge - Nov 85)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 57

[Arrangement - In cross - Or]

Arrangement - In cross - Or (continued)

Az, a owl striking to sin betw in cross 4 crosses couped Or. (D:
Francis de Chalfont - Dec 89)
Az, a theow ramp Arg betw 4 triquetras in cross Or. (D: Mgwynn
t Gyrbeorg - Aug 98)
Az, a winged lion ramp guardant, wings disp, betw in cross 4
estoiles, all Or. (B: Ana Ashford - Jul 87)
Az, eight keys in cross parted, addorsed in pairs, all conjoined at the
base by links of chain, & the whole environed of a laurel
wreath, all Or. (D: Hindscroft - Dec 80)
Az, five hawks lures in cross Or. (B: Aoife inghean Roiberd ui
Ruadhn - Jan 03)
Az, five jonquil blossoms affronty in cross within a bord potenty
Or. (D: Frances de Battenhelm - Jun 02)
Az, 4 daggers in cross, hilts to center, within a bord wavy Or. (D:
Brodhir MacDathi - May 88)
Az, 4 escallops in cross, fans outward, Or. (B: Wulf Sagan von
Osten-See - Jul 82) (For Haushalt von Osten-See)
Az, 4 lozenges in cross & a chf engrailed Or. (D: Meadhbh
OLabhraidh the Malevolent - Mar 91)
Az, 4 mortars & pestles in cross Or within an annulet Arg. (D:
Timothy of Christchurch - Jul 92)
Az, 4 quatrefoils in cross Or, each charged with a cross couped Gu.
(D: Lydia Oenothera - Jan 86)
Az, in cross a crescent, inv & winged, Arg & 3 mullets of 4 points
dismembered Or, all within a bord Arg. (D: Kendra of
Darkmoon - Feb 90)
Az, in cross a moon in her plenitude Arg & 3 cinquefoils Or. (D:
Mattea di Luna - Oct 05)
Az, in cross a rose Arg, barbed & seeded, betw 4 bees Or. (D:
Eanor of Amberhall - May 82)
Az, in cross five horseshoes inv Or. (D: Selfran the Singer Apr 01)
Az, 2 palmers staves in salt Arg betw 4 escallops Or. (D: Brian of
Asbar - Jan 85)
Az, 2 xonecuilli in salt throughout forming a fylfot within a bord
Or. (B: John the Idiota - Aug 82)
Gu, a pomegranate Arg, slipped & leaved Vt, betw 4 fleur-de-lys in
cross Or. (D: Mwynen Lynnette Chartier - Sep 91)
Gu, 4 fleurs-de-lys in cross, bases to center Or, a bord Or semy-delys Gu. (D: Thomas de Castellan - May 93)
Gu, 4 martlets in cross & on a chf embat Or 3 goblets Gu. (D:
Gustav Emile der Dunkele Rotvogel - Jun 88)
Gu, in cross a wagon wheel & 3 oak leaves 2 & one Or. (D: Amy of
Stargate - Oct 02)
Gu, in cross an increscent betw 4 butterflies, heads to center Or. (D:
Umm Sulaiman Safia al-Bakhtariyya - Aug 97)
Gu, upon 4 roundels conjoined in salt ermine betw in cross 4 roses
Or barbed Vt, a heart Gu. (D: Constance Beckwith Bruce Feb 85)
Gyronny Sa & Vt, a doe lodged guardant Arg betw 4 acorns in cross
Or. (D: Aethelthryth of Acleah - Sep 83)
Per bend Az & checky Or & Az, a cross of 4 lozenges Or. (D:
Heinrich von Stuttgart - Aug 03)
Per bend sin checky Arg & Vt & Vt, in sin base 4 bezants in cross.
(D: Talwyn Devana - Sep 88)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Az, 4 gouttes-de-sang in cross & 3
compass stars Or. (D: Ylaire Jacqueline de Montrivel Aug 02)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, an eagles head erased betw 4 mullets in
cross Or. (D: Anna Hroswitha von Adlerstein - May 88)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, 4 lozenges conjoined in cross within &
conjoined to an annulet Or. (D: Malachi Delacot - Aug 85)
Per bend sin Gu & Vt, 4 jeweled chalices in cross Or. (B: Philippe
Sinistre - May 87)
Per chev pean & Sa, a chev betw a wolf couchant guardant & 4
wolfs paw prints in cross, all Or. (D: Konrad Lothar Dec 88)
Per fess embat Gu & Sa, in chf 4 birds disp in cross Or & in base an
armored fist palewise Arg. (D: Duncan Falconer - Apr 06)
Per fess Sa & Az, an increscent Arg betw 4 mullets of 4 points in
cross Or. (D: Anastasiya Dolgorukova - Mar 94)
Per pale Gu & Sa, in cross six linden leaves inv Or. (D: Geoffrey
Linyiue - Apr 96)
Per salt Gu & Sa, in cross a wolfs head erased contourny betw 4
roses all within a bord engrailed Or. (B: Claudius Brutus di
Bartolomeo - Sep 02)
58 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - In cross - Or (continued)

Per salt Gu & Sa, in pale 2 harps & in fess 2 chalices issuant from
each a dagger inv Or. (D: Giuseppe Francesco da Borgia Sep 95)
Per salt Purp & Vt, an apple betw 4 fleurs-de-lys in cross Or. (D:
Mary of Forgotten Sea - Jul 92)
Per salt Purp & Vt, in pale 2 zules & in fess 2 abaci Or. (D: Gaius
Annaeus Equus - Jul 96)
Per salt Sa & Gu, 4 fleurs-de-lys bases to center Or. (B: Katlin von
Kappel - Oct 01)
Per salt Sa & Gu, 4 Thors hammers in cross, conjoined at the hafts,
Or. (B: Asa Thorfinnsdottir - Jun 83) (For Hus
Per salt Vt & Gu, in cross a Celtic cross betw 4 harps Or. (D:
Rhiannon ferch Iorwerth - Sep 92)
Per salt Vt & Sa, a crescent betw in cross 4 mullets of 4 points Or.
(D: Kendric de Morlaix - Jan 85)
Purp, a dolmen betw in cross 4 crescents Or. (B: Meadhbh ni
Bhriain - Jul 86)
Purp, a squirrel sejant to sin betw 4 mullets in cross Or. (D: Astrid
of Normandy - Jun 89)
Purp, a swan naiant Arg betw 4 fleurs-de-lys in cross Or. (D:
Virginia le Swann - Sep 02)
Purp, 4 spoons in cross, handles to center Or. (B: Jenna of
Southwind Hall - Apr 99)
Quarterly Az & Sa, 4 swords in cross throughout, hilts to center, Or.
(D: Gealn mac Bheathan - Nov 97)
Quarterly Az & Vt, a cross of 4 lozenges & a bord Or. (D:
Margherita da Fiorenza - Jul 07)
Quarterly Gu & Az, in cross 4 anvils bases to center Or. (D:
Siegfried Waffenschmiedt - Dec 04)
Sa, a bar gemel betw in chf 3 ermine spots & in base five roundels
in cross Or. (D: Vernacci Armellini de Alario - Feb 00)
Sa, a crocus Arg betw 4 lozenges in cross Or. (B: Black Diamond Jan 86) (For Order of the Silver Crocus)
Sa, a gorgons head betw 4 fleurs-de-lys in cross Or. (D: Francesca
Lucia dAlberto dei Lorenzi - Dec 98)
Sa, a Greek helmet contourny betw 4 fleurs-de-lys in cross Or. (B:
Francesca Lucia dAlberto dei Lorenzi - Dec 98)
Sa, a sun betw in cross 4 oak leaves, all within a bordurelet Or. (D:
Ciarri MacBraonin an taghdach - Mar 81)
Sa, betw 2 harpies addorsed wings elevated Arg, 4 annulets
interlaced in cross Or. (D: Guillaume Fanchon de La
Tremblade - Jan 95)
Sa, 4 bulls skulls in cross Or. (D: Muge Ebugen - Jul 96)
Sa, 4 eagles heads erased in cross, facing clockwise, necks
outward, within an orle Or. (D: Bogar Slarari - May 82)
Sa, 4 fleurs-de-lys in cross, bases to center, within an orle Or. (D:
Cara Michelle DuValier - Aug 93)
Sa, 4 oak leaves conjoined at the stems in cross Or. (B: Karl
Moennich von Nord Mark - Nov 91)
Sa, in cross a sword proper & staff fesswise Or, betw 4 compass
stars Arg. (D: John Malkin - Oct 91)
Sa, in cross 4 crosses crosslet fitchy Or. (B: Donnchadh Pixley Oct 05)
Sa, in cross 4 leopards heads Or, jessant-de-lys Arg, a bord Arg.
(D: Gerald of Ipsley - Nov 85)
Sa, in cross 4 leopards heads Or, jessant-de-lys Arg, in canton for
augmentation a poppy slipped & leaved Or, all within a bord
Arg. (Augmentation of Arms: Gerald of Ipsley - May 89)
Sa, in cross 3 compass stars & a brazier enflamed to chf Or. (D:
Lucius Mandefort - Jul 83)
Sa, 2 lightning bolts in salt Arg betw 4 estoiles of eight points Or.
(D: Sean the Wayfarer - Jan 85)
Vair, a sword inv surmounted by another fesswise forming a Latin
cross Or betw 4 hearts Gu. (D: Danyell Dagenhart - May 92)
Vt, a basket betw in cross 4 roundels Or. (D: Amicia Readyman Mar 98)
Vt, a bee betw 4 bees in cross, tails to center, all Or. (D: Melissa of
Winged Hills - Aug 88)
Vt, a Celtic cross Arg betw 4 crescents in cross, horns outward, Or.
(D: Dawn Marie OToole - Sep 89)
Vt, a Latin cross of six annulets interlaced within an orle of
decrescents Or. (D: Gisela Redihalgh - Dec 00)
Vt, a laurel wreath betw 4 horses heads couped in cross Or. (D:
Border Downs - Jan 94)

[Arrangement - In cross - Or] to [Arrangement - In estoile]

Arrangement - In cross - Or (continued)

Vt, a triskelion of spirals Arg betw in cross 4 mullets pierced Or.

(D: Sorcha ar Menez - Mar 85)
Vt, 4 mascles conjoined in cross, pommetty at all joints, Or. (D:
Clarissa Elana de Perrenoud - Jun 81)
Vt, 4 oak leaves conjoined in cross & fructed within & conjoined to
an annulet in chf 3 harps Or. (D: Alill Mac Bard de Kermichel
- Apr 97)
Vt, in cross 4 branches, cut ends to center, Or. (D: Rowan of
Sherwood - Aug 87)
Vt, in cross 4 cubit arms joined at the elbows, hands clenched, Or,
thereon a quatrefoil Gu, pierced Or. (D: Maria Alysaundre de
Rohese - Mar 78?)
Vt, in cross 4 fleurs-de-lys bases to center within a bord Or. (D:
Gwen of Elfsea - Jun 07)
Vt, in cross 4 lutes affronty, necks to center, Or, betw in chf 2
mullets pierced Arg. (D: Francis Goodfellow of Saxony May 85)
Vt, in cross 4 pomegranates bendwise Or, seeded Gu. (D: Julia des
Grenades - Jul 81)
Vt scaly Arg, 4 cats eyes in cross Or. (B: Alinor of Braeford Sep 93)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In cross - Purpure

(Fieldless) 4 lozenges conjoined in cross Purp, overall an escallop

inv Arg. (B: Johan von Metton - Aug 89) (For House von
Metton De Grinstead)
Arg, a unicorn couchant regardant Sa betw in cross 4 roses Purp,
barbed Vt. (D: Chrysogon of the Isles - Dec 84)
Arg, five golpes in cross & a bord Az. (D: Geffrei Maudeleyne Apr 96)
Arg, 4 lozenges in cross Purp. (D: Ealhswith of Evesham - Jan 96)
Arg, 4 quatrefoils saltirewise conjoined in cross, slips to center &
crossed, Purp. (D: Tabitha of Erin - Dec 89)
Arg, in cross 4 hedgehogs contourny Purp. (D: Sarra the Lymner Oct 06)
Arg, upon an open book Arg leathered betw in cross 4 cinquefoils a
quill bendwise Purp. (D: Mary Courtenay de Womwell Jun 85)
Or, in cross five escallops Purp. (B: Jessica of the Willows Jan 80) (For service to her as queen)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In cross - Sable

(Fieldless) A cross of 4 ermine spots conjoined Sa. (B: Darya

Kazakova - Oct 96)
(Fieldless) 3 nails bound into the shape of a cross, one palewise,
the others fesswise, points to center, Sa, bound with a cord Or.
(B: Matthew of Friars Manor - Mar 88)
Arg, a bend sin betw a cup & five roundels in cross Sa. (D:
Gregory Markham - Mar 97)
Arg, a cat ramp guardant Vt betw in cross 4 pellets. (D: Jehanne de
St. Brieuc - May 83)
Arg, a cross of ermine spots Sa, on a chf Az 3 escallops Arg. (D:
James Byngham - Mar 00)
Arg, a cross of 4 ermine spots within a bord Sa. (B: Maurya Etain
Sableswan - Oct 99)
Arg, a cross of 4 swords conjoined at the points Sa, on a chf Az a
castle triple-towered Arg. (D: Alaric von Knigsburg Aug 90)
Arg, a lions head caboshed betw 4 goblets in cross Sa. (D: Katya
Ulibak - Oct 84)
Arg, a ravens head erased contourny betw in cross 4 ravens
contourny Sa. (D: Olaf Wyrm - Nov 90)
Arg, a swan naiant betw 4 garden roses in cross Sa. (D: Siobhn n
Chaoimh - Sep 92)
Arg, a tilting helm affronty with horned crest, torse & mantling, Gu
betw in cross 4 triple-towered castles Sa. (D: Colin James
Mac Lachlan - Sep 87)
Arg, 4 bears paw prints in cross Sa. (D: Ascelina MacNeil de Ross
- Jan 08)
Arg, 4 roundels in cross & on a chf Sa 3 mullets of 4 points Or. (D:
Gregor of Caer Darth - Sep 95)
Arg, in cross a sword inv surmounted by a lute fesswise reversed
affronty, all within a bord Sa. (D: Soren Blackwine - Oct 83)

Arrangement - In cross - Sable (continued)

Arg, in cross five crosses crosslet Sa. (D: William Bekwith Jun 96)
Arg, in pale 2 cauldrons & in fess 2 cats ramp Sa. (D: Caoilfhionn
inghean Amhlaoibh - Aug 03)
Ermine, a kingfisher contourny Az maintaining a pen betw 4 roses
in cross Sa. (D: Thorin von der Schwarzrose - Mar 93)
Ermine, 4 roses in cross & a bord wavy Sa. (D: Emma of
Elandonan - May 97)
Or, a falcon volant affronty betw in cross 4 falcons migrant
clockwise Sa. (D: Benjamin von Ermantrodt - Aug 86)
Per chev Arg & Vt, in cross 3 ermine spots Sa & a fleur-de-lys Or.
(B: Mary Grace of Gatland - Jun 02)
Per pale Or & Arg, in cross a crescent, another bendwise, another
bendwise sin, & a mullet of six points Sa. (D: Ali ibn Ibrahim
Abd al-Aziz - Oct 92)
Per pall Arg, Gu, & Sa, 4 gouttes de poix in cross, bases inward, &
a boar statant Or. (D: Morgan Frederic Ward - Jun 91)
Per salt Or & Arg, five mullets in cross within a bord embat Sa. (D:
Quentin Sablestar - Jul 84)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In cross - Vert

(Fieldless) A cross of ermine spots conjoined Vt. (B: Anastazia

Winogrodzka - Feb 91)
(Fieldless) 4 Cavendish knots conjoined in cross Vt. (B: Middle,
the - Nov 94) (For Order of the Cavendish Knot)
(Fieldless) 4 holly leaves conjoined in cross Vt, fructed Gu. (B:
Tatjana vom Hlst - May 92)
Arg, a pawprint Sa betw 4 leaves in cross, stems to center, Vt. (D:
Taran Wulf - Jul 99)
Arg, a pegasus passant wings erect Purp winged Or fimbriated Purp,
betw in cross 4 quatrefoils Vt. (D: Gwyndalyn Pennyndown Nov 77?)
Arg, five mascles conjoined in cross & a chf dovetailed Vt. (D:
Caecelia di Battista - Aug 95)
Arg, 4 holly leaves conjoined in cross Vt, within a bord nebuly Gu.
(B: ndrs Lszl - Jul 84)
Arg, 4 oak leaves conjoined in cross within a laurel wreath Vt, a
ford. (D: Oakford - Apr 98)
Arg, 4 walnut leaves conjoined in cross Vt, betw as many walnuts
in salt proper. (D: Philip of Stryer - Jul 81)
Arg, on a pomme betw 4 holly sprigs in cross proper, a spiral
hunting horn Arg. (D: Derdriu MacKinnon - Nov 87)
Arg, 2 millrinds in cross within a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Roxbury
Mill - Sep 95)
Lozengy Arg & Sa, in cross 4 orange trees fructed proper. (D:
Katrina of the Groves - Apr 03)
Or, a harp proper betw 4 trefoils in cross Vt. (D: Coletta Briant Apr 02)
Or, 4 mullets in cross Vt. (B: Morgunn Sheridan - Jan 86)
Or, in cross a Kendal flower proper betw 4 lizards tergiant disp Vt.
(D: Amanda Kendal of Westmoreland - Jul 79?)
Per chev Vt & Or, 2 roses Or each charged with a rose Vt & in cross
five mullets of eight points Vt. (D: Christopher de Loghis Jan 08)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a ram ramp ctrch betw in cross 4 thistles proper.
(D: Elsbeth the White - Aug 79?)
* * * End * * *
Arrangement - In demi annulo: see Arrangement - In arch

Arrangement - In estoile

(Fieldless) A bezant betw in estoile six lozenges Or. (B: Vergil

William de Comyn - May 83)
(Fieldless) A sheaf of arrows Or surmounted by a dragons scale
Purp. (B: Dragonsspine - Sep 99)
(Fieldless) A sheaf of 3 arrows inv, overall a rose Arg. (B:
Meridies - Dec 96) (For the Companionate of the Queens
(Fieldless) A sheaf of 3 fire arrows inv Sa enflamed Gu. (B: Stefan
OReilly - Nov 97)
(Fieldless) A sheaf of 3 lightning bolts Or, overall a unicorns head
couped Sa. (B: Derek Logan - Nov 92)
(Fieldless) A sheaf of 3 rapiers Sa surmounted by a dragons scale
Arg. (B: Dragonsspine - Dec 94) (For Order of the
Dragons Grace)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 59

[Arrangement - In estoile]

Arrangement - In estoile (continued)

(Fieldless) A sheaf of 3 swords inv surmounted by a gillyflower

Arg. (B: Louisa LochSkye - Sep 90) (For Clan LochSkye)
(Fieldless) A spear & overall 2 axes in salt Gu. (B: Rogualldr
Dagsson - Aug 93)
(Fieldless) An arrow palewise surmounted by 2 swords in salt inv
& overall a helmet Arg. (B: Edward Ian Anderson - Jul 86)
(Fieldless) In salt a quill pen Arg & a sword inv proper surmounted
by a recorder Or. (B: Middle Marches, the - Nov 83) (For
the Order of the Gilded Reed)
(Fieldless) 2 axes in salt surmounted by a double-bitted battle-axe
Sa. (B: Klaus von Trollenberg - Aug 83)
(Fieldless) 2 swords in salt surmounted by a spear Or. (B: Gunther
Garr - Feb 94)
Arg, a bar enhanced Gu, overall 3 arrows inv in salt & in pale Or.
(D: Michael Fenwick of Fotheringhay - Aug 80)
Arg, a sheaf of 3 peacock feathers proper, tied Or. (D: Adelicia
Marie dArgent - Aug 97)
Arg, ermined Gu, a heart Gu pierced in salt by 2 tridents & in pale
by a trident inv Or. (D: Kathryn du Vent de Mer of Whitewolfe
- Jan 81)
Arg, in estoile six crosses crosslet fitchy conjoined at the points Gu.
(D: Elspeth Schnee-Flamme - Mar 78?)
Arg, in pale a sheaf of arrows inv Sa & a vol Gu. (D: Peregrin the
Lost - Mar 96)
Arg, masoned Sa, in pale a sheaf of arrows, banded & a laurel
wreath Gu betw flaunches Az. (D: Plattefordham - Nov 91)
Arg, on a pale Purp betw in chf 2 sheaves of arrows inv Sa a horse
ramp Arg. (D: Iliana Anastasiya Karilova - Apr 96)
Arg, 3 yellow marigolds slipped & crossed in estoile proper, bound
by a ribbon forming a quatrefoil knot Az. (D: Michaele del
Vaga - Jul 81)
Arg, 2 axes in salt surmounted by a double-bitted axe Sa, a chf Vt.
(D: Klaus von Trollenberg - Aug 82)
Arg, 2 tilting spears in salt surmounted by a third palewise Sa & on
a chf embat Vt 3 broadarrows inv Arg. (D: Neil Greenstone Dec 86)
Az, a chev & in chf 2 sheaves of arrows Arg. (D: Conrad dAnjou Feb 96)
Az, a rapier palewise surmounted by 2 quill pens in salt Or. (B:
Marco Palladio di Soncino - Apr 89)
Az, a sheaf of arrows inv Or & in chf 3 mullets Arg. (D: Robyn
McLaren - Nov 97)
Az, a sheaf of arrows inv Or betw 2 moons in their complement, a
chf embat Arg. (B: Twin Moons - Jun 95)
Az, a sheaf of swords inv Or, in chf 2 towers, on a chf Arg a sun
Gu. (D: Allen of Flint - Aug 98)
Az, a sheaf of 3 spears & in chf 3 suns Or. (B: Barre FitzRobert of
York - Feb 05)
Az, a sheaf of 3 stalks of wheat Or, betw 3 crescents Arg, a bord Or.
(D: Rowan Oldway - Nov 98)
Az, a sword palewise surmounted by a needle & a quill pen in salt
Arg, a bord Or. (D: Nina of the Lost Caverns - Nov 00)
Az, a sword palewise surmounted by 2 quills in salt, on a chf Or, an
eagle volant Az. (D: Marco Palladio di Soncino - date?)
Az, mulletty, five swords in annulo, hilts to center, Arg. (D: Robin
Stryker Fortunatus - Jan 90)
Az, six daggers conjoined at the pommels points outwards proper,
within an orle Or, on a chf Or, 2 dragons statant respectant Az.
(D: Lachlan MacLean - Jul 04)
Az, six shears in annulo, points outward, Arg. (D: Corinna of the
Silver Scissors - Nov 91)
Az, 3 needles in estoile, eyes to chf, Or betw in cross 4 thimbles,
domes to center, Arg, all within a bord Or. (B: Oertha Jul 87) (For the Guild of the Ivory Thimble)
Az, 3 staves crossed at the nombril point Arg. (D: Gillian
Olafsdottir dUriel - Aug 79?)
Az, 2 besoms in salt surmounted by another palewise inv, all Or.
(B: Nordskogen - Nov 91) (For the Order of the Baronial
Az, 2 keys in salt, wards to base, each rod terminating in a wolfs
head cabossed, all Or, surmounted by a sword palewise proper,
a chf chequy Sa & Arg. (D: Kasimir of Ostgardr - May 90)
Az, 2 stalks of wheat in salt surmounted by another palewise, all
within a laurel wreath Or. (D: Wastelands - Nov 93)

60 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - In estoile (continued)

Az, 2 swords in salt surmounted by a sword inv Or, each blade

surmounted at the tip by a wolfs head cabossed Arg. (D:
Reigar von Rostock - May 87)
Az, 2 swords inv in salt, surmounted by a sword palewise proper,
overall a unicorns head erased Or. (D: Andra of Northeton Mar 88)
Az, vetu, a sheaf of 3 arrows inv Arg. (D: Rannulf of Arrows Keep
- Jun 90)
Barry Vt & Arg, a sheaf of 3 arrows Gu. (D: Cline de Frontenac Mar 91)
Ermine, in salt a short sword & a cittern proper, overall a rosebud
Or, stalked & leaved Vt. (D: Margaret Kathryn Cameron Feb 81)
Ermine, 2 artists brushes in salt surmounted by another palewise
Az. (D: Sine nic Dhonnchaidh - Jul 86)
Erminois, on a pale Gu in chf 2 bird blunts in salt surmounted by an
arrow inv Or, a base ctrch. (D: Evan y Helfarch ap Llewellyn Mar 83)
Gu, a sheaf of 3 arrows & on a chf Arg 3 arrowheads Gu. (D:
Theodore de Hales - Aug 83)
Gu, a sheaf of 3 arrows Arg, fletched Or, a bord counter compony
Sa & Arg. (B: Deirdre Fletcher - Dec 97)
Gu, a sheaf of 3 arrows bound by a serpent coiled to sin guardant,
all Or. (D: Michael of York - Dec 75?)
Gu, 2 battle axes in salt surmounted by a claymore inv betw 2
pallets Or. (D: Athelstan of Bainbridge - Sep 94)
Gu, 2 lances in salt surmounted by a third inv, a bord Or. (D:
Konrad Josef Urbanowicz - Jun 97)
Gu, 2 tridents in salt surmounted by another Or, overall a tower
Arg, betw 2 mullets Or & another Arg. (D: Kennard
Gallowglass - Oct 82)
Or, a chev inv Gu, overall a sheaf of 4 arrows Sa. (D: Geraint
Graeme de Menteith - Nov 96)
Or, a sheaf of artists brushes Sa. (D: Laura MacConoch - Sep 94)
Or, in salt a spear inv & a lightning flash couped to sin surmounted
by a battle axe, all within a bord Az. (D: Ivar Corwin Aug 82)
Or, 3 double-bitted halberds, 2 in salt & one in pale, proper, & on a
chf Sa a sword fesswise reversed flammant proper. (D:
Michael of Brighthall - Aug 79)
Or, 2 arrows in salt inv proper barbed Sa & fletched Gu surmounted
by a bow fesswise proper all within a bord Gu. (D: Richard
Stanley Bowmaker - Jan 91)
Or, 2 boar spears in salt surmounted by another palewise Gu,
overall a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Red Spears - Jan 87)
Or, 2 double-bitted axes in salt, overall a cup-hilted rapier, a bord
Gu. (D: Esteban de Villahermosa y Guzmn de Talavera de la
Reina - May 92)
Or, 2 square flags in salt Az & Vt, surmounted by another palewise
Gu, all staved proper. (D: Stoth, Stomper of the Gilded Moth Mar 80)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a sheaf of 3 arrows within a bord embat Arg.
(D: Cedric the Humble - Dec 93)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a sheaf of 3 arrows & a beehive Or. (D:
Robert Under the Wood - Apr 86)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a bend betw a garden rose bendwise, slipped
& leaved, & a sheaf of 3 arrows, all within a bord Or. (D:
Rhiannon Rose OMuray - Feb 89)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt, a stags head caboshed & a sheaf of arrows
Arg. (D: Alexander Stuart of Dunvegan - Nov 96)
Per bend sin raguly Arg & Az, a lute fesswise, neck to sin, proper,
& 3 arrows, 2 in salt debruised by another fesswise, Arg. (D:
Daniel de Hales - Oct 85)
Per chev chevronelly Or & Az, & Az, 2 swords in salt surmounted
by a spear Or. (D: Gunther Garr - Jun 93)
Per chev inv Gu & Sa, a sheaf of arrows inv within an orle of
roundels Or. (D: Torin o the Dell - Feb 94)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev betw 2 mullets & 2 swords inv in salt
surmounted by a double-bladed axe, within a bord Arg. (D:
Karl Wolfgerson - Feb 92)
Per fess Arg & Vt, a fess & on a dexter tierce Gu in chf 2 sheathed
sabres inv in salt surmounted by a sheathed jambiya & belt
with fastenings Arg. (B: Oman - Sep 95) (Important nonSCA flag)

[Arrangement - In estoile] to [Arrangement - In fess - 2]

Arrangement - In estoile (continued)

Per fess Az & Arg, an axe palewise inv surmounted by 2 axes in

salt, all within a bord embat ctrch. (B: Coinneach Aindrias
MacLeod - Jun 89)
Per fess embat Gu & Or, masoned Sa, in salt a double-bitted axe &
a spade surmounted by a sword, all blades to base, within a
bord Sa. (B: Gunnar Redbeard - Feb 86) (For Siegecrafters
Per fess Gu & Vt, in chf in salt a mace surmounted by a sword, both
surmounted by a bow reversed palewise Or, & in base a brown
bear statant proper. (D: Michael of Hammond - Nov 79)
Per fess Or & Gu, a sheaf of arrows & a Manx cat passant ctrch. (D:
Num bint Bb - Dec 93)
Per fess Sa & Gu, in salt a sword inv & an axe, all surmounted by
an oar palewise, blade to chf, Or. (D: Theoden the Oarsman Apr 88)
Per fess Sa & Gu, 2 swords inv in salt surmounted by a sword inv
palewise, all proper, within a bord dovetailed Arg. (D: Hagen
Silverskull - May 88)
Per pale Az & Arg, a sheaf of smiths hammers proper. (B:
Aonghas MacLachlainn - Sep 97)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a bend sin bevilled ctrch betw a sword
surmounted by 2 swords in salt, all inv, Or, & a chess rook
Purp. (D: Geoffrey Genour of Carney - Jul 74?)
Per pale Gu & Az, 2 swords in salt surmounted by a sword in pale
proper, & in chf 2 laurel wreaths Or. (D: Three Swords Aug 84)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a sheaf of rapiers inv within an orle of lozenges
Arg. (B: Eyrn Ormarsdttir - May 94)
Per pale Gu & Vt, 2 poleaxes in salt surmounted by a spear
palewise Arg. (D: Wulfstan the Unshod - Apr 90)
Per pale Vt & Gu, 2 swords inv in salt Arg, overall a thistle Or. (D:
Dubghall Domnall MacNayre - Jun 92)
Purp, a sheaf of arrows inv surmounted by a chalice Or. (B:
Hunters Home - Dec 93)
Purp, a sheaf of 3 spears surmounted by a chalice Or. (B: Hunters
Home - Dec 93)
Purp, on a vol Arg a trumpet palewise Gu, & in chf a sheaf of
arrows inv Or. (D: Jon Tristram - Mar 98)
Purp, 2 handbells in salt, surmounted by a handbell palewise, all
bells to chf, Or. (D: Liobsynde Belhringere of Aelfhafen May 90)
Quarterly Sa & Az, 2 arrows inv in salt Arg, barbed & flighted Or,
surmounted by a sword proper, betw in cross 4 compass stars
Arg. (D: Wulfhere Nordwulf - Mar 93)
Sa, a bend Gu fimbriated, overall 3 swords crossed above the hilts
Arg. (D: Gunther der Degentoter - Aug 79?)
Sa, a bone fesswise surmounted by 2 bones in salt betw in pale 2
hearts Arg. (B: Tristan ap Howell - Mar 83)
Sa, a club inv, overall 2 clubs in salt Or. (B: Andrew Roriksson Jul 04)
Sa, a sheaf of needles Arg. (D: Gemma Taylor - Dec 95)
Sa, a sword proper surmounted by 2 double-bitted axes in salt Arg,
a bord Or. (D: Bjorn Magnusson - Nov 92)
Sa, betw 2 wings conjoined 2 arrows in salt, overall a sword wavy
inv, all Arg. (D: Leanna fran Laga Sable Klinga - Aug 79?)
Sa, eight javelins conjoined in gyronny, points outward, overall an
armored & barded centaur salient, grasping in dexter hand a
sword & in sin hand a shield, all Arg. (D: Daniel Shadygrove
- May 80)
Sa, 3 lightning flashes crossed in estoile Arg, thereon a mullet of six
points Sa. (B: Mark Louis Jacobs - Jul 81) (For House de
Sa, 2 arrows in salt surmounted by a third palewise, all inv, & in
base a longbow fesswise Or. (D: Bruce the Long-Winded Jun 80)
Sa, 2 falcons statant respectant Or, supporting a sword surmounted
at the pommel by 2 swords in salt crossed at the hilts proper.
(D: Robert of Nighthawk - Nov 83)
Sa, 2 lightning bolts in salt Or surmounted by a sword palewise
proper within a bord embat Or. (B: Damales Redbeard Jan 92)
Vt, a sheaf of arrows inv Or betw flaunches ermine. (D: Timothy of
Edgewood - May 94)
Vt, a sheaf of five arrows surmounted by a heart Or. (D: Titus the
Archer - Dec 98)
Vt, a sheaf of 3 comets Arg. (D: Iva Sjna - Feb 97)

Arrangement - In estoile (continued)

Vt, a sheaf of 3 spears Arg within a bord checky Vt & Or. (D:
Conaire Anluan MacMurchadha - Nov 90)
Vt, a stalk of wheat inv surmounted by 2 stalks of wheat in salt Or.
(D: Antonio de Gregorio - Oct 81)
Vt, 2 axes in salt addorsed surmounted by a double-bitted axe
palewise, in chf 3 mullets, all within a bord Or. (D: JotunEirkr Bjarnason - Sep 91)
Vt, 2 claymores in salt surmounted by a third inv proper. (B:
Deaton Claymore - Sep 94)
Vt, 2 claymores in salt surmounted by a third inv proper, enfiling a
ducal coronet Or. (D: Deaton Claymore - Sep 94)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In fess - 2

(Fieldless) In fess a bat-winged rabbit contourny sustaining a radish

leaved Or. (B: Eden Kent - Jan 04)
(Fieldless) In fess a Catherines wheel Gu sustained by a rabbit
salient Az attired of a stags horns Or. (B: Katherine
Throckmorton - Feb 05)
(Fieldless) In fess a dragons jambe inv conjoined to a dragons sin
wing Or. (B: Diego Ramirez de Salamanca - Aug 05)
(Fieldless) In fess a drum sustained by a demi-wolf regardant Arg.
(B: Uilliam mac Fearchair mhic Gille Aindrias - Feb 08)
(For Clan MacAndrew)
(Fieldless) In fess a mullet Arg sustained by a lion passant Or. (B:
Muirgheal inghean Alasdair - Dec 07)
(Fieldless) In fess a pole axe sustained by a wyvern erect Or. (B:
Draguin atte Maeldun - May 07) (For Martiall Company of
(Fieldless) In fess a scimitar Arg sustained by a talon issuant from
a sin wing Or. (B: Aonghus Marchand - Aug 05)
(Fieldless) In fess a sword Arg sustained by a griffin Or. (B:
Northshield - Mar 05)
(Fieldless) In fess a sword sustained by a griffin Sa. (B:
Northshield - Mar 05)
(Fieldless) In fess a sword sustained by a griffin Sa. (B:
Northshield - Feb 07) (For Order of the Griffin and Sword)
(Fieldless) In fess a tankard fesswise sustained by a wolfs head
erased ululant Arg. (B: Corwin Silvertongue - May 07)
(Fieldless) In fess a tilting lance sustained by a seahorse Arg. (B:
Atlantia - Sep 07) (For Award of the Quintain)
(Fieldless) In fess a whistling arrow inv Vt sustained by a seahorse
Gu. (B: Karin Ollesdotter av Augvaldsnes - Jan 08)
(Fieldless) In fess an ostrich feather sustained by a wolf ramp Arg.
(B: Ealdormere - Jan 04)
(Fieldless) In fess 2 grappling irons of 4 flukes, conjoined at the
ring Arg. (B: Hernando Herodes Montenegro de Mondragon Oct 98)
(Fieldless) In fess 2 ovoid annulets conjunct at the smaller ends
Arg. (B: Frederick of Holland - Nov 81)
(Fieldless) In fess 2 pennons, flys to center, Arg. (B: Malcolm
Leslie the Scot - Nov 89)
(Fieldless) 2 golpes conjoined in fess. (B: Kevan o Rathkeale Jun 86)
(Fieldless) 2 horse-shoes inv conjoined in fess Vt. (B: Regan
Davis - Dec 98)
(Fieldless) 2 leather slippers in fess, toes outward proper, goutty
deau. (B: Astrid Thorkelsdottir - Jun 93)
(Fieldless) 2 lozenges conjoined in fess Arg & Or. (B: Misty
Windsprite - Jul 82)
(Fieldless) 2 thespian masks conjoined in fess Arg. (B: Catelin
Parry the Patient - Apr 00)
Arg, a cross formy Gu betw in fess 2 swords inv Sa, a base wavy
Az. (D: Martin of Doncaster - May 98)
Arg, a lions head erased to sin Gu betw in fess 2 thistles Vt
flowered Gu. (B: Jacob Seumas MacGregor - Dec 84)
Arg, a sheaf of arrows Gu betw in fess 2 trefoils Vt, all within a
bord Gu. (D: Deirdre Littlejohn - Apr 93)
Arg, a stags head couped affronty betw in fess 2 thistles proper.
(D: William Jakes - May 98)
Arg, a tower Sa, the portal & ramparts enflamed proper, betw in
fess 2 crosses formy, all within a bord Vt. (D: William
Nighthawk of the Wastes - Apr 86)
Arg, an eagles head erased Sa betw in fess 2 roses Gu slipped Sa,
stems crossed in base, a chf embat Az. (D: Gavin of Windkeep
- Feb 98)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 61

[Arrangement - In fess - 2]

Arrangement - In fess - 2 (continued)

Arg, in fess a goutte Gu & a goutte Purp, a base rayonny Sa. (D:
Feia Radostevicha - Dec 06)
Arg, in fess a heart Purp betw 2 garden roses Gu, slipped & leaved
Vt, on a point pointed Purp a heart Arg. (D: Alina Francesca
de Navarre - Jul 93)
Arg, in fess a sword & a sword inv Sa within a bord embat Vt. (B:
Heinrich Riegersburg - May 95)
Arg, in fess a thistle proper sustained by a wolf ramp Sa. (B:
Peregrine Brambles - Jan 97)
Arg, in fess an acorn betw 2 oak leaves, all palewise, & a bord Sa.
(B: Darach - Jan 83) (For the Order of the Sable Oak of
Arg, in fess 2 annulets interlaced & on a chf Gu a quill pen
bendwise sin Arg. (D: Lisette de Meyners - May 99)
Arg, in fess 2 coneys salient Sa within an orle of ivy Vt. (B:
Damiana Illaria dOneda - Sep 05)
Arg, in fess 2 dolphins haurient contourny Az. (D: Eleanor ferch
Rhiwallon - May 93)
Arg, in fess 2 lizards tergiant Purp. (D: Deborah of Mightrinwood Oct 07)
Arg, in fess 2 oak trees eradicated proper, on a chf Vt an arrow
reversed Arg. (D: Iulianiia Trieskova - Feb 08)
Arg, in salt a wand slipped proper & a sword Gu quilloned Sa, betw
in fess a bezant charged with a pentacle Sa & a cup Az, & in
chf an eye Arg, fimbriated, irised pupilled, & radiant Sa. (B:
Middle, the - Dec 75) (For the Tarot Guild)
Arg masoned Sa, in fess 2 oak trees Vt. (D: James of Oakrock Feb 94)
Arg, on a lozenge palewise throughout betw 2 goutes in fess Az, a
cross couped Arg, a chf Sa. (D: Elizabeth atte Grove Jul 98)
Arg, on a mount Sa a mullet Arg & in chf 2 mullets Az. (D:
Theodric ap Breken Beaken - Jul 82)
Arg, on a salt betw in fess a decrescent & an increscent Gu, a boars
head couped close Or. (D: Al-Khariji abd al-Khabir Yusuf ibn
Khalid - May 81)
Arg, 2 annulets interlaced in fess within a bord Sa. (D: Garth
McEwen the Tinker - Jan 91)
Arg, 2 dragonflies in fess Purp & on a chf triangular Sa a sun Arg.
(D: Rashida bint Rashid - Sep 06)
Arg, 2 goblets in fess Vt within a bord Vt semy-de-lys Arg. (D:
Madelina de Lindesay - Sep 06)
Arg, 2 hearts in fess Gu, each charged with a bell Arg. (B: Edmund
the Sentinel - May 83) (For House of the Joyous Heart)
Arg, 2 ladders in salt Sa betw in fess 2 torteaux. (D: Beinean Colm
of Caer Draigwyrdd - Mar 84)
Arg, 2 lions in fess sejant erect contourny Az. (D: Alisaunder le
Lyon - Feb 94)
Arg, 2 scarpes Gu & Sa betw 3 mullets, one & 2, Sa, & 2 garden
roses in fess, Gu, slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Gabriela Juliana
de Bordeaux - Mar 98)
Az, a bend sin betw 2 spoons in fess Arg & a cornucopia Or. (D:
Marit Horn - Feb 97)
Az, a chess rook betw 2 compass stars in fess Arg. (D: Esteban
Diaz de la Mancha - Apr 98)
Az, a pale Arg, in fess 3 trefoils slipped ctrch. (B: Klement St.
Christoph - Nov 85)
Az, an arrow betw in fess 2 trefoils slipped Or. (D: Thomas of
Brefni - Aug 76?)
Az, in fess a cross of Calatrava sustained by a talbot passant Or. (B:
Susannah Griffon - Jul 07)
Az, in fess a decrescent & a mullet of seven points Arg charged
with a pheon inv Gu, a bord embat Arg. (B: Starhelm
Warlocke - Jun 93) (For Ladyhall)
Az, in fess a mouse sejant erect contourny Arg supporting a chalice
Or. (D: Grace Emeline of Ravenswood - Oct 95)
Az, in fess a needle Or sustained by a bear ramp Arg vested in a
fools motley lozengy Or & Gu. (D: Brynach MacCallum Feb 06)
Az, in fess a stag & a horse both ramp contourny & on a chf Or a
barley stalk fesswise reversed Sa. (D: Mikhail Chaika Pavlov
syn Novgorodets - Jan 06)
Az, in fess a tower betw 2 stags combattant Arg. (D: William
Malcolm - Nov 97)
Az, in fess 2 chess rooks Arg. (D: Radhn Brd - Jun 98)

62 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - In fess - 2 (continued)

Az, in fess 2 lizards tergiant & a chf triangular Arg. (D: Mary
Buchanan - Mar 94)
Az, in fess 2 roses slipped & leaved within an orle Arg. (D: Chiara
Grassi - Apr 03)
Az, in fess 2 spiders & on a chf invected Arg a spider Sa. (D: Anje
von den Wellen - Aug 84)
Az, in fess 2 standing seraphs Arg & in chf a compass star Arg. (D:
Gabriel Michael MacFarlane - Feb 97)
Az, in fess 2 trees couped within a bord Arg. (D: Gregor of
Dakerwald - Jun 86)
Az, in fess 2 weavers shuttles palewise Arg. (D: Marielle de
Rivage du Corbeau - Nov 01)
Az, 2 annulets interlaced in fess betw 3 fish naiant Or. (D: Petronia
of Kent - Mar 98)
Az, 2 arrows in fess & in chf 3 crescents pendant Arg. (D: Juliana
de Essex - Nov 03)
Az, 2 drinking-horns embowed & erect in fess Arg. (D: Danika
Ymar of Peren - Nov 73?)
Az, 2 hawthorn flowers in fess Arg seeded Or within an orle Arg.
(D: Temair of Hawthorne - Nov 03)
Az, 2 seahorses in fess betw 3 shamrocks Or. (D: ine ingen hu
Nill - Aug 07)
Az, vetu checky Sa & Arg, 2 torcs interlaced in fess open to the
flanks Or. (D: Cedric MacShannachan - May 92)
Checky Arg & Purp, in fess a sin fist & a dexter fist each sustaining
an annulet Sa. (D: Basarab the Wary - Jan 96)
Ermine, 2 dolphins hauriant addorsed Vt. (D: Amaryllis Woodruff Nov 88)
Erminois, a tree eradicated & blasted, betw 2 towers in fess Sa. (D:
Peter Raventree - May 86)
Gu, a mallet betw in fess 2 garden roses, slipped & leaved, all
within a bord embat Arg. (D: James Ronson Tarleton Feb 86)
Gu, in fess a bee bendwise & a bee bendwise sin Or marked Az. (D:
Eithne Ruad - Oct 07)
Gu, in fess a card pique & a crescent Arg. (B: Owen Seys Mar 05) (JB: Alina Kathryn nic Duncan)
Gu, in fess a decrescent & a bat Or. (D: Ikishima Katsutoshi Mar 05)
Gu, in fess a deer & a horse both ramp & on a chf Or a pair of
shears fesswise points to sin Sa. (D: Cristina Iarina
Chaikinaia - Jan 06)
Gu, in fess a monkey passant betw 2 oars Or. (D: Li Hsiao Lung Jul 98)
Gu, in fess a needle betw 2 quills of yarn Or. (D: Roghnach n
Phdhraic - Oct 92)
Gu, in fess a sword inv proper sustained by a sealion erect within an
orle of suns Or. (D: Sebastiano Giovanni Gasparo - Mar 08)
Gu, in fess an oak tree couped & a griffin segreant Or. (D: Erich
von Oenbrugge - Jan 05)
Gu, in fess 2 mascles interlaced throughout Arg, within each mascle
an ivory lace bobbin Or. (B: Elene de Bruges - Feb 84)
Gu, in fess 2 quavers Or. (B: Killian MCahall - Apr 01)
Gu, in fess 2 straight trumpets Or. (B: Heraldshill - Dec 05)
Gu, 2 tablets conjoined in fess Arg. (B: Collawyn Lughaidh O
Cearbhaill - Jan 90)
Lozengy Arg & Vt, in fess 2 elm leaves Gu. (D: Sign Torfadttir Jan 06)
Or, a dragon dormant Sa betw in fess 2 cedar cones Vt, potted Sa.
(B: Emerald Glen - Feb 85)
Or, a hawk close to sin reguardant betw 2 lozenges in fess, all
within a bord Sa. (D: Alarice Blackhawk - Jan 87)
Or, a lizard tergiant disp Vt betw in fess 2 Kendal flowers proper.
(D: Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland - Jul 79?)
Or, a lozenge Az conjoined in fess with another Gu. (D: Misty
Windsprite - Dec 80)
Or honeycombed Sa, in fess a garb Vt & a bunch of grapes slipped
& leaved proper. (B: Jehan Yves de Chateau Thiery Mar 04)
Or, in fess a brown bear sejant erect to sin & an oak tree eradicated
fructed proper, a point pointed Vt. (D: Duncan MacGregor of
Gleann Abhann - Jan 06)
Or, in fess a fox sejant regardant Sa betw 2 branches palewise
proper leaved Vt. (D: Aoibheall an Sionnach - Sep 98)
Or, in fess a glaive Sa sustained by a frog ramp guardant Vt. (D:
Victoria Fitzgerald - Jan 07)

[Arrangement - In fess - 2]

Arrangement - In fess - 2 (continued)

Or, in fess a goutte de sang & a goutte de poix. (D: Temur of the
Middle - Apr 07)
Or, in fess a Latin cross bottony bendwise sustained by a lion ramp
guardant & in base a rose Gu barbed Sa. (D: Edward of
Ealdormere - Sep 06)
Or, in fess a pavilion betw 2 trees couped Vt. (D: Robert Arden Oct 96)
Or, in fess a quilliq abased Sa enflamed Gu & an inuksuk & on a
chf Az a mullet above five roundels enarched to base, the
center roundel issuant from base Or. (D: Nunavut, Territory of
- Sep 00) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, in fess an ear of wheat & a crows leg couped la quise Sa. (D:
Simon Caspar Joder von Steffisburg - Jan 03)
Or, in fess an owl contourny & an owl Vt betw in pale 2 mullets of
4 points Sa. (D: Gelderich Landschade - Mar 05)
Or, in fess 2 Thors hammers Vt within a bord embat Sa. (D: Oddi
olfss - Jan 08)
Or, 2 crabs tergiant in fess Purp. (D: Mara Gabirol - Jul 87)
Or, 2 suns in fess Sa & a point pointed floretty Gu. (D: Mercedes
Hloise Dablard - Jun 94)
Or, 2 towers in fess Purp. (B: John of Two Towers - Jul 96)
Per bend Arg & Gu, in fess a cross couped Arg & an apple tree Vt,
fructed Arg. (D: Claire de la Mer - May 92)
Per bend Or & Sa, a tournament lance Vt betw in fess 2 trees ctrch.
(D: Eleanor of Ashley - Sep 83)
Per bend sin Gu & Az a sword betw 2 harps in fess addorsed Or.
(D: Elric Wyvill - Dec 97)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, 2 pairs of annulets conjoined in fess ctrch.
(D: Artemius Andreas Magnus - Dec 93)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, in fess 2 seagoats respectant Arg each
maintaining a trident, the tridents in salt Or. (D: Domenica
Zorzi - Apr 03)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, in fess a male griffin coward & a natural
spotted leopard sejant respectant Arg. (B: Jordre Pargon of
Windhovers Reach - Aug 83) (For Household of
Windhovers Reach)
Per chev inv Sa & Arg, a tree blasted & eradicated ctrch betw in
fess 2 mullets of nine points Vt. (D: Elspeth ODevine Dec 98)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 3 mullets of 4 points one & 2 Arg & a cubit arm
armored Gu betw in fess 2 mullets of 4 points Sa. (D: Cerdic
Blackmoore - Sep 93)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev embat betw 2 Thors hammers & 2
annulets interlaced in fess Arg. (D: Wilhelm von Kiel Dec 98)
Per fess Arg & Az, in fess 2 mascles interlaced ctrch. (D: Edmund
Morley - Dec 99)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a phoenix Az & 2 annulets interlaced in fess
Arg. (D: Anastasia Amalasuintha of Hyrnkeepe - May 95)
Per fess Az & Gu all ermined Arg, 2 billets in fess Or. (B: Rhodri
Longshanks - Jul 02)
Per fess Az & Gu, in fess 2 billets Or within ermine spots sans
nombre in annulo Arg. (B: Rhodri Longshanks - May 96)
Per fess Az & Vt, in fess 2 pheons conjoined at the points, a bord
Or. (D: Dafydd Nuallain - Jun 99)
Per fess Sa & Gu, in fess an eagle disp & a Celtic cross Or. (D:
Richard Stewart of Saint Andrews - Feb 00)
Per pale angled reversed Arg & Purp, 2 wolf hooks palewise in fess
ctrch. (D: Patriche del Lupo - Apr 85)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a cat sejant betw in fess 2 arrows ctrch. (D:
Leona Roy Colquhoun - Jan 00)
Per pale Arg & Gu, in fess a radish Gu leaved Vt sustained by a batwinged rabbit ramp Or all within a bord Sa. (D: Eden Kent Jan 04)
Per pale Arg & Gu, in fess 2 crescents ctrch. (D: Kathleen St.
George - Jan 85)
Per pale Az & Arg, in fess a ship reversed & a ship both under sail
ctrch. (D: Feliciano Grimaldi - Feb 96)
Per pale Az & Gu, an angel betw in fess 2 fleurs-de-lis Or. (D:
Aurora Winter - Mar 98)
Per pale Az & Or, in fess a tower betw a sword inv & a sword ctrch.
(D: Dabhaidh mac Donnachaidh - Mar 98)
Per pale counter-ermine & ermine, in fess a garden rose slipped &
leaved Arg & another Sa. (D: Estasia Angele - Mar 85)
Per pale Gu & Az, a double-bitted axe betw in fess 2 Maltese
crosses Or. (D: Karl Olafsson - Mar 84)

Arrangement - In fess - 2 (continued)

Per pale Gu & Sa, in fess a horses head erased & a swan naiant
contourny wings elevated & addorsed & on a chf Or 3
escallops inv Sa. (D: Patricia Grey - May 98)
Per pale Or & Vt, a tower Sa betw in fess 2 mullets ctrch. (D:
Mirhaxa av Morktorn - Mar 80)
Per pale Purp & Arg, in fess 2 mullets of eight interlocking mascles
ctrch. (D: Modar Neznanich - Feb 02)
Per pale Sa & Gu, in fess 2 drinking horns palewise addorsed Or.
(B: Wulf of the Two-Fisted Drinking Horn - Aug 79?) (For
the House of the Two-Fisted Drinking Horn)
Per pale Vt, a rose Arg, & Az, a foxs head erased Arg. (D:
Patricia of Roscommon - Jan 73?)
Per pale Vt & Arg, in fess a sword sustained by a talon issuant from
an eagles sin wing, within a bord ctrch. (B: Ioseph of
Locksley, the Rhymer - Aug 05)
Per pale Vt & Gu, a boars head couped close Arg crowned with a
chaplet of thorn Vt, betw in fess 2 claymores inv Arg. (D:
Todd of Northwoods - Mar 93)
Per pale Vt & Purp, an estoile betw in fess 2 crosses crosslet fitchy
Arg. (D: Sonya the Fair - Nov 97)
Per pale wavy Vt & Purp, in fess a sword bendwise sin & a unicorn
ramp Arg. (D: Ana Ashford - Feb 85)
Per pall ermine, Az & Gu, in fess a sword Arg & a lion ramp Or.
(D: James Cullen OLynchehan - Sep 94)
Per pall Vt, Gu, & Az, a trident betw in fess 2 bottle-nosed dolphins
haurient respectant Or. (D: Cuilean MacBain of Kinchyle Nov 83)
Per salt Arg & Az, in fess a Danish axe & a dagger Arg. (B:
Trimaris - Jun 97)
Per salt Arg & Az, in fess 2 bees Or marked Sa. (D: Hrlfr gylr
Sveinsson - Jun 01)
Per salt Arg & Az, in fess 2 lions heads couped addorsed Arg & in
chf a tree blasted & eradicated Sa. (D: Mark of the Dark
Woods - Jun 95)
Per salt Arg & Vt, in fess a Latin cross & a staff of Asclepius Arg.
(D: Craig Goodleech Duggin - Dec 83)
Per salt Arg & Vt, sem of shamrocks ctrch, in fess a mask of
comedy & a mask of tragedy pilewise conjunct Or. (D:
Joanna Hurley - Oct 82)
Per salt Arg, sem of clusters of 3 raspberries Gu & 3 raspberry
leaves Vt, & Az, in fess 2 oak leaves Or. (D: Sioneada ua
Curran - Jul 84)
Per salt Az & Or, in fess an estoile Gu & a fleur-de-lys Az. (D:
Genevieve Louise Magee - May 85)
Per salt engrailed Az & Arg, in fess 2 cushions Purp. (D: Bechte
Morgenbesser - Apr 04)
Per salt Gu & Arg, a tower ctrch betw in fess 2 trees eradicated Gu.
(D: Duncan FitzAzor - Feb 99)
Per salt Gu & Az, in pale 2 demi-suns issuant from the line of
division & in fess 2 spears issuant from the flanks, points
conjoined Or. (B: Society for Creative Anachronism,
Chroniclers Office - Jan 08) (For Tournaments Illuminated)
Per salt Gu & Or, in fess 2 ladybugs Gu marked Sa within a bord
ctrch. (D: Fne ingen Chineda - Jan 06)
Per salt Gu & Or, in fess 2 sheaves of holly Vt. (D: Elspet
Arbuthnoth - May 00)
Per salt pean & Vt, in fess 2 dragons passant Or. (D: Rhiannon of
the Isle - Jan 87)
Per salt Purp & Arg, 2 thistles couped in fess proper. (D: Marcia of
Wyvernwood - Oct 94)
Per salt Purp & Sa, in fess 2 griffins passant addorsed Arg. (D:
Lodovico della Csta - Sep 92)
Per salt Sa & Arg, in fess a rose Sa & a rose Gu, each slipped &
leaved Vt. (D: Finn with the Roses - Nov 93)
Per salt Sa & Arg, in fess 2 hawks disp jessed & belled Gu. (D:
Jaime Alejandro del Halcn - Dec 94)
Per salt Sa & Az, in pale 2 towers Arg & in fess 2 wolves courant
Or. (B: Argyll MacPherson - Jan 08)
Per salt Sa & Gu, a flame proper surmounted by the blade of a
sword Arg, betw in fess 2 crescents Or, all within a bord Arg.
(D: Balthasar Brightblade of the Fens - Jun 94)
Per salt Sa & Gu, in fess a skull fracted to chf Arg betw in fess 2
lions heads caboshed Or. (D: Tristen of Lochmor - May 83)
Per salt Sa & Gu, in fess a wolf Arg & a lion Or sejant respectant.
(D: Wulf Darkstalker - Nov 04)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 63

[Arrangement - In fess - 2]

Arrangement - In fess - 2 (continued)

Per salt Sa & Gu, in fess 2 rapiers Or. (D: Johann Friedrich Jun 03)
Per salt Sa & Or, in fess 2 mullets of six points fesswise Az. (D:
Jehan le Batard - May 87)
Per salt Sa & Vt, in fess a sea-goat erect & a bull ramp contourny
Arg. (D: Bonifatius Eburhard - Feb 97)
Per salt Vt & Or, in fess a natural dolphin haurient to sin Purp & a
wolf ramp Sa. (D: Jaida of Altavia - Jul 05)
Purp, a bezant betw in fess 2 pegasi combattant Arg. (D: Catherine
Elane DeMarksburry - Jun 83)
Purp, a Roman scutum Arg, ornamented Gu, betw in fess 2 towers
Or. (D: Correus Dracontius - Mar 90)
Purp, a shepherds crook reversed betw in fess a decrescent & an
increscent Arg. (D: Barbara of Stelton Wald - Dec 95)
Purp, a winged sea-unicorn betw in fess 2 rapiers Arg. (D: Andrew
MacBain the Purple - Mar 93)
Purp, in fess a coney sejant erect contourny Arg & a fountain. (D:
Petro z Chabina - Aug 95)
Purp, in fess a seax inv edge to dexter & a peacock feather
embowed to sin Arg all within a bord Arg ermined Purp. (D:
Marlena of the Sands - Mar 85)
Purp, in fess 2 sea-dogs ramp & in base a fleur-de-lys Or. (B:
Ashby Turley - Nov 02)
Purp, in fess 2 towers Or. (D: John of Two Towers - Oct 89)
Purp semy-de-lys, in fess 2 sea-dogs ramp Or. (D: Ashby Turley Nov 02)
Purp, 2 single-headed chess knights in fess & on a chf triangular
Arg, a single-headed chess knight Purp. (D: Alexis of Ross Jun 93)
Purp, 2 swords in fess Arg betw 3 anchors Or. (D: ine hua
Murchada - Feb 05)
Purp, 2 trees conjoined in fess Arg. (D: Blaine de Navarr Feb 82)
Quarterly Az & Gu, in fess 2 poodles ramp Arg. (D: Marlo the
Morose - Jun 83)
Quarterly Purp & Gu, in fess a half moon knife & a Wake knot Arg.
(B: Czina Angielczyka - Jan 07)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, in fess a sword inv proper & a lyre Or. (B:
Harbert de Guilbert - Nov 82)
Quarterly Sa & Or, in fess a dagger & an olive branch within a bord
flory all ctrch. (D: Jean-Claude Dieulafoy - May 93)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, in fess 2 lightning bolts palewise Or. (D:
Kolskeggr skialdarbritr fra Einkunnir - May 07)
Sa, a closed book palewise betw in fess 2 quill pens Arg. (D:
Deirdre Morgan - May 90)
Sa, a crane in its vigilance Arg betw in fess 2 mullets Or. (D:
Michael Summerisle - Dec 82)
Sa, a goblet betw in fess 2 hearts Arg. (B: Tristan ap Howell Dec 82)
Sa, a pall betw in fess 2 mullets of eight points Or & in chf a tower
Arg. (D: Constance MacCallum of Hoghton - Sep 83)
Sa, a pall raguly Or betw 2 roses in fess Arg. (D: Bronwen Selwyn Sep 94)
Sa, a unicornate lions head erased Or betw in fess 2 pink camellias,
stalked & leaved, slips entwined in base, proper. (D: Loren
Leonie - Sep 81)
Sa, an arrow Arg, barbed & fletched, betw in fess a sun in splendor
Or & a moon in its complement Arg. (D: Jellica Cassor de
Larc - Feb 82)
Sa, in fess a bluejay close to sin & a mullet of six points elongated
to base, all within a bord Arg. (B: Janina Krakowska Apr 91)
Sa, in fess a drinking horn bendwise & a flower of 4 heart-shaped
petals saltirewise Arg, barbed Vt, seeded Sa, within a bord Arg
surmounted by another Vt. (B: Su of the Silver Horn Jan 03)
Sa, in fess a greyhound sejant reguardant Or & another sejant
contourny reguardant Arg. (D: Marie Edeline - Feb 05)
Sa, in fess a mask of comedy & a mask of tragedy Or, on a chf Arg
3 stars of David Az. (D: Sarah Elizabeth of Bellwood Jan 08)
Sa, in fess a tree eradicated Arg & another Or. (D: Wilhelm
Michalik - Oct 04)
Sa, in fess a tree stump eradicated conjoined to a tree trunk
fesswise, couped at both ends, Arg, the trunks single branch
bearing in sin chf a leaf Vt. (D: Charles the Sinister - Oct 82)
64 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - In fess - 2 (continued)

Sa, in fess 2 compass stars elongated to base Arg. (B: Gemini de

Grendel - Sep 06)
Sa, in fess 2 dolphins, haurient embowed & sin facing, Arg. (D:
Wulfhere Forloren - Jun 88)
Sa, in fess 2 eagles rising addorsed, wings addorsed, Arg, issuant
from base a demi-sun Or. (D: Tsvetan Arinsson - Jul 84)
Sa, in fess 2 frogs salient contourny Arg, in dexter chf a mullet
within the horns of an increscent Or. (D: Bella Brandi Apr 05)
Sa, in fess 2 harps Arg. (B: Lucien de Pontivi - Aug 06)
Sa, in fess 2 lightning bolts palewise Arg & a base wavy barry wavy
Or & Vt. (D: Mary Webb - May 07)
Sa, in fess 2 rams heads couped close contourny & on a point
pointed Arg a rose Az. (D: Gerlach Wiesengrund - Mar 96)
Sa, in fess 2 trees couped & in chf five mullets in fess Arg, all
within a bord Vt, fimbriated Arg. (D: Arian Aurelia ferch
Llewellyn - May 83)
Sa, in fess 2 wolfs heads cabossed & in base a rose Arg slipped &
leaved fesswise Or, on a chf triangular Arg a heart Gu. (D:
Alicia Rose Wolf - Apr 01)
Sa, on a lion ramp maintaining a sword betw in fess 2 garden
rosebuds slipped & leaved Arg, a Maltese cross Az. (D:
Martin Castillo de Mayorga - Apr 94)
Sa, 2 leaves of Ladies Mantle in fess, stems crossed, Or. (D:
Margery of Birdsong Garth - Sep 84)
Sa, 2 lozenges conjoined in fess, a bord embat Or. (D: Grim Wall
of the Whispering Plains - Jul 93)
Sa, 2 mushrooms in fess Arg, caps conjoined & spotted Gu. (B:
Agaricus - Aug 85)
Vt, a cat sejant Arg betw in fess an increscent & a decrescent Or.
(D: Margaret of Nordskogen - Sep 95)
Vt, a pavilion betw in fess 2 goblets Or. (D: Sigrid Sigurdsdottir Oct 96)
Vt, a salt betw in fess 2 suns Or; overall a sword proper. (D: Jean
Xavier Boullier - May 94)
Vt, a sword inv Or betw in fess a mask of comedy & a mask of
tragedy Arg, a bord Arg semy of hawks bells Vt. (D:
Celeinion Annwyl Gwynfaen - Jun 98)
Vt, a wolfs head cabossed betw in fess 2 daggers inv, on a chf Arg
a five-tailed dragon couchant reguardant Gu. (D: Wolfhild of
Glyndebourne - Jun 92)
Vt, an eel-tailed mermaid erect affronty, head to sin, betw in fess 2
bottlenosed dolphins embowed palewise addorsed Or. (D:
Catriona MacEth - Jun 82)
Vt, an Irish shortsword notched to dexter betw in fess a dexter & a
sin hand couped appaume, all within a bord Arg. (D: Geof
Weakarm - May 80)
Vt, an owl close guardant betw in chf a crescent & in fess 2 more
Arg. (D: Mariora Bullen - Jun 98)
Vt honeycombed, 2 bees in fess & a chf indented Or. (D: Gabhainn
Luath MacDhomhnuill - Dec 92)
Vt, in fess a bear passant reguardant betw 2 towers Or. (B: Bjorn
Jorsalfar of Bearhaven - Jun 93)
Vt, in fess a fork & spoon Arg, a bord Arg semy of mushrooms Az.
(D: Jalida bint al-Yasamin bint al-Susiya - Aug 06)
Vt, in fess a phoenix Or, issuant from flames proper, betw 2 seax
Arg. (D: Sigurd DragonHawk - Apr 81)
Vt, in fess a plate betw 2 double-axe heads palewise Arg. (D:
Glenn Halfdan - Mar 78?)
Vt, in fess a sea-griffin contourny Arg & a sword Or enflamed
proper. (D: Brandon Galloglass of Lands End - Feb 92)
Vt, in fess an alembic flask, stem to sin, & a beaker, both per fess
Arg & Or. (D: Alan MacMillan - Nov 83)
Vt, on a salt betw 2 hunting horns in fess Or, a rose Vt. (D:
Caillech ingen Tuathail - Jan 97)
Vt, 2 arrows in salt betw in fess 2 goblets, a bord Or. (B: Saint
Artemas - Jun 96)
Vt, 2 goblets in fess betw 3 mullets of eight points Or. (D:
Elizabeth Saint Clair - Jan 90)
Vt, 2 quill pens in salt Arg betw in fess 2 cups Or. (B: Saint
Artemas - Jun 92)
Vt, 2 swords in salt betw in fess 2 goblets within a bord Or. (B:
Saint Artemas - Aug 01)
* * * End * * *

[Arrangement - In fess - 3]

Arrangement - In fess - 3

(Fieldless) In fess 3 crosses couped, parted & fretted Az. (B:

Therasia von Tux - Dec 84)
(Fieldless) In fess 3 pavilions conjoined at their bases Arg. (B:
Denis de Loyer - Mar 07)
(Fieldless) In fess 3 popinjays Vt, beaked & membered Arg. (B:
Eva van Oudeachterkol - Apr 89)
(Fieldless) 3 annulets linked in fess Arg, Purp, & Arg. (B: Marian
of Heatherdale - May 98)
(Fieldless) 3 irises in fess Arg, slips conjoined & leaved Vt. (B:
Caroline Marie de Fontenailles - Apr 93)
(Fieldless) 3 mascles interlaced in fess Gu. (B: Valerienne de
Menton - Apr 97)
Arg, in fess a stags head caboshed betw a decrescent & an
increscent Sa. (D: Dia of Newcastle - Dec 06)
Arg, in fess 3 irises Purp slipped & leaved Vt, a bord Purp. (D:
Carol de Rouen - Oct 98)
Arg, in fess 3 mullets, a chf Az & a 3-peaked mountain Vt. (D:
Amanda Demoraunt - Nov 06)
Arg, in fess 3 palm trees couped Vt, on a base wavy Az a laurel
wreath Arg, all within a bord Purp. (D: Peridot Isle - Feb 94)
Arg, in fess 3 pommes, a chf engrailed Az. (D: Meaghar
OBrollachin - Mar 85)
Arg, in fess 3 serpents glissant palewise Gu & on a chf Az a rapier
Arg. (D: Alexander ONeill - Jul 05)
Arg, in fess 3 swords inv Sa, on a chf embat Az, 3 towers Arg. (D:
Guillaume de Clare - Oct 91)
Arg, 3 arrows in fess Az. (D: Eirik Thorkelsson - Feb 98)
Arg, 3 arrows in fess, on a chf indented Az 3 wolfs heads cabossed
Arg. (D: Leohtulf of the Silver Hills - Nov 94)
Arg, 3 axes in fess & on a chf embat Sa a dolphin naiant Arg. (D:
Maerric atte Mor - Jan 94)
Arg, 3 griffins in fess & on a chf Az, a unicorn couchant Arg. (D:
Andrs Javier Ruz - Oct 92)
Arg, 3 roses in fess Sa. (D: Angus de Botha - Jan 02)
Az, a bend Or, surmounted by in fess 3 arrows inv ctrch, all within
a bord counter-ermine. (D: Francesca di Pirgallo - Aug 81)
Az, a carp urinant Arg & in base 3 escallops in fess Or. (B:
Shimazu Kinuko Ayame - Mar 99)
Az, a natural dolphin embowed betw in chf 3 roundels in fess & on
a base Arg an apple slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Jocelyn of
Netherthorpe Forest - Mar 84)
Az goutty dOr, in fess 3 cups & in chf a cloud Arg. (D: Frithuric
Ulman - Nov 99)
Az, in chf in fess 3 frets couped Or. (D: Gwynfor Lwyd - Nov 88)
Az, in fess a double-bitted axe betw 2 oak leaves, all within a bord
embat Arg. (D: Gerald the Inverter of Kilkenny - Aug 05)
Az, in fess a sword proper betw 2 lions combatant, on a chf Or 3
Maltese crosses Az. (D: Cinan of Forth Castle - Nov 06)
Az, in fess 3 arrows & on a chf Arg 3 gouttes Az. (D: Justinus
Fletcher - Sep 04)
Az, in fess 3 bows reversed Arg. (D: William Whytemore Dec 06)
Az, in fess 3 increscents & on a base Or a sword inv surmounted by
a heart Gu. (D: Ceallach Cadhla - Sep 07)
Az, in fess 3 needles & in chf 3 bees Or. (D: John MacGuire Sep 04)
Az, in fess 3 quill pens Arg, a bord Or. (B: Micheal the Limner Jan 93)
Az, in fess 3 quill pens bendwise sin Arg. (D: Elizabeth Bellclerke
- Jan 93)
Az, in fess 3 Stars of David Or. (B: Ruben ben Yosef the Khazar Oct 85)
Az, in fess 3 towers each ensigned with an ostrich plume Arg
issuant from a mountain of 3 peaks Vt. (D: San Marino Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, 3 ducks passant in fess betw 2 bars wavy Arg. (D: Anne-Marie
lAmasseresse - Aug 94)
Az, 3 fleurs-de-lys in fess betw 2 bars gemel wavy Or. (D: Mary
Matilda dEath - Oct 84)
Az, 3 mascles interlaced in fess Or. (D: Tom Precipice - Jan 73?)
Az, 3 recorders in fess & a bord Or. (D: Jame the Heyree Harryson
- Jan 93)
Az, 3 swords in fess Or & in chf 3 flames Arg. (D: Gaelen ap
Owen - May 84)
Chequy Az & Arg, 3 swords palewise inv in fess Or. (D: Wolfgang
Krause - Oct 87)

Arrangement - In fess - 3 (continued)

Counter-ermine, in fess 3 fusils Or, thereon 3 domestic cats heads

cabossed Gu. (D: Questifor of Hightower - Jan 73?)
Ermine, in fess an oak tree eradicated proper betw 2 dragons
combatant, wings close Vt. (D: Borimir Dimitrian - Oct 07)
Erminois, in fess a foxs mask betw 2 spears all within a bord embat
Sa. (D: Silvestro lo Nero - Jun 04)
Gu, in fess a mullet inv betw 2 Doric columns Arg. (D: Randall of
Willowrock - Mar 06)
Gu, in fess a spear betw 2 wingless wyverns combatant Arg. (D:
Angus mac Padraig - Feb 08)
Gu, in fess 3 annulets interlaced Or. (B: Armilda Astyages of Lydia
- Sep 84)
Gu, in fess 3 demi-snakes erect within a bord embat Or. (D:
Kassandra Aiantide - Sep 02)
Gu, in fess 3 ermines ramp Arg. (D: Kissa Irminwiht - Sep 01)
Gu, in fess 3 loom weights pendant from hanks of yarn Arg. (B:
Barbara atte Dragon - Oct 01)
Gu, in fess 3 snakes glissant palewise Arg, a demi-sun issuant from
base Or, eclipsed Sa. (D: Thorgrmr Ormsson af Dyflinni Sep 92)
Gu, in fess 3 staffs Or on a chf Arg 3 tankards Sa. (D: Tariq ibn
Yazid - Feb 97)
Gu, 3 bones in fess Arg. (B: Lot mac Grigair - Jul 06)
Gu, 3 roses in fess betw 2 bars engrailed Arg, each charged with a
barrulet Gu. (D: Clare Fitzwilliam - Feb 89)
Gu, 3 swords in fess Or, enflamed proper. (B: Angels, the Jun 82) (For Angels fighters)
Or, a pale Az, overall in fess 3 towers ctrch within a laurel wreath
Vt. (D: Meadowmarsh - Feb 84)
Or, in fess a sword inv betw 2 eagles rising respectant Sa, on a chf
triangular Az 3 gouttes deau. (D: Theunis MacDhmhnuill Jan 00)
Or, in fess 3 crescents pendant Sa betw in pale 2 dragons statant Gu.
(D: Dragonetz de Xavier - Jul 03)
Or, in fess 3 feathers palewise Gu. (B: Hawks Hollow - May 07)
Or, in fess 3 fir trees couped Vt within a bord Az. (D: Kristin of
Three Trees - Feb 07)
Or, in fess 3 pine trees eradicated Gu, overall a dragon passant
coward, all within a laurel wreath, in chf an ancient crown Sa.
(D: Drachenwald - May 93)
Or, in fess 3 pine trees eradicated Gu, overall a dragon passant
coward Sa, all within a wreath of roses Gu leaved Vt, in chf an
ancient crown Sa. (D: Drachenwald, Consort of - May 93)
Or, in fess 3 sexfoils Purp. (D: Jahanara of West Dragoningshire Mar 07)
Or, 3 arrows inv in fess Purp within a laurel Vt. (D: Arrows Flight
- Jan 98)
Or, 3 pine trees eradicated in fess Gu, overall a dragon passant
coward, within a bord Sa charged with edelweisses Arg. (D:
Drachenwald, Crown Princess of - Jan 93)
Or vtu ploy, in fess 3 wyverns erect Gu. (D: Thalia Baroncelli May 01)
Paly Gu & Or, 3 towers in fess Sa. (D: Angela Sara Mara Daz de
Valds - Nov 90)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, 3 roundels conjoined in fess throughout
ctrch. (D: Xylon Xerxes - Jun 81)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, in fess 3 pine boughs palewise & in chf 3
bunches of 2 pinecones, stems to chf, all Arg. (D: Fiona
OMaille Chuan Coille - Apr 06)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, in fess a roundel betw an increscent & a
decrescent Arg. (D: Elizabeth Karlsdotter - Dec 03)
Per bend wavy Gu & Sa, 3 candles in fess flammant Arg. (D:
Angelika Kunstler - Feb 94)
Per chev Arg & Az, 3 snowflakes in fess & a wolfs head
contourney erased within a bord ctrch. (D: Gregory de
Montfort - May 92)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 3 leaves in fess & a swan naiant contourny
ctrch. (D: Johnna Clayborne - Jun 92)
Per chev inv Vt & Sa, in fess a sword inv proper betw 2 dragons
combatant Arg. (D: Robert de Forge - Mar 04)
Per chev Vt & Sa, in fess 3 willow trees eradicated Arg. (D:
Roland de Wakefield - May 96)
Per fess Arg & Gu, in fess a rose Sa betw 2 scimitars inv addorsed
Or & in chf a goutte Gu. (D: Seth Starr - Nov 02)
Per fess Arg & Or, in fess 3 spruce trees proper & in chf a laurel
wreath Vt. (D: Coill Mhr - Oct 01)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 65

[Arrangement - In fess - 3] to [Arrangement - In fess - 4 or more]

Arrangement - In fess - 3 (continued)

Per fess Az & Or, in fess 3 stalks of wheat per fess Or & Vt. (D:
Estrid Henningsdotter - Mar 02)
Per fess Az & Vt, in fess 3 sin wings disp Or. (D: Terence
Kirkpatrick - Jan 91)
Per fess embat Sa & Arg, in chf 3 crescents in fess Arg & in base a
thistle proper. (D: Tangwystl ferch Morgan - Jan 94)
Per fess engrailed Or & Az, a pine tree eradicated proper & 3
bezants in fess. (D: John of Thame - Mar 96)
Per fess Gu & Arg, 3 tankards reversed in fess & a rose ctrch. (D:
Sebastian LeFleur - Mar 96)
Per fess Gu & Az fretty, in chf in fess 3 popinjays Or. (D: Gianetta
Andreini da Vicenza - Oct 97)
Per fess Gu & Sa, a fess of 3 lozenges ermine. (D: Walter de Clare
- Nov 01)
Per fess indented Purp & Or, in chf 3 estoiles in fess & in base an
escarbuncle ctrch. (D: Morgana di Sanpere - Mar 78?)
Per fess indented Sa & Gu, in base in fess 3 scrolls fesswise, each
pierced by a quill Arg. (B: Bridge, the - Mar 84)
Per fess lozengy Gu & Arg, & Sa, in chf a lion sejant to sin coward
& in base 3 quill pens in fess Or. (D: Jean-Pierre de Lyon Nov 93)
Per fess Vt & Or, in fess 3 lozenges ctrch. (D: Johann von
Salzbrunn - Jul 05)
Per fess Vt & Purp, in fess 3 ducks naiant Or. (D: Maria Bianca
Casini - Sep 07)
Per fess Vt & Sa, in fess 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Johannet Renoux
- Apr 04)
Per pale Arg & Az, in fess a fleur-de-lys betw 2 rapiers inv ctrch.
(D: Thomas de lEspee - Apr 08)
Per pale Az & Arg, in fess an increscent, a crescent, & a decrescent
ctrch. (D: Hrefna lfvarinsdttir - Oct 06)
Per pale Az & Purp, in fess an increscent Arg, a bezant, & a
decrescent Arg. (B: Fiacha Suileach - Mar 94)
Per pale Az & Sa, in fess a sword inv betw 2 hawks addorsed Arg.
(D: Richard of Stonemarche - Sep 04)
Per pale Or & Vt, in fess an acorn inv proper betw 2 oak leaves
ctrch. (B: Wealdsmere - Mar 06) (For the Populace)
Per pale Purp & Arg, in fess an hourglass betw & sustained by 2
natural panthers combatant ctrch. (D: Bryan Fayre - May 06)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a roundel betw in fess an increscent & a
decrescent ctrch, on a chf Gu 3 triskeles Arg. (D: Douceline
de la Hay - Jul 99)
Per pale Sa & Arg, in fess an increscent, a roundel & a decrescent
within a bord embat ctrch. (D: Anas ibn Haroun Abd al-Zaki
- Jul 95)
Per pale Sa & Arg, in fess 3 comets ctrch. (D: Stefan Skywatcher Mar 93)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 3 arrows inv palewise in fess & on a chf Arg, a
shepherds crook reversed Sa. (D: Marcus MacDonald Apr 85)
Per pale Vt & Arg, in fess a rose betw a swept-hilted rapier &
another inv ctrch, a point pointed Gu. (D: Giacomo Cavalli da
Treviso - May 96)
Purp, in fess 3 hearts Gu enflamed Or & a chf Arg. (D: Rupert
Geoffrey Down de Ronda - Jun 83)
Purp, in fess 3 straight trumpets Or. (D: Halla in heppna
Knorsdttir - Apr 05)
Purp, 3 columns in fess within a bord Arg. (D: Christopher
Delamaison - Mar 95)
Purp, 3 dragonflies in fess & a chf wavy Or. (D: Kateryn
Treningham - Mar 06)
Purp, 3 estoiles in fess Arg betw 2 lions passant guardant contourny
Or. (D: Adelinde Petronelle David - Dec 96)
Sa, a bend sin Arg, overall a tower checky Arg & Vt, as an
augmentation in dexter chf 3 mullets in fess Arg.
(Augmentation of Arms: Robert Hightower of Meridies May 01)
Sa, a torteau fimbriated & conjoined in fess with an increscent & a
decrescent Or. (D: Tivar Moondragon - May 80)
Sa, in fess a billet betw 2 annulets Or. (D: Christoph von Mnchen
- Sep 03)
Sa, in fess a sword sustained at the hilt by 2 wings with hands
issuant, a bord embat Arg. (B: Kynwric Gwent - Dec 07)
Sa, in fess 3 firearrows Arg. (D: Willahelm Franz Kesselheim Jan 02)

66 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - In fess - 3 (continued)

Sa, in fess 3 lozenges conjoined, each surmounted by a saltorel

couped Gu, in canton a unicorn passant Or. (D: Stephanos
Markos - Aug 79?)
Sa, in fess 3 swords & on a chf Arg 3 falcons Sa. (D: Katelin
McDaveyd - Jan 04)
Sa, in fess 3 wolfs heads couped, a chf Arg. (D: Mathaeus Blades
- Jan 98)
Sa, 3 barley stalks in fess Or & on a chf Arg 3 hop leaves inv Vt.
(D: Eric Edmundsson - Mar 83)
Sa, 3 candles in fess Arg, enflamed proper, within a laurel wreath
Or. (D: San Ambrogio - Jan 88)
Sa, 3 cups in fess Arg within a bord Arg semy of cups Sa. (B:
Diane de Arnot - Jan 95) (For House Faringold)
Sa, 3 lightning bolts palewise in fess & a chf embat Or. (D: Judith
of Stormholde - Oct 86)
Sa, 3 lozenges conjoined in fess within an orle Arg. (D: John Blod
- Aug 03)
Sa, 3 mascles interlaced in fess betw 3 roundels Arg. (D: Vincent
John Devereaux - Jun 94)
Sa, 3 mountains couped & conjoined in fess within a belt buckled in
annulo, on a chf Or a bear passant Sa. (D: Donald of Mount
Gurten - Jul 93)
Sa, 3 mullets in fess Arg. (B: Snurri Pleieson - Aug 89) (For
Gabriel Sweettooth)
Sa, 3 thistles in fess Arg & in base a laurel wreath Or. (D: Monadh
- Apr 95)
Vt, in fess a castle betw 2 wolves ramp addorsed each maintaining a
sword Arg. (B: Tristam McFarland - Jul 03)
Vt, in fess a heart betw & sustained by a pair of hands fesswise
aversant Or. (D: Srnat ingen meic Caille - Dec 04)
Vt, in fess a lotus flower affronty Arg betw 2 lions sejant respectant
guardant each with a forepaw raised Or. (D: Li Ming Fa Feb 01)
Vt, in fess a rose betw 2 rats combattant Arg. (D: David Gladstone
- Apr 02)
Vt, in fess an arrow betw a drinking horn & a drinking horn
reversed Arg, a bord Or semy of pheons Sa. (D: Eneas Mac
Concarrigy - Jul 04)
Vt, in fess 3 cinquefoils within a bord embat Arg. (D: Rowan
Perigrynne - May 83)
Vt, in fess 3 oak leaves Or & in base a rose Arg barbed & seeded
Or. (D: Sarra del Oke - Dec 01)
Vt, in fess 3 pine trees couped & in sin chf a mullet of eight points
Arg. (D: Robert of Northwood - Aug 95)
Vt, 3 annulets interlaced in fess & on a chf Or 3 ivy leaves Vt. (D:
Genevieve de Blois - Dec 93)
Vt, 3 bezants in fess betw a cross couped & a base embat Or. (D:
Marco Massimi - May 86)
Vt, 3 crescents in fess & on a mountain Or a mullet Vt. (D:
Leonora of the Willows - Oct 02)
Vt, 3 garbs in fess & on a chf Or a lion passant guardant Gu. (D:
Saskatchewan - Jan 98) (Important non-SCA arms)
Vt, 3 stalks of wheat bendwise sin in fess & a chf wavy Or. (D:
Nerissa of the Golden Sea - Oct 84)
Vt, 3 swords in fess proper, on a chf Arg 3 annulets Sa. (D:
Norbert Fechter - Dec 90)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In fess - 4 or more

Arg, a sea-urchin Gu, & in chf five gouttes in fess Sa. (D: Rufus the
Short of Burgundy - Jan 87)
Az, in fess 4 jonquil blossoms bells to chf Or. (D: Karol Johanna
Gartenheit - Jun 02)
Gu, in fess a trefoil slipped & 3 wolfs teeth issuant from sin Arg.
(B: Blaiddwyn - Nov 04)
Or, 2 cats sejant & in chf five ermine spots in fess Sa. (D: Vittoria
Gabrielli - Apr 98)
Or, 2 vols in fess, bases outward Sa. (D: Michael the Black Jun 06)
Or, 2 vols in fess, bases outward Sa, & for augmentation overall on
an inescutcheon Sa fimbriated an Arabic oil lamp Or.
(Augmentation of Arms: Michael the Black - Jun 06)
Per fess embat Az & Arg, 4 arrows in fess bendwise inv Arg & a
lion ramp Sa. (D: Mikel of Perth - Mar 06)
Per fess Vt & Sa, in fess 4 morning-glory leaves fesswise conjoined
Or. (D: Joshua the Mad - Jun 91)

[Arrangement - In fess - 4 or more] to [Arrangement - In orle - Argent]

Arrangement - In fess - 4 or more (continued)

Per pale Gu & Az, a fess of 4 mascles Arg. (D: Talesya Beaulieu Apr 90)
Per pale Or & Vt, in fess a sprig of 3 cherries, slipped & leaved
proper, & a bee Or marked Sa, a chf checky Sa & Arg. (D:
Antonia Stefani - Jan 08)
Purp, a lark volant & in chf 4 mullets in fess Arg. (D: Lucilla
Theresa de Courtenay - Jul 86)
Sa, in chf five ermine spots in fess Or. (D: Wilhelm Leopard der
Schwarze - Jun 87)
Sa, in fess 2 trees couped & in chf five mullets in fess Arg, all
within a bord Vt, fimbriated Arg. (D: Arian Aurelia ferch
Llewellyn - May 83)
Vt, six billets in fess Arg betw a chev inv & a chev Or. (D: William
of Vulcanfeldt - Jul 90)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In mascle

(Fieldless) A cinquefoil betw 4 batons interlaced Gu. (B: Thibault

MacDonald Elliot de Valenciennes - Jun 89)
(Fieldless) 4 quill pens fretted in a mascle Or. (B: Milica of Varna
- Jan 03)
Arg, a dragonfly within a well-frame set fesswise Gu. (D:
Kiyowara Miyuki - May 91)
Arg, a Japanese well frame crosswise betw 4 crescents in cross
horns inwards conjoined Gu. (D: Ii Saburou Katsumori Mar 02)
Arg, a Japanese well frame crosswise Gu & a chf barry Arg & Gu.
(B: Ii Saburou Katsumori - Mar 02)
Arg, 4 swords fretted as a mascle within a bord Sa. (D: Miles
dEath - Oct 91)
Arg, 4 wooden flutes fretted as a mascle proper & a chf Az. (D:
Glikeriya Agafonovna Dudyshkin - Oct 91)
Arg, the kanji shu within a Japanese well frame Sa. (B: Kameyama
Kengoro - Jun 88)
Az, a bears head cabossed within a mascle of 4 needles Or. (D:
Alistair of Avalon - Apr 01)
Az, a Bowen cross Or within a mascle of 4 arrows Arg. (D:
Amargein of Puckridge - Jul 99)
Az, a Japanese well-frame crosswise with an annulet Arg. (D:
Tadatsune of Carolingia - Nov 03)
Az, a lozenge within a laurel wreath within eight lozenges in mascle
Arg. (D: Shattered Crystal, the - Jul 84)
Az, 4 quill pens fretted in a mascle & on a chf Or 2 mullets Az. (D:
Milica of Varna - Jan 03)
Checky Or & Arg, a goose within 4 arrows lying as on a mascle Sa.
(B: An Tir - Mar 92) (For Order of the Grey Goose Shaft)
Gu, a dragonfly within a Japanese wellframe Or. (D: Odawara
Tarou Yoshinobu - May 05)
Gyronny Vt & Az, a mullet of six points within eight mullets of six
points in mascle Arg. (D: Domenica Farnese - Sep 80)
Or, a rose Gu, barbed Vt, seeded of a mullet Or, within 4 rose stems
conjoined in mascle Vt, thorned Gu, all within a bord engrailed
Gu. (D: Rosanore of Redthorn - Jul 80)
Per pale Vt & Az, a lion passant guardant within a mascle of 4
swords inv Arg. (D: Tirza bithe Reaboughes - Jan 90)
Purp, a cooking pot betw a mascle of 4 bakers paddles, heads to
chf Arg. (D: Rowena Longstrider - Nov 96)
Purp, a cottontail rabbit courant proper within 4 bovine shankbones
in mascle Or betw in salt 4 dogs paw prints palewise Arg. (D:
Brachet Fleetfoot of Foxfyre Meres - May 81)
Purp, a saltorel pointed surmounted by a cross pointed Arg within a
chain of hexagonal links in mascle, the 4 corner links
quadrilateral, Or. (B: Rosamunde von Muenstern - Apr 82)
Purp, 4 swords fretted in mascle points to chf, on a chf enarched Or
2 wolfs heads erased Purp. (D: Cecille de Baskervyl May 01)
Sa, a Maltese cross within a mascle of spears conjoined points to
chf Arg. (D: James Hawk Galloway - Nov 03)
Sa, five roundels in annulo within 4 lathes fretted as on a mascle Or.
(D: Takahara Otoshi - Aug 97)
Sa, within & issuant from the corners of a Japanese well frame
crosswise, 4 clusters of bamboo leaves Arg. (D: Takeuchi
Hiroshi - Apr 91)
Vt, a thornbush couped betw 4 arrows conjoined as a mascle Or.
(D: Gareth Thorne - Jan 97)

Arrangement - In mascle (continued)

Vt, nine roundels arranged as a lozenge, on a chf Or, six roundels in

fess Gu. (D: Corinne of Grenvelt - Jul 97)
* * * End * * *
Arrangement - In mullet: see Arrangement - In annulo and
Arrangement - In estoile

Arrangement - In orle - Argent

Az, a column within an orle of escallops Arg. (D: Lorenzo Falconi

- Jun 04)
Az, a compass-star of twelve points within an orle of eight roses
Arg. (D: John of the Mountain - Nov 77?)
Az, a cow statant Or within an orle of daisies Arg seeded Or. (D:
Catheline la Confuse - Sep 97)
Az, a cradle within an orle of thimbles Arg. (D: Abigail of Lorraine
- Oct 02)
Az, a daisy proper within an orle of plates conjoined & a chf Or.
(D: Marguerite dIsre - Feb 95)
Az, a decrescent within seven trees in orle Arg. (D: Diana de
Savigny - Aug 78)
Az, a dexter hand within an orle of fetterlocks Arg. (D: Gorm of
Berra - Apr 99)
Az, a dragon dormant Or within an orle of trees Arg. (D: Beccn
mac Ferganainm - Apr 94)
Az, a fox ramp reguardant within an orle of snowflakes, on a chf
Arg, a flamberge fesswise Az. (D: Einhard of the White Winds
- Jun 90)
Az, a Greek sphinx sejant Or within an orle of plates. (B: Catherine
de la Rose - Mar 93) (For Casa dei Cognoscenti)
Az, a griffin passant to sin Arg, in base a heart Or, all within eight
mullets in orle Arg. (D: Conall Eoin MacTavish - Aug 84)
Az, a heart within an orle of roses Arg. (D: Katrina Rosehearty Sep 01)
Az, a lioness statant guardant Or within an orle of increscents Arg.
(D: Guinevere of Lyonesse - Mar 00)
Az, a mermaid in her vanity Arg, crined & tailed Or, within an orle
of escallops Arg. (D: Valerian the Innocent - Oct 92)
Az, a sword palewise inv surmounted by a catamount passant Or,
within an orle of thistles, slipped & leaved, Arg. (D: Brion
Donall Gilbert - Apr 89)
Az, a torii gate within an orle of cinquefoils Arg. (D: Takashina
Nichiro - Mar 93)
Az, a tree Arg within an orle of plates. (B: Owen ap Craddog Feb 03)
Az, a wolfs head cabossed within an orle of lozenges Arg. (D:
Antoinette Saint Clair - Jul 91)
Az, an escallop inv Or within an orle of gillyflowers, slipped &
leaved, Arg. (D: Alix Catlin de Curci - Jan 87)
Az, an increscent within an orle of fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D:
Genevive del Gamba - Aug 01)
Az, an oak leaf palewise Or within an orle of acorns Arg. (D:
Justin of Seven Oaks - Mar 85)
Az, an orle of crescents Arg. (D: Gabriel andvaka Kjotvason Jan 02)
Az, an orle of oak leaves Arg. (D: Jake de Twelfoaks - Oct 02)
Az, eight open books in orle Arg. (D: Thomasine Lestrange Oct 02)
Az, on a mullet of 4 points within an orle of Wake knots Arg a
Viking longship Sa. (D: Bengta Rolfsdotter - Sep 97)
Az, 2 natural seahorses respectant Or within an orle of crescents
Arg. (D: Kiara Rowland - Aug 96)
Az, 2 pegasi ramp addorsed, wings elevated, addorsed & crossed in
salt, within twelve mullets in bord Arg. (D: Rosemary the
Starseeker - Jul 80)
Az, upon a lozenge Arg a rose Gu barbed & seeded proper, a bord
of rose vines Arg. (D: Salome de las Palomas - Jan 74?)
Checky Or & Gu, six hawks bells in orle, tops to center, Arg. (D:
Christine de Waughe - Jan 91)
Checky Vt & Or, 2 lions combattant, each tail nowed & a mouse
couchant, an orle of roundels Arg. (D: Eoghan g Mac
Labhrainn - Feb 98)
Gu, a boars-tooth necklace in orle throughout Arg. (D: Branwen of
Cherry Bay - Feb 80)
Gu, a chev inv Or, overall a falcon, both within an orle of daisies
Arg. (D: James Ainsley - Jan 89)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 67

[Arrangement - In orle - Argent] to [Arrangement - In orle - Azure]

Arrangement - In orle - Argent (continued)

Gu, a claw hammer Arg, handled Or, within an orle of passion nails
Arg, a chf per fess Az & Arg. (D: Oskar den Frivillige
Ungkarlen - Jun 89)
Gu, a needle within an orle of mullets Arg. (D: Alina of Loch Mor Feb 96)
Gu, an orle of martlets Arg. (D: Adeliza de Saviniaco - Aug 99)
Gu, on a tower within an orle of chamomile flowers Arg seeded Or
a heart Gu. (D: Cynthia Love of the Tower - Jun 02)
Or, an oak tree couped proper within an orle of ravens Sa. (D:
Bethoc of Ravenswood - Mar 02)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a lion ramp within an orle of lozenges Arg.
(D: Edward Dymoke - Apr 04)
Per fess Az & Vt, a seal naiant to sin within an orle of candles Arg,
enflamed proper. (D: Sharon of the Roses - Aug 90)
Per pale Az & Gu, 2 lions combattant Or within an orle of Maltese
crosses Arg. (D: Mathias von Leuwenberg - Jun 99)
Per pale Az & Sa, a frauenadler disp within an orle of mullets Arg.
(D: Geirn Thorgrmsdttir - May 97)
Per pale Az & Vt, a dragon passant to sin regardant within an orle
of mascles Arg. (D: Ceolfld Pyper - Jun 04)
Per pale Az & Vt, a heart within an orle of fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D:
Eleanor Isabeau le Coeur - Nov 95)
Per pale Gu & Or, on a gauntlet aversant Sa, a cross formy per pale
Or & Gu, all within an orle of chain Arg. (D: Peter du Gant
Noir - Aug 96)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a sheaf of rapiers inv within an orle of lozenges
Arg. (B: Eyrn Ormarsdttir - May 94)
Per pale Purp & Sa, a greyhound courant within an orle of fleursde-lys Arg. (D: Melisande of Woodcrest - Jan 95)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a winged wolfs head couped contourny, wings
addorsed, within an orle of snowflakes Arg. (D: Ragnall of
Winterhill - Jun 93)
Per pale Vt & Az, a Paschal lamb regardant proper within an orle of
willow leaves Arg. (D: Anastasia von der Wilgenhalle Apr 92)
Per salt Az & Sa, an escarbuncle within an orle of ermine spots Arg.
(D: Aidan Macpherson - Aug 01)
Per salt Az & Vt, a tower within an orle of pawprints Arg. (B:
Sorcha Caervran - Jan 96)
Purp, a cross of Calatrava, in chf a crown Or, within a wreath of
trillium flowers lying as on a bord Arg. (D: Calontir, Crown
Princess of - Oct 84)
Purp, a dove migrant palewise Or within an orle of fleurs-de-lys
Arg. (B: Leiannka Zorya Zelolev - Jan 84) (For Marcelle
Desire la Belle)
Purp, a goblet within an orle of gouttes Arg. (B: Mika Longbow Sep 95) (For House Longbow)
Purp, a heart Or within an orle of gouts deau. (D: Triaria
dOrlans - Jan 93)
Purp, a horse passant within an orle of mullets of six points Arg.
(D: Lucinda de la Bahia - Nov 89)
Purp, a shuttle bendwise sin Or within an orle of Celtic crosses Arg.
(D: Eilidh nic Alpin of Dunollie - Mar 88)
Purp, a swan naiant to sin within an orle of fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D:
Catelin Parry the Patient - May 99)
Purp, a tower within an orle of hearts Arg. (D: Diana of Llanberis Jul 04)
Purp, a turtle ramp within an orle of lilies Arg. (D: Brianna Leigh
of Hill - Nov 96)
Quarterly Gu & Az, a rabbit sejant erect within an orle of
gillyflowers Arg. (D: Deirdre de la Fleur - Mar 90)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a claymore bendwise Arg, betw 2 lions Or, all
within an orle of compass stars Arg. (D: Eoin Mr
MacLochlainn - Sep 97)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a seahorse erect within an orle of annulets Arg.
(D: Serena Gethin - May 00)
Sa, a fess Arg, overall a Heneage knot within an orle of rope ctrch.
(D: Ericus the Silverhand - Jan 92)
Sa, a goats head caboshed within an orle of annulets Arg. (D: Erik
von Wollin - May 85)
Sa, a horse ramp within an orle of mullets of 4 points Arg. (D:
Simon Hand - Oct 02)
Sa, a moon in her complement Arg within a serpent wavy involved
Vt, fimbriated Or, all within plates in orle. (D: Kairys
Karovadas - Sep 81)

68 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - In orle - Argent (continued)

Sa, a pale Arg surmounted by 2 quills bendwise sin in pale, overall

an orle of pairs of quills in salt ctrch. (D: Sean crivain Feb 83)
Sa, a salt patee throughout Vt, fimbriated Arg, overall a chain in
orle Arg. (B: Waldt von Markheim - Aug 79) (For House
Sa, a swan naiant to sin Or within an orle of fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D:
Lilian Guy of Swanton - Jun 87)
Sa, a sword bendwise inv within an orle of estoiles Arg. (B:
Reinwald Sigbrand - Jan 88) (For House Saebelstern)
Sa, a sword inv, the blade enflamed, proper surmounted by a lions
head erased, within five mullets of seven points in orle Arg.
(D: Sedalia MacNare - Dec 83)
Sa, a thistle Or an orle of crosses crosslet fitchy Arg. (D: Malcolm
the Archer - Dec 96)
Sa, a tyger sejant to sin Or, within an orle of mullets Arg. (D:
Meredith of the White Cliffs - Jul 90)
Sa, a tyger statant Or within an orle of crescents Arg. (D: Ulric
Fredricson - Mar 88)
Sa, a wolfs head caboshed Or within an orle of eight compass stars
Arg. (B: Daniel Blackaxe - Dec 86) (For House Wolfstar)
Sa, an axe within an orle of mullets of six points Arg. (B:
Constantine the Varangian - Jan 90) (For House Kayell)
Sa, an orle of plates. (D: Geoffrey le Bay - Dec 98)
Vt, a bat disp within an orle of caltrops, points to center, Arg. (B:
Dolcia Bourdon - Apr 97)
Vt, a crocus flower Or within an orle of garlic bulbs, heads to
center, Arg. (B: Marinus - Aug 90) (For the Herbalist
Vt, a drawn bow & arrow reversed within an orle of quatrefoils
slipped Arg. (D: Brianna Maoltuile - Jun 92)
Vt, a garb within an orle of annulets Arg. (D: Christoffer
Bolheimer - Dec 00)
Vt, a griffin sejant Or within an orle of fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Zoe
Akropolitina - Mar 04)
Vt, a hawthorn leaf Or within an orle of gouttes deau. (D:
Christian de Holacombe - May 96)
Vt, a hurst of fir trees within an orle of trefoils Arg. (D: Caiterina
of Ballyhooly - Jul 01)
Vt, a phoenix Or, issuant from flames proper, within an orle of lilies
Arg. (D: Vittoria del Fiore - Nov 90)
Vt, a rams head cabossed holding in its mouth a sword fesswise
reversed, an orle of hearts Arg. (D: Dervla Aisling Lambkyn Jun 92)
Vt, a sea horse contourny within an orle of crescents Arg. (D:
Taliesin ap Owaine - Sep 91)
Vt, a serpent nowed in a Heneage knot inv within an orle of birch
leaves Arg. (D: Sigrid Brnsdotter - Jun 98)
Vt, a talbots head erased within an orle of gillyflowers Arg. (B:
Cordelia Talbot - May 04)
Vt, a tankard Or within an orle of crosses crosslet fitchy Arg. (D:
William of Woodland - Sep 73?)
Vt, a vol inv Arg within an orle Or, all within an orle of cinquefoils
Arg. (D: Isabelle Lang - May 94)
Vt, a winged boar courant Or, within an orle of escallops Arg. (D:
Sancia de Galicia - Jul 04)
Vt, an orle of gouttes deau. (B: Annora de Montfort of Shadowood
- May 87)
Vt, an orle of lotus blossoms in profile Arg. (D: Bessenyei Rossa Feb 04)
Vt, an orle of mushrooms Arg. (D: Cadhla Ua Cellachin Sep 02)
Vt, in pale a dagger inv Arg & a crescent Or, within an orle of gouts
deau. (D: Annest Walays - Jan 93)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In orle - Azure

Arg, a bear ramp guardant Az wearing a jesters cap Or belled, all

within an orle of hawks bells Az. (D: Tatjana vom Hlst Jul 97)
Arg, a double-bladed axe Sa, hafted proper, within an orle of
gouttes Az, on a chf Sa 2 open books Arg. (D: Andrew the
Executioner - Jul 97)
Arg, a dragon sejant betw six increscents in orle Az. (D: Eulalia de
Ravenfeld - Oct 02)

[Arrangement - In orle - Azure] to [Arrangement - In orle - Or]

Arrangement - In orle - Azure (continued)

Arg, a hound passant coward Sa within an orle of chain Az. (B:

Horic Grarvargr Caithnes - Apr 89)
Arg, a hourglass Gu within an orle of compass stars Az. (D: Ramn
the Chronologer - Feb 92)
Arg, a sprig of mint within an orle of roses Az. (D: Rosine
Kenricus - Feb 90)
Arg, a violet Purp within an orle of hearts Az. (D: Kateryne of
Hindscroft - Sep 86)
Arg, five bars Sa, a martlet volant & an orle of martlets Az. (D:
Elizabeth Stafford Parr Pembroke - Apr 92)
Az, a crescent within an orle of mullets Arg. (D: Mel Muire mac
Nill hui Cholmin - Aug 02)
Or, a grape vine Vt, fructed of 2 bunches Sa, within in orle five
mullets Az. (D: Fedora de Mara - Mar 84)
Or, a turtle Vt within an orle of mullets Az. (D: Kouac Myclos Feb 02)
Or, a unicorn couchant Purp within an orle of fleurs-de-lys Az. (D:
Olivia de Calais - Sep 03)
Or, a wolf ramp Az maintaining an archepiscopal staff Sa within an
orle of wolfs pawprints Az. (D: Wolfram von Nrnberg Mar 04)
Or, an oak tree couped proper within an orle of ravens Sa. (D:
Bethoc of Ravenswood - Mar 02)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In orle - Fur

Az, an axe Or entwined by a serpent, head to sin, within an orle of

roundels ermine. (D: Taevis MacBrighde - Apr 90)
Or, an oak tree couped proper within an orle of ravens Sa. (D:
Bethoc of Ravenswood - Mar 02)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In orle - Gules

Arg, a basilisk disp, tail wrapped around its legs, Vt, winged &
bellied, within an orle of lozenges Gu. (D: Hrothgar se AEthel
- Jul 86)
Arg, a coney statant within an orle of mushrooms Gu. (D: Catlin
Svensdottir - Apr 88)
Arg, a sewing needle bendwise Sa threaded Vt, an orle of hearts Gu.
(D: Gillian Llywelyn - Jun 01)
Arg, a triskelion of arms vested each hand maintaing an artists
brush Az, within an orle of carnations Gu slipped & leaved Vt.
(D: Juliana de Florey le Ymagour - Oct 99)
Arg, a unicorn ramp Gu within an orle of gouttes-de-sang, a chf
counter-ermine. (D: Pedro Santiago de Villarquamada Apr 90)
Barruly Arg & Az, an orle of martlets Gu. (D: Valence, Earl of
Pembroke - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, a castle triple-towered Az within 3 dragons passant in orle
grasping each others tails Gu. (B: Charles of Dublin Apr 82)
Or, a gauntlet clenched affronty palewise within an orle of
fetterlocks within a bord Gu. (D: Douglas Ruari MacNeill Dec 82)
Or, a harp within an orle of goutes of flame Gu. (D: Phelim Liam
MacIlhatton - Dec 90)
Or, a lion ramp within an orle of escallops Gu. (D: Bourbon, House
of - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, a sexfoil within the Arabic words "kaana khafi bishshawkihi
jamaalat-il-wardata" in orle Gu. (D: Aisha al-Naysaburiya Nov 01)
Or, a unicorns head couped Sa within an orle of hearts Gu. (D:
Percival de Cource - Jan 87)
Or, an eagle disp & dismembered wings inv Vt within an orle of
gouttes de sang. (D: Aubrey Lowell - Oct 85)
Or, an oak tree couped proper within an orle of ravens Sa. (D:
Bethoc of Ravenswood - Mar 02)
Or, on a sun within an orle of fleurs-de-lys Gu a leopards head
jessant-de-lys Or. (D: Ezabella Allyot - Jul 01)
Or, 3 reremice Sa within an orle of hearts Gu. (D: Jacqueline le
Soleil - Aug 98)
Or, 2 artists brushes in salt Gu, bristled Sa, surmounted by a
melusine in her vanity proper, crined Sa, all within 2 serpents
in orle respectant, tails nowed in base, Gu. (D: Tobias
Meerschlange - Feb 83)

Arrangement - In orle - Gules (continued)

Paly Or & Az, an orle of pomegranates Gu slipped & leaved Vt. (D:
Alexandra Maria de Granada - Mar 05)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In orle - Multicolor

Gyronny Arg & Az, a purse Or within an orle of roundels

alternately Az & Or, each charged with a cross couped of the
field. (D: Magdalena Asmarit di Venezia - Feb 89)
Or, an oak tree couped proper within an orle of ravens Sa. (D:
Bethoc of Ravenswood - Mar 02)
Or, upon a salt Sa a tower Arg within an orle of eight mullets ctrch.
(D: Christopher of Hoghton - Aug 79?)
Per bend engrailed Arg & Az, a tree eradicated proper & a seahorse Arg within an orle of ermine tails ctrch. (D: Alix de
Godefroi - Nov 90)
Per bend sin Az & Or, a wyvern within an orle of crosses crosslet
ctrch. (D: Michael Wickwar - Dec 91)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, eight roundels in orle ctrch. (D: Cailean
mac Dubhghaill mhic Leoid - Apr 98)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, a triquetra within & conjoined to an annulet
Or, & a swan disp facing sin Sa, all within an orle of ivy ctrch.
(D: Meadhbh OComin a Corca Laoidhe - Jun 92)
Per chev Arg & Sa, a bird disp, head facing sin, within an orle of
decrescents ctrch. (D: Andrew Blount - Apr 99)
Per chev indented Az & Or, 2 harps addorsed Or & a dragon
passant contourny Vt maintaining in its dexter forepaw a sheaf
of arrows inv Sa, an orle of bay leaves conjoined ctrch. (D:
Owain Norgard of Greenbriar - Jul 97)
Per pale Arg & Az, an escallop inv within an orle of escallops, all
ctrch. (D: Beorhtraed Sifrisdohtor - Jul 87)
Per pale Az & Arg, a lion couchant guardant contourny Or
maintaining a sword Gu within an orle of Maltese crosses
ctrch. (D: Heinrich von Swartzenberg - Dec 01)
Per pale Az & Or, a carrack in full sail ctrch within sixteen arrows
in orle, points to center, ctrch Arg & Vt. (D: Flint of the
Westward Sea - Oct 80)
Per pale embat Vt & Or, a raven contourny wings addorsed & inv
Arg & a rat ramp Sa within an ivy vine in orle ctrch. (D:
Meave de Clare - Nov 94)
Per pale Gu & Or, in salt 2 swords within an orle of mullets of six
points betw 2 tressures, all ctrch. (D: Jayne Gidle - Apr 86)
Per pale Gu & Or, 2 dragons combattant & in chf a sword fesswise,
all within an orle of roundels ctrch. (D: Gregor von
Mnchhausen - Nov 89)
Per pale Or & Az, a sun surrounded by six roses in orle, all ctrch.
(D: Gabrielle Juliana Raron - Jul 96)
Per pale Or & Vt, a bulls head caboshed within an orle of pairs of
thistles in salt all ctrch. (D: Finnuala MacLeod - Dec 85)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a griffin segreant Gu within an orle of rabbits
salient ctrch. (D: Liam Gryffyn MacCeallaig - Jun 85)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a tower & an orle of mullets of 4 points ctrch.
(D: Walrick de Blakeney - Dec 96)
Per pale Sa & Or, a griffin segreant contourny within an orle of
feathers ctrch. (D: Merouda Pendray - Dec 93)
Per pale Vt & Or, 2 axes addorsed within an orle of oak leaves inv,
all ctrch. (D: Eadmund Garthson - Oct 94)
Per pale wavy Arg & Az, 2 seahorses erect respectant within an orle
of decrescents ctrch. (D: Marion Brady - Apr 99)
Quarterly Arg & Vt, a distaff of wool proper, within an orle of
fleurs-de-lys ctrch. (D: Lys dArras - Mar 78?)
Quarterly Or & Sa, a fleur-de-lys within an orle of hawks bells
ctrch. (D: Sarah de Bourgogne - Sep 95)
Quarterly Sa & Or, a sun, cardinal points throughout, within an orle
of roundels ctrch. (D: Hrolf Herjolfssen - Nov 85)
Vt, 2 bars wavy Arg, overall a seahorse Or, armed & finned on the
tail Gu, within an orle of Catherine wheels ctrch. (D: Katerina
Razin - Apr 88)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In orle - Or

Az, a boars head couped & an orle of mullets Or. (D: Gwyddno ap
Gryffydd ap Emrys Eurdorchog - Dec 96)
Az, a mullet of six points within an orle of mullets of six points Or.
(B: Finnvarr de Taahe - Feb 98)
Az, a talbot passant within an orle of mullets of seven points Or.
(D: Griffin de Stokeport - Feb 96)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 69

[Arrangement - In orle - Or]

Arrangement - In orle - Or (continued)

Az, a unicorns head, erased & sin-facing, Arg within an orle of

escallops Or. (D: Maelen Gwynonwy of Ravensfield - Sep 89)
Az, a white gyrfalcons head erased proper within an orle of
bezants. (D: Michael Gyrfalcon of Elden - Oct 76?)
Az, an angel, head facing to sin Arg within an orle of compass stars
Or. (D: Angela Christine OHara - Aug 97)
Az, an iris, slipped & leaved, within a chaplet of oak leaves, lying
as on an orle, Or. (D: Toni of Graywood - Nov 89)
Az, an orle of martlets Or. (D: Constance Fairfax - Feb 99)
Az, an owl striking affronty Arg & in chf a plate, all within an orle
of ivy Or. (D: Ula Brennasdottir - Jan 87)
Counter-ermine, a winged wolf ramp within an orle of chain Or. (D:
Valgard Stonecleaver - Dec 90)
Gu, a Bowen knot set crosswise within an orle of oak leaves Or. (D:
Ceridwen ferch Cynddelw ap Tanno Gwynedd - Jan 92)
Gu, a chi-rho Arg within an orle of bezants. (D: Basilius Phocas Sep 95)
Gu, a cross formy Or, charged with a cross pointed Gu, all within an
orle of chain Or. (B: Valeran do Pico - Dec 87)
Gu, a crossbow Arg within an orle of pheons Or. (D: Cellach mac
Toimn - Aug 03)
Gu, a decrescent moon within an orle of mullets Or. (D: Lourana
Moonwind - Oct 85)
Gu, a dolphin embowed to sin within an orle of sexfoils Or. (D:
Clothilde de Navarra - Mar 84)
Gu, a fox salient within an orle of fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Lucas
dAvignon - Feb 02)
Gu, a griffin segreant contourny within an orle of fleurs-de-lis Or.
(D: Jean Claude Marcel - Jan 94)
Gu, a lion dormant within an orle of hearts Or. (D: Fahrquar
Finley Fahrquarson - Apr 82)
Gu, a mallet within a 2-headed serpent in orle, heads at either end &
respectant Or. (D: Duncan Bruce of Logan - Oct 90)
Gu, a pair of stags attires within an orle of fleurs-de-lys Or. (D:
Morgan Goldbeter - May 98)
Gu, a penannular brooch opening to the sin, the pin bendwise sin,
within an orle of 3 strands plaited clockwise Or. (D: Daviel
Reshechai - Sep 80)
Gu, a roundel ermine within an orle of leaves Or. (D: Leifr
Hrlfsson - Sep 02)
Gu, a squirrel sejant erect to sin Arg within an orle of acorns inv Or.
(D: Anderwyn na Sionain - Jun 91)
Gu, a tau cross within an orle of mascles Or. (D: Dimitrii
Sviatoslav Varulovich Polynov - Aug 02)
Gu, a tyger salient within an orle of escutcheons Or. (B: Conrad
von Zuberbuehler - May 03)
Gu, a winged lion segreant within an orle of suns Or. (D: Justin de
Leon - Dec 95)
Gu, a wolfs head erased ululant to sin Arg within an orle of
lozenges Or. (D: Lyulf de Flandry - Sep 92)
Gu, an escarbuncle of chain within & conjoined to an orle of chain
Or. (D: Navarre - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, an orle of escallops Or. (D: Rowan of Hakesleah - Dec 99)
Gu, in pale a drakkar reversed above a sword fesswise Arg all
within a rope in orle, nowed in base, Or. (D: Kristof the
Towhead - Aug 80)
Gu, 2 chevrons couped & conjoined in fess Or within an orle of
bezants. (B: Janet Virago Parva of House Morningstar Sep 83)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, a lion ramp guardant Purp maintaining a cross
bottony, within an orle of chain Or. (D: Edmund of Hertford Sep 96)
Or, an oak tree couped proper within an orle of ravens Sa. (D:
Bethoc of Ravenswood - Mar 02)
Per chev inv Gu & Sa, a sheaf of arrows inv within an orle of
roundels Or. (D: Torin o the Dell - Feb 94)
Per fess Az & Vt, a boar statant to sin Arg within an orle of oak
leaves stems outwards Or. (B: Duncan Silverwolf McTyre Jan 04)
Per pale Az & Gu, an orle of dice Or. (D: Marietta da Firenze Sep 05)
Per pale Gu & Az, a lions head erased within an orle of mullets Or.
(D: Peadair of Kilernan - Jan 85)
Per pale Gu & Az, an oak tree eradicated within an orle of acorns
palewise Or. (B: Gavin de Haga - Nov 89) (JB: Alina
Meraud Bryte)
70 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - In orle - Or (continued)

Per pale Gu & Az, an orle of camels Or. (D: Hakim de Casa
Branca - Nov 04)
Per pale Purp & Vt, a fan within an orle of mullets of 4 points Or.
(D: Alessandra Bentivegna da Faenza - Aug 98)
Per pale Purp & Vt, a tree blasted & eradicated within an orle of
maple leaves Or. (D: Angeli du Bois - Dec 90)
Per salt Gu & Sa, a boars head erased close Arg within thirteen
bezants in orle. (D: Michael Myrialogos - Aug 81)
Purp, a butterfly betw 3 quill pens in pall, nibs to center Arg, all
within an orle of rope Or. (D: Marycz Karola Pohlman Mar 98)
Purp, a dragonfly within an orle of fleurs-de-lis Or. (D: Mraud
dAvignon - May 02)
Purp, a hare ramp Arg within an orle of mascles Or. (D: Aimilona
of Hares Keep - Mar 92)
Purp, a pavilion Arg within an orle of annulets Or. (B: Victor of
Shrewsbury - Apr 97)
Purp, a salamander statant within an orle of triquetras Or. (D:
Myfanwy Gwynedd - Aug 01)
Purp, a tower within an orle of lions ramp Or. (B: Roland
ODonnell - Dec 92)
Purp, an annulet Arg fretted with 2 seaxes in salt, all within an orle
of eight frogs sejant affronty Or. (D: Saethryth of Athelney Jan 87)
Purp, 3 fleurs-de-lys & an orle of leaves in orle Or. (D: Gabrielle
Mricourt - Sep 02)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a lion ramp within an orle of suns Or. (D:
Lyonnete du Soleil - Jun 02)
Sa, a bear passant contourny Arg within an orle of bezants. (D:
Bjrn hinn Heppni - Jan 92)
Sa, a bow fesswise fully drawn with an arrow palewise inv, all
within an orle of crescents Or. (D: Bilig the Watcher May 89)
Sa, a crescent inv Arg within an orle of trillium flowers inv Or. (D:
Caitrin OMaughan - Jan 03)
Sa, a decrescent Arg within an orle of chain Or. (D: William of
Grey Niche - Aug 92)
Sa, a harts head, erased & sin facing, Arg within an orle of suns in
splendor Or. (D: Elenor of the Grieving Heart - Jun 90)
Sa, a heart pily bendwise sin Gu & Arg within an orle of annulets
Or. (D: Torin Ertheshert - Mar 88)
Sa, a jews harp inv Or within an orle of dice Or, marked Sa. (D:
Rabah az-Zafir - Oct 93)
Sa, a snail passant guardant within an orle wavy of thorns Or. (D:
Eimile Seilide as Draeighean - Dec 88)
Sa, a tree within an orle of chain & on a chf Or 3 mullets Gu. (D:
Ronan Darkmoon - May 92)
Sa, a tricorporate fox within an orle of chain Or. (D: Gherardo il
Trincatore - Oct 91)
Sa, an eagle disp Or, perched upon a sword fesswise proper all
within an orle of fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Arnulf Adler - Feb 85)
Sa, in pale a ducal coronet & a griffin segreant Or, maintaining 2
swords proper, all within an orle of chain Or. (D: Aaron Breck
Gordon - Feb 89)
Vt, a foot couped contourny Arg within an orle of wheels Or. (D:
Eoin Eardstapa - Aug 92)
Vt, a Great Pyrenees dog sejant guardant, dexter forepaw raised,
Arg within an orle of fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Mathilde des
Pyrenees - May 91)
Vt, a griffin sejant Arg within an orle of fleurs-de-lys Or. (D:
Konstantinos Akropolites - Mar 04)
Vt, a heart within an orle of fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Gabriel Lightfoot
- Jan 87)
Vt, a Latin cross of six annulets interlaced within an orle of
decrescents Or. (D: Gisela Redihalgh - Dec 00)
Vt, a lion salient maintaining in both forepaws a sword inv betw 3
mullets Arg within an orle of fleurs-de-lis points outward Or.
(D: Sylvanus of Sutherland - Jan 96)
Vt, a raven close to sin Arg within an orle of cinquefoils Or. (D:
Rosamund von Ravenna - May 84)
Vt, a sheaf of swords inv proper surmounted by a rose all within an
orle of oak leaves in orle Or. (B: Outlands, the - Jul 03)
Vt, a stag ramp contourny Arg attired & unguled within a orle of
Ormonde knots Or. (D: Brynjulv Ericson - Sep 95)
Vt, a wolfs head couped contourny ululant within an orle of maple
leaves Or. (D: Bryn the Curious - Feb 96)

[Arrangement - In orle - Or] to [Arrangement - In orle - Vert]

Arrangement - In orle - Or (continued)

Vt, an onagers head couped Or within six bezants in orle. (B:

Pagan Mahon - Jan 85)
Vt, an orle of oak leaves Or. (D: Bengt Knutsson - Sep 04)
Vt, in chf an eagle disp, facing sin, & in base a salt, overall an orle
of chain Or. (D: Angus Ulrich - Jul 93)
Vt, in pale a portcullis & an annulet, within an orle of grain heads
Or. (B: Unser Hafen - Feb 97) (For the Order of the Corona
Graminea of Unser Hafen)
Vt, 2 natural dolphins haurient respectant within a orle of ivy Or.
(D: Ianthe Delfini del Mare - Oct 94)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In orle - Purpure

Arg, a bunch of grapes, slipped & leaved proper, within an orle of

crosses crosslet Purp. (B: Hokumori Yoshiie - Oct 89)
Arg, a harp Vt within an orle of golpes. (B: Seosamh Chda Feb 86) (For Clan O Choda Chill Choinnigh)
Arg, a pegasus passant Sa within an orle of roses Purp. (D:
Kimberley of Mountains Gate - Jan 94)
Arg, a popinjay Vt within an orle of fleurs-de-lys Purp. (D:
Rosamund von Schwyz - Mar 88)
Arg, a raven contourney perched atop a rapier fesswise reversed Sa
within an orle of serpents glissant Purp. (D: Chrystal Ariana
MacRuari - Jul 96)
Or, a winged bull passant guardant Sa, wings elevated & addorsed
Arg, within an orle of purple morning glories proper. (D:
Padruig Aoghann Uladh - Jul 83)
Or, an oak tree couped proper within an orle of ravens Sa. (D:
Bethoc of Ravenswood - Mar 02)
Or, an orle of violets Purp, barbed & seeded proper, overall a pale
Az charged with a sword inv proper. (D: Larissa Alwynn
Clarewoode - Aug 86)
Or, 2 bears combattant Sa within an orle of escallops inv Purp. (D:
Antoinette Clarissa du Bte - Sep 97)
Or, 2 dragons combattant, tails entwined in base Gu, within an orle
of golpes. (D: Rhys le Vyngnon - Jun 93)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In orle - Sable

Arg, a brazier Sa enflamed Az within an orle of thorn vine wavy Sa.

(D: Elias Blackthorne - Mar 02)
Arg, a cat sejant erect Sa sustaining a crozier hook to sin Purp all
within an orle of cats pawprints in orle Sa. (D: Lore Bubeck Jan 03)
Arg, a Great Horned Owl rising guardant, wings elevated & disp,
proper, maintaining in its sin claw an arrow bendwise, within
an orle of arrows set barb to fletch clockwise, Sa. (D: Mikel
the Silent - Sep 88)
Arg, a sealion reguardant Gu within an orle of hands Sa. (D: Rory
Blackhand - Sep 95)
Arg, a singly arched bridge, its span fracted, Gu, masoned Arg,
within an orle of lozenges Sa. (D: Bertrand dAvignon Dec 87)
Arg, a sun in his splendor within an orle of mullets Sa. (B: Alison
MacLeod - Dec 00) (For Muiriath athach)
Arg, a thistle stalked & leaved within an orle of gouttes Sa. (D:
Dorcas Lesley of Clan Colin of the Crowlin Island - Feb 83)
Arg, a wolfs head cabossed within an orle of roundels Sa. (B:
Aarnimets - Jun 98)
Or, a cross clechy within an orle of ermine spots Sa. (D: Aileve of
Windhaven - Jul 96)
Or, a cross of Calatrava Gu within an orle of lozenges bases to
center Sa. (D: Jebe of Sugdak - Mar 04)
Or, a double-horned anvil within an orle of mullets Sa. (D: Ren
Deforge - Dec 90)
Or, a dragons head couped Vt within an orle of crescents Sa. (D:
Eldrik Dudley - Oct 85)
Or, a fox courant Vt within an orle of fleurs-de-lys Sa. (D: Jolie de
Valiere - Aug 98)
Or, a fox passant Gu within an orle of arrowheads inv Sa. (D:
Philippe Renard - Mar 94)
Or, a mazer Sa grasped by a pair of hands fesswise Vt, within an
orle of acorns proper. (D: Elen Greenhand - Aug 90)
Or, an elephants head cabossed Gu armed Arg within an orle of
pawprints Sa. (D: Sabina de Bragana - Jul 02)

Arrangement - In orle - Sable (continued)

Or, an oak tree couped proper within an orle of ravens Sa. (D:
Bethoc of Ravenswood - Mar 02)
Or, on a lozenge within an orle of crosses clech Sa, a seahorse
erect Arg. (D: Tegan Blackheart - Apr 85)
Or, 2 axes in salt within an orle of ravens Sa. (D: Harold the Grim
- Apr 76?)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In orle - Vert

Arg, a butterfly disp Purp within an orle of butterflies Vt. (D:

Alysande of Greenvale - Mar 90)
Arg, a castle triple-towered within an orle of ivy Vt. (D: Eleanor
MacBeth - Mar 93)
Arg, a catamount sejant reguardant to sin within an orle of ivy Vt.
(D: Lucrezia Constancia del Belcuore - Dec 88)
Arg, a cinquefoil Purp, in chf a sword fesswise reversed Sa, all
within an orle of mullets Vt. (D: Gilliane of Donedan Apr 88)
Arg, a cup Sa with ribbons issuant from its mouth Gu within an orle
of grapevine proper. (D: Ania Dahlbergh - Feb 96)
Arg, a falcon Az, hooded, jessed & belled Gu, within an orle of
holly leaves Vt, fructed Gu. (D: Holleigh Falcon - Sep 91)
Arg, a fleur-de-lis Purp within an orle of ivy leaves Vt. (D:
Danielle Victoire de Steele - May 02)
Arg, a heart voided Sa within an orle of grapevine Vt fructed Purp.
(D: Henry Balsac Dumas - Oct 02)
Arg, a lion ramp queue forchy Vt within an orle of six thistles
proper, a chf checky Gu & Arg. (D: Susannah of Locksley Aug 94)
Arg, a natural salamander passant coward Gu within an orle of ivy
leaves in annulo, stems to center, Vt. (D: Kambreda the Quiet
- Jan 86)
Arg, a phoenix contourny Purp rising from flames proper, within an
orle of feathers conjoined Vt. (D: Kalida Rudaya - Oct 92)
Arg, a recorder palewise within an orle of thistles, slipped & leaved,
all proper. (D: Alistair Scot Greyleye of Rutlandshire Jul 89)
Arg, a red camellia proper within a bord of red camellias slipped &
leaved proper. (D: Matriana du Cameliard - Jun 75?)
Arg, a red fox salient proper within a double tressure surmounted by
an orle of eight trefoils, stems set alternately inwards &
outwards, Vt. (D: Callista Balgaire - Dec 88)
Arg, a rose Az, barbed & seeded proper, within an orle of compass
stars elongated to base Vt. (D: Elsa Lorelle - Aug 87)
Arg, a wolfs head cabossed Sa within an orle of vines Vt. (D:
Katharine Wulfesege - Apr 92)
Arg, an escarbuncle within an orle of crescents Vt. (D: Genevieve
du Lac - Aug 90)
Arg, an orle of woodbine leaves Vt, overall a bend sin lozengy Az
& Arg. (D: Suvetar Kalevalainen - Dec 90)
Arg, an urchin statant Sa, within an orle of hop vines Vt, fructed Or.
(D: Simn de la Palma de Mallorca - Aug 89)
Arg, 3 ladybugs Gu marked Sa within an orle of ivy Vt. (D:
Gweneth of al-Barran - Feb 04)
Arg, 2 domestic cats courant in annulo Sa, an orle of ivy leaves
conjoined Vt. (D: Hannah Isobel Lowrie - Feb 97)
Az, a flowering leek within an orle of flowering leeks proper. (D:
Denys de Caergwen - Nov 81)
Or, a ferret statant Sa within an orle of blackberry vine Vt, fructed
Purp. (D: Brighid OMainnin - Dec 91)
Or, a garden rosebud Gu slipped & leaved within an orle of
shamrocks Vt. (D: Catriona Eveleen Kilgannon - Sep 91)
Or, a heart Sa within an orle of escallops inv Vt. (B: Genevieve
dAngoulme - Oct 02) (JB: Michael of Exeter)
Or, a lion salient queue-forchy Gu, gorged of a ducal coronet Or,
maintaining in its dexter forepaw for augmentation a baton Sa,
within an orle of pine trees couped proper. (Augmentation of
Arms: Trelon of the Wood - Nov 89)
Or, a lion salient queue-forchy Gu, gorged of a ducal coronet Or,
within an orle of pine trees couped proper. (D: Trelon of the
Wood - Jul 89)
Or, a rapier bendwise sin betw 2 sheaves of paint brushes Sa within
an orle of grape vines Vt, fructed proper. (D: Anna Browere May 99)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 71

[Arrangement - In orle - Vert] to [Arrangement - In pall]

Arrangement - In orle - Vert (continued)

Or, a rose Gu, barbed & seeded proper, pierced by a sword inv Arg,
fimbriated Sa, all within an ivy vine in orle Vt. (D: Aleen du
Varnay - Jan 80)
Or, a seahorse within an orle of escallops Vt. (D: Genevieve
dAngoulme - Feb 92)
Or, a thistle proper within an orle of shamrocks Vt. (D: Kathryn of
Castelleone Nuovo - Nov 99)
Or, an oak tree couped proper within an orle of ravens Sa. (D:
Bethoc of Ravenswood - Mar 02)
Or, in pale a lion statant contourny Gu & a rose Az all within an
orle of thistles proper. (D: Theoderick Orbus - Jul 97)
Sa, a decrescent within a bord Arg charged with an orle of holly Vt.
(B: Roland Silvervale - Mar 93) (For House Silvervale)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In pall

(Fieldless) In pall 3 seagulls migrant to center Arg, wingtips

conjoined in triangle, maintaining betw them a rose proper. (B:
Katharina von Straubing - Feb 01)
(Fieldless) 3 acorns conjoined in pall Arg. (B: Lucina la frepire Apr 00)
(Fieldless) 3 acorns conjoined in pall, stems to center Or
surmounted by an oak leaf Vt. (B: Phillip of Ghent - Aug 91)
(Fieldless) 3 broadarrows conjoined in pall, barbs outwards, Sa. (B:
Jonathan Blackshaft - Nov 89)
(Fieldless) 3 crescents conjoined in pall horns outward Or. (B:
Maurya Etain Sableswan - Dec 90)
(Fieldless) 3 crosses crosslet fitchy in pall, points conjoined Sa. (B:
Dulcinea Margarita Teresa Velzquez de Ribera - Sep 92)
(Fieldless) 3 ermine spots conjoined in pall Gu. (B: Ian of Loch
Naver - May 91)
(Fieldless) 3 hawks bells conjoined at the ring in pall Arg. (B:
Alianora Munro - Jul 01)
(Fieldless) 3 holly leaves conjoined in pall Vt, fructed Gu. (B:
Alyna of the Ilex - Mar 07)
(Fieldless) 3 ivy leaves conjoined in pall Arg. (B: Theodora
Delamore - Feb 02)
(Fieldless) 3 Latin crosses forchy conjoined in pall Gu, surmounted
by a palm tree couped Sa. (B: Berold de Gilbert - Dec 89)
(Fieldless) 3 lightning bolts in pall Arg surmounted by a cats head
couped Gu. (B: Llewellyn Flinthaven - Nov 97)
(Fieldless) 3 oak branches crossed in pall Arg. (B: Fearann na
Crche - Oct 00)
(Fieldless) 3 pheons conjoined in pall points outward per pale Sa &
Or. (B: Alaxandair Conchobhair - Jun 02)
(Fieldless) 3 pomegranates Arg, seeded Gu, slips conjoined in pall
with 3 leaves conjoined in pall inv Sa. (B: Ciara of
Trawsfynydd - Oct 07)
(Fieldless) 3 pomegranates slipped & leaved, stems conjoined in
pall Or. (B: Jane Godwin - Oct 07)
(Fieldless) 3 sin wings conjoined in pall Arg. (B: Dun Carraig Feb 05) (For Order of the Sea Hawk)
(Fieldless) 3 sycamore leaves conjoined in pall per pale Gu & Or.
(B: thelmearc - Aug 90)
Arg, a Monarch butterfly bendwise sin, wings elevated & addorsed
proper, betw 3 holly leaves in pall Vt, a chf Sa. (D: Edana
Aleen of the Borough of York - Jul 85)
Arg, a pall inv Sa, surmounted by 3 oak leaves in pall Vt alternating
with 3 acorns Arg. (D: Gerhard Ruprecht von Eichenberg Jun 83)
Arg, a triquetra Gu betw 3 skulls in pall Sa. (B: John of the Angels
- Mar 95)
Arg, in pall a fleur-de-lys Purp betw 3 seebltter points outward Vt.
(B: Marguerite dIsre - Dec 98)
Arg, in pall a lion passant contourny Az betw 3 hearts Sa. (D:
Catherine de Lyon - Jan 98)
Arg, in pall 4 cats paw prints, overall a winged annulet, all Sa. (B:
Jayme ODarcy of Glen Laurie - Aug 79) (For House of Glen
Arg, in pall inv 3 thistles, slipped & leaved, conjoined at the slips,
all within a bord Sa. (B: Ranulf of Waterford - Jun 02) (For
House Azami)(JB: Caitlyn ODuirnin)
Arg, in pall 3 dragonflies conjoined at the tails Az, a bord Purp. (D:
Selene OMalley - Oct 99)
Arg, in pall 3 scorpions conjoined by the tails Vt. (D: Malissa of
Glymm Mere - Sep 01)
72 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - In pall (continued)

Arg, in pall 2 shepherds crooks addorsed Sa & an arrow Gu. (D:

John Garr - Mar 94)
Arg, 3 arrow fletchings in pall, shafts to center, a bord Sa. (D:
Walkelin Montgomery - Jun 08)
Arg, 3 arrows in pall, points outwards Sa, on a chf Az a label
couped Arg. (D: Erik of Saint Katherines College - Sep 92)
Arg, 3 arrows in pall, points to center, betw as many annulets Gu.
(D: Hiroshi Shizukana - Aug 86)
Arg, 3 crossbow bolts in pall points outwards Gu. (D: Styrr
Gizursson - Mar 07)
Arg, 3 crosses formy fitchy in pall conjoined at the points, a bord
Sa. (B: Johann Wolfgang von Hesse - Feb 99) (For
Company of the Sable Blade)
Arg, 3 frogs in pall, legs extended, heads to center, within a bord
engrailed Vt. (D: Meadhbh n Ruadhin - Aug 94)
Arg, 3 holly leaves in pall conjoined at the stems Vt betw 3 clusters
each of 3 holly berries conjoined one & 2 Gu. (D: Stefana dei
Medici - Jun 02)
Arg, 3 maple leaves in pall stems outward within a bord Sa. (D:
Yoshikuri Nagayori - Jul 04)
Arg, 3 rapiers in pall points to center Gu betw 3 crows disp, one &
2, Sa, a bord Sa semy of hops sprigs Or. (D: Malachi
Blacksley - Aug 05)
Arg, 3 trees eradicated & conjoined in pall, roots to center, proper,
charged with a heart Or, a bord Sa. (B: Boncueur - Jan 91)
(For House Tumblewood)
Arg, 2 thistles proper & a whelk shell Gu conjoined in pall. (D:
Namara Agafonika - May 97)
Az, a triskele betw 3 swords in pall points to center Arg. (B:
Trimaris - Jun 95) (For the Order of the Argent Sword of
Az, an annulet betw in pall 4 cinquefoils Arg. (D: Gwyneth of
Ramsey Mere - Aug 81)
Az, in pale 3 ferrets courant Arg. (D: Ranald de Balinhard Oct 01)
Az, in pall a laurel wreath betw an increscent, a decrescent, & a
dragon dormant, all within a bord Arg. (D: Dragons Mark Dec 83)
Az, in pall 4 Bowen knots within a bord Or. (D: Batujin Nasan Jun 04)
Az, in pall 3 horses heads conjoined at the neck Arg charged with a
triskele Az. (B: Trimaris - Feb 07)
Az, in pall 3 lightning flashes Or betw 3 snowflakes, Arg. (B: Zan
Andreas - May 83)
Az, in pall 3 natural dolphins embowed tails to center within a bord
Arg. (D: Caitilin inghean Eoin - Nov 03)
Az, in pall 3 sea-horses tails to center Or. (D: Bazyli Oleschsky Jan 99)
Az, issuant from a plate charged with a wheel Gu 3 demi-lightning
bolts in pall Arg & on a chf Arg five pheons inv Gu. (D:
Rolland Benassis - Sep 95)
Az, 3 acorns conjoined in pall & a chf rayonny Arg. (D: Lucina la
frepire - Apr 00)
Az, 3 astronomical symbols for Venus interlaced in pall Arg. (D:
Ninian Morgan - Sep 02)
Az, 3 buckets in pall handles to center & interlaced Arg. (B:
Amalric dAcre - Mar 05)
Az, 3 crescents in pall, horns to center Or. (B: Rosalind bint
Mihrimah - Dec 06)
Az, 3 male linnets disp conjoined pallwise in pall, heads to center,
proper. (D: Linet of Taunton - Dec 82)
Az, 3 maple leaves in pall, slips conjoined, within a bord dovetailed
Or. (D: Aislinn Grey - Jul 89)
Az, 3 oak leaves in pall Arg betw 3 acorns in pall inv Or. (D: Aiken
of York - Jan 81)
Az, 3 stick weavers shuttles in pall Arg betw 3 hawks bells Or.
(D: Brianna la Franceise - Jun 91)
Az, 3 stone throwing-hammers in pall, handles to fess point, Arg.
(B: Thors Mountain - Nov 83)
Az, 3 swords in pall, pommels to center, proper. (D: Quintin de
Fontenay - Oct 98)
Az, 3 unicorns heads erased in pall, conjoined at the horns, Arg,
armed an crined Or. (D: Mary of Neath - Aug 88)
Barry Gu & Or, 3 eagles in pall disp, wings inv, heads to center, all
within a bord embat Sa. (D: Basil von Kln - Nov 84)

[Arrangement - In pall]

Arrangement - In pall (continued)

Barry wavy Az & Or, 3 merlions in pall tails to center entwined

Arg. (D: Roxane la Lionne Blanche - Apr 91)
Bendy sin Az & Arg, 3 leaves conjoined in pall Vt. (D: lfwyn
Webbestre - May 00)
Chevronelly Arg & Az, 3 pheons in pall, points to center, Gu. (D:
Archibald Bowyer - Jul 88)
Ermine, in pall 3 oak leaves conjoined Vt, veined Sa, betw 3 acorns,
one & 2, Or. (D: Sigismund Vasa Care - Oct 76?)
Gu, a cherry blossom betw in pall 3 reremice, heads to center,
within a bord Arg. (D: Miura Natsuko - Sep 94)
Gu, in pall 3 linden leaves stems conjoined Or. (D: Uta von dem
Lindenwald - Nov 95)
Gu, 3 armored legs couped at the knee & conjoined in pall within a
bord Or. (B: Aleric Ironleg - Sep 92)
Gu, 3 bees in pall heads to center proper within a bord embat Or.
(D: Brigid ONeill the Limner - Jun 01)
Gu, 3 delfs conjoined in pall & an orle Arg. (D: Koga Yoshitsune May 03)
Gu, 3 dexter arms conjoined at the shoulder & flexed in pall,
armored & gauntleted Arg, each fist grasping an iris Or,
slipped Vt. (B: Glaedenfeld - Sep 83)
Gu, 3 ermine tails conjoined in pall Arg betw 3 crescents horns
outward Or. (B: Rhodri Longshanks - Sep 91)
Gu, 3 foxes in pall statant heads outwards conjoined at the tail tips
Arg. (D: Cera filia Drusti - Sep 02)
Gu, 3 holly leaves conjoined in pall & fructed Arg. (D: Ki no
Kotori - Dec 05)
Gu, 3 holly leaves conjoined in pall betw 3 double roses Or. (D:
Rondallyn of Golgotha - Aug 94)
Gu, 3 holly leaves conjoined in pall betw 3 double roses Or, & for
augmentation 3 mullets in chf one & 2 Arg. (Augmentation of
Arms: Rondallyn of Golgotha - Aug 94)
Gu, 3 Latin crosses conjoined in pall surmounted by 3 horseshoes
pallwise opening outward Arg. (B: Stefan der Polle - Jul 04)
Gu, 3 passion nails conjoined in pall Arg. (D: Minowara Mitarou
Yoshinaka - Apr 96)
Gu, 3 quarrels conjoined in pall Or & in chf a foaming beer stein
Arg. (D: Gerhardt von Rotbart - Dec 80)
Gyronny Az & Arg, on a sun rayonn Or betw in pall 3 mullets of 4
points ctrch in pale a mullet of 4 points & a unicorns head Sa.
(D: Branwyn fer Corran - Oct 81)
Gyronny of six palewise Vt & erminois, in pall 3 dexter arms,
flexed & conjoined at the shoulders, each hand grasping a
dagger, Arg. (D: Ternon de Caerleon - May 87)
Or, a gurges Az, overall 4 caltraps in pall Gu. (B: Adeliz Argenti Jul 04)
Or, a holly sprig of 3 leaves in pall Vt & 3 berries conjoined at the
center, one & 2, Gu, within a bord pean. (D: Hollen of
Kestrelmere - Dec 83)
Or, an oak leaf Vt betw 3 thorn branches pallwise in pall, all within
a bord nebuly Sa. (D: Bronwyn Acthorn - Feb 86)
Or, in pall 3 roses proper, slips to center & leaved within an orle
engrailed of its inner edge, invected on the outer edge, all
within a bord engrailed Vt. (D: Anastasia Ssevastjanova of
Kiev - Nov 89)
Or, 3 acorns in pall, caps to center, betw 3 oak leaves in pall inv, all
within a bord Vt. (B: West, the - May 89) (For the Pages
Or, 3 anchors in pall rings to center Vt. (D: Aethelstan Osricson Oct 98)
Or, 3 fleurs-de-lys in pall bases to center Az. (B: Atenveldt,
Kingdom of - Dec 02)
Or, 3 oak leaves conjoined in pall & on a chf Vt 3 acorns Or. (D:
Eilidh na Tire Dharigh - Jan 98)
Or, 3 pheons in pall points outward Sa within a bord indented Az.
(B: Atenveldt, Kingdom of - Dec 02) (For Order of the Black
Or, 3 pomegranates Gu, slips conjoined in pall with 3 leaves
conjoined in pall inv Vt. (D: Phillipia Cupbreaker - Oct 07)
Or, 3 thistles slipped & leaved conjoined in pall proper. (D: Brenan
Egan - Apr 98)
Per chev inv Arg & Vt, in chf 3 oak leaves 2 & one & in base
another all ctrch. (D: Charles Robert Oakley of Rivendale Sep 95)

Arrangement - In pall (continued)

Per chev inv Or & Az, a crossbow Sa & 3 legs conjoined in pall at
the hip, each leg pierced in the calf by an arrow, Or. (D:
Niccola Sebastiani - Apr 84)
Per chev inv Vt & Or, 3 oak leaves conjoined in pall, fructed Or, &
3 decrescents Vt. (D: Edolina del Fylde - Sep 96)
Per fess Or & Sa, in pall 3 swords conjoined at the pommels ctrch.
(B: Robert Falford - Jul 81) (For Circle of Swords)
Per fess wavy Purp & Vt, a plate & 3 oak leaves conjoined in pall
Arg. (D: Alana of Tallaght - May 00)
Per pale Az & Arg, 3 cubit arms conjoined in pall each sustaining a
smiths hammer & a bord ctrch. (D: Beorhtric Folcwinesone May 99)
Per pale Az & Sa, 3 fleurs-de-lys in pall bases to center Arg. (D:
Grimon Toussaint de Mortaigne - Sep 03)
Per pale Az & Vt, 3 swords in pall throughout conjoined at the
pommels betw 3 caltraps Arg. (D: Michael of Marlborough Sep 94)
Per pale Sa & Az, 4 mullets of nine points in pall Or. (D: Qaylah
bint Aamir - Dec 90)
Per pale Vt & Arg, 3 holly leaves conjoined in pall inv ctrch. (B:
Meghan Pengwyn of Wynterwood - Sep 91) (For House
Per pall Vt, Az, & Arg, 3 oak leaves conjoined in pall inv Or, Arg,
& Gu. (D: Deorswi t Wudeleage - Mar 08)
Per salt Or & Vt, 3 oak leaves in pall ctrch. (D: Irial Fasruadh
hIarnin - Dec 03)
Potenty Arg & Sa, a mullet betw 3 swords in pall, points to center,
Or. (D: Valdemar Gullstjarna - Oct 94)
Purp, a butterfly betw 3 quill pens in pall, nibs to center Arg, all
within an orle of rope Or. (D: Marycz Karola Pohlman Mar 98)
Purp, in pall a harp betw 3 increscents Arg. (D: Gwenhwyvar
Telynores - Jan 99)
Purp, in pall a 3-headed thistle betw 3 triquetrae Or. (D:
Mirghrad nicChlurain - Aug 07)
Purp, in pall 3 Oriental bats tergiant disp, heads to centre, within a
bord Arg. (B: Clea de Hnedoara - Nov 88) (For Feng Heihsia)
Purp, 3 fleurs-de-lys in pall, bases to center, Or. (D: Elizabeth de
Avenbury - Dec 97)
Purp, 3 moths in pall heads to center wings conjoined Arg. (D:
Taira Shirou Koresato - Sep 95)
Purp, 3 Wake knots conjoined in pall throughout Or. (D: Sadb
ingen Abner u Lorccin - May 06)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, 3 dragonflies in pall heads to center & a bord
embat Arg. (D: Roxanne de Audley - Jan 99)
Quarterly Vt & Purp, 3 keys in pall wards outwards & widdershins
within a bord Or. (D: Bjolfr Standali Vilmundarson - Nov 91)
Sa, a double-rose Gu, fimbriated Or, betw in pall 3 griffins segreant,
heads to the center, Or. (D: Catarenya Adkoshka - Aug 79?)
Sa, a sun in its splendor Or betw 3 sun bursts in pall rays to center
Or issuant from clouds Arg. (D: Constantia Maria von Kln Sep 00)
Sa, a triquetra betw 3 swords in pall pommels to center Or. (D:
Ronane Blackwell - Dec 95)
Sa, an annulet surmounted by 3 crescents in pall, horns outward, all
within a bord Arg. (D: William Ranulf le Broc - Mar 89)
Sa, five pheons conjoined, points outward, betw 3 wavy-bladed
daggers in pall, points to center, proper, all betw 2 gores Or.
(D: Wulfgar of Gleann Dubh - Dec 86)
Sa, in pall 2 serpents addorsed, tails entwined Arg, betw an apple &
2 owls Or. (D: Iacopo Attaviano da Vizzi - Sep 99)
Sa, 3 arrows in pall, points conjoined Or betw 3 daggers inv, each
blade surmounted by an anvil Arg. (D: Greger Eberhard Aug 92)
Sa, 3 crescents conjoined at the tips pallwise Arg. (D: Oonami
Yoshirou Kageyoshi - Apr 98)
Sa, 3 double-bitted axes in pall, hilts to center, Or surmounted by a
doves head erased to sin, all within a bord dovetailed Arg. (D:
Radegund Wulfsdottir - Aug 84)
Sa, 3 grasshoppers passant in pall, heads to center Arg. (B: Tanaka
Raiko - Aug 93)
Sa, 3 natural reindeers heads in pall, necks conjoined, within a bord
Or. (B: Darri Kveldulfsson - Aug 86)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 73

[Arrangement - In pall] to [Arrangement - In pall inverted]

Arrangement - In pall (continued)

Sa, 3 paulonia tendrils conjoined in pall surmounted by 3 paulonia

leaves conjoined in pall inv, the upper 2 tendrils & the lower 2
leaves embowed to the chf in annulo, Arg. (B: Minowara
Kiritsubo - Dec 82) (Secondary mon)
Sa, 3 rapiers in pall, hilts to center, betw 3 lions ramp Or. (D:
Jeffrey Gareth - Sep 90)
Sa, 3 swords in pall, points to center, Arg, betw 3 roses Or. (D:
Barak Elandris Mago - Mar 90)
Sa, 3 Thors hammers in pall, heads to center Arg. (D: Maunus
Sataielkanpoika - Mar 06)
Sa, 3 torii in pall inv, posts to center Arg, betw the uprights of each,
a plate. (B: Evan Mawr - Aug 90) (For Yamashiro Jiro)
Vt, in pall a pair of angles palewise braced Arg betw 3 Lacy knots
Or. (D: Dalla Ormarsdttir - Jan 07)
Vt, on 3 bezants conjoined in pall a wyvern erect Vt, jambed &
winged Gu, & in chf a raising-hammer proper. (D: James
Martel - Apr 81)
Vt, on 3 lozenges in pall Arg 3 roses Gu, a bord Arg. (D: Ismay
Othe of Glendalough - Apr 95)
Vt, 3 arrows in pall, points outward, betw a cat sejant affronty & 2
cats combattant Or. (D: Shaw Shadowdweller - Nov 83)
Vt, 3 broad arrowheads in pall, points outward, & on a chf
dovetailed Arg a lion passant guardant Sa. (D: Eoin Mac
Eoghain - date?)
Vt, 3 demi-yales conjoined in pall Arg, spotted Gu. (D: Robert von
Einsiedeln - Jul 90)
Vt, 3 ermine spots in pall inv, tails outwards, Or. (D: Cynon
Yscolan ap Myrddin - Nov 90)
Vt, 3 geese sejant in pall, heads together & conjoined, proper, all
within a bord potenty Arg. (D: Brynja of Byrrhyll - Dec 89)
Vt, 3 goblets in pall bowls to center & on a bord Arg an ivy vine Vt.
(B: Konrad von Krixen - May 02)
Vt, 3 goutes of flame conjoined in pall, surmounted by an estoile,
all Arg. (D: Jane Ascham - Aug 89)
Vt, 3 oak leaves conjoined in pall & in chf 3 acorns Or. (D:
Faoileann Ruadh - Nov 99)
Vt, 3 oak leaves conjoined in pall betw 3 acorns in pall inv caps to
center Arg. (D: Aeneas Oakhammer - Dec 02)
Vt, 3 shears interlaced in pall Or. (D: Margaret Swynford of
Bristow - Aug 92)
Vt, 3 spearheads in pall points outwards, on a chf wavy Arg 3 laurel
wreaths Vt. (D: Torna - Jun 01)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In pall inverted

(Fieldless) A ring of 3 keys in pall inv Arg. (B: Bordermarch Dec 98) (For Order of the Keys of Bordermarch)
(Fieldless) In pall inv, 3 scorpions tergiant, conjoined at the claws,
Gu. (B: Juan Carlos Prez - Jun 84)
(Fieldless) In pall inv 3 scorpions tergiant, conjoined at the claws,
Or. (B: Juan Carlos Prez - Feb 85) (For Casa del Alacrn)
(Fieldless) In pall inv 3 wolves ramp, conjoined at the hind feet
Arg. (B: Kieran Wolfkin - Apr 96)
(Fieldless) 3 arrowheads conjoined in pall inv, points to center,
within & conjoined to an annulet Or. (B: West, the - Dec 96)
(Fieldless) 3 butterflies conjoined in pall inv heads outward Arg
marked Sa. (B: Jennifer of the East - Nov 04)
(Fieldless) 3 double-bitted axes crossed in pall inv, hafts to center,
Arg hafted of wood proper. (B: Raymel Notchblade May 92)
(Fieldless) 3 dragons in triquetra, passant outwards, tails interlaced
Or. (B: owyn Amberdrake - May 86)
(Fieldless) 3 flames conjoined in pall inv Gu, thereon a thistle
proper. (B: Annette of Faire Monte - Aug 79)
(Fieldless) 3 fleurs-de-lys conjoined in pall inv bases to center Arg.
(B: Caterine dAlbret - Jul 02)
(Fieldless) 3 goblets conjoined in pall inv, bowls to center, Sa. (B:
Yarnvid - Jun 98)
(Fieldless) 3 horseshoes interlaced in pall inv Arg. (B: Katya
Leonovna Belokoneva - Oct 90)
(Fieldless) 3 oak leaves conjoined in pall inv stems to center Gu.
(B: Gille MacDhonuill - Dec 07)
(Fieldless) 3 oak leaves conjoined in pall inv Vt, surmounted by an
acorn Or. (B: Madoc Arundel - Jul 85)
(Fieldless) 3 pheons conjoined in pall inv, points to center, Sa, Or
& Vt. (B: Arianna Morgan - Aug 98)
74 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - In pall inverted (continued)

(Fieldless) 3 pomegranates Arg, seeded Gu, slips conjoined in pall

with 3 leaves conjoined in pall inv Sa. (B: Ciara of
Trawsfynydd - Oct 07)
(Fieldless) 3 rapiers in pall inv tips crossed Or. (B: Seosamh Tadhg
an Crca OMaille - Dec 94)
(Fieldless) 3 thistles conjoined in pall inv bases to center proper
within & conjoined to an annulet Or. (B: Isabel du Lac dAzur
- Aug 01)
(Fieldless) 3 thistles in pall inv, slipped, leaved & joined at the
stems, proper. (B: Andreanna Innes - Jan 85)
Arg chap, 3 wings conjoined in pall inv Sa, in base a goutte de
sang. (D: Sadb ingen Shuibne - Sep 04)
Arg, in pall inv a key fesswise wards to base Sa & 3 pomegranates
slipped & leaved Gu all within a bord quarterly Sa & Gu. (D:
Maria of Forth Castle - Nov 05)
Arg, 3 axes Gu hafts crossed in pall inv Sa. (D: Hengist Gromhydig
- Apr 96)
Arg, 3 lozenges conjoined in pall inv Purp within a double tressure
Sa. (D: Reynard de Loudoun - Dec 91)
Arg, 3 serpents issuant from fess point in pall inv, embowed
clockwise, Gu. (D: Atanielle Unesse - Oct 79)
Arg, 3 torcs interlaced in pall inv, openings outward Gu, on a chf Sa
a sword Arg. (D: Tegan ferch Urien - Dec 92)
Az, 3 acorns conjoined at the stems in pall inv Or within an orle of
eight oak leaves in annulo Arg. (B: Wealdsmere - Jan 99)
Az, 3 crescents conjoined in pall inv horns outwards Arg, a chf
ermine. (D: Morgen of Rye - Dec 96)
Az, 3 double-bitted axes in pall inv, hafts to center, within a bord
Or. (D: Damaris of Greenhill - Apr 92)
Az, 3 doves wings conjoined in triquetra at the shoulders Arg,
overall a triangle concave Or. (D: Anya Hunyadi de Szecheki Jul 80)
Az, 3 spears in pall inv points to center within a bord Arg. (D:
Caoimhghin MacAindri - May 08)
Az, 3 Tau crosses, stems conjoined in trefoil, Arg, overall a raven
disp Sa, fimbriated Arg. (B: Sean MacFflam of Ravenswaard Aug 78?) (For House Ravenswaard)
Az, 3 towers conjoined in pall inv Arg. (B: Kapellenberg - Jun 98)
Barry Or & Gu, 3 antlers conjoined at their bases in pall inv, a bord
rayonny Sa. (B: Bretislava Jerbek - Mar 99)
Dark, 3 hollyhock leaves in pall inv tips to centre within & stems
conjoined to an annulet light. (B: Tokugawa - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA mn)
Ermine, 3 mushrooms couped in pall inv, stems to center, Or. (D:
Lorena des Champignons - Nov 82)
Gu, a bend sin engrailed erminois betw 2 arrows inv in salt & 3
horseshoes interlaced in pall inv Or. (D: Margaret Elizabeth
Aison of Devon - Mar 94)
Gu, in pall inv 4 triquetras, the center one inv, Or. (B: edn Mr
Mac Donough - Jul 07) (For Erik Eriksson)
Gu, in pall inv 3 feathers conjoined at the quill Arg. (B: Nakano
Zenjirou Tadamasa - Feb 02)
Gu, 3 crescents in pall inv horns to center Arg betw 3 mullets of six
points Or. (D: Aigiarn Aljin - Dec 03)
Gu, 3 hands in pall inv, conjoined at the wrist, within a bord wavy
Or. (D: Patrick of Jaravellir - Feb 87)
Gu, 3 torches in pall inv bases to center Or. (D: Philippe de Lyon Sep 99)
Gyronny of six Sa & Arg, 3 oak leaves in pall inv Vt fructed Or. (D:
Rutger van Groningen - Oct 97)
Or, 3 acorns in pall, caps to center, betw 3 oak leaves in pall inv, all
within a bord Vt. (B: West, the - May 89) (For the Pages
Or, 3 maple leaves conjoined in pall inv Vt betw 2 bendlets gemels
Purp. (D: Keridwen of Caermarthen - Nov 93)
Or, 3 pomegranates Gu, slips conjoined in pall with 3 leaves
conjoined in pall inv Vt. (D: Phillipia Cupbreaker - Oct 07)
Or, 3 wings conjoined in pall inv Sa within a bord Az. (B: Edonea
MacKay - Sep 05)
Or, 2 willow branches crossed in pall inv proper betw 3 roses Gu,
barbed & seeded proper, all within a bord Purp. (D: Rosemary
Willowwood of Ste. Anne - Jan 84)
Per chev inv Sa & Vt, a chev inv betw six mullets in pall inv Or.
(D: Bronwen Torrens - Nov 98)
Per chev Or & Arg, in pall inv 4 anemone flowers Gu, seeded Sa,
betw 3 butterflies Az. (D: Byron della Farfalla - Jul 88)

[Arrangement - In pall inverted] to [Arrangement - In pile]

Arrangement - In pall inverted (continued)

Per chev Sa & Gu, 3 crescents conjoined in pall inv, horns outward
Or. (D: Austyn of Forrestgate - Sep 91)
Per chev Vt & Purp, 3 demi-horses contourny conjoined in pall inv
Or. (D: Rhianydd Arberth - Feb 02)
Per pale Az & Sa, 3 crescents conjoined in pall inv, horns outward
within an orle Arg. (D: Alianora MacIntosh - Oct 93)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 3 cubit arms conjoined in pall inv, each grasping
a jugglers club, on a chf Or, a fox passant Gu maintaining a
gunstone. (D: Tormod dubh Gunn - Feb 95)
Per pale Vt & Sa, 3 crescents conjoined in pall inv, horns outward,
betw 3 nightingales contourny Arg. (D: Nicodemus of Roaring
Wastes - Mar 93)
Purp, 3 demi-antelopes conjoined in pall inv Arg. (D: Leofflaed of
Heofonfeld - Dec 93)
Purp, 3 escallops in pall inv, hinges to center, within a bord Arg.
(D: Deirdre Ui Mhaille - Jan 87)
Purp, 3 fans one & 2, handles to center, Arg each charged with a
heart Sa. (D: Ember of Vatavia - Jun 07)
Purp, 3 horses heads erased in pall inv, necks to center, & in chf 3
demi-cranes disp Or. (D: Joseph of Caid - Mar 02)
Purp, 3 lozenges conjoined in pall inv Or, each charged with a
mascle Gu, all within a bord Or. (D: Margret of Cheshire Jan 90)
Quarterly Sa & Az, in pall inv a trefoil knot betw 3 crescents Arg.
(D: Ciar ingen Dega - Feb 08)
Sa, betw 3 gouttes in pall inv points outward an annulet all within
an octagon voided Arg. (D: Kinokuniya Hayato - Feb 96)
Sa, chap, 3 passion nails conjoined at the heads in pall inv Arg &
in chf 2 crosses crosslet fitchy Sa. (D: Toranaka Yojiro Jan 81)
Sa, in pale a cat passant reguardant to sin & 3 crescents interlaced in
pall inv, a bord embat Or. (D: Silvie de Rohan - Mar 00)
Sa, in pall inv 3 escallops hinges to center Or. (D: Hextilda
Marshal - Jul 04)
Sa, in pall inv 3 unicorns heads necks to center Arg armed &
crined Or betw 3 mullets Arg. (D: Tobias of Emerickeskepe Dec 95)
Sa, 3 crescents conjoined in pall inv, horns outward, within 3
scimitars in annulo Arg. (D: Keradwc an Cai - Aug 85)
Sa, 3 maple leaves in pall inv stems to center Or. (D: Taira no
Akiyo - Apr 02)
Sa, 3 paulonia tendrils conjoined in pall surmounted by 3 paulonia
leaves conjoined in pall inv, the upper 2 tendrils & the lower 2
leaves embowed to the chf in annulo, Arg. (B: Minowara
Kiritsubo - Dec 82) (Secondary mon)
Sa, 3 wake knots conjoined in pall inv throughout Or. (D:
Alexander Baird - Apr 91)
Vt, in pall inv 3 crescents interlocked, horns outwards, betw 3
mullets voided Or. (D: Esmeralda of Kimaden - Aug 82)
Vt, 3 bees in pall inv, heads to center, & on a bord Arg a briar vine
Sa. (D: James in le Breres - Nov 07)
Vt, 3 candles conjoined at the bases in pall inv Or, enflamed proper,
betw 3 crosses of ermine spots Arg. (B: Timothy Garraghan o
Leitrim - Aug 84) (For Pearhaven)
Vt, 3 dragonflies in pall inv tails to center Arg. (D: Uesugi Kutarou
Ietoyo - Apr 07)
Vt, 3 fleurs-de-lys in pall inv bases to center within a bord Arg. (D:
Jehannine de Flandres - Nov 03)
Vt, 3 ivy leaves conjoined in pall inv within an annulet betw 3
shamrocks & in chf a label dovetailed of five points Or. (D:
Daniel Cileachair - Oct 02)
Vt, 3 oak leaves conjoined in pall betw 3 acorns in pall inv caps to
center Arg. (D: Aeneas Oakhammer - Dec 02)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In pile

See also: Arrangement - In chevron inverted

(Fieldless) In pale 3 oak leaves Vt conjoined in pile to an acorn Or.
(B: Cano mag Fhionnghail - Mar 06)
(Fieldless) Seven trumpets in pile bells to chf Or issuant from a
cloud Sa. (B: Madoc Kynith - Jul 01)
(Fieldless) 3 ostrich feathers in pile Arg enfiling a crown Or the
quills surmounting (sometimes piercing, sometimes
surmounted by) a scroll Arg bearing the words ICH DIEN Sa.
(B: England, Heir Apparent of - Dec 94) (Important nonSCA badge)

Arrangement - In pile (continued)

Arg, on a pile betw 2 swords in pile Sa an estoile Arg. (D: Tirzah

MacCrudden - Jul 98)
Arg, 3 feathers in pile Sa & on a chf dovetailed Az a cat dormant
Arg. (D: Bronwen ORiordan - Nov 01)
Arg, 3 leaves in pile stems conjoined & on a point pointed Sa an
acorn Arg. (D: Marthe Elsbeth of Oak Hill - Jan 08)
Arg, 3 plumes conjoined in pile Purp betw 2 ravens addorsed & a
raven disp head to sin Sa. (D: Ragnhildr of Dragons Laire Jan 05)
Arg, 2 feathers conjoined in pile Gu enflamed Or & in chf a
pawprint Sa. (B: Anna Genevieve of Ancyra - Jul 02)
Arg, 2 peacock feathers in pile, tips crossed, proper & a chf Vt. (D:
Mary Rose de Burgon - May 06)
Az, a cauldron betw 2 stalks of wheat embowed in pile Or. (D:
Marcellina Nave Staats - Apr 89)
Az, a chev Gu fimbriated Arg, overall 3 stalks of wheat conjoined
in pile Or. (D: Lavina del Bakhous - Jun 00)
Az, a dragonfly betw 2 arrows in pile Or, a bord compony Arg &
Gu. (B: Vatavia - Nov 92) (For the Baronial Archer Guard)
Az, a dragonfly betw 2 daggers inv in pile Or, a bord
countercompony Az & Or. (B: Vatavia - Nov 92) (For the
Baronial Guard)
Az, a valknut inv Or betw 2 lightning bolts in pile Arg. (D: Uther
Lodbrok - Apr 94)
Az, in pile a rapier proper betw 2 feathers Or. (D: Michael Mcphe May 02)
Az, on a pair of hands appaum erased conjoined in pile inv Arg a
flame Vt. (D: Amber Adliza of Firehold - Apr 84)
Az, on a pile dovetailed betw in pile five mullets of eight points Arg
a cougars head cabossed proper. (D: Talfric Bluntsword Jun 83)
Az, on a pile dovetailed Or betw 2 swords in pile Arg a falcon close
Sa. (D: Halldrr Hlfdanarson - Apr 94)
Az, 3 piles in point betw 2 arrows inv in pile Arg, a bord Arg hurty.
(D: Flavius Sagittarius - Oct 94)
Barry pily Sa & Arg, 3 feathers in pile Gu. (D: Batrix du Lac Noir
- Oct 93)
Counter-ermine, in pile issuant from sin five swans volant fesswise
Arg & in canton a hurt. (D: Wyndylyn Leanb na Doinneann Jul 80)
Ermine, 3 swords inv in pile Gu. (D: Seward Olafson - Nov 97)
Gu, a double-bitted axe enhanced Arg betw in pile 2 lightning
flashes & a sun Or. (D: Halfdan Thorgeirsson - Oct 82)
Gu, a lotus blossom in profile betw 2 scimitars addorsed in pile Or.
(D: Jihan um Omar - Jun 87)
Gu, six broadarrows Or. (D: Richard Blayborne - Apr 90)
Gu, 3 lightning bolts in pile Or & in base a gauntlet aversant Arg.
(D: Igor of Throckmorton - Jul 02)
Gu, 3 stalks of barley in pile Or, on a chf Arg a bridge of 2 arches
Purp. (D: Siobhn Chantoiseau de Longpont sur Orges Nov 92)
Gu, 2 halberds in pile, betw their blades a tower, Arg, overall a
chev, all within a bord Or. (D: Hector Philip Martel Dec 86)
Or, a dragons head caboshed Vt betw 2 peacock feathers in pile
proper. (D: Victoria Rohrbach - Jan 99)
Or, a smiths hammer & tongs in pile Sa, on a chf Az a sword
reversed Arg. (D: Robert Pery Paxton - Jun 93)
Or, on a pile throughout Gu betw 2 arrows in pile Sa, a wolf sejant
contourny ululant Arg. (D: Andr le Loup de Mer - May 93)
Or, on a tree blasted & eradicated betw 2 bows in pile, strings to
center Sa, an elfbolt Arg. (D: Derek of Grimwood - Apr 93)
Or, 3 peacock feathers in pile proper, a bord Sa. (D: Maridonna
Dolce da Perugia - Jul 05)
Or, 2 fern fronds in pile Vt, on a chf triangular Az a plate. (D:
Alana bat Meir - Aug 95)
Per bend sin Az & Or, an owl close guardant Arg & 2 double-bitted
axes in pile, hafts crossed Sa. (D: Ragnar of Birka - Jan 99)
Per chev Az & Gu, 2 lightning flashes in pile Arg. (D: Algarth of
Mount Coruscation - Mar 82)
Per chev inv ploy throughout Arg & Az, a mullet of eight points &
2 arrows inv in pile ctrch. (D: Arwenna of Kelsley - Sep 03)
Per fess Arg & Sa, 3 2-tined eating forks in pile ctrch. (D: Hungar
Hungere - Mar 96)
Per fess Sa & Arg, 3 candles one & 2 Arg flammant proper & 3
needles conjoined in pile Sa. (D: Gillian de la Luz - Nov 95)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 75

[Arrangement - In pile] to [Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Argent]

Arrangement - In pile (continued)

Per pale Arg & Sa, in bend 2 sets of 3 needles in pile, points
conjoined, ctrch. (D: Miranda the Seamstress - Jun 83)
Per pale Arg & Sa 2 swords in pile ctrch. (B: Gabriela Scarpuzzi Apr 94)
Per pale Az & Vt, in pile 3 feathers conjoined at the tips Arg. (D:
Katherine Xavier - Feb 07)
Per pale Or & Sa, a tower Gu betw in pile 2 tilting spears, pennons
outwards, ctrch, overall a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Black Lake Dec 86)
Per pale Sa & Arg, in base a mullet betw in pile 2 lightning flashes
ctrch. (D: Elric of Erehwon - Aug 80)
Per pale Vt & Az, 2 tridents in pile Or. (B: Marinus - Jun 96)
(For Award of the Brass Trident)
Purp, in pile 3 needles threaded & on a chf Arg 2 branches Vt. (D:
Giovanna Giovannelli - Mar 04)
Quarterly Sa & Vt, 3 arrows in pile Or. (D: Damian le Archer Jan 06)
Sa, a bears head erased Arg muzzled Gu betw 2 swords in pile Arg
within a bord Arg semy of lozenges Sa. (D: Rorik Galbraith Mar 85)
Sa, a rapier betw 2 comets inv in pile & a mountain Arg. (D: Aldan
Kerr - Sep 01)
Sa, a sword inv Or betw in pile 2 calla lilies slipped & leaved
conjoined in base Arg. (D: Broinnfinn inghean u Chathin Nov 01)
Sa, in pile a rose slipped & leaved Arg & a feather Or. (D: Anora
Marchaunt - Apr 04)
Sa, in pile 2 rapiers inv conjoined at the points & on a chf Arg 3
hearts Gu. (D: Guyon Dupre - Sep 03)
Sa, on a pile betw 2 lightning bolts in pile Or, a brown bears head
cabossed proper. (D: Mikhail of the Kuma - Aug 99)
Sa, on a pile embat betw 2 spears in pile Arg a cross of Calatrava
Purp. (B: Calontir - Oct 82) (For the Fyrd of Calontir)
Sa, on a pile Or betw 2 lightning bolts in pile Arg an eagle disp inv
Sa. (D: Hkon Thrarinsson - Jan 95)
Sa, 3 needles in pile points conjoined within a bord Arg. (B:
Miranda the Seamstress - Sep 91)
Sa, 3 quill pens in pile Arg & a bord rayonny gyronny Or & Gu. (D:
Cellach Mac Faoitigh - Aug 02)
Sa, 3 swords inv in pile betw 3 roses Arg. (D: Adrian of Northshire
- Oct 98)
Sa, 2 lightning bolts in pile Or, in chf a lozenge Arg. (B: Jean
Grondin the Basque - Nov 89) (For the Jewel Casket Guild)
Vt, a griffin segreant regardant betw in pile 2 halberds addorsed
Arg. (D: Sigrid Eiriksdottir - Feb 86)
Vt, a longbow fesswise inv surmounted by 3 arrows conjoined in
pile Or. (D: Allan Bluehood of Woods End - Aug 82)
Vt, a pall Or betw a bird volant to sin & 2 swords in pile Arg. (D:
Riguallaun map Guoillauc - Sep 03)
Vt, on a pile betw in pile seven cups Or, a mermaid erect affronty
maintaining in her dexter hand a wine bottle & in her sin hand
a tray bearing 3 cups Vt. (D: Christianna MacGrain Jun 84)
Vt, on a pile betw 2 arrows in pile Or a foxs mask Sa. (D: Geraint
Morys - Dec 02)
Vt, 3 rapiers inv in pile on a chf wavy Arg 3 gouttes de larmes. (D:
Catalina dellAcqua - Dec 01)
Vt, 2 krakens inv in pile Or. (D: Glas de Carraig - Jun 89)
* * * End * * *
Arrangement - In rainbow: see Arrangement - In arch

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Argent

(Fieldless) A weavers shuttle & an empty drop spindle in salt Arg.

(B: Rose Elizabeth Weaver - Jan 02)
(Fieldless) An arrow palewise surmounted by 2 swords in salt inv
& overall a helmet Arg. (B: Edward Ian Anderson - Jul 86)
(Fieldless) In pale a stag at gaze conjoined to 2 roses slipped &
leaved in salt Arg. (B: William Wescot of Welewen - Feb 04)
(Fieldless) In salt a quill pen Arg & a sword inv proper surmounted
by a recorder Or. (B: Middle Marches, the - Nov 83) (For
the Order of the Gilded Reed)
(Fieldless) In salt a spear Or hafted Arg & a scimitar inv proper,
overall a scorpion bendwise Or. (B: al-Barran - Feb 91)
(For the Baronial Guard of al-Barran)

76 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Argent


(Fieldless) 2 arrows in salt Arg. (B: Eilidh nin Choinnich Jan 98)
(Fieldless) 2 arrows in salt Arg surmounted by a rose Sa. (B:
Federico Arcire dal Fire - Feb 94)
(Fieldless) 2 arum lilies slipped in salt Arg. (B: Muirgen of the
Mists - Aug 02)
(Fieldless) 2 columns in salt Arg. (B: Robert of Deerbourne Mar 02)
(Tinctureless) 2 crossed trumpets, bells to chf, surmounted by a
scroll bendwise sin bearing the words "SALTANDI
SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bord
embat. (Seal: Heralds Seals: White Stag - Dec 89)
(Fieldless) 2 cup-hilted rapiers inv in salt, overall a harp Arg. (B:
Ericus the Silverhand - Sep 92)
(Fieldless) 2 dragons jambs erased inv in salt Arg. (B: Randwulf
Widefarer - Jan 96)
(Fieldless) 2 feathers crossed in salt Arg. (B: Solveig
Throndardottir - Apr 02)
(Fieldless) 2 lightning bolts in salt, overall an elephants head
cabossed Arg. (B: Randal Guillaume - Oct 07)
(Fieldless) 2 palm trees trunks in salt Arg. (B: Atenveldt, Barony of
- Jan 91)
(Fieldless) 2 shofars in salt, bells to base & mouths conjoined Arg.
(B: John Skinner of Rivenstar - Sep 95)
(Fieldless) 2 spears in salt, overall a wolfs head erased Arg. (B:
Lachlann mac Lachlainn - Jun 01)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, surmounted
by a compass star enhanced & elongated to base. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: Stellanordica - Oct 85)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, surmounted
by an ibis close. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Ibis - May 86)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells to chf, betw 4
acorns, stems to center, slipped & leaved. (Seal: Heralds
Seals: Oaken - Dec 83)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells to chf, overall a
cross of Calatrava. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Gold Falcon May 89)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt betw 4 trilliums each with
a petal to center. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Trillium - Jan 03)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt surmounted by a dragons
head couped. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Schwartzdrachen Jun 94) (re-registered 9605D)
(Fieldless) 2 swords in salt surmounted by a bear passant Arg. (B:
Jean de Clermont - May 92) (For the Silver Bear Rapier
(Fieldless) 2 swords inv in salt proper, overall a fleur-de-lys Or. (B:
William de Vallier - Jul 88)
(Fieldless) 2 tilting lances in salt surmounted by a rose slipped &
leaved Arg. (B: Volker von dem Walde - May 08)
(Fieldless) 2 tridents crossed in salt Arg surmounted by an escallop
erminois. (B: Atlantia - Feb 85) (For Queens Guard)
(Fieldless) 2 tridents in salt Arg, overall an anvil reversed Sa. (B:
Padruig an Mhuilinn Gordan - Apr 96)
(Fieldless) 2 tridents in salt surmounted by a unicornate natural
seahorse erect Arg. (B: Atlantia - Sep 92)
(Tinctureless) 2 trumpets in salt bells to chf, overall a lions head
caboshed. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Black Lion - Aug 98)
(Tinctureless) 2 trumpets in salt betw 4 mill-rinds. (Seal: Heralds
Seals: Brigantia - Dec 75)
Arg, in salt 2 swords enflamed proper. (D: Timothy Montgomery Jun 76?)
Az, a hammer & a sword in salt & on a chf Arg 3 Clouded
Leopards heads cabossed proper. (D: Bjorn
Isenkrammenhandler - Apr 82)
Az, a lute & a sword in salt, a bord Arg. (D: Cerdic Alexandre
dAvignon - Sep 94)
Az, a recorder & an arrow inv in salt Arg. (D: Martin Whistler Mar 94)
Az, in pale a horses head erased Or & 2 swords inv in salt Arg. (D:
Gillian Blackbow - Dec 91)
Az, in pale a rose Arg barbed & seeded proper & 2 grozing irons in
salt Arg. (D: Juliana Vertue - Mar 02)
Az, in pale an escallop & 2 tridents in salt, all within a bord Arg.
(B: Tristan Alexander - May 90)

[Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Argent]

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Argent


Az, in pale 2 spears in salt & a stags head erased, all within a bord
nebuly Arg. (D: Johannes Spei von Hochwald - Jul 84)
Az, in salt a quill & a lute Arg, stringed Sa. (B: Caid - Aug 79)
(For Troubadours Guild)
Az, in salt a sword & a hammer inv Arg, the sword hilted Or, in chf
a compass star Arg. (B: Hans the Horrible - Apr 85)
Az, in salt a sword inv & a thistle, slipped & leaved, both
surmounted by a single-horned anvil, all within a bord Arg.
(D: Charles Gladney - Jul 87)
Az, in salt a sword proper & a rose inv Arg barbed, slipped &
leaved Or. (D: Timothy of Calafia - Nov 06)
Az, in salt 2 feathers Arg, a bord Or. (D: Annette Rapaille Jun 05)
Az, in salt 2 hammers, on a chf Arg 3 chess rooks Sa. (D:
Francesca Lorenza Caterina Marino - Aug 07)
Az, in salt 2 roses, slipped & leaved, Arg, barbed & seeded, proper,
on a chf triangular Arg, a compass star Az. (D: Elwyn ferch
Alwyn - Dec 88)
Az, masoned, 2 swords in salt Arg surmounted by a goblet Or. (B:
Citadel of the Southern Pass, the - May 83)
Az, 2 arrows in salt betw 4 crescents, horns outwards, all within a
bord embat Arg. (B: Caid - Nov 89) (For the Kingdom
Master of Archers)
Az, 2 axes in salt & on a chf Arg 2 eagles disp heads to sin Sa. (D:
Iohann filius Agustin - Jan 08)
Az, 2 batons in salt betw in pale 2 roundels Arg, each charged with
a cross humetty Az, & in fess 2 mullets of 4 points Arg. (D:
Kireen Aelfwynn - May 84)
Az, 2 candles in salt Arg, enflamed proper, within a bord embat Or.
(B: Eileen Rahel do Pico - Nov 84)
Az, 2 double-bitted battle axes in salt & in chf 3 unicorn heads
couped Arg. (D: Thorvald Greybeard - Jun 97)
Az, 2 keys in salt wards to base & a chf embat Arg. (D: Tessa da
Rimini - Aug 00)
Az, 2 lace bobbins in salt & on a chf triangular Arg a spider inv Az.
(D: Valds Osborne - Oct 03)
Az, 2 ladles in salt & on a chf Arg 3 mullets Sa. (D: Hugh Wallace
- Feb 02)
Az, 2 lightning bolts crossed in salt, overall a wolfs head palewise
erased Arg. (D: Ian lfsson - Mar 93)
Az, 2 needles in salt, points to chf, Arg. (B: Illiton - Feb 87) (For
Order of the Crossed Needles)
Az, 2 palmers staves in salt Arg betw 4 escallops Or. (D: Brian of
Asbar - Jan 85)
Az, 2 quill pens bases crossed in salt, in chf a triskele, all within a
bord Arg. (B: Trimaris - Jun 04)
Az, 2 quill pens bases crossed in salt, in chf a triskele, all within a
bord Arg. (B: Trimaris - Nov 06) (For Scribes Guild of
Az, 2 rapiers in salt & on a chf Arg 3 roses proper. (D: Alan of
Rosley - May 03)
Az, 2 scythes in salt within an annulet of chain Arg. (D: Takamatsu
Tadayoshi - Apr 07)
Az, 2 spears in salt betw 4 crescents inv Arg. (B: Cassandra Brant
- Nov 90) (For House Moonspear)
Az, 2 swords crossed at the hilts in salt, on a chf triangular Arg a
star of David Az. (D: Yehoshua ben Yisrael - Apr 96)
Az, 2 swords crossed in salt proper, on a chf wavy Arg a fleur-delys Az. (D: Genevive de Lyon - Dec 00)
Az, 2 swords in salt Arg, quilloned Or, betw in pale a cat couchant
ermine & a chalice Arg. (D: Randal Dinadin - Jun 86)
Az, 2 swords in salt betw 4 mullets of 4 points Arg. (D: Duncan
Rose - Aug 05)
Az, 2 swords in salt inv proper, overall a swan naiant, on a chf Arg
a thistle proper. (D: Ealasaid nic Chlurain - Feb 84)
Az, 2 swords in salt, overall a dragon passant contourny Arg. (B:
Rhodri ap Ieuan ap Hywel - Mar 05)
Az, 2 swords inv in salt proper betw 3 mullets of 4 points, overall a
mullet of 4 greater & eight lesser points Or. (D: Eric von
Steinhaus - Jan 80)
Az, 2 tilting lances in salt & on a chf embat Arg, a lion passant Sa.
(D: Keilyn FitzWarin - Mar 86)
Az, 2 tusks tips crossed in salt betw 3 coneys ramp each holding a
spear Arg. (D: Fiona Kyle - Jan 94)

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Argent


Az, 2 wolves countersalient in salt Arg. (D: Katla feilan

Stefansdottir - Jan 07)
Barry wavy Sa & Gu, in salt a belaying pin & a sword Arg. (D:
Dianna Wyndalan of Kidwelly - Jul 80)
Counter-ermine, in salt a sword inv proper & an axe Arg cleaving a
Viking Spangenhelm Or. (D: Hagar Helmsplitter - Jul 86)
Erminois, 2 swords in salt, points in base Arg, hilted Gu, in chf a
slipper palewise point in base Az ribanded Gu, in base a thistle
proper. (D: Eilidh na Caitich - Jul 71?)
Gu, a viol & a viol bow in salt & on a chf Arg a quill fesswise
reversed Gu. (D: Adelicia Marie di Rienzi - Nov 84)
Gu, in salt a double-bitted axe & a sword & in chf 2 skulls Arg. (D:
Rolann Ceallaigh the Gentle - Aug 92)
Gu, in salt a quill pen Arg & a sword proper, surmounted by an
open book & in base a laurel wreath Arg. (D: St. Boniface Mar 82)
Gu, in salt a rowan sprig & a thistle slipped & leaved Arg & a chf
embat Or. (B: Daibhid Ruadh MacLachlan - Dec 92)
Gu, in salt a sword curtana inv & a pilgrims staff Arg, betw
flaunches Or. (D: Sion ap Emrys - May 92)
Gu, in salt 2 krumhorns Arg. (D: Eochaid the Musical - Aug 72?)
Gu, 2 axes addorsed in salt within an orle Arg. (B: Boris Dragons
Bane - Nov 04)
Gu, 2 axes crossed in salt Arg, in chf a chalice Or. (D: Jakys
Chesemonger - Jan 00)
Gu, 2 boar spears in salt Arg betw in pale 2 swords inv Or. (D:
Steven of Hunters Rest - Aug 92)
Gu, 2 bones in salt Arg betw in pale 2 wyverns passant to sin Or &
in fess 2 skulls affronty Arg. (D: Black Jack of Orney Aug 86)
Gu, 2 crutches in salt betw in pale 2 doves disp Arg. (D: Aran
Darkhelm - Jun 92)
Gu, 2 dragons jambes erased in salt Arg. (D: Wolfgang Neuschel
der Grau - Nov 01)
Gu, 2 flanged maces in salt Arg. (B: Middle, the - Sep 95) (For
the Order of the Red Company)
Gu, 2 halberds in salt Arg, on a chf triangular Or, a retort Vt. (D:
Wilhelm von Stromberg - May 94)
Gu, 2 keys in salt Arg & in chf a crown Or. (D: York,
Archbishopric of - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, 2 needles inv in salt Arg threaded & on a chf Or a domestic cat
couchant Sa. (D: Morgaine Essex - Sep 98)
Gu, 2 palm trees couped crossed in salt in chf a roundel Arg. (B:
Atenveldt, Barony of - Aug 95) (For Order of the Pearl of
Gu, 2 rapiers in salt Arg within an annulet Or. (B: Middle, the May 00) (For the Order of the Bronze Ring)
Gu, 2 spears in salt Arg, in chf a crescent Or. (D: Walter of
Minstead - Aug 95)
Gu, 2 spears in salt Arg surmounted by a lions head cabossed
within a bord potenty Or. (D: Marcus Flavius Sylvanus Oct 90)
Gu, 2 staves in salt betw 4 trillium blossoms Arg, barbed Vt, a bord
embat Arg. (B: Brand the Black - Mar 93)
Gu, 2 swords crossed in salt Arg, on a chf ermine 2 roses proper.
(D: Philipe du Lac - Jun 01)
Gu, 2 swords in salt & on a chf Arg 3 dragons heads couped Gu.
(D: Dietrich Nibelung - Feb 02)
Pean, 2 daggers inv in salt surmounted by a chess rook Arg. (D:
Crispin of Dreywood - Aug 83)
Per bend Az & Gu, in salt a sword & an arrow inv, in chf a compass
star elongated to base Arg. (D: Ivor Grubb - May 96)
Per bend embat Sa & Gu, in bend sin 2 swords crossed in salt & a
deaths head Arg. (D: Thorvald of Dragonsfjord - Jun 85)
Per bend Gu & Arg, 2 rapiers in salt Arg & a caravel proper sailed
Or. (D: Damian Blackthorne of the Sea - Jul 02)
Per bend Gu & Sa, 2 spears in salt & a sword Arg, hilted of leather
proper. (D: Edric the Forester - Oct 81)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, a bunch of grapes slipped & leaved proper
& 2 needles in salt Arg. (D: Cateline la broderesse - Feb 00)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, in pale 2 staves in salt, a mullet of eight
points pierced elongated to sin chf, & a lightning flash
bendwise Arg. (D: Erik Loren Elcara - Aug 83)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 77

[Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Argent]

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Argent


Per chev Arg & Az, issuant from the line of division a phoenix Az
rising from flames proper & 2 threaded needles inv in salt Arg.
(D: Jehannette de Provins - Jun 01)
Per chev Arg & Vt, a pair of lace bobbins in salt proper & a closed
book palewise Arg. (D: Kassandra of Dragons Laire Apr 06)
Per chev Az & Arg 3 pairs of arrows inv in salt within a bord all
ctrch. (D: Llewellen of Strathclyde - Aug 95)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 quills in salt & a laurel wreath ctrch. (D:
Saint Monica - Jun 89)
Per chev Gu & Az, 2 maces in salt & in base an escallop Arg. (D:
Thorgrim the Bald - Dec 92)
Per chev Gu & Or, a fork & knife in salt Arg, in base a flame proper
within an arch stooped Sa, a bord indented ctrch. (D:
Rhonwen of Chesleigh - Feb 91)
Per chev Gu & Sa, 2 single-bitted axes crossed in salt Arg & a cross
couped parted & fretted Or. (D: Rognvald Bloodaxe - Jun 95)
Per chev inv Arg & Az, a ship in full sail Sa & 2 rapiers inv in salt
Arg. (D: Juan Carlos Castillo de Coronado - Mar 06)
Per chev Sa & Gu, in pale a falcon stooping & in salt a doublebitted axe & a sword inv Arg. (D: Wolfstern of Falkeburg Jun 81)
Per chev throughout Arg & Az, 2 griffins segreant Gu & 2 quill
pens in salt Arg. (D: Malcolm Wallace of Moray - Dec 94)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 2 spoons in salt Arg & a brown mouse statant
erect proper. (D: Conchenn ingen Briain - Apr 02)
Per fess Arg & Az, a tower Gu & an arrow inv & a sword crossed in
salt Arg. (B: Caer Mear - Jun 92)
Per fess Arg & Sa, in chf a heart Gu charged with a maunch & in
base 2 daggers in salt Arg, all within a bord ctrch. (D: Katryna
Robyn - Mar 90)
Per fess Az & Sa, in salt an axe & a sword inv within a stags attire,
all Arg. (D: John Shorthair - Sep 89)
Per fess Az & Vt, in chf 2 rapiers inv crossed in salt Arg & in base a
dragon ramp to sin Or maintaining a tower Arg. (D: Taliesin
dArgonne - Mar 96)
Per fess embat Vt & Arg, in pale 2 swords in salt & a compass star
ctrch. (B: Graywood - Feb 90)
Per fess Gu & checky Sa & Arg, in chf 2 arrows inv in salt
surmounted by a goats head cabossed Arg. (D: Ivar Volosatoi
- Nov 96)
Per fess Gu & Sa, a demi-sun issuant from the line of division Or &
2 needles in salt Arg. (D: Catrina Makcrie of Berwick Jan 02)
Per fess Gu & vair, in salt 2 scimitars proper, in chf an anvil Or. (D:
Robert of the Woodlands - Nov 88)
Per fess indented Arg, goutty Purp, & Vt, overall 2 short-stemmed
Saracen smoking pipes in salt Arg. (D: Dulcinea de Yerba
Buena - Aug 79?)
Per fess indented Az & Gu, in chf a sword & a hammer inv in salt
Arg, the sword hilted Or, in base a standing balance Or. (D:
Hans the Horrible - Apr 85)
Per fess indented Az & Or, in chf 2 swords inv in salt surmounted
by a helm Arg, & in base a castle Sa. (D: Cormac
MacCormac - Aug 84)
Per fess rayonny Gu & Az, in chf 2 oars in salt Arg. (D: Finnvarr
mjoksiglandi Grsson - Jun 05)
Per fess Sa & Arg, 2 swords in salt proper & a snake involved Gu.
(D: Dugald Kerr - Jan 95)
Per fess Sa & Az, 2 axes in salt & a sea lion Arg. (D: Ulf the
Confused - Nov 92)
Per pale Az & Gu, in salt a garden rose, slipped & leaved, & a
needle, eye to base, Arg. (D: Alyse Lillias Stewart - Apr 89)
Per pale Az & Sa, a mallet & an axe in salt Arg. (D: Iain
MacConmhaoil - Oct 07)
Per pale Az & Vt, 2 swords in salt betw in pale a helm Arg & a
flame proper. (D: Ioan James de Marksberry - Jun 05)
Per pale Gu & Sa, in salt a Lochaber axe & a handsaw both Arg
hafted Or, within an orle Or. (D: Tomas y Saer - Nov 07)
Per pale Purp & Vt, 2 flutes in salt within & fretted with a torse, all
Arg. (D: Althea die fast Unschuldige - May 90)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a musical bow & a viol in salt Arg. (D: Dmitrii
Nikolaevich Gudoshinikov - Nov 96)
Per pale Sa & Purp, in salt a rapier inv & a rose slipped & leaved
Arg. (D: Danilo Danilovich - Feb 98)
78 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Argent


Per pale Sa & Purp, in salt 2 scythes Arg. (D: John Morgan of
Caerleon - Jul 04)
Per pale Sa & Vt, 2 battle-axes in salt & in base a double-horned
anvil Arg. (D: Svarkell bldr - Feb 04)
Per pale Vt & Az, 2 unicorn horns crossed in salt Arg. (B: Kerkira
Anastasia Tamarina - Apr 98)
Per pale Vt & Gu, 2 swords inv in salt Arg, overall a thistle Or. (D:
Dubghall Domnall MacNayre - Jun 92)
Per pale Vt & Sa, 2 axes in salt within an annulet Arg. (B: Artr
mac Lochlainn - Nov 01)
Per pale Vt & Sa, 2 single-bitted axes in salt Arg surmounted by a
lions head cabossed, a chf embat Or. (D: Artr mac
Lochlainn - Apr 90)
Per pale Vt & Sa, 2 spoons in salt Arg. (D: Diego de la Mar Jan 07)
Per salt Gu & Or, 2 artists brushes in salt Arg surmounted by a rose
Az seeded Or. (D: Sorcha inghean ui Aoilleachin - Jul 99)
Per salt Gu & Sa, 2 rapiers inv in salt & overall a rams head
caboshed Arg. (D: Alexander Blackram - Feb 97)
Per salt Gu & Sa, 2 swords in salt betw 4 Celtic crosses bases to
center Arg. (D: Siobhn of Starkhafn - Dec 99)
Per salt Or & Gu, 2 swords inv in salt Arg betw 2 unicorns ramp Sa.
(D: Verginia Urdiales del Bosque - Apr 98)
Per salt Vt & Sa, in pale 2 axes crossed in salt Arg & a lion ramp a
bord embat Or. (D: Alexander Eriksson Trevor - Feb 97)
Per salt Vt & Sa, 2 quill pens in salt Arg & in chf an ink bottle Or.
(B: Rhydderich Hael, the - Dec 84) (For Rhydderich Hael
Calligraphers Guild)
Purp, a cattail & crutch in salt within a bord wavy Arg. (D: Jane
Lynn of Fenmere - Apr 92)
Purp, a phoenix facing sin Or, rising from flames proper, issuant
from 2 arrows inv in salt Arg. (D: Anne Redlocks - Dec 92)
Purp, a rapier & a musket in salt & on a point pointed Arg an open
book Sa. (D: Malise of Sundragon - Jan 04)
Purp, a recorder Or & a quill pen Arg in salt, on a point pointed Or
a compass star Gu. (D: Taddea di Vercelli - Nov 92)
Purp, a stick shuttle & a needle in salt Arg, both threaded with the
same thread, in base a rose Or, barbed & seeded Vt, all within
a bord invected Or. (D: Catherine of Gordonhall - Sep 87)
Purp, in pale a mullet of 4 points elongated to base Or & 2 lilies
crossed in salt slipped Arg. (D: Anastasia Elgiva Orpett Dec 99)
Purp, 2 axes in salt & on a chf triangular Arg, a rose Purp barbed &
seeded proper. (D: Matthew of Nithgaard - Dec 95)
Purp, 2 bones in salt & a chf Arg. (D: Abigail MacLachlan Aug 98)
Purp, 2 feathers in salt Arg, in chf a German flute fesswise affronty
Or, all within a bord Arg. (B: Duncan Brock of Greyfeather Apr 86)
Purp, 2 fire arrows inv crossed in salt Arg enflamed proper on a chf
rayonny Arg 3 pairs of knitting needles crossed in salt Purp.
(D: Alis ni Malone - Feb 00)
Purp, 2 swords in salt Arg, in base a cauldron Or. (D: Isaac of
Damascus - Sep 91)
Purp, 2 swords in salt proper, in chf a dexter hand couped Arg
charged with a mullet Purp. (D: Matthew of Brierwood Jan 73?)
Purp, 2 threaded needles in salt threaded with the same thread Arg,
a bord Arg semy of shamrocks Vt. (D: Ione Linch - Oct 97)
Quarterly Az & Purp, 2 recorders crossed in salt, on a chf Arg a
bear statant contourny betw 2 fleur-de-lys Sa. (D: Dafydd Arth
- Sep 95)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, 2 ragged staffs in salt Arg. (B: Thomas Logan Aug 98)
Quarterly Purp & Vt, an annulet Or fretted with 2 swords inv in salt
proper. (D: Ferrante La Volpe - Sep 97)
Quarterly Sa & Az, 2 arrows inv in salt Arg, barbed & flighted Or,
surmounted by a sword proper, betw in cross 4 compass stars
Arg. (D: Wulfhere Nordwulf - Mar 93)
Quarterly Sa & Az, 2 rapiers in salt surmounted by an arrow inv, all
within a bord embat Arg. (D: Michael MQuilline - May 07)
Quarterly Vt & Az, a weavers shuttle & an empty drop spindle in
salt Arg. (D: Rose Elizabeth Weaver - Jan 02)
Quarterly Vt & Sa, a garden rosebud slipped & a kris in salt Arg.
(D: Jesca of the Flaming Hair - Jan 92)

[Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Argent]

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Argent


Sa, a hammer & a sword inv in salt Arg surmounted by a mullet of

4 points & in base an anvil reversed Or. (B: Peter of the
Golden Isles - Jun 84) (For North Star Armoury)
Sa, an artists brush inv & a quill pen in salt Arg betw 4 crescents
all within an orle Or. (D: Rafia al-Zarqa - Mar 06)
Sa, in pale a bow & a sword in salt & a point pointed Arg. (D:
Jonathan Ivey de la Montagne - Mar 83)
Sa, in pale a compass star & 2 swords in salt Arg & a bord embat
Or. (D: Garivald van Dorestade - Dec 94)
Sa, in pale a hawk disp & 2 sabers in salt Arg. (B: Raedwulf Burke
- Aug 99)
Sa, in pale a moon in her plenitude & 2 arrows inv in salt all betw 2
pallets Arg. (D: Jannet Fletcher - Dec 02)
Sa, in pale a skull & in salt 2 thigh-bones Arg. (D: Jolly Roger, The
- Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Sa, in pale a unicorn passant Arg, armed Or, & 2 swords inv in salt
proper surmounted by an open book Arg, bound Or. (D:
Ogatie of Castle North - Jan 85)
Sa, in pale a wolfs head cabossed & 2 swords in salt, within an orle
Arg. (D: Agelos Evienece - Feb 82)
Sa, in pale a wolfs head cabossed & 2 swords in salt within an orle
Arg overall a label Or. (D: Giraldus Evienece - Jan 02)
Sa, in pale 2 swords in salt Arg & a standing balance Or. (D: Gavin
Skot of Stirling - Aug 03)
Sa, in salt abased a long cross Arg & a sword inv proper, in chf a
lion sejant coward Or. (D: Alastair Ronal Kester Aeyalweard Jun 84)
Sa, in salt an artists paintbrush inv & a quill pen Arg & in chf a bell
Or. (B: Lucia Bellini - Jan 07) (For Casa Bellini)
Sa, in salt 2 arrows inv betw in pale a crescent inv, engrailed in chf,
& a crescent, engrailed in base, Arg. (B: Alric Bowbreaker of
the High March - Nov 79)
Sa, in salt 2 rapiers & in chf 3 foxs masks Arg. (D: Henry Fox Feb 07)
Sa, 2 arrows in salt, in chf a crescent inv, engrailed in chf, raguly in
base, & in base a like crescent, all Arg. (D: Alric Bowbreaker
of the High March - Jul 74?)
Sa, 2 arrows in salt, on a chf Arg 3 roses Sa. (D: Federico Arcire
dal Fire - Feb 94)
Sa, 2 arrows in salt surmounted by a mug bendwise sin inv Arg
charged with an acorn Sa. (B: Mugmort - Jun 83) (For the
Mugmort Company of Archers)
Sa, 2 claymores in salt proper, on a chf pointed Gu, fimbriated, a
mullet Or. (D: Edwyn de Forbes - Feb 82)
Sa, 2 double-bitted axes in salt Arg. (D: Katrine Keathe - Aug 99)
Sa, 2 drinking horns in salt Arg & in chf upon a plate a stags head
cabossed Sa. (B: Lyanna of Kerneough - Jun 86) (For Tylu
Kern yn Kerneough)
Sa, 2 garden roses slipped & leaved in salt & a chf embat Arg. (D:
Kunegunda Henschel von Schattenberg - Jan 85)
Sa, 2 grozing irons in salt within a bord embat Arg. (D: Kenneth of
the Grove - Dec 87)
Sa, 2 hammers in salt Arg within a bord Arg semy de lys Purp. (D:
Armand Martel - Dec 95)
Sa, 2 lightning bolts in salt Arg betw 4 estoiles of eight points Or.
(D: Sean the Wayfarer - Jan 85)
Sa, 2 lightning bolts throughout in salt Arg, in pale 2 towers Or. (D:
Knut Storm le Carter - Jul 97)
Sa, 2 needles inv in salt Arg, threaded Or, & on a chf Arg, 3 garbs
Sa. (D: Isabeau Jehane - Aug 91)
Sa, 2 rapiers in salt betw 4 swans naiant contourny Arg. (D:
Edward of Chesterfield - May 01)
Sa, 2 scimitars in salt Arg & in chf a sparrow contourny Or. (D:
Giacomo Passerini - Jun 06)
Sa, 2 scimitars in salt betw 3 decrescents within a bord embat Arg.
(D: Abd-al-Aziz al-Jazzar - Mar 94)
Sa, 2 shin-bones in salt Arg. (D: Isaac Newton, Sir - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Sa, 2 spears in salt betw 2 towers in fess Arg. (B: Stargate Dec 89) (For the Sodality of the Sentinels of the Stargate)
Sa, 2 swords in salt proper, in chf 3 mullets in chev Arg. (B:
Meridies - Dec 96) (For Companionate of the Meridian
Kings Champion)
Sa, 2 swords in salt proper surmounted by a barrel helm Arg within
a bord embat Or. (D: Lawrence of Ashana - Mar 83)

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Argent


Sa, 2 swords inv in salt surmounted by a bears head cabossed betw

2 fleurs-de-lys in fess & another in base, all Arg. (D: Bryon
lOurs dArgent de Bourgogne - Oct 86)
Sa, 2 swords inv in salt surmounted by a bears head cabossed betw
2 fleurs-de-lys in fess & another in base, all Arg & in chf a
label dovetailed Or. (D: Gerardus Christopherus de
Burgondia - Jul 04)
Sa, 2 torches in salt Arg enflamed Or & in chf a triple-towered
castle Arg. (D: Thorgrim Olafsson - Jul 91)
Vairy Or & Az, in salt a sword inv wavy Arg, hilted Gu, & a quill
pen Arg. (D: Durvyn Wildermuth von Wiesbaden - Oct 98)
Vt, a calligraphers knife & a reed pen in salt Arg, tied with a
ribbon Or. (B: Ansteorra - Nov 77) (For the Scribes and
Illuminators Guild)
Vt, a needle & an artists brush in salt within a sea-serpent in
annulo, head to chf & vorant of its own tail Arg. (B: Loch
Soilleir - Oct 07) (For Baronial Arts and Science Champion)
Vt, a sword bendwise sin surmounted by a bend wavy Arg charged
with a foxs head couped Gu. (D: Fiona Seonad Lachlan Aug 79)
Vt, a sword inv & a quill pen crossed in salt Arg, a bord embat Or.
(B: Outlands, the - Jul 97) (For the Ministry of the Lists)
Vt, in pale 2 swords inv in salt & a wolf ramp all within a bord Arg.
(D: Kieran Wolfkin - Nov 91)
Vt, in salt a hammer & a quill pen, & on a chf Arg 3 mullets of six
points Gu. (D: Francis Burnell of Selkirk - Oct 98)
Vt, in salt a quillonless sword & a single-bitted axe, both Arg,
surmounted at the cross by an annulet Or. (D: Bjarni de
Eorlingas - Jul 74?)
Vt, in salt a rapier & a sewing needle inv, on a chf Arg 3 trees
proper. (D: Ada Cormack - Dec 99)
Vt, in salt a warhammer & a sword, in base a tower atop a mount,
all Arg. (D: Lorin sur la Roche - Apr 76?)
Vt, 2 arrows inv in salt within a sea-serpent in annulo head to chf &
vorant of its own tail Arg. (B: Loch Soilleir - Jan 03) (For
the Baronial Archery Champion)
Vt, 2 boat oars inv in salt Arg & in base an escallop inv Or. (D:
Gwilym ap Alun - Dec 84)
Vt, 2 claymores in salt surmounted by a third inv proper, enfiling a
ducal coronet Or. (D: Deaton Claymore - Sep 94)
Vt, 2 drinking horns in salt on a chf Arg 2 ravens close respectant
Sa. (D: Marion FitzWilliam - Jan 97)
Vt, 2 feathers in salt Arg & issuant from base a demi-sun Or. (D:
Aurora Astore - Dec 92)
Vt, 2 golf clubs crossed in salt, on a chf rayonny Arg 3 pellets. (D:
Torquil MacTaggart the Steadfast - Dec 95)
Vt, 2 lances in salt Arg & in chf a cocks head erased reversed Or.
(D: Stefen Miluh - Sep 73?)
Vt, 2 lightning bolts in salt Arg, & in base a mole dormant Or. (B:
Snurri Pleieson - Feb 85) (For Terra non Mobilis)
Vt, 2 maces in salt betw 3 thistles Arg. (D: Malcolum de Bruis Sep 02)
Vt, 2 mallets in salt Arg hafted Or surmounted by a sword proper.
(D: Bruide mac Bruidi - Sep 02)
Vt, 2 needles in salt, points to base, within a bord nebuly Arg,
charged with 3 trefoils slipped Vt. (D: Elaina von Mannheim Jan 85)
Vt, 2 peacocks close pavonated to base addorsed reguardant tails
crossed in salt Arg on a chf invected Or 3 elm leaves inv Vt.
(D: Muriel FitzLloyd - Jul 97)
Vt, 2 quill pens in salt Arg, a chf indented ermine. (D: Anneyse of
Caernarvonshire - Jul 98)
Vt, 2 quill pens in salt Arg betw in fess 2 cups Or. (B: Saint
Artemas - Jun 92)
Vt, 2 quill pens in salt Arg within a laurel wreath, in chf 3 goblets
Or. (D: Saint Artemas - Apr 89)
Vt, 2 quills crossed in salt within a orle Arg. (D: Elinor Annora
ferch Llewelyn - Aug 85)
Vt, 2 rapiers in salt proper, on a chf Arg a dragon passant Vt. (B:
Alfred of Chester - Jan 94)
Vt, 2 rapiers inv in salt Arg & in chf a horseshoe inv, a bord wavy
Or. (D: Jayme Dominguez del Valle - Apr 05)
Vt, 2 spoons inv in salt Arg. (B: Coille Stoirmeil - Aug 89)
Vt, 2 swords in salt, on a chf triangular embat Arg, a boars head
couped Gu. (D: Gwilym ap Gwilym - Jan 89)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 79

[Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Argent] to [Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Gules]

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Argent


Vt, 2 swords in salt within a sea-serpent in annulo head to chf &

vorant of its own tail Arg. (B: Loch Soilleir - Jan 03) (For
the Baronial Chivalric/Rapier Champion)
Vt, 2 swords inv in salt Arg betw 4 hearts Or. (D: John Jameson Feb 92)
Vt, 2 tusks, tips crossed in salt, betw in cross 4 cats pawprints Arg.
(D: Megan Kyle - Oct 92)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Azure

(Fieldless) A cat ramp surmounted in salt by a shepherds crook

bendwise sin Az. (B: Rhiannon verch Tegan Glascoed Jan 04)
(Fieldless) In salt, a key, wards to chf, & a spoon, bowl to chf, Az.
(B: Stephen de Raymond - Mar 90)
(Fieldless) In salt 2 keys wards to chf Az. (B: Krstna Mihaly Jan 05)
(Tinctureless) 2 crossed trumpets, bells to chf, surmounted by a
scroll bendwise sin bearing the words "SALTANDI
SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bord
embat. (Seal: Heralds Seals: White Stag - Dec 89)
(Fieldless) 2 quill pens in salt Az surmounted by a tabby cat sejant
guardant Or. (B: Bronwyn ferch Gwyn ap Rhys - Jul 92)
(Fieldless) 2 ragged staves in salt Az. (B: Alewijn van Zeebrouck Oct 99)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, surmounted
by a compass star enhanced & elongated to base. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: Stellanordica - Oct 85)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, surmounted
by an ibis close. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Ibis - May 86)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells to chf, betw 4
acorns, stems to center, slipped & leaved. (Seal: Heralds
Seals: Oaken - Dec 83)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells to chf, overall a
cross of Calatrava. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Gold Falcon May 89)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt betw 4 trilliums each with
a petal to center. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Trillium - Jan 03)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt surmounted by a dragons
head couped. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Schwartzdrachen Jun 94) (re-registered 9605D)
(Tinctureless) 2 trumpets in salt bells to chf, overall a lions head
caboshed. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Black Lion - Aug 98)
(Tinctureless) 2 trumpets in salt betw 4 mill-rinds. (Seal: Heralds
Seals: Brigantia - Dec 75)
Arg, in salt 2 jesters baubles proper capped & surmounted by a
bears head couped all within a bord Az. (D: Dmitri Ivanovich
Vladimirov Skomorochov - Jun 03)
Arg, in salt 2 roses, slipped & leaved, Az & a chf Purp. (D:
Elizabeth of the Blue Rose - Feb 89)
Arg, 2 axes in salt surmounted by a staff of Aesculapius Az all
within a bord rayonny Gu. (B: Frederick Tinamou the
Untamed - Dec 03)
Arg, 2 crampons crossed in salt within a bord dovetailed Az. (B:
Alistair Ian McGregor - Apr 00)
Arg, 2 feathers in salt betw 4 crescents Az. (D: Brianna of Locksley
- Nov 85)
Arg, 2 jesters staffs in salt & in base 2 chevronels, all within on a
bord Az, a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Novus Matisco - Jan 89)
Arg, 2 ladles in salt betw 4 crabs & a bord Az. (B: Lochmere Mar 02) (For Company of Saint Martha)
Arg, 2 swords in salt Az, overall a bulls head caboshed Gu within a
bord indented Az. (D: Lachlan MacLeod - Oct 04)
Erminois, 2 tygers counter-salient in salt, both reguardant Az
incensed Gu. (D: Heinrich Alois von Speyer - Dec 06)
Or, 2 arrows in salt & on a chf Az 3 anchors Or. (D: Samus
Grdaigh - Sep 05)
Or, 2 spoons in salt Az betw in pale 2 money bags Sa & in fess 2
gouttes de larmes. (D: Norman the Norman - May 83)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 rapiers in salt & a cross of 4 passion nails
ctrch. (D: Jamys de Godeleia - Jan 91)
Per chev Az & Arg 3 pairs of arrows inv in salt within a bord all
ctrch. (D: Llewellen of Strathclyde - Aug 95)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 printers balls in salt Az inked Sa each
sustained by a hand Az. (D: Leonhard Schuwert - Apr 02)
80 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Azure (continued)

Per fess Az & Arg, 3 swans naiant in fess & 2 claymores in salt all
within a bord embat, all ctrch. (D: Conor MacLean - Jul 91)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Fur

(Tinctureless) 2 crossed trumpets, bells to chf, surmounted by a

scroll bendwise sin bearing the words "SALTANDI
SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bord
embat. (Seal: Heralds Seals: White Stag - Dec 89)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, surmounted
by a compass star enhanced & elongated to base. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: Stellanordica - Oct 85)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, surmounted
by an ibis close. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Ibis - May 86)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells to chf, betw 4
acorns, stems to center, slipped & leaved. (Seal: Heralds
Seals: Oaken - Dec 83)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells to chf, overall a
cross of Calatrava. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Gold Falcon May 89)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt betw 4 trilliums each with
a petal to center. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Trillium - Jan 03)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt surmounted by a dragons
head couped. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Schwartzdrachen Jun 94) (re-registered 9605D)
(Tinctureless) 2 trumpets in salt bells to chf, overall a lions head
caboshed. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Black Lion - Aug 98)
(Tinctureless) 2 trumpets in salt betw 4 mill-rinds. (Seal: Heralds
Seals: Brigantia - Dec 75)
Az, a pair of hounds counter-salient in salt ermine within an orle
Arg. (D: Isolde von Wittenberg - Mar 04)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Gules

(Fieldless) 2 arrows crossed in salt within & conjoined to an

annulet Gu. (B: Chinua Temur - Jan 05)
(Tinctureless) 2 crossed trumpets, bells to chf, surmounted by a
scroll bendwise sin bearing the words "SALTANDI
SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bord
embat. (Seal: Heralds Seals: White Stag - Dec 89)
(Fieldless) 2 glaives in salt Gu. (B: Srn mac mair - Sep 07)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, surmounted
by a compass star enhanced & elongated to base. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: Stellanordica - Oct 85)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, surmounted
by an ibis close. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Ibis - May 86)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells to chf, betw 4
acorns, stems to center, slipped & leaved. (Seal: Heralds
Seals: Oaken - Dec 83)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells to chf, overall a
cross of Calatrava. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Gold Falcon May 89)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt betw 4 trilliums each with
a petal to center. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Trillium - Jan 03)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt surmounted by a dragons
head couped. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Schwartzdrachen Jun 94) (re-registered 9605D)
(Fieldless) 2 swords crossed in salt Gu surmounted by a lions head
erased Sa. (B: Caerthe - Aug 91) (For Order of the Sable
Lion of Caerthe)
(Tinctureless) 2 trumpets in salt bells to chf, overall a lions head
caboshed. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Black Lion - Aug 98)
(Tinctureless) 2 trumpets in salt betw 4 mill-rinds. (Seal: Heralds
Seals: Brigantia - Dec 75)
Arg, a mascle Sa fretted with 2 quill pens Gu, in in chf a thistle
Purp, slipped & leaved Vt. (B: Talan Gwynek - Aug 92)
Arg, in pale 2 quill pens in salt Gu & a bird Sa maintaining in its
beak a sprig of cherries proper. (D: Sadhbh n Dhonnabhain Feb 99)
Arg, in salt a drinking horn & a feather all within an orle Gu. (B:
Alfred of Greyvale - Jul 02)
Arg, in salt a single-bitted axe & a hammer inv hafted of a lightning
flash Gu, a chf embat Az. (D: Rena Thorbjornsdottir Jul 92)

[Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Gules] to [Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Multicolor]

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Gules (continued)

Arg, in salt a single-bitted axe & a hammer inv hafted of a lightning

flash Gu, within a bord Sa. (D: Thorbjorn the Graysides May 86)
Arg, in salt an arrow inv & a sword betw 4 apples Gu. (D: Wilhelm
Ketterman - Jan 83)
Arg, in salt 2 roses Gu slipped & leaved Vt & on a chf Sa 3 otters
statant Or. (D: Abigail O Brogan - Feb 02)
Arg, 2 arrows in salt Gu overall a seeblatt on a chf Sa a bow Arg.
(D: Bruno Jger - Jan 95)
Arg, 2 arrows in salt inv Gu & overall a daffodil seeded proper. (D:
Mary Berceau du Chat - Dec 80)
Arg, 2 arrows in salt inv Gu betw 4 card piques Sa. (D: Ilaria
Allegri Carreto - Jan 98)
Arg, 2 halberds in salt Gu, betw 4 gillyflowers Sa, barbed & seeded
Gu. (D: Louisa LochSkye - Sep 88)
Arg, 2 hammers in salt betw in pale an estoile & on a point pointed
engrailed Gu an estoile Arg. (D: Louis Martel - Apr 88)
Arg, 2 roses in salt Gu slipped & leaved Sa, a chf triangular Purp
goutty deau. (D: Elizabeth Blackthorne - Nov 06)
Arg, 2 single-bitted axes in salt & on a chf Gu 3 recorders palewise
Arg. (D: Gunnarr skld orvaldsson - Jun 02)
Arg, 2 spears in salt Gu surmounted by a bears head erased
affronty Sa, a bord Sa platy. (D: Bjorn Lochlannac - May 01)
Arg, 2 swords inv in salt betw in cross 4 quill pens Gu. (B:
Atenveldt, Kingdom of - May 81) (For Office of the Lists)
Arg, 2 Thors hammers in salt Gu. (D: Halldrr bldr - Aug 07)
Arg, 2 tusks tips crossed in salt & on a chf Gu 3 roses Arg. (D:
Katherine Kyle - Jan 94)
Bendy sin & per bend Az & Arg, 2 narwhals hauriant respectant
horns crossed in salt Gu. (D: Godwine of Sherborne - Jul 97)
Checky Sa & Arg, in base in pale a deaths head & 2 bones in salt
Gu. (D: Edward the Chaste - May 95)
Ermine, 2 quill pens in salt Gu & on a chf Sa 3 escallops Arg. (D:
Genevieve de Bohun - Mar 03)
Erminois, in salt 2 swords inv Gu surmounted by a mullet of eight
points Arg. (D: Louis de Marja - Aug 81)
Gyronny arrondy of six Sa & Arg a mallet & an ax in salt Gu. (D:
Thorfinnr Sleggja - May 98)
Or, a cross formy fitchy Sa & 2 quill pens in salt Gu. (D: Sarra
Elisabeth Graeham of Birnham - May 88)
Or, in pale a dragon passant coward Sa & 2 arrows in salt Gu. (B:
Drachenwald - Apr 98) (For the Company of Archers)
Or, in pale 2 claymores in salt Gu & a tower, all within a bord Sa.
(D: Ian of Shadowlands - Jun 88)
Or, 2 arrows in salt Gu surmounted by a bow fesswise & in chf a
boar courant Sa. (D: Gerhardt der Jger - Nov 90)
Or, 2 bones in salt Gu surmounted by a frog sejant affronty Vt. (B:
Dionysus of Grantham - Nov 07)
Or, 2 feathers in salt & on a chf Gu, a Manx cat passant Or. (D:
Mwynwen ferch Dingarth - May 93)
Or, 2 swords in salt, & on a chf engrailed Gu, a griffin passant Or.
(D: Geoffrey of Carrick - Aug 85)
Or, 2 swords in salt Gu betw 2 piles inv Purp, overall a laurel
wreath ctrch. (D: Desert March - Apr 91)
Per chev Az & Or, a boar passant contourny Arg & 2 arrows inv in
salt Gu. (D: Thomas da Cordova - Feb 97)
Per fess Sa & Arg, 2 swords in salt Gu. (D: Holy Roman Empire,
Reichsmarschal of the - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Per salt Arg & Az, in pale a raven Sa & 2 roses in salt slipped &
leaved proper. (D: Feichn Mac Giolla Fhindin - Jun 02)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Multicolor

(Fieldless) A maple leaf Gu & another Vt, stems crossed in salt. (B:
Artemisia - May 93) (For Order of the Maple Leaf of
(Fieldless) In salt a battle axe & a sword inv proper, & overall a
tower Gu, portaled Arg. (B: Middle Marches, the - Dec 80)
(For the Order of the Watchful Tower)
(Fieldless) In salt a daffodil bell to dexter chf slipped Or & a
daffodil bell to sin chf slipped Gu. (B: Katerina Affodil Jun 02)
(Fieldless) In salt a double-bitted axe Gu & an arrow Arg. (B: Lira
of Ascalon - Nov 02)
(Fieldless) In salt a garden rose slipped & leaved Gu & a hammer
Sa. (B: Otho dAuvergne - Dec 90)

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Multicolor


(Fieldless) In salt a key inv Az & a peacock feather Or marked Az.

(B: One Thousand Eyes - Feb 99)
(Fieldless) In salt a lion ramp Arg surmounted by another ramp
contourny Purp. (B: Tanglwyst de Holloway - Sep 95) (For
House de Holloway)
(Fieldless) In salt a recorder surmounting a dagger inv proper. (B:
Alexander Mareschal - Feb 83)
(Fieldless) In salt an ermine spot Sa & a sword inv Arg. (B:
Richard of Alder Tree - Jan 04)
(Tinctureless) 2 crossed trumpets, bells to chf, surmounted by a
scroll bendwise sin bearing the words "SALTANDI
SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bord
embat. (Seal: Heralds Seals: White Stag - Dec 89)
(Fieldless) 2 fools baubles crossed in salt Arg, vested Or & Vt,
interlaced with a Heneage knot Or. (B: Outlands, the Oct 90)
(Fieldless) 2 gillyflowers Gu slipped & leaved Vt the slips crossed
in salt. (B: Alicia Langland - Dec 95)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, surmounted
by a compass star enhanced & elongated to base. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: Stellanordica - Oct 85)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, surmounted
by an ibis close. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Ibis - May 86)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells to chf, betw 4
acorns, stems to center, slipped & leaved. (Seal: Heralds
Seals: Oaken - Dec 83)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells to chf, overall a
cross of Calatrava. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Gold Falcon May 89)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt betw 4 trilliums each with
a petal to center. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Trillium - Jan 03)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt surmounted by a dragons
head couped. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Schwartzdrachen Jun 94) (re-registered 9605D)
(Fieldless) 2 swords in salt per pale Sa & Or surmounted by a fleurde-lys per pale Or & Sa. (B: Yseult de Cherbourg - Sep 92)
(For Chteau Entre Lacs)
(Tinctureless) 2 trumpets in salt bells to chf, overall a lions head
caboshed. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Black Lion - Aug 98)
(Tinctureless) 2 trumpets in salt betw 4 mill-rinds. (Seal: Heralds
Seals: Brigantia - Dec 75)
Arg, a scimitar Gu & a scimitar Sa crossed in salt. (D: Robert
Blade - Dec 00)
Arg, in pale a falcon rising reguardant, wings disp, & in salt a
garden rose & a thistle, both slipped & leaved, all proper. (D:
Peregrynne Wyndrider - Apr 06)
Arg, in salt a chain bendwise throughout Az broken by a sword inv
bendwise sin Sa, overall a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Carlsby May 84)
Arg, in salt a drinking horn & a sword inv per pale Sa & Gu, all
within a bord Gu & Sa. (D: Keira Gunnvorsdottir - Jul 89)
Arg, in salt a rose branch Vt with a rose Gu, & a double-bitted axe
Sa, in base 3 gouts one & 2 Gu. (D: Lynette of Loch Soillier Jun 93)
Arg, in salt a rosebud Gu, slipped & leaved Vt, & a sword Sa, in
base a crescent Az. (D: Francis de Grce - Jan 84)
Arg, in salt a sword Sa & a rose branch flowered of a single rose
proper. (D: Gwendolyn Bonnivet - Jul 04)
Arg, in salt 2 gillyflowers Gu, slipped & leaved Vt, in base a closed
book palewise Gu, clasped Or. (D: Alicia Langland - Jun 88)
Arg, in salt 2 pussywillow branches proper within a bord counterermine. (D: Gabrielle nicChlurain - Jun 76?)
Arg, 2 palm trees couped, trunks crossed in salt, & in chf a flame
proper. (B: Atenveldt, Barony of - Dec 88) (For the Order of
the Palm of the Barony of Atenveldt)
Arg, 2 palm trees, trunks crossed in salt, proper & in chf a chalice
Az. (B: Atenveldt, Barony of - Jan 91) (For Order of the
Azure Chalice of the Barony of Atenveldt)
Arg, 2 palm trees, trunks crossed in salt, proper & in chf a clarion
Purp. (B: Atenveldt, Barony of - Jan 91) (For Order of the
Purpure Clarion of the Barony of Atenveldt)
Arg, 2 palm trees, trunks crossed in salt, proper & in chf a Lochaber
ax Sa. (B: Atenveldt, Barony of - Jan 91) (For Order of the
Sable Axe of the Barony of Atenveldt)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 81

[Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Multicolor]

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Multicolor


Arg, 2 palm trees, trunks crossed in salt, proper & in chf a sin glove
appaumy Vt. (B: Atenveldt, Barony of - Jan 91) (For Order
of the Vert Glove of the Barony of Atenveldt)
Az, in salt a dagger inv Arg & another Or, overall a heart Gu. (B:
Johann von Hohen Staffen - Jan 81) (For Knights Rest)
Az, in salt a hammer Or surmounted by a scroll Arg, & on a chf Or
a hand balance Sa. (D: Femalaya of Noergate - May 83)
Az, in salt a lightning flash Or & a quill pen Vt, fimbriated Arg, &
in chf a spur inv & winged Or. (D: Rhianna ferch Gwynedd Jan 76?)
Az, in salt a recorder surmounting a dagger inv proper. (D:
Alexander Mareschal - Dec 81)
Az, in salt a sword Arg & a sickle Or. (D: Iurii Levchenich Sep 06)
Az, in salt a trumpet inv Or & a lute in profile proper. (D: Yosef
Alaric - Oct 84)
Az, in salt an oaken staff & a sword inv proper surmounted by a
decrescent Arg. (B: Alicia Stillwater - Jun 81)
Ermine, in salt a human femur Gu & a sword inv Or hilted Az. (D:
Avar the Boneless - Sep 71?)
Gu, a bend Or surmounted by a sword bendwise sin proper & in chf
a tern volant, all within a bord Arg. (D: Fiacha of Glencar Oct 84)
Gu, in salt a scimitar inv Arg & an arrow Sa, fimbriated Arg. (D:
Alexei Miramovich - Aug 79?)
Gu, in salt a sword inv Or & a garden rose Arg, slipped proper,
within a bord gyronny Sa & Arg. (D: Toline Rosalinde of
Arundel - Sep 81)
Gu, in salt an axe reversed Arg & a sword inv Or, overall a raven
close proper. (D: Manfred Gustsson - Nov 77?)
Gu, in salt 2 keys Arg & Or handles bound with a cord Gu wards
enwrapped by the infibulae of a Papal tiara in chf Arg
garnished Or. (D: Vatican - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA
arms)(Also the arms of the Papacy)
Gyronny Vt & Sa, in salt a spear Or, headed Arg, surmounted by a
claymore proper, in base a bezant charged with a Lacy knot Sa.
(D: Colm Cormaic - May 81)
Or, in salt a flax slip Vt flowered Az & a sword Sa. (D: Alaric of
Owef - Jul 04)
Or, in salt 2 garden roses Gu, slipped & leaved, Vt, on a chf embat
Gu, 3 escallops inv Or. (D: Elisia Castel of Dragonmoor Mar 88)
Per bend sin wavy Purp & Arg, a swan naiant to sin & in salt 2
swords inv ctrch. (D: Giovanni di Rienzi - May 93)
Per chev abased Az & Arg, in pale in salt an oaken staff & a sword
inv proper surmounted by a decrescent Arg & a mastiffs head
couped affronte Sa. (D: Alicia Stillwater - Jun 81)
Per chev inv Az & Vt, in salt a quill Arg & a krummhorn Or. (D:
Guillaume de Valgruen - Nov 77?)
Per fess Arg & Az, 2 swords in salt ctrch. (B: Caid - Sep 96) (For
the Award of the Crossed Swords of Caid)
Per fess Az & Sa, in pale a snowy owls head caboshed Arg & in
salt a straight trumpet bell in chf Or & a quill Arg. (D: Seamus
of Gallhaven - Aug 85)
Per fess Az & Vt, in salt a sword inv Arg & a galley oar inv proper.
(D: Achrena Rowyn of Caer Dathyl - Jan 76?)
Per fess Gu & Arg, in salt a sword & an arum lily slipped ctrch. (B:
Serena Gethin - Apr 03) (JB: Evelun Lambert)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 battle axes in salt ctrch. (D: Conrad Sturmere
- Mar 08)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 swords inv in salt betw 4 roses ctrch. (D:
lfric of False Isle - Feb 02)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a besom & a scythe crossed in salt ctrch. (B:
Simona dellAmore - Aug 04)
Per pale Arg & Sa, in salt a sword & an axe ctrch. (D: Dimarus of
Atenveldt - Jul 07)
Per pale Arg & Sa, in salt an artists brush, bristles to base, & a quill
ctrch. (D: Antoinette Louise de la Fort de Compigne Oct 88)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a hammer & tongs in salt ctrch & on a chf Sa a
tuft of 3 cattails slipped & leaved Arg. (D: Roland Ganneth Aug 99)
Per pale Arg & Vt, in salt 2 lances ctrch & in base an anvil Sa. (D:
Chadris dArgent - Feb 82)

82 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Multicolor


Per pale Az & Arg, a pickax & a spade inv in salt ctrch. (D:
Alexander Kirkpatrick - Jul 93)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 pens in salt ctrch & overall an open book Or
leathered Gu. (B: Atenveldt, Kingdom of - Feb 72) (For the
College of Scribes)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 axes in salt betw 3 mullets one & 2 all ctrch.
(B: Ragnar Karlson - Apr 02)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 bones crossed in salt surmounted by a skull, a
bord potenty all per pale Arg & Sa. (D: Carlos Cervantes Apr 07)
Per pale Gu & Or, in salt 2 swords within an orle of mullets of six
points betw 2 tressures, all ctrch. (D: Jayne Gidle - Apr 86)
Per pale Gu & Or, 2 smoking pipes in salt betw in pale 2
broadarrows inv ctrch. (D: Sean MacGarrow - Oct 07)
Per pale Gu & Sa, in salt a rose slipped & leaved Or & a dagger inv
proper. (D: Petru cel Rau - Nov 02)
Per pale Or & Arg, in sin 2 keys in salt Arg & Or handles bound
with a cord Gu wards enwrapped by the infibulae of a Papal
tiara in chf Arg garnished Or. (B: Vatican - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Per pale Or & Gu, in salt 2 double-bitted axes, in base a tankard
ctrch. (D: Arii viligisl - Mar 04)
Per pale Purp & Arg, in pale a bunch of grapes & 2 swords in salt,
all ctrch. (D: Severin Visconti - Jan 86)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 2 arum lilies ctrch slips crossed in salt Vt. (D:
Nikolai Demonev - Jan 03)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 2 domestic cats counter-salient in salt & in chf
a fleur-de-lys ctrch. (D: Kiar of Auburn - Apr 96)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 2 halberds in salt blades to dexter ctrch. (B:
Karl Helweg - Mar 04)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 2 swords in salt & in chf 2 roundels ctrch. (B:
Bridget Lucia Mackenzie - Apr 02)
Per pale Purp & Sa, in salt a bone Arg surmounting a sword Or. (B:
Ysabel de Rouen - Oct 06) (For House Blade and Bone)(JB:
Gawayn Langknyfe)
Per pale Sa & Arg, in salt a quill & a sword inv & on a chf 2
wolves heads caboshed all ctrch. (D: Donato el Lobo Mar 85)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 axes in salt betw in fess 2 wolfs heads erased
respectant ctrch. (D: Kjotv orgrimsson - Mar 05)
Per pale Sa & Arg 2 double-bitted axes in salt fretted with a mascle
ctrch. (D: Valdis Raginheid - Jul 90)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 poleaxes in salt & in base a tankard within a
bord all ctrch. (D: Angus de Gordun - Oct 07)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 scimitars in salt & in chf a Latin cross ctrch.
(D: Kilian Bruce - Jun 97)
Per pale Sa & Az, in salt a crutch Or & a sword inv proper, in chf a
pair of eyeglasses Arg, stringed Or. (B: Trimaris - Aug 84)
(For Order of the Grey Beard)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 double-bitted axes in salt, in chf an
executioners hood affronty ctrch. (D: Axel the Executioner Jun 98)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 swords in salt surmounted by another inv ctrch,
a chf enarched ctrch erminois & pean. (D: orvaldr frisamr Jan 08)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a bow & arrow in salt ctrch. (B: Bridge, the Aug 79) (For Archers and Bowyers Guild)
Per pale Vt & Arg, 2 spears in salt & a chf embat ctrch. (D:
William of Brittany - Mar 85)
Per pale Vt & Arg, 2 war-axes in salt & in base 2 sperm whales
respectant in chev inv all ctrch. (D: Marta Brn Hild Aug 05)
Per pale wavy Sa & Gu, in salt a sword inv proper & an axe Or,
hafted Arg, & in base a rose Or, barbed & seeded Vt. (D:
Einar Leodherewudu - Jul 87)
Per pall Vt, Or, & Gu, in pale a spired tower Arg & 2 arrows inv in
salt ctrch. (D: Nikolai of Trakai - Oct 93)
Purp, in salt a lightning flash Arg crossed by a baton Or ermined Sa.
(D: Isaac de la Decapole dAlsace - Jan 74?)
Purp, in salt a lute proper crossed by a pen Arg, veined Sa, in chf a
sun in his splendor or. (D: Ambre Aimee de Roux - Aug 79)
Quarterly Az & Vt, a sword bendwise Or surmounted by a quill pen
bendwise sin Arg. (D: Nicolas de Navarre - Jul 05)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a sword inv & a single-bitted axe in salt ctrch.
(D: Armand de Force - Jan 98)

[Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Multicolor] to [Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Or]

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Multicolor


Quarterly Gu & Arg, 2 double-bitted axes in salt within a bord, all

ctrch. (D: Sutan Bloodaxe - Jan 89)
Quarterly Or & Az, a spoon & a hammer in salt ctrch. (D: sa in
svarta - Jul 06)
Quarterly Or & Az, an awl, point to base, & a mallet in salt ctrch.
(D: Wystan Haldane - Mar 07)
Quarterly Or & Az, in salt a wooden spoon proper & a lute Arg. (D:
Elashava bas Riva - May 84)
Quarterly Or & Gu, in salt a rapier Sa & a quill pen Arg, a bord
embat Sa. (D: Gomez de Santander - Nov 06)
Quarterly Or & Sa, in salt a crossbow quarrel inv Sa & a quill pen
Or. (D: Kurt von Arriksleva - Sep 91)
Quarterly Or & Sa, 2 double-bitted axes in salt within a bord, all
ctrch. (B: Eldred Bloodaxe - Aug 90)
Quarterly Purp & Arg, in salt a garden rose Arg slipped Or, & a
garden rose Gu, slipped Vt, all within a bord embat ctrch. (D:
Deirdre n Phdraig mac Griogair - Feb 90)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, a garden rose slipped & leaved & a sword in
salt ctrch. (D: Andrew MacAran - Jun 92)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, 2 double-bitted axes in salt ctrch. (D: Eldjarn
bildr - Mar 05)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, in salt a sword inv proper & a trumpet, in chf a
lyre Or. (D: Harbert de Guilbert - Dec 80)
Quarterly Vt & Az, in salt a flute Or & a quill pen Arg. (D:
Genevive the Gypsy - Jun 97)
Sa, a smiths hammer Or & a rapier in salt, a bord dovetailed Arg.
(D: Stephan MacAllester of Cork - Feb 06)
Sa, in salt a palmers staff Or & a sword Arg, on a chf triangular Or
a tower Sa. (D: Donald Dalamare Storm - Feb 98)
Sa, in salt a pen Or, quilled Arg, surmounted by a sword inv proper,
all within an annulet knotted in chf by a ligature knot Arg. (D:
Gareth of Bloodwine Gorge - Jun 80)
Sa, in salt a sword inv Arg & a rowan branch Or. (D: Coinneach
mac Ciarin - Nov 88)
Vair, in salt a rapier inv Or & a quill pen Gu. (D: Antonia Soranzo
- Jun 05)
Vt, a gauntlet aversant Sa sustaining a rose slipped proper & an
artists brush Sa crossed in salt all fimbriated Or. (D: Thomas
for the Interim - Mar 01)
Vt, goutty dOr, in salt a goblet Or & a lily, slipped & leaved Arg.
(D: Morguen na Locha Soluis - Dec 88)
Vt, in salt a sickle Arg & a garb Or, on a bord Arg 2 grapevines
intertwined in orle, fructed & leaved, proper. (D: Sieglinde
Syr - Apr 81)
Vt, in salt a sword inv proper & an axe Arg, hafted Or, surmounted
by a stags head cabossed Arg, armed, within a bord embat,
Or. (B: Outlands, the - Apr 89) (For the Order of the Stags
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Or

(Fieldless) A dragon passant atop 2 swords in salt surmounted by a

harp Or. (B: Corin du Soleil - May 85)
(Fieldless) A lions jambe fesswise erased Purp sustaining 2 keys
in salt wards to sin Or. (B: Rowena del Baylly - Dec 95)
(Fieldless) A pair of rapiers crossed in salt Or surmounted by a
fleur-de-lys Purp. (B: Marceau de Valcourt - Jun 02)
(Fieldless) 2 arrows inv in salt Or surmounted by a spired tower
Arg roofed of wooden shingles proper. (B: Nikolai of Trakai Jan 05)
(Tinctureless) 2 crossed trumpets, bells to chf, surmounted by a
scroll bendwise sin bearing the words "SALTANDI
SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bord
embat. (Seal: Heralds Seals: White Stag - Dec 89)
(Fieldless) 2 daffodils in salt bells fesswise addorsed Or slipped &
leaved Vt. (B: Blatha an Oir - Jun 02)
(Fieldless) 2 jesters baubles in salt Or each vested Az & Gu. (B:
Henry Best - May 03)
(Fieldless) 2 mallets in salt Or. (B: Edward le Kervere - Apr 95)
(Fieldless) 2 needles in salt Or. (B: Averial Thorhalla - Dec 98)
(Fieldless) 2 rapiers inv in salt surmounted by a scorpion Or. (B:
al-Barran - Feb 99) (For Order of the Espada de Oro)
(Fieldless) 2 spears in salt Or surmounted by a serpent in annulo
with a head at either end Arg. (B: Christof Gately - Mar 96)

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Or (continued)

(Fieldless) 2 stalks of barley in salt within & conjoined to an

annulet Or. (B: Edric Longfellow - Aug 03)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, surmounted
by a compass star enhanced & elongated to base. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: Stellanordica - Oct 85)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, surmounted
by an ibis close. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Ibis - May 86)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells to chf, betw 4
acorns, stems to center, slipped & leaved. (Seal: Heralds
Seals: Oaken - Dec 83)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells to chf, overall a
cross of Calatrava. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Gold Falcon May 89)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt betw 4 trilliums each with
a petal to center. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Trillium - Jan 03)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt surmounted by a dragons
head couped. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Schwartzdrachen Jun 94) (re-registered 9605D)
(Fieldless) 2 swords in salt surmounted by a spear Or. (B: Gunther
Garr - Feb 94)
(Fieldless) 2 swords inv in salt surmounted by a daffodil bell to
dexter Or slipped & leaved Vt. (B: Middle Marches, the Apr 06) (For the Order of the Golden Affodile)
(Fieldless) 2 torches in salt Or. (B: Cormac Mr - Jan 08)
(Tinctureless) 2 trumpets in salt bells to chf, overall a lions head
caboshed. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Black Lion - Aug 98)
(Tinctureless) 2 trumpets in salt betw 4 mill-rinds. (Seal: Heralds
Seals: Brigantia - Dec 75)
Arg, chap Sa, a dragon segreant to sin, 2 swords inv in salt Or, &
an old scholar statant affront proper, vested Az. (D: Gregor
of Camton - Jul 82)
Arg, in salt 2 lightning bolts issuant from chf Or, fimbriated &
overall a natural panthers head cabossed Sa, orbed Or &
langued Gu. (D: David of Cath Mawr - Aug 80)
Az goutty deau, in salt a recorder & a lute in profile Or. (B:
Johanna of Dendermonde - Jun 85) (For Consortium
Az, honeycombed Arg, 2 halberds in salt Or. (D: Alastair Liam
FitzAlan - Jul 90)
Az, in pale a pair of crampons in salt & a falcon rising, wings disp
& inv Or, a bord erminois. (D: Eirik Ising Steingrim Sep 94) (re-registered 9506A)
Az, in pale an open book & 2 feathers in salt, on a chf invected Or 2
escallops Az. (D: Cordelia Scriven - Feb 92)
Az, in pale an open book & 2 retorts, necks in salt Or within a bord
potenty Arg. (D: Arthur FitzWilliam the Scholar - Oct 92)
Az, in pale 2 arrows inv in salt Or & an eagle striking to sin Arg.
(D: Darcy of Eagles Crag - Oct 83)
Az, in pale 2 wolfs heads erased addorsed & conjoined at the neck
Arg & 2 arrows in salt Or. (B: Borealis - Dec 99) (For the
Order of the Silverwolf)
Az, in pale 2 wolfs heads erased addorsed & conjoined at the neck
Arg & 2 swords inv in salt Or. (B: Borealis - Dec 99) (For
the Order of the Silverwolf)
Az, in salt a cartouche voided & a lion salient contourny queuefourchy, the lion passing through the cartouche, all Or. (D:
Leonus de Rotund - Sep 05)
Az, in salt a ladle inv & a recorder betw 4 Jewish hats Or. (D:
Joshua ibn Eleazar ha-Shalib - May 92)
Az, in salt a spiked mace & a double-bitted axe, in chf five mullets
& on a base embat Or 2 mullets Sa. (D: Gorlan of the Red
Lands - Aug 79)
Az, in salt 2 daffodils bells fesswise addorsed slipped & on a mount
Or a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Blatha an Oir - Jun 02)
Az, 2 arrows inv in salt & on a chf wavy Or a bee volant Az. (D:
Rowena Rodericksdohter - May 83)
Az, 2 arrows inv in salt Or barbed & on a chf embat Arg 3 wolfs
paw prints Az. (D: Mickel Birnsson till Wargegrden Mar 04)
Az, 2 axes in salt betw 2 lightning bolts palewise Or issuant from a
chf nebuly Arg. (D: Maeloc of Wolfhaven - May 07)
Az, 2 battleaxes in salt Or betw in pale a heart & a cup Arg. (D:
Gunndiarfr Magnsarson - Jan 06)
Az, 2 daggers inv in salt Or surmounted by a cup, a bord embat
Arg. (D: Cullen ONeill - Apr 98)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 83

[Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Or]

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Or (continued)

Az, 2 keys crossed in salt wards to base Or & a tierce Arg. (D:
Katryn Brynsdotter - Jan 00)
Az, 2 needles in salt & in chf 3 annulets Or. (D: Averial Thorhalla
- Feb 95)
Az, 2 poleaxes in salt Or & on a base Arg a dragon dormant Gu. (D:
Randvr brotamar - Feb 06)
Az, 2 poleaxes in salt Or surmounted by a bulls skull Arg, a bord
embat Or. (D: Francisco Delgadillo - Jul 90)
Az, 2 rapiers in salt & in chf a mullet of eight points Or, on a point
pointed Arg a ship in full sail Sa. (D: Geoffrey Clwyd Mar 06)
Az, 2 rapiers in salt Or & overall a dogwood blossom Arg seeded
Or. (B: Donnan the Solitary - Mar 04)
Az, 2 rapiers inv crossed in salt & in base a rose Or. (B: Atenveldt,
Kingdom of - Dec 02) (For Order of the Golden Blade)
Az, 2 recorders in salt within a stags attire Or. (D: Liusaidh
MacLeoid - May 83)
Az, 2 roses slipped & leaved in salt, a chf embat & a point pointed
ploy Or. (D: Tristan Herv - Dec 00)
Az, 2 sceptres in salt Or. (D: Holy Roman Empire, ArchChamberlain of the - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, 2 scimitars inv in salt Or, overall a wolfs head cabossed Arg.
(D: Vitz Tatiana - Jul 94)
Az, 2 sitars affronty in salt Or. (D: Gandharva Candra - Aug 78?)
Az, 2 spears in salt & in chf a mullet or. (D: Hrorek Halfdane of
Faulconwood - Aug 79)
Az, 2 spears in salt & in chf 3 bells 2 & one Or. (D: Abel Breme May 04)
Az, 2 spoons in salt Or & in chf a bell Arg. (D: Isabel de
Marmande - Apr 88)
Az, 2 spoons in salt Or, overall a fleur-de-lys Arg. (D: Melisant de
Montgomeri - Jul 04)
Az, 2 stalks of wheat in salt Or & on a chf embat Arg 2 acorns
proper. (D: Jocosa dAuxerre - Aug 05)
Az, 2 stalks of wheat in salt surmounted by another palewise, all
within a laurel wreath Or. (D: Wastelands - Nov 93)
Az, 2 stick shuttles in salt Or. (B: Coille Stoirmeil - Aug 89) (For
Golden Shuttles Weavers Guild)
Az, 2 swords in salt & in chf an acorn Or. (B: Drei Eichen Mar 95) (For Ordo Gladiorum Aureorum)
Az, 2 swords in salt surmounted by an open book Or. (D: Sidonia
Zaridina - May 04)
Az, 2 torches in salt Or & on a chf triangular Arg a natural sea turtle
Vt. (D: Gabriel Delacroix - Mar 95)
Az, 2 trident heads shafts crossed in salt Or. (B: Monford Allheisen
- Mar 00) (erroneously called a device on the LoAR corrected 0705)
Az, 2 tusks, tips crossed in salt, Or. (D: Cahan Kyle - Oct 89)
Az, 2 tusks, tips crossed in salt, within a bord Or charged with equal
armed Celtic crosses Az. (D: Sean MacCahan - Oct 93)
Counter-ermine, 2 reed pens in salt & issuant from base a demi-sun
Or. (D: Adnar Dionadair - Oct 92)
Ermine, in salt a short sword & a cittern proper, overall a rosebud
Or, stalked & leaved Vt. (D: Margaret Kathryn Cameron Feb 81)
Gu, a rose slipped & leaved & a battleaxe in salt Or. (D: Aureliana
Avita - Oct 06)
Gu ermined Arg, 2 arrows in salt inv Or, overall a wolfs head
bendwise couped at the shoulders Sa. (D: Wulfric FitzDugald
- Jul 85)
Gu, in canton a hammer & sickle in salt & to chf a mullet voided
Or. (B: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Gu, in pale a caravel reversed & 2 rapiers in salt Or. (D: Diego de
Valor - Oct 98)
Gu, in salt 2 cup-hilted rapiers inv Or, overall a mullet of six points
fesswise Arg, all within a bord embat Or. (D: Luigi di Donate
- Sep 84)
Gu, semy of decrescents Arg, in pale an Arabic oil lamp & 2
scimitars inv in salt with edges to base Or. (D: Raschid
Abdullah ibn Iacoob al Baghdadi - Dec 85)
Gu, 2 arrows inv throughout in salt surmounted by a monster with
the front half of a lion & the back half of a dragon couchant
regardant to sin & in chf a pear slipped & leaved, all Or. (D:
Dvora Rise de Apors - Mar 84)

84 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Or (continued)

Gu, 2 battle axes in salt Or, a chf wavy checky Az & Or. (D:
Ragnsteinn fr Andrssmri - Sep 05)
Gu, 2 battle axes in salt surmounted by a claymore inv betw 2
pallets Or. (D: Athelstan of Bainbridge - Sep 94)
Gu, 2 chains in salt Or surmounted by an eye Arg irised Gu. (D:
Gorge Mau of the Damnd Alani Race - Nov 07)
Gu, 2 flanged maces in salt Or surmounted by a sword inv proper.
(D: Magnus Ragnarsson - Jul 03)
Gu, 2 flanged maces in salt within a bord Or. (B: Middle, the Sep 05) (For Order of the Gold Mace)
Gu, 2 keys inv in salt Or, overall a fess checky Arg & Sa. (B:
Cathal MacEdan na Faeled - Mar 83)
Gu, 2 lightning bolts in salt betw 4 eagles tails to center Or. (D:
Caius Gargonius Crassus - Mar 05)
Gu, 2 lightning bolts in salt overall a wolfs head caboshed Or. (B:
Settimio dOlivio - Oct 06)
Gu, 2 needles in salt Or betw in pale 2 daisies Arg, eyed, & in fess 2
cooking pots Or. (D: Elspeth Keyf of Neddingham - Jun 86)
Gu, 2 needles in salt Or, threaded, betw 2 bars wavy Arg, each bar
charged with an alewife naiant Sa. (D: Eowyn Eilonwy of
Alewife Brook - Aug 84)
Gu, 2 recorders in salt & on a chf wavy Or, 3 crosses couped Gu.
(D: Cecilia di Firenze - Jun 88)
Gu, 2 swords in salt betw 4 helms facing to sin, all within a bord Or.
(D: Alexander Brighthelmston - Jan 90)
Gyronny of twelve Arg & Az, a quill Vt & a scroll in salt within a
bord Or. (D: Vorlin or Gwig - Jul 85)
Lozengy Arg & Purp, 2 feathers in salt Or. (D: Eduard von
Schnberg - Sep 92)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a cross paty Sa & in salt a lute affronty & a
sword Or. (D: Karl of Berg Rheinstein - Apr 85)
Per bend Az & Gu, a unicorn salient & in salt a threaded needle
point in chf & a quill Or. (D: Caitlin MacGregor - Mar 85)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, 2 arrows inv in salt Or & an anvil Sa. (D:
Connor Mac Cormaic - Nov 92)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a rhinoceros passant contourney Arg & 2
quill pens in salt Or. (D: Petar iz Beograda - Mar 92)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, 2 cannon barrels in salt & 3 Latin crosses
ctrch. (D: Robert Lector of Reading - Jan 08)
Per bend sin Vt & Arg, 2 arrows inv in salt Or & a thistle proper.
(D: Donnchadh mac Cadaigh - Feb 02)
Per bend Vt & Purp, a tyger salient & 2 rapiers in salt Or. (D: Aude
de la fontainne - Feb 07)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 swords in salt Or & a lion ramp Gu. (D:
Alasdair MacKenzie - Jul 00)
Per chev chevronelly Or & Az, & Az, 2 swords in salt surmounted
by a spear Or. (D: Gunther Garr - Jun 93)
Per chev Gu & Or, a sword & a spear in salt Or & a drakkar, sails
furled, Gu, all within a bord ctrch. (D: Eric Etheridge Nov 84)
Per chev inv Or & Vt, in chf a hawk disp & in base 2 swords in salt
ctrch. (D: Henry Forrester the Hawk - Jan 76?)
Per chev inv rayonny Or goutty de poix & Vt, 2 single-bitted axes
in salt Or. (D: Rogon Steingesicht - Mar 94)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 2 pens in salt Or & a closed book palewise Az
garnished Or. (D: Johann Knster of the Sweord Ora Mar 93)
Per chev Vt & Gu, in salt an arrow inv & a sword Or & in chf a
dovetailed keystone Gu, fimbriated Or. (D: Jon Trimara May 85)
Per chev wavy Arg & Vt, 2 trees proper & 2 axes crossed in salt Or
hafted proper. (D: Ailill mac Duib Dara - Apr 06)
Per fess Az & Gu, in chf 2 comets inv bendwise sin Arg & in base 2
recorders in salt Or. (D: Donalbain MacPherson - Mar 86)
Per fess checky Az & Arg, & Az, in chf 2 tridents in salt Or, in base
a dolphin naiant Arg. (D: Ian MacKynnes - Sep 84)
Per fess embat Or & Gu, a dragonfly Sa & 2 lightning bolts in salt
Or. (D: Rutilia Fausta - Apr 06)
Per fess embat Sa & Vt, a sword & an arrow in salt Or & a dragon
passant to sin Arg. (D: Eric the Wanderer of the Flying
Dragons Cave - Apr 84)
Per fess Gu & Vt, in chf in salt a mace surmounted by a sword, both
surmounted by a bow reversed palewise Or, & in base a brown
bear statant proper. (D: Michael of Hammond - Nov 79)

[Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Or]

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Or (continued)

Per fess Or & Sa, a brown bears head erased at the shoulders
affronty proper & 2 tridents in salt Or. (D: Thaddeus of
Champclair - Apr 87)
Per fess Sa & Gu, in salt a sword inv & an axe, all surmounted by
an oar palewise, blade to chf, Or. (D: Theoden the Oarsman Apr 88)
Per fess Vt & Arg, in salt 2 pole-cannons Or, hafted Sa, inflamed
proper. (B: Ioseph of Locksley, the Rhymer - Jan 73?)
Per fess wavy Arg & Az, in salt a trident & a sword Or, overall an
orca naiant to sin proper. (B: Tir-y-Don - Feb 89) (For the
Order of the Orca)
Per pale Arg & Az, in pale a sun in his splendor & 2 spears in salt
Or. (B: Atenveldt, Kingdom of - Jul 05)
Per pale Arg & Az, in pale a sun in his splendor & 2 swords in salt
Or. (B: Atenveldt, Kingdom of - Jan 92) (For the Order of
the Legion of the Sword of Honor)
Per pale Az & Sa, 2 bearded axes in salt surmounted by an arrow
inv Or. (D: Agnarr orvaldsson - Jul 03)
Per pale Az & Vt, 2 axes in salt Or, fretted of a bowen knot, overall
an annulet Arg. (D: Alasdair Francis MacDhomhnuill Aug 90)
Per pale Az & Vt, 2 tusks tips crossed in salt Or. (B: Cahan Kyle Nov 90) (For Clan Kyle)
Per pale embat Gu & Vt, a sea-wolf Arg & 2 arrows in salt Or. (D:
Kathryn Bearward of Wolfenden - Mar 95)
Per pale Gu & Az, 2 stalks of barley in salt within a bord Or. (D:
Edric Longfellow - Feb 03)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a violin in bend sin crossing its bow in bend Or.
(D: Feodor Khrisotelevich Gudoshnikov - Aug 90)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 flamberges in salt Or surmounted by a skull
Arg. (D: Max Erich von Baden - Sep 03)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 rapiers inv crossed in salt Or, overall a rose Arg
barbed & seeded proper. (D: Elizabetta Maria de Calabria May 99)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 staves in salt Or in chf a tankard Arg. (D:
Erasmus the Traveller - Sep 95)
Per pale Gu & Vt, 2 chains in salt debruised by a cartouche fesswise
Or. (B: Vkingr Jrnhauss inn Hrlangi - Feb 97)
Per pale Sa & Az, 2 double-bitted axes in salt Or. (D: Arthur Knox
of Bannockburn - Apr 98)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 2 axes in salt & on a chf embat Or 3 ravens Sa.
(D: Lazarus von Kyrchberc - Jan 02)
Per pale Vt & Purp, 2 arrows in salt Or, overall a wolfs head
cabossed Arg. (D: Heather O Fellaghy - Apr 99)
Per pale Vt & Sa, in pale a sycamore leaf Arg & 2 arrows in salt Or.
(D: Ron of Sundragon - Jan 88)
Per pall Or, Gu, & Vt, 2 arrows in salt Or & in chf a claw couped
contourny Gu. (D: Talon Ravenesclawe - Sep 99)
Per salt Az & Gu, 2 spears in salt throughout Or, overall a pegasus
salient to sin, wings elevated & disp, Arg, all within a bord
ermine. (D: William of Northumbria - Mar 85)
Per salt Gu & Az, a pair of scissors in salt throughout, points to
base, betw 4 fleur-de-lys Or. (D: Emma of Essex - Dec 97)
Per salt Gu & Sa, 2 lightning flashes throughout in salt, barbed &
flighted Or. (D: Chepe lOrageux - Dec 80)
Per salt Sa & Vt, 2 halberds in salt Or & in base a compass star Arg
& on a chf Or a wolf courant Vt. (D: Fiacc MacDougal Oct 03)
Potent, 2 palmers staves in salt Or. (D: Addison the Wanderer Mar 73?)
Purp, an annulet Arg fretted with 2 seaxes in salt, all within an orle
of eight frogs sejant affronty Or. (D: Saethryth of Athelney Jan 87)
Purp, in pale 2 quills in salt & a drinking horn fesswise reversed
distilling 3 gouttes, one & 2, all Or. (B: Thoron Ravenoak Mar 84)
Purp, in salt a sword & a unicorns horn Or & in chf a bezant. (D:
Kathryn Lavendar of Lesbos - May 83)
Purp mullety Arg, 2 comets inv in salt & issuant from base a demisun Or, eclipsed of the field. (D: Roscelin de Saint Rmy Dec 85)
Purp, 2 cutlasses in salt edges to chf & a base rayonny Or. (D:
Elena McKenzie - Aug 05)
Quarterly Az & Sa, 2 swords inv in salt Or, overall a Latin cross
patty Arg. (D: Ian Alexander - May 85)

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Or (continued)

Quarterly Gu & Az, in pale 2 unicorn horns in salt & an open book
Or. (D: Juliana Felicita Boccaccio - May 05)
Quarterly Gu & Purp, 2 lutes in salt edge-on & a bord Or. (D:
Rhiwallon the Wanderer - May 86)
Quarterly Sa & Gu 2 lightning bolts in salt Or, overall a rams head
erased affronty Arg. (D: Titus Antonius Archelaus - Aug 91)
Sa, a sword & a quill pen in salt Or within a bord Or mullety Sa.
(D: Jrgen Danske - Aug 94)
Sa, in chf 2 double-bitted axes in salt Or surmounted by a deaths
head Arg & in base an estoile Or. (D: Ian MacDuff - Aug 92)
Sa, in pale a beardless mans head affronty & 2 pens in salt Or. (B:
Calontir - Feb 86) (For Clerk of the Chancery)
Sa, in pale 2 spears in salt & a rams head contourny bendwise sin
erased Or. (D: Thorvald Egilsson - Jun 00)
Sa, in salt a double-bitted axe & a Celtic cross Or. (D: Richard of
Mont Royal, the Short - Jan 73?)
Sa, in salt an axe & spear, in chf a mullet of 4 points elongated to
base Or. (D: Rorik Kelleward - Aug 91)
Sa, 2 arrows in salt, in chf a tulip-tree slip fesswise Or. (D: Don the
Archer - Oct 76?)
Sa, 2 arrows inv in salt Or betw in fess a decrescent & an increscent
& overall a battle axe Arg. (D: Miles Oakeley - Mar 84)
Sa, 2 lightning bolts in salt betw in fess 2 swords palewise & in chf
a decrescent, all within a bord Or. (D: James Nightstriker Mar 89)
Sa, 2 mallets in salt Or, on a chf Arg 3 mullets of 4 points Az. (D:
Edward le Kervere - Nov 93)
Sa, 2 needles in salt betw a spool of thread & 3 compass stars, all
within a bord Or. (B: Fionna Ramsay of Bronwyn Vale Nov 07)
Sa, 2 needles in salt Or betw 4 double roses Or & Gu. (D: Catriona
of Downpatrick - Aug 02)
Sa, 2 rapiers in salt Arg betw 3 Celtic crosses Or. (D: lfwine se
Pyttel - Jul 04)
Sa, 2 spiked maces in salt betw in fess 2 skulls Or. (D: Grimbald
Deth - May 02)
Sa, 2 stags antlers bases crossed in salt Or, in chf a moon in her
plentitude Arg. (D: Roger of Blackmoore - Sep 97)
Sa, 2 swords in salt Or. (B: Society for Creative Anachronism, Earl
Marshal of - Jan 73?)
Sa, 2 tilting lances in salt & in chf a chamfron Or. (B: Society for
Creative Anachronism - Apr 96) (For the Equestrian
Sa, 2 tridents in salt & overall an escallop Or. (D: William Dunstan
of York - Jan 91)
Vt, a rebec in bend sin pegheads in chf crossed by a bow fesswise
Or. (D: Rebecca de Ravenstein - Jun 95)
Vt, in pale a pickaxe & a double-bitted axe in salt & a crane in its
vigilance Or. (D: Roland Ironbeard - Jan 93)
Vt, in pale 2 spoons in salt, bowls to base, & a cauldron Or. (D:
Lilias Cruithnechn of Eilean a Cheo - Jan 88)
Vt, in salt 2 lilies slipped & leaved betw 4 quill pens in annulo Or.
(D: Catrona of Black Isle - Sep 92)
Vt, in salt 2 shepherds crooks & in chf 3 roses Or. (D: Juliana
Grene - Jan 07)
Vt, in salt 2 spears betw 4 annulets Or. (D: Aedan Kincora May 82)
Vt, in salt with bells in chf, 2 clarion trumpets Or above a tambour
proper. (D: Consortium Antiquum - Feb 70?)
Vt, sem of tree stumps snagged eradicated proper, in salt 2 axes
Or. (D: Selva of the Treeless Plain - Aug 80)
Vt, 3 pairs of swords in salt Or. (D: Donnabhn Rothlin Jun 95)
Vt, 2 arrows crossed in salt surmounted by a double-bitted axe & on
a chf indented Or 2 shamrocks Sa. (D: Conall mac Magnusa Feb 02)
Vt, 2 arrows in salt betw in fess 2 goblets, a bord Or. (B: Saint
Artemas - Jun 96)
Vt, 2 daggers in salt Or, a base of flame proper. (D: Aidan of Sicily
- Sep 91)
Vt, 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, Or. (B: Society for
Creative Anachronism, Arms, College of - Jan 73?)
Vt, 2 swords in salt betw in fess 2 goblets within a bord Or. (B:
Saint Artemas - Aug 01)
Vt, 2 swords in salt Or surmounted by a stone tower, the top
enflamed, proper. (B: Border Vale Keep - Apr 85)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 85

[Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Or] to [Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Sable]

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Or (continued)

Vt, 2 swords in salt surmounted by an arrow inv Or all within &

conjoined to a bord Or. (B: Nottinghill Coill - Feb 03) (For
Coills Champions)
Vt, 2 tennis rackets in salt a bord embat Or. (D: Bertrand du
Beaumanoir - Nov 01)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Purpure

(Fieldless) In salt 2 roses slipped & leaved Purp. (B: Nicolette

Caramelle Avelaine - Apr 96)
(Tinctureless) 2 crossed trumpets, bells to chf, surmounted by a
scroll bendwise sin bearing the words "SALTANDI
SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bord
embat. (Seal: Heralds Seals: White Stag - Dec 89)
(Fieldless) 2 spears in salt Purp surmounted by an equal-armed
Celtic cross flory Or. (B: Eoin MacLaren - Jan 95)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, surmounted
by a compass star enhanced & elongated to base. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: Stellanordica - Oct 85)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, surmounted
by an ibis close. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Ibis - May 86)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells to chf, betw 4
acorns, stems to center, slipped & leaved. (Seal: Heralds
Seals: Oaken - Dec 83)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells to chf, overall a
cross of Calatrava. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Gold Falcon May 89)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt betw 4 trilliums each with
a petal to center. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Trillium - Jan 03)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt surmounted by a dragons
head couped. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Schwartzdrachen Jun 94) (re-registered 9605D)
(Tinctureless) 2 trumpets in salt bells to chf, overall a lions head
caboshed. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Black Lion - Aug 98)
(Tinctureless) 2 trumpets in salt betw 4 mill-rinds. (Seal: Heralds
Seals: Brigantia - Dec 75)
Arg, in salt a rose Purp, slipped & leaved Vt, & a sword inv Purp, a
base wavy barry wavy Vt & Arg. (D: William Atherbridge Aug 07)
Arg, 2 swords in salt Purp surmounted by a lions head couped Gu,
on a chf Purp 3 mice statant Arg. (D: Camillo Guinicelli Nov 98)
Or, in salt a bow reversed & an arrow inv Purp, a bord Gu. (B:
Antoinette Leblanc - Apr 01)
Or, 2 foxes counter-salient in salt Purp. (D: Alfred of Warwick Oct 03)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Sable

(Fieldless) In salt a goblet & an arrow inv Sa, barbed Arg, fletched
Gu. (B: Simn de la Palma de Mallorca - Aug 89) (For the
Drunken Archers)
(Fieldless) 2 axes in salt Sa. (B: Agravaine Rhiwallon - Mar 99)
(Tinctureless) 2 crossed trumpets, bells to chf, surmounted by a
scroll bendwise sin bearing the words "SALTANDI
SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bord
embat. (Seal: Heralds Seals: White Stag - Dec 89)
(Fieldless) 2 halberds in salt Sa surmounted by a flame Gu. (B:
Elana Blakefenn - Jul 98)
(Fieldless) 2 logs couped in salt proper enflamed Gu. (B: Eleanor
Woodbringer - Dec 81)
(Fieldless) 2 spears in salt proper headed Or pennanted Vt overall a
rose Arg barbed & seeded proper. (B: Morgana Elisabetta
Rosatti - Sep 00) (For La Lancia della Casa Rosatti)
(Fieldless) 2 spears in salt Sa surmounted by a European brown
bears head erased facing to sin proper. (B: Berengaria Rossi Oct 90)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, surmounted
by a compass star enhanced & elongated to base. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: Stellanordica - Oct 85)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, surmounted
by an ibis close. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Ibis - May 86)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells to chf, betw 4
acorns, stems to center, slipped & leaved. (Seal: Heralds
Seals: Oaken - Dec 83)

86 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Sable (continued)

(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells to chf, overall a

cross of Calatrava. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Gold Falcon May 89)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt betw 4 trilliums each with
a petal to center. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Trillium - Jan 03)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt surmounted by a dragons
head couped. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Schwartzdrachen Jun 94) (re-registered 9605D)
(Fieldless) 2 swords crossed in salt Sa surmounted by a domestic
cat sejant affronty Arg. (B: Alasdair MacIain of Elderslie Mar 96)
(Fieldless) 2 swords inv in salt Sa fretted with a mascle Vt. (B:
Alicia le Wilfulle - Mar 02)
(Fieldless) 2 tridents in salt & overall a tower Sa. (B: Illiton Apr 06)
(Fieldless) 2 tridents in salt Sa. (B: Illiton - Sep 05)
(Tinctureless) 2 trumpets in salt bells to chf, overall a lions head
caboshed. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Black Lion - Aug 98)
(Tinctureless) 2 trumpets in salt betw 4 mill-rinds. (Seal: Heralds
Seals: Brigantia - Dec 75)
(Fieldless) 2 wooden staves in salt proper surmounted by a
palmers scrip Or. (B: Sen ua Nill the Staffmaker - Oct 07)
Arg, a dagger & an axe in salt Sa, a bord Sa semy of lightning bolts
Arg. (D: Sean Edward de Marksberry - Jun 05)
Arg, a pair of wooden stick hobby horses in salt proper. (D:
Eduard das Kind - Jul 90)
Arg, a quill pen & a trumpet in salt Sa betw 4 trefoils in cross & a
bord nebuly Vt. (D: Ailionora inghean Ronain - May 07)
Arg, a rose branch & a sword inv in salt Sa, on a chf Purp 2 lions
passant Arg. (D: Kinborough Lyons - Aug 95)
Arg chap ploy Purp, in pale a raven disp conjoined to a pair of
axes in salt Sa. (D: Sorcha inghean mhic Dhubhghaill Nov 07)
Arg goutty de sang, 2 rapiers crossed in salt Sa surmounted by a
harp reversed proper. (B: Diego de Marulanda - Apr 00)
(JB: Deborah Inis)
Arg, in chf 2 swords in salt Sa & in base 2 griffins combattant Gu
each brandishing 2 swords Sa. (D: Karl der Gaukler von
Zhringen - May 96)
Arg, in pale a demi-maiden proper crined Gu & vested Purp & 2
cutlasses in salt Sa. (B: Jose Leodefrediz - Mar 08)
Arg, in pale a grenade Gu & 2 battleaxes in salt Sa, a chf dovetailed
Gu. (D: Liam MacIan of the Bloody Foreland - Nov 89)
Arg, in pale a leather camel saddle proper, 2 scimitars in salt Sa, &
a pavilion, all within a bord Vt. (D: Fatima al Mendizayya Jul 83)
Arg, in pale a raven disp & 2 swords in salt, a bord embat Sa. (D:
Mavrikii Andronikov - Jan 93)
Arg, in pale a sun in his splendor Gu & 2 arrows inv in salt Sa
flighted all betw 2 pallets Vt. (D: William Fletcher - Dec 02)
Arg, in pale a 2-man cross-cut saw & 2 hammers in salt Sa all
within a bord Sa semy of maple leaves Arg. (D: Tancred of
Tangewood - Dec 02)
Arg, in pale 2 axes in salt & a wolfs head caboshed, a bord embat
Sa. (D: Vga-orfinnr inn svarti - Aug 97)
Arg, in salt a lute proper & a quill pen Sa. (D: Aislinn of Ashgrove Jun 92)
Arg, in salt a rose, slipped & leaved, & a rapier inv Sa, a tierce Gu.
(D: Galen de More - Oct 06)
Arg, in salt a sewing needle & a shepherds crook Sa within a bord
invected Gu. (D: Inga Calle - Oct 92)
Arg, in salt a smiths hammer & a pair of tongs, in base a square
anvil Sa. (D: Gerbert Faber de Rouen - Apr 88)
Arg, in salt a trident & a sword inv Sa, overall a flame of fire
proper, all within a bord Sa, fretty Arg. (D: Marcos
Ironworker - May 88)
Arg, in salt a wand slipped proper & a sword Gu quilloned Sa, betw
in fess a bezant charged with a pentacle Sa & a cup Az, & in
chf an eye Arg, fimbriated, irised pupilled, & radiant Sa. (B:
Middle, the - Dec 75) (For the Tarot Guild)
Arg, in salt an arrow inv Sa, barbed & fletched, & a fleam Gu,
hafted Sa. (D: Hacmin ben Yosef - Nov 82)
Arg, in salt 2 arrows inv, on a chf urdy Sa 3 annulets Arg. (D:
Dominique Delvaux dArdennes - May 97)
Arg, in salt 2 arrows inv Sa, overall a sea-lion erect Vt. (D: Mario
lArciere - Apr 82)

[Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Sable]

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Sable (continued)

Arg, in salt 2 rapiers Sa betw 4 roses Gu barbed Vt. (D: Caroline of

Burgundy - Jul 00)
Arg mullety Az, a recorder & a staff in salt Sa. (D: thelwine the
Minstrel - Jan 93)
Arg, semy-de-lis Gu, 2 lightning bolts in salt Sa. (D: Etienne
Harcourt de Lyon - Feb 94)
Arg, 2 arrows inv in salt Sa, fletched Gu, entwined with an ivy vine
proper. (B: Hillary Stormrider - Feb 80)
Arg, 2 arrows inv in salt Sa, fletched, on a chf Gu, a tyger dormant
Or. (D: Kane Redfeather - Oct 89)
Arg, 2 axes in salt & in base a rose, all within a bord indented Sa.
(D: Uther Blackthorne - Aug 89)
Arg, 2 billhooks addorsed in salt Sa, a chf doubly enarched Vt. (D:
Andrew Mariner - Mar 05)
Arg, 2 bucks counter-salient in salt proper within a laurel wreath Vt,
a bord embat Sa. (D: Buckland Cross - Jul 96)
Arg, 2 cross-peen hammers in salt Sa & a mountain of 3 peaks Vt.
(D: Markus von Brixlegg - Nov 96)
Arg, 2 garden rosebuds slipped & leaved in salt betw 2 flaunches Sa
each charged with a leaf Arg. (D: Gwyneth Blackrose Sep 90)
Arg, 2 hammers in salt Sa overall a pair of shears Gu. (B:
Catherine Harwell - Jan 96)
Arg, 2 keys in salt wards in base Sa betw 4 roses proper. (D:
Muirenn ingen Donndubin - Feb 03)
Arg, 2 ladders in salt Sa betw in fess 2 torteaux. (D: Beinean Colm
of Caer Draigwyrdd - Mar 84)
Arg, 2 mallets in salt, on a chf Sa 3 quills palewise Arg. (D: Emrys
Llewellyn - Jan 89)
Arg, 2 rapiers crossed in salt Sa surmounted by a rams head
cabossed Gu, on a chf Sa a sheaf of 3 arrows Arg. (D: Edward
of Westmark - Apr 00)
Arg, 2 rapiers in salt Sa betw 3 escutcheons Gu, a bord Sa. (D:
Brendan Hay - Dec 92)
Arg, 2 rapiers in salt Sa, overall a griffin passant Gu. (B: Gwylym
ab Owain Tatershal - Dec 96)
Arg, 2 scimitars in salt & on a chf Sa 3 decrescents Arg. (D:
Rahmat al-Tayyibba - Jul 04)
Arg, 2 shepherds crooks in salt Sa & overall a boar passant Az. (D:
Seosamh Tadhg an Crca OMaille - Sep 90)
Arg, 2 spears inv in salt Sa betw 4 delfs saltirewise square pierced
Gu. (D: Sato Jir - Apr 99)
Arg, 2 swords in salt betw 4 stags courant within a bord potenty
pointed Sa. (D: Thorgeirr Eikinskjold - Aug 79)
Arg, 2 swords in salt Sa, on a chf Vt 2 wolfs heads couped
respectant Arg. (D: Colin MacWilliams - Apr 00)
Arg, 2 swords in salt Sa, overall a rose Gu. (B: Meridies - Dec 96)
(For Companionate of the Meridian Queens Champion)
Arg, 2 swords inv in salt Sa fretted with a mascle & on a chf Vt 2
escallops Arg. (D: Alicia le Wilfulle - Mar 02)
Arg, 2 tilting lances crossed in salt, a chf indented Sa. (B: Rlich
Sturmveder - Feb 00) (For House Black Lance)
Arg, 2 tridents in salt Sa, overall a natural seahorse erect Vt. (D:
Tybalt de Moriton - May 90)
Arg, 2 wooden cooking spoons in salt proper & in chf a cauldron
Az. (B: Thescorre - Aug 79) (For Cauldron Blue Cooks
Ermine, in pale a dragon ramp Sa, bellied & winged Gu, & 2 lances
in salt Sa. (D: William of Glymmerholde - Oct 87)
Ermine, 2 spears crossed in salt Sa, betw in pale an elks head
erased Vt & a boars head erased Gu. (D: Robert of Ruda May 88)
Erminois, a Danish war axe & morningstar flail in salt proper,
overall a quatrefoil slipped Gu. (D: Conarc of Eyre - Aug 79)
Gu, in salt a scimitar inv Arg & an arrow Sa, fimbriated Arg. (D:
Alexei Miramovich - Aug 79?)
Gu, 2 scimitars in salt, within an orle Or charged with eight
crescents Gu. (D: Abdul Qasim ibn al Muqaffa - Feb 75?)
Gu, 2 swords in salt Sa fimbriated rayonny Or & in chf a tern volant
to sin proper, all within a bord Sa. (B: Petr Aleksivich of
Novgorod - Aug 77) (For Druzhina)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a smiths tongs & a hammer in salt Sa betw in
pale 2 flames Gu. (D: Guy de Montferrat de la Meslaye Dec 81)
Gyronny ermine & Gu, a battle-axe & a seax in salt Sa within a
bord ctrch. (D: Dirk Addisson - Oct 87)

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Sable (continued)

Or, in pale a bears head cabossed & 2 ragged staves in salt, all
within a bord Sa. (D: Gad Waldbr - Sep 89)
Or, in pale a thistle proper & a mace & a sword in salt Sa. (D:
Keara Caitlin MacLeod - Sep 91)
Or, in pale 2 swords in salt & a catamount sejant guardant to sin, all
within a bord Sa. (D: Marria Theresa LeCalm - Mar 87)
Or, in salt a paintbrush inv & a sword Sa within six lozenges in
annulo, points to center, Gu. (B: Samuel Carrillo - Nov 90)
Or, in salt a quill pen & a sword Sa, the quills nib distilling a goutte
de sang. (D: Cuiln the Bald - Oct 07)
Or, in salt an arrow inv & a dagger Sa, on a chf Az 3 gillyflowers
Arg, seeded Or. (D: Katherine Gilliesfleur - Dec 83)
Or, in salt issuant from base a dexter cubit arm debruising a sin
cubit arm Sa. (B: Hillary Stormrider - May 80)
Or, in salt 2 pikestaffs proper joined by a sprig of ivy Vt betw in
pale 2 Irish harps Vt. (B: Torquil MacLuthais na Killoran Jan 73?)
Or, 2 arrows in salt, points to sin, surmounted by another fesswise,
point to dexter Sa flighted Az, a chf embat Sa. (D: Craig of
the White Cliffs - Sep 92)
Or, 2 artists brushes in salt Sa betw flaunches Az each charged
with a tower Or. (D: Kayleigh von Brckenheim - Oct 01)
Or, 2 axes in salt within an orle of ravens Sa. (D: Harold the Grim
- Apr 76?)
Or, 2 halberds in salt Sa, on a chf Gu a mullet of five greater & five
lesser points Arg. (B: Bryn Gwlad - Jan 87) (For the
Baronial Guard)
Or, 2 lances in salt Sa flying pennons & on a chf triangular Gu a vol
Arg. (D: Janus Paszkewicz - Jun 95)
Or, 2 lightning bolts in salt Sa. (B: Andelcrag - Feb 97)
Or, 2 needles in salt, eyes to chf, Sa betw in pale 2 crabs & in fess 2
closed books palewise Gu. (D: Matilde des Isles Froides Aug 89)
Or, 2 ragged staves in salt Sa. (D: Bertrade Deslapins - Apr 98)
Or, 2 rapiers crossed in salt Sa betw 4 roses Az. (B: Nathaniel
Sharpe - Nov 00) (For Grgoire de Conteville)
Or, 2 rapiers in salt inv Sa, overall a hawk close & on a chf Vt 3
cups Or. (D: Facon du Pray - Nov 93)
Or, 2 rapiers in salt Sa, a griffin passant Gu overall, & on a chf Sa a
mouse statant Or. (D: Gwylym ab Owain Tatershal - Sep 94)
Or, 2 rapiers in salt Sa betw 3 gouttes de sang. (D: Elissa Dondain
- Aug 98)
Or, 2 rapiers in salt Sa overall a rose proper & a chf Sa. (D: Bell
Phoebe de Givet - Feb 02)
Or, 2 rapiers inv in salt Sa surmounted by a lozenge Purp, on a chf
Vt 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Nikodemus of Axemoor - Sep 98)
Or, 2 staves in salt proper betw 4 hearts, a bord Gu. (D: Wil
Stafford - Aug 90)
Or, 2 swords inv in salt & on a chf triangular Sa a Gorgons head
cabossed Or. (D: Titus Antonius Thurinus - Aug 07)
Or, 2 woodsmans axes in salt Sa, hafted proper, surmounted by an
arrow inv proper flighted & within a bord embat Vt. (D:
Thorald skegglauss - Sep 05)
Paly Gu & Or, in salt a spear proper headed Sa & an oar proper. (D:
Gerolt ap Edward - Jun 04)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, 2 swords in salt & a Celtic cross ctrch. (D:
Dalln Donnabhin - Aug 02)
Per bend sin Or & Gu, in bend a sword & a battle axe in salt Sa & 2
roses in bend sin Arg. (D: Iain Gillcriosd mac Donnachaidh Nov 89)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Az, 2 bearded axes in salt Sa & 3 Thors
hammers Or. (B: varr Brynjlfsson - Feb 03) (JB:
Ragnarr Gunnarsson)
Per chev abased Or & Vt, in chf 2 swords in salt betw 3 trefoils Sa
& in base a trefoil Or. (D: Wolf OBrian - Feb 85)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 bearded axes in salt Sa & a wolf sejant
ululant contourny Arg. (D: varr Brynjlfsson - Oct 03)
Per chev inv Vt & Arg, an angel Arg & 2 stick hobbyhorses in salt
Sa. (D: Juliana de Ravenshagh - Dec 02)
Per chev Sa & Or, 2 unicorns heads couped at the shoulder
respectant & in salt 2 arrows inv ctrch. (D: Juliana
FitzWilliam - Nov 83)
Per fess Az & Or, a compass star Or & 2 arrows inv in salt Sa. (D:
Ihon MacLucas - Jun 03)
Per fess indented Arg & Vt, 2 rapiers in salt Sa & a hedgehog Arg.
(D: Jocelyn della Spada - Apr 08)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 87

[Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Sable] to [Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Secondary - Argent]

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Sable (continued)

Per fess indented Or & Sa, 2 double-bladed axes in salt & a dove
migrant, all ctrch. (D: Alayne McGuyre - Jan 90)
Per fess Or & Purp, in chf 2 pairs of arrows in salt Sa & in base
eight lozenges in annulo, points to center, Or. (D: Targan de
Montfort of Crystal Caverns - Sep 90)
Per fess raguly Arg & Vt, in salt a wooden-handled spade & a 2pronged mowing fork Sa, hafted proper. (D: Andrew of the
North Shore - May 85)
Per fess Sa & Or, a griffin segreant contourny Arg & 2 rapiers inv
in salt Sa. (D: Sergii Boyanovich Samopalov - Sep 93)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 battle-axes in salt Sa & in base a sun in glory
Or, a bord ctrch. (B: Atenveldt, Kingdom of - Feb 05)
Quarterly Gu & Or, 2 torches in salt Sa enflamed ctrch. (D:
Nicodemus Sewere - May 07)
Quarterly Or & Arg, in salt 2 headsmans axes & dependent from
the junction a hangmans noose Sa, all within a bord Gu. (D:
Dynadan do Pico - Sep 83)
Quarterly per pale dovetailed Arg & Az, in bend 2 pairs of swords
in salt Sa. (D: Johann Caldron - Oct 94)
Vt, in salt 2 wooden spoons proper, on a chf embat Az, fimbriated
Or, a dinner plate Or. (D: Siglinde aus Truso, called the
Stupid Peasant - Feb 80)
Vt, 2 recorders in salt proper, overall a goblet Or charged on the
bowl with a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Rieslingshire - Feb 75?)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Vert

(Fieldless) In salt 2 stalks of wheat Vt betw 4 gillyflower blossoms

Az. (B: Theodelinda of Wenlock - Sep 89)
(Fieldless) 2 claymores in salt Vt. (B: Alasdair MacArthur Mar 02)
(Tinctureless) 2 crossed trumpets, bells to chf, surmounted by a
scroll bendwise sin bearing the words "SALTANDI
SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bord
embat. (Seal: Heralds Seals: White Stag - Dec 89)
(Fieldless) 2 lightning bolts in salt Vt, overall an hourglass Or. (B:
Jago Redbeard - Jan 90)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, surmounted
by a compass star enhanced & elongated to base. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: Stellanordica - Oct 85)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, surmounted
by an ibis close. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Ibis - May 86)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells to chf, betw 4
acorns, stems to center, slipped & leaved. (Seal: Heralds
Seals: Oaken - Dec 83)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells to chf, overall a
cross of Calatrava. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Gold Falcon May 89)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt betw 4 trilliums each with
a petal to center. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Trillium - Jan 03)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt surmounted by a dragons
head couped. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Schwartzdrachen Jun 94) (re-registered 9605D)
(Tinctureless) 2 trumpets in salt bells to chf, overall a lions head
caboshed. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Black Lion - Aug 98)
(Tinctureless) 2 trumpets in salt betw 4 mill-rinds. (Seal: Heralds
Seals: Brigantia - Dec 75)
Arg, chappe Az, in salt 2 pilgrims staves within a laurel wreath Vt,
betw in fess a sun in his splendour & an escarbuncle Arg. (D:
Shasta - Jan 73?) (Disbanded)
Arg, in pale the map of Cyprus Or & 2 olive branches stems crossed
in salt Vt. (B: Cyprus - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Arg, in pale 2 spears in salt & a phoenixs claw inv Vt, issuant from
flames of fire proper. (B: Sacred Stone, the - Dec 87) (For
the Order of the Phoenixs Claw)
Arg, 2 arrows in salt surmounted by a feather Vt, a bord embat
Purp. (D: Cecelia Wrenne - Feb 05)
Arg, 2 arrows inv in salt Vt betw in pale 2 boars heads erased Sa.
(D: Geoffrey of Emerald Glen - Feb 84)
Arg, 2 hammers in salt Vt. (D: Sandor Hackbrett - Jan 87)
Arg, 2 palm trees in salt, a dexter tierce Vt, in chf 3 crescents inv
ctrch. (D: Ismail ibn Ihsaan ibn Hassan - Sep 90)
Arg, 2 rose branches in salt Vt, each with a rose Gu, & on a chf Sa 3
butterflies Or. (D: Rosalia di Bellavita - Sep 98)
Arg, 2 spears in salt & on a chf Vt 3 harps Arg. (D: Robert Stonor Jun 91)
88 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Primary - Vert (continued)

Barry wavy Arg & Az, 2 sea-horses respectant crossed in salt Vt.
(B: Elspeth Islay of Glen Meara - Aug 96)
Or, in pale 2 keys in salt wards to chf & a falcon striking Vt. (D:
Andrew of Locking - Nov 95)
Or, in salt 2 thistles proper, overall a cross crossletted of the upper 3
Gu. (D: Richard of Thistleshire - Jan 73?)
Or, in salt 2 tournament lances Vt, overall an ash tree eradicated Sa,
within a bord Gu. (B: Eleanor of Ashley - Aug 84)
Or, 2 bearded axes in salt & in base a broad arrow Vt, all within a
bord embat Gu. (D: Karl Thorirsson - Feb 88)
Or, 2 sprigs of rosemary in salt Vt betw 4 violet blossoms Purp
seeded Or, all within an annulet Vt. (D: Catherine de Babeuf Dec 84)
Or, 2 staves in salt betw in fess 2 4-leaved clovers, slips to center
Vt, on a chf indented Az 2 palmers scrips Or. (D: Sen ua
Nill the Staffmaker - Oct 07)
Or, 2 trees in salt proper issuant from a base urdy Az. (D: Ellayne
de Grenslade - Sep 07)
Per chev inv embat Vt & ermine, a rose Arg & 2 holly sprigs stems
crossed in salt Vt. (D: Eowyn dAgincourt - Nov 95)
Per fess embat Gu & erminois, in base 2 thistles in salt proper. (B:
Louise of Woodsholme - Jan 76)
Per fess indented Arg & Az, 2 ostrich feathers in salt Vt & an open
scroll fesswise Arg. (D: Khalil ibn Yusuf al-Balansi - Jan 05)
Per pale Az & Arg, in salt a slip of borage surmounting a sage
blossom slipped & leaved proper. (D: Elizabeth Dameral
Sage - Nov 80)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Secondary - Argent

(Fieldless) A Latin cross formy Or, overall 2 swords in salt Arg.

(B: Wolfgang von dem Schwartzwald - May 04)
(Tinctureless) A pair of swans wings, overall 2 straight trumpets in
salt, bells in chf. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Sable Swan - Jul 82)
(Tinctureless) A quarter-sun saltirewise illuminated in chf
surmounted by a crowned scepter palewise betw 2 bats disp
grasping a scroll folded nebulywise to base inscribed
"SEMPER LITTERIS MANDATE", overall 2 straight
trumpets in salt. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Vesper - Aug 79)
(Fieldless) An anchor Sa surmounted by 2 Kris knives inv in salt
Arg hilted Sa. (B: Sleyman Khaym - Apr 94)
(Tinctureless) 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns outward,
surmounted by 2 trumpets in salt, within a bord embat. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: College of Heralds of Caid - Mar 82)
(Tinctureless) In pale a mullet of five greater & five lesser points &
in base a crown dancetty & a swallowtailed scroll crescentwise
bearing the inscription "constare", overall in salt 2 straight
trumpets, bells in chf. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Star - Jun 80)
(Tinctureless) On a fess wavy betw in chf 2 straight trumpets in salt
& triskeles sans nombre a crown of 4 points. (Seal: Heralds
Seals: Triskele - Mar 03)
(Tinctureless) On a roundel a pale invected charged with a sea-wolf
erect grasping in its dexter forepaw 2 straight trumpets in salt.
(Seal: Heralds Seals: Sea-Wolf - Aug 82)
Az, a column Arg entwined of a snake Sa, in chf 2 swords in salt
Arg, a bord Arg semy-de-lys Az. (D: Arianna de Navarre Jun 98)
Az, a fess counter-vairy Gu & Or betw 2 plates, overall 2 swords in
salt Arg. (D: Felan of Edinburgh - Aug 84)
Az, a pall inv betw a chalice, a harp & 2 swords in salt Arg. (D:
Justin de Courteney - Oct 83)
Az, a stags head cabossed & in base 2 tridents in salt Arg. (B:
Atlantia - Jun 81) (For the Order of the Sea Stag)
Az, a standing seraph proper, vested & nimbed Or, & in chf 2
swords in salt proper. (D: Rhiannon of Caerleon - May 96)
Az, a torii Or & in base 2 katanas in salt Arg hilted Sa, a bord Or.
(D: Adachi Masamori - Nov 04)
Az, a tower surmounted by 2 rapiers inv in salt Arg. (D: Alberic
von Rostock - May 96)
Az, a wolfs head erased betw in chf a goblet & 2 swords in salt
Arg, within a bord Or. (D: Diana ni Charvell - Dec 82)
Az chap, a Celtic cross & in base 2 bay leaves stems crossed in salt
Arg. (D: Neassa inghean Ghiolla Chrost mhic Chathasaigh Jan 96)
Az, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 pairs of swords inv in salt proper a
wolfs paw print Gu. (D: Wolfe Thoraldsson - Feb 82)

[Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Secondary - Argent] to [Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Secondary - Gules]

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Secondary - Argent


Az, on a cross quarter-pierced Or 4 acorns bendwise Gu, overall 2

swords in salt Arg. (D: Declan Mac Dockery - Aug 04)
Az, on a fess betw 2 swords in salt & 2 staves in salt Arg, a hurt. (B:
Benedict Alorak dElcar - Aug 79) (For the Household of
Gu, on a cross pate nowy throughout betw in bend a mullet of
eight points & a hammer & a sword crossed in salt Arg, a
trefoil Vt. (D: James ONeill - Dec 80)
Gu, 2 pallets Or, overall a spear & an oar in salt Arg. (B: Gerolt ap
Edward - Jun 04)
Or, a falcon disp guardant, wings elevated, Sa, maintaining 2
swords inv in salt Arg, all within a bord invected Gu. (D:
Veikr of Wales - Aug 85)
Per bend Gu & Az, a bend Or betw a cat sejant guardant dexter
forepaw raised & 2 needles crossed in salt Arg. (D: Margaret
Catteshull of Meriden - Nov 01)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, a bend sin Or betw 2 needles in salt threaded
with a single thread Arg & 3 apples Or. (D: Zara the Quiet May 93)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, on a bend sin Arg, 3 hourglasses palewise
Sa, in dexter chf a quill pen & a rapier in salt Arg. (D:
Christopher Kirk Dragomani - Jul 90)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, a bend sin betw a phoenix Or & 2 swords inv
in salt proper. (D: Alaric Greythorn of Glen Mor - May 81)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev fracted betw 2 wolves combatant Arg & 2
falchions in salt proper. (D: Timur Borte - Jul 96)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev betw 2 mullets & 2 swords inv in salt
surmounted by a double-bladed axe, within a bord Arg. (D:
Karl Wolfgerson - Feb 92)
Per fess Gu & Sa, a lion ramp maintaining an arrow inv Or betw 3
pairs of rapiers in salt Arg. (D: Eleazar Ben Judah - Sep 95)
Per fess Sa & Gu, a tyger ramp & in chf a sword & a straight
trumpet inv in salt Arg. (D: Robert of Caithness - Feb 99)
Per fess Sa & Vt, a fess Gu fimbriated, overall 2 spears in salt Arg
surmounted by an oval shield Gu, in pale a plate betw 2 deers
hoofprints Arg all betw flaunches Sa. (B: Kenya - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Per pale Vt & Gu, a dragons head couped Or, overall 2 rapiers in
salt Arg. (B: Megan the Mad - Feb 05)
Purp, a daisy slipped, in base 2 rapiers in salt Arg. (D: Sara de
Lindley - Aug 02)
Purp, a heart Gu fimbriated, overall 2 rapiers inv in salt Arg. (D:
Paul of Hameldone - Aug 79?)
Purp, a yales head erased Arg, armed Or, in base 2 rapiers in salt
Arg. (B: Melchior av Hr Sund - Jul 96)
Purp, 2 kettle drums in fess Or, in chf 2 drumsticks in salt Arg. (D:
Anna Kalita - Jan 93)
Sa, a fess fusily Or betw 2 swords in salt & vol Arg, a bord Or. (D:
Angus Dugald MacLeod - Aug 95)
Sa, a harp & in chf 2 garden roses in salt slipped & leaved, a bord
Arg. (D: Rathfled du Noir - Dec 92)
Sa, a hawks head issuant from sin Or, above 2 daggers reversed
saltirewise Arg, hilted Or. (D: Robert Hawkknives - Jan 73?)
Sa, a triquetra betw 2 narwhals haurient respectant horns crossed in
salt Arg. (D: Deonysia Crowell - Nov 99)
Vt, a double-headed phoenix rising & in chf 2 swords crossed in
salt Arg. (B: Sacred Stone, the - Oct 96) (For the Baronial
Guard of the Sacred Stone)
Vt, a fess rayonny Or, in chf 2 batons in salt Arg. (D: Jean tienne
of the Barony of the Flame - Sep 89)
Vt, a stags head cabossed, betw its antlers 2 arrows inv in salt Arg,
a bord embat Or. (B: Outlands, the - Mar 95) (For the
Archer General of the Outlands)
Vt, a turtle disp, in chf 2 axes in salt, all within a bord Arg. (B:
Gwynhavyr of River Haven - Nov 94)
Vt, a turtle statant erect affronty sustaining in chf 2 double-bitted
axes in salt Arg. (D: Agro of River Haven - Jul 95)
Vt, an eye irradiated in base Or betw in chf 2 swords in salt Arg &
in base a horse statant Or. (D: Martin Alorak dElcar Aug 79)
Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 pairs of stick shuttles crossed in salt Arg, 2
dolphins urinant Az. (D: Maria Marina - Sep 90)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Secondary - Azure

(Tinctureless) A pair of swans wings, overall 2 straight trumpets in

salt, bells in chf. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Sable Swan - Jul 82)
(Tinctureless) A quarter-sun saltirewise illuminated in chf
surmounted by a crowned scepter palewise betw 2 bats disp
grasping a scroll folded nebulywise to base inscribed
"SEMPER LITTERIS MANDATE", overall 2 straight
trumpets in salt. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Vesper - Aug 79)
(Fieldless) An oak leaf Or, overall 2 arrows in salt Az. (B:
Gyldenholt - Sep 91)
(Tinctureless) 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns outward,
surmounted by 2 trumpets in salt, within a bord embat. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: College of Heralds of Caid - Mar 82)
(Tinctureless) In pale a mullet of five greater & five lesser points &
in base a crown dancetty & a swallowtailed scroll crescentwise
bearing the inscription "constare", overall in salt 2 straight
trumpets, bells in chf. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Star - Jun 80)
(Tinctureless) On a fess wavy betw in chf 2 straight trumpets in salt
& triskeles sans nombre a crown of 4 points. (Seal: Heralds
Seals: Triskele - Mar 03)
(Tinctureless) On a roundel a pale invected charged with a sea-wolf
erect grasping in its dexter forepaw 2 straight trumpets in salt.
(Seal: Heralds Seals: Sea-Wolf - Aug 82)
Arg, a horse salient & in base 2 tilting-lances in salt Az. (D:
Katharyn Clatworthy - Jan 96)
Arg, on a chev Sa betw 2 gryphons combattant & 2 swords in salt
Az, 3 compass-stars Or. (D: Duncan Angus MacDonald Dec 85)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Secondary - Fur

(Tinctureless) A pair of swans wings, overall 2 straight trumpets in

salt, bells in chf. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Sable Swan - Jul 82)
(Tinctureless) A quarter-sun saltirewise illuminated in chf
surmounted by a crowned scepter palewise betw 2 bats disp
grasping a scroll folded nebulywise to base inscribed
"SEMPER LITTERIS MANDATE", overall 2 straight
trumpets in salt. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Vesper - Aug 79)
(Tinctureless) 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns outward,
surmounted by 2 trumpets in salt, within a bord embat. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: College of Heralds of Caid - Mar 82)
(Tinctureless) In pale a mullet of five greater & five lesser points &
in base a crown dancetty & a swallowtailed scroll crescentwise
bearing the inscription "constare", overall in salt 2 straight
trumpets, bells in chf. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Star - Jun 80)
(Tinctureless) On a fess wavy betw in chf 2 straight trumpets in salt
& triskeles sans nombre a crown of 4 points. (Seal: Heralds
Seals: Triskele - Mar 03)
(Tinctureless) On a roundel a pale invected charged with a sea-wolf
erect grasping in its dexter forepaw 2 straight trumpets in salt.
(Seal: Heralds Seals: Sea-Wolf - Aug 82)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Secondary - Gules

(Fieldless) A fish urinant, overall 2 spears in salt Gu. (B: Cassius

of Bath - Nov 92)
(Tinctureless) A pair of swans wings, overall 2 straight trumpets in
salt, bells in chf. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Sable Swan - Jul 82)
(Tinctureless) A quarter-sun saltirewise illuminated in chf
surmounted by a crowned scepter palewise betw 2 bats disp
grasping a scroll folded nebulywise to base inscribed
"SEMPER LITTERIS MANDATE", overall 2 straight
trumpets in salt. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Vesper - Aug 79)
(Fieldless) A spear & overall 2 axes in salt Gu. (B: Rogualldr
Dagsson - Aug 93)
(Tinctureless) 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns outward,
surmounted by 2 trumpets in salt, within a bord embat. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: College of Heralds of Caid - Mar 82)
(Tinctureless) In pale a mullet of five greater & five lesser points &
in base a crown dancetty & a swallowtailed scroll crescentwise
bearing the inscription "constare", overall in salt 2 straight
trumpets, bells in chf. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Star - Jun 80)
(Tinctureless) On a fess wavy betw in chf 2 straight trumpets in salt
& triskeles sans nombre a crown of 4 points. (Seal: Heralds
Seals: Triskele - Mar 03)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 89

[Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Secondary - Gules] to [Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Secondary - Or]

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Secondary - Gules


(Tinctureless) On a roundel a pale invected charged with a sea-wolf

erect grasping in its dexter forepaw 2 straight trumpets in salt.
(Seal: Heralds Seals: Sea-Wolf - Aug 82)
Arg, a chev Sa betw a bat & 2 lit candles in salt Gu. (D: Blaise
Makkynnay - Dec 02)
Or, a chev rompu Az betw 2 Heneage knots Sa & in salt 2 ostrich
plumes Gu. (D: Manfred Schtze aus Augsburg - May 93)
Or, a heart Vt pierced by 2 needles in salt Gu, a gore rayonny Vt.
(D: Elizabeth Talbot of Meath - Aug 94)
Or, a pall inv Sa betw 3 pairs each of an arrow inv & a sword
crossed in salt Gu. (D: Andras Truemark - Feb 00)
Or, on a fess betw a lion ramp & in salt 2 thistles Gu a horse passant
to sin Arg, crined Or. (D: Marcail Steuert - May 82)
Or, 2 pallets Sa, overall a pair of cubit arms in salt Gu. (D: Janos
the Surly - Jun 98)
Per fess indented of 3 points Vt & Arg, a pale ctrch overall 2 arrows
inv in salt Gu. (B: Quintavia - Jan 86) (For Quintavia
Company of Archers)
Per pale Az & Or, a tower ctrch surmounted by 2 axes in salt Gu.
(B: Dun Or - Apr 86)
Quarterly Or & Arg, a cross Az, overall a pair of rapiers in salt Gu.
(D: Diana Wiatt - Sep 93)
Sa, an open scroll palewise Or charged with a crossbow palewise
inv Az surmounted by 2 arrows inv in salt Gu. (D: Gedkin the
Studious - Nov 80)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Secondary - Multicolor

(Tinctureless) A pair of swans wings, overall 2 straight trumpets in

salt, bells in chf. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Sable Swan - Jul 82)
(Tinctureless) A quarter-sun saltirewise illuminated in chf
surmounted by a crowned scepter palewise betw 2 bats disp
grasping a scroll folded nebulywise to base inscribed
"SEMPER LITTERIS MANDATE", overall 2 straight
trumpets in salt. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Vesper - Aug 79)
(Tinctureless) 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns outward,
surmounted by 2 trumpets in salt, within a bord embat. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: College of Heralds of Caid - Mar 82)
(Tinctureless) In pale a mullet of five greater & five lesser points &
in base a crown dancetty & a swallowtailed scroll crescentwise
bearing the inscription "constare", overall in salt 2 straight
trumpets, bells in chf. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Star - Jun 80)
(Tinctureless) On a fess wavy betw in chf 2 straight trumpets in salt
& triskeles sans nombre a crown of 4 points. (Seal: Heralds
Seals: Triskele - Mar 03)
(Tinctureless) On a roundel a pale invected charged with a sea-wolf
erect grasping in its dexter forepaw 2 straight trumpets in salt.
(Seal: Heralds Seals: Sea-Wolf - Aug 82)
Arg, a tree blasted & eradicated Gu, in chf 2 pairs of hammers in
salt Az hafted proper, a bord Vt. (D: Armand le Charpentier May 92)
Arg, on a chev enhanced Az 3 goats heads erased Arg, & in base in
salt a garb of wheat & a scythe proper. (D: Samuel of Mossy
Dell Fief - Jan 76?) (Deceased)
Or, on a wooden tub, betw 2 peacock feathers crossed in base
proper a laurel wreath Or. (D: Caldarium - Mar 82)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a mountain, & in chf 2 arrows in salt ctrch. (D:
Eilidh nin Choinnich - Nov 94)
Per pale Az & Arg, betw 2 lion-headed dragons combattant 2
crampons crossed in salt all within a bord dovetailed ctrch. (D:
Alistair Ian McGregor - Jun 95)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a quiver holding 2 arrows overall 2 swords in
salt all per pale Arg & Sa. (B: Eleanor of Caithness - Aug 05)
Per pall wavy Arg, Vt & Az, a wolfs head & an eagles head both
erased respectant Arg, & in chf a wooden staff proper & a
sword Az crossed in salt. (D: Alden Pharamond - Dec 84)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Secondary - Or

(Fieldless) A calla lily proper, stemmed & debruised by 2 calla lily

leaves in salt Or. (B: Rowena dAnjou - May 80)
(Fieldless) A mullet of 4 points Az surmounted by 2 unicorns horns
in salt Or. (B: Gianetta de Rsa - Jun 92)
(Tinctureless) A pair of swans wings, overall 2 straight trumpets in
salt, bells in chf. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Sable Swan - Jul 82)
90 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Secondary - Or (continued)

(Tinctureless) A quarter-sun saltirewise illuminated in chf

surmounted by a crowned scepter palewise betw 2 bats disp
grasping a scroll folded nebulywise to base inscribed
"SEMPER LITTERIS MANDATE", overall 2 straight
trumpets in salt. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Vesper - Aug 79)
(Tinctureless) 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns outward,
surmounted by 2 trumpets in salt, within a bord embat. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: College of Heralds of Caid - Mar 82)
(Tinctureless) In pale a mullet of five greater & five lesser points &
in base a crown dancetty & a swallowtailed scroll crescentwise
bearing the inscription "constare", overall in salt 2 straight
trumpets, bells in chf. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Star - Jun 80)
(Tinctureless) On a fess wavy betw in chf 2 straight trumpets in salt
& triskeles sans nombre a crown of 4 points. (Seal: Heralds
Seals: Triskele - Mar 03)
(Tinctureless) On a roundel a pale invected charged with a sea-wolf
erect grasping in its dexter forepaw 2 straight trumpets in salt.
(Seal: Heralds Seals: Sea-Wolf - Aug 82)
Az, a cross Arg, overall in salt an anchor Or & an arrow inv Or. (D:
Beverly Hodghead - Jan 73?)
Az, a cross Arg, overall 2 crossed plumes in salt Or. (D: Ellen
Cross Quills - Jan 73?)
Az, a fess Gu fimbriated Arg betw a drawn bow & arrow to sin & 2
quill pens in salt Or. (D: William McNaughton - Mar 97)
Az, a pale checky Gu & Arg, overall 2 keys in salt, wards to chf Or.
(B: Middle, the - Apr 93) (For the Royal Chamberlain)
Az, a pall wavy betw 3 pairs of arrows inv in salt Or. (B:
Carolingia - Jul 90) (For the Carolingian Company of
Ermine, issuant from a base embat Sa a dexter arm embowed,
vested Az, cuffed Arg, grasping a sword Or, crossed in salt
with a sin arm embowed vested Arg & cuffed Az, grasping a
wine cup Or. (D: Guillaume de Vinvert - Sep 73?)
Gu, a base or, overall a sword inv ctrch & in chf 2 arrows in salt or.
(B: Hugh the Undecided - Aug 79) (For archery arm,
Brotherhood of the Blade)
Gu, a bend sin engrailed erminois betw 2 arrows inv in salt & 3
horseshoes interlaced in pall inv Or. (D: Margaret Elizabeth
Aison of Devon - Mar 94)
Gu, a cross debruised by 2 claymores in salt, all voided Or. (D:
Duncan MacGregor - Feb 75)
Per fess wavy Az & Arg, in base a bar wavy Az & overall in salt 2
scythes Or. (B: Aidan Aileran OComhraidhe - Jun 91) (For
House Silver Scythe)
Per pale Az & Purp, a rapier & overall in salt 2 arrows inv Or. (D:
Eadan of Tir-y-Don - Jan 05)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a chev embat betw 3 pairs of arrows in salt Or.
(D: Marsali Sorcha na Liosa Mire - Jul 92)
Purp, a boars head erased Arg betw 3 pairs of drinking horns
crossed in salt Or within a bord embat Arg. (D: Somhairle
Laidhigh - Aug 94)
Purp, a rose slipped Arg, overall 2 double-bitted axes in salt Or. (D:
Sven Gunther Alcan - Jun 90)
Sa, a horse ramp & in chf 2 swords inv in salt Or. (D: Wulff
Egilsson - Jan 85)
Sa, a pall inv in base 2 stalks of wheat crossed in salt & a canton Or.
(D: Arthur de Pennebrygg - Oct 01)
Sa, on a bend Vt fimbriated betw 2 pairs of hammers in salt, a turtle
shell tergiant fesswise Or. (D: Conn Jamesson - Jun 93)
Vt, a pile inv per pale Arg & Sa & overall 2 spears in salt Or. (D:
Torvald Thorodsson - Sep 90)
Vt, a wall Arg betw in chf 2 crossbows & in base 2 swords in salt,
all within a bord Or. (D: Zachariah of Westlake - Dec 94)
Vt, in fess 2 towers Or, each with an armored arm embowed issuant
from the battlements Arg, maintaining 2 swords inv in salt Or.
(D: Guillaume de Marris - Oct 90)
Vt, on a bend embat counter-embat betw 2 golf clubs inv in salt &
an Irish harp Or, a greatsword Sa. (D: Murdoc MacKinnon Dec 96)
Vt, on a fess wavy Arg a bar gemel wavy Az, overall in salt 2
pilgrims staves Or & in chf a flame proper. (D: Tarver the
Pole - Apr 84)
* * * End * * *

[Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Secondary - Purpure] to [Arrangement - In saltire - 4 or more]

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Secondary - Purpure

(Tinctureless) A pair of swans wings, overall 2 straight trumpets in

salt, bells in chf. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Sable Swan - Jul 82)
(Tinctureless) A quarter-sun saltirewise illuminated in chf
surmounted by a crowned scepter palewise betw 2 bats disp
grasping a scroll folded nebulywise to base inscribed
"SEMPER LITTERIS MANDATE", overall 2 straight
trumpets in salt. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Vesper - Aug 79)
(Tinctureless) 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns outward,
surmounted by 2 trumpets in salt, within a bord embat. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: College of Heralds of Caid - Mar 82)
(Tinctureless) In pale a mullet of five greater & five lesser points &
in base a crown dancetty & a swallowtailed scroll crescentwise
bearing the inscription "constare", overall in salt 2 straight
trumpets, bells in chf. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Star - Jun 80)
(Tinctureless) On a fess wavy betw in chf 2 straight trumpets in salt
& triskeles sans nombre a crown of 4 points. (Seal: Heralds
Seals: Triskele - Mar 03)
(Tinctureless) On a roundel a pale invected charged with a sea-wolf
erect grasping in its dexter forepaw 2 straight trumpets in salt.
(Seal: Heralds Seals: Sea-Wolf - Aug 82)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Secondary - Sable

(Fieldless) A daisy flower proper surmounted by 2 needles in salt

Sa. (B: Elspeth Keyf of Neddingham - Jan 94)
(Tinctureless) A pair of swans wings, overall 2 straight trumpets in
salt, bells in chf. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Sable Swan - Jul 82)
(Tinctureless) A quarter-sun saltirewise illuminated in chf
surmounted by a crowned scepter palewise betw 2 bats disp
grasping a scroll folded nebulywise to base inscribed
"SEMPER LITTERIS MANDATE", overall 2 straight
trumpets in salt. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Vesper - Aug 79)
(Tinctureless) 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns outward,
surmounted by 2 trumpets in salt, within a bord embat. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: College of Heralds of Caid - Mar 82)
(Tinctureless) In pale a mullet of five greater & five lesser points &
in base a crown dancetty & a swallowtailed scroll crescentwise
bearing the inscription "constare", overall in salt 2 straight
trumpets, bells in chf. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Star - Jun 80)
(Tinctureless) On a fess wavy betw in chf 2 straight trumpets in salt
& triskeles sans nombre a crown of 4 points. (Seal: Heralds
Seals: Triskele - Mar 03)
(Tinctureless) On a roundel a pale invected charged with a sea-wolf
erect grasping in its dexter forepaw 2 straight trumpets in salt.
(Seal: Heralds Seals: Sea-Wolf - Aug 82)
Arg, a bear ramp Sa armed & langued Gu beneath a pen & sword
crossed saltirewise Sa, all within a bord per bend Vt & Gu. (D:
Peter von Emker - Dec 71?)
Arg, a chev inv Az, overall in chf a cherry tree eradicated fructed
proper, in base 2 arrows inv crossed in salt near the fletching
Sa. (D: Elaine of the Woods - Dec 82)
Arg, a rose Gu, overall 2 swords in salt & on a chf Sa 3 roses Arg.
(D: Alessandra di Teodoro - Jul 00)
Arg, a winged stags head affronty erased at the shoulder wings disp
Az & in base 2 swords in salt Sa. (B: Wynterset - Feb 04)
Arg, an Angora goats head cabossed & in base 2 arrows inv in salt,
within a bord Sa. (D: Thorgunna denn Haskasamligr Aug 79?)
Arg, on a chev wavy betw 3 pairs of quills in salt Sa, a wolf passant
guardant Arg. (D: David Keth of Ercildoun - Jul 87)
Arg, on a fess wavy Az betw 2 pairs of swords inv in salt Sa, a
Bengal tigers head cabossed Or, marked Sa, betw 2 compass
stars Arg. (D: Wolfram van Westervelt - Jul 89)
Arg, on a pale betw 4 pairs of arrows inv crossed in salt Sa, a wolfs
head cabossed betw 2 pairs of arrows inv crossed in salt Arg.
(D: Rhys ap Trahaearn - Nov 92)
Arg, upon a chev enhanced Az, 3 goats heads erased Arg, & in
base a shovel & hoe in salt Sa. (D: Dorothy of Mossy Dell Fief
- Jan 76?)
Bendy dovetailed Gu & Or, 2 wings, conjoined in lure, Arg, overall
2 axes inv in salt Sa. (D: Daniel Blackaxe - Jan 87)
Or, a base engrailed Az, overall a sun in his splendour Gu & in chf
2 pens in salt Sa. (D: Irina Karandasha - Aug 79?)
Or, a cross quarterly Gu & Sa & in dexter chf 2 rapiers in salt Sa.
(B: Drachenwald - Mar 04) (For Academy of Defense)

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Secondary - Sable


Or, a fess embat counter-embat Gu betw 2 arrows inv in salt Sa & a

pine tree Vt. (D: Robert de Fletcher the Duelist - Mar 83)
Or, a pale Vt, overall 2 arrows inv in salt Sa. (D: Magnus of
Falkirk - Feb 98)
Or, on a bend betw an oak leaf & 2 battle axes crossed in salt Sa,
five bezants. (D: Shamus Mac Ewen - Jan 98)
Or, on a chev betw 2 swords in salt & a tower Sa, 3 escallops
palewise inv Or. (B: Michael of Bedford - Dec 80) (For
House Trylliam)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a bend sin Az, in dexter chf a spear & a
round-headed mace in salt surmounted by a plant pod, all
surmounted by a Basotho shield brown. (B: Lesotho - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Tierced per pall Arg, Purp & Or, on an open parchment scroll
fesswise proper a brazier Sa, enflamed proper, in chf 2 swords
in salt Sa. (D: Ari ben Eleazer - Jul 80)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Secondary - Vert

(Fieldless) A heart Or pierced in salt by 2 needles Vt. (B:

Elizabeth Talbot of Meath - Aug 94)
(Tinctureless) A pair of swans wings, overall 2 straight trumpets in
salt, bells in chf. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Sable Swan - Jul 82)
(Tinctureless) A quarter-sun saltirewise illuminated in chf
surmounted by a crowned scepter palewise betw 2 bats disp
grasping a scroll folded nebulywise to base inscribed
"SEMPER LITTERIS MANDATE", overall 2 straight
trumpets in salt. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Vesper - Aug 79)
(Tinctureless) 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns outward,
surmounted by 2 trumpets in salt, within a bord embat. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: College of Heralds of Caid - Mar 82)
(Tinctureless) In pale a mullet of five greater & five lesser points &
in base a crown dancetty & a swallowtailed scroll crescentwise
bearing the inscription "constare", overall in salt 2 straight
trumpets, bells in chf. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Star - Jun 80)
(Tinctureless) On a fess wavy betw in chf 2 straight trumpets in salt
& triskeles sans nombre a crown of 4 points. (Seal: Heralds
Seals: Triskele - Mar 03)
(Tinctureless) On a roundel a pale invected charged with a sea-wolf
erect grasping in its dexter forepaw 2 straight trumpets in salt.
(Seal: Heralds Seals: Sea-Wolf - Aug 82)
Arg, a tree eradicated Sa, its roots entwining 2 swords inv in salt, a
bord Vt. (D: Radhn of Shadowwood - Jul 93)
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In saltire - 2 - Tertiary

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Arrangement - In saltire - 4 or more

(Fieldless) Five lances bendwise sin in fess Sa surmounted by as

many bendwise in fess Gu. (B: Walram von Laufenberg Mar 87)
(Fieldless) 4 armored legs Sa issuant in salt from a drum, the legs
within & conjoined to an annulet Gu. (B: Taichleach Selwyn Mar 93)
(Fieldless) 4 arrows fretted in salt, overall a sword palewise inv
Arg. (B: Morien MacBain - Feb 08)
(Tinctureless) 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns outward,
surmounted by 2 trumpets in salt, within a bord embat. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: College of Heralds of Caid - Mar 82)
(Fieldless) 4 dragonflies in salt conjoined at the tails Az winged
Arg. (B: Takeda Yoshinaka - May 05)
(Fieldless) 4 fleurs-de-lys conjoined in salt, bases to center, Or. (B:
Thomas de Castellan - Dec 94)
(Fieldless) 4 Japanese arrow notches conjoined in salt bases to
center Az. (B: Trimaris - Dec 03) (For Order of the
(Fieldless) 4 oak leaves conjoined in salt stems to center Gu betw 4
acorns conjoined in cross caps to center Or. (B: Darkwater May 99) (For Order of the Acorn Glade)
(Fieldless) 4 oak leaves in cross, stems to center Gu, & 4 acorns in
salt, caps to center Or all conjoined at the center point. (B:
Darkwater - Mar 99) (For Order of the Acorn Glade)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 91

[Arrangement - In saltire - 4 or more]

Arrangement - In saltire - 4 or more (continued)

(Fieldless) 4 swords in cross points to center proper & 4 oak leaves

in salt stems to center all conjoined at the center point Gu. (B:
Brice Colquhoun - Dec 03) (For Fellowship of the Oaken
(Fieldless) 4 tilting lances fretted Sa. (B: Lancelin Peregrinus Jun 88)
(Fieldless) 4 tulips Gu slipped in cross bases to center conjoined
with 4 leaves in salt bases to center Vt. (B: Diana of the Tulips
- Jul 02)
(Fieldless) In salt 4 cups bases conjoined Gu. (B: Giovanni di
Sienna - Jun 00) (For Compagnie du Graal)
(Fieldless) On a hurst Or, 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns
outward, Az. (B: Gyldenholt - Jul 96)
(Fieldless) Six arrows fretted in salt Or. (B: Uilliam of Reisling Mar 92)
(Fieldless) Six arrows fretted in salt Sa. (B: Uilliam of Reisling Mar 92)
Arg, a bears head couped Sa, muzzled Arg, betw in salt 4 holly
leaves saltirewise Vt, all within a bord nebuly Gu. (D: ndrs
Lszl - Jul 84)
Arg, a compass star Az betw 4 arrows in salt, points outward Vt.
(D: Nicolette de Loria - Feb 97)
Arg, a drawn crossbow palewise betw in salt 4 crossbow quarrels
palewise inv, all within a bord embat, Sa. (D: Matthew of
Scarborough - Jan 89)
Arg, a Maltese cross betw 4 fleurs-de-lys in salt Gu, overall a NineMan-Morris board saltirewise Or, marked Sa. (D: Marguerite
de Villars - Sep 80)
Arg, a roundel per fess embowed counter-embowed Gu & Az betw
in salt trigrams from the I-Ching in annulo Sa. (B: Korea,
South - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Arg, a wolfs head Sa betw in salt 4 roses Gu, a bord embat Sa. (D:
Manfred Wolf - Jul 97)
Arg, five annulets fretted in salt within a bord Az. (D: Janos the
Ringsmith - May 89)
Arg, five crows in salt & a chf Sa. (D: Ogan O Crowly - Nov 06)
Arg, 4 lozenges conjoined in salt Az. (D: Malcolm Drum Apr 96)
Arg, 4 matchlock pistols in salt, handles to center Sa, betw 4 roses
Az. (B: Dugald MacPherson - Oct 92)
Arg, 4 oak leaves in salt stems to center Vt & in base an acorn
proper, a bord Purp. (D: Alzhbet de Sighisoara - Feb 05)
Arg, 4 tilting spears fretted Sa within a bord nebuly Gu. (D:
Lancelin Peregrinus - Feb 87)
Arg, 4 wolfs heads conjoined in salt at the neck Gu, a bord Sa. (D:
Ciaran Faol Ruadh - Jan 88)
Arg goutty Gu, 4 needles fretted in salt Purp within a bord Gu. (D:
Giacinta da Venezia - Nov 04)
Arg, in salt 4 mice tergiant, tails to center, Sa, on a chf Vt 2 pairs of
needles in salt Or. (D: Nicholaa Kelton - Apr 92)
Arg masoned Sa, a mascle Gu betw 4 crescents in salt, horns to
center Sa. (D: Franbald of Loncastre - Jan 97)
Arg, on a lozenge ploy Gu betw 4 pheons in salt, bases to center,
Sa, a bear ramp contourny guardant Arg & attired of stags
attires Or. (D: Antonio Vela de Lugo y Payan - Aug 94)
Az, a cross flory tripartite betw 4 hearts in salt, all within a bord Or.
(D: Rhiannon of the Lost Star - Nov 80)
Az, a fess wavy Arg surmounted by a sea-lion erect ctrch betw 4
annulets in salt Arg. (B: Storvik - Feb 84) (For the Company
of the Silver Silkie)
Az, a mullet of 4 greater & eight lesser points betw 4 piles issuant
in salt Arg. (D: Jed Silverstar - Apr 80)
Az, eight mascles in salt bases to center those in bend Or & those in
bend sin Arg. (B: Stephania Hering - Oct 01)
Az, five annulets interlaced in salt & a bord Arg. (B: Corwin de
Harfleur - Jan 04)
Az, five martlets in salt Or betw flaunches Arg. (D: sa in kyrra Mar 04)
Az, five roses in salt Arg, barbed & seeded proper, within a bord
Or. (D: Isabella Flamank - Feb 87)
Az, 4 coneys ramp in salt, heads to center, conjoined by the ears in
annulo Arg, playing bagpipes Or. (B: Daniel de Lincoln Sep 94) (Blanket permission to conflict granted 0501)
Az, 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns outward, Arg.
(Augmentation of Arms: Caid - Jul 04) (Standard
92 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrangement - In saltire - 4 or more (continued)

Az, 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns outward, Arg. (B: Caid Aug 79) (War banner)(For the populace)
Az, 4 dolphins in salt with tails to center Or, betw 2 marguerites in
chf & base Arg, seeded Or. (D: Rebekah of Madrone Mar 75)
Az, 4 holly leaves in salt, stems to center, Arg. (D: Andreas of
Green Village - Mar 91)
Az, 4 oak leaves conjoined in salt Arg within an orle Or charged in
cross with 4 hurts. (D: Talbot of Oakdale - May 91)
Az, in salt a goblet betw 4 scorpions tails to center Or. (D:
Prospero de San Giuseppe Iato - Dec 95)
Az, in salt five towers within a bord Arg. (D: Violante de Sant
Sebastian - Dec 00)
Az, in salt 4 triquetras Arg, points to center, within an annulet Or.
(B: Turgeis Hakonsson - Apr 08) (JB: Sunniva Kyrre)
Az, in salt 4 triquetras Or, points to center, within an annulet Arg.
(B: Turgeis Hakonsson - Apr 08) (JB: Sunniva Kyrre)
Barry engrailed Az & Arg, in salt five towers within a bord Or. (D:
ine Dhuin Bhuidhe - Aug 00)
Brown, a lion passant maintaining a sword betw 4 bo leaves
saltirewise in salt Or & a dexter tierce per pale Vt & tenn
fimbriated all within a bord Or. (B: Sri Lanka - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Checky Az & Arg, five corbys disp in salt, heads to sin Sa. (D:
Isolde Corby - Dec 97)
Counter-ermine, a roundel engrailed Gu, surmounted by 4
spearheads in salt, points to fess point, Or. (D: Akbar ibn
Murad al-ben Muhammed ibn Hakim - Mar 73?)
Gu, a boar courant to sin betw 4 lightning bolts in salt, all within a
bord Or. (D: Titus Claudius Severus - May 89)
Gu, five mullets of eight points in salt Arg. (D: Leonor Martin Sep 06)
Gu, upon 4 roundels conjoined in salt ermine betw in cross 4 roses
Or barbed Vt, a heart Gu. (D: Constance Beckwith Bruce Feb 85)
Gyronny arrondy widdershins Az & ermine, five lozenges palewise
in salt Or. (D: Walter de Plympton - Nov 89)
Lozengy Az & Arg, in salt five gouttes de sang. (B: Robin Stryker
Fortunatus - Jun 92) (For Bloody Harlequins)
Or, a chev ploy Vt betw 2 pairs of swords in salt Gu & a compass
star Az. (D: Patrick Olyveyr - Nov 02)
Or, a dragons head erased Gu betw 3 pairs of arrows inv in salt Sa
betw flaunches Gu. (D: Rnn de Bhl - Apr 04)
Or, an hourglass betw 4 fleur-de-lis, 2 & 2, Az. (D: Alban Geoffrey
du Costeau - Apr 89)
Or chap Gu, 4 armored legs Sa issuant in salt from a drum, the legs
within & conjoined to an annulet Gu. (D: Taichleach Selwyn Mar 93)
Or, five crosses of Santiago in salt within an orle of ivy Gu. (D:
Gregorio Cristovalez de la Vega - Jul 03)
Or, five open books in salt Az. (B: Boethius - Jan 85)
Or, five open books in salt, on a chf Az 3 laurel wreaths Or. (D:
Boethius - Feb 91)
Or, five pavilions in salt Vt. (D: Richild la Gauchere - Sep 05)
Or, 4 oak leaves conjoined in salt stems to center Vt. (D: Catherine
of Oakden - Feb 03)
Or, in salt five crosses bottony Vt within a bord embat Az. (D:
Alds Grmlfsdttir - Sep 02)
Or, in salt five lions jambes couped at the shoulder Gu. (D: Lothar
von Katzenellenbogen - Nov 95)
Or, in salt five lions ramp, an orle Sa. (D: Scoithin mac
Mhuireadhaigh - Aug 00)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, 2 pairs of daggers in salt ctrch. (D: Giles
William Trout - Aug 93)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a scarpe Or & in chf five mullets in salt Arg.
(B: Solomon Islands - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, six pairs of wheatstalks crossed in salt Or.
(D: Yehudit bat Rina - Jul 99)
Per fess Gu & Vt, five mullets in salt Arg. (D: Robin Arwood Apr 89)
Per fess Or & Gu, 4 lightning bolts in salt, points to center, Az & a
tower Arg. (D: Christoph von Lubbeke - Sep 99)
Per pale Arg & Or, 3 arrows bendwise fretted with 3 others
bendwise sin Sa, on a chf Az a bow Or. (D: Kazimierz
Samostrelov - Sep 94)

[Arrangement - In saltire - 4 or more] to [Arrow - 1]

Arrangement - In saltire - 4 or more (continued)

Per pale Az & Or, five annulets linked in salt ctrch. (D: Joseph the
Mailer - Oct 94)
Per pale Gu & Or, five hearts in salt ctrch. (D: Ginevra Solario Feb 03)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 4 roses, 2 & 2 Arg. (D: Darius Aurelius Apr 90)
Per pale Sa & ermine, five escallops in salt ctrch. (D: Kristin in
hrfagra - Nov 98)
Per salt Arg & Vt, a wolf ramp Gu betw 4 torteaux in salt. (D:
Feln Ruadn Mac Tigernin - Apr 94)
Per salt Gu & Vt, in salt through the nombril point seven mulberry
trees betw in fess 2 of the same Arg, issuant from chf a demisun Or. (D: Rahlahn of Mulberry - Jun 80)
Per salt Vt & Arg, in salt 4 dragonflies disp, heads outwards, ctrch.
(D: Annora de Montfort of Shadowood - Nov 82)
Purp, a phoenix Or, flames issuant from base proper, in chf 2 pairs
of swords inv in salt Arg. (D: Kristopher Tike - Apr 04)
Purp, five annulets in salt Or. (D: Anne des Anneaux - Sep 71?)
Purp, 4 keys fretted in salt wards to chf Or. (B: Catarina Ginevra
Falconieri - Apr 95)
Quarterly Arg & Az, in salt five crosses fleury ctrch. (D: Emilia
Benitez - Jun 01)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, in salt five crosses swallowtailed ctrch. (D:
Savaric de Pardieu - Sep 99)
Quarterly Az & Arg, five crosses crosslet in salt ctrch. (D: Daniel
Larke del Glen - Feb 02)
Quarterly Az & Gu, five mullets of eight points in salt Or. (D:
Jordan Catharne - May 03)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a wolf ramp reguardant Sa betw 4 crescents in
salt ctrch, a bord embat Sa. (D: Logan Blackwoulfe - Oct 96)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, in salt 4 fleurs-de-lys bases to center Arg. (D:
Kerri of Arn Hold - Sep 00)
Quarterly Or & Gu, 4 oak leaves in salt stems to center ctrch. (D:
Ann of Hamner - Dec 85)
Quarterly Purp & Arg, 4 goblets in salt, stems to center, ctrch. (D:
Euthymia Philobacchus - Aug 89)
Quarterly Purp & Gu, in salt an eagle disp contourny Or betw 4
eagles disp contourny Sa fimbriated Or. (B: Egill von Stahl Nov 04)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, in salt a heart betw 4 Latin crosses bottony Or.
(D: Pelacho del Corazn Carinoso - Apr 00)
Quarterly Sa & Vt, in salt five triquetras Arg. (D: Ciaran ferch
Marc - Mar 87)
Sa, a compass-star Arg betw in salt 4 crows volant, heads to center,
Or. (D: Eric the Kendtmand - Jul 86)
Sa, a lozenge concave betw 4 roundels in salt Arg. (D: Saito
Hiroshi - Jun 86)
Sa, a winged wolf segreant to sin Arg, in chf 3 pairs of swords
crossed in salt Or. (D: Brianna Buchanan - May 98)
Sa, eight swords 4 in cross & 4 in salt points to center Arg overall 2
lions heads erased addorsed Or. (D: Sosha Lyons ORourke Feb 94)
Sa, five plates in salt betw in cross 4 gouttes deau elongated, points
outward. (D: Elizabeth of the Rising Sun - Aug 79?)
Sa, five tankards in salt & a bord Arg. (D: Karl the Meek and Mild
- May 90)
Sa, 4 swords in salt conjoined at the points proper, overall five
mullets in cross Arg. (D: Adelicia of Cumbria - Mar 83)
Sa, in pale five annulets braced in salt & a square anvil Arg. (D:
Gwydion of Fennbrycg - Oct 93)
Sa, in salt a Bourchier knot betw 4 bees Or. (B: Galen of Wiltshire Nov 98)
Sa, in salt five oak trees Or. (D: Aaron Rebellinus - Jul 93)
Sa, in salt 4 fleur-de-lis conjoined at the points Gu, fimbriated Arg.
(B: Alacya Daveraugh - Oct 80) (For Chateau du Jadis)
Sa, on a cross moline nowy quadrate betw in salt 4 daggers points to
center Or a delf Gu charged with a wolfs head erased close
Or. (D: Kormakr Ulfshofuth - Jan 82)
Vt, a bear statant erect affronty dexter forepaw raised & sin forepaw
Or resting on a double-bitted axe betw in chf 2 pairs of arrows
inv in salt Arg. (D: Bjrn Kolbjrnsson - Dec 98)
Vt, a salt of five billets fesswise voided Arg. (D: Halfdan
Hgvandi Rodgeirsson of Hundatunir - May 89)
Vt, five cauldrons in salt Or. (D: Agnes Berengarii de Gerona May 05)

Arrangement - In saltire - 4 or more (continued)

Vt, 4 hearts in salt points to center Or. (D: Tatiana Todhunter Mar 93)
Vt, in bend 3 wands bendwise sin Or, overall in bend sin 3 fish
bendwise Arg. (D: Padraig Cosfhota o hUlad - Nov 89)
* * * End * * *
Arrangement - In trefoil: see Arrangement - In pall inverted
Arrangement - In tressure: see Arrangement - In orle
Arrangement - In triangle: see Triangle

Arrangement - In triquetra

(Fieldless) 3 dragons in triquetra, passant outwards, tails interlaced

Or. (B: owyn Amberdrake - May 86)
(Fieldless) 3 lily blossoms in triquetra Or. (B: Lochac - Sep 87)
(For the Order of the Roman Lilies)
Az, 3 doves wings conjoined in triquetra at the shoulders Arg,
overall a triangle concave Or. (D: Anya Hunyadi de Szecheki Jul 80)
Az, 3 sin gauntlets in triquetra Arg, within & grasping a ring of
chain Or. (D: Donn an Bronach - Apr 76?)
* * * End * * *
Arrangement - In triskele: see Triskelion
Arrangement - In triskelion: see Triskelion
Arrangement - Monster: see Arrangement - Creature

Arrow - 1

(Name: Robert Strongbow - Jun 73)

(Fieldless) A bell Or, pierced by an arrow fesswise Sa. (B: Edvard
Gayer - Nov 98)
(Fieldless) A crescent inv & overall an arrow fracted in chev inv
Or. (B: Edith of Arbroath - Mar 00)
(Fieldless) A falcon rising, wings disp Vt marked Sa, surmounted
by a drawn bow, arrow nocked, Or. (B: Aelfric the Kestrell Oct 92)
(Fieldless) A goutte Az pierced by an arrow bendwise sin Or. (B:
Dafydd ap Gwystl - Aug 88)
(Tinctureless) A merman, bow in dexter & arrow in sin hand, tail
raised to sin. (B: Colin of Duntamknackan - Aug 79)
(Fieldless) A rainbow proper clouded Sa, surmounted by an arrow
inv Sa. (B: Ruben Klaus Winterhalter - Dec 92)
(Tinctureless) A reflex bow reversed strung with a decrescent &
armed of an arrow fesswise. (B: Cariadoc of the Bow Jun 81)
(Fieldless) A sea-dragon Arg transfixed by an arrow bendwise inv
Gu. (B: Hal the Archer - Jun 93)
(Fieldless) A sun Sa transfixed by an arrow inv Arg. (B: Sol
Tizona - Feb 03)
(Fieldless) A tree blasted & couped the trunk transfixed by an
arrow fesswise reversed Or. (B: Thomas Towlewardie Feb 02)
(Fieldless) A unicornate natural seahorses head erased maintaining
in its mouth an arrow inv bendwise. (B: Atlantia - May 95)
(For the Order of the Yew Bow)
(Fieldless) An acorn pierced by an arrow fesswise reversed Sa. (B:
Efron le Fey - Mar 97)
(Fieldless) An annulet pendent from a chain palewise enfiled of an
arrow fesswise Or. (B: Aoibheann nic Mhuirghis - Apr 95)
(Fieldless) An archer kneeling on his sin leg proper, crined Or,
vested Az, drawing a bow sundered below the arrow, Sa, to
dexter an arrow palewise Sa. (B: Steven of Shadowkeep Jan 74)
(Fieldless) An arrow Arg. (B: Bretislava Jerbek - Mar 08)
(Fieldless) An arrow bendwise sin betw 2 uncialesque "Ms" Sa.
(B: Megwyn of Glendwry - Sep 81) (For Megwyns
(Fieldless) An arrow fesswise Or, dependent therefrom 3 acorns
Gu. (B: Llywellyn MacLamont - Jul 93)
(Fieldless) An arrow fesswise reversed Arg surmounted by a
periwinkle Az. (B: Morwenna Gwir - Nov 97)
(Fieldless) An arrow inv Arg winged Or. (B: Danr Bjornsson Mar 01)
(Fieldless) An arrow inv Or barbed & flighted surmounted by a
spider Sa. (B: Chle Aubre Duclair - Mar 94)
(Fieldless) An arrow inv winged Arg. (B: Danr Bjornsson Mar 04)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 93

[Arrow - 1]

Arrow - 1 (continued)

(Fieldless) An arrow Or. (B: Lochmere - Dec 98) (For Order of

the Golden Arrow)
(Fieldless) An arrow Or & overall a hound passant ermine. (B:
Angus Montgomery the Forrester - Jan 04)
(Fieldless) An arrow palewise surmounted by 2 swords in salt inv
& overall a helmet Arg. (B: Edward Ian Anderson - Jul 86)
(Fieldless) An English stirrup Arg pierced through the pad by an
arrow bendwise Or. (B: Caitlyn of Penryn - Oct 84)
(Fieldless) In fess a whistling arrow inv Vt sustained by a seahorse
Gu. (B: Karin Ollesdotter av Augvaldsnes - Jan 08)
(Fieldless) In salt a double-bitted axe Gu & an arrow Arg. (B: Lira
of Ascalon - Nov 02)
(Fieldless) In salt a goblet & an arrow inv Sa, barbed Arg, fletched
Gu. (B: Simn de la Palma de Mallorca - Aug 89) (For the
Drunken Archers)
(Fieldless) 2 arms embowed & interlaced Gu, the dexter
maintaining an arrow & the sin maintaining a recorder Or. (B:
Eric Morrison of Thistlekeep - Apr 98)
Arg, a battle axe & an arrow inv in salt Sa, surmounted by a cross
couped & fitchy Gu, on a chf embat Az, a fox courant Arg. (D:
Robyn Foxe of Cantshire - Aug 84)
Arg, a bear ramp Az maintaining a broken arrow, a base Gu. (D:
skatla Ketilsdttir - Aug 07)
Arg, a bend sin wavy Sa betw a bow & arrow crossed in salt & a
stag statant to sin Gu. (D: Stevyn Luttrell Bowyer - Mar 88)
Arg, a bow fesswise drawn & with an arrow nocked Sa within an
orle Vt semy of acorns Or. (D: Blain Sylvanus - Feb 94)
Arg, a bow reversed drawn with an arrow nocked Gu & a bord Sa
semy of crescents points inward Arg. (B: Shamir ibn Abd alRahman - Oct 06)
Arg, a cherry blossom transfixed by an arrow all within an orle Az.
(D: Kazetani Kiyotora - Nov 02)
Arg, a chev embat Az & in chf an arrow inv bendwise sin proper
flighted Gu & a wooden bow bendwise string to base proper.
(D: Ignazio James - Jul 03)
Arg a chevronel Gu, in chf a killer whale proper, in base a bow &
arrow Gu, bent & nocked, to sin. (D: Morton the Grey Jan 74?)
Arg, a drawn bow & arrow aimed to sin chf Purp betw 3 daggers
inv Az. (D: Cassandra Elaine McPherson - Aug 92)
Arg, a drawn wooden bow & arrow proper fletched & headed Sa on
a chf Az 4 mountains couped Arg. (D: Edward Archer of
Cornwall - Aug 01)
Arg, a fist Vt issuant from flames proper & maintaining an arrow
reversed Vt its head engulfed in flames proper. (B: Sacred
Stone, the - Apr 97) (For the Order of the Yeomen of the
Sacred Stone)
Arg, a heart Gu pierced by an arrow bendwise Sa, on a base Gu, a
key fesswise, wards to sin, Arg. (D: Anastasia Antonia
Horvath - Sep 89)
Arg, a hummingbird rising Vt throated & sustaining in its feet an
arrow fesswise reversed Gu & on a chf potenty Az 3 roses Arg
barbed Vt. (D: Generys le Boghyere - May 07)
Arg, a longbow drawn with arrow nocked Sa betw 3 Celtic crosses
Purp. (D: Muireann Caitln ny Phelan - Mar 93)
Arg, a mullet Az & overall an arrow inv bendwise Gu. (D:
Johanna Wynter - Nov 03)
Arg, a phoenix & on a chf Gu, a fire-arrow reversed Arg. (D:
Sindokht Bayt al-Herati - Jun 93)
Arg, a quatrefoil knot Gu interlaced with an arrow palewise inv Az.
(D: Gwendolyn of Castle Court - Jun 88)
Arg, a raven rising Sa sustaining in its beak an arrow palewise, a
tierce Purp. (D: Alienor dOrliens - Sep 06)
Arg, a sea-horse Gu grasping with its tail an arrow bendwise sin inv
Sa, a chf invected Vt. (D: Alexander of Hawkwood - Sep 92)
Arg, a sin gauntlet clenched transfixed at the wrist by an arrow
fesswise reversed within a bord Sa. (D: Paul the Pleasant Jan 96)
Arg, a unicorn ramp & on a chf embat Gu, an arrow, barb to dexter,
Arg. (D: Zenobia of Rebelswood - Dec 87)
Arg, a weasel statant erect Sa transfixed by an arrow fesswise
reversed Gu, & on a chf Az a double-bitted axe Or. (D: Ulf
Njalsen - Jul 84)
Arg, an arrow & a chf Sa. (B: Marioun Golightly - Mar 06)
Arg, an arrow bendwise Gu, overall a bagpipe Az. (D: Conchr
McClawrane Vc Leoid - Sep 92)
94 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrow - 1 (continued)

Arg, an arrow bendwise Sa surmounted by a rose proper, all betw 2

bendlets Sa. (D: Aurora de Ivory - Sep 89)
Arg, an arrow bendwise sin proper, flighted Az, in dexter chf a
riven star, all within an orle Az. (D: Cynethryth o Went Oct 84)
Arg, an arrow fesswise Sa flighted & nocked at both ends Gu. (B:
Keradwc an Cai - Nov 80) (For House Pointless)
Arg, an arrow Gu betw 2 horses heads couped addorsed Sa. (D:
Ceara nic Fhaolin - Mar 98)
Arg, an arrow inv betw a decrescent & an increscent & in chf 2
mullets Gu. (D: Hagen Dawnhawk - Jan 91)
Arg, an arrow inv Sa within a chaplet of violets proper. (D: Bridget
of Perth - Nov 81)
Arg, an arrow proper flighted Vt entwined of 2 garden roses Sa
slipped & leaved Vt. (B: Jrg Kratz - Mar 85) (For House of
the Rosed Arrow)
Arg, in fess an arrow inv Az & a tabby cat sejant Gu, tail entwined
about the arrow, all within a bord Az. (D: Cemgen mac Daill
- Feb 92)
Arg, in pall 2 shepherds crooks addorsed Sa & an arrow Gu. (D:
John Garr - Mar 94)
Arg, in salt an arrow inv & a sword betw 4 apples Gu. (D: Wilhelm
Ketterman - Jan 83)
Arg, in salt an arrow inv Sa, barbed & fletched, & a fleam Gu,
hafted Sa. (D: Hacmin ben Yosef - Nov 82)
Arg, on a pale Sa betw 2 natural sea-horses respectant Gu, an arrow
inv Or. (D: Dederick ap Oweyn - Jun 92)
Arg, the astronomical sign of Sagittarius & a gore sin Az. (D:
Cadell ap Hubert - Sep 93)
Arg, 3 piles inv palewise Az, overall an arrow fesswise Sa. (B:
Dreiburgen - Oct 95) (For the Order of the Long Rangers of
Arg, 2 dragons combattant Purp sustaining betw them an arrow inv
Vt. (D: Deirdre McLair - Dec 03)
Arg, 2 swords & a bow & arrow reversed Az, on a chf Vt a wolfs
head cabossed Arg. (D: Hrothgar feilan - Feb 06)
Az, a bear ramp maintaining an arrow bendwise sin inv Arg within
a bord Or. (B: Fearghus mac Domhnaill - Jun 06)
Az, a boar statant Sa transfixed by an arrow bendwise sin Or & in
chf a decrescent Arg & a mullet of eight points Or. (D:
Rakonczay Gergely - Jan 08)
Az, a chev Gu fimbriated betw an arrow fesswise & a cross crosslet
fitchy Or. (D: Timothy McBride of Aran - Apr 95)
Az, a chev rompu & in base an arrow inv Arg. (D: Jane the Tall of
Carlisle - Oct 07)
Az, a crescent Arg, overall an arrow palewise inv Or. (B: Morgan
MacDonald MacCrae - Mar 89)
Az, a cross Arg, overall in salt an anchor Or & an arrow inv Or. (D:
Beverly Hodghead - Jan 73?)
Az, a drawn bow fesswise, arrow palewise, Or, the bow winged
Arg, all within a bord Or. (D: Sandor the Hunter - Feb 87)
Az, a fess Gu fimbriated Arg betw a drawn bow & arrow to sin & 2
quill pens in salt Or. (D: William McNaughton - Mar 97)
Az, a great helm, pendant therefrom a chain crescentwise Arg, the
helm pierced through the eyeslot by an arrow fesswise
reversed Or. (B: Wastekeep - Nov 80) (For Wastekeepshire
Company of Archers)
Az, a hound sejant ermine & in chf an arrow fesswise reversed Arg
barbed & flighted Or. (D: Ylaria de Lokkesley - Jul 02)
Az, a recorder & an arrow inv in salt Arg. (D: Martin Whistler Mar 94)
Az, a recurved bow bendwise sin, fully drawn with an arrow
bendwise inv, within a bord Or, semy of garbs Gu. (D: Gyth of
the Danelaw - Apr 85)
Az, a winged arrow fesswise, point to dexter, wings elevated &
addorsed, Arg. (B: Gad Waldbr - Feb 91)
Az, a winged tyger segreant bendy sin Gu & Or, in base an arrow
fesswise point to dexter Arg. (D: Geoffrey Fletcher of the
Silver Arrow - Jan 91)
Az, an arrow betw in fess 2 crescents Arg. (B: Caid - Jul 89) (For
the Order of the Argent Arrow)
Az, an arrow betw in fess 2 trefoils slipped Or. (D: Thomas of
Brefni - Aug 76?)
Az, an arrow fesswise reversed Or betw in pale a kestrels head
erased Arg, armed Or, & an open book Arg. (D: Yvonwen of
Clarendon - Dec 82)

[Arrow - 1]

Arrow - 1 (continued)

Az, an arrow inv demi-barbed to sin Arg. (B: Sten av Norden Sep 73)
Az, an Indian statant affronty, maintaining a bow to dexter & an
arrow to sin Or, in canton a mullet Arg. (D: Massachusetts,
Commonwealth of - May 99) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, in pale 3 frogs salient fesswise ermine impaled by an arrow inv
Or, imbrued at the tip Gu. (D: William Ironwood - Sep 80)
Az, on a bend Gu fimbriated betw 2 decrescents, an arrow inv Arg.
(D: Vishaldyrne of Stackeryd - Jan 73?)
Az, on a bend Or betw a calla lily Arg slipped & leaved Vt & a sun
Or, an arrow inv Sa. (D: Iana of Tallowcross - Apr 83)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 pheons Arg, a badger ramp contourny
palewise maintaining an arrow inv Sa. (D: Bram of Lyndon Aug 02)
Az, on a chev engrailed betw a bird bolt fesswise reversed & a
laurel wreath Arg, five annulets Az. (D: Granholme - Jan 99)
Az, on a fess betw 3 billets fesswise Arg, an arrow, point to sin, Az.
(D: Nicholas Landsman - Dec 86)
Az, 2 griffins sejant addorsed reguardant & an arrow inv Or. (D:
Reys Saethydd de Glamorgan - Jan 07)
Chequy Gu & Arg, a dagger & arrow inv in salt Or, overall a wolfs
head cabossed Sa. (B: James Galen MacGrew - Jul 91) (For
House Wolfs Keep)
Checky Sa & Arg, on a pale Az an arrow Arg. (D: Jevan the
Fletcher ap Cenydd - Jun 92)
Ermine, in chf a crescent inv Gu surmounted by an arrow fracted
chevronwise inv Sa. (D: Garvey the Pict - Jul 90)
Erminois, on a pale Gu in chf 2 bird blunts in salt surmounted by an
arrow inv Or, a base ctrch. (D: Evan y Helfarch ap Llewellyn Mar 83)
Gu, a bear dormant Arg holding an arrow Or a bord embat Arg. (D:
Gwendolen Kirkcaldy of Fawdonside - Dec 96)
Gu, a chev Arg surmounted by an eagle disp, wings inv, ctrch, in
chf an arrow fesswise barb to sin, Arg. (D: Brun Canutesson May 88)
Gu, a crow rising, pierced by an arrow, both Arg. (D: Jehan de la
Marche - Jan 73?)
Gu, a dove rising contourny, wings disp, sustaining in its beak an
arrow bendwise sin inv, within a bord Arg charged with
double-axes Gu. (D: Damn Ponder - Mar 93)
Gu, a man statant to dexter maintaining a drawn bow & arrow
within a bord Or. (D: Gruffydd the Innocent - Oct 06)
Gu, a marten sejant erect to sin, maintaining a bow nocked with a
fire arrow, Or, within a bord Or, semy of arrow heads Gu. (D:
Gislvast of Mrtengaerdh - Dec 89)
Gu, a squirrel statant erect Arg sustaining an arrow inv & a bord
rayonny Or. (D: Sthmaith ingen Uidir - Jun 97)
Gu, an ape-headed centaur salient Or maintaining a drawn bow &
arrow Sa. (D: Aulay Leod - Apr 05)
Gu, an arrow bendwise inv Or. (D: Margaret Fletcher - Dec 98)
Gu, an arrow bendwise Or betw 2 bendlets Arg. (B: Julian Edward
Farnsworth of Falconmoors - Jul 86)
Gu, an arrow bendwise Or betw 2 bendlets Arg, betw in chf a tower
& in base a cross couped Or. (D: Julian Edward Farnsworth
of Falconmoors - Jul 86)
Gu, an arrow bendwise sin betw a dragons head couped & another
contourny, all within a bord Arg. (D: Sihtric Silfrr - Jul 92)
Gu, an arrow broken & lashed together bendwise sin, & in canton a
cross fretted throughout Or. (D: Lionel Hildebrand - Oct 79)
Gu, an arrow inv & winged within a bord embat Arg. (D: Rivka
Sycheva - Jun 07)
Gu, an open book surmounted by an arrow inv, all within a laurel
wreath Arg. (D: Svat ebesta - Jan 97)
Gu, an owl affronty Arg maintaining an arrow fesswise reversed Or,
on a chf Arg an arrow reversed Gu. (D: Dael mac Daill of
Dunadd - Dec 95)
Gu, in salt a scimitar inv Arg & an arrow Sa, fimbriated Arg. (D:
Alexei Miramovich - Aug 79?)
Gu, on a bend sin Arg betw an arrow inv bendwise sin & a drinking
horn reversed Or a raven rising to sin Sa. (D: Erik Rafn
Berserkr af Haddeby - Nov 82)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, an arrow Sa, a bord ctrch. (D: Aelfric of the
Black Arrow - Nov 94)
Gyronny arrondy Gu & Arg, a fire arrow Or enflamed proper
flighted Or, within a bord embat Sa. (B: Rising Waters Jan 95)

Arrow - 1 (continued)

Or, a bend counter-ermine betw a bow nocked with an arrow & a

lion ramp Gu. (D: Roderick de Graham - Jan 03)
Or, a bend Vt betw a tree blasted & eradicated & an arrow bendwise
impaling 2 hearts bendwise sin Sa. (D: Aelfarran Bridget
Rockely - Jun 83)
Or, a bow & arrow nocked & drawn to sin Sa betw in cross 4
crescents horns to center Gu, a bord Sa bezanty. (D: Jamukha
Batu - Nov 07)
Or, a pale Gu overall an arrow Or winged Sa. (D: Branwen ferch
Dafydd - Feb 97) (re-corrected 9703C)
Or, a squirrel sejant erect Sa, sustaining a drawn wooden bow &
arrow proper, the arrow fletched Gu, within a bord Gu semy of
acorns Or. (D: Bozhana Alexandrova - Oct 05)
Or, an arrow bendwise Sa. (B: Ulisse Rowden Blackarrow of Boyd
- Feb 91)
Or, an arrow Gu within a massacre Vt. (D: Siban ingen Aengusa May 97)
Or, an arrow inv & surmounted in chf by a bow fesswise, betw in
fess 2 sheaves of arrows inv Sa. (D: William de Vallier Oct 85)
Or, an arrow inv bendwise Sa flighted Purp entwined with a vine Vt
flowered all within an orle Purp. (D: Fna ingen u Scolaighe Dec 01)
Or, an owl close guardant Purp maintaining an arrow palewise Vt,
on a chf indented Purp 3 crosses of St. Julian Or. (D: Julian
Beaufort - Mar 99)
Or, 4 chevronels inv & in chf a bow fesswise with arrow nocked &
drawn Gu. (D: Moira Strongbow NicConnell - May 93)
Or, in bend a phoenix Gu & a lion contourny maintaining an arrow
Az. (D: Mauda inghean u Dhonnabhin - Aug 06)
Or, in bend an arrow betw 2 strung bows, all bendwise sin, Sa. (D:
Robert Fletcher - May 85)
Or, in salt a bow reversed & an arrow inv Purp, a bord Gu. (B:
Antoinette Leblanc - Apr 01)
Or, in salt an arrow inv & a dagger Sa, on a chf Az 3 gillyflowers
Arg, seeded Or. (D: Katherine Gilliesfleur - Dec 83)
Or, on a bend sin Sa betw 2 falcons striking to sin & to dexter Gu,
an arrow inv bound in a fascine Or. (D: Ein mac Raghnaill Apr 86)
Or, on a chev betw an arrow fesswise reversed & a cats paw print
Vt, 3 bottles Or. (D: Evelyna Kendrick - Jan 97)
Or, 3 chevronels braced Gu betw a strung bow fesswise, string to
base, surmounted by an arrow bendwise inv, & a cross crosslet
fitchy, all Sa. (D: Meaghan Arsmith of Ludlow - Sep 88)
Or, 2 woodsmans axes in salt Sa, hafted proper, surmounted by an
arrow inv proper flighted & within a bord embat Vt. (D:
Thorald skegglauss - Sep 05)
Per bend Arg & Az, an arrow bendwise inv Gu & a bezant. (D:
Leonard of Orange - Oct 90)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a flame Az & an arrow bendwise Arg. (D: sa
Helgulfsdottir - Jan 08)
Per bend Arg & Sa, an eagle rising, wings elevated & addorsed,
ctrch, maintaining in both talons an arrow bendwise inv Or.
(D: Iestyn ap Sais - Nov 88)
Per bend Az & Arg, a bear sejant erect & a drawn bow & arrow
bendwise reversed ctrch. (D: Dulcia Sabine - Aug 97)
Per bend Az & Gu, in salt a sword & an arrow inv, in chf a compass
star elongated to base Arg. (D: Ivor Grubb - May 96)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a basilisk & on a chf Or, an arrow reversed Sa.
(D: Howard of Bright Hills - Oct 93)
Per bend Or & Arg goutty-de-sang, a raven stooping Sa transfixed
by an arrow bendwise inv Gu. (D: Erilandus Arcanus Jun 96)
Per bend Or & Gu, a bow bendwise, fully drawn with an arrow
bendwise sin, all within a bord ctrch. (D: Bartholomew of
Dartford - Jan 89)
Per bend Purp & Az, a bend betw a double-bitted axe & an arrow
inv both bendwise Or. (D: Leif the Wanderer - Apr 00)
Per bend Sa & Arg, an increscent bendwise Arg & an arrow
bendwise sin inv proper headed Sa fletched Purp. (D: Isabella
Feliciano da Fiume - Jan 05)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a drawn bow & arrow reversed betw 3
mullets ctrch. (D: Lorenzo il Confuso - Feb 98)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, an arrow bendwise sin Sa fletched ctrch, in
dexter chf an estoile of eight rays Sa. (D: Remus Fletcher Aug 90)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 95

[Arrow - 1]

Arrow - 1 (continued)

Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a demi-pegasus volant issuant from the line
of division Sa, a mullet of eight points & an arrow inv
surmounted by a decrescent Arg. (D: Cyrie Evaine Deloraine
- Oct 80)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, an arrow bendwise Or & in sin chf a hawk
rising, wings elevated & addorsed Arg. (D: Heafoc Egle Jan 95)
Per bend sin indented Az & Vt, a harp bendwise sin & an arrow
bendwise sin Or. (D: Emma MacMen - May 07)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt, a hawk striking contourny, holding an
arrow in its talons, a bord Arg. (D: Cormac Silverhawke of
Cairngorm - Mar 93)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, a scarpe & on a canton sin Arg in bend sin a
bow & arrow, each bendwise, Vt. (D: Owen of the Dales Jan 80)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, an arrow bendwise sin inv & a double-bladed
axe Arg. (D: Fine MacEwan - Apr 00)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, an arrow bendwise Arg. (D: Bretislava
Jerbek - Nov 99)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Az, a quill pen bendwise sin Sa & an
arrow inv bendwise sin Arg, within a bord ctrch. (D: Iain
MacCoinnich - Sep 90)
Per chev Az & Arg, in chf an arrow fesswise point to sin Arg & in
base a peregrine falcons head erased to sin proper. (D:
Warren Falkenberg - May 86)
Per chev Az & Gu, a chev betw five mullets in chev & an arrow inv,
all within a bord Arg. (D: Caitlin Ross of Cairngorm Jan 93)
Per chev inv Az & Sa, a chev inv betw an arrow fesswise & 3
decrescents Arg. (D: Amber Blackwood - Jun 93)
Per chev raguly Arg & Vt, 2 eagles legs couped Sa & an arrow inv
Arg. (D: Talan Sharparrow - Jun 90)
Per chev Sa & Or, an arrow fesswise & a hammer ctrch. (D:
Grmkell bogsveigir - Jun 08)
Per chev throughout Az & Arg, 2 geese respectant reguardant & an
arrow inv ctrch. (D: Meredith Welles of Goosewood Nov 94)
Per chev throughout Or & Vt, 2 falcons close respectant Sa & an
arrow inv Or. (D: Felix Gruenstrasse - Jan 98)
Per chev Vt & Gu, in salt an arrow inv & a sword Or & in chf a
dovetailed keystone Gu, fimbriated Or. (D: Jon Trimara May 85)
Per fess Arg & Az, a tower Gu & an arrow inv & a sword crossed in
salt Arg. (B: Caer Mear - Jun 92)
Per fess Az & Or, a bow fesswise, strung to base, surmounted by an
arrow inv Arg, & a sword inv Sa. (D: Wulfgar the Bowman Jul 87)
Per fess Az & Or, a sun Or & an arrow fesswise, point to sin, Sa, all
within a bord embat ctrch. (B: Iana of Tallowcross - Feb 86)
(For House Tallowcross)
Per fess counter-ermine & Vt, a crescent inv & a drawn bow
fesswise nocked of an arrow Or. (D: Ormr bogsveigir Mar 04)
Per fess embat Or & Gu, in chf a longbow fesswise & arrow inv
nocked & issuant from base a battle axe reversed ctrch. (D:
Haakon Oaktall - Jun 82)
Per fess embat Sa & Vt, a sword & an arrow in salt Or & a dragon
passant to sin Arg. (D: Eric the Wanderer of the Flying
Dragons Cave - Apr 84)
Per fess Gu & Sa, a lion ramp maintaining an arrow inv Or betw 3
pairs of rapiers in salt Arg. (D: Eleazar Ben Judah - Sep 95)
Per fess Or & Gu, an arrow inv bendwise betw a heart & a roundel
ctrch. (D: Guillaume de Cop - Nov 82)
Per fess rayonny Or & Gu, a fire arrow fesswise reversed Sa
enflamed Gu & a castle Arg. (D: Zekel Zofia - May 07)
Per fess wavy Arg & Az, an arrow bendwise sin ctrch. (D: Thyrwi
Stigsdottir - Jun 08)
Per pale Arg & Az, a fist sustaining a sheaf of arrows reversed
ctrch. (D: Brian Brock - Jun 00)
Per pale Arg & Or, a Norse H rune Gu, overall an arrow inv Sa. (B:
Havenholde - Apr 02)
Per pale Arg & Sa, on a pale Gu betw 2 sealions respectant ctrch, an
arrow Arg. (D: Alastar Clark Bowman - Mar 93)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a sin gauntlet sustaining an arrow bendwise Sa
fletched Vt. (D: Jrgen von den Grnhgeln - Mar 01)

96 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrow - 1 (continued)

Per pale Arg & Vt, an arrow inv within a laurel wreath ctrch. (D:
Smughandel Vei - Aug 84)
Per pale Az & Sa, 2 bearded axes in salt surmounted by an arrow
inv Or. (D: Agnarr orvaldsson - Jul 03)
Per pale embat Az & Or, an arrow Az. (D: Nest verch Tangwistel Jan 04)
Per pale embat Gu & Arg, 2 bears combattant & in chf an arrow
fesswise ctrch. (D: Ursul Vladislavl pravnuk - Mar 05)
Per pale embowed counter-embowed Vt & Arg, a winged unicorn
salient, wings addorsed, Arg & an arrow inv Sa. (D: Jahn of
Outman - Feb 81)
Per pale indented Vt & Arg, an arrow bendwise betw in bend sin 2
sea-tygers heads erased respectant ctrch. (D: Amalia Knne Jan 03)
Per pale Or & Gu, an arrow bendwise sin ctrch. (D: Gareth
Strongbow - Aug 90)
Per pale Or & Sa, 2 hedgehogs ramp addorsed the dexter
maintaining a bow & the sin maintaining an arrow inv all
ctrch. (D: Willelm Bogamann - May 02)
Per pale Purp & Sa, 2 goats heads, couped & respectant, betw in
pale an arrow fesswise, barb to dexter, Or, & a lozenge Arg.
(D: Jean Grondin the Basque - Nov 89)
Per pale Sa & Az, a lion ramp maintaining an arrow Or, its sin rear
paw shackled with a broken chain, atop a mountain Arg. (D:
Angelique de Beauvais - Nov 98)
Per pale Sa & Az, in pale 3 buckets Arg, each pierced by an arrow
fesswise Or. (B: Morgan Wainwright - Jul 98)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a bow & arrow in salt ctrch. (B: Bridge, the Aug 79) (For Archers and Bowyers Guild)
Per pale Vt & Az, a chev ermine betw 3 roundels in chev & an
arrow inv Or. (D: Toms mac Donnchaidh - Dec 06)
Per pale Vt & Az, an arrow Or betw a pheon inv & a pheon Arg.
(D: Louis of Bowmans Rest - Dec 87)
Per pall Arg, Az & Vt, in pale an arrow fesswise Sa & a tree
eradicated Arg. (D: Dalla of the Misty Forest - Aug 91)
Per pall Arg, Purp, & Gu, an arrow fesswise reversed Purp & 2
rapiers Arg. (D: Michaela Kunrat - Sep 99)
Per pall Sa goutty deau, Or, & Vt, a stag at gaze Sa & a drawn bow
nocked of an arrow Or. (D: Rand the Tracker of Oak Hollow Sep 95)
Per pall Sa, Gu & Arg, in pale an increscent Arg surmounted by an
arrow fesswise reversed Or, & an owl disp Az. (D: Alexander
MacIntosh of Islay - Mar 93)
Per salt Arg & Gu, an arrow fesswise, barb to dexter, Or betw 3
roundels, one & 2, ctrch. (D: Tassilo dAuxerre - Oct 88)
Per salt Az & Gu, an arrow palewise Or & overall a hound passant
ermine. (D: Angus Montgomery the Forrester - Jun 91)
Per salt Az & Vt, on a swan naiant contourny reguardant Arg, an
arrow fesswise reversed Vt maintained in the swans beak, an
orle Arg. (D: Svanhild bogsveiga freyska - Aug 05)
Purp, a bend bevilled betw 2 recurved bows palewise addorsed,
each drawn & nocked of an arrow, Or. (D: Robin Saint
Michael - Aug 85)
Purp, a bend Sa fimbriated betw a stag springing & an arrow
bendwise Arg. (D: Gemma Evangelista Borgia - May 08)
Purp, a cup inv, its bowl pierced by an arrow fesswise, barb to sin,
all within a bord wavy Or. (D: Gytha of the Bows - Jun 87)
Purp, a winged arrow bendwise sin point to chf Arg betw in pale 2
butterflies Or, all within a bord Or, papelonny Sa. (D: Deirdre
Schneider - Jan 86)
Purp, an arrow Or sustained by 2 stags combatant Arg within a bord
embat Or. (D: Gearoid MacEgan - Aug 03)
Purp, an arrow palewise inv within a mascle Arg. (B: Miriel la
Jueler de Calais - Aug 89)
Quarterly Arg & Gu, a raven lying on its back, head to sin, legs
erect, Sa, pierced of an arrow ctrch. (D: Vlad Ravna
Starkraven - May 80)
Quarterly Arg & Or, an eagles claw conjoined to a sin wing Gu
sustaining an arrow inv Sa. (B: Avacal - Aug 05)
Quarterly Arg & pean, a recurve bow bendwise sin, fully drawn
with an arrow bendwise inv, Gu. (D: Arlin of Canterbury Dec 89)
Quarterly Arg & Vt, in dexter chf an arrow bendwise sin inv Gu.
(B: John Bartholomew of Flanders - Feb 08)

[Arrow - 1] to [Arrow - 2]

Arrow - 1 (continued)

Quarterly Gu & Az, a piping beast ramp Or, holding in its sin
forepaw an arrow bendwise inv & in the tail paw a trefoil Arg.
(D: Padraic ui Faolin - Aug 79)
Quarterly Gu & Az, an arrow palewise conjoined to a pair of wings
disp inv Or betw in bend 2 roses & in bend sin 2 hearts Arg.
(D: Talbott Stormeagle - Jul 87)
Quarterly Or & Sa, in salt a crossbow quarrel inv Sa & a quill pen
Or. (D: Kurt von Arriksleva - Sep 91)
Quarterly Purp & Sa, a tree blasted & couped the trunk transfixed
by an arrow fesswise reversed Or. (D: Thomas Towlewardie Feb 02)
Quarterly Sa & Az, 2 rapiers in salt surmounted by an arrow inv, all
within a bord embat Arg. (D: Michael MQuilline - May 07)
Quarterly Sa & Or, in pale an arrow fesswise & a flame ctrch. (D:
Grimvr Longtooth - Sep 03)
Sa, a bend sin Arg surmounted by a dove descending, maintaining
in its beak an arrow fesswise reversed ctrch. (D: Axel of
Taavistia - Jan 84)
Sa, a bow fesswise fully drawn with an arrow palewise inv, all
within an orle of crescents Or. (D: Bilig the Watcher May 89)
Sa, a bow nocked of an arrow Or. (D: Andrew Roriksson - Apr 99)
Sa, a bow surmounted by an arrow fesswise point to dexter & on a
chf Arg, 3 ravens volant Sa. (D: Aoibheann nic Mhuirghis Apr 95)
Sa, a dragon sejant contourny Or in chf an arrow fesswise Arg a
bord embat Or. (D: Godric ap Rhys - Mar 97)
Sa, a dragons head couped & in chf an arrow fesswise reversed
Arg. (D: Gregge the Archer - Jan 96)
Sa, a quill pen & an arrow, crossed at their points Or, in chf a
candle Arg, enflamed Or. (B: Chidiock the Younger - Oct 91)
Sa, an acorn slipped & leaved, the leaf embowed Arg, the acorn
pierced of an arrow fesswise Or. (B: Darach - Feb 83) (For
the Archers of Darach)
Sa, an arrow Arg, barbed & fletched, betw in fess a sun in splendor
Or & a moon in its complement Arg. (D: Jellica Cassor de
Larc - Feb 82)
Sa, an arrow bendwise sin Arg betw a sun in his glory & an
increscent Arg. (D: Leon de Asturias - Jun 71?)
Sa, an arrow fesswise surmounted by a decrescent Arg & on a chf
Or 3 roses Sa. (D: Lucrezia Isabella Fraccia - Apr 05)
Sa, an arrow reversed fracted chevronwise Or. (B: Douglas of
Blackstone - Oct 83)
Sa, in chf betw the halves of a single-arched bridge, its span fracted,
an arrow bendwise sin inv all Gu fimbriated Arg, in base a
flame Or. (D: Edward Kalkin of Doombridge - Sep 07)
Sa, in pale a rams head cabossed & an arrow fesswise, barb to
dexter, Or. (D: Ulrik Hrutcarl - Oct 88)
Sa, in pale an arrow bendwise sin betw the 2 pieces of a broken
goblet, a fillet engrailed in chf, invected in base, & in chf a
label dovetailed, all Arg. (D: Aarond the Grey - Aug 79?)
Sa, in pale an arrow reversed fesswise Arg & a fountain proper, a
chf checky Vt & Arg. (D: Beaune de la Sorse - May 92)
Sa, mulletty Arg, on a bend Or, an arrow inv Sa. (D: Ricardus
Goldhavoc - Jul 89)
Sa, 2 chevronels & in chf an arrow fesswise Arg. (D: Elizabeth
Turner de Carlisle - Dec 06)
Tierced per pall inv Sa, Az & Gu, an arrow fracted in chev to sin, a
wedge of Swiss cheese, & an oak tree eradicated, all Or. (B:
Mercenaries of the Great Nameless Waste - Jul 81)
Tierced per pall inv Vt, Arg & Sa, a cross Or, a heart Gu, & a bird
bolt inv Arg. (D: Aloysius Greywolfe - Aug 81)
Vairy Or & Gu, an arrow Arg enfiling a serpent involved Sa. (D:
Audrey Wormsbane of Brittany - Oct 93)
Vt, a chev & in chf an arrow fesswise reversed Or. (D: Aylwin de
Claromonte - Aug 06)
Vt, a drawn bow & arrow reversed within an orle of quatrefoils
slipped Arg. (D: Brianna Maoltuile - Jun 92)
Vt, a fish naiant pierced by an arrow bendwise inv Or. (D: Joseph
Peschur - Dec 92)
Vt, a helm pierced by an arrow bendwise sin Arg, a chf checky Arg
& Sa. (D: Harold of Eastwood - Jun 95)
Vt, a natural demi-tiger couped contourny Arg marked Sa
maintaining an arrow bendwise & in chf 3 crosses formy Or.
(D: Genevote Villeneuve de la Flche - Aug 02)

Arrow - 1 (continued)

Vt, an arrow & overall an anvil, a base Arg. (D: Phineas Thomas
ONeal - Nov 03)
Vt, in fess an arrow betw a drinking horn & a drinking horn
reversed Arg, a bord Or semy of pheons Sa. (D: Eneas Mac
Concarrigy - Jul 04)
Vt, in pale a stag at gaze Arg & a bow bendwise sin, drawn & with
arrow nocked Or. (D: Rotheric Kynith - Jun 03)
Vt, in pale a stringless lyre Arg fretted with an arrow fesswise
reversed & a stags head cabossed Or. (D: Lazarus Artifex Jun 91)
Vt, on a bend sin Or a bow Gu, in chf an arrow bendwise sin inv &
a base enarched & indented Or. (D: William of Cathair
Daibhidh - Apr 98)
Vt, 2 geese volant & a swan naiant bendwise pierced by an arrow
fesswise Arg. (D: Hreothbeorht the Fat - Aug 84)
Vt, 2 swords in salt surmounted by an arrow inv Or all within &
conjoined to a bord Or. (B: Nottinghill Coill - Feb 03) (For
Coills Champions)
* * * End * * *

Arrow - 2

(Fieldless) A bow reversed, overall in pale 2 arrows fesswise

reversed Arg. (B: Concordia of the Snows - May 02)
(Fieldless) A heart Arg pierced by 2 arrows inv in salt Sa. (B:
Morgan Fellwalker - Aug 01)
(Fieldless) A tower Or, overall 2 arrows inv in salt Gu. (B: Ben
Dunfirth - Jul 04)
(Fieldless) A wreath of holly leaves Vt, fructed Gu, overall 2
arrows inv in salt Or. (B: Margaret of Hollingford - Feb 06)
(Fieldless) An oak leaf Or, overall 2 arrows in salt Az. (B:
Gyldenholt - Sep 91)
(Fieldless) 2 arrows crossed in salt within & conjoined to an
annulet Gu. (B: Chinua Temur - Jan 05)
(Fieldless) 2 arrows in salt Arg. (B: Eilidh nin Choinnich Jan 98)
(Fieldless) 2 arrows in salt Arg surmounted by a rose Sa. (B:
Federico Arcire dal Fire - Feb 94)
(Fieldless) 2 arrows inv in salt Or surmounted by a spired tower
Arg roofed of wooden shingles proper. (B: Nikolai of Trakai Jan 05)
Arg, a bow reversed betw 2 arrows, a bord embat Az. (D:
Ekaterina Marten - Mar 95)
Arg, a chev inv Az, overall in chf a cherry tree eradicated fructed
proper, in base 2 arrows inv crossed in salt near the fletching
Sa. (D: Elaine of the Woods - Dec 82)
Arg, a hawk volant to base betw 2 arrows in chev inv Sa, a base
engrailed Az. (D: Owain of Hawksford - Dec 89)
Arg, a wolf ramp maintaining 2 arrows inv Sa & on a chf enarched
Gu a demi-sun Or. (D: Zachary Wolfhunter - Aug 96)
Arg, an Angora goats head cabossed & in base 2 arrows inv in salt,
within a bord Sa. (D: Thorgunna denn Haskasamligr Aug 79?)
Arg, in pale a Japanese crane disp & 2 arrows in salt within the
uprights of a torii gate Sa. (B: Kurabayashi Hikaru - Jan 90)
Arg, in pale a sun in his splendor Gu & 2 arrows inv in salt Sa
flighted all betw 2 pallets Vt. (D: William Fletcher - Dec 02)
Arg, in salt 2 arrows inv, on a chf urdy Sa 3 annulets Arg. (D:
Dominique Delvaux dArdennes - May 97)
Arg, in salt 2 arrows inv Sa, overall a sea-lion erect Vt. (D: Mario
lArciere - Apr 82)
Arg, on a fess betw 2 arrows fesswise reversed Az, a Wake knot
Arg. (D: Arianwen Megan McBride of Arainn - Feb 92)
Arg, on a pale betw 2 arrows Gu, an arrow inv Arg, a bord Gu. (D:
Henry of Stone Hill Keep - Sep 93)
Arg, on a pale betw 2 arrows inv Vt a bow Arg. (D: Samus Grene
the Fletcher - Jun 05)
Arg, on a pale Sa betw a pair of arrows inv & in chf 2 mullets Sa, an
arrow inv & in chf a mullet Arg. (B: Eckhart von Eschenbach
- Jan 97)
Arg, 2 arrows bendwise sin inv Sa, flighted Az, betw five pine trees
couped proper. (D: Charles du Bois - Feb 91)
Arg, 2 arrows in chev Sa. (B: Alan Fletcher - Mar 04)
Arg, 2 arrows in salt Gu overall a seeblatt on a chf Sa a bow Arg.
(D: Bruno Jger - Jan 95)
Arg, 2 arrows in salt inv Gu & overall a daffodil seeded proper. (D:
Mary Berceau du Chat - Dec 80)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 97

[Arrow - 2]

Arrow - 2 (continued)

Arg, 2 arrows in salt inv Gu betw 4 card piques Sa. (D: Ilaria
Allegri Carreto - Jan 98)
Arg, 2 arrows in salt surmounted by a feather Vt, a bord embat
Purp. (D: Cecelia Wrenne - Feb 05)
Arg, 2 arrows inv in salt Sa, fletched Gu, entwined with an ivy vine
proper. (B: Hillary Stormrider - Feb 80)
Arg, 2 arrows inv in salt Sa, fletched, on a chf Gu, a tyger dormant
Or. (D: Kane Redfeather - Oct 89)
Arg, 2 arrows inv in salt Vt betw in pale 2 boars heads erased Sa.
(D: Geoffrey of Emerald Glen - Feb 84)
Az, a crescent inv & overall an arrow fracted in chev inv Or. (D:
Edith of Arbroath - Mar 04)
Az, a dragonfly betw 2 arrows in pile Or, a bord compony Arg &
Gu. (B: Vatavia - Nov 92) (For the Baronial Archer Guard)
Az, a mace Or betw 2 arrows inv Arg, all within a bord Or. (D:
Michael vom Donau - Nov 85)
Az, a palm tree couped Arg betw 2 arrows Arg flighted Or. (D:
Ishmael of the Wells - Aug 94)
Az, a point pointed & in chf an axe betw in fess 2 arrows Arg. (D:
Ivan Ivanovitch Serebrenikov - Sep 87)
Az, a sword palewise proper betw in fess 2 arrows palewise, a base
rayonny Or. (D: Dunchadh Mac Aodha Mhoir - Dec 88)
Az, a terrier statant Arg holding in its mouth 2 arrows & on a chf
enarched Or 2 roses Gu. (D: Meliora Leuedai de Ardescote Sep 95)
Az, in pale 2 arrows chevronwise & fracted, points to sin, Or,
barbed & fletched Arg. (D: Louis de la Terre - Oct 87)
Az, in pale 2 arrows inv in salt Or & an eagle striking to sin Arg.
(D: Darcy of Eagles Crag - Oct 83)
Az, in pale 2 wolfs heads erased addorsed & conjoined at the neck
Arg & 2 arrows in salt Or. (B: Borealis - Dec 99) (For the
Order of the Silverwolf)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 arrows bendwise sin Arg, 3 towers
palewise Sa. (D: Henry of Yeovil - Jun 91)
Az, on a pale betw 2 arrows inv Or, a lute Az. (D: Joshua of
Allendorf - May 93)
Az, 3 piles in point betw 2 arrows inv in pile Arg, a bord Arg hurty.
(D: Flavius Sagittarius - Oct 94)
Az, 2 arrows in fess & in chf 3 crescents pendant Arg. (D: Juliana
de Essex - Nov 03)
Az, 2 arrows in salt betw 4 crescents, horns outwards, all within a
bord embat Arg. (B: Caid - Nov 89) (For the Kingdom
Master of Archers)
Az, 2 arrows inv in salt & on a chf wavy Or a bee volant Az. (D:
Rowena Rodericksdohter - May 83)
Az, 2 arrows inv in salt Or barbed & on a chf embat Arg 3 wolfs
paw prints Az. (D: Mickel Birnsson till Wargegrden Mar 04)
Az, 2 swords inv & 2 arrows fesswise fretted in cross, a bord Arg.
(D: C Larin Celn - Feb 94)
Gu, a base or, overall a sword inv ctrch & in chf 2 arrows in salt or.
(B: Hugh the Undecided - Aug 79) (For archery arm,
Brotherhood of the Blade)
Gu, a bend sin engrailed erminois betw 2 arrows inv in salt & 3
horseshoes interlaced in pall inv Or. (D: Margaret Elizabeth
Aison of Devon - Mar 94)
Gu, a fist couped sustaining 2 arrows in salt points to sin, a chf
triangular Arg. (D: Fearghus Amhreaidh - Oct 07)
Gu ermined Arg, 2 arrows in salt inv Or, overall a wolfs head
bendwise couped at the shoulders Sa. (D: Wulfric FitzDugald
- Jul 85)
Gu, on a chev Or 3 saltorels Gu, in chf 2 arrows Or. (D: Conull
Cameron - Feb 00)
Gu, on a fess rayonny Arg betw 2 arrows fesswise reversed Or 3
roses proper. (D: Roise inghean ui Ruaidhri - Jul 02)
Gu, on a pale Az, fimbriated betw 2 arrows inv Or, a sword inv
proper. (B: Anne Dudley de Brandhard - Jul 88) (For
Edward Dudley de Brandhard)
Gu, 2 arrows inv throughout in salt surmounted by a monster with
the front half of a lion & the back half of a dragon couchant
regardant to sin & in chf a pear slipped & leaved, all Or. (D:
Dvora Rise de Apors - Mar 84)
Gyronny Az & Sa, in pale a standing balance, its arm bendwise sin
& maintaining in the sin pan a weight, & 2 arrows in fess
conjoined at the points Arg. (D: Samuel Zetetic the Skeptic Jan 07)
98 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrow - 2 (continued)

Or, a demi-dragon contourny maintaining in its sin claw a bow & in

its dexter claw 2 arrows Az, a bord embat Gu. (D: Maria
Angela da Firenze - Dec 05)
Or, a fess embat counter-embat Gu betw 2 arrows inv in salt Sa & a
pine tree Vt. (D: Robert de Fletcher the Duelist - Mar 83)
Or, a gurges Gu, overall 2 arrows in pale fesswise reversed Az. (D:
Marcos da Bragana - Jul 05)
Or, a pale Vt, overall 2 arrows inv in salt Sa. (D: Magnus of
Falkirk - Feb 98)
Or, an oak tree fructed proper betw in base 2 arrows in chev inv Sa.
(D: Kinoshita Yasuke - Jan 03)
Or, in pale a dragon passant coward Sa & 2 arrows in salt Gu. (B:
Drachenwald - Apr 98) (For the Company of Archers)
Or, on a pile throughout Gu betw 2 arrows in pile Sa, a wolf sejant
contourny ululant Arg. (D: Andr le Loup de Mer - May 93)
Or, on a pile throughout Vt betw 2 arrows inv Sa, a dexter gauntlet
sustaining a dagger fesswise reversed Arg. (D: Anisko
Mandyevich - Apr 04)
Or, 2 arrows fesswise Gu & a mount Sa. (D: Kuroyama
Ryuuichirou Tokinari - Sep 95)
Or, 2 arrows in salt & on a chf Az 3 anchors Or. (D: Samus
Grdaigh - Sep 05)
Or, 2 arrows in salt Gu surmounted by a bow fesswise & in chf a
boar courant Sa. (D: Gerhardt der Jger - Nov 90)
Or, 2 arrows in salt inv proper barbed Sa & fletched Gu surmounted
by a bow fesswise proper all within a bord Gu. (D: Richard
Stanley Bowmaker - Jan 91)
Per bend embat Arg & Az, an escallop & 2 arrows inv in salt ctrch.
(D: Anastasia Volkova - Jul 89)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a wolf courant Sa betw in pale 2 arrows
palewise ctrch. (B: Ivan of Summergate - Apr 07)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a fess dancetty betw in pale an arrow
fesswise & an arrow fesswise reversed, all ctrch Or & Gu. (D:
Owen Arbalista - Dec 82)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, 2 arrows inv in salt Or & an anvil Sa. (D:
Connor Mac Cormaic - Nov 92)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, a bend sin engrailed betw 2 arrows bendwise
sin, that in base inv Arg. (B: Caitlin Ross of Cairngorm Mar 93)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, on a bend sin betw a mermaid in her vanity
& 2 arrows inv in salt Or 3 stars of David palewise Az. (D:
John of Ravenspur - Jul 00)
Per bend sin Vt & Arg, 2 arrows inv in salt Or & a thistle proper.
(D: Donnchadh mac Cadaigh - Feb 02)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 2 arrows palewise inv, Vt & a harp Or. (D: Aelf
of Kings Crossing - May 88)
Per chev Az & Or, a boar passant contourny Arg & 2 arrows inv in
salt Gu. (D: Thomas da Cordova - Feb 97)
Per chev Gu & Arg, a chev throughout betw 2 arrows inv in chev &
an eagle rising wings disp all ctrch Or & Gu. (D: Aidan
Sceotend t thm Mistigum Merum - Feb 92)
Per chev inv Az & Sa, a cinquefoil Or & 2 arrows inv in chev inv
Arg. (D: Adelheidis Sptauf - Sep 03)
Per chev inv ploy throughout Arg & Az, a mullet of eight points &
2 arrows inv in pile ctrch. (D: Arwenna of Kelsley - Sep 03)
Per chev inv Purp & Or, a longbow Or & 2 arrows in chev inv Purp.
(D: Odd Bjarnarson - Apr 08)
Per chev Or & Purp, 2 wooden bows drawn & nocked, arrow points
to center, proper, the arrows flighted Vt, & a ram statant to sin
guardant Arg. (D: Etxatxu Enequy Jaudonebiquendiosteaco Jul 04)
Per chev Sa & Or, 2 unicorns heads couped at the shoulder
respectant & in salt 2 arrows inv ctrch. (D: Juliana
FitzWilliam - Nov 83)
Per chev throughout Vt & Arg, 2 arrows Arg & a ravens head
erased Sa. (D: Daria Erich - Jul 93)
Per fess Az & Or, a compass star Or & 2 arrows inv in salt Sa. (D:
Ihon MacLucas - Jun 03)
Per fess Gu & checky Sa & Arg, in chf 2 arrows inv in salt
surmounted by a goats head cabossed Arg. (D: Ivar Volosatoi
- Nov 96)
Per fess indented of 3 points Az & Arg, in pale a laurel wreath Or &
2 arrows crossed in salt inv Gu. (D: Arrowreach - Jun 01)
Per fess indented of 3 points Vt & Arg, a pale ctrch overall 2 arrows
inv in salt Gu. (B: Quintavia - Jan 86) (For Quintavia
Company of Archers)

[Arrow - 2] to [Arrow - 3]

Arrow - 2 (continued)

Per fess Or & Sa, 2 bows nocked with arrows & drawn, strings to
center, & a rams head couped ctrch. (D: yri ingen Aedain ui
Rigain - Apr 07)
Per fess Sa & Or, 2 arrows inv & a wolfs head cabossed within a
bord semy of musical notes, all ctrch. (D: Hamon
MacPhersone - Jan 08)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a cat sejant betw in fess 2 arrows ctrch. (D:
Leona Roy Colquhoun - Jan 00)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a mountain, & in chf 2 arrows in salt ctrch. (D:
Eilidh nin Choinnich - Nov 94)
Per pale Az & Or, a double-bitted axe & in base 2 arrows inv in salt
ctrch. (D: Varr lerhls - Jun 05)
Per pale Az & Purp, a rapier & overall in salt 2 arrows inv Or. (D:
Eadan of Tir-y-Don - Jan 05)
Per pale embat Gu & Vt, a sea-wolf Arg & 2 arrows in salt Or. (D:
Kathryn Bearward of Wolfenden - Mar 95)
Per pale Or & Az, in fess a cubit arm maintaining an arrow palewise
inv Sa conjoined in chev inv to another maintaining an arrow
palewise Or. (D: Katherine Fletcher of Stonemarche Jan 90)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a quiver holding 2 arrows overall 2 swords in
salt all per pale Arg & Sa. (B: Eleanor of Caithness - Aug 05)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 2 parrots rising to sin, wings elevated &
addorsed, each maintaining an arrow inv, & a lotus blossom in
profile Or. (D: Saroj Gauari Dvija - May 92)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 arrows inv ctrch. (D: Donaldus Fletcher Jan 91)
Per pale Vt & Az, a harp Arg betw in pale 2 arrows fesswise
reversed Or, a bord Arg. (D: Finn mac Domnaill - Jun 05)
Per pale Vt & Purp, 2 arrows in salt Or, overall a wolfs head
cabossed Arg. (D: Heather O Fellaghy - Apr 99)
Per pale Vt & Sa, in pale a sycamore leaf Arg & 2 arrows in salt Or.
(D: Ron of Sundragon - Jan 88)
Per pall Or, Gu, & Vt, 2 arrows in salt Or & in chf a claw couped
contourny Gu. (D: Talon Ravenesclawe - Sep 99)
Per pall Vt, Or, & Gu, in pale a spired tower Arg & 2 arrows inv in
salt ctrch. (D: Nikolai of Trakai - Oct 93)
Per salt Arg & Gu, 2 arrows Sa & 2 crosses patonce Arg. (D:
Caitrona inghean Raghnaill - Sep 06)
Per salt Az & Or, in pale 2 drawn bows & arrows pointing to sin Or,
& in fess 2 foxs masks Gu. (D: Andreu Pedley - Jul 92)
Per salt Vt & Arg, a salt dovetailed betw in pale 2 arrows inv & in
fess 2 ducks volant to sin all ctrch. (D: Wade Fletcher Fowler
- Jan 91)
Per salt Vt & chequy Sa & Arg, in pale a chess rook & 2 arrows inv
in salt Arg. (D: Robin Longfellow - Jun 88)
Purp, a phoenix facing sin Or, rising from flames proper, issuant
from 2 arrows inv in salt Arg. (D: Anne Redlocks - Dec 92)
Purp, 2 fire arrows inv crossed in salt Arg enflamed proper on a chf
rayonny Arg 3 pairs of knitting needles crossed in salt Purp.
(D: Alis ni Malone - Feb 00)
Quarterly Or & Arg, a duck volant betw in bend sin 2 arrows
bendwise Sa. (D: Lewis ODonald - Jun 95)
Quarterly Sa & Az, 2 arrows inv in salt Arg, barbed & flighted Or,
surmounted by a sword proper, betw in cross 4 compass stars
Arg. (D: Wulfhere Nordwulf - Mar 93)
Sa, a bear & a catamount ramp addorsed betw in pale an arrow
fesswise reversed & an arrow fesswise Arg. (D: Uilliam mac
Maolin - Apr 02)
Sa, a bend Or, overall a tower betw 2 arrows inv Arg. (D: Wilhelm
von Pfeffers - Dec 96)
Sa, a Japanese quiver with 2 arrows within a bord Arg. (D:
Tsunetomi Todomu - Apr 87)
Sa, an open scroll palewise Or charged with a crossbow palewise
inv Az surmounted by 2 arrows inv in salt Gu. (D: Gedkin the
Studious - Nov 80)
Sa, betw 2 wings conjoined 2 arrows in salt, overall a sword wavy
inv, all Arg. (D: Leanna fran Laga Sable Klinga - Aug 79?)
Sa, in chf a catamount passant guardant Arg, maintaining in each
forepaw an arrow inv & issuant from base a demi-sun Or. (D:
Kaffar Muiriath - May 82)
Sa, in pale a moon in her plenitude & 2 arrows inv in salt all betw 2
pallets Arg. (D: Jannet Fletcher - Dec 02)
Sa, in salt 2 arrows inv betw in pale a crescent inv, engrailed in chf,
& a crescent, engrailed in base, Arg. (B: Alric Bowbreaker of
the High March - Nov 79)

Arrow - 2 (continued)

Sa, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 arrows bendwise sin Or 3 estoiles of

eight rays Purp. (D: Daniel O Rian the Fletcher - Jun 01)
Sa, on a pale betw 2 arrows inv Arg a bow Sa. (D: Alan Fletcher Apr 94)
Sa, on a pile betw 2 gryphons combattant, each maintaining an
arrow Or, a wreath of butterflies, heads to center, Sa. (D:
Artemisia - Nov 90) (For the Consort of Artemisia)
Sa, on a pile betw 2 griffins combattant, each maintaining an arrow
Or, an ancient crown within a laurel wreath Sa. (D: Artemisia
- Sep 96)
Sa, 2 arrows in chev Arg. (B: Alan Fletcher - Mar 04)
Sa, 2 arrows in salt, in chf a crescent inv, engrailed in chf, raguly in
base, & in base a like crescent, all Arg. (D: Alric Bowbreaker
of the High March - Jul 74?)
Sa, 2 arrows in salt, in chf a tulip-tree slip fesswise Or. (D: Don the
Archer - Oct 76?)
Sa, 2 arrows in salt, on a chf Arg 3 roses Sa. (D: Federico Arcire
dal Fire - Feb 94)
Sa, 2 arrows in salt surmounted by a mug bendwise sin inv Arg
charged with an acorn Sa. (B: Mugmort - Jun 83) (For the
Mugmort Company of Archers)
Sa, 2 arrows inv in salt Or betw in fess a decrescent & an increscent
& overall a battle axe Arg. (D: Miles Oakeley - Mar 84)
Vt, a stags head cabossed, betw its antlers 2 arrows inv in salt Arg,
a bord embat Or. (B: Outlands, the - Mar 95) (For the
Archer General of the Outlands)
Vt, on a bend sin betw an arrow & an arrow inv Arg, five mullets
palewise Vt. (D: Christian of the Faeroes - Mar 91)
Vt, on a chev betw 2 broken arrows fesswise Or another
chevronwise Vt. (D: Robert Thorne - Jan 97)
Vt, on a pile betw 2 arrows in pile Or a foxs mask Sa. (D: Geraint
Morys - Dec 02)
Vt, 2 arrows crossed in salt surmounted by a double-bitted axe & on
a chf indented Or 2 shamrocks Sa. (D: Conall mac Magnusa Feb 02)
Vt, 2 arrows in salt betw in fess 2 goblets, a bord Or. (B: Saint
Artemas - Jun 96)
Vt, 2 arrows inv in salt within a sea-serpent in annulo head to chf &
vorant of its own tail Arg. (B: Loch Soilleir - Jan 03) (For
the Baronial Archery Champion)
* * * End * * *

Arrow - 3

(Fieldless) A barrel palewise pierced to sin by 3 arrows fesswise in

pale Sa, fletched Vt. (B: Marian of Edwinstowe - Apr 89)
(Fieldless) A bow fesswise inv, overall a sheaf of arrows inv Sa.
(B: Baldric von Adlerberg - Dec 95)
(Fieldless) A crossbow Sa loaded with 3 flaming arrows conjoined
at the nock Or enflamed Gu. (B: Ronan Mac a Chaladair Aug 91) (For House of the Ash and Yew)
(Fieldless) A manta ray tergiant Sa maintaining in its tail a sheaf of
arrows fesswise Or. (B: Tir-y-Don - Nov 05)
(Fieldless) A sheaf of arrows Or surmounted by a dragons scale
Purp. (B: Dragonsspine - Sep 99)
(Fieldless) A sheaf of 3 arrows inv Or, fletched Vt. (B: Ian Griffen
the Archer - Apr 99)
(Fieldless) A sheaf of 3 arrows inv, overall a rose Arg. (B:
Meridies - Dec 96) (For the Companionate of the Queens
(Fieldless) A sheaf of 3 fire arrows inv Sa enflamed Gu. (B: Stefan
OReilly - Nov 97)
(Fieldless) 3 quarrels inv & conjoined at the nocks Gu, heads
enflamed Or. (B: Henry Enhallow - Jan 98)
Arg, a bar enhanced Gu, overall 3 arrows inv in salt & in pale Or.
(D: Michael Fenwick of Fotheringhay - Aug 80)
Arg, a bend sin wavy Purp betw a double-bitted axe & a sheaf of
arrows Sa. (D: Fearghus MacKenna - May 00)
Arg, a chev cotised Vt betw 2 stags salient respectant & a sheaf of
arrows Sa. (D: Alric Blackhart - Sep 07)
Arg, a fess betw 3 arrows bendwise Vt. (D: William of the Forest Jun 03)
Arg, a fess rayonny Gu betw a garden rose bendwise sin Sa, slipped
& leaved Vt, & a sheaf of arrows Sa. (D: Godwin Blackrose Oct 92)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 99

[Arrow - 3]

Arrow - 3 (continued)

Arg, a fox ramp proper maintaining in its dexter paw 3 arrows inv
Or within a bord embat Gu. (D: Reynaud de Burgundy Sep 06)
Arg, a horse ramp contourny, in canton a sheaf of arrows fesswise
reversed Sa within a bord potenty Gu. (D: Adelasia della
Corte - May 07)
Arg, a sheaf of arrows betw flaunches Sa all within a bord ctrch. (B:
Mons Tonitrus - Nov 03) (For Order of the Sable Arrows)
Arg, a sheaf of arrows betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Sa, a bord embat Az.
(D: Elspeth la Faire - Jan 97)
Arg, a sheaf of arrows Gu betw in fess 2 trefoils Vt, all within a
bord Gu. (D: Deirdre Littlejohn - Apr 93)
Arg, a sheaf of arrows inv Sa within a laurel wreath Vt & on a chf
Az 2 boars heads couped respectant Or. (D: Vest Yorvik Oct 83)
Arg, a sheaf of arrows inv Vt, on a chf invected Az, 3 drakkars Arg.
(D: Strvarr rvarsmir - Jul 05)
Arg, a sheaf of arrows Sa, on a chf Az 3 mullets Or. (D: Elena of
Lincoln - Jan 93)
Arg, a sheaf of 3 arrows Gu & a trimount paly Vt & Or. (B: Ilaria
Veltri degli Ansari - Sep 89)
Arg, a sheaf of 3 arrows inv within a bord embat Sa. (D: Jonathan
Blackshaft - May 88)
Arg, a thistle proper betw 3 arrows in annulo Sa flighted Gu. (D:
Mairghread Murdoch - Jan 08)
Arg, in pale a sheaf of arrows inv Sa & a vol Gu. (D: Peregrin the
Lost - Mar 96)
Arg, in pale a tower Sa masoned Arg & 3 arrows in pile Gu. (D:
Phocas of Bordermarch - Jun 05)
Arg, in pale 3 arrows fesswise reversed Gu, overall a brown bear
statant erect to sin proper. (D: Sebastian the Bear - Feb 90)
Arg, masoned Sa, in pale a sheaf of arrows, banded & a laurel
wreath Gu betw flaunches Az. (D: Plattefordham - Nov 91)
Arg, on a chev betw 3 gauntlets Sa, each maintaining an arrow
fesswise reversed Gu, an arrow reversed fracted in chev Arg.
(D: Oswin of Moonstone - Feb 03)
Arg, on a quiver with 3 arrows Az a triskele Arg. (B: Trimaris May 96) (For Order of the Quiver)
Arg, 3 arrow fletchings in pall, shafts to center, a bord Sa. (D:
Walkelin Montgomery - Jun 08)
Arg, 3 arrows in fess Az. (D: Eirik Thorkelsson - Feb 98)
Arg, 3 arrows in fess, on a chf indented Az 3 wolfs heads cabossed
Arg. (D: Leohtulf of the Silver Hills - Nov 94)
Arg, 3 arrows in pall, points outwards Sa, on a chf Az a label
couped Arg. (D: Erik of Saint Katherines College - Sep 92)
Arg, 3 arrows in pall, points to center, betw as many annulets Gu.
(D: Hiroshi Shizukana - Aug 86)
Arg, 3 arrows Sa & on a chf Az 3 suns Or. (D: Albrecht Ulfsson Jun 96)
Arg, 3 birds migrant, each sustaining an arrow fesswise reversed Gu
within a bord dovetailed Sa. (D: Alison MacLeod - Dec 00)
Arg, 3 crossbow bolts in pall points outwards Gu. (D: Styrr
Gizursson - Mar 07)
Az, a bend Or, surmounted by in fess 3 arrows inv ctrch, all within
a bord counter-ermine. (D: Francesca di Pirgallo - Aug 81)
Az, a cubit arm grasping 3 arrows fesswise Arg, issuant from a ford
proper, a chf Arg maily Sa. (D: Simric Mailweaver - Aug 90)
Az, a ferret sejant erect maintaining a sheaf of arrows Arg within a
bord ermine. (D: Tessa the Huntress - Feb 02)
Az, a sea-horse Or betw in pall 3 arrows points to center Arg. (D:
Morgan Archer - Nov 03)
Az, a sheaf of arrows inv Or & in chf 3 mullets Arg. (D: Robyn
McLaren - Nov 97)
Az, a sheaf of arrows inv Or betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Etienne
of Burgundy - Nov 95)
Az, a sheaf of arrows inv Or betw 2 moons in their complement, a
chf embat Arg. (B: Twin Moons - Jun 95)
Az, a triskele Arg within a triangle of 3 arrows interlaced Or. (B:
Trimaris - Jan 94)
Az, a wolf passant to sin maintaining a sheaf of arrows inv, in
canton a mullet of seven points Arg, a ford proper. (D:
Tyrfingr von Wolfsberg - Jun 04)
Az, in fess 3 arrows & on a chf Arg 3 gouttes Az. (D: Justinus
Fletcher - Sep 04)
Az mullety of eight points, a chev cotised betw 3 foxes ramp each
maintaining an arrow Arg. (D: Kiyohara Soteme - Feb 08)
100 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrow - 3 (continued)

Az, on a fess wavy betw a compass & a sheaf of 3 arrows Or 3

trefoils Vt. (D: Colin Wynthorpe - May 85)
Az, 3 arrows in sheaf inv, a chf rayonny Or. (D: Charles of Alden Dec 00)
Az, 3 arrows Or. (D: Rumil Fletcher - Dec 98)
Az, 3 fire-arrows bendwise sin in bend Arg, enflamed proper. (D:
Loran Redbow - Jun 76?)
Az, vetu, a sheaf of 3 arrows inv Arg. (D: Rannulf of Arrows Keep
- Jun 90)
Barry Vt & Arg, a sheaf of 3 arrows Gu. (D: Cline de Frontenac Mar 91)
Gu, a bend sin Sa fimbriated betw a compass rose & a sheaf of
arrows Or. (D: Reynard de la Rochefoucauld - Apr 02)
Gu, a sheaf of 3 arrows & on a chf Arg 3 arrowheads Gu. (D:
Theodore de Hales - Aug 83)
Gu, a sheaf of 3 arrows Arg, fletched Or, a bord counter compony
Sa & Arg. (B: Deirdre Fletcher - Dec 97)
Gu, a sheaf of 3 arrows Arg fletched Vt marked Sa, a chf embat
Arg. (D: Aeddan Ivor - Apr 99)
Gu, a sheaf of 3 arrows banded Arg & a bord Arg semy of roses Gu.
(D: Helen Rose Winfield - Feb 91)
Gu, a sheaf of 3 arrows bound by a serpent coiled to sin guardant,
all Or. (D: Michael of York - Dec 75?)
Gu, a sheaf of 3 arrows inv betw in fess 2 mullets & on a base Or a
mullet Gu. (D: Deirdre Fletcher - Jun 92)
Gu, 3 quarrels conjoined in pall Or & in chf a foaming beer stein
Arg. (D: Gerhardt von Rotbart - Dec 80)
Gu, 2 pallets dancetty, in fess 3 arrows Arg. (D: Fearghus the
Elder - Oct 05)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, a wyvern passant Gu winged Or maintaining a
sheaf of arrows inv & a bow Or, a bord Gu. (D: Ian Lindsay
Macrae - Apr 05)
Or, a cock passant, in chf 3 arrows bendwise Sa. (D: Jochen von
Balduinseck - Jan 85)
Or, a lion Gu maintaining a sheaf of arrows inv & on a chf Sa 3
crosses couped Or. (D: Marguerite de Moseleia - Mar 04)
Or, a pall inv Sa betw 3 pairs each of an arrow inv & a sword
crossed in salt Gu. (D: Andras Truemark - Feb 00)
Or, a sheaf of arrows Gu & on a bord Sa 4 decrescents in cross Or.
(D: Naima bint Rashid al-Andalusiyya - Aug 03)
Or, a sheaf of arrows inv Sa within a bord indented Az. (B:
Atenveldt, Kingdom of - Apr 05) (For Kingdom Royal
Or, in pale 3 arrows with points to sin fracted chevronwise proper,
flighted Az. (D: Brenainn OMurchadha de Ros Comain Jul 86)
Or, in pale 3 bows reversed one & 2, drawn with arrows nocked, &
a hawk striking contourny Sa. (B: Johan of Hawksley Jul 06)
Or, on a mullet of six points Sa a griffin sejant to sin erect, grasping
in its dexter talon 3 arrows inv & in its sin talon a paintbrush &
palette, all Or. (B: Eliahu ben Itzhak - Dec 92)
Or, 3 arrows inv in fess Purp within a laurel Vt. (D: Arrows Flight
- Jan 98)
Or, 2 arrows in salt, points to sin, surmounted by another fesswise,
point to dexter Sa flighted Az, a chf embat Sa. (D: Craig of
the White Cliffs - Sep 92)
Or, 2 unicorns heads couped Sa & a sheaf of 3 arrows & on a chf
Purp 3 roses Or. (D: Aibhiln n Dhomhnaill mhic Ghiolla tSeanin - Feb 92)
Per bend Az & Arg, a bend ctrch betw a sun in his splendor Or & 3
arrows 2 & one Sa. (D: dam Caomhnach - Jul 04)
Per bend Az & Gu, a bend Or betw 3 arrows in pale fesswise
reversed & a mariners whistle palewise Arg. (D: William
Fletcher of Carbery - Dec 05)
Per bend embat Gu & Sa, in base 3 arrows fesswise Or. (D: Juliana
verch Hoell - Mar 05)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend betw 3 arrows fesswise in pale Arg & a
bell Or. (D: Cynyr ab Aneirin - Oct 02)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a sheaf of arrows inv, on a chf Or a horse
courant contourny Vt. (D: Sara Littel of Denby Dale Dec 00)
Per bend Or & Gu, 3 arrows in pale fesswise points to dexter & a
drum ctrch. (D: Arwen Southernwood - Jun 85)
Per bend Sa & Or, a wolf ramp Arg & a sheaf of arrows Sa. (D:
Magns Daggson gylir - Apr 02)

[Arrow - 3]

Arrow - 3 (continued)

Per bend sin Az & Sa, a sheaf of 3 arrows within a bord embat Arg.
(D: Cedric the Humble - Dec 93)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a sheaf of 3 arrows & a beehive Or. (D:
Robert Under the Wood - Apr 86)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, a sheaf of 3 arrows inv Sa, overall a shoe
reversed Or. (D: Shannon the Straggler - Mar 90)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a bend betw a garden rose bendwise, slipped
& leaved, & a sheaf of 3 arrows, all within a bord Or. (D:
Rhiannon Rose OMuray - Feb 89)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt, a stags head caboshed & a sheaf of arrows
Arg. (D: Alexander Stuart of Dunvegan - Nov 96)
Per bend sin raguly Arg & Az, a lute fesswise, neck to sin, proper,
& 3 arrows, 2 in salt debruised by another fesswise, Arg. (D:
Daniel de Hales - Oct 85)
Per bend sin Sa semy-de-lys Or & bendy Gu & Arg, in chf a dragon
ramp maintaining a sheaf of arrows Or. (D: Stefan von
Drachenfels - Dec 96)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a sheaf of arrows inv & a horse passant ctrch.
(D: Catyln OSullivan - May 08)
Per bend Vt & Or, a sheaf of arrows Or & an anvil Sa. (D:
Dnchadh mac an Gabhann - Jul 05)
Per chev Arg, semy of aspen leaves, & Vt, a chev per chev Vt &
Arg, in base a sheaf of 3 arrows inv Arg. (D: Leif Ivarson Oct 85)
Per chev Az & Arg, a sheaf of 3 arrows inv Arg & a pine tree
couped proper. (D: Robert James Fitzalan - Dec 94)
Per chev embat Vt & Or, 2 plates & a sheaf of arrows Sa. (D:
Amalric dAcre - Apr 04)
Per chev ermine & Vt, a sheaf of arrows inv Gu & a lantern Arg.
(D: Caradoc ap Rhys - Jun 96)
Per chev indented Az & Or, 2 harps addorsed Or & a dragon
passant contourny Vt maintaining in its dexter forepaw a sheaf
of arrows inv Sa, an orle of bay leaves conjoined ctrch. (D:
Owain Norgard of Greenbriar - Jul 97)
Per chev inv Gu & Sa, a sheaf of arrows inv within an orle of
roundels Or. (D: Torin o the Dell - Feb 94)
Per chev inv Or & Purp, 3 arrows inv ctrch. (D: Eleanor of
Hathersage - Jan 93)
Per chev Purp & Arg, 2 lions combattant Or & a sheaf of arrows inv
Purp, in chf a trefoil knot Arg. (D: Abinn Shlibe Glass Oct 00)
Per chev Purp & Vt, a sheaf of arrows inv within a bord Arg. (B:
Reyne Telarius - Jul 06)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a chev betw 3 mullets & a sheaf of arrows inv
Arg. (D: Galen MacColmin - Dec 04)
Per fess Arg & Vt, in pale 3 arrows fesswise reversed Vt barbed Sa
& 3 annulets one & 2 interlaced Arg. (D: Einarr mac
Dhmhnuill - Apr 04)
Per fess Az & Arg, a boars head caboshed Or & a sheaf of arrows
inv Sa. (B: Vest Yorvik - Oct 83)
Per fess Az & Or, a river running at the foot of mountains betw in
chf a demi-sun & in base a sheaf of arrows inv & a garb, all
proper. (D: Ohio, State of - May 99) (Important non-SCA
Per fess Az & Vt, 3 arrows inv Or. (D: Samuel Lewis of Fenton Mar 07)
Per fess embat Arg & Or, 3 bows reversed, drawn with arrows
nocked, & a hawk striking contourny Sa. (D: Johan of
Hawksley - Jul 06)
Per fess embat Az & Gu, a sheaf of arrows within a bord Arg. (D:
Aodhan Longarrow - Jun 03)
Per fess embat Vt & Arg, 3 arrows bendwise inv Arg flighted Or &
a tree eradicated proper. (D: Antony Martin of Sheffeld Oct 02)
Per fess Gu & Vt, in chf a Latin cross & in base 3 arrows fesswise
in pale Or. (D: Cornelius Brangwyn - Mar 96)
Per fess Or & Arg, in chf a brown bear statant reguardant proper,
maintaining in its mouth a fish embowed Arg, & in base a bow
bendwise sin reversed surmounted by 3 arrows bendwise inv
Sa. (D: Knut Skytja Thorngundobald - Jan 84)
Per fess Or & Gu, a sheaf of arrows & a Manx cat passant ctrch. (D:
Num bint Bb - Dec 93)
Per fess Vt & Or, in pale 3 arrows fesswise Or & a turtle tergiant
fesswise to sin Vt, a bord counter-compony Arg & Sa. (D:
Aubrey Murray - Feb 99)

Arrow - 3 (continued)

Per pale Arg & Az, a bend betw a spur fesswise reversed in profile
& 3 arrows palewise inv ctrch. (D: Thomas of Cathanar Feb 96)
Per pale embat & per fess Az & Or, a horses head couped & a
sheaf of arrows Az. (D: Elspeth Macaffeith - Sep 07)
Per pale Purp & Sa, a castle triple-towered betw 3 arrows Arg. (D:
Rosalinda of Castile - Apr 03)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 3 arrows inv ctrch. (D: Brian Blackarrow Mar 82)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 3 arrows inv palewise in fess & on a chf Arg, a
shepherds crook reversed Sa. (D: Marcus MacDonald Apr 85)
Per pall Arg, Purp, & Vt, in pale a strawberry proper & a sheaf of
arrows Arg. (D: Aoibheann an Einigh inghean Tighearnin Jul 07)
Per pall inv Gu Vt & Or, 3 wolves ramp each maintaining an arrow
ctrch Or & Sa. (D: Caoilfionn of Kintyre - Dec 96)
Per pall inv Purp, Sa & Arg, 2 hemlock blossoms Arg seeded Or &
a sheaf of arrows inv Purp. (D: Charis Sabran - Oct 06)
Per salt Arg & Gu, a sheaf of arrows inv Gu betw 2 compass stars
Arg. (D: Thomas Haler Cnutsson - Feb 92)
Per salt Sa & Gu, an arrow inv surmounted by 2 arrows in salt Or.
(D: Sveinn inn kyrri Grimsson - Feb 08)
Purp, a bend engrailed Arg betw 2 needles in salt Or threaded Sa &
a sheaf of arrows Or. (D: Elzebeth Bluscichofin - Jan 06)
Purp, a chev couched from dexter interlaced with a chev couched
from sin Or & overall 3 arrows inv in fess Arg. (D: sta
orvaldsdttir - Jul 03)
Purp, a cross of Calatrava above 3 arrows reversed fesswise in pale
Or. (B: Calontir - Oct 84) (For Kings Compaignie of
Purp, a sea-lion Arg maintaining 3 arrows inv Or betw 3 estoiles
Arg. (D: Nikolai Grigorievich the Archer - May 92)
Purp, a sheaf of arrows inv surmounted by a chalice Or. (B:
Hunters Home - Dec 93)
Purp, in pale a sheaf of arrows inv & a unicorn Arg all within a bord
Arg semy of trefoils Vt. (D: L Ban ingen u Dhuinnn Apr 03)
Purp, in pale an open book & a sheaf of arrows Arg within a bord
embat Or. (D: Robin Bowman - Jun 06)
Purp, on a vol Arg a trumpet palewise Gu, & in chf a sheaf of
arrows inv Or. (D: Jon Tristram - Mar 98)
Quarterly Sa & Vt, 3 arrows in pile Or. (D: Damian le Archer Jan 06)
Sa, a crossbow betw 3 quarrels inv palewise, one & 3, all within a
bord embat Arg. (D: Barbara of Cambion - Jan 90)
Sa, a sheaf of arrows betw flaunches Or. (D: Siobhan nic Ghiolla
Mhin - Jul 96)
Sa, in fess 3 firearrows Arg. (D: Willahelm Franz Kesselheim Jan 02)
Sa, on a tower Arg betw 3 arrows in pall, points to center Or, a
wolfs head erased Sa. (D: Gaius Gracchus of Greymist Nov 90)
Sa, 3 arrows in pall, points conjoined Or betw 3 daggers inv, each
blade surmounted by an anvil Arg. (D: Greger Eberhard Aug 92)
Sa, 2 arrows in salt surmounted by a third palewise, all inv, & in
base a longbow fesswise Or. (D: Bruce the Long-Winded Jun 80)
Vt, a bend sin betw an eagle rising & a sheaf of arrows Or. (D:
Muireann inghean u Rodin - Apr 04)
Vt, a longbow fesswise inv surmounted by 3 arrows conjoined in
pile Or. (D: Allan Bluehood of Woods End - Aug 82)
Vt, a male griffin sejant coward to sin Arg, in chf 3 arrows
bendwise sin inv Or. (D: Caitlin ni Cilean de Bri - Jul 83)
Vt, a sheaf of arrows inv betw 2 scarpes Or. (D: Ian Griffen the
Archer - Apr 99)
Vt, a sheaf of arrows inv Or betw flaunches ermine. (D: Timothy of
Edgewood - May 94)
Vt, a sheaf of forked arrows inv surmounted by a 3 pronged vajhra
fesswise Or. (D: Kuji Ka Onimusashi - Jul 96)
Vt, a wolf ramp Arg maintaining in its dexter forepaw a sheaf of 3
arrows Or, barbed & flighted Arg, & sustaining in its sin
forepaw in chf a bow fesswise Gu. (D: Robert Strongbow Oct 07)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 101

[Arrow - 3] to [Arrow - 4 or more]

Arrow - 3 (continued)

Vt, an armored cubit arm maintaining a sheaf of arrows fesswise, on

a base Or 3 boars heads erased Vt. (D: Pdraig hinle Sep 92)
Vt, an eagle disp maintaining a longbow & a sheaf of arrows inv
Arg within a bord erminois. (B: Cadolen ferch Angharad the
Farwanderer - Oct 02)
Vt, on a bend sin cotised Arg betw a sheaf of tulips slipped & a
sheaf of arrows inv Or, a demi-bear affronty palewise, paws
outstretched, Sa. (D: Bjorn Krom Hakenberg - Nov 06)
Vt, 3 arrows in pall, points outward, betw a cat sejant affronty & 2
cats combattant Or. (D: Shaw Shadowdweller - Nov 83)
Vt, 3 arrows inv within a bord Or. (D: Daniel Moorsholm Dec 95)
Vt, upon a sheaf of 3 arrows points upwards Or, a bezant charged
with a dragons head erased Sa. (D: Kirk of Wendarrow Jul 71?)
* * * End * * *

Arrow - 4 or more

(Fieldless) A boars head couped close Gu sustaining in its mouth a

sheaf of five arrows Or barbed & flighted Gu. (B: Red Spears
- Nov 06) (For the Order of the Boars Eye)
(Fieldless) A Lacy knot Or within & conjoined to a mascle of 2
arrows inv & 2 arrows, points & nocks crossed Vt. (B:
Bertrand de Lacy - Jul 05)
(Fieldless) A sheaf of a sword inv betw 4 arrows Arg bound with a
garter Sa. (B: Ingilborg Sigmundardttir - Jun 06) (Blanket
permission to conflict with badge granted 0802C)(For House
(Fieldless) 4 arrows fretted in salt, overall a sword palewise inv
Arg. (B: Morien MacBain - Feb 08)
(Fieldless) 4 drawn bows & arrows conjoined in cross arrowheads
outward Arg. (B: Mykola Alecksandr - Aug 99)
(Fieldless) Six arrows fretted in salt Or. (B: Uilliam of Reisling Mar 92)
(Fieldless) Six arrows fretted in salt Sa. (B: Uilliam of Reisling Mar 92)
Arg, a compass star Az betw 4 arrows in salt, points outward Vt.
(D: Nicolette de Loria - Feb 97)
Arg, a Great Horned Owl rising guardant, wings elevated & disp,
proper, maintaining in its sin claw an arrow bendwise, within
an orle of arrows set barb to fletch clockwise, Sa. (D: Mikel
the Silent - Sep 88)
Arg, a pegasus segreant betw 3 sheaves of arrows inv Purp. (D:
Simonis Branaina - Apr 00)
Arg, a sword inv Gu betw 4 sheafs of arrows inv Sa, a base barry
indented Az & Arg. (D: Michael of Ravenslake - Jun 94)
Arg, 4 arrows fretted in mascle Sa & a chf indented Az. (D:
Dorigen of Lewes - Dec 89)
Arg, 4 arrows fretted points to chf within a bord Sa. (B: East, the Jul 90) (For Archers of the East)
Arg, on a chev betw 3 sheaves of arrows Az five mullets Arg. (D:
Rnn Spenser - Oct 02)
Arg, on a pale betw 4 pairs of arrows inv crossed in salt Sa, a wolfs
head cabossed betw 2 pairs of arrows inv crossed in salt Arg.
(D: Rhys ap Trahaearn - Nov 92)
Arg, on a pale Purp betw in chf 2 sheaves of arrows inv Sa a horse
ramp Arg. (D: Iliana Anastasiya Karilova - Apr 96)
Arg, semy of arrows bendwise sin inv, a sagittary passant to sin
within a bord Sa. (B: Iver of the Black Bow - May 89)
Arg semy of arrows bendwise sin inv Az, a dog statant Sa. (D:
Kevin OShaughnessy - Aug 95)
Arg, semy of arrows Sa, on a bend Vt, a strung bow, string to base,
Arg. (D: Sean Colin mac Brenos of the Silver Bow - May 89)
Az, a Bowen cross Or within a mascle of 4 arrows Arg. (D:
Amargein of Puckridge - Jul 99)
Az, a castle tripletowered Or, environed of an annulet issuant of
eight arrows Arg. (D: Michael Oldcastle of Ravenspur May 05)
Az, a chev & in chf 2 sheaves of arrows Arg. (D: Conrad dAnjou Feb 96)
Az, a pall wavy betw 3 pairs of arrows inv in salt Or. (B:
Carolingia - Jul 90) (For the Carolingian Company of

102 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arrow - 4 or more (continued)

Az billety & a lion ramp crowned Or maintaining a sword proper &

a sheaf of seven arrows inv Arg tipped Or. (D: Netherlands Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, on a cross Arg betw 4 arrows in salt points to center Or, a
drawknife Sa. (D: Harald Warrocker - Dec 05)
Az semy of arrows Arg. (B: Atlantia - Jun 05) (For Kings
Missiliers of Atlantia)
Az semy of arrows bendwise sin, a stag springing Arg. (D:
Steinhard Helmschrot - Mar 05)
Az semy of arrows bendwise sin inv, on a chf embat Arg 3 pairs of
double-bitted axes in salt Az. (D: Grimbold Hardax Feb 91)
Az semy of arrows Or, a chf wavy Arg. (B: White Waters, the Jul 97)
Checky Or & Arg, a goose within 4 arrows lying as on a mascle Sa.
(B: An Tir - Mar 92) (For Order of the Grey Goose Shaft)
Gu, a compass rose in chf 2 sheaves of 3 arrows inv Arg a ford
proper. (D: Robert MacInnes of Skye - Jan 97)
Gu, a lion ramp crowned Or maintaining a sword proper & a sheaf
of seven arrows inv Arg tipped Or. (D: United Provinces Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, 4 arrows fretted points to chf within a bord Arg. (B: East, the Jul 90) (For Bowmen of the East)
Gu, issuant from a tub Arg, scaly & banded Sa, 3 demi-arrows
bendwise Arg & 3 demi-arrows bendwise sin Or, all within an
annulet Arg. (B: Naevehjem - Mar 94) (For the Archery
Gu, semy of arrows inv Or, a castle & on a chf rayonny Arg a sword
reversed Gu. (D: Roland the Savage - Mar 86)
Gyronny of ten Arg & Az, each gyron charged with an arrow point
to center, all ctrch. (D: Coinneach Mac an Leigh - Mar 94)
Or, a broken snaffle-bit chevronwise inv Sa within five arrows in
annulo Gu. (D: Dash Unegen - Aug 05)
Or, a chev Gu betw in chf 2 pairs of arrows inv in salt & in base 3
goblets one & 2 Sa. (D: Rupert the Unbalanced - Nov 04)
Or, a chev inv Gu, overall a sheaf of 4 arrows Sa. (D: Geraint
Graeme de Menteith - Nov 96)
Or, a dragons head erased Gu betw 3 pairs of arrows inv in salt Sa
betw flaunches Gu. (D: Rnn de Bhl - Apr 04)
Or, a sheaf of 4 arrows inv Sa & on a chf embat Vt a bow Or. (D:
Gregory le Fletcher - Mar 94)
Or, a sheaf of 4 arrows inv surmounted by a bow fesswise Sa, a chf
embat Vt. (D: Henry le Bowyer - Mar 94)
Or, a tower & in chf seven arrows, 4 & 3, all Az. (D: Shahriyar
Michael Diogenes Romaioi - Dec 80)
Or, an arrow inv & surmounted in chf by a bow fesswise, betw in
fess 2 sheaves of arrows inv Sa. (D: William de Vallier Oct 85)
Or, 4 arrows fretted points to chf Sa within a bord Gu. (B: East, the
- Feb 91) (For the Archers of the East)
Or, 4 arrows fretted points to chf within an annulet Sa. (B: East, the
- Feb 91) (For the Archers of the East)
Or, 4 arrows fretted Sa, barbed Gu. (B: West, the - Nov 77) (For
the Royal Archer)
Or semy of arrows Gu, a rams head caboshed within a bord Vt. (D:
Torrwyn Campbell of Cornwall - Feb 91)
Or semy of arrows Gu, an alant ramp collared Az. (D: Evan
Hawkins - Feb 06)
Or, semy of arrows Sa, on a chev inv Gu a pheon Or. (B: Geraint
Graeme de Menteith - Nov 96)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a falcon rising, wings elevated & addorsed,
betw in bend 2 sheaves of 3 arrows inv Arg. (D: Mikhail of
the Khazars - Apr 89)
Per chev Arg & Az, 3 sheafs of fire arrows inv proper flighted Az &
a tree blasted & eradicated Arg. (D: ed Fid - Sep 02)
Per chev Az & Arg 3 pairs of arrows inv in salt within a bord all
ctrch. (D: Llewellen of Strathclyde - Aug 95)
Per chev embat Arg & Gu, 2 sheaves of arrows Gu & a lions head
cabossed Or. (D: Alessandra Leoncini - Jan 07)
Per chev Purp & Vt, 2 sheaves of arrows & a griffin segreant Arg.
(D: Reyne Telarius - Jan 03)
Per chev Sa & Vt, 3 quivers each with 2 arrows Arg. (D: Malcolm
Hogg - Oct 07)
Per chev throughout Arg & Az, 2 sheaves of arrows Sa & a stag at
gaze Arg. (D: Rorik smir - Oct 07)

[Arrow - 4 or more] to [Arthropod - Bee]

Arrow - 4 or more (continued)

Per chev Vt & Arg, 2 sheaves of 3 arrows inv Or & a tower Sa. (D:
Joseph de la Tour - Jun 88)
Per fess embat Az & Arg, 4 arrows in fess bendwise inv Arg & a
lion ramp Sa. (D: Mikel of Perth - Mar 06)
Per fess Or & Purp, in chf 2 pairs of arrows in salt Sa & in base
eight lozenges in annulo, points to center, Or. (D: Targan de
Montfort of Crystal Caverns - Sep 90)
Per fess wavy Arg & Az, a drakkar sailing to sin & 4 arrows fretted,
ctrch. (D: Ceolgar of Amberglen - Jul 90)
Per pale & per salt Or & Vt, a chev betw 2 sheaves of arrows Sa &
a falcon passant, wings addorsed Gu. (D: Peregrine Falconer
of Greenbriar - Apr 93)
Per pale Arg & Az, a pale Gu betw six arrows fesswise ctrch. (D:
Catherine Lorraine of Stonegate Manor - Sep 92)
Per pale Arg & Gu, in pale 3 pairs of arrows fesswise fletchings to
center & a chf indented ctrch. (D: Elias of Coventry Nov 03)
Per pale Arg & Or, 3 arrows bendwise fretted with 3 others
bendwise sin Sa, on a chf Az a bow Or. (D: Kazimierz
Samostrelov - Sep 94)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a cross Gu betw in chf 2 pairs of arrows inv in
salt ctrch. (D: Erann MacCoinnich - Aug 90)
Per pale Az & Or, a carrack in full sail ctrch within sixteen arrows
in orle, points to center, ctrch Arg & Vt. (D: Flint of the
Westward Sea - Oct 80)
Per pale Az & Or, semy of arrows inv, a crab, on a bord six mullets
all ctrch. (D: Robert Runewald - Feb 98)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a chev embat betw 3 pairs of arrows in salt Or.
(D: Marsali Sorcha na Liosa Mire - Jul 92)
Per pale wavy Az & Arg, in pale 3 pairs of arrows fesswise heads to
center ctrch. (D: Alexis von Bremen - Apr 97)
Per pall inv Vt, Gu & Arg, 2 sheafs of arrows Arg & a winged
brunette woman proper, winged Sa & vested Gu. (D: Korina
Kievskaia - Mar 06)
Per salt Arg & Gu, in pale 2 pheons & in fess 2 quivers, each
holding 2 arrows, ctrch. (D: Hal the Archer - May 92)
Per salt Az & Vt, 4 sheaves of arrows inv Arg. (D: Ryryd ap
Gwerstan - May 04)
Purp, 4 mascles conjoined in cross, within each mascle an arrow,
points outward, Arg. (D: Miriel la Jueler de Calais - Sep 84)
Quarterly Az & Arg, a cross invected ctrch betw in bend 2 sheaves
of arrows Or & in bend sin 2 fleurs-de-lys Gu. (D: Silvia la
Cherubica di Viso - Jul 05)
Quarterly Purp & Arg, a lightning bolt bendwise sin Gu betw 2
pairs of arrows inv in salt Arg. (D: Rycharde du Bois Argent May 90)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a falcon striking Or betw in chf 2 arrows inv in
chev & in base 2 arrows in chev inv Arg. (B: Julian Edward
Farnsworth of Falconmoors - Aug 02)
Sa, a bend sin engrailed betw 2 pairs of arrows inv in salt Arg. (D:
Duncan Rees - Jun 91)
Sa, a pall inv betw 3 gauntlets each maintaining a sheaf of 3 arrows
fesswise within a bord embat Arg. (D: Tevis MacBrodie May 92)
Sa, issuant from the points of a star of David six arrows couped
below the head Arg. (D: Shoi-Mee DSkeemah the Confused Oct 76?)
Sa, 2 sheaves of arrows & a wolf ramp contourny Or. (D: Khasar
Juchen - Jan 93)
Vt, a bear statant erect affronty dexter forepaw raised & sin forepaw
Or resting on a double-bitted axe betw in chf 2 pairs of arrows
inv in salt Arg. (D: Bjrn Kolbjrnsson - Dec 98)
Vt, a catfish naiant betw six arrows in annulo Or. (B: Jararvellir Mar 97)
Vt, a griffin segreant Or betw in fess 2 pairs of arrows crossed in
salt & inv Or flighted Sa, a chf embat Or. (D: Alric Azor Nov 00)
Vt, a pall inv betw 2 sheaves of arrows inv & a unicorns head
couped Or. (D: Dealla Cohen - Jun 91)
Vt, a sheaf of five arrows surmounted by a heart Or. (D: Titus the
Archer - Dec 98)
Vt, a thornbush couped betw 4 arrows conjoined as a mascle Or.
(D: Gareth Thorne - Jan 97)
Vt, an aspen leaf betw 4 arrows in cross, barbs outward, all Arg. (B:
Leif Ivarson - Sep 88)

Arrow - 4 or more (continued)

Vt, 4 arrows in cross points to center, on a chf indented Arg a

mountain couped Gu betw 2 laurel wreaths Vt. (D: rdchreag
- Oct 94)
Vt, on a chev Arg betw 2 sheaves of arrows inv & a fox sejant Or, 3
musical notes Sa. (D: Geoffrey Winterbotham - Dec 06)
Vt, on a pale betw 2 pairs of arrows in salt Or, a horse ramp Az. (D:
Jocelyn Christianna of Lincolnshire - Dec 88)
* * * End * * *
Arrow head: see Pheon
Arrow notch: see Pheon
Arrow pointer: see Arrow and Spear

Arthropod - Ant

Gyronny of twelve Gu & Or, an emmet (ant) Sa. (D: Daffyd of

Emmett - Mar 87) (Blanket permission to conflict with device
with one CD granted 0507O)
Or, an emmet Gu. (B: Wilhelm of Caid - Jun 06)
* * * End * * *

Arthropod - Bee

(Fieldless) A bee Or. (B: Elizabeth Braidwood - Nov 98)

(Fieldless) A bee Or within a hexagon voided Arg. (B: al-Haadi
abd-al-Malik Husam ibn Khalid - Oct 87) (JB: Elspeth ni
Conchobhair o Ciarraighe)
(Fieldless) A bee per pale Or & Sa. (B: Estrild Gildenher Aug 07)
(Fieldless) A bee statant bendwise upon a garden rose Or, slipped
& leaved Vt. (B: Melisande de Belvoir - Jun 81)
(Fieldless) A bee statant proper. (B: Catrona nic Therlaigh Dec 02)
(Fieldless) A bee vair. (B: Glymm Mere - Aug 93)
(Fieldless) A bee Vt. (B: Deborah Unsiker - Nov 96)
(Fieldless) A bee within & conjoined to an annulet Or. (B: Marion
Glen - Mar 04)
(Fieldless) A bumblebee fesswise proper. (B: Aideen the
Audacious - Sep 93)
(Fieldless) A bumblebee volant bendwise wings addorsed proper.
(B: Otto von Schwartzkatz - Feb 92)
(Fieldless) A fly Sa winged Arg. (B: Alicia Vespasiana - Aug 95)
(Fieldless) A honeybee Arg. (B: Sine n Dheaghaidh - May 98)
(Fieldless) A honeybee Az. (B: Sine n Dheaghaidh - Feb 03)
(Fieldless) A honeybee bendwise Or. (B: Sine n Dheaghaidh Feb 98)
(Fieldless) A legless bee disp barry Sa & Or, winged Or. (B: Andr
Lessarde - Jun 80)
(Fieldless) In pale a bee conjoined to a beehive Or. (B: Connor
MacFergus of Strachur - Nov 94)
(Fieldless) In pale a bee contourny Or, wings elevated & addorsed,
perched atop a lily Az. (B: Susanna Grey - Feb 97)
Arg, a bee & in chf 2 needles in salt all within a bord Sa. (D: Clara
Margarethe Wilgebach van Gent - Jan 92)
Arg, a bee Gu. (B: Ealdormere - Jan 91) (For the Order of the
Arg, a bee Sa within a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Mycghalh - Mar 01)
Arg, a bee within a bord nebuly Vt. (D: Deborah Unsiker Nov 96)
Arg, a chalice Or, upon the dexter lip a honeybee proper. (B:
Melisande de Belvoir - Apr 76)
Arg, a chev Purp betw 3 bees Sa banded Or & a thistle proper. (D:
Liesel Weiss - Jun 04)
Arg, a frog Vt & in chf 3 flies inv Sa. (D: Lughbec ni Eoin Nov 93)
Arg, a pile inv Gu betw 2 bees Sa. (D: Alistair MacMillan Aug 92)
Arg, a wyvern passant Gu, maintaining a quill pen, on a chf
indented Sa, 3 bees volant en arrire to dexter Or. (D: Lucia
Borromeo - Jan 90)
Az, a bear sejant erect contourny maintaining a drinking horn betw
3 bees Or. (D: Federigo da Cadice - Sep 99)
Az, a bee Arg & a chf rayonny Or. (D: Margery of Kent - Mar 95)
Az, a bee Or betw 3 thistles Arg. (D: Alison Maclachlane Apr 07)
Az, a beehive betw 4 bees in cross Arg. (D: Barbara MacAuley Aug 02)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 103

[Arthropod - Bee]

Arthropod - Bee (continued)

Az, a chev inv betw a cubit arm apaumy Arg & 2 bees Or. (D: Varr
the Silent - Jan 05)
Az, a cubit arm issuant from sin base Arg, sustaining atop its palm a
beehive, in chf 3 bees, a bord Or. (D: Orlando de Castilla May 94)
Az, a 2-headed dragon passant respectant Or, turbanned Arg,
gorged of a collar Gu, pendant therefrom a bell Arg, in base a
bumblebee disp erect proper. (D: Roger of Belden Abbey Jan 82)
Az, an open book & in base a bee Arg marked Sa. (D: Branwen
filia Iohannis de Monmouth - Apr 02)
Az, 4 bees 2 & 2 proper, on a point pointed Arg a brown mouse
couchant proper. (D: Julian ferch Luned - Jul 04)
Az, in chev 2 wasps statant respectant within a bord Arg. (D:
Robert Pine - Aug 02)
Az, in cross a rose Arg, barbed & seeded, betw 4 bees Or. (D:
Eanor of Amberhall - May 82)
Az, in fess 3 needles & in chf 3 bees Or. (D: John MacGuire Sep 04)
Az, in pale 3 bees, one & 2, & a lotus blossom in profile, slipped &
leaved, Arg. (D: Alisoun Kirkcudbright of Heatherheath Aug 89)
Az, on a bend betw 2 bees Or, a bear sejant erect palewise Sa. (D:
Ursula MacVarroun - Jan 94)
Az, on a chev betw 3 bees Or 3 fleurs-de-lis Az. (D: Santine
Westmerland of Ravenstonedale - Apr 02)
Az, on a fess Or betw 2 bees proper 2 mullets of eight points Az.
(D: Jullienne of Caldrithig - Mar 05)
Az, on a pile betw 2 bees Or a bee inv Az. (D: Patrick Olsson Nov 04)
Az, semy of bees, a goblet betw flaunches Or. (D: Annora de
Braose - Nov 04)
Az, semy of bees Or. (B: Napoleon - Jan 96) (Important non-SCA
Az semy of bees Or, on a pale Arg a hop vine Vt. (D: Christopher
of Cambridge - Sep 95)
Az, six bees in annulo tails inward proper on a chf embat Or a
weavers slea proper. (D: Emelyn Gunnarsdttir - Sep 01)
Az, 3 bees in pale Or marked Sa betw flaunches Or ermined Az. (D:
Sabine du Bourbonnais - Sep 02)
Ermine, a bee tergiant within a bord Gu. (B: Iathus of Scara Aug 83)
Gu, a bend sin betw six bees Or. (D: Sean Donndubhin Mar 02)
Gu, a bumblebee proper & a chf Or honeycombed Sa. (D: Lucia
Porzia Sforza di Firenze - Mar 92)
Gu, a fess per fess Or & Arg betw 3 bees & a rams head cabossed
Or. (D: Ulivetta Ubriachi - Jan 06)
Gu, a pomegranate Or seeded Gu betw 3 bees, all within a bord Or.
(B: Egill Gunnbjarnarson - Jul 93) (For Husa Fornast)
Gu, a quill pen bendwise betw 3 bees, one & 2, Or. (D: Sadb
Constance - Dec 05)
Gu, in fess a bee bendwise & a bee bendwise sin Or marked Az. (D:
Eithne Ruad - Oct 07)
Gu, in pale a sunflower & a bee Or. (D: Anna de Serra - Mar 08)
Gu, on a pale embat betw in chf 2 bees Or, in base a bee Gu. (D:
Tzipporah bat Deborah - Oct 89)
Gu semy of bees, a beehive Or. (D: Therasia Mellita - Jul 05)
Gu semy of bees bendwise, on a chf Or 3 pomegranates Gu slipped
& leaved Vt seeded Or. (D: Francesca Tessa dAngelo Feb 07)
Gu, 3 bees in pall heads to center proper within a bord embat Or.
(D: Brigid ONeill the Limner - Jun 01)
Gu, 3 bees Or. (D: Signe Scriffuerska - May 02)
Or, a fleur-de-lys betw 3 bees Gu. (D: Beatrice Lilli - Feb 08)
Or, a rose proper betw 3 bees Sa. (D: Beatrix Clare ODea Oct 01)
Or semy of bees, 2 chevronels Purp. (D: Risi MacCracken Oct 05)
Or, 3 bees & a bord embat Sa. (D: Amy of Calafia - Jan 00)
Paly Vt & Arg, a bee volant en arriere within a bord Or. (D:
Elspeth ni Conchobhair o Ciarraighe - Feb 87)
Per bend Arg & Az, 2 honeybees Az & 2 honeybees Or. (D:
Rhonda the Bee-Taymer - Sep 92)
Per bend Arg & Sa, 3 roses proper & 3 bees Or. (B: Sanchia de
Illora - Feb 06)
104 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arthropod - Bee (continued)

Per bend Az & Purp, a bend Arg betw 3 bees Or & 3 gouttes Arg.
(D: Annalies Maria von Marburg - Nov 01)
Per bend Or & Sa, a honeybee rising & a honeysuckle blossom
distilling 2 gouttes ctrch. (D: Alessandra Alegretti - May 86)
Per bend Or & Sa, an anvil betw 2 bees ctrch. (D: Fritz von dem
Bienenstocke - Mar 93)
Per bend Purp & bendy sin Or & Purp, a bee & 3 fleurs-de-lys in
bend Or. (D: Eufemia Serafina da Bergamo - Apr 98)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a bend embat counter-embat erminois betw a
bee volant erect Or & a bottle Vt. (D: Arthemal Haricourt
Oldecastille - Nov 83)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, an iris Purp slipped & leaved Vt & in
bend sin 3 bees bendwise Arg. (D: Katrina von Rosenberg Jun 04)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, a cross patonce Arg & a bee Sa marked Or.
(D: Crispin de La Rochefoucauld - Mar 04)
Per bend sin Or & Az, a fleur-de-lis & a bee ctrch. (B: Santine
Westmerland of Ravenstonedale - Apr 02)
Per bend sin Or & Gu, a fleur-de-lys & a bee ctrch. (B: Beatrice
Carmela Mercante - Nov 02)
Per bend sin Purp & Az, a bend sin Or betw a cup Arg & a bee
volant palewise Or. (D: Geraldine the Wanderer - Dec 83)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt, a bend sin embat counter-embat betw a bee
& a laurel wreath Or. (D: Marion Glen - Nov 02)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a bend sin betw 2 bees Or. (D: Katerina
Dmitrieva - Feb 01)
Per bend wavy Or & Gu, a pomegranate slipped & leaved & a bee
ctrch. (D: Alix MacAlpine - Nov 01)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 3 bees one & 2 Az & a skull Arg. (D: Brigida
da Napoli - Jan 08)
Per chev dovetailed Vt & Or, 2 bees respectant & a pine cone stem
to chf proper. (D: Niall Logan - Dec 00)
Per chev Gu & Or, 2 bees Or & an anvil Sa. (D: Ivar Forkbeard Feb 97)
Per chev inv Gu & Or, in chf a bee & in base five lozenges in chev
inv ctrch. (D: Amelinne de Louvain - Dec 03)
Per chev inv Or & Gu, a chev inv Sa betw an apple Gu slipped &
leaved Vt & 2 bees Or. (D: Catherine Anne Applebey Jul 03)
Per chev inv Purp & Sa, a chev inv betw a garb Or & 2 bees Or
marked Sa. (D: Gabrielle von Friedrichsthal - Aug 05)
Per chev Or & Vt, 2 bees Sa & an owl affronty Or. (D: Edward of
Rokkehealdan - Oct 94)
Per chev Purp & Vt, 3 bees within a bord Or. (D: Morgan of
Anglesey - Nov 02)
Per chev Vt semy of bees proper & Arg, in base a wooden spoon
proper. (D: Caitrona MacLeod of Kilchoan - Mar 08)
Per fess embat Arg & Vt, a bee Sa & a rose Arg. (D: Ciar ingen
Egain - Jun 07)
Per fess embat Arg & Vt, 3 bees passant guardant ctrch. (D:
Bryony Beehyrd - Jun 85)
Per fess embat Vt semy of bees Or, & Or, a beehive Vt. (D: Klara
Tschudi - Jun 97)
Per fess Gu & Az, 3 bees & a cup Or. (D: Katla in mikla Mar 01)
Per fess indented Arg & Sa, 3 bees one & 2 Sa & a duck Or. (D:
Svana ormstunga Vermundardottir - Nov 03)
Per fess Purp & Gu, on a fess Or betw 3 crosses couped Arg & a
bee Or a heart Gu. (D: Beatrix de Montecassino - Sep 02)
Per fess Purp & Or, on a pile inv throughout dovetailed betw in chf
2 bees volant en arriere, in base a rose all ctrch. (D: Lucia di
Giardino - Jan 98)
Per fess Sa & Or, a fess wavy Arg & in chf a bee Or. (D: Wilthein
Wisbram - Jun 01)
Per fess Vt & Az, a bee proper & a tree eradicated Arg. (D: Andrew
Baird - Jan 03)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a bee & in chf 3 trilliums ctrch. (D: Felice
Filadoro - Nov 03)
Per pale Az & Arg, a honeybee ctrch. (D: Sine n Dheaghaidh Apr 96)
Per pale Az & Arg, to dexter a beehive betw 3 honeybees volant
proper & to sin a bunch of grapes Az, slipped & leaved Or, on
a chf Arg, a tyger passant Az. (B: East, the - May 90) (For
Guild of Brewers, Vintners and Meadmakers)
Per pale Az & Or, a chev betw 3 bees ctrch. (D: Aelia Apollonia Aug 03)

[Arthropod - Bee] to [Arthropod - Beetle]

Arthropod - Bee (continued)

Per pale Az & Purp, six bees volant bendwise, wings addorsed, 2, 2,
& 2, Or. (D: Aelfgifu Honeybee - May 81)
Per pale embat Vt & Arg, 3 bees in pale proper & a columbine Az
slipped Vt. (D: Amicia Theudoric la Sauniere - Apr 05)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a bee rising proper, a bord Or. (B: Dragons
Laire - Aug 98)
Per pale Or & Vt, a bee ctrch. (B: Dvora Rise de Apors Apr 99)
Per pale Or & Vt, in fess a sprig of 3 cherries, slipped & leaved
proper, & a bee Or marked Sa, a chf checky Sa & Arg. (D:
Antonia Stefani - Jan 08)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a tower Or & thirteen bumblebees migrant
bendwise sin inv proper. (B: William of Hoghton - Feb 80)
(For Hoghton Towers)
Per pale Sa & Or, 3 bees ctrch. (D: Estrild Gildenher - Aug 07)
Per pale urdy Or & Gu, 3 hearts Gu & a bee proper. (D: Melangell
merch Mariot - Dec 04)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a bee Or. (B: Rhydderich Hael, the - May 04)
Per pale wavy Sa & Vt, 4 bees 2 & 2 Or. (D: Katherine Tracy Mar 07)
Per pall inv Az, Arg & vair, in pale a roundel ctrch Or & Gu & a
bee Or. (D: Guineth the White - Mar 00)
Per salt Arg & Az, in fess 2 bees Or marked Sa. (D: Hrlfr gylr
Sveinsson - Jun 01)
Per salt Az & Vt, on a salt Or betw 4 bees, tails outwards, Or,
marked Sa, five fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Gwen of Swansea Feb 90)
Per salt Purp & Or, 4 bees ctrch. (D: Maud Alysoun de Faraby Sep 94)
Per salt Sa & Az, a laurel wreath betw 4 open books in cross Arg,
each book charged with a bee tergiant Sa, marked Or. (D:
Saint Bartholomew - Feb 88)
Per salt Sa & Gu, a fret Arg betw 4 bees, 2 & 2, Or. (D: Hedwig
von Luneborg - Sep 06)
Purp, a bee & a chf indented flory at the points Or. (D: Jane of
Marinus - Sep 99)
Purp, a bee Or & in chf 3 mullets Arg. (D: ine Ruadh inghean
Chilln - Feb 02)
Purp, a beehive Arg within bees in annulo Or. (D: Artemisia of
Nicaea - May 00)
Purp, a chev inv Arg voided Gu, in chf a bee rising contourny Or
banded Sa. (D: Slaine inghean Sheain - Jul 05)
Purp, a cinquefoil ermine, an orle of bees Or. (D: Alesone Lesley Nov 06)
Purp, 3 bees within a bord wavy Or. (D: Ginevra Visconti Sep 03)
Quarterly Arg & Az, in bend sin 2 bees Or within a bord embat
ctrch. (D: Annaka Poznanska - May 08)
Quarterly Az & Vt, a rose slipped & leaved betw 4 bees volant en
arriere Or. (D: Penelope of Helena - Jun 98)
Quarterly Sa & Purp, a bee bendwise sin Arg. (D: Meadhbh
inghean mhic Fhirlighinn - Feb 07)
Sa, a bee, on a chf urdy Or 2 bees Sa. (D: Thierry Gutherie Oct 94)
Sa, in pale 3 bees Or. (D: Elizabeth Blackdane - Oct 95)
Sa, in salt a Bourchier knot betw 4 bees Or. (B: Galen of Wiltshire Nov 98)
Sa, on an open book Arg, a bee Sa, banded Or. (B: Saint
Bartholomew - Jan 91)
Sa semy of bees Arg. (D: Cristoforo Donatello dei Visconti Aug 07)
Sa, 3 bees Or & a chf paly bendy Sa & Or. (D: David Scrivener of
Newcastle - Sep 95)
Sa, within a mullet of seven points inv, voided & interlaced Arg
betw 3 bees, another bee Or winged Arg. (D: Erasmus the
Dane - Sep 93)
Vt, a bee & on a chf embat Or an acorn betw 2 oak leaves fesswise
stems to center Vt. (D: Elinor Strangewayes - Sep 05)
Vt, a bee betw 4 bees in cross, tails to center, all Or. (D: Melissa of
Winged Hills - Aug 88)
Vt, a bee proper winged betw 3 octofoils Or. (D: Ivan Matfeevich
Rezansky - Aug 96)
Vt, a beehive betw 3 bees wings close Or. (D: Roland of Skep Glen
- Feb 92)
Vt, a chev cotised betw 3 bees volant en arrire Or. (D: Emrys
Shaunnon - Jun 85)

Arthropod - Bee (continued)

Vt, a chev engrailed betw 3 beehives beset with bees volant, Or. (D:
Luke Knowlton - Nov 00)
Vt, a fountain betw 3 bees proper. (D: Beatrix Funteyn - Jan 08)
Vt, a pall inv Arg betw 2 bees & a beehive Or. (D: Connor
MacFergus of Strachur - Jun 91)
Vt, a tree eradicated betw 3 bees Or. (D: Robert Abeille - Aug 95)
Vt honeycombed, 2 bees in fess & a chf indented Or. (D: Gabhainn
Luath MacDhomhnuill - Dec 92)
Vt, in annulo six bees Or banded Sa. (B: Gisella Lisabetta Venier Oct 04)
Vt, in annulo six bees within a bord Or. (D: Gisella Lisabetta
Venier - Oct 04)
Vt, on a bend sin ermine betw six bees volant en arriere Or, a
weavers shuttle Gu. (D: Mikhail Gregorievich of Kiev Oct 84)
Vt semy of bees Or marked Sa, on a pale Arg in pale a coney ramp
& a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Brokenbridge - Apr 07)
Vt, 3 bees bendwise in bend Or. (D: Eleanor du Pr - Apr 96)
Vt, 3 bees in pall inv, heads to center, & on a bord Arg a briar vine
Sa. (D: James in le Breres - Nov 07)
Vt, 3 bees within an orle Or. (D: Giovanna Beatrice di Grazia Jul 00)
* * * End * * *

Arthropod - Beetle

(Fieldless) A chicory flower Az slipped & leaved Vt, stem

surmounted by a ladybug proper. (B: Moira Maureen ua
Seamus of the Green Hills - Sep 92)
(Fieldless) A ladybug Gu marked Sa charged with a coronet Or. (B:
Josephine of Ben Dunfirth - May 03)
(Fieldless) A scarab Or, marked Sa. (B: Lavinia of Catmere Sep 92)
(Fieldless) A sewing needle bendwise sin Vt surmounted by a
ladybug bendwise sin Gu marked Sa. (B: Anna Mailander Sep 01)
Arg, a giant dung beetle proper. (B: Tristan Halsson fra Ravnsborg
- May 92)
Arg, a ladybug Gu marked Sa & on a chf Gu 2 roses Arg barbed Vt
& seeded Gu. (D: Elizabeth of Roxbury Mill - Oct 05)
Arg, a ladybug Gu marked Sa on a chf Purp 2 open books Arg. (D:
Tamar the Serene - Dec 95)
Arg, a ladybug proper. (D: Sheherezon Sequora Maximilian Jun 75?) (Deceased)
Arg semy of ladybugs Gu spotted Sa, a bord Gu. (D: Phaedra filia
Roberti - Jul 03)
Arg, 3 ladybugs Gu marked Sa within an orle of ivy Vt. (D:
Gweneth of al-Barran - Feb 04)
Arg vtu ploy Vt, a ladybug Gu marked Sa charged with a coronet
Or. (D: Josephine of Ben Dunfirth - May 03)
Ermine, a scarab tergiant Vt beneath a fillet embat Sa. (D: Feirefiz
ag Zygmund - Aug 79)
Gu, a cockroach tergiant erect Sa, fimbriated Arg. (B: Fevronia
Murometsa - Feb 81) (For House Tarakan)(cant)
Or, a ladybug Gu spotted & a bord Sa. (D: Morgan Skeene Sep 01)
Or, a rose Gu barbed, slipped, leaved & seeded, in chf 2 ladybird
beetles proper. (D: Marie of the Meadow - Feb 71?)
Or, a scarab beetle Vt & a bord indented Az. (B: Atenveldt,
Kingdom of - Aug 03) (For Order of the Scarab)
Or, a tricorporate ladybug Gu, marked Sa. (D: Kerttu
Katariinantytr Roisko - Jul 97)
Or, in annulo eight ladybugs in annulo Gu, marked Sa. (D: Roxana
Greenstreet - Jun 04)
Or, on a chev inv Gu, an increscent & a decrescent Arg, overall an
earwig tergiant palewise Sa. (B: Philippe Attaignant - Jul 89)
Pean, a winged scarab within a bord Or. (D: Laurent le Noir May 88)
Per chev Arg & Gu, 2 fleurs-de-lys Sa & a scarab Arg. (D:
Ceridwen of Moray - Aug 98)
Per chev Vt & Az, 2 estoiles & a winged scarab disp, maintaining
betw its wingtips a roundel Arg. (D: Arsenda of Calais Dec 05)
Per fess Gu & ermine, an Egyptian sphinx couchant Arg & an
scarab Gu. (D: Victor von dem Strme - Mar 92)
Per pale Sa & Az, a cockroach Arg. (D: SkallaGormr Berserkr Dec 98)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 105

[Arthropod - Beetle] to [Arthropod - Dragonfly]

Arthropod - Beetle (continued)

Per pale Sa & Or, a stag beetle ctrch & in sin chf a laurel wreath Vt.
(D: Baggeholm - Sep 96)
Per salt Gu & Or, in fess 2 ladybugs Gu marked Sa within a bord
ctrch. (D: Fne ingen Chineda - Jan 06)
Purp, a winged scarab beetle disp, betw the wingtips a bezant & in
chf a scimitar fesswise blade to chf Or. (B: Alessandra
Raffaela di Luciano - Sep 91)
Quarterly Or & Az, 2 ladybugs in bend Gu marked Sa. (D: Julyan
of Glencoe - Jan 96)
Sa, a cockroach tergiant within a laurel wreath & on a chf embat
Arg, a pomme. (D: Whyt Whey - Aug 99)
Sa, a winged scarab beetle disp, in chf betw the wingtips a roundel,
on a chf embat Or, a Jerusalem cross Sa. (D: Tuia Kynara of
Illyricum - Mar 84)
* * * End * * *
Arthropod - Butterfly: see Arthropod - Moth
Arthropod - Cockroach: see Arthropod - Beetle
Arthropod - Crab: see Arthropod - Lobster
Arthropod - Crawfish: see Arthropod - Lobster

Arthropod - Dragonfly

(Fieldless) A dragonfly Arg winged Az. (B: Cassandra Catharne May 03)
(Fieldless) A dragonfly Arg winged Purp. (B: Olga Kafskaia Oct 04)
(Fieldless) A dragonfly bendwise Sa. (B: Miyao Kaneko - Oct 07)
(Fieldless) A dragonfly bendwise sin Az. (B: Megen Paget Jul 92)
(Fieldless) A dragonfly fesswise reversed Sa. (B: Deirdre ingean
Dhomhnaill - May 02)
(Fieldless) A dragonfly Gu winged Arg. (B: Annora Hall Jan 07)
(Fieldless) A dragonfly per pale Arg & Vt. (B: Meadhbh
Eileanach - Mar 01)
(Fieldless) A dragonfly per pale Purp & Or. (B: Kateryn
Treningham - Mar 06)
(Fieldless) A dragonfly per pale Sa & Vt. (B: Grigour MacEnelly Aug 04)
(Fieldless) A dragonfly Purp. (B: Windreach - Mar 99)
(Fieldless) A dragonfly Sa winged Vt. (B: Nicolette de Loria Dec 01)
(Fieldless) A dragonfly Vt winged Or. (B: Ann Travers of
Amberlye - May 00)
(Fieldless) A dragonfly within & conjoined to an annulet Sa. (B:
Caterina Amiranda della Quercia - Jul 06)
(Fieldless) A fret couped Arg, overall a dragonfly Sa. (B: Takeda
Tetsuzo - Jan 89) (For Black Dragonfly Clan)
(Fieldless) 4 dragonflies in salt conjoined at the tails Az winged
Arg. (B: Takeda Yoshinaka - May 05)
Arg, a chev betw 3 dragonflies, a chf Az. (D: Botolph of Saxony Sep 97)
Arg, a dragonfly & a bord indented Purp. (D: Calista Cristi Mar 04)
Arg, a dragonfly & on a chf engrailed Az 3 fleurs-de-lis Arg. (D:
Sonnet Manon - Aug 03)
Arg, a dragonfly Az. (D: Danielle of Dragonfly Pond - Sep 91)
Arg, a dragonfly bendwise Gu winged Sa. (D: Ysenda de Gray Apr 05)
Arg, a dragonfly bendwise Sa winged Gu. (D: Eymund vss Apr 05)
Arg, a dragonfly Purp & a point pointed Vt. (D: Tatiana
Terenteva - Mar 07)
Arg, a dragonfly Sa on a chf Gu 3 lilies Arg. (D: Sibyl of
Amberhall - Jun 94)
Arg, a dragonfly within a well-frame set fesswise Gu. (D:
Kiyowara Miyuki - May 91)
Arg, a fleur-de-lys Purp betw 3 dragonflies Sa, a tierce Purp. (D:
Brenna Trentavasi - Jan 07)
Arg, a lotus blossom affronty, in chf a dragonfly volant bendwise
sin & another bendwise Az. (D: Tatsukawa Jirou Nakatsuna May 99)
Arg, in pall 3 dragonflies conjoined at the tails Az, a bord Purp. (D:
Selene OMalley - Oct 99)
Arg, 3 dragonflies in pale Vt betw flaunches barry wavy Az & Arg.
(D: Katerine Fitzwilliam - Sep 06)
106 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arthropod - Dragonfly (continued)

Arg, 3 leaves bendwise sin Vt betw 2 scarpes Sa betw six

dragonflies Purp. (D: Elyenora Houll - Sep 07)
Arg, 2 dragonflies in fess Purp & on a chf triangular Sa a sun Arg.
(D: Rashida bint Rashid - Sep 06)
Az, a bend sin Arg, in bend 3 dragonflies bendwise sin ctrch. (D:
Megen Paget - Jul 92)
Az, a chev rompu inv betw a decrescent & 3 dragonflies Arg. (D:
Dulcia de Len - May 04)
Az, a dragonfly & in chf in salt a threaded needle & a rapier inv
Arg. (D: Faolan Mac Parthalain - Sep 02)
Az, a dragonfly & on a chf invected Or, 3 lotus blossoms in profile
Az, slipped Vt. (D: Georgia the Pragmatic of Clyffmarsh Feb 88)
Az, a dragonfly bendwise sin Arg. (B: Jeannette Delacroix Jan 03)
Az, a dragonfly betw 2 arrows in pile Or, a bord compony Arg &
Gu. (B: Vatavia - Nov 92) (For the Baronial Archer Guard)
Az, a dragonfly betw 2 daggers inv in pile Or, a bord
countercompony Az & Or. (B: Vatavia - Nov 92) (For the
Baronial Guard)
Az, a dragonfly betw 2 scarpes Or. (D: Mea Giuliana Passavanti Mar 04)
Az, a dragonfly Or, a chf embat Arg. (D: Czendes Sadany Jul 01)
Az, a dragonfly Or & a bord per salt Or & Arg. (B: Vatavia May 06)
Az, a dragonfly Or & a chf wavy Arg. (D: Briana de Luna Dec 01)
Az, a dragonfly tergiant disp Arg & in chf 2 snails respectant Or.
(D: Lucille of Elfsea - Nov 85)
Az, a dragonfly tergiant disp within a laurel wreath Or, bound in
base by a ribbon ermine with 2 stalks of wheat dependent
therefrom Or. (D: Vatavia - Nov 81)
Az, a dragonfly volant en arriere, a demi-sun issuant from base Arg.
(D: Sveva la Lucciola - Dec 97)
Az, a dragonfly volant en arrire Arg, within an orle Or. (D:
Matilda de Seton - Mar 98)
Az, a dragonfly within a bord Or. (B: Vatavia - Nov 88)
Az, an escallop inv Arg betw 3 dragonflies, heads to center, Or. (D:
Isibl an Einigh - Feb 06)
Az, on a fess betw 3 dragonflies Arg 3 frogs Vt. (D: Nicole de
Merle - Aug 03)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, 3 dragonflies Or. (D: Antonia di Battista Aug 02)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, a dragonfly Vt. (B: Katerine Fitzwilliam Sep 06)
Ermine, 3 dragonflies disp Purp. (D: Vereska Zhidka - Aug 79?)
Gu, a bend ermine betw 2 dragonflies Arg. (D: Catarina de Zaneto
Rizo - Apr 03)
Gu, a chev embat-counterembattled betw 2 lilies & a dragonfly Or.
(D: Lylie Dendelyoun - Mar 08)
Gu, a dragonfly & a gore Arg. (D: Annora Hall - Nov 05)
Gu, a dragonfly within a Japanese wellframe Or. (D: Odawara
Tarou Yoshinobu - May 05)
Gyronny Or & Gu, a cartouche Arg & overall a dragonfly Sa. (D:
Catalina Caminante - Apr 05)
Lozengy fesswise Gu & Or, a dragonfly Sa. (D: Gwendolyn of
Aaron Isles - Nov 98)
Or, a chev inv Sa, overall a dragonfly Gu. (D: Esabell Grant Dec 05)
Or, a dragonfly & a bord Sa. (D: Cecilia Eriksdotter - Jan 02)
Or, a dragonfly & on a chf Purp 3 spools of thread Or. (D: Ceara
nc Fhionnghalaigh - Mar 08)
Or, a dragonfly disp Gu. (D: Andrew of Seldom Rest - Jun 73?)
Or, a dragonfly Gu & in chf 3 trefoils all within a bord Az. (D:
Runa Ketilsdttir - Jan 03)
Or, a dragonfly Purp & on a bord Az 3 triskeles Or. (D: na
inghean Chonchobhair - Jan 08)
Or, a dragonfly Sa & a chf embat Gu. (D: Dyan du Lac des
Calandres - Sep 03)
Or, a dragonfly Vt within a bord wavy Sa. (D: Helen of Avebury Jul 07)
Or, a dragonfly volant en arrire Gu & in base 2 rabbits sejant erect
addorsed regardant Az. (D: Hibrida Longhair - Feb 85)

[Arthropod - Dragonfly]

Arthropod - Dragonfly (continued)

Or, a dragonfly within a bord Az charged with 3 acorns Or. (D:

Viviane Morgaine de Burgh - Dec 89)
Or, a pall inv Purp betw 2 butterflies Gu & 2 axes in salt Sa. (D:
Arabella Grant - Mar 08)
Or, 4 dragonflies Vt in cross a base barry wavy Vt & Arg. (D:
Natalija Varvara Stoianova - Jun 91)
Or, on a bend dovetailed betw 2 dragonflies Sa a lizard tergiant Arg.
(D: Alexandra Hbich die Schliesserin - Mar 94)
Or semy of dragonflies Vt. (D: Rebecca Kathryn Bacon - Apr 08)
Or, 3 dragonflies Vt winged Sa. (D: Amy of Rivenstar - May 95)
Per bend Arg & Vt, 2 dragonflies ctrch. (D: Eleanor dAvignon Aug 93)
Per bend Gu & Vt, a dragonfly & a hammer Arg. (D: Nazarius
Orlandi - Mar 07)
Per bend Or & Az, a dragonfly Vt & a turtle Or. (D: Brice
Longarm - Sep 04)
Per bend Purp & Arg, a dragonfly Arg & 3 broad-arrows Vt. (D:
Marie de Kerimure - Feb 07)
Per bend Purp & Az, a bend wavy betw an increscent & a dragonfly
Arg. (D: Niamh inghean Fhearghail - Mar 05)
Per bend Purp & Vt, 3 dragonflies & a dragon contourny Arg
breathing flames proper. (D: Nastasiia Rosenzweig - Jan 07)
Per bend Sa & Or, a dragonfly & an anchor ctrch. (D: Ricard
Lemarignier - Jan 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a dragonfly Vt & a honeysuckle blossom
Or. (D: Danielle de Marseille - Feb 07)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a bend sin embat counter-embat betw 2
dragonflies bendwise sin, that in base inv, Arg. (D: Gabrielle
de La Rivire - Oct 07)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a triquetra betw 3 dragonflies Arg. (D: Lina
Saint Albans - Oct 01)
Per bend sin counter-vairy Gu & Or & counter-vairy Sa & Or, a
dragonfly ermine. (D: Ilya Vsevolod Fominich - Sep 92)
Per bend sin Gu & Or, on a bend sin Sa betw a lion contourny & a
dragonfly ctrch 3 fleurs-de-lys palewise Or. (D: Blanche
Capet - Mar 05)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a bend sin Az fimbriated Or betw a
dragonfly Arg & an escallop inv Or. (D: Aric Gewehr Oct 92)
Per bend sin Or & Az, a dragonfly volant en arrire & a sword
ctrch. (B: Vatavia - Jan 85) (For the Order of the Vatavian
Sword of Valor)
Per bend sin Or & Az, a harp & a dragonfly inv ctrch. (B: Vatavia May 06)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt, a bend sin dovetailed betw 2 dragonflies
Arg. (D: Arrianna da Donnici - Oct 01)
Per bend sin Purp semy of escarbuncles Arg & Arg, a dragonfly
Purp. (D: Parnell Aline Wynter - Dec 04)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, a dragonfly & a bord Arg. (D: Ursula
Crichton - Feb 08)
Per bend sin Sa & Purp, a dragonfly & a dragonfly inv Or. (D:
Aislynn the Wanderer - Aug 03)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, a bend sin cotised betw a dragonfly & a
natural dolphin naiant Arg. (B: Ragnhildr Sigtryggsdottir Nov 05)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, 2 dragonflies Or. (D: Grigour MacEnelly Nov 03)
Per bend wavy Arg & Az, a dragonfly bendwise Az & a dragonfly
bendwise inv Or, all within an bord wavy ctrch. (D: Edana of
the Vineyards - May 88)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 dragonflies Sa & a natural seahorse Arg. (D:
Dierdre Cambroun de Lochabor - Oct 06)
Per chev Arg & Gu, 2 dragonflies Purp & a stag trippant contourny
Or. (D: Morgan ap Hugh - Feb 07)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 2 dragonflies Vt & an oak tree fructed &
couped Or. (D: Thalia Ruggenall - Jan 04)
Per chev dovetailed Sa & Arg, 2 dragonflies & an owl disp ctrch.
(D: Marcus McKeon of Clan McKeeman - Sep 94)
Per chev enhanced Sa & Arg, 2 bezants, each charged with a thistle
proper, & a dragonfly Vt. (D: Elizabeth of Blackwood Jun 84)
Per chev Gu & Sa, 2 dragonflies & a rice stalk Or. (D: Kageyama
Yasuo - Jun 91)
Per chev Or & Purp, 2 dragonflies & a laurel wreath ctrch. (D:
Smithwick - Feb 05)

Arthropod - Dragonfly (continued)

Per chev Purp & Vt, 2 dragonflies & a horses head couped Arg.
(D: Mevanwy ferch Moris - May 06)
Per chev Sa & vair, in chf 2 dragonflies Arg. (D: Tegan Rhos May 00)
Per chev throughout Purp & Arg, 2 estoiles Arg & a dragonfly Vt.
(D: Letia Thistelthueyt - Dec 01)
Per fess embat Or & Gu, a dragonfly Sa & 2 lightning bolts in salt
Or. (D: Rutilia Fausta - Apr 06)
Per fess rayonny Sa & Or, 3 dragonflies, 2 & one, & a raven ctrch.
(D: Dnlaith ingen Bethgalaig - Mar 08)
Per fess Sa & Gu, a dragonfly Or. (D: Maol Anna de Chassant Apr 94)
Per fess wavy Arg & Sa, 2 barrulets wavy betw in chf 2 swans
naiant respectant & in base a dragonfly, all ctrch. (D: Sine
Gillian nic Pharlain - Aug 84)
Per pale Arg & Sa, on a chev betw 3 dragonflies disp 2 spears
within a bord, all ctrch. (D: Timofei Ivanovich - Oct 83)
Per pale Az & Arg, a dragonfly ctrch. (B: Czendes Sadany Jun 04)
Per pale Az & Or, a dragonfly ctrch. (D: Anastasiia Zakharina Dec 00)
Per pale Gu & Az, a dragonfly & a chf Arg. (D: Alys Sheffield Nov 93)
Per pale Or & Gu, a dragonfly volant en arriere betw 3 Maltese
crosses ctrch. (D: Oswin Attwater - Aug 99)
Per pale Or & Sa, a dragonfly ctrch. (D: Idonea Murphy of Antrim Sep 01)
Per pale Purp & Or, a dragonfly betw 4 laurel wreaths 2 & 2 ctrch.
(D: Windreach - Nov 98)
Per pale Purp & Vt, a dragonfly bendwise Arg. (D: Shria Chinua Mar 06)
Per pale Purp & Vt, a dragonfly within an orle Or. (D: Moira
ODroogan - Jul 03)
Per pale rayonny Purp & Arg, 2 dragonflies ctrch. (D: Chiara of
Ravenna - Oct 91)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a dragonfly within an orle ctrch. (D: Caterina
Amiranda della Quercia - Nov 05)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a puffin proper statant close betw 3 dragonflies
ctrch. (D: Meadhbh Eileanach - Aug 98)
Per pale Vt & Arg, 2 dragonflies ctrch. (B: Moira ODroogan Jul 03)
Per pale Vt & Purp, 3 dragonflies in pale Or. (D: Hasegawa
Arihiro - Jan 03)
Per salt Arg & Az, a dragonfly volant en arriere ctrch a bord Vt. (D:
Ophelia Osborne - Mar 98)
Per salt Az & Vt, a dragonfly tergiant disp Arg, orbed Or. (D:
Mairghread Maire Draigdaimhalachd - May 80)
Per salt Az & Vt, a salt & in chf a dragonfly Arg. (D: Tessa de
Spina - Jul 07)
Per salt Gu & Or, 4 dragonflies in cross tails to center ctrch. (D:
Oliver Mordrake - Feb 07)
Per salt Or & Gu, in pale 2 lotus blossoms in profile & in fess 2
dragonflies ctrch. (D: Medb McLeod - Sep 06)
Per salt Vt & Arg, in salt 4 dragonflies disp, heads outwards, ctrch.
(D: Annora de Montfort of Shadowood - Nov 82)
Per salt Vt & Az, 4 dragonflies Arg. (D: Brghid inghean
Chonmhaoil - Apr 05)
Purp, a chev ermine betw five escallops in chf & a dragonfly Arg.
(D: Gwenhwyvar Morwyn - May 05)
Purp, a dragonfly & on a chf Arg 3 seeblatter Purp. (D: Ela de
Areci - May 07)
Purp, a dragonfly Arg within a snake involved in annulo Arg
lozengy Purp. (D: Sabine Bryght of Ash - Jul 00)
Purp, a dragonfly betw in base 3 lotus blossoms in profile Arg. (D:
Katou Tatsuko - Oct 07)
Purp, a dragonfly within an orle of fleurs-de-lis Or. (D: Mraud
dAvignon - May 02)
Purp, 3 dragonflies in fess & a chf wavy Or. (D: Kateryn
Treningham - Mar 06)
Purp, 2 chevronels braced & in chf a dragonfly Arg. (D: Gisela
Szabo - Jul 06)
Purp, upon a sunflower betw 3 dragonflies Or, a dragonfly Gu. (D:
Veronica of Seldom Rest - Jan 87)
Quarterly Arg & Gu, a dragonfly ctrch & on a chf Sa 3 boars heads
erased Arg. (D: Sorcha of Ar n-Eilean-ne - May 03)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 107

[Arthropod - Dragonfly] to [Arthropod - Mantis]

Arthropod - Dragonfly (continued)

Quarterly Purp & Az, a cross bottony betw 4 dragonflies Arg. (D:
Elanor OHalloraine - Jan 07)
Quarterly Sa & Az, a dragonfly within an orle Arg. (D: Garth of
Cattail Bog - Nov 95)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, 3 dragonflies in pall heads to center & a bord
embat Arg. (D: Roxanne de Audley - Jan 99)
Sa, a dragonfly & on a chf Or 3 needles inv Sa. (D: Tegan de
Moreton - Feb 94)
Sa, a dragonfly palewise betw 2 Japanese waves of five crests,
conjoined at base, Arg. (D: Onami Ryome - Jul 89)
Sa, in fess 3 stems of bamboo throughout betw 2 dragonflies
fesswise respectant Arg. (B: Solveig Anderhalfholt - Apr 06)
(For Chimori Asahi)
Vt, a dragonfly & a chf triangular Or. (D: Mariana Maria
Pietrosanti - Mar 08)
Vt, a dragonfly & in chf 3 mullets one & 2 Or. (B: Nikolai
Grigorevich Petrov - Jun 02)
Vt, a dragonfly & on a chf Or 3 pomegranates Gu slipped & leaved
Vt. (D: Faoiltighearna n Dhuinn - Dec 99)
Vt, a dragonfly bendwise within a hexagon voided Arg. (D:
Kataura Kagehira - Jan 04)
Vt, a dragonfly within a laurel wreath Or all within a bord compony
Sa & Or. (D: Dragonfly Marsh - Mar 91)
Vt, a dragonfly within a mascle throughout Arg. (D: Anastasia
inghean u Shileabhin - Apr 05)
Vt, a gore sin Sa fimbriated, in pale 2 dragonflies volant bendwise,
the lower reversed, Arg. (D: Margare of the Silver Dragonfly
- Apr 85)
Vt, a lion passant betw 3 dragonflies, on a chf Or a rapier Vt. (D:
Morin inghen Ruairc - Sep 04)
Vt semy of dragonflies Arg. (D: Marion Forester - Apr 05)
Vt, 3 dragonflies in pall inv tails to center Arg. (D: Uesugi Kutarou
Ietoyo - Apr 07)
* * * End * * *
Arthropod - Earwig: see Arthropod - Beetle
Arthropod - Grasshopper: see Arthropod - Mantis
Arthropod - Hornet: see Arthropod - Bee
Arthropod - Ladybug: see Arthropod - Beetle

Arthropod - Lobster

(Fieldless) A crab per chev Arg & Gu. (B: Owen ap Madog Jan 96)
(Fieldless) A crab tergiant per pale Or & Az. (B: Robert Runewald
- Jan 99)
(Fieldless) A crab within & conjoined to an annulet Az. (B:
Lochmere - Mar 95)
(Fieldless) A lobster Az. (B: Percevel Gower - Jan 97)
(Fieldless) A lobster Or sustaining to chf an axe fesswise Az. (B:
Gwendolyn ABrook - Jan 03)
(Fieldless) In pale a moon in her plentitude Arg sustained by a crab
Sa. (B: Kiena Munro - Nov 99)
(Fieldless) On a crab Or a letter T Sa. (B: Malcolm MacMalcolm May 95)
Arg, a chev engrailed Az betw 2 maple leaves Gu & a lobster Az.
(D: Percevel Gower - Jan 97)
Arg, a crab Gu, in sin chf an escallop Gu chased Or. (D: Clarissa
of Red Crab Manor on the James - Jan 80)
Arg, a crab inv Az sustaining a trident fesswise reversed Sa & a chf
Az. (D: Decimus Aurelius Gracchus - Feb 07)
Arg, a crab tergiant inv Az sustaining a trident fesswise reversed Sa.
(B: Decimus Aurelius Gracchus - Feb 06)
Arg, a drakkar reversed Gu, charged on the sail with a crab Or, all
within a bord Sa. (D: Thorad Bjorgsson - Jan 80)
Arg, a lobster disp Gu. (D: Raymond Crus Hummer - Nov 73?)
Arg, a shrimp embowed, in base 2 mountains wreathed with mist
Sa. (B: Loch Salann - Aug 84) (For Clan Shiotani)
Arg billety Sa, a chev wavy Gu, semy of escallops Arg, betw 3
lobsters Gu. (D: Neptunalis Frederich Wilhelm von Metten Nov 92)
Arg goutty Sa, a crab Gu, a base Az. (B: Symmonne Deccarrete de
Villette - Mar 99)
Arg, in pale a lobster fesswise contourny Gu & a wooden butter
churn enflamed proper & a chf wavy Az. (B: Marion
FitzWilliam - Mar 07)

108 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arthropod - Lobster (continued)

Arg, 2 ladles in salt betw 4 crabs & a bord Az. (B: Lochmere Mar 02) (For Company of Saint Martha)
Az, a crab & a chf invected Or. (D: Gerhard der Taschenkrebs Dec 91)
Az, a crab betw 4 quatrefoils in cross Or. (D: Tammara Courtenay
- Nov 89)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a demi-lobster tergiant disp Gu. (B: Sean
FitzWallace - Jan 83)
Erminois, a crab disp tergiant bendwise Gu maintaining in its chf
claw a fern frond arched fesswise Vt, on a chf Sa an increscent
& a sun Or. (D: Verena von Farnberg - Sep 80)
Gu, a crab inv within a bord Arg. (D: Magnus rshovn Apr 06)
Gu, 2 crayfish & on a base Or, a compass star Gu, in chf a label of
five points overall Or. (D: Eckhardt zu Westfilde - Oct 93)
Or, a crab Az betw 4 torteaux, 3 & one. (D: Dunestan of Ashdown Sep 92)
Or, a crab tergiant Az maintaining in its claws a glaive fesswise
reversed proper, within a bord embat Az. (D: Beorn MacElan
- Mar 86)
Or, a lobster & in chf 2 suns Gu. (D: Raibert Mac an Bhird Apr 96)
Or, on a crab Gu a bee proper. (D: Pesty Potncza - Sep 04)
Or, 2 crabs tergiant in fess Purp. (D: Mara Gabirol - Jul 87)
Or, 2 needles in salt, eyes to chf, Sa betw in pale 2 crabs & in fess 2
closed books palewise Gu. (D: Matilde des Isles Froides Aug 89)
Paly Arg & Gu, a bend ctrch, in sin chf a crab Sa. (D: Roxanne
Crabbe - Feb 00)
Party of six pieces per fess nebuly Az & Or, 3 frets Or & 3 crabs
Az. (D: Petronella Underhill - Mar 04)
Per bend sin Arg & lozengy couped Gu & Arg, in dexter chf a crab
passant Gu. (D: Hatekayama Masamoto - May 88)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, in dexter chf a fiddler crab tergiant proper.
(D: Alice of Briarbrook - Aug 79?)
Per chev Arg & Gu, 3 crabs ctrch. (D: Owen ap Madog - Dec 92)
Per chev Or & Sa, 2 crawfishes combattant erect Gu & a pelican
disp Arg, beaked & membered proper. (D: Will the Wisp Jan 73?)
Per fess embowed counter-embowed Sa & Purp, a fess embowed
counter-embowed betw a mullet of 4 points & a crab tergiant
inv Arg. (D: Patrick Shannon of Newhall - Oct 88)
Per fess engrailed Arg & Az, a crab tergiant & a laurel wreath ctrch.
(D: Lochmere - May 89)
Per fess wavy Arg & Az, a decrescent & a crab tergiant ctrch. (D:
Constance Morley - Dec 99)
Per fess wavy Az & Or, an increscent Or & a crab Gu. (B:
Alessandra Ruscello - Aug 04)
Per pale Az & Or, semy of arrows inv, a crab, on a bord six mullets
all ctrch. (D: Robert Runewald - Feb 98)
Per pale Az & Sa, a crab Arg. (D: Lucas Colbert - Feb 07)
Per pale checky Arg & Sa, & Vt, a crab & in chf 2 fish naiant
contourny Or. (D: Robin Huxley of Lands End - Apr 93)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a crab ctrch & a bord Sa. (D: Kamiya Gentarou
Toshimoto - Jan 96)
Per salt Or & Sa, a salt betw in pale 2 roses & in fess 2 lobsters
ctrch. (D: Gwendolyn ABrook - Apr 98)
Sa, on a fess wavy betw 3 annulets & a crab Or 2 olive branches
stems to center Sa. (D: Laila Hannesone - Jul 05)
Vt, a crab & on a chf Or 3 mullets Vt. (D: Alexia di Napoli Oct 06)
Vt, a pile Arg, overall a crab inv ctrch. (D: Curtis of Rum Aug 78?)
Vt, in pale a crab Or & a sword bendwise ermine. (D: Wilhelm
Altmann - Aug 04)
* * * End * * *

Arthropod - Mantis

Arg, a praying mantis passant close Vt within a bord wavy Sa. (B:
Alrik Einar Thorvald - Oct 84)
Arg, a praying mantis rising, wings addorsed, Vt. (D: Daria Joan
de Courtenay - Oct 84)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a phoenix rising from flames & a praying mantis
statant Or. (D: Harold of Pucklechurch - Nov 97)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a praying mantis statant erect guardant, in chf 2
trees blasted & couped Or. (D: Gabriel Baumer - Mar 06)

[Arthropod - Mantis] to [Arthropod - Moth]

Arthropod - Mantis (continued)

Quarterly Gu & Arg, on a cross Sa betw in bend sin 2 praying

mantises Vt a crane disp Arg. (D: Alrik Einar Thorvald Aug 84)
Sa, 3 grasshoppers passant in pall, heads to center Arg. (B: Tanaka
Raiko - Aug 93)
Vt, a praying mantis ramp to sin Arg. (D: Joe of Westermark Sep 90)
* * * End * * *
Arthropod - Mosquito: see Arthropod - Dragonfly

Arthropod - Moth

(Fieldless) A broad arrow inv Az, surmounted by a butterfly Arg.

(B: Alina Kendall OComhraidhe - Jul 91)
(Fieldless) A butterfly Arg, wings tipped Gu. (B: Anne of
Caerdydd - Jan 93)
(Fieldless) A butterfly Arg within & conjoined to a mascle of 4
quill pens Az. (B: Sidonia of Seven Oaks - Dec 94)
(Fieldless) A butterfly Az ermined Arg. (B: Theodora von
Schmetterlingswald - Apr 00)
(Fieldless) A butterfly barry wavy Az & Arg. (B: Genevieve
dEvreux - Apr 00)
(Fieldless) A butterfly bendwise sin Sa. (B: Avelyn ingen Uilliam May 03)
(Fieldless) A butterfly per fess Az & Arg. (B: Milada von
Felsenhoff - Jan 96)
(Fieldless) A butterfly per salt Az & Sa within & conjoined to an
annulet per salt Sa & Az. (B: Isabeau della Farfalla Nov 04)
(Fieldless) A butterfly Purp. (B: Kristin in tasalda - Apr 00)
(Fieldless) A butterfly Sa, its fore wings Or & rear wings Vt. (B:
Effric Campbell - Oct 99)
(Fieldless) A butterfly Sa mullety Or. (B: Angharad ferch
Tangwystl - Oct 99)
(Fieldless) A butterfly volant bendwise sin wings elevated &
addorsed Or. (B: Deirdre of Boolteens - Sep 95)
(Fieldless) A butterfly volant contourny bendwise sin wings
elevated & addorsed Arg. (B: Cristina Da Napoli - Jan 00)
(Fieldless) A butterfly within & conjoined to an annulet Or. (B:
Rosalia di Bellavita - Feb 03)
(Fieldless) A fly per pall Arg, Gu & Vt. (B: Roghnach of
Ruantallan - Sep 05)
(Fieldless) A moth quarterly Sa & Gu. (B: Mitchell MacBain Aug 93)
(Fieldless) A swallowtail butterfly per pale Or & Arg all marked
Sa. (B: Rosalia di Bellavita - Oct 03)
(Fieldless) A wreath of butterflies, heads to center, Arg. (B:
Artemisia - Nov 90)
(Fieldless) In pale a bezant betw & conjoined to 2 butterflies Az.
(B: Louise LaMotte - Apr 02)
(Fieldless) In pale a moth disp Arg conjoined to a mount couped
Vt. (B: Annanias Fenne - Mar 04)
(Fieldless) On a fan Sa, a butterfly Arg. (B: Baga Aleea - May 90)
(Fieldless) 3 butterflies conjoined in pall inv heads outward Arg
marked Sa. (B: Jennifer of the East - Nov 04)
Arg, a bend sin engrailed Sa betw 2 butterflies Az. (D: Eleanor
FitzWilliam - Mar 86)
Arg, a bend wavy betw 2 butterflies Sa. (D: Alienora de Buchan Sep 03)
Arg, a butterfly & a bord Sa. (D: Viviana Eucheria lIndmabile Jan 98)
Arg, a butterfly Az & a bord wavy Az semy of butterflies Arg. (D:
Alexandra of Clan Donald - Apr 02)
Arg, a butterfly Az marked proper. (D: Constance von Messer Oct 92) (The butterfly is mostly blue, with small spots of red
and brown.)
Arg, a butterfly bendwise, wings elevated & addorsed Or, perched
on a garden rose slipped Purp. (B: Caerthe - Jan 80) (For
the Courtesans Guild of Caerthe)
Arg, a butterfly disp Purp within an orle of butterflies Vt. (D:
Alysande of Greenvale - Mar 90)
Arg, a butterfly Gu, on a chf checky Sa & Arg 3 mullets Gu. (D:
Ophelia Wortman - Mar 96)
Arg, a butterfly Purp & on a chf Purp, mulletty, a crescent Arg. (D:
Farasha Joralemon - Nov 86)

Arthropod - Moth (continued)

Arg, a butterfly Purp, on a chf Vt 3 cinquefoils Arg. (D: Evelynne

van der Haagen - Sep 92)
Arg, a butterfly Sa & a bord rayonny Vt. (B: Africa OBrien Jan 99)
Arg, a chev & in base a butterfly Az. (D: Adriana Sturmveder Jun 98)
Arg, a fess Az, ermined Arg, betw 3 pine trees couped Sa & a
butterfly Az. (D: Theodora von Schmetterlingswald - Feb 87)
Arg, a luna moth proper betw a decrescent, an increscent & a
crescent, all Vt. (D: Deirdri of the Mist - Nov 86)
Arg, a Monarch butterfly bendwise sin, wings elevated & addorsed
proper, betw 3 holly leaves in pall Vt, a chf Sa. (D: Edana
Aleen of the Borough of York - Jul 85)
Arg, a monarch butterfly disp proper. (D: Lessa of the Wierde
Beasties - Oct 79)
Arg, a moth volant en arrire Sa marked Arg, a demi-sun issuant
from base Gu. (D: Geillis Fairhand - Feb 99)
Arg, a salt cotised betw 4 butterflies Gu. (D: Giovanna Bresciana Jul 07)
Arg, a salt per salt Az & Sa betw in pale 2 butterflies Sa. (D:
Isabeau della Farfalla - Aug 95)
Arg, a 3-leaved sprig of bamboo inv betw in fess 2 butterflies
composed of bamboo leaves disp respectant conjoined at the
wingtips Sa. (D: Shimizu Ariko - Aug 84)
Arg, a triskelion arrondi within & conjoined to an annulet Sa betw 3
butterflies Purp. (D: Fu Ching Lan - Apr 02)
Arg, in pale a butterfly & a quill of thread within a bord engrailed
Sa. (B: Christina McCarty - Nov 04)
Arg, in pale a butterfly & an anvil within a bord dovetailed Sa. (D:
Rudolph Fekter - Oct 95)
Arg, on a bend Gu betw a butterfly bendwise sin & an ash tree
eradicated Sa, an arrow Arg. (D: Aleruna Olgersdotter Jan 98)
Arg, on a bend sin Vt an ivy vine throughout Arg in dexter chf a
butterfly Sa. (D: Margurite de Toulouse - Jan 03)
Arg, on a bend Vt betw 2 butterflies Purp, 3 musical notes palewise
Arg. (D: Catherine Elizabeth Dling - Jul 99)
Arg, on a pale betw six butterflies Az a hand of Fatima Arg. (D:
Hanna bint Abdullah - May 01)
Arg, sem of butterflies Gu, a salt Sa. (B: LoAleene Penrith Dec 82)
Arg, 3 butterflies Az & a chf Vt. (D: Elinora OConnor - Aug 04)
Arg, 3 butterflies Sa, a chf rayonny Vt. (D: Africa OBrien Feb 98)
Arg, 3 butterflies Sa winged Az, on a bord Gu 3 mullets Arg. (D:
Annabelle Phair - Nov 99)
Arg, 3 tulips Gu, slipped & leaved Vt, in chf a butterfly volant
bendwise, wings elevated & addorsed, Az. (D: Sarah
Thomasyn - Jan 89)
Az, a butterfly Arg betw 4 acorns in cross Or, all within a bord
embat Arg. (D: Sidonia of Seven Oaks - Jan 90)
Az, a butterfly betw 2 bendlets betw 2 mullets Or. (D: Mellilah
Farasha Raushana bint Abdullah - date?)
Az, a butterfly Or marked Sa within a bord nebuly Or. (B:
Aquaterra - Mar 06)
Az, a chev cotised betw 3 butterflies Or. (D: Sorcha inghean
Shearraigh - Jul 03)
Az, a papillion Arg, bodied Sa, within a bord Arg. (D: Irene von
Schmetterling - Aug 79)
Az, a papillion Or, charged on each wing with 3 ermine spots
fesswise in pale, points to the body Az, betw 3 cinquefoils Or.
(D: Helene of Florrisshen - Aug 79?)
Az, a salt gyronny Gu & Or, in chf a butterfly Or. (D: Anne of
Benetlea - Sep 83)
Az, an elm branch bendwise throughout betw 2 butterflies Arg. (D:
Victoria of Elmhurst Hollow - Jul 86)
Az, eight male tiger-swallowtail butterflies in annulo proper,
debruised of a gore sin Sa fimbriated Arg charged with a
dragonfly disp bendwise Arg. (D: Karen of the Silver
Dragonfly, the Sweet - Aug 79)
Az, issuant from canton a demi-rising sun & in bend sin betw the 4
rays 3 papillons disp Or. (D: Losira la Papillon - Nov 80)
Az semy of butterflies Arg. (D: Adelheid Silberschmidt - Sep 04)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, a butterfly & a chf Or. (D: Juliana
dAvignon - Oct 92)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 109

[Arthropod - Moth]

Arthropod - Moth (continued)

Counter-ermine, a butterfly Or. (D: Gunnar Mulcha of Odins Seat

- Sep 71?)
Gu, a butterfly & in base 2 bars wavy, on a chf Arg 3 decrescents
Gu. (D: Elizabeth atte Blacksterre - Feb 05)
Gu, a butterfly betw flaunches invected Arg. (D: Katerin de Viana
- Sep 02)
Gu, a butterfly Or, on a chf Arg 3 saltorels Gu. (D: Elspeth of
Hampshire - Feb 98)
Gu, chap ploy Arg, a butterfly Or. (B: Aryana Silknfyre Oct 87)
Gu, in cross an increscent betw 4 butterflies, heads to center Or. (D:
Umm Sulaiman Safia al-Bakhtariyya - Aug 97)
Gu, semy of butterflies Or. (D: Eric Brehattin - Jun 92)
Gu, semy of hawks bells Or, a butterfly disp Arg betw 2 scarpes
Or. (D: Kiriel du Papillion - Oct 87)
Gyronny Or & Az, eight butterflies in annulo ctrch. (D: Julianne
Journ - Jul 07)
Or, a bend & in sin chf a butterfly Az, a bord dovetailed Gu. (D:
Twila of Wulfshaven - Jul 86)
Or, a butterfly Az within an orle Vt. (D: Heile Kozak - May 08)
Or, a butterfly Gu betw 3 serpents, each involved in annulo Vt. (D:
Cassandra Brighid - May 92)
Or, a butterfly Purp & a bord wavy Vt. (D: Nicolette Deschamps Dec 00)
Or, a butterfly Purp & on a chf Az a feather reversed Arg. (D:
Ginevra Verrocchi - Jan 03)
Or, a butterfly Sa marked Or within an annulet Sa. (B: Mariposa de
los Montoyas - Feb 01)
Or, a butterfly Sa winged quarterly Az & Gu. (D: Isabele nic
Gilvride - Nov 00)
Or, a butterfly volant bendwise, wings addorsed Gu. (D: Hattori
Tsukime - Mar 06)
Or, a butterfly within a bord Az. (D: Katarina la Juste - Nov 99)
Or, a butterfly within a star of David & in chf a label of five points
Az. (D: Livia di Samuele - Jul 07)
Or, a butterfly within six roses in annulo Az. (D: Allanda de
Warwick - Oct 81)
Or, a chestnut foal with 4 white stockings & a blaze statant
regarding a Blue Mountain butterfly perched on his rump, all
proper. (D: Melacha of the Blue Mountain - Aug 79)
Or, a cross nebuly Gu, overall a butterfly disp Sa marked Or & Gu.
(D: Tirzah Ninian Vach - Feb 85)
Or, a fess Sa, overall a butterfly ermine. (D: Anne of Caerdydd Jul 79?)
Or, a weeping willow tree proper within butterflies in annulo Sa.
(D: Avelyn ingen Uilliam - Jun 05)
Or, on a bend Az betw 2 butterflies Purp, 4 lotus blossoms affronty
Or. (D: Camilla the Joyful - Jan 08)
Or semy of gillyflowers, a butterfly within a bord invected Vt. (D:
Gertrude der Apteker - Oct 03)
Or, 3 butterflies Az & a bord invected Gu. (D: Maria de Isla Mar 02)
Or, 3 monarch butterflies proper within a bord Purp. (B: Andelcrag
- Nov 05)
Or, 3 piles in point Sa, overall a butterfly Vt. (D: Emma Grey Apr 00)
Per bend Arg & Az, a moth disp within a tressure ctrch. (D: Bevin
of a Thousand Songs - Oct 81)
Per bend Arg & Or, a bend engrailed Vt & in sin chf a butterfly
dismembered Gu. (D: LoAleene Penrith - Aug 81)
Per bend Arg & Or, a bend Vt, overall a butterfly dismembered
throughout Gu. (B: LoAleene Penrith - Dec 82)
Per bend Arg & Purp, a black Diana filigree butterfly & a humpbacked orb weaver spider proper. (D: Diana the
Dreamweaver - Feb 81)
Per bend Az & Or, in sin chf a butterfly bendwise, wings elevated
& addorsed, Or. (D: Leanna Elaine du Ciel - Aug 82)
Per bend Or & Vt, 2 butterflies counter-changed. (D: Kendra
Lianne - Feb 86)
Per bend Purp & Arg, a butterfly bendwise, wings addorsed Or & 2
strawberry leaves in bend Vt. (D: Sine Immey - Apr 88)
Per bend Purp & Or, a butterfly Or & 3 columbines Purp slipped &
leaved Vt. (D: Brigit Chamshrn - Aug 03)
Per bend Sa & Az, a sword inv betw 2 butterflies in bend Arg. (D:
Learbhean nighean Thoirrdhealbhaich - Apr 96)

110 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arthropod - Moth (continued)

Per bend sin Arg & Az, in bend sin 3 butterflies bendwise sin Az.
(D: Ailleann inghean Fhiodhbhuidhe - Jul 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, 2 butterflies ctrch. (D: Mathias Blackwell Sep 07)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a butterfly bendwise & a heather sprig
ctrch. (D: Mara Cameron of Lochaber - May 83)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a fleur-de-lys & a butterfly within a bord all
ctrch. (D: Genevive Barberel - Sep 04)
Per bend sin engrailed Az & Arg, a butterfly Arg & a griffin
segreant Sa. (D: Elspeth Etain - Jun 85)
Per bend sin enhanced Az & Vt, a butterfly Gu fimbriated Or. (D:
Anne Trier of Upper Lorraine - Aug 79)
Per bend sin nebuly Or & Az, a butterfly volant en arrire & a hare
couchant ctrch. (D: Helga Goldhaarig von Zurich - Mar 85)
Per bend sin Or & Purp, in bend sin 2 butterflies bendwise sin ctrch,
the one in chf inv. (D: Gwyneth of Hillhaven - Feb 86)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, a unicorn ramp guardant & a butterfly ctrch.
(D: Gwendolen de Lindsay - May 99)
Per bend sin Purp & Sa, a sun & a butterfly Or. (D: Kristin in
tasalda - Apr 00)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt, a bend sin betw a butterfly & 3 bells one &
2 Or. (D: Admiranda le Daye - Oct 01)
Per chev Arg ermined Az, & Az, a butterfly Purp & a Celtic cross
Arg. (D: Alina Kendall OComhraidhe - Jan 93)
Per chev Az & Arg semy of poppies Gu, in chf a butterfly Arg. (D:
Mairgret of Carrigart - Jan 91)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 butterflies & a compass star within a bord all
ctrch. (D: Mael Mide ingen Medrain - Jul 05)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 butterflies disp in chev Arg & a fleur-de-lys
Gu. (D: Kendra Catriona Kerr - Oct 88)
Per chev inv Or & Az, in chf a swallowtailed butterfly Sa & in base
3 roses Or, barbed & seeded Arg. (D: Francisco Duron Sep 87)
Per chev inv Purp & Vt, a chev inv betw a sun & 3 butterflies Or.
(D: Brighid inghean Fhionnghuala - Feb 05)
Per chev inv Sa & Vt, a chev inv betw a roundel & a butterfly Arg.
(D: Teirnion Shadewe ap Griffydd Llanrudd - Jun 96)
Per chev Or & Arg, in pall inv 4 anemone flowers Gu, seeded Sa,
betw 3 butterflies Az. (D: Byron della Farfalla - Jul 88)
Per chev ploy Or & Az, 3 butterflies one & 2 Gu & a wolf ramp
Or. (B: Steffan Wulfshaven - May 93)
Per chev rayonny Or & Gu, 2 butterflies & a coronet dancetty ctrch.
(D: Venanza da Verona - Sep 89)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev betw 3 butterflies Or, wings voided. (D:
Mariposa de los Montoyas - Aug 79?)
Per fess Arg & Az, a butterfly & a snowflake ctrch. (D: Louise
LaMotte - Jan 91)
Per fess Az & Vt, a butterfly & a bord wavy Arg. (D: Lasairfhona
of Grimfells - Jul 03)
Per fess Az & Vt, perched upon a buff fairy-ring mushroom a
monarch butterfly wings addorsed proper. (D: Mathilde
Hlne Caitlin MacCraobh - May 80)
Per fess embat Arg & Az, 2 irises, slipped & leaved, & a butterfly
disp, all ctrch. (D: Milada von Felsenhoff - Jun 90)
Per fess embat Purp & Or, in chf 3 whelks one & 2, points to center,
& in base a butterfly ctrch. (D: Treinel McCabe von dem
Schwartzwald - Oct 93)
Per fess enarched Az & Or, in base a butterfly disp Purp, a bord Vt.
(D: Gyera della Farfalla - Sep 85)
Per fess Gu & Arg, 3 plates one & 2 & a butterfly Gu. (D: Thora
Redhair - Mar 95)
Per fess rayonny Arg & Az, in pale a butterfly volant en arriere &
another inv ctrch. (D: Gwyneth Banfhidhleir - Nov 84)
Per fess Sa & Gu, 2 pairs of annulets conjoined in fess Or & a
butterfly Or, marked Sa. (D: Judith de Bohun - Jan 91)
Per pale Arg & Az, in fess 2 butterflies ctrch. (D: Elena Zada bint
Hakim - May 84)
Per pale Arg & Purp, 3 butterflies & on a chf 3 annulets ctrch. (D:
Cassandra or waun - Oct 02)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 3 butterflies ctrch. (D: Christina McCarty Sep 99)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a butterfly ctrch. (D: Mea the Bold - Feb 02)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 butterflies erect addorsed, wings addorsed
ctrch. (D: Miriam vom Schwarzwald - May 06)
Per pale Az & Or, a butterfly Vt. (D: Sunniva Etain Maclae Mar 04)

[Arthropod - Moth] to [Arthropod - Scorpion]

Arthropod - Moth (continued)

Per pale Gu & Or, a butterfly ctrch. (D: Furayja bint al-Husayn Jul 06)
Per pale Or & Az, a butterfly semy of hearts ctrch. (D: Adalae
Husman - Nov 04)
Per pale Purp & Arg, a butterfly ctrch. (D: Serena the Lavendere Jan 03)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a papillion charged upon each wing with a
roundel, all ctrch. (D: Christina of the Baranduin - Feb 72?)
Per pale Sa & Purp, a butterfly, on a chf embat Or 3 roses proper.
(D: Caitln n Dhuibheasa U Dhubhuidhir - Feb 96)
Per pale Sa & Purp, 2 butterflies Arg. (D: Anya of Windale Jul 07)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a tower betw 3 butterflies ctrch. (D: Klaus
Isenfaust - Feb 02)
Per pale Vt & Or, in pale a roundel & a butterfly ctrch. (D: Alicia
of Dunbar - Jan 04)
Per pale wavy Gu & Az, six butterflies bendwise sin, 2, 2, & 2, Arg.
(D: Esmeret de Saint Circ - Oct 90)
Per pall Vt, Sa & Arg, a butterfly Or & 2 cats statant respectant Arg
& Sa. (D: Dairenn Hrafnsdottir - Feb 08)
Per salt Az & Arg, 2 butterflies Arg & 2 ivy leaves Vt. (D:
Johanna Kitching - May 08)
Per salt Gu & Or, a butterfly Sa marked Arg, on a chf Or 2 acorns
proper. (D: Catherina of Londinium ad Rubrum Flumen Apr 00)
Per salt Vt & Or, a butterfly ctrch within a bord Sa. (D: Arwa bint
Haroun - Dec 06)
Purp, a butterfly & a chf embat Arg. (D: Cristina Da Napoli Jun 00)
Purp, a butterfly bendwise sin & a chf Arg. (D: Savine de Cressy Jul 06)
Purp, a butterfly betw 3 quill pens in pall, nibs to center Arg, all
within an orle of rope Or. (D: Marycz Karola Pohlman Mar 98)
Purp, a luna moth proper within cinquefoils in annulo Arg. (D:
Leila Dusterwinkle of Huntingtonwoods - Nov 84)
Purp, a pegasus salient Arg betw 3 butterflies Or. (D: Rene of
Dragonskeep - Oct 87)
Purp, a winged arrow bendwise sin point to chf Arg betw in pale 2
butterflies Or, all within a bord Or, papelonny Sa. (D: Deirdre
Schneider - Jan 86)
Purp, honeycombed Or, 3 butterflies Arg. (D: Merry of Wintermist
- Jun 89)
Purp, in cross a butterfly betw 4 crescents horns outward Arg. (D:
Sati al-Isfahaniyya - Jan 07)
Purp, on a bend betw 2 butterflies Or 3 pheons inv palewise Sa. (D:
Abinn ingen Shenin hui Nill - Nov 03)
Purp, on a bend cotised betw 2 butterflies Or 3 annulets Purp. (D:
Isabella a le Broke - Feb 06)
Purp, on a triangle throughout Arg betw 3 butterflies Or, winged
Arg, a spider Purp. (D: Alysandir Maknakill - Jun 06)
Purp, 3 moths in pall heads to center wings conjoined Arg. (D:
Taira Shirou Koresato - Sep 95)
Purp, 2 cats ramp guardant addorsed, tails intertwined Arg, in chf 3
butterflies Or. (D: Ermosinda Istra - Oct 92)
Purp, 2 papillions in pale Or. (D: Lisadh ni Nheill - Nov 84)
Quarterly Arg & Vt, a butterfly Gu betw in salt 4 roses ctrch. (D:
Elizabeth Celie Trousdale - Dec 89)
Quarterly Az & Sa, a butterfly betw five mullets one, 2, & 2 Arg.
(D: Mariette de Bretagne - Jun 04)
Quarterly Az & Sa, in fess 2 butterflies volant palewise wings
addorsed respectant Arg. (D: Katherine Kersey - Jun 02)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a butterfly Arg, a chf ermine. (D: Arabella ni
Cormac - Aug 95)
Quarterly wavy Arg & Purp, 2 butterflies rising to sin, wings
elevated & addorsed, Purp. (D: Rosalind the Tender Feb 99)
Sa, a butterfly, a bord rayonny Or. (D: Kerold Hoegaarden Oct 98)
Sa, a butterfly betw the horns of a crescent & in chf 3 plates, one &
2, Arg. (B: Leric Speltigh - May 84)
Sa, a butterfly betw 3 roundels, all within a bord Arg. (D: Bella
Farinelli - Aug 07)
Sa, a butterfly fimbriated & lined Or. (D: Kelvin Alastair
MacGowan - date?)

Arthropod - Moth (continued)

Sa, a Chinese dragon passant Gu, orbed & armed Arg, spined,
bellied & fimbriated Or, in chf a butterfly Or. (D: Caroline of
Waldland - Aug 77?)
Sa, a skull betw 3 butterflies Arg. (B: Peregrine Mellyrn of the Last
Mountain - Feb 96)
Vt, a bend sin Arg betw 2 female Holly Blue butterflies proper
within a bord Arg. (D: Denysa de las Mariposas - Oct 81)
Vt, a Blue Mountain butterfly bendwise disp proper, within a bord
Or. (D: Melisa Wordsmith - Mar 75?)
Vt, a butterfly bendwise sin Or. (D: Evelyn Merry - Feb 02)
Vt, a butterfly Or, marked Gu, in base a double thistle Arg. (D:
Karlanna of Applecross Woods - Aug 84)
Vt, a butterfly Sa winged Arg & on a chf Or 3 roses proper. (D:
Edan inghean an Druaidh - Dec 00)
Vt, a swallowtail butterfly & on a chf Arg 2 butterflies Vt. (D:
Tiona du Papillion - Jul 82)
Vt fretty Arg, a butterfly Or. (B: Kiena Munro - Mar 98)
Vt, fretty Arg, on a pale betw 2 butterflies Or, 3 fleurs-de-lys Sa.
(D: Kiena Munro - Mar 98)
Vt, semy of butterflies, a point pointed Or. (D: Gwynevere of
Riesling - Sep 91)
* * * End * * *
Arthropod - Roach: see Arthropod - Beetle
Arthropod - Scarab: see Arthropod - Beetle

Arthropod - Scorpion

(Fieldless) A chev couped Arg & overall a scorpion bendwise Or.

(B: al-Barran - Feb 91)
(Fieldless) A scorpion bendwise within an annulet Or. (B: alBarran - Feb 91) (For the Order of the Scorpion of alBarran)
(Fieldless) A scorpion Gu. (B: Morgan Faraday - Nov 97)
(Fieldless) A scorpion Gu sustaining to chf a feather fesswise Or.
(B: Dorinda Scorpione - Jan 03)
(Fieldless) A scorpion statant brandishing a scimitar, within an
annulet Or. (B: al-Barran - Feb 91) (For Order of the
Scorpions Sting)
(Fieldless) In pall inv, 3 scorpions tergiant, conjoined at the claws,
Gu. (B: Juan Carlos Prez - Jun 84)
(Fieldless) In pall inv 3 scorpions tergiant, conjoined at the claws,
Or. (B: Juan Carlos Prez - Feb 85) (For Casa del Alacrn)
(Fieldless) In salt a spear Or hafted Arg & a scimitar inv proper,
overall a scorpion bendwise Or. (B: al-Barran - Feb 91)
(For the Baronial Guard of al-Barran)
(Fieldless) On a scorpion Or, a compass star Gu. (B: al-Barran Dec 95) (For the Heart of the Scorpion of al-Barran)
(Fieldless) 2 rapiers inv in salt surmounted by a scorpion Or. (B:
al-Barran - Feb 99) (For Order of the Espada de Oro)
Arg, a chev embat cotissed, the cotise to chf embat counter-embat,
& in base a scorpion statant Gu. (D: Juan Carlos Prez May 83)
Arg, a chev engrailed Gu betw 2 crosses formy & a scorpion inv Sa.
(D: Eric Stroud - Sep 97)
Arg, a double-tailed scorpion Gu, a bord Sa semy of broad-arrows
Arg. (D: Robert of Aroe - Jan 93)
Arg, a pall inv cotised Gu betw a lion passant to sin, a scorpion
tergiant fesswise, & a morion helm Sa. (D: Guillermo el
Alacrn de Castilla - Apr 85)
Arg, a scorpion fesswise reversed within a bord Sa. (D: Richard
Cockeshank - Jun 03)
Arg, a scorpion fesswise Sa, charged with a heart Gu fimbriated
Arg. (D: Cerys the Lonely of Antares - Jan 74?)
Arg, a scorpion inv Az, on a chf wavy Sa an annulet Arg. (D:
Quintin de Lacey - Aug 91)
Arg, a scorpion passant Sa within a bord Gu. (B: Edward Cire of
Greymoor - Feb 86) (For House Greymoor)
Arg, a scorpion tergiant fesswise reversed & on a chf Sa, 3 caltraps
Arg. (D: Hephzibah MacLeod of Kilmuir - Jul 94)
Arg, a tower betw 3 scorpions tergiant in annulo widdershins Sa.
(D: Vyell de Grymenhull - Dec 06)
Arg chap Gu, a scorpion inv Sa. (D: Juan Diego de Belmonte Mar 06)
Arg, in pall 3 scorpions conjoined by the tails Vt. (D: Malissa of
Glymm Mere - Sep 01)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 111

[Arthropod - Scorpion] to [Arthropod - Spider]

Arthropod - Scorpion (continued)

Az, a chev inv Arg betw a scorpion tergiant inv & 3 Irish harps 2 &
one Or. (D: Dermot McGregory de Cashel - Jul 86)
Az, a scorpion, a bord Or. (B: Prospero de San Giuseppe Iato Nov 98)
Az, a scorpion fesswise reversed Or. (B: al-Sahid - Nov 90)
Az, a scorpion Or maintaining in chf an open book Arg. (D:
Timothy der Kenntnisreiche - Jul 06)
Az, a scorpion tergiant erect within a bord Arg. (D: Imran Yosuf le
Scorpioun - Jan 82)
Az, in cross a decrescent betw 4 scorpions, heads to center, Arg. (D:
Atar Bakhtar - May 83)
Az, in salt a goblet betw 4 scorpions tails to center Or. (D:
Prospero de San Giuseppe Iato - Dec 95)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, a scorpion palewise & on a chf wavy Or, an
Egyptian sphinx Az, faced Arg. (D: Marguerite Isadora de
Riva - Aug 88)
Checky Sa & Vt, a scorpion disp queue fourch Or. (D: Josiah
Scorpious - Oct 79)
Gu, a scorpion bendwise sin Arg. (D: Sophie Davenport - Feb 05)
Gu, a scorpion, on a chf Or 3 flames Sa. (D: Gaius Marius
Cingetorix - Mar 04)
Gu, a scorpion, within the curve of its tail a heart, & maintaining in
each pincer a heart all Or. (D: Robin the Ruthless in Battel Jan 08)
Gu, eight scorpions in annulo, facing outward, all within a laurel
wreath Or. (B: Blackwater Keep - Sep 06) (Ancient Arms)
Gu, in fess 2 scorpions Arg. (B: Sigurjn Haraldsson - May 89)
Gu, 3 scorpions Or. (D: Aurelia Nomadike - Jan 08)
Or, a scorpion Gu & on a chf Sa 3 eggs Or. (D: Auriana filia
Germani - Mar 08)
Or, a scorpion palewise betw 2 scimitars palewise, blades outwards,
all within a bord Sa. (D: Raushan ibn Khursheed - Jan 90)
Or, a scorpion tergiant bearing in the sin claw a claymore Sa, all
within a bordurelet Gu. (D: Haimis Black Scorpion - May 80)
Or, a 2-tailed scorpion tergiant fesswise within an annulet Gu. (D:
Burdun the Quester - Sep 87)
Or, on a bend betw a lion ramp & a scorpion passant to sin Az, 3
crescents Or. (D: Diane de Lyon - Apr 87)
Or, on a bend dancetty betw 2 scorpions Gu a sword Or. (D:
Dorinda Scorpione - Jul 01)
Or, on a fess Sa betw 3 pellets, a scorpion fesswise Or. (D: Khalid
ibn Haroun al-Aqrab - Apr 89)
Per bend Gu & Or, a scorpion inv & a sword ctrch. (D: Tiberius
Trebatius Secundus - Feb 07)
Per bend Sa & Arg, in bend sin 3 scorpions ctrch. (D: Godwin
Blacke of Rye - Nov 87)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a bend sin counter-ermine betw a scorpion
statant & a card-pique ctrch. (D: Ivan Ivanov syn Dmitriev Aug 98)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a mullet of eight points Or & a scorpion
statant bendwise Gu. (D: Raynor of the Glen - Feb 87)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, a cross crosslet fitchy & a scorpion Arg. (D:
Niall MacTaggart - Nov 02)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, in dexter chf a scorpion & in sin base a rowan
tree eradicated, both proper. (D: Alan of Rowan - Mar 78?)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 wyverns erect respectant Arg & a scorpion
passant Sa. (D: Edward Cire of Greymoor - Oct 03)
Per chev Or & Arg, a chev Sa betw 2 mullets of six points & a
scorpion tergiant Gu. (D: Raphael Charboneau - Mar 84)
Per chev Or & Az, 2 thistles Vt & a scorpion Or. (D: Robert of
Sundragon - Dec 02)
Per chev Purp & Arg, 2 spiders Arg & a scorpion fesswise Gu. (D:
Catherine of the Angels - Mar 95)
Per chev rayonny Az & Or, 2 laurel wreaths Arg & a scorpion Sa.
(D: al-Sahid - Jul 89)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 2 crosses formy fitchy Arg & a scorpion Gu.
(D: Romanius Vesperianus - Apr 01)
Per chev Sa & Az, 2 thespian masks & a scorpion inv Arg. (D:
Jason Thorne of Antioch - May 00)
Per fess Az & Or, a scorpion tergiant ctrch & in chf an axe Or. (D:
Rdiger Lutz - Mar 01)
Per fess Sa & Az, in chf a scorpion passant & in base 3 hawks bells
Or. (B: Liala Alacrn de las Campaas - Oct 80)
Per pale Arg & Gu, 2 scorpions ctrch. (D: Sigurjn Haraldsson May 89)

112 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arthropod - Scorpion (continued)

Per pale Az & Arg, 2 scorpions tergiant ctrch. (D: Edward

MacGyver - Oct 99)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 scorpions in pale fesswise Arg. (D: Rocco
dArgento - Jan 91)
Per pale Or & Sa, 2 scorpions tergiant ctrch, on a chf Arg 2 quill
pens in salt Az. (D: Morgan of Aldermire - Feb 86)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a scorpion fesswise contourny Arg. (D: Olaf
Ericson - Sep 02)
Per pall inv Sa, Az & Arg, 2 double-bitted axes Arg & a scorpion
inv Sa. (D: Robert Benn Dann - Jun 04)
Per salt Arg & Or, a scorpion tergiant erect betw in fess 2
decrescents & in base a crescent Sa. (B: Imran Yosuf le
Scorpioun - Jul 82)
Purp, a chev ermine cotised Arg betw 2 crescents & a scorpion Or.
(D: Chiara da Montepulciano - Dec 02)
Purp, a scorpion Arg. (D: Allyn ODubhda - Jan 73?)
Purp, a scorpion within a bord embat Or. (B: Oeric Lestrange Feb 05) (For House Gold Scorpion)
Purp semy-de-lys Arg, a scorpion tergiant Or. (D: Oeric Lestrange
- Feb 00)
Sa, a chev Arg, overall a scorpion & in base a laurel wreath, both
Or. (D: al-Barran - Jul 74)
Sa, a chev Arg surmounted by a scorpion Or, & in base a trefoil
Arg. (B: al-Barran - Jul 94) (For the Champion of alBarran)
Sa, a chev rompu & in base a scorpion inv Or. (D: Cassius Drusus
- Feb 07)
Sa, a scorpion & on a chf indented Arg a snake glissant Vt. (D:
Jacob ffrayser - Aug 03)
Sa, a scorpion bendwise Arg, transfixed by a baton sin Or. (D:
Aaron of Skorpios - Aug 87)
Sa, a scorpion statant Or, in chf an estoile of five rays inv Arg. (D:
Cynthia Loganaich of Killeenen - Oct 90)
Sa, a scorpion tergiant & in chf five fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Roger de
Bar - May 99)
Sa, a scorpion tergiant disp Or & in chf a battle axe fesswise
reversed Arg. (D: Miles of Armagh - Apr 85)
Sa, a scorpion within a bord dovetailed Arg. (D: Gareth de Sable May 01)
Sa, in bend sin a cross formy betw a scorpion embowed bendwise &
a scorpion embowed inv bendwise Arg. (D: David of Clayton
- Nov 04)
Vt, a salt betw 3 scorpions one & 2 Or. (D: Alaxandar mac GilleMchl - Aug 03)
* * * End * * *
Arthropod - Shrimp: see Arthropod - Lobster

Arthropod - Spider

(Fieldless) A quill pen bendwise sin Arg surmounted by a spider

Az. (B: Medb the Spinner - Oct 90)
(Fieldless) A spider Az. (B: Ealdthryth of Humberstone - Mar 00)
(Fieldless) A spider Sa. (B: Andrew of Riga - Feb 96)
(Fieldless) An arrow inv Or barbed & flighted surmounted by a
spider Sa. (B: Chle Aubre Duclair - Mar 94)
(Fieldless) On a spider Arg a mullet of eight points voided Purp.
(B: Delis Alms - May 07) (For Arian verch Gwydion)
Arg, a bend sin Gu betw a spider inv & a spiderweb Sa. (D: Delia
Weaver - Mar 05)
Arg, a spider tergiant Sa a chf Gu. (B: Society for Creative
Anachronism - Sep 97) (For Web Ministry)
Arg, a spiderweb Az surmounted by a spider Sa, a bord embat Az
ermined Arg. (D: Katherine Bradon of Carlisle - May 01)
Arg, in pale a goute de sang & a tick on a chf Sa a decrescent Arg.
(D: Raven Mayne - Feb 02)
Arg, in pale a triangle inv & a triangle conjoined Gu, overall a
spider Sa. (B: Anna Hroswitha von Adlerstein - Jan 89) (For
Widows Abbey)
Arg, on a bend sin Purp betw 2 spiders Sa, a lily palewise Or. (D:
Suzanne Grey of York - Dec 98)
Arg, on a spider inv Sa a triskele Or. (B: Trimaris - Feb 96)
Arg, on a spiderweb Sa a garden spider disp proper within a bord
rayonny Gu. (D: Darvula Hedwig von Schwarzwald Dec 83)
Arg, semy of decrescents Vt, a spider tergiant Sa charged with a
mullet Arg. (D: Denise MacMhathain - Apr 85)

[Arthropod - Spider] to [Axe - 1 - Argent]

Arthropod - Spider (continued)

Arg, 3 spiders inv Purp & a bord Az. (D: Portia Magdalena Bosch
- Aug 03)
Arg, 3 spiders tergiant within a bord Sa. (D: Susan the Midwife Sep 88)
Arg vetu, a spider Sa betw in cross 4 hourglasses Gu. (D: Novia the
Widow - Jul 90)
Az, a spider extended depending from a spiderweb throughout in
chf Or. (D: Karin of the Golden Web - Apr 80)
Az, a spider inv & on a chf Arg 3 roses proper. (D: Dametta Sweet
- Dec 05)
Az, a spider inv Arg & a ford proper. (B: Havre de Glace Aug 06) (For Ordre de Mai)
Az, in fess 2 spiders & on a chf invected Arg a spider Sa. (D: Anje
von den Wellen - Aug 84)
Az, in pale a spider inv & 2 lace bobbins in chev inv Arg. (B:
Valds Osborne - Oct 03)
Az, on a escallop inv Arg, a spider Az, all within a bord engrailed
Arg. (D: Rhiannon ferch Cian - Jun 89)
Gu, a spiders web throughout surmounted in chf by a spider inv Or.
(B: Shaul ben Yisrael of Poznan - Sep 89)
Gu, 3 spiders inv, a bord Arg. (D: Magdalena dArzenta - Mar 08)
Gyronny arrondi Gu & Arg, a spider Or within a bord Sa. (B:
Rising Waters - Oct 92) (For Order of the Golden Spider)
Gyronny arrondi Gu & Arg, a spider Sa within a bord Or. (B:
Rising Waters - Oct 92) (For Award of the Spider)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a spider extended Sa. (D: Hagar Bodyguard Mar 78)
Gyronny Or & chequy Az & Arg, a spider tergiant palewise Sa & in
chf a faceted gem fesswise betw 2 others in chev Gu. (D:
Jevon Fairbairn - Sep 88)
Lozengy Or & Purp, a spider & in chf 3 decrescents Arg. (D:
Clarice dOuessant - Oct 90)
Or, a bend sin Gu, overall a spider extended Sa. (D: Cuthbert of
Bloodstone - Jan 73?)
Or, a gurges Gu, overall a spider Vt. (D: Harshna Pataki - Jan 92)
Or, a pall inv Sa betw 2 peacocks close respectant proper & a spider
inv Sa marked Or. (D: Colin Severne - Jan 98)
Or, a spider Vt betw 3 triangles inv Sa. (D: Livia Petralia May 04)
Or, a winged spider passant, wings elevated & addorsed, Sa. (D:
Elyas Derkwynge - Feb 90)
Or, on a bend sin Vt betw 2 spider webs couped Sa, a spider inv Or.
(D: Amariah of Chufut-Kale - Dec 06)
Or, on a spider web throughout a spider tergiant inv & a chf
indented Sa. (D: Elizabeth Thornfield Freemountain Mar 87)
Paly Sa & Arg, a spider Purp. (B: Lodowick of Grays Inn May 97)
Party of six Gu & Arg, 3 spiders inv Arg. (D: Sabina le Sewester Aug 03)
Per bend Arg & Purp, a black Diana filigree butterfly & a humpbacked orb weaver spider proper. (D: Diana the
Dreamweaver - Feb 81)
Per bend pean & Arg, a bend bevilled Az betw an increscent Arg &
a spider inv in base Sa. (D: Mariana de Santillana - Dec 99)
Per bend Sa & Or, 2 spiders ctrch. (D: Margate verch Llywelyn Sep 04)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a spider tergiant & a quill pen bendwise sin
ctrch. (D: Medb the Spinner - Dec 88)
Per bend sin Arg & Or, in bend a juniper tree couped proper & a
spider tergiant bendwise sin Sa. (D: Genvre la Tisserande Sep 87)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, 2 spiders ctrch. (D: Gabryelle of Lochmere
- Mar 92)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a spider & a fleur-de-lys Or. (D: Kristiana
Black - Apr 96)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt, a spider betw 3 roses Or. (D: William
Christopher Bainbridge - Mar 04)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg crusily Purp, a spider Arg. (D: Elizabeth of
Rae Fen - Dec 07)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg honeycombed Sa, a decrescent Arg & a
spider Sa. (D: Ramona of Atlantia - Jul 91)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a spider & a drop spindle Or. (D: Morgan
Goch Bengrek - Sep 06)
Per chev Gu & Sa, 2 standing balances & a spider Arg. (D:
Auriana Maria Ravenstein - Jun 00)

Arthropod - Spider (continued)

Per chev Or & Sa, 2 spiders Sa & a spiderweb Arg all within a bord
ctrch. (D: Jourdain de Boisrobert - Mar 03)
Per chev Purp & Arg, 2 spiders Arg & a scorpion fesswise Gu. (D:
Catherine of the Angels - Mar 95)
Per chev Sa & Purp, a chev embat betw 2 hearts & a spider Arg. (D:
Jasmine Kllisdttir - Feb 00)
Per chev Vt & Purp, a spider Arg. (B: Isabella Agnes van
Lichtervelde - Feb 94)
Per fess embat Purp & Arg, 3 hearts Arg & 3 spiders Sa. (D:
Serena de la Tour dYvoire - Aug 92)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a spider tergiant disp proper, in chf a roundel
ctrch. (D: Bartholomew of Boroughbridge - Sep 83)
Per pale Az & Arg, a tower & a spider ctrch & a chf countercompony Az & Arg. (D: Giovanni da Lucca - Dec 03)
Per pale Or & Gu, a spider Sa, a bord ctrch. (D: Magdalen
Venturosa - Feb 97)
Per pale Or & Purp, a spider within a bord dovetailed ctrch. (D:
Gwalchmai Saethydd - Jul 01)
Per pale Purp & Vt, a spider Arg, a chf ermine. (D: Katya Ivanova
- Nov 99)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a spider & a bord ctrch. (D: Sofia Zhirinskaia Dec 07)
Per pale Sa & Or, a spider tergiant ctrch. (D: Adrianna de la
Telaraa - Dec 87)
Per salt Arg & Vt, in pale a spider inv & a spider Sa, maintaining
betw them an annulet Or, within a bord engrailed Sa. (D: Isa
Fialka Ziska - Jan 91)
Per salt Sa & Gu, on an hourglass Or a spider Sa. (D: Layla alKhadijah al-Khayzuran - Jul 92)
Sa, a spider Arg charged with 2 triangles in pale, points conjoined
Gu. (D: Anastasia Pokusaeva - Mar 93)
Sa, a spider extended Arg within a bord compony Arg & Gu. (D:
Jaime da Acores - Jan 71?)
Sa, a spider, on a chf Or 3 crescents Sa. (D: Decimus filius
Johannis - Oct 06)
Sa, a spiderweb & on a chf Or 3 spiders Sa. (D: Chle Aubre
Duclair - Sep 88)
Sa, in fess 2 spiders respecting each other Arg. (D: Takenoshita
Naro - May 86)
Sa, on a spiderweb throughout Or, 3 spiders tergiant Arg. (D:
Kurona Kuro the Unbeliever - Feb 90)
Sa, 3 spiders inv & a bord engrailed Arg. (D: Varsonofii syn
Zakhariashev Olyechnov - Jul 05)
Sa, 2 chevronels & in base a spider inv Arg. (D: Uilliam Mac
Tmhais - Aug 01)
Vt, a spider & a bord Arg. (D: Stefania Krakowska - Jan 03)
Vt, on a spider Arg an empty drop spindle inv Sa. (B: Siobhn
NicDhuinnshlibhe - Nov 07)
* * * End * * *
Arthropod - Wasp: see Arthropod - Bee
Artichoke: see Fruit - Other
Artistic tool: see Tool - Artistic
Ash: see Tree - Rounded shape
Ash key: see Seed
Asp: see Reptile - Snake
Aspen: see Tree - Rounded shape
Ass: see Beast - Horse
Aster: see Flower - Multipetaled
Astrolabe: see Tool - Astronomical
Astronomical tool: see Tool - Astronomical
Athanor: see Tool - Other
Attire: see Horn - Creature
Aurochs: see Beast - Bull
Avosetta: see Bird

Axe - 1 - Argent

See also: Pole axe

(Fieldless) A brown wolverine ramp to sin proper maintaining a
double-bitted axe Arg. (B: John von der Velde - Jan 99)
(Fieldless) A double-bitted axe its haft surmounted by a shamshir
fesswise reversed, blade to base, Arg. (B: Raadgjer Katla Feb 92)
(Fieldless) A mermaid with her arms upraised maintaining in her
dexter hand an axe all within & conjoined to an annulet
engrailed on the outer edge Arg. (B: False Isle - Oct 07)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 113

[Axe - 1 - Argent]

Axe - 1 - Argent (continued)

(Fieldless) An axe Arg, hafted Sa, entwined of a rose stalked &

leaved Arg. (B: Deadra Colin Madoc - Mar 83)
(Fieldless) 3 double-bitted axes crossed in pall inv, hafts to center,
Arg hafted of wood proper. (B: Raymel Notchblade May 92)
Arg, a pile betw 2 piles inv Sa, overall a battle-axe Arg hafted
proper, fimbriated Sa. (D: Tarl Mapt - Jun 73?)
Arg, on a pile bendwise sin issuant from sin chf betw in bend 2 oak
leaves Vt, a felling axe reversed Arg. (D: Rurik Fairhair May 84)
Az, a battleaxe bendwise sin Arg, hafted Or, maintained by a bears
jamb palewise, in dexter chf an increscent Arg. (D: Ivar
Rnamagi - Aug 88)
Az, a bend bretess Arg betw a sword inv bendwise & a doubleheaded battle axe bendwise proper. (D: James of Greycastle Nov 83)
Az, a chev betw a harp, an axe reversed & a sabre-toothed tiger
statant Arg. (D: Beorn Collenferth - Oct 82)
Az, a double-bitted axe & a bord Arg. (D: Christian Blood Jan 05)
Az, a double-bitted axe Arg betw 3 triangles conjoined one & 2 Or,
in base a crescent Arg. (D: Michael of Kilkenny - Jun 06)
Az, a double-bitted axe Arg betw 2 piles inv Or. (B: Citadel of the
Southern Pass, the - Apr 88)
Az, a double-bitted axe Arg, the haft of wood proper entwined by
an asp Or, a bord Or ermined Az. (D: Olaf of Forgotten Sea Oct 92)
Az, a point pointed & in chf an axe betw in fess 2 arrows Arg. (D:
Ivan Ivanovitch Serebrenikov - Sep 87)
Az, a rabbit ramp maintaining an axe Arg, a chf embat Arg goutty
de sang. (D: Andrea le Lapin - Jun 01)
Az, a wolf ramp contourny Arg maintaining in his sin paw an axe
bendwise Arg hafted Or, a base Arg & in chf a ducal coronet
Or. (D: Chrystofer Kensor - Mar 08)
Az, a wolf ramp contourny Arg maintaining in his sin paw an axe
bendwise Arg hafted Or, a base Arg & in chf a ducal coronet
Or, for augmentation, on a canton Purp a cross of Calatrava &
a bord Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Chrystofer Kensor Mar 08)
Az, an axe, head to sin, Arg & a gore sin Or. (D: Geoffrey of Clan
Fergus - Jan 87)
Az, an axe reversed, on a chf dovetailed Arg 3 lozenges Az. (D:
Sean Fitzpatrick - Mar 95)
Az, in fess a double-bitted axe betw 2 oak leaves, all within a bord
embat Arg. (D: Gerald the Inverter of Kilkenny - Aug 05)
Az, 2 hawks respectant & a double-bitted axe inv within a bord
dovetailed Arg. (D: Havoc atte Ree - Mar 02)
Counter-ermine, in salt a sword inv proper & an axe Arg cleaving a
Viking Spangenhelm Or. (D: Hagar Helmsplitter - Jul 86)
Gu, a bend bretessed betw a hunting horn & a Danish axe Arg. (D:
Einarr Leifsson - Jan 03)
Gu, a bend Sa ermined Or betw a wolfs head erased & a battle-axe
Arg. (D: Volf of Novgorod, the Ignitor - Jul 74?)
Gu, a double-bitted axe bendwise inv Arg embedded in an anvil Or.
(D: Barn Silveraxe - Jun 83)
Gu, a double-bitted axe enhanced Arg betw in pile 2 lightning
flashes & a sun Or. (D: Halfdan Thorgeirsson - Oct 82)
Gu, a labrys Arg bearing 2 horns issuant from the haft & curving to
meet the blades Or. (D: Karl vom Acht - Jun 73?)
Gu, a lion ramp (sometimes crowned) Or sustaining a battleaxe
Arg. (D: Norway - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, in salt a double-bitted axe & a sword & in chf 2 skulls Arg. (D:
Rolann Ceallaigh the Gentle - Aug 92)
Gu, in salt an axe reversed Arg & a sword inv Or, overall a raven
close proper. (D: Manfred Gustsson - Nov 77?)
Gyronny Or & Gu, a double-bitted axe Arg, a bord ctrch. (D:
Llwyd Emrys - May 98)
Pean, a battleaxe, issuant from base & blade to sin, Arg within a
bord erminois. (D: Drogo Baillehache - Aug 87)
Pean, a double-bitted axe, its handle surmounted by a scimitar
fesswise reversed with blade to base Arg, all within a dragon
passant in annulo Or. (D: Raadgjer Katla - Jul 86)
Per bend rayonnee inflamed Az & Or, in chf a battleaxe bendwise
Arg, & in base a heart Gu. (D: Robert of Peebles - Aug 79)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a dragon ramp to sin Az & a double-bladed
axe Arg. (D: Bors of Uri - Aug 82)
114 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Axe - 1 - Argent (continued)

Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a cauldron Sa & a double-bitted axe Arg.
(D: Alven Roeys - Sep 03)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a double-bitted axe bendwise Arg, hafted Or,
embrued Gu. (D: Biserko Broznik - Feb 82)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, a bear ramp & a double-bitted axe Arg. (D:
Wilhelm Siegfried - Mar 95)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt, a bend sin betw a thistle & an axe inv
bendwise sin Arg. (B: Griffin the Black - Sep 02)
Per bend sin raguly Sa & Arg, an axe & a dragon passant ctrch. (D:
Broccn of Sunderoak - May 99)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a double-bitted axe & a fir tree ctrch. (B:
Halfdan Blackwood the Gray - Nov 95)
Per bend sin Vt & Arg, an axe reversed & a hunting horn ctrch. (D:
Donal Makbrair - Jan 96)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, a double-bitted axe Arg & a base enarched &
indented Or. (D: John von der Velde - Aug 98)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, an arrow bendwise sin inv & a double-bladed
axe Arg. (D: Fine MacEwan - Apr 00)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a cleaver bendwise sin reversed Arg. (D:
Erich Kchengehilfe - Jul 94)
Per bend Vt & Az, a bend bretessed betw a compass star & an axe
bendwise Arg. (D: Raur ttarsson - Oct 03)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a bend bevilled fesswise Or, betw an eagles
head erased Arg, armed Or, & a double-bitted axe bendwise
inv Arg, hafted Or. (D: Thorman Arvidsson - Nov 89)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 mallard drakes rising respectant proper & a
double bitted axe Arg. (D: Ivarr Thorgislsson - Jan 07)
Per chev Arg & Gu, 2 wolfs heads erased Sa & a double-bitted axe
bendwise sin Arg. (D: Erwin Bloodaxe - Aug 99)
Per chev Arg & Purp, 2 cows statant respectant Sa & a battle axe
Arg. (D: Lorcan Mac Colla - Jan 04)
Per chev Arg goutty Sa & Vt, in base a mermaid arms upraised Or
crined & tailed maintaining in her dexter hand an axe all
within a laurel wreath Arg. (D: False Isle - Jul 01)
Per chev inv Az & Arg, in chf a double-bitted axe inv Arg. (D:
Anne Gray - Jan 95)
Per chev inv Gu & Sa, a double-bitted axe & a crescent Arg. (D:
Olaf Oleson Bjorn - Sep 91)
Per chev Or & Vt, 2 Northern ravens rising respectant, wings
elevated & addorsed, Sa & in salt a battle axe & a hammer
Arg. (D: Griswald Capstock of Warwick - Dec 82)
Per chev pean & Gu, on a chev rayonny Or a wyvern disp Gu
maintaining an axe fesswise Arg hafted proper. (D: Angus
Langaxe - Jun 02)
Per chev Sa & Gu, in pale a falcon stooping & in salt a doublebitted axe & a sword inv Arg. (D: Wolfstern of Falkeburg Jun 81)
Per chev Sa & Gu, 2 bulls heads cabossed Or armed Gu & a
double-bitted axe Arg. (D: Hergeirr rinsson - Nov 01)
Per fess Az & Sa, in salt an axe & a sword inv within a stags attire,
all Arg. (D: John Shorthair - Sep 89)
Per fess Az & Vt, an axe fesswise & a rooster rising to sin, wings
elevated & addorsed Arg. (D: Ben the butcher of Skye Jul 04)
Per fess Gu & Sa, a double-bitted axe Arg. (B: Timmeke
Haakonson of Nordheim - Jun 88)
Per fess Or & per fess Az & Gu, an achievement of Ecuador (4
flags on flagpoles in salt, each per fess Or & per fess Az & Gu,
overall on a cartouche blue-gray Mount Chimborazo issuant
from fess Arg, in base on a river estuary Az betw banks of land
Vt a one-masted steamship proper, in chf a sun in its splendor
Or, perched atop the cartouche a condor rising, wings disp
proper, dependent from the cartouche a fasces fesswise brown,
bladed Arg). (B: Ecuador - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA
Per pale Az & Sa, a mallet & an axe in salt Arg. (D: Iain
MacConmhaoil - Oct 07)
Per pale dovetailed Or & Gu, a wood axe bendwise sin Arg, hafted
Sa. (D: Rodney Jean Dozier - Dec 85)
Per pale Gu & Az, a fasces & a 2-handled amphora, on a chf
indented Arg 3 ogresses. (D: Iuliana of York - Mar 94)
Per pale Gu & Az, 2 boars combattant each sustaining a doublebitted axe, a base embat Arg. (D: Diego de Marulanda Aug 95)

[Axe - 1 - Argent] to [Axe - 1 - Gules]

Axe - 1 - Argent (continued)

Per pale Gu & Sa, in chf an axe fesswise, blade to base, Arg, a
demi-sun issuant from base Or. (D: Ragnar Refskegg Mar 89)
Per pale Gu & Vt, in chev an axe Arg hafted proper & a needle inv
& on a chf Arg 3 trefoils Vt. (D: Thorin of Caid - Jun 06)
Per pale indented Arg goutty de sang & Gu, a boot Sa & an axe
Arg. (D: Douglas of Ostgardr - Jun 01)
Per pale Purp & Sa, a battleaxe fesswise Arg & in chf five bezants 2
& 3. (B: Michaela de Romeny - Mar 94) (For House
Per pale Sa & Az, a double-bitted axe & a base Arg. (D: Angus
Makalester - Jul 01)
Per pale Sa & Gu, on the blade of a double-bitted axe betw 4 roses
Arg, in fess a rose Gu & a rose Sa. (D: Gerald lArrogant Feb 88)
Per pale Vt & Az, a pallet Or betw a tower & a double-bitted axe
Arg & on a base Or a drakkar, sail furled, proper. (D:
Darrbrann of Oxar - Jun 82)
Per pale wavy Arg & Az, a sword & an axe reversed ctrch. (D:
Gerhard der Rote von Ulm - Dec 04)
Per pall Gu, Sa, & Arg, in fess a labrys Arg & a pomegranate Gu
slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Damiane Batatzina - Dec 06)
Per salt Arg & Az, in fess a Danish axe & a dagger Arg. (B:
Trimaris - Jun 97)
Quarterly Gu & Az, in bend sin a Danish axe sustained by a bear
ramp contourny Arg. (D: Leifr Vagnsson - Sep 03)
Sa, a battle axe bendwise, on a chf doubly arched Arg a drakkar
proper sailed Gu. (D: Hlfdan lknarlauss - Sep 99)
Sa, a battle-axe Arg above flames of fire proper. (D: Crag zu
Anderswo - Sep 71?)
Sa, a bend raguly betw a wyvern passant & a battle-axe reversed
Arg. (D: Edric the Bastard - Feb 08)
Sa, a bend sin betw a wolf ramp to sin Arg & an axe bendwise sin
embrued proper. (D: Sigurd Greywulfe - Feb 82)
Sa, a Bengal tiger passant Arg, striped Sa, atop a Lochaber axe
fesswise, all within an orle Arg. (D: Wilowen of Stuarts Jun 76)
Sa, a double-bitted axe Arg, hafted proper, betw on a pair of
flaunches Or 2 natural sea-horses erect addorsed Arg,
fimbriated Sa. (D: Kleinbjorn Tarlson - Aug 80)
Sa, a double-bitted axe betw 2 boar-spear heads addorsed fesswise
Arg. (D: Sren Thurlin - Oct 97)
Sa, a francisque palewise Arg, to the sin a dagger palewise Arg. (D:
James of Prussia - Jul 71?)
Sa, a peregrine close, perched atop & sustaining a battle axe
fesswise blade to base, within a laurel wreath Arg. (D:
Peregrine - Nov 97)
Sa, a scorpion tergiant disp Or & in chf a battle axe fesswise
reversed Arg. (D: Miles of Armagh - Apr 85)
Sa, a stags head cabossed Or, interlaced by its attire a staff & an
axe in salt proper, on a chf wavy Arg 3 pheons Az. (D:
Anthony the Sinister - Aug 79?)
Sa, a torse encircling a francisca, haft couped, Arg. (D: Francesca
the Bemused - Nov 73?)
Sa, a weasel salient reguardant contourny Or betw in bend an axe
bendwise sin reversed & rapier bendwise sin Arg. (D: Enoch
of the Three Hills - Apr 07)
Sa, an axe within an orle of mullets of six points Arg. (B:
Constantine the Varangian - Jan 90) (For House Kayell)
Sa, an otter sejant reguardant Arg holding bendwise a felling-axe
Arg hilted proper. (D: Perygen Northymbr - Mar 78?)
Sa, in bend sin an annulet Or betw 2 bend cotices wavy betw a dove
volant fesswise Arg, maintaining in its beak an olive branch
proper, & a battleaxe bendwise Arg, hafted Or. (D: Rhora
Goldring - Mar 81)
Sa, in pale a bear dormant Or & a double-bitted axe Arg. (D: Braun
aus Krefeld - Nov 91)
Sa, in pale a double-bitted axe & a Thors hammer within a bord
Arg. (D: Curteis Svartslingr - Dec 94)
Sa, 2 arrows inv in salt Or betw in fess a decrescent & an increscent
& overall a battle axe Arg. (D: Miles Oakeley - Mar 84)
Vt, a bear statant erect affronty dexter forepaw raised & sin forepaw
Or resting on a double-bitted axe betw in chf 2 pairs of arrows
inv in salt Arg. (D: Bjrn Kolbjrnsson - Dec 98)
Vt, a double-bitted axe Arg, a Bourchier knot interlaced about the
shaft Or. (D: Matthew Law of Aberdeen - Jun 99)

Axe - 1 - Argent (continued)

Vt, a double-bitted battleaxe & on a chf Arg 3 foxes courant Vt. (D:
Hnthjfr froskr - May 02)
Vt, a single bitted axe bendwise sin reversed within a bord Arg. (D:
Olav Tyson - Mar 92)
Vt, in salt a quillonless sword & a single-bitted axe, both Arg,
surmounted at the cross by an annulet Or. (D: Bjarni de
Eorlingas - Jul 74?)
Vt, 2 stags combatant Arg sustaining betw them an axe Arg hafted
Or, a bord engrailed Or. (B: Outlands, the - Apr 99) (For the
Order of the Iron Hart)
* * * End * * *

Axe - 1 - Azure

See also: Pole axe

(Fieldless) A bird perched on & sustaining an ax fesswise reversed
Az. (B: James de Hagethorn - Aug 07) (JB: Kori Redjohan)
(Fieldless) A lobster Or sustaining to chf an axe fesswise Az. (B:
Gwendolyn ABrook - Jan 03)
Arg, a battle axe palewise betw 2 flaunches Az, each charged with a
unicorns head couped respectant Arg. (D: Kylan Javan
MacRoy - Apr 85)
Arg, a bend counter-ermine, overall a double-bladed axe Az,
distilling from the lower points six gouttes de sang. (D:
Nicolai Davidovich Brownesvienski - Aug 79)
Arg, a dragons head couped contourny Az breathing flames Gu, &
a labrys Az. (D: Hakon de Decker - Nov 93)
Arg semy of hearts Gu, a seahorse maintaining a Lochaber axe Az.
(D: Alexander de Seton of Altavia - Sep 96)
Arg, semy of millrinds fesswise Sa, an axe bendwise Az. (D: Aidan
MacEgan - Jan 99)
Arg, 2 chevronels Sa betw a martlet contourny & an axe Az hafted
Sa. (D: Kori Redjohan - Nov 06)
Or, a battle-axe Az. (B: Ivar Corwin - Aug 88)
Or, in pale a carpenters axe reversed & a carpenters square, point
to base, & on a chf Az 3 annulets Or. (D: Roger Carpenter of
Rye - Oct 86)
Or, in salt a spear inv & a lightning flash couped to sin surmounted
by a battle axe, all within a bord Az. (D: Ivar Corwin Aug 82)
Per bend Az & Or, a sun in splendor & an axe bendwise ctrch. (D:
Axel Andersson - Oct 83)
Per bend wavy Az & Arg, a bear ramp & an axe bendwise inv ctrch.
(D: Bjorn Berserk of ABakki - Jan 82)
Per fess Az & Arg, a wolf sejant & a double-bitted axehead ctrch.
(D: Marc of Skraeling Althing - May 88)
* * * End * * *

Axe - 1 - Fur

See also: Pole axe

Per pale Vt & Az, an axe bendwise Or ermined Gu. (B: Haakon
Bjornsson - Jun 95)
* * * End * * *

Axe - 1 - Gules

See also: Pole axe

(Fieldless) From a torse of Or & Gu a dexter armored arm
embowed grasping a battle-axe Gu hafted Sa. (B: Jerald of
Galloway - Apr 86)
(Fieldless) In salt a double-bitted axe Gu & an arrow Arg. (B: Lira
of Ascalon - Nov 02)
Arg, a battleaxe Gu betw & supported by 2 ravens passant
respectant Sa. (D: Thorvald Thorlyfsson - Apr 83)
Arg, a bend Vt, overall a Norman helm Sa cleaved by an axe
fesswise reversed Gu. (D: Cedric Helmcleaver - Mar 83)
Arg, a double-bitted axe Gu, overall a serpent with the head of a
dragon erect embowed & counter-embowed, head sufflexed &
clasping its middle, all within a bord Az. (D: Dmitri Bluestone
- Apr 86)
Arg, a drakkar Sa, overall a double-bitted axe & a bord Gu. (D:
Reinar Jorgensen - Dec 96)
Arg, a fasces Gu betw flaunches counter-ermine. (D: Antonella di
Marco - Jun 93)
Arg, a tree & in salt a Viking bearded axe & a smithing hammer
Gu. (D: Thorfinn Greybeard - May 92)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 115

[Axe - 1 - Gules] to [Axe - 1 - Or]

Axe - 1 - Gules (continued)

Arg, in salt a single-bitted axe & a hammer inv hafted of a lightning

flash Gu, a chf embat Az. (D: Rena Thorbjornsdottir Jul 92)
Arg, in salt a single-bitted axe & a hammer inv hafted of a lightning
flash Gu, within a bord Sa. (D: Thorbjorn the Graysides May 86)
Arg, 3 pine trees couped proper, in chf a battle-axe fesswise
reversed, edge in chf, Gu. (D: Styrbjorn Hrolfsson - Jun 75?)
Bendy Az & Arg, a sin wing terminating in a hand Sa sustaining an
axe bendwise Gu. (B: Herman Mandel - Aug 05)
Gyronny arrondy of six Sa & Arg a mallet & an ax in salt Gu. (D:
Thorfinnr Sleggja - May 98)
Gyronny Or & Vt, an axe Gu within arrowheads in annulo ctrch.
(D: Brian Longtooth - Sep 92)
Or, a battle-axe Gu, hafted Sa, within a double tressure Sa. (D:
Jerald of Galloway - Nov 77?)
Or, a chev betw 2 griffins combattant & a double-bladed axe Gu.
(D: Eirikr inn Litli - Oct 96)
Or, a demi-bear ramp contourny Sa, sustaining an axe & issuant
from a base wavy Gu. (D: Mstislav Volodarovich Muromsky Aug 93)
Paly Sa & Arg, a dragon maintaining a double-bitted axe & in base
a heart enflamed Gu. (D: Bovarr of Dreiburgen - Apr 02)
Papelonn Arg & Az, a double-bitted axe Gu. (D: Egil Bloodax Oct 83)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a mullet Or & an axe bendwise reversed Gu.
(B: Edwyn de Forbes - Jun 84)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a fasces betw in chf 3 roses Gu & in base a
mullet Arg. (D: Wolfgang Stern von Rappenwil - Jan 07)
Per chev ploy Az & Or, 2 compass stars Or & a double-bitted axe
Gu. (D: Ingerith Ryzka - Sep 92)
Per chev Sa & Arg, in base a double-bitted axe all within a bord Gu.
(D: Hrafn Bloodaxe - Jan 04)
Per fess Arg & vair, a seahorse erect & sin facing maintaining an
axe Gu. (D: Georg of Glaciers Edge - Jun 88)
Per pale & per chev Arg & counter-ermine, in bend a sword
palewise & an axe palewise Gu. (D: Herbrand Levorson Feb 89)
Per salt Arg & Gu, a double-bitted axe inv Gu. (D: Berowelf fon
Haholtesheime - Dec 00)
Quarterly Arg & lozengy Or & Sa, a double-bitted axe bendwise sin
Gu betw 2 anvils Sa. (D: Gavin Llewellyn Wycliffe - Jul 96)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a sword inv & a single-bitted axe in salt ctrch.
(D: Armand de Force - Jan 98)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, an axe & a bord Sa. (D: Lothar der Rote Dec 03)
Sa, a lightning bolt bendwise Or, & overall a dexter gauntlet
grasping a double-bitted axe Gu fimbriated Or. (D: Dagan du
Darregonne - Jan 74?)
Sa, on a pile dovetailed Arg a double-bitted axe Gu. (D: Randall
Baldwin - Sep 92)
Tierced per pall inv Az, Arg, & Sa, a lions jambe bendwise erased
Or, an axe reversed Gu & an estoile Arg. (D: Byron de
Maccuswell - Aug 80)
* * * End * * *

Axe - 1 - Multicolor

See also: Pole axe

Per pale Arg & Az, in fess a double-bitted axe betw 2 wyverns
combattant ctrch. (D: Shawn Robert of Kilkenny - Oct 98)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a double-bitted axe betw a mullet of six points
& a rose all ctrch. (D: Thomas Damian Black - Dec 85)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a double-bitted axe betw the 2 halves of a
fractured anvil, within a bord all ctrch. (D: Rask Ulfbjorn Aug 90)
Per pale Arg & Sa, in salt a sword & an axe ctrch. (D: Dimarus of
Atenveldt - Jul 07)
Per pale Az & Or, a double-bitted axe & in base 2 arrows inv in salt
ctrch. (D: Varr lerhls - Jun 05)
Per pale Or & Gu, on a chev cotised a handbell & a hand axe, all
ctrch. (D: Lazarus of the Steppes - Apr 84)
Per pale Purp & Or, a double-bitted axe ctrch. (D: Adelhardt
Werner - Oct 85)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a double-bitted axe ctrch. (D: Jargeirr bldr Jul 05)

116 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Axe - 1 - Multicolor (continued)

Per pale Sa & Arg, 3 chevronels braced & in chf a double-axe

bendwise sin ctrch. (D: Gerard de Saint Michel - Nov 90)
Per pale Sa & Or, a double-bitted axe inv betw 2 badgers heads
banded & couped at the shoulder respectant within a bord
ctrch. (D: Gunter von Wissenberg - Jul 84)
* * * End * * *

Axe - 1 - Or

See also: Pole axe

(Fieldless) A double-bitted axe Or within & conjoined to an
annulet Arg. (B: Mikhail Justinian - Jul 92)
(Fieldless) A double-bitted axe within & conjoined to an annulet
Or. (B: Neil Greenstone - Jul 92)
(Fieldless) A wyvern erect to sin Vt maintaining in both claws a
battle axe reversed Or. (B: Gilnaur Greystone - Mar 84)
(Fieldless) An axe fesswise Or hafted proper. (B: Rosa da Murano
- Jan 04)
Arg, a weasel statant erect Sa transfixed by an arrow fesswise
reversed Gu, & on a chf Az a double-bitted axe Or. (D: Ulf
Njalsen - Jul 84)
Az, a double-bladed axe, its haft surmounted by a triquetra inv Or.
(B: Halldr Skaptason - Dec 89)
Az, a fasces Or bound & the axe Arg overall on a fess Gu 3 mullets
Or. (D: Jules Mazarin, Cardinal - Dec 94) (Important nonSCA arms)
Az, an axe Or entwined by a serpent, head to sin, within an orle of
roundels ermine. (D: Taevis MacBrighde - Apr 90)
Az, in salt a spiked mace & a double-bitted axe, in chf five mullets
& on a base embat Or 2 mullets Sa. (D: Gorlan of the Red
Lands - Aug 79)
Counter-ermine, a demi-lion maintaining a battle axe Or. (D:
Wulfred Hansard of Richmond - Jan 01)
Gu, a francisca bendwise, bladed Or, shaft erased Sa, on a chf Arg
masoned Sa, a pale barry wavy Arg & Az. (D: Wilhelm the
Frank of Walled Lake - date?)
Gu, a gladius & an axe in salt within holly leaves in orle Or. (B:
Settimio dOlivio - Jan 06)
Gu, a rose slipped & leaved & a battleaxe in salt Or. (D: Aureliana
Avita - Oct 06)
Gu, in pale a drakkar sailing to sin & an axe reversed, a chf Or. (D:
Erik the Runt - Dec 92)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, a bear ramp maintaining an ax Or & on a chf Sa
2 bees Or. (D: Kilian the Black - Mar 08)
Per bend Arg & Az, a brown bear passant bendwise proper & in salt
a double-bitted battle-axe & a hammer Or. (D: Wilhelm
Karlsson - May 83)
Per bend Az & Gu, a double-bitted thrusting axe & in sin chf a
mullet Or. (D: William of Tintagel - Oct 81)
Per bend Or & Gu, in bend sin a fleur-de-lys & an axe bendwise
inv, blade to sin, ctrch. (D: Francesca Laura di Firenze Jul 88)
Per bend Purp & Az, a bend betw a double-bitted axe & an arrow
inv both bendwise Or. (D: Leif the Wanderer - Apr 00)
Per bend rayonny Arg & Vt, an acorn slipped & triply leaved proper
& a double-bitted axe Or. (D: Angharad Ryfedd ferch
Gwenllian Dda - Oct 82)
Per bend Sa & Or, a double-bitted axe & a horses head couped
ctrch. (D: Estevan Corleone Blackrune - Apr 93)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, an oak tree proper & a double-bitted axe
bendwise sin Or. (D: Berthelm Bradhurst - Jul 86)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, a wyvern statant Arg & in dexter chf an axe
bendwise sin reversed Or. (D: Yvan Wolvesbane - May 81)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a lizard tergiant bendwise sin & a doublebitted axe Or. (D: Brian de Bracy - Dec 97)
Per bend sin Or & Gu, a lions head erased contourny & a doublebitted axe ctrch. (D: Boudicca of Cattaclohe - Jan 96)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, a bear statant & an axe bendwise sin counterchanged. (B: Barak Elandris Bear the Wallsbane - Aug 89)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, on a bend sin wavy betw a horses head
couped to sin & a battle-axe, blade to sin, Or 4 caltraps
palewise alternately Sa & Gu. (D: Ivan the Capable - Jun 85)
Per bend Vt & Az, a bend dovetailed betw an axe blade to sin, & an
anchor Or. (D: Odinkar of Westumbria - Nov 96)
Per chev Arg & Gu, 2 wyverns combattant Vt & a battle axe Or. (D:
Gilnaur Greystone - Dec 82)

[Axe - 1 - Or] to [Axe - 1 - Sable]

Axe - 1 - Or (continued)

Per chev Gu & Sa, a battle-axe bendwise sin, a warhammer

bendwise Or, & a winged helmet Arg. (D: Sieglinde von der
Hohenwste - Feb 82)
Per chev Gu & Sa, in dexter chf a sword bendwise sin, in sin chf a
single-bitted axe bendwise, both Or, in base a griffin segreant
Vt orbed, langued, & taloned Gu, fimbriated Or. (D: Koris
Natterhelm - Nov 77?)
Per chev inv Az & Sa, 3 chevronels inv Arg, overall a double bitted
axe Or. (D: Dinias ap Cynan - Oct 98)
Per chev raguly Vt & pean, in chf in fess a chalice & an axe
palewise reversed Or. (D: Finn Normansson - Mar 89)
Per chev Sa & Or, a lion ramp to sin Vt maintaining a great axe Or,
a bord ctrch. (D: Malcolm MacRobert - Oct 85)
Per chev throughout wavy Or & Purp, 2 cups Sa & a seal erect
ermine maintaining a double axe Or. (D: Hskuld
Thorleiksson - Mar 93)
Per fess Az & Or, a scorpion tergiant ctrch & in chf an axe Or. (D:
Rdiger Lutz - Mar 01)
Per fess dovetailed Gu & Sa, an axe fesswise & a bulls head
cabossed Or. (D: Eirkr varsson hoggvandi - Nov 02)
Per fess embat Az & Sa, in pale a decrescent & a double-bitted axe
or. (D: Hans von Hammer - Aug 79)
Per fess embat Or & Gu, in chf a longbow fesswise & arrow inv
nocked & issuant from base a battle axe reversed ctrch. (D:
Haakon Oaktall - Jun 82)
Per fess Gu & Arg, a sin gauntlet bendwise Vt grasping a doublebitted battleaxe bendwise sin Or, hafted Sa. (D: Robert the
Dragonslayer - Jul 83)
Per fess Gu & Vt, a tree sundered, betw its halves a double-bitted
axe Or. (D: Kai Saerpren - Aug 98)
Per fess indented Az goutty deau & Vt, a battleaxe Or within a
bord embat Arg. (B: Endless Hills - Aug 99)
Per fess Sa & Gu, in salt a sword inv & an axe, all surmounted by
an oar palewise, blade to chf, Or. (D: Theoden the Oarsman Apr 88)
Per fess Sa & Or, a lion ramp to sin reguardant, maintaining a
fasces Or, & a fern frond Vt. (D: Katharine Long - Mar 08)
Per pale Az & Or, a sin eagles wing terminating in a hand
maintaining an axe ctrch. (D: Franz of Ratisbon - Aug 85)
Per pale Gu & Az, a double-bitted axe betw in fess 2 Maltese
crosses Or. (D: Karl Olafsson - Mar 84)
Per pale wavy Sa & Gu, in salt a sword inv proper & an axe Or,
hafted Arg, & in base a rose Or, barbed & seeded Vt. (D:
Einar Leodherewudu - Jul 87)
Per pall inv Gu, Az & Or, a battleaxe fesswise Or. (B: Ragnsteinn
fr Andrssmri - Dec 04)
Purp, a bend sin ermine, overall a wolf ramp Or, collared & chained
Gu, maintaining an axe Or, a bord ermine. (D: Aethelwolf of
the Shining Axe - May 92)
Purp, a double-bitted axe betw in base 2 towers Or. (D: Brion
OCuirc - Jul 92)
Purp, a double-bitted axe Or, debruised by an eye Arg, irised Az, all
within a bord Or. (D: Deron Creag Mhor - Jan 85)
Purp, a fasces reversed within a bord Or. (B: Pawel of Gdansk Mar 92)
Purp, a winged battleaxe & a chf dovetailed Or. (D: Sigrun inn
Hrfagri - Oct 91)
Purp, an axe bendwise Or. (D: Thomas of the Brass Axe - Jan 95)
Purp, on a bend betw a hunting horn & an axe reversed Or, 3
pawprints palewise Sa. (D: Bjorn Zenthffeer - Feb 08)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a doubled-bitted ax Or betw 3 gouttes ctrch.
(D: Beatrice Bernasconi - Jun 96)
Quarterly Or & Sa, an axe bendwise sin Or. (D: Hrlfr
sbjarnarson - Feb 03)
Sa, a bear sejant erect contourny sustaining a double-bitted axe Or.
(B: Curteis Svartslingr - Jun 97)
Sa, a broken fasces Or. (D: Charles of the Jacs - Jan 73?)
Sa, a double-axe Or within a wreath of mistletoe Arg. (D: Thomas
of the Double Axe - May 85)
Sa, a double-bitted axe & a bord Or. (B: Neil Greenstone Dec 96)
Sa, a double-bitted axe & on a chf Or a mullet of five greater & five
lesser points Sa. (D: Armando de la Cabanna - Sep 00)
Sa, a double-bitted axe bendwise sin betw 2 wolfs heads, erased &
sin facing, Or. (D: Gerwyn y Teigr - Dec 89)

Axe - 1 - Or (continued)

Sa, an axe bendwise sin reversed & in base a serpent erect tail
nowed Or. (D: Grim xarbrjtr - Apr 05)
Sa, an eagles sin wing disp inv with a claw issuant sustaining to
dexter a broadaxe palewise Or. (D: Inman MacMoore Aug 05)
Sa, in salt a double-bitted axe & a Celtic cross Or. (D: Richard of
Mont Royal, the Short - Jan 73?)
Sa, in salt an axe & spear, in chf a mullet of 4 points elongated to
base Or. (D: Rorik Kelleward - Aug 91)
Vt, a chev & in base a battleaxe, on a chf Or 2 pairs of battleaxes
crossed in salt Sa. (D: Thorgrim Otrigson - Oct 93)
Vt, a double-bitted axe & on a chf embat Or an arrow Sa. (D:
Edward of Freeholt - Feb 07)
Vt, a double-bitted axe bendwise sin betw 2 roundels all within a
bord embat Or. (D: Jonathan Drake of Skye - Sep 02)
Vt, a double-bitted axe Or betw 3 standing balances Arg, a bord Or.
(D: Gavin the Gruesome - Jan 93)
Vt, a laurel wreath surmounted by a double-bitted fasces Or, in base
2 oak sprigs fructed Arg, a bord Or. (D: Eichenwald Jun 92)
Vt, a log proper embedded therein an axe bendwise sin Or. (D:
Galan de Renyard - Dec 80)
Vt, an aardvark ramp to sin Arg, maintaining an axe bendwise sin
Or. (D: Gar of Loch Carron - date?)
Vt, an adze Or reversed within a bord compony Arg & Az. (D:
Sigridr Rognvaldsdottir - Aug 95)
Vt, an axe Or. (D: Sean Ruabarua MacGillaphaidraic - Jul 96)
Vt, 2 arrows crossed in salt surmounted by a double-bitted axe & on
a chf indented Or 2 shamrocks Sa. (D: Conall mac Magnusa Feb 02)
Vt, 2 pine trees & a double-bitted axe inv Or. (D: Tsti Leifsson Sep 92)
* * * End * * *

Axe - 1 - Purpure

See also: Pole axe

(Fieldless) An axe Purp. (B: David Axe - Jan 93)
* * * End * * *

Axe - 1 - Sable

See also: Pole axe

(Fieldless) A bear ramp Gu sustaining an axe Sa. (B: Vladimir
Igorevich - Aug 98)
(Fieldless) A double-bitted axe surmounted by a winged arming
cap Sa. (B: Cybi de Elmhurst - Jul 86)
(Fieldless) In pale a double-bitted axe bendwise inv Sa embedded
in a tree stump eradicated proper. (B: Axed Root - Nov 07)
(Fieldless) In salt a battle axe & a sword inv proper, & overall a
tower Gu, portaled Arg. (B: Middle Marches, the - Dec 80)
(For the Order of the Watchful Tower)
Arg, a battle axe & an arrow inv in salt Sa, surmounted by a cross
couped & fitchy Gu, on a chf embat Az, a fox courant Arg. (D:
Robyn Foxe of Cantshire - Aug 84)
Arg, a bend sin embat Vt betw an eagle disp & in salt a battle-axe &
a mallet Sa. (D: Adelric of Saxony - Oct 07)
Arg, a bend sin Sa, surmounted by a dragon salient Gu, maintaining
in both foreclaws a battleaxe Sa. (D: Leif Thorvalsson Jun 84)
Arg, a bend sin wavy Purp betw a double-bitted axe & a sheaf of
arrows Sa. (D: Fearghus MacKenna - May 00)
Arg, a brown bear ramp to sin proper maintaining an axe Sa, on a
chf Vt 3 triquetras Arg. (D: Fearghus mac Airt - Feb 05)
Arg, a chev betw 2 Maltese crosses & an axe Sa. (D: Bjarki
Magnsson - Apr 02)
Arg, a chev counter-ermine betw 2 towers & a fasces Sa. (D: David
of Illwheirlane - Jan 73?)
Arg, a dagger & an axe in salt Sa, a bord Sa semy of lightning bolts
Arg. (D: Sean Edward de Marksberry - Jun 05)
Arg, a double-bitted axe palewise Sa. (B: Friedrich Ethelred aus
Schloss Trier - Apr 86)
Arg, a double-bitted axe Sa, on a chf embat Az, 3 edelweiss
blossoms Or. (D: Hanns Helvig von Longstrum - Sep 87)
Arg, a double-bladed axe Sa, hafted proper, within an orle of
gouttes Az, on a chf Sa 2 open books Arg. (D: Andrew the
Executioner - Jul 97)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 117

[Axe - 1 - Sable] to [Axe - 2]

Axe - 1 - Sable (continued)

Arg, a griffin segreant maintaining a battleaxe & in chf a label Sa.

(D: Vladimir Ivanovitch Protzko - Mar 02)
Arg, a natural tiger ramp per fess Gu & Sa, in chf a single-bitted axe
fesswise Sa. (D: Pao Hu Tso - Sep 99)
Arg, a Norman ax reversed fracted & in chf a decrescent betw 2
mullets of six points all within a bord Sa. (D: Eirik Broken-ax
- Feb 86)
Arg, a raven rising to sin & in chf an axe, edge to base, Sa. (B: Erik
Rafn Berserkr af Haddeby - Nov 82)
Arg, a rose Gu, slipped & leaved Vt, surmounted on the stem by a
double-bitted axe blade, all within a bord Sa. (D: Nikolai
Gornych - Mar 88)
Arg, an axe bendwise sin, blade to chf, Sa, surmounted by a bend
Az, all within a bord Sa. (D: Wulfsige Clovenhaft - Sep 87)
Arg, ermined Gu, a bear ramp maintaining a double-bitted axe, & a
chf Sa. (D: Alaric Bear-Stalker - Jun 82)
Arg, ermined Purp, an axe bendwise sin reversed Sa, the blade
embrued Gu. (B: Magnus Bldax - Dec 88)
Arg goutty de sang, a double-bitted axe & a bord embat Sa. (D:
Theoddegn Bloodaxe - Nov 94)
Arg, in pale a raven disp & an axe fesswise reversed Sa all within a
bord Purp. (D: Gorm Bolin - Mar 03)
Arg, in salt a rose branch Vt with a rose Gu, & a double-bitted axe
Sa, in base 3 gouts one & 2 Gu. (D: Lynette of Loch Soillier Jun 93)
Arg, on a headsmans axe reversed issuant from base Sa a daffodil
Or all within a bord Gu. (B: Iain MacDhugal Cameron of Ben
Liath - Aug 95) (For Clan Cameron of Ben Liath)
Arg, on a tree proper, a phoenix Or, in chf a halberd fesswise
reversed & inv Sa. (D: Roland Lfhjlm - Jun 91)
Arg, perched on an axe fesswise Sa a sparrow close contourny
proper, in chf a Latin cross Vt. (D: Douglas of Roteland Mar 81)
Arg, 2 bendlets sin Az, overall a winged unicornate mouse
maintaining a double bitted axe Sa & in base a mullet of 4
points Az. (D: Eirik Dweorgaex - Jun 85)
Arg, 2 palm trees, trunks crossed in salt, proper & in chf a Lochaber
ax Sa. (B: Atenveldt, Barony of - Jan 91) (For Order of the
Sable Axe of the Barony of Atenveldt)
Barry wavy Arg & Gu, a wyvern erect maintaining an axe & on a
chf wavy Sa 3 crosses patonce Arg. (D: Oswyn t Mldune May 07)
Erminois, a Danish war axe & morningstar flail in salt proper,
overall a quatrefoil slipped Gu. (D: Conarc of Eyre - Aug 79)
Erminois, a sin mailed fist from dexter Arg grasping a francisque
Sa. (D: Robert the Blind - Jan 73?)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, in pale a bear passant & a double-bitted axe
within a bord Sa. (D: Killian McDuff - Dec 92)
Gyronny ermine & Gu, a battle-axe & a seax in salt Sa within a
bord ctrch. (D: Dirk Addisson - Oct 87)
Or, a battle axe bendwise sin sustained by a cubit arm Sa & on a chf
Vt 3 bells Or. (D: Timothy Fletcher - May 03)
Or, a battleaxe Sa environed of a maunch Gu & in chf a compassstar Az. (D: Benedict Silverspur - Jul 83)
Or, a bear ramp Gu maintaining an axe Sa, on a chf indented Az 3
Russian Orthodox crosses Arg. (D: Vladimir Igorevich May 98)
Or, a bear ramp maintaining an axe Sa, on a chf embat Gu a
decrescent & an increscent Or. (D: Angus MacRae - Oct 92)
Or, a bend sin Vt betw a sword palewise & a double-bitted axe
palewise Sa. (D: Pedrwn Merchion - Feb 90)
Or, a chev couched from sin Az & in sin flank a single-bitted axe
reversed Sa. (D: Olaf the Skraeling - Mar 95)
Or, a dexter arm embowed & armored, maintaining an axe, Sa. (B:
Friedrich Ethelred aus Schloss Trier - Aug 86)
Or, a double-bitted bearded axe Sa. (B: Ulric von Ravensway Feb 84)
Or, embedded in a tree stump an axe bendwise sin inv, on a chf Sa 3
ravens Or. (D: Roelof Doldersum - Mar 93)
Or, in pale a horses head & a double-bitted axe Sa, the edges each
radiating five points Gu, betw in chf 2 lightning flashes in chev
inv Az. (D: Ivar Battleskald - Jan 81)
Per bend Arg & Or, a bend Vt betw a heart & an axe bendwise inv
Sa. (D: Irwine MacLeod - Mar 90)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a bend wavy Az betw an axe reversed & a
tower ctrch. (D: Richard Thomason - Sep 92)
118 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Axe - 1 - Sable (continued)

Per bend Or & Sa, an axe bendwise & a plumed helmet ctrch. (D:
Volstagg Helmcleaver - Aug 79)
Per bend sin indented Or & Sa, a bend sin ctrch & in dexter chf a
battle-axe reversed Sa. (D: Alyssa Ironaxe - Jun 86)
Per bend sin Or & Gu, in bend a sword & a battle axe in salt Sa & 2
roses in bend sin Arg. (D: Iain Gillcriosd mac Donnachaidh Nov 89)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a bend sin betw a flanged mace & a doublebitted axe ctrch. (D: Jontan of Iceland - Jul 83)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 3 mullets in chev Arg & a double-bitted axe Sa.
(D: Nikolaj Valosatov - Jun 85)
Per fess Az & Vt, a double-bitted axe bendwise sin imbedded in a
sprouting oak tree stump snagged & eradicated proper betw
seven mullets of eight points in demi-annulo & in base a laurel
wreath Or. (D: Vanished Wood - Aug 80)
Per fess embat Gu & Or, masoned Sa, in salt a double-bitted axe &
a spade surmounted by a sword, all blades to base, within a
bord Sa. (B: Gunnar Redbeard - Feb 86) (For Siegecrafters
Per fess embat Sa & Arg, a rams head couped affronty Or & a
double-bitted axe palewise inv Sa. (D: Jacques du Bois Noir Sep 84)
Per pale Gu & Or, an axe Sa & a chf ermine. (D: Danyel Volker Aug 04)
Per pale Or & Vt, 3 chevronels ctrch, overall a double-bitted axe
palewise Sa. (D: Talen Gustaf of Marienburg - Aug 84)
Per pall Or, Gu & Sa, a double-bladed axe Sa & in pile 2 scimitars
inv addorsed Or. (D: Alexander MacAonghais - Feb 87)
Per salt Arg & Az, a salt ctrch betw in pale a Latin cross flory & an
axe reversed Sa & in fess 2 suns Or. (D: Merewyn of Brittany
- Mar 08)
Purp, on an inescutcheon Arg a double-bitted axe Sa, hafted proper,
within a bord engrailed Arg. (D: Humai al Rashida al
Baghdadiyya - May 94)
Sa, on an oak leaf Or a battle-axe Sa. (B: Giles O Culzean Jan 84)
* * * End * * *

Axe - 1 - Vert

See also: Pole axe

Arg, a bend Gu surmounted by an axe bendwise sin Vt, both
surmounted by a wolfs head cabossed Sa, orbed Gu. (D:
Richard the Mild - Jan 71?) (same as Sharon the Meek)
Arg, a bend Gu surmounted by an axe bendwise sin Vt, both
surmounted by a wolfs head cabossed Sa, orbed Gu. (D:
Sharon the Meek - Jan 71?) (same as Richard the Mild)
Arg, a gurges Az, overall a dragon passant Gu maintaining in the
dexter forepaw an axe Vt. (D: Thomas ap Thomas - Jul 05)
Or, a double-bitted axe Vt, issuant from dexter fess a lozenge Gu
charged with a decrescent Or, issuant from sin fess a lozenge
Gu charged with a sun Or. (D: Serhana-Grey of Ravenshold Mar 78?)
Or, an axe Vt, hafted within the odal rune Sa. (B: Eric
Thorgrimsson - Aug 81) (For House of Green Axe)
Per pall Or Az & Gu, in chf an axe Vt. (D: Johann Vur zu
Hamburg - Dec 03)
Vt, chape ploye Arg, an axe bendwise sin Vt charged on the blade
with a mullet Or, a chalice Vt, banded Or, & a unicorn
couchant Arg, armed & gorged of a collar Or. (B: Illuminada
Eugenia de Guadalupe y Godoy - Aug 05)
* * * End * * *

Axe - 2

See also: Pole axe

(Fieldless) A battleaxe & a battleaxe inv, both bendwise sin &
fretted, Arg, hafted Or. (B: Llewellyn or Glyn - Apr 87)
(Fieldless) A spear & overall 2 axes in salt Gu. (B: Rogualldr
Dagsson - Aug 93)
(Fieldless) In fess an axe conjoined to another reversed & inv Arg,
both entwined by a vine Vt. (B: Stierbach - Nov 01)
(Fieldless) 2 axes in salt Sa. (B: Agravaine Rhiwallon - Mar 99)
Arg, a bar gemel Az betw 2 francisques fesswise, the one in chf
reversed, Sa. (D: Daniel the Bard - Jan 73)
Arg, a bear statant erect affronty betw in fess 2 double-bitted axes
palewise Sa. (D: Rufus Thorhall - Feb 89)

[Axe - 2]

Axe - 2 (continued)

Arg, a dragons head erased & sin facing betw in chf 2 axes in chev,
blades to center, Sa. (D: Michael of Oland - Sep 88)
Arg, a garb & in chf 2 axes fesswise, hafts to center, blades to base
Gu. (D: Paolo Jemolo - Jan 91)
Arg, an eagle volant Gu betw in pale 2 double-bitted axes fesswise,
the one in base reversed, Sa. (D: Comar Gyr Mirand Jun 83)
Arg chap ploy Purp, in pale a raven disp conjoined to a pair of
axes in salt Sa. (D: Sorcha inghean mhic Dhubhghaill Nov 07)
Arg, in fess 2 battle axes that to sin inv & reversed Sa a chf embat
Gu. (D: Giles O Culzean - Nov 91)
Arg, in pale a grenade Gu & 2 battleaxes in salt Sa, a chf dovetailed
Gu. (D: Liam MacIan of the Bloody Foreland - Nov 89)
Arg, in pale a raven disp conjoined to a pair of axes in salt, within a
bord engrailed Sa. (B: Sorcha inghean mhic Dhubhghaill Dec 06)
Arg, in pale 2 axes in salt & a wolfs head caboshed, a bord embat
Sa. (D: Vga-orfinnr inn svarti - Aug 97)
Arg, masoned, 2 axes in pile, blades outward, Sa & on a chf
triangular Az, a dove migrant to chf Arg. (D: Ragnarr
Arnbjornsson - Nov 86)
Arg, on a fess embat counter-embat betw an axe fesswise reversed
& an axe fesswise Vt a bird disp Arg. (D: Cian mac Con Ro Apr 02)
Arg, on a pale betw 2 axes addorsed Sa an owl contourny Arg all
within a bord Az. (B: Ragnarr Arnbjornsson - Feb 07)
Arg, on a pile Gu betw in pile 2 battle-axes addorsed Sa, a Bengal
tiger ramp Arg, striped Sa. (D: Vebrand of the Iron Hills Sep 84)
Arg, 2 axes, blades to center, betw their handles, 2 single Japanese
arrow notches in salt, all Gu. (D: Daimon Isamu - Nov 86)
Arg, 2 axes in salt & in base a rose, all within a bord indented Sa.
(D: Uther Blackthorne - Aug 89)
Arg, 2 axes in salt surmounted by a staff of Aesculapius Az all
within a bord rayonny Gu. (B: Frederick Tinamou the
Untamed - Dec 03)
Arg, 2 double-bitted axes in salt Sa surmounted by a brown bulls
head cabossed proper. (D: Ungust filius Antonii - Mar 01)
Arg, 2 double-bitted battleaxes & a phoenix Az. (D: Simon von
Beckum - Jan 03)
Arg, 2 eagles wings conjoined Gu, holding in salt 2 axes, within a
bord Sa. (D: Bjarni Kenhelm - Nov 91)
Arg, 2 single-bitted axes in salt & on a chf Gu 3 recorders palewise
Arg. (D: Gunnarr skld orvaldsson - Jun 02)
Az, a pall inv Arg betw 2 axes respectant Sa, fimbriated, & a
foaming stein Arg. (D: Grimarr of Nordheim - Nov 82)
Az, in pale 2 double-bitted axes in fess conjoined at the handles
surmounted by another palewise, the sin edge notched, proper
& a tower Or. (D: Raymel Notchblade - Mar 83)
Az, on a bend sin Or betw 2 double-bitted axes Arg, a wingless
dragon passant contourny reguardant Gu. (D: Sion Glas Nov 91)
Az, on a fess betw 2 axes fesswise Arg an axe fesswise reversed Az.
(D: lfr yrison - Nov 01)
Az, on a fess Or betw 2 broad axes fesswise blades to base Arg, a
boars head erased close Sa. (D: Thorvald Halfdanarson Aug 84)
Az, on a pale betw 2 bears combattant each maintaining a battle axe
Arg a tower Az. (D: Angrim the Unreasonable - Oct 00)
Az, on a pile betw 2 axes addorsed in pile Or 3 towers in pale Gu.
(D: Giles of Redheugh - Jul 01)
Az, 2 axes in salt & on a chf Arg 2 eagles disp heads to sin Sa. (D:
Iohann filius Agustin - Jan 08)
Az, 2 axes in salt betw 2 lightning bolts palewise Or issuant from a
chf nebuly Arg. (D: Maeloc of Wolfhaven - May 07)
Az, 2 battleaxes in salt Or betw in pale a heart & a cup Arg. (D:
Gunndiarfr Magnsarson - Jan 06)
Az, 2 battle-axes in salt proper, surmounted by a cartouche Or
charged with a roof rat sejant erect proper, all environed of a
Norse 4-legged serpent embowed chasing its own tail Arg. (D:
Ragnarr Two-Axe of the Swamp - Aug 79?)
Az, 2 double-bitted battle axes in salt & in chf 3 unicorn heads
couped Arg. (D: Thorvald Greybeard - Jun 97)
Bendy dovetailed Gu & Or, 2 wings, conjoined in lure, Arg, overall
2 axes inv in salt Sa. (D: Daniel Blackaxe - Jan 87)

Axe - 2 (continued)

Chevronelly inv Or & Sa, 2 labrys Arg & a wingless dragon ramp
Gu. (D: Kormak Ivanson - Sep 94)
Gu, a bear ramp Arg, in chf 2 double-bitted axes in salt Or. (D:
Siegfried der Starke - Jun 90)
Gu, a bend wavy betw 2 double-bitted battle axes Or. (D: Galen of
Bristol - Jul 01)
Gu, a bend wavy betw 2 double-bitted battle axes Or, & as an
augmentation on the bend a mullet of five greater & five lesser
points Sa. (Augmentation of Arms: Galen of Bristol - Jul 01)
Gu, a ladder betw in fess 2 axes Or, on a chf Arg 3 Maltese crosses
Sa. (D: Cuiln Rothlin - May 05)
Gu, betw a chev & a chev inv 2 double-bitted axes in chev Arg. (D:
John Logan - Sep 04)
Gu, on a pale Sa fimbriated betw 2 axes addorsed, a ferret ramp
contourny guardant Arg. (D: Frederick of the South Downs Jan 93)
Gu, 2 axes addorsed in salt within an orle Arg. (B: Boris Dragons
Bane - Nov 04)
Gu, 2 axes crossed in salt Arg, in chf a chalice Or. (D: Jakys
Chesemonger - Jan 00)
Gu, 2 battle axes in salt Or, a chf wavy checky Az & Or. (D:
Ragnsteinn fr Andrssmri - Sep 05)
Gu, 2 battle axes in salt surmounted by a claymore inv betw 2
pallets Or. (D: Athelstan of Bainbridge - Sep 94)
Gu, 2 battle-axes addorsed Arg hafted proper. (D: Wolfram von
Eschenbach - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, 2 battleaxes in chev, blades to base, & in base a tower, upon a
chf Or 3 eagles disp Sa. (D: Angus Alasdair MacLarty Aug 84)
Or, a bend bevilled betw 2 double-bitted axes Vt. (D: Giles of
Gordon - Jan 03)
Or, a pall inv Purp betw 2 butterflies Gu & 2 axes in salt Sa. (D:
Arabella Grant - Mar 08)
Or, a portcullis betw in fess a battleaxe reversed & another Sa, a
base engrailed Gu. (D: Balder Baldersbane - Sep 96)
Or, a salt Sa surmounted by 2 battleaxes addorsed Gu, a bord Sa.
(D: Sebastian Wolff - Mar 01)
Or, a stag trippant Sa & in chf 2 battle axes Gu. (D: Eric Martel Sep 02)
Or, on a bend betw an oak leaf & 2 battle axes crossed in salt Sa,
five bezants. (D: Shamus Mac Ewen - Jan 98)
Or, on a chev Gu betw a broad axe fesswise, a broad axe fesswise
reversed, & a drakkar Az, 2 spears conjoined at the points Or.
(D: Dennis the Liberator - Nov 84)
Or, on a pile betw 2 double-bitted axes inv Sa a bears head erased
Or. (D: Thorkel Magnusson - Dec 82)
Or, 2 axes in salt within an orle of ravens Sa. (D: Harold the Grim
- Apr 76?)
Or, 2 battle axes addorsed Sa, hafted proper, betw 3 estoiles of five
rays within a bord Vt. (D: Randall von Nordlichwald Apr 84)
Or, 2 bearded axes in salt & in base a broad arrow Vt, all within a
bord embat Gu. (D: Karl Thorirsson - Feb 88)
Or, 2 double-bitted axes in salt, overall a cup-hilted rapier, a bord
Gu. (D: Esteban de Villahermosa y Guzmn de Talavera de la
Reina - May 92)
Or, 2 woodsmans axes in salt Sa, hafted proper, surmounted by an
arrow inv proper flighted & within a bord embat Vt. (D:
Thorald skegglauss - Sep 05)
Or, 2 wyverns addorsed & conjoined at the tail Az, each bearing a
broken hafted battle axe Sa. (D: Eirik the Elder - Jan 87)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a bend betw an ax & an ax inv reversed Arg. (D:
Olaf the Strong - Mar 95)
Per bend sin Az & Or, an owl close guardant Arg & 2 double-bitted
axes in pile, hafts crossed Sa. (D: Ragnar of Birka - Jan 99)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a kraken inv bearing in the dextermost &
sinistermost tentacles 2 axes Arg. (D: Thomas ap Thomas Jan 73?)
Per bend sin Gu & Purp, on a bend sin dovetailed Arg betw 2
double-bitted axes Or a bulls head caboshed palewise Sa. (D:
Andreas Seljukroctonis - Jul 84)
Per bend sin Or & Gu, a dragon sejant erect, in dexter chf 2 axes in
salt Sa, hafted Gu. (D: Ninianne t Solesigge - Feb 91)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, a dragon sejant erect, in dexter chf 2 axes
Arg. (D: Peter t Solesigge - Jun 90)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 119

[Axe - 2]

Axe - 2 (continued)

Per bend sin Sa & Az, on a bend sin Gu fimbriated betw 2 doublebitted axes bendwise sin, a deaths head palewise, all Arg. (D:
Diana Alyse de Fay - Oct 82)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Az, 2 bearded axes in salt Sa & 3 Thors
hammers Or. (B: varr Brynjlfsson - Feb 03) (JB:
Ragnarr Gunnarsson)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a bend Or betw an axe & an axe inv reversed
Arg, all within a bord Or. (D: William Kyle of the Wilderness Apr 87)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 bearded axes in salt Sa & a wolf sejant
ululant contourny Arg. (D: varr Brynjlfsson - Oct 03)
Per chev Az & Or, an oak tree eradicated betw 2 bearded axes & a
frame saw fesswise, all ctrch. (D: Giles of Gamph - May 84)
Per chev Az & Sa, a chev Or betw 2 axes in salt & a sword inv Arg.
(D: Karl Haraldsson - May 88)
Per chev embat Sa & Arg, 2 battleaxes in salt Arg & a cross of
Calatrava Purp. (B: Calontir - Oct 82) (For the Hirth of
Per chev Gu & Arg, a chev embat ctrch betw a harp reversed & a
harp Or & 2 battle-axes in salt Sa. (B: Mathghamhain
MacCionaoith - Feb 91)
Per chev Gu & Az, 2 axes bendwise sin reversed & a foaming
drinking horn Arg. (D: Olfr Rriks son - Jul 06)
Per chev Gu & Sa, 2 single-bitted axes crossed in salt Arg & a cross
couped parted & fretted Or. (D: Rognvald Bloodaxe - Jun 95)
Per chev Gu & Sa, 2 thistles & a pair of axes in salt Or. (D: Gavin
MacDhomhnuill - Jun 91)
Per chev inv Arg & Sa, in chf a deaths head Gu, in base in salt 2
bardiches couped Arg. (D: Yulseth of Darkwood - Aug 82)
Per chev inv rayonny Or goutty de poix & Vt, 2 single-bitted axes
in salt Or. (D: Rogon Steingesicht - Mar 94)
Per chev Or & Sa, an executioners hood Sa, fimbriated in base Or,
betw in chf 2 double-bitted axes Sa, embrued to sin. (D:
Telbyrne Morningstar - Nov 77?)
Per chev Purp & Or, 2 double-bitted axes & a bunch of grapes
slipped ctrch. (D: Etienne le Forgeron - Jul 86)
Per chev raguly Gu & Or, 2 double-bitted axes & a compass star
ctrch. (D: Erick Valason - Mar 87)
Per chev rayonny Sa & Arg, 2 headsmans axes inv & addorsed in
chev & a fox sejant regardant ctrch. (D: Fawkes Bailhache Jan 97)
Per chev Sa & Arg, in chf 2 double-bitted axes in salt Arg & in base
a dagger fesswise reversed surmounted by a goblet Sa. (D:
Sean MacAoidh an Slaoightire - Oct 90)
Per chev Sa & Arg, in pale a compass star Arg & a rams head,
affronty & couped at the shoulders, Az, armed Gu, betw in fess
2 axes, palewise & blades to center, Arg. (D: Olaf of Kharkov
- Mar 88)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev betw 2 bearded axes in salt & a tree
blasted & couped Arg. (D: Jofreyr Maurisson - Dec 00)
Per chev Sa & Az, 2 axes & a horse passant Arg. (D: Hakon
Einarsson - May 06)
Per chev throughout Sa & Arg, 2 double-bitted axes Or & a doubleprowed drakkar, oars in action, proper. (D: Hagar Stromburg
Blackrune - Jun 87)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 2 double-bitted axes Arg & a compass rose Sa.
(D: Gallant ODriscole - May 04)
Per chev wavy Arg & Vt, 2 trees proper & 2 axes crossed in salt Or
hafted proper. (D: Ailill mac Duib Dara - Apr 06)
Per chev wavy Vt & Or, 2 double-axes & a tree eradicated ctrch.
(D: Brnainn mac Donnchaidh - Mar 93)
Per fess indented Or & Sa, 2 double-bladed axes in salt & a dove
migrant, all ctrch. (D: Alayne McGuyre - Jan 90)
Per fess potenty Arg & Sa, a lion passant Sa & 2 axes in salt Arg.
(D: Owen ap Dafydd - Jun 90)
Per fess Sa & Az, 2 axes in salt & a sea lion Arg. (D: Ulf the
Confused - Nov 92)
Per pale & per chev Or & Vt, on a chev Sa betw 3 martlets
contourny, one & 2, & 2 axes crossed in salt ctrch a mullet Or.
(D: Johann Matheusson - Feb 07)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 battle axes in salt ctrch. (D: Conrad Sturmere
- Mar 08)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 battle-axes in salt Sa & in base a sun in glory
Or, a bord ctrch. (B: Atenveldt, Kingdom of - Feb 05)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 battleaxes, blades to center, & a chf all ctrch.
(D: Codran Bloodaxe - Mar 93)
120 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Axe - 2 (continued)

Per pale Az & Arg, 2 double-bitted axes ctrch. (D: Romanus

Rodrigo - Jul 06)
Per pale Az & Or, a tower ctrch surmounted by 2 axes in salt Gu.
(B: Dun Or - Apr 86)
Per pale Az & Or, 2 single bitted axes ctrch. (D: Christabel
Heslington - Mar 00)
Per pale Az & Sa, 2 bearded axes in salt surmounted by an arrow
inv Or. (D: Agnarr orvaldsson - Jul 03)
Per pale Az & Vt, in pale 2 axes fesswise & on a chf Arg, a stag
browsing Gu. (D: Randall Andrew Thorrold MacBirny Apr 93)
Per pale Az & Vt, 2 axes in salt Or, fretted of a bowen knot, overall
an annulet Arg. (D: Alasdair Francis MacDhomhnuill Aug 90)
Per pale embat Arg & Sa, 2 axes ctrch. (D: James de Hagethorn Feb 07)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 axes in salt betw 3 mullets one & 2 all ctrch.
(B: Ragnar Karlson - Apr 02)
Per pale Gu & Or, 2 bears combattant maintaining battle-axes ctrch.
(D: Toirdhealbhach MacMathghamhain - Feb 07)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a battleaxe & a battleaxe inv, both bendwise sin
& fretted, Arg, hafted, & in base a crescent Or. (D: Llewellyn
or Glyn - Apr 87)
Per pale Gu & Sa, in pale a cat dormant guardant & 2 axes in salt
Arg. (D: Theodoric di Firenze - Feb 91)
Per pale Gu & Sa, on a pale betw 2 battleaxes addorsed Arg a raven
striking Sa. (D: Harold Lacklander - Apr 94)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 axes reversed & a fox passant to sin Arg. (D:
Ludwig von Eisenburg - Sep 02)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 wolves ramp addorsed, each maintaining an
axe, on a chf Arg an eagle per pale Sa & Gu. (D: Thorgrim
Skullsplitter - Jul 07)
Per pale Or & Gu, in salt 2 double-bitted axes, in base a tankard
ctrch. (D: Arii viligisl - Mar 04)
Per pale Or & Purp, 2 wolfs heads erased addorsed & conjoined &
in base 2 axes addorsed all ctrch Sa & Arg, a bord embat Sa.
(D: Dafydd Balch de Cantref Blaidd - Sep 05)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 axes in salt betw in fess 2 wolfs heads erased
respectant ctrch. (D: Kjotv orgrimsson - Mar 05)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 battle axes, blades to center & in chf 3 Maltese
crosses all ctrch. (D: Michael de Multon - Apr 06)
Per pale Sa & Arg 2 double-bitted axes in salt fretted with a mascle
ctrch. (D: Valdis Raginheid - Jul 90)
Per pale Sa & Az, a claymore betw 2 axes Arg. (D: Andrew Judas
MacLeod - Feb 03)
Per pale Sa & Az, 2 double-bitted axes in salt Or. (D: Arthur Knox
of Bannockburn - Apr 98)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a double-bitted axe & another inv Arg. (D:
Dennis Mac Cuinneagin - Aug 97)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 2 axes in salt & on a chf embat Or 3 ravens Sa.
(D: Lazarus von Kyrchberc - Jan 02)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 double-bitted axes in salt, in chf an
executioners hood affronty ctrch. (D: Axel the Executioner Jun 98)
Per pale Sa & Vt, 2 battle-axes in salt & in base a double-horned
anvil Arg. (D: Svarkell bldr - Feb 04)
Per pale Vt & Arg, 2 war-axes in salt & in base 2 sperm whales
respectant in chev inv all ctrch. (D: Marta Brn Hild Aug 05)
Per pale Vt & Or, 2 axes addorsed within an orle of oak leaves inv,
all ctrch. (D: Eadmund Garthson - Oct 94)
Per pale Vt & Sa, 2 axes in salt within an annulet Arg. (B: Artr
mac Lochlainn - Nov 01)
Per pale Vt & Sa, 2 single-bitted axes in salt Arg surmounted by a
lions head cabossed, a chf embat Or. (D: Artr mac
Lochlainn - Apr 90)
Per pale wavy Sa & Arg ermined Gu, a double bitted axe Arg &
another Sa. (B: Antonius Alvredus - May 01)
Per pall inv Gu, Arg, & Sa, in pale a carpenters axe fesswise
reversed inv & another fesswise ctrch, & a pithon erect Or. (D:
Haearnwedd Folkelaund - May 91)
Per pall inv Sa, Az & Arg, 2 double-bitted axes Arg & a scorpion
inv Sa. (D: Robert Benn Dann - Jun 04)
Per salt Gu & Az, in pale 2 double-bitted axes Or & in fess 2
Maltese crosses Arg. (D: Krr inn danski varsson - Aug 02)

[Axe - 2] to [Axe - 3 or more]

Axe - 2 (continued)

Per salt Vt & Sa, in pale 2 axes crossed in salt Arg & a lion ramp a
bord embat Or. (D: Alexander Eriksson Trevor - Feb 97)
Purp, a chev cotised Arg betw 2 fasces, blades to sin, & a Latin
cross pometty Or. (D: Pawel of Gdansk - Nov 88)
Purp, a rose slipped Arg, overall 2 double-bitted axes in salt Or. (D:
Sven Gunther Alcan - Jun 90)
Purp, on a bend sin betw 2 axes Arg, 3 grape bunches palewise
Purp. (D: Gunther von Leipzig - Jan 93)
Purp, on a pale betw 2 double-bitted battleaxes Or a sword Purp.
(D: William of Blackmoor - Dec 83)
Purp, 2 axes in salt & on a chf triangular Arg, a rose Purp barbed &
seeded proper. (D: Matthew of Nithgaard - Dec 95)
Quarterly Az & Or, 2 double-bitted axes Or. (D: Alpais Forst Mar 01)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, 2 double-bitted axes in salt within a bord, all
ctrch. (D: Sutan Bloodaxe - Jan 89)
Quarterly Gu & Az, a cross Arg overall 2 axes in salt Or. (D:
Gwilim de Glamorgan - Jul 03)
Quarterly Gu & Or, 4 double-bitted axes ctrch. (D: Hans Raichle Dec 90)
Quarterly Or & Arg, in salt 2 headsmans axes & dependent from
the junction a hangmans noose Sa, all within a bord Gu. (D:
Dynadan do Pico - Sep 83)
Quarterly Or & Sa, in bend sin 2 double-bitted axes Arg. (D:
Richard of Walterma - Oct 83)
Quarterly Or & Sa, 2 double-bitted axes in salt within a bord, all
ctrch. (B: Eldred Bloodaxe - Aug 90)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, 2 double-bitted axes in salt ctrch. (D: Eldjarn
bildr - Mar 05)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, 2 fasces Vt. (D: Gaius Cornelius Ursus Apr 07)
Sa, a double headed eagle disp Or, maintaining 2 double-bitted axes
inv Arg, a bord Arg mullety Gu. (D: Colin Brodie - Jan 98)
Sa, a phoenix sin-facing & issuant from base & on a chf Arg, a
Maltese cross betw 2 battleaxes addorsed Gu. (D: Eirik
Gunnarson - Oct 85)
Sa, a sword proper surmounted by 2 double-bitted axes in salt Arg,
a bord Or. (D: Bjorn Magnusson - Nov 92)
Sa, in bend sin an axe bendwise sin, inv & reversed, & an axe
bendwise sin, both Or, betw 2 scarpes Arg, overall a seagull
volant to sin, wings in bend, Arg. (B: Axemoor - Jun 90)
(For the Order of the Gull)
Sa, in bend sin an axe inv reversed & an axe both bendwise sin Or
betw 2 scarpes, overall a column Arg. (B: Axemoor - Apr 98)
(For Order of the White Pillars of Axemoor)
Sa, in bend sin an axe inv reversed & an axe both bendwise sin, Or
betw 2 scarpes, overall a laurel wreath Arg, for an
augmentation, in chf 3 mullets Arg. (Augmentation of Arms:
Axemoor - Apr 91)
Sa, in bend sin an axe inv reversed & an axe both bendwise sin Or
betw 2 scarpes, overall a shamshir inv bendwise Arg. (B:
Axemoor - Feb 98) (For Company of Hussars of Axemoor)
Sa, in bend sin an axe inv reversed & axe, both bendwise sin Or
betw 2 scarpes, overall a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Axemoor Aug 82)
Sa, in chf 2 double-bitted axes in salt Or surmounted by a deaths
head Arg & in base an estoile Or. (D: Ian MacDuff - Aug 92)
Sa, on a bend betw 2 axes Arg 3 martlets Az. (B: James de
Hagethorn - Aug 07) (JB: Kori Redjohan)
Sa, on a cross nowy Arg a wolfs head cabossed Gu, in dexter chf 2
axes in salt Or. (B: Alexander Makcristyne - Mar 05)
Sa, 2 double-bitted axes in salt Arg. (D: Katrine Keathe - Aug 99)
Vt, a turtle disp, in chf 2 axes in salt, all within a bord Arg. (B:
Gwynhavyr of River Haven - Nov 94)
Vt, a turtle statant erect affronty sustaining in chf 2 double-bitted
axes in salt Arg. (D: Agro of River Haven - Jul 95)
Vt, in pale a pickaxe & a double-bitted axe in salt & a crane in its
vigilance Or. (D: Roland Ironbeard - Jan 93)
Vt, on a pale betw 2 double-bitted battleaxes Arg a pawprint Az.
(D: Iohn Hambledon - Oct 07)
Vt, sem of tree stumps snagged eradicated proper, in salt 2 axes
Or. (D: Selva of the Treeless Plain - Aug 80)
Vt, 2 axes addorsed & on a chf Arg 3 crosses potent Vt. (D: Eadric
Wiglafes sunu - Oct 07)
* * * End * * *

Axe - 3 or more

See also: Pole axe

(Fieldless) In cross 4 Lochaber axes hafts to center Or overall a
wyverns head couped contourny Sa. (B: Seumas
Camshronach an Lochabair - Aug 96)
(Fieldless) 2 axes in salt surmounted by a double-bitted battle-axe
Sa. (B: Klaus von Trollenberg - Aug 83)
Arg, a bear ramp Sa within in annulo eight double-bitted axes
palewise Gu, all within a bord embat Sa. (B: Alaric BearStalker - Jan 83)
Arg, a pall inv Purp betw 3 axes Sa. (D: David Axe - Jan 93)
Arg, a salt formy Vt betw 4 axes in annulo blades to center overall
on a roundel Sa a spangenhelm affronty Arg. (D: Greger
Sondenstede - Jun 01)
Arg, an Asian ladyslipper orchid slipped & leaved Sa betw 3
double-bitted battleaxes Az. (D: Jacques Martel de
Normande, called the Jovial - Aug 79)
Arg, 3 axes Gu hafts crossed in pall inv Sa. (D: Hengist Gromhydig
- Apr 96)
Arg, 3 axes in fess & on a chf embat Sa a dolphin naiant Arg. (D:
Maerric atte Mor - Jan 94)
Arg, 3 double-bitted axes in bend Gu within a bord embat Sa. (D:
Angantyr Brynjolfsson - Oct 92)
Arg, 2 axes in salt surmounted by a double-bitted axe Sa, a chf Vt.
(D: Klaus von Trollenberg - Aug 82)
Az, a fess checky Or & Gu betw 3 axes Or. (D: Alexander
Makcristyne - Mar 05)
Az, a grinding wheel betw 3 axes reversed Arg. (D: Wolfric
Hammerfestning - Jan 94)
Az, a pall inv Or betw 3 beavers sejant erect Arg each maintaining
an axe Gu. (D: David of Caithness - Dec 01)
Az, a rams head cabossed betw six axes in annulo Arg. (D: Eric of
Telemark - Aug 79)
Az, a rams head cabossed betw six axes in annulo Arg betw, as an
augmentation, 3 triskeles Arg each charged with a tau cross
Az. (Augmentation of Arms: Eric of Telemark - Oct 95)
Az, a rose betw six axes in annulo Arg. (D: Alicca Ros Ericsdottir May 06)
Az, a triangle of 3 battleaxes fretted Or. (D: Morgan Bloodaxe Jun 95)
Az, eight single-bitted axes in cross, set in pairs, addorsed & hafts
to center, Arg. (B: Eirik Dweorgaex - Oct 88) (For House
Az, in pale 2 double-bitted axes in fess conjoined at the handles
surmounted by another palewise, the sin edge notched, proper
& a tower Or. (D: Raymel Notchblade - Mar 83)
Az, on a chev Or betw 3 axes Arg 3 hurts. (D: Giles Chinaud Jan 03)
Az, on a chev Or betw 3 axes Arg 3 hurts & overall in chf a label
dovetailed Or. (D: Thibault Chinaud - Jan 03)
Az, seven double-bitted axes in annulo a bord Arg. (D: Eric Lee Dec 96)
Az, 3 double-bitted axes in pall inv, hafts to center, within a bord
Or. (D: Damaris of Greenhill - Apr 92)
Ermine, a lion passant guardant betw 3 battle axes Sa. (D: Yrj
Kirjawiisas - Mar 85)
Gu, a chev & in base a griffin passant all betw 3 pairs of axes in salt
Arg. (D: Boris Dragons Bane - Jun 08)
Gu, a dove rising contourny, wings disp, sustaining in its beak an
arrow bendwise sin inv, within a bord Arg charged with
double-axes Gu. (D: Damn Ponder - Mar 93)
Gu, on a chev betw 3 double-bitted axes Or, 3 compass stars Gu.
(D: Allwyn ap Gwilliam Caernarvon - Apr 91)
Gu, 3 axes Arg. (D: Sefferey of Wessex - Feb 02)
Gu, 3 double-bitted axes Or & a bord Arg semy of shamrocks Vt.
(D: Riobrd mac Sesaimh u Phdraig - Jun 96)
Or, a boars head erased Sa betw 3 battle-axes, a chf potenty Gu.
(D: Rodoald the Knifesmith - Feb 01)
Or, a chev betw 3 axes Gu & on a chf Sa a Viking longship Or. (D:
orfinnr Bjarnason - Apr 02)
Or, a chev betw 3 battle-axes Vt. (D: Gregory Morison - Oct 01)
Or, 3 axes & on a chf Sa, 3 bezants. (D: Constantine the Varangian
- May 89)
Per bend Az & Sa, a bear ramp & 3 axes Arg. (D: Uther the Dark Dec 05)
Per chev Arg & Purp, 2 double bitted axes & a double bitted axe inv
ctrch. (D: Giovannino da Vidor - Jun 00)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 121

[Axe - 3 or more] to [Balance]

Axe - 3 or more (continued)

Per chev inv Arg & Az, an orca embowed Sa & 3 double-bitted
axes Arg. (D: Rowen Seer - Nov 03)
Per chev Vt & Or, six battleaxes ctrch. (D: Richard of the Fens Jul 85)
Per fess Az & Arg, an axe palewise inv surmounted by 2 axes in
salt, all within a bord embat ctrch. (B: Coinneach Aindrias
MacLeod - Jun 89)
Per fess embat Or & Sa, 3 axes, blades to sin, & a mullet of six
points ctrch. (D: Cian Mac Fhearghuis - Apr 08)
Per fess Sa & Purp all semy of double-bitted axes Or. (D: Anton
Vadim syn - Aug 06)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a fret betw 4 double-bitted axes Arg. (D:
Theodric Afhaims - Jul 96)
Per pall Or Vt & Gu, an axe Sa & 2 axes Or. (D: Thomas of
Cologne - Nov 01)
Quarterly Or & Vt, in bend 3 anvils Sa betw in bend sin 2 pairs of
axes in salt Or. (D: Eoghan of Dragonsfire Tor - Jul 02)
Sa, a pall inv erminois betw 3 double-bitted axes Or. (D: Eldred
Bloodaxe - Sep 90)
Sa, a pall inv Or ermined Gu betw 3 double-bitted axes Arg. (D:
Erik Lang - Jul 93)
Sa, in bend sin an axe bendwise sin, inv & reversed, & an axe
bendwise sin, both Or, betw 2 scarpes Arg, overall an axe
bendwise Or. (B: Axemoor - Jun 90) (For the Order of the
Axe of Axemoor)
Sa semy of double-bitted axes Arg, on a bezant a dragons sin
forefoot reversed issuant from base Gu. (D: Duncan
Ghlasthuagh - Feb 92)
Sa, 3 double-bitted axes in pall, hilts to center, Or surmounted by a
doves head erased to sin, all within a bord dovetailed Arg. (D:
Radegund Wulfsdottir - Aug 84)
Vt, on a triskelion of arms each brandishing an axe Or, a torteau.
(D: Fearghus Siadhail - Nov 93)
Vt, 2 axes in salt addorsed surmounted by a double-bitted axe
palewise, in chf 3 mullets, all within a bord Or. (D: JotunEirkr Bjarnason - Sep 91)
* * * End * * *
Axe blade: see Head - Weapon
Axe head: see Head - Weapon

Axle bracket

Per pale Gu & Arg, a U-form axle bracket Sa. (D: Maximillian
Mhleisen - Feb 89)
* * * End * * *
Baby: see Human figure
Backpack: see Clothing - Pouch
Badger: see Beast - Badger
Badgers head: see Head - Beast - Badger
Bag: see Clothing - Pouch
Bagpipe: see Musical instrument - Bagpipe
Bagwyn: see Monster - Antelope


(Fieldless) A dexter gauntlet aversant Arg supporting a set of scales

Az. (B: Alexis la Bouche - Mar 92)
(Fieldless) A hanging balance Gu. (B: Simon Sinneghe - Oct 98)
(For Haus zur Roten Wage)
(Fieldless) A standing balance Arg. (B: Jaudin Guillaume Aug 00)
(Fieldless) A standing balance Or. (B: Elena Anatolievna Pavlova
- Jan 94)
(Fieldless) In pale a Cornish chough proper perched upon a set of
scales Or. (B: Cadan of Mons Tonitrus - Jul 05)
(Fieldless) In pale an eagles foot couped sustaining a hanging
balance Sa. (B: Cynuise Cianin of Bardsea - Jul 06)
Arg, a badger ramp Sa betw 3 standing balances Vt. (D: Gareth
Craig - Aug 03)
Arg, a cross pointed raguly surmounted by an annulet Sa betw in
bend a standing balance & a goblet Gu. (D: Bartholomew
Didymus - Jun 82)
Arg, a hanging balance Gu betw 3 compass stars Sa within a bord
Gu. (D: Christian the Barrester - Dec 05)

122 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Balance (continued)

Arg, a standing balance Sa bearing on the dexter enhanced pan a

hand couped Sa holding a morning-star proper & on the sin
lowered pan a heart Gu. (D: Edmund the Sentinel - Nov 05)
Arg, on a bend Gu a sword inv Or, in dexter a standing balance Or
fimbriated Sa. (B: Althea Gloria of Tyne - Nov 77?) (For
House Draumr)
Arg semy of batons sin Vt, a loon disp maintaining in its claws a
hanging balance Gu. (B: Theoderick Orbus - Jan 07) (For
Pepperers Guild of Fennbrycg)
Az, a chev inv betw a sword inv Arg & a standing balance Or. (D:
Edmond of Surrey - Jan 07)
Az, a mermaid proper, crined & tailed bearing a pair of scales, & in
chf 2 mullets of 4 points Or. (D: Calum MacDhaibhidh Sep 96)
Az, a standing balance & on a chf Or 2 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D:
Manuel le Gules - Oct 90)
Az, a standing balance Arg & a bord Arg, mulletty Vt. (D: Jaudin
Guillaume - Jun 91)
Az, a standing balance, in chf a scythe fesswise & another reversed,
handles in pale Or. (D: Connor Duncan - Apr 93)
Az, a standing balance within a snake involved in annulo, a chf
enarched Arg. (D: Corwin McMorann - May 92)
Az, a sword inv proper surmounted by a pair of scales within a bord
Arg. (D: Marc Uther Corwyn David Rengarth - Oct 84)
Az, a sword proper supporting on its point a pair of scales Or. (D:
Conrad Tolbert Regnault - Oct 02)
Az, mulletty Arg, a bend sin Or betw a decrescent & a standing
balance Arg, a bord Or. (D: Aspasia Jeanne Cartier - Jun 90)
Az, 3 standing balances & on a chf Or, a comet fesswise Az. (D:
Justin Meteora - Jan 87)
Az, 2 reindeers heads couped & a hanging balance Or. (D: Patrik
den Rttrdige - Jul 96)
Checky Purp & Arg, a standing balance Or within a laurel wreath
Vt. (D: Wynandremer - Oct 04)
Gu, a standing balance & a canton Or. (D: Ahelissa of Greyvale Mar 00)
Gu, a standing balance, arm bendwise, & a chf potenty Arg. (D:
Jrg Siggeirsson - Mar 88)
Gu, on a bend sin betw a Latin cross bottony & a standing balance
Or, 4 decrescents palewise Gu, all within a bord embat Or. (D:
Doireann Fearghus Roberston - Jul 91)
Gu, 3 standing balances Arg. (D: Marcus Parvus
Constantinopolitanus - Jan 96)
Gu, 2 leopards faces jessant-de-lys & a standing balance Or. (D:
Marek the Jew - Mar 05)
Gyronny Az & Sa, in pale a standing balance, its arm bendwise sin
& maintaining in the sin pan a weight, & 2 arrows in fess
conjoined at the points Arg. (D: Samuel Zetetic the Skeptic Jan 07)
Or, a hanging balance dependent from chf, arm bendwise sin Vt,
maintaining in the dexter pan a heart Gu & in the sin pan a
natural salamander couchant contourny Sa. (B: Geoffrey dAyr
of Montalban - Jan 07) (For the Bank of Bhakail)
Or, a standing balance Purp & on a chf dovetailed Vt 3 open books
Or. (D: Olaus af Scherff - Jun 05)
Paly bendy Arg & Sa a hanging balance Gu. (D: Simon Sinneghe Oct 98)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a standing balance Arg & a rose proper. (D:
Portia Montesorri - Mar 98)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, in bend sin a chain throughout fracted Sa
betw a Latin cross patonce Gu & a standing balance Arg. (D:
Malachai von Riga - Jul 98)
Per bend sin Gu & Vt, a hanging balance & a tower Or. (D: Aldwin
of Warwick - Jul 98)
Per bend sin Or & Gu, a rose & a hanging balance ctrch. (D:
Aonghas Mac Aonghuis Mhic Ghriogair - Mar 95)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt, a set of scales Or & a sword inv Arg. (D:
John the Trader - Jun 84)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a sword inv Arg surmounted by a set of
scales Or, a bord Arg. (D: Ian Graym - Feb 97)
Per bend Vt & Sa, 2 standing balances Or. (D: Aliotte Collesson Sep 92)
Per chev Az & Arg, in chf a balance arm with 2 pans Or, in base a
pine tree couped betw in fess 2 shamrocks Vt. (D: Steffan of
the Tall Pines - Dec 82)

[Balance] to [Barrel]

Balance (continued)

Per chev Az & Gu, a hand balance Or & a tower Arg. (D: Lancelot
de Navarre - Feb 91)
Per chev Az & Vt, 2 standing balances & a brock ramp Arg. (D:
Brocc of Alderden - Feb 91)
Per chev Gu & Or, 2 stalks of wheat & a standing balance ctrch. (D:
Iustin Branov - Apr 08)
Per chev Gu & Sa, 2 standing balances & a spider Arg. (D:
Auriana Maria Ravenstein - Jun 00)
Per chev inv Arg & Vt, a standing balance Sa & in chf 2 pommes.
(D: Raulyn Fynch - Nov 88)
Per chev inv Vt & Sa, on a chev inv betw a standing balance & 3
roundels Or 2 daggers inv Sa. (D: Elena Anatolievna Pavlova
- Apr 94)
Per chev rayonny Vt & Arg, 2 stags combattant & a standing
balance ctrch. (D: Andrew Ward - Sep 87)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 2 standing balances & a boars head erased
contourny ctrch. (D: Kevin Kyl the Wild - Nov 97)
Per chev Sa & checky Arg & Sa, a chev Gu fimbriated Or & in chf
a hanging balance Arg. (D: Thorgrim af Kbmannehavn Feb 03)
Per fess Arg & Az, a hand balance Sa & an open book Arg bound
Sa clasped Or. (B: Atlantia - Jul 01) (For the Clerk of Law)
Per fess Az & Purp, a fish haurient sustaining in its mouth a
hanging balance, in chf 3 mullets Or. (D: Just John - Nov 00)
Per fess indented Az & Gu, in chf a sword & a hammer inv in salt
Arg, the sword hilted Or, in base a standing balance Or. (D:
Hans the Horrible - Apr 85)
Per fess Or & Gu, in base a standing balance Arg, a chf rayonny Sa.
(D: Antonia della Scalla - Jul 04)
Per fess Or & Sa, in pale a rose & a footed balance ctrch. (D:
Jeremy James Scurlock - Oct 87)
Per fess Sa & Arg, in pale a standing balance conjoined with
another inv ctrch. (D: Dikran Dikranian - Jan 07)
Per pale Arg & Az, a standing balance per pale Sa & Arg, above the
dexter pan a child recumbent proper, above the sin pan a
mullet of eight points Or. (D: Dawn of Jusborne - Jan 07)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a standing balance, in the dexter pan a heart &
in the sin pan an open book, ctrch. (D: Nigel of Saint
Bartholomews College - Jan 93)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a standing balance ctrch & on a chf Az 3 fish
naiant Arg. (D: Alexander Kyppyn Kirkcaldy - Aug 00)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a standing balance ctrch in chf 2 pairs of eyes,
the dexter pair Sa irised Arg, the sin Arg irised Sa. (D: Jordan
Wolfram - Feb 00)
Per pale Az & Arg, a hanging balance Sa. (D: Talia of the Middle Nov 05)
Per pale Az & Arg, a standing balance within a bord embat ctrch.
(D: Alexis la Bouche - Mar 92)
Per pale Az & Gu, a hanging balance Arg. (D: Simona di Piero
Valentini - Apr 06)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a standing balance per pale Arg & Sa, in chf a
skull & a heart ctrch. (D: Gunnar de Blacwode - Sep 06)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a standing balance & a bord dovetailed ctrch.
(D: Roderick Gavin McLeod - Sep 94)
Per pale Sa & Arg all semy of standing balances ctrch. (D: Flora di
Manfredo - Mar 03)
Per pale Sa & Az, a standing balance Arg within an orle per pale
Arg & Or. (B: Aspasia Jeanne Cartier - Aug 90) (For House
Shining Scales)
Per pale Vt & Or, a standing balance ctrch. (D: Miriam Esther bat
Issachar - Apr 93)
Per salt Arg & Vt, a hand balance Or betw 4 fleurs-de-lys in cross
ctrch. (D: Jacqueline du Perdepays - Jan 07)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, in fess 2 swords palewise, above each sword a
pair of scales, the beams bendwise sin, all ctrch. (D: Thomas
Danlar of Herrick - Jan 84)
Sa, a set of standing balances & in base an Arabian lamp Arg. (D:
Sheldon the Just - May 89)
Sa, a standing balance & on a chf enarched Or 2 rapiers, tips
crossed in salt, Purp. (D: Valdis ODavoren - Sep 92)
Sa, a standing balance Arg within a triangle of 3 swords proper. (B:
Kiriana Michaelson - Sep 05)
Sa, a standing balance Or & on a chf embat Arg five mullets Sa. (D:
Robert Justice - Feb 02)
Sa, a standing balance Or betw 3 swords proper. (D: Duncan
MacMuir - Jun 82)

Balance (continued)

Sa, a standing balance surmounted by a rams head cabossed & on a

chf Or 3 pairs of holly leaves bendwise sin fructed Sa. (D:
Elizabeth Margaret Cleves - Jan 01)
Sa, a standing balance within a bord Or. (B: Jason Kynslay Apr 08)
Sa, in pale a hanging balance Or & an open book Arg. (D: Jerusha
aLaon - Jul 00)
Sa, in pale 2 swords in salt Arg & a standing balance Or. (D: Gavin
Skot of Stirling - Aug 03)
Sa platy, a standing balance Arg. (D: Kiriana Michaelson May 92)
Vt, a double-bitted axe Or betw 3 standing balances Arg, a bord Or.
(D: Gavin the Gruesome - Jan 93)
Vt, a hanging balance & a chf Or. (D: Theodore Barrister Jul 89)
Vt, a standing balance Arg & a base ermine. (D: Cecilia Warvic de
Stradforde - Jun 92)
Vt, a standing balance Or, a bord compony Arg & Sa. (D: Dufgall
brestingr Vinaldason - Jan 06)
Vt, a standing balance Or, on a chf Arg 3 closed books palewise Vt.
(D: Talya Palaeologina - Jun 93)
Vt, on a bend sin betw a hand balance & a cinquefoil Or, a frog
courant to sin Vt. (D: Brigit de Montfort - Jan 07)
* * * End * * *
Baldric: see Clothing - Belt
Ball: see Roundel - Whole and Toy
Banner: see Flag
Bar: see Fess
Bar gemel: see Fess
Bardiche: see Pole axe
Barley: see Plant - Wheat
Barnacles: see Saddlery and Shell - Other


(Fieldless) A barrel palewise pierced to sin by 3 arrows fesswise in

pale Sa, fletched Vt. (B: Marian of Edwinstowe - Apr 89)
(Fieldless) A barrel Vt. (B: Forgotten Sea - Jul 01)
(Fieldless) A keg palewise potent. (B: Lyanna of Kerneough Jul 86)
(Fieldless) A sword Arg surmounted by a barrel proper. (B:
Brighed ODire - Feb 97)
(Fieldless) A tun palewise Or charged with a laurel leaf Vt. (B:
West, the - May 91)
(Fieldless) A tun Sa pierced by a sword inv Vt. (B: Tuathal of
Tehri - Aug 93)
(Fieldless) Atop a barrel palewise a cock passant contourny
maintaining a sword Or. (B: Conall Cailech - Jan 96)
(Fieldless) In pale an elephant ramp Arg atop a barrel palewise
proper. (B: Enoch MacBain - May 07)
(Fieldless) On a barrel proper a snowflake Arg environed of a
snake involved Or. (B: Concordia of the Snows - Jul 96)
(Fieldless) On a rope-bound wine cask Or a penner & inkhorn Gu.
(B: Wade Fletcher Fowler - Nov 91) (For Auldhfen)
(Fieldless) Perched upon a tun affronty a raven reguardant Sa. (B:
Corwin of Darkwater - Aug 95)
Arg, a chev wavy Vt betw 2 penguins disp Sa, bellied Arg, & a tun
proper. (D: Talorc Brennon Pittenweem - Feb 86)
Arg, a pall inv Gu betw 3 barrels proper. (D: Timothy Okenbarrel Apr 91)
Arg, sem of house wrens close proper, a tun Sa, chased Arg. (B:
Edmund Renfield Wanderscribe - Aug 80) (For House Tun)
Arg semy of hurts, a tub Vt & on a base Az a billet fesswise Or. (D:
Drfinna eyverska - Feb 03)
Az, a barrel fesswise Or & on a chf triangular Arg a bears head
couped Sa. (D: Colin Ursell - Jan 91)
Az, a griffin dormant betw 3 barrels Arg. (D: Sibilla Griffyn Oct 06)
Az, a St. Bernard dogs head couped at the neck bearing a cask at its
neck, all proper. (D: George of Glen Laurie - Aug 79)
Az, mullety Or, in pale a rainbow proper & a bath tub Or. (D:
Mariah Stern - May 88)
Az, on a bend Arg betw a mace erect & a barrel palewise Or 3
fleurs-de-lys palewise Az. (D: Jean-Marc de Folleville Dec 81)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 123

[Barrel] to [Base - Uncharged - Plain line]

Barrel (continued)

Gu, a sword inv proper surmounted by a barrel palewise Arg,

banded Sa, all within a bord Arg. (D: Emerick Cowper from
the Wall - Jan 87)
Gu, a tun Arg surmounted by a fusil throughout quarterly Arg & Sa,
all within a bord gyronny Sa & Arg. (B: Bertram of
Bearington - Jan 87)
Gu, issuant from a tub Arg, scaly & banded Sa, 3 demi-arrows
bendwise Arg & 3 demi-arrows bendwise sin Or, all within an
annulet Arg. (B: Naevehjem - Mar 94) (For the Archery
Gu, 2 beavers statant & a barrel palewise Or. (D: Sion Becote Dec 01)
Gyronny Vt & Or, a wolf ramp, in chf 3 barrels palewise Gu. (D:
Ulfr Raude - Sep 00)
Or, an owl contourny maintaining a barrel Sa banded Arg, a chf
enarched Vt. (D: Martin de Thalassa - Apr 01)
Or, in pale a dragon statant Vt & a tun proper. (B: Dana Mac an
Ghabhann - Jun 92)
Or, on a pile inv Az betw 2 wooden barrels fesswise proper a rapier
Arg, on a chf embat Az 3 quail Arg. (D: James the Just Jun 99)
Or, on a wooden tub, betw 2 peacock feathers crossed in base
proper a laurel wreath Or. (D: Caldarium - Mar 82)
Or, 3 tuns & on a chf Gu 3 goblets Or. (D: Howel Pascoe Feb 07)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a wyvern statant, wings addorsed, Az & in
bend sin 3 casks palewise Or. (D: Susan of Bryn Gwlad May 87)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, a dragon disp & a keg fesswise ctrch. (D:
Rolfe Drer - Dec 88)
Per bend sin Vt, semy of steins Or, & Arg, in sin base a tun proper.
(B: Jhondo Oakenshield - Sep 84) (For Wurmwald Brewers
and Drinkers Guild)
Per chev Gu & Or, 2 tuns palewise & a wolfs head, erased & sin
facing, ctrch. (D: Llewelyn ap Cadwaladr ap Dafydd ap
Hywel - Feb 90)
Per chev Or & Vt, 2 casks proper & a Celtic cross Arg. (D:
Donnchadh Beag mac Griogair - Mar 05)
Per fess embat grady Az & Arg, a tun & a portcullis ctrch. (B:
Pierre de Montereau - Jul 06)
Per fess Gu & Or, a sheep passant Arg, its sin foreleg in a tub Sa.
(B: Chlurain, Clan - Jan 81)
Per fess Purp & Vt, issuant from the line of division a demi-mullet
of twelve points Or & in base an ale keg proper. (B: Andregor
Starseeker von Morgenwind - Nov 81) (For House
Per pale undy, ermine & Gu, in pale 3 casks Az hooped Or. (D:
Brandy of Mirkwood - Sep 71?)
Sa, a quiver holding 2 arrows betw 3 barrels Or. (D: Thomas of the
Rivers Edge - Mar 92)
Sa, on a bend sin betw 2 tuns palewise Arg a double-bladed axe Gu.
(D: Mjothvitnir the Large - Jul 81)
Vt, a tun Arg betw in fess 2 male gryphons combattant & in chf
another statant guardant Or. (D: Griffith ap Griffith ap Griffith
- Feb 82)
Vt, 2 wolves couchant guardant & on a tun Or, a Thors hammer
inv Gu. (D: Micheal Mor OFaolain - Oct 85)
* * * End * * *
Barrulet: see Fess
Barruly: see Field division - Barry
Barry: see Field division - Barry
Bars gemel: see Fess

Base - Uncharged - Plain line

(Fieldless) In pale a moth disp Arg conjoined to a mount couped

Vt. (B: Annanias Fenne - Mar 04)
Arg, a bear ramp Az maintaining a broken arrow, a base Gu. (D:
skatla Ketilsdttir - Aug 07)
Arg, a bears pawprint & a base Vt. (D: Bogdan de la Brasov Jan 99)
Arg, a bison statant proper atop a mount Gu, overall a laurel wreath
proper. (D: Eldern Hills, the - Aug 81)
Arg, a castle Sa masoned Arg issuant from a base Vt, on a chf
embat Vt a plate. (D: Meghan Catriona McInnes of
Kinlochaline - Aug 79)
124 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Base - Uncharged - Plain line (continued)

Arg, a chev enhanced & a base Az, overall a Maltese cross Gu,
fimbriated Arg. (D: Maolcholm Burnes - Aug 80)
Arg, a cross formy Gu, in chf a pearled coronet, a base Sa. (B:
Antonio Giordano da Sicilia - Aug 05)
Arg, a demi-cat passant guardant Sa & a base Gu. (D: Matheu
Matson - Apr 98)
Arg, a dragon doll counter-salient bendy compony Gu & paly of 20
Gu & Sa, & compony paly of 20 Sa & Gu, & Gu, armed &
crined Vt, orbed Or, standing on a mount Vt. (D: Gwenafara
the Dragon Maker - Oct 79)
Arg, a dragon sejant Vt betw in chf 2 fir trees eradicated proper & a
base Vt. (D: Cayle of Firwood - May 81)
Arg, a fox passant contourny Sa atop a base Vt, in chf a trefoil
slipped Sa. (D: Ailinn Shadowfox - Feb 86)
Arg, a frog sejant affrontee Vt upon a base, in chf a cross peen
hammer fesswise Sa, hafted proper. (B: Thescorre - Aug 79)
(For the Armourers Guild)
Arg, a harp & a base Vt. (B: Forgotten Sea - Feb 02)
Arg, a horse ramp & a base Purp. (D: Mikls Magdolna - Sep 99)
Arg, a hurst of pine trees proper atop a mount Vt & on a chf Az an
arrow Or. (D: Suzanne Delaplaine - Jun 03)
Arg, a mullet gyronny of ten Gu & Or betw a base arched & 2
flaunches Az. (D: Barnet Acelin - Mar 86)
Arg, a mullet Sa & a base Az. (D: Desideria del Penna - Dec 06)
Arg, a pine tree proper issuant from a mount Vt, & on a chf Az a
moon in her complement. (D: Eluned merch Gwynt - Jan 82)
Arg, a quail martletted to sin reguardant Sa, a mount Vt, & on a chf
wavy Az in dexter a sun Or. (D: Kathren of Sandesward Nov 81)
Arg, a ruined tower on a mount within a bord, all Sa. (B: Aleen du
Varnay - Mar 83) (For Nightwalk Tower)
Arg, a salamander Vt, flamed proper, a base Gu. (D: Gunnar
Njalsson - Sep 92)
Arg, a sun betw a chf enarched & a base Sa. (D: Sol Tizona Jul 04)
Arg, a sword inv Gu betw 4 sheafs of arrows inv Sa, a base barry
indented Az & Arg. (D: Michael of Ravenslake - Jun 94)
Arg, a sword palewise inv Gu betw a chf embat Sa & a base Az. (D:
Corin Anderson - Jun 90)
Arg, a trebuchet proper betw a chf embat & a base Az. (D: Dafydd
y Peiriannydd - Mar 86)
Arg, a wolf ramp to sin Sa atop a mount Vt, in chf a rose Gu barbed
& seeded proper. (D: Rohais of Wolfhill - Jul 86)
Arg, an oak tree blasted & sundered Sa atop a mount Vt, on a chf
embat Vt a laurel wreath Or. (D: Sunderoak - Jun 98)
Arg, an oak tree fructed proper atop a mount Vt & on a chf arched
Sa a male griffin passant reguardant Or. (D: Geofry of
Cyrtenham - Dec 81)
Arg, an orange tree fructed proper issuant from a mount Vt. (D:
Christian of Orange - Oct 70?)
Arg chap counterermine, a brown bears head cabossed proper, a
base Vt. (D: Beornmann on Ceaster - Oct 99)
Arg, goutty de larmes, a raven migrant Sa & a base Az. (D: Hrefna
Vegvs - Nov 98)
Arg goutty Sa, a crab Gu, a base Az. (B: Symmonne Deccarrete de
Villette - Mar 99)
Arg masoned, a bulls head cabossed Sa, a ford proper. (D: Seamus
MacAleer - Sep 00)
Arg masoned Sa, 3 roses Az slipped & leaved Vt, a base Sa. (D:
Rohesia de Wauretreu - Nov 96)
Arg on a fess Gu betw a base & a chf Az a cartouche Arg charged
with an escutcheon of the state arms of COSTA RICA (Per
fess the sky & the sea proper, rising from an island fesswise
throughout Vt 3 volcanos in fess proper betw in chf an arch of
seven mullets Arg & in base a square-rigged ship, on the
horizon betw the dexter & central volcano a like ship proper &
to dexter a demi-sun issuant from the line of division Or). (B:
Costa Rica - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Arg, on a lozenge fesswise Gu a pig statant Arg, a chf & a base Sa.
(B: Erica Poitevin - Feb 00)
Arg, 2 arms embowed fesswise, hands grasped Sa, atop a mount Vt
a stump proper. (D: Finnr Grimulfsson - Nov 98)
Arg, 2 bars gemel flory-counter-flory & a base Az. (D: Franois
Henri Guyon - Jun 95)
Az, a base Or. (D: Jean-Philippe Firmin dAmiens - Mar 04)

[Base - Uncharged - Plain line]

Base - Uncharged - Plain line (continued)

Az, a bull ramp contourny guardant atop a base Arg. (D: William
Tinker - Oct 07)
Az, a candle & candlestick Arg enflamed proper, betw a dexter
point ploye, a sin point ploy, & a base Arg. (D: Symond
Bayard le Gris - Sep 83)
Az, a chev Arg charged with 3 roundels Az, a mount Arg. (D:
Hildegardis filia Vulframni - Jul 03)
Az, a chf per fess Gu & Arg & a base per fess Arg & Gu. (B:
Thailand - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Az, a crane in its vigilance Arg & a base Arg masoned Az. (D:
Genevieve Cranwell - Jul 06)
Az, a garb Or issuant from a base enarched, on a chf Arg a cross
fleury Sa betw 2 roses Az. (D: Bradan Burleigh - Nov 89)
Az, a hamster sejant erect atop a mount Or. (D: Ammyra of House
Mouse - Oct 93)
Az, a lion of St. Mark statant guardant Or atop a base Vt, forepaw
raised & maintaining a book Arg. (D: Venice, City of Jun 95) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, a pale & a base Or, on a chf arched Arg a raven rising, wings
addorsed Sa. (D: Garrick Ravenshear - Dec 82)
Az, a tankard bendwise sin inv, distilling gouttes, & a base Or. (D:
Seamus OFagan - Aug 89)
Az, a tower Arg & a base Arg ermined Az. (D: Dairine ingen
Dhomnaill - Feb 02)
Az, a Viking longship paly Arg & Gu, a base Arg. (D: Haraldr
Bassi - May 93)
Az, a wingless wyvern passant Or maintaining 2 keys Arg & Or, all
within a laurel wreath, a mount Or. (D: Loch Dorr - Nov 92)
Az, a wolf ramp contourny Arg maintaining in his sin paw an axe
bendwise Arg hafted Or, a base Arg & in chf a ducal coronet
Or. (D: Chrystofer Kensor - Mar 08)
Az, a wolf ramp contourny Arg maintaining in his sin paw an axe
bendwise Arg hafted Or, a base Arg & in chf a ducal coronet
Or, for augmentation, on a canton Purp a cross of Calatrava &
a bord Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Chrystofer Kensor Mar 08)
Az, a wolf ramp to sin Arg sustaining a halberd Arg hafted Or, a
base Arg. (B: Chrystofer Kensor - Aug 04)
Az, an equal-armed Celtic cross formy Or issuant from a mount Vt.
(D: Aindrea Mac Parthalin - Jan 03)
Az, an estoile, a snowflake, & a hill Arg. (B: Nordskogen May 83) (For the Order of the Silver Snowdrift)
Az, an owl Arg atop a mount Or, on a chf Arg a hurst of pine trees
Az. (D: Katalena of Owlsherst - Jan 08)
Az, chape Arg, 3 legs flexed & conjoined in pall at the hip Or, a
base Arg. (D: Ervald La Coudre the Unlucky - Jan 90)
Az, ermined Arg, a winged unicorn counter-ramp, wings addorsed,
Or, standing on a demi-plate issuant from base. (D: Linda of
Collinswood - Aug 80)
Az goutty dOr, six lymphads sailing to sin Or, each sail charged
with a martlet volant to sin Gu, a base Or. (D: Marianna
Molin di Salerno - Oct 07)
Az, on a bezant a crossbow palewise Vt, a base Or. (D: Jonathan
Aster - Jan 06)
Az, 3 bezants in fess betw 3 cups inv in fess & a base Arg. (D:
Amyas Calcularius - Mar 89)
Az, 3 swords 2 & one proper each impaling a boars head erased
close Or, a base Arg. (D: Duncan of Skeene - Nov 00)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a tower Or issuant from a mount Vt, in chf a
laurel wreath Or. (D: Turm an dem See - Nov 88)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, a tower conjoined to dexter with a wall, both
issuant from a mound, in dexter chf a laurel wreath, all Sa. (D:
Ar n-Eilean-ne - Nov 89)
Checky Gu ermined Arg & Arg, a unicorn ramp & a base Sa. (D:
Nikolaus von Erlach - Dec 05)
Chequy Or & Gu, a tower Arg atop a mount Vt, in chf 3 gunstones.
(D: Maximillian von Strassburg - Nov 89)
Counter-ermine, a base Arg, overall a dragon segreant Or. (B:
Rhydderich Hael, the - Apr 04)
Counter-ermine, a wolfs head erased Arg & a base barry wavy Gu
& Arg. (D: Hrolfric Redsleeves - Oct 82)
Ermine, a fleur-de-lys Purp & a base Az. (D: Leta von Goslar Aug 04)
Ermine, a griffins head erased Vt & a base barry Az & Arg. (D:
Jacques de la Fontaine - Dec 01)

Base - Uncharged - Plain line (continued)

Ermine, a swan rousant contourny Sa, a base Gu. (D: Eleonora

Lucrezia del Fiore - Dec 04)
Ermine, above a mount Vt a penannular brooch, tongue pendant,
Or. (D: Debrangal Greyheart - Jan 73?)
Erminois, a hurst of 3 pine trees on a mount couped Gu. (D:
Lawrence of Redforest - Aug 85)
Erminois, on a pale Gu in chf 2 bird blunts in salt surmounted by an
arrow inv Or, a base ctrch. (D: Evan y Helfarch ap Llewellyn Mar 83)
Gu, a base Or, overall a sword inv ctrch. (B: Hugh the Undecided Jan 80) (For the Brotherhood of the Blade)
Gu, a base or, overall a sword inv ctrch & in chf 2 arrows in salt or.
(B: Hugh the Undecided - Aug 79) (For archery arm,
Brotherhood of the Blade)
Gu, a base Vt, overall a dexter tierce Arg charged with an
indigenous embroidery pattern Gu. (B: Belarus - Nov 99)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Gu, a castle atop a mount & on a chf embat Or, 3 laurel wreaths Gu.
(D: Rokkehealdan - Feb 87)
Gu, a dragon passant Or orbed Gu, maintaining in its dexter
forepaw an oak branch proper; a base barry dancetty Az &
Arg; overall a bord Or. (D: Arwen Evaine ferch Rhys of
Gwynedd - Aug 79)
Gu, a frog & a base Arg all within a bord Or. (D: Llwyd Akers Dec 05)
Gu, a horse ramp within five roundels in annulo, a mount Arg. (D:
Svartr Ormsson djkn - Apr 08)
Gu, a laurel wreath Or, surmounted by a tower with open gate Arg
issuant from a base Or, in chf a bezant. (D: Warriors Gate Jul 87)
Gu, a lotus flower Arg, slipped Vt, fimbriated Arg, issuant from a
base barry wavy Arg & Az. (D: Abra the Trader - Jun 72?)
Gu, a pegasus statant atop a base Arg. (D: Zelia Fiorella - Oct 07)
Gu, a rose betw 2 crosses flory & a mount issuant from base, all Or.
(D: Drusilla of Montrose - Feb 90)
Gu, a stags head cabossed Arg, a base vairy Arg & Sa. (D:
Richenza von Augsburg - Jul 04)
Gu fretty, a base Or. (B: Rhiannon ferch Cian - Apr 06) (For
House of the Gilded Trellis)
Gu semy of decrescents, a stags head affronty erased & a base Or.
(D: Thorkell Sigurdson - Nov 95)
Gyronny of six from base Sa & Or, issuant from base a demiroundel Gu. (D: Morag Campbell of Glenbourne - Jun 82)
Or, a beacon Sa enflamed Gu atop a mount Sa, a bord Vt semy of
oak leaves Or. (D: Isabel of Biconyll - Apr 95)
Or, a bottle bendwise inv Az distilling a goutte, a base Gu. (D:
John Linsdell of Tresco - May 95)
Or, a bulldogs head cabossed Gu & a ford proper. (D: Connor
Wulfric MacNeill - Sep 00)
Or, a cedar tree proper issuant from mount, all within a bord Vt. (B:
Darien Tevarson - Nov 87)
Or, a chessrook Gu & a base chequy Sa & Arg. (D: Claude dOute
- Jan 73?)
Or, a compass star alternately wavy & straight, betw in sin chf a
crescent & a base, all Az. (B: Telbyrne Morningstar Aug 79) (For House Morningstar)
Or, a dragon salient contourny Sa breathing flames Gu, issuant from
base a wall Sa. (D: Eric de Dragonslaire - Apr 93)
Or, a drakkar reversed Vt & a base Sa. (D: Lars Gilsson - Mar 94)
Or, a Greek cross Gu & a mount Vt. (D: Gordon the Righteous Mar 86)
Or, a hide Az & a mount Vt. (D: Alicia of Hyde Hill - Sep 93)
Or, a rooster contourny Purp & a mount Vt. (D: Jehannette
Montjaux - Feb 08)
Or, a seal sejant contourny Gu atop a mount Vt. (D: Rowan OShee
- Feb 96)
Or, a stag trippant betw in canton a mullet & a base Gu, overall in
chf a label Az. (D: Michael MacCartaine of Inglerood Sep 73?)
Or, a sun throughout Gu surmounted by a mount Vt, overall a tower
Or. (B: Mathilde Hlne Caitlin MacCraobh - Jul 82) (For
Ard Dachaidh Thoir)
Or, a wake knot issuant by its base ends from a mount Vt, overall a
laurel wreath ctrch. (D: Nottinghill Coill - Jun 81)
Or, a winged cat sejant reguardant Az atop a mount Gu. (D: Louise
de la Chatte Bleue - Feb 91)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 125

[Base - Uncharged - Plain line]

Base - Uncharged - Plain line (continued)

Or, a wolf statant, head raised, upon a sin base quarter Sa, in canton
a torteau. (D: Aaron of Wolfs Krag - Jan 80)
Or, an angel affronty Az maintaining on its chest a sword inv proper
& a base Az. (D: Ysabeau Lambert - Feb 02)
Or, an oak tree proper issuant from a mount & on a chf Vt 3
escallops Arg. (D: Theodoros Constantinopolites - Nov 88)
Or, ermined Vt, a quill issuant from a mount Sa. (B: Keridwen of
Montrose - May 83) (For Durus Domus)
Or, 4 dragonflies Vt in cross a base barry wavy Vt & Arg. (D:
Natalija Varvara Stoianova - Jun 91)
Or, in pale a fox statant to sin Sa, maintaining in its mouth a squirrel
Purp, & a mount Sa. (D: Michael of Worcester - Mar 87)
Or, issuant from a mount Sa a pine tree Vt, on a chf Az 3 bezants.
(D: Lothar an dem Berg - Jan 94)
Or, on a sun Gu a double-headed osprey disp Arg, a base Sa. (B:
Damianus Petrolino - Jun 99) (For Compagnia del
Or, on the crown of a tree issuant from a mound Sa, a bulls head
cabossed Or, all within a bord embat Sa. (D: James Treebull
the Stubborn - Jan 88)
Or, 2 arrows fesswise Gu & a mount Sa. (D: Kuroyama
Ryuuichirou Tokinari - Sep 95)
Or, upon a mount Vt, a wolf statant coward proper, perched upon
the back thereof, a raven Sa. (B: Abra the Trader - Jan 73)
(For House Wolfrider)
Pean, a swan Arg, gorged with a chain Gu, resting upon a base
barry-wavy Az & Arg. (D: Angelina Jessica Dourelle Aug 79)
Per bend Purp & Sa, a sun Arg, a base Or. (D: Ysabel de SaintMalo - Aug 06)
Per bend Sa & Vt, a greyhound passant & a base Or. (D: Rycharde
Muir - Apr 07)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a greyhound passant & a base Or. (D: Katharin
Ann Muir - Apr 07)
Per chev Az & Arg, in chf a compass star within an annulet Arg &
in base a cedar tree proper issuant from a mount Vt. (D:
Darien Tevarson - Jul 83)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 mullets of six points Or & a thistle Vt headed
Purp, a base Az. (D: Samus Yonger - Mar 08)
Per chev checky Sa & Arg, & Az, in base a sword inv issuant from
a mount Arg. (D: George Grey Knowles of the Hill - Jul 90)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a billet fesswise & a base enarched ctrch. (D:
Goswin Sterrenkijker van Sint Gillis Waas - Mar 92)
Per fess Az & Sa, a demi-sun issuant from line of division Or, & a
decrescent Arg, a base Or. (D: Eyjolfr Falgeirsson - Aug 91)
Per fess enarched, per pale Gu & Or & Az, a garb Or, a sheaf of
weapons proper surmounted by 2 banners in salt per fess Or &
Gu, a fess Az, & a horse courant regardant contourny Arg atop
a base Vt. (B: Venezuela - Mar 07) (important non-SCA
armory)(Ancient Arms)
Per fess enarched Sa & Or, a dragon dormant & a cat sejant erect
ctrch, a base Sa. (D: Erica Poitevin - Feb 95)
Per fess Vt & Az, in pale a unicorn couchant upon the line of
division Arg, & a crack-willow upon a mount proper. (D:
Penelope of Barataria - Dec 75?)
Per fess Vt & Or, in chf a cross bottony, in base an ash tree issuant
from a mount ctrch. (D: Ascelina le Bocher - Aug 91)
Per fess Vt, fretty Or, & Or, in base an oak tree proper, fructed Or,
issuant from a mount Vt. (D: Godwyn Penkerris o Wythial Mar 85)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 cedar trees ctrch on a chf wavy Or 3
arrowheads inv Sa, & a base Az. (D: Rufus of Stamford Feb 94)
Per pale Arg & Vt, in fess enhanced an estoile Or betw &
maintained by the jaws of a griffin & a fox sejant respectant, a
base ctrch. (D: Griffith Foxstar - Nov 82)
Per pale Arg mullety of 4 points Sa & Sa mullety of 4 points Arg, a
crescent inv ctrch Vt & Arg, a base Vt. (D: Frederick
Speuradair - Jun 94)
Per pale Gu & Arg, in fess enhanced an estoile Or betw &
maintained by the jaws of a lion & a red fox sejant respectant
proper, a base ctrch. (D: Leona Foxstar - Nov 82)
Per pale Gu & Purp, a handbasket & a base Or. (D: Lisabetta
Bartholomea Zanca - Jul 05)
Per pale invected Arg & Sa, 2 daggers in chev ctrch, a mount Gu.
(D: Catarina Veronese - Apr 07)
126 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Base - Uncharged - Plain line (continued)

Per pale Purp & Sa, a cat statant contourny Arg, a mount barry
wavy Az & Arg. (D: Tamera Borgia - Aug 96)
Per pale Sa & Arg a selkie sejant guardant ctrch atop a mount ctrch
Or & Vt. (D: Kathleen OShee - Feb 96)
Per pale Sa & Az, a double-bitted axe & a base Arg. (D: Angus
Makalester - Jul 01)
Per pale Sa & Az, a horse ramp & a mount Arg. (D: Daud ibn Ali Jul 90)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a fleur-de-lys Arg & a base vair. (D: Raoul Luc
Bent - Dec 85)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a blasted tree atop a mount ctrch. (D: Wolfgang
von Valkonberg - Aug 79?)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a tower ctrch atop a mount Sa. (B: Denis of the
Titans - Sep 99)
Per pale Vt & Arg, 2 Latin crosses potent nowy quadrate each
charged with a lozenge, a base ctrch. (D: Nikaia Angelina
Tagarina - Nov 04)
Per pale wavy Or & Az, 2 horses heads couped addorsed betw a
chf & a base, all ctrch. (D: Stephanie of Oultre-Mer Mar 83)
Purp, a sun Or eclipsed Sa, a base Or. (D: Roheis des Montagnes May 91)
Purp, a winged fox passant Or standing atop a base ermine. (B:
Aelfarran Bridget Rockely - Sep 84)
Purp, an antelope at gaze betw a chf & a base Arg. (D: Tabitha of
Wyndmoor - Mar 73?)
Purp, within a laurel wreath, its base sustained by 2 seahorses
respectant, a flame Or charged with a step-cut gemstone
palewise Purp. (D: Mare Amethystinum - Oct 94)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a hurst of 3 trees issuant from a mount couped,
all betw 3 increscents Arg. (D: Roland von dem Silbernwald Apr 87)
Sa, a bear sejant erect atop a mount & in chf 3 escarbuncles Arg.
(D: Nastassiia Ivanova Medvedeva - Nov 00)
Sa, a Celtic cross Arg atop a mount Or. (D: Siobhan an
Lochllanach - Jan 73?)
Sa, a cup Or & a base ermine. (D: Thomas delbroc - Oct 06)
Sa, a cypress tree blasted trailing moss from its branches Arg within
a laurel wreath Or, both issuant from a base barry wavy Arg &
Az. (D: Troll Fen - Sep 83)
Sa, a dolmen of 3 uprights standing on a mount Arg, in chf 3 oak
leaves Or. (D: Jilara of Carrowlea - Mar 87)
Sa, a flame & a base Arg. (D: Modius von Mergentheim - Jul 95)
Sa, a flame & a base Arg, as an augmentation on a canton Or, a
mullet of five greater & five lesser points within an orle Sa.
(Augmentation of Arms: Modius von Mergentheim - Aug 07)
Sa, a hurst of pine trees atop a mount couped Arg, a bord compony
Gu & Arg. (D: Susan of the Black Forest - Mar 85)
Sa, a lotus flower affronty & a mount Arg. (D: Taliesin or Parc May 92)
Sa, a stag ramp Arg & a base ermine. (D: Ambra Micheli - Jan 06)
Sa, a stag springing contourny reguardant Or betw in chf 3 mullets
& in base a mount Arg. (D: Therica of Stonegate Manor Jan 92)
Sa, a stags head cabossed Arg & a base Arg masoned Sa. (D:
Ronald the Restless - Mar 98)
Sa, a tree issuant from a mount Arg, in chf a plate betw an
increscent & a decrescent, all within a bord Arg. (D: Olivia
Andrea aBheithir - Mar 88)
Sa, a wolfs head erased contourny Arg & a base barry Arg & Az.
(D: Ulfkell Dungalsson - Jan 08)
Sa chap barry wavy Arg & Az, a crane statant maintaining a key
atop a mount Arg. (D: Eleanora Stewart - Apr 06)
Sa, estoily Arg, a leopard passant guardant Or armed & langued Gu
above a mount Vt fimbriated Arg. (D: Chimene des Cinq
Tours - Mar 78?)
Sa, in chf a lion passant dismembered & in base a mount Arg. (D:
Walter de Montagne - Jun 75?)
Sa, in pale a sun & a drakkar, a base Arg. (D: Bjornlfr glaumr Feb 08)
Sa, on a mullet of 4 points Arg betw 3 points Or, a fireball Gu. (D:
Andrew Drexler - Aug 83)
Sa, on a pale & base Arg a flame Az issuant from the topmost of 3
annulets one & 2 Gu. (D: Gilmirron of the Blue Flame Dec 71?)

[Base - Uncharged - Plain line] to [Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Argent]

Base - Uncharged - Plain line (continued)

Sa, on a plate a lobster inv Gu, a base Or. (D: Francisco Langosta Feb 08)
Sa, on an annulet of flame Or a laurel wreath Vt, a base of flame
proper. (D: Wiesenfeuer - Jun 93)
Sa 2 pegasi combatant Arg a base erminois. (D: Fane Bradley Jan 98)
Vair a demi sun, issuant from chf, Or & a base Vt. (D: Guillaume
of Faireskye - Jan 89)
Vt, a bison statant atop a mount issuant from base proper & on a chf
Or a lion passant guardant Gu. (D: Manitoba - Jan 98)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Vt, a demi-hart Or issuant from a base barry wavy Or & Vt, within
a bord ermine. (D: Hartmann von Murrhardt - Dec 90)
Vt, a dunghill cock atop a mount Or. (D: Vigge Jonsson - Jun 03)
Vt, a horse passant contourny & a base Or. (D: William Palfrey Sep 92)
Vt, a pale & a base Or, overall a brock statant affronty Arg marked
Sa. (D: Aelfric Bernson of Westbrook - Jul 86)
Vt, a spaniel sejant erect affronty Or atop a mount Arg. (D:
Therasa du Domremy - May 83)
Vt, a stag at gaze & a mount Or. (D: Gwenhwyvar of Abergavenny
- Nov 98)
Vt, a standing balance Arg & a base ermine. (D: Cecilia Warvic de
Stradforde - Jun 92)
Vt, an arrow & overall an anvil, a base Arg. (D: Phineas Thomas
ONeal - Nov 03)
Vt, an eagle disp, wings inv & a base Arg. (B: Adlersruhe Sep 88)
Vt, an eagle disp, wings inv, within a laurel wreath & a base, all
Arg. (D: Adlersruhe - Sep 88)
Vt, an increscent & a decrescent interlaced & a base Arg. (D:
Anselm the Bald - Jun 00)
Vt, an oak leaf Arg & a mount per fess enarched Arg & Sa. (D:
Rhiannon the Weaver - Oct 90)
Vt, in pale a crescent inv & a chalice betw a chf & a base Arg. (D:
Abd al-Malik Hilal ibn Saqr al-Ibadi - Jan 95)
Vt, in salt a warhammer & a sword, in base a tower atop a mount,
all Arg. (D: Lorin sur la Roche - Apr 76?)
Vt, in sin canton an eagle rising regardant wings disp tenn & a sin
base canton per pale Gu & tenn, a pale Sa. (B: Zambia Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Vt, on a bend sin Or a bow Gu, in chf an arrow bendwise sin inv &
a base enarched & indented Or. (D: William of Cathair
Daibhidh - Apr 98)
Vt, on a pale Gu fimbriated a hand Or, a base barry Arg & Az. (D:
Lonergan Fionn oFlaherty - Aug 91)
Vt, on a plate a tree eradicated Sa, a base Arg. (D: Aldred
Blackwood - Nov 98)
Vt, 2 badgers combattant Arg marked Sa, in chf a roundel & a point
pointed checky Sa & Arg. (D: Eileen Dover of Calafia Dec 01)
* * * End * * *

Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Argent

Az, a carrack in full sail pennons flying Or issuant from a trimount,

a chf enarched & invected Arg. (D: Sabiha al-Zarqa - Jul 02)
Az, a dolphin naiant to sin Arg & a base embat Arg masoned Az.
(D: Dorothea de Algarve - Jul 92)
Az, a domestic cat sejant atop a base embat all Arg. (D: Katrine de
Baillie du Chat - Dec 00)
Az, a falcon close Or a base embat Arg. (D: Marguerite Dinard Mar 97)
Az, a pine tree atop a mount Arg, all within a bord chequy Az &
Arg. (D: Markus Morgenstern Winterwald - Oct 87)
Az, a plate atop a point pointed, a chf indented Arg. (D: Meinhard
Hinck von Erbach - Dec 82)
Az, a point pointed & in chf an axe betw in fess 2 arrows Arg. (D:
Ivan Ivanovitch Serebrenikov - Sep 87)
Az, a roundel barry wavy Arg & Vt betw 2 tailless cats sejant
guardant respectant, a base wavy Arg. (D: Albrecht of
Catsprey - Jan 98)
Az, a wolf passant contourny & a point pointed Arg. (D: Wolfram
of Bear Mountain - Nov 93)

Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Argent (continued)

Az, an eagle disp facing sin perched upon a marshals baton in chf
the constellation of Ursa Major Or & a bridge of 3 arches
issuant from a base wavy Arg. (D: Bernadotte - May 95)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Az, atop a rock in base a female silkie, all Arg, headed proper,
crined Sa, in her hair a cinquefoil Arg. (D: Timandra of Thule
- Jan 73?) (Deceased)
Az ermined, a compass star & a point pointed Arg. (D: Tangwystl
of the North - Dec 94)
Az, on a plate a falcon disp Sa, a base embat Arg. (D: Kateryn of
Falconkeep - Jan 95)
Az, on a triangle throughout, indented on its lower edge, Arg, a
western bluebird volant proper. (D: Laetitia Lynne - Jun 88)
Az, semy of compass stars, a sheep statant & a base indented, all
Arg. (D: Ester Cerulea - Aug 88)
Az, 3 Celtic crosses one & 2 & on a point pointed Arg a dragon
passant contourny Az. (D: James Eldon of York - Oct 07)
Az, 3 Celtic crosses one & 2 & on a point pointed Arg a dragon
passant contourny Az, & as an augmentation on a canton Vt, in
pale a portcullis Or & a crescent Arg within a bord embat Or.
(Augmentation of Arms: James Eldon of York - Oct 07)
Az, 3 piles in point Or surmounted by a base indented Arg. (B:
Three Mountains - Nov 88) (For the Order of the Mountain
Az, 3 snowflakes Or & a base nebuly Arg. (D: Madeleine de la
Neige - Aug 79?)
Az, 2 falcons volant respectant wings elevated & addorsed Or & a
mountain of 3 peaks Arg. (D: Myrddin or Afon - Dec 90)
Az, 2 ostrich feathers addorsed & a base wavy Arg. (B: Richard de
Montbrai - May 83) (For House de Montbrai)
Counter-ermine, on a pomme betw a sword fesswise Or & a base
enarched indented Arg, a lion sejant guardant Or. (D: Joseph
Ealhwine - Nov 89)
(Dark) A mountain of 3 peaks issuant from base, the peaks in bend,
& in chf a barrulet beviled arrondi, all within an annulet. (B:
Takaguma Ishiyama no Sadomoni Bashi - Feb 81)
(Household mon)(For Clan Ishiyama)
Gu, a comet fesswise Or & a trimount Arg. (D: Cerian Dafydd Jan 98)
Gu, a rose & a base rayonny Arg. (D: Tonwen MacFarlane Jan 98)
Gu, 2 mountain sheep salient combattant & a point pointed Arg. (D:
Thorkel Arnisson - Sep 84)
Pean, a wingless griffin statant upon a rock issuant from base Arg.
(D: Aodh of Cloghgriffin - Aug 79?)
Per chev Arg & Az, in chf a laurel wreath Vt, issuant from base a
demi-sun Arg. (D: Jabal al-Samira - Nov 91)
Per chev Arg goutty de sang & Vt, in chf a cock Gu & a trimount
Arg. (B: Rhieinwen Cyfarwydd ferch Angharad - Nov 00)
(For Ty Craig-y-Ceiliog)
Per chev Az & Vt, a griffin segreant Arg maintaining a sword Or, a
base embat Arg. (D: Marcus Griffin - Mar 99)
Per fess Arg & Az, a sheaf of spears & a crane in its vigilance ctrch
& a base embat Arg. (D: Ldia dAlgarve - May 02)
Per fess Az & Vt, a sea-serpent ondoyant & a point pointed Arg, in
sin chf a mullet Or. (D: Galen OLoingsigh - May 93)
Per pale Gu & Az, 2 boars combattant each sustaining a doublebitted axe, a base embat Arg. (D: Diego de Marulanda Aug 95)
Per pale Or & Az, a demi unicorn ramp to sin Arg, gorged of a
coronet Or, issuant from a base engrailed Arg. (D: Muirghein
ni Ghrainne - Dec 96)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a mountain lion statant Or atop a base pointed
Arg. (B: Caterina da Monticello - Sep 83)
Per pale Sa & Vt, an eagle disp ermine, a point pointed ploy Arg.
(D: Albrecht von Siebeneich - Jul 97)
Per pale Vt & Sa, in pale a fox couchant & another couchant
contourny & a mount indented Arg. (D: Leodgar of Foxwood
- Jun 94)
Per salt Vt & Arg, a cross of 4 lozenges ctrch, a base enarched &
indented Arg. (D: Sabine la Peureuse - Mar 93)
Purp, a unicorn ramp contourny & a base nebuly Arg. (D: Annora
O Shanan - Jul 05)
Purp maily Or, a winged unicorn segreant & a trimount Arg. (D:
Andrew Draeger - Nov 92)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 127

[Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Argent] to [Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Fur]

Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Argent (continued)

Quarterly Az & Gu, a bat-winged wolf ramp & a base embat Arg.
(D: Katherne Rischer - Apr 04)
Quarterly Az & Sa, an eagle & a base indented Arg. (D: Edward
Harrison - Mar 08)
Sa, a bat-winged wolf sejant guardant & a base enarched indented
Arg. (D: Frytha MacPhee - Aug 89)
Sa, a bear passant, a base indented Arg. (D: Daniel Davidson Apr 98)
Sa, a cauldron, a base indented of 3 points Arg. (B: Bright Hills Apr 01) (For the Cooks Guild)
Sa, a decrescent, a base indented of 3 points Arg. (B: Bright Hills Jun 98)
Sa, a decrescent Arg within a laurel wreath Or, a base indented of 3
points Arg. (D: Bright Hills - Jul 89)
Sa, a mullet & a base wavy Arg. (D: Anna af Aarnimets Apr 97)
Sa, a stag trippant betw a chf engrailed & a point pointed Arg. (B:
Thomas Sinclair - Nov 04)
Sa, a tree blasted & eradicated & a point pointed Arg. (D: Besseta
Wallace - Feb 07)
Sa, a triple-towered castle Or issuant from a base invected Arg. (B:
Haos Windchaser - Feb 86)
Sa, an owl disp & a point pointed Arg. (D: Mikial Aldrich May 92)
Sa goutty deau, a base embat Arg masoned Sa. (B: Rhodri ap
Hywel - Jan 99) (For House Rainhaven)
Sa goutty deau, a eagle disp facing to sin Arg perched upon a base
embat Arg masoned Sa, a bord Arg. (B: Rhodri ap Hywel Jun 92) (For Rhodri ap Hywel)
Sa, in pale a bow & a sword in salt & a point pointed Arg. (D:
Jonathan Ivey de la Montagne - Mar 83)
Sa, seme of comets inv, issuant from base a demi-sun Arg. (B:
Lothar von Katzenellenbogen - Nov 95)
Sa, 3 bezants one & 2 & a trimount Arg. (D: Niccolo Genovese Oct 07)
Sa, 2 griffins combattant guardant Or, a base nebuly Arg. (D:
Morann Will Owen - Dec 92)
Vt, a deer lodged contourny & a point pointed Arg. (D: Cathleen
McCollum - Nov 91)
Vt, a Gothic capital letter "M" Or & a base embat Arg masoned Sa.
(D: Franchesca MacBeth - Jul 06)
Vt, a hawks head Arg issuant from a base embat Arg, masoned Sa,
& in chf 2 strawberry flowers Arg. (D: Gavin White of
Westburgh - May 88)
Vt, a stags head cabossed, betw the antlers a cross potent & a base
invected Arg. (D: Aedan macAirt Scellic Michil - Jan 00)
Vt, a wall issuant from base Arg masoned Sa with a wooden door
proper & on a chf Arg 3 cups Az. (B: Dafydd MacNab Feb 07)
Vt, an owl close affronty Arg perched upon an oak branch fesswise
reversed Or, a base dovetailed Arg. (D: Aelwin Sherlock Apr 89)
Vt, on a fess Arg 2 billets Sa, a base rayonny Arg. (D: Mchl mac
Donnchaid - Nov 02)
* * * End * * *

Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Azure

Arg, a bottlenosed dolphin hauriant Sa maintaining atop its nose an

hourglass Gu, a base wavy Az. (D: Glortathar of the
Cleftlands - Feb 07)
Arg, a cross formy Gu betw in fess 2 swords inv Sa, a base wavy
Az. (D: Martin of Doncaster - May 98)
Arg, a decrescent betw 4 mullets 2 & 2 & a base engrailed Az. (D:
Margareta de la Mer - Mar 02)
Arg, a dragon contourny Az, a chf checky Arg & Az, a base
dovetailed Az. (D: Celfind ingen hui Ruaircc - Jan 03)
Arg, a dragon Gu & a winged unicorn Sa combatant, in chf a cross
of Santiago, a base rayonny Az. (D: Ian of Beinn Dhubh Nov 07)
Arg, a hawk volant to base betw 2 arrows in chev inv Sa, a base
engrailed Az. (D: Owain of Hawksford - Dec 89)
Arg, a lymphad, oars shipped, on a chf dovetailed Sa a cutlass Arg,
a base nebuly Az. (D: Morgan Faraday - Sep 04)
Arg, a mermaid Vt & on a chf Az 2 spoons palewise Arg, a base
wavy Az. (D: Penni of Iron Bog - May 05)

128 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Azure (continued)

Arg, a natural beaver courant proper betw a cloud & a base wavy
Az. (D: Isabel du Talus - Feb 98)
Arg, a pegasus courant Az betw in chf 2 acorns proper, a base wavy
Az. (D: Peregrine the Seeker - Jun 95)
Arg, a raven close to sin Sa bearing in its beak an annulet Gu, betw
a chf & a point pointed Az. (D: Erc of Ringholden - Mar 87)
Arg, a sea-lion proper grasping a laurel wreath Vt, a base engrailed
Az. (D: Lyondemere - Nov 87)
Arg, a tree issuant from a base engrailed Az. (D: Derryc
OShaunessey - Oct 91)
Arg, a 2-headed demi-dragon disp, its necks involved, Gu, issuant
from a base wavy Az. (D: Owain ap Alban - Nov 82)
Arg, a 2-headed eagle disp Sa betw a chf embat & a base wavy Az.
(D: Wilhelm von Basel - Dec 03)
Arg, a water bouget Sa & a point pointed Az. (D: Athenais
Bryennissa - May 01)
Arg, a wolf passant reguardant & a base indented, crusilly at the
points Az. (D: Therasia von Tux - Jan 86)
Arg, an otter ramp proper betw in chf 3 mullets of 4 points Gu & a
base wavy Az, all with in a bord embat Gu. (D: Emrys Bethoc
- Aug 86)
Arg, in pale a cloud Sa & a bridge of one span Gu masoned Arg & a
base wavy Az. (D: Balthazar van der Brugghe - Aug 03)
Arg, in pale a thistle proper issuant from a tower Sa & a base
engrailed Az. (D: Derek of Ildhafn - Jan 03)
Arg, on a sun Gu an A-frame plumb-line Or, & a base wavy Az. (D:
Ailithir Loingseoir - Aug 91)
Arg, on a tree couped Vt an annulet Arg, a base wavy Az. (D:
Marius Mac Conchobhair - Feb 97)
Arg, 2 sea-horses erect respectant, in chf an ivy leaf Vt, a base wavy
Az. (D: Eibhiln Nic Thighearnin - Jun 95)
Gu, a patriarchal cross Arg issuant from a trimount Az. (D: Slovak
Republic, the - May 99) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, a base engrailed Az, overall a sun in his splendour Gu & in chf
2 pens in salt Sa. (D: Irina Karandasha - Aug 79?)
Or, a demi-walrus Sa armed Arg, issuant from a base engrailed Az.
(D: Michael Walrus - Jan 73?)
Or, a hummingbird migrant to base Vt & a demi-sun issuant from
base Az. (D: Miriam bas Levi - Sep 91)
Or, a lymphad under sail Gu, a base wavy, & on a chf indented Az 4
mullets of 4 points in arch Or. (D: Frederick the Red of
Swansea - Dec 82)
Or, a serpent involved Gu, a base embat Az. (D: Thea of Midvale Sep 97)
Or, a stalk of 3 cattails proper within & surmounted by a laurel
wreath, a base engrailed Az. (D: Rivers Bend - Oct 83)
Or, a willow proper & a base wavy Az. (D: Katerine of
Willowmere - Apr 96)
Or, below a drakkar under full sail affronty with a pennant flying
Gu, a base engrailed Az. (D: Rolac the Wise - Jan 74?)
Or goutty Az, a fish naiant to sin Sa & a base indented Az. (D:
Aldwin Wolfling - Apr 93)
Or, 2 trees in salt proper issuant from a base urdy Az. (D: Ellayne
de Grenslade - Sep 07)
Per fess Az & Or, a catamount passant & a triple-peaked mountain
issuant from base ctrch. (B: Mountain Confederation Mar 03)
Per pale Arg & Sa, flames of fire proper & a base engrailed Az. (D:
Donal Fireshaker - Feb 90)
Per pale Vt & Arg, 2 holly leaves conjoined in chev inv ctrch,
fructed Gu, a base wavy Az. (D: Joanna of Tregelyn Oct 91)
Potenty Arg & Vt, a triquetra & a point pointed Az. (D: Larss
Knudsen - Jan 95)
* * * End * * *

Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Fur

Az, ermined Arg, a doe passant reguardant Arg & a point pointed
ermine. (D: Isabeau Sainte-Marie DAigneux - Nov 89)
(Dark) A mountain of 3 peaks issuant from base, the peaks in bend,
& in chf a barrulet beviled arrondi, all within an annulet. (B:
Takaguma Ishiyama no Sadomoni Bashi - Feb 81)
(Household mon)(For Clan Ishiyama)
Gu, 2 wolves combattant & in chf a mullet Arg, a point pointed
ermine. (D: Sergei Bolotnikov - Apr 04)

[Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Fur] to [Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Multicolor]

Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Fur (continued)

Per pale Gu & Or, a lion ramp Or & a bear sejant erect contourny
Sa, a point pointed ermine. (D: Gary Tavistok - Oct 92)
Purp, 2 natural seahorses erect respectant Arg & a point pointed
ermine. (D: Seanan the Beleaguered - Nov 86)
Sa, a schimre ramp contourny Arg, a base rayonny ermine. (D:
Kevin Burnett - Sep 92) (A schimaere is a monster with the
forequarters of a lion, the hindquarters of a goat, and a
dragons tail.)
* * * End * * *

Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Gules

Arg, a cooking pot betw on a chf Sa, a needle, eye to sin, Or, & a
base rayonny Gu. (D: Catherine the Friendly - Sep 88)
Arg, a dragon segreant Sa & a base rayonny Gu. (D: Katarina von
Freiburg - May 05)
Arg, a horse salient Sa upon a base embat Gu. (B: Aleta Ara of
Helsgard, the Cruel - Jul 80)
Arg, a mastless drakkar, a chf, & a base engrailed Sa. (B: Eirkr
eldr Hjortsson - Jun 03)
Arg, a mountain of 3 peaks issuant from base Gu. (B: Eldern Hills,
the - Dec 88) (For the Order des Cotes Anciennes)
Arg, a natural panther statant Sa, a base rayonny Gu. (D: Maria the
Black - Jun 05)
Arg, a natural tiger passant guardant Gu marked Sa & a base embat
Gu. (D: David le Scot - Nov 04)
Arg, a pale & base echancree at the points of juncture Gu, overall in
chf a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Marshes, the - Jan 73?)
Arg, a sun in splendour issuant from base Gu within a bord Sa,
semy-de-lys Arg. (D: Gabrielle Annora dOutremer Aug 87)
Arg, a winged coney segreant Sa, a base rayonny Gu. (D: Magnus
Finehair Duffus - Mar 94)
Arg, a winged demi-lion ramp Az, issuant from flames Gu. (D:
Acelmore of Zweifelmore - Aug 76?)
Arg, a wolf salient to sin & a base rayonny Gu. (B: Sun, the Mar 85) (For Order of the Fanged Wolf)
Arg, an amphisbaena statant respectant Vt, winged Or, gorged of 2
oak wreaths Or connected betw the wings by a chain
containing 3 Catherine wheels Sa, in base a point pointed Gu.
(D: Edward the Gentle - Jul 81)
Arg, an eye Sa & a point pointed pommetty Gu. (D: Katerina de
los Puntos - Mar 88)
Arg, on a rock issuant from base a long cross potent Gu. (D:
Bartolomeo della Rocca - Dec 75?)
Arg, 2 thistles slipped & leaved Vt, flowered Gu, & a hedgehog
passant Sa betw a chf & a point Gu. (D: Catriona Fionnaghal
nic Elphinstone - Aug 79)
Az, a horned pegasus disp Arg rising from a base of flames proper.
(D: Llewellyn ap Meriadudd of Gwynedd - Aug 79)
Az, a pair of red-tailed hawk wings disp in lure proper, overall a
base embat Gu, fimbriated Arg. (B: Thomas Red Hawke Apr 82)
Bendy-barry Arg & Vt, a base rayonny Gu. (D: Erik of Northhold Mar 85)
Or, a bat-winged sea-horse volant Sa & a point pointed Gu. (D:
Gaston Bonneville de la Croix - Mar 82)
Or, a demi-bear ramp contourny Sa, sustaining an axe & issuant
from a base wavy Gu. (D: Mstislav Volodarovich Muromsky Aug 93)
Or, a fox courant & a base rayonny Gu. (D: Casey ap Cennedd Jan 92)
Or, a goblet betw five mullets in chev Sa & a base rayonny Gu. (D:
Beatrice Morgana - Nov 87)
Or, a mullet of five greater & five lesser points Sa, a base embat
Gu. (B: Ansteorra - Sep 89) (For the Kingdom Warlord)
Or, a mullet of five greater & five lesser points Sa overall a point
issuant from base Gu. (B: Ansteorra - Oct 87) (For the
Office of the Minister of Children)
Or, a phoenix & a base rayonny Gu. (D: Kaln in arga - Sep 07)
Or, a pithon erect, wings disp, a base embat Gu. (D: Allen of House
Latimer - May 07)
Or, a point pointed flory counterflory Gu. (D: Marian Greenleaf Aug 88)
Or, a portcullis betw in fess a battleaxe reversed & another Sa, a
base engrailed Gu. (D: Balder Baldersbane - Sep 96)

Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Gules (continued)

Or, a raven disp Sa & a mount indented Gu, on a chf Sa 3 towers

Or. (D: Michael Brangwyn - Dec 92)
Or, a sin foot erased & reversed Sa & a base rayonny Gu. (D:
Daffyd Firedancer - May 89)
Or, a tower betw in fess 2 fleurs-de-lys Sa. a base wavy Gu. (D:
Elisabeth Johanna von Flossenburg - Apr 00)
Or, a winged serpent erect Vt & a base rayonny Gu. (D: Muriel of
Carlyle - Dec 04)
Or, above a base rayonnee Gu a cauldron Sa. (B: Atenveldt,
Kingdom of - Dec 71) (For Cooks Guild of Atenveldt)
Or, an owl Sa & a base rayonny Gu. (D: Gaucelm de
Chambonnieres - Oct 96)
Or, an owl volant guardant wings addorsed Sa & in base a trimount
Gu. (B: Aros - Aug 96)
Or fretty Vt, a cock & a base rayonny Gu. (D: Brian di Caffa Jul 94)
Or, on a chev Gu a bird volant to sin Or & in base a point pointed
Gu. (D: Amal al-Jabal Hamrini - Oct 91)
Or, 2 cauldrons in fess Sa, a base enarched rayonny Gu, on a chf
indented Sa a sun Or. (D: Peggy of Tempest Hill - Nov 93)
Or, 2 suns in fess Sa & a point pointed floretty Gu. (D: Mercedes
Hloise Dablard - Jun 94)
Per fess pean & erminois, a boar statant contourny Or & a base
rayonny Gu. (D: Stanislav von Neuland - Apr 97)
Per pale Arg & Vt, 2 trees ctrch issuant from a base embat Gu. (D:
lfwynn Holm - Apr 94)
Per pale Or & Purp, a demi-eagle, wings expansed, ctrch issuant
from a base rayonne Gu. (D: Cordelia Elvera de Barfleur Nov 86)
Per pale Vt & Arg, in fess a rose betw a swept-hilted rapier &
another inv ctrch, a point pointed Gu. (D: Giacomo Cavalli da
Treviso - May 96)
Sa, a battle-axe Arg above flames of fire proper. (D: Crag zu
Anderswo - Sep 71?)
Sa, a rattlesnake coiled to sin Or, a base of flames proper. (D:
Ragnar Blackspruce - Nov 82)
Sa, a wolf Arg & a boar Or combattant, overall a base of flames
proper. (D: Harald Bodvarson - Oct 82)
Vt, a base of flames proper, overall a tiger salamander tergiant
palewise Or, & a chf indented Arg. (D: Bernice of Brittany Oct 80)
Vt, 2 daggers in salt Or, a base of flame proper. (D: Aidan of Sicily
- Sep 91)
* * * End * * *

Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Multicolor

Arg, a bat-winged amphisbaena Vt, a base engrailed barry engrailed

Az & Arg. (D: Merewyn of Ynys Taltraeth - Jul 07)
Arg, a bridge of one span within a laurel wreath Az & in base a ford
proper. (D: Saint Martin - Oct 94)
Arg, a bridge throughout embat & of 3 spans Sa masoned Arg
issuant from a ford proper, in chf a ravens head erased Sa
within a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Ravensweir - Sep 07)
Arg, a catamount ramp guardant Sa, marked Arg, a ford proper, &
on a chf Az a sun Arg. (D: Sela nic aPhearsoin of Clan
Chattan - Jun 92)
Arg, a cross of Santiago Sa & 2 winged & haloed lions passant
gardant respectant Gu one & 2, a point pointed papellony Vt &
Arg. (D: Leo Alejandro - Mar 98)
Arg, a crozier Az & a ford proper. (D: Nicholas Abbas de lEau
Vivante - Oct 07)
Arg, a demi-sun Gu issuant from a ford proper. (D: Constance de
Lancray - Apr 02)
Arg, a dolphin naiant Vt & a ford proper, on a chf wavy Az 3
escallops inv Arg. (D: Ginevra de Rossi - Aug 98)
Arg, a dragon couchant to sin Purp & a ford. (D: Alexandra of
Dragonford - May 89)
Arg, a falcon rising, wings elevated & disp, Gu, environed of a
laurel wreath Vt, a base wavy barry wavy of six Az & Arg. (D:
Peregrine Springs - Aug 86)
Arg, a Lacy knot Az, a ford proper, & on a chf Az an arrow Or. (D:
Thomas Joseph de Lacy - Nov 03)
Arg, a loon naiant contourny Sa & a ford proper. (D: Helga lmr Nov 03)
Arg, a mariners astrolabe Az & a ford proper. (D: Vincent
McThomas - Oct 92)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 129

[Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Multicolor]

Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Multicolor (continued)

Arg, a merman maintaining in his sin hand a feather Az, a ford

proper. (B: Ulrich Rickher - Aug 07)
Arg, a pair of barnacles Vt & a base wavy barry wavy Vt & Arg.
(D: Amice Percy - Feb 03)
Arg, a pile inv Vt issuant from a ford proper. (D: Kateryne Segrave
- Sep 04)
Arg, a raven close contourny Sa, on a chf Vt a sheaf of arrows
fesswise Arg, & a base wavy barry wavy Vt & Arg. (D:
Robyn OConnor - May 98)
Arg, a raven contourny Sa betw in chf 2 laurel wreaths Az, a ford
proper. (D: Ravenslake - Jan 92)
Arg, a sagittary passant Az & a ford proper. (D: Alessandra de
Piro - May 06)
Arg, a sea-horse bendwise Gu issuant from a base engrailed barry
engrailed Az & Arg, in chf 3 laurel wreaths Vt. (D: Stromgard
- Dec 95)
Arg, a sea-unicorn contourny Vt & a base wavy barry wavy Purp &
Arg. (D: Mariana de la Mar - Dec 01)
Arg, a sheaf of 3 arrows Gu & a trimount paly Vt & Or. (B: Ilaria
Veltri degli Ansari - Sep 89)
Arg, a thistle flower slipped bendwise sin sustained by a hand Az
issuant from a ford proper. (D: Johan de Foderingeye Sep 04)
Arg, a tower Sa & a ford proper, on a chf Sa an estoile Arg. (D:
Ulric von der Insel - May 96)
Arg, a tower Sa issuant from a base wavy barry wavy Az & Arg, a
chf Gu. (D: Emrys ap Gwyn - May 87)
Arg, a weeping willow tree Vt & a ford proper. (D: Anlaith ingen
Trena - Jun 05)
Arg, a wyvern erect contourny Vt maintaining a sword inv Sa, a
ford proper. (D: Galen of Kildromy - Aug 03)
Arg, an alder slip fesswise reversed Sa, fructed Gu, a ford proper, &
on a chf Az 2 laurel wreaths Arg. (D: Alderford - Nov 96)
Arg, an eagle disp Az & a ford proper all within a bord Az. (D:
Anne Elaina of Rivers Bend - Dec 95)
Arg, an ox statant Gu atop a ford proper. (D: Oxford, City of Jun 95) (Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, five compass stars in annulo Az & a base engrailed barry
engrailed Az & Arg. (D: Thalassia de Rijkaard - Oct 94)
Arg, 4 oak leaves conjoined in cross within a laurel wreath Vt, a
ford. (D: Oakford - Apr 98)
Arg, in salt a rose Purp, slipped & leaved Vt, & a sword inv Purp, a
base wavy barry wavy Vt & Arg. (D: William Atherbridge Aug 07)
Arg, sem of Celtic crosses Az, a lion sejant affront, dexter
forepaw raised, Gu, & a ford Sa & Arg. (D: Morwynna of the
Stormy Seas - Jan 81)
Arg, 2 bears sejant erect addorsed Sa, on a chf Az 3 standing
balances Arg, a ford proper. (D: Katerina von Breslau Nov 00)
Arg, 2 dolphins haurient respectant & a ford proper. (D: Alan le
Breton - Oct 90)
Arg, 2 wolves combatant Sa, a ford proper. (D: Afanasiia
Volokhovna - Apr 98)
Az, a bird volant to sin Arg & a ford proper, on a chf Arg 3 moons
in their plenitude Az. (D: Katherine OCarroll - Mar 05)
Az, a cubit arm grasping 3 arrows fesswise Arg, issuant from a ford
proper, a chf Arg maily Sa. (D: Simric Mailweaver - Aug 90)
Az, a dolmen Or & a ford proper. (D: Juelda of Salisbury Nov 89)
Az, a dolphin haurient betw in chf 2 compass stars elongated to
base Arg, a base wavy barry wavy Arg & Vt. (D: Nivelet
Lalonde - Jun 02)
Az, a fish naiant Arg & a ford proper. (D: Emme Attewater Sep 02)
Az, a greyhound ramp Arg, gorged of an embat coronet Or, atop a
trimount paly Or & Vt, all within a bord Arg. (D: Ilaria Veltri
degli Ansari - Sep 86)
Az, a heron contourny Arg & a ford proper. (D: Asgerdr Audsdottir
- Jan 95)
Az, a lymphad Or charged on the sail with a laurel wreath Vt, in chf
3 fleurs-de-lys Arg & in base a ford proper. (D: Havre de
Glace - Jul 06)
Az, a quarter-sun issuant from dexter chf Or & a ford proper. (D:
Yvette Merle - Apr 97)

130 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Multicolor (continued)

Az, a rams head cabossed Arg & a ford proper. (B: Havre de
Glace - Aug 06)
Az, a spider inv Arg & a ford proper. (B: Havre de Glace Aug 06) (For Ordre de Mai)
Az, a tilting lance bendwise sin Or surmounted by a horse ramp
Arg, in canton a laurel wreath Or, a ford proper. (D:
Ritterwald - Apr 01)
Az, a wolf passant to sin maintaining a sheaf of arrows inv, in
canton a mullet of seven points Arg, a ford proper. (D:
Tyrfingr von Wolfsberg - Jun 04)
Az, an elephant with a tower atop its back, within a laurel wreath
Arg, a base wavy barry wavy Arg & Sa. (D: Ivory Keep Feb 94)
Az, an escallop & a chf embat Arg, a ford proper. (B: Havre de
Glace - Aug 06) (For Ordre du Plerin)
Az, an escallop inv Arg & a ford proper. (D: Marion Catherine Apr 02)
Az, an increscent Arg & a ford proper. (D: Rouland Campion Dec 99)
Az, 3 suns one & 2 Arg & a ford proper. (D: Bleddyn of Coldwell Jun 95)
Az, 2 dolphins naiant in pale Arg & a ford proper. (D: Catrin or
Rhyd Fr - Sep 90)
Counter-ermine, a rapier & a ford proper, a bord rayonny Or. (D:
Fiona Anne Cormac - Jun 92)
(Dark) A mountain of 3 peaks issuant from base, the peaks in bend,
& in chf a barrulet beviled arrondi, all within an annulet. (B:
Takaguma Ishiyama no Sadomoni Bashi - Feb 81)
(Household mon)(For Clan Ishiyama)
Gu, a Catherine wheel Arg & a base wavy barry wavy Arg & Sa.
(D: Gavin Featherstone - Feb 06)
Gu, a comet bendwise sin headed of a compass star Arg & a ford
proper. (B: Highland Foorde - Sep 03)
Gu, a compass rose in chf 2 sheaves of 3 arrows inv Arg a ford
proper. (D: Robert MacInnes of Skye - Jan 97)
Gu, a compass rose within a laurel wreath Or & a ford proper. (D:
Northover - Nov 03)
Gu, a compass star Arg within a laurel wreath Or, a ford proper. (D:
Highland Foorde - Jan 93)
Gu, a demi-dragon ramp Or issuant from a ford proper. (B:
Gwyddno ap Gryffydd ap Emrys Eurdorchog - Feb 98)
Gu, a drakkar Or, its sail charged with a laurel wreath Vt, a ford
proper. (D: Draksfjord - Aug 01)
Gu, a garb Or & a ford proper. (D: Burhcwen Tedforda - Oct 97)
Gu, a griffin segreant Or & a ford proper. (D: Griffin Wharvager Jan 07)
Gu, a hart springing contourny Or, a ford proper. (B: Highland
Foorde - Nov 00) (For Order of the Hart)
Gu, a sword inv betw 2 hawks striking respectant Or, the sword
issuant from a ford proper. (B: Highland Foorde - Apr 02)
(For the Order of the Golden Hawk)
Gu, a turtle Or, a ford proper. (D: Iiurii Riurikov - Oct 04)
Gu estencely, a doubly-arched bridge Arg & a ford proper. (D:
John de Irwyne - Oct 97)
Gu, on a compass star Or, betw a chf Or & a base wavy barry wavy
Or & Sa, a pellet. (D: Daud Kashtah - Feb 90)
Gu, on a sun throughout Or a tower Gu, overall a base engrailed
barry engrailed Az & Arg. (B: Isles, the - Oct 82) (For The
Order of the Crimson Tower)
Gu, 2 lions combattant Arg & a ford proper. (D: James of Atlantia Dec 01)
Or, a boar passant Gu & a ford proper. (D: Philippa Swynford Feb 97)
Or, a ford proper & a chf embat Az. (D: Sara of Rockcliff Manor Dec 89)
Or, a greyhound passant contourny Sa & a ford proper. (D:
Fionnghuala Feuterer - Mar 05)
Or, a leg couped Purp & a ford proper. (D: Somerled of Redcliff Sep 03)
Or, a rooster Sa maintaining a fleur-de-lys Az atop a trimount
checky Arg & Vt. (D: Craft Hunold - Feb 03)
Or, a sea-griffin Vt issuant from a base wavy, barry wavy Sa & Arg.
(D: Adrian Blaktarn - Feb 87)
Or, a sea-serpent ondoyant contourny Vt & a ford proper. (D:
Grygg Twoscar - Jan 06)

[Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Multicolor] to [Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Or]

Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Multicolor (continued)

Or, a seeblatt Vt & a base wavy barry wavy Az & Or. (D: Ysabeau
of Prague - Dec 98)
Or, a torteau charged with a sea-horse erect Or, in base a ford
proper. (D: Elspeth Modlen ferch Dafydd - Sep 85)
Or, a turtle & in chf 2 4-leaved clovers Vt, a ford proper. (D:
Padraig mac Domhnaill - Jan 08)
Or, an oak tree fructed, betw in chf a laurel wreath betw 2 oak trees
fructed & a ford proper. (D: Wealdsmere - Apr 82)
Or, an oak tree Vt, fructed Arg, issuant from a ford proper, betw in
fess 2 acorns inv, & on a chf Az an open book scroll fesswise
Arg. (D: Elon ben Moshe - Aug 85)
Or, issuant from a base wavy barry wavy Az & Arg a lymphad
proper flagged & on a chf Gu a lion passant guardant Or. (D:
New Brunswick - Jan 98) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, on a hand of Fatima Purp, a mullet of six points Arg, a ford
proper. (D: Adriana Sabatini - Dec 84)
Or, 2 beavers sejant erect respectant a ford proper all within a bord
Sa. (D: Hildegund von Bieber - Feb 02)
Per bend Sa & Vt, a bend indented & in sin chf a tree couped Arg, a
base wavy barry wavy Arg & Vt. (D: Tancred the Gray Dec 95)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, a ford & overall a tree eradicated proper.
(D: Bovarr Bjarnarsonr Blolatr - Feb 84)
Per chev abased Arg & barry wavy Az & Arg, 2 satyrs passant
respectant, each maintaining a trident, & in base a laurel
wreath Gu. (D: Barren Sands - Jan 85)
Per chev Or & Purp, a base wavy barry wavy of 4 Arg & Vt. (D:
Allanna OBrian of the Emerald Lake - Feb 84)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev betw 2 wolves combattant & a ship Arg
atop a ford proper. (D: William Silverwolf - Jun 92)
Per fess Purp & Vt, in chf a pair of angles fesswise interlaced in
pale Or & a base wavy barry wavy Arg & Vt. (D: Viola de
Verde - Aug 05)
Per pale Arg & Az, a compass star & a ford ctrch. (D: Lettice
Godfree - Oct 00)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a griffin sejant to sin, sin forepaw elevated, in
base a base enarched indented, all ctrch. (D: Iestyn ap
Rhydderch - Nov 89)
Per pale Arg & Sa, in chf a cartouche fesswise voided & issuant
from base flames ctrch. (D: Antara of Andar - Mar 83)
Per pale Az & Arg, a domestic cat courant contourny & a point
pointed ctrch. (D: Penelope the Weaver - Nov 95)
Per pale Az & Arg, a double-headed eagle disp maintaining 2
swords & a base embat all ctrch. (D: Glen of the Outlands Jun 94)
Per pale Az & Arg, a pair of wings conjoined in lure & a ford ctrch.
(D: Genevive Armstrang - Sep 99)
Per pale Az & Arg, an escallop inv & a base embat ctrch. (B:
Elfsea - Nov 88)
Per pale Az & Arg, on an escallop inv ctrch a boar spear fesswise
reversed Arg hafted proper, a base embat ctrch. (B: Elfsea Oct 95)
Per pale Az & Arg, on an escallop inv ctrch a stags head cabossed
proper, a base embat ctrch. (B: Elfsea - Feb 95)
Per pale Az & Or, a chev & issuant from base a demi-sun, all ctrch.
(D: Arianna Marie du Soleil - Feb 91)
Per pale Or & Gu, a wolf statant Sa & a peacock close to sin Or, a
point pointed ctrch. (D: Roark Wulfkynde the Peacock Nov 89)
Per pale Or & Sa, 2 griffins combattant ctrch, & a point pointed
barry wavy Az & Arg. (D: Gryffon du Lac - Jun 91)
Per pale Purp & Az, a pegasus segreant & in base 3 bars wavy Arg.
(D: Rowena MacLachlan of Caithness - Sep 00)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a decrescent moon & an increscent moon, a base
engrailed ctrch Arg & Gu. (D: Owen the Mad - Aug 96)
Per pale Sa & Arg 2 sea lions addorsed in chf five roundels, a
mount enarched indented all ctrch. (D: Medb Renata Jun 94)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a swan naiant contourny & in base 3 bars wavy
Arg. (D: Jean Baylard - Apr 94)
Per pale Sa & Or, a sun in his glory ctrch & a ford proper. (D:
Caerell mac Domnaill - Feb 04)
Per pale Sa & Or, in fess 2 gouttes, on a base wavy, 2 barrulets
wavy, all ctrch. (D: Corwin of Darkwater - Apr 90)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 talbots combatant & a point pointed, all ctrch.
(D: Ulrich von Brandenburg - Aug 01)

Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Multicolor (continued)

Purp, a dolphin haurient embowed Or, a base wavy barry wavy Arg
& Vt. (D: Sabina Truelove - Jul 01)
Purp, a mermaid in her vanity proper crined Or a ford proper. (D:
Sabine dAngers - Oct 01)
Purp, a sea-cat & in canton a decrescent Arg, a ford proper. (D:
Maria Caterina di Boni - Dec 04)
Sa, a comet fesswise reversed Or & a ford proper. (B: Ariana Irene
de Caro - Apr 02) (For Eveninghold)
Sa, a demi-griffin, brandishing a sword Or & issuant from a base
wavy barry wavy Arg & Sa. (D: Constant of Nether Edge Jan 90)
Sa, a demi-sun Arg & a ford proper. (D: Ishikawa Akirakeiko Dec 05)
Sa, a dhow Or sailed Arg issuant from a ford proper & in chf a
decrescent & an increscent Or. (D: Achmed ibn Yousef May 03)
Sa, a horse ramp betw 2 swords Arg, a ford proper. (D: Deirdre
MacNamara of Trollhaven - Sep 95)
Sa, a lighthouse Or, masoned Sa, enflamed proper, betw in chf 2
keys fesswise Or & a ford proper. (D: Ysende Herberiour Jan 07)
Sa, a needle threaded Arg, a ford proper & a chf urdy Arg. (D:
Clotilde von der Insel - Mar 97)
Sa, a sin hand proper sustaining a laurel wreath Or & emerging
from a ford proper. (D: Saint Swithins Bog - Nov 92)
Sa, an armored sin fist Arg emerging from a ford proper. (B: Saint
Swithins Bog - Oct 99) (For the Order of Saint Swithin)
Sa, in chf an Oriental dragon passant pendant from its sin foreclaw
an open scroll Arg & a base wavy barry wavy Arg & Sa. (D:
Tatsumi Tomoko - Jul 96)
Sa, in fess 2 lightning bolts palewise Arg & a base wavy barry wavy
Or & Vt. (D: Mary Webb - May 07)
Sa, 3 mullets in bend Arg, & a ford proper. (D: Muirgheal n
Sheanachin - Apr 97)
Sa, 3 snowflakes Arg & a ford proper. (D: Ragnar Larsson of the
Ice Dragon Isles - Sep 90)
Sa, 2 serpents erect & entwined that to dexter Arg & that to sin Or,
a ford proper. (D: Damon Constantine - Mar 99)
Vt, a Catherines wheel Or & a ford proper. (D: Caterina di
Guglielmo - Apr 05)
Vt, a duck ramp Arg, billed & membered Or, above a ford proper.
(D: Aelflaed of Duckford - Nov 84)
Vt, a duck ramp Arg, billed & membered Or, & on a ford proper on
an escutcheon Az, in pale a sun & a key fesswise within a bord
Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Aelflaed of Duckford - Nov 84)
Vt, a fess wavy in chf 3 griffins segreant Arg a base wavy barry
wavy Arg & Gu. (D: Rhys ap Gwilym - Aug 99)
Vt, a mermaid affronty, maintaining in her dexter hand a scimitar
palewise, Or & a ford proper. (D: Christiana Genevive de
Besanon - Mar 90)
Vt, a stags head couped & sin facing, Or & a ford proper. (B:
Buckston-on-Eno - Jul 89)
Vt, a tilting helm with a feather Or & a point pointed paly Or & Gu.
(D: Justin of Trebizond - Sep 05)
Vt, a tower Or & a ford proper. (B: Eleazar ha Levi - Apr 90)
(For Household of the Eastern Shore)
* * * End * * *

Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Or

Az, a bend sin Arg betw 3 crescents Or & 3 mullets of six points
Arg, a base wavy Or. (D: Riley of Golden Sand - Mar 88)
Az, a compass star Arg & a base indented & enarched Or. (D:
Nolendil of Trollingwood - May 90)
Az, a drakkar Arg betw 3 roundels one & 2, a base wavy Or. (D:
Solveig Hkonsdttir - Nov 07)
Az, a falcon striking to sin Arg, a base wavy Or. (B: Morgan ap
Siarl - Apr 85)
Az, a fleur-de-lis & in chf 3 mullets, one & 2, all betw 3 points
pointed bottony Or. (D: Jean Len des Brumes - Jun 81)
Az, a gazelle grazing guardant atop a trimount couped, all within a
chaplet of thorn Or. (D: Gizela Balbina Teucer - Dec 89)
Az, a goose volant, wings elevated & addorsed, Arg, issuant from
base a demi-sun Or. (D: Nyilas Kzmr - Dec 90)
Az, a lion statant in chf 2 mullets, in base a point pointed, all within
a bord Or. (D: Tmas Skotakollr - Aug 96)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 131

[Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Or]

Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Or (continued)

Az, a nude demi-maiden with arms outstretched Arg crined &

issuant from a base wavy Or. (D: Alianora de la Forest Nov 06)
Az, a sword palewise proper betw in fess 2 arrows palewise, a base
rayonny Or. (D: Dunchadh Mac Aodha Mhoir - Dec 88)
Az, a tower issuant from a base embat Or, in canton a crux stellata
Arg, in base a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Southkeep - Feb 83)
Az, a winged heart Arg & a base rayonny Or. (D: Nele ap
Llewellyn - Sep 84)
Az, a wingless wyvern passant Or maintaining 2 keys Arg & Or, all
within a laurel wreath, a mount Or. (D: Loch Dorr - Nov 92)
Az, a wolf salient & a base engrailed Or. (D: Rognvaldr
Byrgisheraingr - Nov 99)
Az, an escarbuncle Arg & a base rayonny Or. (D: Christel Leake Mar 07)
Az, in pale a roundel, 3 gouttes 2 & one, & a base engrailed Or. (D:
John the Benevolent - Jun 85)
Az mullety, a cauldron Arg & issuant from base a flaming
mountain, all within a bord Or. (B: Azuria - Apr 85) (For
Cooks Guild)
Az, 2 alembic flasks, spouts crossed in salt Arg, & a base wavy Or,
overall a trident inv ctrch. (D: Guy du Bolduc - Jan 85)
Az, 2 roses slipped & leaved in salt, a chf embat & a point pointed
ploy Or. (D: Tristan Herv - Dec 00)
Az, 2 wyverns combattant guardant Arg, a point pointed & a chf
embat Or. (D: Avery the Seeker - Oct 83)
Bendy Arg & Vt, a natural seahorse, erect & sin facing, betw in fess
2 cinquefoils, a base fleury Or. (D: Rowena Robusta of
Charryng Tower - May 88)
Counter-ermine, in chf a fountain, issuant from base a sun in his
splendour Or. (D: Yamaguchi Yukio Matsutaro Futoshii no
Suo - Aug 79?)
(Dark) A mountain of 3 peaks issuant from base, the peaks in bend,
& in chf a barrulet beviled arrondi, all within an annulet. (B:
Takaguma Ishiyama no Sadomoni Bashi - Feb 81)
(Household mon)(For Clan Ishiyama)
Ermine, a demi-rabbit erect guardant Sa grasping in its sin forepaw
a shepherds crook proper & in its dexter forepaw a laurel
wreath, issuant from a base engrailed Or. (D: Shittimwoode Feb 81)
Ermine, a demi-salamander ramp Gu issuant from a base enflamed
Or. (D: Alejandro de Salamanca - Apr 82)
Gu, a breastplate Arg, a point pointed & on a chf Or 3 gunstones.
(D: Richard Devlin Bordeaux - Feb 91)
Gu, a pretzel erminois & a base wavy Or. (D: Roberto Carlos
Dominguez - Jul 01)
Gu, a seahorse, erect & sin facing, & a base wavy Or. (D: Deirdre
of Hopes Dale - Mar 88)
Gu, a winged ounce ramp contourny, head to sin, Arg incensed & a
base rayonny Or. (D: Elizaveta Arievna Lebedeva - Feb 07)
Gu, on a demi-sun issuant from chf Or, a falcon stooping Sa, a base
embat Or. (D: David MacDougall - Jul 89)
Gu, semy of comets inv, issuant from base a demi-sun Or. (B:
Lothar von Katzenellenbogen - Feb 92)
Gu semy-de-lys, a dragon segreant & a point pointed Or. (D:
Diamanda Beauchamp of Meryfield - Nov 02)
Gu, 2 dragons combattant & a base rayonny Or. (B: Brand
Regenald - Jun 98)
Or, a dragon counter-courrant, wings elevated & addorsed, Gu, a
base of flames proper. (D: Marja Nordama - Jan 80)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, a double-bitted axe Arg & a base enarched &
indented Or. (D: John von der Velde - Aug 98)
Per fess Arg & Sa, in pale a phoenix Sa rising from flames Gu
issuant from the line of division & a demi-sun issuant from
base Or. (D: Einar Myrunarson - Nov 89)
Per fess Arg & Vt, a doebird curlew close affronte, head to sin,
proper perched upon 2 rocks issuant from base Or. (D: Curlew
Drogheala - Aug 80)
Per fess embat Or & Vt, a swan naiant grasping in its beak a garden
rose slipped Sa & issuant from base a demi-sun Or. (D:
Gwendolyn Gurney of Hastings - Jan 91)
Per fess Sa & Az, a pegasus salient Arg, in base a trimount Or. (D:
Kenelm de la Dale - Sep 89)
Per pale Az & Gu, 2 ferrets combattant Arg, a base embat Or. (D:
Rhodri Longshanks - Mar 87)

132 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Or (continued)

Per pale Gu & Az, a compass star elongated to base & a base embat
Or. (B: Galen of Bristol - Oct 84) (JB: Kaylitha Rhiannon of
Southhaven)(For House Southhaven)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 3 frets couped & conjoined in chf & a demi-sun
issuant from base Or. (D: Lasair ni Fhionnualann - Jan 92)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a triskelion pommetty & a point pointed ploy Or.
(D: Erich of Ered Sul - Jun 98)
Per salt Az & Vt, an owl close to sin & a cat sejant guardant, in base
a point pointed issuant from an orle, all Or. (D: Laura de la
Chouette Dore - Apr 88)
Purp, a chev engrailed betw in chf 2 doves Arg & a demi sun
issuant from base Or. (D: Oriana Vitale della Fonda Apr 92)
Purp, a dromedary courant to sin Arg, in base a double-peaked
mount, all within a bord Or. (D: Rowazna Azgwau - Jan 88)
Purp, a feather bendwise sin Arg & 4 fleurs-de-lys conjoined to the
points of a base indented Or. (D: Oriana de Poitou - Feb 07)
Purp, a mount of 3 hillocks & on a chf Or 3 crescents Purp. (D:
Morna Monadh - Dec 84)
Purp, a mount of 3 hillocks Or. (B: Morna Monadh - Dec 84)
Purp, a phoenix issuant from a base of flames, betw its wingtips a
mullet Or. (D: Dennis the Wright - Mar 87)
Purp, a sword inv Arg betw 2 flaunches & a demi-sun issuant from
base Or. (D: Leuerun Sveinsdottir - Jan 89)
Purp, 2 cutlasses in salt edges to chf & a base rayonny Or. (D:
Elena McKenzie - Aug 05)
Quarterly Az & Gu, a point pointed Or. (D: Cubriht se breowere Apr 07)
Sa, a base indented & issuant from chf a demi-sun Or. (D: Aja du
Jardin - Aug 80)
Sa, a chf indented Arg & a base rayonny Or. (D: Ivan Kosinski Sep 97)
Sa, a crane in its vigilance atop a trimount Or. (D: Juhana
Maununpoika Kivisuo - May 96)
Sa, a dexter hand apaumy couped Arg betw 3 bezants one & 2 & a
base wavy Or. (D: Jendriska Bellasez - Jul 86)
Sa, a rose branch bendwise, flowered of a garden rose & held by a
birds foot issuant from a point pointed Or. (D: Roselynd
Aelfricsdottir - Feb 94)
Sa, a tailless domestic cat sejant guardant Arg & a base rayonny Or.
(D: Jared thelwulf - Sep 89)
Sa, a winged lion salient & a point pointed Or. (D: Cassandra
Theodosius - Apr 90)
Sa, a winged sea-tiger Arg marked Sa, winged & tailed, a base
wavy Or. (D: Ceridwen Luned of the Fen - Sep 91) (The
monster is a winged Bengal sea-tiger, not a sea-tyger.)
Sa, in fess 2 eagles rising addorsed, wings addorsed, Arg, issuant
from base a demi-sun Or. (D: Tsvetan Arinsson - Jul 84)
Sa, mullety of 4 points or, in chf a decrescent Arg, a base embat or.
(D: Tristan de Montesporre - Aug 79)
Sa, on a bend cotised Or 3 hearts palewise Gu, a point pointed Or.
(D: Greylond Dowgla de Galloway - Dec 03)
Sa, on a mullet of seven points inv Or a single-headed chess knight
Purp, a base rayonny Or. (D: Durko Vadas - Aug 07)
Sa, on a plate a falcon migrant Sa & a point pointed Or. (D:
Damian Nihthauk - May 92)
Sa, 2 falcons respectant & a demi-sun issuant from base Or. (D:
Michel lEspiegle - Dec 90)
Sa, 2 men mounted on horses passant addorsed Arg & a flame
issuant from base proper. (D: Elrik of Sutherland - May 92)
Sa, 2 pegasi segreant addorsed Arg, a base embat Or. (D: Damian
of Drax - Nov 91)
Sa, 2 turks head lilies slipped, leaved & conjoined, issuant from a
trimount Or. (D: Magdelena Elisa dei Mori - Nov 90)
Vt, a coney sejant erect contourny maintaining a sword a base
embat Or. (D: Walter Raymond Sutton - Dec 96)
Vt, a demi-sun issuant from base within & conjoined to a torii gate
Or. (D: Asa Hito - Oct 89)
Vt, a dragon segreant coward Arg, flaming proper, betw 2 mullets
& a point pointed Or. (D: Cori Wrightswife - Oct 85)
Vt, a fox sejant Arg, a trimount Or. (D: Katarzina of Thescorre Jan 08)
Vt, a merman proper crined Or tailed Az maintaining a horn in his
dexter hand & a trident in his sin hand all issuant from a base
wavy Or. (D: Christopher MacEveny - Jan 04)

[Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Or] to [Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Vert]

Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Or (continued)

Vt, a mount of six hillocks betw 2 falcons heads erased Or. (D:
Jan Rafiel Shkoder - Feb 87)
Vt, a pair of cats eyes in chev inv Or slitted Vt, a base indented Or.
(D: Charles Veitch - Feb 06)
Vt, in fess 2 stags attires palewise tines outwards & a base wavy
Or. (D: Richart de Sunderbach - Oct 01)
Vt, semy of butterflies, a point pointed Or. (D: Gwynevere of
Riesling - Sep 91)
Vt, 3 bezants in fess betw a cross couped & a base embat Or. (D:
Marco Massimi - May 86)
Vt, upon a plate, 2 urns Az, & a base indented Or. (D: Richard of
Havn - Jan 76?)
* * * End * * *

Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Purpure

Arg, a hawk rising to sin Sa & a base embat Purp. (D: Bure Hk Aug 94)
Arg, a horse passant contourny Sa & a base wavy Purp. (D:
Arabella Kathryn Matthew - Dec 99)
Arg, a thistle proper issuant from a point pointed, a chf invected
Purp. (D: Eadain inghean Ruadhin - Feb 07)
Or, 3 wolves teeth issuant from dexter & a base wavy Purp. (D:
Mngke Bukha - Jan 98)
Per bend sin indented Purp & Or, a sun & a trimount couped ctrch.
(D: Alessandra da Monte - Aug 02)
* * * End * * *

Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Sable

Arg, a brown bear ramp proper atop a base embat Sa, masoned Arg,
& on a chf Az 3 crosses crosslet Arg. (D: Bronwyn the Scot Jun 85)
Arg, a demi-eagle rising to sin, wings elevated & addorsed, Purp
issuant from a base rayonny Sa. (D: Bryan de Albengi Aug 87)
Arg, a double-horned anvil Sa, in chf 2 smiths hammers in chev
proper & a base rayonny Sa. (D: Dabhaidh Earmourer the
Tiny - Sep 91)
Arg, a griffin passant to sin & a base embat Sa. (B: Windkeep Nov 95)
Arg, a laurel wreath Vt betw a griffin passant to sin Sa, armed Gu,
& a base embat Sa. (D: Windkeep - Mar 87)
Arg, a lightning bolt fesswise Gu & a trimount Sa. (D: Alban
Rhuddain or Bryn Trystau - Feb 91)
Arg, in fess a goutte Gu & a goutte Purp, a base rayonny Sa. (D:
Feia Radostevicha - Dec 06)
Arg, on a chf triangular Purp a cross of Jerusalem Arg, a base wavy
Sa. (D: Hans Faust der herlat - Nov 00)
Ermine, issuant from a base embat Sa a dexter arm embowed,
vested Az, cuffed Arg, grasping a sword Or, crossed in salt
with a sin arm embowed vested Arg & cuffed Az, grasping a
wine cup Or. (D: Guillaume de Vinvert - Sep 73?)
Erminois, 3 pallets Gu & a trimount Sa. (D: Kenrick Robilard Aug 97)
Gu, a demi-sun Or issuant from a rocky base Sa, chased &
fimbriated Arg, silhouetted against the sun a palmer passant
bearing a staff Sa & in chf a dragon volant Or. (D: Ross o the
Ridge - Apr 73?)
Gu, a horse forcen Arg upon a base embat Sa fimbriated Arg. (B:
Aleta Ara of Helsgard, the Cruel - Jul 81)
Or, a frog sejant affronty Vt atop a mount & a label dovetailed
throughout Sa. (D: Ima of Granholme - Jul 05)
Or, a garb Gu atop a trimount Sa. (D: Gisela vom Kreuzbach Sep 05)
Or, a Norse serpent nowed Gu & a base rayonny Sa. (D: Johann
Gunnbjrnsson - Feb 02)
Or, a tower within a laurel wreath Gu & a base engrailed Sa scaly
Or. (D: Blackwater Keep - Jul 05)
Or, on the crown of a tree issuant from a mound Sa, a bulls head
cabossed Or, all within a bord embat Sa. (D: James Treebull
the Stubborn - Jan 88)
Or, 2 thistles Purp slipped & leaved Vt, a base embat Sa. (D: Eric
Morrison of Thistlekeep - Feb 86)
Per pale Az & Arg, a serpent involved ctrch & a point pointed Sa.
(D: Bjarki Bjornlfsson - Jan 08)

Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Sable (continued)

Sa, mulletty, a horse passant reguardant Arg upon a base embat Sa,
fimbriated Arg. (B: Aleta Ara of Helsgard, the Cruel Jul 81)
* * * End * * *

Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Vert

(Fieldless) A demi-boar Arg issuant from a trimount couped Vt. (B:

Cun Gildwynsson - Jun 92)
(Fieldless) Issuant from a trimount couped Vt, a demi ferret erect
Arg. (B: Guenhwyvar MacEwen - Apr 94)
Arg, a demi-cobra erect affronty Sa issuant from a base rayonny Vt.
(D: Loveday the Ribald - Nov 98)
Arg, a dragonfly Purp & a point pointed Vt. (D: Tatiana
Terenteva - Mar 07)
Arg, a Moors arm fesswise embowed proper atop a trimount Vt &
on a chf Az 3 crescents Arg. (D: Ileana Welgy - Sep 03)
Arg, a serpent with a head at either end, heads erect & addorsed, its
body nowed in a Stafford knot inv, above a base engrailed Vt.
(D: Gleda Eiriksdottir - Oct 86)
Arg, a trimount Vt & a chf Gu. (D: Khudashka Fomma - Apr 08)
Arg, atop a mount of six peaks (coupeaux) Vt a raven close Sa
maintaining in its beak a scale Gu. (D: Eugene Louis
Montclare - Dec 85)
Arg, betw 2 dolphins hauriant respectant Purp a thistle proper, a
base engrailed Vt. (D: Killian MCahall - Jun 95)
Arg goutty Gu, a unicorn contourny Sa & a base embat Vt. (D:
Vivienne of Yardley - May 05)
Arg, on a fess betw a chf indented & a base indented Vt a Maltese
spaniel passant guardant betw 2 estoiles Arg. (D: Maria
Catarina da Taranto - Jul 80)
Arg, on a torteau in pale an estoile & a triskelion reversed Arg, a
base undy Vt. (D: Marya of Zagamar, the Mad - May 82)
Arg, 2 natural panthers salient addorsed Sa & a base urdy Vt. (D:
Halla Hrafnsdttir - Sep 05)
Arg, 2 peacocks pavanated respectant proper, a point pointed Vt.
(D: Nerissa Meraud de la Fontaine - Oct 81)
Az, a demi-wolf contourny Arg, issuant from a trimount proper,
vorant a vol Or. (D: rdg Magyar Bla - Nov 93)
Az, a raven Sa perched atop a trimount Vt & in chf 2 mullets Arg.
(D: Victor Ispan - Mar 07)
Az, a scimitar inv & reversed proper issuant from a trimount Vt, in
chf 2 crescents Or. (D: Kathws Rusa - May 05)
Az, a tower betw in chf 3 mullets one & 2 Arg & issuant from a
trimount Vt. (B: Caer Anterth Mawr - Jan 08)
Az, 3 roses one & 2 Arg barbed & seeded Gu slipped & leaved
issuant from the center mount of a trimount Vt. (D: Kolosvari
Arpadne Julia - Feb 05)
Chevronelly Or & Gu, an eagle Sa & a base embat Vt. (D: Juan
Bautista Pone - Mar 08)
Erminois, a quintain Gu & a base nebuly Vt. (D: Philip Rufus
Kennard - Jan 91)
Gu, a cross of Lorraine Arg issuant from a trimount Vt. (D:
Hungary, Modern - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, 3 roses one & 2 Arg barbed & seeded Az slipped & leaved
issuant from the center mount of a trimount Vt. (D: Palotzi
Marta - Feb 05)
Or, a fox sejant reguardant Gu & issuant from base a demi-sun Vt.
(D: Renata Simne Catano - Jan 92)
Or, a hippopotamus statant Az, a base engrailed Vt. (D: David of
Staffa - May 81)
Or, a horse courant Sa & a base embat Vt. (B: Outlands, the Feb 95) (For the Outlands Equestrian Guild)
Or, a raven volant wings addorsed Sa & a base wavy Vt, all within a
bord Purp. (D: Raven of Heronsmarsh - Jul 96)
Or, a unicorn passant to sin, head lowered, & on a mount Sa a point
pointed embowed trefoilly Vt, fimbriated & charged with a
gout Or. (D: Enyd Draenengles - Apr 06)
Or, a wyvern erect Gu maintaining a halberd palewise Sa, overall a
triple-peaked mountain, issuant from base, Vt. (B: Bryn
Gwlad - Jan 89) (For the Order of the Dreigiau Bryn)
Or, in fess a brown bear sejant erect to sin & an oak tree eradicated
fructed proper, a point pointed Vt. (D: Duncan MacGregor of
Gleann Abhann - Jan 06)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, a frog sejant affronty & a mountain issuant
from base ctrch. (D: Elaine Bel Monte - Jan 87)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 133

[Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Vert] to [Base - Charged - Plain line]

Base - Uncharged - Complex line - Vert (continued)

Per chev inv Az & Arg, in chf a pickaxe bendwise Arg, a base
embat Vt. (D: Gerwald of Devon the Miner - Jul 88)
Per pale Sa & ermine, 2 stags combattant ctrch atop a trimount Vt.
(D: Otto von Heidelberc - Jun 05)
* * * End * * *

Base - Charged - Plain line

(Fieldless) On a mountain couped Sa a garden rose slipped &

leaved Or. (B: Anne of Rosemont - Sep 90) (For House
Arg, a dragon segreant Vt, on a base Az a key fesswise Or. (D:
David di Ferrara - May 92)
Arg, a dragon sejant affronty, wings disp & head to dexter, on a
base Gu a heart Arg. (D: Ceallach Colquhoun - Jun 06)
Arg, a griffin segreant & on a base Az a pair of rapiers in salt Arg.
(D: Ben of Brokenbridge - May 07)
Arg, a griffin sejant Gu & a chf raguly & on a mount Vt a tree Arg.
(D: Baldwin of Hillshire - Mar 02)
Arg, a gurges & a base Az charged with a bouquet of 3 gillyflowers
Arg, slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Amalie zu dem Blumen Jan 06)
Arg, a heart Gu pierced by an arrow bendwise Sa, on a base Gu, a
key fesswise, wards to sin, Arg. (D: Anastasia Antonia
Horvath - Sep 89)
Arg, a leonine sagittary Sa, the torso proper, & on a base Az a
demi-sun issuant from base Or. (D: Philip del Holme Feb 94)
Arg, a Maltese cross, on a base Sa a decrescent & an increscent Or.
(D: Ulrich Wulfson - Oct 99)
Arg, a pegasus salient Sa & on a base Az a escallop inv Or. (D:
Lilias MacLeod - Oct 01)
Arg, a rowan tree fructed issuant from a base Gu, & on the base 3
bezants. (D: Mr inghean Bhriain - Dec 07)
Arg, a skunk ramp Sa marked Arg & on a base Sa 3 columns Arg.
(D: James Newton de Stile - Mar 98)
Arg, a tree blasted issuant from a mount Vt charged with an
increscent & a decrescent interlaced in fess Arg. (D:
Gwenllian Tarianlas - Mar 06)
Arg, a tree couped Sa, on a base Gu an acorn Or. (D: Fiammetta la
Ghianda - Oct 92)
Arg, a tree Vt betw 2 bears combattant Sa & issuant from a base Vt
charged with a Maltese cross Arg. (D: Parzifal sans Peur Jun 92)
Arg estoilly, on a base Az a bear passant contourny Arg. (D: Lars
of Aquaterra - Dec 05)
Arg, in pale 2 lucies & on a base Gu a lucy Arg. (D: Ari nsson Feb 06)
Arg, on a mount Sa a mullet Arg & in chf 2 mullets Az. (D:
Theodric ap Breken Beaken - Jul 82)
Arg semy of hurts, a tub Vt & on a base Az a billet fesswise Or. (D:
Drfinna eyverska - Feb 03)
Arg, 3 sin wings Sa, on a base Gu a cup Arg. (D: Macha n
Fhearghuis - Jan 94)
Arg, 2 griffins combattant Sa & on a mount Purp a Celtic cross Or.
(D: Duncan of Atenveldt - Jun 04)
Az, a Continental panther ramp Arg incensed proper & on a base
Arg 4 forget-me-nots in cross Az. (D: Juliana Montalto del
Mar - Mar 00)
Az, a griffin couchant above on a base Or 3 mullets Vt, on a chf Or
a mullet Vt. (D: Meriwether of the Four Winds - Aug 79?)
Az, a lion couchant guardant contourny, on a mount Arg a hank of
cord Az. (D: Caointiarn Comhthaisteala - Sep 93)
Az, a natural dolphin embowed betw in chf 3 roundels in fess & on
a base Arg an apple slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Jocelyn of
Netherthorpe Forest - Mar 84)
Az, a winged natural tiger sejant erect affronty queue forchy Arg,
on a base Or a castle Sa. (D: Alexandria Tigre del Castillo Jun 01)
Az, a winged wolf passant reguardant Arg, on a mount Or a thistle
proper. (D: Finnabair nic Olcin - Dec 92)
Az, a wolf sejant, head erect, betw in chf 2 compass stars & on a
base Arg, a laurel wreath Az. (D: Oertha - Aug 85)
Az, a wolf statant & on a chf embat Arg five card piques Vt & on a
mount Arg a card pique Vt. (D: Randolf Garard - Feb 02)
Az, an increscent & on a base Arg a demi-sun issuant from base Vt.
(D: Dervin Norwood of Hedgeley Moor - Apr 94)
134 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Base - Charged - Plain line (continued)

Az, an oak branch & on a base Arg an open book Gu. (D: Gilbert
of Horncastle - Aug 94)
Az, an owl & on a base Or an artists brush reversed Az. (B:
Katalena of Owlsherst - Feb 07)
Az estencelly Arg, a tower Or atop a base Arg charged with a laurel
wreath Az. (D: Norcastel - Jan 08)
Az, in fess 3 increscents & on a base Or a sword inv surmounted by
a heart Gu. (D: Ceallach Cadhla - Sep 07)
Az, in salt 2 daffodils bells fesswise addorsed slipped & on a mount
Or a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Blatha an Oir - Jun 02)
Az, 2 poleaxes in salt Or & on a base Arg a dragon dormant Gu. (D:
Randvr brotamar - Feb 06)
Counter-ermine, a harpy disp Or & on a base potenty Gu, a serpent
nowed Or. (D: Magdalena Geertruidis van den Oost Apr 88)
Counterermine, a unicorn couchant Arg gorged of a garland of
daisies leaved proper, on a base Arg 3 hurts one & 2. (D:
Elina Einarsdottir - Apr 00)
Gu, a heron rising wings disp & on a base Arg a comet fesswise Gu.
(D: Bacchus of Ambergard - Sep 05)
Gu, a reremouse disp & on a base Arg a wheel Gu. (D: Catrin
Gwynystlum - Feb 99)
Gu, a sheaf of 3 arrows inv betw in fess 2 mullets & on a base Or a
mullet Gu. (D: Deirdre Fletcher - Jun 92)
Gu, on a sun Arg, a boars head erased Gu, on a base Arg, a trefoil
Gu. (D: Lachlan Tadhg - Jan 89)
Gu, 2 crayfish & on a base Or, a compass star Gu, in chf a label of
five points overall Or. (D: Eckhardt zu Westfilde - Oct 93)
Gu, 2 elephants statant respectant, trunks elevated & crossed in salt,
on a chf Arg 3 roses Gu seeded Arg barbed Vt & on a base Arg
a rose Gu seeded Arg barbed Vt. (D: Nadrah al-Zarqa May 04)
Lozengy Arg & Gu, a lions head couped contourny Or & on a base
Sa a dagger fesswise Or. (D: Isabeau FitzLyon - Jul 01)
Or, a castle Sa, on a chf Gu 3 compass stars elongated to base Or, &
on a base Gu a compass star elongated to base Or. (D: Susan
of Wight - Dec 99)
Or, a drakkar affronty under full sail, its hull winged, on a base Sa,
a hawks head, couped & sin facing, Or. (D: Veorn Natthauk
Ragnarsson - Jul 88)
Or, a Great Cormorant volant bendwise sin proper & on a base Az 3
salmon naiant Arg. (D: Robbin Greybeard - Apr 82)
Or, a horse Sa, statant atop a base Vt, charged with 3 bezants, 2 &
one. (D: Aubre Vieuxpont - Sep 88)
Or, a tree blasted & eradicated & on a base Sa 2 rapiers in salt Arg.
(D: Josephe Blackthorn - Nov 03)
Or, a unicorn passant to sin, head lowered, & on a mount Sa a point
pointed embowed trefoilly Vt, fimbriated & charged with a
gout Or. (D: Enyd Draenengles - Apr 06)
Or, an owl perched atop a mount Gu charged with a broadarrow Or.
(D: Peter the Red - May 93)
Or, masoned Sa, a 2-towered castle Vt, on a base Sa a lion ramp
coward Or. (D: Tamara Ivanovna Nabokova - Apr 91)
Or, 2 wolfs heads couped addorsed & conjoined at the neck & on a
base Vt a Maltese cross Or. (D: Aonghus g na Feusaige
Ruaidhe - Mar 92)
Per pale Arg & Vt, an eagle disp ctrch & on a base Sa a sword
fesswise Arg. (D: Dietrich Hartmann - Jul 02)
Per pale Vt & Az, a pallet Or betw a tower & a double-bitted axe
Arg & on a base Or a drakkar, sail furled, proper. (D:
Darrbrann of Oxar - Jun 82)
Purp, a double headed eagle disp Arg, on a base barry wavy Arg &
Sa a laurel wreath Or. (D: Spiaggia Levantina - Oct 96)
Purp, a horse passant & on a base Arg 3 triquetras 2 & one Vt. (D:
Falenn ingen Chernaich - Feb 05)
Purp, an elephant statant contourny Arg, on a base Or 3 lozenges
conjoined in fess Vt. (D: Yedaya Magdiel - Oct 98)
Sa, a camel statant to sin & in chf a crescent & on a base Arg a
fleur-de-lys Sa. (D: Maria Theresa Sanchez Garcia Mar 04)
Sa, a compass star Or betw in bend 2 mullets of 4 points, on a base
enarched Arg, a moth disp Sa. (D: Gunhilda Adeleva
Amberstar - Apr 89)
Sa, a griffin segreant & on a base Or, 3 chevronels braced Gu. (D:
Griffith ap Morgan ap Griffith - Sep 92)

[Base - Charged - Plain line] to [Base - Charged - Complex line]

Base - Charged - Plain line (continued)

Sa, a horse ramp within an annulet, on a mount Arg, a thistle

slipped & leaved Sa distilling 2 goutes Gu. (D: Rovena of Br
Lith - Oct 98)
Sa, a lions head cabossed Or, on a base Arg a heart Sa. (D:
Ragnarr blx - Apr 06)
Sa, a phoenix Arg enflamed Or & on a mount Arg a laurel wreath
Sa. (D: Reannag Fhara - Jun 91)
Sa, a unicorn ramp contourny & in chf 3 mullets Arg, on a base Or
an eagles head erased contourny Sa. (D: Letitia of Ipswich May 93)
Sa, a winged serpent embowed Or maintaining with its tail a quill
pen bendwise sin Arg, on a base Or a winged cat sejant
affronty Sa. (D: Arontius of Bygelswade - Jul 97)
Sa, a wyvern erect & on a base Or a horse ramp Sa. (D: Corwin of
Saxony - Nov 01)
Sa, on a plate a moth Sa & on a base Arg 2 branches of heather in
salt proper. (D: Lasair an Fhraoich - May 94)
Sa, 2 horses combattant & on a base Arg, a wolfs head cabossed
Sa. (D: Charles von dem Wlfenhaus - Sep 93)
Tierced per fess Az, Gu, & Az, a lion passant guardant betw 4
roses, 3 & one, Arg, barbed & seeded Or. (D: Maelgwyn de
Lyonesse - Jan 76?)
Vt, a natural leopard couchant guardant & on a base Or 2 roses in
fess slips intertwined to center & leaved Vt. (D: Skarpheinn
Irlandsfari - Nov 03)
Vt, an armored cubit arm maintaining a sheaf of arrows fesswise, on
a base Or 3 boars heads erased Vt. (D: Pdraig hinle Sep 92)
Vt, on a roundel Arg a tree eradicated Sa, on a base Arg a wolf
statant Sa. (D: Snulf Hrolfsson - Apr 98)
* * * End * * *

Base - Charged - Complex line

Arg, a bull ramp regardant Sa & on a base engrailed Gu a crescent

Arg. (D: Mariya Annuschka Oblomovna of Kiev - May 92)
Arg, a cross bottony, issuant from a point pointed Vt charged with a
stags head cabossed Arg, in chf 2 stags heads cabossed Vt.
(D: Beatrice Elaine de Horton - Dec 94)
Arg, a cross formy Sa & on a base embat Gu a wolf courant Arg.
(B: Astrid Radulfsdottir - Jul 00)
Arg, a dragon statant, on a point pointed Gu a rose Arg. (D: Marya
Vladimirovna Novgorodskaya - Nov 93)
Arg, a fox ramp Gu maintaining a quill pen & on a base embat Purp
a demi-sun issuant from base Or. (D: Muriel the Red Aug 94)
Arg, a goblet betw 2 pheons in chev Sa & on a point pointed Vt a
bowed psaltery Arg. (D: Donald Andrew MacDonald Apr 02)
Arg, a hawk disp Gu, on a base indented Sa, a hurst of pine trees
Arg. (D: Torold of Hawkhurst - Dec 86)
Arg, a hind courant Gu, on a point pointed Sa a crescent Or. (D:
Cunen Beornhelm - Sep 91)
Arg, a palm tree couped Sa & in base betw 2 Latin crosses fourchy,
on a point entee fleury Gu, a Latin cross fourchy Arg. (D:
Berold de Gilbert - Apr 88)
Arg, a palm tree couped Sa & in base 2 vols, on a point pointed
fleury Gu a vol Arg. (D: Tristan de Gilbert - Feb 08)
Arg, a palm tree couped Sa & 2 roses proper one & 2, on a point
pointed fleury Gu a rose Arg barbed & seeded proper. (D:
Roger de Gilbert - Sep 99)
Arg, a palm tree couped Sa betw in base 2 fleurs-de-lys, on a point
pointed flory at the point Gu, a fleur-de-lys Arg. (D: Philippe
de Gilbert - Jun 92) (Blanket permission to conflict with 1
Arg, a seahorse & on a base rayonny Az an increscent Arg. (B:
Gwenafwy Sinclaire - Nov 01)
Arg, a vol, tips inward, enclosing to chf a lozenge & on a base
indented Sa, a mullet pierced Arg. (D: Urien Connor ap Rhys
- Mar 92)
Arg, an apple tree eradicated fructed proper & on a base embat Gu a
lion sejant Or. (D: Ingram Josef Holzapfel - Feb 97)
Arg, an eagle disp Az, on a base rayonny Gu a sun Or. (D: Leifr
Jhansson - Aug 92)
Arg, an elk springing to sin proper, on a point pointed Vt cotised Az
a tree Or. (D: Cerf Agile - Aug 79?)

Base - Charged - Complex line (continued)

Arg ermined & on a point pointed Purp a goute Arg. (D: Lynn of
Loch Carron - Dec 98)
Arg goutty Gu, on a point pointed ploy Sa a fleur-de-lis Arg. (D:
Damian of the Flame - Apr 05)
Arg, in fess a heart Purp betw 2 garden roses Gu, slipped & leaved
Vt, on a point pointed Purp a heart Arg. (D: Alina Francesca
de Navarre - Jul 93)
Arg, in fess 3 palm trees couped Vt, on a base wavy Az a laurel
wreath Arg, all within a bord Purp. (D: Peridot Isle - Feb 94)
Arg mullety, a rose Az, barbed Vt seeded Or, & a point pointed Az
mullety Arg. (D: Sne nic Aindris - Dec 94)
Arg, 3 leaves in pile stems conjoined & on a point pointed Sa an
acorn Arg. (D: Marthe Elsbeth of Oak Hill - Jan 08)
Arg, 2 compass stars in fess & on a point pointed ploy Vt a
compass star Arg. (D: Duncan Darroch - Jan 04)
Arg, 2 crescents Sa & a fleur-de-lys Az, on a point pointed Sa an
Arabic ceremonial saddle Arg. (D: Salim ibn abd al-Rahman
al-Rashid - Mar 93)
Arg 2 crows ramp addorsed Sa & on a point pointed Gu, a dogs
head couped Arg. (D: Hrafn Dansson - May 91)
Arg, 2 hammers in salt betw in pale an estoile & on a point pointed
engrailed Gu an estoile Arg. (D: Louis Martel - Apr 88)
Arg, 2 unicorns combattant & on a point pointed Sa, a harp Or. (D:
Fiachra ni Ciardhubhin - Apr 88)
Arg, 2 unicorns heads, erased & respectant, horns crossed, on a
point pointed Sa, a python erect Arg. (D: Kira Asgrimsdottir Mar 91)
Arg, upon a point pointed Az, a sprig of rowan Arg. (D: Rowen
Lynn of Woodvine - Aug 79)
Az, a boar passant & on a base wavy Arg 2 bars Sa. (D: Wernher
von Wchtersbach - Sep 03)
Az, a decrescent & an increscent Arg, on a point pointed Or an
acorn inv slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Kenrick Bermyngeham Nov 94)
Az, a dragon ramp, on a point pointed ploy Or a rose Az. (D:
Tangwystyl verch Rhiwallon Ogwr - Oct 99)
Az, a hawk striking affronty & on a base indented of 2 points Or a
laurel wreath Vt. (D: Mylrune - Jul 84)
Az, a horse passant & on a point pointed Arg a drop spindle Az. (D:
Amanda OKellahan - Dec 99)
Az, a pair of stags attires, on a point pointed Arg 3 pallets Vt. (D:
Evan the Forester - Jul 94)
Az, a rainbow proper, on a chf Arg five gouttes de larmes & on a
point pointed Arg a goutte de larmes. (D: Victoria of Lochlann
- Aug 02)
Az, a red-tailed hawk in light phase striking affronty proper, on a
base embat Gu fimbriated a hawks lure bendwise Arg. (D:
Thomas Red Hawke - Oct 86)
Az, a stags massacre, upon a base engrailed Or, a lotus in profile
Az, slipped Vt. (D: Leif Huntsman - Feb 90)
Az, a tower & on a point pointed Arg 3 hurts one & 2. (B: Thorvald
Fridtjofsson - Jan 01)
Az, a tower betw 3 mullets one & 2 Arg & issuant from a trimount
Vt charged with a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Caer Anterth Mawr Oct 91)
Az, a trident or, surmounted by a nautilus shell Arg, issuing from a
base engrailed Arg, thereon a bar engrailed & invected Az. (D:
Hjalmar of Skiringsal - Aug 79)
Az, an eagle disp Or, beaked & membered Gu, maintaining in its
beak a Latin cross fitchy Or & in its talons a sword & a sceptre
Arg, charged on the breast with an escutcheon quarterly 1.
Wallachia, 2. Moldavia, 3. Banat, 4. Transylvania, & on a
point pointed Az 2 dolphins urinant respectant Or. (D:
Rumania - Dec 03) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, 4 bees 2 & 2 proper, on a point pointed Arg a brown mouse
couchant proper. (D: Julian ferch Luned - Jul 04)
Az, in chf 2 eagles legs conjoined in chev at the thighs proper, on a
point pointed Sa, fimbriated Arg, a bald eagles head erased
proper. (D: Axel de Orh - Aug 79?)
Az, in dexter chf a crescent Arg & on a point pointed ploy Or an
ankh Sa. (D: Anna Maria de Wittes - Aug 02)
Az, in salt a spiked mace & a double-bitted axe, in chf five mullets
& on a base embat Or 2 mullets Sa. (D: Gorlan of the Red
Lands - Aug 79)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 135

[Base - Charged - Complex line]

Base - Charged - Complex line (continued)

Az, on a scroll unrolled fesswise proper a candle & holder Az,

enflamed proper, on a point pointed Or a quill pen Az. (D:
Fortunata Cercasapienza - May 91)
Az, 3 Latin crosses, one & 2, on a point pointed Arg, a heart Gu.
(D: Alys Lavender of Blackwood - Sep 96)
Az, 2 rapiers in salt & in chf a mullet of eight points Or, on a point
pointed Arg a ship in full sail Sa. (D: Geoffrey Clwyd Mar 06)
Az, 2 sea-lions respectant Or on a point pointed Arg a fleur-de-lys
Az. (D: tienne de la Fleur - Mar 95)
Barry wavy of eight Vt & Arg, ctrch per pale, 2 towers & on a point
pointed Or a cluster of grapes Purp, slipped & leaved Vt. (D:
Evah Marguerita Palma de Yuste - Nov 84)
Checky Arg & Sa, 3 estoiles of eight rays & on a point pointed Gu a
cross patonce Arg. (D: Margery of Crosgate - Mar 98)
Counter-ermine, on a point pointed Arg, a hawks sin wing elevated
with a talon issuant Gu. (D: Ysabeau of Guildemar - Aug 05)
Counter-potenty Gu & Arg, upon a mount rayonny Vt a mullet of 4
points gyronny Arg & Gu. (D: Owen Bryghtstar - Aug 83)
Erminois, a wolf ramp reguardant Gu, on a base embat Sa a
cinquefoil Arg pierced Or. (D: Deenys Fitz Alan - Nov 06)
Gu, a ewe couchant & on a point pointed Arg a sprig of forget-menots proper. (B: Krista Silverlock - Jul 05) (For Ewe Notte
Gu, a lions head caboshed & on a base indented Or a harp Vt. (D:
Konnor MacAlpine - Jun 94)
Gu, a unicorn passant & on a point pointed Arg 4 broad arrows in
cross points to center Sa. (D: Rose Wynter - Nov 07)
Gu, an owl Arg, on a point pointed Or an acorn inv, slipped &
leaved Vt. (D: Sorcha Bermyngeham - May 92)
Gu, 3 pallets Or & on a point pointed Arg an escallop Gu. (D:
Simon of Holmrike - Jun 95)
Gu, 2 dolphins haurient respectant & on a base wavy Arg a fleam
Gu. (D: Cenwulf Bearwes - Aug 90)
Lozengy Arg & Purp, a dragon segreant Gu maintaining a gittern
palewise Sa, on a point pointed Arg a cauldron Sa. (D:
Elisabeth priod o Dafydd - Apr 92)
Or, a bulls head cabbossed Sa, on a chf wavy Vt 3 bezants & on a
base wavy Vt a bezant. (D: Cerdic the Bull - Jun 99)
Or, a catamount passant Sa & on a base indented Az a cup Arg. (D:
Duncan Angus MacAlpin - Oct 95)
Or, a coneys head erased contourny Sa & on a base embat Vt a salt
raguly couped Or. (B: Bertrade Deslapins - Apr 98)
Or, a dragon passant contourny & on a point pointed Sa, a bezant.
(D: Mechthild zur Drachenhhle - Jan 97)
Or, a dragons head cabossed & on a point pointed rayonny Gu an
amphora Or, a bord Sa. (D: Gwenllyen Potter - Aug 00)
Or, a galleon Sa, sailed, on a base engrailed Gu, an anchor Or. (D:
Lorin the Lecher - Mar 87)
Or, a lion couchant Vt, armed & langued Purp, on a base nebuly Vt,
3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Constance dOrleans - Feb 87)
Or, a lion couchant Vt, armed & langued Purp, on a base nebuly Vt
3 fleurs-de-lys Or. As an augmentation, a canton Gu charged
with a sun in his splendor Or. (Augmentation of Arms:
Constance dOrleans - Jan 91)
Or, a tree eradicated & on a base urdy Vt 3 acorns, 2 inv & one Or.
(D: Margery Winterbourne - Jun 01)
Or, a tygers head erased & on a base wavy Az a bar wavy Arg. (D:
Gwennan or Afon Rhedeg - Aug 84)
Or, an ounce ramp guardant Sa, incensed Gu, & on a base embat Az
2 bars wavy Or. (D: Hrothebert van Dyke - Dec 06)
Or, 3 boars heads erased close, one & 2, & on a point pointed Gu a
rose Or. (D: Vhram Basenaci - Feb 06)
Or, 2 ounces combatant guardant incensed & on a point pointed
Purp a castle Arg. (D: Alejandra Lucia del Castillo - Nov 06)
Or, 2 wings conjoined Sa & on a base indented of 3 points Vt a
laurel wreath Or. (D: Winged Hills, the - May 83)
Paly of 4 Gu & Or, 3 roses Arg barbed Vt & seeded Gu & on a
trimount Sa, a crescent Arg. (D: Vettoria Giovanna Cristina
de Monte - Jan 07)
Pean, on a chf Gu 2 pairs of annulets, each pair fretted, Or, & on a
point pointed Arg, a mailed fist appaumy Sa. (D: Michael
Bohun - Sep 88)
Per chev abased Arg & Purp, a dragon passant & a rest ctrch. (D:
William of Dragonrest - Dec 82)

136 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Base - Charged - Complex line (continued)

Per pale Arg & Az, a saltorel Gu & a leopards head cabossed Arg,
on a point pointed per pale Gu & Arg a rose per pale Arg &
Az. (D: Chyldeluve de Norfolk - Feb 08)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 crosses clechy fitchy ctrch Az & Or, on a base
embat Or masoned Sa a laurel wreath Az. (D: Harrows Cross
- Dec 00)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 lions combattant each maintaining a sword
ctrch & on a point pointed Or a crossbow Sa. (D: Duncan
MacDuff - Sep 02)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 unicorns heads couped respectant ctrch, on a
point pointed Gu a flame proper. (D: Louisa Lyppard de
Cattone - Jun 91)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 dragons combattant ctrch, on a base embat Or
a Celtic cross Sa. (D: Gallchobar macc Faelchon - Jul 00)
Per pale Gu & Az, on a base indented Or a sun in his splendor Sa.
(D: Issobell Slibe ingen Finin u Thuathail - Oct 00)
Per pale Or & Gu, 2 suns ctrch, on a point pointed engrailed Az, 3
annulets interlaced Or. (D: Cedrych Mac Shuibhne - Jan 87)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a swan naiant affronty, wings disp, atop on a
base wavy 2 bars wavy, all ctrch. (D: Vasilisa Lebedeva
Shadowlight - Jul 83)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 frigate birds close affronty, each on a branch,
ctrch, each throated Gu, on a point pointed Vt, a kraken with
tentacles in base Arg. (D: Aharon Rodriguez dAguilar Jan 86)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a fret & on a point pointed Arg a pair of shears
inv Sa. (D: Hrosvitha von Celle - Dec 01)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a phoenix Or, issuant from flames of fire proper,
themselves issuant from a base rayonny Or, charged with a
tower Sa. (D: Emeric of the Outlands - Jan 89)
Per pale Sa & Or, an oak tree eradicated ctrch & on a point pointed
Vt a laurel wreath Or. (D: Cairn Fell - Jun 06)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a tower, a laurel wreath, & on a base wavy 2
bars wavy ctrch. (D: St. Michaels Keep - Mar 83)
Purp, a cross of 4 seaxes conjoined at the pommel & on a base
wavy Arg a barrulet wavy Az. (B: William Scott of Blackwater
- Jun 06) (For House Saxford)
Purp, a griffin & a dragon combattant & on a point pointed Or a
rose proper. (D: Bronwen McFinlay - Sep 94)
Purp, a lion passant & on a base potenty Or a joscelyn Gu belled
Purp. (D: Joscelin de Lyons - Jun 95)
Purp, a rapier & a musket in salt & on a point pointed Arg an open
book Sa. (D: Malise of Sundragon - Jan 04)
Purp, a recorder Or & a quill pen Arg in salt, on a point pointed Or
a compass star Gu. (D: Taddea di Vercelli - Nov 92)
Purp, a sun & on a base wavy Or an escallop Purp. (D: Madeleine
Bonaventure of Alexandria - Aug 92)
Purp, a winged goblet Or on a point pointed Arg a single-horned
anvil Sa. (D: Raphael Eckhart - Feb 97)
Purp, in fess 2 goblets & on a point pointed Or, a bunch of grapes
Purp, on a chf Or, a dachshund couchant Sa. (D: Maximillian
Wilhelm aus Weinheim - Apr 90)
Purp, 2 natural seahorses addorsed on a point pointed Arg a crescent
inv Sa & on a chf triangular Arg a crescent Sa. (D: Mylisant
de la Croix - Nov 96)
Quarterly Arg & Or, a griffin ramp, on a point pointed Gu a laurel
wreath Or. (D: Avacal - Apr 94)
Sa, an eagle disp facing sin Or, on a point pointed Arg 3 crosses
flory, one & 2, Sa. (D: Emmerick von Adlershorst - Aug 93)
Sa estencely, on a point pointed Arg a cattail proper. (B: Wilhelm
von Dsseldorf - Dec 03)
Sa, fretty Arg, on a base indented Or, a fret couped Sa. (D: David
the Fretful - Dec 89)
Sa, in fess 2 rams heads couped close contourny & on a point
pointed Arg a rose Az. (D: Gerlach Wiesengrund - Mar 96)
Sa, semy-de-lys, on a point pointed Arg a rose proper. (D: Viviana
Rowe - Aug 98)
Sa, 2 natural panthers combatant & on a point pointed Arg a rose Sa
slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Vladimir Mechnik - Feb 06)
Vt, a bear passant & on a point pointed Arg a heart Gu. (D:
Valentina de la Bere - Jan 06)
Vt, a bear passant & on a point pointed Arg 2 roundels in fess Az.
(D: Stephen de la Bere - Mar 02)
Vt, a catamount ramp Arg on a point pointed Or a cats pawprint
Sa. (D: Melangell ferch Rhys ap Owain - Aug 95)

[Base - Charged - Complex line] to [Beacon]

Base - Charged - Complex line (continued)

Vt, a dolphin naiant contourny & on a base urdy Arg a rose Gu. (D:
Pierre de Montereau - Oct 07)
Vt, a mushroom erased & on a base wavy Or a goblet Vt. (B:
Bridget of Glenburo - Mar 84) (For House Greenglass)
Vt, a sea-bear erect & on a base engrailed Arg a skull Gu. (D:
Richard the Gude - Dec 83)
Vt, a sea-unicorn erect, on a point pointed ploye Arg, a gillyflower
Az. (D: Gillian Starke of Aberdeen - Sep 96)
Vt, a stags head erased affronty Arg & on a point pointed Or an
oak sprig fructed Vt. (D: Orum or Maen - May 07)
Vt, 3 mullets one & 2 & on a point pointed Or a tree Sa, leaved atop
a mount Vt. (D: Aethelwine of the Greentrees - Apr 83)
Vt, 2 talbots heads erased Arg & on a point pointed embat Arg an
open book Vt. (D: Cordelia Talbot - Jan 03)
* * * End * * *
Basil flower: see Flower - Multifloreted
Basilisk: see Monster - Dragon


(Fieldless) A wooden basket proper. (B: Dorothea van der Zee Feb 99)
(Fieldless) A wooden bucket proper. (B: Morgan Catriona Bruce Aug 99) (For House Blackpool Hold)
(Fieldless) On a handbasket Or, a letter "K" Vt. (B: Katherine
Constancia da Feltre - Sep 92)
Arg, in pale a lobster fesswise contourny Gu & a wooden butter
churn enflamed proper & a chf wavy Az. (B: Marion
FitzWilliam - Mar 07)
Az, a basket Or, in chf 3 snowflakes Arg. (D: Morwydd Fyngwen Feb 86)
Az, 3 buckets in pall handles to center & interlaced Arg. (B:
Amalric dAcre - Mar 05)
Counter-ermine, a bucket Or. (D: Mateusz z Plocka - Dec 05)
Gu, a bend sin cotised Or betw a dunghill cock & a basket of eggs
Arg. (D: Melissa the Poulteress - Aug 04)
Gu, on a cradle Or, 2 towers Sa, all within a bord Or. (D: Gloria
Kirkhouse of Tain - Oct 89)
Gu, 3 buckets in pale Or. (D: Linnett of Monadh - Apr 98)
Gu, 3 buckets Or within a bord counter-compony Or & Sa. (D:
Marcan O Brien - Oct 95)
Or, a round-bottomed basket within a bord Vt. (D: Caterina
Leonora de Forza dAgro - May 88)
Per bend Az & Purp, a bend dancetty Or betw a lit candle in a flat
candleholder & a basket Arg. (D: Tiernan Dugrais - Jul 02)
Per pale Gu & Purp, a handbasket & a base Or. (D: Lisabetta
Bartholomea Zanca - Jul 05)
Per pale Sa & Az, in pale 3 buckets Arg, each pierced by an arrow
fesswise Or. (B: Morgan Wainwright - Jul 98)
Per salt Or & Purp, a handgun rest Gu betw 2 baskets Or. (D: Alina
Mika Kobyakovna - Sep 93)
Vt, a basket & on a chf Or 2 ivy leaves bendwise inv Vt. (D:
Gwynneth wraig Rhys - Mar 98)
Vt, a basket betw in cross 4 roundels Or. (D: Amicia Readyman Mar 98)
Vt, a griffin sejant to sin, sin foreleg raised, wings inv & addorsed,
issuant from a basket, all betw 3 trees eradicated Arg. (D:
Therese of the White Griffin - Sep 89)
Vt, a Holstein-Frisian cow statant proper over a milking stool & a
pail Arg. (D: Garrison of Borden - Jan 74?)
* * * End * * *
Bat: see Beast - Bat
Baton: see Bend and Staff
Baton sinister: see Bend sinister

Battering ram

See also: Siege engine

Gu, a battering ram Arg, armed & trimmed Or. (D: Nicholas the
Unshod - Sep 87)
Per fess embat Arg & Gu, a tankard Gu & a battering ram Or. (D:
Maximilian Trolle - Mar 04)
* * * End * * *
Battle axe: see Axe
Batwing: see Wing

Bauble: see Toy

Bay leaf: see Leaf


(Tinctureless) A beacon enflamed. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Beacon

- Mar 78)
(Fieldless) A brazier Or issuing flames Gu. (B: Anastazia
Winogrodzka - Oct 92)
(Fieldless) A flaming brazier Or, overall a pair of open tongs Sa.
(B: Alan Smyith of Darkdale - Dec 91)
Arg, a brazier Sa enflamed Az within an orle of thorn vine wavy Sa.
(D: Elias Blackthorne - Mar 02)
Arg, a brazier Sa enflamed proper betw in cross 4 decrescents Gu.
(D: Usama al-Rashid - May 01)
Arg, a brazier Sa enflamed proper within a laurel wreath on a chf
indented Gu 3 garbs Or. (D: Ambergard - Sep 96)
Arg, a brazier Sa flamed proper, a bord embat per salt Gu & Sa. (D:
Rhiannon ny Rory - Jun 95)
Arg, a lighthouse Sa enflamed in chf Gu within a bord rayonny Sa
goutty Arg. (D: Karl Friedrich von Sturmhafen - Aug 92)
Arg, a rushlight bendwise proper, the dexter chf tip enflamed Or,
supported by a 3-legged iron stand Sa. (D: Richard Fenwick Dec 82)
Arg, a tower Sa, issuing from its roof a beacon flame proper, the
whole within a laurel wreath Vt, a chf enarched Az, platy. (D:
Eastwatch - Feb 90)
Arg, on a bend sin wavy Az, betw a beacon Sa, enflamed, & a
mermaid in her vanity proper, 3 rock crabs Or. (D: Alfred of
Blackledge - Jun 81)
Az, a beacon betw flaunches Arg, each charged with 2 escallops inv
Az. (D: Wir Coleshulle - Jan 08)
Az, a beacon within a laurel wreath Or. (D: Beaconsgate - Oct 88)
Az, a brazier Or enflamed proper, a tierce wavy paly wavy Arg &
Az. (B: Marcaster - Feb 06)
Az, a lighthouse Arg enflamed proper within in base a laurel wreath
Or. (D: Inner Sea, the - Feb 98)
Az, issuant from the battlements of a demi-tower a beacon Or
enflamed proper, a tierce wavy paly wavy Arg & Az. (B:
Marcaster - Feb 06) (For Order of the Golden Citadel of
Gu, atop a grey granite tower a copper brazier enflamed proper. (B:
Caer Mear - Dec 07) (For the Order of the Pharos)
Or, a beacon Sa enflamed Gu atop a mount Sa, a bord Vt semy of
oak leaves Or. (D: Isabel of Biconyll - Apr 95)
Or, in fess a quilliq abased Sa enflamed Gu & an inuksuk & on a
chf Az a mullet above five roundels enarched to base, the
center roundel issuant from base Or. (D: Nunavut, Territory of
- Sep 00) (Important non-SCA arms)
Per bend sin Az & bendy sin of six Or & Vt, in dexter chf a brazier
Arg, filled with flames of fire proper. (B: Katherine von
Schlosserwald - Jul 87) (For House Yew Bend)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 3 beacons enflamed ctrch. (D: Wenyeva atte
grene - Mar 03)
Per chev Az & Gu, on a pall inv engrailed betw 2 natural dolphins
haurient embowed & a lighthouse Arg six escallops palewise
Gu. (D: Anna Carye - Jan 04)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev embat betw 2 laurel wreaths & a
lighthouse Arg enflamed Gu. (D: Dun an Chalaidh - Mar 04)
Per chev Or & Vt, 2 chalices Vt & a flaming brazier within a laurel
wreath Or. (D: Bryniaid - Oct 95)
Per fess Arg & Vt, a lighthouse ctrch, flamed Gu, within a bord
ctrch. (D: Jacqueline de Cond - Jan 07)
Per fess Gu & Arg, a jesters hood Arg, semy of lozenges Sa, & a
round brazier Sa, filled with flames Gu. (D: Tamar of
Highmoor - May 89)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a beacon enflamed Or. (B: Valdemar Wendel
Bayard - Dec 02)
Per pall inv Vt, Az, & Arg, in pale a laurel wreath Or & an unlit
fire-beacon Sa. (D: Distant Shore - Dec 94)
Per salt Arg & Gu, in pale a dragon couchant contourny Sa & a
beacon Sa flammant proper, a bord counterermine. (B: Sythe
Blackwolfe - Feb 07)
Purp, a bend wavy Arg betw a brazier Or & a dove Arg. (D:
Katharine Whytton - May 07)
Quarterly counter-ermine & Or, a beacon ctrch, enflamed proper.
(B: Conrad of Northfield - Aug 84)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 137

[Beacon] to [Beast - Badger]

Beacon (continued)

Quarterly Sa & Gu, a beacon Arg within a bord Arg, masoned Sa.
(B: Lonely Tower, the - Sep 89)
Sa, a brazier Arg flaming Or. (D: Seamus Gillemore - Feb 98)
Sa, a brazier Or enflamed proper within a bord Or masoned Sa. (B:
Northshield - Jul 00) (For the Award of the Hearthstead)
Sa, a lighthouse Or, masoned Sa, enflamed proper, betw in chf 2
keys fesswise Or & a ford proper. (D: Ysende Herberiour Jan 07)
Sa estencelly Arg, on a lighthouse Or masoned Sa enflamed proper,
an anchor Sa. (B: Elvira Pedrosa - Jan 08)
Sa, in cross 3 compass stars & a brazier enflamed to chf Or. (D:
Lucius Mandefort - Jul 83)
Sa, 3 braziers Or enflamed proper. (D: Sigmund Spelmann Oct 01)
Tierced per pall Arg, Purp & Or, on an open parchment scroll
fesswise proper a brazier Sa, enflamed proper, in chf 2 swords
in salt Sa. (D: Ari ben Eleazer - Jul 80)
Vt, a chev rompu Arg betw 2 Celtic crosses & a brazier Or. (D: Sile
Linet OLoughlin - Jan 97)
Vt, on a chev betw 3 braziers Or, enflamed proper, a pair of open
tongs Sa. (D: Alan of Bois dArc - Jan 90)
* * * End * * *
Bead: see Jewelry
Beagle: see Beast - Dog
Beaker: see Cup
Bean pod: see Fruit - Other
Bear: see Beast - Bear
Bears head: see Head - Beast - Bear
Beast - Aardvark: see Beast - Anteater
Beast - Alaunt: see Beast - Dog
Beast - Amphibian: see Amphibian

Beast - Anteater

(Fieldless) An aardvark sejant to sin, forepaw raised, Or. (B:

Morgan ap Wynne - Aug 88)
Arg, an aardvark ramp & on a chf embat Vt a hammered dulcimer
Or. (D: Jamie Snawberd of Ross - Aug 99)
Az, a fess embat-counter-embat betw an anteater statant & 3
marigolds, all Arg. (D: Matilda FitzRichard of Lochaven Jan 86)
Az, a winged aardvark statant erect affronty, wings disp, in chf a
comet fesswise enarched, all within a bord engrailed Or. (D:
Godfrey de la Fosse - Dec 84)
Az, an anteater statant Arg. (B: Matilda FitzRichard of Lochaven Jan 87)
Or, a Malayan tapir statant to sin breathing flames proper. (B:
Symond Bayard le Gris - Sep 83)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, an armadillo ramp Arg. (D: Drogo
Rabenwald - Jan 04)
Per chev Arg & Gu, an armadillo statant contourny Vt & a comet
bendwise inv Arg. (D: Vallust Balstene - Jan 00)
Per pale Gu & Vt, a pangolin counter-ramp Or. (D: Saundby of
Shaleweir - Nov 80)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a bend ctrch betw an aardvark courant Gu & a
goblet Or. (D: Anne of Narnia - Mar 73?)
Sa, a Japanese tapir sejant, head raised, within an annulet Arg. (B:
Symond Bayard le Gris - Oct 86) (For Kameyama
Vt, an aardvark ramp to sin Arg, maintaining an axe bendwise sin
Or. (D: Gar of Loch Carron - date?)
* * * End * * *
Beast - Antelope: see Beast - Deer
Beast - Ape: see Beast - Monkey
Beast - Armadillo: see Beast - Anteater
Beast - Ass: see Beast - Horse
Beast - Aurochs: see Beast - Bull

Beast - Badger

(Fieldless) A badger ramp contourny Sa. (B: Frederic Badger Aug 03)
(Fieldless) A badger statant contourny atop an open scroll fesswise
Arg. (B: James the Obscure - May 00)
(Fieldless) A badger statant contourny Or. (B: Sasha Dmitrievich
Dozortsev - Aug 00)
138 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Badger (continued)

(Fieldless) A badger statant Sa. (B: Muirgheal inghean

Raghailligh mhic Seachnasaigh - Nov 03)
(Fieldless) A brown wolverine ramp to sin proper maintaining a
double-bitted axe Arg. (B: John von der Velde - Jan 99)
(Fieldless) A wolverine ramp Arg. (B: John the Idiota - Dec 00)
Arg, a badger passant guardant betw 3 billets Vt. (D: Louis le
Blaireau - Nov 02)
Arg, a badger ramp contourny & a chf embat Gu. (D: Elspeth of
Tyvidale - Feb 07)
Arg, a badger ramp Sa betw 3 standing balances Vt. (D: Gareth
Craig - Aug 03)
Arg, a badger ramp Vt within a bord embat Az. (D: Finnian
MacTaidhg - Jul 92)
Arg, a badger statant guardant Sa, marked Vt, within a bord Vt
semy of acorns Arg. (D: Brocc of the Isles - Dec 93)
Arg, a bend sin Gu surmounted by in pale 2 badgers counter-statant
Sa. (B: Adela of the Fiery Woods - Apr 84) (For Domus
Fratrum Divisorum)
Arg, a fret Gu surmounted by a badger statant Sa & a chf indented
Gu. (D: Muirgheal inghean Raghailligh mhic Seachnasaigh Mar 02)
Arg, 3 badgers statant Az. (D: Esa mac Duf - Oct 02)
Az, a badger ramp & a chf Arg. (D: Gregor von Eisenberg Dec 02)
Az, a badger sejant erect contourny Arg marked Sa maintaining a
thistle Or. (D: David de Bohun - Apr 99)
Az, a brock passant Arg incensed proper. (D: Nachum Avram ben
Benjamin ben Meir - Nov 03)
Az, a brown brock ramp proper betw 3 mullets Arg. (B: Richard
Blackbury - Nov 03)
Az, in bend 3 brocks statant Or. (D: Randall Brock - Nov 98)
Ermine, a wombat ramp to sin Purp. (B: Mathghamhain MacAlpine
- Mar 84)
Erminois, a European badger ramp Sa within an orle Gu. (D:
Myfanwy ferch Gwenwynwyn - Jun 84)
Gu, a billhook Arg betw 2 brocks combattant, issuant from base a
sun Or. (D: Liam of the Barque - Sep 73?) (Deceased)
Gu, a chev betw 2 brocks combattant & an open book all within a
bord Or. (D: Caissne Merdrech - Nov 03)
Gu, a wolverine statant Arg, orbed Sa. (D: David Manslr Jan 73?)
Gyronny Gu & Or, a brock ramp Az brandishing an axe fesswise
Sa. (D: Conal Brockgorm of Drumnacrogha - Aug 90)
Or, a badger statant Sa marked Arg within an orle of oak leaves
conjoined Vt fructed proper. (D: Marion del Okes - Aug 06)
Or, a brock ramp contourny Sa marked Arg maintaining a goblet
Gu, a chf embat Sa. (D: Killian Brock - Dec 90)
Or, a wolverine ramp guardant Sa, marked Arg, within a bord Vt.
(D: Cormac MacCumail - Nov 89)
Or, a woodchuck ramp proper. (D: Sengeli von Zauberberg Aug 79)
Or, in pale 2 badgers Sa. (D: Stiamna Gruamda - May 06)
Or, semy of badgers Vt. (B: Graidhne ni Ruaidh - Jan 88)
Per bend Arg & lozengy bendwise sin Arg & Vt, in sin chf a badger
ramp Sa marked Arg. (D: Aonghus MacThorcadail - Feb 97)
Per bend Sa & ermine, in sin chf a wolverine statant to sin Arg. (D:
Anora of Wolverhampton - Apr 90)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, 2 wolverines statant Arg. (D: Cainder nic
Sheanlaoich - Feb 95)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, a bend sin Or betw a badger couchant
contourny & a quatrefoil slipped Arg. (D: Conan MacPherson
- Apr 96)
Per chev Az & Vt, 2 standing balances & a brock ramp Arg. (D:
Brocc of Alderden - Feb 91)
Per chev inv Az & Gu, a badger ramp contourny & a chf Arg. (D:
Gretchen Constantine - Sep 94)
Per chev inv Purp & Or, in chf a badger Or & in base 3 comets 2 &
one Gu. (D: Martha Brockbank - Dec 03)
Per chev throughout Az mullety Or & Or, in base a badger ramp
contourny Sa marked Arg. (D: Isabeau Lallement - Aug 06)
Per chev Vt & Sa, 2 Catherine wheels Arg & a badger salient Or.
(D: Vladimir Musat - Mar 03)
Per fess Arg & Purp, a demi-badger ramp Sa marked Arg issuant
from the line of division & 3 marguerites Arg seeded Or. (D:
Mairghread Plonced - Sep 06)

[Beast - Badger] to [Beast - Bat]

Beast - Badger (continued)

Per fess Az & Vt, on a fess Arg betw 2 single-arched bridges Arg
masoned Sa & a badge ramp Arg marked Sa, a laurel wreath
Vt.. (D: Skerjastrond - Sep 07) (? typo for badger)
Per fess Gu & Sa, in chf a badger statant Arg. (D: Geoffrey of
Lorne - Mar 05)
Per fess Or & Az, a badger statant Sa & a round buckle Or. (D:
Brocgar Smylie - Oct 05)
Per salt Purp & Vt, a badger statant Or. (D: Algytha of Anglesey Mar 94)
Purp, a brock passant & on a chf embat Or 3 thistles proper. (D:
Kendall MacBhroc - Jun 92)
Purp, a wombat inv erect affronty Or pendant from a leafless branch
Arg. (B: Garrathe Ravenswood - Aug 87)
Quarterly Gu & Sa all crusilly fitchy Or, a badger ramp Arg marked
Sa. (D: Jost der Luk - Jun 08)
Sa, a badger ramp & on a chf invected Arg 3 reremice Sa. (D: Tyrvi
rotinn - Jan 03)
Tierced per pall Arg, Sa, & Gu, an American wolverine statant
proper & in chf a garden rose fesswise in profile slipped &
leaved Sa. (B: Cealmhain Realt Dubh - Aug 79)
Vt, a badger ramp Or maintaining a rose Arg, barbed, slipped &
leaved Sa. (D: Roesia de Grey - Oct 07)
Vt, a badger statant Arg marked Sa betw 3 mullets Arg. (D: Cecilia
de Conway - May 04)
Vt, a badger statant to sin & on a chf Or a sun Az betw 2 dolphins
hauriant respectant Gu. (D: Jan van Haarlingen - Jul 82)
Vt, a brown raccoon ramp proper. (D: Thorvald Gundaarsson Oct 07)
Vt, a pale & a base Or, overall a brock statant affronty Arg marked
Sa. (D: Aelfric Bernson of Westbrook - Jul 86)
Vt, 2 badgers combattant Arg marked Sa, in chf a roundel & a point
pointed checky Sa & Arg. (D: Eileen Dover of Calafia Dec 01)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Bat

(Fieldless) A bat Az. (B: Jared Edwardson - Apr 08)

(Fieldless) A bat disp Or, masoned Vt. (B: Marta as-tu MikaMysliwy - May 92)
(Fieldless) A bat-winged hamster segreant contourny Or winged &
collared Sa. (B: Wyewood - Nov 97)
(Fieldless) A pair of bat wings conjoined Gu. (B: Rolf de Chablis Aug 95)
(Tinctureless) A quarter-sun saltirewise illuminated in chf
surmounted by a crowned scepter palewise betw 2 bats disp
grasping a scroll folded nebulywise to base inscribed
"SEMPER LITTERIS MANDATE", overall 2 straight
trumpets in salt. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Vesper - Aug 79)
(Fieldless) A reremouse Sa standing atop a lemon Or. (B: Anne
Elaina of Rivers Bend - Dec 95)
(Fieldless) A 3-eared coney ramp Az holding a stick palewise
proper ensigned with a reremouse disp Sa. (B: Tobias Alan
MacKenzie - Dec 91) (For House Hasenpfeffer)
(Fieldless) In pale a Maltese cross & a reremouse conjoined Sa. (B:
Michel de Saint Didier - Dec 05)
(Fieldless) In pale a reremouse inv holding in its wing-claws a pear
Or. (B: Dvora Rise de Apors - Sep 94)
(Fieldless) Upon a pair of bat-wings conjoined Gu, a compass star
Arg. (B: Etienne Michel de Calais - Nov 91)
Arg, a bat & on a chf Sa 3 sets of 3 annulets one & 2 interlaced Arg.
(D: Donovan Synklar - May 05)
Arg, a bat Az within a bord quarterly Az & Sa. (D: Jared
Edwardson - Aug 03)
Arg, a chev Purp betw 2 crosses formy & a reremouse Sa. (D:
Fathir von Trier - Apr 03)
Arg, a chev Sa betw a bat & 2 lit candles in salt Gu. (D: Blaise
Makkynnay - Dec 02)
Arg, a pale Gu overall a reremouse disp head to dexter Sa. (D: Mat
of Forth Castle - Mar 02)
Arg, a reremouse disp Purp, on a chf Vt 3 wagon wheels Or. (D:
Alexandra Stick - Nov 98)
Arg, a reremouse Sa & on a chf Az 3 scorpions Arg. (D: Ealusaid
inghean Lughaidh - Nov 02)
Arg, a sword Gu betw in chf 2 reremice disp Sa. (D: Donnchadh
Kethe - Mar 01)

Beast - Bat (continued)

Arg, a sword inv betw 2 reremice disp Sa. (D: William the Sinister
- Dec 98)
Arg, five reremice in annulo heads to center Gu. (B: Cassandre
Nicole Loustaunau - Mar 01)
Arg, in pale a bat Sa sustaining a sword fesswise reversed within a
bord embat Az. (D: Algar Irenhande - Mar 06)
Arg, in pale a reremouse inv Gu & a pomegranate slipped & leaved
Az, seeded Arg. (D: Zhou Long Xi Xian Sheng - Oct 07)
Arg, in pale 3 pairs of bat-wings conjoined Gu. (D: Etienne Michel
de Calais - Nov 91)
Arg, on a bend Purp betw a reremouse Sa & a reremouse Az 3
mullets Arg. (D: Benusch Rickher - Aug 07)
Arg, on a chev cottised betw 3 reremice Gu five increscents Arg.
(D: Edouard Chartier - Sep 95)
Arg, on a chev engrailed betw 3 reremice Sa, 3 roses Arg seeded
Gu. (D: Lariszka of the Carpathians - Nov 91)
Arg, on a chev Gu betw 2 reremice & a raven close Sa 3 scourges in
chev handles to sin Arg. (D: Ciar O Byrne - Dec 01)
Arg, on a pomme within five reremice in annulo, heads to center
Gu, a dove rising, wings addorsed Arg. (D: Ynesyn Ongge
Xong Kerij-e - Jan 93)
Arg, on a reremouse head to sin Sa a standing balance Arg. (B: Clef
of Cividale - Jul 01)
Arg semy of trees couped Vt, a reremouse Sa. (D: Guilhem
Bosquet - Feb 08)
Arg, 3 bats Sa. (D: Elynor OBrian - Sep 02)
Arg, 3 bendlets enhanced Gu, overall a reremouse disp within an
orle Az. (D: Bran Emrys o Garnhedryn - Jun 90)
Arg, 2 batwings conjoined betw 3 hearts Sa. (D: Marcus Berenger
le Hert - Feb 97)
Az, in chf a reremouse, a bord embat Arg. (D: Matthias Fledermus
- Dec 99)
Barry bendy Arg & Purp, a reremouse disp Or. (D: Vratislav
Netopier - Jun 89)
Barry Or & Sa, a reremouse disp betw 3 anchors Gu. (D: Yiannis
Damianos Draco - Jul 87)
Bendy Az & Or, 3 reremice Gu. (D: Karl Faustus von Aachen Apr 01)
Ermine, a cross formy fitchy, on a chf wavy Az a reremouse
ermine. (D: Sexwulf the Transgressor - Feb 92)
Erminois, a reremouse disp head facing sin, Sa & a chf embat Gu.
(D: Edmund of Rhuddlan - May 99)
Gu, a bat Sa fimbriated Arg, the sin wing closed, perched on a
sword fesswise Or. (D: Trusyn of Terdolh - Sep 73?)
Gu, a bend sin betw a wolf courant to sin & a long-tailed bat disp,
all Sa fimbriated Or. (D: Hedgia du Loup - Jun 76?)
Gu, a cherry blossom betw in pall 3 reremice, heads to center,
within a bord Arg. (D: Miura Natsuko - Sep 94)
Gu, a chev Arg betw 2 reremice & a mallet Or. (D: Alleyn of Kent Apr 96)
Gu, a reremouse disp & on a base Arg a wheel Gu. (D: Catrin
Gwynystlum - Feb 99)
Gu, a vampire bat disp Sa. (B: Thorvald inn Grimmi - Jan 74?)
Gu, in fess a decrescent & a bat Or. (D: Ikishima Katsutoshi Mar 05)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a bat disp maintaining a fasces Gu, wearing a
barrel helm Sa. (D: Rinaldo of Blackhaven - Jan 87)
Gyronny of six Gu & Az, a reremouse disp within an annulet
enflamed Or. (B: Eric of Telemark - May 85)
Gyronny Vt & Arg, 3 reremice Gu, a bord Sa. (D: Dubheasa
inghean Dubgaill - Jan 05)
Lozengy Sa & Or, a pale Gu, overall a bat Arg. (D: Sabatino
Galante - Jul 04)
Or, a reremouse & on a chf engrailed Sa a decrescent Or. (D:
Katheryn Margarete de Ryes - Sep 03)
Or, a reremouse Sa betw six fleurs-de-lys Gu. (D: Angelique
Doucette - Apr 06)
Or, on a salt betw in pale 2 reremice disp Sa, 2 halberds in salt Arg.
(D: Gregor Omolegane - Feb 98)
Or, 3 bats within a bord embat Sa. (D: Derbil ingen Lonin Sep 03)
Or, 3 chevronels braced Az betw 3 bats disp Gu. (D: Phebe
Bonadeci - Apr 97)
Or, 3 piles, 2 from chf & one from base Gu, overall a reremouse Sa.
(D: Cyneric Dracaheorte - Jun 92)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 139

[Beast - Bat] to [Beast - Bear - 1 - Argent]

Beast - Bat (continued)

Or, 3 reremice Sa within an orle of hearts Gu. (D: Jacqueline le

Soleil - Aug 98)
Paly Gu & Or, a reremouse Sa charged on the breast with a Thors
hammer Arg, & on a chf Sa a sword Arg. (D: Ellisif
Bjarnardottir - Apr 94)
Per bend Purp & Arg 2 reremice ctrch. (D: Vladislav of Trgoviste Nov 91)
Per bend rayonny Sa & Gu, a reremouse & a wolfs head erased
Arg. (D: Bathevulf von Drakenburg - Jul 03)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a reremouse disp inv Sa. (B: Martn de
Suero y Tresguerras - Nov 91)
Per bend sin dovetailed Az & ermine, in bend a lantern lit Or & a
bat disp Sa. (D: Aedred the Far-traveled - Apr 85)
Per bend sin embat lozengy Arg & Sa & Gu, a crescent & a bat disp
ctrch. (D: Almedha of Anglesey - Jul 01)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, a reremouse & a unicorns head couped
ctrch. (D: Deredere of Northover - Sep 04)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, a reremouse Arg. (D: Chabi of Burkhan
Khaldun - Oct 95)
Per bend trefly Or & Sa, a reremouse Sa & a castle Arg. (D:
Rudolphus Heydenreich - Mar 02)
Per chev inv invected Sa & Gu, a reremouse disp & 3 fleurs-de-lys
Arg. (D: Denison ap Morgan - Feb 98)
Per chev inv Or & Sa, 2 bats & a sun in splendour ctrch. (D: Sean
Dobbs MacNair - Sep 89)
Per chev Or goutty de sang & Gu, in base a reremouse volant
contourny Or. (D: Kiera Nighthawk - May 97)
Per fess Arg & Gu, a fess embat counter-embat ctrch, in chf a
reremouse Sa. (D: Vladimir Zhaba - Dec 95)
Per fess Arg & Or, a reremouse Sa & a bunch of grapes Purp
slipped Vt, a bord Sa. (D: Arriel of Andros - Aug 92)
Per fess Arg & Sa, 2 reremice ctrch. (D: Diana the Dismal Jul 94)
Per fess dancetty counter-ermine & Sa, a bar dancetty Arg & in
base a bat disp Or. (D: Faustina von Schwarzwald - Aug 81)
Per fess Or & Arg, a fess embat Sa betw 3 reremice disp Gu & a
tower Sa. (D: Aelfric of Dorcestre - Nov 89)
Per pale Arg & Purp, a reremouse disp within a bord dovetailed
semy of crescents, all ctrch. (D: Monika the Fair - Oct 94)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a bat guardant, wings inv & disp, Or & on a chf
triangular Arg 3 annulets interlaced, 2 & one, Sa. (D: Payne of
Woods Rising - May 87)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a catamount ramp guardant Or, sustaining above
its head a rapier fesswise reversed Arg, in chf 2 reremice Or.
(D: Tomas Alvarez - Jan 05)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a demi-bat disp head to sin, on a chf Arg 3
mullets of six points Sa. (D: Talan Hackewrist - Mar 07)
Per pale Gu & Sa, in pale 3 bats disp Arg. (B: Morgan Alyn Alwyn
- Aug 84)
Per pale indented Az & Or, in dexter a candle Arg, enflamed
proper, in sin 2 Big Brown bats disp in pale proper. (D:
Katrina de La Rochelle - Aug 83)
Per pale Or & Az, a reremouse ctrch. (D: Ulrik Halvarson Apr 05)
Per pale Purp & ermine, a reremouse disp, head to dexter, ctrch. (D:
Arron Renyard - Jun 88)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a bat disp, on a chf enarched 3 crescents, all
ctrch. (D: Kathryn Amber Roche - Feb 90)
Per salt Arg & Sa, 4 bats disp ctrch. (D: Andrew of Elm Cottage Jan 87)
Per salt Az & Sa, in pale 2 reremice & in fess 2 decrescents Arg.
(D: Ingunn of Wyrmgeist - Feb 00)
Per salt Gu & Sa, a dragon ramp & in chf a reremouse Arg. (D:
William Martin Blacksmith - Apr 91)
Purp, a bat disp Arg, on a chf Or a jesters cap lozengy bendwise
Purp & Arg belled Arg. (D: Aislinn Chiabach - May 07)
Purp, a reremouse & a chf nebuly Or. (D: Arabella von Lohbach Jul 91)
Purp, in pall 3 Oriental bats tergiant disp, heads to centre, within a
bord Arg. (B: Clea de Hnedoara - Nov 88) (For Feng Heihsia)
Purp, on a pale betw 2 reremice in bend Arg, a reremouse Purp. (D:
strr Grmsdttir - Feb 08)
Quarterly ermine & Gu, 2 reremice ermine. (D: Antoine dAubry Aug 95)

140 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Bat (continued)

Quarterly Or & pean, a reremouse & a bord Gu. (D: Daphne of

Colchester - Jul 96)
Quarterly Or & Sa, a reremouse ctrch. (D: Chagadai Shira Jun 07)
Quarterly Or & Sa, 2 bats Or within a bord engrailed ctrch. (D:
Jakub z Prahy - Aug 06)
Sa, a bat disp Or pendant from a chf arched checky Az & Or. (D:
Garich die Fledermaus - Jan 83)
Sa, a bat semi-disp Arg grasping in its talons a serpent nowed Or,
all within a bord Arg charged with eight shamrocks Vt. (D:
Deirdre Muldomhnaigh - Jan 74?)
Sa, a chev Gu fimbriated betw 3 pairs of compasses Or, in base a
reremouse Arg. (D: Philippe de Tournay - Oct 95)
Sa, a cross gyronny Gu & Arg betw 4 reremice Arg. (D: Athalwolf
Tyrell - Sep 92)
Sa, a reremouse & in base a quatrefoil Arg pierced Sa, a bord
quarterly Purp & Arg. (D: Lachlan Mancerus - May 93)
Sa, a reremouse Arg, in chf an increscent Or. (D: Kara Temur Nov 97)
Sa, a reremouse betw 3 crosses formy fitchy Arg. (D: Damian
Crakebone - Aug 93)
Sa, a reremouse betw 3 fleurs-de-lys one & 2 Or. (D: Luceta di
Cosimo - Feb 06)
Sa, a reremouse within a bord ermine. (D: Irene the Questing Mar 93)
Sa, on a reremouse disp Arg a cross pomelly Gu, within a bord Arg
crusilly pomelly Gu. (D: Javier de Los Santos - Mar 92)
Sa, seme of roses Arg, in pale a harp & a bat disp Or. (D: Micheal
Fledermus - Apr 87)
Vair, on a pale Or 3 reremice Sa. (D: Nadrah bint Lulu al-Qadisi
- Apr 91)
Vairy Vt & Arg, a bat disp Sa. (D: Thomas the Diaemus Jun 73?)
Vt, a bat disp within an orle of caltrops, points to center, Arg. (B:
Dolcia Bourdon - Apr 97)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Bear - 1 - Argent

(Fieldless) A bear passant Arg, charged on the shoulder with a tau

cross Az. (B: Tirloch of Tallaght - Jun 04)
(Fieldless) A bear passant contourny Arg. (B: Bjrn hinn Heppni Jan 92)
(Fieldless) A bear ramp within & conjoined to an annulet Arg. (B:
Uther the Dark - Mar 08)
(Fieldless) A bear statant erect Arg muzzled & chained Gu
supporting a ragged staff Arg. (B: Warwick - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA badge)
(Fieldless) A bear statant erect reguardant contourny supporting a
berdiche blade to sin Arg. (B: Bjornsborg - Sep 03)
(Fieldless) 2 swords in salt surmounted by a bear passant Arg. (B:
Jean de Clermont - May 92) (For the Silver Bear Rapier
Az, a bear Arg within a laurel wreath Or, all betw 3 compass stars
Arg. (D: Small Gray Bear - Dec 00)
Az, a bear couchant guardant Arg within a double tressure Or. (D:
Thomas von Lbeck - Feb 06)
Az, a bear passant Arg betw 3 mullets Or, a bord Arg. (D: Clare de
Norwude - May 08)
Az, a bear passant guardant Arg & in chf a comet fesswise Or. (D:
Wenefrith Everett de Calabria - May 08)
Az, a bear ramp & in chf 2 fleams, all within a bord Arg. (D: Achsa
of Beresford - May 88)
Az, a bear ramp & on a chf Arg 3 seeblatter Az. (D: Matthias von
Wrzburg - Jul 99)
Az, a bear ramp & on a gore Arg a mullet of 3 points Gu. (D:
Vaclav Semjaka - Dec 90)
Az, a bear ramp betw 2 flaunches Arg, each charged with a bow,
string to center Sa. (D: Aleksandr Ivanovitch Budishchev Sep 92)
Az, a bear ramp contourny sustaining a halberd betw, in chf, 2
mullets of eight points Arg. (D: Wynne Snowmane of Ravens
Keep - Sep 94)
Az, a bear ramp maintaining an arrow bendwise sin inv Arg within
a bord Or. (B: Fearghus mac Domhnaill - Jun 06)
Az, a bear ramp within a laurel wreath & in chf 3 mullets Arg. (D:
Coldwood - Jan 93)

[Beast - Bear - 1 - Argent]

Beast - Bear - 1 - Argent (continued)

Az, a bear sejant erect & on a chf embat Arg 3 flames Gu. (D:
Grmr Magnsson - Mar 04)
Az, a bear statant erect affronty Arg maintaining in its dexter paw a
hammer Or betw 2 lightning bolts palewise Arg. (D: Ragnar
of Silverlake - Dec 95)
Az, a bear statant erect affronty in chf 2 drinking horns Arg. (D:
Bjrn Plsson - Oct 01)
Az, a bear statant erect muzzled, on a chf Arg 4 retorts Gu. (D: Alix
de Coucy - Apr 98)
Az, a bear statant guardant Arg, antlered Or, a chf rayonny Arg. (D:
Sean Donald of Caithness - Jun 98)
Az, a chev throughout Arg betw 2 gouttes dOr & a bear statant
erect Arg. (D: Thorstein fra Agnefit - Sep 85)
Az, a fess Arg semy of compass stars Az betw a coronet & a bear
statant Arg. (D: Gabrielle von Strassburg - Sep 03)
Az, a pale Sa, fimbriated Or, overall a bear ramp to sin Arg within a
bord Arg, ermined Az. (D: Artuir the Rogue - May 92)
Az, a polar bear counter-passant proper & in chf an arc of seven
mullets Arg. (D: Morrigan Fitz-Rolf - Oct 80)
Az, a polar bear ramp & 4 wolfs teeth issuant from sin Arg. (D:
Kay Adde - Jan 06)
Az, a polar bear statant to sin Arg, crowned of a coronet dovetailed
Or, within an annulet, a chf embat Arg. (D: Rowan Beatrice
vom Kampfer - Jan 88)
Az, a winged bear segreant to sin, holding in its mouth an olive
branch, Arg within a bord invected Arg, seme of stars of David
Az. (D: Daniello il Suonatore da Ferrara - Jan 87)
Az, in pale a bear passant & an escarbuncle Arg. (D: Gunnarr
sungr - Jul 07)
Az, in pale on a crescent inv Or a natural leopard passant guardant
Sa, & a bear sejant to sin reguardant Arg. (D: Ursula Katze Dec 83)
Az mullety of eight points, a bear statant Arg. (D: Christian
Jorgensen af Helsingr - Jul 01)
Az, on a bend Or betw 2 bears ramp Arg 3 sheaves of arrows
palewise Sa. (D: Fearghus mac Domhnaill - Jul 06)
Az, 2 swords proper & a bear ramp Arg. (D: Michael Arthur of
Kerry - Nov 04)
Barry wavy Az & Or, a sea bear erect Arg. (D: Leifr Beorn
Hrolfsson - Aug 98)
Bendy sin Sa & Gu, a bear statant erect affront, grasping in its
forepaws a halberd bendwise Arg, the bears jaws embrued
Gu. (D: Hagar Hagarson the Bear - Jan 81)
Gu, a bear dormant Arg holding an arrow Or a bord embat Arg. (D:
Gwendolen Kirkcaldy of Fawdonside - Dec 96)
Gu, a bear passant & on a chf Arg 3 monkeys statant collared Gu.
(D: Raignailt Sturemi Caithnes - date?)
Gu, a bear passant Arg. (B: Septentria - Jul 86)
Gu, a bear passant to sin reguardant & a chf embat Arg. (D:
Erann OConnor - Sep 90)
Gu, a bear ramp Arg & on a chf indented ermine a rose Gu, barbed
& seeded proper. (D: Constance Aveline Merrifield May 84)
Gu, a bear ramp Arg, in chf 2 double-bitted axes in salt Or. (D:
Siegfried der Starke - Jun 90)
Gu billety, a bear ramp Arg. (D: Bernard Stirling - Oct 04)
Gu, on a fess wavy betw a bear statant contourny & a mountain Arg
a laurel wreath Gu. (D: Caer Draeth - Aug 95)
Gu, 3 chevronels braced Arg, overall a laurel wreath Vt, & in chf a
bear passant Arg. (D: Septentria - Feb 87)
Gyronny Gu & Or, a bear ramp Arg within a laurel wreath Vt, a
bord ermine. (D: Cte du Ciel - May 93)
Gyronny Sa & Or, a bear sejant erect Arg, a bord ctrch. (D:
Thorkell Bjornsson - Dec 98)
Lozengy Sa & Or, a bear ramp Arg sustaining a banner per fess Az
& Gu. (D: Richard Conchobhair - Oct 01)
Per bend Az & Arg, a bear sejant erect & a drawn bow & arrow
bendwise reversed ctrch. (D: Dulcia Sabine - Aug 97)
Per bend Az & Arg, a bear statant & a mullet of six points ctrch. (D:
Arthur FitzRobert of Wiverneweald - Nov 98)
Per bend Az & Sa, a bear ramp & 3 axes Arg. (D: Uther the Dark Dec 05)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a unicorns horn palewise betw in fess a bear &
a bull combattant Arg. (B: Erik Loren Elcara - Aug 83) (For
Huw Iago)

Beast - Bear - 1 - Argent (continued)

Per bend Or & Vt, a koala ramp guardant maintaining a branch of

eucalyptus proper. (D: Alyson of Islay - Jul 74?)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a bend sin Gu betw a tower & a bear ramp
ctrch. (D: Mariana Christina - Dec 83)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a bear statant contourny & a dolmen ctrch.
(D: Arthur Bayn - May 04)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a bear dormant, a bord Arg. (D: Olgar
Bearclaw - Oct 92)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, a bear ramp & a double-bitted axe Arg. (D:
Wilhelm Siegfried - Mar 95)
Per bend sin Vt & Gu, a panda bear sejant affronty proper, in chf 2
estoiles Or. (D: Una mannvitsbrekka - Oct 04)
Per bend sin Vt & Gu, an oak tree eradicated fructed & a bear
passant Arg. (D: Artn Mac Darach - Jan 97)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a Russian Orthodox cross & a bear ramp Arg.
(D: Grigorii Borislav Kuropatva syn - Jul 01)
Per bend wavy Az & Arg, a bear ramp & an axe bendwise inv ctrch.
(D: Bjorn Berserk of ABakki - Jan 82)
Per chev Arg & Az, an anvil, an anvil reversed, & a bear ramp
ctrch. (D: Gareth of Gelderland - Jul 84)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 shackles chains to the outside & a bear
dormant ctrch. (D: Einarr Haraldsson - Mar 04)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 2 ravens addorsed Sa & a bear ramp Arg. (D:
Einarr inn spaki - Feb 07)
Per chev Az mullety of 4 points Arg & Purp, in base a bear passant
contourny Arg. (D: Ursula dArgentire - Sep 04)
Per chev inv Az & Arg, a bear statant guardant & a morningstar
chevronwise inv ctrch. (D: Sean Anthony Kilpatrick Dec 94)
Per chev inv Az & pean a chev inv embat Or, in chf a bear passant
Arg. (D: Thorkell Ranulfsson - Aug 91)
Per chev Sa & Arg, a bear passant & a roundel ctrch. (B: Maeve
Lindsey the Woodwife - Oct 85) (For the House of the Dark
Moon Bear)
Per chev Sa & Vt, 3 plates one & 2 & a bear statant Arg. (D:
Francis Bean - Jun 08)
Per fess Arg & Az, a longbow fesswise & a bear passant ctrch. (D:
Morgan Nightbear - Jul 92)
Per fess Arg & Sa, an eagle disp & a bear passant ctrch. (D:
Arnbjorn Karlsson - Nov 00)
Per fess Arg & Sa, 2 crosses formy Gu & a bear passant guardant to
sin Arg. (D: Quentin Sprecher - Feb 07)
Per fess Az & Arg, a polar bear passant Arg & a lymphad, sail
furled, proper within a bord wavy ctrch. (D: Cesare the
Merchant - Feb 88)
Per fess Az & Vt, a bear sejant erect Arg maintaining by the point a
dagger inv proper, an orle Or. (D: Mikill lfr Bjarnarson Oct 00)
Per fess indented Az & Arg, a bear passant guardant contourny & a
rose ctrch. (D: Katya Feodorovna Medvednikova - Nov 95)
Per fess rayonny Az & Gu, in chf a bear passant Arg. (D: Isibel
svianda - Oct 05)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a natural panther & a bear passant respectant
ctrch & on a chf Az 3 cinquefoils Arg. (D: Elena Glamorgan Nov 06)
Per pale Az & Gu, a bear statant Arg within a bord embat Arg,
masoned Sa. (D: Michael of Bearsley - Mar 91)
Per pale Az & Sa, a bear statant erect affronty & on a chf Arg 2
bears dormant respectant Gu. (D: Bjarki Hvtabjarnarson Nov 99)
Per pale Az & Vt, a 2-headed bear Arg, statant erect affronty &
brandishing in either forepaw a scimitar Or, all betw in base 2
Latin crosses Or. (D: Tokokan of the Cumans - Jun 91)
Per pale: dexter, Gu, a bear passant to sin guardant Arg, on a chf
invected Az a crescent Arg; sin, Arg, the arms of the United
States. (D: Missouri, State of - May 99) (Important non-SCA
Per pale Gu & Vt, a bear ramp guardant Arg. (D: Lachlan Bradoc Aug 86)
Per pale Purp & Vt, a bear passant to sin, in chf a seeblatt Arg. (D:
Yelizaveta Medvedeva - Jul 96)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a bear ramp contourny Arg. (D: Oleg Ivonovich Apr 97)
Per pale Vt & Az, a bear passant, on a chf Arg 2 equal-armed Celtic
crosses Az. (D: Lockwyn mac Aoidh - Nov 06)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 141

[Beast - Bear - 1 - Argent] to [Beast - Bear - 1 - Gules]

Beast - Bear - 1 - Argent (continued)

Per salt Purp & Sa, a bear statant betw 3 owls disp guardant Arg.
(D: Balfar von Grnwald - Dec 91)
Per salt Vt & Sa, a bear & a wolf combattant Arg. (D: smundr
vpni - Mar 05)
Purp, a bear passant, on a chf embat Arg 2 cauldrons Sa. (D:
William the Bear of Nottingham - Dec 88)
Purp, a bear ramp contourney Arg. (D: Mirn ben Dhiarmait Sep 97)
Purp, a bear sejant erect Arg winged & maintaining a sword Or
betw 3 plates each charged with a quatrefoil Vt. (D: Morgan
Torry of Cavan - Feb 96)
Purp, a bear statant Arg betw 3 sunbursts Or clouded Arg. (D:
Victoria MacEwan - Mar 05)
Purp, a bend embat-counterembattled, overall a bear ramp Arg. (D:
Douglas Brus - Jul 04)
Purp semy of trilliums inv Or, a bear statant guardant contourny
Arg. (D: Hywel ap Llywelyn - Jan 03)
Quarterly Gu & Az, in bend sin a Danish axe sustained by a bear
ramp contourny Arg. (D: Leifr Vagnsson - Sep 03)
Quarterly pean & Purp, a bear ramp within a bord Arg. (D: Gottfrid
Liljebjrn - Sep 86)
Quarterly Vt & Sa, a bear & a lion combatant Arg. (D: Arthur
Greenwood - Aug 07)
Sa, a bear & a catamount ramp addorsed betw in pale an arrow
fesswise reversed & an arrow fesswise Arg. (D: Uilliam mac
Maolin - Apr 02)
Sa, a bear couchant affronty within a great wave of five crests
breaking to sin Arg, in sin chf a plate. (B: Aelfric Bernson of
Westbrook - Mar 84) (For Bofutsure Kumao)
Sa, a bear dormant guardant betw 4 mullets of eight points in cross
Arg. (D: Lisettina Vadini di Pescara - Jun 91)
Sa, a bear passant, a base indented Arg. (D: Daniel Davidson Apr 98)
Sa, a bear passant Arg & on a chf Arg 3 sparks Sa. (D: Ursula
Gilforde - Dec 00)
Sa, a bear passant contourny Arg within an orle of bezants. (D:
Bjrn hinn Heppni - Jan 92)
Sa, a bear ramp Arg & a chf checky Or & Sa. (D: Cadwgan Ty
Mawr - Nov 00)
Sa, a bear ramp contourny & on a chf engrailed Arg, 3 bears
pawprints Purp. (D: Arnra Grmarskona - Jul 07)
Sa, a bear ramp to sin Arg within an annulet gyronny Arg & Az. (B:
Llwyd Emrys - Jan 90) (For House Whitebear)
Sa, a bear salient contourney reguardant Arg, on a chf indented Or 2
compass roses Sa. (D: Doneuuald MacEwen of Caer Arthwen
- Feb 97)
Sa, a bear sejant erect atop a mount & in chf 3 escarbuncles Arg.
(D: Nastassiia Ivanova Medvedeva - Nov 00)
Sa, a bear sejant erect within an orle within an orle of mullets Arg.
(D: Margarita de la Carrera - Jun 05)
Sa, a bear statant contourny, on a chf Arg a sword reversed Sa. (D:
Haakon Bloodaxe - May 94)
Sa, a dragon & a bear combattant, on a chf Arg 3 mullets Gu. (D:
Eldgrimr Brotamadr - Jan 94)
Sa, a fess invected Or, in base a bear passant Arg, a chf ermine. (D:
Giovanna Costanza - Mar 93)
Sa, a polar bear salient affronte proper & a chf embat Arg. (D: YoNa Morganstern von Sul - Aug 81)
Sa, in base a polar bear statant proper. (D: Alan Silverbear Aug 79)
Sa, in pale a mullet & a bear passant Arg, a bord compony Arg &
Az. (D: Stefan Alexsander Brenreiter - Aug 96)
Sa, on a bend sin betw a bear sejant erect & a tower Arg 3 mullets
of eight points Gu. (D: Conor MacNeil - Jan 96)
Vt, a bear passant & on a point pointed Arg a heart Gu. (D:
Valentina de la Bere - Jan 06)
Vt, a bear passant & on a point pointed Arg 2 roundels in fess Az.
(D: Stephen de la Bere - Mar 02)
Vt, a bear ramp Arg collared Sa betw 3 bezants. (D: Kieran Ursel Feb 06)
Vt, a bear ramp betw 3 mullets Arg. (D: Anna Katherine von Telgte
- Apr 07)
Vt, a bear ramp contourny betw 3 crosses moline disjointed Arg.
(D: Niall mac Broin - Jul 07)
Vt, a bear statant & on a chf Arg 3 Latin crosses fleury Az. (D:
Everard Gein - Apr 98)
142 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Bear - 1 - Argent (continued)

Vt, a bear statant Arg within a bord Or. (D: Marcus Vitellius Ursus
- Jan 06)
Vt, a bear statant contourny & issuant from base a demi-sun Arg.
(D: Matheus de Bera - Aug 01)
Vt, a lymphad, sails furled, oars in action, Or, flying 3 pennants,
overall a bear counter-passant Arg. (B: Vladimir ap Gwynne Nov 79) (For Fellowship of the White Bear)
Vt, a sea-bear erect & on a base engrailed Arg a skull Gu. (D:
Richard the Gude - Dec 83)
Vt, on a bear statant erect affronty forepaws elevated Arg a Thors
hammer Gu. (D: Jens inn draumspaki - Apr 01)
Vt, semy of snowflakes, a polar bear passant within a bord
engrailed Arg. (D: Ursula Aelswitha - Aug 87)
Vt, 2 increscents Or & a bear statant Arg. (D: Ingrid
Thurmansdottir - Aug 97)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Bear - 1 - Azure

(Fieldless) A bear ramp brandishing a sword Az. (B: Sebastian

Khnbr von Dreihgel - Apr 92)
(Fieldless) A 2-headed bear statant affronty maintaining in dexter
paw a sword & in sin an arrow inv Az. (B: Thorvald of
Bungay - Feb 92)
(Fieldless) On a bear passant Az a mullet Arg. (B: Clare de
Norwude - May 08)
Arg, a bear passant Az, its dexter forepaw imbrued & distilling
gouttes de sang, its sin forepaw atop a sword fracted in chev
inv Sa, all within a bord Az. (B: Eldrid Wolfsguard - Nov 89)
(For Clan Blue Bear)
Arg, a bear ramp Az maintaining a broken arrow, a base Gu. (D:
skatla Ketilsdttir - Aug 07)
Arg, a bear ramp betw 3 theatrical masks Az. (D: Ursula de
Santiago y Galiciano - Nov 89)
Arg, a bear ramp guardant Az wearing a jesters cap Or belled, all
within an orle of hawks bells Az. (D: Tatjana vom Hlst Jul 97)
Per pale wavy Arg & Az, a bear & a dog collared combatant ctrch.
(D: Andrew Cameron - Sep 06)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Bear - 1 - Fur

Arg, a cross fleury throughout Sa, surmounted by a bear ramp

erminois, betw in bend sin 2 fleurs-de-lys Sa. (D: Bertrand
lOurs du Rivage - Sep 83)
Checky Vt & Or, a bear ramp contourny ermine. (D: Birna
Valthjfsdttir - Aug 01)
Gu, a bear ramp ermine. (D: Sigismund Greussen - Mar 07)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a bend sin Or, overall a bear ramp contourny
ermine. (D: Jonathas Fitche de Abercrombie - Mar 93)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Bear - 1 - Gules

(Fieldless) A bear passant guardant Gu maintaining on its back a

castle Arg. (B: Halldor Rauthbjorn - May 02)
(Fieldless) A bear ramp Gu sustaining an axe Sa. (B: Vladimir
Igorevich - Aug 98)
Arg, a bear passant Gu betw 3 drinking horns Az. (D: Kolbjorn
bjarki - Apr 08)
Arg, a bear ramp & a bord invected Gu. (D: Eric Bjornsson Apr 88)
Arg, a bear ramp & on a chf Gu 3 Latin crosses formy Arg. (D:
Arthur Red - Apr 03)
Arg, a bear ramp Gu & a chf embat Az. (D: Halldor Rauthbjorn Oct 91)
Checky Sa & Arg, a bear ramp contourny betw 3 Jews hats Gu. (D:
David ben Benjamin - Jan 03)
Erminois, a bear ramp contourny Gu within a laurel wreath Sa. (D:
Westumbria - Jun 94)
Or, a bear legged of an eagles legs ramp to sin Gu. (D: Elfarch
Myddfai - Apr 89)
Or, a bear ramp Gu maintaining an axe Sa, on a chf indented Az 3
Russian Orthodox crosses Arg. (D: Vladimir Igorevich May 98)
Or, a bear ramp maintaining a mace bendwise sin & on a chf Gu 3
edelweiss blossoms Arg. (D: Thorin bjarnkarl - Jul 05)

[Beast - Bear - 1 - Gules] to [Beast - Bear - 1 - Or]

Beast - Bear - 1 - Gules (continued)

Or, a bear statant erect affronty, forelegs extended in fess, Gu, on a

chf Purp 3 hearts Arg. (D: Mary Rose Edwards - Dec 94)
Or, a bear statant Gu, on a chf Sa 3 crosses swallowtailed Or. (D:
Volodymyr Mykhailovych Dolhoruko - Nov 00)
Or, a bend sin Sa, overall a bear statant Gu. (D: Michael MacSein
- May 92)
Or, a grizzly bear salient Gu, maintaining a mullet within a bord Az.
(D: Eirik Rdbjrn - Oct 85)
Per bend ermine & counter-ermine, a bear ramp Gu. (D: Brichnicht
of Briarwood - Oct 92)
Per chev Gu crusily fitchy Arg & Arg, in base a bear ramp Gu. (D:
Giraude Benet - Jul 01)
Per chev raguly Az ermined Or & Or, in base a bear dormant
contourny Gu. (D: Raubjorn inn yngri - Mar 06)
Per fess Or & Az, a bear dormant to sin Gu & an hourglass Or. (B:
Caoimhn o Fiodhabhra - Sep 84)
Per pale Or & Arg, on a pale Vt betw a lion & a bear combattant
Gu, a fleur-de-lis Arg. (D: Merewyn de Courcy of Tavistock Jul 86)
Vair, a bear statant erect affronty Gu. (D: Grimhun Hroth - Jul 95)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Bear - 1 - Multicolor

(Fieldless) A bear statant erect affronty, arms extended, vair. (B:

Kathrine of Bristol - Aug 86)
Az, a giant panda sejant guardant proper, maintaining a star of
David Or. (D: Sarah bat-Ehezshkal - Dec 75?)
Az, in fess a needle Or sustained by a bear ramp Arg vested in a
fools motley lozengy Or & Gu. (D: Brynach MacCallum Feb 06)
Gu, a giant panda sejant to sin guardant proper maintaining a
Bowen knot Or. (D: Ragnar Norstrom - Dec 75?)
Per bend Or & Sa, a bear ramp ctrch. (D: Ursula Beaumont Jan 87)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a bear ramp betw 3 swords ctrch. (D: Willem
Herbertson - Jan 94)
Per bend sin indented Or & Gu, a bear salient ctrch. (B: Irial
Fasruadh hIarnin - Jan 03)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, a bear statant & an axe bendwise sin counterchanged. (B: Barak Elandris Bear the Wallsbane - Aug 89)
Per chev Arg & Vt, a bear statant erect ctrch, collared Arg, betw in
fess 2 crescents Vt. (D: Mavi of Misthaven - Jul 86)
Per fess Arg & Az, a bear ramp ctrch. (D: Taion Orbanus Mar 06)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a bear ramp ctrch maintaining a key Az. (D:
Andreas Bjrn - Feb 98)
Per fess Sa & Arg, 2 decrescents & a bear statant guardant within a
bord all ctrch. (D: Cwenthryth Wine - Mar 91)
Per pale Or & Sa, a winged bear ramp within a bord embat, all
ctrch. (D: Timothy of Arindale - Mar 89)
Per pale Purp & Arg, a bear statant erect affronty ctrch Arg & Sa.
(D: Artemas Maximus - Aug 85)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a bear statant ctrch. (D: Voislav Ivanovitch
Nevskii - Oct 02)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Bear - 1 - Or

(Fieldless) A bear passant guardant Or charged on the shoulder

with a cross crosslet fitchy Az. (B: Kevin of Thornbury Jul 02)
(Fieldless) A bear passant Or, breathing flames of fire proper, atop
a halberd fesswise, blade to chf, Or. (B: Johannes von Bern Nov 89)
(Fieldless) A bear passant regardant Or maintaining in his dexter
forepaw a torch Gu enflamed Or. (B: Gunwaldt Gullbjrn Aug 84) (For House of Gullbjorn)
(Fieldless) A bear sejant erect Or sustaining a cross crosslet fitchy
quarterly Arg & Vt. (B: James Andrew MacAllister - Apr 96)
Az, a bear passant to sin & on a chf embat Or 3 barrels proper. (D:
Thorfinn Jarlsson - Aug 94)
Az, a bear ramp, on a chf Or a martlet betw 2 trefoils Sa. (D:
Hildegarde Seidensticker - Oct 97)
Az, a bear ramp Or on a chf invected Arg 3 anchors Az. (D:
Margarethe Wessel - Aug 85)
Az, a bear salient & in chf a Ukrainian trident head Or. (D: Bohdan
Medvd - Jan 04)

Beast - Bear - 1 - Or (continued)

Az, a bear salient to sin reguardant Or, muzzled Sa, issuant from a
tower in base Arg, on a chf Or, a salamander tergiant Sa. (D:
Gregory von Lucida - Jul 74?)
Az, a bear sejant erect contourny maintaining a drinking horn betw
3 bees Or. (D: Federigo da Cadice - Sep 99)
Az, a bear sejant sin forepaw resting on a roundel Or a chf Arg. (D:
Malachy von Ulm - Jan 97)
Az, a bend wavy Arg, overall a bear passant contourny Or. (D:
Thomas Byron of Haverford - Jan 00)
Az, a chev inv betw a mullet & a bear passant Or. (D: Erika
Bjornsdottir - Jun 04)
Az, a chev inv betw a mullet & a bear passant Or, & as an
augmentation, on the chev inv seven triskeles Az.
(Augmentation of Arms: Erika Bjornsdottir - Jun 04)
Az, a fess erminois betw a rose slipped & leaved & a bear ramp Or.
(D: Anne of the Golden Rose - Jan 73?) (Deceased)
Az, crescenty, a bear ramp Or maintaining a scimitar bendwise Or.
(D: Hilal al-Dubb - Feb 89)
Az, on a bend Gu, fimbriated, betw a bear ramp & a lute bendwise 3
crosses alise Or. (D: Edward Anselm Bruinwood - Jun 83)
Gu, a bear Or statant atop a tower issuant from base & on a chf Arg,
3 roses Purp, barbed & seeded proper. (D: Siana of
Castletown Bearhaven - Sep 88)
Gu, a bear ramp dismembered & on a chf nebuly Or, 2 bees Gu. (D:
Dolan Madoc of Harlech - Jul 93)
Gu, a bear ramp maintaining a cross crosslet fitchy & on a chf
embat Or 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Sa. (D: Tatiana Dieugarde Jan 96)
Gu, a bear ramp, maintaining 2 goblets, Or, betw 3 plates. (D:
Bjorn Karlsson - Dec 87)
Gu, a bear salient & in chf 3 broadarrows Or. (D: Osmond de
Berwic - Feb 05)
Gu, a bear statant to sin Or. (B: Septentria - Aug 88)
Gu, a 2-headed bear statant erect affronty, forelegs raised, heads
addorsed, Or, collared & chained Sa. (B: Adiantum - Aug 89)
(For the Collar and Chain Award)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, a bear ramp maintaining an ax Or & on a chf Sa
2 bees Or. (D: Kilian the Black - Mar 08)
Gyronny Gu & ermine, a bear & a lion ramp addorsed Or. (D: Rolf
Sewardson - Nov 97)
Per bend Az & Vt, a mullet of 4 greater & eight lesser points Arg &
a bear ramp contourny Or. (D: Rhys MacArthur - Aug 00)
Per bend embat Sa & Gu, a tree eradicated & a bear passant Or. (D:
Stephan de Bosc - Mar 98)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bear passant bendwise sin & in canton a mullet
of six points Or. (B: Konrad Mailander - Aug 05)
Per bend Or & Vt, a beer stein & a bear ramp contourny ctrch. (D:
Edward of Smoking Rocks - Sep 05)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, on a bend sin Purp fimbriated betw a lion
passant & a bear statant, 3 bees Or. (D: Fredella Fiametta di
Lodovico Alamanni - Feb 97)
Per bend sin Vt & Gu, a bear ramp Or. (D: Aleksandr Belogorskov
- Apr 99)
Per bend Vt & Az, a bend betw a bear passant Or & a mountain
peak issuant from dexter base Arg. (D: Floeda fram Beran
Beorh - May 83)
Per chev abased Gu & Az, a Bengal tiger & a bear combattant, in
base an urn, all Or. (D: Deborrah Rodriguez Silva - Mar 84)
Per chev Gu & lozengy Sa & Arg, 3 urchins statant & a bear ramp
Or. (D: Michael Geoffrey fitz William - Sep 02)
Per chev inv Vt & Gu, in chf a bear ramp to sin Or. (D: Galfrid
Thynne - Mar 07)
Per chev Or & Az, 3 mullets of eight points one & 2 Az & a bear
ramp Or, a bord compony Az & Or. (D: Johann Lederer Nov 07)
Per chev Sa estoilly Or & Purp, a bear statant Or. (D: Beorn se
Gildene - Sep 95)
Per fess Az & Vt, on a bend cotised betw a bear passant & a heart
Or 4 gouttes de sang. (D: Orion Storm Bruin - Oct 05)
Per fess Gu & Sa, in pale a bear couchant & a cross couped
surmounted by a salt couped, all Or. (D: Tyrvar Hornblsari Aug 90)
Per fess Sa & Or, a demi-bear issuant from a cauldron ctrch. (D:
Harald Cristianson - May 00)
Per fess Vt & Az, a bear ramp maintaining a lightning bolt & a
dolphin naiant Or. (D: Asbjrn Pedersen - Apr 03)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 143

[Beast - Bear - 1 - Or] to [Beast - Bear - 1 - Sable]

Beast - Bear - 1 - Or (continued)

Per fess Vt & Az, a bear statant erect contourny & a bord embat Or.
(D: Angelline la Petita - Apr 02)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a bear ramp contourny & on a chf Or 3 Thors
hammers Sa. (D: Ragnarr Gunnarsson - Jul 03)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a bear ramp within a bord Or. (D: Zehle Dbel Aug 01)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a winged bear ramp & a chf Or. (D: Bjorn
Kathrynson - Jun 88)
Per pale wavy Or & Gu, a wolf & a bear combatant ctrch. (D:
Snbjorn Hkonarson - Mar 07)
Purp, a bend sin Arg surmounted by a bear statant to sin, all betw 2
cogwheels Or. (D: Aleksandr Iakovich - Jun 04)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a bear sejant erect Or betw 3 lozenges ctrch.
(D: Connor Levingestoune - Apr 96)
Quarterly Az & Sa, a goose rising contourny & a bear ramp & in
chf a crescent Or. (D: Christopher Gous - Nov 06)
Sa, a bear & a griffin combatant Or maintaining betw them a lyre
Arg. (D: Max the Minstrel - Jan 97)
Sa, a bear ramp, on a chf Or 3 spruce trees eradicated Sa. (D:
Tigernan MacAlpin - Aug 98)
Sa, a bear salient to sin Or. (B: Atalaya la Sanadora - Apr 97)
Sa, a bear sejant erect contourny sustaining a double-bitted axe Or.
(B: Curteis Svartslingr - Jun 97)
Sa, a bear statant erect affronte, sin forepaw upraised, within a
bord Or. (D: Gunwaldt Gullbjrn - May 80)
Sa, a bend sin betw a tower & a bear passant, & on a chf Or 3
sledge hammers Sa. (D: Cedric Steinhauser - Aug 90)
Sa, a demi-bear ramp erased Or. (B: Gunwaldt Gullbjrn May 80)
Sa, a double-headed bear erect affronty, forelegs upraised, heads
disp, Or, armed Arg, langued & orbed Gu, within a laurel
wreath Arg. (D: Adiantum - Apr 76)
Sa, a winged bear segreant guardant Or winged Arg. (D: Wernher
von Coburg - Jul 96)
Sa, a winged bear segreant within a bord embat Or. (B: Timothy of
Arindale - Aug 99)
Sa, in pale a bear dormant Or & a double-bitted axe Arg. (D: Braun
aus Krefeld - Nov 91)
Sa, in pale a tree eradicated & a bear passant, & in dexter canton a
label Or. (D: Christopher of the Golden Oak - Jan 83)
Vt, a bear & a lion combattant & a bord embat Or. (D: Daniel
Archer the Bear - Nov 01)
Vt, a bear passant reguardant within a bord embat Or. (B: Bjorn
Jorsalfar of Bearhaven - Jun 04)
Vt, a bear passant reguardant within a orle of chain Or. (D: Bjorn
Jorsalfar of Bearhaven - Jun 04)
Vt, a bear ramp maintaining a sword & on a chf Or a quill pen its
nib to dexter Vt. (D: Alexander Petrovich - Sep 05)
Vt, a bear ramp Or betw in cross 4 pine trees Arg. (D: Ursula of
North Woods - Feb 81)
Vt, a bear ramp sustaining a key within a laurel wreath Or & a chf
Or grillage Sa. (D: Forestgate - Dec 99)
Vt, a bear ramp to sin, on a chf Or a Celtic cross Vt. (D: Shauna
MacLeod - Feb 98)
Vt, a bear statant contourny Or, a chf indented point in point Gu &
Arg. (D: Calogero Urso - Aug 95)
Vt, a bear statant erect affronty dexter forepaw raised & sin forepaw
Or resting on a double-bitted axe betw in chf 2 pairs of arrows
inv in salt Arg. (D: Bjrn Kolbjrnsson - Dec 98)
Vt, a dance ermine betw a crescent pendant & a winged bear
passant Or, & a bord ermine. (D: Fiona nic Ferrall OCahan Jun 93)
Vt, a demi-bear ramp Or maintaining a tankard Arg, issuant of
flames proper. (B: Jason of Rosaria - Mar 88) (For the Bear
and Tankard Tavern)
Vt fleury Arg, a bear passant Or holding a mug Arg, a bord Or. (D:
Stephen of Northfield - Sep 85)
Vt, in fess a bear passant reguardant betw 2 towers Or. (B: Bjorn
Jorsalfar of Bearhaven - Jun 93)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Bear - 1 - Purpure

Arg, a bear ramp Purp within a bord embat Sa. (D: Ursula
Vbjarnarkona - Oct 91)

144 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Bear - 1 - Purpure (continued)

Arg, a double-headed bear disp Purp. (D: Seamus Blackhall May 91)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Bear - 1 - Sable

(Fieldless) A bear couchant Sa crowned of a coronet Or pearled

Arg. (B: Ardis Bluemantle - Jan 05)
(Fieldless) A bear ramp contourny Sa. (B: Blackstone Mountain Jul 97) (For the Order of the Sable Bear)
(Fieldless) A bear statant erect affronty Sa. (B: James Gislemar Feb 08)
Arg, a bear passant & a bord embat Sa. (B: Meridies - Jun 02)
(For Legio Ursi)
Arg, a bear passant Sa & a bord Vt. (D: Ricardo Oso - Feb 03)
Arg, a bear passant Sa & on a chf embat Gu 3 crosses bottony Or.
(D: Henry Leeds - Mar 91)
Arg, a bear passant Sa, on a chf Az 3 trees Arg. (D: John Kyle
Bearshaw - Jan 95)
Arg, a bear ramp & on a bord embat Sa 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D:
Geffrai Burlay - Sep 03)
Arg, a bear ramp contourny maintaining a flamberge Sa within a
bord embat Gu. (D: Gunther von Brandenburg - Aug 92)
Arg, a bear ramp, on a chf Sa 3 roses Arg. (D: Antonia di Marino Apr 98)
Arg, a bear ramp Sa. (D: Berlin, City of - Jun 95) (Important nonSCA arms)
Arg, a bear ramp Sa armed & langued Gu beneath a pen & sword
crossed saltirewise Sa, all within a bord per bend Vt & Gu. (D:
Peter von Emker - Dec 71?)
Arg, a bear ramp Sa, on a chf embat Az 3 mullets of six points Or.
(D: Simon Arundel - May 87)
Arg, a bear ramp Sa within in annulo eight double-bitted axes
palewise Gu, all within a bord embat Sa. (B: Alaric BearStalker - Jan 83)
Arg, a bear ramp to sin Sa & on a chf Gu a heart betw 2 oak leaves
Or. (D: Ulfarr inn frkni - Nov 04)
Arg, a bear ramp to sin Sa within a bord Az. (D: Barra Dubh
Fitzedward - Dec 90)
Arg, a bear salient to sin Sa, maintaining a heart Gu, within an orle
of bears paw prints Sa. (D: Nicolaus Bernhardt - Jul 88)
Arg, a bear sejant affronty Sa betw flaunches Gu. (D: Elizabeth the
Unknown - Apr 98)
Arg, a bear sejant erect Sa & on a chf enarched rayonny Gu a
lightning bolt Arg. (D: Andreas Jger von Holstein - Sep 07)
Arg, a bear statant erect affronty betw in fess 2 double-bitted axes
palewise Sa. (D: Rufus Thorhall - Feb 89)
Arg, a brown bear ramp maintaining a wooden mallet proper, within
a bord Gu semy of thistles Arg. (D: Conor MacAlister of Saint
Andrews - May 96)
Arg, a brown bear ramp proper atop a base embat Sa, masoned Arg,
& on a chf Az 3 crosses crosslet Arg. (D: Bronwyn the Scot Jun 85)
Arg, a brown bear ramp to sin proper maintaining an axe Sa, on a
chf Vt 3 triquetras Arg. (D: Fearghus mac Airt - Feb 05)
Arg, a brown bear sejant, its head couped, proper. (B: Ruth of the
Far North - May 84)
Arg, a brown bear statant erect affronty proper, in chf 3 hearts Gu.
(D: Ted Hebert - Apr 97)
Arg, a brown bear statant erect guardant proper within a bord
engrailed counter-ermine. (D: Zahava Tchauchik - Feb 84)
Arg, a brown bear statant proper betw 3 roses Sa slipped & leaved
Vt. (D: Isabella West of Pangeburne - Dec 01)
Arg, a brown bear statant to sin proper within an annulet Vt. (D:
Pdraig Donn McMathna - Aug 93)
Arg, a chev Purp betw 2 bears paw prints & a bear ramp Sa within
a bord Gu. (D: ririkr hslangr - Mar 06)
Arg, a Lacy knot saltirewise Vt & in base a brown bear passant
proper. (D: Thorgerd Karlsdottir - Jan 89)
Arg, a pall inv Az betw 2 pine trees couped Gu & a brown bear
statant proper, a bord Gu. (D: Benjamin Bernardson Nov 93)
Arg, a sea-bear Sa maintaining an Irish harp & on a chf Az a thistle
fesswise & another fesswise reversed, slips entwined, Or. (D:
Coinneach mac Risteaird - Jan 94)
Arg, ermined Gu, a bear ramp maintaining a double-bitted axe, & a
chf Sa. (D: Alaric Bear-Stalker - Jun 82)

[Beast - Bear - 1 - Sable]

Beast - Bear - 1 - Sable (continued)

Arg, in pale a brown bear sejant erect, its head dismembered, proper
betw 2 roses Gu, barbed & seeded proper. (D: Ruth of the Far
North - May 84)
Arg, in pale 3 arrows fesswise reversed Gu, overall a brown bear
statant erect to sin proper. (D: Sebastian the Bear - Feb 90)
Arg masoned Az, a bear ramp Sa & on a chf embat Az, 2 arrows inv
in salt Or. (D: Jaques the Spink - Nov 04)
Arg, 2 crescents Az & a bear statant erect affronty head to dexter
Sa, on a chf doubly enarched Vt, a fleam Arg. (D: Mary
Uinnbid - Mar 98)
Az, on a bend Arg betw 2 harps Or, a bear passant Sa. (D: Tirloch
of Tallaght - Oct 92)
Bendy Or & Az, a bear ramp Sa, on a chf Az 3 escallops Or. (D:
Beatrice SantAnastasia Silvani - Aug 92)
Bendy rayonny of six Or & Gu, a bear statant to sin Sa. (D: Ignacia
la Ciega - Nov 03)
Bendy sin Gu & Arg, a bear ramp, a chf embat Sa. (D: Aron
Niedzwiedz - Dec 98)
Checky Gu & Arg, a bear ramp in chf 2 paw prints Sa. (D:
Zachariah de Kane - Dec 97)
Checky Gu & Or, a bear statant erect Sa. (D: Morven of Carrick Apr 86)
Ermine, a bear statant, on a chf Sa 3 roses Arg. (D: Uilliam
MacCloskey - Jan 00)
Ermine, a brown bear statant erect proper sustaining above its head
an oak tree eradicated bendwise sin Vt fructed Or. (D: Brian
Mor OBrian - Sep 02)
Gu, a bear passant Sa. (D: Ursula Georges - Feb 01)
Gu, chap ploy Or, an anvil, a bear passant Sa, & a Thors hammer
inv Or. (D: Thorbjorn Gunnarsson - Jun 83)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, a winged bear ramp Sa collared Or & a bord
dovetailed Sa. (D: Bjorn hrsvartr - Apr 02)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, in pale a bear passant & a double-bitted axe
within a bord Sa. (D: Killian McDuff - Dec 92)
Gyronny Vt & Arg, a bear statant erect affronty Sa, on a chf
invected Gu 2 roses Or, barbed & seeded Vt. (D: Alfred
Humfrey Mihell - Jun 92)
Lozengy Vt & Arg, a brown bear ramp, maintaining in its dexter
paw a sword proper, all within a bord Gu. (D: Bruttus
Bernhardt - Jan 85)
Or, a bear dormant to sin Sa maintaining a halberd bendwise
reversed Gu entwined of a grapevine Vt. (D: Kali Harlansson
of Gotland - May 81)
Or, a bear passant Sa & a bord Vt semy of crescents Or. (D:
Bertone Montanari - Dec 03)
Or, a bear ramp maintaining an axe Sa, on a chf embat Gu a
decrescent & an increscent Or. (D: Angus MacRae - Oct 92)
Or, a bear ramp, on a chf dovetailed Sa, 3 escallops inv Arg. (D:
Georg Bereward - Mar 89)
Or, a bear ramp Sa, a bord Sa semy-de-lys Or. (D: Gaston
dAubrecicourt - Dec 98)
Or, a bear ramp Sa flaunches Vt each charged with a double-bitted
axe Or. (D: Morgan Murphy - May 98)
Or, a bear ramp Sa holding in its forepaws 3 apples Gu. (D:
Francesca Petrarcha - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, a bear ramp Sa on a chf Vt 3 increscents Arg. (D: William
Warren - Jan 02)
Or, a bear ramp to sin & in chf 2 bear pawprints Sa. (D: Kolbjorn
gylir - Jul 05)
Or, a bear sejant erect Sa, playing a straight trumpet Vt, on a chf
invected Az, an annulet Or. (D: Harald of Bears Haven Jul 88)
Or, a bear sejant erect to sin within a bord Sa. (D: Evan Uhl Dec 90)
Or, a bear statant erect contourny maintaining a bow & on a chf Sa,
3 harps Or. (D: Yitzhak ibn Yoshua - May 98)
Or, a bear statant, on a chf Sa a mullet within the horns of a
decrescent Or. (D: Teodoro lOrso - Nov 93)
Or, a bend sin Az betw 3 fish haurient reversed per pale Vt & Gu &
a brown bear ramp proper. (D: Duncan Mac Cracken Oct 97)
Or, a brown bear ramp regardant proper, on a chf embat Vt 3 Celtic
crosses Or. (D: Tobias Arth - Sep 94)
Or, a brown bear statant erect affronty proper, maintaining in its
dexter forepaw a hammer & its sin forepaw a sword inv,
standing atop an anvil Sa. (D: Artos Barefoot - Feb 08)

Beast - Bear - 1 - Sable (continued)

Or, a brown bear statant erect proper, muzzled Gu, chained Sa,
juggling 3 cherries proper. (B: John the Bearkiller - Oct 79)
(For House Bearkiller)
Or, a chev wavy Az betw in chf a stallion countersalient Sa & a
bear (brown) statant erect proper, & in base, an eagle disp Gu.
(D: Marius Phillipus Barbarus - Aug 79)
Or, a demi-bear ramp contourny Sa, sustaining an axe & issuant
from a base wavy Gu. (D: Mstislav Volodarovich Muromsky Aug 93)
Or goutty Gu, a bear ramp & on a chf indented Sa 3 arrowheads inv
Or. (D: Niamh ingen Raigillig - Nov 00)
Or, in fess a brown bear sejant erect to sin & an oak tree eradicated
fructed proper, a point pointed Vt. (D: Duncan MacGregor of
Gleann Abhann - Jan 06)
Or, in pale a Coptic cross Sa & a brown bear statant contourny
proper. (D: Aurora the Joyful - Aug 02)
Or, on a bend sin Az seven lozenges Or, overall a bear ramp Sa. (D:
Conrad Erich von Brixen - Jan 93)
Or, semy of lozenges Az, a brown bear ramp to sin proper. (D:
Anne FitzAlan of Castle Combe - Dec 01)
Per bend Arg & Az, a bear ramp Sa & a Paschal lamb passant Arg
maintaining a wooden staff proper flying a banner Purp. (D:
Diamante da Berra - Nov 05)
Per bend Arg & Az, a brown bear passant bendwise proper & in salt
a double-bitted battle-axe & a hammer Or. (D: Wilhelm
Karlsson - May 83)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a brown bear passant proper & a cross fleury
Arg. (D: Jehanne de Nimes - Nov 04)
Per bend Or & Sa semy of broadarrows Or, on a bend Vt a sword
inv Or, in chf a bear ramp Sa. (D: Bernard von Budweis Dec 98)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a bear ramp to sin Sa & a mullet of eight
points Or. (D: Jocelyn de Biers - Jan 89)
Per bend sin Or & Az, a brown bear statant erect proper & an Irish
harp Or. (D: Siobhan Eibhlin ni Mhathghamhna - Apr 83)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a bend sin Or betw a moon in her plenitude
& a bear ramp ctrch. (D: Uther Ainsheasccar - Sep 05)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a Thors hammer & a bear passant to sin,
ctrch. (B: Thorbjorn Thordarson - Aug 88) (For House of
Thors Bear)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, a brown bear ramp proper & in chf 3 torques
Arg. (D: Arailt of Dinsmore - Oct 05)
Per chev Arg & Gu, in chf a compass star above a bear passant Sa.
(D: Saavogg Haraldssn - Sep 80)
Per chev Az & Arg, 3 estoiles in fess Arg & a brown bear ramp
proper. (D: Jared the Potter - Jan 01)
Per chev Az crusily & Arg, in base a bear passant Sa. (D: Stephan
von Dringen - May 98)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 thistles Or & a bear ramp Sa. (D: Robert
Crosar - Jul 03)
Per chev Gu & Or, in chf 3 owls Or & in base a bear ramp Sa. (D:
Wilhelm Brune der Ber - Apr 96)
Per chev nebuly Gu & Or, 2 martlets respectant Or & a bear passant
Sa. (D: Richard Byron of Beaumaris - Apr 85)
Per chev Or & Az, a grizzly bear ramp proper. (D: Olaf Bjornson Aug 82)
Per chev Sa & Or, 2 cracked mugs Arg & a bear ramp brandishing a
sword Sa. (D: John the Bear - Dec 92)
Per chev throughout Az & Arg, a bear ramp Sa within a double
tressure ctrch. (D: Gareth le Bruin - Nov 93)
Per chev throughout Vt & Arg, 2 laurel wreaths Arg & a brown bear
ramp proper, maintaining in its mouth a fish Gu. (D: Pavlok
Gorod - Sep 07)
Per fess Arg & Gu, a bear passant to sin Sa & on a plate a valknut
Sa. (D: orgeirr Valbjarnarson - Sep 03)
Per fess Arg & Or, a brown demi-bear erect issuant from the line of
division proper & on an open book Az a garden rose, slipped
& leaved, fesswise Or. (D: Loveday Lancaster - Jul 91)
Per fess Az & Arg, a European Brown Bear statant erect proper,
grasping in its dexter forepaw a sword Arg, hilted Sa. (D:
Mixial Medvedev iz Kieva - Aug 80)
Per fess Gu & Arg, 3 piles in point ctrch, overall a bear statant
guardant Sa. (D: David le Cass - May 90)
Per fess Gu & Vt, in chf in salt a mace surmounted by a sword, both
surmounted by a bow reversed palewise Or, & in base a brown
bear statant proper. (D: Michael of Hammond - Nov 79)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 145

[Beast - Bear - 1 - Sable] to [Beast - Bear - 2]

Beast - Bear - 1 - Sable (continued)

Per fess indented Arg & Sa, a bear statant & a laurel wreath ctrch.
(D: Tir Bannog - Oct 00)
Per fess Or & Arg, in chf a brown bear statant reguardant proper,
maintaining in its mouth a fish embowed Arg, & in base a bow
bendwise sin reversed surmounted by 3 arrows bendwise inv
Sa. (D: Knut Skytja Thorngundobald - Jan 84)
Per fess Or & Sa, a bear ramp & a doumbek ctrch. (B: Achbar ibn
Ali - Jul 06)
Per pale fleury-counter-fleury Vt crusilly couped & Arg, in sin a
bear ramp Sa. (D: David of Carillion - May 07)
Per pale Gu & Or, a lion ramp Or & a bear sejant erect contourny
Sa, a point pointed ermine. (D: Gary Tavistok - Oct 92)
Per pale Or & Sa, a bear & a lion combattant ctrch, a chf triangular
chequy Sa & Or. (D: Caradoc Danyllson of Botley Grange Jun 88)
Per salt Arg & Gu, a brown bear statant erect to sin proper betw in
fess 2 spears palewise Sa, hafted Or. (D: Berengaria Rossi Feb 89)
Per salt Arg & Vt, in pale a tree eradicated proper & a bear statant
erect affronty Sa. (D: Ysabel Glyn Dwr - Jul 06)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a bear statant to sin & on a chf Sa 3 doublebitted axes Arg. (D: Bjorn bunhauss lfsson - Nov 05)
Quarterly Gu & Or, a bear statant reguardant Sa. (D: Diego
Mundoz - Jul 05)
Quarterly Or & Arg, a winged bear ramp to sin, wings elevated &
addorsed, Sa, grasping in its dexter forepaw a mace Gu. (D:
Baragan Baildagci Babagai - Sep 87)
Vt, a grizzly bear counter-ramp proper. (D: Bess the Obscure Jan 81)
Vt, on a chev Or, 3 sprigs of mistletoe Sa, on a chf embat Or, a
brown bear sejant erect proper. (D: Tadhg ua hIcidhe AnArtuil - Jan 86)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Bear - 1 - Vert

(Fieldless) A bear statant erect Vt grasping in its dexter paw a

sword & in its sin paw a spear, both proper. (B: Sebastian von
Baden - Feb 81)
Arg, a bear dormant guardant Vt within a bord engrailed Sa. (D:
Robert of Griffinholme - Sep 96)
Arg, a bear ramp Vt & on a bord Sa 3 thistles Or. (D: Gianetta
Lucia Allegretta - Aug 90)
Arg, a bear sejant erect affronty paws outstretched Vt betw in salt 4
lowercase letters "pi" Purp. (D: Theodosia of the Isles Nov 06)
Arg, a bear statant Vt. (D: Cassia MacWilliam - Feb 02)
Or, a bear ramp, maintaining an axe, within a bord embat Vt. (D:
Thorvald of Vulkanfeld - Nov 87)
Per bend Or & Vt, a bear ramp & an anchor ctrch. (D: Anlon
MacMatha - May 91)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Bear - 2

(Fieldless) 2 polar bears combattant proper, gorged of belled

collars Or. (B: Morrigan Fitz-Rolf - Oct 80)
Arg, a bend sin Gu betw 2 bears ramp addorsed & a rose slipped &
leaved bendwise sin Sa. (D: Jehan Franc de Blauvac Apr 00)
Arg, a fret betw in pale 2 ravens rising, right foreleg raised, wings
addorsed & inv Sa, & in fess 2 bears ramp Gu. (D:
Mathghamhain MacCionaoith - Jun 04)
Arg, a tree Vt betw 2 bears combattant Sa & issuant from a base Vt
charged with a Maltese cross Arg. (D: Parzifal sans Peur Jun 92)
Arg, on a bend Gu betw 2 bears statant Sa a laurel wreath palewise
Arg. (D: Baerenau - Sep 03)
Arg, on a bend Gu betw 2 brown bears statant proper 3 increscents
palewise Arg. (D: Malik Medvedchik - Oct 03)
Arg, on a bend Vt betw 2 brown bears ramp the basemost contourny
proper 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Cosimo Orsini - Nov 02)
Arg, on a pile throughout Gu betw 2 bears ramp addorsed Sa a torch
Or. (D: William Alexander Johnston - Jan 04)
Arg, 2 bears combatant Sa & a wooden chest proper, a bord Az. (D:
Margaret of Starkhafn - Aug 00)
Arg, 2 bears combattant Gu & a rose, a chf engrailed Az. (D:
Gabriele Ren de Bernard - Jan 00)
146 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Bear - 2 (continued)

Arg, 2 bears sejant erect addorsed Sa, on a chf Az 3 standing

balances Arg, a ford proper. (D: Katerina von Breslau Nov 00)
Arg, 2 brown bears combattant proper & on a chf indented Vt 3
mullets of eight points Or. (D: Thomas of Selviergard Oct 03)
Arg, 2 brown bears combattant proper maintaining a roundel
erminois pierced by a sword inv Az. (D: Edward of Tatham Aug 84)
Arg, 2 she-bears combatant Gu, maintaining betw them 2 arrows
inv in salt, in base an open book Sa within a laurel wreath
proper. (D: Saint Ursula - Nov 90)
Az, a patriarchal cross throughout betw in base 2 bears combattant
Arg. (D: Nathon of Arindale - Jun 87)
Az, on a pale betw 2 bears combattant each maintaining a battle axe
Arg a tower Az. (D: Angrim the Unreasonable - Oct 00)
Az, 2 bears combattant & in chf a compass star Arg. (D: orlkr
bjarki Eirksson - Nov 04)
Az, 2 bears ramp addorsed Arg & a chf embat Or. (D: Bjorn
trollfirzki - Apr 08)
Az, 2 bears ramp addorsed regardant Arg, each sustaining a
berdiche proper, in base a laurel wreath Or. (D: Bjornsborg Apr 08)
Az, 2 bears ramp addorsed within a bord embat Arg. (D: Fferyl ap
Llywelyn - Nov 92)
Az, 2 bears statant erect respectant Or within six plates in annulo.
(D: Josef Gajdos - Oct 84)
Az, 2 flaunches Or, overall 2 brown bears sejant addorsed proper.
(D: Ronald of Bywater - Apr 73?)
Counter-ermine, a pale embat betw 2 bears combattant Arg. (D:
Olaf Bearcrusher - Jan 87)
Gu, on a bend sin cotised betw 2 bears passant guardant Or, a quill
Sa. (D: Ursula von Mnchwald - Jan 85)
Gu, 2 bears combatant sustaining betw them a wagon wheel Or. (D:
Kisaiya Sonakeyeskie - Jul 96)
Gu, 2 bears ramp addorsed Or, each maintaining a scimitar Arg, on
a chf triangular Or, 3 crescents, 2 & one, Gu. (D: Valerian
Zakharevitch Druzhinnik - Apr 89)
Lozengy Arg & Az, 2 brown bears ramp reguardant proper, on a chf
Gu 3 crosses couped Or. (D: Thorbjorn Kristiansson Apr 01)
Lozengy Arg & Gu, 2 bears combatant Sa within a bord Or. (D:
Svetokhna Nikolaevna doch - Dec 04)
Or, a chev Az betw 2 bears combattant Gu & a horseshoe inv Az.
(B: Tukke Kirk - Sep 03)
Or, a chev Gu betw 2 brown bears salient combattant proper & a
laurel wreath Vt. (D: College on the Hill - Jan 82)
Or, a grapevine palewise throughout Vt, fructed Purp, betw 2 brown
bears combattant proper. (D: Geoffrey de Belleville - Oct 82)
Or, 2 bears combattant Sa within an orle of escallops inv Purp. (D:
Antoinette Clarissa du Bte - Sep 97)
Or, 2 bears statant respectant Gu & a mountain Sa. (D: Krag
MacYntier - Apr 03)
Per bend Az & Sa, a bend bretessed betw 2 bears ramp Arg. (D:
Gunter Brummbr von Schwarzberg - Jun 92)
Per bend sin Gu & Or, 2 bears passant ctrch. (D: Jean de Clermont
- May 92)
Per chev Arg & counter-ermine, 2 bears combattant ctrch. (D:
Robert Wylmot - Feb 87)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 winged bears combattant Arg & a thistle
proper, a bord ctrch. (D: Clare inghean Dhmhnuill Feb 00)
Per chev Az & Purp, a chev Arg betw 2 bears sejant erect respectant
Or & a peach tree couped Arg fructed Or. (D: Anna Zen Aug 07)
Per chev Az & Sa, 2 polar bears combattant & a bord Arg. (D:
Griffyn Cleisiog ap Madoc - Dec 90)
Per chev ermine & Gu, 2 bears ramp Sa, each holding a longbow
Gu, & an open book Arg charged with a tankard Sa. (D:
Thomas of Bear Woods - Jan 94)
Per chev Or & Purp, 2 bears combatant Gu & an owl disp Or. (D:
Aleksei Nikolai Rusianov - Feb 07)
Per chev potenty Arg & Purp, 2 bears ramp addorsed, the dexter
maintaining a cross, the sin maintaining a rose Sa, slipped &
leaved Vt, in base a tree, blasted & eradicated, Arg. (D:
William Miesko - Mar 88)

[Beast - Bear - 2] to [Beast - Boar]

Beast - Bear - 2 (continued)

Per fess embat Vt & Arg, in pale 2 bears ramp addorsed Or & 3
roses Gu. (D: Jason of Rosaria - Oct 82)
Per pale & per bend sin Az & chequy Arg & Sa, in bend 2 bears
ramp Arg. (D: Kalle Karhumainen - May 90)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 bears ramp addorsed ctrch. (D: Thorfinn
Sigurdson - Apr 96)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a tree betw in base 2 bears ramp addorsed ctrch.
(D: Wolfrath Jger - Apr 03)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 bears statant erect respectant ctrch collared
Gu. (D: Adalhard Bjrnsson - Nov 98)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 bears combattant Arg & Sa, each maintaining
a battle axe Or, & in base a mullet of eight points ctrch. (D:
Sean Patrick Cornelius McMann - Jun 86)
Per pale embat Gu & Arg, 2 bears combattant & in chf an arrow
fesswise ctrch. (D: Ursul Vladislavl pravnuk - Mar 05)
Per pale Gu & Arg, in pale a chevronel couped palewise & 2
crosses patty ctrch, as an augmentation, on an escutcheon Az,
2 bears passant erect addorsed reguardant Arg, each
maintaining a berdiche proper, in base an annulet Or.
(Augmentation of Arms: Jan w Orzeldom - Dec 93)
Per pale Gu & Az, on a pale embat counter-embat Arg betw 2 bears
combattant Or, a sword inv Sa. (D: Bjrn gullhrr - Nov 96)
Per pale Gu & Or, 2 bears combattant maintaining battle-axes ctrch.
(D: Toirdhealbhach MacMathghamhain - Feb 07)
Per pale Gu & Or, 2 bears combattant maintaining battles-axes
ctrch. (D: Toirdhealbhach MacMathghamhain - Sep 91)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 bears combatant within an orle of rope Or. (D:
Egill Gullbjarnarson - Jan 06)
Per pale indented Purp & Or, a fountain betw 2 bears combattant
ctrch. (D: Uilliam MacCloskey - Mar 95)
Per pale Or & Gu, 2 bears combattant ctrch & on a chf Sa a bears
pawprint Arg. (D: Sean Ladds - Jul 05)
Per pale Or & Vt, 2 bears combattant ctrch. (D: Tobias der Starke Jul 98)
Per pale potenty Az & Or, 2 bears ramp addorsed ctrch. (D: Hugh
Gottfried von Regensburg - Jun 92)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 bears combattant ctrch & on a chf Gu 3
bezants. (D: ra ttarsdttir - Jan 03)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 bears ramp addorsed ctrch. (D: Duncan
Thorfinn - May 89)
Per pale Sa & Az, 2 bears statant erect addorsed Arg each
maintaining a spear, on a chf triangular Or an increscent Az.
(D: Glmr sbjarnarson - Jan 98)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 2 bears combattant within an orle Arg. (B: Bryon
lOurs dArgent de Bourgogne - Jan 04)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a demi-sun & 2 bears ramp addorsed one & 2
Arg. (D: Gwilim Bryn - Jan 05)
Per pall Arg Az & Vt, a double-horned anvil Vt & 2 bears
combattant Arg. (D: Bjorn Thorsson - Jan 03)
Per pall rayonny Gu, Sa & Or, a bear Az & a bear Or combattant.
(D: orbjorn Karlsson - Oct 04)
Per salt Sa & Or, in pale 2 drakkars contourny, sails set, & in fess 2
bears combattant ctrch. (D: Almarr Dmarr bjarnarkl Nov 93)
Per salt Vt & Az, in pale 2 owls Or & in fess 2 bears passant
addorsed Arg. (D: Coinneach Caimbeul an Boghadair Mar 96)
Per salt Vt & Or, 2 trees blasted & eradicated Or & 2 bears statant
respectant Gu. (D: Tairdelbach MacLachlainn - Mar 99)
Quarterly Az & Sa, a cross nowy betw in bend sin 2 bears ramp
Arg. (D: Edward Aldwin - Oct 07)
Quarterly Gu & erminois, in bend a bear ramp contourny & a bear
ramp Arg. (D: Azor Ryurik - Aug 00)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, 2 bears combatant Or & a cross formy Arg. (D:
Brian de Barri - Jan 98)
Quarterly per fess nebuly Az & Arg ermined Az, in bend 2 bears
ramp each brandishing a sword Or. (D: Sebastian Khnbr
von Dreihgel - Apr 92)
Sa, a fess erminois, in chf 2 bears passant addorsed Or, breathing
flames of fire proper. (D: Johannes von Bern - Mar 88)
Sa, on a bend sin Or betw 2 bears salient to sin Arg a palmers staff
Sa. (D: Adrian of Saint Clair - Nov 90)
Sa, 2 bears combattant & on a chf indented Arg, 3 laurel wreaths
Gu. (D: Crannog Mor - Apr 90)

Beast - Bear - 2 (continued)

Vt, 2 bears ramp reguardant addorsed Arg on a chf rayonny Or a

compass star Az. (D: Ulf Johannas Peter von Greiffenburg Jun 95)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Bear - 3 or more

Arg, a chev rompu Az betw 3 brown bears statant proper. (D:

Ursula de Faymonville - Nov 92)
Arg, a cross Vt betw 4 bears statant Sa. (D: Jean-Phillipe Lours Dec 97)
Arg, on a fess Gu betw 3 brown bears ramp proper a sin hand
apaumy Arg. (D: Sergei Stepanovich Bezrukev - Sep 99)
Az, a cross Arg goutty Gu betw 4 demi-bears couped Arg. (D:
Dagr snbjorn Bjarnarson - Feb 07)
Az, a shakefork Or surmounted by 3 brown bears ramp proper. (D:
Marc lHaut de Provence - Aug 81)
Az, in pale 3 bears passant Arg. (D: Johanna Ludwiger von
Hertesbergk - Aug 03)
Az, on a salt betw 4 bears ramp Or a bear ramp Az. (D: Robert
Moondragon - Sep 00)
Az, 3 bears passant to sin Or. (B: Masae Lorane - Jul 84)
Az, 3 bears ramp regardant & on a chf Arg 3 escarbuncles Az. (D:
James de Northebrok - Aug 03)
Barry & per pale Arg & Gu, in pale 3 bears passant Sa. (D: Androu
Weaver - Jan 05)
Gu, a chev Sa fimbriated Or betw 3 bears ramp Arg. (D: Harold
Graybear - May 00)
Gu, in pale 3 bears statant to sin Arg. (D: Ursus of Rydborg Aug 84)
Gyronny Or & Vt, 3 bears ramp Sa. (D: Valeria Sergi - Jul 04)
Or, a salt Gu betw 4 bears ramp Sa. (D: Aldrich von Bremen Sep 04)
Or, in pale 3 bears passant Gu. (D: Hannah bat Aharon - Mar 06)
Or, on a chev Gu betw 3 bears statant Purp 3 locks Or. (D:
Daibheid MacQuarrie - Apr 94)
Or, ten bears statant to sin in triangle Sa. (D: Terric Bearsmountain
- Jun 83)
Or, 3 bears sejant affronty disp Gu within a bord wreathed Arg &
Gu. (D: Ekaterina Novgorodka - Apr 89)
Per bend Sa & Az, a bend bretessed betw 3 fleurs-de-lys & 3 bears
ramp contourny Arg. (D: Aidan of Kingswood - Feb 06)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, in bend 3 bears ramp ctrch. (D: Duncan
Douglas MacPherson - Feb 94)
Per chev Az & Purp, 3 bears ramp Arg. (D: Wolfger Silberbr Jan 97)
Per pale Purp & Or all semy of bears sejant erect ctrch. (B:
Katalena of Owlsherst - Jun 05)
Vt, in bend 3 bears passant to sin Or. (D: Ursus Arkuda - Apr 76?)
Vt, on a chev betw 3 bears ramp Arg, seven Latin crosses Vt. (D:
Thomas de Winterwade - Dec 91)
Vt, semy of bears ramp Arg. (B: Mord Hrutson the Green Jan 96)
Vt, 3 bears statant within a bord indented Arg. (D: Snbjorn
sverdsbrjtr - Sep 06)
* * * End * * *
Beast - Beaver: see Beast - Other
Beast - Bison: see Beast - Bull
Beast - Bitch: see Beast - Dog

Beast - Boar

(Fieldless) A boar courant per pale Gu & Sa. (B: Wolfgang

Gntherssohn - Feb 07) (For Eberhaus)
(Fieldless) A boar passant Arg. (B: Richard III of England Dec 94) (Important non-SCA badge)
(Fieldless) A boar passant Az charged on the shoulder with a fret
couped Or. (B: Diana of the Isles - Apr 00)
(Fieldless) A boar passant Gu. (B: Tadgg h-a Faelan - Aug 01)
(Fieldless) A boar passant Or. (B: Klaus Rother von Schweinichen
- Apr 03)
(Fieldless) A boar passant per pale Arg & Vt. (B: Miri ni
Raghallaigh - Aug 95)
(Fieldless) A boar passant to sin Arg. (B: Giuliana Salviati Jan 99)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 147

[Beast - Boar]

Beast - Boar (continued)

(Fieldless) A boar ramp erminois gorged of an oak wreath &

maintaining in his mouth an oak sprig fructed proper. (B:
Steppes, the - Oct 87)
(Fieldless) A boar ramp Gu crusilly Arg. (B: Simon Montgumery Feb 07)
(Fieldless) A boar ramp Purp. (B: Elewys Luscomb - Sep 01)
(Fieldless) A boar ramp to sin Or. (B: Denis de Loyer - May 05)
(Fieldless) A boar salient Gu maintaining in its forepaws a bell
Arg. (B: Coeur dEnnui - Feb 92) (For Order of the Boars
(Fieldless) A boar statant atop a Norman helm Or. (B: Red Spears
- Apr 96) (For the Order of the Hildisvin)
(Fieldless) A boar statant contourny Arg, winged Or, armed &
crined Gu. (B: Cuhelyn Cam vap Morcant - May 08)
(Fieldless) A boar statant contourny Gu. (B: Magns Slembidjkn Oct 00)
(Fieldless) A boar statant contourny Sa. (B: Godfrey of Inwood Jun 92)
(Fieldless) A boar statant per fess undy Arg & Az. (D: Iain mac
Niell Dunceann a Chnuic Ghiurm - Aug 79) (For Cnoc
(Fieldless) A boar statant Vt. (B: Tearlach na Drochaide Sep 97)
(Fieldless) A demi-boar Arg issuant from a trimount couped Vt. (B:
Cun Gildwynsson - Jun 92)
(Fieldless) A winged pig segreant to sin Or. (B: Vigds vestfirzka Dec 03)
(Fieldless) Atop of an increscent Arg a winged pig statant Az. (B:
Arianna McPhearson - Feb 96)
(Fieldless) In pale a boar passant contourny Or atop a crescent
pendant Arg. (B: Ceit Ailis nic Ardis - Aug 05) (For House
Moon and Boar)(JB: Thorolf Gunderson)
Arg, a boar passant Az betw 3 crosses crosslet Sa. (D: Mark O
Crowly - Apr 05)
Arg, a boar ramp Az, collared & chained Or, & on a chf Az 3
anchors Or. (D: Thomas de Burne - Jun 99)
Arg, a boar salient & a bord embat Purp. (D: Gertrud Krumpf Aug 02)
Arg, a boar sejant Sa armed & langued Or. (B: Dubhghall mac
bhearird - Mar 97) (For Clann bhearird)
Arg, a boar statant & on a chf Gu an arrow Or. (D: Edward
MacTavisch - Dec 07)
Arg, a boar statant betw 4 annulets, 3 & one, Az. (D: Conall Mac
Roigh - Nov 94)
Arg, a boar statant, in base a single-arched bridge throughout Vt.
(D: Tearlach na Drochaide - Sep 07)
Arg, a boar statant within a bord Gu. (D: Fearghus mac Eoin Feb 03)
Arg, a chev betw 3 boars passant Gu. (D: Richard of Stokesley Dec 04)
Arg, a knight armed cap--pie maintaining a mace & a shield
mounted on a boar passant Sa all within a bord Vt. (D:
Josserant de Troyes - Jan 03)
Arg, a sheaf of swords inv Sa betw 2 boars passant respectant Gu, a
chf embat Sa. (D: William of Seawinds - Oct 91)
Arg, a winged pig passant bendwise, wings addorsed, Sa & a chf
engrailed Gu. (D: Margarete von Duroc - Apr 82)
Arg, a winged pig statant contourny Gu. (D: Chiere of Ravenglass Jul 98)
Arg estencely Sa, a boar passant Gu & in chf 3 sprigs of holly Vt
fructed Gu. (D: Alia atte Holye - May 96)
Arg, on a bend sin betw a griffin segreant & a boar passant Sa 3
torcs Or. (D: Conall Foghladha - May 94)
Arg, on a bend sin Purp betw a boar statant contourny & a Thors
hammer Sa 3 estoiles palewise Arg. (D: Ketill Dagsson Nov 00)
Arg, on a fess betw 2 boars statant Vt, a boar statant Arg. (D:
Ainmere ua Glaiss - Dec 04)
Arg, 3 winged pigs statant Gu & on a chf Vt a swan naiant Or. (D:
Rose Campbell - Oct 06)
Arg, 2 shepherds crooks in salt Sa & overall a boar passant Az. (D:
Seosamh Tadhg an Crca OMaille - Sep 90)
Az, a bend sin & in chf a boar passant contourny Arg. (D: Duncan
Kerr - Jan 00)
Az, a boar passant & on a base wavy Arg 2 bars Sa. (D: Wernher
von Wchtersbach - Sep 03)
148 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Boar (continued)

Az, a boar passant & on a chf indented Arg 2 bickern anvils Az. (D:
Garth of the Crags - Sep 95)
Az, a boar passant to sin betw 3 triquetras Arg. (D: Svna-Kormkr
varsson - Oct 06)
Az, a boar ramp Arg, orbed Vt, playing a 2-droned bagpipe Sa,
fimbriated Arg. (B: Simon de Spaldyng - Aug 79?)
Az, a boar statant & a bord rayonny Arg. (D: Diarmuid mac Nessa
- Sep 99)
Az, a boar statant Sa transfixed by an arrow bendwise sin Or & in
chf a decrescent Arg & a mullet of eight points Or. (D:
Rakonczay Gergely - Jan 08)
Az, a pig ramp Or within a bord Arg, charged with 3 primroses Az.
(D: Gwendalyn Sobhrach - Aug 89)
Az, a sword Or entwined of a rose Arg, slipped & leaved proper,
betw in fess 2 boars combattant Arg. (D: Tamera
FitzGloucestre of the White Boar - Feb 75?)
Az, in pale a boar & a rose Arg betw flaunches Or, gouty de sang.
(D: Edward Brackenburye - Nov 97)
Az, on a cross betw in chf 2 boars statant respectant Arg a palm tree
Az. (D: Symeon ben Tobias - Sep 01)
Az semy of boars passant Arg. (D: Ruaidhri ua Ceallaigh Sep 01)
Az, 3 winged boars courant Arg winged Or. (D: Dafydd ap Taliesin
- Aug 97)
Checky Arg & Sa, a boar passant Gu & a bord Vt semy of
penannular brooches Or. (B: Torlough MacTormagh Apr 94)
Checky Az & Arg, a bend Gu, overall a boar ramp Or. (D: John
Mordredson - Dec 84)
Counter-ermine, a boar statant Or surmounted by a bend sin Gu. (D:
Simon of Marinus - Feb 84)
Counter-ermine, a sword inv proper surmounted by a boar passant
to sin, all within a bord Or. (D: Thorolf Gunderson - Jul 85)
Ermine, a winged boar passant, wings addorsed Sa, a bord counterermine. (D: Deryk Balthasar Symonds - Jul 92)
Gu, a boar courant to sin betw 4 lightning bolts in salt, all within a
bord Or. (D: Titus Claudius Severus - May 89)
Gu, a boar passant & a demi-sun issuant from base Or. (D:
Brendan Dudeman - Sep 03)
Gu, a boar ramp to sin Arg & on a chf checky Arg & Sa 3 acorns
Gu. (D: Arias the Innkeepers Daughter - Jan 06)
Gu, a boar statant to sin & a chf potenty Arg. (D: Thorfinn the
Cruel - Jul 92)
Gu, a boar statant to sin Or. (B: Murtaugh the Galloglas - Feb 96)
(For Clan Mac Murtaugh)
Gu, a chev & in chf a boar passant contourny Arg. (B: Dugan
Makgowin of Aydel - Mar 07)
Gu, a sheaf of 3 lightning bolts Or surmounted by a boar statant
Arg, in base the Roman numeral XXIII Or. (D: Wilhelm of
Caid - Apr 05)
Gu, a sword, its hilt betw the forelegs of 2 boars combattant Or. (B:
Ali al Ahmed Abdullah - Apr 87)
Gu goutty dOr, a boar passant Or, armed Arg. (D: Arnulf Silkhair Jan 73?)
Gu, on a bend sin bretessed Arg a halberd reversed Sa, in chf a boar
passant Arg. (D: Ragnar Magnsson - May 92)
Gu, on a bend sin Vt fimbriated betw 2 boars statant contourny, 3
equal-armed Celtic crosses palewise Or. (D: Nechton inn
Eyverski Snkolfsson Eyjolfssonar - Mar 93)
Or, a boar passant Gu & a ford proper. (D: Philippa Swynford Feb 97)
Or, a boar passant to sin Sa, on a chf embat Gu an arrow Or. (D:
Einar Sclater of Orkney - Jul 94)
Or, a boar ramp & in chf 2 equal-armed Celtic crosses Gu. (D:
Brand Sturrock - Nov 92)
Or, a boar ramp Gu & a chf embat Az. (D: Eoin Mr mac Aonghuis
- Apr 08)
Or, a boar ramp Sa betw 4 cloves proper, a chf Sa. (D: Artegall
Stonehollow - Jan 81)
Or, a chev Vt betw 3 boars statant proper. (D: edn mac Suibne Feb 01)
Or, a winged pig statant Gu ermined Or within a bord Az ermined
Or. (B: Rose Campbell - Sep 07)
Or, in chf a boar statant Sa crined Gu. (B: Rycharde de Northewode
- Dec 01)

[Beast - Boar]

Beast - Boar (continued)

Or, on a bend bretassy Az betw a boar ramp & an escarbuncle Gu, 3

pheons Arg. (D: Dafydd ap Bleiddudd - Apr 89)
Or, on a chev Gu betw 2 boars combattant & a Maltese cross Sa
five fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Hugh Killingbury - Mar 04)
Or, 2 arrows in salt Gu surmounted by a bow fesswise & in chf a
boar courant Sa. (D: Gerhardt der Jger - Nov 90)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a bend raguly ctrch betw a raven disp Sa & a
boar ramp to sin Arg. (D: Brandubh FitzGerald - Nov 90)
Per bend ermine & counter-ermine, a boar passant per bend Sa &
Arg. (D: Ian MacBaird - Jul 84)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a boar courant Az. (D: Madog Cochfarf Aug 95)
Per bend lozengy Vt & Arg & Or, a boar passant Sa. (D: Thomas of
Ravenhill - Jan 01)
Per bend Or & Gu, a boar passant & an eagles head erased ctrch.
(D: Seras Macabhaird - Nov 93)
Per bend Sa & Az, a bend betw a boar passant Or & in base 4 plates
in salt within an annulet Arg. (D: Rudhraighe OHagan May 88)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a bird disp & a boar statant within a bord
ctrch. (D: Aidan of Aran - Apr 02)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a boar passant & a tower ctrch. (D: Jhann
brotamar - Sep 02)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a boar ramp contourny & a goat clymant
Arg. (D: Tatheg OBrian - Jul 06)
Per bend sin Purp & Arg, a griffin segreant to sin & a boar ramp
ctrch. (D: Everett of Seven Jays - Jun 85)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a boar sejant & on a chf Or 3 crosses patonce
Sa. (D: Theobald Veckinchusen - Mar 02)
Per bend Vt & Arg, all semy of lucy bendwise sin inv, a boar ramp
to sin ctrch. (D: Charles Buchanan - Feb 00)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 trefoils slipped Vt & a boar passant Or. (D:
Corwin de Harfleur - Oct 87)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 2 catamounts combattant Sa & a boar couchant
Arg. (D: Mrgrg ingen Chana - Feb 97)
Per chev Az & Arg, a boar ramp ctrch. (D: Charric van den Vliet Jan 88)
Per chev Az & Or, a boar passant contourny Arg & 2 arrows inv in
salt Gu. (D: Thomas da Cordova - Feb 97)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev betw 3 triquetras one & 2 & a boar
passant contourny Arg. (D: Conchobhar mac Bruaidn Jan 05)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 boars passant Arg & a thistle Sa. (D:
Caitriona Campbell of Loch Ness - Jun 00)
Per chev Or & Sa, a boar statant & a rose, slipped & leaved, ctrch.
(D: Alessondra Chisholm - Jun 88)
Per chev Or & Sa, 2 boars combattant Gu & an eagle disp Or. (D:
Wilhelm von den Rotenkeilern - Nov 85)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev & in base a boar statant Arg. (D:
Llewellyn Baedd Gwyn - May 01)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev embat betw in sin chf a Latin cross Or &
in base a boar statant Arg. (D: Quentin le Boor - Mar 91)
Per chev Sa & Gu, 3 crosses formy fitchy in chev Or & a boar
courant contourny Arg. (D: Tormod de Palermo - May 98)
Per chev Sa & Or, 3 boars passant ctrch. (D: Snorri Bldhdrekkr r
dhinslundi - Jul 06)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a boar passant & an armoured fist palewise &
appaumy ctrch, all within a bord Gu. (D: Mordred Boarslayer
- Dec 89)
Per fess Az & Vt, a boar statant to sin Arg within an orle of oak
leaves stems outwards Or. (B: Duncan Silverwolf McTyre Jan 04)
Per fess Az & Vt, 2 boars passant counter-passant Or. (D: Otuell
Gowe - Feb 03)
Per fess Gu & Arg, a boar ramp Sa, in chf 2 roses Arg. (D: Barak
de Noirville - May 93)
Per fess Or & Gu, a boar passant Gu & 3 plates. (D: Symon Cendr
- Dec 04)
Per fess pean & erminois, a boar statant contourny Or & a base
rayonny Gu. (D: Stanislav von Neuland - Apr 97)
Per fess rayonny Or & Gu, a boar passant & 3 oak leaves conjoined
in pall fructed with 3 acorns in pall inv, all ctrch. (D: Cuthbad
aBheithir - Nov 89)
Per fess Sa & Gu, a winged boar passant contourny & an open book
Arg. (D: Beatrice Celestine of Normandy - Jul 94)

Beast - Boar (continued)

Per fess Vt & Sa, a winged boar statant Arg & a lymphad Or. (D:
Grania filia Briani - Feb 06)
Per pale & per salt Gu & Arg, 3 boars statant in annulo Sa. (D:
Aelfwyn of Longwood - Apr 97)
Per pale Arg & Gu all semy of maple leaves ctrch, 2 boars
combattant the dexter Sa & the sin Or. (D: Stefan le Sanglier Sep 02)
Per pale Arg & Gu, 3 boars ramp reguardant ctrch. (D: Sigurd
Hardrada - May 95)
Per pale Az & Arg, a boar ramp ctrch, a bord Sa. (D: Otto Augustin
von Wrttemberg - Sep 04)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 boars ramp addorsed ctrch. (D: Osgar
MacAnna - Dec 92)
Per pale Az & Gu, a boar passant contourny within a bord Or. (D:
Gawain Kilgore - Aug 00)
Per pale Az & Sa, a boar passant, a bord embat Arg. (D: Eoghan
Ruadhain - Jun 00)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a boar ramp within a bord charged with crosses
crosslet ctrch. (D: Simon Montgumery - Aug 03)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 boars ramp combattant ctrch within a bord Or.
(D: Stuart Osric de Becquet - Nov 86)
Per pale Gu & Az, 2 boars combattant each sustaining a doublebitted axe, a base embat Arg. (D: Diego de Marulanda Aug 95)
Per pale Gu & Or, in pale a rose ctrch & a boar statant to sin per
pale Arg & Sa. (D: Bohemund dAbruzzi - Jul 88)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a chev & in base a boar passant Or. (D: Rnn
hua Thigernaig - May 06)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a monster composed of the forequarters of a
goose & the hindquarters of a pig statant, wings elevated &
addorsed, a bord Arg. (D: Brian ua Brnainn - Nov 98)
Per pale Or & Az, a smiths hammer Sa a sword proper, & a boar
passant per pale Sa & Arg. (D: Gwydiaan am yGorlwyn Aug 79)
Per pale Or & Gu, a boar statant to sin ctrch within an annulet Sa.
(B: Lloyd of Penrose - Oct 07) (For House Penrose)
Per pale Purp & Arg, a boar ramp contourny maintaining a
morningstar betw 3 hearts, all ctrch. (D: Katherine Anne
Geldschlager - Nov 07)
Per pale rayonny ermine & Vt, a boar statant to sin & a chf Sa. (D:
Saghdha Cameron - Nov 05)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a winged boar passant, wings addorsed, in dexter
chf a cross formy fitchy Arg. (D: Katharina Dietrich von
Villach - Jun 92)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a boar passant Or betw 3 hands Arg. (D: Klaus
Rother von Schweinichen - Apr 03)
Per pale Vt & Az, 3 boars ramp Or. (D: Colin mac Eoain mec
Lachlainn - Mar 05)
Per pall Arg, Gu, & Sa, 4 gouttes de poix in cross, bases inward, &
a boar statant Or. (D: Morgan Frederic Ward - Jun 91)
Per salt Sa & Gu, in pale 2 boars passant & in fess 2 domestic cats
sejant, all within a bord Arg. (D: Gunnar Olofsson - Dec 94)
Pily Vt & Arg, a boar statant contourny proper. (D: edn of
Windhaven - Aug 01)
Purp, a boar ramp & on a chf embat Arg, 3 lozenges Sa. (D:
Ecgwin of Tideswell - Jan 93)
Purp, a pig statant Arg & issuant from chf a demi-sun Or. (D:
Katherine n Cheallaigh of Skye - Jul 92)
Purp, a winged boar segreant Arg betw 3 mullets Or. (D:
Hermineite la Cochonne - Mar 02)
Purp, escallopy, a boar passant Arg. (D: Geoffrey of Speraunce Jan 74?)
Quarterly Arg & Az, a penannular brooch, open to chf betw in bend
2 boars passant Gu within a bord ctrch. (D: Torlough
MacTormagh - Apr 94)
Quarterly Or & Sa, a boar ramp Arg within a bord ctrch. (D: Einarr
Grmsson - May 06)
Quarterly Vt & Or, 4 boars statant respectant ctrch. (D: Edward de
Clare - Jul 05)
Sa, a boar dormant Arg. (D: Erasmus MacBain - Oct 00)
Sa, a boar passant & on a chf Or 3 Thors hammers Gu. (D: Grmr
Skallagrmson - Oct 05)
Sa, a boar ramp contourny checky Or & Vt. (D: Bartholomew
Marchant of Studley Green - Aug 95)
Sa, a boar ramp dexter hind leg couped Arg within a bord Or. (D:
Inigo Needham Bledsoe - Sep 94)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 149

[Beast - Boar] to [Beast - Bull]

Beast - Boar (continued)

Sa, a boar ramp Or. (B: Viryavan ca Tusnim - Oct 88)

Sa, a boar statant within a bord Or. (D: Johannes de Seleone Jun 00)
Sa, a fess checky Az & Arg betw 4 boars passant contourny Arg.
(D: Scott of Settmour Swamp - Dec 07)
Sa, a wolf Arg & a boar Or combattant, overall a base of flames
proper. (D: Harald Bodvarson - Oct 82)
Sa crusilly fitchy Arg, a seaboar Or. (D: Martim Ruiz do Porto Apr 99)
Sa, 4 piles in point Or, overall a boar statant to sin Arg, marked Sa.
(D: Bohemond de Noirville - Sep 84)
Sa, in bend 4 winged swine statant Arg. (D: Haluin t Eoforeslea Aug 95)
Sa, 3 boars passant Arg. (D: Margaret of Rochester - Apr 03)
Vairy Sa & Arg, a boar passant Gu. (D: Tadgg h-a Faelan Aug 01)
Vt, a bat-winged boar salient Arg. (D: Harold von Auerbach Mar 85)
Vt, a boar ramp Arg & on a chf embat per pale Sa & Arg 2 suns
ctrch. (D: Dalibor Krivokltsky - May 05)
Vt, a boar statant contourny Arg & a bord gyronny Sa & Arg. (B:
Jhann brotamar - Nov 03) (JB: Elizabeth Rea)
Vt, a boar statant, in chf 3 snails Arg. (D: Celemon Gwynedd May 00)
Vt, a boar statant to sin betw 3 torques Arg. (D: Kilian Wyldebor Jan 07)
Vt, a winged boar courant Or, within an orle of escallops Arg. (D:
Sancia de Galicia - Jul 04)
Vt, a winged boar segreant Arg within a bord engrailed Or charged
with 3 pairs of acorns Vt. (D: Nygell Tallis - Sep 91)
Vt, in pale a boar statant & a crescent Arg. (D: Sen le Bastard Jul 03)
Vt, in pale 3 boars passant contourny betw flaunches Or. (D: Sean
Dalamara - Oct 95)
Vt, 2 boars combattant Arg, each maintaining a recorder Or. (D:
Eoforhild of Cantwarabyrig - Aug 92)
* * * End * * *
Beast - Bog: see Monster - Bog beast
Beast - Bovine: see Beast - Bull
Beast - Brock: see Beast - Badger
Beast - Buck: see Beast - Deer
Beast - Buffalo: see Beast - Bull

Beast - Bull

(Fieldless) A buffalo courant Arg. (B: Weltschin von Wertheim Nov 98)
(Fieldless) A bull passant contourny maintaining in its mouth a
pennant Sa. (B: Bjorn Helgason - Aug 07)
(Fieldless) A bull passant to sin Az, maintaining a halberd
bendwise Sa. (B: Angus Mac Owen - Dec 88)
(Fieldless) A bull ramp Arg charged on the shoulder with a torteau.
(B: Stierbach - Nov 01)
(Fieldless) A bull ramp contourny Gu charged on the shoulder with
an escutcheon Arg. (B: Stierbach - Nov 01)
(Fieldless) A bull ramp guardant contourny Arg. (B: William
Tinker - Dec 96)
(Fieldless) A bull ramp Gu maintaining a spur Arg. (B: Jadwiga
Zawadzka - Feb 07)
(Fieldless) A bull statant to sin Arg, spotted Sa, statant to sin upon
its back a cock Gu. (B: Aileen Bardon - May 90) (For the
House of the Mad Woman)
(Fieldless) A cow ramp Vt. (B: Samuel Calvert of Gidiehall Feb 07) (JB: Miriam Calvert of Gidiehall)
(Fieldless) A monster composed of the head & torso of a bull, the
tail of a snake, the wings of an eagle & the forearms of a man,
erect, wings elevated & maintaining a bow Gu. (B: Merwydd
of Effington - Apr 98)
Arg, a bat-winged bison volant Sa. (B: Calontir - Sep 85)
Arg, a bison ramp Sa & on a chf indented Gu, a sword fesswise
Arg. (D: David von dem Krieg - Aug 88)
Arg, a bison statant proper atop a mount Gu, overall a laurel wreath
proper. (D: Eldern Hills, the - Aug 81)
Arg, a bull passant & on a chf wavy Sa a comet Arg. (D: Jrgen
Scherzer - Sep 01)

150 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Bull (continued)

Arg, a bull passant Az within a bord Sa. (D: Renata of Silverhart Jul 05)
Arg, a bull passant guardant on a chf Sa 3 thistles Arg. (D: Angus
Ian Urry - Jul 96)
Arg, a bull passant Sa & a chf embat Vt. (D: Rodrigo Garcia de
Palacios - Oct 05)
Arg, a bull ramp regardant Sa & on a base engrailed Gu a crescent
Arg. (D: Mariya Annuschka Oblomovna of Kiev - May 92)
Arg, a bull statant to sin Purp betw in pale 2 thistles Vt flowered
Purp. (D: Maura MacPharlane - Oct 01)
Arg, a cow courant Purp & in base a crescent Vt. (D: Rhiannon
Walkinfire - Sep 97)
Arg, a cow ramp & on a chf enarched Az, 2 spears in salt Arg. (D:
Gertrude von Holstein - Jul 90)
Arg, a cow ramp Purp within a bord Gu. (D: Angus Murdoch
Stewart - Apr 94)
Arg, a cow ramp to sin, winged with 2 sets of wings, elevated &
addorsed, Purp within a bord Gu. (D: Cyneburh of
Cantwaraburg - Aug 89)
Arg, a cow salient & a chf Purp. (D: Guillaume Beauvin - Jul 00)
Arg, a dun cow statant proper & on a chf Sa 3 bees Or. (D: Debora
of Durham - Dec 06)
Arg, a sea-bull Sa & a chf embat Gu. (D: Gunnar Silverbeard May 03)
Arg, a winged bull passant Gu & on a chf Sa 3 escallops inv Or. (D:
Una de Saint Luc - Jun 03)
Arg, an ox statant Gu atop a ford proper. (D: Oxford, City of Jun 95) (Important non-SCA arms)
Arg masoned, a bull ramp guardant Sa & on a chf embat Az a
sword fesswise reversed Arg. (D: Melchor Stoneteeth Jan 04)
Arg, masoned Sa, a bull statant & a chf Gu. (D: Jean-Michel de
Taurion - Apr 90)
Az, a bend sin betw a bull ramp contourny & a bull passant Arg.
(D: Gwenhwyvar filia Aelfric - Nov 04)
Az, a bull couchant gardant contourny & on a chf Arg 3 oak leaves
Vt. (D: Dagmr in hvassa - Jun 95)
Az, a bull ramp & a chf indented Arg. (D: Alessandro of Tir
Ysgithr - Feb 03)
Az, a bull ramp contourny guardant atop a base Arg. (D: William
Tinker - Oct 07)
Az, a bull salient reguardant & on a chf Arg a chain Sa. (D: Brian
Sebastian Aldobrandi - Jul 92)
Az, a bull statant contourny regardant within an orle Arg. (D: Gepa
of Sundragon - Sep 06)
Az, a cow statant Or within an orle of daisies Arg seeded Or. (D:
Catheline la Confuse - Sep 97)
Az, a demi-aurochs ramp, couped invected, environed of a laurel
wreath Arg. (B: Drachenwald - date?)
Az, a winged bull passant Or betw 3 compass stars Arg. (D: Cheryl
av Hastenholm - Aug 87)
Barry wavy Arg & Vt, a cow couchant guardant Or & a chf Sa. (D:
Fridemunt von Kostenz - May 99)
Gu, a bull passant guardant Or. (D: Michael of Shattered Crystal Sep 99)
Gu, a bull ramp betw in cross 4 roses Arg. (D: Murchad Mac
Artgail - Aug 91)
Gu, a winged bull ramp guardant Arg betw 3 estoiles of eight rays
Or. (D: Rowan Berran McDowell - Apr 98)
Gyronny Arg & Az, a bull ramp within a bord embat Sa charged
with stars of David Arg. (D: Rom ben Yosef del Castillo del
Toro Negro - Aug 93)
Gyronny Gu & Arg, a bull passant guardant Or within a bord Sa.
(D: Aurelio di Baldasare - Dec 07)
Or, a bend Sa overall a bull statant contourny Gu. (D: John
ODiamain - Oct 98)
Or, a bull couchant Gu gorged of a garland of flowers Arg. (D:
Basilio Branquo - Feb 05)
Or, a bull passant Gu atop a terrace couped Vt within a bord Gu
semy of flames Or. (D: Borgia, House of - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Or, a bull passant Gu, on a chf embat Purp an open book Or. (D:
Diogenia Melanesi - Nov 04)
Or, a bull passant Sa, on a chf Gu an arrow reversed Or. (D:
Thomas Bowyer of Whiteparish - Oct 98)

[Beast - Bull]

Beast - Bull (continued)

Or, a bull salient gardant Gu, a chf indented Az. (D: Marco da
Murano - Mar 98)
Or, a bull statant guardant Sa, in chf 3 oak trees couped proper all
within a bord Gu. (D: Angus McClure - May 92)
Or, a bull statant to sin within a bord embat Gu. (D: Pietro del Toro
Rosso - Jun 90)
Or, a chev betw 3 winged bulls ramp Az. (D: Jaufres de
Carcassona - May 08)
Or, a cow salient to sin Purp. (B: Gwayr of Warwick - Aug 89)
Or, a cow statant Sa within a laurel wreath Vt, a bord embat Sa. (D:
Bofharrach - Feb 96)
Or, a winged bull passant guardant Sa, wings elevated & addorsed
Arg, within an orle of purple morning glories proper. (D:
Padruig Aoghann Uladh - Jul 83)
Or, a yak passant & a chf Az. (D: Qadagin-u Jajiradai - Nov 90)
Or, a yak statant guardant proper. (D: Clifford of York - Apr 76?)
Or goutty Purp, a cow ramp Vt. (D: Miriam Calvert of Gidiehall May 04)
Or, on a pale Az betw 2 bulls combattant Sa, a sword Or. (D:
Walther von Erfurt - Sep 92)
Or semy of hop flowers, a cow ramp Vt. (D: Samuel Calvert of
Gidiehall - May 04) (a hop flower most nearly resembles a
pine cone)
Pean, a bull passant to sin Arg. (D: Eadmund de Tonge of
Arkengarth - Sep 89)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a bull salient & a decrescent within a bord
embat ctrch. (B: Stierbach - Apr 08) (For Award of the Bull
and the Crescent)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a bull salient & a decrescent within a bord
embat ctrch. (B: Stierbach - Aug 92)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a compass rose & a bull salient within a bord
embat ctrch. (B: Stierbach - Nov 01)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a compass rose & a bull salient within a bord
embat ctrch. (B: Stierbach - Apr 08) (For Award of the
Silver Compass)
Per bend Gu & Az, a bull passant contourny within a bord embat
Arg. (D: Uilliam an Tarbh Baile na hAbhann - May 95)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a unicorns horn palewise betw in fess a bear &
a bull combattant Arg. (B: Erik Loren Elcara - Aug 83) (For
Huw Iago)
Per bend sin Or & bendy sin Sa & Or, in dexter chf a bull passant to
sin Az, maintaining a halberd bendwise Sa. (D: Angus Mac
Owen - Dec 88)
Per bend sin Purp & Or, 3 garbs & a cow salient to sin ctrch. (D:
Gwayr of Warwick - Dec 87)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Az, a winged torch, wings elevated &
addorsed, & a winged bull ramp ctrch. (D: Adin Tinkar May 89)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a bull statant within an orle of thorn vine Arg.
(D: Icorigas filius Cunacenni - Feb 06)
Per chev Arg & Purp, 2 cows statant respectant Sa & a battle axe
Arg. (D: Lorcan Mac Colla - Jan 04)
Per chev Az & Arg, a chev per chev Or & Az, betw 2 bison statant
respectant & a decrescent ctrch. (D: Robert Buffle of
Hawksheye - Aug 88)
Per chev Or & Sa, a chev & in chf 2 bulls ramp addorsed Gu. (D:
Christoffel van Bovingne - Mar 01)
Per chev Or & Sa, 2 horned Norman helms affronty & a bull salient
ctrch. (D: Arn the Bull - Aug 83)
Per chev rayonny Or & Gu, 2 crosses of Jerusalem Gu & a cow
ramp ermine. (D: Frederich Holstein der Tollhase - Nov 01)
Per chev rayonny Sa & Purp, a cannon reversed & a cannon in chev
Arg issuing flames proper & a buffalo courant Arg. (D:
Weltschin von Wertheim - Nov 98)
Per chev Vt & Or, a winged bull statant Arg & a pomegranate Gu
slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Aurien Chimerstome - Oct 07)
Per fess Az & Arg, a cow statant Arg marked Sa & a feather
fesswise reversed Az. (D: Joshua MacDonald - Mar 02)
Per fess Az & Vt, in chf a bull dormant to sin Arg. (D: James
Graham of Gartmr - Nov 89)
Per fess Az & Vt, on a roundel Or, a bull statant Gu. (D: Raibeart
MacMhathain - Jul 91)
Per fess embat Arg & Gu, 3 bulls courant ctrch, that in base within a
laurel wreath Arg. (D: Stierbach - Jul 97)
Per fess embat Gu & Or, 2 bulls combattant Sa. (D: Adrian Alonzo
De Cadiz - Oct 04)

Beast - Bull (continued)

Per fess Gu & Arg, scaly Sa, in chf a winged bull, statant to sin &
guardant, Arg. (D: Bors of Blackheath - Sep 89)
Per fess Or & per pale Gu & Az, in chf a bull passant contourny
maintaining in its mouth a pennanted staff Sa. (D: Bjorn
Helgason - Jun 07)
Per fess Or & Vt, a mountain range issuant from the line of division
Az, overall a pine tree proper betw in base 3 garbs in bend Or
& a cow statant Gu. (D: Vermont, State of - May 99)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Per fess wavy Arg & Vt, a bull salient guardant Sa & a laurel
wreath Arg. (D: Cluain - Jan 05)
Per pale Arg & Az, a dun cow statant contourny proper. (D:
Seamus Donn - Jan 92)
Per pale Az & Sa, in pale 2 bulls passant Arg. (D: Niall Nill Nov 03)
Per pale embat Arg & Gu, a bull ramp & in pale 2 spurs ctrch. (D:
Jadwiga Zawadzka - Feb 07)
Per pale Gu & Az, a bull & a unicorn combattant Or & a chev
abased ermine. (D: Guillaine de Vaux - Jun 84)
Per pale Or & Purp, 2 bulls ramp respectant, in base a crescent, all
ctrch, & a chf embat Sa. (D: Chandra al-Samira - Jun 90)
Per pale potenty Sa & Arg, a cock passant to sin & a bull ramp
ctrch. (D: Richard Demaris - Jan 89)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 bulls passant respectant ctrch. (D: Freygunnr
lfarsdttir - Oct 07)
Per pale Vt & Az, a bat-winged bison passant guardant Arg. (D:
Ellien Chadway - Feb 03)
Per pale Vt & Or, 2 bison statant respectant, on a chf 2 bows
fesswise, all ctrch. (D: Tarasius of Galata - Mar 03)
Per salt Arg & counter-ermine, a monster composed of the head &
torso of a bull, the tail of a snake, the wings of an eagle & the
forearms of a man, erect, wings elevated & maintaining a bow
Gu. (D: Merwydd of Effington - Apr 98)
Per salt Sa & Vt, in fess a sea-goat erect & a bull ramp contourny
Arg. (D: Bonifatius Eburhard - Feb 97)
Quarterly: first, bishopric of Urgel (Gu, a mitre Or); second, Foix
(Or, 3 pallets Gu); third, Catalonia (Or, 4 pallets Gu); fourth,
Bearn (Or, in pale 2 cows passant Gu). (D: Andorra Mar 07) (important non-SCA armory)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, 2 bulls passant guardant Arg. (D: Frederich
Kober von Rostock - Aug 03)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a tricorporate bull Arg. (D: Ehrenfried
Schertenleib - Oct 99)
Quarterly Gu & Vt, a bull statant & in chf a sword fesswise Or. (D:
Gin Tarasev syn - Dec 03)
Quarterly Or & Arg, a bull ramp Sa within a bord embat Gu. (D:
Cullen Haley Dunmore - Jul 87)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a sea-bull maintaining a cutlass within a bord
dovetailed Or. (D: Roibeard mac Neill mhic Ghille Eoin Aug 06)
Sa, a bull passant Arg, on a chf rayonny Or 3 crescents Sa. (D:
Tigranes of Bezabde - Feb 94)
Sa, a bull passant guardant contourny & on a chf Arg a crescent Gu
betw the horns of a bulls massacre Sa. (D: Francesc Miguel
Joaquim Inacio - Feb 96)
Sa, a bull statant to sin, on a chf Or, 2 dragons passant Gu. (D:
Robert Robare the Rhos - May 92)
Sa, a bull statant to sin, on a chf triangular Or, a dragon passant Gu.
(B: Robert Robare the Rhos - May 92)
Sa, a winged bull courant, wings elevated & addorsed, Or & in base
a tree blasted & eradicated Arg. (D: Rosskeen of the
Silverbark - Mar 87)
Sa, a winged bull passant regardant betw 3 laurel wreaths Or. (D:
Mag Mor - Mar 85)
Sa, a winged bull ramp, on a chf Arg 3 mullets Sa. (D: Kyneth
MKyvyr MFergus - May 05)
Sa, a winged bull statant to sin Or. (B: Stanislav von Neuland Sep 92)
Sa mullety, a winged ox passant contourny Arg. (B: Robin Huxley
of Lands End - Sep 94)
Sa, 3 pallets wavy Or, overall 2 winged bulls combatant Arg. (D:
Jeremiah MacCoull - Oct 06)
Sa, 2 bulls combattant Arg. (D: Ranulf fitzStephen de Acre Jul 00)
Tierced in point Vt, Arg & Sa, 2 bulls combattant ctrch & a sword
proper. (D: Michael Gallglach ua Corcaigh - Jun 83)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 151

[Beast - Bull] to [Beast - Cat - 1 - Argent - Couchant]

Beast - Bull (continued)

Vt, a bison statant Arg & on a chf doubly enarched Or a cranequin

fesswise Sa. (D: Sylvia Schirenhoferin - Jul 01)
Vt, a bison statant atop a mount issuant from base proper & on a chf
Or a lion passant guardant Gu. (D: Manitoba - Jan 98)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Vt, a bull dormant & on a chf Or 3 roses proper. (D: Arianwen
verch Kynwraidd ap Aeddan - Sep 94)
Vt, a bull passant Arg, pied Gu, armed & unguled Sa, horns tipped
Arg. (B: Willow Herbert - Aug 79) (For Clan Cadal)
Vt, a bull passant contourny on a chf enarched Arg 3 decrescents
Gu. (D: Rhys Tristan Ednowain - Jun 95)
Vt, a bull ramp to sin Arg armed Or within a bord quarterly Gu &
Arg. (D: Dilan mac in tsaeir - Aug 95)
Vt, a Holstein-Frisian cow statant proper over a milking stool & a
pail Arg. (D: Garrison of Borden - Jan 74?)
Vt, a water buffalo passant proper. (D: Fenwick of Gloster Jun 76)
Vt, an oak leaf bendwise sin inv fructed & in base a bull statant
within a bord Arg. (D: Ralf of Oak Lawn the Oxhandler Jun 02)
Vt, sem of daisies proper, a longhorn bull dormant gardant Or. (D:
Russell Barborosa - May 80)
Vt, 3 bulls passant Or, each charged on the shoulder with a heart
Gu, within a bord Or. (D: Benahan of Lusitania - Apr 82)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Camel

(Fieldless) A camel couchant Arg saddled & bridled Gu. (B: Jamal
Damien Marcus - Mar 94)
(Fieldless) A camel statant contourny Or. (B: Ishmael of the Wells
- Oct 95)
(Fieldless) A camel statant to sin Arg. (B: Suleiman ibn alKhattaru - Feb 88)
(Fieldless) A dromedary statant Or. (B: Daud ibn Auda - Oct 95)
Arg, a dromedary couchant contourny Sa laden Gu within a bord
Az. (D: Eadweard Boise the Wright - Jun 00)
Arg, a dromedary statant contourny Sa & on a chf wavy Az 2
falcons striking respectant Arg. (D: Muhallim ibn Rashid Sep 91)
Arg, in pale a strung bow fesswise & a Bactrian camel statant
proper. (D: Rami ibn Asad men Damashk - May 83)
Arg, on a bend sin Az betw 2 camels passant Sa blanketed Az 3
decrescents Arg. (D: Malik Abd al-Rahman - Aug 97)
(listed under Ansteorra on the LoAR, actually from the Middle)
Arg, on a bend sin Gu betw an increscent Sa & a dromedary statant
contourny proper 3 scimitars palewise Arg. (D: Bcar ibn
Tariq - Feb 92)
Az, a camel ramp Or wearing a hat Gu & maintaining in its mouth a
bottle fesswise reversed Vt. (D: Xenos the Butcher - Jun 02)
Az, a scimitar fesswise Arg betw in pale 2 camels statant Or. (D:
Shelley of Windale - Mar 01)
Gu, a winged camel trippant Arg. (D: Jon de Cles - Jan 73?)
Gyronny Gu & Arg, a camel ramp Or maintaining a laurel wreath
bendwise Vt. (D: Desert Sands - Jul 03)
Or, a brown camel statant proper on its back a blanket Vt. (D:
Aminah bint al-Megallid - Mar 02)
Or, a camel couchant & on a chf nebuly Gu, 2 moons in their
complement Or. (D: Zaida of Southkeep - Apr 89)
Per bend sin Or & Purp, 2 camels statant ctrch. (D: Shadhra Aliya Sep 99)
Per pale Az & Gu, a camel couchant to sin betw 3 goblets Or. (D:
Madoch di Messina - Apr 91)
Per pale Gu & Az, an orle of camels Or. (D: Hakim de Casa
Branca - Nov 04)
Purp, a camel statant Arg & a chf lozengy Arg & Sa. (D:
Constance ingen Chonchobair - Nov 05)
Purp, a dromedary courant to sin Arg, in base a double-peaked
mount, all within a bord Or. (D: Rowazna Azgwau - Jan 88)
Purp, crusilly couped, a camel statant Or. (D: Nasir al-Tawil Sep 93)
Sa, a camel courant Or. (D: Ayesha of the Dancing Camel Jun 83)
Sa, a camel statant contourny betw 3 decrescents Or. (D: Balthazar
the Quiet - Aug 95)

152 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Camel (continued)

Sa, a camel statant to sin & in chf a crescent & on a base Arg a
fleur-de-lys Sa. (D: Maria Theresa Sanchez Garcia Mar 04)
Vt, a camel statant & on a chf Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Vt. (D: Bianca the
Inquisitive - Jan 06)
* * * End * * *
Beast - Camelopard: see Beast - Other
Beast - Canine: see Beast - Dog

Beast - Cat - 1 - Argent - Couchant

(Fieldless) A lion couchant Arg charged on the shoulder with a

decrescent Sa. (B: Aziza al-Labua bint Ibrahim ibn Rashid alRahhala - Mar 07)
(Fieldless) A lion dormant Arg within & conjoined to a wingless
dragon involved head to chf Or. (B: Rowen the Shiftless Oct 01)
Arg, on a nesselblatt Vt a cat dormant guardant Arg. (D: Marten
Jeros Brker - Oct 83)
Az, a domestic cat dormant betw 3 stars of David, all within a bord
Arg. (D: Aislinn Ysobel dArgentan - Mar 85)
Az, a lion couchant & on a chf Arg 3 roundels Az. (D: Jacques
Abarn - Dec 93)
Az, a lion couchant guardant contourny, on a mount Arg a hank of
cord Az. (D: Caointiarn Comhthaisteala - Sep 93)
Az, a lion dormant to sin & a chf arched Arg. (D: Thomas
Longshanks - Mar 84)
Az, a natural leopard dormant Arg & in chf a plate & a sun Or. (D:
Pietro Sega - Mar 02)
Az, crusilly Or, a lion & a lamb couchant respectant Arg & on a chf
Or 3 horned owls Az. (D: Gareth Tancred Wilfirth - Jun 85)
Az, in pale a lynx couchant guardant Arg & a bar couped rayonny
counter-rayonny Or. (D: Catriona Mairi Ann nic Ghriogair Jan 84)
Az, vet, a long-haired domestic cat dormant Arg. (D: Kareina
Talvi Tytar - Jul 86)
Checky Vt & Or, a cat couchant affronty Arg. (D: Eleanor of
Warenne - May 98)
Ermine, on a cushion Az corded & tasseled Or, a cat dormant curled
Arg, a bord engrailed Or. (D: Faye of the Farther Glen Jan 74?)
Gu, a domestic cat couchant guardant & a bord embat Arg. (B:
Rebecca de Estella y Mallorca - Oct 06)
Gu, a domestic cat couchant guardant & a chf Arg. (D: Rebecca de
Estella y Mallorca - Oct 06)
Gu, a pall inv Or betw 2 unicorns combattant Arg & a natural tiger
couchant Arg marked Sa. (D: Franziska Gerdrudis
Kesselheim - Nov 01)
Gu, a snow leopard couchant, tail & head elevated, proper, on a chf
pean a mushroom Arg. (D: Kynan Wyllt - May 86)
Gu semy-de-lys Or, a lion couchant Arg. (D: Rowen the Shiftless Aug 04)
Gyronny of six from dexter chf Az & Or, a cat dormant betw 3
fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Anastasia de Vaucouleurs - Oct 92)
Gyronny Sa & Or, a natural panther couchant within a bord Arg.
(D: Stephanie of Garrows Loch - Apr 90)
Lozengy Or & Az, a cat couchant guardant contourny Arg. (D:
Klare metten Katten - Jul 01)
Or, on a pile throughout Vt a tower Or, on the battlements a snow
leopard couchant reguardant proper. (D: Alanna of Caer du
Pard - Jun 81)
Pean, a domestic cat dormant guardant Arg. (D: Ellen of Caer
Seiont - Jul 83)
Pean, in pale a domestic cat dormant to sin & a moon in its
complement Arg. (D: Ruth Wayne of the Green Hills Jun 88)
Per bend Az & Gu, a lynx couchant guardant & on a chf Arg 3
fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Cristina Stolte - Mar 04)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, 3 thistles, slipped & leaved, & a lynx
couchant guardant ctrch. (D: Anastasia Katherine aus Speyer
- Mar 90)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, an eagle close Purp & a wildcat couchant to
sin Arg. (D: Sigmund Theodoric von Halberstadt - Dec 98)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a domestic cat couchant guardant Arg & 3
wooden drop spindles in bend proper threaded Vt. (D: Aurore
de Flandres - Sep 97)

[Beast - Cat - 1 - Argent - Couchant] to [Beast - Cat - 1 - Argent - Passant]

Beast - Cat - 1 - Argent - Couchant (continued)

Per chev Arg ermined Az, & Az, a rose proper & a winged lion
dormant Arg. (D: Aidan Aileran OComhraidhe - Sep 92)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chevronel Arg betw in chf a sun in glory & a
domestic cat dormant Arg. (D: Caryn Isolde Clothilde von
Katzenberg - Jun 75?)
Per chev Gu & Sa, 2 thistles & a lion dormant contourny Arg. (D:
Isabella Evangelista - Sep 04)
Per chev inv Az & Arg, a cat couchant Arg & 3 roses proper. (D:
Anne FitzRichard - Oct 07)
Per fess Arg & Vt, 2 oak trees eradicated proper & a cat couchant
guardant Arg. (D: Cerridwen Coedwig - Aug 07)
Per fess Az & Vt, a fess bretessed betw a lion couchant guardant
grasping in its forepaws a quatrefoil slipped & leaved, & 2
hawks lures conjoined by a Hungerford knot Arg. (D:
Isabella de Boyce - Jun 00)
Per fess Az & Vt, a fess wavy betw in chf 3 mullets of six points
one & 2 & in base a cat couchant guardant Arg. (D: Nichole
dAudrieu - Mar 04)
Per fess enarched wavy Arg & Vt, in pale a crescent inv & a
catamount couchant gardant Arg. (D: Verena of the White
Panther - Sep 86)
Per fess indented Az & Vt, a cat couchant guardant & on an open
scroll Arg 3 musical notes in bend Sa. (D: Christiana de
Montford - Oct 03)
Per fess rayonny Sa & Or, a lion couchant Arg & a rose Sa. (D:
Duncan von Halstern - May 96)
Per fess Sa & Arg semy-de-lys Sa, a fess of 3 lozenges Gu & in chf
a lion dormant Arg. (D: Yseult de Montagu - Nov 05)
Per fess Sa & ermine, in chf a lion dormant Arg. (D: James Winter
of White Forest - Apr 89)
Per pale Gu & Sa, in chf a lion dormant Arg & in base 3 mullets of
seven points Or. (D: Thomas Eisenmann - Aug 04)
Per pale Gu & Sa, in pale a cat dormant guardant & 2 axes in salt
Arg. (D: Theodoric di Firenze - Feb 91)
Per pale Gu & Vt, a lion couchant within a bord embat Arg. (D:
Angus MacGregur of Black Rose - Jul 06)
Per salt Purp & Vt, a lion dormant within an orle Arg. (D: Averick
of Glen Rowany - Jun 92)
Potenty Or & Az, a cat dormant guardant contourny Arg. (B:
Quenild Comyn - Nov 98)
Purp, a cat couchant guardant contourny, a chf indented Arg. (D:
Faith Rayne - Feb 06)
Purp, a lion dormant & on a chf Arg 3 lions dormant contourny
Purp. (D: Gwylym Penbras - Feb 96)
Purp, a lion dormant guardant & in canton a mullet of eight points,
both Arg. (D: Lauren of the Barrenlands - Jan 74?)
Purp, a natural tiger dormant Arg, marked Sa, a chf triangular Arg
goutty Purp. (D: Deidre Hawksworth - Jul 90)
Purp, in pale a tower & a lion dormant Arg. (B: Denys de
Caergwen - Jun 91) (For House Caergwen)
Sa, a domestic cat couchant guardant chased Arg. (D: Trude
Lacklandia - Jan 80)
Sa, a lion dormant & in chf a celtic cross Arg. (D: Macsen Aelian y
ffyrdig - Aug 80)
Sa, a lion dormant & on a chf Arg 3 roses Purp. (D: Rose Morgan Nov 96)
Sa, on a salt engrailed Or, a mullet Sa, in base a lion dormant Arg.
(D: Craig Eideard MacGhille Aindrais - Jun 91)
Sa, semy of thistles, slipped & leaved, a lynx couchant to sin Arg.
(D: Rhiannan Lowery - Dec 89)
Vt, a domestic cat couchant Arg & a bord engrailed Or. (D: Niobe
Lais - Sep 91)
Vt, a fess wavy Sa fimbriated Arg, & in chf a lion couchant Arg.
(D: Douglas Brownbeard of Hvitamyrr - Sep 73?)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Cat - 1 - Argent - Passant

(Fieldless) A lion passant Arg charged on the shoulder with a rose

Vt. (B: John of Severn - Aug 00)
(Fieldless) A lion passant Arg crusilly Maltese Sa. (B: Nemet
Arpad - May 02)
(Fieldless) A lion statant guardant Arg. (B: Roswitha of Suanesfeld
- Jan 99)
(Fieldless) A tree blasted & eradicated Az surmounted by a lynx
passant Arg. (B: Pietari Pentinpoika Uv - Feb 99) (For
Societas Silvestris)

Beast - Cat - 1 - Argent - Passant (continued)

(Fieldless) A winged cat passant, forepaw extended, wings elevated

& addorsed, Arg. (B: Windmasters Hill - Oct 79)
Az, a catamount passant guardant Arg betw 3 estoiles within a bord
Or. (D: Ceatta o Gulcleth - Feb 85)
Az, a chev betw a harp, an axe reversed & a sabre-toothed tiger
statant Arg. (D: Beorn Collenferth - Oct 82)
Az, a domestic cat statant contourny betw 3 estoiles 2 & one Arg &
a chf wavy paly Or & Vt. (B: Gabriela Maria dei Clementini
dOrvieto - Jun 99)
Az, a lion of Saint Mark statant guardant & on a chf Arg 3 fleursde-lys Az. (D: Collette de Paris - Oct 07)
Az, a natural tiger statant contourny Arg striped Sa within a bord
Arg semy of card piques Sa. (D: Tearlach MacMillan Nov 99)
Az, a straight tau cross throughout betw in chf an ounce passant
guardant Arg incensed proper & in base an increscent & a
decrescent, all Arg. (D: Catriona Gillander - Dec 06)
Az, a wildcat statant guardant Arg, a bord Arg semy of hawks bells
Vt. (D: Rianna Whirlwind - Jun 91)
Az, a winged cat passant & a bord embat Arg. (D: Kaellyn mac
Dermott of Leinster - Nov 03)
Az, climbing a bendlet indented Or, a cat passant bendwise Arg
orbed Or. (D: Ian of Clan Mitchell - Aug 79)
Az estencel Or, an ounce passant Arg incensed proper gorged with
a ducal coronet Or. (B: Heather of Tyson - Mar 07)
Gu, a cat statant Arg pellety, a bord embat Arg. (D: Saxsa Corduan
- Feb 06)
Gu, a fess invected betw a natural tiger passant guardant & a
scimitar fesswise, blade to chf, Arg. (D: Brayden Avenel
Durrant - Jun 91)
Gu, a natural panther passant Arg marked Sa & on a chf Arg 3 roses
Gu. (D: Roscelin de Limoges - Apr 02)
Gu, a winged lion-dragon passant tail nowed Arg within a double
tressure surmounted by six roses Arg barbed Purp, seeded Or.
(D: Alasdair James Lyon - Jan 97)
Gu, 2 chevronels betw 2 equal-armed Celtic crosses & a lion
passant Arg. (D: John Rodrick of Clan Neil - May 98)
Paly Sa & Or, a natural panther passant in base a crescent inv Arg, a
chf ermine. (D: tan Liath - Sep 97)
Pean, a cat courant Arg & in chf a barrulet couped Or within a bord
Arg masoned Sa. (D: Brianna di Girgenti - Aug 90)
Per bend Az & Arg, a natural tiger passant guardant Arg marked Sa
& a garden rose slipped & leaved bendwise Az. (D: Sean
Kelson - Jun 91)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a bend sin cotised betw a wyvern sejant,
wings disp, & a lion statant Arg. (D: Gwyneth Catriona
McClellan - Mar 93)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 2 equal-armed Celtic crosses & a cat statant
guardant ctrch. (D: Berenice Calvina - Feb 07)
Per chev Az & Vt, in chf 2 boreae addorsed & conjoined & in base
a winged cat passant, forepaw extended, wings elevated &
addorsed, all Arg, within overall a laurel wreath Or. (D:
Windmasters Hill - Oct 79)
Per chev embat Sa & Gu, 3 roses one & 2 Arg barbed & seeded
proper & a lion passant reguardant, a bord Arg. (D: Abigail
Gryndley - Jun 05)
Per chev Gu & Or, a lion passant guardant Arg & a tower Az within
a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Twr Cath - Jul 94)
Per fess dovetailed Az & Arg, a lion passant Arg & a tyger passant
contourny Sa. (D: Charmayne dAix la Chapelle - Jun 08)
Per fess embat Gu & Arg, a lion passant to sin Arg, maintaining a
sword Or, & a rose proper. (D: Robert the Ironwolf - Oct 93)
Per fess Purp & ermine, a catamount passant Arg & a mullet of
eight points Purp. (D: Kiera Mrkstjrna - Sep 86)
Per fess Vt & Sa, in pale a cat passant & 3 lozenges in fess Arg. (D:
Duarcn Raghailligh - Nov 00)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a lion passant to sin, on a chf Arg 3 roundels Sa.
(B: Edith of Arbroath - Mar 04)
Per pale Or & Gu, a winged lion statant Arg. (B: Alain FitzWilliam
lAileleon - Sep 80)
Per pale Purp & Sa, a cat statant contourny Arg, a mount barry
wavy Az & Arg. (D: Tamera Borgia - Aug 96)
Per pale Purp & Sa, in pale a catamount passant & a cross fleury
Arg. (D: Daniel of Aquitaine - Oct 97)
Per pale Vt & Az, a lion passant guardant within a mascle of 4
swords inv Arg. (D: Tirza bithe Reaboughes - Jan 90)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 153

[Beast - Cat - 1 - Argent - Passant] to [Beast - Cat - 1 - Argent - Rampant]

Beast - Cat - 1 - Argent - Passant (continued)

Per salt Vt & Az, a cat passant to sin Arg. (D: Rhiannon Aslef Jul 92)
Purp, a lion passant guardant & on a chf Arg 3 crosses formy Gu.
(D: Giovanni Giordano da Firenze - Aug 01)
Purp, a pale offset betw in bend sin a moon in her plenitude & a
domestic cat herissony guardant Arg. (D: Caitrona
Suthirlande - Feb 08)
Purp, a 2-tailed comet bendwise Or, overall a snow leopard statant
to sin reguardant proper. (D: Talina Orysa of Quizzisath Jul 82)
Purp, on a bend betw a cat passant reguardant contourney & a dog
passant reguardant Arg, 3 harps Purp, a bord Or. (D: Brianne
Pendeulwyn - Sep 92)
Quarterly Az & Sa, a domestic cat herissony betw 3 triquetras Arg.
(D: Davyd Robertson - May 04)
Sa, a Bengal tiger passant Arg, striped Sa, atop a Lochaber axe
fesswise, all within an orle Arg. (D: Wilowen of Stuarts Jun 76)
Sa, a cat counter-selongeant within a bord Arg. (D: Patri du Chat
Gris - Jun 73?)
Sa, a cat passant Arg collared Purp chained Arg a bord ermine. (D:
Falenn Dubshlech - Apr 97)
Sa, a cat statant guardant coward Arg betw a ferret courant to sin &
a ferret courant & inv Or. (B: Coinneach MacKenzie Mar 86) (For the House of the Confused Cat)(JB: Megan
Sa, a domestic cat passant Arg & in chf an ermine spot Or. (B:
Wilhelm Leopard der Schwarze - Apr 05)
Sa, a lion passant betw 3 Maltese crosses Arg. (D: Nemet Arpad May 02)
Sa, a lion passant to sin Arg crined betw 3 ladders bendwise Or. (D:
Thomas Henry Morice - Mar 91)
Sa, a lion passant to sin, on a chf Arg 3 decrescents Sa. (D:
Dominic de Lyon - May 92)
Sa, a snow leopard statant to sin guardant proper, in chf 3 mullets of
eight points, one & 2, Arg. (D: Justine of the Marsh Aug 79?)
Sa, a winged lion courant to sin, wings elevated & addorsed, betw 3
mullets of 4 straight & 4 wavy points Arg. (D: Tezar of Aeolis
- Mar 87)
Sa, a winged lion passant guardant to sin Arg. (B: Aethelthritha of
Whitby - Jul 84) (For Maria Francesca de Contirrini)
Sa, in chf a catamount passant guardant Arg, maintaining in each
forepaw an arrow inv & issuant from base a demi-sun Or. (D:
Kaffar Muiriath - May 82)
Sa, in chf a lion passant dismembered & in base a mount Arg. (D:
Walter de Montagne - Jun 75?)
Sa, in pale a triskele & a lion passant Arg. (B: Janos der Kleine May 96)
Tierced per fess Az, Gu, & Az, a lion passant guardant betw 4
roses, 3 & one, Arg, barbed & seeded Or. (D: Maelgwyn de
Lyonesse - Jan 76?)
Vt, a cat passant & a chf triangular Arg. (D: Aeschine ODonley Oct 00)
Vt, a catamount statant guardant betw in pale 2 crescents & in fess 2
scimitars inv & addorsed Arg. (D: Scheherazade al-Zahira Sep 06)
Vt, a chev inv ermine, in chf a lynx passant contourny guardant Arg
maintaining an annulet Or. (D: Philippa la Blanche - Jul 93)
Vt, a lion passant Arg betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Richard
Armistead - Jan 00)
Vt, a lion passant contourny Arg within a bord quarterly Sa & Arg.
(D: Caitlyn verch Llewellyn - Mar 93)
Vt, a winged lion passant to sin & on a chf indented Arg a compass
star elongated to base Sa. (D: Dona of Flaming Gryphon Feb 87)
Vt, 2 bars gemels & in chf a lion passant Arg. (D: Fredeburg von
Katzenellenbogen - Jul 06)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Cat - 1 - Argent - Rampant

(Fieldless) A cat sejant erect affronty Arg. (B: Khaalid al-Jaraad Sep 93)
(Fieldless) A lion Arg charged on the shoulder with a mullet of 4
points Gu. (B: Angus Amhas - Jun 03)

154 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Cat - 1 - Argent - Rampant (continued)

(Fieldless) A natural demi-tiger salient Arg striped Sa issuant from

a pearled coronet Gu. (B: Tatiana Nikonovna Besprozvannyja
- Sep 07)
(Fieldless) A snow leopard ramp guardant contourny Arg spotted
Sa. (B: Marke von Mainz - May 95)
Arg, on a lozenge palewise throughout Purp, a winged lion ramp
guardant to sin, wings elevated & addorsed, Arg. (B: George
Emerson True - Mar 88)
Az, a cat sejant erect & on a chf engrailed Arg 3 trefoils Vt. (D:
Dailfind inghean u Ruairc - Apr 08)
Az, a cross erminois & overall a lion ramp Arg. (D: Geoffrey de
Leon - Sep 92)
Az, a double-headed lion queue-forchy ramp contourny maintaining
in its sin forepaw a sword inv & on a chf Arg 2 wooden spoons
in salt proper. (D: Siobhan inghean Bhraonain - Nov 05)
Az, a leopard sejant erect affronty, forelegs disp, in base a mullet of
sixteen points pierced, all within a bord engrailed Arg. (D:
Mieczyslaw Tomeknowicz - Jul 05)
Az, a lion & a unicorn ramp & addorsed, tails intertwined, within an
orle Arg. (D: Jonathan de Laney - Aug 80) (re-registered
Az, a lion betw 3 anchors Arg. (D: James Guy of Bothwell Oct 05)
Az, a lion ramp Arg a bord embat Arg semy-de-lys Purp. (D:
Genevive Saint Jacques dAvignon - Apr 94)
Az, a lion ramp queue-forchy & on a chf embat Arg 3 martlets
contourny Az. (D: Geoffrey Storm - Nov 98)
Az, a lion ramp to sin within a double tressure Arg. (D: Edwin
Griffin de Lyons - Feb 86)
Az, a lynx ramp Arg, a chf rayonny Or. (D: Rnn Meablach Feb 05)
Az, a natural tiger Arg marked Sa & a dragon combatant within an
orle Arg. (D: Davin Mac Alister of Drakes Height - Nov 06)
Az, a winged lynx ramp in chf a mullet betw a decrescent & an
increscent Arg. (D: Mredyth y Linx Gwyn - Sep 94)
Az, a winged natural tiger ramp Arg marked Sa, on a chf Arg 3
pairs of garden roses in salt Az, slipped & leaved Vt. (D:
Thomas Faraday - Jan 91)
Az, a winged natural tiger sejant erect affronty queue forchy Arg,
on a base Or a castle Sa. (D: Alexandria Tigre del Castillo Jun 01)
Az ermined Arg, an ounce ramp enflamed guardant contourny betw
flaunches Arg. (D: Otto von Schwyz - Feb 07)
Az, issuant from a chev betw 3 compass stars, a demi-lion
contourny maintaining an anchor Arg. (D: Ramn de
Castelln de la Plana - Nov 94)
Az, on a chev throughout Arg five roses Az & in base a lion ramp
tail nowed Arg. (D: Elizabeth Cameron nic Iain - Jun 91)
Az, semy of roses, a lion ramp contourny Arg & in chf a coronet
Or. (D: Miriam bat Yehuda - Apr 92)
Az, 2 bendlets dancetty betw a fleur-de-lys & a lion ramp Arg. (D:
James Greenleaf - Feb 86)
Az, 2 chevronels, issuant from the uppermost a demi-lion
maintaining a sword Arg. (D: Ioan Ferkar - Nov 00)
Bendy sin Or & Sa estencely Or, a winged lion ramp Arg. (D:
Deanna della Penna - Feb 07)
Counter-ermine, a bicorporate lion Arg within a bord Or. (D:
Bernard the Nameless - Mar 93)
Counter-ermine, a natural tiger salient Arg, striped Sa, & in dexter
chf a sun Arg, eclipsed Sa. (D: Arima Jinsuke Shirotora Jun 92)
Erminois, a lion ramp Arg, maned Gu. (D: Charles Redmane Jan 73?)
Gu, a bend Or betw a sword proper winged, wings elevated, & a
lion ramp Arg, all within a bord Or. (D: Balthezar Rendflesh Jul 82)
Gu, a lion ramp Arg. (D: Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, a lion ramp Arg. (D: Wallace - Aug 99) (Important non-SCA
Gu, a lion ramp contourny Arg, a bord compony Az & Arg on each
Arg pane a tower Gu. (D: Richard James MacCausland Mar 95)
Gu, a lion ramp guardant within a bord, both Arg goutty de sang.
(D: Aldwyn ap Llewelyn - Apr 87)

[Beast - Cat - 1 - Argent - Rampant]

Beast - Cat - 1 - Argent - Rampant (continued)

Gu, a lion ramp queue-forchy Arg. (D: Simon de Montfort, Earl of

Leicester - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, a lion ramp queue-forchy Arg crowned Or. (D: Bohemia Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, a lynx ramp guardant Arg winged & maintaining a chain Or &
in chf a padlock Arg. (B: Cerridwen Maelwedd - Sep 03)
Gu, a natural leopard ramp & on a chf Arg 2 mullets of eight points
Gu. (D: Catherine Cros - Jul 05)
Gu, a tiger ramp Arg, striped Sa. (D: Robert Scheller der
Lasterhaft - Mar 81)
Gu, a winged domestic cat salient to sin & maintaining a sword
palewise Arg. (B: Windmasters Hill - Apr 90) (For the
Order of the Tempest)
Gu, a winged ounce ramp contourny, head to sin, Arg incensed & a
base rayonny Or. (D: Elizaveta Arievna Lebedeva - Feb 07)
Gu, in pale a catamount ramp guardant & a Great Danes head
erased Arg betw flaunches erminois. (D: Margret nic Kinnon Mar 98)
Gu, issuant from a wall embat Arg portalled Sa, issuant from base, a
natural demi-tiger ramp Arg marked Sa maintaining a pole &
pennon Arg, a chf counter-compony Sa & Arg. (B: Darius of
Jaxartes - Dec 97)
Gyronny of ten Sa & Or, a lion ramp to sin regardant within an orle
Arg. (D: John Paul Blacklore - Sep 92)
Or, a mullet of five greater & five lesser points Sa, overall a lion
ramp Arg. (B: Ansteorra - May 80) (For The Lions of
Ansteorra, Defenders of the Dream)
Pean, a unicorn & a winged cat combattant Arg. (D: Timony
Olyveyr - Feb 03)
Per bend Arg & Az, a wolf sejant erect reguardant contourny Sa & a
lion sejant erect reguardant Arg. (D: Caitrona of Dreiburgen
- Jun 97)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend betw a lion double-queued each queue
nowed Arg & an eagle rising contourny wings addorsed Or.
(D: Asshelin Chrystal - Nov 03)
Per bend Az & Vt, on a bend betw a mullet of eight points & a lion
Arg a thistle palewise proper. (D: Aonghus an Leomhann
MacFhionghuin Sgithaich - May 96)
Per bend checky Vt & Or & Az, a Bengal tiger ramp Arg marked Sa
& a horse ramp Arg. (D: Ceara inghean Leoghin - Nov 03)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a winged lion ramp guardant & a bord Arg. (D:
Guilliaume Lavet - Sep 07)
Per bend Purp & Sa, a winged cat ramp to sin within a bord
engrailed Arg. (D: Aoibhell ferch Cyllyn o Benrhyndeudraeth
- Jun 88)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a rose Sa & a cat salient guardant Arg. (D:
Uilleam Mackintosh - Aug 95)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a lion ramp to sin & a fleur-de-lys ctrch
within a bord counter-compony Arg & Gu. (D: Jules Ren de
Lyon - Aug 95)
Per bend sin engrailed Arg & Gu, a flamberge & a lion ramp ctrch.
(D: Hrothgar Rogan - Nov 91)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, a phoenix within a serpent in annulo, biting
its tail, Or & a Siberian tiger salient to sin proper. (B:
Yaroslav the Persistent - Jan 83)
Per bend sin Gu & Or, a natural tiger ramp contourny Arg & a hawk
rising wings addorsed Sa. (D: Lillian Hawksworth - Sep 03)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a bat-winged lion salient to sin & on a chf
wavy Arg a warhammer Sa. (D: Gamel of Mottrum - Aug 05)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a lion ramp within an orle of lozenges Arg.
(D: Edward Dymoke - Apr 04)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, a threaded needle fesswise Or & a winged
lion sejant erect Arg. (D: Ninian Ende - Sep 91)
Per bend sin Vt & Gu, a lynx ramp within a bord embat Arg. (D:
Vanna Edwinsdochter Dawburn - Aug 94)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a catamount ramp, in sin chf a compass-star
elongated to base all within a bord Arg. (D: Rhywallon the
Greycatt - Jul 86)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a natural tiger ramp Arg marked Sa & a
billhook bendwise sin Arg. (D: Alexander Grunaug - Sep 97)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa semy-de-lys bendwise, on a bend sin embat
Arg five fleurs-de-lys bendwise Sa & in dexter chf a domestic
cat salient contourny Arg. (D: Catlin OConnellan - Oct 03)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 Latin crosses & a lion ramp ctrch. (D: James
Applegate - Nov 06)

Beast - Cat - 1 - Argent - Rampant (continued)

Per chev embat Sa & Az, 3 fleurs-de-lys & a lion Arg maintaining a
leather targe proper. (D: Maghnus mac Beathain - Mar 05)
Per chev Gu & Sa, 2 double-headed eagles disp & a bicorporate lion
Arg. (D: Thjodric Thorsson - Jan 96)
Per chev inv Gu & Az, a natural winged tiger segreant Arg, striped
Sa. (D: William Alexander MacAvoy - Jul 97)
Per chev Sa & Az, a winged lion salient, & in chf 3 compass stars
Arg. (D: Kala Ljmi Trygvadottir - Nov 97)
Per fess Az & Or, in chf a lion ramp Arg & in base 3 Maltese
crosses patonce Az. (B: Edward dOrleans - Jul 88)
Per fess Gu & Arg, a phoenix, head to sin, issuant from the line of
division, Or, & a Siberian tiger salient to sin proper. (B:
Yaroslav the Persistent - Jan 85) (For House Pounder)
Per fess Sa & Gu, a cat ramp guardant within an orle Arg. (D:
Catte MacGuffee - Mar 03)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a dragon Gu & a natural tiger Arg marked Sa
combattant, in chf 3 crossbows, a bord ctrch. (D: Richard
Surefoot Mallory - Nov 95)
Per pale Az & Sa, a natural tiger ramp Arg marked Sa & on a chf
Arg a roundel betw an increscent & decrescent Sa. (D:
Tatiana Aleksandrovna Ragozina - Jul 04)
Per pale dovetailed Az & Or, a lion ramp Arg & 3 Maltese crosses
patoncy, 2 & one, Az. (D: Edward dOrleans - Jul 88)
Per pale Gu & Az, a lion & a dragon combattant Arg, maintaining
in their forepaws a sword & a great axe crossed in salt, in base
a massacre Or. (D: Eirkr Strox - Nov 87)
Per pale Gu & Az, a lion ramp Arg & in chf 3 chains bendwise sin
Or. (D: tan ingen Chellaig - May 08)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a lion ramp & on a chf indented Arg, 3 lozenges
Purp. (D: Gaston Valmont - Feb 95)
Per pale Gu & Vt, a winged lion contourny betw its forepaws a
mullet of eight points Arg. (B: Delis Alms - May 07) (For
Fiordelisia Dragano da Parma)
Per pale nebuly Az & Or, a Bengal tiger Arg & a 3-headed dog Gu
combattant. (D: Eldred Sharptooth - Nov 89)
Per pale Purp & Or, a catamount salient Arg maintaining an annulet
Or, in chf 2 tankards ctrch. (D: Sigridr Thorbjarnardottir Apr 99)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a grey alley cat ramp to sin proper. (D: Meridac
Grimalkin - Jul 74?)
Per pale Sa & Az all crusilly Latin, a lion ramp Arg. (D: Ulrich von
Zhringen - May 02)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a winged lion segreant Arg & on a chf embat Or
2 pheons Gu. (D: Galyon le Archer - Feb 92)
Per pale Sa & Gu, issuant from a torse Arg & Sa a demi-lion erect
Arg, grasping in its dexter paw a sprig of bramble Vt,
fimbriated Arg. (D: Roger de Bremble - Oct 81)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a catamount salient contourny Arg spotted Sa
within a bord Arg. (D: Sonja Ryzaja - Jun 06)
Per pale Vt & Az, a griffin & a lion combatant & on a chf Arg 3
towers Sa. (D: Richard von Tanne - Nov 05)
Per pale wavy Az & Arg, a natural tiger ramp contourny Arg
marked Sa & a mullet of eight points elongated palewise Az.
(D: Leowyn Constance Marshall - Aug 95)
Per pale wavy Vt & Arg, a dragon & a lion addorsed ctrch. (D:
Gabrell Fairecloughe - Jun 08)
Per pall Or, Sa & Gu, a natural tiger ramp Arg marked & in chf 2
swords in salt Sa. (D: Killen MCafferkie - Jan 06)
Per salt Az & Gu, a catamount ramp guardant Arg, semy of Maltese
crosses Sa, maintaining a harp Or, betw 3 Maltese crosses Arg.
(D: Tonis van Driele - Jan 99)
Per salt Gu & Sa, a winged lion ramp, wings elevated & addorsed,
Arg. (D: Alienore di Paravano - Jun 81)
Per salt Purp & Gu, a tricorporate lion betw 4 cinquefoils Arg. (D:
Muriella Sibilla de Oseburnham - Apr 98)
Per salt Sa & Az, an enfield & a natural tiger combattant Arg, in chf
a sun Or. (D: Elynor of Deganwy - Jul 85)
Per salt Sa & Gu, a lion Arg betw 3 mullets of eight points Or. (D:
Brian macc Felin - Feb 05)
Purp, a domestic cat ramp to sin Arg within a bord ermine. (D:
Tyra of Rivenwood Tower - Aug 90)
Purp, a lion ramp betw 3 cinquefoils Arg. (D: lfwynn Leoflde
dohtor - Apr 98)
Purp, a natural tiger ramp Arg marked Sa & a chf Or. (D: Chagan
Baras - Jul 03)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 155

[Beast - Cat - 1 - Argent - Rampant] to [Beast - Cat - 1 - Argent - Sejant]

Beast - Cat - 1 - Argent - Rampant (continued)

Quarterly Sa & Gu, a natural leopard ramp reguardant betw 3

fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Montagne Maximilian de Lyon Jan 85)
Quarterly Vt & Sa, a bear & a lion combatant Arg. (D: Arthur
Greenwood - Aug 07)
Sa, a bear & a catamount ramp addorsed betw in pale an arrow
fesswise reversed & an arrow fesswise Arg. (D: Uilliam mac
Maolin - Apr 02)
Sa, a bend sin raguly Or, overall a catamount ramp contourny Arg.
(D: Siegfried von Kulmbach - Jun 92)
Sa, a bendlet betw a lion ramp & 3 mountain peaks conjoined
chased & snow-capped Arg. (D: Lwe des Berges - Nov 80)
Sa, a chev inv Az, fimbriated Or, overall a lion ramp, all within a
bord embat Arg. (D: Odran Schneelwe Eisenschmied Jul 88)
Sa, a double-headed lion queue-forchy contourny maintaining a
sword inv & on a bord embat Arg an orle of keys, wards
inward, Sa. (D: James de Lyon of Glen Lyon - Oct 06)
Sa, a goat & a lion combattant & on a chf Arg 3 crabs Gu. (D:
Wulfrun Spakona - Feb 87)
Sa, a lion & on a chf Arg 2 towers Sa. (D: Benedict Stonhewer of
Askerigg - Mar 01) (Blanket permission to conflict with
device with one CD granted 0512w)
Sa, a lion betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg, on a chf embat Or 3 fleurs-delys Az. (D: Pierre Gaston de Vallier - May 99)
Sa, a lion ramp & in base a mullet of eight points, a gusset Arg. (D:
Hannah von dem Wald - Feb 97)
Sa, a lion ramp Arg. (D: Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of
England - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Sa, a lion ramp Arg charged on the shoulder with a heart Sa, in chf
3 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Marcus Blackaert - Sep 06)
Sa, a lion ramp to sin, bearing in its forepaws a cross botonny, Arg.
(B: Christian du Glaive - Jun 89)
Sa, a lion salient to sin Arg, on a chf Or 3 torteaux. (D: Audrey la
Solitaire - Sep 94)
Sa, a lion sejant erect contourny maintaining in its forepaws a snake
erect & on a chf embat Arg 3 cinquefoils Az. (D: Sibella
Denton - Feb 06)
Sa, a lion, tail nowed, Arg & a griffin combattant & in chf a
compass star Or. (D: Eric Bearsbane - Nov 82)
Sa, a wild cat ramp & in chf 3 bells Arg within a bord Or. (D:
Lucia Bellini - Jan 07)
Sa a winged cat segreant Arg & a bord embat Or. (D: Robin of
Silverwood - Mar 02)
Sa, a winged sea-tiger Arg marked Sa, winged & tailed, a base
wavy Or. (D: Ceridwen Luned of the Fen - Sep 91) (The
monster is a winged Bengal sea-tiger, not a sea-tyger.)
Sa, on a lion ramp maintaining a sword betw in fess 2 garden
rosebuds slipped & leaved Arg, a Maltese cross Az. (D:
Martin Castillo de Mayorga - Apr 94)
Sa, 3 pallets & 3 bendlets fretted, betw in bend sin a rabbit ramp
contourny, maintaining a sword, & a natural panther ramp Arg.
(D: Shea mac Conn - May 93)
Vt, a bend embat Or betw a lion & 2 dolphins haurient Arg. (D:
Seumas of Krakafjord - May 05)
Vt, a catamount ramp Arg on a point pointed Or a cats pawprint
Sa. (D: Melangell ferch Rhys ap Owain - Aug 95)
Vt, a chev throughout checky Sa & Arg betw 2 Maltese crosses & a
lion Arg. (D: Werner der Fromme - Aug 06)
Vt, a domestic cat salient & in canton a snowflake Arg. (D: Thelin
von Kallenbach - Mar 80)
Vt, a lion Arg within a bord Arg semy of pretzels Sa. (D: Vassili
Miroslavich - May 04)
Vt, a lion ramp to sin & on a chf rayonny Arg 3 hearts Sa. (D:
Julyan Lyttleton - Feb 92)
Vt, a lion salient maintaining in both forepaws a sword inv betw 3
mullets Arg within an orle of fleurs-de-lis points outward Or.
(D: Sylvanus of Sutherland - Jan 96)
Vt, a lioness ramp Arg, estoilly of 4 points Az, within an orle Or.
(D: Briany Exeter de Baraine - Mar 82)
Vt, a natural leopard ramp, on a chf Arg 3 roses Gu. (D: Alysandria
of the Fosse Way - Jan 99)
Vt, a natural tiger ramp contourny Arg marked Sa winged Arg,
within a bord gyronny Or & Sa. (D: Sinidin Bean Thorain Aug 94)

156 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Cat - 1 - Argent - Rampant (continued)

Vt, a pale checky Gu & Arg betw a natural leopard ramp to sin & a
crane in its vigilance Arg. (B: Chen Yung Ho - Jan 98)
Vt, a unicorn & a domestic cat salient combattant Arg. (D: Bridei
nic Gillechatten - Jan 82)
Vt, a winged cat salient contourny Arg betw 3 increscents Or. (D:
Myfanwy ferch Candelan - Jan 95)
Vt, an ounce ramp & in chf 2 crescents Arg. (D: Sabyn de Lisieux Sep 00)
Vt, crescenty Or, a domestic cat ramp to sin Arg. (D: Rebecca
Marie MacLeod - Feb 91)
Vt, in bend a phoenix Or rising from flames Gu & a natural tiger
ramp tail nowed Arg marked Sa. (D: Natalia Vasilkovna
Riazanskaia - Dec 03)
Vt, in fess a lion queue-forche salient to sin & a stag ramp Arg, in
chf a compass star Or. (D: Faleena Camille - Apr 83)
Vt, in fess a shooting star bendwise sin Or & a winged lioness ramp
Arg. (D: Kathleen de Tara - Apr 81)
Vt, semy of mice ramp Or, a domestic cat ramp to sin Arg. (D:
Elizabeth Rebecca MacLeod - Nov 89)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Cat - 1 - Argent - Sejant

(Fieldless) A natural tiger sejant affronty Arg marked Sa. (B:

Kolfinna kottr - Sep 02)
(Fieldless) A winged cat sejant affronty facing to sin, wings disp,
Arg. (B: Windmasters Hill - Aug 79) (For the Order of Kitty
(Fieldless) An ounce sejant Arg charged on the shoulder with 3
billets 2 & one Az. (B: Arianwen ferch Arthur - Mar 04)
(Fieldless) 2 swords crossed in salt Sa surmounted by a domestic
cat sejant affronty Arg. (B: Alasdair MacIain of Elderslie Mar 96)
Az, a bend engrailed betw a dove volant & a cat sejant guardant
Arg. (D: Katherine de Staverton - Jan 07)
Az, a bend sin wavy betw a cat counter-sejant guardant voided Arg
& a sugar maple tree couped in fall colors proper. (B: Dirk
Edward of Frijia - Feb 81) (For House Riversong)
Az, a cat sejant affronty Arg, charged with a goutte Az, all within
six gouttes in annulo Arg. (D: Alexandria van de Zilverkat Jun 84)
Az, a cat sejant Arg, within a loop of thread depending from the
eyes of 2 needles, tips crossed in chf in salt, Or, all within a
bord ermine. (D: Jyllian of Bubb - May 88)
Az, a cat sejant contourny & on a chf Arg an oak tree proper. (D:
Magy Blackmore - Jul 03)
Az, a cat sejant dexter forepaw raised Arg charged on the shoulder
with a lozenge Sa on a chf enarched Arg 2 iris flowers Az
marked Arg slipped Vt. (D: Catrona Macraith - Nov 01)
Az, a cat sejant to sin Arg betw 3 crescents Or. (D: Wendy of the
Outlands - Mar 96)
Az, a domestic cat sejant atop a base embat all Arg. (D: Katrine de
Baillie du Chat - Dec 00)
Az, a domestic cat sejant reguardant & on a chf Arg 3 escallops inv
Az. (D: Siobhn Ng Eochadha - Oct 93)
Az, a lynx sejant guardant & on a chf indented Arg a garden
rosebud reversed, slipped & leaved, Sa. (D: Anastasiya
Feodorovna - Nov 93)
Az, a snow leopard sejant Arg, spotted Sa. (B: Jordre Pargon of
Windhovers Reach - Dec 82)
Az, a tabby cat sejant Arg, striped Sa, its dexter forepaw raised &
maintaining a quill, on a chf embat Arg 2 quills addorsed Sa.
(D: Tamara Devereaux - Oct 82)
Gu, a cat sejant affronty Arg, a bord Arg semy of tuns palewise Gu.
(D: Cecily de Catton - Apr 92)
Gu, a domestic cat sejant Arg betw 3 roses Or barbed Vt seeded Gu.
(D: Philippa de cosse - Nov 93)
Gu, a snow leopard sejant guardant Arg spotted Sa & on a chf Arg 3
lozenges Gu. (D: Tamara de Montoya - Apr 01)
Gu, a winged lion sejant within a bord Arg. (D: Bardulf Rauen Dec 00)
Gu semy-de-lys Or, a lion sejant guardant Arg. (D: Ariella
Christine dAilles - May 00)
Per bend Az & Gu, in bend sin a domestic cat sejant affronty & on a
bend Arg, 3 hearts palewise Gu. (D: Katrina von dem
Schwarzwald - May 89)

[Beast - Cat - 1 - Argent - Sejant] to [Beast - Cat - 1 - Azure]

Beast - Cat - 1 - Argent - Sejant (continued)

Per bend Gu & Az, a bend Or betw a cat sejant guardant dexter
forepaw raised & 2 needles crossed in salt Arg. (D: Margaret
Catteshull of Meriden - Nov 01)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, a lion sejant betw 3 drums, a bord embat
Arg. (D: Leona Serwa - Jan 93)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, a striped silver tabby cat sejant guardant
proper. (D: Louis-Philippe Mitouard - Oct 81)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a bend sin ctrch Or & Az betw a cat sejant
guardant Arg & a rose bendwise sin Gu, slipped, leaved,
barbed & seeded proper. (D: Aislinn Rowena MacKenzie May 82)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, a horse passant & a cat sejant contourny Arg.
(D: Catherine Vallemont - Oct 07)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, a winged cat sejant regardant & on a chf Arg
a vine of 3 roses proper. (D: Juliana Celestria - Sep 02)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, in fess a male griffin coward & a natural
spotted leopard sejant respectant Arg. (B: Jordre Pargon of
Windhovers Reach - Aug 83) (For Household of
Windhovers Reach)
Per bend Vt & Or, a domestic cat sejant affronty Arg & a rowan
sprig & blossom proper. (D: Amber Grimalkin - Oct 85)
Per chev throughout Arg & Purp, 2 trees eradicated proper & a batwinged cat sejant Arg maintaining a rapier proper. (D:
Julianna Wilkins - May 08)
Per fess embat Az & Vt, an increscent Or & a domestic cat sejant
Arg. (D: Branwen Madyn Wallis - Mar 94)
Per fess Purp & Vt, on a fess betw a greyhound courant & a cat
sejant Arg a popinjay proper. (D: Elspeth of Foxden - Jan 02)
Per pale Az & Gu, a winged domestic cat sejant affronty wings disp
betw 3 quill pens Arg. (D: Guy Lourance - Mar 07)
Per pale Az & Sa, a cat sejant guardant, dexter forepaw raised, betw
3 cups Arg. (D: Ariella of Devonshire - Jan 97)
Per pale Az & Vt all estencely Or, a cat sejant Arg marked Sa
maintaining a needle inv bendwise Arg threaded Or. (D:
Aodhnait Mire Siobhn n Nuanin - Oct 03)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a winged cat sejant reguardant Arg, a bord
ermine. (B: Arontius of Bygelswade - May 99) (For Justin
Per pale Gu & Vt, a catamount sejant Arg pellety & on a chf raguly
Arg a chain throughout Sa. (B: Katerina McGilledoroughe Feb 05)
Per pale wavy Arg ermined Gu, & Gu, a garden rose Gu, slipped &
leaved proper, & a domestic cat sejant reguardant Arg. (D:
Mary of Cres - Jun 93)
Per salt Az & Sa, a domestic cat sejant contourny Arg within a bord
ermine. (D: Clarice de Grisdale - Oct 99)
Per salt Sa & Purp, a cat sejant guardant contourny betw 3 roses
Arg. (D: Deidra of Bonwicke - Apr 07)
Purp, a cat sejant & on a bord Arg six golpes. (D: Anna
Mitrofanova - Nov 93)
Purp, a cat sejant Arg with a lightning bolt in its mouth Or in chf a
cloud Arg. (D: Branwen ferch Rhodri Gwynedd - Oct 95)
Purp, a cat sejant contourny Arg in chf 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D:
Sabine dOrliens - Jul 98)
Purp, a catamount sejant guardant Arg & 3 bendlets enhanced
ermine. (D: Knusch von Eltz - Aug 04)
Purp, a chev embat, in base a cat sejant Arg. (D: Mirghrad
Kjaransdttir - Aug 06)
Purp, a natural tiger sejant contourny Arg marked Sa within a
dragon involved in annulo head to chf Or. (D: Siobhn ingen
Tigernaich - Nov 07)
Purp, a winged cat sejant wings close licking its sin forepaw, on a
chf wavy Arg 3 roses proper. (D: Osanna Katzgraw von der
Tann - Jul 00)
Purp, ermined Or, a winged lion sejant affronty Arg, a bord embat
Arg. (D: Remy le Lion - Oct 94)
Purp, goutty dOr, a winged lion sejant affronty, wings disp, Arg.
(D: Gabriel Vladimir Zadorin - Jun 05)
Sa, a bat-winged lion sejant affront, wings disp, on a chf triangular
Arg a Celtic cross Sa. (D: Rhyance Llew ap Llewellyn Nov 82)
Sa, a bend betw a roundel & a domestic cat sejant contourny Arg.
(D: Egill kttr Einarsson - Dec 96)
Sa, a domestic cat sejant to sin within a bord Arg. (B: Patri du Chat
Gris - Jul 74)

Beast - Cat - 1 - Argent - Sejant (continued)

Sa, a tailless domestic cat sejant guardant Arg & a base rayonny Or.
(D: Jared thelwulf - Sep 89)
Sa, a winged cat sejant guardant & on a chf engrailed Arg 3
crescents pendant Gu. (D: Juliana Woderose - Aug 06)
Sa estencely, a bat-winged domestic cat sejant contourny regardant
wings elevated Arg. (D: Cateline Margoteau de Carcasonne Aug 98)
Sa goutty, a winged lion sejant gardant Arg. (D: Kiara Aelwold Jun 95)
Vt, a Bengal tiger sejant contourny Arg marked Sa. (D: Alatheia
Merryweather - Nov 00)
Vt, a cat sejant Arg betw in fess an increscent & a decrescent Or.
(D: Margaret of Nordskogen - Sep 95)
Vt, a cat sejant guardant betw eight lilies in annulo bases to center
Arg. (D: Anne Cathryn of Wicken Bonhunt - Aug 06)
Vt, a chev betw 3 apples in chev & a lion sejant, queue-forchy Arg.
(D: Julienne Thorne - Dec 96)
Vt, a domestic cat sejant betw 3 needles bendwise sin Arg. (D:
Daniela Schwartzhaupt - May 98)
Vt, a domestic cat sejant guardant & on a chf Arg 3 estoiles Az. (D:
Sybelle Madeleine MacKee - Apr 96)
Vt, in bend sin 3 paw prints bendwise sin & in dexter chf a cat
sejant to sin, forepaw raised, all within a bord Arg. (D:
Juliana Greyfern Kindlehurst of Clowderhome - Mar 88)
Vt, 2 bendlets sin wavy & in chf a cat sejant to sin guardant, tail
nowed, Arg. (D: Flice dAvignon - Nov 93)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Cat - 1 - Azure

(Fieldless) A cat herissony guardant Az goutty dOr. (B:

Alexandria van de Zilverkat - Jan 85)
(Fieldless) A cat ramp surmounted in salt by a shepherds crook
bendwise sin Az. (B: Rhiannon verch Tegan Glascoed Jan 04)
(Fieldless) A cat statant Az, winged Arg. (B: Aelfwynn
Gyrthesdohtor - Aug 82)
(Fieldless) A demi lion ramp to sin Az issuant from a bar bretassy
couped Arg. (B: Joella of Blue Lions Keep - Dec 89)
(Fieldless) On a lion passant guardant contourny Az a crescent Or.
(D: Luigsech n Ifearnin - Oct 99)
Arg, a cat sejant affronty Az, a bord Az goutty deau. (B:
Vassillissa Koshkovna Nakhodchivaya - Mar 78)
Arg, a cat sejant erect guardant Az betw 2 rose branches in chev inv
conjoined in base Sa. (D: Judith Maryse - Oct 01)
Arg, a demi-cat Sa issuant from a base Az, in dexter chf a laurel
wreath Vt. (D: Catteden - Jul 05)
Arg, a griffin Gu & a domestic cat Az ramp addorsed, tails
entwined, within a bord Gu. (D: Arianna Benyt - Apr 88)
Arg, a lion couchant to sin within an annulet Az charged with roses
Arg, barbed & seeded Gu. (D: Geoffrey Cathan - Nov 85)
Arg, a lion passant & a chf embat Az. (D: Alexandra Wylson of
Inverness Wood - Aug 97)
Arg, a lion ramp to sin & on a chf Az 3 mullets Arg. (D: Seamus
McRay - Nov 06)
Arg, a lion ramp to sin Az, in base 3 hearts Gu. (D: Leif MacLeod Aug 89)
Arg, a lion ramp within an orle Az. (D: Lochlan Dunn - Nov 06)
Arg, a winged cat sejant regardant dexter paw raised Az. (D:
Ulayyah bint Naima - Oct 01)
Arg, in pall a lion passant contourny Az betw 3 hearts Sa. (D:
Catherine de Lyon - Jan 98)
Ermine, a catamount ramp Az charged upon the shoulder with a
decrescent Arg. (D: Christina de Kyncade - Jul 06)
Ermine, a domestic cat sejant affronty Az, orbed Or. (D: Catherine
Winifred of Tor Bitterroot - Dec 71?)
Ermine, a lion ramp to sin Az. (D: Will Langdon of Greymorne Apr 04)
Ermine, 2 scarpes pean betw a lion ramp to sin Az & a unicorn
passant Gu. (B: Will Langdon of Greymorne - Apr 04)
Or, a cat salient fesswise Az, in chf 3 chevronels inv braced Gu. (D:
Rhinnia LeClerc - Jan 81)
Or, a lion ramp Az. (D: Percy, Earl of Northumberland - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Or, a lion ramp betw, on a pair of flaunches Az, 2 crosses paty
fitchy Or. (D: Roderick Level-lance of Rampart - Sep 80)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 157

[Beast - Cat - 1 - Azure] to [Beast - Cat - 1 - Gules]

Beast - Cat - 1 - Azure (continued)

Beast - Cat - 1 - Fur (continued)

Beast - Cat - 1 - Fur

Beast - Cat - 1 - Gules

Or, a winged cat sejant reguardant Az atop a mount Gu. (D: Louise
de la Chatte Bleue - Feb 91)
Or, chausee Az, a cat sejant affronty Az, collared Or, betw in base 2
peacock feathers Or. (D: Taj al Hadiya - Mar 89)
Or, on a bend betw a lion ramp & a scorpion passant to sin Az, 3
crescents Or. (D: Diane de Lyon - Apr 87)
Or, on a chev Az 3 roses Or, in base a domestic cat sejant Az. (D:
Guenuureth filia Thomas - May 04)
Or semy of hearts Gu, a lion ramp Az. (D: Lneburg, Dukes of Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Per bend Arg & Az, a winged cat salient & a decrescent ctrch. (D:
John Lindsay - Nov 04)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a lion passant to sin & a dragon passant
within a bord invected ctrch. (D: Magdalene Wilhelm Jun 84)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a tailless cat sejant guardant right forepaw
raised & a fleece countercharged. (D: sta Jorundardottir Nov 06)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 winged lions dormant respectant & a winged
lion sejant affronty wings disp ctrch. (D: Brandon Cospatric Jul 91)
Per chev embat Az & Or, 2 suns & a lion ramp ctrch. (D:
Coinneach MacKenzie - May 89)
Per fess Arg & Az, a lion passant & a tower conjoined to sin with a
wall, all within a bord ctrch. (D: Joella of Blue Lions Keep Jul 88)
Per fess Arg & Az, in chf a lion couchant queue-fourch
maintaining a sword palewise Az, & in base a menorah Arg.
(D: Gideon ben Levi - Apr 86)
Per pale Or & Arg, a winged lion ramp Az betw 3 roses Gu, barbed
Vt. (D: Cristian del Leon Rampante - Jan 85)
* * * End * * *
(Fieldless) A cross formy Gu surmounted by an ounce passant
guardant pean, incensed proper, maintaining a mace Sa. (B:
Robert de Tyr - Nov 06)
(Fieldless) A lion contourny pean maintaining a tankard Gu. (B:
Lucentio Maccabbee Loredano - May 05)
(Fieldless) A lion Or ermined Az. (B: Irmele Schfferin von
Grnsberg - Nov 01)
(Fieldless) A lion pean maintaining a garb Or. (B: Elizabeth ingen
Tairdelbaig - Mar 05)
(Fieldless) A wildcat sejant erect contourny erminois atop a chest
Sa. (B: Aylwin Wyllowe - Jun 06)
(Fieldless) A winged cat sejant erminois, winged Arg. (B:
Catherine Aimeri de Winter - Dec 98)
(Fieldless) A winged lion dormant wings elevated & addorsed
counter-ermine. (B: Cassandre Nicole Loustaunau - Jan 96)
Arg, a chev inv Az, overall a lion contourny pean maintaining a
tankard Gu. (B: Lucentio Maccabbee Loredano - May 05)
(For Ladnn mac Abbeth)
Arg, a chev Vt & overall a lion pean maintaining a garb Or. (D:
Elizabeth ingen Tairdelbaig - Mar 05)
Arg, a winged lioness passant reguardant counter-ermine within a
bord Az, & overall a chf indented counter-ermine. (D:
Cassandre Nicole Loustaunau - Aug 91)
Arg, an ounce sejant erect pean, incensed Gu. (D: Bronwyn
Banadruidh - Nov 06)
Az, a domestic cat herisonn counter-ermine upon a trumpet Arg.
(D: Johannes the Young - Feb 80)
Az, a natural leopard sejant erect to sin erminois, playing a viol, in
chf 2 sprigs of briar Or. (D: Eglantine of the Viol - May 88)
Az, 2 swords in salt Arg, quilloned Or, betw in pale a cat couchant
ermine & a chalice Arg. (D: Randal Dinadin - Jun 86)
Bendy sin Arg & Az, a lion counter-ermine, a bord ermine. (D:
Thomas Ian Kelson of Greyholt - Jun 91)
Gu, an ounce-dragon passant ermine. (B: Sula von Pferdenthal May 81) (For Caer Oncia)
Or, a cat dormant Az ermined Arg betw 3 torteaux. (D: Alan
Norreis - Feb 97)
Or, a fess bretessed betw a harp Vt & a lion couchant pean. (D:
Briana Morgan of the Valley - Jun 99)
Or, 3 piles in point throughout Vt, overall a demi-cat couped at the
hindquarters ramp, tail spiraled, Or, ermined Vt. (D: Eleyne de
Clermont - Oct 82)
158 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Per bend Sa & Gu, a winged natural panther ramp erminois, winged
Arg. (D: Arthur FitzRichard - Jan 91)
Per bend sin nebuly Purp & Or, an ounce ramp contourny ermine &
a heron Az. (D: Miyamoto Jirou Tadayoshi - Mar 08)
Per chev Az & Or, a sun Or & a cat couchant guardant counterermine. (D: Aislinn of Spinning Winds - Nov 95)
Per chev Or & Vt, 2 open books Az & a catamount couchant
erminois. (D: Ivan Ivanovich Nemytyi - Apr 98) (? blazon
typo for "catamount")
Per pale Az & Vt, a catamount ramp guardant ermine within a bord
Or. (D: Brian Sean OBriain - Nov 89)
Per pale Gu & Az, a lion ermine maintaining 2 stalks of wheat Or.
(D: Yaakov Avraham ben Obadiah - Nov 98)
Per pale Vt & Az, a catamount salient guardant ermine maintaining
a chalice, a bord Arg. (D: Ruth Parlour - Jul 91)
Per pale Vt & Or, a bend potenty ctrch betw an African leopard
passant counter-ermine, collared & chained Arg, grasping in
dexter forepaw a cross crosslet fitchy Vt, & 2 trefoils palewise
in bend Arg. (D: Cath Dubh Mhaoil Fhionn - Dec 81)
Per salt Az & Sa, a lion dormant ermine. (D: Rhiannon Negeswr Feb 06)
Sa, a catamount ramp ermine, breathing flames Gu, within a bord
Arg charged in cross with 4 crosses couped Gu. (D: Parlan
MacRonan - May 91)
Sa, a lion ermine & on a chf Arg 3 roses Gu barbed & seeded Vt.
(D: Symonne de Clare - Nov 99)
Sa, a lion sejant ermine. (D: Guillaume de Saint Jacques - Jul 00)
Sa platy, a bend Arg in sin chf a lion salient ermine. (D: Alexander
Kallidokos - Jun 97)
Vt, a catamount ramp guardant contourny & a chf wavy ermine. (D:
Edelinne de Bayonne - Nov 04)
* * * End * * *
(Fieldless) A cat sejant affronty Gu. (B: Cecily de Catton Jun 94)
(Fieldless) A lion ramp contourny within & conjoined to an annulet
Gu. (B: Jacqueline de Lyons - Dec 95)
(Fieldless) A natural tiger passant guardant Gu, gorged of a
coronet, sustaining a sun Or. (B: Brayden Avenel Durrant Jul 92)
(Fieldless) A sun in glory Or sustained by a demi-lion Gu. (B:
Christiana Rowena Yonge - Mar 97)
(Fieldless) A winged lion segreant maintaining a spear inv Gu. (B:
Edward the Red - Apr 08)
(Fieldless) An ounce ramp reguardant tail nowed Vt incensed Gu
sustaining a wheat stalk Vt. (B: Castell Gwent - Feb 07)
Arg, a bend counter-ermine betw a domestic cat sejant guardant & a
falcon close Gu. (D: Arielle n Sheanin - Jul 97)
Arg, a bend sin engrailed Sa betw a cat couchant gardant & a rose
Gu. (D: Rose Blackthorne - Jul 02)
Arg, a bend Vt betw a lion ramp & 3 mullets one & 2 Gu. (D:
Johan Fitztomas - Apr 03)
Arg, a cat herissant & on a chf Gu, 2 wings conjoined in vol Arg.
(D: Stefan Laskwski - Sep 88)
Arg, a catamount sejant contourny & on a chf Gu 3 lilies Arg. (D:
Arelinda Poincelin - Feb 03)
Arg, a domestic cat couchant guardant Gu, in sin chf a trefoil Vt, a
bord wavy Gu. (D: Carech nic Amargein - Feb 99)
Arg, a domestic cat sejant guardant Gu betw 3 mullets, a bord Vt.
(D: Maerwynn Coed y Cwm - Mar 93)
Arg, a lion couchant contourny reguardant Gu, on a chf invected Vt,
a salt Arg. (D: Diorbhail n Ruaidhri - May 92)
Arg, a lion couchant to sin Gu within a bord Vt. (D: Hodierna
Miriglee of Lincluden - Aug 90)
Arg, a lion counter-sejant erect coward gardant Gu seated upon a
stone Sa & playing a viol Vt with a bow Sa. (D: Joyesse de
Wolfe of Cath Mawr - Aug 80)
Arg, a lion dormant, a chf rayonny Gu. (D: Bartholomew Baskin Feb 05) (Blanket permission to conflict with one CD with
device granted 0603w)
Arg, a lion passant contourny betw 3 crescents Gu, a bord Az. (D:
Charles de Lyons - May 94)
Arg, a lion ramp Gu. (D: Leon - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA

[Beast - Cat - 1 - Gules]

Beast - Cat - 1 - Gules (continued)

Arg, a lion ramp Gu crowned Or within a bord Sa bezanty. (D:

Richard, Earl of Cornwall - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA
Arg, a lion sejant contourny Gu crined & maintaining in his paw a
hammer betw 3 anvils reversed, on a chf embat Sa 3 bezants.
(D: Leo Diogenes - Oct 07)
Arg, a lion sejant erect grasping a spear & on a chf Gu 2 laurel
wreaths Arg. (D: Lyonsmarche - Feb 96)
Arg, a lion-dragon &, a bord Gu. (D: Settimio dOlivio - May 99)
Arg, a natural tiger passant guardant Gu marked Sa & a base embat
Gu. (D: David le Scot - Nov 04)
Arg, a sagittary trippant proper & a lion counterrampant Gu, on a
chf Az 3 crescents Arg. (D: Simonetta de Galicia - Aug 79)
Arg, a sagittary trippant proper & a lion ramp contourn Gu, on a
chf Az 3 crescents, above the central crescent a label, Arg. (D:
Tancred de Galicia - Oct 79)
Arg, a winged lion sejant guardant Gu within a bord chequy Gu &
Arg. (D: Duncan Crockett MacKay - Apr 87)
Arg, an ounce ramp Sa incensed Gu & on a chf Az in salt a sword
Arg & an artists brush inv Or. (D: Gwenhwyfar ferch Dafydd
- Mar 07)
Arg goutty Az, a lynx ramp contourny Gu & on a chf Az 3 compass
stars Arg. (D: Mel Brigte ingen hu Nill - Feb 04)
Arg, in fess an arrow inv Az & a tabby cat sejant Gu, tail entwined
about the arrow, all within a bord Az. (D: Cemgen mac Daill
- Feb 92)
Arg, on a bend sin Az betw a cat couchant guardant Gu & a rose Az
slipped & leaved Vt an open book palewise Arg. (D:
Katharine Nic Canna - Jan 00)
Arg, on a bend sin Sa betw a winged lioness statant guardant
contourny Gu & a wyvern erect Az, a sword Arg. (D:
Francesco Schiavone - Jan 93)
Arg, on a bend wavy Sa betw an open book & a cat passant
guardant Gu 3 roses Arg. (D: Anne de Bayonne sur Adour Dec 94)
Arg, on a lion ramp doubly queued Gu a thistle Arg, in chf 3 hands
Gu. (D: Toms mac Amhalgaidh - Apr 03)
Arg, on a salt Vt cotised Az in chf 2 escallops Arg, overall a lion
ramp to sin Gu. (D: Ian of the Isle - Jul 85)
Arg, sem of Celtic crosses Az, a lion sejant affront, dexter
forepaw raised, Gu, & a ford Sa & Arg. (D: Morwynna of the
Stormy Seas - Jan 81)
Arg semy of thistles proper, a lion passant Gu. (D: Jayme Hume of
Berwick - Oct 98)
Arg, 2 bars Az & overall a winged lion ramp guardant Gu. (D:
John de Montainville - Oct 02)
Az, a chev Or, overall a lion ramp Gu fimbriated Or. (D: Gordon
the Red of Darach - Oct 80)
Az, a lion ramp to sin Gu, fimbriated & orbed, a chf indented Or.
(B: Leon von Schrecken - Aug 79)
Barry Arg & Az, a lion ramp queue-forchy Gu crowned Or. (D:
Luxemburg - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a pair of compasses Or supported by a lion
ramp Gu. (D: Tmas Terlach Fraser - Aug 91)
Checky Az & Or, a lion sejant erect guardant Gu, on a chf Or a
thistle proper. (D: Kennyth de Warenne - Apr 83)
Ermine, a lion couchant Gu, on a chf Az a crescent betw 2 estoiles
Or. (D: Brenna Beldame - Jan 99)
Ermine, a lion dormant contourny Gu & a bord Az. (D: Rurik
Levushka Ulianov - Feb 03)
Ermine, a lion passant guardant betw 3 hearts Gu. (D: Christina of
Adiantum - May 96)
Ermine, a lion ramp tail nowed Gu charged on the shoulder with a
rose Or barbed, seeded, slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Caitiln
inghean Tomis u Dhuibihir - Oct 05)
Ermine, an African lion cub couchant guardant Gu, in its teeth the
stem of a 4-leaved shamrock Vt. (D: Glanwyn Ty Meillionen Oct 76)
Erminois, a lion Gu & a chf dovetailed Az. (D: Katherine Brandon
- Dec 02)
Erminois, a lion salient Gu, on a chf potenty Sa a chain fesswise
throughout Or. (D: Philip dYpres - Nov 91)
Gyronny from chf Sa & Or, a winged lion passant & a demi-sun
issuant from chf Gu. (D: Ann Kathryn McClure - Jan 90)
Gyronny Or & Sa, a lion ramp reguardant & in sin canton a cross
flory Gu. (D: Steffen von Ostdorf - Sep 03)

Beast - Cat - 1 - Gules (continued)

Or, a bat-winged catamount segreant Gu & on a chf urdy Sa 3

decrescents Arg. (D: Cara Mondragon - Apr 03)
Or, a bend counter-ermine betw a bow nocked with an arrow & a
lion ramp Gu. (D: Roderick de Graham - Jan 03)
Or, a bend Gu betw a rose & a lion ramp to sin Gu. (D: Brenodah
von Bayern - Aug 71?)
Or, a bend sin potenty counter-potenty betw a fleur-de-lys & a
natural tiger ramp Gu marked Arg. (D: Park of Vatavia Apr 02)
Or, a cat counter-ramp grasping in its 3 upper claws a python
palewise Gu. (D: Dominique le Montagnard - Jul 80)
Or, a chev Sa betw a tree eradicated proper & a catamount passant
Gu. (D: Moira OMorchoe - Sep 95)
Or, a cross cotised Sa, surmounted by a lion ramp Gu, within a bord
counter-compony Sa & Or. (D: Robert ap Llywellyn Feb 86)
Or, a domestic cat sejant affronty Gu orbed Or betw 2 Oriental
dancers-bells Gu, a bord Sa. (D: Cata dels Vergiers de
Lemozi - Oct 76?)
Or, a fess Az, overall a lion ramp Gu wearing the hood & tippet of a
teaching master Sa, turned up & tasseled ermine. (D: Mark of
Glastonbury - Jan 73?)
Or, a lion couchant coward Gu. (B: Michel Sacristain - Jun 83)
(For Clan Couchant)
Or, a lion couchant reguardant queue forchee of nine vomiting
flames & in chf a label Gu. (D: Hrothgar Gunnarsson Jun 01)
Or, a lion Gu maintaining a sheaf of arrows inv & on a chf Sa 3
crosses couped Or. (D: Marguerite de Moseleia - Mar 04)
Or, a lion passant guardant Gu & on a chf Az a swan volant to sin
wings addorsed Arg. (D: Crimthann Mac Giolla Phadraig Dec 03)
Or, a lion ramp Gu. (D: Holland, Counts of - Dec 00) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Or, a lion ramp Gu a bord Gu semy-de-lis Or. (D: Robert de Foix Oct 97)
Or, a lion ramp Gu crowned Az. (D: Hapsburg - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Or, a lion ramp to sin queue-forchee Gu, armed, langued, & orbed
Sa, & in chf 2 crosses fleury fitchy Gu. (D: Pierre Lyon
Goules - Sep 71?)
Or, a lion ramp within a double tressure flory counter-flory Gu. (D:
Scotland - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, a lion ramp within an orle of escallops Gu. (D: Bourbon, House
of - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, a lion salient queue-forchy Gu, gorged of a ducal coronet Or,
maintaining in its dexter forepaw for augmentation a baton Sa,
within an orle of pine trees couped proper. (Augmentation of
Arms: Trelon of the Wood - Nov 89)
Or, a lion salient queue-forchy Gu, gorged of a ducal coronet Or,
within an orle of pine trees couped proper. (D: Trelon of the
Wood - Jul 89)
Or, a lynx passant contourny Gu & in chf a sprig reversed Vt
fructed Purp. (D: Robin McLaran of Nordenhalle - Sep 02)
Or, a sword inv Sa, overall a natural leopard passant Gu, all within a
bord embat Sa. (D: Romulus Paxton - Jun 90)
Or, a winged lion ramp Gu maintaining a fleur-de-lis Az, on a chf
Vt a straight trumpet Or. (D: Baudouin de Domrmy May 04)
Or a winged lion statant Gu, in chf 2 Catherine wheels Sa. (D:
Alain FitzWilliam lAileleon - May 92)
Or, a winged lion statant to sin, in chf five mill rinds Gu. (D:
Geoffrey Michaelson - Sep 91)
Or, a winged lion statant to sin within a bord Gu. (D: Glaspar
MacNiall - May 86)
Or, a winged lion-dragon sejant contourny Gu, winged Sa, a bord
indented Gu. (D: Viryavan ca Tusnim - Jun 98)
Or, goutty de larmes, a lion sejant Gu, maintaining a pitcher Az. (D:
Elisheva bat Simon Halevy - Jul 88)
Or, in bend a phoenix Gu & a lion contourny maintaining an arrow
Az. (D: Mauda inghean u Dhonnabhin - Aug 06)
Or, in pale a lion statant contourny Gu & a rose Az all within an
orle of thistles proper. (D: Theoderick Orbus - Jul 97)
Or, on a fess betw a lion ramp & in salt 2 thistles Gu a horse passant
to sin Arg, crined Or. (D: Marcail Steuert - May 82)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 159

[Beast - Cat - 1 - Gules] to [Beast - Cat - 1 - Multicolor]

Beast - Cat - 1 - Gules (continued)

Or, 2 bendlets Sa overall a lion sejant erect doubly-queued Gu all

within a bord embat Sa. (D: Wynfri t Huntandune Oct 02)
Per bend embat Arg & Sa, a lion ramp Gu & a unicorn ramp Arg.
(D: Robin MacLaine - Jun 89)
Per bend Gu & Or, a fleur-de-lys & a cat sejant ctrch. (D:
Genevive de Versalais - Mar 05)
Per bend sin Arg & Or, 3 dexter hands in bend sin & a lion ramp
Gu, a bord Sa. (D: amonn mac Alaxandair - Jan 08)
Per bend sin embat ermine & Gu, a lion passant guardant Gu & a
rose Arg. (D: Roselyn Dale of Ashingdon - Aug 92)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, a crane, wings elevated & addorsed, sin
facing & maintaining in the sin claw a rolled scroll Arg & a
Bengal tiger ramp Gu, marked Sa. (D: lfric the Archivist Nov 89)
Per bend sin rayonny Arg & Az, a cat statant contourny Gu & a
compass star elongated to base Arg. (D: Hanna Lore an dem
Fenn - Feb 96)
Per chev Arg & Gu, in chf a winged lion sejant guardant Gu. (D:
Catlin Kavanaugh - Jul 92)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 swords in salt Or & a lion ramp Gu. (D:
Alasdair MacKenzie - Jul 00)
Per chev inv Arg & Vt, in chf a lion ramp queue fourchy Gu. (D:
Anna Syveken - Oct 05)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 2 frets conjoined in fess Arg & a lion ramp Gu.
(D: Jack de Spencer - Nov 04)
Per chev throughout Gu & Arg, 2 daggers inv & a lion ramp ctrch.
(D: Otto von Koblenz - Dec 91)
Per fess Arg & Gu, in pale a lion statant erect to sin, its sin hind leg
extended to sin, playing an Irish harp, & 2 tablets conjoined all
ctrch. (D: Collawyn Lughaidh O Cearbhaill - Nov 89)
Per fess Arg & Sa, an ounce ramp guardant Gu incensed proper
betw 3 ermine spots ctrch. (D: Azelina of Exanceaster Feb 07)
Per fess Arg & Vt, a domestic cat sejant erect guardant Gu, a bord
wavy Az. (D: Ieuan ap Gwilym - Mar 08)
Per fess Arg & Vt, a lion-dragon erect Gu & 3 Celtic crosses Or.
(D: Llywelyn Gwehydd Pentrelasleygercaerdydd ap Gwilym Nov 91)
Per fess Az & per pale Arg & Gu, a demi-sun Or issuant from the
line of division & a lion & a griffin combattant ctrch. (D:
Latvia, Republic of - Jan 00) (Important non-SCA arms)
Per fess embat Arg & Vt, in chf a lion passant guardant Gu holding
a Latin cross Sa. (D: Douglass Gerard - Oct 85)
Per fess rayonny Or & Sa, in chf a lion ramp Gu, maintaining a quill
bendwise sin, betw in fess 2 fleurs-de-lys Sa, in base a sun
Arg. (D: Philippe Lyon de Marseilles - Nov 87)
Per pale chevronny Az & Arg ctrch, a lion passant guardant Gu
betw 3 crosses bottony Or. (D: Duncan of Long Drax Mar 98)
Per pale dovetailed Or & Gu, a lion & a horse combattant ctrch. (D:
Tangwen ferch Sylwein - Sep 01)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a chalice & a lion ctrch & on a chf Vt, 3 harps
Or. (D: Mchl Murchadha - Feb 07)
Per pale indented or, a lion ramp Gu, armed, orbed, & langued Sa,
& Vt, in pale 3 apples Arg. (D: Sean de Gourdon - Aug 79)
Per pale Or & Arg, on a pale Vt betw a lion & a bear combattant
Gu, a fleur-de-lis Arg. (D: Merewyn de Courcy of Tavistock Jul 86)
Per pale Or & Sa, a chev ctrch, overall a lion dormant guardant &
on a chf triangular Gu a Celtic cross Or. (D: Angharad O
Dubhdabhoireann - Dec 84)
Per pale Or & Vt, a lion ramp Gu. (D: William the Marshall,
Regent of England - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a winged lion passant Gu & in chf 2 wolves
heads caboshed ctrch. (D: Loric of Winteroak - Aug 84)
Per pale Sa & Or, a winged lion passant Gu, haloed & maintaining
in its dexter forepaw a long cross moline Or. (D: Edward of
Effingham - May 92)
Per pale Vt & Or, in pale a cat sejant affronty Gu & an open book
Arg. (D: Ceara na Tuatha - Oct 94)
Quarterly: 1, France modern; 2, Quarterly Leon & Castile; 3, the
Union flag; 4, Gu on a salt Az thirteen mullets Arg; on an
inescutcheon paly Arg & Gu, a chf Az. (D: Alabama, State of
- May 99) (Important non-SCA arms)

160 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Cat - 1 - Gules (continued)

Quarterly Sa & Arg, a lion couchant within a bord Gu. (D: Gabriel
of Lyonshall - Aug 99)
Sa, a cross potent rebated in annulo Arg surmounted of a lion ramp
Gu. (D: Zsoltan Kovacs - Jun 73?)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Cat - 1 - Multicolor

(Fieldless) A bicorporate lion per pale Or & Sa. (B: John

Quartermain - Jun 96)
(Fieldless) A domestic cat salient tail nowed Or winged Purp. (B:
Jacqueline de Meux - Dec 07)
(Fieldless) A lion passant per pale Arg & Gu. (B: ine ingen
Barddin - Apr 05)
(Fieldless) A lion ramp chevronelly Or & Az. (B: Andreas de
Caunteton - Jan 05)
(Fieldless) A lion ramp contourny paly Arg & Az. (B: Thorvald
Redhair - Oct 94)
(Fieldless) A lion ramp per pale Arg & Gu, crowned with a ducal
coronet Or. (B: Artan macAiln - Jul 98)
(Fieldless) A snow leopard ramp guardant contourny Arg spotted
Sa. (B: Marke von Mainz - May 95)
Arg, a batwinged natural tiger ramp guardant contourny Gu striped
Sa wings disp Az, on a chf Gu 3 thistles slipped & leaved Arg.
(D: Dafydd ap Emrys - Jun 98)
Arg, a lion barry Or & Vt, a bord Vt. (D: Elaine Fairchild of
Bishopsgate - Jun 06)
Arg, a natural tiger ramp per fess Gu & Sa, in chf a single-bitted axe
fesswise Sa. (D: Pao Hu Tso - Sep 99)
Arg, on a fess Sa betw a Bengal tiger passant proper & a bell Or,
fimbriated Sa, an arrow reversed Or. (D: Roxane of Barnby
Moor - Oct 81)
Az, a lion ramp queue-forchy barruly Arg & Gu crowned Or. (D:
Hesse - Dec 94) (Also the arms of Thuringia)(Important nonSCA arms)
Az, a lion ramp queue-forchy barruly Arg & Gu crowned Or
maintaining a sword proper. (D: Hesse - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Az, a natural tiger statant contourny Arg striped Sa within a bord
Arg semy of card piques Sa. (D: Tearlach MacMillan Nov 99)
Az, a winged cat couchant guardant Arg wings elevated & addorsed
Or. (D: Emery de Fittun - Jul 03)
Az, a winged natural tiger passant guardant Or marked Sa, wings
Arg, betw in chf an artists brush bendwise sin Or & another
bendwise Arg. (D: Medhbh Eithne OMaille - Feb 94)
Ermine, a lion sejant affronty erect, forelegs disp, per pale Az & Or,
the head ctrch, within a bord engrailed Az. (B: John of
Fordington - Dec 86) (For Sean of Bedford)
Ermine, a lion sejant erect affronty per pale Az & Or the head ctrch
crowned with a ducal coronet set askew bendwise Or all within
a bord engrailed Gu. (D: Michael of Bedford - Nov 95)
Ermine, a lion sejant erect affronty per pale Az & Or the head ctrch,
in chf a label couped Sa all within a bord engrailed Gu. (D:
Kaylun of Bedford - Nov 95)
Gu, a lion queue-forchy statant erect guardant barry Az & Arg,
brandishing a sword & targe Or, all within a bord embat Arg.
(D: Robindra of the Isles - Jul 89)
Per bend Arg & Az, a lion ramp ctrch Gu & Or a bord ctrch. (D:
Robert the Bald - Feb 97)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a cat salient contourny ctrch. (D: AElfthryth
Fey - Apr 98)
Per bend Az & Or, a lion ramp ctrch, a bord Gu. (D: Jean-Michel
de Leon - Oct 98)
Per bend Sa & Or, a lion ramp to sin ctrch within a bord Gu. (D:
Phelan MacDermott - Apr 89)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a lion ramp ctrch, a bord engrailed ctrch.
(D: Owen of Calontir - Apr 98)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a lion ramp guardant contourny & a bord
fleury ctrch. (D: Alfredo Gabriel Halcn - Sep 92)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a lion ramp guardant ctrch. (D: Grgoire
dchauffour - Mar 01)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, a lion ramp ctrch Arg & Or. (D: Kit Marik
syn - Jan 08)
Per bend sin Az & Gu semy of pheons Or, in dexter chf a natural
tiger ramp contourny Arg striped Sa. (D: Anne Geoffreys of
Warwick - Feb 00)

[Beast - Cat - 1 - Multicolor] to [Beast - Cat - 1 - Or - Couchant]

Beast - Cat - 1 - Multicolor (continued)

Per bend sin Az & Gu semy of pheons Or, in dexter chf a natural
tiger ramp contourny Arg striped Sa, as an augmentation
maintaining betw both paws an annulet Or. (Augmentation of
Arms: Anne Geoffreys of Warwick - Feb 00)
Per bend sin Az & Or, a lion passant guardant & a bord embat ctrch.
(D: Robert of Doncaster - Sep 00)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a cat-a-mountain salient guardant ctrch. (D:
Devin Breighallach - Dec 82)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a natural panther ramp within a bord embat
all ctrch. (D: Ruairidh MacLeoid - Mar 83)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, a lion dormant within a bord ctrch. (B: David
ben Avraham Brisk - May 92)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, a lion ramp ctrch, on a chf Or a double-bitted
battle axe fesswise reversed Sa. (D: Duncan MacDougald Apr 00)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, an ounce ramp within a bord embat all ctrch.
(B: Robyn FitzOsbern - Oct 07)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a lion dormant within an annulet ctrch. (D:
Alysaundra ferch Llewelyn - Oct 85)
Per chev Or semy of Latin crosses Sa & Gu, a lion ramp paly Or &
Sa. (D: Gerhardt Johannes Liebknecht von Erfurt - Feb 96)
Per chev Sa & Arg, a domestic cat sejant erect affronty ctrch. (D:
Odierne Lion - Jun 94)
Per chev Vt & Or, a lion ramp maintaining a mullet ctrch. (B:
Charles of Shepardswell - Aug 86)
Per fess arched Gu & Or, a lion ramp contourn grasping in its sin
forepaw a caduceus ctrch. (D: Russell Red Lion - Oct 79)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a lion ramp ctrch. (D: Tadhg mac Briain U
Ghradaigh - Jul 07)
Per fess Az & Vt, a tortoise-shell cat couchant guardant proper,
winged Or. (D: Gwenhwyfar ferch Llewllyn ap Morganwyn Jan 84)
Per fess dovetailed Gu & Arg, a winged natural panther passant & 2
cats pawprints fesswise contourny, one & 2, ctrch. (D: Elana
of Coran - Nov 06)
Per fess Or & Sa, a lion ramp ctrch on a chf Sa 3 laurel wreaths Or.
(D: Mountain Edge - Aug 96)
Per fess Purp & Arg, a lion ramp reguardant ctrch, its tail enflamed
Or, maintaining in the sin forepaw a sword Arg enflamed Or.
(D: Kentiggerma the Rebellious - May 81)
Per fess rayonny Arg & Az, a lion ramp betw 4 fleurs-de-lys in salt,
all ctrch. (D: Thomas du Lac - Jan 91)
Per pale Arg & Az, a lion couchant ctrch & a chf embat Or. (D:
Sine ni Mharbhen - Jun 82)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a cat sejant betw in fess 2 arrows ctrch. (D:
Leona Roy Colquhoun - Jan 00)
Per pale Arg & Purp, a lion ramp betw in fess 2 crosses crosslet
ctrch. (D: Pdraig Mac Madigan - Jul 93)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a leopard salient ctrch, on a bord per pale Az &
Arg an orle of lozenges conjoined ctrch Arg & Gu. (D:
Sterling Schawn Leopard - Feb 91)
Per pale Az & Arg, a cat sejant within estoiles in annulo ctrch. (D:
Elisabet Mathematika - Nov 90)
Per pale Az & Arg, a catamount statant reguardant contourny ctrch
& in dexter chf a mullet of 4 points Arg. (D: Katryne
MacIntosh the Strange - Mar 98)
Per pale Az & Arg, a domestic cat courant contourny & a point
pointed ctrch. (D: Penelope the Weaver - Nov 95)
Per pale Az & Arg, a lion ramp betw in chf 2 fleurs-de-lis, all
within a bord all ctrch. (D: Jeremy FitzMartin of Angoulme Aug 86)
Per pale Az & Arg, a lion ramp, in chf in fess 3 crosses couped
ctrch. (D: Laura of Stafford - Nov 88)
Per pale Az & Arg, a tricorporate lion contourny ctrch. (D: Quintin
Saint John - Apr 96)
Per pale Az & Or, a bicorporate lion betw 3 fleurs-de-lys, all within
a bord ctrch. (D: Fridrich Eisenhart - Feb 91)
Per pale Az & Or, a lion ctrch. (D: Andreas de Caunteton Jan 06)
Per pale ermine & Gu, a winged lion ramp reguardant, wings disp,
within a bord all ctrch. (D: Richard of Dunheved - Jun 91)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a lion passant ctrch. (D: ine ingen Barddin Apr 05)
Per pale Or & Az, a cat sejant reguardant ctrch. (B: Astriel of Smael
Nest - Jul 83)

Beast - Cat - 1 - Multicolor (continued)

Per pale Or & Sa, a catamount passant ctrch. (D: Peregrine Armar
- Nov 96)
Per pale Or & Sa, a lion ramp tail nowed within a bord embat ctrch.
(D: Sadb ingen u Cherbaill - Jan 03)
Per pale Purp & Arg, a winged cat passant to sin ctrch. (D: Elspeth
Cathlin MacGilbert - Sep 83)
Per pale Purp & Or, a demi-lion issuant from base & in chf 2
crosses pointed ctrch. (D: Patrick Domhnall ODea - Jan 91)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a cat salient ctrch & a bord Or semy of
pawprints Sa. (D: Francesca Barozzi - Feb 02)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a lion ramp ctrch & a chf Vt. (D: Petur Eylward
- Nov 06)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a lion ramp ctrch, on a chf Gu, 2
chrysanthemum flowers in profile Or. (D: Bera Gunnarsdttir
- Oct 89)
Per pale Sa & Or, a lion ramp ctrch & a bord embat checky Arg &
Gu. (D: Haldan Shieldwrecker of Warriors Gate - Sep 92)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 towers ctrch enflamed proper & a bicorporate
lion all ctrch. (D: John Quartermain - Jun 94)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a lion passant ctrch, armed, langued, & orbed
Gu. (D: Denis of the Titans - Aug 71?)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a lion passant ctrch, armed, langued & orbed Gu
& as an augmentation on a canton Az a whelk within a bord
Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Denis of the Titans - May 04)
Per pale Vt & Or, a cat sejant to sin reguardant ctrch. (B: Herrel of
Smael Nest - Jul 83)
Per pale Vt & Or, a lion ramp betw 4 fleurs-de-lys 2 & 2 ctrch. (D:
Uilliam Farquharson - Oct 03)
Per salt Arg & Gu, a lion ramp to sin ctrch maintaining a rose Sa,
slipped & leaved proper, all within a bord indented ctrch. (D:
Nicollo Andrew Blackrose - Jan 88)
Per salt Or & Az, a cat ramp guardant ctrch. (D: Gregor Mac
Beathain - Mar 08)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a lion ramp to sin betw in salt 4 crosses
bottonny ctrch. (D: Bohemund du Glaive - Feb 90)
Quarterly Az & Arg, a demi-lion Or betw 3 Latin crosses flory
ctrch. (D: Christian Robert von Wildhausen - Nov 05)
Quarterly Gu & Az, a lion ramp guardant lozengy Arg & Sa
maintaining a gauntlet Arg. (D: Bertran de Bancroft Apr 02)
Quarterly Gu & Or, a lion ramp guardant ctrch Or & Sa brandishing
a sword proper. (D: Moreach nic Mhaolain - Sep 93)
Quarterly Vt & Purp, a natural tiger passant Or marked Sa, a bord
erminois. (D: Richard de Grisdale - Oct 99)
Sa, a bobcat ramp reguardant checky Arg & Gu, dependent from its
hindpaw a crescent inv Arg, within a bord compony Arg & Gu.
(B: Brian MacBrand - Jul 90)
Sa, a lion statant barry Az & Arg. (D: Tristan von Heidelberg Sep 06)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Cat - 1 - Or - Couchant

(Fieldless) A demi-lion couchant to sin Or maintaining an equalarmed Celtic cross Sa. (B: Mille ingen Bhrain Cadal Apr 01) (For Brenna dei Leoni la poetessa)
(Fieldless) In the doorway of a tower Arg, masoned Sa, a lion
couchant gardant or; above the keystone a cats pawprint Sa.
(B: Eileen OKitspa - Aug 79) (For Kitspa Manor)
Arg, a pale Vt surmounted in base by a lion dormant Or & on a chf
wavy Vt an Irish harp Or. (D: Siobhn n hEodhusa Nov 82)
Arg, 2 flaunches Az, overall a natural lion couchant Or within a
bord erminois. (D: Jean Claude von Adlerstaat - Sep 84)
Az, a chev erminois betw 2 cotises engrailed on the outer edges
Arg, in chf 2 ash keys fesswise reversed, & in base a domestic
cat couchant Or. (D: Anne of Threadneedle Street - Oct 84)
Az, a chev inv betw 2 hunting horns reversed & a lion dormant Or.
(D: Melisande de Canonwald - Sep 96)
Az, a lion couchant Or & a chf wavy Arg. (D: John Bowyer Jun 08)
Az, a lion dormant Or & in chf 3 mullets one & 2 Arg. (D: Lisa
Dolorosa - Nov 82)
Az, a lion dormant Or betw in pale 2 estoiles Arg. (D: Estevana
dOrliens - May 05)
Az, a lion dormant to sin Or & on a chf Arg, 3 thistles Gu, slipped
& leaved Vt. (D: Kendra An Teallach - Dec 89)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 161

[Beast - Cat - 1 - Or - Couchant]

Beast - Cat - 1 - Or - Couchant (continued)

Az, a natural tiger couchant guardant Or, marked Sa, & a sin gore
erminois. (D: Elizabeth of Dragonmoor - Aug 86)
Az, a pale lozengy Arg & Vt & overall a lion dormant Or. (D:
Ebhln inghean Fhearghusa - Apr 03)
Az, a single arched bridge Arg, each tower charged with a laurel
wreath Az, in chf a lion dormant Or. (D: Rockwall - Aug 97)
Az, a sword inv Arg, hilted Sa, debruising an African wildcat
couchant proper, tail elongated, coward, & nowed in a figureeight knot about the sword tip. (D: Meredith Clough Jan 73)
Az, in pale a Latin cross Or charged with a sword inv Sa & an
African lion couchant proper within a bord Or. (D:
Hrothbeorht the Wanderer - Apr 82)
Az, in pale a lioness couchant coward & a demi-sun inv Or. (B:
Vatavia - Aug 83) (For the Order of the Radiant Lioness)
Az, on a chev enhanced & cotised Or, 3 fleurs-de-lys Az, in base a
lion dormant Or. (D: Eleanor la Sincre - Jun 87)
Az, on a cross voided Arg, a lion couchant Or. (D: Thessala de
Lyons - Mar 89)
Gu, a cat-a-mountain couchant guardant Or within a bord vair
ancient. (D: Leah Kasmira of Natterhelm - Oct 82)
Gu, a lion couchant guardant Or, on a chf Or 3 cinquefoils Gu. (D:
Arabella Lyon de Rohese - Nov 73?)
Gu, a lion couchant within an orle indented on the inner edge Or.
(D: Bella Lucia da Verona - Apr 04)
Gu, a lion dormant betw in pale 2 nightingales close within a bord
Or. (D: Felicity Penne - Jan 85)
Gu, a lion dormant betw 3 trefoils & a bord embat Or. (D: Sesildi
Garces de Leon - May 05)
Gu, a lion dormant contourny Or, a chf wavy Arg. (D: Brengre
Marguerite Madeline dAcre - Jan 93)
Gu, a lion dormant, on a chf triangular Or a sun Sa. (D: Angus
MacIndeor - Aug 91)
Gu, a lion dormant Or & on a chf embat Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D:
Guy Dawkins of Stockley - Jun 98)
Gu, a lion dormant within an orle of hearts Or. (D: Fahrquar
Finley Fahrquarson - Apr 82)
Gu, a pall inv betw 2 lions ramp addorsed & reguardant & a lion
couchant guardant Or. (D: Rolland Kyle of Kincora - Apr 92)
Gu, in pale a Grecian faade Arg & a cat couchant to sin guardant
Or. (D: Georgina of Athens - Apr 84)
Gu, on a bend betw a rooster disp Arg & a lion dormant Or, a spear
Gu. (D: Lars Knarrarsmidr - Oct 92)
Gu, on a bend sin betw a winged lion couchant guardant,
maintaining a set of tablets, & a sun in his splendor Or, 2 roses
proper. (D: Anastasia dello Scudo Rosso - Jul 93)
Gyronny wavy Gu & Arg, a lioness dormant coward Or. (D: Anor
de Winchester - Dec 83)
Lozengy Gu semy-de-lys Arg & Arg, a lion couchant Or. (D:
Leofwynn of Leodridan - Apr 03)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a lion dormant Or & a harp Sa. (D: Cerdic
Charles - Jul 07)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a lion dormant contourny tail nowed within a
bord embat Or. (D: Eadweard Ungearu - Jan 91)
Per bend Purp & Or, a bend pean betw a lion couchant & a cross
flory ctrch. (D: Angelique Marielle DuBois - Aug 92)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, an African lion dormant, & in dexter chf a
sun Or. (B: Gaius Marcellus Liberius Auklandus - Aug 79)
Per bend sin Or & Vt, a phoenix Vt rising from flames Gu & a lion
dormant Or. (D: Kenny Rhys Cowan - Jul 92)
Per chev Az & Sa, 3 crescents one & 2 Arg & a natural leopard
dormant contourny Or marked Sa. (D: Castellana de Salas Dec 00)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev Arg & in base a lion dormant Or. (D:
Katerinka Lvovicha - May 08)
Per chev inv engrailed Arg & Sa, a rose Purp barbed & seeded
proper & a lion couchant guardant Or. (D: Alesia Gillefalyn May 98)
Per chev Purp & Vt, a crescent & a cat couchant Or. (D: Aranwen
Ddryw ferch Rhodri - Mar 00)
Per chev raguly Or & Purp, 2 bunches of grapes, slipped & leaved,
proper & a lion dormant Or. (D: Jeanne Cheronnet de
Champagne - Jul 90)
Per chev throughout Sa & Gu, in base, a winged lion dormant wings
elevated & addorsed Or. (D: Iain Ruadh Mac Dhmhnuill Nov 97)
162 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Cat - 1 - Or - Couchant (continued)

Per fess Arg & Vt, a catamount couchant sin proper. (D: Mairi
Rhianna nam Beanntan - Aug 79)
Per fess Az & Arg fretty Vt, in chf a lion dormant Or. (D: Pieter
Zell - Nov 95)
Per fess Az & Sa, a harp Or strung Arg & a lion dormant Or. (D:
Eleanor Cleavely - Jan 05)
Per fess Gu & Or, a lion dormant & an eagle head to sin ctrch. (D:
Stephania von Graz - Nov 01)
Per fess indented Gu & Arg crusilly Purp, in chf a lion dormant
queue forchee Or. (D: Mathilde de Bretagne - Feb 91)
Per fess indented of 3 points Sa & Az, a dance betw 3 crescents & a
lion dormant Or. (B: Ekaterina von Pferdberg - Aug 90)
Per fess Sa & Arg, a lion dormant Or, a sword inv Gu & a key
fesswise Sa, one & 2. (D: Heinrich Altmark - Aug 81)
Per fess Sa & lozengy Arg & Az, in chf a lion dormant to sin Or.
(D: Eoin Mac Cana - Apr 02)
Per fess Sa, mullety Arg, & Vt, a fountain & in base a lion couchant
guardant Or. (D: Takya Mereleone - Aug 79?)
Per fess urdy Or & Vt, 2 sprigs of wormwood & a cat couchant
ctrch. (D: Ennoguent filia Bronmael - Nov 02)
Per fess Vt & pean, in chf a lion dormant Or. (D: Adriana
Margherita di Betto - Jun 00)
Per pale Az & Arg, a lion couchant guardant contourny Or
maintaining a sword Gu within an orle of Maltese crosses
ctrch. (D: Heinrich von Swartzenberg - Dec 01)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a lion dormant Or, a chf embat ctrch. (D:
Ekkehart von Wartstein - Jul 93)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a cat couchant betw 3 mullets within a double
tressure Or. (D: Elayne of Maryn - Jun 83)
Per salt Az & Arg, in fess a demi-lion couchant guardant to sin Or
betw 2 equal-armed Celtic crosses Sa. (D: Mille ingen
Bhrain Cadal - Sep 99)
Purp, a domestic cat couchant guardant within a arch Or. (D: Asad
ibn Zayyan al-Baghdadi - Oct 99)
Purp, a natural tiger couchant guardant Or marked Sa betw 2
sexfoils in bend sin Arg all within a bord Or. (D: Zoraya de
Navarra - Apr 02)
Purp, in pale a cherub Arg & a lion dormant Or. (D: Angelique
Valrien de Lon - Nov 95)
Purp, 2 chevronels couped betw in chf a crescent, an increscent & a
decrescent one & 2 & in base a lion couchant Or. (D: Marion
Leoncina da Susa - Mar 05)
Quarterly Az & Sa, a lion couchant to sin within a bord Or. (D:
Lon Amour Dufay - Feb 90)
Sa, a fess Arg betw a Latin cross bottony & a catamount couchant
Or. (D: Maire inghean ui Dheorain - Dec 98)
Sa, a fess cotised & in chf a lion dormant Or. (D: Aleyd Lubeck Sep 03)
Sa, a lion couchant & a bord Or. (D: Magnus egjandi - Dec 01)
Sa, a lion couchant, its head a sun in splendour Or. (B: Natalya de
Foix - Apr 88) (Blanket permission to conflict with badge
granted 0801C)
Sa, a lion couchant, its head a sun in splendour Or, in chf a ducal
coronet Arg. (D: Natalya de Foix - Apr 88) (Blanket
permission to conflict with device granted 0801C)
Sa, an African lion couchant affronty, forepaws crossed proper,
orbed Vt. (D: Ysar de la Nuit Blanche - Aug 79?)
Sa, in pale a sun in its splendor & a lion dormant, a bord wavy Or.
(D: Solange de la Forteresse - Sep 00)
Sa, on a pale Arg 2 increscents Gu, overall a Bengal tiger dormant
guardant Or striped Sa. (D: Tino the Terrible - Mar 95)
Vt, a lion dormant proper betw in pale 2 fleurs-de-lys, within a bord
Or. (D: Laura Leontyne - Apr 82)
Vt, a lioness dormant guardant & on a chf doubly enarched Or 3
crosses fleury Vt. (D: Isabella del Bosque - Dec 91)
Vt, a natural leopard couchant guardant & on a base Or 2 roses in
fess slips intertwined to center & leaved Vt. (D: Skarpheinn
Irlandsfari - Nov 03)
Vt, a winged lion couchant reguardant Or, maintaining an open
book Arg, a chf enarched ermine. (D: Michael Rhys Armitage
- Aug 89)
Vt, an African lion dormant Or, & on a chf Arg 3 goblets Gu. (D:
Arthur of Burgundy - Aug 79?)
Vt, in pale a lion couchant guardant & a laurel wreath Or. (D:
Oldenfeld - Oct 82)

[Beast - Cat - 1 - Or - Couchant] to [Beast - Cat - 1 - Or - Passant]

Beast - Cat - 1 - Or - Couchant (continued)

Vt, in pale a lion couchant guardant & a laurel wreath Or, as an

augmentation, within the laurel wreath a triskele Arg.
(Augmentation of Arms: Oldenfeld - Jun 02)
Vt, in pale a moon in her complement Arg & a lion dormant Or. (D:
Gwenyth ferch Llywelyn - Feb 91)
Vt, semy-de-lys Arg, in pale a lion couchant Or & a lamb couchant
to sin Arg within a bord embat Or. (D: Kasimira Verena
dArcy - Jan 91)
Vt, 2 chevronels betw 3 crosses of ermine spots Arg, overall a lion
dormant Or. (D: Timothy Garraghan o Leitrim - Oct 83)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Cat - 1 - Or - Passant

(Fieldless) A domestic cat counter-passant Or, in sin base a goblet

inv bendwise sin Arg, spilling its contents Gu. (B: Mary
Margaret of Derby - Feb 80)
(Fieldless) A lion-dragon statant contourny Or. (B:
Mooneschadowe - Jul 91)
(Fieldless) A lion-dragon statant contourny Or winged as an eagle
Arg. (B: Thurstan de Barri - Nov 96)
(Fieldless) In fess a mullet Arg sustained by a lion passant Or. (B:
Muirgheal inghean Alasdair - Dec 07)
Arg, an African leopard passant proper; on a chf Gu 3 fleurs-de-lys
Or. (B: Eloise of Lancaster - May 85)
Az, a Bengal tiger statant guardant proper, in chf 2 mullets of eight
points pierced Arg. (D: James Bancoth - Mar 81)
Az, a cat statant guardant & on a chf Or, 3 crosses formy Sa. (D:
Christine von Guttin - Aug 04)
Az, a claymore inv surmounted by a catamount passant Or betw 4
thistles 2 & 2 Arg. (B: Brion Donall Gilbert - Oct 94)
Az, a domestic cat passant to sin Or. (D: Mary Margaret of Derby Jul 74?)
Az, a lion of St. Mark statant guardant Or atop a base Vt, forepaw
raised & maintaining a book Arg. (D: Venice, City of Jun 95) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, a lion passant reguardant Or & on a chf embat Arg 3 increscents
Az. (D: Gregor Heiseler - Oct 88)
Az, a lion passant reguardant Or within a bord Or semy of water
bougets Az. (D: Wade Averey of Woodstock - Mar 05)
Az, a lion statant in chf 2 mullets, in base a point pointed, all within
a bord Or. (D: Tmas Skotakollr - Aug 96)
Az, a lioness passant & on a chf Or 3 wagon wheels Gu. (D:
Melissente Lyonne - Apr 04)
Az, a lioness statant guardant Or within an orle of increscents Arg.
(D: Guinevere of Lyonesse - Mar 00)
Az, a sword palewise inv surmounted by a catamount passant Or,
within an orle of thistles, slipped & leaved, Arg. (D: Brion
Donall Gilbert - Apr 89)
Az, a winged lioness passant contourny reguardant within an
annulet Or. (D: Deborah FitzWilliam - Dec 95)
Az, an African cheetah courant in bend sin betw 2 fleurs-de-lis in
pale, all Or. (D: Diana of Kent - Feb 75?)
Az, in pale a lion statant Or & a rose Arg, barbed Vt, seeded Gu
betw flaunches Or. (D: Constance Wyatt - Mar 08)
Az, in pale a lion-dragon passant Or & an open book Arg charged
with a flower Gu slipped Sa & a quill pen Gu. (D: Marija
Kotok - Feb 07)
Az, in pale a natural leopard courant Or, spotted Sa, & a mug Arg.
(D: Ole Fleetfoot - Sep 83)
Az mullety, a winged lion passant Or. (D: Ker Megan of Taransay
- Oct 00) (returned erroneously 9908)
Az, on a fess invected Arg betw a lioness courant & a tower issuant
from base Or, a compass star elongated to base Gu. (D: Kiara
o Ddinas Emrys - Oct 92)
Brown, a lion passant maintaining a sword betw 4 bo leaves
saltirewise in salt Or & a dexter tierce per pale Vt & tenn
fimbriated all within a bord Or. (B: Sri Lanka - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Gu, a chev Az, fimbriated, overall a lion passant Or. (B: Tristan
Keck - Jun 86)
Gu, a lion passant gardant Or. (D: Aquitaine - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Gu, a lion passant gardant Or. (D: Guyenne, Dukes of - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, a lion passant, in canton a mullet of six points, a bord embat Or.
(D: James Francis Navarre - Nov 99)

Beast - Cat - 1 - Or - Passant (continued)

Gu, a lion passant Or. (D: Montenegro - Dec 03) (Important nonSCA arms)
Gu, a lion statant betw in pale a scimitar fesswise inv & a scimitar
fesswise reversed Or, all within a bord Arg. (D: Hassan alRashid - Apr 89)
Gu, a lion statant betw 3 pine trees all within an orle Or. (D: Sillan
Gareth - Oct 85)
Gu, a winged cat passant guardant Or & a chf erminois. (D: Reyna
the Dancer - May 02)
Gu, a winged ounce passant contourny Or, incensed proper, a chf
urdy Or. (D: William the True - Mar 07)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a domestic cat statant Or within a bord Gu. (D:
Skorri Einarsson - Jan 05)
Gyronny Sa & Gu, a winged mountain lion courant bendwise sin to
base, wings elevated & addorsed, Or. (B: Tera Dragonstaff Jun 88)
Pean, a lion passant Or within a bord Gu charged with seven
bezants. (D: William Fitzwalter of Wallingford - Aug 80)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend betw a winged lion passant guardant to
sin & a raffia-covered wine bottle Or. (D: Christopher of
Lions Nest - Oct 83)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, on a bend sin Purp fimbriated betw a lion
passant & a bear statant, 3 bees Or. (D: Fredella Fiametta di
Lodovico Alamanni - Feb 97)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a sword bendwise sin inv proper betw a lion
passant guardant to sin Or & a wolf passant reguardant Arg, all
within a bord ermine. (D: Harald Brandarm Olafssen Feb 88)
Per bend sin Purp & Sa, a catamount statant reguardant, in sin chf a
mullet of 4 points Or. (D: Pol MacNeill - Dec 00)
Per chev Az & Arg, a chev Gu betw a lion passant reguardant
queue-fourche Or & a rose Gu, barbed Vt. (D: Anna
MacFarlane of Loch Lomane - Oct 81)
Per chev Az & Vt, 2 escallops & a cat statant Or. (D: Kathleen
Davis McReynald - Jul 01)
Per chev engrailed Vt & Arg, in chf 2 bezants & in base a lynx
statant guardant proper. (D: Morwyn of Wye - Sep 84)
Per chev Gu & Az, 2 Bengal tigers heads cabossed Or, marked Sa,
each within an annulet Arg, & in base a Bengal tiger passant to
sin guardant Or, marked Sa within an annulet Arg. (D:
Seamus MacDonald - Feb 87)
Per chev inv Az & Vt, a cat passant guardant & 2 rapiers Or. (D:
Jasper Wiseman - Feb 02)
Per chev Or & Sa, 2 eagles heads erased Gu & a lion passant Or.
(D: Gary of Vulpine Reach - Oct 05)
Per chev rayonny Sa & Gu, in base a catamount herissonnee proper.
(D: Conrad von Hammerbourg - Jan 73?)
Per fess Az & Or, a catamount passant & a triple-peaked mountain
issuant from base ctrch. (B: Mountain Confederation Mar 03)
Per fess Az & Vt, a cat passant betw 3 triangles Or. (D: Diarmait
Meachair - Mar 07)
Per fess Az & Vt, a fess Or betw 3 mullets in fess Arg & a winged
lion passant Or. (D: Connor MacSeamus ONeal - Dec 88)
Per fess embat Gu & Vt, a cat passant guardant & a wheel Or. (D:
Walderik Birghersson Grne - Aug 94)
Per fess Gu & Arg, a lion passant contourny Or & in pale 3 lances
fesswise Az. (D: Conall Gillysaght - Jul 93)
Per fess Gu & Az, a catamount passant & a kestrel maintaining a
garb Or. (D: Gunnvr silfrahrr - Dec 01)
Per fess indented Or & Az, a dragon & a catamount both passant
ctrch. (B: Zara the Quiet - May 04)
Per fess Or & Gu, a sheaf of arrows & a Manx cat passant ctrch. (D:
Num bint Bb - Dec 93)
Per fess Sa & Gu, a lion passant guardant Or maintaining a heart, in
chf 3 broad arrows inv Arg. (D: Arthur Bromere - Oct 93)
Per pale Az & Gu, a chev Sa, fimbriated, betw 2 lions combattant
queue-forchee & a lion passant guardant Or. (D: Tristan Keck
- May 86)
Per pale Gu & Az, a lion passant guardant within a double tressure
Or. (D: Thomas Attewood of Epping - Apr 03)
Per pale Gu & Az, 2 suns & a lion statant Or. (D: Domingo Marn
de Len - Jul 06)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a lion passant reguardant betw 3 columns fracted
Or. (D: Shimshon Aryeh ben Avraham - Nov 95)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 163

[Beast - Cat - 1 - Or - Passant] to [Beast - Cat - 1 - Or - Rampant]

Beast - Cat - 1 - Or - Passant (continued)

Per pale Gu & Sa, a winged mountain lion courant bendwise sin to
base, wings elevated & addorsed, Or. (B: Michael the Lucky of
Lancaster - Jun 88)
Per pale Gu & Vt, a lion passant guardant maintaining in its dexter
forepaw a scimitar, all within a mullet of six points voided Or.
(D: Jalali of Salamis - Feb 85)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a Bengal tiger passant guardant, in chf a lily,
slipped & leaved, within a bord dovetailed, all Or. (D: Onio
Yuriko - Dec 89)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a mountain lion statant Or atop a base pointed
Arg. (B: Caterina da Monticello - Sep 83)
Per pale Vt & Purp, a winged lion passant, & a chf embat Or. (D:
Shehira of Alexandria - Oct 92)
Per pall inv Gu, Az & Or, in pale a lion passant guardant Or & a
Celtic cross Gu. (D: Michael the Loud - Apr 88)
Purp, a bend sin dovetailed Arg betw a dolphin naiant bendwise sin
to base & a lion passant bendwise sin to base Or. (D: Elizabet
Anmutig von Geinhausen - Dec 88)
Purp, a claymore Arg, overall a lion passant guardant dismembered
Or. (B: Angus MacMichael - Jan 89)
Purp, a lion passant & on a base potenty Or a joscelyn Gu belled
Purp. (D: Joscelin de Lyons - Jun 95)
Purp, a lion passant dismembered, maintaining a torch, within a
laurel wreath Or. (D: Saint Gildas the Wise - Apr 97)
Purp, a lion passant guardant Or, maintaining in his dexter paw a
ragged staff palewise Arg, on a chf Or, 3 valknuts Purp. (D:
Thorhalla Carlsdottir Brberg - Aug 90)
Purp, a winged cat passant Or maintaining a sword proper, a chf Or
fretty Purp. (D: Deirdre the Difficult - Sep 92)
Quarterly Vt & Purp, a natural tiger passant Or marked Sa, a bord
erminois. (D: Richard de Grisdale - Oct 99)
Sa, a Bengal tiger with tiger-striped dragons wings passant Or,
striped Sa, in canton a sun Or charged with an annulet Sa. (D:
Elenydd Aliyn of Ellidyr - Jul 80)
Sa, a chev potenty betw 2 roses & a winged cat passant Or. (D:
Catherine of Cawdor - Jun 92)
Sa, a cross Arg betw in bend a lion passant & a cross crosslet fitchy
Or. (D: Allen van Ore - Nov 73?)
Sa, a lion passant Or & in chf 3 mullets Arg. (D: Muirgheal
inghean Alasdair - Dec 07)
Sa, a winged lion statant guardant haloed Or. (D: Catalina Ximena
Villanova de Santa Maria - Jan 98)
Sa, estoily Arg, a leopard passant guardant Or armed & langued Gu
above a mount Vt fimbriated Arg. (D: Chimene des Cinq
Tours - Mar 78?)
Sa, in pale a cat passant reguardant to sin & 3 crescents interlaced in
pall inv, a bord embat Or. (D: Silvie de Rohan - Mar 00)
Sa semy-de-lys, a lion courant to sin Or. (D: Antara of Leeds Jan 93)
Vt, a cat passant & on a chf Or a needle Az. (D: tain ingen u
Brenin - Aug 99)
Vt, a cat statant guardant betw 3 dogs statant Or. (D: Cera caillech
ingen Tuathail - Nov 03)
Vt, a chev counter-compony Or & Sa betw a cross flory Or & a
leopard passant guardant Or spotted Sa. (D: Isabella Marjorie
DArques - Aug 97)
Vt, a demi-lion passant regardant Or conjoined at the waist with a
demi-unicorn passant to sin reguardant Arg, armed & unguled
Or. (B: Xena Baxter Wynthorpe - Jan 98)
Vt, a lion passant betw 3 dragonflies, on a chf Or a rapier Vt. (D:
Morin inghen Ruairc - Sep 04)
Vt, a lion passant regardant maintaining an annulet, on a chf
invected Or 3 annulets Vt. (D: Aoife n Chiarn of Durrow Sep 94)
Vt, a natural leopard statant guardant Or spotted Sa, on a chf Arg 3
double roses Gu. (D: Caiterna inghean u Chonaill - Apr 01)
Vt, a winged cat passant Or, a bord Arg. (D: Tyock MacKay of
Marwode - Feb 97)
Vt, a winged ounce passant & on a chf Or 3 compass stars Vt. (D:
Cyra Wren - Aug 94)
Vt ermined, a domestic cat statant guardant & on a chf embat Or 3
crosses formy Vt. (D: Gwenllyan verch Wilkin - Aug 07)
Vt, on a fess Sa fimbriated betw a natural tiger passant guardant & a
harp 3 mullets of six points irradiated Or. (D: Brendan
OMoran - Feb 96)
* * * End * * *
164 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Cat - 1 - Or - Rampant

(Fieldless) A Bengal tiger ramp to sin guardant, tail coward,

proper. (B: Gabrielle de lAmbrosia - Aug 85)
(Fieldless) A lion ramp contourny Or maintaining a goblet & a
sword inv Arg, within & conjoined to an annulet Or. (B:
Alastair Ronal Kester Aeyalweard - Aug 91)
(Fieldless) A lion ramp Or charged on the shoulder with a mullet of
4 points elongated to base Gu. (B: Conchobhar Dearg Jul 95)
(Fieldless) A lion ramp sustaining a ragged staff Or. (B:
Maximilian Alois von Brandenberg - Dec 04)
(Fieldless) A winged lion sejant erect coward Or sustaining an
increscent Arg. (B: Catrona nic Therlaigh - Dec 95)
Arg, a chev Sa betw 2 sprigs of rowan Vt, fructed Gu, & a lynx in
summer phase sejant erect proper, perched on a horn fesswise
Vt. (D: Anthea MacGillivray of Cairnagad - Jun 83)
Arg, on a nesselblatt Az a lion ramp contourny Or, foreleg armored
& brandishing a sword Arg. (D: Mielikki Kantelensoittajatar Oct 93)
Arg, sem of roses Gu, barbed & seeded proper, a demi-lion ramp
queue-fourchee Or, fimbriated Sa. (D: Roland of Lancaster Nov 79)
Az, a bend Arg betw a sun in splendor & a lion ramp Or. (D: Justin
Brekleg - Jul 07)
Az, a bend sin engrailed Arg betw a lion ramp to sin Or,
maintaining in dexter arm a heater & in sin arm a sword Arg,
& a falcon close Or, belled Arg. (D: Leo David Falcon Jun 82)
Az, a bendlet betw a boreas & an ounce counter-ramp gardant Or,
incensed Gu. (D: Taran of Windy Hill - Feb 07)
Az, a bicorporate lion within a bord dovetailed Or. (D: Connor
Buchanan - Sep 95)
Az, a cat salient betw 2 fleurs-de-lys in bend sin Or. (D: Kateline
de Lys - Dec 01)
Az, a demi-lion erect Or maintaining a harp all within a bord Arg.
(D: Siobhn inghean u Liathin - Oct 02)
Az, a lion & in chf 3 mullets Or. (D: Innocenzio da Gagliano Aug 01)
Az, a lion Or within a bord Or semy-de-lys Az. (D: Gregory
Kildare - Jul 02)
Az, a lion ramp guardant, maintaining a patriarchal crosier, within a
stooped arch, doors open, all Or. (D: Aleksandr Vasilyevich
Lev - Jul 88)
Az, a lion ramp Or betw 3 Jewish hats Arg. (D: Salamon ben
Mosse de Aguilar - Sep 01)
Az, a lion ramp Or, tail nowed, dexter forearm armored Arg,
maintaining a seax proper a bord embat Arg. (B: Kian hrafn af
Dyrnesi - Jul 97)
Az, a lion ramp Or within a bord engrailed Arg semy of lozenges
Az. (D: Paul of Somerton - Aug 91)
Az, a lion ramp queue fourchee Or, gorged with a jeweled collar &
all within a bord engrailed Gu. (D: Francois-David de la
Sauvegaard - Jan 73?)
Az, a lion ramp queue-forchy Or. (D: Gelre - Apr 06) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Az, a lion ramp regardant maintaining in its sin forepaw a sword inv
Or, on a chf indented Arg 3 crosses formy Sa. (D: Amalric
von Regensburg - Jul 98)
Az, a lion ramp reguardant Or, langued & armed Gu, the sin paw
maintaining an estoile of seven points Arg, on a chf arched
embat Or a shawm proper. (D: Jowell Toledero - Aug 76?)
Az, a lion sejant erect affronty queue-forchy Arg betw 2 torches Or
enflamed proper. (D: Kattrin die Wissbegierige Reisende von
Tbingen - Jul 92)
Az, a tricorporate lion & on a chf Or 3 suns Gu. (D: Aelfred
Halvdan of Holdene - Mar 86)
Az, a tricorporate lion Or, in chf 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Arg. (D:
Michel Beaudran dAvignon - Apr 93)
Az, a 2-headed lion ramp guardant to sin, in chf 3 crosses potent Or.
(D: Balian FitzGilbert - Jan 90)
Az, a winged catamount segreant Or & a chf rayonny Arg. (D:
Salvatore Rocco da Napoli - Jun 04)
Az, a winged lion ramp, betw its forepaws a rose, Or. (D: Aron
Rose of Nairn - Aug 89)
Az, a winged lion ramp guardant, wings disp, betw in cross 4
estoiles, all Or. (B: Ana Ashford - Jul 87)

[Beast - Cat - 1 - Or - Rampant]

Beast - Cat - 1 - Or - Rampant (continued)

Az, a winged lion salient contourny, a bord embat Or. (D:

Johannes von Helmstedt - Jul 00)
Az billety & a lion ramp crowned Or maintaining a sword proper &
a sheaf of seven arrows inv Arg tipped Or. (D: Netherlands Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, in salt a cartouche voided & a lion salient contourny queuefourchy, the lion passing through the cartouche, all Or. (D:
Leonus de Rotund - Sep 05)
Az, mulletty Arg, a domestic cat ramp Or. (D: Johanne af
Wasastjrna - Jul 80)
Az mulletty of six points Arg, an ounce ramp guardant enflamed, on
a chf triangular Or, a crescent Gu. (D: Rachid ibn Husam Feb 07)
Az, on a bend Gu fimbriated, betw a lion salient guardant contourny
Or & a unicorn salient Arg, 3 fleurs-de-lys palewise Or. (D:
Ealasaid Chathasach - Aug 96)
Az semy of hearts Gu, 3 bendlets sin Arg overall a lion ramp Or.
(D: Birger Jarl - May 95) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az semy of hearts Gu, 3 scarpes wavy Arg & overall a lion ramp
crowned Or. (D: Folkunga, House of (Modern) - Aug 95)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Az semy of towers Arg, a bi-corporate lion Or. (D: Conchobhar
hAoilein - Jun 95)
Az, 3 scarpes Arg & overall a lion ramp crowned Or. (D:
Folkunga, House of (Ancient) - Aug 95) (Important non-SCA
Az, 2 mountains conjoined in base Arg, betw their peaks a
catamount sejant erect guardant Or. (B: Nigel of Hinterland Mar 92) (For House Rivencrag)
Az, 2 scarpes wavy betw a tyger ramp & a lion ramp to sin, tail
nowed, Or. (D: Seamus of the Cats - Jul 85)
Barry of twelve per pale Az & Arg, a leopard salient to sin coward
Or. (D: Esteban de Asturias - Sep 73?)
Barry wavy of ten Arg & Az, an African lion passant erect playing a
Scottish bagpipe proper within a bord Gu. (D: William
Blackfox - May 81)
Chevronelly Arg & Az, a lion ramp to sin & a bord Or. (D: William
of Lochmere - Aug 93)
Chevronelly Vt & Arg, a lion ramp queue forchy Or, on a chf Sa 3
mullets of 4 points Or. (D: Siegfried von Siegen - Jul 94)
Counter-ermine, a demi-lion maintaining a battle axe Or. (D:
Wulfred Hansard of Richmond - Jan 01)
Ermine, a sword surmounted by a lion sejant erect Or, within a bord
invected Az. (D: Ulrich Vikingsjger - Feb 82)
Gu, a bend sin Az, fimbriated, betw a winged lion salient to sin,
wings addorsed, & 3 caltraps Or. (D: Siegmund vom
Weisswald - Apr 87)
Gu, a Bengal tiger ramp guardant proper, within a bord countercompony Arg & Az. (D: Sean FitzWallace - Dec 80)
Gu, a cat salient to sin Or atop & supported by a mace fesswise
reversed Arg. (D: Mary Katherine de Macey - Apr 04)
Gu, a demi-lion & on a chf indented Or, 3 cinquefoils pierced Sa.
(D: Lorenzo della Rocca - Aug 99)
Gu, a domestic cat ramp guardant Or, grasping in its dexter forepaw
a cross formed of six white-based opals proper. (B: Catriona
nicChlurain - Mar 80) (For House Opal Cross)
Gu, a fess Arg & overall a lion ramp Or, all within a bord Arg. (D:
Aylwin Vinter - Feb 08)
Gu, a lion & on a chf invected Or 3 suns Gu. (D: Xene Erienikina Feb 05)
Gu, a lion contourny Or within a bord Or semy of torteaux. (D:
Uggedei Mighan Nidun - Jul 03)
Gu, a lion queue-fourchy maintaining a tankard & on a chf embat
Or 3 towers Gu. (D: Waczlaw Rodaky - Apr 02)
Gu, a lion ramp crowned Or. (D: Bulgaria - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Gu, a lion ramp crowned Or maintaining a sword proper & a sheaf
of seven arrows inv Arg tipped Or. (D: United Provinces Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, a lion ramp (sometimes crowned) Or sustaining a battleaxe
Arg. (D: Norway - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, a lion ramp to sin, maintaining a sword fesswise & a shield, its
sin hindpaw resting on a sin facing helm, all within a bord
embat Or. (D: Coinneach Kyllyr of Kilernan - Apr 04)
Gu, a lion ramp within a bord engrailed Or. (D: Talbot, Earls of
Shrewsbury - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)

Beast - Cat - 1 - Or - Rampant (continued)

Gu, a lion sejant erect affronty Or, maintaining in its dexter paw a
mace & in its sin paw a sword Arg, all within an orle Or. (D:
Pagan Lyon McPhee - Sep 84)
Gu, a tiger ramp Or marked Sa maintaining in its dexter forepaw a
trumpet palewise, on a chf Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Isabel
dAuron - May 97)
Gu, a winged lion ramp Or, a bord Arg. (D: Kathryn de Lyon de
Savoie - Oct 98)
Gu, a winged lion segreant within an orle of suns Or. (D: Justin de
Leon - Dec 95)
Gu, in bend a lion & a unicorn ramp palewise addorsed within a
bord Or. (D: Arthur of Ross-shire - Oct 81)
Gu, in pale a lynx in summer phase ramp proper, & a mullet, on a
chf Or 3 flames Sa. (D: Rhianna Viatrix - Dec 82)
Gu, on a chev betw 2 harps & a lion Or five quatrefoils Gu & on a
chf potenty Or 3 martlets Gu. (D: Cecilia Lightfoot - Jul 07)
Gu, on a lion ramp betw 3 mullets of 4 points elongated to base Or a
Celtic cross Sa. (D: Conchobhar Dearg - Oct 95)
Gu semy of roses Arg, a lion ramp crowned Or brandishing with
one human arm armored a sword & in base a falchion fesswise
reversed proper. (D: Finland - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA
Gyronny Gu & ermine, a bear & a lion ramp addorsed Or. (D: Rolf
Sewardson - Nov 97)
Gyronny Gu & ermine, a lion dragon erect Or. (D: Richard of the
Silverdawn - Mar 90)
Gyronny of ten Purp & ermine, a lion ramp to sin triple-queued Or,
within an orle engrailed on the outer edge & invected on the
inner edge, ctrch. (D: Karl Helweg - Jan 87)
Pean, a bend Gu surmounted by a double-headed lion ramp Or. (B:
Janet Virago Parva of House Morningstar - Sep 83)
Pean, a lion contourny queue-forchy Or & a bord compony Or &
Gu. (D: Alarich Iarngard von Thorn - Mar 05)
Pean, a lion ramp & a bord embat Or. (D: va inghean u
Dochartaigh - May 02)
Per bend Arg & Az, a mountain lion ramp proper. (D: William
MacQueen of MacQueen - Dec 80)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend betw a lion ramp, maintaining in its
dexter forepaw a sword bendwise, & an oak tree eradicated Or.
(D: Irmele Schfferin von Grnsberg - Jun 81)
Per bend Az & Vt, a sun Arg eclipsed Sa & a lion ramp contourny
Or. (D: Karika Cigani - Nov 96)
Per bend engrailed Az & Arg goutt-de-larmes, in sin chf a lion
ramp Or. (D: Daniel the Stormpraiser - Feb 84)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend ermine betw a lion ramp & 3 fleurs-delys Or. (D: Elizabeth of Grey Castle - Sep 94)
Per bend Or & Az, in bend sin a dragon ramp to sin & a lion ramp
guardant ctrch. (D: Judith of Acre - Jan 90)
Per bend Sa & Vt a Bengal tiger ramp Or marked Sa & in sin chf a
grenade Or. (D: Diarmait ua Dhuinn - Jun 91)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, a sun in splendor & a lion ramp guardant
within a bord Or. (D: Isolda Jourdan - Mar 08)
Per bend sin embat Vt & Arg, a lion Or & a hand Sa. (D:
Toirrdhealbhach mac Toirrdhealbhaigh mic Aonghusa Jan 03)
Per bend sin Gu & Or, on a bend sin Sa betw a lion contourny & a
dragonfly ctrch 3 fleurs-de-lys palewise Or. (D: Blanche
Capet - Mar 05)
Per bend sin Gu & Purp, a bengal tiger ramp Or, marked Sa, within
an orle Or. (D: Aron Caomhnach - Apr 89)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a bend sin wavy Arg, overall a bat-winged
horned lion-dragon erect Or. (D: Giovanni de Moncellis Jan 08)
Per bend sin Or & Gu, a lymphad, sail furled, Sa & a demi-lion Or.
(D: Lachlan Ian of Deodar - Aug 91)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, on a bend sin betw a griffin ramp to sin Arg
& a winged lion ramp Or, a bend sin fusilly Gu. (D: Ulrich
von Brake - Oct 86)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a Bengal tiger ramp Or marked Sa & an open
scroll Or. (D: Reinmar von Aue - Aug 95)
Per chev abased Gu & Az, a Bengal tiger & a bear combattant, in
base an urn, all Or. (D: Deborrah Rodriguez Silva - Mar 84)
Per chev Arg & Gu, 2 boars heads couped close Sa & a lion ramp
regardant Or. (D: Aonghas MacLeod O hAonghusa of
Stratafon - Jul 91)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 165

[Beast - Cat - 1 - Or - Rampant]

Beast - Cat - 1 - Or - Rampant (continued)

Per chev Arg & Vt, a mask of comedy & a mask of tragedy Vt & a
natural tiger ramp to sin Or, marked Sa. (B: Adrian La Moyne
- Feb 98)
Per chev Az & Gu, a lion ramp Or betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D:
Henri de Montferrant - Apr 04)
Per chev dovetailed Gu & Sa, 3 crosses bottony, one & 2, & a lion
ramp guardant Or. (D: Antonio Francesco Bernini - Dec 97)
Per chev Gu & Purp, a cat salient guardant Or collared Purp & in
chf 3 crescents one & 2 Or. (D: Rowena of Seventowers Oct 01)
Per chev Gu & Sa, 2 lyres & a lioness ramp Or. (D: ireannach
Katleen Nic Ghiolla Chainnigh - Sep 89)
Per chev inv Az & Arg, a winged lion salient contourny Or, winged
Arg, in chf 2 compass stars Or. (D: Charles of the Painted
Glen - Feb 94)
Per chev inv Az & Az ermined Or, a chev inv Arg & in chf a lion
salient Or. (D: Malcolm Andrew of White Heather - Aug 86)
Per chev Or & Gu, a chev Sa betw 2 fleurs-de-lys & a lion ramp
guardant ctrch. (D: Kevin of Aberwyvern - Sep 81)
Per chev Or & Sa, on a chev Gu betw 2 eagles rising respectant,
wings addorsed Sa, & a winged lion salient, 3 fleur-de-lys Or.
(D: Gillian of the Swallows - Jun 91)
Per chev Or & Vt, 3 foxs heads erased Sa & a lion Or. (D:
Anastasia MacEwan de Ravenna - Jul 04)
Per chev rayonny erminois & Sa, in base an ounce ramp Or,
incensed proper. (D: Earnwynn van Zwaluwenburg - Nov 06)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev rompu Arg betw 2 crosses pommetty & a
winged lion-dragon erect Or. (D: Kieran Forrestier - Oct 89)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a chev betw 2 compass stars Or & a natural tiger
ramp Or marked Sa. (D: Domenico Forestani - Jan 06)
Per fess, bendy sin Az & Or, & Sa, in pale an eagle disp, wings inv
Sa & a lion ramp Or. (D: Emory von Stuttgart - Jan 91)
Per fess Gu & Sa, a lion ramp maintaining an arrow inv Or betw 3
pairs of rapiers in salt Arg. (D: Eleazar Ben Judah - Sep 95)
Per fess potenty Arg & Gu, in pale an otter counter-statant erect
proper & a lion salient Or. (D: Aleyn James Douglas Oct 80)
Per fess rayonny Az & Gu, a winged lion counter-ramp within a
bord Or. (D: Cinhil MacAran - Jul 80)
Per fess Sa & Or, a lion ramp to sin reguardant, maintaining a
fasces Or, & a fern frond Vt. (D: Katharine Long - Mar 08)
Per fess wavy Az & Arg, issuant from the line of division a lion
ramp Or, in base 3 bars wavy Az. (D: Ragna Dzintara of
Amberhall - May 82)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a winged lion ramp Or within a bord ctrch. (D:
Thomas of Petersham - Apr 06)
Per pale Az & Sa, a dragon & a lion combatant & on a chf Or 3
axes Sa. (D: Galen of the Axe - Jul 99)
Per pale Az & Sa, a winged lion segreant Or maintaining a sword
Arg, a bord fleury Or. (D: Jared Anjou - May 96)
Per pale Az & Vt, a lion ramp Or & in canton a Latin cross Arg. (D:
Leolin Gofar - Jul 99)
Per pale embat Sa & Arg, a lion Or & a unicorn Gu combattant. (D:
Lorenz Greylever - Jan 91)
Per pale Gu & Or, a lion ramp Or & a bear sejant erect contourny
Sa, a point pointed ermine. (D: Gary Tavistok - Oct 92)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a catamount ramp guardant Or, sustaining above
its head a rapier fesswise reversed Arg, in chf 2 reremice Or.
(D: Tomas Alvarez - Jan 05)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a lion ramp Or charged on the shoulder with a
hammer Sa. (D: Ragnarr Blackhammer - May 00)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a lion ramp within an orle Or. (D: Isabeau
Celeste de la Vallire - Aug 94)
Per pale Gu & Vt, a natural tiger ramp Or marked Sa, a bord
counter-compony Or & Sa. (D: Giulia Maddalena di Nicolo
Sardone - Jul 98)
Per pale Or & Sa, a bear & a lion combattant ctrch, a chf triangular
chequy Sa & Or. (D: Caradoc Danyllson of Botley Grange Jun 88)
Per pale Purp & Vt a winged lion segreant to sin maintaining a sun
in splendor Or. (D: Lijsbeth Tijsz van Brugge - Jan 97)
Per pale Sa & Az, a lion ramp maintaining an arrow Or, its sin rear
paw shackled with a broken chain, atop a mountain Arg. (D:
Angelique de Beauvais - Nov 98)

166 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Cat - 1 - Or - Rampant (continued)

Per pale Sa & ermine, a winged lion sejant erect & haloed Or, its
forelegs manacled with a broken chain Arg, within a bord Arg
& Sa. (D: Jaqueline of Atenveldt - Jul 89)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a domestic cat ramp guardant, in chf 2 Norse sun
crosses Or. (D: strr Hlfdanardttir - Aug 05)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a lion ramp within an orle Or. (D: Walter Kempe
of Falconhold - Feb 91)
Per pall ermine, Az & Gu, in fess a sword Arg & a lion ramp Or.
(D: James Cullen OLynchehan - Sep 94)
Per salt Sa & Gu, a lion ramp to sin reguardant maintaining a great
axe betw in fess 2 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Astrid of Nordmoer Jun 91)
Per salt Sa & Vt, a sword Arg betw a lion & a unicorn combattant
Or. (D: Maire ingen Dauith - Jan 92)
Per salt Vt & Sa, a winged lion ramp betw 3 crosses patonce Or. (D:
Leonora Isabella Nicollini - Mar 91)
Per salt Vt & Sa, in pale 2 axes crossed in salt Arg & a lion ramp a
bord embat Or. (D: Alexander Eriksson Trevor - Feb 97)
Potenty Purp & Arg, a pile Sa surmounted by a lion ramp Or. (D:
Anthony de Prigord - Jun 83)
Purp, a demi-lion queue forch & on a chf Or 2 mullets of 4 points
Sa. (D: Ulfa the Sweet - Nov 91)
Purp, a lion ramp & in chf 3 crosses formy one & 2, a bord Or. (D:
Ludwig von Strassburg - Oct 98)
Purp, a lion ramp & on a chf Or 3 crosses formy Gu. (D: Friedrich
von Augsburg - Aug 01)
Purp, a lion ramp maintaining an egg Or within a bord Or semy-delys Purp. (D: Richard of Dragon Castle - Aug 03)
Purp, a wolf collared & chained Arg & a lion maintaining the chain
combattant, in chf a cup Or. (D: Marghet Asketilsdottir Mar 98)
Quarterly Az & counter-ermine, a lion ramp contourny queueforchy Or, on a bord Arg an orle of chain Sa. (D: Sven
Gunnarson - Dec 98)
Quarterly Az & Gu, a cross ermine, overall a lion ramp queue
fourchee Or. (D: Gerhardt the Bold of the Queens Woods Jun 75?)
Quarterly Az & Gu, a lion ramp guardant & a bord Or. (B: Peter
Larcombe the Merchant - Dec 02)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a cross bottony fitchy ctrch betw in bend an
escallop & a winged lion ramp Or. (D: Geoffrey of Lincolne Feb 83)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a lion ramp within an orle of suns Or. (D:
Lyonnete du Soleil - Jun 02)
Quarterly Vt & Az, a griffin Arg & a lion Or combattant. (D:
Agnarr Klngsson - Aug 03)
Sa, a bend ermine betw a lion ramp & 2 lozenges Or. (D: Donal of
Newcastle upon Tyne - Oct 96)
Sa, a bicorporate lion & on a chf Or, 3 laurel wreaths Vt. (D: Lions
End - May 90)
Sa, a chevronel betw a demi-sun & a lion ramp Or. (D: Oliver de
Len de Oro - Jan 81)
Sa, a dragon & a winged lion addorsed, the dragon Arg & the
winged lion Or. (D: Reyni-Hrekr Brandsson - Feb 03)
Sa, a lion ramp affronte Or, maintaining in dexter forepaw a sword
bendwise sin enflamed & in sin forepaw another inv proper.
(D: Gavin Kilkenny of Kilcarren - Jul 80)
Sa, a lion ramp & a bord embat Or ermined Gu. (D: Maximilian
Alois von Brandenberg - Aug 97)
Sa, a lion ramp guardant Or, winged of flames proper, in base 3
compass stars in fess, all within a bord engrailed Or. (D: Evan
Starseeker - Nov 86)
Sa, a lion ramp Or. (D: Belgium - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA
arms)(Also the arms of Brabant)
Sa, a lion ramp Or & in chf 2 hands apaumee, within a bord Arg.
(D: Kevin Sean McCahn - Aug 90)
Sa, a lion ramp Or & on a chf Arg 3 crosses formy Gu. (D: Marion
Lang Boogschutter - Jan 94)
Sa, a lion ramp Or crowned Gu. (D: Rhine, Palatinate of the Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Sa, a lion ramp Or, on a chf Arg, a bow Gu. (B: Marion Lang
Boogschutter - Jan 97)
Sa, a lion ramp to sin grasping in its dexter forepaw a snake Or,
betw flaunches lozengy Purp & Or. (D: Johannes Lwe von
Augsburg - Nov 91)

[Beast - Cat - 1 - Or - Rampant] to [Beast - Cat - 1 - Or - Sejant]

Beast - Cat - 1 - Or - Rampant (continued)

Sa, a lion ramp to sin Or betw 2 flaunches Arg crusily clech Gu.
(B: Henry Percivale Kempe - Feb 85) (For House of
Sa, a lion ramp to sin reguardant betw in bend 2 crosses potent
palewise, all within a bord embat Or. (D: Trey of Bedford Apr 82)
Sa, a lynx ramp to sin & on a chf Or 3 flames Az. (D: Alesaunder
Becc - Sep 02)
Sa, a natural panther ramp Or betw in fess 2 mullets of eight points
Arg, within a bord ermine. (B: Rowen OCeallachain of
Muscraidhe - Mar 83) (For House Panthera)
Sa, a natural tiger ramp contourny Or marked Sa, in chf 3 roses Arg.
(D: Rose Pipes - Aug 96)
Sa, a natural tiger ramp Or marked Sa & a bord wavy Or semy of
annulets Sa. (D: Brian the Pious - Oct 07)
Sa, a salt chequy Arg & Gu, overall a lion queue forchy ramp to sin
Or. (D: Beatrix von Wertenberg - Nov 89)
Sa, a winged cat ramp Or within an orle wreathed Vt & Or. (D:
Caia du Lac - May 85)
Sa, a winged lion salient & a point pointed Or. (D: Cassandra
Theodosius - Apr 90)
Sa, in pale a trefoil within & conjoined in base to an annulet Arg &
a lion contourny Or on a chf Arg 3 increscents Gu. (D: Colin
Vargus OConnor - Jun 97)
Sa, on a bend sin betw a lion ramp contourny & a fleur-de-lys Or 3
crescents Az. (D: Genevive de Clairvaux - Sep 00)
Sa, 2 lions heads, erased & sin facing, & a lion ramp to sin Or. (D:
Adrianna Somerset Morgan - Nov 87)
Tierced per pall dovetailed Az, Gu & Sa, a crescent, a dexter arm,
vambraced & gauntletted, issuant from the line of division Arg
maintaining a sword proper, & a lion ramp Or. (D: John
Fettersson of the Misty Hills - Oct 82)
Vair, a natural tiger ramp Or marked Sa maintaining a tankard Or,
overall a bend sin Sa. (D: Jehan Yves de Chateau Thiery Jan 99)
Vt, a bear & a lion combattant & a bord embat Or. (D: Daniel
Archer the Bear - Nov 01)
Vt, a chev rompu betw 3 crosses formy in fess & a bicorporate lion
Or. (D: Richard Gilchrest - May 86)
Vt, a chev rompu Or betw 2 edelweisses Arg & a lion ramp Or. (D:
Klaus Wilhelm von Salzburg - May 93)
Vt, a falcon close contourny & a lion ramp Or maintaining betw
them a sword Arg, on a chf Or a harp Vt. (D: Bibhinn N
Dhonnamhin - Jan 99)
Vt, a lion ramp affrontee Or orbed & armored Gu, grasping in its
forepaws & devouring the sin canton of an escutcheon Sa, a
bord Arg. (D: Alwyne the Sinistral - Aug 79)
Vt, a lion ramp contourny & a chf Or. (D: Finn hua Cellaig Aug 01)
Vt, a lion ramp contourny sustaining a garb Or. (D: Dominic
Morland - Jun 01)
Vt, a lion ramp dismembered Or, multiply vulned Gu. (D: Laszlo
Oroszlanveri - Jul 71?)
Vt, a lion ramp, on a chf embat Or, a sword Gu. (D: Edward of
Denby Woods - Feb 97)
Vt, a lion ramp Or, a bord Or semy of shamrocks Vt. (D: Deirdre
of Kerry - Jul 97)
Vt, a lion statant erect affronty, on a chf Or, issuant from the bottom
edge a demi-sun Gu. (D: Anna Virago of Vest Yorvik Nov 97)
Vt, a winged lion ramp, a chf embat Or. (D: Anna Sabyn of
Bordeaux - May 98)
Vt, betw 2 bars, a lion ramp to sin Or, charged upon the shoulder
with a star of David Vt. (D: Eyana bat David - Apr 76?)
Vt, on a bend sin betw a lion counter-ramp Or & a mouse ramp Arg,
a sword & an arrow in salt Sa. (D: Andreas Hak - Dec 80)
Vt, 2 bendlets Arg betw a lion ramp Or & 3 crosses crosslet fitchy
Arg. (D: William of Wroxeter - Feb 90)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Cat - 1 - Or - Sejant

(Fieldless) 2 quill pens in salt Az surmounted by a tabby cat sejant

guardant Or. (B: Bronwyn ferch Gwyn ap Rhys - Jul 92)
Az, a bend betw a lion sejant & a quill pen bendwise Or. (D: Elaine
of the Lions Tale - May 80)

Beast - Cat - 1 - Or - Sejant (continued)

Az, a bend sin betw a cat sejant guardant & a dove close Or. (D:
Blair Dubois - Aug 83)
Az, a cat sejant within a orle Or. (D: Ariel of Glastonbury Tor Jun 92)
Az, a cheetah sejant to sin guardant Or betw 3 suns Arg. (D:
Amanda Dusoulier - Oct 01)
Az, a lion sejant Or betw in fess 2 swords palewise Arg, all within a
bord embat Or. (D: Michael Stdtler Zweihnder - Nov 86)
Az, a lion sejant to sin coward Or betw 3 annulets, each surmounted
by a mullet of 4 points, within a bord embat Arg. (D: Richard
dAndrade - Dec 82)
Az, a tau cross Sa, fimbriated, overall a lioness sejant, dexter
forepaw raised, & in dexter base a cup, all Or. (D: Leona di
Francesco - Aug 86)
Az, a winged haloed lion sejant guardant Or & on a chf Arg a heart
inv betw 2 hearts Gu. (D: John of Candia - Oct 80)
Az, a winged lion sejant Or, beneath the forepaws 2 garden roses
Arg, stalked & leaved proper. (D: Leonessa des Belles Fleures
- Aug 79?)
Az, a winged lion sejant Or collared Az betw 3 suns in splendor &
on a chf Or 2 laurel wreaths Vt. (D: Castelleone Nuovo Sep 99)
Az, on a bend sin wavy betw a cat sejant guardant & a fools cap
Or, 3 hens palewise Az. (D: Catherine the Merry - Aug 92)
Counter-ermine, on a pomme betw a sword fesswise Or & a base
enarched indented Arg, a lion sejant guardant Or. (D: Joseph
Ealhwine - Nov 89)
Countervair, a lion sejant with dexter forepaw raised Or, on a chf Sa
five ermine spots Arg. (D: Alaina Frantzin von Wirtenberg Jan 08)
Gu, a bend sin betw a cat sejant & a cross crosslet saltirewise Or.
(D: Aubrey de Vaux - Jun 00)
Gu, a catamount sejant contourny, on a chf rayonny Or 3 goblets
Gu. (D: Lasairfhiona n Dhoineannaigh - Aug 95)
Gu, a winged lion sejant affronty Or. (B: Ariel of Glastonbury Tor Dec 88)
Gu, a winged lion sejant guardant maintaining an open book & on a
chf Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Sa. (B: Giuseppe Francesco da Borgia Apr 05)
Gyronny Vt & Arg, a natural leopard sejant within a bord Or. (D:
Eliana Fraser - Dec 04)
Per bend Az & Gu, in sin chf a cat sejant guardant Or. (D:
Lyonnete Haccemus - Jul 06)
Per bend Purp & Az, a domestic cat sejant with a ball of yarn betw
the forelegs & in chf a mullet Or. (D: Alys de Trois Rivieres Jul 85)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a winged cat sejant guardant Or & a tree
proper. (D: Katherine Meade - May 92)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt, 3 roses in bend sin Arg, barbed & seeded
proper, & a catamount sejant Or. (D: Genevieve Rose de
Glendalough - Jan 99)
Per chev embat Az & Vt, a lion sejant Or langued Gu orbed Sa. (D:
Kathleen MacChluarain the Pure - Jul 71?)
Per chev embat, per pale Or & Gu, & pean, in chf a fox & a cat-amountain sejant guardant respectant ctrch. (D: Avery
Austringer - Jan 85)
Per chev inv Purp & Or, in pale a winged lioness sejant, wings
elevated & addorsed, Or & a triquetra Vt. (D: Arianwen
Katryn Devereaux - Sep 88)
Per chev Or & Purp, 2 frogs sejant respectant Vt & a lion sejant
affronty Or. (D: Daria Baird de Navarre - May 01)
Per chev Or & Sa, 2 oak branches Gu, slipped Sa, & a winged cat
sejant affronty, wings disp Or. (D: Sibn Gallowglass May 93)
Per chev throughout Sa & Az, 2 astrolabes Arg & a cat sejant Or.
(D: Jean Craig - Feb 05)
Per fess Gu & barry wavy Arg & Az, in pale a lion sejant & a
dolphin hauriant Or. (D: Hannah of Montengarde - Aug 80)
Per fess lozengy Gu & Arg, & Sa, in chf a lion sejant to sin coward
& in base 3 quill pens in fess Or. (D: Jean-Pierre de Lyon Nov 93)
Per pale Az & Gu, a tabby cat sejant guardant & on a chf Or 3
hawks bells Az. (D: Bronwyn ferch Gwyn ap Rhys - Jul 92)
Per pale ermine & counter-ermine, a 3-headed cheetah sejant
affronty, outer heads addorsed, Or. (D: Michael Vladimir
Gerewolf - Jun 90)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 167

[Beast - Cat - 1 - Or - Sejant] to [Beast - Cat - 1 - Sable - Couchant]

Beast - Cat - 1 - Or - Sejant (continued)

Per pale Gu & Arg, in fess enhanced an estoile Or betw &

maintained by the jaws of a lion & a red fox sejant respectant
proper, a base ctrch. (D: Leona Foxstar - Nov 82)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a cat sejant reguardant & in chf a roundel & a sun
Or. (D: Umm Khalid Naila bint Abd al-Rahim - Feb 07)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a lion sejant Or maintaining an ewer Az betw 3
plates. (D: Elise porteresse dyaue - Nov 05)
Per pale Vt & Gu, a cat sejant betw 3 drop spindles Or. (D: Sgads
Duncans dothyr - Feb 02)
Per salt Az & Vt, an owl close to sin & a cat sejant guardant, in base
a point pointed issuant from an orle, all Or. (D: Laura de la
Chouette Dore - Apr 88)
Per salt Sa & Gu, in fess a wolf Arg & a lion Or sejant respectant.
(D: Wulf Darkstalker - Nov 04)
Purp, a bat-winged cat sejant guardant contourny wings elevated &
addorsed Or. (B: Catherine of Gordonhall - Jul 98)
Purp, a Bengal tiger sejant affronty Or marked Sa betw in chf 2
scimitars addorsed Arg. (D: Castellana Alcon - Apr 03)
Purp, a catamount sejant guardant Or charged on the shoulder with
an ermine spot Sa & on a chf invected Or 3 maple leaves Gu.
(D: Tacye Maple - Jan 04)
Purp, a lion sejant Or, a chf embat Arg. (D: Diana Francesca della
Mirandola - Sep 92)
Quarterly Gu semy of cinquefoils Arg & Sa, a winged lion sejant
contourny Or. (D: Levana Nicolette de Lyon - Feb 04)
Quarterly Sa & Vt, a winged catamount sejant to sin Or & a chf
erminois. (D: Hrut Smoothcheeks - Apr 90)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, a winged lion-dragon sejant to sin Or. (D:
Thurstan de Barri - Jun 89)
Sa, a domestic cat sejant to sin Or. (D: Thomas Lackland of
Appledore - Jun 82)
Sa, in bend a compass star Arg & a cat sejant Or. (B: Muirgheal
inghean Alasdair - Dec 07)
Sa, in salt abased a long cross Arg & a sword inv proper, in chf a
lion sejant coward Or. (D: Alastair Ronal Kester Aeyalweard Jun 84)
Sa, semy of hearts checky Gu & Arg, a bat-winged cat sejant Or.
(D: Michelina Ysabella la Toscana - Sep 00)
Vt, a cat sejant guardant Or & a chf invected ermine. (D: Ysabeau
de Nantes - Oct 07)
Vt, a cat-a-mountain sejant guardant Or & on a chf Arg a crescent
Gu. (B: Alasdair Morgan Gunn - Feb 85)
Vt, a cat-a-mountain sejant guardant Or, on a chf indented of 3
points Arg 2 mullets of eight points Sa. (D: Alasdair Morgan
Gunn - Jun 84)
Vt, a domestic cat sejant Or betw 3 roses Arg all within an orle Or.
(D: Allasan bhn inghean Fhaolin - Dec 01)
Vt, a lion sejant erect contourny maintaining in its dexter forepaw a
sword inv, in chf a coronet Or. (D: Simon MacLeod - Jul 00)
Vt, a lion sejant Or holding in its dexter paw a rose Arg, on a chf Or
3 ermine spots fesswise Sa. (D: Dianna of the Silver Shore Nov 95)
Vt, a winged cat sejant & in chf 3 quatrefoils Or. (D: Catheryn
Mulkeen - Jan 93)
Vt, on a wheel Arg a winged cat sejant affronty wings disp Or. (D:
Catherine du Fay - Sep 90)
Vt, 3 arrows in pall, points outward, betw a cat sejant affronty & 2
cats combattant Or. (D: Shaw Shadowdweller - Nov 83)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Cat - 1 - Purpure

(Fieldless) A cat sejant contourny Purp. (B: Kateryne of Hindscroft

- Jan 04)
(Fieldless) A catamount passant reguardant contourny coward
Purp. (B: Rory ua Riada - May 98)
(Fieldless) A winged cat passant extended Purp. (B: Windmasters
Hill - Jan 76)
Arg, a cat sejant contourny, on a chf Purp 3 suns Arg. (D: Caillin
hIcidhe - Oct 99)
Arg, a double-head lion ramp betw 3 mullets, on a chf rayonny Purp
issuant from chf a demi-sun Or. (D: Llewellyn Cadwallader Nov 96)
Arg, a lion ramp Purp. (D: Leon - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA
Arg, a lion ramp to sin Purp betw six crosses crosslet fitchy Vt. (D:
Elinor Phyllyppes - May 06)
168 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Cat - 1 - Purpure (continued)

Arg, a winged natural panther sejant affronty, in chf a rose Purp

barbed & seeded Vt. (D: Arianna of Atenveldt - Apr 00)
Arg semy of leaves bendwise sin Vt, a domestic cat couchant
guardant Purp. (D: Maggie of Cnoc Cait - May 04)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, a lion ramp guardant Purp maintaining a cross
bottony, within an orle of chain Or. (D: Edmund of Hertford Sep 96)
Or, a lion ramp maintaining a sword Purp, a bord wavy Purp
mullety Or. (D: Bianca Drake - Oct 99)
Or, a winged lion sejant Purp. (D: Felis of Warwick - Dec 03)
Or, an ounce ramp betw 3 bunches of grapes Purp. (D: Ophelia le
Lavender - Mar 04)
Or, ermined Gu, a domestic cat couchant Purp. (B: Jadwiga
Marina Majewska - May 89)
Per chev abased Purp & Arg, a unicorn salient & in base a lion
ramp, ctrch, a bord counter-ermine. (D: Antonius Justinianus
of Chalcedon - Oct 76?)
Per chev Purp goutty dOr & Arg, a winged cat sejant Purp. (D:
Svava orgeirsdttir - Apr 06)
Per chev rayonny Sa & Arg, in pale a crescent Arg & a lion
dormant Purp ducally crowned Or. (D: Luned of Snowdon Apr 95)
Per pale Arg & Or, a lion, tail nowed, Purp within a bord Az. (D:
Rhys Woolf - Oct 94)
Per pale wavy Purp & Arg, a castle & a cat sejant ctrch. (D:
Muirinn nic Shein - Apr 01)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Cat - 1 - Sable - Couchant

(Fieldless) In pale an ounce couchant Sa, incensed proper, atop a

triumphal arch Or. (B: Badouin MacKenzie of Balfour Jan 08)
Arg, a cat couchant contourny Sa on a chf indented Az 3 pairs of
arrows inv in salt Arg. (D: Elisabeth von Katzenheim May 98)
Arg, a cat couchant guardant, on a bord Sa, 3 mullets Arg. (D:
Emelye Stewart - May 98)
Arg, a cat couchant Sa & a bord invected Purp semy of shamrocks
Arg. (D: Caitrona inghean ui Fhloinn of Corke - Mar 05)
Arg, a cat couchant to sin Sa & on a chf indented Az 3 pairs of
needles in salt Arg. (D: Karawin Mantell - Aug 83)
Arg, a cat dormant Sa, on a chf Vt 3 fleurs-de-lis Arg. (D: Gillian
la Dyer - Jun 07)
Arg, a lion dormant Sa, gorged of a collar Or, a chf counter-ermine.
(D: Edlyn of Meadowburne - Apr 84)
Arg, a lion dormant Sa within a bord Az, charged with 3 roses Arg
alternating with 3 suns in splendour Or. (D: Angharad of the
Sleeping Lion - Aug 87)
Arg, a lion dormant Sa within an orle of compass stars Az. (D:
Robert of Greyvale - Mar 01)
Arg, a natural leopard couchant Sa within a bord Az, goutty dOr.
(D: Caitlyn Fitzrobert - Jan 87)
Arg, a natural leopard dormant Sa & in chf an ivy vine wavy
fesswise throughout Vt. (D: Robin Frawine - Jan 84)
Arg, a natural panther couchant gardant Sa, on a chf Purp 3 hearts
Sa fimbriated Arg, all within a bord ctrch. (D: Fiona MacNab
MacAlpine - Feb 85)
Arg estencely, a cat couchant Sa. (D: Phoebe Saint Michael Sep 92)
Arg, in chf a cat couchant to sin & in base 2 cats ramp regardant
addorsed Sa. (D: Elizabeth Ruthven Carmichael - Jul 81)
Az, a cougar crouched to spring proper atop a mountain Sa. (B:
Harold Breakstone - Jun 08)
Az, a dagger palewise Arg, on a chf Or a lion couchant guardant Sa.
(D: Roderick of the Hunt - Apr 76?)
Checky Gu & Arg, a catamount couchant Sa. (D: Katharina
Alexandra Zrinski - Sep 91)
Chequy Or & Arg, a lion queue-fourchy couchant Sa, gorged of a
wreath of roses & hearts Arg, within a bord Sa. (D: An Tir,
Crown Princess of - May 89)
Chequy Or & Arg, a lion queue-fourchy couchant to sin Sa, gorged
of a coronet Arg, within a bord Sa. (D: An Tir, Crown Prince
of - May 89)
Checky Purp & Arg, a domestic cat couchant Sa within a bord Vt.
(D: rfhlaith Broinnfind nic Bhriain - Jan 93)

[Beast - Cat - 1 - Sable - Couchant] to [Beast - Cat - 1 - Sable - Passant]

Beast - Cat - 1 - Sable - Couchant (continued)

Ermine, a recorder Gu, surmounted by a cat couchant guardant Sa.

(D: Gabrielle Sternschauer - Aug 84)
Ermine, on a pale Vt 2 cinquefoils Or, overall a domestic cat
couchant, tail sufflexed, Sa. (D: Rhiannon the Curious May 85)
Erminois, a lion couchant & on a chf Sa 3 bezants. (D: Idunn
Felinnoir - Apr 91)
Gu, a bendlet enhanced rayonny Or & in dexter base a natural
panther couchant guardant, forepaw raised, Sa fimbriated Or.
(D: Ciaran of the Flames - Dec 06)
Gyronny Gu & ermine, a domestic cat dormant to sin Sa. (D: CareCheri of the Fallen Stars - Jan 73?)
Or, a bend sin Az betw a half-bloomed garden rose Gu slipped &
singly thorned proper & a leopard couchant Sa. (D: Sabrina
de la Bere - Sep 73?)
Or, a bend sin ermine, in fess 2 dragon-winged African leopards
salient to sin & couchant Sa. (D: Rael Hengaer - Jan 73)
Or, a lion couchant Sa within six thistles in annulo proper. (D:
Kaspar MacPherson - Mar 01)
Or, a lion dormant within the tines of a stags massacre Sa. (D:
Lawrence son of Leander - Mar 90)
Or, in pale a lion couchant contourny & 2 deaths heads in fess Sa, a
bord Gu. (D: Temur Arslan - Dec 00)
Or semy of triquetras, a lion dormant contourny Sa. (D: Sen
Codlatach - Aug 04)
Per bend Or & Arg, a bend Az betw a natural panther couchant & a
wolf passant Sa. (D: Alain de Bastien - Jul 86)
Per bend Or & Sa, on a bend Gu betw a natural panther dormant Sa
& a peacock close 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Katerine Morgane
de Montrevel - Apr 06)
Per bend Purp & Gu, on a bend invected betw 2 owls Arg a cat
couchant Sa. (D: Tiura Katzensteiger - Oct 01)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, fretty Arg, a bend sin betw a compass star
Sa, charged with an annulet Arg, & a cat couchant guardant Sa.
(D: Gilmoure Gylbard - Oct 87)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, five acorns in annulo Or & a natural
leopard couchant Sa. (D: Ina Rowena of the Mist - Oct 87)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, a bend sin Arg betw a lion couchant Sa
maned, tufted & fimbriated, & a sun Or. (D: Katrina of
Windemere - Aug 71?)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 cauldrons Or & a domestic cat couchant Sa.
(D: Megan Douglas - Oct 86)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 increscents Arg & a cat couchant Sa. (D:
Meadhbh Fionnghuala nic Mhatha - Jan 92)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 cobras coiled erect affronty Arg & a natural
panther couchant gardant to sin Sa. (D: James NicEdom Sep 86)
Per chev Gu & Or, a crescent Or & a natural panther couchant Sa.
(D: Antonia Ambrosia Illirica - Mar 87)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 2 horses ramp Arg & a lioness couchant Sa. (D:
Alana Strangeways - Mar 04)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a natural leopard dormant coward Sa, gorged of
a collar, & 3 cinquefoils Or. (B: Adelicia of Cumbria Aug 83)
Per fess Or & Sa, a cat couchant & an acorn within a double
tressure ctrch. (D: Ingrid Gerdesdottir - Sep 97)
Per salt Gu & Arg, a cat dormant contourny Sa betw 4 mice passant
contourny each maintaining a bell ctrch. (D: Alessandra Gatta
- Jan 00)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Cat - 1 - Sable - Passant

(Fieldless) A Manx cat statant to sin Sa. (B: Anne Barton of Great
Oaks - Oct 84)
Arg, a bat-winged cat courant Sa betw 3 oak leaves Vt. (D: Elspeth
of Oakwood Court - Mar 96)
Arg, a bat-winged cat statant contourny Sa, winged Az, the body
enflamed Gu. (D: Coilean Mac Caiside - Sep 05)
Arg, a bend sin Gu overall a leopard passant guardant Sa marked
Arg. (D: Christjenn Rasmussen af Sams - Oct 95)
Arg, a cat statant betw 3 mullets of seven points Sa. (D: Cassandra
Cattani - Oct 01)
Arg, a catamount courant Sa, on a chf Az, 3 Stars of David Or. (D:
Ruben ben Yosef the Khazar - Aug 84)
Arg, a catamount passant contourny, on a chf triangular Sa a dagger
Arg. (D: Iain Kyle the Red - Apr 97)

Beast - Cat - 1 - Sable - Passant (continued)

Arg, a catamount passant reguardant Sa & in base 3 shamrocks, a

bord embat Vt. (D: Catriona Heather MacLochlainn May 01)
Arg, a catamount triply queued statant guardant & a chf dovetailed
Sa. (D: Sibyl of Dragons Eyrie - Apr 88)
Arg, a chev dovetailed betw 2 mullets Gu & a catamount passant
Sa. (D: Wilhelm Aldebrand the Grey - Feb 94)
Arg, a demi-cat passant guardant Sa & a base Gu. (D: Matheu
Matson - Apr 98)
Arg, a domestic cat herissony Sa betw 3 torques Gu all within a
bord nebuly Vt. (D: Caitlin mac Cumhaill na Cruachan Feb 86)
Arg, a domestic cat passant guardant herissony Sa, on a chf Gu, a
decrescent betw 2 mullets Arg. (D: Rundaeg von Trier Apr 90)
Arg, a domestic cat statant guardant Sa within a bord Gu semy of
cinquefoils Or. (D: Genevive de Beauvoir - Feb 04)
Arg, a natural panther passant Sa & in chf a hurt. (D: Banujah alMarrakeshiyyah - Oct 01)
Arg, a natural panther passant Sa betw 2 bars Purp betw 3 roses Sa.
(B: Angharad Drakenhefd - Jan 06)
Arg, a natural panther statant Sa, a base rayonny Gu. (D: Maria the
Black - Jun 05)
Arg, a pall inv cotised Gu betw a lion passant to sin, a scorpion
tergiant fesswise, & a morion helm Sa. (D: Guillermo el
Alacrn de Castilla - Apr 85)
Arg, a Persian winged lion passant reguardant to sin Sa & a chf
indented Gu. (D: Catriona Cattanach of Clan Macpherson Aug 88)
Arg, a sword inv Gu, hilted, its blade surmounted by an ounce
statant Sa. (B: Todd MacMaghnuis - Nov 89)
Arg, a winged lion passant guardant, wings disp, Sa, maintaining in
its dexter forepaw a human skull Arg, betw 2 bars gemel Vt.
(D: Harvey the Blind - Jul 86)
Arg, an ounce passant contourny Sa bezanty, within an orle embat
on the outer edge Sa. (D: Celainn Mhoireach - Jun 93)
Arg, an ounce statant Sa incensed Gu, in chf 3 mullets of eight
points Sa. (D: Mikhail of the West - Nov 06)
Arg goutty de sang, a natural panther passant guardant contourny
Sa. (B: Tuania Catsclaw - Nov 06)
Arg, in pale a crescent & a cat passant Sa betw flaunches Vt. (D:
Karin of Dun Or - May 08)
Arg semy-de-lys Vt, an ounce passant guardant Sa incensed Gu. (D:
Adelaide de Bourbon - Nov 06)
Arg, 2 chevronels Gu betw a lion statant & 3 crescents one & 2 Sa.
(D: Justinian Germanicus - Dec 00)
Az, a plate charged with a cauldron & a domestic cat in its curiosity
Sa. (D: Rhithyn yr Gwlad yr Hav - Aug 78?) (The cat is
standing with its forepaws on the rim of the pot.)
Az, in pale on a crescent inv Or a natural leopard passant guardant
Sa, & a bear sejant to sin reguardant Arg. (D: Ursula Katze Dec 83)
Checky Or & Gu, a plate overall a natural panther passant Sa. (B:
Mordraut Freyulf - Jul 95)
Ermine, a lion passant guardant betw 3 battle axes Sa. (D: Yrj
Kirjawiisas - Mar 85)
Gyronny arrondi of six Arg & Purp, a catamount statant guardant to
sin, on a chf Sa 3 feline pawprints Arg. (D: Valerian
Hildebrand - Oct 95)
Or, a cat statant herissonee Sa, langued Gu, orbed Or, within a bord
Gu. (D: Alexandra of Armageddon - Aug 79?)
Or, a catamount passant Sa & on a base indented Az a cup Arg. (D:
Duncan Angus MacAlpin - Oct 95)
Or, a domestic cat courant contourny within an orle Sa. (D: John
Kane of Kent - Mar 02)
Or, a domestic cat passant to sin & on a chf Sa, 3 bezants. (D:
Cynthia Anne of Silver Lakes - Jul 88)
Or, a lion passant betw 2 cinquefoils Sa, all within an orle wavy Az.
(D: Elizabeth Demeiza Flinnoir - Jun 88)
Or, a lion passant, in base an estoile, within a bord rayonny Sa. (D:
Ghyslaine Felinnoir - Apr 83)
Or, a lion salient Sa & on a gore Vt, an aspen leaf Arg. (B: Jessika
of Fairholm - Jul 91)
Or, a natural panther passant contourny Sa, a bord per pale Gu &
Az all crusilly fleury Or. (D: Dominique de la Croix Mar 99)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 169

[Beast - Cat - 1 - Sable - Passant] to [Beast - Cat - 1 - Sable - Rampant]

Beast - Cat - 1 - Sable - Passant (continued)

Or, a natural panther passant guardant Sa. (D: William the Silent Jan 73?)
Per bend Purp & Arg, a dexter gauntlet Arg grasping a tongue of
flame fesswise proper & a natural panther passant reguardant
Sa. (B: Zacharias Flamebeard of Eastmark - Dec 91) (For
House Zacharias)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, a bend sin ctrch betw an African leopard
passant sin Sa, gorged of a spiked collar & chain Arg, & a
bird-winged Chinese dragon passant Or, crined Gu. (D:
Marcus of Shasta - Nov 77?)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a bend sin ctrch Arg & Gu betw a horse
passant to sin Arg & a cat passant Sa. (D: Aldonza Pandora Oct 87)
Per chev Arg & Sa, a catamount passant guardant & a horse ramp
ctrch. (D: Kathryn of Carraig Ban - Oct 88)
Per chev Arg & Vt, a lion passant guardant Sa & 3 crosses bottony
one & 2 Arg. (D: Margarette de Saint Martin-sur-Mer Jul 01)
Per chev Az & Arg, on a chev counter-ermine a crescent Arg & in
base a cat passant reguardant Sa. (D: Isabella Gattoneri May 92)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a domestic cat passant contourny & a fish naiant
contourny ctrch. (D: Fiska-Silvester Lotharssohn - Apr 95)
Per fess embat Arg, a domestic cat passant Sa, & Az, 3 mullets in
pale Arg. (D: Catherine Morgan Dudley - Aug 79?)
Per fess embat Or & Sa, a lion passant guardant & a fleur-de-lys
ctrch. (D: William Lyons of Portland - Nov 06)
Per fess ermine & Vt, a winged cat statant to sin Sa. (D: Tristan
Halsson fra Ravnsborg - May 92)
Per fess Gu & Arg, an open book Arg & a domestic cat statant Sa.
(D: Ambrosius Caliensis - Mar 95)
Per fess indented Or & Gu, a catamount passant Sa & 3 pheons inv
Arg. (D: Steitan Bogenschtz - Dec 98)
Per fess Or & Sa, a wildcat passant guardant & a triskelion of
armored legs ctrch. (B: Roger von Allenstein - May 92)
Per fess potenty Arg & Sa, a lion passant Sa & 2 axes in salt Arg.
(D: Owen ap Dafydd - Jun 90)
Per fess Sa & Or, 3 crescents pendant & a natural panther passant
ctrch. (D: Katla in Rauhra - Jan 07)
Per fess Vt & Arg, a cock Arg upon the back of a domestic cat
herissonee proper upon the back of a dog statant howling Gu
upon the back of a domestic donkey braying proper. (B:
Ioseph of Locksley, the Rhymer - Oct 76) (For Locksleys
Company of Players)
Per pale Vt & Arg a cat herissony Sa betw 3 wolf pawprints ctrch.
(D: Rowan of Iron Mountain - Aug 97)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a lion passant guardant contourny Sa, on a chf
per pale Arg & Vt a sword Sa. (D: Tegan NGavin of Calder Feb 97)
Vt, a pale or, overall a domestic cat passant gardant Sa, grasping in
its dexter forepaw a nosegay of scarlet pimpernels slipped &
leaved proper. (D: Rhonwen y Llysieuyddes - Aug 79)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Cat - 1 - Sable - Rampant

(Fieldless) A lion-dragon erect Sa maintaining a drinking horn Or.

(B: Morgan Lyonel - Sep 92)
Arg, a bend sin Az betw a rose Sa barbed & seeded proper & a
natural panther ramp to sin Sa. (D: Malleta MacKessock Sep 00)
Arg, a bend sin cotised Gu betw a domestic cat ramp to sin & a
wolfs head erased Sa. (D: Ateno of Annun Ridge - Apr 90)
Arg, a bend sin Gu betw a lion & a cross potent Sa. (D: Wion
Neilson - Dec 04)
Arg, a bend sin lozengy betw a lion ramp & in bend sin 3 swords
inv Sa. (D: Ian MacDougall of Skye - Jun 83)
Arg, a cat sejant erect Sa sustaining a crozier hook to sin Purp all
within an orle of cats pawprints in orle Sa. (D: Lore Bubeck Jan 03)
Arg, a cat sejant erect, tail nowed, Sa & on a chf Purp five annulets
interlaced Arg. (D: Gregoria Anne du Lac - Jul 83)
Arg, a catamount ramp guardant Sa, marked Arg, a ford proper, &
on a chf Az a sun Arg. (D: Sela nic aPhearsoin of Clan
Chattan - Jun 92)
Arg, a catamount ramp Sa winged Gu, wings enflamed proper, a
bord Gu. (D: Anna Genevieve of Ancyra - Dec 99)
170 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Cat - 1 - Sable - Rampant (continued)

Arg, a domestic cat salient to sin Sa within a laurel wreath Vt, all
betw 3 roundels barry wavy Or & Az. (D: Fynnon Gath Nov 89)
Arg, a lion contourny Sa, on a chf triangular Gu a rose Or barbed &
seeded Vt. (D: Elizabet von Minden - Jul 99)
Arg, a lion ramp & on a chf embat Sa 3 Maltese crosses Arg. (D:
Konrad von Ulm - Apr 02)
Arg, a lion ramp contourny, queue forchy, on a chf Sa 3 hearts Arg.
(D: Dirk von den Schwarzenkatzen - Nov 93)
Arg, a lion ramp contourny Sa, in chf 2 roses Az each charged with
a rose Arg. (D: Beatrice Domenici della Campana - May 01)
Arg, a lion ramp doubly-queued Sa betw six roses in annulo proper,
a chf lozengy Gu & Or. (D: Evzenie Apolena Vitkovic Apr 97)
Arg, a lion ramp Sa & on a chf indented Vt a fret Or. (D: Elizabeth
de Whitney - Oct 97)
Arg, a lion ramp Sa & on a chf indented Vt 3 fleurs-de-lis Or. (D:
Victoire de Whitney - Oct 97)
Arg, a lion ramp Sa & on a chf Vt 3 Latin crosses Arg. (D: Charles
Fleming - Oct 01)
Arg, a lion ramp Sa armed, orbed & langued Gu. (D: Houri the
Savage - Jan 73?)
Arg, a lion ramp to sin & in chf a coronet Sa, all betw 4 fleurs-delys in cross Gu. (D: Jacqueline de Lyons - Dec 90)
Arg, a lion Sa & a griffin Purp combattant. (D: Igor Lvov Sep 00)
Arg, a natural panther ramp Sa & on a chf embat Az 3 annulets Arg.
(D: Muirghein inghean Rioghain - Jul 02)
Arg, a natural panther salient incensed of flame, all within a bord
Sa. (D: Moshe Pantera del Fuego Negro - Jul 81)
Arg, a natural panther salient Sa, on a chf wavy Az a bezant. (D:
Magnus Lodinsson - Oct 92)
Arg, a natural tiger ramp contourny Sa striped Arg, in chf 3 roses
Sa. (D: Ragnarr Grsa - Jan 99)
Arg, a pall inv Vt, in dexter chf an ounce ramp guardant Sa
incensed Gu. (D: Joab Cohen - Dec 06)
Arg, a salt Gu betw in pale 2 swords fesswise & surmounted by a
lion contourny Sa. (D: Andrew Talbot - Jul 99)
Arg, a winged natural panther segreant Sa & on a chf enarched Az 3
fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Adrienne de la Montagne - Dec 96)
Arg, an ounce ramp contourny Sa, incensed Gu, betw 3 escallops
inv Sa. (D: Jean Estelle Marie Bouligny - Nov 06)
Arg, an ounce ramp queue forchy Sa spotted Or on a chf Az 3
increscents Or. (D: Cerdic MacAoidh - Feb 96)
Arg ermined Gu, a cat ramp maintaining a sword betw 2 gores Sa.
(D: Kenneth die Katze - Nov 96)
Arg goutty de sang, a lion ramp queue-forchy betw 3 roses Sa. (D:
Elewyn Blackthorn - Nov 95)
Arg goutty de sang, a winged ounce segreant Sa incensed & a chf
nebuly Gu. (D: Gya galin Kaladttir - Nov 06)
Arg, on a cross Gu betw in chf a lion Sa & a cross moline Gu a
lotus-blossom affronty Arg. (D: Paul Andr Jacques Jun 96)
Arg, sem of roses Az, seeded Or, a domestic cat ramp to sin
guardant Sa. (D: Gweneth Atwater - Aug 84)
Arg semy of daggers inv, a natural panther ramp Sa, a sin tierce Az.
(D: Galen de Leon - Dec 96)
Arg trefly Az, in pale a crescent Gu & a lion ramp Sa. (D: Randel
Patrick Gallagher - Jul 92)
Az, a chocolate-point Siamese cat sejant erect proper upon a pine
bough leaved & fructed fesswise in base proper, in dexter chf
an estoile Arg. (D: Marjorie of Ruthiemurches - Jul 74?)
Barry Arg & Gu, a lion Sa within a bord Gu. (D: Barrett of
Muchelney - Aug 03)
Bendy Or & Vt, a lion salient contourny queue-fourchy Sa within a
bord Sa semy of escallops inv Or. (D: Julianna Maria
Wilhelmina von Metten - Nov 92)
Checky Gu & Arg, a lion ramp Sa charged on the shoulder with a
thistle Arg & on a chf Sa 3 spur rowels Arg. (D: Thomas
MacBriar - Oct 01)
Checky Or & Arg, a lion ramp tail forked & nowed Sa, crowned
Gu, grasping in dexter forepaw a laurel wreath bendwise Vt.
(D: An Tir - Dec 81)

[Beast - Cat - 1 - Sable - Rampant] to [Beast - Cat - 1 - Sable - Sejant]

Beast - Cat - 1 - Sable - Rampant (continued)

Checky Or & Arg, a lion ramp, tail forked & nowed Sa, crowned
Gu, grasping in dexter forepaw a wreath of hearts, points to
center, alternating with roses Gu, barbed & seeded proper. (D:
An Tir, Queen of - Dec 81)
Checky Or & Arg, a lion ramp, tail forked & nowed, Sa, grasping in
its dexter paw a laurel wreath proper. (B: An Tir - Jan 74)
Countervairy Arg & Gu, a demi-lion with a bord Sa. (D: Davin
Wlflin of Unterwalden - Apr 89)
Ermine, a lion ramp guardant maintaining a sword Sa within a bord
counter-ermine. (D: Thorin Njalsson - May 84)
Erminois, a cat ramp Sa & in chf 2 crescents Az. (D: Lijsbet vande
Visschereye - Jan 92)
Gyronny arrondi Gu & Arg, a lion salient within a bord embat Sa.
(B: Rising Waters - Dec 92) (For Rising Waters Honour
Gyronny Gu & Or, a winged lion ramp contourny Sa. (D: James of
Nayland - Feb 03)
Or, a bend sin ermine, in fess 2 dragon-winged African leopards
salient to sin & couchant Sa. (D: Rael Hengaer - Jan 73)
Or, a cat ramp to sin queue forchy the tails Sa ending in roses
proper within an orle Az. (D: Rosalia la Gatta - Jun 01)
Or, a catamount ramp Sa & on a chf triangular Gu a hawks lure Or.
(D: Cassandra de Laci - Sep 98)
Or, a fess Gu & overall a wildcat ramp contourny gardant Sa
marked Arg within a bord Gu. (D: Iain Clth-lamhach
MacThomaidh - Sep 92)
Or, a lion maintaining a sword Sa a bord Sa semy of lozenges Or.
(D: Brian of Quin - Aug 97)
Or, a lion ramp contourny Sa within a bord Gu semy of acorns inv
Or. (D: Helmut zu Jlich - Sep 93)
Or, a lion ramp guardant Sa & on a chf embat Az an arrow Or. (D:
Racheel Dominique de Brienne - Mar 04)
Or, a lion ramp guardant Sa maintaining a claymore proper. (B:
Thorin Njalsson - date?)
Or, a lion ramp Sa. (D: Buchanan of that Ilk - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Or, a lion ramp Sa. (D: Flanders - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA
Or, a lion ramp Sa, for augmentation, a double tressure flory
counter-flory Sa. (Augmentation of Arms: Buchanan of that
Ilk - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, a lion ramp to sin guardant within a sash in annulo knotted in
base Sa. (D: Stephen MacAlpine - May 92)
Or, a lion ramp to sin Sa, a bord invected Gu. (D: Roderick of
Sutton in the Elms - Apr 93)
Or, a unicorn Purp & a lion Sa combattant, in chf 3 grenades Sa.
(D: Edward MacMillan - Mar 99)
Or, an ounce ramp guardant Sa, incensed Gu, & on a base embat Az
2 bars wavy Or. (D: Hrothebert van Dyke - Dec 06)
Or crescenty Gu, a natural panther ramp regardant Sa within a bord
Gu crescenty Or. (D: Ysabella Scarlet - Feb 02)
Or, in fess a Latin cross bottony bendwise sustained by a lion ramp
guardant & in base a rose Gu barbed Sa. (D: Edward of
Ealdormere - Sep 06)
Or mullety, a catamount salient & on a chf Sa, 3 thistles Or. (D:
Brighid Ellen Seward - Nov 97)
Or, 2 bendlets sin Gu, overall a lion contourny Sa maintaining a
brown earthenware jug proper. (D: Franziskus von Bachheim
- Dec 97)
Or, 2 chevronels betw 2 daggers in chev conjoined at the hilts & a
natural panther ramp to sin Sa. (D: Mirga Kate - Aug 86)
Paly Gu & Or, a cat statant erect contourny guardant Sa maintaining
in its dexter paw a tankard & in its sin paw a sword bendwise
Arg. (D: Erich der Suchenwirth zum Schwarzenkatze Jul 05)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a bat-winged lion ramp Sa, & a lyre Or. (D:
Charles de Joscelynne - Nov 94)
Per bend Gu & Or, a lion ramp Sa within a bord engrailed Az. (D:
Matthias Sean Cameron - Mar 88)
Per bend Or & Gu, a natural panther salient Sa betw in bend sin a
mullet of 4 points elongated to base Vt & another Arg. (D:
Meghan Kendra of Blackwood - Aug 86)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a paw print & a natural panther ramp ctrch. (D:
Gillian de Kokerham - Apr 03)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, a lion ramp guardant & a swan naiant to sin
ctrch. (B: Philip of Meadhe - Jun 82)

Beast - Cat - 1 - Sable - Rampant (continued)

Per bend sin Or & Sa, an ounce ramp guardant Sa, incensed proper,
& a hooded cobra erect contourny, tail coiled Or. (D: John the
Animal of Glencoe - Dec 06)
Per chev Az & Arg, 3 crescents Arg & a natural leopard ramp Sa
spotted Arg. (D: Conall Roghbhardin - Jan 00)
Per chev Gu & Arg 2 towers Or & a natural panther ramp to sin Sa.
(D: Andrew MacFarlan of Wigan - May 92)
Per chev raguly Sa & Arg, 2 crosses bottony & a lion ramp ctrch.
(D: Toran Weisszahn - Nov 97)
Per fess Az & Arg, a plate charged with a water bouget Gu & a
natural panther ramp Sa platy. (D: Jonathan Christian Clare Dec 91)
Per fess Az & Or, a decrescent moon & an increscent moon Or & a
natural panther ramp Sa. (D: Crescentia Hildegard - Mar 94)
Per fess embat Az & Arg, 4 arrows in fess bendwise inv Arg & a
lion ramp Sa. (D: Mikel of Perth - Mar 06)
Per fess enarched Sa & Or, a dragon dormant & a cat sejant erect
ctrch, a base Sa. (D: Erica Poitevin - Feb 95)
Per fess Or & Vt, a natural panther ramp Sa breathing flames Gu &
a bord ctrch. (D: Carolyn of An Dun Theine - Nov 06)
Per pale Arg & Or, a lion ramp Sa within a bord pean. (D: Isake de
Elford - Aug 02)
Per pale indented Sa & lozengy Gu & Arg, an estoile Arg & a lion
sejant erect reguardant tail nowed Sa. (D: Gwenfrewi ferch
Cadfael Caernarfon - Feb 96)
Per pale Or & Arg, a winged lion ramp guardant Sa. (B: Lijsbet
vande Visschereye - Jan 02) (For Eirene Tzimiskina
Per pale rayonny Az & Or, a mare ramp Arg & a cat ramp
contourny Sa, collared Gu. (D: Aislinn of Tir-y-Don Feb 07)
Per pale wavy Az & Arg, ermined Gu, a dragon ramp to sin Or & a
lion ramp Sa. (D: Aelfred of Cres - Feb 88)
Per pall inv Arg, Sa & Vt, in chf a lion & a talbot combattant ctrch.
(D: Leonia Talbot - Jun 05)
Per pall Vt, Az, & Or, a pair of hands holding a heart Arg, a sword
proper, & a natural panther sejant erect Sa. (D: Guinivere of
East Loch - Jan 85)
Per salt Gu & Arg, a lion ramp Sa, within a bord dovetailed Az. (D:
Richard Blackwood - Aug 97)
Quarterly Gu & Or, a lion ramp contourny within a bord Sa. (B:
Helmut zu Jlich - Sep 96)
Tierced per bend sin Or, Gu, & Arg, a lion ramp queue-fourchee Sa,
beneath the dexter hind paw a skull Arg. (B: An Tir - Aug 79)
(For Privateers)
Vt, a bend Arg & overall a winged lion ramp to sin Sa fimbriated
Arg, wings erect Arg fimbriated Sa. (D: Beryl of the Valley of
the Moon - Jan 03)
Vt, a lion ramp Sa, fimbriated Arg. (D: Ann Elizabeth of
Westmarch - Mar 78?)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Cat - 1 - Sable - Sejant

(Fieldless) A domestic cat sejant affronty Sa sustaining in its mouth

a quill pen Or. (B: Steffan the Scrivener - Jan 06)
(Fieldless) A 2-headed domestic cat sejant affronty, heads addorsed
Sa, gorged of a pearled coronet Or. (B: Uilliam mac Ailne
mhic Seamuis - Jan 06)
Arg, a cat sejant affronty, on a chf Sa a plate. (D: Cormacc mac
Conin - Dec 95)
Arg, a cat sejant betw in pale 2 Norse sun-crosses, a sin tierce
raguly Sa. (D: Thora Wolframsdochter - Feb 98)
Arg, a cat sejant contourny Sa & a bord engrailed Az. (D:
Gwenllian the Forgetful - May 94)
Arg, a cat sejant contourny Sa within a bord per pale Az & Gu. (D:
Tamar Walshman - Dec 92)
Arg, a cat sejant, dexter paw raised Sa, on a chf embat Vt 2
crescents Arg. (D: Gwenllian Basset - Aug 93)
Arg, a cat sejant regardant Sa & in base 3 roses Purp barbed &
seeded proper. (D: Jessica the Clark - Apr 07)
Arg, a cat sejant reguardant Sa within a bord Purp semy of gauntlets
Arg. (D: Brita the Tormented - Jan 92)
Arg, a cat sejant to sin Sa betw 3 goblets Az, all within a bord Gu.
(D: Rowena MacLeod - Jun 84)
Arg, a domestic cat sejant & on a chf indented Sa a decrescent Arg.
(D: Catriana le Fey of Airley - May 92)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 171

[Beast - Cat - 1 - Sable - Sejant] to [Beast - Cat - 1 - Vert]

Beast - Cat - 1 - Sable - Sejant (continued)

Arg, a domestic cat sejant reguardant Sa within a bord Az semy of

harps Arg. (D: Nicolette Ridolfi - May 06)
Arg, a lion sejant Sa & on a chf double-enarched Purp, a roundel
betw a decrescent & an increscent Arg. (D: Sabine the Short Feb 97)
Arg, a lion sejant Sa, on a sin tierce Gu, 3 mullets of six points Arg.
(D: William of Clyth - Nov 89)
Arg, a natural panther sejant Sa & on a chf Vt 3 candles Arg
enflamed Or. (D: Llywus ap Alan - Sep 03)
Arg, a winged cat sejant wings elevated & addorsed Sa within a
bord rayonny Purp. (D: Catalina Giacomuzzi - Oct 00)
Arg, a winged domestic cat sejant to sin Sa betw 3 oak leaves Vt, a
bord engrailed Az. (D: Katherine of Acre - Jun 04)
Arg chauss Sa, a winged cat sejant affronty wings disp betw 3
compass stars Sa. (D: Ladaine Glenna d Locha - Feb 97)
Arg, in fess a domestic cat sejant guardant Sa & a cross crosslet
fitchy Gu, its lower arm entwined by the cats tail, all within a
bord Az. (D: Etain McConnell - Apr 90)
Az, a chev Arg, overall a winged catamount sejant affronte, wings
elevated, Sa. (D: Alainn Aodhmoira Bean Larren - Jan 80)
Barry Or & Az, a cat sejant contourny Sa. (D: Muirgel ingen Gilla
Comgaill - Sep 01)
Gyronny Arg, semy-de-lys Gu, & Gu, a winged cat sejant affronty,
wings disp Sa. (D: Franoise Katze - Jan 91)
Gyronny of sixteen Arg & Gu, a domestic cat sejant & on a chf Sa a
decrescent & an increscent Arg. (D: Ceridwen of
Cahercommaun - Jul 91)
Or, a bend sin pean betw 2 quill pens crossed in base Az & a cat
sejant affronty Sa. (D: Maria del Gato - Mar 87)
Or, a cat sejant guardant contourny Sa within a bord Vt charged
with 3 sexfoils Or seeded Gu. (D: Caitlin Magdaline Gilchrist
- Jul 91)
Or, a cat sejant reguardant & on a chf Sa 3 pawprints Arg. (D:
Isabel de Estella - Jun 95)
Or, a chev Purp betw 2 mortars & pestles Vt & a cat sejant guardant
contourny Sa marked Arg. (D: Linet de Hynkersul - Jun 03)
Or, a domestic cat sejant, paw extended Sa. (D: Gilles of Lennox Dec 71?)
Or, a domestic cat sejant Sa & on a chf wavy Vt in canton a bezant.
(D: Ladan ingen Fhelin - Aug 07)
Or, a domestic cat sejant Sa, on a chf embat Gu 3 decrescents Or.
(D: William Bruce - Nov 97)
Or, a winged cat sejant Sa & on a chf Gu 3 open books Or. (D:
Samus mac Rin - Aug 06)
Or, a winged lion sejant guardant Sa, in chf 3 thistles proper. (D:
Andreanna Innes - Feb 84)
Or, in pale 2 swords in salt & a catamount sejant guardant to sin, all
within a bord Sa. (D: Marria Theresa LeCalm - Mar 87)
Or masoned Vt, a domestic cat sejant Sa within a bord Vt. (D:
Anna Francesca Massone - Sep 03)
Or, sem of cats paw prints Vt, a domestic cat counter-sejant
licking its sin forepaw Sa, in base an inkhorn fesswise
reversed, cap open, Vt. (B: Rhonwen y Llysieuyddes Nov 80)
Per bend Arg & Az, a cat sejant guardant Sa & a rose Arg barbed
Vt. (D: Muriel Buchanan - Jan 05)
Per chev Az & Arg, in chf a mullet & 2 roses, one & 2, Arg, barbed
& seeded proper, & in base a natural panther sejant reguardant
Sa. (D: Isabel Antonia de Aranjuez - Mar 84)
Per chev enhanced Vt & Arg, in base a domestic cat sejant guardant
Sa & a demi-sun issuant from base Vt. (D: Catherine de
Villehardouin - Jan 96)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 3 compass stars Arg & a cat sejant Sa. (D:
Ceinwen ferch Belyn - Jan 08)
Per chev ploy throughout Purp & Or, a decrescent moon, an
increscent moon Or & a cat sejant Sa. (D: Gwenhwyvar Befr Sep 98)
Per chev throughout Az & Or, in base a domestic cat sejant
contourny Sa. (D: Giuliana Margherita Bonaccolsi - Jan 97)
Per fess Or & per chev throughout Purp & Or, a natural panther
sejant Sa & 3 suns ctrch. (D: Szke Ersbet - May 06)
Per fess Sa & Arg, a garden rose slipped & leaved fesswise reversed
& a cat sejant ctrch. (D: Krystyana of Dragon Run - Oct 85)
Per fess Vt & Or, 2 cats sejant respectant Arg & a cat sejant
affronty Sa. (D: Marjory Ayson de Dundee - Feb 01)

172 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Cat - 1 - Sable - Sejant (continued)

Per pale Arg & Or, a winged lioness sejant reguardant, wings inv,
Sa betw 3 lightning bolts palewise Az. (D: Shala of the Angels
- Oct 90)
Per pale indented Purp & Arg, in fess 3 mullets of eight points in
pale Or & a cat sejant guardant Sa. (D: Camelen Melintaur Aug 82)
Per pale Or & Vt, a cat sejant to sin Sa & a peregrine falcon close
Or, a chf engrailed ctrch. (D: Suzanne Rene Barineau Dec 85)
Per pale rayonny Gu & Or, a mullet Or & a natural panther sejant
Sa. (D: Elizabeth Canynges the Ravenhaired - Aug 97)
Per salt Gu & Or, a domestic cat sejant reguardant, sin forepaw
maintaining an artists brush & a quill pen in salt Sa, within a
bord pean. (D: Kathleen Allen - Oct 07)
Per salt Or & Arg, a winged natural panther sejant Sa, wings
elevated & addorsed, Gu. (D: Robyn Solarius - Nov 91)
Vt, fretty Or, a domestic cat sejant guardant to sin, tail sufflexed,
Sa. (B: Alisoun MacCoul of Elphane - May 81) (For Clan
* * * End * * *

Beast - Cat - 1 - Vert

(Fieldless) A cat sejant Vt. (B: Brian of Green Hills - Sep 73?)
Arg, a cat couchant guardant within a double tressure, all betw 3
paw prints Vt. (B: Angeline Marie le Chat du Coeur Dec 88)
Arg, a cat ramp guardant Vt betw in cross 4 pellets. (D: Jehanne de
St. Brieuc - May 83)
Arg, a catamount sejant reguardant to sin within an orle of ivy Vt.
(D: Lucrezia Constancia del Belcuore - Dec 88)
Arg, a domestic cat couchant betw in pale 2 mullets Vt. (D:
Catalina de la Estrella - May 81)
Arg, a domestic cat couchant contourny Vt & a chf nebuly Az. (D:
rennach ingen u Rnan - Oct 03)
Arg, a lion passant guardant Vt & a chf counter-ermine. (D:
Prudence Charbonnel - Aug 03)
Arg, a lion ramp guardant, tail nowed, Vt grasping in its dexter
forepaw an ankh Gu, on a chf Sa a rainbow proper. (D:
Leiannka Zorya Zelolev - Nov 82)
Arg, a lion ramp queue forchy Vt within an orle of six thistles
proper, a chf checky Gu & Arg. (D: Susannah of Locksley Aug 94)
Arg, a lion statant Vt within a serpent, its head in sin chf, its body
looped in annulo, & its tail in dexter chf, Sa. (D: Owain ap
Ioan - Aug 83)
Arg, a winged lion ramp & in chf 3 escutcheons Vt. (D: Taariq ibn
Akmal - Aug 03)
Arg, a winged lion sejant guardant, maintaining a sword palewise,
Vt & a chf rayonny Sa. (D: Canair James Saint Aubyn Dec 89)
Or, a cat sejant to sin within an orle Vt. (D: Elisabeth Catesby Apr 99)
Or, a cross crosslet Gu, overall in pale a lion passant Vt bearing a
sword imbrued proper, & a lion passant to sin Vt bearing a
sprig of mistletoe proper. (B: Ilse von Schnau - Jun 84)
(For Annora Yvain nic Aethelbrand)
Or, a lion couchant Vt, armed & langued Purp, on a base nebuly Vt,
3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Constance dOrleans - Feb 87)
Or, a lion couchant Vt, armed & langued Purp, on a base nebuly Vt
3 fleurs-de-lys Or. As an augmentation, a canton Gu charged
with a sun in his splendor Or. (Augmentation of Arms:
Constance dOrleans - Jan 91)
Or, a Siberian tiger passant guardant Vt striped within a bord Sa.
(B: Kim Kyong-Il - Jun 83) (For House Jade Tiger)
Or, a winged lion statant to sin Vt betw 3 caltrops Gu, a bord Vt.
(D: Rodric Windlion - Oct 84)
Or, a winged lioness passant reguardant contourny Vt & a chf wavy
Az charged with 2 barrulets wavy Arg. (D: runn Vgadttir
- Jun 02)
Or, on a domestic cat sejant contourny Vt a thistle Or. (D: Karin
Taylor de Cameron - Jan 06)
Or semy of thistles proper, a lion ramp guardant queue-forch & a
bord Vt. (D: Matheus McTaevis McMychell - Sep 03)
Or vetu ploy Vt ermined Or, a cat sejant to sin Vt. (D: Khurrem of
Manisa - Jul 97)

[Beast - Cat - 1 - Vert] to [Beast - Cat - 2 - Argent]

Beast - Cat - 1 - Vert (continued)

Per bend sin Vt & Or, a bend sin betw a sun & a Siberian tiger
passant guardant ctrch, striped Sa. (D: Kim Kyong-Il Jun 83)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, an inescutcheon & a lion dormant ctrch. (D:
Alfred Leopold Penders de Lige - Aug 84)
Per chev Sa & Or, a lion ramp to sin Vt maintaining a great axe Or,
a bord ctrch. (D: Malcolm MacRobert - Oct 85)
Per fess Arg & Vt, in chf a natural tiger passant guardant Vt striped
Or, maintaining a closed book Sa, & in base a crescent Arg.
(D: Kim of Loch Salann - Aug 93)
Per fess Or, masoned Sa, & Arg, in pale a lion passant guardant Vt
& a menorah Sa, enflamed Gu. (D: Douglas of Sarkel Nov 89)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a natural panther & a bear passant respectant
ctrch & on a chf Az 3 cinquefoils Arg. (D: Elena Glamorgan Nov 06)
Per pale bendy sin Or & Vt, & Or, in sin a lion Vt, a chf Sa. (D:
Bartholomew of Suffolk - May 96)
Per salt Sa & Arg, a spiderweb ctrch & overall a cat couchant
contourny Vt. (D: Caitrona inghean Ghuaire - May 04)
Sa, a bat-winged cat ramp to sin, wings addorsed Vt, fimbriated Or,
holding in its forepaws the strings of a drinking horn Arg. (B:
Su of the Silver Horn - Sep 02)
Sa, a lion ramp Vt, fimbriated Arg. (D: Robert of Westmarch Jul 74?)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Cat - 2 - Argent

Az, a bend Arg, in bend sin 3 domestic cats salient ctrch. (D:
Eleanor of Almedan - Jun 84)
Az, a bend sin Arg estencely Sa, betw 2 domestic cats ramp
contourny Arg. (D: Elfwyn of Osprey - May 96)
Az, a bend sin bretessed betw 2 lions passant Arg. (D: Gerard von
Lwenstein - Mar 93)
Az, a roundel barry wavy Arg & Vt betw 2 tailless cats sejant
guardant respectant, a base wavy Arg. (D: Albrecht of
Catsprey - Jan 98)
Az, crusilly Latin Celtic flory Or, 2 winged lions sejant respectant
Arg. (D: Bryanna Marie Joyce Shannon - Sep 91)
Az, in pale 2 lions couchant Arg, each maintaining a thistle Or. (D:
Fearghus mac bhearird - Feb 98)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 cats sejant to sin Arg, 3 annulets Az. (D:
Juliana of Tregony - Jul 90)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 lions couchant guardant Arg 3 Maltese
crosses palewise Gu. (D: Tristan of Starlake - Mar 04)
Az, on a chev betw 2 lions ramp guardant & a crescent Arg, 3
fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Emma de Lyons - Jun 99)
Az, on a pale Or betw 2 lions combattant & in chf 2 crosses flory
Arg, 3 fleurs-de-lys Sa. (D: tienne de Lyons - Sep 91)
Az, 2 cats combattant & on a chf triangular Arg, 3 hearts 2 & one
Az. (D: Katla of Bergen - Jul 92)
Az, 2 cats combattant, tails sufflexed, Arg, both maintaining a
fountain fimbriated Arg. (B: Tamera FitzGloucestre of the
White Boar - Feb 82) (For Harrogate Hall)
Az, 2 lions combattant & on a plate a cross moline Gu, all within an
orle Or. (D: Robert of Douglas - Nov 89)
Az, 2 lions ramp addorsed betw 3 anchors Arg. (B: James Guy of
Bothwell - Jan 06)
Az, 2 natural tigers ramp addorsed Arg marked Sa, their tails
entwined around & sustaining a sword inv proper. (D:
Godfried of Frisia - Jan 06)
Checky Vt & Or, 2 lions combattant, each tail nowed & a mouse
couchant, an orle of roundels Arg. (D: Eoghan g Mac
Labhrainn - Feb 98)
Counter-ermine, a bicorporate lion Arg within a bord Or. (D:
Bernard the Nameless - Mar 93)
Gu, on a pale betw 2 lions combatant Arg 2 daggers with hilts to
center Sa. (D: Marcus Artorius Metellus - Oct 07)
Gu, 2 chevronels inv, in chf a cross formy betw 2 lions combattant
Arg. (D: Dunstan t Sancte Petroces Stow - Apr 01)
Gu, 2 lions combattant Arg & a ford proper. (D: James of Atlantia Dec 01)
Lozengy Or & Gu, 2 lions combattant Arg, on a chf rayonny Sa, a
harp Or. (D: Alaric of Phoenix Fens - Jan 90)
Or, 2 cats sejant addorsed reguardant, tails entwined Sa & a chf
engrailed Gu. (D: Adelheit Schwarzenkatze - Feb 06)

Beast - Cat - 2 - Argent (continued)

Per bend Sa & Gu, a bend cotised betw 2 lions Arg. (D: Malachi
Morgan - Jan 02)
Per bend sin Sa & Purp, on a bend sin betw 2 cats sejant guardant
Arg 3 cats pawprints bendwise Sa. (D: Mary Lindsay the Red
- Apr 96)
Per bend Vt & Az, 2 cats salient within a bord indented Arg. (D:
Fridha av Bergen - Sep 07)
Per bend Vt & Sa, on a bend betw 2 domestic cats salient guardant
Arg, a strung bow, string to base, Sa. (D: Kevin Devin
OQuine - Dec 90)
Per chev Purp & Vt, on a chev Or betw 2 natural leopards
combattant & a tower Arg, a cross of Calvary Purp. (D:
Roderick Billingsley Mac Leod - Jan 99)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 2 lions dormant Arg & a demi-sun issuant from
base Gu. (D: Kenneth Grey - Jan 97)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 2 lions double-queued combattant Arg & a
Bowen cross Gu. (D: Courtney of Houghton - Feb 03)
Per chev Sa & ermine, in chf 2 cats sejant guardant erect to sin Arg.
(D: Kaitlin MacPherson - Dec 87)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev betw in chf 2 lions ramp addorsed & in
base an eagle disp Arg. (D: Wilhelm of Greyland - Oct 80)
Per chev Sa & Gu, 2 lions combatant & a rams head cabossed Arg.
(D: Kathryn Elizabeth Lyons Ramsey - May 07)
Per chev Vt & Sa, 2 cats sejant contourny & an open scroll Arg. (D:
Katin inghean Neachtain - Jul 04)
Per fess Gu & Or, 2 snow leopards ramp addorsed Arg & 3
chevronels braced Gu. (D: Roberta Tyrell - May 96)
Per fess Gu & Sa, on a fess embat counterembattled Or betw 2 cats
passant Arg, a cat passant to sin Sa. (D: Alexander Tair Gwal
Garreg - Nov 87)
Per fess Vt & Or, 2 cats sejant respectant Arg & a cat sejant
affronty Sa. (D: Marjory Ayson de Dundee - Feb 01)
Per fess Vt & Purp, a fess ermine betw a natural leopard passant Or
& another sejant to sin Arg both marked Sa. (D: Giovanni
Giuseppe Gherardo Monteverde - Mar 02)
Per pale Az & Gu, 2 ounces addorsed & incensed Arg, a chf embat
Or. (D: Isabella of Northumberland - Mar 07)
Per pale Sa & Az, a Maltese cross throughout betw in base 2 lions
ramp addorsed, each queue-forchy & maintaining a rose, Arg.
(D: Gabriella della Santa Croce - Jun 90)
Per pale Sa & Az, 2 lions doubly-queued Arg. (D: Bainard Grey Jan 03)
Per pale Sa & Vt, 2 lions ramp addorsed tails entwined Arg. (D:
Rieinmelt ferch Owain - Jul 00)
Per salt Az & Sa, 2 winged lynxes combatant guardant Arg. (D:
Simon Gwyn - Feb 08)
Per salt Sa & Gu, in pale 2 boars passant & in fess 2 domestic cats
sejant, all within a bord Arg. (D: Gunnar Olofsson - Dec 94)
Purp, a pallet betw 2 lions ramp addorsed Arg. (D: Orin of the
Argent Lions of Mightrinwood - Jun 80)
Purp, on a bend sin Or betw a cat couchant to sin & another
couchant Arg a chain throughout Purp. (D: Robyn Lon
Creighton of Thorndyke - Jun 83)
Purp, on a pale betw 2 lions ramp Arg, a Latin cross clechy
throughout Purp. (D: Jankin de Leeuw - Oct 96)
Purp, 2 cats ramp guardant addorsed, tails intertwined Arg, in chf 3
butterflies Or. (D: Ermosinda Istra - Oct 92)
Purp, 2 natural panthers ramp addorsed, tails nowed together, on a
chf Arg 3 falcons heads erased Vt. (D: Careach inghean u
Ghiolla Phdraig - Dec 05)
Purp, 2 winged cats sejant respectant dexter paws raised & in chf a
decrescent Arg. (D: Svanhildr Valdimarsdttir - Jun 00)
Quarterly Arg & Az, on a bend Sa betw 2 domestic cats sejant Arg
3 fleurs-de-lys palewise Or. (D: Abigail Pinel - Nov 99)
Quarterly Az & Arg, in bend 2 cats sejant, dexter forepaws raised,
Arg. (D: Renate Gabrielle Grossvogel von Ramsau - Jun 88)
Quarterly per fess rayonny Sa & Arg semy of thistles Sa, 2 lions
passant guardant Arg. (D: Konner MacPherson - Jan 04)
Quarterly Sa & Purp, a bend wavy betw 2 winged cats passant,
wings elevated & addorsed, Arg. (D: Quenthryth of Laure Jul 97)
Sa, a lion Or & a lioness Arg ramp addorsed, tails entwined, & in
chf a plate betw 2 mullets of eight points Arg. (D: Morgain
Rohais Kenedor - Nov 06)
Sa, on a bend betw 2 lions salient Arg 3 roses palewise Az. (D:
Ysenda Macbeth of Islay - Jun 00)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 173

[Beast - Cat - 2 - Argent] to [Beast - Cat - 2 - Multicolor]

Beast - Cat - 2 - Argent (continued)

Sa, on a pale Gu fimbriated Or betw 2 ounces combatant breathing

flame, a sword Arg. (D: Felix MacGowan of Darkmoor Nov 06)
Sa, 3 fleurs-de-lys palewise in bend betw 2 bendlets engrailed all
betw 2 winged lions ramp contourny Arg. (D: Jonathan de
Copeland - Jan 91)
Sa, 2 lions combattant & on a chf nebuly Arg 3 Aarons rods Sa.
(D: Marcus Ferguson - Feb 92)
Sa, 2 natural panthers combatant & on a point pointed Arg a rose Sa
slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Vladimir Mechnik - Feb 06)
Vt, a chev nebuly betw 2 natural tigers combattant & a cross
crosslet fitchy, all within a bord Arg. (D: Linnet of Hearts
Rest - Nov 91)
Vt, a pale wavy betw 2 domestic cats combatant Arg. (D: Osric the
Pale - Jun 07)
Vt, on a bend Gu fimbriated betw 2 cats sejant guardant a rebec
Arg. (D: Gabrielle de Nevers - Sep 01)
Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 lions sejant Arg 3 roses Gu. (D: Joia von
Berengereshagen - Jan 06)
Vt, on a pale betw 2 lions combattant Arg, 3 roses Gu. (D: Juliana
di Modena - Dec 87)
Vt, semy of lucys haurient Or 2 natural tigers sejant respectant Arg
marked Sa. (D: Luighseach nic Lochlainn - Mar 00)
Vt, 2 chevronels betw 2 cats sejant respectant reguardant & a
crescent Arg. (D: Pycard Dunstable Major - Apr 92)
Vt, 2 lions ramp addorsed & a wolf passant Arg. (D: Tristam
McFarland - Sep 99)
Vt, 2 lions ramp reguardant addorsed, on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys
Sa. (D: Collette de Calais - Aug 99)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Cat - 2 - Azure

Arg, a chev Gu betw 2 lions & a Catherine wheel Az. (D: Sabina
de Mordone - Jun 06)
Arg, on a bend sin wavy Vt betw 2 winged lions sejant Az, a
serpent glissant to chf Arg. (D: Cain de la Silva - Feb 90)
Arg, 2 lions in fess sejant erect contourny Az. (D: Alisaunder le
Lyon - Feb 94)
Or, a flame Gu above an altar Sa betw 2 lions combattant Az. (D:
Arthur Glendower - Feb 75?) (Deceased)
Or, in pale 2 lions passant Az. (D: Schleswig - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Or, on a fess betw 2 lions statant Az a closed scroll Or. (D: Miguel
de Majorca - Oct 99)
Or, 2 lions ramp addorsed betw in chf 3 mullets of eight points Az
& in base 2 swords in chev inv Sa. (D: Anrothan of Loch
Suibhne - Jul 86)
Per chev engrailed throughout Or & Az, 2 lions sejant respectant Az
& a sun Or charged with a fleur-de-lys Az. (D: Maria Sol de
Leon - Dec 98)
Per salt Az & Arg, in pale 2 crosses annulety arms formy & voided
& in fess 2 lions combattant ctrch. (D: Sophia de Leon Feb 05)
Per salt Az & Or, in chf an estoile of 4 greater & 4 lesser rays Arg,
in fess 2 natural panthers combattant Az & in base an estoile of
4 greater & 4 lesser rays Or. (D: Alethea bint Fahd ibn Akhtar
- Sep 91)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Cat - 2 - Fur

Gu, 2 cats sejant erect respectant guardant ermine within a double

tressure Or. (D: Mairi Jeannette Howard - Nov 93)
Or, 2 cats sejant & in chf five ermine spots in fess Sa. (D: Vittoria
Gabrielli - Apr 98)
Sa, in pale 2 lions dormant, a chf embat erminois. (D: Conrad
Longespee the Blak Heart - Jul 00)
Vt, 2 cats sejant addorsed reguardant tails entwined erminois & in
base a compass star Sa fimbriated Or. (D: Edith Gray Feb 03)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Cat - 2 - Gules

(Fieldless) A tau cross betw 2 domestic cats respectant sejant

guardant Gu. (B: Trudi von Bayern - Nov 88)

174 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Cat - 2 - Gules (continued)

Arg, a cross of Santiago Sa & 2 winged & haloed lions passant

gardant respectant Gu one & 2, a point pointed papellony Vt &
Arg. (D: Leo Alejandro - Mar 98)
Ermine, 2 lions combattant Gu & a cross potent, a bord embat Sa.
(D: Gawin Nortmann - Jan 05)
Gyronny pean & Or, in bend sin a lion ramp reguardant contourny
& a lion ramp reguardant Gu. (D: Colin Campbell de Leith May 02)
Or, a bend Sa betw 2 lions dormant Gu. (D: Seamus of Storvik Dec 98)
Or, a rose Vt, its stem nowed Sa, in chf 2 lions ramp Gu. (D:
Kathleen Regina the Wild Irish Rose - Aug 88)
Or, 2 domestic cats sejant respectant dexter paws elevated Gu & a
chf Gu ermined Or. (D: Alianora Pusekat of Chapelerest Nov 90)
Or, 2 lions combattant, on a chf Gu a foi Or. (D: Miriam of Ried
bei Kerzers - Jul 99)
Or, 2 lynxes ramp guardant addorsed Gu, in chf 3 ostrich feathers
bendwise sin Az. (D: Perrin Ghelincx - Apr 97)
Per chev Arg & Az, in chf a dagger inv Sa betw 2 lions combattant
Gu & in base a mullet of 4 points Sa. (D: Kathleen Eriksdatter
- Jan 87)
Per chev Arg & Sa, on a chev betw 2 lions dormant Gu & a dragon
dormant, 2 ermine spots palewise Arg. (D: Dubhghall
Saghdha - Jul 90)
Per chev dovetailed Or & Gu, in chf 2 lions salient combattant & in
base an open book ctrch. (D: Ranulf FitzOsbern - Dec 86)
Per chev embat Or & Sa, 2 lions passant guardant Gu & a sword
Arg. (D: Alaryn Aecanstaef - Mar 85)
Per chev Or & Gu, a chev betw 2 lions combattant & an oak tree, all
ctrch. (D: Amos al-Musa - Nov 90)
Per chev Or & lozengy Sa & Or, in chf 2 lions combattant Gu. (D:
Ulric de Dalyhel - May 98)
Per pale ermine & Or, 2 lions combattant & in chf a crescent Gu.
(D: Jenefer Philippa Crosthwaite - Sep 04)
Per salt Arg & Gu, 2 lions couchant reguardant, that in base
contourny, Gu & 2 horses ramp reguardant addorsed Arg. (D:
Wrenna of Crescent Moon - Jul 07)
Quarterly Arg & Gu, 2 cats sejant contourny Gu. (D: Quiteria la
Roja - Jun 05)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, in bend 2 winged natural tigers ramp Gu
marked & winged Sa. (B: Maurya Etain Sableswan - Oct 98)
Quarterly Or & Az, in bend 2 lions ramp Gu. (D: Ryan Murdoch
Mackenzie - Apr 02)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Cat - 2 - Multicolor

(Fieldless) In salt a lion ramp Arg surmounted by another ramp

contourny Purp. (B: Tanglwyst de Holloway - Sep 95) (For
House de Holloway)
(Fieldless) 2 lions addorsed tails entwined, the dexter Gu & the sin
Or. (B: Chendra Rudd ferch Arianwen - Feb 03)
Arg, a pale bretessed Gu betw a cat ramp to sin Az & a cat ramp Vt.
(D: Philippa Tillinghast - Sep 04)
Or, 2 cats sejant reguardant addorsed, the dexter Az & the sin Vt.
(B: Herrel of Smael Nest - Jul 83)
Per bend Gu & Or, 2 cats sejant ctrch Or & Sa. (D: Beate
Wittmaier - Nov 01)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, 2 cats sejant ctrch Sa & Arg. (D: Morina
Felix - Dec 97)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, 2 lions couchant bendwise sin heads to
base within a bord ctrch. (D: Tanglwyst de Holloway Jun 94)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a bend sin cotised betw 2 lions sejant
respectant all ctrch. (D: Juliana Harp - Jul 06)
Per bend sin Az & Or, a cat ramp, a cinquefoil Arg, & a cat ramp to
sin Sa. (D: Shiloah Adamina Clellan - Oct 81)
Per bend sin Or & Az, a bend sin Arg betw 2 winged lions dormant,
that in chf contourny ctrch. (D: Eiric MacBean - Mar 93)
Per bend sin Purp & Arg, a cat couchant to sin & a cat couchant
ctrch. (B: Robyn Lon Creighton of Thorndyke - Jun 86)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, 2 cats statant ctrch Or & Sa. (D: Reil Mac
an Bhreitheamhnaigh - May 93)
Per bend sin Vt & Gu, 2 lions combattant Arg & Or. (D: Yvonne of
Mountainsgate - Jan 91)

[Beast - Cat - 2 - Multicolor] to [Beast - Cat - 2 - Or]

Beast - Cat - 2 - Multicolor (continued)

Per chev Arg & Purp, 2 cats sejant respectant & a Thors hammer
ctrch. (B: Hagar Helmsplitter - Sep 86)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 cats passant guardant & a Latin Cross atop a
crescent inv ctrch. (B: Volodymyr Bohdan Blahuciak Nov 97)
Per fess counter-ermine & ermine, 2 cats couchant guardant, that in
base contourny, within a bord ctrch Arg & Sa. (D: Alexandra
Vasilievna - Oct 91)
Per fess embat Purp & Or, 2 winged lions passant counter-passant,
ctrch. (D: Thorvaldr Blx Eiriksson - Jul 96)
Per fess Or & Vt, in pale a lion dormant & another dormant to sin
ctrch. (D: Micheline du Follet - Oct 97)
Per fess Sa & Or, 2 catamounts counterstatant guardant ctrch. (D:
Sieglinde von Eichstatt - Sep 86)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 domestic cats combatant, the dexter Sa & the
sin Arg. (D: Alison of Hightower - Jan 73?)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 domestic cats combattant ctrch Sa & Arg &
on a chf Vt a domestic cat couchant Or. (D: Aniushka
Sekerina - Jan 03)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 lions combattant each maintaining a sword
ctrch & on a point pointed Or a crossbow Sa. (D: Duncan
MacDuff - Sep 02)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 lions combattant, in chf a sun ctrch. (D:
Colum Mac Eoghain ui Neill - Jan 99)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 lions ramp, a chf wavy ctrch. (D: Dieric
Pieterszoon van Tolen - Apr 01)
Per pale Arg & Gu, 2 cats sejant addorsed ctrch. (D: Ilijana
Krakowska - Sep 98)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a cat ramp Az & a natural tiger ramp to sin Arg,
striped Sa, & in chf a roundel ctrch. (D: Rgn hinn Stilligr Jun 83)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a pale fusilly Az betw 2 lions combattant ctrch.
(D: Caterina da Salerno - Feb 98)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 cats combattant & a chf ctrch. (D: Lecelin of
Ravenscroft - Jan 95)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 domestic cats combatant ctrch Sa & Or. (D:
Santiago Ruiz de Zaragoza - Jan 08)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 domestic cats sejant reguardant ctrch & on a
chf Purp 3 mice ramp Arg. (D: Alesia de Cattemere Mar 97)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 lions ramp addorsed regardant ctrch, in chf a
goblet Or issuant therefrom a demi-sun Gu. (D: Alwin of
Chailewai - Apr 98)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 natural panthers ramp addorsed tails nowed &
crossed, in base a county coronet, all within an orle of chain
ctrch. (D: Toirdhealbhach an Cat Dubh - Nov 06)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 cats sejant respectant ctrch. (D: Caitlin Innes
- Feb 91)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 lions ramp addorsed within a bord seme of
lions jambs couped at the elbow, all ctrch. (D: Lazar ben
Yoal - Jan 87)
Per pale Az & Or, 2 lions couchant respectant & on a chf 2 cats
pawprints ctrch. (D: tan ingen Domnaill - Jan 04)
Per pale erminois & pean, 2 lions passant counterpassant ctrch Sa &
Or within a bord embat Gu. (D: Margaret Drysllwyn of
Dunroth - Nov 86)
Per pale flory counterflory Vt, ermined Arg, & Arg, ermined Vt, in
fess a domestic cat ramp to sin Arg & a domestic cat ramp Vt.
(D: Angeline Marie le Chat du Coeur - Dec 88)
Per pale Gu & Or, a sword inv Arg, its blade surmounted by a
mullet of six points, all betw 2 lions sejant erect reguardant
addorsed ctrch. (D: Shaul ben Yisrael of Poznan - date?)
Per pale Gu & Or, 2 lions ramp addorsed, queue forchy, within a
bord, all ctrch. (D: Chendra Rudd ferch Arianwen - Feb 90)
Per pale indented Arg & Sa, 2 cats sejant respectant, a bord ctrch.
(D: Nataliya Ananovna Petrova - Jan 99)
Per pale Or & Gu, 2 lions combattant & in chf a tower ctrch. (D:
Felicia of the True Layne - May 87)
Per pale Or & Purp, 2 cats sejant respectant ctrch. (D: Nicholas der
Katzenjger - Sep 96)
Per pale Purp & Arg, in fess an hourglass betw & sustained by 2
natural panthers combatant ctrch. (D: Bryan Fayre - May 06)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 2 domestic cats counter-salient in salt & in chf
a fleur-de-lys ctrch. (D: Kiar of Auburn - Apr 96)

Beast - Cat - 2 - Multicolor (continued)

Per pale Purp & Az, 2 catamounts ramp reguardant addorsed tails
entwined, the dexter Or & the sin Arg. (B: Katryne MacIntosh
the Strange - Nov 01) (JB: Pol MacNeill)
Per pale Purp & Or, 2 cats sejant erect respectant & a roundel ctrch.
(D: Wynne ferch Rhodri - May 95)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a mullet of eight points & in chf 2 lions queueforchy combattant ctrch. (D: Vaunda of Hunters Home Dec 95)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 lions couchant addorsed ctrch, on a chf Vt a
plate. (D: Alexondra Ivasheva - Feb 08)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 lions ramp addorsed ctrch, & in chf a laurel
wreath per pale Or & Vt. (D: Lions Gate - date?)
Per pale Sa & Or, a cross crosslet fitchy & in chf 2 lions, a bord
ctrch. (D: Malcolm Ross - Apr 04)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 lions combattant ctrch. (B: Robert of Sacred
Stone - Oct 97)
Per pale Vt & Or, a chev & in base 2 cats couchant respectant
guardant ctrch. (D: Rhiannon o Hafan Gath - Dec 92)
Per pale Vt & Or, 2 lions combattant ctrch, on a chf Gu, 3 pairs of
needles in salt Or. (D: Brendan OFarrell - Jun 99)
Per pale Vt & Or, 2 lions combattant guardant & in chf 3 fleurs-delis one & 2, all ctrch. (D: Guinevere of the Garloch Aug 79?)
Per pale wavy Gu & Arg, 2 domestic cats sejant guardant respectant
ctrch. (D: Trudi von Bayern - Mar 86)
Per pall Gu, Arg & Az, a cross of Santiago Or & 2 lions combatant
ctrch. (D: Raphael Delchambre - Jul 07)
Per pall inv Az, Or & Arg, in chf 2 lions ramp addorsed,
maintaining swords, ctrch Or & Az, & in base a cross crosslet
fitchy Gu. (D: Richard Fitzgerald of Broadmeadow Nov 87)
Per pall inv Gu Or & Sa, 2 bat-winged lions combattant ctrch Or &
Gu & a glove Arg. (D: Brighid inghean Mhurchada Dec 01)
Per pall inv Or Gu & Sa, in chf 2 lions combatant ctrch Gu & Or.
(D: Daniel Lyons - Jan 03)
Per pall inv Or, Sa, & Vt, in chf 2 domestic cats combattant ctrch &
in base a mermaid, head turned to dexter, Or bearing in her
dexter hand a goblet Arg. (D: Ilsa von Westfal - Feb 91)
Per pall Vt, Sa & Arg, a butterfly Or & 2 cats statant respectant Arg
& Sa. (D: Dairenn Hrafnsdottir - Feb 08)
Purp, a sword palewise Or betw 2 winged cats combattant, that to
dexter Arg, that to sin Or. (D: Margherita Alessia - Mar 89)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, a cross betw in bend 2 lions salient respectant
ctrch, overall a walking staff bendwise sin Vt. (D: Artorius
MacLachlan of Northumbria - Jul 86)
Sa, a compass star elongated to base quarterly Or & Arg supported
by 2 lions queue forchy combatant, that to dexter Or & that to
sin Arg. (D: Andr de Foucault - Jul 98)
Tierced per pall inv Vt, Or, & counter-ermine, in chf 2 lions
combattant ctrch. (D: Cormac OSullivan - May 84)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Cat - 2 - Or

Az, a bend engrailed Arg betw 2 lions ramp Or. (D: Jean Ancelin Oct 02)
Az, a chev brettess betw 2 lions combattant & a tower Or. (D:
Geoffrey Thomas - Jan 83)
Az, a chev engrailed Arg betw 2 lions couchant respectant & a
fleur-de-lys Or. (D: Lisette la Bergire - Apr 06)
Az, a chev Or cotised Arg in chf 2 lions double-queued combatant
Or. (D: Daniel Elis - Apr 02)
Az, a Hellene habited proper driving a chariot Arg drawn by 2 lions
Or. (D: Leodamas of Thebes - Oct 72?) (Deceased)
Az, a lion Or & a lioness Arg ramp addorsed, tails entwined, & in
chf a sun Or. (D: Alarick Gerard von Goldenlwen - Nov 06)
Az, a pale Or, in chf 3 lions ctrch. (D: Harald Folkesson - Aug 92)
Az, betw the front paws of a lioness a lion cub, both statant proper,
on a chf Arg 3 cats heads cabossed Gu. (D: Lorissa du Griffin
- Apr 76?)
Az, betw the front paws of a lioness (Panthera leo) a lion cub both
statant proper & on a chf Arg 3 cats heads cabossed Gu & for
augmentation, replacing the center cats head, a roundel Az
charged with 4 crescents conjoined in salt horns outward Arg.
(Augmentation of Arms: Lorissa du Griffin - May 07)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 175

[Beast - Cat - 2 - Or]

Beast - Cat - 2 - Or (continued)

Az, in fess a sword proper betw 2 lions combatant, on a chf Or 3

Maltese crosses Az. (D: Cinan of Forth Castle - Nov 06)
Az, in pale 2 winged lions passant coward Or. (D: Robert Wydville
- Jan 07)
Az, on a bend Purp fimbriated Arg betw 2 cats sejant Or a lightning
bolt Arg. (D: Clarice Rose de Lorraine - Nov 05)
Az, on a bend wavy betw 2 lions sejant erect guardant Or an arrow
inv Vt, a bord Or. (D: Daniel of Silverwaters - Apr 98)
Az, on a pale betw 2 lions salient contourny Or, an H-rune Az. (D:
Iarngard Ragnarson - Jan 93)
Az, on a pile inv betw 2 lions sejant erect respectant Or, 3 hurts in
pale. (D: Nicholaus Barchatov - Jan 91)
Az, 2 domestic cats sejant respectant, tails sufflexed & crossed in
salt, Or. (D: Jerimia von Braun - Nov 81)
Az, 2 lions combattant Or & on a chf triangular Arg a cross bottony
Gu. (D: Garth Elander - Jul 90)
Az, 2 lions combattant reguardant maintaining a star of David all
betw 3 roundels Or. (D: Shlomo Korobenik - May 98)
Az, 2 lions ramp, addorsed & respectant, Or, on a chf erminois an
increscent Az. (D: Matthew the Taylors Son - Mar 88)
Counter-ermine, on a bend betw 2 lions passant Or 3 wreaths of
roses barbed proper. (D: Signy ksendal - Feb 99)
Gu, a cross Arg betw in bend 2 lions passant guardant crowned Or
in bend sin 2 unicorns passant proper gorged of a coronet
dancetty dependent therefrom a chain Or. (D: Newfoundland Jan 98) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, a sword inv proper betw 2 lions combattant Or, a bord Arg
goutty de sang. (D: Ricardo Urdiales del Bosque - Jun 93)
Gu, betw 2 mountain lions combatant Or, a mullet Arg. (D: Allyn
Samildanach - Aug 78)
Gu, in pale 2 lions passant gardant Or. (D: Brunswick, Dukes of Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, in pale 2 lions passant gardant Or. (D: Normandy - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, 2 lions addorsed tails entwined & on a chf indented Or five
annulets Az. (D: Annabelle Perrot - Sep 06)
Gu, 2 lions combattant Or. (D: Anjou-Plantagenet, first house of
Anjou - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, 2 lions ramp regardant addorsed Or, a chf double-enarched
ermine. (D: Constance Lyonnete de Beaumont - Dec 04)
Gu, 2 lions sejant addorsed regardant, a bord Or. (D: Imayne de
Merlowe - Jun 05)
Gu, 2 winged lions statant respectant Or. (D: Elisabetta Malipiero Jun 03)
Gyronny of six Sa & Gu, a bicorporate lion Or. (D: Martel
Slugslayer - Nov 82)
Pean, 2 lions couchant contourny Or. (D: Leonhard von Lwenturm
- Dec 94)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a bend sin cotised betw 2 lions passant
guardant Or. (D: Adeliza de Harcourt - Nov 01)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 lions ramp Or, a
serpent glissant Vt. (D: Jrgen von der Strassenkreuzung Apr 86)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, a bend wavy betw 2 winged lions segreant
Or. (D: Ryska Kononova - Jan 04)
Per bend sin wavy Az & Vt, a cat sejant & a cat sejant contourny
Or. (D: Ailitha ingen Chathail - May 00)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a bend Arg betw 2 lions couchant Or each
maintaining a sword Arg. (D: Agnes Moray - Sep 04)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 winged lions dormant respectant & a winged
lion sejant affronty wings disp ctrch. (D: Brandon Cospatric Jul 91)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev Arg betw 2 winged lions combattant & in
pale a compass star & a lamp Or, enflamed at the tip proper.
(D: Gordon MacBlayr de Galowaye - Jun 83)
Per chev dovetailed Gu & Vt, in chf 2 domestic cats combatant
guardant & in base on a triskelion Or, a triangle inv Vt. (D:
Lerben of Cambion - Oct 86)
Per chev embat Az & Arg, 2 lions couchant respectant Or & a
drakkar proper, sailed Gu. (D: Galmr Ingolfsson - May 90)
Per chev embat Sa & Or, 2 lions combatant & a tower ctrch. (D:
Malcolm MacCallum of Moffat - Jan 05)
Per chev Gu & Arg, a sword ctrch betw in chf 2 lions combattant
Or. (D: Simon Dubh Mac Brian O Glen Rannoch - Jan 89)
Per chev Gu & Az, a chev Arg betw 2 lions ramp Or, & a pig-faced
bascinet Arg. (D: Christopher Anselm of Windsor - Sep 91)
176 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Cat - 2 - Or (continued)

Per chev Gu & Or, 2 lions ramp Or & a maple leaf Vt. (D: Keldon
of Stargate - Jul 95)
Per chev Gu & Vt, on a chev betw 2 lions combattant & a tower Or,
2 sprigs of mistletoe Vt. (D: Rafael da Venezia - Sep 94)
Per chev Purp & Arg, 2 lions combattant Or & a sheaf of arrows inv
Purp, in chf a trefoil knot Arg. (D: Abinn Shlibe Glass Oct 00)
Per chev Purp & Vt, 2 lions combattant Or & a chalice Arg. (D:
Ysabel Natalia Osorio de Len - Apr 00)
Per chev Sa & Or, 2 lions couchant respectant & an eagle disp
ctrch. (D: Dietrick von Tyrol - Jun 98)
Per chev Vt & Az, 2 domestic cats sejant guardant respectant & a
tree blasted & eradicated Or. (D: Amy of Trimaris - May 96)
Per chev Vt & Gu, 2 lions dormant & a bord Or. (D: Stephen
Walerand - Sep 92)
Per fess Vt & Arg, on a pile inv throughout ctrch betw in chf 2 cats
sejant respectant, in base a sun in his splendor Or. (D:
Pierrine la Tapissire de la Fret - Jan 91)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 natural panthers combatant, tails nowed,
ctrch, each gorged of a crown embat Or, maintaining betw
them a rose Gu, barbed, seeded, slipped & leaved proper. (D:
Sharra de la Pradera Blanca - Nov 06)
Per pale Az & Gu, 2 lions & a bord Or. (D: Leonardo Geminiani Nov 06)
Per pale Az & Gu, 2 lions combattant Or within an orle of Maltese
crosses Arg. (D: Mathias von Leuwenberg - Jun 99)
Per pale dovetailed Vt & Purp, in chf 2 housecats sejant reguardant
to sin Or & in base 2 roses Arg. (D: Kathleen Cordelia ni
Mhille - Mar 94)
Per pale Purp & Vt, on a pile inv betw 2 lions combattant guardant
Or, a laurel wreath Gu. (D: Monarchs Rest - Feb 94)
Per pale Sa & Az, a sword proper betw 2 lions combattant Or. (D:
Michael of Northwood - Jun 98)
Per pale Sa & Vt, 2 lions Or. (D: Geoffrey Hawkwood - Feb 05)
Per pale Vt & Az, 2 lions combattant tails nowed, a demi sun
issuant from base Or. (D: Ceara Toughill - Feb 92)
Per pall inv embat Gu Sa & Or, 2 winged lions passant respectant
Or & a harp Vt. (D: Taliesin Flynn - Jul 03)
Per salt Arg & Vt, in pale 2 escarbuncles Vt & in fess 2 lions
dormant respectant Or. (D: Kateryn de Develyn - Nov 89)
Per salt Az & Sa, in pale 2 lions ramp & in fess 2 thistles Or. (D:
Iain MacArthur - Oct 93)
Per salt Or & Gu, in pale 2 thistles & in fess 2 lions combattant, all
ctrch. (D: Angus Coilein - Nov 05)
Purp, a fess cotised Arg betw 2 lions statant respectant guardant & a
lions head cabossed Or. (D: Leo Winthrop of the Torn
Surcoat - Feb 86)
Purp, crescenty Arg, 2 catamounts sejant reguardant addorsed Or.
(D: Morgan nic Gregor - Jul 89)
Purp, 3 estoiles in fess Arg betw 2 lions passant guardant contourny
Or. (D: Adelinde Petronelle David - Dec 96)
Purp, 2 lions passant counter-passant reguardant & on a chf Or 3
crosses crosslet fitchy Purp. (D: Allegra Beati - Mar 96)
Quarterly Az & Arg, in bend 2 lions ramp Or. (D: Cynan Gould Mar 99)
Quarterly Gu & Az, a bend Arg betw 2 lions ramp Or. (D: Cailean
mac Alasdair de Sincleir - Mar 96)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a claymore bendwise Arg, betw 2 lions Or, all
within an orle of compass stars Arg. (D: Eoin Mr
MacLochlainn - Sep 97)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a cross fleury throughout betw in bend sin 2
lions combattant Or. (D: Ricciardo da Nicolosi - May 05)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, 2 cats passant in pale, that in chf contourny, Or.
(D: Sapphira of Sherwood - Aug 91)
Quarterly Or & Gu, on a bend Sa betw 2 lions ramp 3 fleurs-de-lis
palewise Or, a bord ermine. (D: Jrgen von Lwenburg Sep 96)
Quarterly per fess indented Purp & Or, 2 natural tigers couchant
contourny Or, striped Sa. (D: Roland de Mounteney - Feb 94)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, 2 lions ramp addorsed regardant within a bord
Or. (D: Aleksej Voronikhin - Nov 92)
Sa, a bend indented on its upper edge Arg betw 2 lions ramp Or. (D:
Edward Mercer - Sep 01)
Sa, a salt betw 2 lions sejant respectant Or, & overall a sword inv,
blade enflamed, proper. (D: Lawrence Thornguard - May 87)

[Beast - Cat - 2 - Or] to [Beast - Cat - 2 - Sable]

Beast - Cat - 2 - Or (continued)

Sa, in pale 2 lions couchant Or, crined Arg. (D: Kane Greymane Apr 88)
Sa, on a bend Arg, betw 2 lions ramp Or, 3 Lacy knots palewise
Purp. (D: Tamsin Barker - Aug 97)
Sa, on a pale betw 2 lions combattant Or, 3 fleurs-de-lys Sa. (D:
George Emerson True - Dec 87)
Sa, 2 Bengal tigers combattant Or marked Sa, in chf an estoile, all
within a bord rayonny Or. (D: Morbran Two Tigers - Oct 93)
Sa, 2 lions combattant Or, on a chf triangular Arg a triquetra inv Sa.
(D: Eliza OCulane - Nov 99)
Sa, 2 lions sejant erect addorsed, tails entwined, each maintaining a
scimitar inv palewise, Or, hilted Arg, in chf seven increscents
Or. (D: Wolfram Vincenzio dIfola - Aug 88)
Vair, 2 natural tigers passant counterpassant Or marked Sa. (B:
Jehan Yves de Chateau Thiery - Feb 02) (For House of the
Two Tigers)
Vt, a bend ermine betw 2 domestic cats sejant erect guardant Or.
(D: Athena nic Raghnaill Sgitheanaich - Dec 96)
Vt, a pall Arg betw 2 lions combatant Or. (D: Isabeau de Kendale May 04)
Vt, in fess a lotus flower affronty Arg betw 2 lions sejant respectant
guardant each with a forepaw raised Or. (D: Li Ming Fa Feb 01)
Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 lions ramp Or, a dragons head palewise
contourny erased Sa. (D: Efenwealt Wystle - Dec 96)
Vt, on a fess betw 2 catamounts sejant erect gardant Or as many Gu.
(D: Fritha of Caer Bannog - Jan 80)
Vt, on a fess cotised betw 2 cats couchant Or a cat couchant Sa. (D:
Moira Dickson - Mar 04)
Vt, on a pile Az fimbriated Arg betw 2 African leopards ramp
addorsed, a leopards head caboshed Or. (D: Aodhagan O
Caoimh - May 80)
Vt, 3 arrows in pall, points outward, betw a cat sejant affronty & 2
cats combattant Or. (D: Shaw Shadowdweller - Nov 83)
Vt, 2 lions ramp addorsed & on a chf triangular Or, a harp Vt. (D:
Patrick Thomas MacManus - May 93)
Vt, 2 natural leopards statant guardant respectant Or spotted Sa & in
base a crescent inv Arg. (D: Geoffrey Fitzodo de Montrouge May 94)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Cat - 2 - Purpure

(Fieldless) 2 cats couchant guardant respectant Purp. (B: Andrea

des Chiens - Oct 90)
Arg, a pale endorsed betw 2 lions salient Purp. (D: Fiona Mairi
Galbraith of Misty Glen - Feb 90)
Arg, 2 cats combattant & a bord Purp. (D: Clarissa the Traveller Mar 03)
Arg, 2 domestic cats sejant erect addorsed Purp & a chf embat Az.
(D: Judith le Alefondere - Jan 91)
Arg, 2 winged cats sejant erect respectant Purp, sustaining betw
them a rose Sa barbed & seeded proper, slipped & leaved Vt.
(D: Morganna Blackrose - May 93)
Or, crusilly, in fess 2 lions ramp to sin Purp. (D: Michel le Jeune Apr 89)
Or, 2 ounces combatant guardant incensed & on a point pointed
Purp a castle Arg. (D: Alejandra Lucia del Castillo - Nov 06)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, in bend sin 2 cats sejant respectant Purp. (D:
Medb ingen Imchada u Fhlaithbertaig - Jun 04)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Cat - 2 - Sable

Arg, a bend cotised Vt betw 2 catamounts statant contourny Sa. (D:

Maura Cethin - Nov 04)
Arg, a chev rayonny on the upper edge betw 2 cats combattant Sa &
a phoenix Gu rising from flames proper. (D: Rhiannon
Strongsheres - Sep 95)
Arg, a fret Gu betw 2 cats salient respectant guardant Sa. (D:
Katerina of Enchanted Lakes - Nov 82)
Arg, a hazel branch fructed Vt supported by 2 cats combattant Sa.
(D: Sorcha of Gwynedd - May 96)
Arg, a pall inv Az betw 2 cats salient respectant guardant & a
chalice Sa. (D: Catriona Nic Aoidh - Dec 93)
Arg chap Gu, 2 catamounts sejant respectant Sa. (D: Constance
Caterina of Padua - Feb 95)

Beast - Cat - 2 - Sable (continued)

Arg, in bend sin 4 pawprints bendwise sin betw 2 cats sejant

respectant Sa. (D: Honor Catlin MacCurtain - Apr 00)
Arg, in pale 2 cauldrons & in fess 2 cats ramp Sa. (D: Caoilfhionn
inghean Amhlaoibh - Aug 03)
Arg, in pale 2 winged cats courant countercourant Sa. (D: Marie
Hlne of the New Forest - Apr 06)
Arg, on a cross Az betw in bend 2 cats sejant contourny Sa, a goblet
Arg. (D: Catriona Katla - Mar 95)
Arg, on a fess Gu betw a cat passant guardant contourny & a cat
passant guardant Sa a needle fesswise Arg threaded Sa. (D:
Genevieve Darroch - Dec 03)
Arg, on a long cross throughout betw in base 2 lions combattant Sa,
a sword inv Arg, enflamed proper. (D: Balthazar Thornguard
- Feb 87)
Arg, on a pale Az betw 2 lions ramp Sa 3 hunting horns Arg. (D:
Aramon de Cantigny - Dec 01)
Arg, on a pile betw 2 catamounts combattant Sa a sword inv proper
transfixing a skull Arg. (D: James Malcolm Helme - Aug 96)
Arg, 3 bars Az betw a cat sejant erect & a cat sejant erect contourny
Sa. (D: Marion the Black - Jan 99)
Arg, 3 lozenges Sa in bend sin betw 2 scarpes Gu betw 2 cats sejant
respectant each lifting a forepaw Sa. (D: Loinseach Mac an
Leisdeir - Feb 96)
Arg, 2 cats combatant & on a chf Sa, a butterfly Arg. (D: Katrin
Bchlein - Jan 07)
Arg, 2 cats sejant addorsed their tails entwined a bord embat Sa. (D:
Milborough Aldaway - Sep 97)
Arg, 2 domestic cats courant in annulo Sa, an orle of ivy leaves
conjoined Vt. (D: Hannah Isobel Lowrie - Feb 97)
Arg, 2 domestic cats passant addorsed Sa within a bord Sa semy of
martlets Arg. (D: Lewina of Sussex - Jan 92)
Arg, 2 domestic cats sejant addorsed tails entwined Sa betw in pale
2 roses proper. (D: Rioghnach ny Rise - Aug 03)
Arg, 2 domestic cats sejant respectant tails entwined in base Sa & a
chf Az. (D: elwynn filia Caschin - Aug 03)
Arg, 2 lions combattant guardant Sa & on a chf Az 3 lilies Arg. (D:
Sabina of Borthwick - Jun 02)
Arg, 2 natural panthers combatant guardant Sa maintaining in their
forepaws a triple-headed thistle slip Vt flowered Gu within a
bord Gu platy. (D: Seanach Mac Tmais - Mar 07)
Arg, 2 natural panthers combattant guardant, tails entwined to base,
Sa, in chf a rose Gu. (D: Elizabeth Harcourt - Mar 89)
Arg, 2 natural panthers salient addorsed Sa & a base urdy Vt. (D:
Halla Hrafnsdttir - Sep 05)
Arg, 2 ounces ramp addorsed regardant tails entwined Sa incensed
Gu within a bord embat Sa platy. (D: Cerdic Cuileamhaim Mar 07)
Arg, 2 winged cats combattant Sa, on a chf Az 3 broadarrows inv
Arg. (D: Laura Serafina - May 93)
Erminois, in pale 2 catamounts passant contourny, a bord rayonny
Sa. (D: Eowyn Erthton - Oct 00)
Or, a cross cotised betw in bend 2 lions ramp to sin Sa. (D: Roger
of Dunwodeham - Nov 82)
Or, a pale Gu betw 2 domestic cats sejant addorsed Sa. (D: Morgan
MacBride - May 96)
Or, a tower Gu betw 2 cats sejant respectant reguardant Sa. (D:
Rhiannon of Pembroke Castle - Sep 99)
Or, on a chev dovetailed Vt betw 2 catamounts couchant Sa, 3
fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Katherine Jane de Meritt - Jul 99)
Or, 2 cats combattant Sa maintaining a heart Gu enflamed to chf, on
a chf Sa 3 crosses flory Or. (D: Victoria MacKinnon Aug 98)
Or, 2 domestic cats sejant erect respectant, in base a heart & on a
chf Sa 3 hearts Or. (D: Kara the Twin of Kelton - Nov 96)
Or, 2 lions combattant, each supporting a pennoncelle, poles
crossed in salt, within a bord embat Sa. (D: Cynewulf atten
Hyrste - Mar 94)
Or, 2 natural panthers combattant Sa & a bord Vt. (D: Gregory
Morgan - Aug 01)
Or, 2 ounces combattant Sa, incensed, in chf a sun Gu, all within a
bord Sa. (D: Gunther Kriegsmann von Braunschweig Dec 06)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 2 domestic cats sejant guardant addorsed & a
decrescent ctrch. (D: Jocea Anne Gallowglass - Mar 88)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 2 catamounts combattant Sa & a boar couchant
Arg. (D: Mrgrg ingen Chana - Feb 97)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 177

[Beast - Cat - 2 - Sable] to [Beast - Cat - 3 or more]

Beast - Cat - 2 - Sable (continued)

Per fess Or & Arg, 2 catamounts ramp Sa & a rose proper. (D:
Melangell de Bretagne - Sep 95)
Per pale Arg & Or, 2 cats sejant addorsed guardant Sa, on chf
triangular Vt a Latin cross bottony Or. (D: Augustina of
Constantinople - Aug 94)
Quarterly Az & Arg, in bend sin 2 domestic cats ramp Sa. (D:
Lewana de Panton - Apr 06)
Quarterly embat Or & Sa, in bend 2 lions ramp & in bend sin 2
eagles disp ctrch. (D: Sean ONolan - Sep 94)
Quarterly Gu & Or, in bend sin a catamount ramp & another
contourny Sa. (D: Cunradt Scholl von Franken - Aug 01)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, a goblet Or betw & sustained at the stem by 2
lions sejant erect reguardant respectant Sa. (D: lvaro
Rodrigo de Len - Jul 00)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Cat - 2 - Vert

Or, 2 lions combattant, in chf a fleur-de-lys Vt. (D: Denise

Duvalier - Feb 00)
Quarterly Or & Purp, in bend a Bengal tiger ramp contourny &
another ramp, Vt. (D: Turge Ghanun - Sep 96)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Cat - 3 or more

Arg, a bend Vt betw a horse courant & 3 cats sejant guardant Sa.
(D: Brigit ingen Taidc - Jul 03)
Arg, a bend Vt betw six lions passant Az. (D: Nichola Maccoffoc Sep 97)
Arg, a chev Purp betw 3 lions ramp Gu within a bord Purp. (D:
Isabeau Gagnon - Jun 02)
Arg, in chf a cat couchant to sin & in base 2 cats ramp regardant
addorsed Sa. (D: Elizabeth Ruthven Carmichael - Jul 81)
Arg, in cross 4 cats sejant to sin Az. (D: Maeve of the Mist Feb 88)
Arg, in pale 3 domestic cats sejant Gu betw flaunches Az. (D:
Katheryn Redmayne - Dec 04)
Arg, in pale 3 natural leopards passant contourny Sa each charged
on the shoulder with a ducal coronet Or. (D: Randal of the
Dark - Apr 96)
Arg, on a fess betw 2 domestic cats sejant & another couchant Sa, 3
fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Gavin of Brockton - Dec 07)
Arg, on a fess Sa betw 3 leopards faces caboshed Gu, 3 trefoils
slipped Or. (D: Brandub Mag Oireachtaigh - Aug 98)
Arg, 3 lions passant contourny within a bord embat Vt. (D:
Gilligan of Eire - Jun 92)
Arg, 3 lions passant guardant Gu & on a bord Sa 3 lozenges Arg.
(D: Glyn ap Rhodri - Feb 86)
Arg, 3 lions passant guardant in pale Gu. (D: Wales, Principality of
- Mar 99) (Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, 3 lions ramp in fess Gu & on a chf Vt in pale a bow & an
arrow fesswise Or. (D: Gerald of Northumberland - Oct 88)
Arg, 3 natural panthers passant reguardant Sa & a chf Purp. (D:
Zacharias Flamebeard of Eastmark - Jun 96)
Az, a bend Arg cotised betw six lions ramp Or. (D: Bohun, Earl of
Hereford, Constable of England - Dec 94) (Important nonSCA arms)
Az, a bend Arg, in bend sin 3 domestic cats salient ctrch. (D:
Eleanor of Almedan - Jun 84)
Az, a chev throughout Or betw 3 cats ramp Or ermined Az. (D:
Sabina Barclay - Jun 04)
Az, a lozenge betw 3 cats passant guardant Arg. (D: Fia
Scalandroni - Oct 02)
Az, 4 lions ramp combattant, 2 & 2, Arg, on a chf embat Or, a lion
passant Az. (D: Johannes von Schwoykau - Aug 85)
Az, in annulo 4 pairs of kittens couchant respectant, tails arched,
Arg orbed Az. (D: Kathleen of Kittens - Mar 88)
Az, in pale 3 lions passant Arg marked Sa a bord Arg. (D: Samuil
Glukhoi - Nov 97)
Az, in pale 3 natural tigers passant to sin Arg, marked Sa, on a chf
Arg 3 crosses moline Az. (D: David of Aragon - Sep 87)
Az, six lions ramp Or. (D: William Longespee, Earl of Salisbury Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, 3 catamounts ramp Arg, in chf an increscent Or. (D: Aelesia
Marschal - Jun 08)
Az, 3 catamounts sejant guardant Arg & a bord Arg semy of stars of
David Az. (D: Katja Davidova Orlova Khazarina - Feb 92)
178 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Cat - 3 or more (continued)

Az, 3 cats couchant in annulo Arg, each biting the tail of the cat
previous. (D: Elspet NicDhubhghlaise bean Iain
MhicThomaidh - Aug 94)
Checky Az & Or, 3 lions ramp, one & 2, Or, fimbriated Sa. (D: Lev
Trizoob - Nov 73?)
Checky Sa & Gu, a fleur-de-lys betw 3 African lions ramp Or. (D:
Ronald Wilmot - Mar 83)
Counter-ermine, 3 lions Or. (D: Cyrus Aurelius - Apr 07)
Gu, a chev inv betw a winged cougar sejant to sin & 2 more sejant
respectant Arg. (D: Morwenna Trevethan - Mar 00)
Gu, a pall inv betw 2 lions ramp addorsed & reguardant & a lion
couchant guardant Or. (D: Rolland Kyle of Kincora - Apr 92)
Gu, in chev seven mullets all betw 3 lions ramp Or. (D: Roger le
Brouillard - Sep 02)
Gu, in pale 3 lions passant gardant Or. (D: England - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, in pale 3 lions passant gardant per pale Or & Arg. (D: OBrien
- Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, on a chev betw 3 lions ramp Or a cross patonce Gu. (D: Bran
Olom - Feb 97)
Gu, on a chev cotised Arg betw 3 Bengal tigers passant Or, marked
Sa, 3 roses Sa, seeded Or. (D: Isleif Brimstone - Mar 97)
Gu, on a chev Or five fleurs-de-lys Gu betw 3 lions ramp Arg. (D:
Conall ORylan - May 07)
Gu, on a chev per pale Arg & Or, cotised per pale Or & Arg, betw 3
lions passant guardant contourny Or, 3 hearts Gu. (D: John
Bromere - Jul 93)
Gu, on a cross ermine betw 4 lions passant gardant Or a closed book
Gu. (D: Cambridge, University of - Dec 94) (Important nonSCA arms)
Gu, on a pale Or 3 batwinged lions salient Gu. (B: Mary Margaret
of Derby - Oct 76) (For Family Trammerlaine)
Gu, on a pall inv betw 3 cats couchant guardant Or, a needle
palewise inv & threaded Gu. (D: Tovah Scofeld - Dec 91)
Gu, 3 bat-winged cats sejant affronty wings disp & a chf Or. (D:
Catrin von Berlin - Nov 02)
Gyronny Vt & Arg, 3 cats herissony Or. (D: Maria Gundesindo de
Leon - Aug 06)
Or, a thistle betw 3 domestic cats courant in annulo, all with their
paws to base, Sa. (D: Cadhla MacBean - Apr 88)
Or, 4 lions ramp those in bend Sa those in bend sin Gu. (D:
Hainault, Counts of - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, in pale 3 lions passant Sa. (D: Swabia - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA arms)(Also the arms of Hohenstaufen and King of the
Or, in pale 3 lions passant Sa, their dexter forelegs Gu. (D: Swabia
- Dec 94) (Also the arms of King of the Romans)(Important
non-SCA arms)(Also the arms of Hohenstaufen)
Or, in salt five lions ramp, an orle Sa. (D: Scoithin mac
Mhuireadhaigh - Aug 00)
Or, on a pall betw 3 cats sejant Sa 3 keys, wards to center, Or. (D:
Paula des Chats - Jun 83)
Or, on a salt Sa betw 4 lions ramp Gu 2 swords inv in salt enflamed
at the blades proper. (B: Stephen of Westmarch - Oct 81)
(For House Powys of Machynleth)
Or semy of hearts Gu, in pale 3 lions passant (sometimes gardant)
Az crowned Or. (D: Denmark - Dec 94) (Important nonSCA arms)
Or, 3 cats sejant within a bord Sa. (D: Bronwyn nic Gregor Jul 91)
Or, 3 lions passant guardant in pale Az. (D: Estonia, Republic of May 99) (Important non-SCA arms)
Per bend Az & Gu, in pale 3 lions dormant Or. (B: Rodrigo de
Vargas - May 98)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, in bend 3 lions Arg. (D: Angus Amhas Jan 01)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Gu, in cross 4 domestic cats sejant ctrch.
(D: Kaln Sigvaldakona - Aug 06)
Per chev Arg & Gu, 3 lions ctrch. (D: Serena Lyons - May 05)
Per chev Arg & Or, 3 lions passant guardant Gu. (D: Annabella
MMachan - Apr 07)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 lions sejant Or, each maintaining a sword
Arg, & a lion sejant Gu, maintaining a sword Sa. (D: Garmon
Woodworth - Dec 87)
Per chev Gu & Sa, 3 cats sejant guardant Arg. (D: Eleanor
Flambard FitzWilliam of Winson - Jul 99)

[Beast - Cat - 3 or more] to [Beast - Deer - Argent]

Beast - Cat - 3 or more (continued)

Per chev throughout Az & ermine, 3 lions ctrch. (D: Kenneth Lyon
of the Curr - Oct 92)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 3 domestic cats sejant one & 2 & an open scroll
ctrch. (D: Katrine of Roscommon - Jul 99)
Per chev Vt & Gu, a chev Arg betw 3 winged lions sejant guardant
Or. (D: Cynric of Mercia - Sep 95)
Per fess Gu & Or, 3 catamounts ramp guardant ctrch. (D: Stephen
Katzenberger - Dec 95)
Per fess indented Sa & Gu, in chf 3 pheons & in base 3 catamounts
passant guardant Arg. (D: Celynen Anwyl - Feb 96)
Per fess urdy Purp & Vt, 3 lions couchant to sin Or. (D: Gareth ap
Llewelyn - Feb 91)
Per fess Vt & Or, 2 cats sejant respectant Arg & a cat sejant
affronty Sa. (D: Marjory Ayson de Dundee - Feb 01)
Per pale Arg & lozengy Arg & Purp, 3 domestic cats ramp
contourny Sa crowned Or. (D: lfra Long - Jan 08)
Per pale Az & Arg, 4 lions counter-passant regardant in pale ctrch.
(D: James of Leicestershire - Jun 85)
Per pale Az & Gu, a chev Sa, fimbriated, betw 2 lions combattant
queue-forchee & a lion passant guardant Or. (D: Tristan Keck
- May 86)
Per pale Az & Vt, 3 lions couchant Or. (D: Ephraim ben Shlomo Nov 92)
Per pale Gu & Az, in pale 3 demi-lions passant guardant Or
conjoined to 3 demi-hulks Arg. (D: Cinque Ports, Cities of the
- Jun 95) (Important non-SCA arms)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 3 double-headed lions ramp within a bord embat
Arg. (D: Cathal Laighin - Jan 98)
Per pale Or & Arg, 3 lionesses ramp in annulo Sa. (D: Davina of
Silverlake - Dec 99)
Per pale Sa & Arg, in pale 3 lions passant ctrch. (D: Malesius
OBrien - Mar 05)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a chev betw 3 lions Arg. (D: Aldwyn de
Lancashire - Feb 05)
Per pale Vt & Sa, 3 lions passant guardant in pale within an orle Or.
(D: Michael Saint Sever - May 92)
Per salt Arg & Az, 4 domestic cats sejant guardant ctrch. (D:
Andrea of Carlisle - Dec 87)
Per salt Arg & Vt, 4 cats couchant ctrch Sa & Arg. (D: Philippa
Graves - Jul 00)
Per salt Vt & Sa, a roundel betw a cat passant contourny bendwise
sin, a cat passant contourny bendwise & a cat passant Or. (D:
Solveig Anderhalfholt - May 05)
Purp, a salt ermine betw 4 lions ramp to sin queue-forchy Or each
maintaining a goblet Arg. (D: Alexander Locksley - Jan 95)
Purp, a tower within an orle of lions ramp Or. (B: Roland
ODonnell - Dec 92)
Purp, 3 cats passant & on a chf Or a sun Purp. (D: Isabella
Dragonetti - Nov 03)
Purp, 3 lions sejant erect ermine. (D: Phillippe de Mortain Apr 89)
Quarterly Arg & Az, 4 ounces sejant ctrch. (D: Arianwen ferch
Arthur - Jul 02)
Quarterly Or & Gu, 4 lions passant gardant ctrch. (D: Wales,
Principality of - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)(Also the
arms of Llywelyn ap Gruffudd)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, 4 cats ramp ctrch. (D: Ciarn mac Cionaith Oct 06)
Sa, a celtic cross Or betw 4 lions ramp Arg. (D: Alistar Sean
Lamont - Sep 90)
Sa, a chev Gu fimbriated betw 3 lions ramp Arg. (D: Abd alMahdi Jamal ibn Hakim - May 97)
Sa, a cross raguly betw 4 lions passant guardant Or. (D: Charles
Robert Blackstone - Aug 03)
Sa, a fess wavy betw 3 lions passant, a bord Arg. (D: Janos der
Kleine - Oct 92)
Sa, 3 African leopards passant in annulo proper. (D: Rand the
Silversmith - Dec 71?)
Sa, 3 lions ramp to sin, on a chf Arg, 3 crosses bottony Sa. (D:
Christian du Glaive - Dec 85)
Sa, 3 rapiers in pall, hilts to center, betw 3 lions ramp Or. (D:
Jeffrey Gareth - Sep 90)
Vt, on a salt betw 4 lions passant regardant Or five crosses fleury
Sa. (D: Claire de Mont Saint Michel - Apr 00)
Vt, six lions passant Or. (D: Edward of Hartwell - Sep 02)

Beast - Cat - 3 or more (continued)

Vt, 3 arrows in pall, points outward, betw a cat sejant affronty & 2
cats combattant Or. (D: Shaw Shadowdweller - Nov 83)
Vt, 3 domestic cats sejant Arg. (D: Margaret Elizabeth of Carlisle Aug 99)
* * * End * * *
Beast - Catamount: see Beast - Cat
Beast - Cheetah: see Beast - Cat
Beast - Chipmunk: see Beast - Squirrel
Beast - Collie: see Beast - Dog
Beast - Coney: see Beast - Rabbit
Beast - Cougar: see Beast - Cat

Beast - Deer - Argent

(Fieldless) A demi-moose ramp its dexter foreleg replaced by an

arm in armor Arg, armed unguled & garnished Or, brandishing
a sword proper. (B: Aarnimets - Mar 99)
(Fieldless) A demi-stag issuant from a goblet Arg. (B: Ansitruda
Helgasdottir - Dec 91)
(Fieldless) A hart lodged Arg armed & ducally gorged (sometimes
also chained) Or. (B: Richard II of England - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA badge)
(Fieldless) A stag springing Arg collared & chained within &
conjoined by the chain to a chain in annulo Or. (B:
Maximilian Racheengel - May 01)
(Fieldless) A winged sea-stag Arg attired Or charged on its
shoulder with a rose Vt maintaining in its sin hoof a rapier
Arg. (B: Samus mac Inneirghe - Jul 02)
(Fieldless) In pale a stag at gaze conjoined to 2 roses slipped &
leaved in salt Arg. (B: William Wescot of Welewen - Feb 04)
(Tinctureless) 2 crossed trumpets, bells to chf, surmounted by a
scroll bendwise sin bearing the words "SALTANDI
SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bord
embat. (Seal: Heralds Seals: White Stag - Dec 89)
Az, a hart lodged reguardant & in chf a snowflake Arg. (B: Robin
Frawine - Feb 87) (For the House of the Snowy Lake)
Az, a hart trippant reguardant contourny, on a chf embat Arg 3
dragonflies Az. (D: Wencenedl of Rokesburg - Feb 05)
Az, a natural ibex passant betw 3 mullets of eight points Arg. (D:
Roxana of Shiraz - Jan 06)
Az, a reindeer statant within estoiles in annulo Arg. (D: Eleanor
Chantrill - Jan 06)
Az, a stag lodged & in chf a decrescent & an increscent all within a
bord Arg. (D: Aelfreda o Lyn Ewig - Jul 91)
Az, a stag passant maintaining a gonfannon & on a chf embat Arg 3
roses Az. (D: Brian Angus McDonald - Jan 91)
Az, a stag ramp & on a chf Arg a thistle fesswise & a thistle
fesswise reversed proper. (D: Duncan MacLachlan - Dec 00)
Az, a stag ramp contourny within a laurel wreath Arg. (D:
Silverhart - Dec 93)
Az, a stag salient guardant Arg, collared Vt, betw 3 increscents Arg.
(D: Aurelia Bryhtwyn - Feb 96)
Az, a stag springing to sin Arg, on a chf dovetailed Or 2 estoiles of
eight points Sa. (D: Domnhall Mac Giolla Bhrighde May 96)
Az, a stag trippant Arg & on a chf Or 3 roses Az. (D: Katherine
Sharpe - Sep 90)
Az, a stag trippant Arg betw 3 harps Or. (D: Thomas Whitehart Feb 08)
Az, a winged doe ramp guardant Arg, on a chf invected Or 3 hearts
Az. (D: Masina di Giovanni - Oct 98)
Az, a winged stag & a griffin segreant combattant within a bord
Arg. (D: Gideon Alexandru de Sighisoara - Jan 87)
Az, a winged stag springing Arg, winged, attired & unguled Or,
within a bord Arg. (D: Liesel von Blauen Donau - Jun 82)
Az, a winged stag trippant to sin Arg & in base an acorn Or. (D:
Shirlynn of Salt Keep - Sep 89)
Az, crusilly Or, a hart at gaze within a double tressure Arg. (D:
Detlef von Marburg - Nov 90)
Az, ermined Arg, a doe passant reguardant Arg & a point pointed
ermine. (D: Isabeau Sainte-Marie DAigneux - Nov 89)
Az estoily, 3 bendlets enhanced & a winged stag ramp contourny
Arg. (D: Aylwin Graham the Flamehaired - Jun 95)
Az, in fess a tower betw 2 stags combattant Arg. (D: William
Malcolm - Nov 97)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 179

[Beast - Deer - Argent]

Beast - Deer - Argent (continued)

Az, in fess 2 lotus flowers affronty in pale & a winged stag ramp,
all Arg. (D: Jenice Cartelle de Leon - Dec 89)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 stags lodged Arg, 3 estoiles Az. (D:
Elizabeth Annora Dernelof - Aug 97)
Az, on a bend sin Or betw 2 stags trippant Arg 3 crosses formy
palewise Gu. (D: Connor Fiddes Wood - Feb 01)
Az, on a chev Or betw 3 stags trippant Arg, five fir trees proper. (D:
Lidia OCeirin - Mar 90)
Az, on a fess Arg betw 2 stags passant respectant & a stag passant
Arg 3 bells Az. (D: Kirstyn Mansfeld - May 05)
Az semy of arrows bendwise sin, a stag springing Arg. (D:
Steinhard Helmschrot - Mar 05)
Az, 3 reindeer trippant Arg. (D: Greta Rahikainen - Jul 05)
Az, 3 roses Arg betw 2 chevronels Or & in base a stag at gaze Arg.
(D: Sarah Lynnette of Carlisle - Aug 90)
Az, 2 stags combattant Arg, a chf ermine. (D: Steffan de
Hauckelegh - Oct 97)
Counter-ermine, a stag springing & in chf 3 towers Arg. (D:
Falenn of Deerkeep - Feb 94)
Counter-ermine, a winged stag ramp, wings elevated & addorsed,
Arg within a bord ermine. (D: Mor Lochlann Harte - Nov 90)
Counter-ermine, 3 lightning bolts palewise in fess Or, overall a stag
courant Arg. (D: Christopher of Gwynedd - Jul 90)
Gu, a bend sin Sa fimbriated Or, overall a sea stag naiant Arg. (D:
Tusya Tatiana Sudoseva - Feb 94)
Gu, a hart salient reguardant & on a chf Arg 4 clusters of 3 holly
berries Gu & 2 holly leaves Vt, the leaves fesswise to center.
(D: Anna Pembroke of Woodsley Hall - Jan 83)
Gu, a reindeer statant regardant within an annulet Arg. (B: Sabia
Gunnhild Hunang - Aug 85)
Gu, a stag courant within a bord embat Arg. (D: Deirdre
OSiodhachain - Nov 89)
Gu, a stag ramp maintaining a crux ansata Arg within a bord embat
Or. (D: Alisoun al-Bunni - Oct 87)
Gu, a stag ramp to sin betw 3 decrescents Arg. (D: Arianna
Kateryn Nunneschild - Aug 92)
Gu, a stag springing & in chf, 3 crosses patty Arg. (D: Geoffrey de
Bradelei - May 88)
Gu, a stag springing & in chf 3 holly leaves bendwise Arg within a
bord ermine. (D: Tristan Gueguen de Rohan - Mar 07)
Gu, a stag springing Arg & in sin chf a decrescent Or within a bord
ermine. (D: Oskar of the Wood - Nov 90)
Gu, a stag springing Arg within a bord quarterly Or & Az. (D:
Muriella Donaldson - Nov 99)
Gu, a winged stag ramp & in canton a cross bottony Arg. (D:
Danyelle of Farendale - Apr 83)
Gu, on a chev nebuly Or betw 3 stags trippant Arg, 3 caltraps Sa.
(D: Jeames Blaunkheort - Jul 87)
Gyronny Sa & Vt, a doe lodged guardant Arg betw 4 acorns in cross
Or. (D: Aethelthryth of Acleah - Sep 83)
Lozengy Sa & Gu, a hart ramp Arg. (D: Earl of Morris - Sep 97)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Paly Vt & erminois, a stag trippant betw 3 estoiles of eight rays
Arg. (D: Magnus Nauta - May 92)
Pean, a winged stag lodged reguardant wings elevated & addorsed
Arg. (D: Jessimond of Emerickeskepe - Mar 96)
Per bend Or & Gu, a deer trippant Arg betw 2 roses ctrch. (D: Rs
n Lochlainn - Mar 94)
Per bend sin rayonny Purp & Or, a stag courant Arg. (D: Colyn
MacRuairidh of Rathlin - Feb 05)
Per bend sin Sa & ermine, in pale a stag leaping sin Arg & a rose
Az. (D: Erzsebet Tycodi - Jan 74?)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a stag springing & a trefoil bendwise ctrch. (D:
Ciarn Din Raidh - Jan 97)
Per bend wavy Vt & Az, a hart counterspringing Arg, environed of
a laurel wreath Or. (D: Buckston-on-Eno - Aug 79)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 wolfs heads couped respectant & a stag
trippant ctrch. (D: Andre de Navarre - Mar 87)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 2 fleurs-de-lys & a stag courant ctrch within a
bord engrailed Gu. (D: Artemidiore du Coeur Sincere Jul 91)
Per chev embat Vt & Arg, a stag trippant Arg & a triquetra Az. (D:
Ansel Rowland Matthews - Feb 07)
Per chev enhanced Az & Vt, a chevronel enhanced & in base a hart
statant to sin at gaze Arg. (D: Winnifred Aurelia von
Hirschberg - Apr 82)
180 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Deer - Argent (continued)

Per chev per pale Az & Purp & plummety Arg & Sa, 2 stags
springing respectant & in chf a crescent Arg. (B: Elaine of
Elswicke - Mar 01)
Per chev rayonny Vt & Arg, 2 stags combattant & a standing
balance ctrch. (D: Andrew Ward - Sep 87)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 2 harts trippant reguardant addorsed Arg & a
rose slipped & leaved Gu. (D: Jonathon Whitehart - Jan 99)
Per chev throughout Arg & Az, 2 sheaves of arrows Sa & a stag at
gaze Arg. (D: Rorik smir - Oct 07)
Per chev throughout Az & Arg, 2 stags springing respectant Arg &
a fir tree eradicated Vt. (D: Aelwyth the Grey - Mar 93)
Per fess Arg & Gu, a serpent nowed & a stag trippant reguardant
ctrch. (D: Glmr refskegg - Jun 07)
Per fess Arg & Vt, a weeping willow tree couped & a stag lodged
ctrch. (D: Gwyneth Greentree - Nov 90)
Per fess Az & bendy Sa & Arg, a stag at gaze Arg. (D: Gianni
Arcieri - May 98)
Per fess Gu & Az, a winged stag ramp Arg, unguled & attired Or,
within a bord nebuly ermine. (D: Alfred Larcher - Aug 84)
Per fess Gu & Sa, a hart lodged contourny Arg. (B: Gisla Rodumna
- Nov 00)
Per fess indented Arg & Vt, 3 triskeles Sa & a stag lodged Arg. (D:
Catylyn verch Morgant ap Llewellyn - Mar 05)
Per fess Purp & Sa, a stag trippant Arg, attired Or & in chf a
decrescent Arg. (D: Eleanore MacCarthaigh - Dec 93)
Per fess Sa & Gu, a winged stag segreant Arg betw in chf six
mullets in chev Or. (B: Uther the Dark - Jun 07) (JB:
Christopher FitzArthur of Walland Marsh)
Per fess wavy Vt & Arg, 2 stags trippant respectant & a laurel
wreath ctrch. (D: Abhainn Iarthair - Dec 05)
Per pale indented Arg & Sa, a wolf & a stag combattant within a
bord indented, all ctrch. (D: Joanna de Gordon - Jun 92)
Per pale Purp & Vt, a hart springing contourny Arg. (D: Douglass
Grayhart de la Feld - Oct 99)
Per pale Sa & Az, a stag at gaze within a bord Arg. (D: Anne of
Alanwyck - Oct 86)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a winged stag springing Arg betw 3 pairs of oak
leaves conjoined by the stems Or. (D: Anastasia Borisovna
Oleneva - Aug 94)
Per pale Sa & Purp, an elk lodged guardant Arg betw 3 bezants, a
bord embat Or. (D: Astolfo Orlando Antonio da Cagliari Jan 93)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a stag trippant to sin & a chf Arg. (D: Daniel
Drake - May 92)
Per pale Sa & Vt, 2 winged stags couchant respectant, wings
elevated & addorsed, Arg & in base a caltrap Or. (D: Natalia
MacDhonnchaidh - Sep 87)
Per pale Vt & Az, a pale raguly betw a stag trippant & 3 mullets in
pale, all Arg. (D: Elain de Northwode - Feb 87)
Per pale Vt & Az, a stag & a sea-lion combattant, a chf triangular
Arg. (D: Tristram von Rottweil - May 98)
Per pale Vt & Az, a stag at gaze Arg & a chf indented ermine. (D:
Rafaella Violante de Lorraine - Feb 97)
Per pale Vt & Purp, a stag trippant & on a chf Arg a grapevine
proper fructed Purp. (D: Magdalene von Rottweil - Nov 93)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a stag at gaze betw 3 mullets Arg. (D: Simon of
Three Mountains - Jan 07)
Per pale wavy Sa & Arg, a doe & a wolf salient respectant ctrch.
(D: Fiadnat n Chonchobair - Jan 92)
Per salt Az & Sa, a stag springing contourny Arg & issuant from
base a demi-sun Or. (D: Fabienne lAccuse - Oct 98)
Per salt ermine & Vt, in fess a doe lodged & a coney sejant Arg, in
chf a rose Gu, barbed & seeded proper. (D: Katrelya Rose nic
Angus - Jul 83)
Per salt Sa & Gu, a stag at gaze contourny Arg. (D: Scannal Alpin Dec 92)
Per salt Sa & Vt, a winged stag salient, on a chf Arg 3 broadarrows
Sa. (D: Dafydd ap Sion - Oct 07)
Purp, a bend Sa fimbriated betw a stag springing & an arrow
bendwise Arg. (D: Gemma Evangelista Borgia - May 08)
Purp, a bend sin Or betw a decrescent & a doe dormant guardant
Arg. (D: Gwendolyn the Fair - Aug 90)
Purp, a doe statant regardant contourny betw 3 mullets of eight
points Arg. (D: Olivia Visconti - Oct 94)
Purp, a stag at gaze & on a chf Arg 3 hammers Sa. (D: Thor Stagge
- Feb 95)

[Beast - Deer - Argent]

Beast - Deer - Argent (continued)

Purp, a stag courant to sin & on a chf Arg 2 thistles, slipped &
leaved, proper. (D: Maeve MacMaolain - Dec 86)
Purp, a stag lodged within a bord dovetailed Arg. (D: Rosamond de
Crvecoeur - Oct 05)
Purp, a stag salient Arg. (B: Aldwyn ap Llewelyn - Feb 88)
Purp, a winged hind trippant & in chf 3 crescents Arg. (D:
Derbhiled ni Liadhnin - May 90)
Purp, a winged stag ramp contourny & on a chf Arg a castle betw 2
crosses couped Purp. (D: Elkanah MacDonald - Jan 03)
Purp, a winged stag ramp to sin Arg. (D: Jamie MacRae - Apr 83)
Purp, a winged stag segreant within a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Tor
An Rogh - May 99)
Purp, an antelope at gaze betw a chf & a base Arg. (D: Tabitha of
Wyndmoor - Mar 73?)
Purp, an arrow Or sustained by 2 stags combatant Arg within a bord
embat Or. (D: Gearoid MacEgan - Aug 03)
Purp, 2 stags springing addorsed reguardant Arg, attired, in chf a
Lacy knot Or. (D: Berengaria Mordaunt - Feb 94)
Quarterly Az & Gu, a hind courant to sin within an orle Arg. (D:
Arianwen de Lynn - Dec 87)
Quarterly embat Arg & Vt, in bend 2 harps Vt & in bend sin 2 stags
springing Arg. (D: Brian du Bois Breton - Jan 89)
Quarterly Sa & Az, a stag ramp Arg & a bord ermine. (D: Yngvarr
ttuson - Jul 06)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, 2 hinds trippant Arg. (D: Magdalena von
Regensburg - Mar 07)
Sa, a doe at gaze guardant Arg atop a sun Or. (D: Eislinn the
Patient - Nov 82)
Sa, a hart ramp to sin within a bord Arg. (B: Arias the Innkeepers
Daughter - Jan 06)
Sa, a hart springing contourny guardant Arg vulned on the shoulder
Gu on a chf rayonny Or 2 harps Sa. (D: Andr de Saint Michel
- Apr 94)
Sa, a pallet raguly couped Or, involved of a pothos ivy vine
separating in chf into 4 descending branches proper, overall a
hind statant Arg, gorged of one of the branches. (D: Aislinn
ONeill - Nov 81)
Sa, a stag counter-trippant Arg, betw its antlers a bezant, in sin base
an increscent Arg. (D: Talymar gan y Llwyn - Jul 80)
Sa, a stag ramp Arg & a base ermine. (D: Ambra Micheli - Jan 06)
Sa, a stag ramp Arg betw 3 acorns Or. (D: Alaric of Lochmere Nov 96)
Sa, a stag ramp within a bord potenty Arg. (D: Cairbre macc
Eochada micc Fedelmid - Mar 00)
Sa, a stag trippant & on a chf Arg, 2 pheons Sa. (D: Angharad
MacIvar of Stirling - Jan 97)
Sa, a stag trippant betw a chf engrailed & a point pointed Arg. (B:
Thomas Sinclair - Nov 04)
Sa, a stag trippant within a bord embat Arg. (D: Alric of Ashfield Jan 96)
Sa, a winged stag ramp contourny & in sin chf a moon in its
plenitude Arg. (D: Catalina Riquel de Luna - Apr 07)
Sa, an Irish wolfhound & a stag combattant Arg. (D: Kelly of
Settmour Swamp - Aug 95)
Sa, 2 winged stags combattant Arg. (D: Sibal inghean u Ruairc Jan 02)
Vt, a chev rompu Arg, ermined Vt, betw 2 stags salient respectant
& 2 deer antlers Arg. (D: Kristyan Elsabet von Gutberg Feb 89)
Vt, a deer lodged contourny & a point pointed Arg. (D: Cathleen
McCollum - Nov 91)
Vt, a doe couchant betw 3 oak trees eradicated Arg. (D: Muireann
ingen u Muirchertaig - May 05)
Vt, a doe couchant contourny & on a chf Arg six martlets Gu. (D:
Ceridwen de Lindsay - Nov 94)
Vt, a doe lodged regardant, on a chf engrailed Arg, a thistle
fesswise reversed slipped & leaved proper. (D: Alastriona nic
Choinnich o Ghlean Carron - Mar 85)
Vt, a hind salient Arg, unguled & gorged with a Saxon crown Or,
betw 3 doves rising, wings elevated & addorsed Arg, beaked &
membered, within an orle embat on the inner edge Or. (D:
Outlands, Crown Princess of - Apr 98)
Vt, a hind salient Arg, unguled & in chf a Saxon crown, all within a
wreath of roses, lying as on a bord, Or. (D: Outlands, Queen
of the - Mar 89)

Beast - Deer - Argent (continued)

Vt, a hind statant contourny Arg collared & chained Or, a bord Or
semy of trefoils Vt. (D: Edain inghean Raghalligh - Jun 06)
Vt, a hind trippant reguardant, on a chf wavy Arg, 3 Catherine
wheels Gu. (D: Catrin ferch Gwilym o Gonway - Mar 89)
Vt, a hind trippant to sin Arg, a bord Arg semy of hearts Vt. (D:
Elvira Pedrosa - Jul 04)
Vt, a stag Arg, attired & unguled, salient from betw the boughs of a
laurel wreath, in chf a Saxon crown, all within a bord embat
Or. (D: Outlands, the - Oct 88)
Vt, a stag at gaze Arg within a bord Arg semy of oak leaves Vt. (D:
Aislinn of Ravenwood - Feb 92)
Vt, a stag at gaze, betw its attires a roundel Arg. (D: Ciar inghean
ui Mhaoildeirg - Jul 00)
Vt, a stag leaping betw in bend sin a harp & an olive branch
bendwise, all Arg. (B: Outlands, the - Jan 83) (For the
Order of the Leaping Stag)
Vt, a stag lodged & on a chf Arg an arrow reversed Sa. (D: Meuryc
Kynyd - Aug 02)
Vt, a stag ramp contourny Arg attired & unguled within a orle of
Ormonde knots Or. (D: Brynjulv Ericson - Sep 95)
Vt, a stag ramp within an annulet Arg. (D: thelwulf Cynricson of
Stonegrave - Jan 98)
Vt, a stag salient Arg, attired & unguled, within a bord embat Or.
(B: Outlands, the - Oct 88) (Ensign)
Vt, a stag salient Arg, attired, unguled & gorged with a Saxon
crown, all within a bord embat Or, overall a label Arg. (D:
Outlands, Crown Prince of the - Oct 88)
Vt, a stag springing contourny Arg betw 3 acorns leaved Or. (D:
Aillenn ingen Gilla Pdraic - Jan 01)
Vt, a stag springing to sin & on a chf Arg, 3 drinking horns Sa. (D:
Cieran mac Cumaill - Jun 90)
Vt, a stag trippant Arg & a chf Arg fretty Sa. (D: Roberd mac
Cormaic - Feb 01)
Vt, a stag trippant Arg, on a chf Or 3 pairs of arrows in salt Sa. (D:
Eamon Deimne James Hennessy - Jan 85)
Vt, a stag trippant contourny Arg betw 3 oak leaves Or. (D: Avine
de Hert - Mar 08)
Vt, a stag trippant contourny, on a chf embat Arg 2 roses Purp. (D:
Arabella Moira of Heatherhill - Sep 94)
Vt, a stag trippant contourny reguardant & in chf 3 lozenges, a bord
Arg. (D: Wylkyn ap Kenwrec of Colwyn Bay - Sep 92)
Vt, a stag with straight antlers at gaze maintaining betw its antlers a
decrescent & in chf 3 water bougets all within a bord invected
Arg. (D: Solveig Gargan Skjaldvarardttir - Mar 95)
Vt, a tilting lance sustained by 2 stags combatant Arg, a bord
engrailed Or. (B: Outlands, the - Dec 04) (For Order of the
Silver Lance)
Vt, a winged stag ramp contourny Arg & a chf ermine. (D:
Genevieve MacPherson - Feb 96)
Vt, a winged stag segreant, on a bord raguly Arg 3 lozenges Vt. (D:
Conchobar MacFloinn - Feb 00)
Vt, a winged stag segreant, on a chf embat Arg 3 pheons Sa. (D:
Connor MacPhie - Feb 01)
Vt, bezanty, a stag courant Arg within a bord wavy Or. (D: Ascelyn
Schirleah - Mar 82)
Vt, in fess a lion queue-forche salient to sin & a stag ramp Arg, in
chf a compass star Or. (D: Faleena Camille - Apr 83)
Vt, in pale a stag at gaze Arg & a bow bendwise sin, drawn & with
arrow nocked Or. (D: Rotheric Kynith - Jun 03)
Vt, in pale a stag courant to sin Arg & a bezant. (D: Aislynn
Finesilver - Apr 90)
Vt, in pale 3 stags courant Arg within a bord Or. (D: Emma of
Woodborough - Jul 00)
Vt, in pale 2 stags passant counterpassant within a bord rayonny
Arg. (D: Andrew Selwyn - May 97)
Vt, 2 stags combatant Arg sustaining betw them a sexfoil, a bord
engrailed Or. (B: Outlands, the - Apr 99) (For the Order of
the Flower)
Vt, 2 stags combatant Arg sustaining betw them an axe Arg hafted
Or, a bord engrailed Or. (B: Outlands, the - Apr 99) (For the
Order of the Iron Hart)
Vt, 2 stags combatant sustaining betw them a column Arg, a bord
engrailed Or. (B: Outlands, the - Apr 99) (For the Order of
the Stag)
Vt, 2 stags combattant Arg. (D: Magnus Tindal - May 01)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 181

[Beast - Deer - Argent] to [Beast - Deer - Multicolor]

Beast - Deer - Argent (continued)

Vt, 2 stags ramp addorsed Arg & in chf a water bouget, on a chf Or
a bar embat to base Sa. (D: Nicolette dAvignon - May 92)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Deer - Azure

(Fieldless) A hart courant Az. (B: Andelcrag - Sep 00) (For the
Order of the Salient Hart)
(Tinctureless) 2 crossed trumpets, bells to chf, surmounted by a
scroll bendwise sin bearing the words "SALTANDI
SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bord
embat. (Seal: Heralds Seals: White Stag - Dec 89)
Arg, a sea-stag & a bord engrailed Az. (D: Rhys Morwaywffon Sep 96)
Arg, a stag lodged contourny Az attired Or & a bord nebuly Az. (B:
Aquaterra - Oct 03)
Arg, a stag ramp & on a chf Az 4 increscents Arg. (D: Marks inn
fasthaldi Vagnsson - Jul 07)
Arg, a stag statant & on a chf Az an increscent betw 2 mullets of six
points Or. (D: Alexandra Scott de Northumberland - Feb 05)
Arg, a stag trippant contourny Az, in chf 3 acorns inv slipped &
leaved proper. (D: Ciarn mac Tighearnin - Mar 00)
Ermine, a hart lodged & on a chf Az, a Star of David betw 2
crescents Arg. (D: Algernon Hartesmond - Jul 90)
Or, a winged stag ramp within a bord Az. (D: Tristram Cynydd Apr 07)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, an elk statant to sin & a lotus blossom in
profile ctrch. (D: Simon Rodbeorhting - Oct 95)
Per pall Gu Or & Az, a buck springing Az & an owl rising wings
disp Or. (D: Fia Douglas - Apr 06)
Quarterly per fess indented Arg & Az, 2 stags springing Az. (D:
Cellach macCormaic - Dec 03)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Deer - Fur

(Tinctureless) 2 crossed trumpets, bells to chf, surmounted by a

scroll bendwise sin bearing the words "SALTANDI
SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bord
embat. (Seal: Heralds Seals: White Stag - Dec 89)
Bendy Gu & Arg, a stag ramp erminois. (D: Phillip of the Golden
Stag - Oct 88)
Gu, a winged stag ramp, wings elevated & addorsed, pean, armed
Or, on a chf rayonny Or, a thistle, slipped & leaved, betw 2
roses proper. (D: Madraut MacChlurain - Sep 87)
Pean, a stag trippant erminois. (D: Elisabeth Goodchilde - Apr 07)
Per fess Az & Vt, a fess dancetty to chf Arg, in chf a melanistic
gyrfalcon proper & in base a stag statant at gaze ermine, attired
& unguled Or. (B: Nonna Treheyl of Kernow - Mar 78?)
(For House of Revian)
Vt, a stag ramp ermine collared, dependent from the collar a sun
Gu. (D: Dietrich Kempenich von Eltz - Jan 98)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Deer - Gules

(Tinctureless) 2 crossed trumpets, bells to chf, surmounted by a

scroll bendwise sin bearing the words "SALTANDI
SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bord
embat. (Seal: Heralds Seals: White Stag - Dec 89)
Arg, a bend sin wavy Sa betw a bow & arrow crossed in salt & a
stag statant to sin Gu. (D: Stevyn Luttrell Bowyer - Mar 88)
Arg, a chev cotised Az betw 2 crosses formy & a stag springing Gu.
(D: Rowena of Swanwic - Sep 90)
Arg, a gazelle courant betw 3 gillyflowers stemmed Gu. (D:
Tabitha Ashwell Culross - Sep 83)
Arg, a hart at gaze contourny Gu, a bord embat Sa. (D: Taliesin of
Carreg Cennen - Apr 93)
Arg, a hind courant Gu, on a point pointed Sa a crescent Or. (D:
Cunen Beornhelm - Sep 91)
Arg, a sea stag Gu tailed & on a chf indented Vt, a sheaf of arrows
inv Arg betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Celyn ap Llewelyn Sep 90)
Arg, a stag lodged guardant & a chf Gu. (D: Tarlach o the Wode Sep 00)
Arg, a stag lodged Gu & a bord Gu bezanty. (D: Ragnveig
Snorradttir - Mar 07)
Arg, a stag ramp Gu & on a chf Az 2 pairs of arrows in salt Arg. (D:
Fintan na Coilled - Sep 03)
182 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Deer - Gules (continued)

Arg, a tree blasted & eradicated Sa betw 2 stags combatant Gu. (D:
Ardenia the Red - May 07)
Arg, in pale a stag courant Gu & a mullet of seven points within a
bord Sa. (D: Eoghan of Wealdsmere - Aug 85)
Arg, on a pale Az betw 2 stags combattant Gu, 3 mullets of 4 points
Arg. (D: Geoffrey Biedermann - Sep 92)
Arg, 2 stags springing addorsed & in chf a sun Gu. (D: Tuathal
mac Catcheirn - Apr 02)
Arg, 2 stags springing addorsed Gu & in chf a mullet Sa. (D:
Konrad the Hunter - Aug 01)
Gyronny Sa & Or, a stag trippant guardant contourny Gu gorged of
a coronet Arg within a bord Gu. (D: Hrokr of Ealdormere Aug 95)
Or, a doe statant regardant Gu within a bord Vt. (D: Sadb ingen
Tuathail - Aug 04)
Or, a hart salient contourny Gu & on a chf Purp 3 compass stars Or.
(D: Michaela n Dhuibhne U Bhardin - Dec 92)
Or, a stag trippant betw in canton a mullet & a base Gu, overall in
chf a label Az. (D: Michael MacCartaine of Inglerood Sep 73?)
Or, a wolf & a stag salient respectant & on a chf Gu 3 suns Or. (D:
Deirdre of Lochmere - Apr 07)
Or, in bend a stag counter-lodged fesswise reguardant Gu & a
threaded needle bendwise sin Sa. (B: Aliste von Falkenhof Jun 80)
Or, 2 bendlets sin Sa overall a moose passant contourny Gu. (D:
Alixandre llan - Jan 03)
Per bend wavy, bendy wavy Arg & Az, & Or, in dexter base a hind
lodged Gu. (D: Keridwen of Misty Falls - Nov 82)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 2 stags springing Gu & a gate Arg. (D: Juliana
Osborne - Apr 06)
Per pale Az & Vt, in pale 2 axes fesswise & on a chf Arg, a stag
browsing Gu. (D: Randall Andrew Thorrold MacBirny Apr 93)
Per pale rayonny Gu & Or, a dragon & a winged stag combattant
ctrch. (D: Sarah Rumoldestohter - Sep 92)
Per pale rayonny Or & Sa, a stag ramp to sin Gu & an open scroll
Arg. (D: Joyce of Crystal Crags - Mar 99)
Per salt Arg & Sa, a winged stag salient to sin Gu. (D: Randal der
Jger - Dec 87)
Sa, an increscent Arg, overall a doe courant Gu fimbriated Arg. (D:
Victoria Anna de Toledo - Mar 78?)
Tierced in point Or, Arg, & Purp, a stag counter-lodged reguardant
Gu, a threaded needle bendwise sin Sa, & a hawks lure Or. (D:
Aliste von Falkenhof - Jun 80)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Deer - Multicolor

(Tinctureless) 2 crossed trumpets, bells to chf, surmounted by a

scroll bendwise sin bearing the words "SALTANDI
SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bord
embat. (Seal: Heralds Seals: White Stag - Dec 89)
Per bend embat Arg & Vt, 2 stags springing ctrch. (B: alt Andreas
von Sohren - Dec 01)
Per bend Or & Vt, a hart lodged ctrch. (D: Ginevra del Carmine Jan 87)
Per bend sin ermine & Sa a stag ramp within a bord ctrch. (D:
Aubrey de Baudricourt - Feb 91)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a winged demi-stag ramp to sin, wings inv
& addorsed, ctrch. (D: Morgan Garrett - Apr 90)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, a doe statant ctrch. (D: Ancarat merch Ouein
- Feb 07)
Per fess Az & Or, 2 stags in full course ctrch, gorged Arg & Or. (D:
Alianora of Hightower - Jan 73?)
Per fess Or & Sa, a sea-stag ctrch. (B: Assar merch Owen Aug 92)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 stags combattant ctrch. (D: Kilian Schnell Jan 97)
Per pale embat Az & Or ermined Az, 2 stags ramp addorsed ctrch
Or & Az. (D: William Welwyn - Jul 01)
Per pale ermine & Sa, 2 natural ibexes ramp addorsed ctrch. (D:
Cainder of Loch Suilli - Oct 06)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a stag trippant betw five mullets one, 2 & 2
ctrch. (D: Wynne MacNair - Jun 04)

[Beast - Deer - Multicolor] to [Beast - Deer - Or]

Beast - Deer - Multicolor (continued)

Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 stags ramp addorsed ctrch within a bord
checky Vt & Arg. (D: Palymar of the Two Baronies May 86)
Per pale Or & Az, a deer at gaze betw 3 crescents ctrch. (D: Mariel
of Strasbourg - Aug 92)
Per pale Or & Gu, 2 winged stags combattant ctrch. (D: Cassandra
of Kingswear - Jun 98)
Per pale Or & Vt, a winged stag ramp & a bord ctrch. (D:
Cornelius the Sage - Sep 96)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a bicorporate stag ctrch. (D: Llwyd ap
Cadwaladr - Jul 89)
Per pale Sa & ermine, 2 stags combattant ctrch atop a trimount Vt.
(D: Otto von Heidelberc - Jun 05)
Per pall Sa, Gu, & Arg, a mullet of 4 points Arg & 2 stags salient
addorsed ctrch. (D: Ailill mac Cin - May 07)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Deer - Or

(Fieldless) A stag springing Or charged with an ermine spot Sa. (B:

Montevale - Aug 96)
(Tinctureless) 2 crossed trumpets, bells to chf, surmounted by a
scroll bendwise sin bearing the words "SALTANDI
SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bord
embat. (Seal: Heralds Seals: White Stag - Dec 89)
Az, a doe lodged chained & collared Or carrying in its mouth a slip
of laurel Vt. (B: Tsivia bas Tamara of Amberview - Jul 86)
(For House Amberview)
Az, a doe lodged Or gorged of a coronet & chained, on a chf embat
Arg a sun in splendor Gu. (D: Tsivia bas Tamara of
Amberview - May 99)
Az, a doe trippant contourny betw 3 martlets Or. (D: Jacqueline
Helene Loisel - Aug 94)
Az, a gazelle grazing guardant atop a trimount couped, all within a
chaplet of thorn Or. (D: Gizela Balbina Teucer - Dec 89)
Az, a mule-deer doe lodged at gaze & on a chf Or 3 wagon wheels
of eight spokes Gu. (D: Beau Marishka of the Romanies May 80)
Az, a stag lodged to sin within a tressure Or. (D: Patruska Vozon
dAngoumois - Oct 82)
Az, a yew tree eradicated betw 3 stags trippant Or. (D: Bruce
Murray - May 07)
Az, in fess a stag & a horse both ramp contourny & on a chf Or a
barley stalk fesswise reversed Sa. (D: Mikhail Chaika Pavlov
syn Novgorodets - Jan 06)
Az, in pale 2 stags trippant Or within a bord Gu semy of saltorels
Or. (D: Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Az, on a pale betw 2 stags combattant Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Gu. (D:
Cassia dArtois - May 96)
Ermine, a stag lodged Or, a chf urdy Vt, fimbriated Or. (D:
Gladwen of Ayelsford - Aug 80)
Gu, a fess embat counter-embat ermine fretty Az betw 2 garbs & a
stag springing Or. (D: Monika Abendschoen - Nov 00)
Gu, a fess erminois betw 3 moose passant Or. (D: Iyrid Bielke Oct 01)
Gu, a hart springing contourny Or, a ford proper. (B: Highland
Foorde - Nov 00) (For Order of the Hart)
Gu, a hind courant Or betw 3 mullets of six points Arg. (B: Lochac
- May 92)
Gu, a natural ibex statant Or, its sin foreleg raised & entangled in
the slide of a sackbut bendwise sin, bell to base Arg. (B:
Lysander Keisalovitch - Jan 06) (For the House of the
Golden Ibex)
Gu, a stag at gaze, on a chf embat Or 4 mullets Gu. (D: Ana Maria
Maddelena Selvaggio - Jul 94)
Gu, a stag trippant to sin within a orle dancetty Or. (D: Francesca
von Hesse - Sep 92)
Gu crusily, a stag lodged Or, & a chf doubly enarched ermine. (D:
Daniel Eyesham of Tweed - Dec 84)
Gu ermined Or, a fess Sa fimbriated betw 3 stags trippant contourny
Or. (D: Petr Petrovich Chekrygin - Aug 93)
Gu, in dexter chf a tower Arg masoned Sa, in sin base a hind
trippant or. (B: Barbara-Katherine of Kenilworth - Aug 79)
(re-registered 7910A)

Beast - Deer - Or (continued)

Gu, in fess a deer & a horse both ramp & on a chf Or a pair of
shears fesswise points to sin Sa. (D: Cristina Iarina
Chaikinaia - Jan 06)
Gu, on a chev betw 2 acorns inv slipped & leaved & a stag ramp Or,
a chev embat Vt. (D: Ceridwen dArci of Stag Oakes Oct 93)
Lozengy Arg & Az, a stag trippant Or, a chf wavy ermine. (D:
Constans von Wrttemberg - May 91)
Per bend nebuly Az & Gu, 2 harts trippant Or. (D: Gideon of
Thescorre - Nov 98)
Per bend sin embat pean & erminois, a winged stag ramp regardant
Or & a wolf ramp to sin guardant Sa. (D: Jarique Ravenelle of
Marseilles - Apr 84)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a sword inv bendwise sin Arg betw 2 stags
trippant Or. (B: Barthel aus Pennswald - Oct 85) (For Haus
Calainer des Pennswalds)
Per bend sin Gu & Vt, a bend sin Sa, fimbriated, overall a stag
passant Or. (D: Robyn of Deira - Oct 85)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, a winged stag segreant contourny Or. (D:
Tristran de Dene - May 05)
Per bend Vt & Az, a mullet of 4 points per bend Or & Arg betw in
bend sin a stag salient Or & a natural dolphin urinant bendwise
Arg. (D: Roibeard Mac Oscair - May 07)
Per bend Vt & Purp, a bend erminois betw a hind salient & a
compass star Or. (D: Isabeau Guion dAnjou - Feb 99)
Per chev Arg & Gu, 2 dragonflies Purp & a stag trippant contourny
Or. (D: Morgan ap Hugh - Feb 07)
Per chev Az & Or, a natural antelope courant Or & a turtle ramp Vt,
a bord ctrch. (D: Gisele lOrpheline - Apr 98)
Per chev Az & Vt, 2 laurel wreaths & a stag passant, on a bord Or 3
maple leaves Gu. (D: Riverouge - Apr 00)
Per chev Gu & Az, a chev Arg betw 2 quatrefoils & a stag trippant
Or. (D: Minna Hirneisen - Dec 90)
Per chev Gu bezanty & Sa, in base a hart springing, a bord Or. (D:
Taliesin de Morlet - Jun 93)
Per chev inv Az & Sa, in base a stag courant Or. (D: Colyn mac
Labhrain - May 08)
Per chev Or & Vt, 2 trefoils slipped & a stag trippant regardant
within a bord embat, all ctrch. (D: Malkyn of Glenhaven Oct 84)
Per fess Az & Vt, a winged stag salient, wings elevated & addorsed,
within a bord Or. (D: Katherine Vespucci - Jun 91) (? same
person as Katherina Vespucci)
Per fess embat Vt & Sa, a celtic cross & a stag courant to sin Or.
(D: Brian mac Rannall of Graig na Manach - Jan 92)
Per fess enarched Az & Vt, a stag trippant Or. (D: Declan de Burgo
- Jun 96)
Per fess Gu & Vt, a fess betw 3 trees couped & a stag salient Or.
(D: Rowan of Galway - Jul 03)
Per fess indented floretty Vt & Az, a stag at gaze Or & a rose Arg.
(D: Aurore Nicole de Conte - Nov 80)
Per fess indented Gu & Arg, a gazelle courant Or & a lotus blossom
in profile Gu. (D: Jenna al-Ghazaliyyah - Dec 05)
Per fess Purp & Vt, 2 stags trippant counter-trippant Or. (D: Mora
Gowe - Aug 03)
Per fess Vt & lozengy couped in fess Or & Vt, a demi-elk salient
contourny issuant from the line of division Or. (D: Leopold
von Elchenwald - Mar 92)
Per pale Az & ermine, in pale 3 stags courant Or. (D: Geoffrey de
Boketon - May 04)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a pall inv cotised Arg betw 3 stags trippant Or.
(D: Barthel aus Pennswald - Oct 82)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a winged stag segreant Or. (D: thelstan t
Cardeol - Dec 99)
Per pale Purp & Vt, 2 stags ramp addorsed Or within a bord
erminois. (D: Niccolosa Dragonetti - Jul 04)
Per pale Vt & Gu, a stag springing Or. (D: Viarr Grmsson Jan 03)
Per salt Gu & Sa, a stag lodged within a bord engrailed Or. (D:
Hrothger Monomakh - Mar 96)
Potenty Sa & Arg, a stag salient to sin Or. (D: Ivarr Ulfvarinsson Dec 98)
Purp, a moose ramp to sin gardant Or, in dexter chf a laurel wreath
Arg. (D: Arn Hold - Apr 85)
Purp, a stag trippant & in chf 3 crescents Or. (D: Collette de Valois
- Apr 06)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 183

[Beast - Deer - Or] to [Beast - Deer - Sable]

Beast - Deer - Or (continued)

Purp, an antelope springing & on a chf Or 3 awls points to base

Purp. (D: Huszar Ferenc - Aug 05)
Purp estencely, a winged stag springing breathing flames Or. (D:
Karl von Elfstein der Schmuckmacher - Dec 96)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a stag Or & a griffin Arg combattant. (D:
George Griffinhart - Nov 89)
Quarterly Gu & vairy Or & Gu, a cross lozengy throughout, in the
first quarter a stag courant above an oak leaf fesswise Or. (D:
Barbara-Katherine of Kenilworth - Jul 74?) (Deceased)
Quarterly per fess indented Vt & Arg, in bend 2 stags springing Or.
(D: alt Andreas von Sohren - May 00)
Sa, a gazelle springing betw in pale a mullet of six points & a
crescent Or. (B: Damara Narrissa - Jun 84)
Sa, a stag & a greyhound combattant Or. (D: Caleb Stewart Jun 05)
Sa, a stag salient within a laurel wreath Or, a bord indented ermine.
(D: Montevale - Jan 83)
Sa, a stag springing contourny reguardant Or betw in chf 3 mullets
& in base a mount Arg. (D: Therica of Stonegate Manor Jan 92)
Sa, a stag statant contourny Or. (D: Estienne de Sancto Leodegario
- Feb 06)
Sa, 2 winged stags combattant, each maintaining a halberd, & in chf
3 bars Or. (D: Vigbrand of Scandia - Nov 83)
Tierced per chev Az, Gu, & Or, a stag trippant at gaze Or, seven
bezants, & a dexter hand apaumy & couped at the wrist Gu.
(D: Bethaldryk Quarryl - Jan 74?)
Vt, a deer passant within a laurel wreath & a chf embat Or. (D:
Hunters Home - Aug 02)
Vt, a deer ramp contourny Or within a bord per salt Sa & Or. (D:
Arthur Greene of Deerhurst - Aug 01)
Vt, a demi-hart Or issuant from a base barry wavy Or & Vt, within
a bord ermine. (D: Hartmann von Murrhardt - Dec 90)
Vt, a fawn lodged gardant within a bord embat Or. (B: Outlands,
the - May 85) (For the Order of the Promise of the Outlands)
Vt, a hart ramp to sin Or & in chf 2 wagon wheels Arg. (D:
Eilonwy ferch Morgant - Feb 86)
Vt, a salt Arg & overall a natural ibex salient Or. (D: Magnus mac
Gregor Campbell - Oct 06)
Vt, a sea-stag, erect & sin facing, in chf 3 escallops Or. (D: Maurin
Lessault - Mar 90)
Vt, a stag at gaze & a mount Or. (D: Gwenhwyvar of Abergavenny
- Nov 98)
Vt, a stag courant contourny & on a chf Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Vt. (D:
Rhiell Wystaneston - Mar 96)
Vt, a stag ramp betw 3 acorns Or. (D: Merouda Tremayne Nov 02)
Vt, a stag trippant Or & on a chf Arg 2 swans naiant respectant Az.
(D: Aileen MacAlpin - Jul 86)
Vt, a winged stag segreant Or, on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D:
Anne Marie de Garmeaulx - Feb 97)
Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 stags ramp Or, 3 horses ramp palewise Sa.
(B: Gotfridus von Schwaben - Nov 01) (Blanket permission
to conflict with 1 CD)
Vt, 3 chevronels braced, in chf a stag lodged Or, a bord Or crusilly
formy Sa. (D: John de Ellsworth - Oct 99)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Deer - Purpure

(Tinctureless) 2 crossed trumpets, bells to chf, surmounted by a

scroll bendwise sin bearing the words "SALTANDI
SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bord
embat. (Seal: Heralds Seals: White Stag - Dec 89)
Ermine, a hart trippant Purp. (B: Edith de Laufare - Apr 05)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Deer - Sable

(Fieldless) A demi-moose ramp Sa, armed & unguled Or, its dexter
foreleg replaced by an arm in armor Arg garnished Or,
brandishing a sword proper. (B: Aarnimets - Mar 99)
(Fieldless) A reindeer passant within & conjoined to an annulet Sa.
(B: scwynne t Bodanhamme - Apr 06) (For Nadezhda
Petrova Stoianova)
(Fieldless) A roebuck statant to sin reguardant Sa. (B: Anne de
Villanova - Feb 91) (For Clann Ruaphoic)

184 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Deer - Sable (continued)

(Fieldless) A stag springing to sin reguardant Sa. (B: Zenobia

Naphtali - Aug 85)
(Fieldless) On a stag springing Sa a mullet of five greater & five
lesser points Arg. (B: Connor the Hunter - Mar 06)
(Fieldless) On a stag trippant contourny Sa attired maintaining a
lance bendwise a cross formy Arg. (B: Manfred von
Rothenburg - May 96)
(Tinctureless) 2 crossed trumpets, bells to chf, surmounted by a
scroll bendwise sin bearing the words "SALTANDI
SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bord
embat. (Seal: Heralds Seals: White Stag - Dec 89)
Arg, a bat-winged stag ramp Sa within a bord rayonny Gu. (D:
Eilin rska - Oct 06)
Arg, a chev cotised Vt betw 2 stags salient respectant & a sheaf of
arrows Sa. (D: Alric Blackhart - Sep 07)
Arg, a chev rompu Purp betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Vt & a stag lodged Sa.
(D: Juan de la Gard - May 91)
Arg, a leaping hart Sa, orbed Arg, on a chf Gu 3 violets seeded
proper fesswise. (D: Karen of the Hartwood - Sep 73?)
Arg, a pall Az & overall an oryx courant Sa. (D: Alarba Bronwen
Caradoc - Apr 81)
Arg, a reindeer salient contourny Sa & on a chf Gu 3 coronets Arg.
(D: sa Starradttir - Aug 05)
Arg, a stag at gaze Sa, a chf embat Vt. (D: Robert ap Hywel ap
David - Feb 07)
Arg, a stag at gaze to sin Sa & a chf embat Az. (D: Edward
Longtooth - Nov 89)
Arg, a stag lodged proper & on a chf embat Az, 2 pheons Arg. (D:
Coemgen MacDaid - Jan 94)
Arg, a stag ramp proper & on a chf indented Vt, 3 snowflakes Arg.
(D: Joan of the Winds - Aug 87)
Arg, a stag ramp Sa. (B: Brin mag Fhloinn - Jul 97) (For Clann
Damhin Dhuibh)
Arg, a stag ramp Sa, on a chf embat Gu, a catamount passant to sin
Or. (D: Sean Gobha - Jul 89)
Arg, a stag ramp to sin betw eight mullets in annulo & on a chf Sa,
a sun Or. (D: Fiadhnait Chelsea - May 88)
Arg, a stag statant at gaze within a laurel wreath within a bord Sa.
(D: Cwm Maethlon - Mar 84)
Arg, a stag trippant contourny proper, in chf 3 crosses bottony Vt.
(D: Thomas MacCruitn - Feb 95)
Arg, a stag trippant Sa & in base 2 oak leaves in chev inv & on a
chf dovetailed Vt 3 crescents Arg. (D: Caitiln inghean U
Laoghaire - Apr 02)
Arg, a stag trippant Sa within a laurel wreath Vt, all betw 3 acorns
Sa. (D: Coill Tuar - Jun 86)
Arg, an elk springing to sin proper, on a point pointed Vt cotised Az
a tree Or. (D: Cerf Agile - Aug 79?)
Arg escallopy Az, a hart ramp to sin Sa within a bord gyronny Az &
Gu. (D: Morgan Blackhart - Apr 85)
Arg, goutty de sang, a stag ramp & a chf Sa. (D: Amalric Blackhart
- Mar 90)
Arg, on a pale endorsed Az betw 2 stags salient respectant proper, 3
harps Or. (D: Devin Killian - Nov 90)
Arg, on a pile inv Az betw 2 stags combatant proper, a mullet Arg.
(D: Sarah Croft - May 99)
Arg semy of 3-spoked wheels, a stag ramp Sa & overall a bend Gu.
(D: Ailill mac Ferchair U Diarmata - Dec 04)
Arg, 2 bucks counter-salient in salt proper within a laurel wreath Vt,
a bord embat Sa. (D: Buckland Cross - Jul 96)
Arg, 2 cypress trees couped Vt & a natural antelope statant Sa. (D:
Shoshana bat Malachi - Feb 98)
Arg, 2 does statant respectant reguardant proper on a chf Vt 3 birch
leaves Arg. (D: Sadhbh Samhioldanach - Nov 90)
Arg, 2 swords in salt betw 4 stags courant within a bord potenty
pointed Sa. (D: Thorgeirr Eikinskjold - Aug 79)
Chequy Gu & Arg, a winged stag salient guardant to sin Sa. (D:
Gwythyr Hartwing - Sep 86)
Ermine, a unicorn & a stag combattant Sa. (D: Adriana the Fierce Sep 93)
Gyronny Or & Vt, a winged stag trippant within a bord Sa. (D:
Cailean Gruagdhubh - Jan 93)
Gyronny Vt & Arg, a brown stag trippant guardant contourny
proper. (D: Andree mac Byrne - Jan 98)
Lozengy Arg & Gu, a doe lodged & on a chf Sa 2 arrows inv in salt
Arg. (D: Alethea Charle - Mar 91)

[Beast - Deer - Sable] to [Beast - Demi]

Beast - Deer - Sable (continued)

Or, a bend wavy Az surmounted by a stag lodged contourny proper.

(D: Robert of Deerbourne - May 99)
Or, a chev Gu, overall a stag at gaze proper. (D: Wolfram van
Coudenhove - Mar 01)
Or, a stag ramp, a bord engrailed Sa. (D: Uilliam of Reisling Mar 92)
Or, a stag ramp contourny Sa, a chf per fess embat Arg & Gu. (D:
Mr Fiad Dub - Nov 93)
Or, a stag statant proper, on a chf Vt 3 acorns slipped & leaved Or.
(B: Gwenhwyfar Dinas Emrys - Feb 05)
Or, a stag trippant Sa & in chf 2 battle axes Gu. (D: Eric Martel Sep 02)
Or, a winged gazelle springing Sa within nine mullets in annulo Gu.
(D: Michael de Harvitton - Apr 84)
Or, in bend sin a mullet of five greater & five lesser points Vt & a
stag springing Sa, a bord Gu. (D: Connor the Hunter May 07)
Or, in pale 3 harts springing within a bord Sa. (D: Sigmundr Ulvr Feb 82)
Or, 2 stags salient respectant, a mountain of 3 peaks Sa. (D: Dugal
Cavendish McRobert - Jul 95)
Per bend Gu & Or, a reindeer statant to sin Sa, in chf a mullet Arg.
(D: Micheal of the Daugava - Jun 87)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a stag springing bendwise sin & a wolf
courant bendwise sin ctrch. (D: Rapheal the Rogue - Jan 84)
Per bend sin Gu & Or, an annulet rayonny without ctrch, overall a
stag springing, head & forelegs lowered, proper. (D: Warumer
oFarren - Nov 80)
Per bend sin Or & Gu, semy of swords bendwise ctrch, a roebuck
springing proper. (D: Thomas MacRoe - Jul 91)
Per chev Arg & Az, in pale a stag courant proper & a cross formy
within & conjoined to an annulet Or. (D: Brid nic Sharlais Dec 88)
Per chev Gu & Az, 2 reindeer respectant at gaze proper & a blasted
birch tree couped Arg. (D: Bjarg-njtr Olfass - Jul 80)
Per chev inv & invected Arg & Vt, semy of Bryony flowers Arg, in
chf a winged demi-hind ramp Sa. (D: Briony of Chatham Apr 89)
Per chev Or & Vt, 2 stags trippant respectant proper & a boar hound
salient Or. (D: Fiach Kilpatrick - Jan 90)
Per chev Purp & Or, five estoiles in annulo Arg & a moose statant
guardant proper. (D: Ins de Avila - Nov 91)
Per chev Sa, semy of lozenges Or, & Or, in base a stag ramp Sa. (D:
Dyfan ap Iago - Apr 90)
Per fess Arg & Gu a reindeer lodged Sa. (D: Kra Breksdttir Mar 97)
Per fess Arg & Vt, a stag trippant proper betw 3 trefoils ctrch. (D:
Diarmaid McConnell - Feb 03)
Per fess Az & Arg, a stag trippant to sin proper attired Or betw 3
crosses formy fitchy one & 2 ctrch Or & Az. (D: Peter
Makintare - Nov 06)
Per fess indented Or & Gu, in pale a stag trippant, its dexter foreleg
couped, proper, & 3 plates, 2 & one. (D: Caterine FitzWilliam
of Shelby - Sep 89)
Per fess wavy, barry wavy Arg & Az, & Or, in base a hart ramp Sa.
(D: Morgana le Coeur - Aug 92)
Per fess with a left step Sa & Or, a griffin salient to sin & a batwinged wyvern-tailed demi-stag erect, ctrch. (D: Iric Iulian of
Black Elk - May 07)
Per pale & per chev Arg & Purp, in bend 2 stags ramp contourny
Sa. (D: Erik Aethelwulf of Grimsby - May 94)
Per pale bendy Or & Vt & Or, 2 stags springing respectant Sa & on
a chf embat Sa 3 suns Or. (D: Gryffith FitzWilliam - Nov 04)
Per pale Or & Vt, a stag springing proper & on a chf Az 3 roses Or.
(D: Ciaran MacLeod of Frosted Hills - Aug 95)
Per pall inv Vt, Sa & Arg, in base a demi-stag erect couped wavy
holding in its mouth a thistle proper. (D: Eadwulf Ruthven Mar 92)
Per pall Sa goutty deau, Or, & Vt, a stag at gaze Sa & a drawn bow
nocked of an arrow Or. (D: Rand the Tracker of Oak Hollow Sep 95)
Quarterly Arg & Az, a winged moose passant guardant Sa. (D:
Iwan Dyerrics - Jan 08)
Sa, a gemsbok counterstatant guardant proper, pied Sa, in chf a
crescent Arg. (D: Ronald von Schlosserhausen - Oct 80)

Beast - Deer - Sable (continued)

Sa, a tower Arg charged with an ivy vine palewise Vt, overall a
white-tailed fawn statant proper. (B: Sarah Beth NicDuairc
ONeill - Feb 81)
Vt, a pale wavy Arg, overall a stag springing proper. (D: Narissa of
Harts Wood - Oct 81)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Deer - Vert

(Fieldless) A hart lodged Vt attired Or. (B: Honour Grenehart Jan 99)
(Tinctureless) 2 crossed trumpets, bells to chf, surmounted by a
scroll bendwise sin bearing the words "SALTANDI
SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bord
embat. (Seal: Heralds Seals: White Stag - Dec 89)
Arg, a winged deer salient Vt, attired Or. (D: Embrys of Rhyll Apr 81)
Arg, on a pall inv Gu seven Celtic crosses Or, in sin chf a winged
stag segreant Vt. (D: Lorcan McEoin - Nov 99)
Erminois, a winged stag salient to sin Vt. (B: Alan MacMillan Jun 88) (For House Green Stag)
Or, a stag salient Vt. (D: Edmund Taylor - Apr 03)
Per chev Vt & Or, 2 horses heads respectant couped vertically & a
stag passant ctrch. (D: Madoc ap Llewellyn - Jul 01)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Demi

(Fieldless) A demi lion ramp to sin Az issuant from a bar bretassy

couped Arg. (B: Joella of Blue Lions Keep - Dec 89)
(Fieldless) A demi-boar Arg issuant from a trimount couped Vt. (B:
Cun Gildwynsson - Jun 92)
(Fieldless) A demi-cat erect maintaining on its left forearm a targe
Arg. (B: edn mac Bheathain - Sep 02)
(Fieldless) A demi-greyhound ramp couped contourny Arg collared
Gu sustaining a torteau charged with an escarbuncle Arg. (B:
thelmearc - Apr 02)
(Fieldless) A demi-hedgehog ramp Gu issuant from a tower proper.
(B: Giovanni di Giacomettino - Dec 96)
(Fieldless) A demi-horse Arg sustaining a harp proper. (B: Brenna
nic Adam - Jan 96)
(Fieldless) A demi-horse ramp Or maintaining a sun in its splendor
Gu. (B: Daniel del Cavallo - Jun 01)
(Fieldless) A demi-horse salient Az. (B: Marion Ross - Jul 06)
(Fieldless) A demi-lion Arg issuant from a cloud Or. (B: Thomas
Bordeaux - Feb 90)
(Fieldless) A demi-lion couchant to sin Or maintaining an equalarmed Celtic cross Sa. (B: Mille ingen Bhrain Cadal Apr 01) (For Brenna dei Leoni la poetessa)
(Fieldless) A demi-moose ramp its dexter foreleg replaced by an
arm in armor Arg, armed unguled & garnished Or, brandishing
a sword proper. (B: Aarnimets - Mar 99)
(Fieldless) A demi-moose ramp Sa, armed & unguled Or, its dexter
foreleg replaced by an arm in armor Arg garnished Or,
brandishing a sword proper. (B: Aarnimets - Mar 99)
(Fieldless) A demi-stag issuant from a goblet Arg. (B: Ansitruda
Helgasdottir - Dec 91)
(Fieldless) A demi-wolf Sa issuant from a goblet Or. (B: Amber
Stormwolfe - May 92)
(Fieldless) A natural demi-tiger salient Arg striped Sa issuant from
a pearled coronet Gu. (B: Tatiana Nikonovna Besprozvannyja
- Sep 07)
(Fieldless) A sun in glory Or sustained by a demi-lion Gu. (B:
Christiana Rowena Yonge - Mar 97)
(Fieldless) In fess a drum sustained by a demi-wolf regardant Arg.
(B: Uilliam mac Fearchair mhic Gille Aindrias - Feb 08)
(For Clan MacAndrew)
(Fieldless) In pale a demi-hare erect Or issuant from a mortar &
maintaining a pestle Purp. (B: Jadwiga Zajaczkowa May 05)
Arg, a demi-cat passant guardant Sa & a base Gu. (D: Matheu
Matson - Apr 98)
Arg, a demi-cat Sa issuant from a base Az, in dexter chf a laurel
wreath Vt. (D: Catteden - Jul 05)
Arg, a demi-cobra erect affronty Sa issuant from a base rayonny Vt.
(D: Loveday the Ribald - Nov 98)
Arg, a demi-goat erased Gu. (D: Brian mac Tomis U Fhoghladha
- May 07)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 185

[Beast - Demi]

Beast - Demi (continued)

Arg, a demi-hare erect proper issuant from a cooking pot Sa betw 2

bars wavy Az. (D: Judith Fletcher of Wellow - Oct 02)
Arg, a demi-horse ramp Sa, on a chf wavy Purp, 3 triskelions
pommety Or. (D: Caitriona ni Dhubhghaill - Sep 95)
Arg, a demi-wolf erect Gu & a chf embat Sa. (D: Raedwulf de
Rouen - Jan 83)
Arg, a demi-wolf salient proper charged upon the shoulder with an
elf-bolt Arg, issuant from a valknut Gu. (D: Styrbjrg
Ulfethnar - Nov 77)
Arg, a winged demi-lion ramp Az, issuant from flames Gu. (D:
Acelmore of Zweifelmore - Aug 76?)
Arg, sem of roses Gu, barbed & seeded proper, a demi-lion ramp
queue-fourchee Or, fimbriated Sa. (D: Roland of Lancaster Nov 79)
Arg, 3 demi-horses ramp to sin Purp. (D: Katherine Brianna
Coldrake Kyven - Dec 86)
Az, a cross Arg goutty Gu betw 4 demi-bears couped Arg. (D:
Dagr snbjorn Bjarnarson - Feb 07)
Az, a demi-aurochs ramp, couped invected, environed of a laurel
wreath Arg. (B: Drachenwald - date?)
Az, a demi-elephant ramp & in chf 3 roundels Or. (D: Abu Daud
al-Raschid al-Bodrumi - Jan 96)
Az, a demi-hare erect Arg issuant from a bowl Or. (B: Moira
Glanny - Apr 99)
Az, a demi-lion erect Or maintaining a harp all within a bord Arg.
(D: Siobhn inghean u Liathin - Oct 02)
Az, a demi-ram Arg holding an oak leaf proper, in chf a mullet Arg
all within a bord Or. (D: Astrid Lund - Aug 79?)
Az, a demi-wolf contourny Arg, issuant from a trimount proper,
vorant a vol Or. (D: rdg Magyar Bla - Nov 93)
Az, a fess betw a demi-lion ramp issuant from the fess & a chess
rook Or. (D: Marcellus Capoziello da Napoli - Jun 98)
Az, in pale a demi-bear ramp to sin Or & a double-horned anvil
Arg. (D: Valerius Paencalvus - Oct 84)
Az, issuant from a chev betw 3 compass stars, a demi-lion
contourny maintaining an anchor Arg. (D: Ramn de
Castelln de la Plana - Nov 94)
Az, 2 chevronels, issuant from the uppermost a demi-lion
maintaining a sword Arg. (D: Ioan Ferkar - Nov 00)
Az, 2 demi-lions ramp addorsed & conjoined into a single fishs tail
curled to sin Arg. (D: James du Mer - May 85)
Barry Vt & Az, issuant from base 2 demi-bears erect respectant &
in chf a crescent Arg. (D: Ursuline de Grennan-Barrett Aug 79?)
Counter-ermine, a demi-lion maintaining a battle axe Or. (D:
Wulfred Hansard of Richmond - Jan 01)
Counter-ermine, a demi-wolf erect conjoined in fess to the sin half
of a lymphad Arg. (B: Robert of the Isles - Dec 84)
Countervairy Arg & Gu, a demi-lion with a bord Sa. (D: Davin
Wlflin of Unterwalden - Apr 89)
Ermine, a demi-rabbit erect guardant Sa grasping in its sin forepaw
a shepherds crook proper & in its dexter forepaw a laurel
wreath, issuant from a base engrailed Or. (D: Shittimwoode Feb 81)
Gu, a demi-lion & on a chf indented Or, 3 cinquefoils pierced Sa.
(D: Lorenzo della Rocca - Aug 99)
Gu, a demi-wolf erased at the hip ramp to sin Arg, a chf embat
checky Arg & Sa. (D: Lyulf Williamson - Apr 97)
Gu, issuant from a wall embat Arg portalled Sa, issuant from base, a
natural demi-tiger ramp Arg marked Sa maintaining a pole &
pennon Arg, a chf counter-compony Sa & Arg. (B: Darius of
Jaxartes - Dec 97)
Gu, 2 Sassanian horned winged demi-lions statant addorsed
conjoined Or. (D: Abraham ben Aaron - Jul 80)
Or, a demi-walrus Sa armed Arg, issuant from a base engrailed Az.
(D: Michael Walrus - Jan 73?)
Or, a wall issuant from base Gu, the gate closed proper, & issuant
from the battlements a demi-weasel ramp Sa. (D: Ziegfried
Gunter von Wieselburg - Nov 07)
Or, issuant from a chev inv Gu a demi-bull Az. (D: Thomas von
Hessen - Aug 03)
Or, 3 piles in point throughout Vt, overall a demi-cat couped at the
hindquarters ramp, tail spiraled, Or, ermined Vt. (D: Eleyne de
Clermont - Oct 82)
Paly bendy Arg & Sa, a demi-greyhound passant Az. (D: Antonio
Tolumello da Sicilia - Jul 97)
186 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Demi (continued)

Per bend Or & Gu, crusilly patoncy Or, in sin chf a demi-lion Sa,
collared Or. (D: Geoffrey of Coldingham - Nov 89)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a demi-wolf salient erased maintaining a spear
palewise Arg, hafted & within a bord rayonny Or. (D:
Hathawulf the Spearbreaker - Nov 89)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a demi-weasel & a demi-weasel inv
reversed both issuant from the line of division ctrch. (D:
Hrodolf Gullskeggr - Jan 07)
Per bend sin Or & Gu, a lymphad, sail furled, Sa & a demi-lion Or.
(D: Lachlan Ian of Deodar - Aug 91)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a winged demi-stag ramp to sin, wings inv
& addorsed, ctrch. (D: Morgan Garrett - Apr 90)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 demi-horses combattant Sa & a goblet Arg.
(D: Antonio di Marco - Mar 00)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 demiwolves ramp addorsed issuant from the
line of division Arg, & a dog statant reguardant Sa. (D: Bran
of Silver Keep - Jul 97)
Per chev inv & invected Arg & Vt, semy of Bryony flowers Arg, in
chf a winged demi-hind ramp Sa. (D: Briony of Chatham Apr 89)
Per chev Vt & Purp, 3 demi-horses contourny conjoined in pall inv
Or. (D: Rhianydd Arberth - Feb 02)
Per fess Arg & Or, a brown demi-bear erect issuant from the line of
division proper & on an open book Az a garden rose, slipped
& leaved, fesswise Or. (D: Loveday Lancaster - Jul 91)
Per fess Arg & Purp, a demi-badger ramp Sa marked Arg issuant
from the line of division & 3 marguerites Arg seeded Or. (D:
Mairghread Plonced - Sep 06)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a demi-horse ramp contourny issuant from the
line of division Sa. (D: Caitlin nan Cnoc Airgead - May 00)
Per fess embat Arg & Vt, in chf a demi-horse ramp Sa. (B: No
Mountain - May 88)
Per fess embat Gu & Az, a demi-horse issuant from the line of
division Arg. (D: Maximilian Petsch - May 05)
Per fess Sa & lozengy Vt & Arg, in chf 2 demi-horses combattant
Arg. (D: Morgaine Rhys ap Gruffydd - May 96)
Per fess Sa & Or, a demi-bear issuant from a cauldron ctrch. (D:
Harald Cristianson - May 00)
Per fess Vt & lozengy couped in fess Or & Vt, a demi-elk salient
contourny issuant from the line of division Or. (D: Leopold
von Elchenwald - Mar 92)
Per fess Vt & Or, a demi-donkey ramp contourny issuant from the
line of division Or. (D: Yaakov HaMizrachi - May 92)
Per fess wavy Arg & Az, a demi-lion issuant from the line of
division Sa & a demi-sun issuant from base Or. (D: Astalla of
Three Hills - May 92)
Per fess wavy Gu & Az, in pale a demi-otter, issuant from the line
of division & maintaining in both paws an escallop inv, & a
linden leaf Or. (D: Audelinde Isabella von Metten - Jul 89)
Per fess wavy Purp & barry wavy Az & Arg, a demi-horse salient,
issuant from the line of division, betw in chf a mask of comedy
bendwise & a mask of tragedy bendwise sin Arg. (D: Gillian
Constance Brothwell of Durham - Jan 84)
Per fess with a left step Sa & Or, a griffin salient to sin & a batwinged wyvern-tailed demi-stag erect, ctrch. (D: Iric Iulian of
Black Elk - May 07)
Per pale Gu & Az, in pale 3 demi-lions passant guardant Or
conjoined to 3 demi-hulks Arg. (D: Cinque Ports, Cities of the
- Jun 95) (Important non-SCA arms)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a demi-bat disp head to sin, on a chf Arg 3
mullets of six points Sa. (D: Talan Hackewrist - Mar 07)
Per pale Purp & Or, a demi-lion issuant from base & in chf 2
crosses pointed ctrch. (D: Patrick Domhnall ODea - Jan 91)
Per pale Sa & Gu, issuant from a torse Arg & Sa a demi-lion erect
Arg, grasping in its dexter paw a sprig of bramble Vt,
fimbriated Arg. (D: Roger de Bremble - Oct 81)
Per pale Vt & Arg, 2 demi-foxes statant respectant issuant from the
flanks ctrch. (D: Zedena of Tir Ysgithr - Feb 07)
Per salt Az & Arg, in fess a demi-lion couchant guardant to sin Or
betw 2 equal-armed Celtic crosses Sa. (D: Mille ingen
Bhrain Cadal - Sep 99)
Purp, a demi-lion queue forch & on a chf Or 2 mullets of 4 points
Sa. (D: Ulfa the Sweet - Nov 91)
Purp, 3 demi-antelopes conjoined in pall inv Arg. (D: Leofflaed of
Heofonfeld - Dec 93)

[Beast - Demi] to [Beast - Dog - 1 - Argent - Passant]

Beast - Demi (continued)

Quarterly Az & Arg, a demi-lion Or betw 3 Latin crosses flory

ctrch. (D: Christian Robert von Wildhausen - Nov 05)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a demi-wolf ramp erased Arg. (B: Johnathan
Crusadene Whitewolf - date?)
Sa, a demi-bear ramp erased Or. (B: Gunwaldt Gullbjrn May 80)
Tierced in point Arg, Sa & Vt, issuant from dexter a demi-horse
counter-courant Sa & in sin chf a dove rising, wings addorsed,
Arg. (D: Melissa merch Rhiannon - Feb 80)
Vt, a demi-bear ramp Or maintaining a tankard Arg, issuant of
flames proper. (B: Jason of Rosaria - Mar 88) (For the Bear
and Tankard Tavern)
Vt, a demi-hart Or issuant from a base barry wavy Or & Vt, within
a bord ermine. (D: Hartmann von Murrhardt - Dec 90)
Vt, a natural demi-tiger couped contourny Arg marked Sa
maintaining an arrow bendwise & in chf 3 crosses formy Or.
(D: Genevote Villeneuve de la Flche - Aug 02)
* * * End * * *
Beast - Doe: see Beast - Deer

Beast - Dog - 1 - Argent - Couchant

(Fieldless) A fox couchant to sin Arg. (B: Kean de Lacy - Jan 03)
Arg, a grey wolf dormant proper & on a chf Sa 3 fountains. (D: Ian
of Gloucester - Jul 81)
Az, a talbot dormant & in chf 3 crescents Arg. (D: Sunnifa
Heinreksdttir - Dec 06)
Az, a tower Arg surmounted in base by a timber wolf couchant to
sin & in chf atop the tower a round natural rose bush proper.
(B: Esmeralda of Kimaden - Aug 82) (For House Kimaden)
Az, a wolf couchant contourny & on a chf triangular Arg a rose
proper. (D: Rs Fhionn inghean Domhnaill - Oct 05)
Az estoilly, a wolf couchant to sin Arg. (D: Megan ODonnelly Dec 90)
Az goutty dOr, a wolf couchant Arg, on a bord Or 3 triquetras
bases to center Vt. (D: Morwenna Ceinewydd - Jul 01) (?
typo for goutty Or)
Az, in pale a plate charged with a phoenix per pale Vt & Or & a
wolf couchant to sin Arg. (B: Megan ODonnelly - Dec 00)
(JB: Herveus dOrmonde)
Counter-ermine, a fox couchant guardant within a bord Arg. (D:
Gabriel de Lanzarote - Jun 02)
Gu, a wolf dormant Arg, a chf ermine. (D: Gunnarr Einarsson Apr 00)
Per chev Arg semy-de-lys Az & Az, in base a dog couchant Arg.
(D: Catherine Dupr - Oct 93)
Per chev Gu & Az, a wolf couchant contourny & 2 triquetras bases
to center one & 2 Arg. (D: Conall mac Fearghasa Charraigh
- Jun 05)
Per chev Vt & Az, a wolf dormant & a thistle Arg. (D: Alasdair
mac Raghnaill - Nov 03)
Per fess Sa & Purp, a hound couchant reguardant & a fret
throughout issuant from the line of division Arg. (D: Aurelia
of Whitebrook - Nov 99)
Per fess Vt & Sa, in chf a greyhound couchant Arg collared Gu & in
base 2 cartwheels Or. (D: Caoilainn de Bhulbh - Oct 91)
Per fess wavy Az & barry wavy Arg & Az, in chf a wolf couchant
Arg, maintaining in its dexter paw a sheaf of arrows, all within
a bord Or, semy of hammers Vt. (D: Sigurd Stormrider of
Wolves Haven - Apr 87)
Per pale Az & Vt, a greyhound couchant & in chf a roundel Arg.
(D: Catrin ferch Briog - Jan 93)
Per salt Gu & Purp, a fox dormant within a orle Arg. (D: Sviatoslav
Borisov - Jan 92)
Purp, a gore & in sin chf a fox couchant regardant Arg. (D: Marsali
Fox - Sep 84)
Sa, a wolf couchant regardant Arg betw in pale 2 decrescents Or, a
bord vair. (D: Serina Vigdis Ulfsdottir - Aug 86)
Sa, a wolf dormant in chf 3 chevronels inv braced Arg. (D:
Vladimir Andreivich Aleksandrov - Jul 96)
Sa, in pale an arch & a wolf dormant Arg. (D: Sybella Paganini Apr 92)
Vt, a chev throughout Sa fimbriated in base a wolf couchant Arg.
(D: Cesaire OCahill - Jun 95)
Vt, a wolf dormant Arg, on a chf Or 3 mullets Gu. (D: Johann
Grauenwolf - Mar 04)

Beast - Dog - 1 - Argent - Couchant (continued)

Vt, chausse chequy Arg & Sa, a fox dormant Arg. (D: Finn
Silverfox - Feb 87)
Vt, on a spaniel couchant Arg a Celtic cross Gu. (D: Milisandia
Owen - Nov 07)
Vt, 3 chevronels braced & in chf a hound couchant Arg charged
with a feather fesswise reversed Sa. (D: Eoin Saghdha Sep 95)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Dog - 1 - Argent - Passant

(Fieldless) A fox statant reguardant Arg. (B: Johann von Graustein

- Feb 83)
(Fieldless) A greyhound courant Arg, collared Vt. (B: Isabel the
Mad - Nov 98)
(Fieldless) A wolf passant Arg goutty de sang. (B: Atenveldt,
Kingdom of - Dec 02)
Az, a bend wavy betw a fox passant Arg & a weeping willow tree
Or. (D: Siobhn inghean Eoghain - Jun 05)
Az, a dog passant, in canton a swallowtailed cross Arg. (B:
Lucrezia di Francesca - Feb 99)
Az, a fox courant reguardant Arg, in chf 3 mullets Or. (D: Renata
von Hentzau - Feb 99)
Az, a fox passant & on a chf Arg 3 increscents Az. (D: Aileen
Fitzwilliam - Apr 92)
Az, a fox passant Arg maintaining in its dexter forepaw a spiral
hunting horn palewise reversed, slung over its shoulder, & a
chf embat Or. (B: Gabriel Rene Antoine du Renard - Feb 07)
Az, a fox passant Arg maintaining in its sin forepaw a spiral hunting
horn palewise reversed, slung over its shoulder, & a chf embat
Or. (D: Gabriel Rene Antoine du Renard - Feb 07)
Az, a greyhound courant to sin betw 3 triskeles one & 2 Arg. (B:
Trimaris - Oct 05)
Az, a salt of chain couped Or, overall a wolf statant contourny Arg.
(D: Gunther Labenwolf - Dec 04)
Az, a talbot statant & on a chf Arg a mullet of six points betw 2
triskeles Vt. (D: David Warren Rouffier of Monmouth Sep 03)
Az, a terrier statant Arg holding in its mouth 2 arrows & on a chf
enarched Or 2 roses Gu. (D: Meliora Leuedai de Ardescote Sep 95)
Az, a winged wolf courant, wings addorsed Arg. (D: Moonwulf
Starkaaderson of Rivenstar - Jan 93)
Az, a winged wolf passant reguardant Arg, on a mount Or a thistle
proper. (D: Finnabair nic Olcin - Dec 92)
Az, a wolf passant contourny & a point pointed Arg. (D: Wolfram
of Bear Mountain - Nov 93)
Az, a wolf passant to sin maintaining a sheaf of arrows inv, in
canton a mullet of seven points Arg, a ford proper. (D:
Tyrfingr von Wolfsberg - Jun 04)
Az, a wolf passant ululant betw 2 bars & in chf 3 roundels Arg. (D:
Cynwrig the Wanderer - Feb 92)
Az, a wolf statant & on a chf embat Arg five card piques Vt & on a
mount Arg a card pique Vt. (D: Randolf Garard - Feb 02)
Az, a wolf statant & on a chf wavy Arg a branch of holly fructed
proper. (D: Cailean MacKendrick - Jul 92)
Az, a wolf statant to sin, head raised, in chf a mullet of 4 points Arg
& a plate. (D: Miranda MacTyre - Aug 83)
Az, a wolf statant ululant to sin Arg within an oak chaplet Or. (B:
Alanna of Volchevo Lesa - Sep 92)
Az, an armored wolf statant coward ululant contourny Arg & in
dexter chf a bezant charged with a laurel wreath Az, a chf
embat Or. (D: Vilku Urvas - Dec 02)
Az, ermined, a fox courant & on a chf indented Arg, 3 celtic crosses
Az. (D: Artus Quintus - Sep 90)
Az, in chf 4 hearts in cross points outward & in base a wolf statant
contourny ululant Arg. (D: Cara Silverwolf - Jul 91)
Az, on a chev inv Arg 3 dragonflies palewise Gu, in chf a wolf
passant Arg. (D: Elizabeth Iames - May 08)
Az, 2 pallets Or, overall a fox, on a chf Arg 3 annulets Sa. (D:
Stephan of Darkwater - Sep 89)
Az, within a pale voided, a plate & a wolf passant, all betw in chf 2
estoiles of 4 straight & 4 wavy points, all Arg. (D: Gwenfrewi
yr Arabus - Aug 79?)
Gu, a fox courant contourny & on a chf embat Arg 3 ravens disp Sa.
(D: Wilhelm of Ben Dunfirth - Apr 94)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 187

[Beast - Dog - 1 - Argent - Passant]

Beast - Dog - 1 - Argent - Passant (continued)

Gu, a Norwegian elkhound statant & on a chf Arg 2 estoiles

fesswise Gu. (D: Miriam of Bristol - Jan 98)
Gu, a Scottish deerhound statant Arg, on a chf Or 2 stags courant
Sa. (D: Tassine de Bretagne - Dec 93)
Gu, a talbot passant Arg goutte de poix within a bord countercompony Arg & Sa. (D: Gita Ameena al-Rashida - Sep 94)
Gu, a winged beagle Arg, spotted Sa, passant to sin, wings elevated
& addorsed, a chf counter-compony Arg & Sa. (D: Keith of
Bryn Gwlad - Feb 87)
Gu, a wolf passant reguardant Arg armed Sa, perched on its back a
raven croaking proper. (D: Lizbeth Ravensholm - date?)
Pean, an Irish wolfhound courant Arg, in chf a barrulet couped Or.
(B: Domnhnall of Glenfiddich - Aug 90)
Pean, an Irish wolfhound courant Arg, in chf a barrulet couped Or,
within an bord Arg, masoned Sa. (D: Domnhnall of
Glenfiddich - May 88)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a wolf statant & an ermine tail ctrch. (B: Eirik
Ulfhednar - May 89)
Per bend Sa & barry bendy Arg & Az, a bendlet Gu fimbriated betw
a wolf passant Arg & an Irish harp Sa. (D: Caedmon Gordon Jun 82)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a dove volant wings elevated & addorsed &
a Great Dane statant to sin ctrch. (D: Mire Catherine
FitzGerald - Nov 90)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a stag springing bendwise sin & a wolf
courant bendwise sin ctrch. (D: Rapheal the Rogue - Jan 84)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a wolf statant ululant contourny Arg & a
bird disp Sa. (D: Kara Ljotsdottir - Sep 00)
Per bend sin embat Sa & Vt, a fox passant Arg. (D: Isabella of
Greycliffs - Jun 83)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a sword bendwise sin inv proper betw a lion
passant guardant to sin Or & a wolf passant reguardant Arg, all
within a bord ermine. (D: Harald Brandarm Olafssen Feb 88)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt, a bend sin betw a talbot passant & 3 hearts
Arg. (D: Faoileann inghean Bhaildrin - Aug 05)
Per bend sin Sa semy of compass stars Arg, & Vt, a wolf courant
bendwise to base Arg. (B: Dragan Volkov - Jul 93) (For
House Ice Wolf)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, a bend sin embat Gu betw a fox statant
reguardant Arg & a tower Sa. (D: Johann von Graustein Mar 83)
Per chev Arg & Az, 3 mullets in chev & a fox courant ctrch. (D:
Gawin der Fuchs - Oct 07)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 chess rooks & a winged wolf statant ctrch.
(D: Uilliam mac Fearchair mhic Gille Aindrias - May 04)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 2 pine trees couped Vt & a wolf statant
contourny Arg within a bord ctrch. (D: Randwulf Widefarer Jan 93)
Per chev Az & Vt, on a chev Arg 2 weasels passant Vt, in chf a dog
passant pulling a cart Arg. (D: Muirenn ingen Uaithne Feb 08)
Per chev Az semy of wolfs pawprints Arg & Vt, a chev, in base a
wolf courant Arg. (D: Allen of Wolfhou - Jul 01)
Per chev enhanced Arg & Sa, 2 Irish harps Az & Sa & a white Irish
wolfhound statant to sin coward proper. (D: Signagroulph of
Kenmore - Feb 75)
Per chev Gu & Arg, a mastiff statant defamed Arg & 3 thistles one
& 2 Vt, headed Purp. (D: Caitriona inghean Sheamuis Jun 08)
Per chev Gu & Arg, a mastiff statant defamed Arg & 3 thistles one
& 2 Vt, headed Purp. (D: Eoin Dubh - Jun 08)
Per chev Gu ermined Arg & Sa, on a chev Arg 2 arrows inv Sa & in
base a wolf passant Arg. (D: Tristan of Carreg Wen Nov 95)
Per chev invected Arg & Vt, 2 thistles proper & a fox passant
regardant Arg. (D: Sibn Brighid ODuigan - Sep 90)
Per chev inv Az & Vt, a chev inv betw a tree blasted & eradicated
& a wolf statant Arg. (D: Btlfr fr Skgtjrn - Mar 93)
Per chev raguly Sa & Gu, 2 laurel wreaths & a dog passant Arg. (D:
Lost Forest - May 06)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a wolf statant Arg in chf a crescent Or. (D:
Juliana Macpherson - Apr 96)
Per chev Sa & Gu, papelonn Arg, in chf a wolf courant to sin Arg.
(D: Runolfr Audsson - Jun 85)

188 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Dog - 1 - Argent - Passant (continued)

Per chev throughout Arg & Sa, 2 menorahs & a wolf statant ululant,
all ctrch. (D: Batsheva Slonimska - Aug 85)
Per chev Vt & Az, a fox courant & in base a caltrap Arg. (D:
Wolfgang von Voss - Oct 95)
Per fess Arg & Vt, a Celtic cross & a wolf passant ctrch. (D:
Geoffrey Lucas - Jun 08)
Per fess Arg & Vt, a sword fesswise & a wolf passant ctrch. (D:
lfr silfrtonn - Feb 07)
Per fess Az & Vt, a wolf passant Arg & in chf 3 bezants. (D:
Charles Floinn - Oct 06)
Per fess embat Purp & Vt, 3 goblets & a wolf statant Arg. (D: Odo
de Payens - Feb 98)
Per fess embat Sa & Vt, a wolf passant & an acorn inv slipped &
leaved Arg. (D: Iuliana de la Sara - Dec 07)
Per fess Gu & Or, a wolf passant ululant Arg & a tankard inv
bendwise sin distilling a goutte Gu. (D: Eirik Asvaldsson Feb 95)
Per fess Gu & Sa, a fess embat Arg betw a hound courant Arg,
spotted Sa, & a compass star Or. (D: Kathryn Donnerstag Aug 89)
Per fess Purp & Vt, a fess embat betw a moon in her plenitude & a
she-wolf passant contourny Arg. (D: Brianna Wulfbeald May 03)
Per fess Purp & Vt, on a fess betw a greyhound courant & a cat
sejant Arg a popinjay proper. (D: Elspeth of Foxden - Jan 02)
Per fess Sa & Gu, a dog statant reguardant Arg & a bowen cross Or.
(D: Fiona Cattanach - Feb 98)
Per fess Sa & Vt, a wolf passant betw 3 triquetras Arg. (D: C Ro
hua Duibidir - Aug 06)
Per fess Vt & Arg, a fox courant to sin & a serpent erect to sin tail
nowed ctrch. (D: Ilse Schreckenfchsin - Mar 07)
Per pale Az & Gu, a greyhound statant Arg & a chf ermine. (D:
Amelot de Akeney - Dec 02)
Per pale Az & Sa, a wolf statant & on a chf Arg 3 Celtic crosses Sa.
(D: Dafydd Caerfyrddin - Oct 05)
Per pale Az & Vt, a 3-tailed fox passant Arg & in base 3 millrinds 2
& one Or. (D: ine Sindradttir - Oct 02)
Per pale Gu & Az, a winged wolf passant Arg betw 3 Latin crosses
Or. (D: Ragnall mac Amlab meic Thuathail - Sep 02)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a talbot passant Arg spotted ctrch, collared &
leashed Or, orbed Gu. (D: Kathryn du Griffin - May 85)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 axes reversed & a fox passant to sin Arg. (D:
Ludwig von Eisenburg - Sep 02)
Per pale Purp & Sa, a greyhound courant within an orle of fleursde-lys Arg. (D: Melisande of Woodcrest - Jan 95)
Per pale Sa & Az, 2 roses slipped & leaved in chev inv & a wolf
passant Arg. (D: sa lfa - Mar 04)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a talbot courant reguardant to sin & on a chf
triangular Arg, a rose Az. (D: Christofer Hoyland the
Embarassable - Apr 90)
Per pale Sa & Vt, an armored wolf statant contourny ululant within
a bord embat Arg. (D: William Hethefelde - Apr 04)
Per pale Vt & Gu, a wolf passant & in chf 3 crescents Arg. (D:
Feln mac Cathail - Feb 02)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a talbot passant within a bord invected Arg. (B:
Khevron Oktavii Tikhikovich Vorotnikov - Dec 03)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a wolf statant Arg & a chf Or. (D: Thyr lfr Jan 08)
Per pale Vt & Sa all semy of caltrops a talbot passant Arg. (D:
Khevron Oktavii Tikhikovich Vorotnikov - Dec 03)
Purp, a bend Or overall a wolf statant, on a chf Arg 3 increscents
Purp. (D: Lucretia DeSantis - May 99)
Purp, a greyhound passant regardant coward & on a chf Arg a
grapevine fructed proper. (D: Ariel of Caer Myrddin Mar 85)
Purp, a hyena statant contourny Arg semy of roundels Purp, a chf
Arg. (D: Oriel Gibberish - May 06)
Purp, an Irish Wolfhound courant contourney reguardant gorged of
a lace ruff within a bord Arg. (D: Arthur Lacey - May 92)
Purp, on a bend betw a cat passant reguardant contourney & a dog
passant reguardant Arg, 3 harps Purp, a bord Or. (D: Brianne
Pendeulwyn - Sep 92)
Quarterly Az ermined Arg & Sa, a Russian wolfhound courant
bendwise betw in bend sin 2 gamecocks Arg. (D: Akilina
Ioanna Rostislavova - Oct 95)

[Beast - Dog - 1 - Argent - Passant] to [Beast - Dog - 1 - Argent - Rampant]

Beast - Dog - 1 - Argent - Passant (continued)

Quarterly Sa & Gu, a wolf courant & in chf 3 roses Arg. (D: Bjarki
ap Owen - Jul 91)
Quarterly Vt & Gu, a wolf passant contourny ululant Arg. (D: Lynn
of Dragonsmark - Feb 94)
Sa, a salt potent rebated clockwise in annulo Gu, fimbriated Or,
overall a Norse wolf passant Arg. (D: Beorn-Wulf von
Stauffenberg - May 80)
Sa, a Samoyed dog counter-statant proper & a chf Arg. (D:
Guillaume, le Chien Blanc - Aug 80) (re-registered 8211M)
Sa, a wolf passant & in base a rose, all within a bord embat Arg. (D:
Guinevere of Wulfhold - Dec 89)
Sa, a wolf passant & in chf 3 pitchers Arg. (D: Hyrim de Guillon Jun 02)
Sa, a wolf passant Arg betw 3 crescents Or. (D: Dagonet de
Marlowe - Jul 03)
Sa, a wolf passant to sin Arg, in base a scimitar fesswise reversed
Or. (B: Haroun ibn al Dhib al Abyadh - Jan 90)
Sa, a wolf statant Arg & a bord embat Or. (B: Randolf Garard Sep 04)
Sa, in pale a wolf passant reguardant & a tree stump eradicated Arg.
(B: Robert Milne Stebbings - Aug 86)
Sa semy of roses Or, a fox passant reguardant contourny Arg. (D:
Helena Osterholm - Oct 06)
Sa, 3 fir trees & a greyhound courant Arg. (D: Franco Kind zu dem
Walde - Jul 03)
Vt, a bearded collie passant to sin & on a chf Arg, 3 tri-bladed
windmills Az. (D: Konrad Tregetor der Taschenspieler Oct 88)
Vt, a fox passant Arg & on a chf triangular Or a mullet of 4 points
Sa. (D: Llewelyn ap Hywel - Sep 02)
Vt, a fox passant contourny & in chf a compass star elongated to
base Arg. (D: Nina Mirovna Korsakova - Dec 95)
Vt, a hound courant Arg betw 3 trefoils Or. (D: Edward OBannon
- Nov 00)
Vt, a tau cross throughout & in chf a fox courant & a Maltese cross
Arg. (D: Hans Krger - May 07)
Vt, a winged wolf passant, wings inv & addorsed, within a bord
embat Arg. (D: Ulfr Byrnsmidr - Jul 85)
Vt, a wolf passant & on a chf Arg 2 birds disp Sa. (D: Wulf Gray
Wind - Sep 02)
Vt, a wolf passant Arg within an orle Or. (D: Elric Strangulf Aug 98)
Vt, a wolf passant betw in pale 2 fracted spears fesswise reversed
Arg. (B: Richard Randolf - Apr 85) (For Randwulf
Vt, a wolf statant contourny & on a chf indented Arg 3 caltraps Vt.
(D: Connor MacLean - Dec 93)
Vt, a wolf statant to sin Arg & in chf a sun Or, an orle Arg. (D:
Cerdic Wlfraven - Oct 05)
Vt, a wolf statant ululant & on a chf embat Arg 3 dolphins Az. (D:
lfr orvararson - Mar 04)
Vt, in pale a crescent Or & a wolf passant reguardant to sin Arg. (B:
Alain du Val - Oct 93)
Vt, in pale a fox passant Arg betw 2 crescents, a bord dovetailed Or.
(D: Saikhan Saran - Feb 08)
Vt, in pale a wolf passant, & seven thistles in chev Arg. (D:
Connor MacGregor - Nov 96)
Vt, 2 lions ramp addorsed & a wolf passant Arg. (D: Tristam
McFarland - Sep 99)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Dog - 1 - Argent - Rampant

(Name: Robert Strongbow - Jun 73)

(Fieldless) A demi-greyhound ramp couped contourny Arg collared
Gu sustaining a torteau charged with an escarbuncle Arg. (B:
thelmearc - Apr 02)
(Fieldless) In fess a drum sustained by a demi-wolf regardant Arg.
(B: Uilliam mac Fearchair mhic Gille Aindrias - Feb 08)
(For Clan MacAndrew)
(Fieldless) In fess an ostrich feather sustained by a wolf ramp Arg.
(B: Ealdormere - Jan 04)
Az, a chev Gu fimbriated Or, overall a wolf ramp Arg. (D: Faoln
Siridein - Jun 08)
Az, a demi-wolf contourny Arg, issuant from a trimount proper,
vorant a vol Or. (D: rdg Magyar Bla - Nov 93)

Beast - Dog - 1 - Argent - Rampant (continued)

Az, a fox ramp reguardant within an orle of snowflakes, on a chf

Arg, a flamberge fesswise Az. (D: Einhard of the White Winds
- Jun 90)
Az, a fox salient Arg & on a chf embat Or a sword Az. (D: Seth
Foxley - Jul 98)
Az, a fox sejant erect within a bord Arg, charged with a morning
glory vine Vt, flowered Purp. (D: Melissa Greentree Nov 89)
Az, a greyhound ramp Arg, gorged of an embat coronet Or, atop a
trimount paly Or & Vt, all within a bord Arg. (D: Ilaria Veltri
degli Ansari - Sep 86)
Az, a greyhound ramp regardant collared within a bord embat Arg.
(B: Caid - Jul 07)
Az, a salt Or, overall a talbot ramp Arg within a bord embat Or. (D:
Talbot MacTaggart - Aug 85)
Az, a Saluki bitch salient Arg & on a chf Or 3 escallops Az. (D:
Rebekah Billaur of the Rain Winds - Nov 86)
Az, a theow ramp Arg betw 4 triquetras in cross Or. (D: Mgwynn
t Gyrbeorg - Aug 98)
Az, a winged fox sejant erect affronty wings disp & in chf five
mullets Arg. (D: Guinevere of Seal Cove - Sep 91)
Az, a winged wolf ramp, on a chf rayonny Arg a battle-axe Sa. (D:
lfr Grmlfsson - Feb 00)
Az, a winged wolf ramp to sin, wings addorsed, Arg, the head
environed of a nimbus Or, within a bord Arg. (D: Thomas
Wakefield - Aug 84)
Az, a wolf & a unicorn combattant Arg. (D: Alair of the Bloody
Fountain - Mar 78)
Az, a wolf ramp & on a chf nebuly Arg 3 orange trees couped &
fructed proper. (D: Eric Drake Oranwood - Oct 04)
Az, a wolf ramp Arg maintaining a spear Or flying to sin a
pennoncelle Gu, fimbriated, all within a bord Or. (D: Robina
Wyclif - May 83)
Az, a wolf ramp Arg, overall a dance Or. (D: Borek Vitalievich
Volkov - Jan 98)
Az, a wolf ramp contourny Arg maintaining in his sin paw an axe
bendwise Arg hafted Or, a base Arg & in chf a ducal coronet
Or. (D: Chrystofer Kensor - Mar 08)
Az, a wolf ramp contourny Arg maintaining in his sin paw an axe
bendwise Arg hafted Or, a base Arg & in chf a ducal coronet
Or, for augmentation, on a canton Purp a cross of Calatrava &
a bord Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Chrystofer Kensor Mar 08)
Az, a wolf ramp maintaining a mullet, on a chf Arg, 3 mullets Az.
(D: John Wolf - Aug 98)
Az, a wolf ramp to sin Arg sustaining a halberd Arg hafted Or, a
base Arg. (B: Chrystofer Kensor - Aug 04)
Az, a wolf sejant erect affronty, forepaws spread in fess, Arg,
maintaining a basket-hilted broadsword & a targe Or. (D:
Wolfangus MhicMarighdhin - Mar 81)
Az, a wolfhound ramp Arg & a chf embat ermine. (D: Jean de
Leedes - Jul 03)
Az billety Or, a winged wolf segreant Arg. (D: Ciaran Faolchara Jan 93)
Az crusily bottony Arg, chap Or, a wolf ramp guardant Arg. (D:
Roland Wlfraven - Apr 93)
Az, in pale a spear fesswise reversed sustained by a mastiff statant
erect reguardant Arg. (D: Asgar Rolfes sune - May 07)
Az, 2 harps & a wolf sejant erect guardant Arg. (D: Ulf
Gunnarsson - Oct 95)
Bendy sin Vt & Or, a wolf ramp within an orle Arg. (D: Ioan
Kendrick - Jan 02)
Checky Or & Gu, a wolf ramp Arg within a bord Sa. (B: Ein
hEochaidh - Jul 04)
Gu, a demi-wolf erased at the hip ramp to sin Arg, a chf embat
checky Arg & Sa. (D: Lyulf Williamson - Apr 97)
Gu, a theow ramp & on a chf embat Arg 4 trilliums Gu, barbed Vt,
seeded Or. (D: thelwulf Stealcere - Dec 06)
Gu, a wolf ramp & on a chf Arg 3 crosses barby fitchy Sa. (D:
James inn Danski - Feb 02)
Gu, a wolf ramp Arg, collared & chained Or, within a bord chequy
Arg & Az. (D: Fuiltigherne ni Ruadh OFinn - Apr 88)
Gu, a wolf ramp contourny triply-queued & a bord Arg. (D: Redulf
Kl - Apr 05)
Gu, a wolf salient guardant within a bord rayonny Arg. (D: Focarta
Faolmear - Nov 87)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 189

[Beast - Dog - 1 - Argent - Rampant]

Beast - Dog - 1 - Argent - Rampant (continued)

Gu, a wolf salient to sin Arg, on a chf Or 3 thistles proper. (D:

Richard of Bewcastle - Apr 94)
Gu, ermined Arg, a wolf ramp Arg. (D: Johnathan Crusadene
Whitewolf - date?)
Gu, in pale a brachet ramp reguardant & an anvil betw 2 pallets
Arg. (D: Rioghan of Segontium - Sep 87)
Gu semy of grenades Or flamed proper, a wolf ramp contourny Arg.
(D: Aella Constanze Wulfwrter - Aug 93)
Pean, a theow ramp & issuant from base a demi-sun Arg. (D: Eric
of Nord Broc - Jan 95)
Pean, a wolf ramp Arg maintaining in its dexter forepaw an open
book Arg, bound Gu, in its sin forepaw a dagger inv proper, a
bord Or. (D: Dirk of Storm - Dec 91)
Pean, a wolf ramp Arg, on a chf enarched Or 3 crescents Sa. (D:
Dmitrii Volkovich - Jan 96)
Pean, a wolf sejant erect guardant within a bord engrailed Arg. (D:
Alistrina de Mann - Feb 96)
Per bend Az & Sa, a dragon segreant Or & a wolf ramp contourny
Arg. (D: Gerold von Drachenhhle - May 99)
Per bend Az & Vt, a wolf ramp reguardant & a bord indented Arg.
(D: Ulf de Fribois - Oct 02)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a demi-wolf salient erased maintaining a spear
palewise Arg, hafted & within a bord rayonny Or. (D:
Hathawulf the Spearbreaker - Nov 89)
Per bend Sa & Or, a wolf ramp Arg & a sheaf of arrows Sa. (D:
Magns Daggson gylir - Apr 02)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a Thors hammer & a wolf ramp ctrch. (D:
lfr sleggja Bjarnarson - Oct 02)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a wolf ramp Arg maintaining betw his paws
a sun Arg eclipsed Sa, in chf 3 lozenges Arg. (D: Agravaine
Rhiwallon - Jul 97)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a double headed eagle disp Or & a wolf ramp
Arg. (D: William Wulfrun - Jan 96)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a fox ramp to sin Arg. (D: Judith Jehana di
Ettore - Jun 90)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, overall a monster ramp bendwise with the
head, addorsed wings, & talons of an eagle & the hind parts of
a wolf Arg, beaked & armed Or, maintaining in each talon a
sword Arg, in canton a label Or. (D: Arnwlf Frimndt Feb 81)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a wolf ramp contourny & a rose leaved
bendwise sin ctrch. (D: Gregor Walensis of Selkirk - Nov 99)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, a bend sin embat-counter-embat Or betw a
wolf salient & an ivy leaf Arg. (D: Seamus Mac Enrig Jul 07)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, a wolf ramp & in chf 3 increscents Arg. (D:
Owen MacPherson - May 08)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, a wolf ramp reguardant contourny & a wolf
ramp reguardant Arg, an orle ermine. (D: lfgeirr hjartar
bani - Apr 01)
Per chev inv Sa & Az, a chev inv & in chf a wolf ramp maintaining
in the raised dexter paw a quill pen fesswise & in the lowered
sin paw a sword Arg. (D: Ulfr bonde - Aug 05)
Per chev Purp & Sa, a wolf ramp contourny betw 3 triskeles Arg.
(D: Artusio Joscelinus - Mar 98)
Per chev Sa & Vt, 2 crescents & a wolf ramp Arg. (D: Eoghann
MacAindreis - Sep 03)
Per chev Vt & Sa, 3 oaks leaves Or & a wolf ramp to sin Arg. (D:
Jared of Midewinde - Oct 07)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a crescent & a wolf ramp ctrch. (D: Morgan
Kildarby - Sep 91)
Per fess Gu, mulletty of six points Arg, & Sa, a wolf ramp to sin
Arg. (D: Conn MacFaelad - Mar 90)
Per fess rayonny Sa & Gu, in pale a wolf ramp Arg & a sword inv
proper. (D: Horic Grarvargr Caithnes - Oct 83)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a dragon & a wolf combattant, in chf a crescent,
all ctrch Gu & Arg. (D: Lucian le Wolfe - Jul 05)
Per pale embat Sa & Arg, a wolf ramp Arg & issuant from sin 3
wolfs-teeth Az. (D: Karl Blauzahn von Simmern - Jun 83)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a wolf ramp betw 3 roses within a bord Arg. (D:
Tegan Silverwolf - Jan 91)
Per pale indented Az & Arg, a wolf Arg & a unicorn Gu combatant,
both gorged & chained Or. (B: Vallaulfr Rurikson - May 07)
(JB: Ccile de Brtigny)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a wolf & a hare salient addorsed & on a chf 3
mullets of six points ctrch. (D: Enoch MacBain - Oct 02)
190 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Dog - 1 - Argent - Rampant (continued)

Per pale Sa & Gu, a wolf ramp & on a chf embat Arg a crescent Gu.
(D: Stefan Weisswolf - Dec 03)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a wolf ramp & on a chf embat Arg 3 crosses
potent Sa. (D: Karl Klauezahn - Jan 97)
Per pale wavy Arg & Az, a bear & a dog collared combatant ctrch.
(D: Andrew Cameron - Sep 06)
Per pall inv Arg, Sa & Vt, in chf a lion & a talbot combattant ctrch.
(D: Leonia Talbot - Jun 05)
Per salt Az & Sa, a wolf ramp brandishing a sword betw 3 mullets
Arg. (D: Torgils Gudmundsson Silferulf - Jun 94)
Per salt Sa & Gu, a wolf ramp Arg charged on the shoulder with a
Celtic cross Sa. (D: Aidan of Stelton Wald - Jan 03)
Per salt Sa & Gu, in fess a wolf Arg & a lion Or sejant respectant.
(D: Wulf Darkstalker - Nov 04)
Per salt Vt & Sa, a bear & a wolf combattant Arg. (D: smundr
vpni - Mar 05)
Potenty Or & Gu, a winged wolf ramp Arg. (D: Shlomo ben
Shlomo - Jan 73?)
Purp, a wolf collared & chained Arg & a lion maintaining the chain
combattant, in chf a cup Or. (D: Marghet Asketilsdottir Mar 98)
Purp, a wolf ramp & on a chf nebuly Arg 3 hawk bells Purp. (D:
Tereysa Serrano - Dec 06)
Purp, a wolf ramp contourny & a chf Arg. (D: Brictrec de
Montaigne - Mar 00)
Quarterly Az & Gu, a bat-winged wolf ramp & a base embat Arg.
(D: Katherne Rischer - Apr 04)
Quarterly Az & Sa, a wolf ramp reguardant betw 3 Maltese crosses
Arg. (D: Kai Qwythwolf - Nov 98)
Quarterly Az & Sa, a wolf ramp reguardant, on a chf wavy Arg 3
corbies close Sa. (D: Korbinian Qwythwolf - Aug 99)
Quarterly Az semy-de-lys Arg, & Sa, a wolf ramp contourny Arg.
(D: Lilie Rose Sinclair - Jul 07)
Quarterly Gu & pean, a wolf sejant erect reguardant Arg,
maintaining in the dexter paw a torch & in the sin a sword Or.
(D: Lothar der Grauwolf - Aug 88)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a wolf ramp reguardant within a bord Arg. (D:
Stephen de la Lande Sauvage - Jan 93)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a wolf ramp to sin betw 3 decrescents Arg. (D:
Jared Galien - Dec 03)
Quarterly Gu & Sa all ermined, a fox ramp contourny within an orle
Arg. (D: John Guthrie - Apr 04)
Sa, a bend sin betw a wolf ramp to sin Arg & an axe bendwise sin
embrued proper. (D: Sigurd Greywulfe - Feb 82)
Sa, a bend sin betw 3 compass-stars & a wolf ramp Arg. (D:
Tedrick von Wolfschatten - Aug 83)
Sa, a talbot ramp & on a chf Arg 3 pawprints Sa. (D: Robert Talbot
- Jun 05)
Sa, a 3-headed hound ramp, one head reguardant, Arg, langued Gu.
(D: Dorcas Dorcadas - Sep 73?)
Sa, a winged fox ramp, wings addorsed, Arg. (B: Eric Foxworthy Aug 80)
Sa, a winged fox ramp within a bord Arg. (D: Eric Foxworthy Nov 82)
Sa, a winged wolf ramp Arg charged on the shoulder with a heart
Gu, a chf rayonny Arg. (D: Corwin Silvertongue - May 07)
Sa, a winged wolf segreant, on a chf Arg a crescent Purp. (D:
Brigit ingen Fhaltigirn - Dec 96)
Sa, a winged wolf segreant to sin Arg, in chf 3 pairs of swords
crossed in salt Or. (D: Brianna Buchanan - May 98)
Sa, a wolf Arg & a boar Or combattant, overall a base of flames
proper. (D: Harald Bodvarson - Oct 82)
Sa, a wolf ramp & in dexter canton a Latin cross betw 4 Latin
crosses all within a bord Arg. (D: Wulfric Peverel - Oct 90)
Sa, a wolf ramp Arg brandishing 2 swords betw 3 Celtic crosses Or,
a bord Arg. (D: Bran Cuilean mac Muirchiu ua Nill Nov 92)
Sa, a wolf ramp contourny betw 3 crescents Arg. (D: Seth Comyn Feb 07)
Sa, a wolf ramp, on a chf dovetailed Arg 2 bagpipes Sa. (D: Angus
MacLachlan - Aug 98)
Sa, a wolf salient to sin, in dexter chf a mullet of twelve points, in
sin chf a decrescent Arg. (D: Slobadan Sretenov Ivanisevic Mar 78?)
Sa, an Irish wolfhound & a stag combattant Arg. (D: Kelly of
Settmour Swamp - Aug 95)

[Beast - Dog - 1 - Argent - Rampant] to [Beast - Dog - 1 - Argent - Sejant]

Beast - Dog - 1 - Argent - Rampant (continued)

Vt, a bend Or betw a cloud & a dog sejant erect contourny Arg. (D:
Rebekah Anna of Wynterbourne - Jul 05)
Vt, a fox ramp & on a chf trefly countertrefly Arg, 3 roses Sa,
barbed & seeded Vt. (D: Elsbeth Laurence - Apr 89)
Vt, a fox statant erect contourny Arg marked Sa drawing a bow &
arrow within a bord Arg semy of pheons Vt. (D: Elfwine of
the Longbow - Jun 95)
Vt, a greyhound ramp to sin regardant Arg collared Purp & a chf
erminois. (D: Ginevra Visconti - Aug 01)
Vt, a mastiff salient Arg & a chf vair. (D: Nikolaus der Auslnder May 88)
Vt, a winged wolf ramp contourny Arg sustaining a quill pen Or.
(B: Wolfger von Sibenbrgen - Oct 98)
Vt, a wolf ramp & on a chf Arg 2 teazels Vt. (D: Regan Tuschech Jan 97)
Vt, a wolf ramp & on a chf embat Arg 3 crosses formy quadrate Sa.
(D: Faolan MacNeill - Aug 99)
Vt, a wolf ramp Arg, a bord Arg semy of acorns Vt. (D: Anln
Greywolf - Jul 01)
Vt, a wolf ramp Arg maintaining in its dexter forepaw a sheaf of 3
arrows Or, barbed & flighted Arg, & sustaining in its sin
forepaw in chf a bow fesswise Gu. (D: Robert Strongbow Oct 07)
Vt, a wolf ramp Arg, on a chf Or a halberd Sa. (D: Ulrich von
Landstuhl - Feb 00)
Vt, a wolf ramp contourny & in base a fraise & on a chf embat Arg
2 fraises Purp. (D: Bronwen Fraser - Nov 02)
Vt, a wolf ramp contourny & on a chf invected Arg 3 crosses of
Santiago Gu. (D: Diego Ramos del Lobo - Jul 03)
Vt, a wolf ramp contourny brandishing a sword & a chf embat Arg.
(D: Padraic Ciotach - May 92)
Vt, a wolf ramp contourny maintaining a halberd Arg, in dexter chf
a mullet Or. (D: Beniamin Hackewode - Jan 08)
Vt, a wolf ramp maintaining a sword & a shield Arg, & on a chf
raguly Or, 3 crescents Vt. (D: Seumas ap Gwalchmai May 94)
Vt, in pale 2 swords inv in salt & a wolf ramp all within a bord Arg.
(D: Kieran Wolfkin - Nov 91)
Vt, on a bend Arg betw a harp reversed Or & a wolf ramp
reguardant Arg 3 oak leaves palewise Vt. (D: Aelfwulf Skye
Morgatha - Jan 84)
Vt, sem of estoiles Or, a female wolf ramp Arg, collared &
chained Or. (B: Fuiltigherne ni Ruadh OFinn - Mar 83)
Vt semy of roses, a wolf ramp Arg maintaining a mullet of twelve
points Or charged with a roundel Gu. (D: Amber of Litchfield
- Oct 07)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Dog - 1 - Argent - Sejant

(Fieldless) A 3-headed wolf sejant affronty, dexter & sin heads

addorsed Arg, charged on the breast with an estoile of 4 points
Sa. (B: Arnold Kuntz - Aug 94)
(Fieldless) A wolf sejant Arg. (B: Asne Whitewolf - Apr 00)
(Fieldless) A wolf sejant ululant contourny Arg, sustaining a harp
reversed Vt. (B: Morgan Wolfsinger - Oct 94)
(Fieldless) In pale a talbot Arg sejant atop a stool Az. (D: Catriona
Mairghread nic Dhuibh of Moray - Apr 00) (? should be
Az, a bend Sa, fimbriated, overall a label Or & an Afghan hound
sejant Arg. (D: Robert Erwyn Ryves of Randelston - Jul 89)
Az, a chev Or & in base a wolf sejant ululant Arg. (D: Nicolae
Potcoava - Jun 06)
Az, a dog sejant guardant Arg spotted Sa within a bord Arg lozengy
Sa. (D: Lyn the Inquisitive - Dec 02)
Az, a fox sejant & in chf 2 barrulets wavy couped Arg. (D:
Merricke MacDonald - Dec 04)
Az, a wolf sejant affronty & on a chf Arg, a raven contourny
regardant Sa. (D: Snorri hrafnauga Hrlfsson - Dec 06)
Az, a wolf sejant Arg overall on a fess Or 3 ravens Sa. (D:
Kristiane de Chanc - Aug 03)
Az, a wolf sejant contourny ululant Arg, a bord Arg semy of thistles
proper. (D: Duncan of Kilernan - Jan 99)
Az, a wolf sejant, head erect, betw in chf 2 compass stars & on a
base Arg, a laurel wreath Az. (D: Oertha - Aug 85)
Az, a wolf sejant ululant & in chf 3 crossbows Arg. (D: Katya
Zhdana Volkova Kievskaya - Jan 97)

Beast - Dog - 1 - Argent - Sejant (continued)

Gu, a fox sejant the dexter forepaw resting on a heart Arg, on a chf
ermine 3 hawks lures Gu. (D: Marion de Pax Ford - Jun 96)
Gu, a hound sejant Arg within an annulet Or. (B: Louise de La
Mare - Jan 06)
Per bend Or & Purp, a hawk close to sin Gu & a wolf sejant ululant
Arg. (D: Madawc of the Hawk - Oct 90)
Per bend raguly Gu & Sa, in pale a roundel & a wolf sejant to sin
ululant Arg. (D: Kerryk Wolfram - Sep 95)
Per bend Sa & Az, a wolf sejant ululant contourny Arg. (D: Madoc
Wyth - Dec 04)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a unicorn ramp to sin Gu & a Samoyed
sejant to sin Arg. (D: Guillena Oriana - Feb 82)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a skull & a wolf sejant ululant Arg. (D:
Aidan Creagh - Feb 03)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a thistle & a wolf sejant Arg. (D: Eirnn
inghean Dubhghaill - May 06)
Per bend sin embat Sa & Az, a quatrefoil Or charged with a cross
fleury Sa & a wolf sejant ululant Arg. (D: Russ mac an
Toisich - Sep 06)
Per bend sin rayonny Vt & Arg semy of bunches of grapes Purp, a
fox sejant contourny Arg. (D: Temair ingen Muiredaich Oct 03)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, a fox sejant guardant & in dexter chf a
garden rosebud slipped Arg. (D: Morgwen Niger - Aug 92)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, a wolf sejant to sin, dexter paw raised, Arg,
betw in bend a sun Arg & a sun Or. (D: Astrid den lskaden Aug 90)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a fox sejant guardant Arg & a rowan branch
bendwise fructed proper. (D: Rowena of the Rownwood Feb 97)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 bearded axes in salt Sa & a wolf sejant
ululant contourny Arg. (D: varr Brynjlfsson - Oct 03)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 oak trees couped proper & a wolf sejant
ululant Arg. (D: Ivan Borisovich of Volchevo Lesa - Mar 92)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 2 broadarrows inv & a wolf sejant contourny a
bord embat ctrch. (D: Kai Maclane - Aug 97)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 2 hearts Gu & a wolf sejant, dexter forepaw
raised, sin forepaw upon the chain of a collar in base Arg. (D:
Marcus Lupus Allemanus Argentatus - Apr 85)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 2 triskelions of legs in armor & a fox sejant to
sin ctrch. (D: Tormod of Kirk Andreas - May 03)
Per chev Az & Purp, 2 Thors hammers & a wolf sejant ululant Arg.
(D: ra Svrradttir - Feb 03)
Per chev Gu & Sa, 2 drinking horns & a wolf sejant to sin Arg. (D:
Dregel Alewulf - Oct 92)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a chev embat betw 3 crescents & a fox sejant
Arg. (D: Coinneach McIain - Oct 94)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a moon in her plenitude Az & a wolf sejant
ululant contourny Arg, a bord ctrch. (D: Arik of Delftwood Nov 04)
Per fess Az & Arg, a wolf sejant & a double-bitted axehead ctrch.
(D: Marc of Skraeling Althing - May 88)
Per pale Arg & Vt, in fess enhanced an estoile Or betw &
maintained by the jaws of a griffin & a fox sejant respectant, a
base ctrch. (D: Griffith Foxstar - Nov 82)
Per pale Az & Sa, a wolf sejant ululant betw 3 decrescents Arg. (D:
Celn Ruairc - Feb 00)
Per pale Az & Sa, a wolf sejant ululant betw 3 roundels all within
an orle Arg. (D: Ein hEochaidh - Jul 01)
Per pale embat Vt & Gu, a harp Or & a wolf sejant ululant Arg. (D:
Meadhbh n Shiobhn - Jun 00)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a wolf sejant ululant to sin Arg & a cross clechy
fitchy, on a chf Or 3 gouttes Gu. (D: Lars of Nordskogen Oct 07)
Per pale Sa & Az, a wolf sejant ululant & in chf a crescent pendant
Arg. (B: Alfric gylir - Aug 02)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a talbot sejant & on a chf Arg, 3 crescents Sa. (D:
Celn Rogallaig - Oct 92)
Per salt Sa & Gu, a salt betw in pale a mullet of seven points & a
fox sejant guardant Arg. (D: Siubhan nic Cruimein - Dec 90)
Purp, a fox sejant affronty within a bord dovetailed Arg. (D:
Johnathan Heydon of Fox Hollow - Aug 88)
Purp, a fox sejant contourny Arg within a bord ermine. (B: Temair
ingen Muiredaich - Jun 08)
Purp, a fox sejant within a bord Arg. (D: Freyds r Thelamrk Feb 92)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 191

[Beast - Dog - 1 - Argent - Sejant] to [Beast - Dog - 1 - Fur]

Beast - Dog - 1 - Argent - Sejant (continued)

Purp, a wolf sejant & on a chf Arg 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Gu. (D:
Drostan Arnache - Aug 00)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a winged fox sejant Arg. (D: Caitrina inghean
Aindriasa - Aug 04)
Sa, a batwinged wolf sejant affronty betw 3 mullets Arg. (D: Darcy
Randolph - Feb 89)
Sa, a bat-winged wolf sejant guardant & a base enarched indented
Arg. (D: Frytha MacPhee - Aug 89)
Sa, a coyote sejant ululant to sin, & in chf an increscent betw 2
mullets of six points Arg. (D: Thorarin of the Desert Nov 90)
Sa, a fox sejant, dexter forepaw raised, on a chf Arg 2 thistles
slipped & leaved proper. (D: Fionnghuala nic an tSionnaigh Sep 92)
Sa, a fox sejant guardant, in chf 4 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: William
the Black - Nov 00)
Sa, a fox sejant reguardant, its forepaws grasping an arrow inv,
betw 3 increscents Arg. (D: Arianna McPhearson - Mar 90)
Sa, a 3-headed dog sejant affronty, the dexter & sin heads addorsed,
betw 3 mullets of seven points, one & 2, Arg. (D: Gloria
Nightstar - Dec 84)
Sa, a wolf sejant coward ululant to sin within a bord wavy Arg. (D:
Morgan Wolfsinger - May 87)
Sa, a wolf sejant reguardant within a bord rayonny Arg. (D:
Lucrezia Ana Callista Caracciola da Venezia - Nov 86)
Sa, a wolf sejant to sin Arg betw 4 roses, 3 & one, all within a bord
engrailed Or. (D: Bronwyn Faol-lonn - Sep 84)
Sa, a wolf sejant ululant, in chf 3 lozenges, one & 2, Arg. (D: Colin
McNab - Jan 00)
Sa, a wolf sejant ululant on a chf indented Arg 2 roses Gu. (D: Tam
Meir Rous - Nov 93)
Sa, a wolf sejant ululant to sin betw 3 roundels Arg. (D: onait n
Sheachnasaigh - Jan 97)
Vt, a bend sin wavy Or betw a mullet & a fox sejant Arg. (D:
Niamh inghean Bheoaodha u Chriomhthainn - Aug 97)
Vt, a fox sejant Arg, a trimount Or. (D: Katarzina of Thescorre Jan 08)
Vt, a fox sejant guardant betw flaunches Arg, each flaunch charged
with a thistle proper. (D: Elizabeth Law Robertson - Apr 00)
Vt, a Great Pyrenees dog sejant guardant, dexter forepaw raised,
Arg within an orle of fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Mathilde des
Pyrenees - May 91)
Vt, a talbot sejant Arg collared Purp & on a chf wavy Arg a bow Vt.
(D: Dearbhil ingean u Dhonnchaidh - Sep 06)
Vt, a wolf sejant ululant & on a chf Arg 3 pairs of rapiers in salt Sa.
(D: Ekaterina Volkova - Jun 98)
Vt, a wolf sejant ululant betw 4 maple leaves in cross Arg. (D:
Ketill Errickson - Dec 04)
Vt, a wolf sejant ululant within a bord Arg. (D: Aelfgifu
Wolfsngerin - Jan 94)
Vt chap barry wavy Az & Arg, a vixen sejant guardant contourny
Arg. (B: Carolingia - Dec 90) (For the Borough of Felding)
Vt semy of increscents Or, a wolf sejant contourny ululant Arg. (D:
Aurelia Iuliana - Dec 04)
Vt, 2 chevronels & in base a greyhound sejant Arg collared Gu. (D:
Elspeth de Forbeys - Apr 97)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Dog - 1 - Azure

(Fieldless) On a dog passant Az a compass star Or. (B: Dirk

MacMartin - Feb 02)
Arg, a chev betw in chev 2 forget-me-nots Az slipped & leaved Vt
& a wolf couchant Az. (D: Killian MacKenzie - Jul 01)
Arg, a dog sejant & on a chf Az 3 open books Arg. (D: Samus of
Amlesmore - Feb 07)
Arg, a fox ramp & on a chf Az 2 rapiers in salt Arg. (D: Katherine
Vivans - Feb 03)
Arg, a fox ramp Az, on a chf Purp, 3 roundels Or. (D: Leofric
Silverwater - Sep 04)
Arg, a hound statant & on a chf Az 3 crosses swallowtail Or. (D:
Lucrezia di Francesca - Sep 96)
Arg, a talbot passant guardant Az, on a chf Vt, 3 crosses formy Or.
(D: Margaret Powell - Jan 00)
Arg, a wolf couchant contourny Az & in chf 3 roses proper all
within a bord vair. (D: Philip de Rose of Strathclyde Dec 94)
192 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Dog - 1 - Azure (continued)

Arg, a wolf passant reguardant & a base indented, crusilly at the

points Az. (D: Therasia von Tux - Jan 86)
Arg, a wolf ramp & a chf Az. (D: Sveinn of Hawks Haven Dec 03)
Arg, a wolf ramp betw 3 Thors hammers within a bord Az. (D:
Hamer lfsson - Oct 07)
Arg a wolf ramp maintaining a gillyflower Az slipped & leaved, a
bord Vt. (B: Gillian Starke of Aberdeen - Apr 98)
Arg, a wolf ramp to sin Az maintaining a grenade Gu. (D: Selwyn
of Darton - Nov 07)
Arg chap embat Gu, a wolf sejant affronty Az & in chf 2 fraises
Arg. (D: Martin Eurico de Gijon - Dec 84)
Arg, in bend sin a dove migrant to base & a wolf salient
countourn, on a chf Az five swords inv proper. (D: Reagan
Rodolfsdatter or Geiranger - Apr 81)
Arg, semy of quatrefoils Vt, a fox couchant Az. (D: Siobhn
McShihy - Dec 89)
Arg semy-de-lys, a fox sejant & a bord dovetailed Az. (D: Julien
de Nevelet - Jan 98)
Or, a greyhound statant Az collared Sa within a bord Az. (D:
Constance of Whitebirch - Jul 06)
Or, a winged whippet couchant to sin, wings elevated & addorsed,
coward Az, gorged of a collar Arg. (B: Branwyn
OBrallaghan - Apr 84)
Or, a wolf passant guardant & on a chf Az 3 plates. (D: Brian le
Wolfhunt - Jun 08)
Or, a wolf ramp Az maintaining an archepiscopal staff Sa within an
orle of wolfs pawprints Az. (D: Wolfram von Nrnberg Mar 04)
Or, a wolf ramp Az, on a chf Sa 3 crosses formy Or. (D: Wolfger
von Eisenstadt - Jan 07)
Or ermined, a dog ramp Az. (D: Caramanna Helmsmid - May 07)
Or, ermined Vt, a fox courant Az. (D: Ciara Sinikettu - May 84)
Or semy of arrows Gu, an alant ramp collared Az. (D: Evan
Hawkins - Feb 06)
Paly bendy Arg & Sa, a demi-greyhound passant Az. (D: Antonio
Tolumello da Sicilia - Jul 97)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a sun in splendor Or & a fox passant Az.
(D: Lidia de Ragusa - Jul 06)
Per chev inv Arg & Purp, a hound courant Az & 2 crescents Arg.
(D: Egan Ua Confrach - Mar 02)
Per chev ploy Sa estencely & Arg, 2 increscents Arg & a wolf
couchant Az. (D: Myfanwy Afrwydd - Jun 06)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 2 trees eradicated Or & a fox passant to sin Az.
(D: Caterina di Cellino - Apr 05)
Per fess indented Or & Vt, a wolf statant guardant contourny Az &
a 3-headed wingless dragon statant Arg. (D: Brendan
McDonald - Feb 95)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Dog - 1 - Fur

(Fieldless) A greyhound couchant reguardant Az ermined &

collared Arg. (B: Margaret Hepburn of Ardrossan - Jan 08)
(Fieldless) A greyhound sejant pean. (B: Zophia Boreka Mar 03)
(Fieldless) An Afghan hound passant ermine. (B: Tangwystl de
Curci - Jul 91) (For House Failsworth)
(Fieldless) An arrow Or & overall a hound passant ermine. (B:
Angus Montgomery the Forrester - Jan 04)
Arg, a greyhound sejant pean & in chf 3 pine cones stems to base
Vt. (D: Zophia Boreka - Mar 03)
Arg, a wolf ramp counterermine betw 3 clarions Az. (D: Kedivor
Tal ap Cadugon - Dec 99)
Arg, 3 piles in point issuant from dexter base Gu surmounted by a
fox ramp reguardant Az ermined Or. (D: Guerric der Wilde
Fuchs - Feb 08)
Az, a hound sejant ermine & in chf an arrow fesswise reversed Arg
barbed & flighted Or. (D: Ylaria de Lokkesley - Jul 02)
Az, a hyena salient to sin ermine, charged on the shoulder with a
heart Sa. (D: Andras le Lche dArmorique - Nov 77)
Az, a wolf ramp ermine maintaining a rose slipped & leaved Or. (D:
Junella merch Beli - Oct 02)
Az, a wolf statant guardant ermine, in chf a plate. (D: Rhiannon
Dhubh - Nov 92)
Gu, a wolf salient to sin ermine betw flaunches Arg. (D: Una
Scheib - Jan 99)

[Beast - Dog - 1 - Fur] to [Beast - Dog - 1 - Gules]

Beast - Dog - 1 - Fur (continued)

Pean, a wolf passant reguardant erminois maintaining in upraised

dexter forepaw a kris Or. (D: Fahd Lonewolf - Jul 84)
Per salt Az & Gu, an arrow palewise Or & overall a hound passant
ermine. (D: Angus Montgomery the Forrester - Jun 91)
Per salt Sa & Gu, a talbot ramp within a bord ermine. (D: Catalin
of Draksfjord - Feb 08)
Pily bendy sin Vt & Arg, a theow ramp pean. (D: Fedora Phelan Aug 90)
Purp, a poodle passant within a bord ermine. (D: Anastasia
Daysshe - Aug 04)
Sa, a bend cotised Arg, overall a wolf ramp ermine, langued Gu.
(D: Robert of the Isles - Feb 75?)
Vt, a winged wolf passant ermine within a bord rayonny Arg. (D:
Faoiltiarna n Dhobhailein - Aug 93)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Dog - 1 - Gules

(Fieldless) A fox couchant proper. (B: Dior Alagrant - May 01)

(Fieldless) A fox herissony to sin Gu. (B: Sherry Foxwell Jul 91)
(Fieldless) A wolf couchant reguardant Gu maintaining in its
mouth a sword fesswise proper. (B: Sline inghean Mhictre Dec 00)
(Fieldless) A wolf ramp reguardant contourny Gu. (B: Ciaran Faol
Ruadh - Sep 91)
(Fieldless) An ermine spot Or & overall a fox courant Gu. (B:
Avery Austringer - Feb 97)
(Fieldless) On a bat-winged wolf sejant affronty wings disp Gu a
fret couped Or. (B: Daphne of Colchester - Apr 00)
Arg, a bend sin Az overall a wolf ramp Gu. (D: Gryffyd Ruddlan Oct 01)
Arg, a chev embat Vt betw 2 mullets of eight points & a fox ramp
Gu. (D: Rhys Cantor - Apr 06)
Arg, a dog sejant erect maintaining a torch Gu & a crane in its
vigilance contourny Az. (D: Conchobar Mac Muirchertaig Jun 99)
Arg, a fess Az betw a raven Sa & a wolf sejant ululant Gu. (D:
Hrafnlfr inn Grenski - Oct 06)
Arg, a fess checky Az & Arg overall a fox sejant contourny proper.
(D: Piero Antonio Volpe - Oct 02)
Arg, a fox couchant reguardant Gu betw 3 hurts. (D: Gabriella La
Volpe Rossa - May 93)
Arg, a fox courant guardant Gu & a chf flory-counter-flory Sa. (D:
Ysabiau de Mortagne - Oct 02)
Arg, a fox courant to sin Gu & on a chf enarched Vt 2 crescents
Arg. (D: Jonet Nycholl - Aug 06)
Arg, a fox courant to sin Gu betw 3 trefoils Vt. (D: Fergus Mac
Ruaidhri Ghlais - Oct 91)
Arg, a fox passant Gu within a bord per salt Sa & Gu. (D: Katryne
Blak - Oct 06)
Arg, a fox passant proper & on a chf Vt a compass star elongated to
base Arg. (D: Ruth of Innilgard - Jun 02)
Arg, a fox passant proper within a bord engrailed Vt. (D: Anne of
Foxwold - Nov 82)
Arg, a fox ramp guardant Gu & on a chf Sa a single-headed chess
knight betw 2 chess rooks Arg. (D: Robyn MacArtair Nov 84)
Arg, a fox ramp Gu betw 2 flaunches Sa. (D: Rory Phalen Dec 82)
Arg, a fox ramp Gu maintaining a quill pen & on a base embat Purp
a demi-sun issuant from base Or. (D: Muriel the Red Aug 94)
Arg, a fox ramp Gu maintaining a torch proper & on a chf Vt 3
garbs Or. (D: Hannah Cameron - Sep 96)
Arg, a fox ramp proper & on a chf triangular Gu a scimitar Or. (D:
Narkissa Ekaterina Vladimirovna - Jan 98)
Arg, a fox ramp proper maintaining in its dexter paw 3 arrows inv
Or within a bord embat Gu. (D: Reynaud de Burgundy Sep 06)
Arg, a fox ramp within a double tressure Gu. (D: Hagen von
Durnstein - Sep 07)
Arg, a fox sejant regardant within a bord Gu. (B: Cephius de
Valletta - Feb 86) (For Domus Peritiae)
Arg, a fox statant betw 3 hearts, a bord Gu. (D: Isolda Vogelsang May 01)

Beast - Dog - 1 - Gules (continued)

Arg, a greyhound ramp Gu, on a chf embat Sa 3 crescents Arg. (D:

Alana Greywood - Mar 05)
Arg, a massacre Sa surmounted by a spear Gu, in base a greyhound
courant Gu collared Arg & chained Sa. (D: Curran OFarrell
- Jun 04)
Arg, a pale pean, overall a winged fox sejant, wings elevated &
addorsed, Gu, all within a bord Gu. (D: Ashlin of Foxbridge Sep 88)
Arg, a red fox salient proper within a double tressure surmounted by
an orle of eight trefoils, stems set alternately inwards &
outwards, Vt. (D: Callista Balgaire - Dec 88)
Arg, a red fox sejant to sin reguardant proper. (D: Sigrn
Magnusdottir - Mar 83)
Arg, a talbot dormant within a bord Gu. (B: Lambert de Sur Sep 85)
Arg, a tricorporate fox Gu, marked proper. (B: Richard Blackbury Apr 86)
Arg, a wolf passant reguardant contourny Gu & a chf enarched Sa.
(D: Brigit ingen Meic Thre Ruaidh - Jan 03)
Arg, a wolf ramp betw 3 escallops & a bord Gu. (D: Arias Yanes May 07)
Arg, a wolf ramp Gu & on a chf wavy Sa 3 estoiles Arg. (D:
thelwynn Rdwulfesdohter - Nov 02)
Arg, a wolf ramp, on a chf Gu 3 hammers Arg. (D: Magni Ulfsson
- Aug 98)
Arg, a wolf ramp to sin Gu & on a chf embat Gu masoned 3 boars
heads erased Arg. (D: Johannes Kranich - May 07)
Arg, a wolf salient to sin & a base rayonny Gu. (B: Sun, the Mar 85) (For Order of the Fanged Wolf)
Arg, a wolf statant ululant contourny & on a chf engrailed Gu 2
eyes Arg irised Gu & pupilled Sa. (D: Valdis Gylir Aug 01)
Arg, a wolf with the head of a demon, ramp guardant Gu
maintaining a seax Sa within a bord Sa charged with estoiles
Or. (D: Wulfwine Grimwald - Feb 86)
Arg, on a fess Az betw a fox passant & a rapier Gu a mullet Arg.
(D: William Makwillie - Apr 05)
Arg, semy of hearts fracted to sin chf Gu, a fox ramp proper within
a bord Az. (D: Etain of the Misty Marsh - May 89)
Arg, 2 dragons combatant Az & a wolf couchant Gu. (D: Wulfwyn
lfwines dohtor - Jan 06)
Bendy sin Or & Az, a fox Gu & a wingless griffin Arg combattant.
(D: James of Carinthia - Nov 01)
Bendy sin Sa & Arg, a greyhound couchant to sin reguardant Gu.
(D: Fiona MacNicol - Apr 88)
Checky Arg & Az, a bend Or & overall a wolf ramp Gu. (B:
Wilihelm Roderick FitzLovel of Kerr - Nov 95) (For Red Wulf
Checky Or & Vt, a talbot ramp tail nowed & a bord Gu. (D:
Donnchad mac Canacin - Apr 99)
Checky Sa & Or, a fox sejant to sin within a bord Gu. (D: Rowan
Keele - Jun 04)
Counter-ermine, a wolf statant Gu, holding in his dexter paw a
cloyshacke (Irish harp) Or, on a chf Arg a lymphad Sa. (D:
Emrys y Crwydryn - date?)
Ermine, a red fox couchant betw 2 tiger lilies, slipped & leaved,
conjoined in annulo proper. (D: Joselyn Allyne Reynard May 80)
Ermine, a wolf courant Gu. (D: Olwen of Trereen Dinas - Feb 82)
Erminois, a greyhound salient Gu within a bord embat Sa. (D:
William MacGregor - Jan 00)
Erminois, a wolf ramp reguardant Gu, on a base embat Sa a
cinquefoil Arg pierced Or. (D: Deenys Fitz Alan - Nov 06)
Gyronny Vt & Or, a wolf ramp, in chf 3 barrels palewise Gu. (D:
Ulfr Raude - Sep 00)
Or, a chev cotissed Az surmounted by a wolf ramp to sin Gu. (D:
Bogdan Ilich Volknoi - May 83)
Or, a coney & a fox combatant within an orle Gu. (D: Gwillim
Kynith - Oct 06)
Or, a cross raguly Sa overall a wolf passant Gu. (D: Anneke
Vaandrager - Sep 95)
Or, a fox courant & a base rayonny Gu. (D: Casey ap Cennedd Jan 92)
Or, a fox dormant & a chf indented Gu. (D: Astridr Nilsdottir Sep 04)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 193

[Beast - Dog - 1 - Gules] to [Beast - Dog - 1 - Multicolor]

Beast - Dog - 1 - Gules (continued)

Or, a fox dormant Gu & on a chf indented Sa 3 pheons Or. (D:

Emma la Rousse dArgentan - Apr 96)
Or, a fox passant Gu within an orle of arrowheads inv Sa. (D:
Philippe Renard - Mar 94)
Or, a fox ramp guardant Gu. (D: James the Fox - Jul 71?)
Or, a fox ramp Gu wearing a fools cap Vt, in chf 3 golpes one & 2
all within a bord dovetailed Gu. (D: Anna Zauberknstlerin Oct 92)
Or, a fox sejant Gu a chf raguly Purp. (D: Margaret MacGillivray Mar 97)
Or, a fox sejant Gu & on a chf Sa, 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Annora
de Renart - Apr 91)
Or, a fox sejant reguardant Gu & issuant from base a demi-sun Vt.
(D: Renata Simne Catano - Jan 92)
Or, a greyhound statant Gu & a bord embat Vt. (D: Mevanwy verch
Tuder Courtecadeno - Mar 05)
Or, a red fox sejant proper within an orle indented Purp charged
with a tressure Or. (D: Frederik Xavier - Oct 88)
Or, a winged wolf salient Gu & in chf 3 billets Sa. (D: Aelfgifu of
the Hazel Thicket - Jun 94)
Or, a wolf & a stag salient respectant & on a chf Gu 3 suns Or. (D:
Deirdre of Lochmere - Apr 07)
Or, a wolf ramp Gu & on a chf nebuly Az a butterfly Arg. (D: Eva
die Wlfen - Jun 05)
Or fretty Sa, a wolf sejant guardant Gu with the dexter forearm of a
human raised proper all within a bord Gu. (D: Malcolm Og
MacDonald - Jun 94)
Or semy of roundels Purp, a wolf ramp contourny Gu. (D: Ana
Ximenez de Hume - Mar 07)
Or, 3 chevronels braced Sa & overall a fox ramp Gu. (D: Flaithr
Cearnaigh - Apr 03)
Pean, a pile bendwise wavy & in sin chf a wolf salient Gu. (D:
Raesean Allmhaidh ni Ruairidh - Jul 80)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a fox sejant to sin & an escallop inv, all within
a bord ctrch. (D: Elen Llwynog Coch - Apr 89)
Per bend Az & Arg, 3 quatrefoils in bend Arg & a wolf couchant
contourny Gu. (D: Aelfwynn of Wulfden - Jan 93)
Per bend Gu & Or, an eagle rising, wings elevated & addorsed, & a
wolf salient to sin ctrch. (D: Arnwulf thelreding - Jul 84)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, a hawk striking to sin & a wolf passant
ctrch. (D: Hawk Gunnulf - Apr 98)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a fox ramp to sin Gu maintaining a staff
topped with a cross clechy Or within a bord semy of crosses
clechy ctrch. (D: Renard Delacroix - Feb 06)
Per bend Vt & Or, 3 decrescents Or & a fox passant gardant Gu. (D:
Avilina Andreu - Dec 02)
Per chev Arg & Vt, a red fox passant reguardant proper & on a chf
Sa a decrescent betw 2 estoiles Arg. (D: Renard des Terres
Hautes - Mar 83)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 triple-towered castles Or & a greyhound
ramp Gu. (D: Ascellina Bethell from Tewkesbury - Jan 84)
Per chev Az semy of acorns & Or, in base a fox sejant guardant Gu.
(D: Rhiannon of Sevenoaks - Jul 01)
Per chev, barry wavy of ten Or & Az, & Arg, a red fox sejant
proper. (D: Gregoire Reynard de Bourgogne - Aug 78?)
Per chev embat, per pale Or & Gu, & pean, in chf a fox & a cat-amountain sejant guardant respectant ctrch. (D: Avery
Austringer - Jan 85)
Per chev Sa & Or, an increscent & a decrescent Or & a fox ramp
Gu. (D: Serlaith ingen Radin - Jan 05)
Per chev throughout Purp & Arg, 2 compass stars Arg & a fox
sejant Gu. (D: Katya Anna Sylvan - Mar 93)
Per fess Or & Gu, a greyhound dormant & a triquetra ctrch. (D:
Dosso Bracchetto - May 99)
Per fess Sa & Arg, 2 lozenges Gu fimbriated Arg & a fox passant
proper. (D: Onra Refsdttir - Aug 03)
Per fess Vt & Arg, a cock Arg upon the back of a domestic cat
herissonee proper upon the back of a dog statant howling Gu
upon the back of a domestic donkey braying proper. (B:
Ioseph of Locksley, the Rhymer - Oct 76) (For Locksleys
Company of Players)
Per fess wavy Or & Az, in chf a fox courant proper, in base 2 bars
wavy Or. (D: Cadwallon Rudd - Jul 01)
Per pale Arg & Sa, in pale a roundel ctrch & a talbot passant Gu.
(D: Hadassa Rubinsdochter van der Meer - Feb 05)

194 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Dog - 1 - Gules (continued)

Per pale Arg & Vt, 3 chevronels ctrch, overall a wolf ramp Gu. (D:
Karel der Ermutigende - Nov 91)
Per pale Gu & Arg, in fess enhanced an estoile Or betw &
maintained by the jaws of a lion & a red fox sejant respectant
proper, a base ctrch. (D: Leona Foxstar - Nov 82)
Per pale nebuly Az & Or, a Bengal tiger Arg & a 3-headed dog Gu
combattant. (D: Eldred Sharptooth - Nov 89)
Per pale Vt & Or, a chev ctrch & in chf a pheon Arg & a wolf ramp
Gu. (D: Bardolf Ulfacson - Feb 83)
Per pale wavy Or & Gu, a wolf & a bear combatant ctrch. (D:
Snbjorn Hkonarson - Mar 07)
Per salt Arg & Sa, a fox ramp Gu within a bord Gu mullety Arg. (D:
Reynard de Foch of Ravenglass - Jul 93)
Per salt Arg & Vt, a wolf ramp Gu betw 4 torteaux in salt. (D:
Feln Ruadn Mac Tigernin - Apr 94)
Pily bendy Arg & Sa, a fox sejant affronty Gu. (D: Patrick Logan
of Stormvail - Jan 92)
Quarterly pean & Or, a wolf ramp Gu & a bord ctrch. (D: Hnefr
Ragnarsson - Sep 03)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, a wolf ramp contourny maintaining a sword
bendwise within a bord Gu. (D: Wolfgang von Weimar Feb 02)
Sa, a vixen ramp proper. (B: Ynhared Dewines y Glyndu - Feb 81)
Sa, a wolf ramp Gu, fimbriated Arg. (B: Frank Wuetendwolf Aug 79) (For House Wuetendwolf)
Vair, a fox passant Gu. (D: Merideth ni Shionnaigh - May 99)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Dog - 1 - Multicolor

(Fieldless) A black & white huskie dog sejant guardant proper,

winged Vt. (B: Theodora von Igelheim - Jun 91) (For
Freehold of the Wayward Huskie)
(Fieldless) A mastiff courant per pale Arg & Az. (B: Cun
MacDaige - Jul 96)
(Fieldless) A wolf passant reguardant paly Or & Gu. (B:
Aonarrach Faol MagUidhir - May 99)
(Fieldless) A wolf ramp barry Arg & Purp. (B: Angharat verch
Reynulf - Mar 02)
Arg, a wolf ramp per fess Gu & Sa. (D: Michel Wolffauer Jan 03)
Arg, a wolf Sa & another Gu combatant & a bord per pale Gu & Sa.
(D: Benedict Hawkins - Jul 06)
Az, a wolf ramp contourny barry Arg & Gu. (D: Wolfram Jger
von Darmested - Nov 05)
Gu, a wolf ramp bendy Arg & Sa. (D: Morhardt Citvogel de Nov 05)
Gyronny arrondy of six Gu & Arg, a wolf ramp Sa winged Arg
maintaining a sword inv proper. (D: Conal hAirt - May 00)
Per bend Or & Gu, a hound salient ctrch. (D: Nothmund
Houndswain - Jun 95)
Per bend Sa & Or, a wolf passant ctrch. (D: Snorri inn hvi Aug 06)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a wolf ramp reguardant maintaining an
increscent ctrch. (D: Jane Gunn - Jul 96)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, a wolf salient ctrch. (D: Niall an Eich Gil May 06)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, a fox ramp bendwise guardant ctrch
maintaining in dexter forepaw a handkerchief Arg. (D: Andr
Reynard Cartier - Feb 83)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a dog passant contourny betw in bend sin 2 sets
of 3 mullets 2 & one ctrch. (D: William Shipley - Apr 97)
Per fess Az & Arg, a wolf ramp within a bord ctrch. (D: Berach de
Winterbourne - Sep 83)
Per fess Sa & Arg, a wolf salient betw in pale a crescent inv & a
crescent ctrch. (D: Aislinn Ard na Tine - Dec 83)
Per pale & per chev abased Sa & Arg, a fox courant guardant ctrch.
(D: Aleksander Alekseyevich - Aug 84)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a wolf ramp ctrch. (D: Wlfry of Leedes Jul 02)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a wolf courant betw 3 helms affronty, all ctrch.
(D: Lupa Woffendale - Apr 90)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a wolf ramp betw 2 swords inv within a bord all
counter-changed. (D: Wulfric Duncan of Ayr - Sep 94)
Per pale Az & Arg, a wolf passant guardant ctrch. (D: Elisabeth
Susi - Jun 99)

[Beast - Dog - 1 - Multicolor] to [Beast - Dog - 1 - Or]

Beast - Dog - 1 - Multicolor (continued)

Per pale Az & Arg, a wolf ramp charged on the shoulder with a
compass star ctrch. (D: Mirghrad inghean Fhaolin Nov 02)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a fox ramp ctrch. (D: Colyne Stewart Jun 02)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a winged wolf volant bendwise ctrch, a chf
triangular Or. (D: Dafydd MacFarlane - Aug 86)
Per pale Gu & Or, a wolf courant ctrch Arg & Sa & a chf embat
ctrch. (D: Sveinn Thorolfsson - Mar 03)
Per pale Gu & Or, a wolf ramp to sin & in chf 2 wheels ctrch. (D:
Ragnar MacHardy - Sep 91)
Per pale Or & Purp, a wolf statant to sin ctrch. (D: Conr Mac
Egain - Mar 07)
Per pale Or & Sa, a dog statant ctrch & a chf invected Vt. (D: Jean
Philippe des Bouviers Noirs - Jan 03)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a wolf passant betw 3 decrescents ctrch. (D:
Arinbjorn Rnlfsson Rafnssonar - Oct 92)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a wolf ramp to sin, maintaining a sword
bendwise sin, on a chf 3 fleurs-de-lys, all ctrch. (D: Christian
de la Croix - Feb 89)
Per pale Vt & Or, a fox passant ctrch. (D: Alexander MacEvilly Sep 04)
Per pale wavy Sa & Arg, a doe & a wolf salient respectant ctrch.
(D: Fiadnat n Chonchobair - Jan 92)
Per pale wavy Sa & Arg, a wolf passant counter-changed within a
bord embat Gu. (D: Fael MacLoarn - Jan 86)
Quarterly, indented per pale, Az & Or, in sin a wolf ramp
maintaining a great sword inv ctrch. (D: Steffan Wulfshaven Feb 84)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, a wolf ramp ctrch. (D: Gnther Tode Oct 07)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, a dog salient ctrch. (D: Ptraic
Dochartaigh - Sep 98)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Dog - 1 - Or

(Fieldless) A dog passant Or collared Gu sustaining a banner flying

to sin Arg. (B: Luther Anshelm - Aug 00)
(Fieldless) A 3-headed hound passant Or. (B: Brymstone Mar 05)
(Fieldless) A winged greyhound courant contourny Or winged Az
maintaining in its mouth a hunting horn Sa. (B: Elizabeth
Curry - Sep 01)
(Fieldless) A winged talbot sejant Or. (B: Elspeth Turnbull Jan 03)
(Fieldless) A wolf salient Or. (B: Elric Strangulf - Mar 07)
Az, a fess dovetailed betw a hound courant & a tower Or. (D:
Elaine de Charvigne - Mar 85)
Az, a fox sejant reguardant within a bord dovetailed Or. (D: Mor
Cochrane - Apr 06)
Az, a Great Dane statant Or, on a chf dovetailed Arg 3 thistles
proper. (B: Kristoff McLain Cameron - Aug 02)
Az, a greyhound passant & on a chf Or 3 frets couped Vt. (D:
Mairghread ni Fhlaithbheartaigh - Nov 97)
Az, a hound sejant Or collared Gu maintaining in a raised paw a
plate & on a chf embat Or 3 hurts. (D: Erich Hundeman Jul 05)
Az, a scarpe Or cotised Arg betw a wolf salient to sin & a unicorn
salient Or. (D: Wolfram Flammenherz - Jul 81)
Az, a talbot passant within an orle of mullets of seven points Or.
(D: Griffin de Stokeport - Feb 96)
Az, a talbot sejant Or within a bord erminois. (D: Cella di
Bramante - Feb 05)
Az, a 3-headed wolf ramp, heads dexter facing, guardant &
reguardant, & on a chf Or, 3 wolves paw prints Az. (D: Boris
of Bedlam - Mar 89)
Az, a wolf passant regardant betw 3 crosses moline Or. (D: Svein
Njalsson - May 87)
Az, a wolf ramp reguardant Or, maintaining in its teeth a mullet of
eight points Arg, standing upon a moon in her plentitude per
pale Arg & Sa. (D: Ana Moonstar - Aug 79?) (The moon is a
maintained charge)
Az, a wolf salient & a base engrailed Or. (D: Rognvaldr
Byrgisheraingr - Nov 99)
Az, a wolf sejant betw 3 pairs of oaks leaves Arg fructed Or, leaves
to center. (D: Bridget Greywolf of Kayell - Nov 90)

Beast - Dog - 1 - Or (continued)

Az, a wolf sejant ululant & on a chf Or 3 double roses proper. (D:
Juliana dei Rossi - Nov 01)
Az ermined Arg, a greyhound courant & on a chf Or an arrow
reversed Gu. (D: Nicholas Fletcher of Canterbury - Jan 04)
Az estencely Arg, a wolf ramp Or. (D: Alexander Kirkpatrick Mar 04)
Az, in fess a cross of Calatrava sustained by a talbot passant Or. (B:
Susannah Griffon - Jul 07)
Az, mulletty, a fox salient Or. (B: Liriel Correll of Tuatha Keep Aug 88)
Az, on a bend sin wavy betw a rose & a wolf sejant erect Or, a
sword Gu. (D: Brenna Montgomery - Mar 92)
Az, semy of acorns inv, a wolf salient to sin Or. (D: Alaric Elwin
Acwulf of Wolverhampton - Sep 87)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a talbot passant within a laurel wreath Or.
(D: Houndsford - Mar 94)
Counter-ermine, a winged wolf ramp within an orle of chain Or. (D:
Valgard Stonecleaver - Dec 90)
Gu, a bend dancetty betw a thunderbolt & a wolf ramp Or. (D:
Wilihelm Roderick FitzLovel of Kerr - Feb 86)
Gu, a dog ramp Or collared Gu & on a chf Or 3 thistles Purp slipped
& leaved Vt. (D: Margaret Hamilton of Stirlingshire Oct 06)
Gu, a dog sejant contourny forepaw raised & on a chf Or 3 ermine
spots Sa. (D: Dis Mikkelsdotter i Torp - Oct 05)
Gu, a fox salient within an orle of fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Lucas
dAvignon - Feb 02)
Gu, a fox sejant to sin sustaining by its teeth the lower end of the
bag of a bagpipe Or. (B: Anne de Junius - Aug 03)
Gu, a greyhound courant betw 3 triquetras Or. (D: Dolce dei
Bracchi - May 99)
Gu chap embat, a talbot dormant Or betw in pale the halves of a
sword fracted proper. (D: Beathog nic Dhonnchaidh Aug 01)
Gu, on a bend sin Sa fimbriated Arg betw a talbot passant & a
willow branch couped Or, 3 mullets of eight points Arg. (D:
Lysebet van der Wilgen - Jun 06)
Gu, on a chev Or five crosses crosslet fitchy palewise Sa, in base a
fox dormant Or. (D: Anastasia Knutovna - Jan 85)
Gu, 3 chevronels enhanced & a basset hound passant Or. (D: Istvn
Valkai - Jul 00)
Lozengy Az & Arg, a wolf ramp contourny queue-fourchy Or. (D:
Connor MacTavish - Nov 92)
Lozengy Purp & Arg, a fish-tailed sea-talbot erect contourny
guardant Or. (D: Bbinn Corcra - Jan 95)
Lozengy Vt & Arg, a mastiff couchant Or, collared Gu. (D: Colin
Attewood - May 89)
Pean, a wolf passant reguardant & a chf Or. (D: David Grand
Dorian - Mar 89)
Per bend Gu & Sa, on a bend betw a talbot ramp & a hunting horn
Or, a log Sa. (D: Geoffrey Blackstone Stephen - Jul 99)
Per bend Or & Sa, a goose close, head lowered, Sa, & a fox ramp
reguardant, maintaining a dagger, Or. (D: Daniel Hidefox May 85)
Per bend Purp & Sa, a bat-winged jackal ramp Or. (D: Ingolf of
Clontarf - Feb 89)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a fox statant Or & a bears head caboshed Gu.
(D: George Geoffrey of Exeter - Jan 97)
Per bend Sa & Or semy-de-lys Sa, a talbot passant Or. (D: Avice
dAquitaine - Aug 99)
Per bend Sa & Vt, a greyhound passant & a base Or. (D: Rycharde
Muir - Apr 07)
Per bend sin Az & Vt a bend sin cotised Arg betw an eagle disp
head to sin & a hound statant reguardant Or. (D: Dubhgall
Mac Conmeadha - Jan 96)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, in bend a compass star Arg & a fox passant
to base Or, all within a bord Arg. (D: Rowanne of Hamilton Aug 89)
Per bend sin embat Or & Sa, a griffin segreant to sin & a talbot
ramp ctrch. (D: Brisane de Celchyth - Oct 92)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, a 3-headed hound passant within a laurel
wreath Or. (D: Brymstone - Mar 90)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, a wolf sejant ululant & a tree couped Or. (D:
Brice Colquhoun - Apr 98)
Per bend sin Vt & Gu, a bend sin Arg betw a wolf ramp Or & a
flame Arg. (D: Fintn mac Meic Con - Jul 02)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 195

[Beast - Dog - 1 - Or] to [Beast - Dog - 1 - Purpure]

Beast - Dog - 1 - Or (continued)

Per bend Vt & Sa, a greyhound passant & a base Or. (D: Katharin
Ann Muir - Apr 07)
Per chev inv Vt & Purp, a chev inv embat on the upper edge & in
base a spaniel statant Or. (D: Amy Marie MacCormack May 06)
Per chev inv Vt & Sa, in chf a wolf dormant Or. (D: Roland
Childeric de Laon - Feb 05)
Per chev Or & Gu, 2 hearts Gu each charged with a cross bottony
Or, & a talbot ramp Or maintaining a claymore proper. (D:
Sean Killian MacTalbot - Jul 91)
Per chev Or & Vt, 2 stags trippant respectant proper & a boar hound
salient Or. (D: Fiach Kilpatrick - Jan 90)
Per chev pean & Sa, a chev betw a wolf couchant guardant & 4
wolfs paw prints in cross, all Or. (D: Konrad Lothar Dec 88)
Per chev ploy Or & Az, 3 butterflies one & 2 Gu & a wolf ramp
Or. (B: Steffan Wulfshaven - May 93)
Per chev Purp & Vt, a pall inv ermine betw 2 equal-armed Celtic
crosses & a hound statant Or. (D: Colleen inghean Phattraicc
- Apr 02)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a chev rompu & in base a fox ramp Or, detailed
Arg. (D: Virginia Read - Jul 07)
Per chev Vt & Sa, 2 roses & a wolf passant Or. (D: Patrick of
Mindrum - Jan 99)
Per fess Az & Vt, a wolf passant contourny Or. (D: Berthold
Wolfer - Feb 99)
Per fess dovetailed Vt & Or, in chf a fox passant & in base 3 trefoils
ctrch. (D: Muireann n Fhaircheallaigh - Mar 91)
Per fess embat Arg & Sa, a sprig bendwise sin proper & a
greyhound dormant Or. (D: Bran atte Rountre - Feb 96)
Per fess wavy Az & Arg, a wolf passant Or & a laurel wreath Az.
(D: Hukka - Mar 95)
Per pale Az & Vt, a wolfhound salient & on a chf Or 3 roses proper.
(D: Karen of Aquaterra - Mar 03)
Per pale embat Sa & Or, a wolf & a horse combattant ctrch. (D:
Faoiltighearna n Eachtighearna - Sep 92)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a wolf ramp to sin, maintaining in sin forepaw a
morningstar, enarched to chf, all within a bord engrailed Or.
(D: Claudius Brutus di Bartolomeo - Nov 83)
Per pale Gu & Vt, a wolf ramp contourny & a chf Or. (D: Wolff
Hebenstreit - Jan 05)
Per pale Purp & Gu, a wolf couchant reguardant & on a chf
triangular Or a cinquefoil Gu. (D: Albreda Wolfkeeper Jul 92)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a wolf passant Or within a bord embat Arg. (D:
Henry of Maldon - Feb 92)
Per pale Vt & Gu, a hound courant to sin maintaining a cup & on a
chf Or 3 clarions Gu. (D: Ruaidhri an Cu - Mar 99)
Per salt Gu & Az, a wolf statant ululant betw 2 acorns in pale Or.
(D: Adalhaid of Oak Leah - Dec 86)
Per salt Sa & Gu, a wolf sejant ululant & in canton a sun Or. (D:
Iohannes Kynith - Jan 06)
Purp, a bend sin dovetailed betw a fox sejant contourny & a
crescent & a crescent inv Or. (D: Morgan Rowantree Apr 99)
Purp, a bend sin ermine, overall a wolf ramp Or, collared & chained
Gu, maintaining an axe Or, a bord ermine. (D: Aethelwolf of
the Shining Axe - May 92)
Purp, a greyhound courant within a bord invected Or. (B: Gwyneth
MacDonagh - Jan 07)
Purp, a winged fox passant Or standing atop a base ermine. (B:
Aelfarran Bridget Rockely - Sep 84)
Purp, a wolf ramp & in chf 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Viviene la
chandeliere - Oct 06)
Purp, in pale a hunting horn, bell to sin & pendant from strings, & a
talbot passant Or. (B: Aelfric of Purbeck - Aug 88)
Quarterly ermine & Az, a wolf ramp contourny & a chf wavy Or.
(D: Gordon of Westover - Oct 02)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a wolf statant Or. (D: Tristen Sexwulf Jun 98)
Quarterly Vt & Gu, a hound statant within a bord embat Or. (D:
Ceara McCain - Dec 03)
Sa, a bat-winged wolf ramp Or gorged with an embat coronet Sa &
in dexter chf a sun Or eclipsed Sa all within a bord embat Or.
(D: Astrith Alexandra - Jun 02)

196 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Dog - 1 - Or (continued)

Sa, a fess invected on the upper edge betw 2 wolves combatant & a
wolf passant Or. (D: Rhys of Vakkerfjell - Oct 07)
Sa, a greyhound couchant regardant or, orbed Sa, within eight
primroses in annulo Gu, leaved & seeded proper, fimbriated
or. (D: Dana of Coleraine - Aug 79)
Sa, a she-wolf statant reguardant within a bord Or. (B: Samal Kaan
Uxmalil - Feb 87)
Sa, a stag & a greyhound combattant Or. (D: Caleb Stewart Jun 05)
Sa, a 3-headed wolf ramp Or, in the dexter paw maintaining a sword
palewise proper, in chf 3 roses Arg, barbed & seeded proper.
(D: Raibert MacDhonnchaidh of Locksley - Oct 88)
Sa, a winged talbot sejant Or & on a chf Arg 3 goblets Sa. (D:
Siobhan Reed - Feb 08)
Sa, a winged wolf ramp to sin Or, a bord counter-compony Arg &
Gu. (D: Conachar MacAlpin - Dec 85)
Sa, a wolf ramp, on a chf Or 2 triangles inv Sa. (D: Cynwrig Wyn Dec 00)
Sa, a wolf salient contourny betw in bend 2 mullets Or. (D: Egan
MacFergus - Jun 97)
Sa, in bend a wolf ramp contourny & a tankard Or. (B: Wilhelm der
Wulf von dem Schwarzwald - May 05) (For House Goldwulf)
Sa, 2 sheaves of arrows & a wolf ramp contourny Or. (D: Khasar
Juchen - Jan 93)
Vair, 2 towers Sa & a wolf statant Or. (B: Finn Marland
OShannon - Jan 96)
Vt, a greyhound statant contourny & in chf 3 Thors hammers Or.
(D: Rachel of Nordleigh - Jun 94)
Vt, a mastiff sejant erect maintaining in its sin forepaw a sword inv
Or, a bord embat erminois. (D: Brilliana de la Hay - Feb 08)
Vt, a spaniel sejant erect affronty Or atop a mount Arg. (D:
Therasa du Domremy - May 83)
Vt, a talbot dormant Or & a chf embat Arg. (D: Ieuan ab Einion May 08)
Vt, a talbot ramp & on a chf Or 2 broadarrows Vt. (D: Madog
Tellier - Jun 99)
Vt, a winged greyhound salient to sin, wings elevated & addorsed a
chf indented Or. (D: Gwalchmai ap Cynhaearn - Nov 96)
Vt, a winged wolf ramp Or, on a chf Arg 3 foxs heads cabossed Sa.
(D: Jennet Faolan - Aug 95)
Vt, a winged wolf ramp Or, on a chf Arg 2 bears passant Sa. (D:
Arianna Faolan - Oct 92)
Vt, a wolf passant betw 3 mullets of seven points Or. (D: Sorcha n
Fhaolain - Jun 92)
Vt, a wolf ramp & a chf raguly Or. (D: Lughaidh Mac Sheinn Nov 02)
Vt, a wolf ramp contourny & on a chf Or 3 thistles proper. (D:
Iamys MThamais - Mar 06)
Vt, a wolf statant guardant coward Or, in chf 3 mullets of 4 points
Arg all within a bord erminois. (D: Gullrond Berhtolf Jul 91)
Vt, in pale a crescent bendwise Arg & a hound statant contourny
Or. (D: Brnach ua Mochonne - Jan 01)
Vt, on a chev Arg betw 2 sheaves of arrows inv & a fox sejant Or, 3
musical notes Sa. (D: Geoffrey Winterbotham - Dec 06)
Vt, on a fess Sa fimbriated betw an Irish Wolfhound couchant & a
Celtic cross, 3 mullets of six points irradiated Or. (D: Sen
Mrin - Nov 96)
Vt, on a pale Arg betw a dog & a horse combattant Or 3 morning
glory flowers Purp. (D: Eochaidh MacEochada - Sep 95)
Vt, 3 bendlets enhanced & in base a wolf statant erect Or, playing
leather bagpipes proper. (D: Wulfnoth macFinn ODomhnaill
- Nov 84)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Dog - 1 - Purpure

(Fieldless) A vixen ramp contourny Purp. (B: Eloine ni

Mhaoileoin - Sep 01)
(Fieldless) A wolf ramp Purp. (B: Modar Neznanich - Jan 99)
Arg, a fox courant contourny, on a chf Purp 3 oak leaves bendwise
sin Arg. (D: Teleri ferch Pawl - May 95)
Arg, a wolf courant Purp betw 3 elephants statant Gu. (D: Sean
Cleirech - Mar 98)
Arg, a wolf ramp & on a chf Purp 3 crosses flory Arg. (D:
Guillaume Tomas le Lou - Jan 05)

[Beast - Dog - 1 - Purpure] to [Beast - Dog - 1 - Sable - Passant]

Beast - Dog - 1 - Purpure (continued)

Arg goutty de sang, a ram-horned wolf ramp contourny guardant

Purp. (D: Egan Blackwolf - Jul 92)
Or, a dog statant & a chf invected Purp. (D: Dire inghean
Chearbhaill - Nov 03)
Or, a wolf ramp Purp, on a chf wavy Gu a rapier proper. (D:
Angelline dAvallon - Oct 07)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Dog - 1 - Sable - Couchant

(Fieldless) A thylacine couchant gardant proper, orbed & langued

Gu. (B: Thylacinus Aquila of Dair Eidand - Oct 79)
(Fieldless) A wolf couchant Sa. (B: Rhys ab Idwal - Jun 03)
Arg, a fox couchant Sa beneath a mullet Arg upon a sun Az. (D:
Simon the Christian - Jun 71)
Arg, a talbot couchant Sa betw flaunches Gu. (B: Una Scheib Jun 99)
Arg, a wolf couchant contourny Sa on a chf Az, 3 roses Arg. (D:
Katerina Kristanovna Volokhova vnuka - May 99)
Arg, betw 2 barrulets Sa a thylacine couchant gardant proper, orbed
& langued Gu, all betw in pale 2 lotus heads Az. (D:
Thylacinus Aquila of Dair Eidand - Oct 79)
Arg semy of cinquefoils Az, a dog couchant Sa & a chf embat Az.
(D: Briana Maklucas - Dec 01)
Ermine, a wolf couchant reguardant to sin Sa within a bord
dovetailed Az. (D: Faolan MacThighearnain - Jul 90)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a decrescent & a hound dormant ctrch. (D:
Aleksander Regulanka - Feb 06)
Per bend sin Gu & Or, a wolf couchant contourny Sa. (D: rlaith
Carey - Dec 00)
Per chev inv Or & Arg, a chev inv Gu betw a rose proper & a wolf
couchant contourny Sa. (D: Caitilin nic Rorik - Aug 94)
Tierced per pall inv counter-embowed in base Vt, Az, & Or, a
drinking-horn bendwise sin, a harp Or, & a wolf dormant
proper. (D: Nathan der Snger - Nov 80)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Dog - 1 - Sable - Passant

(Fieldless) A Scottish terrier statant contourny Sa. (B: Malcolm

Leslie the Scot - Mar 94)
(Fieldless) A winged Ringerike wolf passant to sin, wings elevated
& addorsed, Sa. (B: Haakon Haukarson - Oct 85)
(Fieldless) A wolf courant contourny Sa. (B: Lorn Stark - Nov 98)
Arg, a chev Gu betw a fox passant & a crescent Sa. (D: Warren of
Bellford - Aug 79?)
Arg, a fox courant contourny Sa betw 3 trefoils Vt, a bord embat Sa.
(D: Simkin Colfox - Jan 96)
Arg, a fox courant to sin within a serpent in annulo, head to chf, Sa.
(B: Reynard the Brown - Jul 87) (For Refsheim)
Arg, a fox passant contourny Sa atop a base Vt, in chf a trefoil
slipped Sa. (D: Ailinn Shadowfox - Feb 86)
Arg, a fox passant reguardant Sa & a chf invected Vt. (D: Brian of
Foxwold - Nov 81)
Arg, a greyhound courant Sa, a bord embat Vt. (D: Vincent William
Blake - Sep 99)
Arg, a greyhound passant regardant Sa & a bord Vt semy of rabbits
courant feet to center Or. (D: Rebecca with the Greyhound Aug 02)
Arg, a hound passant coward Sa within an orle of chain Az. (B:
Horic Grarvargr Caithnes - Apr 89)
Arg, a Maltese cross Gu, overall a wolf passant reguardant within a
bord embat Sa. (D: Ranulf dAubraye - Dec 90)
Arg, a rottweiler passant proper, on a chf Az a dirk palewise betw 2
hearts Arg. (D: Dirk del Prestes - Jan 99)
Arg, a Scottish deerhound courant contourny Sa betw 3 thistles
Purp. (D: Muirenn Dubh - Apr 94)
Arg, a setter statant Sa within a bord Purp, semy of pawprints Arg.
(D: Elizabeth of Gordonsward - Jan 90)
Arg, a talbot passant Sa & a chf indented Gu. (D: Galiana fitz
William - Jul 00)
Arg, a talbot passant Sa & on a chf double arched Az 3 doves volant
to sin Arg. (D: Leah Hundemanin - Aug 06)
Arg, a talbot passant Sa betw flaunches Purp & a chf Sa. (D:
Maeve of Spiaggia Levantina - Feb 04)
Arg, a tower Az within a laurel wreath Vt & in chf a wolf courant
Sa. (D: Wolfscairn - Aug 83)

Beast - Dog - 1 - Sable - Passant (continued)

Arg, a winged wolf passant contourny Sa betw 3 open scrolls Az.

(D: Brnach Finnabair ua Temnein - Aug 92)
Arg, a winged wolf passant, wings elevated & addorsed, on a chf
triangular Sa an aurochs skull Arg. (D: Haakon Haukarson Aug 84)
Arg, a wolf statant Sa, a chf checky Sa & Arg, chauss Az. (D:
Phelan Kell - Feb 97)
Arg goutty de sang, a greyhound statant coward, on a chf Sa 2
spears in salt Or. (D: Jonathan ap Morgan - Sep 93)
Arg semy of arrows bendwise sin inv Az, a dog statant Sa. (D:
Kevin OShaughnessy - Aug 95)
Checky Arg & Gu, a wolf passant within a bord Sa. (D: Grace of
Fairhaven - Nov 95)
Chevronelly Arg & Gu, a hound passant Sa. (B: Madoc Arundel May 86) (For the Guardians of the Crossroads)
Ermine, a talbot courant Sa & a bord Az. (D: Henri Bigod May 02)
Ermine, a wolf statant contourny Sa & a chf Az. (D: Ceallach Chas
- Jul 92)
Gu, a bend sin betw a wolf courant to sin & a long-tailed bat disp,
all Sa fimbriated Or. (D: Hedgia du Loup - Jun 76?)
Gyronny Gu & Or, a greyhound statant contourny Sa. (D: Lettice
Atwode of Sandhyll - Feb 94)
Lozengy Arg & Az, a hound passant regardant & a chf Sa. (D:
Sigismund Schmidt - Sep 03)
Or, a fox courant & on a chf Sa 3 palm trees Or. (D: Reinmar
Heyden - Nov 01)
Or, a greyhound passant contourny Sa & a ford proper. (D:
Fionnghuala Feuterer - Mar 05)
Or, a greyhound statant reguardant betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Sa, a bord
Gu. (D: Isabeau della Chiara - Feb 01)
Or, a Scottish terrier statant to sin Sa & a chf rayonny Gu. (B:
Malcolm Leslie the Scot - Mar 90)
Or, a Scottish terrier statant to sin Sa, on a chf rayonny Gu, a
claymore Arg. (D: Malcolm Leslie the Scot - Aug 88)
Or, a winged talbot passant, a bord rayonny Sa. (D: Donovan
Talbot - Mar 05)
Or, a wolf courant to sin Sa betw five mullets, 3 & 2, Vt. (D:
Brighid Duflaidd - Mar 88)
Or, a wolf statant, head raised, upon a sin base quarter Sa, in canton
a torteau. (D: Aaron of Wolfs Krag - Jan 80)
Or, a wolf statant to sin Sa charged with a Latin cross Or, betw 2
lightning flashes in pile Sa. (D: Elbert Raoul - Apr 83)
Or, in pale a fox statant to sin Sa, maintaining in its mouth a squirrel
Purp, & a mount Sa. (D: Michael of Worcester - Mar 87)
Or, 2 estoiles & a unicornate wolf passant reguardant Sa. (D:
Arianna Ravenstar of Wolfwood - Aug 88)
Or, upon a mount Vt, a wolf statant coward proper, perched upon
the back thereof, a raven Sa. (B: Abra the Trader - Jan 73)
(For House Wolfrider)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a wolf courant Sa betw in pale 2 arrows
palewise ctrch. (B: Ivan of Summergate - Apr 07)
Per bend Or & Arg, a bend Az betw a natural panther couchant & a
wolf passant Sa. (D: Alain de Bastien - Jul 86)
Per bend sin Or & Vt, a talbot passant Sa & a bord ctrch. (D:
Michel der Riese - Jun 02)
Per chev Arg & Az, a wolf passant Sa betw 3 compass roses ctrch.
(D: Kendrick Wayfarer - Jan 95)
Per chev Arg & Sa, a wolf courant & a lightning bolt palewise
ctrch. (D: Grimulf Thyrmodh - Oct 02)
Per chev Arg & Vt, a greyhound courant contourny Sa & an owl
affronty Arg. (D: Ana ingen Chonchobair - Jun 06)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 demiwolves ramp addorsed issuant from the
line of division Arg, & a dog statant reguardant Sa. (D: Bran
of Silver Keep - Jul 97)
Per chev inv Or & Arg, a chev inv Az betw a wolf statant to sin
ululant Sa & 2 oak leaves in chev inv Vt. (D: Wolfram der
Jger - Apr 91)
Per chev ploy Arg & Purp, a wolf courant Sa & a Thors hammer
Arg. (D: Moses the Lost - Sep 97)
Per chev throughout Or & Arg, 2 Great Dane dogs heads cabossed
& a Great Dane dog passant to sin Sa. (D: Phillip of Loch
Shelldrake - Jun 83)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a fess betw a wolf statant & a stags head, all
ctrch. (D: Morgan MacDowell - Oct 89)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 197

[Beast - Dog - 1 - Sable - Passant] to [Beast - Dog - 1 - Sable - Sejant]

Beast - Dog - 1 - Sable - Passant (continued)

Per fess Az & Or, a sun Or & a dog courant Sa. (D: Aurora of
Dragonship Haven - Jun 08)
Per fess Or & Vt, a dog courant Sa marked Arg, in chf 3 roundels
Vt. (D: Emelyne Reisehund - Mar 05)
Per fess rayonny Sa & Or, in pale 3 bezants one & 2 & a fox statant
guardant to sin Sa, marked Arg. (D: Selene Colfox - Sep 81)
Per fess Sa, mulletty Arg, & Arg, in base a wolf statant guardant Sa.
(D: Stanislas Blachuta - Jun 89)
Per fess Vt & Arg, a horse passant Arg & a greyhound statant Sa.
(D: Sadhbh of Falcons Keep - Jan 01)
Per fess wavy Arg & Az, a fox courant Sa & 3 willow trees Or. (D:
Finnguala ingen Fhaelain Abann na Sailech - Apr 96)
Per pale & per salt Or & Gu, a dog passant & a chf dovetailed Sa.
(D: Fiona inghean Lid - May 05)
Per pale Or & Gu, a wolf statant Sa & a peacock close to sin Or, a
point pointed ctrch. (D: Roark Wulfkynde the Peacock Nov 89)
Vt, a Celtic hound statant coward proper. (B: Beagle de la Souris
Folle - Mar 78) (A Celtic hound proper is brown.)
Vt, an Irish Wolfhound statant Sa, fimbriated Or. (D: Robert of
Lahinch - Jun 73?)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Dog - 1 - Sable - Rampant

(Fieldless) A fox salient contourny Sa mullety Or. (B: Isolda

Throkmorton de Foxley - Sep 03)
(Fieldless) A wolf ramp contourny reguardant Sa charged on the
shoulder with a decrescent Or. (B: C Dub MacArtuir Aug 91)
Arg, a bend engrailed Gu, overall a wolf ramp to sin Sa. (B:
Lachlann Faol-lonn o Lochlon - Sep 84) (For Clan Faollonn)
Arg, a bend Vt cotised betw an oak tree & a wolf ramp Sa. (D:
Ulric Blackoak - Mar 00)
Arg, a chev Gu betw 2 mullets of six points voided & interlaced & a
greyhound Sa. (D: Cynwrig Cynydd - Aug 97)
Arg, a demi-wolf salient proper charged upon the shoulder with an
elf-bolt Arg, issuant from a valknut Gu. (D: Styrbjrg
Ulfethnar - Nov 77)
Arg, a fess engrailed to chf Az betw 2 dolphins Vt, finned & spined
Gu, & a wolf ramp Sa. (D: Kenelm Reimund of the Plains Nov 89)
Arg, a salt Purp overall a wolf ramp Sa. (D: edn c mac Rnin
h-i Felin - Apr 02)
Arg, a winged wolf ramp contourny betw 3 roses Sa. (D: Gisele
Adelais Geirlaug Ulfsdottir - Sep 92)
Arg, a wolf ramp & in chf 2 roundels Sa. (D: Dubhghall mac
bhearird - Mar 97)
Arg, a wolf ramp & on a bord Sa 3 crosses patonce Arg. (D:
Gunnolf of Mwre - Mar 05)
Arg, a wolf ramp contourny maintaining 2 swords, in chf 3 birds
disp Sa. (B: Wulfric Duncan of Ayr - Apr 96)
Arg, a wolf ramp contourny Sa, 4 wolfs teeth issuing from sin Gu.
(D: lfheinn rinsson - Mar 98)
Arg, a wolf ramp maintaining in its dexter forepaw a sword Sa,
hilted Or, within a bord quarterly Gu & Sa. (B: Ulrich der
Geschwinde von Augsburg - Feb 84) (For Haushalt
Arg, a wolf ramp maintaining 2 arrows inv Sa & on a chf enarched
Gu a demi-sun Or. (D: Zachary Wolfhunter - Aug 96)
Arg, a wolf ramp Sa charged on the shoulder with a Latin cross Or.
(D: Robert of Galloway - Oct 05)
Arg, a wolf ramp to sin Sa & a chf raguly Purp. (D: Aeschine
Colquhoun - Oct 03)
Arg, a wolf ramp to sin Sa & on a chf Gu in pale a rolled scroll & a
quill reversed Or. (D: Wolfgang von Volkersheim - Aug 83)
Arg, a wolf ramp to sin Sa & 3 wolves teeth issuant from sin Gu,
all within a bord Sa. (D: Randwulf aus dem Schnee - Jul 91)
Arg, a wolf ramp to sin Sa atop a mount Vt, in chf a rose Gu barbed
& seeded proper. (D: Rohais of Wolfhill - Jul 86)
Arg, a wolf statant erect contourny reguardant Sa, breathing flames
& sustaining a finger ring Gu, gemmed Az. (D: Sofiye
Darkhawk - Jul 92)
Arg, an Irish Wolf Hound counterrampant Sa, & on a chf Vt a
Huntinghorn reversed Arg. (D: Gavain Black Hound of the
Horn - Aug 79)
198 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Dog - 1 - Sable - Rampant (continued)

Arg chap Gu, a wolf ramp maintaining a great sword Sa & in chf 2
frets throughout Or. (D: Ulfarr Ordlokarr Rikhardsson Mar 86)
Arg, in fess a thistle proper sustained by a wolf ramp Sa. (B:
Peregrine Brambles - Jan 97)
Arg mullety of 4 points Az, a winged wolf ramp Sa. (D: Alzbeta
Michalik - Nov 05)
Arg semy of lozenges Vt, a fox ramp within a bord embat Sa. (D:
Iohannes ap Gwylim Pengrych - Jul 03)
Arg, semy of rosebuds slipped & leaved Az, a wolf ramp to sin Sa
within a bord Az. (D: Kaenis Lowell - Jul 83)
Checky Arg & Vt, a wolf ramp & a chf Sa. (D: Randwulf aet
Blacwulveslea - Aug 01)
Or, a dog ramp Sa maintaining a recorder proper, a bord Az. (D:
Katla der Kenntnisreich - Feb 99)
Or, a talbot ramp Sa, maintaining in its mouth a burning brand, in
sin chf a mullet of eight points Gu. (D: Thomas Broadpaunch
- Apr 98)
Or, a winged wolf salient Sa within a bord embat Vt. (D: Lovell of
Shadwode - Sep 02)
Or, a wolf counter-salient Sa, maintaining in its mouth a rose Gu,
barbed & seeded proper. (D: Conrad Stronghand - Aug 02)
Or, a wolf ramp betw 2 gussets Sa each charged with a compass star
Or. (D: Rowan Michael Gwyar ap Llewelyn - Jul 90)
Or, a wolf ramp Sa within a bord Gu crusilly swallowtailed Or. (D:
Magdalena Ysabel von Wolfenberg - Jun 00)
Or, a wolf ramp Sa within a bord Sa estoily Or. (D: Rafe Woulson May 05)
Per bend Arg & Az, a wolf sejant erect reguardant contourny Sa & a
lion sejant erect reguardant Arg. (D: Caitrona of Dreiburgen
- Jun 97)
Per bend rayonny Or & Gu, a wolf salient Sa & an anvil Or. (D:
Wulf Feuerschmied von Bern - Nov 86)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a wolf ramp to sin Sa, on a chf Gu 3 quill
pens bendwise Arg. (D: Hrlfr Brynjlfsson - Jun 98)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a Celtic cross Arg & a wolf salient Sa. (D:
Christian Blackwolfe - Aug 94)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a roundel Sa fimbriated Arg & a hound
salient contourny Sa. (D: Katherine dArmagh - May 95)
Per bend sin embat pean & erminois, a winged stag ramp regardant
Or & a wolf ramp to sin guardant Sa. (D: Jarique Ravenelle of
Marseilles - Apr 84)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, a mullet of seven points Arg & a fox salient
contourny Sa. (D: Gunther the Scout - Jan 91)
Per bend sin wavy Or & Az, a wolf ramp Sa & a dolphin haurient
Arg. (D: Eachan Mac Gille Fhaolain - Jul 99)
Per chev Arg & chequy Gu & Arg, 2 crosses crosslet Gu & a wolf
ramp reguardant Sa. (D: Aedilwulf Cachelove aet Warwic Apr 90)
Per chev enhanced Sa & Or, a wolf ramp to sin reguardant Sa & in
chf 2 decrescents Or. (D: C Dub MacArtuir - Feb 89)
Per chev Sa & Arg, a wolf ramp Sa & in canton a plate. (D: Lna
Gaussdttir - Dec 00)
Per chev throughout Sa & Or, 2 wolfs heads erased Or a winged
wolf salient Sa. (D: nn mac Felin - Mar 96)
Per pale indented Arg & Sa, a wolf & a stag combattant within a
bord indented, all ctrch. (D: Joanna de Gordon - Jun 92)
Per pale wavy Purp & Arg, a serpent, glissant palewise & sin
facing, Arg & a wolf ramp Sa. (D: Alexandre Lerot dAvignon
- Mar 89)
Per pale wavy Purp & Arg, a snake glissant palewise Arg & a wolf
ramp Sa. (B: Alexandre Lerot dAvignon - Mar 87)
Per salt Vt & Or, in fess a natural dolphin haurient to sin Purp & a
wolf ramp Sa. (D: Jaida of Altavia - Jul 05)
Potent, a wolf ramp Sa. (D: Philip Dyemoke - Mar 75?)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a wolf ramp reguardant Sa betw 4 crescents in
salt ctrch, a bord embat Sa. (D: Logan Blackwoulfe - Oct 96)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Dog - 1 - Sable - Sejant

(Fieldless) A brown vixen sejant ululant proper. (B: Apollonia

Voss - Oct 07)
(Fieldless) A rotweiler dog sejant affront proper, gorged of a
collar Or. (B: Ammalynne Sternjekrakki Haraldsdottir Sep 80)

[Beast - Dog - 1 - Sable - Sejant] to [Beast - Dog - 2 - Argent]

Beast - Dog - 1 - Sable - Sejant (continued)

(Fieldless) On a wolf sejant ululant contourny Sa an increscent Or.

(B: Sabah al-Zaman - Sep 02)
Arg, a chev, in chf a decrescent & an increscent Az overall a wolf
sejant Sa. (D: Thora of Skye - Jan 99)
Arg, a collie dog sejant to sin within an orle Sa charged with an orle
Or. (D: Heather of Tyson - Apr 08)
Arg, a fox sejant contourny proper & in base a rosebud Gu slipped
proper betw flaunches Sa semy of goutes Arg. (D: Minna die
Schlaue - Jun 94)
Arg, a wolf sejant affronte Sa, overall a laurel wreath Vt. (D:
Southmarch - Jul 81)
Arg, a wolf sejant contourn, sin forepaw raised, Sa. (D: Harald de
Sort Ulv af Danelaw - Apr 81)
Arg, a wolf sejant Sa betw 3 roses slipped & leaved proper. (D:
Risn de Bhulbh - Jan 01)
Arg ermined Gu, a wolf sejant to sin Sa, in chf 3 roses proper. (D:
Teza Aubry - Jan 99)
Arg, goutty de sang, a wolf sejant ululant Sa. (D: Athalwolf
Ironhand - Jun 92)
Checky Gu & Arg, a talbot sejant Sa. (B: Megan Laine - Mar 91)
Ermine, a 3-headed wolf sejant affronty, the outer heads addorsed,
Sa. (D: Elrik Thurstan Gerewolf - Mar 88)
Ermine, a wolf sejant Sa, on a chf indented Gu 3 bezants. (D:
Thyrnni of Wolfskrag - Sep 92)
Ermine, a wolf sejant ululant contourny Sa within a bord rayonny
Gu. (D: Bianca Valentina della Volpe da San Germano Jul 93)
Lozengy couped in fess Or & Gu, a wolf sejant within a bord Sa.
(D: Athelwulf Wulfsson - Mar 88)
Or, a fox sejant guardant Sa & in chf a ducal coronet, all within an
orle of Wake knots in orle Gu. (D: Marsle of Dunbarton Sep 07)
Or, a wolf sejant affronty Sa & on a chf Az, 2 butterflies disp Or.
(D: Eric LEstrange - Sep 88)
Or, a wolf sejant affronty Sa holding in its mount a dagger Or betw
in fess 2 swords inv, a bord embat Sa. (D: Erik Rikwulf Aug 91)
Or, a wolf sejant contourny ululant Sa, a chf Gu semy of pawprints
fesswise reversed Or. (D: Ana de Moravia - Dec 98)
Or, a wolf sejant ululant contourny & a bord Sa. (D: Sabah alZaman - Sep 02)
Or, in fess a fox sejant regardant Sa betw 2 branches palewise
proper leaved Vt. (D: Aoibheall an Sionnach - Sep 98)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a feather & a wolf sejant contourny ululant
ctrch. (D: Igrainne Silver Feather - Aug 92)
Per bend sin nebuly Gu & Or, a sun in its splendor Or & a brown
vixen sejant ululant proper. (D: Apollonia Voss - Oct 07)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, a bend sin ctrch betw a tower Arg & a fox
sejant Sa. (B: Johann Wolfgang von Hesse - May 06)
Per bend Vt & Or, a wooden drop spindle proper threaded Arg & a
brown dog sejant guardant proper. (D: Vivian of Silverlake Nov 07)
Per chev Gu & Arg a compass star Arg & a wolf sejant contourny
ululant Sa. (D: Cosmano Piero Micheletto da Roma - Sep 93)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 owls Arg & a wolf sejant ululant contourny
Sa. (D: Beorhtric von Adlerheim - Jan 93)
Per chev indented Vt & Arg, 2 towers Arg & a fox sejant affronty
proper. (D: Alexandra McVicar of Dornoch - Apr 97)
Per chev pean & Or, in base a wolf sejant ululant Sa. (D: Adren c
Faol - Mar 91)
Per chev rayonny Sa & Arg, 2 headsmans axes inv & addorsed in
chev & a fox sejant regardant ctrch. (D: Fawkes Bailhache Jan 97)
Per chev throughout Gu & Or, a wolf sejant, head raised, Sa & in
canton a mullet of 4 points Or. (D: Ceridwen MacAoudhegain
- Jan 81)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a fox sejant guardant Sa & a bord embat ctrch.
(D: Tristan Fiddler - Jan 05)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Dog - 1 - Vert

Arg, a dog statant guardant & on a chf Vt an arrow reversed Or. (D:
Plokhoi Sobakin - Mar 02)
Arg, a greyhound salient to sin within an orle Vt, all within a bord
Sa. (D: Becc of Cork - Nov 88)

Beast - Dog - 1 - Vert (continued)

Arg, a 2-headed wolf, queue forchy & ramp to sin, Vt, on a chf Gu,
3 escallops inv Arg. (D: Derdriu OFionnghail of Clare Feb 90)
Arg, a winged wolf statant to sin ululant, on a chf Vt 3 plates. (D:
Caitlin of Strathpefir - Aug 90)
Arg, a wolf sejant ululant Vt. (D: Caelainn inghean Fhaolain Mar 01)
Arg, in dexter chf a cross throughout Gu, in sin base a greyhound
sejant reguardant, dexter forepaw raised Vt. (D: Orlando
Cavalcanti - Aug 79?)
Or, a fox courant Vt within an orle of fleurs-de-lys Sa. (D: Jolie de
Valiere - Aug 98)
Or, a wolf passant Vt & on a chf indented Az 3 lozenges Or. (D:
Aidan of Marion Glen - Feb 06)
Or, a wolf passant Vt within an annulet Gu. (D: Faolan mac Aodh Nov 04)
Or, a wolf ramp Vt, a chf indented Sa. (D: James of Hastings Apr 88)
Or, a wolf statant Vt within a bord Gu. (B: Faolan mac Aodh Sep 07)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Dog - 2 - Argent

(Fieldless) A goblet sustained betw 2 talbots salient respectant Arg.

(B: Alys Montgomerie - Nov 00)
(Fieldless) 2 talbots combattant Arg maintaining betw them a
thighbone Gu. (B: Uther Shieldbreaker - Aug 94)
(Fieldless) 2 wolves ramp addorsed Arg. (B: Manfred Albrecht von
Halsstern - May 97) (For Haus von Halsstern)
(Fieldless) 2 wolves salient respectant Arg sustaining a pretzel
erminois. (B: Roberto Carlos Dominguez - Apr 07)
Az, a chev inv wavy Or betw a castle & 2 foxes sejant addorsed
Arg. (D: Robert Corwen of Dunbar - Jul 98)
Az, a fess betw 2 dogs statant respectant & a shark naiant all within
an orle Arg. (D: Francesca Teresa Giani - Sep 07)
Az, a fess engrailed betw a poodle statant & 2 needles in salt Arg.
(D: Stephanie Lilburn - Jun 07)
Az, a salt Or overall 2 wolves combattant Arg all within a bord Or.
(D: Coinneach Aindrias MacLeod - May 95)
Az, a shakefork betw a decrescent & 2 wolves sejant respectant
ululant Arg. (D: Catherine Ecceles - Oct 89)
Az, in pale 2 whippets in full course bendwise sin Arg, collared Gu,
& on a chf Arg a fox couchant reguardant Or enflamed Gu. (D:
Branwyn OBrallaghan - May 81)
Az, on a bend betw 2 foxes sejant guardant Arg an arrow Az. (D:
Alicia de Berwic - Sep 05)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 wolves passant to sin Arg, a sword inv Gu.
(D: Stephan of Durham - Jun 93)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 wolves sejant ululant Arg, 3 crescents Az.
(D: Cyra of Tir Ysgithr - Jul 97)
Az, 2 chevronels Sa fimbriated & in chf 2 wolves combattant Arg.
(D: Sen mac Conaill u Bhraonin - Mar 05)
Az, 2 scarpes betw 2 wolves passant Arg. (D: Vallaulfr Rurikson Dec 04)
Az, 2 talbots salient respectant Arg supporting in chf a sun Or
charged with a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Sigelhundas - Jul 92)
Az, 2 talbots statant respectant chained Arg to a sin gauntlet in chf
Or. (D: Hrothbeorht MacPhie of Dreghorn - Oct 91)
Az, 2 winged foxes combattant Arg & in base a sprig of 3 aspen
leaves Or. (B: Morberie of Tor Denly - Mar 96)
Az, 2 wolves combattant Arg maintaining a cross potent Or, a bord
embat Arg. (D: Leofsunu lfstanes sunu - Mar 05)
Az, 2 wolves countersalient in salt Arg. (D: Katla feilan
Stefansdottir - Jan 07)
Az, 2 wolves dormant respectant & on a chf indented Arg a mullet
Az. (B: Vallaulfr Rurikson - Jul 06)
Gu, on a bend betw 2 wolves ramp Arg 3 arrows Sa. (D: Daniel of
Whitby - Nov 03)
Gu, on a bend Sa fimbriated betw 2 wolves ramp an axe Arg. (D:
Olcn Mac Meanma - Jun 03)
Gu, on a bend sin betw 2 wolves couchant Arg, 3 roses proper. (D:
Eva Woderose - Dec 07)
Gu, 2 wolves combattant & in chf a mullet Arg, a point pointed
ermine. (D: Sergei Bolotnikov - Apr 04)
Per bend sin wavy Vt & Az, 2 wolves sejant ululant Arg. (D: Gilli
feilan - May 08)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 199

[Beast - Dog - 2 - Argent] to [Beast - Dog - 2 - Gules]

Beast - Dog - 2 - Argent (continued)

Per bend Vt & Sa, on a bend betw 2 wolves statant Arg, 3 roses Gu
betw 2 bendlets Gu. (D: Ursula Sturludttir - May 99)
Per chev Az & Arg, a chev ctrch betw 2 wolves ramp contourny
Arg & a raven disp contourny Sa. (D: Ragnar the Wolf Oct 93)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 wolves combattant Arg & an oak tree proper.
(D: Seadna Adare - Feb 92)
Per chev Az & Gu, a pall inv Or betw 2 wolves statant contourny &
a Latin cross Arg. (D: Lchn mac Alsandair - Jun 98)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev betw 2 winged dogs sejant respectant
each with a forepaw raised Arg & a goblet Or. (D:
Seachnasach O Braonin - Apr 01)
Per chev dovetailed Gu & Sa, in chf 2 lozenges & in base in pale 2
wolves statant Arg. (D: Hrgeirr varsson - May 04)
Per chev dovetailed Or & Vt, in base 2 foxes in pale passant
contourny Arg. (D: Iohann der Fuchs - Jul 05)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 dogs couchant respectant Arg & a tower Sa.
(D: Melanie de la Tour - May 08)
Per chev inv Arg & Az, a rose & 2 wolves ramp reguardant
addorsed one & 2, a bord ctrch. (D: rennach ingen Chormaic
- Jun 99)
Per chev Purp & Arg, 2 wolves ramp Arg & a dragon disp Sa. (D:
Angharat verch Reynulf - Mar 02)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 2 greyhounds courant respectant Arg, & a
phoenix Gu. (D: Alanna de Culan - Aug 98)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev betw 2 wolves combattant & a ship Arg
atop a ford proper. (D: William Silverwolf - Jun 92)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev fracted betw 2 wolves combatant Arg & 2
falchions in salt proper. (D: Timur Borte - Jul 96)
Per chev Sa & Az, 2 dogs combattant & a unicorn dormant Arg. (D:
Hreodbeorht MacBeath - Sep 92)
Per chev Sa & Gu, 2 dogs passant respectant Arg & a Thors
hammer Or. (D: Sunn Egilsdttir - Dec 04)
Per chev Sa & Gu, 2 wolves combattant Arg, maintaining betw
them a flask Or charged with a millrind Sa. (D: Yvon Bater of
Darkwood - Nov 93)
Per fess Arg & Vt, in pale 3 bars Gu & 2 foxes passant in pale Arg.
(D: Pierre de Noves - May 80)
Per fess dovetailed Az & Arg, in pale 2 greyhounds courant Arg
collared Or & a portcullis Sa. (D: Connor MEleam - Apr 07)
Per fess rayonny Sa & Gu, 2 talbots statant counterstatant Arg. (D:
Alleyne Blackburn - May 01)
Per pale Gu & Az, in pale 2 wolves passant Arg. (D: Sabina of
Borthwick - Oct 02)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 wolves combattant Arg, on a chf embat Or a
paw print Sa. (D: Tjorvi Lodinsson - Dec 92)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 wolves ramp addorsed, each maintaining an
axe, on a chf Arg an eagle per pale Sa & Gu. (D: Thorgrim
Skullsplitter - Jul 07)
Per pale nebuly Gu & Vt, 2 wolves ramp, in chf a sword Arg. (D:
Lupus of Arundel - May 94)
Per pale Sa & Az 2 talbots sejant Arg. (D: Diago Alfonso de
Crdoba - Sep 95)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 2 wolves combattant Arg, a chf embat erminois.
(D: Iohann Folcwulfes sunu - Oct 99)
Per pale Sa & Vt, 2 wolves combatant Arg maintaining betw them a
goblet Or, a bord Arg semy of Maltese crosses Sa. (D: Dougal
MacNeil - Jul 06)
Per pale Sa & Vt, 2 wolves salient addorsed & in base a cup Arg.
(D: Eleanor Fitzgerald - Apr 98)
Per pale Vt & Gu, 2 foxes sejant respectant on a chf Arg 3 roses
proper seeded Sa. (D: Affrica nic Pharlain Sidhein Mhoir Sep 95)
Per pale Vt & Sa, in pale a fox couchant & another couchant
contourny & a mount indented Arg. (D: Leodgar of Foxwood
- Jun 94)
Per salt Arg & Az, in fess 2 dogs combattant Arg. (D: Uther
Shieldbreaker - Sep 91)
Per salt Sa & Gu, a tree blasted betw 2 wolves ramp addorsed Arg.
(D: Ulfric Osler of Lands End - Sep 91)
Purp, on a pale bretessed betw 2 dogs combatant, each maintaining
a shamrock Arg, an open book Gu. (D: Eibhln inghean u
Choilein - Mar 07)
Purp, on a pile inv throughout betw in chf 2 wolfhounds sejant
respectant Arg in base a rose Az, barbed Vt. (D: Nikolai
Aleksandrovitch Staritsyn - Aug 82)
200 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Dog - 2 - Argent (continued)

Purp, 2 chevronels betw 2 wolves combattant, collared & chained,

& a compass star elongated to base within a bord, all Arg. (D:
Douglas Starwolf - Nov 89)
Purp, 2 wolves sejant guardant respectant & on a chf embat Arg, a
roundel betw 2 mountains couped Purp. (D: Wolfgang von
Steinbach - Jan 92)
Quarterly Az & Gu, in fess 2 poodles ramp Arg. (D: Marlo the
Morose - Jun 83)
Quarterly embat Vt & Or, in bend 2 wolves salient Arg & in bend
sin 2 Celtic crosses Vt. (B: Fergus MacLennan - Oct 04)
Sa, a cross Gu, fimbriated Arg, betw in first & fourth quarters 2
wolves passant reguardant Arg & in second & third quarters 2
fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Robert Milne Stebbings - Aug 79?)
Sa, an open scroll Or betw in fess 2 wolves combattant & in base a
roundel Arg. (D: Athalwolf Svartaskald - Dec 84)
Sa, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 wolves couchant bendwise sin Arg a
wolf couchant Sa. (D: Seosaidh MacFaoilchire - Oct 95)
Sa, on a bend sin betw 2 wolves sejant Arg 4 wolfs paw prints
bendwise Gu. (D: Feln mac Finguine - Jul 00)
Sa, on a pale betw 2 wolves combattant Arg a rose slipped & leaved
Sa. (D: Gary of Dragons Aerie - Mar 93)
Sa, on a pile betw 2 wolves combattant Arg a crescent Gu. (D:
Seamus Connachtach - Jan 96)
Sa, 2 foxes combatant & a chf dovetailed Arg. (D: Raphael Dunoir
- Jul 04)
Tierced per pall Or, Vt, & Az, 2 hounds ramp addorsed Arg, spotted
Sa, & in chf a grape cluster slipped & leaved proper. (D:
Gregory Falconheart - Oct 82)
Vt, a chev inv betw a Celtic cross & 2 wolves salient addorsed Arg.
(D: Patrick Connor ODonnell McPhelan - Aug 91)
Vt, a chevronel Or betw in chf 2 bulldogs statant respectant Arg,
each gorged of a collar Sa, studded Arg, & in base a squirrel
sejant erect Or holding in its forepaws an acorn Arg, capped
Or. (D: Sterling of Toad Hall - Aug 79?)
Vt, in bend 3 escarbuncles of six arms bendwise betw 2 wolves
statant Arg. (D: Dietrich Schneewolf - Feb 01)
Vt, in fess a castle betw 2 wolves ramp addorsed each maintaining a
sword Arg. (B: Tristam McFarland - Jul 03)
Vt, on a pile inv throughout betw 2 hounds combattant Arg a
trebuchet proper. (D: Fergus mac Conal - Dec 00)
Vt, 2 wolves sejant addorsed, in chf a wolfs head cabossed Arg, a
bord dovetailed Or. (D: Asne Whitewolf - Mar 95)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Dog - 2 - Azure

(Fieldless) 2 wolves combattant Az maintaining betw them in chf a

mullet of eight points pierced Gu. (B: Jean de Leedes Dec 03)
Arg, a fess wavy betw 2 wolves courant within a bord Az. (D:
Wolfgang the Rhinelander - Jun 87)
Arg, 2 wolves sejant ululant respectant Az, on a chf enarched Purp,
3 mullets Arg. (D: Siobhan ni Diarmaid - Aug 89)
Or, in salt 2 wolves counter-salient Az, on a chf Sa 3 ermine spots
Or. (D: Kay Leigh Drake - May 00)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 2 wolves ramp Az & a fleur-de-lys Or. (D:
Connall mac Faolan na Tir Eoghain - Oct 00)
Per chev inv Arg, & Arg semy of thistles proper, a chev inv & in
chf 2 hounds salient respectant Az. (D: Diarmait
Caomhanach mac Alasdair - Oct 93)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Dog - 2 - Fur

Az, a pair of hounds counter-salient in salt ermine within an orle

Arg. (D: Isolde von Wittenberg - Mar 04)
Gu, 2 wolves sejant respectant erminois betw 3 suns Or. (D:
Ambrosine Aelfwynn de Beaumont - Jun 83)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Dog - 2 - Gules

Arg, a bend Purp betw 2 bloodhounds statant Gu. (D: Elena of

Myddle - Sep 99)
Arg, on a bend Sa betw 2 wolves ramp Gu, 2 fleurs-de-lys palewise
Arg. (D: Kateryna Bouland de Lancastre - May 07)
Arg, 2 foxes courant Gu within a bord embat Sa. (D: Volodimir of
Cambion - Oct 86)

[Beast - Dog - 2 - Gules] to [Beast - Dog - 2 - Or]

Beast - Dog - 2 - Gules (continued)

Arg, 2 foxes salient respectant Gu, & a mullet of eight points Sa.
(D: Corwin of Fox Mountain - May 84)
Chequy Sa & Arg, in pale a wolf passant & a wolf passant to sin
Gu. (D: Wolfgang the Gameman - May 90)
Or, a claymore Sa betw in chf 2 wolves combattant Gu. (D:
Donnchadh Dubhghlas - Mar 97)
Or, a crossbow betw 2 wolves salient addorsed Gu. (D: Jon
Rolfsson - Nov 04)
Or, a sword inv Az, hilted Sa, betw 2 red foxes combattant proper.
(D: Russell Balgair - Aug 79?)
Or goutty de poix, 2 wolves combattant Gu & a chf Sa. (D: Bran
MacNeill - Feb 95)
Or, in pale a spoon fesswise bowl to dexter & in fess 2 talbots sejant
Gu. (D: Zoe Kalamane Laskarina - Jan 06)
Or, in pale 2 talbots courant contourny Gu. (B: Aster Peyton Oct 03)
Or, on a fess Az betw 2 wolves passant counter-passant Gu 3
fireballs Or. (B: Atenveldt, Kingdom of - May 08)
Or, on a fess Vt betw 2 red foxes passant guardant each maintaining
in its dexter forepaw a holly leaf fructed proper, a fox passant
guardant maintaining in its dexter forepaw a holly leaf Or. (D:
tan Dhomhunullach - May 95)
Or, 2 foxes sejant respectant Gu, a bord embat Sa. (D: Gwaeddan o
Ystrad Llangollen - Dec 90)
Or, 2 hounds ramp addorsed & a chf Gu. (D: Rian Gortyroyan Jun 92)
Per chev Or & Gu, 2 wolves combattant & a deaths head ctrch. (D:
John Norris of Dreiburgen - Feb 96)
Per fess Arg & Or, an ogress betw 2 dogs courant in annulo Gu. (D:
Dougal of Icolmkill - Apr 00)
Per fess Arg & plummetty Gu & Or, 2 foxes sejant respectant &
reguardant, Gu. (D: Caitrin Maura Gordon - Apr 89)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Dog - 2 - Multicolor

(Fieldless) A goblet per pale Or & Sa sustained betw 2 talbots

combattant Or & Sa. (B: Alys Montgomerie - May 98)
Gu, 2 foxes sejant respectant guardant, the dexter fox Arg & the sin
Or. (D: Chabi negen - Nov 06)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a hound ramp & a hound ramp contourny ctrch.
(D: Matheus hundamar - Feb 03)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a bend Sa betw 2 wolves sejant ululant ctrch.
(D: Feln MacCearbhaill - Mar 98)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a wolf statant contourny & a wolf statant
ctrch, a chf pean. (D: Alastair Maclennan - Feb 98)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Sa, in bend 2 wolves ramp combattant
ctrch. (D: Matthew de Wolfe - Feb 89)
Per bend sin indented Sa & Arg, 2 wolves sejant contourny ululant
ctrch. (D: Gytha Wulfbeald - Mar 92)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a greyhound courant contourney & another
courant, ctrch. (D: Roget fitz Roget - Oct 91)
Per fess Sa & Arg, a wolf passant & a wolf sejant contourny ululant
ctrch. (D: Helga gylir - Jun 06)
Per fess Vt & Arg, 2 foxes statant ctrch. (D: Elizabeth of
Stonemarch - Jan 04)
Per pale & per chev Sa & Arg, in chf 2 wolves combattant ctrch a
bord Gu. (B: Sukayna bint Salim - Jan 03)
Per pale Arg & Gu, 2 wolves combattant within a bord ctrch. (D:
Randwulf de la Terre dt - Sep 89)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 dogs spotted combattant ctrch. (D: Ceallach
Maraidhe - Jan 94)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 wolves combatant within a bord embat ctrch.
(D: Gyrerd von Altwolfstein - Aug 94)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 wolves combattant, on a chf enarched, a
roundel betw an increscent & a decrescent ctrch. (D:
Gwalchmai ap Bledig - Sep 89)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 wolves sejant respectant ululant, in chf a
roundel all ctrch. (D: Duibheasa n Chileachin - Aug 92)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 wolves combatant ctrch. (D: Feln hua
Meic Laisre - Jul 07)
Per pale counter-ermine & Or, 2 hounds sejant erect respectant
ctrch issuant from base a demi-sun Gu. (D: Susan Landbeorht
- Apr 98)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 bat-winged wolves combattant ctrch, on a chf
Sa 3 crescents Arg. (D: Edric Rannulf - Mar 91)

Beast - Dog - 2 - Multicolor (continued)

Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 foxes combattant, in chf a compass star, all
within a laurel wreath, all ctrch. (D: Vulpine Reach - Dec 82)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 wolves combattant a bord ctrch. (B:
Randwulf de la Terre dt - Dec 96)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 wolves sejant respectant ululant ctrch. (D:
Gavin MacKinlay - Apr 00)
Per pale Or & Purp, a chev embat pean betw in chev 2 greyhounds
courant respectant & an escallop, all ctrch. (D: Francesca
della Terrazza - May 81)
Per pale Or & Sa, 2 Irish wolfhounds combattant ctrch. (D: Fergus
de Maundeville - Aug 78)
Per pale Sa & Arg, in pale 2 wolves passant to sin ctrch. (D: Eirik
Ulfhednar - Feb 89)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 foxes ramp addorsed, each brandishing a
battle-axe, ctrch. (B: Sionnaich Creag - Dec 87)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 greyhounds dormant respectant betw 2 bars all
ctrch. (B: James Beckett of Westmorland - Dec 01)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 talbots sejant respectant ctrch & a foxs mask
Az. (D: Malcolm the Bold - Dec 05)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 wolves combattant ctrch, enflamed proper, in
base an anvil reversed ctrch. (D: Conrad Swarzolf - Oct 93)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 wolves combattant ctrch within an orle Gu.
(D: Wolfker Krieg von Lindenthal - Jan 04)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 wolves combattant, in chf 3 roses ctrch. (D:
Felina von Behren - Feb 99)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 wolves salient addorsed ctrch within a bord Az
crusily Arg. (D: Cuiln Cerd Leathair - Feb 92)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 wolves salient addorsed within a bord
rayonny, all ctrch Arg & Gu. (D: Iryena Kustodieva Apr 89)
Per pale Sa & Or, a goblet sustained betw 2 talbots combattant
ctrch, a bord embat Gu. (D: Alys Montgomerie - Feb 00)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 talbots combatant & a point pointed, all ctrch.
(D: Ulrich von Brandenburg - Aug 01)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 talbots passant respectant ctrch. (D: Diana the
Wanderer - Mar 08)
Per pale Vt & Arg, 2 demi-foxes statant respectant issuant from the
flanks ctrch. (D: Zedena of Tir Ysgithr - Feb 07)
Per pale Vt & Arg, 2 greyhounds combattant ctrch. (D: Rhys ap
Morgan - Nov 03)
Per pale Vt & Or, 2 dogs ramp addorsed ctrch. (D: Anneke van
Twente - May 97)
Per pall Az, Arg & Sa, a sprig of grape vine Arg & 2 dogs salient
respectant ctrch. (D: Marina of Vinewood - May 97)
Per pall Vt Arg & Sa, a decrescent Or & 2 wolves sejant respectant
ululant Sa & Arg. (D: Ceinwen Bleddyn - Nov 02)
Sa, in fess a greyhound sejant reguardant Or & another sejant
contourny reguardant Arg. (D: Marie Edeline - Feb 05)
Vt, a key bendwise sin, wards to chf Or betw 2 Welsh corgies
passant Or marked Arg. (D: Rosalynde y Corgwyn - Jan 93)
Vt, a scarpe Or, overall in bend sin 2 foxes courrant & countercourrant fesswise ctrch. (D: James Douglas Eastland Apr 80)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Dog - 2 - Or

(Fieldless) In pale 2 foxes counter-passant reguardant addorsed Or

enflamed Gu. (B: Branwyn OBrallaghan - Oct 82)
Az, a bend sin bretessed betw a wolf ramp contourny & another
ramp Or. (D: lred Wulfweard - Sep 95)
Az, a fess betw 2 greyhounds courant & a spiral hunting horn Or.
(D: James of Leycester - Oct 01)
Az, a pale Arg betw 2 wolves ramp Or, a chf enarched Arg. (D:
Conall Cathalin - Nov 95)
Az, in pale 2 wolves courant Or. (D: Ingilborg Sigmundardttir May 02)
Az, on a bend nebuly betw 2 foxes passant contourny Or 3 roses
Gu. (D: Eyja ursasprengir - May 02)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 wolves passant Or, a lightning bolt Az.
(D: Hrlfr Hreggvidharson - Sep 92)
Az, 2 greyhounds salient addorsed, on a chf embat Or 3 crescents
Sa. (D: Randal Sinclair Hawkins - Jun 00)
Gu, a pale pean betw 2 dogs combattant Or. (D: Andrea des Chiens
- Aug 87)
Gu, a sword betw 2 wolves ramp addorsed Or. (B: Tedrick von
Wolfschatten - Sep 92)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 201

[Beast - Dog - 2 - Or] to [Beast - Dog - 3 or more]

Beast - Dog - 2 - Or (continued)

Gu, in pale 2 wolves passant counter-passant both reguardant Or.

(B: Birgir inn blakki - Mar 04) (For Gunnulfes hus)
Gu, 2 talbots combattant Or. (D: Otta the Terrible - Mar 98)
Gu, 2 wolves ramp & on a sun Or, a raven migrant to sin chf Sa, a
bord Or. (B: Bran Cuilean mac Muirchiu ua Nill - Nov 92)
Gyronny Arg & Az, 2 wolves ramp & a sun in his splendor Or. (D:
Michael Constantine - Jun 04)
Gyronny of eight Gu & Sa, 2 winged wolves combatant Or. (D:
Cedric of Mercia - Aug 78?)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, 2 greyhounds salient contourny Or. (D:
Kari Kyst - Dec 97)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 wolves combattant Or & a castle Gu. (D:
Lyon Woulfran - Nov 01)
Per chev embat Gu & Or, 2 winged whippets ramp combattant,
wings elevated & addorsed, Or & a horses head, barded &
armoured of a unicornate chamfer, Sa. (D: Moira MacGregor
- May 88)
Per chev Gu & Sa, a chev rompu betw in chf 2 hounds salient
respectant & in base in bend a mask of tragedy & a mask of
comedy, all Or. (D: Connal Albannach - Apr 90)
Per chev Sa & Or, 2 wolves combattant & a tower ctrch. (D:
Wulfstan Egweald - Sep 93)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a chev embat Arg & in chf 2 wolves sejant Or.
(D: Uilliam Conchubhair - Jan 02)
Per fess & per pale embat erminois & Gu, in bend sin 2 talbots
passant Or. (D: Katherine Goodpasture - Jan 90)
Per pale Gu & Purp, 2 Great Danes couchant regardant respectant
Or. (D: Eva le Fayre - Jul 02)
Per pale Sa & Vt, in pale 2 dogs passant, a bord Or. (D: dric
Duquesne - Jan 99)
Per pall Or Gu & Az, a hammer fesswise reversed Sa & 2 dogs
combattant Or. (D: Raibeart MacKever - Sep 02)
Per salt Gu & Az, in pale 2 wolves passant counter-passant Or. (D:
Connor mac Lomin - Oct 04)
Per salt Sa & Az, in pale 2 towers Arg & in fess 2 wolves courant
Or. (B: Argyll MacPherson - Jan 08)
Per salt Sa & Gu, betw 2 wolves salient respectant a bezant Or. (D:
lfr Hkonarson - Apr 06)
Per salt Vt & Sa, 2 wolves combattant, supporting a cup, in base a
fleam Or. (D: Hrolf Ulfsson - Oct 87)
Sa, a fess invected on the upper edge betw 2 wolves combatant & a
wolf passant Or. (D: Rhys of Vakkerfjell - Oct 07)
Sa, 2 wolves combatant Or, each charged on the hip with a crescent
Sa. (D: lfr Edmundarson - Jan 07)
Vt, a sword, inv & wavy-bladed, Arg betw 2 hounds sejant affronty
Or. (D: Richard the Indefinite - Aug 85)
Vt, on a fess betw 2 wolves statant Or a wolf statant to sin Sa. (D:
Ciaran MacDarragh - Sep 90)
Vt, on a pale betw 2 greyhounds ramp Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D:
Muriel Rose de Wessex - Jan 04)
Vt, on a pale betw 2 talbots sejant respectant Or 3 bugle horns
stringed Gu. (D: Peter Blackbeard - Aug 81)
Vt, 2 wolves couchant guardant & on a tun Or, a Thors hammer
inv Gu. (D: Micheal Mor OFaolain - Oct 85)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Dog - 2 - Purpure

Arg, on a bend raguly Sa betw 2 wolves ramp Purp collared &

chained with a broken chain each maintaining a sword Gu 4
paw prints Arg. (D: Almeric Wolfgang von Ristau - Oct 99)
Or, 2 foxes counter-salient in salt Purp. (D: Alfred of Warwick Oct 03)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Dog - 2 - Sable

Arg, a bend sin bretessed Az betw 2 dogs sejant erect contourny Sa,
a bord Az. (D: Adle de Lyon - Aug 95)
Arg, a chev Gu betw 2 hounds passant addorsed Sa & a torteau. (D:
William the Wicked - Nov 01)
Arg, a pale wavy Gu betw 2 wolves combattant Sa. (B: Ealdormere
- Aug 03) (For Award of the Scarlet Banner)
Arg, a tree proper betw 2 wolves combatant Sa, charged on the
foliage with a Latin cross Arg. (D: Thomas Fitzcharles of
Cheltenham - Oct 06)
Arg, on a pale Vt betw in chf 2 wolves combattant Sa 3 mullets Or.
(D: Fergus MacInnes - Jun 01)
202 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Dog - 2 - Sable (continued)

Arg, on a pile inv throughout betw 2 wolves combattant Sa, a stags

head cabossed Arg attired Or. (D: Duncan Walensis of Selkirk
- Feb 00)
Arg, 2 dogs combattant Sa & a parrot disp, a bord Az. (D: Savina
des Gitanes - Aug 99)
Arg, 2 Great Danes combattant Sa within a bord invected Vt. (D:
Guenever of Ravenscroft - Oct 88)
Arg, 2 talbots addorsed ramp reguardant, tails coward, Sa, & on a
chf Gu 3 mullets of 4 points Arg. (D: Margarete of
Stirlingshire - Apr 91)
Arg, 2 wolves combatant Sa, a ford proper. (D: Afanasiia
Volokhovna - Apr 98)
Arg, 2 wolves combattant, on a chf Sa 3 patriarchal crosses Arg.
(D: Sophia Mikhailovna Serpukhova - May 92)
Or, on a bend sin betw 2 wolves ramp Sa 3 Maltese crosses
palewise Or. (D: Fritz der Klewer - Apr 00)
Or, 2 levriers ramp addorsed, tails couped, Sa. (D: Mary of Tamar Jan 73?)
Or, 2 wolves combattant & on a chf Sa, 3 roses Or. (D: Michael
Phelan - Nov 92)
Or, 2 wolves salient respectant & a chf indented Sa. (B: Garick
Kpke - Nov 89) (For House Wlfslager)
Per chev Arg & Vt, in chf 2 foxes combattant proper. (D: Adelaide
Wanderer - May 96)
Per chev dovetailed Or & Gu, in chf 2 Pomeranian hounds
combattant Sa & in base a femur fesswise Or. (D: Tomasz
Pomaranski - Apr 92)
Per chev Or & Sa, 2 wolves combatant Sa & a drakkar, sails set &
oars in action, Arg. (D: Sven of Tor Brandt - Jan 06)
Per salt & per fess Arg & Sa, in pale 2 foxes passant & in fess 2
rapiers ctrch. (D: Douglas de la Mer - Jan 06)
Quarterly Arg & Vt, in bend a greyhound passant contourny & a
greyhound passant Sa. (B: Fylan MacFergus of Sligo Feb 04)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Dog - 2 - Vert

Or, a fleur-de-lys betw 2 dogs combatant Vt. (D: Herculle de

Bourbon lArchambault - Nov 06)
Or, on a bend betw 2 wolves couchant reguardant Vt each
maintaining in its mouth a sword inv Gu, 3 Celtic crosses
palewise Or. (D: Catriona Faireye of Ayrshire - Oct 99)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, 2 wolves ramp Vt. (D: Reynold Wolferton Aug 04)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Dog - 3 or more

(Fieldless) A roundel conjoined to 3 wolves passant contourny in

annulo Arg. (B: Conchobhar MacInnes - Mar 06)
(Fieldless) A tricorporate fox Vt. (B: Isabel Fitzhugh - Dec 00)
(Fieldless) In pall inv 3 wolves ramp, conjoined at the hind feet
Arg. (B: Kieran Wolfkin - Apr 96)
Arg, a chev Gu voided pean betw 3 wolves passant reguardant Sa.
(D: Gordon Blackwolf the Disrespectful - Aug 79?)
Arg, a harp Vt betw 3 foxes courant Gu within a bord dovetailed Vt.
(D: Sorcha Chathasach - Sep 91)
Arg, a triskele Gu betw 3 wolves courant in annulo one & 2 Sa. (D:
Ceasan MacCullum - Feb 94)
Arg ermined Az, on a fess betw 3 wolves passant Gu, an arrow Arg.
(D: Cillian MacClure - Apr 98)
Arg, five dogs, statant coward to sin in annulo, legs to center, Sa.
(B: Gerald Goodwine - Jul 90)
Arg, in pale 3 greyhounds courant within a bord Gu. (D: Rurik the
Red - Nov 02)
Arg, in pale 3 wolves courant to sin Sa. (D: Lorn Stark - Aug 00)
Arg, nine dogs statant 3, 3 & 3 Sa. (D: Lyubava Volchikha Jan 08)
Arg, on a chev Vt betw 3 foxes ramp Gu 3 roundels Arg. (D:
Cedifor Caddno - Apr 98)
Arg, on an inescutcheon Az betw 3 foxes courant Gu, a foxs mask
Arg. (D: Gabriela Silver Fox - Sep 94)
Arg, six wolves ramp & on a chf Az 3 escarbuncles Arg. (D:
Muriella de Clare - Aug 01)
Arg, 3 dogs courant in annulo backs to center Az. (B: lric of
Coventree Grove - Feb 97)

[Beast - Dog - 3 or more] to [Beast - Elephant]

Beast - Dog - 3 or more (continued)

Arg, 3 wolves courant Sa & on a chf Gu 3 arrows palewise Arg. (D:

Ivan of Summergate - Apr 07)
Arg, 3 wolves ramp Sa. (D: Conall Mac Earnin - Mar 07)
Az, a chev cotised Or betw 3 wolves statant Arg. (D: Meagan ferch
Rhys of Glynebwy - Apr 87)
Az, in pale 3 wolves couchant per pale Or & Arg. (D: Ursula von
Auerbach - Jun 95)
Az mullety of eight points, a chev cotised betw 3 foxes ramp each
maintaining an arrow Arg. (D: Kiyohara Soteme - Feb 08)
Az, on a fess Or betw 3 foxes ramp to sin Arg a strung longbow Sa.
(D: Renard de lArc - Sep 85)
Az, 3 foxes sejant guardant contourny & a bord wavy Arg. (D:
Mathea Volpella da Perusia - Aug 01)
Checky Az & Or, in pale 3 mastiffs courant Arg each gorged of a
coronet Gu. (B: Cun MacDaige - Jul 96)
Checky Az & Or, 3 mastiffs courant in annulo Arg each gorged of a
coronet Gu. (B: Cun MacDaige - Jul 96)
Checky Az & Or, 3 mastiffs sejant Arg each gorged of a coronet
Gu. (D: Cun MacDaige - Jul 96)
Gu, a chev vair-in-pale betw 3 wolves courant contourny Arg each
charged on the shoulder with a heart Sa. (B: Elspet Byndelase
- Jan 05)
Gu, a goblet betw 3 hounds courant in annulo widdershins Or. (D:
Esa Kirkepatrike - Apr 06)
Gu, on a chev betw 3 wolves ramp to sin Arg 2 swords points to
center Sa. (D: Nanesh Ivanovich - Dec 04)
Gu, 3 foxes in pall statant heads outwards conjoined at the tail tips
Arg. (D: Cera filia Drusti - Sep 02)
Gu, 3 greyhounds courant Or. (D: Michael Fitzwarren - Aug 98)
Gyronny of six arrondy Gu & Arg, 3 greyhounds passant in annulo
Sa. (D: Hakon of Jorvik - May 92)
Or, a chev cotised Sa betw 3 foxes passant proper. (D: Eleanora de
Montgomeri - Jun 05)
Or, a Lochaber axe fesswise Sa betw 4 wolves, 2 & 2, sejant
respectant ululant Purp. (D: James mac an Tilliir - Sep 07)
Or, a tricorporate fox Vt. (D: Isabel Fitzhugh - Dec 00)
Or, 3 hounds passant contourney Sa a bord Purp. (D: Rurik
Longsword - Sep 97)
Or, 3 Irish setters ramp proper & on a chf Vt issuant from base a
dexter hand Arg, vested Or, grasping a sword reversed proper.
(D: Caobhin Suilleabhain - Feb 82)
Or, 3 wolves ramp Az. (D: Viktor Vukov - Jun 05)
Or, 3 wolves ramp Sa a bord dovetailed Gu. (D: Skalla-Valgarr
Gunnarsson - Nov 97)
Paly of eight Or & Sa, a chevronel betw 3 whippets courant Gu. (D:
Enriqueta Isabel de Reyes y Mora - Mar 81)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, in bend 3 wolves passant ctrch. (D: Mac
Con mac Conaill - Jan 04)
Per bend sin embat Az & Arg, 3 greyhounds courant contourny in
bend sin Arg & a pair of legs couped addorsed Az. (B:
Roberto Valason - Jan 04)
Per bend sin Purp & Arg semy of dogs statant contourney Sa. (D:
Katerina Peregrine - Jun 94)
Per chev Az & Arg, 3 talbots statant ctrch. (D: Cydrych Clutorix Dec 02)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 demiwolves ramp addorsed issuant from the
line of division Arg, & a dog statant reguardant Sa. (D: Bran
of Silver Keep - Jul 97)
Per chev Az & Or, 3 wolves statant ctrch. (D: Elyas of
Wulfereslowe - Oct 02)
Per chev enhanced Gu & Sa, in base in pale 3 wolves couchant Arg.
(D: Derrick of Kent - Aug 89)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 3 wolves sejant ctrch Arg & Gu. (D: Carolyn
of Bright Hills - Jul 00)
Per chev throughout Purp & Arg, 3 winged wolves sejant ululant
ctrch. (D: lfds lfljtsdttir - Jan 06)
Per chev Vt & Or, 3 dogs dormant ctrch. (D: Cuiln Kirk of Moray
- Dec 03)
Per fess embat Arg & Sa, in chf a wolf sejant ululant & in base 2
more respectant ctrch. (B: Feln Caomhnach - Aug 94)
Per fess embat grady Purp & Or, a wolf sejant affronty & 2 wolves
sejant respectant ctrch. (D: Hervod of Vatnaskvadstadir Mar 84)
Per fess Gu & Az, 3 fish-tailed demi-dogs Or. (D: Humfrey
Matthew Lovett - Mar 04)

Beast - Dog - 3 or more (continued)

Per fess Sa & Arg, a crescent Arg & 3 wolves statant contourny Sa.
(D: Murdoch McArthur - Aug 01)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a triquetra inv betw 3 dachshunds statant in
annulo one & 2 ctrch. (D: Malcolm de Crauford - Mar 05)
Per pale Az & Gu, 3 foxes ramp Or. (D: Wakeline de Foxley Aug 02)
Per pale Az & Vt, a stags head, erased & affronty, betw 3 wolves
courant in annulo Or. (D: Tarl Godric the Brokentoe Mar 88)
Per pale Gu & Sa, in pale 3 hounds courant Or. (D: Iofa merch
Macsen - Mar 05)
Per pale Or & Sa, a chev betw 4 wolves ramp 2 & 2 ctrch. (D:
Uilleag Conmhaic - Aug 02)
Per pale wavy Az & Or, in pale 3 hounds courant ctrch. (B: Olrik
van Lubbeke - Jun 04)
Per pall inv Gu Vt & Or, 3 wolves ramp each maintaining an arrow
ctrch Or & Sa. (D: Caoilfionn of Kintyre - Dec 96)
Per salt Gu & Az, 4 wolves passant contourny in annulo Arg. (D:
Beornwulf se cealdheort - Dec 07)
Per salt Purp & Sa, 4 hounds courant Arg. (B: Mathghamhain
MacCionaoith - Apr 95) (For Clann Cathchoin)
Per salt Vt & Sa, 4 talbots sejant Arg, a bord Or. (D: Mia von
Paderborn - Jun 93)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, 4 Scottish terriers statant ctrch. (D: Elspeth
MacAndrew - Oct 91)
Quarterly Sa & Or, 4 wolves ramp ctrch. (D: Matheus Macleod Dec 99)
Quarterly Sa & Vt, 3 wolves courant Arg. (D: Stefen Winter von
Rosenheim - Sep 01)
Sa, a tricorporate fox within an orle of chain Or. (D: Gherardo il
Trincatore - Oct 91)
Sa, a tricorporate wolf Arg, a bord compony Az & Arg. (B:
Wulfhere Nordwulf - Sep 95)
Sa, five talbots statant 2 2 & one Arg. (D: William Hazell - Jul 03)
Sa, 3 talbots in pale courant to sin Or. (D: Amata Rothe - Apr 91)
Sa, 3 wolves ramp, a chf indented Or. (D: Bran Mac Conraoi Apr 98)
Sa, 2 chevronels betw 3 wolves ramp contourny Or. (D: Tassi
gylir - Mar 07)
Tierced in point Az, Sa & Gu, a tricorporate wolf, the dexter body
inv, Or. (B: Thomas Buttesthorn of Ayle - Apr 81)
Vt, a cat statant guardant betw 3 dogs statant Or. (D: Cera caillech
ingen Tuathail - Nov 03)
Vt, a chev Arg betw 3 dogs ramp Or. (D: Iohne Mac Dabhdh Oct 03)
Vt, masoned Or, 3 wolves ramp, each maintaining a sword
bendwise sin, Arg. (D: Faoln of Dundalk - Nov 88)
Vt semy of hawks bells, in bend 3 talbots dormant Arg. (D:
Alianora Munro - Oct 95)
Vt, 3 wolves passant & on a chf indented Or 3 cinquefoils Vt. (D:
Brigid MacCana - May 04)
Vt, 3 wolves ramp & a chf embat Arg. (D: Arwen Gyles - Sep 97)
* * * End * * *
Beast - Donkey: see Beast - Horse
Beast - Dromedary: see Beast - Camel

Beast - Elephant

(Fieldless) An elephant contourny Arg bearing on its back a tower

proper. (B: Elephant, Order of - Nov 98) (Important nonSCA badge)
(Fieldless) An elephant contourny proper. (B: Donn son of Fergus
- Mar 94)
(Fieldless) An elephant Purp, masoned Arg & armed Or. (B:
Alisandre Oliphant - Apr 90)
(Fieldless) An elephant statant Or. (B: Cynnabar - Jan 96)
(Fieldless) In pale an elephant ramp Arg atop a barrel palewise
proper. (B: Enoch MacBain - May 07)
(Fieldless) 2 elephants salient respectant, trunks elevated &
entwined, the dexter Vt & the sin Az. (B: Nagendra of
Mogores - Sep 92)
Arg, a wolf courant Purp betw 3 elephants statant Gu. (D: Sean
Cleirech - Mar 98)
Arg, an elephant passant Purp, armed Or, on a chf embat Purp 3
annulets Or. (D: Alisandre Oliphant - Apr 86)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 203

[Beast - Elephant] to [Beast - Goat]

Beast - Elephant (continued)

Arg, an elephant ramp Sa maintaining in its trunk a coronet Gu. (D:

Abd al-Hakim ibn Abd al-Rahman Shaddad al-Tomki Feb 97)
Arg goutty de sang, an elephant passant Sa tusked & maintaining a
tower on its back Or. (D: Cailin Dubh mac Eoin - Mar 07)
Arg, in pale an elephant statant contourny Sa & a tree eradicated
proper within a bord embat Sa. (D: Richard mac Tighearnaigh
- Sep 05)
Arg, 3 piles palewise Az, overall an elephant Gu. (D: Ambrose atte
Redehulle - Aug 06)
Arg, 2 elephants combattant counter-ermine. (D: Hrgierr
Hrgierson - Feb 00)
Az, a demi-elephant ramp & in chf 3 roundels Or. (D: Abu Daud
al-Raschid al-Bodrumi - Jan 96)
Az, an elephant ramp contourny proper maintaining in its trunk a
cluster of Rowan flowers Arg, slipped & leaved Vt. (D:
Rowan of the Titans - Dec 96)
Az, an elephant with a tower atop its back, within a laurel wreath
Arg, a base wavy barry wavy Arg & Sa. (D: Ivory Keep Feb 94)
Az, 3 elephants statant Arg. (D: Tristan dAlsace - Aug 98)
Az, 2 elephants combatant Arg, on a chf Or 3 torteaux. (D: Adela
Dagmar OFlynn - Jul 01)
Gu, an elephant passant trumpeting & on a chf raguly Arg 2
annulets Gu. (D: Fiona Averylle of Maidenhead - Nov 83)
Gu, an elephant passant trumpeting, on a chf raguly Arg 2 annulets
Gu, & for augmentation, in center chf an inescutcheon Sa
charged with an annulet Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Fiona
Averylle of Maidenhead - Oct 92)
Gu, an elephant statant & in chf 3 elephants heads cabossed Arg.
(D: Marcella of Forgotten Sea - Mar 03)
Gu, an elephant trumpeting passant Sa, orbed Gu, a chf embat Sa.
(B: Andrew Castlebuilder - Aug 79) (For Clan Alexander)
Gu, in pale a woolly mammoth statant proper atop a hurt fimbriated
Arg. (D: Aaron the Mighty - Mar 02)
Gu, on an obelisk betw 2 elephants trunks issuant from the flanks
Arg, 3 roundels Sa. (D: Giovanna Luigia di Milano - Jun 92)
Gu, 2 elephants statant respectant, trunks elevated & crossed in salt,
on a chf Arg 3 roses Gu seeded Arg barbed Vt & on a base Arg
a rose Gu seeded Arg barbed Vt. (D: Nadrah al-Zarqa May 04)
Or, a winged elephant ramp counter-ermine, winged Az, holding in
its trunk a garden rosebud Gu, stemmed & leaved Vt. (D:
Brendan Pilgrim - Feb 94)
Or, an elephant ramp & on a chf enarched & invected Az a crescent
betw 2 musical notes Arg. (D: Justinian the Gentle - May 02)
Or, an elephant statant & a chf Sa. (D: Kennard of Bath - Aug 87)
Or, an Indian elephant passant Gu, winged Sa. (D: Hastini
Chandra - Jul 93)
Or, an Indian elephant passant Gu, winged Sa, for an augmentation,
on an escutcheon Az, a sun in glory & a bord Or.
(Augmentation of Arms: Hastini Chandra - Jun 99)
Or, on a bend Az betw 2 elephants Gu 3 lozenges Or. (D: Tegan of
Marion Glen - Jan 05)
Per bend Arg & Az, an elephant statant contourny Or atop its back a
tower Sa. (D: Thomas de Keth - Dec 02)
Per bend embat Az & Or, a madhu Or & an elephant passant to sin
Vt bearing a howdah Az. (D: Nagendra of Mogores - Sep 92)
Per bend sin Az & counter-ermine, in dexter chf an Arabian roc
counter-volant, wings addorssed, Arg grasping in its talons an
elephant statant proper. (D: Justin du Roc - Aug 80)
Per bend sin Az & counter-ermine, in dexter chf an Arabian roc
volant to sin, wings addorsed Arg grasping in its talons an
elephant statant proper, in augmentation on an escutcheon per
pale Arg & Az a sun in splendor Or. (Augmentation of Arms:
Justin du Roc - Feb 97)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, in bend an elephant statant & an elephant
statant to sin Or, linked at the necks by a chain bendwise Arg.
(D: John Broadmouth - Dec 88)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a crane in its vigilance contourny & an
elephant statant Arg. (D: Konrad Niklaus von Kastelen Jun 95)
Per chev checky Or & Gu & Gu, in base an elephant statant Arg.
(D: Uther McDermot - Aug 07)

204 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Elephant (continued)

Per chev inv Purp & Gu, a chev inv engrailed betw a crescent & 2
elephants statant respectant Arg. (D: Asha of Grey Niche Feb 07)
Per fess Arg & Or, an elephant passant betw 3 seeblatter Az. (D:
Sigridh Bryniulfsdotter - Nov 02)
Per fess Vt & Arg, an elephant statant Arg & a tree blasted &
eradicated proper. (D: Isabela Damiana Diez de Medina y
Sandoval - Mar 99)
Per pale Az & Arg ermined Az, an elephant statant affronty ctrch.
(D: Braya Wrenne - Jan 03)
Per pale Az & Or, 2 elephants salient addorsed, a bord ctrch. (D:
Thomas Alaric - Jun 00)
Per pale Az & Sa, an elephant ramp Arg, armed, within a laurel
wreath Or. (D: Dthaich Beinne ird - Sep 97)
Per pale Gu & Az, an elephant statant to sin betw 3 fleurs-de-lys
Arg. (B: Catherine Lorraine of Stonegate Manor - Jan 05)
Per pale Vt & Gu, 2 demi-elephants passant addorsed & conjoined
at the waist betw 3 lilies Arg. (D: Karina de Elephantide Aug 98)
Per pale Vt & Purp, an elephant statant Arg. (D: Prospero ab Aqua
- Jul 06)
Per salt Az & Arg, in pale 2 elephants passant counter-passant Arg,
a bord ctrch. (D: Caitlin of Greenwood - Apr 95)
Per salt Sa & Vt, an elephant & an orle Or. (B: Kymma Godric Feb 05)
Purp, an elephant Arg maintaining atop its back a pyramid Or, a
bord embat Arg. (D: Beth McDonald - May 05)
Purp, an elephant statant contourny Arg, on a base Or 3 lozenges
conjoined in fess Vt. (D: Yedaya Magdiel - Oct 98)
Purp, eight elephants passant in annulo, trunks conjoined to tails,
Or. (B: Hastini Chandra - Jul 93)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, an elephant salient Or. (D: Finn the Wanderer
- Dec 95)
Sa, an elephant Arg maintaining atop its back a tower, a bord embat
Or. (D: Edmund Foxe - Jul 04)
Sa, an elephant passant contourny & trumpeting within a bord Or.
(B: Fiona Averylle of Maidenhead - Oct 92) (For Domus
Sa, an elephant ramp Arg. (D: Simona dellAmore - Aug 04)
Sa, an elephant statant betw 3 palm trees Arg. (D: Tamara
Silverheel - Sep 95)
Vt, an elephant contourny maintaining on its back a tower Arg & a
chf per fess embat Sa & Arg. (D: Ciarn hua Cathassaig Nov 05)
Vt, an elephant passant contourny & on a chf nebuly Arg 3 orange
trees couped fructed proper. (D: Jesca de Hunteleghe Oct 04)
Vt, an elephant statant betw 3 suns in splendor Or. (D: Catheryne
of Settmour Swamp - Nov 03)
Vt, 3 elephants statant trumpeting Or. (D: Dubhchobhlaigh
inghean u Dhiarmada - Jul 04)
* * * End * * *
Beast - Elk: see Beast - Deer
Beast - Ermine: see Beast - Weasel
Beast - Ewe: see Beast - Goat
Beast - Fawn: see Beast - Deer
Beast - Feline: see Beast - Cat
Beast - Ferret: see Beast - Weasel
Beast - Fish: see Fish
Beast - Fox: see Beast - Dog
Beast - Frog: see Amphibian
Beast - Gazelle: see Beast - Deer
Beast - Gemsbok: see Beast - Deer
Beast - Gerbil: see Beast - Mouse
Beast - Giraffe: see Beast - Other

Beast - Goat

(Fieldless) A goat clymant Vt. (B: Indulf MClymont - May 92)

(Fieldless) A goat statant paly Az & Arg. (B: Ginevra dellAcqua Apr 02)
(Fieldless) A musimon ramp contourny Arg armed Or maintaining
a lyre Sa. (B: Pendar the Bard - Jul 98)
(Fieldless) A ram clymant Arg. (B: Gleann Abhann - Sep 98)

[Beast - Goat]

Beast - Goat (continued)

(Fieldless) A ram ramp Sa maintaining in its dexter hoof a flanged

mace Arg handled of wood proper & in its sin hoof a goblet
Or. (B: Manus Branduff of Ardmore - Jul 95)
(Fieldless) A ram statant Gu gorged of a ducal coronet Or. (B:
Aaron Graves - Dec 03) (JB: Alessandra Gabrielli)
(Fieldless) A ram statant Sa. (B: Owen Blakshepe - Feb 00)
(Fieldless) A sheep ramp within an annulet Sa. (B: Jonathan de
Laney - May 83)
(Fieldless) A sheep statant Sa mullety Or. (B: Anna Stitcher Jul 96)
Arg, a demi-goat erased Gu. (D: Brian mac Tomis U Fhoghladha
- May 07)
Arg, a fess embat betw 3 goats passant & a roundel Sa. (D: Rachel
the Goatwoman - May 98)
Arg, a goat clymant Az. (D: Ottokar von Ehrenfels - Feb 97)
Arg, a goat clymant maintaining in its dexter forehoof a hammer &
in its sin a punch Sa within a bord Sa bezanty. (B: An Tir Apr 95) (For Moneyers Guild of An Tir)
Arg, a lamb passant Sa maintaining a hollybush proper & on a chf
Gu 3 saltorels Arg. (D: Rosamunde of Axbridge - Feb 92)
Arg, a lamb ramp within a bord Purp charged with lozenges Arg.
(D: Agnes Margaret de Grinstead - Oct 92)
Arg, a ram passant & on a chf Sa a label Arg. (D: Michel de
Belgique - Oct 79)
Arg, a ram ramp Gu & on a chf rayonny Sa 2 pairs of arrows inv in
salt Arg. (D: Blthnait of Grimwith - Sep 05)
Arg, a sheep couchant Sa within a bord Gu ermined Arg. (D:
Julianna Woolworth - Aug 07)
Arg, a sheep ramp to sin Sa within a bord Gu. (D: Bartel Fitzneel Aug 86)
Arg, a sheep statant & on a chf embat Sa, 3 triangles Arg. (D:
Maud verch Howell - Jul 04)
Arg, a sheep statant guardant contourny Sa, in base a clump of
lavender Vt flowered Purp, on a chf invected Purp a quill pen
reversed Arg. (D: Philippa Llewelyn Schuyler - Jan 93)
Arg, in fess a goat climant to sin Sa & a gore sin Vt. (D: Tola
Fredasdotter - Feb 82)
Arg, in pale a rose branch fesswise Vt flowered of 3 roses Gu & a
ram statant Sa. (B: Owen Blakshepe - Dec 03)
Arg, on a sheep statant per pale Gu & Az, a compass star Or. (B:
Nikolai Jaggar - Aug 89)
Az, a bendlet betw a doves head erased & a lamb statant affronty
Arg. (B: Mary van Wrinck - Apr 82)
Az, a goat clymant, a bord embat Arg. (D: Henry Best - Feb 98)
Az, a goat clymant Arg betw 3 Thors hammers handles to center
Or. (D: Rorekr ormstunga Sigmundarson - Jul 07)
Az, a goat clymant ermine & on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Purp. (D:
Andriet de Pizan - Nov 07)
Az a lamb statant guardant & a chf invected Arg. (D: Mary van
Wrinck - Apr 82)
Az, a salt engrailed Arg betw 4 rams passant Or. (D: Galiana de
Baiona - Jul 04)
Az, a stalk of young wheat leaved Or betw 2 rams salient
combattant Arg, armed & unguled Or. (D: Allasondrea de
Fano - Jan 82)
Az, a tau cross throughout, triply parted & fretted, Arg betw a ram
& an ewe statant guardant respectant, both Or. (D: Fflur ferch
Ioseph - Aug 89)
Az, crusilly Or, a lion & a lamb couchant respectant Arg & on a chf
Or 3 horned owls Az. (D: Gareth Tancred Wilfirth - Jun 85)
Az, semy of compass stars, a sheep statant & a base indented, all
Arg. (D: Ester Cerulea - Aug 88)
Az, 2 goats combattant betw 3 mullets Arg. (D: Miguel Estevan de
Cabra - Nov 02)
Az, 2 rams combattant within a bord Arg. (D: Lucais du Belier Aug 95)
Az, 2 sheep passant respectant & on a chf Arg a shepherds crook
fesswise reversed inv proper. (D: Cassandra Felicia Jan 03)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a ram ramp within a bord Sa. (D: Lawrence
the Rampant of Rams Isle - Sep 92)
Chequy Gu & Arg, a ram passant to sin Sa, maintaining with the sin
foreleg a bill bendwise Or. (B: Guillaume le Fort - Jul 87)
Checky Or & Gu, a winged ewe courant holding a dagger Sa. (B:
Tanarian Brenaur ferch Owain fab Bran - Jan 94) (For
Teulu Prenaur)

Beast - Goat (continued)

Counter-ermine, a ram clymant ermine. (D: Aron Helmschmidt Jul 07)

Ermine, 2 goats clymant addorsed within a bord Sa. (D: Yazida bint
Zarif - Nov 02)
Gu, a ewe couchant & on a point pointed Arg a sprig of forget-menots proper. (B: Krista Silverlock - Jul 05) (For Ewe Notte
Gu, a goat salient Or & on a chf Arg 3 wagon wheels Sa. (D:
Iuliana da Rauvenna - Feb 08)
Gu, a Paschal lamb passant proper betw 3 crosses crosslet Or. (D:
Karl Skarpi - Dec 04)
Gu, a ram couchant contourny reguardant Or. (D: Julia Sempronia
- Sep 05)
Gu, a ram ramp guardant betw in chf 2 mullets of six points &
issuant from base 3 chevronels braced Arg. (D: Brendal
Bartholomew - Aug 85)
Gu, a sheep statant on a chf Arg 3 torteaux. (B: Helen Whitmore Apr 96)
Gu, an oak tree eradicated betw 2 goats statant respectant Or. (D:
Svana in litla - Jul 04)
Gu, 2 mountain sheep salient combattant & a point pointed Arg. (D:
Thorkel Arnisson - Sep 84)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, a unicorn & a ram ramp combattant, each
maintaining a scimitar, Sa. (D: Elias Barbarossa von
Zweibrcken - Dec 88)
Gyronny Gu & Arg, in pale 2 bars & a sheep couchant regardant
contourny Sa. (D: Geoffrey Blesedale - Sep 07)
Lozengy Or & Az, a sheep salient maintaining a drop spindle,
threaded of its own wool, Arg. (D: Etaoin of Lough Gara Jul 89)
Or, a brown goat erect playing a bagpipe proper bagged Gu. (D:
Eoghan MacCionna BaileArd - Jan 76?)
Or, a goat ramp betw in fess 2 roundels Gu. (D: Egil Nckl the
Redhand - Aug 06)
Or, a goat ramp betw 2 roundels Gu. (D: Egil Nckl the Redhand Feb 91)
Or, a lamb couchant Arg within a bord Sa. (B: Simon the Christian
- Jan 73)
Or, a pale Gu surmounted by 2 goats combattant, a bord embat Sa.
(D: Albyn Buckthorne - Aug 94)
Or, a pall counter-ermine, surmounted by a Paschal lamb proper.
(B: Gustav Athanasius von Hausenstadt - Jan 84) (For the
Monastery of St. Athanasius)
Or, a ram ramp Vt, on a chf Sa 3 garbs Or. (D: Diego Florez
Mendez - May 93)
Or, billetty Vt, a sheep fesswise tergiant disp Sa. (D: Alexandra the
Black Sheep - Jan 90)
Or, in pale 3 estoilles Az 2 & one & a sheep statant Sa, all betw
flaunches indented Vt. (D: Collette Ewartburgh - Feb 98) (?
blazon typo for "estoile")
Or, seven ewes tergiant disp, 3, 3, & one, Vt. (B: Aulus Allemanius
Draconis - Nov 81) (pun)
Or, 3 rams statant Sa. (D: Solveig of Mountains Gate - Feb 06)
Per bend Arg & Az, a bear ramp Sa & a Paschal lamb passant Arg
maintaining a wooden staff proper flying a banner Purp. (D:
Diamante da Berra - Nov 05)
Per bend Arg & Az, a ram ramp to sin ctrch. (D: Duncan Saxthorpe
of Alnwick - Mar 89)
Per bend Arg & Or, a sheep statant to sin Vt within a bord embat
Sa. (D: Edelin of Sussex - Feb 90)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a raven volant bendwise Sa & an angora goat
salient Arg within a bord embat ctrch. (D: Alexandria of
Mazzara - Oct 03)
Per bend Arg & Vt, an eagles leg bendwise sin Sa & a sheep
passant contourny Or. (D: Duncan the Shepherd - Jul 98)
Per bend Az & Gu, a goat Arg & a spinning wheel reversed Or. (D:
Marian Elizabeth Wollenschlger - Jun 05)
Per bend rayonny Vt & Or semy of sprigs Gu, in sin chf a ram ramp
Arg. (D: Aurora Ashland of Woolhaven - Aug 95)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a boar ramp contourny & a goat clymant
Arg. (D: Tatheg OBrian - Jul 06)
Per bend sin Or & Gu, a sea-goat bendwise ctrch. (D: Sadhbh n
Fhinn - Dec 93)
Per bend sin Purp & Arg, a sheep salient to sin & 3 garbs ctrch. (B:
Robynne the Grey - Jun 91)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 205

[Beast - Goat]

Beast - Goat (continued)

Per bend sin Vt & Arg, a sea-ewe naiant bendwise ctrch. (D:
Arnkatla Solveigardottir - Aug 92)
Per bend Vt & Gu, a sheep passant reguardant ermine. (D: Jane
Fitzgerald - Apr 92)
Per chev Arg & Sa, a chev Az betw 2 goats salient respectant Sa &
a leopards head jessant-de-lys Arg. (D: Natalie de Caen Apr 00)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 2 rams salient combattant & a Celtic cross
ctrch. (D: Sionnaich Creag - Mar 82)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 rams combattant Or, & a laurel wreath Gu.
(D: Ramsgaard - Jul 88)
Per chev Az, & Vt semy of sheep statant guardant, in chf a thistle &
a quill pen Arg. (D: Iduna Snorrisdottir - Oct 90)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 rams combattant & a Latin cross inv ctrch.
(D: Aaron Graves - Oct 98)
Per chev Gu & Sa, a chev Or betw 2 winged rams combattant & a
sun Arg. (D: Meghan of Tara Hill - Nov 82)
Per chev inv Vt & Or, a goat salient Or & 3 acorns inv slipped &
leaved proper. (D: Miriam de Fontaine dans Sable - Feb 03)
Per chev Or & Purp, 2 wooden bows drawn & nocked, arrow points
to center, proper, the arrows flighted Vt, & a ram statant to sin
guardant Arg. (D: Etxatxu Enequy Jaudonebiquendiosteaco Jul 04)
Per chev Or semy of flames Gu & Sa, a goat clymant contourny
ctrch Sa & Or. (D: Elsa Haakonsdotter - Mar 95)
Per chev Purp & Az, a chev rompu betw 2 goats combattant & a
goat passant contourny Arg. (D: Rutger van Dieveren Sep 99)
Per fess Arg & Gu, 3 goats passant to sin ctrch. (D: Theodore of
Isenfir - Feb 95)
Per fess Arg & Vt, a musimon statant guardant Sa & 3 hearts Arg.
(D: Deborah bat Yosef - Sep 92)
Per fess Az & Gu, in pale a Paschal lamb passant guardant Arg & a
dragon segreant Or. (D: Sean de Londres - Feb 85)
Per fess Az & Vt, a fess dancetty Arg, overall a ram salient Or. (D:
Lothar vom Bergenwald - Sep 88)
Per fess Az & Vt, a lamb statant to sin Arg within a bord Or. (B:
Marielle de Rivage du Corbeau - Nov 82)
Per fess Az & Vt, in pale a castle & a sheep statant Or. (D: Juan
Diego de Len - Jul 98)
Per fess embat Gu & Arg, 2 demi-rams respectant Arg & a laurel
wreath Vt. (D: Ramshaven - Nov 93)
Per fess Gu & Or, a sheep passant Arg, its sin foreleg in a tub Sa.
(B: Chlurain, Clan - Jan 81)
Per fess indented Az & Or, a goat passant Arg & a yew tree proper.
(D: Goimir Goraysky - Nov 02)
Per fess Purp & Vt, a chev Or betw 2 roses & a lamb statant Arg.
(D: Giovanna Lamberti - Aug 96)
Per fess Vt & Arg, on a pale betw in chf 2 sheep ramp & in base 2
shuttles a shuttle & a sheep ramp, all ctrch. (D: Rachael
Webbe - Sep 83)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a goat ramp & upon a chf invected Sa, 3 estoiles
Arg. (D: Rathyen de Bures of Acton - Oct 83)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a ram ramp ctrch betw in cross 4 thistles proper.
(D: Elsbeth the White - Aug 79?)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a wooden drop spindle proper threaded Or betw
in fess 2 sheep passant to sin ctrch. (D: Maya Reichenberg Nov 07)
Per pale Az & Gu, a goat clymant Or. (D: Eldrid Tremayne Feb 97)
Per pale Az & Sa, a black-faced lamb couchant guardant proper,
charged with a pen bendwise sin Az, quilled Sa. (B: Melusine
Whitcroft the Petite - May 81) (For House Whitcroft)
Per pale Az & Sa, 2 goats clymant Or. (D: Christophe de Lorraine
- Nov 03)
Per pale dovetailed Or & Az, a dragon & a ram combattant ctrch.
(D: Antonio Tagliaferro - May 97)
Per pale Gu & Or, 2 rams combatant each maintaining a halberd,
the sin inv, in chf 3 pheons all ctrch. (D: Thorgeirr Bollason Oct 96)
Per pale Gu & Purp, 2 rams combattant Arg. (D: Johan Gregor the
Wanderer - Dec 95)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a goat ramp reguardant betw six trefoils, 2, 2, &
2, Arg. (D: Lucia Velasquez de Trujillo - Jan 08)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a musimon ramp contourny within a bord Or. (D:
Thomas von Wildtstein - Sep 06)
206 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Goat (continued)

Per pale Gu & Sa, a ram ramp within a laurel wreath, in chf a
coronet Arg. (D: Gleann Abhann - Sep 98)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a ram ramp within a wreath of roses in chf a
coronet Arg. (D: Gleann Abhann - Sep 98) (For consort)
Per pale Or & Gu, a goat ramp & in chf a mullet of 4 points Arg.
(D: Magns Sigurarson - Mar 08)
Per pale Or & Gu, a goat salient ctrch, a chf embat counter-ermine.
(D: Eirn orvaldsdttir - Jan 98)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a goat ramp betw 3 Thors hammers Arg. (D:
Erik Leifsson Halvdve - Mar 95)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 2 rams combatant betw 3 mullets Or. (D: Nezhka
Radokovaia - Mar 07)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a sheep ramp contourny & a sword ctrch within
a bord per pale Arg & Gu semy of double-crosses ctrch. (D:
Ona riukas Gelezinis - Mar 92)
Per pale Vt & Az, a goat clymant Arg & in chf 3 clarions Or. (D:
Celeste Dougherty - May 98)
Per pale Vt & Az, a Paschal lamb regardant proper within an orle of
willow leaves Arg. (D: Anastasia von der Wilgenhalle Apr 92)
Per pall inv Az, Arg & Sa, 2 ewes combattant maintaining recorders
Sa & Arg & in base a mullet of six points Or. (D: Marie
Genevieve of Aquitaine - Jun 98)
Per salt Az & Vt, a goat passant Arg & in chf 3 annulets Or. (D:
Edward de Molay - Jul 03)
Per salt Sa & Vt, in fess a sea-goat erect & a bull ramp contourny
Arg. (D: Bonifatius Eburhard - Feb 97)
Purp, a fess Or betw 2 eating forks in salt & a sheep statant Arg. (D:
Charles the Zealous - Dec 84)
Purp, a goat salient & a bord Arg. (D: Gillian Marie Hayden Jul 95)
Purp, a lamb ramp Arg haloed within an orle Or. (D: Ian
Kirkpatrick - Dec 06)
Purp, a ram statant Arg & on a chf ermine 3 harps Gu. (D:
Tryphena von Stargard - Feb 98)
Purp, a sheep salient & on a chf embat Arg 2 ermine spots Sa. (D:
Elisabeth Fairchild - Apr 02)
Sa, a chev indented ermine betw 3 goats clymant Arg. (D: Laurenz
Tonnemacher - Jul 04)
Sa, a goat & a lion combattant & on a chf Arg 3 crabs Gu. (D:
Wulfrun Spakona - Feb 87)
Sa, a goat clymant to sin Or. (D: Kozima la Pellegrina - Jul 74?)
Sa, a ram salient & in canton a roundel, all within a bord Arg. (D:
Raven Groyne - Sep 04)
Sa, a sea-goat erect Arg. (D: Duncan Stuart - Feb 03)
Sa, a winged goat courant, wings elevated & addorsed, within an
annulet voided Arg. (D: Ysabeth of Weemyss - Oct 83)
Sa, on a pile raguly throughout Arg betw 2 goats statant regardant
addorsed Or a pile raguly Sa. (D: orbjorn inn sterki Feb 03)
Vairy en pointe Az & Or, a sea-goat Arg tailed Vt. (D: Isolde
Sparrowhawk - Sep 92)
Vt, a goat ramp to sin Arg. (D: Leif Magnsson - Jul 98)
Vt, a goat ramp within a bord Or. (D: Ruaidri Gabhar - Feb 05)
Vt, a lamb ramp & in sin chf a ragged staff Arg. (D: Agnes of Oslo
- May 89)
Vt, a Paschal lamb passant reguardant Arg within a bord Arg, semy
of roses Gu, barbed Vt. (D: Kate of Norwich - Mar 90)
Vt, a ram ramp Arg within a bord rayonny Or. (B: Aurora Ashland
of Woolhaven - Oct 95)
Vt, a sea-goat contourny Or within a bord indented Or hurty. (D:
Ceara n Nill - Feb 04)
Vt, a sheep courant with in a bord wavy Arg. (B: Kaylitha
Rhiannon of Southhaven - Feb 87)
Vt, a sheep passant Arg maintaining with its forehoof a drop spindle
Or, threaded Arg, & a chf embat Or. (D: Helwynn Ivelchild Mar 07)
Vt, a sheep ramp & on a chf Arg, 3 apples Gu slipped & leaved Vt.
(D: Daire of Storvik - Dec 92)
Vt, a sheep ramp contourny & on a chf Arg 2 thistles proper. (D:
Samus Uilis - Jul 00)
Vt, a sheep statant guardant Arg, masked & limbed Sa, within a
bord chequy Az & Arg. (D: Guenevere of Saint Kilda Oct 88)
Vt, a winged ram ramp Arg, on a chf Arg 3 shamrocks Vt. (D:
Caiterna inghean Chathail - Aug 98)

[Beast - Goat] to [Beast - Hedgehog]

Beast - Goat (continued)

Vt, in bend sin 2 winged sheep statant contourny Arg within a bord
Arg semy of acorns proper. (D: Colm Caimbeul - Aug 93)
Vt, semy of cinquefoils, a lamb dormant Arg within a bord Or. (B:
Jeanne dAussay - Feb 86) (For Household of the Sleepy
Vt, semy-de-lys Arg, in pale a lion couchant Or & a lamb couchant
to sin Arg within a bord embat Or. (D: Kasimira Verena
dArcy - Jan 91)
Vt, 3 sheep statant Arg. (D: lfhelm se Reade - Sep 00)
Vt, 2 ewes passant respectant & in chf 4 mullets in cross, all Arg.
(B: Jane Trower - Mar 86) (For Lucy Ales)
Vt vtu ploy Or, a sheep couchant contourny Arg. (D: Agnes the
Silent - Jan 96)
* * * End * * *
Beast - Gopher: see Beast - Mouse
Beast - Great dane: see Beast - Dog
Beast - Guinea pig: see Beast - Mouse
Beast - Hare: see Beast - Rabbit
Beast - Hart: see Beast - Deer

Beast - Hedgehog

(Fieldless) A brown urchin statant atop a strawberry fesswise

reversed proper. (B: Breock of Whitby - May 99)
(Fieldless) A demi-hedgehog ramp Gu issuant from a tower proper.
(B: Giovanni di Giacomettino - Dec 96)
(Fieldless) A hedgehog ramp Az. (B: Tholen der Egel - Nov 00)
(Fieldless) A hedgehog ramp Az sustaining to dexter chf a Lacy
knot Gu. (B: Rory McGowan - Oct 03)
(Fieldless) A hedgehog statant Az. (B: Banbnat MacDermot Sep 02)
(Fieldless) A hedgehog statant contourney proper. (B: Elrik SkapVargr - May 92)
(Fieldless) A hedgehog statant per pale Or & Az. (B: Daniel O
Rian the Fletcher - Jun 02)
(Fieldless) A hedgehog statant Vt. (B: Roswitha of Suanesfeld Sep 03) (For Gytha Einarsdttir)
(Fieldless) A sea-urchin Az. (B: Banbnat MacDermot - Jul 03)
(Fieldless) An hedgehog ramp ermine. (B: Cemgen mac Olcain Aug 01)
(Fieldless) An urchin sejant erect proper maintaining a harp Arg
stringed Or. (B: Mairghread of Ryvel - Aug 92) (An urchin
proper is brown with white face and belly.)
(Fieldless) An urchin within & conjoined to an annulet Or. (B:
Michael Geoffrey fitz William - Jul 05)
Arg, a chev Gu cotised, in base a porcupine statant Sa. (D: Judhael
de Cornouailles - Jun 99)
Arg, a hedgehog & on a chf invected Gu 3 escarbuncles Arg. (D:
Victoria la Picarde - Nov 04)
Arg, a hedgehog proper, on a chf embat Vt, a mortar & pestle betw
a decrescent & an increscent Arg. (D: Meadhbh n Ruaidh
Chonnemara - Jan 93)
Arg, a hedgehog ramp Sa its quills impaling grapes Purp
maintaining a mortar & pestle Or, a bord rayonny Az. (D:
Safiyah al-Attarah bint Abd al-Rahman - Jan 05)
Arg, a hedgehog sejant proper, a bord Gu. (D: Ysabelle de Laval Oct 98)
Arg, a hedgehog statant Sa & a chf embat Az. (D: Petronilla i
Rotarfve - Nov 98)
Arg, a hedgehog statant Sa within a bord Sa billetty Arg. (D:
Daffydd ap Owen de Caledon - Nov 03)
Arg, a salt embat counter-embat Az betw 4 hedgehogs statant Gu.
(D: Aldwin Seguin - Apr 02)
Arg, an urchin ramp contourny Sa, a bord invected Gu. (D: Angus
MacClerie - Mar 97)
Arg, an urchin statant proper, on a chf Vt, 3 trefoils Or. (D:
Elizabeth Severn - Jun 87)
Arg, an urchin statant Sa, within an orle of hop vines Vt, fructed Or.
(D: Simn de la Palma de Mallorca - Aug 89)
Arg ermined Gu, an urchin ramp Sa. (D: Valentine du Promontoire
- Jul 91)
Arg goutty de sang, a winged hedgehog segreant Sa. (D: Brid
Hecgwiht - Jul 92)
Arg, in cross 4 hedgehogs contourny Purp. (D: Sarra the Lymner Oct 06)

Beast - Hedgehog (continued)

Arg, 2 suns & a hedgehog statant within a bord engrailed Purp. (D:
Rebecca bat Reuven - Dec 91)
Arg, 2 thistles slipped & leaved Vt, flowered Gu, & a hedgehog
passant Sa betw a chf & a point Gu. (D: Catriona Fionnaghal
nic Elphinstone - Aug 79)
Az, a griffin passant betw in chf 3 cinquefoils Arg & in base a
hedgehog passant proper. (D: Edlyn Deva - Aug 79?)
Az, a hedgehog betw 3 clouds Arg. (D: Avalon Dubois - Jul 03)
Az, a hedgehog statant & on a chf embat Arg 3 roses proper. (D:
Livia Zanna - Apr 08)
Az, on a bend sin ermine betw 2 urchins statant to sin Arg, an
ermine courant Sa. (D: lfrun Errantmaid - Nov 88)
Checky Vt & Arg, a hedgehog statant Sa. (D: Francois
Lagrosseteste de Lamorlaye - Aug 79?)
Gu, a bend sin raguly betw a winged hedgehog ramp, wings
elevated & addorsed, & a lyre Or. (D: Svetlana Gunnarsdottir
- Apr 91)
Gu, a hedgehog statant Arg its quills impaling grapes Purp. (D:
Mergriet van Edelare - Jul 96)
Gyronny arrondi Arg & Vt, a hedgehog statant proper within a bord
embat Sa. (D: Dagr Bollason - Sep 04)
Or, a chev Vt betw 3 porcupines ramp Az. (D: Gregor von Leipzig
- Feb 05)
Or, a hedgehog ramp Az, a bord Gu. (D: Tholen der Egel Nov 00)
Or, a hedgehog ramp proper collared Vt within a bord engrailed Gu.
(D: Tatiana von Sonnenburg - Jun 95)
Or, a hedgehog statant proper; a chf wavy Sa. (D: Katherine
Graybard of Sillenglen - Aug 79)
Or, a salt parted & fretted Vt, overall a hedgehog statant proper all
within a bord Vt. (D: Octavia Jenon de Treves - Jan 93)
Or, an urchin Gu, a chf Sa maily Arg. (D: Tanw the Confused Jan 93)
Or, on a bend Purp betw a hedgehog & a garb Sa, 3 bees Or. (D:
Lorenza Ricci della Luna - Oct 06)
Or, 3 hedgehogs statant Gu. (D: Radnat ingen Diarmada Nov 00)
Or, 3 urchins Vt & a chf Vt fretty Or. (D: Aelis Helene of
Hengandrode - Nov 90)
Per bend Vt & Az, a rams head erased contourny & a hedgehog
ramp Or. (D: Perote Campbell - Jan 04)
Per chev Arg & Vt, an urchin statant proper within a bord ctrch. (D:
Jane Harcourt of Wallyngford - Nov 93)
Per chev Gu & lozengy Sa & Arg, 3 urchins statant & a bear ramp
Or. (D: Michael Geoffrey fitz William - Sep 02)
Per chev Sa & Az, a hedgehog Or betw 3 Thors hammers Arg. (D:
Sigen Fridreksdottir - Jul 97)
Per chev Sa & Az, 3 urchins ramp Arg. (D: Laura of Rivenstar Jun 94)
Per fess embat Or & Purp, 2 hedgehogs statant ctrch. (D: Urso de
Mercia - May 98)
Per fess indented Arg & Vt, 2 rapiers in salt Sa & a hedgehog Arg.
(D: Jocelyn della Spada - Apr 08)
Per fess Vt & Arg, 3 urchins ctrch. (D: Egen Bruer - Jun 95)
Per fess Vt ermined Arg & Arg, in base 3 hedgehogs statant Az. (D:
Banbnat MacDermot - Sep 01)
Per pale Arg & Purp, 2 hedgehogs combattant ctrch. (D: Kseniya
Mikhailovna Morskaya - Apr 96)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 3 hedgehogs ramp in pale betw 2 chess rooks
Arg. (D: Theoderic der Rot - Apr 98)
Per pale Or & Sa, 2 hedgehogs ramp addorsed the dexter
maintaining a bow & the sin maintaining an arrow inv all
ctrch. (D: Willelm Bogamann - May 02)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a hedgehog statant within a single-jeweled ring
Or. (D: Arkein Steinschleifer - Jan 82)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a hedgehog statant & a bord embat Arg. (D:
Doireann inghean u Brolchin - Dec 02)
Per salt Purp & Or all semy-de-lys ctrch, a hedgehog statant proper.
(D: Angelique Michiele du Hrisson - Aug 01)
Per salt Sa & Arg, a salt Gu betw in pale 2 harps & in fess 2
urchins, all ctrch. (D: Mairghread of Ryvel - Jun 92)
Per salt Sa & Vt, a hedgehog ramp to sin Arg. (D: Malcolm
Bowman - Nov 98)
Purp, a hedgehog ramp Or sustaining a key Arg. (D: Anastasiia
Volchkova Vladimirova vnuka - Sep 98)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 207

[Beast - Hedgehog] to [Beast - Horse - 1 - Argent]

Beast - Hedgehog (continued)

Purp, an urchin statant Arg & a chf invected Or. (D: Ealdgytha of
Spalding Abbey - Feb 92)
Purp, betw 2 porcupines combatant reguardant Arg, collared, a
mullet of eight points elongated to chf & to base, within a bord
embat Or. (D: Avitoria vidua - Jan 07)
Quarterly Vt & Az, 2 hedgehogs in bend sin Or. (D: Cristiane
Woayde - Mar 06)
Sa, a hedgehog statant Arg & a sin gore ermine. (D: Morwenna
lfld or Glyn - Dec 96)
Sa, mulletty Arg, an urchin ramp proper maintaining a veil fesswise
Arg. (D: Morgan Stardancer - Aug 82)
Vt, a hedgehog ramp proper grasping in dexter forepaw a sword Or,
hilted Sa, & in sin forepaw a foaming beer stein Or, headed
Arg. (D: Theodora von Igelheim - May 82)
Vt, a hedgehog ramp to sin within a bord Arg. (D: Gwyl ferch
Teleri Celli Caregi - Aug 87)
Vt, a hedgehog statant contourny Or its quills impaling grapes Gu
betw 3 cinquefoils Or. (D: Eleanor Spencer - Sep 06)
Vt, a hedgehog statant Or. (B: Xena Baxter Wynthorpe - Mar 84)
Vt, a hedgehog statant to sin Arg. (B: Orien Wenderson - Jan 86)
(For the House of the Happy Hedgehog)
Vt, an urchin levee a pied Or, quills impaling divers manners of
fruit proper, playing a krummhorn Arg. (D: Eugenie de
Bruges - Jan 74?)
Vt, 3 hedgehogs statant Arg. (D: Gwenllian ferch Llywelyn ab
Ieuan - Feb 97)
* * * End * * *
Beast - Hind: see Beast - Deer

Beast - Hippopotamus

(Fieldless) A brown hippopotamus statant guardant proper. (B:

Sajah bint Habushun ibn Ishandiyar al-Hajjaji - Sep 06)
(Fieldless) A rhinoceros statant Arg. (B: Sylvanus Perrin Feb 02)
(Fieldless) On a rhinoceros Az a mask of comedy Arg. (B: Angel
la Fiera - Oct 04)
Arg, a hippopotamus statant contourny Az. (D: Aaron de
Hameldene - Apr 93)
Arg, a rhinoceros ramp Az within a bord dovetailed Sa. (B: Rgn
hinn Stilligr - Aug 95)
Arg, a rhinoceros ramp Gu. (D: Kendall Tempest - Feb 94)
Arg, a rhinoceros ramp Sa betw in chf 2 roses, barbed & seeded,
proper. (D: Thomas OMaoilriain - Jun 88)
Az, a hippopotamus statant within a bord Arg. (D: Tatiana
Travina - Nov 02)
Az, 3 rhinoceroses counter-statant Arg, each charged with a fleurde-lis Gu. (D: Christina Murus Lepida - Jul 80)
Or, a hippopotamus statant Az, a base engrailed Vt. (D: David of
Staffa - May 81)
Or, a rhinoceros statant Gu. (B: Raymond Carder the Sea Rover Aug 88) (For Mihail Rautacios din Pest)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a rhinoceros passant contourney Arg & 2
quill pens in salt Or. (D: Petar iz Beograda - Mar 92)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 3 crosses fleury Arg & a brown hippopotamus
statant guardant proper. (D: Sajah bint Habushun ibn
Ishandiyar al-Hajjaji - Feb 06)
Per fess wavy Az & Vt, a hippopotamus ramp to sin Arg, in chf a
trident fesswise Or. (D: Aneirin ap Corwyn or Ynis Witrin Nov 84)
Sa, an African rhinoceros passant to sin Or. (D: Stephan of
Blueknoll - Aug 79?)
Vt, a hippopotamus ramp betw in chf 2 roses Arg, on a chf Or a
stick shuttle Sa. (D: Sindra Gunhild Sigmundsdottir - Sep 90)
Vt, in pale 3 rhinoceroses passant Arg. (D: Sleyman al-Hazar Nov 94)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Horse - 1 - Argent

(Fieldless) A demi-horse Arg sustaining a harp proper. (B: Brenna

nic Adam - Jan 96)
(Fieldless) A horse courant Arg, charged on the hind flank with a
decrescent Sa. (B: Bright Hills - Aug 06) (For Company of
the White Horse)
(Fieldless) A horse ramp contourny Arg. (B: Alail Horsefriend Apr 02)
208 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Horse - 1 - Argent (continued)

(Fieldless) A monster composed of the head of a horse, legs of an

eagle & the tail of a fish Arg crined & tailed Or. (B: Richenda
de Braundeston - Nov 98)
Az, a chev Or & in chf a horse couchant Arg. (D: Isabetta Beccari
- Apr 07)
Az, a donkey ramp contourny Arg within a laurel wreath Or. (D:
Scola Metallorum - Feb 99)
Az, a horse courant contourny betw 3 triquetras Arg. (D: Echrad
ingen engusa - Mar 05)
Az, a horse courant reguardant betw 3 mullets Arg. (D: Fjorleif in
Haga - Mar 95)
Az, a horse passant & in chf 3 crosses couped Arg. (D: Philipp
Hartrat - Jan 07)
Az, a horse passant & on a point pointed Arg a drop spindle Az. (D:
Amanda OKellahan - Dec 99)
Az, a horse passant Arg & in chf 3 plates in fess, all within a bord
embat Arg. (D: Bronwyn nic Dougal - Jan 89)
Az, a horse passant, saddled & bridled, Arg betw 3 open scrolls Or.
(D: Ceridwen Du - Dec 98)
Az, a horse ramp Arg & a bord Or semy of cinquefoils Purp. (D:
Annaliese Lasair Adare - Nov 93)
Az, a horse ramp Arg, hooved & crined Or, on a chf rayonny Arg, a
tree eradicated proper betw 2 roses Az. (D: Eleanor Mabille Aug 89)
Az, a horse ramp barded, upon a chf Arg 3 crosses crosslet fitchy
Az. (D: Christina MacKay - Jan 91)
Az, a horse ramp betw 3 pheons inv Arg. (D: Zoryna Prazan Feb 08)
Az, a horse ramp maintaining a bow & wearing a quiver & arrows
Arg, in chf 3 horseshoes inv Or. (D: Richenda de Braundeston
- Jul 98)
Az, a horse ramp to sin & in base a scimitar fracted chevronwise inv
Arg. (B: Boris of Woodland - Dec 88)
Az, a horse ramp to sin betw in chf a label throughout Arg & in
base a scimitar fracted in chev inv Or. (D: Boris of Woodland
- Jun 85)
Az, a horse salient Arg spotted Sa, on a chf Or 3 shamrocks Vt. (D:
Alethea MacNaradhaigh - Jun 95)
Az, a horse salient contourny Arg, a sin gore vairy Or & Gu. (D:
Valia of the Mists - Mar 05)
Az, a horse statant contourny barded & a chf Arg. (D: Jared
Thallon - Dec 90)
Az, a tilting lance bendwise sin Or surmounted by a horse ramp
Arg, in canton a laurel wreath Or, a ford proper. (D:
Ritterwald - Apr 01)
Az, in pale a colt passant Arg & an arm embowed palewise issuant
from flames of fire Or. (D: Eloise of Coulter - May 90)
Az, in pale a hand & a horse couchant regardant Arg. (D: Eoin an
Eich Ghil mac Cionaodha - Nov 01)
Az, mounted upon a horse passant contourny Arg, a maiden
maintaining a hawk close contourny Or. (D: Cecily de la
Warde - Jun 98)
Gu, a batwinged horse passant Arg, scaly Sa, unguled, crined &
winged Arg. (D: Amarantha Randolph - Feb 89)
Gu, a chev betw a horse courant & a rose Arg. (D: Cecily de
Heselington - Jan 03)
Gu, a fess bretessed Or betw a horse ramp & a sledgehammer Arg.
(D: Berndt der Khne - Aug 03)
Gu, a horse courant Arg. (D: Westphalia - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Gu, a horse forcen Arg upon a base embat Sa fimbriated Arg. (B:
Aleta Ara of Helsgard, the Cruel - Jul 81)
Gu, a horse forcene to sin Arg, on a chf Or 2 escallops Az betw 3
bears paw prints Sa. (D: Core de Hingst - Aug 79?)
Gu, a horse ramp Arg, a bord Arg semy of compass stars Sa. (D:
Sorcha ingen Fhiaich - Dec 95)
Gu, a horse ramp Arg & on a chf embat Or 2 spear heads, points to
base Sa. (D: Garcia Guerrero de Corrales - Oct 07)
Gu, a horse ramp within five roundels in annulo, a mount Arg. (D:
Svartr Ormsson djkn - Apr 08)
Gu, a knight armed cap--pie mounted on a horse salient Arg,
brandishing a sword proper & maintaining a shield Az charged
with a patriarchal cross Or. (D: Lithuania, Republic of Jan 00) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, in chf a horse courant contourny, a mountain Arg. (D: Robyn
atte May - Sep 07)

[Beast - Horse - 1 - Argent]

Beast - Horse - 1 - Argent (continued)

Gu semy of pumpkins Or, a horse ramp to sin Arg. (D: Ekaterina

Pirrovicha Zhemchuznikova - Jan 96)
Gyronny Gu & Sa, a horse salient to sin atop a single-horned anvil
reversed Arg. (D: Jacques dAymonet - Jun 85)
Per bend checky Vt & Or & Az, a Bengal tiger ramp Arg marked Sa
& a horse ramp Arg. (D: Ceara inghean Leoghin - Nov 03)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a horse ramp & a sword bendwise inv Arg. (D:
Gwendolyn Morna OShaughnessey - Sep 91)
Per bend Gu & Sa, in bend sin a horse salient contourny betw 2
crescents Arg. (D: Sine Gregdoghter - Nov 91)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a rose & a horse ramp contourny, a bord
ctrch. (D: Deborah of Arundel - Jun 94)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a horse salient Arg & 3 horseshoes in bend
sin Az. (D: Ponce Rodrigo de Loronha - Sep 99)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a horse ramp within a bord embat Arg. (D:
Malise the Archer - Jul 96)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a bend sin wavy betw a mistral contourny &
a horse passant contourny Arg. (D: Arabella of the Plains Apr 01)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, a horse salient & in sin chf a horseshoe Arg.
(D: Onorio dAmerigo - Feb 92)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a horse ramp Arg betw 3 decrescents Or. (D:
Gabriella Marguerite Simonetti Rucellai - Jun 92)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a bend sin ctrch Arg & Gu betw a horse
passant to sin Arg & a cat passant Sa. (D: Aldonza Pandora Oct 87)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, a horse passant & a cat sejant contourny Arg.
(D: Catherine Vallemont - Oct 07)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a bend sin Arg betw a harp Or & a horse
courant Arg. (D: Sean-Patrick ODonnell - Sep 04)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a dragon segreant & a horse ramp contourny
Arg. (D: Adrian Drake - Aug 04)
Per chev Arg & Sa, a catamount passant guardant & a horse ramp
ctrch. (D: Kathryn of Carraig Ban - Oct 88)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 2 towers & a horse ramp ctrch. (D: Tangwystl
Tyriau Gleision - Dec 95)
Per chev Az & Sa, a horse passant & a horseshoe inv Arg. (D:
Constance Audrey - Aug 04)
Per chev Az & Vt, a sword fracted chevronwise & a horse passant
Arg. (B: Eduard von der Kiebitzwiese - Apr 84)
Per chev Gu & Az, 2 cats pawprints Or & a horse passant Arg. (D:
Collette de Rayncheval - Dec 04)
Per chev inv Vt & pean, a horse passant Arg. (D: Gwyneth Lynette
Dennys - May 98)
Per chev Sa & Az, 2 axes & a horse passant Arg. (D: Hakon
Einarsson - May 06)
Per chev throughout Arg & Az, 2 fleurs-de-lys Gu & a horse salient
Arg. (D: AElfgifu Haraldsdottir - Oct 90)
Per chev throughout Gu & Sa, a horse salient to sin, in chf 2 Celtic
crosses Arg. (D: Mire Dromond - Oct 89)
Per chev Vt & Arg, a horse courant & a celtic cross ctrch. (D: Iain
Gearr-Sheallach O Maoilbhreanainn - Apr 91)
Per chev Vt & Or, a horse courant Arg & a holly leaf inv Az. (D:
Seonaid inghean Eoin - Jul 05)
Per chev Vt & pean, a horse ramp to sin Arg, crined Or. (D: Alail
Horsefriend - Apr 82)
Per fess embat Gu & Az, a demi-horse issuant from the line of
division Arg. (D: Maximilian Petsch - May 05)
Per fess embat Sa & Vt, 3 mullets Or & a horse courant Arg. (D:
Anton Ivan Stanislavich - Feb 02)
Per fess embowed Sa & Vt, in pale a horse courant & an orchid
Arg. (D: Kelly Piers - Feb 88)
Per fess enarched, per pale Gu & Or & Az, a garb Or, a sheaf of
weapons proper surmounted by 2 banners in salt per fess Or &
Gu, a fess Az, & a horse courant Arg. (D: Venezuela Mar 07) (important non-SCA armory)
Per fess enarched, per pale Gu & Or & Az, a garb Or, a sheaf of
weapons proper surmounted by 2 banners in salt per fess Or &
Gu, a fess Az, & a horse courant regardant contourny Arg atop
a base Vt. (B: Venezuela - Mar 07) (important non-SCA
armory)(Ancient Arms)
Per fess rayonny Sa & Gu, in base a horse courant contourny, a chf
embat Arg. (B: Marc MacLave - Jun 02)
Per fess Vt & Arg, a horse passant Arg & a greyhound statant Sa.
(D: Sadhbh of Falcons Keep - Jan 01)

Beast - Horse - 1 - Argent (continued)

Per fess wavy Arg & Gu, 3 ravens volant Sa & a mare courant Arg.
(D: Macha ni Phadraiga - Mar 87)
Per fess wavy Purp & barry wavy Az & Arg, a demi-horse salient,
issuant from the line of division, betw in chf a mask of comedy
bendwise & a mask of tragedy bendwise sin Arg. (D: Gillian
Constance Brothwell of Durham - Jan 84)
Per pale Az & Gu, a horse courant to sin reguardant betw 3 birch
trees eradicated Arg. (D: Dana OLawler - Jul 87)
Per pale Az & Vt, a horse passant & in chf a bow fesswise Arg. (D:
Appoline dAvignon - Oct 01)
Per pale Az & Vt, a horse salient betw 3 mullets of 4 points Arg.
(D: Ivegard Sask - Feb 07)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a horse ramp & in base 3 horseshoes one & 2
ctrch. (D: Michael de Calais - Nov 92)
Per pale Gu & Az, a horse passant to sin in chf 3 horseshoes inv
Arg. (D: Tegan Conwy - Jul 98)
Per pale Gu & Vt, a horse passant & a bord embat Arg. (B: Borimir
Dimitrian - Oct 07)
Per pale Purp & Vt, a horse passant contourny & on a chf Arg an
arrow inv bendwise sin betw 2 fleurs-de-lys inv Purp. (D:
Sylvia du Vey - Jan 04)
Per pale rayonny Az & Or, a mare ramp Arg & a cat ramp
contourny Sa, collared Gu. (D: Aislinn of Tir-y-Don Feb 07)
Per pale Sa & Az, a horse ramp & a mount Arg. (D: Daud ibn Ali Jul 90)
Per pale Sa & Purp, in pale a horse courant to sin Arg & a flute
fesswise Or marked Arg. (D: Fernando de Salcedo - Oct 04)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a horse & a wyvern combattant, wings
disclosed, betw in pale a trefoil & a dagger fesswise, all ctrch.
(D: Caitilin ni Lochlainn - Oct 80)
Per pale Vt & Purp, a chev dovetailed betw 2 wolfs heads erased &
a horse ramp Arg. (D: Jacquette Beamonte - Sep 05)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a horse ramp contourny Arg betw in bend 2
hawks striking Or. (D: Signe ingen Anmchada - Aug 99)
Per pale wavy Gu & Az, 4 roses in pale Or & a horse ramp
contourny Arg. (D: Eustace dela Couste - Oct 00)
Per salt Sa & Vt, a horse ramp to sin regardant Arg within a bord
dovetailed Or. (D: Karl Falchner - Oct 04)
Per salt Vt & Purp, a horse courant betw in pale 2 increscents Arg.
(D: Duncan Andrew Songhawke Tengri-in Jida - Mar 92)
Purp, a horse courant & in chf an increscent Arg. (B: Duncan
Andrew Songhawke Tengri-in Jida - Mar 92)
Purp, a horse passant & on a base Arg 3 triquetras 2 & one Vt. (D:
Falenn ingen Chernaich - Feb 05)
Purp, a horse passant within an orle of mullets of six points Arg.
(D: Lucinda de la Bahia - Nov 89)
Purp, a horse ramp & on a chf nebuly Arg 3 trefoils Sa. (D: Elisant
of Caerthe - Aug 05)
Purp, a horse ramp betw 3 ermine spots Arg. (D: Taramis ni
Dhuibhir - Sep 89)
Purp, a horse ramp to sin Arg betw 3 crosses of Calatrava Or. (B:
Calontir - Apr 90) (For the Equestrian Guild of Calontir)
Purp, a horse ramp to sin Arg within a bord Arg semy of oak leaves
Vt. (D: Sthmaith inghean mhic Aoidh - Dec 01)
Purp, a horse salient & a chf embat Arg. (D: Luzia do Valongo Jan 99)
Purp, a Trojan horse betw 3 decrescents Arg. (D: Troy of Nodham
Whyre - Apr 84)
Purp, ermined Or, a horse couchant Arg. (D: Cynegyth de
Hauteville - Jan 94)
Quarterly Az & Vt, a horse passant to sin Arg. (D: Ileana del Mar Sep 91)
Quarterly Az & Vt, a horse ramp Arg, in chf 3 fleurs-de-lis Or. (D:
Etienne Fawkes - Mar 92)
Quarterly Gu & Az, a horse passant to sin Arg pellety within a bord
Arg. (D: Felis Cheval - Jun 93)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a horse passant Arg & in chf 3 foxes masks Or.
(D: Brianna McBain - Oct 94)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a horse ramp Arg. (D: Evandre of Middleham
More - Sep 98)
Quarterly Vt & Or, a horse passant Arg caparisoned Az. (D:
Phoebe MacGregor - Jul 00)
Sa, a chev Gu, fimbriated Or, overall a horse ramp Arg betw 3
crescents Or. (D: Richard the Defyer - Jul 98)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 209

[Beast - Horse - 1 - Argent] to [Beast - Horse - 1 - Gules]

Beast - Horse - 1 - Argent (continued)

Sa, a horse ramp & in chf a compass rose, a bord embat Arg. (D:
Elias Loredan - Sep 05)
Sa, a horse ramp & on a chf Arg 3 crescents Az. (D: Elizabeth
Stephenson - Feb 05)
Sa, a horse ramp Arg charged with a compass rose Sa, a bord embat
Arg. (B: Elias Loredan - Mar 08)
Sa, a horse ramp betw 2 swords Arg, a ford proper. (D: Deirdre
MacNamara of Trollhaven - Sep 95)
Sa, a horse ramp contourny within a bord embat Arg. (D: Julian
Percy - Aug 94)
Sa, a horse ramp within an annulet, on a mount Arg, a thistle
slipped & leaved Sa distilling 2 goutes Gu. (D: Rovena of Br
Lith - Oct 98)
Sa, a horse ramp within an orle of mullets of 4 points Arg. (D:
Simon Hand - Oct 02)
Sa, a horse salient reguardant contourny betw in chf 2 mullets Arg.
(B: Meridies - Feb 07) (For the populace)
Sa, a horse statant Arg within a laurel wreath Or. (D: Charlesbury
Crossing - Aug 00)
Sa, a man armed cap-a-pie mounted on a horse statant in chf 2 birds
volant Arg. (D: Peregrine Mackay - Aug 01)
Sa, a shamrock Vt fimbriated, surmounted by a horse salient, all
within a bord Arg. (D: Colleen Ahern - Aug 81)
Sa, in pale a crescent & a horse passant reguardant betw a pair of
flaunches Arg, each charged with a carrick-bend knot Sa. (D:
Jane Trower - Feb 84)
Sa, mulletty, a horse passant reguardant Arg upon a base embat Sa,
fimbriated Arg. (B: Aleta Ara of Helsgard, the Cruel Jul 81)
Sa, on a flame Gu fimbriated Or a rough-legged draught horse
forcene Arg. (D: Reginleif the Unruly - Mar 78?)
Sa, on a horse ramp betw 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Arg another Sa.
(D: Brian Creaven - Oct 94)
Sa, semy of flames proper, a horse salient Arg incensed, crined of
flames, unguled & fetlocked Gu, gorged of a ducal crown. (D:
Aonghais Dubh MacTarbh - Oct 76?)
Sa, 3 bars Gu fimbriated Or, overall a horse salient to sin Arg. (D:
Rolanda Rossner - Dec 98)
Vt, a bend sin ermine betw 3 roses & a horse salient contourny
guardant Arg. (D: Gisle Percheron - Feb 92)
Vt, a horse courant & in base a crescent & on a chf Arg 3 mullets
Sa. (D: Diana Scott - Apr 02)
Vt, a horse courant Arg. (D: Rohan - Dec 07) (Important nonSCA arms)
Vt, a horse courant contourny conjoined with an annulet Arg. (B:
Scoithin mac Mhuireadhaigh - Sep 04)
Vt, a horse passant Arg, a bord Arg semy-de-lis Vt. (D: Anne von
Talstadt - Oct 99)
Vt, a horse passant contourny & on a chf urdy Arg 2 roses Purp. (D:
Alana Buchanan - Mar 01)
Vt, a horse passant contourny Arg, on a chf Or, 3 roses proper. (B:
Bl von Bremen - Apr 98)
Vt, a horse ramp & on a chf Arg 3 ravens close Sa. (D: Diana Rhys
of Carmarthen - Oct 96)
Vt, a horse salient Arg within a bord engrailed Or. (D: Damon of
Three Rivers - Dec 87)
Vt, a horse salient to sin Arg, on a chf Or 3 trefoils Vt. (D: Padraig
mac Nechtain - Feb 06)
Vt, a horse statant & a label Arg. (D: Eibhln an Eich Ghil Jun 04)
Vt, a scarpe betw 3 chevronels braced & a horse courant to sin Arg,
gorged with a coronet Or. (D: Yelisveta Katlin Savrasova Apr 87)
Vt, in pale a horse passant to sin Arg & a fret, all within a bord
rayonny Or. (D: Signy Jensdottir of Hedeby - Nov 89)
Vt, on a bar betw a horse salient & 3 decrescents Arg five almonds
proper. (D: Charlene Chakaydia - Aug 79?)
Vt semy-de-lys Or, a knight armed cap--pie mounted upon a horse
passant within an annulet Arg. (D: Corinne Castilla - Apr 95)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Horse - 1 - Azure

(Fieldless) A demi-horse salient Az. (B: Marion Ross - Jul 06)

Arg, a horse courant & on a chf embat Az 3 triquetras Arg. (D:
Kiena Stiward - Oct 06)

210 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Horse - 1 - Azure (continued)

Arg, a horse passant & a chf Az. (D: Eyvor Halldrsdttir Jul 06)
Arg, a horse ramp Az, on a chf invected Gu 2 fleams Arg. (D:
Tegan Thorbergsdttir - Sep 99)
Arg, a horse salient & in base 2 tilting-lances in salt Az. (D:
Katharyn Clatworthy - Jan 96)
Arg, a horse salient Az & a demi-sun issuant from base Sa. (D:
Marion Ross - Jul 06)
Arg, a horse salient Az crined Sa betw in chf 2 roses Purp. (D:
Vittoria da Faenza - Jul 94)
Arg, an ass passant to sin Az. (B: Alisoun MacCoul of Elphane Oct 81) (For Companions of the Beaten Ass)
Or, a horse ramp, on a chf Az a serpent erect Or betw 2 bezants. (D:
Chrestienne la Croniere - Feb 00)
Per pale Arg & Or, a horse salient Az, on a chf triangular Sa an
increscent Arg betw 2 mullets of eight points Or. (D: Isadora
de Alba - Jun 85)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Horse - 1 - Fur

(Fieldless) A donkey statant counter-ermine. (B: Isabel the Mad Aug 02)
(Fieldless) A horse salient contourny Arg ermined Gu. (B:
Meadhbh nc Fhaoiltighearna - Jan 95)
Arg, a horse ramp & a chf rayonny pean. (D: Ceridwen Maelor
verch Gruffydd - Jan 94)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a horse ramp ermine. (D: Avina de SaintVaast - Nov 02)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Horse - 1 - Gules

(Fieldless) A horse passant Gu charged on the shoulder with a cross

couped Arg. (B: Duncan Kerr - Sep 05)
(Fieldless) A horse passant Gu charged on the shoulder with a cross
couped Arg. (B: Duncan Kerr - Dec 06) (JB: Eleanor
(Fieldless) A tricorporate horse ramp, head dexter facing, Gu. (B:
Meghan Oriana Lauder - May 94)
(Fieldless) On a horse ramp Gu, a mullet Or. (B: Gilyan Alienora
of Clonmacnoise - Dec 06)
Arg, a Horse forcene Gu, animee & allume Az. (D: Jiane of Ocurin
- Jan 74)
Arg, a horse passant & a bord embat Gu. (B: Eleanor FitzPatrick Jun 04)
Arg, a horse passant Gu within an orle Vt. (D: Lassar Ruad Apr 04)
Arg, a horse ramp & in chf a rose fesswise Gu slipped & leaved Vt
within a bord Sa. (D: Anne de Bernecestre - Mar 06)
Arg, a horse ramp contourny Gu crined Sa & on a chf Az 3 trefoils
pierced Arg. (D: Grinne inghean Chonaill u Eachadha Sep 05)
Arg, a mounted knight passant, bearing a banner Gu, a bord Sa
crusilly formy Arg. (D: Susana del Lago - Feb 99)
Checky Or & Sa, a horse passant with a rider armed cap-a-pie Gu.
(B: Brand Faragar the Frank - Oct 93)
Ermine, a horse couchant Gu within a bord counter-compony Gu &
Arg. (D: Doucette de Verdun - Dec 04)
Ermine, a horse ramp within a bord rayonny Gu. (D: Sonja
Dolgorukaja - Feb 94)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, a horse ramp contourny Gu within an orle Or.
(D: Gwydion ab Aeddan - Aug 93)
Lozengy Arg & pean, a bat-winged horse, tusked as a boar, ramp to
sin, wings elevated & addorsed, Gu. (D: Seisyll LeStrange of
Strangeholt - Jun 90)
Lozengy Az & Arg, a horse ramp contourny Gu. (D: Elizabeth
Hawkwood of Northumberland - Dec 95)
Or, a horse passant to sin betw 2 crescents & an escallop inv Gu.
(D: Maeve Moorland - Aug 86)
Or, a horse ramp Gu, a chf embat Sa. (D: Clare Elena of
Strathclyde - Sep 00)
Or, a horse ramp to sin Gu within a bord Sa. (D: Candace the
Horse Trader - Oct 86)
Pean, a castle, the dexter tower in ruins, Arg, surmounted by a horse
salient to sin Gu. (D: Chenan du Cheval - Jul 85)

[Beast - Horse - 1 - Gules] to [Beast - Horse - 1 - Or]

Beast - Horse - 1 - Gules (continued)

Per bend sin Vt & Arg, a drinking horn inv bendwise sin Arg & a
horse salient contourny Gu. (D: Meadhbh nc Fhaoiltighearna
- Dec 93)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 ravens heads erased Arg & a horse ramp Gu.
(D: Brianna ny Oran - Sep 92)
Per fess ermine & Sa, a stallion salient Gu within a bord engrailed
ctrch. (D: Josep le Capeller - Jan 05)
Sa, a bend sin Arg surmounted by an ass ramp Gu. (D: Maeve
MacGowan - Mar 82)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Horse - 1 - Multicolor

(Fieldless) A horse courant per pale Az & Sa sustaining atop its

back a knight armed cap-a-pie reguardant maintaining to sin a
crossbow fesswise reversed Or. (B: Drachenwald - May 05)
(Fieldless) A horse passant paly of seven Or & Gu. (B: Sovny
Barcsi Jnos - May 85)
(Fieldless) A horse passant per pale Gu & Arg. (B: thelmearc Mar 02) (For thelmearc Equestrian Guild)
(Fieldless) A horse ramp paly of seven Or & Gu, its forelimb an
arm in armour brandishing a sword Arg. (B: Sovny Barcsi
Jnos - Jan 87)
(Fieldless) A horse salient reguardant quarterly Arg & Gu. (B:
Rhael ferch Rhodri - Apr 03)
(Fieldless) A zebra ramp contourny proper. (B: Sarmasia
Lakadaimoniote - May 95)
Arg, a horse passant per pale Gu & Az. (D: Rnn Mac Raith Sep 02)
Gu, a horse ramp barry Or & Sa, a bord embat Or. (D: Calum
Friseal - Oct 93)
Gu, a horse ramp per bend sin Sa & Arg, on a chf Arg 3 quatrefoils
barbed Gu. (D: Myghchaell Loughlin - Aug 93)
Gu, a horse statant lozengy Or & Az within a bord countercompony
Or & Az. (D: Anne Glading - Jun 04)
Gu, a zebra ramp proper within a bord rayonny Or. (D: Teresa la
Roja - Feb 00)
Per bend Az & Arg, a horse ramp contourny ctrch. (D: Isolde of
Hawksholme - Jul 01)
Per bend Or & Gu, a horse ramp contourny ctrch. (D: Otger of
Aquaterra - Jan 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a horse ramp ctrch & in chf 3 hurts. (D:
Miriel Crawford - Jul 06)
Per bend sin indented Az & Arg, a horse ramp ctrch. (D: David of
Lockerbie - Nov 89)
Per bend sin Or & Vt, a horse salient ctrch & on a chf Vt a strung
bow inv Or. (D: Miriam Armstrong - Aug 83)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, a horse ramp reguardant within a bord
dovetailed, all ctrch. (B: Robert Buffle of Hawksheye Aug 89)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a horse courant & in chf 2 roses ctrch Sa & Arg.
(D: Rosamund dAlwareton - Jul 92)
Per pale Az & Arg, a horse ramp regardant ctrch. (D: Ambrosine
Greyhaven of the Titans - Jun 98)
Purp, a zebra ramp proper & in chf 3 increscents Or. (D: Avelon de
Lunivilla - Oct 06)
Quarterly Arg & Az, a horse passant reguardant within a bord
embat ctrch. (D: Sciath OBreaghdha - Nov 89)
Quarterly Sa & Or, a horse ramp within a bord urdy ctrch. (D:
Gailen Alric Rs - Jun 91)
Vt, a horse paly of seven Or & Gu within a bord embat compony Or
& Gu. (D: Sovny Barcsi Jnos - Jun 82)
Vt, a palomino horse couchant reguardant proper, on a chf potenty
Or, a sun pierced by an arrow fesswise, barb to sin, Sa. (D:
Gwenievere Perreal Smythe - Jan 90)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Horse - 1 - Or

(Fieldless) A compass rose Arg sustained by a horse ramp Or. (B:

Northshield - Jan 05) (For Order of the Destrer)
(Fieldless) A demi-horse ramp Or maintaining a sun in its splendor
Gu. (B: Daniel del Cavallo - Jun 01)
(Fieldless) A horse courant contourny Or. (B: Artemisia - Dec 98)
(For Order of the Cheval dOr)
(Fieldless) A horse ramp contourny Or sustaining in its forehooves
a bakers peel ermine. (B: Goldwyn of Britain - Mar 99)

Beast - Horse - 1 - Or (continued)

Az, a bend sin Or betw in chf an open book Arg, leathered Or, & in
base a horse trippant Or. (D: Barbara Caballeus - Jan 73?)
Az, a horse counter-couchant Or within a bord wavy Arg. (D:
Alexis Aubury - Jan 81)
Az, a horse courant to sin within a bord Or. (D: Otel Altunat Nov 04)
Az, a horse passant Or. (B: West, the - Jan 74) (For the
Equestrian Arts Office)
Az, a horse ramp & on a chf embat Or 3 roses Gu slipped & leaved
Vt. (D: Aelesia de Trochdene - Sep 03)
Az, a horse ramp Or crined & unguled Arg, on a chf Or a Celtic
cross betw 2 lions faces Purp. (D: Gillian Saintclair May 96)
Az, a horse ramp Or within a bord Or semy of pommes. (D:
Ysabeau Tiercelin - Aug 07)
Az, a horse salient within a bord engrailed Or. (D: Alienor of
Farryngdon - Jan 91)
Az, an armoured equestrian salient to sin & brandishing a sword in
the right hand Or, betw 3 crosses patonce 2 & one Arg, a chf
enarched rayonny Gu fimbriated Or. (D: Iijvan Aleichem Sep 73?)
Az, in fess a stag & a horse both ramp contourny & on a chf Or a
barley stalk fesswise reversed Sa. (D: Mikhail Chaika Pavlov
syn Novgorodets - Jan 06)
Az, on a chev Or 3 pheons Sa, in base a horse ramp Or. (D:
lfgeirr Agnarsson - Dec 05)
Checky Sa & Arg, a horse couchant to sin Or. (D: Katherina von
Lehmann - Aug 90)
Checky Sa & Arg, a knight armed cap-a-pie mounted upon a horse
courant to sin a bord embat Or. (B: Meridies - Mar 97) (For
the Companionate of the Kings Lancer)
Counter-vair, a mare courant regardant Or. (D: Anne Pomeroy of
Woodswell - Aug 84)
Gu, a female rider mounted on a horse passant to sin Or. (D:
Fionnghuala Gliobach Mael Ailbe - Apr 89)
Gu, a horse ramp to sin within an annulet Or. (D: Eachann na
Beinne Lithe - Oct 93)
Gu, a horse salient & on a chf Or a lance reversed Sa. (D: Catelin
Spenser of Newmarket - Jul 96)
Gu, in fess a deer & a horse both ramp & on a chf Or a pair of
shears fesswise points to sin Sa. (D: Cristina Iarina
Chaikinaia - Jan 06)
Gyronny Vt & Arg, a horse ramp Or within a bord ctrch. (D:
Ashial Kljin - Apr 05)
Per bend Purp & Vt, a bend Arg betw 3 fleurs-de-lys & a horse
ramp Or. (D: Elisabeth Christianne de Calais - May 00)
Per chev Az & Vt, a horse passant & in base a laurel wreath Or. (D:
Schoental - Jul 98)
Per chev embat pean & Vt, in base a horse ramp contourny Or. (D:
Feodosia Vasileva zhena Volchagova Zub - Apr 04)
Per chev ermine & Az, 2 mullets Az & a horse salient Or. (D:
Giovanna Valori - Feb 08)
Per chev Or & Az, 2 tau crosses & a horse salient ctrch. (D:
Wilrich von Hessen - Jun 02)
Per chev Vt & lozengy Purp & Arg, in chf a horse couchant Or,
crined Sa. (D: Serlaith Rad - Sep 85)
Per chev Vt ermined Or & Sa, in base a horse ramp Or. (D: Daniel
de Burdon - Sep 02)
Per fess Gu & Or, in pale a horse passant & a Catherine wheel
ctrch. (B: Daniel del Cavallo - May 02)
Per fess Gu & Or, in pale a horse passant & a sun ctrch. (D: Daniel
del Cavallo - Nov 89)
Per pale dovetailed Or & Gu, a lion & a horse combattant ctrch. (D:
Tangwen ferch Sylwein - Sep 01)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a horse ramp Or. (D: Dith Briain - Jul 00)
Per pale Vt & Purp, in pale a horse salient contourny & a lightning
bolt bendwise sin Or. (D: Alessandra de Vittorio - Nov 01)
Per pale Vt & Sa, Saint George mounted & passant contourny,
spear piercing a dragon in base within a bord Or. (D: Sofia
Staritskaia - Apr 94)
Per salt Vt & Gu, a horse courant contourny reguardant on a bord
Or 4 crosses couped Gu. (D: Tova Thorfinnsdottir - Oct 97)
Potent, a horse ramp within a bord Or. (D: Toby of Isenfir Feb 00)
Purp, a horse ramp Or & a bord Or mullety Purp. (D: Caitln n
Mhille - May 96)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 211

[Beast - Horse - 1 - Or] to [Beast - Horse - 1 - Sable]

Beast - Horse - 1 - Or (continued)

Purp, a horse ramp to sin reguardant, in dexter chf a mullet of eight

points elongated to base Or. (D: Anne Mercier Bromere Jan 92)
Quarterly Arg & Vt, a horse ramp contourny within a bord embat
Or. (D: Cateline Genevive du Mont - Oct 94)
Sa, a donkey passant & in chf 3 roses Or. (D: Maria Isabella
Rodriquez - Jun 97)
Sa, a horse passant & a bord Or. (D: Tristan de Elsmere - Apr 96)
Sa, a horse ramp & in chf 2 swords inv in salt Or. (D: Wulff
Egilsson - Jan 85)
Sa mullety Arg, a horse courant contourny Or crined & tailed, in chf
a tilting lance fesswise reversed Arg. (D: Donwenna la
Mareschale - Jul 01)
Vt, a horse couchant & on a chf nebuly Or 3 plumes bendwise sin
Sa. (D: Cassandra Peverell - Oct 05)
Vt, a horse couchant Or, a bord Or semy of roses Az. (D: Branwyn
FitzRoberts - Jan 06)
Vt, a horse passant & on a chf Or a hammer Vt. (D: Artur marechal
- Jan 08)
Vt, a horse passant contourny & a base Or. (D: William Palfrey Sep 92)
Vt, a horse passant contourny betw 3 crosses flory Or. (D: Tamiras
Nomadikos - Nov 04)
Vt, a horse passant Or & on a chf Arg 3 acorns Sa. (D: Serena
Kimbalwyke - Apr 96)
Vt, a horse ramp & on a chf indented Or 3 hearts Vt. (D: Ciannait
inghean Roibeaird - Nov 05)
Vt, a horse ramp, on a chf raguly Or 3 mullets Vt pierced Or. (D:
Alaric Griswald de Toledo - May 86)
Vt, a horse ramp Or, on a chf embat Arg 3 Maltese crosses Gu. (D:
Gwendolyn of Gloucester - Oct 92)
Vt, an eye irradiated in base Or betw in chf 2 swords in salt Arg &
in base a horse statant Or. (D: Martin Alorak dElcar Aug 79)
Vt, on a pale Arg betw a dog & a horse combattant Or 3 morning
glory flowers Purp. (D: Eochaidh MacEochada - Sep 95)
Vt semy of flowers, a mare salient to sin Or orbed Sa. (D: Alisande
de Rohan - Jan 73?)
Vt, semy of roses Arg, a horse salient & on a chf Or 3 mullets of six
points Vt. (D: Olwen ferch Rhys of Aberdovey - Jan 94)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Horse - 1 - Purpure

Arg, a bend Vt betw a horse courant & 3 cats sejant guardant Sa.
(D: Brigit ingen Taidc - Jul 03)
Arg, a horse passant to sin & a bord Purp. (D: Sarah of Calafia Mar 04)
Arg, a horse ramp & a base Purp. (D: Mikls Magdolna - Sep 99)
Arg, a horse salient to sin & a chf Purp. (D: Jena Whitehart Aug 84)
Arg, a pillar Sa surmounted by a horse passant contourny & on a
chf rayonny Purp a rose slipped & leaved Arg. (D: Micaela
Leslie - Feb 02)
Ermine, a horse ramp Purp, on a chf Sa 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D:
Angel dAuvergne - Oct 07)
Or, a horse ramp & on a chf rayonny Purp a plate. (D: Alexander
Mieszkowicz - Dec 95)
Per bend sin Purp & Or, an annulet & a horse salient ctrch. (D:
Faoiltiarn of Loughrea - Mar 99)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Horse - 1 - Sable

(Fieldless) A brown ass ramp proper within & conjoined to a

joscelyn wreathed Gu & ermine belled Or. (B: Finn Folhare Feb 06)
(Fieldless) A horse courant contourny within & conjoined to an
annulet Sa. (B: Scoithin mac Mhuireadhaigh - Sep 04)
(Fieldless) A horse passant Sa charged on the shoulder with a
compass rose Arg. (B: Northshield - Jan 05) (For Award of
the Palfrey)
Arg, a bend sin betw a horse ramp to sin Sa & a tree proper. (D:
Minna McLelland - Dec 98)
Arg, a demi-horse ramp Sa, on a chf wavy Purp, 3 triskelions
pommety Or. (D: Caitriona ni Dhubhghaill - Sep 95)
Arg, a horse courant Sa betw 2 bars Purp betw 3 roses Sa. (D:
Angharad Drakenhefd - Jan 06)
212 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Horse - 1 - Sable (continued)

Arg, a horse passant & a dexter tierce Sa. (D: Antonia de

Andalucia - Aug 06)
Arg, a horse passant contourny Sa & a base wavy Purp. (D:
Arabella Kathryn Matthew - Dec 99)
Arg, a horse passant Sa betw 3 roses Az. (D: Aricia Jehane
Deveraux - Jun 84)
Arg, a horse passant to sin Sa, on a chf Vt 3 harps Or. (D: Trechn
MacAoidh - Sep 92)
Arg, a horse ramp contourny, in canton a sheaf of arrows fesswise
reversed Sa within a bord potenty Gu. (D: Adelasia della
Corte - May 07)
Arg, a horse ramp contourny Sa on a bord Gu an orle of chain Or.
(D: Gregory Ahearne - Oct 96)
Arg, a horse ramp Sa, breathing flames, within a bord of flames
proper. (D: Baldrik Blackhorse - Jul 84)
Arg, a horse ramp to sin Sa within a bord Vt ermined Arg. (D:
Alexandra Kyncaide of Black Horse Keep - Mar 95)
Arg, a horse salient betw 3 snaffle-bits Sa. (D: Sian of Malagentia Aug 00)
Arg, a horse salient Sa upon a base embat Gu. (B: Aleta Ara of
Helsgard, the Cruel - Jul 80)
Arg, a horse salient to sin Sa within a bord embat Az. (B: Daven
Echern - Nov 90)
Arg, a mare ramp, on a bord Sa 3 crosses crosslet Arg. (D: Ilaria
de la Mere - Apr 07)
Arg, a 2-headed horse passant Sa, a bord per pale Az & Or. (D:
Stephan Tot - Mar 06)
Arg, chap Vt, 2 goblets Or & a horse ramp Sa. (D: Stephen
Caithnes - Oct 83)
Arg, on a bend engrailed Az betw a brown horse ramp & a tree
eradicated proper 3 gouttes Arg. (D: Ailionra inghean
Tighearnaigh - Sep 05)
Arg, on a donkey statant contourny, head lowered Sa, a pall Arg, on
a chf Az 2 birds contourny Arg. (D: Brocc the Smith May 93)
Arg, 3 bars Az, overall a horse ramp contourny Sa. (D: Ladislaus
Dosa - Dec 06)
Az, fretty Or, a bay horse courant proper. (D: Dionysia die
Reisende - Apr 82)
Barry Vt & Arg, a horse ramp within a bord Sa. (D: Ruarc Stot Jul 85)
Checky Gu & Arg, a horse ramp contourny, on a chf Sa a sheaf of
arrows inv betw 2 laurel wreaths Arg. (D: Schutzheim Jan 93)
Ermine, a horse ramp Sa & a bord Az. (D: Gabriella von Ulm Jan 08)
Ermine vtu Az, a brown horse couchant contourny proper blazed
& stockinged Arg gorged of a pearled coronet & chained Arg.
(B: Betha of Bedford - Nov 02)
Ermine vtu Az, a brown horse couchant proper blazed &
stockinged Arg gorged of a pearled coronet & chained Arg.
(D: Betha of Bedford - Nov 02)
Gyronny Or & Gu, a brown mare ramp proper. (D: Philadelphia
Brown - Jun 06)
Gyronny Vt & Or, a horse salient Sa, a bord Sa semy of Celtic
crosses Or. (D: Samhthann ni Ghiolla Mhuire - Jul 01)
Or, a brown horse statant contourny proper betw 3 gillyflowers Az.
(D: Ingrid Nialsdotter - Apr 93)
Or, a chestnut foal with 4 white stockings & a blaze statant
regarding a Blue Mountain butterfly perched on his rump, all
proper. (D: Melacha of the Blue Mountain - Aug 79)
Or, a chev wavy Az betw in chf a stallion countersalient Sa & a
bear (brown) statant erect proper, & in base, an eagle disp Gu.
(D: Marius Phillipus Barbarus - Aug 79)
Or, a horse courant Sa & a base embat Vt. (B: Outlands, the Feb 95) (For the Outlands Equestrian Guild)
Or, a horse passant & a chf raguly Sa. (D: Kaeli of Marion Glen Jan 04)
Or, a horse passant betw 3 mullets Sa a bord rayonny Gu. (D:
Fermina Caballo - Feb 97)
Or, a horse passant contourny Sa within a bord embat Vt. (D:
Rebecca von Zweckel - Jan 05)
Or, a horse passant Sa betw 4 fleurs-de-lys 3 & one Az. (D: Isabel
of Sherwood - Jan 04)
Or, a horse passant Sa betw in pale 2 oak leaves palewise Gu. (D:
Ellen du Grandchamp - Apr 90)

[Beast - Horse - 1 - Sable] to [Beast - Horse - 2]

Beast - Horse - 1 - Sable (continued)

Or, a horse ramp a bord embat Sa. (D: Richard Sparhawke May 98)
Or, a horse ramp betw 3 fleurs de lis Sa. (D: Alix de Lyon Dec 97)
Or, a horse ramp Sa & a bord Sa mullety of six points Or. (B:
Celric of Marinus - Apr 02)
Or, a horse Sa, statant atop a base Vt, charged with 3 bezants, 2 &
one. (D: Aubre Vieuxpont - Sep 88)
Or, a salt cotissed Gu, overall a horse ramp to sin Sa. (D: Arwyn
Antaradi - Mar 85)
Or, 2 scarpes Gu, overall a horse passant & on a chf embat Sa, 3
stirrups Arg. (D: Caitlyn of Penryn - May 88)
Per bend raguly Az & Arg, a tree couped Arg & a horse salient Sa.
(D: Katarina Daniilova doch Sergeeva zhena - Oct 03)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a horse salient & 3 daggers ctrch. (D: Leo
Darkhorse - Sep 92)
Per bend sin Arg, mulletty voided & Az, a horse counter-salient Sa,
the sin hind pastern Arg. (D: Jill Blackhorse - Dec 80)
Per bend sin, bendy sin Gu & Or, & Az, a horse passant to sin Sa &
a sword Arg. (D: Shawn of Stagira - Aug 85)
Per bend sin Or & Vt, a horse passant contourney Sa. (D: Teleri
Erfyl of Arrow Lane - Jan 97)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Purp, a horse ramp Sa & a sun Arg. (D:
Alexandria OFogarty - Apr 99)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Sa, a bend sin wavy betw a horse ramp to
sin & a chalice ctrch. (D: Una of Grimwith - Sep 05)
Per chev Purp & Arg, a horse courant contourny reguardant Sa,
saddled & bridled Or, in chf 2 decrescents Arg. (D: Isabeau
de Foirbeis - Jan 94)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 2 crosses bottony & a horse passant ctrch. (D:
Christian Blackhorse - Nov 94)
Per chev throughout Vt & Or, 2 hawks bells Or & a horse passant
contourny Sa. (D: Haukyn Bayard - Jan 99)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a demi-horse ramp contourny issuant from the
line of division Sa. (D: Caitlin nan Cnoc Airgead - May 00)
Per fess Arg & Vt, a horse statant Sa & a die Arg, a chf enarched
Purp. (D: Karsten Pferdenarr - Dec 00)
Per fess dovetailed Arg & Az crusily plain Or, in chf a bay horse
courant proper. (D: Ruth de Lorient - May 86)
Per fess embat Arg & Vt, in chf a demi-horse ramp Sa. (B: No
Mountain - May 88)
Per fess rayonny Arg & Sa, in chf a horse courant Sa. (D: Melinda
Cheval du Feu - Jul 88)
Per fess Vt & Arg, a cock Arg upon the back of a domestic cat
herissonee proper upon the back of a dog statant howling Gu
upon the back of a domestic donkey braying proper. (B:
Ioseph of Locksley, the Rhymer - Oct 76) (For Locksleys
Company of Players)
Per pale Arg & Or, a chev inv rompu & in chf a horse courant Sa.
(D: Dubheasa Eachinse - Dec 04)
Per pale embat Sa & Or, a wolf & a horse combattant ctrch. (D:
Faoiltighearna n Eachtighearna - Sep 92)
Quarterly Arg & Gu, a knight armed cap--pie mounted upon a
horse passant Sa. (B: Cassandra OShea - Jun 85) (For
Haus Reitpferde)
Quarterly Az & Arg, a horse ramp Sa. (D: Richard Ironsteed Jan 73?)
Vair, a chestnut horse statant to sin, in base 3 red roses entwined,
leaved, barbed & seeded, all proper. (D: Rosalys Ashmund Aug 79?)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Horse - 1 - Vert

(Fieldless) A horse passant Vt charged with a sheaf of arrows inv

Arg. (B: Catyln OSullivan - May 08)
(Fieldless) A horse ramp Vt. (B: Gotfridus von Schwaben Jul 01) (Blanket permission to conflict with 1 CD)
Arg, a horse courant to sin, in canton a roundel Vt. (D: Charlet of
Brackenwood - Apr 94)
Arg, a horse salient & in chf 3 laurel wreaths Vt. (D: Poukka Feb 98)
Ermine, a horse passant contourny Vt. (D: Moyra MacColla Jun 00)
Or, a horse ramp Vt. (D: Gotfridus von Schwaben - Nov 01)
(Blanket permission to conflict with 1 CD)

Beast - Horse - 1 - Vert (continued)

Or semy of strawberry plants slipped, leaved, & fructed proper, a

unicornate horse couchant reguardant Vt. (D: Flavia Beatrice
Carmigniani - May 07)
Or semy of strawberry plants, slipped, leaved, & fructed proper, a
unicornate horse couchant reguardant Vt & for augmentation,
on a sin canton Az 4 crescents conjoined in salt horns outward
Arg. (Augmentation of Arms: Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani May 07)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a sheaf of arrows inv & a horse passant ctrch.
(D: Catyln OSullivan - May 08)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Horse - 2

(Fieldless) 2 horses ramp addorsed tails entwined Arg. (B:

Beautrice Hammeltoune - Apr 00) (For House Kyngesbridge)
(Fieldless) 2 horses salient addorsed conjoined Sa. (B: Maria de
Andaluzia - May 08)
Arg, a pale of 3 lozenges betw 2 horses ramp addorsed Az. (D:
Daniel de Foria - Jul 05)
Arg, on a bend sin Sa betw 2 horses ramp respectant Purp 3
horseshoes inv palewise Arg. (D: Catherine Darke of the
Forest - Sep 02)
Arg, on a bend wavy betw 2 horses passant Purp, 3 roses Arg. (D:
Rosabel de Burgundy - Aug 90)
Arg, on a fess betw 2 horses courant to sin Sa, a horse courant to sin
Arg, overall a bord ctrch. (D: Morgan the Wanderer Sep 89)
Arg, on a fess betw 2 horses passant Vt a dragon passant Arg. (D:
Vaska of Westumbria - Apr 02)
Arg, 2 horses combattant Sa & in chf a cross of 4 pheons conjoined
at the points Gu, overall a label of 3 points Sa. (D: Consuela
Maria de Leon - Mar 97)
Arg, 2 horses combattant that to dexter Sa that to sin Gu & a chf
indented Az. (D: Ceara ingen u Ladnin - Oct 01)
Arg, 2 horses salient combattant Sa, in chf a cross of 4 pheons
conjoined at the points Gu. (D: Atalaya la Sanadora Mar 97)
Arg, 2 horses salient respectant, on a chf Sa 3 Maltese crosses Arg.
(D: Justin de Jussac - Nov 00)
Az crusilly Arg, in pale 2 horses courant Or. (D: Julian le Scot Jun 99)
Az, 2 horses combattant Arg atop a sword fesswise reversed Or, a
bord Arg. (D: Patrick ONeill of Cork - Nov 98)
Chevronelly Arg & Vt, 2 horses salient addorsed within a bord Sa.
(D: Tams of Esfenn - Jul 92)
Ermine, on a bend Gu betw 2 horses ramp Sa, a hawks head
couped Arg, a bord Gu. (D: Aislinn ferch Llywelyn - Sep 92)
Gu, a bend sin betw 2 mounted knights courant Or. (D: Ulrich
Jarman - Oct 91)
Gu, on a pile inv throughout counter-ermine betw 2 horses salient
respectant, a dolphin hauriant embowed Arg. (D: Phillipa
Lloyd de Tarifa - Mar 85)
Gu, 2 zebras salient respectant Or striped Sa. (D: Anne Guest Sep 04)
Or, a chev Gu betw 2 horses combattant & a castle Sa. (D:
Gwenhevare Cordelia Maynard - Nov 01)
Or, a pile inv Sa betw 2 horses salient respectant Gu. (D: Annaka
Vadas - Nov 06)
Or, 2 horses combattant Sa, on a chf enarched Gu 3 triskelions of
legs Or. (D: Godfrey Avonsford - Feb 98)
Or, 2 horses salient addorsed & in base a mullet of eight points Sa,
all within a bord pean. (D: Maria de Andaluzia - May 08)
Per bend engrailed Sa & Or, 2 horses courant to sin regardant ctrch.
(D: Diana of the Dragon Isles - Oct 84)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt a horse salient & another salient contourny
Arg. (D: Cailin mac Eachduinn - Mar 99)
Per bend sin Vt & Purp, a bend sin betw 2 horses passant respectant
Or. (D: Arielle de Pontoise - Mar 92)
Per bend sin Vt ermined Arg & Arg ermined Vt, 2 horses passant to
sin ctrch Arg & Vt. (D: Eva van Oldebroek - Jun 04)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 horses combattant Arg, & in base a garden
rose Sa slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Theresa de Foxton May 86)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 horses ramp addorsed & a tree blasted &
eradicated ctrch. (D: Mikhail Tomasov syn Ambrosev Jan 06)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 213

[Beast - Horse - 2] to [Beast - Lemming]

Beast - Horse - 2 (continued)

Per chev Az & Gu, in chf 2 horses passant, a bord engrailed Arg.
(D: Rodrigo de Vargas - May 98)
Per chev Az & lozengy Arg & Sa, betw 2 horses combatant a mullet
of 4 points elongated to base Arg. (D: Rolland Ian
Macpherson - Oct 06)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 horses combattant Arg & a triskelion of 3
wings Sa. (D: David of the Hungarian Marches - Jul 86)
Per chev embat Purp & Or, 2 horses combatant Arg & a tower Sa.
(D: Cellach of Flinthyll - Apr 07)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 horses combattant & a tree eradicated ctrch.
(D: Ater of Sarum - Jun 91)
Per chev Gu & Sa, in chf a tilting lance palewise betw 2 horses
combattant, & in base a tower, all Or. (D: Adria Jermyne Oct 88)
Per chev Sa & Or, 2 horses passant respectant Or & a mountain of 3
peaks Purp. (D: Marie de Mirabeau - Aug 99)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 2 horses ramp Arg & a lioness couchant Sa. (D:
Alana Strangeways - Mar 04)
Per fess Arg & Vt, 2 horses salient respectant Sa & in base 2 trefoils
in fess Or. (D: Eduard von der Kiebitzwiese - Apr 84)
Per fess Arg & Vt, 2 horses statant ctrch. (D: Gwen Allyn Oct 04)
Per fess Purp & Arg, 2 horses passant respectant Arg & a tripleheaded thistle Vt, flowered Purp, all within a bord countercompony Purp & Arg. (D: Meghan the Pitiful - May 87)
Per fess Sa & lozengy Vt & Arg, in chf 2 demi-horses combattant
Arg. (D: Morgaine Rhys ap Gruffydd - May 96)
Per pale & per fess indented Gu & Sa, in chf 2 horses combattant
Arg & Or. (D: Duncan Montgomery Culhane - May 94)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 horses combatant ctrch. (D: lfwynn of
Boscastle - Nov 04)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 horses salient addorsed ctrch Sa & Arg, in chf
a rose Gu barbed & seeded proper. (D: Ronan ap Morgan Sep 95)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 horses salient respectant ctrch & on a chf
rayonny Az 3 crescents pendant Or. (D: Triq ibn Khalil Jan 05)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 demi-horses passant addorsed issuant from the
line of partition & in chf 2 shamrocks, all within an orle, ctrch.
(D: Astrid Eriksdotter af Tafle - Feb 98)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 horses combattant within a bord charged with
mullets of six points ctrch. (D: Jacqueline de Champagne Mar 93)
Per pale Az & Vt, 2 horses combattant & a demi-sun issuant from
base Arg. (D: Bjrn Haraldsson - Sep 92)
Per pale Or & Az, 2 horses combattant & in base a quatrefoil
slipped bendwise ctrch. (D: Tara of Middleford - Mar 05)
Per pale Purp & Or, 2 horses combattant ctrch. (D: Morgan
Sparhawk - Mar 99)
Per pale Sa & Az, 2 horses salient respectant Or & a flame proper.
(D: Jehanne la Doulce - Sep 04)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 2 bridled horses combattant & in chf 3 crosses
moline Arg. (D: Andreas of Darach - Dec 05)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 horses ramp addorsed, collared & chained
together ctrch. (D: Kalen of Ardvreck - Nov 91)
Per pale Vt & Az, 2 horses salient addorsed & on a chf Arg an ivy
vine Vt. (D: Rebekah ferch Anna - May 02)
Per pale Vt & Sa, 2 horses ramp reguardant addorsed within a bord
Arg. (B: Altavia - Jul 83)
Per pall inv Arg, Or & Sa, 2 horses combattant Sa & a seahorse
naiant Arg. (D: Cynthia Blackmore - Aug 95)
Per pall inv Gu Sa & Or, 2 horses combattant Or & a heart Gu. (D:
Sunnifa Eirksdttir - Sep 01)
Per salt Arg & Gu, 2 lions couchant reguardant, that in base
contourny, Gu & 2 horses ramp reguardant addorsed Arg. (D:
Wrenna of Crescent Moon - Jul 07)
Per salt Vt & Arg, in fess 2 horses courant respectant, in chf a
roundel & in base 4 gouttes palewise in cross, all ctrch. (D:
Aoidhne Mora - Feb 85)
Purp, 2 horses combatant Or & on a chf Arg 4 roses Gu. (D:
Gunnarr of Endless Hills - May 07)
Purp, 2 horses ramp addorsed betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D:
Honore dAvallon - Feb 02)
Quarterly Arg & Vt, a cross ctrch betw 2 horses ramp Arg. (D:
Caron of Pinewood - May 06)

214 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Horse - 2 (continued)

Quarterly Arg & Vt in bend 2 brown horses salient proper. (D:

Cesarina da Napoli - Feb 89)
Quarterly Or & Az, in bend 2 horses salient Sa. (D: Owain of
Aquaterra - Feb 06)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, 2 horses combatant, a bord Arg. (D: Charles of
Whithorse - Jul 01)
Sa, on a pale engrailed betw 2 horses ramp addorsed Arg, a pallet
Gu. (D: Karl von der Ostwache - Nov 92)
Sa, 2 horses combatant & on a chf Arg 3 roses proper. (D: Frederic
Martel - Nov 96)
Sa, 2 horses combattant & on a base Arg, a wolfs head cabossed
Sa. (D: Charles von dem Wlfenhaus - Sep 93)
Sa, 2 men mounted on horses passant addorsed Arg & a flame
issuant from base proper. (D: Elrik of Sutherland - May 92)
Vt, a bend sin ermine betw 2 horses salient contourny Or. (D:
Delphine de la Fort - Jun 00)
Vt, a pale betw 2 horses combattant, a chf Arg. (D: Jaufr of Dinas
Emrys - May 93)
Vt, on a chev betw 2 horses combattant & a griffin passant Arg 3
lozenges Sa. (D: Rhieinwylydd Cyfeiliog - Oct 99)
Vt, 2 horses salient addorsed within an orle Arg. (D: Nuala
inghean Diarmada - Mar 07)
Vt, 2 zebras combattant Arg, striped Sa. (D: Mary Felix the Fool Dec 83)
* * * End * * *

Beast - Horse - 3 or more

Arg, five horses courant contourny in annulo Az. (D: Ansa alUqlidsi al-Ikhmimi - May 07)
Arg, in pale 3 horses passant Az. (D: Cera ingen Taidc - Nov 01)
Arg, 3 horses passant in annulo Sa. (D: L Ban ingen Echtigeirn Oct 00)
Az, a maidens head facing dexter betw 3 horses salient Or a bord
Arg. (D: Augusta von Tirol - Jan 95)
Az, in pale 3 horses courant contourny Arg within a bord embat Or.
(D: Jacquetta de Mehun - Mar 93)
Gu, on a lozenge betw in cross 4 horses ramp Or a horse ramp Gu.
(D: Bartolo di Benci - Feb 01)
Gu, 3 horses ramp & on a chf Arg, 3 horses ramp Gu. (D:
Margaret Lynn - Sep 92)
Gu, 3 horses salient, a gore sin Arg, a bord erminois. (D: Khasar of
the Keshik - Feb 94)
Gu, 3 scarpes Or, overall a cross bottonny betw 4 horses ramp Arg.
(D: Cynthia Braithwaite of Sevenoaks - Feb 88)
Lozengy Az & Arg, in pale 3 horses salient Or. (D: Maria of
Oxenford - Nov 84)
Per chev Sa & Or, 3 horses ramp ctrch. (D: Francesca da Toscana
- Feb 96)
Per pale Vt & Sa, 3 horses statant Arg. (D: Rafael de Aldea Mar 97)
Purp, 3 horses passant in annulo & a bord Arg. (D: Kolfinna of
Bergen - Apr 08)
Purp, 3 horses ramp Arg. (D: Elena Catalina Santangelo y
Fernandez - Dec 91)
Quarterly embat Or & Gu, 4 horses ramp ctrch Sa & Arg. (B:
Wolfram Brant - Dec 00)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, 4 horses ramp reguardant ctrch. (D:
Aethelnoth of Alebridge - Feb 91)
Sa, a mullet of 4 points throughout betw 4 horses ramp, those in
dexter contourny Or. (D: Morgan thelwulfes sunu Apr 07)
Sa, an equal-armed Celtic cross betw 3 horses courant contourny in
annulo within a bord Arg. (D: Sekimura no Minamoto
Akiranaga - Feb 07)
Vt, 3 horses ramp Arg within a bord embat Or. (D: Agilina of Avon
- Apr 94)
* * * End * * *
Beast - Hound: see Beast - Dog
Beast - Husky: see Beast - Dog
Beast - Hyena: see Beast - Dog
Beast - Ibex: see Beast - Deer
Beast - Kangaroo: see Beast - Other
Beast - Koala: see Beast - Bear
Beast - Lamb: see Beast - Goat
Beast - Lemming: see Beast - Mouse

[Beast - Leopard] to [Beast - Mouse]

Beast - Leopard: see Beast - Cat
Beast - Levrier: see Beast - Dog
Beast - Lion: see Beast - Cat
Beast - Lioness: see Beast - Cat
Beast - Loat: see Beast - Dog
Beast - Loris: see Beast - Other
Beast - Lynx: see Beast - Cat
Beast - Mammoth: see Beast - Elephant
Beast - Mare: see Beast - Horse
Beast - Marten: see Beast - Weasel
Beast - Mink: see Beast - Weasel
Beast - Mole: see Beast - Other
Beast - Mongoose: see Beast - Weasel

Beast - Monkey

(Fieldless) A gorilla passant contourny Arg charged on the

shoulder with a beehive Gu & maintaining a staff topped with
a lantern Or. (B: Shait ben Mikhael - Feb 05)
(Fieldless) A gorilla statant Arg. (B: Shait ben Mikhael Mar 04)
(Fieldless) A gorilla statant contourny Arg. (B: Shait ben Mikhael
- Mar 04)
(Fieldless) A monkey ramp reguardant Vt maintaining a mug Or.
(B: Callistus Gill - Jan 06)
(Fieldless) A monkey statant contourny Sa. (B: Ogedei Becinjab Aug 07)
(Fieldless) A winged monkey ramp Az. (B: Francesca di Pavia Jan 06)
Arg, a monkey sejant erect in its vanity chained Gu. (D: Estasia de
Fiorenza - Feb 85)
Arg, a monkey sejant Sa & a chf Az. (D: Chlotivert der Affe Aug 88)
Arg, a monkey statant collared & chained Az betw 3 leaves Vt. (D:
Oddn in glaa - Jan 01)
Arg, a winged monkey ramp Sa maintaining a grenade within a
bord embat Gu. (D: Matheo Trentavasi - Jan 08)
Az, a winged monkey passant Arg. (D: Dianne of the East May 07)
Az, in pale a monkey salient & a rose Or, barbed & seeded Vt, all
within a bord embat Or. (D: Sine of Fairhaven - Jul 87)
Counter vairy Sa & Arg, a monkey ramp regardant Vt & in chf a
cross crosslet fitchy Or. (D: Klaus von Eisenstein - Mar 04)
Gu, a bear passant & on a chf Arg 3 monkeys statant collared Gu.
(D: Raignailt Sturemi Caithnes - date?)
Gu, a woolly spider monkey ramp proper grasping with its upraised
tail a pouch Or. (B: John the Idiota - Aug 82)
Gu, in fess a monkey passant betw 2 oars Or. (D: Li Hsiao Lung Jul 98)
Gyronny of twelve Or & Az, a monkey ramp guardant Gu. (D:
Etain la Gamine - Aug 85)
Or, a monkey ramp & in chf 2 smoking pipes bendwise sin Sa. (D:
Rolf Gunnarson - Apr 90)
Or, a monkey ramp Az capped Gu betw 3 keys inv, wards to sin, Vt.
(D: Avelina Courlandon - Jan 91)
Or, a monkey ramp Sa winged & maintaining a skull, on a chf
invected Vt 3 mullets Arg. (D: Cristobal Corvacho - Apr 05)
Or, a monkey ramp winged & tailed of a dragon Gu. (D: Olivia
Alexandria - Apr 08)
Or, in pale a Thors hammer Sa & an ape passant proper. (D: Olaf
Brunharet Magnusson - Aug 91)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, a spear bendwise sin Or & a brown ape
passant proper. (D: Fergal MacCome - Apr 05)
Per chev Or & Gu, 3 monkeys statant collared & chained ctrch. (D:
Michael McGoun - Sep 06)
Per chev ploy Vt & Sa, 3 monkeys ramp Or. (D: Dietrich
Schwelgengrber - Apr 97)
Per chev Vt & Arg, in chf a pigeon Arg impaled by a dagger proper
& shedding gouttes de sang which change to gouttes dhuile
falling upon in base an ape sejant affrontee Vt. (D: Cresseid
Kif - Aug 79)
Per fess enarched Gu & Arg, 2 owls respectant Arg & a monkey
statant collared & chained Vt. (D: Lucian MacCrimmon May 00)
Per pale Purp & Gu, 2 gorillas statant respectant Arg. (D: Shait ben
Mikhael - Feb 03)
Per salt Arg & Or, a monkey dormant Gu. (D: Wolfram von Aalst Mar 00)

Beast - Monkey (continued)

Per salt Sa & Or, in pale 2 mugs foaming Arg & in fess 2 monkeys
sejant respectant gardant Az. (B: Risi MacCracken Dec 06) (JB: Medb McLeod)
Per salt Vt & Sa, a winged monkey segreant Arg & a bord Arg
semy of cinquefoils Gu. (D: Aislinn of Loch Cairn - Jun 06)
Purp, an ape passant Or. (D: Ysabeau de Vzelay - Oct 98)
Sa, a monkey sejant erect affronty, in chf an annulet Or. (B: Kyra
Kai ferch Madoc - Dec 00)
* * * End * * *
Beast - Moose: see Beast - Deer

Beast - Mouse

(Fieldless) A bat-winged hamster segreant contourny Or winged &

collared Sa. (B: Wyewood - Nov 97)
(Fieldless) A great horned owl stooping affronty upon a mouse
sejant tergiant, Arg. (B: Gwenafara the Dragon Maker Feb 02) (For House Duntamknacken)
(Fieldless) A mouse couchant Az. (B: Silence de Cherbourg Jan 05)
(Fieldless) A mouse couchant ermine. (B: Ysolt la Bretonne Nov 00)
(Fieldless) A mouse ramp Az charged on the shoulder with a fleurde-lys Or. (B: Guenuureth filia Thomas - Mar 05)
(Fieldless) A mouse ramp to sin Az. (B: Arthur the Mouse Dec 95)
(Fieldless) A mouse sejant erect ermine. (B: Millicent Chandler Apr 05)
(Fieldless) A Norwegian lemming sejant erect per bend doubly
arched Sa & Arg, mullety of 4 points ctrch. (B: Basil
Dragonstrike - Jun 82)
(Fieldless) A rat sejant erect Az. (B: Kamilla van Anderlecht Feb 94)
(Fieldless) A rat sejant erect sustaining a roundel Sa. (B: Amalric
dAcre - Jun 05)
(Fieldless) A rat sejant erect to sin Sa, tailed Or. (B: Gwendolyn
the Rat Keeper - Jul 81)
(Fieldless) A water shrew statant to sin Sa marked Arg. (B:
Rosatrude the Shrew - Apr 92)
(Fieldless) Five rats statant & conjoined in annulo Arg. (B: Kelwin
Ratslayer - Jul 96)
(Fieldless) In pale a mouse statant Arg tail threading a needle
fesswise Sa. (B: Caitrina inghean Aindriasa - Nov 04)
Arg, a brown mouse ramp proper & in chf an oak branch fesswise
reversed Vt. (D: Elva Mac Askil - May 99)
Arg, a brown mouse ramp proper maintaining a sword Sa & on a
chf Purp a longbow Arg. (D: Franz Belgraunde die Mus Mar 04)
Arg, a mouse couchant Vt. (D: Cyneswith of Lost Forest Mar 04)
Arg, a mouse statant Sa betw 3 ermine spots Gu. (D: Ysolt la
Bretonne - Jan 98)
Arg, a rat ramp within a orle Sa. (D: Gulli-Grenjar - Oct 04)
Arg, a reindeers head, couped & sin facing, on a chf embat Az, 2
pikas addorsed Arg. (D: Malcolm of Dun Ard - Jan 90)
Arg, a sword Az impaling a rat couchant proper betw flaunches Az.
(D: Knut Thorfinnsson - Jun 00)
Arg, an escarbuncle of six arms per fess Sa & Gu & in chf a mouse
statant Sa. (D: Kis Mria - Sep 05)
Arg, in salt 4 mice tergiant, tails to center, Sa, on a chf Vt 2 pairs of
needles in salt Or. (D: Nicholaa Kelton - Apr 92)
Arg, nine rats tergiant in annulo, tails to center & fretted at the tips,
Sa. (B: Samal Kaan Uxmalil - Feb 89)
Arg, semy of shamrocks Vt, a mouse ramp Sa maintaining an Irish
harp Or stringed Vt. (D: Ommadan an Luch - Apr 02)
Arg, 3 mice couchant Purp. (D: Lara of Tir-y-Don - Sep 00)
Az, a fess bretessed ermine betw 3 mice statant Or. (D: tienne the
Inepte - Nov 87)
Az, a hamster sejant erect atop a mount Or. (D: Ammyra of House
Mouse - Oct 93)
Az, a mouse ramp Arg brandishing a lute proper, all within a bord
Arg. (D: Robert Grey of Aelfstans Hall - May 90)
Az, a mouse sejant erect affronty within a bord Or. (B: Monique
Larriv - Jan 92)
Az, a mouse sejant erect & in chf 3 mullets of 4 points Or. (D:
Ceinwen ferch Rhys - Feb 92)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 215

[Beast - Mouse] to [Beast - Ounce]

Beast - Mouse (continued)

Az, a mouse sejant erect Arg within a bord wavy erminois. (D:
Millicent Chandler - Jul 05)
Az, a rat sejant erect & on a chf Arg a rose Az barbed & seeded
proper. (D: Aularia Diez - Apr 08)
Az, a rat sejant erect coward Arg & on a chf Or 3 swans naiant Gu.
(D: Aimil Sorcha Dhuileach - Feb 87)
Az, a rat statant Arg. (D: Ellyn Heath of Hemingford Grey Jan 06)
Az, in fess a mouse sejant erect contourny Arg supporting a chalice
Or. (D: Grace Emeline of Ravenswood - Oct 95)
Az, in pale 3 gerbils salient to sin Arg. (D: Acelin OComraidhe Jan 90)
Az, six mice couchant in annulo & a bord Arg. (D: Barbara
Viggiani Milanese - Sep 90)
Az, 2 battle-axes in salt proper, surmounted by a cartouche Or
charged with a roof rat sejant erect proper, all environed of a
Norse 4-legged serpent embowed chasing its own tail Arg. (D:
Ragnarr Two-Axe of the Swamp - Aug 79?)
Az, upon & maintained by a mouse sejant erect affronty Or, a fleurde-lys Az. (D: Monique Larriv - Nov 90)
Checky Vt & Or, 2 lions combattant, each tail nowed & a mouse
couchant, an orle of roundels Arg. (D: Eoghan g Mac
Labhrainn - Feb 98)
Ermine, an owl disp Vt maintaining a rat Gu, on a chf Vt 3 acorns
inv slipped & leaved Arg. (D: Ethelreda the Wise - Apr 97)
Erminois, a mouse supplicant affronty Sa. (D: Mychalene de Topo
- Jan 76?)
Gu, a mouse courant within a spokeless Catherines wheel Arg. (B:
Robin of Rhovanion - Jun 83)
Gu, a mouse dormant Arg. (D: Dorthea the Unsure - Jan 73?)
Gu, a mouse ramp & on a chf embat Arg 3 apples slipped & leaved
Gu. (D: James of Hartstone - May 04)
Gu, a mouse ramp Arg. (D: Edgar the Unready - Jan 73?)
Gu, a mouse ramp contourny & on a chf Arg 3 carracks contourny
proper, sailed Gu. (D: Katherine Scarlett Hawkins - Oct 05)
Gu, a rat sejant erect guardant maintaining a sword & on a chf Arg
2 ravens close Sa. (D: Ragnar Arason of Vinland - Aug 95)
Gu crusily bottony, a mouse sejant erect to sin, tail nowed Arg. (D:
Keridwen the Mouse - Oct 93)
Gu, perched upon a garden rose bendwise sin Arg, slipped & leaved
proper, a dormouse dormant to sin Or. (D: Jennara of
Outremer - Oct 85)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, a rat ramp Gu. (D: Brice le Raton - Jul 89)
Or, a cross Gu, fretty Or, & overall a shrew ramp reguardant Sa. (D:
Larissa the Shrew - May 87)
Or, a rat salient holding a hand bell Az. (D: Ida Lundy - Aug 94)
Or, a water shrew statant to sin Sa marked Arg. (D: Rosatrude the
Shrew - Jan 93)
Or, annuletty, a mouse ramp Sa. (D: Samantha MacChluarain Jan 73?)
Or, on a bend sin dancetty Purp betw 2 rats ramp Gu 3 hands inv
Or. (D: Constantia Innocenti - Jun 05)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a falcon striking Sa & a mouse ramp contourny
Arg. (D: Taran the Wayward - Jul 99)
Per bend Or & Sa, a bears paw print Sa & a mouse ramp Arg. (D:
Rhys ap Gwylym Tatershal - Jul 00)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a Boreas affront Sa & a rat couchant Arg
vested of a hood Sa. (D: Gwendolyn the Rat Keeper - Apr 81)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a rat ramp Sa & a hand Arg. (D: Rodrigo
Bernardez - Nov 01)
Per bend sin Or & Vt, a mouse sejant erect contourny & a viol
bendwise sin ctrch. (D: Sorcha n Ghlais - Sep 94)
Per bend sin Vt & Gu, a rat statant Or. (D: Blaan Wilhelm von
Bamburg - Jul 96)
Per bend sin Vt & Purp, a rat sejant erect Or & a bord Or semy of
oak leaves Vt. (D: Gracye of Lokwode - Apr 02)
Per bend Vt & Gu, a bend betw a mouse sejant erect & a pair of
manacles, the chain fracted Arg. (D: Cecilia Manetti da
Firenze - Jan 98)
Per bend wavy Purp & Arg, a mouse ramp guardant & a fleur-delys ctrch. (D: Bianca di Rienzi - Jun 91)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 musical notes & a mouse statant ctrch. (D:
Elsa die Kleine - Oct 05)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 trees eradicated Arg & a brown house mouse
courant proper. (D: Myrddin Llygoden - Jun 85)

216 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Mouse (continued)

Per chev Az bezanty & Vt, in base a winged mouse segreant Arg.
(D: Lisabetta Lucia Antelini - Dec 00)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 2 spoons in salt Arg & a brown mouse statant
erect proper. (D: Conchenn ingen Briain - Apr 02)
Per fess Arg & lozengy Az & Or, in chf a rat passant Sa. (D:
Nicodemus Radomirow - Jan 05)
Per fess indented Arg & Az, in chf 3 mullets of eight points & in
base a mouse statant ctrch. (D: Irina Vassillissa Gregorovna Aug 79)
Per fess Or & Gu, a winged rat couchant & a wagon wheel ctrch.
(D: Andreu Recheles - Sep 02)
Per fess wavy Arg goutty de sang & Az, a lemming salient
contourny Sa. (D: Hierytha Storie - May 02)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 rats combatant ctrch. (D: tan ingen u
Chommin - Jul 06)
Per pale embat Vt & Or, a raven contourny wings addorsed & inv
Arg & a rat ramp Sa within an ivy vine in orle ctrch. (D:
Meave de Clare - Nov 94)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a mouse sejant erect playing an Irish harp Arg.
(D: Aoife nic Ruair - Aug 82)
Per salt Gu & Arg, a cat dormant contourny Sa betw 4 mice passant
contourny each maintaining a bell ctrch. (D: Alessandra Gatta
- Jan 00)
Purp, a shrew ramp maintaining a berry within a bord Or. (D:
Rhiannon of Shrewsbury - Apr 03)
Purp, on a pale Arg betw 2 mice tergiant Or, an annulet in chf Sa.
(B: Ammyra of House Mouse - Oct 93) (For House Mouse)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, 4 rats ramp ctrch Gu & Arg. (D: Richard le
Rat - Apr 00)
Quarterly wavy Gu & Arg, a mouse ramp to sin Az & a chf Or,
pelletty. (D: Arthur the Mouse - Dec 89)
Sa, a mouse ramp contourny Or. (B: Gwylym ab Owain Tatershal Jun 98)
Sa, a pitcher within six mice couchant in annulo Arg. (B: Rise n
Ullachin - Apr 07)
Sa, a rat sejant erect betw 4 mullets of six points in cross Arg. (D:
Bartholomew Ratcliffe - Jun 90)
Sa, a winged mouse sejant erect, tail nowed in base Or. (B: Teleri
Tawel - Aug 95)
Tierce en pointe, counter-ermine, Az, & Vt, a moon in her
complement Arg, a sun in splendour Or, & a guinea pig
couchant Arg. (D: Anne of Porcellus - Feb 81) (cant)
Vairy Vt & Arg, a gopher statant erect to sin Or. (D: Edward the
Ugly - Aug 84)
Vt, a mouse dormant contourny & a chf embat Or. (D: Damiana
Juliana de Kyme - Sep 92)
Vt, a mouse sejant erect affronty its tail Arg embowed & threaded
through a needle in chf fesswise reversed Or. (D: Mary
Catherine Burton - Dec 93)
Vt, a mouse statant to sin, in chf 3 crosses botonny Arg. (D: Alys
Graye - Dec 93)
Vt, a rat couchant, on a chf Arg 3 roses proper. (D: Damaris of
Sikyon - Mar 95)
Vt, a rat ramp ermine within a bord dovetailed Arg. (D: Richard of
Alder Tree - Sep 88)
Vt, a rat ramp, tail sufflexed, Or. (D: William Colquitt - Jun 76?)
Vt, in fess a rose betw 2 rats combattant Arg. (D: David Gladstone
- Apr 02)
Vt, on a bend sin betw a lion counter-ramp Or & a mouse ramp Arg,
a sword & an arrow in salt Sa. (D: Andreas Hak - Dec 80)
Vt semy of mice couchant to sin Arg, a tower Or. (D: Maria von
dem Museturm - Jul 99)
Vt, semy of mice ramp Or, a domestic cat ramp to sin Arg. (D:
Elizabeth Rebecca MacLeod - Nov 89)
Vt, 3 mice couchant within a bord Or. (D: Isobella de Cordoba Oct 87)
Vt, 3 mice dormant Arg within a bord Arg semy of caltrops Vt. (D:
Gwenddolynn ni hAilleachan - Aug 01)
Vt, 2 scarpes Or betw a mouse statant contourny & a Celtic cross
Arg. (D: ile ingen u Riain - Apr 00)
* * * End * * *
Beast - Mule: see Beast - Horse
Beast - Oryc: see Beast - Deer
Beast - Otter: see Beast - Weasel
Beast - Ounce: see Beast - Cat

[Beast - Ox] to [Beast - Rabbit]

Beast - Ox: see Beast - Bull
Beast - Panda: see Beast - Bear
Beast - Pangolin: see Beast - Anteater
Beast - Panther: see Beast - Cat
Beast - Pig: see Beast - Boar
Beast - Platypus: see Beast - Other
Beast - Polecat: see Beast - Squirrel
Beast - Porcupine: see Beast - Hedgehog

Beast - Rabbit

(Fieldless) A hare couchant Purp. (B: Julienne Dubarry - Jun 95)

(Fieldless) A hare courant to sin per pale Az & Arg. (B: Concordia
of the Snows - May 02)
(Fieldless) A hare proper standing erect on its hind feet playing
Galician bagpipes. (B: Dorothea of Caer-Myrddin - Jan 74)
(Fieldless) A hare ramp Arg within & conjoined to a joscelyn
wreathed Gu & ermine belled Or. (B: Finn Folhare - Feb 07)
(Fieldless) A lyre Or sustained by 2 hares salient respectant Sa. (B:
Scraeling Althing, the - Sep 94) (For the Order of the Black
(Fieldless) A rabbit couchant erminois. (B: Jadwiga Zajaczkowa May 05)
(Fieldless) A rabbit sejant guardant, armed with stags attires, Arg.
(B: Ottar Eriksson - Jul 89) (For Ottarstead)
(Fieldless) A rabbit statant Vt bezanty. (B: Aurelia dOuessant Mar 96)
(Fieldless) A sea-coney contourny Arg tailed Az. (B: Kit Fox Jul 07)
(Fieldless) A sea-coney Or. (B: Geoffrey Visick - Jul 01)
(Fieldless) A shamrock Vt surmounted by a coney salient Arg. (B:
Dathi OCooney - Sep 90)
(Fieldless) A 3-eared coney ramp Az holding a stick palewise
proper ensigned with a reremouse disp Sa. (B: Tobias Alan
MacKenzie - Dec 91) (For House Hasenpfeffer)
(Fieldless) A winged & antlered coney sejant maintaining a sword
Arg. (B: Friedrich Karl von Wolfstein - Jul 96)
(Fieldless) In fess a bat-winged rabbit contourny sustaining a radish
leaved Or. (B: Eden Kent - Jan 04)
(Fieldless) In fess a Catherines wheel Gu sustained by a rabbit
salient Az attired of a stags horns Or. (B: Katherine
Throckmorton - Feb 05)
(Fieldless) In pale a demi-hare erect Or issuant from a mortar &
maintaining a pestle Purp. (B: Jadwiga Zajaczkowa May 05)
(Fieldless) On a coney courant Arg 3 torteaux in fess. (B: Rowan
de la Garnison - Jul 07)
(Fieldless) 2 coneys ramp guardant respectant Arg, crowned &
sustaining betw them a goblet Or. (B: Kassandra NicKraken Sep 92)
(Fieldless) 2 hares combatant conjoined at the lower forepaw Sa.
(B: Deodar - Sep 06)
Arg, a bend sin Gu betw 2 rabbits statant respectant Sa. (D: Bianca
Mantegna - Sep 04)
Arg, a coney ramp & on a dexter side Sa, 3 mullets of six points in
pale Arg. (D: Rosamunde de Tournai - Jun 88)
Arg, a coney salient Gu gorged of a coronet Or within a bord
rayonny Gu. (D: Vasilla Anastasiia Krasnaia - Apr 07)
Arg, a coney sejant erect Sa & on a chf urdy Purp 3 pair of lace
bobbins Arg. (D: Larissa the Lacemaker - Jul 95)
Arg, a coney statant within an orle of mushrooms Gu. (D: Catlin
Svensdottir - Apr 88)
Arg, a demi-hare erect proper issuant from a cooking pot Sa betw 2
bars wavy Az. (D: Judith Fletcher of Wellow - Oct 02)
Arg, a falcon Vt, orbed Gu, preying on a coney counter-ermine. (D:
Karl of Colfax - Mar 73?)
Arg, a hare courant Sa & a chf embat Vt. (B: Loureno Coelho Feb 07)
Arg, a hare courant Sa betw 3 roundels Gu & on a chf Sa 3
decrescents Arg. (D: Isabeau de Valle - Nov 03)
Arg, a hare sejant contourny Gu within a bord Sa. (B: Genevieve
LaRousse - Jul 93) (For Chteau La Rousse)
Arg, a hare sejant proper, on a chf Az 3 triangles Or. (D: Ann of
Hendon - Apr 88)
Arg, a pile inv throughout Vt, surmounted by a Belgian hare sejant
proper engorged of a serpent, head to sin, Or, & in base a rose
Arg. (D: Megan Combe Luce - May 84)

Beast - Rabbit (continued)

Arg, a rabbit couchant Sa & a bord per salt Vt & Gu. (D: Alinor of
Essewell - Jun 07)
Arg, a rabbit ramp contourny Sa a bord Purp. (D: Sarra Peller Oct 97)
Arg, a rabbit ramp Sa, on a chf Gu, 3 compass stars Arg. (D:
Alberic Haak - Jun 95)
Arg, a rabbit sejant affronty Az holding in its mouth a rose slipped
& leaved proper, a bord Az. (D: Ruric the Grey - Sep 92)
Arg, a sea-coney maintaining in both paws a trident Sa, in chf 3
roses proper. (D: Rose Scarlett Slade - Jan 03)
Arg, a winged coney segreant Sa, a base rayonny Gu. (D: Magnus
Finehair Duffus - Mar 94)
Arg, in fess a coney sejant erect to sin Gu & a coney sejant erect Vt.
(D: Madeleine Simeon - Feb 90)
Arg, in fess 2 coneys salient Sa within an orle of ivy Vt. (B:
Damiana Illaria dOneda - Sep 05)
Arg, in fess 2 rabbits statant respectant Sa. (B: Bianca Mantegna Sep 04)
Arg, semy of carrots Gu, slipped Vt, a coney sejant erect Az
maintaining a wooden club bendwise sin proper. (D: Marin of
Tre Bryn - Mar 92)
Arg semy of quill pens Sa, a coney couchant reguardant Purp. (D:
Alson Muir - Mar 01)
Arg semy of roses Gu, a brown hare ramp proper. (D: Madigan of
Kandahar - Sep 98)
Arg, 2 rabbits combattant Sa & in chf a laurel wreath Vt. (D:
Deodar - Feb 84)
Az, a compass-star elongated to base betw in base 2 rabbits sejant
erect respectant, a bord Arg. (D: Signy of Stavanger May 99)
Az, a coney couchant maintaining a rose Arg slipped, leaved,
barbed, & seeded Vt, a bord Or. (B: Nina of the Lost Caverns
- Nov 00)
Az, a coney ramp Or maintaining in its mouth a rose Gu slipped &
leaved Vt. (D: Aelisia Wallace - Sep 04)
Az, a coney salient Arg & on a chf Or 3 golpes. (D: Meleri Gyfford
- Jan 96)
Az, a coney salient Arg within a mascle of 4 swords conjoined point
to hilt proper. (B: Sarra Bossard - Aug 96) (For Confrerie
du Lapin)
Az, a coney salient betw flaunches Or each flaunch charged with a
Lochaber axe bit to center Sa. (D: ine Tilliir - Apr 02)
Az, a coney sejant erect affronty Arg, crowned, maintaining in its
dexter forepaw, raised to dexter, a goblet Or. (D: Kassandra
NicKraken - May 83)
Az, a coney sejant tergiant within a bord embat Arg. (B: Fyodor
the Friendly - Aug 89) (Deceased)
Az, a demi-hare erect Arg issuant from a bowl Or. (B: Moira
Glanny - Apr 99)
Az, a dragon & a coney combattant Arg. (D: Alvar Dax - Apr 03)
Az, a fess wavy Arg betw a mullet Or & a coney sejant erect Arg.
(D: Anne of Aylesford - Aug 05)
Az, a hare sejant contourny Or & in chf 3 bezants. (D: Alexandra
OHare - Jan 91)
Az, a pall inv Or betw 2 hares combattant Arg each maintaining a
spear Or. (D: Elizabeth Fitzwilliam of Carlisle - May 01)
Az, a rabbit countercourant bendwise sin betw 2 cinquefoils all
within a bord engrailed Arg. (D: Mairi nic Colin - Jul 81)
Az, a rabbit counter-salient guardant Arg, orbed Sa, armed Gu. (B:
Huette Aliza von und zu hrens und Mechthildberg - Aug 79)
Az, a rabbit ramp maintaining an axe Arg, a chf embat Arg goutty
de sang. (D: Andrea le Lapin - Jun 01)
Az, a rabbit ramp to sin ermine, playing 2 recorders Or. (D: Ian
McPhelan - Jan 85)
Az, a rabbit sejant erect betw 3 bunches of grapes Arg. (D:
Hortensia de Tarentaise - Apr 05)
Az, a rabbit sejant erect proper playing a harp Or, betw 3 mullets
Arg. (D: Richard Blackbury - Jun 80)
Az, a rabbit sejant erect reguardant & in chf a needle fesswise Arg.
(D: Freygerr in strra Halladttir - Jul 06)
Az, a winged rabbit sejant, in chf 3 open books Arg. (D: Adsiltia
filia Honorii - Mar 94)
Az crescenty, 3 coneys ramp each maintaining a mace Or. (D:
Amaryllis Marinaro - Apr 07)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 217

[Beast - Rabbit]

Beast - Rabbit (continued)

Az, 4 coneys ramp in salt, heads to center, conjoined by the ears in

annulo Arg, playing bagpipes Or. (B: Daniel de Lincoln Sep 94) (Blanket permission to conflict granted 0501)
Az, fretty Or, a hare salient Arg. (D: Eadric Hararand - Apr 89)
Az, in fess a carrot palewise betw 2 coneys combattant Arg. (B:
Kassandra NicKraken - Aug 79?) (For Household de
Menage de la Lapin)
Az, semy of escallops inv Or, a rabbit couchant Arg. (D: Lara de
Voya - Jun 85)
Az, 2 tusks tips crossed in salt betw 3 coneys ramp each holding a
spear Arg. (D: Fiona Kyle - Jan 94)
Bendy sin indented Sa & Or, a rabbit salient contourny & on a chf
Arg 3 Stars of David Vt. (D: Protais of Verona - Sep 00)
Checky Arg & Vt, 2 hares combattant Gu. (D: Ricardo de
Montague - Sep 94)
Counter-ermine, on a bezant a rabbit salient to sin Sa. (D: Pagane
nic Ghille Fhaolain - May 92)
Gu, a coney ramp contourny Arg & in chf 3 tau crosses Or. (D:
Gwynnedd or Dyffryn - Feb 07)
Gu a coney ramp on a bord Arg six thigh bones Gu. (B: Alexander
Sldner - Jan 98) (For Haus Sldner)
Gu, a fess ermine betw 3 coneys statant Or. (D: Catalina de
Segovia - Oct 07)
Gu, a hare salient Or debruised by a sword bendwise sin proper. (D:
Allison Kaspar the Silvertongued - Dec 85)
Gu, a hare salient to sin Arg within a delf voided & fracted in cross
Or. (B: Enid Aurelia of the Tin Isles - Feb 87)
Gu, a hare sejant contourny Or. (D: lffld lfgaresdohtor Jan 05)
Gu, a rabbit dormant Arg betw in pale 2 roses Or, barbed Vt. (D:
Kerridwen de Merioneth - Apr 83)
Gu, a rabbit ramp maintaining a sword & on a chf Arg 3 wooden
tankards proper. (D: James Damian Blackmoor - Aug 95)
Gu, a rabbit salient to sin Arg, on a chf Or 3 cauldrons Sa. (D:
James MacCoag - Jun 04)
Gu, a rabbit sejant contourny regardant & a chf dovetailed Arg. (D:
Rose Thorne - Aug 03)
Gu, a rose Or betw 3 rabbits courant contourny in annulo one & 2
Arg. (D: Genevive Beauchamps - Nov 03)
Gu, a stags head caboshed Or betw the attires a coney couchant
Arg. (B: Eoin Mac Cainnigh - May 96) (For Clan
MacKenzie of Ben Duff)
Gu, on a cross ermine betw 4 rabbits sejant Arg a cross Sa. (D:
Adriana von Grimme - May 03)
Gu, 3 conies courant in annulo widdershins Arg. (D: orkell inn
vikverski Mks son - Aug 06)
Gu, 2 bars dancetty braced Or, betw 3 fleurs-de-lys & a rabbit
statant Arg. (D: Katherine dArgentigny - Jul 86)
Gyronny erminois & Gu, a rabbit couchant Arg, a bord raguly ctrch.
(D: Marlana of Bards Keep - Oct 91)
Lozengy Vt & Or, a rabbit statant & in chf 3 hawks bells Arg. (D:
Aurelia dOuessant - Oct 90)
Or, a coney & a fox combatant within an orle Gu. (D: Gwillim
Kynith - Oct 06)
Or, a coney couchant betw in chf 3 pinecones, stems to base, & in
base a sword fracted in chev inv Az. (D: Priscilla the Hun Apr 06)
Or, a coney ramp to sin Sa. (D: Ellyn Dawndelyon dAzay Feb 90)
Or, a dragonfly volant en arrire Gu & in base 2 rabbits sejant erect
addorsed regardant Az. (D: Hibrida Longhair - Feb 85)
Or, a hare ramp Gu betw flaunches Vt each charged with a rowan
branch Or. (D: Rowan MacMillan of Loch Tay - Apr 01)
Or, a pall inv betw 4 rabbits courant 2, one, & one Az. (D:
Leonardo Rossi - Jul 92)
Or, a pall inv engrailed betw 2 sea coneys respectant Az. (D:
Geoffrey Visick - Oct 99)
Or, a pile inv Az, charged with a coney courant Or, betw 2 piles Az,
each charged with an Irish harp Or. (D: Deirdre ni Coinn Aug 88)
Or, a rabbit ramp to sin Gu within a bord Gu semy of quatrefoils Or.
(D: Steuen de Sheffeld - Dec 04)
Or, a rabbit salient Purp within an annulet Gu. (D: Signy
Brandadottir - Dec 90)
Or, a rabbit sejant to sin Az within a bord pean. (D: Annya af den
Bl Kaninen - Jun 81)
218 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Rabbit (continued)

Or, pellety, a rabbit sejant affronte Sa, muzzled, bellied, &

forelegged, Arg. (B: Marta as-tu Mika-Mysliwy - Aug 82)
Or, 2 hares ramp Gu & a chf Sa, fretty Or. (D: Robert of Sentinels
Keep - May 88)
Pean, a hare sejant erect to sin Or. (D: Tibbar der Straefer Aug 79?)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a coney ramp contourny ctrch. (D: Philippos
Kuniklos - Aug 06)
Per bend Az & Arg, a white-haired monks head couped & a
cottontail rabbit sejant proper. (D: Baldard of Northumbria Jun 83)
Per bend Or & Az, a coney courant bendwise & a Wake knot
bendwise ctrch. (D: Caitlin nic Raighne - Jul 01)
Per bend Or & Vt, a hare salient contourny ctrch. (D: Marguerite
Chartier - Apr 97)
Per bend Purp & Vt, a lightning bolt bendwise & a rabbit ramp Arg.
(D: Jacques Lambert - Apr 04)
Per bend Sa bezanty & Vt, in base a hare ramp reguardant Or. (D:
Rilint Neufang - Nov 01)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a brown rabbit statant regardant proper & a
mullet of six points Or. (D: Matlens Litovka - Jul 07)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a rabbit salient ctrch. (B: Hibrida Longhair
- Feb 85)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Az, 2 rabbits statant ctrch. (D: Marion
MacCorkle - Jan 96)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a rabbit ramp Arg, in chf a rapier fesswise
proper. (D: Gabrielle Lepinay - Oct 98)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, 2 rabbits sejant Arg. (D: Morwenna of
Lansallos - Dec 00)
Per bend sin nebuly Or & Az, a butterfly volant en arrire & a hare
couchant ctrch. (D: Helga Goldhaarig von Zurich - Mar 85)
Per bend sin Or & Purp, a squirrel ramp to sin Gu & a coney ramp
Arg. (D: Klaus Meyer - Nov 88)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a phoenix grasping in its beak a sword & a
rabbit sejant to sin ctrch. (D: Charles Thomas the Grey Jun 91)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a bend engrailed betw a hare salient & 2 frogs
sejant, a bord engrailed, all ctrch. (D: Raylene of the
Whispering Woods - Jul 86)
Per bend Vt & Purp, a coney couchant & an orle Arg. (D: Brigia
in kollramma - Feb 08)
Per chev Arg & Az, 3 hares ramp ctrch. (D: Catrin ferch Steffan
Clochnant - Feb 90)
Per chev Arg & Gu, in pale a laurel wreath Vt & a hare salient to sin
Arg. (D: Scraeling Althing, the - Jan 82)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 coneys courant respectant & an escarbuncle
ctrch. (D: Emilia Mazzo de Novella - Apr 94)
Per chev Az & Gu, a chev cotised betw 3 coneys statant to sin Or.
(D: Amisia Markham - Oct 88)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 rabbits combattant Arg & a thistle proper. (D:
Joanna Montgomery - Jun 85)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 coneys couchant addorsed & a dragons
gambe palewise erased ctrch. (D: Danulf Donaldson Apr 88)
Per chev Or & Gu, 2 drop spindles & a rabbit courant ctrch. (D:
Margrt Eyverska - Jan 03)
Per chev Or & pean, 2 gillyflowers slipped & leaved Vt & a hare
salient Or. (D: Oriana Goldenhair - Oct 90)
Per chev Sa & Az, a rabbit sejant erect, in chf 2 roses Arg. (D:
Raffaella da Monza - Aug 98)
Per chev Sa & Az, 2 chevronels surmounted by a sword palewise
transfixing five rabbits & in chf 2 roses all Arg. (D: Gwenedd
Rose Fitzgerald - Jan 92)
Per chev Sa & Purp, a chev betw 3 rabbits ramp to sin, each playing
bagpipes & brandishing a sword Arg. (D: Malcolm Duncan
MacEoghainn - Dec 92)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a coney sejant guardant maintaining a spear Arg
& in chf 2 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Tristan de Ver - Aug 05)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 2 staples Arg & a coney sejant erect Sa. (D:
Elizabeth Conney - Aug 02)
Per chev Vt & Purp, 3 Bowen crosses & a coney couchant Arg. (D:
Sorcha inghean Chaillin - Dec 07)
Per chev wavy Arg, estoilly Vt, & Vt, in base a rabbit sejant
guardant, armed with a stags attire, Arg. (D: Ottar Eriksson May 87)

[Beast - Rabbit]

Beast - Rabbit (continued)

Per fess Arg & Vt, a coney sejant erect affronty proper. (D: Marian
of Hampshire - Jun 86)
Per fess Az & Or, a coney ramp to sin betw in pale 2 suns in
splendor ctrch. (D: Eileen Kathryn of Hareswood - Mar 85)
Per fess embat Gu & Arg ermined Az, in chf a coney courant Arg.
(D: Matilda Bosville de Bella Aqua - Dec 91)
Per fess embat Purp & Vt, a spinning wheel reversed & a rabbit
sejant erect Arg. (D: Deirdre the Warrener - Feb 94)
Per fess Or & Vt, a coney sejant erect ctrch. (D: Elspeth de
Moravia - Oct 96)
Per fess Purp & Arg, a rabbit courant contourny ermine & a
dandelion plant Vt, blossomed Or. (D: Viola verch Howell Sep 07)
Per fess rayonny Purp & Or, in chf a hare courant Arg. (D: Aldyth
Trefaldwyn - Mar 96)
Per fess Sa & Vt, 2 hares dormant Arg. (D: Giovanni Argento
Coniglio - Apr 03)
Per pale Arg & Gu, in fess a radish Gu leaved Vt sustained by a batwinged rabbit ramp Or all within a bord Sa. (D: Eden Kent Jan 04)
Per pale Arg & Gu, 3 coneys ramp, each brandishing a sword, ctrch
Az & Arg. (B: Melisande of Woodcrest - Jan 95)
Per pale Arg & Gu, 2 hares combattant, conjoined at the forepaws,
ctrch. (B: Enid Aurelia of the Tin Isles - Feb 90)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a ferret & a coney combattant guardant & in chf
3 thimbles ctrch. (D: Molly inghean ui Raighallaigh Apr 06)
Per pale Arg & Sa semy of conies couchant ctrch. (D: Robert atte
Blackwell - Jul 94)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 coneys combatant within a bord embat ctrch.
(D: Cai Douglas - Apr 02)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 hares salient respectant ctrch Arg & Sa, on a
chf per pale Arg & Az 3 cinquefoils ctrch Sa & Arg. (D:
Ceara inghean u Mhadadhin - Oct 07)
Per pale Az & Gu, a hare ramp ermine & in chf a sword fesswise
proper. (D: Bronislous of Vilnius - Mar 84)
Per pale Az & Gu, 2 coneys ramp reguardant addorsed Or, on a chf
triangular Or, in pale a fleur-de-lys & 2 shaums in salt Sa. (D:
Adam le Marchaud - Sep 89)
Per pale Az & Vt, in pale 3 hares couchant contourny Arg. (D:
shildr lfsdttir - Oct 00)
Per pale embat, Az & Arg, 2 rabbits combattant ctrch. (D: Brandr
Kjollsigssen - Aug 79)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 hares ramp addorsed ctrch. (D: Rhonwen
ferch Alun - May 93)
Per pale Gu & ermine, a coney ramp Or & a chf wavy ctrch. (D:
Caterina de Verdeschi - Nov 94)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a rabbit ramp to sin within an orle Arg. (D:
Bianca del Coniglio - Mar 87)
Per pale Or & Vt all fretty ctrch, a rabbit sejant erect contourny Sa.
(D: Sarra Bossard - May 03)
Per pale Or & Vt, in pale a single-horned anvil & a hare salient Sa.
(D: Guilla Ironhare - Feb 04)
Per pale Or & Vt, 2 hares combattant ctrch. (D: Katheryn of
Heronter - Dec 93)
Per pale Purp & Vt, a rabbit ramp ermine & in chf 3 panpipes Or.
(D: Robina MBaine of Willow Wood - Jul 03)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a griffin segreant Gu within an orle of rabbits
salient ctrch. (D: Liam Gryffyn MacCeallaig - Jun 85)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a hare ramp ctrch. (B: Vasilla Anastasiia
Krasnaia - Apr 07)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a wolf & a hare salient addorsed & on a chf 3
mullets of six points ctrch. (D: Enoch MacBain - Oct 02)
Per pale Sa & Arg, betw 2 rabbits sejant erect respectant ctrch a
rose Gu. (D: Anne of Grenewode - Jun 04)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 rabbits sejant erect respectant ctrch & a chf
embat Or. (D: Arianwen o Aberystwyth - Nov 01)
Per pale Sa & Purp, a winged rabbit ramp maintaining in its dexter
forepaw a rapier Or. (D: Andrs Miguel Rodriguez de la Rosa
- Jan 02)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a rabbit courant within a bord embat Arg. (D:
Ingwild Lundgren of Bearhaven - Jul 92)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a rabbit sejant & on a chf embat Arg, 3 shamrocks
Vt. (D: Erin O Buaghelly - Jan 97)
Per pale wavy Or & Vt, 3 thistles in pale proper & a rabbit ramp Or.
(D: Johanne of Fisher Gate - Oct 99)

Beast - Rabbit (continued)

Per salt ermine & Vt, in fess a doe lodged & a coney sejant Arg, in
chf a rose Gu, barbed & seeded proper. (D: Katrelya Rose nic
Angus - Jul 83)
Per salt Sa & Az, a hare couchant, ears extended to sin, Or. (D:
Melusine Whitcroft the Petite - Mar 80)
Per salt Vt & Arg all semy of rabbits couchant contourny ctrch. (D:
Eleyn Pecke - Sep 00)
Purp, a coney courant Or. (D: Tamsin of the Avonmore - May 93)
Purp, a coney salient & on a chf embat Arg 3 equal-armed Celtic
crosses Gu. (D: Brangwyne verch Gryffyd - Nov 06)
Purp, a cottontail rabbit courant proper within 4 bovine shankbones
in mascle Or betw in salt 4 dogs paw prints palewise Arg. (D:
Brachet Fleetfoot of Foxfyre Meres - May 81)
Purp, a fess ermine betw 2 hunting horns reversed & a coney
courant Arg, a bord ermine. (D: Elizabeth OHart - Sep 93)
Purp, a hare Arg. (D: Donata Bonacorsi - May 95)
Purp, a hare couchant betw 2 lilies slipped & leaved & conjoined in
base Arg. (D: Clare Margaret di Cuneo - Apr 94)
Purp, a hare ramp Arg within an orle of mascles Or. (D: Aimilona
of Hares Keep - Mar 92)
Purp, in fess a coney sejant erect contourny Arg & a fountain. (D:
Petro z Chabina - Aug 95)
Purp, in pale a hare courant & an open book Or charged with a sprig
of rosemary fesswise Vt. (D: Jadwiga Zajaczkowa - Sep 98)
Quarterly Az & Or, 4 coneys couchant ctrch. (D: Nikon Vasileev Mar 04)
Quarterly, Az & Sa, a rabbit ramp reguardant to sin Arg, armed
with antelopes horns Or, within a bord rayonny Arg. (D:
Alrek Kanin - Dec 89)
Quarterly Gu & Az, a rabbit sejant erect within an orle of
gillyflowers Arg. (D: Deirdre de la Fleur - Mar 90)
Quarterly Gu & Az, a rabbit sejant Or. (D: Markus Wilhelm von
Reilingen - Jan 89)
Quarterly per fess embat Arg & Az, a quill pen bendwise Sa betw 2
hares courant countercourant, each bearing in its mouth an
open scroll, Arg. (D: Rose Stewart Cathan - Dec 84)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, a coney ramp ctrch. (D: Brian de Morray Sep 07)
Quarterly Sa & Vt, a hare ramp to sin within a bord engrailed Arg.
(D: Harald of Madmarch - Jan 89)
Quarterly Vt & Gu, a hare sejant erect contourny Arg, in chf 3
increscents Or. (D: Egan Mac Ailpein - Nov 97)
Quarterly Vt & Or, in bend 2 rabbits ramp guardant, attired of stags
antlers, Arg. (D: Duncan Kieran - Jul 92)
Sa, a coney ramp Arg, maintaining a torch Or. (D: Boniface de
Tennequay - Sep 86)
Sa, a rabbit courant paly Az & Arg, on a chf Arg 2 fleurs-de-lys Az.
(D: Tieg ap Gwylym - Jun 04)
Sa, a rabbit statant, a bord Arg. (D: Sionn Cruimin - Apr 97)
Sa, a unicornate rabbit courant to sin Or. (D: Richard Blakethorn Jan 90)
Sa, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 rabbits courant Or 3 crosses formy
palewise Gu. (D: Maria Cabea de Vaca - Mar 02)
Sa, 3 pallets & 3 bendlets fretted, betw in bend sin a rabbit ramp
contourny, maintaining a sword, & a natural panther ramp Arg.
(D: Shea mac Conn - May 93)
Vair, a hare passant Gu breathing flames proper. (D: Maeve of
Trimaris - Aug 01)
Vair, a hare sejant erect to sin & a bord Or. (D: Nancy of Lochmere
- Feb 04)
Vt, a bend wavy betw a hare ramp to sin & 3 tufts of cattails, all
Arg. (D: Eileen of the March - Nov 86)
Vt, a coney courant & on a chf wavy Arg, 3 torteaux. (D: Rowan
de la Garnison - Jan 85)
Vt, a coney courant guardant to sin, on a chf Arg five fusils
conjoined in fess Vt. (D: Guillermo Berenguer de los
Almogvares - Oct 88)
Vt, a coney salient Arg, on a chf Or, an arrow fesswise, point to
dexter, Vt. (D: Johannes der Hase - Jul 88)
Vt, a coney salient to sin Arg a bord Or. (D: Cicilia McRegan Jul 98)
Vt, a coney sejant erect & on a chf Arg 3 turtles Vt. (D: Lora Leigh
- Dec 90)
Vt, a coney sejant erect contourny maintaining a sword a base
embat Or. (D: Walter Raymond Sutton - Dec 96)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 219

[Beast - Rabbit] to [Beast - Squirrel]

Beast - Rabbit (continued)

Vt, a cross barby Or & overall a rabbit sejant contourny Arg. (D:
Alienor Lewelyne - Dec 02)
Vt, a hare couchant & on a chf Arg 3 mullets Az. (D: Cerdic Ball Jul 92)
Vt, a hare ramp maintaining a herring net & a chf wavy Arg. (D:
Ailikn Olafsdottir - Jan 92)
Vt, a hare sejant erect & a sin tierce Or. (D: Elspeth Macalpin Nov 02)
Vt, a hare sejant erect contourny & a dexter tierce Arg. (D: Egan
Mac Ailpein - Nov 02)
Vt, a monster with a rabbits body & 2 goats heads springing Arg,
attired Or, beneath a chf invected Arg. (D: April Alys ODale date?)
Vt, a pale Gu, fimbriated, betw 2 rabbits combattant Or. (D: Peter
Grimsby - Jun 89)
Vt, a rabbit ramp within a bord Arg. (D: Maria Teresa de la Pea Jul 81)
Vt, a salt & in chf a hare ramp Arg. (D: Brennan MacDuffie Dec 97)
Vt, a winged coney salient regardant Arg. (D: Bartholomew
Knowles - Mar 84)
Vt crusily Latin Or, a hare sejant erect playing a straight trumpet
Arg. (D: Christopher Hare - Oct 97)
Vt, in pale a crescent Az fimbriated & a coney dormant to sin Arg.
(D: Kevin MacKinnon - Jan 85)
Vt, on a bend betw 2 coneys salient Arg 3 trefoils slipped palewise
Vt. (D: Dathi OCooney - Jan 91)
Vt semy of carrots Arg, a rabbit ramp Or. (D: Torrey Hasentanzer Sep 95)
Vt semy of Latin crosses flory Arg, a hare courant Or. (D:
Byrghitta of Abhainn Cach Ghlais - May 05)
Vt, 3 rabbits courant in annulo conjoined by the ears Arg. (D: Eoin
Cerd - Aug 96)
Vt, 2 coneys combattant Arg. (D: Rainillt Leia de Bello Marisco May 03)
* * * End * * *
Beast - Raccoon: see Beast - Badger
Beast - Ram: see Beast - Goat
Beast - Rat: see Beast - Mouse
Beast - Reindeer: see Beast - Deer
Beast - Reptile: see Reptile
Beast - Reremouse: see Beast - Bat
Beast - Rhinoceros: see Beast - Hippopotamus
Beast - Roebuck: see Beast - Deer
Beast - Sea lion: see Beast - Seal
Beast - Sea otter: see Beast - Weasel

Beast - Seal

(Fieldless) A manatee erect embowed contourny Arg. (B: Knikolos

Major of Salem-by-the-Sea - Dec 91)
(Fieldless) A manatee naiant to sin Or. (B: Cassandra the Forlorn
- May 04)
(Fieldless) A seal sejant Arg. (B: Aileen Fitzwilliam - Aug 93)
Arg, a seal hauriant balancing on its nose a goblet Sa. (D: Sorcha
of Lough Davanree - Jan 92)
Arg, a seal sejant Az. (D: Mary Zeal - Oct 95)
Arg, a seal statant affronty, head erect to dexter, Sa, on a chf embat
Az a mullet Arg. (D: Pellinor aus dem Sturm - Sep 83)
Arg, on a fess Az betw a bridge & a seal couchant reguardant Sa 3
grenades Arg. (D: Firmin Sewell - Apr 96)
Arg, on a fess Az betw a single-arched bridge & a seal couchant
reguardant Sa 3 grenades Arg. (D: Firmin Sewell - Sep 07)
Az, a bend sin engrailed betw a sea lion erect & a lozenge Arg. (D:
Camilla Seawood of Torpoint - May 83)
Az, a bull seal sejant Or, maintaining in its dexter flipper a narwhal
tusk Arg. (D: Diana Thjodhild of the Silver Whales Tooth Nov 83)
Az, a fess betw 2 seals counter-dormant Arg. (D: Demian OBoirne
- Nov 81)
Az, a fess of five lozenges Or, ermined Gu, betw a compass star & a
seal naiant to sin Arg. (D: Diana of the Tulips - Dec 89)
Az, a sea elephant Or betw 4 decrescents in cross Arg. (D: Beatrice
MacKelli - Oct 88)
Az, a seal erect contourny maintaining a harp Or, on a chf Arg 3
increscents Az. (D: Ceridwen Mordelyn Eryri - Jun 95)
220 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Seal (continued)

Az, a walrus couchant guardant & a chf wavy Arg. (D: Wyllym
MacLeod of Tir Ysgithr - Apr 05)
Gu, a seal naiant, its tail reflexed above its head, within a bord
engrailed Arg. (D: Raven of Golden Rivers - Mar 86)
Gu, a seal naiant to sin, its tail reflexed above its head, proper,
within a bord Sa fimbriated Or. (D: Sophie Xylander von
Augsberg - Jan 85)
Gu, a seal sejant contourny, & on a chf Or 3 shamrocks Vt. (D:
Emelyne OToole - Dec 93)
Or, a seal sejant contourny Gu atop a mount Vt. (D: Rowan OShee
- Feb 96)
Or, a seal sejant Gu, maintaining in its mouth a quill pen fesswise
Arg, fimbriated, veined, & dripping 3 gouts Sa, all within a
bord embat ermine. (B: Caid - Nov 84) (For College of
Or, 3 seals naiant in annulo Sa a bord Vt. (D: Damian le Gravenor
- Nov 97)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a manatee bendwise sin embowed to sin Gu.
(D: Eldrydd Rhuddlan - Aug 86)
Per bend Az & Or, in bend 3 mullets of 4 points Gu betw in bend
sin a harp seal couchant guardant Arg & an Emperor penguin
statant affronty, head to dexter, proper. (D: Daphne of
Penguinroost - Sep 83)
Per bend Sa & Az, a bend ermine betw 3 crosses bottony & 3
manatees naiant fesswise, a bord Or. (D: Caitlin Greyhawkes Aug 90)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a seal sejant erect to sin ctrch. (D: Haleric
Poleskowna - May 81)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev embat Or betw 2 moons in their plenitude
& a seal sejant Arg. (D: Bridget Woulfe - Apr 99)
Per chev throughout wavy Or & Purp, 2 cups Sa & a seal erect
ermine maintaining a double axe Or. (D: Hskuld
Thorleiksson - Mar 93)
Per fess Arg & Az, scaly Arg, a harbor seal sejant Sa. (D: Muadh
the Mad of the Uplands - Aug 81)
Per fess Az & Vt, a seal naiant to sin within an orle of candles Arg,
enflamed proper. (D: Sharon of the Roses - Aug 90)
Per fess Vt & Or, a sea-lion within a bord ctrch. (D: Elise du
Lyonnais - Apr 00)
Per pale Vt & Az, a harp contourny Arg betw 3 seals naiant in
annulo ermine. (D: Rowen Brithwallt - Aug 93)
Purp, a seal sejant Arg, a bord compony Az & Arg. (D: Danielle
Delamare - Apr 00)
Sa, a bend sin wavy Or betw 2 seals statant Arg. (D: Gilbert de
Longspee - Nov 90)
Sa, a chev engrailed betw 2 sea lions, erect & respectant, & a
compass star, all within a bord Or. (D: Ivan von Kleist Jan 89)
Sa, a sea-lion ramp Arg, in dexter an estoile Or, & a chf nebuly Arg.
(D: Caitlyn de Wyndmere - Aug 79)
Sa, on a pile Arg surmounted by a laurel wreath ctrch, a manatee
Az. (D: Vaca del Mar - Jun 91)
Vt, a harbor seal couchant to sin reguardant proper, gorged with a
chain, pendant therefrom a key reversed Sa upon an
orthoclase-granite rock proper, in chf 3 bezants mal-ordonnee.
(D: Kathryn Fitzroy of Bath - Jul 74?)
* * * End * * *
Beast - Setter: see Beast - Dog
Beast - Sheep: see Beast - Goat
Beast - Shrew: see Beast - Mouse
Beast - Skunk: see Beast - Squirrel
Beast - Sloth: see Beast - Other
Beast - Snake: see Reptile - Snake
Beast - Sow: see Beast - Boar

Beast - Squirrel

(Fieldless) A skunk couchant contourny, tail erect Sa marked Arg.

(B: Culann Mac Cruimein - Apr 97)
(Fieldless) A squirrel ramp Az billety Or. (B: Simon Kenric Apr 96)
(Fieldless) A squirrel ramp vair. (B: Pawel Ptasznik - Jul 01)
(JB: Melisande Ptasznik)
(Fieldless) A squirrel sejant erect contourny Gu. (B: Judith
Wilkinson - Sep 04)

[Beast - Squirrel]

Beast - Squirrel (continued)

(Fieldless) A squirrel sejant erect counter-ermine maintaining a

caltrop Arg within & standing upon a fetterlock Or. (B:
Guillaume de Bracy - Jul 05)
(Fieldless) A squirrel sejant erect Or. (B: Alasdair MacEogan Feb 97)
Arg, a bend sin betw a garden rose Gu slipped & leaved Vt, & a
squirrel counter-sejant erect Gu. (D: Helene of Glen Laurie Aug 79)
Arg, a bend sin dovetailed Sa betw 2 brown squirrels contourny
proper. (D: Sean Chipendale - Apr 07)
Arg, a brown squirrel statant erect affronty proper betw 3 clusters of
acorns Gu, within a bord Vt. (D: Alinor of Braeford - Sep 92)
Arg, a cross quarter pierced Vt & in bend 3 squirrels Sa. (D: Bero
Mace Carruthers - Jun 92)
Arg, a pine branch fructed proper betw 2 squirrels sejant Sa, all
within an orle Vt. (D: Lydia of the Pines - Nov 89)
Arg, a skunk ramp Sa marked Arg & on a base Sa 3 columns Arg.
(D: James Newton de Stile - Mar 98)
Arg, a skunk statant affronty, tail erect, Sa, marked Arg, within a
bord embat Sa. (D: Thomas of Hudds Path - Sep 88)
Arg, a skunk statant Sa, marked Arg, betw 3 crosses of Canterbury
Vt. (D: Deryk Augustine Anselm - Aug 89)
Arg, a skunk statant Sa marked Arg within a bord Gu. (D:
Gredechin Kyferin von Sachsen - Dec 05)
Arg, a squirrel ramp & on a chf engrailed Vt 4 acorns Arg. (D:
Duncan MacFergus of Kintyre - Dec 90)
Arg, a squirrel ramp Az betw 3 oak trees proper. (D: Finn
OFlaherty - Aug 98)
Arg, a squirrel ramp Az maintaining a 4-leaf clover slipped Purp.
(B: Finn OFlaherty - Feb 08)
Arg, a squirrel sejant erect Az within a bord Az semy of carrots Or.
(D: Muiredach MacGregor - Jan 06)
Arg, a squirrel sejant erect contourny maintaining an acorn Az, a
bord Gu. (D: Michael the Big - Oct 00)
Arg, a squirrel sejant erect Gu maintaining a lozenge suspended
from its forepaws, a bord Sa. (D: Judith Wilkinson - May 04)
Arg, a squirrel statant Gu & on a chf Vt 3 acorns Arg. (D: Isabel
Fosson - Apr 02)
Arg ermined Vt, a squirrel ramp Gu maintaining a mug Sa within a
bord Vt. (D: Gustav Jamesson - Jan 03)
Arg masoned Sa, a squirrel sejant erect Gu & on a chf embat Az 3
acorns each within a laurel wreath Or. (D: Akornebir Mar 01)
Arg, on a chev embat counterembattled Sa betw 3 red squirrels
sejant erect proper, 3 acorns palewise Or. (D: Elsibeth
Merryweather - Sep 88)
Az, a pall betw 3 chipmunks ramp, all within a bord Arg. (D:
Justinian of Rakovec - Jul 86)
Az, a skunk statant proper. (D: Gareth the Russel - Oct 76?)
Az, a squirrel Arg. (D: Regana van Kortrijk - Feb 02)
Az, a squirrel Or holding a nut proper & on a chf Or a fork & spoon
in salt Az. (D: John Marshall atte Forde - Sep 02)
Az, a squirrel sejant erect, on a chf potenty Arg 3 rowan sprigs Vt.
(D: Radhnait inghean Ruaidhr - May 07)
Az, on a bend Arg an ivy vine throughout Vt, in sin chf a squirrel
counter-sejant erect Arg. (D: Robert of Spelsbury - Jul 80)
Az, 3 squirrels each maintaining a threaded needle inv Or. (D:
Elizabet Marshall - Aug 02)
Az, 2 squirrels sejant erect, addorsed, & on a chf Or, 2 swords in
pale, the upper reversed, Az. (D: Grigorei Nikolaevitch Belkin
- Nov 91)
Gu, a chev betw 2 pairs of candles in salt Arg, enflamed Or, & a
squirrel sejant erect Arg, maintaining in both forepaws an
acorn Or. (D: Merevyn Hanley of Myrkfaelinn - Dec 83)
Gu, a squirrel Arg betw 3 bezants. (D: Cecilia Fiametta del Canto Jul 03)
Gu, a squirrel per fess Or & Az. (D: Bjorn Einarsson - Feb 06)
Gu, a squirrel sejant erect to sin Arg within an orle of acorns inv Or.
(D: Anderwyn na Sionain - Jun 91)
Gu, a squirrel statant erect Arg sustaining an arrow inv & a bord
rayonny Or. (D: Sthmaith ingen Uidir - Jun 97)
Gu, 2 squirrels sejant erect respectant vair en point maintaining in
chf a nut Or. (D: Ismay of Giggleswick - Nov 99)
Or, a squirrel Sa maintaining an acorn proper betw 4 double roses 2
& 2 Gu. (D: Iohne Makfulchiane - Apr 03)

Beast - Squirrel (continued)

Or, a squirrel sejant erect maintaining an acorn & on a chf engrailed

Vt a roundel betw an increscent & a decrescent Or. (D:
Magdalena Szezemayna von Harten - Jul 07)
Or, a squirrel sejant erect Sa, sustaining a drawn wooden bow &
arrow proper, the arrow fletched Gu, within a bord Gu semy of
acorns Or. (D: Bozhana Alexandrova - Oct 05)
Or, a squirrel sejant erect to sin & a bord Gu. (D: Edith of
Swanesdale - Aug 01)
Or, a squirrel sejant erect to sin, holding an acorn, within an orle
Purp. (D: Melangel or Glyn - Sep 84)
Or, billetty Sa, a squirrel sejant erect to sin Az & a chf Sa billetty
Or. (D: Solomon ben Jacob the Levite - Apr 83)
Or, 3 squirrels sejant erect Gu, each maintaining a mushroom & on
a chf Vt, a needle threaded Or. (D: Eleanora de la Birche Jul 94)
Or, 2 chipmunks sejant erect respectant proper, on a chf triangular
Vt an acorn Or. (D: Anne de Silva - Jul 93)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a squirrel ctrch, on a chf Gu 3 hazelnuts Arg.
(D: John of Hazelmere - Jan 83)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a squirrel sejant erect contourny & a Lacy
knot ctrch. (D: Elizabeth MacMurich - Oct 98)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, in dexter chf 3 violets Purp conjoined,
stemmed & leaved Vt & in sin base a squirrel sejant, holding a
nut Or. (D: Jeannette Louise McCullough - Jan 84)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, in bend a squirrel sejant erect to sin & a
hawk close ctrch, issuant from base a demi-sun Arg. (D: Flora
Sutherlarach - Nov 88)
Per bend sin indented Arg & Sa, 2 skunks statant & marked ctrch.
(D: William Fidgett - Sep 92)
Per bend sin Or & Purp, a squirrel ramp to sin Gu & a coney ramp
Arg. (D: Klaus Meyer - Nov 88)
Per bend sin rayonny Purp & Arg, a squirrel contourny & a violet
slipped & leaved ctrch. (D: Violet Gray - Sep 05)
Per chev Sa, sem of squirrels sejant erect Arg, each maintaining in
both forepaws an acorn Or, & Vt, in base a harp Arg. (D:
Branwyn FitzPayn de Grey - Aug 84)
Per fess Az & Gu, a squirrel maintaining a walnut & in chf 2 open
scrolls Or. (D: Tatiana Seraya Mikhailovna - Sep 04)
Per pale Az & Gu, a squirrel ramp reguardant within an orle
engrailed on the inner edge Arg. (D: Morgan Squirrelmonger
- Jun 91)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a squirrel sejant erect Sa maintaining a sword
inv Arg. (D: Dieter des Schwarzen Eichktchens - Jun 85)
Per pale Or & Gu, a squirrel sejant erect guardant Sa maintaining in
dexter forepaw an empty wooden drop spindle proper, a chf
semy-de-lys ctrch. (D: Sine ni Mharbhen - Nov 07)
Per pale Vt & Purp, a squirrel ramp & in base a crescent Or. (D:
Gwenhwyvar verch Owein - Dec 05)
Per salt Vt & Or, a sun & a squirrel maintaining an acorn Or. (D:
Katarzyna Dambrowska - Jun 07)
Plumetty Or & Sa, 2 squirrels sejant erect respectant Gu. (D:
Rosalinda Lucinda Mondragon de la Vega - Aug 94)
Potenty Gu & Arg, a skunk ramp to sin Sa marked Arg maintaining
a sword Sa. (D: Hucbald of Ramsgaard - Jul 96)
Purp, a bat-winged squirrel ramp & on a chf indented Or 3 acorns
Purp. (D: Alys Scurrell - Dec 03)
Purp, a squirrel Arg grasping a nut Or, a bord Arg. (D: Valeria
Marcella Martnez - Sep 92)
Purp, a squirrel ramp Arg betw 3 acorns Or & a bord embat Arg.
(D: Kolfinna in kyrra - Aug 03)
Purp, a squirrel ramp betw 3 mullets of 4 points Arg. (D: Anna
Persdotter - Mar 95)
Purp, a squirrel sejant to sin betw 4 mullets in cross Or. (D: Astrid
of Normandy - Jun 89)
Quarterly Arg & Vt, 4 squirrels ramp ctrch. (D: Gwenhevare
ffeyrmayden - Jun 03)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, a squirrel Sa & a bord Sa semy of pheons Arg.
(D: Hlfdan galinn - Mar 06)
Sa, a compass-star Arg, overall a polecat statant guardant proper
maintaining in its mouth a rose Gu slipped proper, a bord Arg.
(D: Vanessa Silverstar - Aug 79?)
Sa, a squirrel sejant erect & on a chf Or 2 crosses crosslet fitchy Gu.
(D: Jamie of Fairfield - Dec 93)
Sa, a squirrel sejant erect to sin within a bord Arg. (D: Johann
Tscharner von Graffenried - Nov 91)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 221

[Beast - Squirrel] to [Beast - Weasel]

Beast - Squirrel (continued)

Sa, a squirrel sejant erect within a laurel wreath, on a chf Or 3

acorns Sa. (D: Ecorngill - Sep 00)
Sa, 3 squirrels ramp surrounding a laurel wreath Or. (D: Nordleigh
- Feb 98)
Vair, a squirrel ramp Gu. (D: Peregrine Fairchylde - May 01)
Vt, a chevronel Or betw in chf 2 bulldogs statant respectant Arg,
each gorged of a collar Sa, studded Arg, & in base a squirrel
sejant erect Or holding in its forepaws an acorn Arg, capped
Or. (D: Sterling of Toad Hall - Aug 79?)
Vt, a cross bottony Arg, overall a squirrel Or. (D: Adriana
Hambleton - Dec 00)
Vt, a squirrel & on a chf embat Or, 3 acorns inv slipped & leaved
Vt. (D: Iuliana Angelina - Mar 08)
Vt, a squirrel Arg maintaining an acorn proper within a bord
potenty Or. (D: Yon de la Sle - Mar 07)
Vt, a squirrel sejant erect contourny Or maintaining a sword proper.
(B: Angharad Melys - Jun 96) (For Clan Baldwin)
Vt, a squirrel sejant erect, tail coward, betw 2 flaunches Or. (D:
Rhiannon of Lindmyr - Nov 88)
Vt, a tree eradicated & in chf a squirrel courant, a bord embat Arg.
(B: Ysenda Macbeth of Islay - Mar 08)
Vt goutty, a squirrel sejant erect Arg grasping an acorn proper. (D:
Richenda of Locksley - Oct 92)
Vt, on a bend invected betw 2 squirrels sejant erect Arg, five acorns
palewise Sa. (D: Gwennlynn of Woodlyn - Jul 85)
* * * End * * *
Beast - Stag: see Beast - Deer
Beast - Stallion: see Beast - Horse
Beast - Stoat: see Beast - Weasel
Beast - Tapir: see Beast - Anteater
Beast - Thylacine: see Beast - Dog
Beast - Tiger: see Beast - Cat
Beast - Turtle: see Reptile - Turtle
Beast - Urchin: see Beast - Hedgehog
Beast - Ursine: see Beast - Bear
Beast - Walrus: see Beast - Seal

Beast - Weasel

(Fieldless) A ferret statant erect Vt. (B: Robert of Ravenshill Jun 05)
(Fieldless) A sea-otter floatant supine pean, maintaining to chf with
its forepaws an acorn Or. (B: Andrew Forres Clegg - Aug 84)
(Fieldless) A stoat statant guardant proper. (B: Rima of Rockridge
- Aug 79)
(Fieldless) An ermine passant Arg marked Sa. (B: Brittany Dec 94) (Important non-SCA badge)
(Fieldless) An ermine passant counter-ermine maintaining an
abacus Sa. (B: Aleyne Edwinson - May 04)
(Fieldless) An ermine ramp erminois. (B: Ebergardis von Zell Oct 05)
(Fieldless) An ermine statant contourny reguardant ermine. (B:
Adriana the Fierce - Oct 02)
(Fieldless) An ermine statant Or surmounted by an oar ermine. (B:
Dmitrii Volkovich - Oct 94)
(Fieldless) An ermine statant Purp. (B: Aryanhwy merch Catmael Jan 99)
(Fieldless) Issuant from a trimount couped Vt, a demi ferret erect
Arg. (B: Guenhwyvar MacEwen - Apr 94)
Arg, a bend sin Purp, overall an otter ramp Sa, orbed Or, fimbriated
Arg. (D: Deri Otterbourn the Rover - Nov 77?)
Arg, a bend sin wavy Az, in dexter chf a brown otter statant
guardant proper. (D: Uilliam Clirigh - Feb 06)
Arg, a bend wavy Az betw a tree eradicated proper & an otter
statant Sa. (D: Giliana Attewatyr - Jan 04)
Arg, a brown otter ramp contourny proper within a bord Purp. (D:
Biota Merme - Nov 97)
Arg, a brown otter statant proper betw 3 water bougets Gu all
within a bord engrailed Az. (D: Grietje Crynes - Sep 04)
Arg, a brown otter statant proper within a bord Az. (D: Ariana of
the North - Oct 91)
Arg a ferret ramp Sa. (B: Friedrich von Waffen - May 84)
Arg, a weasel couchant guardant Gu, overall a tree blasted &
eradicated Vt. (D: Elizabeth of Al-Barran - Feb 88)

222 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Weasel (continued)

Arg, a weasel statant erect Sa transfixed by an arrow fesswise

reversed Gu, & on a chf Az a double-bitted axe Or. (D: Ulf
Njalsen - Jul 84)
Arg, an otter erect guardant proper maintaining an escallop inv Gu.
(D: Darcy Graham - Apr 82)
Arg, an otter ramp proper betw in chf 3 mullets of 4 points Gu & a
base wavy Az, all with in a bord embat Gu. (D: Emrys Bethoc
- Aug 86)
Arg, an otter statant guardant contourny & a chf embat Vt. (D:
Sibley of Nethercerne - Aug 95)
Arg, an otter statant guardant proper, on a chf urdy Vt 3 bezants.
(D: Margaret Maclachlan - Apr 96)
Arg, goutty de larmes, an otter statant erect maintaining a wooden
tankard proper. (D: Meadhbh ni Dhubhthaigh - Aug 99)
Arg, goutty de sang, a mongoose ramp bearing 2 swords Sa,
standing upon a snake dismembered at the neck Vt. (D:
Halldor Arnkellsson - Oct 90)
Arg, in pale a ferret statant to sin Sa & a chev dovetailed counterdovetailed Gu. (D: Daria of Durmast - Feb 92)
Arg, in pale 3 mink passant to sin proper within a bord Az. (D:
Essaine Youngirbourne - Nov 82)
Arg, semy of passion nails Vt, an otter statant Sa. (D: Wiglaf
Wilfriding - May 91)
Arg, 3 ferrets erect Az. (D: Rnnat inghen Meln - Jul 00)
Arg, 3 ferrets statant guardant in pale Sa. (D: Friedrich von Waffen
- Dec 80)
Arg, 2 otters salient addorsed reguardant proper, a bord per pale Az
& Purp. (D: Francois Belgraunde - Dec 95)
Az, a bar gemel engrailed Arg betw 2 otters statant Or. (D: Randal
of Camusferna - Sep 90)
Az, a black-footed ferret passant guardant Or marked Sa & Arg,
grasping in its dexter forepaw a rose Arg, barbed, seeded,
slipped, & leaved proper. (D: Megan Glenleven - Oct 01)
Az, a castle & on a chf triangular Arg, a weasel statant to sin Az.
(D: Wilhelm der Wieselhter - Jul 91)
Az, a ferret salient to sin & on a chf embat Arg 3 roses Gu. (D:
Angeline of the Grove - Nov 91)
Az, a ferret sejant erect maintaining a sheaf of arrows Arg within a
bord ermine. (D: Tessa the Huntress - Feb 02)
Az, a fess Arg, ermined Az, betw a ferret statant Arg & a demi-sun
issuant to base Or. (D: Orric Longtooth - Nov 89)
Az, a mink lying on its back head to sin betw in pale a rose & a
compass star of twelve points Arg. (D: Marlene of York Jun 07)
Az, an ermine passant proper, & on a chf Arg 3 sprigs Vt. (D:
Tiphina of Ledbury - Nov 04)
Az, an otter ramp & on a chf wavy Or 3 harps Az. (D: Phillipa of
Otterbourne - Jul 06)
Az, an otter ramp contourney Or & a blonde mermaid erect proper
respectant a chf invected Arg. (D: Andela Romier - Mar 97)
Az, an otter sejant erect Or. (B: Lorimel the Gentle - Jul 74)
Az, in pale 3 ferrets courant Arg. (D: Ranald de Balinhard Oct 01)
Az, in pale 3 otters statant within a bord embat Arg. (D: lfled t
Otreburne - Aug 04)
Az, semy of otters passant Or, overall a lozenge Arg voided of a
keyhole. (D: Asa of the Wood - Nov 97)
Az, 2 otters courant widdershins in annulo Or, gorged of county
coronets Sa. (B: Takya Mereleone - Oct 88)
Barry of 4 Arg & Gu, each trait charged with a ferret statant
contourny ctrch. (D: Klan Klansson - Jan 03)
Ermine, a tricorporate weasel Gu. (B: Morgaine Brisen - Dec 92)
Ermine, an otter sejant erect contourny betw in chf a smithing
hammer reversed & a smithing hammer Sa, a bord embat Gu.
(D: Marcus von Westphal - Apr 96)
Ermine, in pale 2 stoats passant Sa. (D: Ysane la Gaillarde Nov 07)
Ermine, 2 weasels combattant within a bord Sa. (D: Pepin le
Fouinon - Feb 05)
Gu, a marten sejant erect to sin, maintaining a bow nocked with a
fire arrow, Or, within a bord Or, semy of arrow heads Gu. (D:
Gislvast of Mrtengaerdh - Dec 89)
Gu, an ermine statant guardant proper. (D: Rima of Rockridge May 70?)
Gu, an otter couchant to sin guardant within a bord embat Arg. (D:
Iain MacDhugal Cameron of Ben Liath - Nov 91)

[Beast - Weasel]

Beast - Weasel (continued)

Gu, in fess 3 ermines ramp Arg. (D: Kissa Irminwiht - Sep 01)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, in pale 3 ferrets statant to sin Gu within a bord
ctrch. (D: Maximilian Geist - Mar 89)
Gyronny Vt & Or, a ferret bendwise sin contourny Arg. (D:
Aleksandr Bogoliubskii - May 91)
Or, a bend Purp betw 2 brown ferrets passant proper. (D:
Nicodemus Feret - Apr 96)
Or, a chev Az betw 3 brown weasels ramp proper. (D: zbeg of
Gyldenholt - Sep 02)
Or, a ferret passant Sa & a chf pean. (D: Janneke van Suylen Jul 02)
Or, a ferret statant Sa within an orle of blackberry vine Vt, fructed
Purp. (D: Brighid OMainnin - Dec 91)
Or, a polecat-ferret passant proper, on a chf rayonny Gu, 2 crescents
Arg. (D: Yorick of Bidston Hill - Feb 89)
Or, a wall issuant from base Gu, the gate closed proper, & issuant
from the battlements a demi-weasel ramp Sa. (D: Ziegfried
Gunter von Wieselburg - Nov 07)
Or, a winged ferret statant, wings elevated & addorsed, Sa & a bord
Gu. (D: Patricia of Bronzehelm - Sep 97)
Or, an otter ramp guardant contourny betw in bend sin 2 ermine
spots Sa. (D: Kormk Tryggvason - Oct 92)
Or, an otter sejant erect Sa in chf 2 oak leaves Vt. (D: Celainn
Eganach - Aug 95)
Or, in pale 3 ferrets statant Sa within a bord engrailed Az. (D:
Mariana de Salamanca - Mar 08)
Or, in pale 2 otters statant Purp. (D: adaoin ingen Chanacin Apr 06)
Or, 2 striped skunks sejant erect respectant proper maintaining betw
them a nosegay Gu, slipped Vt. (B: Isabel la Noire - Apr 92)
Paly bendy Or & Gu, a ferret sejant erect within a bord embat Arg.
(D: Stevyn Gaoler - Dec 93)
Pean, on a bend sin Arg 3 natural sea-otters statant proper. (D:
Samuel Harulfssen - Jan 84)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a ferret statant & a mullet Arg. (D: Stella de
Ravenscar - Oct 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a demi-weasel & a demi-weasel inv
reversed both issuant from the line of division ctrch. (D:
Hrodolf Gullskeggr - Jan 07)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, an otter ramp contourny Purp maintaining a
compass star Or. (D: Martyn Ashton - Dec 96)
Per bend sin Az & Or, 2 ferrets statant erect, that in chf contourny,
ctrch. (D: Bethia of Bel Isle - Jan 93)
Per bend sin Gu & Vt, an ermine statant ermine. (D: Michael de
Biggleswade - Apr 99)
Per bend sin Or & Purp, a ferret sejant contourny & a triquetra inv
ctrch. (D: Ctach Fitzgibbon - Jun 01)
Per chev Az & Or, a compass rose Or & a brown otter statant
proper. (D: Vincenzo Pasquale dAnza - Feb 03)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 otters combattant & another ramp to sin, all
maintaining glaives, ctrch. (D: Vladimir Ivanovich
Aleksandrov - Jan 99)
Per chev Gu & Arg 2 otters combattant & another ramp to sin, all
maintaining glaives ctrch, for augmentation, a unicornate
natural seahorse erect contourny maintaining in its tail a lance
& pennon Or betw the otters in chf. (Augmentation of Arms:
Vladimir Ivanovich Aleksandrov - Sep 99)
Per chev inv Az & Gu, 3 otters statant one & 2 Arg. (D: Claire de
Brtigny - Dec 06)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev Or betw 2 wolfs heads couped & a ferret
statant Arg. (D: Wulfric Ferreter - Sep 95)
Per fess Arg & Az, 2 weasels statant ctrch. (D: Donatien
Delaborde - Oct 00)
Per fess Arg & Sa, 2 ferrets statant counter-statant ctrch. (D: Fulk
of Shrewsbury - Dec 92)
Per fess Arg & Vt, a brown weasel passant proper & a dexter hand
Arg. (D: Isabel Silver - Jul 96)
Per fess counter-ermine & Gu, in base an ermine dormant regardant
Arg. (D: Isobel le Bretoun - Sep 07)
Per fess embat Az & Gu, 2 otters passant Or. (D: Predslava
Vydrina - Apr 98)
Per fess potenty Arg & Gu, in pale an otter counter-statant erect
proper & a lion salient Or. (D: Aleyn James Douglas Oct 80)

Beast - Weasel (continued)

Per fess Vt & counter-ermine, a fess potenty, in chf a ferret statant

Arg masked Sa. (D: Aleksina Taisiya Rogvolodovna Aug 95)
Per fess wavy Arg & Purp, a harp & an otter statant ctrch. (D:
Rionach OMelaghlin - Oct 89)
Per fess wavy Arg & Vt, an otter embowed Vt & a salmon
embowed contourny & inv Arg. (B: Loch Soilleir - Apr 92)
(For the Order of the Otter of Loch Soilleir)
Per fess wavy Az & Vt, an otter passant & a reed pen bendwise sin
Arg. (D: Catherine OHerlihy - Jun 01)
Per fess wavy Gu & Az, in pale a demi-otter, issuant from the line
of division & maintaining in both paws an escallop inv, & a
linden leaf Or. (D: Audelinde Isabella von Metten - Jul 89)
Per pale & per chev Sa & Arg all semy of ferrets statant ctrch, a
single-horned anvil ctrch Arg & Sa. (D: Maredudd ap Cynan Sep 03)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 ferrets sejant erect respectant within a bord
embat all ctrch. (D: William MacKeown - Jan 85)
Per pale Arg & Gu, on a chev throughout 2 ferrets passant
respectant & in base a sun in splendor all ctrch. (D: Lachlann
del Glen - Jan 92)
Per pale Arg & Purp, 2 ferrets combattant & in chf 2 quill pens in
salt ctrch. (D: Moira Morag MacRae - Jan 91)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a ferret & a coney combattant guardant & in chf
3 thimbles ctrch. (D: Molly inghean ui Raighallaigh Apr 06)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 otters combatant within a bord wavy ctrch.
(D: Eluned Hwylard - Jan 06)
Per pale Az & ermine, 2 weasels ramp addorsed their tails entwined
ctrch. (B: Kirsten Weisel - Jan 04) (JB: Jerrolt Bschler)
Per pale Az & Gu, a chev ermine betw 3 ferrets ramp to sin Arg.
(D: Rhodri ap Owen - Oct 06)
Per pale Az & Gu, 2 ferrets combattant Arg, a base embat Or. (D:
Rhodri Longshanks - Mar 87)
Per pale Az & Vt, a weasel ramp, a bord Arg. (D: Sean MacKelly Dec 90)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 ferrets combattant ctrch. (D: Robert de Bere Jan 02)
Per pale Gu & Vt, an otter statant reguardant Or, in chf a crescent
Arg. (D: Dmhnull na Carraige - Jun 96)
Per pale Purp & Arg ermined Vt, 3 bars ctrch & in canton a winged
ferret sejant erect Arg. (D: Aidan MacAlpin - Mar 02)
Per pale Sa & Arg, in pale a ferret statant & a single-horned anvil
ctrch. (D: Maredudd ap Cynan - Jun 89)
Per pale Sa & Az, an otter statant betw 3 triquetras Arg. (D: Isabel
de Nedham - Mar 08)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 weasels ramp ctrch. (B: Eanraig the Bonesetter
- Aug 98)
Per pale Vt & Purp, 3 ferrets sejant erect Arg. (D: Rohaise of
Riversend - Nov 90)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a marmot ramp to sin Arg. (D: Kaleriia
Andronikova - Mar 94)
Per salt Az & Arg, a salt ctrch betw 2 ferrets statant Arg. (D: Ivana
zhena Nataliia - Oct 99)
Per salt Az & Arg crusilly pointed Az, 2 ferrets couchant, that to chf
contourny, Arg. (D: Riobard Suilleabhain - Dec 91)
Per salt Sa & Purp, 2 ferrets combattant Or. (D: Alycie Stirling Jun 02)
Purp, a ferret statant erect Arg maintaining a sword proper all betw
five bezants in annulo, a bord Arg. (D: Nadya Gornastaevna
Chorkova - Nov 93)
Purp, a mink ramp Arg, orbed Gu, armed Or. (D: Marie of Erin Jan 73?)
Purp, a pale Or & overall an otter ramp Arg. (D: Geoffrey Mylar Dec 07)
Purp, an ermine sejant erect & 2 scarpes enhanced ermine. (D:
Brendan Olthursson - Feb 89)
Purp, an otter passant within a bord Arg. (D: Felycia Flauter May 92)
Purp, an otter sejant erect contourny within a bord Or. (B:
Ealdormere - Mar 96) (For Order of the Golden Otter)
Purp, ermined Or, a pile embat Arg, overall in pale 3 ferrets statant
Or. (D: Bran mac Coluim an t-Eisteteor - Nov 91)
Purp, on a chev Or 3 bunches of grapes proper, in base a mink
statant Or. (D: Mimienne the Minx - Jan 01)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 223

[Beast - Weasel] to [Beast - Other]

Beast - Weasel (continued)

Purp, 3 increscents in bend betw 2 ferrets statant Arg. (D: Gemma

Rosalia - Oct 05)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a cross bottony throughout Gu & overall a
weasel statant erect contourny Or. (D: Simon Savastian
Caminante - Sep 04)
Quarterly Or & Arg, a ferret statant betw 3 anvils Sa. (D: Mchel
de la Ferret - Jun 93)
Quarterly Sa & Or, in bend sin a juniper branch bendwise fructed &
a mongoose ramp to sin maintaining in its mouth a serpent Sa.
(D: Ginevra da Sanfidelio - Jan 84)
Quarterly vair & Arg, an otter ramp within a bord Sa. (D: Otto of
Westphalia - Aug 95)
Sa, a cat statant guardant coward Arg betw a ferret courant to sin &
a ferret courant & inv Or. (B: Coinneach MacKenzie Mar 86) (For the House of the Confused Cat)(JB: Megan
Sa, a mongoose passant regardant Or maintaining a sword proper
betw 3 increscents Or. (D: Abu Nur Rustam ibn Abdallah May 94)
Sa, a weasel salient reguardant contourny Or betw in bend an axe
bendwise sin reversed & rapier bendwise sin Arg. (D: Enoch
of the Three Hills - Apr 07)
Sa, a winged otter passant guardant betw in pale 2 crosses of ermine
spots Arg. (D: Rhyan Otter - Jan 92)
Sa, an ermine statant erect ermine maintaining & playing upon an
alto shawm Or. (B: Learen von Meissen - May 82)
Sa, an otter sejant reguardant Arg holding bendwise a felling-axe
Arg hilted proper. (D: Perygen Northymbr - Mar 78?)
Sa, 3 bars wavy & in chf an otter statant regardant Arg. (D:
Alheydis von Riga - Feb 08)
Sa, 3 ferrets statant in pale Or within an annulet Arg. (D: John the
Artificer - Aug 90)
Sa, 2 mink sejant erect & combattant Arg & a chev abased Or. (D:
Aleksandrina Petrovna Danilova - Feb 88)
Vt, a ferret ramp & a bord engrailed Arg. (D: Sorcha inghean ui
Uidhir - May 99)
Vt, a ferret sejant erect to sin within an orle Arg. (D: Thorvaldr
skalli - Jan 06)
Vt, a ferret statant Arg a bord embat Or. (D: Damian of Vest Yorvik
- Jan 98)
Vt, a ferret statant guardant contourny Or, in chf 3 crescents Arg.
(D: ine Aislingthech ingen Sorcha - Apr 98)
Vt, a ferret statant guardant to sin Arg. (B: Titus the Alchemist Sep 91)
Vt, a natural sea otter, couchant on its back, tail erect & head erect
& guardant, Arg within a bord Arg, seme of lozenges Purp. (D:
Caristiona Bhan - Oct 87)
Vt, a slipper reversed betw 2 ferrets sejant erect respectant Arg. (D:
Sara ORaghailligh - Sep 92)
Vt, a weasel passant contourny reguardant Arg collared & chained
Or, a bord Arg semy of goblets Sa. (D: Adina Vischer von
Hersbruck - Mar 00)
Vt, an otter passant reguardant Arg a chf ermine. (D: Katharina
van den Otter - Nov 94)
Vt, an otter sejant erect Or. (D: Lorimel the Gentle - Jan 74?)
Vt, in pale a ferret statant contourny guardant & a mullet Arg within
a bord embat Or. (D: Titus the Alchemist - Jun 92)
Vt, in pale an otter passant & a mastless drakkar reversed Arg. (D:
Brynds Eirksdttir - Feb 06)
Vt, in pale 3 stoats sejant guardant Arg marked Sa betw 2 flaunches
Arg, each charged with a goblet Sa. (D: Sibylla Greystone of
Stotesbury - Jul 90)
Vt, on a bend Arg 2 oak leaves inv Vt, overall an otter statant to sin
guardant proper. (D: Alina of Breldwyn - Feb 82)
Vt, on a chev betw 3 ferrets sejant erect Or five pawprints Sa. (D:
Roana of Brigeford - May 02)
Vt, 3 bendlets enhanced Or, overall an otter statant Arg. (D: Megan
OReilly - Mar 86)
Vt, 2 otters salient addorsed, tails crossed in salt, & a demi-sun
issuant from chf, all Or. (D: Rhiannon of Ottersdale - Sep 89)
* * * End * * *
Beast - Wolf: see Beast - Dog
Beast - Wolverine: see Beast - Badger
Beast - Wombat: see Beast - Badger
Beast - Woodchuck: see Beast - Badger
224 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Beast - Worm: see Reptile - Worm

Beast - Yak: see Beast - Bull
Beast - Zebra: see Beast - Horse

Beast - Other

(Fieldless) A beaver sejant erect maintaining 2 oak leaves Arg. (B:

Eadwyn Inhold - May 97)
(Fieldless) A camelopard ramp erminois. (B: Eskil Eskilsson rn Aug 94)
(Fieldless) A mole ramp barry Or & Gu. (B: Gryffydd Belwyn Jul 91)
Arg, a beaver ramp to sin & on a chf Az a portcullis betw 2 mullets
Arg. (D: Beotram of the Northwinds - May 85)
Arg, a column betw 2 beavers combattant Gu. (B: Carolingia May 02)
Arg, a mole tergiant descending proper within a bord Vt. (D:
Elizabeth Carpenter of Rye - Nov 83)
Arg, a natural beaver courant proper betw a cloud & a base wavy
Az. (D: Isabel du Talus - Feb 98)
Arg, a sloth pendant contourney Vt from a rod fesswise Sa. (D:
Sven rfhendur - Jul 96)
Arg ermined Vt, a beaver sejant erect proper maintaining a threaded
needle Sa. (D: Adelicia of Caithness - Feb 04)
Arg, in bend 3 platypuses naiant bendwise sin to base Gu. (B:
Michieal Dammary the Mischievous - Aug 88)
Az, a cameleopard counter-statant Or within a bord compony Sa &
Or. (D: Yolanda of Thymbra - Jul 07)
Az, a camelopard statant within a bord rayonny Or. (D: Adena
Terrickdoutter - Apr 08)
Az, a chevronel inv Arg, overall a beaver couchant to sin Sa,
fimbriated Arg. (D: Michel le Voyageur - Aug 79?)
Az, a loris pendant from a tree branch Arg. (B: Ann of Hendon Apr 88)
Az, a pall inv Or betw 3 beavers sejant erect Arg each maintaining
an axe Gu. (D: David of Caithness - Dec 01)
Barry Az & Arg, a mole ramp Sa. (D: Andrew of York - May 83)
Chevronelly & per pale Az & Arg, a cameleopardel trippant pean.
(D: Alexander Kinney - May 84)
Gu, a cameleopard ramp Arg spotted Sa. (D: Camille Lyon Jun 00)
Gu, a camelopard ramp Or spotted Sa & on a chf Arg 2 trefoils Gu.
(D: inara Mara de Trujillo - Mar 06)
Gu, 2 beavers statant & a barrel palewise Or. (D: Sion Becote Dec 01)
Or, a brown beaver ramp proper, on a chf Az a sun Or. (D:
Genevieve la Sautreour - Nov 98)
Or, 2 beavers sejant erect respectant a ford proper all within a bord
Sa. (D: Hildegund von Bieber - Feb 02)
Per bend sin embowed counter-embowed Vt & Or, a kangaroo
sejant erect with young pouched, Or, & a thistle proper. (D:
Melbrigda of Oak Glen - Dec 85)
Per fess Az & Vt, a beaver sejant erect contourny Or. (D: Elia
Stefansdottir - Jan 04)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 cameleopards statant respectant reguardant
necks crossed in salt ctrch marked Sa. (D: Helene Lionstar of
Ravenspur - Mar 05)
Per pale engrailed Sa & Az, 2 sin footprints in pale & a beaver ramp
Arg. (D: Leifr rella - Mar 07)
Per pale Purp & Vt, a camelopard statant reguardant Or marked Sa
betw 3 stumps eradicated Or. (D: Maud Dee Bywater Jan 06)
Quarterly Or & Arg, a mole ramp to sin Sa, maintaining in its
mouth a shamrock Vt & in its forepaws a shillelagh proper, all
within a bord embat Az. (D: Daniel of An Dun Teine Aug 88)
Sa, a bend of chain Arg, overall a camelopard statant to sin Or. (D:
Isolde de Lisieux - Jul 97)
Vair, a mole ramp proper biting the neck of, & involved to sin of a
snake maintaining a feather Arg, fimbriated Sa. (B: Aithine nic
Merril - May 81) (For Schola Talpae et Serpentis)
Vair en pointe, a giraffe statant proper. (D: KAlan Tauwen May 80)
Vt, a beaver sejant erect gnawing on a silver birch tree proper. (D:
Esteban Castore - Aug 79?)
Vt, a cameleopard statant guardant Or marked Sa maintaining in its
mouth a sexfoil slipped & leaved Arg all within a bord embat
Or. (D: Elsa Snakenborgh - May 03)

[Beast - Other] to [Bell]

Beast - Other (continued)

Vt, a cameleopard statant Or marked Sa a bord invected ermine. (D:

Isabella de Beaujeu - Oct 01)
Vt, a camelopard statant contourny Or spotted Sa a bord Or. (D:
Deborah Inis Glas - Jul 97)
Vt, a camelopard statant contourny Or spotted Sa, a bord Or & for
augmentation, on a canton overall Az a sun in his glory issuant
from base Or within a bord Arg. (Augmentation of Arms:
Deborah Inis Glas - Jun 07)
Vt, on a chev Arg 3 castles fesswise Sa & in chf a beaver statant,
maintaining in its sin forepaw a broken collar Arg. (D:
Francis of Aaron Isles - Dec 83)
Vt, 2 camelopards salient reguardant, necks crossed in salt, Or,
pelletty. (D: Tiphaine de Montaigne - Jan 90)
Vt, 2 lightning bolts in salt Arg, & in base a mole dormant Or. (B:
Snurri Pleieson - Feb 85) (For Terra non Mobilis)
* * * End * * *
Beasts head: see Head - Beast
Beasts leg: see Leg - Beast
Beasts pawprint: see Paw print
Beasts skull: see Head - Beast - Skull
Beaver: see Beast - Other
Bee: see Arthropod - Bee
Beech tree: see Tree - Elongated shape


(Fieldless) A beehive Or. (B: Cemfind ingen Chobthaig Jan 00)

(Fieldless) A beehive Or charged with a fleur-de-lys Sa. (B:
George Emerson True - May 94)
(Fieldless) A beehive within & conjoined to an annulet Arg. (B:
Robert Pine - Mar 05) (For House Beehive)
(Fieldless) In pale a bee conjoined to a beehive Or. (B: Connor
MacFergus of Strachur - Nov 94)
(Fieldless) On a beehive Purp, a bee Or. (B: Mevanwy verch Tuder
Courtecadeno - Oct 05)
Az, a beehive betw 4 bees in cross Arg. (D: Barbara MacAuley Aug 02)
Az, a cubit arm issuant from sin base Arg, sustaining atop its palm a
beehive, in chf 3 bees, a bord Or. (D: Orlando de Castilla May 94)
Gu, a beehive & a bord Or. (B: Piers DeGrey - Mar 85)
Gu, a beehive & on a chf Or 3 cinquefoils Gu. (D: Perronnelle la
paintre - Sep 05)
Gu, a beehive within a laurel wreath, on a chf Or a quill pen Sa. (D:
Saint Isidore - Sep 92)
Gu semy of bees, a beehive Or. (D: Therasia Mellita - Jul 05)
Or semy of letters "B", a beehive Az, a bord Gu. (D: Elizabeth
Joscelyne - Jul 06)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a sheaf of 3 arrows & a beehive Or. (D:
Robert Under the Wood - Apr 86)
Per bend sin wavy Gu & Or, a bend sin wavy Sa betw a beehive & a
rose ctrch. (D: Duncan Fraser - Oct 83)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 3 cinquefoils pierced one & 2 Sa & a beehive
Or. (D: Rayne Moyra OCiaragain - Aug 99)
Per fess Az & Vt, in chf 3 daffodil blossoms bells to chf & in base a
beehive Or. (D: Angharad verch Dafydd - Sep 04)
Per fess embat Vt semy of bees Or, & Or, a beehive Vt. (D: Klara
Tschudi - Jun 97)
Per pale Az & Arg, to dexter a beehive betw 3 honeybees volant
proper & to sin a bunch of grapes Az, slipped & leaved Or, on
a chf Arg, a tyger passant Az. (B: East, the - May 90) (For
Guild of Brewers, Vintners and Meadmakers)
Purp, a beehive Arg within bees in annulo Or. (D: Artemisia of
Nicaea - May 00)
Purp, on a pile Arg betw 2 beehives Or a brown badger statant
proper. (D: Brictiva de Chantal - Nov 03)
Sa, on a pile Arg betw 2 bee hives Or, a bear ramp Sa collared Or.
(D: Erich von dem Schwarzwald - Nov 94)
Vt, a beehive Arg. (B: Colyn MacRuairidh of Rathlin - Jan 06)
Vt, a beehive beset by bees & on a chf wavy Or 3 boars heads
couped Gu. (D: Averil de Trafford - Apr 87)
Vt, a beehive betw 3 bees wings close Or. (D: Roland of Skep Glen
- Feb 92)
Vt, a chev engrailed betw 3 beehives beset with bees volant, Or. (D:
Luke Knowlton - Nov 00)

Beehive (continued)

Vt, a chev inv engrailed & in chf a beehive Or. (D: varr
bjarnherar - Aug 04)
Vt, a pall inv Arg betw 2 bees & a beehive Or. (D: Connor
MacFergus of Strachur - Jun 91)
* * * End * * *
Beetle: see Arthropod - Beetle
Belaying pin: see Ship - Part


See also: Clothing - Fools motley

(Fieldless) A bell Arg. (B: Basil von Kln - Nov 99)
(Fieldless) A bell Or, pierced by an arrow fesswise Sa. (B: Edvard
Gayer - Nov 98)
(Fieldless) A bell Sa. (B: Carillion - Feb 84) (For the Award of
the Sable Bell)
(Fieldless) A chain in chev inv conjoined in pale with a hawks bell
Or. (B: Stromgard - Mar 04) (For Order of the Bell and
(Fieldless) A hand bell Or. (B: An Tir - Sep 97) (For the Crier)
(Fieldless) A hand bell Or supported by 2 unicorns combattant
reguardant Arg. (B: Sean Lewis OConnor - Nov 94)
(Fieldless) A handbell Az. (B: Gwenllian ferch Maredudd Jul 96)
(Fieldless) A jocelyn wreathed Or & Vt with six bells Or. (B:
Nottinghill Coill - Nov 94) (For Order of the Coills Bells)
(Fieldless) An annulet checky Az & Arg fimbriated Gu pendant
therefrom five hawks bells Or. (B: Atenveldt, Barony of Mar 07) (For the Order of the Dogs Jambe)
(Fieldless) An ospreys jamb erased a la quise, belled & jessed
fesswise, talons to dexter, Arg. (B: Osprey, the - Nov 99)
(For the Order of the Ospreys Jess)
(Fieldless) In pale a peacock close perched atop a hawks bell Or.
(B: Kedivor Tal ap Cadugon - Jul 00)
(Fieldless) On a cowbell Arg a fleur-de-lys Purp. (B: Rosamund
von Schwyz - Dec 94)
(Fieldless) On a hawks bell Or, a letter R Sa. (B: Remus Fletcher Aug 02)
(Fieldless) On a vair bell Purp a bee Or. (B: Stonemarche Nov 97)
(Fieldless) On a vair-bell Arg, a btarde letter "y" Gu. (B: Ysemay
Sterlyng - Aug 06)
(Fieldless) 3 hawks bells conjoined at the ring in pall Arg. (B:
Alianora Munro - Jul 01)
(Tinctureless) Upon a bell, a terrapin statant to sin. (B: Isabella
Flora Turpin - Oct 82)
(Fieldless) Upon a vair bell Az a flame proper. (B: Calum
MacDhaibhidh - Sep 94)
(Fieldless) Within a cupping-glass inv Arg fimbriated Sa, a rose
Purp, barbed & seeded proper. (B: Robin of Mannefeld Apr 82) (For House of the Sheltered Rose)
Arg, a bear ramp guardant Az wearing a jesters cap Or belled, all
within an orle of hawks bells Az. (D: Tatjana vom Hlst Jul 97)
Arg, a chev romp throughout betw 2 hawks bells & a cross of 4
mascles pometty Vt. (D: Kiara Wrynn of the Bells - Jun 01)
Arg, a fess bretessed Gu betw 3 mullets of 4 points & a bell Sa. (D:
Darius of the Bells - Apr 98)
Arg, a gore sin Purp & in dexter chf a bell Sa. (D: Guillaume de
Belgique - Jun 84)
Arg, a handbell Purp, a bord Purp ermined Arg. (D: Yves Fortanier
- Aug 97)
Arg, a hawk belled Az within a bord embat Sa. (B: Kyriell
Hawkmoon - Feb 05)
Arg, a human skeleton statant to sin grasping a rope pendant from a
cracked church bell bendwise sin in chf all Sa. (D: Francisco
Savelli - Apr 90)
Arg, a pegasus ramp & in dexter 3 bells in pale Vt. (D: Uaithne
inghean u Chiarin - Sep 03)
Arg, a thistle Vt flowered Gu within a bord Gu charged with hawks
bells Or. (D: Mary Graham - Aug 86)
Arg, a vireo statant to sin Vt, on a chf Az 3 bells Arg. (D:
Shoshana bas Josce - Jul 86)
Arg, on a bend sin Az, betw a longship in full sail, oars in action &
sailing to sin, Gu & a bell Sa, a scarpe Or. (D: Fulk
Fulkersson - Jan 97)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 225


Bell (continued)

Arg, on a fess Sa betw a Bengal tiger passant proper & a bell Or,
fimbriated Sa, an arrow reversed Or. (D: Roxane of Barnby
Moor - Oct 81)
Arg, on a hawks bell Sa a quatrefoil Arg. (B: Ichikawa Moromoto
- Oct 05)
Arg, on a vair bell Az, an estoile Or. (B: Starhaven - Nov 88)
Arg, on a vair bell Purp a millrind Arg. (B: Allyn ODubhda Apr 87)
Arg semy of hawks bells Purp, a frog Vt. (B: Sely Bloxam Jan 03)
Arg, 3 bells Purp within a bord Sa, masoned Or. (D: Deirdre
Maudelyn of the Moor - Mar 92)
Arg, 3 scarpes enhanced Az & a gryphon sejant wings elevated &
addorsed Sa maintaining in its dexter claw a hawks bell Gu.
(D: Ian Andrew MacConacher - Nov 90)
Arg, 2 hawks bells dependent from a Hungerford knot Vt. (B:
Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn - May 85)
Az, a bell & on a chf invected Arg, 3 roses Az. (D: Caitlin of
Rosecommon - Sep 92)
Az, a bell Arg, a bord Or semy-de-lis Az. (D: Issabell Saint
Charles - Jul 01)
Az, a bell conjoined to a chf triangular Or. (D: Rowena of the Dell Aug 81)
Az, a chev Gu fimbriated & in base a bell Or. (D: Gryffydd Belwyn
- Jul 91)
Az, a dance Arg betw 2 natural seahorses respectant & a handbell
Or. (D: Birgitta Andersdotther - Jan 04)
Az, a hawks bell bendwise within an orle Or. (D: Meurisse de
Blois - Jan 93)
Az, a hawks bell within a bord embat Arg. (B: Dragonship Haven
- Jun 85) (For the Order of the Hawks Bell)
Az, a 2-headed dragon passant respectant Or, turbanned Arg,
gorged of a collar Gu, pendant therefrom a bell Arg, in base a
bumblebee disp erect proper. (D: Roger of Belden Abbey Jan 82)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 bells Or a claymore Az. (D: Angus
Duncan Cameron - Jul 95)
Az, on a chev Or 3 mullets Az, in chf 2 bells Or. (D: Lorenzo
Guasparre - Oct 99)
Az, on a fess invected betw 3 church bells Arg, a hare couchant to
sin Sa. (D: Aislinn Darkhair - Nov 89)
Az, on a fess wavy Arg, a sea serpent ondoyant-emergent Vt, in
base a church bell swinging to sin Arg. (D: Richaldo of
Tintinnabula - Aug 79?)
Az, on a pall inv betw 3 bells Or 3 sprigs of heather proper bound
by a ribbon Az. (D: Mary Isabel of Heatherstone - Aug 95)
Az, on a plate betw 3 hawks bells one & 2, bases outward Or, a
pawprint Sa. (B: Melusine of Windhill Wood - May 94)
Az, sem of bells, a bord Or. (D: Margaret Campbell - Mar 84)
Az semy of hawks bells, a falcon Arg. (D: Marie la Fauconniere Jan 05)
Az semy of hawks bells Or, a hawks head affronty issuant from
base Arg. (D: Sadna Mey of Caithness - Jul 05)
Az, 3 bells & a chf Arg. (D: Arabella Ravenscroft - Apr 94)
Az, 3 bendlets sin enhanced & in sin base a bell Arg. (D: Catherine
the White - Sep 85)
Az, 3 stick weavers shuttles in pall Arg betw 3 hawks bells Or.
(D: Brianna la Franceise - Jun 91)
Az, 2 spears in salt & in chf 3 bells 2 & one Or. (D: Abel Breme May 04)
Az, 2 spoons in salt Or & in chf a bell Arg. (D: Isabel de
Marmande - Apr 88)
Checky Arg & Gu, a tower & in chf a hawks bell Sa. (D: Randal
Fitz Alan the Redowtable - Mar 97)
Checky Or & Gu, six hawks bells in orle, tops to center, Arg. (D:
Christine de Waughe - Jan 91)
Gu, a dance betw 3 hawks bells Or. (D: Bridget of St. Katherine Oct 03)
Gu, a falcon belled & jessed & in chf 3 crosses couped Arg. (D:
Lucia de la Valette - Sep 03)
Gu, 4 bendlets enhanced & a jess & bell bendwise Arg. (D:
Gwendolyn du Faucon - Nov 82)
Gu, on a pile raguly Arg betw 2 hawks bells Or, a vol inv Gu. (D:
Richard del Hauke - Nov 94)
Gu, semy of hawks bells Or, a butterfly disp Arg betw 2 scarpes
Or. (D: Kiriel du Papillion - Oct 87)
226 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bell (continued)

Gu, 3 bells Or, a chf paly Az & Or. (D: Uberto Renaldi - Dec 99)
Gyronny of six from sin chf Vt & Arg, 2 snakes entwined in a
Bouchier knot, heads in chf & addorsed Sa, & in base a hawks
bell Vt & another Arg. (D: Griffith the Everchanging Jan 85)
Gyronny Purp & Or, eight church bells in annulo ctrch. (D:
Johanna von den Glocken - Nov 88)
Lozengy Vt & Or, a rabbit statant & in chf 3 hawks bells Arg. (D:
Aurelia dOuessant - Oct 90)
Or, a bell within a laurel wreath Sa. (D: Carillion - May 86)
Or, a domestic cat sejant affronty Gu orbed Or betw 2 Oriental
dancers-bells Gu, a bord Sa. (D: Cata dels Vergiers de
Lemozi - Oct 76?)
Or, a pale Az, overall five churchbells in cross ctrch, all swinging to
sin. (B: Allyson of Tintinnabula - Aug 79) (For House
Or, a sprig of holly fructed proper within an annulet wreathed Arg
& Gu conjoined to 4 hawks bells in cross Gu. (D: Jocelyn
Holyer - Aug 85)
Or, a tower Sa environed of in chf 3 bells, one & 2, Az & in base a
laurel wreath Vt. (D: St. Carol on the Moor - Jul 83)
Party of six pieces Gu & Or, 3 bells Or & a chf Arg. (B: Laeghaire
O Laverty - Feb 94) (For Geoffrey Peel)
Per bend Arg & Sa, 3 hawks bells in bend & a spear bendwise
ctrch. (D: Ananda of the Bells - Sep 94)
Per bend Az & Arg, a hawk rising & a hawks bell ctrch. (D: Brian
OSeabhac - Jun 83)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bell within an orle Or. (D: Eleanor Hardyng
de Northhampton - Feb 96)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend betw 3 arrows fesswise in pale Arg & a
bell Or. (D: Cynyr ab Aneirin - Oct 02)
Per bend Or & Vt, a clarion & a church bell ctrch. (B: Gwyneth of
Dragons Keepe - Apr 84)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a falcons jambe erased a la quise belled &
jessed Arg & an acorn inv slipped & leaved proper. (D:
Peregrine Rose Falconer - Mar 05)
Per bend Sa & Or, 3 hawks bells & a hawks lure ctrch. (D:
Rosalin of Faulconbridge - May 93)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a foxs mask Gu & hawks bell Or. (D:
Dunja Fuxfell - Jul 96)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a bell Arg & a rose inv Az barbed, seeded,
slipped, & leaved Vt, a bord Gu. (D: Rise n Ullachin Oct 99)
Per bend sin Or & Az, a bell within a bord ctrch. (D: Eileen
Montgomery - Apr 82)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt, a bend sin betw a butterfly & 3 bells one &
2 Or. (D: Admiranda le Daye - Oct 01)
Per bend sin Vt & Gu, in pale 2 hawks bells Arg. (D: Bianca
Casaccio - Sep 83)
Per bend Vt & Purp, a bend betw a handbell & a bulb of garlic Arg.
(B: Wenefred of Hay on Wye - Oct 98)
Per chev Az & Arg, 3 Phrygian caps one & 2 Arg & a joscelyn
wreathed Az & Or with 3 bells Gu. (D: Eowyn Swiftlere Feb 03)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev cotised betw a pair of eyes Arg irised Az
& a bell Arg. (D: Isabeau of Forgotten Sea - Nov 07)
Per chev ermine & Gu, in base a hawks bell Or. (D: Isabelle
Rousse du Bijou dOr - Aug 83)
Per chev Sa semy of hawks bells Arg, & Gu, in base a rose Or. (D:
Jacqueline Lisette van Brielle - Nov 92)
Per chev throughout Vt & Or, 2 hawks bells Or & a horse passant
contourny Sa. (D: Haukyn Bayard - Jan 99)
Per chev Vt & Sa, 2 hawks bells bendwise & a falcon close
affronty upon a perch Arg. (D: Peregrine de Lacey - Dec 93)
Per fess Arg & Gu, a falcons leg Sa erased la quise belled &
jessed Or maintaining a lucy embowed contourny Arg & in chf
2 roses Gu. (D: Lucy Rose Falconer - Dec 02)
Per fess Arg & Sa, on a fess Gu betw an eagle disp Sa & a castle
Arg, a hawks bell with jesses Or. (D: Wilhelm von Freiburg Jun 84)
Per fess Az & Arg, 3 bells ctrch. (D: Letta Donati - Mar 07)
Per fess Az & Sa, a dove statant, wings elevated & addorsed, betw
in pale 2 hawks bells Arg. (D: Tangwen ferch Arial ap
Tangwen Haakonarstadir - Mar 88)

[Bell] to [Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent]

Bell (continued)

Per fess Sa & Az, a rosebud slipped & leaved fesswise reversed & 3
hawks bells Or. (D: Liala Alacrn de las Campaas Nov 82)
Per fess Sa & Az, in chf a scorpion passant & in base 3 hawks bells
Or. (B: Liala Alacrn de las Campaas - Oct 80)
Per fess Vt & Arg, a hand bell & a terrapin statant to sin ctrch. (D:
Isabella Flora Turpin - Feb 82)
Per fess wavy Vt & Or, a bell Or & an escallop inv Az. (D:
Morgana Elena Tregarthen - Mar 87)
Per pale Arg & Vt, on a pile dovetailed ctrch, a hawks bell Or. (D:
Vivian Magdelena - Sep 84)
Per pale Az & Or, a bell ctrch. (D: Mirabel de Malmesberie Apr 04)
Per pale ermine & Az, on a bend Gu 3 bells palewise Or. (D:
Margaret Bellasys of Northumberland - Mar 93)
Per pale Gu & Az, 3 wolfs teeth issuant from dexter & as many
from sin & in base a bell Or. (D: Irene die Elssserin Oct 97)
Per pale Or & Gu, on a chev cotised a handbell & a hand axe, all
ctrch. (D: Lazarus of the Steppes - Apr 84)
Per pale Sa & Az, a heart Arg betw 3 bells Or, a chf Arg. (D: John
Tinhart - Oct 82)
Per pale Sa & Or, a vair bell throughout ctrch. (B: Yrj Kirjawiisas
- May 82)
Per pale Vt & Purp, in salt 2 fools baubles & in base a hawks bell
Arg. (D: Seth Tobin - May 92)
Per pale wavy Arg & Vt, a falcon rising to sin, wings disp & inv Sa,
& in pale 3 hawks bells Arg. (D: Liane de Lisieux - Oct 81)
Per salt Arg & Az, in pale 2 moons in their plenitude & in fess 2
bells ctrch. (D: Winifred Chandler - Nov 04)
Per salt Gu & Arg, a cat dormant contourny Sa betw 4 mice passant
contourny each maintaining a bell ctrch. (D: Alessandra Gatta
- Jan 00)
Per salt Gu & Sa, in pale a hawks bell & a sun Or. (D: Isabella
Dona Boticelli - Oct 02)
Per salt Or & Vt, in pale 2 church bells & in fess 2 clarions, the
dexter reversed, ctrch. (D: Gwyneth of Dragons Keepe Dec 82)
Purp, a bell & on a chf embat Or 3 quavers Sa. (D: Marie Aoibeall
- Apr 01)
Purp, a church bell, a bord dovetailed Arg. (D: Helena OShea Jun 97)
Purp, a hand bell & in chf a cooking spoon fesswise Or. (B: Julia
des Grenades - Oct 81)
Purp, on a fess cotised Arg betw 3 church bells Or 3 Lacy knots Az.
(D: Kateryn Arabella of Inverness - Sep 02)
Purp, 2 handbells bendwise in bend sin Or. (D: Katryna Widova
Kolokolova - Nov 98)
Purp, 2 handbells in salt, surmounted by a handbell palewise, all
bells to chf, Or. (D: Liobsynde Belhringere of Aelfhafen May 90)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a Lacy knot betw eight hawks bells in annulo
ctrch. (D: Aurora dEcosse - May 89)
Quarterly Or & Sa, a fleur-de-lys within an orle of hawks bells
ctrch. (D: Sarah de Bourgogne - Sep 95)
Quarterly per fess embat Sa & Gu, in bend 2 bells Or. (D: Adella
Desmond - May 86)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, 4 bells ctrch. (B: Philip Bell - Feb 08)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, 4 bells ctrch. (D: Philip Bell - Nov 96)
Sa, a bird-winged pithon erect embowed-counterembowed Or
gorged of an ancient coronet Arg in chf 2 bells Or. (D:
Alessandra of Insula Draconis - Dec 01)
Sa, a vair-bell inv Arg, environed of eight plates in annulo. (D:
Ivan Brasonic - Aug 79)
Sa, a wild cat ramp & in chf 3 bells Arg within a bord Or. (D:
Lucia Bellini - Jan 07)
Sa, in salt an artists paintbrush inv & a quill pen Arg & in chf a bell
Or. (B: Lucia Bellini - Jan 07) (For Casa Bellini)
Sa, mulletty, in a cupping-glass inv Arg, a rose Purp, barbed &
seeded proper. (D: Robin of Mannefeld - Nov 77?)
Sa, on a bell Or a chev couped couched from sin Sa, a bord Or. (B:
al-Barran - Dec 06)
Sa, on a bell vair ancient a bat disp Gu. (D: Michael the Strange Mar 83)
Sa, on a hawks bell Arg a quatrefoil Sa. (D: Ichikawa Moromoto Oct 05)

Bell (continued)

Sa, semy of hawks bells, a unicorn passant contourny Or. (B:

Cerridwen Raventree - Dec 93)
Vair ancient, a hawks bell Or. (B: Meridies - Feb 80) (For Local
Vt, a bell Arg & on a chf indented Or, 2 birds Az. (D: Gudrun of
the Glen - Jul 90)
Vt, a bend sin Az fimbriated Arg, betw in dexter chf 3 lozenges
conjoined in fess & in sin base a bell Or. (D: Serena of
Bagulay - Mar 78?)
Vt, a chev betw 2 hawks bells & a quill pen Or. (D: Penelopee of
the Quill - Sep 95)
Vt, a scimitar & in chf 3 hawks bells Or. (D: Morgan Clubfot Mar 03)
Vt, a sea-lion betw 3 hawks bells Arg. (D: Keara Calder Feb 91)
Vt, a vair bell Or, overall a ravens quill bendwise sin proper. (D:
Catherine of Greenfields - Jul 81)
Vt, on a bell Or a lion ramp guardant Gu. (D: Roger de Hinchelie Jul 96)
Vt, on a cowbell Arg a shamrock Vt & on a chf Arg a glaive Sa. (D:
Celn mac Domhnaill - Oct 07)
Vt, on a pale Arg betw in chf 2 bells Or, a laurel wreath Sa. (D:
Bellewode - Jul 98)
Vt, semy of bells Or, a panther sejant guardant Arg spotted of
various tinctures incensed proper. (D: Caintigern of Ainsley May 94)
Vt semy of hawks bells, in bend 3 talbots dormant Arg. (D:
Alianora Munro - Oct 95)
Vt, 3 church bells Or. (D: Linnet Fayrchyld - May 07)
* * * End * * *
Belled hood: see Bell and Clothing - Headgear
Bellows: see Tool - Other
Belt: see Clothing - Belt

Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent

See also: Field division - Bendy

(Fieldless) A baton Arg overall an apple slipped & leaved Vt. (B:
Lucia Francesca de Valencia - Apr 02)
Az, a bend & in sin canton 4 poppy-bolls, all Arg. (D: Walter of
Lowestoft - Nov 73?)
Az, a bend Arg & in chf an oak leaf palewise Or. (D: Thomas of
the Oaks - Aug 76?)
Az, a bend Arg betw a sun in splendor & a lion ramp Or. (D: Justin
Brekleg - Jul 07)
Az, a bend Arg betw six fleurs-de-lis Or. (D: Bosnia - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Az, a bend Arg cotised betw six lions ramp Or. (D: Bohun, Earl of
Hereford, Constable of England - Dec 94) (Important nonSCA arms)
Az, a bend Arg cotised betw 2 female centaurs passant, one
maintaining a sword & the other a harp Or, a bord Arg. (D:
Ines Cecilia de Marcy of Allerton - Apr 92)
Az, a bend Arg doubly cotised the interiors of the cotises potent
counter-potent Or. (D: Champagne, Counts of - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Az, a bend betw a mullet of eight points & a tree eradicated Arg.
(D: Ian MacAngus - Jul 82)
Az, a bend betw a sword Arg, hilted Gu, & a mullet, all within a
bord Arg. (D: Mathew Sans Gryffyn - May 80)
Az, a bend betw an Easter lily reversed, slipped & leaved, & a
unicorn ramp Arg. (D: Susanna von Braun - Aug 82)
Az, a bend betw an owl disp Arg & a tree eradicated Or. (D: Art
mac Ceallaigh - Oct 05)
Az, a bend betw six martlets Arg. (D: Geoffrey Luttrell - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Az, a bend cotised & in sin chf a cross of 4 mascles Arg. (D:
Arabella Mackinnon - Sep 04)
Az, a bendlet betw a doves head erased & a lamb statant affronty
Arg. (B: Mary van Wrinck - Apr 82)
Az, a bendlet betw a pen-&-inkhorn & a dexter hand inv apaumy
couped Arg. (D: Fedelma of Tir Ysgithr - Apr 73?)
Az, 2 batons in salt betw 4 crosses crosslet Arg. (B: Francesco
Gaetano Greco dEdessa - Jul 06)
Counter-ermine, a bend cotised Arg. (D: Giulia Isabella da
Venezia - Feb 98)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 227

[Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent]

Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent (continued)

Gu, a baton Arg, overall a sword, tip fracted, inv proper. (B: Lloyd
von Eaker - Mar 78?)
Gu, a bend Arg betw 2 streamered spears fesswise sin-pointing Sa
fimbriated Arg, overall a cog-wheel Vt. (D: Erik von Karman
- Mar 73?)
Gu, a bend Arg cotised Or. (D: Stephen de Montfort - Apr 03)
Gu, a bend Arg, overall a wivern disp head to sin, tail reflexed
behind, Sa fimbriated Arg, in base a cross patty Arg. (D:
Geoffrey the Grim - Jun 73?)
Gu, a bend Arg voided humetty betw a harp & a trefoil knot Or. (D:
Madailin nic Sheachnasaigh - Oct 95)
Gu, a bend betw six crosses crosslet fitchy Arg. (D: Howard, Duke
of Norfolk, Earl Marshal of England - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Gu, a bend betw 2 natural dolphins in annulo Arg. (D: Alexandra
of Falcons Keep - Aug 97)
Gu, a bend betw 2 seawolves erect Arg. (D: Morgan of Ben
Dunfirth - Feb 07)
Or, a bend Arg fimbriated Az betw 2 mullets of 4 points Sa. (D:
Keterlyn von Eltz - Feb 07)
Per bend Az & Gu, a bend Arg surmounted by a vase Or. (D: Vasa
- Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Per bend Az & Gu, a bend betw 2 horses heads couped reversed
Arg. (D: Gaylen the Smiling - Nov 80)
Per bend Az & Purp, a bend Arg betw 3 bees Or & 3 gouttes Arg.
(D: Annalies Maria von Marburg - Nov 01)
Per bend Az & Sa, a bend Arg betw a sun in his splendor Or & a
decrescent Arg. (D: Diana of the Veil - Oct 91)
Per bend Az & Sa, a bend Arg, overall a phoenix Or rising from
flames Gu. (D: Cana Mac an Abdadh - Jul 99)
Per bend Az & Sa, a bend betw 2 bears paw prints Arg. (D:
Matthew Beare - Feb 97)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend & in sin chf a seagull volant to sin Arg.
(D: Megan of the Shore - Jun 84)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend Arg betw a horses head erased
contourny Or maned Arg & a rams head erased Arg armed Or.
(D: Caiterna ingen Ruaidr - Sep 02)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend betw a cross crosslet & a sprig bendwise
Arg. (D: Ailith of Heronter - Sep 02)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend betw a lion double-queued each queue
nowed Arg & an eagle rising contourny wings addorsed Or.
(D: Asshelin Chrystal - Nov 03)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend betw 4 crescents conjoined in cross at the
points & a cross clechy Arg. (D: ine inghean u Ghrobhtha Dec 05)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend cotised betw 2 triskeles Arg. (D: Rhys ap
Morgan ap Martin - Mar 04)
Per bend enarched Purp & Sa, a bend enarched betw 2 lozenges
Arg. (D: Meadhbh inghean u Dhonnabhin - Dec 97)
Per bend Gu & Purp, a bend betw a dragon passant reguardant Arg
& a threaded needle bendwise Or. (D: Elspeth of Stillwater Oct 05)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend & in sin chf a Thors hammer Arg. (D:
Wulfstan Thordarson - Jun 92)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend betw 3 arrows fesswise in pale Arg & a
bell Or. (D: Cynyr ab Aneirin - Oct 02)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend betw 2 armored arms embowed Arg. (D:
Gavine Armestrang - Jan 07)
Per bend Gu & Vt, a bend betw an arm, issuant from the bend &
embowed in chev inv maintaining a sword inv Arg & 2 wheels
in bend Or. (D: Liam MacFarlane - Nov 89)
Per bend Or & Az, a bend Arg betw a popinjay & a knorr ctrch. (D:
vangr Ragnarsson - Apr 05)
Per bend Purp & Az, a bend betw a stags head cabossed Arg & a
rose Or. (D: Philip Andrew Gawaine of Devon - Jan 91)
Per bend Purp & Sa, a bend wavy cotised betw 2 swords in salt & 3
fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Henri le Juif - Feb 08)
Per bend Purp & Vt, a bend Arg betw 3 fleurs-de-lys & a horse
ramp Or. (D: Elisabeth Christianne de Calais - May 00)
Per bend Purp & Vt, a bend Arg betw 2 wine amphorae Or. (D:
Eustachia de Westwic - Feb 99)
Per bend Purp & Vt, a bend betw a cross formy & a spur rowel Arg.
(D: Christopher Troweselagh - Jul 86)
Per bend Sa & Az, a bendlet Arg, in sin chf in pale a flame proper
Or & a plate. (D: Kubista der Bohnestiel - Jul 81)

228 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent (continued)

Per bend Sa & Gu, a bend betw an ax & an ax inv reversed Arg. (D:
Olaf the Strong - Mar 95)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a bend cotised betw 2 lions Arg. (D: Malachi
Morgan - Jan 02)
Per bend Vt & Az, a bend betw a celtic cross & a lymphad, sail
furled, Arg. (D: Rhodri Ewias - May 94)
Per bend Vt & counter-ermine, a bend betw 2 garbs Arg. (D: Adela
Ote - Apr 92)
Per bend Vt & Gu, a bend betw a mouse sejant erect & a pair of
manacles, the chain fracted Arg. (D: Cecilia Manetti da
Firenze - Jan 98)
Per bend Vt & plumetty Vt & Or, a bend Arg & in sin chf a double
horned anvil Or. (D: Cormac OGowan - Jul 96)
Per bend Vt & Purp, a bend betw a handbell & a bulb of garlic Arg.
(B: Wenefred of Hay on Wye - Oct 98)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a bend Arg betw a stags head caboshed Arg & a
garb Or. (D: Rafael Tramontano - Oct 96)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a bend Arg betw 2 lions couchant Or each
maintaining a sword Arg. (D: Agnes Moray - Sep 04)
Per pale Az & Sa, a bend betw an increscent & a decrescent Arg.
(D: Heinrich von Eisleben - Jul 06)
Per pale Gu & Vt, a bend betw a wolfs head erased & a decrescent
moon Arg. (D: Wulf Blodstan of Graegmona - Mar 81)
Purp, a bend Arg betw 2 crosses couped Or within a bord Arg. (D:
Robert of Worcester - Aug 03)
Purp, a bend Arg cotised Or betw 3 decrescents & 3 mullets of six
points Arg. (D: Alix dAvignon - Jul 85)
Purp, a bend betw 2 hands Arg. (D: Felicia Margerye
Amondesham - Mar 01)
Purp, a bend betw 2 pairs of wings conjoined in lure, each within a
laurel wreath Arg. (D: Skorragarr - Apr 05)
Quarterly Az & Sa, a bend Arg. (D: Genevieve de Bordeu Feb 08)
Quarterly Gu & Az, a bend Arg betw 2 lions ramp Or. (D: Cailean
mac Alasdair de Sincleir - Mar 96)
Sa, a bend Arg betw a heart Gu en soleil Or & a lotus in profile Arg.
(D: Anneis Le Blanc - Nov 03)
Sa, a bend Arg betw a wyvern erect Or & a salamander counterstatant Gu, enflamed Or. (D: Jay d Argent - Aug 80)
Sa, a bend Arg betw 2 prickspurs fesswise reversed Or, a bord
embat Arg. (D: John the Pell - Feb 96)
Sa, a bend betw a crescent inv & a demi-sun bendwise inv, all
within an orle Arg. (D: Ilya the Fey - Aug 81)
Sa, a bend betw a decrescent & an opinicus statant Arg. (D:
Johannes von Morgarten - Aug 04)
Sa, a bend betw a roundel & a domestic cat sejant contourny Arg.
(D: Egill kttr Einarsson - Dec 96)
Sa, a bend betw a unicorn & 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Olwen Kyffin
- Nov 00)
Sa, a bend cotised Arg betw 2 wolfs heads erased ermine, langued
Gu. (D: Juliana nicColin - Aug 79?)
Sa, a bend cotised Arg, overall a wolf ramp ermine, langued Gu.
(D: Robert of the Isles - Feb 75?)
Sa, a bend cotised Arg surmounted by a wolfs head erased Gu, in
sin chf a cross potent Or. (D: Lothar von Wlfing - May 83)
Sa, a bend cotised betw 2 deaths heads Arg. (B: Merrick Dowling
- Aug 06)
Sa, a bendlet Arg betw in cross a decrescent Or & 3 compass stars
Arg, overall a roundel quarterly Az & Or. (D: Terellys of
Darkmoor - Mar 80)
Sa, a bendlet betw a lion ramp & 3 mountain peaks conjoined
chased & snow-capped Arg. (D: Lwe des Berges - Nov 80)
Sa, a bendlet betw a rams head affront couped at the shoulders &
3 mountain peaks chased & snow-capped Arg. (D: Kraus des
Berges - Nov 80)
Sa, a bendlet betw an eagle disp, wings inv & voided, & 3 mountain
peaks chased & snow-capped, Arg. (D: Adler des Berges Jan 73?)
Sa, a bendlet enhanced Arg betw in chf 3 estoiles with 4 greater
rays & center Or & 4 lesser rays Arg, & in base an astrolabe
Or. (D: Estienne des Estoiles - Jan 73?)
Sa, a wolfs head contourny issuant from base, in chf a scarpe & a
bendlet Arg. (D: Eiolf Eriksson - Oct 93)
Sa platy, a bend Arg in sin chf a lion salient ermine. (D: Alexander
Kallidokos - Jun 97)

[Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent] to [Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules]

Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent (continued)

Vairy Sa & Or, a heart Gu overall a baton Arg. (D: Asaph Heart Aug 95)
Vt, a bend Arg & overall a winged lion ramp to sin Sa fimbriated
Arg, wings erect Arg fimbriated Sa. (D: Beryl of the Valley of
the Moon - Jan 03)
Vt, a bend betw 2 billets Arg. (D: Aurelius Leander - Dec 87)
(For Maison de Verdegris)
Vt, a bend cotised betw six crosses formy Arg. (D: Hywel ap Ieuan
- Sep 95)
* * * End * * *

Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Azure

See also: Field division - Bendy

Arg, a bend Az betw a jesters hat per pale Gu & Purp, & a
brimmed beret bendwise sin Sa, plumed Purp. (B: Constance
MacCallum of Hoghton - Sep 83)
Arg, a bend Az betw a ruby-throated hummingbird volant to sin,
wings addorsed proper, & a sprig of 3 cherries Gu, slipped &
leaved Vt. (D: Alacya Daveraugh - Dec 07)
Arg, a bend Az betw a triangle voided Az & a triangle inv voided
Az. (D: Eliazar ben Dovid - Jan 73?)
Arg, a bend Az betw an increscent Gu & a sword, a bord Sa. (D:
Mustafa the Red - Nov 04)
Arg, a bend Az betw 2 lozenges Sa. (D: Honor of Restormel Nov 97)
Arg, a bend Az in chf a dragon ramp Gu. (D: Guillaume Du
Buisson - Apr 02)
Arg, a bend Az, overall a winged dolphin embowed ctrch Az & Or,
langued Gu. (D: Kiyoshio Yukio - May 85)
Arg, a bend Az, overall a wyvern statant, on a chf Gu 3 polled cows
heads caboshed Arg. (D: Ulrich Maximilian Neidlinger May 95)
Arg, a bend cotised Az betw 2 pomegranates Gu seeded Or slipped
& leaved Vt. (D: Tovah bat David - Aug 00)
Arg, a bend cotised Az, overall an eagle stooping Gu. (D: Ecgwulf
of Aegelesthrep - Jul 87)
Arg a bend engrailed Sa cotised plain Az. (D: Catherine Townson Nov 04)
Arg, an axe bendwise sin, blade to chf, Sa, surmounted by a bend
Az, all within a bord Sa. (D: Wulfsige Clovenhaft - Sep 87)
Arg, ermined Az, a bend Az & overall a sword Sa. (D: Justin the
Fair - Sep 91)
Arg, in pale an eagles head erased Az, beaked Or, & a bendlet
abased arched surmounted by a scarpe abased arched Az. (D:
Waleran Mungo MacMungo - Nov 82)
Arg semy of crampets, a bend Az. (D: Lillia de Vaux - Dec 07) (A
crampet is the metal bit at the tip of a scabbard)
Ermine, a bend Az & a bord invected Sa. (D: Guenivre de
Monmarch - Jun 02)
Gu, a bend Az, fimbriated Or, betw 3 annulets interlaced, one & 2,
& 3 swords palewise Arg. (D: Dafydd Caramon - Jun 87)
Or, a bend & in sin chf a butterfly Az, a bord dovetailed Gu. (D:
Twila of Wulfshaven - Jul 86)
Or, a bend Az betw 2 pine trees couped Vt. (D: Alexis of Woodsend
- Feb 96)
Or, a bend Az, overall a brown-haired caucasian man proper, vested
of a loincloth Arg, grasping in sin hand a trident bendwise sin
Sa, riding a sea-horse salient Arg. (D: Matthew Highwater Aug 79?)
Or, a bend betw 2 shofars bendwise Az. (D: Yehoshua ben Haim
haLevi - Jan 04)
Or, 4 palets Gu, overall a bend Az. (D: Majorca - Feb 05)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Per bend Arg & Or, a bend Az betw a bow bendwise & an oak tree
couped Sa. (D: Ariel Ebon - Jul 92)
Per bend Or & Arg, a bend Az betw a natural panther couchant & a
wolf passant Sa. (D: Alain de Bastien - Jul 86)
Sa, a bend Az fimbriated Arg betw a mullet of seven points & an
annulet Or. (D: Shaylan Issac - Feb 81)
Sa, a bend Az fimbriated betw a pegasus ramp & a skull Arg. (D:
Cormac Munroe ODeaghaidh - Aug 84)
Vt, a bend Az fimbriated, a bord Arg. (D: Shane O Bryan FitzPatrick - May 96)
Vt, a bend Az, fimbriated, betw a castle Arg & a tower Or. (D: Riik
of Flatrock - Aug 83)

Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Azure (continued)

Vt, a bend Az fimbriated betw a fleur-de-lys & a tower all within a

bord Or. (D: Marc of the Valley Freehold - Jan 91)
Vt, a bend Az, fimbriated Or betw a tower Arg & a castle Or. (D:
Valens of Flatrock - Aug 83)
Vt, a bend Az fimbriated Or betw a tower Arg & a castle Or, & for
augmentation, on a canton Purp a cross of Calatrava within a
bord Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Valens of Flatrock May 93)
* * * End * * *

Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Fur

See also: Field division - Bendy

Arg, a bend counter-ermine betw a domestic cat sejant guardant & a
falcon close Gu. (D: Arielle n Sheanin - Jul 97)
Arg, a bend counter-ermine, overall a double-bladed axe Az,
distilling from the lower points six gouttes de sang. (D:
Nicolai Davidovich Brownesvienski - Aug 79)
Az, a bend ermine betw a dolphin haurient Arg & 3 swords proper.
(D: Caradoc Cadwgan Douglas - May 01)
Az, a bend ermine betw a harp & in fess a quill palewise & an
inkwell Or. (D: Michael of Hawkwood - Jul 80)
Az, a bend Gu ermined & fimbriated, betw an eagle striking Or & a
stags head erased contourny Arg. (D: Jean Andr Boeye Aug 92)
Counter-ermine, a bend ermine. (D: Hywel Gain - Aug 96)
Gu, a bend ermine betw 2 dragonflies Arg. (D: Catarina de Zaneto
Rizo - Apr 03)
Gu, a bend ermine, overall an hourglass proper sanded Or, a bord
engrailed Or. (D: Edward of Stonehaven - Sep 73?)
Gu, a bend per bend counter-ermine & ermine betw 2 penannular
brooches bendwise Or. (D: Christianna Eyvindsdottir Jan 82)
Gu, a bend Sa ermined Or betw a wolfs head erased & a battle-axe
Arg. (D: Volf of Novgorod, the Ignitor - Jul 74?)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend ermine betw a lion ramp & 3 fleurs-delys Or. (D: Elizabeth of Grey Castle - Sep 94)
Per bend Gu & Vt, a bend ermine cotised Or. (D: Matteo de
Aragon - Jan 05)
Per bend Or & Az, a bend counter-ermine betw a cross of 4 swords
conjoined at the points Sa & a sea-horse naiant Arg. (D: Fiona
McDonough of Stonehaven - Feb 84)
Per bend Or & Sa, a bend Gu ermined Or betw a Cornish chough
proper & a tower Or. (D: Michael Treighie - Sep 03)
Per bend Purp & Or, a bend pean betw a lion couchant & a cross
flory ctrch. (D: Angelique Marielle DuBois - Aug 92)
Per bend Sa & Az, a bend ermine betw 3 crosses bottony & 3
manatees naiant fesswise, a bord Or. (D: Caitlin Greyhawkes Aug 90)
Per bend Vt & Gu, a bend ermine betw a fleur-de-lys & a lions
head erased Or. (D: Charite Julienne du Bois - Jan 86)
Per bend Vt & Purp, a bend erminois betw a hind salient & a
compass star Or. (D: Isabeau Guion dAnjou - Feb 99)
Purp, a bend ermine betw a seahorse erect & a dolphin haurient Or.
(D: Aquila Jessica Grace - Jun 88)
Purp, a bend ermine cotised Arg betw 2 fleurs-de-lys, on a bord Or
an orle Sa. (D: Robert de Cynnabar - Jul 97)
Purp, in salt a lightning flash Arg crossed by a baton Or ermined Sa.
(D: Isaac de la Decapole dAlsace - Jan 74?)
Quarterly Or & Az, a bend pean betw 2 Stars of David Or. (D:
Konrad MacGriffin - Sep 92)
Sa, a bend ermine betw a lion ramp & 2 lozenges Or. (D: Donal of
Newcastle upon Tyne - Oct 96)
Sa, a bend ermine betw a sun in its splendor Or & a decrescent Arg
all within a bord Or. (D: Niniane de Bretagne - Feb 96)
Vt, a bend ermine betw 2 domestic cats sejant erect guardant Or.
(D: Athena nic Raghnaill Sgitheanaich - Dec 96)
Vt, a bend erminois & in chf a cross bottony fitchy Arg. (D: Brigit
O Nill - Dec 91)
* * * End * * *

Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules

See also: Field division - Bendy

Arg, a bend & in sin chf a cross formy Gu. (D: Edward de Villaret
- Aug 03)
Arg, a bend betw six crescents Gu. (D: Enderlin Jger - Sep 06)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 229

[Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules] to [Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor]

Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules (continued)

Arg, a bend Gu betw a wolfs head erased & a lions head erased
contourny Sa. (D: Dagr Gylir - May 98)
Arg, a bend Gu betw 4 roundels Sa. (D: Robert the Blue - Jan 06)
Arg, a bend Gu enfiled of an annulet Sa. (D: Thomas Wolfgame
von Lauer - Jan 74?)
Arg, a bend Gu, overall a raven volant bendwise sin to sin within a
bord embat Sa. (D: Magdalen Anne Catherine Ravenstein May 88)
Arg, a bend Gu overall a wyvern passant Vt maintaining a rose Gu
barbed & seeded Sa. (D: Katherina Elycia Mosher - Sep 01)
Arg, a bend Gu surmounted by an axe bendwise sin Vt, both
surmounted by a wolfs head cabossed Sa, orbed Gu. (D:
Richard the Mild - Jan 71?) (same as Sharon the Meek)
Arg, a bend Gu surmounted by an axe bendwise sin Vt, both
surmounted by a wolfs head cabossed Sa, orbed Gu. (D:
Sharon the Meek - Jan 71?) (same as Richard the Mild)
Arg, a bendlet betw in chf a dexter mailed fist from the sin grasping
a cross botonny fitchy & in base a lymphad sails furled & oars
in action all Gu. (D: Jerome Robert of McKenna - date?)
Arg, a double-headed eagle Sa & overall a bendlet Gu. (D:
Bertrand du Guesclin - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Arg crusilly Sa, a bend Gu. (D: Genevieve la flechiere de Duram Sep 03)
Arg semy of 3-spoked wheels, a stag ramp Sa & overall a bend Gu.
(D: Ailill mac Ferchair U Diarmata - Dec 04)
Az, a bend Gu fimbriated betw a swan naiant & a rose Or. (D:
Alessandra Gabrielli - May 98)
Checky Az & Arg, a bend Gu, overall a boar ramp Or. (D: John
Mordredson - Dec 84)
Checky Az & Or, a bend cotised Gu. (D: Merigold the Mirthful Nov 96)
Checky Or & Az, a bend Gu, overall a sea unicorn erect, the top
half & fins Arg, the lower Vt. (D: Trevor Stewart of
Renfrewshire - Jul 82)
France ancient & overall a bendlet Gu. (D: Bourbon, Duke of Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
France modern & overall a bendlet Gu. (D: Bourbon, Duke of Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, a bend betw a sword bendwise inv & a fauchard bendwise Gu,
overall a bulls head cabossed Sa. (D: Roger de Boeuf Feb 82)
Or, a bend betw 2 eagles heads erased, all within a bord embat Gu.
(D: Thomas of Fordcombe - Feb 94)
Or, a bend Gu. (D: Baden - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, a bend Gu betw a rose & a lion ramp to sin Gu. (D: Brenodah
von Bayern - Aug 71?)
Or, a bend Gu, overall on a sun Sa an annulet Or. (B: Juan Macas
de Alarcn - Feb 86)
Pean, a bend Gu surmounted by a double-headed lion ramp Or. (B:
Janet Virago Parva of House Morningstar - Sep 83)
Per bend Arg & ermine, a bend Gu & in sin chf an acorn Vt. (D:
Sedeke Edye - Apr 06)
Per bend Arg & Or, a bend betw 3 hearts 2 & one Gu. (D: Ana
Cristina de Aragn - Jul 04)
Per bend Arg & Or, a bend Gu, overall a dragon ramp Vt, within a
bord embat Az. (D: Morgan Alyn Alwyn - May 84)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a bend betw a falcon statant close Gu & 2
swans naiant to sin Or. (D: Karena del Falco - Feb 88)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a bend Gu betw a dove Sa & another reversed
Arg. (D: William of Kyngesburye - Aug 90)
Per bend Or & Arg, semy of hearts Sa, a bend & in sin chf a heart
Gu. (D: Dragija the Dalmatian - Sep 88)
Per bend Or & checky Or & Sa, a bend & in chf a mullet of 4 points
Gu. (D: Katherine of Wintermist - Apr 08)
Per bend Sa & barry bendy Arg & Az, a bendlet Gu fimbriated betw
a wolf passant Arg & an Irish harp Sa. (D: Caedmon Gordon Jun 82)
Per pale Arg & Or, a bend Gu betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Sa. (D: John
Kegan the Red - Jul 84)
Purp, a bend Gu fimbriated, in chf an increscent, a chf Or. (D:
Caissne ingen Scandail - Dec 97)
Purp, a bend Gu fimbriated Or overall a swan rising wings elevated
& addorsed Arg maintaining in its beak a mullet of eight points
Or. (D: Jehanne du May - Dec 95)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a bend Gu betw 2 mullets of 4 points elongated
to base Arg. (D: Einarr slingr - May 03)
230 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules (continued)

Sa, a bend Gu fimbriated & on a chf Arg a lion dormant Sa. (D:
Miles Reginald Hastings - Jun 92)
Sa, a bend Gu fimbriated betw a lantern Or, candled Arg &
enflamed proper, & 3 mallets Or. (D: Michael Crookfinger of
Blackpool - Feb 92)
Sa, a bend Gu fimbriated Or betw a Saracen smoking-pipe & a war
mace, both bendwise, Or. (B: Jon FitzRolf, called the Lean Aug 79?)
Sa, a bend Gu fimbriated, overall 3 swords crossed above the hilts
Arg. (D: Gunther der Degentoter - Aug 79?)
Tierced per bend sin Or, Gu, & Arg, a lion ramp queue-fourchee Sa,
beneath the dexter hind paw a skull Arg. (B: An Tir - Aug 79)
(For Privateers)
Vairy Or & Sa, a bend & a bord Gu. (D: Chryse Raptes - Nov 97)
Vt, a bend Gu, fimbriated Arg, overall a mulberry leaf Or. (D:
Theodoric Tobin - Nov 86)
* * * End * * *

Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor

See also: Field division - Bendy

Arg, a bend checky barry-paly Az & Arg. (D: Cadwalladyr Stone
of Stonecroft - Feb 75)
Arg, a bend per bend indented throughout Gu & Sa cotised the
upper Sa & the lower Gu. (D: Yrsa Ketilsdottir - May 05)
Arg, a bend per bend Sa & Az, in chf a finch volant, wings
addorsed Az. (D: Grim Finch - Apr 93)
Arg, a bend per bend wavy Sa & Gu betw 2 crosses moline Sa, all
within a bord per bend wavy Sa & Gu. (D: Arlin
Throckmorton - Mar 85)
Arg, semee of flames proper, a bend quarterly Sa & Az. (D:
Lasarian Eireannach Aemrythorne of Eildon Hall - Aug 79)
Arg, upon a pale Az a threaded needle Or, overall a bend ctrch. (D:
Elizabeth of Esvere - Nov 77?)
Az, a bend chevronelly Or & Gu betw 2 crosses formy Or. (D:
Amelyn Dauncer - Feb 02)
Az, a bend vair palewise betw 2 spear points Or. (D: Mieszko of
Aire Faucon - Nov 00)
Barry Arg & Az, a bend ctrch within a bord Vt. (D: Kezia von
Holzenhaus - Nov 89)
Gu, a bend counter-compony Az & Arg, betw a boars head couped
Or, armed & langued Arg, & a cross crosslet fitchy Or. (D:
Kevin of Lancaster - Aug 79?)
Or, a bend per bend Arg & Sa & overall issuant from a crescent Gu
charged with the phrase "Always render service with Gods
guidance" in Arabic Sa betw in fess a pair of cubit arms
palewise a palm tree ensigned with a platform & banner Gu, in
base & conjoined to the crescent a ribbon Gu charged with
"Brunei, city of peace" in Arabic. (B: Brunei - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Paly Arg & Gu, a bend ctrch, in sin chf a crab Sa. (D: Roxanne
Crabbe - Feb 00)
Per bend Arg & Az, a bend ctrch betw a rose Az, barbed, seeded,
slipped & leaved proper, & a unicorn couchant Arg, armed &
collared, Or. (D: Angharad of the Blue Rose - Jan 84)
Per bend Arg & Purp, a bend ctrch & in sin chf 3 trefoils Vt. (D:
Geillis inghean Phil u Shiriden - Jun 08)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a bend betw 2 hawks talons couped inv ctrch.
(D: Talon of the Shadowed Loch - May 92)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a bend ctrch & in sin chf a cross of Santiago Vt.
(D: Viola Carrara - Aug 05)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a bend betw 2 shamrocks ctrch. (D: Finn
OCollan - Dec 00)
Per bend Az & Arg, a bend betw a chasing hammer & a cross of
Cleves, all ctrch. (D: John Luke Malleolus - Sep 98)
Per bend Az & Arg, a bend betw a roundel & 4 mullets in bend
ctrch. (D: Aelis dArgent - Dec 86)
Per bend Az & Arg, a bend betw 2 compass stars within a bord all
ctrch. (D: Ceinwen of Lands End - Aug 91)
Per bend Az & Arg, a bend ctrch betw a nude winged maiden Arg
& a rose proper, slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Rowena
Montgomery McMichie - May 93)
Per bend Az & Arg, a bend ctrch betw a sun in his splendor Or & 3
arrows 2 & one Sa. (D: dam Caomhnach - Jul 04)
Per bend Gu & Or, a bend ctrch & in sin chf 3 escallops inv Or,
overall a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Pilgrims Reach - Aug 88)

[Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor] to [Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Or]

Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor (continued)

Per bend Or & Az, a bend cotised ctrch betw a sword Sa & a rose
Arg, barbed & seeded proper. (D: Katharine Attryde May 06)
Per bend Or & Sa, a bend per bend Az & Arg betw 2 wolfs
pawprints ctrch. (D: Garan Darkwolf of Blackhelm - Jan 05)
Per bend Or & Vt, a bend vairy of one trait bendwise sin Or & Vt,
in sin chf a borage flower Az, slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Astrith
of Swansvale - Jul 82)
Per bend Purp & Arg, a bend betw 2 pomegranates slipped &
leaved ctrch. (D: Elisava of Arkhangelsk - Oct 07)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a bend ctrch betw a ring of 3 keys Or & a
dragon passant Gu. (D: Christiana Ailitha - Aug 02)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a bend ctrch, in chf a Celtic cross Or. (D: Brian
O Riain - Jan 87)
Per bend Sa & Or, a bend betw a mallet & a shamrock ctrch. (D:
Garfield av Kunningheim - Aug 86)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a bend cotised ctrch, overall a pegasus
segreant Sa. (B: Adrianna de Tarente - Dec 88)
Per bend sin Or & Gu, a bend cotised ctrch, overall a pegasus ramp
Sa. (D: Adrianna de Tarente - Jun 87)
Per bend sin Vt & counter-ermine, a bend ctrch fimbriated Arg. (D:
Isabel the Mad - Aug 02)
Per bend urdy Purp & Or, a bend betw 2 mullets, all ctrch. (D:
Cassandra n Shaimus - Jul 86)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a bend betw a cross moline & a pine tree
couped ctrch. (D: Richard of Rae Fen - Jun 84)
Per bend wavy Or & Az, a bend wavy ctrch. (D: Lachlan of
Cromarty - Apr 08)
Per pale Arg & Az, a bend betw a spur fesswise reversed in profile
& 3 arrows palewise inv ctrch. (D: Thomas of Cathanar Feb 96)
Per pale Arg & Az, a bend cotised ctrch, overall an elm tree
eradicated proper. (D: Aelfwine daes Sudgemaeres Mar 78?)
Per pale Arg & Az, a bend doubly cotised ctrch. (B: Rodrigo de
Cerdaa - Jul 79?) (For household)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a bend ctrch. (D: Chaucer, Geoffrey - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a bend cotised ctrch. (D: William filius Willelmi
de Wyke - Oct 04)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a bend betw 2 gouttes, all ctrch. (D: Alexe de la
Larme - Apr 87)
Per pale Az & Arg, a bend ctrch Arg ermined Az & Az ermined
Arg & in sin chf a falcon volant Gu. (D: Derwel ferch Nefydd
Saer - Nov 94)
Per pale Az ermined Or & Arg, a bend ctrch. (D: Eleanor Fairchild
- Mar 07)
Per pale Or & Gu, a bend ctrch. (D: Barbara of Galloway Sep 71?)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a bend ctrch betw an aardvark courant Gu & a
goblet Or. (D: Anne of Narnia - Mar 73?)
Quarterly: 1 & 4 paly of six Or & Sa, a bend ctrch; 2 & 3 quarterly
Arg & Gu, a cross bottony ctrch. (D: Maryland, State of May 99) (Important non-SCA arms)
Quarterly Arg & Purp, a bend counter-compony Or & Sa betw a
thunderbolt & a roundel Arg. (B: Aldgytha of Ashwood Aug 86)
Vt, a bend vair. (D: Eglentyne Merryweather - Aug 98)
* * * End * * *

Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Or

See also: Field division - Bendy

Arg, a bend Or fimbriated & a bord Gu. (D: Wilhelm von Homburg
- Aug 95)
Az, a bend betw a lion sejant & a quill pen bendwise Or. (D: Elaine
of the Lions Tale - May 80)
Az, a bend cotised Or betw a salamander & a lily Arg. (D: Lilias of
Goldenford - May 00)
Az, a bend cotised Or betw 2 alembic flasks, spouts crossed in salt,
& a thimble Arg, all within a bord Or. (D: Aubry du Bolduc Aug 85)
Az, a bend of chain betw 2 great helms & on a chf Or, a unicorn
couchant Sa. (D: Colinet Bradwarden - Sep 95)
Az, a bend Or. (D: Scrope - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, a bend Or betw a star of David & a lit candle Arg, a bord Or.
(D: Mephiboseth ben Yosef - Jul 04)

Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Or (continued)

Az, a bend Or betw a unicorn ramp & in bend 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg,

all within a bord ermine. (D: Rosamund Aislinn Godwin of
Wessex - May 82)
Az, a bend Or, surmounted by in fess 3 arrows inv ctrch, all within
a bord counter-ermine. (D: Francesca di Pirgallo - Aug 81)
Az, a bendlet betw a boreas & an ounce counter-ramp gardant Or,
incensed Gu. (D: Taran of Windy Hill - Feb 07)
Az, a bendlet Or surmounted by a pale Arg, in sin canton a fleur-delis Or. (B: Louis le Blanc lou Boumain - Oct 76)
Az billetty, a bend Or, a bord ermine. (D: Raymond de Montfort Jul 98)
Checky Arg & Az, a bend Or & overall a wolf ramp Gu. (B:
Wilihelm Roderick FitzLovel of Kerr - Nov 95) (For Red Wulf
Gu, a bend betw six mullets Or. (D: Catalina Doro - Feb 08)
Gu, a bend betw 2 decrescents Or. (D: Gabriella di Ravenna Oct 95)
Gu, a bend debruised by a sword bendwise sin inv Or, on the point
of intersection a heart Gu. (D: Valydon Saliforth - Aug 79?)
Gu, a bend Or betw a hammer bendwise & a bickern (anvil) Arg.
(B: stgarr - Oct 85) (For the Armorers Guild of
Gu, a bend Or betw a sword proper winged, wings elevated, & a
lion ramp Arg, all within a bord Or. (D: Balthezar Rendflesh Jul 82)
Gu, a bend Or betw 2 open scrolls fesswise Arg, on a chf Or 3 Latin
crosses Sa. (D: Alonzo Petri - Oct 92)
Gu, a bend Or surmounted by a sword bendwise sin proper & in chf
a tern volant, all within a bord Arg. (D: Fiacha of Glencar Oct 84)
Gu, ermined Or, a bend Or, overall a unicorn trippant Arg, armed &
unguled Az, fimbriated Sa. (D: Shara Tunoy - Jan 80)
Per bend Az & Gu, a bend Or betw a quill pen bendwise Arg & a
money bag Or. (D: Eduard Ostlnder - Jan 98)
Per bend Az & Gu, a bend Or betw 3 arrows in pale fesswise
reversed & a mariners whistle palewise Arg. (D: William
Fletcher of Carbery - Dec 05)
Per bend Az & Gu, a bend Or, in sin chf 2 horses heads addorsed &
conjoined at the neck Arg. (D: Ammaerlin de Montrose et
Chardonnay - May 81)
Per bend Az & Gu, a bendlet betw a griffin segreant Or & a cross
moline Sa, fimbriated Or. (D: Cristant Aelred Aelfwine Jul 80)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend betw a lion ramp, maintaining in its
dexter forepaw a sword bendwise, & an oak tree eradicated Or.
(D: Irmele Schfferin von Grnsberg - Jun 81)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bendlet betw a dragon passant Or clutching a
claymore & a thorn branch flexed-reflexed Arg. (D: Bryan
Dragonsword - Aug 79)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bendlet Or; overall a sword fracted in 2 places
Arg. (D: Arinbjorn Niallson Langtaler a Chnuic Guirm Aug 79)
Per bend Gu & Az, a bend betw 2 tankards Or. (D: Clewin
Kupferhelbelinc - Oct 07)
Per bend Gu & Az, a bend Or betw a cat sejant guardant dexter
forepaw raised & 2 needles crossed in salt Arg. (D: Margaret
Catteshull of Meriden - Nov 01)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend betw a goblet Or & a goblet Arg. (D:
Urcy Ravensholme - Mar 90)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend betw a sun in its splendor & a lions head
cabossed all within a bord Or. (D: Alina Marie de
Valenciennes - Aug 02)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend betw a winged lion passant guardant to
sin & a raffia-covered wine bottle Or. (D: Christopher of
Lions Nest - Oct 83)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend cotised betw 2 garden roses bendwise,
slipped & leaved, Or. (D: Teresa von Asselen - Jun 89)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend Or betw 2 roses Arg. (D: inara beguy
urdina - Aug 01)
Per bend paly Or & Sa & Gu, a bend & in base betw the horns of a
decrescent a mullet Or. (D: Zaneta Angiolieri - Jul 05)
Per bend Purp & Az, a bend betw a double-bitted axe & an arrow
inv both bendwise Or. (D: Leif the Wanderer - Apr 00)
Per bend Purp & Vt, a bend betw a dove volant & a sun in his
splendor Or. (D: Aine ni Sheachnasaigh - Apr 91)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 231

[Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Or] to [Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable]

Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Or (continued)

Per bend Purp & Vt, a bend betw eight fleurs-de-lys Or. (D:
Jordana Aveline of Erroll - Dec 99)
Per bend Sa & Az, a bend betw a boar passant Or & in base 4 plates
in salt within an annulet Arg. (D: Rudhraighe OHagan May 88)
Per bend Sa & Az, a bend betw a harp & a eagle rising to sin, wings
elevated & addorsed Or. (D: Robert Spenser of Bristol Nov 93)
Per bend Sa & ermine, a bend cotised Or, & in sin chf a fleur-de-lys
Arg. (D: Ann of Conisborough - Nov 84)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a bend betw 2 rustres Or. (D: Adnr Dunnigan Sep 93)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a bend Or & in sin chf a wolfs head erased Arg
within a bord Or. (D: Toms Mauricio de los Reyes - Sep 05)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a bendlet Or betw a wolfs head erased Arg & a
tower Sa, fimbriated Or. (D: Ulrich von Matanuska - Jan 80)
Per bend Sa & Vt, a bend Or betw a compass star & 4 wolfs heads
in bend couped Arg. (D: Galina Petrsdottir - May 93)
Per bend Sa & Vt, a bend Or betw 3 dolphins naiant fesswise in
bend & 3 quills palewise in bend Arg. (D: Yorick of Yarmouth
- Mar 89)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a bend betw a garden rose bendwise, slipped
& leaved, & a sheaf of 3 arrows, all within a bord Or. (D:
Rhiannon Rose OMuray - Feb 89)
Per bend Vt & Az, a bend betw a bear passant Or & a mountain
peak issuant from dexter base Arg. (D: Floeda fram Beran
Beorh - May 83)
Per bend Vt & Az, a bend betw a thistle & a harp Or. (D: Senaid
inghean Sheathain - May 98)
Per bend Vt & Az, a bend Or betw a recorder bendwise & a quill
pen bendwise Arg. (D: Alana Caernarfon - Nov 03)
Per bend Vt & Az, a bendlet Or, surmounted by a bouquet of 3
garden roses slipped & leaved Arg. (B: Richard Ravenglas the
Pure - Dec 81) (For Maison Rosette)
Per bend Vt & Purp, a bend Or betw a unicorn ramp Arg, armed, &
an astrolabe Or, charted Gu. (D: Geoffrey of Salisbury Aug 89)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a bend Or betw an axe & an axe inv reversed
Arg, all within a bord Or. (D: William Kyle of the Wilderness Apr 87)
Potenty en pointe Or & Vt, a bend Or fimbriated & surmounted by a
hummingbird disp Gu. (D: Alwyn of Glanymorniwl - Aug 82)
Purp, a bend betw 2 wheels Or. (D: Briony of Nyentrees - Sep 85)
Purp, a bend cotised Or, overall a cross patonce ctrch. (D: Mairin
of the East Isles - Aug 79?)
Purp, a bend Or overall a wolf statant, on a chf Arg 3 increscents
Purp. (D: Lucretia DeSantis - May 99)
Purp, a bend Or surmounted by a lute palewise affronty ctrch within
a bord dovetailed Arg. (D: Genevieve de Provence - Dec 84)
Purp mullety, a bend cotised Or, overall an albatross volant
bendwise, wings extended in bend sin, Arg. (B: Vostroi
Ivanov Kievich - Sep 84)
Sa, a bend betw a lions head erased & a sun, within a bord Or. (D:
Donato Pulcinella - May 83)
Sa, a bend betw 3 pitchers, 2 & one, & an acorn Or. (D: Helyne
Brownberry - Aug 79?)
Sa, a bend betw 2 mullets of eight points Or. (D: Matthew of
Norfolk - Nov 05)
Sa, a bend cotised betw 2 chess rooks, all within a bord embat Or.
(D: Emrys Hawkwind - Feb 89)
Sa, a bend cotised Or, a bord counter-compony Arg & Sa. (D:
Randal Salvatre - Jun 95)
Sa, a bend Or betw an estoile & 3 decrescents Arg all within a bord
Or. (D: Jael al Gamal - Jun 91)
Sa, a bend Or betw an increscent & a mullet Arg. (D: Gabrielle
Boivin - Oct 82)
Sa, a bend Or, overall a dragon segreant Gu, grasping in its dexter
forefoot a pair of wings conjoined Sa. (D: Anarra Karlsdottir
- Oct 86)
Sa, a bend Or, overall a tower betw 2 arrows inv Arg. (D: Wilhelm
von Pfeffers - Dec 96)
Sa, a Bowen knot crosswise fretted with a bendlet & a scarpe Or.
(D: Leila of the Meadows - Oct 93)
Tierced per bend Az, Or, & Arg, a cross fleury Sa. (D: Richard
Ravenglas the Pure - Aug 81)

232 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Or (continued)

Vt, a bend betw a Viking ship & a thistle Or. (D: Hlfdan
langleggr - Jan 03)
Vt, a bend betw six oak leaves Or. (D: Ermina de Falaise Aug 99)
Vt, a bend cotised Or & overall a unicorn ramp Arg. (D: Eadwynn
t Hrfneshyrste - Oct 03)
Vt, a bend dancetty Or betw a triquetra inv & an open book Arg.
(D: Victoria of Vig - Oct 01)
Vt, a bend Or betw a cloud & a dog sejant erect contourny Arg. (D:
Rebekah Anna of Wynterbourne - Jul 05)
Vt, a bend Or betw 2 narwhals naiant in annulo Arg, horned, all
within a bord Or. (D: Thorarin Kodransson - Mar 89)
Vt, a bend Or, overall a rose Gu fimbriated Or surmounted by
another Arg, both barbed proper & seeded Sa. (D: Melisande
de la Fleur Cachee - Mar 73?)
Vt semy of holly leaves, a bend Or. (D: Elizabeth Braidwood Sep 99)
* * * End * * *

Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Purpure

See also: Field division - Bendy

Arg, a bend Purp betw a leaved stalk bendwise & another bendwise
inv both Vt, flowered Purp. (D: Corren inghean Mhichil Nov 05)
Arg, a bend Purp betw a raven volant to sin chf Sa & a flame Gu.
(D: Juliana Delamere - May 05)
Arg, a bend Purp betw 2 bloodhounds statant Gu. (D: Elena of
Myddle - Sep 99)
Arg, an eagle disp, wings inv Sa, a double tressure & overall a bend
Purp. (D: Katrin von Hohenzollern - May 98)
Or, a bend & a chf embat Purp. (D: Rhys Terfan Greydragon Aug 88)
Or, a bend Purp betw 2 brown ferrets passant proper. (D:
Nicodemus Feret - Apr 96)
Or, a bend Purp, overall a griffin segreant contourny Sa, a bord
Purp. (D: Leofwynn Wulfinga - Jan 93)
Per bend Arg & Or, a bend Purp & overall a spiked mace Sa. (D:
Colwin of Oakwood - May 86)
Vt, a bend Purp, fimbriated, overall an oak leaf inv Arg. (D: Dedric
of Gower - Nov 86)
* * * End * * *

Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable

See also: Field division - Bendy

Arg, a bend betw a tower & a pithon disp Sa. (D: Mordred
Blackstone of Norwich - May 96)
Arg, a bend cotised Sa betw six crescents Az. (D: Gwenllian ferch
Maredudd - Dec 96) (Blanket permission to conflict with
device with one CD granted 0708Q)
Arg, a bend Sa betw a dragon & a fir tree Vt. (D: Bartolo
Vannicelli - Mar 05)
Arg, a bend Sa betw a garden rose Gu, slipped & leaved Vt, & a
sycamore tree eradicated proper. (D: Ingrid von Baumgarten Jul 80)
Arg, a bend Sa betw 2 castles Gu. (D: Alexandre de la Torre y
Rioja - Sep 06)
Arg, a bend Sa betw 2 turtles Vt. (D: Adeleva de Isla Tortuga Sep 98)
Arg, a bend Sa cotised Purp, in chf a raven Sa. (D: Bran MacDavid
of Windhaven - Aug 96)
Arg, a bend Sa surmounted by a tower Az & in base 2 bars wavy
Sa. (D: Isabeau of Stormhaven Keep - Apr 92)
Az, a bend Sa, fimbriated, overall a label Or & an Afghan hound
sejant Arg. (D: Robert Erwyn Ryves of Randelston - Jul 89)
Gu, a bend Sa fimbriated Arg. (B: Trinidad and Tobago - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Gu, a bend Sa, fimbriated, betw 2 crosses crosslet fitchy Arg. (D:
William de Corbie - Apr 85)
Gu, a bend Sa fimbriated, overall a phoenix Or. (D: Phelan
Cathaoir-Mor - May 83)
Or, a bend betw a tower & an eagle disp, & on a chf Sa, 3 crosses
crosslet fitchy Or. (D: Wilhelm Steinhauser - Dec 85)
Or, a bend enarched Sa surmounted by a weeping willow tree Vt, a
bord embat Sa. (D: Willa Faye Dunne - Jun 05)
Or, a bend Sa betw a dragons head couped Vt & a drakkar Sa. (B:
Gunnar of Jomsborg - Jul 00)

[Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable] to [Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line]

Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable (continued)

Or, a bend Sa betw a triple-towered castle & a griffin sejant erect to

sin Gu. (D: Fredric of Castlerock - Jan 84)
Or, a bend Sa betw 2 lions dormant Gu. (D: Seamus of Storvik Dec 98)
Or, a bend Sa overall a bull statant contourny Gu. (D: John
ODiamain - Oct 98)
Per bend Arg & Az, a bend betw a corbie close Sa & a wolfs head
contourny Arg, a bord Sa. (D: Branwen ferch Bleiddud Apr 99)
Per bend Arg & Or, a bend Sa betw a Scotch broom plant stalked &
leaved proper & a unicorns horn bendwise erased Az. (D:
Desire de Brus - Apr 86)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a bend Sa betw 2 wolves sejant ululant ctrch.
(D: Feln MacCearbhaill - Mar 98)
Per bend Gu & Az, a bend Sa, fimbriated, betw a sword palewise
inv surmounted by a quill pen bendwise sin & a unicorns head
erased Arg. (D: Sean Lewis OConnor - Apr 90)
Per bend Or & Arg, a bend betw 2 eagles disp respectant, that in sin
inv, Sa. (D: Aldwyn of Thymeswood - May 81)
Per bend Vt & Az, a bend Sa fimbriated betw 3 apples Or. (D:
Rhiannon of Lough Derg - Apr 04)
Per pale erminois & ermine, a bend Sa, overall a foxs head erased
Gu. (D: Reynard Crusadene of Foxmoor - Apr 73?)
Purp, a bend Sa fimbriated betw a stag springing & an arrow
bendwise Arg. (D: Gemma Evangelista Borgia - May 08)
Quarterly Arg & Gu fretty Or, a bendlet Sa. (D: Despenser, Earl of
Winchester - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Vt, a bend Sa fimbriated & in chf a ship under sail Arg. (D: Odd
Birnsson - Nov 02)
Vt, a bend Sa fimbriated betw 2 crosses of Jerusalem Or. (D: Anne
Elizabeth - Feb 95)
* * * End * * *

Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Vert

See also: Field division - Bendy

(Fieldless) A bend couped Vt, overall a maunch Vt, ctrch Arg. (B:
Marcus le Silex - Oct 86) (For Maison du Silex)
Arg, a bend betw a compass star of eight points Vt & in bend 2
hawks volant affronte fesswise Sa. (D: Raymond the Quiet Nov 79)
Arg, a bend betw a flame & a lymphad under sail Vt. (D: Aidan
Morgana Evans - Sep 83)
Arg, a bend betw six maple leaves Vt. (D: Jenet Fairhaugh May 98)
Arg, a bend cotised Vt betw 2 catamounts statant contourny Sa. (D:
Maura Cethin - Nov 04)
Arg, a bend enarched Vt betw a cross flory & an iris bendwise Purp,
slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Elise Delacroix - Aug 98)
Arg, a bend Vt betw a horse courant & 3 cats sejant guardant Sa.
(D: Brigit ingen Taidc - Jul 03)
Arg, a bend Vt betw a lion ramp & 3 mullets one & 2 Gu. (D:
Johan Fitztomas - Apr 03)
Arg, a bend Vt betw a wolfs head erased & a triskele Sa. (D:
Duncan Meredyth - Nov 98)
Arg, a bend Vt betw six lions passant Az. (D: Nichola Maccoffoc Sep 97)
Arg, a bend Vt betw 2 crosses patonce Gu. (D: William le Younger
- Jan 03)
Arg, a bend Vt cotised betw an oak tree & a wolf ramp Sa. (D:
Ulric Blackoak - Mar 00)
Arg, a bend Vt, overall a Norman helm Sa cleaved by an axe
fesswise reversed Gu. (D: Cedric Helmcleaver - Mar 83)
Arg, crusilly fitchy, a key cross nowy pierced Az & a bendlet
enhanced Vt. (D: Rhys FitzGilbert - Jun 86)
Az, a bend abased Vt fimbriated Or & in chf a lozenge ploy Arg.
(D: Christoph the Pathfinder - Dec 91)
Checky Sa & Arg, a bend Vt. (D: na ingen Ragnaill - Nov 01)
Or, a bend Vt betw a tree blasted & eradicated & an arrow bendwise
impaling 2 hearts bendwise sin Sa. (D: Aelfarran Bridget
Rockely - Jun 83)
Or, a bend Vt betw 2 crampons Gu. (D: Tnis vom Ahrgebirge Oct 04)
Or, a bend Vt cotised Gu betw 2 towers Vt, masoned Or. (D:
Catherine de Harcourt - Oct 90)
Per bend Arg & Or, a bend Vt betw a heart & an axe bendwise inv
Sa. (D: Irwine MacLeod - Mar 90)

Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Vert (continued)

Per bend Arg & Or, a bend Vt, overall a butterfly dismembered
throughout Gu. (B: LoAleene Penrith - Dec 82)
Per bend Az & Gu, a bendlet Vt fimbriated Or betw a unicorns
head couped Arg & a dragons head erased to sin Or. (B:
Kaththea of the Citadel, the Daft - Apr 73)
Purp, a bend Vt fimbriated betw 2 water bougets Arg. (D: Serena
del Cavallo - Oct 84)
* * * End * * *

Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line

See also: Field division - Bendy

Arg, a bend bevilled betw 2 crosses formy Gu. (D: Tomas mac
Aedain - Nov 07)
Arg, a bend bretessed Gu betw a dragon ramp & a maple leaf Sa.
(D: Leif Tryggvason - Jul 94)
Arg, a bend dancetty Purp betw a thistle proper & a horses head
couped to sin Az. (D: Kathryn McLain of Faire Haven Apr 85)
Arg, a bend dovetailed Gu betw 2 compass stars Purp. (D: Baldwin
of St. Ives - Aug 89)
Arg, a bend embat counter-embat betw 2 anvils reversed Vt. (D:
Malachi of East River - Jun 01)
Arg, a bend embat Vt betw a stags attires & a bow bent & stringed
bendwise Sa. (D: Jrg Kratz - Oct 84)
Arg, a bend engrailed Gu, overall a wolf ramp to sin Sa. (B:
Lachlann Faol-lonn o Lochlon - Sep 84) (For Clan Faollonn)
Arg a bend engrailed Sa cotised plain Az. (D: Catherine Townson Nov 04)
Arg, a bend engrailed Vt, cotised plain, betw a phoenix Az, rising
from flames Vt & Or, & an oak sprig bendwise Vt. (D:
Christina Ebenstein - Dec 86)
Arg, a bend fusilly Sa. (D: Kriemhilt von Ebersberg - Jul 05)
Arg, a bend indented to chf Or, fimbriated Sa. (B: Steppes, the May 81) (For the Order of the Tread)
Arg, a bend lozengy Vt betw a candlestick enflamed in holder & a
mullet of eight points Gu. (D: Aelfraed of Hrofesceaster Jun 84)
Arg, a bend rayonny & in chf a sun Gu. (D: Alexandre Ledebuhr Aug 95)
Arg, a bend wavy Az betw a Latin cross Vt & an oak tree proper.
(D: Anna Beneyt atte Wode - Apr 98)
Arg, a bend wavy Az betw a tree eradicated proper & an otter
statant Sa. (D: Giliana Attewatyr - Jan 04)
Arg, a bend wavy Az betw 2 towers Sa. (D: Shannon of the Dark
Woods - Nov 93)
Arg, a bend wavy Az surmounted by a bulls head cabossed Gu,
ringed & chained Sa, in sin chf a laurel wreath Vt. (D:
Aurochsford - Jun 99)
Arg, a bend wavy betw a laurel wreath & a bearded mans head
couped Vt. (D: Belle Rive - Dec 83)
Arg, a bend wavy betw 2 butterflies Sa. (D: Alienora de Buchan Sep 03)
Arg, a bend wavy betw 2 carp urinant Az. (D: Shimazu Kinuko
Ayame - Mar 99)
Arg, a bend wavy Purp cotised plain Sa. (D: Custdia de
Montemor - Sep 92)
Arg, a bend wreathed Or & Az betw 2 doves volant bendwise Vt.
(D: Rolynnda of the Azure Stone - Sep 85)
Arg, a bendlet wavy Gu betw 2 bendlets wavy Az & in sin chf a
cross forme Sa. (D: Thomas von Holtzhausen - Aug 83)
Arg, on a pale Sa, in base a wolfs head erased Arg, overall a bend
indented on the upper edge Gu. (D: Stephen Wolfe - Sep 93)
Az, a bend bevilled Arg. (D: Michael of Braghan - May 07)
Az, a bend bretess Arg betw a sword inv bendwise & a doubleheaded battle axe bendwise proper. (D: James of Greycastle Nov 83)
Az, a bend dancetty betw 2 dragons segreant Arg. (D: Sigrid
Wilhelm - Apr 97)
Az, a bend dovetailed Arg betw 2 decrescents Or. (D: Antonio de
Luna - Feb 02)
Az, a bend embat counter-embat Or betw a double-headed eagle
disp & a cross formy Arg. (D: Sigmund of Meridies - Jul 97)
Az, a bend engrailed Arg betw 2 lions ramp Or. (D: Jean Ancelin Oct 02)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 233

[Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line]

Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line (continued)

Az, a bend engrailed betw a dove volant & a cat sejant guardant
Arg. (D: Katherine de Staverton - Jan 07)
Az, a bend invected Or & in sin chf a Latin cross bottony Arg. (D:
Cicilia Corsini - Feb 03)
Az, a bend lozengy Arg betw a heart Gu fimbriated & an annulet
Arg. (D: Eideann de Blenkinsopp - Mar 83) (re-registered
Az, a bend of chain betw 2 great helms & on a chf Or, a unicorn
couchant Sa. (D: Colinet Bradwarden - Sep 95)
Az, a bend raguly betw 2 curs heads erased & sin facing Arg. (D:
Agnese Canigiano - May 88)
Az, a bend wavy Arg betw 2 mullets Or. (D: Mr Fhionn Dec 00)
Az, a bend wavy Arg, overall a bear passant contourny Or. (D:
Thomas Byron of Haverford - Jan 00)
Az, a bend wavy betw a fox passant Arg & a weeping willow tree
Or. (D: Siobhn inghean Eoghain - Jun 05)
Az, a bend wavy ermine betw 2 towers Arg & a bord Or. (D:
Guillaume de Vaison - May 02)
Az, climbing a bendlet indented Or, a cat passant bendwise Arg
orbed Or. (D: Ian of Clan Mitchell - Aug 79)
Az semy of oak leaves inv Or, a bend wavy Arg. (D: Philip White Jun 00)
Barry erminois & Sa, a bend embat & a bord Vt. (D: Gotschalg
Sudermann - Feb 02)
Barry Sa & Or, a crancelin Vt. (D: Saxony - Dec 94) (A crancelin
is a bend engrailed on the upper edge the points trefly; it is
usually enarched.)(Important non-SCA arms)
Counter-ermine, a bend engrailed Or surmounted by a seahorse
erect Vt. (D: Caitlin MacDonnell - May 82)
Gu, a bend bretessed betw a hunting horn & a Danish axe Arg. (D:
Einarr Leifsson - Jan 03)
Gu, a bend dancetty betw a thunderbolt & a wolf ramp Or. (D:
Wilihelm Roderick FitzLovel of Kerr - Feb 86)
Gu, a bend dancetty betw 2 shamrocks bendwise Arg. (D: Sean of
Flaming Sword - Jul 91)
Gu, a bend dovetailed betw 4 crosses bottony fitchy Arg all within a
bord Or. (D: Ivan Howard of Hightower - Sep 91)
Gu, a bend engrailed Arg betw a garb & 3 martlets Or. (D: William
Walworth de Durham - May 05)
Gu, a bend engrailed betw a garb & an escallop Or. (D: Jutte
Heberleins - Feb 06)
Gu, a bend wavy betw 2 double-bitted battle axes Or. (D: Galen of
Bristol - Jul 01)
Gu, a bend wavy betw 2 double-bitted battle axes Or, & as an
augmentation on the bend a mullet of five greater & five lesser
points Sa. (Augmentation of Arms: Galen of Bristol - Jul 01)
Gu, a bend wavy betw 2 roses Arg, barbed & seeded proper. (D:
Rose verch Catrin - Oct 99)
Gu, a bendlet enhanced rayonny Or & in dexter base a natural
panther couchant guardant, forepaw raised, Sa fimbriated Or.
(D: Ciaran of the Flames - Dec 06)
Gu, a bendlet wreathed palewise Sa & ermine betw a laurel wreath
& a unicorn ramp to sin Or. (D: Anglespur - May 81)
Or, a bend bevilled betw 2 double-bitted axes Vt. (D: Giles of
Gordon - Jan 03)
Or, a bend bretessed Az, overall an oak leaf bendwise sin Vt. (B:
Wolfram der Jger - May 93)
Or, a bend counter-ermine betw a bow nocked with an arrow & a
lion ramp Gu. (D: Roderick de Graham - Jan 03)
Or, a bend embat betw in sin chf a cross botonny & in dexter base 3
of the same, one & 2, all Sa. (D: Bernard the Brown Aug 79?)
Or, a bend engrailed Vt betw 2 oak leaves bendwise Gu. (D:
Ygraine ferch Rhun - Oct 01)
Or, a bend fusilly betw six crosses of Toulouse Gu. (D: Marcele de
Montsegur - Aug 06)
Or, a bend indented pean betw 2 Thors hammers Gu. (D: Orwulf
Eikinskjaldi - Nov 89)
Or, a bend potenty Az betw 2 eagles disp, wings inv, Sa. (D: John
Richard de Holloway - Apr 91)
Or, a bend raguly Sa betw an oak tree proper & a feather bendwise
Gu. (D: Gwenhevare of Dunnaskea - Mar 96)
Or, a bend raguly Vt betw 2 tenterhooks Sa. (D: Joleicia of
Litchfield - Sep 89)

234 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line (continued)

Or, a bend wavy Az betw a laurel wreath Vt & 3 thistles Vt headed

& tasseled Purp. (D: Rivers Run - Jul 04)
Or, a bend wavy Az betw 2 date palms Vt. (D: Tamara bint Yousef
- Jul 91)
Or, a bend wavy Az betw 2 towers, all within a bord Sa. (B: Gloria
Kirkhouse of Tain - Oct 89) (For the Condottieri of the Twin
Or, a bend wavy Az overall a sea-mule contourny Vt. (D: Jack the
Happy of Brad Leah - Jan 96)
Or, a bend wavy Az surmounted by a stag lodged contourny proper.
(D: Robert of Deerbourne - May 99)
Or, a bend wavy betw six roundels Purp. (D: Gaila bat Baruch Sep 06)
Or, a bend wavy Vt betw 2 mullets of 4 points Az. (D: Wen Velyn
verch Gwyn - Jan 03)
Pean, a bend wavy betw a harp Or & a boars head erased Gu. (D:
Sean the Mad - Aug 82)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a bend fusily betw 2 hearts ctrch. (D: Isadora
dEste - Nov 93)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a bend raguly ctrch betw a raven disp Sa & a
boar ramp to sin Arg. (D: Brandubh FitzGerald - Nov 90)
Per bend Arg & Or, a bend embat Az betw a mullet of six points &
2 gouts Gu. (D: Heinrich Wolfhart - Feb 86)
Per bend Arg & Or, a bend engrailed Vt & in sin chf a butterfly
dismembered Gu. (D: LoAleene Penrith - Aug 81)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a bend wavy Az betw an axe reversed & a
tower ctrch. (D: Richard Thomason - Sep 92)
Per bend Az & counter-ermine, a bend engrailed & in sin chf an
escallop Arg. (D: Alix du Mont sur la Mer - May 88)
Per bend Az & Gu, a bend counter-embat betw an eagle disp, wings
inv, & a tower Or. (D: Wilhelm von Oldenburg - Jan 85)
Per bend Az & Purp, a bend bevilled, a chf invected Arg. (D:
Faoileann inghean Tighearnaigh - Oct 04)
Per bend Az & Purp, a bend dancetty Or betw a lit candle in a flat
candleholder & a basket Arg. (D: Tiernan Dugrais - Jul 02)
Per bend Az & Sa, a bend bretessed & in sin chf an oak tree Arg.
(D: Brian de Northwode - Jul 86)
Per bend Az & Sa, a bend bretessed betw 2 bears ramp Arg. (D:
Gunter Brummbr von Schwarzberg - Jun 92)
Per bend Az & Sa, a bend embat counter-embat Arg betw a lions
head erased & 2 artists brushes in salt Or. (D: Kendra of
Kents Wood - Jan 92)
Per bend Az & Sa, a bend raguly betw a sea lion Or & a cross
crosslet Arg. (D: Owain MacCabe - Jul 98)
Per bend Az & Sa, a bend raguly, cotised plain within a bord Arg.
(D: Ruter Rotbart von Rothenberg - Aug 89)
Per bend Az & Sa, a bend wavy Arg. (D: Herbert von Kalden Oct 01)
Per bend Az & Vt a bend embat counter-embat Arg betw a lions
head erased & a water bouget Or. (D: Sonyn de Lyons Aug 91)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend raguly on the upper edge & in sin chf a
hawks head erased Arg. (D: Brandan Wanderer von
Arnswold - Jun 08)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend raguly Or betw 2 towers Arg. (D:
George Frank McKenzie - Oct 04)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend wavy betw a mermaid in her vanity Or &
a claymore bendwise inv Arg. (D: Robert Haddock - Mar 06)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend wavy betw 2 holly leaves bendwise Arg
fructed Or. (D: Ruaidhri Mac Cuilleann - Jan 01)
Per bend dancetty Az & Gu, a bend indented betw 2 rams heads
cabossed Arg. (D: Dougal of the Golden Hill - May 92)
Per bend Gu & Az, a bend dovetailed ermine betw 2 decrescents Or.
(D: Brigit MacDonald of Murligan - Mar 99)
Per bend Gu & Az, a bend wavy betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D:
Aveline des Ferrires - Nov 07)
Per bend Gu & Or, a bend raguly abased Sa. (B: Arnwulf
thelreding - Jun 94)
Per bend Gu & Or, a bend wavy pean betw 2 dragons involved
ctrch. (D: Draco Rivenoak - Sep 99)
Per bend Gu & Purp, a bend raguly & in chf a rustre Or. (D:
Konrad der Treue - Feb 91)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend bevilled betw 2 estoiles Arg. (D: Jeanne
Alwyn - Jun 98)

[Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line]

Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line (continued)

Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend raguly ermine betw a falcon Arg & 3
mullets of 4 points elongated to base 2 & one Or. (D: Gavin
MacIntyre - Feb 92)
Per bend Gu, & Sa bezanty, a bend embat & in chf a serpent nowed
Or. (D: Dafydd Morrison - Oct 92)
Per bend Or & Sa, a bend dovetailed betw 2 fleurs-de-lys ctrch. (D:
Morag Ameredith - Nov 88)
Per bend Or & Vt, a bend wavy Az fimbriated Arg, overall 3 daisies
slipped & leaved proper. (D: Kathryn of Brookshyre Apr 75?)
Per bend pean & Arg, a bend bevilled Az betw an increscent Arg &
a spider inv in base Sa. (D: Mariana de Santillana - Dec 99)
Per bend Purp & Az, a bend wavy betw an increscent & a dragonfly
Arg. (D: Niamh inghean Fhearghail - Mar 05)
Per bend Purp & Gu, a bend wavy betw a heart & a roundel Or. (D:
Madeline Victoria of Marden - Jan 96)
Per bend Purp & Sa, a bend wavy cotised betw 2 swords in salt & 3
fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Henri le Juif - Feb 08)
Per bend Purp & Vt, a bend dovetailed betw a horseshoe & a wolfs
pawprint Or. (D: Gilyan Alienora of Clonmacnoise - Sep 98)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a bend embat counter-embat erminois betw a
bee volant erect Or & a bottle Vt. (D: Arthemal Haricourt
Oldecastille - Nov 83)
Per bend Sa & Az, a bend bevilled betw 2 flames Arg. (D: Gavan
MacBane - Oct 06)
Per bend Sa & Az, a bend bretessed betw 3 fleurs-de-lys & 3 bears
ramp contourny Arg. (D: Aidan of Kingswood - Feb 06)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a bend bevilled Arg. (D: Adalasia Serena May 04)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a bend double-bevilled betw an increscent & a
demi-sun in splendour issuant from base, all Or. (D: Alanric
of Gloucester - Oct 85)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a bend embat counter-embat Arg betw a
lightning bolt bendwise Or & an owl Arg. (D: Dsir of
Attillium - Sep 91)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a bend wavy Or & in chf a dogwood blossom
Arg. (D: Tressach mac Domnaill - May 03)
Per bend Sa & Vt, a bend indented & in sin chf a tree couped Arg, a
base wavy barry wavy Arg & Vt. (D: Tancred the Gray Dec 95)
Per bend Sa & Vt, a bend rayonny betw a raven rising & an estoile
Arg. (D: Gwyneth Ceridwen ferch Brangwyn - Aug 84)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, a bend wavy betw 2 winged lions segreant
Or. (D: Ryska Kononova - Jan 04)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a bend engrailed betw a hare salient & 2 frogs
sejant, a bord engrailed, all ctrch. (D: Raylene of the
Whispering Woods - Jul 86)
Per bend Vt & Az, a bend bevilled Arg betw 2 maple leaves Or. (D:
Gwynneth Wenche of Wight - Sep 06)
Per bend Vt & Az, a bend bretessed betw a compass star & an axe
bendwise Arg. (D: Raur ttarsson - Oct 03)
Per bend Vt & Az, a bend dovetailed betw an axe blade to sin, & an
anchor Or. (D: Odinkar of Westumbria - Nov 96)
Per bend Vt & Az, a bend invected on the upper edge & engrailed
on the lower edge betw an escallop & a natural seahorse Or.
(D: Patricia Matthis - Mar 97)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a bend bevilled fesswise Or, betw an eagles
head erased Arg, armed Or, & a double-bitted axe bendwise
inv Arg, hafted Or. (D: Thorman Arvidsson - Nov 89)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a bend embat counter-embat Arg betw a Celtic
cross Or & a decrescent Arg. (D: Bran Mac Murchada Feb 92)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a bend indented on its upper edge Or, betw a
laurel wreath Arg & an English oak eradicated proper. (D:
Steppes, the - Oct 76)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a bend indented to chf & overall an oak wreath
fructed Or. (B: Steppes, the - May 80)
Per bend Vt & Sa a bend indented to chf & overall an unstringed
harp Or. (B: Steppes, the - Dec 90) (For the Bard of the
Per bend Vt & Sa, a bend indented to chf Or. (B: Steppes, the Jul 89)
Per bend Vt & Sa semy of pheons inv, a bend embat counter-embat,
in sin chf a lyre Or. (D: Arianna Morgan - Apr 98)

Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line (continued)

Per bend wavy Az & counter-ermine, a bend wavy betw a rose Arg
& a heart Or. (D: Susan of the Golden Heart - Feb 91) (The
bend is very narrow.)
Per bend wavy Az & Gu, a bend wavy Arg betw a demi-sun issuant
from sin chf & a mullet of eight greater & lesser points Or. (D:
Uilliam mac an Ruaidh - Dec 91)
Per bend wavy Purp & Vt, a bend wavy betw a bustard rising & a
fleur-de-lys Or. (D: Celeste Courtenay de Montmorency Jul 00)
Per bend wavy Sa & Purp, a bend wavy Or, in chf a compass star
Arg. (D: Rhyllian of Starfire Retreat - Jan 87)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a bend indented per pale Gu & Arg. (D: John
Silvertree - Mar 93)
Per pale Az & Gu, a bend embat counter-embat Or, overall a wolfs
head erased ululant contourny Arg. (D: John Wolfstan Jan 94)
Per pale Sa & Or, a bend dancetty ctrch. (D: Ilia Aleksandrovich Feb 92)
Per pale Vt & Or, a bend potenty ctrch betw an African leopard
passant counter-ermine, collared & chained Arg, grasping in
dexter forepaw a cross crosslet fitchy Vt, & 2 trefoils palewise
in bend Arg. (D: Cath Dubh Mhaoil Fhionn - Dec 81)
Purp, a bend bevilled betw 2 recurved bows palewise addorsed,
each drawn & nocked of an arrow, Or. (D: Robin Saint
Michael - Aug 85)
Purp, a bend dovetailed betw 2 eagles disp Arg. (D: Veronica de
Holloway - Sep 99)
Purp, a bend embat counter-embat Or betw an increscent & a
compass-star Arg. (D: Marian Loresinger - Jun 84)
Purp, a bend embat-counterembattled, overall a bear ramp Arg. (D:
Douglas Brus - Jul 04)
Purp, a bend engrailed Arg betw 2 needles in salt Or threaded Sa &
a sheaf of arrows Or. (D: Elzebeth Bluscichofin - Jan 06)
Purp, a bend engrailed betw six hummingbirds hovering contourny
Arg. (D: Elizabeth Elenore Lovell - Dec 07)
Purp, a bend indented betw a quill pen bendwise & a clarion Arg.
(D: Melisend de Chartres - Sep 93)
Purp, a bend wavy Arg betw a brazier Or & a dove Arg. (D:
Katharine Whytton - May 07)
Quarterly Sa & Purp, a bend wavy betw 2 winged cats passant,
wings elevated & addorsed, Arg. (D: Quenthryth of Laure Jul 97)
Quarterly Vt & Or, in the second quarter a mullet of eight & in the
third quarter an escallop, both Arg, overall a bend wavy Vt,
fimbriated Arg. (D: Muireann Deora-De of Rivercroft Mar 78?)
Sa, a bend bretessed betw 2 crosses crosslet fitchy Or. (D: Otto von
Gratz - Mar 95)
Sa, a bend dancetty betw a wolfs paw print bendwise sin inv & a
wolfs paw print bendwise sinster Arg. (D: Lazar Vukanic May 07)
Sa, a bend dovetailed betw a candle & candlestick Arg, enflamed
Or, & 2 hearts voided interlaced Or. (D: Dasiya Alexandrovna
Rostova - Jan 87)
Sa, a bend dovetailed betw a griffin segreant & a rose, a bord Or.
(D: George of Lancashire - Dec 92)
Sa, a bend dovetailed Or betw a unicorn ramp & a dragon ramp to
sin Arg all within a double tressure Or. (D: Terah Caernarvon
- Sep 97)
Sa, a bend engouled of 2 wolfs heads Or. (D: Illuminada Eugenia
de Guadalupe y Godoy - Aug 05)
Sa, a bend engrailed & in chf an increscent Arg. (D: tan
Bhinnech - Mar 98)
Sa, a bend indented betw 2 snail shells reversed Or. (D: Elsa
Movius - Jul 01)
Sa, a bend indented on its upper edge Arg betw 2 lions ramp Or. (D:
Edward Mercer - Sep 01)
Sa, a bend invected betw 2 Stars of David Arg. (D: Mara ha
Tsevah shel Tsel - Feb 85)
Sa, a bend nebuly Arg. (D: Andrew Bend - Sep 04)
Sa, a bend of chain Arg, overall a camelopard statant to sin Or. (D:
Isolde de Lisieux - Jul 97)
Sa, a bend of interlaced annulets betw a sword inv & a tree Or. (D:
Marie du Bois - Jan 85)
Sa, a bend raguly betw a wyvern passant & a battle-axe reversed
Arg. (D: Edric the Bastard - Feb 08)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 235

[Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line] to [Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent]

Bend - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line (continued)

Sa, a bend raguly Or. (D: Llewelyn ap Dafydd - Aug 04)

Sa, a lightning bolt bendwise Or, & overall a dexter gauntlet
grasping a double-bitted axe Gu fimbriated Or. (D: Dagan du
Darregonne - Jan 74?)
Sa, in sin chf a mullet of 4 points & issuant bendwise from dexter a
lightning flash Arg. (D: Edward of South-Haven - Feb 75?)
Vairy Arg & Vt, a bend embat counter-embat betw 2 brocks heads
cabossed Or. (D: Catelin Brock MacLeod - Apr 98)
Vt, a bend bevilled Arg betw a swan naiant & a quatrefoil knot Or.
(D: Katherine Alicia of Salisbury - Aug 95)
Vt, a bend bretess betw a sun in splendour & a torch bendwise Or.
(D: Estrid Svensdottir - May 83)
Vt, a bend dancetty betw a mullet of six points elongated in pale &
a strung bow reversed Or. (D: Catlin Fhar - May 83)
Vt, a bend embat betw a horses head erased & a mortar & pestle
Arg. (D: Judith of Herefordshire - Apr 00)
Vt, a bend embat Or betw a lion & 2 dolphins haurient Arg. (D:
Seumas of Krakafjord - May 05)
Vt, a bend invected Arg betw a sun in his splendor & a tir rune Or.
(D: Erik Erikson the Scout - May 92)
Vt, a bend wavy Arg overall a bottlenose dolphin naiant contourny
Or. (D: Rhonwen Glyn Conwy - Dec 01)
Vt, a bend wavy Az, fimbriated, in sin chf a dagger bendwise sin
inv Arg & in base a bezant. (D: Aesc of Northumbria May 85)
Vt, a bend wavy Az fimbriated, overall a tower Arg. (B: Isobel des
Tourelles de la Seine - Aug 85)
Vt, a bend wavy betw a hare ramp to sin & 3 tufts of cattails, all
Arg. (D: Eileen of the March - Nov 86)
Vt, a bend wavy betw 2 quills of yarn Or. (D: Katharina die
Schneiderin - Sep 85)
Vt, a bend wavy Or betw 2 open books Arg. (D: Ailne ingen
Aedin - Feb 97)
Vt, a ray of the sun bendwise Or, in sin chf a chalice Arg. (D:
Pascal Brendan Merredy - Feb 96)
* * * End * * *

Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent

See also: Field division - Bendy

Az, a bend Arg, in bend sin 3 domestic cats salient ctrch. (D:
Eleanor of Almedan - Jun 84)
Az, crescenty Or, on a bend Arg, a natural dolphin embowed Sa. (B:
Pelinora de Orin - Dec 88)
Az crusilly flory, on a bend Arg five crosses flory Az. (B: Nahrun
Kabirun - Mar 93)
Az, goutty dOr, on a bend Arg a Glastonbury thorn twig
blossoming proper. (D: Mary Taran of Glastonbury Jan 74?)
Az, on a bend Arg a dragon passant Az, armed & scaled Or, & in
canton an emerald proper. (D: Pasgen ap Rhys - Aug 79)
Az, on a bend Arg a unicorns head palewise couped Sa betw 2
cinquefoils Purp. (D: Andra de Champs de Batailles Nov 79)
Az, on a bend Arg an ivy vine throughout Vt, in sin chf a squirrel
counter-sejant erect Arg. (D: Robert of Spelsbury - Jul 80)
Az, on a bend Arg betw a mace erect & a barrel palewise Or 3
fleurs-de-lys palewise Az. (D: Jean-Marc de Folleville Dec 81)
Az, on a bend Arg betw a sheaf of keys wards to base & a lute Or
an ivy vine Vt. (D: Gerdis Leontindotter af Bure - Feb 99)
Az, on a bend Arg betw a sun in splendor & an opened scroll Or, 3
mullets Purp. (D: Sibilla Goodenough - Apr 98)
Az, on a bend Arg betw an estoile & a tau cross Or, a fleur-de-lys
Az. (D: Juliet Emeric - Dec 80)
Az, on a bend Arg betw 2 garbs Or 3 drums palewise Az, a bord
Arg. (D: Caitrina inghean u Bhraonin - Jun 01)
Az, on a bend Arg betw 2 harps Or, a bear passant Sa. (D: Tirloch
of Tallaght - Oct 92)
Az, on a bend Arg betw 2 hawks Or 3 trees proper. (D: ri
eyverska - Feb 02)
Az, on a bend Arg betw 2 laurel wreaths Or, 3 seeblatter palewise
Az. (D: Afonlyn - Nov 95)
Az, on a bend Arg betw 2 mullets of 4 points pierced Or 4 rustres
Az. (D: Eric Alard - Sep 95)

236 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent (continued)

Az, on a bend Arg betw 2 unbarbed roses Or, seeded Gu, a mullet
of 4 points elongated to base gyronny Az & Or. (D: Sigvald
Siegfriedsson - Nov 82)
Az, on a bend Arg 3 decrescents palewise Az & in sin chf a dagger
inv Arg. (D: Connor of Skye - Nov 91)
Az, on a bend Arg 3 hearts palewise Gu, in base on an escallop Arg
a sprig Vt. (D: Douwe Johannes Brongersma - Nov 03)
Az, on a bend betw a dexter armored fist & a lymphad Arg 3
mullets palewise Az, a bord potenty Arg. (D: Philip
Langfelley - May 98)
Az, on a bend betw a fleur-de-lys & 3 swords Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys
palewise Az. (D: Adeline de Montfort - Aug 95)
Az, on a bend betw a mullet of six points Arg & a sun Or, a thistle
palewise proper. (D: Thomasina MacGregor of Tay - Oct 81)
Az, on a bend betw a sword Arg & a Latin cross Or a hound ramp
Sa. (D: Alain de La Rochelle - Sep 96)
Az, on a bend betw a tower & unicorns head couped at the
shoulder Arg 3 mullets palewise Az. (D: Carandra of Mithyre
- Aug 79)
Az, on a bend betw six broadarrows Arg a longbow Az. (D:
Elswith Longbow - Jan 98)
Az, on a bend betw six fleurs-de-lys Arg, a griffin segreant
contourny Sa. (D: Otto von Mergenthal - Dec 92)
Az, on a bend betw six horseshoes Arg, a mullet Sa. (D: Cadwallon
Cornwealhas - Mar 78?)
Az, on a bend betw 2 crosses crosslet Arg, 3 crescents Sa. (D: Ana
Beig de Rosslyn - Jul 06)
Az, on a bend betw 2 crosses crosslet, the foot plain, Arg, a war
hammer Sa, all within a bord dovetailed Arg. (D: Friederich
von Strassburg - Oct 89)
Az, on a bend betw 2 crosses gurgitee Arg, 3 battleaxes palewise
Gu. (D: Freydis Hakonardottir - Nov 85)
Az, on a bend betw 2 daisies Arg, 2 daisies Az. (D: Marguerite of
Kenneydell - Aug 93)
Az, on a bend betw 2 doves Arg a serpent glissant Vt. (D: Franz
Joder von Joderhbel - Jul 91)
Az, on a bend betw 2 foxes sejant guardant Arg an arrow Az. (D:
Alicia de Berwic - Sep 05)
Az, on a bend betw 2 horses heads couped Arg a deadly nightshade
vine Vt flowered Purp. (D: Anne of Flaming Gryphon Jul 91)
Az, on a bend betw 2 increscents Arg, a cat courant Sa. (D: Zoya
Ivanovna Rezanskaya - Jan 97)
Az, on a bend betw 2 keys bendwise Arg, wards to chf, a key Az.
(D: Anne Dearne of Wessex - Jul 99)
Az, on a bend betw 2 Latin crosses Arg, a sword Az. (D: Juliana
de Beverly - Oct 93)
Az, on a bend betw 2 lyres Arg a laurel wreath palewise Az. (D:
Maale Giborim - Mar 07)
Az, on a bend betw 2 quadrants Arg 3 crosses couped Az. (D:
Katherine Rhys - Apr 03)
Az, on a bend betw 2 seahorses Arg, a seahorse palewise Az. (D:
Ana Ilevna - Nov 94)
Az, on a bend betw 2 swans naiant Arg 3 fish fesswise Az. (D:
Alissende de la Halle - Oct 04)
Az, on a bend betw 2 towers Arg, 2 Celtic crosses Az. (D: Joseph
Ducost - Nov 98)
Az, on a bend betw 2 trees blasted & eradicated Arg 3 escarbuncles
Az. (D: Winefrid of North Lake - Jan 00)
Az, on a bend betw 2 whelks Arg a continental sea-panther
reguardant Az. (D: Olena Ksenia Barsova - Apr 95)
Az, on a bend cotissed Arg 3 hearts palewise issuing flames to chf
Gu. (D: Karin Jrgensdotter Eldhierta - Mar 98)
Az, on a bend cotised Arg 3 thistles palewise proper, in chf a cross
of 4 lozenges Arg. (D: Fallan of Hathyrwyk - Jun 96)
Az, on a bend cotised betw 2 flasks Arg, a recorder bell to chf Sa.
(D: Robert of the Angels - Oct 88)
Az, on a bend raguly cotised plain Arg 3 ravens palewise rising
wings addorsed Sa. (D: Rafe Slater - Dec 02)
Az semy of harps, on a bend Arg a natural tigers head palewise
cabossed Sa. (D: Kaspar Morgengras - Sep 06)
Checky Az & Arg, on a bend Arg fimbriated Sa 3 hearts palewise
Gu. (D: Morris Fiaich - Sep 03)
Checky Purp & Arg, on a bend Arg 3 trees palewise Sa. (D: Kaie
Tor of Blakwode - Apr 02)

[Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent]

Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent (continued)

Gu, a bend Arg voided humetty betw a harp & a trefoil knot Or. (D:
Madailin nic Sheachnasaigh - Oct 95)
Gu, a bend betw six crosses crosslet fitchy Arg, for augmentation,
on the bend in chf an escutcheon Or charged with a demi-lion
its mouth pierced by an arrow within a double tressure flory
counter-flory Gu. (Augmentation of Arms: Howard, Duke of
Norfolk, Earl Marshal of England - Dec 94) (Important nonSCA arms)
Gu, fretty Or, on a bend Arg 3 millrinds palewise Gu. (D: Margita
z Oponice - Oct 85)
Gu, on a bend Arg a raven disp palewise wings inv Sa grasping in
its beak a rose, flower to sin, Gu, slipped & leaved Vt. (D:
Robyn of Mania - Dec 71?)
Gu, on a bend Arg betw 2 bezants 3 decrescents palewise Sa. (D:
Steven Blackmoon - Jan 82)
Gu, on a bend Arg betw 2 compass stars Or, 3 fleurs-de-lis palewise
Sa, a bord Or. (D: Antonello Giovacchini lo Voiello - Nov 94)
Gu, on a bend Arg betw 2 crescents & a tree Or 3 shamrocks
palewise Vt. (D: Ezabel de Vaux - May 00)
Gu, on a bend Arg 3 does heads palewise erased proper & in chf a
mortar & pestle Arg. (D: Madeleine dAngers - Oct 02)
Gu, on a bend Arg, 3 pheons palewise inv Sa, in sin chf on a sun
Arg a wolfs head caboshed Sa. (D: James Galen MacGrew Feb 95)
Gu, on a bend Arg voided betw 2 lions heads erased, 3 thistles
palewise Arg. (D: Teresia dOliphant - Feb 85)
Gu, on a bend betw a rooster disp Arg & a lion dormant Or, a spear
Gu. (D: Lars Knarrarsmidr - Oct 92)
Gu, on a bend betw 2 acorns Arg 3 ivy leaves inv Vt. (D: Isabel de
Bois - Sep 00)
Gu, on a bend betw 2 Celtic crosses patty Arg, 3 thistles proper. (D:
Ian Leslie of Kilgairen - May 88)
Gu, on a bend betw 2 fleams Arg 3 fleurs-de-lis palewise Gu. (D:
Phillip Reed - Oct 02)
Gu, on a bend betw 2 goblets Arg, a fleur-de-lys palewise Sa. (B:
Ceridwen ferch Owain - Apr 95)
Gu, on a bend betw 2 mullets of eight points Arg a rams-headed
scheitholt Sa, armed, orbed, pegged, & fretted Gu. (D:
Cadwan Galwiddoe of Redmarch - Jul 82)
Gu, on a bend betw 2 standing seraphs Arg 3 quatrefoils palewise
Gu. (D: Nicola Angelini - Jun 06)
Gu, on a bend betw 2 wolves ramp Arg 3 arrows Sa. (D: Daniel of
Whitby - Nov 03)
Gu, on a bend cotised Arg 3 trilliums Gu, barbed Vt. (D: Aurelia
da Calabria - Dec 07)
Lozengy counter-ermine & ermine, on a bend Arg an ermine spot
betw 2 bells, all palewise Az. (B: Dominica Leontyne du Lac Jun 93) (For Yasmin the Mysterious)
Pean, on a bend Arg, 3 coneys sejant erect palewise Sa. (D:
Tamara Antoinette - Jul 05)
Per bend Az & Gu, in bend sin a domestic cat sejant affronty & on a
bend Arg, 3 hearts palewise Gu. (D: Katrina von dem
Schwarzwald - May 89)
Per bend Az & Purp, on a bend Arg 3 feathers reversed Sa. (D:
Miriam Hauke - Feb 06)
Per bend Az & Purp, on a bend betw 2 natural dolphins naiant
bendwise Arg a natural dolphin naiant Purp. (D: Jean de
Montaigne - May 97)
Per bend Az & Purp, on a bend betw 2 owls statant to sin Arg, a
comet, head to base, Sa. (D: Anastacia of Starfall - Oct 87)
Per bend Az & Purp, on a bend betw 2 roses Arg an arrow proper
flighted Sa. (D: Angelina de Cicco - Nov 07)
Per bend Az & Sa, on a bend Arg 3 flames proper. (B: Starkhafn Oct 81)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend Arg crusilly pommety palewise Gu betw
2 roses Arg. (D: Honnore Chuquet - Mar 08)
Per bend Az & Vt, on a bend Arg 3 apples palewise Gu. (D:
Jenovefa z Jablonn v Podjeted - Nov 96)
Per bend Az & Vt, on a bend betw a mullet of eight points & a lion
Arg a thistle palewise proper. (D: Aonghus an Leomhann
MacFhionghuin Sgithaich - May 96)
Per bend Gu & Az, on a bend Arg 3 lions heads palewise erased
Az. (D: Fearghus Reamhar mac Maoil Domhnaich mhic
Thoirdhealbhaigh - Jul 07)
Per bend Gu & Sa, on a bend Arg 4 crosses formy palewise Gu. (D:
Alexander of Mons Tonitrus - Jan 06)

Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent (continued)

Per bend Gu & Sa, on a bend Arg 3 ravens rising palewise Sa & in
sin chf a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Fodh gin - Jan 07)
Per bend Or & Gu, on a bend Arg fimbriated Sa betw an oak leaf
Gu & a sun Or 3 mullets palewise Sa. (D: Henry Fox of Oak
Hill - Jul 07)
Per bend Purp & Vt, on a bend Arg 3 thistles Vt headed Purp. (D:
Isabel de Roys - Mar 07)
Per bend Sa & Vt, on a bend Arg betw a sun & a crescent Or, an
arrow inv Sa. (D: Jason the Fletcher - Sep 00)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, on a bend Arg 3 shamrocks palewise Vt. (D:
Grinne inghean Bhriain mhic Nill - Oct 05)
Per bend sin Vt & Purp, on a bend cotised Arg, five crosses formy
fitchy at all points Gu. (D: Lughaidh O Niallin - Jan 90)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, on a bend Arg a raven close palewise Sa & a
4-leafed shamrock palewise Vt. (D: Tassilo von Rabennest Oct 96)
Per bend Vt & Az, on a bend Arg betw a garb of wheat Or & an
anchor Arg 2 lions passant Sa. (D: Thomas de Cassel Jul 80)
Per bend Vt & Purp, on a bend cotised betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Arg 3
thistle heads palewise proper. (D: Brangwayna MacKinnon Feb 03)
Per bend Vt & Sa, on a bend Arg, 3 natural sea-horses palewise
Purp. (B: Niamh ingen Maoln - Oct 05)
Per bend Vt & Sa, on a bend Arg, 3 sea-horses palewise Purp. (D:
Niamh ingen Maoln - Oct 05)
Per bend Vt & Sa, on a bend betw 2 domestic cats salient guardant
Arg, a strung bow, string to base, Sa. (D: Kevin Devin
OQuine - Dec 90)
Per bend Vt & Sa, on a bend betw 2 wolves statant Arg, 3 roses Gu
betw 2 bendlets Gu. (D: Ursula Sturludttir - May 99)
Per pale Gu & Sa, on a bend Arg 3 footprints palewise Sa. (D:
Constance Wilkicke - Dec 05)
Purp, on a bend Arg betw 2 oak leaves bendwise Or 3 ripe acorns
palewise proper. (D: Audrey of the Stoney Oak Forest Jun 84)
Purp, on a bend Arg 3 decrescents palewise Gu. (D: Caitlin Ruadh
- Jun 01)
Purp, on a bend Arg 3 fleurs-de-lis palewise Sa. (D: Louis de
Marseille - Jul 05)
Purp, on a bend betw a cat passant reguardant contourney & a dog
passant reguardant Arg, 3 harps Purp, a bord Or. (D: Brianne
Pendeulwyn - Sep 92)
Purp, on a bend betw a demi-unicorn ramp & a demi-pegasus
segreant contourny Arg, a sword inv Purp. (D: Jean Paul de
Vezelay - Feb 95)
Purp, on a bend betw 2 escallops Arg, 3 violet plants palewise Vt,
flowered Purp. (D: Etain Winterbourne - Oct 91)
Purp, on a bend betw 2 snowflakes Arg, 3 snowflakes Purp. (D:
Ingrid of the Blue Snows - Jul 92)
Purp, on a bend betw 2 trees Arg, leaved Or, a stag salient
reguardant Sa. (D: Roselyn Coughlan - Sep 86)
Purp, on a bend cotised Arg 3 irises Purp. (D: Isabella Catharini Jul 92)
Quarterly Az & Gu, on a bend Arg betw 2 bows bendwise nocked
& drawn Or 3 holly leaves fructed proper. (D: Alienor del
Chastel - Oct 91)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, the whole semy of pheons, on a bend Arg, 3
natural panthers heads erased Sa. (D: Mark of Darkmoor Apr 91)
Sa, a bend Arg goutty de sang betw 2 hawks heads erased that to
chf contourny Arg. (D: Morgan ferch Cennydd - Sep 91)
Sa, 4 bars Or, overall on a bend Arg a bumblebee statant close
proper bestriding a spear Sa. (B: Christopher of Hoghton May 82)
Sa, on a bend Arg a bendlet voided Az, therein five beech leaves
palewise Vt. (D: Marieke van de Dal - May 81)
Sa, on a bend Arg a mullet of 4 points elongated to base gyronny Or
& Sa. (D: Siegfried von Hoflichskeit - Jan 73?)
Sa, on a bend Arg a snake glissant Sa within a bord Arg. (D:
Agnarr Svartormr Thorvaldsson - Nov 91)
Sa, on a bend Arg betw 2 harps Or, a rapier inv Sa. (D: Angus Reid
MacFarlane - Nov 06)
Sa, on a bend Arg, betw 2 lions ramp Or, 3 Lacy knots palewise
Purp. (D: Tamsin Barker - Aug 97)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 237

[Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent] to [Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Azure]

Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent (continued)

Sa, on a bend Arg betw 2 mullets of six points Or, 3 increscents

palewise Az. (D: Raymond Silverwood - Jul 88)
Sa, on a bend Arg betw 2 open books Or, 3 hearts palewise Gu. (D:
Rhiannon OMalley - Jul 96)
Sa, on a bend Arg betw 2 pheons Or 3 wolves salient palewise Sa.
(D: Qara Chinua - Oct 99)
Sa, on a bend Arg cotised Or 3 cinquefoils Sa. (D: James
Courthope - Oct 04)
Sa, on a bend Arg 3 arrows palewise Gu & in sin chf a mullet Arg.
(D: Legaire Mac Lochlainn - Jan 02)
Sa, on a bend betw a compass star elongated to base & a tripletowered castle Arg, 2 compass stars palewise elongated to base
Sa. (D: Marie da Serra da Estrela - Jul 92)
Sa, on a bend betw a pegasus ramp & an owl close guardant Arg, 3
thistles palewise Vt. (D: Gregory Bruce of Annandale Dec 82)
Sa, on a bend betw an increscent & a decrescent Arg, 3 wolves
heads erased contourny Sa. (D: Conall MacGwynn - Dec 96)
Sa, on a bend betw 4 pheons Arg, an arrow inv Sa. (B: Magnus of
Falkirk - Jul 91) (For House Blackfletch)
Sa, on a bend betw 2 axes Arg 3 martlets Az. (B: James de
Hagethorn - Aug 07) (JB: Kori Redjohan)
Sa, on a bend betw 2 dragons heads issuant from sin Arg, a
recorder betw 2 crosses formy palewise, Gu. (D: Martin
Saenger - Aug 79)
Sa, on a bend betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Arg, 4 shamrocks palewise Vt.
(D: James Kincaid - Feb 92)
Sa, on a bend betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Arg 3 Maltese crosses palewise
Purp. (D: Alisaundre Juliana de Sents - Feb 92)
Sa, on a bend betw 2 hearts Arg 3 fetterlocks palewise Purp. (D:
Susanna Lockheart - May 04)
Sa, on a bend betw 2 lions salient Arg 3 roses palewise Az. (D:
Ysenda Macbeth of Islay - Jun 00)
Sa, on a bend betw 2 skulls Arg 3 pheons palewise Gu. (D:
Donatello da Napoli - May 08)
Sa, on a bend betw 2 swans heads couped Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys
palewise Sa. (D: Marie de Besanon - Sep 03)
Sa, on a bend betw 2 swords in salt & a dragons head couped
countourny Arg 2 fish Gu. (D: Jak MKenye - Jan 05)
Sa, on a bend cotised Arg betw six fleurs-de-lys Or a winged lion
courant Az. (D: Mina Fioravanti - Sep 01)
Sa, on a bend cotised Arg betw 2 suns Or an opinicus courant Sa.
(D: Griffin Blackthorne of Bristol - Feb 99)
Sa, on a bend cotised Arg, 3 arrows inv Sa. (D: Cain Saethydd Feb 98)
Sa, on a bend cotised betw 2 deaths heads Arg, a rose proper,
slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Bellina Morgan - Sep 07)
Vairy Or & Gu, on a bend Arg a dragon passant Sa. (D: Stephen
von Geist - Jan 73?)
Vt, a bend Arg, in pale 3 oak leaves ctrch. (D: Meraud des Belles
Feuilles - Oct 93)
Vt, on a bend Arg a battle-axe Gu. (D: Olaf the Maedi-Ogre Mar 75?)
Vt, on a bend Arg a caduceus palewise Vt betw a sprig of white
willow & a foxglove slipped & leaved palewise proper. (D:
Annalind Airamid the Healer - Jan 80)
Vt, on a bend Arg a wolf salient Gu, in sin canton an estoile Or. (D:
George of Gilgaur - Aug 79?)
Vt, on a bend Arg betw a decrescent & 3 garbs Or 4 mullets
bendwise sin Az. (D: Anastasia Ivanovna Rostislava Dec 97)
Vt, on a bend Arg betw a harp reversed Or & a wolf ramp
reguardant Arg 3 oak leaves palewise Vt. (D: Aelfwulf Skye
Morgatha - Jan 84)
Vt, on a bend Arg betw six cinquefoils Or, a snail fesswise Vt. (D:
Gwalchmai Emrys - May 84)
Vt, on a bend Arg betw 2 apples Or, 3 arrows inv Vt. (D: Cadlae
Locha Erne - Apr 07)
Vt, on a bend Arg betw 2 garbs Or 3 oak leaves inv fructed proper.
(D: Olwen ferch Rhodri - Feb 96)
Vt, on a bend Arg betw 2 plates 3 lions ramp palewise Vt. (D:
Dearbhforgaill an Chomhaidh - Nov 03)
Vt, on a bend Arg cotised Or 3 ravens palewise Sa. (D: Eoghan
mac Branin - Oct 01)
Vt, on a bend Arg 3 anvils bendwise sin Gu & a bord Arg. (D:
Gwilym Penteg de Caernarfon - Feb 02)
238 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent (continued)

Vt, on a bend Arg 3 wolfs paw prints palewise Vt & in sin chf an
increscent Arg. (D: Rachel Armstrong - May 02)
Vt, on a bend Arg 2 oak leaves inv Vt, overall an otter statant to sin
guardant proper. (D: Alina of Breldwyn - Feb 82)
Vt, on a bend betw a goutte & a Latin cross bottony Arg 3 roses Gu.
(D: Aldred Bertand - Aug 03)
Vt, on a bend betw a tree & a roundel Arg 3 crescents palewise Gu.
(D: Illaria inghean mhic Giolla Mhaoil - Apr 05)
Vt, on a bend betw a winged unicorn salient, wings elevated &
addorsed, & a unicorn salient reguardant Arg, an arrow point
in chf Sa. (B: Tuiren de Lisle - May 86) (JB: Jahn of
Vt, on a bend betw six roses Arg a cats face palewise Sa. (D:
Alisaundre Quinnye - Apr 98)
Vt, on a bend betw 2 bows bendwise Arg, a bow Vt. (D: Alen
Bendbow - Oct 92)
Vt, on a bend betw 2 coneys salient Arg 3 trefoils slipped palewise
Vt. (D: Dathi OCooney - Jan 91)
Vt, on a bend betw 2 goblets Arg, 3 clusters of grapes palewise Vt.
(D: Corin Morgan - Oct 93)
Vt, on a bend betw 2 laurel wreaths Arg, 3 griffins passant Sa. (D:
Gryphon Wald - Oct 92)
Vt, on a bend betw 2 rams heads erased Arg 4 decrescents palewise
Sa. (D: Isabel Moundoghter - May 96)
Vt, on a bend betw 2 swans rousant Arg 3 crosses potent palewise
Vt. (D: Jehanne de Cigne - Oct 99)
Vt, on a bend cotised Arg a dragonfly palewise Purp betw 2
strawberries palewise proper. (D: Magy Freyser - Feb 04)
Vt, on a bend cotised betw 2 pairs of scissors Arg, 3 fleurs-de-lys
palewise Purp. (D: Genevieve Christiana Buchannon Aug 92)
Vt, on a bend doubly cotised Arg a violin Sa. (D: Karl Braden von
Sobernheim - Jan 99)
Vt, on a bend raguly cotised Arg, 3 fir sprigs proper. (D: Alcuin of
Argyle - Jan 88)
Vt, sem of thistles slipped & leaved, on a bend Arg a peacock tail
feather proper. (D: Elizabeth Tremayne of Silverleaf Apr 82)
* * * End * * *

Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Azure

See also: Field division - Bendy

Arg, a bend Az semy-de-lys Arg betw a rapier bendwise & a rapier
bendwise inv Sa. (D: Daniel dAurelle - Apr 02)
Arg crusilly Gu, on a bend cotised Az 3 bells palewise Or. (D:
Massimiliano Pontieri dal Sasso - Feb 02)
Arg, on a bend Az a compass star palewise elongated to base Arg &
in sin chf a hurt. (D: Dior Aeluin - Dec 80)
Arg, on a bend Az a roundel betw an increscent palewise & a
decrescent palewise Arg, in sin chf a mullet Az. (D: Aislinn
Chinnsealach ni Laoghaire - Dec 98)
Arg, on a bend Az, betw a raven close & a goblet Sa, a sword Arg.
(D: Lancelin of Ravens Nest - Nov 82)
Arg, on a bend Az betw six crosses crosslet Gu, a lion dormant Arg.
(D: Meleri ferch Iasper ap Dafydd - Oct 96)
Arg, on a bend Az betw 2 escutcheons Sa, a bendlet Or. (D:
Christof Gately - Apr 91)
Arg, on a bend Az betw 2 helms Vt a billhook Arg. (D: Wilhelm
von Arnsburg - Jul 01)
Arg, on a bend Az betw 2 horses heads erased voided Gu a heart
palewise Arg. (D: Angelita de Caballo Rubio - Nov 80)
Arg, on a bend Az betw 2 lilies Purp, 4 mullets of seven points
voided & interlaced Arg. (D: Emelisse la broderesse Jul 04)
Arg, on a bend Az betw 2 ravens Sa 3 oak trees Arg. (D: Rakel
Hrafnsdottir - May 05)
Arg, on a bend Az betw 2 sprigs of rosemary bendwise Vt, 3
thimbles palewise Arg. (D: Madelein Ceris de Toulouse Nov 89)
Arg, on a bend Az betw 2 thistles proper 3 harps palewise Or. (D:
Gwenhyfar Stuart - Sep 95)
Arg, on a bend Az betw 2 triskelions of eagle jambs Gu, a triskelion
of eagle jambs Or. (D: Lachlan MacGregor of Inverness Dec 98)
Arg, on a bend Az cotised Vt 3 mullets palewise Arg all within a
bord Az. (D: Iamys MacMurray de Morayshire - Jun 03)

[Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Azure] to [Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Gules]

Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Azure (continued)

Arg, on a bend Az 4 Hungerford knots palewise Or. (D: Brigid

Findlater - Nov 99)
Arg, on a bend Az, 3 open books Arg, on a chf Sa an arrow Or. (D:
Marion Fitzthomas - Oct 05)
Arg, on a bend betw 2 crosses of Jerusalem each with its center
cross a cross crosslet Az an oak sprig fructed Arg. (D:
Caranwyn Silveroak - May 03)
Arg, on a bend betw 2 garbs Az a garb palewise Or. (D: Mighel le
Brewere - Jul 01)
Arg, on a bend betw 2 menorahs Az a bottlenosed dolphin naiant
Arg. (D: Gideon ha-Khazar - Mar 07)
Arg, on a bend betw 2 reef knots fesswise Az, 3 reef knots Arg, a
bord Az. (D: Yehudah of Nuremberg - Mar 99)
Arg, on a bend betw 2 roundels Az 3 plates. (D: Erik Svartskalle Feb 96)
Arg, on a bend cotised Az a lily palewise Or betw 2 others Arg. (D:
Rowan le Beau - Mar 98)
Arg, on a bend cotised Az betw 2 pine trees couped Sa a sword inv
proper. (D: Cystennin ap Geraint - Mar 97)
Arg, on a bend cotised Az 4 mountains couped palewise Arg, in sin
chf a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Four Mountains, the - Jul 01)
Arg, on a bend cotised Az 3 mullets of six points Or. (D:
Magdalena Winter - Dec 04)
Arg, on a bend cotised Az 3 quail close Arg, on a chf Az, a lion
passant guardant Arg. (D: Niccolo da Quaglietta - Sep 99)
Arg, on a bend cotised Az within an orle Gu, in chf a Latin cross
Arg. (D: Rouland Carre - Jan 91)
Arg, on a bend doubly cotised Az 3 daisies Arg seeded Or. (D:
Katherine Merivale - Sep 02)
Arg, upon a bend Az betw 2 roses proper, an ermine spot inv
conjoined with an ermine spot Arg. (D: Bronwyn Tobin Jun 91)
Az, a mullet of seven points Or within six swords conjoined in
annulo proper, a bord Arg, mulletty of seven points Az,
impaled with Vt, on a bend Az fimbriated 3 escarbuncles of
five Arg. (B: Wilhelm von Westfalen - Dec 82) (JB:
Gwynaeth ferch Llewellyn von Westfalen)
Ermine, on a bend Az betw 2 phoenixes Sa rising from flames Az a
sword inv Arg. (D: Jean Paul de Sens - Sep 01)
Ermine, on a bend Az, 3 hawks heads bendwise sin erased Arg. (D:
Eleanor Hazleberie - Mar 99)
Ermine, on a bend cotised Az a lions jambe Or. (D: Brengar de
Clisson - Jul 91)
Gu, on a bend Az fimbriated forming part of a fret 3 fleurs-de-lys,
in chf a crescent Or. (D: Robert de Spencer - Mar 82)
Gu, on a bend Az 3 crescents Arg. (D: Le Viste, patron of the
Unicorn Tapestries - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, on a bend Az betw a dragon passant & a dragon passant to sin
Gu, a sword inv proper. (D: Johann Dietbold des
Drachenschwerts - Jan 91)
Or, on a bend Az betw 2 birds striking Sa 3 hearts palewise Arg.
(D: James le Crane - Mar 98)
Or, on a bend Az betw 2 butterflies Purp, 4 lotus blossoms affronty
Or. (D: Camilla the Joyful - Jan 08)
Or, on a bend Az betw 2 elephants Gu 3 lozenges Or. (D: Tegan of
Marion Glen - Jan 05)
Or, on a bend Az betw 2 laurel wreaths Vt, 3 acorns palewise Or.
(D: Drei Eichen - Feb 94)
Or, on a bend Az, betw 2 roses Gu, an arrow inv Or. (D: Wolf von
Lbeck - Nov 91)
Or, on a bend Az betw 2 script letters "T" Sa, 3 bezants. (B: Tibor
of Rock Valley - Jul 86)
Or, on a bend Az betw 2 seebltter Vt, an owl palewise affronty Or.
(D: Anastasia da Firenze - Sep 98)
Or, on a bend Az, cotissed Gu, betw 2 cinquefoils Az pierced Or, 3
hawks bells Or. (D: Katja Hjalmarsdottir - May 81)
Or, on a bend Az, 3 laurel wreaths palewise Or. (D: Kra Glas Dec 95)
Or, on a bend Az 2 horses heads cabossed Arg. (D: Sula von
Pferdenthal - Nov 77?)
Or, on a bend betw a lion ramp & a scorpion passant to sin Az, 3
crescents Or. (D: Diane de Lyon - Apr 87)
Or, on a bend betw 2 Stars of David Az, a sword Or, all within a
bord Az. (D: Simeon ben Jabez - Oct 89)
Or, on a bend betw 2 trefoils in fess & another Az a roach fish Arg.
(D: Gwendolyn of Basing - Jul 80)

Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Azure (continued)

Or, on a bend cotised Az a ribbon Or, within a bord Az. (B: Kthe
Willig von Mainz - Jan 82) (For Karl von Gafia)
Or, semy of hearts, on a bend Az an apple blossom leaved Arg. (D:
Aime Douglas - Dec 99)
Or, semy of oak leaves Vt, on a bend Az 3 oak leaves Or. (D:
Andreas Vallcello - Jan 82)
Per bend Vt & Arg, on a bend Az, a hand appaumy couped & in chf
a crescent Arg. (D: Bianca Allegri da Vicenza - Jan 87)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, on a bend Az betw 2 harps Or 3 jesters hoods
Arg. (D: Finella Harper - Aug 94)
Sa, estoilly Or, on a bend Az fimbriated Or, 3 sea-lions ramp
palewise Arg. (B: Colin de Wyndmere - Aug 79) (For House
Sa, on a bend Az fimbriated a cygnet passant Or. (D: Geoffrey of
Stoughton - Jul 80)
Sa, on a bend Az fimbriated & cotised 3 harps palewise Arg. (D:
Lucien de Pontivi - May 05)
Sa, on a bend Az fimbriated betw 2 swords bendwise a sword Or.
(D: Bjorn inn kvensami - Aug 01)
Vairy Arg & Gu, on a bend Az betw 2 stags heads cabossed,
another palewise Or. (D: Claude de la Beche - Jul 86)
Vt, on a bend Az fimbriated Arg a flanged mace Or. (D: Corbinus
de Cuvis - Dec 07)
* * * End * * *

Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Fur

See also: Field division - Bendy

Az, on a bend ermine betw 2 dolphins haurient Arg, a vine Vt. (D:
Clare Hele - Jul 99)
Gu, on a bend ermine cotised Or, an arrow & bow Sa, all within a
bord pean. (D: Rosalind Francesca of Wyvernwood - Dec 85)
Sa, on a bend ermine, 3 hearts Gu. (D: Catherine Aimeri de Winter
- Dec 98)
* * * End * * *

Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Gules

See also: Field division - Bendy

Arg goutty de sang, on a bend Gu a cup betw 2 lions combatant all
bendwise sin Or. (D: Siobhn inghean u Dhoibhilin Jun 99)
Arg, on a bend betw six hearts Gu a sword Arg. (D: Emma de
Winter - Jan 97)
Arg, on a bend enarched Gu betw 2 crosses formy Sa 3 standing
balances bendwise sin Or. (D: Helmut Kruger - Jul 00)
Arg, on a bend enarched Gu betw 2 crosses formy Sa 3 standing
balances bendwise sin Or. (B: Helmut Kruger - Jan 08)
Arg, on a bend Gu a cat sejant affronty palewise Arg. (D:
Ceridwen of Esterfen - May 98)
Arg, on a bend Gu a sword inv Or, in dexter a standing balance Or
fimbriated Sa. (B: Althea Gloria of Tyne - Nov 77?) (For
House Draumr)
Arg, on a bend Gu betw a butterfly bendwise sin & an ash tree
eradicated Sa, an arrow Arg. (D: Aleruna Olgersdotter Jan 98)
Arg, on a bend Gu betw a cross patonce Az & a frog Vt 3 scimitars
palewise Arg. (D: Diego Lopes de Toledo - Nov 05)
Arg, on a bend Gu betw 2 bears statant Sa a laurel wreath palewise
Arg. (D: Baerenau - Sep 03)
Arg, on a bend Gu betw 2 brown bears statant proper 3 increscents
palewise Arg. (D: Malik Medvedchik - Oct 03)
Arg, on a bend Gu cotised Az 3 cinquefoils palewise Arg. (D:
Fenissa riksdotter - Mar 07)
Arg, on a bend Gu cotised Sa betw 2 foxes masks Gu 3 fleurs-de-lis
Arg. (D: Mychael le Renard - May 95)
Arg, on a bend Gu cotised Sa 3 caltrops Or. (D: Jollivet de
Chailleux - Oct 98)
Arg, on a bend Gu cotised Vt, 3 leaves Or. (D: Owen Hell Jul 98)
Arg semy-de-lys Purp, on a bend Gu 3 quail palewise Arg. (D:
Lysette Devereux - Feb 06)
Az, on a bend Gu, fimbriated, betw a bear ramp & a lute bendwise 3
crosses alise Or. (D: Edward Anselm Bruinwood - Jun 83)
Az, on a bend Gu fimbriated, betw a lion salient guardant contourny
Or & a unicorn salient Arg, 3 fleurs-de-lys palewise Or. (D:
Ealasaid Chathasach - Aug 96)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 239

[Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Gules] to [Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Or]

Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Gules (continued)

Az, on a bend Gu, fimbriated, betw an open scroll Arg & a sword
proper, 3 fleurs-de-lys palewise Or. (D: Charles Philippe
Castlemore de Cadours - Jan 87)
Az, on a bend Gu fimbriated betw 2 crosses crosslet, a sword Arg.
(D: Cerdic of Colbridge - May 92)
Az, on a bend Gu fimbriated betw 2 decrescents, an arrow inv Arg.
(D: Vishaldyrne of Stackeryd - Jan 73?)
Az, on a bend Gu fimbriated Or a bendlet potent in point Or & Gu,
in sin chf a torteau fimbriated & charged with a cross potent
arched Or. (D: Tryggvi Halftrollson - Jan 80)
Az, on a bend Gu fimbriated Or betw 2 unicorns ramp Arg armed &
crined a spear Or. (D: Wilfred of Byron - Jul 01)
Barry nebuly Sa & Or, on a bend Gu a sword inv Or. (D: Bryce
MacLaren - Oct 94)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, on a bend Gu 3 towers triple-towered
palewise Or. (D: Miguel Esteban Franco de Los Rios Oct 95)
Checky of eight, Arg & Sa, on a bend Gu 3 increscents Arg. (D:
Caterina da Monticello - Aug 79)
Checky Or & Gu, on a bend Gu 3 ivy leaves Or. (D: Luciana
Maria Novella Di Carlo - Jun 98)
Checky Sa & Or, on a bend cotised Gu 3 sea-lions erect palewise
reguardant Or. (D: Ellen Aergod seo Freothuwebbe - Aug 84)
Counter-ermine, on a bend Gu betw a mask of comedy & a
hippogrif salient Arg, an artists brush Or. (D: Knikolos Major
of Salem-by-the-Sea - Feb 80)
Counter-vair, a cross patonce Or, overall on a bend Gu 3 hearts
palewise Or. (D: Gwendolyn of Middlemarch - Jul 80)
Ermine, on a bend Gu a hedgehog passant fesswise Or. (D:
Dubadeasa Kilkerry - Aug 79?)
Ermine, on a bend Gu betw 2 horses ramp Sa, a hawks head
couped Arg, a bord Gu. (D: Aislinn ferch Llywelyn - Sep 92)
Erminois, on a bend betw a boars head erased contourny & a
boars head erased Gu, 3 boar spears palewise Or. (D: Dirik
Reverson - Aug 91)
Gyronny Or & Sa, on a bend Gu in chf a Maltese cross Arg. (D:
Guillaume de Clarent - Mar 01)
Or, a cross flory Sa & overall on a bend Gu another engrailed Or
charged with 3 grenades Sa flammant proper. (D: Horatio
Nelson, Viscount Sir - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, a cross flory Sa & overall on a bend Gu another engrailed Or
charged with 3 grenades Sa flammant proper, for
augmentation, on a chf wavy Arg a palm tree betw a disabled
ship & a ruinous battery all issuant from waves of the sea all
proper. (Augmentation of Arms: Horatio Nelson, Viscount Sir
- Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, a cross flory Sa & overall on a bend Gu another engrailed Or
charged with 3 grenades Sa flammant proper, for
augmentation, on a chf wavy Arg a palm tree betw a disabled
ship & a ruinous battery all issuant from waves of the sea all
proper, for second augmentation (posthumous), on a fess wavy
overall Az the word TRAFALGAR Or. (Augmentation of
Arms: Horatio Nelson, Viscount Sir - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Or, on a bend betw 2 apples Gu an apple Or, a bord Gu. (D: Xene
Theriane - Mar 95)
Or, on a bend betw 2 falcons heads erased Gu 3 crosses palewise
couped Arg. (D: Steffan Falk - Mar 86)
Or, on a bend betw 2 wingless wyverns passant Gu, 3 decrescents
Or. (D: Aisha al-Madinawayyia - Oct 97)
Or, on a bend cotised Gu 3 crosses flory Or. (D: Helene du Puy Nov 05)
Or, on a bend double cotised Gu 4 billets Or, all betw 2 trefoils Az.
(D: Katherine of Sternfeld - May 86)
Or, on a bend Gu betw a martlet & a martlet contourny Sa 4 mullets
of 4 points Or. (D: Rebecca the Contrary - Feb 91)
Or, on a bend Gu betw 2 thistles, slipped & leaved, proper a
shepherds crook Or. (D: Donnchadh Cameron the
Unforgiven - Nov 83)
Or, on a bend Gu betw 2 towers Sa a walking staff Arg. (D:
Brandon de Tournai - Apr 96)
Or, on a bend Gu 3 alerions disp Arg. (D: Lorraine - Dec 94)
(Alerions are eagles without beaks or feet.)(Important nonSCA arms)
Or, on a bend Gu 3 eagles disp Arg. (D: Lorraine - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)(Owner: Laurel - admin)
240 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Gules (continued)

Paly Arg & Az, on a bend Gu 3 pheons inv Or. (D: William of
Llanwarne - Nov 02)
Per bend Az & pean, on a bend Gu fimbriated a fleur-de-lys
palewise Or. (D: Amadis dAquitane - Jan 84)
Per bend Or & Sa, on a bend Gu betw a natural panther dormant Sa
& a peacock close 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Katerine Morgane
de Montrevel - Apr 06)
Per bend Sa & Sa estoilly Arg, on a bend Gu, fimbriated Or, a
sword inv Arg, in chf a sun in his splendour Or. (D: Reinwald
Sigbrand - May 86)
Per bend Vt & Or, on a bend Gu betw a sun Or & 3 roses proper 4
shamrocks bendwise sin Or. (D: Anna Greenkeep of Emporiae
- Apr 92)
Per pale ermine & Az, on a bend Gu 3 bells palewise Or. (D:
Margaret Bellasys of Northumberland - Mar 93)
Sa, on a bend Gu fimbriated Arg, 3 garlanded white rose buds
slipped & leaved proper. (D: Alys van Schaack of
Lynnencorre - Jul 91)
Vt, on a bend Gu fimbriated betw 2 cats sejant guardant a rebec
Arg. (D: Gabrielle de Nevers - Sep 01)
Vt, on a bend Gu fimbriated 3 cinquefoils Or. (D: Mr filia Scayth
- Mar 08)
* * * End * * *

Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Multicolor

See also: Field division - Bendy

Per bend Arg & Az, on a bend betw 2 Lacy knots ctrch, a rose
proper. (D: Adriana nc an Leagha - May 93)
Per bend Sa & Arg, on a bend betw 2 wolfs heads couped, 3 Celtic
crosses, all ctrch. (D: Norn O Donnabhan - Feb 89)
Per bend sin Az & Or, on a bend 4 swords inv palewise ctrch. (D:
Gaheris the Blue - Jul 96)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, on a bend ctrch, 2 spindles palewise Gu &
Or. (B: Maud verch Howell - Jul 04)
* * * End * * *

Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Or

See also: Field division - Bendy

Arg, on a bend Or fimbriated betw 2 hearts Purp, 3 roses Az barbed
& seeded proper. (D: Gracye of Guthrie - Jan 04)
Az, mulletty of 4 points, on a bend cotissed Or a laurel wreath Vt.
(D: Sternfeld - Jul 83)
Az, on a bend betw a lyre Or & a fish naiant to sin Arg, 3 roses Gu.
(D: Rose Marian of Edgewater - Feb 86)
Az, on a bend betw a sword inv & a sun Or, an arrow Sa. (D:
Tymothy of Tallowcross - Jul 82)
Az, on a bend betw a tragedy mask & a comedy mask Or a tree
eradicated proper. (D: Marion du Bois - Nov 73?)
Az, on a bend betw 4 chess rooks Or a gittern Az. (D: Erasmus von
Spielburg - Feb 03)
Az, on a bend betw 2 bears pawprints Or, a mallet Gu. (D: Bjorn
gullskeggr Eirksson - Aug 05)
Az, on a bend betw 2 bees Or, a bear sejant erect palewise Sa. (D:
Ursula MacVarroun - Jan 94)
Az, on a bend betw 2 crosses fleury Or 3 roses proper. (B: Fiachra
ni Ciardhubhin - May 96)
Az, on a bend betw 2 dragons segreant addorsed Or a stick shuttle
Az. (D: Laure Anne the Plaidweaver - Jul 95)
Az, on a bend betw 2 estoiles Or, a unicorn passant Purp. (D:
Monica Eve le May - Jul 93)
Az, on a bend betw 2 griffins segreant Or, 2 suns Gu. (D: William
of Carrington - May 88)
Az, on a bend cotised betw a feather bendwise & a scimitar
bendwise inv fracted Or, 2 half-moon knives palewise inv Az.
(D: Ibrahim ibn Abih al-Thaalibi - Aug 92)
Az, on a bend cotised betw a sun in his splendor & 2 crosses
crosslet fitchy Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Isabeau de Mont
Saint Michel - Oct 95)
Az, on a bend enarched cotised betw 2 zules Or five triskelions
arrondy Az. (D: Marcelle de la Marche - Feb 03)
Az, on a bend enarched Or a comet inv Sa, a bord erminois. (D:
Ceridwen de Gyrlyngton - Dec 98)
Az, on a bend Or betw a calla lily Arg slipped & leaved Vt & a sun
Or, an arrow inv Sa. (D: Iana of Tallowcross - Apr 83)
Az, on a bend Or betw 2 bears ramp Arg 3 sheaves of arrows
palewise Sa. (D: Fearghus mac Domhnaill - Jul 06)

[Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Or]

Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Or (continued)

Az, on a bend Or betw 2 mullets of 4 points Arg a sword Gu. (D:

Jan Zlostny Mec - Mar 81)
Az, on a bend Or betw 2 roses Arg barbed & seeded proper 3
roosters palewise Vt. (D: Carlo Gallucci - Aug 02)
Az, on a bend Or betw 2 tankards Arg, 3 warhammers Sa. (D:
Albrecht Kreiner - Sep 02)
Az, on a bend Or 3 rowan trees palewise eradicated proper. (D:
Richard of Rawnsley - Jul 71?)
Az, semy of marguerites Arg seeded, on a bend Or a needle
threaded Az. (D: Marguerite dHonfleur - Nov 00)
Az, upon a bend cotised Or 3 keys palewise, wards in chf, Az. (D:
Stewart the Stalwart - Jul 74?)
Checky Or & Sa, on a bend Or fimbriated 3 fleurs-de-lys palewise
Gu. (D: Wolfker der Jger - Dec 98)
Counter-ermine, on a bend betw 2 lions passant Or 3 wreaths of
roses barbed proper. (D: Signy ksendal - Feb 99)
Counter-ermine, on a bend Or 3 pheons Sa & a bord Or. (D:
Shamus OCarolan - Sep 90)
Ermine, on a bend Or fimbriated Vt, 3 pomegranates palewise Gu
slipped Vt seeded Or, a bord Vt. (D: Alexandra de Morteyn Sep 97)
Gu, on a bend betw a mask of tragedy & a mask of comedy Or, a
sword Sa. (D: Lothar Krieger der Schauspieler - Mar 98)
Gu, on a bend betw six crosses Lorraine Or, a bow Vt. (D: Jadwiga
de Palanga - Oct 99)
Gu, on a bend betw 2 daffodils bells to dexter base slipped & leaved
Or, 3 crosses bottony palewise Gu. (D: Richenda Elizabeth
Coffin - Jun 02)
Gu, on a bend betw 2 dragons heads erased Or, a wingless dragon
passant Gu. (D: Eric Stormrider of Dragons Ayrie - Feb 86)
Gu, on a bend betw 2 lightning bolts bendwise Or 3 garbs Gu. (D:
Marcellus Corioniensis - Mar 07)
Gu, on a bend betw 2 lozenges Or, an arrow inv Sa, all within a
bord Or. (D: Renato Belisario Pascucci - Dec 89)
Gu, on a bend cotised Or 3 roses Sa barbed Gu. (D: Calanna di
Nero Rosa - Jun 04)
Gu, on a bend Or a bear passant Sa. (D: Bern, City of - Jun 95)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, on a bend Or a selle Sa, a dome Vt, & a rest Az. (B: Andrew of
Seldom Rest - Feb 75) (Deceased)
Gu, on a bend Or betw a dragon passant & a dove volant to sin chf
Arg a sword Gu. (D: William De Ross - Jun 02)
Gu, on a bend Or betw an estoile Arg within a laurel wreath & a
bendlet Or 3 bears passant fesswise Sa. (D: Bjorndal Apr 81)
Gu, on a bend Or betw 2 pegasi segreant Arg, 3 crescents Gu. (D:
Robert de Fcamp - Apr 88)
Lozengy Arg & Sa, on a bend cotised Or, 3 crescents Az. (D:
Juliana of Avon - Feb 08)
Lozengy Arg & Sa, on a bend Or a cat salient betw 2 dumbegs
palewise Gu. (D: Eabha inghean Domhnaill - Mar 05)
Paly Arg & Vt, on a bend Sa fimbriated Or 3 elephants statant Arg.
(D: Rodrigo Falcone - Apr 00)
Paly Sa & Arg, on a bend betw 2 Maltese crosses Or, a wolfs head
erased Gu. (D: Gaston Yvain De Dinan - Nov 98)
Per bend Az & Gu, on a bend cotised Or 4 wagon wheels proper.
(D: Eleanor Elizabeth Burgar - Aug 03)
Per bend Az & Sa, on a bend betw a sun Or & a plate, a comet, head
to base, Gu. (D: Kieran von Rottenbuch - Dec 87)
Per bend Az & Vt, on a bend Or 3 falcons palewise Gu. (D:
Meliora Deverel - Apr 08)
Per bend Gu & Sa, on a bend betw a crescent & a natural seahorse
bendwise Or, 3 trefoils Vt. (D: Arven Atwater - Dec 92)
Per bend Gu & Sa, on a bend betw a talbot ramp & a hunting horn
Or, a log Sa. (D: Geoffrey Blackstone Stephen - Jul 99)
Per bend Gu & Sa, on a bend Or 3 griffins segreant palewise Sa. (D:
Katharina von Marburg - Jul 06)
Per bend Sa & Gu, on a bend cotised Or, 3 bears ramp palewise Sa.
(D: Duftach Scott the Bastard - Apr 98)
Per fess Az & Vt, on a bend cotised betw a bear passant & a heart
Or 4 gouttes de sang. (D: Orion Storm Bruin - Oct 05)
Potent en pointe, on a bend Or in chf a garden rose slipped & leaved
Az. (D: Ceri of Glanymorniwl - Jun 82)
Potenty en pointe Arg & Sa, on a bend Or a quill distilling a goutte
& an inkwell palewise Sa. (D: Logan of Glanymorniwl Jun 82)

Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Or (continued)

Purp, on a bend betw a hunting horn & an axe reversed Or, 3

pawprints palewise Sa. (D: Bjorn Zenthffeer - Feb 08)
Purp, on a bend betw 2 boars heads erased Or, 3 roses Purp barbed
& seeded proper. (D: Kyre aet Hraefnswudu - Dec 98)
Purp, on a bend betw 2 butterflies Or 3 pheons inv palewise Sa. (D:
Abinn ingen Shenin hui Nill - Nov 03)
Purp, on a bend betw 2 harps Or a quill pen Purp. (D: Deirdre
OBardon - Feb 92)
Purp, on a bend cotised betw 2 butterflies Or 3 annulets Purp. (D:
Isabella a le Broke - Feb 06)
Purp, on a bend Or a brown domestic cat courant proper, & in sin
chf a mullet Or. (D: Ingibjorg Ambadttir - Sep 90)
Purp, on a bend Or betw a cross botanny Gu fimbriated & a sun in
splendor Or, a serpent glissant wavy Gu. (D: Edmund Lindsey
- May 81)
Purp, on a bend Or betw 2 swans naiant respectant, wings elevated
& addorsed Arg, 3 sprigs of heather palewise Purp. (D:
Miriam Rachael bat Mordechai - Oct 83)
Purp, on a bend Or cotised Arg 3 roses palewise Vt. (D: Roger of
York - May 00)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, on a bend Or five fir trees palewise proper, in
sin chf a raven disp Or. (D: Richard Anthony de Ravenswood May 88)
Sa crusilly couped, on a bend Or a dog courant Sa. (D: Douglas
Henry - Nov 04)
Sa, mulletty Arg, on a bend Or, an arrow inv Sa. (D: Ricardus
Goldhavoc - Jul 89)
Sa mullety, on a bend Or a lion ramp Gu. (D: Maeve MacKellar Oct 99)
Sa mullety, on a bend Or 3 Greek lamps palewise Sa all within a
bord Or. (D: Carlin of Eastwood - Feb 04)
Sa, on a bend betw a sun in splendor & a decrescent Or a rose Purp
barbed, slipped, & leaved Vt. (D: Cara Gianetta Foscari Sep 05)
Sa, on a bend betw six fish haurient Or, 3 arrows inv, head
enflamed, Gu. (D: Zita Dominguez - Dec 97)
Sa, on a bend betw 2 bows reversed Or, an arrow Sa. (D: Ulisse
Rowden Blackarrow of Boyd - Feb 91)
Sa, on a bend betw 2 cherry trees Or 3 lyres palewise Sa. (D:
Kateline of Lough Erne - Sep 95)
Sa, on a bend betw 2 hawks Or, a laurel wreath palewise Sa. (D:
Hawkes Keye - Oct 99)
Sa, on a bend betw 2 mugs Or, a mace Sa. (D: James the
Tavernkeeper - Feb 92)
Sa, on a bend betw 2 seaxes bendwise, edges to center, the lower
reversed Or, a natural panther courant Sa breathing flames Gu.
(D: Streonwold Wulfesbana - Apr 98)
Sa, on a bend betw 2 suns Or 3 triquetras inv palewise Gu. (D:
Grania Buchanan - Sep 02)
Sa, on a bend cotised betw a Viking longship reversed & a tankard
reversed Or a sword Gu. (D: Einar Andersson - Jul 06)
Sa, on a bend cotised betw 2 Celtic crosses Or, 3 shamrocks
palewise Vt. (D: Roghnach n Dhomhnaill - Aug 98)
Sa, on a bend cotised Or a castle palewise & a hurst of 3 pine trees
palewise Sa. (D: Richard Ericksson, the Burgundian
Norseman - Oct 82)
Sa, on a bend cotised Or 3 hearts palewise Gu, a point pointed Or.
(D: Greylond Dowgla de Galloway - Dec 03)
Sa, on a bend Or a bendlet nebuly Sa & in sin chf a cross crosslet
fitchy Arg. (D: Ulrich Hagenauer - Feb 86)
Sa, on a bend Or betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys palewise
Sa. (D: Andeleon of Axegarth - Oct 82)
Sa, on a bend Or betw 2 gouttes de leau, a needle Sa threaded Gu.
(D: Asa askmar - Apr 08)
Sa, on a bend Or betw 2 horses heads couped contourny Arg, 3
hearts palewise Gu. (D: Michel de Coucy - Jan 92)
Sa, on a bend Or 3 bendlets Gu, in sin chf a lions head erased Or.
(D: Thyri Haraldsdottir - Jul 96)
Sa, on a bend Or 3 compass stars palewise Gu. (D: Paul of
Bellatrix - Dec 00)
Sa, on a bend Or 3 compass stars palewise Gu, a label couped Arg.
(D: Stephan of Bellatrix - Jul 95)
Sa, on a bend Or 3 pine trees palewise couped Sa & a bord Or semy
of pine trees couped Sa. (D: Conrad vom Schwarzwald Sep 06)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 241

[Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Or] to [Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Sable]

Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Or (continued)

Sa semy of musical notes, on a bend Or 3 mortars & pestles

palewise Gu. (D: Allesandra of Crystal Mynes - Feb 07)
Vair, on a bend Or, a label of seven points Sa. (D: William of
Jutland - Jan 73?)
Vt ermined Arg, on a bend betw 2 sea-wolves, that in base
contourny Or, a bendlet Gu. (D: Cynfor ap Meredith Jun 93)
Vt, on a bend betw a mask of comedy & a mask of tragedy Or, a
hummingbird rising contourny palewise Sa. (D: Cassia
Mortivaux - Dec 07)
Vt, on a bend betw 4 compass stars Or, 3 more Vt. (D: Nadira of
the Lonely Tower - May 94)
Vt, on a bend betw 2 dolmens Or a spade Sa. (D: Rhonwen of
Watkins Hall - Nov 95)
Vt, on a bend betw 2 lizards tergiant Or 3 axes palewise Sa. (D:
Sle of Oldenfeld - Apr 97)
Vt, on a bend betw 2 roses Or 3 fleurs-de-lys palewise Vt. (D:
Harriette of Dun Ard - Apr 98)
Vt, on a bend betw 2 Russian Orthodox crosses reversed Or 2
cartwheels conjoined by an axle Sa. (D: Anya Mstislavlyaya Mar 00)
Vt, on a bend betw 2 stags heads affronty erased Or, 3 quill pens
palewise Vt. (D: Ernst von Nrnberg - Nov 94)
Vt, on a bend betw 2 straight-armed St. Brigids crosses Or, a laurel
wreath Vt. (D: St. Brigid - Apr 83)
Vt, on a bend betw 2 trefoils Or, 3 celtic harps palewise Vt. (D:
Brendan MacUilliam - Jul 87)
Vt, on a bend betw 2 vols Or 3 thistles palewise Vt flowered Gu.
(D: Serafina di Giovanni Carducci - Sep 05)
Vt, on a bend cotised Or, 3 roses proper. (D: Lourdes dArls Jun 05)
Vt, on a bend cotised Or 3 roundels Purp & in sin chf a unicorn
forcen Or. (D: Dafydd o Llyn Cwellyn - May 81)
Vt, on a bend cotised Or, 3 tulips palewise Gu, slipped & leaved Vt,
a bord Or. (D: Bromwynne an Harlick - Apr 73?)
Vt, on a bend Or a straight trumpet Vt & in sin chf an escutcheon
Or. (D: Petronilla Goodwin - Apr 86)
Vt, on a bend Or betw 2 wolfs heads erased Arg 3 oak leaves Vt.
(D: Caitrona of the Middle - Feb 01)
Vt, on a bend Or 3 annulets Vt, a chf Or. (D: Ciana da Vizzi Mar 05)
Vt, on a bend Or 3 Moors heads couped Sa. (D: David of
Moorland - Dec 71?)
* * * End * * *

Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Purpure

See also: Field division - Bendy

Arg, on a bend betw six crescents Purp, a cat dormant Arg. (D:
Khioniya Nikolaevna Ryseva - Aug 97)
Arg, on a bend betw 2 bunches of grapes Purp, 3 hawks bells
palewise Or. (D: Dyan OChoda - Oct 94)
Arg, on a bend betw 2 mullets Purp a fleur-de-lys palewise Or. (D:
Ghislaine Isabella de Lessines - Mar 07)
Arg, on a bend betw 2 serpents erect respectant tails nowed Purp 3
lotus blossoms in profile palewise Arg. (D: Shantala Amman Apr 05)
Arg, on a bend cotised Purp 3 mullets Arg. (D: Susanna the
Unyielding - Jun 94)
Arg, on a bend engrailed betw 2 cotises, engrailed on the outer
edges, Purp, an alicorn Arg, all within a bord Sa. (D: Isabeau
Charron - Apr 90)
Arg, on a bend Purp betw a reremouse Sa & a reremouse Az 3
mullets Arg. (D: Benusch Rickher - Aug 07)
Arg, on a bend Purp betw six roses Purp slipped & leaved Vt, 2
pairs of scissors Arg. (D: Alina Blackram - Feb 97)
Arg, on a bend Purp betw 2 crescents Az, 3 escallops Arg. (D:
Helena Gereman - Oct 92)
Arg on a bend Purp 3 estoiles Arg & on a chf embat Sa a moon in
her complement Arg. (D: Rhiannon Heledd of Mathrafal Jan 92)
Az, on a bend Purp fimbriated Arg betw 2 cats sejant Or a lightning
bolt Arg. (D: Clarice Rose de Lorraine - Nov 05)
Ermine, on a bend Purp 3 mullets of 4 points palewise Or. (D:
Mitchell of Middleford - Jan 98)
Or goutty, on a bend cotised Purp a quill pen Or. (D: Marcus
Caiaphas of York - Jun 94)
242 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Purpure (continued)

Or, on a bend Purp a mallet Or. (D: Gunther Brenjger - Apr 07)
Or, on a bend Purp betw a hedgehog & a garb Sa, 3 bees Or. (D:
Lorenza Ricci della Luna - Oct 06)
Or, on a bend Purp betw 2 pawprints Gu, 3 square buckles Or. (D:
Richard of Greyefalle - May 91)
Quarterly Arg & Vt, on a bend Purp 3 cinquefoils pierced Or. (D:
Anna Grace MacKenna - Dec 98)
* * * End * * *

Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Sable

See also: Field division - Bendy

Arg, a cross Gu overall on a bend Sa 3 skulls palewise Arg. (D:
Richard de Gascoigne - Sep 01)
Arg, on a bend betw a tree & an acorn, slipped & leaved to dexter,
the leaf embowed, Sa a laurel wreath palewise Arg. (D:
Darach - Jan 83)
Arg, on a bend betw 2 crosses potent Sa a bear ramp palewise Or.
(D: Heinrich Brummelbar - Nov 02)
Arg, on a bend betw 2 executioners hoods Sa a katana Arg. (B:
Rhiannon Dragonsword of the Mystic Woods - Jul 91)
Arg, on a bend betw 2 quatrefoils, barbed & seeded, Sa, a doublebitted axe Arg, all within a bord Sa. (B: Constantine
Nikephorus Akrites - Jan 89)
Arg, on a bend cotised betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Sa a feather Arg. (D:
Octavia de Verdon - Nov 99)
Arg, on a bend cotised Sa 3 Bowen knots palewise Arg. (B:
Aarnimets - Sep 00) (For Hopeisen solmun ritarikunta)
Arg, on a bend Sa betw 4 roses Gu, barbed & seeded proper, a great
sword proper. (D: Pharamond of Flanders - Jan 85)
Arg, on a bend Sa betw six fir trees couped Vt a mullet of six points
in chf Or. (D: Lyneya de Grey - Oct 07)
Arg, on a bend Sa betw 2 adders erect tails nowed Gu a cubit arm
Arg. (D: Gautier Langelier of Addershold - Feb 96)
Arg, on a bend Sa betw 2 cinquefoils Purp a sword inv Arg. (D:
Gabriella Tagliaferro - Jun 01)
Arg, on a bend Sa betw 2 frogs Vt a heart betw 2 keys wards to chf
Arg. (D: Sorcha Spottiswood - Mar 00)
Arg, on a bend Sa betw 2 pears Vt, 3 fleurs-de-lys palewise Or. (D:
Susane dAnjou - Aug 05)
Arg, on a bend Sa betw 2 roses Az, seeded Or, a hart lodged
fesswise Arg. (D: Rebekah Kleinspielerin - Jan 89)
Arg, on a bend Sa betw 2 swords bendwise Gu, a needle Or. (D:
Eyvindr Thorleifsson - Jul 99)
Arg, on a bend Sa betw 2 wolves ramp Gu, 2 fleurs-de-lys palewise
Arg. (D: Kateryna Bouland de Lancastre - May 07)
Arg, on a bend Sa cotised Gu betw 2 fleurs-de-lis Sa, a dragon
passant Or. (D: Canth of Thescorre - Feb 75?)
Arg, on a bend Sa, cotised Vt, an estoile of five points Or betw 2
cinquefoils Arg within a bord Vt. (D: Senaid Ealasaid
Fraser - Mar 84)
Arg, on a bend Sa 3 caltrops palewise Or, in sin chf a clenched
gauntlet Sa. (D: Coinneach of Strathearn - Nov 00)
Arg, on a bend Sa, 3 double roses Arg, barbed Vt. (D: George of
Berwick - Mar 97)
Arg, on a bend Sa 3 escallops palewise Arg. (D: Diego Miguel
Munoz de Castilla - Jul 97)
Arg semy of goutes Gu, on a bend Sa 3 eagles disp palewise Or. (D:
Maredudd ap Gwylim - Jul 02)
Az, on a bend Sa fimbriated betw a cats head cabossed & a mullet
3 crescents fesswise Arg. (D: Denisette die Nherin - Jul 83)
Az, on a bend Sa fimbriated betw 2 moons in their plenitude 4
crosses barby palewise all Arg. (D: Rhiannon Siobhn
Shynane - Jan 92)
Az, on a bend Sa fimbriated betw 2 panthers passant contourny
heads to sin Arg spotted Az a comet Arg. (D: Piotr Zavilov Jun 05)
Az, on a bend Sa fimbriated Or betw 2 white heath trees couped
proper 3 trident heads palewise Or. (D: William of Briardust Apr 81)
Az, on a bend Sa fimbriated 3 mullets bendwise sin Or. (D: John
Peregrine of Restormel - Dec 97)
Az, on a bend Sa fimbriated 3 mullets palewise Or, overall a label
Arg. (D: Robin of Restormel - Jun 07)
Barry Arg & Az, on a bend Sa 2 open books palewise Or. (D:
Thomas de Grey - Mar 99)

[Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Sable] to [Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Vert]

Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Sable (continued)

Barry wavy Arg & Az, on a bend Sa cotised Gu a wolfs head

cabossed palewise Arg. (D: Eoghan Caireallin - Feb 03)
Ermine, on a bend Sa 3 lions passant fesswise Or, a bord Gu. (D:
Gavin Hewlett - May 94)
Gu, on a bend Sa fimbriated & cotised 3 wheels Arg. (D: Svana
raukinn orvaldsdottir - Sep 04)
Gu, on a bend Sa, fimbriated, betw 2 grenades, a torch, on a chf Or,
3 pheons Sa. (D: Genevieve Aelfwynn the Firebrand Dec 89)
Gu, on a bend Sa fimbriated betw 2 wolves ramp an axe Arg. (D:
Olcn Mac Meanma - Jun 03)
Lozengy Az & Arg, on a bend Sa 3 Wake knots Or. (D: Mikael
McCue - Aug 95)
Or, on a bend betw an oak leaf & 2 battle axes crossed in salt Sa,
five bezants. (D: Shamus Mac Ewen - Jan 98)
Or, on a bend cotised Sa 3 foxs masks palewise Or. (D: Nikulai
Ivanovich - Oct 01)
Or, on a bend doubly cotised Sa 3 crescents Or. (D: Magdalena da
Cadamosto - Jun 03)
Or, on a bend embat, counterembattled, cotised plain, Sa, 3
gillyflowers Or. (D: Margarethe du Manoir des Girofles May 90)
Or, on a bend Sa a quill inv Arg, in sin chf 3 escallops Purp. (D:
Hugh de Ruthven - Oct 82)
Or, on a bend Sa a tilting spear Or steeled proper. (D: William
Shakespeare - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, on a bend Sa betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Gu 3 crescents palewise Or.
(D: Aliyyah bint al-Azhar - Nov 02)
Or, on a bend Sa betw 2 griffins passant Vt, 3 escallops palewise
Or. (D: Sian verch Gruffydd - Jul 97)
Or, on a bend Sa five lozenges Or, all within a bord Az. (D:
Ludwig von Lemminghaus - Jun 81)
Or, on a bend Sa 3 mullets palewise Or, in chf an equal armed
Celtic cross formy Vt. (D: Catrin MacCracken - Oct 97)
Per bend Arg & Vt, on a bend Sa 2 crosses formy palewise Arg. (D:
Mari ingen Briain meic Donnchada - Jul 91)
Per bend Az & Vt, on a bend Sa, fimbriated, betw a ring with 3 keys
pendant & an open book Arg, a needle, point to chf, Or,
threaded Arg. (D: Elizabeth Latham - Aug 87)
Per bend Or & Gu, on a bend Sa betw a double rose Gu & an open
book Arg, a baton Arg. (D: Hroswitha of Helmsdale Mar 86)
Per bend Vt & Or, on a bend Sa 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Stevyn de
Rouen - Jan 03)
Potenty Az & Or, on a bend Sa 2 dice Or. (D: Jonathan of Exeter Sep 93)
Purp, on a bend Sa fimbriated a tree palewise Arg. (D: Alexis Davis
- Jan 06)
Purp, on a bend Sa, fimbriated, betw a unicorns head couped & a
heart 3 roses Arg. (D: Roland Wolfram Floyd - Dec 86)
Purp, on a bend Sa, fimbriated, betw 2 fleurs-de-lys, 3 open books
palewise Arg. (D: Honora le Brun - Nov 04)
Quarterly Arg & Az, on a bend Sa betw 2 domestic cats sejant Arg
3 fleurs-de-lys palewise Or. (D: Abigail Pinel - Nov 99)
Quarterly Arg & Az, on a bend Sa betw 2 double-headed eagles
seven Maltese crosses palewise Or. (D: Pierre Vorman de
Saint Germain - Feb 04)
Quarterly Arg & Az, on a bend Sa betw 2 roses 4 roses Arg. (D:
Giliana Spencer de Windermere - Jul 01)
Quarterly Or & Gu, on a bend Sa betw 2 lions ramp 3 fleurs-de-lis
palewise Or, a bord ermine. (D: Jrgen von Lwenburg Sep 96)
Vt, on a bend Sa fimbriated & cotised 3 suns in their splendor
palewise Or. (D: Ursella of Rowantree - Sep 02)
* * * End * * *

Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Vert

See also: Field division - Bendy

Arg, on a bend betw six trefoils Vt a comet Arg. (D: Catlin Anne
Burke - Nov 96)
Arg, on a bend betw 2 olive branches bendwise Vt, a dove volant,
wings addorsed, Arg. (D: Cara of Kirriemuir - Sep 92)
Arg, on a bend cotised betw 2 pears Vt, a wingless dragon passant
Arg. (D: Eleanor de Wardon - May 88)
Arg, on a bend Vt a paw print palewise Arg. (D: Rolf of Esterfen May 98)

Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Vert (continued)

Arg, on a bend Vt betw a dragon ramp & a falcon close Sa, 2

mullets Arg. (D: Peregrine Gwalchmei - Jan 85)
Arg, on a bend Vt betw a horses head couped & 3 paw-prints Sa, a
rose Arg. (D: Catlin nic Sheumais Chaimbeil - Sep 92)
Arg, on a bend Vt betw a rapier bendwise & a rapier bendwise inv
Sa a wolfs head erased palewise contourny betw 2 roses Arg.
(D: Nikolai Domingo de Vallejo - May 03)
Arg, on a bend Vt betw a rose Gu & a sword Sa 3 fleurs-de-lys
palewise Arg. (D: Reynard dAvignon - Sep 95)
Arg, on a bend Vt betw 2 brown bears ramp the basemost contourny
proper 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Cosimo Orsini - Nov 02)
Arg, on a bend Vt betw 2 butterflies Purp, 3 musical notes palewise
Arg. (D: Catherine Elizabeth Dling - Jul 99)
Arg, on a bend Vt betw 2 falcons striking Gu, a sword Or. (D:
Rodrigo Peregrino de Navarra - Aug 04)
Arg, on a bend Vt betw 2 mullets of seven points Sa, a stag trippant
guardant fesswise Arg, a bord quarterly Or & Vt. (D: Gunther
von Waldherz - May 93)
Arg, on a bend Vt betw 2 pairs of theatrical masks conjoined in
bend Purp a needle threaded Arg. (D: Flannait inghean u
hEighnigh - Dec 00)
Arg, on a bend Vt betw 2 ravens Sa 3 billets Arg. (D: Ladan ingen
Chonamail - Aug 97)
Arg, on a bend Vt betw 2 shamrocks Vt, a shamrock palewise Arg.
(D: Caitlin of Drogheda - Aug 98)
Arg, on a bend Vt betw 2 sprigs of 3 holly leaves in pall Vt fructed
Gu, a lion courant tail nowed Or. (D: Myrddin ap Maelgwn
Coed Du - May 04)
Arg, on a bend Vt betw 2 turtles Purp, a turtle palewise Arg. (D:
Alesandre la Jardinire - Sep 96)
Arg, on a bend Vt, cotised Purp, betw 2 thistles, slipped & leaved,
proper, 3 Latin crosses palewise Arg. (D: Kieran de Sainte
Claire - Apr 90)
Arg, on a bend Vt, cotised Sa, five crescents Arg. (D: Signy von
Velden - Jul 88)
Arg, semy of arrows Sa, on a bend Vt, a strung bow, string to base,
Arg. (D: Sean Colin mac Brenos of the Silver Bow - May 89)
Arg, upon a bend Vt a stalk of wheat Or, all betw 2 roses Gu,
barbed & seeded proper. (D: Pamela of the Gardens Jul 74?)
Az, on a bend Vt fimbriated Or, betw 2 increscents Arg, a
catamount passant Or. (D: Adrian La Moyne - Jul 97)
Az, on a bend Vt, fimbriated, 3 escarbuncles of five points palewise
Arg. (D: Gwynaeth ferch Llewellyn von Westfalen - Aug 81)
Ermine, on a bend cotised Vt, 3 sickles Or. (D: Reinald van Milant
- Feb 94)
Or, billetty Az, on a bend Vt a needle Or. (D: Veronika die
Spielerin - Jul 83)
Or, on a bend betw six anchors Vt in dexter chf a fish Or. (D:
Geoffrey Tailor - Jan 07)
Or, on a bend betw 2 bunches of grapes Vt 3 fleurs-de-lys palewise
Or. (D: Guy Beaugrand de Champaigne - Sep 02)
Or, on a bend betw 2 wolves couchant reguardant Vt each
maintaining in its mouth a sword inv Gu, 3 Celtic crosses
palewise Or. (D: Catriona Faireye of Ayrshire - Oct 99)
Or, on a bend Vt betw 2 lymphads Gu, a tower Arg masoned Sa.
(D: Roland de Tourgrise - Aug 72?)
Or, on a bend Vt betw 2 swans naiant Sa 3 keys wards to chf Or.
(D: Muriel Dancort - Mar 03)
Or, on a bend Vt 3 acorns palewise Or. (B: Edolina del Fylde Sep 96)
Per bend Arg & Gu crusily crosslet fitchy Or, on a bend Vt 3 snowy
owls guardant Arg & in sin chf a dragon ramp Gu. (D:
Gwyneth merch Megan - Nov 82)
Per bend Arg & Or, on a bend Vt betw an increscent Gu & a scythe
with head in base & blade to sin proper, a garb palewise Or.
(D: Margaret of Radclyffe - Jul 85)
Per bend erminois & pean, on a bend Vt 3 wake knots Or. (D:
Philip Fitzraymond - Jan 87)
Per bend Or & Sa semy of broadarrows Or, on a bend Vt a sword
inv Or, in chf a bear ramp Sa. (D: Bernard von Budweis Dec 98)
Sa, on a bend Vt fimbriated betw 2 mullets of 4 points elongated to
base a wolf statant Arg. (D: Tigernn Felin - Feb 03)
Sa, on a bend Vt fimbriated betw 2 pairs of hammers in salt, a turtle
shell tergiant fesswise Or. (D: Conn Jamesson - Jun 93)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 243

[Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Vert] to [Bend - 1 - Charged - Complex line]

Bend - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Vert (continued)

Sa, on a bend Vt fimbriated Or betw 2 lightning flashes a catamount

ramp Or. (D: Robin de Shealladh - Apr 80)
Vairy Sa & Arg, on a bend Vt, an eagle in chf Or. (D: Marion of
Manchester - Sep 98)
* * * End * * *

Bend - 1 - Charged - Complex line

See also: Field division - Bendy

Arg, on a bend bevelled Sa 2 slippers Arg. (D: Krestiia Alla
Galychskaia - Nov 97)
Arg, on a bend dovetailed Az betw a mullet of eight points Vt & a
foxs mask Gu a dagger proper. (D: Aiden the Halfbreed Jan 84)
Arg, on a bend embat Az betw 2 roses proper, 3 pheons inv
palewise Arg. (D: Alisdair MacEwan - Nov 98)
Arg, on a bend embat betw 2 griffins segreant Az a straight trumpet
inv Or. (D: Daniel de la Trompette dOr - Mar 06)
Arg, on a bend embat counter-embat Az betw 2 laurel wreaths Vt 3
2-headed anvils bendwise sin Arg. (D: Smythkepe - Mar 00)
Arg, on a bend engrailed Az betw a brown horse ramp & a tree
eradicated proper 3 gouttes Arg. (D: Ailionra inghean
Tighearnaigh - Sep 05)
Arg, on a bend engrailed betw 2 cotises, engrailed on the outer
edges, Purp, an alicorn Arg, all within a bord Sa. (D: Isabeau
Charron - Apr 90)
Arg, on a bend indented Sa betw 2 wolfs heads erased Gu, 3
crescents palewise Arg. (D: Rioghnach Ninian uerch Rhys Aug 93)
Arg, on a bend raguly Sa betw 2 wolves ramp Purp collared &
chained with a broken chain each maintaining a sword Gu 4
paw prints Arg. (D: Almeric Wolfgang von Ristau - Oct 99)
Arg, on a bend rayonny Gu betw an increscent & a decrescent Vt a
sword Arg. (D: Alina of Ierne - Mar 88)
Arg, on a bend wavy Az betw 2 demi-pegasi Az, a tilting spear Arg.
(D: Lance Nystrm - Dec 85)
Arg, on a bend wavy Az 3 pig-faced bascinets palewise Arg. (D:
Martyn Ferrett - Feb 96)
Arg, on a bend wavy betw 2 hearts pierced Sa, 3 hawks bells
palewise Arg. (D: Caroline de Loreygne - Jun 89)
Arg, on a bend wavy betw 2 horses passant Purp, 3 roses Arg. (D:
Rosabel de Burgundy - Aug 90)
Arg, on a bend wavy betw 2 swords Az 3 escallops palewise Arg.
(D: Childebert Benevolus - Feb 95)
Arg, on a bend wavy Gu betw a 2-wheeled cart & a warhammer
reversed proper a chain thoughout Arg. (D: Alaric Grmper Feb 03)
Arg, on a bend wavy Gu betw 3 roses, one & 2, Az, barbed &
seeded proper, a key, wards to chf, Arg. (D: Valeria Bridget
Rodin - Aug 88)
Arg, on a bend wavy Sa betw an open book & a cat passant
guardant Gu 3 roses Arg. (D: Anne de Bayonne sur Adour Dec 94)
Arg, on a bend wavy Vt betw 2 gouttes Az a cat sejant gardant
palewise Arg its front paws resting upon an arrow Or. (D:
Deletha of Anandyrdale - Aug 02)
Arg, on a bend wavy Vt betw 2 swans naiant Sa, a sprig of foliage
Arg. (D: Alys of Eisental - Dec 88)
Az, on a bend bretessed betw 2 open penannular brooches bendwise
sin Or, a bendlet Vt. (D: Brd u Chon na Mara - May 92)
Az, on a bend dovetailed Arg betw 2 dragons passant Or, 3 crosses
potent fitchy palewise Gu. (D: Aelfric of Purbeck - Jan 90)
Az, on a bend embat betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Or, 2 lions heads erased
palewise Gu. (D: Guillaume du Lyon - Jan 92)
Az, on a bend engrailed betw 2 estoiles Arg, five water bougets Az.
(D: Fionnbhrr Starfyr of the Isles - May 90)
Az, on a bend indented betw 2 crescents Arg a feather Sa. (D:
Grinne ingen Daud - May 96)
Az, on a bend invected Arg, a salamander tergiant Sa enflamed
proper. (D: Isobel Grace Hadleigh - Apr 99)
Az, on a bend nebuly betw 2 foxes passant contourny Or 3 roses
Gu. (D: Eyja ursasprengir - May 02)
Az, on a bend nebuly Or a rose Sa, barbed & seeded proper. (D:
Nikolai of Everworry - Dec 75?)
Az, on a bend raguly betw a pegasus ramp & 3 roses Arg, barbed &
seeded proper, a sheaf of 3 arrows proper flighted Arg. (D:
Arion Hirsch von Schutzhundheim - Nov 07)
244 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bend - 1 - Charged - Complex line (continued)

Az, on a bend raguly cotised plain Arg 3 ravens palewise rising

wings addorsed Sa. (D: Rafe Slater - Dec 02)
Az, on a bend raguly Or betw an eagle disp & a thistle Arg, a spear
Gu. (D: Jan Oszczepnowski - Feb 94)
Az, on a bend wavy Arg a griffin courant Sa, winged Gu. (D:
Sunniva Isensmiesdohtor - Mar 07)
Az, on a bend wavy Arg betw 2 roundels each within a laurel
wreath Or 3 crescents Az. (D: Chteau du Ciel - Sep 00)
Az, on a bend wavy betw 2 compass stars Arg, 3 compass stars
palewise Az. (D: Melaina Caerlaverock - Mar 94)
Az, on a bend wavy betw 2 lions sejant erect guardant Or an arrow
inv Vt, a bord Or. (D: Daniel of Silverwaters - Apr 98)
Az, on a bend wavy betw 2 towers Arg, 3 portcullises palewise Sa.
(D: Edwin atte Bridge - Jul 98)
Az, upon a bend dovetailed Arg a bendlet Az, in sin chf a laurel
wreath Arg. (D: St. David - Aug 77?)
Checky Az & Arg, on a bend engrailed betw 2 double roses Gu 3
fans palewise Or. (D: Alyna Wolfstan - Sep 94)
Counter-ermine, on a bend engrailed Or 3 thistles Purp, slipped &
leaved Vt. (B: Caitlin MacDonnell - Sep 83) (For Clan na
Counter-ermine, on a bend invected Arg, 3 fleurs-de-lys Purp. (D:
Jauhara bint al-Ghamr - Jul 88)
Gu, on a bend bretessed Arg 3 triangles Sa. (D: Johann Schlein Aug 03)
Gu, on a bend bretessed betw 2 foxes masks Arg a hurst palewise
proper. (D: Waldemar of Livonia - Aug 94)
Gu, on a bend dovetailed betw 2 thistles Or, a bendlet Sa. (D:
Greta Klusenaere - Feb 87)
Gu, on a bend engrailed betw 2 maple leaves Arg a bendlet Gu. (D:
Amanda of Walworth - Apr 87)
Gu, on a bend invected Arg betw 2 roses Or 3 fleurs-de-lys
palewise Az. (D: Kateryn Lishman - Dec 01)
Gu, on a bend invected betw 2 swans naiant Arg, 3 thistles palewise
proper. (D: Susan MacGregor - Apr 86)
Gu, on a bend invected Or, 3 brown ferrets statant fesswise proper.
(D: Gerald of Coventry - Sep 98)
Gu, on a bend invected voided betw 2 goblets, a quill pen Or. (D:
Catharine Wyndsford - Feb 90)
Gu, on a bend rayonny betw a drop spindle & a feather bendwise
Or, 2 compass stars palewise Sa. (D: Rayah bint Yousef Nov 07)
Gu, on a bend rayonny betw 2 cushions Or, a bend Sa. (D: Ashraf
Qaraci - Oct 84)
Gu, semy of sparks, on a bend rayonny Or, a dragon courant Vt. (D:
Sabria de lArdennes - Jun 89)
Or, on a bend bretassy Az betw a boar ramp & an escarbuncle Gu, 3
pheons Arg. (D: Dafydd ap Bleiddudd - Apr 89)
Or, on a bend dancetty betw 2 scorpions Gu a sword Or. (D:
Dorinda Scorpione - Jul 01)
Or, on a bend dovetailed betw 2 dragonflies Sa a lizard tergiant Arg.
(D: Alexandra Hbich die Schliesserin - Mar 94)
Or, on a bend embat, counterembattled, cotised plain, Sa, 3
gillyflowers Or. (D: Margarethe du Manoir des Girofles May 90)
Or, on a bend engrailed Az betw 2 penguins affronty proper a quill
pen Or. (D: Brigh of Writers Keep - Feb 87)
Or, on a bend engrailed Purp 3 roses Or. (D: Royse Meingnes Feb 07)
Or, on a bend engrailed Sa, 3 fleurs-de-lys palewise Or. (D:
Laurence Munro - Jan 96)
Or, on a bend indented betw 2 roses Purp, 3 trees palewise Or. (D:
Madelaine of Red Spears - Sep 95)
Or, on a bend invected Vt betw six mullets Sa, a sword Arg. (D:
Brian of Saint Michaels Mount - Jul 97)
Or, on a bend nebuly Az a feather Arg. (D: Madelena Palmieri Sep 04)
Or, on a bend wavy Az a sun in splendor palewise Or. (B:
Katharine de la Vache - Mar 06)
Or, on a bend wavy Az betw 2 laurel wreaths Vt a horse salient
palewise Arg. (D: Ad Flumen Caerulum - Oct 96)
Or, on a bend wavy Az 3 suns in splendour Or. (D: Katharine de la
Vache - Apr 05)
Or, on a bend wavy Purp 3 natural dolphins naiant fesswise
contourny Arg. (D: Thorvald Kristoffersson - Aug 01)

[Bend - 1 - Charged - Complex line] to [Bend - 2 or more]

Bend - 1 - Charged - Complex line (continued)

Or, on a bend wavy Sa 3 ivy leaves Or. (D: Jehan Bacheler Jan 05)
Per bend Az & Sa, on a bend wavy betw 2 increscents Arg, 3 suns
Az. (D: Maeve FitzRobert of York - Apr 06)
Per bend Az & Vt, on a bend engrailed Arg betw six mullets of six
points Or a foxs head erased Gu. (D: Gabriel ap Morgan ap
Hywel - Apr 85)
Per bend Gu & Az, on a bend raguly Or, an arrow inv Sa. (D:
Aodhfin Seibert - Jan 94)
Per bend Gu & Vt, on a bend wavy Or 3 standing balances palewise
Sa. (D: Ayisha bint Ata - Dec 95)
Per bend Purp & Gu, on a bend indented flory on the outer points
betw 2 wrens close Or, 3 columbines Purp, slipped & leaved
Vt. (D: Mirianna Wrenne of Ravenswood - Mar 89)
Per bend Purp & Gu, on a bend invected betw 2 owls Arg a cat
couchant Sa. (D: Tiura Katzensteiger - Oct 01)
Per bend Purp & Vt, on a bend invected betw a unicorns head
couped contourny & a fleur-de-lys Arg 3 crosses swallowtailed
palewise Purp. (D: Dante de Blois - Apr 00)
Per bend Sa & Az, on a bend wavy Arg 3 caltraps palewise Sa. (D:
Dougal MacFinlay - Oct 92)
Per pale Or & Gu, on a bend nebuly betw 2 falcons close, belled &
jessed, 3 roundels all ctrch. (D: Teodoro Bertrando di Falco Aug 86)
Purp, on a bend bretessed Arg a heart palewise fracted Sa. (B:
Rustique de Suard - May 04)
Purp, on a bend bretessed Or 3 trefoils palewise Vt. (B: Gunnarr
Brunwulf - Apr 95) (For House Brunwulf)
Purp, on a bend engrailed Or 3 roses proper. (D: Wolfgang de
Warenne - Oct 92)
Purp, on a bend invected Arg in chf a cross of Calatrava palewise
Purp. (D: Oriana Morgan of Ely - Feb 96)
Purp, on a bend nebuly betw 2 griffins combattant Arg 3 increscents
palewise Purp. (D: Brannait inghean u Ghroghair Mar 05)
Purp, on a bend wavy betw 2 compass stars elongated to base Arg,
3 cats passant Sa. (D: Siobhan an Daraich Crom - Oct 90)
Purp, on a bend wavy Or betw 2 escallops Arg, a rose, slipped &
leaved, proper. (D: Dorthea the Impatient - Oct 88)
Sa, on a bend bretessed Arg, 3 roses proper, seeded, on a bord Arg
an orle Gu. (D: Thomas of Aylesbury - Jul 91)
Sa, on a bend embat counter-embat Arg 3 crosses of Jerusalem
palewise Gu. (D: Gawyn Alisaundre - Nov 03)
Sa, on a bend invected Arg a bend Gu, overall a griffin sejant
affronty, wings disp, head to dexter, Or. (D: Caradoc ap
Owain - Apr 84)
Sa, on a bend invected Or another Gu, charged with a dove rising,
wings addorsed, grasping a lily Arg, stalked & leaved Vt. (D:
Danielle Christine des Briannes - May 85)
Sa, on a bend nebuly Or betw a thistle & a bow bendwise Arg, 3
pheons Sa. (D: Caoimhn mac an Fhleisdeir - Jun 98)
Sa, on a bend wavy Arg another Gu, overall a pine tree couped Arg.
(B: Nordskogen - Aug 90) (For the Order of the Rouge
Sa, on a bend wavy Az fimbriated, an arrow inv, in sin chf a
decrescent Arg. (D: Connor Whitehawk - Jun 98)
Sa, on a bend wavy betw 2 crosses formy Arg 3 suns in their
splendor palewise Sa. (B: Tighearain Blackwater - May 03)
Sa, on a bend wavy betw 2 garden rosebuds bendwise, slipped &
leaved, Or, a rosebud Gu, slipped & leaved Vt. (B: Arielle
dArc - Oct 93)
Sa, on a bend wavy betw 2 stags massacres Arg a rowan branch
fructed Vt. (D: Rowan Blackthorne - Nov 03)
Vair en pointe, on a bend embat Sa a mullet Arg. (D: Marcus
Evenstar of Greenleaf - Dec 81)
Vt, a sword bendwise sin surmounted by a bend wavy Arg charged
with a foxs head couped Gu. (D: Fiona Seonad Lachlan Aug 79)
Vt, on a bend bretessed Arg betw a mullet of eight points & a
crescent bendwise sin Or, a bend Gu, all within a bord embat
Arg. (D: Christine Ariadne of Gwynedd - Jun 86)
Vt, on a bend embat counter-embat betw 2 golf clubs inv in salt &
an Irish harp Or, a greatsword Sa. (D: Murdoc MacKinnon Dec 96)
Vt, on a bend embat to base ermine a cinquefoil Sa. (D: Ysabeau
Herbier de Vauvert - Feb 96)

Bend - 1 - Charged - Complex line (continued)

Vt, on a bend engrailed betw 2 annulets Or 3 cinquefoils Az. (D:

Mare Wischart - Sep 02)
Vt, on a bend engrailed Or 3 hearts palewise Gu. (D: Judith zu Ahe
- Aug 99)
Vt, on a bend invected betw 2 squirrels sejant erect Arg, five acorns
palewise Sa. (D: Gwennlynn of Woodlyn - Jul 85)
Vt, on a bend invected betw 2 unstrung recurved bows bendwise
Or, another Vt. (B: Elaine Ladd - Oct 84)
Vt, on a bend raguly cotised Arg, 3 fir sprigs proper. (D: Alcuin of
Argyle - Jan 88)
Vt, on a bend wavy Arg 3 gouttes de poix. (D: Katarina Scryvener
- Sep 02)
Vt, on a bend wavy betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Or an arrow inv Vt. (B:
Bianca the Inquisitive - Jan 06)
Vt, on a bend wavy Or a pawprint Vt. (D: Wulfhart Bieber Jul 01)
* * * End * * *

Bend - 2 or more

See also: Field division - Bendy

(Fieldless) Five lances bendwise sin in fess Sa surmounted by as
many bendwise in fess Gu. (B: Walram von Laufenberg Mar 87)
(Fieldless) 3 bendlets wavy Az within & conjoined to an annulet
Sa. (B: Lyndhaven - Jan 03)
Arg, a bend wavy Purp cotised plain Sa. (D: Custdia de
Montemor - Sep 92)
Arg, a bendlet wavy Gu betw 2 bendlets wavy Az & in sin chf a
cross forme Sa. (D: Thomas von Holtzhausen - Aug 83)
Arg, a boar spear bendwise inv Sa betw 2 bendlets, the whole betw
2 bracken fronds Vt. (D: Markus Jager von Farnwald Jan 87)
Arg, a rose bendwise Sa, slipped & leaved Vt, betw 2 bendlets Gu.
(D: Elizabeth Scott of Berwick - Dec 96)
Arg, an arrow bendwise Sa surmounted by a rose proper, all betw 2
bendlets Sa. (D: Aurora de Ivory - Sep 89)
Arg, five bendlets enhanced Sa surmounted by a wyvern Gu, in
base a thistle slipped & leaved Sa distilling 2 goutes Gu. (D:
Conor the Black - Oct 98)
Arg, 4 bendlets Sa in sin chf a Latin cross flory Gu. (D: Richard de
Camville - Aug 97)
Arg semy of pine trees proper, 2 bendlets Az. (D: Shaun of the
Forrest - Nov 02)
Arg, ten bendlets & ten bendlets sin, fretty, double interlaced
alternately Gu & Sa. (D: Nerak la Tisserande - Apr 00)
Arg, 3 bendlets enhanced & a cross moline fitchy Az. (D: Richard
deLacy - Dec 95)
Arg, 3 bendlets enhanced Gu, overall a reremouse disp within an
orle Az. (D: Bran Emrys o Garnhedryn - Jun 90)
Arg, 3 bendlets enhanced Sa & in base a griffins head erased Gu.
(D: Cecelia Erwyn of Etterick - Oct 89)
Arg, 3 bendlets Gu & in sin chf a unicorns head couped Sa. (D:
Niccolo da Palermo - Jan 04)
Arg, 3 bendlets Purp & overall a tower Az. (B: Matillis atte Hethe Aug 07)
Arg, 3 bendlets Purp betw six horseshoes inv Gu. (D: Katerina von
Wolfsberg - Dec 90)
Arg, 3 bendlets wavy Az overall a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Lyndhaven
- Apr 96)
Arg, 3 bendlets wavy enhanced Az & in dexter base a slip of
hawthorn bendwise fructed proper. (D: Eldith of Umberthorn
- Jul 83)
Arg, 3 roses in bend betw 2 bendlets Az, all betw 2 ravens rising,
wings elevated & addorsed, Sa. (D: Mark of Storvik May 88)
Arg, 2 bendlets abased, on a chf triangular Az 3 decrescents Arg.
(D: Tmas Ashe Buchanan - Jul 95)
Arg, 2 bendlets Az betw a unicorns head couped at the shoulder &
a cross couped Sa, all within a bord Az. (D: Mungo of the
Rock - Jun 90)
Arg, 2 bendlets Az betw 2 martlets Gu. (D: Enoch Sutherland Sep 99)
Arg, 2 bendlets gemel wavy Az, overall a turtle tergiant Vt. (D:
James of Durmast - Mar 94)
Arg, 2 bendlets Gu overall a fess wavy Az. (D: Charles Templar Apr 03)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 245

[Bend - 2 or more]

Bend - 2 or more (continued)

Arg, 2 bendlets Sa betw a mullet inv & a dragon couchant Vt. (D:
James Kuberic - Apr 84)
Arg, 2 bendlets Sa scaly Arg, in sin chf a snakes head affrontee,
horned of rams horns, Sa. (D: Dubhgall OConnor - Jul 91)
Arg, 2 bendlets Vt betw 2 estoiles Sa. (D: Judith Fiona Mac
Kiernan - May 90)
Arg, 2 bendlets wavy betw a sun & a lighted torch, all within a bord
Sa. (D: Gabrianne de la Montagne - Aug 84)
Arg, 2 bends engrailed to chf & invected to base Az, overall a
garden rosebud bendwise sin Purp, slipped & leaved Vt. (D:
Keri Dietrichsdottir of Roosebeck - Nov 88)
Az, a bendlet gemel wavy betw in bend a crescent betw 2 mullets &
in bend a mullet betw 2 crescents, all Arg. (B: Morrigan FitzRolf - May 81)
Az, a butterfly betw 2 bendlets betw 2 mullets Or. (D: Mellilah
Farasha Raushana bint Abdullah - date?)
Az, a wingless sea-griffin erect & in sin chf 3 bendlets wavy Or.
(D: Gryphon du Fort Epe - Apr 84)
Az estoily, 3 bendlets enhanced & a winged stag ramp contourny
Arg. (D: Aylwin Graham the Flamehaired - Jun 95)
Az, in bend 3 mallets betw 2 bendlets all betw 2 pairs of compasses
Arg. (D: Ferdinand of Strasburg - Apr 07)
Az, on 2 bendlets Or, six mullets Az, all within a bord Or. (D:
Geoffrey Jeffries - Jun 87)
Az, six harpstrings in bend throughout, & in sin chf a harp Arg. (D:
Kennyth of Rosewood - Aug 79)
Az, 3 bendlets abased & in sin chf a cross fleury Or pierced Gu. (D:
Olwen ferch Cadfael - Jul 96)
Az, 3 bendlets & overall an eagle disp Or. (D: Giovanni Boccaccio
- Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, 3 bendlets Or & in sin chf a tower Arg. (D: Giovanni Rocco Sep 96)
Az, 3 bendlets wavy Arg. (D: Genevieve dEvreux - Jun 99)
Az, 3 bendlets wavy Arg, overall a dolphin haurient within a bord
Or. (D: Margot of Glamorgan - Aug 89)
Az, 3 escallops betw 2 bendlets wavy Or. (D: Katherine of
Tewkesbury - Oct 94)
Az, 3 escallops inv betw 2 bendlets Arg. (D: Sorcha Brecc ingen
Donnchada - Apr 00)
Az, 2 bendlets dancetty betw a fleur-de-lys & a lion ramp Arg. (D:
James Greenleaf - Feb 86)
Az, 2 bendlets enhanced & in base a mullet voided Or. (D: Edmund
de la Haye - Feb 95)
Az, 2 bendlets enhanced & in base a mullet voided Or, for
augmentation on a canton Gu 3 trilliums Arg seeded Vt within
a bord Arg. (Augmentation of Arms: Edmund de la Haye Mar 07)
Az, 2 bendlets invected fretted with 2 scarpes invected, all betw 4
dogwood blossoms Arg, seeded Or. (D: Grania ni Fhearghuis
- Dec 88)
Az, 2 bendlets Or, overall a skull Arg. (D: Byrhtnoth Caithness
hinn Karl - Oct 83)
Az, 2 bendlets wavy betw 2 estoiles Arg. (D: Stella Silvana Dec 93)
Az, 2 bendlets wavy Or betw an escallop & a dolphin haurient Arg.
(D: Siubhan Catriona Guinne - Sep 91)
Az, 2 bendlets wavy within a bord Arg. (B: Stella Silvana Sep 02)
Az, 2 estoiles in bend betw 2 bendlets Or. (D: Roderick of
Glaedenfeld - Jul 00)
Counter-ermine, in bend 4 ribands Gu issuant from the claws of a
cats paw Arg, itself issuant from sin base. (D: Elenya
Adkoshka - Aug 79?)
Erminois, 3 bendlets enhanced within a bord Sa. (D: Dagmar
Torsdottir - Oct 87)
Gu, a panther ramp guardant & incensed Or, pelletty, & 2 bendlets
enhanced erminois. (D: Thormond the Short - Mar 90)
Gu, an arrow bendwise Or betw 2 bendlets Arg. (B: Julian Edward
Farnsworth of Falconmoors - Jul 86)
Gu, an arrow bendwise Or betw 2 bendlets Arg, betw in chf a tower
& in base a cross couped Or. (D: Julian Edward Farnsworth
of Falconmoors - Jul 86)
Gu, 4 bendlets enhanced & a jess & bell bendwise Arg. (D:
Gwendolyn du Faucon - Nov 82)
Gu, on a bend Arg voided betw 2 lions heads erased, 3 thistles
palewise Arg. (D: Teresia dOliphant - Feb 85)
246 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bend - 2 or more (continued)

Gu, 3 bendlets abased Arg each charged with a bendlet Az in sin chf
an hourglass Arg charged with a needle Sa. (D: Ann
Busshenell of Tylehurst - Oct 03)
Gu, 3 bendlets enhanced & a hawks lure Arg within a bord ermine.
(D: Ivone la Doucette de Rouen - Jan 91)
Gu, 3 bendlets enhanced Or crusilly palewise Gu & a cross crosslet
Or. (D: Basilia Kalamane - Jul 05)
Gu, 2 bendlets & on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Gu. (D: Madelena da
Firenze - Sep 03)
Gu, 2 bendlets enhanced, a winged unicorn statant Or. (D: Ysabet
of Skye - Jul 85)
Gu, 2 bendlets wavy & in sin chf a natural dolphin naiant embowed
Arg. (D: Dirk of Tir Ysgithr - Mar 01)
Or, a humpback whale naiant to sin base Sa betw 2 bendlets wavy
all betw 2 roses Vt seeded Or. (D: Aine Paixdecoeur Dec 07)
Or, betw & conjoined to 2 bendlets 3 chevronels bendwise all betw
a turtle fesswise & a lime branch Vt. (D: Taddea Gower Jan 95)
Or, betw 2 bendlets Gu, in dexter chf an escallop inv bendwise Sa.
(D: Margery Coulano de Tracey of Toddington - Jan 98)
Or, in chf 2 sprigs of oak leaves Vt fructed Or, & in base 4 bendlets
wavy Vt. (D: Caitlin na Darac - Oct 76?)
Or, issuant from sin 3 bendlets couped in pale Az. (D: Thomas the
Incomplete - Aug 79?)
Or, 3 bendlets beviled enhanced Vt & in dexter base an ankh Sa.
(D: Thomas Nighthawk - May 83)
Or, 3 bendlets enhanced Az & in dexter base in bend 3 fountains.
(D: Solondra Carryl - Jun 82)
Or, 3 bendlets enhanced Sa & in dexter base a cross crosslet fitchy
Gu. (D: Ambrosine Darcy - Jul 84)
Or, 3 bendlets enhanced within a bord Sa. (B: Dagmar Torsdottir Feb 89) (For House Fierce)
Or, 3 bendlets wavy betw 2 harps Az. (D: Cennydd the Wanderer Sep 92)
Or, 3 maple leaves conjoined in pall inv Vt betw 2 bendlets gemels
Purp. (D: Keridwen of Caermarthen - Nov 93)
Or, 2 bendlets & in chf a laurel wreath Sa. (D: Cour dOr Oct 03)
Or, 2 bendlets Sa overall a lion sejant erect doubly-queued Gu all
within a bord embat Sa. (D: Wynfri t Huntandune Oct 02)
Or, 2 bendlets wavy on upper edge Vt. (D: Rainald Cameron Feb 00)
Or, 2 piles in point issuant from dexter chf Gu betw 2 crosses
crosslet fitchy Sa. (D: John Levet - Jun 95)
Pean, 3 bendlets Vt & a chf urdy Or. (D: Hermina Matilda de
Ainesleah of Meredene - Jan 84)
Pean, 2 bendlets betw a hawk disp & a fleur-de-lis Or. (D: Henri
Garther - Apr 94)
Per bend Arg & Az, betw 2 bendlets ctrch a Celtic cross formy per
bend Sa & Arg, all betw a bottlenosed dolphin embowed
bendwise & another embowed bendwise reversed ctrch. (D:
Cynthia Nicol of the Highlands - Oct 95)
Per bend Arg & Az, 2 bendlets Az & 3 mullets of six points Or. (D:
Brian Sigfridsson von Niedersachsen - Dec 05)
Per bend Arg & Az, 2 bendlets ctrch, in sin chf a rose Gu, barbed &
seeded, slipped & leaved proper, & in dexter base 3 crosses
fleury Or. (D: Kirsten von dem Wald - Oct 79)
Per bend ermine & counter-ermine 2 bendlets ctrch Sa & Arg. (D:
Armand de Montfort Lyons - Sep 88)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, 3 roses in bend betw 2 bendlets, all ctrch.
(D: Anna Herold von Ossenheim - Apr 86)
Per bend sin Or & Arg, 3 bendlets Az, overall a wolfs head
cabossed Sa, all within a bord Az. (D: Lothar Wulfeson Jun 88)
Per bend wavy Az & Vt, 3 bendlets wavy & in chf a harp Arg. (D:
Thalia Woodhall - Mar 96)
Per fess Purp & Vt, 2 bendlets & 2 scarpes fretted, in pale 3 thistles
in pale Or. (D: Robert Crosar - Jan 00)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 3 bendlets enhanced Arg & in dexter base a
compass star Or. (D: William von Kurnach - May 91)
Per salt Az & Gu, 4 bendlets & 4 scarpes abased & fretted in base &
in chf an eagle disp Or. (D: Aleron of Eagles Reach May 85)

[Bend - 2 or more] to [Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent]

Bend - 2 or more (continued)

Purp, a catamount sejant guardant Arg & 3 bendlets enhanced

ermine. (D: Knusch von Eltz - Aug 04)
Purp, 4 bendlets enhanced & in base a mullet Or. (D: Martin de
Mont Blanc - Jan 90)
Purp, in bend 3 fleurs-de-lys betw 2 bendlets Or. (D: Marguerite
du Royon - May 00)
Purp, in bend 3 pegasi courant bendwise betw 2 bendlets Arg. (D:
Kalida Aristana - Dec 82)
Purp, 3 bendlets Arg & in base a lions head cabossed Or. (D:
Corwyn Moray - Jul 05)
Purp, 3 bendlets enhanced & a fleur-de-lys Arg. (D: Anastasia de
Maris - Oct 95)
Sa, a compass star of eight passion nails, points outwards,
alternately Arg & Or, within 2 bendlets Arg, cotised Or & 2
scarpes Arg, cotised Or, all fretted in mascle throughout. (D:
Astrid Ragnarsdottir av Arvika - Jul 80)
Sa, in bend sin an annulet Or betw 2 bend cotices wavy betw a dove
volant fesswise Arg, maintaining in its beak an olive branch
proper, & a battleaxe bendwise Arg, hafted Or. (D: Rhora
Goldring - Mar 81)
Sa, in bend 3 eagles disp bendwise betw 2 bendlets Or. (D:
Andreas Schwingehammer - Jul 01)
Sa, in bend 3 estoiles of eight points within 2 gemel bendlets wavy
betw a crescent & a lymphad reversed, all Arg. (D: Maeve of
the Lone Isles - Aug 79)
Sa, in bend 3 valknuts betw 2 bendlets Arg. (D: Valdis
Isbrandsdottir - Jan 06)
Sa, 3 bendlets betw 4 mullets of 4 points within a bord Arg. (D:
Guillaume Richarde - Feb 91)
Sa, 3 cinquefoils in bend Or betw 2 bendlets Arg. (D: Kolfinna
Fitzsimon - Oct 98)
Sa, 3 fleurs-de-lys palewise in bend betw 2 bendlets engrailed all
betw 2 winged lions ramp contourny Arg. (D: Jonathan de
Copeland - Jan 91)
Sa, 3 pallets & 3 bendlets fretted, betw in bend sin a rabbit ramp
contourny, maintaining a sword, & a natural panther ramp Arg.
(D: Shea mac Conn - May 93)
Sa, 2 bendlets Arg, overall a phoenix Or issuant from flames proper
within a bord Arg. (D: Roger St. Neot de Blaise - Jul 84)
Sa, 2 bendlets wavy betw a roundel & an open book, Arg. (D:
Nicolette du Loire - Jan 91)
Sa, 2 bends Gu fimbriated Or, & in pale 3 doves volant bendwise
proper. (D: Thin Robert of Lawrence - Aug 79)
Vair, 2 bendlets & in bend sin a laurel wreath betw 2 tygers passant
to sin Or. (D: Northpass - Jan 87)
Vt, a daffodil sprig Arg with 2 flowers affronty, in chf 3 bendlets
enhanced Or. (D: Megwen ferch Rhys o Wynedd - Jun 02)
Vt, betw 2 bendlets gemel & 2 bendlets sin gemel fretted Arg, a
gout Or. (D: Willa of Westminster - Jul 99)
Vt, in bend 3 strawberries Or betw 2 bendlets wavy Arg. (D:
Ariane Baie dOr - Dec 89)
Vt, 3 bendlets enhanced & in base a wolf statant erect Or, playing
leather bagpipes proper. (D: Wulfnoth macFinn ODomhnaill
- Nov 84)
Vt, 3 bendlets enhanced Or, overall an otter statant Arg. (D: Megan
OReilly - Mar 86)
Vt, 3 bezants in bend betw 2 bendlets Arg. (D: Ingeborg p rby Oct 01)
Vt, 3 oak leaves bendwise in bend Arg betw 2 bendlets Or. (D:
Hrongvir hrulangr - Nov 03)
Vt, 3 roses Arg betw 2 bendlets gemel Or. (D: Eilis Brathnagh Sep 99)
Vt, 2 bendlets Arg betw a lion ramp Or & 3 crosses crosslet fitchy
Arg. (D: William of Wroxeter - Feb 90)
Vt, 2 bendlets betw 2 annulets, all within a bord Arg. (D: Leofwine
the Lost - Feb 87)
Vt, 2 bendlets Or betw a rose & a Catherine wheel Arg. (D: Marta
Ladarna Faol-lonn - Sep 84)
Vt, 2 bendlets wavy betw 2 suns Or. (D: Anton the Fair - Oct 88)
* * * End * * *

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent

See also: Field division - Bendy sinister

Arg, a bend sin Arg, fimbriated, overall a winged unicorn salient
Sa, armed, unguled, & collared of a label trailing a broken
chain Or, on a chf Sa a label throughout Arg. (D: Strider of
Duramen, the Persistent - Jul 79?)
Arg, a bend sin Arg, fimbriated Sa, overall a winged unicorn salient
Sa, armed & collared & trailing a broken chain Or, the collar
charged with a crescent Gu, on a chf Sa a wolfs paw print
Arg. (D: Phalin of Duramen - Apr 80)
Az, a bend sin & in canton a compass star pierced Arg. (D:
Sebastian zem Sterne - Dec 99)
Az, a bend sin & in chf a boar passant contourny Arg. (D: Duncan
Kerr - Jan 00)
Az, a bend sin Arg betw a dolphin embowed bendwise sin & a mace
bendwise sin Or. (D: Orien Wenderson - Jul 83)
Az, a bend sin Arg betw a martlet & a lyre Or. (D: Francesca
Serena Talenti - Jun 05)
Az, a bend sin Arg betw an open scroll Or & 3 quill pens, a bord
Arg. (D: Ymanya Murray - Dec 98)
Az, a bend sin Arg betw in bend sin 3 mullets of 4 points elongated
to base palewise & a goblet Or. (D: Alvyn Eustace - Aug 81)
Az, a bend sin Arg betw 3 crescents Or & 3 mullets of six points
Arg, a base wavy Or. (D: Riley of Golden Sand - Mar 88)
Az, a bend sin Arg, overall a greyhounds head erased, vulned at the
throat, proper. (B: Toki Redbeard - Mar 08)
Az, a bend sin betw a bird disp & a feather bendwise sin, within a
bord Arg. (D: Hereward Bannerbane - Dec 92)
Az, a bend sin betw a bull ramp contourny & a bull passant Arg.
(D: Gwenhwyvar filia Aelfric - Nov 04)
Az, a bend sin betw a decrescent moon Arg & a sun in his splendor
Or. (D: Anne Mathiu - Mar 96)
Az, a bend sin betw a dragon & a tree couped Arg. (D: Richard de
Frayne - Feb 03)
Az, a bend sin betw a unicorn couchant reguardant contourny &
another couchant reguardant Arg. (D: Rhiannon of Berra Apr 99)
Az, a bend sin betw a winged unicorn countersalient & a batwinged
manticore couchant Arg. (D: Gwendwyn the Silent - Jul 81)
Az, a bend sin betw 4 lozenges Arg. (D: Richard Steavenson Feb 04)
Az, a bend sin betw 2 eagles heads couped respectant Arg, a bord
counter-compony Az & Arg. (D: Cadwallader the Crazed Aug 94)
Az, a bend sin betw 2 spoons in fess Arg & a cornucopia Or. (D:
Marit Horn - Feb 97)
Az, a bend sin wavy cotised Arg, in dexter chf a laurel wreath Or.
(D: Midewinde - Jul 00)
Az, a scarpe betw a sword & a dexter gauntlet clenched fesswise, all
within a bordurelet Arg. (D: Leif Wadason - Mar 81)
Az billetty Or, a bend sin Arg. (D: Simon Kenric - Sep 95)
Az, semy of roses Or, a bend sin betw 2 unicorns heads erased Arg.
(D: Emilie de Brubach - Feb 97)
Az, 2 batons in salt betw 4 crosses crosslet Arg. (B: Francesco
Gaetano Greco dEdessa - Jul 06)
Counter-ermine, a bend sin Arg overall a cross formy ctrch. (D:
Thorfinn Halfblind - Jun 91)
Gu, a bend sin Arg betw a sun in his splendor & an increscent moon
Or, a bord Arg. (D: Cicilia Deldanza - Dec 00)
Gu, a bend sin Arg, masoned in fess Sa, in chf a mullet Arg. (D:
Marek of Stonebarr - Jul 73?)
Gu, a bend sin Arg, overall a horses head couped at the shoulders
ctrch Arg & Sa. (D: Iseult nic Elam - Oct 84)
Gu, a bend sin betw 3 roses Arg & a knot of 4 loops & tassels Or.
(D: Clare de Kirkpatric - Aug 97)
Gu, a bend sin betw 2 bulls heads cabossed, a bord Arg. (D:
Charles the Bull - Apr 94)
Per bend sin Az & counter-ermine, a bend sin Arg. (D: Albert
Faulke of Sandford - Sep 96)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, a bend sin & in dexter chf a spider web
throughout Arg. (D: Gafanko Popovich - Jul 07)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, a bend sin Arg betw a purse fesswise,
spilling coins to dexter, & a gauntlet bendwise appaumy Or, its
palm surmounted by a dagger bendwise sin inv proper. (D:
Morgan of Winterskeep - Aug 89)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 247

[Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent]

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent


Per bend sin Az & Gu, a bend sin betw a demi-sun issuant from
dexter chf & a sprig Arg. (D: Catherine of Rivenwald Aug 97)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, a bend sin betw a spoon inv & a sewing
needle, both bendwise sin Arg, a bord invected Or. (D: Morag
n Shabhin - Feb 92)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, a bend sin betw an eagle disp Arg & 3
swords Or. (D: John Richard Fairfax - Jun 92)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a bend sin betw a vested sin cubit arm
palewise, the hand in benediction, & an armored & gauntleted
dexter arm palewise embowed Arg. (D: Wilhelm Finger May 85)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a bend sin plain cotised wavy betw 2 quavers
Arg. (D: Graia Esperana de Sevilla - Jul 06)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a bend sin Arg, in chf a Celtic triquetrum
brooch Or. (D: Widsith Devona of Exmoor - Oct 81)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a bend sin betw 2 hands appaumy Arg. (D:
Gruffydd of Rivenoak - Dec 97)
Per bend sin Az & Vt a bend sin cotised Arg betw an eagle disp
head to sin & a hound statant reguardant Or. (D: Dubhgall
Mac Conmeadha - Jan 96)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a bend sin cotised betw a wyvern sejant,
wings disp, & a lion statant Arg. (D: Gwyneth Catriona
McClellan - Mar 93)
Per bend sin erminois & Vt, a bend sin & in base a wheel Arg. (D:
Guy du petit Egypte - Apr 05)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, a bend sin betw a crescent & a caltrop Arg.
(D: Alina Kathryn nic Duncan - Oct 92)
Per bend sin Gu & Purp, a bend sin Arg, overall a sea-dragon Or.
(D: Elfleda Adallindis Wulfsdohter - Sep 92)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a bend sin Arg betw a sheaf of skenes inv &
a dragon ramp Or. (D: Tristram Skene - Jan 93)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a bend sin Arg betw a sun in splendor & an
increscent moon Arg. (D: Kateryn of Cornwall - Apr 99)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a bend sin Arg overall a tower Or. (D:
Arthur of Hightower - May 02)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a bend sin cotised betw a quill pen bendwise
sin & a wolfs head erased contourny Arg. (D: Juan Carlos
Santiago de Benevidez - Oct 01)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, the trunk & 3 branches of a blasted oak tree
all couped ctrch & fimbriated Arg; overall a bend sin Arg. (D:
Aquel of Darksted Wood - Aug 79)
Per bend sin Gu & Vt, a bend sin & in canton a salt couped Arg. (D:
Wilhelm von Hochsitz and Schwyz - May 82)
Per bend sin Gu & Vt, a bend sin betw an anvil & a tower Arg. (D:
Taran the Pict - Sep 00)
Per bend sin, Gu ermined Arg, & Gu, a bend sin Arg. (B: Rhianwen
o Enfys Disberod - Jan 86)
Per bend sin Or & Az, a bend sin Arg betw 2 winged lions dormant,
that in chf contourny ctrch. (D: Eiric MacBean - Mar 93)
Per bend sin pean & erminois, a bend sin Arg, overall a griffins
head erased Gu. (D: Sean the Wounded - Oct 87)
Per bend sin Purp & Az, a bend sin Arg betw a sprig of 3 oak leaves
bendwise inv Or & a stags head couped, a bord Arg. (D:
Tuathflaith ingen u Chellaich - May 07)
Per bend sin Purp & Az, a bend sin betw 2 thistles Arg. (D:
Margret of Glenkirke - Jul 92)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt, a bend sin betw a talbot passant & 3 hearts
Arg. (D: Faoileann inghean Bhaildrin - Aug 05)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt, a bend sin betw a thistle & an axe inv
bendwise sin Arg. (B: Griffin the Black - Sep 02)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, a bend sin betw a mallet & a hunting horn,
all Arg. (D: Shanahan the Fey - Jan 73?)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, a bend sin betw 4 roundels Arg. (B: Mieszko
Zielnski - May 99)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, a bend sin Arg betw 2 roses ctrch, barbed,
seeded, & fimbriated Arg. (D: Cuillean Lodbrog Houndstooth
- Apr 82)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, a bend sin betw six unicorns heads erased
contourny, a bord Arg. (D: Dnlaith nic Niam - Nov 97)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, a bend sin betw 2 candles Arg. (D: Lodhver
Ledhrftr - Sep 95)

248 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent


Per bend sin Sa & Gu, a scarpe, in chf within an annulet sundered in
chf Arg a tongue of flame proper, fimbriated Arg, in base a
hawks head erased to sin Sa, fimbriated Arg. (D: George of
Port Kar - Oct 76?)
Per bend sin Sa & Purp, a bend sin betw a unicorns head couped
contourny Arg & 2 anchors in salt Or. (D: Garrick Seafarer Dec 90)
Per bend sin Sa & Purp, a bend sin betw an ankh & a dragon disp
Arg. (D: Roland Nugent - Jun 95)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, a bend sin & in dexter chf a decrescent Arg.
(D: Roland Silvervale - Aug 91)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, a bend sin Arg betw a decrescent & a
seahorse erect Or. (B: Leif Moonshadow Dalesonn - Jan 83)
(JB: Shawna Kerr of Devonshire)(For House of the Crescent
& Seahorse)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, a bend sin Arg betw a horses head erased Or
maned & a bulls head erased contourny Arg armed Or. (D:
Guaire Mac Aengusa - Sep 02)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, a bend sin Arg betw a lion couchant Sa
maned, tufted & fimbriated, & a sun Or. (D: Katrina of
Windemere - Aug 71?)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, a bend sin betw a thistle & a tower Arg. (B:
Alys Wallas - Jul 02) (JB: Cydrych Wallas)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, a bend sin cotised betw a dragonfly & a
natural dolphin naiant Arg. (B: Ragnhildr Sigtryggsdottir Nov 05)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, a bend sin cotised betw a wyvern sejant & a
dolphin urinant Arg. (D: Ragnhildr Sigtryggsdottir - Nov 05)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, a scarpe & on a canton sin Arg in bend sin a
bow & arrow, each bendwise, Vt. (D: Owen of the Dales Jan 80)
Per bend sin Vt & Gu, a bend sin Arg betw a wolf ramp Or & a
flame Arg. (D: Fintn mac Meic Con - Jul 02)
Per bend sin Vt & Gu, a bend sin betw a unicorn ramp contourny
Arg & a pithon erect wings disp Or. (D: James of Three
Towers - Jul 05)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, a bend sin Arg betw a garb Or & a raven
contourny Sa. (D: Just Rick - Nov 91)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, a bend sin enarched Arg betw a cross of
Cleves & a shamrock ctrch. (D: Kathelyne de Leycester Oct 01)
Per bend sin Vt & Purp, a bend sin betw a unicorns head erased &
a rose slipped & leaved bendwise sin Arg. (D: Elena de
Maisnilwarin - Jun 99)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a bend sin Arg betw a harp Or & a horse
courant Arg. (D: Sean-Patrick ODonnell - Sep 04)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a bend sin betw a bears head cabossed Arg
& a roundel Or. (D: Ingvarr Bjarnarson - Feb 06)
Per pale Vt & Gu, a bend sin betw a unicorn couchant reguardant
coward, tail nowed, & an increscent moon Arg. (D: Leona
Brandy Clarissa MacKay - Mar 81)
Purp, a bend sin Arg, overall a whelk inv ctrch. (D: Theodosia
Ouranos of Constantinople - Aug 90)
Purp, a bend sin Arg surmounted by a bear statant to sin, all betw 2
cogwheels Or. (D: Aleksandr Iakovich - Jun 04)
Purp, a bend sin betw 3 gouttes & an arum lily bendwise sin Arg.
(D: Muirgen of the Mists - Aug 02)
Purp, a bend sin betw 2 garden rosebuds slipped & leaved bendwise
sin Arg. (D: Fiona Julienne nic Lowry - Feb 91)
Purp, a bend sin cotised betw six shamrocks Arg. (D: Morgan
Siobhan ni Dhunnibhan - Dec 82)
Purp estencely Or, a bend sin betw a cross moline disjointed & a
sun in its splendor Arg. (D: Adriana Broussard - Feb 98)
Purp, in salt a lightning flash Arg crossed by a baton Or ermined Sa.
(D: Isaac de la Decapole dAlsace - Jan 74?)
Quarterly Or & Sa, a bend sin Arg betw 2 natural panthers heads
couped Sa. (D: Thomas the Diminutive - Jul 89)
Sa, a baton sin Arg, within a bord compony Arg & Sa. (B: Rorik
Fredericsson - Nov 79) (re-registered 8107Q)(For Clan
Sa, a bend sin Arg, overall a tower checky Arg & Vt. (D: Robert
Hightower of Meridies - Sep 83)

[Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent] to [Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Fur]

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent


Sa, a bend sin Arg, overall a tower checky Arg & Vt, as an
augmentation in dexter chf 3 mullets in fess Arg.
(Augmentation of Arms: Robert Hightower of Meridies May 01)
Sa, a bend sin Arg scaly Gu betw a unicorns head couped & a
roundel Arg. (D: Kane MacClure - Apr 97)
Sa, a bend sin Arg surmounted by a dove descending, maintaining
in its beak an arrow fesswise reversed ctrch. (D: Axel of
Taavistia - Jan 84)
Sa, a bend sin Arg surmounted by an ass ramp Gu. (D: Maeve
MacGowan - Mar 82)
Sa, a bend sin betw a Celtic cross & a unicorns head couped
reversed all Arg. (D: Ewan the Mad Wanderer - Aug 79)
Sa, a bend sin betw a Latin cross & a Greek Orthodox cross, all
Arg. (D: Peregrine Ignatius Dominic Augustine Doran Oct 76?)
Sa, a bend sin betw a wolf ramp to sin Arg & an axe bendwise sin
embrued proper. (D: Sigurd Greywulfe - Feb 82)
Sa, a bend sin betw 3 compass-stars & a wolf ramp Arg. (D:
Tedrick von Wolfschatten - Aug 83)
Sa, a bend sin betw 2 lions heads caboshed within a bord Arg. (D:
Elektra Leonidas - Dec 87)
Sa, a bend sin bretessed Or betw an abacus & a lit skyrocket
bendwise Arg. (D: Iames of Mann - Jul 04)
Sa, a bend sin cotissed betw a bear paw fesswise contourny & a
bear paw fesswise Arg. (D: Bruno de Brest - Nov 91)
Sa, a wolfs head contourny issuant from base, in chf a scarpe & a
bendlet Arg. (D: Eiolf Eriksson - Oct 93)
Vt, a bend sin & in dexter chf a lyre Arg. (D: Jose de San Paciano
- Feb 08)
Vt, a bend sin Arg betw a hawk close & a lightning flash bendwise
sin Or. (D: Tav-Alandil - May 07)
Vt, a bend sin Arg betw 2 female Holly Blue butterflies proper
within a bord Arg. (D: Denysa de las Mariposas - Oct 81)
Vt, a bend sin Arg, overall a cross bottony Or. (D: Lachlan Mac an
Toisich of Benchar - Nov 04)
Vt, a bend sin Arg, overall a lions head couped contourny within a
bord invected Or. (D: Seamus ODay - Sep 90)
Vt, a bend sin betw six acorns Arg. (B: Conchobar de Nevell Oct 02)
Vt, a bend sin betw 2 foxes heads erased Arg. (D: Wilhelm der
Krieger - Nov 93)
Vt, a bend sin doubly cotised Arg. (D: Euriol of Lothian May 94)
Vt, a scarpe Arg betw an oak leaf & a castle of 3 stepped towers Or.
(D: Dail y Eiliwriad o Cwm Cwymp Dwr - Jun 81)
Vt, a scarpe betw 3 chevronels braced & a horse courant to sin Arg,
gorged with a coronet Or. (D: Yelisveta Katlin Savrasova Apr 87)
Vt, issuant to sin from & enfiling widdershins a scarpe a slip,
pendant therefrom a leaf Arg. (D: Gunther Ironwoode May 82)
* * * End * * *

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Azure

See also: Field division - Bendy sinister

Arg, a bend sin Az & on a chf Gu, a hanging balance Or. (D: Adam
Jason Sauvitch - Jan 07)
Arg, a bend sin Az betw a rose Sa barbed & seeded proper & a
natural panther ramp to sin Sa. (D: Malleta MacKessock Sep 00)
Arg, a bend sin Az betw 2 4-leaved shamrocks Vt. (D: Rory
ORourke - Oct 87)
Arg, a bend sin Az betw 2 mermaids in their vanity Or tailed &
crined Az. (D: Lochlan Wick of Brindlemyre - Jan 03)
Arg, a bend sin Az betw 2 seeblatter Gu. (D: Elyzabeth Launcing Apr 98)
Arg, a bend sin Az cotised Vt, betw a cross patoncy & a chev inv
couped Gu. (D: George Armstrang - Jun 99)
Arg, a bend sin Az overall a equal-armed Celtic cross Sa. (D:
Caelan ap Llwyd - Oct 95)
Arg, a bend sin Az, overall a thistle, slipped & leaved, proper. (D:
Callum of Glen Albyn - Sep 88)
Arg, a bend sin Az overall a wolf ramp Gu. (D: Gryffyd Ruddlan Oct 01)

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Azure


Arg, a bend sin Az surmounted by a lions head cabossed, all within

a bord Sa. (D: Gwynhavyr of River Haven - Feb 86)
Arg, a bend sin Az within a bord Az charged with 4 daffodils
affronty Or slipped & leaved proper. (D: Danielle of Headless
House - Jun 02)
Arg, a bend sin betw a chair, back to sin, & a roundel Az. (D:
Thomas of the Isles - Mar 94)
Arg, a bend sin cotised Az betw 2 ravens Sa. (D: Bran mac
Conchobair - Mar 04)
Arg, a devil decapitated statant affronty, his head affronty on his
chest, Vt & in canton a scarpe enhanced Az. (D: Vali the
Black Wanderer - Sep 91)
Arg, in pale an eagles head erased Az, beaked Or, & a bendlet
abased arched surmounted by a scarpe abased arched Az. (D:
Waleran Mungo MacMungo - Nov 82)
Checky Sa & Arg, a bend sin Az. (D: Annora Wallace - Oct 05)
Ermine, a bend sin Az surmounted by an open book Arg, fimbriated
Or. (D: Anika Gael Quicksilver - Jun 83)
Gu, a bend sin Az, fimbriated, betw a winged lion salient to sin,
wings addorsed, & 3 caltraps Or. (D: Siegmund vom
Weisswald - Apr 87)
Or, a bend sin Az betw a half-bloomed garden rose Gu slipped &
singly thorned proper & a leopard couchant Sa. (D: Sabrina
de la Bere - Sep 73?)
Or, a bend sin Az betw 3 fish haurient reversed per pale Vt & Gu &
a brown bear ramp proper. (D: Duncan Mac Cracken Oct 97)
Or, a bend sin cotised betw 4 mascles Az. (D: Klara Landrada
Buckholz von Koln - Nov 88)
Or, a bend sin enarched betw a cross gurgity Az & a thistle slipped
& leaved proper. (B: Laure Anne the Plaidweaver - May 98)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a bend sin Az, in dexter chf a spear & a
round-headed mace in salt surmounted by a plant pod, all
surmounted by a Basotho shield brown. (B: Lesotho - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a bend sin Az fimbriated Or betw a
dragonfly Arg & an escallop inv Or. (D: Aric Gewehr Oct 92)
Sa, a bend sin Az fimbriated Arg, debruised by a sword proper; &
in canton a mullet Arg. (D: Eowyn Nightsong of Tharsis Aug 79)
Sa, a bend sin Az fimbriated Or betw 2 cranes counter-volant Arg.
(D: Dana Stewart, the witless - Feb 75?)
Sa, a bend sin Az fimbriated Or, overall a flamberge Gu, hilted &
the blade enflamed Or. (B: Flame, the - Oct 94)
Tierced per bend sin Arg, Az, & Sa, a comet fesswise reversed Or.
(D: Thomas of Hassard - Oct 79) (re-registered 8010W)
Vt, a bend sin Az fimbriated Arg, betw in dexter chf 3 lozenges
conjoined in fess & in sin base a bell Or. (D: Serena of
Bagulay - Mar 78?)
* * * End * * *

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Fur

See also: Field division - Bendy sinister

Arg, fretty Vt, a bend sin Purp, ermined Arg. (D: Helen Whitmore Jan 89)
Az, a bend sin ermine betw a candle & candlestick flammant & a
Latin cross Arg. (D: Alexandria Cecil of Fairbrook May 94)
Az, a bend sin erminois betw 2 open books bendwise sin Arg & on
a chf Or 3 fireballs proper. (D: Jack fitzHugh - Feb 91)
Az, a bend sin erminois betw 2 serpents nowed Or. (D: Duncan
Julyan - Jan 02)
Gu, a bend sin counter-ermine betw a pegasus ramp to sin & a
fleam Arg. (D: Edward Tremaine - Feb 85)
Or, a bend sin ermine, in fess 2 dragon-winged African leopards
salient to sin & couchant Sa. (D: Rael Hengaer - Jan 73)
Or, a bend sin pean betw 2 quill pens crossed in base Az & a cat
sejant affronty Sa. (D: Maria del Gato - Mar 87)
Or, a bend sin pean, cotised, betw 2 chalices Sa. (D: Raymond von
dem Lwengrab - Mar 89)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, a bend sin erminois betw a chess rook Az
& a conch shell fesswise Arg, all within a bord erminois. (D:
Muirgheal Cinnsealach - Nov 87)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 249

[Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Fur] to [Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules]

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Fur (continued)

Per bend sin Az & Arg, a bend sin counter-ermine betw a scorpion
statant & a card-pique ctrch. (D: Ivan Ivanov syn Dmitriev Aug 98)
Per bend sin Az & Purp, a bend sin ermine, overall an iris Purp,
slipped & leaved Vt, fimbriated Or. (D: Asenath Chamberly of
Morrismount - May 81)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a bend sin ermine betw a dogs head couped
& a portcullis Or. (D: Edward of Yarborough - Dec 97)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a bend sin erminois betw 2 horses heads
couped respectant Or. (D: Rhys Ravenscroft - Jul 02)
Per bend sin Or & Az, a scarpe ermine betw a sword Sa flammant
Gu & a Greek lyre Or. (D: Geoffrey Dragonsynger - Aug 81)
Per bend sin Or & Gu, a bend sin counter-ermine betw a rook
contourny Sa & 3 towers Or. (D: Cynthia of the Loch Apr 03)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt ermined Arg, a bend sin ermine & in dexter
chf a cats pawprint Arg. (D: Moira Hawthorn - Jul 97)
Per bend sin Vt & Arg, a bend sin counter-ermine betw a fleur-delys & another inv ctrch. (D: Alexander le Bonhomme Jun 81)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a bend sin erminois betw an open scroll
fesswise & a griffin segreant Or. (D: Aldith Gyffin - Mar 92)
Per salt Gu & Sa, a bend sin ermine. (D: Alasdair na Fsicce Nov 02)
Plumetty Gu & Or, a bend sin counter-ermine. (D: AElric Farrider
- Mar 88)
Purp, a bend sin ermine betw 2 compass stars Arg. (D: Artemisia
da Quieto dArzenta - Jan 02)
Purp, a bend sin ermine, overall a wolf ramp Or, collared & chained
Gu, maintaining an axe Or, a bord ermine. (D: Aethelwolf of
the Shining Axe - May 92)
Sa, a bend sin Arg, ermined Gu, cotised Arg. (D: Brion
Gennadyevich Gorodin - Feb 92)
Sa, a bend sin cotised ermine, surmounted by a bagwyn ramp within
a bord Or charged with six crosses patty Gu. (D: Coleen
Griswald - Feb 85)
Sa, a bend sin ermine betw 2 wolfs heads cabossed Arg. (D: Rorik
Harcourt of the Axe - Jul 74?)
Vt, a bend sin Arg ermined Vt betw 3 ermine spots Arg. (D:
Edmund Sharpe - Feb 02)
Vt, a bend sin counter-ermine surmounted by a wingless dragon Or,
incensed of flames proper. (D: Cordelie du Fleuve - Jan 82)
Vt, a bend sin ermine betw 3 roses & a horse salient contourny
guardant Arg. (D: Gisle Percheron - Feb 92)
Vt, a bend sin ermine betw 2 horses salient contourny Or. (D:
Delphine de la Fort - Jun 00)
Vt, a bend sin ermine betw 2 towers Arg. (D: Marie Latourette
Beaudoin - Dec 02)
Vt, a bend sin pean, surmounted by a pegasus salient, wings
elevated, addorsed & inv, Arg, within on a bord embat pean an
orle Or. (D: Edward of Aristallion - Aug 84)
* * * End * * *

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules

See also: Field division - Bendy sinister

Arg, a bend sin betw a garden rose Gu slipped & leaved Vt, & a
squirrel counter-sejant erect Gu. (D: Helene of Glen Laurie Aug 79)
Arg, a bend sin betw a stags head couped & 3 Latin crosses one &
2 Gu. (D: David Hert - Nov 97)
Arg, a bend sin betw a wolfs head couped contourny Gu & 3
trefoils Vt. (D: Sline inghean Mhictre - Dec 00)
Arg, a bend sin cotised Gu & overall an ounces head erased Sa
incensed Gu. (B: Jerratt Ffetherstone - Mar 07)
Arg, a bend sin cotised Gu betw a domestic cat ramp to sin & a
wolfs head erased Sa. (D: Ateno of Annun Ridge - Apr 90)
Arg, a bend sin cotised Gu betw a lymphad & a hand appaum, all
within a bord Sa. (D: Ruairidh MacErc - Aug 82)
Arg, a bend sin cotised in base Gu, overall in chf a barrulet
embowed Sa charged with five mullets of six points Arg. (D:
Acelin de Renard - Aug 78?)
Arg, a bend sin Gu betw a Janus head & a falcon rising to sin Az.
(D: Larisa Valkes - Jan 06)
Arg, a bend sin Gu betw a lion & a cross potent Sa. (D: Wion
Neilson - Dec 04)

250 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules


Arg, a bend sin Gu betw a spider inv & a spiderweb Sa. (D: Delia
Weaver - Mar 05)
Arg, a bend sin Gu betw 3 pine trees couped in bend sin Vt & 3
lozenges in bend sin Sa. (D: Avice of York - Oct 06)
Arg, a bend sin Gu betw 2 bears ramp addorsed & a rose slipped &
leaved bendwise sin Sa. (D: Jehan Franc de Blauvac Apr 00)
Arg, a bend sin Gu betw 2 rabbits statant respectant Sa. (D: Bianca
Mantegna - Sep 04)
Arg, a bend sin Gu overall a leopard passant guardant Sa marked
Arg. (D: Christjenn Rasmussen af Sams - Oct 95)
Arg, a bend sin Gu surmounted by in pale 2 badgers counter-statant
Sa. (B: Adela of the Fiery Woods - Apr 84) (For Domus
Fratrum Divisorum)
Arg, a cross conjoined to a bend sin within a bord Gu. (B: Edric the
Unsteady - Jan 83)
Arg semy-de-lys, a bend sin Gu. (D: Mikolaj de Bracy - Mar 01)
Az, a bend sin Gu fimbriated & in canton a mullet Or. (B: CongoKinshasa - Dec 03) (Flag)(Important non-SCA flag)
Az, a bend sin Gu, fimbriated Arg, betw 2 acorns inv Or. (D:
Trobere Oakseed - May 84)
Checky Arg & Az, a bend sin betw a dragon & a double rose Gu
barbed Vt. (D: Gwyon Pengrych - Feb 03)
Counter-ermine, a bend sin Gu betw a bezant & an increscent Or.
(D: James the Inconstant - Dec 80)
Counter-ermine, a bend sin Gu fimbriated Arg, in dexter chf a
sword bendwise sin proper. (D: Joseph Fionnghail of
Castleton - Feb 84)
Counter-ermine, a boar statant Or surmounted by a bend sin Gu. (D:
Simon of Marinus - Feb 84)
Counter-ermine, a scarpe Gu, overall a wyvern disp Arg
maintaining in the dexter claw a bow saw & in the sin claw a
mallet, proper. (D: Konrad Lockner of Idelberg - May 81)
Ermine, a bend sin Gu surmounted by a dove martletted Or. (D:
Cedric the Bold - Jan 82)
Lozengy Sa & ermine, a baton sin Gu. (D: Edward Zifran of Gendy
(the Bastard) - Jan 74?)
Or, a bend sin betw a winged lion passant Gu & Celtic cross Sa. (D:
Geoffrey FitzAlain - May 83)
Or, a bend sin cotised Gu betw a bears head erased & a lymphad
Sa, flying pennants Gu. (D: Harold the Elder - Aug 04)
Or, a bend sin Gu betw a rose slipped & leaved proper & a tower
Gu. (D: Ulric le Alefondere - Aug 94)
Or, a bend sin Gu betw an olive branch proper & a goblet Az. (D:
Gerald Whitebeard - Jan 73?) (Deceased)
Or, a bend sin Gu betw 2 roses Sa, barbed & seeded proper. (D:
Erzsbeta Magdalna - Jan 93)
Or, a bend sin Gu, overall a spider extended Sa. (D: Cuthbert of
Bloodstone - Jan 73?)
Or, a bend sin, in dexter chf a mullet of eight points Gu, overall a
penguin statant affronty proper. (D: Eithne Nic Dhmhnuill Feb 97)
Or ermined, a bend sin cotised Gu. (B: Juliana de Montaign of
Huntington - Jan 05)
Or, mailly, a bend sin Gu betw 2 anvils Sa. (D: Thomas Mailer Apr 87)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a bend sin Gu betw a cross bottony Sa & an
estoile Arg, within a bord Gu. (D: Damien Llewellyn Aelfric Nov 90)
Per bend sin Arg & Or, a bend sin Gu betw a wolfs head couped
contourny Sa & a tree proper. (D: Wilhelm der Wulf von dem
Schwarzwald - Aug 95)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a bend sin Gu betw a tower & a bear ramp
ctrch. (D: Mariana Christina - Dec 83)
Per bend sin Az & Or, a bend sin Gu betw a decrescent Arg & a tree
eradicated Vt. (D: Mark Greenleaf of Redore - Feb 83)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a bend sin Gu fimbriated Arg, in dexter chf a
sun Or. (B: Namibia - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per bend sin barry Sa & Arg & Arg, a bend sin Gu & in base a
garden rose bendwise sin slipped Sa. (D: Delon de la Rose
Noire - Jul 89)
Per bend sin, checky Vt & Arg, & Arg, a bend sin Gu & in base an
annulet Vt. (D: Grimric the Obnoxious - Aug 86)
Per bend sin checky Vt & Or & Or, a bend sin Gu & in base an ivy
vine bendwise sin Vt. (D: Clara Luisa da Livorno - Jul 05)

[Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules] to [Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Or]

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules


Per bend sin embowed & counterembowed Sa & Arg, a bend sin
embowed & counterembowed Gu betw a crescent & a crescent
inv ctrch within a bord Gu. (D: Gaston de Navarre - Feb 91)
Per bend sin Or & erminois, a bend sin & in chf a natural dolphin
Gu. (D: Davy Gray of Kirkcudbright - Mar 98)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a bend sin Gu betw a decrescent Arg & a
dragon salient contourny Sa. (D: Marian Leyland of Lea May 95)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, a bend sin Gu betw 2 frogs ctrch Or & Vt.
(D: Bianca Mondragon - Oct 07)
Per bend sin Sa & Purp, a bend sin Gu fimbriated betw a tower & a
hawk disp, wings inv, Arg. (B: Hawken of the Greenbriar Dec 99)
Per bend sin Sa & Purp, a bend sin Gu fimbriated betw a tower &
an eagle Arg. (D: Hawken of the Greenbriar - Dec 99)
Sa, a bend sin Gu fimbriated Arg, betw a Latin cross & an olive
branch bendwise sin Arg. (D: Kelson de la Croix - Jun 73?)
Sa, a bend sin Gu fimbriated Arg overall a Latin cross fleury Or.
(D: Thomas de Carisbourg - Nov 02)
Sa, a bend sin Gu fimbriated betw 2 fleurs-de-lys all within a bord
Or. (D: Isabella de Brecey - Apr 92)
Sa, a bend sin Gu fimbriated Or, betw a mullet & a pegasus ramp to
sin Or. (D: Elaine of Wogen Cavern - Aug 77?)
Sa, a bend sin Gu fimbriated surmounted by a sword inv within a
bord Or. (B: Asa Thorfinnsdottir - Feb 92)
Vair, a bend sin Gu betw 2 falcons disp Sa. (D: Alejandro Ramirez
Mendoza - Dec 91)
Vt, a bend sin Gu fimbriated Arg, betw a glass drinking horn of red
wine with a drop dependent therefrom, & a boot spurred &
rowelled, all proper. (D: Michael Rheodi - Oct 76?)
* * * End * * *

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor

See also: Field division - Bendy sinister

Arg, a bend sin counter-compony Or & Sa, overall a unicorns head
erased Az. (D: Stevyn Corde the Corsair - Mar 93)
Arg, a bend sin vair en point ancient of 2 traits betw a Bowen knot
in cross & 3 quatrefoils Vt. (D: Fynn MacGuire - Feb 92)
Arg, an orle of woodbine leaves Vt, overall a bend sin lozengy Az
& Arg. (D: Suvetar Kalevalainen - Dec 90)
Az, a bend sin vairy of one trait bendwise Sa & Or betw in chf a
flintlock pistol bendwise sin, barrel to base Arg, & in base a
sword bendwise sin & a sword bendwise sin inv, both proper.
(D: Aonghas Galloglach Domnhnullach - Nov 91)
Az, a pile issuant from sin chf per bend sin Gu & Arg, in dexter chf
a mullet of 4 greater & twenty lesser points Arg. (B: Marshall
Islands - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Bendy Or & Gu, a bend sin ctrch. (D: Annys de Vernun of
Kettering - Oct 89)
Gu, a bend sin checky Arg & Gu fimbriated Or betw 2 mermaids
proper crined & crowned Or each maintaining a shield &
trident Sa. (D: Moira Fennor of Argyll - Sep 02)
Gu, a bend sin checky Arg & Sa. (B: Tiernan Shepherd - Jul 99)
Gu, a bend sin checky Arg & Sa betw 2 crescents Or. (D: Tiernan
Shepherd - Aug 95)
Paly of six Or & Az, a bend sin ctrch & a bord Gu. (D: Arlie
Markeson - Jul 97)
Per bend Sa & bendy Arg & Sa, a bend sin ctrch. (D: Dmitrii
Zhirov - Feb 05)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a bend sin betw a compass star & a
patriarchal cross ctrch. (D: Geoffrey de Steele - Mar 98)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a bend sin countercompony Or & Az betw
a phoenix rising Gu & a gauntletted fist maintaining a sword
palewise Arg. (D: Brian McGee - May 87)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a bend sin cotised betw 2 lions sejant
respectant all ctrch. (D: Juliana Harp - Jul 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a bend sin plain bendy sin wavy of 4 traits
Az & Arg betw 2 ravens contourny ctrch. (D: Elfreda of
Ravensbrook - Feb 91)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a bend sin betw 2 dragons dormant to sin,
tails coward, within a bord, all ctrch. (D: Edward
Dragonslayer - Aug 88)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a bend sin ctrch & in dexter chf a seagull
disp bendwise Arg. (D: Aaron de Mantel - Jan 84)

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor


Per bend sin Az & Or, a scarpe ctrch betw a palm tree Arg & a
demi-sun in its glory issuant from sin base Gu. (D: Tamara
Clellan - Aug 81)
Per bend sin ermine & Sa, a bend sin ctrch & in sin base a goblet
Or. (D: Finella Genevieve Fionnbharr - Nov 86)
Per bend sin ermine & Sa, a bend sin per bend sin raguly Gu & Arg,
in dexter chf a wolfs head erased to sin Sa. (D: Torgatai
Blackwolf - Mar 78?)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a bend sin ctrch fimbriated Arg. (D: Tristan
Blackmoor of Darkwoods - Apr 92)
Per bend sin indented Or & Purp, a bend sin ctrch. (B: John
Claymore - Feb 86)
Per bend sin indented Or & Sa, a bend sin ctrch & in dexter chf a
battle-axe reversed Sa. (D: Alyssa Ironaxe - Jun 86)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, a bend sin checky Arg & Sa, in dexter chf a
wyvern, wings disp Az. (D: Xenophon Vaughn - May 91)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, a bend sin ctrch betw an African leopard
passant sin Sa, gorged of a spiked collar & chain Arg, & a
bird-winged Chinese dragon passant Or, crined Gu. (D:
Marcus of Shasta - Nov 77?)
Per bend sin Or & Vt, a bendlet sin betw a trefoil & a sword, all
ctrch. (D: Jkull landi Haraldsson - Aug 79)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a bend sin betw a flanged mace & a doublebitted axe ctrch. (D: Jontan of Iceland - Jul 83)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a bend sin betw an increscent & a oak leaf
bendwise sin, all ctrch Arg & Vt. (D: Sheamus Selvayn Feb 99)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a bend sin ctrch Arg & Gu betw a horse
passant to sin Arg & a cat passant Sa. (D: Aldonza Pandora Oct 87)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a bend sin ctrch Or & Az betw a cat sejant
guardant Arg & a rose bendwise sin Gu, slipped, leaved,
barbed & seeded proper. (D: Aislinn Rowena MacKenzie May 82)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, a bend sin betw a cross clechy & a quill pen
bendwise sin ctrch. (D: Jemila del Lirio - Nov 91)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, a scarpe ctrch, in canton a salamander statant
reguardant Gu enflamed Or. (D: Dyon de Mantel - Feb 80)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, seme of trees ctrch, a bend sin ctrch Arg &
Vt. (D: John of Blackwood - Mar 87)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, a bend sin betw a sun & a Siberian tiger
passant guardant ctrch, striped Sa. (D: Kim Kyong-Il Jun 83)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, a bend sin ctrch betw a tower Arg & a fox
sejant Sa. (B: Johann Wolfgang von Hesse - May 06)
Per pale Arg & Az, a bend sin betw 2 mullets within a bord all
ctrch. (D: Emrys the Welshman - Nov 85)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a bend sin betw 2 fleurs de-lys, all within a bord
ctrch. (D: Eleanor of Abergavenny - Jun 95)
Per pale Az & Arg, a bend sin ctrch, overall a compass-star Or. (B:
Lute MacAlpine - Dec 98)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a bend sin betw 2 hammers ctrch. (D: Kazimir
Davidovich Pyadyshev - Jan 96)
Per pale Gu & Or, a bend sin betw 2 mascles ctrch. (D: Abu
Mohammed Hassan - Jun 82)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a bend sin betw 2 crosses couped & pierced
ctrch. (D: Juan Iigo de Navarra - Apr 98)
Purp, a bend sin vairy Or & Gu betw an acorn & a sun in splendour
Or. (D: Nicolas Alejandro del Otoo - Aug 88)
Sa, a bend sin checky Az & Arg betw an eel naiant bendwise sin &
another naiant bendwise sin head to base Or. (D: Krag von
Berghen - Feb 99)
Vt, a bend sin gros vairy of one trait bendwise Or & Sa betw a
longbow with arrow fully drawn & in pale 2 swords bendwise
sin, the upper inv, proper. (B: Aonghas Galloglach
Domnhnullach - Jul 88)
* * * End * * *

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Or

See also: Field division - Bendy sinister

Az, a bend sin betw a cat sejant guardant & a dove close Or. (D:
Blair Dubois - Aug 83)
Az, a bend sin betw a compass star elongated to base & a lions
head cabossed, all within a bord Or. (D: Miles de Locwode Sep 05)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 251

[Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Or]

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Or (continued)

Az, a bend sin betw a griffin segreant & a dolphin embowed on a

chf Or 3 escallops inv Sa. (D: Giovanna Lisabetta Ferri Jun 01)
Az, a bend sin betw 2 pawprints Or, a bord Arg. (B: Sorcha Fhionn
inghean u Ruairc - Jun 05) (JB: Josephus Piscator)
Az, a bend sin cotised betw 2 trees eradicated Or. (B: Alix Alven Nov 88) (For Maison Arbre dOr)
Az, a bend sin Or betw a tree eradicated & a Latin cross Arg. (D:
Dominique Salluste de Rovere - Sep 92)
Az, a bend sin Or betw a zil bendwise & another bendwise inv, all
within a bord Arg. (D: Bahita of Abu Simbel - Jan 85)
Az, a bend sin Or betw in chf an open book Arg, leathered Or, & in
base a horse trippant Or. (D: Barbara Caballeus - Jan 73?)
Az, a bend sin Or cotised betw 2 lotus flowers in profile Arg. (D:
Ding Li Ying - Mar 05)
Az, a bend sin Or, overall a quiver ermine containing 3 arrows Arg.
(D: Sara Rebecca Archer - Sep 95)
Az, a bend sin Or, overall in pale a foxs head caboshed & a
crescent Arg. (D: Fox of the Mellow Marsh - Oct 80)
Az, a scarpe betw issuant from canton a demi-sun Or & a pine tree
proper, fimbriated Or. (D: Shaleaya of the Whispering Pine Sep 80)
Az, a scarpe Or cotised Arg betw a wolf salient to sin & a unicorn
salient Or. (D: Wolfram Flammenherz - Jul 81)
Az, mulletty Arg, a bend sin Or betw a decrescent & a standing
balance Arg, a bord Or. (D: Aspasia Jeanne Cartier - Jun 90)
Counter-ermine, a bend sin betw a caravel & a sea lion Or. (D:
James Parker - Sep 99)
Gu, a baton sin & in canton a mullet of seven points voided &
interlaced Or. (D: Andros ap Anlawdd - Oct 79)
Gu, a bend sin betw a cat sejant & a cross crosslet saltirewise Or.
(D: Aubrey de Vaux - Jun 00)
Gu, a bend sin betw six bees Or. (D: Sean Donndubhin Mar 02)
Gu, a bend sin betw 2 mounted knights courant Or. (D: Ulrich
Jarman - Oct 91)
Gu, a bend sin cotised betw 2 crosses moline Or. (D: Alfretha of
Letheringsete - Mar 94)
Gu, a bend sin cotised, in dexter chf an estoile of 4 greater & 4
lesser points Or. (D: Rose of Black Diamond - May 90)
Gu, a bend sin cotised Or betw a dunghill cock & a basket of eggs
Arg. (D: Melissa the Poulteress - Aug 04)
Gu, a bend sin Or betw a candle Arg, flammant Or, & an open book
Arg. (D: Saskia van Voorhees - Aug 78?)
Gu, a bend sin Or, overall a cooking-pot issuing a dragons tail Sa
fimbriated Or. (D: Ric of Dragonsbrothe - Nov 73?)
Gu, a bend sin Or, overall a Latin cross Sa. (D: Hermann Otto
Koehlermann - Jan 73?) (Deceased)
Gu, a bend sin Sa fimbriated betw a sea-lion & a cross bottony Or.
(D: Alric Morgannwg - Apr 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a bend sin Or betw a swan statant, wings
elevated & addorsed, Sa & 3 bezants, one & 2. (D: Jeanne de
lle du Cygne Noir - Dec 81)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a bend sin betw a kestrel Or & a rose
proper. (D: Gwyn ap Gwyn - Aug 01)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, a bend sin & a chf embat Or. (D: Mikael of
Monmouthshire - May 86)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, a bend sin Or betw 2 needles in salt threaded
with a single thread Arg & 3 apples Or. (D: Zara the Quiet May 93)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, platy, a bend sin & in dexter chf 3 dragons
statant contourny Or. (D: Cornelius Oakson - Mar 81)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a bend sin cotised betw 2 lions passant
guardant Or. (D: Adeliza de Harcourt - Nov 01)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a bend sin & in base a demi-fleur-de-lys Or.
(D: Annor de Walton - Nov 03)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a bend sin betw 2 mullets of six points
fesswise Or. (D: Scot MacFin - May 92)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a scarpe Or & in chf five mullets in salt Arg.
(B: Solomon Islands - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, a bend sin betw a natural lily slipped &
leaved & an Aarons rod within a bord Or. (D: Christopher
OBannion - Nov 91)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, a bend sin betw six mullets, a bord embat
Or. (D: Sweinn of Ringsted - Oct 84)

252 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Or (continued)

Per bend sin Gu & Az, a bend sin betw 3 roundels, one & 2, & a
horses head couped Or. (D: William Everard - Sep 92)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, a bend sin cotised & in dexter chf a laurel
wreath Or. (D: Black Oak Keep - Nov 90)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, a bend sin Or, overall a horned wolfs head
erased Arg. (D: Raibeart Ulfr - Feb 08)
Per bend sin Gu & Purp, a bend sin Or betw a goblet Or & a goblet
Arg. (D: Thurstan Ravensholme - Sep 88)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a bend sin betw a pomegranate & a bears
head erased Or. (D: Zinaida Likhitovna Umanskaya Feb 87)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a bend sin Or, overall a bear ramp contourny
ermine. (D: Jonathas Fitche de Abercrombie - Mar 93)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a bend sin Or, overall an armored leg
contourny Arg. (D: Mikael de Schelton - Dec 96)
Per bend sin Gu & Vt, a bend sin betw an ewer reversed & a heart,
all within a bord Or. (D: Henry von Blud - Aug 83)
Per bend sin Purp & Az, a bend sin Or betw a cup Arg & a bee
volant palewise Or. (D: Geraldine the Wanderer - Dec 83)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt, a bend sin betw a butterfly & 3 bells one &
2 Or. (D: Admiranda le Daye - Oct 01)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt, a bend sin cotised betw an elephants head
couped close & a decrescent with a mullet suspended betw its
horns Or. (D: Yusuf Jabar al-Timbuktuwwi - Jun 91)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a bend sin Or betw a moon in her plenitude
& a bear ramp ctrch. (D: Uther Ainsheasccar - Sep 05)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a bend sin Or betw a pithon contourny Arg
& a goutte Gu. (D: Mathgamain Nill - May 98)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, a bend sin Or betw a sea-unicorn contourny
reguardant & a dove migrant Arg. (D: Anysia of Carpasia Mar 95)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, a bend sin Or, overall a clenched sin gauntlet
aversant Arg. (D: James Falconbridge - Jul 92)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, a bend sin betw a phoenix Or & 2 swords inv
in salt proper. (D: Alaric Greythorn of Glen Mor - May 81)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, a bend sin Or betw a badger couchant
contourny & a quatrefoil slipped Arg. (D: Conan MacPherson
- Apr 96)
Per bend sin Sa & pean, a scarpe & in dexter chf a decrescent
double-arched Or. (D: Jessica of Quizzisath - Jul 80)
Per bend sin Sa & Purp, a bend sin betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D:
Darius Arrianus - Mar 95)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, a bend sin betw 2 decrescents Or. (D:
Branwen of Aarnimets - May 97)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, a bend sin betw a seahorse contourny & a
hunting horn reversed Or. (D: Aeddan ap Cai - Mar 04)
Per bend sin Vt & Gu, a bend sin betw 2 quill pens bendwise sin Or.
(D: Dagon Robert Fenwick - Sep 92)
Per bend sin Vt & Gu, a bend sin cotised Or. (D: Eric of Kethkart Oct 92)
Per bend sin Vt & Gu, a bend sin Or. (B: Congo - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Per bend sin Vt & pean, a bend sin & in chf a fleur-de-lys Or. (D:
Gisela de Kalais - Oct 02)
Per bend sin Vt & Purp, a bend sin betw 2 horses passant respectant
Or. (D: Arielle de Pontoise - Mar 92)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a bend sin betw 2 bees Or. (D: Katerina
Dmitrieva - Feb 01)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a bend sin Or betw 2 dexter hands apaumy
Arg. (D: Catelin OKelley - Sep 96)
Purp, a bend sin betw a demi-unicorn & a tree blasted & eradicated,
a bord Or. (D: Prydian Aurelia Emrys - Jul 93)
Purp, a bend sin betw six martlets contourney Or. (D: Garric of
Dublin - Nov 97)
Purp, a bend sin betw 2 falcons rising wings addorsed Or. (D:
Debbie of Ealdormere - Sep 00)
Purp, a bend sin betw 2 glaive heads addorsed Or. (D: Reynardine
of the Glaive - Nov 83)
Purp, a bend sin Or betw a decrescent & a doe dormant guardant
Arg. (D: Gwendolyn the Fair - Aug 90)
Quarterly embat Arg & Sa, a baton sin Or betw 2 roses Gu, barbed
& seeded proper. (D: Angus MacMichael - Jun 86)
Quarterly Sa & Vt, a bend sin cotised & in dexter chf a lozenge Or.
(D: Alberic der Sabelfechter - Jan 85)
Sa, a bend sin betw a tower & a bear passant, & on a chf Or 3
sledge hammers Sa. (D: Cedric Steinhauser - Aug 90)

[Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Or] to [Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable]

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Or (continued)

Sa, a bend sin betw five mullets, 3 & 2, & a decrescent, all within a
bord embat Or. (D: Beorhtmund von Magdeburg - Aug 89)
Sa, a bend sin betw 2 fleeces in bend within a bord Or. (D: Barbara
of the Crossroads - Jun 91)
Sa, a bend sin betw 2 grenades Or overall a sword proper all within
a bord Or. (D: Thomas Ravenwood of Western Seas - Aug 02)
Sa, a bend sin betw 2 rapiers inv Or, a bord Arg. (D: Rainald
FitzRenyard - Jul 90)
Sa, a bend sin Or. (B: Hermann Otto Koehlermann - Jan 73?)
Sa, a bend sin Or, & overall a raven disp ctrch. (D: Albert von
Dreckenveldt - Jan 74?)
Sa, a bend sin Or betw a mullet Arg & a cinquefoil Or. (B: Adelicia
of Cumbria - Apr 87)
Sa, a bend sin Or betw a sword inv bendwise & a quill pen
bendwise sin Arg. (D: Harold of Gryphon Wald - Oct 83)
Sa, a bend sin Or betw 2 lozenges Arg all within a bord Or. (D:
mann Mac an Ghabhann of Sligo - Feb 92)
Sa, a bend sin Or cottised Arg, & in dexter chf a compass star Arg
within an annulet Or. (D: Corwin of Lincoln - Nov 84)
Sa, a bend sin voided Or, overall a winged sea-unicorn erect to sin
Arg. (D: Ruadhan of Iona - Mar 86)
Sa, a Bowen knot crosswise fretted with a bendlet & a scarpe Or.
(D: Leila of the Meadows - Oct 93)
Sa, a scarpe betw 2 comets bendwise sin, head to base, all betw 2
scarpes Or. (D: Lachlan of Cromarty - Mar 90)
Sa, a scorpion bendwise Arg, transfixed by a baton sin Or. (D:
Aaron of Skorpios - Aug 87)
Vt, a bend sin betw a dragons head erased & a dogs head erased
Or. (D: edn de Brisco - Jul 04)
Vt, a bend sin betw a harp & a wyvern erect maintaining a sword
inv, within a bord Or. (D: Robert the Scot of Argyll - Feb 95)
Vt, a bend sin betw an eagle rising & a sheaf of arrows Or. (D:
Muireann inghean u Rodin - Apr 04)
Vt, a bend sin betw six fleurs-de-lis Or. (D: Silence de Cherbourg Feb 03)
Vt, a bend sin betw 2 dragons heads erased Or. (D: Ailis inghean
Mhairghrege - Jul 04)
Vt, a bend sin cotised & in dexter chf a duck naiant Or. (D: Greid
of the Wastes - Apr 81)
Vt, a bend sin cotised betw a garb & a fleur-de-lys Or. (D:
Rondinella dal Tirolo - Dec 96)
Vt, a bend sin enhanced & a sin gore Or. (D: Christiana la Lgire
- Jan 90)
Vt, a bend sin Or betw a decrescent Arg & a mullet pierced Or. (D:
Kennyth Landor of Skye - May 83)
Vt, a bend sin Or betw a white oak & a lyre Arg entwined of a vine
Or. (D: Rosamond Tindomielle - Mar 78?)
Vt, a scarpe Or, overall in bend sin 2 foxes courrant & countercourrant fesswise ctrch. (D: James Douglas Eastland Apr 80)
Vt, ermined Or, a bend sin betw an eagle disp & a tower Or. (D:
Raedwulf Odell - Feb 88)
* * * End * * *

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Purpure

See also: Field division - Bendy sinister

Arg, a bend sin betw 4 roundels Purp. (D: Dena of Trollfen Jun 93)
Arg, a bend sin Purp betw a raven volant, wings addorsed, & a rose,
slipped & leaved, issuant from sin base Sa. (D: Corwin
Renwald - Mar 08)
Arg, a bend sin Purp betw a raven volant, wings addorsed, & a rose,
slipped & leaved, issuant from sin base Sa, a label couped
Purp. (D: Stephen Renwald - Mar 08)
Arg, a bend sin Purp, overall an otter ramp Sa, orbed Or, fimbriated
Arg. (D: Deri Otterbourn the Rover - Nov 77?)
Arg, a scarpe Purp betw a swan naiant & a sun in splendor Az, all
within a bord embat Purp. (D: Giovanni Clarenza - Aug 81)
Or, a bend sin Purp betw a griffin ramp Gu, maintaining a bow Sa,
& a Celtic cross Gu. (D: Lochlainn Riain - Aug 92)
Or, a bend sin Purp betw a quill issuant from an inkwell Az & a
fountain. (D: Hilary Anne of the Blossoming Mere - Aug 83)
Per bend sin Arg & barry engrailed Arg & Az, a bend sin, in chf a
tower Purp. (D: Wybke vom Drachenfeld - Oct 85)

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Purpure


Per bend sin Or & Arg, a bend sin Purp betw a heart & 3 gouttes
Gu. (D: Gormlaith of al-Barran - Sep 03)
Vt, a bend sin Purp fimbriated & in canton an oak leaf Or. (D:
James of Seareach - Oct 03)
* * * End * * *

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable

See also: Field division - Bendy sinister

Arg, a baton sin Sa within a bord compony Sa & Arg. (B: Rorik
Fredericsson - Nov 07) (For Clan Cambion)
Arg, a bend sin betw a cup & five roundels in cross Sa. (D:
Gregory Markham - Mar 97)
Arg, a bend sin betw a falcon striking to sin & a tower all within a
bord Sa. (B: Thomas of Endless Hills - May 94)
Arg, a bend sin betw a horse ramp to sin Sa & a tree proper. (D:
Minna McLelland - Dec 98)
Arg, a bend sin betw 2 crosses crosslet fitchy Sa. (D: Melchior
Erasmi von Frankfurt - Jun 97)
Arg, a bend sin cotissed betw 2 ravens rising to sin, wings addorsed
& inv, Sa. (D: Eirik Hardradi - Sep 91)
Arg, a bend sin cotised Sa betw a goutte de sang & a bunch of
grapes Purp. (D: Theodur of Bucharest - Aug 88)
Arg, a bend sin Sa betw a cross crosslet fitchy & a mullet, all within
a bord Gu. (D: Nathan von Daritz - Aug 88)
Arg, a bend sin Sa betw a heart Gu & a drawstring bag Vt. (D: Jac
of Liskeard - Jul 05)
Arg, a bend sin Sa, cotised Az, in chf a plate, voided Or, fimbriated
Az. (D: Michael the Unready - Jan 74?)
Arg, a bend sin Sa cotised Gu betw a pine tree couped proper & a
cross couped Sa. (D: Sigismund von Kiefertal - Jan 91)
Arg, a bend sin Sa, overall on a double-headed eagle Gu a cross of
Cleves Or. (D: Edward de Horncastel - Mar 98)
Arg, a bend sin Sa, surmounted by a dragon salient Gu, maintaining
in both foreclaws a battleaxe Sa. (D: Leif Thorvalsson Jun 84)
Arg, a bend sin Sa voided, overall on a wyvern couchant, wings
addorsed, Vt a tower Gu, fimbriated Arg, in base a fleur-de-lis
Sa. (D: Francois of Three Hills - Jan 80)
Az, a bend sin Sa fimbriated betw a horses head couped contourny
& a fleur-de-lys Or. (D: Francesca dAymonet - Apr 00)
Az, a bend sin Sa fimbriated Or, overall a falcon striking to sin Arg.
(D: James le Hauke of Stirling - Oct 96)
Checky Vt & Arg, a bend sin betw a decrescent & 3 mullets Sa. (D:
Collin de Montfort - Jun 91)
Ermine, a bend sin Sa betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Gu. (D: Denis de Loyer
- Jun 94)
Ermine, a bend sin Sa surmounted by a swan naiant Gu. (D:
Merewenna of Southmarch - Sep 86)
Gu, a bend sin betw a wolf courant to sin & a long-tailed bat disp,
all Sa fimbriated Or. (D: Hedgia du Loup - Jun 76?)
Gu, a bend sin Sa fimbriated Arg betw a whip coiled Or & a heart
Sa fimbriated & bearing in its sin chf a keyhole, both Arg. (D:
Zarina Daeth - Mar 78?)
Gu, a bend sin Sa fimbriated betw a compass rose & a sheaf of
arrows Or. (D: Reynard de la Rochefoucauld - Apr 02)
Gu, a bend sin Sa fimbriated of its upper edge Or & its lower edge
Arg, betw in chf a dagger inv Arg & in base a dagger inv Or.
(D: Johann von Hohen Staffen - Aug 79)
Gu, a bend sin Sa fimbriated Or, overall a sea stag naiant Arg. (D:
Tusya Tatiana Sudoseva - Feb 94)
Or, a bend sin betw a drakkar under sail & a raven close to sin Sa.
(D: Ulric von Ravensway - May 83)
Or, a bend sin betw a legless corbie close to sin Sa & a wildman
statant affronty proper, within a bord Sa. (D: Corwyn
Wodewarde - Nov 82)
Or, a bend sin betw 2 ermine spots Sa & overall a griffins head
erased Gu. (D: edn Mr Mac Donough - Jul 03)
Or, a bend sin cotised betw a heart & a lozenge, all Sa. (D:
Suzanna Jewell - Oct 82)
Or, a bend sin Sa betw a deaths head Arg, helmed Sa, & a lady disp
issuant from base proper, vested Vt, crined Sa. (B: Daemon de
Folo - Jan 74?)
Or, a bend sin Sa betw a wolfs head cabossed Gu & a raven close
to sin Sa. (D: Volchko Kuznets Volkov - May 83)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 253

[Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable] to [Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line]

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable


Or, a bend sin Sa betw 2 pithons erect contourny Gu, within a bord
Sa. (D: Mara of Rede - Sep 92)
Or, a bend sin Sa, overall a bear statant Gu. (D: Michael MacSein
- May 92)
Or, a bend sin Sa, overall a monster composed of a human figure
with the head & foreclaws of a griffin & the mane, tail & rear
paws of a lion, Purp, kneeling & maintaining a pellet. (D:
Marcus Naturalis - Dec 87)
Or, a scarpe Sa betw a triple-towered castle Az & a rose Gu, barbed
& seeded Vt. (D: Leah of Mercia - Feb 80)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a scarpe betw a Latin cross Sa & a whelk
shell palewise Arg. (D: Sarah Sedgemoor of Dunstanburgh Aug 79)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, fretty Arg, a bend sin betw a compass star
Sa, charged with an annulet Arg, & a cat couchant guardant Sa.
(D: Gilmoure Gylbard - Oct 87)
Per bend sin Arg & ermine, a bend sin & in dexter chf a skeletal
hand fesswise reversed Sa. (B: Ismenia OMulryan - Aug 02)
(JB: Cosmo Craven the Elder)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a bend sin Sa. (D: Medve Arszlan Jan 96)
Per bend sin Arg & lozengy Arg & Gu, a bend sin Sa & in chf a
griffin contourny Gu. (D: Elrich the Wanderer - May 96)
Per bend sin Arg & Or, a bend sin Sa betw in dexter chf a scimitar
fesswise reversed inv Az & in base a crescent Vt. (D:
Mahmud Ali ben Sinan - Feb 84)
Per bend sin Arg goutty de sang & Arg goutty des larmes a bend sin
Sa. (D: Marcus Celtillus - Jun 98)
Per bend sin ermine & Or, a bend sin betw a goats head erased & a
rattlesnake coiled Sa. (D: Bjorn Jorgensen - Apr 83)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, a bend sin Sa betw 2 quatrefoils ctrch. (D:
Veronica da Asola - Apr 05)
Per bend sin Gu & Vt, a bend sin Sa, fimbriated, overall a stag
passant Or. (D: Robyn of Deira - Oct 85)
Per bend sin Gu ermined Arg & Gu, a bend sin Sa fimbriated, in
base a peacock close contourny Arg. (D: Anna Nikolaevna
Petrakova - Feb 99)
Per bend sin Or & Gu, a bend sin Sa betw a foxs mask & a crescent
ctrch. (D: Sophia von Eisental - Nov 04)
Per bend sin Or & Vt, a bend sin Sa betw 2 oak leaves ctrch. (D:
Gunnar of Jomsborg - Jul 99)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, a bend sin Sa fimbriated Or. (B: Tanzania Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Purp, a bend sin Sa fimbriated betw a stags massacre Or & a fleurde-lys, all within a bord Arg. (D: Grim Kirk of Greymoor Mar 93)
Vair, a natural tiger ramp Or marked Sa maintaining a tankard Or,
overall a bend sin Sa. (D: Jehan Yves de Chateau Thiery Jan 99)
Vt, a bend sin Sa fimbriated betw a feather bendwise sin & a
hammer palewise Or. (D: James Arthursson - May 82)
Vt, a bend sin Sa, fimbriated, betw 2 sets of 3 mullets of 4 points 2
& one Arg. (D: Daene Ferris - Oct 90)
* * * End * * *

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Vert

See also: Field division - Bendy sinister

Arg, a bend sin betw six Celtic crosses formy Vt. (D: Seamus
Gilleasbuig - Jun 97)
Arg, a bend sin cotised Vt betw a compass rose & a grenade Sa
enflamed proper. (D: Robert de Zwijger van Limburg Apr 03)
Arg, a bend sin Vt betw a hawks head contourny erased Az, armed
Vt, & a skeletal hand fesswise Az. (D: Ismenia OMulryan Mar 99)
Arg, a bend sin Vt betw a pithon disp & a natural dolphin naiant to
sin Sa. (D: Rhys Leonhard Pohl - Aug 90)
Arg, a bend sin Vt betw an inescutcheon & an anvil bendwise sin
Sa, within a bord Vt. (D: Richard of Black Iron - Jun 82)
Arg, a bend sin Vt overall a cross bottony Gu. (B: Gertraud von
Wuerzburg - Aug 01)
Arg, a bend sin Vt, overall a drakkar Sa its sail paly Gu & Arg. (D:
Charles the Traveler - Jan 95)
Arg, a bend sin Vt, overall a griffin contourny Sa. (D: Gideon de
Noirville - Jun 99)
254 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Vert


Arg, a bend sin Vt, overall an eagle disp & inv Az. (D: Malcolm
the Squire - Nov 73?)
Arg, a Thors hammer Sa, overall a bend sin Vt. (D: Thorbjorn
Thordarson - Jun 87)
Counter-ermine, a bend sin Vt, overall a bulls head cabossed Or.
(D: Regina Masquer - Oct 81)
Or, a bend sin cotised Vt, overall a fleam within a bord Sa. (D:
Donn Magrath - Feb 89)
Or, a bend sin Vt betw a sword palewise & a double-bitted axe
palewise Sa. (D: Pedrwn Merchion - Feb 90)
Or, a bend sin Vt betw a tree proper & a tower Vt. (D: Melisande
de Frayne - Sep 01)
Or, a bend sin Vt betw 2 dragons addorsed Gu a bord Vt. (D: Boo
Hg - Nov 97)
Or, a bend sin Vt, overall a hawk close Sa, beaked & legged Gu.
(D: Gyongyver a Vitezaszszony - Aug 79?)
Per bend sin Arg & Or, a bend sin Vt betw a boars head couped
close & an oak tree eradicated proper. (D: Samuel of
Grimbourne - Feb 88)
Per bend sin checky Vt & Arg, & Arg, a bend sin Vt, in base a swan
naiant Sa. (D: Joseph Cameron Blackswan - Sep 97)
Per bend sin counter-ermine & Arg, a bend sin Vt & in sin base a
quill bendwise sin Sa. (D: Devin Phelan ODonnabhain Feb 87)
Purp, a bend sin Vt fimbriated, betw 2 garden roses slipped &
leaved Or. (D: Anna av Dalarna - Sep 92)
Sa, a bend sin Vt fimbriated betw a tree eradicated & a lit candle
ensconced Arg. (D: Ciar of Connemara - Oct 92)
Sa, a bend sin Vt, fimbriated Or, betw a compass star, elongated to
base, Arg & in bend sin 3 compass stars, elongated to base, Or.
(D: Randy von Drachenberg - Feb 88)
Sa, a scarpe Vt fimbriated Arg surmounted by a sword bendwise inv
proper, overall a lions head cabossed Arg. (D: Amanda of the
Hah Hylls - Dec 80)
* * * End * * *

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line

See also: Field division - Bendy sinister

Arg, a bend sin bretessed Az betw 2 dogs sejant erect contourny Sa,
a bord Az. (D: Adle de Lyon - Aug 95)
Arg, a bend sin bretessed Sa betw a garden rose Gu, slipped &
leaved, & a dragon salient Vt. (D: Hengist of the Black Forest
- Dec 93)
Arg, a bend sin bretessed Vt betw an eagle disp & an arrowhead inv
Az. (D: Aron the Falcon - Jul 02)
Arg, a bend sin dancetty Gu betw a decrescent & an increscent Sa.
(D: Melisande Alys Deschaux - Apr 98)
Arg, a bend sin dancetty Sa & overall a heart Az. (D: Deirdre of
Saint Brendan - Oct 03)
Arg, a bend sin dancetty Sa betw a phoenix Az rising from flames
Gu & a tower Sa. (D: Gillian of Lynnehaven - Feb 94)
Arg, a bend sin dovetailed Sa betw a lymphad Vt & a pomme. (D:
Ciaran MacKintosh - Dec 90)
Arg, a bend sin dovetailed Sa betw 2 brown squirrels contourny
proper. (D: Sean Chipendale - Apr 07)
Arg, a bend sin dovetailed Vt betw 3 fleurs-de-lys & a sword
bendwise sin inv Gu. (D: Jean Pierre du Roche - Sep 91)
Arg, a bend sin dovetailed Vt betw 2 octofoils Az. (D: Wilhelm von
Winkelried - Jan 02)
Arg, a bend sin embat betw a cross crosslet & a decrescent Sa. (D:
Wolfgang van Zanten - May 06)
Arg, a bend sin embat Vt betw an eagle disp & in salt a battle-axe &
a mallet Sa. (D: Adelric of Saxony - Oct 07)
Arg, a bend sin embat-counter-embat Az betw a raven striking, & a
ravens leg erased a la quise Sa. (D: Erik Ravenclaw Mar 86)
Arg, a bend sin engrailed betw 2 towers Vt. (D: Richard Talbot of
Blackmere - Mar 02)
Arg, a bend sin engrailed Sa betw a cat couchant gardant & a rose
Gu. (D: Rose Blackthorne - Jul 02)
Arg, a bend sin engrailed Sa betw 2 butterflies Az. (D: Eleanor
FitzWilliam - Mar 86)
Arg, a bend sin Gu betw a cats head cabossed Sa & a thistle Gu
slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Brighid of the East - Jun 01)
Arg, a bend sin indented, a bord Gu. (D: Sarsif the Red - Dec 98)

[Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line]

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line (continued)

Arg, a bend sin indented Sa betw 2 increscents Gu. (D: Elwyn of

Thornbury - Nov 93)
Arg, a bend sin lozengy betw a lion ramp & in bend sin 3 swords
inv Sa. (D: Ian MacDougall of Skye - Jun 83)
Arg, a bend sin nebuly, in dexter chf a bulls head cabossed Gu. (D:
Martin the Temperate - Mar 75?)
Arg, a bend sin wavy Az betw a pine tree eradicated proper & a
tower Purp. (D: Rowena Caer Llyn - Jul 97)
Arg, a bend sin wavy Az betw a popinjay contourny regardant & a
palm tree bendwise sin all within a bord Sa. (D: Collys
Bythesea - May 02)
Arg, a bend sin wavy Az betw an open-flame lighthouse Gu & a
lymphad, sails furled, Sa. (D: Spurius Furius Eruditus Apr 83)
Arg, a bend sin wavy Az betw 2 thistles slipped & leaved proper
within a laurel wreath ctrch. (D: Thorngill - Jul 83)
Arg, a bend sin wavy Az, in dexter chf a brown otter statant
guardant proper. (D: Uilliam Clirigh - Feb 06)
Arg, a bend sin wavy Az, overall a crow rising Sa. (D: Preston of
Aschehyrst - Mar 08)
Arg, a bend sin wavy Az, overall a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Brad Leah
- Apr 92)
Arg, a bend sin wavy Az, overall a serpent bendwise embowed
counter-embowed Gu. (D: Erik Skrm - Aug 94)
Arg, a bend sin wavy betw a sun & a crescent Purp. (D: Meara of
Caer Ddu - Jan 90)
Arg, a bend sin wavy Gu betw a crescent pendant & a rose Sa. (D:
Jane Beaumont - Sep 95)
Arg, a bend sin wavy Purp betw a double-bitted axe & a sheaf of
arrows Sa. (D: Fearghus MacKenna - May 00)
Arg, a bend sin wavy Sa betw a bow & arrow crossed in salt & a
stag statant to sin Gu. (D: Stevyn Luttrell Bowyer - Mar 88)
Arg, a bend sin wavy Sa, overall a human footprint Gu. (D:
Magnunnr Hringsdottir - Mar 05)
Az, a bend sin bevilled betw an eagle rising contourny wings
elevated & addorsed & a sea dragon Or. (D: Robin of
Secumbe - Dec 01)
Az, a bend sin bretessed Arg betw a tower & a escallop Or. (D:
Sabina of Kilkenny - Sep 97)
Az, a bend sin bretessed betw a horses head couped contourny
within & conjoined to an annulet & a horses head couped
within & conjoined to an annulet Arg. (D: Joel the Wanderer Dec 01)
Az, a bend sin bretessed betw a wolf ramp contourny & another
ramp Or. (D: lred Wulfweard - Sep 95)
Az, a bend sin bretessed betw 2 lions passant Arg. (D: Gerard von
Lwenstein - Mar 93)
Az, a bend sin dancetty betw a decrescent & a pegasus segreant
Arg. (D: Caitlin Morgana ferch Llywellyn - May 92)
Az, a bend sin embat Arg betw 3 cog wheels Or & 3 caltraps Arg.
(D: Nicodemus Novello - Nov 05)
Az, a bend sin embat betw 2 griffins segreant Arg. (D: Iain
Dougall MacDuff - Sep 94)
Az, a bend sin embat Or betw a thistle Arg & a pomegranate slipped
& leaved Or. (D: Isabel du Lac dAzur - Jul 96)
Az, a bend sin engrailed Arg betw a lion ramp to sin Or,
maintaining in dexter arm a heater & in sin arm a sword Arg,
& a falcon close Or, belled Arg. (D: Leo David Falcon Jun 82)
Az, a bend sin engrailed betw a feather & an oak tree eradicated
Arg. (D: Tova Egeskjold - Jul 87)
Az, a bend sin engrailed betw a sea lion erect & a lozenge Arg. (D:
Camilla Seawood of Torpoint - May 83)
Az, a bend sin engrailed betw 2 roses Arg barbed Vt & a chf Arg.
(D: Megge Gormshuileach - Aug 02)
Az, a bend sin fusilly Arg within a bord Or. (D: Ihone MacEogan
of Bannockburn - Apr 03)
Az, a bend sin invected betw a California poppy slipped & leaved &
a slipper bendwise sin reversed Or. (D: Eveline of Shoreham Nov 82)
Az, a bend sin wavy betw a cat counter-sejant guardant voided Arg
& a sugar maple tree couped in fall colors proper. (B: Dirk
Edward of Frijia - Feb 81) (For House Riversong)
Az, a bend sin wavy betw a moon increscent & a fish naiant Arg.
(D: Geoffrey le Gentil - Aug 84)

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line (continued)

Az, a bend sin wavy betw 2 Lacy knots Or. (D: Miriam of
Gateacre - Oct 92)
Az, a bend sin wavy cotised Arg betw a cross fleury & an escallop
Or. (D: Gwendolen Elphinstone of Lands End - Jul 93)
Az, a bend sin wavy cotised Arg, in dexter chf a laurel wreath Or.
(D: Midewinde - Jul 00)
Az, a lightning flash bendwise sin throughout betw a griffin
segreant to sin & a dragon segreant Arg. (D: Cedric
MacDugald of Caledonia - Apr 86)
Az ermined Arg, a bend sin wavy betw a laurel wreath & a tower
Arg. (D: Tor Aerie - Aug 90)
Az mullety Arg, a bend sin wavy Or betw 2 increscents Arg. (D:
Margarita Kofinopoia - Jul 97)
Az semy of mallets Arg, a bend sin dovetailed Or. (D: Johan
Redbeard - Oct 98)
Az semy of suns, a bend sin dovetailed Or. (D: Godfrey von
Rheinfels - May 04)
Counter-ermine, a bend sin wreathed Gu & Arg, cotised plain Arg.
(D: Callum Macleod - Oct 92)
Counter-ermine, a lightning flash in bend sin Gu, fimbriated Arg,
surmounted by a dagger inv Or. (D: Ariana of the Golden
Dagger - Apr 76?)
Ermine, a bend sin wreathed Sa & Or. (D: Gwalchmai ap Llywelyn
Llanfyllin - Jun 02)
Gu, a bend sin engrailed Arg betw on a plate a leopards head
cabossed Sa & a compass-star Arg. (D: Loryna Gillander Nov 81)
Gu, a bend sin engrailed erminois betw 2 arrows inv in salt & 3
horseshoes interlaced in pall inv Or. (D: Margaret Elizabeth
Aison of Devon - Mar 94)
Gu, a bend sin of chain mail betw 2 Arabic lamps Or. (D:
Rhiannon Mor MacFhearghuis - May 88)
Gu, a bend sin of five lozenges conjoined Arg. (B: Elvegast Apr 01)
Gu, a bend sin raguly betw a winged hedgehog ramp, wings
elevated & addorsed, & a lyre Or. (D: Svetlana Gunnarsdottir
- Apr 91)
Gu, a bend sin raguly, in dexter chf a mullet of 4 points Or. (D:
Aurora MacAlpin - Jul 89)
Gu, a bend sin wavy Arg betw 2 quatrefoils Or. (D: Erann
Maguire - Oct 00)
Gu, a bend sin wavy Az, fimbriated, betw 2 laurel wreaths Or. (D:
Aurea Ripae - Sep 96)
Gu, a lightning flash bendwise sin issuing from sin chf surmounted
by a tau cross Arg. (B: Eric of Telemark - Aug 82)
Gu, a scarpe invected Or betw a snail pacing to sin & a snail Arg,
each above 3 forget-me-nots leaved proper. (D: Megan
Nimblefingers - Jun 82)
Or, a bend sin bretessed Sa betw a pine tree Vt & a wooden chest
proper. (D: Johann der Kiefer - Dec 03)
Or, a bend sin bretessed Sa betw 2 thistles Purp. (D: Rowan
Buchanan - Sep 02)
Or, a bend sin dancetty Gu betw a bears paw print & a garden rose
bendwise sin Sa, slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Jan DeGroot Aug 83)
Or, a bend sin embat on the upper edge betw 2 tygers passant
contourny Az. (D: Iago Gof - Oct 00)
Or, a bend sin embat Purp betw 2 dragons segreant breathing flames
Gu. (B: Katlin von Kappel - Aug 98)
Or, a bend sin engrailed betw 2 maunches Sa. (D: Aelfric of York Feb 87)
Or, a bend sin invected Sa betw 2 dice Vt, spotted Arg, & a thistle
proper. (D: Edward Menteith - Sep 97)
Or, a bend sin lozengy Vt surmounted by a wyvern couchant to sin
Sa breathing flames Gu. (D: Alix Mont de Fer - Aug 83)
Or, a bend sin potenty counter-potenty betw a fleur-de-lys & a
natural tiger ramp Gu marked Arg. (D: Park of Vatavia Apr 02)
Or, a bend sin wavy Gu betw a compass rose & an open scroll Purp
charged with a feather Or. (D: Andrew Wallace the Wanderer
- Jan 94)
Or, a bend sin wavy Vt, betw 2 weeping willows proper. (D:
Donna of Willowwood - Feb 75)
Or, a lightning bolt bendwise sin betw 2 compass stars Sa. (D:
Galen the Merchant - Aug 84)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 255

[Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line]

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line (continued)

Or, sem of quills Sa, a bend sin engrailed Az. (D: Jeanne Tenneur
de Bec - Jan 84)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a bend sin wavy ctrch betw a dolphin naiant
bendwise sin Vt & another facing sin & inv, Arg, on a chf Vt 3
escallops Or. (D: Allesandra Francesca Karina del Bochetto Aug 86)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a bend sin embat Sa betw 2 foxes masks
ctrch. (D: Derek Fairhair - Jul 87)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a bend sin rayonny Gu betw a tree proper &
a gauntlet aversant Arg. (D: Nathaniel Lennox - Nov 07)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, in bend sin 3 lozenges bendwise sin
conjoined throughout ctrch. (B: Gwyneth Banfhidhleir Aug 84)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a bend sin raguly betw 2 owls ctrch. (D:
Coenric of Scarborough Marsh - Jul 91)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, a bend sin engrailed betw 2 arrows bendwise
sin, that in base inv Arg. (B: Caitlin Ross of Cairngorm Mar 93)
Per bend sin Az & Or, a bend sin raguly betw a natural whale
embowed & a chess rook all ctrch. (D: Jean Paul Morgan Aug 05)
Per bend sin Az & Purp, a bend sin engrailed betw a sun & a
decrescent Or. (D: Brigid of Ballyteegan - Apr 91)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a bend sin embat counter-embat betw 2
dragonflies bendwise sin, that in base inv, Arg. (D: Gabrielle
de La Rivire - Oct 07)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a bend sin bevilled betw a cross crosslet & a
harp Or. (D: Sheelah Lockhart - Aug 85)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a bend sin dancetty Arg betw a sun in
splendor & an acorn inv Or. (D: Theresia von Villach Oct 99)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a bend sin wavy Arg betw 2 flames Or. (D:
Radhn Silghlas - Mar 01)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a bend sin wavy betw a mistral contourny &
a horse passant contourny Arg. (D: Arabella of the Plains Apr 01)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, a bend sin embat counter-embat Or, in base
a natural rosebud Or, slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Morgaine
nicFhrannsaidh - Jul 88)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, a bend sin wavy betw 2 decrescents Or. (D:
Christopher Edward Hawkins - Jun 92)
Per bend sin Gu & Or, a bend sin embat counterermine betw 2
dragons segreant breathing flames ctrch. (D: Katlin von
Kappel - Aug 98)
Per bend sin Gu & Or, a bend sin fusily betw 2 roundels each
charged with a wolfs head erased contourny all ctrch. (D:
Bjorn Torvaldsson - Oct 99)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a bend sin embat counter-embat betw a
decrescent & a sin hand Arg. (B: Gershon ben Avraham Oct 98)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a bend sin engrailed betw a tower & a
hawthorn Arg. (D: Siranna of Hawthorn Hall - Mar 82)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a bend sin wavy Arg, overall a bat-winged
horned lion-dragon erect Or. (D: Giovanni de Moncellis Jan 08)
Per bend sin indented Sa & Vt, a bend sin indented betw 2 roses
Arg. (D: Jonete Malisoun - Feb 01)
Per bend sin Or & Arg, a bend sin embat counter-embat Gu betw 2
ravens close to sin Sa. (D: Cassio Bruno di Bartolomeo Sep 84)
Per bend sin Or & Az, a bend sin embat Sa betw a griffin segreant
Gu & 2 key in salt, wards to chf, loops connected by a chain,
Or. (D: Joseph of the Red Griffin - Dec 89)
Per bend sin Purp & Arg, a bend sin dovetailed betw a goblet & a
mushroom couped ctrch. (D: Gabrielle Stuart of Invernez Jul 83)
Per bend sin Purp & Az, a bend sin bretessed Or, in sin base a
roundel ermine. (D: Doug of Arn Hold - Jul 96)
Per bend sin Purp & Gu, a bend sin wavy Or betw 2 sturgeons
bendwise sin counter-naiant naiant Arg. (D: Dougal MacCabe
- Jan 96)
Per bend sin Purp & Sa, a bend sin embat counter-embat betw 2
gauntlets aversant Arg. (D: Thorgeirr inn danski - Feb 96)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt, a bend sin dovetailed betw 2 dragonflies
Arg. (D: Arrianna da Donnici - Oct 01)

256 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line (continued)

Per bend sin Purp & Vt, a bend sin embat counter-embat betw a bee
& a laurel wreath Or. (D: Marion Glen - Nov 02)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt, a bend sin engrailed Or. (D: Isabeau Vize Apr 08)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, a bend sin embat-counter-embat Or betw a
wolf salient & an ivy leaf Arg. (D: Seamus Mac Enrig Jul 07)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, a bend sin embowed counterembowed betw
2 mascles Arg. (D: Valeria of the Border - Jan 93)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, a bend sin engrailed betw a wolfs head
erased & a thistle, a bord Arg. (D: Meadhbh Daingen int
Slbhe - Oct 99)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, a bend sin engrailed Or betw a fleur-de-lis &
a unicorn ramp to sin Arg. (B: Claryce Lostlove of Castle
Rising - Aug 82)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, a bend sin indented betw the halves of a
chain bendwise fracted Arg. (D: Cara OConnor - May 89)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, a bend sin wavy Or. (D: Josef zum
Murmeltier - Mar 94)
Per bend sin Vt & Arg, a bend sin engrailed betw a Fidelis knot & a
shamrock ctrch. (D: Ceara of Armorica - Jul 93)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, a bend sin wavy Arg. (D: Catrona nic
Therlaigh - Oct 98)
Per bend sin Vt & Gu, a bend sin wavy betw a mace bendwise sin
Arg & a garb Or. (D: Lucius Trevir - Jun 83)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, a bend sin embat Gu betw a fox statant
reguardant Arg & a tower Sa. (D: Johann von Graustein Mar 83)
Per bend sin Vt & Purp, a bend sin invected Or betw 2 double roses
Arg. (D: Klarissa of Layne - Feb 92)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a bend sin dancetty betw 3 oak leaves
conjoined in pall stems inwards & a laurel wreath Arg. (D:
Shattered Oak - Feb 04)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Sa, a bend sin wavy betw a horse ramp to
sin & a chalice ctrch. (D: Una of Grimwith - Sep 05)
Per bend sin wavy Az & Vt, a scarpe wavy betw an Egyptian hawk
close & a windmill Or. (B: Katherine Tapester - Jun 83)
Per bend sin wavy Gu & Or, a bend sin wavy Sa betw a beehive & a
rose ctrch. (D: Duncan Fraser - Oct 83)
Per bend sin wavy Or & Az, a bend sin wavy betw 2 crosses
bottony ctrch. (D: Cordelia Colton - Feb 02)
Per bend sin wavy Or & counter-ermine, a bend sin wavy ctrch
betw a horses head couped Sa & a horses head couped
reversed Or. (D: Conal MacDale - Jul 90)
Per bend sin wavy Sa & Arg, a bend sin wavy betw a decrescent &
a chalice all ctrch. (B: Frederic Badger - Aug 03)
Per bend sin wavy Vt & Arg, a bend sin wavy betw 3 fleurs-de-lys
& an oak tree erased ctrch. (D: Chrtienne Angle de
Courtenay - Oct 95)
Per fess Az & Or, a lightning flash bendwise sin throughout ctrch.
(B: Carolyne Amaris of Castle Thunder - Apr 84)
Per fess embat Az & Or, a lightning flash bendwise sin throughout
ctrch. (D: Carolyne Amaris of Castle Thunder - Oct 82)
Per pale embowed & counter-embowed Gu & Sa, a lightning flash
bendwise sin Or. (D: Dark Horde, The - Jan 81)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a bend sin bevilled ctrch betw a sword
surmounted by 2 swords in salt, all inv, Or, & a chess rook
Purp. (D: Geoffrey Genour of Carney - Jul 74?)
Purp, a bend sin bretessed Or betw an abacus palewise & scissors
Arg. (D: Olivia Graeme - Dec 90)
Purp, a bend sin dovetailed Arg betw a dolphin naiant bendwise sin
to base & a lion passant bendwise sin to base Or. (D: Elizabet
Anmutig von Geinhausen - Dec 88)
Purp, a bend sin dovetailed betw a fox sejant contourny & a
crescent & a crescent inv Or. (D: Morgan Rowantree Apr 99)
Purp, a bend sin masculy Or betw a unicorns head erased
contourny & a unicorns head erased Arg. (D: Christina of
Carlisle - Sep 92)
Purp, a bend sin wavy Arg betw a quill of yarn & a quill pen
bendwise sin Or. (D: Jehanne la Torta de Calais - Nov 03)
Purp, in bend a sun & a laurel wreath Or, the sun surmounted by a
bend sin wavy enhanced Az, fimbriated Arg. (D: Cloistered
Sun - Feb 84)

[Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line] to [Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent]

Bend sinister - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line (continued)

Quarterly Purp & Arg, a lightning bolt bendwise sin Gu betw 2

pairs of arrows inv in salt Arg. (D: Rycharde du Bois Argent May 90)
Sa, a bend sin dancetty Arg. (B: Seosaidh MacFaoilchire Apr 97)
Sa, a bend sin dovetailed Or betw a unicorn ramp Arg, armed Or, &
an edelweiss Arg, seeded, within a bord Or. (D: Karl
Kramolowsky aus Thorn - Feb 85)
Sa, a bend sin engrailed betw 2 bull skulls caboshed Or. (D: Ulric
the Round - Mar 94)
Sa, a bend sin engrailed betw 2 pairs of arrows inv in salt Arg. (D:
Duncan Rees - Jun 91)
Sa, a bend sin engrailed Or betw a decrescent & 3 mullets of eight
points Arg. (D: Sarah Bakestre - Sep 07)
Sa, a bend sin raguly Or, overall a catamount ramp contourny Arg.
(D: Siegfried von Kulmbach - Jun 92)
Sa, a bend sin wavy Az fimbriated betw a falcon & a tower Arg. (D:
Matthias von Rheinfels - Dec 84)
Sa, a bend sin wavy betw an abacus fesswise & an armoured &
fisted cubit arm palewise Or. (D: Labhriunn de Ramsay Jan 89)
Sa, a bend sin wavy betw 2 foxs heads erased & respectant Arg.
(D: Selima Dragonheart - Apr 89)
Sa, a bend sin wavy Or betw 2 seals statant Arg. (D: Gilbert de
Longspee - Nov 90)
Sa, a bend sin wreathed Arg & Gu, in dexter chf a bears head
erased Arg, muzzled Gu. (D: Rhys Breatnach - Dec 83)
Sa, in bend a Cross of Jerusalem Arg & a bend sin bretessed Gu
fimbriated Arg. (D: Cormac MacGuin - May 82)
Vt, a bend sin bretessed Arg betw a Celtic cross Or & a moon in her
plenitude Arg. (D: Caitrin Craig of Killarney - Sep 97)
Vt, a bend sin flory counter-flory, betw a cross fleuretty & a
unicorns head couped to sin Arg. (D: Eleanor of Waldren Apr 84)
Vt, a bend sin raguly Or betw an open book & an open scroll
surmounted by a quill fesswise Arg. (D: Mikhail Dmitri Joel
de Maison - Nov 85)
Vt, a bend sin rayonny betw 2 roses Arg, barbed & seeded Or. (D:
Anastacia of Warwick - Jun 89)
Vt, a bend sin wavy betw 3 mullets & 3 harps Or. (D: Brighid
Aileen OHagan - Jan 05)
Vt, a bend sin wavy Or betw a mullet & a fox sejant Arg. (D:
Niamh inghean Bheoaodha u Chriomhthainn - Aug 97)
Vt, a bend wavy sin betw 2 stick shuttles bendwise sin Arg,
threaded Purp. (D: Brigit Comyn - Jun 08) (? bend sinister
* * * End * * *

Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent

See also: Field division - Bendy sinister

Az, a bend sin Arg estencely Sa, betw 2 domestic cats ramp
contourny Arg. (D: Elfwyn of Osprey - May 96)
Az, a bend sin Arg, in bend 3 dragonflies bendwise sin ctrch. (D:
Megen Paget - Jul 92)
Az, on a bend sin Arg a helm palewise Sa plumed Gu, & on a chf
Arg 3 thistles slipped & leaved proper. (D: Andrew Murdoch Jan 85)
Az, on a bend sin Arg a lute proper, within a bord Or. (D: Johanna
of Dendermonde - Nov 82)
Az, on a bend sin Arg a mullet of six points Az, a chf embat &
issuant from base a demi-sun Or, eclipsed Az. (D: Charles
John ben Moses David of Guiles - Nov 87)
Az, on a bend sin Arg a thorned slip embowed throughout Sa. (D:
Corwynn of Thornwood - Feb 75?)
Az, on a bend sin Arg betw a mullet of eight points Or & a seagulls
head erased Arg, 3 escallops palewise inv Az. (D: Bronwen
Karen of Oceanwynds - Oct 83)
Az, on a bend sin Arg betw a sun Or & a decrescent Arg, 3 mullets
palewise Gu. (D: Isabel de Morn de la Frontera - Oct 94)
Az, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 crosses bottony Or 3 annulets Az. (D:
Nikolaos Demetriou ho Toxotes - Apr 91)
Az, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 eagles Or, 3 roses Gu. (D: Robert of
the Debatable Lands - Nov 04)
Az, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 lions heads cabossed Or an arrow inv
Gu. (D: Aleksei Zateev - Feb 95)

Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent


Az, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 lymphads Or, 3 sea-horses palewise

Gu. (D: Geoffrey of Hastings - Oct 92)
Az, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 pairs of swords inv in salt proper a
wolfs paw print Gu. (D: Wolfe Thoraldsson - Feb 82)
Az, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 suns Or 3 pheons palewise inv Sa. (D:
Michael Anwyl - Jul 90)
Az, on a bend sin Arg 3 pellets, a bord Arg. (D: Kenn the Just Feb 91)
Az, on a bend sin betw a feather bendwise sin & a feather inv
bendwise sin Arg 4 mullets palewise Az. (D: Gerald Kendall Jul 01)
Az, on a bend sin betw a mask of tragedy & a mask of comedy Arg,
a garden rosebud Gu, slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Morganthe of
Nordwache - Aug 86)
Az, on a bend sin betw a trefoil & a fleur-de-lys Arg a turtles head
bendwise sin couped Vt. (D: Tonk OTuathail - Apr 83)
Az, on a bend sin betw six Celtic crosses Arg 3 wolves ramp
contourny Sa. (D: Angharad of Bright Hills - Apr 98)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 arrows bendwise sin Arg, 3 towers
palewise Sa. (D: Henry of Yeovil - Jun 91)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 arum lilies bendwise sin Arg slipped 3
dragonflies Vt. (D: Martha Effingham of Stewart Kepe Sep 04)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 cats sejant to sin Arg, 3 annulets Az. (D:
Juliana of Tregony - Jul 90)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 fleams Arg, 3 gouttes palewise Gu. (D:
Hugh of Ravenwood - Jul 86)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 garbs Arg, 3 roses Az. (D: Roseanna vom
Meierei - Jun 91)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 hearts Arg a cross barby palewise Sa. (D:
Tessa of Crossgate - Aug 01)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 hunting horns Arg, a hunting horn Az. (D:
James of Salir - Feb 90)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 lions couchant guardant Arg 3 Maltese
crosses palewise Gu. (D: Tristan of Starlake - Mar 04)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 mullets of eight points Arg 2 bendlets sin
Purp. (D: ine ingen Mel Coluim - Mar 04)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 pheons Arg, a badger ramp contourny
palewise maintaining an arrow inv Sa. (D: Bram of Lyndon Aug 02)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 stags lodged Arg, 3 estoiles Az. (D:
Elizabeth Annora Dernelof - Aug 97)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 trees eradicated Arg, a pegasus statant
fesswise to sin Sa, all within a bord Arg. (D: Dubhn Treehill
- Nov 88)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 wolves passant to sin Arg, a sword inv Gu.
(D: Stephan of Durham - Jun 93)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 wolves sejant ululant Arg, 3 crescents Az.
(D: Cyra of Tir Ysgithr - Jul 97)
Az, on a bend sin cotised Arg 2 ivy leaves conjoined at the stems
proper betw 2 estoiles of 4 straight greater & 4 wavy lesser
points Sa. (D: Cifran o Ir Glyn - Aug 79)
Az, on a bend sin cotissed betw 2 lozenges bendwise sin Arg, 3
lozenges Az. (D: Sorcha Caerlaverock - Feb 92)
Az, on a bend sin cotised betw 2 owls Arg 3 roses Az. (D: Elena of
Axed Root - Nov 07)
Az, on a bend sin enarched Arg betw a decrescent & an increscent
Or, 3 trees palewise eradicated proper. (D: Mrgrg inghean
u Chaiside - Sep 99)
Az, platy, on a bend sin Arg 3 hurts. (D: Isabella Angela Boschetti
- Nov 93)
Az semy of candles Arg flammant Or, on a bend sin Arg 3 Latin
crosses crosslet palewise Vt. (D: Margaret Fitzwilliam of
Kent - Oct 98)
Gu ermined Arg, on a bend sin Arg 3 holly sprigs palewise Vt
fructed Gu. (D: Helene Noel de Montbeliart - Oct 05)
Gu, on a bend sin Arg a cedar tree palewise proper. (D: Lebanon Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, on a bend sin Arg, betw a laurel wreath & a single-horned anvil
Or, 3 oak leaves palewise Vt. (D: Iron Oak - Jun 98)
Gu, on a bend sin Arg betw an arrow inv bendwise sin & a drinking
horn reversed Or a raven rising to sin Sa. (D: Erik Rafn
Berserkr af Haddeby - Nov 82)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 257

[Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent]

Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent


Gu, on a bend sin Arg betw 3 Norway Maple leaves 2 & one Or, 3
lynxs paw prints bendwise Sa. (D: Arlena of Krnastadir Jun 85)
Gu, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 spiral hunting horns Or 3 wolfs
heads couped Sa. (D: Edward Harbinger - Nov 05)
Gu, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 suns in splendor Or, a torch Sa
enflamed proper. (D: Sebastian Brand der Brenner - Mar 98)
Gu, on a bend sin betw a raven striking to sin Arg & a garden rose
inv Or, slipped & leaved Vt, a claymore Gu. (D: Bronwyn the
Red - Jun 94)
Gu, on a bend sin betw a trefoil & a card-pique Arg 2 hearts
palewise alternating with 2 lozenges palewise Gu. (D: Marie
Thrse Normand - Feb 04)
Gu, on a bend sin betw six triquetra Arg a compass star palewise
Sa. (D: Siobhn nic Chollaic - Sep 97)
Gu, on a bend sin betw 2 crosses of Jerusalem Arg 3 crescents
palewise Gu. (D: Michael Acrensis - Jun 01)
Gu, on a bend sin betw 2 falcons close Arg, 3 card piques palewise
Sa. (D: Goffraid Floinn - Aug 98)
Gu, on a bend sin betw 2 griffins salient Arg an arrow Purp. (D:
Aleksei Dmitriev - Dec 06)
Gu, on a bend sin betw 2 hearts Arg, a lute proper. (D: Caitlin
OHart - Oct 97)
Gu, on a bend sin betw 2 increscents Arg, a wheel Az. (D:
Katerina Raedaria - May 98)
Gu, on a bend sin betw 2 rams heads erased contourny Arg, 3 cross
crosslets fitchy palewise Sa. (D: Ulfrik Haraldsson av Strm
- Feb 94)
Gu, on a bend sin betw 2 towers Arg, a linden leaf palewise inv Vt.
(D: Tyrell Hardcastle - Aug 91)
Gu, on a bend sin betw 2 wolves couchant Arg, 3 roses proper. (D:
Eva Woderose - Dec 07)
Gu, on a bend sin cotised Arg a fox courant contourny Gu. (D:
Aithne Sionnach - Feb 91)
Gu semy-de-lys Or, on a bend sin Arg, a rose Sa. (D: Rhonda Lynn
MacLeod - Nov 94)
Gu, upon a bend sin betw a staff entwined of 2 snakes addorsed & a
Russian Orthodox cross Arg, 3 pine cones proper. (D: Stephen
Alexeivitch Adashev - Aug 79?)
Pean, on a bend sin Arg 3 natural sea-otters statant proper. (D:
Samuel Harulfssen - Jan 84)
Per bend sin Az & Purp, on a bend sin Arg 3 gouttes palewise Vt.
(D: George Woulfryth - Mar 03)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, on a bend sin Arg betw a cup & a broad
arrow Or, 2 bendlets sin Az. (D: Mathild de Valognes Jun 06)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, on a bend sin Arg 3 dragonflies palewise
Purp, in canton an increscent Or. (D: Idonea de Clare May 07)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 crosses fleury Arg, a
rose vine Vt flowered Gu. (D: Aileen McDonagh - Apr 93)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 lions ramp Or, a
serpent glissant Vt. (D: Jrgen von der Strassenkreuzung Apr 86)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, on a bend sin Arg a bend sin engrailed Sa, in
chf a rose Arg barbed & seeded proper. (D: Kyrielle de Meaux
- Jan 94)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, on a bend sin Arg a spear Sa. (D: Ambrose
Fitzwilliam - Feb 00)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, on a bend sin Arg, 3 hourglasses palewise
Sa, in dexter chf a quill pen & a rapier in salt Arg. (D:
Christopher Kirk Dragomani - Jul 90)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, on a bend sin Arg a bears pawprint palewise
Sa. (D: Stephan Auber - Jan 02)
Per bend sin Purp & Gu, on a bend sin Arg, a spider Sa. (D:
Alexandrina Quenell Wyndrych - Nov 93)
Per bend sin Purp & Sa, on a bend sin Arg, 3 cats faces palewise
Sa. (D: Eithne ingen Gille Challne - Dec 04)
Per bend sin Purp & Sa, on a bend sin betw a wolfs head erased &
a skull Arg, 3 triquetras palewise Gu. (D: Rhiannon
MacPherson - Aug 99)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 compass stars Or, a
tilting spear Sa. (D: Gwydion Caithnes of Wyk - Aug 92)

258 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent


Per bend sin Sa & Az, on a bend sin cotised Arg 3 step-cut
gemstones palewise Az. (D: Giuliana Maria di Grazia Jul 05)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, on a bend sin cotised betw a decrescent & 3
ostrich plumes palewise in bend sin Arg, a needle, point to
base, Sa. (D: Margaret Elizabeth Peyton de Lascaux Dec 88)
Per bend sin Sa & Purp, on a bend sin betw 2 cats sejant guardant
Arg 3 cats pawprints bendwise Sa. (D: Mary Lindsay the Red
- Apr 96)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, on a bend sin Arg betw a vulture disp & a
broken sword Or 3 compass stars palewise Az. (D: Vladimir
of Arkhangelsk - May 82)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, on a bend sin betw a griffin ramp to sin Arg
& a winged lion ramp Or, a bend sin fusilly Gu. (D: Ulrich
von Brake - Oct 86)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, all semy-de-lys, on a bend sin Arg an ivy
vine Sa. (D: Douglas Cameron Fitzrery - Apr 97)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, on a bend sin Arg a rose Gu slipped & leaved
Vt, seeded Arg. (D: Eibhlin Catriona Moireabh - Mar 92)
Per bend sin Vt & Gu, on a bend sin Arg 3 winged fish volant Sa.
(D: Sebastian Gral - Jan 94)
Purp, a bend sin Arg, in bend 3 griffins ctrch. (D: Ivan of Zemgale Feb 00)
Purp, ermined, on a bend sin Arg a mortar & pestle palewise Sa. (D:
Erdfalvi Natalya - Apr 92)
Purp, on a bend sin Arg betw a pair of hands Or, 3 foxs tails
palewise, tips to base, proper. (D: Victoria Fox - Jun 05)
Purp, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 comets bendwise sin inv Or, 3
fleurs-de-lys palewise Purp. (D: Sabina Tafler - Apr 93)
Purp, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 daffodils affronty & 2 decrescents
Or, a hummingbird palewise disp Gu. (D: Angelica des
Montagnes - Jun 02)
Purp, on a bend sin Arg, 3 roses Purp, barbed & seeded proper. (D:
Urien Aflonyddwynt ap Taliesin Darianlas - Jan 84)
Purp, on a bend sin betw a dragon couchant reguardant & a falcon
rising, wings inv & addorsed, Arg, 4 turtles tergiant Vt. (D:
Anne Harper of Eland - Nov 88)
Purp, on a bend sin betw six lozenges Arg 3 griffins passant
contourny Vt. (D: Corisande of Griffinsgate - Dec 95)
Purp, on a bend sin betw 2 axes Arg, 3 grape bunches palewise
Purp. (D: Gunther von Leipzig - Jan 93)
Purp, on a bend sin betw 2 boars heads erased Arg a cross crosslet
fitchy Sa. (D: Robert Gordon of Ravensbrook - Jun 84)
Purp, on a bend sin betw 2 caravels Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys palewise
Purp. (D: Arianwen ferch Padrig - Jul 95)
Purp, on a bend sin betw 2 mushrooms Arg, 2 harps palewise Az.
(D: Morwenna Durward - Feb 89)
Purp, on a bend sin betw 2 natural dolphins naiant bendwise sin
contourny Arg an arrow Purp. (D: Kenneth of Shaftesbury Oct 01)
Purp, on a bend sin cotised Arg an ivy vine Vt. (B: Hannah bat
Isaac de Toledo - May 08)
Quarterly Az & Gu, on a bend sin Arg a sword Sa, in dexter chf an
opinicus statant Arg. (D: Berhtrad Athalbrand von Strassburg
- Aug 91)
Quarterly Or & Vt, on a bend sin Arg betw a dogs head couped & a
tygers head couped Sa, 3 billets palewise Gu. (D: Harold
Thredar - Mar 83)
Sa, a bend sin Arg charged with another Gu, on a chf Or a demi-sun
Gu. (D: Michael the Dark - Aug 92)
Sa, a dragon passant coward dismembered, overall on a bend sin
Arg, fimbriated, an axe reversed Sa, embrued Gu. (D: Magnus
Bldax - Feb 82)
Sa, on a bend sin Arg a peregrine falcon descending, talons
extended & wings addorsed, Az. (D: Kevin Peregrynne Jan 73?)
Sa, on a bend sin Arg a peregrine falcon descending, talons
extended & wings addorsed Az, on a canton Arg a pile Gu
charged with an antique crown voided Or. (Augmentation of
Arms: Kevin Peregrynne - Jul 82)
Sa, on a bend sin Arg an apple Gu slipped & leaved proper. (D:
Elaina de Sinistre - Jul 83)

[Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent] to [Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Azure]

Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent


Sa, on a bend sin Arg, betw an Irish harp Or & an owl statant
gardant Arg, beaked orbed, & armed Or, 3 dragonlets
counterpassant Gu. (D: Sarah Telyn - Aug 79)
Sa, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 arrows bendwise sin Or 3 estoiles of
eight rays Purp. (D: Daniel O Rian the Fletcher - Jun 01)
Sa, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 bezants, an arrow Sa. (D: William of
the Black Fletch - Jun 84)
Sa, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 compass stars Or, a sprig throughout
Vt. (D: Arianna Larkin Wylde - Jul 93)
Sa, on a bend sin Arg, betw 2 daggers proper, a rose Gu, slipped &
leaved proper. (D: Dregene Naran - Apr 98)
Sa, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 rabbits courant Or 3 crosses formy
palewise Gu. (D: Maria Cabea de Vaca - Mar 02)
Sa, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 wolves couchant bendwise sin Arg a
wolf couchant Sa. (D: Seosaidh MacFaoilchire - Oct 95)
Sa, on a bend sin Arg 3 roses barbed & seeded proper, in dexter chf
a skull Arg. (D: Avelguarde the Wanderer - Oct 94)
Sa, on a bend sin betw a bear sejant erect & a tower Arg 3 mullets
of eight points Gu. (D: Conor MacNeil - Jan 96)
Sa, on a bend sin betw a compass star & a rose Arg, a sheaf of 3
arrows inv Sa. (D: Roibeard mac Sluaghadhin - Dec 92)
Sa, on a bend sin betw a lions head cabossed & a wolfs head
cabossed Arg 3 hands Az. (D: Henri of Carolingia - Jul 97)
Sa, on a bend sin betw a raven contourny & masks of comedy &
tragedy bendwise Arg 4 thistles bendwise Purp slipped &
leaved Vt. (D: Meadhbha inghean Bhrain Mhuilleir Apr 02)
Sa, on a bend sin betw 4 decrescents Arg a garden rose slipped &
leaved Az. (D: Etienne Armand du Prigord - Jul 91)
Sa, on a bend sin betw 2 bulldogs heads caboshed Arg, 4
quatrefoils slipped Vt. (D: Gaius Grattius Brutus - May 06)
Sa, on a bend sin betw 2 crescents Arg, 2 towers palewise Sa. (D:
Iricus le Ferur - Jul 90)
Sa, on a bend sin betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Arg 3 sin gauntlets palewise
Sa. (D: Wulfgar jarnsia - Oct 06)
Sa, on a bend sin betw 2 rams heads cabossed Arg 3 crosses
crosslet fitchy palewise Gu. (D: Vclav z Rokycan - Sep 03)
Sa, on a bend sin betw 2 roses Arg 3 butterflies palewise Sa. (D:
Catlin Marie de Moretaine - Apr 02)
Sa, on a bend sin betw 2 roundels Arg each charged with a weasel
statant gardant 4 gouttes palewise Gu. (D: Cian mac Segdai
hui Neill - Apr 07)
Sa, on a bend sin betw 2 skulls Arg 3 lizards statant heads to sin
base Vt. (D: Falco Silva - Feb 00)
Sa, on a bend sin betw 2 tuns palewise Arg a double-bladed axe Gu.
(D: Mjothvitnir the Large - Jul 81)
Sa, on a bend sin betw 2 wolfs heads erased respectant Arg an
escarbuncle Vt. (D: Johan der Hund - May 06)
Sa, on a bend sin betw 2 wolves sejant Arg 4 wolfs paw prints
bendwise Gu. (D: Feln mac Finguine - Jul 00)
Sa, on a bend sin cotised Arg a scarpe raguly Gu. (D: Robin of
Rhovanion - May 84)
Sa, on a bend sin cotissed Arg 3 rams heads erased palewise to sin
Sa. (D: Meryk Haraldsen - May 83)
Sa, on a bend sin cotised betw 2 ink bottles Arg, a quill pen Sa. (D:
Catlin Ravenlock - Oct 92)
Tierced in bend sin Sa, Arg & Vt, in bend a caltrap Gu betw 2
estoiles Or. (D: Szeven za Daemon - Jan 73?)
Vair, on a bend sin Arg, 3 harps palewise Az. (D: Fionn MacRory Feb 94)
Vt, a bend sin Arg, semy of needles, eyes to chf, Sa, betw six
decrescents Arg. (D: Mathila of Amersham - Dec 89)
Vt, on a bend sin Arg a Hermit Thrush close proper. (D: Leslie the
Brown - Jun 86)
Vt, on a bend sin Arg betw a white rose spray & another inv both
bendwise sin proper, a frog springing to sin Vt. (D: Katrina of
Dresden - Jun 86)
Vt, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 Catherine wheels Or an ivy vine Vt.
(D: Kathryne Elizabeth Gordon - Oct 95)
Vt, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 mullets of eight points Or, 3 crosses
crosslet palewise Vt. (D: Paul Wickenden of Thanet - Sep 91)
Vt, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 open books Or a rapier Sa. (D: Elisa
of Thescorre - Dec 95)
Vt, on a bend sin betw a G clef & a fleur-de-lys Arg an ivy vine
throughout Vt. (D: Ivory Genevieve la Rouge - Sep 99)

Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent


Vt, on a bend sin betw a glove clenched & a chalice Arg a rapier Sa.
(D: Archibald of Stoke on Trent - Jan 00)
Vt, on a bend sin betw a tower & 2 herrings in pale that in base
contourny Arg, 4 cauldrons palewise Sa. (D: Magnus av
Nordenskld - Jun 06)
Vt, on a bend sin betw an arrow & an arrow inv Arg, five mullets
palewise Vt. (D: Christian of the Faeroes - Mar 91)
Vt, on a bend sin betw an open book & a leaved branch bendwise
sin Arg, 3 leaves Vt. (D: Vivien de Archambault - Jan 91)
Vt, on a bend sin betw six daggers inv Arg 3 crosses formy fitchy
palewise Sa. (D: Brychan ap Dafydd - Apr 00)
Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 arrows bendwise sin Arg, a sword Vt. (D:
Aaron of Buckminster - Dec 91)
Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 falcons rising respectant, wings elevated &
addorsed Arg, 3 crosses patonce Vt. (D: Elizabetta Malatesta
- Apr 06)
Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 laurel wreaths Arg a thistle & another inv
conjoined at the slips proper. (D: Thistle, the - Mar 92)
Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 lions sejant Arg 3 roses Gu. (D: Joia von
Berengereshagen - Jan 06)
Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 pairs of stick shuttles crossed in salt Arg, 2
dolphins urinant Az. (D: Maria Marina - Sep 90)
Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 sea-lions contourny Arg 2 coronets
palewise Sa. (D: Erika Francesca Pacchioni - Mar 02)
Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 stags heads erased Arg, 3 crosses couped
palewise Sa. (D: Edmund Patterson - Jun 06)
Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 swans naiant respectant Arg 4 oak leaves
fructed Gu. (D: Tana lEsprit Fort - Jul 96)
Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 wolves heads erased Arg 3 crosses formy
palewise Gu. (D: Hilderich der Biterolf - Jan 94)
Vt, on a bend sin cotised Arg betw a sheaf of tulips slipped & a
sheaf of arrows inv Or, a demi-bear affronty palewise, paws
outstretched, Sa. (D: Bjorn Krom Hakenberg - Nov 06)
Vt, on a bend sin cotised Arg 3 lilies palewise Sa. (D: Julina de
Beaumont - Oct 01)
Vt, on a bend sin cotised betw a bird volant to sin wings addorsed &
a heart Arg a rapier Sa. (D: Kyne Wynn the Kind - Aug 02)
Vt, on a bend sin cotised betw 2 maple leaves Arg, a palmers staff
Vt. (D: Heinrich von Isenburg - Mar 89)
Vt semy-de-lys, on a bend sin Arg 3 unicorns passant palewise Gu.
(D: Cecilia of Brymstone - Feb 05)
* * * End * * *

Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Azure

See also: Field division - Bendy sinister

Arg masoned Sa, on a bend sin Az a unicorns horn Arg. (D: Eloise
of Tree-Girt-Sea - Jul 00)
Arg, on a bend sin Az a savage palewise maintaining a club proper
& an enfield statant fesswise Or. (D: Erick der Rotnacken Jan 97)
Arg, on a bend sin Az betw a cat couchant guardant Gu & a rose Az
slipped & leaved Vt an open book palewise Arg. (D:
Katharine Nic Canna - Jan 00)
Arg, on a bend sin Az, betw a longship in full sail, oars in action &
sailing to sin, Gu & a bell Sa, a scarpe Or. (D: Fulk
Fulkersson - Jan 97)
Arg, on a bend sin Az betw a mandolin bendwise sin, peghead in
chf, Gu, & an apothecary jar Vt voided Arg, a pair of
fetterlocks joined by a chain Arg. (D: Martha the Healer Mar 73?)
Arg, on a bend sin Az betw five broadarrows, 3 & 2, inv Sa 3
acorns palewise Or. (D: Seamus Mac Murchada - Oct 97)
Arg, on a bend sin Az betw 2 camels passant Sa blanketed Az 3
decrescents Arg. (D: Malik Abd al-Rahman - Aug 97)
(listed under Ansteorra on the LoAR, actually from the Middle)
Arg, on a bend sin Az betw 2 crosses formy Gu, 3 crescents Or. (D:
Galen of Greybough - Oct 88)
Arg, on a bend sin Az betw 2 goblets Sa, 3 daggers Arg. (D:
Andred Fairhair - Mar 86)
Arg, on a bend sin below a cross crosslet fitchy Az in dexter chf, in
chf a lions gambe palewise erased Or. (D: David de la
Croupe - Feb 89)
Arg, on a bend sin betw a compass star & a decrescent Az 3 goblets
palewise Arg. (D: Mahon ODillane - Apr 96)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 259

[Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Azure] to [Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Gules]

Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Azure (continued)

Arg, on a bend sin betw an increscent & a decrescent Az, 3 roses

Arg. (D: Kristin Leifsdottir - Dec 07)
Arg, on a bend sin betw 2 clarions Az, a quill pen Arg. (B:
Atenveldt, Barony of - Aug 92) (For the Performing Arts
Arg, on a bend sin betw 2 ermine tails Az a pen inv Or. (D: Jason
of Riverstone - Jul 83)
Arg, on a bend sin betw 2 swans naiant Az 3 fleurs-de-lys palewise
Arg. (D: Jeanne de Rennes - Aug 95)
Arg, on a bend sin betw 2 wolves heads ululant Az a bottlenosed
dolphin naiant contourny Arg. (D: Catriona nighean Thaoig
mhic Iurnain - Jun 96)
Arg, on a bend sin cotised Az a quatrefoil palewise Arg. (D: Ellen
Miller - Aug 01)
Arg, on a bend sin cotised Az betw a teazel Purp leaved Vt & a
sprig of blueberry proper, 2 compass stars palewise Arg. (D:
Darlene of Caithness - Jan 85)
Arg, on a bend sin cotised betw 2 roses Az barbed & seeded proper,
a flute Arg. (D: Jordana Volchevo Lesa - Jul 95)
Arg, on a bend sin, doubly cotised, Az a hawk rising, wings disp &
inv, & an increscent moon, both palewise, Arg. (D: Aelfraed
Hawkmoon - Dec 87)
Ermine, a bend sin within a bord Az, overall a scarpe nebuly & in
dexter chf a decrescent Or. (D: Gernot of Gallimaufry Oct 76?)
Ermine, on a bend sin Az betw a tree eradicated proper & a tower
Sa, a laurel wreath palewise Arg. (D: Rivenwood Tower Nov 88)
Ermine, on a bend sin Az 3 horses heads palewise couped Or. (D:
Rohese de Dinan - Oct 05)
Ermine, on a bend sin betw 2 foxes heads erased Az, 4 mullets
pierced Arg. (D: Victor Hildebrand von Koln - Dec 86)
Or, on a bend sin Az seven lozenges Or, overall a bear ramp Sa. (D:
Conrad Erich von Brixen - Jan 93)
Sa, on a bend sin Az fimbriated 3 dogwood blossoms palewise Arg
seeded Or. (B: Gwenlian Catharne - Jul 04)
Vairy in point Arg & Sa, on a bend sin Az betw 2 chess rooks a
stags attire Or. (D: Berenger Nachtwulf von Mainz der
Spieler - Dec 95)
Vt, on a bend sin Az fimbriated Arg, betw 2 roses Or seeded Gu,
seven estoiles Arg. (D: Gabriela Maria dei Clementini
dOrvieto - date?)
* * * End * * *

Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Fur

See also: Field division - Bendy sinister

Arg, on a bend sin pean betw 2 wolfs pawprints Gu a wolfs head
palewise cabossed Arg. (D: Thorin Hvitulf - Jan 91)
Az, on a bend sin ermine betw 2 urchins statant to sin Arg, an
ermine courant Sa. (D: lfrun Errantmaid - Nov 88)
Purp, on a bend sin ermine betw 2 turtles statant to sin Or, an
ermine courant Sa. (D: Seamus OGallagher - Nov 88)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, on a bend sin erminois betw 2 dragons ramp
Gu each maintaining a roundel erminois, 3 crescents palewise
Gu. (D: Adam Polotsky - Mar 94)
Vt, on a bend sin ermine betw six bees volant en arriere Or, a
weavers shuttle Gu. (D: Mikhail Gregorievich of Kiev Oct 84)
* * * End * * *

Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Gules

See also: Field division - Bendy sinister

Arg, a bend sin Gu, in bend 3 roses ctrch barbed & seeded proper.
(D: Rosalind of Wellmark - Sep 92)
Arg ermined Az, on a bend sin Gu 3 goblets palewise Or. (D:
Dominic Durrant of Marlborough - Feb 95)
Arg, on a bend sin betw six triquetra Gu a spear Arg. (D: Frederick
von Innsbruck - Nov 97)
Arg, on a bend sin betw 2 closed books palewise Gu a quill pen
Arg. (D: Gareth Tremain - Apr 94)
Arg, on a bend sin Gu betw a tower & a cross pattonce Sa 2 lions
counter-passant guardant Arg. (D: Christoph Lowentrm von
Mark - Feb 81)
Arg, on a bend sin Gu betw an escallop Vt & a thistle proper a
horses head couped Or. (D: Franqueite du Grandchamp Jul 06)
260 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Gules (continued)

Arg, on a bend sin Gu betw an increscent Sa & a dromedary statant

contourny proper 3 scimitars palewise Arg. (D: Bcar ibn
Tariq - Feb 92)
Arg, on a bend sin Gu betw 2 dandelions Or leaved Vt a leek Arg.
(D: Chardonne de Lyon - Oct 04)
Arg, on a bend sin Gu betw 2 swords bendwise sin Sa, 3 compassstars palewise Or. (D: Barnabas OPhelan - Apr 94)
Arg, on a bend sin Gu cotised Sa a Lady Banks rose slipped &
leaved proper. (D: Kathryn Dhil Lrriel - Apr 80)
Arg, on a bend sin Gu, six annulets Or, overall a halberd bendwise
Sa, within a bord compony Sa & Arg. (D: Vissevald
Selkirksson - Feb 82)
Arg, on a bend sin Gu 3 mullets of six points palewise Or within a
bord Gu. (D: Raffaella Mascolo - Oct 06)
Arg, seme of roses proper, on a bend sin Gu a rapier proper. (D:
William Dumart-en-Ponthieu - Sep 90)
Arg semy-de-lys Sa, on a bend sin Gu 3 harps palewise Or. (D:
Isolde de la Vielle--Roue - Nov 97)
Az, on a bend sin Gu, fimbriated, a sword inv, & on a chf embat
Arg 3 hurts. (D: Micah of Lions Tower - Apr 84)
Az, on a bend sin Gu fimbriated betw six wheels 3 goats passant
palewise Or. (D: John Turner of Kingsbridge - Jul 01)
Az, on a bend sin Gu fimbriated Or betw 2 natural dolphins naiant
in annulo Arg a harp palewise Or. (D: Sile ingen
Chonchobhair - Apr 00)
Az, on a bend sin Gu, fimbriated, 2 daggers points to center Or,
overall a sword inv Arg. (D: Ferrand Amelius Ironblade May 87)
Checky Sa & Or, on a bend sin Gu 3 annulets Arg. (D: Daene of
Saint Matthews - Nov 00)
Chequy Vt & Arg, on a bend sin Gu a sackbut Or. (D: Davide
Michelotto - Feb 87)
Counter-ermine, on a bend sin Gu 3 pears palewise Or. (B: Bjorn of
Havok - Oct 83) (For Christopher Benfield)
Or, on a bend sin betw 2 flames Gu, a sword proper. (D: Sean
Cannan - Jan 07)
Or, on a bend sin betw 2 wolfs heads contourny erased Gu, 4 bells
palewise Or. (D: Wulfwen atte Belle - Oct 94)
Or, on a bend sin cotised Gu, 3 triangles palewise inv, each within
& conjoined to an annulet Or. (D: John of Dreiburgen Jul 88)
Or, on a bend sin Gu betw 2 unicorns ramp Sa, 3 daffodils slipped
& leaved Or. (D: Katerina Affodil - Dec 96)
Or, on a bend sin Gu 3 suns Or. (D: Vitalia la Soleil - Jun 01)
Per bend sin Arg & Az mullety Or, a bend sin Gu charged in sin chf
with a sun Or, in dexter chf a Great Horned Owl proper. (D:
Erik of Nant-y-Derwyddon - Sep 84)
Per bend sin Arg & checky Arg & Sa, on a bend sin Gu a sword inv
Or, in chf an elephants head cabossed Sa. (D: Bohmond le
Sinistre - Jul 99)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, on a bend sin Gu betw an acorn inv Vt & a
decrescent, five mullets bendwise conjoined in bend sin Arg.
(D: Leila Angwin of the Silver Stallion - Aug 92)
Per bend sin pean & ermine, on a bend sin Gu 3 quatrefoils Arg. (D:
Susana Marie of Palermo - Mar 84)
Per bend sin pean & erminois, on a bend sin Gu a mirror Arg betw 2
bezants, all within a bord Gu. (D: Olivia the Over-adorned of
York - Nov 80)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, on a bend sin Gu fimbriated betw 2 doublebitted axes bendwise sin, a deaths head palewise, all Arg. (D:
Diana Alyse de Fay - Oct 82)
Sa, on a bend sin Gu, fimbriated, betw 2 crosses couped fitchy, a
bat palewise disp, all within a bord embat Arg. (D: Bryan
Mikhail Woodroffe - May 88)
Sa, on a bend sin Gu, fimbriated, betw 2 crosses of Lorraine, a
fleur-de-lys palewise Or. (D: Philippe Gaspard de
Charbonneau - Jul 91)
Sa, on a bend sin Gu fimbriated betw 2 mullets of 4 points 3 mullets
of 4 points palewise Or. (D: Ulric Morgan - Apr 01)
Sa, on a bend sin Gu fimbriated Or betw 2 crosses clechy 3 crosses
clechy palewise Arg. (D: Vanya Betzina - Dec 07)
Sa, on a bend sin Gu, fimbriated Or, 3 sea gulls close to sin
palewise Arg, orbed & winged Sa, beaked Or. (B: Bryan Hay
- Aug 79) (For House Feversham)
* * * End * * *

[Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Multicolor] to [Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Or]

Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Multicolor

See also: Field division - Bendy sinister

Per bend sin Purp & Az, a bend sin ctrch, upon the lines of division
3 German flutes bendwise sin throughout Arg, each pierced of
seven holes Sa. (D: Raoul the Urbane - Feb 80)
Per pale Az & Arg, on a bend sin betw 2 frets couped 4 lilies, ctrch.
(D: Alexandra dei Finocchi - Nov 97)
Per pale Az & Arg, on a bend sin 3 crosses couped palewise ctrch.
(D: Anne Marie de Lucy - Jan 02)
Per pale Az & Or, on a bend sin cotised, 2 tassels palewise, all
ctrch. (D: Amaryllis Alexandrea de Lacey - Nov 89)
Per pale Or & Sa, on a bend sin betw 2 spur rowels a lightning bolt
ctrch. (D: Uodalrica MacDonnell - Jul 94)
* * * End * * *

Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Or

See also: Field division - Bendy sinister

Az, a sword inv proper betw in bend 2 Norse serpents nowed,
overall a bend sin Or charged with 3 fleurs-de-lys palewise Sa.
(D: Kimberly Donegal of Westmeath - Aug 92)
Az estencely, on a bend sin Or 4 rabbits palewise couchant Purp.
(D: Rebecca de Tatecastre - Feb 08)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 bells Or a claymore Az. (D: Angus
Duncan Cameron - Jul 95)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 cinquefoils Or a quill pen Gu. (D: Eleyn
Scrivener - Feb 04)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 decrescents Or, 3 mullets Sa. (D: Elwyn
Halfmoon - Sep 94)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 foxes masks Or, 3 estoiles Gu. (D:
Richard ffaukes - Jan 94)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 goblets Or, an arrow inv Az. (D: Blaise de
Saint Thibaut - Jul 94)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 Latin crosses clechy Or 3 musical notes
palewise Sa. (D: Lisette Cantalamesse - May 98)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 square flags, flying to sin, Or, 3 fleurs-delys palewise Sa, all within a bord dovetailed Or. (D: Arlene de
Montblanc - Dec 89)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 suns & a bulls head cabossed Or, a
passion nail Gu. (D: William Bullson - May 94)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 wolves passant Or, a lightning bolt Az.
(D: Hrlfr Hreggvidharson - Sep 92)
Az, on a bend sin cotissed Or an increscent Sa, & in canton a
passion cross, ends formee, Or. (D: Aubrey von Stuffle Aug 79)
Az, on a bend sin cotissed Or 3 swallows volant fesswise, wings
elevated & addorsed, Az. (D: Katerina Arondel - Oct 90)
Az, on a bend sin Or, a goblet upright Sa. (D: Denis Flaxenhelm Oct 76?)
Az, on a bend sin Or an estoile Sa. (D: Richard Andreivitch of Rus
- Jan 74?)
Az, on a bend sin Or betw a unicorns head erased & sin facing Arg,
armed & crined Or, & a tower Arg, 3 crosses crosslet fitchy
Gu. (D: Tristan of Ryddingbrooke - Apr 87)
Az, on a bend sin Or betw six crescents Arg, 3 lozenges Gu. (D:
Ciaran Dubh MacDonagh - May 90)
Az, on a bend sin Or betw 2 double-bitted axes Arg, a wingless
dragon passant contourny reguardant Gu. (D: Sion Glas Nov 91)
Az, on a bend sin Or betw 2 Mamluk rosettes Arg an arrow inv Sa,
fletched Gu. (D: Kaidu ibn Yesugai - Jun 81)
Az, on a bend sin Or betw 2 open books Arg a grape vine Vt. (D:
Ariel of York - Apr 00)
Az, on a bend sin Or betw 2 sin hands aversant Arg, a strung bow
proper. (D: Johannes Linkehant - Dec 97)
Az, on a bend sin Or betw 2 stags trippant Arg 3 crosses formy
palewise Gu. (D: Connor Fiddes Wood - Feb 01)
Az, on a bend sin Or crusilly Az betw 2 unicorns heads couped Or
a mullet palewise Az. (D: Elizabet of Bannockburn - Feb 95)
Az, on a bend sin plain cotised wavy Or 3 oak leaves palewise Vt.
(D: Egill Leifsson - Apr 01)
Az semy of annulets, on a bend sin Or 3 bulls heads cabossed
palewise Az. (D: Angus MacGregor of Argyll - Jan 04)
Counter-ermine, on a bend sin Or 3 oak leaves palewise Vt. (D:
Thrse de Merc - Mar 90)
Gu, on a bend sin betw a Latin cross bottony & a standing balance
Or, 4 decrescents palewise Gu, all within a bord embat Or. (D:
Doireann Fearghus Roberston - Jul 91)

Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Or (continued)

Gu, on a bend sin betw a sword inv & 2 linked annulets Or, 3 lyres
palewise Gu, all within a bord Or. (D: Loric Silvestris Oct 84)
Gu, on a bend sin betw a winged lion couchant guardant,
maintaining a set of tablets, & a sun in his splendor Or, 2 roses
proper. (D: Anastasia dello Scudo Rosso - Jul 93)
Gu, on a bend sin betw 2 candles enflamed Or, 3 mullets of six
points Gu. (D: Anastasia Ivanovna - Jul 88)
Gu, on a bend sin betw 2 compass-stars Or an arrow inv Gu. (D:
Sara Beauchamp - Jun 96)
Gu, on a bend sin betw 2 hangmans nooses Or, a winged boot
palewise Sa. (D: Fritz der Gefolgsmann - May 96)
Gu, on a bend sin cotised betw 2 bears passant guardant Or, a quill
Sa. (D: Ursula von Mnchwald - Jan 85)
Gu, on a bend sin cotised Or a winged unicorn courant contourny
Sa, in canton a pheon inv Or. (D: Catherine de Arc - Jun 96)
Gu, on a bend sin cotissed Or a wooden torch enflamed proper. (D:
Innes Dee - Nov 93)
Gu, on a bend sin doubly cotised Or 3 roses Gu barbed & seeded
Proper. (D: Lindyre of Valreinor - Aug 80)
Gu, on a bend sin embat counter-embat cotised plain Or, 3 grenades
palewise Sa flamed Gu. (D: Boris Nemtsov - Jan 08)
Gu, on a bend sin Or a merlins head palewise erased proper, all
within a bord checky Sa & Arg. (D: Nikolai Syekol - Aug 86)
Gu, on a bend sin Or betw a bears head erased & muzzled & a
cubit arm in armor bendwise sin Arg, a sword Gu. (D: Bjorn
wythe Mace - Aug 97)
Gu, on a bend sin Or betw 2 Bengal tigers heads erased Arg, a
dragons head erased close to sin Sa. (D: Valdemar Wendel
Bayard - May 84)
Gu, on a bend sin Or 3 roses Sa, seeded Arg, within a bord
engrailed Or. (B: Juliana de Montaign of Huntington Jan 01)
Gu, on a bend sin Or, 3 wings fesswise, each terminating in a hand
maintaining a sword Sa. (D: Sebastian of Ventbarr Aug 05)
Gu semy of skulls fracted in chf, on a bend sin Or in bend an axe
reversed & another inv Gu. (D: Thorfinn Skull Splitter Dec 94)
Pean, on a bend sin Or a hurst of 3 trees palewise Sa. (D: Clement
of Morocco - Jun 01)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, on a bend sin Or 2 scarpes Gu & in dexter
chf a compass star Or. (D: Gregory Frazer MacAonghais Aug 84)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, on a bend sin betw 2 lozenges ploye Or, a
roundel per bend sin Az & Gu. (D: Maria Estrellia Mar 90)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, on a bend sin cottised betw 2 wyverns erect
Or, a sword inv Sa. (D: Armand FitzEdward - Oct 96)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, on a bend sin Or betw a thunderbolt Arg & a
key fesswise reversed Or, a sword Gu. (D: Richard of
Boudegon - Feb 85)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, on a bend sin betw a mermaid in her vanity
& 2 arrows inv in salt Or 3 stars of David palewise Az. (D:
John of Ravenspur - Jul 00)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, on a bend sin Or an arrow Gu, point
enflamed proper. (D: Jacqueline la Rouge - Sep 93)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 maunches Or, five
crosses formy palewise Sa. (D: Maureen Fionn Lochlannach Jun 98)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, on a bend sin cotised Or 3 compass-stars
palewise Gu. (D: Bjarki Gullbjornsson - Mar 96)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, on a bend sin Or 3 garbs palewise Sa,
ribboned Gu. (D: Renate Johanna Wilhelmina Warnecke Mar 92)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 griffins segreant Or a
flamberge Sa. (D: Otto Wallhausen von Wallenstein Mar 95)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, on a bend sin betw 2 lymphads Or, 3 musical
notes palewise Sa. (D: Beatrice Carmela Mercante - Sep 93)
Purp goutty dOr, on a bend sin Or a heart betw 2 fleams all
palewise Purp. (D: Marcella de Brz - May 94)
Purp, masoned Or, on a bend sin Or, 3 fleurs-de-lys palewise Gu.
(D: Jeanlouis Ppin de Namr - Apr 88)
Purp, on a bend sin betw a harp & an ostrich close Or, a decrescent
palewise Purp. (D: Vladislav the Purple - Oct 83)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 261

[Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Or] to [Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Purpure]

Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Or (continued)

Purp, on a bend sin betw a sun & a decrescent Or, 3 billets palewise
Az. (D: Angus of Ayr - Oct 90)
Purp, on a bend sin cotised Or, 3 cinquefoils Purp. (D: Tatiana
Pavlovna Sokolova - Jun 99)
Purp, on a bend sin Or a blackbird perching upon a log Sa, holding
in its beak an annulet Gu. (D: Gwynffd of Ogg - Sep 71?)
Purp, on a bend sin Or betw a cat couchant to sin & another
couchant Arg a chain throughout Purp. (D: Robyn Lon
Creighton of Thorndyke - Jun 83)
Purp, on a bend sin Or betw 2 Lorraine crosses Arg 2 falcons
striking Sa. (D: Gilcolmun MacLeod - Aug 97)
Purp, on a bend sin Or, 3 sea lions palewise Sa. (D: Alan Brom
OBrien - Nov 93)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, on a bend sin Or, a garden rose Sa, slipped &
thorned, proper. (B: Thorolf Richardsson of the Chasm Jun 88) (The slips and thorns are brown.)
Quarterly Vt & Az, on a bend sin Or an ivy vine Vt, all within a
bord Or, charged with an orle of ivy Vt. (D: Minna Miranda
of Avebury - Nov 89)
Sa, on a bend sin betw a bow bendwise sin Or & a sword bendwise
sin inv proper, a quiver with 3 arrows Sa. (D: Corin y Cynydd
- Jan 95)
Sa, on a bend sin betw a lion ramp contourny & a fleur-de-lys Or 3
crescents Az. (D: Genevive de Clairvaux - Sep 00)
Sa, on a bend sin betw a quarter-sun issuant from dexter chf & a
mortar & pestle Or, 3 oak leaves Sa. (D: Lhiannan y
Llysieuydd - May 89)
Sa, on a bend sin betw 2 chalices Or 3 Maltese crosses palewise Gu.
(D: Niall de Marseilles - Jun 07)
Sa, on a bend sin betw 2 torches Or, enflamed proper, a tower
palewise Az, enflamed proper. (D: Gunnar Redbeard Jul 85)
Sa, on a bend sin betw 2 unicorns horns bendwise sin Or, an ivy
vine throughout Vt. (D: Elizabet Alfinnsdottir - Jan 06)
Sa, on a bend sin cotised betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Or, another palewise
Gu. (D: Robert of Vinhold - Nov 84)
Sa, on a bend sin Or, betw six plates, a hexagon Vt. (D: Madeleine
du Pr de la Fontaine - Feb 90)
Sa, on a bend sin Or betw 2 bears salient to sin Arg a palmers staff
Sa. (D: Adrian of Saint Clair - Nov 90)
Sa, on a bend sin Or betw 2 crescents Arg 3 bells palewise Gu. (D:
Tamara di Firenze - Jan 92)
Sa, on a bend sin Or betw 2 griffins heads couped respectant Arg
an arrow Sa all within a bord Or. (D: Jean Paul de Pont Jun 95)
Sa, on a bend sin Or betw 2 towers Arg a feather Gu. (D: Elias
Cameron of Black Isle - Feb 06)
Sa, on a bend sin Or, six torteaux, all within a bord Or. (D: Balin
Drayloch - Aug 86)
Sa, on a bend sin Or 3 oak leaves Vt & in dexter chf a crescent Arg.
(D: Leticia Troischesnes - Aug 95)
Sa platy, on a bend sin cotised Or a sun in its splendor palewise Gu.
(D: Ricardo de Silva - Apr 03)
Vt, a bend sin Or, in bend 3 acorns bendwise sin ctrch. (D: Amber
of Oakden - Oct 80)
Vt, on a bend sin betw a dragon ramp contourny & another ramp,
each maintaining a lyre Or, a rose vine Vt flowered Gu. (B:
Briana Morgan of the Valley - Jun 99) (For Brian Michael of
the Valley)
Vt, on a bend sin betw a hand balance & a cinquefoil Or, a frog
courant to sin Vt. (D: Brigit de Montfort - Jan 07)
Vt, on a bend sin betw a lion counter-ramp Or & a mouse ramp Arg,
a sword & an arrow in salt Sa. (D: Andreas Hak - Dec 80)
Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 estoiles Or five decrescents palewise Az.
(D: Rhiannon of Seareach - Jan 95)
Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 lions ramp Or, a dragons head palewise
contourny erased Sa. (D: Efenwealt Wystle - Dec 96)
Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 spears bendwise sin Or, a spider palewise
Az. (D: Daniello de Verde - Nov 07)
Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 spired towers Or, 3 arrows palewise inv
Sa. (D: Teamhair Gleann D Loch - Oct 92)
Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 stags ramp Or, 3 horses ramp palewise Sa.
(B: Gotfridus von Schwaben - Nov 01) (Blanket permission
to conflict with 1 CD)

262 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Or (continued)

Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 tygers passant to sin Or, a length of chain
throughout, fracted at the center, Sa, all within a bord Or. (D:
Deirdre the Celt - May 90)
Vt, on a bend sin cotised Or, a tower palewise Sa, & in canton a
broadarrow inv Or. (D: Nathan Blacktower - Mar 98)
Vt, on a bend sin cotissed Or, 3 goutes de sang palewise. (D:
adaoin Chuain na Greine - Dec 91)
Vt, on a bend sin Or a bow Gu, in chf an arrow bendwise sin inv &
a base enarched & indented Or. (D: William of Cathair
Daibhidh - Apr 98)
Vt, on a bend sin Or a rose Gu, barbed & seeded proper, slipped &
leaved Vt, overall a unicorn salient Arg. (D: Katrina the
Carefree - Oct 80)
Vt, on a bend sin Or a star of David betw 2 mullets of six points Gu.
(D: Cruser the Ranger - Mar 78?)
Vt, on a bend sin Or, another Az charged with 3 falcons, in chf an
escallop Or. (D: Vandrad of Bothldun - Oct 91)
Vt, on a bend sin Or betw a foxs mask & a Celtic cross Arg 3
quatrefoil knots palewise Vt. (D: C gan mhthair
MacMuircheartaigh - Sep 95)
Vt, on a bend sin Or cotissed Arg, 2 hedgehogs statant fesswise Sa.
(D: Angus Gunn - Mar 94)
* * * End * * *

Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Purpure

See also: Field division - Bendy sinister

Arg, on a bend sin betw six fishes haurient embowed to sin Purp, a
needle threaded Arg. (D: Trphine la Broderesse - Jun 05)
Arg, on a bend sin betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Purp, 3 roses Arg. (D:
Brenna Montgomery Cameron - Feb 92)
Arg, on a bend sin cotised betw 2 unicorns courant contourny
bendwise sin Purp, a unicorn courant contourny Arg. (D:
Rebecca Taylor of Caerleon - Oct 99)
Arg, on a bend sin Purp a weavers shuttle Arg, all within a bord
Purp, mulletty Arg. (D: Ariadne Athingana of Ravenglass Mar 89)
Arg, on a bend sin Purp betw a boar statant contourny & a Thors
hammer Sa 3 estoiles palewise Arg. (D: Ketill Dagsson Nov 00)
Arg, on a bend sin Purp betw a sun & a mask of tragedy Sa 4
caltraps palewise Arg. (D: Drauma-Toki Dagsson - Sep 95)
Arg, on a bend sin Purp betw 2 betony sprigs Vt, flowered Purp, 3
laurel wreaths palewise Arg. (D: Betony Wood - Oct 94)
Arg, on a bend sin Purp betw 2 spiders Sa, a lily palewise Or. (D:
Suzanne Grey of York - Dec 98)
Arg semy of grape clusters, on a bend sin Purp 3 drinking horns
fesswise Or. (D: Giovanna di Piacensa - Aug 92)
Arg semy of Lochaber axes Sa, on a bend sin Purp a crossbow Arg.
(D: Giric Taillur - Jun 05)
Barry wavy Arg & Vt, on a bend sin Purp 3 hawks bells Or. (D:
Debra of the Shattered Crystal - May 85)
Ermine, on a bend sin Purp 3 lozenges palewise Arg & in dexter chf
a cross fleury Gu. (D: Danielle de la Roche - Sep 95)
Ermine, on a bend sin Purp, 2 thistles palewise Or. (D: Alisaundre
de Kilmaron - Sep 90)
Or, on a bend sin Purp betw a rams head cabossed Sa & a
cinquefoil Purp seeded 3 fleurs-de-lys palewise Or. (D:
Magdalena Leonardi - Aug 01)
Or, on a bend sin Purp 3 suns Or. (D: Malin Faierwood - Aug 01)
Paly Vt & Arg, on a bend sin Purp a compass star palewise Arg. (D:
Eleanor of Orkney - Apr 04)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, on a bend sin Purp fimbriated betw a lion
passant & a bear statant, 3 bees Or. (D: Fredella Fiametta di
Lodovico Alamanni - Feb 97)
Quarterly counter-ermine & Or, on a bend sin Purp a sword inv Or.
(D: Margaret MacGregor of Heather Glen - Jun 96)
Sa, on a bend sin Purp fimbriated, a wingless dragon passant
contourny reguardant Arg. (D: Jacobus of Carolingia Jul 06)
Vair en point, on a bend sin Purp 3 caltrops Arg. (D: Seonaid
Fitzalan - Aug 83)
Vt, on a bend sin Purp fimbriated betw a dragon couchant
contourny & a harp, 3 roses Arg. (D: Mrwynn de More Aug 07)
* * * End * * *

[Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Sable] to [Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Vert]

Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Sable

See also: Field division - Bendy sinister

Arg, masoned, on a bend sin Sa a dagger inv palewise proper. (D:
Mark the Immoral - Mar 84)
Arg, on a bend sin Az betw 2 wolfs paw prints Sa a rose Arg betw
2 hearts palewise Or. (D: Sterling de la Rosa - Dec 04)
Arg, on a bend sin betw a griffin segreant & a boar passant Sa 3
torcs Or. (D: Conall Foghladha - May 94)
Arg, on a bend sin betw 2 boars heads erased Sa, 3 goblets
palewise Arg. (D: Nils Rixon - May 94)
Arg, on a bend sin betw 2 compass stars of ten points each
environed of a laurel wreath Sa a halberd Or. (D: Bryn Gwlad
- Mar 80)
Arg, on a bend sin betw 2 lutes bendwise sin Sa, 3 tankards Or. (D:
Nuzzio Gennaro - Nov 99)
Arg, on a bend sin betw 2 owls close Sa, 3 increscents palewise
Arg. (D: Nadezhda Ivanovna - Apr 90)
Arg, on a bend sin Sa a scarpe Arg, ermined Gu. (D: Sharane de
Kondrak - Jul 82)
Arg, on a bend sin Sa betw a maltese cross & a sea unicorn erect to
sin Az, a sword proper. (D: Stefan of Scurlocktown - Mar 94)
Arg, on a bend sin Sa betw a maunch reversed Vt, sem-de-lys Or,
& a hawks lure Vt, 3 columbines slipped & leaved Or. (D:
Mlisande de Marmande - Apr 84)
Arg, on a bend sin Sa betw a thistle proper & a tower Sa, 3 annulets
Or. (D: Duncan MacLean of Atenveldt - Jan 99)
Arg, on a bend sin Sa betw a winged lioness statant guardant
contourny Gu & a wyvern erect Az, a sword Arg. (D:
Francesco Schiavone - Jan 93)
Arg, on a bend sin Sa betw 2 horses ramp respectant Purp 3
horseshoes inv palewise Arg. (D: Catherine Darke of the
Forest - Sep 02)
Arg, on a bend sin Sa betw 2 natural dolphins bendwise sin
contourny Az an arrow inv Or. (D: Arianna dOunay Oct 96)
Arg, on a bend sin Sa 3 bezants, a bord overall ctrch. (D: Kendric
of Black Water - Jul 92)
Arg, on a bend sin Sa 3 towers palewise Arg, a bord embat Sa. (D:
Bennet Weissentein - May 98)
Arg semy-de-lys, on a bend sin Sa a quill pen Arg. (D: Elsbeth
Wells of Alderney - May 92)
Az, on a bend sin Sa fimbriated betw 2 open books, 3 torches
palewise Arg. (D: Rhodri ap Hywel - Jan 99)
Az, on a bend sin Sa fimbriated surmounted by a sword inv
bendwise a pair of manacles addorsed, each trailing to center a
broken chain Arg. (D: Geoffrey du Btard - Aug 83)
Barry Or & Az, on a bend sin Sa 3 escallops Arg. (D: Marioun
Golightly - Sep 03)
Checky Vt & Arg, on a bend sin Sa 3 lions passant reguardant
palewise Arg. (D: Siobhan Ruadh ni Mhathghamhna Jan 99)
Ermine, on a bend sin Sa a fox courant contourny Or. (D: Isolda
Throkmorton de Foxley - Sep 02)
Erminois, on a bend sin Sa, a garden rose slipped & leaved Or. (D:
Ceridwen ferch Rhys - Jun 87)
Gu, on a bend sin Sa, fimbriated & cotised, 3 crescents palewise Or.
(D: Njal Grimmsson - Aug 86)
Gu, on a bend sin Sa fimbriated Arg betw a talbot passant & a
willow branch couped Or, 3 mullets of eight points Arg. (D:
Lysebet van der Wilgen - Jun 06)
Gu, on a bend sin Sa fimbriated betw a crescent & another pendant,
a flamberge Arg. (D: Subotai Cinoa - May 96)
Gu, on a bend sin Sa, fimbriated, betw a sun & an increscent, 3
broad arrows inv, all Arg. (D: Peter the Sinister - Aug 89)
Gu, on a bend sin Sa fimbriated Or, 3 bezants, in canton a heart, all
within a bord Or. (D: Rurick von Berlichingen - Jan 74?)
Gu, on a bend sin Sa fimbriated, 3 fleurs-de-lys palewise Or. (D:
Elizabeth Mauteby - Jul 91)
Or, on a bend sin betw 2 clenched gauntlets Sa, 3 fleurs-de-lys
palewise Or. (D: Christian Sablefist - Jan 93)
Or, on a bend sin betw 2 eagles disp Sa 3 roses Or. (D: Robert
Michael McPharlan - Aug 01)
Or, on a bend sin betw 2 mullets of 4 points Sa, 3 towers palewise
Or. (D: Finn Finnegan OFlynn - Oct 98)
Or, on a bend sin betw 2 sin gauntlets fesswise reversed fists
clenched Sa a sword inv Or. (D: Brom Blackhand - Sep 85)

Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Sable (continued)

Or, on a bend sin betw 2 wolves ramp Sa 3 Maltese crosses

palewise Or. (D: Fritz der Klewer - Apr 00)
Or, on a bend sin cotised Sa a fleur-de-lys norry palewise Arg. (D:
Michael van Bergen - Jan 96)
Or, on a bend sin Sa betw 2 cockatrices passant to sin, wings
addorsed, Gu, five bezants, all within a bord Sa. (D: Aelfred of
Wherwell - May 89)
Or, on a bend sin Sa betw 2 falcons striking to sin & to dexter Gu,
an arrow inv bound in a fascine Or. (D: Ein mac Raghnaill Apr 86)
Or, on a bend sin Sa betw 2 griffins segreant Gu, 3 quatrefoils
palewise Or. (D: Dugan MacLeod - Aug 92)
Or, on a bend sin Sa 3 crescents palewise Arg. (D: Stephen
Bridewell - Aug 00)
Or, 3 bars wavy & overall on a bend sin Sa 3 suns Or. (D:
Zephaniah ha-Levi - Oct 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, on a bend sin betw an eagle Sa & a goblet,
3 beehives palewise Or. (D: Gerhard Barbarossa - May 95)
Per bend sin Arg crusily Sa & Or crescenty, on a bend sin Sa a
sword proper. (D: William Xanthos - Feb 00)
Per bend sin Gu & Or, on a bend sin Sa betw a lion contourny & a
dragonfly ctrch 3 fleurs-de-lys palewise Or. (D: Blanche
Capet - Mar 05)
Per bend sin Vt & Gu, on a bend sin Sa, fimbriated, betw 2 calla lily
flowers Arg, a calla lily flower Arg. (D: Gilbert Bertram de
Harfleur - Jun 88)
Per bend sin Vt & Gu, on a bend sin Sa fimbriated Or, 2 mullets
bendwise Arg. (B: Saint Kitts and Nevis - Sep 95) (Important
non-SCA flag)
Purp, on a bend sin Sa fimbriated betw 2 fleurs-de-lys a fleur-de-lys
palewise Or. (D: Gwendolen Blackthorne - Nov 00)
Quarterly barruly wavy Arg & Az & Arg, on a bend sin Sa betw 2
roses Or a rapier Arg. (D: John Michael Thorpe - Oct 05)
Vt, on a bend sin Sa fimbriated Arg betw 2 crosses formy, a cross
formy palewise Or. (D: Ceawlin Silvertongue - Jun 98)
Vt, on a bend sin Sa fimbriated Or an anchor palewise Arg. (D:
Duncan Doyne - Apr 00)
* * * End * * *

Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Vert

See also: Field division - Bendy sinister

Arg, on a bend sin betw 2 quills bendwise sin Vt, a popinjay volant
to sin Arg. (D: Damhnait Reynard - Dec 85)
Arg, on a bend sin cotised Vt, 3 oak leaves Or. (D: Connor
OCleary - Oct 90)
Arg, on a bend sin Vt a compass rose palewise Arg. (D: Ceawlin
Ealhreding - Sep 91)
Arg, on a bend sin Vt an ivy vine throughout Arg in dexter chf a
butterfly Sa. (D: Margurite de Toulouse - Jan 03)
Arg, on a bend sin Vt betw an inkwell & a quill pen bendwise sin
Sa, 3 gouttes palewise Or. (D: Jeneuer de Trethewy - Jul 06)
Arg, on a bend sin Vt betw 2 columbines Az 3 butterflies Arg. (D:
Bronwen ferch Lloid - Sep 02)
Arg, on a bend sin Vt betw 2 crescents Az, 3 lilies palewise Arg.
(D: Vivian Aurore de la Mer - May 85)
Arg, on a bend sin Vt betw 2 crows Sa, a needle Arg. (D: Anne of
Crowhurst - Mar 94)
Arg, on a bend sin Vt betw 2 horses heads couped contourny Gu an
arrow inv Or. (D: Rhiannon of Crystal Mynes - Jan 03)
Arg, on a bend sin Vt betw 2 roses Sa, a quill pen Arg. (D:
Rosamund Beauvisage - Sep 92)
Arg, on a bend sin Vt 3 escallops inv palewise Arg, in dexter chf a
decrescent, within a bord Vt. (D: Phillip le Verdeant Feb 84)
Gu, on a bend sin Vt fimbriated betw 2 boars statant contourny, 3
equal-armed Celtic crosses palewise Or. (D: Nechton inn
Eyverski Snkolfsson Eyjolfssonar - Mar 93)
Or, on a bend sin cotised Vt, an owl close statant to sin guardant Or.
(D: Allyn of Grenhold - Aug 85)
Or, on a bend sin cotised Vt betw a robin rising contourny, wings
addorsed, & a church Az, 3 billets Or. (D: Robin Arthur Kyrke
- Jan 93)
Or, on a bend sin Vt betw a cooking pot Sa & a goutte de sang, a
needle, point to base, Arg. (D: Genevive lise le Chantelois Sep 87)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 263

[Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Vert] to [Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Complex line]

Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Vert (continued)

Or, on a bend sin Vt betw a dexter arm embowed & armored,

maintaining an axe, & a castle Sa, in chf a double-headed eagle
disp Or, all within a bord Sa. (D: Friedrich Ethelred aus
Schloss Trier - Jan 85)
Or, on a bend sin Vt betw 2 spider webs couped Sa, a spider inv Or.
(D: Amariah of Chufut-Kale - Dec 06)
Or, on a bend sin Vt 3 arrows fesswise Or, in chf a longbow
reversed Sa. (D: Alain ap Dafydd - Jul 92)
Or, on a bend sin Vt 3 triquetras palewise Or. (D: Merduc
Inchmertyn - Oct 02)
Sa, on a bend sin Vt fimbriated Arg a sin gauntlet clenched Or. (D:
Jonathan Blaecstan - May 05)
Sa, on a bend sin Vt fimbriated Arg betw 2 gryphons sejant to sin, 3
pine trees palewise couped Or. (B: Jonathan Blaecstan May 07) (JB: Melisande of the Gryphon Wood)
Vt, on a bend sin Vt fimbriated Or 3 dogwood blossoms proper. (D:
Sylvana Dagfinsdottir - Jul 80)
* * * End * * *

Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Complex line

See also: Field division - Bendy sinister

Arg estencely, on a bend sin engrailed Az 3 decrescents palewise
Arg. (D: Morwenna of Morwenstow - Jan 00)
Arg, on a bend sin bretessy betw 2 double-headed eagles disp Az, 3
roses Arg, all within a bord embat Az. (D: Morgan
Charbonneau - Mar 90)
Arg, on a bend sin bretessed Vt betw 2 honeysuckle sprigs Gu,
slipped & leaved Vt, 3 coneys statant fesswise Arg. (D:
Cassandra of the Western Green - Jul 92)
Arg, on a bend sin dovetailed betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Az 3 oak slips
fructed palewise Or, a bord dovetailed Az. (D: Katherine
Morgan Galbraith - Jun 97)
Arg, on a bend sin embat counterembattled Gu betw a rosewood
recorder palewise proper & a 4-leaved clover slipped Vt, 3
bezants. (D: Elfleda Tarsella Bethoc - Jan 87)
Arg, on a bend sin engrailed Az, betw 2 laurel wreaths Purp, a quill
Arg. (D: Lub Shiochail - May 88)
Arg, on a bend sin engrailed betw six gouttes Az an arrow Or. (D:
Dafydd ap Gwystl - Apr 94)
Arg, on a bend sin engrailed betw 2 holly leaves bendwise sin Vt, 2
oak leaves Arg. (D: Alisaundre ni Fheidhlimidh - Aug 88)
Arg, on a bend sin raguly betw 2 roses Sa, seeded Arg, barbed Vt, a
rose Arg, seeded Sa, barbed Vt. (D: James the Sinister May 84)
Arg, on a bend sin rayonny Gu an arrow inv Arg. (B: Edric Aaron
Hartwood - Feb 94)
Arg, on a bend sin wavy Az, betw a beacon Sa, enflamed, & a
mermaid in her vanity proper, 3 rock crabs Or. (D: Alfred of
Blackledge - Jun 81)
Arg, on a bend sin wavy Az betw a sun & a decrescent Gu, 3
mullets of six points palewise Arg. (D: Etienne Xavier de
Saosnes - Jan 97)
Arg, on a bend sin wavy Az betw 2 gouttes de sang a unicorns horn
Arg. (D: Caelainn ingen Chainnig - Jan 08)
Arg, on a bend sin wavy Az betw 2 penannular brooches, openings
to chf, pins bendwise sin, Sa, a penannular brooch, opening to
base, bendwise sin, Arg. (D: Morgan Catriona Bruce Jan 86)
Arg, on a bend sin wavy Sa betw 2 escallops inv Vt, 3 increscents
Or. (D: Olivia di Ravenna - Sep 88)
Arg, on a bend sin wavy Vt betw 2 winged lions sejant Az, a
serpent glissant to chf Arg. (D: Cain de la Silva - Feb 90)
Az, on a bend sin bretessed Arg a rose Vt. (D: John of Severn Sep 92)
Az, on a bend sin embat counterembattled voided humetty plain
betw 2 columns Arg, a straight trumpet Or. (D: Justinian
Clarus - Oct 90)
Az, on a bend sin embat counterembattled voided humetty plain
betw 2 columns Arg, a straight trumpet Or, & in augmentation
the column in dexter chf enfiled by an annulet Or.
(Augmentation of Arms: Justinian Clarus - Sep 91)
Az, on a bend sin engrailed Sa, fimbriated, betw a spiral hunting
horn & a cross crosslet Or, a sword inv proper. (D: Malcolm
Alberic - Jan 83)
Az, on a bend sin engrailed Sa fimbriated betw 2 spiral hunting
horns Or a sword inv proper. (B: Malcolm Alberic - Jan 83)
264 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Complex line (continued)

Az, on a bend sin invected betw 2 galleons Arg, 3 clouds palewise

Sa. (D: Valery Eugenia Fitzgerald - Apr 92)
Az, on a bend sin invected betw 2 winged cruces ansatae Arg, a
wooden recorder proper. (D: Brenna Cathleen the Hwistlere Apr 89)
Az, on a bend sin rayonny Arg a boar statant Gu. (D: Volmar vom
Ringwald - Jun 91)
Az, on a bend sin wavy Arg a penannular brooch, opening to base,
pin bendwise sin, Sa. (B: Morgan Catriona Bruce - Jan 86)
Az, on a bend sin wavy betw a cat sejant guardant & a fools cap
Or, 3 hens palewise Az. (D: Catherine the Merry - Aug 92)
Az, on a bend sin wavy betw a rose & a wolf sejant erect Or, a
sword Gu. (D: Brenna Montgomery - Mar 92)
Az, on a bend sin wavy betw an enfield statant & a falcon volant
Arg, an increscent Az. (D: Sion o Gonwy - Jan 91)
Az, on a bend sin wavy cotised Arg 3 roses proper. (D: Elizabeth of
Rosewood - Feb 92)
Az, on a bend sin wavy Or 3 anchors palewise Az & in canton a sea
lion contourny Arg. (D: Rtger Meer von Horeburg - Oct 01)
Az, on a bend sin wavy Or, 3 fleurs-de-lys palewise Gu. (D: Anne
oLocksley - Sep 87)
Counter-ermine, on a bend sin wavy Arg 3 gouttes de sang
palewise. (D: Ysabeau ferch Gwalchaved - Nov 91)
Gu, on a bend sin bretessed Arg a halberd reversed Sa, in chf a boar
passant Arg. (D: Ragnar Magnsson - May 92)
Gu, on a bend sin bretessed Arg 3 towers palewise Sa, in dexter chf
a Latin cross swallowtailed Arg. (D: Davy Gunn of Scotland Jun 92)
Gu, on a bend sin embat counter-embat cotised plain Or, 3 grenades
palewise Sa flamed Gu. (D: Boris Nemtsov - Jan 08)
Gu, on a bend sin rayonny Arg, 3 martlets palewise & sin facing Sa.
(D: Edward Strong of Exeter - Feb 90)
Gu on a bend sin rayonny Or 3 torteaux. (D: Stephen of the Grove Dec 90)
Gu, on a bend sin wavy betw a maple leaf & a crescent Or a scarpe
Sa. (D: Leifr of the Crescent Moon - Jul 01)
Gu, on a bend sin wavy Or an estoile Sa. (D: Bice di Pietro Sep 03)
Or, on a bend sin bretesse Az, 3 key crosses Or. (D: Stefano
Ricciuto - Jun 91)
Or, on a bend sin bretessed Vt a sea-lion palewise contourny
maintaining a trident Arg. (D: Kenneth Robyn Hawkewood Sep 95)
Or, on a bend sin dancetty Purp betw 2 rats ramp Gu 3 hands inv
Or. (D: Constantia Innocenti - Jun 05)
Or, on a bend sin embat counter-embat betw 2 dolmens Az, 3 suns
Or. (D: Arnoff Ragnarsson - Jan 86)
Paly sans nombre Az & Arg, on a bend sin engrailed betw a
hemispheric astrolabe & an equatorium Or 3 estoiles Gu. (D:
Alfred of Durham - Feb 82)
Per bend Az & Vt, on a bend sin wavy Or an arrow inv Sa. (D:
Grimarr Steinfirzki Dagsson - Dec 96)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, on a bend sin embat counter-embat Arg, a
spear surmounted by an axe palewise reversed Sa. (D: Togrul
Guiscard - May 92)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, on a bend sin wavy Arg 3 roses Sa. (D:
Balian de Margat - Aug 94)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, on a bend sin bretessy Or, 3 towers palewise
Vt, overall a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Polderslot - Feb 89)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, on a bend sin embat counter-embat Or 3
towers palewise Vt. (B: Polderslot - Sep 90)
Per bend sin Gu & Purp, on a bend sin dovetailed Arg betw 2
double-bitted axes Or a bulls head caboshed palewise Sa. (D:
Andreas Seljukroctonis - Jul 84)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, on a bend sin bevilled betw 3 daggers & 3
pawprints Arg, 4 mullets Sa. (D: Lucan of Suffolk - Apr 92)
Per bend sin Purp & Sa, on a bend sin wavy betw 2 ankhs Or, 3
roses Gu. (D: Alethea la Sage - Nov 91)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, on a bend sin raguly Arg, betw a plate & a
wolfs head erased Arg, an arrow Sa. (D: Siegfried Wulfgang
von Brandenburg - Apr 91)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, on a bend sin wavy betw a horses head
couped to sin & a battle-axe, blade to sin, Or 4 caltraps
palewise alternately Sa & Gu. (D: Ivan the Capable - Jun 85)

[Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Complex line] to [Bend sinister - 2 or more]

Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Complex line (continued)

Per bend sin Sa & Or, a bend sin of five rustres bendwise sin
conjoined ctrch betw an open book Arg, bound Or, & a falcon
to sin close guardant Gu, belled, jessed, & hooded Sa. (D:
Cynric of Bedwyn - Nov 85)
Per bend sin Vt & Gu, on a bend sin invected Or 3 harps palewise
Vt. (D: Gillian Grai - Dec 91)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, on a bend sin bretessed betw an oak sprig & a
triquetra Arg an arrow inv Sa. (D: Amber Blackwood Feb 01)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, on a bend sin dancetty cotised dancetty Arg 3
thistles palewise proper. (D: William de Faleston - Jan 06)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa semy-de-lys bendwise, on a bend sin embat
Arg five fleurs-de-lys bendwise Sa & in dexter chf a domestic
cat salient contourny Arg. (D: Catlin OConnellan - Oct 03)
Per bend sin wavy Sa & Gu, on a bend sin wavy Arg a ducal
coronet bendwise Sa & in dexter chf 3 passion nails inv
bendwise in bend sin Gu enflamed Or. (D: Kathryn of Iveragh
- Nov 04)
Per bend sin wavy Sa & Gu, on a bend sin wavy Arg, a ducal
coronet bendwise Sa & in dexter chf 3 passion nails inv
bendwise in bend sin Gu enflamed Or, & as an augmentation
an inescutcheon of Az, a demi-sun issuant from base Or within
a bord Arg. (Augmentation of Arms: Kathryn of Iveragh Feb 05)
Per pale Gu & Sa, on a bend sin embat counter-embat Arg 3 bulls
heads caboshed Sa. (D: Ulrich Ts - Jun 00)
Per pale Sa & Arg, on a bend sin raguly per pale Or & Gu betw 2
eagles disp each maintaining a sword ctrch Sa & Arg, 3 fleursde-lys palewise ctrch Gu & Or. (D: Brocc Huntington Jul 99)
Purp, on a bend sin bretessed Or a chain throughout Purp. (B:
Robyn Lon Creighton of Thorndyke - Jun 86)
Purp, on a bend sin engrailed Or a bend sin pean, in dexter chf a
griffin segreant Or. (D: Pedair MacPharlain na Cluaine Bige
- Mar 91)
Purp, on a bend sin wavy Or a triquetra palewise inv Sa. (D: Meg
Gwyneth - Jun 03)
Sa, on a bend sin bretasse betw 2 swords bendwise sin inv Arg, 3
roses Gu. (D: Arron Blackhawke - Jun 88)
Sa, on a bend sin bretasse betw 2 towers Arg, a tilting lance Sa. (D:
Kyneth mac Ewen - Aug 88)
Sa, on a bend sin embat Arg, 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Sa. (D:
Philip Oneeye - Jan 93)
Sa, on a bend sin embat counter-embat betw 2 bears heads
cabossed Or, a hammer Gu. (D: Jacques Michel Navarre Apr 89)
Sa, on a bend sin embat-counter-embat Arg, betw in chf 3 estoiles
& in base a quadrant Or, a scarpe Gu. (D: Iosif of Novgorod Aug 79?)
Sa, on a bend sin embat-counter-embat Arg, 3 sets of 3 annulets
interlaced palewise 2 & one Vt. (D: Norman Hauberger Jan 06)
Sa, on a bend sin engrailed betw 2 crosses of 4 lozenges Or a scarpe
Gu. (D: Lazaros Tagaris - Jan 05)
Sa, on a bend sin engrailed betw 2 wolves heads caboshed Arg, an
arrow inv Sa. (D: Ulf Lowis - Jun 97)
Sa, on a bend sin engrailed ermine betw 2 lions heads cabossed Or,
a cat passant contourny Az. (D: Christopher McPherson Aug 91)
Sa, on a bend sin rayonny betw 2 Maltese crosses Arg 3 roses Az.
(D: Angus Mac Taggart - Nov 90)
Sa, on a bend sin wavy cotised betw 2 crescents Arg each charged
with a mullet Sa 3 swords palewise inv Sa. (D: Nasim alRashid ibn Khalil al-Khatteb al-Medinawayyi - Jun 96)
Vt, on a bend sin embat counter-embat betw 2 lozenges Arg, 3
flanged maces palewise Gu. (D: Collwyn ap Artos - Jan 91)
Vt, on a bend sin engrailed Arg 3 oak leaves Vt. (D: Owen ap
Morgan - Dec 90)
Vt, on a bend sin engrailed Or 3 sin hands palewise Vt. (D:
Brocmael of Rhuddlan - Jan 94)
Vt, on a bend sin invected betw 2 turtles Or, a turtle palewise Vt.
(D: Cearnach of Stonemarche - May 95)
Vt, on a bend sin raguly betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Or a battle axe, edge to
sin Vt. (D: Jacques de Fairmont - Oct 04)
Vt, on a bend sin wavy Arg, a blackberry vine leaved & fructed
proper. (D: Una of Blackberry Hollow - Oct 92)

Bend sinister - 1 - Charged - Complex line (continued)

Vt, on a bend sin wavy betw 2 crescents Arg, a wolf statant ululant
to sin Sa. (D: Padruig Wulfstan - May 86)
Vt, on a bend sin wavy betw 2 ox heads erased affronty Arg a
scarpe wavy Az. (D: Henry William of Oxeneford - May 85)
* * * End * * *

Bend sinister - 2 or more

See also: Field division - Bendy sinister

(Fieldless) Five lances bendwise sin in fess Sa surmounted by as
many bendwise in fess Gu. (B: Walram von Laufenberg Mar 87)
Arg, a bend sin Arg, fimbriated, overall a winged unicorn Sa,
armed, unguled, collared, & trailing a broken chain Or, a chf
Sa. (D: William of Duramen, the Unfettered - Jul 79?)
Arg, a bend sin Arg, fimbriated, overall a winged unicorn salient
Sa, armed, unguled, & collared of a label trailing a broken
chain Or, on a chf Sa a label throughout Arg. (D: Strider of
Duramen, the Persistent - Jul 79?)
Arg, a bend sin Arg, fimbriated Sa, overall a winged unicorn salient
Sa, armed & collared & trailing a broken chain Or, the collar
charged with a crescent Gu, on a chf Sa a wolfs paw print
Arg. (D: Phalin of Duramen - Apr 80)
Arg, a bend sin Sa voided, overall on a wyvern couchant, wings
addorsed, Vt a tower Gu, fimbriated Arg, in base a fleur-de-lis
Sa. (D: Francois of Three Hills - Jan 80)
Arg, a chalice Az betw in bend sin 2 talbots heads erased Sa, all
betw 2 scarpes Vt. (D: Pedran Glamorgan - Oct 87)
Arg, a heart betw 2 scarpes Purp betw 2 ivy vines bendwise sin Vt.
(D: Delizia de Champs - Oct 93)
Arg, ermined, five scarpes Gu. (B: Orm Skjoldbidig - May 81)
Arg, ermined Gu, 3 bendlets sin Az semy of crosses formy Arg,
overall a griffins head erased Gu. (D: Morgan Blodwell Jan 91)
Arg, in bend sin 3 roundels Vt betw 2 scarpes gemel Sa. (D:
Catherine Hunter - Aug 07)
Arg, masoned Sa, 3 thornvines bendwise sin wavy throughout Purp.
(B: Robyn Lon Creighton of Thorndyke - Jun 86)
Arg semy of batons sin Vt, a loon disp maintaining in its claws a
hanging balance Gu. (B: Theoderick Orbus - Jan 07) (For
Pepperers Guild of Fennbrycg)
Arg, semy of roses Gu, barbed & seeded proper, 2 scarpes Purp. (D:
Caitlin Christiana Wintour - Sep 87)
Arg, ten bendlets & ten bendlets sin, fretty, double interlaced
alternately Gu & Sa. (D: Nerak la Tisserande - Apr 00)
Arg, 3 bendlets sin enhanced above a garden rose Gu, slipped &
leaved Vt, a bord Sa. (D: Damaris la Charmante - Aug 85)
Arg, 3 bendlets sin wavy Vt betw a martlet Az & an open book Or
leathered Az. (D: Anne de Villanova - Aug 77?)
Arg, 3 eagles in bend sin betw 2 scarpes Az. (D: Vladimir of
Wroclaw - Dec 92)
Arg, 3 leaves bendwise sin Vt betw 2 scarpes Sa betw six
dragonflies Purp. (D: Elyenora Houll - Sep 07)
Arg, 3 lozenges Sa in bend sin betw 2 scarpes Gu betw 2 cats sejant
respectant each lifting a forepaw Sa. (D: Loinseach Mac an
Leisdeir - Feb 96)
Arg, 3 scarpes & in chf a snake nowed bendwise sin Az. (D:
Mikhail the Knotmaker - May 92)
Arg, 3 scarpes enhanced Az & a gryphon sejant wings elevated &
addorsed Sa maintaining in its dexter claw a hawks bell Gu.
(D: Ian Andrew MacConacher - Nov 90)
Arg, 3 scarpes Sa surmounted by a merlin stooping to sin wings
disp & a chf embat Az. (D: Charis Accipiter - Nov 90)
Arg, 2 bendlets sin Az, overall a winged unicornate mouse
maintaining a double bitted axe Sa & in base a mullet of 4
points Az. (D: Eirik Dweorgaex - Jun 85)
Arg, 2 bendlets sin Sa betw a mullet environed of a crescent inv &
an eagles wing Gu, all within a bord Sa. (D: Eirik
Guthrthson - Mar 91)
Arg, 2 drakkars Sa betw 2 scarpes Az. (D: Brynhildr uppsaling
Grimkelsdottir - Apr 98)
Arg, 2 scarpes Az, overall a horses head couped contourny
maintaining in its mouth an arrow Sa. (D: Anna de Whelok Jan 95)
Arg, 2 scarpes betw a raven rising & a heart-shaped padlock Sa. (D:
Raven Blacloke - Oct 94)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 265

[Bend sinister - 2 or more]

Bend sinister - 2 or more (continued)

Arg, 2 scarpes dovetailed betw 2 roses Az. (D: Sion Andreas o

Wynedd - Jul 83)
Arg, 2 scarpes Gu & Sa betw 3 mullets, one & 2, Sa, & 2 garden
roses in fess, Gu, slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Gabriela Juliana
de Bordeaux - Mar 98)
Arg, 2 scarpes Gu, overall a tower Sa. (D: Gareth MacBride Jul 92)
Arg, within a bend sin voided Az, betw 2 forget-me-nots proper 3
hearts bendwise Gu. (D: Sabrina the Insouciant - Aug 79?)
Az, a dragonfly betw 2 scarpes Or. (D: Mea Giuliana Passavanti Mar 04)
Az, a winged boot couped betw 2 scarpes Arg. (D: Sigmund the
Wingfooted - Jun 81)
Az, an owl affronty Arg & 2 scarpes enhanced Or. (D: Henri le
Hibou du Bois - Feb 91)
Az semy of hearts Gu, 3 bendlets sin Arg overall a lion ramp Or.
(D: Birger Jarl - May 95) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az semy of hearts Gu, 3 scarpes wavy Arg & overall a lion ramp
crowned Or. (D: Folkunga, House of (Modern) - Aug 95)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Az, 3 bendlets sin enhanced & in sin base a bell Arg. (D: Catherine
the White - Sep 85)
Az, 3 scarpes abased & in dexter chf an eagle rising, wings elevated
& addorsed, maintaining in its sin talon 3 annulets, interlaced
one & 2, Or. (D: Adrienne dAvenay - Mar 88)
Az, 3 scarpes Arg & overall a lion ramp crowned Or. (D:
Folkunga, House of (Ancient) - Aug 95) (Important non-SCA
Az, 3 scarpes enhanced Arg & in base on a mullet Or a fleur-de-lis
florency Sa. (D: Esperanza Razzolini dAsolo - Feb 95)
Az, 3 scarpes wavy Arg betw 2 towers, each within a laurel wreath,
Or. (D: Lost Moor - Oct 87)
Az, 2 bendlets invected fretted with 2 scarpes invected, all betw 4
dogwood blossoms Arg, seeded Or. (D: Grania ni Fhearghuis
- Dec 88)
Az, 2 bendlets sin bretassy Or, each charged with 2 mullets of eight
points Sa. (D: Ulrich von Danzig - Sep 89)
Az, 2 scarpes & in chf a mullet of 4 points Arg. (D: Deirdre Ruadh
NicChonmara - Aug 95)
Az, 2 scarpes Arg, overall a tyger passant contourny Or. (B:
Mikhail Alexandrovich Kotov - Sep 93)
Az, 2 scarpes betw 3 mullets of 4 points & a tower Or. (D: Julia de
Montoya - Jul 96)
Az, 2 scarpes betw 2 wolves passant Arg. (D: Vallaulfr Rurikson Dec 04)
Az, 2 scarpes Or, overall a flute palewise Arg entwined of an ivy
vine, all within a bord Or. (D: Catherine Berylia of the Silver
Whistle - Oct 85)
Az, 2 scarpes wavy Arg betw 2 laurel wreaths, overall a natural
seahorse contourny Or. (D: Wasserstrasse - Jan 94)
Az, 2 scarpes wavy betw a tyger ramp & a lion ramp to sin, tail
nowed, Or. (D: Seamus of the Cats - Jul 85)
Az, 2 scarpes wavy betw a wolfs head cabossed & a fleur-de-lys
Arg. (D: Jacques du Bar sur le Loup - Apr 88)
Bendy sin of 4 Vt, Arg, Purp & Arg. (D: Brenna the Disinherited Jul 88)
Counter-ermine, 2 scarpes wavy Gu, overall a griffin dormant,
wings addorsed, Arg. (D: Aislinn OTuama - Dec 84)
Ermine, 2 scarpes pean betw a lion ramp to sin Az & a unicorn
passant Gu. (B: Will Langdon of Greymorne - Apr 04)
Ermine, 2 scarpes Vt, overall a falcon volant contourny Sa, holding
in its beak a rowan slip Vt fructed Gu. (D: Rowena of Avalon Dec 92)
Ermine, 2 scarpes Vt, overall a golden eagle striking proper bearing
in its beak a garden rose Gu slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Daved
Shmuel ben Rachon - Apr 91)
Gu, a wolfs head erased betw 2 scarpes Or. (D: Guillaume de
Bordeaux - Feb 90)
Gu, five scarpes Arg, on a chf Or a sword fesswise Az. (D:
Tiburtius of Scarpa - Dec 87)
Gu, semy of hawks bells Or, a butterfly disp Arg betw 2 scarpes
Or. (D: Kiriel du Papillion - Oct 87)
Gu, 3 bendlets sin ermine. (D: Drueta de la Rosa - Apr 06)
Gu, 3 scarpes couped to chf & on a chf wavy Arg 3 hearts Gu. (D:
Robert mac Neill mhic Donnachaidh of Inchmagranac Oct 90)
266 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bend sinister - 2 or more (continued)

Gu, 3 scarpes Or, overall a cross bottonny betw 4 horses ramp Arg.
(D: Cynthia Braithwaite of Sevenoaks - Feb 88)
Gu, 3 scarpes wavy enhanced & a pomegranate, slipped & leaved,
Or. (D: Saethryd of Egremont - May 88)
Gu, 2 scarpes betw 2 Celtic crosses Arg. (D: Connor Cruimseach
MacIlvey - Apr 92)
Or, a branch bendwise sin Vt betw 2 scarpes within a bord indented
Az. (B: Sun, the - Jan 85) (For the Order of the Hope of the
Or, a scarpe Vt & a scarpe Az betw a fleur-de-lys Az & a trefoil Vt.
(D: Thophile de Jonchere - Jul 00)
Or, a sword bendwise sin inv Gu betw 2 bendlets sin gemel Sa, in
dexter chf a lions head erased & in sin base a heart, both Gu.
(D: Christiana Storre - Aug 86)
Or, five compass stars in bend sin Sa betw 2 scarpes Az & in dexter
chf a compass star Gu. (D: William of Vielburgen - Mar 87)
Or, five scarpes Gu betw 2 Hungerford knots Sa. (D: Dylan Bond
MacLeod - May 08)
Or, 3 scarpes enhanced & in sin base a winged unicorn statant to sin
Az. (D: Mary Phillipa of Berwick - Oct 89)
Or, 2 bendlets sin Gu, overall a lion contourny Sa maintaining a
brown earthenware jug proper. (D: Franziskus von Bachheim
- Dec 97)
Or, 2 bendlets sin Sa overall a moose passant contourny Gu. (D:
Alixandre llan - Jan 03)
Or, 2 scarpes Az betw a raven disp & a gauntlet bendwise sin,
within a bord Sa. (D: Valerio Corvinus - Jan 92)
Or, 2 scarpes engrailed betw 2 fleurs-de-lis, all within a bord Sa.
(D: Armand de Crecy - Mar 86)
Or, 2 scarpes Gu, overall a horse passant & on a chf embat Sa, 3
stirrups Arg. (D: Caitlyn of Penryn - May 88)
Per bend Az & Sa, 3 scarpes enhanced Arg. (D: Cyrus of
Alexandretta - Nov 93)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, 2 batons sin ctrch. (D: Kendra Grey Aug 86)
Per bend sin Az & Or, 2 bendlets sin betw 2 suns in splendor all
within a bord ctrch. (D: Adriana Capelletti - Feb 95)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, 2 scarpes dancetty Or betw a sin hand
bendwise-sin & a mullet of 4 points Arg. (D: Mgnus
Kormksson - Oct 99)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, 2 scarpes enhanced & a falcon contourny
ctrch. (D: Simon de Vernun of Wellingborough - May 91)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, 2 scarpes Or, overall a cloud Arg. (B: Colm
Kile of Lochalsh - Jan 97)
Per bend sin Sa, crusilly Arg, & Arg, a gryphons head erased Arg
& 3 scarpes Sa. (D: Morgan MacLain o Loch Cairlinn Apr 89)
Per bend wavy pean & or, a caravelle reversed & seven scarpes
wavy ctrch. (D: Ethan ben Elezar - Aug 79)
Per fess Purp & Vt, 2 bendlets & 2 scarpes fretted, in pale 3 thistles
in pale Or. (D: Robert Crosar - Jan 00)
Per pale Arg & Vt, 2 scarpes ctrch Gu & Arg betw a raven disp
contourny Sa armed & a tower Or. (D: Martn de Suero y
Tresguerras - Nov 91)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 scarpes ctrch. (D: Daniel of Gloucester Jan 83)
Per pale Vt & Arg, 2 scarpes ctrch betw a garb Or & a bunch of
grapes Purp, slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Kieran MacCrimmin May 94)
Per salt Az & Gu, 4 bendlets & 4 scarpes abased & fretted in base &
in chf an eagle disp Or. (D: Aleron of Eagles Reach May 85)
Purp, an ermine sejant erect & 2 scarpes enhanced ermine. (D:
Brendan Olthursson - Feb 89)
Purp, 3 roses in bend sin Arg betw 2 scarpes Or, betw a horses
head erased contourny & a horses head erased Arg. (D: Jenny
Lynn of Carlisle - Jan 93)
Purp, 3 scarpes enhanced Or, in base a gryphon segreant sustaining
a fleur-de-lys Arg. (D: Rowena le Sarjent - Aug 92)
Purp, 2 scarpes betw 2 iris blossoms Or. (D: Maura Ballard Sep 96)
Sa, a compass star of eight passion nails, points outwards,
alternately Arg & Or, within 2 bendlets Arg, cotised Or & 2
scarpes Arg, cotised Or, all fretted in mascle throughout. (D:
Astrid Ragnarsdottir av Arvika - Jul 80)

[Bend sinister - 2 or more] to [Billet]

Bend sinister - 2 or more (continued)

Sa, a mullet of eight points betw 2 scarpes Or. (D: Wolfgang

Grothe de Verron - Feb 04)
Sa, a scarpe betw 2 comets bendwise sin, head to base, all betw 2
scarpes Or. (D: Lachlan of Cromarty - Mar 90)
Sa, an estoile of seven points in dexter Arg, issuant therefrom to sin
chf five bendlets Gu, Or, Vt, Az, & Purp. (B: Astalla of Three
Hills - May 92)
Sa, in bend sin an axe bendwise sin, inv & reversed, & an axe
bendwise sin, both Or, betw 2 scarpes Arg, overall a seagull
volant to sin, wings in bend, Arg. (B: Axemoor - Jun 90)
(For the Order of the Gull)
Sa, in bend sin an axe bendwise sin, inv & reversed, & an axe
bendwise sin, both Or, betw 2 scarpes Arg, overall an axe
bendwise Or. (B: Axemoor - Jun 90) (For the Order of the
Axe of Axemoor)
Sa, in bend sin an axe inv reversed & an axe both bendwise sin Or
betw 2 scarpes, overall a column Arg. (B: Axemoor - Apr 98)
(For Order of the White Pillars of Axemoor)
Sa, in bend sin an axe inv reversed & an axe both bendwise sin, Or
betw 2 scarpes, overall a laurel wreath Arg, for an
augmentation, in chf 3 mullets Arg. (Augmentation of Arms:
Axemoor - Apr 91)
Sa, in bend sin an axe inv reversed & an axe both bendwise sin Or
betw 2 scarpes, overall a shamshir inv bendwise Arg. (B:
Axemoor - Feb 98) (For Company of Hussars of Axemoor)
Sa, in bend sin an axe inv reversed & axe, both bendwise sin Or
betw 2 scarpes, overall a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Axemoor Aug 82)
Sa, in bend sin 3 mascles palewise betw 2 scarpes Arg. (D: Ilia filia
Symeon - Jul 99)
Sa, in dexter chf 3 lightning flashes bendwise sin in bend Or, in sin
base a mullet Arg. (D: Jeffrey of Spirit Valley - Dec 00)
Sa, issuant from a single-strand, double-spiral Japanese lightning
flash lozengewise, in chf & in base 2 scarpes, Arg. (B: Phillip
of Ghent - Dec 82) (For Clan Inazuma)(Household mon)
Sa, 3 bendlets sin wavy Arg betw 2 sprays of lilies of the valley Or.
(D: Veleda of Isenfir - May 86)
Sa, 2 bendlets sin Arg, in bend 3 falcons close affronty Or. (D: Jon
Tall of Threehawks - Sep 92)
Sa, 2 bendlets sin Or, & in bend 3 mullets Arg. (D: Anastasia
Vladimirovna - May 85)
Sa, 2 scarpes Arg each charged with a sprig of wolfsbane
throughout Purp slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Inga Eriksdottir Dec 00)
Sa, 2 scarpes betw a trefoil & a crescent Or. (D: Celine Vita da
Francavilla - Feb 97)
Sa, 2 scarpes betw as many martlets Arg. (D: Kristopher Kelson Nov 84)
Sa, 2 scarpes Gu, fimbriated Or. (D: Laetitia of Blackthorn Jul 97)
Sa, 2 scarpes Or betw a dove close to sin & a unicorn ramp Arg. (D:
Cassandra OShea - Jan 85)
Vt, a sheaf of arrows inv betw 2 scarpes Or. (D: Ian Griffen the
Archer - Apr 99)
Vt, betw 2 bendlets gemel & 2 bendlets sin gemel fretted Arg, a
gout Or. (D: Willa of Westminster - Jul 99)
Vt, 3 increscents in bend sin betw 2 scarpes Arg. (D: Lydia
Brittanica - May 92)
Vt, 2 bendlets sin Sa fimbriated Arg. (D: Harold of Kenneydell Oct 94)
Vt, 2 bendlets sin wavy & in base 3 dogwood flowers in bend sin
Arg. (D: Alienor Fitzhenry - Jul 05)
Vt, 2 bendlets sin wavy & in chf a cat sejant to sin guardant, tail
nowed, Arg. (D: Flice dAvignon - Nov 93)
Vt, 2 scarpes & in bend 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Thrse du Donjon
des Sentinelles - Jan 91)
Vt, 2 scarpes betw 3 gouttes & 3 garbs Or. (D: Daniel the
Wanderer - May 84)
Vt, 2 scarpes Or betw a mouse statant contourny & a Celtic cross
Arg. (D: ile ingen u Riain - Apr 00)
Vt, 2 scarpes Or, each charged with an arrow Sa. (D: Carl the
Hopeful - Jul 90)
* * * End * * *
Bendlet: see Bend
Bendlet sinister: see Bend sinister

Bendy: see Field division - Bendy

Bendy sinister: see Field division - Bendy sinister
Bengal tiger: see Beast - Cat
Berdiche: see Pole axe
Beret: see Clothing - Headgear
Berry: see Fruit - Berry
Besom: see Broom
Bezant: see Roundel
Bezanty: see Roundel - Whole


(Fieldless) A billet Arg. (B: Timothy of Glastinbury - Aug 03)

(Fieldless) A billet invected on the long sides Gu. (B: Clare Isibel
Sadhachn - Oct 91) (For House of the Copper Braid)
(Fieldless) A cinquefoil betw 4 batons interlaced Gu. (B: Thibault
MacDonald Elliot de Valenciennes - Jun 89)
(Fieldless) A delf Arg pierced 2 & 2. (B: Rowena of Jorvik Oct 90)
(Fieldless) A delf Az. (B: Trimaris - Jun 02)
(Fieldless) A delf Or within & conjoined to an annulet Sa. (B:
Hernando Herodes Montenegro de Mondragon - Jan 93)
(Fieldless) A dove disp upon a billet chequy Or & Gu betw a pair
of cockatrices clad in motley like a fools, their feathers are
dimidiated with a tree eradicated, limbed & fructed
countercompony. (B: Baldwin of Erebor - Apr 80)
(Fieldless) A griffin segreant contourny Or atop a billet fesswise
Purp charged with 3 bezants. (B: Eliahu ben Itzhak - Nov 99)
(For Household Griffone dOro)
(Fieldless) A salt within & conjoined to a delf voided fleury at the
points Or. (B: Oshaya de Carcassonne - Oct 02)
(Fieldless) An owl disp supported by a weaving tablet Arg charged
with a cross of Santiago Gu. (B: Ysabella Celestina Manrique
de Palma - Oct 02)
(Fieldless) On a billet barry Gu & Arg, a quill bendwise sin Or. (B:
Edward of Guildford - Jun 84)
(Fieldless) On a delf embat Gu masoned, a rose Arg. (B: Sabel
Saer ferch Maredudd ap Rhosier - Dec 92)
(Fieldless) 2 dice conjoined in pale Sa, marked Or. (B: Dathi
Thorfinnsson - Aug 91)
Arg, a badger passant guardant betw 3 billets Vt. (D: Louis le
Blaireau - Nov 02)
Arg, a billet bendwise sin per bend sin Or & Az surmounted by a
sword inv betw in bend 2 compass-stars Sa. (B: Shiloah
Adamina Clellan - Aug 83) (For Clellan House)
Arg, a billet betw 2 unicornate natural seahorses Az. (B: Atlantia Jul 96) (For Acadmie dEspe)
Arg, a billet voided bendwise Sa braced with a billet voided
bendwise sin Gu. (D: Elisabetta da Roma - Aug 02)
Arg, a delf Gu charged with a Star of David Arg, within a bord Gu.
(B: Tatiana Nikolaevna Tumanova - Aug 84)
Arg, a dragonfly within a well-frame set fesswise Gu. (D:
Kiyowara Miyuki - May 91)
Arg, a Japanese well frame crosswise betw 4 crescents in cross
horns inwards conjoined Gu. (D: Ii Saburou Katsumori Mar 02)
Arg, a Japanese well frame crosswise Gu & a chf barry Arg & Gu.
(B: Ii Saburou Katsumori - Mar 02)
Arg, a rice stalk within a delf pierced Sa. (D: Kuromori Kiriko Apr 87)
Arg, an Arabic pen-box fesswise Sa. (B: Sayf al Qamar Tarik ibn
Abdul - Jul 86)
Arg, an eagles head erased betw 3 billets Sa. (D: Adeliz of Acle Apr 98)
Arg billety Gu, on a chf triangular Az a sun in splendor Or. (D:
Ginevra Domenichetti - Mar 00)
Arg billety Gu, 3 trowels Sa. (D: Thomas MacPherson - Jul 01)
Arg, billetty Sa. (D: Raymond Norgate - Mar 75?)
Arg billety Sa, a chev wavy Gu, semy of escallops Arg, betw 3
lobsters Gu. (D: Neptunalis Frederich Wilhelm von Metten Nov 92)
Arg, on a delf throughout Vt an elephant statant proper. (B:
Ekaterina Iadorovna Kharlampieva - Jul 96)
Arg semy of delves pierced Sa, 3 feathers in fess Gu. (D: Gareth
the Eccentric of Saint Albans - Oct 90)
Arg, the kanji shu within a Japanese well frame Sa. (B: Kameyama
Kengoro - Jun 88)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 267


Billet (continued)

Arg, 2 spears inv in salt Sa betw 4 delfs saltirewise square pierced

Gu. (D: Sato Jir - Apr 99)
Az, a billet Arg. (B: Timothy of Glastinbury - Nov 02)
Az, a billet bendwise sin & on a chf Arg 3 roses Az. (D: Jacobina
of White Moor - Nov 04)
Az, a billet fesswise per salt, in pale Or & Gu, & in fess Sa. (B:
Brenn of Armagh - Aug 73?)
Az, a chev throughout Arg & in base an acorn inv Or betw in fess 2
billets Arg. (D: Ruth of Oakseed Manor - Jun 85)
Az, a Japanese well-frame crosswise with an annulet Arg. (D:
Tadatsune of Carolingia - Nov 03)
Az, a pall Arg, overall a delf Or. (D: William Parris - Sep 96)
Az, a swan naiant to sin Or, in base 2 bars wavy Arg, on a chf Or, 2
dice Az, spotted Or. (D: Salvius Cygnus Aureus - Apr 88)
Az billetty, a bend Or, a bord ermine. (D: Raymond de Montfort Jul 98)
Az billety & a lion ramp crowned Or maintaining a sword proper &
a sheaf of seven arrows inv Arg tipped Or. (D: Netherlands Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az billety Arg. (D: Timothy of Glastinbury - Sep 00)
Az billetty Or, a bend sin Arg. (D: Simon Kenric - Sep 95)
Az billety Or, a winged wolf segreant Arg. (D: Ciaran Faolchara Jan 93)
Az, on a billet Or a rose Gu, barbed & seeded proper, a bord Arg.
(D: Arianna Maria di Marchesi - Apr 94)
Az, on a billet Or a tree blasted & eradicated Sa. (B: William James
Foxworthy - Feb 92) (For House Blackwood)
Az, on a fess betw 3 billets fesswise Arg, an arrow, point to sin, Az.
(D: Nicholas Landsman - Dec 86)
Az, on a fess betw 3 dice Arg spotted Sa a staff proper. (D: John
Smith of Glasgow - Jul 91)
Az, semy of billets fesswise Arg, a thimble Or. (B: Anne of
Hatfield - Oct 85) (For the Keepers of Athenas Thimble)
Az semy of quill pens Or, on a billet Arg a lightning bolt Az. (D:
Aleksii Stefanovich - Jul 94)
Az, 3 dice within a bord Arg. (D: Jnos of Cyddlain Downs Sep 91)
Gu, a dragonfly within a Japanese wellframe Or. (D: Odawara
Tarou Yoshinobu - May 05)
Gu, a fess betw 3 delfs all within a bord Arg. (B: Taran the
Wayward - Jul 03)
Gu, a hare salient to sin Arg within a delf voided & fracted in cross
Or. (B: Enid Aurelia of the Tin Isles - Feb 87)
Gu, a lit candle betw in chf 2 delfs Or. (D: Peyre de Barat Oct 93)
Gu, a pall betw 3 delfs Or. (D: Theodora Groves - Dec 93)
Gu, a triangle Arg within a delf voided & fracted in cross Arg. (D:
Ogami Akira - Mar 86)
Gu billety, a bear ramp Arg. (D: Bernard Stirling - Oct 04)
Gu, in pale a vol & a vol inv betw in fess 2 billets fesswise Or. (D:
Titus Valerius Romanus - Apr 02)
Gu, on a delf Arg a raven disp Sa. (D: Gunnar Skullsplitter Mar 05)
Gu, 3 delfs conjoined in pall & an orle Arg. (D: Koga Yoshitsune May 03)
Gu, 3 square weavers tablets in bend Or. (D: Thora Sharptooth Sep 91)
Gyronny Gu & Arg, an anvil standing upon a square block Sa. (D:
Samuel the Steadfast - Apr 87)
Gyronny Sa & Az, a delf Or pierced of the field. (D: Jeanne of
Audierne - Jul 81)
Gyronny Sa & Or, a delf voided ctrch. (D: Friedrich of Stormhill Apr 91)
Lozengy Az & Arg, a delf Sa. (D: Vittorio Maria del Fabbro May 85)
Or, a cross potent surmounted by a delf voided Gu & on a chf Sa 4
crosses couped Arg. (D: Geirr Ragnarsson - Dec 83)
Or, a cross potent surmounted by a delf voided Gu within a bord
embat Sa. (B: Geirr Ragnarsson - Mar 85)
Or, a cross Vt fretty Arg betw 4 weavers tablets Az. (D: Anastasia
of the Oaks - Oct 99)
Or, a delf Vt voided Or, at each corner a quatrefoil, overall a cross
alchee, all Vt. (D: Cordelia the Silent - Jul 74?)
Or, a delf voided Gu, surmounted by a cross formy voided, the ends
bretassed of 3 merlons Purp. (B: Geirr Ragnarsson - Jan 87)

268 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Billet (continued)

Or, a Latin cross couped fretted with a delf voided Gu, on a chf
embat Vt, 3 harps Arg. (D: Tor von Butterberg - Dec 88)
Or, a nine-man-morris board chased within an orle Az. (D: Ryan of
Rickford - Jun 82)
Or, a winged wolf salient Gu & in chf 3 billets Sa. (D: Aelfgifu of
the Hazel Thicket - Jun 94)
Or billety Az, a wolfs head cabossed per pale Vt & Sa. (D:
Lorccn hua Donnubin - Mar 07)
Or, billetty Az, on a bend Vt a needle Or. (D: Veronika die
Spielerin - Jul 83)
Or, billetty Sa, a squirrel sejant erect to sin Az & a chf Sa billetty
Or. (D: Solomon ben Jacob the Levite - Apr 83)
Or, billetty Sa, an annulet & a chf Gu. (D: Steffan Wolfgang von
Ravensburg - May 90)
Or, billetty Vt, a sheep fesswise tergiant disp Sa. (D: Alexandra the
Black Sheep - Jan 90)
Or, on an ogress within eight billets conjoined in annulo Az, a troll
Or. (D: Thorolf Egillsen - May 96)
Or, 2 bars Gu betw six billets Az. (D: David ap Llewellyn Feb 81)
Paly Az & Arg, on a delf Sa a griffin segreant Or. (D: Alexandros
Kaloethes - Sep 99)
Pean, 2 dice in pale Arg spotted Sa. (D: Dathi Thorfinnsson Jul 86)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a scythe & a die ctrch. (D: Ichabod the Tall Feb 91)
Per bend Az & Sa, on 3 delfs conjoined in bend Arg 3 feathers
bendwise Sa. (D: Leonard of Dartmoor the Elder - May 92)
Per bend Or & Purp, a delf marked as a nine man morris board
ctrch. (D: Matthew Aelfwine the Silent - Apr 96)
Per bend Sa & Arg delphy Az, in chf a lightning-bolt bendwise Arg.
(D: William the Recorder - Jan 76)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a quill pen bendwise & a billet fesswise,
ctrch. (B: Edward of Guildford - Jan 93)
Per bend sin Az & Or, a step-cut gemstone Arg & a cluster of
grapes Purp. (D: Jacques dAvignon - Dec 90)
Per bend sin Az & Or, six fleams Or & a billet Az. (D: Katerina of
Otford - Mar 95)
Per bend sin Gu & checky Sa & Arg, in dexter chf in pale a fleurde-lys & 3 billets fesswise Arg. (D: Menken Brechen Apr 82)
Per bend sin Purp & Arg, 2 dice ctrch. (B: Alicianne de Montfort of
Sprucewood - Oct 88)
Per bend wavy Gu & Vt billety Or, in dexter chf an Arctic foxs
mask & on a chf indented Arg a barrulet wavy Az. (D:
Northwest Territories - Jan 98) (Important non-SCA arms)
Per chev Az & Arg, 3 delfs voided ctrch. (D: Angelique Thibodeau
- Sep 92)
Per chev embat Vt & Arg, 2 dice Arg & an eagle disp Sa. (D:
Mikhail Justinian - Nov 90)
Per chev inv Or & Az billety Or, in chf a tankard Az. (D: Cedric of
Armorica - Dec 92)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a billet fesswise & a base enarched ctrch. (D:
Goswin Sterrenkijker van Sint Gillis Waas - Mar 92)
Per fess Arg & Vt, 3 billets fesswise ctrch. (D: Aeddan ap
Trahaearn - Jul 99)
Per fess Az & Gu all ermined Arg, 2 billets in fess Or. (B: Rhodri
Longshanks - Jul 02)
Per fess Az & Gu, in fess 2 billets Or within ermine spots sans
nombre in annulo Arg. (B: Rhodri Longshanks - May 96)
Per fess Az & Gu, on a billet fesswise Arg the arms of Haiti (a
Palmette surrounded by & under the palms a trophy with the
legend: LUnion Fait la Force). (B: Haiti - Nov 99)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess embat Vt & Or, a delf Arg, charged with a foxs mask Gu,
& a chev abased Sa. (D: Richard de Hargrave - Oct 82)
Per fess rayonny Gu & Az, a dragon sejant erect contourny & a
mullet of eight points formed of 2 delfs voided interlaced Or.
(D: Khadir bar Yosef ha-Kuzari - Apr 95)
Per fess Sa & Arg, on a delf an early Norwegian kauna rune, all
ctrch. (D: Clef of Cividale - Jun 04)
Per fess Vt & Gu, a fess Arg, overall a dexter trapezoid Sa. (B:
Kuwait - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Vt & pean, 2 billets & a loaf of bread Arg. (D: Donal
OCorcrane - Apr 04)

[Billet] to [Bird - Whole - 1 - Bird affronty]

Billet (continued)

Per pale Arg & Purp, six billets in chev inv & a bord embat ctrch.
(D: Aldric Haldane of Griswold - Sep 84)
Per pale Az & Sa, a sun in splendour Or betw 3 billets fesswise
ctrch Arg & Or. (D: Heinrich der Geistreiche - Jul 84)
Per pale Or & Arg, a chev Az betw 3 stocks couped Sa all within a
bord Az. (D: Stephan Blakstok - Jul 95)
Per pale Or & Purp, 3 billets ctrch. (D: Timothy Kirkwood Nov 95)
Per pale Or & Vt, a square weaving tablet ctrch. (D: Severinus
Erinaceus - Aug 01)
Per pale Sa & Gu, on a billet fesswise Arg the arms of Haiti (Arg,
atop a mount Vt a sheaf of six banners each per fess Sa & Gu
surmounted by a palm tree proper surmounted by in fess a
drum betw 2 cannons addorsed Or with wooden wheels proper
betw on the mount 2 piles of six cannonballs one, 2, & 3 betw
2 flagpoles issuant from the mount proper flying pennons per
pale Az & Gu all betw on the mount 2 anchors Or & in base a
ribbon Arg charged with the words LUNION FAIT LA
FORCE Sa). (B: Haiti - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per pale Vt & Sa, on a pale betw 2 billets Arg a billet Sa. (D:
Constance MacLeod - Oct 03)
Per salt erminois & Sa, a salt ctrch surmounted by a torteau
fimbriated, charged with an oriental griffin passant to sin, &
environed of 2 delfs voided & interlaced Or. (D: Alia bint
Ulek ibn el Kharish - Feb 75?)
Purp, a delf & on a chf Arg, 3 boars heads couped Purp. (D:
Caroline Forbes of Oxfordshire - Dec 89)
Purp, a Roman scutum Arg, ornamented Gu, betw in fess 2 towers
Or. (D: Correus Dracontius - Mar 90)
Purp, a salt within & conjoined to a delf voided fleury at the points
Or, a chf rayonny Arg. (D: Oshaya de Carcassonne - Jun 00)
Purp, 3 delfs voided interlaced in bend sin Arg. (D: Robert de
Spenser of Wessex - May 91)
Quarterly Arg & Az, 4 billets ctrch Sa & Or, a bord ctrch. (D:
Daniel of Leaford - Nov 91)
Quarterly Arg & Vt, a cross botonny ctrch within an oak chaplet, in
chf a billet fesswise Or. (D: Elizabeth Bowles - Dec 98)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, a square weavers tablet lozengewise ctrch. (D:
Ciorstan MacAmhlaidh - Mar 07)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, a cross botonny ctrch within an oak chaplet, in
chf a billet fesswise Or. (B: Elizabeth Bowles - Dec 98)
Sa, a fess embat Arg betw a billet fesswise & a saltorel couped Or.
(D: Philip of Pennskeep - Oct 79)
Sa, a Maltese cross Or surmounting a delf Or voided Gu. (D: Karl
of Clan Colin - Jun 75?)
Sa, a moneybag within 2 bars couped fretted with 2 pallets couped
Arg. (D: Kamiizumi Jirou Munenori - Sep 95)
Sa, five roundels in annulo within 4 lathes fretted as on a mascle Or.
(D: Takahara Otoshi - Aug 97)
Sa, 4 billets one & 3 the chiefmost fesswise Or. (D: Evelun
Lambert - Jan 03)
Sa, in fess a billet betw 2 annulets Or. (D: Christoph von Mnchen
- Sep 03)
Sa, on a billet engrailed Or, a salmon haurient Gu. (D: Freodhoric
Jrgenssen Sjaurebrg - Jul 85)
Sa, 3 dice Or spotted Sa. (D: Aethelwyn Castrel of Arran Dec 90)
Sa, within & issuant from the corners of a Japanese well frame
crosswise, 4 clusters of bamboo leaves Arg. (D: Takeuchi
Hiroshi - Apr 91)
Vt, a bend betw 2 billets Arg. (D: Aurelius Leander - Dec 87)
(For Maison de Verdegris)
Vt, a delf Or. (D: Tibor of Rock Valley - Jan 96)
Vt, a delf pierced within a bord dovetailed Or. (B: Greid of the
Wastes - Nov 81) (JB: Jeanne of Audierne)(For House Eider
Vt, a lightning flash fesswise throughout Or betw in pale a horses
head couped Arg & in compass star a bezant betw eight billets
Or. (D: Katherine Marie Yvonne Jett - Aug 80)
Vt, a salt of five billets fesswise voided Arg. (D: Halfdan
Hgvandi Rodgeirsson of Hundatunir - May 89)
Vt, a salt Or betw a broadarrow inv & 3 delfs Arg. (D: Seaan
Sabhaois - May 01)
Vt, a tankard bendwise Or, foamed Arg, betw in pale 2 billets
palewise, all betw 2 pallets Or. (D: Christopher Edward
Guilford - Feb 90)

Billet (continued)

Vt, in cross 4 square weavers tablets bendwise Arg. (D: Astrid of

Eisental - Jun 01)
Vt, in pale 3 billets Arg winged Or. (B: Society for Creative
Anachronism, Registry Office - Jan 73?)
Vt, six billets in fess Arg betw a chev inv & a chev Or. (D: William
of Vulcanfeldt - Jul 90)
* * * End * * *
Billetty: see Billet
Billhook: see Pole axe
Birch: see Tree - Elongated shape

Bird - Demi

(Fieldless) A demi-eagle disp Gu issuant from an estoile Or. (B:

Eirkr Mjoksiglandi Sigurarson - Aug 94) (JB: Astridr Selr
(Fieldless) A demi-eagle disp issuant from 2 theatre masks
conjoined in fess Sa. (B: Peregrine Payne - Aug 91)
(Fieldless) A demi-kestrel disp guardant Az, armed & breasted Or,
the wings barry Az & Or. (B: Gunnvr silfrahrr - Jan 98)
(Fieldless) A demi-raven disp Sa issuant from flames proper. (B:
Dorothea of Caer-Myrddin - Dec 04)
(Fieldless) On a demi-eagle per pale Arg & Az, a cross formy
floretty Or. (B: Leah de Montgomerie of Lark Hall - Jul 94)
(Fieldless) 2 demi-swans rousant addorsed conjoined wings
addorsed Arg. (B: Ginevra Bagnesi da Diacceto - Aug 00)
Arg, a demi-eagle rising to sin, wings elevated & addorsed, Purp
issuant from a base rayonny Sa. (D: Bryan de Albengi Aug 87)
Az, a chev Gu, fimbriated Arg, overall a demi-eagle erased disp Or,
all within a bord rayonny Arg. (D: Diego Rodrigo Espada de
la Fenix - Nov 89)
Gu, a demi-eagle erased & on a chf triangular Arg a cinquefoil
pierced Purp. (D: Mini of al-Barran - Sep 03)
Or, issuant from base a demi-eagle closed Sa, orbed Or, on a chf Sa
a lute fesswise reversed Or. (D: Anna nic Colin of Eagles Aug 79?)
Per fess Arg & Az, a demi-eagle issuant from the line of division &
3 crosses formy ctrch. (D: Wolfgang von der Eifel - Mar 07)
Per fess Arg & bendy sin Az & Arg, on a demi-eagle issuant from
the line of division Sa a mullet Or. (D: Sebastian Wolfgang
von Bayern - Jan 08)
Per fess chequy Sa & Arg & Gu, in pale a demi-eagle disp, wings
inv, head to sin Gu & 3 bezants, 2 & one. (D: Caroline
Morfran Sile O Griobhtha - Oct 88)
Per fess embat Gu & Sa masoned Arg, in pale a demi-swan rousant
issuant from the line of division & a sun Or. (D: Timo
Schuzzilwenst - Jul 06)
Per fess Purp & Arg, a demi-crane disp Arg & a turtle inv Vt. (D:
Ise no Kusunoki Kametsuru - Oct 03)
Per fess Sa & Gu, on a fess Arg betw a 2-headed demi-eagle disp
issuant from the fess & a tower, both Or, 3 anchors Gu. (D:
Kathleen ODubhghaill - Jul 85)
Per pale Or & Purp, a demi-eagle, wings expansed, ctrch issuant
from a base rayonne Gu. (D: Cordelia Elvera de Barfleur Nov 86)
Purp, a demi-eagle, facing sin, wings elevated & addorsed, Or & on
a chf Arg a dagger Sa. (D: Aquila das Waisenkind von
Drachenfels - Oct 83)
Purp, 3 horses heads erased in pall inv, necks to center, & in chf 3
demi-cranes disp Or. (D: Joseph of Caid - Mar 02)
Quarterly Arg & Or, a dragon segreant & in base 2 demi-eagles,
heads respectant, Vt. (D: Acelina le Dragon - Apr 08)
Vt, a triskelion of demi-birds Arg. (D: Colm the Defrocked Aug 88)
* * * End * * *
Bird - Sea: see Bird and Monster - Other

Bird - Whole - 1 - Bird affronty

See also: Monster - Phoenix

(Fieldless) A great horned owl stooping affronty upon a mouse
sejant tergiant, Arg. (B: Gwenafara the Dragon Maker Feb 02) (For House Duntamknacken)
(Fieldless) A horned owl affronty Az. (B: Gareth Tancred Wilfirth
- Aug 96)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 269

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Bird affronty]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Bird affronty (continued)

(Fieldless) A peacock in his pride head to sin Or. (B: One

Thousand Eyes - Sep 97) (For Order of the Peacocks Pride
of One Thousand Eyes)
(Fieldless) A peacock in his pride Purp tailed Gu, the tail charged
with a crescent Or. (B: Mahdukht al-Zarqa - May 04)
(Fieldless) A peacock in its pride proper. (B: Mooneschadowe Jan 96)
(Fieldless) A peacock Or the tail marked Gu. (B: Sunnifa
Eirksdttir - Oct 01)
(Fieldless) A penguin statant affronty, head to dexter, proper. (B:
Taira no Akiyo - Apr 02)
(Fieldless) An owl affronty Arg perched within a crescent Az. (B:
Francesca di Pavia - Feb 91)
Arg, a pale engrailed Gu betw a single-horned anvil reversed & a
raven close affronty Sa. (D: Ianuk Raventhorne - Jan 02)
Arg, a peacock in his pride Az, tailed Vt, on a chf Gu 3 hair combs
Or. (D: Onora OToole - Nov 94)
Arg, a peacock in his pride, on a chf enarched Az, 3 chevronels
throughout braced Arg. (D: Marie Hlne de Montaigne Nov 89)
Arg, a peacock in his pride proper & in chf 2 columbine flowers
addorsed Purp slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Isolda filia Georgii May 05)
Arg, a peacock in his pride Purp tailed Gu & on a chf Purp 3
crescents Or. (D: Mahdukht al-Zarqa - May 04)
Arg a peacock in its pride Az gorged of a pearled coronet Arg betw
2 barrulets betw 2 spouted pots reversed Vt. (D: Roberto
Valason - Sep 04)
Arg, a peacock in its pride proper, a bord invected Purp. (D:
Mahala de Sorbonne - Dec 87)
Arg, a peacock in its pride Purp. (D: Maire Pacok ONolan Jul 96)
Arg, a penguin affronty Sa, bellied Arg, within a bord embat Vt. (B:
Morwyn Edain - Oct 86)
Arg, a popinjay close affronty, head to dexter, on a chf Vt 3
shamrocks Arg. (D: Ceridwen du Bois du nord - Jun 99)
Arg, a swan naiant affronty Sa within a bord embat Purp. (B:
Giovanni Clarenza - Mar 83) (For La Casa del Cgno)
Arg, a vulture close affronty proper, head to dexter, perched on a
branch couped Sa. (B: Evan Mawr - Nov 82)
Arg, an owl affronty & an orle Gu. (D: Crnc Donn - May 05)
Arg, an owl affronty & on a chf Sa 3 mice couchant contourny tails
erect Arg. (D: Pleasance de Coignieres - Jun 01)
Arg, an owl affronty Vt, betw flaunches Sa. (D: Grimwulf Harland
- Nov 94)
Arg, an owl close affronty Sa, gorged Or, within an orle nebuly
counter-nebuly Sa. (D: Jorge Johansen - Mar 85)
Arg, an owl disp Sa, on a chf Vt 3 decrescents Arg. (D: Aleksandra
Drakonova - Apr 00)
Arg goutty de sang, a penguin statant affronty head to dexter Sa
bellied Arg & in chf 2 bars Purp. (D: Irena of Tir Ysgithr Jun 07)
Az, a hawk striking affronty & on a base indented of 2 points Or a
laurel wreath Vt. (D: Mylrune - Jul 84)
Az, a pall betw a peacock in his pride Arg & 2 Stafford knots of
chain Or. (D: Antonio Alexandre Dias de Navarra - Oct 06)
Az, a peacock in his pride Arg the tail marked Az & in chf 3 fleursde-lys Arg. (D: Ysabella de Draguignan - Dec 04)
Az, a peacock in his pride, in chf a pair of rapiers crossed at the tips
Arg. (D: Etienne Perdreau - Mar 96)
Az, a peacock in its pride Arg within a bord Arg fretty Vt. (B:
Maddalena Salutati - Jan 06)
Az, a peacock in its pride within a bord invected Or. (D: Catherine
Peacock - Nov 01)
Az, a red-tailed hawk in light phase striking affronty proper, on a
base embat Gu fimbriated a hawks lure bendwise Arg. (D:
Thomas Red Hawke - Oct 86)
Az, a snowy owl affronty proper grasping in its dexter talon 3 roses
Or, slipped & leaved Vt, & in its sin talon 2 of the same,
within an orle Or. (D: Ayslynn MacGuraran - Aug 78?)
Az, an owl affronty Arg & 2 scarpes enhanced Or. (D: Henri le
Hibou du Bois - Feb 91)
Az, an owl affronty betw six mullets of eight points in annulo Arg.
(D: Ingvar the Restless - May 99)
Az, an owl affronty wings disp Arg sustaining a wheel Or all within
2 concentric annulets Arg. (D: Keja Tselebnika - Mar 03)
270 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Bird affronty (continued)

Az, chap ploy invected, an owl close affront Arg. (D: Steffan ap
Cenydd of Silverwing - May 81)
Az, in pale a sun & an eagle volant affronty wings disp voided, in
the hoist a pallet of lace Or. (B: Kazakhstan - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Barry Arg & Vt, perched on a sin hawking glove fesswise to dexter
vair tasseled Gu, a hawk tergiant, its head facing dexter, Sa
armed & orbed Gu. (D: Kristen von der Hand-Falk Aug 77?)
Gu, a peacock in his pride & on a chf Arg five lozenges conjoined
throughout Sa. (D: Caterina Fregoso - Nov 01)
Gu, a peacock in his pride head to sin & on a bord Or the phrase
"Crux Mihi Grata Quies" Gu. (D: Zecharia Ines Balzan Sep 02)
Gu, an owl affronty Arg maintaining an arrow fesswise reversed Or,
on a chf Arg an arrow reversed Gu. (D: Dael mac Daill of
Dunadd - Dec 95)
Lozengy Vt & Or, an owl Arg perched atop & sustaining a
drawstring pouch fesswise Gu. (D: Anton von Heidelberg Dec 03)
Or, a bend sin, in dexter chf a mullet of eight points Gu, overall a
penguin statant affronty proper. (D: Eithne Nic Dhmhnuill Feb 97)
Or, a peacock in his pride, head to sin, within a laurel wreath Az.
(D: One Thousand Eyes - May 87)
Or, a peacock in its pride proper on a chf Gu a natural leopard
passant Or spotted Sa. (D: Margaida da Gama - Aug 01)
Or, a peacock in its pride Sa, in chf a sun Gu. (D: Alixe Pfau von
Herscheld - Jul 80)
Or, a peacock in its vanity proper, on a chf urdy Az, a mullet betw a
decrescent & a crescent Arg. (D: Thais of Illiton - Jan 89)
Or, a penguin statant affronty facing dexter Sa, bellied Arg, on a chf
Vt 3 mullets of six points Or. (D: Allison of Basarabia Sep 92)
Or, in pale an owl affronty Gu perched atop a double-horned anvil
within a bord potenty Sa. (D: Kentigern Owle - Feb 07)
Or, on a chev Az betw 2 fleurs-de-lis Sa & a peacock in its pride
statant to sin proper, five plates. (D: Eduardo Francesco
Maria Lucrezia - May 89)
Or, within a chev rompu Sa a Scarlet Macaw tergiant close, head to
sin, proper. (D: Samal Kaan Uxmalil - Apr 81)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a hawk trussing a duck Gu & in bend 3 roses
Or seeded Vt. (D: Helen Hawksworth - Aug 01)
Per bend Az & Or, in bend 3 mullets of 4 points Gu betw in bend
sin a harp seal couchant guardant Arg & an Emperor penguin
statant affronty, head to dexter, proper. (D: Daphne of
Penguinroost - Sep 83)
Per bend Or & Vt, a peacock in his pride Arg. (D: Jumanah bint
Nur al-Zarqa - Feb 04)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, an owl affronty Sa & a lamp reversed Arg,
enflamed Or. (B: Sebastian de Grey - Jul 87) (For Owlwycke
Per bend sin Az & Gu, an owl close affronty Or & a bord Arg. (D:
Karl Teransson - Nov 00)
Per bend sin Az & Or, in bend sin 3 mullets of 4 points Gu betw in
bend a narwhal naiant embowed bendwise sin & an Emperor
penguin statant affronty, head to sin, proper. (D: Phelan of
Penguinroost - Sep 83)
Per bend sin Purp & Arg a Latin cross Arg & a peacock in his pride
proper. (D: Veronica da Milano - Dec 04)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, a garb Or & a peacock in its pride proper. (D:
Elspeth FitzHugh - Jan 86)
Per bend Vt & Sa, an owl affronty & on a chf Arg 3 hunting horns
Sa. (D: David Cooper of Tynedale - Jun 94)
Per chev Arg & Vt, a greyhound courant contourny Sa & an owl
affronty Arg. (D: Ana ingen Chonchobair - Jun 06)
Per chev Gu & Or, 2 ships Or & a peacock in his pride head to sin
proper. (D: Oriana di Octavia Volpe da Venezia - Aug 06)
Per chev inv Purp & Or, a swan naiant affronty, wings disp Or, & 3
roses Purp, barbed & seeded proper. (D: Dshiv Luciana
dAvignon - Jul 87)
Per chev Or & Vt, 2 bees Sa & an owl affronty Or. (D: Edward of
Rokkehealdan - Oct 94)
Per chev Sa & Purp, a chev betw a roundel & an owl affronty Arg.
(D: Marcus Atheniou - Aug 06)

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Bird affronty] to [Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Argent]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Bird affronty (continued)

Per chev throughout urdy Az & Arg, 2 berdiches in chev addorsed

Arg & a peacock in its pride Gu. (D: Anastassia Mikhailovna
Donskoi - Sep 92)
Per chev Vt & Sa, 2 hawks bells bendwise & a falcon close
affronty upon a perch Arg. (D: Peregrine de Lacey - Dec 93)
Per fess Arg & Vt, a doebird curlew close affronte, head to sin,
proper perched upon 2 rocks issuant from base Or. (D: Curlew
Drogheala - Aug 80)
Per fess Az & Gu all lozengy, an owl affronty Arg. (D: Sophia
Eriksdotter - Dec 04)
Per fess Or & Az, in pale a peacock in his pride proper & a
cartwheel Or. (D: Pettronella of Caer Galen - Sep 04)
Per fess Vt & Gu, a peacock in its pride, a bord Or. (D: Rosalinda
Gertrude Kesselheim - Dec 99)
Per fess wavy Arg & Az, a raven volant affronty proper & a bar
gemel wavy Arg. (D: Gwydion of Lochlann - Aug 79?)
Per pale Az & counter-ermine, a great horned owl affronty
maintaining in its dexter talon a scroll Arg, in dexter chf an
estoile Or. (D: Liane ODay - Jun 04)
Per pale Az & Or, an owl affronty ctrch maintaining an embroiders
broach fesswise Gu, in chf a roundel betw an increscent & a
decrescent ctrch Arg & Az. (D: Alessandra da Pavia Mar 97)
Per pale ermine & counter-ermine, a barn owl striking affronty
proper. (D: Muhrenah Vasilanovna Romanovich - Aug 79?)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a swan naiant affronty, wings disp, atop on a
base wavy 2 bars wavy, all ctrch. (D: Vasilisa Lebedeva
Shadowlight - Jul 83)
Per pale Sa & Arg, in pale an owl affronty perched atop a key
fesswise reversed ctrch. (D: Daniel of the Debatable Lands Dec 00)
Per pale Sa & Or, an owl affronty & in chf 2 mullets of eight points
elongated to base ctrch. (D: Tolric of Entwisle - Oct 05)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a snowy owl affronty perched on & sustaining a
sword fesswise reversed, all proper. (D: Lars Vilhjalmsson May 06)
Per pall ermine, Sa & Gu, in fess an owl close affronty & an
increscent moon Arg. (D: Julitta de Moulins - Mar 90)
Per salt Or & Gu, a horned owl affronty Az. (B: Gareth Tancred
Wilfirth - Aug 96)
Per salt Vt & Purp, a great horned owl affronty Or. (D: Lorraine
von Eulennest - May 87)
Plumetty Az & Or, a parrot, head to dexter, perched affronte on a
branch fesswise throughout proper. (D: Shamus of Gunn Jan 80)
Purp, a peacock in its pride Arg the tail marked Vt, betw 3 estoilles
Arg. (D: Annais de Bordeaux - Aug 05)
Purp, a peacock tergiant, head to dexter & tail spread Arg. (D:
Emelyn Pacok - Apr 07)
Purp, an owl close affronty & on a chf Arg 3 crosses of Canterbury
Purp. (D: Sebastian de Grey - Apr 86)
Purp, in pale an owl affronty Arg atop a lantern Or its candle Arg
enflamed Or. (D: Guinivere of Shadowes Wode - Feb 05)
Sa, a peacock in his pride Arg perched within a flowering wisteria
wreath proper. (D: Cristobal degli Glicine che Mangia Uome
- Mar 78?)
Sa, a peacock in its pride Arg within a bord wavy Arg semy of roses
proper. (B: Madeleine Rose de Cardeville - Feb 07)
Sa, an owl affronty perched on & maintaining a branch fesswise &
on a chf Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Sa. (D: Myles of Connacht Nov 02)
Vt, a peacock in his pride Or & a bord ermine. (D: Teresa dArezzo
- Mar 02)
Vt, a peacock in its pride & on a chf invected Or, 3 roses proper.
(D: Catherine Marie Elisabeth dEvreux - Mar 90)
Vt, a snowy owl affronty Arg marked Sa & on a chf Or, 3 roses Gu.
(D: Cara Marie of Carlisle - May 86)
Vt, a sword inv, overall an American kestrel hovering affronty
proper. (D: Kiriel of Windhover Cliff - May 86)
Vt, an owl affronty Or, a bord Or crusilly Vt. (D: Helena von Eltz Feb 98)
Vt, an owl close affronty Arg perched upon an oak branch fesswise
reversed Or, a base dovetailed Arg. (D: Aelwin Sherlock Apr 89)
Vt, in bend sin a mullet of 4 points bendwise sin & an owl close
affronty chased Arg. (D: Morna of Cenydd - Mar 72?)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Bird affronty (continued)

Vt, in pale an owl affronty perched atop a branch fesswise Arg betw
3 drop spindles inv Sa threaded Arg. (D: Siobhn
NicDhuinnshlibhe - May 07)
Vt, 2 columns Arg & a peacock in his pride Or. (D: Demetrio Biagi
- Jun 04)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Argent

See also: Monster - Phoenix

(Tinctureless) A pelican in its piety. (Regalia: Society for Creative
Anachronism - Oct 98) (For the Order of the Pelican)
(Tinctureless) A pelican vulning itself. (Regalia: Society for
Creative Anachronism - Oct 98) (For the Order of the
(Fieldless) A popinjay Gu beaked, winged & tailed Arg. (B:
Ymanya Bartelot - Oct 07)
(Fieldless) A raven Arg maintaining a stalk of wheat fesswise Or.
(B: Branwen le Baxtere - Mar 07)
(Fieldless) A swan Arg sitting in a nest proper within & issuant
from an annulet Arg. (B: Meridies - Nov 96) (For Order of
the Cygnets Nest)
(Fieldless) A swan naiant Arg semy-de-lys Az. (B: Anne Aliz de
Ble - Dec 02)
(Fieldless) An owl Arg sustaining & perched upon an oak sprig
fesswise fructed Or. (B: Sofya Rous - Jul 07) (JB: Sifrid von
(Fieldless) In pale a duck naiant conjoined to a bar wavy couped
Arg. (B: Margaida da Gama - Nov 06)
(Fieldless) In pale a falcon perched atop a sin gloved fist fesswise
reversed Arg. (B: Brianna McBain - Oct 06)
(Fieldless) On an owl Arg a fleam Gu. (B: Ansteorra - Apr 01)
(For the Kingdom Chiurgeon Emeritus)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, surmounted
by an ibis close. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Ibis - May 86)
Az, a chev ermine betw in chf 3 mullets in fess & in base a martlet
Arg. (D: William of Martinvast - Dec 83)
Az, a chev ploy cotised & in base a pelican in its piety Arg. (D:
Dorio of the Oaks - Feb 08)
Az, a cock Arg & a chf checky Or & Gu. (D: Lucas Daz de
Oviedo - Jan 02)
Az, a crane & on a chf Arg 3 roses Az. (D: Aleyd von Kiel May 04)
Az, a crane in its vigilance Arg & a base Arg masoned Az. (D:
Genevieve Cranwell - Jul 06)
Az, a crane in its vigilance Arg within a bord Arg semy of
cinquefoils Vt. (D: Agnes of Cynnabar - Sep 05)
Az, a crane in its vigilance Arg, within a laurel wreath, a chf embat
Or. (D: Sentinels Keep - Feb 89)
Az, a dove & on a chf Arg, 2 roses proper. (D: Lynette Jaclyn
Davjean - Mar 93)
Az, a dove Arg within a bord Arg semy of crosses moline Az. (D:
Keziah Gildea - Sep 95)
Az, a heron close Arg within a laurel wreath Or, on a chf Arg 3 oak
leaves bendwise sin inv Gu. (D: Abhainn Cach Ghlais Nov 89)
Az, a martlet voided Arg. (B: Lyrel-Phillipa of Edens Hall Nov 89)
Az, a nightingale perched on an oak branch, in sin chf a mullet, all
Arg. (B: Arwen Evaine ferch Rhys of Gwynedd - Aug 79)
(For House Nightingale)
Az, a peacock betw in pale 2 roses Arg. (D: Winifred Yseult of
Halls Isle - Apr 07)
Az, a peacock pavonated Arg, in sin chf a heart, all within a bord
Or. (D: Khurrem de la Roche - Nov 88)
Az, a peacock, tail spread, Arg & in chf 2 mullets of eight points
Or. (D: Gillianne de Solis - Apr 07)
Az, a raven Arg maintaining in its dexter claw a serpent glissant
head to chf, on a chf triangular Or a cinquefoil Vt. (D:
Branwen Bach - Jan 07)
Az, a snowy owl perched upon a branch issuant from sin proper, in
canton a mullet Or, all within a bord Arg. (D: Alleyne de
Spencer - Mar 81)
Az, a sparrow dismembered above a branch, both Arg. (D:
Deborah of Olmstead - Jan 74?)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 271

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Argent]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Argent (continued)

Az, a stork statant Arg wearing a horned helm & maintaining in its
sin talon a spear bendwise, betw in pale a warhammer fesswise
& another fesswise reversed & in fess a warhammer palewise
inv & another palewise Or. (D: Ellin Syerske - Aug 87)
Az, a swan Arg, beaked & membered Or, within eight mullets in
annulo Arg. (D: Arianwen of the Tuntlewald - Jul 71?)
Az, a swan naiant Arg crowned Or. (D: Sheryl of Thespis Jan 73?)
Az, a swan naiant Arg, on a chf indented Or 3 mullets Gu. (D:
Eirik Hroaldsson af Svanhillu - May 94)
Az, a swan within a bord Arg, overall on a chf nebuly Or, 3 leaves
Vt. (D: Basilla la Mercire - Oct 93)
Az, above a fess abased & engrailed on its lower edge, a snow
goose Arg. (D: Kaththea of the Citadel, the Daft - Apr 73)
Az, an owl & in chf 3 roundels, a bord Arg. (D: Nuala inghean
Sheamuis - Mar 01)
Az, an owl & on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Diana Ygraine
Lylywythe - Jul 03)
Az, an owl Arg atop a mount Or, on a chf Arg a hurst of pine trees
Az. (D: Katalena of Owlsherst - Jan 08)
Az, an owl close, maintaining in its talons a tuft of wool pendant
therefrom a drop spindle Arg. (B: Antonia dAlessandria Dec 03)
Az, an owl maintaining an acorn betw flaunches Arg each charged
with a decrescent Sa. (D: Adeliza of Bristol - Apr 01)
Az, an owl on a chf embat Arg 3 increscents Az. (D: Muriel von
Schrecken - Aug 01)
Az chap invected Or, a rooster Arg. (D: Brian of Boisfort May 96)
Az, crusily Latin flory Or, a stork statant Arg. (B: Erika Segenlein Apr 84)
Az, mulletty, a legless owl & in chf a candle fesswise Arg,
enflamed at both ends proper. (D: Merric of Stormgate Apr 83)
Az mullety, an owl & on a chf Arg a recorder reversed Az. (D:
Rochel bas Gershom Sternenkiker - May 01)
Az, perched upon a harp a hawk close guardant Arg, a chf Arg
fretty Az. (D: Ceole Seabhac - Feb 92)
Az semy of apples Or, a falcon Arg belled & jessed Or. (D: Falco
de Jablonec - Jun 02)
Az semy of hawks bells, a falcon Arg. (D: Marie la Fauconniere Jan 05)
Az, 2 swords in salt inv proper, overall a swan naiant, on a chf Arg
a thistle proper. (D: Ealasaid nic Chlurain - Feb 84)
Az, within an open birdcage Or a dove reguardant Arg, a bord
engrailed Arg, semy of roses proper. (D: Aislynn de
Darkenhall - Jun 92)
Counter-ermine, a salt Az fimbriated, overall an owl Arg. (D:
Gwyneth Fayrfax - May 94)
Gu, a bend sin cotised Or betw a dunghill cock & a basket of eggs
Arg. (D: Melissa the Poulteress - Aug 04)
Gu, a chev inv Or, overall a falcon, both within an orle of daisies
Arg. (D: James Ainsley - Jan 89)
Gu, a falcon belled & jessed & in chf 3 crosses couped Arg. (D:
Lucia de la Valette - Sep 03)
Gu, a falcon passant, maintaining an acorn in its dexter talon, Arg, a
chf embat counter-ermine. (D: Freydis Thorunnsdatter Aug 89)
Gu, a falcon within an orle Arg. (D: Gylys of Ylis - Sep 00)
Gu, a martlet Arg & on a chf embat Or a mullet betw 2 crescents Sa.
(D: Ernn inghean u Fhiannaidhe - Mar 03)
Gu, a swan naiant & on a chf wavy Arg 3 roses Gu. (D: Nicoletta
di Padova - Aug 95)
Gu, an increscent a decrescent & an owl Arg. (D: Sara Boone Oct 03)
Gu, an owl & on a chf embat Arg a cross flory Gu betw 2 thistles
proper. (D: Angus Argyll of Clyde - Nov 04)
Gu, an owl Arg, on a point pointed Or an acorn inv, slipped &
leaved Vt. (D: Sorcha Bermyngeham - May 92)
Gu, an owl close guardant beneath a chevronel throughout Arg betw
3 rue flowers Or. (D: Arienhwyfar Pell - Feb 82)
Gu, in pale a peacock perched atop a needle fesswise reversed Arg,
a bord Arg mullety Gu. (D: Gwendolyn Corso di Bastia Apr 07)
Gu, perched atop a tower a hooded falcon, within a bord Arg. (B:
Manfried Odo von Falkenmond - Oct 82)
272 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Argent (continued)

Gu semy of acorns Or, an owl Arg. (D: Sofya Rous - Apr 07)
Gyronny Or & Purp, a duck close Arg betw 4 quatrefoils, one on
each Purp gyron, Or. (D: Gustavus Seevogel - Jul 86)
Pean, a swan Arg, gorged with a chain Gu, resting upon a base
barry-wavy Az & Arg. (D: Angelina Jessica Dourelle Aug 79)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a martlet & a tower ctrch. (B: Gallavally Jan 96)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend raguly ermine betw a falcon Arg & 3
mullets of 4 points elongated to base 2 & one Or. (D: Gavin
MacIntyre - Feb 92)
Per bend Or & Vt, an acorn inv slipped & leaved proper & an owl
Arg. (D: Ladan ingen ui Shgdae - Mar 99)
Per bend Purp & Arg, in sin chf a martlet Arg within a tressure
ctrch. (D: Blanch von Burnestow - Oct 82)
Per bend Sa & Arg, in sin chf a swan naiant Arg. (B: Meridies Sep 83) (For the Goslings Guild)
Per bend Sa & Az, an owl betw 3 lozenges Arg. (D: Adrian
FitzEdric - Dec 94)
Per bend Sa, & Az semy of roses Arg, in sin chf a swan naiant Arg.
(D: Frances Elizabeth Devereux - Oct 90)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a bend embat counter-embat Arg betw a
lightning bolt bendwise Or & an owl Arg. (D: Dsir of
Attillium - Sep 91)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a cross crosslet & a falcon belled & jessed,
all ctrch. (D: Samus of Dragonsspine - Oct 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, in bend a squirrel sejant erect to sin & a
hawk close ctrch, issuant from base a demi-sun Arg. (D: Flora
Sutherlarach - Nov 88)
Per bend sin Az & Or, an owl close guardant Arg & 2 double-bitted
axes in pile, hafts crossed Sa. (D: Ragnar of Birka - Jan 99)
Per bend sin Gu & Purp, a swan naiant Arg gorged of a ring betw 3
trefoil knots Or. (D: Anne Maguier of Kylharnon - Jul 04)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a swan naiant Arg betw in pale 2 Catherine
wheels Or. (D: Ealasaid White Swan - Jun 91)
Per bend sin indented Arg & Az, a rose Gu barbed Vt & a swan
naiant contourny Arg. (D: Lisabetta Webster - Apr 96)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a raven & a decrescent ctrch. (D: Aoibhel of
Dun Holen - Apr 89)
Per bend sin Sa & Purp, an owl Arg within a bord ermine. (D:
Margarethe Bogenschtzin - Jan 04)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, a duck naiant Arg & a harp Or. (D:
Christopher Harper - Apr 01)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, a mullet of seven points & an owl Arg. (D:
Kathleen OFerrall - Jul 06)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a martlet & a cluster of grapes ctrch. (D:
Martelle von Baecker - Aug 79) (re-registered 7910M)
Per chev Arg & Az, 3 lilies in chev & a swan naiant ctrch. (D:
Leah of the Lillies - Oct 90)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 mullets of six greater & six lesser points & a
swan naiant ctrch. (D: Enid of Crickhollow - Jul 96)
Per chev Arg & Purp, 2 pears Vt & a heron Arg. (D: Ysabeau of
Dragons Mist - Apr 04)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 2 hazel sprigs & an owl ctrch. (D: Cainder
ingen hui Chatharnaig - Nov 01)
Per chev Arg & Vt, in base a falcon close Arg. (B: Tangwystyl
verch Morgant Glasvryn - Jul 01)
Per chev Az & Sa, a chev cotised betw 2 escallops & a
hummingbird close Arg. (D: Vivienne Duval - Aug 05)
Per chev Az, ermined Or, & Az, 2 armored & gauntleted arms
conjoined in chev & in base a seagull close Arg. (B: Southern
Shores - Jul 81) (For Warlord of Southern Shores)
Per chev Az mullety Arg & Gu, a chev Or & in base a cockatoo
close Arg. (D: Beatrice Fayrwether of York - Apr 07)
Per chev counter-ermine & Gu, a chev Or, in base a raven Arg. (D:
Ysabel Bertrand - Oct 07)
Per chev enhanced Az & Arg, a rose slipped & leaved & in dexter
chf an owl ctrch. (D: Yves Walenstein - Aug 82)
Per chev inv Az & Sa, a chev inv embat on the lower edge & in chf
a martlet Arg. (D: Sadra Martelet - Apr 98)
Per chev inv Sa & Arg, semy of compass stars elongated to base
Purp, in chf a falcon Arg. (D: Shaheena al-Riyadhi - Feb 91)
Per chev Or & Gu, a lute & a flute in chev crossed at the neck Purp
& a snowy owl proper. (D: Elizabeth of Leicester - Jun 06)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev betw 2 feathers & a falcon passant Arg.
(D: Cian Gillebhrath - Jan 93)

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Argent]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Argent (continued)

Per chev Sa & Az, in pale a label couped & an owl close Arg. (D:
Carolus von Eulenhorst - Mar 90)
Per chev Sa & Gu, an owl Arg perched on & within a laurel wreath
Or. (D: Nether Edge, the - Mar 83)
Per chev Vt & Arg, in chf a pigeon Arg impaled by a dagger proper
& shedding gouttes de sang which change to gouttes dhuile
falling upon in base an ape sejant affrontee Vt. (D: Cresseid
Kif - Aug 79)
Per chev Vt & Gu, a chev betw 2 roses & a swan naiant Arg. (D:
Isabella Beatrice della Rosa - Jul 03)
Per chev Vt & Purp, 2 trilliums inv & a swan naiant Arg. (D: Catin
of Edington - Sep 06)
Per fess Arg & Az, a sheaf of spears & a crane in its vigilance ctrch
& a base embat Arg. (D: Ldia dAlgarve - May 02)
Per fess Arg & Az, 2 Maltese crosses Sa & a dove Arg. (B: Hugh
Prescott - Apr 94) (For House Prescott)
Per fess Az & Arg, a hen & a fleur-de-lys ctrch. (D: Jeneuer le
Geliner - May 07)
Per fess Az & Sa, in pale an owl & in fess 3 fir trees couped Arg.
(D: Aldric von Baden - Jul 89)
Per fess Az & Vt, a stork statant Arg & a Latin cross fleury Or. (D:
Erika Segenlein - Feb 83)
Per fess Gu & ermine, a dexter gauntlet fesswise reversed
maintaining a bird close Arg & a tree Vt. (D: Kasimir of
Stargard - Jan 97)
Per fess Gu & Or, a crane Arg & a saltorel Sa. (D: Colin
McCrandall - Feb 00)
Per fess Gu & Or, in pale an owl Arg & a tree eradicated Vt. (D:
Sophia von Thringen - Mar 89)
Per fess nebuly Or & Az, a sin clenched gauntlet Sa & a swan
naiant Arg. (B: Sebastian Eisenfaust - Sep 92)
Per fess Sa & Az, a swan naiant Arg, beaked, in chf an increscent,
decrescent, & increscent, one & 2, Or. (D: Ruth Baraskaya Feb 81)
Per fess Sa & checky Sa & Arg, in chf an owl close guardant
maintaining a chess rook in its dexter upraised talon Arg. (D:
Cormac Jacobo de Vega - Jul 84)
Per fess Sa & Vt, a swan naiant & in chf 3 lozenges Arg. (D:
Finnguala ingen Nill meic Chuircc - Jul 04)
Per fess Vt & Arg, a cock Arg upon the back of a domestic cat
herissonee proper upon the back of a dog statant howling Gu
upon the back of a domestic donkey braying proper. (B:
Ioseph of Locksley, the Rhymer - Oct 76) (For Locksleys
Company of Players)
Per fess wavy Az & barry wavy Arg & Az, a swan naiant upon the
line of division & in chf 3 roses Arg. (D: Enid Aurelia of the
Tin Isles - Oct 83)
Per fess wavy Sa & Or, a swan naiant Arg & a fleur-de-lys Sa. (D:
Claire FitzEdwin of Crestwood - Mar 85)
Per fess wavy Vt & Sa, a martlet Arg & a tree eradicated Or. (D:
ine ingen Choluimb - Sep 06)
Per pale Az & Gu, a raven within an annulet Arg. (D: Branwen of
Werchesvorde - Feb 02)
Per pale Az & Sa, a cock close & on a chf embat Arg 3 crosses
formy Sa. (D: Daniel of Darach - Jun 00)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a chev & in base a swan Arg. (D: Catherine
Cary of Grayhouse - Jul 90)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a chev betw 2 escallops & a heron statant Arg.
(D: Morwenna of Tintagel - Sep 92)
Per pale Purp & Sa, a swan naiant & on a chf triangular Arg, 3 holly
sprigs Vt, fructed Gu. (D: Rebekah MacTiernan - Nov 92)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a crane Arg & in chf 2 laurel wreaths Or. (D:
Cranehaven - Aug 04)
Per pale Vt & Az, a heron Arg within a laurel wreath Or. (D:
Herons Reach - Aug 02)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a raven betw 3 crescents Arg. (D: Bran Finn hua
Nill - May 08)
Per pale wavy Az & Sa a swan statant close Arg & a sword inv
proper. (D: Richard na Teanga Mhin - Aug 90)
Per salt Az & Sa, a hawk & on a chf Arg 3 broadarrows Sa. (D:
Anderewe Hawkewood - Apr 03)
Per salt Az & Vt, a salt betw in pale a compass star & a duck naiant
Arg. (D: Elayne Jayne of Evenford - Feb 97)
Per salt Az & Vt, in pale an owl close perched on a dogwood
branch fesswise Arg & a cats paw, appaumy & issuant from
base, Or. (D: Chalda of the Lost Lockes - May 89)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Argent (continued)

Per salt Sa & Gu, a falcon close on a chf Arg 3 thistles proper. (D:
Cailean Aindrea Stewart - May 94)
Per salt Vt & Gu, an owl Arg & in chf 3 bezants. (D: Evaine ferch
Arnallt Yr Wyddfa - Dec 94)
Per salt Vt & Sa, an owl Arg & a chf embat ermine. (D: amonn
mac Rioghbhardin - Sep 03)
Purp, a bend wavy Arg betw a brazier Or & a dove Arg. (D:
Katharine Whytton - May 07)
Purp, a crane & on a chf embat Arg 3 mullets of eight points Vt. (D:
Emeline Patterson - Feb 05)
Purp, a falcon Arg & a chf ermine. (D: Lalage la Peregrina Aug 93)
Purp, a fret Or, overall a dove statant close, tail pendant, Arg, armed
Or. (D: Francesca Alesondra - Jul 85)
Purp, a heron close maintaining in its dexter talon a rose Arg barbed
& seeded Gu. (D: Rosamund of the Misty Meadows - Aug 00)
Purp, a martlet close Arg within five annulets in annulo, in chf 2
open books Or. (D: Geoffrey de Saint-Denis - Apr 99)
Purp, a swan naiant & in chf a garden rose Arg. (D: Adriana Rose
Sanford - Nov 92)
Purp, a swan naiant & on a chf Arg 3 trees Vt. (D: ine inghean
Riocaird - Mar 04)
Purp, a swan naiant Arg betw 4 fleurs-de-lys in cross Or. (D:
Virginia le Swann - Sep 02)
Purp, an owl Arg within a bord Arg semy of mice tergiant Purp. (D:
Gwdiauwen ferch Gwdolwyn - May 85)
Purp, an owl betw 3 open books Arg. (D: Elwynne Liers - Mar 07)
Purp, an owl perched atop a chain fesswise couped & in chf 3 roses
slipped & leaved Arg. (D: Giovanni Bartolomeo da Corleone
- Mar 02)
Purp, five daisies in bend sin Or betw a decrescent & an owl Arg.
(D: Katya Aleksievna Polunochnika - Oct 91)
Purp, in pale a strung bow fesswise, embowed to chf, & a cockatoo
close Arg, armed, membered & crested, all within an orle
wavy, Or. (D: Cassandra Scandicci di Santa Serena Jun 87)
Purp, semy of swords Or, a snowy owl Arg. (D: Regina Romsey Dec 87)
Purp, semy-de-lys, a chev & in base a swan naiant Arg. (D: Sorcha
of Sherwood - Oct 85)
Quarterly Az & Vt, a peacock close reguardant bearing in its claws
a fish embowed within a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Shallow
Waters - Aug 85)
Quarterly Az & Vt, an owl, a bord Arg. (D: Brighid Bansealgaire
ni Muirenn - Aug 98)
Quarterly embat Az & Arg, in dexter chf 3 half-moon knives one &
2 proper, in sin base a crane in its vigilance Arg. (D: Michael
le Crane - Jun 04)
Quarterly Gu & Purp, a dove reguardant Arg, on a chf Or a lute
reversed Sa. (D: Sarah Rebekah the Gentle of Southbrent Apr 92)
Quarterly Gu & Vt, perched atop a crescent Or a falcon, hooded &
jessed, Arg. (D: Manfried Odo von Falkenmond - Dec 84)
Quarterly Or & Vt, a duck statant within a Bowen knot in cross
Arg. (D: Jania of Call Duck Manor - Dec 87)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a raven betw 3 roses Arg. (D: Raven
Silverthorne - Sep 97)
Sa, a bend sin wavy Az fimbriated betw a falcon & a tower Arg. (D:
Matthias von Rheinfels - Dec 84)
Sa, a crane in its vigilance Arg betw in fess 2 mullets Or. (D:
Michael Summerisle - Dec 82)
Sa, a falcon Arg betw 3 dandelions slipped & leaved Or, on a chf
Arg 3 urchins contourny Gu. (D: Aurildis Peregrina Mar 93)
Sa, a heron close Arg, a chf ermine. (D: Herrir Freyugyja
gvaldsdttir - Apr 00)
Sa, a peacock, tail spread, maintaining in its beak a lotus with seed
pod Arg, slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Morgaina Sarai la Fonce
- Apr 07)
Sa, a peregrine close, perched atop & sustaining a battle axe
fesswise blade to base, within a laurel wreath Arg. (D:
Peregrine - Nov 97)
Sa, a raven & on a chf embat Arg 3 arrows fesswise reversed Gu.
(D: John of Caer Gelynniog - Aug 07)
Sa, a raven close & on a bord Arg, six roses, barbed & seeded,
proper. (D: Branwyn Whiteraven - Apr 87)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 273

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Argent] to [Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Fur]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Argent (continued)

Sa, a raven close standing upon a skull affronty Arg & bearing in its
beak an annulet Or, all within a bord Or, goutt de sang. (D:
Erc Cathain - Nov 84)
Sa, a swan naiant Arg & a bord fleury Or. (D: Anne Aliz de Ble May 98)
Sa, a swan naiant Arg within a bord Arg semy-de-lys Purp. (D:
Emma Fitzwilliam - Feb 03)
Sa, a swan naiant reguardant Arg, gorged of a coronet, betw 2
flaunches & in chf a crescent Or. (D: Andreah al Shad-u-Km
- Feb 84)
Sa, an owl & on a chf Arg a sheaf of 3 arrows fesswise reversed Sa.
(D: Angharad of Ealdnorwuda - Apr 07)
Sa, an owl Arg. (D: James MacChluarain - Jan 73?)
Sa chap barry wavy Arg & Az, a crane statant maintaining a key
atop a mount Arg. (D: Eleanora Stewart - Apr 06)
Sa estencele Or, a crane in its vigilance Arg betw 3 roses Or. (D:
Maren Krling af Jrgensted - May 94)
Sa, in pale a swan naiant & a rose Arg. (D: Christiana ORuarke Jan 02)
Sa mullety Or, an owl within a decrescent Arg. (D: Isabeau
Adriana Hauberk - Nov 94)
Sa, on a bend betw a pegasus ramp & an owl close guardant Arg, 3
thistles palewise Vt. (D: Gregory Bruce of Annandale Dec 82)
Sa, on a bend sin Arg, betw an Irish harp Or & an owl statant
gardant Arg, beaked orbed, & armed Or, 3 dragonlets
counterpassant Gu. (D: Sarah Telyn - Aug 79)
Vt, a cross flory Or overall a swan naiant Arg, a bord engrailed Or.
(D: Odette de la Foi - Aug 95)
Vt, a falcon Arg within a bord Arg semy of triquetras Vt. (D: Elena
verch Gwalchmai - Aug 03)
Vt, a goose holding in its beak an open scroll Arg, within a laurel
wreath, in chf an annulet Or. (D: Saint Cecilia - Sep 92)
Vt, a pair of wings conjoined Or & in chf a swan naiant Arg. (D:
Mela de Prion - Nov 86)
Vt, a pale checky Gu & Arg betw a natural leopard ramp to sin & a
crane in its vigilance Arg. (B: Chen Yung Ho - Jan 98)
Vt, a rooster Arg within an annulet Or. (D: Brandr of Atenveldt Nov 07)
Vt, a salt ermine surmounted by a hawk Arg, a bord ermine. (D:
Madeline of Hawkscrest - Mar 93)
Vt, a swan naiant & on a chf Arg, an open book betw 2 quills
palewise Sa. (D: Trystan Latimer of Swanswood - Aug 85)
Vt, a swan naiant Arg & on a chf Or, a Latin cross couped Sa,
enflamed Gu, betw 2 harps Sa. (D: Juliana Fairfax - Nov 86)
Vt, a swan naiant, in chf 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Rachel Lamorran
- Apr 00)
Vt, a swan naiant proper within a bord plumetty Arg & Sa. (D:
Victoria of Swansea - Jun 90)
Vt, an ibis passant Arg, in base a sword fesswise Or. (D: Richard
des Tenebres - Oct 76?)
Vt, an owl & a chf indented Arg. (D: Eleanor Lyttellhayles Sep 87)
Vt, an owl & on a chf Arg 3 decrescents Sa. (D: Kra Ortwins
tohter - Jan 02)
Vt, an owl Arg, on a chf embat Or 2 feathers fesswise inv crossed at
the tips Gu. (D: Kateryna Ty Isaf - Jul 00)
Vt, an owl close guardant betw in chf a crescent & in fess 2 more
Arg. (D: Mariora Bullen - Jun 98)
Vt, an owl reguardant Arg maintaining in its dexter talon a rolled
scroll Or, all within a bord gyronny Az & Arg. (D: Margaret
Richemont - Nov 94)
Vt estencely, a simurgh close & a chf nebuly Arg. (D: Pipa
Sparkes - May 06)
Vt, on a chev inv Arg 3 hawks bells Sa & in chf a hawk Arg. (D:
Gawin Hawkseye - Nov 02)
Vt, 2 bars gemel betw a hen Arg & a garb Or. (D: Naomi Sharpe of
Four Mile Farm - Jan 85)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Azure

See also: Monster - Phoenix

(Fieldless) A bird perched on & sustaining an ax fesswise reversed
Az. (B: James de Hagethorn - Aug 07) (JB: Kori Redjohan)
(Fieldless) A merlin Az. (B: Merlyn Elzebeth von Preela Aug 07)
274 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Azure (continued)

(Tinctureless) A pelican in its piety. (Regalia: Society for Creative

Anachronism - Oct 98) (For the Order of the Pelican)
(Tinctureless) A pelican vulning itself. (Regalia: Society for
Creative Anachronism - Oct 98) (For the Order of the
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, surmounted
by an ibis close. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Ibis - May 86)
Arg, a cock statant Az within a bord Gu charged with 3 fountains.
(D: Finola OClery - Feb 89)
Arg, a dove & in chf 2 Stars of David, all within a bord Az. (D:
Elisheva bas Yehudah ha Cohen - May 93)
Arg, a falcon Az, hooded, jessed & belled Gu, within an orle of
holly leaves Vt, fructed Gu. (D: Holleigh Falcon - Sep 91)
Arg, a fess Az fretty Arg betw a raven close Az & a weavers
shuttle fesswise proper, threaded Gu. (D: Ulrich der Blaurabe
- Aug 84)
Arg, a hawk belled Az within a bord embat Sa. (B: Kyriell
Hawkmoon - Feb 05)
Arg, a martlet & a chf Az. (D: Mrwynn of Croft - Jan 07)
Arg, a raven close & in chf 3 roses Az. (D: Catherine of
Brackenborough - Aug 86)
Arg, a scarpe Purp betw a swan naiant & a sun in splendor Az, all
within a bord embat Purp. (D: Giovanni Clarenza - Aug 81)
Arg, a swan naiant Az within a bord Sa. (D: Eliska Polacek May 88)
Arg, a turkeycock statant & on a chf Az, 2 quill pens crossed in salt
Or. (D: David Waxthorn - Sep 90)
Arg, an ostrich & on a chf Az, a feather fesswise Arg. (D: William
Crome - Sep 02)
Arg, an owl maintaining in its dexter talon a book & in sin chf an
increscent Az. (D: Elizabeth FitzRandolph - Jan 07)
Arg crusilly flory Gu, a heron Az maintaining in its beak a fish Gu.
(D: Miguel Flores - Mar 04)
Arg, five bars Sa, a martlet volant & an orle of martlets Az. (D:
Elizabeth Stafford Parr Pembroke - Apr 92)
Arg, 3 bendlets sin wavy Vt betw a martlet Az & an open book Or
leathered Az. (D: Anne de Villanova - Aug 77?)
Ermine, a crane in its vigilance Az. (D: Grimbold of Settmour Aug 88)
Or, a heron in its vigilance Az within a laurel wreath Vt. (D:
Heronter - Aug 92)
Or, a heron in its vigilance within a bord Az. (B: Heronter Mar 94)
Or, a peacock pavonated to base & a gore Az. (D: Isabella
Caterina de Avila - Apr 94)
Or chape Gu, a raven Az. (D: Reginleif Ragnarsdottir - Jan 00)
Per bend Az & Or, a lizard tergiant bendwise & a crow ctrch. (D:
Mairi Johnston - Oct 07)
Per bend Or & Az, a bend Arg betw a popinjay & a knorr ctrch. (D:
vangr Ragnarsson - Apr 05)
Per bend sin nebuly Purp & Or, an ounce ramp contourny ermine &
a heron Az. (D: Miyamoto Jirou Tadayoshi - Mar 08)
Per chev throughout Az & Or, a cock Az in chf 2 fleeces Or. (D:
Nicholas Bawcock of Petersfield - Oct 97)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Fur

See also: Monster - Phoenix

(Tinctureless) A pelican in its piety. (Regalia: Society for Creative
Anachronism - Oct 98) (For the Order of the Pelican)
(Tinctureless) A pelican vulning itself. (Regalia: Society for
Creative Anachronism - Oct 98) (For the Order of the
(Fieldless) An owl ermine. (B: Robin of Gilwell - Oct 07)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, surmounted
by an ibis close. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Ibis - May 86)
Az, a falcon ermine belled & jessed Or. (D: Eliane Duran Feb 06)
Az, a swan statant close regardant ermine within a bord Arg. (B:
East, the - Jan 85) (For Certified Calligraphers)
Az, a swan statant close regardant ermine within a bord Or. (B:
East, the - Jan 85) (For Certified Illuminators)
* * * End * * *

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Gules] to [Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Or]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Gules

See also: Monster - Phoenix

(Fieldless) A bull statant to sin Arg, spotted Sa, statant to sin upon
its back a cock Gu. (B: Aileen Bardon - May 90) (For the
House of the Mad Woman)
(Fieldless) A hooded falcon belled & jessed Gu perched atop &
supported by a gloved fist fesswise Sa. (B: Artus Falconieri Feb 04)
(Tinctureless) A pelican in its piety. (Regalia: Society for Creative
Anachronism - Oct 98) (For the Order of the Pelican)
(Tinctureless) A pelican vulning itself. (Regalia: Society for
Creative Anachronism - Oct 98) (For the Order of the
(Fieldless) A swan close Gu. (B: Cragmere - Nov 04)
(Fieldless) On a dunghill cock Gu a cross bottony Or. (B: Barbara
Sterling - Aug 01)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, surmounted
by an ibis close. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Ibis - May 86)
Arg, a bend counter-ermine betw a domestic cat sejant guardant & a
falcon close Gu. (D: Arielle n Sheanin - Jul 97)
Arg, a Bharat peacock passant Gu. (B: Hastini Chandra - Aug 83)
(For Sikhijvala Gehe Candrasya)
Arg, a cock Gu & on a chf Sa 3 dolmens Arg. (D: Francois
Thibault - Aug 95)
Arg, a falcon close Gu. (B: Karena del Falco - Feb 88)
Arg, a falcon Gu perched atop a mountain Az all within a bord Sa.
(D: Wolfram der Trwe - Sep 03)
Arg, a flamingo close & on a chf Gu, 3 lilies Arg. (B: Arelinda
Poincelin - Jul 06) (For Auguste Herbert)
Arg, a pink flamingo proper within a bord dovetailed Sa. (D:
Johannes Rodenwerper - Apr 06)
Arg, a raven Gu, on a chf Az 2 crescents Arg. (D: Morag Ruadh Jun 91)
Arg, a swan naiant & a chf rayonny Gu. (D: Niall or Wlad Bell Aug 84)
Arg, an owl Gu betw flaunches Sa each flaunch charged with 3
estoiles in pale Arg. (D: Randaln in kyrra - May 06)
Arg, in pale a heron statant close atop a bridge of 3 spans Gu all
within a laurel wreath, in canton an oak tree eradicated Vt. (D:
Fennbrycg - Sep 07)
Arg, on a dunghill cock Gu a cross bottony Or a bord Az mullety
Or. (D: Barbara Sterling - Dec 96)
Arg, sem of batons sin Vt, a loon Gu. (B: Fennbrycg - Feb 82)
Arg semy of musical notes Sa, a chev Az & in base a bird Gu. (D:
Ealusaid inghean Ghille Bhrighde - May 04)
Arg semy of sewing needles threaded Vt, a martlet Gu, a bord Sa.
(D: Anna Mailander - Sep 95)
Barry of 4 Vt & Arg, a dunghill cock & a bord Gu. (D: Michael
Batcok - Oct 93)
Checky Sa & Arg, a duck & a bord Gu. (D: Rainald Slater Mar 04)
Ermine, a bend sin Sa surmounted by a swan naiant Gu. (D:
Merewenna of Southmarch - Sep 86)
Or, a cock passant proper within a bord Az. (D: William of Gallo Sep 73?)
Or, a pale Gu, ermined Or, betw a sword Sa & a dove close Gu. (D:
Ian of Lanarkshire - Apr 83)
Or, a pink flamingo grasping in its dexter claw a sprig of holly
proper within a bord Gu fretty Or. (B: Grazia Geralda Loviza
de Navarra - Jan 91)
Or, a raven within a bord Gu. (D: orsteinn Yngvarsson - Jul 04)
Or, an owl Gu. (D: Flann Ua Cuill - May 03)
Or, an owl maintaining a needle Gu & on a chf Sa 3 holly leaves Or.
(D: Ingerith of Egilsey - Dec 90)
Or, an owl perched atop a mount Gu charged with a broadarrow Or.
(D: Peter the Red - May 93)
Or fretty Vt, a cock & a base rayonny Gu. (D: Brian di Caffa Jul 94)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a hawk trussing a duck Gu & in bend 3 roses
Or seeded Vt. (D: Helen Hawksworth - Aug 01)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a bend betw a falcon statant close Gu & 2
swans naiant to sin Or. (D: Karena del Falco - Feb 88)
Per bend embat Or & Vt, a martlet Gu. (D: Andrew of Doune
Castle - Apr 00)
Per bend sin Az & Or, in dexter chf 3 scarpes wavy Arg, overall a
gyrfalcon erect Gu maintaining in its dexter talon a sprig of
mistletoe proper.. (D: Richard ap Morgan - Jun 80)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Gules (continued)

Per chev Arg goutty de sang & Vt, in chf a cock Gu & a trimount
Arg. (B: Rhieinwen Cyfarwydd ferch Angharad - Nov 00)
(For Ty Craig-y-Ceiliog)
Quarterly Or & Sa, an owl Gu betw 4 crosses clechy ctrch. (D:
Dietrich Lorenz Uhl - Jan 04)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Multicolor

See also: Monster - Phoenix

(Fieldless) A falcon close per pale Arg & Az. (B: Falcons Keep Oct 98)
(Tinctureless) A pelican in its piety. (Regalia: Society for Creative
Anachronism - Oct 98) (For the Order of the Pelican)
(Tinctureless) A pelican vulning itself. (Regalia: Society for
Creative Anachronism - Oct 98) (For the Order of the
(Fieldless) A robin proper. (B: Robin of Thornwood - Dec 06)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, surmounted
by an ibis close. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Ibis - May 86)
Arg, an owl within a bord lozengy Or & Sa. (D: Camilla Dianti May 92) (The owl is, indeed, lozengy.)
Arg, betw 3 hawthorn trees eradicated flowered a robin proper, a
bord Vt. (D: Robin of Thornwood - Dec 06)
Arg, in pale a peacock, tail spread, proper perched on a linden
branch fesswise Vt. (D: Sieglinde von Krause - Apr 07)
Erminois, a peacock proper within a bord wavy Az. (D: Eleanor de
la Mare - Apr 07)
Per bend Arg & Az, a swan naiant ctrch & on a chf Az 3 roses Arg.
(D: Alisandre Isabeau de la Chapelle - Dec 90)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a raven close ctrch betw 4 roundels 2 & 2
ctrch Az & Arg. (D: Fekete Holl Nomi - Sep 95)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a swan naiant betw 3 roundels ctrch. (D:
Caterine de Cign - Jul 01)
Per bend sin Vt & Arg, a swan naiant ctrch, on a chf Arg a feather
Vt. (D: Mathildis Death - May 04)
Per bend Vt & Arg, an eagle owl ctrch. (D: Pietari Pentinpoika Uv
- Jun 91)
Per chev Or & Purp, a goose statant reguardant ctrch betw in chf 2
mullets of seven points Purp. (D: Coemgen of Michelwald Oct 93)
Per fess wavy Az & Arg, a swan naiant ctrch. (D: Caitlin of
Naevehjem - Jan 94)
Per pale Arg & Az, a rooster ctrch. (D: Reginald le Despensier Jan 01)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a raven close ctrch. (D: Mathilda die
Knochenrichterin - Mar 97)
Per pale Az & Arg, a swan naiant ctrch. (D: Ginevra Isabetta del
Dolce - Nov 06)
Per pale Az & Or, a crane in his vigilance ctrch collared & chained
Gu. (B: Edmund de la Haye - Aug 96)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a swan naiant within an orle ctrch. (D: Armilda
Astyages of Lydia - Aug 85)
Per pale Or & Gu, a swan naiant ctrch. (D: Cassandra of Padua Oct 07)
Per pale Purp & Arg, a swan naiant ctrch. (D: Anastasiia Vierga
Ivanova - Jan 07)
Quarterly Or & Sa, a raven ctrch & in sin chf an increscent Arg. (D:
Beatrix Powson of Ravenstonedale - May 05)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Or

See also: Monster - Phoenix

(Fieldless) A crane Or, fettered, throated & crested, upon its
shoulder a lozenge Sa. (B: Black Diamond - Dec 91) (For
Order of the Fettered Crane)
(Fieldless) A linnet Or perched atop & sustained by a sprig
bendwise Vt flowered of a garden rose Gu & another Arg. (B:
Linnet of Liddington - Jun 05)
(Tinctureless) A pelican in its piety. (Regalia: Society for Creative
Anachronism - Oct 98) (For the Order of the Pelican)
(Tinctureless) A pelican vulning itself. (Regalia: Society for
Creative Anachronism - Oct 98) (For the Order of the
(Fieldless) An owl Or. (B: Adelicia Tagliaferro - Sep 94)
(Fieldless) In pale a peacock close perched atop a hawks bell Or.
(B: Kedivor Tal ap Cadugon - Jul 00)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 275

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Or]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Or (continued)

(Fieldless) On a swan naiant Or breathing flames, a rose proper. (B:

Catherine Marie Elisabeth dEvreux - Mar 92)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, surmounted
by an ibis close. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Ibis - May 86)
Az, a bend Gu fimbriated betw a swan naiant & a rose Or. (D:
Alessandra Gabrielli - May 98)
Az, a bend sin Arg betw a martlet & a lyre Or. (D: Francesca
Serena Talenti - Jun 05)
Az, a bend sin betw a cat sejant guardant & a dove close Or. (D:
Blair Dubois - Aug 83)
Az, a bend sin engrailed Arg betw a lion ramp to sin Or,
maintaining in dexter arm a heater & in sin arm a sword Arg,
& a falcon close Or, belled Arg. (D: Leo David Falcon Jun 82)
Az, a cock Or & a bord Arg semy of roundels Az. (D: Alienor la
Cuisiniere - Sep 06)
Az, a duck naiant betw 3 roundels Or. (D: Gwineth McClelan Jun 03)
Az, a duck naiant Or & on a chf nebuly Arg, 3 annulets Az. (D:
Eowen Annasdottir - Feb 92)
Az, a falcon belled & jessed & on a chf indented Or 3 drakkars Az.
(D: Orn skelsson - Mar 02)
Az, a falcon close Or a base embat Arg. (D: Marguerite Dinard Mar 97)
Az, a falcon jessed & belled, on a chf embat Or, 3 horseshoes inv
Az. (D: Fredericka Jean Grey of Brackenridge - Mar 94)
Az, a hawk close & on a chf Or 2 roses Gu, barbed & seeded
proper. (D: Elizabeth nic Dhiarmid - Nov 83)
Az, a hawk Or betw 3 gauntlets Arg. (D: Bastian Eisengart May 02)
Az, a heron close & on a chf embat Or a rapier Sa. (D: Edward
Heron the Quiet - Mar 06)
Az, a heron within a bord Or. (D: lfgar the Pure - Apr 92)
Az, a simurgh close Or. (D: Tavia of Persia - Sep 03)
Az, a swan naiant & in chf 3 mullets Or. (D: Kirstan von
Knigsburg - Mar 88)
Az, a warhammer bendwise sin Arg, in base a duck naiant Or, all
within a bord Arg. (B: Vitasha Ivanova doch - Mar 97)
Az, an owl & on a base Or an artists brush reversed Az. (B:
Katalena of Owlsherst - Feb 07)
Az, an owl Or perched on a rock Arg. (D: Piers Howells de
Cambria - Sep 73?)
Az, an owl within a bord embat Or. (D: Geoffrey of Kirkwood Dec 90)
Az, 2 decrescents & a heron Or. (D: Phob Kornthia - Feb 03)
Checky Az & Arg, an owl Or & on a chf Az a plate betw 2 mullets
Arg. (D: Katherine Margaret von Schnberg - Sep 92)
Counterermine, a cock Or, a bord embat Arg. (D: Ulfgar the
Unspeakable - Nov 91)
Counter-ermine, a raven Or, on a chf Arg, a hammer fesswise Gu.
(D: Harailt MacDonald - May 89)
Ermine, a bend sin Gu surmounted by a dove martletted Or. (D:
Cedric the Bold - Jan 82)
Gu, a Celtic hawk statant close reguardant Or. (D: Sabia Gunnhild
Hunang - Apr 82)
Gu, a falcon Or hooded & jessed Sa, on a chf Or a bar of 3 fusils
Gu. (D: Elspeth of Wyre Forest - Oct 93)
Gu, a pall Arg betw a martlet & 2 mullets Or. (D: Thomas
MacPaul the Younger - Sep 00)
Gu, a peacock Or, the tail marked Gu, collared & tethered Arg in
sin chf to a mullet within the horns of an increscent Or. (D:
Sleyman Khaym - Apr 07)
Gu, a swan naiant & in chf 3 feathers bendwise sin Or. (D:
Elizabeth de Nevell - Sep 02)
Gu, an owl atop a leaf-bladed spear fesswise & on a chf indented
Or, 3 flames voided Gu. (D: Cdmon Mac Ahern - Jun 94)
Gu, an owl Or. (B: Adelicia Tagliaferro - Oct 83)
Gu ermined Arg, a duck naiant Or. (B: Falan Bitor - May 88)
Gu, in pale an owl contourny & a vol Or. (D: Catheryn Shadwell Aug 02)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, an owl Or within a looped leather belt, buckled
& knotted proper. (D: Alexander the Desert Dweller Jan 92)
Lozengy Vt & Arg, a crane in its vigilance & on a chf Or 3
escallops Sa. (D: Gaerwen of Trafford - Apr 97)

276 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Or (continued)

Per bend Gu & Or, a bird & a longship oars shipped ctrch. (D:
Gaukr mjoksiglandi - Dec 04)
Per bend Or & Sa, on a bend Gu betw a natural panther dormant Sa
& a peacock close 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Katerine Morgane
de Montrevel - Apr 06)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a bend sin betw a kestrel Or & a rose
proper. (D: Gwyn ap Gwyn - Aug 01)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a crescent Arg & a duck naiant Or. (D:
Zafirah al-Aliyyah - Jan 08)
Per bend sin wavy Az & Vt, a scarpe wavy betw an Egyptian hawk
close & a windmill Or. (B: Katherine Tapester - Jun 83)
Per chev Gu & Az, a hawk Or within a laurel wreath Arg. (D:
Hawkland Moor - Sep 95)
Per chev Or & Az, a cock Or & a chf dovetailed Az. (D:
Fionghuine Mac Coinnich - Apr 05)
Per chev Or & Gu, 2 quills of yarn & a falcon belled & jessed ctrch.
(D: Katherine Isobel Reed - Jun 94)
Per chev ploy Arg & Vt, an ivy leaf bendwise, another bendwise
sin Vt, & an owl Or. (D: Katherine Rose Oliver - Nov 99)
Per chev Vt & Az, 2 Latin crosses & a crane in its vigilance Or. (D:
Ognyen Fenlander - Jan 96)
Per fess Az & Gu, 3 increscents & a martlet Or. (D: Marie de
Lancey - Nov 01)
Per fess Gu & Az, a catamount passant & a kestrel maintaining a
garb Or. (D: Gunnvr silfrahrr - Dec 01)
Per fess indented Arg & Sa, 3 bees one & 2 Sa & a duck Or. (D:
Svana ormstunga Vermundardottir - Nov 03)
Per fess Sa & Gu, an owl betw 3 lotus blossoms in profile Or. (D:
lfwyn Wodende - Oct 95)
Per fess Vt & Az, a heron in its vigilance within a bord rayonny Or.
(B: Ognyen Fenlander - Sep 93)
Per pale Az & Sa, a swan naiant reguardant, gorged of a coronet
embat, on a chf Or 3 hazelnuts Vt. (D: Jana von
Drachenklaue - Dec 93)
Per pale Az & Vt, a swan naiant within an orle Or. (D: Falenn Bn
- Dec 03)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a cock crowing Or, on a chf Arg 3 goblets Or
fimbriated Sa. (D: Josette de Chantecler - Jun 76?)
Per pale Or & Vt, a cat sejant to sin Sa & a peregrine falcon close
Or, a chf engrailed ctrch. (D: Suzanne Rene Barineau Dec 85)
Per pale Sa & Gu, an owl betw 3 open books Or. (D: Heinrich der
Gelehrte - Aug 92)
Per salt Purp & Vt, a simurgh close betw 3 furisons Or. (D: Dmitri
Alexandrovich Liadov - Jul 96)
Per salt Vt & Or, in pale a swan naiant & an Arabian lamp enflamed
Or. (D: Rowena Lindsey - Mar 91)
Purp, a crow & on a chf raguly Or 3 gouttes de larmes. (D: Hobbe
Yonge - Nov 06)
Purp, a nightingale close within a bord dovetailed Or. (D: Cecelia
of Sternfeld - Apr 87)
Purp, a peacock close reguardant, a bord Or semy-de-lys Gu. (D:
Lillian Clare de Chateauroux - Mar 94)
Purp, a penguin close Or. (B: Christopher Amber - Aug 89)
Purp, a swan naiant Or. (B: Calontir - Oct 87)
Purp, an armoured arm palewise embowed maintaining a peregrine
falcon Or & in chf 2 broadarrows Arg, all within a bord embat
Or. (D: Catherine of Hammerstone Manor - Mar 90)
Purp, an owl Or within a bord ermine. (D: Ninian of Warwick Sep 05)
Purp, on a bend sin betw a harp & an ostrich close Or, a decrescent
palewise Purp. (D: Vladislav the Purple - Oct 83)
Quarterly Arg & Vt, a crane in its vigilance Or. (D: Dasha
Miloslava Broussard - Jan 96)
Quarterly Az & ermine, a hen close Or. (D: Sabine de Provence Jul 01)
Quarterly Az & Vt, a cross Gu fimbriated & in canton a falcon Or.
(D: Richard Falconer - Jun 02)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, a tower & in chf a martlet Or, a bord ctrch. (D:
Cathal Mac Art - Jul 86)
Sa, a cock passant regardant & on a chf Or an annulet betw 2
Russian Orthodox crosses Sa. (D: Vanya Popovitch Mar 84)
Sa, a crane in its vigilance atop a trimount Or. (D: Juhana
Maununpoika Kivisuo - May 96)

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Or] to [Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Sable]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Or (continued)

Sa, a falcon & on a chf Or 3 pheons inv Sa. (D: William Gunn Oct 02)
Sa, a peregrine falcon close belled & jessed or, orbed Gu,
maintaining in dexter foot a fountain. (D: Anne Gaverel
dAvesor - Aug 79)
Sa, a raven speaking Or, beaked & membered Arg. (D: John of
Ravenwolf - Jan 73?)
Sa, in bend a raven speaking Or, beaked & membered Arg, & a
wolfs head erased Or, armed Arg, orbed Sa. (B: Richard of
Ravenwolf - Jan 73?)
Sa mullety Arg, a swan naiant Or. (D: Estrella de La Trinit Mar 93)
Sa, 3 chevronels braced & in chf an eagle close Or. (D: Cahir na
Coille Mire - May 96)
Vt, a bend bevilled Arg betw a swan naiant & a quatrefoil knot Or.
(D: Katherine Alicia of Salisbury - Aug 95)
Vt, a bend sin Arg betw a hawk close & a lightning flash bendwise
sin Or. (D: Tav-Alandil - May 07)
Vt, a bend sin cotised & in dexter chf a duck naiant Or. (D: Greid
of the Wastes - Apr 81)
Vt, a duck naiant within a bord Or. (B: Greid of the Wastes Jul 81)
Vt, a dunghill cock atop a mount Or. (D: Vigge Jonsson - Jun 03)
Vt, a goshawk close sustained by the fist of a gloved hand couped
fesswise reversed, a bord embat Or. (D: Ciaran mac Meara Jan 00)
Vt, a hawk close & on a chf Or 3 hands appaumy Vt. (D: Sgn ua
Flaithfhiled - Feb 99)
Vt, a peacock Or within a bord pean. (D: Ariella Idarius - Apr 07)
Vt, a vulture close & a chf Or. (D: Ruth of the Debatable Lands Dec 88)
Vt, an owl contourny & on a chf embat Or a standing balance Az.
(D: Alexander Johann Stilz - Jan 03)
Vt, in pale a pickaxe & a double-bitted axe in salt & a crane in its
vigilance Or. (D: Roland Ironbeard - Jan 93)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Proper

See also: Monster - Phoenix

(Tinctureless) A pelican in its piety. (Regalia: Society for Creative
Anachronism - Oct 98) (For the Order of the Pelican)
(Tinctureless) A pelican vulning itself. (Regalia: Society for
Creative Anachronism - Oct 98) (For the Order of the
(Fieldless) A popinjay proper. (B: Catherine Townson - Feb 06)
(Fieldless) A screech owl proper. (B: Annette of Faire Monte Sep 73)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, surmounted
by an ibis close. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Ibis - May 86)
Arg, a brown wren close proper, a bord Az. (D: Gareth of
Lochmere - Mar 97)
Arg, a crane standing on one foot betw in fess 2 roses proper & in
chf a fess fusilly Gu. (D: Isengrim dAnvers - Oct 90)
Arg, a European Eagle Owl proper, perched on a thorn branch
within an orle Vt. (D: Owen atte Thorn - Mar 88)
Arg, a peacock pavonated to base proper maintaining a needle point
in chf Sa, threaded Gu, & on a bord Az 3 thimbles Arg. (D:
Meagan Windemere of Oakwood - Sep 85)
Arg, a red-tailed hawk close proper betw 2 flaunches Arg fretty Az..
(B: Arian Rowan of Featherfin - Jun 91) (For Khadaan
Arg, an American flamingo statant gardant, dexter leg raised, betw
3 palm trees couped proper. (D: Lorion Astar - Jul 80)
Checky Vt & Arg, a pink flamingo close proper. (D: Eleanor
Taylor - Sep 98)
Ermine, 2 shears in chev enhanced Gu & a long-billed marsh wren
passant proper. (D: Gisela die Gelinde - Apr 84)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a yellow-billed loon naiant proper. (B:
Wilowen of Stuarts - Feb 90)
Gyronny of six from dexter chf Arg & Gu, a puffin close proper.
(D: Alyson Ariana Allyn ferch Rhys - May 86)
Or, a Great Horned Owl proper perched atop a Catherine wheel &
on a chf Az 3 open books Arg. (D: Colin of Rollingford Feb 84)
Or, a quetzal proper perched on a pomegranate slipped & leaved
Gu. (D: Anastasia de Granada - Dec 71?)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Proper (continued)

Or, a robin proper & on a chf Gu 3 apples slipped & leaved Or. (D:
Elna Krsdttir - Mar 07)
Per bend Az & Arg, in bend enhanced a mullet of 4 points Or & a
jasmine flower, both palewise, & in base a nightingale close
perched upon a flowering cherry branch fesswise, all proper.
(D: Mairi-Kathleen nic Lauren - Mar 80)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, in dexter chf a skylark close perched upon a
wheat stem fesswise arched issuing from the line of division
proper, & in sin 4 piles throughout conjoined in point Or. (D:
Lisette de la Sonsierr - May 85)
Per bend sin Arg & Az mullety Or, a bend sin Gu charged in sin chf
with a sun Or, in dexter chf a Great Horned Owl proper. (D:
Erik of Nant-y-Derwyddon - Sep 84)
Per chev barry wavy Arg & Az, & Or, in base a puffin close proper.
(B: Harvey the Blind - Jan 86)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 snowflakes Arg & an eagle owl proper. (D:
Sarah Kilpatrick - Jul 93)
Per fess Az & Vt, a fess dancetty to chf Arg, in chf a melanistic
gyrfalcon proper & in base a stag statant at gaze ermine, attired
& unguled Or. (B: Nonna Treheyl of Kernow - Mar 78?)
(For House of Revian)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a puffin proper statant close betw 3 dragonflies
ctrch. (D: Meadhbh Eileanach - Aug 98)
Per salt Or & Purp, in chf a thistle proper, in base an English robin
close proper grasping in its claws a trumpet Sa. (D: Allysen of
Dunrobin - Oct 76?)
Vt, a daisy slipped & leaved, a spray of buttercups slipped &
leaved, a singing meadowlark close all proper, overall a chev
Or charged with 3 strawberry plants flowered & fructed
proper. (D: Megitha of the Green Meadows - Aug 79)
Vt, a magpie proper maintaining in its dexter talon a feather Arg.
(D: Eleanor of Pica - May 07)
Vt, a pale cotised Arg, overall a wren close proper. (D: Pavel
Iosefovich - Aug 84)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Purpure

See also: Monster - Phoenix

(Tinctureless) A pelican in its piety. (Regalia: Society for Creative
Anachronism - Oct 98) (For the Order of the Pelican)
(Tinctureless) A pelican vulning itself. (Regalia: Society for
Creative Anachronism - Oct 98) (For the Order of the
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, surmounted
by an ibis close. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Ibis - May 86)
Arg, a martlet within an orle Purp. (D: Sabine de Rouen - Jan 99)
Arg, a raven Purp, on a chf Vt, 3 decrescents Arg. (D: Carinne
OBranagin - May 92)
Checky Arg & Sa, a dunghill cock Purp maintaining a crampon Or.
(D: Andris Lwenstein - Nov 04)
Or, a crane in its vigilance a bord Purp. (B: Calontir - Oct 96)
Or, an owl close guardant Purp maintaining an arrow palewise Vt,
on a chf indented Purp 3 crosses of St. Julian Or. (D: Julian
Beaufort - Mar 99)
Or, mulletty of six points Az, an owl Purp. (D: Alana of Carillion Nov 89)
Per bend Purp & Arg, a crutch & a duck naiant ctrch. (B: Gerberga
of Ardennes - Feb 02)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, an eagle close Purp & a wildcat couchant to
sin Arg. (D: Sigmund Theodoric von Halberstadt - Dec 98)
Plumetty Arg & Vt, a popinjay Purp. (D: Damian Papyngeye Apr 96)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Sable

See also: Monster - Phoenix

(Fieldless) A cock Sa, headed & queued Gu. (B: Sancha de Flores
- Aug 03)
(Fieldless) A hawk perched on a bar raguly couped, the hawk
maintaining in the dexter claw a mug, Sa. (B: Alarice
Blackhawk - Aug 94)
(Fieldless) A magpie close Sa marked Arg within & conjoined to
an annulet Arg. (B: Urraca Cantbrica - Jan 97)
(Fieldless) A peacock close perched upon a mascle fesswise Sa. (B:
Dorren of Ashwell - Aug 88)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 277

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Sable]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Sable (continued)

(Tinctureless) A pelican in its piety. (Regalia: Society for Creative

Anachronism - Oct 98) (For the Order of the Pelican)
(Tinctureless) A pelican vulning itself. (Regalia: Society for
Creative Anachronism - Oct 98) (For the Order of the
(Fieldless) A raven Sa perched atop & supported by an equalarmed Celtic cross Purp. (B: Rhiannon ferch Iorwerth Nov 02) (for Tylwyth y Gigfran Dywyll)
(Fieldless) An annulet Or, overall a corbie Sa. (B: Teague ap
Cynan - Dec 91) (For Bardo Salvatore Corvi)
(Fieldless) In pale a Cornish chough proper perched upon a set of
scales Or. (B: Cadan of Mons Tonitrus - Jul 05)
(Fieldless) In pale a crow perched atop the sin embattlement of a
tower Sa. (B: Anna im Turm - Apr 00)
(Fieldless) In pale a raven Sa perched atop a salt couped Az. (B:
Barbara Wrona - Oct 04)
(Fieldless) In pale a vulture close Sa perched atop a covered
tankard Az charged with a compass star of sixteen points Arg.
(B: Thomas DeGuy Bassard - Sep 07)
(Fieldless) Perched upon a tun affronty a raven reguardant Sa. (B:
Corwin of Darkwater - Aug 95)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, surmounted
by an ibis close. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Ibis - May 86)
Arg, a bend Sa cotised Purp, in chf a raven Sa. (D: Bran MacDavid
of Windhaven - Aug 96)
Arg, a brown wren close proper, a bord Az. (D: Gareth of
Lochmere - Mar 97)
Arg, a cock close within a bord Sa. (D: Susannah Makejoy Apr 00)
Arg, a corbie & in sin canton a cross of Lorraine Sa. (D: Jules de la
Croix - Nov 03)
Arg, a Cornish chough & on a chf embat Sa 3 plates. (D: Jennifer
Keruer - Jan 92)
Arg, a crane in its vigilance Sa a bord Az semy-de-lis Arg. (D:
Blaise de Clairvaux - Sep 97)
Arg, a duck naiant Sa, a bord wavy Gu platy. (D: Yrsa in kyrra
Gubrandsdottir - Nov 01)
Arg, a falcon belled & jessed proper within a bord engrailed Az. (D:
Kateline Hicch - Sep 02)
Arg, a falcon jessed Sa betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Alexander
Logan of Argyll - Oct 02)
Arg, a fess Az betw a raven Sa & a wolf sejant ululant Gu. (D:
Hrafnlfr inn Grenski - Oct 06)
Arg, a pall betw a raven close Sa & 2 lozenges Gu, all within a bord
Sa. (D: Francis Strider Shieldbane - Nov 86)
Arg, a pall Gu goutty deau betw a raven Sa & 2 trilliums Sa barbed
Vt seeded Arg. (D: Ygraine the Herbalist - Apr 96)
Arg, a raven & in chf 2 Celtic crosses Sa all within a bord Az. (D:
Thomas of Ravenglass - Jun 91)
Arg, a raven close, on a chf Sa 3 mullets Or. (D: Alesia de Maris of
Ravenstar - Dec 87)
Arg, a raven close Sa perched upon & supported by a rowan branch
leaved & fructed proper. (B: Caitlin ni Cilean de Bri Oct 02)
Arg, a raven reguardant Sa & on a chf Vt 4 roses Arg, barbed &
seeded proper. (D: Morgana Elisabetta Rosatti - May 89)
Arg, a raven Sa & on a chf indented Purp 3 hazel leaves Arg. (D:
Derbil ingen Chonchobair - Jan 02)
Arg, a raven Sa maintaining in its claws a fetterlock Gu & in chf 2
crosslets potent Sa. (D: Miles Ravenslock dArcy - Feb 87)
Arg, a salt Az voided, overall a chough, wings elevated, proper. (D:
Sean Gealt - Jun 76?)
Arg, a swan naiant betw 4 garden roses in cross Sa. (D: Siobhn n
Chaoimh - Sep 92)
Arg, a swan naiant reguardant within a bord embat Sa. (D: Annora
de Grasse - Jan 08)
Arg, a swan naiant Sa & on a chf embat Az, 3 pink dogwood
blossoms proper. (D: Sinead Lauren Aithne Armagh Nov 84)
Arg, a swan naiant Sa & on a chf wavy Purp 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D:
Anne du Cygne Noir - Jan 05)
Arg, a swan naiant Sa beaked, on a chf Gu 3 suns Or. (D: Deredere
Galbraith - Jul 01)
Arg, a swan naiant Sa within an annulet Az. (D: Elspeth
Buchannane of Loch Lomond - Jan 90)

278 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Sable (continued)

Arg, atop a mount of six peaks (coupeaux) Vt a raven close Sa

maintaining in its beak a scale Gu. (D: Eugene Louis
Montclare - Dec 85)
Arg, gout de larmes, a raven close Sa betw 2 flaunches Az. (D:
Eadlyne Blackmaene the Lacrimose - Aug 81)
Arg, in bend sin a raven close Sa & a demi-tower issuant from
dexter base Az, masoned Arg. (B: Lancelin of Ravens Nest Nov 82)
Arg, in pale 2 quill pens in salt Gu & a bird Sa maintaining in its
beak a sprig of cherries proper. (D: Sadhbh n Dhonnabhain Feb 99)
Arg, on a bend Az, betw a raven close & a goblet Sa, a sword Arg.
(D: Lancelin of Ravens Nest - Nov 82)
Arg, on a bend Vt betw a dragon ramp & a falcon close Sa, 2
mullets Arg. (D: Peregrine Gwalchmei - Jan 85)
Arg, on a chev Az 3 escarbuncles of six points Arg & in chf a
simurgh close Sa. (D: Zaccheo Alamanni - Mar 96)
Arg, on a chev Gu betw 2 reremice & a raven close Sa 3 scourges in
chev handles to sin Arg. (D: Ciar O Byrne - Dec 01)
Arg, on a fess Vt, a needle reversed Arg & in chf a crow Sa. (B:
Anne of Crowhurst - Mar 94)
Arg, on a raven Sa a mullet of six points Or. (D: Grimald Rauening
- Feb 05)
Az, a raven Sa perched atop a trimount Vt & in chf 2 mullets Arg.
(D: Victor Ispan - Mar 07)
Barry Gu & Or, a chicken Sa. (D: Else Hnrvogt - Dec 04)
Bendy sin wavy of ten Gu & Or, a swan naiant Sa. (D: Brianna the
Black Swan - Jun 84)
Checky Or & Arg, a goose within 4 arrows lying as on a mascle Sa.
(B: An Tir - Mar 92) (For Order of the Grey Goose Shaft)
Ermine, a corbie Sa holding in its mouth a ring Or & in chf 3 apples
Gu. (D: Pippin de Corbie - Feb 94)
Ermine, a raven Sa & a chf Gu. (D: Berek Ravencrest - Jul 91)
Ermine, a swan naiant Sa within a bord Purp. (D: Salia Claire Nov 94)
Gu, a raven close proper perched atop & supported by a deaths
head Arg. (B: Aleta Ara of Helsgard, the Cruel - Nov 02)
Gu, a wolf passant reguardant Arg armed Sa, perched on its back a
raven croaking proper. (D: Lizbeth Ravensholm - date?)
Gu, in salt an axe reversed Arg & a sword inv Or, overall a raven
close proper. (D: Manfred Gustsson - Nov 77?)
Gyronny arrondy Arg & Vt, a raven Sa within a bord Sa semy of
roundels Or. (D: Njall Randvesson - Nov 07)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a hawk statant close Sa, hooded & jessed,
within a bord Gu. (D: Aleksandra de Acciptre - Jul 84)
Gyronny Gu & Or, a vulture close Sa. (D: Serlo of Litchfield Dec 85)
Lozengy Gu & Or, a raven within a bord Sa. (D: Arnra hrafn
lfsdttir - Oct 95)
Or, a bend sin Vt, overall a hawk close Sa, beaked & legged Gu.
(D: Gyongyver a Vitezaszszony - Aug 79?)
Or, a cock, dexter leg raised, Sa, in base 3 peascods in pile Vt, on a
chf Sa 3 hawks bells Or. (D: Charles Edmonton - Mar 92)
Or, a cock passant, in chf 3 arrows bendwise Sa. (D: Jochen von
Balduinseck - Jan 85)
Or, a cock Sa within a bord embat Gu. (D: Amalie Warrenne Feb 95)
Or, a corbie close Sa, a bord embat per pale Sa & Gu. (D: Isabella
de Corbie - May 99)
Or, a Cornish chough Sa, beaked & membered Gu, maintaining in
its dexter talon a chalice, within a bord Vt. (D: Leona of
Remington - Mar 89)
Or, a crane in its vigilance Sa, armed, orbed, membered, crested &
throated Or, fimbriated Sa, bearing in its dexter claw a mullet
of five greater & five lesser points Sa. (B: Ansteorra May 80) (For the Sable Crane of Ansteorra)
Or, a falcon silhouette disp Sa, grasping in sin talon 3 carnations
Gu, stemmed Vt, a chf urdy Gu. (D: Neptha of Thebes Feb 03)
Or, a pall betw a raven statant close Sa & 2 torches Gu. (D: Brynna
of Aelfstanbury - Apr 85)
Or, a raven & on a chf embat Sa, 2 quill pens in salt Arg. (D: Jane
of Bright Hills - Jul 90)
Or, a raven & on a chf Sa, 3 finger rings Or gemmed Arg. (D:
Katerina von Altenstein - May 06)

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Sable]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Sable (continued)

Or, a raven proper perched atop & sustaining a key bendwise wards
to base, on a chf embat Gu 2 laurel wreaths Or. (D: Ravensley
- May 05)
Or, a raven regardant Sa perched on a whelk fesswise reversed Az
& betw in chf 2 crescents Gu. (D: Lughaid Cnuachd Dharaich
mac Aonghuis Dhuibh - Oct 95)
Or, a raven Sa betw 2 flaunches Gu, each charged with a human
skull Arg. (D: Joseph Decatur - May 89)
Or, a raven Sa, on a chf embat Gu 3 Thors hammers Or. (D:
Arnbiorg Nic an Ghabhann - Sep 92)
Or, a raven Sa, on a chf embat Purp, 3 roses Or. (D: Morgana von
Magdeburg - May 89)
Or, a raven Sa within a bord Sa, semy of apple blossoms Arg. (D:
Ingvild Josefsdatter - May 89)
Or, a rooster Sa maintaining a fleur-de-lys Az atop a trimount
checky Arg & Vt. (D: Craft Hunold - Feb 03)
Or, a swan naiant, on a chf Sa 3 celtic crosses Or. (D: Chrel
Wynters - Mar 94)
Or, a swan naiant Sa & a bord rayonny Vt. (D: Muriel MacArtur May 92)
Or, a swan naiant Sa & on a chf Az 3 decrescents Arg. (D: Cecily
de Stafford - Mar 96)
Or, a swan naiant Sa betw 3 acorns Vt. (D: Cara ni Mhaille Feb 92)
Or, a swan naiant Sa, in sin chf a crescent bendwise sin Az, a bord
Sa. (D: Licoricia du Lac Noir - Dec 93)
Or, a swan naiant Sa on a chf Gu a cross fleuretty betw 2 fleurs-delis Or. (D: Batrice de Chteauneuf - Nov 94)
Or, a swan naiant Sa within a bord Sa bezanty. (D: Cedric the Dark
- Jun 75?)
Or, an owl Sa & a base rayonny Gu. (D: Gaucelm de
Chambonnieres - Oct 96)
Or, in pale a falcon Sa perched upon a scimitar inv fesswise Gu. (D:
Xartsaga Khara - Apr 02)
Or, in pale a raven maintaining a reed pen inv perched atop an anvil
Sa. (D: Alexsander von Mausheim - Oct 05)
Or, seme of spruce trees Az, a chev throughout Gu & in base a
raven Sa. (D: Garrathe Ravenswood - Aug 87)
Per bend Arg & Az, a bend betw a corbie close Sa & a wolfs head
contourny Arg, a bord Sa. (D: Branwen ferch Bleiddud Apr 99)
Per bend Arg & Az, a bird Sa & a wolfs head erased contourny
Arg. (D: Roland Winter - Jan 05)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a raven close Sa & a bord ctrch. (D: Ciaran
Bran - Jun 97)
Per bend dovetailed Vt & Arg, an acorn inv slipped & leaved Or &
a raven Sa. (D: Raven vom Swartewolt - Mar 96)
Per bend embat grady Or & Gu, in sin chf a martlet Sa. (D: William
de Molay - Apr 08)
Per bend Or & Gu, a raven Sa & 3 musical notes Or. (D: Medb
Dinfeichn - Jun 98)
Per bend Or & Sa, a bend Gu ermined Or betw a Cornish chough
proper & a tower Or. (D: Michael Treighie - Sep 03)
Per bend Or & Sa, a goose close, head lowered, Sa, & a fox ramp
reguardant, maintaining a dagger, Or. (D: Daniel Hidefox May 85)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a plate & a raven close reguardant Sa. (D:
Vladislav of Mag Mor - Sep 88)
Per bend Sa & Or, 3 roses in bend betw in bend sin a sun & a raven
close, all ctrch. (D: Manfred von Ravensburg - Mar 88)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, 2 pallets ctrch & overall a swan Sa,
incensed proper. (D: Bohemond of Salisbury - Jun 92)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a raven Sa within a bord dovetailed ctrch.
(D: Oweyn Hudson - Oct 00)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a crow Sa & an hautboy bendwise sin Arg.
(D: Mr Bran - Jun 08)
Per bend sin checky Vt & Arg, & Arg, a bend sin Vt, in base a swan
naiant Sa. (D: Joseph Cameron Blackswan - Sep 97)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a flame & a raven ctrch. (D: Deirdre ni
Aodhfionn - Sep 92)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, an increscent & a raven ctrch. (D: Muredach
Dil Riata - Sep 95)
Per bend sin Vt & Arg, a mullet of nine points Arg charged with a
nonagon Vt & a Cornish chough proper. (D: John Gover May 03)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Sable (continued)

Per chev counter-ermine & Arg, 2 scimitars in chev, edges to chf

Arg, & a raven Sa. (D: Sarra Hrafnhildr - Jul 92)
Per chev counter-ermine & Arg, 2 shuttles fesswise Arg & a raven
Sa. (B: Sarra Hrafnhildr - Jul 92)
Per chev enhanced Or & Gu, 2 hammers Sa & a raven close proper.
(D: Corwin Ravenhammer - Aug 80)
Per chev inv Arg & Gu, a raven passant croaking Sa & 3 annulets
Or. (D: Bronwyn ferch Morgan - Mar 84)
Per chev inv Arg & Purp, a swan naiant Sa & 3 snowflakes Arg. (D:
Ginevra Francesca Pallucchini - Dec 92)
Per chev Or & Arg, 2 trees Sa, leaved proper, & a falcon close Sa,
maintaining a rose Gu, slipped & leaved proper. (D: Patrice
Clement - Dec 89)
Per chev ploy Purp & Arg, a mullet of seven points issuant from
the line of division Arg, in base a magpie Sa marked Arg. (D:
Katrine van Deventer - Sep 04)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 2 harps Or & a raven passant Sa. (D: Pdraig
Ravensblood - Jan 93)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 2 mullets & a swan naiant ctrch. (D: Marya
Tatiana Zvesdina - Jul 03)
Per chev Sa, goutte dOr, & Or, in base a raven passant close Sa,
bearing in its beak a pimpernel Gu, slipped & leaved Vt. (D:
Alessandra Ippolita di Montefiori - Nov 86)
Per chev throughout Sa & Arg, 2 pheons inv & an owl ctrch. (D:
Damian Charles of Evotstarn - Apr 94)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 2 roses Arg & a cock close Sa. (D: Michael of
Northshield - Aug 05)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 2 trees couped Arg & a swan naiant Sa. (D:
Bronwyn Montgomery of Ironwold - May 88)
Per chev Vt & Or, 2 voided hearts Or & a swan naiant Sa. (D:
Adelicia von Hohenschwangau - Sep 84)
Per fess Arg & barry wavy Az & Arg, in pale a swan naiant Sa & a
laurel wreath Vt. (D: Afon Araf - May 82)
Per fess Arg & Gu, a raven Sa & a skull Or. (D: Erich of Ravens
Fort - Mar 06)
Per fess Arg & Gu, a raven Sa & a toad Arg within a bord ctrch. (D:
Hrafnhildr Frostadottir - Oct 04)
Per fess Arg & Purp masoned Arg, in chf a raven close Sa. (D:
Dafydd Wallraven - Jun 98)
Per fess embat Az & Arg, 2 crosses bottony Arg & a raven Sa. (D:
Eanswyth de Burthoswald - Aug 01)
Per fess embat Or & Vt, a swan naiant grasping in its beak a garden
rose slipped Sa & issuant from base a demi-sun Or. (D:
Gwendolyn Gurney of Hastings - Jan 91)
Per fess Gu & Arg, a rose Arg & a swan naiant Sa. (D: Sciath
ingen meic Con - Jan 05)
Per fess Or & Az, a crow Sa & 3 roses Arg. (D: Gregory Burrows Mar 04)
Per fess rayonny Sa & Or, 3 dragonflies, 2 & one, & a raven ctrch.
(D: Dnlaith ingen Bethgalaig - Mar 08)
Per fess Sa & Arg, an open book Arg & a raven Sa charged on the
wing with a Tau cross Or. (D: Tmas Tstason - Jan 05)
Per fess Sa & Arg, in pale a moon in her complement Arg & a raven
Sa perched atop & sustained by an oak branch fesswise proper.
(D: Aillne Ravenstongue - Jan 05)
Per fess wavy Vt & Arg, a decrescent Arg & a raven close Sa. (D:
Elizabeth Greene - Jan 98)
Per pale Arg & ermine, in dexter base a raven close proper. (D:
Thorolf Oddson Villannen - Aug 73?)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a raven Sa & in dexter chf a mullet Az. (D:
Brannat Dub - Mar 05)
Per pale embat Arg & Vt, 2 shamrocks ctrch & a crane Sa. (D:
Padraig MacRaighne - May 98)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a swan naiant & on a chf nebully Sa, a rose
betw 2 fleurs-de-lis Arg. (D: Odette dAmboise - Jul 04)
Per pale Or & Gu, a raven close Sa betw 3 roundels ctrch. (B:
Patrick Ravensclaw - Jul 01)
Per pale wavy Arg & Sa, a raven & a tree eradicated ctrch. (B: Eric
McGuinniss - Apr 00)
Per pale wavy Vt & Arg, a cinquefoil Arg & a raven Sa. (D:
Muirenn inghean Chonaill - Nov 06)
Per pall Or, Az, & Gu, in chf a swan Sa beaked Gu, above 2
branches both Or. (D: Laurellyn of Isstarr - Jun 73?)
Per salt & per fess Vt & Or, in pale a goblet Arg & a swan naiant
Sa. (D: Lysandra Xantha - Jun 88)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 279

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Sable] to [Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to sinister]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Sable (continued)

Per salt Arg & Az, in pale a raven Sa & 2 roses in salt slipped &
leaved proper. (D: Feichn Mac Giolla Fhindin - Jun 02)
Quarterly Arg & Or, a rooster within a bord embat Sa. (D: Art in
Gai Bernaig - May 06)
Quarterly Arg & Or, a swan naiant within a bord Sa. (B: Cynagua Mar 03) (For the populace)
Quarterly Arg & Vt, on a raven Sa maintaining a grenade Sa
enflamed Or a broadarrow Arg. (D: Rhys of Ravenhill Sep 02)
Vair, a magpie Sa & on a chf Gu 3 annulets Or. (D: Magdalina
Ilianova - Mar 05)
Vair, a swan naiant & a chf Sa. (D: Connor of Kilsyth - May 02)
Vt, a fess or, in chf 3 bezants fesswise Or, in base a becket statant
proper. (D: Thomas von Langenfeld - Oct 79)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to dexter - Vert

See also: Monster - Phoenix

(Fieldless) A dodo close Vt armed Or. (B: Brian of Leichester Jan 93)
(Tinctureless) A pelican in its piety. (Regalia: Society for Creative
Anachronism - Oct 98) (For the Order of the Pelican)
(Tinctureless) A pelican vulning itself. (Regalia: Society for
Creative Anachronism - Oct 98) (For the Order of the
(Fieldless) A raven Vt. (B: Hrefna in heppna orgrmsdttir Jul 00)
(Fieldless) A rooster Vt. (B: Carlo Gallucci - Mar 04)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells in chf, surmounted
by an ibis close. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Ibis - May 86)
Arg, a cock Vt within a bord raguly Az. (D: Ro von Rheinfranken Apr 06)
Arg, a goose naiant Vt & a bord wavy Gu. (D: James the Goose Mar 86)
Arg, a peacock reguardant proper. (B: Tannis of Tir-y-Don Apr 07)
Arg, a peacock, tail spread, proper within a bord Purp semy-de-lys
Or. (B: Viviana le Pryce - Apr 07)
Arg, a popinjay Vt within an orle of fleurs-de-lys Purp. (D:
Rosamund von Schwyz - Mar 88)
Arg, a swan close Vt transfixed by a sword bendwise inv Sa. (D:
Cynesige of Caernarfon - May 92)
Arg, a tree blasted & eradicated Gu surmounted by a peacock close
reguardant Vt. (D: Dana FitzRoberts - Apr 98)
Arg, an owl & a bord Vt. (D: Angelique de la Fontaine - May 05)
Az, on a pale Arg a wreath Vt surmounted by 2 rifles bayonets fixed
surmounted in base by 2 sabres in salt proper all surmounted
by an open scroll palewise Arg charged with the words
LIBERTAD 15 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 1821 Or & perched
thereon a quetzal bird Vt bellied Gu. (B: Guatemala - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Or, a popinjay Vt & a chf doubly-enarched Az. (D: strir of
Dragonsspine - Jan 04)
Or, a raven & a chf wavy Vt. (D: Avis Albrechtsdotter - Oct 01)
Or, 2 rapiers in salt inv Sa, overall a hawk close & on a chf Vt 3
cups Or. (D: Facon du Pray - Nov 93)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to sinister

See also: Monster - Phoenix

(Fieldless) A bird contourny sustained by & perched atop the
dexter corner of a square anvil Gu. (B: Duff MacKellar Sep 04)
(Fieldless) A hen contourny Arg. (B: Galienne la Bourgoingne Jun 01)
(Fieldless) A heron close contourny Az holding in its beak an oak
sprig inv proper. (B: Morwynna Cryw - Nov 91)
(Fieldless) A peacock contourny proper. (B: Marsha of
Ealdormere - Apr 07)
(Fieldless) A peacock pavonated to base contourney Arg. (B: One
Thousand Eyes - Sep 97)
(Fieldless) A popinjay contourny proper, perched atop a trumpet
fesswise reversed Or. (B: Aeruin ni hEarain o Chonnemara Oct 92)
(Fieldless) A raven close to sin within on an annulet Sa an annulet
Or. (B: Dubhgall McAllestyr - Feb 86)
280 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to sinister (continued)

(Fieldless) A raven regardant contourny Az. (B: Dvora Rise de

Apors - Dec 02)
(Fieldless) A swan naiant contourny Gu. (B: Jocea Anne
Gallowglass - Sep 93)
(Fieldless) A swan naiant contourny Or. (B: Northshield Mar 05)
(Fieldless) In pale a duck naiant to sin Or within & conjoined to the
blades of an open pair of scissors Sa. (B: Katerina das
Vgelein - Jan 08)
(Fieldless) On a falcon close contourny Purp a cross of Calatrava
Or. (B: Calontir - Jul 01)
Arg, a bend sin wavy Az betw a popinjay contourny regardant & a
palm tree bendwise sin all within a bord Sa. (D: Collys
Bythesea - May 02)
Arg, a corbie contourny Sa & a bord indented Vt. (D: Ansger von
Hohenkrewe - Mar 02)
Arg, a dog sejant erect maintaining a torch Gu & a crane in its
vigilance contourny Az. (D: Conchobar Mac Muirchertaig Jun 99)
Arg, a dunghill cock contourny Az & a bord embat Sa. (D: Gabriel
de Haan - Jul 96)
Arg, a dunghill cock contourny Sa, combed & jelloped Gu, a bord
Gu semy of water-bougets Or. (D: Mochi of the Iron Horde Sep 92)
Arg, a falcon close contourny Vt, on a chf embat Sa a sword
reversed Or. (D: Gavin MacKay - Oct 98)
Arg, a falcon contourny counter-ermine grasping in its talons a
ribbon Gu within a bord Sa. (D: Peregrine Brambles Apr 96)
Arg, a legless quail close to sin reguardant Sa. (B: Kathren of
Sandesward - Aug 82)
Arg, a loon naiant contourny Sa & a ford proper. (D: Helga lmr Nov 03)
Arg, a martlet contourny Gu within a bord rayonny Sa. (D: Claudia
DuBois - Jan 93)
Arg, a monster, composed of the hindparts of a griffin & the
foreparts of a magpie, passant reguardant to sin Sa, marked
Arg. (B: Oksenja Venlinen - Dec 89)
Arg, a peacock close contourny & a bord invected Purp. (D:
Dominique Michelle le Vasseur - Sep 00)
Arg, a peacock contourny Az tailed Vt atop a claymore fesswise Sa.
(D: Ismay Ponde - Oct 07)
Arg, a penguin contourny, on a chf Az 3 roses Arg. (D: Rebecca
Beaumont - Dec 04)
Arg, a quail martletted to sin reguardant Sa, a mount Vt, & on a chf
wavy Az in dexter a sun Or. (D: Kathren of Sandesward Nov 81)
Arg, a raven close contourny Sa, on a chf Vt a sheaf of arrows
fesswise Arg, & a base wavy barry wavy Vt & Arg. (D:
Robyn OConnor - May 98)
Arg, a raven close to sin Sa bearing in its beak an annulet Gu, betw
a chf & a point pointed Az. (D: Erc of Ringholden - Mar 87)
Arg, a raven contourney perched atop a rapier fesswise reversed Sa
within an orle of serpents glissant Purp. (D: Chrystal Ariana
MacRuari - Jul 96)
Arg, a raven contourney Sa perched atop a chev Vt. (B: Marion
FitzWilliam - Apr 98)
Arg, a raven contourny & on a chf Az 3 decrescents Arg. (D:
Branwen ferch Idris - Oct 07)
Arg, a raven contourny Gu, in chf 4 daggers Sa. (D: Nigel of
Ravenglass - Sep 92)
Arg, a raven contourny, on a chf Sa 3 bells Or. (D: Gershom of
Ravensdale - Jul 94)
Arg, a raven contourny Sa & on a chf embat Vt 3 bezants. (D:
Leofric t Countr - Mar 08)
Arg, a raven contourny Sa betw in chf 2 laurel wreaths Az, a ford
proper. (D: Ravenslake - Jan 92)
Arg, a raven contourny Sa, on a chf Vt 2 swords in salt Arg. (D:
John OGara - Aug 93)
Arg, a raven contourny Sa within a bord embat Gu. (B: Ravens
Fort - Dec 00)
Arg, a raven reguardant contourny maintaining a needle & thimble
Sa within a bord Az. (D: Eleanor of Ravendale - Jan 03)
Arg, a swan naiant contourny, a bord Az. (D: Liora eishet
Yehoshua - Apr 01)

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to sinister]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to sinister (continued)

Arg, a vireo statant to sin Vt, on a chf Az 3 bells Arg. (D:

Shoshana bas Josce - Jul 86)
Arg, a woodpecker reversed Vt perching on a branch proper betw 3
lozenges in chev enhanced Az. (D: Andreas de Vulpes Mar 78?)
Arg, an Ibis counter-close regardant, dexter leg upraised, Gu within
a bord compony Gu & Arg. (D: Sybilla Keisalovitch Jan 80)
Arg, an owl contourny Gu betw flaunches Az. (D: Katarina
Tesmer - May 96)
Arg, an owl contourny Gu perched upon a sword, on a chf Az a
crescent Arg. (D: Alasdair of Glastonbury - Oct 94)
Arg, an owl statant guardant to sin Sa, within a rustre Az. (D:
Heather Elaine Hall of Dormanswell - Sep 88)
Arg chauss invected Purp, in pale a thistle proper & a swan naiant
to sin Sa. (D: Michaela de Romeny - Feb 95)
Arg ermined Vt, a great horned owl contourny proper & on a chf Vt
a castle Arg. (D: Elaine O Lansteffan - Nov 90)
Arg ermined Vt, a raven contourny reguardant & a bord engrailed
Sa. (D: Ian Raven of Tadcaster - Jun 96)
Arg, in dexter chf an owl contourny Vt. (D: Artemas le Beau Mar 05)
Arg, on a pale endorsed Vt, a swan naiant to sin overall Arg betw 2
fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Clarice deLay of Rowanholt - Feb 82)
Arg, perched on an axe fesswise Sa a sparrow close contourny
proper, in chf a Latin cross Vt. (D: Douglas of Roteland Mar 81)
Arg semy-de-lys Sa, a pale Purp overall a swan naiant contourny
Sa. (D: Elianor de Morland - Feb 98)
Arg, 2 chevronels Purp & overall a crow contourny Sa. (D: Eularia
Trewe - Oct 06)
Arg, 2 chevronels Sa betw a martlet contourny & an axe Az hafted
Sa. (D: Kori Redjohan - Nov 06)
Az, a chev engrailed betw 2 fleurs-de-lys & a swan naiant
contourny Arg. (D: Adrienne de Montjoye - Aug 02)
Az, a chev inv betw an owl contourny & 2 keys in salt wards to chf
Arg. (D: Kenneric Aubrey - Sep 07)
Az, a chicken close contourny, a chf invected Arg. (D: Margaret
Acton - Jul 00)
Az, a crane in its vigilance contourny & on a chf Arg an arrow
reversed Az. (D: Miriam Rivka bat Yisrael - Feb 02)
Az, a dance enhanced betw in chf 3 mullets of seven points & in
base an owl contourny Arg. (D: Guernen Cimarguid Nov 96)
Az, a duck naiant to sin Arg, billed, within a laurel wreath Or. (D:
An Dubhaigeainn - May 81)
Az, a falcon close contourny Arg. (B: Rannveigr Haakonardottir Jun 01) (For House Utfara)
Az, a heron contourny Arg & a ford proper. (D: Asgerdr Audsdottir
- Jan 95)
Az, a nightingale counterclose regardant Or perched on a branch in
bend proper; a bord nebuly ermine. (D: Learen von Meissen Aug 79)
Az, a peacock close contourny, on a chf wavy Or 3 fleurs-de-lys
Az. (D: Francesco Antonio da Firenze - Sep 00)
Az, a roadrunner courant to sin, on a chf Or betw 2 saguaro cacti
Vt, a torteau. (D: Reyna de San Diego - Jan 76?)
Az, a swan contourny Arg & in chf 3 wheels Or. (D: Tycho Kepler
- Dec 99)
Az, a swan naiant to sin Arg, a bord Arg semy of quill pens Az. (B:
Deirdre n Fhionnula - May 93)
Az, a swan naiant to sin Arg betw 4 needles in mascle, eyes to base,
Or, all within a bord Arg. (D: Signy Listakona - Apr 89)
Az, a swan naiant to sin betw 3 roses Arg barbed & seeded proper.
(D: Maria O Mulstey - Aug 06)
Az, a swan naiant to sin Or, in base 2 bars wavy Arg, on a chf Or, 2
dice Az, spotted Or. (D: Salvius Cygnus Aureus - Apr 88)
Az, an owl contourny Or betw in cross 4 mullets & in salt 4
roundels Arg. (D: Sancha Galindo de Toledo - Jun 05)
Az, atop a demi-wall issuant from dexter base, a starling contourny
Arg perched in a nest Or. (D: Danamas of Starlinghurst May 07)
Az, betw the horns of an increscent Arg, a screech owl reversed
proper, a bord Sa. (D: Barbara of Suir - Jun 73?)
Az, chap, a chicken martletted close to sin Or. (D: Anne of
Bradford - Apr 83)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to sinister (continued)

Az, mounted upon a horse passant contourny Arg, a maiden

maintaining a hawk close contourny Or. (D: Cecily de la
Warde - Jun 98)
Az mullety, an owl contourny perched atop & maintaining a branch
Arg. (D: Merlin Orion Whiteowl - Dec 06)
Az, 2 decrescents & a heron Or. (D: Phob Kornthia - Feb 03)
Bendy sin Or & Sa, a stork statant to sin Arg, beaked & membered
Gu. (D: Tearlach the Unwashed - May 88)
Counter-ermine, an owl contourny Arg clasping 2 arrows within a
double tressure Or. (D: David Fletcher Stanwood - Jun 91)
Ermine, a kingfisher contourny Az maintaining a pen betw 4 roses
in cross Sa. (D: Thorin von der Schwarzrose - Mar 93)
Ermine, a raven close to sin Az within a bord Sa. (B: Ascelin Meere
of Ravenslocke - Apr 96)
Erminois, a cock contourny within a bord embat Gu. (D: Rodrigo
of Aston Tor - Jul 01)
Erminois, an Emperor penguin statant to sin proper & on a chf Gu 3
roses Or. (D: Jessica Attenborough - Dec 85)
Gu, a falcon close to sin within a dolmen Arg. (D: Peregrine de
Porticu - Aug 85)
Gu, a heron contourny within a bord rayonny Or. (D: Theron
Andronikos - Feb 05)
Gu, a peacock Or, the tail marked Gu, collared & tethered Arg in
sin chf to a mullet within the horns of an increscent Or. (D:
Sleyman Khaym - Apr 07)
Gu, a raven close contourny Arg & a bord ermine. (D: Dorothea
Weberin - Jan 97)
Gu, a rooster close to sin Or betw 3 crescents Arg. (D: Lachlan of
Theriddelond - Apr 02)
Gu, a swan naiant contourny betw 3 roses Or. (D: Christine
Magorlick - Jul 00)
Gu, an Emperor penguin close to sin proper. (D: Meghan Pengwyn
of Wynterwood - Mar 84)
Gu, an Emperor penguin close to sin proper within a bord Arg sem
of pairs of holly leaves conjoined Vt, fructed Gu. (B: Meghan
Pengwyn of Wynterwood - Mar 84)
Gu, an ibis passant to sin close Arg within a bord embat Or. (B:
Richard the Alchemist of Wales - Sep 83)
Gyronny Gu & Arg, a raven close to sin Sa, armed & membered Or.
(D: Morgan ni Lochlainn - Aug 88)
Gyronny Gu & Or, a raven contourny reguardant & an orle Sa. (D:
Rasmus Ravnssen - Apr 06)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, a bird close contourny Gu. (D: Duff MacKellar
- Oct 98)
Lozengy Arg & Gu, a hawk contourny & on a chf Sa 3 tankards
reversed Arg. (D: Aaron Hawksmoor - Feb 02)
Or, a bend sin betw a drakkar under sail & a raven close to sin Sa.
(D: Ulric von Ravensway - May 83)
Or, a bend sin betw a legless corbie close to sin Sa & a wildman
statant affronty proper, within a bord Sa. (D: Corwyn
Wodewarde - Nov 82)
Or, a bend sin Sa betw a wolfs head cabossed Gu & a raven close
to sin Sa. (D: Volchko Kuznets Volkov - May 83)
Or, a cardinal close to sin Gu within a bord invected Sa. (D: Dennis
Landhammer - Sep 90)
Or, a crow close contourny betw 3 gouttes, on a chf Sa a sword
fesswise Or. (D: Reyne Wurm - Aug 98)
Or, a falcon silhouette disp Sa, grasping in sin talon 3 carnations
Gu, stemmed Vt, a chf urdy Gu. (D: Neptha of Thebes Feb 03)
Or, a goose contourny vair. (D: Effie Little - Mar 03)
Or, a hawk close to sin reguardant betw 2 lozenges in fess, all
within a bord Sa. (D: Alarice Blackhawk - Jan 87)
Or, a pall inv Vt betw 2 suns in splendor & a duck naiant to sin Gu.
(D: Natalia Mechislavova - Jan 07)
Or, a pink flamingo close contourny proper & in canton a Latin
cross Gu. (D: Felicia de Montbar - Oct 07)
Or, a popinjay close to sin Vt, beaked & membered Gu, perched
upon a twig Sa, all within a bord indented Gu. (D: Wanda von
Salzburg - Jan 85)
Or, a raven close contourny Sa betw 3 acorns proper. (D: Ann
Sarasin - Nov 00)
Or, a raven contourny, on a chf dovetailed Sa 3 roses Or. (D:
Ascelin Meere of Ravenslocke - Apr 96)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 281

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to sinister]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to sinister (continued)

Or, a raven contourny perched atop & maintaining a crossbow

fesswise reversed, in dexter chf a tower Sa, a bord wavy Az.
(D: Eoin Ravenscroft - Jun 05)
Or, a raven contourny Sa maintaining a broken tilting spear banded
Sa & Gu. (D: Suzanne of Ravenhill - Jun 00)
Or, a robin contourny proper perched atop an apple Gu a bord Vt.
(D: Robyn Adames - Jan 97)
Or, a robin counterclose proper, perched upon a mullet, the
chiefmost point elongated, Sa. (D: KirkRobyn of the Forest
Webb - Aug 79)
Or, a rooster contourny Purp & a mount Vt. (D: Jehannette
Montjaux - Feb 08)
Or, a swan naiant contourny wings disp Az, a bord Sa semy-de-lys
Or. (D: Galienne Belarot - May 01)
Or, a swan naiant contourny within a bord Gu. (D: Swan the Red Dec 05)
Or, a swan naiant to sin, a chf arched rayonny Sa. (D: Oriana
Dreamweaver - Jan 86)
Or, an owl contourny maintaining a barrel Sa banded Arg, a chf
enarched Vt. (D: Martin de Thalassa - Apr 01)
Or, an owl facing sin betw 2 flaunches Vt. (D: Siobhan MacAoidh May 90)
Pean, in bend a decrescent & a peacock contourny Arg. (D: Errica
de Creau - Apr 07)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a hawk trussing a duck Gu & in bend 3 roses
Or seeded Vt. (D: Helen Hawksworth - Aug 01)
Per bend Or & Purp, a hawk close to sin Gu & a wolf sejant ululant
Arg. (D: Madawc of the Hawk - Oct 90)
Per bend Or & Vt, a cross of Canterbury & a falcon, perched to sin
& belled, ctrch. (D: Audrey Adelicia of Canterbury - Jul 89)
Per bend Purp & Arg, an angel affronty & a hawk close to sin ctrch.
(D: Anne of Neath - Aug 88)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a castle & a corbie close contourny ctrch. (B:
Morgaine FitzStephen - Nov 98) (For La Companie du
Chateau Corbeau)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a castle & a crow close contourny ctrch. (B:
Morgaine FitzStephen - Jan 98)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a swan naiant to sin & a fleur-de-lis ctrch.
(D: Jackline Blanc des Cygnes Bleus - Jun 91)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, an iris & a dove close to sin ctrch. (D:
Alisande of Fenny Drayton - Feb 90)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a hemlock tree & an owl contourny, ctrch.
(D: Henry of Bedrule - Sep 96)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a raven close to sin Sa & 3 pheons inv in
bend sin Or. (D: Angus Dewar MacMathathain - Apr 84)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a narwhal haurient bendwise sin & a
peacock contourny within a bord embat ctrch. (D: Aoife Finn Apr 07)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a swan naiant to sin Arg & an oak tree
proper. (D: Robert the Lost - Jun 98)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, on a dunghill cock contourny an annulet, all
ctrch. (D: Conall Cailech - May 04)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, a swan naiant contourny Arg & a sun Or.
(D: Anne Mary Quinn - Nov 06)
Per bend sin counterermine & ermine, a decrescent Arg & a brown
owl contourny proper. (D: Heinrich vom Schwarzwald Nov 03)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Vt, a Long-eared Owl to sin proper & a
tower Arg. (D: Helena of Owls Keep - Nov 85)
Per bend sin embat Sa & Arg, a decrescent & a raven contourny
ctrch. (D: Simon of Ravenwood - Dec 94)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, a hawk reguardant contourny & an orle Arg.
(D: Cionaodh MacFee - Oct 03)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a crane in its vigilance contourny & an
elephant statant Arg. (D: Konrad Niklaus von Kastelen Jun 95)
Per bend sin Gu ermined Arg & Gu, a bend sin Sa fimbriated, in
base a peacock close contourny Arg. (D: Anna Nikolaevna
Petrakova - Feb 99)
Per bend sin Or & Arg, a Javanese peacock feather bendwise sin &
a Javanese peacock contourny, tail spread, Vt marked proper.
(D: Anna Ophelia Holloway - Apr 07)
Per bend sin Or & Gu, a bend sin counter-ermine betw a rook
contourny Sa & 3 towers Or. (D: Cynthia of the Loch Apr 03)

282 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to sinister (continued)

Per bend sin Or & Sa, a lion ramp guardant & a swan naiant to sin
ctrch. (B: Philip of Meadhe - Jun 82)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, in bend a raven close to sin Sa & 2 comets
bendwise sin in pale Or, all within a bord ermine. (D: Marius
Lugotorix Delenitor - Dec 88)
Per bend sin Or & Vt, a dogwood flower Arg tipped Gu fimbriated
Sa, & a mourning dove close to sin Arg. (D: Brigid of
Bethanie - Dec 85)
Per bend sin rayonny Arg & Gu, a portcullis Gu & a penguin close
to sin proper maintaining a sword Arg. (D: Andrs el Rojo Oct 04)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, 2 scarpes enhanced & a falcon contourny
ctrch. (D: Simon de Vernun of Wellingborough - May 91)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, a bend sin of five rustres bendwise sin
conjoined ctrch betw an open book Arg, bound Or, & a falcon
to sin close guardant Gu, belled, jessed, & hooded Sa. (D:
Cynric of Bedwyn - Nov 85)
Per bend sin vairy Vt & Or & Gu, a raven contourny Sa & 3 cups in
bend sin Or. (D: Wulstan of Ravenswood - Apr 97)
Per bend sin Vt & Arg, a swan naiant contourny Arg & an oak leaf
inv fructed Gu. (B: Tana lEsprit Fort - Feb 98)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, a bend sin Arg betw a garb Or & a raven
contourny Sa. (D: Just Rick - Nov 91)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a duck naiant to sin & a turtle fesswise
contourny Or. (B: Michel von Schnsee - Feb 08) (For Duck
and Turtle Tavern)
Per bend sin wavy Purp & Arg, a swan naiant to sin & in salt 2
swords inv ctrch. (D: Giovanni di Rienzi - May 93)
Per bend Vt & Or, a screech owl counter-close proper. (D: Elaine
dHibou - Jul 80)
Per chev Arg & Az, in base a falcon counter-close Arg. (D:
Rannveigr Haakonardottir - Nov 79)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 harps, soundboxes to center, Sa & a swan
naiant contourny Arg. (D: Signy Gandalfsdottir - Aug 99)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 3 leaves in fess & a swan naiant contourny
ctrch. (D: Johnna Clayborne - Jun 92)
Per chev Az mullety Arg & Gu, a chev Or & in base a cockatoo
close Arg. (D: Beatrice Fayrwether of York - Apr 07)
Per chev embat Arg & Sa, 3 crescents in chev Gu & a nightingale
close to sin Arg. (D: Stephen de Soissons - Dec 88)
Per chev ermine & Purp, in base a swan naiant contourny Arg. (D:
Sign Ingadttir - Jan 00)
Per chev inv Sa & Arg, a swan naiant contourny Arg & 3 flax
flowers 2 & one Az. (D: Aloise du Pont du Fosse - Dec 98)
Per chev Or & Arg, in chf a raven close to sin Sa, & in base a
mountain couped Sa enflamed Gu. (D: Keira am Fitheach Jul 85)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 2 drums & a raven contourny ctrch. (D: Raven
mac Uilliam mhic Fhearchair - Jan 06)
Per chev Vt mullety of 4 points Or, & Arg, in base a raven
contourny Sa. (D: Dulcinea of Egypt - Sep 92)
Per fess embat Arg & Az, a heron close contourn & a wyvern erect
ctrch. (D: Gwenllian Rhiannon of Dragon Keep - Feb 82)
Per fess embat Arg & Gu, a raven close to sin Sa & a plate within a
laurel wreath Or. (D: Ravens Fort - Jun 84)
Per fess embat Arg & Gu, in pale a raven, close & sin facing, Sa &
a plate. (B: Ravens Fort - Mar 90) (Civil ensign)
Per fess embat Arg & Gu, in pale a raven, close & sin facing, Sa &
an anchor bendwise Or. (B: Ravens Fort - Mar 90) (Naval
Per fess embat Gu & Or, 2 decrescents & a raven contourny ctrch.
(B: Wulfgar Hrafnfoedir - Mar 91) (For Hrafnsheim)
Per fess embat Or & Gu, 2 harps & a raven contourny ctrch. (D:
Wulfgar Hrafnfoedir - Mar 91)
Per fess Sa & Az, in bend a swan naiant contourny reguardant betw
2 decrescents Arg. (D: Norbert of Iken - Jan 94)
Per pale Az & Sa a dove contourny Arg & a chf ermine. (D:
Magdalena Vogelsang - Jun 94)
Per pale Or & Arg, a swan naiant to sin Az. (B: Signy Dimmridaela
- Jul 86)
Per pale Or & Gu, a swan naiant contourny Sa. (D: Gurn
Valdsardttir - Sep 02)
Per pale Or & Gu, a wolf statant Sa & a peacock close to sin Or, a
point pointed ctrch. (D: Roark Wulfkynde the Peacock Nov 89)

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to sinister] to [Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Argent]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to sinister (continued)

Per pale potenty Sa & Arg, a cock passant to sin & a bull ramp
ctrch. (D: Richard Demaris - Jan 89)
Per pale rayonny Or & Vt, a penguin contourny proper & a dragon
passant Arg. (D: Cailin mac Briain - Jun 07)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a swan naiant contourny & in base 3 bars wavy
Arg. (D: Jean Baylard - Apr 94)
Per pale Vt & Or, in fess a heron in its vigilance & sin facing & an
estoile of eight points, in base 2 barrulets wavy ctrch. (D:
Michaela of Herons Rest - Jun 89)
Per salt Az & Vt, an owl close to sin & a cat sejant guardant, in base
a point pointed issuant from an orle, all Or. (D: Laura de la
Chouette Dore - Apr 88)
Per salt Az & Vt, on a swan naiant contourny reguardant Arg, an
arrow fesswise reversed Vt maintained in the swans beak, an
orle Arg. (D: Svanhild bogsveiga freyska - Aug 05)
Per salt Gu & Or, a raven contourny within a bord Sa. (D: Pekka
Karvulakki - Jan 04)
Purp, a swan naiant contourny Arg, a bord Or semy-de-lys Purp.
(D: Amlie de Quessenet - Jul 05)
Purp, a swan naiant to sin within an orle of fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D:
Catelin Parry the Patient - May 99)
Purp, an eagle close to sin Or. (D: John Aquila of Eaglesdown Aug 78?)
Purp, in pale a decrescent Or & a dove close contourny maintaining
in its beak a moonflower slipped Arg leaved Or. (D: Siobhn
le Wilfulle - Jan 05) (? what sort of flower is a moonflower)
Purp, perched atop the pommel of a sword inv proper a gyrfalcon
contourny Arg. (D: Neal Gyrfalcon - Feb 96)
Quarterly Arg & Az, in bend a cock close to sin & a Catherines
wheel Sa within a bord ctrch. (D: David Joseph de Lara Dec 83)
Quarterly Arg & Or, an owl close to sin Purp. (D: Rowan Leah Oct 86)
Quarterly Az & Arg, in pale a raven contourny perched atop an
increscent Sa. (D: Tristan Ravencrest - Feb 03)
Quarterly Az & Vt, a cross Gu fimbriated & in canton a falcon Or.
(D: Richard Falconer - Jun 02)
Quarterly embat Az & Arg, in dexter chf 3 half-moon knives one &
2 proper, in sin base a crane in its vigilance Arg. (D: Michael
le Crane - Jun 04)
Quarterly lozengy Purp & Arg, & Arg, a cock close contourny, sin
claw raised, Gu. (D: Frederick Sebastian Valentine - Jan 94)
Quarterly Vt & Gu, a raven contourny & in base 3 bars Arg. (D:
Oissne na Cenn mac Baiscind - Feb 06)
Sa, a chev invected betw an owl close to sin guardant, a griffin
sejant, & a rose Or, barbed Vt. (D: Alarice nic Thaoitearain Jan 84)
Sa, a falcon contourny & on a chf Arg, 3 escallops inv Sa. (D:
Jamie Amalthea Rowan - Oct 93)
Sa, a raven close contourny within a double tressure Or. (D:
Dubhgall McAllestyr - Apr 86)
Sa, a swan naiant to sin Or within an orle of fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D:
Lilian Guy of Swanton - Jun 87)
Sa, an owl contourn Arg, clutching a rose fesswise reversed,
slipped & leaved proper, in canton a roundel, all within a bord
Arg. (D: Abgrne Rose - Nov 91)
Sa, an owl contourny Arg & a bord ermine. (D: Marianna di
Bartolomeo da Rosa - Oct 07)
Sa, in fess a bluejay close to sin & a mullet of six points elongated
to base, all within a bord Arg. (B: Janina Krakowska Apr 91)
Sa, in pale a hawk close contourny perched on a rapier fesswise
reversed Arg. (D: Adrian Hawkins - Nov 98)
Sa, in pale a swan naiant to sin Arg betw 2 chrysanthemums, the
upper inv, Or, slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Amber Dorigen of
Limerick - Apr 84)
Sa, on a bend sin betw a raven contourny & masks of comedy &
tragedy bendwise Arg 4 thistles bendwise Purp slipped &
leaved Vt. (D: Meadhbha inghean Bhrain Mhuilleir Apr 02)
Sa, 2 scarpes Or betw a dove close to sin & a unicorn ramp Arg. (D:
Cassandra OShea - Jan 85)
Sa, 2 scimitars in salt Arg & in chf a sparrow contourny Or. (D:
Giacomo Passerini - Jun 06)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Close to sinister (continued)

Vt, a cross Arg betw in chf 2 fleurs-de-lys Or, overall in base a

swan naiant to sin, all within a bord Arg. (B: Clarice deLay of
Rowanholt - Feb 82)
Vt, a falcon close contourny & a lion ramp Or maintaining betw
them a sword Arg, on a chf Or a harp Vt. (D: Bibhinn N
Dhonnamhin - Jan 99)
Vt, a peacock Or within a bord pean. (D: Ariella Idarius - Apr 07)
Vt, a raven close to sin Arg within an orle of cinquefoils Or. (D:
Rosamund von Ravenna - May 84)
Vt, a snowy owl close contourny & on a chf Arg a compass star,
elongated to fess, Az. (D: Edwina Dirks Sterne - Jun 86)
Vt, a stork counterstatant closed, the dexter leg elevated, in chf 3
annnulets interlaced fesswise, the central enlarged, Arg. (D:
Ayn Percival - Aug 79)
Vt, an Egyptian phoenix counter-statant proper betw 3 ankhs Or.
(B: Yrj Kirjawiisas - May 80) (For Shu Gerh)
Vt, an owl contourny & on a chf embat Or a standing balance Az.
(D: Alexander Johann Stilz - Jan 03)
Vt, an owl contourny Arg betw five oak leaves palewise in annulo
Or. (D: Elizabeth Yvonne Owles - Jun 95)
Vt, an owl contourny ermine. (D: Nicolai van der Kerke - Jan 07)
Vt, an owl contourny Or within an orle Arg. (D: Marko Evanovich
Panfilov - Jan 05)
Vt, bezanty, a goose statant to sin Arg. (D: Eadgith of Sevenoaks Jan 90)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Argent

See also: Monster - Phoenix

(Fieldless) A Cornucopia in annulo Or, fructed proper, surmounted
by a duck, wings disp, Arg, membered Or, statant atop the
fruit. (B: Andrew MacKay - Nov 89) (For West Wind Farm)
(Fieldless) A crane disp, in base betw its wings a triangle Arg. (B:
Kai de Ravenglas - Jun 90)
(Fieldless) A hummingbird disp Arg, charged on the wings &
breast with five bars Sa. (B: Glymm Mere - Nov 94)
(Fieldless) An owl disp supported by a weaving tablet Arg charged
with a cross of Santiago Gu. (B: Ysabella Celestina Manrique
de Palma - Oct 02)
Arg, a pale doubly endorsed Az, overall a dove migrant Arg. (D:
Rowenna de Roncesvalles de Navarre - Aug 79?)
Arg, a pile throughout Vt, overall 2 mermaids erect maintaining in
their conjoined hands a water-lily blossom ctrch, in chf a
seagull volant to chf Arg. (D: Linda of the Lakelands Apr 06)
Az, a bend betw an owl disp Arg & a tree eradicated Or. (D: Art
mac Ceallaigh - Oct 05)
Az, a bend embat counter-embat Or betw a double-headed eagle
disp & a cross formy Arg. (D: Sigmund of Meridies - Jul 97)
Az, a bend sin betw a bird disp & a feather bendwise sin, within a
bord Arg. (D: Hereward Bannerbane - Dec 92)
Az, a dove disp & on a bord Arg 3 acorns proper. (D: Devorguilla
of Darragh - Jan 03)
Az, a dove disp, head elevated Arg. (D: Francesca of Bright Angel
- Jan 73)
Az, a dove wings disp & inv Arg, perched upon an olive branch
fesswise proper. (D: Dovanna of Atenveldt - Aug 71)
Az, a falcon disp, belled & jessed, on a chf embat Arg 3 roses Purp.
(D: Morgan the Falconer - Oct 93)
Az, a fess wavy Or betw a dove migrant & five escallops 3 & 2 Arg.
(D: Gwendolen Penbryn - Aug 95)
Az, a hawk disp within a laurel wreath Arg, a bord wavy Or. (D:
Hawks Haven - Mar 87)
Az, a salt chequy Gu & Arg betw a goose disp, head to sin, & 3
ducks naiant Arg. (D: Frederick MacGregor - Oct 84)
Az, an eagle & on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Johan Berger Dec 05)
Az, an eagle & on a chf doubly enarched Arg, 3 annulets Az. (D:
Grinne inghean Daudh u Chonchobhair - Apr 08)
Az, an eagle Arg & a bord Arg semy of crescents Az. (D: Isabella
la curiosa - Apr 03)
Az, an eagle disp Arg charged with a Latin cross Sa within an
annulet of mullets of eight points Arg. (D: William Richard
Drake - Nov 93)
Az, an eagle disp Arg crowned Or. (D: Este, House of - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)(Also the arms of Modena)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 283

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Argent]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Argent (continued)

Az, an eagle disp Arg within an orle Arg, mullety Az. (B: Colin
Hugh ODuncan of Eagle Haven - May 86)
Az, an owl disp & on a chf triangular Arg an apple Gu. (B: Storvik
- Apr 92) (For Order of the Owl)
Az, an owl disp Arg & on a chf indented Or 3 roundels Gu. (D:
Anna de Byxe - Feb 00) (Blanket permission to conflict with
device with one CD granted 0711D)
Az, an owl disp betw 3 martens heads cabossed, one & 2, Arg. (D:
Fyodor the Friendly - Nov 82)
Az, an owl disp, on a chf nebuly Arg an arrow Gu. (D: Leonard of
Kelso - Mar 97)
Az, fretty Or, an eagle disp, a bord Arg semy of quatrefoils slipped
Vt. (D: Francis Canny - Apr 92)
Az, in pale a double headed eagle & on a salt Arg a tridents head
Sa. (D: Ilya Mstislavich - Aug 06)
Az, in pale an owl disp Arg perched atop 2 rapiers inv in salt Or, a
chf dovetailed Arg. (D: Justin Louis de Courtenay - May 07)
Az, on a bend raguly Or betw an eagle disp & a thistle Arg, a spear
Gu. (D: Jan Oszczepnowski - Feb 94)
Az, on a chevronel Or, betw an owl disp Arg & a lymphad Or, 3
roses Gu. (D: Christina of Castleglen - Aug 79?)
Az, on a double-headed eagle Arg a chi-rho Sa, a chf checky Sa &
Arg. (D: Isaak Frangopoulos - Feb 07)
Az, on a double-headed eagle Arg a chi-ro Sa, a chf checky Sa &
Arg. (D: Isaak Frangopoulos - Jan 95)
Az, 2 bars Or, overall an owl disp Arg. (D: sta Vagnsdttir Jan 07)
Az, 2 chevronels braced, in chf an owl disp Arg. (D: Talan Gwyn
Aderyn - Nov 94)
Checky Az & Or, an eagle disp within a bord Arg. (D: Miles
Blackmoor - Jul 01)
Counter-ermine, an eagle disp Arg, armed Or, clutching a wild rose
proper. (B: Vladimir ap Gwynne - Jan 81)
Gu, a broken sword abased chevronwise & in chf an eagle disp,
both Arg. (D: Mieczcienki Duch-Kozak - Jan 73?)
Gu, a chev cotised Or betw a sword fesswise & an eagle disp Arg.
(D: Gregory Kystwright - Feb 90)
Gu, a chev rompu betw 2 crosses formy fitchy at all points & a
double-headed eagle disp Arg. (D: Adam de Lancastre Dec 89)
Gu, a chev Sa fimbriated, overall an eagle disp Arg, a chf embat Sa,
fimbriated Arg. (D: Kieron Hawkblood - Aug 79?)
Gu, a demi-eagle erased & on a chf triangular Arg a cinquefoil
pierced Purp. (D: Mini of al-Barran - Sep 03)
Gu, a double-headed eagle Arg charged with a cross crosslet fitchy
the chiefmost arm couped plain Sa & issuant from base a
demi-sun Or. (D: Gabriel Sankt Georg - Sep 03)
Gu, a double-headed eagle crowned Arg. (D: Nemanjici, Kings of
Serbia - May 02) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, a double-headed eagle disp Arg, beaked & membered Or,
charged on the breast with an escutcheon quarterly 1 & 4
Serbia & 2 & 3 Montenegro. (D: Serbia and Montenegro,
Federal Republic of - Dec 03) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, a dove disp proper, on a chf Arg an arrow fesswise Sa. (D:
Timothy OByrne - Nov 95)
Gu, a dove migrant to chf & on a chf embat Arg, 3 tulips Gu. (D:
Stephanie of Ean Airgead - Jun 88)
Gu, a sea-swallow migrant betw 3 quatrefoils Arg. (D: Azelin Cola
of Wishford - Jun 94)
Gu, a swan disp & on a chf triangular Arg, a bears head cabossed
Sa. (D: Signi Bjornsdottir - Mar 87)
Gu, a wooden pall raguly proper, cloee Sa, & to dexter a dove
migrant palewise Arg. (B: Kay Gwenhwyfar of Locksley Jun 73)
Gu, an eagle disp Arg crowned Or. (D: Poland - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, ermined Or, an eagle disp Arg charged on the breast with a
castle Sa. (B: Alrick von Baeker - May 85) (For Household
of Adlersburg)
Gu, on a bend betw a rooster disp Arg & a lion dormant Or, a spear
Gu. (D: Lars Knarrarsmidr - Oct 92)
Gu, vetu counter-ermine, a falcon disp, wings inv, maintaining a rod
fesswise, Arg, ermined Gu. (D: James Schoen MacAndrews Jan 86)
Gyronny Or & Az, an eagle disp Arg within a bord engrailed ctrch.
(D: Primus Gavius Falconius Britannicus - Sep 05)
284 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Argent (continued)

Gyronny Or & Vt, a duck disp, head to sin, Arg, on a chf Gu, 3
fleurs-de-lis Arg. (D: Guillermo da Firenze - Apr 89)
Or, an annulet Az, overall a swan migrant palewise proper. (D:
Auberon Cirin - Nov 77?)
Pean, a raven disp & on a chf Arg 3 decrescents Sa. (D: Richenda
Bevilacqua - Sep 91)
Per bend Az & Sa, an eagle disp & in base a flame all within an orle
Arg. (D: Larn MacCearnaigh - Jan 96)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, an owl disp & a decrescent ctrch. (D:
Morgan MacDonnough - Jan 94)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, a bend sin betw an eagle disp Arg & 3
swords Or. (D: John Richard Fairfax - Jun 92)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Vt, 3 oak trees, 2 & one, & a falcon disp,
all ctrch. (D: Percival Scotus Peregrinus - Nov 89)
Per bend sin Gu & Vt, an owl disp, wings fesswise, betw in pale 2
estoiles Arg. (D: Evan Garrett - May 92)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a hawk disp fesswise reversed Arg & a
peacock feather bendwise sin Vt. (D: Barnabas Thorns Aug 02)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, a bend sin Or betw a sea-unicorn contourny
reguardant & a dove migrant Arg. (D: Anysia of Carpasia Mar 95)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, a raven disp perched atop an equal-armed
Celtic cross Arg. (D: Dafydd Gigfran ap Morgan - Aug 92)
Per bend sin Sa & Purp, a bend sin Gu fimbriated betw a tower & a
hawk disp, wings inv, Arg. (B: Hawken of the Greenbriar Dec 99)
Per bend sin Sa & Purp, a bend sin Gu fimbriated betw a tower &
an eagle Arg. (D: Hawken of the Greenbriar - Dec 99)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a gull migrant to chf Arg & a wheel Or. (D:
Fionn Cinnide of Dun na nGall - Jun 06)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 castles & a dove migrant to chf ctrch. (D:
Jessica Rebecca Silvana - Nov 88)
Per chev Az & Arg, a dove disp Arg & a tree blasted & eradicated
Sa. (D: Briana du Bois - Jan 04)
Per chev Az & Gu, on a chev betw 2 crosses formy & an eagle Arg
a pair of compasses Sa. (D: Wojciek z Krakowa - Jan 04)
Per chev Az & Purp, a double-headed eagle betw 3 mullets of eight
points Arg. (D: Albrecht von Pfeffers - Apr 93)
Per chev Az & Vt, in base a bird migrant Arg. (D: Roana de
Hauekrig - Apr 03)
Per chev embat Arg & Sa, 2 oak leaves inv in chev Gu & an eagle
Arg. (D: Gaius Aquilius Britannicus - Oct 03)
Per chev inv Arg & Sa, a unicorn salient & a bird disp within a bord
charged with eight peacock feathers in orle ctrch eyed Gu. (D:
Bronwyn Mewer - Jul 07)
Per chev inv Az & Arg mullety of 4 points Sa, an eagle Arg. (D:
Mordan Peresechenev - Sep 04)
Per chev inv Az & Sa, a chevronel inv betw in pale an eagle disp,
head to sin, & a compass star pierced Arg. (D: Valadonis the
Wanderer - Aug 80)
Per chev inv invected Gu & Sa, a demi-sun issuant from the line of
division Or & an eagle disp Arg. (D: Thorsteinn Orn
Sveinsson - Aug 98)
Per chev inv Sa & Gu, a chev inv Or betw an oak leaf & an owl disp
Arg. (D: Gerard le Wise - Jul 02)
Per chev inv Sa & Vt, a grey heron disp Arg, beaked & membered
Or, & in chf a compass star Gu, fimbriated Arg. (D: Aeruin ni
hEarain o Chonnemara - Dec 86)
Per chev Or & Sa, 2 crawfishes combattant erect Gu & a pelican
disp Arg, beaked & membered proper. (D: Will the Wisp Jan 73?)
Per chev Purp & Or, in chf an owl disp betw 3 mullets of 4 points,
one & 2, Arg. (D: Thorberg Tryggvason - Jul 89)
Per chev Sa & Arg, a chev ctrch betw a dove disp Arg & a wolfs
head, erased & sin facing, Sa. (D: Gwenhwyfar Trelowarth Jun 88)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev betw in chf 2 lions ramp addorsed & in
base an eagle disp Arg. (D: Wilhelm of Greyland - Oct 80)
Per chev Sa & Gu, fimbriated Or, in chf a point dexter conjoined
with a point sin, in base an eagle disp Arg, armed, langued,
membered, & crowned with a maple leaf Or. (D: Kazimierez
Zdzislaw - Oct 79)
Per chev throughout invected Or estoilly & Sa, in base a hawk disp
head facing to sin, Arg. (D: Alaric von Thurn - Apr 98)

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Argent]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Argent (continued)

Per chev Vt & Gu, on a chev betw an eagle disp & a fleur-de-lys
Arg 4 roses Gu, barbed Vt. (D: Kimberly of Nordskogen Aug 99)
Per fess Az & Arg, a hawk disp Arg & a rose slipped & leaved
fesswise proper. (D: Gregory Whitehawk - Jul 99)
Per fess embat Az & Arg, a peregrine falcon disp guardant Arg & a
laurel wreath Vt. (D: Falcons Keep - Aug 92)
Per fess Or & Az, issuant from the line of division five piles wavy
inv Gu, in base a hawk disp, head lowered, Arg. (D: Elspeth
Jean of Lochmaree - Oct 86)
Per fess Purp & Vt, a dove disp, wings inv within a bord Arg
charged with a tressure per fess Purp & Vt. (D: Lisette de Ville
- Aug 93)
Per fess raguly Vt & Arg, an eagle disp perched on a bow & 3 trees
ctrch. (D: Isabeau Eaglestone of Glinwood - Aug 87)
Per fess Vt & Arg, a bird disp & a masthead knot ctrch. (D: Mr
ingen Lonin - May 06)
Per fess Vt & Sa, an eagle betw 3 roses Arg. (D: Arthur Buchanan
- Nov 06)
Per fess wavy Az & Vt, in pale a seagull disp guardant & a frog
sejant affronty Arg. (D: Alisaundre Muir - Jun 89)
Per pale Az & Or, an albatross disp, wings inv, Arg, all within a
bord ctrch. (D: Harald of Sigtuna - Jul 87)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a hawk disp alighting on a harp, a chf triangular
Arg. (D: Chelidon o Gaerddrych - Apr 88)
Per pale Gu & Vt, an eagle disp Arg within an orle of fleurs-de-lys
Or. (D: Falcone Piacentini - Jan 07)
Per pale Or & Az, a swan statant, wings disp & inv, proper & in chf
a decrescent & an increscent ctrch. (D: Sabine od Vlatavy Jun 87)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a double-headed eagle & a chf invected Arg. (D:
Dubhchobhlaigh n Dhomhnaill - Dec 90)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a raven disp Arg & in chf 2 open books Or. (D:
Nello da Venezia - Mar 07)
Per pale Sa & Gu a seagull migrant & in chf a cross botonny Arg.
(D: Katharina von Straubing - Dec 90)
Per pale Sa & Purp, an eagle & in chf 2 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D:
Colete de Valenciennes - Apr 07)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a double-headed eagle & a chf Arg. (D:
Demetrios Doukas - Jul 04)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a falcon disp & in base a sword fesswise Arg. (D:
Omar ibn Haroun al-Askari al-Rumi - May 05)
Per salt erminois & Az, a swan statant wings elevated Arg. (D:
Gentiane la Gente - Aug 79?)
Per salt Purp & counter-ermine, on the breast of an eagle disp Arg a
Latin cross Gu. (D: Edwin of Sthogaehnam - Apr 73?)
Per salt Sa & Az, an eagle disp betw 3 Latin crosses flory, one & 2
Arg. (D: Damian von dem Blauwald - Oct 92)
Per salt Sa & Or, in pale a mallet & a double-headed eagle Arg. (D:
Vilhelm Silverhammer - Jan 93)
Purp, a double headed eagle disp Arg, on a base barry wavy Arg &
Sa a laurel wreath Or. (D: Spiaggia Levantina - Oct 96)
Purp, a fess bretessed, in chf an eagle disp Arg. (D: Albrecht Keller
von Zrich - Sep 00)
Purp, a gull disp Arg, a bord checky Sa & Arg. (D: Charles
Cartmell of Storvik - Oct 93)
Purp, a hawk disp, head to sin, & on a chf triangular Arg, 3
decrescents Purp. (D: Rhiannon Lighthawk - Mar 85)
Purp, a swan disp Arg & on a chf Or 2 sphinxes Sa. (D: Alessia di
Lago del Cigno - Feb 92)
Purp, a swan disp Arg within a bord Arg semy of increscents Purp.
(D: Anna Katherina von Liebenstein - Sep 02)
Purp, an eagle & on a mountain Arg a laurel wreath Vt. (D:
Earnrokke - May 05)
Purp, an eagle enflamed disp head to sin within a bord wavy Arg.
(D: Piera da Ferrara - Feb 04)
Purp, an owl, wings disp & inv, Arg, in base a crescent, all within a
bord rayonny Or. (D: Aryanna Hawkyns - Aug 89)
Purp, in pale a plate & an owl disp Arg. (D: Sabina MacPherson Oct 93)
Purp, in pale an eagle Arg & a crossbow fesswise Or. (D: Baseke
von Basel - Sep 02)
Quarterly Az & Sa, an eagle & a base indented Arg. (D: Edward
Harrison - Mar 08)
Quarterly Az & Sa, an eagle disp & on a chf Arg 2 crescents Sa. (D:
William Freskyn Murray - Jun 98)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Argent (continued)

Quarterly Or & Gu, a bird disp Arg betw 4 crescents ctrch. (B:
Colin OBryan - Sep 99) (For John OBryan)
Quarterly Purp ermined Arg, & Vt, a double-headed eagle disp & in
chf 3 escarbuncles Arg. (D: Veronica Brannick - Jun 93)
Sa, a bendlet betw an eagle disp, wings inv & voided, & 3 mountain
peaks chased & snow-capped, Arg. (D: Adler des Berges Jan 73?)
Sa, a dove migrant & on a chf indented Arg, 3 acorns Gu. (D:
Deonna von Aachen - Dec 89)
Sa, a fess wavy betw an owl disp & a turtle all within a bord Arg.
(D: Ihone Munro - Apr 02)
Sa, a Japanese crane inv & disp, in base a cross Arg. (D: Randall
Morgan - Sep 86)
Sa, a pile Gu fimbriated Or, overall an eagle disp head to sin Arg.
(D: Markus Bjolanarson - Jan 99)
Sa, a sword inv Or surmounted by a dove disp tergiant Arg within a
bord Or. (D: James Gael MacTire - Mar 83)
Sa, an eagle disp & on a chf invected Arg, a mastless drakkar Sa.
(D: Donald MacGregor - Dec 96)
Sa, an eagle disp Arg, armed Or, charged upon each wing with a
mullet of six points Gu, within a bord wreathed Arg & Gu. (D:
Walram von Laufenberg - Jan 85)
Sa, an eagle disp guardant, betw its wings a sun, in base a ducal
coronet Arg. (D: Mittainne von Wald - Jun 07)
Sa, an eagle disp, head to sin, Arg, charged on the breast with an
escarbuncle Sa, a chf indented Arg. (D: Otto von Besenburg Aug 89)
Sa, an owl disp & a point pointed Arg. (D: Mikial Aldrich May 92)
Sa, an owl disp & on a chf embat Arg a hammer Sa. (D: Olaf
Olafson - Apr 86)
Sa, an owl disp Arg & in chf a staff fesswise Or, all within a bord
Arg. (D: Davan inn Spaki - Aug 86)
Sa, an owl disp Arg holding on its breast a rose Gu. (D: Sebastian
Alexander Stormmane - Oct 91)
Sa, an owl disp, on a chf triangular Arg a mullet of six points
elongated to chf & to base Sa. (D: Tirzah nic Chathail Mar 94)
Sa goutty deau, a eagle disp facing to sin Arg perched upon a base
embat Arg masoned Sa, a bord Arg. (B: Rhodri ap Hywel Jun 92) (For Rhodri ap Hywel)
Sa, in pale a hawk disp & 2 sabers in salt Arg. (B: Raedwulf Burke
- Aug 99)
Sa, in pale an eagle disp & a cup Arg, a bord Or. (D: Patricio de
Cordoba - Apr 97)
Sa, on a chev Or a card pique Sa, a lozenge Gu, a trefoil Sa, & a
heart Gu, & in chf an owl disp Arg. (D: Ruaidhri OFlionn Aug 82)
Sa semy-de-lys, an owl disp head affronty Arg. (D: William Wilde Jul 97)
Sa, 2 eagles ramp combattant Or & a dove disp Arg. (D: Flavius
Valerius Verus - Jun 88)
Vt, a chimney swift migrant palewise Arg. (D: John of Ean
Airgead, called the Mad Celt - Oct 79)
Vt, a chimney swift migrant palewise holding in its beak a holly
leaf fesswise Arg. (B: John of Ean Airgead, called the Mad
Celt - Sep 80) (For Ean Airghead)
Vt, a dove disp within a bord dovetailed Arg. (D: Arielle de
Chantre - Dec 83)
Vt, a swan disp Arg, a chf enarched Or semy of maple leaves Vt.
(D: lfstan le Cygne Gris - Mar 93)
Vt, an annulet Or surmounted by a crane statant in its vigilance to
sin, wings disp, Arg, in chf 2 laurel wreaths Or. (D: Fenwood
Knoll - May 91)
Vt, an eagle & on a chf Arg, 2 oak leaves Vt. (D: Willehelm von
Tannenberg - Aug 04)
Vt, an eagle disp maintaining a longbow & a sheaf of arrows inv
Arg within a bord erminois. (B: Cadolen ferch Angharad the
Farwanderer - Oct 02)
Vt, an eagle disp, wings inv & a base Arg. (B: Adlersruhe Sep 88)
Vt, an eagle disp, wings inv, within a laurel wreath & a base, all
Arg. (D: Adlersruhe - Sep 88)
Vt, an owl disp Arg, on a chf embat Or a massacre Gu. (D: Erich
Forester - Mar 95)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 285

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Argent] to [Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Gules]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Argent (continued)

Vt, on a pile Sa fimbriated Or, an eagle disp Arg. (D: William

Cameron - Aug 98)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Azure

See also: Monster - Phoenix

(Fieldless) A raven disp within & conjoined to an annulet Az. (B:
Isibel sveraspillir - Aug 07)
(Fieldless) On a double-headed eagle Az, a fret couped Or. (B:
John the Pursuwer - Jan 99)
Arg, a bend sin bretessed Vt betw an eagle disp & an arrowhead inv
Az. (D: Aron the Falcon - Jul 02)
Arg, a bend sin Vt, overall an eagle disp & inv Az. (D: Malcolm
the Squire - Nov 73?)
Arg, a chev Az betw 2 roses slipped & leaved proper & a doubleheaded eagle Az. (D: Ursula von Thurn - Jul 01)
Arg, a crested eagle disp, head to sin, in chf a mullet of 4 points Az
within a bord Gu. (D: Elliott Arlluin of Ragotheia - Jan 82)
Arg, a raven disp & on a chf Az, 3 plates. (D: Richard of
Ravensglenn the Juggler - Apr 89)
Arg, an eagle disp Az & a ford proper all within a bord Az. (D:
Anne Elaina of Rivers Bend - Dec 95)
Arg, an eagle disp Az, on a base rayonny Gu a sun Or. (D: Leifr
Jhansson - Aug 92)
Arg, an owl disp Az, sustaining a rose fesswise Gu slipped & leaved
Vt. (B: Michael von Rosenau - Jun 06)
Arg, in pale a dove disp, head elevated, betw the points of a
crescent, all within a bord Az. (D: Tess of Ambergeen Oct 86)
Arg, on an owl disp Az a rose Arg. (D: Michael von Rosenau Jul 85)
Arg, semy of crescents Gu, an eagle inv & disp within a bord embat
Az. (D: Alexander of Cumberlande - Oct 86)
Arg semy of maple leaves Gu, an eagle Az & a bord Sa. (D: Andor
i lgari - Jun 05)
Arg, 2 dogs combattant Sa & a parrot disp, a bord Az. (D: Savina
des Gitanes - Aug 99)
Bendy Sa & Arg, a double-headed eagle Az & a bord embat Gu.
(D: Friedrich von Bayern - Dec 05)
Ermine, a dove disp Az grasping a vine Vt, flowered Purp. (D:
Sheila Eileen Natalia MacDougal of Perth - Aug 87)
Or, a bird disp & facing sin Az, in chf a chaplet of ivy Vt, a bord
Az. (D: Michelle Almy - Aug 92)
Or, an eagle betw 3 quatrefoils Az. (D: Elizabeth Bogge - Jul 04)
Or, an eagle disp Az, on a chf Sa a long Maltese cross Arg. (D:
Alexander de Arundel - Aug 92)
Or, an eagle disp, wings inv, on a chf Az 3 mullets Or. (D: Alaric
Akeson - Apr 98)
Or, an owl disp Az grasping in its talons a triangle inv Vt, a bord
embat Sa. (D: Alasdair MacRaibert Dhn Alasdair Dec 90)
Or, on a falcon disp facing sin perched upon a Celtic harp Az a
Celtic cross Arg. (D: Jean Fiona MacDonnel - Sep 95)
Per chev Az & Or, in pale a cross hummety & a falcon disp, wings
inv, ctrch. (D: Jan Janowicz Bogdanski - Aug 87)
Per fess Arg & Az, a demi-eagle issuant from the line of division &
3 crosses formy ctrch. (D: Wolfgang von der Eifel - Mar 07)
Per pale & chevronelly Gu & Or, an eagle disp, wings inv, & on a
chf Az 3 patriarchal crosses bottony Or. (D: Alwyn von
Breitscheid - Jan 91)
Per pall Sa, Gu & Arg, in pale an increscent Arg surmounted by an
arrow fesswise reversed Or, & an owl disp Az. (D: Alexander
MacIntosh of Islay - Mar 93)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Fur

See also: Monster - Phoenix

Barry-bendy Or & Az an eagle disp ermine betw 3 torteaux. (D:
Gnther Arnbach - Sep 95)
Checky Gu & Or, a falcon disp & a chf ermine. (D: Owain ap
Tegwared - Nov 92)
Counter-ermine, an owl disp guardant ermine. (D: Gwilym ab
Eifion - Apr 88)
Per pale Sa & Vt, an eagle disp ermine, a point pointed ploy Arg.
(D: Albrecht von Siebeneich - Jul 97)

286 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Fur (continued)

Purp, an owl inv disp erminois pendant from a sword fesswise

proper. (B: Regina Romsey - May 83)
Sa, an eagle disp ermine betw 3 mullets Arg. (D: Matthias the
Scribe - Feb 00)
Vt, an owl disp ermine & in base an annulet Or. (D: Anders
Botman - May 03)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Gules

See also: Monster - Phoenix

Arg, a bend sin Sa, overall on a double-headed eagle Gu a cross of
Cleves Or. (D: Edward de Horncastel - Mar 98)
Arg, a double-headed eagle & on a chf Gu 3 roundels ermine. (D:
Finn Folhare - Apr 03)
Arg, a double-headed eagle disp Gu. (D: John Milton - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, a double-headed eagle disp Gu, & on a chf triangular Sa a
goblet Or. (D: Johann Gtz Kauffman von Erfurt - Mar 94)
Arg, a falcon disp Gu betw 3 goblets within a bord embat Az. (D:
Ulf Rungrim - Jun 94)
Arg, a hawk disp Gu, on a base indented Sa, a hurst of pine trees
Arg. (D: Torold of Hawkhurst - Dec 86)
Arg, an eagle disp Gu crowned Or. (D: Brandenberg - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, an eagle disp Gu perching upon an ogress, a chf dovetailed Az.
(D: Alan of Cote du Ciel - Nov 91)
Arg, goutt de larmes, a falcon disp, wings inv, within an orle
embat on the inner side Gu. (D: Etienne Plerin du
Fauoneau - Sep 83)
Arg semy of batons sin Vt, a loon disp maintaining in its claws a
hanging balance Gu. (B: Theoderick Orbus - Jan 07) (For
Pepperers Guild of Fennbrycg)
Barry of eight Sa & Or, an eagle disp Gu within a bord Or. (D:
Reinhard von Stettin - Feb 88)
Ermine, a double-headed eagle Gu, on a chf Sa 3 bears pawprints
Arg. (D: Aleksandr Mikhail Evgenevich Sviatoslavin vnuk Apr 96)
Ermine, a salt Az, overall a legless oriole disp, wings inv, head to
sin, Gu. (D: Orielle de Honfleur - Nov 86)
Ermine, a sword inv Or, overall a hawk disp, all within a bord
dovetailed Gu. (D: Radnor of Guildemar - Aug 81)
Ermine, an eagle disp Gu, charged on the breast with a cross
crosslet fitchy Arg, within a bord counter-ermine. (D:
Raibeart Warenne - Apr 89)
Erminois, an eagle disp Gu within a bord rayonny Sa. (D: Klaufi
Hafsson - Sep 02)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a hawk disp head facing sin wings inv within a
bord Gu. (D: Ian of the Red Hawk - Feb 92)
Gyronny Vt & Or, a double-headed eagle Gu & a bord ctrch. (D:
Wilhelm van Utrecht - Mar 07)
Lozengy ermine & Sa, an owl statant guardant to sin, wings disp, on
a chf Gu, five annulets fretted in fess Or. (D: Patricia of
Wyvernwood - Feb 89)
Or, a chev Sa, bezanty, in base a hawk disp Gu. (D: Warin
Redhawk of Seven Jays - Aug 87)
Or, a chev wavy Az betw in chf a stallion countersalient Sa & a
bear (brown) statant erect proper, & in base, an eagle disp Gu.
(D: Marius Phillipus Barbarus - Aug 79)
Or, a fess bretessed Sa betw 2 triskelions & a falcon disp, head to
sin, Gu. (D: Gavin MacFergus - Dec 91)
Or, a pale Sa, overall an eagle Gu. (D: Otto Vustmann - Dec 96)
Or, a simurgh (Persian peacock) disp Gu within a bord engrailed
Sa. (D: Meara al-Isfahani - Oct 87)
Or, an eagle disp Gu, in chf a sword fesswise reversed Sa. (D:
Alexandru von Talmetz - Aug 79?)
Or, an eagle disp Gu, on a chf Az 3 winged boots Or. (D: Egil
Thorkelsson Brberg - Feb 00)
Or, an eagle Gu & on a chf Sa five crosses formy fitchy Or. (D:
Adelrich Falke - Aug 02)
Or, 3 bars wavy Az, overall a falcon disp Gu within a bord embat
Sa. (D: Eckerich Rothvalken von Stromburg - Feb 92)
Pean, a tower triple-towered Or, surmounted by a falcon disp, head
to sin, Gu. (D: Orric Blackthorn - Jul 84)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a hawk trussing a duck Gu & in bend 3 roses
Or seeded Vt. (D: Helen Hawksworth - Aug 01)

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Gules] to [Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Multicolor]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Gules (continued)

Per bend Or & Gu, a hawk disp Gu & a boar-spearhead Arg. (D:
Lorenz der Jger - Feb 92)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, a cross bottony Or & a double-headed eagle
disp, maintaining a sword & a scroll, Gu. (D: Wolfram von
Solingen - Jan 88)
Per chev Arg & Az, a swan disp Gu issuant from a demi-egg in base
Arg. (D: Steveg Stevegsson - Jan 85)
Per chev raguly Sa & Arg, 2 crosses bottony Arg & an eagle Gu.
(D: Conor Weisszahn - Nov 97)
Per chev Sa & Or, 2 rapiers in chev, tips crossed Or & on a hawk
disp head to sin Gu jessed of leather proper a pheon inv Or.
(D: Gracia Rede de Hauke - Mar 06)
Per chev throughout Gu & Arg, 2 roundels & an eagle ctrch. (D:
Clara von Ulm - Dec 06)
Per chev throughout Purp & Arg, a merlin disp Gu maintaining 2
sprigs of heather proper betw 3 annulets ctrch. (D: Marian of
Heatherdale - Aug 95)
Per fess embat Arg & Gu, an eagle disp & a swiss vouge head
bendwise sin reversed ctrch. (D: Johannes Kaspar Zurfluh Jan 94) (A vouge is a late-period halberd.)
Per fess Gu & Arg, a pair of hands & a double-headed eagle ctrch.
(D: Ermenrich von Duisburg - Jan 03)
Per fess Gu & Or, a lion dormant & an eagle head to sin ctrch. (D:
Stephania von Graz - Nov 01)
Per fess Sa & Arg, in chf 3 towers Or, in base an eagle disp Gu. (D:
Wolfram von Windberg - Feb 97)
Per fess Sa, semy of sparks Arg, & Arg, a pale ctrch, overall a
martlet disp Gu. (D: Thomas of Tenby - Mar 88)
Per pale Or & Sa, a double-headed eagle Gu & a bord ctrch. (D:
Malis der Totschlger - Sep 05)
Per pale Sa & Arg, an eagle Gu within a bord embat semy of
roundels ctrch. (D: Geoffrey de Cardeville - Jan 03)
Potenty en pointe Or & Vt, a bend Or fimbriated & surmounted by a
hummingbird disp Gu. (D: Alwyn of Glanymorniwl - Aug 82)
Quarterly Sa & Or, an eagle disp facing sin Gu betw 3 ermine spots
ctrch. (D: Frederich von Teufen - Dec 95)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Multicolor

See also: Monster - Phoenix

(Fieldless) A demi-kestrel disp guardant Az, armed & breasted Or,
the wings barry Az & Or. (B: Gunnvr silfrahrr - Jan 98)
(Fieldless) A double-headed eagle disp per pale Az & Or. (B:
Wulfbrand Weigand - Apr 97) (For Haus Weigand)
(Fieldless) A double-headed eagle disp per pale Gu & Or ermined
Vt. (B: Gotfridus von Schwaben - Aug 05)
(Fieldless) A double-headed eagle per pale Az & Arg within &
conjoined to an annulet per pale Arg & Az. (B: John the
Pursuwer - Dec 97)
(Fieldless) An eagle disp head to sin per pale Gu & Sa. (B: Brocc
Huntington - May 05)
(Fieldless) An eagle disp per pale Sa & Or. (B: Maridonna
Benvenuti - Dec 98)
(Fieldless) An eagle per pale Gu & Or. (B: Iosef Braun - Feb 03)
(Fieldless) An eagle per pale Or & Sa maintaining a lightning bolt
Sa & a lightning bolt Or. (B: Northshield - Mar 05)
(Fieldless) On a demi-eagle per pale Arg & Az, a cross formy
floretty Or. (B: Leah de Montgomerie of Lark Hall - Jul 94)
Arg, a popinjay disp Gu winged Az within an orle Sa. (D: Jan van
Seist - Mar 03)
Arg, an eagle disp barry Sa & Or, in chf a label Sa. (D: David
McLeod of Black Mountain - Nov 89)
Arg, an eagle disp per pale Sa & Az, a sin side indented Az. (D:
Kollack von Zweckel - Jan 95)
Arg, on a double-headed eagle disp quarterly Gu & Sa a trefoil Arg
a bord quarterly Sa & Gu. (D: Brian de Lacy - Oct 97)
Az, an eagle disp checky Arg & Gu crowned Or. (D: Moravia,
Markgraf of - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, an eagle disp checky Or & Gu crowned Or. (D: Moravia,
Markgraf of - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Ermine, a double headed eagle disp, per pale Gu & Az, on a chf
triangular Sa, a sword fesswise Or. (D: Godwin Talfourd of
York - Jul 88)
Gu, a chev Arg surmounted by an eagle disp, wings inv, ctrch, in
chf an arrow fesswise barb to sin, Arg. (D: Brun Canutesson May 88)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Multicolor (continued)

Gu, semy of annulets Or, a hawk disp, the tip of each wing
terminating in a hawks head, beak to center, per pale Sa &
Arg. (D: Sigmund Shadowhawk - Mar 90)
Or, a double headed eagle per pale Sa & Gu, maintaining a goblet
Gu & a broken sword Sa, a bord per pale Sa & Gu. (D: Andr
de Montsgur - Dec 98)
Per bend Az & Arg, a hawk disp guardant ctrch. (D: Gunnarr
haukr - Oct 03)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a falcon disp head to sin, within a bord, all
ctrch. (D: Romulus di Falco - Apr 84)
Per chev Arg & Sa, a bird disp, head facing sin, within an orle of
decrescents ctrch. (D: Andrew Blount - Apr 99)
Per chev Az & Arg, an eagle disp, wings inv & head to sin, & in chf
2 roses, all ctrch. (D: Constantine Nikephorus Akrites Jun 88)
Per chev inv Or & Sa, an eagle disp ctrch. (D: Wilhelm von
Regensburg - Jun 93)
Per chev inv Purp & ermine, an eagle disp ctrch & in base a
crescent Sa. (D: Alaric Sartiano - Nov 03)
Per chev inv Purp & ermine, an eagle disp ctrch, in base a crescent
inv Sa. (B: Alaric Sartiano - Nov 03)
Per chev Or & Az, an eagle disp ctrch, on a chf Gu 3 Maltese
crosses Arg. (D: Roelandt Storme van Raedt - Dec 99)
Per chev raguly Or & Sa, a raven disp head to sin ctrch. (D:
Eoghan Fionn MacDuibhshithe - Jun 92)
Per chev Sa & Arg, an eagle disp, doubly headed with the heads of
Afghan hounds, ctrch. (D: Tangwystl de Curci - May 88)
Per fess Arg & Purp, a thistle slipped & leaved & a swallow
migrant within a bord ctrch. (D: Rowen of Staffin - Oct 91)
Per fess Arg & Sa, an eagle betw 2 bars wavy ctrch. (D: Viviane
dAgincourt - Aug 04)
Per fess indented Arg & Gu, a raven disp ctrch Sa & Arg. (B:
Gunnar Skullsplitter - Mar 05)
Per pale & per chev Az & Or, a double headed eagle ctrch. (D:
Allan Grayson of Eaglescliff - Apr 94)
Per pale Arg & Az, an eagle disp ctrch. (D: Stephen Ironhand Aug 79?)
Per pale Arg & Gu, an eagle disp ctrch. (D: Heinrich Von
Brandenburg - Feb 98)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a double-headed eagle & in base an open book
ctrch. (D: Konrad der Adler von Lbeck - Feb 04)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a double-headed eagle disp, on a chf 3 mullets
of eight points ctrch. (D: Auver de Ver - Apr 00)
Per pale Arg & Sa, an owl disp betw 3 sprigs of 2 holly leaves, all
ctrch. (D: Weland of Yulewood - Jul 88)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a double-headed eagle betw 3 Maltese crosses
ctrch. (D: Basil Rattenbury - Jan 96)
Per pale Arg & Vt, an eagle disp ctrch & on a base Sa a sword
fesswise Arg. (D: Dietrich Hartmann - Jul 02)
Per pale Az & Arg, a double-headed eagle disp maintaining 2
swords & a base embat all ctrch. (D: Glen of the Outlands Jun 94)
Per pale Az & Arg, a sparrow migrant in pale ctrch. (D: Derek the
Sparrow - Jun 73?)
Per pale Az & Arg all semy of estoiles, an eagle disp within a bord
all ctrch Arg & Az. (D: Brendan of Dormansford - Sep 04)
Per pale Az & Arg, an owl disp within a bord semy of escarbuncles,
all ctrch. (D: William of Questionable Intentions - May 88)
Per pale Az & ermine, a dove disp within an orle ctrch. (D:
Rebekah Tynker - Jan 04)
Per pale Az & Or, a double-headed eagle & in chf 2 chi-rhos all
ctrch. (D: Martinus Draco Byzantinos - Feb 03)
Per pale Az & Or, a Russian firebird disp ctrch & in chf a coronet
Gu, all within on a bord engrailed 3 roundels ctrch. (B:
Katharina von der Waldwiese - May 98)
Per pale ermine & counter-ermine, an eagle disp maintaining in its
talons a sword bendwise & a coin, all within a bord ctrch Sa &
Arg. (B: Aeruin ni hEarain o Chonnemara - Nov 88) (For
Dun Iolair Duibh)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a double-headed eagle within a double tressure
ctrch. (D: Rudiger Adler - Jul 06)
Per pale Gu & Arg, on a chev inv ctrch a lute & a falchion inv
proper & in chf a seagull disp ctrch. (D: Fanchion
Mountaintamer of Skyehaven - Mar 85)
Per pale Gu & Or, a double-headed eagle, wings inv & disp, ctrch, a
chf counter-ermine. (D: Amadeus von Koburg - Jul 89)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 287

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Multicolor] to [Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Or]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Multicolor (continued)

Per pale Gu & Or all goutty ctrch, a double-headed eagle per pale
Or & Gu. (D: Nigell Tarragon - Feb 08)
Per pale Or & Az, a bird disp ctrch. (D: Evan de Navarre Aug 99)
Per pale Or & Gu, an eagle ctrch. (D: Iosef Braun - Feb 03)
Per pale Or & Gu, an eagle disp ctrch & on a chf Sa 2 laurel wreaths
Or. (D: Cm an Iolair - Jan 96)
Per pale Or & Purp, a double-headed eagle ctrch. (D: Xantha
Ekaterina Glinskaya - Mar 98)
Per pale Or & Sa a double headed eagle disp, a bord semy of
lozenges ctrch. (D: Wulfbrand Weigand - Mar 95)
Per pale Or & Sa, an eagle betw in bend sin 2 crosses couped all
within a bord ctrch. (D: engus Conchobhair - Dec 02)
Per pale Or & Sa, an eagle ctrch & on a chf Gu 2 keys in salt wards
to chf Arg. (D: Meheldis von Fulda - May 05)
Per pale Or & Vt, a double-headed eagle ctrch & on a chf Sa 2
hawks lures Or. (D: Colyne Gray - Mar 03)
Per pale Or & Vt, an eagle ctrch within a bord ermine. (D: Amie
Sparrow - Feb 05)
Per pale Or & Vt, an eagle ctrch within a bord ermine. (B: Amie
Sparrow - Oct 05)
Per pale Purp & Or, an eagle disp within a bord ctrch. (D: Keyna
Morgan Oulton - Nov 91)
Per pale Purp & Or, on an eagle an annulet ctrch. (D: Failenn
Margaret McBride - Aug 93)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a chev potenty betw 2 halberds bendwise sin
issuant from dexter, 2 halberds bendwise issuant from sin, & a
double-headed eagle ctrch. (D: Heinrich Anselm - Jul 93)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a double-headed eagle ctrch, on a chf Gu 3
caltrops Arg. (D: Thaddeus von Orlamnde - Sep 04)
Per pale Sa & Arg, an albatross disp, head to sin, betw 4 millrinds
ctrch. (D: Fulk Mallei of Luxemberg - May 84)
Per pale Sa & Arg, an eagle disp within a bord dovetailed ctrch. (D:
Alicia Marie dAvignon - Jul 00)
Per pale Sa & Or, a bird disp & in base a sun betw 2 crescents, 2 &
one, all ctrch. (D: Ruthardus Hruga - Feb 06)
Per pale Sa & Or, a double-headed eagle disp ctrch, a chf embat Gu.
(D: Mikhail Reubenovic Kopaczewski - Jul 88)
Per pale Sa & Or, a 2-headed raven disp ctrch, on a chf triangular
Gu a sprig of mistletoe Arg. (D: Thurwulf Ragnarsson Mar 93)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a falcon disp within a bord embat ctrch. (D:
Andreas der Eisfalke - Oct 91)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a goose migrant palewise betw in chf 2
shamrocks ctrch. (D: Calgaigch MacPhee - Dec 87)
Per pale Vt & Or, a double-eagle disp ctrch. (D: Stefan der
Strassenrauber - Jan 73?)
Per salt Arg & Az, an eagle disp, wings inv, betw 4 crosses formy
ctrch. (D: Conrad Friedrich von Troppau - Nov 87)
Per salt Sa & Arg, a falcon disp ctrch, beaked & taloned, within a
bord Gu. (B: Manfred Kriegstreiber - Sep 92)
Per salt Sa & Arg, a falcon disp ctrch, in chf a ducal coronet Arg, all
within a bord Gu, charged in chf with a rose Arg. (D: Manfred
Kriegstreiber - Sep 92)
Per salt Vt & Arg, an eagle disp grasping a double-axe ctrch. (B:
Elrik Skap-Vargr - Oct 89)
Purp, in pale a double-headed eagle & a lightning bolt fesswise Or.
(D: Gaius Valerius Corvinus - Dec 06)
Quarterly Or & Az, an eagle disp betw 4 crosses formy fitchy, a
bord ctrch. (D: Johannes Gordon - Apr 99)
Quarterly Or & Sa, a hawk disp, in chf a sword fesswise reversed
betw 2 mullets of 4 points, & in base a mullet of 4 points, all
ctrch. (D: Mordock von Rgen - Nov 83)
Quarterly Purp & Arg, a double-headed eagle ctrch. (D: Vrydrich
von Marienburg - Jun 93)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, a double-headed eagle ctrch. (D: Nikodemus
Volk - Jul 04)
Sa, a bend sin Or, & overall a raven disp ctrch. (D: Albert von
Dreckenveldt - Jan 74?)
Sa, a raven disp & a chf chequy Vt & Arg. (D: Witram Elwood Nov 88)
Sa, an eagle per pale Arg & Gu. (D: Reinhardt Medebruwer Nov 03)
Vt, a goose passant disp, wings inv, Arg plumed Vt, grasping a pen
in its beak Arg. (D: Katherine of Kells - Aug 79?)
* * * End * * *
288 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Or

See also: Monster - Phoenix

(Fieldless) A hawk disp within & perched upon a dragons tail
couped embowed to dexter Or. (B: Albert von Dreckenveldt Feb 92)
(Fieldless) An eagle disp Or perched atop 4 crescents conjoined in
salt, horns outward Arg. (B: Caid - Oct 00)
(Fieldless) An owl disp Or sustaining in its talons a lozenge Purp.
(B: Eduard von Schnberg - Jan 95) (For Haus Schnberg)
(Fieldless) On an Eagle disp wings inv Or a mullet of five greater
& five lesser points Sa. (B: Ansteorra - Jul 96) (For Order
of the Centurions of the Sable Star of Ansteorra)
Az, a chev inv ermine betw an eagle disp & 2 eagles heads erased
Or. (D: Wilhelm von Mnchen - Jul 93)
Az, a dove disp wings inv Or betw 4 garden roses in cross Arg. (D:
Mirille la Colombe - Oct 86)
Az, a falcon disp Or perched upon the hilt of a sword inv Arg, hilted
Sa, issuant from base, in chf a chain fesswise throughout,
broken in the center, & in the falcons sin talon the missing
link, Arg. (D: Kynewulf Gairloch - Aug 79?)
Az, a Russian firebird disp Or, crested & its six tail-feathers each
charged with a heart Gu. (D: Tatiana Ivanovna - Dec 80)
Az, a 2-headed eagle Or charged on the breast with a lozenge Az &
on a chf Or 3 lozenges Az. (D: Katharina von Bayern Nov 05)
Az, an eagle disp contourny grasping in both claws a thunderbolt
Or. (D: Napoleon I - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, an eagle disp facing sin perched upon a marshals baton in chf
the constellation of Ursa Major Or & a bridge of 3 arches
issuant from a base wavy Arg. (D: Bernadotte - May 95)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Az, an eagle disp grasping a sun in both claws, Or. (D: Gilbert of
the Glens - Jun 76?)
Az, an eagle disp Or, beaked & membered Gu, maintaining in its
beak a Latin cross, betw in chf a sun & an increscent Or. (D:
Moldavia - Dec 03) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, an eagle disp Or, beaked & membered Gu, maintaining in its
beak a Latin cross fitchy Or & in its talons a sword & a sceptre
Arg, charged on the breast with an escutcheon quarterly 1.
Wallachia, 2. Moldavia, 3. Banat, 4. Transylvania, & on a
point pointed Az 2 dolphins urinant respectant Or. (D:
Rumania - Dec 03) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, an eagle disp, wings inv, Or, on a chf triply-arched Arg, a fox
courant Gu. (D: Genevieve des Champs - May 92)
Az, an eagle, on a chf Or a demi-sun throughout Gu. (D: Bjorn
Blodx Thorgrimson - Apr 96)
Az ermined, in pale a cloud Arg & an eagle disp head to sin Or. (D:
Andreu Fayrfax - Apr 02)
Az, ermined Or, a cockatoo disp, wings inv, & on a chf Or, 2
horses heads couped Sa. (D: Paul Barrie - Aug 89)
Az, in pale an eagle disp & a sword inv Or within a bord Or crusilly
formy Gu. (D: Agostino da Palermo - Aug 07)
Az, on a 4-leaved shamrock Vt fimbriated a horse ramp & in chf a
falcon disp, head to sin, Or. (D: Angelina MacDougal Feb 86)
Az, on the breast of an owl disp Or, a Russian Orthodox cross Gu.
(D: Fevronia Murometsa - Mar 73?)
Az semy of crosses crosslet fitchy the chiefmost arms couped plain
Arg, a double-headed eagle Or within a bord compony Gu &
Or. (B: John the Pursuwer - Sep 03) (For House Gold
Az, 3 bendlets & overall an eagle disp Or. (D: Giovanni Boccaccio
- Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, an eagle disp Or within a laurel wreath Vt.
(D: Aarquelle - Jul 88)
Bendy sin wavy Sa & Arg, a hawk disp, belled Or, jessed Vt. (D:
Aethelhelm Hafoc - Jun 84)
Checky Arg & Gu, an eagle disp facing to sin Or & a bord Sa. (D:
Johann Bohrer von Elsass - Dec 93)
Checky Arg & Sa, a double-headed eagle disp Or maintaining in
each talon a sword palewise surmounting a wing, in chf 3
mullets Gu. (D: Roland Wortman - Oct 98)
Counterermine, a double-headed eagle & a label couped &
dovetailed Or. (D: Christoph von Mainz - Oct 91)
Gu, a double-headed eagle Or. (D: Constantinople, Emperor of Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Or]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Or (continued)

Gu, a duck disp, head affronty, within a bord Or. (B: Athelwulf the
Ancient of the Dry Lands - Jan 85)
Gu, a falcon disp Or betw 4 garden roses 2 & 2 Arg, slipped &
leaved Vt, a chf ermine. (D: Italia Dupr - May 93)
Gu, a pale pean, overall a double-headed eagle disp Or within a
bord embat pean. (D: Maximilian von Braun - May 86)
Gu, a raven disp, head to sin, within a serpent in annulo reguardant,
head to base, Or, the head & tail bound together with a cord
Arg. (D: Thorvald Wulfaersson - Oct 87)
Gu, a Russian firebird disp Or, crested & its six tail-feathers each
charged with a heart, all Az. (D: Bogdan Borodets - Dec 80)
Gu, an eagle & on a chf Or 3 roses Gu. (D: Briony Moondragon Aug 01)
Gu, an eagle disp perched upon a sword fesswise & on a chf embat
Or a mullet betw a decrescent & an increscent Purp. (D:
Cynric Norwood of Caernarvon - Oct 85)
Gu, an eagle Or, on a chf invected Arg 3 cinquefoils Vt. (D: Elsslin
von Adlersberg - Oct 04)
Gu ermined, a falcon disp & sin-facing & a chf embat Or. (D:
Peregrine Baldewin - Nov 92)
Gu semy of suns, an eagle & a chf Or. (D: Ranulph de Nedham Nov 07)
Gu, 2 lightning bolts in salt betw 4 eagles tails to center Or. (D:
Caius Gargonius Crassus - Mar 05)
Gyronny Arg & Az, a double-headed eagle & in base a stags head
cabossed Or. (D: Conn mac Eoghain - May 07)
Lozengy Gu & Arg, an eagle disp Or, & on a chf Arg, 3 seeblatter
Vt. (D: Friedrich Wolfgang von Unterstein - Feb 87) (A
seeblatt is a stylized leaf.)
Pean, 2 bendlets betw a hawk disp & a fleur-de-lis Or. (D: Henri
Garther - Apr 94)
Per bend Az & Gu, a bend counter-embat betw an eagle disp, wings
inv, & a tower Or. (D: Wilhelm von Oldenburg - Jan 85)
Per bend Gu & Sa, an eagle disp, wings inv, & on a chf Or, 3
crosses patty Sa. (D: Conrad von Altmark - Jul 84)
Per bend nebuly Az & Arg, a duck disp Or & a fleur-de-lys Vt. (D:
indle Diarmada - Mar 06)
Per bend Sa & Az, a plate & overall an eagle disp Or. (D: Fiona
inghean Dubhghaill mhic Nill - Jul 05)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, an eagle disp, head to sin, Or & a dexter
mailed fist affronty couped at the wrist Arg. (D: Tadg ui
Duinn of Isle Magee - Feb 84)
Per bend sin Az & Vt a bend sin cotised Arg betw an eagle disp
head to sin & a hound statant reguardant Or. (D: Dubhgall
Mac Conmeadha - Jan 96)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a double headed eagle disp Or & a wolf ramp
Arg. (D: William Wulfrun - Jan 96)
Per bend sin Or & Az, a Latin cross & a double-headed eagle,
wings disp & inv, ctrch. (D: Sely Magnus Scriba - Aug 89)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, an eagle Or & a sprig of rue flowered Vt
seeded Or. (D: Ankharet verch Mereduth ap Madoc - Sep 04)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, on a bend sin Arg betw a vulture disp & a
broken sword Or 3 compass stars palewise Az. (D: Vladimir
of Arkhangelsk - May 82)
Per chev Az & plumetty Az & Arg, a hawk disp, wings inv, all
within a bord Or. (D: Adenwald the Hazardous - Apr 91)
Per chev Gu & Sa, an eagle betw 3 crosses formy Or. (D: Dietrich
Karl von Andernach - Apr 02)
Per chev inv Az & Gu, an eagle disp & 3 crescents Or. (D: Alaric
Foxley - Sep 92)
Per chev inv Az & Or, a crested eagle disp head affronty & 3 oak
trees eradicated fructed ctrch. (D: Deorwine aet Earneleia Oct 97)
Per chev inv Gu & Sa, a pall & in chf an eagle disp Or. (D: Myles
of Falkon Hold - Aug 83)
Per chev inv Gu & Sa, an eagle disp within a bord dovetailed Or.
(D: Gerhard von Regensburg - May 94)
Per chev inv Gu & Vt, a chev inv Arg betw a triskele & a falcon
disp Or. (D: Tuirn Brecc - Jan 94)
Per chev Or & Purp, 2 bears combatant Gu & an owl disp Or. (D:
Aleksei Nikolai Rusianov - Feb 07)
Per chev Or & Sa, 2 boars combattant Gu & an eagle disp Or. (D:
Wilhelm von den Rotenkeilern - Nov 85)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev rompu betw 2 feathers Arg & an owl disp
Or. (D: Talan the Night Owl - Feb 94)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Or (continued)

Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev, in base a peregrine falcon disp Or,
hooded Sa, & a chf embat Or. (D: Eric Thorgrimsson Jun 83)
Per chev throughout Arg & Gu, 2 estoiles Sa & an eagle disp Or.
(D: Alexandrina of Lorne - Mar 98)
Per chev throughout Or & Sa, an eagle disp Or & in chf 2 trees
eradicated proper. (D: Brennus de Coille Siar - Aug 90)
Per chev Vt & Arg, in pale an eagle disp, head to sin & wings inv,
Or & an orange branch Sa, fructed proper. (D: Amice
dOrange - Nov 89)
Per chev Vt & Gu, a chev betw 2 fleurs-de-lys & an eagle Or. (D:
Isabel Mara del Aguila - Sep 03)
Per fess Gu & Az, a Russian firebird disp Or, crested Az, its six tailfeathers each charged with a heart Gu. (B: Bogdan Borodets Dec 80)
Per fess Gu & Vt, a spear & in canton an eagle Or. (D: Ragngeirr
assabana - Feb 06)
Per fess indented Or & Sa, 2 double-bladed axes in salt & a dove
migrant, all ctrch. (D: Alayne McGuyre - Jan 90)
Per fess rayonny Sa & Gu, an eagle disp Or breathing flames
proper. (D: David Evan McKuenn - Jul 84)
Per fess Sa & Gu, in fess an eagle disp & a Celtic cross Or. (D:
Richard Stewart of Saint Andrews - Feb 00)
Per fess Sa & Gu, on a fess Arg betw a 2-headed demi-eagle disp
issuant from the fess & a tower, both Or, 3 anchors Gu. (D:
Kathleen ODubhghaill - Jul 85)
Per fess Sa & Or, a 2-headed vulture disp Or & 3 roses Sa barbed,
slipped, leaved & seeded proper. (D: Valdrkr inn Danski May 06)
Per pale Az & Gu, an eagle disp & in chf 2 cats eyes Or, irised Sa.
(D: Martin Lewis - Jul 97)
Per pale Az & Sa, a castle Arg betw in pale an eagle disp & 2
barrulets wavy couped Or. (D: Maelgwn McCain - Aug 94)
Per pale bendy Az & Arg & Gu, an eagle, wings disp & inv Or
within a bord ctrch. (D: Mark von Neumannsgrund - Jul 89)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a bird migrant within a serpent involved Or all
within an orle Arg. (D: Styrr lfsson - Nov 01)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a crane disp legless Or. (D: David Westerville Aug 79?)
Per pale Sa & Gu, an owl disp within a laurel wreath Or, on a chf
dovetailed Arg 3 crosses formy Sa. (D: Owls Nest - Sep 92)
Per pale Vt & Sa, an eagle disp betw in bend 2 increscents Or. (D:
Muirne n Chathin - Feb 98)
Per pall inv Sa, Arg & Gu, in fess 2 compass-stars ctrch & in base a
European tree sparrow disp Or. (D: Maximillian von Halstern
- Oct 85)
Per salt Arg ermined Gu, & Sa, an eagle disp Or & a bord ctrch. (D:
Rebekah de Veryan - Aug 92)
Per salt Az & Gu, 4 bendlets & 4 scarpes abased & fretted in base &
in chf an eagle disp Or. (D: Aleron of Eagles Reach May 85)
Per salt Gu & Az, an eagle & issuant from base a demi-sun Or. (D:
Reginald of Whetmore - Jun 95)
Purp, a dove migrant palewise Or within an orle of fleurs-de-lys
Arg. (B: Leiannka Zorya Zelolev - Jan 84) (For Marcelle
Desire la Belle)
Purp, a raven disp & on a chf Or 3 trefoils Vt. (D: Robert OMora May 05)
Purp, an eagle Or within a bord erminois. (D: Parmen Volchkov Apr 04)
Purp, crusilly Latin Arg, on a double-headed eagle Or a Latin cross
Purp. (D: Casia Thessalonica apo Constantinopolios May 91)
Purp, in pale an owl disp Or & a plate within a bord wavy Arg. (D:
Isabeau de Poitiers - May 94)
Quarterly Arg & Az, an eagle Or within a bord ctrch. (D: Edmund
Wolfe - Oct 07)
Quarterly pean & Gu on a double-headed eagle disp Or in fess 2
crosses formy Sa. (D: Ilya the Wanderer - Jun 94)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, on a bend Or five fir trees palewise proper, in
sin chf a raven disp Or. (D: Richard Anthony de Ravenswood May 88)
Quarterly Vt & Sa, an eagle disp Or betw 3 crescents pendant Arg.
(D: Bryce de Wales - May 05)
Sa, a double headed eagle disp Or, maintaining 2 double-bitted axes
inv Arg, a bord Arg mullety Gu. (D: Colin Brodie - Jan 98)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 289

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Or] to [Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Sable]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Or (continued)

Sa, a double-headed eagle, a bord engrailed Or. (D: Niklas

Vasilevich - May 99)
Sa, a dove ascending within a mascle betw in chf 2 trefoils Or. (D:
Constanza di Giovanni - Dec 84)
Sa, a hawk disp & on a chf embat Or, 3 fir trees eradicated Sa. (D:
Alaric Hawkwood of Hawkwood Manor - Mar 91)
Sa, an alerion betw 3 eagles jambes erased a la quise, a bord embat
Or. (D: Uther Siemer - Nov 07)
Sa, an eagle betw 3 Latin crosses within a bord Or. (D: Drogo of
Caid - Dec 05)
Sa, an eagle disp & on a chf Or 3 mullets of six greater & six lesser
points Sa. (D: David Falvy Falconer - Sep 98)
Sa, an eagle disp facing sin Or, on a point pointed Arg 3 crosses
flory, one & 2, Sa. (D: Emmerick von Adlershorst - Aug 93)
Sa, an eagle disp Or, perched upon a sword fesswise proper all
within an orle of fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Arnulf Adler - Feb 85)
Sa, an eagle Or & a dexter tierce Arg. (D: Michele Aquilani da
Napoli - Aug 02)
Sa, an owl disp guardant Or maintaining a chain fracted Arg within
a bord compony Arg & Vt. (D: Branainn O Coinghiollin Dec 91)
Sa bezanty, an eagle disp Or. (D: Wilhelm Schatzgeyer - Nov 97)
Sa, in pale an eagle disp guardant & a serpent nowed contourny,
within an orle Or. (D: Eirikr Eyvindarson - Oct 93)
Sa, on an eagle disp, wings inv, Or, 3 estoiles Sa, a bord Or. (D:
Isobel Gildingwater of Ditchingham - Jul 91)
Tierced per chev throughout Az, Gu, & Vt, overall an Egyptian
hawk disp Or crowned of a bezant & maintaining 2 bezants.
(D: Janet Virago Parva of House Morningstar - Jan 80)
Vt, a double-headed eagle Or & a bord embat Or ermined Vt. (D:
Donngal de Buchanan - Jan 04)
Vt, a falcon disp Or, charged upon the breast with a trefoil Vt,
within a bord engrailed Arg. (B: Ceinwen Haele Cynwyth Nov 84)
Vt, a hawk disp facing sin Or, charged with a lozenge Vt, & in chf 3
lozenges all within a bord Or. (D: Jason Hawke - Aug 91)
Vt, an eagle Or & a bord Or pellety. (D: Egil Haraldsson Oct 03)
Vt, an eagle Or betw 3 cushions one & 2, that in chf delfwise &
those in base lozengewise Arg. (B: Miri MDonnyle Apr 03)
Vt, ermined Or, a bend sin betw an eagle disp & a tower Or. (D:
Raedwulf Odell - Feb 88)
Vt, in chf an eagle disp, facing sin, & in base a salt, overall an orle
of chain Or. (D: Angus Ulrich - Jul 93)
Vt, in pale a roundel & an eagle disp within a bord Or. (D: Cathan
MacCathail - Jan 94)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Proper

See also: Monster - Phoenix

Arg, a great horned owl disp proper, on a chf Sa a sword fesswise
reversed betw 2 towers Arg. (D: Timotheus Zacharia von
Schloss Zwilling - Jan 87)
Az, a European eagle owl disp proper maintaining in its feet a
lightning flash bendwise sin Or. (D: Michael Maggotslayer Oct 07)
Ermine, a turkey vulture disp, dexter wing erect, sin wing inv,
proper. (D: Malutka sep Srebnitska - Mar 78?)
Gu, in sin chf a tawny eagle disp guardant, wings inv proper,
grasping in its talons a warhammer fesswise Sa, & a dexter
gore Or goutty de sang. (D: AEthelred the Jute - May 85)
Or, a salt conjoined with a pale Az, overall a bald eagle disp
grasping in its talons 2 swords inv in salt proper, each
entwined by a serpent Or. (D: Frederick Tinamou the
Untamed - May 82)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, a red-tailed hawk disp guardant proper betw 2
bezants in bend. (D: Galen Shadowhawk - Oct 88)
Per chev Or & Sa, a puffin disp proper. (D: Joanne of Puffin Cliff Mar 84)
Per pale Az & Arg, a peregrine falcon disp proper within a bord
ctrch. (D: Ame Rene Cateline Marchand - Sep 87)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a fess ctrch & in chf a barn owl disp proper. (D:
Dorthea Eulenfreund - Jun 83)

290 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Proper (continued)

Per pale Vt & Sa, a horned owl disp, talons extended, proper, in sin
chf overall a triskele of flames Or. (D: Donalblain MacTague
- Aug 79?)
Per salt Vt & Or, a mockingbird disp head to sin proper perched on
an ocotillo branch fesswise Vt, flowered Gu. (D: Leonie de
Civronnay - Jul 86)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Purpure

See also: Monster - Phoenix

Arg, a double-headed hawk disp & a chf Purp. (D: Wilhelm
Zweikopfig Falke - Dec 87)
Arg, a merlin migrant Purp marked Arg in chf 3 fir trees couped Vt.
(D: Kymme filia Merlin - Feb 06)
Arg, a raven disp guardant Purp within a bord Az. (D: Morrin O
hIongardall - Aug 88)
Or, an eagle disp & on a chf Purp a fleur-de-lys betw 2 roses Or.
(D: Anne of Foxmoor - Jan 96)
Per bend Or & Sa, a double-headed eagle Purp & a lightning bolt
bendwise Or. (B: Gaius Valerius Corvinus - Dec 06)
Per chev Purp & Arg, a bird migrant Purp. (B: Volradus Tammius Dec 00)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Sable

See also: Monster - Phoenix

(Fieldless) A demi-eagle disp issuant from 2 theatre masks
conjoined in fess Sa. (B: Peregrine Payne - Aug 91)
(Fieldless) A raven, disp Sa perched upon a sword fesswise
reversed Or. (B: Brynna of Aelfstanbury - Sep 91) (For
Aelfstans Hall)
(Fieldless) An eagle Sa, each wing charged with an estoile Arg. (B:
Wilhelm Meis - May 06)
(Fieldless) In pale a raven disp Sa perched atop a sun Or charged
with a wolfs head cabossed Sa. (B: Bran of Silver Keep Sep 99)
(Fieldless) On a double headed eagle Sa 2 furisons palewise flat to
center Or. (B: Arion Hirsch von Schutzhundheim - Jul 01)
(JB: Julianna Neuneker Hirsch von Schutzhundheim)
(Fieldless) On a hawk disp Sa a cross couped Arg. (B: Rosalind of
Wellmark - May 96)
Arg, a bend sin embat Vt betw an eagle disp & in salt a battle-axe &
a mallet Sa. (D: Adelric of Saxony - Oct 07)
Arg, a brown owl disp proper & on a chf triangular Vt 3 oak leaves
conjoined at their stems Or. (D: Leofwynn Kyndheir May 02)
Arg, a chev betw 2 estoiles Az & an eagle Sa. (D: Wilhelm Meis Mar 05)
Arg, a double-headed eagle disp & on a chf Sa a lion passant Arg.
(D: John de Duglas - Jun 02)
Arg, a double-headed eagle Sa & overall a bendlet Gu. (D:
Bertrand du Guesclin - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, a falcon disp Sa, its wings encircling an estoile Gu, a bord
engrailed Sa. (D: Roland of Falcondale - Jun 76?)
Arg, a fess nebuly Az & in chf a raven disp Sa. (D: Mayken de
Houtman - Dec 04)
Arg, a pall Gu & in chf an eagle disp Sa. (D: Mark Phillipsson Nov 91)
Arg, a pall inv Gu, semy-de-lys Or, overall an eagle disp, wings inv,
Sa. (D: Baldric von Adlerberg - Jan 90)
Arg, a raven disp & on a chf engrailed Sa 3 Thors hammers Arg.
(D: Karl Arnaldsson - Jul 06)
Arg, a raven disp betw 3 towers Sa, all within an orle Vt. (D:
Raven of Black Tower - Jun 82)
Arg, a raven disp maintaining a spear fesswise Sa within a bord Gu
& overall on a chf Sa 3 ermine spots Arg. (D: Ravenswar
Brack - Oct 07)
Arg, a raven disp Sa betw 4 paw prints Gu. (B: Iain Gilfillan Aug 89)
Arg, a raven disp Sa betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Gu, all within a bord Sa.
(D: Cline Jeanne de Hermain - Nov 87)
Arg, a raven disp Sa, on a chf enarched Vt a mallet Arg. (D:
Morwenna n Mheachair - Feb 00)
Arg, a raven disp Sa, on a chf triangular Purp a sun Or. (D: Anika
Hrafnsdottir - Jun 96)

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Sable]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Sable (continued)

Arg, a raven disp with wings inv proper, on its breast an inv tau
cross Or. (D: Haakon Redbeard - Aug 72?)
Arg, a swan disp & facing sin Sa gorged of a chain Or, overall a
fess counter-compony Az & Or. (D: Gregory of Loch Swan Dec 96)
Arg, a swan disp & facing sin Sa, overall a fess counter-compony
Or & Az, in chf a label Az. (D: Jonathon of Loch Swan Jun 06)
Arg, a swan disp Sa holding in its feet the halves of a sword fracted
Or, a bord dovetailed Az. (D: Sveyn Egilsson - Nov 92)
Arg, a swan disp Sa within a laurel wreath Vt, in chf a feather
fesswise a bord wavy Az. (D: Glynn Rhe - Mar 98)
Arg, a 2-headed eagle disp Sa betw a chf embat & a base wavy Az.
(D: Wilhelm von Basel - Dec 03)
Arg, a vulture disp, wings inv, Sa, ruffed Arg, betw 2 flaunches Gu.
(D: Roger Alton of the Desert - Jan 73?)
Arg, a wheel betw in chf a raven disp & in base 2 ravens close
addorsed Sa. (D: Conan Oarbreaker - Aug 84)
Arg, an eagle disp Sa. (D: Manfred, King of Sicily - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, an eagle disp Sa, a bord Vt semy of harps Or. (D: Fiachra
Aiodhghean Muircheartaigh na hEoghanacht Locha Lein Jul 91)
Arg, an eagle disp Sa crowned Or. (D: Prussia - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, an eagle disp, wings inv Sa, a double tressure & overall a bend
Purp. (D: Katrin von Hohenzollern - May 98)
Arg, an owl affronty & disp Sa betw in salt 4 Maltese crosses Gu.
(D: Ceallach of Saint Michaels Keep - May 90)
Arg, an owl disp guardant Sa betw 3 pheons inv Gu all within a
bord Sa. (D: Gideanus Tacitus Adamantius - Dec 84)
Arg chap ploy Purp, in pale a raven disp conjoined to a pair of
axes in salt Sa. (D: Sorcha inghean mhic Dhubhghaill Nov 07)
Arg, in pale a Japanese crane disp & 2 arrows in salt within the
uprights of a torii gate Sa. (B: Kurabayashi Hikaru - Jan 90)
Arg, in pale a mullet of eight points & an eagle disp, a bord Sa. (D:
Eric of Bronzehelm - Feb 99)
Arg, in pale a raven disp & an axe fesswise reversed Sa all within a
bord Purp. (D: Gorm Bolin - Mar 03)
Arg, in pale a raven disp & 2 swords in salt, a bord embat Sa. (D:
Mavrikii Andronikov - Jan 93)
Arg, in pale a raven disp conjoined to a pair of axes in salt, within a
bord engrailed Sa. (B: Sorcha inghean mhic Dhubhghaill Dec 06)
Arg, on a fess Gu betw a falcon disp & a cup Sa, 3 sexfoils pierced
Arg. (D: Bahiyyah bint Suhayl - Jun 99)
Arg semy of lozenges Gu, an eagle disp head to sin maintaining 3
annulets braced 2 & one all within a bord Sa. (D: Stanislav
Norovich - Jul 03)
Arg, semy of strawberries proper, a double-headed roc disp Sa,
orbed Gu. (D: Kerry the Rock - Jan 73?)
Arg, 2 chevronels betw 2 Celtic crosses & an eagle disp, head
facing sin, Sa. (D: lric Ravenshaw - Jan 97)
Arg, 2 chevronels Gu & overall an eagle disp Sa. (D: Ivo
Blackhawk - Jan 02)
Arg, 2 chevrons inv Gu & in chf an eagle disp Sa. (D: Reinhardt
von Glckstadt - Jun 97)
Az, an eagle disp wings inv Sa, fimbriated Or, upon a tierce sin Or
3 francisques (axes) Sa. (D: Curtis of Westlake - May 85)
Az, 3 Tau crosses, stems conjoined in trefoil, Arg, overall a raven
disp Sa, fimbriated Arg. (B: Sean MacFflam of Ravenswaard Aug 78?) (For House Ravenswaard)
Bendy Vt & Or, overall a double-headed eagle disp Sa, in base a
hunting horn Purp. (D: Wolfram von Zauberwald - Dec 89)
Chevronelly Or & Gu, an eagle Sa & a base embat Vt. (D: Juan
Bautista Pone - Mar 08)
Ermine, a raven semi-disp reversed Sa, orbed & taloned Or,
grasping 2 lightning bolts crossed in salt Or. (D: Hal Ravn Sep 73)
Ermine, a swan elevated & disp, dismembered Sa, collared or,
holding in its beak a thistle proper. (D: Irving de Rosamonde
MacChlurain - Aug 79)
Erminois, an eagle disp Sa, on a chf triangular Gu, 3 roses Arg. (D:
Patrick Logan - Jan 91)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Sable (continued)

Erminois, an eagle disp within a bord Sa. (B: Friedrich Eric

Helmut von Rheinhausen - Nov 94)
Gu, a double-headed eagle disp Sa. (B: Albania, Peoples Republic
of - Dec 94) (post-1992)(Important non-SCA flag)
Gu, a double-headed eagle disp Sa & in chf a mullet voided Or. (B:
Albania, Peoples Republic of - Dec 94) (pre1992)(Important non-SCA flag)
Gu, a pale Or, overall a raven disclosed proper. (B: Cigfran
Myddrael Joserlin, the Raven - Oct 80) (For House
Gu, an eagle disp Sa, fimbriated Arg, beaked & membered,
grasping in the dexter talon a warhammer Or, & in sin talon a
sword, point in base, proper. (D: Wilhelm von Messer Jan 73?)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, a double-headed eagle disp Sa. (D: Andrei de
Sevastopol - Jan 73?)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, a raven disp, wings inv, Sa, within a bord ctrch.
(D: Brendan Morgansbane - Jun 89)
Lozengy Gu & Arg, an eagle disp facing sin within a bord embat
Sa. (D: Raphael de Mont Saint Michel - Sep 90)
Or, a bend betw a tower & an eagle disp, & on a chf Sa, 3 crosses
crosslet fitchy Or. (D: Wilhelm Steinhauser - Dec 85)
Or, a chev Gu betw 2 galleys, sails furled, Sa, pennoned Gu, & an
eagle disp Sa, all within a bord Gu. (D: Laughlan MacAlister May 87)
Or, a double-headed eagle disp Sa, on a chf Vt 3 laurel wreaths Or.
(D: Infimus Mons Aureus - Dec 96)
Or, a double-headed eagle disp Sa (sometimes crowned, sometimes
also nimbed Or). (D: Holy Roman Empire - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Or, a double-headed eagle Sa disp armed crowned & maintaining an
orb & sceptre Or. (B: Russia - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA
Or, a double-headed eagle Sa, on a chf Gu 2 scorpions fesswise
respectant Or. (D: Lucius Evangelista - Dec 05)
Or, a dove disp Sa betw 3 hearts Gu. (D: Maria Varushka Dec 82)
Or, a falcon disp guardant, wings elevated, Sa, maintaining 2
swords inv in salt Arg, all within a bord invected Gu. (D:
Veikr of Wales - Aug 85)
Or, a raven disp & on a chf embat Sa, 3 Thors hammers Or. (D:
Haakon Tryggvason - Aug 93)
Or, a raven disp Sa & a mount indented Gu, on a chf Sa 3 towers
Or. (D: Michael Brangwyn - Dec 92)
Or, a raven disp Sa & on a chf Az 3 wolves passant Arg. (D: Alicia
FitzHugh of Ravensworth - Jan 01)
Or, a raven disp, wings inv, head to sin, Sa perched on an oak
branch leaved proper, in chf a ducal coronet, on a bord Sa a
chain Or. (D: Balder Longstrider - Jan 91)
Or, a swan disp Sa on a chf embat Purp, 3 fleur-de-lys Or. (D:
Katherine Saintlow - Mar 98)
Or, an eagle disp on a chf Sa 3 lilies Arg. (D: Friederich Scrodir
von Baden - Jan 96)
Or, an eagle disp Sa. (D: Germany - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA
Or, an eagle disp Sa resting on the horns of a steel Norse helmet
proper horned Gu. (D: Stephen Blackeagle - Jan 73?)
Or, an eagle disp Sa (sometimes crowned, sometimes also nimbed
Or). (D: Holy Roman Empire - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA
Or, goutte de sang, a raven disp & on a chf Sa, 3 suns Or. (D:
Celynnen Cigfran - Oct 86)
Or, in pale a eagle disp & 3 swords inv in pile Sa, all within a bord
embat Gu. (D: Lothar Schwarzfalkner - Sep 91)
Or, in pale a raven disp Sa perched atop a crescent inv Gu all within
a bord embat Sa. (D: Bran of Lough Derg - Jan 04)
Or, in pale a raven disp wings inv Sa & a drakkar dismasted proper
within a bord Sa. (D: Thorold Hawke - May 94)
Or, on a chev betw 2 pheons Gu & a dove migrant Sa, 3 fountains.
(D: Stephen Godwin fitz Baldric - Sep 89)
Or, on an eagle disp Sa a kleestengl, with a cross issuant to chf Arg.
(D: Silesia - May 99) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, on an eagle disp Sa an inescutcheon Arg all within a bord Purp
semy of crosses formy Arg. (D: Alaricus Simmonds Nov 93)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 291

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Sable] to [Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Vert]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Sable (continued)

Or, on an eagle Sa a cross formy fitchy Or a bord embat Sa. (D:

Christiaen de Groote - Aug 01)
Or, 2 scarpes Az betw a raven disp & a gauntlet bendwise sin,
within a bord Sa. (D: Valerio Corvinus - Jan 92)
Paly bendy Arg & Vt, a double-headed eagle disp & on a chf Sa 3
chalices Arg. (D: Konrad von Krixen - May 99)
Paly Gu & Arg, an owl passant wings disp inv Sa brandishing an
axe palewise Or. (D: Ragnar Karlson - Sep 91)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a bend raguly ctrch betw a raven disp Sa & a
boar ramp to sin Arg. (D: Brandubh FitzGerald - Nov 90)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, on a bend sin betw an eagle Sa & a goblet,
3 beehives palewise Or. (D: Gerhard Barbarossa - May 95)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a bird disp & a boar statant within a bord
ctrch. (D: Aidan of Aran - Apr 02)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a Celtic cross ctrch & in chf a hawk migrant
Sa. (D: Eden Elisabeth McNab Sommerhawke - Jul 90)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a Celtic cross within & surmounting
shamrocks palewise in annulo ctrch, in chf a hawk migrant Sa.
(B: Eden Elisabeth McNab Sommerhawke - May 91)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a wolf statant ululant contourny Arg & a
bird disp Sa. (D: Kara Ljotsdottir - Sep 00)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Sa, an eagle Sa within a bord ctrch. (D:
Konrad von Strassburg - Feb 06)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, a triquetra within & conjoined to an annulet
Or, & a swan disp facing sin Sa, all within an orle of ivy ctrch.
(D: Meadhbh OComin a Corca Laoidhe - Jun 92)
Per chev Arg & Sa, an eagle Sa maintaining in its dexter talon a
pomme & in its sin talon a hurt, & a thistle Arg. (D:
Conchobar mac Eoin - Apr 99)
Per chev Az & Arg, a chev ctrch betw 2 wolves ramp contourny
Arg & a raven disp contourny Sa. (D: Ragnar the Wolf Oct 93)
Per chev dovetailed Sa & Arg, 2 dragonflies & an owl disp ctrch.
(D: Marcus McKeon of Clan McKeeman - Sep 94)
Per chev embat Vt & Arg, 2 dice Arg & an eagle disp Sa. (D:
Mikhail Justinian - Nov 90)
Per chev Gu & Arg, a riding snaffle-bit Or & an eagle Sa. (D:
Shishido Tora - Feb 06)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 crescents each enclosing a mullet Or & a
double-headed eagle disp Sa. (D: Ekaterina Tarasova Oct 86)
Per chev inv Arg & Sa, a raven disp head facing sin & a cat-ofnine-tails enfiled with a manacle ctrch. (D: Raven Blackthorne
- Nov 95)
Per chev inv wavy ermine & Vt, a double-headed eagle Sa & a
compass-star Arg. (D: Jade of Starfall - Sep 85)
Per chev rayonny Arg & Gu, an eagle disp Sa betw 3 mullets of
eight points pierced ctrch. (D: Sigurd Ericsson of Bergen Apr 92)
Per chev Sa & Arg 2 horses heads couped respectant & a raven
disp facing sin ctrch. (D: Conor of Clan Moncreiffe - Apr 92)
Per chev Sa & Or, an increscent & a decrescent Arg & an eagle,
head to sin, Sa. (D: Malcolm Korbinian - Feb 08)
Per chev Sa & Or, 2 lions couchant respectant & an eagle disp
ctrch. (D: Dietrick von Tyrol - Jun 98)
Per chev throughout Gu & Arg, 2 ermine spots Arg & a 2 headed
eagle Sa. (D: Daniel Martel - Oct 97)
Per chev throughout Sa & Arg, a pair of hands Or & a brown duck
disp contourney proper. (D: Donal MacEdgar Colquhoun Feb 97)
Per chev vair & Or, in base a raven disp Sa. (D: Sveinn Grmarsson
- Jan 04)
Per chev Vt & Arg, in chf 2 towers Arg, in base a bifurcated eagle
Sa environed of a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Vielburgen Aug 79?)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 2 towers Arg & a double-headed eagle disp Sa.
(B: Vielburgen - Feb 89)
Per fess Arg & Gu, a bird disp wings inv Sa & a Thors hammer
Arg. (D: Thorfinn of Deodar - Feb 02)
Per fess Arg & Gu, on a double-headed eagle Sa nimbed
maintaining a sword & a Latin cross elongated to base, a cross
formy Or. (D: Beatrix von Kln - Apr 03)
Per fess Arg & Or, a fess wavy Az betw a seagull migrant to chf &
a mullet Sa. (D: Martha the Well-Loved - Nov 86)
Per fess Arg & Sa, an eagle disp & a bear passant ctrch. (D:
Arnbjorn Karlsson - Nov 00)
292 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Sable (continued)

Per fess Arg & Sa, on a fess Gu betw an eagle disp Sa & a castle
Arg, a hawks bell with jesses Or. (D: Wilhelm von Freiburg Jun 84)
Per fess, bendy sin Az & Or, & Sa, in pale an eagle disp, wings inv
Sa & a lion ramp Or. (D: Emory von Stuttgart - Jan 91)
Per fess Gu & Or, a sun Or & a falcon disp Sa. (D: Kathryn of
Oldenburg - Feb 08)
Per fess indented Az & Arg, a sword fesswise reversed Arg & a
double-headed eagle disp Sa. (B: Dagr blx - Feb 04)
Per fess Purp & Or, a bar ctrch betw a sword bendwise sin proper
enfiled of an annulet Arg & a double-headed eagle disp Sa
maintaining in its talons a serpent Vt. (D: Franz von
Corgymonde - Nov 81)
Per pale Arg & Vt, 2 scarpes ctrch Gu & Arg betw a raven disp
contourny Sa armed & a tower Or. (D: Martn de Suero y
Tresguerras - Nov 91)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a double-headed eagle disp Sa betw 3 Thors
hammers ctrch. (D: Ewen Ericsson - Mar 85)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a falcon disp contourny Sa within a bord ctrch.
(D: Dun Fugol - Jul 92)
Per pale Gu & Or, a raven disp Sa perched atop 3 annulets
interlaced 2 & one ctrch. (D: Ludwig von Ravenstein Aug 96)
Per pale Or & Arg, an eagle disp head to sin & on a chf embat Sa 2
roses Arg barbed & seeded proper. (D: Conrad von Zollern May 02)
Per pale Or & Arg, in pale a crow disp head to sin Sa perched atop
an annulet Gu. (D: Ashley Little - Aug 05)
Per pale Or & Gu, a raven disp Sa betw 3 roundels ctrch. (D:
Patrick Ravensclaw - Jul 01)
Per pale Or & Gu, a raven disp Sa betw 3 roundels ctrch, as an
augmentation on the breast of the raven a unicornate natural
seahorse contourny maintaining a banner Or. (Augmentation of
Arms: Patrick Ravensclaw - Jul 01)
Per pale Or & Gu crusilly formy ctrch, an eagle Sa. (D: Helmut
Kruger - Jan 08)
Per pall inv Gu, Vt & Or, a double-headed eagle disp Sa. (D: Njali
Styrbjornsoni - Jan 73?)
Per salt Arg & Az, in pale a hawk disp & an anvil Sa. (D: Steinar
Vidfamne - Jun 98)
Per salt Arg & Gu, an eagle disp & in chf 2 compass stars Sa. (D:
Martin Fletcher - Aug 01)
Per salt Gu & Arg, a raven disp proper, maintaining a quill pen Sa a
bord embat ctrch. (D: Thomas MacConnor of Ulster Oct 96)
Per salt Or 4 palets Gu & Arg an eagle disp Sa. (D: Sicily Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Per salt Sa & Or, an eagle & issuant from base a demi-sun all within
a bord ctrch. (D: Jean Guillaume Duplessis - Jun 03)
Quarterly Arg & Gu, an eagle disp & on a chf Sa 3 suns Arg. (D:
Eduard von Konstanz - Apr 97)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a falcon disp Sa. (D: Rurik of Mirkwood Aug 71?)
Vair, a raven disp Sa. (D: Bran of Cornwall - Aug 72?)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Vert

See also: Monster - Phoenix

Arg, a falcon disp Vt sustained by a sin cubit arm fesswise fist
clenched & on a chf Sa 3 feathers bendwise sin Or. (D: Donal
Bane of Blakmers - Dec 00)
Arg, a popinjay disp & on a bord Vt an orle of vine Arg. (D:
Tangwystel vyrgh Gwethenek - Sep 07)
Arg, an eagle disp Vt. (B: Friedrich Eric Helmut von Rheinhausen
- Feb 87)
Ermine, an owl disp Vt maintaining a rat Gu, on a chf Vt 3 acorns
inv slipped & leaved Arg. (D: Ethelreda the Wise - Apr 97)
Erminois, a popinjay disp gardant & in chf a sword fesswise
reversed Vt. (D: Lann an Glasean - Jul 86)
Or, a bird disp Vt within a bord rayonny Sa. (B: Hrefna in heppna
orgrmsdttir - Oct 02)
Or, a chev inv Sa, overall an eagle disp Vt. (D: Andr lpervier Apr 97)
Or, an eagle disp & dismembered wings inv Vt within an orle of
gouttes de sang. (D: Aubrey Lowell - Oct 85)

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Vert] to [Bird - Whole - 1 - Rising to dexter]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Displayed - Vert (continued)

Or, an eagle disp & on a chf embat Vt 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Jehan
dAigle - Oct 92)
Per chev inv Or & Vt, in chf a hawk disp & in base 2 swords in salt
ctrch. (D: Henry Forrester the Hawk - Jan 76?)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 2 equal-armed Celtic crosses & a raven disp
ctrch. (D: Hrfn mac Thaidhg - Aug 92)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 1 - Migrant to base

See also: Monster - Phoenix

(Fieldless) A petrel migrant to base head to dexter Sa. (B: Duncan
Hepburn - Jul 00)
Arg, a bird migrant to base & on a chf Az 3 suns Or. (D: Lassarina
ingen U Eochada - Jul 01)
Arg, a hawk volant to base betw 2 arrows in chev inv Sa, a base
engrailed Az. (D: Owain of Hawksford - Dec 89)
Arg, a saker hawk migrant to base proper, on a chf embat Gu, 3
lilies Or. (D: Gwyneth Maeve of Falconguard - Jul 88)
Arg, in bend sin a dove migrant to base & a wolf salient
countourn, on a chf Az five swords inv proper. (D: Reagan
Rodolfsdatter or Geiranger - Apr 81)
Arg, in pale a corbie migrant to base Sa & a quill pen fesswise,
sustained in the birds beak, Gu. (B: Morgaine FitzStephen Oct 90) (For Roxanne du Corbeau)
Az, a dove descending & a chf invected Arg. (D: James Addison of
Woolpit - Jul 81)
Barry Sa & Or, a falcon descending upon a falconers gauntlet, both
Arg. (D: Michael of Armach - Jun 73?)
Ermine, a dove descending Arg enveloped in flames Gu within a
bord Sa. (D: Anne Aldryche the Madd - Jul 91)
Or, a hummingbird migrant to base Vt & a demi-sun issuant from
base Az. (D: Miriam bas Levi - Sep 91)
Or, semy of compass stars, a falcon migrant to base Sa. (D: Athena
Mawrcan Derwen Ddu - Dec 91)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a hawk trussing a duck Gu & in bend 3 roses
Or seeded Vt. (D: Helen Hawksworth - Aug 01)
Per fess indented Purp & Arg, in pale a snowy owl in winter phase
descending proper, & a bards harp Purp. (B: Thescorre Feb 85) (For the Bards Guild of Thescorre)
Purp, upon a chev Arg beneath a paraclete descending proper 3
crosses of Lorraine Sa. (D: James de St. Germain - Jan 73?)
Sa, a bend sin Arg surmounted by a dove descending, maintaining
in its beak an arrow fesswise reversed ctrch. (D: Axel of
Taavistia - Jan 84)
Sa, a pegasus segreant Arg in dexter chf a dove descending Gu
fimbriated Arg. (D: Patrice dCilla - Apr 97)
Sa, in chf an eagle migrant to base bearing in its beak a sword
fesswise reversed Arg. (D: Val Ryan - May 87)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 1 - Rising to dexter

See also: Monster - Phoenix

(Fieldless) A brown falcon striking, wings disp proper maintaining
in its claws a rapier bendwise inv Arg. (B: Juan Santiago Oct 07)
(Fieldless) A duck rising, wings disp Vt, billed, membered, &
collared Or. (B: Terwyn of Glen Laxsey - May 92)
(Fieldless) A falcon rising, wings disp Vt marked Sa, surmounted
by a drawn bow, arrow nocked, Or. (B: Aelfric the Kestrell Oct 92)
(Fieldless) A goose rousant reguardant Gu. (B: Ralph Bigod of
Hereford - Aug 02)
(Fieldless) A harpy eagle rising flammant proper. (B: Thylacinus
Aquila of Dair Eidand - Dec 80)
(Fieldless) A hawk rising wings disp & inv perched atop an anvil
Arg charged with a cross moline Gu. (B: Aelfraed Hawkmoon
- Jun 01)
(Fieldless) A hummingbird rising wings addorsed Or. (B:
Genevieve Marie Etiennette de Montagne - Apr 97)
(Fieldless) A hummingbird rising, wings elevated & addorsed,
within a wreath of morning glories Arg. (B: Arn Hold Apr 88)
(Fieldless) A raven rising wings addorsed Sa charged on the
shoulder with a pearled coronet Or & maintaining a 4-leafed
clover slipped Vt. (B: Tassilo von Rabennest - Mar 04)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Rising to dexter (continued)

(Fieldless) A raven striking sustaining a spur rowel of eight points

Sa. (B: Jared Alexandre Blaydeaux - Nov 01)
(Fieldless) A rooster rising Arg. (B: Drueta de la Rosa - Feb 07)
(Fieldless) A simurgh volant bendwise Or. (B: Helena de
Argentoune - Mar 07)
(Fieldless) A swan rising proper charged with a C-clef Sa. (B:
Melisande de Palma - Aug 94)
(Fieldless) A swan rousant Or. (B: Amy verch Rychard - Mar 07)
(JB: Timo Schuzzilwenst)
(Fieldless) A swan rousant wings addorsed Arg ducally gorged &
chained Or. (B: Henry V of England - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA badge)(Also the badge of Bohun, Earl of Hereford,
Constable of England)
(Fieldless) A swan roussant within & conjoined to an annulet Arg.
(B: Meridies - Dec 96) (For Order of the Rising Swan)
(Fieldless) An eagle disp bendwise Sa. (B: Atai Tetsuko - Dec 95)
(Fieldless) An ibis rising wings disp Sa maintaining an ankh Or.
(B: Sancia Lafond Freyser de Cameron - Jan 00) (For
Shadiyah al-Tawilah)
(Fieldless) An osprey rising, wings elevated & addorsed, perched
upon a sword fesswise Arg. (B: Osprey, the - Jun 97) (For
Order of the Ospreys Talon)
(Fieldless) In bend sin a hawk striking wings disp Sa tailed
sustaining a triquetra Gu. (B: Morgan mac Melin - Sep 02)
(Fieldless) In pale a dove rising wings disp Arg sustaining in its
claws a serpent palewise embowed counter-embowed Gu. (B:
Clarice Roan - May 07)
(Fieldless) In pale a kingfisher rising sustaining an escallop Az. (B:
Atlantia - Jul 07) (For Award of the Alcyon)
Arg, a bend sin embat-counter-embat Az betw a raven striking, & a
ravens leg erased a la quise Sa. (D: Erik Ravenclaw Mar 86)
Arg, a bend sin wavy Az, overall a crow rising Sa. (D: Preston of
Aschehyrst - Mar 08)
Arg, a brown falcon rising wings addorsed proper, perched atop a
falconers glove fesswise, in chf 3 hawks lures Az. (D:
Arinkell the Falconer - Feb 97)
Arg, a brown wooden cross patonce proper, betw in bend sin a
martlet rising Gu, & an Irish harp reversed Vt. (D: Di Ana,
called the Devoted - Aug 79?)
Arg, a chev inv Az, in chf a brown hen rising, wings elevated &
addorsed, proper. (D: Barbara Giomaria di Roberto Oct 97)
Arg, a chev inv Az, in chf a brown hen rising wings elevated &
addorsed proper, for augmentation in base on an escutcheon Sa
an decrescent & a mountain of 3 peaks couped Arg.
(Augmentation of Arms: Barbara Giomaria di Roberto May 98) (? blazon typo for "an")
Arg, a falcon rising, wings elevated & disp, Gu, environed of a
laurel wreath Vt, a base wavy barry wavy of six Az & Arg. (D:
Peregrine Springs - Aug 86)
Arg, a falcon striking Sa within a bord Gu. (B: Stephen Grimfalcon
de Norfolk - Dec 87) (For Household Grimfalcon)
Arg, a falcon striking, wings disp proper, on a chf Az 3 roses Arg,
each charged with a rose Or, fimbriated Sa, all barbed &
seeded proper. (D: Gregory of York - May 96)
Arg, a falcon Vt, orbed Gu, preying on a coney counter-ermine. (D:
Karl of Colfax - Mar 73?)
Arg, a Great Horned Owl rising guardant, wings elevated & disp,
proper, maintaining in its sin claw an arrow bendwise, within
an orle of arrows set barb to fletch clockwise, Sa. (D: Mikel
the Silent - Sep 88)
Arg, a hawk rising, wings addorsed & inv, Sa, issuant from sin 3
wolves teeth Gu. (B: Bahiyyah bint Suhayl - Jun 99)
Arg, a heron rising wings disp betw a chevronel throughout & a bar
Az. (D: Flann ua Donndubin - Jun 08)
Arg, a hummingbird rising Vt & on a chf embat Purp a feather
bendwise sin Arg betw 2 clay pots Or. (D: Isabel Ximena
Galiano de Valera - Dec 07)
Arg, a hummingbird rising Vt throated & sustaining in its feet an
arrow fesswise reversed Gu & on a chf potenty Az 3 roses Arg
barbed Vt. (D: Generys le Boghyere - May 07)
Arg, a jay rising wings elevated & addorsed & on a chf Az 3 fleursde-lys Arg. (D: Lauretta Toulouse - Mar 00)
Arg, a kestrel hovering Sa, in base a mount Vt. (D: Ynhared
Dewines y Glyndu - Aug 86)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 293

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Rising to dexter]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Rising to dexter (continued)

Arg, a popinjay rising wings disp proper & on a chf wavy Gu a

unicorn counter-dormant Or. (D: Hilary of Keer - Apr 06)
Arg, a raven rising regardant wings disclosed proper, maintaining in
the dexter claw a sword Gu. (D: Cigfran Myddrael Joserlin,
the Raven - Mar 03)
Arg, a raven rising Sa sustaining in its beak an arrow palewise, a
tierce Purp. (D: Alienor dOrliens - Sep 06)
Arg, a raven rising wings disp Sa, on a chf Gu 3 pairs of arrows inv
in salt Arg. (D: Andr du Corbeau - Dec 04)
Arg, a raven rising, wings elevated & addorsed, head lowered, Sa
within a laurel wreath & in dexter chf an oak tree eradicated
Az. (D: Ravenhill - Aug 84)
Arg, a raven rising wings elevated & addorsed Sa beaked &
membered Gu maintaining in its dexter claw a heart Sa all
within a bord nebuly Az. (D: Alyna Duchez - Sep 95)
Arg, a raven rising wings elevated & addorsed Sa, on a chf Vt 3
annulets Arg. (D: Corwyn Sinister - Nov 91)
Arg, a raven surgerant Sa, perching upon a dexter hand in pale,
couped at the wrist proper, gauntleted Az. (D: Hrlfr
Hrafnssen - Jul 74)
Arg, a salt Gu, overall an eagle striking Sa, on a chf embat Az a
mullet Arg. (D: Gunnar Oxnamegin - Aug 95)
Arg, a sea-eagle wings elevated & addorsed Az betw 3 flames one
& 2 proper, a bord Az. (D: Hilary Ashcroft of Kymberly Apr 96)
Arg, a swallow rising Purp, maintaining in its beak a shamrock Vt.
(D: Moira MacDermott - Dec 97)
Arg, a wool wheel, alighting on the head a crow proper. (D: Eloise
of Roed - Apr 76?)
Arg, an eagle rising wings disp Az & in chf 3 gouttes de sang. (D:
Cara dAquila - Jun 06)
Arg, in pale a falcon rising reguardant, wings disp, & in salt a
garden rose & a thistle, both slipped & leaved, all proper. (D:
Peregrynne Wyndrider - Apr 06)
Arg, on a falcon volant to dexter chf Sa betw in chf 2 swords inv Gu
a mullet of eight points Or. (D: Juan Martn del Halcn Mar 91)
Arg, 2 scarpes betw a raven rising & a heart-shaped padlock Sa. (D:
Raven Blacloke - Oct 94)
Arg, within a mascle a raven volant bendwise, all within a bord
potenty Sa. (D: Bran Donn of the Cleftlands - Jul 87)
Az, a bantam cock statant, wings elevated & addorsed, & on a chf
embat Arg, an annulet Sa. (D: Uilliam mac Ailne mhic
Seamuis - Jan 91)
Az, a bend Gu ermined & fimbriated, betw an eagle striking Or & a
stags head erased contourny Arg. (D: Jean Andr Boeye Aug 92)
Az, a dove rising wings elevated & addorsed Arg within a bord
indented Or. (D: Janeta Baily - Apr 00)
Az, a duck rising wings elevated & addorsed & on a chf Arg 3
shamrocks Vt. (D: Helvig Ulfsdotter - Jan 98)
Az, a eagle rising, wings elevated & addorsed, Or, holding in its
talons a fish Arg, on a chf Or, 3 crosses bottonny Az. (D:
Balin the Hunter - Mar 87)
Az, a falcon rising wings elevated & addorsed betw in base 2
scimitars inv & addorsed Arg. (D: Kerridwen of Falconhold Mar 86)
Az, a grey goose volant bendwise wings addorsed proper gorged of
a coronet Or. (D: Rorik Fredericsson - Dec 99)
Az, a hawk striking Arg, on a chf Or a broad arrow inv betw 2 pairs
of arrows inv in salt Sa. (D: Artorius Greyhawk - Mar 05)
Az, a hummingbird rising, in chf 3 roses Arg. (D: Karana
Yabokchi - Jun 98)
Az, a songbird migrant bendwise, maintaining in its beak a fusa, Or.
(B: Reagan of the White Dawn - Jun 81)
Az, an hawk striking Arg & in base a garden rose fesswise slipped
& leaved, a bord Or. (D: Sine the Shameless - Sep 93)
Az, an owl rising guardant wings disp Arg within a bord quarterly
Arg & Or. (D: Lucia Ottavia da Siena - Sep 95)
Az, an owl striking affronty Arg & in chf a plate, all within an orle
of ivy Or. (D: Ula Brennasdottir - Jan 87)
Az, an owl striking Or, beaked & membered Arg, orbed Sa. (D:
Eve Nightstalker - Jan 73?)
Az crusilly formy Arg, a falcon rising wings addorsed maintaining a
horseshoe inv Or. (D: Wojciech Bobrowski - Jan 00)

294 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Rising to dexter (continued)

Az, crusilly Or, a dove rising, wings disp, Arg, on a chf Or 3 roses
proper. (D: Donald Thomas Maxwell - Nov 88)
Az, in fess an osprey rising wings addorsed Arg betw an oak leaf
inv & an oak leaf Or. (B: Wealdsmere - May 97) (For Order
of the Golden Osprey)
Az, in pale a falcon rising wings disp Arg perched on a harp Or, a
bord ermine. (D: Martin le Harpur of Faulkbourne - Feb 01)
Az, in pale a linnet volant bendwise & a sprig of lilies of the valley
Arg, a bord embat Or. (D: Linotte Lematre - Oct 98)
Az, in pale a pair of crampons in salt & a falcon rising, wings disp
& inv Or, a bord erminois. (D: Eirik Ising Steingrim Sep 94) (re-registered 9506A)
Az, in pale 3 escallops inv one & 2 & a swallow volant bendwise
Arg. (D: Brighid of Lindisfarne - Sep 93)
Az mullety Arg, a swan rousant & a chf rayonny Or. (D: Teleri
ferch Morgant ap Rhys - Jan 92)
Az semy of escallops inv Arg, an eagle striking & a gore sin Or. (D:
Ariel by the Bay - Apr 95)
Az, 3 scarpes abased & in dexter chf an eagle rising, wings elevated
& addorsed, maintaining in its sin talon 3 annulets, interlaced
one & 2, Or. (D: Adrienne dAvenay - Mar 88)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, a swan rousant Sa, beaked & membered Gu,
& a gore sin Purp. (D: Cymber of the Darkwater - Apr 88)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, a swan rousant Sa, beaked & membered Gu,
gorged of a comital coronet Or, & a gore sin Purp.
(Augmentation of Arms: Cymber of the Darkwater - Jan 90)
Checky Arg & Sa, a bird rising, wings disp, & a bord Gu. (B:
Amata Quentin Motzhart - May 08)
Chevronelly inv Purp & Or, a kestrel rising, wings addorsed, jessed
& belled, & on a chf Arg a fleur-de-lys Purp. (D: Catarina
Ginevra Falconieri - Aug 94)
Counter-ermine, a cross engrailed Gu, overall a crane rising, wings
elevated & addorsed, Arg. (B: Enoch Crandall mac Cranon Aug 89) (For Daoine Cud Filte)
Ermine, 2 scarpes Vt, overall a golden eagle striking proper bearing
in its beak a garden rose Gu slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Daved
Shmuel ben Rachon - Apr 91)
Gu, a chev rayonny to base Arg betw 3 gouttes deau one & 2 & a
heron rising Or. (D: Elianora Feverel - Feb 07)
Gu, a chf triangular ermine, in base a dove rising, wings disp, Or.
(D: John of the Angular Dove - Oct 76?)
Gu, a crow rising, pierced by an arrow, both Arg. (D: Jehan de la
Marche - Jan 73?)
Gu, a dove volant bendwise Arg & on a chf Or, 2 crosses crosslet
fitchy Sa. (D: Dianne of York - Nov 90)
Gu, a falcon striking Or, in sin chf a mullet Arg. (B: Timmeke
Haakonson of Nordheim - Jan 01) (For Haakonstead)
Gu, a falcon striking Or, on a chf rayonny Arg 3 estoiles Gu. (D:
Christian Cnox - Jan 92)
Gu, a hawk rising, wings elevated & addorsed, Sa perched on a kris
fesswise Arg, quilloned Sa, all fimbriated Arg. (D: Aleta Ara
of Helsgard, the Cruel - Aug 86)
Gu, a heron rising wings disp & on a base Arg a comet fesswise Gu.
(D: Bacchus of Ambergard - Sep 05)
Gu, a lark rising, wings elevated & addorsed, sustaining in its beak
an open scroll Or. (B: Highland Foorde - Oct 99)
Gu, a peregrine falcon rising wings disp Or maintaining in both
talons a halberd bendwise Sa. (D: Owain of Corn Valley Jan 01)
Gu, a swan rousant & on a chf wavy Arg 3 crescents Gu. (D: Elena
de Barrasa - Oct 04)
Gu, an eagle rising & a tierce Or. (D: William of Stonebridge Feb 07)
Gu, an eagle striking Arg, on a chf Or 2 spears in salt Sa. (D:
Judwiga Czarna Pika ze Smocza Jamy - Aug 99)
Gu, an eagle striking betw 3 mullets Or. (D: Olof Gudmundsson Aug 94)
Gu, an eagle trussing a serpent & in chf 3 bezants all within a bord
Or. (D: Rob OFlynn - Oct 90)
Gu, an osprey striking betw in chf 2 crescents Or. (D: Sasha
Dmitrievich Dozortsev - Dec 94)
Gu, fretty Arg, a falcon striking maintaining in its talons a lure Sa.
(B: Arwenna of Kelsley - Jun 97) (For Falconmews)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a hawk striking on a bord Sa 3 decrescents
Arg. (D: Ladain n Dheirdre Chaomhnaigh - Jan 98)

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Rising to dexter]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Rising to dexter (continued)

Gyronny Vt & Gu, a dove rising reguardant disp bearing in its beak
a sprig of leaves within a bord Or. (D: Adela de Mandeville May 86)
Or, a blackbird rising, wings elevated & addorsed, Purp, within a
bord Sa charged with six millet heads in orle Or. (D: Eleanor
Terrington - Jan 90)
Or, a chev betw 2 gloves Az each charged with a bezant & a falcon
striking Az. (D: Piers Fauconer - Jul 01)
Or, a chev Sa, overall a cock striking, on a chf rayonny Gu five
decrescents Arg. (D: Leopoldo of Tree Girt Sea - May 98)
Or, a crow rising Sa & on a chf Purp 3 key crosses Or. (D: William
of Gleann nam Feorag Dhuibhe - Apr 06)
Or, a fess wavy Az, in chf a falcon rising Sa. (D: Elisabeth von
Rttgen - Jan 97)
Or, a hawk rising wings elevated & addorsed betw 3 crescents Gu.
(D: Joshua Redhawk - Apr 97)
Or, a popinjay rising wings disp Gu within an orle of ermine spots
Sa. (B: Iago Benitez - Jul 00)
Or, a raven rising wings elevated & addorsed, on a chf Sa five
fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Reinhardt von Trotha - Jan 99)
Or, a ruby-throated hummingbird rising proper, on a chf Az 3 oak
leaves bendwise sin inv Or. (D: Ara Aradottir - Dec 07)
Or, a swan rousant Sa, collared, on a chf Gu, 3 roses Arg, barbed &
seeded proper. (D: Frances Gorges - Apr 90)
Or, a swan rousant Sa in base a whip tied in a Hungerford knot inv
Gu, a bord checky Or & Sa. (D: Erennach Nic Dugal
Crawford - Feb 97)
Or, a swan rousant wings disp Sa & on a chf Gu 3 suns Or. (D:
Isidora Elleva - Mar 01)
Or, an eagle rising wings disp betw 2 scimitars addorsed in demiannulo betw 3 crosses pate quadrate Sa. (D: Wolfgang vom
Schwarzen Adler - Apr 06)
Or, an eagle rising wings disp Gu perched upon a gauntlet fesswise
& on a chf Sa 3 compass stars Arg. (D: Sebastian Thomas of
Hawkesridge - Aug 95)
Or, an eagle rising wings elevated & addorsed per bend sin Gu &
Sa. (D: Jhone MacLachlan - Mar 96)
Or, an eagle rising, wings elevated & addorsed, Sa, grasping in its
dexter claw a sword Gu, all within a bord embat Sa. (B:
Salvador Paolo de Barcelona - Dec 87) (For Casa del Pual
Or, chausse ploye Az, an eagle striking Az betw in base 2 fir trees
Or. (D: Ellawin of Eaglewood - Jan 87)
Or crusilly Purp, a cock rising wings addorsed Sa. (D: Mol Rain
mac Sein - Jun 05)
Or, in pale 2 keys in salt wards to chf & a falcon striking Vt. (D:
Andrew of Locking - Nov 95)
Or, semy of annulets Vt, a swan rising, wings elevated & addorsed,
Sa within a bord dovetailed Vt. (D: Ilsa von Sonnenburg Nov 89)
Or semy of shamrocks Vt, a falcon striking Sa. (D: Sheamus
Corrigan - Dec 95)
Paly bendy Purp & Arg, a falcon rising, wings elevated & disp,
maintaining in its dexter talon a lily, all within a bord Or. (D:
Shoshonnah Jehanne ferch Emrys - Apr 86)
Per bend Arg & Az, an owl rising, head to dexter, wings elevated &
addorsed, a bord embat ctrch. (D: Mire n Chonaill - Jul 98)
Per bend Arg & counter-ermine, a hawk rising Sa, a bord ctrch. (D:
Stephen Hawkins of Eforde - Jun 00)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a hawk trussing a duck Gu & in bend 3 roses
Or seeded Vt. (D: Helen Hawksworth - Aug 01)
Per bend Arg & Or, a hawk striking wings disp Sa tailed & a
triquetra Gu. (D: Morgan mac Melin - Sep 03)
Per bend Arg & Purp, a hummingbird rising Vt & a honeysuckle
blossom affronty Arg. (D: Elizabeth Anne DeRaet - Jul 97)
Per bend Arg & Sa, an eagle rising, wings elevated & addorsed,
ctrch, maintaining in both talons an arrow bendwise inv Or.
(D: Iestyn ap Sais - Nov 88)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a falcon striking Sa & a mouse ramp contourny
Arg. (D: Taran the Wayward - Jul 99)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a raven volant bendwise Sa & an angora goat
salient Arg within a bord embat ctrch. (D: Alexandria of
Mazzara - Oct 03)
Per bend Az & Arg, a hawk rising & a hawks bell ctrch. (D: Brian
OSeabhac - Jun 83)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Rising to dexter (continued)

Per bend Az & ermine, a duck rising, wings addorsed Or & a garb
Az. (D: Bryan of Duckford - Oct 93)
Per bend Az & Or, a seagull rising Arg & a laurel wreath Vt. (D:
Southern Shores - Jan 73?)
Per bend Az & Vt, a falcon striking Arg within a bord countercompony Sa & Arg. (D: Duncan Tiercel MacLeod - May 91)
Per bend dovetailed Arg & Vt, a dove migrant bendwise Az & a
sprig of mint Or. (D: Katharine Campbell - Jun 88)
Per bend Gu & Or, an eagle rising, wings elevated & addorsed, & a
wolf salient to sin ctrch. (D: Arnwulf thelreding - Jul 84)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bird of paradise rising wings disp Or & five
mullets forming the constellation of the Southern Cross Arg.
(B: Papua New Guinea - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a hawk rising Or & a wolfs head ululant, erased
& facing to sin, all within an orle Arg. (D: Beverly Blackpool
- Aug 87)
Per bend Or & barry wavy Or & Az, a heron volant bendwise wings
addorsed Az. (D: Annys of Trimaris - Nov 01)
Per bend Or & checky Vt & Or, in sin chf an eagle rising, wings
addorsed Sa, & on a chf Vt 3 broad arrows Or. (D: Jonathan
Yeatts - Aug 91)
Per bend Or & Vt, an eagle striking & a roundel ctrch. (D: Aonghus
Marchand - Dec 04)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a simurgh volant bendwise Or. (D: Helena de
Argentoune - Sep 05)
Per bend Sa & Or, a dove volant bendwise & a tower, ctrch. (D:
Dovina Serpentsheart - date?)
Per bend Sa & Vt, a bend rayonny betw a raven rising & an estoile
Arg. (D: Gwyneth Ceridwen ferch Brangwyn - Aug 84)
Per bend Sa & Vt, a lark rising wings elevated & addorsed Arg
carrying in its talons a tankard fesswise distilling a goutte Or.
(D: Germaine Silverbird of Staghurst - Dec 95)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a rose & a sparrowhawk migrant bendwise
ctrch. (D: Aislinn Avia of the Sparrow Hawk - Sep 87)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a bend sin ctrch & in dexter chf a seagull
disp bendwise Arg. (D: Aaron de Mantel - Jan 84)
Per bend sin Az & Or, an eagle rising wings addorsed & inv ctrch.
(D: William le Fendur - Sep 97)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a falcon rising, wings elevated & addorsed,
betw in bend 2 sheaves of 3 arrows inv Arg. (D: Mikhail of
the Khazars - Apr 89)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, an arrow bendwise Or & in sin chf a hawk
rising, wings elevated & addorsed Arg. (D: Heafoc Egle Jan 95)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a hummingbird rising, wings elevated &
addorsed, Arg & a Celtic cross Or. (D: Elspeth Leabhrach Aug 94)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a songbird migrant bendwise maintaining in
its beak a flute bendwise sin Or. (D: Reagan of the White
Dawn - May 82)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Gu, a honeysuckle flower slipped &
leaved Vt & a hummingbird rising Or. (D: Caitriona Keavy ni
Ainle - Dec 07)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Purp, a natural seahorse erect & sin
facing & a hawk striking ctrch. (D: Dalln Caradoc of
Caernarvon - Aug 88)
Per bend sin embowed to base Arg & Az, in chf a raven rising
wings elevated & addorsed Sa. (D: Lonn ua Conaill Dec 04)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, a compass star pierced Or & a swan rousant
Sa, collared & chained Or. (D: Svana mjbeina - Apr 06)
Per bend sin Gu & Or, a natural tiger ramp contourny Arg & a hawk
rising wings addorsed Sa. (D: Lillian Hawksworth - Sep 03)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, overall a monster ramp bendwise with the
head, addorsed wings, & talons of an eagle & the hind parts of
a wolf Arg, beaked & armed Or, maintaining in each talon a
sword Arg, in canton a label Or. (D: Arnwlf Frimndt Feb 81)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, a bird rising maintaining a cup ctrch. (D:
Accolon Shadowhawk - Apr 00)
Per bend sin potenty Vt & Arg, & Gu, a dunghill cock rising, wings
addorsed within a bord wavy Or. (D: Artorius Conchobhar Jun 93)
Per bend sin Purp & Sa, a sun in splendor Or & an eagle rising Arg.
(D: Theodoric the Forgetful - Oct 82)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 295

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Rising to dexter]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Rising to dexter (continued)

Per bend sin Sa & Gu, a gyrfalcon striking, wings elevated &
addorsed, Arg, maintaining in its talons a fireball, all within a
bord engrailed Or. (D: Teamhair nic Uilleam - Apr 90)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, an eagle rising, wings elevated & inv Or, a
bord erminois. (D: Wilhelm von Adlersheim - Apr 98)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, a mullet of six points & a raven rising ctrch.
(D: Ricardo Esteban de Salamanca - Sep 00)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, a snowy egret rising wings disp Arg. (B:
Widsith Devona of Exmoor - Jul 01)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a falcon striking & maintaining by the blade a
rapier betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Robert of Altavia Mar 00)
Per bend wavy Purp & Vt, a bend wavy betw a bustard rising & a
fleur-de-lys Or. (D: Celeste Courtenay de Montmorency Jul 00)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 2 fir trees eradicated Vt, each charged with a
coronet, & a hawk striking Arg. (D: Phillip of Ghent - Jul 07)
Per chev Az & Arg, in pale a swan rising Arg & a rose Gu. (D:
Melisande de Palma - Apr 90)
Per chev Az & ermine, in base a tower Vt, in canton a falcon rising
wings disp Arg. (D: Lochloinn samhach mac Griogair Feb 05)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 increscents Or & a bird volant bendwise
holding in its beak an artists brush Sa. (D: Daniel of Rutland
- Aug 92)
Per chev embat Az & Or, in base a hummingbird volant bendwise,
wings addorsed, Gu. (D: Svana Svij - Sep 05)
Per chev Gu & Arg, a chev throughout betw 2 arrows inv in chev &
an eagle rising wings disp all ctrch Or & Gu. (D: Aidan
Sceotend t thm Mistigum Merum - Feb 92)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 old mens heads affronty, couped at the
shoulders Arg, & a Cornish chough rising, wings addorsed
proper. (D: George of Mousehole - Oct 92)
Per chev Gu & Sa, 2 lions heads cabossed & a roc rising, wings
disp & inv, bearing in its sin talon an elephant, all Arg. (D:
Roque Cartelle de Leon - Dec 89)
Per chev inv abased Vt & Arg, in chf a Great Horned Owl rising to
sin guardant, wings disp, proper. (D: Astrid Helvegr von
Eulenwald - Apr 06) (the owl is cream/light tan with dark
brown markings)
Per chev inv Az & Sa, a chev inv betw a laurel wreath Or & a hawk
striking Arg. (D: Hawkes Reache - Sep 05)
Per chev inv Or & Vt, an eagle rising, wings addorsed, Vt & in base
3 pine trees Arg. (D: Eric Silvergreene of the Carven Bow Jun 86)
Per chev Or & Az, 2 dragons ramp Gu & a falcon striking Or. (D:
Turlough Strongbow MacCormac - Sep 96)
Per chev Or & Sa, in pale a raven volant bendwise Sa & a laurel
wreath Arg. (D: Raven Marches, the - Apr 06)
Per chev Purp & Vt, an owl rising guardant wings disp Arg. (D:
Mora de Buchanan - Jan 05)
Per chev Purp mullety of eight points Arg & Arg, a pegasus courant
Arg & a hawk rising, wings elevated & addorsed, maintaining
in its dexter claw a quill pen & in its sin claw a closed scroll
Purp. (D: Hawke Rivenoak - Dec 05)
Per chev Sa & Az, 2 Arabic lamps Or & a goose rising, wings
addorsed Arg, holding in its mouth a threaded needle Or. (D:
Elissa Potier - May 93)
Per chev Sa & Or, 2 spearheads points to chf & a raven rising,
wings elevated & addorsed, within a bord dovetailed, all ctrch.
(B: Iulstan Sigewealding - Jul 95)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a raven rising wings elevated & addorsed, in chf
2 compass stars Arg. (D: Branwen ferch Emrys - Jul 90)
Per chev Sa goutty deau & Vt, in chf a martlet rising, wings disp,
& in base 3 decrescents one & 2 Arg. (D: Yolande Isabeau de
Saulx-Tavannes - Jan 93)
Per chev Vt & Az, in base a hummingbird rising, wings addorsed,
Arg. (D: Sanche OConnor - Jul 97)
Per fess Arg & Az, a raven rising, wings addorsed Sa, maintaining
an escallop Or within a laurel wreath ctrch. (D: Ravenshore Jun 83)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a raven rising, wings disp, & a quill pen
bendwise sin ctrch. (D: Szilgy Margit - Jun 99)
Per fess Az & Arg, a dove rising, wings disp, & 3 lozenges all ctrch.
(D: David of Bagulay - Apr 06)

296 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Rising to dexter (continued)

Per fess Az & Arg, a dove rising wings disp Arg & a serpent
palewise embowed counter-embowed Gu. (D: Clarice Roan May 07)
Per fess Az & Arg, in pale an eagle striking, wings addorsed,
bearing in its beak a heart Or, & a double-rose Sa, barbed &
seeded proper. (D: Damhnat Bebhinn Nic Oisdealbhaigh Aug 86)
Per fess Az & Vt, a crane rising wings disp within a bord invected
Arg. (D: Floyd Anthony Thomas Smith - Sep 96)
Per fess embat Gu & Sa masoned Arg, in pale a demi-swan rousant
issuant from the line of division & a sun Or. (D: Timo
Schuzzilwenst - Jul 06)
Per fess enarched Sa & Az, 2 cinquefoils Arg pierced Az & an owl
rising guardant wings elevated & addorsed Arg. (D: Belin bat
Kedar - Apr 04)
Per fess indented of 2 points Sa & Arg, in chf an eagle rising Arg.
(D: Llewellan Gwynn - Jun 87)
Per fess indented Purp & Arg, an owl striking, wings disp, & a harp
ctrch. (B: Thescorre - Nov 92)
Per fess Or & per fess Az & Gu, an achievement of Ecuador (4
flags on flagpoles in salt, each per fess Or & per fess Az & Gu,
overall on a cartouche blue-gray Mount Chimborazo issuant
from fess Arg, in base on a river estuary Az betw banks of land
Vt a one-masted steamship proper, in chf a sun in its splendor
Or, perched atop the cartouche a condor rising, wings disp
proper, dependent from the cartouche a fasces fesswise brown,
bladed Arg). (B: Ecuador - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA
Per fess Purp & Or, an eagle rising wings elevated & addorsed Or &
3 chevronels braced Purp. (D: Anna Caitlin MacFergus Dec 96)
Per fess rayonny Gu & Or, a hawk striking ctrch. (D: Bran
Firehawk - Aug 82)
Per fess Sa & Or, an eagle rising disp grasping in its dexter talon a
sword, & an eagles leg couped & embowed fesswise ctrch.
(D: Casimer of Silesia - Mar 82)
Per fess Sa & Vt, an osprey striking within a bord engrailed Arg.
(D: Jonathan Osprey of Wimbern - Aug 89)
Per pale & per salt embowed counter-embowed Arg & Az, a raven
rising, wings addorsed, & a bord Sa. (D: Padraic the Fierce Aug 92)
Per pale Arg semy-de-lis Sa & Sa, a falcon striking Vt. (D: Sarah
Devereaux - Feb 08)
Per pale Az & Sa, a dove rising wings elevated & addorsed Arg
within a bord Or. (D: Anna of Eichenwald - Aug 96)
Per pale Az & Vt, a dove rising, wings addorsed, & in chf 3 mullets
of eight points Or. (D: Anthea Schnwalder - Nov 89)
Per pale embowed-counterembowed Or & Sa, an Oriental dragon
tergiant inv & a simurgh rising, wings disp, ctrch. (D:
Boroghul Khara - Nov 98)
Per pale ermine & Sa, a falcon striking Az. (D: Ilias Bathory Mar 08)
Per pale Gu & Sa, an eagle rising, wings addorsed & inv, on a chf
indented Or, a hawks lure Sa, roped Gu & a hawks lure Gu,
roped Sa, the ropes conjoined in a Wake knot. (D: Carl of
Raven Wood - Feb 90)
Per pale Gu & Vt a swan rousant wings disp betw 3 estoiles Arg.
(D: Lena Solway - Dec 94)
Per pale Or & Arg, a legless swan rousant, wings elevated &
addorsed, all within a bord dovetailed Sa. (D: Michel du
Cygne Noir - Jun 90)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a falcon striking, a bord engrailed ctrch. (D:
Edward Falconer of Silver Oak - Jul 92)
Per pale Vt & Gu, a swan rousant Arg & in chf 3 clarions Or. (D:
Lefwenna Swanhilde de la Hay - Aug 97)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a peregrine falcon striking Or betw 3 bezants. (D:
Tristan dAvignon - Dec 07)
Per pall Gu Or & Az, a buck springing Az & an owl rising wings
disp Or. (D: Fia Douglas - Apr 06)
Per pall Sa, Az, & Arg, a swan roussant, a padlock Arg, & a
padlock Sa. (D: Catrina of the Lochs - Nov 98)
Per salt Arg & checky Vt & Arg, in chf a raven rising wings
addorsed Sa. (D: Robert of Ravenshill - Jun 05)
Per salt Purp & Sa, a Russian firebird volant bendwise Arg. (D:
Giulietta da Venezia - Dec 95)

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Rising to dexter] to [Bird - Whole - 1 - Rising to sinister]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Rising to dexter (continued)

Potenty Vt & Or, a raven rising Sa maintaining in its dexter claw an

increscent Arg, a bord Sa semy of increscents Arg. (D: Aoife
Eorann n Bhriain - Sep 95)
Purp, a bend Gu fimbriated Or overall a swan rising wings elevated
& addorsed Arg maintaining in its beak a mullet of eight points
Or. (D: Jehanne du May - Dec 95)
Purp, a falcon rising wings disp Arg hooded belled & jessed Or atop
a dexter gauntlet fesswise Arg, all betw 3 laurel wreaths Or.
(D: Falconridge - Dec 96)
Purp, a falcon striking within a bord Or. (B: Calontir - Jul 88)
Purp, a sword proper supported by a dragon ramp to sin & a hawk
rising, wings elevated & addorsed, Or, the sword tip piercing a
crescent Arg. (D: David Dragonhawk - Jan 91)
Purp, flames of fire Sa, fimbriated, surmounted by a falcon rising
wings disp Arg. (D: Elfrida Peregrine - Apr 06)
Purp mullety, a bend cotised Or, overall an albatross volant
bendwise, wings extended in bend sin, Arg. (B: Vostroi
Ivanov Kievich - Sep 84)
Purp, on a bend sin betw a dragon couchant reguardant & a falcon
rising, wings inv & addorsed, Arg, 4 turtles tergiant Vt. (D:
Anne Harper of Eland - Nov 88)
Quarterly Arg & Az, a raven rising wings addorsed Sa maintaining
a heart Gu. (D: Bjorn orkelson - Aug 02)
Quarterly Arg & Or, a swan rousant, wings elevated & addorsed,
Sa, maintaining in its sin foot a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Cynagua
- Apr 82)
Quarterly Az & Sa, a raven rising wings disp within an orle Arg.
(D: Morwynna Branwynt - Sep 03)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, an owl rising, wings addorsed, ctrch. (D:
Dyryke of the Red Bow - Jan 92)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a swan rousant, wings disp, Arg, beaked &
membered, within a bord Or. (D: Imran Yosuf le Scorpioun Aug 87)
Quarterly Gu & Vt, a swan rousant within a bord Arg. (D: William
Lindsay - Nov 01)
Quarterly Or semy of roses Purp & Purp, a swan contourny Arg
within a bord quarterly Purp & Or semy of roses Purp. (D:
Kra Bjarnardttir - Jul 07)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a duck rising wings addorsed Or within a bord
Or estencelly Gu. (D: Davin Drakere - Jan 06)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a falcon striking Or betw in chf 2 arrows inv in
chev & in base 2 arrows in chev inv Arg. (B: Julian Edward
Farnsworth of Falconmoors - Aug 02)
Quarterly Sa & Or, a swan rousant wings disp ctrch. (D: Eilidh
Swann Stralachlan - May 95)
Quarterly Sa & Vt, a hawk rising wings addorsed & inv, in chf a
boar spear Or. (D: Cormac of Caermont - Mar 92)
Sa, a crane rising, wings disp & on a chf Arg a lion passant
guardant Gu. (D: Li Kuang-Chi - Feb 97)
Sa, a crescent bendwise, within its horns a Japanese crane disp
bendwise Arg. (B: Ichijo Honen - Apr 05)
Sa, a falcon striking & on a chf indented Arg, 2 arrows in salt Sa.
(D: Cairbre mac Amargein - Sep 89)
Sa, a hawk rising wings disp betw 3 estoiles Arg. (D: Gavin von
Abentrot - Mar 08)
Sa, a hummingbird rising wings elevated & addorsed Or betw
flaunches ermine. (D: George Henry Waldeweye - Apr 00)
Sa, a Japanese crested crane disp bendwise within a bord of bamboo
Arg. (D: Murakami Tsuruko - Mar 86)
Sa, a peacock rising, wings elevated & disp, maintaining a sprig of
wisteria, all Arg. (B: Cristobal degli Glicine che Mangia
Uome - Aug 88)
Sa, a raven rising & in chf 3 broad arrowheads, all within an orle
embat counter-embat Arg. (D: Saewynn Silfrhrafn - Aug 92)
Sa, a Russian firebird rising & a gore Arg. (D: Tommasa Isolana Jan 07)
Sa, a swan rousant Arg betw 3 fountains. (D: Tobin Swann Jan 91)
Sa, an eagle rising wings addorsed within an orle Arg. (D:
Domhnall Dubh Ruairc - Mar 05)
Sa, an owl striking guardant Arg, goutt de sang, in dexter chf a
bezant. (D: Connall MacNaughten - Aug 86)
Sa, mulletty pierced, an eagle striking, wings elevated & addorsed,
Arg, armed Or, in chf a decrescent Arg. (D: Andrew MacKay May 91)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Rising to dexter (continued)

Sa, mullety, a martlet volant bendwise Or. (D: Morgwn the

Unknown - Apr 82)
Sa, on a chev Arg five roses Purp barbed & seeded proper in base a
falcon striking Arg. (D: Maeve Reynebaud of Falconskeep Apr 99)
Sa, on a chev Or betw in chf 2 crosses crosslet fitchy & in base a
falcon wings elevated Arg, 4 decrescents Gu. (D: Lucius
Lowthyane - Jun 94)
Sa, 2 compass stars elongated to base & a hawk striking all within a
bord Or. (D: James Sparhawke - Aug 02)
Tierced in point Arg, Sa & Vt, issuant from dexter a demi-horse
counter-courant Sa & in sin chf a dove rising, wings addorsed,
Arg. (D: Melissa merch Rhiannon - Feb 80)
Tierced per chev wavy throughout Arg Or & Az, a garden rose Gu
slipped & leaved, a sprig of Saint Johns wort Vt, & a heron
rising Arg. (D: Allison Poinvillars de Tours - Sep 01)
Vair en point, a raven striking Gu, on a chf Sa a mullet Arg. (D:
Ianto van Diemen - Nov 93)
Vt, a bend sin betw an eagle rising & a sheaf of arrows Or. (D:
Muireann inghean u Rodin - Apr 04)
Vt, a great horned owl rising wings disp proper maintaining in its
dexter claw a quill Arg & in its sin claw a ladle Or, in base a
tree bough fesswise proper. (B: Sita of Oudh - Apr 06) (the
precise tincture of the owl is unclear, thus it will conflict with
either a primarily brown or a primarily white owl)
Vt, a hawk striking within a bord embat Or. (D: Conall
Cearnaigh - Jan 00)
Vt, a swan rousant & on a chf Arg 3 roses proper. (D: Olaf
Sveinsson - Feb 95)
Vt, a swan rousant Arg charged on the breast with a feather
bendwise Vt. (B: Mathildis Death - Jun 05)
Vt, an eagle rising & on a chf indented Arg 3 bunches of grapes
Purp, slipped, leaved, & tendriled Vt. (D: Rhiannon of
Eaglesflight - Aug 83)
Vt, an eagle rising, wings elevated & addorsed, within a laurel
wreath betw in pale 2 caltrops, all Or. (D: Eagle, the Sep 80)
Vt, in sin canton an eagle rising regardant wings disp tenn & a sin
base canton per pale Gu & tenn, a pale Sa. (B: Zambia Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Vt semy-de-lys Or, a swan rousant Arg collared & chained Or, a
bord compony Gu & Arg. (B: Michael Rhys Armitage Apr 98)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 1 - Rising to sinister

See also: Monster - Phoenix

(Fieldless) A dragon passant erminois maintaining in its dexter
foreclaw a raven rising contourny Sa. (B: Moira MacDonald
of Dunskahay - May 05)
(Fieldless) A hawk rising to sin Gu grasping in its talons a buglehorn stringed Or. (B: Peregrine of the Crescent Hawks Sep 90)
(Fieldless) A hawk striking to sin erminois. (B: Tir Rgh - Jul 06)
(Fieldless) A hawk striking to sin maintaining in its talons a
compass star all within & conjoined to an annulet Sa. (B:
Ricart Berenguer Falcn - Oct 04)
(Fieldless) A hummingbird rising to sin wings addorsed Az. (B:
Isabella Gabriele de lora - Dec 03)
(Fieldless) A swan rousant contourny Gu maintaining in its beak a
grozing iron Or. (B: Alianor atte Red Swanne - Jan 06)
(Fieldless) In pale a falcon striking to sin Arg conjoined with a
cloud Or. (B: Wulfhere Slende Falk - Feb 96)
(Fieldless) Perched on a harp Or an eagle rising contourny wings
disp & inv Or. (B: Robert Spenser of Bristol - Mar 95)
Arg, a bend Az betw a ruby-throated hummingbird volant to sin,
wings addorsed proper, & a sprig of 3 cherries Gu, slipped &
leaved Vt. (D: Alacya Daveraugh - Dec 07)
Arg, a bend Gu, overall a raven volant bendwise sin to sin within a
bord embat Sa. (D: Magdalen Anne Catherine Ravenstein May 88)
Arg, a bend Purp betw a raven volant to sin chf Sa & a flame Gu.
(D: Juliana Delamere - May 05)
Arg, a bend sin betw a falcon striking to sin & a tower all within a
bord Sa. (B: Thomas of Endless Hills - May 94)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 297

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Rising to sinister]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Rising to sinister (continued)

Arg, a bend sin Gu betw a Janus head & a falcon rising to sin Az.
(D: Larisa Valkes - Jan 06)
Arg, a falcon rising to sin within a bord Az. (D: Nicholas le
Fauconer - Jul 02)
Arg, a female Everglades kite rising to sin proper maintaining in
both talons a snail Sa, a chf invected Az. (D: Glynis ferch
Llewellyn - Feb 83)
Arg, a hawk rising to sin Sa & a base embat Purp. (D: Bure Hk Aug 94)
Arg, a hawk striking to sin Sa within a laurel wreath Vt. (D:
Blackhawk - Nov 88)
Arg, a hummingbird hovering to sin Vt headed Gu sustaining in its
beak a threaded needle Sa, a chf counter-compony Gu & Or.
(D: Abigail of Lough Derravara - Dec 07)
Arg, a hummingbird rising to sin Vt betw 3 roses Gu within an orle
Purp. (D: Rosanella Vespucci - Mar 06)
Arg, a peregrine falcon rising to sin proper, wings elevated &
addorsed, & on a chf Vt a sword proper enfiled of a ring of
keys reversed Or. (D: Jocelyn Celeste de Peregrina - Aug 86)
Arg, a raven rising to sin & in chf an axe, edge to base, Sa. (B: Erik
Rafn Berserkr af Haddeby - Nov 82)
Arg, a raven rising to sin Sa, a bord Vt semy of arrows reversed
Arg. (D: Connor Ivorson - Aug 92)
Arg, a raven striking to sin Gu. (D: Malcolm MacRuairidh of
Blackoak - Mar 87)
Arg crusilly, an eagle rising to sin, wings addorsed, grasping in its
talons a staff Sa, a chf invected Gu. (D: Louis Lattimore Jun 91)
Arg, ermined Vt, a raven rising to sin Sa maintaining in his beak a
chain & pendant Or, within a bord wavy Vt. (B: Griswald
Capstock of Warwick - May 84)
Arg, in pale a raven rising to sin wings elevated & addorsed Purp
perched atop a helm reversed Sa. (D: Gytha Corbin - Aug 00)
Arg, vtu ploy Gu a hawk striking to sin Sa. (D: Sebastian Johann
Stroh - May 83)
Az, a bend sin bevilled betw an eagle rising contourny wings
elevated & addorsed & a sea dragon Or. (D: Robin of
Secumbe - Dec 01)
Az, a bend sin Sa fimbriated Or, overall a falcon striking to sin Arg.
(D: James le Hauke of Stirling - Oct 96)
Az, a falcon striking to sin & on a chf Arg 3 praying mantises sejant
erect guardant contourny Vt. (D: Richart Parion - Feb 05)
Az, a falcon striking to sin Arg, a base wavy Or. (B: Morgan ap
Siarl - Apr 85)
Az, a goose rousant contourny & on a chf wavy Arg 3 hurts. (D:
Cassandra Cappelletti - Apr 02)
Az, a owl striking to sin betw in cross 4 crosses couped Or. (D:
Francis de Chalfont - Dec 89)
Az, a swan rousant contourny & a chf embat Arg. (D: Brendan
McCarrell - Jun 93)
Az, a swan rousant contourny Arg, incensed proper, gorged of a
county coronet Or, & a bord wavy Arg semy of roses Gu,
slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Dulcia MacPherson - Dec 05)
Az, a sword bendwise sin inv & in dexter chf a dove striking
contourny Arg. (D: Jehane Coleman - Jan 95)
Az, crusilly patonce Or, a dove migrant bendwise sin Arg. (D:
Ceinwen merch Hugh - Sep 04)
Az, in pale 2 arrows inv in salt Or & an eagle striking to sin Arg.
(D: Darcy of Eagles Crag - Oct 83)
Az, in sin chf a bezant, overall a sparrowhawk rising to sin, wings
elevated & addorsed, proper bearing in its beak a rose Gu
slipped & leaved proper. (D: Roser Aloranth - Aug 79?)
Bendy sin Vt & Or, a hawk striking to sin within an orle Arg. (D:
Tvorimir Danilov - May 03)
Checky Or & Gu, a bird rising contourny Sa maintaining a lightning
bolt bendwise sin Arg all within a bord Sa. (D: Gottfried von
Kln - Apr 02)
Ermine, a falcon rising contourny, wings addorsed, belled & jessed
Gu & a chf Vt. (D: Anne of Framlingham - May 93)
Ermine, a swan rousant contourny Sa, a base Gu. (D: Eleonora
Lucrezia del Fiore - Dec 04)
Gu, a dove rising contourny, wings disp, sustaining in its beak an
arrow bendwise sin inv, within a bord Arg charged with
double-axes Gu. (D: Damn Ponder - Mar 93)

298 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Rising to sinister (continued)

Gu, a falcon rising contourny, wings disp, hooded, belled, & jessed
Or within a bord Or semy of roses Az. (D: Guillermo Diego
Andrs Alcazar del Halcn - Apr 94)
Gu, a rooster rising contourny Arg. (B: Mitchell MacBain Mar 01)
Gu, an owl rising to sin, wings elevated & addorsed, betw 3 plates
within a bord engrailed Arg. (D: Illeana de Castaeda Nov 93)
Gu, on a bend Or betw a dragon passant & a dove volant to sin chf
Arg a sword Gu. (D: William De Ross - Jun 02)
Gu, on a bend sin betw a raven striking to sin Arg & a garden rose
inv Or, slipped & leaved Vt, a claymore Gu. (D: Bronwyn the
Red - Jun 94)
Gu, platy, a pheasant rising contourny Or. (D: Catriona de Brynton
- Mar 92)
Gu, scaly Arg, a raven rising to sin, wings elevated & addorsed, Or
betw 3 bezants. (D: Berahthraben of Salt Keep - May 90)
Lozengy Arg & Az, a hummingbird rising to sin, wings addorsed
Vt. (D: Valaric Dalicieux - Nov 92)
Or, a Great Cormorant volant bendwise sin proper & on a base Az 3
salmon naiant Arg. (D: Robbin Greybeard - Apr 82)
Or, a popinjay rising contourny wings disp within an orle Vt. (D:
Peter Shove - Sep 98)
Or, a raven rising to sin Sa maintaining in its beak a necklace,
within a bord wavy Vt. (B: Griswald Capstock of Warwick Mar 84)
Or, a swan rousant contourny, a sin tierce Gu. (D: Alianor atte Red
Swanne - Jun 00)
Or, a swan rousant to sin Gu, on a chf Sa 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D:
Elizabeth Taylor atte Red Swanne - Jan 07)
Or, in pale 3 bows reversed one & 2, drawn with arrows nocked, &
a hawk striking contourny Sa. (B: Johan of Hawksley Jul 06)
Or, on a bend sin cotised Vt betw a robin rising contourny, wings
addorsed, & a church Az, 3 billets Or. (D: Robin Arthur Kyrke
- Jan 93)
Or, on a dexter gore Az, a heart Or, in sin chf a parrot rising to sin
proper. (D: Vanora Gyldanheart - Oct 88)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a hawk trussing a duck Gu & in bend 3 roses
Or seeded Vt. (D: Helen Hawksworth - Aug 01)
Per bend Arg & Or, a swan rousant to sin, wings disp, betw in bend
2 crosses of ermine tails Sa. (D: Maurya Etain Sableswan Apr 89)
Per bend Arg & Or, a swan rousant to sin wings disp Sa betw in
bend 2 fireballs Gu. (D: Stephan Sableswan - Nov 90)
Per bend Arg & Vt mullety of 4 points Or, in sin chf a hummingbird
hovering contourny Gu. (D: Tamsina of Norwich - Dec 07)
Per bend Az & Arg, an eagle striking to sin, wings elevated &
addorsed, Or & a Lebanon cedar proper. (D: Jamal Damien
Marcus - Sep 02)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend betw a lion double-queued each queue
nowed Arg & an eagle rising contourny wings addorsed Or.
(D: Asshelin Chrystal - Nov 03)
Per bend bendy sin Sa & Or, & lozengy Or & Sa, in chf a raven
rising to sin, wings elevated & addorsed, Arg. (D: Eric Ravn Nov 90)
Per bend Or & Sa, a goose counter-statant, wings elevated, head
lowered, Arg. (B: Beyatah Robakovna - Dec 80) (For House
Per bend Sa & Az, a bend betw a harp & a eagle rising to sin, wings
elevated & addorsed Or. (D: Robert Spenser of Bristol Nov 93)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a swan rousant contourny & in chf 3 fleurs-delys Arg. (D: Jehanne de Wodeford - Aug 99)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, a raven migrant bendwise sin Sa & a
fireball Arg. (D: Fiacc mac eda - Mar 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, an eagle rising to sin & a compass star ctrch.
(D: Phelan ab Emrys - May 84)
Per bend sin embat Az & Gu, an eagle rising to sin, wings elevated
& addorsed, Or & a dragon passant coward Arg. (D: Arnold
Weissdrache - Dec 87)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, a hawk striking to sin & a wolf passant
ctrch. (D: Hawk Gunnulf - Apr 98)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt, a hawk striking contourny, holding an
arrow in its talons, a bord Arg. (D: Cormac Silverhawke of
Cairngorm - Mar 93)

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Rising to sinister] to [Bird - Whole - 1 - Stooping to sinister]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Rising to sinister (continued)

Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a falcon striking contourny & a clenched
glove Arg. (D: Falco of Blackmore - Apr 94)
Per bend sin wavy Az, & Arg masoned Sa, a falcon striking
contourny, wings disp Or & a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Falcons
Quarry - Jul 93)
Per bend Vt & Sa, an eagle rising contourny wings elevated &
addorsed maintaining in its claws a roundel Or. (D: Meliora
Rhydderch - Feb 99)
Per chev Or & Az, 2 apples Gu, slipped & leaved Vt, & an eagle
rising contourny Or. (D: Robert William Makintoshe Jul 06)
Per fess Arg & Az, 2 double roses & a dove volant to sin chf ctrch.
(D: Cristine Elspeth Ross - Aug 02)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a hawk striking to sin Gu & a leopards head
erased affronty Arg. (D: Cassandra la Sable - Oct 91)
Per fess Az & Vt, an axe fesswise & a rooster rising to sin, wings
elevated & addorsed Arg. (D: Ben the butcher of Skye Jul 04)
Per fess embat Arg & Or, 3 bows reversed, drawn with arrows
nocked, & a hawk striking contourny Sa. (D: Johan of
Hawksley - Jul 06)
Per fess engrailed Arg & Az, a raven rising to sin wings addorsed
Sa & a mullet of eight points Arg. (D: Thorvald Hrafnsson Aug 91)
Per pale invected Az & Arg, mailly Az, in dexter a hawk striking to
sin Arg. (D: Angus Mac Iain the Whitehawk - Aug 89)
Per pale Or & Arg, a raven rising to sin wings elevated & addorsed
Az sustaining in its talons a laurel wreath bendwise sin proper.
(D: Corvaria - Dec 95)
Per pale raguly Arg & Az semy of estoiles Arg, a raven rising to sin
wings addorsed Sa & a moon in her complement Arg. (D:
Elisabetta Gabrieli - Jun 96)
Per pale Sa & Vt, an eagle rising to sin, wings elevated & addorsed,
Arg. (D: Johann Klaus Drager - Nov 88)
Per pale Vt & Or, a falcon migrant bendwise sin within a bord ctrch
Or & Sa. (D: Michael of Caer Myrddin - Sep 91)
Per pale wavy Arg & Vt, a falcon rising to sin, wings disp & inv Sa,
& in pale 3 hawks bells Arg. (D: Liane de Lisieux - Oct 81)
Per pale wavy Az & Arg, a hawk striking to sin & an increscent
moon ctrch. (B: Aelfraed Hawkmoon - Oct 88) (For
Hawkmoon House)
Per salt Az & Gu, a hawk striking contourny & a bord Or. (D:
Gwalchmai Dinas Emrys - Oct 91)
Per salt Or & Gu, a hawk striking to sin ctrch within a bord Sa. (D:
Morgan MacLean - Jun 91)
Per salt Purp & Vt, a swan rousant contourny wings disp Arg. (D:
Margarete Rau - Nov 00)
Pily bendy Az & Or, a swift migrant bendwise sin Arg. (B:
Candace Margreta Zanten - Jun 03)
Purp, a hummingbird rising to sin wings addorsed Or & on a chf
Arg a decrescent betw 2 mullets Az. (D: Isabella Gabriele de
lora - Dec 03)
Purp, a hummingbird rising to sin, wings elevated & addorsed, a
bord Arg. (D: Diane of Carmarthen - Jan 95)
Purp, a swan rousant to sin Or, a chf rayonny Arg. (D: Clarissa di
Firenze - Aug 88)
Purp, ermined Or, an eagle rising contourny, wings elevated & disp,
grasping in its talons a scimitar fesswise, blade to base, betw
its wings a compass-rose Arg, all within a bord embat Or. (B:
Quintus Manlius Petraeus - Mar 06)
Quarterly Az & Sa, a goose rising contourny & a bear ramp & in
chf a crescent Or. (D: Christopher Gous - Nov 06)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a dove rising to sin, wings disp, Arg. (D:
Alessandra Lo Piccolo - Jun 88)
Quarterly Vt & Or, a falcon striking to sin & a chf ctrch. (D: Simon
Thorndyke - Nov 82)
Sa, a bird rising contourny Arg, on a chf embat Arg 3 crescents Gu.
(D: Brianna O Duinn - Oct 97)
Sa, a bird rising contourny wings elevated & addorsed Arg & in chf
3 triskeles Or. (D: Oisn mac Uislenn - Jan 95)
Sa, a chev checky Gu & Arg betw 2 crosses crosslet & a dove
volant bendwise, wings addorsed Arg. (D: Adelheid von
Hohenstein - Oct 07)
Sa, a snipe rising contourny & on a chf Arg 3 dragons feet
bendwise sin contourny Sa. (D: Ronan Barrett - Dec 06)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Rising to sinister (continued)

Vt, a bald eagle striking contourny proper fimbriated, in chf a sun in

glory Or. (D: Steven of Shadowkeep - Sep 07)
Vt, a gamecock springing to sin, wings addorsed, Or. (D: George
Silver Tongue - Mar 78?)
Vt, a hawk rising contourny Arg & in chf a flame proper. (D:
Theobald Hauoc - Jun 06)
Vt, a martlet migrant bendwise sin Or, orbed Gu, betw the horns of
a crescent per pale Or & Arg. (D: Sandra Sogan - Sep 71?)
Vt, a swan rousant to sin & in chf 2 valknuts Arg. (D: Svana in
kyrra Haraldsdttir - Mar 07)
Vt, a swan volant bendwise sin to chf, wings elevated & addorsed,
betw 3 ermine spots Arg. (D: Maria de la Flor - May 89)
Vt, an owl rising & sin facing, wings disp, maintaining a pen &
scroll Arg, a bord Or. (D: Aspasia Del Verrocchio - Sep 92)
Vt, an owl striking to sin Arg within a bord Arg, semy of lozenges
Vt. (D: Esmeralda la Sabia - Jan 91)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 1 - Stooping to dexter

See also: Monster - Phoenix

(Fieldless) A dove stooping, wings addorsed, Sa. (B: Colm Dubh Jun 90) (For the House of the Black Dove)
(Fieldless) An eagle stooping wings elevated & addorsed Arg. (B:
Yngvar the Dismal - May 93) (For Hus Frhaga)
Arg, a bend cotised Az, overall an eagle stooping Gu. (D: Ecgwulf
of Aegelesthrep - Jul 87)
Arg, a falcon stooping & on a chf Vt a rapier reversed proper. (D:
Fionnbharr Seabhac - Feb 99)
Az, an osprey stooping within a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Osprey, the
- Sep 80)
Az, an osprey stooping within a laurel wreath, as an augmentation
in chf 3 mullets in chev Arg. (Augmentation of Arms: Osprey,
the - Mar 96)
Gu, a hawk stooping, wings addorsed, & on a chf engrailed Or, 3
laurel wreaths Vt. (D: Hawks Hollow - Nov 91)
Gu masoned Arg, an eagle volant to dexter base Or. (D: Angus
Turloc McClellan - Nov 90)
Or, an eagle stooping Sa & a bord vairy Gu & Arg. (D: Alaric der
Held - Jul 91)
Pean, a hawk stooping, wings elevated & addorsed Arg, a demi-sun
issuant from base Or. (D: Elysandre Gernier - Apr 94)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a hawk trussing a duck Gu & in bend 3 roses
Or seeded Vt. (D: Helen Hawksworth - Aug 01)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a hawk stooping & a skull ctrch. (D: Bla Ks
- Nov 02)
Per bend Or & Arg goutty-de-sang, a raven stooping Sa transfixed
by an arrow bendwise inv Gu. (D: Erilandus Arcanus Jun 96)
Per chev inv embat Arg & Sa, a Maltese cross Gu & an eagle
stooping Or. (D: Alpin mac Eochada - Aug 02)
Per chev Sa & Gu, in pale a falcon stooping & in salt a doublebitted axe & a sword inv Arg. (D: Wolfstern of Falkeburg Jun 81)
Pily Az & Arg, a hawk disp & bendwise sin inv Gu. (D: James
dOrlans - Oct 92)
Purp, an owl stooping Arg. (D: Safiya bint Nasr al-Samiriyya Feb 05)
Quarterly Purp & Vt, a hawk stooping betw in bend 2 decrescents
Or. (D: Cristina inghean ui Shuileabhain - Jul 03)
Sa, an eagle stooping & on a chf invected Arg a lightning bolt
fesswise Sa. (D: Jock Mactavish - Jul 97)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 1 - Stooping to sinister

See also: Monster - Phoenix

Arg, 3 scarpes Sa surmounted by a merlin stooping to sin wings
disp & a chf embat Az. (D: Charis Accipiter - Nov 90)
Lozengy Az & Arg, a falcon stooping to sin Or. (D: Robert of
Falcons Craig - Jan 90)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a hawk trussing a duck Gu & in bend 3 roses
Or seeded Vt. (D: Helen Hawksworth - Aug 01)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a unicorn ramp & a hawk stooping contourny
ctrch. (D: David Drzislav - Jul 98)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a brown hawk stooping to sin proper. (D:
Tomas Wormwood - Feb 05)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 299

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Stooping to sinister] to [Bird - Whole - 1 - Volant to dexter]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Stooping to sinister (continued)

Per bend sin Sa & Az, a hawk stooping to sin Arg. (D: Vladimir
Neupokoev - Sep 97)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, a falcon stooping to sin ctrch. (D: Fernando
Rodriguez de Falcon - Aug 83)
Sa, a peregrine falcon counter-stooping, belled & jessed, within a
bord Arg. (B: Ketievia Segovia de la Noche - Sep 80)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 1 - Volant to dexter

See also: Monster - Phoenix

(Fieldless) A dove volant Gu. (B: Valentina la Valente - Feb 94)
(Fieldless) A swallow volant Sa. (B: Francesca da Bari - Nov 99)
Arg, a bend per bend Sa & Az, in chf a finch volant, wings
addorsed Az. (D: Grim Finch - Apr 93)
Arg, a bend sin Purp betw a raven volant, wings addorsed, & a rose,
slipped & leaved, issuant from sin base Sa. (D: Corwin
Renwald - Mar 08)
Arg, a bend sin Purp betw a raven volant, wings addorsed, & a rose,
slipped & leaved, issuant from sin base Sa, a label couped
Purp. (D: Stephen Renwald - Mar 08)
Arg, a bird volant Sa, a bord Sa crusilly formy Arg. (B: Kai de
Ravenglas - Jun 01)
Arg, a chev inv wavy & in chf a dove volant Gu. (D: Valentina la
Valente - Feb 92)
Arg, a chev wavy betw 3 mullets of eight points & a raven volant
wings addorsed Sa. (D: Wilhelm Burchardt - Dec 94)
Arg, a corbie volant, wings elevated & addorsed, sustaining a
cauldron Sa. (D: Magdalena Laurens - Jul 99)
Arg, a hawk volant, wings elevated & addorsed Az betw 3
cartwheels Vt & a bord invected Gu. (D: Bronwyn ferch
Gwalchlas - Jan 92)
Arg, a hawk volant within an annulet, both Gu. (D: Thorvald inn
Grimmi - Jan 74?)
Arg, a peregrine falcon statant, wings elevated, proper & on a chf
embat Az a sword Arg. (D: Edmund Colberane - Jul 83)
Arg, a peregrine falcon, wings addorsed & inv, sin talon upraised,
proper, debruised on the dexter talon by a rose Gu, barbed &
seeded proper, & in dexter chf a cross pattee Gu. (D: Stefan
von Halleck - Aug 79)
Arg, a swan naiant Sa, wings elevated & addorsed, a bord Purp
semy of roses Arg. (D: Deirdre MacGowan - Oct 96)
Arg, an eagle volant Gu betw in pale 2 double-bitted axes fesswise,
the one in base reversed, Sa. (D: Comar Gyr Mirand Jun 83)
Arg, an osprey volant, bearing prey, & issuant from base 2 palm
trees conjoined, all within a bord Sa. (D: Robert of Erewhen Jun 73?)
Arg, an osprey volant, wings elevated & disp, proper grasping in
both talons 4 ribbons, within a bord wavy Az. (D: Elvina
Effynewoode - Jun 80)
Arg, goutty de larmes, a raven migrant Sa & a base Az. (D: Hrefna
Vegvs - Nov 98)
Arg, the dexter tierce nebuly Gu, a goose migrant to dexter Sa. (D:
Jacques du Cote Reve - May 74?)
Az, a bend engrailed betw a dove volant & a cat sejant guardant
Arg. (D: Katherine de Staverton - Jan 07)
Az, a dove volant wings elevated & addorsed Arg sustaining in its
beak a ladle palewise Or. (B: Christall Gordon - Mar 99)
Az, a feather bendwise & in sin chf a martlet volant Arg. (D:
Grinne inghean Shadna - Jul 06)
Az, a goose volant, wings elevated & addorsed, Arg, issuant from
base a demi-sun Or. (D: Nyilas Kzmr - Dec 90)
Az, a heron volant, wings addorsed, within a bord Arg. (B: Svea
the Shortsighted - Jul 90)
Az, a pall Arg & overall a swan statant, wings elevated & addorsed,
& a dragon ramp to sin addorsed Or. (D: Carlwyn George
Ordragoun of Canterbury - Sep 85)
Az, a raven volant Arg betw 3 acorns slipped & leaved & a demisun issuant from base Or. (D: Branwen Scholastica - Mar 88)
Az, a swallow volant within a bord embat Arg. (D: Arianwen ferch
Lawen - Dec 87)
Az, a swan volant betw in pale 2 flutes fesswise Arg. (D: Branwyn
of Caer Marthen - Jul 80)
Az, an English robin volant proper. (B: Geoffrey of Northaven Mar 78)

300 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Volant to dexter (continued)

Az, on a bend sin wavy betw an enfield statant & a falcon volant
Arg, an increscent Az. (D: Sion o Gonwy - Jan 91)
Az, seated in a moon increscent Or a nude maiden holding a veil
proper, in dexter chf a dove volant Arg. (B: Roger the Goliard
- Feb 75?)
Barry Arg & Sa, a martlet volant Az. (B: Elizabeth Stafford Parr
Pembroke - Dec 95)
Erminois, a swift migrant to dexter Az betw 3 mullets Gu. (D:
Damien the Swift - May 86)
Gu, a bend Or surmounted by a sword bendwise sin proper & in chf
a tern volant, all within a bord Arg. (D: Fiacha of Glencar Oct 84)
Gu, a bird migrant, in dexter chf 2 mullets of 4 points in bend, a
bord nebuly Arg. (D: Sebastiano da Pachino - Oct 98)
Gu, a chev Arg, overall a falcon volant Sa, within a bord Arg. (D:
Philip of Richmond - Mar 80)
Gu, a dove volant Arg betw 3 open scrolls Or. (D: Gwilym Sais Oct 01)
Gu, a pale Or betw a gearwheel & a pelican, wings elevated &
addorsed, both Arg. (D: Brian MacColin - Jun 77)
Gu, a raven disp fesswise Sa, orbed Gu, all fimbriated or. (B:
Manfred Gustsson - Aug 79)
Gu, a swan naiant, wings elevated, on a chf Arg 3 trefoil knots Gu.
(D: Parlan MacGillivray - Feb 91)
Gu, on a pile Sa fimbriated a cross of Jerusalem Or, overall a
hummingbird volant, wings elevated & addorsed, Arg. (D:
Aynia Morgainn of Morgannwg - May 91)
Gu, 2 piles throughout conjoined in point Az, fimbriated Or, overall
in chf an Eastern Kingbird volant, wings elevated & addorsed,
proper. (D: Aela of the Hills - Jun 83)
Gyronny Purp & Or, a dove volant Arg within a bord semy-de-lys
ctrch. (D: Grania Erann MacBride - Nov 89)
Or, a crow volant wings addorsed Sa maintaining in its beak a
needle Gu within a bord Sa. (B: Julian of Redwood - Aug 06)
Or, a dove volant Az, a chf dovetailed Az ermined Or. (D: Sophia
de Verdun - Oct 99)
Or, a dove volant, wings addorsed, Az bearing in its beak an olive
branch Vt. (D: Aryana van Wyck - Jan 96)
Or, a falcon volant & on a chf embat Gu, 2 crescents Arg. (D:
Peregrine Frijonds - Jul 90)
Or, a raven rousannt wings elevated sustaining in its dexter claw a
halberd Sa & in base a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Kaarnemaa Dec 99)
Or, a raven volant wings addorsed Sa & a base wavy Vt, all within a
bord Purp. (D: Raven of Heronsmarsh - Jul 96)
Or, an owl volant guardant wings addorsed Sa & in base a trimount
Gu. (B: Aros - Aug 96)
Or, an owl volant wings addorsed guardant Sa within a laurel
wreath Gu. (D: Aros - May 92)
Or, 3 piles in point Gu, surmounted by a raven volant, in base a fess
embat & abased Sa. (D: Mael Marden - Jul 88)
Paly bendy Az & Arg, a swan naiant wings elevated & addorsed &
on a chf Sa a sword fesswise Or, hilted Arg. (D: Erich Rotbart
von Mittenwald - Nov 97)
Pean, in bend a decrescent & a swan naiant wings addorsed Arg.
(D: Bronach ingen Eogain - Apr 05)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a hawk trussing a duck Gu & in bend 3 roses
Or seeded Vt. (D: Helen Hawksworth - Aug 01)
Per bend Arg & Purp, a salt flory conjoined with 4 crescents, horns
inward, & a dove volant, all ctrch. (D: Ljudmilla von
Knigsberg - Oct 87)
Per bend Az & Arg, in bend sin a dove volant fesswise Arg & a rose
Gu, barbed & seeded proper within a chaplet graminy of
cornflowers & marigolds proper. (D: Kathleen Cuileann Jul 79?)
Per bend engrailed Arg & Az, a dove volant & an escallop ctrch.
(D: Eleanor Deyeson - Oct 89)
Per bend Purp & Vt, a bend betw a dove volant & a sun in his
splendor Or. (D: Aine ni Sheachnasaigh - Apr 91)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a crane volant wings addorsed ctrch. (D:
Marared Llangarron - Jul 97)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a dove volant wings elevated & addorsed &
a Great Dane statant to sin ctrch. (D: Mire Catherine
FitzGerald - Nov 90)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a raven volant & an oak tree eradicated
ctrch. (D: Thoron Ravenoak - Feb 84)

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Volant to dexter]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Volant to dexter (continued)

Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a bend sin Or betw a swan statant, wings
elevated & addorsed, Sa & 3 bezants, one & 2. (D: Jeanne de
lle du Cygne Noir - Dec 81)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a duck volant, wings addorsed Arg & a
tower under construction, on its roof a building crane, Sa. (D:
Robert Carpentarius - Aug 88)
Per bend sin Az semy of estoiles & Or, a hawk volant Arg. (B:
Megan Rhys - Jun 96)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, a crane, wings elevated & addorsed, sin
facing & maintaining in the sin claw a rolled scroll Arg & a
Bengal tiger ramp Gu, marked Sa. (D: lfric the Archivist Nov 89)
Per bend sin Or & Az, an eagle volant within a bord embat, all
ctrch. (D: Brand Griffith - Jul 91)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a mullet of 4 points Arg & a peregrine
falcon volant, wings elevated & addorsed, proper. (D:
Albrecht von Halstern - Jan 85)
Per chev Arg & Vt, in chf a chough volant proper bearing in its
claws a nugget of tin ore proper. (D: Urien Pen-an-vre Nov 77?)
Per chev Az & Gu, a stork wings elevated & addorsed Arg. (D:
Juliette Rossignol - Jul 95)
Per chev barry Az & Arg, & Arg, in base a swallow volant Sa. (D:
Francesca da Bari - Nov 02)
Per chev enhanced Vt & Az, in pale a chev throughout & a gull
volant Arg. (D: Katla von der See - Mar 90)
Per chev ermine & Gu, a swallow volant Arg. (D: Laurencia of
Carlisle - Aug 06)
Per chev Gu & Purp, a chev dovetailed betw 2 lit Arabian lamps
spouts to center & a dove migrant Arg. (D: Annelise von
Aachen - Feb 00)
Per chev inv Arg & Gu, a cross of Cleves & a bird volent a bord
engrailed ctrch. (D: Lothar von Brandenburg - May 98)
Per chev inv Az & Sa, a chev inv betw a dove volant & 3 harps Arg.
(D: Danahild nic Choluim - Mar 93)
Per chev Or & Sa, 2 pairs of wings conjoined in lure Az & a falcon
volant Or. (D: Megan of the Canton of the Eternal Winds Jan 88)
Per chev Sa & Gu, 2 mullets of eight points elongated to base & a
swan naiant wings addorsed Arg. (D: Fionnghuala of
Anglesey - Aug 05)
Per chev throughout ploy engrailed Or & Purp, a dove volant Arg
bearing in its beak an olive branch proper & in chf 2 crescents
Purp. (D: Kyrielle Chandoisel - Jul 90)
Per chev Vt & Arg, in pale a flute fesswise Arg & a raven volant,
wings elevated & addorsed, Sa. (D: Shauna of Carrick Point Dec 85)
Per chev Vt & Arg, in pale a flute fesswise Arg & a raven volant
wings elevated & addorsed Sa, & for augmentation, in fess
point on a lozenge Sa a sin wing with a hand issuant
maintaining a straight trumpet Or. (Augmentation of Arms:
Shauna of Carrick Point - Aug 05)
Per chev Vt & Or, 2 crosses moline Arg & a raven volant wings
addorsed Sa. (D: Nicholas de Harrington - Aug 06)
Per fess Arg & Az, a raven volant wings addorsed Sa sustaining an
escallop Or. (B: Ravenshore - Nov 99)
Per fess Arg & Vt, a raven volant Sa & a cup Or, a bord ctrch. (D:
Donald Harefoot - Mar 98)
Per fess Az & Arg, a dove volant Arg & 3 fir trees couped proper.
(D: Gwladys Chittenden - May 92)
Per fess Az & Sa, a dove statant, wings elevated & addorsed, betw
in pale 2 hawks bells Arg. (D: Tangwen ferch Arial ap
Tangwen Haakonarstadir - Mar 88)
Per fess Az & Sa, a dove volant & a fleur-de-lis Arg. (D: Caterucia
Bice da Ghiacceto - Apr 05)
Per fess Az & Vt, a cross embat Arg betw in bend sin a seagull
volant wings elevated & addorsed proper & a natural sea-horse
erect contourny Arg. (D: Jeanette du Bois - Mar 05)
Per fess Az & Vt, a gull volant & in dexter chf an estoile Arg. (D:
Rone Dentillire de la Voile Rouge - date?)
Per fess Az & Vt, a sun in his splendor & a swallow volant Or. (D:
Aurora Kaspar - Mar 99)
Per fess embat Az & Sa, in chf a sea mew volant Arg, & issuant
from base a portcullis Or, voided Gu. (D: Sigelgaita the
Silvertongued - Aug 79?)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Volant to dexter (continued)

Per fess embat Or & Sa, a raven volant, wings addorsed, & a laurel
wreath ctrch. (D: Hrafnafjorr - Oct 05)
Per fess engrailed Sa & Vt, a swallow volant & a castle Arg. (D:
Callum of Greycastell - Mar 08)
Per fess Gu & Arg, an owl volant guardant & a laurel tree
eradicated ctrch. (D: Janette de Laurier - Oct 83)
Per fess nebuly Az & Arg, a swan volant Arg & an escarbuncle Az.
(D: Kamille Moffat of Annandale - Jun 95)
Per fess Purp & Arg, a dove volant wings addorsed Arg & a cluster
of grapes Purp slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Serena Terranova Jun 01)
Per fess wavy Gu & barry wavy Arg & Az, issuant from the line of
division a demi-sun & in chf a frigate bird volant Or. (B:
Kiribati - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per pale & chevronelly inv Sa & Arg, a pink flamingo volant
proper, wings addorsed proper. (B: Eliot Hawkes - Nov 87)
Per pale & per salt Or & Vt, a chev betw 2 sheaves of arrows Sa &
a falcon passant, wings addorsed Gu. (D: Peregrine Falconer
of Greenbriar - Apr 93)
Per pale Arg & Gu, in pale a falcon volant & a roundel ctrch. (B:
Odo Uthyr of Jararvellir - Jan 94)
Per pale Az & Arg, a bend ctrch Arg ermined Az & Az ermined
Arg & in sin chf a falcon volant Gu. (D: Derwel ferch Nefydd
Saer - Nov 94)
Per pale Az & Arg, a dove volant ctrch, on a bord Gu seven
mountains couped Arg. (D: Anne des Sept Monts - Jun 93)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a monster composed of the forequarters of a
goose & the hindquarters of a pig statant, wings elevated &
addorsed, a bord Arg. (D: Brian ua Brnainn - Nov 98)
Per pale Sa & Az, in pale a sea-gull volant & 2 quills pens
conjoined in chev inv Arg. (D: Araldo Antonio Maiella Dec 91)
Per pale wavy Az & Arg, in fess a cock statant, wings elevated &
addorsed, Arg, & a decrescent Az. (D: Cyneheard Dunnering
- Feb 90)
Per salt Arg & Vt, a duck volant Sa. (B: Miscel of Lyonesse Mar 83) (For Drakeshalle)
Purp, a crane volant, wings addorsed to base, & on a chf Arg, 3
mullets Purp. (D: Catherine Owain of Porth Ceri - Oct 90)
Purp, a dove volant wings addorsed, on a chf Arg 3 violets Purp,
slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Elaine de Montgris - May 92)
Purp, a lark volant & in chf 4 mullets in fess Arg. (D: Lucilla
Theresa de Courtenay - Jul 86)
Purp, a swan naiant wings elevated & addorsed Arg & on a chf
dovetailed Or 2 sprigs of rosemary conjoined at the base Vt.
(D: Lijss van den Kerckhove - Jan 05)
Purp, a swan volant & in dexter chf seven mullets of seven points in
annulo Arg. (B: Thin Robert of Lawrence - Nov 06) (For
House Silverswan)
Purp, an owl, wings inv & addorsed, Arg maintaining a chalice all
within a laurel wreath Or. (D: Aquilon - Apr 91)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a heron volant wings addorsed & on a chf Az a
sword reversed Arg. (D: Melchior zum grauen Wolf - Jun 02)
Quarterly Az & Arg, a tern volant wings addorsed ctrch, a bord Sa.
(B: Fiona Gilanders - May 94)
Quarterly ermine & Or, a raven volant Sa betw in bend sin 2
compass stars, all within a bord Az. (B: Alistair Kirk Feb 04)
Quarterly Gu & Az, a sword proper & overall a swan naiant, wings
addorsed, Arg, beaked & membered Or. (D: Diane de la
Douce Voix - Jan 74?)
Quarterly Or & Arg, a duck volant betw in bend sin 2 arrows
bendwise Sa. (D: Lewis ODonald - Jun 95)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a goose volant Arg within a bord Arg masoned
Sa. (B: Lonely Tower, the - Jul 01)
Sa, a cock hardy wings addorsed Or betw 3 blonde ladies heads
facing dexter proper. (D: Aaron Direidus - Apr 07)
Sa, a hawk volant wings addorsed & on a chf Arg 3 roses Gu. (D:
Raven Clough - Jul 02)
Sa, a hawk volant, wings addorsed, Or betw 3 mullets Arg. (D:
Edouard Laigle - Apr 07)
Sa, a heron volant Arg. (B: Sirhan al Siani - Aug 98)
Sa, a heron volant, wings disp & inv, Arg within a laurel wreath Or.
(D: Hrgeirsfjrr - Nov 98)
Sa, a raven volant within a bord Or. (D: Charissa de la Sierra May 86)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 301

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Volant to dexter] to [Bird - Whole - 1 - Volant to sinister]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Volant to dexter (continued)

Sa, a swan naiant, wings elevated & addorsed Arg, & on a chf Or 3
roses Sa, seeded Or. (D: Brenna Edlyn Blackrose - May 83)
Sa, an eagle volant, wings elevated & addorsed, maintaining in its
talons a sword fesswise reversed, on a chf embat Or, five
fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Jean Philippe Duvier - Dec 86)
Sa, an owl volant Arg armed & orbed Or, & in base a rose Arg
barbed & seeded proper. (D: Evart of Bangor - Mar 78?)
Sa, in bend sin an annulet Or betw 2 bend cotices wavy betw a dove
volant fesswise Arg, maintaining in its beak an olive branch
proper, & a battleaxe bendwise Arg, hafted Or. (D: Rhora
Goldring - Mar 81)
Vairy Or & Gu, a goose courant, wings elevated & addorsed, Sa.
(D: Melisande of the Flames - Aug 85)
Vt, a chev abased & in chf a bird volant wings addorsed Arg. (B:
Rowan Leah - May 98)
Vt, a dove migrant, on a chf dovetailed Arg an olive branch Vt. (D:
Katerinka Stepanova Gostimira - Jun 98)
Vt, a scimitar inv proper surmounted by a dove volant Arg all betw
2 pallets Or. (D: Daifa Aisha al-Balansiyyahi - Oct 91)
Vt, a stork passant, wings elevated & addorsed, Arg, grasping in its
beak a fish Or, all within a bord Arg. (D: Karl von Sssen Aug 87)
Vt, a stork statant, dexter foot raised, wings elevated & addorsed,
maintaining in its sin foot a gauntlet, on a chf enarched Or 2
gauntlets Az. (D: Lukas Bontyne - Aug 96)
Vt, a swallow volant betw 3 feathers Or all within a bord invected
Arg. (D: Sarra Moore - Oct 02)
Vt, a swan naiant, wings addorsed Or, a bord wavy Or semy-de-lys
Sa. (D: Alesia de Trenwyth - Oct 93)
Vt, an osprey volant proper. (D: Tober Thorvald - Mar 78?)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 1 - Volant to sinister

See also: Monster - Phoenix

Arg, a crane in its vigilance to sin reguardant, wings elevated &
addorsed Gu, betw in chf 2 quatrefoils & in base 2 chevronels
braced Sa. (D: Eirikr Thorinsson - Jul 86)
Arg, a peregrine falcon volant to sin proper betw 3 cinquefoils
pierced Az, all within a bord embat Sa. (D: Learbhean ni
Sheighin - Jun 90)
Arg, an eagle counter-volant bearing upon its back a woman
counter-sejant, sin arm upraised maintaining a flaming torch,
all Sa, within a bord Az. (B: Katherine Marie Yvonne Jett Feb 81) (For House Etana)
Arg, ermined Vt, a goose volant to sin Purp. (D: Anastazia
Winogrodzka - Mar 87)
Arg, fretty, a raven volant to sin Sa. (B: Alanna of Ravenwood Dec 86)
Az, a bird volant to sin Arg & a ford proper, on a chf Arg 3 moons
in their plenitude Az. (D: Katherine OCarroll - Mar 05)
Az, a heron volant contourny, wings addorsed, betw 3 harps Arg.
(D: Isabella Benalczar - Dec 93)
Az, a swan naiant to sin, wings elevated & addorsed, Arg within a
bord Or semy of escallops inv Az. (D: Alessandra Raffaela di
Luciano - Nov 90)
Az crusilly Or, a swan naiant to sin wings addorsed Arg. (D:
Xristina Viacheslavivna - May 08)
Az, in pale a dove volant to sin, wings elevated & addorsed, Arg &
a fleur-de-lys Or, all within a bord engrailed Arg. (D:
Catherine de Marais - Apr 90)
Az, in pale an albatross volant to sin & a caravel proper. (D:
William FitzGerald - date?)
Az, semy of compass stars Or, a crane migrant, head to sin, Arg,
within an orle Or. (D: Aletea Sile de la Vega - Jun 92)
Az, semy of oak leaves Or, in pale a swan volant to sin & a compass
star, all within an orle invected Arg. (D: Aurora Ilfetafether
Steorrawuda - Aug 87)
Az, semy of stars a naturelle, overall a hawk volant to sin Arg. (D:
Petr Aleksivich of Novgorod - Jan 74?)
Az, 2 piles in point Arg, overall a mourning dove countervolant,
wings addorsed proper. (B: Dawnbird Tramerlain - Feb 80)
Ermine, 2 scarpes Vt, overall a falcon volant contourny Sa, holding
in its beak a rowan slip Vt fructed Gu. (D: Rowena of Avalon Dec 92)
Gu, a chev romp Or & in base a swan naiant contourny wings
elevated & addorsed Arg. (D: Catot dArdennes - Feb 00)
302 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bird - Whole - 1 - Volant to sinister (continued)

Gu, an osprey volant to sin within a bord embat Arg. (D: Marcus
de Clermont - Oct 82)
Gu, 2 swords in salt Sa fimbriated rayonny Or & in chf a tern volant
to sin proper, all within a bord Sa. (B: Petr Aleksivich of
Novgorod - Aug 77) (For Druzhina)
Gyronny ermine & Gu, a swan naiant contourny, wings elevated &
addorsed Or. (D: Gretchen Gwynhwyfar - Jun 99)
Gyronny Or & Gu, in fess a dove volant to sin, wings elevated &
addorsed, Arg & a serpent glissant erect Sa. (D: Bethoc
Higgins - Oct 88)
Lozengy Az & Arg, a pine branch bendwise sin, proper, in dexter
chf a bird migrant sinisterward in fess, in sin base an owls
head cabossed, both Arg. (D: Elisabeth Arborea - Jan 76?)
Or, a falcon statant to sin, wings elevated & addorsed, Gu betw 3
estoiles Sa. (D: Maelon ap Prydydd of Carnach - Feb 88)
Or, a goose volant to sin Sa & a bord Az charged with eight oak
leaves Arg in annulo. (B: James o Gordon - Mar 95)
Or, a raven volant contourney wings addorsed Sa & a bord raguly
Gu. (D: Johanna Kilraven - May 92)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a hawk trussing a duck Gu & in bend 3 roses
Or seeded Vt. (D: Helen Hawksworth - Aug 01)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend & in sin chf a seagull volant to sin Arg.
(D: Megan of the Shore - Jun 84)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a cross potent Or & a hawk volant to sin, wings
addorsed, maintaining a sheaf of lilies Az. (D: Genoveva von
Vogelsang - Sep 92)
Per bend rayonny Sa & Gu, a dragon segreant Or & a dove volant to
sin, maintaining in its beak an olive branch Arg. (D: Astrid
von Drachenfels - Nov 83)
Per bend sin Arg, fretty Sa, & Sa, in bend a raven volant to sin & a
lightning flash bendwise sin surmounted by a turtle tergiant
palewise Arg. (B: Alanna of Ravenwood - May 87) (JB:
Sean de Carew)
Per bend sin Az & counter-ermine, in dexter chf an Arabian roc
counter-volant, wings addorssed, Arg grasping in its talons an
elephant statant proper. (D: Justin du Roc - Aug 80)
Per bend sin Az & counter-ermine, in dexter chf an Arabian roc
volant to sin, wings addorsed Arg grasping in its talons an
elephant statant proper, in augmentation on an escutcheon per
pale Arg & Az a sun in splendor Or. (Augmentation of Arms:
Justin du Roc - Feb 97)
Per bend sin Purp & Arg, a swan volant contourn Arg & a lilac
blossom bendwise sin Purp, slipped & leaved proper. (D:
Aehlswyth of Coventry - Apr 81)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt, a skylark volant to sin Arg, holding in its
beak a nettle branch Or. (D: Myra Naedlsang - Sep 88)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt, a swan volant to sin, wings addorsed, Arg.
(B: Aehlswyth of Coventry - Oct 87)
Per bend sin Vt & Arg, a dove counter-volant & a sword ctrch. (D:
Warmin of Belshire - Nov 80)
Per chev inv wavy Sa & erminois, a swan statant to sin, wings
addorsed Arg, gorged & chained Or. (D: Cathlin of
Morecombe Bottome - May 85)
Per chev Sa & Purp, a chev Arg & in base a martlet volant to sin Or.
(D: Kathryne Larke of Blackwater - Dec 02)
Per chev Vt & Purp, a chev Or betw in chf 3 fleurs-de-lys & in base
an owl volant contourny guardant wings elevated & addorsed
Arg. (D: Gabrielle Flornoy - Jul 98)
Per fess indented Az & Or, in chf a swallow volant to sin Arg. (D:
Taira den Fharraigi Thiar - Feb 83)
Per fess rayonny Az & Or, a plover volant to sin Arg & a mermaid
Vt. (D: Genevieve Pelagia - Jan 85)
Per fess Sa & Az, a tower betw in fess 4 mullets in chev inv, & in
chf a gull volant to sin Arg. (D: Merlynia of Rivenoak Oct 84)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a raven volant to sin, wings elevated &
addorsed, within a bord semy of roses, all ctrch. (D: Rhianwen
of Ravenspur - Jan 90)
Per pale Az & erminois, a seagull migrant fesswise to sin betw 3
whelk shells Arg. (D: Alysin of Greenbrier - Aug 81)
Per pale Az & Sa, a falcon volant to sin maintaining in its claws an
oak slip Arg. (D: Fionndaire Fearcuairt - Apr 97)
Per pale embat Vt & Or, a raven contourny wings addorsed & inv
Arg & a rat ramp Sa within an ivy vine in orle ctrch. (D:
Meave de Clare - Nov 94)

[Bird - Whole - 1 - Volant to sinister] to [Bird - Whole - 2 - Argent]

Bird - Whole - 1 - Volant to sinister (continued)

Per pale Gu & Sa, in fess a horses head erased & a swan naiant
contourny wings elevated & addorsed & on a chf Or 3
escallops inv Sa. (D: Patricia Grey - May 98)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a tern volant to sin proper. (B: Petr Aleksivich of
Novgorod - Jun 75) (For House Ostrov)
Per pall inv Gu, Or, & Az, 2 hearts ctrch & a dove volant contourny
Or. (D: Beatrice MacBean de Lindsay - Oct 99)
Purp semi-de-lys Or, a crane contourny wings elevated & addorsed
Arg. (D: Alexandra of Aquitaine - Oct 95)
Sa, a hawk volant to sin maintaining in its talons a harp, in sin chf a
mullet Arg. (D: Kieran Songsmith - Jun 88)
Sa, a hawk volant to sin, wings aventred, Or. (D: Amron the
Stygian - Oct 76?)
Sa, a kestrel volant to sin & on a chf nebuly Arg, an artists brush
Sa distilling a gout de vin. (D: Meghan MacLachlan May 93)
Sa, a lark volant to sin beneath a chf enarched, Or. (D: Lilofee
Radmilla Lerchhausen von Maehren - Nov 77?)
Sa, an eagle volant contourny Or & a bord erminois. (D: Skapti
orinsson - Jan 05)
Sa, in bend sin an axe bendwise sin, inv & reversed, & an axe
bendwise sin, both Or, betw 2 scarpes Arg, overall a seagull
volant to sin, wings in bend, Arg. (B: Axemoor - Jun 90)
(For the Order of the Gull)
Vt, a pall Or betw a bird volant to sin & 2 swords in pile Arg. (D:
Riguallaun map Guoillauc - Sep 03)
Vt, on a bend sin cotised betw a bird volant to sin wings addorsed &
a heart Arg a rapier Sa. (D: Kyne Wynn the Kind - Aug 02)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 1 - Other bird posture

See also: Monster - Phoenix

(Fieldless) A duck ramp Arg, billed & membered Or, in base 2
barrulets wavy couped Az. (B: Aelflaed of Duckford Nov 80) (For House of Duckford)
(Fieldless) A falcon dexter wing expanded & inv Sa. (B: Friedrich
der Falkner - Jan 95)
(Fieldless) Atop a barrel palewise a cock passant contourny
maintaining a sword Or. (B: Conall Cailech - Jan 96)
Arg, a penguin ramp regardant Sa, marked & bellied Arg, collared
Gu. (B: Marie dAcre - Dec 85)
Arg, a sin gauntlet fesswise grasping by the neck a legless duck
palewise to sin, wings addorsed, Sa. (B: Keradwc an Cai Jul 83)
Az, goutty deau, a dove close passant reguardant, dexter wing
elevated Arg, maintaining in sin talon a dagger proper. (D:
Lucinda of Rivers Bend - May 87)
Az, pendant from the stalk of a thistle fesswise, an owl close
guardant inv Arg. (D: Sulieka MacGregor - Jan 86)
Gu, a falcon contourny sin wing expanded & inv perched on a
falconers glove reversed in chf 3 laurel wreaths Or. (D: Aire
Faucon - Mar 95)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a hawk trussing a duck Gu & in bend 3 roses
Or seeded Vt. (D: Helen Hawksworth - Aug 01)
Per fess rayonny Sa & Az, in base an owl ramp gardant, dexter
wing erect, Arg. (D: Nadine Genevive Bayeux du Nord May 80)
Per pale nebuly Arg & Sa, a dove close, dexter wing disp inv Or.
(B: Constanza di Giovanni - Aug 84) (For the House of the
Gilded Dove)
Quarterly Arg & Gu, a raven lying on its back, head to sin, legs
erect, Sa, pierced of an arrow ctrch. (D: Vlad Ravna
Starkraven - May 80)
Vt, a duck ramp Arg, billed & membered Or, above a ford proper.
(D: Aelflaed of Duckford - Nov 84)
Vt, a duck ramp Arg, billed & membered Or, & on a ford proper on
an escutcheon Az, in pale a sun & a key fesswise within a bord
Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Aelflaed of Duckford - Nov 84)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 2 - Argent

See also: Monster - Phoenix

(Fieldless) A sword palewise Or betw & sustained by 2 ospreys
rising respectant Arg. (B: Atlantia - Jul 07) (For Award of
the Silver Osprey)

Bird - Whole - 2 - Argent (continued)

Az, a chev betw 2 falcons close respectant & a drakkars prow

reversed Arg. (B: Rannveigr Haakonardottir - Dec 83) (For
House Utfara)
Az, a chev Or betw 2 doves volant palewise Arg & 2 rams heads
erased combattant Or. (D: Quentin Wrenguard ap Rhys Jul 83)
Az, a lozenge throughout Arg, overall 2 swans combattant proper.
(D: Vanessa de Linn - Nov 77?)
Az, a sword betw 2 falcons rising respectant wings addorsed Arg.
(D: Meuric or glyn - Sep 03)
Az, a sword inv Or betw 2 swans naiant respectant Arg. (D: Ariane
Jehanne Eamon - Jan 88)
Az, a torch betw & maintained by 2 hawks rising respectant, wings
elevated & addorsed, & in base an arrowhead inv Arg. (D:
Gillian Clayshaper - Nov 90) (Deceased)
Az, in pale 2 swans naiant Arg & a fleur-de-lys issuant in base from
a bord Or. (D: Darla of Castle Kirk - Dec 88)
Az, on a bend betw 2 doves Arg a serpent glissant Vt. (D: Franz
Joder von Joderhbel - Jul 91)
Az, on a bend betw 2 swans naiant Arg 3 fish fesswise Az. (D:
Alissende de la Halle - Oct 04)
Az, on a bend sin cotised betw 2 owls Arg 3 roses Az. (D: Elena of
Axed Root - Nov 07)
Az, on a chev betw 2 swans rousant respectant Arg, beaked &
membered, & a fleur-de-lis Or, 3 mullets Gu. (D: Lynnette de
Clermont - Jan 86)
Az, on a pale betw 2 eagles Arg an eagle Az. (D: Wilhelm Artzt Nov 02)
Az, semy of compass stars elongated to base, 2 swans naiant
respectant, necks entwined, Arg. (D: Penelope Dowell of
Avonsford - Aug 91)
Az, 2 falcons respectant Arg & on a chf Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Sa. (D:
Antoine du Marais - Feb 05)
Az, 2 falcons striking respectant within a bord Arg. (D: Iain Glic
MacRobert - Jul 90)
Az, 2 hawks respectant & a double-bitted axe inv within a bord
dovetailed Arg. (D: Havoc atte Ree - Mar 02)
Az, 2 herons addorsed Arg. (D: Brennan O Loughran - Sep 00)
Az, 2 swans naiant respectant & on a chf potenty Arg 2
escarbuncles Az. (D: Ekaterina Dimitriu - Dec 90)
Az, 2 swans rousant respectant & in chf a mullet of 4 points Arg.
(D: Cecilia Mowebray - Dec 05)
Barry wavy Or & Az, 2 swans naiant respectant & a lozenge Arg.
(D: Sarmasia Lakadaimoniote - May 95)
Counter-ermine, on a plate betw in pale a dove volant to sin & a
dove volant Arg, a natural panther couchant guardant Sa. (D:
Ana Isabel Barrios de Perez - Jun 84)
Gu, a chev betw 2 swans naiant respectant & a goblet, all within a
bord indented Arg. (D: Ritchenda Angharad Elizabeth de
Chalfont - Jan 81)
Gu, a staff palewise Or betw 2 doves volant respectant in chev Arg.
(D: Aldwin Yale of York - May 87)
Gu, in fess 2 peacocks statant regardant addorsed, in chf a mullet,
all within on a bord Arg an orle of grape vines fructed proper.
(D: Ysabel del Norte - Jun 80)
Gu, on a bend invected betw 2 swans naiant Arg, 3 thistles palewise
proper. (D: Susan MacGregor - Apr 86)
Gu, on a bend sin betw 2 falcons close Arg, 3 card piques palewise
Sa. (D: Goffraid Floinn - Aug 98)
Gu, on a chev Or betw 2 seagulls volant respectant & a sea-bull
erect Arg, tailed & finned Or, 2 chevronels Sa. (D: Kieran
Storn - Sep 84)
Gu, on a fess wavy betw 2 geese, volant to sin, Arg, a bar wavy Az.
(D: Brian of Bowmans Rest - Dec 87)
Gu, on a pale betw in bend 2 swans rising palewise Arg, a swan
rising palewise Sa, in sin chf a cross swallowtailed Arg. (D:
Christiana Sinclaire - Sep 89)
Gu, on a pale betw in chf 2 doves migrant palewise Arg, in base a
dove migrant palewise Gu. (D: Marion du Rouge - May 87)
Gu, 2 crutches in salt betw in pale 2 doves disp Arg. (D: Aran
Darkhelm - Jun 92)
Gu, 2 swans statant respectant Arg, on a chf triangular Or a fleurde-lis Gu, a bord ermine. (D: Lynnette Huntingdon - May 96)
(re-registered 9609A)
Lozengy Or & Vt, 2 owls addorsed & a cross crosslet fitchy Arg.
(D: Tonwen verch Gruffydd - Apr 02)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 303

[Bird - Whole - 2 - Argent]

Bird - Whole - 2 - Argent (continued)

Per bend Az & Purp, on a bend betw 2 owls statant to sin Arg, a
comet, head to base, Sa. (D: Anastacia of Starfall - Oct 87)
Per bend Purp & Gu, on a bend invected betw 2 owls Arg a cat
couchant Sa. (D: Tiura Katzensteiger - Oct 01)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 martlets & a claymore inv ctrch. (D: Renee
Claymore - Nov 02)
Per chev Az & Gu, in chf a compass star betw 2 martlets volant
respectant & in base a goblet Arg. (D: Arabella Silvana Jul 87)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev Or betw 2 swans rousant respectant Arg
& a mullet of eight points Or. (D: Yakoub Kadar - Jan 00)
Per chev Az & Vt, on a chev betw 2 cranes in their vigilance & a
griffin sejant erect Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Sa. (D: Valeria bi
Cranmere - Aug 02)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 martlets respectant & a tower, all within a
laurel wreath ctrch. (D: Gallavally - Apr 90)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 owls Arg & a wolf sejant ululant contourny
Sa. (D: Beorhtric von Adlerheim - Jan 93)
Per chev Gu & Arg 2 owls respectant Arg & a rose proper within a
bord embat ctrch. (D: Francesca Cellini - Nov 94)
Per chev Gu & Az, 2 swans rousant respectant wings addorsed & a
crescent Arg. (D: Xemena Xemenez - Sep 03)
Per chev Gu & Or, 2 doves volant respectant wings addorsed Arg &
a triple-towered castle Vt. (D: Seamus Sinclair - Aug 97)
Per chev Gu & Sa, 2 double-headed eagles disp & a bicorporate lion
Arg. (D: Thjodric Thorsson - Jan 96)
Per chev inv Gu estencel Arg & Purp estencel Arg, a Celtic cross
throughout betw in chf 2 doves volant contourny, wings
addorsed, Arg. (D: Jehane le Duv - Apr 94)
Per chev ploy Az & ermine, in chf 2 hawks striking respectant
Arg. (D: Eilwen Cyflym - May 86)
Per chev Sa & Az, 2 eagles striking respectant & a fleam Arg. (D:
Nathaniel Sharpe - May 89)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev embat-counter-embat Or betw 2 cocks
close respectant Arg & a Catherine wheel Or. (D: Catherine
Kenda of Stillwater - Jan 81)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev ermine cotised betw 2 swans naiant
respectant wings elevated & addorsed & a vol Arg. (D:
Svanhildr Karlsdottir - Nov 90)
Per chev throughout Az & Arg, 2 geese respectant reguardant & an
arrow inv ctrch. (D: Meredith Welles of Goosewood Nov 94)
Per chev throughout Gu & Arg, 2 swans close respectant & a
dragon passant ctrch. (D: Gwendolyn Dylwen Llywelyn Mar 94)
Per chev throughout Vt & Arg, 2 falcons regardant addorsed Arg &
a rapier Sa. (D: Michael McCay - Jul 03)
Per fess Az & Vt, 2 martlets voided Arg. (D: Lyrel-Phillipa of
Edens Hall - Aug 78)
Per fess enarched Gu & Arg, 2 owls respectant Arg & a monkey
statant collared & chained Vt. (D: Lucian MacCrimmon May 00)
Per fess nebuly Gu & Vt, in pale 2 geese volant Arg. (B: Veronica
of the Dragons - Jan 90)
Per fess Vt & Az, atop a swan naiant to sin reguardant a cygnet
close to sin Arg. (B: Tir-y-Don - Jul 82) (For the Order of
the Swan and Cygnet)
Per fess wavy Az & barry wavy Arg & Az, in chf 2 doves volant
respectant Arg. (D: Fiona Arthur - Jul 97)
Per pale Az & Gu, in chev a sun Or & 2 falcons rising respectant,
wings disp Arg. (D: Vivienne Kestrel la Fauconnire Mar 06)
Per pale Az & Or, a fess wavy, cotised wavy, ctrch, each Az trait
charged with a gull disp Arg. (D: Breock of Whitby - Nov 86)
Per pale Az & Sa, in fess a sword inv betw 2 hawks addorsed Arg.
(D: Richard of Stonemarche - Sep 04)
Per pale Az & Vt, on a pale betw 2 birds volant respectant wings
addorsed Arg 3 frets couped Sa. (D: Deirdre ingen Cholmin Mar 05)
Per pale Gu & Az, a sword palewise betw 2 falcons close
respectant, inner wings disp Arg. (D: Jacques de Paris Jul 89)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 owls respectant Arg & a sun Or. (D: Seuilla de
Crdoba - Aug 04)
Per pale Gu & Vt, on a patriarchal cross betw 2 doves respectant
Arg an arrow Sa. (D: Gyory Sandor - Jan 02)
304 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bird - Whole - 2 - Argent (continued)

Per pale Sa & Gu, a Thors hammer betw 2 ravens respectant & in
chf a tyr rune Arg. (D: Ragnarr valfrekr - Mar 08)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 2 ravens respectant Arg. (D: thelwine of
Ealdgythesleage - May 04)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a pall inv betw 2 owls respectant & a crescent
Arg. (D: Denise of the Debatable Lands - Mar 04)
Per pale Sa & Vt, 2 hawks rising respectant, wings elevated & disp,
& on a chf embat Arg, 3 Latin crosses bottony Gu. (D:
William of the Two Hawks - Aug 90)
Per pale Sa & Vt, 2 moorcocks & a boars head couped, on a chf
triangular Arg a boars head couped Sa. (D: Russell de
Botelsford - Mar 94)
Per pale Sa & Vt, 2 peacocks addorsed Arg. (D: Alicia Hennenberg
- Apr 07)
Per pale Sa & Vt, 2 swans rousant respectant, necks entwined, & in
chf 3 crosses bottony Arg. (D: Sigenoth the Blissful May 93)
Per pale Vt & Purp, a sword inv betw 2 swans rousant addorsed
Arg. (D: Innogen of Clonmel - Jan 97)
Per pale Vt & Sa, 2 herons close respectant & on a chf Arg 3 fleursde-lys Sa. (D: Chiara Genevieve dAnjou - Nov 98)
Per pall inv Sa, Az & Arg, 2 swans volant respectant necks crossed
in salt Arg & an anchor Sa. (D: Masina de Corvaria Jan 06)
Per salt Arg & Sa, 2 roses Gu, slipped & leaved Vt & 2 swans
naiant Arg. (D: Catherine Marie Stewart - Aug 94)
Per salt Arg, fretty Vt, & Vt, in fess a swallow volant bendwise sin
& another volant bendwise respectant Arg. (D: Gwynllian
ferch Dafydd - Oct 88)
Per salt Purp & Arg, in pale 2 seagulls volant, wings addorsed, & in
fess 2 towers ctrch. (D: Musa ibn Ibrahim al-Athir - Oct 85)
Per salt Sa & Az, in pale 2 cranes in their vigilance & in fess 2
triquetrae Arg. (D: Eoin mac Lochlainn - Feb 06)
Per salt Vt & Purp, 2 swans naiant respectant & a bord Arg. (D:
Celestine of Arn Hold - Apr 02)
Purp, a bend dovetailed betw 2 eagles disp Arg. (D: Veronica de
Holloway - Sep 99)
Purp, a chev engrailed betw in chf 2 doves Arg & a demi sun
issuant from base Or. (D: Oriana Vitale della Fonda Apr 92)
Purp, a pall Or betw a decrescent transfixed by an arrow inv & 2
swans naiant respectant Arg. (D: Morgan Fitzwalter of
Lithewood - Sep 91)
Purp, on a bend Or betw 2 swans naiant respectant, wings elevated
& addorsed Arg, 3 sprigs of heather palewise Purp. (D:
Miriam Rachael bat Mordechai - Oct 83)
Purp, 2 owls respectant guardant & on a chf Arg 3 wolfs pawprints
Purp. (D: Abdah al-Rumiyyah - Sep 04)
Purp, 2 peacocks pavonated to base addorsed, tails crossed in salt,
on a chf urdy Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Vt. (D: Maeve Kelly de
Navarre - Aug 94)
Quarterly Az ermined Arg & Sa, a Russian wolfhound courant
bendwise betw in bend sin 2 gamecocks Arg. (D: Akilina
Ioanna Rostislavova - Oct 95)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, 2 falcons striking to sin Arg. (D: Tancred
dello Falco - Aug 95)
Quarterly Vt & erminois, 2 swans naiant respectant reguardant,
necks entwined Arg. (D: Barnabas z Husinece - Jun 91)
Sa, a bend sin Az fimbriated Or betw 2 cranes counter-volant Arg.
(D: Dana Stewart, the witless - Feb 75?)
Sa, a compass star & 2 swans naiant respectant, one & 2, Arg. (D:
Horatio Townsend - Jul 07)
Sa, a demi chrysanthemum arising from water, betw in chf 2 cranes
volant respectant, bills crossed in chf, all Arg. (D: Kai de
Ravenglas - Dec 87)
Sa, a Japanese stream & in chf a mullet of six points betw 2 herons
rising respectant, wings addorsed, Arg. (B: Guilliermo Ugarte
de Navarra - Oct 92) (For Kitagawa Akira)
Sa, a man armed cap-a-pie mounted on a horse statant in chf 2 birds
volant Arg. (D: Peregrine Mackay - Aug 01)
Sa, a rapier inv betw in chf 2 hummingbirds rising respectant, wings
elevated & addorsed, all within a bord engrailed Arg. (D:
Corinne Elizabeth Drake - Sep 90)
Sa, a sword inv betw in chf 2 doves rising, wings addorsed, on a chf
nebuly Arg a bar nebuly Az. (D: Kara von Brandenburg Dec 87)

[Bird - Whole - 2 - Argent] to [Bird - Whole - 2 - Multicolor]

Bird - Whole - 2 - Argent (continued)

Sa, a tree Or betw 2 birds rising, wings elevated & addorsed Arg.
(D: John Cholmondeley - Apr 98)
Sa, in fess 2 eagles rising addorsed, wings addorsed, Arg, issuant
from base a demi-sun Or. (D: Tsvetan Arinsson - Jul 84)
Sa, 2 scarpes betw as many martlets Arg. (D: Kristopher Kelson Nov 84)
Tierced per pall Arg, Sa, & Vt, in base 2 owls close guardant
respectant Arg. (B: William of Owlswood - Jun 85)
Tierced per pall Arg, Vt, & Sa, in base 2 owls close guardant
respectant Arg. (D: William of Owlswood - Jun 85)
Vt, a column betw 2 swans rising & counter-rising, wings elevated
& disp Arg, beaked, membered & gorged of chains Or
involved bendwise sin about the column. (D: Persephone of
Woodland - Jan 80)
Vt, a salt double parted & fretted Or betw in pale 2 falcons disp
Arg, all within a bord Or. (D: Seamus of Coll - Aug 89)
Vt, in bend 2 swans naiant Arg. (D: Swannoc Foxton - Mar 08)
Vt, in chf 2 martlets volant respectant, & in base a rose all within a
bord Arg. (D: Annora Coffyn - Jul 85)
Vt, in fess 2 cranes in their vigilance & in base a bar wavy Arg. (D:
Gabrielle Lucie de Noves - Apr 82)
Vt, on a bend betw 2 swans rousant Arg 3 crosses potent palewise
Vt. (D: Jehanne de Cigne - Oct 99)
Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 falcons rising respectant, wings elevated &
addorsed Arg, 3 crosses patonce Vt. (D: Elizabetta Malatesta
- Apr 06)
Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 swans naiant respectant Arg 4 oak leaves
fructed Gu. (D: Tana lEsprit Fort - Jul 96)
Vt, 2 birds contourny Arg & on a chf triangular Or a bunch of
grapes Purp slipped & leaved proper. (B: Bjorn Johansen Jun 05)
Vt, 2 doves rising respectant, wings elevated & addorsed, conjoined
at the breast Arg, in chf a harp reversed Or. (D: Leandra of
Atenveldt - Jul 89)
Vt, 2 peacocks close pavonated to base addorsed reguardant tails
crossed in salt Arg on a chf invected Or 3 elm leaves inv Vt.
(D: Muriel FitzLloyd - Jul 97)
Vt, 2 swans rousant respectant Arg. (D: Michal of Michelstadt Jul 97)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 2 - Azure

See also: Monster - Phoenix

Arg, a lotus in profile Purp within an annulet, embat on the outside,
Gu, betw in chf 2 falcons close aspectant Az. (D: Zubayda of
Blackthorn - Apr 88)
Arg, on a bend sin betw 2 swans naiant Az 3 fleurs-de-lys palewise
Arg. (D: Jeanne de Rennes - Aug 95)
Arg, on a bend sin bretessy betw 2 double-headed eagles disp Az, 3
roses Arg, all within a bord embat Az. (D: Morgan
Charbonneau - Mar 90)
Arg, 2 birds migrant respectant fesswise Az holding in their beaks a
heart Gu, a bord invected Az. (D: Caitln Nic Mhaolin of
Gleanntaigh - May 94)
Arg, 2 herons respectant necks entwined & on a chf invected Az 2
swords inv in salt Arg. (D: Elizabet MacKenzie de Ross Feb 02)
Arg, 2 peacocks close respectant Az, on a chf triangular Purp a
crescent Arg. (D: Mardanah al-Hindiyyah - Oct 00)
Per chev Arg & Sa, a tower ctrch betw 2 ravens rising respectant
Az. (D: Cyric Ravenscroft - Jun 91)
Per chev dovetailed ermine & Sa, 2 peacocks reguardant Az & a
sunburst Or issuant from a cloud Arg. (D: Galina
Dragomirovna - Apr 07)
Per chev Or & Az, 2 falcons respectant Az. (D: Etienne de
Montagne Bleu - Oct 91)
Per chev Or & Az, 2 peacocks rising respectant, wings addorsed, Az
& a compass star Arg. (D: Vladimir z Devina - Apr 89)
Per chev throughout Arg & Az, 2 owls respectant Az & a flanged
mace inv Arg headed Or. (D: Ignatius Calvin - Dec 95)
Per fess Arg & Az, 2 birds respectant & a crescent ctrch. (B:
Rosalynd of Thornabe on Tees - Apr 94)
Per pale Or & Arg, 2 doves addorsed & rising, wings elevated &
addorsed, Az, in base a sprig of ivy fesswise Vt. (D: Caesaria
Almy - Apr 88)

Bird - Whole - 2 - Azure (continued)

Quarterly Arg & Az, 2 ravens Az. (D: Wilhelma von Ravensburg Feb 05)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 2 - Fur

See also: Monster - Phoenix

Per pall inv Vt Az & ermine, in chf 2 doves disp heads to sin
erminois. (D: Francesco Cristi - Apr 02)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 2 - Gules

See also: Monster - Phoenix

Arg, in bend 2 hawks rising Gu. (D: Michael Gladewyne - Apr 06)
Arg, on a bend Vt betw 2 falcons striking Gu, a sword Or. (D:
Rodrigo Peregrino de Navarra - Aug 04)
Arg, 2 bendlets Az betw 2 martlets Gu. (D: Enoch Sutherland Sep 99)
Arg, 2 falcons respectant Gu & a chf triangular Az. (D: Giovanni
Orsini da Venezia - May 02)
Arg, 2 pink flamingoes statant respectant proper, on a chf Az a sun
in splendour Or. (D: Jeanette Seurat dAvignon - Apr 89)
Ermine, 2 falcons close Gu, belled & jessed, the jesses tied together
in a Bourchier knot, Or & on a chf per salt Sa & Or, a salt
ctrch. (D: Duncan MacLachlan VcLeoid - Jan 91)
Ermine, 2 ravens close respectant Gu. (D: Thrbjrn Assa Jan 08)
Lozengy Arg & Sa, 2 peacocks respectant, martletted & in their
vanity, Gu. (D: Philipa Suzanne of Andover - May 90)
Or, a pale bretessed betw 2 moorcocks close respectant Gu each
gorged of a coronet Arg. (D: Vostroi Ivanov Kievich Jan 01)
Or, a pale bretessed betw 2 moorcocks statant close respectant Gu.
(B: Vostroi Ivanov Kievich - Aug 85) (erroneously listed as
badge; changed to badge 0101)
Or, on a bend sin Sa betw 2 falcons striking to sin & to dexter Gu,
an arrow inv bound in a fascine Or. (D: Ein mac Raghnaill Apr 86)
Or, 2 falcons rising, wings addorsed, combattant Gu, on a chf
triangular Sa, a hand couped, appaumy & fingers spread, Or.
(D: Meaghann Avice Dulon - Mar 87)
Or, 2 hummingbirds rising addorsed, wings elevated & addorsed,
Gu, a chf embat Vt. (D: Lucia Zaffarana - Dec 05)
Per bend Arg & Or, 2 swans disp, wings inv, Gu each armed &
maintaining a scimitar ctrch within a bord rayonny Gu. (D:
Raimar of Ferndale - Dec 91)
Per chev Arg & Purp, 2 martlets Gu & a fleur-de-lys Arg. (D:
Madeline de Torlyon - Dec 98)
Per chev embat Gu & Arg, 2 swans naiant & a boars head erased
ctrch. (D: Stefan der Polle - Apr 00)
Per chev ermine & Sa, 2 eagles disp, dexter wings inv & sin wings
elevated Gu, & a set of bagpipes Or. (D: James Ulrich
MacKellar - Apr 98)
Per salt Arg & vair, in pale 2 martlets Gu. (D: Jonathan
MacNaughton - Nov 88)
Per salt Sa & Arg, in fess 2 hawks disp jessed & belled Gu. (D:
Jaime Alejandro del Halcn - Dec 94)
Quarterly Az & ermine, in bend sin 2 tawny owls contourny proper.
(D: Danielis Pyrsokomos - Jan 93)
Vair, a rapier bendwise inv Sa betw 2 martlets Gu. (D: Alain de
Nottingham - Jan 96)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 2 - Multicolor

See also: Monster - Phoenix

Arg, in pale 2 robins close to sin proper & on a chf embat Gu a
thorn branch Arg. (D: Ethelane the Saxon - Nov 82)
Arg, 2 peacocks pavanated respectant proper, a point pointed Vt.
(D: Nerissa Meraud de la Fontaine - Oct 81)
Or, a pall inv Az betw 2 penguins respectant proper. (D: Anna
Catrina McKenzie - Jul 96)
Or, in fess 2 robins close addorsed, tails crossed in salt, proper. (D:
Robin Vinehall the Ambivalent - Nov 77)
Or, on a bend engrailed Az betw 2 penguins affronty proper a quill
pen Or. (D: Brigh of Writers Keep - Feb 87)
Per bend Arg & Purp, a dove close & a dove close contourny, a
bord embat all ctrch. (D: Brita MacGregor - Sep 98)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 305

[Bird - Whole - 2 - Multicolor]

Bird - Whole - 2 - Multicolor (continued)

Per bend Arg & Sa, a bend Gu betw a dove Sa & another reversed
Arg. (D: William of Kyngesburye - Aug 90)
Per bend dovetailed Arg & Vt, 2 owls rising to sin, wings elevated
& addorsed, heads to sin, ctrch. (D: Arianwen ferch Gawaine Aug 87)
Per bend Or & Gu, 2 falcons disp ctrch & a chf dovetailed Gu. (D:
Catherine of Faulconridge - Dec 91)
Per bend rayonny Or & Sa, 2 eagles rising wings addorsed ctrch.
(D: Erik von Winterthur - Oct 03)
Per bend Sa & Arg 2 swans naiant & a bord ctrch. (B: Meridies Dec 96) (For Order of the Cygnet)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, 2 eagles disp ctrch. (D: Airbertach
Deoraidh - Oct 86)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a swan naiant Sa & another Arg. (D:
Angelique du Cygne Blanc - Feb 83)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, 2 swans naiant to sin ctrch. (D: Morgan
of Huntington - Nov 89)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a bend sin plain bendy sin wavy of 4 traits
Az & Arg betw 2 ravens contourny ctrch. (D: Elfreda of
Ravensbrook - Feb 91)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, in bend 2 hawks rising addorsed, wings
disp, ctrch. (B: Anika Gael Quicksilver - Aug 84) (For
Caellyn Shadowhawk)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, 2 owls affronty within a laurel wreath all
ctrch. (D: Owlsherst - Dec 04)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a bend sin raguly betw 2 owls ctrch. (D:
Coenric of Scarborough Marsh - Jul 91)
Per bend sin embat Gu & Arg, 2 cocks rising, wings elevated &
addorsed, ctrch. (D: Albrecht Stampfer - Apr 94)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, 2 swans rising, wings disp ctrch. (D:
Percival ap Gwilym Trefynwy - Oct 93)
Per bend sin Gu & Or, a pheasant contourny & a pheasant ctrch. (D:
Jane Templeman - Aug 01)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, 2 hawks rising wings addorsed ctrch & a chf
potenty erminois. (D: Gwenhwyvar verch Llewelyn Vethike Nov 02)
Per fess Arg & Gu, in pale a roundel ctrch Sa & Arg betw 2 eagles
ctrch. (D: Casimir Sarkastyczny - Aug 95)
Per fess Arg & Gu, 2 swans naiant Sa & a swan naiant Arg within a
bord ctrch. (D: Avelina Clarice - Apr 07)
Per fess Sa & Arg, 2 swans naiant contourny ctrch. (D: Elric
Dracwine - Oct 99)
Per pale & per chev Arg & Az, in chf 2 eagles Sa & Arg. (D:
Richart von Pfeffers - Apr 93)
Per pale & per chev Arg & Sa, in chf 2 eagles disp ctrch. (D:
Roland Rix - Jan 94)
Per pale Arg & Az, a roundel Or betw 2 peacocks close respectant
ctrch. (D: Osol Altan - May 05)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 birds addorsed ctrch. (D: Jrg Jorge the
Short - May 95)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a cross parted & fretted & interlaced with an
annulet, all ctrch, in bend sin 2 eagles disp, heads to sin Arg &
Sa. (D: Siona of the Eagles Nest - Aug 86)
Per pale Arg & Purp, 2 owls close respecting each other ctrch. (D:
Arline of Rycroft - Sep 73?)
Per pale Arg & Purp, 2 owls respectant ctrch, in chf a necklet chain
pendant of 3 diamonds as a label Or. (D: Jocalynne of Rycroft
- Sep 73?)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 birds close respectant & a skull ctrch. (D:
Rasvan Blackstorm - Jul 91)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 hawks striking respectant ctrch, all within a
bord Gu. (D: Ascelyn Fraser Sommerhawke - Jul 90)
Per pale Arg & Vt, 2 hawks rising wings addorsed respectant ctrch
within a bord wavy Sa. (D: Drfinna Gumundardttir Jul 01)
Per pale Arg & Vt, 2 martlets ctrch. (D: Marguerite de la Souche Jan 92)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 geese respectant enraged ctrch. (D: Mathilde
Meyer - Jan 85)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 martlets respectant ctrch. (D: Ceri of
Carmarthen - Sep 95)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 peacocks close respectant ctrch maintaining
betw them a bezant, a bord ctrch. (D: Eleonora Salutati Jan 00)

306 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bird - Whole - 2 - Multicolor (continued)

Per pale Az & Arg, 2 swans naiant respectant, wings addorsed, betw
3 hearts ctrch Arg & Sa. (D: Tatiana Nikolaevna Gdanskaya Jul 93)
Per pale Az & Or, 2 hawks respectant ctrch. (D: Sigurd Grunewald
- Nov 03)
Per pale Az & Or, 2 owls addorsed ctrch. (D: Irene of Dedham Aug 90)
Per pale embowed counter-embowed Vt & Or, a crane volant
palewise contourny & a crane volant palewise inv, ctrch. (D:
Chen Yung Ho - Mar 95)
Per pale ermine & counter-ermine, a sword palewise inv Gu betw 2
eagles passant close respectant ctrch Sa & Arg. (D: Wulfhere
the Capacious - Nov 86)
Per pale ermine & counterermine, atop a double-horned anvil 2
ravens close respectant ctrch. (D: Snorri Bjarnarson Apr 99)
Per pale Gu & Or, 2 owls rising & facing each other wings addorsed
ctrch. (D: va nic Ean - Mar 91)
Per pale Gu semy-de-lys Or & Arg semy-de-lys Gu, 2 herons statant
respectant wings addorsed ctrch Arg & Sa. (D: lfwynn t
Wenlocan - Jan 08)
Per pale indented Vt & Or, in chf 2 eagles rising respectant wings
disp & in base 2 pine trees couped, all ctrch. (D: Diek
Rabynovich - May 04)
Per pale Or & Gu, on a bend nebuly betw 2 falcons close, belled &
jessed, 3 roundels all ctrch. (D: Teodoro Bertrando di Falco Aug 86)
Per pale Or & Purp, 2 cranes in their vigilance respectant ctrch. (B:
Calontir - Jan 98) (For Royal University of Scirhafoc)
Per pale Or & Sa, 2 ravens rising respectant wings elevated ctrch.
(B: Aarnimets - Sep 98) (For Korven kyl)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 2 swans naiant respectant & a bord charged
with card piques ctrch. (D: Deirdre N Mhaolruanaidh Sep 93)
Per pale Purp & Or 2 herons respectant ctrch. (D: Arianna othe
Windisle - Feb 96)
Per pale Purp & Or, 2 swans naiant respectant ctrch, on a chf Az a
unicorn statant Or. (D: Arianwen Elyot - Sep 92)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a chev inv betw a rose & 2 ravens close
addorsed ctrch. (D: Bartram Sinclair - Sep 90)
Per pale Sa & Arg, in pale 2 pairs of falcons rising respectant,
wings elevated & addorsed, each maintaining a sword, all
ctrch. (D: Ulric the Saxon - Mar 89)
Per pale Sa & Arg, on a bend sin raguly per pale Or & Gu betw 2
eagles disp each maintaining a sword ctrch Sa & Arg, 3 fleursde-lys palewise ctrch Gu & Or. (D: Brocc Huntington Jul 99)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 frigate birds close affronty, each on a branch,
ctrch, each throated Gu, on a point pointed Vt, a kraken with
tentacles in base Arg. (D: Aharon Rodriguez dAguilar Jan 86)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 owls ctrch. (D: Aoife n Fhaoilein - Jun 91)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 ravens respectant ctrch. (D: Hrafn lfsson May 05)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 swans naiant respectant, wings elevated, ctrch.
(D: Adelith of Horton-cum-Studley - Jan 91)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 swans respectant & on a chf 4 increscents
ctrch. (D: Katherine Sinclaire - Oct 01)
Per pale Sa & ermine, 2 swans rousant respectant ctrch. (D:
Kathryn Brian Chevreuil - Dec 05)
Per pale wavy Sa & Or, 2 swans naiant respectant ctrch. (D:
Sandra Adorian - Feb 86)
Per pall Gu, Sa & Arg, a lions head jessant-de-lys Or & 2 swans
naiant respectant ctrch. (D: Maddalena Rondinelli - Dec 90)
Per pall inv Arg, Sa & Az, 2 swans rousant respectant ctrch & a
Latin cross Arg. (D: Chad Silverswan - Feb 98)
Per pall inv Az, Arg & Sa, in chf 2 swans naiant respectant ctrch &
in base a wyvern erect Or. (D: Alexandra of Oak Hollow May 90)
Per pall inv Sa, Arg, & lozengy Gu & Arg, in chf 2 birds migrant
ctrch. (D: Solveig Tryggvadottir - Apr 00)
Per pall Or, Sa, & Arg, a dragons jambe inv couped Sa & 2 doves
disp respectant ctrch. (D: Maximilian von Fallingbostel Aug 91)

[Bird - Whole - 2 - Multicolor] to [Bird - Whole - 2 - Or]

Bird - Whole - 2 - Multicolor (continued)

Purp, a sun Or, overall 2 gyrfalcons rising respectant, wings

elevated & addorsed, the dexter in white phase, the sin in dark
phase, proper. (B: Eden Elisabeth McNab Sommerhawke Oct 82) (For House Summerhawk)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a Latin cross clechy betw in base 2 geese
rousant respectant all ctrch. (D: Gerhard Goosen - Sep 02)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, in bend 2 eagles disp per pale Gu & Sa within
a bord Gu. (D: Friedrich Stolzadler von Allensbach - Sep 88)
Quarterly per pale wavy Or & Gu, in bend 2 ravens & in bend sin 2
goblets all within a bord, all ctrch. (D: Anthony Ravenscroft Jan 87)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 2 - Or

See also: Monster - Phoenix

(Fieldless) 2 falcons rising respectant conjoined at the talons Or.
(B: Elizabetta Malatesta - Jul 97)
Az, a Celtic cross betw in bend sin 2 pheasants, each facing to sin
bearing in its beak an olive branch, all Or. (D: Muirdeach of
Carrigart - Oct 87)
Az, a sword fesswise betw a peacock close reguardant contourny &
a peacock close reguardant Or a bord Arg. (D: Caiterna Nic
Chonmeadha - Jan 95)
Az, on a bend Arg betw 2 hawks Or 3 trees proper. (D: ri
eyverska - Feb 02)
Az, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 eagles Or, 3 roses Gu. (D: Robert of
the Debatable Lands - Nov 04)
Az, on a pile inv Arg, betw 2 ravens close Or, a spear Sa. (D:
Gauss Magnsson - Feb 97)
Az, 3 pairs of shears bendwise in bend betw 2 owls Or. (D: Gunilla
Nilsdotter Tveuggla till Uggleholm - Apr 05)
Az, 2 falcons volant respectant wings elevated & addorsed Or & a
mountain of 3 peaks Arg. (D: Myrddin or Afon - Dec 90)
Az, 2 owls & a tower & on a chf embat Or a mullet of eight points
Az. (D: Wolfhardt von Achterturm - Nov 96)
Az, 2 owls passant guardant respectant, wings elevated & addorsed,
maintaining in their upraised talons a sword, within a bord Or.
(D: Robin of Cannock - May 84)
Gu, a lion dormant betw in pale 2 nightingales close within a bord
Or. (D: Felicity Penne - Jan 85)
Gu, a sword inv betw 2 hawks striking respectant Or, the sword
issuant from a ford proper. (B: Highland Foorde - Apr 02)
(For the Order of the Golden Hawk)
Gu, 2 lightning bolts in salt betw 4 eagles tails to center Or. (D:
Caius Gargonius Crassus - Mar 05)
Gu, 2 martlets respectant, a bord dovetailed Or. (D: Sorcha n
Dhonnghaile - Feb 00)
Gu, 2 peacocks pavonated to base addorsed reguardant, in chf a
crescent Or. (D: Rashid ibn Hilal - Nov 94)
Gu, 2 peacocks respectant & a pomegranate slipped & leaved Or.
(D: Gorandookht Mamigonian - Oct 07)
Gu, 2 ravens addorsed environed of a serpent in annulo involved
vorant of its tail, a chf Or. (D: Sven Dragon Ormson Jan 91)
Lozengy Arg & Sa, a pall inv betw 2 ravens rising respectant, wings
elevated & addorsed, & a wolfs head, erased & sin facing, all
Or. (D: Wolfram von Dietzenbach - Jun 90)
Paly Vt & Arg, 2 owls in pale disp Or. (D: Mathias Stryaebjorn Apr 81)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a bend betw a falcon statant close Gu & 2
swans naiant to sin Or. (D: Karena del Falco - Feb 88)
Per bend Purp & Gu, on a bend indented flory on the outer points
betw 2 wrens close Or, 3 columbines Purp, slipped & leaved
Vt. (D: Mirianna Wrenne of Ravenswood - Mar 89)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, 2 owls contourny Or. (D: Johann Kiefer
Hayden - Jan 96)
Per bend sin Purp & Or, 2 sea birds volant Or & in bend sin 3 violet
plants Purp, slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Collette la Fleur des
Jardins - Oct 86)
Per bend sin vairy, Arg & Sa, & Az, in bend sin enhanced 2 larks
volant to sin, each maintaining in its beak a quill & in sin base
a tower Or. (D: Aiglantine des Oiseaux du Chteau Bte Dec 83)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 eagles disp Or & an oak tree proper fructed
Or. (D: Pdraig Duinn - Dec 99)

Bird - Whole - 2 - Or (continued)

Per chev Az & Or, 2 swallows migrant in chev & a sun ctrch. (D:
Thomas Edmund of Ruislip - Oct 85)
Per chev inv Vt & Or, 2 owls passant respectant, inner wing
elevated, Or & a cross crosslet Vt. (D: Lora Anne the Silent May 90)
Per chev nebuly Gu & Or, 2 martlets respectant Or & a bear passant
Sa. (D: Richard Byron of Beaumaris - Apr 85)
Per chev Purp & Gu, in chf a sword betw 2 eagles rising respectant,
in base a harp, all Or. (D: Luisa of the Willows - Aug 91)
Per chev Purp & Gu, 2 hummingbirds rising respectant wings
addorsed & a decrescent Or. (D: Genevieve Marie Etiennette
de Montagne - Apr 97)
Per chev Sa & Gu, 2 popinjays close respectant & a roundel Or. (D:
Suzannah van Houten - Sep 90)
Per chev Sa & Or, in chf 2 eagles stooping respectant Or & in base
a sagittary ramp contourny Gu. (D: Rycharde Hrodebert Feb 94)
Per chev throughout Vt & Or, 2 eagles & a tower ctrch. (D: Elias
Trier - Mar 04)
Per fess Gu & Az, in pale a sword fesswise reversed & another
fesswise Arg perched atop each point an eagle disp facing to
sin Or. (D: Einar Fjrnisson - Feb 97)
Per pale Az & Vt, 2 peacocks in their pride, heads respectant, in
base a pomegranate slipped Or. (D: Lucrezia Maria de
Vallombrosa - Oct 07)
Per pale Purp & Vt, a dandelion, slipped & leaved, & in chf 2
martlets volant, wings elevated & addorsed, Or. (D: Jocelyn
de Brus - Mar 87)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 2 eagles rising respectant Or & in base an open
book Arg. (D: Vladimir of Eztergom - Mar 02)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 2 parrots rising to sin, wings elevated &
addorsed, each maintaining an arrow inv, & a lotus blossom in
profile Or. (D: Saroj Gauari Dvija - May 92)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a horse ramp contourny Arg betw in bend 2
hawks striking Or. (D: Signe ingen Anmchada - Aug 99)
Per salt Az & Arg, in pale 2 eagles disp Or, & in fess 2 seahorses
erect addorsed Az. (D: Dulcinea Maria von Mhlberg y
Aguilar - Jun 85)
Per salt Vt & Az, in pale 2 owls Or & in fess 2 bears passant
addorsed Arg. (D: Coinneach Caimbeul an Boghadair Mar 96)
Purp, a bend sin betw 2 falcons rising wings addorsed Or. (D:
Debbie of Ealdormere - Sep 00)
Purp semy-de-lys, 2 swans naiant respectant Or. (D: Dobrushcha
de Neuf-Claire - Nov 03)
Quarterly Arg & Az, on a bend Sa betw 2 double-headed eagles
seven Maltese crosses palewise Or. (D: Pierre Vorman de
Saint Germain - Feb 04)
Quarterly Az & Gu, 2 eagles stooping respectant & a 2-horned anvil
Or. (D: Balin Kendrick - Feb 07)
Quarterly Az & Vt, in bend 2 swallows volant Or. (D: Myfanwy
Dolwyddelan - Aug 92)
Quarterly embat Or & Sa, in bend 2 lions ramp & in bend sin 2
eagles disp ctrch. (D: Sean ONolan - Sep 94)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, in bend 2 eagles disp, heads facing sin, Or. (D:
Fabian Arnett von Schwetzingen - Jul 91)
Quarterly Vt & Or, in bend 2 ravens disp facing sin Or within an
orle ctrch. (D: Serena Bertram of Northumberland - Jul 91)
Sa, a castle triply-towered Arg betw in pale 2 martlets volant, wings
elevated & addorsed, Or, all within a bord engrailed Arg. (D:
Ciar nic Radin OSeachnasaigh - Jun 90)
Sa, a pale fusilly betw 2 falcons close Or. (D: Wladyslaw
Poznanski - Apr 00)
Sa, a sword bendwise betw 2 owls close Or. (D: Rowanna
Nachteule - Jan 89)
Sa, in pall 2 serpents addorsed, tails entwined Arg, betw an apple &
2 owls Or. (D: Iacopo Attaviano da Vizzi - Sep 99)
Sa, on a bend betw 2 hawks Or, a laurel wreath palewise Sa. (D:
Hawkes Keye - Oct 99)
Sa, 2 eagles ramp combattant Or & a dove disp Arg. (D: Flavius
Valerius Verus - Jun 88)
Sa, 2 falcons respectant & a demi-sun issuant from base Or. (D:
Michel lEspiegle - Dec 90)
Sa, 2 falcons statant respectant Or, supporting a sword surmounted
at the pommel by 2 swords in salt crossed at the hilts proper.
(D: Robert of Nighthawk - Nov 83)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 307

[Bird - Whole - 2 - Or] to [Bird - Whole - 2 - Sable]

Bird - Whole - 2 - Or (continued)

Vair, in pale 2 swans naiant Or. (D: Ceilidh McBain - Sep 07)
Vt, a boar spear fesswise Arg betw 2 hawks rising to sin, wings
addorsed & inv, Or. (B: Cormac of Caermont - Dec 93)
Vt, a tower pean betw 2 eagles close addorsed Or, on a chf ermine,
a sword fesswise Gu. (D: Malcolm Angus Gunn - Aug 86)
Vt semy of crescents pendant, on a pile betw 2 owls respectant Or a
tree proper. (D: Zakalus Latizlo - Mar 08)
Vt, 2 chevronels Arg betw 2 hawks rising wings elevated &
addorsed & a crescent Or. (D: Frederick Blackmoore Oct 91)
Vt, 2 chevronels betw 2 swans naiant respectant & a sun in splendor
Or. (D: Agripina Argyra - Jul 93)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 2 - Proper

See also: Monster - Phoenix

Or, a pall inv Sa betw 2 peacocks close respectant proper & a spider
inv Sa marked Or. (D: Colin Severne - Jan 98)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 mallard drakes rising respectant proper & a
double bitted axe Arg. (D: Ivarr Thorgislsson - Jan 07)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 2 - Purpure

See also: Monster - Phoenix

Arg, a chev dovetailed Az betw 2 swallows volant in chev
respectant & a lily of the valley Purp, slipped & leaved Vt. (D:
Annora Maria Teresa Rossini - May 87)
Arg, a chev Sa betw 2 swans naiant & a tower Purp. (D: Moira nic
Kessak - Jun 00)
Arg, a salt parted & fretted betw in pale 2 martlets volant & in fess
2 quatrefoils Purp. (D: Caterine Ganivre Martin - Apr 88)
Arg, 2 hummingbirds hovering respectant & a chf engrailed Purp.
(D: Laurette de Montasalvy - Dec 07)
Per chev Arg & Purp, 2 hummingbirds rising respectant wings
addorsed & a lotus in profile ctrch. (D: Lillias Collingbourne Aug 01)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 2 - Sable

See also: Monster - Phoenix

(Fieldless) 2 swans naiant respectant reguardant, necks entwined
Sa. (B: Penelope Dowell of Avonsford - Feb 91)
Arg, a battleaxe Gu betw & supported by 2 ravens passant
respectant Sa. (D: Thorvald Thorlyfsson - Apr 83)
Arg, a bend betw a compass star of eight points Vt & in bend 2
hawks volant affronte fesswise Sa. (D: Raymond the Quiet Nov 79)
Arg, a bend sin cotised Az betw 2 ravens Sa. (D: Bran mac
Conchobair - Mar 04)
Arg, a bend sin cotissed betw 2 ravens rising to sin, wings addorsed
& inv, Sa. (D: Eirik Hardradi - Sep 91)
Arg, a chev, embat & rompu, Gu betw 2 falcons striking respectant
& a hammer bendwise, all within a bord Sa. (D: Stephen
Grimfalcon de Norfolk - Dec 87)
Arg, a chev Purp, in chf 2 ravens, dexter wing expanded & inv, Sa.
(D: Manus Branduff of Ardmore - Jul 95)
Arg, a chev wavy Az betw 2 swans naiant respectant Sa & a heart
distilling 3 gouttes Gu. (D: Anne Lecoeur - Jun 91)
Arg, a chev wavy Vt betw 2 penguins disp Sa, bellied Arg, & a tun
proper. (D: Talorc Brennon Pittenweem - Feb 86)
Arg, a cross Az betw in bend 2 eagles disp & in bend sin 2 compass
stars Sa. (D: Erick Stormhawk - May 83)
Arg, a cross Purp betw in chf 2 eagles disp & in base 2 clay pipes
palewise Sa. (D: Desideratus of York - Dec 01)
Arg, a fess embat-counterembattled Az betw 2 ravens Sa & a thistle
proper. (D: Fergus Mac Thomais - Oct 03)
Arg, a fret betw in pale 2 ravens rising, right foreleg raised, wings
addorsed & inv Sa, & in fess 2 bears ramp Gu. (D:
Mathghamhain MacCionaoith - Jun 04)
Arg, a pale embat betw 2 ravens disp facing sin Sa. (D: Serena
Ravensworth - Sep 95)
Arg, a pale offset betw in bend sin 2 swans naiant Sa. (D: Gunnora
Swanburn - Mar 08)
Arg, a pale wavy Vt betw 2 ravens close Sa. (D: Guenevere
Marian Coe - Apr 97)
308 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bird - Whole - 2 - Sable (continued)

Arg, a pall inv Vt betw 2 ravens & an oak tree eradicated Sa leaved
Vt. (D: Raven de Okewude - Dec 03)
Arg, a salt bretessed per salt Az & Sa, betw in pale 2 corbies rising,
wings addorsed Sa, & in fess 2 roses Az, barbed & seeded
proper. (D: Corbin de Heather - Jun 93)
Arg, a wheel betw in chf a raven disp & in base 2 ravens close
addorsed Sa. (D: Conan Oarbreaker - Aug 84)
Arg, in fess 2 penguins disp Sa, bellied Arg, beaked & membered
Or, on a chf invected Az, 3 escallops inv Arg. (D: Damaris
OPetain - Aug 87)
Arg, issuant from a pie a blackbird to sin & in chf a blackbird
volant proper. (B: Carolingia - Oct 76) (For Cooks Guild)
Arg, on a bend Az betw 2 ravens Sa 3 oak trees Arg. (D: Rakel
Hrafnsdottir - May 05)
Arg, on a bend sin betw 2 owls close Sa, 3 increscents palewise
Arg. (D: Nadezhda Ivanovna - Apr 90)
Arg, on a bend sin Vt betw 2 crows Sa, a needle Arg. (D: Anne of
Crowhurst - Mar 94)
Arg, on a bend Vt betw 2 ravens Sa 3 billets Arg. (D: Ladan ingen
Chonamail - Aug 97)
Arg, on a bend wavy Vt betw 2 swans naiant Sa, a sprig of foliage
Arg. (D: Alys of Eisental - Dec 88)
Arg, on a fess Gu betw 2 ravens volant, wings addorsed, Sa, 2
mallets palewise Arg. (D: Thjodulf Grimsson - Jan 89)
Arg, on a salt Az betw in pale 2 crows disp Sa, 2 tilting spears in
salt Arg. (D: Vladimir Ivanovitch Kazakov - Mar 85)
Arg, 3 piles in point issuant from base Sa, the center one charged
with a pheon inv Arg, & in chf 2 eagles rising respectant Sa.
(D: Elrad of the Barony-Marche - May 85)
Arg, 3 roses in bend betw 2 bendlets Az, all betw 2 ravens rising,
wings elevated & addorsed, Sa. (D: Mark of Storvik May 88)
Arg 2 crows ramp addorsed Sa & on a point pointed Gu, a dogs
head couped Arg. (D: Hrafn Dansson - May 91)
Arg, 2 dances Purp betw 2 swans naiant Sa. (D: Derdriu ingen
Mhurchadha - May 00)
Arg, 2 eagles disp Sa betw 2 bars gemel Purp. (D: Adelbert von
Strassburg - Jun 87)
Arg, 2 falcons rising wings addorsed respectant, maintaining betw
them a stone Sa. (D: Thorfinnr inn vegsvinni Ingason Feb 98)
Arg, 2 swans naiant respectant & on a chf Sa a demi-sun throughout
issuant from the line of division Or. (D: Adriana Belechere Nov 90)
Arg, 2 vultures rising respectant, wings inv & addorsed, a chf
engrailed Sa. (D: Edvard Gayer - Jul 99)
Arg, upon a pile inv throughout, betw 2 ravens Sa, a tower Arg. (D:
Brann Morgan Dunmore of Galloway - Aug 78)
Ermine, 2 swans respectant, regardant, necks entwined Sa, within a
bord Gu. (D: Siobhan McClure - May 92)
Erminois, 2 ravens close respectant a bord dovetailed Sa. (D:
Anthony Iron Skull - Sep 96)
Gu, 2 ravens rising addorsed Sa fimbriated Arg. (D: Hrafn
Egilsson Tolftungr - Dec 75?)
Lozengy Vt & Arg, 2 ravens rising respectant wings addorsed
within an orle Sa. (D: strdr Oddsdttir - Sep 03)
Or, a bend potenty Az betw 2 eagles disp, wings inv, Sa. (D: John
Richard de Holloway - Apr 91)
Or, a chev Az betw 2 magpies respectant & a lyre with broken
strings Sa, a bord Az. (B: Sentinels Keep - Jan 91) (For
Bardic Horde of Sentinels Keep)
Or, a chev Purp betw 2 ducks close & a dragon segreant Sa. (D:
Dragmel Morgunn the Wanderer - Jan 96)
Or, a chev Vt betw 2 ravens contourny Sa & a bunch of grapes
proper. (D: Bjorn Johansen - Jun 05)
Or, a pile Vt betw 2 ravens addorsed reguardant Sa. (D: Robert le
Raven MacLeod - Apr 02)
Or goutty de sang, a pall inv engrailed betw 2 eagles disp heads to
sin Sa & a rose Gu. (D: Steffan von Hessen - Feb 03)
Or, in cross 2 lizards tergiant disp respectant Vt & 2 wrens close
respectant proper. (D: Elizabeth of Lymond - May 83)
Or, in fess a sword inv betw 2 eagles rising respectant Sa, on a chf
triangular Az 3 gouttes deau. (D: Theunis MacDhmhnuill Jan 00)
Or, on a bend Az betw 2 birds striking Sa 3 hearts palewise Arg.
(D: James le Crane - Mar 98)

[Bird - Whole - 2 - Sable] to [Bird - Whole - 3 or more]

Bird - Whole - 2 - Sable (continued)

Or, on a bend Gu betw a martlet & a martlet contourny Sa 4 mullets

of 4 points Or. (D: Rebecca the Contrary - Feb 91)
Or, on a bend sin betw 2 eagles disp Sa 3 roses Or. (D: Robert
Michael McPharlan - Aug 01)
Or, on a bend Vt betw 2 swans naiant Sa 3 keys wards to chf Or.
(D: Muriel Dancort - Mar 03)
Or, 2 birds rising respectant, wings elevated & addorsed, Sa & a
heart Gu, a bord Sa. (D: Reinhardt Rebil - Dec 05)
Or, 2 crows disp, heads respectant, Sa & a chf Vt. (D: Morvran
Corbet de la Flamme - Aug 87)
Or, 2 ravens close respectant Sa betw 3 torques Gu. (D: Caw ap
Rhys - May 87)
Or, 2 ravens close respectant Sa maintaining betw them a crescent
Gu, all within an orle Sa. (D: Ellisif Arngunnardottir Jul 92)
Paly Gu & Or, 2 double-headed eagles disp & a Maltese cross Sa.
(D: Brut von Kln - Jan 99)
Per bend Or & Arg, a bend betw 2 eagles disp respectant, that in sin
inv, Sa. (D: Aldwyn of Thymeswood - May 81)
Per bend sin Or & Arg, a bend sin embat counter-embat Gu betw 2
ravens close to sin Sa. (D: Cassio Bruno di Bartolomeo Sep 84)
Per chev Arg & Az, goutty ctrch, 2 swans rousant respectant Sa & a
harp Arg. (D: Fionn Bn MacAoidh - Jan 90)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 dunghill cocks respectant Sa & a hangmans
noose Or. (D: Mateo Lopez - Oct 07)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 ravens close Sa & a wolfs head cabossed
Arg within an orle ctrch. (D: Myfanwy of Abersytwyth Dec 88)
Per chev Arg & Or, a chev embat Gu betw 2 ravens respectant Sa &
an oak tree eradicated proper. (D: Anastasia Grindstead of
Raven Oak - Jan 91)
Per chev Arg & Or, 2 ravens Sa & a cross of Cleves Gu. (D:
Jonathus of Santiago de Compostela - Aug 93)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 2 ravens passant & an estoile within an orle, all
ctrch. (D: Duncan MacAlpin Shieldsbane - Sep 88)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 2 ravens addorsed Sa & a bear ramp Arg. (D:
Einarr inn spaki - Feb 07)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 2 ravens rising addorsed, wings disp, Sa, & a fir
tree Arg. (D: Gwalchmai Wynber vap Bran - Nov 88)
Per chev enhanced Or & Vt, a unicorn couchant to sin reguardant
Arg, armed & crined Or, & in chf 2 hawks combattant Sa. (D:
Arion Cornellion of Blackhawk Moor - Oct 82)
Per chev Or & Az, a chain chevronwise betw in chf 2 ravens
respectant Sa & in base a tower Arg. (D: Stennis Ravensweir Dec 71?)
Per chev Or & Sa, on a chev Gu betw 2 eagles rising respectant,
wings addorsed Sa, & a winged lion salient, 3 fleur-de-lys Or.
(D: Gillian of the Swallows - Jun 91)
Per chev Or & Vt, 2 Northern ravens rising respectant, wings
elevated & addorsed, Sa & in salt a battle axe & a hammer
Arg. (D: Griswald Capstock of Warwick - Dec 82)
Per chev throughout Arg & Az, 2 birds Sa & a sun Arg eclipsed Sa.
(D: Marc MacLave - Dec 00)
Per chev throughout Arg & Az 2 ravens addorsed Sa & 3 drinking
horns in annulo Arg. (D: orvaldr rlfsson Vaksfjall Sep 93)
Per chev throughout Arg & Vt, 2 ravens respectant Sa & a
reindeers head erased Arg, collared Sa & chained Or. (D:
Kian hrafn af Dyrnesi - Aug 93)
Per chev throughout Or & Vt, 2 falcons close respectant Sa & an
arrow inv Or. (D: Felix Gruenstrasse - Jan 98)
Per chev Vt & Or, 3 trefoils one & 2 Or & 2 ravens respectant Sa.
(D: Sorcha Rafenild Darkeyes - Nov 92)
Per fess indented Arg & Gu, 2 ravens rising respectant Sa & in salt
2 halberds Arg. (D: Steinharr Blx Hrafnuson - May 83)
Per fess Or & Az, 2 birds disp heads to sin Sa & a Thors hammer
Or. (D: Freydis Svensdottir - Feb 03)
Per fess Or & Gu, 2 ravens respectant Sa & a drakkar Or. (D: Asa
Hrafnsdttir - Feb 03)
Per fess wavy Arg & Sa, 2 barrulets wavy betw in chf 2 swans
naiant respectant & in base a dragonfly, all ctrch. (D: Sine
Gillian nic Pharlain - Aug 84)
Per pale Arg & Or, 2 swans statant close respectant Sa, maintaining
in their beaks a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Vakkerfjell - Sep 83)

Bird - Whole - 2 - Sable (continued)

Per salt Arg & Az, in pale 2 ravens disp Sa & in fess an increscent
& a decrescent Arg. (D: Qaragaj Qara Ton - Jul 88)
Per salt Arg & Gu, in pale 2 ravens disp Sa & in fess 2 swords
palewise proper. (D: Hrafnhildr o Landyssul - May 88)
Per salt Arg & Sa, in pale 2 double-headed eagles disp Sa. (D:
Edward de Maccuswell - Dec 97)
Per salt Arg & Sa, in pale 2 ravens close & in fess 2 Thors
hammers inv all ctrch. (D: Alrekr svartx - Aug 02)
Per salt Or & Vt, in pale 2 peregrine falcons rising, wings inv &
addorsed, Sa. (D: Peregrine Payne - Mar 92)
Per salt Vt & Arg, in fess 2 ravens respectant Sa. (D: Corbinus of
thelmearc - Feb 06)
Plumetty Gu & Arg 2 ravens addorsed regardant Sa. (D: Lance
Artur de Beauregard - Apr 98)
Quarterly Arg & Az, in bend 2 Cornish choughs proper. (D: Cadan
of Mons Tonitrus - Jul 05)
Quarterly Gu & Or, a cross betw in bend sin 2 eagles disp Sa. (D:
Robb le Rogue of Fairmont Highlands - Jun 85)
Quarterly Or & Sa, 2 ravens Sa within a bord ctrch. (D: Robert
Thompson - Jan 08)
Quarterly Or & Vt, a cross Gu betw in bend 2 penguins close
respectant proper. (D: rkja Ottarsson j Tunsbergi Apr 07)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, in bend sin 2 falcons belled Sa. (D: Elspeth
MacTaggart - May 97)
Vair, a bend sin Gu betw 2 falcons disp Sa. (D: Alejandro Ramirez
Mendoza - Dec 91)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 2 - Vert

See also: Monster - Phoenix

Arg, a bend wreathed Or & Az betw 2 doves volant bendwise Vt.
(D: Rolynnda of the Azure Stone - Sep 85)
Or, a rose branch bendwise sin Vt flowered Gu betw 2
hummingbirds rising wings addorsed Vt. (D: Katerine de
Westecote - Aug 95)
Or, in fess an owl contourny & an owl Vt betw in pale 2 mullets of
4 points Sa. (D: Gelderich Landschade - Mar 05)
Or, 2 hawks close respectant & an oak tree eradicated within a bord
embat Vt. (D: Claire of Lynnwood Keep - Apr 84)
Or, 2 pheasants addorsed tails crossed in salt & on a chf Vt five
lozenges Or. (D: Lydia of Sardis - Nov 95)
Or, 2 pheasants respectant & in chf 3 garden roses slipped Vt. (D:
Wilhelmina Brant - Dec 92)
Per chev Arg & Gu, a chev Sa betw 2 hawks belled & jessed Vt & a
latin cross Arg, a bord Sa. (D: Simon Hauoc - Nov 94)
Per chev embat Or & Vt, 2 falcons close respectant jessed & a
goblet ctrch. (D: Gundric Fawkes - Nov 95)
Per chev ermine & Az, 2 martlets volant Vt & a horses head erased
Arg. (D: Megan Elizabeth Marie Marlin - Aug 89)
Per chev Or & Vt, 2 martlets & a catamounts head erased ctrch.
(D: Elyne Mody de Chadewyke - Nov 01)
Per fess Or & Vt, on a pale ctrch, betw in chf 2 martlets, in base a
martlet Vt. (D: Anthony fitz Robert - Sep 91)
Per fess wavy Arg & Az, 2 owls Vt & a seahorse Arg. (D: Dubh
Easa of Inishmore - Jan 01)
Per salt Vt & Arg, a salt dovetailed betw in pale 2 arrows inv & in
fess 2 ducks volant to sin all ctrch. (D: Wade Fletcher Fowler
- Jan 91)
* * * End * * *

Bird - Whole - 3 or more

See also: Monster - Phoenix

(Fieldless) A tricorporate owl Arg. (B: Garth ap Collin - Jan 97)
(Fieldless) In fess 3 owls affronty Gu perched atop & sustaining a
needle fesswise Arg. (B: Crnc Donn - May 05)
(Fieldless) In fess 3 popinjays Vt, beaked & membered Arg. (B:
Eva van Oudeachterkol - Apr 89)
(Fieldless) In pall 3 seagulls migrant to center Arg, wingtips
conjoined in triangle, maintaining betw them a rose proper. (B:
Katharina von Straubing - Feb 01)
(Fieldless) 3 birds close conjoined in annulo Arg. (B: Bran
Trefonin - May 98)
(Fieldless) 3 birds close conjoined in annulo Az. (B: Isolde Corby
- Jan 03)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 309

[Bird - Whole - 3 or more]

Bird - Whole - 3 or more (continued)

(Fieldless) 3 birds close conjoined in annulo Gu. (B: Rnn mac

an Stalcair - May 08)
(Fieldless) 3 birds close conjoined in annulo Or. (B: Robert of
Sacred Stone - Jan 03)
(Fieldless) 3 birds close conjoined in annulo Purp. (B: Victoria
Pringle - May 08)
(Fieldless) 3 birds close conjoined in annulo Sa. (B: Bran Trefonin
- Jan 03)
Arg, a chev embat Sa betw 3 double-headed eagles Gu. (D: Mikhail
Damianovich - Feb 02)
Arg, a chev engrailed betw 3 ravens Sa. (D: Clement von Eicke Nov 06)
Arg, a chev Vt betw 3 ravens close contourny Sa, on a chf Vt 3
fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Yvon DuBois - May 98)
Arg, a cross formy throughout Gu betw 4 eagles disp Sa. (D:
Gonzaga - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, a fess betw 3 ravens Sa. (D: Scandln Cel mac Lonin Apr 03)
Arg, a fess embat Sa betw 3 eagles disp Gu. (D: Aquila Ashley
Maddox - Jun 95)
Arg, a fess wreathed Vt betw 3 moorcocks in fess & a patriarchal
cross Gu. (D: Lovell Hastings - Dec 82)
Arg, a Latin cross flory & in chf 3 eagles Gu. (D: Declan
Ogillegan - May 07)
Arg, a pall cotised Vt betw 3 ravens close, all within a bord Sa. (D:
Caitlin MacAllestyr - Feb 85)
Arg, a pall inv pean betw 3 hawks disp jessed & belled Sa. (D:
John Blackhawk Lang - Dec 94)
Arg, a ravens head erased contourny betw in cross 4 ravens
contourny Sa. (D: Olaf Wyrm - Nov 90)
Arg, a tower betw 3 crows Sa. (D: Anna im Turm - Apr 00)
Arg, a wheel betw in chf a raven disp & in base 2 ravens close
addorsed Sa. (D: Conan Oarbreaker - Aug 84)
Arg, a wolf ramp contourny maintaining 2 swords, in chf 3 birds
disp Sa. (B: Wulfric Duncan of Ayr - Apr 96)
Arg estencely, an anvil betw 3 eagles Sa. (D: sleifr Arnrs son Apr 06)
Arg, five bars Sa, a martlet volant & an orle of martlets Az. (D:
Elizabeth Stafford Parr Pembroke - Apr 92)
Arg, five crows in salt & a chf Sa. (D: Ogan O Crowly - Nov 06)
Arg, 4 Emperor penguins statant affronty, 1, 2 & 1, proper all
within a bord Az. (D: Josselyn ferch Rhys - Jun 85)
Arg, 4 martlets close in cross Az, a chf embat Az, ermined Arg. (D:
Rowena of Flanders - Jun 91)
Arg fretty Az, 4 ravens close, heads lowered, 2 & 2, Gu. (D: Olfr
Thordarson - Jan 91)
Arg, on a chev embat Gu betw 3 ravens Sa 3 annulets Or. (D:
Victor Somerset of Ravenwood - Jul 91)
Arg, on a chev Vt betw 3 ravens Purp, 3 estoiles Arg. (D: Cindy of
Ponte Alto - Jun 98)
Arg, on a fess Az betw 3 martlets, close & sin facing Gu, a dragon
passant Or. (D: Martin Dragonette - May 89)
Arg, on a fess betw 3 martlets Vt an elephant statant Arg a bord Vt
estencely Arg. (D: Riona Gillian McAllister - Aug 97)
Arg, on a pall Az betw 3 ravens volant Sa a laurel wreath Or. (D:
Thescorre - Dec 83)
Arg, on a salt Az betw 4 ravens Sa, five escallops bendwise Or. (D:
Vincent Barker de Villefort - Jun 92)
Arg, sem of house wrens close proper, a tun Sa, chased Arg. (B:
Edmund Renfield Wanderscribe - Aug 80) (For House Tun)
Arg, semy of decrescents Az, 3 popinjays close Vt, marked Gu,
within a bord Az. (D: Gregory Finche - Aug 88)
Arg, semy of house wrens close proper. (B: Edmund Renfield
Wanderscribe - Jul 81)
Arg, semy of house wrens close to sin proper, a cap of Mercury Az,
winged Arg, overall a quill pen palewise Or. (B: Edmund
Renfield Wanderscribe - Aug 79)
Arg semy of ravens volant Sa. (B: Raven Mayne - Feb 06)
Arg, 3 birds migrant, each sustaining an arrow fesswise reversed Gu
within a bord dovetailed Sa. (D: Alison MacLeod - Dec 00)
Arg, 3 eagles in bend sin betw 2 scarpes Az. (D: Vladimir of
Wroclaw - Dec 92)
Arg, 3 falcons Vt. (D: Estienne de Cond - Nov 05)
Arg, 3 plumes conjoined in pile Purp betw 2 ravens addorsed & a
raven disp head to sin Sa. (D: Ragnhildr of Dragons Laire Jan 05)
310 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bird - Whole - 3 or more (continued)

Arg, 3 rapiers in pall points to center Gu betw 3 crows disp, one &
2, Sa, a bord Sa semy of hops sprigs Or. (D: Malachi
Blacksley - Aug 05)
Arg, 3 ravens close Sa, a bord Vt. (D: Jds Hraefnshyrst Nov 00)
Arg, 3 roosters Sa beaked & armed Gu. (D: Marco Polo - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, 3 swans naiant to sin, wings elevated & addorsed, Sa, within a
bord Vt. (D: Leopold der Schwarzenschwann von Koenigs See
- Dec 86)
Arg, 3 swans rousant contourney Sa. (D: Thomas Blackswann the
Lefthand - Nov 97)
Arg, 2 bars Gu & six martlets 3 2 & one Sa. (D: Scott Mac Alister Jan 02)
Arg, within 3 annulets interlaced Gu, as many ravens Sa. (D: Iain
of Cawdor - Mar 75?)
Az, a bend betw six martlets Arg. (D: Geoffrey Luttrell - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Az, a bridge of 2 spans, throughout & enarched to chf, betw 3
swans naiant Arg. (D: Paulette of Poitiers - Jan 07)
Az, a chev erminois betw 3 owls Or, a bord erminois. (D: Antonio
Miguel Santos de Borja - Nov 98)
Az, a chev Or estoilly Az betw 3 eagles Or. (D: Vika Grigina z
Prahy - Nov 04)
Az, a cross flory betw five doves Or. (D: Edward the Confessor Dec 94) (attributed)(Important non-SCA arms)
Az, a cross raguly Arg betw a harp Or & 3 geese rising wings
addorsed Arg. (D: lfgyfu hearpestre - Mar 05)
Az, a dance betw 3 swans naiant within a bord Arg. (D: Valrie la
Rousse - May 94)
Az, a doe trippant contourny betw 3 martlets Or. (D: Jacqueline
Helene Loisel - Aug 94)
Az, a fess betw 3 martlets Arg. (D: Thomas Flamanc of Kelsale Jun 03)
Az, a fess Sa, fimbriated, betw 3 martlets volant, all within a bord
Arg. (D: Rowena of Loxton - Apr 89)
Az, a rose betw 3 doves close Arg. (D: Anastasia OBryan Feb 99)
Az, a salt chequy Gu & Arg betw a goose disp, head to sin, & 3
ducks naiant Arg. (D: Frederick MacGregor - Oct 84)
Az, a sun Or betw 2 merlins volant respectant & a merlin close
affronty proper, a chf invected Arg. (D: Merlin Falconer Mar 82)
Az, an orle of martlets Or. (D: Constance Fairfax - Feb 99)
Az, at the points of 3 piles bendwise issuant from sin base, 3
peregrine falcons Arg migrant toward a plate in dexter chf. (B:
Peregryne Tal Elan of Non - Nov 77)
Az, five eagles disp 2, 2, & 1 Or. (D: Austria, Ancient or Lower Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, five martlets in salt Or betw flaunches Arg. (D: sa in kyrra Mar 04)
Az, in bend sin 3 swans naiant within an orle wavy, all Arg. (D:
Otfrid Ammerthaler - Feb 86)
Az, issuant from base a sun Or debruised of a mandolin, a recorder,
& a tambourine, all proper, in chf 3 doves volant Arg. (B:
Roger the Goliard - Feb 75?) (For Voice of the Turtle)
Az, on a chev betw 3 peacocks in their pride Or 3 roses proper. (D:
Rosamund Peacock - Feb 05)
Az, on a chev cotised betw 3 birds disp facing sin Arg 3 decrescents
Sa. (D: Rhiannon ui Neill - Aug 97)
Az, on a fess betw 3 swallows volant Arg 3 roses proper. (D:
Cecille de Beumund - May 96)
Az semy of ducks naiant Or, a rapier bendwise sin inv Arg. (D:
Megan the Mad - Oct 07)
Az semy of estoiles Or, a chev betw 3 martlets, a bord Arg. (D:
Genevire dAlsace - Feb 05)
Az semy of hawks striking to sin, a bord Or. (D: Orn grskeggr Aug 04)
Az, six hawks Or, overall a hawks lure Arg. (D: Irene Kilpatrick Dec 94)
Az, six owls & a chf Arg. (D: Lilie Dubh inghean u Mrdha Mar 08)
Az, 3 ducks naiant within a bord wavy Or. (D: Rohesia Kenneswyn
- Jan 08)
Az, 3 ducks passant in fess betw 2 bars wavy Arg. (D: Anne-Marie
lAmasseresse - Aug 94)

[Bird - Whole - 3 or more]

Bird - Whole - 3 or more (continued)

Az, 3 falcons rising disp, each with the dexter wing inv, on a chf
Arg 3 crosses crosslet Az. (D: Dunecan Falkenar de la Leie Oct 93)
Az, 3 falcons striking to sin Arg within a bord invected Or. (D:
Wulfhere Slende Falk - Jan 91)
Az, 3 hawks disp, a bord engrailed Arg. (D: Rayya al-Kurtubiyya Jun 00)
Az, 3 male linnets disp conjoined pallwise in pall, heads to center,
proper. (D: Linet of Taunton - Dec 82)
Az, 3 martlets Or, on a chf embat Arg 4 pairs of aspen leaves inv
conjoined at the stems Vt. (D: Beverly of Stromgard Nov 93)
Az, 3 owls within a bord Arg. (D: Megge de Northwode - Nov 03)
Az, 3 quail & a bord Arg. (D: Catalina of Tir Ysgithr - Oct 02)
Az, 3 ravens rising within a bord nebuly Arg. (D: sa at
Hrafnavatni - Feb 07)
Az, 3 swallows migrant within a bord Arg. (D: Karl Habicht von
Ammergau - Jun 92)
Az, 2 bars wavy betw 3 herons Arg. (D: Abell Shlaine Mar 04)
Barruly Arg & Az, an orle of martlets Gu. (D: Valence, Earl of
Pembroke - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Barry Gu & Or, 3 eagles in pall disp, wings inv, heads to center, all
within a bord embat Sa. (D: Basil von Kln - Nov 84)
Barry of eight Gu & Arg, each Gu bar charged with 2 ducks naiant
Arg. (D: Oliva van Meteren - Jan 08)
Bendy Arg & counter-ermine, 3 hawks striking Az. (D: Dnes Imre
Kovcs - May 89)
Bendy wavy Gu & Or, 3 doves volant Arg, a chf Purp. (D:
Wendolyn y Breuddwydwr - Jul 81)
Checky Az & Arg, five corbys disp in salt, heads to sin Sa. (D:
Isolde Corby - Dec 97)
Checky of nine Sa & Arg, 4 crows migrant Sa. (D: Richard Crowe
- Sep 06)
Checky Or & Gu, 3 ravens in annulo biting each others tails & a
bord Sa. (D: Cerdic Peregrine - Dec 03)
Chevronelly raguly Az & Or, a crescent betw 3 birds migrant to
base Sa. (B: Randal Sinclair Hawkins - Jun 00)
Counter-ermine, in pile issuant from sin five swans volant fesswise
Arg & in canton a hurt. (D: Wyndylyn Leanb na Doinneann Jul 80)
Gu, a bend engrailed Arg betw a garb & 3 martlets Or. (D: William
Walworth de Durham - May 05)
Gu, a harp & in chf 3 doves volant Arg. (D: Tadhg Cuileannin Jul 03)
Gu, a pall cotissed betw 3 martlets Or. (D: Will the Ironsmith Jul 86)
Gu, a pall wavy inv betw 3 herons Arg. (D: Trahaearn ap Ieuan Oct 92)
Gu, a patriarchal cross botonny betw 3 swans naiant to sin Arg. (D:
Cein ferch Aylwyn - Aug 89)
Gu, an orle of martlets Arg. (D: Adeliza de Saviniaco - Aug 99)
Gu, ermined, a fess Arg betw 3 ravens close Sa. (D: Raven Fraser Jul 86)
Gu, 4 martlets in cross & on a chf embat Or 3 goblets Gu. (D:
Gustav Emile der Dunkele Rotvogel - Jun 88)
Gu, in pale an owl disp & a sword inv betw in fess 2 owls close
guardant aspectant, all Arg. (D: Siegmund the Silly - Jul 88)
Gu, 3 martlets Or. (D: adaoin na Slebhte - Apr 00)
Gu, twelve penguins passant, wings addorsed, proper. (D: Cedrin
Etainnighean - Feb 80)
Gu, 2 lightning bolts in salt betw 4 eagles tails to center Or. (D:
Caius Gargonius Crassus - Mar 05)
Lozengy Arg & Az, in pale 3 owls disp betw 2 flaunches Or, each
charged with a maple leaf lozengy Arg & Az. (D: Geileis
Frisale - Sep 93)
Or, a castle Gu betw 3 eagles Sa. (D: John ye Elder - May 04)
Or, a chev betw 3 birds close Sa. (D: Freyds in tryggva
Sigurardttir - Feb 01)
Or, a falcon volant affronty betw in cross 4 falcons migrant
clockwise Sa. (D: Benjamin von Ermantrodt - Aug 86)
Or, a fess Sa semy of compass stars Or, betw 3 brown hawks rising,
wings disp & inv proper. (D: William Bray Slayforth Feb 97)
Or, a pall Az betw 3 ravens rising to sin, wings elevated &
addorsed, Sa. (D: Winifred Corbet de Wynterwood - Aug 87)

Bird - Whole - 3 or more (continued)

Or, a pall inv betw 3 owls Az, all within a bord embat Gu. (D:
Bealdgar Thurbeornsson - Aug 89)
Or, a Star of David Gu betw 3 eagles disp Sa. (D: Hadassah bat
Yisrael - Jun 91)
Or, an ink bottle Sa betw 3 hummingbirds hovering Purp. (D:
Labhaiose inghean u Raghailligh - Dec 07)
Or, an oak tree couped proper within an orle of ravens Sa. (D:
Bethoc of Ravenswood - Mar 02)
Or, on a chev Az betw 3 ravens rising contourny Sa 3 crescents Or.
(D: Katya Nachtraven - May 96)
Or, seven martlets one, 3, one, one & one Gu. (D: Serena of
Inderwick - Jan 98)
Or, six ravens close Sa. (D: Cigfran o Gaer Walch - Feb 97)
Or, 3 barn owls affronty each perched upon an olive branch all
proper. (D: Nicole de lHavre des Chouettes - Dec 71?)
Or, 3 falcons Vt belled Arg & jessed Gu & on a chf Vt 3 lilies Or.
(D: Lishka Cheglokova - Apr 02)
Or, 3 martlets Az, a bord Gu semy-de-lys Or. (D: Crystyna
Hyrundo - Sep 95)
Or, 3 martlets in pale Vt within a bord compony Vt & Arg. (D:
Francesca di Monopoli - Oct 93)
Or, 3 swans rousant Gu. (D: Nikolai Mikhailovich - Mar 97)
Or, 2 axes in salt within an orle of ravens Sa. (D: Harold the Grim
- Apr 76?)
Or, 2 chevronels Gu betw 3 ravens Sa, a bord embat Gu. (D:
Bianca Rose Byrne - Jun 96)
Party of six pieces Gu & Or, 3 swans naiant Or & 3 estoiles Gu. (D:
Elspeth OShea - Feb 00)
Party of six pieces per fess nebuly Gu & ermine, 3 anvils Arg & 3
falcons close Sa. (D: Theodoric of Salt Keep - Oct 96)
Per bend Az & Arg, 3 hawks volant Arg & 3 more Az. (D: Medlan
ferch Olwen - Feb 95)
Per bend Gu & Az, a sun in splendour Or & in bend 3 swans naiant
Arg. (D: Svea the Shortsighted - Mar 84)
Per bend Sa & Arg, in bend 3 mullets of eight points betw in bend
sin 2 swans naiant ctrch, the swans breathing flames proper.
(D: William of the Flaming Swan - Aug 82)
Per chev Arg & Az, 3 hawks stooping, wings elevated & addorsed,
within an orle ctrch. (D: Gwion ap Owen - Apr 90)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 3 ravens volant contourny & a sun in his
splendor ctrch. (D: Gwerydd ferch Rhys - Mar 04)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 3 birds volant contourny wings addorsed one &
2 Purp & a plate. (D: Volradus Tammius - Dec 00)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 3 owls contourny ctrch. (D: Gwyn Chwith ap
Llyr - Nov 96)
Per chev Az & Purp, a chev embat betw 3 eagles disp Or. (D:
Peregrine Elric of Courtenay - Jun 92)
Per chev Az & Sa, a chev betw 3 doves volant bendwise sin
contourny & a castle triple-towered Arg. (D: Aine inghean
Chormaic - Jan 06)
Per chev embat Arg & Vt, 3 hawks volant, wings addorsed ctrch.
(D: Gavin Hawkins - Oct 93)
Per chev Gu & Or, in chf 3 owls Or & in base a bear ramp Sa. (D:
Wilhelm Brune der Ber - Apr 96)
Per chev Or & Arg, a chev betw 3 double-headed eagles Az. (D:
Bertrand du Mez - Dec 02)
Per chev Or & Gu, 3 hawks close ctrch, on a chf nebuly Gu, 3
crescents Or. (D: Peregrine of the Crescent Hawks - Feb 90)
Per chev Purp & Arg, 3 birds migrant ctrch. (B: Volradus Tammius
- Dec 00)
Per chev rayonny Arg & Vt, 3 crows each maintaining a bow in its
dexter claw, all within a bord ctrch. (D: Llywelyn ap Gwillym
- Nov 06)
Per chev Sa & Gu, on a chev betw 3 swans close Arg 3 crosses
crosslet Az. (D: Earc Briain - Aug 07)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 3 popinjays ctrch. (D: Leonor Alcon - Apr 02)
Per chev Vt & Az, 3 eagles disp within a bord Or. (D: Leofric
Ealdricson - Apr 92)
Per chev Vt & Az, 3 martlets Arg. (D: Lie de Camurac - Apr 02)
Per chev Vt & Sa, 3 owls Arg. (D: Gaston Trvoux - Oct 00)
Per fess Arg & Vt, 3 falcons rising, wings elevated & addorsed
ctrch. (D: Alan of Gravesend - Mar 98)
Per fess Az & Arg, 3 swans naiant in fess & 2 claymores in salt all
within a bord embat, all ctrch. (D: Conor MacLean - Jul 91)
Per fess Az & Vt, six falcons, 3, 2, & one, Arg. (D: Aaron
Peregrine - Oct 07)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 311

[Bird - Whole - 3 or more]

Bird - Whole - 3 or more (continued)

Per fess embat Az & Arg, 3 falcons migrant ctrch. (D: Henry of
Exeter - Feb 92)
Per fess embat Gu & Sa, in chf 4 birds disp in cross Or & in base an
armored fist palewise Arg. (D: Duncan Falconer - Apr 06)
Per fess embat Sa & Arg, 3 hawks ctrch. (D: Joseph Hawk Jul 03)
Per fess Gu & Az fretty, in chf in fess 3 popinjays Or. (D: Gianetta
Andreini da Vicenza - Oct 97)
Per fess Gu & Sa, in chf a plate charged with a feather bendwise sin
Sa, in base 3 swans naiant Arg. (D: Lydia Dianora Villani
dEste - Mar 97)
Per fess Gu & Vt, a tower Arg betw 3 roosters Or. (D: Alfric
Alfricson - Aug 03)
Per fess Or & Arg, in pale 3 birds close in fess Az & 3 chevronels
braced Sa. (D: Rebecca Chadderton - Apr 88)
Per fess Vt & Purp, in fess 3 ducks naiant Or. (D: Maria Bianca
Casini - Sep 07)
Per fess wavy Arg & Gu, 3 ravens volant Sa & a mare courant Arg.
(D: Macha ni Phadraiga - Mar 87)
Per fess wavy Gu & Or, a caravel Or & 3 ravens Sa. (B: Gabrielle
la Lyonnesa - Feb 06)
Per pale & per chev Or & Vt, on a chev Sa betw 3 martlets
contourny, one & 2, & 2 axes crossed in salt ctrch a mullet Or.
(D: Johann Matheusson - Feb 07)
Per pale Arg & Az, 3 martletted doves close within a bord all ctrch.
(D: Caitlin nic Pharlain - Nov 92)
Per pale Arg & Gu, five ducks naiant to sin in annulo ctrch. (D:
Makedonii Dmitrii Aleksievich Kolchin - May 96)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a chev throughout betw 3 swans naiant
contourny ctrch. (D: Ossn mac Ruaidr - Aug 97)
Per pale Arg & Vt, 3 eagles ctrch. (D: Sebastian von Guggenberg Apr 03)
Per pale Az & Arg, a pall betw 3 swans naiant wings elevated &
addorsed ctrch. (D: Sidric Swano - May 00)
Per pale Az & Vt, in pale 3 swans naiant Arg. (D: Muriel de
Chimay - Jun 01)
Per pale Gu & Az, 3 owls Arg & in chf a mullet Or. (D: James
Douglass MacDougal - May 92)
Per pale Purp & Vt, a dragon passant Arg betw 3 birds volant Or.
(D: Sybille la Serena - Jan 02)
Per pale Sa & Arg, on a chev Gu betw 2 doves rising & respectant,
wings elevated & addorsed, & a dove disp ctrch, 3 wheels Or.
(D: Kateryne Cholmondeley - Jan 89)
Per pale Sa & Az, 2 chevronels ploy betw 3 doves disp Arg. (D:
Julienne fille Gaspard - Jul 06)
Per pale Vt & Az, 3 hawks jessed disp Arg. (D: Randal Gartnet Aug 02)
Per pale Vt & Or, a chev betw 3 falcons stooping ctrch. (D: Paul of
Cheshire - Sep 92)
Per pale Vt & Sa, 3 crescents conjoined in pall inv, horns outward,
betw 3 nightingales contourny Arg. (D: Nicodemus of Roaring
Wastes - Mar 93)
Per pale Vt & Sa, 3 hawks striking, those in chf respectant, Arg. (D:
Alizaunder Haukes - Mar 98)
Per pale wavy Arg & Az, a watchtower Sa charged with a cross
bottony & in pale 3 swans naiant Arg. (D: William Somme de
Ville - Jun 87)
Per pall Or, Gu & Arg, 3 swans naiant Sa, Arg & Gu. (D: Brigid
MacFarlane - Nov 91)
Per salt Az & Purp, 4 birds volant to base Arg, a chf ermine. (D:
Miranda Jourdaine MacDowel - Oct 93)
Per salt Az & Vt, a fret betw 4 swans naiant Arg. (D: Myfanwy
ferch Angharad - Sep 99)
Per salt Or & Sa, 4 birds volant to dexter chf ctrch Gu & Or. (D:
Roschana ar-Rashida - Jun 95)
Per salt Or & Sa, in cross 3 ravens close & a laurel wreath ctrch. (D:
Ravens Cove - Apr 90)
Per salt Or & Vt, a salt betw 4 hummingbirds volant to sin wings
addorsed all ctrch. (D: Eleanor Lebrun - Jul 06)
Per salt Purp & Sa, a bear statant betw 3 owls disp guardant Arg.
(D: Balfar von Grnwald - Dec 91)
Per salt Sa & Vt, 4 owls Arg. (D: Mel Coluim Mac Donnchaid May 04)
Per salt Vt & Sa, a salt betw 4 starlings volant contourny Arg. (D:
Pasche Starling - Oct 00)

312 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bird - Whole - 3 or more (continued)

Plumetty Gu & Arg, 3 swans rousant, wings addorsed, Sa each

holding in its beak an annulet Or, a bord Sa. (D: Gillian von
dem Walde - May 94)
Purp, a bend engrailed betw six hummingbirds hovering contourny
Arg. (D: Elizabeth Elenore Lovell - Dec 07)
Purp, a bend sin betw six martlets contourney Or. (D: Garric of
Dublin - Nov 97)
Purp, a Bowen knot betw 3 wrens close, those in chf respectant Or.
(D: Ulrica Wren de Montgomery - Jun 89)
Purp, a dragon passant contourny Or betw 3 martlets Arg. (D:
Sigrid Draki - Dec 98)
Purp, a fan betw 3 hummingbirds hovering Or. (D: Giulietta Cifala
- Dec 07)
Purp, a fess barry Arg & Sa betw 3 larks Arg. (D: Aeschine Larke Sep 99)
Purp, an escallop inv betw 3 swans naiant & a chf nebuly Arg. (D:
Ceridwen de Bellme - Feb 91)
Purp, 3 horses heads erased in pall inv, necks to center, & in chf 3
demi-cranes disp Or. (D: Joseph of Caid - Mar 02)
Quarterly Arg & Az, a celtic cross betw 4 ospreys volant bendwise
ctrch. (D: Brita Mairi Svensdottir - May 92)
Quarterly Arg & Az, 4 owls within an orle, all ctrch. (D: Myfanwy
Elen o Gaerfyrddin - Mar 89)
Quarterly Arg & Vt, 3 owls statant affronty ctrch. (D: Katryne of
Bakestonden - Sep 97)
Quarterly Az & counter-ermine, 3 double-headed eagles disp Or, a
chf ermine. (D: John the Pursuwer - Dec 95)
Quarterly Az & Or, 4 linnets ctrch. (D: Linnet of Liddington Jan 89)
Quarterly Gu & Az, a cross betw 4 martlets Or. (D: Gyrir
daaskald - Oct 05)
Quarterly Or & Gu, 4 swans naiant to sin ctrch Sa & Arg. (D:
Deirdre OConnell - Aug 92)
Quarterly Purp & Gu, in salt an eagle disp contourny Or betw 4
eagles disp contourny Sa fimbriated Or. (B: Egill von Stahl Nov 04)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, 4 eagles disp, wings inv, Or. (D: Gnther Klr
of the Citadel of the Southern Pass - Apr 99)
Quarterly Vt & Az, 3 thrushes in bend contourny Or. (D: Jocetta
Thrushleigh of Rowansgarth - Aug 98)
Sa, a chev Gu fimbriated betw 3 eagles disp, each grasping in each
talon a hammer Or. (D: Michael Ironhammer - Jul 83)
Sa, a compass-star Arg betw in salt 4 crows volant, heads to center,
Or. (D: Eric the Kendtmand - Jul 86)
Sa, a cross Az fimbriated Arg betw 4 eagles Or. (D: Brien de
Liedeberge - Apr 04)
Sa, a fess Arg fretty Az betw 3 swans naiant Arg. (D: Ceinwen
ferch Rhuel - May 99)
Sa, a trillium inv betw 3 cranes volant in annulo addorsed Or. (D:
Ise Jogoru Kazunori - Jan 03)
Sa, in bend 3 eagles disp bendwise betw 2 bendlets Or. (D:
Andreas Schwingehammer - Jul 01)
Sa, in bend 3 eagles palewise rising, wings addorsed, Gu fimbriated
Or. (B: Catriona Gillander - Jan 81)
Sa, on a salt Arg betw 4 eagles rising, wings disp Or, five roses Gu.
(D: Egill varsson - Sep 92)
Sa, 3 bars wavy betw 3 cranes in their vigilance all within a bord
Arg. (D: Jehan du Lac - Aug 90)
Sa, 3 birds disp & on a chf Arg a kris Sa. (D: Cazimir Ryndin Jul 04)
Sa, 3 doves volant contourny Arg. (D: Serena Fabrizio - Apr 02)
Sa, 3 owls rising sin wing elevated Arg each maintaining a willow
slip Vt. (D: Jehanne de Huguenin - Feb 99)
Sa, 3 swans disp within a bord Or. (D: Ariadne la Noire - Jun 01)
Sa, 2 bendlets sin Arg, in bend 3 falcons close affronty Or. (D: Jon
Tall of Threehawks - Sep 92)
Sa, 2 bends Gu fimbriated Or, & in pale 3 doves volant bendwise
proper. (D: Thin Robert of Lawrence - Aug 79)
Sa, 2 eagles ramp combattant Or & a dove disp Arg. (D: Flavius
Valerius Verus - Jun 88)
Sa, 2 rapiers in salt betw 4 swans naiant contourny Arg. (D:
Edward of Chesterfield - May 01)
Vt, a chev betw 3 falcons Arg. (D: Tangwystyl verch Morgant
Glasvryn - Jul 01)
Vt, a chev betw 3 peacocks pavonated to base Arg. (D: Caitlyn
Emrys - Aug 95)

[Bird - Whole - 3 or more] to [Book - Sole primary]

Bird - Whole - 3 or more (continued)

Vt, a hind salient Arg, unguled & gorged with a Saxon crown Or,
betw 3 doves rising, wings elevated & addorsed Arg, beaked &
membered, within an orle embat on the inner edge Or. (D:
Outlands, Crown Princess of - Apr 98)
Vt, a snowflake betw 3 Arctic terns volant to sin Arg. (D: Tiphaine
of Snowcroft - Nov 83)
Vt, in pale 3 martlets descending betw 2 flaunches Arg, each
flaunch charged with a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Nant y
Derwyddon - Jul 83)
Vt, semy of owls affronty Or. (D: Oliuir von Iulenstein - Apr 93)
Vt, 3 geese sejant in pall, heads together & conjoined, proper, all
within a bord potenty Arg. (D: Brynja of Byrrhyll - Dec 89)
Vt, 3 peacocks in their pride Arg. (D: Eleonora di Gerardo Jan 08)
Vt, 3 sparrows & a chf engrailed Arg. (D: Amie Sparrow - Oct 05)
Vt, 2 geese volant & a swan naiant bendwise pierced by an arrow
fesswise Arg. (D: Hreothbeorht the Fat - Aug 84)
* * * End * * *
Bird bolt: see Arrow
Bird of paradise plant: see Plant - Other
Birds egg: see Cartouche and Foodstuff
Birds feather: see Feather
Birds head: see Head - Bird
Birds leg: see Leg - Bird
Bison: see Beast - Bull
Bisons head: see Head - Beast - Bull
Bit: see Saddlery
Bitch: see Beast - Dog
Blackberry: see Fruit - Berry
Blackberry briar: see Plant - Vine
Blackbird: see Bird
Blackeyed susan: see Flower - Multipetaled
Blade: see Sword
Blasted tree: see Tree - Blasted
Blatt: see Leaf and Nesselblatt
Block: see Billet
Blossom: see Flower
Bluebottle: see Flower - Multipetaled
Bluejay: see Bird
Boar: see Beast - Boar
Board - Gaming: see Toy
Boars head: see Head - Beast - Boar
Bobbin: see Tool - Textile

Body part

See also: Bone and Eye and Hand and Head and Leg and
Moustache and Tooth
(Fieldless) A human breast Az distilling 3 gouttes Arg. (B:
Tetchubah of Greenlake - Jan 08)
Az, a toe couped Or. (B: Tarl Godric the Brokentoe - Jan 91)
Gu, on an obelisk betw 2 elephants trunks issuant from the flanks
Arg, 3 roundels Sa. (D: Giovanna Luigia di Milano - Jun 92)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a pair of lips Gu & 3 increscents Arg. (D:
Saundra the Incorrigible - Mar 93)
Per bend sin Or & Vt, a fishs fin disp Vt & a fishs fin close Or.
(D: Krzysztof z Lublina - Mar 75?)
Purp, 2 elephant trunks issuant from the flanks Arg. (D: Dolcina da
Laurito - Jul 02)
* * * End * * *
Bog beast: see Monster - Bog beast
Bog beasts head: see Head - Monster - Other
Bolt - Bird: see Arrow
Bolt - Crossbow: see Arrow
Bolt - Elf: see Pheon
Bolt - Lightning: see Lightning bolt
Bolt - Thunder: see Thunderbolt
Bomb: see Grenade


See also: Head - Beast - Skull and Head - Human skull and Horn Creature and Tooth
(Fieldless) A bone fesswise Sa. (B: Katarina Tesmer - Aug 01)
(Fieldless) A Latin cross of bones Arg enfiled with a coronet Sa.
(B: Thorbrandr Olafsson - Jul 99)

Bone (continued)

(Fieldless) 3 bones interlaced in triangle inv Arg. (B: Friedrick

Schmitt - Feb 05)
(Fieldless) 2 talbots combattant Arg maintaining betw them a
thighbone Gu. (B: Uther Shieldbreaker - Aug 94)
Arg, a bend sin Vt betw a hawks head contourny erased Az, armed
Vt, & a skeletal hand fesswise Az. (D: Ismenia OMulryan Mar 99)
Arg, a chev & in base a femur Purp. (D: Leanore deVertearbors Dec 80)
Arg, a human skeleton statant to sin grasping a rope pendant from a
cracked church bell bendwise sin in chf all Sa. (D: Francisco
Savelli - Apr 90)
Checky Sa & Arg, in base in pale a deaths head & 2 bones in salt
Gu. (D: Edward the Chaste - May 95)
Ermine, in salt a human femur Gu & a sword inv Or hilted Az. (D:
Avar the Boneless - Sep 71?)
Gu, a human thigh bone fesswise Arg debruised by a red
dachshunds jambe palewise proper armed Arg. (B: Hans von
Bremen - Jan 73?)
Gu, in chf 3 bones & in base an escarbuncle of six arms Arg. (D:
Lot mac Grigair - Jul 06)
Gu, 3 bones in fess Arg. (B: Lot mac Grigair - Jul 06)
Gu, 2 bones in salt Arg betw in pale 2 wyverns passant to sin Or &
in fess 2 skulls affronty Arg. (D: Black Jack of Orney Aug 86)
Or, 2 bones in salt Gu surmounted by a frog sejant affronty Vt. (B:
Dionysus of Grantham - Nov 07)
Per bend Az & Gu, a shinbone bendwise betw 2 mallets Arg. (D:
Konrad der Bildhauer - Aug 79)
Per bend raguly Gu & Arg, 3 bones bendwise in bend sin & a fleam
ctrch. (D: Lawrence Taillefer the Leech - Apr 85)
Per chev dovetailed Or & Gu, in chf 2 Pomeranian hounds
combattant Sa & in base a femur fesswise Or. (D: Tomasz
Pomaranski - Apr 92)
Per fess Az & Sa, a laurel wreath Or sustained by a skeletal cubit
arm palewise Arg. (D: Loch Bis - Jan 98)
Per fess Sa & Gu, a skeletal hand fesswise Arg & a mallet inv Or.
(D: Cosmo Craven the Elder - Sep 99)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 bones crossed in salt surmounted by a skull, a
bord potenty all per pale Arg & Sa. (D: Carlos Cervantes Apr 07)
Per pale Purp & Sa, in salt a bone Arg surmounting a sword Or. (B:
Ysabel de Rouen - Oct 06) (For House Blade and Bone)(JB:
Gawayn Langknyfe)
Purp, a cottontail rabbit courant proper within 4 bovine shankbones
in mascle Or betw in salt 4 dogs paw prints palewise Arg. (D:
Brachet Fleetfoot of Foxfyre Meres - May 81)
Purp, 2 bones in salt & a chf Arg. (D: Abigail MacLachlan Aug 98)
Sa, a bone fesswise surmounted by 2 bones in salt betw in pale 2
hearts Arg. (B: Tristan ap Howell - Mar 83)
Sa, in pale a skull & in salt 2 thigh-bones Arg. (D: Jolly Roger, The
- Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Sa, 2 bones fesswise in pale Arg, a bord embat Or. (D: Seamus
Bigbones - Feb 95)
Sa, 2 shin-bones in salt Arg. (D: Isaac Newton, Sir - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
* * * End * * *

Book - Sole primary

(Fieldless) A closed book fesswise, spine to chf, Az, leaved,

clasped & garnished Arg. (B: Tostig Logiosophia - Jun 92)
(Fieldless) A closed book spine to dexter Vt. (B: Cordelia Talbot Jan 03)
(Fieldless) A open scroll Arg charged with a paw print Az. (B:
Kristoff McLain Cameron - Nov 91)
(Fieldless) An open book Arg & overall a estoc inv Or. (B:
Illuminada Eugenia de Guadalupe y Godoy - Apr 08) (For
House Estoc)
(Fieldless) An open book Arg, overall 2 recorders in salt Az. (B:
Sondra van Schiedam - Sep 06)
(Fieldless) An open book Az. (B: Trimaris - Jun 02)
(Fieldless) An open book ermine. (B: Aryanhwy merch Catmael Aug 04)
(Fieldless) An open book Or bound & charged with a fleur-de-lys
Gu. (B: Elayna Lilley - May 94)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 313

[Book - Sole primary]

Book - Sole primary (continued)

(Fieldless) An open book per pale Gu & Arg. (B: thelmearc Mar 02) (For thelmearc Pages School)
(Fieldless) An open book within hearts sans nombre palewise in
annulo Arg. (B: Elaine Courtenay - Jul 89)
(Fieldless) An open scroll Arg fretty Vt. (B: Stonemarche Dec 92) (For the Stonemarche Scribes Guild)
(Fieldless) An open scroll Az. (B: Trimaris - Jun 02)
(Fieldless) On a closed scroll palewise Vt a wolfs paw print Arg.
(B: Isabel Ulfsdottir - Nov 99)
(Fieldless) On a scroll unrolled fesswise proper a candle & holder
Az, enflamed proper. (B: Fortunata Cercasapienza - Aug 90)
(Fieldless) On a scroll unrolled palewise Arg, a mullet of five
greater & five lesser points within in annulo the words "littera
scripta manet" Sa. (B: Ansteorra - Jan 89) (For Star Signet)
(Fieldless) On an open book per pale Az & Arg bound Sa a mirror
bendwise Or. (B: Atlantia - Aug 99) (For Poeta Atlantiae)
(Fieldless) On an open book per pale Or & Gu a dragon passant
coward Sa. (B: Drachenwald - Jun 01) (For the University
of Drachenwald)
(Fieldless) On an open book Purp, a musical note Arg. (B: Kieran
MacRae - Aug 02)
(Fieldless) On an open scroll bendwise Arg an acorn proper. (B:
Adsiltia filia Honorii - Oct 95)
(Fieldless) On an open scroll fesswise Arg a cat couchant
contourny Sa. (B: Katin inghean Neachtain - Jul 04)
(Fieldless) On an open scroll Or a pall wavy Az. (B: Carolingia Sep 93)
(Fieldless) On an open scroll Or 2 rapiers in salt betw 4 gouttes Gu.
(B: Baile na Scolari - May 96) (For Le Corps de Sang)
(Fieldless) On an open scroll Vt a lantern Or. (B: Baile na Scolari
- May 96)
(Fieldless) Upon an open book Arg, in fess a triskele & an
hourglass Az. (B: Trimaris - Jan 91) (For Kingdom
Arg, a scroll unrolled palewise Sa. (B: Michael Myrialogos Feb 81) (For House Myrialogos)
Arg, an open book Purp betw 3 roses Gu. (D: Garrick Mayhew Oct 93)
Arg, an open book Vt, a bord Az. (D: Iain MacBhaltair - Oct 04)
Arg, an open book within a bord urdy Vt. (B: Fredrick of Woodlyn
- Sep 88) (For Woodlyn Library)
Arg, on a closed scroll palewise Vt a wolfs paw print Arg. (D:
Isabel Ulfsdottir - Nov 99)
Arg, on an open scroll Gu an "" Or. (B: thelmearc - Feb 00)
Arg, upon an open book Arg leathered betw in cross 4 cinquefoils a
quill bendwise Purp. (D: Mary Courtenay de Womwell Jun 85)
Az, a blank parchment palewise proper, crossed by a pen reversed
Or, quilled Sa. (D: Euphemia of the Willows - Jan 73?)
Az, a closed Torah scroll palewise, on a chf Arg, 3 frets throughout
Sa. (D: Naarah bat Avraham - May 92)
Az, a scroll Arg pierced by a sword palewise proper, all betw 3
compass-stars Or. (D: Basil of Trebizond - Jan 84)
Az, a scroll bendwise ermine betw 2 keys bendwise, that to dexter
with wards to chf, Or. (B: Three Rivers - May 88) (For
Historians Guild)
Az, a scroll unrolled bendwise Or, overall a dexter gauntlet grasping
a sword Arg, hilted & fimbriated Sa. (B: West, the - Jan 80)
(For Office of the Lists)
Az, an open book & in base a bee Arg marked Sa. (D: Branwen
filia Iohannis de Monmouth - Apr 02)
Az, an open book & on a chf Arg 3 hurts. (D: Isabelle Christine de
Foix - Apr 02)
Az, an open book Arg & a bord rayonny Or. (D: Aleemah al
Shammariyyah - Mar 97)
Az, an open book Arg bound Sa & in chf a compass-star Arg. (D:
Duinnsech nic Aodha - Nov 91)
Az, an open book Arg charged with Hebrew letters Sa. (D: Yale
University - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, an open book Arg, on a bord Or 3 mullets Az. (D: Galen
Martell of Canterbury - Nov 92)
Az, an open book Arg, on a chf Or an arrow point to dexter Az. (D:
Roderick der Gelehrte - Apr 92)
Az, an open book betw 3 estoiles Or. (D: Allison of Carillion Aug 95)

314 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Book - Sole primary (continued)

Az, an open book Or charged with a battle axe bendwise Sa, in base
a caltrop inv Or. (D: Edward the Learned - Aug 83)
Az, an open book Or, in chf a quill fesswise Arg, all within a bord
embat Or. (D: Jocelyn Chamberlain - Jan 88)
Az, an open book within a laurel wreath & on a chf Or a lion
dormant Sa. (D: Bedes - Apr 03)
Az, an open scroll Arg surmounted by a sword fesswise Or, all
within a bord embat Arg. (B: Caid - Apr 84) (For Office of
Az fretty Arg, on an open book Or a damask rosebud bendwise sin,
slipped & leaved, proper. (D: Aurelia of Ashton - Oct 85)
Az, on a scroll unrolled fesswise proper a candle & holder Az,
enflamed proper, on a point pointed Or a quill pen Az. (D:
Fortunata Cercasapienza - May 91)
Az, on an open book Arg betw 3 crowns Or the words DOMINUS
ILLUMINATIO MEO Sa. (D: Oxford, University of Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, on an open book within an orle Arg, in fess a thistle & panpipes
Az. (D: Christine Joye Stewart - Jan 98)
Az, on an open scroll fesswise Arg 2 ostrich feathers in salt Vt. (B:
Khalil ibn Yusuf al-Balansi - Jan 05)
Az, on an open scroll Or a quill pen bendwise sin Az, in chf 3
acorns Or. (D: Mathilda Lucia - Dec 98)
Az semy-de-lys, an open book Arg. (D: Ela Bathory - Mar 08)
Barry Or & Vt, on a closed book palewise Purp a pair of eyeglass
frames Or. (D: Esperanza Halevi - Aug 02)
Gu, an open book, on a chf engrailed Arg, 3 hearts Gu. (D: Elaine
Courtenay - May 88)
Gu, an open book surmounted by an arrow inv, all within a laurel
wreath Arg. (D: Svat ebesta - Jan 97)
Gu, sem-de-lys, a closed book Or, banded Sa. (D: Josepha Marci
de Marseilles - Jun 84)
Gyronny Az & Arg, an open book Or bound Sa. (D: Cormac
Longstrider - Jun 00)
Gyronny Az & Or, an open book Gu betw 4 hearts in cross ctrch.
(D: Genevieve Penrose - Aug 92)
Or, an open book Gu. (B: Mare Amethystinum - Apr 02)
Or, an open book Gu & a chf embat Az. (D: Leah Janette Feb 03)
Or, an open scroll fesswise & on a chf indented Sa, 3 flames proper.
(D: Pietro dArezzo - Oct 92)
Or, an open scroll within a laurel wreath Vt & on a chf Purp 3
lanterns Or. (D: Baile na Scolari - Mar 92)
Or, on an open book Az an ink-pot Or. (B: Boethius - Feb 85)
Or, on an open book proper edged Sa, a cat couchant to sin Sa. (D:
Malkin Grey - Mar 78?)
Or, on an open book Vt a castle Arg, all within a bord Sa. (D:
Kendra of the White Castle - Aug 87)
Pean, a scroll fesswise pierced by a quill pen palewise Arg within a
bord rayonny Gu. (D: Thea Lohsa - date?)
Per bend sin dovetailed Az & Or, an open book Arg betw 2 quill
pens bendwise sin ctrch. (D: Margaret Dutton of Atherstone Jan 92)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, an open book Arg. (D: Hugh Mann Jan 02)
Per fess Az & Vt, on an open book Arg an acorn proper. (D:
Adelwyn Atewattere - Apr 02)
Per pale Arg & Az, an open book & in chf a sword reversed ctrch.
(D: Galen Shadowraven - Feb 91)
Per pale Az & Arg, an open book betw 3 suns ctrch. (D: Khodoska
Mordasova - Jan 04)
Per pale Gu & Arg, an open book betw 4 crescents in cross horns to
center, a bord ctrch. (D: Juliana Lorenzo de Len - Sep 06)
Per pale Gu & Arg, an open book betw 4 roundels in cross, all
ctrch. (B: Society for Creative Anachronism - Sep 81) (For
the Office of the Stock Clerk)
Per pale Gu & Az, a closed scroll bendwise Arg ribboned Sa. (B:
Saint Felix - Dec 01)
Per pale Gu & Az, a closed scroll bendwise Arg ribboned Sa within
a laurel wreath Or. (D: Saint Felix - Dec 01)
Per pale Or & Arg, a closed book palewise, spine to dexter, Gu,
clasped & charged with a laurel wreath Or, all within a bord
embat Az. (D: Blessed Herman the Cripple - Mar 88)
Per pale Sa & Arg, an open scroll Or, a bord ctrch. (D: Kendric son
of Godric - Nov 94)

[Book - Sole primary] to [Book - Group primary]

Book - Sole primary (continued)

Per pale Vt & Arg, an open book betw 3 Celtic crosses ctrch. (D:
Odriana vander Brugghe - Nov 01)
Per pale Vt & Az, an open scroll & on a chf Arg a quill pen Sa. (B:
Marinus - Jul 07) (For Scriptorium Marini)
Per salt Arg & Vt, an open book Or, bound, & on a chf Sa a sword
fesswise reversed Or. (D: Michel dArtois - Jun 82)
Per salt Or & Sa, an open book Arg & on a chf Sa an arrow Or. (D:
Fri Farmansson - Apr 07)
Purp, an open scroll & in chf 4 quill pens bendwise sin Or. (D:
Gwyneth Llywelyn Dywyll - Jul 93)
Purp, an open scroll bendwise & on a chf wavy Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys
Az. (D: Hlose Le Gardeur - Mar 06)
Purp, an open scroll betw 4 quill pens in annulo Arg. (D:
Jacqueline Griselda Vittre - Jan 92)
Purp, on a scroll Arg an hourglass Sa & on a chf Arg a dolmen of 3
lintels Sa. (B: Jocelyn Douglas of Fairfax - Sep 91)
Quarterly Or & Arg, a closed book Gu from its pages issuant to
base a lions tail forked & nowed Sa. (B: An Tir - Mar 89)
(For College of Pages)
Sa, a closed book betw in cross 4 quill pens in annulo Arg. (B:
Cyriac Grymsdale - Feb 05)
Sa, a closed book palewise betw in fess 2 quill pens Arg. (D:
Deirdre Morgan - May 90)
Sa, a closed book palewise Or. (D: Angharad Rhondda of
Glamorgan - Sep 93)
Sa, a scroll unrolled bendwise Arg, overall a sword Or. (B: An Tir Aug 87) (For Lists Office)
Sa, an open book & on a chf Arg 3 feathers bendwise sin Sa. (D:
Robert Buchanan of Linlithgow - Apr 92)
Sa, an open book Arg betw 3 pairs of torches in salt Arg flamed Or.
(D: Kathleen Kilpatrick - Apr 07)
Sa, an open book betw 3 mullets of seven points Arg. (D: Ericus
Astrologus - Feb 99)
Sa, an open scroll Or betw in fess 2 wolves combattant & in base a
roundel Arg. (D: Athalwolf Svartaskald - Dec 84)
Sa, an open scroll palewise Or charged with a crossbow palewise
inv Az surmounted by 2 arrows inv in salt Gu. (D: Gedkin the
Studious - Nov 80)
Sa, in chf an open book Or overall a sword proper. (D: Cerridwyn
Eurgledde ferch Owain ap Bychan ap Gruffudd - Apr 98)
Sa, on an open book Arg, a bee Sa, banded Or. (B: Saint
Bartholomew - Jan 91)
Sa, on an open book Arg a rose Gu all within a bord Or. (B:
Eleanor Fairchild - Mar 02)
Sa, on an open scroll Arg a rose Gu & on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lis
Gu. (D: Parnel Pashley Penhaligon - Nov 93)
Sa, on an open scroll Arg a stags attire palewise Gu. (B: Ymanya
Murray - Sep 05)
Tierced per pall Arg, Purp & Or, on an open parchment scroll
fesswise proper a brazier Sa, enflamed proper, in chf 2 swords
in salt Sa. (D: Ari ben Eleazer - Jul 80)
Vair, on an open book Or, a mare ramp Sa. (D: Melisande Ptasznik
- Jun 98)
Vt, a closed book palewise & in chf 3 needles bendwise sin
threaded Or. (D: Cynthia de Greenfield - Apr 98)
Vt, an open book & on a chf Or 3 crosses fleury Vt. (D: Diane the
Scrivener - Dec 00)
Vt, an open book betw 3 roses Arg. (D: Jana Haviland - Aug 96)
Vt, an open book Or & on a chf Arg 3 escallops inv Az. (B:
Deirdre Ui Mhaille - Jan 87)
Vt, an open book Or in chf 3 roses Arg. (D: Marie Suzanne of
Westphalia - Sep 01)
Vt, on an open book Arg, a heart Gu. (D: Erna Kreisel - Nov 98)
Vt, on an open book Arg a key fesswise reversed Purp, a tierce Arg.
(D: Dominick Elphinstone - Jun 02)
Vt, on an open book Or a brown bear passant proper, a bord embat
Or. (D: Uaithne inghean u Mhathghamhna - May 05)
Vt, on an open scroll Arg a quill pen bendwise sin Gu, a bord
fleuretty Or. (D: Kasimira Kantorowska - Feb 91)
Vt, on an open scroll Arg in salt an artists brush & a quill pen Sa, a
bord embat Or. (B: Outlands, the - Oct 07)
Vt, upon an open book Arg, bound & edged Or, a watchtower Vt;
on a chf Or, a cat couchant guardant Sa, orbed Vt. (D:
Jacqueline des Champs Verts - Aug 79)
* * * End * * *

Book - Group primary

(Fieldless) A badger statant contourny atop an open scroll fesswise

Arg. (B: James the Obscure - May 00)
(Fieldless) A quill pen Arg transfixing an open scroll fesswise Or.
(B: Middle, the - Jul 98)
(Fieldless) In pale a dragons head Vt issuant from an open book
Arg. (B: Lorcan Dracontius - Apr 08)
(Tinctureless) In pale a mullet of five greater & five lesser points &
in base a crown dancetty & a swallowtailed scroll crescentwise
bearing the inscription "constare", overall in salt 2 straight
trumpets, bells in chf. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Star - Jun 80)
(Fieldless) 3 ostrich feathers in pile Arg enfiling a crown Or the
quills surmounting (sometimes piercing, sometimes
surmounted by) a scroll Arg bearing the words ICH DIEN Sa.
(B: England, Heir Apparent of - Dec 94) (Important nonSCA badge)
Arg, in pale a wolfs head erased contourny Sa & an open book Gu.
(D: Wulfred Haraldsson - Feb 91)
Az, eight open books in orle Arg. (D: Thomasine Lestrange Oct 02)
Az, in pale a Latin cross bottonny & an open book Or, a bord
rayonny Arg. (D: Katerina of Bright Hills - Jun 99)
Az, in pale a lion-dragon passant Or & an open book Arg charged
with a flower Gu slipped Sa & a quill pen Gu. (D: Marija
Kotok - Feb 07)
Az, in pale a lynxs head affronty erased Arg, collared Az & an
open book proper, within a bord Arg charged with eight roses
Az, seeded proper. (D: Thomas of Linlithgow - Aug 79?)
Az, in pale a unicorn ramp & an open book, all within an orle Arg.
(D: Ceiridwen Chevelure de Corbeau - Dec 88)
Az, in pale an open book & 2 feathers in salt, on a chf invected Or 2
escallops Az. (D: Cordelia Scriven - Feb 92)
Az, in pale an open book & 2 retorts, necks in salt Or within a bord
potenty Arg. (D: Arthur FitzWilliam the Scholar - Oct 92)
Az, in salt a hammer Or surmounted by a scroll Arg, & on a chf Or
a hand balance Sa. (D: Femalaya of Noergate - May 83)
Az, 3 open books & a bord engrailed Arg. (D: Elaine Flamme Feb 05)
Gu, in pale a comet fesswise Arg & an open book Or. (D: Zhivana
Anastasiia Svemirovna - Mar 00)
Gu, on an open book sustained by a cubit arm vested issuant from
base Arg 2 stars of David Sa. (D: Avigaal bas Yaahov Aug 94)
Gu semy of open books Or. (D: Gwenlliana Clutterbooke Sep 07)
Gu, 3 open books Arg charged with the word VERITAS Sa. (D:
Harvard, University of - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, 2 dragon heads couped Or & an open book Arg. (D: Seamus O
Dubhda - Nov 02)
Gu, 2 tablets conjoined in fess Arg. (B: Collawyn Lughaidh O
Cearbhaill - Jan 90)
Gyronny of twelve Arg & Az, a quill Vt & a scroll in salt within a
bord Or. (D: Vorlin or Gwig - Jul 85)
Or, five open books in salt Az. (B: Boethius - Jan 85)
Or, five open books in salt, on a chf Az 3 laurel wreaths Or. (D:
Boethius - Feb 91)
Per bend Arg & Sa, 2 rolled scrolls bendwise betw 2 frogs ramp, all
ctrch. (D: Thaddeus Zhukow - Jan 87)
Per bend Az & Purp, a mullet of 4 points elongated to base Arg &
an open book Or. (D: Rhys ap Thomyn - Sep 06)
Per bend engrailed Or & Az, an open book Purp & a harp Or. (D:
Constance Sayer - Mar 07)
Per bend Or & Az, a maple tree Vt & an open book-scroll Arg. (D:
Moses ben Eldad - Apr 76?)
Per bend Sa & Gu, an open scroll & a musical note Or. (D: Marcus
the Quiet - Dec 02)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a boars head couped Sa & an open book
Arg. (D: Hugo Blackthorne - Jan 93)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, 2 open scrolls Or. (D: Simon dArc the
Scholar - Dec 92)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a griffin segreant Or & an open scroll
bendwise sin Arg. (D: Miranda Blaney - Jul 89)
Per bend sin Gu & Az an open scroll fesswise & a natural seahorse
Arg. (D: Brenna Graeme - Apr 94)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, in bend an open scroll & a sword bendwise
sin Or. (D: Michael Scrollseeker - Feb 86)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 315

[Book - Group primary]

Book - Group primary (continued)

Per bend sin Or & Gu, a dagger inv Sa transfixing an open book
Arg. (D: Gentle Dirk - Sep 96)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, a closed book palewise Sa & a rams head
couped Arg, armed Or, all within a bord ctrch. (D: Pavlos
Reddrum - Jul 88)
Per bend sin Or & Vt, a sword inv Vt hilted Sa, & a closed scroll
bendwise sin Arg. (D: Enda of Inderwick - Sep 96)
Per bend sin potenty Arg & Gu, a cooking pot Sa & a closed book
Or. (D: Kendra Bergette von dem Krutergarten - Jan 85)
Per bend sin Purp & Sa, a goblet & an open book Arg. (D: Donnie
of Atenveldt - Nov 93)
Per bend sin Purp crusilly botonny & Or, an open book Or &
another Purp. (D: Mariana Constantina Bonamici - Oct 91)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, an open book & a dragon Or. (D: Margot of
Annandale - Jun 00)
Per bend sin Vt & Arg, 2 open books ctrch. (D: Maureen Scolire
biert Gr - Sep 90)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, in bend an open book Arg, charged on the sin
page with a Greek oil lamp Vt, flamed Gu, & 2 fir trees in fess
Vt. (D: Judith von Gruenwald - Apr 87)
Per bend Vt & Arg, an open scroll & a lions gambe erased fesswise
ctrch. (D: Joshua Dennesson - Dec 07)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a Bengal tiger ramp Or marked Sa & an open
scroll Or. (D: Reinmar von Aue - Aug 95)
Per chev Arg & Vt, a pair of lace bobbins in salt proper & a closed
book palewise Arg. (D: Kassandra of Dragons Laire Apr 06)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 open books & a unicorn passant ctrch. (D:
Catan ingen ui Chuinn - Nov 05)
Per chev Az & Or, in chf 2 open books & in base 2 cubit arms
vested, couped, the hands clasped, ctrch. (D: Linda of London
- Mar 78?)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 lit candles mounted in flat candlesticks & an
open book ctrch. (D: Mustapha al-Muhaddith ibn al-Saqaat Dec 06)
Per chev dovetailed Or & Gu, in chf 2 lions salient combattant & in
base an open book ctrch. (D: Ranulf FitzOsbern - Dec 86)
Per chev ermine & Gu, 2 bears ramp Sa, each holding a longbow
Gu, & an open book Arg charged with a tankard Sa. (D:
Thomas of Bear Woods - Jan 94)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 open books Arg & a wand proper. (D: Ian
the Wanderer - Feb 92)
Per chev indented Arg & Sa, 2 compass stars Az & an open book
Arg bound Az. (B: Gwenllian ferch Maredudd - Dec 96)
(Blanket permission to conflict with badge with one CD
granted 0708Q)
Per chev Or & Vt, 2 open books Az & a catamount couchant
erminois. (D: Ivan Ivanovich Nemytyi - Apr 98) (? blazon
typo for "catamount")
Per chev Sa & Arg, 2 pens in salt Or & a closed book palewise Az
garnished Or. (D: Johann Knster of the Sweord Ora Mar 93)
Per chev Sa & Gu, 2 open scrolls Or & a money bag Arg. (D:
Katerina de Kelly - Mar 08)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 3 domestic cats sejant one & 2 & an open scroll
ctrch. (D: Katrine of Roscommon - Jul 99)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 2 open books & a hood ctrch. (D: Victor of
Shrewsbury - Apr 97)
Per chev Vt & Or, 2 harps forepillars to center Or & a closed book
palewise Sa. (D: Erann inghean Bhroin - May 99)
Per chev Vt & Sa, 2 cats sejant contourny & an open scroll Arg. (D:
Katin inghean Neachtain - Jul 04)
Per chev Vt & Sa, 2 mullets of 4 points & an open book Or. (D:
Katherine Niemann - Mar 03)
Per fess arched debased Az & Arg, in chf a decrescent & an
increscent Arg, & in base a closed book proper. (D: Cynthia
FitzColline von Schlssel - May 80)
Per fess Arg & Az, a hand balance Sa & an open book Arg bound
Sa clasped Or. (B: Atlantia - Jul 01) (For the Clerk of Law)
Per fess Arg & Gu, in pale a lion statant erect to sin, its sin hind leg
extended to sin, playing an Irish harp, & 2 tablets conjoined all
ctrch. (D: Collawyn Lughaidh O Cearbhaill - Nov 89)
Per fess Arg & Gu, 2 boots Gu & an open book proper. (D: Aaron
Exile - Dec 90)

316 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Book - Group primary (continued)

Per fess Arg & Or, a brown demi-bear erect issuant from the line of
division proper & on an open book Az a garden rose, slipped
& leaved, fesswise Or. (D: Loveday Lancaster - Jul 91)
Per fess Az & Arg, a pegasus passant Arg & on an open book Az a
quill pen bendwise sin Or. (D: Cassandra of Wyndhaven Oct 91)
Per fess Az & Vt, in chf an open book Arg & in base 3 fleurs-de-lys
all within a bord engrailed Or. (D: Megan Laine - Jan 91)
Per fess embat Arg & Az, a dragons head issuant from the line of
division Vt & an open book Arg. (D: Lorcan Dracontius Dec 93)
Per fess embat Arg & Gu, a bow fesswise Az & an open book Arg.
(D: Einar Gormsson - Feb 98)
Per fess embat Arg & Sa, in pale a hurst of 3 trees proper, issuant
from the line of division, & an open book Or. (D: Seumas
Colla MacEoghainn - Dec 88)
Per fess embat Sa & Vt, a demi-sun issuant from the line of division
Or & an open book Arg. (D: Justina Elizabeth Vigilant Jun 04)
Per fess engrailed Arg & Gu, 2 retorts, necks crossed in salt, & an
open book ctrch. (D: James of the Lake - Jan 93)
Per fess Gu & Arg, an open book Arg & a domestic cat statant Sa.
(D: Ambrosius Caliensis - Mar 95)
Per fess Gu & Az, a trident bendwise sin Or transfixing a closed
scroll bendwise Arg. (D: Brighid Chaomhanach - Mar 06)
Per fess indented Arg & Az, 2 ostrich feathers in salt Vt & an open
scroll fesswise Arg. (D: Khalil ibn Yusuf al-Balansi - Jan 05)
Per fess indented Az & Vt, a cat couchant guardant & on an open
scroll Arg 3 musical notes in bend Sa. (D: Christiana de
Montford - Oct 03)
Per fess indented Sa & Gu, in base in fess 3 scrolls fesswise, each
pierced by a quill Arg. (B: Bridge, the - Mar 84)
Per fess Or & Purp, on a pale ctrch betw in chf 2 closed books,
spines to sin, palewise Purp, in base a closed book palewise,
spine to sin, Purp. (D: Elizabeth Chelsea - Feb 89)
Per fess rayonny Az & Arg, an open book Arg & a roofless well
Gu. (D: Alina Meraud Bryte - May 07)
Per fess Sa & Arg, an open book Arg & a raven Sa charged on the
wing with a Tau cross Or. (D: Tmas Tstason - Jan 05)
Per fess Sa & erminoise, in pale a open book Arg, charged with a
quill bendwise sin, & a heart Gu. (D: Adela de Shea - Jul 81)
Per fess Sa & Gu, a winged boar passant contourny & an open book
Arg. (D: Beatrice Celestine of Normandy - Jul 94)
Per fess wavy Vt & Az, 4 closed scrolls bendwise sin 2 & 2 Arg
tied by ribbons Sa. (D: David de Cochrane - Sep 01)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 closed books palewise ctrch & a chf triangular
Or. (D: Kristoff McLain Cameron - Aug 02)
Per pale embat Vt & Or, a hand clenched Arg & an open book Sa.
(D: Mathias of Westlake - Jul 04)
Per pale rayonny Or & Sa, a stag ramp to sin Gu & an open scroll
Arg. (D: Joyce of Crystal Crags - Mar 99)
Per pale Vt & Or, in pale a cat sejant affronty Gu & an open book
Arg. (D: Ceara na Tuatha - Oct 94)
Per salt Vt & Arg, 2 open books Arg & 2 daggers Sa. (D: Eleanor
of Huntingdon - Sep 05)
Purp, in pale a hare courant & an open book Or charged with a sprig
of rosemary fesswise Vt. (D: Jadwiga Zajaczkowa - Sep 98)
Purp, in pale an open book & a sheaf of arrows Arg within a bord
embat Or. (D: Robin Bowman - Jun 06)
Quarterly Arg & Az, in bend sin a quill pen bendwise sin & an open
scroll bendwise Arg within a bord embat ctrch. (D: Gillian
Anna di Lando - Mar 89)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, 2 open books Arg. (B: Blaiddwyn - Nov 04)
Quarterly Gu & Az, in pale 2 unicorn horns in salt & an open book
Or. (D: Juliana Felicita Boccaccio - May 05)
Sa, an ostrich feather transfixing an escroll fesswise betw in bend
sin 2 mullets Or. (D: Ieuan Gower - Apr 06)
Sa, in pale a hanging balance Or & an open book Arg. (D: Jerusha
aLaon - Jul 00)
Sa, in pale a phoenix Or & an open book Arg. (D: Cynfyn ap
Rhiwallon - Feb 00)
Sa, 3 open books Or. (D: Emma Randall - Mar 02)
Sa, 3 ostrich feathers Arg each with its quill transfixing a scroll Arg
bearing the words ICH DIEN Sa. (B: Edward the Black Prince
- Dec 94) (Shield for Peace)(Important non-SCA badge)

[Book - Group primary] to [Book - Secondary]

Book - Group primary (continued)

Sa, 3 ostrich feathers Or each with its quill transfixing a scroll Arg
bearing the words ICH DIEN Sa. (B: Edward the Black Prince
- Dec 94) (Shield for Peace)(Important non-SCA badge)
Vt, an open book Arg sustained by a hand couped at the wrist
proper, on a chf Or 3 frogs sejant to sin Vt. (D: Dionisia de
Vere - May 98)
Vt, in pale 2 feathers, tips crossed in salt, & an open book Or
charged with the capital letters "C" & "M" Sa. (D: Cibella
Monmouth - Feb 07)
Vt, 3 closed books palewise, spines to sin Or. (D: Angharad of the
Coppery Shields - Oct 87)
Vt, 3 open books & on a chf triangular Arg, a sprig of rosemary Vt.
(D: Ella Gajewi - Mar 86)
* * * End * * *

Book - Secondary

(Fieldless) A man kneeling on one knee contourny proper garbed

Arg crined Sa & maintaining an open book Or. (B: Duncan
Alaric MacDonald - Sep 02)
(Fieldless) A mermaid Purp maintaining a scroll Arg. (B: Trimaris
- Jul 05) (For the Royal Trimaris University)
(Tinctureless) A quarter-sun saltirewise illuminated in chf
surmounted by a crowned scepter palewise betw 2 bats disp
grasping a scroll folded nebulywise to base inscribed
"SEMPER LITTERIS MANDATE", overall 2 straight
trumpets in salt. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Vesper - Aug 79)
(Tinctureless) 2 crossed trumpets, bells to chf, surmounted by a
scroll bendwise sin bearing the words "SALTANDI
SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bord
embat. (Seal: Heralds Seals: White Stag - Dec 89)
Arg, a chev party per pale Vt & Gu betw 3 leatherbound closed
books proper. (D: Guillaume Etienne du Vexin - Dec 80)
Arg, a winged wolf passant contourny Sa betw 3 open scrolls Az.
(D: Brnach Finnabair ua Temnein - Aug 92)
Arg, a wingless dragon segreant Az, gorged of a collar Or, grasping
in both forepaws a book Sa, the book & collar connected of a
chain ctrch Az & Or. (D: Gunnar of the Many Names Oct 82)
Arg, an angel Arg winged & garbed Gu crined & cuirassed Sa,
maintaining in its dexter hand a spear bendwise & in its sin
hand an open book Arg, in chf a laurel wreath Gu. (D: Sankt
Vladimir - Oct 01)
Arg, an owl maintaining in its dexter talon a book & in sin chf an
increscent Az. (D: Elizabeth FitzRandolph - Jan 07)
Arg, in salt 2 gillyflowers Gu, slipped & leaved Vt, in base a closed
book palewise Gu, clasped Or. (D: Alicia Langland - Jun 88)
Arg, on a bend sin betw 2 closed books palewise Gu a quill pen
Arg. (D: Gareth Tremain - Apr 94)
Arg, on a bend wavy Sa betw an open book & a cat passant
guardant Gu 3 roses Arg. (D: Anne de Bayonne sur Adour Dec 94)
Arg, on a pile betw 2 open books Gu 4 open books in cross Arg. (D:
Clare Baskervyle - Mar 02)
Arg, 3 bendlets sin wavy Vt betw a martlet Az & an open book Or
leathered Az. (D: Anne de Villanova - Aug 77?)
Arg, 2 she-bears combatant Gu, maintaining betw them 2 arrows
inv in salt, in base an open book Sa within a laurel wreath
proper. (D: Saint Ursula - Nov 90)
Az, a bend sin Arg betw an open scroll Or & 3 quill pens, a bord
Arg. (D: Ymanya Murray - Dec 98)
Az, a bend sin erminois betw 2 open books bendwise sin Arg & on
a chf Or 3 fireballs proper. (D: Jack fitzHugh - Feb 91)
Az, a bend sin Or betw in chf an open book Arg, leathered Or, & in
base a horse trippant Or. (D: Barbara Caballeus - Jan 73?)
Az, a chev Or betw 2 open books & a unicorn ramp reguardant
maintaining a quill pen Arg. (D: Timotheos of Alexandria Feb 96)
Az, a dragon couchant to sin Arg maintaining an open book Or, a
bord Arg mulletty of six points Az. (D: Sarra Greyhand Feb 06)
Az, a griffin sejant wings elevated & addorsed, in chf an open book
Arg. (D: Mairghread Sgoilear - Mar 01)
Az, a horse passant, saddled & bridled, Arg betw 3 open scrolls Or.
(D: Ceridwen Du - Dec 98)

Book - Secondary (continued)

Az, a lion of St. Mark statant guardant Or atop a base Vt, forepaw
raised & maintaining a book Arg. (D: Venice, City of Jun 95) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, a pale Arg, overall a rolled scroll fesswise Or, ribboned Gu, &
pendant therefrom a seal Vt charged with a sun in his
splendour Or. (B: Atenveldt, Kingdom of - Aug 73) (For the
College of Historians)
Az, a pall inv betw 2 partridges heads erased Or & an open book
proper. (D: Gregor Perdix - Aug 81)
Az, a scorpion Or maintaining in chf an open book Arg. (D:
Timothy der Kenntnisreiche - Jul 06)
Az, a sin hand sustaining a mallet & in chf 3 open books Arg. (D:
Reinhart Reinhold - Feb 04)
Az, a winged rabbit sejant, in chf 3 open books Arg. (D: Adsiltia
filia Honorii - Mar 94)
Az, an arrow fesswise reversed Or betw in pale a kestrels head
erased Arg, armed Or, & an open book Arg. (D: Yvonwen of
Clarendon - Dec 82)
Az fretty Arg, on an open book Or a damask rosebud bendwise sin,
slipped & leaved, proper. (D: Aurelia of Ashton - Oct 85)
Az, on a bend Arg betw a sun in splendor & an opened scroll Or, 3
mullets Purp. (D: Sibilla Goodenough - Apr 98)
Az, on a bend Gu, fimbriated, betw an open scroll Arg & a sword
proper, 3 fleurs-de-lys palewise Or. (D: Charles Philippe
Castlemore de Cadours - Jan 87)
Az, on a bend sin Or betw 2 open books Arg a grape vine Vt. (D:
Ariel of York - Apr 00)
Az, on a bend sin Sa fimbriated betw 2 open books, 3 torches
palewise Arg. (D: Rhodri ap Hywel - Jan 99)
Az, on a fess nebuly betw an open book Arg, leathered Or, & a
serpent nowed erect Or 3 shamrocks Vt. (D: Catriona of
Rathcroghan - Nov 80)
Az, on a pale Arg a wreath Vt surmounted by 2 rifles bayonets fixed
surmounted in base by 2 sabres in salt proper all surmounted
by an open scroll palewise Arg charged with the words
LIBERTAD 15 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 1821 Or & perched
thereon a quetzal bird Vt bellied Gu. (B: Guatemala - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Az, 2 swords in salt surmounted by an open book Or. (D: Sidonia
Zaridina - May 04)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a cross Gu surmounted in base by a closed
book bendwise Or. (D: Eileen Fraser - Oct 92)
Ermine, a bend sin Az surmounted by an open book Arg, fimbriated
Or. (D: Anika Gael Quicksilver - Jun 83)
Ermine, a wyvern undulant erect bendwise, wings elevated &
addorsed, Az, orbed, langued, armed & spined Or, grasping in
both legs a partly open book bendwise Arg, bound Gu, clasped
Or. (B: Eadwine be Bocce Sele - Dec 82)
Gu, a bend Or betw 2 open scrolls fesswise Arg, on a chf Or 3 Latin
crosses Sa. (D: Alonzo Petri - Oct 92)
Gu, a bend sin Or betw a candle Arg, flammant Or, & an open book
Arg. (D: Saskia van Voorhees - Aug 78?)
Gu, a chev betw 2 brocks combattant & an open book all within a
bord Or. (D: Caissne Merdrech - Nov 03)
Gu, a dove volant Arg betw 3 open scrolls Or. (D: Gwilym Sais Oct 01)
Gu, a gauntlet Sa, fimbriated Arg, holding a cross Arg & a book Sa,
fimbriated Arg. (D: Robert Godwin of Markmoor - Jun 76?)
Gu, a lark rising, wings elevated & addorsed, sustaining in its beak
an open scroll Or. (B: Highland Foorde - Oct 99)
Gu, a winged lion sejant guardant maintaining an open book & on a
chf Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Sa. (B: Giuseppe Francesco da Borgia Apr 05)
Gu, in salt a quill pen Arg & a sword proper, surmounted by an
open book & in base a laurel wreath Arg. (D: St. Boniface Mar 82)
Gu, on a fess betw 2 open books & a harp Or, 3 equal armed Celtic
crosses Sa. (D: Dafydd ap Rhys - Dec 86)
Gu, 3 bezants betw as many cubit arms conjoined, each holding a
book Or. (D: Harolde of Gloster - Mar 78?)
Gu, 2 Grecian sphinxes combattant Or winged & in base a book
Arg. (D: Cormac MacLean - Jan 96)
Or, a bend sin wavy Gu betw a compass rose & an open scroll Purp
charged with a feather Or. (D: Andrew Wallace the Wanderer
- Jan 94)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 317

[Book - Secondary] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Not surrounding]

Book - Secondary (continued)

Or, on a pale Gu betw an open scroll Vt & a quill pen Sa, 3

lozenges Or. (D: Trystan of Anglesey - Feb 98)
Or, 2 needles in salt, eyes to chf, Sa betw in pale 2 crabs & in fess 2
closed books palewise Gu. (D: Matilde des Isles Froides Aug 89)
Per bend Az & Vt, on a bend Sa, fimbriated, betw a ring with 3 keys
pendant & an open book Arg, a needle, point to chf, Or,
threaded Arg. (D: Elizabeth Latham - Aug 87)
Per bend Or & Gu, on a bend Sa betw a double rose Gu & an open
book Arg, a baton Arg. (D: Hroswitha of Helmsdale Mar 86)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a bat-winged frog segreant to sin Vt
maintaining an open scroll Arg. (D: Magge Nettlewood Dec 02)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, a bend sin of five rustres bendwise sin
conjoined ctrch betw an open book Arg, bound Or, & a falcon
to sin close guardant Gu, belled, jessed, & hooded Sa. (D:
Cynric of Bedwyn - Nov 85)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a bend sin erminois betw an open scroll
fesswise & a griffin segreant Or. (D: Aldith Gyffin - Mar 92)
Per chev Arg & Vt, a dragon passant Vt maintaining an open book
Sa, a mullet of 4 points Or. (D: Luke of Caerleon - Nov 93)
Per chev Gu & Sa, a chev rompu Arg betw 2 open scrolls & an
armillary sphere Or. (D: Enric Bongnier - Mar 08)
Per chev Purp mullety of eight points Arg & Arg, a pegasus courant
Arg & a hawk rising, wings elevated & addorsed, maintaining
in its dexter claw a quill pen & in its sin claw a closed scroll
Purp. (D: Hawke Rivenoak - Dec 05)
Per fess Az & Gu, a squirrel maintaining a walnut & in chf 2 open
scrolls Or. (D: Tatiana Seraya Mikhailovna - Sep 04)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a double-headed eagle & in base an open book
ctrch. (D: Konrad der Adler von Lbeck - Feb 04)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 pens in salt ctrch & overall an open book Or
leathered Gu. (B: Atenveldt, Kingdom of - Feb 72) (For the
College of Scribes)
Per pale Az & counter-ermine, a great horned owl affronty
maintaining in its dexter talon a scroll Arg, in dexter chf an
estoile Or. (D: Liane ODay - Jun 04)
Per pale Purp & Arg, a pall betw an open book & 2 keyholes all
ctrch. (D: Kevan o Rathkeale - Nov 85)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a crescent betw 3 open books ctrch. (D:
Celainn inghean u Rordin - Apr 98)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a raven disp Arg & in chf 2 open books Or. (D:
Nello da Venezia - Mar 07)
Per pale Sa & Gu, an owl betw 3 open books Or. (D: Heinrich der
Gelehrte - Aug 92)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 2 eagles rising respectant Or & in base an open
book Arg. (D: Vladimir of Eztergom - Mar 02)
Per salt Sa & Az, a laurel wreath betw 4 open books in cross Arg,
each book charged with a bee tergiant Sa, marked Or. (D:
Saint Bartholomew - Feb 88)
Purp, a dolphin naiant betw 3 open books Arg. (D: Beatrice de
Winslow - Jun 89)
Purp, a martlet close Arg within five annulets in annulo, in chf 2
open books Or. (D: Geoffrey de Saint-Denis - Apr 99)
Purp, a sword inv Arg hilted Vt, overall an open book, leathered &
marked Gu, garnished Az, sewn Gu & Arg, inscribed Sa with
"Cast a cold eye on life, on death; Horseman, pass by!". (D:
Thumas na Leabar o Conaire - Jan 73?)
Purp, an owl betw 3 open books Arg. (D: Elwynne Liers - Mar 07)
Purp, on a chev inv Or 3 daisies Vt seeded Sa & in base an open
scroll bendwise conjoined to a quill pen bendwise sin Or. (D:
Kuji Akiko - Nov 91)
Quarterly per fess embat Arg & Az, a quill pen bendwise Sa betw 2
hares courant countercourant, each bearing in its mouth an
open scroll, Arg. (D: Rose Stewart Cathan - Dec 84)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, a compass star betw 4 open books ctrch. (D:
Kieran Longstrider - Dec 91)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, a wooden lace bobbin bendwise sin proper,
threaded in annulo ctrch of the field, betw 2 open books Arg
bound proper. (D: Emma Dutton of Witherley - Jan 92)
Sa, a chev cotised betw a Celtic cross & an open book Arg. (D:
Kerydd Shay - Jul 92)
Sa, a chev embat betw 2 swords in chev & an open book Arg. (D:
William Schuyler - Aug 87)

318 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Book - Secondary (continued)

Sa, a pale betw 2 open books Arg. (D: Katharine of Northhall Sep 73?)
Sa, in chf an Oriental dragon passant pendant from its sin foreclaw
an open scroll Arg & a base wavy barry wavy Arg & Sa. (D:
Tatsumi Tomoko - Jul 96)
Sa, in pale a unicorn passant Arg, armed Or, & 2 swords inv in salt
proper surmounted by an open book Arg, bound Or. (D:
Ogatie of Castle North - Jan 85)
Sa, on a bend Arg betw 2 open books Or, 3 hearts palewise Gu. (D:
Rhiannon OMalley - Jul 96)
Sa, on a chev betw 3 open books Or 2 arrows inv in chev Sa. (D:
Temyl Rasche Hutter - Jan 04)
Sa, 2 bendlets wavy betw a roundel & an open book, Arg. (D:
Nicolette du Loire - Jan 91)
Vair ancient, a sin arm embowed, armored & gauntleted of chain
mail Sa, grasping a closed book Gu. (D: James of Penmore Nov 82)
Vt, a bend dancetty Or betw a triquetra inv & an open book Arg.
(D: Victoria of Vig - Oct 01)
Vt, a bend sin raguly Or betw an open book & an open scroll
surmounted by a quill fesswise Arg. (D: Mikhail Dmitri Joel
de Maison - Nov 85)
Vt, a bend wavy Or betw 2 open books Arg. (D: Ailne ingen
Aedin - Feb 97)
Vt, a chev cotised betw 2 suns in splendor & an open book Arg. (D:
Siobhn n Bhreoghain - Sep 97)
Vt, a fess wreathed Arg & Sa betw a mullet of nine points voided &
interlaced & an open book Arg. (D: Abul-Qasida Ibrahim ibn
Said al-Jasur - Sep 88)
Vt, a pall vair betw a closed book & 2 swords Or. (D: Stephen
Bruce of Aberdeen - Jul 86)
Vt, a pile Or overall an open book Arg clasped Or. (D: Kudrun e
Pilgrim - Jan 02)
Vt, a sword bendwise sin, point in base Arg, gripped & pommeled
Az, betw a scroll Arg, inscribed & rubicated & handled Az, &
a breadloaf proper. (D: Hubert de Recoing - Jan 73?)
Vt, a winged lion couchant reguardant Or, maintaining an open
book Arg, a chf enarched ermine. (D: Michael Rhys Armitage
- Aug 89)
Vt, an owl reguardant Arg maintaining in its dexter talon a rolled
scroll Or, all within a bord gyronny Az & Arg. (D: Margaret
Richemont - Nov 94)
Vt, an owl rising & sin facing, wings disp, maintaining a pen &
scroll Arg, a bord Or. (D: Aspasia Del Verrocchio - Sep 92)
Vt, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 open books Or a rapier Sa. (D: Elisa
of Thescorre - Dec 95)
Vt, on a bend sin betw an open book & a leaved branch bendwise
sin Arg, 3 leaves Vt. (D: Vivien de Archambault - Jan 91)
Vt, 2 chevronels inv betw an open scroll fesswise Arg & 3 pears Or.
(D: Julian of Aldeford - Jul 94)
Vt, 2 wings conjoined & inv & in base an open book Arg. (D:
Andrew MacGregor - Feb 88)
* * * End * * *

Book - Tertiary

There are no items under this heading.

* * * End * * *
Bookroll: see Book
Boot: see Clothing - Footgear
Borage flower: see Flower - Rose
Borage plant: see Plant - Herb

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Not


Per chev Az & Gu, a bord Arg. (D: Anna Laresdotter - May 03)
Purp, a bord Arg. (B: Elspeth Charissa aus Reinwald - Apr 02)
Quarterly Az & Sa, a bord Arg. (B: Rodrigo Hernandez de Toledo Sep 98) (For Casa Hernandez)
Sa, a bord Arg. (D: Cormacc mac Conaill - Apr 07)
* * * End * * *

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding 1 only]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding

1 only

(Fieldless) On a canton Az issuant from base a demi-sun Or within

a bord Arg. (Augmentation of Arms: Meri En Heh - Oct 79)
(to be placed upon a household badge)
Az, a bulls head cabossed within a bord Arg. (D: Saxi bilstyggr
Geirsson - Jun 08)
Az, a chev embat counter-embat & a bord Arg. (B: Robert
Blackhawk - Apr 03)
Az, a clarion within a bord Arg. (B: Rhiannon Christian - May 90)
Az, a cross crosslet voided, a bord Arg. (B: Keira Featherstone Jan 99)
Az, a demi-lion erect Or maintaining a harp all within a bord Arg.
(D: Siobhn inghean u Liathin - Oct 02)
Az, a double-bitted axe & a bord Arg. (D: Christian Blood Jan 05)
Az, a goblet bendwise sin within a bord Arg. (B: Astra Christiana
Benedict - Nov 88) (For Aislynn Skyppe de Beaumont)
Az, a goutte dOr within a bord Arg. (B: Caitlyn Fitzrobert Apr 89)
Az, a griffin statant to sin within a bord Arg. (D: Calgacus of
Bhakail - Jul 06)
Az, a griffins head erased Or within a bord Arg. (D: Tomas Devoti
- Oct 02)
Az, a hautboy within a bord Arg. (B: Dikran Aivazian - Jan 83)
Az, a heron volant, wings addorsed, within a bord Arg. (B: Svea
the Shortsighted - Jul 90)
Az, a hippopotamus statant within a bord Arg. (D: Tatiana
Travina - Nov 02)
Az, a lily-of-the-valley slipped & leaved within a bord Arg. (D:
Inkeri Idnneito - Jun 94)
Az, a lyre within a bord Arg. (B: Raim y Hynnddyl - Jul 85) (For
House Hynnddyll)
Az, a mertyger erect to sin & a bord Arg. (B: Tristan Alexander Nov 01)
Az, a morningstar bendwise within a bord Arg. (B: Trimaris Jun 95) (For the Order of the Argent Morningstar of
Az, a mouse ramp Arg brandishing a lute proper, all within a bord
Arg. (D: Robert Grey of Aelfstans Hall - May 90)
Az, a Norse sun cross within a bord Arg. (D: Curwinus Trevirensis
- Apr 03)
Az, a palm tree couped within a bord Arg. (B: Trimaris - Feb 96)
(For the Order of the Argent Palm of Trimaris)
Az, a papillion Arg, bodied Sa, within a bord Arg. (D: Irene von
Schmetterling - Aug 79)
Az, a pile raguly within a bord Arg. (B: Kadan Chkhilghan Ger
on Echen - Jun 92)
Az, a plate charged with an owl Az, all within a bord Arg. (D:
Marged Tylluan Fach - Oct 90)
Az, a rams head cabossed Or & a bord Arg. (B: Ramsgaard May 05)
Az, a scorpion tergiant erect within a bord Arg. (D: Imran Yosuf le
Scorpioun - Jan 82)
Az, a swan statant close regardant ermine within a bord Arg. (B:
East, the - Jan 85) (For Certified Calligraphers)
Az, a unicorns head cabossed within a bord Arg. (B: Iver of the
Black Bow - May 89)
Az, a windmill within a bord Arg. (B: Delftwood - Aug 84) (For
Order of the Windmill)
Az, a wing within a bord Arg. (B: Heinrich Wilhelm - Jun 08)
Az, a winged stag springing Arg, winged, attired & unguled Or,
within a bord Arg. (D: Liesel von Blauen Donau - Jun 82)
Az, a winged torch Arg, enflamed proper, within a bord Arg. (D:
Wulfgar Brandbeorn - Feb 89)
Az, a wolfs head erased Arg, charged on the neck with a rose Sa, a
bord Arg. (D: Richard le Wulf - Dec 05)
Az, fretty, a compass star within a bord Arg. (B: Alfric Northwind Jan 91)
Az, on a bend sin Arg 3 pellets, a bord Arg. (D: Kenn the Just Feb 91)
Az, on a billet Or a rose Gu, barbed & seeded proper, a bord Arg.
(D: Arianna Maria di Marchesi - Apr 94)
Az, on a chev Arg 2 hawks striking addorsed Sa, a bord Arg. (D:
Robert Blackhawk - Sep 99)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding

1 only (continued)

Az, on a compass star of sixteen points Arg a horse trippant & rider,
the rider armed with shield & spear, Vt, all within a bord Arg.
(D: Cuilean an Seachranach - Jul 80)
Az, on a fess Arg, a sprig of rosemary reversed Vt flowered Purp, a
bord Arg. (B: Madelein Ceris de Toulouse - Nov 93)
Az, on a flame Arg a horse passant Az all within a bord Arg. (D:
Jivete de Saumur - Apr 02)
Az, on a hand Arg a mullet of seven points Az, a bord Arg. (D:
Brithwine of Grafhamwude - Feb 96)
Az, on a lozenge Arg a sprig of alder Vt, a bord Arg. (D:
Constantina Tagarina - Jan 05)
Az, on a pile Vt fimbriated a tower, a bord Arg. (D: Ilse Brenner Oct 99)
Az, on a salt Arg a unicorns head couped Gu, a bord Arg. (D:
Byran of Edgewood Castle - Jun 97)
Az, on a salt invected Or, 2 keys fretted with a mascle Sa & a bord
Arg. (D: Giles Hill of Sweetwater - Sep 91)
Az, on a tower Arg a pheon inv Az, within a bord Arg. (B:
Dreiburgen - Jul 83) (For Dreiburgen Archers)
Barry bendy Az & Or, a decrescent within a bord Arg. (D: Bressal
MacMillan - Sep 95)
Checky Az & Or, an eagle disp within a bord Arg. (D: Miles
Blackmoor - Jul 01)
Counter-ermine, a double-bitted axehead within a bord Arg. (D:
Eric Ragnarsson - Jul 83)
Counter-ermine, a fox couchant guardant within a bord Arg. (D:
Gabriel de Lanzarote - Jun 02)
Counterermine, a nude winged woman statant affronty wings disp
Arg crined Az within a bord Arg. (D: Falenn de Carsaigh Nov 02)
Gu, a Coptic cross throughout, a bord Arg. (D: Cionaodh na
Cairrce mac Cosgraigh - May 06)
Gu, a crab inv within a bord Arg. (D: Magnus rshovn Apr 06)
Gu, a cracked goblet bendwise sin & a bord Arg. (B: Stephen of
Abbey Blackrose - Apr 92)
Gu, a dolphin embowed urinant within a bord Arg. (B: Geoffrey
Athos von Ulm - Jun 88)
Gu, a ewer, spout to sin, within a bord Arg. (D: Michel of
Cedarwood - Mar 86)
Gu, a hand within a bord Arg. (D: Meadhbh the Handy - Jun 07)
Gu, a lions head cabossed & a bord Arg. (D: Patricia de Lyon Jan 05)
Gu, a mallet Arg winged Or, a bord Arg. (D: Bjorn Sveinssen Jan 94)
Gu, a monks hood & a bord Arg. (D: Magns Grhetta
Bjarnarson - Jun 97)
Gu, a pegasus ramp to sin within a bord Arg. (B: Pegasus Devona Oct 04)
Gu, a rams head cabossed Or within a bord Arg. (B: Ramshaven Mar 05)
Gu, a seahorse within a bord Arg. (B: Sophia de la Mer - Oct 88)
Gu, a star cross within a bord Arg. (D: Lain Alfanez de la Roca date?)
Gu, a valknut within a bord Arg. (D: Hallgrmr lfsson - May 05)
Gu, a warhammer bendwise Sa, fimbriated, within a bord Arg. (B:
Abdur Rahman Curom Memo Hazara Khan-ad-Din - Oct 84)
Gu, a winged lion ramp Or, a bord Arg. (D: Kathryn de Lyon de
Savoie - Oct 98)
Gu, a winged lion sejant within a bord Arg. (D: Bardulf Rauen Dec 00)
Gu, a wolf ramp contourny triply-queued & a bord Arg. (D: Redulf
Kl - Apr 05)
Gu, an eagles head erased & a bord Arg. (D: Hrn Aradttir Mar 07)
Gu, fretty Arg, a cross patonce Or within a bord Arg. (D: Caitlin
Davies - Oct 91)
Gu, on a fess Arg 3 mallets palewise Gu, a bord Arg. (B: Cadell
Blaidd Du - Feb 05)
Gu, on a lozenge Az fimbriated a whelk within a bord Arg. (D:
Jane de Sealynn - Mar 82)
Gu, on a mallet Arg, a rose, its stem entwined about the haft Az, a
bord Arg. (B: Falan Bitor - Sep 91)
Gu, on a pale Arg 3 reremice Sa, a bord Arg. (D: Kevin
Ambrozijski - Nov 97)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 319

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding 1 only]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding

1 only (continued)

Gu, on a pile Or a mastiff statant Sa, a bord Arg. (D: Kevin

MacGregor of Kelwiny - Feb 08)
Gu, on a sun Or an eagle disp Az, a bord Arg. (B: Leifr Jhansson Aug 92)
Gu, on a tower Arg a mullet of eight points Vt, a bord Arg. (B:
Richard Fergus Fitzalan - Apr 93)
Gu scaly Or, a wyvern passant within a bord Arg. (D: Damien
Draeger - Aug 92)
Gyronny Gu & Az, a lions head cabossed Or within a bord Arg.
(D: Arther Bargate of Lands End - Nov 86)
Gyronny of twelve Or & Sa, a Celtic cross within a bord Arg. (D:
Baldwin Giffard - Aug 95)
Gyronny Or & Purp, a dragon segreant & a bord Arg. (D: Emrys
Dragon - Feb 00)
Gyronny Sa & Or, a natural panther couchant within a bord Arg.
(D: Stephanie of Garrows Loch - Apr 90)
Gyronny Sa & Or, on a sun Arg 2 swords in salt Sa & a bord Arg.
(D: Guy Rand Gallandon - Mar 04)
Lozengy Vt & Arg, a rose Purp & a bord Arg. (B: Tamar bint
Ephraim al-Haaika - Nov 91)
Or, a foxs head contourny erased ducally crowned within a bord
embat Gu & for augmentation on a canton Az, a sun in his
glory issuant from base Or, within a bord Arg. (Augmentation
of Arms: Katerina OCallaghan - Nov 06)
Papellonny Sa & Or, a unicorns head, erased & sin facing, nose
lifted to sin chf, within a bord Arg. (D: Aurelia the Undaunted
- Mar 88)
Pean, a boars head couped close within a bord Arg. (D: Doran
Campbell - Jul 90)
Pean, a lily, slipped & leaved, within a bord Arg. (D: Francesco
Alberti - Jun 88)
Pean, a mountain couped within a bord Arg. (D: Bertran de
Mellegwenn - Apr 00)
Per bend Az & Gu, a dragons head couped contourny & a bord
Arg. (D: Ceara McMillan - Mar 02)
Per bend Az & Sa, a bend raguly, cotised plain within a bord Arg.
(D: Ruter Rotbart von Rothenberg - Aug 89)
Per bend Az & Sa, a compass-star of sixteen points elongated to
base within a bord Arg. (B: Brandon DArindel - Mar 97)
Per bend Az & Sa, a unicorn ramp, a bord Arg. (D: Tomas
Pancaldo - Jun 01)
Per bend embat Gu & Sa, in sin chf a thistle blossom within a bord
Arg. (D: Donnabhan Keegan Bothwell - Jan 89)
Per bend embat Vt & Sa, a sprig of 4 holly leaves bendwise sin
within a bord Arg. (D: Magdalen de Feo - Sep 99)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a winged lion ramp guardant & a bord Arg. (D:
Guilliaume Lavet - Sep 07)
Per bend Sa & Az, a dexter human footprint within a bord Arg. (D:
Jon the Tall - Aug 00)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, an owl close affronty Or & a bord Arg. (D:
Karl Teransson - Nov 00)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a bear dormant, a bord Arg. (D: Olgar
Bearclaw - Oct 92)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a dragon sejant affronte, wings disp, tail
curled to dexter around its feet, Arg, gorged of a chain Sa
bearing an acorn proper, within a bord Arg. (D: Katrozina
Warszawarski - Jan 80)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt, a hawk striking contourny, holding an
arrow in its talons, a bord Arg. (D: Cormac Silverhawke of
Cairngorm - Mar 93)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, a dragonfly & a bord Arg. (D: Ursula
Crichton - Feb 08)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a double arched bridge & a bord Arg. (D:
Alys Beaupied - Feb 96)
Per bend sin wavy Sa & Gu, on a bend sin wavy Arg, a ducal
coronet bendwise Sa & in dexter chf 3 passion nails inv
bendwise in bend sin Gu enflamed Or, & as an augmentation
an inescutcheon of Az, a demi-sun issuant from base Or within
a bord Arg. (Augmentation of Arms: Kathryn of Iveragh Feb 05)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a dragon disp & a bord Arg. (D: Draco le Blanc
- Mar 05)
Per chev Az & Sa, a plate issuant from the line of division & a bord
Arg. (D: Ladan Bregh - Jan 03)

320 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding

1 only (continued)

Per chev Gu & Az, an increscent Or within a bord Arg. (B:

Beatrice Delfini - Aug 83)
Per chev Gu & Sa, a fetterlock within a bord Arg. (D: Nikolai
Jaggar - Jun 89)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a goblet within a bord Arg. (D: Elinor du Pont Oct 88)
Per fess wavy Az & Vt, a natural dolphin hauriant within a bord
Arg. (D: Ceara inghean Dhalbhaigh - Feb 96)
Per pale Az & Purp, a mullet within a bord Arg. (B: Catherine
Abernathy - Oct 01)
Per pale Az & Vt, a fret & a bord Arg. (D: Cellach inghean ui
Dhubhthaigh - Jan 03)
Per pale Az & Vt, a salt couped Or within a bord Arg. (D: Zoren
uff Eiren - Aug 80)
Per pale Az & Vt, a weasel ramp, a bord Arg. (D: Sean MacKelly Dec 90)
Per pale Gu & Purp, a weavers knot & a bord Arg. (D: Annabel
Kincaid - Sep 98)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a gooses head erased, a bord Arg. (B: Brian ua
Brnainn - Nov 98)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a monster composed of the forequarters of a
goose & the hindquarters of a pig statant, wings elevated &
addorsed, a bord Arg. (D: Brian ua Brnainn - Nov 98)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a tyger ramp within a bord Arg. (D: Gaston de
Barre - Nov 06)
Per pale indented Gu & Purp, a needle bendwise sin & a bord Arg.
(D: Imma Kaillewey - Aug 07)
Per pale Purp & Vt, a fret Or & a bord Arg. (D: Reina fille Calixte May 07)
Per pale Purp & Vt, a pegasus statant contourny within a bord Arg.
(D: Ilene Johnstounne - Sep 03)
Per pale Sa & Az, a stag at gaze within a bord Arg. (D: Anne of
Alanwyck - Oct 86)
Per pale Sa & Az, on a bezant within a bord Arg, a compass star
throughout Gu. (D: Kendrick Lagerfeld - Jun 88)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a cross patriarchal within a bord Arg. (D:
Konstantin Syncellus - Jul 96)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a Thors hammer within a bord Arg. (D:
Thorhild Sigurdsdottir - May 92)
Per pale Sa & Gu, an eagles foot bendwise sin couped, a bord Arg.
(D: Arngrim Bjrnsson - May 97)
Per pale Sa & Gu, an elephants head cabossed Arg maintaining in
its trunk a sheaf of arrows fesswise reversed Or, a bord Arg.
(D: Melissa of Sternfeld - Jan 94)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a catamount salient contourny Arg spotted Sa
within a bord Arg. (D: Sonja Ryzaja - Jun 06)
Per pale Sa & Vt, an anchor & a bord Arg. (D: Kurt der Hager Sep 06)
Per pale Vt & Az, a catamount salient guardant ermine maintaining
a chalice, a bord Arg. (D: Ruth Parlour - Jul 91)
Per pale Vt & Purp, an opinicus statant within a bord Arg. (D:
Christina Moncreife - Dec 03)
Per pall Gu, Purp & Az, a unicorn passant reguardant & a bord Arg.
(D: Genevieve nic an Cheannai - Nov 87)
Per salt Az & Or, an escallop inv a bord Arg. (B: One Thousand
Eyes - Apr 98) (For Order of the Swan and the Escallop)
Per salt Az & Vt, a pegasus passant within a bord Arg. (D: Ellen of
the Western Wind - Jun 88)
Per salt Purp & Sa, a dragon contourny & a bord Arg. (D: Robert
Vachon du Bois du nord - Apr 96)
Per salt Purp & Sa, a salt dovetailed & a bord Arg. (D: William
Enterkin - May 95)
Per salt Sa & Gu, a mortar & pestle Arg, emitting flames proper,
within a bord Arg. (B: Aylwin Virden von dem Drachenlager May 88)
Per salt Sa & Gu, a salt gringol voided humetty Or & a bord Arg.
(D: Chlothar Bructerus - Jun 02)
Per salt Sa & Vt, a Bowen knot crosswise within a bord Arg. (D:
Felicity of Rowany - Jun 96)
Per salt Sa & Vt, an opinicus segreant contourny within a bord Arg.
(D: Skjaldvor Vikarsdttir - Feb 06)
Per salt Vt & Az a hippogriff segreant within a bord Arg. (D:
Crystal of Middleford - Jan 00)
Per salt Vt & Sa, an oak tree eradicated within a bord Arg. (D:
Ygraine of the Seven Oaks - Aug 93)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding 1 only]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding

1 only (continued)

Per salt Vt & Sa, on a plate an opinicus sejant quarterly Vt & Sa, a
bord Arg. (D: Christine ONeill of Cork - Mar 97)
Purp, a cross flory within a bord Arg. (D: Anne of the Golden City Jan 74?)
Purp, a fleur-de-lys, a bord Arg. (D: Meraud Wallace - Aug 98)
Purp, a fox sejant within a bord Arg. (D: Freyds r Thelamrk Feb 92)
Purp, a goat salient & a bord Arg. (D: Gillian Marie Hayden Jul 95)
Purp, a hummingbird rising to sin, wings elevated & addorsed, a
bord Arg. (D: Diane of Carmarthen - Jan 95)
Purp, a leopards head erased Arg spotted Sa within a bord Arg. (D:
Tatiana de Calais - Mar 95)
Purp, a needle Arg threaded Or, a bord Arg. (D: Ursula Johanna
Silbernagel - Dec 98)
Purp, a pegasus ramp, wings inv & addorsed, within a bord Arg. (D:
Elspeth Charissa aus Reinwald - Jul 90)
Purp, a phoenix within a bord Arg. (D: Osric the Confused Jan 85)
Purp, a serpent erect tail nowed within a bord Arg. (D: Dubhghall
Bn - Mar 04)
Purp, a squirrel Arg grasping a nut Or, a bord Arg. (D: Valeria
Marcella Martnez - Sep 92)
Purp, a sun Or within a bord Arg. (D: Mary Elizabeth Fairweather
of Priors Hardwick - Feb 91)
Purp, a wolfs head cabossed within a bord Arg. (D: Wulfstan
Darroldson - Jan 87)
Purp, an amphora Or & a bord Arg. (B: Calontir - Apr 02)
Purp, an Irish Wolfhound courant contourney reguardant gorged of
a lace ruff within a bord Arg. (D: Arthur Lacey - May 92)
Purp, an otter passant within a bord Arg. (D: Felycia Flauter May 92)
Purp, on a cross Arg a cross of Calatrava Purp, a bord Arg. (D:
Lyneya Allain - Mar 08)
Quarterly Az & Gu, a natural sea-turtle & a bord Arg. (D: Eva
Helena Vettori - May 02)
Quarterly Az & Vt, an owl, a bord Arg. (D: Brighid Bansealgaire
ni Muirenn - Aug 98)
Quarterly Gu & Az, a horse passant to sin Arg pellety within a bord
Arg. (D: Felis Cheval - Jun 93)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a dragon passant contourny & a bord Arg. (D:
Odinel Reidleck - Mar 93)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a wolf ramp reguardant within a bord Arg. (D:
Stephen de la Lande Sauvage - Jan 93)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, an estoile within a bord Arg. (D: Asselyna
Glendonwyn - Oct 02)
Quarterly Gu & Vt, a swan rousant within a bord Arg. (D: William
Lindsay - Nov 01)
Quarterly Gu & Vt, on a cross nowy Arg an urn Sa, a bord Arg. (D:
Brigh Neassa OConnor - May 93)
Quarterly pean & Purp, a bear ramp within a bord Arg. (D: Gottfrid
Liljebjrn - Sep 86)
Quarterly Sa & Az, a sword proper within a bord Arg. (D: Mikhail
Olegovich - Jun 03)
Quarterly Sa & Az, a wolfs head couped contourny & a bord Arg.
(D: Yo-nan Bri Uigurli - Dec 93)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a beacon Arg within a bord Arg, masoned Sa.
(B: Lonely Tower, the - Sep 89)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a column Arg within a bord Arg masoned Sa.
(B: Lonely Tower, the - Jul 01) (For Order of the Column)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a cross Arg goutty de sang, a bord Arg. (D:
Tomas Waegmund - Jan 93)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a garden rose bendwise, slipped & leaved,
within a bord Arg. (D: Rhiannon of Rosebriar - Feb 88)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a goose volant Arg within a bord Arg masoned
Sa. (B: Lonely Tower, the - Jul 01)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a keystone Arg within a bord Arg masoned Sa.
(B: Lonely Tower, the - Jul 01)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a portcullis Arg within a bord Arg, masoned Sa.
(B: Lonely Tower, the - Sep 89) (For the Order of the
Defenders of the Gate)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, an escarbuncle Arg within a bord Arg, masoned
Sa. (B: Lonely Tower, the - Sep 89)
Quarterly Vt & Sa, a crescent within a bord Arg. (B: Aldred Colson
- Mar 81)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding

1 only (continued)

Sa, a cat counter-selongeant within a bord Arg. (D: Patri du Chat

Gris - Jun 73?)
Sa, a chess rook within a bord Arg. (D: William FitzBubba Aug 95)
Sa, a cross miller parted & fretted & a bord Arg. (D: Tako Jiro Aug 87)
Sa, a domestic cat sejant to sin within a bord Arg. (B: Patri du Chat
Gris - Jul 74)
Sa, a fess of 3 lozenges Arg each charged with a mullet Az, a bord
Arg. (D: Ilsebet Jeghersche - Jul 04)
Sa, a foxs mask per pale Gu & Arg within a bord Arg. (B: Derek
Fairhair - May 90)
Sa, a hart ramp to sin within a bord Arg. (B: Arias the Innkeepers
Daughter - Jan 06)
Sa, a Japanese crested crane disp bendwise within a bord of bamboo
Arg. (D: Murakami Tsuruko - Mar 86)
Sa, a Japanese quiver with 2 arrows within a bord Arg. (D:
Tsunetomi Todomu - Apr 87)
Sa, a morion helm within a bord Arg. (B: Mons Tonitrus - Jan 91)
(For Order of the Silver Morion of Mons Tonitrus)
Sa, a padlock & a bord Arg. (B: Randwulf Witlac - Apr 92)
Sa, a pegasus segreant to sin within a bord Arg. (D: Pegasus
Devona - Oct 04)
Sa, a peregrine falcon counter-stooping, belled & jessed, within a
bord Arg. (B: Ketievia Segovia de la Noche - Sep 80)
Sa, a pile dovetailed Or within a bord Arg. (B: Axel of Taavistia Dec 86) (For House Taivassalama)
Sa, a rabbit statant, a bord Arg. (D: Sionn Cruimin - Apr 97)
Sa, a rose Or within a bord Arg. (B: Ansteorra - Sep 01) (For
Order of the Queens Ring)
Sa, a sickle bendwise Or within a bord Arg. (B: Davan inn Spaki Apr 92)
Sa, a smiths hammer a bord Arg. (B: Calontir - Oct 96) (For the
Order of the Silver Hammer)
Sa, a squirrel sejant erect to sin within a bord Arg. (D: Johann
Tscharner von Graffenried - Nov 91)
Sa, a sun eclipsed within a bord Arg. (B: Cynedd ap Gwen Jan 85)
Sa, a sword inv, the hilt & quillons a cross of Calatrava, within a
bord Arg. (B: Calontir - Jun 06) (For Order of the Sword of
Sa, a winged fox ramp within a bord Arg. (D: Eric Foxworthy Nov 82)
Sa, a wolfs head erased within a bord Arg. (D: Conrad of
Northfield - Aug 79?)
Sa, a womans head couped Arg, crined & wearing a winged helmet
Or, all within a bord Arg. (B: Ursa Ivarsdottir - Dec 87)
Sa, an abacus bendwise Or within a bord Arg. (B: Abrahe aragoa
- Sep 06)
Sa, an anchor Or within a bord Arg. (D: Honora Northgate Oct 03)
Sa, an arm embowed vested at the shoulder holding on an open
palm a string of pearls, a bord Arg. (B: Loch Salann - Sep 94)
(For the Baronial Artisans League)
Sa, an estoile voided & a bord Arg. (B: Winters Gate - Dec 84)
(For the Order of the Estoile)
Sa, on a bend Arg a snake glissant Sa within a bord Arg. (D:
Agnarr Svartormr Thorvaldsson - Nov 91)
Sa, on a clenched gauntlet Arg a rose proper, a bord Arg. (B:
Tancred dello Falco - Aug 95)
Sa, on a cross Arg in cross a sword inv & an arrow Sa all within a
bord Arg. (D: William of Craucester - Jan 02)
Sa, on a cross nowy Arg an Elder futhark rune Manaz Sa, all within
a bord Arg. (D: Thorsteinn Vandringsmann - Feb 08)
Sa, on a cross nowy formy throughout Arg, a maple leaf Gu, all
within a bord Arg. (B: Beli Bailey of Kintyre - Jan 91)
Sa, on a flame Or another Gu charged with a sin gauntlet clenched
affronty Arg, a bord Arg. (B: Aliskye MacKyven Raizel Aug 95) (For Clan Kyven)
Sa, on a mullet throughout Arg a cats paw print Sa, within a bord
Arg. (B: Jayme ODarcy of Glen Laurie - Feb 82)
Sa, on a plate an oak leaf Vt a bord Arg. (D: Girard von Bremen Sep 97)
Sa, on a rose Arg barbed Vt a cat sejant affronty Sa all within a bord
Arg. (D: Laurin of Rosewood - Jul 02)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 321

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding 1 only] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding 1 plus]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding

1 only (continued)

Sa, on a salt Arg, a triskelion arrondi betw a decrescent, an

increscent, a decrescent & an increscent, all palewise, Az, a
bord Arg. (D: Duncan Dalziell - Oct 98)
Sa, on a triskelion of wolves heads Arg a torteau, a bord Arg. (B:
Wulfric Grimbeald - Aug 92)
Vt, a bat-winged mantyger sejant guardant within a bord Arg. (D:
Godfrey of Inwood - Jun 91)
Vt, a bend Az fimbriated, a bord Arg. (D: Shane O Bryan FitzPatrick - May 96)
Vt, a camelopard statant contourny Or spotted Sa, a bord Or & for
augmentation, on a canton overall Az a sun in his glory issuant
from base Or within a bord Arg. (Augmentation of Arms:
Deborah Inis Glas - Jun 07)
Vt, a cinquefoil within a bord Arg. (B: Rowan Perigrynne May 83)
Vt, a compass rose within a bord Arg. (B: Ceara ingen Chonaill Feb 04)
Vt, a crossbow palewise within a bord Arg. (B: Bryan mac
Dhughaill an Boghadair - Apr 90)
Vt, a crux ansata within a bord Arg. (D: Scandal nic Mhiride Sep 91)
Vt, a dandelion slipped & leaved & a bord Arg. (D: Emma
Dandelion - Nov 01)
Vt, a hedgehog ramp to sin within a bord Arg. (D: Gwyl ferch
Teleri Celli Caregi - Aug 87)
Vt, a Latin cross bottony a bord Arg. (B: Dorinda Courtenay Jan 98)
Vt, a lion ramp affrontee Or orbed & armored Gu, grasping in its
forepaws & devouring the sin canton of an escutcheon Sa, a
bord Arg. (D: Alwyne the Sinistral - Aug 79)
Vt, a lions paw erased Or within a bord Arg. (B: Oldenfeld Jul 05)
Vt, a moose head erased Or within a bord Arg. (D: Forgal
Kerstetter - Oct 86)
Vt, a panther sejant head to dexter Arg spotted Sa within a bord
Arg. (D: Katerina McGilledoroughe - Aug 03)
Vt, a pheon within a bord Arg. (D: Aelfric the Kestrell - Aug 95)
Vt, a pitcher bendwise distilling a goutte, all within a bord Arg. (B:
Elizabeth Creamer - Jun 90)
Vt, a quill pen bendwise sin within a bord Arg. (B: Elinor Annora
ferch Llewelyn - Sep 86)
Vt, a rabbit ramp within a bord Arg. (D: Maria Teresa de la Pea Jul 81)
Vt, a roundel Or, a bord Arg. (B: Aleksei Zateev - May 98)
Vt, a salt Or, fretted of a mascle all within a bord Arg. (D: Eirikr
Ivarsson - Jul 05)
Vt, a sea-griffin passant within a bord Arg. (D: Alaxandar an
Chobhlaigh mac Lochloinn - Jul 07)
Vt, a single bitted axe bendwise sin reversed within a bord Arg. (D:
Olav Tyson - Mar 92)
Vt, a spider & a bord Arg. (D: Stefania Krakowska - Jan 03)
Vt, a stork passant, wings elevated & addorsed, Arg, grasping in its
beak a fish Or, all within a bord Arg. (D: Karl von Sssen Aug 87)
Vt, a thunderbolt within a bord Arg. (D: Eadgar de Cockayne Jan 91)
Vt, a whelk within a bord Arg. (D: Morwen ferch Owain ap Evan Sep 92)
Vt, a winged cat passant Or, a bord Arg. (D: Tyock MacKay of
Marwode - Feb 97)
Vt, a wolf sejant ululant within a bord Arg. (D: Aelfgifu
Wolfsngerin - Jan 94)
Vt, a wyvern disp Arg charged with a quatrefoil slipped Vt a bord
Arg. (D: Shane Patrick - Aug 97)
Vt, an acorn within a bord Arg. (B: Oldenfeld - Jul 05)
Vt, an oak leaf bendwise sin inv fructed within a bord Arg. (B: Ralf
of Oak Lawn the Oxhandler - Jun 02) (JB: Elaina of
Vt, an Oriental dragon tergiant embowed-counterembowed within a
bord Arg. (B: Yuan Yang - Apr 02)
Vt, on a bend Arg 3 anvils bendwise sin Gu & a bord Arg. (D:
Gwilym Penteg de Caernarfon - Feb 02)
Vt, on a chev Arg 3 hearts, the center heart inv, Gu, & a bord Arg.
(D: Rosalba Vespucci - Feb 82)

322 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding

1 only (continued)

Vt, on a fusil throughout Or, a tree eradicated proper, a bord Arg.

(D: Galn-Schol of Eirmeathe - Jun 73)
Vt, on a plate a brown stags head cabossed proper all within a bord
Arg. (D: Matsuura Suetsune - May 02)
Vt, on a salt Gu fimbriated Arg a garden rosebud bendwise sin Arg,
slipped & leaved Vt, all within a bord Arg. (D: Katriona
Gwen Fergus - Aug 80)
Vt, on an estoile of 4 greater & 4 lesser rays Arg a dagger inv Sa, all
within a bord Arg. (D: Ailonwy of Darkblade - Feb 84)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding

1 plus

Az, a bear passant Arg betw 3 mullets Or, a bord Arg. (D: Clare de
Norwude - May 08)
Az, a bear ramp & in chf 2 fleams, all within a bord Arg. (D: Achsa
of Beresford - May 88)
Az, a bend betw a sword Arg, hilted Gu, & a mullet, all within a
bord Arg. (D: Mathew Sans Gryffyn - May 80)
Az, a bend sin Arg betw an open scroll Or & 3 quill pens, a bord
Arg. (D: Ymanya Murray - Dec 98)
Az, a bend sin betw a bird disp & a feather bendwise sin, within a
bord Arg. (D: Hereward Bannerbane - Dec 92)
Az, a bend sin betw 2 pawprints Or, a bord Arg. (B: Sorcha Fhionn
inghean u Ruairc - Jun 05) (JB: Josephus Piscator)
Az, a bend sin Or betw a zil bendwise & another bendwise inv, all
within a bord Arg. (D: Bahita of Abu Simbel - Jan 85)
Az, a bezant, pierced Sa, betw 4 plates, all within a bord Arg. (B:
Rudhraighe OHagan - Aug 87)
Az, a birch tree Arg, leaved Or, betw in base 2 roses, all within a
bord Arg. (D: Roswitha Scirwuda - Jul 89)
Az, a chev Arg betw 3 fir trees couped Or, all within a bord Arg.
(D: Diane von Dakerwald - Apr 89)
Az, a chev cotised betw 3 rose buds, all within a bord Arg. (D:
Ambre dAvignon - May 86)
Az, a compass-star betw 3 ash leaves stems to center, all within a
bord Arg. (D: Elwyn Arian - Mar 85)
Az, a compass-star elongated to base betw in base 2 rabbits sejant
erect respectant, a bord Arg. (D: Signy of Stavanger May 99)
Az, a cross arrondi betw 4 roundels, a bord Arg. (D: lric Kyrri Feb 98)
Az, a cross fleury betw 4 roses within a bord Arg. (D: Catriona
Stewart of the Glens - Feb 96)
Az, a cross moline Arg betw 4 increscents Or, a bord Arg. (D: Jean
Paul the Mace - May 93)
Az, a cross parted & fretted betw in bend 2 escallops inv & in bend
sin 2 decrescents within a bord Arg. (D: Morgan Jaussara de
Valletta - Apr 87)
Az, a dance betw 3 swans naiant within a bord Arg. (D: Valrie la
Rousse - May 94)
Az, a domestic cat dormant betw 3 stars of David, all within a bord
Arg. (D: Aislinn Ysobel dArgentan - Mar 85)
Az, a fess of five lozenges betw a compass star & a tower, all within
a bord Arg. (D: Katharine de Chauny - Jan 90)
Az, a fess Sa, fimbriated, betw 3 martlets volant, all within a bord
Arg. (D: Rowena of Loxton - Apr 89)
Az, a goblet inv bendwise Arg betw 3 boars heads erased Or, a
bord Arg. (D: Steffan Penhallow - Jan 96)
Az, a greyhound ramp Arg, gorged of an embat coronet Or, atop a
trimount paly Or & Vt, all within a bord Arg. (D: Ilaria Veltri
degli Ansari - Sep 86)
Az, a harp Or overall a branch bendwise sin all within a bord Arg.
(B: Turlough MColline More - Apr 02)
Az, a lit candle betw 4 roses in cross, a bord Arg. (D: Michelle
Blancherose - Feb 97)
Az, a maidens head facing dexter betw 3 horses salient Or a bord
Arg. (D: Augusta von Tirol - Jan 95)
Az, a merman affronty reguardant maintaining in the sin hand a
trident, in chf a pearled coronet, all within a bord Arg. (D:
Tristan Alexander - Nov 01)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding 1 plus]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding

1 plus (continued)

Az, a merman affronty reguardant maintaining in the sin hand a

trident, in chf a pearled coronet, all within a bord Arg, as an
augmentation, in the mermans dexter hand a targe Arg
charged with an escutcheon of Sa, a decrescent & a base
indented of 3 points Arg.. (Augmentation of Arms: Tristan
Alexander - Nov 01)
Az, a mullet of 4 points betw 4 lozenges within a bord Arg. (D:
Robert Marston - Sep 01)
Az, a mullet of 4 points within a dolmen & a bord Arg. (B: Agatha
of Tintagel - Jan 95)
Az, a mullet of twelve points Arg betw 3 bezants all within a bord
Arg. (D: Chrysantha dArgento - Sep 06)
Az, a pall betw 3 chipmunks ramp, all within a bord Arg. (D:
Justinian of Rakovec - Jul 86)
Az, a pall inv betw 2 basil leaves & a dragon segreant, a bord Arg.
(D: Basil der Drache - Oct 93)
Az, a scarpe betw a sword & a dexter gauntlet clenched fesswise, all
within a bordurelet Arg. (D: Leif Wadason - Mar 81)
Az, a sin wing & in chf a label couped all within a bord Arg. (D:
Wilhelm Nielsen - Mar 95)
Az, a sin wing betw 3 escallops all within a bord Arg. (D: Veronica
of Holmrike - Mar 95)
Az, a snowy owl perched upon a branch issuant from sin proper, in
canton a mullet Or, all within a bord Arg. (D: Alleyne de
Spencer - Mar 81)
Az, a stag lodged & in chf a decrescent & an increscent all within a
bord Arg. (D: Aelfreda o Lyn Ewig - Jul 91)
Az, a sun betw 3 fleurs-de-lys & a bord Arg. (D: Ysabel la Serena
de Lille - Nov 01)
Az, a swan naiant to sin Arg betw 4 needles in mascle, eyes to base,
Or, all within a bord Arg. (D: Signy Listakona - Apr 89)
Az, a swan within a bord Arg, overall on a chf nebuly Or, 3 leaves
Vt. (D: Basilla la Mercire - Oct 93)
Az, a sword fesswise betw a peacock close reguardant contourny &
a peacock close reguardant Or a bord Arg. (D: Caiterna Nic
Chonmeadha - Jan 95)
Az, a sword inv proper surmounted by a pair of scales within a bord
Arg. (D: Marc Uther Corwyn David Rengarth - Oct 84)
Az, a tower Arg, surmounted by 3 bars wavy ctrch, all within a bord
Arg. (B: Bards Keep - Feb 86)
Az, a unicorn ramp Arg within a laurel wreath Or within a bord
Arg. (D: Glenngliondrach - Jul 83)
Az, a vol Arg overall a compass star elongated to base Or within a
bord Arg. (D: Gregor Bakhar - Dec 01)
Az, a warhammer bendwise sin Arg, in base a duck naiant Or, all
within a bord Arg. (B: Vitasha Ivanova doch - Mar 97)
Az, a winged wolf ramp to sin, wings addorsed, Arg, the head
environed of a nimbus Or, within a bord Arg. (D: Thomas
Wakefield - Aug 84)
Az, an estoile of eight rays within an annulet & a bord all Arg. (B:
Isaac de Hugo - May 92)
Az, an oak leaf within a torque, a bord Arg. (D: Grfn mac
Breandin - Apr 98)
Az, an octopus betw in chf 2 escallops, a bord Arg. (B: Alyna
Navarre - Jul 95)
Az, an owl & in chf 3 roundels, a bord Arg. (D: Nuala inghean
Sheamuis - Mar 01)
Az, mulletty Arg, a unicornate natural seahorse Or within a bord
Arg. (D: Zenon of Gray Tower - Nov 86)
Az, mullety of six points Arg, a sword inv proper entwined of a rose
Arg, barbed, seeded & slipped proper, within a bord Arg. (D:
Ehrich the Dreamer - Jul 82)
Az, on a bend Arg betw 2 garbs Or 3 drums palewise Az, a bord
Arg. (D: Caitrina inghean u Bhraonin - Jun 01)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 trees eradicated Arg, a pegasus statant
fesswise to sin Sa, all within a bord Arg. (D: Dubhn Treehill
- Nov 88)
Az, on a chev betw 3 escallops inv Arg, 3 estoiles Az, a bord Arg.
(D: Lydia de la Mer - Jun 92)
Az, on a cross fleury betw 4 fleurs-de-lys bases to center Arg a
triskele Az all within a bord Arg. (B: Trimaris - Nov 06)
Az, on a fess wavy betw an increscent & a sin wing Arg a fess wavy
Sa, a bord Arg. (D: Elenore Spyrling - Sep 95)
Az, on a pall Or in base a fir tree couped Az, in chf a decrescent Or,
a bord Arg. (D: Anna Fae - Oct 04)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding

1 plus (continued)

Az, sem of roses, a dolphin haurient within a bord Arg. (D: Zo of

Antioch - Jul 84)
Az semy of estoiles Or, a chev betw 3 martlets, a bord Arg. (D:
Genevire dAlsace - Feb 05)
Gu, a bend Or surmounted by a sword bendwise sin proper & in chf
a tern volant, all within a bord Arg. (D: Fiacha of Glencar Oct 84)
Gu, a bend sin Arg betw a sun in his splendor & an increscent moon
Or, a bord Arg. (D: Cicilia Deldanza - Dec 00)
Gu, a bend sin betw 2 bulls heads cabossed, a bord Arg. (D:
Charles the Bull - Apr 94)
Gu, a cherry blossom betw in pall 3 reremice, heads to center,
within a bord Arg. (D: Miura Natsuko - Sep 94)
Gu, a chev Arg, overall a falcon volant Sa, within a bord Arg. (D:
Philip of Richmond - Mar 80)
Gu, a chev betw 3 Latin crosses fitchy, a bord Arg. (D: al-Sadiq
ibn Ahmad ibn Ibrahim - Aug 00)
Gu, a chev embat ermine betw 3 crosses bottony & a bord Arg. (D:
Degan of Coventry - Nov 01)
Gu, a cross formy within roundels in annulo, all within a bord Arg.
(D: Aulus Allemanius Draconis - Oct 82)
Gu, a fess Arg & overall a lion ramp Or, all within a bord Arg. (D:
Aylwin Vinter - Feb 08)
Gu, a fess betw 3 delfs all within a bord Arg. (B: Taran the
Wayward - Jul 03)
Gu, a lion statant betw in pale a scimitar fesswise inv & a scimitar
fesswise reversed Or, all within a bord Arg. (D: Hassan alRashid - Apr 89)
Gu, a sword inv proper surmounted by a barrel palewise Arg,
banded Sa, all within a bord Arg. (D: Emerick Cowper from
the Wall - Jan 87)
Gu, an arrow bendwise sin betw a dragons head couped & another
contourny, all within a bord Arg. (D: Sihtric Silfrr - Jul 92)
Gu, perched atop a tower a hooded falcon, within a bord Arg. (B:
Manfried Odo von Falkenmond - Oct 82)
Pean, a cat courant Arg & in chf a barrulet couped Or within a bord
Arg masoned Sa. (D: Brianna di Girgenti - Aug 90)
Pean, an Irish wolfhound courant Arg, in chf a barrulet couped Or,
within an bord Arg, masoned Sa. (D: Domnhnall of
Glenfiddich - May 88)
Per bend Az & Sa, a sword bendwise inv throughout proper & in sin
chf a snowflake, all within a bord Arg. (D: Shana Morgana Jul 88)
Per bend Purp & Gu, a mullet bendwise sin betw the horns of a
crescent bendwise, all within a bord Arg. (B: Electra de Flora
- Nov 88)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a griffin passant betw 3 sets of 3 annulets
each interlaced 2 & one, a bord Arg. (D: Bryan Laurence
Griffith - Feb 96)
Per bend sin Purp & Az, a bend sin Arg betw a sprig of 3 oak leaves
bendwise inv Or & a stags head couped, a bord Arg. (D:
Tuathflaith ingen u Chellaich - May 07)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, a bend sin engrailed betw a wolfs head
erased & a thistle, a bord Arg. (D: Meadhbh Daingen int
Slbhe - Oct 99)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, a bend sin betw six unicorns heads erased
contourny, a bord Arg. (D: Dnlaith nic Niam - Nov 97)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a catamount ramp, in sin chf a compass-star
elongated to base all within a bord Arg. (D: Rhywallon the
Greycatt - Jul 86)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a sword inv Arg surmounted by a set of
scales Or, a bord Arg. (D: Ian Graym - Feb 97)
Per chev Az & Arg, in chf a compass star betw 2 mullets of 4
points, all within a bord Arg. (D: Andrea of Clear Mount Aug 79)
Per chev Az & Gu, a chev betw five mullets in chev & an arrow inv,
all within a bord Arg. (D: Caitlin Ross of Cairngorm Jan 93)
Per chev Az & Sa, a chev ermine & in base a cross fleury, a bord
Arg. (D: Gwenhwyfar Dinas Emrys - Oct 96)
Per chev Az estencely Arg, & Sa, a chev, a bord Arg. (B: Starkhafn
- May 99) (For The Order of the Sparkes of Starkhafn)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev betw 2 mullets & 2 swords inv in salt
surmounted by a double-bladed axe, within a bord Arg. (D:
Karl Wolfgerson - Feb 92)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 323

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding 1 plus]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding

1 plus (continued)

Per pale Gu & Az, a rams head cabossed Or betw in base 3

caltrops, all within a bord Arg. (D: Morgan ap Idris - Jun 86)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a wolf ramp betw 3 roses within a bord Arg. (D:
Tegan Silverwolf - Jan 91)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a chev betw 3 broadarrows inv, a bord Arg. (D:
Zenobia Blake - May 96)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a Maltese cross betw 4 mullets of eight points all
within a bord Arg. (B: Andreas der Eisfalke - Dec 91) (For
Haus Blutwache)
Per pale Vt & Az, a harp Arg betw in pale 2 arrows fesswise
reversed Or, a bord Arg. (D: Finn mac Domnaill - Jun 05)
Per salt Sa & Gu, a dragon passant betw in pale 2 mortars & pestles
within a bord, all Arg. (D: Aylwin Virden von dem
Drachenlager - May 88)
Per salt Sa & Gu, a flame proper surmounted by the blade of a
sword Arg, betw in fess 2 crescents Or, all within a bord Arg.
(D: Balthasar Brightblade of the Fens - Jun 94)
Purp, a bend Arg betw 2 crosses couped Or within a bord Arg. (D:
Robert of Worcester - Aug 03)
Purp, a bend sin Sa fimbriated betw a stags massacre Or & a fleurde-lys, all within a bord Arg. (D: Grim Kirk of Greymoor Mar 93)
Purp, a ferret statant erect Arg maintaining a sword proper all betw
five bezants in annulo, a bord Arg. (D: Nadya Gornastaevna
Chorkova - Nov 93)
Purp, a round shield Or surmounting a sword inv all within a bord
Arg. (D: Demetrio Giovanni Valentino - May 99)
Purp, a sword inv surmounted by a heart a bord Arg. (D:
Constance O Keeley - Jun 97)
Purp, a thunderbolt betw in fess a lions head erased close & an
eagles head erased close respectant, within a bord Arg. (D:
Morgan Eochaid Gillebruide of Clan Dubh - Dec 83)
Quarterly Az & Gu, a wyvern disp, wings inv, betw in chf 2 Latin
crosses, all within a bord Arg. (D: Simon de lEst - Dec 86)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a cross betw in bend 2 gondola prows reversed,
all within a bord Arg. (D: Marina Foscari - Feb 89)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a sword inv betw 4 lozenges, all within a bord
Arg. (D: John ap Gwyndaf of Holdingford - Jun 89)
Quarterly Sa & Vt, a cross patty throughout betw in bend a
unicorns head & a mullet, both palewise, all within a bord
Arg. (D: Anluan Trelaine - Nov 81)
Sa, a bend sin betw 2 rapiers inv Or, a bord Arg. (D: Rainald
FitzRenyard - Jul 90)
Sa, a bucks head caboshed & in chf a crescent all within a bord
Arg. (D: Cionaodh OHosey - Oct 03)
Sa, a butterfly betw 3 roundels, all within a bord Arg. (D: Bella
Farinelli - Aug 07)
Sa, a cherry blossom throughout Arg seeded Sa betw five roundels
all within a bord Arg. (D: inara Suberria - May 02)
Sa, a chev & in chf a mullet of 4 points, a bord Arg. (B: Peter of
Dun Calma - Sep 92)
Sa, a chev barry wavy Arg & Az betw 3 increscents, a bord Arg.
(D: Cathryn of Chester - Jan 93)
Sa, a chev betw a sword fesswise & a mullet of 4 points, a bord
Arg. (D: Dafydd de Mortemer - Jun 92)
Sa, a chev couped enhanced, overall a wavy-bladed sword
(flamberge) inv Arg hilted Sa all within a bord Arg. (D: Elric
of Moray - Jul 86)
Sa, a chev inv betw a bears head cabossed & 3 compass stars, all
within a bord Arg. (D: Hrothgar Bjornsson - Feb 90)
Sa, a compass-star Arg, overall a polecat statant guardant proper
maintaining in its mouth a rose Gu slipped proper, a bord Arg.
(D: Vanessa Silverstar - Aug 79?)
Sa, a dexter hand appaumy couped betw 3 annulets, all within a
bord Arg. (D: Harold O Mainnn - May 88)
Sa, a fess wavy betw an owl disp & a turtle all within a bord Arg.
(D: Ihone Munro - Apr 02)
Sa, a fess wavy betw 3 lions passant, a bord Arg. (D: Janos der
Kleine - Oct 92)
Sa, a fret betw in pale 2 increscents, a bord Arg. (D: Annys Wolf of
Wharram Percy - Jun 96)
Sa, a harp & in chf 2 garden roses in salt slipped & leaved, a bord
Arg. (D: Rathfled du Noir - Dec 92)
Sa, a horseshoe inv Arg surmounted by a sword proper, within a
bord Arg. (D: Uilliam ua Conchobhair an Con - Jun 96)
324 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding

1 plus (continued)

Sa, a lion ramp Or & in chf 2 hands apaumee, within a bord Arg.
(D: Kevin Sean McCahn - Aug 90)
Sa, a lions face betw 3 roundels Or, a bord Arg. (D: Sigtryggr inn
Tryggvi - Jun 97)
Sa, a Maltese cross within an annulet within & conjoined to a
compass star voided, all within a bordurelet Arg. (D: Alacidar
of the Towers of the Morning - Feb 81)
Sa, a pall betw a sun & a pair of gauntlets, all within a bord Arg.
(D: Vlasta von der weissen Sonne - Aug 85)
Sa, a pall inv Arg voided Gu betw 3 eagles legs erased within a
bord Arg. (D: Duncan Mahieu - May 86)
Sa, a pithon & in chf 3 compass stars within a bord Arg. (D:
Roderick of Warwick - Dec 87)
Sa a plate betw 4 mullets in cross, all within a bord Arg. (D:
Lyanna of Kerneough - Dec 84)
Sa, a ram salient & in canton a roundel, all within a bord Arg. (D:
Raven Groyne - Sep 04)
Sa, a salt raguly Arg, overall a unicorns horn palewise Or, all
within a bord Arg. (D: Alisane or Mynyddoed Taranllyd Oct 87)
Sa, a shamrock Vt fimbriated, surmounted by a horse salient, all
within a bord Arg. (D: Colleen Ahern - Aug 81)
Sa, a straight horn palewise, bell in chf, debruised by an escallop, a
bord, all Arg. (D: Hereward of Vinland - Jan 76?)
Sa, a sword Or surmounted by a salt all within a bord Arg. (D:
Feln Mac Cuinneagin - Feb 04)
Sa, a sword surmounted by a horses head couped all within a bord
Arg. (D: Gareth Marcellus von Kln - Jan 03)
Sa, a tree issuant from a mount Arg, in chf a plate betw an
increscent & a decrescent, all within a bord Arg. (D: Olivia
Andrea aBheithir - Mar 88)
Sa, a unicorn couchant reguardant to sin, in dexter chf an estoile, all
within a bord Arg. (D: Maeve ferch Morgan - Dec 84)
Sa, a unicorn ramp Arg, armed, crined, & unguled, betw 2 bezants
& a pheon Or, a bord Arg. (D: Edmund Lwenheim
dEscoville - Oct 82)
Sa, a wolf ramp & in dexter canton a Latin cross betw 4 Latin
crosses all within a bord Arg. (D: Wulfric Peverel - Oct 90)
Sa, a wolf ramp Arg brandishing 2 swords betw 3 Celtic crosses Or,
a bord Arg. (D: Bran Cuilean mac Muirchiu ua Nill Nov 92)
Sa, an annulet surmounted by 3 crescents in pall, horns outward, all
within a bord Arg. (D: William Ranulf le Broc - Mar 89)
Sa, an equal-armed Celtic cross betw 3 horses courant contourny in
annulo within a bord Arg. (D: Sekimura no Minamoto
Akiranaga - Feb 07)
Sa, an owl contourn Arg, clutching a rose fesswise reversed,
slipped & leaved proper, in canton a roundel, all within a bord
Arg. (D: Abgrne Rose - Nov 91)
Sa, an owl disp Arg & in chf a staff fesswise Or, all within a bord
Arg. (D: Davan inn Spaki - Aug 86)
Sa, flames of fire proper issuant from the top of a tower betw 2
swords in fess, all within a bord Arg. (D: Mairi Morag
MacLeoid of Loch na hIolaire - Nov 86)
Sa goutty deau, a eagle disp facing to sin Arg perched upon a base
embat Arg masoned Sa, a bord Arg. (B: Rhodri ap Hywel Jun 92) (For Rhodri ap Hywel)
Sa, mullety, a cross patty sarcelled within & conjoined to an
annulet, all within a bord Arg. (D: Gwilym y Fferill o Caer
Lleuad - Feb 81)
Sa mullety of eight points, a harp within a bord Arg. (D: Judith von
Ankum - Oct 92)
Sa, on a fess cotised Arg 3 mascles Sa all within a bord Arg. (D:
Yoshitomi Toshio - Sep 03)
Sa, on a lozenge betw in chf 2 mullets of 4 points Arg, a ravens
head erased facing to sin Sa, a bord Arg. (D: Michaela Raven
- Jun 92)
Sa, on a pile betw 2 mascles Arg a mascle Sa, all within a bord Arg.
(D: Stephen Clifford - Mar 92)
Sa, on a pile betw 2 swords inv in pile Arg, a star of David Az, all
within a bord Arg. (D: Lucentio Maccabbee Loredano Aug 89)
Vairy in pale Gu & Or, a fess Sa, overall a sword within a bord Arg.
(D: Wolfgang of Three Needles - Mar 92)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding 1 plus] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding 2]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding

1 plus (continued)

Vt, a bend sin Arg betw 2 female Holly Blue butterflies proper
within a bord Arg. (D: Denysa de las Mariposas - Oct 81)
Vt, a chev nebuly betw 2 natural tigers combattant & a cross
crosslet fitchy, all within a bord Arg. (D: Linnet of Hearts
Rest - Nov 91)
Vt, a chev throughout Arg betw five mullets of six points, 2, one &
2 Or, a bord Arg. (D: Anjelina Isabella De Marisco - Feb 94)
Vt, a cross Arg betw in chf 2 fleurs-de-lys Or, overall in base a
swan naiant to sin, all within a bord Arg. (B: Clarice deLay of
Rowanholt - Feb 82)
Vt, a dagger proper betw in chf 2 rocks, a bord Arg. (D: Etienne le
Couteau des Roches - Jul 93)
Vt, a fess embat betw 3 Latin crosses fleury, all within a bord Arg.
(D: Katherine dAnjou - Aug 04)
Vt, a hurst of 2 trees, in base a mullet all within a bord Arg. (D:
Gavin MacFhearhuis of Athallwood - Mar 91)
Vt, a pitcher & in chf a flame within a bord Arg. (D: Celestinus
MacCriomhthainn - May 95)
Vt, a rams head cabossed Arg & in chf 3 suns Or, all within a bord
Arg. (D: Alwynne of Rivenstar - Sep 93)
Vt, a salt betw 4 oak leaves, all within a bord Arg. (D: Shena
MacTavish - Jan 89)
Vt, a sea-horse contourny betw six mullets in annulo, a bord Arg.
(D: Laura Heredia de Castile - Jul 92)
Vt, a sewing needle bendwise sin, eye to base, Arg, overall a quilted
jerkin, Or, all within a bord Arg. (D: Bbhinn le Cuilter Nov 89)
Vt, a sin hand betw 3 mullets of six points, a bord Arg. (D: Safiyya
bint Daud al-Mubarrak - Sep 93)
Vt, a stag trippant contourny reguardant & in chf 3 lozenges, a bord
Arg. (D: Wylkyn ap Kenwrec of Colwyn Bay - Sep 92)
Vt, a stags head cabossed within a mascle, all within a bord Arg.
(D: Martin Hart of Wells - Mar 88)
Vt, a turtle disp, in chf 2 axes in salt, all within a bord Arg. (B:
Gwynhavyr of River Haven - Nov 94)
Vt, an Irish shortsword notched to dexter betw in fess a dexter & a
sin hand couped appaume, all within a bord Arg. (D: Geof
Weakarm - May 80)
Vt, an oak leaf bendwise sin inv fructed & in base a bull statant
within a bord Arg. (D: Ralf of Oak Lawn the Oxhandler Jun 02)
Vt, an oak leaf bendwise sin inv fructed & in base a county coronet
within a bord Arg. (D: Elaina of Oaklawn - Jun 02)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding


Az, a lute & a sword in salt, a bord Arg. (D: Cerdic Alexandre
dAvignon - Sep 94)
Az, a natural dolphin naiant embowed sustaining upon its back a
naked man sejant maintaining a trident & shield all within a
bord Arg. (B: Tristan Alexander - Aug 02)
Az, a vol inv Arg, betw its tips a hand in benediction proper, all
within a bord Arg. (D: Romolo Pacireceptor - Jan 91)
Az, a winged stag & a griffin segreant combattant within a bord
Arg. (D: Gideon Alexandru de Sighisoara - Jan 87)
Az, in bend sin 2 rams heads, erased & respectant, within a bord
Arg. (D: Carlos Richey - Oct 89)
Az, in chev 2 wasps statant respectant within a bord Arg. (D:
Robert Pine - Aug 02)
Az, in fess a pan pipe Arg & a cithara Or within a bord Arg. (B:
East, the - Feb 86) (For East Kingdom Musicians Guild)
Az, in fess 2 trees couped within a bord Arg. (D: Gregor of
Dakerwald - Jun 86)
Az, in pale a crescent & a mullet within a bord Arg. (D: Costanza
de Navarre - Sep 96)
Az, in pale a fleur-de-lys & a crescent Or within a bord Arg. (D:
Stanislaw Jan Ossolinski - May 90)
Az, in salt a sword inv & a thistle, slipped & leaved, both
surmounted by a single-horned anvil, all within a bord Arg.
(D: Charles Gladney - Jul 87)
Az, in salt 2 artists brushes Arg, overall on an artists palette Or a
road-runner proper, a bord Arg. (D: Adelicia Brabant May 00)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding

2 (continued)

Az, 2 bendlets wavy within a bord Arg. (B: Stella Silvana Sep 02)
Az, 2 falcons striking respectant within a bord Arg. (D: Iain Glic
MacRobert - Jul 90)
Az, 2 garbs in pale Or & a bord Arg. (D: Rene dAvranches Oct 06)
Az, 2 horses combattant Arg atop a sword fesswise reversed Or, a
bord Arg. (D: Patrick ONeill of Cork - Nov 98)
Az, 2 quill pens bases crossed in salt, in chf a triskele, all within a
bord Arg. (B: Trimaris - Jun 04)
Az, 2 rainbows in bend proper a bord Arg. (D: Angelica Bellini di
Firenze - Apr 92)
Az, 2 rams combattant within a bord Arg. (D: Lucais du Belier Aug 95)
Gu, a sin arm embowed sustaining a bow fesswise all within a bord
Arg. (D: Robert of Hawthorne - Oct 02)
Gu, betw the arms of a capital lambda a demi-sun Or all within a
bord Arg. (B: Uther Schiemann der Hunt - Jul 03)
Gu, in chf 2 rams heads couped respectant Arg within a bord Arg.
(B: Ramshaven - Jan 06)
Gu, 2 rams heads respectant issuant from a bord Arg. (B:
Ramshaven - Mar 05)
Gu, 2 wolves heads cabossed in bend within a bord Arg. (D: Wulf
Fairhair - Sep 90)
Per bend indented Az & Vt, 2 lozenges within a bord Arg. (D: May
of ye Wolde - Aug 05)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, a dolphin haurient & a crescent Or all within
a bord Arg. (D: Constantine de Felice - Dec 02)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, in bend a compass star Arg & a fox passant
to base Or, all within a bord Arg. (D: Rowanne of Hamilton Aug 89)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a decrescent Arg & a double rose Or & Gu, a
bord Arg. (D: Zillah bint Uways al-Qahir - Feb 98)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, 2 oxs heads cabossed, all within a bord Arg.
(D: Gilliam Blackhorn - Oct 92)
Per bend Vt & Az, 2 cats salient within a bord indented Arg. (D:
Fridha av Bergen - Sep 07)
Per chev Az & Sa, 2 polar bears combattant & a bord Arg. (D:
Griffyn Cleisiog ap Madoc - Dec 90)
Per fess Az & Vt, a lozenge ploy within & conjoined to the horns
of an increscent a bord Arg. (D: Sorcha inghean Dhara mhic
Seachnasaigh - Aug 01)
Per fess Vt & Sa, issuant from dexter chf a lightning flash & in sin
chf a sun, all within a bord Arg. (B: Rhydderich Hael, the May 81) (For the Armourers Guild)
Per pale Az & Sa, in pale a roundel Arg & a wolfsbane blossom
stem to chf Or, a bord Arg. (D: dric Lambert - Dec 07)
Per pale Az & Vt 2 unicorns combattant within a bord Arg. (D:
Katherine of An Tir - Aug 91)
Per pale Sa & Az, a dexter wing & a sin wing & a bord Arg. (D:
Gabriel de Beaumont - Aug 02)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a pair of bulls horns surmounted by a sword Or,
a bord Arg. (D: William Blackwing - Nov 96)
Per pale Vt & Sa, 2 horses ramp reguardant addorsed within a bord
Arg. (B: Altavia - Jul 83)
Per salt Vt & Purp, 2 swans naiant respectant & a bord Arg. (D:
Celestine of Arn Hold - Apr 02)
Purp, a sin hand fesswise aversant proper sustaining a chalice Or
within a bord Arg. (D: Aedan MacCormac - Aug 93)
Purp, ermined Or, a lotus blossom in profile within a bord Arg. (D:
Arabella Cleophea Winterhalter - Oct 91)
Purp, in pale a heart & a unicorns head couped, a bord Arg. (D:
Nanette Rochelle - Sep 92)
Purp, 2 chevronels betw 2 wolves combattant, collared & chained,
& a compass star elongated to base within a bord, all Arg. (D:
Douglas Starwolf - Nov 89)
Purp, 2 feathers in salt Arg, in chf a German flute fesswise affronty
Or, all within a bord Arg. (B: Duncan Brock of Greyfeather Apr 86)
Quarterly Az & Vt, a unicorns head & a dragons head, both
couped & addorsed, within a bord Arg. (D: Damon Mercutio
de Tarragona - Sep 89)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, in chf 2 cats eyes Or pupilled Sa, a bord Arg.
(D: Tjrvi Fasthaldi - Aug 00)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 325

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding 2] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding 3 or more]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding

2 (continued)

Quarterly Gu & Sa, 2 chevronels betw 3 lozenges all within a bord

Arg. (D: Frederica Drachendonner - Feb 91)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, in bend 2 oak leaves within a bord Arg. (D:
Ciar ingen Dire - Mar 07)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, 2 horses combatant, a bord Arg. (D: Charles of
Whithorse - Jul 01)
Sa, a sin arm embowed vested at the shoulder sustaining by the
blade a sword bendwise, a bord Arg. (B: Loch Salann Sep 94) (For the Baronial Guard)
Sa, a tankard sustained by a gloved cubit arm fesswise, a bord Arg.
(B: Corwyn Montgomery - Jun 01)
Sa, in fess a bluejay close to sin & a mullet of six points elongated
to base, all within a bord Arg. (B: Janina Krakowska Apr 91)
Sa, in fess 2 thorn runes within a bord Arg. (B: Thorbjorn
Thordarson - Aug 88)
Sa, in pale a double-bitted axe & a Thors hammer within a bord
Arg. (D: Curteis Svartslingr - Dec 94)
Sa, in pale eight mullets in annulo & a drakkar in full sail, within a
bord Arg. (D: Corwyn Dragonstar - Dec 82)
Sa, in pale 2 unicorns passant & a bord Arg. (D: Madelina of
Duneheve - Jun 08)
Sa, 2 bars embat, in base a cross couped triply parted, a bord Arg.
(B: Angela Sara Mara Daz de Valds - Feb 92) (For
Arashi Tetsuko)
Sa, 2 bendlets Arg, overall a phoenix Or issuant from flames proper
within a bord Arg. (D: Roger St. Neot de Blaise - Jul 84)
Sa, 2 chevronels throughout betw 2 compass stars & a bears head
caboshed, all within a bord Arg. (D: Korok Starbear the
Hammerhand - Oct 84)
Sa, 2 rams horns couped affronty within a bord Arg. (D: Mikal the
Ram - Dec 88)
Sa, 2 roses in pale & a bord Arg. (D: Antoinette Joaliere - Jul 03)
Vt, a pair of hands couped apaumy inv Arg, cuffed Sa, within a
bord Arg. (B: School of the Zenith for Pages - Nov 84)
Vt, in pale 2 swords inv in salt & a wolf ramp all within a bord Arg.
(D: Kieran Wolfkin - Nov 91)
Vt, 2 bendlets betw 2 annulets, all within a bord Arg. (D: Leofwine
the Lost - Feb 87)
Vt, 2 chevronels braced, a bord Arg. (D: Stephan MacTir Aug 98)
Vt, 2 dexter hands, couped & cuffed, clasped in fess, both
maintaining a rose, slipped & leaved, Arg, the rose blossom
charged with another rose Vt, all within a bord Arg. (D: Ester
du Bois - Mar 84)
Vt, 2 unicorns ramp addorsed, in base 3 annulets interlaced one &
2, a bord Arg. (D: Lasair ingen mhic Seoin - Aug 00)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding

3 or more

Az, a pall inv Sa fimbriated betw 3 lozenges Arg each charged with
a drakkar Sa, a bord Arg. (D: Grigorii Elisseyevich - Feb 00)
Az, eight petals in annulo, bases to center, within a bord Arg. (D:
Bianca Rosamund - Jan 89)
Az, five annulets interlaced in salt & a bord Arg. (B: Corwin de
Harfleur - Jan 04)
Az, in cross a crescent, inv & winged, Arg & 3 mullets of 4 points
dismembered Or, all within a bord Arg. (D: Kendra of
Darkmoon - Feb 90)
Az, in fess 4 pallets wavy couped & in chf a mullet of eight points
within a bord Arg. (D: Gerhardt von Nordflammen - Aug 83)
Az, in pale a wagon wheel & a pair of arms embowed respectant, a
bord Arg. (D: Tighearnn an Fhiona - Mar 07)
Az, in pale an escallop & 2 tridents in salt, all within a bord Arg.
(B: Tristan Alexander - May 90)
Az, in pale 3 lions passant Arg marked Sa a bord Arg. (D: Samuil
Glukhoi - Nov 97)
Az, in pall a laurel wreath betw an increscent, a decrescent, & a
dragon dormant, all within a bord Arg. (D: Dragons Mark Dec 83)
Az, in pall 3 natural dolphins embowed tails to center within a bord
Arg. (D: Caitilin inghean Eoin - Nov 03)
Az, in salt five towers within a bord Arg. (D: Violante de Sant
Sebastian - Dec 00)
326 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding

3 or more (continued)

Az semy of grenades Or, a bord Arg. (D: Uadalrich von

Sachsenhusen - Apr 06)
Az, seven double-bitted axes in annulo a bord Arg. (D: Eric Lee Dec 96)
Az, six mice couchant in annulo & a bord Arg. (D: Barbara
Viggiani Milanese - Sep 90)
Az, 3 chevronels braced & in chf a crescent all within a bord Arg.
(D: Robert du Mont - Aug 95)
Az, 3 dice within a bord Arg. (D: Jnos of Cyddlain Downs Sep 91)
Az, 3 drinking horns interlaced in a triskelion, pierced by their own
tips within a bord Arg. (B: Mikhail the Varangian - Nov 93)
Az, 3 escallops inv within a bord Arg. (D: Venera di Nardiello Jul 01)
Az, 3 owls within a bord Arg. (D: Megge de Northwode - Nov 03)
Az, 3 plates in chf within a bord Arg. (D: Guinemar dAnglade Jul 06)
Az, 3 quail & a bord Arg. (D: Catalina of Tir Ysgithr - Oct 02)
Az, 3 sackbuts, a bord Arg. (B: Wolfgang Neuschel der Grau Nov 01) (For Neuschel Consort of Musicke)
Az, 3 sin wings within a bord Arg. (B: Temur of the Kerait Sep 05) (For Clan White Wing)(JB: Ekaterina
Az, 3 spears in pall inv points to center within a bord Arg. (D:
Caoimhghin MacAindri - May 08)
Az, 3 swallows migrant within a bord Arg. (D: Karl Habicht von
Ammergau - Jun 92)
Az, 2 bendlets enhanced & in base a mullet voided Or, for
augmentation on a canton Gu 3 trilliums Arg seeded Vt within
a bord Arg. (Augmentation of Arms: Edmund de la Haye Mar 07)
Az, 2 compass stars Arg & a sword Arg, hilted Gu, winged Or, a
bord Arg. (D: Ariel of Alon - Jun 92)
Az, 2 estoiles & a unicorns head cabossed, within a bord Arg. (D:
Iver of the Black Bow - Sep 92)
Az, 2 quill pens bases crossed in salt, in chf a triskele, all within a
bord Arg. (B: Trimaris - Nov 06) (For Scribes Guild of
Az, 2 swords inv & 2 arrows fesswise fretted in cross, a bord Arg.
(D: C Larin Celn - Feb 94)
Gu, 4 arrows fretted points to chf within a bord Arg. (B: East, the Jul 90) (For Bowmen of the East)
Gu, in cross 4 plates, a bord Arg. (D: Haldan Redshield - Jun 00)
Gu, 3 roses in fess Arg, barbed & seeded proper, & 3 chevronels
braced, all within a bord Arg. (D: Caitlin MacLeod - Jun 89)
Gu, 3 spiders inv, a bord Arg. (D: Magdalena dArzenta - Mar 08)
Per bend Purp & Sa, 3 fleurs-de-lys one & 2 & a griffin segreant all
within a bord Arg. (D: Eric Grenier de Labarre - Mar 97)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, 3 tau crosses within a bord Arg. (D: Aedrik
Thorulfsson - Nov 89)
Per bend wavy Gu & Sa, 3 lozenges in bend sin within a bord Arg.
(D: Alisaundre of Greyhame - Oct 92)
Per chev Az & Sa, 2 hammers & an anvil, all within a bord Arg. (D:
Alasdair Blackhill - Nov 91)
Per chev embat Sa & Gu, 3 roses one & 2 Arg barbed & seeded
proper & a lion passant reguardant, a bord Arg. (D: Abigail
Gryndley - Jun 05)
Per chev Purp & Sa, 3 moons in their plentitude within a bord Arg.
(D: Iohanna ferch Angharad - Jan 03)
Per chev Purp & Vt, a sheaf of arrows inv within a bord Arg. (B:
Reyne Telarius - Jul 06)
Per fess embat Az & Gu, a sheaf of arrows within a bord Arg. (D:
Aodhan Longarrow - Jun 03)
Per fess embat Sa & Vt, 3 mullets of eight points & a wolfs head
cabossed, a bord Arg. (D: Oswin de Wulferton - Feb 07)
Per pale Az & Or, 4 escallops in cross ctrch within a bord Arg. (B:
Brian of Asbar - May 89)
Per pall inv Gu, Sa & Or, 2 roses Arg & a rose Sa, all barbed &
seeded proper, a bord Arg. (D: Hakim Solomon - Jan 93)
Per salt Sa & Gu, 4 caltrops & a bord Arg. (D: Gunter Aldrich vom
Schwartzwald - Sep 99)
Per salt Sa & Gu, 4 Maltese crosses within a bord Arg. (D:
Joachim Liehtenauwer - Mar 07)
Per salt Sa & Gu, in pale 2 boars passant & in fess 2 domestic cats
sejant, all within a bord Arg. (D: Gunnar Olofsson - Dec 94)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding 3 or more] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Azure]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent - Surrounding

3 or more (continued)

Purp, in pall 3 Oriental bats tergiant disp, heads to centre, within a

bord Arg. (B: Clea de Hnedoara - Nov 88) (For Feng Heihsia)
Purp, six crescents & a bord Arg. (D: Maddalena dei Ridolfi Feb 95)
Purp, 3 columns in fess within a bord Arg. (D: Christopher
Delamaison - Mar 95)
Purp, 3 escallops in pall inv, hinges to center, within a bord Arg.
(D: Deirdre Ui Mhaille - Jan 87)
Purp, 3 horses passant in annulo & a bord Arg. (D: Kolfinna of
Bergen - Apr 08)
Sa, a bar couped betw 2 bars all within a bord Arg. (D: Yamata
Jirou Hisatsura - Aug 99)
Sa, five lozenges, points to center, & a bord Arg. (D: Miyake
Nobuhiro - Oct 85) (Mon)
Sa, five tankards in salt & a bord Arg. (D: Karl the Meek and Mild
- May 90)
Sa, in cross 4 leopards heads Or, jessant-de-lys Arg, a bord Arg.
(D: Gerald of Ipsley - Nov 85)
Sa, in cross 4 leopards heads Or, jessant-de-lys Arg, in canton for
augmentation a poppy slipped & leaved Or, all within a bord
Arg. (Augmentation of Arms: Gerald of Ipsley - May 89)
Sa, in cross 3 mullets & a cap of Mercury affronty within a bord
Arg. (D: James Hawke - Jun 95)
Sa, in pale a womans head couped & in salt 2 cannons mounted on
ships carriages & crossed at the barrels, a bord Arg. (D:
Alastar the Coursayre - Mar 01)
Sa, 3 annulets interlaced one & 2 Arg within a triangle voided Or, a
bord Arg. (D: Stephen North - Jan 05)
Sa, 3 bars wavy betw 3 cranes in their vigilance all within a bord
Arg. (D: Jehan du Lac - Aug 90)
Sa, 3 bendlets betw 4 mullets of 4 points within a bord Arg. (D:
Guillaume Richarde - Feb 91)
Sa, 3 chevronels braced & in chf a mascle, all within a bord Arg.
(D: Lucasta della Canzona Transalpina - Jul 80)
Sa, 3 needles in pile points conjoined within a bord Arg. (B:
Miranda the Seamstress - Sep 91)
Sa, 3 oak leaves in pale within a bord Arg. (D: Nuala ingen
Magnusa - Mar 08)
Sa, 3 wolfs heads erased & sin facing Or within a bord Arg. (D:
Iomhar MacThaimhis o Chairngorm - Jan 88)
Vt, a griffin segreant contourny Or & for augmentation, maintaining
in its forefeet a roundel Az charged with 4 crescents conjoined
in salt horns outward & a bord Arg. (Augmentation of Arms:
John ap Griffin - May 07)
Vt, 4 sexfoils in cross Arg, seeded Sa, within a bord Arg. (D:
Alienor Flannabhar - Mar 89)
Vt, in bend sin 3 paw prints bendwise sin & in dexter chf a cat
sejant to sin, forepaw raised, all within a bord Arg. (D:
Juliana Greyfern Kindlehurst of Clowderhome - Mar 88)
Vt, in chf 2 martlets volant respectant, & in base a rose all within a
bord Arg. (D: Annora Coffyn - Jul 85)
Vt, in pale 3 escallops, a bord Arg. (D: Antonius Tesel - Nov 93)
Vt, on a salt Or five quatrefoils slipped Vt & for augmentation, in
chf on an escutcheon Az 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns
outward, within a bord Arg. (Augmentation of Arms: Laertes
McBride - Jun 06)
Vt, on 3 lozenges in pall Arg 3 roses Gu, a bord Arg. (D: Ismay
Othe of Glendalough - Apr 95)
Vt, 3 cats faces Or, a bord Arg. (D: Solveig varsdttir - May 99)
Vt, 3 fleurs-de-lys in pall inv bases to center within a bord Arg. (D:
Jehannine de Flandres - Nov 03)
Vt, 3 oak trees eradicated within a bord Arg. (D: Ceara inghean
Dubhin u Mhille - May 02)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Azure

Arg, a bagpipe Sa, bagged & corded Gu, within a bord Az. (B:
Fionn Bn MacAoidh - Jan 90)
Arg, a bagwyn lodged to sin pean, attired & unguled Or, gorged of a
chaplet of gladiolus flowers Or, slipped & leaved Vt, & in base
a pair of breys, all within a bord Az. (D: Aureliane Rioghail Jun 81)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Azure (continued)

Arg, a bear passant Az, its dexter forepaw imbrued & distilling
gouttes de sang, its sin forepaw atop a sword fracted in chev
inv Sa, all within a bord Az. (B: Eldrid Wolfsguard - Nov 89)
(For Clan Blue Bear)
Arg, a bear ramp to sin Sa within a bord Az. (D: Barra Dubh
Fitzedward - Dec 90)
Arg, a bend sin bretessed Az betw 2 dogs sejant erect contourny Sa,
a bord Az. (D: Adle de Lyon - Aug 95)
Arg, a brown otter statant proper within a bord Az. (D: Ariana of
the North - Oct 91)
Arg, a brown wren close proper, a bord Az. (D: Gareth of
Lochmere - Mar 97)
Arg, a castle Sa portalled of a wooden gate proper & a bord Az. (D:
Gerhard Gelling von dem Hagen - Feb 02)
Arg, a chev cotised Az betw 2 crosses crosslet fitchy & a cross
crosslet fitchy inv Sa, all within a bord Az. (D: Berengaria de
Chinon - Feb 89)
Arg, a chev inv engrailed on the lower edge, in chf a Hungerford
knot all within a bord Az. (D: Julian Hungerford - Apr 96)
Arg, a chev rompu within a bord Az. (B: Andrew Silverhill Apr 88)
Arg, a cross Az betw in bend a Maltese cross Gu & a tower Sa
within a bord Az. (D: Njll orvaldsson - Oct 05)
Arg, a cross crosslet fitchy betw in base 2 fleurs-de-lis all within a
bord Az. (D: Gillian Kylpatrick - Nov 01)
Arg, a cross crosslet fitchy betw in base 2 wheat stalks slipped all
within a bord Az. (D: Iamys Huet - Nov 01)
Arg, a crutch Sa within a bord Az. (D: Catriona the Lame Sep 91)
Arg, a domestic cat sejant reguardant Sa within a bord Az semy of
harps Arg. (D: Nicolette Ridolfi - May 06)
Arg, a double rose Gu & Or seeded Az & barbed Vt, a bord Az. (D:
Katherine Maunsel - Aug 98)
Arg, a double-bitted axe Gu, overall a serpent with the head of a
dragon erect embowed & counter-embowed, head sufflexed &
clasping its middle, all within a bord Az. (D: Dmitri Bluestone
- Apr 86)
Arg, a dove & in chf 2 Stars of David, all within a bord Az. (D:
Elisheva bas Yehudah ha Cohen - May 93)
Arg, a dragon passant, tail coward, Purp within a bord Az. (D:
Gwenhwyfaer ferch Gwilym ap Morgan o Erryrys - Sep 89)
Arg, a dromedary couchant contourny Sa laden Gu within a bord
Az. (D: Eadweard Boise the Wright - Jun 00)
Arg, a falcon belled & jessed proper within a bord engrailed Az. (D:
Kateline Hicch - Sep 02)
Arg, a falcon rising to sin within a bord Az. (D: Nicholas le
Fauconer - Jul 02)
Arg, a fess wavy betw 2 wolves courant within a bord Az. (D:
Wolfgang the Rhinelander - Jun 87)
Arg, a fireball proper within a bord Az. (B: Sun, the - May 92)
Arg, a fleur-de-lys Sa within a bord Az. (D: Everard Martel Oct 96)
Arg, a foxs mask Sa within a bord Az. (B: Arielle Tharsis of
Foxlea - May 86) (For the House of the Silver Fox)
Arg, a fret within a bord Az. (D: Serena di Tommaso - May 03)
Arg, a goblet bendwise sin, a goutte pendant from the lip, within a
bord Az. (B: Daighre mac Coileain o Cearbhaill - Jan 85)
(For House Mendicus)
Arg, a goutte de larme within another voided, a bord Az. (B:
Society for Creative Anachronism - Mar 94) (For
Arg, a hammer Az within a cartouche, engrailed & voided, Gu, all
within a bord Az. (D: Subedai of the Oasis - Mar 90)
Arg, a knorr proper, sails furled Vt, within a bord Az. (D: Bjornulf
of Thorshafn - Jul 83)
Arg, a lion passant contourny betw 3 crescents Gu, a bord Az. (D:
Charles de Lyons - May 94)
Arg, a pall Az betw a rose proper & 2 compass stars, a bord Az. (D:
Saraid n Chonchobhair U Sheachnasaigh - May 93)
Arg, a pall Az betw 3 pine trees couped proper, all within a bord
Az. (D: Thorgrim Steinarsonn - Aug 89)
Arg, a rabbit sejant affronty Az holding in its mouth a rose slipped
& leaved proper, a bord Az. (D: Ruric the Grey - Sep 92)
Arg, a raven & in chf 2 Celtic crosses Sa all within a bord Az. (D:
Thomas of Ravenglass - Jun 91)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 327

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Azure]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Azure (continued)

Arg, a raven disp guardant Purp within a bord Az. (D: Morrin O
hIongardall - Aug 88)
Arg, a raven reguardant contourny maintaining a needle & thimble
Sa within a bord Az. (D: Eleanor of Ravendale - Jan 03)
Arg, a sea-dog ramp Vt within a bord Az. (D: Keith of the Oaks Feb 90)
Arg, a sea-eagle wings elevated & addorsed Az betw 3 flames one
& 2 proper, a bord Az. (D: Hilary Ashcroft of Kymberly Apr 96)
Arg, a sin human footprint bendwise sin within a bord Az. (B:
Evah Marguerita Palma de Yuste - Mar 86) (For the
Fellowship of the Footprint)
Arg, a swan naiant contourny, a bord Az. (D: Liora eishet
Yehoshua - Apr 01)
Arg, a threaded needle inv bendwise sin within a bord Az. (B:
Monika Elzbietka Poznanska - Jan 03)
Arg, a trident bendwise Az, overall a sea-horse erect counterermine, crined, all within a bord Az. (D: Mireille Chantelle de
Ferrier - Jul 81)
Arg, a winged lioness passant reguardant counter-ermine within a
bord Az, & overall a chf indented counter-ermine. (D:
Cassandre Nicole Loustaunau - Aug 91)
Arg, a wyvern erect contourny Az grasping by the blade a sword
inv Sa, a bord Az. (D: Patrice of the Misty Fjords - Jan 95)
Arg, an eagle counter-volant bearing upon its back a woman
counter-sejant, sin arm upraised maintaining a flaming torch,
all Sa, within a bord Az. (B: Katherine Marie Yvonne Jett Feb 81) (For House Etana)
Arg, an eagle disp Az & a ford proper all within a bord Az. (D:
Anne Elaina of Rivers Bend - Dec 95)
Arg, an open book Vt, a bord Az. (D: Iain MacBhaltair - Oct 04)
Arg crusilly Maltese Gu, a fess & a bord Az. (D: Robert
Makallastair - May 06)
Arg, ermined, a quill pen within a bord Az. (D: Serena Lascelles Nov 91)
Arg ermined Az, on a hurt a bear ramp Or maintaining a scythe
Arg, all within a bord Az. (D: Gytha Yale n Comhraidhe Apr 94)
Arg, five annulets fretted in salt within a bord Az. (D: Janos the
Ringsmith - May 89)
Arg, five golpes in cross & a bord Az. (D: Geffrei Maudeleyne Apr 96)
Arg, 4 Emperor penguins statant affronty, 1, 2 & 1, proper all
within a bord Az. (D: Josselyn ferch Rhys - Jun 85)
Arg, fretty Az, a triple-towered castle Sa within a bord Az. (B:
Joan of Caernarvon - Oct 03)
Arg goutty de larmes, a rose proper & a bord Az. (D: Bain de Saint
Florian - Sep 02)
Arg, in fess a domestic cat sejant guardant Sa & a cross crosslet
fitchy Gu, its lower arm entwined by the cats tail, all within a
bord Az. (D: Etain McConnell - Apr 90)
Arg, in fess an arrow inv Az & a tabby cat sejant Gu, tail entwined
about the arrow, all within a bord Az. (D: Cemgen mac Daill
- Feb 92)
Arg, in fess 2 strung bows palewise, strings to center, Sa within a
bord Az. (B: Julia Gilyneta Ahearn - Dec 88)
Arg, in pale a chev throughout & a mullet of seven points elongated
to chf Sa within a bord Az. (D: Sirhan al Siani - Jul 88)
Arg, in pale a compass star Az & a phoenix Gu rising from flames
proper, within a bord Az. (D: Kathren Ross of Invirnisse Oct 04)
Arg, in pale a dove disp, head elevated, betw the points of a
crescent, all within a bord Az. (D: Tess of Ambergeen Oct 86)
Arg, in pale a hurt & a crescent within a bord Az. (D: Corey
Heydon - Jul 83)
Arg, in pale a mullet of 4 points Az & a stags head affronty couped
proper, attired Sa, within a bord Az. (D: Aldith of Memmesfed
- Sep 89)
Arg, in pale 3 mink passant to sin proper within a bord Az. (D:
Essaine Youngirbourne - Nov 82)
Arg, in salt 2 jesters baubles proper capped & surmounted by a
bears head couped all within a bord Az. (D: Dmitri Ivanovich
Vladimirov Skomorochov - Jun 03)
Arg, on a bend Az cotised Vt 3 mullets palewise Arg all within a
bord Az. (D: Iamys MacMurray de Morayshire - Jun 03)
328 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Azure (continued)

Arg, on a bend betw 2 reef knots fesswise Az, 3 reef knots Arg, a
bord Az. (D: Yehudah of Nuremberg - Mar 99)
Arg, on a cross betw in chf 2 estoiles Az in base an estoile Arg, a
bord Az. (D: Paul dEstoile - Jun 95)
Arg, on a fess Az a lion passant Or all within a bord Az. (D:
Richard of Durnford - Sep 02)
Arg, on a fess engrailed on the upper edge Az 3 deaths heads Arg,
a bord Az. (D: Tristan le Sauvage - Aug 95)
Arg, on a lozenge Az a dragonfly Arg all within a bord Az. (B:
Ohashi Katsutoshi - Sep 95)
Arg, on a pale betw 2 axes addorsed Sa an owl contourny Arg all
within a bord Az. (B: Ragnarr Arnbjornsson - Feb 07)
Arg, on a pale wavy Az betw 2 roses proper a cross bottony Arg, a
bord Az. (D: Elsa von Heilbronn - Jul 00)
Arg, on a pall wavy Az, 3 anchors pallwise Arg, a bord Az. (D:
Paul the Boteman - Jun 91)
Arg, on a roundel Az a mullet of six points throughout Arg, a bord
Az. (D: Violet Coleson - Feb 05)
Arg, on a tree proper 2 swords inv in salt Arg, a bord Az. (D:
Talmon Wilbanks - May 00)
Arg, semy of decrescents Az, 3 popinjays close Vt, marked Gu,
within a bord Az. (D: Gregory Finche - Aug 88)
Arg, semy of hearts fracted to sin chf Gu, a fox ramp proper within
a bord Az. (D: Etain of the Misty Marsh - May 89)
Arg, semy of hearts Gu, a tower & a bord Az. (B: Teleri Tawel Feb 94)
Arg, semy of hearts Gu within a bord Az. (D: Yelena Duvelle Dec 91)
Arg, semy of rosebuds slipped & leaved Az, a wolf ramp to sin Sa
within a bord Az. (D: Kaenis Lowell - Jul 83)
Arg, six hurts in annulo within a bord Az. (D: Ronald of Wrm
Wald - Feb 88)
Arg, 3 piles Sa, overall a rose proper, all within a bord Az. (D:
Moira MacDonnel White - Oct 93)
Arg, 3 pine trees couped in chev & a bord Az. (D: Johann vom
Blauholz - Nov 90)
Arg, 3 spiders inv Purp & a bord Az. (D: Portia Magdalena Bosch
- Aug 03)
Arg, 2 bears combatant Sa & a wooden chest proper, a bord Az. (D:
Margaret of Starkhafn - Aug 00)
Arg, 2 bendlets Az betw a unicorns head couped at the shoulder &
a cross couped Sa, all within a bord Az. (D: Mungo of the
Rock - Jun 90)
Arg, 2 dogs combattant Sa & a parrot disp, a bord Az. (D: Savina
des Gitanes - Aug 99)
Arg, 2 dogs heads couped addorsed Sa each collared & chained
Gu, a bord Az. (B: Magnus Hrafnsson - Mar 00)
Arg, 2 ladles in salt betw 4 crabs & a bord Az. (B: Lochmere Mar 02) (For Company of Saint Martha)
Arg, 2 pallets Sa, overall a phoenix Az, issuant from flames Az &
Or, all within a bord Az, mulletty Arg. (D: Christophe le
Marchand - May 89)
Arg, 2 salmon haurient respectant Vt & a bord Az. (D: Eoghan
Domhnaill - Feb 07)
Barry Wavy Or & Az, a natural sea-turtle Vt & a bord Az. (D:
Issabell Annabella Aliot - Aug 94)
Bendy Gu & Arg, a bord Az. (D: Stephan le fiz Ricard - May 02)
Ermine, a bend sin within a bord Az, overall a scarpe nebuly & in
dexter chf a decrescent Or. (D: Gernot of Gallimaufry Oct 76?)
Ermine, a horse ramp Sa & a bord Az. (D: Gabriella von Ulm Jan 08)
Ermine, a lion dormant contourny Gu & a bord Az. (D: Rurik
Levushka Ulianov - Feb 03)
Ermine, a talbot courant Sa & a bord Az. (D: Henri Bigod May 02)
Ermine, in pale 2 brown bears heads cabossed proper, a bord Az.
(D: Tori torfengr Bjornsdottir - Dec 96)
Erminois, a Caucasian frauenadler disp proper crined & feathered
Sa all within a bord Az. (D: Zhigmun Broghammer May 03)
Erminois, a dexter hand couped apaumy fesswise reversed within a
bord Az. (D: Dominic ap Morgan de Vega - Feb 85)
Gu, in pale a demi-mullet of nine points issuant from a crescent & a
mullet of twelve points Arg within a bord Az. (B: Nepal Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Azure] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Fur]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Azure (continued)

Gyronny Arg & Vt, a knarrar & a bord Az. (D: Drfinna
Knarrarbringa Vilhjlmsdttir - Apr 00)
Gyronny of sixteen Arg & Sa, an annulet within a bord Az. (B:
Minamoto Genkuro Kagetane - May 04) (For Kevin of
Sentinels Keep)
Gyronny Purp & Arg, each Arg gyron charged with a cross couped
Vt, a bord Az. (D: Aodh Magnusson - Jul 93)
Gyronny Sa & Or, a lozenge within a bord Az. (D: Brigid of
Kincarn - Jan 02)
Or, a bird disp & facing sin Az, in chf a chaplet of ivy Vt, a bord
Az. (D: Michelle Almy - Aug 92)
Or, a bluebell sprig proper a bord Az. (D: Iodis Ebbesdottir Dec 01)
Or, a butterfly within a bord Az. (D: Katarina la Juste - Nov 99)
Or, a chev Az betw 2 magpies respectant & a lyre with broken
strings Sa, a bord Az. (B: Sentinels Keep - Jan 91) (For
Bardic Horde of Sentinels Keep)
Or, a cock passant proper within a bord Az. (D: William of Gallo Sep 73?)
Or, a crequier within a bord Az. (D: Ysabel la Normande - Jun 05)
Or, a cross betw 4 escallops Gu, a bord Az. (D: Jam Recarediz Feb 07)
Or, a dog ramp Sa maintaining a recorder proper, a bord Az. (D:
Katla der Kenntnisreich - Feb 99)
Or, a double rose Az & Arg transfixed by a sword bendwise Sa all
within a bord Az. (D: Cassandra Antonelli - Apr 95)
Or, a dragonfly Gu & in chf 3 trefoils all within a bord Az. (D:
Runa Ketilsdttir - Jan 03)
Or, a drop spindle bendwise Sa within a bord Az. (D: Kassandra
Attaway - Apr 95)
Or, a fleur-de-lys Vt, a bord Az. (D: Isa von Speyer - Jun 98)
Or, a gillyflower Gu slipped & leaved Vt, a bord Az. (D: Dorathea
Osborne - Dec 98)
Or, a greyhound statant Az collared Sa within a bord Az. (D:
Constance of Whitebirch - Jul 06)
Or, a grizzly bear salient Gu, maintaining a mullet within a bord Az.
(D: Eirik Rdbjrn - Oct 85)
Or, a heart Gu issuant from a vol Sa all within a bord Az. (D:
Katrynka Chornovoloskaya - Aug 02)
Or, a heron in its vigilance within a bord Az. (B: Heronter Mar 94)
Or, a mascle Sa within a bord Az. (D: William Castille - Jul 04)
Or, a mascle throughout Sa within a bord Az. (B: William Castille Jul 04)
Or, a pall inv betw 3 fleurs-de-lis, all within a bord Az. (D:
Dghall MacAran - Aug 90)
Or, a panther ramp guardant Sa spotted Or, incensed, a bord Az. (D:
Nigel Williamssone - Aug 97)
Or, a phoenix Az rising from flames Gu, a bord Az. (B: Fionn Bn
- Aug 98)
Or, a spear & a longbow interlaced in cross & a bord Az. (B: Dirk
van Muiden - Dec 01)
Or, a trefoil fesswise Vt within a bord Az. (B: Brian hUilliam Jan 08)
Or, a winged stag ramp within a bord Az. (D: Tristram Cynydd Apr 07)
Or, a wolfs paw print within a bord Az. (B: Boris of Bedlam Nov 89)
Or, in fess 3 fir trees couped Vt within a bord Az. (D: Kristin of
Three Trees - Feb 07)
Or, in salt a spear inv & a lightning flash couped to sin surmounted
by a battle axe, all within a bord Az. (D: Ivar Corwin Aug 82)
Or, on a bend betw 2 Stars of David Az, a sword Or, all within a
bord Az. (D: Simeon ben Jabez - Oct 89)
Or, on a bend cotised Az a ribbon Or, within a bord Az. (B: Kthe
Willig von Mainz - Jan 82) (For Karl von Gafia)
Or, on a bend Sa five lozenges Or, all within a bord Az. (D:
Ludwig von Lemminghaus - Jun 81)
Or, on a pall conjoined to a bord Az 3 swords conjoined at the
points Or. (D: Robert de Guerre - Oct 82)
Or, 3 wings conjoined in pall inv Sa within a bord Az. (B: Edonea
MacKay - Sep 05)
Or, 2 chevronels Az & in base a crown of thorns Sa, all within a
bord Az. (D: Tindle Flintchinn - Jan 73?)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Azure (continued)

Or, 2 leatherworkers head knives addorsed Gu within a bord Az.

(B: Daveed of Granada - Jun 87)
Or, upon a dexter gauntlet clenched aversant palewise Az an anchor
Or, all within a bord Az. (D: Thomas Smyth of Ayr - Jun 87)
Per bend sin Or & Arg, 3 bendlets Az, overall a wolfs head
cabossed Sa, all within a bord Az. (D: Lothar Wulfeson Jun 88)
Per fess Or & ermine, a garden rose Gu slipped Vt issuant from
base, a bord Az. (D: Ruthann of An Crosaire - Dec 91)
Per fess Sa & Arg, 2 estoiles & an eagles head erased ctrch, a bord
Az. (D: Taran de Montfort - Sep 97)
Per pale Arg & Or, a lion, tail nowed, Purp within a bord Az. (D:
Rhys Woolf - Oct 94)
Per pale ermine & counter-ermine, a unicorn courant Az, armed,
crined & unguled, betw in pale 2 estoiles Or, within a bord Az.
(D: Brianne of Greenlea - Feb 83)
Per pale Or & Arg, a chev Az betw 3 stocks couped Sa all within a
bord Az. (D: Stephan Blakstok - Jul 95)
Per pale Or & Arg, an acorn inv slipped & leaved proper, a bord
Az. (D: Anastasia of Three Oaks - Oct 00)
Quarterly Arg ermined Az & Or, in bend sin 2 compass stars all
within a bord Az. (D: Alistair Kirk - Feb 04)
Quarterly ermine & Or, a raven volant Sa betw in bend sin 2
compass stars, all within a bord Az. (B: Alistair Kirk Feb 04)
Quarterly Or & Arg, a sun within a bord Az. (D: Taliesin Dunnwulf
- May 94)
Quarterly Or & Arg, a trefoil Vt, a bord Az. (B: rlaith inghean
Nill Mhir u Cheallachin - Nov 05)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Fur

Arg, a bord pean. (D: Lowry ferch Gwenwynwyn ap Llewelyn Jul 07)
Arg, a chev pean surmounted by a dragons head erased at the
shoulders Az within a bord pean. (D: Tyrca Ivarsdottir Sep 84)
Arg, a fret within a bord pean. (D: Allesandra dAvignon - Sep 01)
Arg, a handbell Purp, a bord Purp ermined Arg. (D: Yves Fortanier
- Aug 97)
Arg, a horse ramp to sin Sa within a bord Vt ermined Arg. (D:
Alexandra Kyncaide of Black Horse Keep - Mar 95)
Arg, a moon in her plentitude Az within a bord counter-ermine. (B:
Freydis Thorunnsdatter - Jun 90)
Arg, a mullet of eight points Az within a bord pean. (D: Ilisabetta
dOstia - Mar 83)
Arg, a sheep couchant Sa within a bord Gu ermined Arg. (D:
Julianna Woolworth - Aug 07)
Arg, a sprig of belladonna Vt flowered Purp within a bord Purp
ermined Arg. (D: Bella Porcellane - Mar 04)
Arg, a wyvern erect Gu maintaining a sword Sa, a bord counterermine. (D: Angharad ferch Anarawd - Aug 97)
Arg, an alants head erased Gu within a bord counter-ermine. (D:
Aleyne Edwinson - Oct 06)
Arg, in salt 2 pussywillow branches proper within a bord counterermine. (D: Gabrielle nicChlurain - Jun 76?)
Arg, on a sin glove Sa an equal armed Celtic cross Arg, a bord
counter-ermine. (D: engus mac Conchobhair - Jun 99)
Arg, 2 flaunches Az, overall a natural lion couchant Or within a
bord erminois. (D: Jean Claude von Adlerstaat - Sep 84)
Az, a bend Or betw a unicorn ramp & in bend 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg,
all within a bord ermine. (D: Rosamund Aislinn Godwin of
Wessex - May 82)
Az, a bend Or, surmounted by in fess 3 arrows inv ctrch, all within
a bord counter-ermine. (D: Francesca di Pirgallo - Aug 81)
Az, a cat sejant Arg, within a loop of thread depending from the
eyes of 2 needles, tips crossed in chf in salt, Or, all within a
bord ermine. (D: Jyllian of Bubb - May 88)
Az, a chev erminois betw 3 owls Or, a bord erminois. (D: Antonio
Miguel Santos de Borja - Nov 98)
Az, a cross voided erminois, overall a griffin segreant Arg, all
within a bord erminois. (B: Elwynne Rowenna of Wentworth Dec 99)
Az, a double-bitted axe Arg, the haft of wood proper entwined by
an asp Or, a bord Or ermined Az. (D: Olaf of Forgotten Sea Oct 92)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 329

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Fur]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Fur (continued)

Az, a ferret sejant erect maintaining a sheaf of arrows Arg within a

bord ermine. (D: Tessa the Huntress - Feb 02)
Az, a fret Arg, a bord ermine. (D: Otto Blauschild - Aug 00)
Az, a hawks head erased in chf 3 roses Arg, within a bord ermine.
(D: Teresa of Hawkehurst - Apr 94)
Az, a Hungerford knot Or betw & conjoined to a dexter & a sin
wing inv Arg a bord ermine. (D: Angelica Blauschild Sep 01)
Az, a mullet of 4 points gyronny Arg & Or, a bord ermine. (D:
Harald Tostason - Mar 78?)
Az, a natural leopards head, couped & sin facing, Or within a bord
erminois. (D: Caitlin of Argyle - Oct 88)
Az, a pale Sa, fimbriated Or, overall a bear ramp to sin Arg within a
bord Arg, ermined Az. (D: Artuir the Rogue - May 92)
Az, a phoenix Arg, issuant from flames of fire proper, within a bord
ermine. (D: Rowan ferch Gwyneth - Nov 89)
Az, a phoenix Or issuant from flames Gu, in chf 2 increscents Arg,
a bord erminois. (D: Ginevra dellAcqua - Jul 01)
Az, a stags attire Arg, within a bord ermine. (D: Aren of
Rivenhorn - Aug 79)
Az, a talbot sejant Or within a bord erminois. (D: Cella di
Bramante - Feb 05)
Az, a winged unicorn passant Arg, a bord ermine. (D: Cecily de
Montsalvy - May 98)
Az, an elm tree eradicated Or within an annulet Arg within a bord
pean. (D: Rhodri ap Elydyr of Killanin - Jul 81)
Az an enfield ramp Or & a bord ermine. (D: William Scott of
Blackwater - Sep 04)
Az billetty, a bend Or, a bord ermine. (D: Raymond de Montfort Jul 98)
Az, in pale a falcon rising wings disp Arg perched on a harp Or, a
bord ermine. (D: Martin le Harpur of Faulkbourne - Feb 01)
Az, in pale a pair of crampons in salt & a falcon rising, wings disp
& inv Or, a bord erminois. (D: Eirik Ising Steingrim Sep 94) (re-registered 9506A)
Az, on a bend enarched Or a comet inv Sa, a bord erminois. (D:
Ceridwen de Gyrlyngton - Dec 98)
Az, on a pile Arg 3 cinquefoils Az, a bord ermine. (D: Alessandra
Gianetta da Siena - Feb 08)
Az, on a round clockface Arg numbered Sa a lizard tergiant
bendwise Vt, all within a bord Arg ermined Az. (D: Lillian
Taylor - Oct 07)
Bendy Purp & Arg, a bord ermine. (D: Nicolas de Villiers Aug 04)
Bendy sin Arg & Az, a lion counter-ermine, a bord ermine. (D:
Thomas Ian Kelson of Greyholt - Jun 91)
Chequy Az & Arg, a chess rook Or within a bord erminois. (D:
Roberto de Jerez - Nov 89)
Counterermine, a natural tigers head cabossed Or marked Sa, a
bord ermine. (D: Christopher of York - Jun 01)
Counter-ermine, a winged stag ramp, wings elevated & addorsed,
Arg within a bord ermine. (D: Mor Lochlann Harte - Nov 90)
Counter-ermine, an estoile Arg within a bord ermine. (D: Orendil
Aelfwine - Dec 92)
Ermine, a lion ramp guardant maintaining a sword Sa within a bord
counter-ermine. (D: Thorin Njalsson - May 84)
Ermine, a winged boar passant, wings addorsed Sa, a bord counterermine. (D: Deryk Balthasar Symonds - Jul 92)
Ermine, an eagle disp Gu, charged on the breast with a cross
crosslet fitchy Arg, within a bord counter-ermine. (D:
Raibeart Warenne - Apr 89)
Gu, a decrescent Or within a bord ermine. (B: Oskar of the Wood Jun 08)
Gu, a raven close contourny Arg & a bord ermine. (D: Dorothea
Weberin - Jan 97)
Gu, a stag springing & in chf 3 holly leaves bendwise Arg within a
bord ermine. (D: Tristan Gueguen de Rohan - Mar 07)
Gu, a stag springing Arg & in sin chf a decrescent Or within a bord
ermine. (D: Oskar of the Wood - Nov 90)
Gu, in pale 3 keys fesswise Arg, a bord ermine. (D: Susanna of the
Keys - Jan 86)
Gu masoned Or, a crescent bendwise sin Arg within a bord ermine.
(D: Abiel ben Hiel - May 96)
Gu, on a bend ermine cotised Or, an arrow & bow Sa, all within a
bord pean. (D: Rosalind Francesca of Wyvernwood - Dec 85)

330 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Fur (continued)

Gu, 3 bendlets enhanced & a hawks lure Arg within a bord ermine.
(D: Ivone la Doucette de Rouen - Jan 91)
Gu, 3 horses salient, a gore sin Arg, a bord erminois. (D: Khasar of
the Keshik - Feb 94)
Gu, 2 swans statant respectant Arg, on a chf triangular Or a fleurde-lis Gu, a bord ermine. (D: Lynnette Huntingdon - May 96)
(re-registered 9609A)
Gyronny Gu & Or, a bear ramp Arg within a laurel wreath Vt, a
bord ermine. (D: Cte du Ciel - May 93)
Lozengy Gu & Or, a gardenia Arg, leaved Vt, within a bord ermine.
(D: Diana of Dymock - Jan 90)
Or, a castle Sa & in chf 3 pearled coronets Purp all within a bord
pean. (D: Aster Peyton - Feb 02)
Or, a chev Gu, surmounted by a griffin segreant Sa, all within a
bord pean. (D: William Haldane - Aug 81)
Or, a holly sprig of 3 leaves in pall Vt & 3 berries conjoined at the
center, one & 2, Gu, within a bord pean. (D: Hollen of
Kestrelmere - Dec 83)
Or, a pegasus ramp Sa within a bord pean. (D: Tamsin Kitto Nov 04)
Or, a rabbit sejant to sin Az within a bord pean. (D: Annya af den
Bl Kaninen - Jun 81)
Or, a turtle Vt within a bord Purp ermined Or. (D: Katerina
Volkovna - Jun 94)
Or, a winged pig statant Gu ermined Or within a bord Az ermined
Or. (B: Rose Campbell - Sep 07)
Or, 3 chevronels braced Sa within a bord pean. (D: Gwynnyd of
York - May 83)
Or, 3 swords, those in chf inv Gu, in chf a laurel wreath Vt, all
within a bord Gu ermined Or. (D: Flaming Sword, the Aug 90)
Or, 2 horses salient addorsed & in base a mullet of eight points Sa,
all within a bord pean. (D: Maria de Andaluzia - May 08)
Pean, a battleaxe, issuant from base & blade to sin, Arg within a
bord erminois. (D: Drogo Baillehache - Aug 87)
Pean, a plate charged with a wolf sejant ululant Sa, a bord ermine.
(D: Astrith Ulfsdottir - Mar 87)
Pean, on a passion nail inv Or, a card pique Gu, all within a bord
erminois. (D: Pierre Franois le Chansonnier - Aug 89)
Per bend Or & Arg, an oak tree couped proper within a bord
counter-ermine. (D: Gytha of the Quiet Wood - Sep 93)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, a bend sin erminois betw a chess rook Az
& a conch shell fesswise Arg, all within a bord erminois. (D:
Muirgheal Cinnsealach - Nov 87)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a sword bendwise sin inv proper betw a lion
passant guardant to sin Or & a wolf passant reguardant Arg, all
within a bord ermine. (D: Harald Brandarm Olafssen Feb 88)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, in bend a raven close to sin Sa & 2 comets
bendwise sin in pale Or, all within a bord ermine. (D: Marius
Lugotorix Delenitor - Dec 88)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, an eagle rising, wings elevated & inv Or, a
bord erminois. (D: Wilhelm von Adlersheim - Apr 98)
Per bend sin Sa & Purp, an owl Arg within a bord ermine. (D:
Margarethe Bogenschtzin - Jan 04)
Per bend Vt & Gu, a griffin segreant Arg a bord ermine. (D: Ulrich
von Rothenburg - Mar 94)
Per chev abased Purp & Arg, a unicorn salient & in base a lion
ramp, ctrch, a bord counter-ermine. (D: Antonius Justinianus
of Chalcedon - Oct 76?)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 2 thistles, slipped & leaved, proper & a horned
great helm affronty Or, within a bord counter-ermine. (D:
Gareth Malcolm - Nov 89)
Per chev Az & Gu, a demi-sun issuant from the line of division Or
& a bord ermine. (B: Caroline Marie de Fontenailles Jul 05) (JB: Elsbeth von Sonnenthal)(For Domus Montis et
Per chev Gu & Sa, a chev ermine betw 2 towers & a wolfs head
erased Arg, a bord ermine. (D: Martino Michele Venri Mar 98)
Per chev rayonny Az & Arg, 3 suns ctrch, a bord erminois. (D:
Gwalchmai Blackhawk - May 96)
Per chev Sa & Gu, in chf a sun Or, a bord erminois. (D: Stephen
Blackwolf - Oct 99)
Per fess indented Vt & Sa, in chf a laurel wreath Or, a bord
erminois. (D: Granite Mountain - Jan 99)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Fur]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Fur (continued)

Per fess Or & Vt, 2 griffins segreant & an annulet ctrch, all within a
bord counter-ermine. (D: Cipriano de Alvarez - Mar 81)
Per pale Arg & Or, a lion ramp Sa within a bord pean. (D: Isake de
Elford - Aug 02)
Per pale Az & Gu, a cross formy Arg within a bord ermine. (D:
Edward Gostomski - Dec 00)
Per pale embat Sa & Gu, a crooked staff bendwise sin betw 2
wolves heads addorsed erased Arg, all within a bord ermine.
(D: Nikolai Dmitri Zhdanovich Dolgorukov - Jun 87)
Per pale Gu & Az, a griffin segreant Or betw in chf 2 swords Arg, a
bord erminois. (D: Caedmon of Jorvik - Feb 00)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a winged cat sejant reguardant Arg, a bord
ermine. (B: Arontius of Bygelswade - May 99) (For Justin
Per pale Or & Vt, an eagle ctrch within a bord ermine. (D: Amie
Sparrow - Feb 05)
Per pale Or & Vt, an eagle ctrch within a bord ermine. (B: Amie
Sparrow - Oct 05)
Per pale Purp & Vt, 2 stags ramp addorsed Or within a bord
erminois. (D: Niccolosa Dragonetti - Jul 04)
Per pale urdy Gu & Arg, a bord counterermine. (D: Biringeira de
Vasconellos - Feb 03)
Per pall Arg, Gu, & Sa, a pall within a bord erminois. (B: Morgan
Frederic Ward - Aug 91)
Per salt Arg & Gu, in pale a dragon couchant contourny Sa & a
beacon Sa flammant proper, a bord counterermine. (B: Sythe
Blackwolfe - Feb 07)
Per salt Az & Gu, 2 spears in salt throughout Or, overall a pegasus
salient to sin, wings elevated & disp, Arg, all within a bord
ermine. (D: William of Northumbria - Mar 85)
Per salt Az & Sa, a domestic cat sejant contourny Arg within a bord
ermine. (D: Clarice de Grisdale - Oct 99)
Per salt Gu & Or, a domestic cat sejant reguardant, sin forepaw
maintaining an artists brush & a quill pen in salt Sa, within a
bord pean. (D: Kathleen Allen - Oct 07)
Per salt Or & Vt semy of patriarchal crosses Or, 2 kraken Vt & for
augmentation, on an escutcheon overall Purp a cross of
Calatrava Or within a bord ermine. (Augmentation of Arms:
Mikhail Nikolaevich Kramolnikov - Apr 07)
Per salt Sa & Az, a phoenix Or & a bord erminois. (D: Timothy
Blackwell - Mar 08)
Per salt Sa & Gu, a talbot ramp within a bord ermine. (D: Catalin
of Draksfjord - Feb 08)
Pily bendy Or & Az, a pegasus salient contourny Arg within a bord
ermine. (D: Candace Margreta Zanten - Jun 03)
Purp, a bend sin ermine, overall a wolf ramp Or, collared & chained
Gu, maintaining an axe Or, a bord ermine. (D: Aethelwolf of
the Shining Axe - May 92)
Purp, a bird-winged pithon erect, tail nowed Or, a bord erminois.
(D: Heidi of Cte du Ciel - Mar 98)
Purp, a bord ermine. (D: Aryanhwy merch Catmael - Jan 99)
Purp, a catamounts head cabossed Or betw flaunches Arg, a bord
erminois. (D: Zinoviia Mikulina doch Korabelnikova zhena Apr 97)
Purp, a domestic cat ramp to sin Arg within a bord ermine. (D:
Tyra of Rivenwood Tower - Aug 90)
Purp, a feather bendwise Or within a bord erminois. (D: Mercedes
de Calafia - Sep 04)
Purp, a fess embat Or within a bord ermine. (D: Cija of the Roses Sep 71?)
Purp, a fess ermine betw 2 hunting horns reversed & a coney
courant Arg, a bord ermine. (D: Elizabeth OHart - Sep 93)
Purp, a fox sejant contourny Arg within a bord ermine. (B: Temair
ingen Muiredaich - Jun 08)
Purp a griffons head erased Or, a bord ermine. (B: Wulfric
Grimbeald - Dec 92)
Purp, a poodle passant within a bord ermine. (D: Anastasia
Daysshe - Aug 04)
Purp, a sun Arg eclipsed Purp within a bord Arg ermined Purp. (D:
Magdalena Francisca de Goya - Jun 95) (re-registered
Purp, a wyvern erect to sin, maintaining in dexter claw an open
book & in sin upraised claw a cross bottony Arg within a bord
ermine. (D: Janos Casmir of Krakow - Jan 84)
Purp, an eagle Or within a bord erminois. (D: Parmen Volchkov Apr 04)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Fur (continued)

Purp, an owl Or within a bord ermine. (D: Ninian of Warwick Sep 05)
Purp, ermined Or, a demi-dragon erect to sin Or, winged & bellied
Arg, a bord Or, ermined Purp. (D: Gisle de la Rose Blanche Feb 91)
Purp, in fess a seax inv edge to dexter & a peacock feather
embowed to sin Arg all within a bord Arg ermined Purp. (D:
Marlena of the Sands - Mar 85)
Purp, on a flame Or a pavilion Gu, a bord ermine. (D: Jacqueline
Kathryn Lyonnais - May 04)
Purp, 3 acorns Or within a bord Or ermined Purp. (D: Berwyn
Aethelbryght of Ackley - Jul 93)
Purp, 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg & a bord ermine. (D: Finuola McGill Nov 04)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a sun in splendor Or, a bord erminois. (D:
Gillian FitzGilbert - Nov 91)
Quarterly Or & Arg, an estoile of 4 rays nowy Sa charged with a
plate, a bord Purp ermined Arg. (D: Aetheria the
Unremembered - Jun 91)
Quarterly Or & Gu, on a bend Sa betw 2 lions ramp 3 fleurs-de-lis
palewise Or, a bord ermine. (D: Jrgen von Lwenburg Sep 96)
Quarterly Sa & Az, a stag ramp Arg & a bord ermine. (D: Yngvarr
ttuson - Jul 06)
Quarterly Vt & Purp, a natural tiger passant Or marked Sa, a bord
erminois. (D: Richard de Grisdale - Oct 99)
Sa, a cat passant Arg collared Purp chained Arg a bord ermine. (D:
Falenn Dubshlech - Apr 97)
Sa, a chev embat erminois & in base a hammer Arg a bord
erminois. (D: Alexander the Black - Dec 01)
Sa, a chev inv enhanced & in base a cross couped rayonnant Arg,
all within a bord ermine. (D: David Trueheart - Jul 86)
Sa, a lions head caboshed Arg within a bord ermine. (B: Elektra
Leonidas - Feb 86)
Sa, a natural panther ramp Or betw in fess 2 mullets of eight points
Arg, within a bord ermine. (B: Rowen OCeallachain of
Muscraidhe - Mar 83) (For House Panthera)
Sa, a reremouse within a bord ermine. (D: Irene the Questing Mar 93)
Sa, a seahorse within a bord erminois. (D: Morwenn Ddu Wystl Nov 95)
Sa, a sword inv Or, blade surmounted by a sun Arg eclipsed Sa, a
bord ermine. (D: Nial Cinnsealach - Jan 93)
Sa, an eagle volant contourny Or & a bord erminois. (D: Skapti
orinsson - Jan 05)
Sa, an owl contourny Arg & a bord ermine. (D: Marianna di
Bartolomeo da Rosa - Oct 07)
Sa crusilly Arg, a horned demons head, in chf 3 fleurs-de-lys Or, a
bord ermine. (D: Jan Antheunis van Ghent - Jan 99)
Sa crusilly Arg, a horned demons head Or, a bord ermine. (D:
Martin le Mechant - Jan 99)
Sa, in bend 3 plates, each charged with a compass star Gu, all
within a bord Or, ermined Gu. (D: Stephan Schwartzwald Mar 90)
Sa, in pale a dexter hand missing the little finger & a bowen knot
Arg, a bord ermine. (D: Rnn Mr mac Carthaig - May 05)
Vairy en point Gu & Or, a sea-wolf Sa & a bord counter-ermine.
(D: Hrothgar t Gytingbroce - Oct 02)
Vt, a chev betw 2 flutes chevronwise & a dragon segreant Arg, all
within a bord ermine. (D: Branwen Gwenyth Anrias Mar 92)
Vt, a cross fleury Or within a bord ermine. (B: Faoln na Cairrce
mac Odhrin - Aug 04)
Vt, a dance ermine betw a crescent pendant & a winged bear
passant Or, & a bord ermine. (D: Fiona nic Ferrall OCahan Jun 93)
Vt, a demi-hart Or issuant from a base barry wavy Or & Vt, within
a bord ermine. (D: Hartmann von Murrhardt - Dec 90)
Vt, a fireball Or, a bord ermine. (B: Christian Baier - Aug 92)
(For Hous Amberherthe)
Vt, a peacock in his pride Or & a bord ermine. (D: Teresa dArezzo
- Mar 02)
Vt, a peacock Or within a bord pean. (D: Ariella Idarius - Apr 07)
Vt, a salt ermine surmounted by a hawk Arg, a bord ermine. (D:
Madeline of Hawkscrest - Mar 93)
Vt, a seeblatt Or a bord ermine. (D: Ebergardis von Zell - Jan 98)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 331

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Fur] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Fur (continued)

Vt, a wolf statant guardant coward Or, in chf 3 mullets of 4 points

Arg all within a bord erminois. (D: Gullrond Berhtolf Jul 91)
Vt, a wolfs head couped Arg & in chf 2 escallops Or, a bord
erminois. (D: Robyn OReilly de Aragon - Jun 92)
Vt, an eagle disp maintaining a longbow & a sheaf of arrows inv
Arg within a bord erminois. (B: Cadolen ferch Angharad the
Farwanderer - Oct 02)
Vt, ermined Arg, a portcullis Arg within a bord ctrch. (D: Arrigan
of Kerry - Aug 79?)
Vt, on a chev betw 3 roses Or 3 roses Gu all within a bord erminois.
(D: Damaris of Norland - Jun 03)
Vt, 3 bars gemelles Arg within a bord ermine. (D: Dublin OGuinn
Silverwolf - Jan 87)
Vt, 3 rowan flowers proper, a bord ermine. (D: Ewan Adyssyn op
Cenbri o Glyn Criafol - Aug 79)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules

Arg, a bend Or fimbriated & a bord Gu. (D: Wilhelm von Homburg
- Aug 95)
Arg, a bend sin indented, a bord Gu. (D: Sarsif the Red - Dec 98)
Arg, a bend sin Sa betw a cross crosslet fitchy & a mullet, all within
a bord Gu. (D: Nathan von Daritz - Aug 88)
Arg, a boar statant within a bord Gu. (D: Fearghus mac Eoin Feb 03)
Arg, a cat sejant to sin Sa betw 3 goblets Az, all within a bord Gu.
(D: Rowena MacLeod - Jun 84)
Arg, a catamount ramp Sa winged Gu, wings enflamed proper, a
bord Gu. (D: Anna Genevieve of Ancyra - Dec 99)
Arg, a chev Gu betw 2 cauldrons Vt & an oak slip palewise leaved
& fructed proper within a bord Gu. (D: Helewyse de Birkestad
- Aug 06)
Arg, a chev Gu betw 2 wingless wyverns sejant addorsed Sa & a
hurst of 2 pine trees Vt, all within a bord Gu. (D: Dirk of
Frisia - Jun 92)
Arg, a chev Or fimbriated betw 4 crosses bottony 3 & one Sa, a
bord Gu. (D: Magdalena Eskilsdotter - Feb 98)
Arg, a chev Purp betw 2 bears paw prints & a bear ramp Sa within
a bord Gu. (D: ririkr hslangr - Mar 06)
Arg, a chi-rho & a bord Gu. (D: Artus Quintus - Dec 03)
Arg, a cow ramp Purp within a bord Gu. (D: Angus Murdoch
Stewart - Apr 94)
Arg, a cow ramp to sin, winged with 2 sets of wings, elevated &
addorsed, Purp within a bord Gu. (D: Cyneburh of
Cantwaraburg - Aug 89)
Arg, a crested eagle disp, head to sin, in chf a mullet of 4 points Az
within a bord Gu. (D: Elliott Arlluin of Ragotheia - Jan 82)
Arg, a cross conjoined to a bend sin within a bord Gu. (B: Edric the
Unsteady - Jan 83)
Arg, a cross formy fitched Vt within a bord Gu. (B: Eoin OKeevan
de Curci Blake - Jul 86)
Arg, a cross quarter-pierced Az ermined Arg, in bend 3 thistles Sa,
a bord Gu. (D: Duvessa MacSweeney of Cork - Dec 93)
Arg, a delf Gu charged with a Star of David Arg, within a bord Gu.
(B: Tatiana Nikolaevna Tumanova - Aug 84)
Arg, a demi-dragon disp Gu, charged on the breast with a tower
Arg, all within a bord Gu. (D: Gaston le Goth - Apr 89)
Arg, a dolphin naiant Sa, a bord Gu. (D: Anna Dauzzano da
Siracusa - Feb 05)
Arg, a drakkar Sa, overall a double-bitted axe & a bord Gu. (D:
Reinar Jorgensen - Dec 96)
Arg, a falcon striking Sa within a bord Gu. (B: Stephen Grimfalcon
de Norfolk - Dec 87) (For Household Grimfalcon)
Arg, a fess Gu betw 2 griffins segreant addorsed Vt & a tower Sa, a
bord Gu. (D: Eric of Kelton - Dec 94)
Arg, a fox sejant regardant within a bord Gu. (B: Cephius de
Valletta - Feb 86) (For Domus Peritiae)
Arg, a fox statant betw 3 hearts, a bord Gu. (D: Isolda Vogelsang May 01)
Arg, a gauntlet fesswise reversed aversant Sa grasping 3
gillyflowers Gu, slipped & leaved Vt within a bord Gu. (D:
Elzasif ODonnell - Jan 96)
Arg, a griffin Gu & a domestic cat Az ramp addorsed, tails
entwined, within a bord Gu. (D: Arianna Benyt - Apr 88)

332 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules (continued)

Arg, a hanging balance Gu betw 3 compass stars Sa within a bord

Gu. (D: Christian the Barrester - Dec 05)
Arg, a hedgehog sejant proper, a bord Gu. (D: Ysabelle de Laval Oct 98)
Arg, a hide Vt within a bord Gu. (D: John of Rivenstar - Dec 90)
Arg, a Lacy knot & a bord Gu. (B: Rory McGowan - Feb 02)
Arg, a Latin cross throughout Sa, overall a griffin segreant within a
bord Gu. (D: Rothbeorht of Oak Knoll - Feb 87)
Arg, a laurel wreath flammant proper within a bord Gu. (D:
Atenveldt, Barony of - Jan 81)
Arg, a lion-dragon &, a bord Gu. (D: Settimio dOlivio - May 99)
Arg, a lizard salient contourny within a bord Gu. (D: Swithin von
dem Rhein - Dec 91)
Arg, a lozenge Gu betw 4 roundels 2 & 2 Vt all within a bord Gu.
(D: Meriel of Tay - Mar 03)
Arg, a mug Sa charged with a sword Or, within an annulet within a
bord Gu. (D: Howard of Redstone - Mar 83)
Arg, a pale pean, overall a winged fox sejant, wings elevated &
addorsed, Gu, all within a bord Gu. (D: Ashlin of Foxbridge Sep 88)
Arg, a pall betw 3 bulls heads caboshed, horns outwards, all within
a bord Gu. (D: Anthony Ishmael Achmid ibn Abdollah May 82)
Arg, a pall inv Az betw 2 pine trees couped Gu & a brown bear
statant proper, a bord Gu. (D: Benjamin Bernardson Nov 93)
Arg, a raven disp maintaining a spear fesswise Sa within a bord Gu
& overall on a chf Sa 3 ermine spots Arg. (D: Ravenswar
Brack - Oct 07)
Arg, a raven-headed wyvern disp counter-ermine bearing a
warhammer & a cartouche Sa, a bord Gu. (B: Gregory of York
- Jun 91)
Arg, a rebec & bow in salt within a bord Gu. (D: Sayna de Lincolne
- Mar 06)
Arg, a rose Az bendwise, slipped & leaved Vt, within a bord Gu.
(D: Nikki Bergstadt - Feb 87)
Arg, a rose betw 3 fleur-de-lis Sa within a bord Gu. (D: Nicole
Morgana Chanter - Apr 89)
Arg, a salt Gu betw 4 roses Sa, barbed Vt, seeded, & a bord Gu. (D:
Rosette de Rheims - Jan 07)
Arg, a scorpion passant Sa within a bord Gu. (B: Edward Cire of
Greymoor - Feb 86) (For House Greymoor)
Arg, a sheaf of arrows Gu betw in fess 2 trefoils Vt, all within a
bord Gu. (D: Deirdre Littlejohn - Apr 93)
Arg, a sheep ramp to sin Sa within a bord Gu. (D: Bartel Fitzneel Aug 86)
Arg, a skunk statant Sa marked Arg within a bord Gu. (D:
Gredechin Kyferin von Sachsen - Dec 05)
Arg, a squirrel sejant erect contourny maintaining an acorn Az, a
bord Gu. (D: Michael the Big - Oct 00)
Arg, a staff raguly, fitched at the foot, within a bord Gu. (B: Dmitri
Bluestone - Mar 88) (For Household Arrows Rest)
Arg, a sunburst Gu issuant from clouds Sa, a bord Gu. (B: Tigranes
of Bezabde - Oct 98)
Arg, a sword Sa, pommelled Gu, betw in chf 2 pheons Az, all
within a bord Gu. (D: Harold of York - Jul 85)
Arg, a talbot dormant within a bord Gu. (B: Lambert de Sur Sep 85)
Arg, a Tau cross swallowtailed betw in base 2 mullets, a bord Gu.
(D: Tiberius Erikson - Nov 90)
Arg, a thistle Sa within a bord Gu. (B: Conor the Black - Feb 01)
Arg, a trefoil & a bord Gu. (D: Clancy Fairchild of Ulster Dec 07)
Arg, a tricorporate seawolf Gu, tailed Purp, a bord Gu. (D: Aelfwyn
Huntingdon - Mar 95)
Arg, a 2-headed snake palewise addorsed, each neck nowed, Sa,
within a bord Gu. (D: Godelind of Windemere - May 83)
Arg, a unicorn ramp Sa betw 3 roses, a bord Gu. (D: Elizabeta di
Valore della Rosa - Mar 05)
Arg, a weeping willow tree couped Sa charged on the trunk with an
anchor Arg, all within a bord Gu. (D: Erik Olafssen - Aug 07)
Arg, a wingless dragon ramp Sa bellied & a bord Gu. (D: Simond
del Brokes - Dec 07)
Arg, a wolf ramp betw 3 escallops & a bord Gu. (D: Arias Yanes May 07)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules (continued)

Arg, a wolfs head erased Sa conjoined in bend sin with a demi-sun,

all within a bord Gu. (D: Richard Omrisson of the Wolvenkin Dec 80)
Arg, an estoile of eight rays Sa within a bord Gu. (D: Secalemox
pen Tyrhon - Jan 73?)
Arg, an oak sprig singly leaved Vt fructed proper within a bord Gu.
(D: Tanya of the Oak - Aug 00)
Arg ermined Az, a wolfs head erased & a bord Gu. (D: Raymond
Landais of Politarchopolis - Aug 93)
Arg ermined Purp, a pair of barnacles inv & a bord Gu. (D:
Vanessa of Tempio - Jul 96)
Arg, 4 crosses formy 2 & 2 & a bord Gu. (B: Tomas mac Aedain Mar 07)
Arg, fretty Gu, a sun Or within a bord Gu. (B: Tirnewydd Dec 85)
Arg goutty Gu, 4 needles fretted in salt Purp within a bord Gu. (D:
Giacinta da Venezia - Nov 04)
Arg, in bend a tree eradicated Gu & a thistle proper within a bord
Gu. (D: Calum Domhnullach a Dalriada - Jan 92)
Arg, in bend an acorn proper capped betw 2 oak leaves bendwise
sin Vt, a bord Gu. (D: Aislinn inghean Mhaoilbhrighde Aug 00)
Arg, in bend sin 2 boars heads couped close, a bord Gu. (D:
Thorvaldr Hrlfsson - Oct 97)
Arg, in bend 2 roses Gu slipped & leaved bendwise sin Vt within a
bord Gu. (D: Ris inghean u Scannail - Nov 07)
Arg, in fess a female pilgrim passant to sin Az & a sin gore Sa, in
sin chf a compass star Az, all within a bord Gu. (B:
Christopher of Deauville - Oct 81) (For the House of the
Pilgrim and the Star)
Arg, in pale 3 greyhounds courant within a bord Gu. (D: Rurik the
Red - Nov 02)
Arg, masoned Gu, a laurel wreath Vt within a bord Gu. (D:
Perilous Journey - Mar 84)
Arg, on a bend sin Gu 3 mullets of six points palewise Or within a
bord Gu. (D: Raffaella Mascolo - Oct 06)
Arg, on a cartouche Az a horseshoe inv Arg, all within a bord Gu.
(D: Ragna Kolgrimsdottir - May 96)
Arg, on a cross Az a vultures head couped Or, a bord Gu. (D:
Svipdagr of Lindisfarne - Dec 93)
Arg, on a headsmans axe reversed issuant from base Sa a daffodil
Or all within a bord Gu. (B: Iain MacDhugal Cameron of Ben
Liath - Aug 95) (For Clan Cameron of Ben Liath)
Arg, on a mug Sa a sword Or within a bord Gu. (B: Howard of
Redstone - Mar 83)
Arg, on a pale betw 2 arrows Gu, an arrow inv Arg, a bord Gu. (D:
Henry of Stone Hill Keep - Sep 93)
Arg, on a pale Sa a rose Arg, a bord Gu. (D: Anne Meckil von Salm
- May 04)
Arg semy of ladybugs Gu spotted Sa, a bord Gu. (D: Phaedra filia
Roberti - Jul 03)
Arg semy-de-lys, a bord Gu. (B: Morgan ni Lochlainn - Feb 97)
Arg, 3 garbs Purp within a bord Gu. (D: Robynne the Grey Sep 91)
Arg, 3 pestles in mortars & a bord Gu. (D: Janet Redcloak of
Herbkeep - Dec 84)
Arg, 2 chevronels betw a dexter & a sin wing Sa & a roundel, all
within a bord Gu. (D: Stefan the Black - Jul 86)
Arg, 2 dolphins haurient respectant within a bord Gu. (B: Alan le
Breton - May 91)
Az semy-de-lis Or, a bord Gu. (D: Burgundy, Modern - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Barry & per pale Sa & Or, a wing terminating in a hand maintaining
a sword all within a bord Gu. (D: Herman Mandel - Feb 03)
Barry Arg & Gu, a lion Sa within a bord Gu. (D: Barrett of
Muchelney - Aug 03)
Barry Arg & Sa, a boars head erased impaled on a stick issuant
from base all within a bord Gu. (D: Snorri Haraldsson Oct 02)
Barry Arg & Sa, a Latin cross Or, surmounted at each tip by a
mullet of six points Gu, within a bord Gu. (D: Thomas the
Mute - Jan 80)
Barry of 4 Vt & Arg, a dunghill cock & a bord Gu. (D: Michael
Batcok - Oct 93)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a heart & a bord Gu. (B: Robert MacAlister
of Leslie - Mar 08)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules (continued)

Barry wavy Arg & Az, 2 sea unicorns combattant within a bord Gu.
(D: Etta von Felsenstrand - Jul 03)
Barry wavy of ten Arg & Az, an African lion passant erect playing a
Scottish bagpipe proper within a bord Gu. (D: William
Blackfox - May 81)
Bendy Or & Az, a bord Gu. (D: Burgundy, Ancient - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Bendy sin Arg & Sa, a pitcher within a bord Gu. (D: Morgina atte
Wodelonde - May 05)
Bendy sin nebuly Az & Arg, a torteau within a bord Gu. (D:
Darius of the Broken Blades - Oct 89)
Chequy Arg & Purp, on a pomme a pithon erect Arg, all within a
bord Gu. (D: Onuphrius Dru Overende - Aug 89)
Checky Arg & Sa, a bird rising, wings disp, & a bord Gu. (B:
Amata Quentin Motzhart - May 08)
Checky Az & Arg, 2 harps reversed in bend sin & a bord Gu. (B:
Collawyn Lughaidh O Cearbhaill - Oct 90)
Checky Or & Vt, a talbot ramp tail nowed & a bord Gu. (D:
Donnchad mac Canacin - Apr 99)
Checky Sa & Arg, a duck & a bord Gu. (D: Rainald Slater Mar 04)
Checky Sa & Arg, a horses head couped within a bord Gu. (D:
Guy of Castle Kirk - Feb 84)
Checky Sa & Or, a fox sejant to sin within a bord Gu. (D: Rowan
Keele - Jun 04)
Chevronelly inv Az & Or, a harp within a bord Gu. (D: Edouard
dAubigny - May 91)
Chevronelly Vt & Arg, a bord Gu. (D: Giano Balestriere Apr 07)
Ermine, a bee tergiant within a bord Gu. (B: Iathus of Scara Aug 83)
Ermine, a Bohemian love knot Az within a bord Gu. (D: Johannes
von Narrenstein - Apr 94)
Ermine, a fret couped of six 2-pronged forks Or within a bord Gu.
(D: Conrad von Graz - Oct 82)
Ermine, a tower Vt & a bord Gu. (B: Antonio Franco di Milano Jun 93) (For Villa Verde)
Ermine, on a bend Gu betw 2 horses ramp Sa, a hawks head
couped Arg, a bord Gu. (D: Aislinn ferch Llywelyn - Sep 92)
Ermine, on a bend Sa 3 lions passant fesswise Or, a bord Gu. (D:
Gavin Hewlett - May 94)
Ermine, 2 swans respectant, regardant, necks entwined Sa, within a
bord Gu. (D: Siobhan McClure - May 92)
Erminois, a wyvern erect contourny holding a dagger & a goblet, a
bord Gu. (D: Niall Mac aGhobhainn - Aug 94)
Erminois, on a fess Sa 3 edelweiss Arg within a bord Gu. (D: Karl
der Gnger - Feb 94)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, a cross moline & a bord Gu. (D: Marke von
Mainz - Jul 91)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a domestic cat statant Or within a bord Gu. (D:
Skorri Einarsson - Jan 05)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a hawk disp head facing sin wings inv within a
bord Gu. (D: Ian of the Red Hawk - Feb 92)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a hawk statant close Sa, hooded & jessed,
within a bord Gu. (D: Aleksandra de Acciptre - Jul 84)
Gyronny of six Arg & Az, a pall surmounted by a pall inv ctrch,
charged with a mullet of six points fesswise gyronny of six Az
& Arg, within a bord Gu. (D: Rafe Edelstein - Jan 82)
Gyronny Or & Sa, a triskelion gammadion in annulo within a bord
Gu. (D: Michael the Eccentric - Mar 87)
Gyronny Purp & Or, a castle within a bord Gu. (D: Baldwin
Einarsson - May 85)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, a compass star within a bord Gu. (D: Mitchell
MacBain - Apr 88)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, a griffin segreant, a bord Gu. (D: Loys
dAramits de Loire - Jan 98)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, a wyvern passant Gu winged Or maintaining a
sheaf of arrows inv & a bow Or, a bord Gu. (D: Ian Lindsay
Macrae - Apr 05)
Gyronny Sa & Or, a phoenix Az rising from flames within a bord
Gu. (D: Teyrnon ap Trahaern - Aug 93)
Gyronny Sa & Or, a stag trippant guardant contourny Gu gorged of
a coronet Arg within a bord Gu. (D: Hrokr of Ealdormere Aug 95)
Lozengy Or & pean, on a chev Az fimbriated a chess rook Arg, a
bord Gu. (D: Stefan le Courteys - Sep 95)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 333

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules (continued)

Lozengy Sa & Arg, a jesters cap & a bord Gu. (D: Amata Quentin
Motzhart - Apr 92)
Lozengy Vt & Arg, a brown bear ramp, maintaining in its dexter
paw a sword proper, all within a bord Gu. (D: Bruttus
Bernhardt - Jan 85)
Lozengy Vt & Arg, 3 roses Sa barbed & seeded Or within a bord
Gu. (D: Catrin ferch Madog - Mar 01)
Or, a brunette mermaid contourny playing a harp proper, a bord Gu.
(D: Pamela Hewitt the Harper - Mar 95)
Or, a bull statant guardant Sa, in chf 3 oak trees couped proper all
within a bord Gu. (D: Angus McClure - May 92)
Or, a cat statant herissonee Sa, langued Gu, orbed Or, within a bord
Gu. (D: Alexandra of Armageddon - Aug 79?)
Or, a chev Gu betw 2 galleys, sails furled, Sa, pennoned Gu, & an
eagle disp Sa, all within a bord Gu. (D: Laughlan MacAlister May 87)
Or, a chev Gu, in chf 2 fleurs-de-lys Az, a bord Gu. (D: Jehanne la
Sarrasine de Montevilliers - Jun 01)
Or, a chevronel surmounted by a chevronel inv Az, within a bord
Gu. (B: Robert of Wildewood - Jan 80)
Or, a cockatrice passant maintaining a dagger in its dexter claw Az,
within a bord Gu. (D: Timothy Royar - Jun 84)
Or, a Continental panther ramp reguardant Vt, incensed proper,
charged upon the flank with a cross crosslet fitchy Or, all
within a bord Gu. (D: Leia di Capraia - Mar 07)
Or, a cross formy Gu surmounted by a heart Sa, all within a bord
Gu. (B: Michael of Exeter - Jun 90)
Or, a cross formy Sa surmounted by a rose Gu barbed & seeded Vt
all within a bord Gu. (B: Shamus OCarolan - Dec 91) (For
Haus der Kameraden)
Or, a cross of 4 pheons points to center Sa within a bord Gu. (B:
Kezia von Holzenhaus - Sep 04)
Or, a dexter hand fesswise reversed couped Az holding a flame Sa
charged with a scorpion inv Arg, all within a bord Gu. (D:
Rowan Blackflame - Aug 88)
Or, a dragon couchant reguardant, wings disp Vt, a bord Gu. (D:
Anastasia Diaz de Len - Mar 93)
Or, a escarbuncle of chain throughout & a bord Gu. (D: Juan
Balthazar Tegero - Jul 03)
Or, a female centaur passant within a bord Gu. (D: Tatiana
Aleksandrovna - Nov 95)
Or, a fess Gu & overall a wildcat ramp contourny gardant Sa
marked Arg within a bord Gu. (D: Iain Clth-lamhach
MacThomaidh - Sep 92)
Or, a fir tree proper betw in chf 2 mascles, all within a bord Gu. (D:
Johannes Baumlieder - Jul 88)
Or, a fleur-de-lys Purp within a bord Gu. (B: Antoinette Leblanc Apr 01)
Or, a gauntlet clenched affronty palewise within an orle of
fetterlocks within a bord Gu. (D: Douglas Ruari MacNeill Dec 82)
Or, a greyhound statant reguardant betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Sa, a bord
Gu. (D: Isabeau della Chiara - Feb 01)
Or, a gurges Sa within a bord Gu. (D: Amanda of Coldcastle Jul 94)
Or, a hedgehog ramp Az, a bord Gu. (D: Tholen der Egel Nov 00)
Or, a horses head erased betw 3 horseshoes inv Sa, all within a
bord Gu. (D: Robert of Bristol - Jul 93)
Or, a letter "B" Az within a bord Gu. (B: Elizabeth Joscelyne Feb 07)
Or, a natural panthers head couped Sa within a bord Gu. (D: Juan
Santiago - Dec 89)
Or, a pale Az & on a chf Sa 3 plates, all within a bord Gu. (D:
Ambrosius MacDaibhidh - Dec 95)
Or, a pawprint Sa within a bord Gu. (D: Clovis of Long Run Jan 93)
Or, a pitcher reversed Vt & a bord Gu. (B: Nonna the Midwife May 03) (JB: Hroar sviandi)
Or, a pitcher Vt & a bord Gu. (D: Hroar sviandi - Dec 02)
Or, a raven within a bord Gu. (D: orsteinn Yngvarsson - Jul 04)
Or, a scorpion tergiant bearing in the sin claw a claymore Sa, all
within a bordurelet Gu. (D: Haimis Black Scorpion - May 80)
Or, a squirrel sejant erect to sin & a bord Gu. (D: Edith of
Swanesdale - Aug 01)
Or, a strawberry proper & a bord Gu. (D: Vestia Aurelia - Jul 05)
334 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules (continued)

Or, a swan naiant contourny within a bord Gu. (D: Swan the Red Dec 05)
Or, a triskele Sa, within each arm a roundel, a bord Gu. (D: Mary
Tynker - Jun 04)
Or, a winged ferret statant, wings elevated & addorsed, Sa & a bord
Gu. (D: Patricia of Bronzehelm - Sep 97)
Or, a winged lion statant to sin within a bord Gu. (D: Glaspar
MacNiall - May 86)
Or, a wolf statant Vt within a bord Gu. (B: Faolan mac Aodh Sep 07)
Or, a wyvern erect Sa within a bord Gu. (D: Reinhardt von
Berchtesgaden - Feb 97)
Or, an epinette des Vosges palewise proper within a bord Gu. (D:
Rowland Arrowcastre - Dec 87)
Or, 4 arrows fretted points to chf Sa within a bord Gu. (B: East, the
- Feb 91) (For the Archers of the East)
Or, 4 roundels 2 & 2 within a bord Gu. (D: Molon Munokhoi
Tsagaan - Jan 03)
Or fretty Sa, a wolf sejant guardant Gu with the dexter forearm of a
human raised proper all within a bord Gu. (D: Malcolm Og
MacDonald - Jun 94)
Or, fretty Sa, on a heart Gu a Heneage knot Or, all within a bord
Gu. (D: Sofia of Blackhawk - Jul 89)
Or, in bend sin a mullet of five greater & five lesser points Vt & a
stag springing Sa, a bord Gu. (D: Connor the Hunter May 07)
Or, in pale a compass star Gu within a laurel wreath & a chain
fesswise throughout embowed to base Sa all within a bord Gu.
(D: Petrea Thule - Nov 94)
Or, in pale a lion couchant contourny & 2 deaths heads in fess Sa, a
bord Gu. (D: Temur Arslan - Dec 00)
Or, in salt a bow reversed & an arrow inv Purp, a bord Gu. (B:
Antoinette Leblanc - Apr 01)
Or, in salt 2 tournament lances Vt, overall an ash tree eradicated Sa,
within a bord Gu. (B: Eleanor of Ashley - Aug 84)
Or, on a bend betw 2 apples Gu an apple Or, a bord Gu. (D: Xene
Theriane - Mar 95)
Or, on a pale Gu a sin armored arm embowed to sin maintaining a
hammer Or, a bord Gu. (D: Rodbert Cospatrick - Oct 82)
Or, on a pile enhanced betw 2 piles inv abased Gu a fleur-de-lis Or,
all within a bord Gu. (D: Madeleine de Bougainville Dec 82)
Or semy of letters "B", a beehive Az, a bord Gu. (D: Elizabeth
Joscelyne - Jul 06)
Or semy of triskeles Gu, a dragon passant to sin Sa within a bord
Gu. (D: Medb nic Ruaidhr - Dec 90)
Or, six trefoils Vt within a bord Gu. (D: Rhonwen Meillion Oct 86)
Or, 3 chevronels braced Gu in chf a fountain, a bord Gu. (D: James
the Mercer - Feb 99)
Or, 2 arrows in salt inv proper barbed Sa & fletched Gu surmounted
by a bow fesswise proper all within a bord Gu. (D: Richard
Stanley Bowmaker - Jan 91)
Or, 2 double-bitted axes in salt, overall a cup-hilted rapier, a bord
Gu. (D: Esteban de Villahermosa y Guzmn de Talavera de la
Reina - May 92)
Or, 2 staves in salt proper betw 4 hearts, a bord Gu. (D: Wil
Stafford - Aug 90)
Paly of six Or & Az, a bend sin ctrch & a bord Gu. (D: Arlie
Markeson - Jul 97)
Pean, a salt Gu betw 4 unicorns heads couped Arg, armed Or, the
salt surmounted by a fleur de lis Or, all within a bord Gu. (D:
Eldwin Stirling Constantine - Nov 84)
Per bend Az & Or, a lion ramp ctrch, a bord Gu. (D: Jean-Michel
de Leon - Oct 98)
Per bend indented Sa & Arg, in sin chf a decrescent Or within a
bord Gu. (D: Elspeth y Gweledydd - Aug 88)
Per bend Or & Sa, a dragon ramp ctrch within a bord Gu. (D:
Arthur Kinsman - Aug 02)
Per bend Sa & Or, a lion ramp to sin ctrch within a bord Gu. (D:
Phelan MacDermott - Apr 89)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a bend sin Gu betw a cross bottony Sa & an
estoile Arg, within a bord Gu. (D: Damien Llewellyn Aelfric Nov 90)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, 2 trees ctrch within a bord Gu. (D: Bevin
Kilbride - Nov 95)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent - and azure]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules (continued)

Per bend sin Az & Arg, a bell Arg & a rose inv Az barbed, seeded,
slipped, & leaved Vt, a bord Gu. (D: Rise n Ullachin Oct 99)
Per bend sin embowed & counterembowed Sa & Arg, a bend sin
embowed & counterembowed Gu betw a crescent & a crescent
inv ctrch within a bord Gu. (D: Gaston de Navarre - Feb 91)
Per bend sin pean & erminois, on a bend sin Gu a mirror Arg betw 2
bezants, all within a bord Gu. (D: Olivia the Over-adorned of
York - Nov 80)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg a cross formy a bord Gu. (D: Owain
FitzMarshal of Grindal - Aug 97)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Sa, a clenched sin gauntlet ctrch within a
bord Gu. (B: Thomas de Bohun - Dec 86)
Per chev debased Arg & Or, a pellet within a bord Gu. (D: Andrew
the Black - Mar 80)
Per chev Sa & Arg, in base a double-bitted axe all within a bord Gu.
(D: Hrafn Bloodaxe - Jan 04)
Per chev throughout dovetailed Arg & Sa, 2 estoiles & a comet
ctrch a bord Gu. (D: Anna Estrella Scudiero - Jan 98)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a boar passant & an armoured fist palewise &
appaumy ctrch, all within a bord Gu. (D: Mordred Boarslayer
- Dec 89)
Per fess embat Arg & Sa, masoned Arg, in base a plate, within a
bord Gu. (B: Sebastian Blackwood - Jul 83)
Per fess Or & Sa, a fools cap per pale Gu & Sa & a sheeps head
cabossed Or within a bord Gu. (D: Boddi bjarki Bjarnarson Nov 03)
Per fess wavy Arg & barry wavy Gu & Arg, a crescent in chf & a
bord Gu. (D: Ivan Ulrickson - Sep 93)
Per pale & per chev Arg & Sa, a chev abased ctrch, in dexter chf a
cross crosslet, all within a bord Gu. (D: Elidir o Morgannwg Jan 83)
Per pale & per chev Sa & Arg, in chf 2 wolves combattant ctrch a
bord Gu. (B: Sukayna bint Salim - Jan 03)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a chev ctrch & in base a crescent, a bord Gu. (D:
Tristan von Rothenburg - Dec 92)
Per pale Arg & Sa all crescenty ctrch, a bord Gu. (D: Kathalyn
Nimet - Oct 04)
Per pale Arg & Sa, on a torteau a roundel ctrch of the field, a bord
Gu. (D: Giovanni di Gregorio - Aug 95)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 hawks striking respectant ctrch, all within a
bord Gu. (D: Ascelyn Fraser Sommerhawke - Jul 90)
Per pale Arg & Vt, in pale 2 single-arched bridges throughout ctrch,
a bord Gu. (D: Demetri the Greek - Sep 07)
Per pale counter-ermine & ermine, a bord Gu. (D: Ermingart
Hawenthorn - Dec 03)
Per pale Sa & Arg a bears head cabossed ctrch within a bord Gu.
(D: Bjorn Toller Brumenbr - Aug 91)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a sun in splendour throughout ctrch, a bord Gu.
(D: Arielle dArc - Oct 93)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 pheons ctrch & a bord Gu. (D: Robard
Sharparrow - Apr 02)
Per salt Arg & Az, a goute within a bord Gu. (B: Morin Muir Mar 00)
Per salt Arg & Or, a cross swallowtailed Az & a bord Gu. (D:
Vsevolod Igorovich - Jun 92)
Per salt Az & Or, a bord Gu. (B: Adeliz Argenti - Feb 07)
Per salt ermine & Vt, a pomegranate Gu, slipped & leaved Vt, a
bord Gu. (D: Cassandre von Markheim - Oct 85)
Per salt Or & counter-ermine, a pile ctrch within a bord Gu. (B:
Questifor of Hightower - Jan 73?)
Per salt Or & Sa, a fret ctrch & a bord Gu. (D: Corynne MacLeod Sep 04)
Per salt Sa & Arg, a Catherine wheel & a bord Gu. (B: Catelin
Munro of Ailsa - Jan 03)
Per salt Sa & Arg, a falcon disp ctrch, beaked & taloned, within a
bord Gu. (B: Manfred Kriegstreiber - Sep 92)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a boars head contourny erased close & a bord
Gu. (D: Fergus the Timid - Nov 93)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, in bend 2 eagles disp per pale Gu & Sa within
a bord Gu. (D: Friedrich Stolzadler von Allensbach - Sep 88)
Quarterly Or & Arg, a heart Sa within a bord Gu. (D: Mark the
Blackheart - Feb 86)
Quarterly Or & Arg, in salt 2 headsmans axes & dependent from
the junction a hangmans noose Sa, all within a bord Gu. (D:
Dynadan do Pico - Sep 83)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules (continued)

Quarterly Or & pean, a reremouse & a bord Gu. (D: Daphne of

Colchester - Jul 96)
Quarterly Purp & Or, an octofoil ctrch within a bord Gu. (D:
Louise de La Mare - Jan 06)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, a lion couchant within a bord Gu. (D: Gabriel
of Lyonshall - Aug 99)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, a wolf ramp contourny maintaining a sword
bendwise within a bord Gu. (D: Wolfgang von Weimar Feb 02)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, in bend 2 trefoils, each within & conjoined at
the slip to an annulet Arg, all within a bord Gu. (D: Tymothy
John of Silver Oak - Aug 89)
Sa, a mullet of eight points Arg, a bord Gu, fimbriated Arg. (D:
Alexandra of Elentil - Jun 75?)
Vair en pointe, a panther ramp Or spotted of diverse tinctures &
incensed within a bord Gu. (D: Russell Jervis - Sep 93)
Vairy en point erminois & Az, a bord Gu. (D: Gauvain Eisenbein Apr 04)
Vairy Or & Sa, a bend & a bord Gu. (D: Chryse Raptes - Nov 97)
Vairy Sa & Arg, a Maltese cross within a bord Gu. (D: Bryan
Abela - Jul 90)
Vairy Sa & Arg, a phoenix Gu rising from flames proper within a
bord Gu. (D: Herveus dOrmonde - Dec 90)
Vt, a decrescent Arg within a bord Gu. (B: Maldives - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent and azure

Arg, a wolf couchant contourny Az & in chf 3 roses proper all

within a bord vair. (D: Philip de Rose of Strathclyde Dec 94)
Arg, on a pile inv Az, an obelisk Arg, overall a laurel wreath, & a
bord ctrch. (D: Rising Stone, the - Jan 91)
Az, a bend sin betw 2 eagles heads couped respectant Arg, a bord
counter-compony Az & Arg. (D: Cadwallader the Crazed Aug 94)
Az, a dragon contourny Arg within a bord checky Az & Arg. (B:
Celfind ingen hui Ruaircc - Feb 03)
Az, a gryphon segreant Arg & on a chf Or 3 fountains, overall a
bord ctrch. (D: Albrecht of Caer Anterth-Mor - Jan 08)
Az, a nags head couped Arg, crined Sa, bridled Gu, betw 3 Maltese
crosses fitchy Or, within a bord vair. (D: Yani - Jan 73?)
Az, a pine tree atop a mount Arg, all within a bord chequy Az &
Arg. (D: Markus Morgenstern Winterwald - Oct 87)
Az, on a cross Arg a trefoil Vt, overall a bord ctrch. (D: Yngvildr
Ogursdttir - Sep 05)
Az, on a pale betw 2 mullets of eight points elongated to base Arg,
in salt a garden rosebud & a garden rosebud inv Az, slipped &
leaved Vt, overall a bord ctrch. (D: Fiona Mairi MacQuarrie Nov 89)
Gu, a Bengal tiger ramp guardant proper, within a bord countercompony Arg & Az. (D: Sean FitzWallace - Dec 80)
Gu, a cat-a-mountain couchant guardant Or within a bord vair
ancient. (D: Leah Kasmira of Natterhelm - Oct 82)
Gu, a wolf ramp Arg, collared & chained Or, within a bord chequy
Arg & Az. (D: Fuiltigherne ni Ruadh OFinn - Apr 88)
Gyronny Arg & Az, a fleur-de-lys Sa & a bord ctrch. (B: Thomas
du Lac - Oct 93) (For House of the Open Door)
Gyronny Arg & Az, a monster statant consisting of the body & head
of a lion, issuant from its back a goats head guardant, tailed of
a serpent all Or, within a bord ctrch. (D: David de Saxby Nov 91)
Gyronny, Arg & Az, each Arg gyron charged with a cross crosslet
fitchy Vt, & a bord ctrch. (D: Edmund Pethlton - Aug 79)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a sea griffin erect, wings elevated & addorsed
Or within a bord ctrch. As an augmentation, a canton Gu
charged with a sun in his splendor Or. (Augmentation of Arms:
Alwyn Stewart - Jan 91)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a sea-griffin erect Or within a bord ctrch. (D:
Alwyn Stewart - Jul 86)
Gyronny of six Az & Arg, an estoile of alternating straight & wavy
rays ctrch Or & Gu within a bord ctrch. (D: Marcia of Jarrow
Motte - Aug 82)
Per bend Arg & Az, a lion ramp ctrch Gu & Or a bord ctrch. (D:
Robert the Bald - Feb 97)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 335

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent - and azure]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent and azure (continued)

Per bend Arg & Az, a Maltese cross within a bord ctrch. (D:
Dianne of Winchelsea - Mar 83)
Per bend Arg & Az, an oak tree eradicated environed of in chf five
mullets of 4 points in demi-annulo, all within a bord ctrch. (D:
Morwyn MacDonald of Strathclyde - Feb 89)
Per bend Arg & Az, in bend sin 2 crosses crosslet within a bord, all
ctrch. (D: Gwyneth of Lindesfarne - Aug 88)
Per bend Az & Arg, a bend betw 2 compass stars within a bord all
ctrch. (D: Ceinwen of Lands End - Aug 91)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a maunch within a bord ctrch. (D: Alistar
of Brienne - Nov 81)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a rose & a horse ramp contourny, a bord
ctrch. (D: Deborah of Arundel - Jun 94)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a sunflower Or, a bord ctrch. (D: Teresa
Gabriela de Montoya y Sevilla - Dec 90)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a triquetra within a bord ctrch. (D: Rainillt
Dering - Sep 00)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, 2 lizards tergiant in annulo heads in fess
ctrch Vt & Or within a bord ctrch. (D: Lasairfhona inghean
Uilliam na Seoltadh - Sep 03)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a bend sin betw 2 dragons dormant to sin,
tails coward, within a bord, all ctrch. (D: Edward
Dragonslayer - Aug 88)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a compass star within a bord ctrch. (D:
lfwine Wdfara - Jul 90)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a fleur-de-lys & a butterfly within a bord all
ctrch. (D: Genevive Barberel - Sep 04)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a sword palewise inv betw in bend 2 harps,
all within a bord ctrch. (D: Ayesha of the College of No
Mountain - Nov 88)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Az, a quill pen bendwise sin Sa & an
arrow inv bendwise sin Arg, within a bord ctrch. (D: Iain
MacCoinnich - Sep 90)
Per chev Arg & Az, 3 snowflakes in fess & a wolfs head
contourney erased within a bord ctrch. (D: Gregory de
Montfort - May 92)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 fleurs-de-lys & a tower, all within a bord
ctrch. (B: Myles Blackheath - Jun 88) (For House
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 roses & a dragon ramp, a bord ctrch. (D:
Lora Ann Ros - Oct 99)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 roses in chev slipped & leaved proper & a
griffin sejant Arg, a bord ctrch. (D: Madolina Lucia di
Marttino da Perugia - Jul 04)
Per chev Az & Arg 3 pairs of arrows inv in salt within a bord all
ctrch. (D: Llewellen of Strathclyde - Aug 95)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 butterflies & a compass star within a bord all
ctrch. (D: Mael Mide ingen Medrain - Jul 05)
Per chev inv Arg & Az, a rose & 2 wolves ramp reguardant
addorsed one & 2, a bord ctrch. (D: rennach ingen Chormaic
- Jun 99)
Per chev throughout Arg & Az, 2 sprigs of forget-me-not Az
slipped & leaved Vt & a horses head erased affronty Arg, all
within a bord counter-compony Az & Arg. (D: Donna of
Brewerskeep - Dec 91)
Per fess Arg & Az, a garden rose slipped & leaved within a bord
ctrch. (D: Adrianna MacAverr - Jan 93)
Per fess Arg & Az, a lion passant & a tower conjoined to sin with a
wall, all within a bord ctrch. (D: Joella of Blue Lions Keep Jul 88)
Per fess Arg & Az, a yale ramp ctrch within a bord compony Arg &
Az. (B: Dragonship Haven - Oct 85) (For Dragonship
Haven Irregulars)
Per fess Az & Arg, a compass star throughout & a bord ctrch. (B:
Garrett ODoherty - Feb 02)
Per fess Az & Arg, a dandelion Or, slipped & leaved Vt, within a
bord ctrch. (D: Margreta Oaksbane - Oct 84)
Per fess Az & Arg, a wolf ramp within a bord ctrch. (D: Berach de
Winterbourne - Sep 83)
Per fess engrailed Arg & Az, a natural catfish haurient embowed &
a bord ctrch. (D: Matteo Pesci - Feb 05)
Per pale Arg & Az, a bend sin betw 2 mullets within a bord all
ctrch. (D: Emrys the Welshman - Nov 85)

336 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent and azure (continued)

Per pale Arg & Az, a mullet of 4 greater & twelve lesser points
betw in bend 2 tankards within a bord ctrch. (D: Hays of
Border Vale Keep - Jul 87)
Per pale Arg & Az, a seeblatt & a bord ctrch. (D: Cynthia du Pr
Argent - Jul 95)
Per pale Arg & Az, a wolfs head jessant-de-lis within a bord ctrch.
(D: Alexander Xavier - Feb 89)
Per pale Arg & Az, an escallop inv within a bord, all ctrch. (B:
Beorhtraed Sifrisdohtor - Jul 87)
Per pale Arg & Az, an hourglass within a bord ctrch. (D: Edward
Wensleydale - Jun 87)
Per pale Arg & Az, 3 fleurs-de-lys within a bord ctrch. (D:
Elisabeth MacAlester of Kintyre - Nov 00)
Per pale Arg & Az, 3 martletted doves close within a bord all ctrch.
(D: Caitlin nic Pharlain - Nov 92)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 battle-axes in salt Sa & in base a sun in glory
Or, a bord ctrch. (B: Atenveldt, Kingdom of - Feb 05)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a doubled-headed cockatrice, heads addorsed,
holding a mace ctrch, a bord per pale Az & Arg. (D: Vitale
Michael Giustiniani - Feb 92)
Per pale Az & Arg, a dragon passant within a bord ctrch. (D:
Bedwyr ap Cynan - Oct 81)
Per pale Az & Arg, a lion ramp betw in chf 2 fleurs-de-lis, all
within a bord all ctrch. (D: Jeremy FitzMartin of Angoulme Aug 86)
Per pale Az & Arg, a peregrine falcon disp proper within a bord
ctrch. (D: Ame Rene Cateline Marchand - Sep 87)
Per pale Az & Arg, a phoenix & in chf 3 mullets of eight points, one
& 2, all within a bord ctrch. (D: Morgan Deorcwulf - Apr 90)
Per pale Az & Arg, a tau cross within a bord ctrch. (D: Luzia
Violante Bazn - Sep 02)
Per pale Az & Arg a tower betw 3 spearheads, all within a bord
ctrch. (D: Alric the Tall - May 89)
Per pale Az & Arg, a zule within a bord ctrch. (D: Elise de
Champtoceaux - Apr 01)
Per pale Az & Arg all semy of estoiles, an eagle disp within a bord
all ctrch Arg & Az. (D: Brendan of Dormansford - Sep 04)
Per pale Az & Arg, 3 cubit arms conjoined in pall each sustaining a
smiths hammer & a bord ctrch. (D: Beorhtric Folcwinesone May 99)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 peacocks close respectant ctrch maintaining
betw them a bezant, a bord ctrch. (D: Eleonora Salutati Jan 00)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a bord per pale Arg & Az. (B: Kean de Lacy Oct 04)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a Lacy knot & a bord per pale Arg & Az. (D:
Kean de Lacy - Apr 02)
Per salt Arg & Az, an estoile within a bord ctrch. (D: Beatrice
Caterina Fontanella - Dec 99)
Per salt Arg & Az, on a heart Gu a chev Arg, all within a bord ctrch.
(D: Marit the Wanderer - May 86)
Per salt Az & Arg, a compass star elongated to base & a bord ctrch.
(D: Alessandra Ruscello - Sep 00)
Per salt Az & Arg, a sword proper surmounted by a salt alise,
within a bord ctrch. (D: Galan Pendoric of Avondar - Oct 82)
Per salt Az & Arg, in pale 2 Catherine wheels & in fess 2 Maltese
crosses, a bord ctrch. (D: Katheryne Winterbourne - Dec 04)
Per salt Az & Arg, in pale 2 elephants passant counter-passant Arg,
a bord ctrch. (D: Caitlin of Greenwood - Apr 95)
Purp, a seal sejant Arg, a bord compony Az & Arg. (D: Danielle
Delamare - Apr 00)
Quarterly Arg & Az, a penannular brooch, open to chf betw in bend
2 boars passant Gu within a bord ctrch. (D: Torlough
MacTormagh - Apr 94)
Quarterly Arg & Az, a snowflake within a bord ctrch. (D: Severian
the Northumbrian of Saint Ninians Isle - Sep 94)
Quarterly Arg & Az, an eagle Or within a bord ctrch. (D: Edmund
Wolfe - Oct 07)
Quarterly Arg & Az, 4 billets ctrch Sa & Or, a bord ctrch. (D:
Daniel of Leaford - Nov 91)
Quarterly Arg & Az, in bend a cock close to sin & a Catherines
wheel Sa within a bord ctrch. (D: David Joseph de Lara Dec 83)
Quarterly Arg & Az, 3 fleurs-de-lys within a bord ctrch. (D: Miriel
MacGregor - Jul 00)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent - and azure] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent - and gules]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent and azure (continued)

Quarterly Az & Arg, a cross botonny ctrch betw in bend a grenade

& a heart erminois, a bord ctrch. (D: Sebastian Kerr Sep 92)
Quarterly Az & Arg, a sun Or within a bord ctrch. (D: Rhiannon
Las - Sep 90)
Quarterly Az & Arg, an enfield ramp Or & a bord ctrch. (D:
Michael mac Tigernaig - Jul 06)
Quarterly Az & Arg, in bend sin a teazel head & a Catherines
wheel Sa within a bord ctrch. (D: Beatrix Elizabeth de Lara Mar 84)
Quarterly Az & Arg, in pale a compass-star & a tree, a bord ctrch.
(D: Garrett ODoherty - Jan 99)
Sa, a tricorporate wolf Arg, a bord compony Az & Arg. (B:
Wulfhere Nordwulf - Sep 95)
Sa, a wolf couchant regardant Arg betw in pale 2 decrescents Or, a
bord vair. (D: Serina Vigdis Ulfsdottir - Aug 86)
Sa, in pale a mullet & a bear passant Arg, a bord compony Arg &
Az. (D: Stefan Alexsander Brenreiter - Aug 96)
Vt, a sheep statant guardant Arg, masked & limbed Sa, within a
bord chequy Az & Arg. (D: Guenevere of Saint Kilda Oct 88)
Vt, an adze Or reversed within a bord compony Arg & Az. (D:
Sigridr Rognvaldsdottir - Aug 95)
Vt, an owl reguardant Arg maintaining in its dexter talon a rolled
scroll Or, all within a bord gyronny Az & Arg. (D: Margaret
Richemont - Nov 94)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent and fur

Per bend Arg & counter-ermine, a hawk rising Sa, a bord ctrch. (D:
Stephen Hawkins of Eforde - Jun 00)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent and gules

Arg, a winged lion sejant guardant Gu within a bord chequy Gu &

Arg. (D: Duncan Crockett MacKay - Apr 87)
Arg, a wolfs head erased Sa, on a chf indented Gu a cross formy
fitchy Arg surmounted by a bord ctrch. (D: Ulrich der
Geschwinde von Augsburg - Feb 83)
Arg, an Ibis counter-close regardant, dexter leg upraised, Gu within
a bord compony Gu & Arg. (D: Sybilla Keisalovitch Jan 80)
Arg, on a chev Az 3 quatrefoils Arg, in base a pegasus salient Gu,
overall a bord ctrch Gu & Arg. (D: Raoul de Chenonceaux Apr 93)
Az, a dragonfly betw 2 arrows in pile Or, a bord compony Arg &
Gu. (B: Vatavia - Nov 92) (For the Baronial Archer Guard)
Az bezanty, a bord compony Arg & Gu. (D: Ral de Paz - Sep 96)
Ermine, a horse couchant Gu within a bord counter-compony Gu &
Arg. (D: Doucette de Verdun - Dec 04)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, a dragon segreant to sin Sa, winged & bellied
Or, maintaining a halberd Az, within a bord ctrch. (D: Helmut
Wolfgang von Drache - Aug 85)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, a hawks head erased Sa within a bord ctrch.
(D: Eoin Caimbeul - Feb 98)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, an arrow Sa, a bord ctrch. (D: Aelfric of the
Black Arrow - Nov 94)
Gyronny of six per pale Arg & Gu, a hexagon Sa within a bord
ctrch. (D: Michael Kennethson - Apr 88)
Or, a sin gauntlet bendwise sin Sa, grasping a garden rose palewise
Gu, slipped & leaved Vt, all within a bord countercompony
Arg & Gu. (D: Achmed Shaban - Jul 89)
Or, an eagle stooping Sa & a bord vairy Gu & Arg. (D: Alaric der
Held - Jul 91)
Or, 3 bears sejant affronty disp Gu within a bord wreathed Arg &
Gu. (D: Ekaterina Novgorodka - Apr 89)
Or, 2 bulls heads cabossed in fess Sa within a bord compony Gu &
Arg. (D: Rolf Schwartz - Dec 91)
Pean, a shakefork Gu surmounted by a mullet of five greater & five
lesser points Arg, all within a bord tierced per pall Gu, Or &
Arg. (D: Aldric MacGlynn - Sep 87)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a fox sejant to sin & an escallop inv, all within
a bord ctrch. (D: Elen Llwynog Coch - Apr 89)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent and gules (continued)

Per bend sin Az & Arg, a lion ramp to sin & a fleur-de-lys ctrch
within a bord counter-compony Arg & Gu. (D: Jules Ren de
Lyon - Aug 95)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, 3 piles inv bendwise wavy within a bord
ctrch. (D: Gaspar Mart - Dec 06)
Per chev Arg & Gu, in base a fleur-de-lys Arg within a bord ctrch.
(D: Isabella Contarini - Oct 86)
Per fess Arg & Gu, a raven Sa & a toad Arg within a bord ctrch. (D:
Hrafnhildr Frostadottir - Oct 04)
Per fess Arg & Gu, 2 swans naiant Sa & a swan naiant Arg within a
bord ctrch. (D: Avelina Clarice - Apr 07)
Per fess Gu & Arg, a unicorns head couped & a Jerusalem Cross
within a bord ctrch. (D: Allison Maysie Gunn - Oct 90)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a chev betw 2 mullets of 4 points & a tower, all
within a bord ctrch, as an augmentation, surmounting the chev,
on an inescutcheon Vt, a stag salient Arg, surmounted by a
ducal coronet, a bord embat Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Artan
macAiln - Nov 98)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a dragon Gu & a natural tiger Arg marked Sa
combattant, in chf 3 crossbows, a bord ctrch. (D: Richard
Surefoot Mallory - Nov 95)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a goblet charged with a lotus flower affronty all
within a bord ctrch. (D: Alamanda de Claret - Jul 03)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a sword betw a cubit sin arm & a cubit dexter
arm, the fists clenched, ctrch, each arm manacled at the wrist
Sa, all within a bord ctrch. (D: Liam Devlin - Aug 84)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a winged lion ramp Or within a bord ctrch. (D:
Thomas of Petersham - Apr 06)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a wyvern passant to sin within a bord ctrch. (D:
Geoffrey the Procrastinator - Jul 89)
Per pale Arg & Gu, 2 unicorns combattant, a bord ctrch. (D: Isabel
Kelsey de Cameron - Oct 99)
Per pale Arg & Gu, 2 wolves combattant within a bord ctrch. (D:
Randwulf de la Terre dt - Sep 89)
Per pale Arg ermined Gu & Gu ermined Arg, an orle within a bord
ctrch Gu & Arg. (D: Jan Friederich van Schaack - Dec 91)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a falcon disp contourny Sa within a bord ctrch.
(D: Dun Fugol - Jul 92)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a roundel & a bord ctrch. (D: Caitlin bean
Ghearailt - Mar 97)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a stags head cabossed & a bord ctrch. (D:
Pedher Miklsson - May 03)
Per pale Gu & Arg, an open book betw 4 crescents in cross horns to
center, a bord ctrch. (D: Juliana Lorenzo de Len - Sep 06)
Per pale Gu & Arg, in bend sin a mullet of six points betw 2 mullets
of twelve points within a bord ctrch. (D: Pieter of the High
Hills - Mar 83)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 wolves combattant a bord ctrch. (B:
Randwulf de la Terre dt - Dec 96)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a sheep ramp contourny & a sword ctrch within
a bord per pale Arg & Gu semy of double-crosses ctrch. (D:
Ona riukas Gelezinis - Mar 92)
Per salt Gu & Arg, 4 roses ctrch slipped, leaved, barbed & seeded,
slips to center proper, a bord ctrch. (D: Criseyde Chantal of
the Two Seas - May 94)
Purp, a shakefork betw 3 thistles Arg within a bord compony Arg &
Gu. (D: Dermot Lachlan MacDermot - Mar 93)
Quarterly Arg & Gu, a clenched gauntlet Sa, within a bord ctrch.
(B: Michael Bohun - Nov 90)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a lions head caboshed Or a bord ctrch. (D:
Julie of Tirnewydd - Apr 97)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a maltese cross Sa within a bord ctrch of the
field. (D: Roberto de Espaa - Jan 91)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, 2 double-bitted axes in salt within a bord, all
ctrch. (D: Sutan Bloodaxe - Jan 89)
Quarterly Gu & vair, a vol Or, a bord ctrch Arg & Gu. (D: Rey
Ribeaumont - May 96)
Sa, a bobcat ramp reguardant checky Arg & Gu, dependent from its
hindpaw a crescent inv Arg, within a bord compony Arg & Gu.
(B: Brian MacBrand - Jul 90)
Sa, a cockatrice disp Or a bord compony Arg & Gu. (D: Conrad
von Zuberbuehler - Dec 96)
Sa, a hurst of pine trees atop a mount couped Arg, a bord compony
Gu & Arg. (D: Susan of the Black Forest - Mar 85)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 337

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent - and gules] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent - and sable]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent and gules (continued)

Sa, a mullet of 4 points elongated throughout Gu, fimbriated Arg,

within a bord countercompony Gu & Arg. (D: Albern Bran Feb 87)
Sa, a pavilion ensigned with a pennant Arg within a bord gyronny
of eight Gu & Arg. (D: Jennet of Dover - Apr 87)
Sa, a spider extended Arg within a bord compony Arg & Gu. (D:
Jaime da Acores - Jan 71?)
Sa, a valknut Arg within a bord counter-compony Gu & Arg. (D:
Iuna breirazi - May 05)
Sa, a winged wolf ramp to sin Or, a bord counter-compony Arg &
Gu. (D: Conachar MacAlpin - Dec 85)
Sa, a wolfs head erased contourny Arg, a bord compony Gu & Arg.
(D: Fergus de Botha - Jun 98)
Vt, a bull ramp to sin Arg armed Or within a bord quarterly Gu &
Arg. (D: Dilan mac in tsaeir - Aug 95)
Vt, a pair of scissors points to chf Arg within a bord vairy of one
trait Gu & Arg. (D: Emilie Penrose Blackwell - May 00)
Vt semy-de-lys Or, a swan rousant Arg collared & chained Or, a
bord compony Gu & Arg. (B: Michael Rhys Armitage Apr 98)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent and multicolor

Quarterly Az & papelonny Az & Arg, 3 annulets interlaced one & 2

Or, a bord ctrch papelonny Az & Arg, & Arg. (D: Catherine
de Mares - Sep 92)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent and or

Az, a dragonfly Or & a bord per salt Or & Arg. (B: Vatavia May 06)
Az, an estoile Arg within a bord per salt Or & Arg. (B: Leonora
Simonetta dEste - May 01)
Az, an owl rising guardant wings disp Arg within a bord quarterly
Arg & Or. (D: Lucia Ottavia da Siena - Sep 95)
Gu, a sword inv Arg piercing a tabor Or, a bord per pale Arg & Or.
(D: Sean Tabor - Aug 91)
Per bend Az & Gu, in bend sin a needle bendwise, eye to base,
environed of its thread, Arg, & flames of fire Or, all within a
bord per bend Arg & Or. (D: Cheri Dalyell McDowell Oct 89)
Per salt Purp & Gu, a sea-unicorn Arg within a bord per salt Or &
Arg. (D: Bethc ingen Mael Fchn Fynletyr - Jul 07)
Quarterly Gu & Az, a triple-towered castle Arg within a bord
quarterly Or & Arg. (D: Heather MacLeod - Jun 92)
Quarterly Sa & Vt, an annulet betw 4 fleurs-de-lys within a bord all
ctrch Arg & Or. (D: Perrin le Blanc - Jan 05)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent and purpure

Arg, a natural panther couchant gardant Sa, on a chf Purp 3 hearts

Sa fimbriated Arg, all within a bord ctrch. (D: Fiona MacNab
MacAlpine - Feb 85)
Gyronny Arg, ermined Purp, & Purp, a cross flory gyronny Purp &
Arg within a bord ctrch. (B: Jadwiga Marina Majewska Jan 90)
Gyronny of six Purp & Arg, a mullet of six points Az within a bord
ctrch. (D: Kelly de lEstoile - May 84)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, in bend 3 mullets of 4 points palewise
within a bord ctrch. (D: Imric Snowspear - Apr 82)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, 2 lions couchant bendwise sin heads to
base within a bord ctrch. (D: Tanglwyst de Holloway Jun 94)
Per bend sin Purp & Arg, 2 crosses of Calvary & a bord ctrch. (D:
Arthur of Ballonesmore - Oct 03)
Per chev Arg & Purp, in chf a roundel Gu, a bord ctrch. (D:
Fujiyama Takamori - Jun 93)
Per chev Purp & Arg, issuant from the line of division a demi-sun
Or, in base a spray of lilac Purp, slipped & leaved Vt, within a
bord ctrch. (D: Kaatje Sebastiane von Lbeck - May 86)
Per fess Arg & Purp, a cross formy within a bord ctrch. (D:
Cynewulf Guthfloga - Mar 94)
338 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent and purpure (continued)

Per fess Arg & Purp, a thistle slipped & leaved & a swallow
migrant within a bord ctrch. (D: Rowen of Staffin - Oct 91)
Per fess Purp & Arg, 2 horses passant respectant Arg & a tripleheaded thistle Vt, flowered Purp, all within a bord countercompony Purp & Arg. (D: Meghan the Pitiful - May 87)
Per pale Arg & Purp, a tree eradicated, a bord ctrch. (D: tan
ingen Thadgin - Jul 99)
Per pale Arg & Purp, a winged great helm affronty, wings inv & a
bord ctrch. (D: Conor MacPherson - Nov 96)
Per pale flory counterflory Arg, ermined Purp & Purp, to sin a
mullet of eight interlocking mascles Arg, all within a bord
ctrch. (B: Modar Neznanich - Feb 02)
Per pale Purp & Arg, a sea-dragon erect ctrch, gorged of a coronet
Or, within a bord ctrch. (D: Clea de Hnedoara - Nov 88)
Per pale wavy Arg & Purp, in bend 2 violets within a bord ctrch.
(D: Laura Hrafnsdottir - Nov 88)
Per salt Purp & Arg, in pale 2 snowflakes & in fess 2 fleurs-de-lys
all within a bord ctrch. (D: Megan de Guillaume - Nov 95)
Quarterly Arg & Purp, an estoile Or, a bord ctrch. (D: Theodora of
Edessa - Mar 98)
Quarterly Purp & Arg, a fillet cross & in dexter chf a heart, all
within a bordurelet ctrch. (B: Mindrakken van der Zilver Oct 80)
Quarterly Purp & Arg, a fillet cross & in dexter chf a heart, all
within a bordurelet ctrch. (B: Nina van der Zilver - Oct 80)
Quarterly Purp & Arg, a fillet cross ctrch betw in bend sin a pair of
scissors chased & a heart, both palewise, Purp, all within a
bordurelet ctrch. (D: Nina van der Zilver - Sep 80)
Quarterly Purp & Arg, in bend a mask of comedy & a mask of
tragedy Arg, a bord ctrch. (D: Morfydd ferch Bronwen Jan 00)
Quarterly Purp & Arg, in bend sin 2 unicorns combatant Purp
crined Or, a bord ctrch. (D: Sorcha inghean an tSaoi Feb 06)
Sa, a reremouse & in base a quatrefoil Arg pierced Sa, a bord
quarterly Purp & Arg. (D: Lachlan Mancerus - May 93)
Vt, a bat-winged tyger maintaining a lance Arg, a bord compony
Purp & Arg. (B: William Ringlancer of Locksley - Jun 91)
(For House Ringlancer)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent and sable

Arg, a baton sin Sa within a bord compony Sa & Arg. (B: Rorik
Fredericsson - Nov 07) (For Clan Cambion)
Arg, a sheaf of arrows betw flaunches Sa all within a bord ctrch. (B:
Mons Tonitrus - Nov 03) (For Order of the Sable Arrows)
Arg, a sun Sa within a bord counter-compony Arg & Sa. (D:
Corvus Blackthorne - Oct 91)
Arg, a thistle Purp, slipped & leaved Vt, in base 2 chevronels
braced Sa, within a bord compony Sa & Arg. (D: Glynna of
Galashiels - Sep 80)
Arg, a wyvern ramp to sin, tail nowed, Gu betw its claws a mullet
Sa, all within a bord chequy Sa & Arg. (D: Celenion Ffranges
verch Cinnan - Apr 88)
Arg, an acorn bendwise sin proper within a bord parted bordurewise
indented Arg & Sa. (B: Heinricus vom Eichenhain - Dec 01)
Arg, an acorn Sa within a bord counter-compony Sa & Arg. (D:
Liana vom Schwarzwald - Mar 94)
Arg, an oak tree betw 3 acorns bendwise sin proper within a bord
parted bordurewise indented Arg & Sa. (D: Heinricus vom
Eichenhain - Dec 01)
Arg, on a bend sin Gu, six annulets Or, overall a halberd bendwise
Sa, within a bord compony Sa & Arg. (D: Vissevald
Selkirksson - Feb 82)
Arg, on a bend sin Sa 3 bezants, a bord overall ctrch. (D: Kendric
of Black Water - Jul 92)
Arg, on a fess betw 2 horses courant to sin Sa, a horse courant to sin
Arg, overall a bord ctrch. (D: Morgan the Wanderer Sep 89)
Arg, 2 serpents nowed in a Bourchier knot palewise Vt, a bord
counter-compony Sa & Arg. (D: Duncan MacAdam - Jun 94)
Az, a Greek chimera statant to sin Or within a bord lozengy Sa &
Arg. (B: Lyonnete du Soleil - Sep 05) (JB: Hans von

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent - and sable]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent and sable (continued)

Az, a myrtle tree eradicated Arg within a bord compony Sa & Arg.
(B: Myrtle Holt - Jan 88)
Az, a myrtle tree eradicated within a laurel wreath Arg, all within a
bord compony Sa & Arg. (D: Myrtle Holt - May 87)
Az, a tower betw 2 tankards in fess & in chf a bar couped Arg all
within a bord compony Arg & Sa. (D: Julie Cambion Jan 07)
Az, in pale a cross fleury & a pair of hawks wings conjoined betw
3 fleurs-de-lys, tips to center Arg, within a bord lozengy Arg &
Sa. (D: Jacques dOrleans - May 86)
Ermine, a dragon passant Gu within a bord compony Sa & Arg. (D:
Evan Mawr - Nov 82)
Gu, a cross patonce gyronny Sa & Arg & a bord compony Sa &
Arg. (D: Richard fitz Richard Blackmoore - May 92)
Gu, a dolphin haurient Or within a bord compony Arg & Sa. (D:
Tairdelbach ua Conaill - Aug 06)
Gu, a dragons head erased Arg, a bord lozengy Arg & Sa. (B: Sile
Linet OLoughlin - Jul 00)
Gu, a fishhook reversed Or within a bord per pale Sa & Arg. (D:
Drosten Sutherland - Apr 06)
Gu, a pale within a bord vairy Sa & Arg. (D: John de Morris Feb 85)
Gu, a sheaf of 3 arrows Arg, fletched Or, a bord counter compony
Sa & Arg. (B: Deirdre Fletcher - Dec 97)
Gu, a talbot passant Arg goutte de poix within a bord countercompony Arg & Sa. (D: Gita Ameena al-Rashida - Sep 94)
Gu, a theatrical mask per pale Sa & Arg within a bord compony Sa
& Arg. (D: Raisa Zaplatskaya - Mar 07)
Gu, a tun Arg surmounted by a fusil throughout quarterly Arg & Sa,
all within a bord gyronny Sa & Arg. (B: Bertram of
Bearington - Jan 87)
Gu, estoilly, a rose Arg, barbed & seeded proper, within a bord
compony Arg & Sa. (D: Marie-Vronique de lEstoile May 89)
Gu, in salt a sword inv Or & a garden rose Arg, slipped proper,
within a bord gyronny Sa & Arg. (D: Toline Rosalinde of
Arundel - Sep 81)
Gu, on a bend sin Or a merlins head palewise erased proper, all
within a bord checky Sa & Arg. (D: Nikolai Syekol - Aug 86)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, a cross formy Gu within a bord ctrch. (D:
David de Clermunt - Jan 05)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, a tyger ramp erminois incensed Gu within a
bord ctrch. (D: Eoin Scott na Daingniche - Jun 85)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, a unicorns head couped at the shoulders Gu
within a bord ctrch. (D: Rathulfr the Least - Dec 84)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, a wolfs head couped contourny Gu, a bord
ctrch. (D: Drogo Fitz William - Dec 92)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, 3 crosses formy within a bord ctrch. (D: Raffe
Pencestre - Jul 92)
Gyronny Gu & Or, a fleur-de-lys Arg a bord checky Sa & Arg. (D:
Alisoun Ashling - Jan 96)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, a bord ctrch. (D: Wulfgar Neumann - Sep 02)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, in pale 3 ferrets statant to sin Gu within a bord
ctrch. (D: Maximilian Geist - Mar 89)
Or, a griffin sejant to sin guardant, sin foreleg raised, Vt, within a
bord compony Arg & Sa. (B: Cipriano de Alvarez - Jun 84)
(For Casa de la Grifa Verde)
Or, 2 feathers in cross Gu within a bord chequy Sa & Arg. (D:
Sextus Plinius Callidus - Nov 88)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a chain of 3 links bendwise sin & a bord ctrch.
(D: Lachlan mac Nachdan - Apr 98)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a raven close Sa & a bord ctrch. (D: Ciaran
Bran - Jun 97)
Per bend Az & Sa, a pegasus ramp Arg within a bord
countercompony Arg & Sa. (D: Karl Sturmfeuer - Jul 89)
Per bend Az & Vt, a falcon striking Arg within a bord countercompony Sa & Arg. (D: Duncan Tiercel MacLeod - May 91)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a Celtic cross & a bord ctrch. (D: Baldric du
Cros - Sep 07)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a dragon ramp contourny & a castle, a bord
ctrch. (D: Barbara of Forgotten Sea - Mar 94)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a unicorn ramp to sin within a bord, all ctrch.
(D: Rhiannon Elandris of Glyndyfrdwy - Jan 85)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent and sable (continued)

Per bend Sa & Arg, an ankh Arg & a rose bendwise slipped &
leaved proper within a bord ctrch. (D: Kytte Anna atte Rose Jan 96)
Per bend Sa & Arg, on a roundel a horse ramp contourny, a bord
ctrch. (D: Torgan Gal - Nov 94)
Per bend Sa & Arg 2 swans naiant & a bord ctrch. (B: Meridies Dec 96) (For Order of the Cygnet)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a bird disp & a boar statant within a bord
ctrch. (D: Aidan of Aran - Apr 02)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a compass star Or & a bord ctrch. (B:
Martyn Ashton - May 03)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a falcon disp head to sin, within a bord, all
ctrch. (D: Romulus di Falco - Apr 84)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a harp within a bord ctrch. (D: Bryne
Fletcher - Aug 91)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a wolfs head cabossed, a bord ctrch. (D:
Joseph le Pykard - Nov 98)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Sa, an eagle Sa within a bord ctrch. (D:
Konrad von Strassburg - Feb 06)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a cross within a bord ctrch. (D: Stephan of
Caerleon - Jun 02)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, 2 chess pawns & a bord ctrch. (D: Ivar
Ulfsson - Jul 92)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 3 ostrich plumes inv within a bord ctrch. (D:
Sigeweard Wildeorlic - Aug 92)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 2 pine trees couped Vt & a wolf statant
contourny Arg within a bord ctrch. (D: Randwulf Widefarer Jan 93)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 2 roses Gu & a cobra affronty erect Arg within
a bord ctrch. (D: Cristoforo Alfonso Pallavincino da Firenze Aug 90)
Per chev inv Arg & Sa, a chev inv ctrch betw a bay horses head
contourny proper & an increscent Arg, all within a bord ctrch.
(D: Brenna Logan - Aug 92)
Per chev inv Sa & Gu, a compass star Gu fimbriated & a crescent
inv Arg within a bord countercompony Arg & Sa. (D: Brian
MacBrand - Jan 92)
Per chev Sa & Arg, a phoenix Arg rising from flames Gu within a
bord ctrch. (D: Paul of Skye - Dec 87)
Per chev throughout Sa & Arg, a serpent erect Sa, overall a bord
ctrch. (D: Toke Ormsson - Aug 90)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a moon in her plenitude Az & a wolf sejant
ululant contourny Arg, a bord ctrch. (D: Arik of Delftwood Nov 04)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a spiderweb within a bord ctrch. (B: Dougal
MacFinlay - Oct 92)
Per fess Arg & Sa, in chf a heart Gu charged with a maunch & in
base 2 daggers in salt Arg, all within a bord ctrch. (D: Katryna
Robyn - Mar 90)
Per fess Arg & Sa, in chf a massacre Sa within a bord ctrch. (D:
Rolf Longbow - May 89)
Per fess Az & Gu, a cross patonce Arg within a bord chequy Sa &
Arg. (D: Deirdre of Carlyle - Apr 87)
Per fess counter-ermine & ermine, 2 cats couchant guardant, that in
base contourny, within a bord ctrch Arg & Sa. (D: Alexandra
Vasilievna - Oct 91)
Per fess embowed to base Arg & Sa, issuant from base a tree
blasted within a bord ctrch. (B: Aurelius Forgan - Jul 86)
Per fess Sa & Arg, in pale a plate & a sprig of cherries Gu slipped &
leaved Vt all within a bord ctrch. (D: Rachel Ravenlock Oct 95)
Per fess Sa & Arg, 2 decrescents & a bear statant guardant within a
bord all ctrch. (D: Cwenthryth Wine - Mar 91)
Per fess Vt & Or, in pale 3 arrows fesswise Or & a turtle tergiant
fesswise to sin Vt, a bord counter-compony Arg & Sa. (D:
Aubrey Murray - Feb 99)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a bend sin betw 2 fleurs de-lys, all within a bord
ctrch. (D: Eleanor of Abergavenny - Jun 95)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a bulls head caboshed within a bord ctrch. (D:
Janos of Ratisbon - Jan 86)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a cross clechy fitchy within a bord ctrch. (D:
Darius von Tannenberg - Jun 00)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a double-bitted axe betw the 2 halves of a
fractured anvil, within a bord all ctrch. (D: Rask Ulfbjorn Aug 90)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 339

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent - and sable] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent - and vert]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent and sable (continued)

Per pale Arg & Sa, a fret & a bord ctrch. (D: Rhodri ap Gwythyr Mar 97)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a griffin segreant, maintaining a sword within a
bord, all ctrch. (D: Domhnull Donnachadh o Dun Mor Jul 87)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a tai-chi fesswise reversed proper betw 2 natural
panthers heads erased respectant & a natural panthers head
cabossed all within a bord embat ctrch. (D: Geoffrey
Arkwright - Dec 02)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a tree blasted & eradicated within a bord ctrch.
(D: Damon Blackthorn - Feb 92)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a wolf ramp betw 2 swords inv within a bord all
counter-changed. (D: Wulfric Duncan of Ayr - Sep 94)
Per pale Arg & Sa, an octopus within a bord ctrch. (D: Perikles ho
Spartiates - Mar 08)
Per pale Arg & Sa, in fess 2 wolfs heads cabossed within a bord
ctrch. (B: Wulfric Grimbeald - Apr 93)
Per pale Arg & Sa, on a chev betw 3 dragonflies disp 2 spears
within a bord, all ctrch. (D: Timofei Ivanovich - Oct 83)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 3 wolfs heads to sin erased within a bord ctrch.
(D: Sigismund von Altenstad - Jan 83)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 crosses erminy in pale within a bord, all ctrch.
(D: Caellyn yVearn Fitzhugh - Aug 76?)
Per pale ermine & counter-ermine, an eagle disp maintaining in its
talons a sword bendwise & a coin, all within a bord ctrch Sa &
Arg. (B: Aeruin ni hEarain o Chonnemara - Nov 88) (For
Dun Iolair Duibh)
Per pale Gu & Or, a castle ctrch within a bord paly bendy Sa & Arg.
(D: Siegfried Rupert Stanislaus - Mar 94)
Per pale indented Arg & Sa, 2 cats sejant respectant, a bord ctrch.
(D: Nataliya Ananovna Petrova - Jan 99)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a Catherines wheel within a bord ctrch. (D:
Catriona of the Field - Feb 96)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a chev romp within a bord ctrch. (D: Magnus
the Black - Jul 00)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a crescent within a bord ctrch. (B: Nadirah bint
Sayf of the Hashid - Apr 93)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a cross crosslet fitchy square-pierced within a
bord all ctrch. (D: Nadirah bint Sayf of the Hashid - Sep 92)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a double-headed phoenix & in chf a pair of
hands appaumy, within a bord ctrch. (D: Istvan of Deodar Oct 05)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a lotus affronty within a bord ctrch. (D: Osman
al-Koreish ibn Kairos - May 83)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a moon in her complement, in chf 2 mullets
within a bord all ctrch. (D: Catherine Elisabeth von
Regensburg - Feb 94)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a pine tree couped within a bord ctrch. (D:
Corwyn of Sablewood - Feb 86)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a pithon glissant palewise, a bord ctrch. (D:
Alaric August - Sep 93)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a quill bendwise sin within a bord ctrch. (D:
Bruce Cwilliam Alexander - Mar 83)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a skull affronty within a bord ctrch. (D: Cormac
of Peregrine Springs - Oct 96)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a spider & a bord ctrch. (D: Sofia Zhirinskaia Dec 07)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a theatrical mask, a bord ctrch. (D: Eric mac
Ewen - Dec 98)
Per pale Sa & Arg, an open scroll Or, a bord ctrch. (D: Kendric son
of Godric - Nov 94)
Per pale Sa & Arg, on a roundel a quatrefoil knot within a bord all
ctrch. (D: Arlindis o Gordon - Oct 95)
Per pale Sa & Arg, on a sun a Celtic cross all within a bord ctrch.
(D: Gareth Kincaid - Feb 03)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 3 towers within a bord ctrch. (D: Cradoc
Mendwr - Jun 02)
Per pale Sa & Arg 2 drinking horns fesswise & a horned helm a
bord ctrch. (D: lfr Skallagrmsson - Aug 97)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 poleaxes in salt & in base a tankard within a
bord all ctrch. (D: Angus de Gordun - Oct 07)
Per pale Sa & ermine, a winged lion sejant erect & haloed Or, its
forelegs manacled with a broken chain Arg, within a bord Arg
& Sa. (D: Jaqueline of Atenveldt - Jul 89)

340 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent and sable (continued)

Per salt Arg & Sa, 4 mullets & a bord, all ctrch. (D: Edmund
Vernay - Feb 85)
Per salt Sa & Arg, a compass star within a bord ctrch. (D: Otho of
Berwick - May 87)
Per salt Sa & Arg, a sword palewise proper, in chf an Arabian lamp
Or, enflamed proper, all within a bord ctrch. (D: James
Ellington Masters - Aug 89)
Purp, a gull disp Arg, a bord checky Sa & Arg. (D: Charles
Cartmell of Storvik - Oct 93)
Purp, in pale a rose & a crescent Arg within a bord per salt Sa &
Arg. (D: Melissa of Carolingia - Aug 99)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a cross flory & a bord ctrch. (D: Taliesin of
Three Rivers - Jun 05)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a lions face Or jessant-de-lys betw in bend 2
fleurs-de-lys, all within a bord ctrch. (D: William de Boreaux May 85)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a mullet of twelve points betw twelve
cinquefoils in annulo within a bord, all ctrch. (D: Nimriel of
the Far Wind - Nov 86)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a roundel within a bord ctrch. (D: Gerald
Tremayne - Aug 84)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a thunderbolt within a bord ctrch. (B: Mons
Tonitrus - Jan 92)
Quarterly Az & Arg, in canton a star of David Arg & Or, a bord
quarterly Arg & Sa. (D: Ardis ben Sholom of York - Apr 76?)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, a griffin segreant to sin gorged of a pearled
coronet within a bord ctrch. (D: Sebastian Halyburton Feb 07)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, a tower & in chf a martlet Or, a bord ctrch. (D:
Cathal Mac Art - Jul 86)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, 2 estoiles Arg within a bord ctrch. (D:
Gwenllian ferch Gwilim - May 01)
Sa, a baton sin Arg, within a bord compony Arg & Sa. (B: Rorik
Fredericsson - Nov 79) (re-registered 8107Q)(For Clan
Sa, a bend cotised Or, a bord counter-compony Arg & Sa. (D:
Randal Salvatre - Jun 95)
Sa, a cross formy & in chf a coronet Or, a bord counter-compony Sa
& Arg. (D: Ryan von Gunterburg - Aug 93)
Sa, a sea-cat erect Arg, marked Sa, within a bord countercompony
Sa & Arg. (D: William the Subtle - Apr 89)
Sa, a thunderbolt betw flaunches Arg all within a bord ctrch. (B:
Mons Tonitrus - Jan 92) (For Order of the Silver
Sa mulletty of six points, a Jara rune Arg within a bord compony
Arg & Sa. (D: Janina Krakowska - Apr 07)
Vt, a boar statant contourny Arg & a bord gyronny Sa & Arg. (B:
Jhann brotamar - Nov 03) (JB: Elizabeth Rea)
Vt, a caltrap Arg within a bord compony Arg & Sa. (B: Brian
MacBrand - Dec 89)
Vt, a griffin Arg & a bord counter-compony Sa & Arg. (D: Miguel
of St. Katherine - Dec 03)
Vt, a lion passant contourny Arg within a bord quarterly Sa & Arg.
(D: Caitlyn verch Llewellyn - Mar 93)
Vt, a standing balance Or, a bord compony Arg & Sa. (D: Dufgall
brestingr Vinaldason - Jan 06)
Vt, a swan naiant proper within a bord plumetty Arg & Sa. (D:
Victoria of Swansea - Jun 90)
Vt, a tree stump eradicated Arg & a bord compony Sa & Arg. (D:
Guaire mac Guaire - Jun 07)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent and vert

Az, a winged fish volant bendwise Arg & a bord compony Vt &
Arg. (D: Anna Ridley - Oct 01)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, a foxs head erased to sin Or, a bord ctrch. (D:
Telse Diederik - Apr 00)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, a raven disp, wings inv, Sa, within a bord ctrch.
(D: Brendan Morgansbane - Jun 89)
Gyronny Vt & Arg, a griffin segreant within a bord ctrch. (D:
Gwydion Cinhil Kirontin - Aug 79?)
Gyronny Vt & Arg, a horse ramp Or within a bord ctrch. (D:
Ashial Kljin - Apr 05)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent - and vert] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - azure - and or]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - argent and vert (continued)

Or, 3 martlets in pale Vt within a bord compony Vt & Arg. (D:

Francesca di Monopoli - Oct 93)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a rose within a bord ctrch. (D: Diana Della
Rosa di Pergola - Aug 92)
Per bend Vt & Arg, an increscent & a blackthorne sprig within a
bord ctrch. (D: Stevyn of Beinn nam faoghla - Oct 91)
Per bend Vt & Arg, 2 fleurs-de-lys & a bord ctrch. (D: Nicolette
dAvranches - Dec 03)
Per chev Arg & Vt, an urchin statant proper within a bord ctrch. (D:
Jane Harcourt of Wallyngford - Nov 93)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 3 roses & a bord ctrch. (D: Miles Fitzhubert Nov 94)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 2 columns & a cross patonce within a bord
ctrch. (D: Friederich von Blumenkamp - Oct 99)
Per chev nebuly Vt & Arg, 3 roses ctrch barbed & seeded Or, a bord
ctrch. (D: Shila MLanaghan - May 96)
Per chev rayonny Arg & Vt, 3 crows each maintaining a bow in its
dexter claw, all within a bord ctrch. (D: Llywelyn ap Gwillym
- Nov 06)
Per chev throughout Vt & Arg, in base a dragon sejant erect Az
within a bord ctrch. (D: Gwynna Emrys - Apr 85)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 2 mullets of seven points Arg & a dragon ramp
Gu within a bord ctrch. (D: Elizabeth Drake - Jan 06)
Per fess Arg & Vt, a lighthouse ctrch, flamed Gu, within a bord
ctrch. (D: Jacqueline de Cond - Jan 07)
Per fess Arg & Vt, a raven volant Sa & a cup Or, a bord ctrch. (D:
Donald Harefoot - Mar 98)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a chalice within a bord ctrch. (B: Forgotten Sea
- Sep 02)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a cross formy fitchy within a bord ctrch. (D:
Eoin OKeevan de Curci Blake - Apr 89)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 stags ramp addorsed ctrch within a bord
checky Vt & Arg. (D: Palymar of the Two Baronies May 86)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a turtle tergiant a bord ctrch. (D: Signy Feilan
Bjarnardttir - May 97)
Per pale Vt & Arg, in fess a sword sustained by a talon issuant from
an eagles sin wing, within a bord ctrch. (B: Ioseph of
Locksley, the Rhymer - Aug 05)
Per pale Vt & Arg, 2 horses heads couped & a bord ctrch. (D:
Talan Gwyllt - Sep 06)
Quarterly Arg & Vt, a cross moline within a bord ctrch. (D: na
Gous - Jan 07)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, a thunderbolt ctrch Arg & Sa & a bord ctrch.
(B: Mons Tonitrus - Jun 92) (For Archery Champion)
Quarterly Vt & Arg crusilly fitchy ctrch, a bord quarterly Arg & Vt.
(D: James Andrew MacAllister - Jan 95)
Sa, an owl disp guardant Or maintaining a chain fracted Arg within
a bord compony Arg & Vt. (D: Branainn O Coinghiollin Dec 91)
Sa estencely Arg, a bord countercompony Vt & Arg. (D: Robert
Bedingfield of Lochmere - May 02)
Sa, in fess a drinking horn bendwise & a flower of 4 heart-shaped
petals saltirewise Arg, barbed Vt, seeded Sa, within a bord Arg
surmounted by another Vt. (B: Su of the Silver Horn Jan 03)
Vt, issuant from sin a demi-unicorn salient Arg, armed, crined, &
unguled Or, in canton a sun Or, within a bord potenty Vt &
Arg. (D: James Elvenwood - Aug 79?)
Vt, on a salt Arg a goblet Az, overall a bord ctrch. (D: Daighre
mac Coileain o Cearbhaill - Jan 85)
Vt trefoily, a harp, the forepillar carved as a womans body Arg, a
bord counter-company Arg & Vt. (D: Maihie, Heathen of Erin
- May 85)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - azure and fur

Arg, a wyvern erect Sa winged & bellied Az within a bord per salt
counter-ermine & Az. (D: Melyssande Dunn - Jul 99)
Gyronny Az & erminois, a bord ctrch. (D: Vera z Czezecze Jul 86)
Per pale ermine & Az, in chf 2 escallops within a bord ctrch. (D:
Luciana Francesca - Mar 83)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - azure and fur (continued)

Per salt ermine & Az, a rose Or, barbed & seeded proper, within a
bord ctrch. (D: Elinor Aurora of Rosewood - Oct 80)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - azure and gules

Arg, a cat sejant contourny Sa within a bord per pale Az & Gu. (D:
Tamar Walshman - Dec 92)
Arg, a serpent nowed Sa, bellied Gu, within a bord gyronny Az &
Gu. (D: Cuthalin MacFarlane of Montrose - Aug 82)
Arg escallopy Az, a hart ramp to sin Sa within a bord gyronny Az &
Gu. (D: Morgan Blackhart - Apr 85)
Ermine, a cross flory per pale Gu & Az within a bord per pale Az &
Gu. (D: Reginald de Sheppey - Sep 91)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - azure and multicolor

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - azure and or

Arg, a Byzantine harp Az, a bord compony Az & Or. (D:

Theodosius Athanasius - Dec 85)
Arg, a Latin cross flory Az, a bord paly bendy sin Az & Or. (D:
Hans der Grau - Jan 98)
Arg, a pitcher bendwise Az within a bord compony Az & Or. (D:
Telia Theagenous - Jun 04)
Arg, a 2-headed horse passant Sa, a bord per pale Az & Or. (D:
Stephan Tot - Mar 06)
Arg, issuant from a goblet Az a garden rose Gu, slipped & leaved
proper, all within a bord counter-compony Az & Or. (D:
Adriana Lorelle - Oct 90)
Az, a dragonfly betw 2 daggers inv in pile Or, a bord
countercompony Az & Or. (B: Vatavia - Nov 92) (For the
Baronial Guard)
Az, on a pile raguly Or, a falcon close reguardant Gu, all within a
bord ctrch. (D: Geffrei Almeric Peregrinne - Feb 89)
Gu, a horse statant lozengy Or & Az within a bord countercompony
Or & Az. (D: Anne Glading - Jun 04)
Gu, a stag springing Arg within a bord quarterly Or & Az. (D:
Muriella Donaldson - Nov 99)
Gyronny arrondi widdershins ermine & Az, a cross crosslet Calvary
Or within a bord gyronny Az & Or. (D: Christopher
Sigismund Olafsson - Oct 83)
Gyronny Az & Or, an oak tree eradicated proper & a bord ctrch. (D:
Guillaume de la Vallee de lOuest du Lac Sal - Apr 92)
Gyronny of six Az & Or, a bord ctrch. (D: John Paul Devereaux Mar 01)
Gyronny of sixteen Az & Or, a mailed sin fist Arg within a bord
ctrch. (D: Ragnar Ironhand - Jan 87)
Per bend Or & Az, a cross formy Sa a bord ctrch. (B: Konrad der
Ruhige Br - Jun 92)
Per bend sin Az & Or, 2 bendlets sin betw 2 suns in splendor all
within a bord ctrch. (D: Adriana Capelletti - Feb 95)
Per bend sin Or & Az, a bell within a bord ctrch. (D: Eileen
Montgomery - Apr 82)
Per chev Az & Or, a natural antelope courant Or & a turtle ramp Vt,
a bord ctrch. (D: Gisele lOrpheline - Apr 98)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 winged bears combattant Arg & a thistle
proper, a bord ctrch. (D: Clare inghean Dhmhnuill Feb 00)
Per chev Or & Az, 3 mullets of eight points one & 2 Az & a bear
ramp Or, a bord compony Az & Or. (D: Johann Lederer Nov 07)
Per fess embat Arg & Sa, in chf 2 hearts Sa a bord per fess Az &
Or. (D: Raven Blackheart - Aug 96)
Per fess engrailed Or & Az, a lymphad under full sail & a dolphin
naiant within a bord all ctrch. (D: Angus Malcolm MacDonald
- Nov 94)
Per pale Az & Or, a bicorporate lion betw 3 fleurs-de-lys, all within
a bord ctrch. (D: Fridrich Eisenhart - Feb 91)
Per pale Az & Or, a chess knight within a bord ctrch. (D: Geoffrey
de Tocqueville - Dec 85)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 341

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - azure - and or] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - gules - and or]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - azure and or (continued)

Per pale Az & Or, a chev betw 2 wolfs heads cabossed & a caltrap,
a bord overall ctrch. (D: Uulfgar Uulfric - Aug 85)
Per pale Az & Or, a fleur-de-lys & a bord ctrch. (D: Cristal Fleur
de la Mer - Jan 02)
Per pale Az & Or, a sun ctrch Or & Gu within a bord ctrch. (D:
Valentine Hawkwood - Jan 89)
Per pale Az & Or, a sunburst Arg within a bord ctrch. (D: Oriane
dAvallon - Sep 93)
Per pale Az & Or, a tower within a laurel wreath, a bord ctrch. (D:
Dun Or - Aug 92)
Per pale Az & Or, an albatross disp, wings inv, Arg, all within a
bord ctrch. (D: Harald of Sigtuna - Jul 87)
Per pale Az & Or, 3 mullets of six points within a bord ctrch. (D:
Wilhelm von Ulm - Aug 87)
Per pale Az & Or, 2 eagle-winged wyverns combattant, a bord
ctrch. (B: Brianna Je Nell Aislynn of Blue Shadows - Dec 96)
Per pale Az & Or, 2 elephants salient addorsed, a bord ctrch. (D:
Thomas Alaric - Jun 00)
Per pale Az & Or, 2 harps conjoined at the soundboards within a
bord ctrch. (D: Sheilah of the Fens - Jul 87)
Per pale Or & Az, a maple leaf within a bord ctrch. (D: Hugo von
Moltke - Nov 86)
Per pale Or & Az, a phoenix & a bord ctrch. (B: Lazarus Artifex Jul 02)
Per pale Or & Az, 2 eagle-winged wyverns combattant, a bord
ctrch. (B: Brianna Je Nell Aislynn of Blue Shadows - Dec 96)
Per pale Or & Az, 2 pegasi combattant betw in pale a crescent
pendant & a compass star, all within a bord ctrch. (D: Fiona
von Steinhaus - May 81)
Per pale Or & Az, 2 towers conjoined by a bridge enarched Arg & a
bord ctrch. (B: River Haven - Jan 95) (For Order of the
Bridged Towers)
Quarterly Az & Or, a cross flory within a bord ctrch. (D: Enid
dAuliere - Jul 84)
Quarterly Or & Az, a pegasus courant Arg within a bord ctrch. (D:
Gabriel of Vest Yorvik - Dec 97)
Quarterly Or & Az, a sun within a bord ctrch. (D: Hannah of
Tarshish - Oct 90)
Quarterly Or & Az, an eagle disp betw 4 crosses formy fitchy, a
bord ctrch. (D: Johannes Gordon - Apr 99)
Quarterly per pale indented Az & Or, a bord ctrch. (B: Nathon of
Arindale - Jul 03)
Sa, 3 fleurs-de-lys Or, a bord compony Az & Or. (D: Jan
Antheunis van Ghent - Jun 00)
Vt, 2 chevronels & in chf a cats face Or, a bord counter-compony
Or & Az. (D: Sle nic Chionaodha - Oct 98)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - azure and purpure

Arg semy of annulets Sa, a bord per pale Purp & Az. (D: Shanda
MacNeil - Dec 05)
Arg, 2 otters salient addorsed reguardant proper, a bord per pale Az
& Purp. (D: Francois Belgraunde - Dec 95)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - azure and sable

Arg, a bat Az within a bord quarterly Az & Sa. (D: Jared

Edwardson - Aug 03)
Arg, a fleur-de-lys Az within a bord quarterly Sa & Az. (D: Juliane
de Vivonne - May 03)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - azure and vert

Erminois, a wingless dragon in annulo, vorant of its tail, Gu, within

a bord per pale Vt & Az. (D: James Lawless - Sep 89)
Or, a rose slipped & leaved proper a bord quarterly Vt & Az. (D:
Cateline de Ramesie - Jul 98)
* * * End * * *

342 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - fur - and


Per bend sin Or & Purp, a quatrefoil ctrch within a bord quarterly
counter-ermine & ermine. (D: Alexandra of Falconham Sep 88)
Per pale Az & Arg, a sun in splendor ctrch within a bord per pale Or
& Az ermined ctrch. (D: Reyner de Wikhambroke - Apr 91)
Per pale Or & Sa, a mullet within a bord ctrch pean & erminois. (B:
Tristian of Hags Head - Nov 89) (For the House of Hags
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - fur - and

Arg, 3 Latin crosses crosslet Sa a bord per salt Gu & counterermine. (D: Heth McKay - May 97)
Gyronny ermine & Gu, a battle-axe & a seax in salt Sa within a
bord ctrch. (D: Dirk Addisson - Oct 87)
Gyronny Gu & erminois, a foxs mask Arg within a bord ctrch. (D:
Seumas Sionnach Geal - May 92)
Gyronny Gu & pean, a bord ctrch. (B: Sovny Barcsi Jnos Jun 82)
Gyronny pean & Gu, a griffins head, erased & sin facing, Or
within a bord ctrch. (D: Morgan Griffin - Jan 90)
Per pale ermine & Gu, a winged lion ramp reguardant, wings disp,
within a bord all ctrch. (D: Richard of Dunheved - Jun 91)
Quarterly Gu & Or ermined Gu, 2 sea-lions reguardant Or, a bord
ctrch. (D: Juliana de Montaign of Huntington - Jan 05)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - fur - and

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - fur - and

Quarterly pean & Or, a wolf ramp Gu & a bord ctrch. (D: Hnefr
Ragnarsson - Sep 03)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - fur - and

Vt, a natural sea-horse contourny Or, a bord per salt Purp & Arg
ermined Purp. (D: Rebecca fitzRobert - Jul 92)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - fur - and

Per bend sin ermine & Sa a stag ramp within a bord ctrch. (D:
Aubrey de Baudricourt - Feb 91)
Per salt Arg ermined Gu, & Sa, an eagle disp Or & a bord ctrch. (D:
Rebekah de Veryan - Aug 92)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - fur - and

Arg, a yale ramp Sa, armed & attired Or, within a bord compony
erminois & Vt. (D: Jacinth Aldith de Warwick - Mar 87)
Per salt ermine & Vt, a rams head cabossed Or, a bord ctrch. (D:
Meng of Cathanar - Sep 92)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - gules and multicolor

Per pale bendy Az & Arg & Gu, an eagle, wings disp & inv Or
within a bord ctrch. (D: Mark von Neumannsgrund - Jul 89)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - gules and or

Arg, a cockatrice disp Vt combed & wattled Gu within a bord

bendy Gu & Or. (D: Jakob von Soest - Feb 95)
Az, a chess pawn Arg within a bord compony Gu & Or. (B: Diana
of the Isles - Aug 97)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - gules - and or] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - multicolor - and or]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - gules and or (continued)

Az, a fret couped Or, a bord gyronny Gu & Or. (B: Loric Silvestris
- May 96)
Az, a hares head couped Or, collared Sa & in chf a heart Or, a bord
compony Or & Gu. (D: Idhunn Thorlaksdottir - Aug 98)
Az semy of crosses crosslet fitchy the chiefmost arms couped plain
Arg, a double-headed eagle Or within a bord compony Gu &
Or. (B: John the Pursuwer - Sep 03) (For House Gold
Gu, on a fess fracted & enhanced in sin Or to sin a fox passant
reguardant Gu, overall a bordurelet ctrch. (D: Lasguaard
Aglanar, called Red Fox - Feb 80)
Gyronny Or & Gu, a double-bitted axe Arg, a bord ctrch. (D:
Llwyd Emrys - May 98)
Pean, a lion contourny queue-forchy Or & a bord compony Or &
Gu. (D: Alarich Iarngard von Thorn - Mar 05)
Per bend Gu & Or, 2 unicorns heads within a bord, all ctrch. (D:
Veronique le Gris - Mar 87)
Per bend Or & Gu, a bow bendwise, fully drawn with an arrow
bendwise sin, all within a bord ctrch. (D: Bartholomew of
Dartford - Jan 89)
Per bend sin Or & Gu, a buffalos head cabossed within a bord
ctrch. (D: Grania Menic - Dec 89)
Per bend sin Or & Gu, in base a pomegranate slipped & leaved Or,
seeded Sa, within a bord ctrch. (D: Melloney de Charteris Nov 90)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, 3 poppies Gu & a sheaf of 3 wheat stalks
bendwise sin Or, all within a bord per bend sin Gu & Or. (D:
Trcsvri Sarolt - Aug 86)
Per chev Gu & Or, a sword & a spear in salt Or & a drakkar, sails
furled, Gu, all within a bord ctrch. (D: Eric Etheridge Nov 84)
Per fess Or & Gu, an estoile of eight rays within a bord ctrch. (D:
Milko Sanguineti - Apr 00)
Per pale Gu & Or, a heart voided & a bord ctrch. (D: Sciath nic an
Leagha - Aug 99)
Per pale Gu & Or, a Thors hammer within a bord ctrch. (D:
Snaebjorn Haraldsson - Jun 92)
Per pale Gu & Or, 2 lions ramp addorsed, queue forchy, within a
bord, all ctrch. (D: Chendra Rudd ferch Arianwen - Feb 90)
Per pale Or & Gu, a heart within a bord ctrch. (D: Mary of
Southwinds Castle - Oct 94)
Per pale Or & Gu, a spider Sa, a bord ctrch. (D: Magdalen
Venturosa - Feb 97)
Per pale Sa & Az, 2 wolfs heads erased respectant ululant within a
bord all ctrch Arg & Or. (D: Lisette de Saint Trond - Jun 00)
Per pales Gu & Or, a lymphad under sail betw 3 mullets of six
points, a bord all ctrch. (D: Kara of Twin Moons - Dec 05)
Per salt Gu & Or, in fess 2 ladybugs Gu marked Sa within a bord
ctrch. (D: Fne ingen Chineda - Jan 06)
Pily Or & Gu, the points ending in crosses couped, a bord ctrch. (B:
John Levet - Feb 97)
Quarterly Gu & Or, a cross bottony within a bord ctrch. (B: Iago
Benitez - Jul 00)
Quarterly Gu & Or, a griffin passant to sin Sa & a bord ctrch. (D:
Christopher Reuben Montoya - Aug 91)
Quarterly Or & Gu, a cross surmounted by a bord, all ctrch. (D:
Siegfried Conrad Georg Heydrich - Dec 88)
Quarterly Or & Gu, a wyvern statant dexter foreleg raised Sa, a
bord ctrch. (D: Gideon MacLeod - May 92)
Quarterly Or & Gu, 4 compass stars within a bord ctrch. (D: Steven
of Mountains Gate - Sep 92)
Quarterly per pale wavy Or & Gu, in bend 2 ravens & in bend sin 2
goblets all within a bord, all ctrch. (D: Anthony Ravenscroft Jan 87)
Sa, a tree Vt fimbriated Or, a bord compony of eight, Gu & Or. (D:
Phillip der Linden - Aug 79?)
Sa, on a key cross Or a cross clechy Gu, a bord gyronny Or & Gu.
(D: Alienor Sanz-Argent - Jan 06)
Sa, on a tankard Or 2 scourges in salt Sa, a bord compony Gu & Or.
(D: Elisabetta of Sicily - Dec 97)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - gules and purpure

Or, a dogs head couped Purp & a bord per salt Gu & Purp. (D:
Antonio Biagi - Feb 02)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - gules and sable

Arg, a bend per bend wavy Sa & Gu betw 2 crosses moline Sa, all
within a bord per bend wavy Sa & Gu. (D: Arlin
Throckmorton - Mar 85)
Arg, a phoenix Sa & a bord per salt Gu & Sa. (D: Baldric der
Krieger - Jun 04)
Arg, a serpent erect embowed counter-embowed contourny Gu,
transfixed by a spear bendwise inv Sa, a bord per pale Gu &
Sa. (D: Duncan de Moravia - Oct 96)
Arg, a spear Sa headed Gu within a bord per pale Gu & Sa. (B:
Gleann Abhann - Oct 07) (For Order of the Aries)
Arg, a sword inv Gu, hilted Sa, betw 2 dragons combattant, that to
dexter Sa, that to sin Gu, their tails twined in base about the
blade of the sword, all within a bord per pale Gu & Sa. (D:
Nevell Landswalker - Dec 88)
Arg, a tau cross per pale Gu & Sa within a bord per pale Sa & Gu.
(D: Thorvald Grimsson - Jan 84)
Arg, a wolf ramp maintaining in its dexter forepaw a sword Sa,
hilted Or, within a bord quarterly Gu & Sa. (B: Ulrich der
Geschwinde von Augsburg - Feb 84) (For Haushalt
Arg, a wolf Sa & another Gu combatant & a bord per pale Gu & Sa.
(D: Benedict Hawkins - Jul 06)
Arg, an acorn bendwise, slipped & leaved, proper within a laurel
wreath Vt, all within a bord gyronny Sa & Gu. (D: Oak Heart
- Nov 88)
Arg, in pale a rose slipped & leaved Sa & a goute de sang, a bord
per bend Gu & Sa. (D: Fionna Raynard - Jun 95)
Arg, in pall inv a key fesswise wards to base Sa & 3 pomegranates
slipped & leaved Gu all within a bord quarterly Sa & Gu. (D:
Maria of Forth Castle - Nov 05)
Arg, in salt a drinking horn & a sword inv per pale Sa & Gu, all
within a bord Gu & Sa. (D: Keira Gunnvorsdottir - Jul 89)
Arg, on a cross nowy quadrate couped Sa a great helm pierced
through the eye-slit by an arrow fesswise point to sin Arg
within a bord per salt Sa & Gu. (D: Edward Ian Anderson Sep 85)
Arg, on a double-headed eagle disp quarterly Gu & Sa a trefoil Arg
a bord quarterly Sa & Gu. (D: Brian de Lacy - Oct 97)
Arg, 3 wolves teeth issuant from sin Sa & a bord per pale Sa & Gu.
(D: Wolfram von Eisenberg - May 94)
Or, a double headed eagle per pale Sa & Gu, maintaining a goblet
Gu & a broken sword Sa, a bord per pale Sa & Gu. (D: Andr
de Montsgur - Dec 98)
Or, a wyvern erect Gu within a bord per bend sin Sa & Gu. (D:
Gareth Deufreuddwyd ap Rhys - Jan 91)
Pily barry Gu & Or, a sun Sa within a bord per pale Sa & Gu. (D:
Bartilmew Blackbourne - Feb 05)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - gules and vert

Arg, a bear ramp Sa armed & langued Gu beneath a pen & sword
crossed saltirewise Sa, all within a bord per bend Vt & Gu. (D:
Peter von Emker - Dec 71?)
Arg, a rabbit couchant Sa & a bord per salt Vt & Gu. (D: Alinor of
Essewell - Jun 07)
Per fess wavy Or & barry wavy Gu & Or, a laurel wreath Vt & a
bord per pale Vt & Gu. (D: Rudivale - Oct 93)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor multicolor - and or

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 343

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - multicolor - and purpure] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - or - and sable]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor multicolor - and purpure

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor multicolor - and sable

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor multicolor - and vert

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - or - and


Arg, a compass star gyronny Or & Purp a bord gyronny Purp & Or.
(B: Raffaelle de Mallorca - Sep 96)
Arg, a frog Vt within a bord gyronny Or & Purp. (D: Iosbail
inghean Ghilla Chrost - Dec 02)
Arg, a thistle betw 3 like thistles, all proper, within a bord countercompony Purp & Or. (D: Mor ni Dhonnchaidh - Apr 88)
Arg, on a mullet of seven points Vt a griffin couchant wings folded
Or, in chf 2 fleurs-de-lys Purp & a bord compony Purp & Or.
(D: Alexandria Elizabeth Vallandigham of Cambria Feb 96)
Gyronny arrondi Purp & Or, a maiden vested, arms raised Arg, a
bord ctrch. (D: Rory ua Riada - Sep 92)
Per bend Or & Purp, 2 linden leaves in bend sin, stems issuant from
the line of division, within a bord ctrch. (D: Winifred de
Schyppewallebotham - Apr 89)
Per bend sin Or & Purp, 2 bunches of grapes, slipped & leaved,
within a bord, all ctrch. (D: Dillon Griffith aBheithir Mar 86)
Per bend sin Purp & Or, a tower Or & a rose Purp slipped Vt a bord
ctrch. (D: Elyne the Elder - Sep 97)
Per chev Or & Purp, 2 trefoils slipped Vt & a unicorn ramp Arg,
armed Or, within a bord ctrch. (D: Gabrielle MacBain Nov 88)
Per fess Purp & Or, an acorn within a bord ctrch. (D: Katharina
Nss - Mar 93)
Per fess Purp & Or, 2 roses Or & a melusine proper crined Sa, a
bord ctrch. (D: Marguerite Elisabeth of Sandwich - Jul 01)
Per pale Or & Purp, a tower within a bord ctrch. (D: Clare de
Estepa - Aug 00)
Per pale Purp & Or, a fleur-de-lys within a bord ctrch. (B: Calontir
- Jul 01) (For the Order of the Calon Lily)
Per pale Purp & Or, an eagle disp within a bord ctrch. (D: Keyna
Morgan Oulton - Nov 91)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - or - and


Arg, a fox passant Gu within a bord per salt Sa & Gu. (D: Katryne
Blak - Oct 06)
Arg, a turtle tergiant Vt within a bord gyronny Or & Sa. (D:
Uchdred of Danglemire - Nov 89)
Arg, an owl within a bord lozengy Or & Sa. (D: Camilla Dianti May 92) (The owl is, indeed, lozengy.)
Az, a cameleopard counter-statant Or within a bord compony Sa &
Or. (D: Yolanda of Thymbra - Jul 07)
Az, a cross nowy Arg within a bord compony Sa & Or. (D: Seamus
mac Dhuibhne - Nov 04)
Az, a pegasus passant with wings elevated & addorsed within a
bord Or plummety Sa. (D: Renee Dominique Vittorio Dec 00)
Ermine, a fleam fesswise to sin Az within a bord gyronny Or & Sa.
(D: Tygar of Skagen - May 87)
Gu, a dogwood blossom Arg, a bord compony Sa & Or. (D: Elena
of Nottingham - Apr 97)
Gu, a pair of compasses betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Or, a bord gyronny Or
& Sa. (D: Findlaech MacAlasdair - Nov 00)
Gu, a sword inv proper betw a pair of lions jambes couped Or
within a bord parted bordurewise indented Sa & Or. (D:
Coilein Olafsson - Feb 91)
344 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - or - and

sable (continued)

Gu, 3 buckets Or within a bord counter-compony Or & Sa. (D:

Marcan O Brien - Oct 95)
Gu, 3 pairs of wings conjoined in lure Or within a bord compony Or
& Sa. (D: Peter Francis Christopher Michaels - Nov 89)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, 2 wings conjoined in lure Or within a bord
gyronny Sa & Or. (D: Arlen of Guildford - Jul 91)
Gyronny of sixteen Arg & Sa, a salamander statant regardant Gu
enflamed Or & a bord ctrch Sa & Or. (D: Johannes Vagus Jun 02)
Gyronny Sa & Or, a bear sejant erect Arg, a bord ctrch. (D:
Thorkell Bjornsson - Dec 98)
Gyronny Sa & Or, a cross crosslet fitchy within a bord ctrch. (D:
Angele Marie de Savigny - Oct 06)
Or, a cross cotised Sa, surmounted by a lion ramp Gu, within a bord
counter-compony Sa & Or. (D: Robert ap Llywellyn Feb 86)
Or, a swan rousant Sa in base a whip tied in a Hungerford knot inv
Gu, a bord checky Or & Sa. (D: Erennach Nic Dugal
Crawford - Feb 97)
Or, on a pile Sa a claymore inv Or, a bord ctrch. (D: Duncan
Arthur Ross the Black - Jul 01)
Per bend Or & Sa, a dragon ramp Gu within a bord ctrch. (D:
Zachariah von Marksburg - Feb 85)
Per bend Sa & Or, a Latin cross fleury & a heart, a bord ctrch. (D:
Hauk Maclean - Dec 00)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, a closed book palewise Sa & a rams head
couped Arg, armed Or, all within a bord ctrch. (D: Pavlos
Reddrum - Jul 88)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, a cross clechy within a bord ctrch. (D:
Lucien dArtois - May 03)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, a stags head affronty couped & a drum
within a bord ctrch. (D: Alexander Mylne - Feb 95)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, a lion dormant within a bord ctrch. (B: David
ben Avraham Brisk - May 92)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, in pale 2 reindeers antlers fesswise reversed,
a bord ctrch. (D: Alberto Accorsi - Jul 93)
Per chev engrailed Or & Sa, 2 towers & a dragon dormant
contourny within a bord ctrch. (D: Vigds vestfirzka - Sep 95)
Per chev inv Or & Sa, an anchor within a bord ctrch. (D: Michael
le Marin - May 89)
Per chev Or & Sa, 2 spiders Sa & a spiderweb Arg all within a bord
ctrch. (D: Jourdain de Boisrobert - Mar 03)
Per chev Sa & Or, a lion ramp to sin Vt maintaining a great axe Or,
a bord ctrch. (D: Malcolm MacRobert - Oct 85)
Per fess Az & Arg, on a pale bretessed ctrch in chf a mullet Sa, all
within a bord counter-compony Sa & Or. (D: Rene of
Blackstar - Dec 91)
Per fess Or & Sa, 3 pine trees couped Vt & a griffin sejant
contourny reguardant Or, all within a bord ctrch. (D:
Melisande of the Gryphon Wood - Aug 94)
Per pale Gu & Vt, a natural tiger ramp Or marked Sa, a bord
counter-compony Or & Sa. (D: Giulia Maddalena di Nicolo
Sardone - Jul 98)
Per pale Or & Sa, a double-headed eagle Gu & a bord ctrch. (D:
Malis der Totschlger - Sep 05)
Per pale Or & Sa, a needle palewise, eye to base, Arg, threaded Gu,
betw 2 roses ctrch, barbed Vt, all within a bord ctrch. (D:
Kathleen Lennox - Jul 89)
Per pale Or & Sa, an eagle betw in bend sin 2 crosses couped all
within a bord ctrch. (D: engus Conchobhair - Dec 02)
Per pale Or & Sa, an estoile within a bord ctrch. (D: Sebastian von
dem Schwartzwald - Feb 92)
Per pale Or & Vt, a thistle within a bord ctrch Sa & Or. (D: Feln
mac Grigair - Nov 01)
Per pale Sa & Or, a broad-arrow inv within a bord ctrch. (D: Leon
Donne - Dec 93)
Per pale Sa & Or, a cross crosslet fitchy & in chf 2 lions, a bord
ctrch. (D: Malcolm Ross - Apr 04)
Per pale Sa & Or, a cross of Jerusalem set saltirewise within a bord
ctrch. (D: Maria Luisa Garca y de Madrid - Nov 89)
Per pale Sa & Or, a cross within a bord ctrch. (D: Matteo del
Oceano - Dec 88)
Per pale Sa & Or, a double-bitted axe inv betw 2 badgers heads
banded & couped at the shoulder respectant within a bord
ctrch. (D: Gunter von Wissenberg - Jul 84)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - or - and sable] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - sable - and vert]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - or - and

sable (continued)

Per pale Sa & Or, 3 chevronels braced, in chf 2 feathers in chev inv,
within a bord, all ctrch. (D: Gwenddoleu Idonea of the White
Dove - Jan 84)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 dragons combattant within a bord ctrch. (D:
Aeruin na Cantairechet Sreagan - Nov 88)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 dragons heads addorsed & conjoined at the
shoulder, a bord ctrch. (D: Torbjorn Sjurdson - Nov 96)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 stags antlers within a bord ctrch. (D: Torvald
Torgarson - May 89)
Per pale Vt & Or, a falcon migrant bendwise sin within a bord ctrch
Or & Sa. (D: Michael of Caer Myrddin - Sep 91)
Per salt Gu & Az, a clarion Or within a bord countercompony Or &
Sa. (D: Alaistair Nigel Sinclair - Oct 89)
Per salt Or & Sa, 4 crescents within a bord ctrch. (D: Ysabeau de
Saint Wanderielle - Oct 91)
Per salt Sa & Or, an eagle & issuant from base a demi-sun all within
a bord ctrch. (D: Jean Guillaume Duplessis - Jun 03)
Purp, a thunderbolt Arg, a bord counter-compony Or & Sa. (B:
Aldgytha of Ashwood - Aug 86)
Purp, a winged heart Arg, a bord counter-compony Or & Sa. (B:
Aldgytha of Ashwood - Aug 86)
Quarterly Arg & Purp, 4 fleurs-de-lys conjoined in cross, bases to
center, ctrch, all within a bord compony Or & Sa. (B:
Genevieve Cameron Morcheartaigh - Sep 89)
Quarterly erminois & Sa, in bend 2 trefoils slipped Vt, a bord ctrch
Sa & Or. (D: Joseph Walter McFadden - May 96)
Quarterly Or & Sa, a boars head erased Arg within a bord ctrch.
(B: Einarr Grmsson - May 06)
Quarterly Or & Sa, 2 double-bitted axes in salt within a bord, all
ctrch. (B: Eldred Bloodaxe - Aug 90)
Quarterly Or & Sa, 2 ravens Sa within a bord ctrch. (D: Robert
Thompson - Jan 08)
Quarterly Sa & Or, a mullet of 4 points within a bord ctrch. (D:
Ansgar of Aachen - Jul 91)
Quarterly Sa & Or, a Thors hammer Arg within a bord ctrch. (D:
Ragnar the Bold - Jul 86)
Sa, a griffin-headed wyvern disp Arg within a bord gyronny Or &
Sa. (D: Christophe de Dunglas - Oct 88)
Sa, a maunche erminois within a bord countercompony Or & Sa.
(D: Alexander McBain - Sep 00)
Vt, a deer ramp contourny Or within a bord per salt Sa & Or. (D:
Arthur Greene of Deerhurst - Aug 01)
Vt, a dragonfly within a laurel wreath Or all within a bord compony
Sa & Or. (D: Dragonfly Marsh - Mar 91)
Vt, a natural tiger ramp contourny Arg marked Sa winged Arg,
within a bord gyronny Or & Sa. (D: Sinidin Bean Thorain Aug 94)
Vt, a winged unicorn ramp Or armed & crined Arg & a bord
compony Or & Sa. (D: Cairistiona Bhn inghean mhic
Crthaigh - Apr 02)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - or - and


Arg, a mushroom Gu, a bord compony Vt & Or. (D: Chriemhilt

von Regensburg - Aug 98)
Arg, on a bend Vt betw 2 mullets of seven points Sa, a stag trippant
guardant fesswise Arg, a bord quarterly Or & Vt. (D: Gunther
von Waldherz - May 93)
Az, a greyhounds head erased Arg, a bord compony Vt & Or. (D:
Dafydd MacDonald - Jan 01)
Az, a unicorn counter-couchant Arg, collared Gu, armed & crined
Or, betw 3 estoiles Arg, all within a bord compony Vt & Or.
(D: Merewyn de Lyonesse - Jun 80)
Gyronny Or & Vt, a heart Gu within a bord ctrch. (D: Siobhan
ONeill - Jul 84)
Gyronny Vt & Or, a double-headed eagle Gu & a bord ctrch. (D:
Wilhelm van Utrecht - Mar 07)
Or, a dolphin naiant Vt within a bord counter-compony Vt & Or.
(D: Odd Grimsson - Mar 93)
Or, on a pale Vt 3 estoiles of five rays Or, overall a bord ctrch. (D:
Constance Saint Dunstan - Apr 84)
Paly of 4 Vt & Or, an oak tree eradicated fructed within a bord all
ctrch. (D: Albreda of Lough Ree - Dec 90)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - or - and

vert (continued)

Per bend sin Or & Vt, a talbot passant Sa & a bord ctrch. (D:
Michel der Riese - Jun 02)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, a harp reversed & a trefoil, a bord ctrch. (D:
Siobhan of Cork - Jul 05)
Per chev inv Vt & Or, a bord ctrch. (B: Lora Anne the Silent Dec 91)
Per chev Vt & Or, 2 estoiles & a dragon passant within a bord, all
ctrch. (D: Sarah Jane Mander of Wenlock - Nov 90)
Per fess Or & Vt, a natural panther ramp Sa breathing flames Gu &
a bord ctrch. (D: Carolyn of An Dun Theine - Nov 06)
Per fess Vt & Or, a garden rosebud, slipped & leaved, within a bord
ctrch. (D: Alexandra Claverleigh - Oct 85)
Per fess Vt & Or, a sea-lion within a bord ctrch. (D: Elise du
Lyonnais - Apr 00)
Per pale & per chev Vt & Or, a fleur-de-lys Sa within a bord ctrch.
(D: Vergil William de Comyn - May 86)
Per pale & per chev Vt & Or, a fools head affronty proper capped
& collared Sa within a bord ctrch. (B: Vergil William de
Comyn - Jul 92)
Per pale dovetailed Or & Vt, in fess a trefoil & a fleur-de-lys, all
within a bord ctrch. (D: Aurora des Vignobles - Feb 88)
Per pale Or & Vt, a winged stag ramp & a bord ctrch. (D:
Cornelius the Sage - Sep 96)
Per pale Or & Vt, 2 trees eradicated, each charged with a mullet,
within a bord all ctrch. (B: Elspeth von Bremen - Jul 97)
Per pale Vt & Or, a chalice within a bord ctrch. (D: Alvira
MacDonald - Jul 01)
Per pale Vt & Or, a chev & in chf 2 hunting horns addorsed, within
a bord, all ctrch. (D: Branwen ferch Rhys - Aug 84)
Quarterly Or & Vt, 2 crosses bottony Or within a bord ctrch. (D:
Sean of the South - Nov 03)
Vt, a sheaf of 3 spears Arg within a bord checky Vt & Or. (D:
Conaire Anluan MacMurchadha - Nov 90)
Vt, a unicorn ramp to sin Arg gorged of a chaplet of roses Gu,
charged on the shoulder with a harp Vt, a bord countercompany Vt & Or. (D: Aria de Chtillon - Feb 95)
Vt, an annulet Or within a bord counter-compony Vt & Or. (D:
Altea di Firenze - Dec 93)
Vt, on a mullet of six points Or a cross humetty Gu, a bord countercompony Vt & Or. (D: Gary Lee of Holywell - May 84)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - purpure

- and sable

Ermine, a pomegranate Gu slipped & leaved Vt & a bord per salt Sa

& Purp. (D: Iunn Sveinsdttir - Apr 02)
Or, a Latin cross flory per pale Purp & Sa within a bord per pale Sa
& Purp. (D: Alyce de Sheppey - Jun 01)
Quarterly Or & Sa, a boar ramp Arg within a bord ctrch. (D: Einarr
Grmsson - May 06)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - purpure

- and vert

Arg, a tree blasted & eradicated per pale Purp & Vt, a bord per pale
Vt & Purp. (B: Cristine Tailleur - Jun 08)
Or, 3 heliotropes Purp, slipped & leaved Vt, facing to sin, affronty
& dexter, conjoined in base, a bord quarterly Purp & Vt. (B:
Nordskogen - Jun 94) (For the Order of the Heliotrope)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - sable and vert

Arg, a fret per pale Vt & Sa within a bord per pale Sa & Vt. (D:
Tegwen Llyn y Fan Fawr - Nov 91)
Arg, a sea-catamount Sa tailed Vt within a bord quarterly Vt & Sa.
(D: Asgertha Ryland of Buchanan - Dec 90)
Arg, a tower Gu within a bord quarterly Sa & Vt. (D: Rudolf der
Schtze - Jan 05)
Arg, a unicorn ramp Sa within a bord quarterly Sa & Vt. (D: Ian
Duncanson - Jul 04)
Per pale Vt & Sa, vtu ploy Or, a bord of the field. (B: Vincent of
Winterpeak - Dec 82)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 345

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - sable - and vert] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 1 only]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor - sable and vert (continued)

Per salt Or & Arg, an iris Purp, slipped & leaved Vt, a bord per salt
Vt & Sa. (D: Rioghnach nic Thomaidh - Feb 97)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Not surrounding

Per bend Sa & Gu, a bord Or. (B: Helena de Argentoune - Dec 06)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 1


Arg, a sun in glory Gu within a bord or. (B: Frank the Illiterate
Scribe - Aug 79) (re-registered 7911X)
Az, a bear ramp maintaining an arrow bendwise sin inv Arg within
a bord Or. (B: Fearghus mac Domhnaill - Jun 06)
Az, a bears head erased within a bord Or. (B: Siobhan Eibhlin ni
Mhathghamhna - Oct 87)
Az, a bend sin fusilly Arg within a bord Or. (D: Ihone MacEogan
of Bannockburn - Apr 03)
Az, a chi-rho & a bord Or. (B: Martinus Draco Byzantinos Mar 05)
Az, a cobra affronty Arg within a bord Or. (B: James NicEdom Feb 90)
Az, a coney couchant maintaining a rose Arg slipped, leaved,
barbed, & seeded Vt, a bord Or. (B: Nina of the Lost Caverns
- Nov 00)
Az, a crux ansata within a bord Or. (D: Ellis of Caer Anterth Feb 87)
Az, a daisy Arg seeded within a bord Or. (D: Madeleine Daeges
Eage of York - Jul 86)
Az, a dragonfly within a bord Or. (B: Vatavia - Nov 88)
Az, a drakkar affronty within a bord Or. (B: Stormhold - Jan 93)
(For the Order of the Golden Drakkar)
Az, a drakkar reversed Or, sail set Arg & charged with a laurel
wreath Vt, all within a bord Or. (D: Korsvg - Feb 92)
Az, a drawn bow fesswise, arrow palewise, Or, the bow winged
Arg, all within a bord Or. (D: Sandor the Hunter - Feb 87)
Az, a hand of Fatima inv Arg within a bord Or. (B: Ismail al-Qasim
- Jun 91) (For House al-Qasim)
Az, a heron within a bord Or. (D: lfgar the Pure - Apr 92)
Az, a horse courant to sin within a bord Or. (D: Otel Altunat Nov 04)
Az, a horseshoe inv within a bord Or. (D: Phelan Coilein Aug 00)
Az, a lamp enflamed within a bord Or. (B: Endless Hills - Aug 99)
Az, a lizard tergiant bendwise sin a bord Or. (D: Garrott O
Rowarke - Nov 96)
Az, a mouse sejant erect affronty within a bord Or. (B: Monique
Larriv - Jan 92)
Az, a natural seahorse, a bord Or. (D: Raoul dAvignon - Oct 98)
Az, a scorpion, a bord Or. (B: Prospero de San Giuseppe Iato Nov 98)
Az, a seagriffin erect, wings elevated & addorsed, within a bord Or.
(B: Alwyn Stewart - Feb 87) (For House Muircheartach)
Az, a seahorse contourny ermine, a bord Or. (D: Morwenna Llyn
Llydaw - Oct 00)
Az, a sea-lion dormant, a bord Or. (D: Eoin the Modest - Jan 99)
Az, a sprig bendwise sin within a bord Or. (D: Thyri Oddsdottir Mar 93)
Az, a swan statant close regardant ermine within a bord Or. (B:
East, the - Jan 85) (For Certified Illuminators)
Az, a thunderbolt & a bord Or. (D: Josu Ezequiel Xavier de
Navarra - Mar 95)
Az, a unicorn horn issuant from base & a bord Or. (D: Emelye
Rede - Aug 02)
Az, a unicorn ramp Or crined & queued Arg, a bord Or. (D:
Katarina von Danzig - Apr 99)
Az, a wheel, a bord Or. (D: pi Vli - Apr 99)
Az, a wine amphora & a bord Or. (D: Rixende de Rouen - Aug 00)
Az, a wolf ramp Arg maintaining a spear Or flying to sin a
pennoncelle Gu, fimbriated, all within a bord Or. (D: Robina
Wyclif - May 83)

346 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 1

only (continued)

Az, a wolf ramp contourny Arg maintaining in his sin paw an axe
bendwise Arg hafted Or, a base Arg & in chf a ducal coronet
Or, for augmentation, on a canton Purp a cross of Calatrava &
a bord Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Chrystofer Kensor Mar 08)
Az, an ermine spot Arg, a bord Or. (B: Nina of the Lost Caverns Nov 00)
Az, on a bend sin Arg a lute proper, within a bord Or. (D: Johanna
of Dendermonde - Nov 82)
Az, on a bezant a crab Gu within a bord Or. (D: Malcolm
MacMalcolm - Sep 91)
Az, on a cross couped Or a mullet Az, a bord Or. (D: Francesca
Giovanna della Rovere - May 94)
Az, on a heart Or a sword inv Sa, a bord Or. (D: Jason of
Westershire - Oct 82)
Az, on a hurst Or, a laurel wreath Vt, a bord Or. (D: Gyldenholt Jul 96)
Az, on a rose Arg a sword inv Sa all within a bord Or. (B: Ein
hEochaidh - Jul 04)
Az, on a salt bretassed Arg, five hearts palewise Gu, all within a
bord Or. (D: Colin MacKay of Balmaghie - Nov 86)
Az, the Roman numeral V & a bord Or. (D: Quinto Formaggio Jul 05)
Barry engrailed Az & Arg, a sea lion contourny, a bord Or. (B:
Seleone - May 96)
Barry indented of eight Arg & Vt, a bezant within a bord Or. (D:
Ciaran of Beresruth - Oct 82)
Barry of eight Sa & Or, an eagle disp Gu within a bord Or. (D:
Reinhard von Stettin - Feb 88)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a sun within a bord Or. (B: Fridrikr
Tomasson av Knusslig Hamn - date?)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, a triskele within a bord Or. (B: Trimaris Feb 96) (For Order of the Trimarian Gratitude)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, on a pile Vt a tree eradicated, a bord Or. (D:
Grainne inghean Dhonnchadha - Dec 98)
Barry wavy Vt & Arg, a triskele within a bord Or. (B: Trimaris May 96) (For Order of the Emerald Sea)
Chevronelly Arg & Az, a lion ramp to sin & a bord Or. (D: William
of Lochmere - Aug 93)
Counter-ermine, a bicorporate lion Arg within a bord Or. (D:
Bernard the Nameless - Mar 93)
Counter-ermine, a rose Arg within a bord Or. (D: Margaret of
Kingston on Thames - Aug 87)
Counter-ermine, a roundel engrailed Gu within a bord Or. (D:
Ismael ibn Murad al-ben Mohammed nasil Hakim - Jan 82)
Counter-ermine, on a bend Or 3 pheons Sa & a bord Or. (D:
Shamus OCarolan - Sep 90)
Counter-ermine, on a pellet enflamed Or a pikehead Arg, all within
a bord Or. (D: William Barkell - Jun 81)
Gu, a beehive & a bord Or. (B: Piers DeGrey - Mar 85)
Gu, a clarion reversed a bord Or. (B: Hornwood - Nov 97)
Gu, a cockatrice passant to sin, tail sufflexed in annulo, & a bord
Or. (B: Siegfried Conrad Georg Heydrich - Jan 91)
Gu, a comet head to base & a bord Or. (D: Orm of Drachenwald Mar 04)
Gu, a duck disp, head affronty, within a bord Or. (B: Athelwulf the
Ancient of the Dry Lands - Jan 85)
Gu, a flame within a bord Or. (B: Gisele Flambeau - Jul 06)
Gu, a griffin sejant to sin maintaining a sword within a bord, all Or.
(D: Thorvald Valdkrig - Sep 88)
Gu, a leg in armor couped at the knee within a bord Or. (D: Aleric
Ironleg - Oct 91)
Gu, a lions gamb palewise erased, within a bord Or. (B: Armand
de Sevigny - Mar 83)
Gu, a man statant to dexter maintaining a drawn bow & arrow
within a bord Or. (D: Gruffydd the Innocent - Oct 06)
Gu, a rams horn bendwise inv within a bord Or. (D: Jacob ben
Solomon - Aug 84)
Gu, a rebec within a bord Or. (B: Loch Salann - Apr 88) (For
Journeymen of the Musicians Guild of Loch Salann)
Gu, a salmon embowed within a bord Or. (D: Marina Jensdatter Jun 96)
Gu, a salt moline disjoint Arg within a bord Or. (D: Isabella
Barozzi - Dec 04)
Gu, a stalk of wheat within a bord Or. (B: Ambergard - Sep 03)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 1 only]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 1

only (continued)

Gu, a winged single-headed chessknight within a bord Or. (D:

Joanna Eleanor Barrington - Feb 92)
Gu, an escarbuncle Arg within a bord Or. (B: thelmearc Apr 90)
Gu, on a bezant a dog statant Sa, a bord Or. (D: Marcel Orillon Oct 07)
Gu, on a cross nowy Or a stag trippant Sa, a bord Or. (D: Asonuma
Takeo - Sep 04)
Gu, on a heart Or, a chaplet of heather Vt, flowered Purp, all within
a bord Or. (D: Aislinn Gildara Breemore - Oct 84)
Gu, on a lozenge Or a pomme within a bord Or. (D: Anastasia von
Ansbach - Dec 83)
Gu, on a pale Or a wolf ramp maintaining a sword & shield Sa, a
bord Or. (D: Randolph Lee - Feb 98)
Gyronny Arg & Az, a daisy Gu within a bord Or. (D: Elizabeth
Lyon Gardener - Nov 91)
Gyronny Arg ermined Az & Az, a caltrop within a bord Or. (D:
Marie Solange Chantal de Sainte Genevive - Aug 96)
Gyronny arrondi Gu & Arg, a spider Sa within a bord Or. (B:
Rising Waters - Oct 92) (For Award of the Spider)
Gyronny of twelve Az & Arg, a mullet of eight points within a bord
Or. (D: Catheryn Cameron Stewart Morgan - Jun 84)
Gyronny Sa & Gu, a fret couped within a bord Or. (D: Stephen
Trahern - Oct 88)
Gyronny Vt & Arg, a natural leopard sejant within a bord Or. (D:
Eliana Fraser - Dec 04)
Gyronny Vt & Gu, a dove rising reguardant disp bearing in its beak
a sprig of leaves within a bord Or. (D: Adela de Mandeville May 86)
Lozengy Az & Arg, a phoenix Gu rising from flames proper, a bord
Or. (D: Magdalen of Cheshire - Aug 95)
Lozengy Purp & Arg, a Maltese cross within a bord Or. (D:
Konrad Korb of Orkney - Jan 92)
Paly Arg & Sa, a dragons head couped Or, breathing flames
proper, within a bord Or. (D: Eadweard the Kraken - Dec 85)
Paly bendy Arg & Sa, a nine-armed menorah & a bord Or. (D:
Alicia Boccaccio da Venezia - Aug 02)
Paly bendy Az & Arg, a fleur-de-lys within a bord Or. (D: Ysane
de la Selle - Jul 04)
Paly bendy Purp & Arg, a falcon rising, wings elevated & disp,
maintaining in its dexter talon a lily, all within a bord Or. (D:
Shoshonnah Jehanne ferch Emrys - Apr 86)
Paly Vt & Arg, a bee volant en arriere within a bord Or. (D:
Elspeth ni Conchobhair o Ciarraighe - Feb 87)
Pean, a mushroom couped Arg within a bord Or. (B: Kynan Wyllt Jun 84)
Pean, a winged scarab within a bord Or. (D: Laurent le Noir May 88)
Pean, a wolf ramp Arg maintaining in its dexter forepaw an open
book Arg, bound Gu, in its sin forepaw a dagger inv proper, a
bord Or. (D: Dirk of Storm - Dec 91)
Pean, an angel statant affronty within a bord Or. (D: Lyonel Oliver
Grace - Jun 88)
Per bend Az & Vt, a Bowen knot within a bord Or. (D: Aethelwynn
Thraedgyld - Jan 83)
Per bend Az & Vt, a legless wyvern disp within a bord Or. (D:
Gwenllyan verch Morgan - Sep 03)
Per bend Sa & Vt, a mortar & pestle within a bord Or. (D: Tamarra
de Romany - Sep 89)
Per bend Sa & Vt, an acorn within a bord Or. (D: Fredric lAvare Apr 87)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, a snake glissant bendwise & a bord Or. (D:
Gregory of North Winds - Dec 84)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, a kettle Arg & a bord Or. (D: Claire le
Potter - Sep 07)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, an opinicus statant contourny a bord Or. (D:
Bleddyn Hawk - Dec 96)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, an annulet within a bord Or. (B: Samuel of
Ealdormere - Jul 06)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, a chalice & a bord Or. (D: Ursula the Saxon
- May 96)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, a griffin statant erect affronty wings disp Or
maintaining on its breast a sword Gu hilted Sa, a bord Or. (D:
James Griffin - Feb 96)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 1

only (continued)

Per bend sin Sa & Gu, a lightning bolt palewise a bord Or. (D:
Guise Buron vom Duesseltal - Sep 97)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, a lop-eared rabbits head caboshed Arg, a
bord Or. (D: Massimiliana Luisa Katarina La Rsa - Feb 94)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, a pear within a bord Or. (D: Melanie of
Canale - Aug 06)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a double arched bridge & a bord Or. (D:
Aldric of Stonebridge - Jun 95)
Per bend Vt & Az, a horses head couped within a bord Or. (D:
Tessa Boncheval - Nov 00)
Per chev abased Sa & Or, on a plate a dragon segreant, wings
voided, Sa within a bord Or. (D: Ulfred Drommefjell Aug 79?)
Per chev Az & Gu, a falcons head erased Arg within a bord Or. (D:
Aubrey Gawen - Sep 91)
Per chev Az & Gu, a Pegasus ramp to sin within a bord Or. (D:
Cadi ferch Bradwen - Nov 91)
Per chev Az & plumetty Az & Arg, a hawk disp, wings inv, all
within a bord Or. (D: Adenwald the Hazardous - Apr 91)
Per chev Gu bezanty & Sa, in base a hart springing, a bord Or. (D:
Taliesin de Morlet - Jun 93)
Per chev inv Vt & Sa, a dolmen & a bord Or. (D: Cerridwen of
Heygate - Mar 97)
Per chev rayonny Sa & Gu, a sledge-hammer palewise within a
bord Or. (D: Rorik Jurdsson - Jan 85)
Per chev Vt & Gu, a mullet of eight points voided within a bord Or.
(D: Abaigeal Fairchild - Nov 92)
Per chev Vt & Or, in base a satyr dancing & piping proper & as an
augmentation on a canton Az a sun in glory within a bord Or.
(Augmentation of Arms: Marta as-tu Mika-Mysliwy - Jan 03)
Per fess Az & Vt, a fret Arg within a bord Or. (B: Sorcha inghean
Dhara mhic Seachnasaigh - Aug 04) (JB: Muirgheal
inghean Raghailligh mhic Seachnasaigh)
Per fess Az & Vt, a lamb statant to sin Arg within a bord Or. (B:
Marielle de Rivage du Corbeau - Nov 82)
Per fess Az & Vt, a pansy Or marked Sa within a bord Or. (D:
Catherine Elizabeth Anne Somerton - Jun 95)
Per fess Az & Vt, a winged stag salient, wings elevated & addorsed,
within a bord Or. (D: Katherine Vespucci - Jun 91) (? same
person as Katherina Vespucci)
Per fess Gu & Az, on a mullet Or a laurel wreath Vt, a bord Or. (D:
Riversmor - Nov 06)
Per fess rayonny Az & Gu, a winged lion counter-ramp within a
bord Or. (D: Cinhil MacAran - Jul 80)
Per fess Sa & Gu, a sealion within a bord Or. (D: Timas
Propugnator Marcus - Jul 91)
Per fess Vt & Gu, a peacock in its pride, a bord Or. (D: Rosalinda
Gertrude Kesselheim - Dec 99)
Per fess wavy Sa & Vt, in chf a decrescent, a bord Or. (D: Anke
von Annewillere - Aug 96)
Per pale & chevronelly Arg & Gu, an escallop within a bord Or. (D:
Michael de la Mare - Jul 88)
Per pale & per chev Gu & Sa, on a chev Or, 3 towers Sa, a bord Or.
(D: Thorolf Richardsson of the Chasm - Mar 86)
Per pale Arg & Az, a lions head cabossed & a bord Or. (B:
Atenveldt, Kingdom of - Dec 98) (For Order of the Lions of
Per pale Arg & Az, a sun in its glory & a bord Or. (B: Atenveldt,
Kingdom of - Oct 92) (For the Order of the Light of
Per pale Az & Gu, a boar passant contourny within a bord Or. (D:
Gawain Kilgore - Aug 00)
Per pale Az & Purp, a mushroom & a bord Or. (D: Angus of
Northover - Sep 04)
Per pale Az & Sa, a dove rising wings elevated & addorsed Arg
within a bord Or. (D: Anna of Eichenwald - Aug 96)
Per pale Az & Sa, a mace within a bord Or. (D: Domhnall
Coilein - Nov 02)
Per pale Az & Sa, a sword inv proper, bat-winged & within a bord
Or. (D: Erik of Rockwell - Feb 07)
Per pale Az & Vt, a catamount ramp guardant ermine within a bord
Or. (D: Brian Sean OBriain - Nov 89)
Per pale Az & Vt, a triskele within a bord Or. (B: Trimaris Feb 96) (For the Crowns Order of Gratitude)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 347

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 1 only]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 1

only (continued)

Per pale Gu & Az, a lightning flash bendwise sin Arg within a bord
Or. (D: Johann Buchwald Flashingquill - Jan 81)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a bee rising proper, a bord Or. (B: Dragons
Laire - Aug 98)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a decrescent Arg, a bord Or. (D: Aigiarm Naran
- Nov 93)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a musimon ramp contourny within a bord Or. (D:
Thomas von Wildtstein - Sep 06)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a snapdragon slipped & leaved issuant from base,
a bord Or. (B: Dragons Laire - Aug 98)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a valknut & a bord Or. (D: Sarah
Thorarinsdottir - Jul 05)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a wingless griffin ramp queue-fourchy within a
bord Or. (D: Ysabeau Anais Roussot du Lioncourt - Jun 06)
Per pale Purp & Vt, a Lacy knot & a bord Or. (D: Jennet the Gentle
- Mar 99)
Per pale Sa & Az, a chev Arg & a bord Or. (B: Nordmark Jun 95)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a bear ramp within a bord Or. (D: Zehle Dbel Aug 01)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a Norse Jelling beast Arg within a bord Or. (D:
Hrlfr blskegg Rognvaldzson - Apr 94)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a tricune inv within a bord Or. (D: Ariana Irene
de Caro - Apr 02)
Per pale Sa & Gu, on a bezant a sheaf of arrows inv Sa all within a
bord Or. (D: Markus Pheilsmid - Feb 03)
Per pale Sa & Purp, a sea-wolf maintaining a sword Arg, a bord Or.
(D: Regenwulf Osbern of Nympsfield - Dec 93)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a harp & a bord Or. (D: James of Rutland May 93)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a lion passant ctrch, armed, langued & orbed Gu
& as an augmentation on a canton Az a whelk within a bord
Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Denis of the Titans - May 04)
Per pale Vt & Az, on a pale Or a branch leaved in chf proper, all
within a bord Or. (D: Donald of Loch Duich - Mar 92)
Per pale Vt & Purp, a mullet Arg within a bord Or. (D: Alexandria
of Calontir - Jun 00)
Per pale Vt & Purp, a windmill within a bord Or. (B: Lochac Dec 87) (For the Mead Guard)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a sun in splendor Arg within a bord Or. (B:
Cicilia McRegan - Sep 02)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a tree blasted & eradicated within a bord Or. (D:
Saige ferch Cedwyn - Jan 05)
Per salt Az & Gu, a compass star pierced within a bord Or. (D:
Alwyn of Kittisford - Jul 00)
Per salt Az & Gu, a hawk striking contourny & a bord Or. (D:
Gwalchmai Dinas Emrys - Oct 91)
Per salt Az & Sa, a tower within a bord Or. (D: Michael Gillean of
Blackwater Keep - Aug 99)
Per salt Gu & Arg, a cross potent ctrch within a bord Or. (B:
Francesco Gaetano Greco dEdessa - Jul 06)
Per salt Gu & Az, on a sun Or a crane in its vigilance contourny Az
within a bord Or. (B: runn Vgadttir - Feb 07)
Per salt Gu & Sa, a catapult within a bord Or. (B: Erich von
Kleinfeld - Jan 84)
Per salt Gu & Sa, a gryphon segreant to sin within a bord Or. (D:
Simon Karlsson - Jun 88)
Per salt Sa & Gu, a sea-griffin contourny within a bord Or. (D:
Sean Thorvaldson - Jan 92)
Per salt Sa & Gu, a tower Arg within a bord Or. (D: Bran
MacNaughton le Hammer - May 02)
Plummetty Az & Arg, a fireball Sa, enflamed Gu, within a bord Or.
(D: Raven of Firefall - Jun 88)
Potent, a horse ramp within a bord Or. (D: Toby of Isenfir Feb 00)
Purp, a cross moline disjointed, a bord Or. (D: Bianca Fioretta da
Ravenna - Jul 01) (Blanket permission to conflict with device
granted 0707K)
Purp, a cross of Calatrava & a bord Or. (Augmentation of Arms:
Calontir - Feb 08) (Standard augmentation)
Purp, a demi-sun enhanced within a bord Or. (B: Kaatje Sebastiane
von Lbeck - Aug 91)
Purp, a double arched bridge & a bord Or. (B: Aldric of
Stonebridge - Jun 96)
Purp, a falcon striking within a bord Or. (B: Calontir - Jul 88)
348 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 1

only (continued)

Purp, a fasces reversed within a bord Or. (B: Pawel of Gdansk Mar 92)
Purp, a garb within a bord Or. (B: Dagmaer or Nautaloek Apr 90)
Purp, a gyno-sphinx couchant Arg crined Sa winged within a bord
Or. (D: Issobell de Montchrestien - Dec 05)
Purp, a lantern within a bord Or. (B: Kevan o Rathkeale - Apr 86)
(For Danes Rath)
Purp, a pile issuant from sin base within a bord Or. (D: Bibhinn ni
hAibhistn - Nov 91)
Purp, a shrew ramp maintaining a berry within a bord Or. (D:
Rhiannon of Shrewsbury - Apr 03)
Purp, a winged sea-unicorn palewise, wings addorsed Arg within a
bord Or. (D: Jocelyn Douglas of Fairfax - Oct 79)
Purp, an otter sejant erect contourny within a bord Or. (B:
Ealdormere - Mar 96) (For Order of the Golden Otter)
Purp, on a heart Or, a double-horned hennin Gu, trimmed Arg, a
bord Or. (B: Lucrezia di Bartolomeo - Jun 05)
Purp, on a pale Or 3 frets conjoined Gu, all within a bord Or. (D:
Custance nic Ralbert Macconnachie - Oct 87)
Quarterly Arg & Gu, in bend 2 pomegranates Gu, slipped of a
single branch proper, a bord Or. (D: Allaine de Beaumont of
Glastonbury - Mar 94)
Quarterly Az & Arg, a cross flory issuant from base, a bord Or. (B:
William the Stout - Jan 99)
Quarterly Az & Gu, a lion ramp guardant & a bord Or. (B: Peter
Larcombe the Merchant - Dec 02)
Quarterly Az & Sa, a lion couchant to sin within a bord Or. (D:
Lon Amour Dufay - Feb 90)
Quarterly Az & Vt, a cross of 4 lozenges & a bord Or. (D:
Margherita da Fiorenza - Jul 07)
Quarterly Az & Vt, on a cross nowed Or, a swan naiant Sa, all
within a bord Or. (D: Eowyn ferch Rhys - Nov 86)
Quarterly Gu & Az, a cross within a bord Or. (B: Thorgrim
Bjornson - Jul 99)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a narwhal haurient to sin Arg & a bord Or. (D:
Tristan Giles Richardson - Mar 86)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a swan rousant, wings disp, Arg, beaked &
membered, within a bord Or. (D: Imran Yosuf le Scorpioun Aug 87)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a sword inv proper within a bord Or. (D: Karl
Redstone - Sep 94)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, on a cross nowy Or a shamrock Vt, a bord Or.
(B: Madoc ap Meurig - Sep 04)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, on a flame Or a rock Gu, a bord Or. (B: Loch
Ruadh - Jan 00)
Quarterly Purp & ermine, a griffin passant & a bord Or. (D:
Wulfric Grimbeald - Apr 93)
Quarterly Purp & Sa, on a sun Or a wolfs head erased Purp all
within a bord Or. (D: Chinua Qorchin - Feb 03)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a dragon segreant within a bord Or. (D:
Gunthar von Drachenschloss - Jun 94)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a phoenix Arg rising from flames a bord Or.
(D: Richard Tallon - Mar 97)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a vol within a bord Or. (B: Andr Miguel de la
Croix - Jul 91)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, on a sun Or a whelk shell Gu within a bord Or.
(D: Marcus Ren Sebastian Dubois - Oct 94)
Quarterly Sa & Vt, on a cross Or, an arrow inv Sa betw 2 crossescrosslet Vt, & a bord Or. (D: Morgan Rhys of Glastonbury Mar 94)
Quarterly Vt & Az, a seahorse within a bord Or. (D: Andr de la
Mer - Nov 99)
Quarterly Vt & Gu, a griffin segreant, a bord Or. (D: Isabella de la
Griffon dAquitaine - Feb 98)
Quarterly Vt & Gu, a mullet of eight points voided, a bord Or. (D:
Regula Alicia la Placida - Nov 04)
Quarterly Vt & Purp, a dragons head cabossed & a bord Or. (D:
Pdraic Amadan - Mar 02)
Quarterly Vt & Sa, a pegasus segreant contourny erminois incensed
Gu, a bord Or. (D: Valentine Ravenwood - Jun 00)
Sa, a bear statant erect affronte, sin forepaw upraised, within a
bord Or. (D: Gunwaldt Gullbjrn - May 80)
Sa, a bisons head cabossed within a bord Or. (D: Chidiock the
Younger - Oct 91)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 1 only]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 1

only (continued)

Sa, a boar ramp dexter hind leg couped Arg within a bord Or. (D:
Inigo Needham Bledsoe - Sep 94)
Sa, a boar statant within a bord Or. (D: Johannes de Seleone Jun 00)
Sa, a brazier Or enflamed proper within a bord Or masoned Sa. (B:
Northshield - Jul 00) (For the Award of the Hearthstead)
Sa, a catamounts face Or marked Sa jessant-de-lys within a bord
Or. (D: Roxanne Delaroche - May 04)
Sa, a chev Gu, fimbriated, & a bord Or. (D: Adrian Navarre Jul 91)
Sa, a compass rose Arg, a bord Or. (B: Northshield - Sep 95)
Sa, a compass star throughout gyronny of sixteen Arg & Sa,
fimbriated Arg, within a bord Or. (D: Rudolf von Tarnenheim
- Nov 81)
Sa, a cross of Jerusalem & a bord Or. (B: Jason MacPherson May 03)
Sa, a cross swallowtailed, gyronny Gu & Arg, fimbriated & within a
bord Or. (D: Wladislaw of Concordia - Feb 86)
Sa, a double-bitted axe & a bord Or. (B: Neil Greenstone Dec 96)
Sa, a dragon ramp erminois & a bord Or. (D: Armand Dragonetti Sep 01)
Sa, a fleur-de-lys & a bord Or. (D: Teresa of Meridies - Nov 03)
Sa, a frog tergiant Arg a bord Or. (D: Meredyth Alba McRegan Jul 98)
Sa, a hornless goats head couped within a bord Or. (B: Lucia del
Mar - Feb 96)
Sa, a horse passant & a bord Or. (D: Tristan de Elsmere - Apr 96)
Sa, a hunting horn within a bord Or. (B: Erinlin Aldhelm - Nov 01)
Sa, a lion couchant & a bord Or. (D: Magnus egjandi - Dec 01)
Sa, a lions head erased within a bordurelet Or. (D: Alden of
Newarkshire - Apr 81)
Sa, a mullet of eight interlocking mascles a bord Or. (D: Isabella
de Medici - Sep 95)
Sa, a plate within a bord Or. (B: Loch Salann - Mar 84) (For the
Order of the Crystal of the Salt Wastes)
Sa, a pomegranate stalked & leaved, the dexter slip broken, within a
bordurelet Or. (D: Eldric de Charbonneau - Feb 81)
Sa, a raven volant within a bord Or. (D: Charissa de la Sierra May 86)
Sa, a salt Gu fimbriated within a bord Or. (D: David Morgan of
Claomh Morgan - Jan 82)
Sa, a serpent coiled & nowed within a bord Or. (B: Guillaume au
Serpent dOr - Aug 81)
Sa, a she-wolf statant reguardant within a bord Or. (B: Samal Kaan
Uxmalil - Feb 87)
Sa, a sickle fesswise, blade to chf, within a bord, all Or. (D: Rorik
Gunnulfsson - Oct 76?)
Sa, a sin arm fesswise reversed embowed proper armored Or
grasping 3 tulips Or slipped Vt all within a bord Or. (D:
Gerald Loosehelm - Feb 92)
Sa, a spear head inv & a bord Or. (D: Polydore Pike - Jul 98)
Sa, a spider web Arg within a bord Or. (B: West, the - Mar 82)
(For Guildmistresses and Guildmasters of the Order of
Arachnes Web)
Sa, a stalk of 3 cattails slipped & leaved, a bord Or. (B: Saint
Swithins Bog - Oct 99) (For the Order of Saint Swithin)
Sa, a standing balance within a bord Or. (B: Jason Kynslay Apr 08)
Sa, a tau cross Arg within a bord Or. (D: Thomas Just Thomas Apr 96)
Sa, a 2-headed tyger ramp, heads addorsed, within a bord Or. (D:
Marcus Isenax - Nov 96)
Sa, a valknut inv within a bord Or. (D: Grmr Eirksson - Jun 05)
Sa, an elephant passant contourny & trumpeting within a bord Or.
(B: Fiona Averylle of Maidenhead - Oct 92) (For Domus
Sa, an empty drop spindle within a bord Or. (B: Madelaine de
Bourgogne - Nov 07)
Sa, an escallop inv & a bord Or. (D: Stephen of Jararvellir Oct 03)
Sa honeycombed Or, a drinking horn Arg, a bord Or. (D: Turstin
Fngin - Sep 92)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 1

only (continued)

Sa, issuant from a roundel Arg charged with a cats head couped
Gu, 3 lightning bolts in pall Arg all within a bord Or. (D:
Llewellyn Flinthaven - Jul 90)
Sa mullety, on a bend Or 3 Greek lamps palewise Sa all within a
bord Or. (D: Carlin of Eastwood - Feb 04)
Sa, on a bell Or a chev couped couched from sin Sa, a bord Or. (B:
al-Barran - Dec 06)
Sa, on a bend sin Or, six torteaux, all within a bord Or. (D: Balin
Drayloch - Aug 86)
Sa, on a bezant a wolfs pawprint Sa, a bord Or. (B: Anthony
Westley - Aug 95)
Sa, on a double-headed phoenix Or rising from flames a rose Gu
barbed Vt, seeded Arg within a bord Or. (D: Vivienne de
Lamprire - Apr 06)
Sa, on a pale Or 2 crosses potent Gu within a bord Or. (D: Odoacer
Probissimus - Mar 91)
Sa, on a sin hand Or a decrescent Sa, a bord Or. (D: Arthur
Blackmoon - Sep 90)
Sa, on a sun Or an anvil Sa, within a bord Or. (D: Eleric Snn
Hvittann - Feb 84)
Sa, on an eagle disp, wings inv, Or, 3 estoiles Sa, a bord Or. (D:
Isobel Gildingwater of Ditchingham - Jul 91)
Sa, on an open book Arg a rose Gu all within a bord Or. (B:
Eleanor Fairchild - Mar 02)
Vair, a hare sejant erect to sin & a bord Or. (D: Nancy of Lochmere
- Feb 04)
Vair, a wyvern passant, tail forked & terminating in mullets, within
a bord Or. (D: Rhys ap Rhodri - Jan 86)
Vt, a bear statant Arg within a bord Or. (D: Marcus Vitellius Ursus
- Jan 06)
Vt, a Blue Mountain butterfly bendwise disp proper, within a bord
Or. (D: Melisa Wordsmith - Mar 75?)
Vt, a Bowen knot Arg within a bord Or. (B: Betva a Bedwyn May 81)
Vt, a calla lily blossom proper within a bord Or. (B: Minowara
Kiritsubo - Dec 82) (For Eleanor Aison of Devon)
Vt, a camelopard statant contourny Or spotted Sa a bord Or. (D:
Deborah Inis Glas - Jul 97)
Vt, a camelopard statant contourny Or spotted Sa, a bord Or & for
augmentation, on a canton overall Az a sun in his glory issuant
from base Or within a bord Arg. (Augmentation of Arms:
Deborah Inis Glas - Jun 07)
Vt, a Celtic cross within a bord Or. (D: Aithbric an Ardain Dhuibh
- Mar 89)
Vt, a coney salient to sin Arg a bord Or. (D: Cicilia McRegan Jul 98)
Vt, a crescent within a bord Or. (B: Kendric de Morlaix - Dec 85)
Vt, a domino mask within a bord Or. (B: Christophe le Vite Jan 97)
Vt, a doubly-curved drinking horn Arg, garnished, within a bord Or.
(D: Anna Georgievna of Kiev - May 87)
Vt, a duck naiant within a bord Or. (B: Greid of the Wastes Jul 81)
Vt, a falcons head erased within a bord Or. (D: Malcolm of
Hibernia - Mar 88)
Vt, a goat ramp within a bord Or. (D: Ruaidri Gabhar - Feb 05)
Vt, a goutte & a bord Or. (D: Petronilla of London - Dec 01)
Vt, a hawks lure Arg, a bord Or. (D: William Wildblood - Jan 97)
Vt, a leaf within a bord Or. (D: Alanna ni Druhan - Aug 82)
Vt, a lions head erased affronty Or, gorged of a wreath of thistles
Purp, slipped & leaved Vt, within a bord Or. (B: Caitlin
MacDonnell - Mar 84)
Vt, a mascle Arg within a bord Or. (B: Martelle von
Charlottenburg - Sep 05) (JB: Eric von Charlottenburg)
Vt, a mermaid affronty, bearing a rapier & a buckler, within a bord
Or. (D: Valeria Richila Navarro - Dec 96)
Vt, a mountain goats head erased at the shoulder within a bord Or.
(D: Tinoran Skipborrinn - Jun 81)
Vt, a narwhal bendwise, tail nowed, within a bord Or. (D: Freana
Geardson - Jun 81)
Vt, a pomegranate slipped & leaved Arg seeded Gu, a bord Or. (D:
Rosalind atte Rylle - May 07)
Vt, a ring of 3 keys within a bord Or. (B: An Tir - Mar 86) (For
the Chatelaine)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 349

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 1 only] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 1 plus]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 1

only (continued)

Vt, a roofless stone well Arg, a bord Or. (B: Gwenllian Brighid
Hertewelle - Oct 95)
Vt, a rose slipped & leaved a bord Or. (D: Charles Aythen Jan 96)
Vt, a triangle within a bord Or. (D: Colene of Black Diamond Jan 08)
Vt, a tricorporate sea-lion within a bord Or. (D: Guillaume de
Rhodes - Apr 92)
Vt, a trident & a bord Or. (D: Conor de Carlton - Feb 03)
Vt, a triquetra within a bord Or. (B: Beornheard of Wearmouth Apr 94)
Vt, a unicorn trippant to sin within a bord Or. (B: Esmeralda of
Kimaden - Dec 82)
Vt, a Wake knot within & conjoined to a bord Or. (B: Nottinghill
Coill - Feb 03) (For Order of the Golden Knot)
Vt, a weeping willow tree eradicated within a bord Or. (B: Lachlan
MacLean - Sep 05) (For House Golden Willow)
Vt, an elephants head cabossed Arg & a bord Or. (D: Randal
Guillaume - Oct 07)
Vt, an owl rising & sin facing, wings disp, maintaining a pen &
scroll Arg, a bord Or. (D: Aspasia Del Verrocchio - Sep 92)
Vt ermined Or, a wolfs head erased Arg a bord Or. (D: Philip
Aleksandrovitch - Feb 95)
Vt fleury Arg, a bear passant Or holding a mug Arg, a bord Or. (D:
Stephen of Northfield - Sep 85)
Vt, on a lozenge Or a wolf ramp Sa maintaining in its sin forepaw a
sword Arg all within a bord Or. (D: Alesone MacCormack Feb 04)
Vt, on a pile Az, fimbriated, a triquetra inv Or, all within a bord Or.
(D: Marlise von Bernhardt - Jul 87)
Vt, on a pile Or, a heart Vt, all within a bord Or. (D: Robert
Greenheart - Jun 90)
Vt, on a pile wavy issuant from dexter chf Arg, a comet Purp, as an
augmentation, on an escutcheon overall Purp, a cross of
Calatrava within a bord Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Katrei
Grnenberg - Jul 07)
Vt, on an open book Or a brown bear passant proper, a bord embat
Or. (D: Uaithne inghean u Mhathghamhna - May 05)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 1


Az, a bend cotised Or betw 2 alembic flasks, spouts crossed in salt,

& a thimble Arg, all within a bord Or. (D: Aubry du Bolduc Aug 85)
Az, a bend Or betw a star of David & a lit candle Arg, a bord Or.
(D: Mephiboseth ben Yosef - Jul 04)
Az, a bend sin betw a compass star elongated to base & a lions
head cabossed, all within a bord Or. (D: Miles de Locwode Sep 05)
Az, a bend wavy ermine betw 2 towers Arg & a bord Or. (D:
Guillaume de Vaison - May 02)
Az, a catamount passant guardant Arg betw 3 estoiles within a bord
Or. (D: Ceatta o Gulcleth - Feb 85)
Az, a chev inv Or betw a stags head cabossed Arg & 2 hearts, all
within a bord Or. (D: Johann Wolfgang von dem Goldenherz Nov 86)
Az, a cross couped quarter-pierced betw 4 lozenges, a bord Or. (D:
Emeline Gifford - Oct 04)
Az, a cross flory tripartite betw 4 hearts in salt, all within a bord Or.
(D: Rhiannon of the Lost Star - Nov 80)
Az, a cross Gu fimbriated, in canton a fleur-de-lys, within a bord
Or. (D: Childeric des Vosges - Oct 81)
Az, a cross triply parted & fretted betw in bend 2 wyverns statant,
all within a bord Or. (D: Catriona Ealasaid o Skye - May 89)
Az, a cubit arm issuant from sin base Arg, sustaining atop its palm a
beehive, in chf 3 bees, a bord Or. (D: Orlando de Castilla May 94)
Az, a daisy Or, eyed Sa, betw 3 quatrefoils, all within a bord Or.
(D: Brion OCullen of Glen Cullen - Apr 90)
Az, a demi-ram Arg holding an oak leaf proper, in chf a mullet Arg
all within a bord Or. (D: Astrid Lund - Aug 79?)
Az, a dexter gauntlet, appaumy & clenched, Or betw 2 hawks wings
conjoined Arg, all within a bord Or. (D: Gerick Greyhawk Apr 88)
350 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 1

plus (continued)

Az, a dexter hand apaumy couped proper betw in cross 4 mullets of

six points all within a bord Or. (D: Thea Gabrielle
Northernridge - Nov 85)
Az, a dexter hand apaumy proper within eight swords, interlaced to
form an eight-pointed mullet, proper all within a bord Or. (B:
Thea Gabrielle Northernridge - Nov 85)
Az, a dolphin naiant Arg betw in pale an escallop & an escallop inv,
a bord Or. (D: Collwen ferch Dafydd Caerllion - Jan 99)
Az, a fess embat & in chf a catfish naiant contourny, a bord Or. (B:
Jararvellir - Sep 93)
Az, a fess embat Or betw 3 crosses formy & a rose Arg within a
bord Or. (D: Jane Katherine Beaumont of Cottingham Jan 96)
Az, a garden rose slipped & leaved Arg within a mullet of 4 points
voided, all within a bord Or. (D: Sara Anna Tudinsdottir Aug 86)
Az, a hippogriff segreant Or & in chf a decrescent & an increscent
Arg all within a bord Or. (D: Isabeau de Savigny - Aug 03)
Az, a lion statant in chf 2 mullets, in base a point pointed, all within
a bord Or. (D: Tmas Skotakollr - Aug 96)
Az, a long cross moline Arg, in chf 2 wyverns passant respectant
wings disp, a bord Or. (D: Merrick Xavier - Sep 95)
Az, a mace Or betw 2 arrows inv Arg, all within a bord Or. (D:
Michael vom Donau - Nov 85)
Az, a pall inv betw 3 mullets of 4 points all within a bord Or. (D:
Edward Griffin - Sep 95)
Az, a pall Or betw 3 mullets of six points elongated palewise Arg, a
bord Or. (D: Joseph Lee Catchpole - Apr 91)
Az, a peacock pavonated Arg, in sin chf a heart, all within a bord
Or. (D: Khurrem de la Roche - Nov 88)
Az, a salt Gu fimbriated surmounted by a mullet of eight points
within a bord Or. (B: David Morgan of Claomh Morgan Oct 83) (For Clan Clai Morgan)(JB: Catheryn Cameron
Stewart Morgan)
Az, a salt Or betw 4 cinquefoils Arg within a bord Or. (D: Alice
Peyton - Oct 06)
Az, a salt Or overall 2 wolves combattant Arg all within a bord Or.
(D: Coinneach Aindrias MacLeod - May 95)
Az, a seawolf erect to sin betw 3 celtic crosses & a bord Or. (D:
adaoin n Fhaolin - May 91)
Az, a serpents head, erect & striking, couped at the neck, in chf 4
mullets, all within a bord Or. (D: Ethelinda Orlogyr - Jun 90)
Az, a staff of Aesculapius Or betw a pair of hands Arg all within a
bord Or. (D: Eanraig the Bonesetter - Jun 91)
Az, a sun in his splendor Or within seven pheons in annulo, points
outward, Arg & a bord Or. (B: Atenveldt, Kingdom of May 92) (For the Azure Archers of Atenveldt)
Az, a sword inv proper betw a pair of wings disp inv Arg, a bord
Or. (D: Hrodgar Bertolf von Mnchen - Aug 92)
Az, a sword proper betw five bezants one, 2, & 2, all within a bord
Or. (B: Thorkel Arnisson - Jan 84)
Az, a torii Or & in base 2 katanas in salt Arg hilted Sa, a bord Or.
(D: Adachi Masamori - Nov 04)
Az, a trident betw 2 fleurs-de-lys a bord Or. (D: Merewen Albern Aug 01)
Az, a wolfs head erased betw in chf a goblet & 2 swords in salt
Arg, within a bord Or. (D: Diana ni Charvell - Dec 82)
Az, an estoille within six dolphins naiant in annulo, all within a
bord Or. (D: Hillary Stormrider - May 80)
Az, an hawk striking Arg & in base a garden rose fesswise slipped
& leaved, a bord Or. (D: Sine the Shameless - Sep 93)
Az fretty Arg, a weavers slea & a bord Or. (D: Medb ingen
Dngaile - Jul 07)
Az, goutty dOr, a unicorn couchant reguardant within a bord Or.
(D: Quenild Comyn - Jul 88)
Az, mulletty Arg, a bend sin Or betw a decrescent & a standing
balance Arg, a bord Or. (D: Aspasia Jeanne Cartier - Jun 90)
Az, mullety Or, a tower Arg within a bordurelet Or. (D: Madline
la Rveuse - Feb 80)
Az, on a bend wavy betw 2 lions sejant erect guardant Or an arrow
inv Vt, a bord Or. (D: Daniel of Silverwaters - Apr 98)
Az, on a pale dovetailed betw 2 swords Or, a sword Gu, a bord Or.
(D: Heinrich Anton von Kiel - Jan 92)
Az, on a tower betw in fess 2 swords Or, a laurel wreath Vt, all
within a bord Or. (D: Torre de los Brazos - Sep 90)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 1 plus]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 1

plus (continued)

Brown, a lion passant maintaining a sword betw 4 bo leaves

saltirewise in salt Or & a dexter tierce per pale Vt & tenn
fimbriated all within a bord Or. (B: Sri Lanka - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Counter-ermine, a sword inv proper surmounted by a boar passant
to sin, all within a bord Or. (D: Thorolf Gunderson - Jul 85)
Gu, a bend dovetailed betw 4 crosses bottony fitchy Arg all within a
bord Or. (D: Ivan Howard of Hightower - Sep 91)
Gu, a bend Or betw a sword proper winged, wings elevated, & a
lion ramp Arg, all within a bord Or. (D: Balthezar Rendflesh Jul 82)
Gu, a boar courant to sin betw 4 lightning bolts in salt, all within a
bord Or. (D: Titus Claudius Severus - May 89)
Gu, a chev betw 2 brocks combattant & an open book all within a
bord Or. (D: Caissne Merdrech - Nov 03)
Gu, a chev inv & in chf a crescent all within a bord Or. (B:
Cionaodh OHosey - Oct 03)
Gu, a chev ploy Or betw 3 ostrich plumes Arg, a bord Or. (D:
Grainne MacAvery - Dec 95)
Gu, a crescent within a spokeless Catherine wheel, all within a
bordurelet Or. (D: Kate Philippa oShion - Jan 81)
Gu, a cup & overall a dagger fesswise point to sin within a bord Or.
(D: Zerach ben Avraham - Jan 08)
Gu, a dragon passant Or orbed Gu, maintaining in its dexter
forepaw an oak branch proper; a base barry dancetty Az &
Arg; overall a bord Or. (D: Arwen Evaine ferch Rhys of
Gwynedd - Aug 79)
Gu, a dragon ramp contourny Arg betw 4 mullets in cross, a bord
Or. (D: Theresa of Caid - Feb 05)
Gu, a dragon ramp Or betw 3 plates, all within a bord Or. (D:
Christophe van der Ross - Jan 85)
Gu, a fess betw 2 mullets pierced, all within a bord Or. (B:
Matthew of Battle - Feb 08)
Gu, a frog & a base Arg all within a bord Or. (D: Llwyd Akers Dec 05)
Gu, a goblet within a laurel wreath, in chf a bunch of grapes,
slipped & leaved, all within a bord Or. (D: St. Golias Sep 87)
Gu, a griffin with the forelegs of a horse passant contourny
regardant coward betw five annulets 2, 2, & one, all within a
bord Or. (B: Jeanne Anne la Bonnetire - Apr 98)
Gu, a lion dormant betw in pale 2 nightingales close within a bord
Or. (D: Felicity Penne - Jan 85)
Gu, a pall inv betw 3 wolfs heads erased contourne within a bord
Or. (D: William Beren Randolf - Nov 91)
Gu, a pomegranate Or seeded Gu betw 3 bees, all within a bord Or.
(B: Egill Gunnbjarnarson - Jul 93) (For Husa Fornast)
Gu, a skull Arg betw 3 bezants all within a bord Or. (D: William
Blood the Merchant - Apr 03)
Gu, a tower Arg, in chf 3 fleurs-de-lys, all within a bord Or. (D:
Cassandra de la Tour - Jan 90)
Gu, a tower Or, in chf 3 mullets Arg, a bord Or. (B: Southron
Gaard - Jan 99)
Gu, an amphisbaena betw 3 anvils, a bord Or. (D: Otto Helmsmid May 04)
Gu, an anchor Arg debruised by a sealion naiant contourny, tail
reflexed over its head, within a bord Or. (D: Gaufridus of
Blackthorne - Jan 94)
Gu, an eagle trussing a serpent & in chf 3 bezants all within a bord
Or. (D: Rob OFlynn - Oct 90)
Gu, issuant from a chev, a demi-dragon ramp, in base a cinquefoil,
all within a bord, all Or. (D: Frae Fitzalleyne - Nov 90)
Gu, on a bend Arg betw 2 compass stars Or, 3 fleurs-de-lis palewise
Sa, a bord Or. (D: Antonello Giovacchini lo Voiello - Nov 94)
Gu, on a bend betw 2 lozenges Or, an arrow inv Sa, all within a
bord Or. (D: Renato Belisario Pascucci - Dec 89)
Gu, on a bend sin betw a sword inv & 2 linked annulets Or, 3 lyres
palewise Gu, all within a bord Or. (D: Loric Silvestris Oct 84)
Gu, on a bend sin Sa fimbriated Or, 3 bezants, in canton a heart, all
within a bord Or. (D: Rurick von Berlichingen - Jan 74?)
Gu, on a bezant a harp Sa & in chf a scimitar fesswise blade to chf
all within a bord Or. (D: Hossein Ali Qomi - Sep 90)
Gu, on a phoenix Or rising from flames proper a Roman numeral V
Gu, in chf a crescent, a bord Or. (B: Caid - Jul 94)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 1

plus (continued)

Gu, on a plate a double rose proper, a bord Or. (D: Anabella of

Newmarch - Sep 00)
Gu, upon & entwined about an anchor Arg betw 2 escallops Or, a
grapevine Vt, fructed Purp, all within a bord Or. (D: Bronwyn
Anchoret Selwyn - Feb 90)
Pean, a phoenix Or issuing from flames Gu, the flames debruised in
base by a mullet of seven points, all within a bord Or. (D:
Michael Fitzhugh of Skye - Nov 82)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend betw a sun in its splendor & a lions head
cabossed all within a bord Or. (D: Alina Marie de
Valenciennes - Aug 02)
Per bend Sa & Az, a bend ermine betw 3 crosses bottony & 3
manatees naiant fesswise, a bord Or. (D: Caitlin Greyhawkes Aug 90)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a bend Or & in sin chf a wolfs head erased Arg
within a bord Or. (D: Toms Mauricio de los Reyes - Sep 05)
Per bend sin Az & counter-ermine, a sword bendwise sin Arg,
overall a helmet facing dexter Arg, plumed, a bord Or. (D:
Terrence of Halliday - Feb 75?)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, a bend sin betw a natural lily slipped &
leaved & an Aarons rod within a bord Or. (D: Christopher
OBannion - Nov 91)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a bend betw a garden rose bendwise, slipped
& leaved, & a sheaf of 3 arrows, all within a bord Or. (D:
Rhiannon Rose OMuray - Feb 89)
Per bend sin Gu & Vt, a bend sin betw an ewer reversed & a heart,
all within a bord Or. (D: Henry von Blud - Aug 83)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a bend Or betw an axe & an axe inv reversed
Arg, all within a bord Or. (D: William Kyle of the Wilderness Apr 87)
Per chev Gu & Vt, a chev betw 2 round buckles Or & a spearhead
inv Arg, all within a bord Or. (D: Connor Tryggvason Oct 88)
Per fess indented Sa & Az, a dance Or betw six roundels in annulo
Or voided Gu all within a bord Or. (D: Bo of Baile na Scolairi
- Mar 94)
Per fess Sa & Az, a lymphad sails unfurled within a laurel wreath &
a bord Or. (D: Storm, the - Oct 01)
Per pale Az & Sa, issuant from the line of division a compass star
throughout conjoined to a demi-annulet, all within a bord Or.
(B: Shadowlands, the - Mar 90)
Per pale Gu & Az, a sword palewise betw 2 wings disp, all within a
bord Or. (D: Torrin the Wanderer - Feb 89)
Per pale Vt & Az, both mulletty, a pale within a bord Or. (D: Alixia
Aurora Airielle - Nov 83)
Per pale Vt & Sa, Saint George mounted & passant contourny,
spear piercing a dragon in base within a bord Or. (D: Sofia
Staritskaia - Apr 94)
Per salt Sa & Gu, a unicorns head cabossed Arg, armed Or, betw in
fess 2 wings disp, all within a bord Or. (D: Anton le Changeur
des Armes - Aug 85)
Per salt Vt & Az, a sun within a laurel wreath, all within a bord Or.
(D: Baelfire Dunn - May 90)
Per salt Vt & Gu, a fret & overall an oak chaplet, a bord Or. (D:
Drahomira Jaroslavna - Mar 93)
Purp, a bend sin betw a demi-unicorn & a tree blasted & eradicated,
a bord Or. (D: Prydian Aurelia Emrys - Jul 93)
Purp, a chev & in base a heart all within a bord Or. (D: Catherine
of Wessex - Jun 02)
Purp, a chev Or betw 2 fleurs-de-lys & an escallop Arg, all within a
bord Or. (D: Marie de La Rochelle - Jul 89)
Purp, a compass star betw 3 oak leaves in pall, stems to center
within a bord Or. (D: Saitou Sakami - Jan 07)
Purp, a Coptic cross throughout Or betw 4 natural dolphins in
annulo Arg a bord Or. (D: Eugenios Athanasiou - Sep 01)
Purp, a cross of Calatrava & in chf a crown within a bord Or,
overall a label throughout Arg. (D: Calontir, Crown Prince of
- Mar 85)
Purp, a double-bitted axe Or, debruised by an eye Arg, irised Az, all
within a bord Or. (D: Deron Creag Mhor - Jan 85)
Purp, a dromedary courant to sin Arg, in base a double-peaked
mount, all within a bord Or. (D: Rowazna Azgwau - Jan 88)
Purp, a lion ramp & in chf 3 crosses formy one & 2, a bord Or. (D:
Ludwig von Strassburg - Oct 98)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 351

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 1 plus]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 1

plus (continued)

Purp, a natural tiger couchant guardant Or marked Sa betw 2

sexfoils in bend sin Arg all within a bord Or. (D: Zoraya de
Navarra - Apr 02)
Purp, a pall inv & in sin chf a mullet of 4 points elongated to base,
all within a bord Or. (D: Patricia le Wyneter - Jun 89)
Purp, a peacock feather betw 3 gouttes, all within a bord Or. (D:
Philomela of Phoenicia - Nov 89)
Purp, a sun Or betw 3 mullets Arg within a bord Or. (D: Catalina
Oro Sol - Mar 02)
Purp, a winged arrow bendwise sin point to chf Arg betw in pale 2
butterflies Or, all within a bord Or, papelonny Sa. (D: Deirdre
Schneider - Jan 86)
Purp, an increscent Arg within an annulet, a bord Or. (D: Beatrice
of Hamtunscir - Nov 00)
Purp crusily Latin, a Bourchier knot, a bord Or. (D: Arwyn of
Leicester - Jul 07)
Purp estoilly, a sun in splendor within a bord Or. (D: Veronique
lAmie - Aug 95)
Purp, on a pile Arg a boar ramp Purp, a bord Or. (D: Elewys
Luscomb - Aug 00)
Quarterly Arg & Az, a demi-dragon erased passant Or & in sin chf a
compass star Arg, all within a bord Or. (D: Michal of the
Water - Oct 88)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a compass star elongated to base Or betw in
first & fourth quarters a dagger proper & in second & third
quarters an anvil Sa, all within a bord Or. (D: Steven of
Norham - Apr 81)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a cross ctrch overall a pithon nowed erect
wings addorsed within a bord Or. (D: Josef de Gonneville Jul 85)
Sa, a bend betw a lions head erased & a sun, within a bord Or. (D:
Donato Pulcinella - May 83)
Sa, a bend dovetailed betw a griffin segreant & a rose, a bord Or.
(D: George of Lancashire - Dec 92)
Sa, a bend ermine betw a sun in its splendor Or & a decrescent Arg
all within a bord Or. (D: Niniane de Bretagne - Feb 96)
Sa, a bend Or betw an estoile & 3 decrescents Arg all within a bord
Or. (D: Jael al Gamal - Jun 91)
Sa, a bend sin betw 2 fleeces in bend within a bord Or. (D: Barbara
of the Crossroads - Jun 91)
Sa, a bend sin betw 2 grenades Or overall a sword proper all within
a bord Or. (D: Thomas Ravenwood of Western Seas - Aug 02)
Sa, a bend sin dovetailed Or betw a unicorn ramp Arg, armed Or, &
an edelweiss Arg, seeded, within a bord Or. (D: Karl
Kramolowsky aus Thorn - Feb 85)
Sa, a bend sin Gu fimbriated betw 2 fleurs-de-lys all within a bord
Or. (D: Isabella de Brecey - Apr 92)
Sa, a bend sin Gu fimbriated surmounted by a sword inv within a
bord Or. (B: Asa Thorfinnsdottir - Feb 92)
Sa, a bend sin Or betw 2 lozenges Arg all within a bord Or. (D:
mann Mac an Ghabhann of Sligo - Feb 92)
Sa, a Bengal tigers head cabossed Or, marked Sa, horned Gu, betw
3 roses, all within a bord Or. (D: Hreodbeorht Lumhaighs Sep 88)
Sa, a bezant betw 3 pheons, points outwards, a bord Or. (D: Cara
Leigh - Mar 92)
Sa, a chev betw 2 equal armed Celtic crosses & a tower, a bord Or.
(D: Taliesin Galloglach - Sep 93)
Sa, a chev embat Or betw 2 mullets of 4 points & a sun Arg within a
bord Or. (D: Hugh du Puy - May 94)
Sa, a chev engrailed betw 2 sea lions, erect & respectant, & a
compass star, all within a bord Or. (D: Ivan von Kleist Jan 89)
Sa, a decrescent within eight lozenges in annulo, bases to center, all
within a bord Or. (D: Patrick Levi Darkwrath - Dec 89)
Sa, a fess fusily Or betw 2 swords in salt & vol Arg, a bord Or. (D:
Angus Dugald MacLeod - Aug 95)
Sa, a laurel wreath Arg within a stags massacre & a bord Or. (D:
Marche Sauvage, La - Jul 96)
Sa, a mountain erased voided in chf 3 clouds one & 2 Arg within a
bord Or. (B: Hidden Mountain - Aug 06) (For Order of the
Defender of the Mountain)
Sa, a mullet of six points within a laurel wreath, all within a bord
Or. (D: Bergental - Apr 87)

352 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 1

plus (continued)

Sa, a plate, pierced Az, betw 4 bezants, all within a bord Or. (B:
Rudhraighe OHagan - Aug 87)
Sa, a retort atop an athanor, in sin chf a cross moline, a bord Or. (D:
Luu Naran - Sep 95)
Sa, a spiked mace within an annulet of chain, a bord Or. (D:
Michael of the Mace - Jun 00)
Sa, a sun betw in cross 4 oak leaves, all within a bordurelet Or. (D:
Ciarri MacBraonin an taghdach - Mar 81)
Sa, a sun betw 2 lizards tergiant in annulo clockwise, all within a
bord Or. (B: Rebekah of Lizards Nest - Mar 84)
Sa, a sword bendwise betw 2 suns in splendor, a bord Or. (D:
Reinne du Bois - Sep 00)
Sa, a sword betw 4 compass stars, 2 & 2, all within a bord Or. (D:
Goldwyn of Britain - Oct 81)
Sa, a sword inv Or surmounted by a dove disp tergiant Arg within a
bord Or. (D: James Gael MacTire - Mar 83)
Sa, a wild cat ramp & in chf 3 bells Arg within a bord Or. (D:
Lucia Bellini - Jan 07)
Sa, a wyvern erect & in chf 2 Maltese crosses, a bord Or. (D:
Steffen Kerke van Lubeck - Nov 05)
Sa, an Arabian lamp betw in pale a mallet fesswise reversed & a
hammer fesswise, all within a bord Or. (D: Elsbeth of
Ravensfall - Jan 89)
Sa, an eagle betw 3 Latin crosses within a bord Or. (D: Drogo of
Caid - Dec 05)
Sa, an ermine spot within an annulet, all within a bord Or. (B:
Caryl de Trecesson - Dec 84)
Sa, fretty Arg, a Arabian lamp within a bord Or. (B: Rosemary
Willowwood of Ste. Anne - Apr 92)
Sa mullety Arg, an armored horses head couped contourny, a bord
Or. (B: Donwenna la Mareschale - Jul 01)
Sa, on a bend sin Or betw 2 griffins heads couped respectant Arg
an arrow Sa all within a bord Or. (D: Jean Paul de Pont Jun 95)
Sa, on a chev betw 3 fools caps Or 3 gunstones, all within a bord
Or. (D: Lucius Valentyn Drake - Oct 91)
Sa, on a chev betw 3 hawks heads erased Or 3 gunstones, all within
a bord Or. (D: Nicholas Drake - Oct 91)
Sa, on a sun betw 3 caltraps Or a caltrap Sa all within a bord Or. (D:
Joan Atzur dAndorra - Apr 96)
Sa, semy of thistles, a unicorn ramp to sin within a bord, all Or. (D:
Theresa Hume - May 85) (Deceased)
Vt, a bend Az fimbriated betw a fleur-de-lys & a tower all within a
bord Or. (D: Marc of the Valley Freehold - Jan 91)
Vt, a bend Az fimbriated Or betw a tower Arg & a castle Or, & for
augmentation, on a canton Purp a cross of Calatrava within a
bord Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Valens of Flatrock May 93)
Vt, a bend Or betw 2 narwhals naiant in annulo Arg, horned, all
within a bord Or. (D: Thorarin Kodransson - Mar 89)
Vt, a bend sin betw a harp & a wyvern erect maintaining a sword
inv, within a bord Or. (D: Robert the Scot of Argyll - Feb 95)
Vt, a Celtic cross betw in base 2 trefoils slipped Arg within a bord
Or. (D: Brian FitzPatrick - Jan 87)
Vt, a chev & in base a fleur-de-lys, all within a bord Or. (D: Caitlin
hAodha - Oct 92)
Vt, a chev betw 3 cushions Arg, a bord Or. (D: Miri MDonnyle Nov 99)
Vt, a chev betw 3 trident heads all within a bord Or. (D: Zac of
Middleford - Jan 91)
Vt, a chevronel betw in pale 3 bezants 2 & one & a cross formy, all
within a bord Or. (D: Eofric of Soest - Dec 81)
Vt, a double-bitted axe bendwise sin betw 2 roundels all within a
bord embat Or. (D: Jonathan Drake of Skye - Sep 02)
Vt, a double-bitted axe Or betw 3 standing balances Arg, a bord Or.
(D: Gavin the Gruesome - Jan 93)
Vt, a dragon & in base a quill pen fesswise reversed, a bord Or. (D:
Anna Larie - Aug 05)
Vt, a fess enarched betw 3 roses & a bord Or. (D: Briana of
Donegal Keep - Apr 94)
Vt, a fess Gu fimbriated Arg betw a male griffin couchant Or & an
increscent Arg, all within a bord Or. (D: Cigfa wniadyddes May 94)
Vt, a flute fesswise betw in pale 2 semi-quavers, all within a bord
Or. (B: Rioghbhardan MacInnes the Lame - Nov 89)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 1 plus] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 2]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 1

plus (continued)

Vt, a fret Arg, overall a pewter tankard proper, within a bord Or.
(D: Meghan Meddyglyn - Jan 81)
Vt, a garb & in base a laurel wreath, a bord Or. (D: Mdscir May 00)
Vt, a gauntlet appaum Arg, palmed of leather proper, grasping a
compass star, within a bord Or. (D: Eric Holdstar - Apr 84)
Vt, a hand of Fatima fesswise betw in pale a crescent inv & a
crescent within a bord Or. (D: Yusef Metin el Rumi Sep 71?)
Vt, a harp & in base five barrulets within a bord Or. (D: Siglinde
Harfnerstochter - Jan 91)
Vt, a hawk disp facing sin Or, charged with a lozenge Vt, & in chf 3
lozenges all within a bord Or. (D: Jason Hawke - Aug 91)
Vt, a hurst in chf 4 acorns Arg, a bord Or. (B: Connor MEleam Sep 97) (For House Talbots Keep)
Vt, a laurel wreath surmounted by a double-bitted fasces Or, in base
2 oak sprigs fructed Arg, a bord Or. (D: Eichenwald Jun 92)
Vt, a lion dormant proper betw in pale 2 fleurs-de-lys, within a bord
Or. (D: Laura Leontyne - Apr 82)
Vt, a salt double parted & fretted Or betw in pale 2 falcons disp
Arg, all within a bord Or. (D: Seamus of Coll - Aug 89)
Vt, a wall Arg betw in chf 2 crossbows & in base 2 swords in salt,
all within a bord Or. (D: Zachariah of Westlake - Dec 94)
Vt estencelly Arg, a Lacy knot, a bord Or. (D: Elspeth Glendonwyn
of Kirkaldy - Feb 98)
Vt, on a bend cotised Or, 3 tulips palewise Gu, slipped & leaved Vt,
a bord Or. (D: Bromwynne an Harlick - Apr 73?)
Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 tygers passant to sin Or, a length of chain
throughout, fracted at the center, Sa, all within a bord Or. (D:
Deirdre the Celt - May 90)
Vt, on a chev Or five golpes & in base a needle threaded all within a
bord Or. (D: Svana in kyrra - Oct 02)
Vt, semy of cinquefoils, a lamb dormant Arg within a bord Or. (B:
Jeanne dAussay - Feb 86) (For Household of the Sleepy
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 2

Az, a Bowen knot crosswise braced with an annulet within a bord

Or. (D: Fergus OFey - Sep 01)
Az, a chev inv & a chev fretted Or betw 3 mullets of 4 points Arg,
all within a bord Or. (D: Ludwig Dichter von Oldenberg Apr 90)
Az, a crescent bendwise Or, sustained by a cubit arm palewise
proper, a bord Or. (D: Ysabet ferch Gwydyon - Feb 98)
Az, a daffodil bell to chf Or slipped & leaved proper sustained by a
hand reversed aversant bendwise sin Arg, a bord Or. (D:
Bartola de Rossa - Jun 02)
Az, a quill pen Arg interlaced with a fret couped, a bord Or. (D:
Chrtienne de Haverington - May 00)
Az, in fess a unicorn ramp to sin Arg, armed, crined, unguled,
collared & chained to an anchor, within a bord Or. (D:
Hamish Kornilov - Jun 82)
Az, in pale a Latin cross Or charged with a sword inv Sa & an
African lion couchant proper within a bord Or. (D:
Hrothbeorht the Wanderer - Apr 82)
Az, in salt 2 feathers Arg, a bord Or. (D: Annette Rapaille Jun 05)
Az mullety, a cauldron Arg & issuant from base a flaming
mountain, all within a bord Or. (B: Azuria - Apr 85) (For
Cooks Guild)
Az, on 2 bendlets Or, six mullets Az, all within a bord Or. (D:
Geoffrey Jeffries - Jun 87)
Az, 2 owls passant guardant respectant, wings elevated & addorsed,
maintaining in their upraised talons a sword, within a bord Or.
(D: Robin of Cannock - May 84)
Az, 2 scarpes Or, overall a flute palewise Arg entwined of an ivy
vine, all within a bord Or. (D: Catherine Berylia of the Silver
Whistle - Oct 85)
Az, 2 xonecuilli in salt throughout forming a fylfot within a bord
Or. (B: John the Idiota - Aug 82)
Gu, a cubit sustaining a hunting horn reversed within a bord Or. (D:
Seamus ua Murchada - Dec 95)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 2


Gu, in bend a lion & a unicorn ramp palewise addorsed within a

bord Or. (D: Arthur of Ross-shire - Oct 81)
Gu, 2 chevronels & a bord Or. (D: Gilbert the Short - May 03)
Gu, 2 chevronels inv within a bord Or. (D: Lyonnete Vibert Dec 03)
Gu, 2 flanged maces in salt within a bord Or. (B: Middle, the Sep 05) (For Order of the Gold Mace)
Gu, 2 halberds in pile, betw their blades a tower, Arg, overall a
chev, all within a bord Or. (D: Hector Philip Martel Dec 86)
Gu, 2 lion-headed serpents nowed in a wake knot respectant within
a bord Or. (D: Sinech ingen engusa manaig meicc Senaig
Ua Liathin - Oct 95)
Gu, 2 lions sejant addorsed regardant, a bord Or. (D: Imayne de
Merlowe - Jun 05)
Gu, 2 swords in salt betw 4 helms facing to sin, all within a bord Or.
(D: Alexander Brighthelmston - Jan 90)
Gyronny of twelve Arg & Az, a quill Vt & a scroll in salt within a
bord Or. (D: Vorlin or Gwig - Jul 85)
Lozengy Arg & Gu, 2 bears combatant Sa within a bord Or. (D:
Svetokhna Nikolaevna doch - Dec 04)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a sun Or held in sin base by a cupped sin hand in
profile fesswise couped proper, all within a bord Or. (D:
Brendan mac Artuir - Jan 02)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a crescent & a sword, a bord Or. (D: Malcolm
Maclein - Sep 98)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, a sun in splendor & a lion ramp guardant
within a bord Or. (D: Isolda Jourdan - Mar 08)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, 2 swords bendwise sin the second inv within
a bord Or. (D: Samuel of Ealdormere - Jul 04)
Per chev Vt & Gu, 2 lions dormant & a bord Or. (D: Stephen
Walerand - Sep 92)
Per fess Az & Vt, in fess 2 pheons conjoined at the points, a bord
Or. (D: Dafydd Nuallain - Jun 99)
Per fess Sa & Gu, a scimitar fesswise blade to base, fracted & a
crescent inv a bord Or. (D: Khadija bint Shuja - Apr 98)
Per fess with a left step Gu & Sa, 2 dragons combattant in bend Arg
within a bord Or. (D: Andreas Syndikus Drachenfreund May 86)
Per pale Az & Gu, a dragon segreant Or & a dragon segreant
contourny Arg within a bord Or. (B: Melcher Lloyd of
Hawkwood - May 07)
Per pale Az & Gu, 2 lions & a bord Or. (D: Leonardo Geminiani Nov 06)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 boars ramp combattant ctrch within a bord Or.
(D: Stuart Osric de Becquet - Nov 86)
Per pale Gu & Az, 2 stalks of barley in salt within a bord Or. (D:
Edric Longfellow - Feb 03)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 chalices & a bord Or. (D: Emelye O Mulvany Oct 03)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 dragons heads addorsed & conjoined at the
neck, a bord Or. (B: Dragons Laire - Aug 98)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 rams heads couped respectant & a bord Or.
(D: Marina Zanne - Jul 92)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 sea unicorns ramp addorsed within a bord Or.
(D: Aelfswith of Ringsted - Aug 91)
Per pale Sa & Vt, in pale 2 dogs passant, a bord Or. (D: dric
Duquesne - Jan 99)
Purp, in pale a unicorn courant Arg, gorged Vt, & a plate, all within
a bord Or. (D: Karina des Penses - Mar 88)
Quarterly Gu & Purp, 2 lutes in salt edge-on & a bord Or. (D:
Rhiwallon the Wanderer - May 86)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, in bend 2 thistles within a bord Or. (D: Aidan
Alpin of Dunkeld - May 04)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a vol within a bord Or. (B: Andr Miguel de la
Croix - Jul 91)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, 2 lions ramp addorsed regardant within a bord
Or. (D: Aleksej Voronikhin - Nov 92)
Sa, in pale a compass star elongated to base & a stirrup cup, within
a bord Or. (B: Katrin of the Hidden Orchard - Aug 83)
Sa, in pale a lions head cabossed Or & a pair of wings conjoined
Arg, all within a bord Or. (B: Michael OGeorge - Feb 89)
Sa, in pale an eagle disp & a cup Arg, a bord Or. (D: Patricio de
Cordoba - Apr 97)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 353

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 2] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 3 or more]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 2


Sa, 2 cubit arms fesswise hands clasped Arg, a bord Or. (B: Etain
Eame - Oct 07)
Sa, 2 fish naiant in annulo & a bord Or. (B: Jararvellir - Feb 95)
(For Order of the Pisces)
Sa, 2 harps interlaced in bend sin within a bord Or. (B: Varia the
Wolf Slayer - Sep 91)
Sa, 2 lightning bolts in salt betw in fess 2 swords palewise & in chf
a decrescent, all within a bord Or. (D: James Nightstriker Mar 89)
Sa, 2 swords Curtana inv & conjoined at the quillons within a bord
Or. (D: El of the Two Knives - Jan 73?)
Tierced per pall potent, Gu, & Purp, 2 male griffins combattant & a
bord Or. (D: Sean MacKieran - Jul 95)
Vt, in pale a roundel & an eagle disp within a bord Or. (D: Cathan
MacCathail - Jan 94)
Vt, 2 arrows in salt betw in fess 2 goblets, a bord Or. (B: Saint
Artemas - Jun 96)
Vt, 2 lozenges in bend within a bord Or. (D: Marcel dArmand Sep 95)
Vt, 2 oak leaves, stems crossed in salt, betw in pale 2 acorns, a bord
Or. (D: Sebastian of Deepwood - Oct 91)
Vt, 2 salmon hauriant embowed addorsed & a bord Or. (D: Petrus
filius Silvein - Oct 02)
Vt, 2 swords in salt betw in fess 2 goblets within a bord Or. (B:
Saint Artemas - Aug 01)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 3 or


Az, a sheaf of swords inv Or banded Arg all within a bord Or. (D:
James Irvin - Feb 04)
Az, a sheaf of 3 stalks of wheat Or, betw 3 crescents Arg, a bord Or.
(D: Rowan Oldway - Nov 98)
Az, a sword palewise surmounted by a needle & a quill pen in salt
Arg, a bord Or. (D: Nina of the Lost Caverns - Nov 00)
Az, five roses in salt Arg, barbed & seeded proper, within a bord
Or. (D: Isabella Flamank - Feb 87)
Az, in bend 4 horseshoes betw 2 4-leaf shamrocks slipped, a bord
Or. (D: Katerina de la Marne - Jun 01)
Az, in bend sin 3 fish naiant to sin base, a bord Or. (D: Olafr
Melrakki - Sep 92)
Az, in fess 3 quill pens Arg, a bord Or. (B: Micheal the Limner Jan 93)
Az, in pale 2 swans naiant Arg & a fleur-de-lys issuant in base from
a bord Or. (D: Darla of Castle Kirk - Dec 88)
Az, in pall 4 Bowen knots within a bord Or. (D: Batujin Nasan Jun 04)
Az, sem of bells, a bord Or. (D: Margaret Campbell - Mar 84)
Az semy of hawks striking to sin, a bord Or. (D: Orn grskeggr Aug 04)
Az, seven towers, 2, 3 & 2, betw a stags attire, all within a bord Or.
(D: Siffrit von Nordheim - Jun 83)
Az, 3 annulets interlaced one & 2 within a bord Or. (D: Cainwen
Prenrhos - Apr 00)
Az, 3 bendlets wavy Arg, overall a dolphin haurient within a bord
Or. (D: Margot of Glamorgan - Aug 89)
Az, 3 bezants, each charged with a shamrock Vt, within a bord Or.
(D: Caolbhach MacCostello - Dec 84)
Az, 3 chevronelles braced & inv within a bord Or. (B: Johann
Wolfgang von dem Goldenherz - Apr 91)
Az, 3 dolphins haurient one & 2, in chf 3 bars engrailed to chf &
invected to base, all within a bord Or. (D: Kerry of Clairidge Jul 86)
Az, 3 double-bitted axes in pall inv, hafts to center, within a bord
Or. (D: Damaris of Greenhill - Apr 92)
Az, 3 enfields ramp & a bord Or. (D: Noah de Fenwyk - Jan 08)
Az, 3 mullets of 4 points one & 2 Arg, a bord Or. (D: Aiden
Elfedur - Dec 92)
Az, 3 mullets of six points a bord Or. (D: Fionn Bn - Jan 98)
Az, 3 needles in estoile, eyes to chf, Or betw in cross 4 thimbles,
domes to center, Arg, all within a bord Or. (B: Oertha Jul 87) (For the Guild of the Ivory Thimble)
Az, 3 recorders in fess & a bord Or. (D: Jame the Heyree Harryson
- Jan 93)
354 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 3 or

more (continued)

Az, 3 sharks naiant in annulo Arg, a bord Or. (B: Anton Tremayne May 99)
Az, 3 water lilies fesswise in bend, Arg, leaved Or, betw 2
reedstalks bendwise throughout, all within a bord Or. (D: Nol
Roseaux - Oct 79)
Az, 2 flaunches Vt, fimbriated, a columbine blossom inv, all within
a bord Or. (D: Jefferson of Guntzburg - Mar 78?)
Barry engrailed Az & Arg, in salt five towers within a bord Or. (D:
ine Dhuin Bhuidhe - Aug 00)
Bendy Az & Arg mullety of six points Az, a bord Or. (D: Stergar
of Wessex - Jan 94)
Gu, a cross betw in bend 2 Maltese crosses & in bend sin 2
crescents Arg, a bord Or. (B: Murchadh Garrioch - Mar 07)
(JB: Matheus le Vaus)
Gu, five annulets interlaced in bend within a bord Or. (D:
Catherine de Clare of Alconleigh - Jul 91)
Gu, in bend sin 3 oak leaves bendwise within a bord Or. (D:
Aurddeilen ap Robet - Feb 86)
Gu, in pale 3 apples within a bord Or. (D: Genevive Ravenswood Apr 04)
Gu, 3 armored legs couped at the knee & conjoined in pall within a
bord Or. (B: Aleric Ironleg - Sep 92)
Gu, 3 cherry blossoms, one & 2, within a bord Or. (B: Ariel ap
Gryffyn - Mar 90) (For Shimazu Tokihiro)
Gu, 3 crosses flory & a bord Or. (D: Anne la Settere - Sep 07)
Gu, 3 furisons & a bord Or. (D: sfrr Ulfvardttir - Apr 05)
Gu, 3 Norse sun crosses one & 2 within a bord Or. (D: Henna
Sinclair - Feb 08)
Gu, 3 swords clockwise in triangle proper within a bord Or. (D:
Leon von Schrecken - Dec 82)
Gu, 2 lances in salt surmounted by a third inv, a bord Or. (D:
Konrad Josef Urbanowicz - Jun 97)
Gu, 2 wolves ramp & on a sun Or, a raven migrant to sin chf Sa, a
bord Or. (B: Bran Cuilean mac Muirchiu ua Nill - Nov 92)
Per bend sin Gu & Purp, in pale 3 hautboys bendwise within a bord
Or. (D: Simon de Rouen - Jun 08)
Per chev Az & Gu, 2 mullets & a recorder, a bord Or. (D: Marcus
Starke of Aberdeen - May 95)
Per chev Gu & Az, 3 garbs within a bord Or. (D: Nathaniel Brewer
- Apr 96)
Per chev Gu & Az, 3 towers within a bord Or. (D: Geoffrey of
Lancaster - Jul 90)
Per chev Gu & Sa, 2 Latin crosses clechy & a phoenix Or rising
from flames proper, a bord Or. (D: Kaine Ashburne - Sep 00)
Per chev Purp & Vt, 3 bees within a bord Or. (D: Morgan of
Anglesey - Nov 02)
Per chev Vt & Az, 3 eagles disp within a bord Or. (D: Leofric
Ealdricson - Apr 92)
Per fess Arg & Az, a pale ctrch & 3 cinquefoils Gu, seeded Or, all
within a bord Or. (D: Rosamund Calvert - Jan 87)
Per fess Az & Gu, 3 wolves teeth issuant from sin Arg, a bord Or.
(B: Sundragon - Feb 05)
Per fess Purp & Vt, a demi-sun issuant from the line of division &
six fleurs-de-lys, a bord Or. (D: Adelyn la Souteresse Feb 98)
Per pale Az & Vt, 3 triquetras within a bord Or. (D: Grinne ingen
bir - Apr 03)
Per pale Gu & Az, 4 annulets 2 & 2 within a bord Or. (D: Stefan
Franz - Jan 08)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 suns in splendour & a phoenix Or, enflamed
proper, all with a bord Or. (D: Taevis Michael ONeill Apr 89)
Per pale Vt & Sa, 3 phoenixes within a bord Or. (D: Annalies
Gabriels - Jan 06)
Per pall Arg, Gu & Sa, a rose Sa & 2 roses Arg, all barbed & seeded
proper, a bord Or. (D: Brian of Calafia - Jan 93)
Per salt Vt & Sa, 4 talbots sejant Arg, a bord Or. (D: Mia von
Paderborn - Jun 93)
Purp bezanty & a bord Or. (D: Nigel the Byzantine - Oct 95)
Purp, five gingko leaves crossed, stems to center, within a bord Or.
(D: Rolant von Reichenau - Aug 94)
Purp, 4 hearts conjoined in annulo, points outward, Arg & a bord
Or. (D: Levia Rhys Llaw Wen - Sep 91)
Purp, nine lozenges one, 2, 3, 2, & one Arg within a bord Or. (D:
Victoria the Red - Jun 00)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 3 or more] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Purpure]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Or - Surrounding 3 or

more (continued)

Purp, 3 lozenges conjoined in pall inv Or, each charged with a

mascle Gu, all within a bord Or. (D: Margret of Cheshire Jan 90)
Quarterly Vt & Purp, 3 keys in pall wards outwards & widdershins
within a bord Or. (D: Bjolfr Standali Vilmundarson - Nov 91)
Sa, a sword proper surmounted by 2 double-bitted axes in salt Arg,
a bord Or. (D: Bjorn Magnusson - Nov 92)
Sa mullety of seven points Arg, a bord Or. (D: Bjorn Ulfsson Oct 97)
Sa, semy of broadarrows inv Or, on a chf Or, a strung bow, string to
chf, Sa, all within a bord Or. (D: Yvonne Austin - Apr 90)
Sa, 3 escarbuncles & a bord Or. (D: Ginevra die Hohe - Jan 96)
Sa, 3 harps within a bord Or. (D: Rosalie Harper - Jul 88)
Sa, 3 lit candles mounted in candlesticks Arg within a bord embat
Or. (D: Jane Atwell - Feb 07)
Sa, 3 natural reindeers heads in pall, necks conjoined, within a bord
Or. (B: Darri Kveldulfsson - Aug 86)
Sa, 3 swans disp within a bord Or. (D: Ariadne la Noire - Jun 01)
Sa, 2 compass stars elongated to base & a hawk striking all within a
bord Or. (D: James Sparhawke - Aug 02)
Sa, 2 needles in salt betw a spool of thread & 3 compass stars, all
within a bord Or. (B: Fionna Ramsay of Bronwyn Vale Nov 07)
Vt, a hurst in chf 4 acorns Arg, a bord Or. (B: Connor MEleam Sep 97) (For House Talbots Keep)
Vt, ermined, 3 birch leaves within a bord Or. (D: Gwendylon of the
Copper Beeches - Apr 82)
Vt, in annulo six bees within a bord Or. (D: Gisella Lisabetta
Venier - Oct 04)
Vt, in chf 3 garbs of wheat, one & 2, Or & in base issuant from &
betw the attire of a stags head caboshed proper a Latin cross,
all within a bord Or. (D: Xena Baxter Wynthorpe - Oct 81)
Vt, in cross 4 fleurs-de-lys bases to center within a bord Or. (D:
Gwen of Elfsea - Jun 07)
Vt, in pale a rams head cabossed Arg, armed Or, & 3 roses 2 &
one, all within a bord Or. (D: Morgan Arthur ap Llewellyn Aug 86)
Vt, in pale 3 stags courant Arg within a bord Or. (D: Emma of
Woodborough - Jul 00)
Vt semy of sin wings Arg, a bord Or. (D: Llewelynus Luctuosus Jun 02)
Vt, six daisies Arg, seeded & within a bord Or. (D: Elaine Brigham
of Yorkshire - Aug 92)
Vt, six suns & a bord Or. (D: Jora in Irska - Sep 00)
Vt, 3 arrows inv within a bord Or. (D: Daniel Moorsholm Dec 95)
Vt, 3 bulls passant Or, each charged on the shoulder with a heart
Gu, within a bord Or. (D: Benahan of Lusitania - Apr 82)
Vt, 3 escallops inv within a bord Or. (D: Martelle von
Charlottenburg - May 86)
Vt, 3 lilies & a bord Or. (D: Leonora of Monadh - Oct 95)
Vt, 3 mice couchant within a bord Or. (D: Isobella de Cordoba Oct 87)
Vt, 2 axes in salt addorsed surmounted by a double-bitted axe
palewise, in chf 3 mullets, all within a bord Or. (D: JotunEirkr Bjarnason - Sep 91)
Vt, 2 boars heads couped close & a Catherine wheel within a bord
Or. (D: Maud Milbourne of Toller Porcorum - Feb 88)
Vt, 2 swords in salt surmounted by an arrow inv Or all within &
conjoined to a bord Or. (B: Nottinghill Coill - Feb 03) (For
Coills Champions)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Purpure

Arg, a brown otter ramp contourny proper within a bord Purp. (D:
Biota Merme - Nov 97)
Arg, a bunch of grapes Purp slipped & leaved betw 3 ermine spots
Vt, a bord Purp. (D: Dionysia of Nordskogen - May 96)
Arg, a chev Purp betw 3 lions ramp Gu within a bord Purp. (D:
Isabeau Gagnon - Jun 02)
Arg, a chev romp Purp & in base a Blackeyed Susan slipped &
leaved proper within a bord Purp. (D: Liesl Bethany des
Herbstliedes - Apr 82)
Arg, a chev Vt & a bord Purp. (B: Katalena Aleksandrova May 04)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Purpure (continued)

Arg, a cross parted & fretted within a bord Purp. (D: Brian
Kunaganos - Mar 85)
Arg, a foxs mask Gu, a bord Purp. (B: Thomas of Foxhaven Sep 91)
Arg, a horse passant to sin & a bord Purp. (D: Sarah of Calafia Mar 04)
Arg, a linden tree eradicated proper & in chf a rainbow banded Gu,
Or, Vt, Az, & Purp clouded Sa all within a bord Purp. (D:
Karl von Lindenheim - Feb 04)
Arg, a Maltese cross Sa within a bord Purp. (D: Dnchn Mac
Namara - Oct 03)
Arg, a pithon erect contourny wings addorsed within a bord Purp.
(D: Kolbjorn skattkaupandi - Aug 05)
Arg, a rabbit ramp contourny Sa a bord Purp. (D: Sarra Peller Oct 97)
Arg, a rams head cabossed Sa, a bord Purp. (D: Alessandra
Rodrguez de Lon - Oct 93)
Arg, a sword inv Purp, overall a sprig of heather bendwise sin Vt
flowered & a bord Purp. (D: Hydyr ferch Caradoc - Sep 91)
Arg, a 3 headed thistle proper & a bord Purp. (D: Ewan of
Balquhidder - Apr 00)
Arg, a torii gate Sa & a demi-sun issuant from base Gu a bord Purp.
(B: Kitsu no Taro - Sep 01)
Arg, a unicorn salient Purp, in chf 3 mullets in fess Az, within a
bord Purp. (D: Siobhan of Kerry - Feb 85)
Arg, 4 bears pawprints 2 & 2 Gu within a bord Purp. (D: Ragnarr
Bassi - Jul 02)
Arg, 4 lavender flowers Purp, slipped & leaved Vt, conjoined in
annulo within a bord Purp. (D: Morgana de Mont St. Michel Jan 84)
Arg, 4 oak leaves in salt stems to center Vt & in base an acorn
proper, a bord Purp. (D: Alzhbet de Sighisoara - Feb 05)
Arg, in fess 3 irises Purp slipped & leaved Vt, a bord Purp. (D:
Carol de Rouen - Oct 98)
Arg, in fess 3 palm trees couped Vt, on a base wavy Az a laurel
wreath Arg, all within a bord Purp. (D: Peridot Isle - Feb 94)
Arg, in pale a raven disp & an axe fesswise reversed Sa all within a
bord Purp. (D: Gorm Bolin - Mar 03)
Arg, in pall 3 dragonflies conjoined at the tails Az, a bord Purp. (D:
Selene OMalley - Oct 99)
Arg masoned Sa, a violet Purp slipped & leaved Vt seeded Or
within a bord Purp. (D: Regina ODuncan - May 08)
Arg, on a lozenge throughout Az a Pyrenean mountain dog passant
Arg, collared Or, maintaining a sword proper all within a bord
Purp. (D: Cordula von Wolfstein - Oct 94)
Arg, on a wyvern disp Sa a heart Arg, a bord Purp. (D: Avan
Silverheart - Apr 97)
Arg semy of cats pawprints bendwise sin Sa, a bord Purp. (B: Lore
Bubeck - Aug 02)
Arg, 3 demi-lightning bolts palewise issuant from chf Az, a bord
Purp. (D: Cearan Mac Brendan - Mar 93)
Arg, 2 cats combattant & a bord Purp. (D: Clarissa the Traveller Mar 03)
Checky Gu & Arg, a star of David a bord Purp. (D: Hannah
Hadassah Hamil - Sep 97)
Ermine, a griffin salient within a bord Purp. (D: Anne De Witte Aug 87)
Ermine, a swan naiant Sa within a bord Purp. (D: Salia Claire Nov 94)
Ermine, 3 peacock feathers bendwise sin Vt, a bord Purp. (D:
Victoria of Alfriston - Feb 98)
Erminois, a sealion naiant Vt a bord Purp. (D: Morgaine Gavin Aug 97)
Or, a bay sagittary salient to sin proper, crined Sa, within a bord
Purp. (D: Margarethe Rosamund aus Trier - Jan 89)
Or, a bend Purp, overall a griffin segreant contourny Sa, a bord
Purp. (D: Leofwynn Wulfinga - Jan 93)
Or, a branch blasted bendwise sin Vt within a bord Purp. (D:
Armando Ramos el Caido - Oct 95)
Or, a catamounts head caboshed within a bord Purp. (D:
Christopher Gow - Nov 97)
Or, a crane in its vigilance a bord Purp. (B: Calontir - Oct 96)
Or, a cross of Calatrava within a bord Purp. (B: Calontir May 90) (For the Order of the Calon Cross)
Or, a dragon passant Vt maintaining a lightning bolt palewise Sa all
within a bord Purp. (D: Iohne the Borderer - Jun 03)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 355

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Purpure] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable - Surrounding 1 only]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Purpure (continued)

Or, a dragon salient contourny playing a recorder within a bord

Purp. (D: Etienne de Clermont - Apr 94)
Or, a fan of five peacock feathers proper within a bord Purp. (B:
Geoffrey Jagger - Jul 88) (For House of the Lofty Manor)
Or, a lozenge & a bord Purp. (D: Eyrn Ormarsdttir - Sep 03)
Or, a natural rainbow proper issuant from clouds betw 3 pansies
within a bord Purp. (D: Annabelle Marie FitzSimmons Aug 95)
Or, a rapier bendwise sin within a bord Purp. (B: Marceau de
Valcourt - Apr 08) (For Chasteau Marceau)
Or, a raven volant wings addorsed Sa & a base wavy Vt, all within a
bord Purp. (D: Raven of Heronsmarsh - Jul 96)
Or, on a mullet of six points Gu a hexagon fesswise throughout Or,
all within a bord Purp. (B: Chad Bitor - Apr 88)
Or, on a pale wavy Purp 3 sunflowers proper, a bord Purp. (D:
Desirata Wendaway - Apr 98)
Or, 3 hounds passant contourney Sa a bord Purp. (D: Rurik
Longsword - Sep 97)
Or, 3 monarch butterflies proper within a bord Purp. (B: Andelcrag
- Nov 05)
Or, 2 continental panthers combattant Sa maintaining betw them a
rose all within a bord Purp. (D: Ghislaine of Calafia Jan 02)
Or, 2 willow branches crossed in pall inv proper betw 3 roses Gu,
barbed & seeded proper, all within a bord Purp. (D: Rosemary
Willowwood of Ste. Anne - Jan 84)
Per pale & per salt Vt & Or, 3 bunches of grapes & a bord Purp. (D:
Denis de Dijon - Dec 94)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, 2 hearts Gu, a bord Purp. (B: Moira MacVey Apr 04)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable - Not


Arg scaly, a bord Sa. (D: Bubba of the Southern Shores - Oct 02)
Gyronny wavy of six Or & Sa, a bord Sa. (B: Namron - Feb 81)
(For Protector of Namron)
Tierced per pall Az, Or, & Arg, a bord Sa. (D: Tovye Woolmongere
- Mar 85)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable - Surrounding 1


Arg, a badgers paw fesswise couped Sa, armed Gu, within a bord
Sa. (D: Wulfric Strongbow - Apr 89)
Arg, a boars head cabossed Sa, in its mouth a wooden spoon
fesswise proper, all within a bord Sa. (B: Tir Ysgithr Sep 84) (For the Cooks Guild)
Arg, a bull passant Az within a bord Sa. (D: Renata of Silverhart Jul 05)
Arg, a butterfly & a bord Sa. (D: Viviana Eucheria lIndmabile Jan 98)
Arg, a caltrap within a bord Sa. (B: Barak ben David - Aug 02)
Arg, a cloud within a bord Sa. (B: John of the Pines - Nov 89)
Arg, a cock close within a bord Sa. (D: Susannah Makejoy Apr 00)
Arg, a cross crosslet countercompony Sa & Or, within a bord Sa.
(D: Pieter van Doorn - May 88)
Arg, a cross of 4 ermine spots within a bord Sa. (B: Maurya Etain
Sableswan - Oct 99)
Arg, a cross Sa fretty Or within a bord Sa. (D: Angus Galbraith May 07)
Arg, a crown of thorns Vt, barbed, a bord Sa. (D: Morwith
Blackthorn - Aug 99)
Arg, a demi-sun within a bord Sa. (D: Nicholas Greyland - Jul 07)
Arg, a dragon segreant Az within a bord Sa. (D: Evet
Drachenklaue - Aug 01)
Arg, a dragon segreant to sin, tail coward, Vt, winged, within a bord
Sa. (D: Cirilo Zmajdrugada - Jul 81)
Arg, a drakkar reversed Gu, charged on the sail with a crab Or, all
within a bord Sa. (D: Thorad Bjorgsson - Jan 80)
Arg, a falcon contourny counter-ermine grasping in its talons a
ribbon Gu within a bord Sa. (D: Peregrine Brambles Apr 96)
Arg, a feather a bord Sa. (D: Aubrey Sparewe - Apr 97)
356 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable - Surrounding 1

only (continued)

Arg, a fleur-de-lis per pale Sa & Az, a bord Sa. (B: Symmonne
Deccarrete de Villette - Jan 06)
Arg, a fret crosswise within a bord Sa. (B: Edward of Effingham May 82)
Arg, a frog ramp Vt within a bord Sa. (D: Eithni ingen Talorgain Jan 04)
Arg, a gryphon segreant Gu winged Sa haloed Or, a bord Sa. (D:
Magdalena Binder - Jan 05)
Arg, a griffin segreant to sin Az ermined Arg within a bord Sa. (D:
Edward Shirebrooke - Oct 06)
Arg, a hare sejant contourny Gu within a bord Sa. (B: Genevieve
LaRousse - Jul 93) (For Chteau La Rousse)
Arg, a harp Gu & a bord Sa. (D: Ruaidhr Clrsair - May 04)
Arg, a horned helmet affronty, within a bord Sa. (D: Beornoth of
Filey - Feb 89)
Arg, a horses head couped contourny Vt & a bord Sa. (D: Elena
Alexander - May 02)
Arg, a meadow-beauty, blossom pendant, Gu, slipped & leaved,
within a bord Sa. (D: Frances la Rouge - Oct 81)
Arg, a mermaid in her vanity within a bord Sa. (D: Aoife inghean
Gharbhin - Feb 96)
Arg, a mermaid naiant contourney Az within a bord Sa. (D: Ivan
the Faithless - May 92)
Arg, a monster composed of the foreparts of a 3-headed dog ramp
erect Sa & the hind parts of a sea-lion Vt, all within a bord Sa.
(D: Megan Ariela Gwynhwyfar - Jun 90)
Arg, a natural panther salient incensed of flame, all within a bord
Sa. (D: Moshe Pantera del Fuego Negro - Jul 81)
Arg, a natural panthers head erased close crowned within a bord
Sa. (B: Angharad Drakenhefd - Aug 85)
Arg, a palm tree couped Gu within a bord Sa. (D: Mustafa al Jabal
Tariqi - Oct 86)
Arg, a salamander ramp Purp inflamed proper, a bord Sa. (D:
Bibhinn nic Earnin - Sep 94)
Arg, a salt couped within a bord Sa. (D: Hallbiorn Ingialdsson Oct 96)
Arg, a scorpion fesswise reversed within a bord Sa. (D: Richard
Cockeshank - Jun 03)
Arg, a sin gauntlet clenched transfixed at the wrist by an arrow
fesswise reversed within a bord Sa. (D: Paul the Pleasant Jan 96)
Arg, a sin wing disp within a bord Sa. (D: Nikolaus von Sachsen Aug 85)
Arg, a spoon bendwise within a bord Sa. (D: Eduard Halidai Jun 06)
Arg, a squirrel sejant erect Gu maintaining a lozenge suspended
from its forepaws, a bord Sa. (D: Judith Wilkinson - May 04)
Arg, a swan naiant Az within a bord Sa. (D: Eliska Polacek May 88)
Arg, a sword bendwise singly winged to sin within a bord Sa. (B:
Nikolaus von Sachsen - Apr 83)
Arg, a tree blasted eradicated Sa charged with a lions head
caboshed Or within a bord Sa. (D: Frederick William of
Wastekeep - Jul 83)
Arg, a turtle tergiant Az a bord Sa. (D: Nicolete de Brabant Aug 97)
Arg, an eagles foot couped within a bord Sa. (B: Julia Windsor Dec 01)
Arg, an estoile gyronny of six Gu & Sa within a bord Sa. (B: Edric
the Unsteady - May 82)
Arg, an hourglass Gu, framed Sa, within a bord Sa masoned Arg.
(D: Andr du March - Nov 90)
Arg, coiled once around a sword bendwise inv Or, hilted &
fimbriated Sa, a serpent facing sin Sa, orbed Arg, issuant from
the coil a flame Gu, all within a bord Sa. (D: Kallun of
Tybermonde - Aug 79?)
Arg, ermined Gu, a morningstar bendwise sin within a bord Sa. (D:
Regina Gunnvor Morningstar - Nov 89)
Arg, on a cross Vt a unicorn salient Arg & a bord Sa. (D: Niamh
inghean Chonchradha - May 07)
Arg, on a laurel tree eradicated proper a recorder bendwise sin Arg,
a bord Sa. (D: Lora Lin of Dinas Bran - Feb 07)
Arg, on a laurel tree eradicated proper a recorder bendwise sinster
Arg, a bord Sa. (D: Lora Lin of Dinas Bran - Jan 05)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable - Surrounding 1 only]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable - Surrounding 1

only (continued)

Arg, on a slaughter-axe blade with a tripartite back, edge to base,

Gu a legless raven disp, head to sin, Sa, fimbriated Arg, all
within a bord Sa. (D: Alaric of Hraefncrag - May 80)
Arg scaly Az, a serpent nowed Gu within a bord Sa. (D: Hrollaugr
Njlsson - May 01)
Arg semy of maple leaves Gu, an eagle Az & a bord Sa. (D: Andor
i lgari - Jun 05)
Az, a winged unicorn ramp within a bord Sa, fimbriated Arg. (D:
Aelfgar the Maudlin - Jan 82)
Barry Arg & Vt, a grenade Gu enflamed proper within a bord Sa.
(D: Hugo Bugg - Dec 07)
Barry indented Arg & Az, a red foxs mask proper within a bord Sa.
(D: Reynard des Montaignes - May 83)
Barry Vt & Arg, a horse ramp within a bord Sa. (D: Ruarc Stot Jul 85)
Barry Vt & Arg, a horses head couped Or & a bord Sa. (D: Eric
the Horseman - Mar 07)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a ram ramp within a bord Sa. (D: Lawrence
the Rampant of Rams Isle - Sep 92)
Barry wavy Arg & Gu, a wyvern erect maintaining an axe within a
bord Sa. (D: Draguin atte Maeldun - Jan 91)
Barry wavy of 4 Arg & Sa, a heart Gu, within a bordurelet Sa. (B:
Julie of the Blackwater - Apr 81)
Bendy Sa & Arg, a cross patte Gu within a bord Sa. (D: Alric of
Castleburg - Oct 81)
Chequy Arg & Gu, a griffin sejant, forepaw raised, within a bord
Sa. (D: Morgan ap Wynne - Aug 88)
Chequy Arg & Gu, a thistle slipped & leaved, within a bord Sa. (D:
Magnus Blackthorne - Aug 89)
Checky Arg & Gu, a wolf passant within a bord Sa. (D: Grace of
Fairhaven - Nov 95)
Checky Arg & Gu, an eagle disp facing to sin Or & a bord Sa. (D:
Johann Bohrer von Elsass - Dec 93)
Checky Gu & Or, a chess rook within a bord Sa. (D: Joshua Frost Aug 93)
Chequy Or & Arg, a lion queue-fourchy couchant Sa, gorged of a
wreath of roses & hearts Arg, within a bord Sa. (D: An Tir,
Crown Princess of - May 89)
Chequy Or & Arg, a lion queue-fourchy couchant to sin Sa, gorged
of a coronet Arg, within a bord Sa. (D: An Tir, Crown Prince
of - May 89)
Chequy Or & Arg, a lions head caboshed within a bord Sa. (B: An
Tir - Nov 87)
Checky Or & Gu, a bird rising contourny Sa maintaining a lightning
bolt bendwise sin Arg all within a bord Sa. (D: Gottfried von
Kln - Apr 02)
Checky Or & Gu, a wolf ramp Arg within a bord Sa. (B: Ein
hEochaidh - Jul 04)
Checky Or & Vt, a bulls head cabossed, a bord Sa. (D: Siriden
ua Nill - Apr 95)
Chevronelly inv Az & Arg, a rams head caboshed & a bord Sa. (D:
Ruadhan mac an Gobhann mhic Dhomhnuill - May 07)
Countervairy Arg & Gu, a demi-lion with a bord Sa. (D: Davin
Wlflin of Unterwalden - Apr 89)
Ermine, a Celtic cross within a bord Sa. (B: Reya nam Beanntan Aug 84)
Ermine, a compass star Purp within a bord Sa. (D: Chad Bitor Nov 93)
Ermine, a dolphin naiant bendwise Gu within a bord Sa. (D:
Cassiana of Dracanmor - Mar 93)
Ermine, a dove descending Arg enveloped in flames Gu within a
bord Sa. (D: Anne Aldryche the Madd - Jul 91)
Ermine, a hourglass within a bord Sa. (D: Brigette MacLean Apr 90)
Ermine, a pomegranate slipped & leaved Vt seeded Gu within a
bord Sa. (D: Monica de la Cueva - Jan 02)
Ermine, a rainbow proper clouded Az, a bord Sa. (B: Adriana of
Hawkwood - Jul 98)
Ermine, a raven close to sin Az within a bord Sa. (B: Ascelin Meere
of Ravenslocke - Apr 96)
Ermine, a rose Gu, slipped & leaved Vt, within a bord Sa. (D:
Brigid Mhor inghen Mhuirchadha - Jan 90)
Ermine, a stringless harp Vt within a bord Sa. (D: Ysabeau
Chanteuse - Oct 86)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable - Surrounding 1

only (continued)

Ermine, a tree blasted & eradicated & a chf wavy within a bord Sa.
(B: Lochmere - Aug 91) (For Order of the Blasted Oak)
Ermine, a wingless gryphon ramp contourny within a bord Sa. (D:
William Geoffrey the Rogue - Jul 99)
Ermine, an increscent within a bord Sa. (D: Edward Newman Jun 01)
Ermine, an oak leaf inv Vt a bord Sa. (D: Gillian Warrender Apr 98)
Ermine, on a lozenge Sa a daisy, slipped & leaved, Arg, all within a
bord Sa. (D: Johanna von Schoenberg - Nov 89)
Erminois, a heart & a bord Sa. (D: Caterina Anglique Coeur Noir
- Dec 93)
Erminois, an eagle disp within a bord Sa. (B: Friedrich Eric
Helmut von Rheinhausen - Nov 94)
Gu, a seal naiant to sin, its tail reflexed above its head, proper,
within a bord Sa fimbriated Or. (D: Sophie Xylander von
Augsberg - Jan 85)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, a tankard reversed & a bord Sa. (D: Davith of
Altenberg - Apr 07)
Gyronny arrondi Gu & Arg, a cross of Santiago Or within a bord
Sa. (B: Rising Waters - Oct 92) (For Order of the Protectors
of the Chalice)
Gyronny arrondi Gu & Arg, a cross of Santiago within a bord Sa.
(B: Rising Waters - Oct 92) (For Award of the Warriors of
the Chalice)
Gyronny arrondi Gu & Arg, a spider Or within a bord Sa. (B:
Rising Waters - Oct 92) (For Order of the Golden Spider)
Gyronny arrondi Vt & Or, an apple tree eradicated Sa fructed Or a
bord Sa. (D: Brianna Magennis - Apr 97)
Gyronny Gu & Arg, a bull passant guardant Or within a bord Sa.
(D: Aurelio di Baldasare - Dec 07)
Gyronny Gu & Or, a dragon passant coward within a bord Sa. (B:
Drachenwald - Dec 02) (For the Kings Guards)
Gyronny of six Or & Gu, a harts head erased within a bord Sa. (D:
Kathryn Blackhart - Aug 89)
Gyronny Or & Vt, a winged stag trippant within a bord Sa. (D:
Cailean Gruagdhubh - Jan 93)
Gyronny Purp & Arg, a Bourchier knot throughout Gu, a bord Sa.
(B: Eugenius Magnus ap Llwyd - Sep 96)
Gyronny Vt & Or, a hand & a bord Sa. (D: Lothar Rosenstill May 02)
Lozengy Arg & Vt, a fess, a bord Sa. (D: Carol Jane Ravenridge Jan 99)
Lozengy couped in fess Or & Gu, a wolf sejant within a bord Sa.
(D: Athelwulf Wulfsson - Mar 88)
Lozengy Gu & Or, a raven within a bord Sa. (D: Arnra hrafn
lfsdttir - Oct 95)
Or, a bear sejant erect to sin within a bord Sa. (D: Evan Uhl Dec 90)
Or, a broadarrow inv within a bord Sa. (B: Gilbert Ost Westley Dec 00)
Or, a cats face jessant of a sword inv palewise, within a bord Sa.
(D: Alexandra Radcliffe - Jan 90)
Or, a continental sea panther Gu within a bord Sa. (D: Miguel
Sebastian da Oporto - Jul 00)
Or, a cross lozenged within a bord Sa. (D: Alexander Barkov Jan 74?)
Or, a crow volant wings addorsed Sa maintaining in its beak a
needle Gu within a bord Sa. (B: Julian of Redwood - Aug 06)
Or, a dolphin hauriant embowed-counterembowed barry Sa & Arg
within a bord Sa. (D: Minna of Tintagel - Jan 03)
Or, a dragon segreant Vt within a bord Sa. (D: David Drake
Vandeleer - Jan 92)
Or, a dragonfly & a bord Sa. (D: Cecilia Eriksdotter - Jan 02)
Or, a dragons head erased within a bord Sa. (D: Merilyn of
Wendarrow - Aug 71?)
Or, a fleam within a bord Sa. (B: Donn Magrath - Feb 89)
Or, a fret couped Vt within a bord Sa. (D: Corwyn ap Gruffith
Cynnil - Sep 90)
Or, a griffin passant within a bord Sa. (B: Northshield - Nov 96)
Or, a hammer & a bord Sa. (B: Ragnarr Blackhammer - Jan 99)
Or, a horse ramp to sin Gu within a bord Sa. (D: Candace the
Horse Trader - Oct 86)
Or, a ladybug Gu spotted & a bord Sa. (D: Morgan Skeene Sep 01)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 357

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable - Surrounding 1 only] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable - Surrounding 1 plus]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable - Surrounding 1

only (continued)

Or, a lamb couchant Arg within a bord Sa. (B: Simon the Christian
- Jan 73)
Or, a mullet of five greater & five lesser points within a bord Sa. (B:
Ansteorra - May 80) (Ensign)
Or, a pegasus volant to sin, wings elevated & addorsed, within a
bord Sa. (D: Damales Redbeard - Jan 92)
Or, a rose Purp, a bord Sa. (D: Barbara atte Rose - Jan 98)
Or, a Russian firebird volant Gu, a bord Sa. (D: Krzysia Wanda
Kazimira - Jan 95)
Or, a Siberian tiger passant guardant Vt striped within a bord Sa.
(B: Kim Kyong-Il - Jun 83) (For House Jade Tiger)
Or, a sprig of 3 poison ivy leaves inv Vt within a bord Sa. (D: Wulf
Beornsson - Feb 89)
Or, a stags attires & a bord Sa. (D: Gnther Klaus von Stuttgart Oct 05)
Or, a sword inv Sa entwined of a rosebush proper, within a bord Sa.
(D: Celestine Albret de Morat - Nov 90)
Or, a thistle slipped & leaved proper within a bord Sa. (B: Edouard
dAth - Jul 85)
Or, a tortoise ramp brandishing a scimitar Az within a bord Sa. (D:
Miklos Gajo - Mar 85)
Or, a tower Sa, winged of dragons wings disp Vt, within a bord Sa.
(D: Bardolph Dragontower - Jul 91)
Or, a wolf sejant ululant contourny & a bord Sa. (D: Sabah alZaman - Sep 02)
Or, a wolfs head couped Gu, a bord Sa. (D: Koric the Barbarian Jan 74?)
Or, a wooden torch proper enflamed Gu, a bord Sa. (D: Benedict
Lamberton - May 94)
Or, an apple Sa mulletty of 4 points Or, within a bord Sa. (D:
Odindisa of Vestfold - Oct 89)
Or honeycombed Sa, a chalice Az a bord Sa. (D: Taliesin
Brynderw - Sep 01)
Or, on a heart within a bord Sa, a stags head couped Arg. (B:
Henry of Longhouse - Apr 90) (For Deerhaven)
Or, on a lozenge Purp a fleur-de-lys Or, a bord Sa. (D: Theodora
Jourdain - Jun 94)
Or, on a lozenge Sa, a cross of 4 lozenges Or, within a bord Sa. (D:
Guimora Peverel of Scopasheall - Dec 91)
Or, on a pale Sa a fleur-de-lys Arg, all within a bord Sa. (D: Adam
Antoine Gabrial Dante - Dec 84)
Or, on a salt dovetailed Az a rose Or, a bord Sa. (D: John James
MacCrimmon - Jan 95)
Or, on an open book Vt a castle Arg, all within a bord Sa. (D:
Kendra of the White Castle - Aug 87)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a tower & a bord Sa. (D: Medwyn Rhyfedd
- May 92)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, a unicorn ramp ctrch within a bord Sa.
(D: Chrystal Connaghty - May 94)
Per bend sin bevilled fesswise Or & Gu, a sun ctrch within a bord
Sa. (D: Kragon of Lands End - Jul 01)
Per chev Arg & Sa, a pithon involved widdershins enhanced Or,
fimbriated, within a bordurelet Sa. (D: Are Vidharr
Askedallen - Jun 81)
Per chev inv Gu & Or, a phoenix ctrch within a bord Sa. (D:
Violeta Pietra Aldobrandini - May 90)
Per chev Or & chevronelly Gu & Or, a flame Gu within a bord Az.
(D: Andre la Flamme - Sep 02)
Per chev rayonny erminois & Vt, an arrowhead inv Or & a bord Sa.
(D: Elise ferch Morgan ap Owen - Apr 94)
Per fess Arg & paly Arg & Sa, in canton a rose, a bord Sa. (D:
Sarah Wydville - Mar 08)
Per pale & per salt embowed counter-embowed Arg & Az, a raven
rising, wings addorsed, & a bord Sa. (D: Padraic the Fierce Aug 92)
Per pale Arg & Az, a phoenix ctrch & a bord Sa. (D: Stephen
Markham - Aug 02)
Per pale Arg & bendy-sin Az & Arg, a cross patty throughout ctrch
within a bord Sa. (D: Savannah Lee - Sep 71?)
Per pale Arg & Gu, on a sun ctrch a raven disp & facing sin, a bord
Sa. (D: Bran Trefonin - Mar 93)
Per pale Az & Arg, a boar ramp ctrch, a bord Sa. (D: Otto Augustin
von Wrttemberg - Sep 04)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a crab ctrch & a bord Sa. (D: Kamiya Gentarou
Toshimoto - Jan 96)
358 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable - Surrounding 1

only (continued)

Per pale Gu & Or, a mascle within a bord Sa. (B: Giles Devon Mar 85) (For Family Uphold)
Per pale Or & Arg, a phoenix Purp within a bord Sa crusily formy
fitchy Or. (D: Algar McCoulagh - Jul 00)
Per pale Or & Arg, a tower Az within a bord Sa. (B: Elizabeth of
Laceby - Jul 86)
Per salt Az & Arg, a sun in glory Gu, fimbriated Or, within a bord
Sa. (D: Phillip Stuart of Silverhill - Sep 83)
Per salt checky Or & Vt, & ermine, a salt ctrch within a bord Sa.
(D: Giuseppe Casazza - Dec 84)
Per salt Gu & Arg, a unicorn ramp a bord Sa. (D: Cormac Lawless
OToole of Bray - Oct 96)
Per salt Gu & Or, a raven contourny within a bord Sa. (D: Pekka
Karvulakki - Jan 04)
Per salt Or & Gu, a hawk striking to sin ctrch within a bord Sa. (D:
Morgan MacLean - Jun 91)
Per salt Or & Vt, a mascle ctrch within a bord Sa. (D: Arianna of
Wynthrope - Apr 89) (re-registered 9112E)(re-registered
Per salt Vt & Or, a butterfly ctrch within a bord Sa. (D: Arwa bint
Haroun - Dec 06)
Pily bendy Az & Arg, a roundel & a bord Sa. (D: Faustus of
Antioch - Oct 99)
Potent, a flat-bottomed amphora Gu within a bord Sa. (D:
Meadhbh inghean Thaidhg u Domhnaill - Nov 06)
Quarterly Arg & Az, a dragon segreant Gu within a bord Sa. (D:
Konrad Ragnarsson - Jun 92)
Quarterly Arg & Az, a monster ramp composed of the head of a
wolf, the forelegs of a hawk, & the body & hindquarters of a
stag, within a bord Sa. (D: Serafina de Kalais - Dec 92)
Quarterly Arg & Or, a swan naiant within a bord Sa. (B: Cynagua Mar 03) (For the populace)
Quarterly Az & Arg, a fret couped ctrch & a bord Sa. (D: Tobias
Morgan - Dec 07)
Quarterly Az & Arg, a tern volant wings addorsed ctrch, a bord Sa.
(B: Fiona Gilanders - May 94)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, an axe & a bord Sa. (D: Lothar der Rote Dec 03)
Quarterly Gu & Or, a fret ctrch & a bord Sa. (D: Daniel de Blare Nov 90)
Quarterly Gu & Or, a horses head couped within a bord Sa. (D:
Bla Aba - Jul 84)
Quarterly Gu & Or, a lion ramp contourny within a bord Sa. (B:
Helmut zu Jlich - Sep 96)
Quarterly Or & Arg, a phoenix Gu & a bord Sa. (D: Ceara inghean
mhic Thearlaich - Oct 01)
Quarterly Or & Gu, a natural salamander tergiant within a bord Sa.
(D: Finnr bestill - Jan 06)
Quarterly vair & Arg, an otter ramp within a bord Sa. (D: Otto of
Westphalia - Aug 95)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, a caltrop ctrch within a bord Sa. (B: Gunnar
Thorisson - Sep 07)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, a thunderbolt ctrch & a bord Sa. (B: Mons
Tonitrus - Jun 92) (For Baroness Champion)
Vt, a sword inv Sa, fimbriated Or, within a bord Sa, fimbriated Or.
(D: Robin McCarren - Nov 81)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable - Surrounding 1


Arg, a bar embat betw a winged horned demon sejant erect affront
chased Sa & a laurel wreath Vt, all within a bord Sa. (D: Grey
Gargoyles, the - Apr 80)
Arg, a bee & in chf 2 needles in salt all within a bord Sa. (D: Clara
Margarethe Wilgebach van Gent - Jan 92)
Arg, a bend Az betw an increscent Gu & a sword, a bord Sa. (D:
Mustafa the Red - Nov 04)
Arg, a bend sin Az surmounted by a lions head cabossed, all within
a bord Sa. (D: Gwynhavyr of River Haven - Feb 86)
Arg, a bend sin betw a falcon striking to sin & a tower all within a
bord Sa. (B: Thomas of Endless Hills - May 94)
Arg, a bend sin cotised Gu betw a lymphad & a hand appaum, all
within a bord Sa. (D: Ruairidh MacErc - Aug 82)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable - Surrounding 1 plus]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable - Surrounding 1

plus (continued)

Arg, a bend sin wavy Az betw a popinjay contourny regardant & a

palm tree bendwise sin all within a bord Sa. (D: Collys
Bythesea - May 02)
Arg, a chev Az betw 3 trees Vt within a bord Sa. (D: Harry the
Hewer of Rimwood - Mar 02)
Arg, a chev betw 3 roses all within a bord Sa. (D: Gabriel
Kalothetos - Jul 03)
Arg, a chev cotised Gu & in chf a quill fesswise reversed, all within
a bord Sa. (D: William of Thetford - May 89)
Arg, a chev, embat & rompu, Gu betw 2 falcons striking respectant
& a hammer bendwise, all within a bord Sa. (D: Stephen
Grimfalcon de Norfolk - Dec 87)
Arg, a chev embat in base a tower, & a bord Sa. (D: Broinninn nic
Labhruinn - Nov 97)
Arg, a chev Gu, overall 2 bluebottles slipped & leaved & conjoined
at their bases proper within a bord Sa. (D: Richenda de la
Selva - Feb 81)
Arg, a chev Sa overall a wyvern disp Az a bord Sa. (D: lfgar
Hweneage - Jul 96)
Arg, a chev Vt betw 3 acorns proper, all within a bord Sa. (D: Esla
of Ifeld - Jun 88)
Arg, a cinquefoil Vt betw 3 ermine spots, a bord Sa. (D: Eils
inghean u Adhmaill - Nov 00)
Arg, a cross Gu surmounted by a seahorse erect, maintaining a
sword palewise, in sin chf a mullet, all within a bord Sa. (D:
Michail Viralier - Jan 87)
Arg, a cross moline Sa betw 4 lilies in salt Gu bases to center all
within a bord Sa. (D: Valeria de Borgia - Jul 03)
Arg, a fess wavy betw a tree couped & a tree couped & inv Gu, a
bord Sa. (D: Russell de Crauforde - Aug 92)
Arg, a greyhound salient to sin within an orle Vt, all within a bord
Sa. (D: Becc of Cork - Nov 88)
Arg, a horse ramp & in chf a rose fesswise Gu slipped & leaved Vt
within a bord Sa. (D: Anne de Bernecestre - Mar 06)
Arg, a lymphad sails furled & oars in action Sa, pennoned & in
dexter chf an estoile Gu, all within a bord Sa. (D: Edric the
Unsteady - Mar 82)
Arg, a Norman ax reversed fracted & in chf a decrescent betw 2
mullets of six points all within a bord Sa. (D: Eirik Broken-ax
- Feb 86)
Arg, a pall betw a raven close Sa & 2 lozenges Gu, all within a bord
Sa. (D: Francis Strider Shieldbane - Nov 86)
Arg, a pall cotised Vt betw 3 ravens close, all within a bord Sa. (D:
Caitlin MacAllestyr - Feb 85)
Arg, a pantheon salient Sa, estoilly Arg betw 3 hearts Gu a bord Sa.
(D: Allen MacFarland - Apr 92)
Arg, a raven disp Sa betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Gu, all within a bord Sa.
(D: Cline Jeanne de Hermain - Nov 87)
Arg, a rose Gu, slipped & leaved Vt, surmounted on the stem by a
double-bitted axe blade, all within a bord Sa. (D: Nikolai
Gornych - Mar 88)
Arg, a rowan tree eradicated Gu, in chf 2 crescents within a bord Sa.
(D: Rowan OHarrell - Oct 85)
Arg, a ruined tower on a mount within a bord, all Sa. (B: Aleen du
Varnay - Mar 83) (For Nightwalk Tower)
Arg, a sea-wolf ululant Gu betw 3 crosses formy fitchy all within a
bord Sa. (D: Wulfric Gylir - Mar 96)
Arg, a shakefork Purp betw 3 rams heads cabossed all within a
bord Sa. (D: Dirk Tree Felur - Sep 03)
Arg, a stag statant at gaze within a laurel wreath within a bord Sa.
(D: Cwm Maethlon - Mar 84)
Arg, a wolf ramp to sin Sa & 3 wolves teeth issuant from sin Gu,
all within a bord Sa. (D: Randwulf aus dem Schnee - Jul 91)
Arg, an Angora goats head cabossed & in base 2 arrows inv in salt,
within a bord Sa. (D: Thorgunna denn Haskasamligr Aug 79?)
Arg, an axe bendwise sin, blade to chf, Sa, surmounted by a bend
Az, all within a bord Sa. (D: Wulfsige Clovenhaft - Sep 87)
Arg, an osprey volant, bearing prey, & issuant from base 2 palm
trees conjoined, all within a bord Sa. (D: Robert of Erewhen Jun 73?)
Arg, an owl disp guardant Sa betw 3 pheons inv Gu all within a
bord Sa. (D: Gideanus Tacitus Adamantius - Dec 84)
Arg goutty, a bears pawprint a bord Sa. (D: Thorvald the Gentle Sep 97)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable - Surrounding 1

plus (continued)

Arg, goutty de sang, a dexter hand couped at the wrist Vt, a bord Sa.
(D: Thomas the Merciless - Jun 76?)
Arg, gutte de sang, a griffins head erased Sa, beaked & orbed Gu,
within a bord Sa. (D: Margaret of Griffin Tower - Jun 80)
Arg, in chf a barrulet gemel bevilled arrondi & issuant from base a
wave reversed, all within a bord Sa. (B: Ishiyama Namban
Tadashi - Jul 82)
Arg, in fess an acorn betw 2 oak leaves, all palewise, & a bord Sa.
(B: Darach - Jan 83) (For the Order of the Sable Oak of
Arg, on a bend betw 2 quatrefoils, barbed & seeded, Sa, a doublebitted axe Arg, all within a bord Sa. (B: Constantine
Nikephorus Akrites - Jan 89)
Arg, on a bend engrailed betw 2 cotises, engrailed on the outer
edges, Purp, an alicorn Arg, all within a bord Sa. (D: Isabeau
Charron - Apr 90)
Arg, on a chev Gu 3 roses Arg & in base a compass star Gu, all
within a bord Sa. (D: Deirdre de Gildelyn - Aug 81)
Arg, on a fess betw 3 trees Vt 3 mullets Arg all within a bord Sa.
(D: Ailleann inghean Roibeirt Fhrancaigh - Mar 02)
Arg, on a pale betw 2 seahorses Gu, a sword Or, all within a bord
Sa. (D: Kira Ashford - Nov 86)
Arg, on a pale Sa betw 2 dragons ramp reguardant addorsed Gu, a
sword proper, a bord Sa. (D: Crystoffer ap Cynan Llwyd May 95)
Arg, sem of roses Gu, barbed, seeded, slipped & leaved proper, a
heart within a bord Sa. (D: Amadea da Strada Dragonessa Jul 82)
Arg semy of acorns Sa, a tree couped Vt, a bord Sa. (D: Rhiannon
verch Tegan Glascoed - Aug 95)
Arg, semy of arrows bendwise sin inv, a sagittary passant to sin
within a bord Sa. (B: Iver of the Black Bow - May 89)
Arg semy of lozenges Gu, an eagle disp head to sin maintaining 3
annulets braced 2 & one all within a bord Sa. (D: Stanislav
Norovich - Jul 03)
Arg semy of sewing needles threaded Vt, a martlet Gu, a bord Sa.
(D: Anna Mailander - Sep 95)
Arg, semy of shamrocks Vt, a rose Gu within a bord Sa. (D:
Carroll Eamon - Jun 82)
Arg, within a cross nowy pierced a triskele, a bord Sa. (D: Alys of
the Isles - Apr 05)
Gyronny arrondy Az, estoilly of eight points Arg, & Arg, an ogress
within a bord Sa. (D: Serena Arianwy Holmes - Feb 90)
Gyronny Az & Or, a pellet surmounted by a sword Arg, within a
bord Sa. (B: Finnvarr de Taahe - Nov 82)
Or, a bend sin betw a legless corbie close to sin Sa & a wildman
statant affronty proper, within a bord Sa. (D: Corwyn
Wodewarde - Nov 82)
Or, a bend sin cotised Vt, overall a fleam within a bord Sa. (D:
Donn Magrath - Feb 89)
Or, a bend sin Sa betw 2 pithons erect contourny Gu, within a bord
Sa. (D: Mara of Rede - Sep 92)
Or, a chev Az, in dexter chf a cross formy, a bord Sa. (D: Konrad
der Ruhige Br - Oct 91)
Or, a chev Az, in dexter chf a cross formy, a bord Sa, & for
difference a label couped Az. (D: Augustus der Ruhige Br Sep 96)
Or, a chev betw 2 horses heads couped addorsed Sa & a rose Sa
barbed Vt seeded Or, within a bord Sa. (D: Robert Gethin
Albret - May 95)
Or, a cross fleury Gu surmounted by a winged unicorn salient, all
within a bord Sa. (D: James the Tristful - Oct 82)
Or, a cross Gu betw 4 compass stars, a bord Sa. (D: tan ingen
Mhel su - Mar 99)
Or, a cross Sa betw in bend 2 candles enflamed & in bend sin 2
keys wards to chf Gu all within a bord Sa. (D: Cristoforo
Montagna - Nov 03)
Or, a dance Sa betw 3 spur rowels Gu all within a bord Sa. (D:
Jean Guy de Bayeux - Dec 95)
Or, a domestic cat sejant affronty Gu orbed Or betw 2 Oriental
dancers-bells Gu, a bord Sa. (D: Cata dels Vergiers de
Lemozi - Oct 76?)
Or, a dragons head cabossed & on a point pointed rayonny Gu an
amphora Or, a bord Sa. (D: Gwenllyen Potter - Aug 00)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 359

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable - Surrounding 1 plus] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable - Surrounding 2]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable - Surrounding 1

plus (continued)

Or, a fess betw a heart Sa & a heart Gu all within a bord Sa. (D:
Dmitri Kazimirovich - Feb 94)
Or, a fir tree Sa surmounted by a carpenters square, point to base
Gu, a bord Sa. (D: William Wood of Kirkcaldy - Mar 98)
Or, a griffin Gu maintaining a sword Sa betw 3 wolfs heads erased
Gu all within a bord Sa. (D: Eithne ni Chailein - May 96)
Or, a hammer bendwise sin Sa, hafted proper, betw 2 roses Gu,
barbed Purp, all within a bord Sa. (B: Xenia Dimitrievna
Morzova - Jun 95)
Or, a harts head erased Sa & in canton a decrescent Arg,
fimbriated, all within a bord Sa. (B: Kathryn Blackhart Aug 89)
Or, a hawk close to sin reguardant betw 2 lozenges in fess, all
within a bord Sa. (D: Alarice Blackhawk - Jan 87)
Or, a lymphad reversed sails unfurled Sa & in chf 3 decrescents Az
all within a bord Sa. (D: Daniel Tremayne - Jan 02)
Or, a pall Sa betw 3 shamrocks stems to center Vt, a bord Sa. (B:
Joseph Walter McFadden - Aug 00)
Or, a pall Sa, overall a lions head cabossed Gu all within a bord Sa.
(D: Mikhail Nicolaevitch Andronikov - Oct 91)
Or, a salt Sa surmounted by 2 battleaxes addorsed Gu, a bord Sa.
(D: Sebastian Wolff - Mar 01)
Or, a scorpion palewise betw 2 scimitars palewise, blades outwards,
all within a bord Sa. (D: Raushan ibn Khursheed - Jan 90)
Or, a stags head couped close Gu & in base 3 Scottish thistles
slipped & leaved proper, within a bord Sa. (D: Vorkul Bedwyr
Xenoforst - Feb 81)
Or, a swan naiant Sa, in sin chf a crescent bendwise sin Az, a bord
Sa. (D: Licoricia du Lac Noir - Dec 93)
Or, a thistle, slipped & leaved, proper within a laurel wreath Vt, all
within a bord Sa, masoned Or. (D: Cour dOr - Oct 03)
(Ancient Arms)
Or, a tower Gu betw 3 trees & a bord Sa. (D: Wystan of Blackwood
Keep - Mar 95)
Or, a unicorn courant Gu & in chf 3 mullets of eight points, a bord
Sa. (D: Galen atte Blakstarre - Apr 01)
Or, a wolfs head cabossed Sa betw 3 thistles proper all within a
bord Sa. (D: Kaitlyn of the Burr Ridge - Jan 92)
Or, an oxs head caboshed Sa, in chf a torteau, a bord Sa. (D: Buqa
Naran - Dec 95)
Or, fretty Sa, 3 roses proper within a bord Sa. (D: Eliada
Melisande dAlessandria - Dec 88)
Or, goutt de sang, a garden rose Az, stalked & leaved Vt, within a
bord Sa. (D: Mary Angelina OBrian - Jul 83)
Or, on a bend sin Sa betw 2 cockatrices passant to sin, wings
addorsed, Gu, five bezants, all within a bord Sa. (D: Aelfred of
Wherwell - May 89)
Or, on a bend sin Vt betw a dexter arm embowed & armored,
maintaining an axe, & a castle Sa, in chf a double-headed eagle
disp Or, all within a bord Sa. (D: Friedrich Ethelred aus
Schloss Trier - Jan 85)
Or semy of thistles proper, a tower Gu within a bord Sa. (D:
Uilliam MacAmhlaidh - Oct 99)
Per bend Arg & Az, a bend betw a corbie close Sa & a wolfs head
contourny Arg, a bord Sa. (D: Branwen ferch Bleiddud Apr 99)
Per bend sin bevilled fesswise Or & Gu, a sun ctrch within a bord
Sa, as an augmentation on a sin canton Sa in pale a pearled
coronet & a scorpion Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Kragon of
Lands End - Oct 01)
Per chev Arg & Gu, a chev Sa betw 2 hawks belled & jessed Vt & a
latin cross Arg, a bord Sa. (D: Simon Hauoc - Nov 94)
Per chev Gu, semy of flames Or, & Or, in base a flame Gu within a
laurel wreath, all within a bord Sa. (D: Steinsee - Mar 88)
Per pale Arg & Az, a castle Or, in chf 3 fleurs-de-lys ctrch, all
within a bord Sa. (D: Lorenzo Fabbrodino di Firenze Jul 84)
Per pale Or & Arg, a sword palewise throughout betw 2 towers, all
within a bord Sa. (D: Black Kane OShannon - Dec 89)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a candle ctrch, enflamed Or, overall a key
fesswise within a bord Sa. (B: Allaine de Beaumont of
Glastonbury - Mar 94)
* * * End * * *

360 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable - Surrounding 2

Arg, a falcon Gu perched atop a mountain Az all within a bord Sa.

(D: Wolfram der Trwe - Sep 03)
Arg, in cross a sword inv surmounted by a lute fesswise reversed
affronty, all within a bord Sa. (D: Soren Blackwine - Oct 83)
Arg, in pale a Catherine wheel Gu & a rose bush Vt flowered Gu, a
bord Sa. (D: Katerina la Bisbetica - Aug 93)
Arg, in pale a crescent inv & a maple leaf within a bord Sa. (D:
Akitsuki Yoshimitsu - Nov 88)
Arg, in pale a mullet of eight points & an eagle disp, a bord Sa. (D:
Eric of Bronzehelm - Feb 99)
Arg, in pale a sprig of 3 holly leaves Vt fructed Gu conjoined to a
chalice Vt, a bord Sa. (D: Finnacn Dub - Apr 01)
Arg, in pale a stag courant Gu & a mullet of seven points within a
bord Sa. (D: Eoghan of Wealdsmere - Aug 85)
Arg, in salt a single-bitted axe & a hammer inv hafted of a lightning
flash Gu, within a bord Sa. (D: Thorbjorn the Graysides May 86)
Arg, 2 annulets interlaced in fess within a bord Sa. (D: Garth
McEwen the Tinker - Jan 91)
Arg, 2 bendlets sin Sa betw a mullet environed of a crescent inv &
an eagles wing Gu, all within a bord Sa. (D: Eirik
Guthrthson - Mar 91)
Arg, 2 bendlets wavy betw a sun & a lighted torch, all within a bord
Sa. (D: Gabrianne de la Montagne - Aug 84)
Arg, 2 cross-peen hammers in salt Sa surmounted by an eagles
head, erased & sin facing, Gu, in base an armourers anvil, all
within a bord Sa. (D: Klas Steinelehne - Jan 90)
Arg, 2 dragons combattant Sa maintaining betw them a step-cut
gemstone palewise Gu all within a bord Sa. (D: Brion Dargan
- Aug 03)
Arg, 2 eagles wings conjoined Gu, holding in salt 2 axes, within a
bord Sa. (D: Bjarni Kenhelm - Nov 91)
Arg, 2 rapiers in salt Sa betw 3 escutcheons Gu, a bord Sa. (D:
Brendan Hay - Dec 92)
Az, betw the horns of an increscent Arg, a screech owl reversed
proper, a bord Sa. (D: Barbara of Suir - Jun 73?)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, 2 oars in salt proper & a bord Sa. (D:
Alberic of Seawall - Dec 92)
Chevronelly Arg & Vt, 2 horses salient addorsed within a bord Sa.
(D: Tams of Esfenn - Jul 92)
Chevronnelly & per pale Gu & Or, a bulls head couped & a bears
head couped respectant within a bord Sa. (D: Ulrik Skytte Oct 06)
Ermine, 2 goats clymant addorsed within a bord Sa. (D: Yazida bint
Zarif - Nov 02)
Ermine, 2 weasels combattant within a bord Sa. (D: Pepin le
Fouinon - Feb 05)
Gu, 2 swords in salt Sa fimbriated rayonny Or & in chf a tern volant
to sin proper, all within a bord Sa. (B: Petr Aleksivich of
Novgorod - Aug 77) (For Druzhina)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, in pale a bear passant & a double-bitted axe
within a bord Sa. (D: Killian McDuff - Dec 92)
Or, a triquetra inv & a fess wavy abased, a bord Sa. (D: Melane
Isidora of Blackwater - Nov 98)
Or, in bend sin a wooden mallet bendwise inv proper & a woodhandled chisel bendwise inv proper bladed Arg, a bord Sa. (D:
Tomaso Floreano - Jul 01)
Or, in bend 2 fleurs-de-lys within a bord Sa. (B: Charles the Black
- Mar 94)
Or, in pale a bears head cabossed & 2 ragged staves in salt, all
within a bord Sa. (D: Gad Waldbr - Sep 89)
Or, in pale a raven disp wings inv Sa & a drakkar dismasted proper
within a bord Sa. (D: Thorold Hawke - May 94)
Or, in pale 2 claymores in salt Gu & a tower, all within a bord Sa.
(D: Ian of Shadowlands - Jun 88)
Or, 2 beavers sejant erect respectant a ford proper all within a bord
Sa. (D: Hildegund von Bieber - Feb 02)
Or, 2 scarpes Az betw a raven disp & a gauntlet bendwise sin,
within a bord Sa. (D: Valerio Corvinus - Jan 92)
Or, 2 scarpes engrailed betw 2 fleurs-de-lis, all within a bord Sa.
(D: Armand de Crecy - Mar 86)
Per bend Az & Arg, a tower Or & a pheon inv Gu, within a bord Sa.
(D: Vladimir Vladimirovich Vladimirov - Jan 88)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, fretty Or, in chf a double rose Az, barbed &
seeded proper, a bord Sa. (D: Ian Gordon of Glen Awe Jan 87)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable - Surrounding 2] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Vert]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable - Surrounding 2


Per bend sin Az & Arg, 2 longships ctrch within a bord Sa. (D:
Friel Lokrien MacGowan - Nov 80) (Deceased)
Per bend sin Or & Az, a tower & a garb ctrch, a bord Sa. (D:
Morgan Trelawney - May 94)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Gu, a mullet Sa & a rapier bendwise sin
Arg, a bord Sa. (D: Brigid MacGowan - Sep 97)
Per chev inv embat Or & Gu, a heart voided Sa, a lily Or, a bord Sa.
(D: Marian Blaney Drake - Nov 93)
Per fess Arg & Or, a reremouse Sa & a bunch of grapes Purp
slipped Vt, a bord Sa. (D: Arriel of Andros - Aug 92)
Per pale Arg & Gu, in fess a radish Gu leaved Vt sustained by a batwinged rabbit ramp Or all within a bord Sa. (D: Eden Kent Jan 04)
Per pale dovetailed Gu & Arg, 2 towers ctrch within a bord Sa. (D:
Alfred Huddlestone - Feb 02)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable - Surrounding 3

or more

Arg, a cross of 4 ermine spots within a bord Sa. (B: Maurya Etain
Sableswan - Oct 99)
Arg, a torteau & 2 feathers one & 2, a bord Sa. (D: Isobel
MacCaffery - Aug 92)
Arg crusilly formy, a bord Sa. (B: Christgaen von Kln - May 07)
Arg, 4 arrows fretted points to chf within a bord Sa. (B: East, the Jul 90) (For Archers of the East)
Arg, 4 caltraps in cross, points to center Gu within a bord Sa. (D:
Leonora Kateryn de Provence - Oct 92)
Arg, 4 swords fretted as a mascle within a bord Sa. (D: Miles
dEath - Oct 91)
Arg, 4 wolfs heads conjoined in salt at the neck Gu, a bord Sa. (D:
Ciaran Faol Ruadh - Jan 88)
Arg, fretty Gu, an escarbuncle of seven caltraps joined at their
points within a bord Sa. (D: Moira Breanainn MacLochlainn Apr 89)
Arg, in pale a boars head couped close & in fess 2 crescents within
a bord Sa. (D: Dathi Tennant - Apr 00)
Arg, in pall inv 3 thistles, slipped & leaved, conjoined at the slips,
all within a bord Sa. (B: Ranulf of Waterford - Jun 02) (For
House Azami)(JB: Caitlyn ODuirnin)
Arg semy of roundels, a bord Sa. (D: Cynethryth Dall - Jun 01)
Arg, six pine trees couped Az within a bord Sa. (D: Mathius the
Hermit - Feb 85)
Arg, 3 arrow fletchings in pall, shafts to center, a bord Sa. (D:
Walkelin Montgomery - Jun 08)
Arg, 3 bells Purp within a bord Sa, masoned Or. (D: Deirdre
Maudelyn of the Moor - Mar 92)
Arg, 3 bendlets sin enhanced above a garden rose Gu, slipped &
leaved Vt, a bord Sa. (D: Damaris la Charmante - Aug 85)
Arg, 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Gu & a bord Sa. (D: William
Scrivener - Jul 04)
Arg, 3 crosses formy fitchy in pall conjoined at the points, a bord
Sa. (B: Johann Wolfgang von Hesse - Feb 99) (For
Company of the Sable Blade)
Arg, 3 horses heads erased & a bord Sa. (D: Elizabeth Horseman Oct 04)
Arg, 3 maple leaves in pall stems outward within a bord Sa. (D:
Yoshikuri Nagayori - Jul 04)
Arg, 3 oak trees Gu, a bord Sa. (D: Isabeau of the Wylde Woode Jan 91)
Arg, 3 roses Purp barbed & seeded within a bord Sa. (D: Andrew
Hilte - May 96)
Arg, 3 spiders tergiant within a bord Sa. (D: Susan the Midwife Sep 88)
Arg, 3 trees eradicated & conjoined in pall, roots to center, proper,
charged with a heart Or, a bord Sa. (B: Boncueur - Jan 91)
(For House Tumblewood)
Arg, 2 chevronels braced Gu & in base a rose, a bord Sa. (D: Ysolt
Tayler of Windhill - Sep 05)
Barry bendy Gu & Or, 3 fleurs-de-lys in bend within a bord Sa. (D:
Winther der Trwe - Apr 03)
Barry Gu & Arg, 3 trees eradicated Vt within a bord Sa. (D: Barry
McFadyen - Nov 89)
Checky Or & Gu, a triskelion of snail shells within a bord Sa. (B:
Ealasaid an Dubhghlais - Dec 92)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable - Surrounding 3

or more (continued)

Checky Or & Gu, 3 ravens in annulo biting each others tails & a
bord Sa. (D: Cerdic Peregrine - Dec 03)
Erminois, 3 bendlets enhanced within a bord Sa. (D: Dagmar
Torsdottir - Oct 87)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, eight daggers points to center ctrch & a bord
Sa. (D: Theodor Hans Lochner - Apr 02)
Gyronny Vt & Arg, 3 reremice Gu, a bord Sa. (D: Dubheasa
inghean Dubgaill - Jan 05)
Or, a sprig of 3 poison ivy leaves inv Vt within a bord Sa. (D: Wulf
Beornsson - Feb 89)
Or, in pale 3 harts springing within a bord Sa. (D: Sigmundr Ulvr Feb 82)
Or, in pale 2 swords in salt & a catamount sejant guardant to sin, all
within a bord Sa. (D: Marria Theresa LeCalm - Mar 87)
Or, semy of mushrooms, a bord Sa. (D: Geoffrey des Champignons
- Jul 89)
Or, six crosses crosslet fitchy Gu within a bord Sa. (D: Terence the
Arcane - Apr 89)
Or, six trees eradicated Vt within a bord Sa. (D: Adan Calentaur Nov 88)
Or, 3 annulets interlaced 2 & one & a fess wavy abased, a bord Sa.
(D: Galene Leonilla of Blackwater - Oct 98)
Or, 3 bendlets enhanced within a bord Sa. (B: Dagmar Torsdottir Feb 89) (For House Fierce)
Or, 3 cats sejant within a bord Sa. (D: Bronwyn nic Gregor Jul 91)
Or, 3 drums within a bord Sa. (B: Jean Guy de Bayeux - Dec 95)
Or, 3 peacock feathers in pile proper, a bord Sa. (D: Maridonna
Dolce da Perugia - Jul 05)
Or, 2 birds rising respectant, wings elevated & addorsed, Sa & a
heart Gu, a bord Sa. (D: Reinhardt Rebil - Dec 05)
Or, 2 ounces combattant Sa, incensed, in chf a sun Gu, all within a
bord Sa. (D: Gunther Kriegsmann von Braunschweig Dec 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Or, 3 dexter hands in bend sin & a lion ramp
Gu, a bord Sa. (D: amonn mac Alaxandair - Jan 08)
Per chev Arg & Az, 3 shears ctrch a bord Sa. (D: Johanna von
Sudeborn - Nov 94)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 2 towers Arg & a portcullis within a bord Sa.
(D: Llywelyn Lorell of Shrewsbury - Dec 87)
Per fess embat Gu & Or, masoned Sa, in salt a double-bitted axe &
a spade surmounted by a sword, all blades to base, within a
bord Sa. (B: Gunnar Redbeard - Feb 86) (For Siegecrafters
Per salt Or & Az, 4 recorders palewise ctrch within a bord Sa. (D:
Alaric MacConall - Sep 89)
Plumetty Gu & Arg, 3 swans rousant, wings addorsed, Sa each
holding in its beak an annulet Or, a bord Sa. (D: Gillian von
dem Walde - May 94)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, 4 caltrops conjoined in cross points to center
ctrch within a bord Sa. (D: Gunnar Thorisson - Sep 02)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Vert

Arg, a bear passant Sa & a bord Vt. (D: Ricardo Oso - Feb 03)
Arg, a bend sin Vt betw an inescutcheon & an anvil bendwise sin
Sa, within a bord Vt. (D: Richard of Black Iron - Jun 82)
Arg, a brown squirrel statant erect affronty proper betw 3 clusters of
acorns Gu, within a bord Vt. (D: Alinor of Braeford - Sep 92)
Arg, a bulrush slipped & leaved within a bord Vt. (B: Elizabeth
Idlewine - Feb 86) (For Castle Marcage)
Arg, a chev betw 2 helmets Sa & a stepcut gemstone palewise a
bord Vt. (D: Lyulf Angus MacDougal - Jun 94)
Arg, a cross moline Gu betw 4 griffins heads erased, a bord Vt. (D:
Joanna of the Beechwoods - Jan 93)
Arg, a domestic cat sejant guardant Gu betw 3 mullets, a bord Vt.
(D: Maerwynn Coed y Cwm - Mar 93)
Arg, a double-horned anvil Sa within a bord Vt. (D: Wilhelm
Smydele von Soelinge - Apr 06)
Arg, a dragons head, erased & sin facing, Gu, within a bord Vt. (D:
Madawc Seumus Caradawg - Nov 89)
Arg, a feather Gu banded Sa within a bord Vt. (D: Morwen or
Llyn - Jul 90)
Arg, a horses head erased contourny Sa, a bord Vt. (D: Regan
Davis - May 98)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 361

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Vert]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Vert (continued)

Arg, a knight armed cap--pie maintaining a mace & a shield

mounted on a boar passant Sa all within a bord Vt. (D:
Josserant de Troyes - Jan 03)
Arg, a Lacy knot & a bord Vt. (B: Forgotten Sea - Feb 02)
Arg, a lion barry Or & Vt, a bord Vt. (D: Elaine Fairchild of
Bishopsgate - Jun 06)
Arg, a lion couchant to sin Gu within a bord Vt. (D: Hodierna
Miriglee of Lincluden - Aug 90)
Arg, a mole tergiant descending proper within a bord Vt. (D:
Elizabeth Carpenter of Rye - Nov 83)
Arg, a mullet of seven points, in chf 2 unicorns heads couped
respectant Az, within a bord Vt. (D: Myfanwy Cymraes Jan 92)
Arg, a pair of shears Sa, a bord Vt. (D: Marion MacGregor Nov 96)
Arg, a pegasus passant, wings elevated & addorsed, Az within a
bord Vt. (D: Gwenhwyfar o Gerddinen Llwyd - Jul 83)
Arg, a pimpernel Gu, slipped & leaved, within a bord Vt. (B:
Adelaide de Beaumont - Apr 87)
Arg, a pithon erect wings addorsed & inv within a bord Vt. (D:
Mary Elizabeth Beekman - May 87)
Arg, a rose Gu within an annulet of thorns Sa a bord Vt. (D: Bryne
McClellan - Aug 01)
Arg, a rustre ploy throughout, a bord Vt. (D: Clovis Tacitus Feb 06)
Arg, a stags head erased Sa betw 3 strawberries Gu, slipped &
leaved, a bord Vt. (D: Kristiana Fraser of Dunestore Mar 98)
Arg, a tower Gu betw in annulo five pine trees couped, all within a
bord Vt. (B: Uther Blackthorne - Sep 92)
Arg, a tower Sa, the portal & ramparts enflamed proper, betw in
fess 2 crosses formy, all within a bord Vt. (D: William
Nighthawk of the Wastes - Apr 86)
Arg, a tree blasted & eradicated Gu, in chf 2 pairs of hammers in
salt Az hafted proper, a bord Vt. (D: Armand le Charpentier May 92)
Arg, a tree eradicated Sa, its roots entwining 2 swords inv in salt, a
bord Vt. (D: Radhn of Shadowwood - Jul 93)
Arg, a triskelion of 3 leaves & a bord Vt. (D: Sioned Maesbreila Aug 93)
Arg, a wagon wheel Az, a bord Vt. (D: Catalina Ana de Salamanca
- Sep 00)
Arg, a winged frog sejant contourny Gu & a bord Vt. (B: Mateo de
Merida - Jul 07)
Arg, a winged unicorn counter-ramp Gu, gorged of a torc Or,
issuant from flames Az, all within a bord Vt. (D: Neandir of
the Flame - Aug 80)
Arg a wolf ramp maintaining a gillyflower Az slipped & leaved, a
bord Vt. (B: Gillian Starke of Aberdeen - Apr 98)
Arg, a wolfs head erased, holding in its jaws a sword palewise inv
Sa, all within a bord Vt. (D: George Aeulfson - Oct 85)
Arg, a wolfs paw print Sa, a bord Vt. (D: Johanna of Lincolnshire
- Nov 98)
Arg, an acorn Purp within a bord Vt. (D: Loretta de Tonge Oct 07)
Arg, an iris Purp slipped & leaved within a bord invected Vt. (B:
Beatrice Villani - Apr 08)
Arg, an owl & a bord Vt. (D: Angelique de la Fontaine - May 05)
Arg, betw 3 hawthorn trees eradicated flowered a robin proper, a
bord Vt. (D: Robin of Thornwood - Dec 06)
Arg ermined Vt, a squirrel ramp Gu maintaining a mug Sa within a
bord Vt. (D: Gustav Jamesson - Jan 03)
Arg, 4 chevronels braced within a bord Vt. (D: Astrid
Thorkelsdottir - Oct 92)
Arg, in chf 2 annulets conjoined in fess within a bord Vt. (D:
Larisa Andriushkina zhena Ivanova doch - Sep 02)
Arg, in pale a frog sejant affronty & a scourge bendwise sin all
within a bord Vt. (B: Dionysus of Grantham - Aug 04)
Arg, in pale a leather camel saddle proper, 2 scimitars in salt Sa, &
a pavilion, all within a bord Vt. (D: Fatima al Mendizayya Jul 83)
Arg, in pale a rose Gu slipped & leaved, & a triple-mount couped,
all within a bord Vt. (B: Michel dArtois - Dec 80) (For
House Rosedale)

362 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Vert (continued)

Arg, on a bend Sa, cotised Vt, an estoile of five points Or betw 2

cinquefoils Arg within a bord Vt. (D: Senaid Ealasaid
Fraser - Mar 84)
Arg, on a bend sin Vt 3 escallops inv palewise Arg, in dexter chf a
decrescent, within a bord Vt. (D: Phillip le Verdeant Feb 84)
Arg, on a heart Az a mullet of eight points Arg, a bord Vt. (D:
Ealhwynna MacDonald - Oct 99)
Arg, on a pale Vt betw six roses Gu, barbed & seeded Vt, a sword
proper, a bord Vt. (D: Gareth Gwynedd - Nov 94)
Arg, on a pine tree couped Vt a Latin cross Arg, a bord Vt. (D:
Rosamund of Trenchfield - Nov 95)
Arg semy-de-lys Vt, a griffin segreant Sa, a bord Vt. (D:
Jacqueline de la Lunde - Jan 96)
Arg, 3 bunches of grapes Purp & a bord Vt. (B: Marta Bon Oct 01)
Arg, 3 holly leaves within a bord Vt. (D: Matilda in the Holis Mar 03)
Arg, 3 mullets of five greater & five lesser points Vt, each charged
with a decrescent Arg, all within a bord Vt. (D: Shirkuh alAthir - Feb 87)
Arg, 3 ravens close Sa, a bord Vt. (D: Jds Hraefnshyrst Nov 00)
Arg, 3 swans naiant to sin, wings elevated & addorsed, Sa, within a
bord Vt. (D: Leopold der Schwarzenschwann von Koenigs See
- Dec 86)
Arg, 3 trefoils slipped a bord Vt. (D: Kiara Loftus - Sep 97)
Barry Arg & Az, a bend ctrch within a bord Vt. (D: Kezia von
Holzenhaus - Nov 89)
Barry erminois & Sa, a bend embat & a bord Vt. (D: Gotschalg
Sudermann - Feb 02)
Barry wavy & per pale Az & Arg, a bord Vt. (D: Constance
Beauchamp - Feb 89)
Barry wavy Arg & Sa, a wyvern statant reguardant, tail sufflexed,
within a bord Vt. (D: Ariadne Flaxenhair of Dragons End Jul 88)
Bendy wavy Gu & Arg, a bridge of one arch Sa a bord Vt. (B:
Middleford - Mar 97)
Checky Arg & Sa, a bord Vt. (B: Miguel of St. Katherine Dec 03)
Checky Purp & Arg, a domestic cat couchant Sa within a bord Vt.
(D: rfhlaith Broinnfind nic Bhriain - Jan 93)
Checky Sa & Arg, 3 chess rooks Gu within a bord Vt. (D: Galen
MacByrne - Jun 95)
Ermine, a chess knight Sa within a bord Vt. (D: Daniila of Dacia Mar 93)
Ermine, a chev & a bord Vt. (D: Havordh ttarbani - Jan 95)
Ermine, on a bend Or fimbriated Vt, 3 pomegranates palewise Gu
slipped Vt seeded Or, a bord Vt. (D: Alexandra de Morteyn Sep 97)
Gyronny of sixteen Arg & Purp, a sun throughout Or charged with a
thistle proper within a bord Vt. (D: Myfanwy ferch Elys Oct 83)
Or, a bend sin Vt betw 2 dragons addorsed Gu a bord Vt. (D: Boo
Hg - Nov 97)
Or, a borage flower Az within a bord Vt. (B: Astrith of Swansvale Jul 82)
Or, a cedar tree proper issuant from mount, all within a bord Vt. (B:
Darien Tevarson - Nov 87)
Or, a Cornish chough Sa, beaked & membered Gu, maintaining in
its dexter talon a chalice, within a bord Vt. (D: Leona of
Remington - Mar 89)
Or, a cross formy fitchy within a bord Vt. (B: Siobhn ingen
Tigernaich - Nov 07) (JB: Clarissima della Chiesa)
Or, a doe statant regardant Gu within a bord Vt. (D: Sadb ingen
Tuathail - Aug 04)
Or, a dragon & a sealion combattant Purp, within a bord Vt. (D:
Alexandrina Natalia Cristiano - Jan 92)
Or, a heart per pale indented Sa & Gu within a bord Vt. (B:
Judwiga Czarna Pika ze Smocza Jamy - Aug 02)
Or, a Lacy knot Az within a bord Vt. (D: Sorcha Valdimarsdottir Jul 00)
Or, a mandrake plant eradicated proper within a bord Vt. (B: An Tir
- Jul 96)
Or, a natural dolphin haurient within a bord Vt. (D: Gwalchmai ap
Talan - Jul 96)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Vert] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Argent]

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Vert (continued)

Or, a quintain Gu, a bord Vt. (B: Philip Rufus Kennard - Sep 92)
Or, a robin contourny proper perched atop an apple Gu a bord Vt.
(D: Robyn Adames - Jan 97)
Or, a round-bottomed basket within a bord Vt. (D: Caterina
Leonora de Forza dAgro - May 88)
Or, a salt parted & fretted Vt, overall a hedgehog statant proper all
within a bord Vt. (D: Octavia Jenon de Treves - Jan 93)
Or, a salt Vt betw 4 roses proper all within a bord Vt. (D: Elspeth
Dunn - Apr 95)
Or, a seadog ramp within a bord Vt. (D: Theodora Lachanodrakon
- Jul 96)
Or, a sprig of rosemary Vt, a demi-sun issuant from base Purp, a
bord Vt. (D: Alais Nic Thighearnin - Aug 94)
Or, a turtle-headed wingless dragon statant & a bord Vt. (B:
Pasgen ap Rhys - Mar 82) (For Dragon Run Household)
Or, a winged lion statant to sin Vt betw 3 caltrops Gu, a bord Vt.
(D: Rodric Windlion - Oct 84)
Or, a wolverine ramp guardant Sa, marked Arg, within a bord Vt.
(D: Cormac MacCumail - Nov 89)
Or, an alligators head couped close contourny Purp & a bord Vt.
(D: Nikodemus Mercator - Oct 01)
Or, an estoile pierced Purp within a bord Vt. (D: Richenza the
Confused - Dec 93)
Or, an oak leaf fructed Vt, overall a longbow fesswise Sa, a bord Vt
semy of pheons inv Arg. (B: Klaus Meyer - Mar 95)
Or, an owls head cabossed proper within a bord Vt. (D: Sunniva
Ragnvald - Nov 89)
Or, 4 lilies in cross bases to center Az, a bord Vt. (D: Rhiannon
verch Madyn - Mar 06)
Or, in bend 3 leaves bendwise sin within a bord Vt. (B: Christina
OCleary - Apr 03)
Or, in pale a triquetra inv Gu & a double rose Purp, barbed &
seeded proper, a bord Vt. (D: Megan of Gleann Abhann Apr 08)
Or masoned Vt, a domestic cat sejant Sa within a bord Vt. (D:
Anna Francesca Massone - Sep 03)
Or, on a cross Vt five pegasi ramp Or within a bord Vt. (D: Oriana
Winterborne - Apr 85)
Or, on a shamrock slipped Vt a flute fesswise Or, all within a bord
Vt. (D: Rioghbhardan MacInnes the Lame - Nov 89)
Or semy of arrows Gu, a rams head caboshed within a bord Vt. (D:
Torrwyn Campbell of Cornwall - Feb 91)
Or semy of thistles proper, a lion ramp guardant queue-forch & a
bord Vt. (D: Matheus McTaevis McMychell - Sep 03)
Or, 3 acorns in pall, caps to center, betw 3 oak leaves in pall inv, all
within a bord Vt. (B: West, the - May 89) (For the Pages
Or, 3 mullets pierced one & 2, a bord Vt. (B: Agnes Daunce Jan 98)
Or, 3 seals naiant in annulo Sa a bord Vt. (D: Damian le Gravenor
- Nov 97)
Or, 3 triskeles & a bord Vt. (D: Duibheasa inghean Fhlainn May 06)
Or, 2 battle axes addorsed Sa, hafted proper, betw 3 estoiles of five
rays within a bord Vt. (D: Randall von Nordlichwald Apr 84)
Or, 2 natural panthers combattant Sa & a bord Vt. (D: Gregory
Morgan - Aug 01)
Per chev Arg & Purp, a salt patty convexed Or within a bord Vt. (D:
Kendra of Avondar - Jul 84)
Per chev Gu & Arg, in base a weeping willow tree eradicated
proper, a bord Vt. (D: Beatrix Losier - Sep 06)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 dogwood blossoms Arg seeded Vt & a Latin
cross Gu, a bord Vt. (D: Marsilla la Despensere - May 08)
Per fess enarched Az & Or, in base a butterfly disp Purp, a bord Vt.
(D: Gyera della Farfalla - Sep 85)
Per fess wavy Or & Az, in chf 3 pheons Gu & in base an escallop
Or, a bord Vt. (D: Jael Grabow - Aug 94)
Per pale Arg & Or, an ypotrill ramp to sin within a bord Vt. (D:
Manfred de Outremer - Mar 87)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a human footprint Sa & 2 roundels in pale Arg
within a bord Vt. (D: Pegge Leg the Merchant - Mar 02)
Per salt Arg & Az, a dragonfly volant en arriere ctrch a bord Vt. (D:
Ophelia Osborne - Mar 98)
Per salt Gu & Or, a pomegranate slipped & leaved ctrch within a
bord Vt. (D: Elena Moreno del Mar - Sep 07)

Bordure - Uncharged - Plain line - Vert (continued)

Quarterly Arg & Az, a trefoil, a bord Vt. (D: Eibhln n

Ghallchobair - May 98)
Quarterly Arg & Or, a heart Az within a bord Vt. (D: Christian von
Jaueregk - Jun 94)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a thunderbolt ctrch within a bord Vt. (B: Mons
Tonitrus - Jan 92)
Quarterly Gu & Or, 4 compass stars ctrch, a bord Vt. (D: Ysolt Pais
de cuer - Jul 00)
Quarterly Or & Sa, a Maltese cross ctrch Vt & Or within a bord Vt.
(D: Leonia de Calais - Jan 92)
Sa, a mullet of 4 points elongated to base pierced Or within a bord
Vt fimbriated Arg. (B: Garth the Lost - Apr 83)
Sa, in fess 2 trees couped & in chf five mullets in fess Arg, all
within a bord Vt, fimbriated Arg. (D: Arian Aurelia ferch
Llewellyn - May 83)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Argent

(Tinctureless) A branch palewise hung with bells, within a bord

engrailed. (B: Mists, Principality of the - Mar 82) (For the
Order of the Golden Branch)
Az, a bord fleury Arg. (B: Ariane of Greylyn - Dec 95)
Az, a dragon ramp to sin within a bord engrailed Arg. (D: Feme
inghean Donnabhin - Oct 01)
Az, a dragons head couped Or within a bord engrailed Arg. (B:
Chrestienne Chabrier - Jan 07)
Az, a human eye Arg irised Az, a bord engrailed Arg. (D: Ogga the
Soothsayer - May 94)
Az, a leopard sejant erect affronty, forelegs disp, in base a mullet of
sixteen points pierced, all within a bord engrailed Arg. (D:
Mieczyslaw Tomeknowicz - Jul 05)
Az, a pall inv within a bord engrailed Arg. (D: Marie Chantal
Delaire - Sep 90)
Az, a rabbit countercourant bendwise sin betw 2 cinquefoils all
within a bord engrailed Arg. (D: Mairi nic Colin - Jul 81)
Az, a spoon inv within a bord engrailed Arg. (B: Mists, Principality
of the - Apr 96) (For Order of the Silver Spoon)
Az, a turtle within a bord indented Arg. (D: Estelle Holroyde Jul 94)
Az, an estoile of eight rays Or within 3 bottlenosed dolphins naiant
clockwise in annulo all within a bord engrailed Arg. (D:
Marina Ariadne ni Chlurain - Feb 82)
Az, an increscent & a bord engrailed Arg. (D: Gwenhwyvar
Nocturnal - Oct 93)
Az, five crosses bottony 2 2 & one & a bord engrailed Arg. (D:
Annora verch Llwyd Bryneirian - Nov 01)
Az, in pale a dove volant to sin, wings elevated & addorsed, Arg &
a fleur-de-lys Or, all within a bord engrailed Arg. (D:
Catherine de Marais - Apr 90)
Az, in pale a lymphad under sail reversed & a decrescent within a
bord engrailed Arg. (D: Pelinora de Orin - Feb 85)
Az, on a chev Arg 3 escallops inv Sa, a bord invected Arg. (D:
Guerin Valletort de Harfleur - Jan 05)
Az, on a escallop inv Arg, a spider Az, all within a bord engrailed
Arg. (D: Rhiannon ferch Cian - Jun 89)
Az, on a lyre within a bord urdy Arg, a domestic cat couchant
erminois. (D: Katriana op den Dijk - Nov 88)
Az, on a plate a rowan tree proper all within a bord engrailed Arg.
(D: Catrin of Llanbadern - May 91)
Az, 3 hawks disp, a bord engrailed Arg. (D: Rayya al-Kurtubiyya Jun 00)
Az, 3 open books & a bord engrailed Arg. (D: Elaine Flamme Feb 05)
Gu, a chev betw 2 swans naiant respectant & a goblet, all within a
bord indented Arg. (D: Ritchenda Angharad Elizabeth de
Chalfont - Jan 81)
Gu, a dragon segreant contourny & a bord indented Arg. (B:
Sundragon - Jan 06)
Gu, a drakkar & in chf a lightning bolt fesswise Or, a bord invected
Arg. (D: Ronald of Wuduholt be Secg - Jan 94)
Gu, a fish hauriant, a bord engrailed Arg. (B: Alexander Kyppyn
Kirkcaldy - May 96)
Gu, a hand of Fatima within a Star of David all within a bord urdy
Arg. (D: Tabitha Leah of Samarra - Jan 91)
Gu, a seal naiant, its tail reflexed above its head, within a bord
engrailed Arg. (D: Raven of Golden Rivers - Mar 86)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 363

[Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Argent] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Azure]

Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Argent (continued)

Gu, an owl rising to sin, wings elevated & addorsed, betw 3 plates
within a bord engrailed Arg. (D: Illeana de Castaeda Nov 93)
Gu, on a lozenge Arg a rose Sa, a bord invected Arg. (D:
Alexandra la Noire - May 98)
Gu, on a plate 2 wingless dragons combattant Sa all within a bord
indented Arg. (D: Angus mac Padraig - Aug 02)
Pean, a wolf sejant erect guardant within a bord engrailed Arg. (D:
Alistrina de Mann - Feb 96)
Per bend Az & Vt, a wolf ramp reguardant & a bord indented Arg.
(D: Ulf de Fribois - Oct 02)
Per bend Purp & Sa, a winged cat ramp to sin within a bord
engrailed Arg. (D: Aoibhell ferch Cyllyn o Benrhyndeudraeth
- Jun 88)
Per bend Purp & Vt, a griffin sejant erect Or within a bord engrailed
Arg. (D: Aylwyn of Griffinholme - Mar 93)
Per bend sin Purp & Sa, a rose slipped & leaved bendwise within a
bord indented Arg. (D: Hans von Wolfholz - Feb 96)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, in dexter chf an oak slip fructed bendwise sin
within a bord engrailed Arg. (D: William Sutherland Sep 04)
Per chev Az & Gu, in chf 2 horses passant, a bord engrailed Arg.
(D: Rodrigo de Vargas - May 98)
Per chev inv Az & Gu, a dragon sejant, dexter foreleg raised Or
within a bord engrailed Arg. (D: lfric Thorfastson - Jun 93)
Per fess Az & Vt, a crane rising wings disp within a bord invected
Arg. (D: Floyd Anthony Thomas Smith - Sep 96)
Per fess Sa & Vt, an osprey striking within a bord engrailed Arg.
(D: Jonathan Osprey of Wimbern - Aug 89)
Per pale Az & Sa, a seahorse maintaining a rose slipped & leaved
within a bord engrailed Arg. (B: Alexander de Toulon Mar 94) (JB: Catrin ferch Dafydd)
Per pale Vt & Purp, a crescent within a bord engrailed Arg. (B:
Seonaid n Fhionn - Mar 89)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a dragon passant within a bord indented Arg. (D:
Toirdhealbhach Wesley - Sep 04)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a talbot passant within a bord invected Arg. (B:
Khevron Oktavii Tikhikovich Vorotnikov - Dec 03)
Per salt Sa & Gu, a sun in splendor Or & a bord indented Arg. (D:
Drogo of Axbridge - Mar 02)
Per salt Sa & Gu, in pale 2 skulls Arg & in fess 2 compass stars Or,
all within a bord engrailed Arg. (D: Eric of Windstar Sep 88)
Purp, a bears head cabossed within a bord invected Arg. (B: Bjrn
Skeggjason - May 88)
Purp, a liondragon statant Or maintaining a crescent bendwise a
bord invected Arg. (D: Melisende Beaumont - Jul 98)
Purp, mulletty, a wyvern disp Arg, maintaining in its bosom a plate,
within a bord indented Arg. (D: Barbara de Chambois Nov 89)
Purp, on an inescutcheon Arg a double-bitted axe Sa, hafted proper,
within a bord engrailed Arg. (D: Humai al Rashida al
Baghdadiyya - May 94)
Purp, semy of amphoras Or, a sea-serpent ondoyant within a bord
invected Arg. (D: Meadhbh inghean Riain - Aug 96)
Purp semy-de-lys, 2 chevronels within a bord invected Arg. (D:
Jean Pierre Quintin dArmagnac - Sep 92)
Quarterly Az & Vt, a cluster of acorns pendant from a slip Or
within a bord engrailed Arg. (D: Caitrin ni Chionga - Jan 93)
Quarterly Sa & Vt, a hare ramp to sin within a bord engrailed Arg.
(D: Harald of Madmarch - Jan 89)
Sa, a castle triply-towered Arg betw in pale 2 martlets volant, wings
elevated & addorsed, Or, all within a bord engrailed Arg. (D:
Ciar nic Radin OSeachnasaigh - Jun 90)
Sa, a pumpkin bendwise Or & a bord engrailed Arg. (D: Hannibal
of Calontir - Dec 03)
Sa, a rapier inv betw in chf 2 hummingbirds rising respectant, wings
elevated & addorsed, all within a bord engrailed Arg. (D:
Corinne Elizabeth Drake - Sep 90)
Sa, a salt Gu fimbriated, overall a sea-lion erect, all within a bord
engrailed Arg. (D: Stephen of Falworth - Jun 81)
Sa, a sun in splendour Or within a bord invected Arg. (B: Richard
FitzGilbert - May 89)
Sa, a wolfs head contourny erased within a bord indented Arg. (D:
Aldric of Wolfden - Dec 91)

364 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Argent (continued)

Sa, an escutcheon vair within a bord engrailed Arg. (D: Etain of

Darach - Nov 06)
Sa, an estoile of 4 greater & 4 lesser points betw in chf 2 dragons
heads couped, addorsed & incensed, all within a bord engrailed
Arg. (D: Sithric Larsson - Oct 89)
Sa semy of Thors hammers within a bord indented Arg. (D: Elna
in Hrrauda - Feb 92)
Sa, 3 spiders inv & a bord engrailed Arg. (D: Varsonofii syn
Zakhariashev Olyechnov - Jul 05)
Vt, a birch tree Arg leaved Or, a bord of knotwork Arg. (D: Betva a
Bedwyn - Jan 05)
Vt, a cross of 4 pheons within a bord invected Arg. (B: Constance
Waite - Feb 02)
Vt, a decrescent within a bord indented Arg. (B: Carl of Sutherland
- Nov 82)
Vt, a dragon statant erect affronty, wings disp Arg, pierced through
the chest with a sword Sa within a bord engrailed Arg. (D:
Achbar ibn Ali - Jul 91)
Vt, a dragons head contourny erased & a bord indented Arg. (D:
Magy McTerlach - Jul 04)
Vt, a falcon disp Or, charged upon the breast with a trefoil Vt,
within a bord engrailed Arg. (B: Ceinwen Haele Cynwyth Nov 84)
Vt, a ferret ramp & a bord engrailed Arg. (D: Sorcha inghean ui
Uidhir - May 99)
Vt, a furison & a bord urdy Arg. (D: Kathrine de Laine - Feb 94)
Vt, a furison within a bord urdy Arg. (B: Kathrine de Laine Sep 92)
Vt, a pall Arg surmounted by an oak leaf Or, a bord engrailed Arg.
(D: Kendrick del Grenewode - Jan 00)
Vt, a shamrock & a bord engrailed Arg. (D: Morin inghean ui
Mhuirneachain - May 05)
Vt, a stag with straight antlers at gaze maintaining betw its antlers a
decrescent & in chf 3 water bougets all within a bord invected
Arg. (D: Solveig Gargan Skjaldvarardttir - Mar 95)
Vt, a swallow volant betw 3 feathers Or all within a bord invected
Arg. (D: Sarra Moore - Oct 02)
Vt, semy of snowflakes, a polar bear passant within a bord
engrailed Arg. (D: Ursula Aelswitha - Aug 87)
Vt, 3 bears statant within a bord indented Arg. (D: Snbjorn
sverdsbrjtr - Sep 06)
Vt, 3 compass stars, the greater points wavy, within a bord invected
Arg. (D: Morgan Morningstar - Jan 87)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Azure

(Tinctureless) A branch palewise hung with bells, within a bord

engrailed. (B: Mists, Principality of the - Mar 82) (For the
Order of the Golden Branch)
Arg, a brown otter statant proper betw 3 water bougets Gu all
within a bord engrailed Az. (D: Grietje Crynes - Sep 04)
Arg, a cat sejant contourny Sa & a bord engrailed Az. (D:
Gwenllian the Forgetful - May 94)
Arg, a crown within a laurel wreath Vt, all within a bord engrailed
Az. (D: Mists, Prince of the - Nov 82)
Arg, a decrescent Az betw in fess 2 heather branches leaved &
flowered proper, all within a bord invected Az. (D: Genna
inghean Braonin u Amaind - Feb 87)
Arg, a harp Sa within a bord invected Az. (B: Daibhidh mac
aGhobhainn - Jul 89)
Arg, a heart Gu within a bord invected Az. (B: Keran Roslin Jul 05)
Arg, a horseshoe inv Sa & a bord engrailed Az. (B: Damales
Redbeard - Jul 95) (For Maison du Cheval Volant)
Arg, a sea-stag & a bord engrailed Az. (D: Rhys Morwaywffon Sep 96)
Arg, a sun in splendor per salt Or & Az & a bord indented Az. (B:
Atenveldt, Kingdom of - Aug 03)
Arg, a sword bendwise sin inv betw 2 harps Sa, all within a bord
invected Az. (D: Daibhidh mac aGhobhainn - Jul 89)
Arg, a winged domestic cat sejant to sin Sa betw 3 oak leaves Vt, a
bord engrailed Az. (D: Katherine of Acre - Jun 04)
Arg, an escarbuncle within a bord engrailed Az. (D: Briana of
Blackthorn - Dec 90)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Azure] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Gules]

Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Azure (continued)

Arg, in pale a dolphin naiant & a dolphin naiant to sin Vt, spined &
finned Gu, within a bord engrailed Az. (B: Kenelm Reimund
of the Plains - Jul 89) (For House Plainsguard)
Arg, on a lozenge Purp a greatsword Arg, all within a bord
engrailed Az. (D: Caitrin OSullivan of Killarney Lake Oct 89)
Arg, on a rose Gu, barbed & seeded Vt, a unicorn dormant Arg,
armed & crined Or, all within a bord engrailed Az. (D: Jana
Aoibeall - Jun 86)
Arg, on a salt engrailed Az a coronet of 4 points Arg, all within a
bord engrailed Az. (B: Mists, Principality of the - May 80)
Arg, 3 fleurs-de-lys Gu & a bord invected Az. (B: Silvia la
Cherubica di Viso - Oct 03)
Arg, 2 birds migrant respectant fesswise Az holding in their beaks a
heart Gu, a bord invected Az. (D: Caitln Nic Mhaolin of
Gleanntaigh - May 94)
Arg, 2 swords in salt Az, overall a bulls head caboshed Gu within a
bord indented Az. (D: Lachlan MacLeod - Oct 04)
Arg, 2 wyverns combatant & a fleur-de-lis within a bord engrailed
Az. (D: Etienne des Nuages - Nov 90)
Arg, upon a heart Gu another Or, within a bord engrailed Az. (D:
Patrice du Coeur Fidel - Oct 80)
Ermine, a lion sejant affronty erect, forelegs disp, per pale Az & Or,
the head ctrch, within a bord engrailed Az. (B: John of
Fordington - Dec 86) (For Sean of Bedford)
Ermine, a mortar & pestle Or, a bord invected Az. (D: Elenor de
Brus dArtois - Mar 82)
Ermine, a sword surmounted by a lion sejant erect Or, within a bord
invected Az. (D: Ulrich Vikingsjger - Feb 82)
Or, a branch bendwise sin Vt betw 2 scarpes within a bord indented
Az. (B: Sun, the - Jan 85) (For the Order of the Hope of the
Or, a clarion Sa & a bord engrailed Az. (B: Western Seas Apr 94)
Or, a drakkar Sa betw 3 suns Gu, a bord engrailed Az. (D: Ivar
Gunnarsson - Jul 93)
Or, a scarab beetle Vt & a bord indented Az. (B: Atenveldt,
Kingdom of - Aug 03) (For Order of the Scarab)
Or, a sheaf of arrows inv Sa within a bord indented Az. (B:
Atenveldt, Kingdom of - Apr 05) (For Kingdom Royal
Or, a waa outrigger Sa, the sail charged with an oar Or, a bord
engrailed Az. (B: Western Seas - Jun 84) (For the Order of
the Waa Oar)
Or, a waa outrigger, sail to dexter, Sa within a laurel wreath Vt
within a bord engrailed Az. (D: Western Seas - Jun 84)
Or, a winged seahorse passant & a bord engrailed Az. (D: Alinor
de Narbonne - Oct 01)
Or, in pale 3 ferrets statant Sa within a bord engrailed Az. (D:
Mariana de Salamanca - Mar 08)
Or, 3 pheons in pall points outward Sa within a bord indented Az.
(B: Atenveldt, Kingdom of - Dec 02) (For Order of the Black
Per bend Gu & Or, a lion ramp Sa within a bord engrailed Az. (D:
Matthias Sean Cameron - Mar 88)
Quarterly Arg & Purp, a tower ctrch within a bord engrailed Az. (B:
Alexander Kyppyn Kirkcaldy - Dec 04)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Fur

(Tinctureless) A branch palewise hung with bells, within a bord

engrailed. (B: Mists, Principality of the - Mar 82) (For the
Order of the Golden Branch)
Arg, a brown bear statant erect guardant proper within a bord
engrailed counter-ermine. (D: Zahava Tchauchik - Feb 84)
Az, a barrel helm affronty betw 2 glaives in pile, blades outwards
Or, all within a bord invected ermine. (D: Magnus Ian
MacLeod - Nov 88)
Az, a griffin passant to sin guardant Arg within a bord invected Arg,
ermined Az. (D: Catriona of Mountain Freehold - Apr 88)
Az, 3 Catherine wheels in pale Or within a bord engrailed ermine.
(D: Rowena Axelsdottir - Apr 86)
Or, a sea-lion erect Vt within a bord engrailed Purp, ermined Arg.
(D: Osric of Fayrehope - Jul 88)

Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Fur (continued)

Or, in pale 3 mullets of eight interlocking mascles Gu, a bord

engrailed pean. (D: David Mac Kenna - Aug 99)
Or, on a cross Gu, a dexter hand apaumy grasping another dexter
hand aversant, betw in chf 3 annulets interlaced & in base the
same inv, all Or; overall a bord invected ermine. (D:
Berengaria of Hythe - Aug 86)
Sa, a stag salient within a laurel wreath Or, a bord indented ermine.
(D: Montevale - Jan 83)
Vt, a cameleopard statant Or marked Sa a bord invected ermine. (D:
Isabella de Beaujeu - Oct 01)
Vt, a fess betw 3 roundels one & 2 Or, a bord invected erminois.
(D: Christobella of Tideswell - Mar 95)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Gules

(Tinctureless) A branch palewise hung with bells, within a bord

engrailed. (B: Mists, Principality of the - Mar 82) (For the
Order of the Golden Branch)
Arg, a bear ramp & a bord invected Gu. (D: Eric Bjornsson Apr 88)
Arg, a foxs mask within a bord engrailed Gu. (B: Helen Jennet of
Foxhall - Jun 95)
Arg, a goats head couped at the shoulder Sa within a bord
engrailed Gu. (B: Rathyen de Bures of Acton - Jul 84)
Arg, a griffin sejant, dexter forepaw raised, Az within a bord
invected Gu. (D: Johannes von Baden - Apr 91)
Arg, a hawk volant, wings elevated & addorsed Az betw 3
cartwheels Vt & a bord invected Gu. (D: Bronwyn ferch
Gwalchlas - Jan 92)
Arg, a mascle Sa fretted with 2 quill pens, within a bord engrailed
Gu. (D: Talan Gwynek - Aug 92)
Arg, a serpent nowed erect Sa within a bord engrailed Gu. (D: Orm
Bjornsson - Jun 95)
Arg, a thistle fesswise, slipped & leaved, proper within a bord
engrailed Gu. (D: Alyna Cameron - Aug 89)
Arg, a trillium Gu barbed & seeded Vt within a bord indented Gu.
(B: Roberto Valason - Aug 03)
Arg, an escallop inv Purp, a plate, all within a bord engrailed Gu.
(D: Ula Seven Pins - Aug 89)
Arg, an octopus disp within a bord wavy Gu. (D: Atai Tetsuko Jul 88)
Arg, an urchin ramp contourny Sa, a bord invected Gu. (D: Angus
MacClerie - Mar 97)
Arg, in pale a rose proper slipped & leaved Vt & a crescent
environing the slip Az, a bord engrailed Sa. (D: Asiya alMubaraka - Oct 07)
Arg, in salt a sewing needle & a shepherds crook Sa within a bord
invected Gu. (D: Inga Calle - Oct 92)
Az, a lion ramp queue fourchee Or, gorged with a jeweled collar &
all within a bord engrailed Gu. (D: Francois-David de la
Sauvegaard - Jan 73?)
Az, on a bezant an eagle owl affronty proper, a bord indented point
in point Gu & Or. (D: Laurencia the Fletcher - Sep 92)
Ermine, a drinking horn Sa within a bord invected Gu. (D: Corwin
of Ely - Sep 92)
Ermine, a lion sejant erect affronty per pale Az & Or the head ctrch
crowned with a ducal coronet set askew bendwise Or all within
a bord engrailed Gu. (D: Michael of Bedford - Nov 95)
Ermine, a lion sejant erect affronty per pale Az & Or the head ctrch,
in chf a label couped Sa all within a bord engrailed Gu. (D:
Kaylun of Bedford - Nov 95)
Ermine, a unicorn ramp to sin within a bord invected Gu. (D:
Malcolm MacPherson - Jul 84)
France ancient within a bord engrailed Gu. (D: Berry, Dukes of Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, a Celtic cross Or, a bord engrailed Gu. (D:
Edward Dowe of Ayrshire - Apr 98)
Or, a falcon disp guardant, wings elevated, Sa, maintaining 2
swords inv in salt Arg, all within a bord invected Gu. (D:
Veikr of Wales - Aug 85)
Or, a heart Gu surmounted by a spray of five daisy flowers, stalked
& leaved, proper within a bord engrailed Gu. (D: Wanda von
Halsstern - Jul 81)
Or, a hedgehog ramp proper collared Vt within a bord engrailed Gu.
(D: Tatiana von Sonnenburg - Jun 95)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 365

[Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Gules] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Or]

Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Gules (continued)

Or, a lion ramp to sin Sa, a bord invected Gu. (D: Roderick of
Sutton in the Elms - Apr 93)
Or, a popinjay close to sin Vt, beaked & membered Gu, perched
upon a twig Sa, all within a bord indented Gu. (D: Wanda von
Salzburg - Jan 85)
Or, a rose Gu, barbed Vt, seeded of a mullet Or, within 4 rose stems
conjoined in mascle Vt, thorned Gu, all within a bord engrailed
Gu. (D: Rosanore of Redthorn - Jul 80)
Or, a winged lion-dragon sejant contourny Gu, winged Sa, a bord
indented Gu. (D: Viryavan ca Tusnim - Jun 98)
Or, a wooden crossbow proper within a bord invected Gu. (D:
Sergio da Verona - Jun 06)
Or, an apothecary jar Sa lidded within a bord indented Gu. (B:
Isabel de Estella - Oct 02)
Or semy of triskeles, on a chev Sa 3 4 leaved shamrocks slipped Or
all within a bord engrailed Gu. (D: Mr ingen Fhaltigern Mar 02)
Or, seven fir trees couped 2, 3 & 2 Sa within a bord invected Gu.
(D: Rachael Bruer of the Blackforest - Mar 92)
Or, 3 butterflies Az & a bord invected Gu. (D: Maria de Isla Mar 02)
Or, 3 pine trees eradicated within a bord engrailed Gu. (D: Geoffroi
Fairebankes - May 94)
Or, 3 suns in splendour within a bord indented Gu. (D: Thomas
Cordwainer of Elderwood - Jun 89)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 2 fleurs-de-lys & a stag courant ctrch within a
bord engrailed Gu. (D: Artemidiore du Coeur Sincere Jul 91)
Per chev throughout Sa & ermine, a winged serpent erect & sin
facing Vt within a bord engrailed Gu. (D: Gabrielle of Isenfir
- May 90)
Per pale Az & Arg, a cross formy ctrch within a bord invected Gu.
(B: Edward Gostomski - Dec 00)
Quarterly Az & Or, a sun & a bord indented Gu. (D: Olaf Jarnhond
- Jun 98)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Multicolor

(Tinctureless) A branch palewise hung with bells, within a bord

engrailed. (B: Mists, Principality of the - Mar 82) (For the
Order of the Golden Branch)
Az, on a pile throughout betw 2 crescents Or, a sword inv Az,
overall a bord engrailed ctrch. (D: Gillian de Ravely Aug 97)
Gu, a sword inv proper betw a pair of lions jambes couped Or
within a bord parted bordurewise indented Sa & Or. (D:
Coilein Olafsson - Feb 91)
Gyronny Or & Az, an eagle disp Arg within a bord engrailed ctrch.
(D: Primus Gavius Falconius Britannicus - Sep 05)
Or, a pithon nowed bendwise Gu within a bord indented compony
Vt & Gu. (D: Colin de Bray - Nov 82)
Per bend Az & Arg, a unicorn ramp to sin, a bord engrailed ctrch.
(D: Jaime the Scot of Clan Neil - Jul 97)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a lion passant to sin & a dragon passant
within a bord invected ctrch. (D: Magdalene Wilhelm Jun 84)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a lion ramp ctrch, a bord engrailed ctrch.
(D: Owen of Calontir - Apr 98)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a lion ramp guardant contourny & a bord
fleury ctrch. (D: Alfredo Gabriel Halcn - Sep 92)
Per bend sin Az & Or, in bend 2 harps within a bord engrailed ctrch.
(D: Tegan de Raveley - Mar 89)
Per bend sin Or & Vt, a bord invected ctrch. (D: Freygerr of
Visby - Feb 97)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a garden rose, slipped & leaved, within a
bord invected ctrch. (D: Moira of Kent - Dec 89)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, 3 trefoils in bend within a bord engrailed
ctrch. (D: Dughal McCafferty - Jan 91)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, in bend a heart & a frog salient to sin within a
bord invected, all ctrch. (D: Louis Pelissier - Jun 88)
Per bend sin wavy Az & Arg, a mask of comedy & a mask of
tragedy all within a bord invected all ctrch. (D: Laurentina of
Atenveldt - Jul 86)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a bend engrailed betw a hare salient & 2 frogs
sejant, a bord engrailed, all ctrch. (D: Raylene of the
Whispering Woods - Jul 86)
366 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Multicolor (continued)

Per chev Gu & Or, a fork & knife in salt Arg, in base a flame proper
within an arch stooped Sa, a bord indented ctrch. (D:
Rhonwen of Chesleigh - Feb 91)
Per chev inv Arg & Gu, a cross of Cleves & a bird volent a bord
engrailed ctrch. (D: Lothar von Brandenburg - May 98)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 3 castles within a laurel wreath, all within a
bord invected ctrch. (D: Stonemarche - Aug 87)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 2 mullets & a shamrock a bord engrailed ctrch.
(D: Patrick OReilly the Tall - Feb 95)
Per fess Az & Arg, a carnation Arg slipped & leaved Vt, a bord
invected ctrch. (D: Deana Dodson of Swordcliff - Feb 97)
Per fess Az & Arg, a lily of the valley slipped & leaved per fess Arg
& Vt within a bord urdy ctrch. (D: Lilias Moira an tSratha Jan 91)
Per fess Az & Arg, 2 estoiles & a griffin segreant all within a bord
invected, all ctrch. (D: Ulric Waveborne - Feb 85)
Per fess embat Or & Sa, a unicorn passant Or within a bord
indented ctrch. (D: Yrmegard of Hawkwood - Jul 05)
Per fess ermine & Sa, a stallion salient Gu within a bord engrailed
ctrch. (D: Josep le Capeller - Jan 05)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a phoenix, head to sin, within a bord engrailed
ctrch. (D: Thomas Spence Colby - Feb 84)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a tower & a bord indented ctrch. (B: Cydllan
Downs - Oct 85)
Per pale Az & Arg, a lions head erased Arg & a lanthorn Gu, all
within a bord engrailed ctrch. (D: Loren MacChlurain Jun 73?)
Per pale Az & Arg, the moon in her complement within a bord
indented ctrch. (D: Oisin Mac Lugdach of the Shannon Oct 92)
Per pale Az & Or, a Russian firebird disp ctrch & in chf a coronet
Gu, a bord engrailed ctrch. (D: Katharina von der Waldwiese
- May 98)
Per pale indented Arg & Sa, a wolf & a stag combattant within a
bord indented, all ctrch. (D: Joanna de Gordon - Jun 92)
Per pale Or & Purp, a pair of scissors & a bord invected ctrch. (D:
Anastasia Byestewode - Aug 97)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 2 natural seahorses respectant a bord engrailed
ctrch. (D: Alasdair MacFhearghuis - Dec 96)
Per pale Sa & Or, a mullet of eight points within a bord engrailed
ctrch. (D: Sorcha Lochlan - Nov 01)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a falcon striking, a bord engrailed ctrch. (D:
Edward Falconer of Silver Oak - Jul 92)
Per pale Vt & Or, a rose Gu, seeded Or, barbed Az, within a bord
engrailed ctrch. (D: Deonora Riddyhough - Oct 86)
Per pale Vt & Or, 2 unicornate pegasi ramp addorsed & an escallop
within a bord engrailed, all ctrch. (D: Ysolde of Summerhall Oct 86)
Per salt Arg & Gu, a lion ramp to sin ctrch maintaining a rose Sa,
slipped & leaved proper, all within a bord indented ctrch. (D:
Nicollo Andrew Blackrose - Jan 88)
Quarterly Arg & Az, a cross moline voided, a bord engrailed ctrch.
(D: Miriel Gwenddwr Ty Arannell - Apr 92)
Quarterly Gu & Or, in bend 3 cats face, a bord engrailed ctrch. (D:
Benedict of Luzern - Feb 99) (? blazon type for "faces")
Quarterly Or & Gu, a cross of Santiago within a bord engrailed
ctrch. (D: Tomas Moreno de la Cruz - May 06)
Quarterly Or & Sa, 2 bats Or within a bord engrailed ctrch. (D:
Jakub z Prahy - Aug 06)
Quarterly Sa & Or, a horse ramp within a bord urdy ctrch. (D:
Gailen Alric Rs - Jun 91)
Quarterly Sa & Or, in fess a dagger & an olive branch within a bord
flory all ctrch. (D: Jean-Claude Dieulafoy - May 93)
Sa, an eagle disp Arg, armed Or, charged upon each wing with a
mullet of six points Gu, within a bord wreathed Arg & Gu. (D:
Walram von Laufenberg - Jan 85)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Or

(Tinctureless) A branch palewise hung with bells, within a bord

engrailed. (B: Mists, Principality of the - Mar 82) (For the
Order of the Golden Branch)
Az, a bat-winged sea-unicorn passant to sin Arg within a bord
invected Or. (D: Christiana Febronia - Jul 87)
Az, a dove rising wings elevated & addorsed Arg within a bord
indented Or. (D: Janeta Baily - Apr 00)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Or]

Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Or (continued)

Az, a dragon passant & a bord engrailed Or. (D: Rhodri ap Ieuan
ap Hywel - Mar 05)
Az, a dragons head & neck couped contourny Or, breathing flames
proper, within a bord urdy Or. (D: James Gislemar - Oct 90)
Az, a flame proper atop an acorn within a laurel wreath within a
bord engrailed Or. (D: St. Katherine - Mar 82)
Az, a griffin segreant & in chf 3 estoiles, all within a bord engrailed
Or. (D: Yseult de Lacy - Jan 96)
Az, a horse salient within a bord engrailed Or. (D: Alienor of
Farryngdon - Jan 91)
Az, a man in a short tunic kneeling on one knee Arg, maintaining
atop his shoulders a sun, a bord indented Or. (B: Atenveldt,
Kingdom of - Jul 06)
Az, a peacock in its pride within a bord invected Or. (D: Catherine
Peacock - Nov 01)
Az, a slipper bendwise sin within a bord invected Or. (B: Eveline of
Shoreham - Oct 83)
Az, a tower Arg a bord indented Or. (B: Njall Sigvaldason Jan 98) (For Household of Saint George of Burdell)
Az, a unicorn ramp reguardant Arg maintaining an oak sprig, a bord
engrailed Or. (D: Mirabella Christian du Lac de la Forest Oct 99)
Az, a winged aardvark statant erect affronty, wings disp, in chf a
comet fesswise enarched, all within a bord engrailed Or. (D:
Godfrey de la Fosse - Dec 84)
Az ermined Arg, a female sagittary ramp regardant & drawing her
bow to sin within a bord engrailed Or. (D: Zinaida Or"shinaia
- May 08)
Az, goutty, a sunburst inv within a bord invected Or. (D: Tessie of
Skye - Jun 91)
Az, in pale a chev enhanced Arg & a sun in splendour, all within a
bord invected Or. (D: Aveline of Valognes - Nov 86)
Az, in pale 2 swans naiant Arg & a fleur-de-lys issuant in base from
a bord Or. (D: Darla of Castle Kirk - Dec 88)
Az, in salt 2 sealions ramp addorsed within a bord engrailed Or. (B:
Aithne Lassarina Anderson of Shadowskeep - Apr 87) (For
House of Shadowskeep)
Az, 3 falcons striking to sin Arg within a bord invected Or. (D:
Wulfhere Slende Falk - Jan 91)
Az, 2 herring haurient embowed respectant, a bord engrailed Or.
(D: Dunstan le Heryngmongere - Jul 01)
Az, 2 unicorns heads couped respectant Arg, a bord engrailed Or.
(D: Niniane Loch Aonadharcaich - Jul 91)
Ermine, on a cushion Az corded & tasseled Or, a cat dormant curled
Arg, a bord engrailed Or. (D: Faye of the Farther Glen Jan 74?)
Gu, a bend ermine, overall an hourglass proper sanded Or, a bord
engrailed Or. (D: Edward of Stonehaven - Sep 73?)
Gu, a Celtic cross ermine, its annulet in the form of a serpent vorant
of its tail, a bord engrailed Or. (D: Conor MacColl - Oct 94)
Gu, a dolphin haurient, a bord engrailed Or. (D: Giannetta da
Firenze - Jun 97)
Gu, a goblet Or & in chf a mullet of eight points Arg, a bord
indented Or. (D: Eva MacCarthy - Apr 99)
Gu, a lion ramp within a bord engrailed Or. (D: Talbot, Earls of
Shrewsbury - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, an armored sin cubit arm bendwise sin grasping a mallet
bendwise, all within a bord urdy Or. (D: Arenvald Kief av
Kiersted - Oct 88)
Gu, on a bend sin Or 3 roses Sa, seeded Arg, within a bord
engrailed Or. (B: Juliana de Montaign of Huntington Jan 01)
Gu, on a cross flory within a bord engrailed Or, in pale 3 keys
fesswise Gu. (D: Victoire Ferdenande dAvignon - Oct 93)
Gu, on a roundel Or, a hawk rising, wings elevated & addorsed Gu
within a bord indented Or. (D: Timmeke Haakonson of
Nordheim - Feb 92)
Gu, on a sun Or a cat herissony contourny Sa, all within a bord
engrailed Or. (D: Antonio Patrasso - Dec 07) (# charged
Gu, 3 groups of 3 roundels each 2 & one & a bord engrailed Or. (D:
Margareta vanden Velde - Nov 01)
Gyronny of six Sa & Gu, a boar-faced goats head erased to sin Or,
armed Arg, within a bord engrailed Or, semy of trefoils Vt. (D:
Caprus uaSeaghdhe - May 82)

Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Or (continued)

Pean, a fleur-de-lys within a bord engrailed Or. (D: Adrien de

Troyes - Oct 91)
Per bend Az & Vt, a natural seahorse within a bord engrailed Or.
(D: Francesca di Firenze - Apr 89)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, a bend sin betw a spoon inv & a sewing
needle, both bendwise sin Arg, a bord invected Or. (D: Morag
n Shabhin - Feb 92)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a rams head cabossed within a bord indented
Or. (D: Dane of Needham - Jul 94)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, a gyrfalcon striking, wings elevated &
addorsed, Arg, maintaining in its talons a fireball, all within a
bord engrailed Or. (D: Teamhair nic Uilleam - Apr 90)
Per fess Az & Vt, in chf an open book Arg & in base 3 fleurs-de-lys
all within a bord engrailed Or. (D: Megan Laine - Jan 91)
Per pale Az & Sa, a winged lion segreant Or maintaining a sword
Arg, a bord fleury Or. (D: Jared Anjou - May 96)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a tiger-headed torque, heads to base, Or, striped
Sa within a bord engrailed Or. (D: Michael Joseph La Mano
Dolce - Mar 92)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a wolf ramp to sin, maintaining in sin forepaw a
morningstar, enarched to chf, all within a bord engrailed Or.
(D: Claudius Brutus di Bartolomeo - Nov 83)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 2 rams heads, erased & addorsed, Arg, within a
bord invected Or. (D: Eirik Frostbeard Banna - Sep 89)
Per salt Gu & Sa, a stag lodged within a bord engrailed Or. (D:
Hrothger Monomakh - Mar 96)
Per salt Gu & Sa, in cross a wolfs head erased contourny betw 4
roses all within a bord engrailed Or. (B: Claudius Brutus di
Bartolomeo - Sep 02)
Purp, a compass star Or & in chf flames proper within a bord
invected Or. (D: Deanna of the Flame - Jan 85)
Purp, a dexter gauntlet palewise inv Arg maintaining a broken
sword palewise inv, within a bord indented Or. (D: Graham
de Chaffe - Feb 84)
Purp, a greyhound courant within a bord invected Or. (B: Gwyneth
MacDonagh - Jan 07)
Purp, a lyre & a bord invected Or. (B: Wintermist - Apr 95)
Purp, a stags head caboshed Or, betw its attires seven mullets of
eight points in annulo Arg, within a bord indented Or. (D:
Ekaterina Zvyozdosamtseva - May 84)
Purp, a stick shuttle & a needle in salt Arg, both threaded with the
same thread, in base a rose Or, barbed & seeded Vt, all within
a bord invected Or. (D: Catherine of Gordonhall - Sep 87)
Purp, a unicorn ramp contourny reguardant & in sin chf a mullet of
4 points Arg, a bord indented Or. (D: Corwin Breakshield Feb 96)
Purp, an opinicus statant Or & in chf a crescent Arg, a bord
engrailed Or. (D: Rowan of Clonmacnoise - Jun 00)
Purp, on a cross flory within a bord invected Or, a rose Gu. (D:
Bianca Caterina della Robbia - Nov 88)
Quarterly Az & Arg, a cross flory issuant from base, a bord Or. (B:
William the Stout - Jan 99)
Quarterly Az & Vt, a rose within a bord engrailed Or. (D: Roselyn
of Aberdeen - Aug 94)
Quarterly Purp & Sa, a Celtic cross within a bord fleury Or. (D:
Isabele Sutherland - May 01)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a wolfs head erased Arg & a bord indented Or.
(B: Robert MEan of Kyle - Jan 05)
Sa, a breastplate affronty betw 3 flanged maces palewise, all within
a bord engrailed Or. (D: Charles the Black - Jun 90)
Sa, a double-headed eagle, a bord engrailed Or. (D: Niklas
Vasilevich - May 99)
Sa, a dragon disp Or, charged with 2 swords in salt Sa, all within a
bord engrailed Or. (B: Goldwyn of Britain - Jan 85)
Sa, a dragon passant to sin Arg within a bord engrailed Or. (D:
Draco Valladao - Feb 88)
Sa, a hand issuant from dexter grasping a sword Arg, within a bord
engrailed Or. (D: Lauren of Glaston Tor - Jan 74?)
Sa, a lion ramp guardant Or, winged of flames proper, in base 3
compass stars in fess, all within a bord engrailed Or. (D: Evan
Starseeker - Nov 86)
Sa, a rose Gu, barbed & seeded proper, fimbriated, within a bord
invected Or. (D: Nige of the Cleftlands - Aug 79?)
Sa, a swan naiant Arg & a bord fleury Or. (D: Anne Aliz de Ble May 98)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 367

[Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Or] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Sable]

Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Or (continued)

Sa, a wolf sejant to sin Arg betw 4 roses, 3 & one, all within a bord
engrailed Or. (D: Bronwyn Faol-lonn - Sep 84)
Sa, on a lozenge or, a cats claw couped & curved to dexter Gu, all
within a bord engrailed or. (D: Seanna Catriona de Fraser Aug 79)
Vt, a bend sin Arg, overall a lions head couped contourny within a
bord invected Or. (D: Seamus ODay - Sep 90)
Vt, a cockatrice erect maintaining in its upraised dexter claw a
needle palewise, point to chf, within a bord engrailed Or. (B:
Edric the Unsteady - Jun 87)
Vt, a cross flory Or overall a swan naiant Arg, a bord engrailed Or.
(D: Odette de la Foi - Aug 95)
Vt, a domestic cat couchant Arg & a bord engrailed Or. (D: Niobe
Lais - Sep 91)
Vt, a dragon passant within a bord fleury Or. (D: Arabella de la
Mer - Aug 96)
Vt, a horse salient Arg within a bord engrailed Or. (D: Damon of
Three Rivers - Dec 87)
Vt, a lions head couped contourny within a bord invected Or. (B:
Seamus ODay - Sep 90)
Vt, a mermaid affronty hands raised & in chf a thistle, a bord fleury
Or. (D: Ian McChattan - Dec 96)
Vt, a pegasus ramp betw in cross 4 harps Arg, all within a bord
invected Or. (D: Rachel Kathleen Cundiff - Aug 84)
Vt, a phoenix disp Arg, flames proper, within a bord invected Or.
(D: Anne Cameron Nisbet - Aug 86)
Vt, a sea-dog ramp Arg within a bord engrailed Or. (D: Con
OQuyrke - Jul 04)
Vt, a tilting lance sustained by 2 stags combatant Arg, a bord
engrailed Or. (B: Outlands, the - Dec 04) (For Order of the
Silver Lance)
Vt, a windmill sails crosswise & a bord engrailed Or. (D: Anneke
MacAiodh - Mar 94)
Vt, an oak tree couped betw 3 crosses couped, all within a bord
invected Or. (D: Jonkyn the Carver - Feb 94)
Vt, in pale a lozenge & 2 bars wavy couped Arg, a bord indented
Or. (D: Paul Jameson of Sutton - Apr 99)
Vt, on a mullet of twelve points Arg a roundel engrailed Vt all
within a bord engrailed Or. (D: Diomedes Sebastianus Dec 04)
Vt, on an open scroll Arg a quill pen bendwise sin Gu, a bord
fleuretty Or. (D: Kasimira Kantorowska - Feb 91)
Vt scaly Arg, a bord invected Or. (B: Rhiannon verch Tegan
Glascoed - Jun 01)
Vt, 3 pheons within a bord engrailed Or. (D: Sciath Caoiltiarn Aug 93)
Vt, 2 stags combatant Arg sustaining betw them a sexfoil, a bord
engrailed Or. (B: Outlands, the - Apr 99) (For the Order of
the Flower)
Vt, 2 stags combatant Arg sustaining betw them an axe Arg hafted
Or, a bord engrailed Or. (B: Outlands, the - Apr 99) (For the
Order of the Iron Hart)
Vt, 2 stags combatant sustaining betw them a column Arg, a bord
engrailed Or. (B: Outlands, the - Apr 99) (For the Order of
the Stag)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Purpure

(Tinctureless) A branch palewise hung with bells, within a bord

engrailed. (B: Mists, Principality of the - Mar 82) (For the
Order of the Golden Branch)
Arg, a brunette sirin harpy statant guardant to sin proper within a
bord engrailed Purp. (B: Clea de Hnedoara - May 06) (The
plumage of the harpy is a mixture of brown, grey, and purple,
with no one color predominating)
Arg, a Celtic cross Purp betw 4 thistles, slipped & leaved, Sa, all
within a bord indented Purp. (D: Michael Galen Mackintosh Oct 89)
Arg, a Celtic cross within a bord fleury Purp. (D: Arrienne Lenorra
Ashford - Oct 92)
Arg, a dogs pawprint Sa within a bord indented Purp. (D: Elisa
bat Avraham - Jul 05)
Arg, a dragonfly & a bord indented Purp. (D: Calista Cristi Mar 04)
Arg, a peacock close contourny & a bord invected Purp. (D:
Dominique Michelle le Vasseur - Sep 00)
368 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Purpure (continued)

Arg, a peacock in its pride proper, a bord invected Purp. (D:

Mahala de Sorbonne - Dec 87)
Arg, a sword Sa, a bord lozengy Purp & Arg. (D: Matthias von
Oberarnwald - Sep 99)
Arg, a triskelion of arms in armor brandishing swords Vt, a bord
engrailed Purp. (D: Sylwein Tarianlas Ysginydd - Feb 07)
Arg, a trisklion of arms in armor brandishing swords Vt, a bord
engrailed Purp. (D: Sylwein Tarianlas Ysginydd - Mar 99) (?
blazon typo for "triskelion")
Arg, a tulip bendwise Purp slipped Vt within a bord indented Purp.
(D: Jauhara al-Shaqra - Aug 03)
Arg, a violet Purp slipped & leaved Vt a bord invected Purp. (B:
Jennet of Tewkesbury - Jul 98)
Arg, a wolfs head cabossed Sa within a bord indented Purp. (D:
Gericke der Keger - Sep 02)
Arg, an iris within a bord engrailed Purp. (B: Samal Kaan Uxmalil
- Jul 86)
Arg semy of combs Vt, a rose Purp, slipped & leaved Vt, a bord
engrailed Purp. (D: Rosalyn MacGregor - Apr 98)
Arg, 2 suns & a hedgehog statant within a bord engrailed Purp. (D:
Rebecca bat Reuven - Dec 91)
Erminois, on a heart Purp a bezant all within a bord engrailed Purp.
(D: Elisabet Coeur dOr - Feb 86)
Per pall inv arrondy Vt, Or, & Arg, a bord engrailed Purp. (B: Karl
von Elfstein der Schmuckmacher - Sep 98)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Sable

(Tinctureless) A branch palewise hung with bells, within a bord

engrailed. (B: Mists, Principality of the - Mar 82) (For the
Order of the Golden Branch)
Arg, a bear dormant guardant Vt within a bord engrailed Sa. (D:
Robert of Griffinholme - Sep 96)
Arg, a bears head couped contourny within a bord invected Sa. (D:
Artair Mac Neacail - Feb 06)
Arg, a chev Az betw 3 crescents Purp, a bord engrailed Sa. (D:
Shahid al-Hasan - Nov 06)
Arg, a cross of 4 lozenges Gu within a bord indented Sa. (D: Acelin
de Alsop - Jul 05)
Arg, a dragon segreant Sa & in chf 3 crescents Gu, all within a bord
engrailed Sa. (B: Brion Thornbird ap Rhys - Aug 94)
Arg, a dragon statant guardant Gu, within a bord urdy Sa. (D:
Percival Deiniolen - Oct 90)
Arg, a falcon disp Sa, its wings encircling an estoile Gu, a bord
engrailed Sa. (D: Roland of Falcondale - Jun 76?)
Arg, a lantern Gu within a bord invected Sa. (D: Bronislava of the
Shattered Seax - Mar 92)
Arg, a phoenix Sa issuant from flames Gu a bord invected Sa. (D:
Conall Mac an Druaidh - Dec 94)
Arg, a roundel engrailed Gu within a bord engrailed Sa. (D: Iain
Monlach - Apr 91)
Arg, a sea-wolf Gu within a bord engrailed Sa. (D: Behrend von
Elmendorf - Feb 00)
Arg, a sun in splendor Az within a bord engrailed Sa. (D: Hlna
du Brouillard de Matin - Nov 82)
Arg, a tankard Gu within a bord invected Sa. (D: Owen Revelstorm
- Mar 86)
Arg, a thistle proper, a bord indented Sa. (D: Muirghein n
Fhearghail - Nov 96)
Arg ermined Vt, a raven contourny reguardant & a bord engrailed
Sa. (D: Ian Raven of Tadcaster - Jun 96)
Arg, in pale a butterfly & a quill of thread within a bord engrailed
Sa. (B: Christina McCarty - Nov 04)
Arg, in pale a raven disp conjoined to a pair of axes in salt, within a
bord engrailed Sa. (B: Sorcha inghean mhic Dhubhghaill Dec 06)
Arg, on a lozenge invected Gu nine bezants, each charged with a
martlet disp & dismembered at the neck Gu, within a bord
engrailed Sa. (D: Peirdion Starling - Jul 74?)
Arg, on a shakefork Az a tower Or, all within a bordurelet engrailed
Sa. (D: Victor Adolphus Kerelius - Aug 80)
Arg, seme of lozenges Gu, a wyvern passant, wings disp, within a
bord engrailed Sa. (D: AEthelhere the Unsteady - Jan 87)
Arg, 2 axes in salt & in base a rose, all within a bord indented Sa.
(D: Uther Blackthorne - Aug 89)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Sable] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Long - Azure]

Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Sable (continued)

Bendy & per bend sin Or & Gu, a bord engrailed Sa. (D: Patrick of
the Isles - Dec 71?)
Ermine, a bend Az & a bord invected Sa. (D: Guenivre de
Monmarch - Jun 02)
Gyronny Vt & Or, a pheon Gu within a bord indented Sa. (D:
Martin de Bayeux - Oct 88)
Or, a cardinal close to sin Gu within a bord invected Sa. (D: Dennis
Landhammer - Sep 90)
Or, a fret engrailed & a bord engrailed Sa. (D: Lailiane Asenina May 04)
Or, a lantern within a bord indented Sa. (B: Saher Faux - Jan 00)
Or, a lop-eared rabbits head cabossed & a bord engrailed Sa. (D:
Robin Kilrabbit - Jan 83)
Or, a simurgh (Persian peacock) disp Gu within a bord engrailed
Sa. (D: Meara al-Isfahani - Oct 87)
Or, a staff bendwise, dependent from its dexter end a lantern, all
within a bord indented Sa. (D: Saher Faux - Oct 82)
Or, a stag ramp, a bord engrailed Sa. (D: Uilliam of Reisling Mar 92)
Or, an orange tree fructed & eradicated proper within a bord
invected Sa. (D: Rowena de Segovia - Aug 79)
Or, on a heart Sa within a bord invected Sa, a compass star Or. (B:
Anastasia Dmitryevna - Jul 87)
Or, 2 chevronels Vt, in base a Tau cross, a bord indented Sa. (D:
Nicolette von Zweiberge - Dec 97)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a bord indented Sa. (D: Jehane de Saint
Michael - Dec 01)
Per salt Arg & Gu, a mask of comedy & a mask of tragedy joined in
bend & a pine tree couped, a bord indented Sa. (D: Gabrielle
Antoinette Dubois - Feb 94)
Per salt Arg & Vt, in pale a spider inv & a spider Sa, maintaining
betw them an annulet Or, within a bord engrailed Sa. (D: Isa
Fialka Ziska - Jan 91)
Sa, on a nesselblatt Arg, in pale a tower & a bear ramp Sa. (D:
Rosalinde von Braunschweig - Sep 88)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Vert

(Tinctureless) A branch palewise hung with bells, within a bord

engrailed. (B: Mists, Principality of the - Mar 82) (For the
Order of the Golden Branch)
Arg, a bord urdy Vt. (B: Fredrick of Woodlyn - Sep 88) (For
House Woodlyn)
Arg, a corbie contourny Sa & a bord indented Vt. (D: Ansger von
Hohenkrewe - Mar 02)
Arg, a dragons head couped Gu within a bord indented Vt. (D:
Gytha Halfdan - Jun 91)
Arg, a fox passant proper within a bord engrailed Vt. (D: Anne of
Foxwold - Nov 82)
Arg, a gryphon Sa & in chf 3 compass stars Gu all within a bord
engrailed Vt. (D: Griffyn ap Owain - May 02)
Arg, a primrose of 3 blossoms, stalked & leaved, proper within a
bord engrailed Vt. (D: Eleanora of the Gardens - May 80)
Arg, an open book within a bord urdy Vt. (B: Fredrick of Woodlyn
- Sep 88) (For Woodlyn Library)
Arg, in pale a garden rosebud fesswise Gu, slipped & leaved Vt, &
a bears paw print Sa, all within a bord engrailed Vt. (B:
Bearrach Aelwyn the Wolfhead - Nov 89)
Arg, 3 frogs in pall, legs extended, heads to center, within a bord
engrailed Vt. (D: Meadhbh n Ruadhin - Aug 94)
Arg, 3 lilies Az slipped one & 2 within a bord trefly counter-trefly
Vt. (D: Carol of Tour dYvoire - Jun 92)
Arg, 2 Great Danes combattant Sa within a bord invected Vt. (D:
Guenever of Ravenscroft - Oct 88)
Or, a brunette sirin harpy statant guardant to sin proper within a
bord engrailed Vt. (B: Marta as-tu Mika-Mysliwy - May 06)
(The plumage of the harpy is a mixture of brown, grey, and
purple, with no one color predominating)
Or, a chameleon Vt perched upon a threaded needle bendwise sin
inv Sa, a bord invected Vt. (D: Camilla Maria Hazelwood Jul 01)
Or, a dolphin haurient Sa within a bord engrailed Vt. (D: Estariana
Northolm - Jan 81)

Bordure - Uncharged - Jagged - Vert (continued)

Or, in pall 3 roses proper, slips to center & leaved within an orle
engrailed of its inner edge, invected on the outer edge, all
within a bord engrailed Vt. (D: Anastasia Ssevastjanova of
Kiev - Nov 89)
Or, on a chev Purp betw 3 shamrocks Vt 4 shamrocks Or, a bord
engrailed Vt. (D: Sle of Limerick - Jun 00)
Or, on a pile bendwise sin issuant from dexter base Purp a plate
charged with a heather bush proper, all within a bord engrailed
Vt. (D: Philena Kyla nir Connell - Jan 81)
Or, on a rose Gu, barbed Vt, a mullet Or, within a bord urdy Vt. (B:
Sarann of Rainsend - Jan 84) (For Household of Starrose)
Or semy of gillyflowers, a butterfly within a bord invected Vt. (D:
Gertrude der Apteker - Oct 03)
Or semy of torteaux, a holly leaf & a bord engrailed Vt. (D: Janet
of Western Seas - Jul 92)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a tower ctrch within a bord invected Vt. (D:
Margaret Towerhill - Aug 89)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Long - Argent

Az, a boar statant & a bord rayonny Arg. (D: Diarmuid mac Nessa
- Sep 99)
Az, a chev Gu, fimbriated Arg, overall a demi-eagle erased disp Or,
all within a bord rayonny Arg. (D: Diego Rodrigo Espada de
la Fenix - Nov 89)
Az, crusily flory, a bord rayonny Arg. (D: Michael of Winterskeep
- Apr 84)
Az, in pale a Latin cross bottonny & an open book Or, a bord
rayonny Arg. (D: Katerina of Bright Hills - Jun 99)
Gu, a dragon sejant erect affronty wings disp Arg maintaining on its
chest a heart Gu, a bord rayonny Arg. (D: Alejandro Mateo
Ramirez - Jan 03)
Gu, a tower within a bord rayonny Arg. (B: Philomeena of
Morningscourt - Dec 86)
Gu, a wolf salient guardant within a bord rayonny Arg. (D: Focarta
Faolmear - Nov 87)
Gu, a wolfs head couped within a bord rayonny Arg. (D: Erik
Gravargr - Nov 88)
Per pale & per chev Sa & Vt, a cross crosslet fitchy within a bord
rayonny Arg. (D: Eurion ap Gruffyd - Aug 85)
Purp, a heart voided Arg surmounted by a coronet Or all within a
bord rayonny Arg. (D: Jacyntha Elizabeth Argentarius Jan 95)
Purp, a leonine centaur statant, queue forchy, maintaining a lance
with pennon flying Arg, in base a chain of 2 links fesswise Or,
a bord rayonny Arg. (D: Gwydion Siwrnaiydd ap Madog ap
Taliesin Llan Rhyddlad - Apr 95)
Purp, a phoenix & in chf a chalice all within a bord rayonny Arg.
(D: Durant Ramberti - Mar 04)
Quarterly, Az & Sa, a rabbit ramp reguardant to sin Arg, armed
with antelopes horns Or, within a bord rayonny Arg. (D:
Alrek Kanin - Dec 89)
Sa, a wolf sejant reguardant within a bord rayonny Arg. (D:
Lucrezia Ana Callista Caracciola da Venezia - Nov 86)
Sa, on a plate a Russian firebird volant palewise, facing sin & wings
disp Gu, all within a bord rayonny Arg. (D: Syban Khal Sep 07)
Vt, a birch tree Arg leaved Or, a bord of knotwork Arg. (D: Betva a
Bedwyn - Jan 05)
Vt, a rapier bendwise sin betw 2 4-leafed shamrocks saltirewise
slipped Or all within a bord rayonny Arg. (D: Ryan Dollas Nov 03)
Vt, a winged wolf passant ermine within a bord rayonny Arg. (D:
Faoiltiarna n Dhobhailein - Aug 93)
Vt, in pale 2 stags passant counterpassant within a bord rayonny
Arg. (D: Andrew Selwyn - May 97)
Vt, on a plate a cat couchant to sin Sa within a bord rayonny Arg.
(D: Elana Blakefenn - Sep 91)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Long - Azure

Arg, a Greek sphinx couchant Purp within a bord rayonny Az. (D:
Valeria Nausicaa Arion - Jan 90)
Arg, a hedgehog ramp Sa its quills impaling grapes Purp
maintaining a mortar & pestle Or, a bord rayonny Az. (D:
Safiyah al-Attarah bint Abd al-Rahman - Jan 05)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 369

[Bordure - Uncharged - Long - Azure] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Long - Or]

Bordure - Uncharged - Long - Azure (continued)

Arg, a phoenix Sa rising from flames, a bord rayonny Az. (B: Jean
Paul de Sens - Dec 00)
Arg, a sword Arg, flamed & hilted within a bord rayonny Az. (D:
Thorvald the Golden - Jul 88)
Arg, a wyvern passant contourny, wings disp, Vt within a bord
rayonny Az. (D: Aaron Christopher - Jan 92)
Arg, a wyvern passant within a bord rayonny Az. (D: Harbeinn
eldr - Jan 03)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Long - Fur

Per pale Or & Gu, a bicorporate lion, bodies addorsed, a bord

rayonny pean. (D: Fergus OKelly - May 92)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Long - Gules

Arg, a bat-winged stag ramp Sa within a bord rayonny Gu. (D:

Eilin rska - Oct 06)
Arg, a chess king within a bord rayonny Gu. (D: Alberic Reed Nov 84)
Arg, a coney salient Gu gorged of a coronet Or within a bord
rayonny Gu. (D: Vasilla Anastasiia Krasnaia - Apr 07)
Arg, a crux ansata, a bord rayonny Gu. (B: Guy Wicker - Apr 98)
Arg, a monster composed of the body of a naked man & the head,
wings, & tail of a dragon statant affronty, head facing to
dexter, Vt, within a bord rayonny Gu. (D: Thorvald Urr
Ulfsson - Dec 90)
Arg, on a spiderweb Sa a garden spider disp proper within a bord
rayonny Gu. (D: Darvula Hedwig von Schwarzwald Dec 83)
Arg, 2 axes in salt surmounted by a staff of Aesculapius Az all
within a bord rayonny Gu. (B: Frederick Tinamou the
Untamed - Dec 03)
Ermine, a horse ramp within a bord rayonny Gu. (D: Sonja
Dolgorukaja - Feb 94)
Ermine, a wolf sejant ululant contourny Sa within a bord rayonny
Gu. (D: Bianca Valentina della Volpe da San Germano Jul 93)
Or, a horse passant betw 3 mullets Sa a bord rayonny Gu. (D:
Fermina Caballo - Feb 97)
Or, a phoenix Az, rising from flames, within a bord rayonny Gu.
(D: Alfrede Raedwald of Devennport - May 84)
Or, on a pomme a compass star Or, a bord rayonny Gu. (B: Annes
Clotilde von Bamburg - Jul 92) (For House Starfire)
Or, 3 roses in bend Sa, a bord rayonny Gu. (D: Dionysios
Gregoropoulos - Aug 95)
Pean, a scroll fesswise pierced by a quill pen palewise Arg within a
bord rayonny Gu. (D: Thea Lohsa - date?)
Per bend Arg & Or, 2 swans disp, wings inv, Gu each armed &
maintaining a scimitar ctrch within a bord rayonny Gu. (D:
Raimar of Ferndale - Dec 91)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a drakkar ctrch within a bord rayonny Gu. (D:
Trygge frm Holmgrd - Aug 93)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 unicorn heads erased respectant ctrch & a bord
rayonny Gu. (D: June of Vatavia - Nov 01)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Long - Multicolor

Arg, a clenched gauntlet aversant Gu, a bord rayonny quarterly Sa

& Gu. (B: Johnathan Crusadene Whitewolf the Younger Mar 06)
Arg, a horse ramp Sa, breathing flames, within a bord of flames
proper. (D: Baldrik Blackhorse - Jul 84)
Arg, a wolfs head erased Sa, breathing flames, within a bord of
flame proper. (B: Ariana ferch Medwyn - Dec 86)
Az, a bord of flame proper. (D: Damon of the Lake that Flames Sep 83)
Gu, on a mountain Arg, enflamed, a flame of five tongues, all
within a bord of flames proper. (D: Baschamp-Paul
Montargent - Jul 81)
Or, on a pale Sa betw 2 crosses crosslet fitchy Gu, an eagles head
erased to sin, all within a bord rayonny ctrch. (D: Christopher
Morgan MacCathalain - Jan 91)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a lions head cabossed Or within a bord
rayonny ctrch. (D: Jehane Catterill - Nov 91)
370 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Long - Multicolor (continued)

Per bend sin rayonny Or & Gu, 2 frogs sejant affronty ctrch within a
bord rayonny per bend sin Gu & Or. (D: Eleri Breuestere Jun 08)
Per chev rayonny Gu & Arg, 2 pheons & a griffin segreant, a bord
rayonny ctrch. (D: Mihangel ap Gruffydd - Oct 94)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a crescent within a bord rayonny ctrch. (D:
Suleiman ibn Ghazi abdal Rahim al Andalusi - Oct 99)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a double headed wyvern disp, a bord rayonny
ctrch. (D: Alrekr der Drache - Nov 00)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a rose barbed & seeded & a bord rayonny ctrch.
(D: Magdalene Galway - Dec 90)
Per pale Az & Arg, 3 Lacy knots within a bord rayonny ctrch. (D:
Ealdred the Tall - Nov 90)
Per pale Gu & Or, 3 suns in splendor within a bord rayonny ctrch.
(D: Jillian Saint Andr - Oct 04)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 wolves salient addorsed within a bord
rayonny, all ctrch Arg & Gu. (D: Iryena Kustodieva Apr 89)
Per salt Or & Gu, a sun in splendour within a bord rayonny ctrch.
(D: Meghan Oriana Lauder - Nov 89)
Quarterly Arg & Gu, a dragon segreant within a bord rayonny ctrch.
(D: Dale Wyn of Anglesey - Apr 94)
Sa, 3 quill pens in pile Arg & a bord rayonny gyronny Or & Gu. (D:
Cellach Mac Faoitigh - Aug 02)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Long - Or

Az, a camelopard statant within a bord rayonny Or. (D: Adena

Terrickdoutter - Apr 08)
Az, a Continental panther ramp guardant within a bord rayonny Or.
(D: Robert of Cundiff - Feb 07)
Az, a Continental panther ramp to sin guardant within a bord
rayonny Or. (B: Robert of Cundiff - Feb 07)
Az, a fish fesswise impaled upon the tines of a trident, issuant from
base, all within a bord rayonny Or. (B: Tola Fredasdotter Sep 84) (For Ye Trident Toasting Fork)
Az, a hippogriff segreant within a bord rayonny Or. (B: Micheal
mac Tomas - May 87)
Az, a prickspur within a bord rayonny Or. (B: Roger Mighel de
Ryes - Jul 05)
Az, a recorder within a bord rayonny Or. (D: Morgan of Surrey Oct 89)
Az, an open book Arg & a bord rayonny Or. (D: Aleemah al
Shammariyyah - Mar 97)
Az, on a salt embat couped Or a tower Az, all within a bord rayonny
Or. (D: Randall Arrowsmith - Aug 87)
Counter-ermine, a rapier & a ford proper, a bord rayonny Or. (D:
Fiona Anne Cormac - Jun 92)
Gu, a dragon dormant in annulo & a bord rayonny Or. (B:
Hinterland - Sep 95)
Gu, a dragons head erased contourny Arg within a bord rayonny
Or. (B: Raffaello Caccianemico di Aldobrandi - Mar 93)
Gu, a grenade Or, enflamed proper, within a bord rayonny Or. (B:
Christian du Glaive - Jun 89)
Gu, a hayfork erect within a bord rayonny Or. (D: Gregory of
Devon - Jan 73?)
Gu, a heron contourny within a bord rayonny Or. (D: Theron
Andronikos - Feb 05)
Gu, a Latin cross clechy within a bord rayonny Or. (D: Damiana
al-Andalusiyya - Mar 06)
Gu, a squirrel statant erect Arg sustaining an arrow inv & a bord
rayonny Or. (D: Sthmaith ingen Uidir - Jun 97)
Gu, a winged unicorn ramp Arg within a bord rayonny Or. (D:
Sylvia des Silences Argentins du Bois - Feb 82)
Gu, a zebra ramp proper within a bord rayonny Or. (D: Teresa la
Roja - Feb 00)
Gyronny of six Vt & Arg, a sun within a bord rayonny Or. (D:
Mikhaela Straif - Nov 82)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a demi-wolf salient erased maintaining a spear
palewise Arg, hafted & within a bord rayonny Or. (D:
Hathawulf the Spearbreaker - Nov 89)
Per fess Vt & Az, a heron in its vigilance within a bord rayonny Or.
(B: Ognyen Fenlander - Sep 93)
Per pale Az & Gu, a crescent within a bord rayonny Or. (D:
Chrestienne de Kalais - Feb 02)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Long - Or] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Argent]

Bordure - Uncharged - Long - Or (continued)

Per pale Sa & Gu, a chev ctrch, fimbriated, betw 3 phoenixes Or,
rising from flames proper, all within a bord rayonny Or. (D:
Brandolf Erland - Nov 84)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a lamp flammant within a bord rayonny Or. (D:
John of Kingspont - Oct 99)
Purp, a dumbek a bord rayonny Or. (D: Wynifred Wudeleage Dec 96)
Purp, a unicorn couchant within an annulet within a bord rayonny
Or. (D: Ulrica Bronwyn - Feb 85)
Purp, an owl, wings disp & inv, Arg, in base a crescent, all within a
bord rayonny Or. (D: Aryanna Hawkyns - Aug 89)
Purp, on a sun of eight points elongated to base Or a raven disp,
wings spread in fess, head to sin, Purp, within a bord rayonny
Or. (D: Kristjn Olavssen Ankestjerne - Sep 80)
Quarterly Gu & Purp, a gyno-sphinx couchant contourny within a
bord rayonny Or. (D: Mora Ottavia Spadera - Aug 03)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a dragon dormant & a bord rayonny Or. (D:
Edward Drake von Nordstrom - Aug 92)
Sa, a butterfly, a bord rayonny Or. (D: Kerold Hoegaarden Oct 98)
Sa, a sledge hammer Arg within a bord rayonny Or. (D: Eric the
Bald - Oct 00)
Sa, a spoon inv bendwise sin within a bord rayonny Or. (B:
Starkhafn - Jun 03)
Sa, a tree eradicated Arg, charged on the foliage with a wolfs head
ululant couped Sa, within a bord rayonny Or. (D: Scannlach
Faolsctha - Dec 87)
Sa, on a flame proper a dolphin haurient Arg, all within a bord
rayonny Or. (D: Claryce Lostlove of Castle Rising - Jun 81)
Sa, 2 Bengal tigers combattant Or marked Sa, in chf an estoile, all
within a bord rayonny Or. (D: Morbran Two Tigers - Oct 93)
Vt, a fireball Arg enflamed proper within a bord rayonny Or. (D:
Ian Edwardson - Aug 07)
Vt, a hand Arg & a bord rayonny Or. (D: Thorin of Bexhill Sep 90)
Vt, a harpy disp maintaining 2 swords Arg, a bord rayonny Or. (D:
adaoin inghean Chionaodha - May 06)
Vt, a ram ramp Arg within a bord rayonny Or. (B: Aurora Ashland
of Woolhaven - Oct 95)
Vt, a snail within a bord rayonny Or. (D: Emma Rose Cuffe of
Summerwood - Jan 89)
Vt, a wolfs head erased within a bord rayonny Or. (D: Maelgwyn
Dda - Sep 84)
Vt, in pale a cloud conjoined to a demi-lightning bolt issuant to base
Arg, a bord rayonny Or. (D: Trifona Anastasiia Dodovicha May 07)
Vt, in pale a horse passant to sin Arg & a fret, all within a bord
rayonny Or. (D: Signy Jensdottir of Hedeby - Nov 89)
Vt, on a plate, a flame issuant to chf from a bowl Vt & a bord
rayonny Or. (D: Muin maqq Mnan - Mar 99)
Vt, 3 flames within a bord rayonny Or. (D: Bran mac Meli Brigte
- Jan 01)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Long - Purpure

Arg, a winged cat sejant wings elevated & addorsed Sa within a

bord rayonny Purp. (D: Catalina Giacomuzzi - Oct 00)
Or, a garb of 3 oak branches betw 2 stemless linden leaves inv Vt,
all within a bord rayonny Purp. (D: Cosimo of Venice Sep 07)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Long - Sable

Arg, a griffin passant to sin Vt within a bord rayonny Sa. (D:

Cynuise Cianin of Bardsea - Apr 90)
Arg, a martlet contourny Gu within a bord rayonny Sa. (D: Claudia
DuBois - Jan 93)
Arg, a phoenix Gu rising from flames proper a bord rayonny Sa. (D:
Rhiannon Saint Chamberlayne - Aug 96)
Arg, a roundel indented Vt within a bord rayonny Sa. (D: Brian of
Nordskogen - Aug 82)
Arg, an escallop inv & a bord rayonny Sa. (D: Nichelle of
Whitewolfe - Dec 03)
Arg, in pale an increscent moon & a mullet of eight points within a
bord rayonny Sa. (D: Duncan Bane fuar bhathais - Aug 95)

Bordure - Uncharged - Long - Sable (continued)

Arg, on a castle Sa within a bord rayonny Sa, a raven close Arg. (B:
Branwyn Whiteraven - Sep 88) (For House Whiteraven)
Arg, on a roundel Az a domestic cat passant guardant contourny
Arg maintaining with its paw resting atop a roundel Or, a bord
rayonny Sa. (B: Caiterna ingen Ruaidr - Mar 05)
Arg, on a roundel Vt a horse ramp Or, a bord rayonny Sa. (B:
Guaire Mac Aengusa - Mar 05)
Barry Or & Gu, 3 antlers conjoined at their bases in pall inv, a bord
rayonny Sa. (B: Bretislava Jerbek - Mar 99)
Ermine, a dragon segreant Purp, a bord rayonny Sa. (D:
Conchobhar mac Michil - Feb 99)
Erminois, an eagle disp Gu within a bord rayonny Sa. (D: Klaufi
Hafsson - Sep 02)
Erminois, in pale 2 catamounts passant contourny, a bord rayonny
Sa. (D: Eowyn Erthton - Oct 00)
Or, a bird disp Vt within a bord rayonny Sa. (B: Hrefna in heppna
orgrmsdttir - Oct 02)
Or, a cross fleury Gu, overall a panther ramp guardant Sa bezanty,
incensed Gu, a bord rayonny Sa. (D: Kathleen Simonetta
Riario - Feb 95)
Or, a harp Gu, a bord rayonny Sa. (B: Gwyneth ferch Morien Jun 92)
Or, a lion passant, in base an estoile, within a bord rayonny Sa. (D:
Ghyslaine Felinnoir - Apr 83)
Or, a passion nail inv Gu within a bord rayonny Sa. (B: Kathryn of
Iveragh - Aug 89)
Or, a sword inv within a vol Gu & a bord rayonny Sa. (D: Uthor
Darras - Apr 02)
Or, a winged talbot passant, a bord rayonny Sa. (D: Donovan
Talbot - Mar 05)
Or, goutty de sang, a brocks head caboshed Arg marked Sa within
a bord rayonny Sa. (D: Beornwynn the Curmudgeon Nov 03)
Or, on a plate fimbriated Gu a dragon passant all within a bord
rayonny Sa. (B: Caitrona inghean Ghuaire - Jan 04)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Long - Vert

Arg, a butterfly Sa & a bord rayonny Vt. (B: Africa OBrien Jan 99)
Arg, a decrescent Az within a bord rayonny Vt. (D: Synnve
Nilsdottir - Nov 96)
Or, a falcons head couped Sa & a bord rayonny Vt. (D: Dmitrii
Andreevich Cheglakov - Jan 96)
Or, a mullet of 4 straight & 4 wavy rays Gu within a bord rayonny
Vt. (D: Cristobal de la Estrella - Apr 87)
Or, a swan naiant Sa & a bord rayonny Vt. (D: Muriel MacArtur May 92)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Argent

(Tinctureless) 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns outward,

surmounted by 2 trumpets in salt, within a bord embat. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: College of Heralds of Caid - Mar 82)
(Tinctureless) 2 crossed trumpets, bells to chf, surmounted by a
scroll bendwise sin bearing the words "SALTANDI
SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bord
embat. (Seal: Heralds Seals: White Stag - Dec 89)
Arg, a griffon ramp to sin Sa & a bord embat Gu. (D: Aric McBride
- Oct 02)
Arg, vetu ploy Gu, a mullet Sa within a bord embat Arg. (B:
Aquila Blackmore - Jan 08)
Az, a butterfly Arg betw 4 acorns in cross Or, all within a bord
embat Arg. (D: Sidonia of Seven Oaks - Jan 90)
Az, a chev betw 2 swords in chev, tips crossed, & a unicorns head
couped, a bord embat Arg. (D: Darius the Elder - Oct 93)
Az, a chev embat betw 3 winged roundels within a bord embat Arg.
(D: Albrecht von Salzburg - Apr 07)
Az, a clarion Or within a bord embat Arg. (D: Clare of Monkeswell
- Oct 07)
Az, a coney sejant tergiant within a bord embat Arg. (B: Fyodor
the Friendly - Aug 89) (Deceased)
Az, a crescent Or betw 3 mullets of 4 points a bord embat Arg. (D:
Christian Broussard - Jan 96)
Az, a crescent surmounted by a sword all within a bord embat Arg.
(B: Caid - Jun 86) (For the Order of the Crescent Sword)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 371

[Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Argent]

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Argent (continued)

Az, a cross couped of 3 crossbars, missing the dexter base arm, a

bord embat Arg. (D: Antek Ignatovich - Feb 97)
Az, a cross moline, a bord embat Arg. (B: Gryffri de Newmarch May 01)
Az, a crown within a laurel wreath Or, betw 3 crescents within a
bord embat Arg. (D: Caid - Feb 75?)
Az, a dexter gauntlet sustaining by the blade a sword fesswise, a
bord embat Arg. (B: Caid - Mar 94) (For Order of the
Gauntlet of Caid)
Az, a double-horned anvil within a bord embat Arg. (B: Smythkepe
- May 02)
Az, a flame within an annulet, a bord dovetailed Arg. (D: Ragnall
Ban - Mar 98)
Az, a flanged mace within a bord embat Arg. (B: Caid - Oct 87)
(For the Office of the Constabulary)
Az, a galley & in chf 3 mullets of 4 points, one & 2, within a bord
embat Arg. (D: Bjorn of Hoting - Nov 86)
Az, a goat clymant, a bord embat Arg. (D: Henry Best - Feb 98)
Az, a goblet Arg, charged on the bowl with a crescent Az, within a
bord embat Arg. (B: Caid - Oct 87) (For lHonneur de la
Az, a greyhound ramp regardant collared within a bord embat Arg.
(B: Caid - Jul 07)
Az, a gryphon passant & a bord raguly Arg. (D: Joscelin Raye Dec 03)
Az, a harp within a bord embat Arg. (B: Caid - Dec 85) (For
Order of the Harp Argent)
Az, a harts head cabossed Arg & in chf 3 mullets one & 2 Or
within a bord embat Arg. (D: Michael of Stonehaven Apr 95)
Az, a hawks bell within a bord embat Arg. (B: Dragonship Haven
- Jun 85) (For the Order of the Hawks Bell)
Az, a horse passant Arg & in chf 3 plates in fess, all within a bord
embat Arg. (D: Bronwyn nic Dougal - Jan 89)
Az, a horses head couped at the shoulders within a bord embat Arg.
(B: Caid - Sep 88) (For the Academy of Equestrian Arts)
Az, a lion ramp Or, tail nowed, dexter forearm armored Arg,
maintaining a seax proper a bord embat Arg. (B: Kian hrafn af
Dyrnesi - Jul 97)
Az, a lion sejant to sin coward Or betw 3 annulets, each surmounted
by a mullet of 4 points, within a bord embat Arg. (D: Richard
dAndrade - Dec 82)
Az, a lions jambe erased bendwise shackled & chained with a
broken chain within a bord embat Arg. (D: Elsa de Lyon Nov 99)
Az, a pomegranate slipped & leaved Or, a bord embat Arg. (B:
Caid - Jul 05) (For Collegium Caidis)
Az, a rose Or betw 3 crescents, all within a bord embat Arg. (D:
Caid, Queen of - Jan 80)
Az, a rose, slipped & leaved, within a bord dovetailed Arg. (B:
Catrin ferch Dafydd - Jul 94)
Az, a saggitary salient regardant & drawing his bow to sin a bord
embat Arg. (B: Caid - Nov 97) (For the Order of Chiron)
Az, a shakefork betw a die Arg, marked Az, & 2 rapiers inv in pile
within a bord embat Arg. (D: Michael Wymarc - Jan 08)
Az, a stags head couped affronty Or, a bord embat Arg. (D: Angus
MacBain - Jun 99)
Az, a sunburst, a bord embat Arg. (B: Caid - Mar 94) (For Order
of the Lux Caidis)
Az, a swallow volant within a bord embat Arg. (D: Arianwen ferch
Lawen - Dec 87)
Az, a sword Arg enflamed proper within a bord raguly Arg. (D:
rr Tjorvason - Dec 03)
Az, a sword inv bendwise sin betw a decrescent & an increscent all
within a bord embat Arg. (D: Iain James MacLaren - Sep 91)
Az, a triquetra within a bord embat Arg. (D: Saradwen Ariandalen
- Nov 84)
Az, a 2-headed wyvern disp within a bord embat Arg. (D: Ellisif
Flakkari - Oct 91)
Az, a winged cat passant & a bord embat Arg. (D: Kaellyn mac
Dermott of Leinster - Nov 03)
Az, a wooden-handled sword inv proper surmounted by a drawknife
inv Arg, handled of wood proper, within a bord dovetailed
Arg. (D: Peter Sebastian Wyrhta - Oct 06)
Az, an oak tree eradicated within a fetterlock, all within a bord
dovetailed Arg. (D: Christopher de Lockewod - Sep 84)
372 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Argent (continued)

Az, an open scroll Arg surmounted by a sword fesswise Or, all

within a bord embat Arg. (B: Caid - Apr 84) (For Office of
Az, in chf a reremouse, a bord embat Arg. (D: Matthias Fledermus
- Dec 99)
Az, in fess a decrescent & a mullet of seven points Arg charged
with a pheon inv Gu, a bord embat Arg. (B: Starhelm
Warlocke - Jun 93) (For Ladyhall)
Az, in fess a double-bitted axe betw 2 oak leaves, all within a bord
embat Arg. (D: Gerald the Inverter of Kilkenny - Aug 05)
Az, in pale a phoenix Or & a triple-towered castle within a bord
embat Arg. (D: Eldon Ungol of the Phoenix - Mar 82)
Az, in pale an open book & 2 retorts, necks in salt Or within a bord
potenty Arg. (D: Arthur FitzWilliam the Scholar - Oct 92)
Az, in pale 3 otters statant within a bord embat Arg. (D: lfled t
Otreburne - Aug 04)
Az, on a bend betw a dexter armored fist & a lymphad Arg 3
mullets palewise Az, a bord potenty Arg. (D: Philip
Langfelley - May 98)
Az, on a bend betw 2 crosses crosslet, the foot plain, Arg, a war
hammer Sa, all within a bord dovetailed Arg. (D: Friederich
von Strassburg - Oct 89)
Az, on a cross Arg a sword sustaining on its point a pair of scales
Sa, a bord embat Arg. (D: Philip ap Griffith - Jan 07)
Az, on a gout Arg a sword inv Az within a bord embat Arg. (D:
Rhydderch Morgan Penrose - Jun 94)
Az, on a plate a heart Gu, a bord embat Arg. (D: Frances vom
Grnwald - Jun 00)
Az, on a plate a horse salient to sin Sa, in base a spiral trumpet Or,
all within a bord embat Arg. (D: Daven Echern - Apr 85)
Az, 3 crescents conjoined, horns outward, a bord embat Arg. (B:
Caid - Mar 94) (For Order of the Crescent)
Az, 3 drinking horns in annulo & a bord embat Arg. (B: orvaldr
rlfsson Vaksfjall - Sep 93)
Az, 3 mullets in chev betw 2 chevronels Or, all within a bord embat
Arg. (D: Dunstan of Tunbridge - May 88)
Az, 2 arrows in salt betw 4 crescents, horns outwards, all within a
bord embat Arg. (B: Caid - Nov 89) (For the Kingdom
Master of Archers)
Az, 2 bears ramp addorsed within a bord embat Arg. (D: Fferyl ap
Llywelyn - Nov 92)
Az, 2 chevronels Arg, overall a Latin cross fleury ctrch, all within a
bord dovetailed Arg. (D: Gilbert Rhys MacLachlan - Sep 02)
Az, 2 daggers inv in salt Or surmounted by a cup, a bord embat
Arg. (D: Cullen ONeill - Apr 98)
Az, 2 hawks respectant & a double-bitted axe inv within a bord
dovetailed Arg. (D: Havoc atte Ree - Mar 02)
Az, 2 wolves combattant Arg maintaining a cross potent Or, a bord
embat Arg. (D: Leofsunu lfstanes sunu - Mar 05)
Az, upon a spider web Arg a roundel erminois within a bord
dovetailed Arg. (D: Joan of Caernarvon - Jul 85)
Counter-ermine, a caltrop & a bord embat Arg. (D: Guillaume de
Bracy - Oct 01)
Counterermine, a cock Or, a bord embat Arg. (D: Ulfgar the
Unspeakable - Nov 91)
Counter-ermine, a pegasus segreant & a bord dovetailed Arg. (D:
Stephanie of Atenveldt - Jun 08)
Gu, a bear dormant Arg holding an arrow Or a bord embat Arg. (D:
Gwendolen Kirkcaldy of Fawdonside - Dec 96)
Gu, a bulls head cabossed within a bord embat Arg. (B: Stierbach
- Apr 90)
Gu, a cat statant Arg pellety, a bord embat Arg. (D: Saxsa Corduan
- Feb 06)
Gu, a domestic cat couchant guardant & a bord embat Arg. (B:
Rebecca de Estella y Mallorca - Oct 06)
Gu, a lion queue-forchy statant erect guardant barry Az & Arg,
brandishing a sword & targe Or, all within a bord embat Arg.
(D: Robindra of the Isles - Jul 89)
Gu, a mallet betw in fess 2 garden roses, slipped & leaved, all
within a bord embat Arg. (D: James Ronson Tarleton Feb 86)
Gu, a pair of compasses in base betw its arms a compass rose, a
bord embat Arg. (B: Stierbach - Oct 99) (For the Baronial
Gu, a portcullis within a bord embat Arg. (D: Wolf Strom Jan 07)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Argent]

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Argent (continued)

Gu, a sea-dragon Or & a bord embat Arg. (D: Callum Lamond May 03)
Gu, a stag courant within a bord embat Arg. (D: Deirdre
OSiodhachain - Nov 89)
Gu, a sword inv, a bord embat Arg. (D: Lachlann Gore - Jan 97)
Gu, a Thors hammer within a bord embat Arg. (B: Ealdormere Sep 00) (For Order of Thorbjorns Hammer)
Gu, an arrow inv & winged within a bord embat Arg. (D: Rivka
Sycheva - Jun 07)
Gu, an osprey volant to sin within a bord embat Arg. (D: Marcus
de Clermont - Oct 82)
Gu, an otter couchant to sin guardant within a bord embat Arg. (D:
Iain MacDhugal Cameron of Ben Liath - Nov 91)
Gu, in pale 3 bottle-nosed dolphins embowed proper within a bord
embat Arg. (B: Angelina Nicollette de Beaumont - Oct 85)
Gu, on a lozenge ploy Arg betw in chf 2 coronets Or, a mullet Sa,
a bord embat Arg. (D: Aquila Blackmore - Jan 08)
Gu, on a tower Arg, an iris Az, slipped & leaved Vt, all within a
bord embat Arg. (D: Thomas Othasson von Burg Schwertlilie
- Oct 85)
Gu, 2 staves in salt betw 4 trillium blossoms Arg, barbed Vt, a bord
embat Arg. (B: Brand the Black - Mar 93)
Paly bendy Or & Gu, a ferret sejant erect within a bord embat Arg.
(D: Stevyn Gaoler - Dec 93)
Per bend Gu & Az, a bull passant contourny within a bord embat
Arg. (D: Uilliam an Tarbh Baile na hAbhann - May 95)
Per bend Gu & Az, a horses head couped contourny within a bord
embat Arg. (D: Robert of Vannerwick - Jan 93)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a mullet of eight interlocking mascles & a bord
potenty Arg. (D: Athelstan of Tilbrook - Jan 95)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a natural leopards head erased Arg spotted Sa a
bord dovetailed Arg. (D: Aislinn merch Guincatan - Jun 96)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a horse ramp within a bord embat Arg. (D:
Malise the Archer - Jul 96)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a sheaf of 3 arrows within a bord embat Arg.
(D: Cedric the Humble - Dec 93)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a tower within a laurel wreath, all within a
bord embat Arg. (D: Silver Keep - Oct 88)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, a lion sejant betw 3 drums, a bord embat
Arg. (D: Leona Serwa - Jan 93)
Per bend sin Purp & Sa, a castle & a bord embat Arg. (D: Terryl
inghean Aodhagin - Aug 06)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, a wolfs head caboshed Arg betw 3 acorns
Or, a bord embat Arg. (D: Benn Mactire - Aug 90)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, a rams head couped at the shoulder Arg,
armed Or, within a bord embat Arg. (D: Martin of Durham Jun 84)
Per bend sin Vt & Gu, a lynx ramp within a bord embat Arg. (D:
Vanna Edwinsdochter Dawburn - Aug 94)
Per bend Vt & Gu, a boars head erased within a bord embat Arg.
(D: Gregor Wilhelm - Dec 94)
Per bend Vt & Purp, a bulb of garlic, a bord embat Arg. (D:
Wenefred of Hay on Wye - Oct 98)
Per chev Az & Sa, in base a rams head couped contourny, a bord
embat Arg. (D: Ronan Craig of Ramsmountain - Dec 04)
Per chev Az & Vt, 2 unicorns ramp & a pegasus passant, a bord
embat Arg. (D: Arianna ny Shane - Feb 97)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a bord embat Arg masoned Sa. (B: Fire
Mountain Keep - Oct 97)
Per fess indented Az goutty deau & Vt, a battleaxe Or within a
bord embat Arg. (B: Endless Hills - Aug 99)
Per fess Sa & Gu, 2 swords inv in salt surmounted by a sword inv
palewise, all proper, within a bord dovetailed Arg. (D: Hagen
Silverskull - May 88)
Per fess Vt & Az, 2 escallops Arg & a sea-horse naiant reguardant
Arg tailed Vt, a bord embat Arg. (D: Ristil ingen Cathail Feb 95)
Per fess Vt & Sa, a demi-dragon erect maintaining in sin claw a
sword, in base a laurel wreath Or, all within a bord embat Arg.
(D: Terra Draconis - Jul 84)
Per pale Az & Gu, a bear statant Arg within a bord embat Arg,
masoned Sa. (D: Michael of Bearsley - Mar 91)
Per pale Az & Sa, a boar passant, a bord embat Arg. (D: Eoghan
Ruadhain - Jun 00)
Per pale Az & Sa, a rose within a bord embat Arg. (B: Jonas
Aquilian - Nov 90)

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Argent (continued)

Per pale Az & Vt, a thistle a bord embat Arg. (D: Guinevere
Morton - May 98)
Per pale Gu & Az, a stags head erased, a bord embat Arg. (D:
Fearghus MacCulloch - Aug 98)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a Caucasian sagittary passant within a bord
embat Arg. (B: Ilsa von Westfal - Jan 95) (For Alis of
Per pale Gu & Sa, a compass star elongated to base surmounted by
a sword & a quill pen in salt, all within a bord potenty Arg. (D:
Loren of Blackthorn - Sep 88)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a lions head erased Arg betw 3 flames Or, all
within a bord embat Arg. (D: Johan Eriksson Leijon Aug 92)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 4 lozenges palewise in cross within a bord embat
Arg. (D: Oscar of Bentwood - Feb 85)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 3 double-headed lions ramp within a bord embat
Arg. (D: Cathal Laighin - Jan 98)
Per pale Gu & Vt, a horse passant & a bord embat Arg. (B: Borimir
Dimitrian - Oct 07)
Per pale Gu & Vt, a lion couchant within a bord embat Arg. (D:
Angus MacGregur of Black Rose - Jul 06)
Per pale Sa & Az, a unicorn ramp & a bord embat Arg. (D: William
Cameron de Blakstan - Jan 05)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a rams head cabossed Arg armed Or, a bord
embat Arg. (D: Tristram Faustus Chantereau - Aug 94)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a sin gauntlet maintaining 3 calla lilies Arg
slipped Vt within a bord embat Arg. (D: Margaret ny Connor
- Mar 95)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a hedgehog statant & a bord embat Arg. (D:
Doireann inghean u Brolchin - Dec 02)
Per pale Sa & Vt a lyre & a bord embat Arg. (D: Isabeau du Lac
Long - Dec 94)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a rabbit courant within a bord embat Arg. (D:
Ingwild Lundgren of Bearhaven - Jul 92)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a wolf passant Or within a bord embat Arg. (D:
Henry of Maldon - Feb 92)
Per pale Sa & Vt, an armored wolf statant contourny ululant within
a bord embat Arg. (D: William Hethefelde - Apr 04)
Per pale Vt & Gu, a dragon segreant maintaining an ax within a
bord embat Arg. (D: Wulfgar Longaxe - Oct 91)
Per salt Az & Sa, a drakkar & a bord embat Arg. (D: Ricchar of
Londinium ad Rubrum Flumen - Oct 03)
Per salt Az & Sa a mullet of eight points elongated to base voided
all within a bord embat Arg. (D: Aranwen ferch Dafydd Mawr
- Dec 04)
Per salt Gu & Sa, a talbots head couped & a bord embat Arg. (D:
Leonard du Chien - Sep 93)
Per salt Purp & Vt, a tower within a bord embat Arg. (D: Der
Thommain Breathnach - May 91)
Per salt Sa & Gu, a Celtic cross & a bord embat Arg. (D: Dannet
ODaire - Apr 03)
Per salt Sa & Purp, an angel statant affronty & a bord embat Arg.
(D: Isabelle Parlebien - Aug 04)
Per salt Vt & Az, a wolfs head couped affronty within a bord
embat Arg. (D: Garin Stewart of Gleann Faoil - Sep 92)
Purp, a bend Or surmounted by a lute palewise affronty ctrch within
a bord dovetailed Arg. (D: Genevieve de Provence - Dec 84)
Purp, a boars head erased Arg betw 3 pairs of drinking horns
crossed in salt Or within a bord embat Arg. (D: Somhairle
Laidhigh - Aug 94)
Purp, a church bell, a bord dovetailed Arg. (D: Helena OShea Jun 97)
Purp, a fir tree couped within a laurel wreath within a bord embat,
all Arg. (D: Rimsholt - Sep 89)
Purp, a fox sejant affronty within a bord dovetailed Arg. (D:
Johnathan Heydon of Fox Hollow - Aug 88)
Purp, a leonine sagittary a bord potenty Arg. (D: Gaheris Bwagrym
- Aug 97)
Purp, a natural leopards face jessant-de-lis within a bord potenty
Arg. (B: Honor Pierre dArdres - Apr 86) (For La Maison
Purp, a natural leopards face proper, jessant-de-lis, within a bord
potenty Arg. (D: Honor Pierre dArdres - Oct 84)
Purp, a phoenix Or enflamed proper betw 3 compass stars all within
a bord dovetailed Arg. (D: Kira od Jiznho Vodopdu Oct 90)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 373

[Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Argent]

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Argent (continued)

Purp, a seahorse erect within a bord embat Arg. (D: Cerelia de

Lacy of Sherborne - Dec 84)
Purp, a squirrel ramp Arg betw 3 acorns Or & a bord embat Arg.
(D: Kolfinna in kyrra - Aug 03)
Purp, a stag lodged within a bord dovetailed Arg. (D: Rosamond de
Crvecoeur - Oct 05)
Purp, a sword betw 2 griffins combattant within a bord embat Arg.
(D: Julio Galvn - Nov 94)
Purp, a trillium Arg barbed & seeded Vt within a bord embat Arg.
(B: Ealdormere - Oct 95)
Purp, a weeping willow tree blasted & eradicated & in chf 3
decrescents within a bord embat grady Arg. (D: Morwenna n
Thiarnin - Jun 05)
Purp, an elephant Arg maintaining atop its back a pyramid Or, a
bord embat Arg. (D: Beth McDonald - May 05)
Purp, ermined Or, a winged lion sejant affronty Arg, a bord embat
Arg. (D: Remy le Lion - Oct 94)
Purp, on a beer stein Arg a bee Purp, a bord embat Arg. (D:
Percival de la Rocque - Sep 00)
Purp, on a cartouche fesswise Arg a brown coney couchant proper
all within a bord embat Arg. (D: Katriona OMaloney Jul 02)
Quarterly Az & Vt, an estoille a bord embat Arg. (B: Trimaris Dec 96) (For the Order of the Argent Estoille of Trimaris)
Quarterly Purp & Gu, a bord embat Arg. (B: Brighid n Chailln of
the Moors - Feb 07)
Quarterly Purp & Gu, a natural seahorse Arg ducally gorged Or & a
bord embat Arg. (D: Brighid n Chailln of the Moors Feb 07)
Quarterly Sa & Az, a dragons head couped affronty within a bord
embat Arg. (D: Bart de Fresia - May 83)
Quarterly Sa & Az, 2 rapiers in salt surmounted by an arrow inv, all
within a bord embat Arg. (D: Michael MQuilline - May 07)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a fleur-de-lys within a bord dovetailed Arg. (D:
Luc le Noir - Nov 89)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, in bend 2 increscents within a bord embat Arg.
(D: Angelique von Regensburg - Nov 03)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, 3 dragonflies in pall heads to center & a bord
embat Arg. (D: Roxanne de Audley - Jan 99)
Sa, a bearded pithon erect guardant, wings disp, within a bord
embat Arg. (D: Ferall von Halstern - Mar 86)
Sa, a bend Arg betw 2 prickspurs fesswise reversed Or, a bord
embat Arg. (D: John the Pell - Feb 96)
Sa, a chev inv Az, fimbriated Or, overall a lion ramp, all within a
bord embat Arg. (D: Odran Schneelwe Eisenschmied Jul 88)
Sa, a cross crosslet fitchy within a bord embat Arg. (D: Andrew
Grey of Blakehethe - Nov 99)
Sa, a crossbow betw 3 quarrels inv palewise, one & 3, all within a
bord embat Arg. (D: Barbara of Cambion - Jan 90)
Sa, a dagger inv Or transfixing a cinquefoil, a bord embat Arg. (D:
Ron of Loch Salann - Jul 93)
Sa, a feather bendwise sin within a bord embat Arg. (D: Simon le
Mor - Oct 05)
Sa, a griffin sejant to sin maintaining a hafted Ukrainian trident
bendwise sin, all within a bord dovetailed Arg. (D: Algernon
Blacklock - Nov 89)
Sa, a horse ramp & in chf a compass rose, a bord embat Arg. (D:
Elias Loredan - Sep 05)
Sa, a horse ramp Arg charged with a compass rose Sa, a bord embat
Arg. (B: Elias Loredan - Mar 08)
Sa, a horse ramp contourny within a bord embat Arg. (D: Julian
Percy - Aug 94)
Sa, a label & a bord embat Arg. (B: Stephan of Bellatrix - May 92)
Sa, a natural panthers head cabossed Or & a bord embat Arg. (D:
Thomas Naupegos - Dec 02)
Sa, a pall inv betw 3 gauntlets each maintaining a sheaf of 3 arrows
fesswise within a bord embat Arg. (D: Tevis MacBrodie May 92)
Sa, a pegasus salient affronty, wings disp, within a bord embat Arg.
(D: Lynne the Farrover - Mar 88)
Sa, a scorpion within a bord dovetailed Arg. (D: Gareth de Sable May 01)
Sa, a sin arm embowed fesswise, fist clenched to sin, within a bord
embat Arg. (D: Benedict Scattergoode - Apr 87)

374 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Argent (continued)

Sa, a smiths hammer Or & a rapier in salt, a bord dovetailed Arg.

(D: Stephan MacAllester of Cork - Feb 06)
Sa, a stag ramp within a bord potenty Arg. (D: Cairbre macc
Eochada micc Fedelmid - Mar 00)
Sa, a stag trippant within a bord embat Arg. (D: Alric of Ashfield Jan 96)
Sa, a unicorns head couped Arg, collared of a chain Or, within a
bord embat Arg. (D: Heinrich Palantine - Nov 81)
Sa, a wolf passant & in base a rose, all within a bord embat Arg. (D:
Guinevere of Wulfhold - Dec 89)
Sa, an hourglass bendwise & a bord embat Arg. (D: Kynedri filia
Gerald - Oct 05)
Sa, betw 3 crescents a stags attire affronty erased, a bord
dovetailed Arg. (D: Dediana du Corwyn - Mar 78?)
Sa, estoilly of seven points, a bord embat Arg. (D: Fernando
Salazar y Perez - Jul 80)
Sa, in fess a sword sustained at the hilt by 2 wings with hands
issuant, a bord embat Arg. (B: Kynwric Gwent - Dec 07)
Sa, in pale a phoenix Or & a compass star, a bord dovetailed Arg.
(D: Aofe ni Mhille - Jul 01)
Sa, on a bend sin Gu, fimbriated, betw 2 crosses couped fitchy, a
bat palewise disp, all within a bord embat Arg. (D: Bryan
Mikhail Woodroffe - May 88)
Sa, on a flame Arg a sword Sa, a bord embat Arg. (D: Karl von
Morgenstern - Apr 94)
Sa, on a plate a hawk close belled Az all within a bord embat Arg.
(D: Kyriell Hawkmoon - Nov 91)
Sa, on a sun Or a shamrock Sa, a bord embat Arg. (D: Gillian
Elphinstone - Jul 91)
Sa, 3 carracks & a bord embat Arg. (D: Royce Kensington May 04)
Sa, 3 double-bitted axes in pall, hilts to center, Or surmounted by a
doves head erased to sin, all within a bord dovetailed Arg. (D:
Radegund Wulfsdottir - Aug 84)
Sa, 3 ken & 3 dragon scales conjoined in annulo, pointing outwards,
within a bord embat, all Arg. (D: Otagiri Tatsuzo - Oct 88)
Sa, 2 grozing irons in salt within a bord embat Arg. (D: Kenneth of
the Grove - Dec 87)
Sa, 2 scimitars in salt betw 3 decrescents within a bord embat Arg.
(D: Abd-al-Aziz al-Jazzar - Mar 94)
Vt, a birch tree Arg leaved Or, a bord of knotwork Arg. (D: Betva a
Bedwyn - Jan 05)
Vt, a chev embat counter-embat Arg betw 3 wolfs heads erased Or,
all within a bord embat Arg. (D: Ulfric Halvdansk - Nov 89)
Vt, a column Or within a bord embat Arg. (D: Heoroweard of
Lindcylene - Apr 91)
Vt, a crequier within a bord embat Arg. (D: Lilias de Cheryngton Jun 04)
Vt, a cross formy Or within a stags attires, a bord raguly Arg. (D:
Samus Cuilein - Sep 00)
Vt, a dove disp within a bord dovetailed Arg. (D: Arielle de
Chantre - Dec 83)
Vt, a 4-leaved shamrock within a bord embat Arg. (B: Francis
Canny - Dec 91)
Vt, a horned conical helm Arg, banded & nasalled Or, within a bord
potenty Arg. (B: Kyle Gustov Kennson - Jun 84)
Vt, a lymphad sail furled Or within a bord dovetailed Arg. (D:
Gareth de Mountayne - Oct 95)
Vt, a natural rainbow proper, fimbriated & issuant from clouds Or,
within a bord dovetailed Arg. (D: Kendra Juliana of Kilborne
- Aug 83)
Vt, a rams head couped fesswise Or within a bord embat Arg. (B:
Elyramere of Tymberlyne Heyghts - Jun 84)
Vt, a rat ramp ermine within a bord dovetailed Arg. (D: Richard of
Alder Tree - Sep 88)
Vt, a sea-wolf erect maintaining a harp in its dexter paw & a bord
embat Arg. (D: Celric of Marinus - Jun 98)
Vt, a tau cross within a bord embat Arg. (D: Theron de Cameron Apr 96)
Vt, a tree eradicated & in chf a squirrel courant, a bord embat Arg.
(B: Ysenda Macbeth of Islay - Mar 08)
Vt, a winged dexter foot bendwise sin, wings addorsed, a bord
embat Arg. (D: Cormac Tobin - Nov 00)
Vt, a winged wolf passant, wings inv & addorsed, within a bord
embat Arg. (D: Ulfr Byrnsmidr - Jul 85)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Argent] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Azure]

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Argent (continued)

Vt, an equal-armed Celtic cross potent Or within a bord embat Arg.

(B: Ceridwen Dafydd - Apr 86)
Vt, ermined, a griffin passant to sin within a bord embat Arg. (B:
Forgotten Sea - May 89) (For the Order of the Silver Griffin)
Vt, ermined, a tree, its roots nowed in the form of a Ukrainian
trident head inv, all within a bord embat Arg. (B: Forgotten
Sea - Sep 07) (For Order of the Trident Tree)
Vt, in bend sin a goats head couped & a patriarchal cross within a
bord embat Arg. (D: David Friedrich von Einbeck - Dec 03)
Vt, in fess 3 cinquefoils within a bord embat Arg. (D: Rowan
Perigrynne - May 83)
Vt, on a bend bretessed Arg betw a mullet of eight points & a
crescent bendwise sin Or, a bend Gu, all within a bord embat
Arg. (D: Christine Ariadne of Gwynedd - Jun 86)
Vt, on a chalice Arg 3 mullets in chf Vt, a bord embat Arg. (B:
Dilan mac in tsaeir - May 00)
Vt, on a chev Arg 2 swords Sa, in base a goblet, all within a bord
embat Arg. (D: Ddin MacKay na Aonaich - Aug 87)
Vt, seven trees 3 3 & one a bord embat Arg. (D: Ben the Steward Apr 97)
Vt, 3 carracks & a bord embat Arg. (B: Royce Kensington May 04)
Vt, 3 geese sejant in pall, heads together & conjoined, proper, all
within a bord potenty Arg. (D: Brynja of Byrrhyll - Dec 89)
Vt, 3 hands in pale, a bord embat Arg. (D: Ardal of Stonegrave Apr 99)
Vt, 3 trees one & 2 within a bord embat Arg. (B: Ben the Steward Apr 97)
Vt, 2 arms in armor embowed & interlaced Arg, each maintaining a
goblet Or, a bord embat Arg. (D: Alaric Gruenwolf - Sep 92)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Azure

(Tinctureless) 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns outward,

surmounted by 2 trumpets in salt, within a bord embat. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: College of Heralds of Caid - Mar 82)
(Tinctureless) 2 crossed trumpets, bells to chf, surmounted by a
scroll bendwise sin bearing the words "SALTANDI
SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bord
embat. (Seal: Heralds Seals: White Stag - Dec 89)
Arg, a badger ramp Vt within a bord embat Az. (D: Finnian
MacTaidhg - Jul 92)
Arg, a bow reversed betw 2 arrows, a bord embat Az. (D:
Ekaterina Marten - Mar 95)
Arg, a cock Vt within a bord raguly Az. (D: Ro von Rheinfranken Apr 06)
Arg, a cross crosslet fitchy within a bord embat Az. (B: lfr
Ljtarson af y - Dec 02) (For Olaf Lutherson)
Arg, a fret Gu, surmounted by a laurel wreath, all within a bord
embat Az. (D: Innilgard - Jun 84)
Arg, a fret Gu within a bord embat Az. (B: Innilgard - Oct 86)
Arg, a greyhounds head couped at the shoulder, a bord embat Az.
(D: Arnelfr Thingkona - Aug 98)
Arg, a griffin segreant Vt within a bord embat Az. (D: Josef von
Rothenburg - Jul 01)
Arg, a harp Vt within a bord embat Az. (D: Gwynnin ap Rhys Mar 95)
Arg, a heart Gu winged Sa within a bord embat Az. (D: Mariana
Vivia de Santiago - Apr 05)
Arg, a heart Sa winged Gu within a bord embat Az. (B: Mariana
Vivia de Santiago - Apr 05)
Arg, a horse salient to sin Sa within a bord embat Az. (B: Daven
Echern - Nov 90)
Arg, a pair of calipers Az, betw its points a quatrefoil pierced Gu, a
bord potenty Az. (D: Renier van Noordpas - Apr 97)
Arg, a pall inv Az betw 3 thistles slipped & leaved proper, all
within a bord embat Az. (D: Eoin of the Torriloc Moors May 92)
Arg, a pegasus passant contourny Sa within a bord dovetailed Az.
(D: Kathleen OConnor - Feb 95)
Arg, a phoenix rising to sin, wings addorsed, Az, issuant from
flames proper, within a bord embat Az. (D: Lyulf the Dreamer
- Aug 83)
Arg, a seadog ramp within a bord embat Az. (D: Iaroslav of the
Pripiet Marsh - May 82)

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Azure (continued)

Arg, a seeblatt Vt within a bord potenty Az. (D: Salina z der Bach
- Feb 97)
Arg, a sheaf of arrows betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Sa, a bord embat Az.
(D: Elspeth la Faire - Jan 97)
Arg, a sprig of 3 bluebells Az, slipped & leaved Vt, within a bord
embat Az. (D: Cassandra Bll von Bayer - Jul 80)
Arg, a swan disp Sa holding in its feet the halves of a sword fracted
Or, a bord dovetailed Az. (D: Sveyn Egilsson - Nov 92)
Arg, a torch Sa enflamed Gu within a laurel wreath Vt & a bord
embat Az. (D: des Forges - Jul 05)
Arg, a torch Sa enflamed Gu within a laurel wreath Vt & a bord
embat Az. (D: des Forges - Nov 05)
Arg, a tower Sa, its base environed of a laurel wreath Vt, all within
a bord embat Az. (D: Silfren Mere - Nov 87)
Arg, a wheel, a bord embat Az. (B: Eldred lfwald - Apr 98)
Arg, a winged tyger sejant erect Vt within a bord dovetailed Az. (D:
Victoria of Ribe - Nov 95)
Arg, an oak leaf Sa within a bord embat Gu. (B: Leif Tryggvason Nov 90)
Arg, in pale a bat Sa sustaining a sword fesswise reversed within a
bord embat Az. (D: Algar Irenhande - Mar 06)
Arg, on a bend sin bretessy betw 2 double-headed eagles disp Az, 3
roses Arg, all within a bord embat Az. (D: Morgan
Charbonneau - Mar 90)
Arg, on a bend sin dovetailed betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Az 3 oak slips
fructed palewise Or, a bord dovetailed Az. (D: Katherine
Morgan Galbraith - Jun 97)
Arg, on a mullet of six points Az, a cross couped Or, all within a
bord embat Az. (D: Alexander von Halle - Apr 89)
Arg, on a pale bretessed betw a mask of comedy & a mask of
tragedy Az, a claymore inv Arg, all within a bord embat Az.
(D: Iain Lucas MacLeoid - Feb 87)
Arg, on a pile inv throughout Az a tower Arg, within a bord embat
Az. (B: Dreiburgen - Sep 82)
Arg, on a pile inv throughout Az an escutcheon Arg, a bord embat
Az. (B: Dreiburgen - Apr 05)
Arg, semy of crescents Gu, an eagle inv & disp within a bord embat
Az. (D: Alexander of Cumberlande - Oct 86)
Arg semy of keys inv Sa, a heart Gu a bord embat Az. (D:
Margaret Menteith - Sep 97)
Arg semy-de-lys, a fox sejant & a bord dovetailed Az. (D: Julien
de Nevelet - Jan 98)
Arg, 3 horses heads couped within a bord embat Az. (D: Hugh of
Horseham - Jul 90)
Arg, 3 roundels barry wavy Az & Or within a bord embat Az. (D:
Richard of Greenwood - Jul 88)
Arg, 2 crampons crossed in salt within a bord dovetailed Az. (B:
Alistair Ian McGregor - Apr 00)
Ermine, a wolf couchant reguardant to sin Sa within a bord
dovetailed Az. (D: Faolan MacThighearnain - Jul 90)
Erminois, on a mullet of eight points Az, a goblet Or, within a bord
embat Az. (D: Sebastien Mabille - Oct 88)
Or, a crab tergiant Az maintaining in its claws a glaive fesswise
reversed proper, within a bord embat Az. (D: Beorn MacElan
- Mar 86)
Or, a dragon passant Vt within a bord embat Az. (D: Gasparo
Ballister - Dec 91)
Or, a longship sailing to sin within a bord embat Az. (D: Cordelia
an Cleasaiche - Jan 87)
Or, a portcullis Sa, in base a goute de sang, all within a bord
dovetailed Az. (D: Kevin von Inselheim - Dec 89)
Or, a serpent encircled Vt, a bord embat Az. (B: Dun Or - Mar 01)
(For L Ordre du Serpente Vert)
Or, a sun within a bord embat Az. (B: Cephius de Valletta Jul 85)
Or, a tree eradicated proper within a bord denticulada Az. (D:
Teresa de aragoa - May 05)
Or, in salt five crosses bottony Vt within a bord embat Az. (D:
Alds Grmlfsdttir - Sep 02)
Per bend Arg & Or, a bend Gu, overall a dragon ramp Vt, within a
bord embat Az. (D: Morgan Alyn Alwyn - May 84)
Per pale Or & Arg, a closed book palewise, spine to dexter, Gu,
clasped & charged with a laurel wreath Or, all within a bord
embat Az. (D: Blessed Herman the Cripple - Mar 88)
Per pale Or & Arg, a foxs mask Sa & a bord embat Az. (D:
Richard Frogenhall - Apr 07)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 375

[Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Azure] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Gules]

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Azure (continued)

Per salt Arg & Sa, a bord embat Az. (B: Melchior zum grauen Wolf
- Nov 02)
Per salt Gu & Arg, a lion ramp Sa, within a bord dovetailed Az. (D:
Richard Blackwood - Aug 97)
Quarterly Or & Arg, a mole ramp to sin Sa, maintaining in its
mouth a shamrock Vt & in its forepaws a shillelagh proper, all
within a bord embat Az. (D: Daniel of An Dun Teine Aug 88)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Fur

(Tinctureless) 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns outward,

surmounted by 2 trumpets in salt, within a bord embat. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: College of Heralds of Caid - Mar 82)
(Tinctureless) 2 crossed trumpets, bells to chf, surmounted by a
scroll bendwise sin bearing the words "SALTANDI
SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bord
embat. (Seal: Heralds Seals: White Stag - Dec 89)
Arg, a spiderweb Az surmounted by a spider Sa, a bord embat Az
ermined Arg. (D: Katherine Bradon of Carlisle - May 01)
Az, five mullets of 4 points in annulo Or within a bord dovetailed
ermine. (D: Amalric de Montfort - May 89)
Gu, a pale pean, overall a double-headed eagle disp Or within a
bord embat pean. (D: Maximilian von Braun - May 86)
Gu, an owls head couped affronty Or within a bord embat pean.
(D: Aislinn of Cumbria - Mar 81)
Or, a seal sejant Gu, maintaining in its mouth a quill pen fesswise
Arg, fimbriated, veined, & dripping 3 gouts Sa, all within a
bord embat ermine. (B: Caid - Nov 84) (For College of
Per chev throughout Or & Az, 2 mascles & a tower ctrch, & a bord
dovetailed pean. (D: Adelbrecht of Stonekeep - May 92)
Sa, a grenade Or within a bord potenty erminois. (D: Ian of Calais
- Mar 85)
Sa, a lightning flash bendwise throughout Arg surmounted by a
tower Or, within a bord embat erminois. (D: Hans Hager
Eyecrown - Apr 81)
Sa, a lion ramp & a bord embat Or ermined Gu. (D: Maximilian
Alois von Brandenberg - Aug 97)
Vt, a double-headed eagle Or & a bord embat Or ermined Vt. (D:
Donngal de Buchanan - Jan 04)
Vt, a mastiff sejant erect maintaining in its sin forepaw a sword inv
Or, a bord embat erminois. (D: Brilliana de la Hay - Feb 08)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Gules

(Tinctureless) 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns outward,

surmounted by 2 trumpets in salt, within a bord embat. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: College of Heralds of Caid - Mar 82)
(Tinctureless) 2 crossed trumpets, bells to chf, surmounted by a
scroll bendwise sin bearing the words "SALTANDI
SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bord
embat. (Seal: Heralds Seals: White Stag - Dec 89)
Arg, a bear ramp contourny maintaining a flamberge Sa within a
bord embat Gu. (D: Gunther von Brandenburg - Aug 92)
Arg, a Coptic cross Sa within a bord embat Gu. (D: Stephen of
Bellamy - Sep 73?)
Arg, a dragon segreant a bord embat Gu. (D: Wolfram von Stuttgart
- May 98)
Arg, a fleam within a bord raguly Gu. (B: Lawrence Taillefer the
Leech - May 89)
Arg, a fox ramp proper maintaining in its dexter paw 3 arrows inv
Or within a bord embat Gu. (D: Reynaud de Burgundy Sep 06)
Arg, a horse passant & a bord embat Gu. (B: Eleanor FitzPatrick Jun 04)
Arg, a horse ramp contourny, in canton a sheaf of arrows fesswise
reversed Sa within a bord potenty Gu. (D: Adelasia della
Corte - May 07)
Arg, a pair of compasses & in base a cross bottony all within a bord
embat Gu. (B: Dun Carraig - Feb 02)
Arg, a raven contourny Sa within a bord embat Gu. (B: Ravens
Fort - Dec 00)
Arg, a sheeps head cabossed within a bord dovetailed Gu. (B: Una
Eadgyth Eastmund - May 96)

376 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Gules (continued)

Arg, a snake glissant to sin Sa within a bord embat Gu. (D: Isabeau
de Valence - Feb 03)
Arg, a sun within a bord embat Gu. (D: Thorvald Redhair Mar 91)
Arg, a sun within a bord embat Gu, overall a chf Az ermined Arg.
(B: Thorvald Redhair - Mar 91)
Arg, a unicorn ramp Sa within a bord dovetailed Gu. (B: Richard
de la Croix - Oct 89)
Arg, a winged monkey ramp Sa maintaining a grenade within a
bord embat Gu. (D: Matheo Trentavasi - Jan 08)
Arg, an otter ramp proper betw in chf 3 mullets of 4 points Gu & a
base wavy Az, all with in a bord embat Gu. (D: Emrys Bethoc
- Aug 86)
Arg, in chf a decrescent & an increscent & in base a fleur-de-lis,
within a bord embat Gu. (D: Alisoun Varena - Aug 79?)
Arg, 3 dragons heads couped within a bord embat Gu. (D:
Llywelyn ap Gwyn of Anglesey - Dec 95)
Arg, 2 chevronels Gu, overall a dirk inv Sa within a bord embat Gu.
(D: Robert of Dragons Mark - Mar 93)
Barry wavy Az & Or, a heart within a bord embat Gu. (B: Sergio
dello Scudo Bianco - Oct 92)
Bendy Sa & Arg, a double-headed eagle Az & a bord embat Gu.
(D: Friedrich von Bayern - Dec 05)
Checky Sa & Arg, a rose & in base 3 gouttes, a bord embat Gu. (D:
Vanya Shakhmatnikov - Aug 98)
Ermine, a sword inv Or, overall a hawk disp, all within a bord
dovetailed Gu. (D: Radnor of Guildemar - Aug 81)
Ermine, an otter sejant erect contourny betw in chf a smithing
hammer reversed & a smithing hammer Sa, a bord embat Gu.
(D: Marcus von Westphal - Apr 96)
Ermine, 3 towers Sa, that in base within a laurel wreath Vt, a bord
embat Gu. (D: Three Towers - Jul 98)
Erminois, a cock contourny within a bord embat Gu. (D: Rodrigo
of Aston Tor - Jul 01)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a chalice Sa within a bord embat Gu. (D:
Garrick of Shadowdale - Nov 93)
Lozengy Or & Purp, on a pale dovetailed Gu, a margarite, slipped
& leaved, Or, all within a bord dovetailed Gu. (D: Megan de
Grinstead - Aug 89)
Or, a bend & in sin chf a butterfly Az, a bord dovetailed Gu. (D:
Twila of Wulfshaven - Jul 86)
Or, a bend betw 2 eagles heads erased, all within a bord embat Gu.
(D: Thomas of Fordcombe - Feb 94)
Or, a bull statant to sin within a bord embat Gu. (D: Pietro del Toro
Rosso - Jun 90)
Or, a castle Sa betw in pale 2 roses, all within a bord embat Gu. (D:
Marco Valerio di Bartolomeo - Nov 83)
Or, a cock Sa within a bord embat Gu. (D: Amalie Warrenne Feb 95)
Or, a demi-dragon contourny maintaining in its sin claw a bow & in
its dexter claw 2 arrows Az, a bord embat Gu. (D: Maria
Angela da Firenze - Dec 05)
Or, a ducal coronet betw five pine trees 2, 2, & one Sa within a bord
dovetailed Gu. (D: Alan Youngforest - Dec 01)
Or, a fox ramp Gu wearing a fools cap Vt, in chf 3 golpes one & 2
all within a bord dovetailed Gu. (D: Anna Zauberknstlerin Oct 92)
Or, a foxs head contourny erased ducally crowned within a bord
embat Gu. (D: Katerina OCallaghan - Nov 06)
Or, a foxs head contourny erased ducally crowned within a bord
embat Gu & for augmentation on a canton Az, a sun in his
glory issuant from base Or, within a bord Arg. (Augmentation
of Arms: Katerina OCallaghan - Nov 06)
Or, a gazelles head erased contourny within a bord potenty Gu. (B:
Gisle Barrentree - Jan 91)
Or, a grenade Sa enflamed Gu betw 3 Celtic crosses Sa, a bord
dovetailed Gu. (D: Beartlaoi mac Mathghamhna - Apr 01)
Or, a grenade within a bord embat Gu. (D: Constanza de Sevilla Aug 03)
Or, a lute bendwise sin Az within a bord embat Gu. (D: Angela di
Udine - Jan 90)
Or, a pall inv betw 3 owls Az, all within a bord embat Gu. (D:
Bealdgar Thurbeornsson - Aug 89)
Or, a raven volant contourney wings addorsed Sa & a bord raguly
Gu. (D: Johanna Kilraven - May 92)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Gules] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Multicolor]

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Gules (continued)

Or, a single-headed chess knight to sin Vt within a bord embat Gu.

(D: Fernanda de la Fort - Jul 85)
Or, a 3-headed bird-winged hydra salient to sin within a bord embat
Gu. (D: Mikhail Andreyevich Putnikov - Jul 93)
Or, a turtle within a bord embat Gu. (D: Sigrid Larsdotter May 02)
Or, a unicorn betw 3 roses Sa barbed & seeded Arg all within a
bord embat Gu. (D: Leofric of Drachenwald - Dec 03)
Or, a unicorn ramp contourny Sa within a bord embat Gu. (D:
Valentine Rafael de Prigueux - Jan 03)
Or, five pine trees 2, 2, & one, Sa & a bord dovetailed Gu. (B: Alan
Youngforest - Dec 01)
Or, in pale a eagle disp & 3 swords inv in pile Sa, all within a bord
embat Gu. (D: Lothar Schwarzfalkner - Sep 91)
Or, in pale a sea serpent nowed & a laurel wreath Vt, a bord embat
Gu. (D: Saint Christina the Astonishing - Feb 91)
Or, on a chev Az betw 3 hearts Gu, 2 swords conjoined at their
points Arg, a bord embat Gu. (B: Clarissa Wykeham Oct 97)
Or, on a torteau an owl disp Or, a bord embat Gu. (D: Gabrielle
Finor - Mar 94)
Or, 3 wolves ramp Sa a bord dovetailed Gu. (D: Skalla-Valgarr
Gunnarsson - Nov 97)
Or, 2 bearded axes in salt & in base a broad arrow Vt, all within a
bord embat Gu. (D: Karl Thorirsson - Feb 88)
Or, 2 chevronels Gu betw 3 ravens Sa, a bord embat Gu. (D:
Bianca Rose Byrne - Jun 96)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, a compass star & a corsica bendwise sin ctrch
within a bord embat Gu. (B: Aldwin Yale of York - Sep 88)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Sa, a clenched sin gauntlet ctrch, a bord
embat Gu. (D: Thomas de Bohun - Jul 86)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 3 griffins ctrch & a bord embat Gu. (D:
Richard of Ardgour - Aug 07)
Per fess engrailed Or & Az, 3 gouttes Az & 3 crosses flory Or all
within a bord embat Gu. (D: Agnes of the Whispering Willows
- Sep 91)
Per pale erminois & pean, 2 lions passant counterpassant ctrch Sa &
Or within a bord embat Gu. (D: Margaret Drysllwyn of
Dunroth - Nov 86)
Per pale Sa & Or, a goblet sustained betw 2 talbots combattant
ctrch, a bord embat Gu. (D: Alys Montgomerie - Feb 00)
Per pale wavy Sa & Arg, a wolf passant counter-changed within a
bord embat Gu. (D: Fael MacLoarn - Jan 86)
Per salt Arg & Gu, a hammer reversed within a bord embat Sa. (B:
Gareth Kincaid - Feb 03)
Quarterly Arg & Or, a boars head couped Sa within a bord embat
Gu. (B: Westbelleford - Sep 04)
Quarterly Arg & Or, a feather bendwise Az within a bord embat Gu.
(D: Gavin Mag Aonghusa - Jul 03)
Quarterly Az & Arg, a phoenix Gu rising from flames proper within
a bord embat Gu. (B: Sun, the - Aug 92) (For the Order of
the Solar Phoenix)
Quarterly Or & Arg, a bull ramp Sa within a bord embat Gu. (D:
Cullen Haley Dunmore - Jul 87)
Sa, on a mullet of ten points Or 2 goblets in salt within a bord embat
Gu. (B: Reynaud de Burgundy - Aug 79)
Vair, a harp within a bord embat Gu. (D: Kaitlyn OTuepin Dec 90)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Multicolor

(Tinctureless) 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns outward,

surmounted by 2 trumpets in salt, within a bord embat. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: College of Heralds of Caid - Mar 82)
(Tinctureless) 2 crossed trumpets, bells to chf, surmounted by a
scroll bendwise sin bearing the words "SALTANDI
SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bord
embat. (Seal: Heralds Seals: White Stag - Dec 89)
Arg, a brazier Sa flamed proper, a bord embat per salt Gu & Sa. (D:
Rhiannon ny Rory - Jun 95)
Arg, in bend a talbots head erased contourny Sa & a talbots head
erased Gu, a bord embat per bend sin Gu & Sa. (D: Willehalm
Greywolf - May 08)
Arg, on a cross Az an escallop inv Or, overall a bord embat ctrch.
(D: Madeleine FitzRobert de la Foret - Aug 87)

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Multicolor (continued)

Arg, on a pale Az betw 2 decrescents in chf, a decrescent in base,

overall a bord embat ctrch. (D: Hreodbeorht Talbot ap
Cyngen - Oct 92)
Gu, on a pale Or an anvil pierced by a sword inv Sa, all within a
bord embat ctrch. (D: Dughal Stiubhard the Red Giant of
Glenheather - Aug 90)
Gyronny erminois & Gu, a rabbit couchant Arg, a bord raguly ctrch.
(D: Marlana of Bards Keep - Oct 91)
Gyronny Or & Az, a mullet of eight points Gu within a bord
dovetailed ctrch. (D: William Michael Kelrickson - Jan 94)
Or, a corbie close Sa, a bord embat per pale Sa & Gu. (D: Isabella
de Corbie - May 99)
Or, a natural rose bendwise Gu, slipped & leaved Vt, within a bord
raguly gyronny Sa & Vt. (D: Runa von Rosenburg - Aug 88)
Per bend Arg & Az, an owl rising, head to dexter, wings elevated &
addorsed, a bord embat ctrch. (D: Mire n Chonaill - Jul 98)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a bull salient & a decrescent within a bord
embat ctrch. (B: Stierbach - Apr 08) (For Award of the Bull
and the Crescent)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a bull salient & a decrescent within a bord
embat ctrch. (B: Stierbach - Aug 92)
Per bend Arg & Purp, a dove close & a dove close contourny, a
bord embat all ctrch. (D: Brita MacGregor - Sep 98)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a raven volant bendwise Sa & an angora goat
salient Arg within a bord embat ctrch. (D: Alexandria of
Mazzara - Oct 03)
Per bend Az & Arg, a unicorns head couped contourny betw 3
mullets of 4 points, a bord embat all ctrch. (D: Sabine
Wyndburne - Dec 98)
Per bend ermine & Az, a dog-tailed sea-dog ramp to sin, grasping a
quill Or, all within a bord potenty per bend Az & Or. (D:
Murdoc of Armagh - Dec 85)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a compass rose & a bull salient within a bord
embat ctrch. (B: Stierbach - Nov 01)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a compass rose & a bull salient within a bord
embat ctrch. (B: Stierbach - Apr 08) (For Award of the
Silver Compass)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a Latin cross bottony & a griffin segreant
within a bord potenty, all ctrch. (D: Rycherd of Caistron Jul 91)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a raven Sa within a bord dovetailed ctrch.
(D: Oweyn Hudson - Oct 00)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a triquetra & a bord embat ctrch. (D:
Alasdair Mac Roibeirt - Dec 99)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a narwhal haurient bendwise sin & a
peacock contourny within a bord embat ctrch. (D: Aoife Finn Apr 07)
Per bend sin Az & Or, a lion passant guardant & a bord embat ctrch.
(D: Robert of Doncaster - Sep 00)
Per bend sin Az & Or, 3 harps in bend & a bord embat ctrch. (D:
Cassaundra Igraine of Gwynedd - Aug 87)
Per bend sin dovetailed Sa & Arg, a unicorns head couped
contourny & a dogs head couped within a bord dovetailed all
ctrch. (D: Elspeth of Stonehaven - Oct 92)
Per bend sin Or & Az, an eagle volant within a bord embat, all
ctrch. (D: Brand Griffith - Jul 91)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, a boars head couped close within a bord
dovetailed, all ctrch. (D: Wolfgang Gustav Rischmller Jan 88)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, a pair of swords in salt & a tower all within a
bord embat ctrch. (D: John of Black Rose - Dec 91)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a natural panther ramp within a bord embat
all ctrch. (D: Ruairidh MacLeoid - Mar 83)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, a phoenix, head to sin, within a bord embat
ctrch. (D: Alyssa Ethelinda Byron of Fairhaven - Dec 85)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, an ounce ramp within a bord embat all ctrch.
(B: Robyn FitzOsbern - Oct 07)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, a horse ramp reguardant within a bord
dovetailed, all ctrch. (B: Robert Buffle of Hawksheye Aug 89)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 2 broadarrows inv & a wolf sejant contourny a
bord embat ctrch. (D: Kai Maclane - Aug 97)
Per chev Az & Arg, 3 mullets of eight points one & 2 Or & a cross
of Santiago Gu within a bord embat ctrch. (D: Carlos Nieto de
Andrade - Jun 08)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 377

[Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Multicolor]

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Multicolor (continued)

Per chev Gu & Arg 2 owls respectant Arg & a rose proper within a
bord embat ctrch. (D: Francesca Cellini - Nov 94)
Per chev inv throughout Az & Arg, a chamfron Arg within a bord
embat ctrch. (B: Dreiburgen - Sep 88)
Per chev Or & Purp, 2 fleurs-de-lys & a dragon passant gorged of a
pearled coronet within a bord embat ctrch. (D: Gwendolen
ferch Cadwaladr ap Rhys - Jun 01)
Per chev Or & Vt, 2 trefoils slipped & a stag trippant regardant
within a bord embat, all ctrch. (D: Malkyn of Glenhaven Oct 84)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 2 great helms respectant & a garden rose, all
within a bord embat, all ctrch. (D: Milo de la Rose Noire Aug 85)
Per chev Sa & Or, 2 spearheads points to chf & a raven rising,
wings elevated & addorsed, within a bord dovetailed, all ctrch.
(B: Iulstan Sigewealding - Jul 95)
Per chev Vt & Arg, in chf 2 griffins combattant each holding a
tankard & in base a tankard, all within a bord embat ctrch. (D:
Sorcha McNewell - Feb 94)
Per fess Az & Arg, an axe palewise inv surmounted by 2 axes in
salt, all within a bord embat ctrch. (B: Coinneach Aindrias
MacLeod - Jun 89)
Per fess Az & Arg, 3 swans naiant in fess & 2 claymores in salt all
within a bord embat, all ctrch. (D: Conor MacLean - Jul 91)
Per fess Az & Or, a sun Or & an arrow fesswise, point to sin, Sa, all
within a bord embat ctrch. (B: Iana of Tallowcross - Feb 86)
(For House Tallowcross)
Per fess engrailed Az & Arg, a mermaid in her vanity proper within
a bord embat ctrch. (D: Barbara of Bonei - Apr 91)
Per fess Or & Vt, 2 wyverns passant respectant Gu within a bord
embat ctrch. (D: William of Friedrichsburg - Sep 93)
Per fess Purp & Arg, 3 roundels within a bord embat, all ctrch. (D:
Jesse the Smith - Oct 84)
Per fess Sa & Arg, a stags head erased within a bord dovetailed
ctrch. (D: Heinrich von Auerbach aus Ulm - Feb 91)
Per pale Arg & Az, a griffin within a bord embat ctrch. (D:
Geoffrey de Wigmore - Aug 04)
Per pale Arg & Az, a lily betw in chev inv 2 lightning flashes
conjoined, all within a bord embat ctrch. (B: Susana of
Dunstan - May 86) (For Haus Katzensprung)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 ferrets sejant erect respectant within a bord
embat all ctrch. (D: William MacKeown - Jan 85)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a horses head couped within a bord embat
ctrch. (B: Roslynn McLarren of Scots-Eyre - Mar 91)
Per pale Arg & Gu, 2 bulls heads couped respectant within a bord
embat ctrch. (B: Stierbach - Apr 08) (For Award of the
Per pale Arg & Gu, 2 bulls heads couped respectant within a bord
embat ctrch. (B: Stierbach - Aug 92)
Per pale Arg & Purp, a griffin segreant per pale Gu & Or within a
bord embat ctrch. (D: Morganna of Griffins Tower - Nov 92)
Per pale Arg & Purp, six billets in chev inv & a bord embat ctrch.
(D: Aldric Haldane of Griswold - Sep 84)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 coneys combatant within a bord embat ctrch.
(D: Cai Douglas - Apr 02)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 wolves combatant within a bord embat ctrch.
(D: Gyrerd von Altwolfstein - Aug 94)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a tower, a bord embat ctrch. (D: Roland
dArgentan - Dec 98)
Per pale Az & Arg, a bord embat ctrch. (D: Constance de Saint
Denis - Mar 05)
Per pale Az & Arg, a standing balance within a bord embat ctrch.
(D: Alexis la Bouche - Mar 92)
Per pale Az & Arg, betw 2 lion-headed dragons combattant 2
crampons crossed in salt all within a bord dovetailed ctrch. (D:
Alistair Ian McGregor - Jun 95)
Per pale Az & Arg, on a triangle inv an ankh, a bord embat, all
ctrch. (D: Alaric der Jaeger - Feb 98)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 rapiers, a bord embat ctrch. (B: Caid Dec 94) (For Order of the Duellist)
Per pale Az & Or, an annulet within a bord embat ctrch. (D:
Richard Wyn - Aug 02)
Per pale embat Sa & Or, a pegasus & a griffin combattant within a
bord embat ctrch. (D: Tim of Ezaret - Jan 92)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a castle within a bord embat all ctrch. (D:
Gerard Casteleyn - Sep 96)
378 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Multicolor (continued)

Per pale Gu & Arg, a compass star & a bord embat ctrch. (D:
Wulfric Thjostolfsson - Mar 92)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a cross bottony betw in chf 2 escallops, a bord
embat ctrch. (D: Gonsalvo de Silva - Feb 05)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 bones crossed in salt surmounted by a skull, a
bord potenty all per pale Arg & Sa. (D: Carlos Cervantes Apr 07)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 dragons combattant & a bord embat ctrch. (D:
Emrys Tudur - Jan 03) (Blanket permission to conflict with
device with one CD granted 0512w)
Per pale Gu & Or, 2 flanged maces in salt Sa in base a brown goats
head cabossed proper marked Arg a bord embat ctrch. (D:
Lothar of Chesleigh - Jan 92)
Per pale Or & Purp, a spider within a bord dovetailed ctrch. (D:
Gwalchmai Saethydd - Jul 01)
Per pale Or & Sa, a dragon sejant Gu sustaining a tilting spear Sa
within a bord embat ctrch. (B: Juliana of Carreg Wen Jul 05) (? is the tilting spear really palewise)
Per pale Or & Sa, a lion ramp tail nowed within a bord embat ctrch.
(D: Sadb ingen u Cherbaill - Jan 03)
Per pale Or & Sa, a tankard ctrch, foamed proper, within a bord
embat ctrch. (D: Bothvar Bloodaxe - Sep 88)
Per pale Or & Sa, a tree couped within a bord embat, all ctrch. (B:
geirr Jn of Cathanar - Apr 92)
Per pale Or & Sa, a winged bear ramp within a bord embat, all
ctrch. (D: Timothy of Arindale - Mar 89)
Per pale Or & Sa, 2 griffins segreant addorsed, a bord embat ctrch.
(D: Radu Patrascu - May 07)
Per pale Or & Vt, a fleur-de-lys within a bord embat ctrch. (D: Bele
Anna de Rug - Sep 04)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 2 sea-lions respectant & a bord embat ctrch.
(D: Beatriz de Santiago - Jan 02) (Blanket permission to
conflict with device with one CD granted 0512w)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 2 unicorns heads couped & respectant, horns
crossed in salt, betw in pale 2 mullets within a bord embat, all
ctrch. (D: Sophia de Clare - Sep 88)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 2 wolfs heads erased, addorsed, & conjoined
ctrch & a bord embat per pale Arg & Sa. (D: Aron of
Ealdormere - Jul 06)
Per pale Purp & Or, a tower & a bord embat ctrch. (D: Lucian of
Caid - Feb 08)
Per pale Sa & Arg a card pique within a bord embat ctrch. (B: Erc
FitzMungo - Sep 97)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a mullet of seven points within a bord embat
ctrch. (D: Fiachna MacLaisre - Apr 91)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a rams head erased affronty & a bord
dovetailed ctrch. (D: tienne Dupr - Jul 93)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a standing balance & a bord dovetailed ctrch.
(D: Roderick Gavin McLeod - Sep 94)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a winged domino mask & a bord dovetailed
ctrch. (D: Connor Elphinstone - Jul 03)
Per pale Sa & Arg, an eagle disp within a bord dovetailed ctrch. (D:
Alicia Marie dAvignon - Jul 00)
Per pale Sa & Arg, an Oriental dragon ramp & a bord dovetailed
ctrch. (D: Adrian MacLachlan - Jun 03)
Per pale Sa & Arg, in fess an increscent, a roundel & a decrescent
within a bord embat ctrch. (D: Anas ibn Haroun Abd al-Zaki
- Jul 95)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 spears in salt surmounted by a wolfs head
cabossed within a bord embat, all ctrch. (D: Alaric Wulfgar of
Amberwood - Jan 84)
Per pale Sa & Or, a lion ramp ctrch & a bord embat checky Arg &
Gu. (D: Haldan Shieldwrecker of Warriors Gate - Sep 92)
Per pale Sa & Or, a wolfs head caboshed betw 3 crosses crosslet
fitchy within a bord embat ctrch. (D: Donnchadh Pixley Mar 06)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a falcon disp within a bord embat ctrch. (D:
Andreas der Eisfalke - Oct 91)
Per pale Vt & Or, an increscent & a decrescent within a bord embat
ctrch. (B: Eirik Broken-ax - Dec 85) (For Simeon of the
Leafy Heights)
Per pale Vt & Or, 2 dragons combattant & in chf a mullet within a
bord embat all ctrch. (D: Draco Rorichssohn - Oct 04)
Per pale wavy Gu & Arg, a glove & a bulls head within a bord
embat ctrch. (B: Stierbach - Dec 01)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Multicolor] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Or]

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Multicolor (continued)

Per pale wavy Gu & Arg, a glove & a bulls head within a bord
embat ctrch. (B: Stierbach - Apr 08) (For Award of the
Silver Glove)
Per salt Az & Or, a bulls head cabossed Arg & a bord dovetailed
ctrch. (D: Thrir Stormr Thorgilsson - Feb 94)
Per salt Az ermined Or & Arg, 2 shamrocks Vt within a bord
dovetailed ctrch Arg & Az. (D: Margaret Elizabeth
OMonaghan - Feb 91)
Per salt Gu & Arg, a raven disp proper, maintaining a quill pen Sa a
bord embat ctrch. (D: Thomas MacConnor of Ulster Oct 96)
Per salt Purp & Or, a Maltese cross within a bord embat all ctrch.
(D: Alberic Telfer - May 92)
Quarterly Arg & Az, a horse passant reguardant within a bord
embat ctrch. (D: Sciath OBreaghdha - Nov 89)
Quarterly Arg & Az, in bend sin a quill pen bendwise sin & an open
scroll bendwise Arg within a bord embat ctrch. (D: Gillian
Anna di Lando - Mar 89)
Quarterly Arg & Az, in bend sin 2 bees Or within a bord embat
ctrch. (D: Annaka Poznanska - May 08)
Quarterly Arg & Vt, a sexfoil pierced within a bord embat ctrch.
(D: Amber Lea Fairchild - Nov 91)
Quarterly Az & Arg, a sword bendwise Arg, surmounted by a
compass star Or, betw 2 roses Az, barbed & seeded proper, all
within a bord embat ctrch. (D: Aaron Brandson - Jul 88)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a fox sejant guardant Sa & a bord embat ctrch.
(D: Tristan Fiddler - Jan 05)
Quarterly Gu & Or, a fleur-de-lis Sa within a bord embat ctrch. (D:
Robin Gallowglass - May 93)
Quarterly Or & Gu, a cross of Jerusalem within a bord embat, all
ctrch. (D: Tatiana Negoshka Danilova - Oct 07)
Quarterly Purp & Arg, in salt a garden rose Arg slipped Or, & a
garden rose Gu, slipped Vt, all within a bord embat ctrch. (D:
Deirdre n Phdraig mac Griogair - Feb 90)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, in sin chf a wolfs head erased Sa, a bord
dovetailed ctrch. (D: Wolfgang of Transylvania - Mar 91)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, a Bowen cross within a bord embat ctrch. (D:
Fylan MacFergus of Sligo - Jun 00)
Sa, a mullet of eight points, each point terminating in a shamrock,
in chf a crown fleury Or, all within a bord potenty quarterly
Arg & Vt. (D: Arrowyn of Emerald Moor - Aug 84)
Sa, on a pale Or 2 crescents inv Gu, a bord embat ctrch. (D: Hakim
ibn Asad - Sep 90)
Vt, a horse paly of seven Or & Gu within a bord embat compony Or
& Gu. (D: Sovny Barcsi Jnos - Jun 82)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Or

(Fieldless) A gillyflower proper within a bord potenty or. (B:

Joscelyn Fitzharry of Gillyflower - Aug 79)
(Tinctureless) 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns outward,
surmounted by 2 trumpets in salt, within a bord embat. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: College of Heralds of Caid - Mar 82)
(Tinctureless) 2 crossed trumpets, bells to chf, surmounted by a
scroll bendwise sin bearing the words "SALTANDI
SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bord
embat. (Seal: Heralds Seals: White Stag - Dec 89)
Az, a bicorporate lion within a bord dovetailed Or. (D: Connor
Buchanan - Sep 95)
Az, a cauldron & a bord embat Or. (D: Fionnaghal Levenax Aug 93)
Az, a chalice Arg its stem surmounted by a dragon passant within a
bord potenty Or. (D: Edric of Saint Michaels Mount - Jun 95)
Az, a crescent environed to chf of five mullets in demi-annulo, all
within a bord embat Or. (D: Morgan Starbridge - Apr 89)
Az, a fillet cross raguly Or surmounted of a griffin counter-passant
Arg, within a bordurelet raguly Or. (D: Bohemund von
Greifshafen - Dec 80)
Az, a fox sejant reguardant within a bord dovetailed Or. (D: Mor
Cochrane - Apr 06)
Az, a griffin segreant & in canton a compass-star Or, all within a
bord embat Sa, fimbriated Or. (D: Sharra ni Perran - Jun 81)
Az, a Latin cross betw 3 escallops Arg, a bord embat Or. (D: Miriel
Macalister - Oct 95)
Az, a lion sejant Or betw in fess 2 swords palewise Arg, all within a
bord embat Or. (D: Michael Stdtler Zweihnder - Nov 86)

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Or (continued)

Az, a lions head erased breathing flames, a bord embat Or. (B:
Pierre Gaston de Vallier - Aug 98)
Az, a pall, in chf 3 fleurs-de-lys, a bord embat Or. (D: Edwin de
Grey - Apr 92)
Az, a pegasus forceny to sin, wings addorsed, betw in cross 4
roundels all within a bord embat Or. (B: Einar aus Enwelt Sep 86)
Az, a pegasus segreant Arg manacled with broken chains Sa within
a bord embat Or. (D: Anastasia de Arundel - Dec 04)
Az, a phoenix Arg a bord embat Or. (D: Ardal of Antioch Mar 98)
Az, a polar bears head erased Arg within a bord dovetailed Or. (B:
Gerard MacEanruig - May 85)
Az, a python disp Or, collared & chained Arg to in chf 2 towers, all
within a bord embat Or. (D: Gilbert de Bracton - Feb 94)
Az, a salt Or, overall a talbot ramp Arg within a bord embat Or. (D:
Talbot MacTaggart - Aug 85)
Az, a snail passant to sin within a bord embat Or. (B: Armand
Vozon dAngoumois - Jan 84) (For House Vozon)
Az, a tower Arg & in chf 3 crosses bottony within a bord embat Or.
(D: Robert de Rostok - Apr 94)
Az, a tree blasted & eradicated, bearing fruit, betw in fess 2 lit
torches, all within a bord dovetailed Or. (D: Morgana
dAverno - Mar 81)
Az, a tyger passant contourny within a bord embat Or. (D: Lowri
uxor Iago - Oct 00)
Az, a vol, in chf a compass star, a bord embat Or. (D: Merewen of
Lockwood - Jul 04)
Az, a winged lion salient contourny, a bord embat Or. (D:
Johannes von Helmstedt - Jul 00)
Az, an annulet surmounted by a mullet of 4 points, all within a bord
embat Or. (B: Richard dAndrade - Mar 89)
Az, an antelopes head erased within a bord embat Or. (B: Dun Or
- Mar 01)
Az, an aspen tree eradicated Arg, leaved, within a bord raguly Or.
(D: Hancarata Aethnen filia Cuneddae - Nov 89)
Az, an open book Or, in chf a quill fesswise Arg, all within a bord
embat Or. (D: Jocelyn Chamberlain - Jan 88)
Az, an owl within a bord embat Or. (D: Geoffrey of Kirkwood Dec 90)
Az, ermined Arg, a gryphon segreant queue-forchee within a bord
embat Or. (D: Ursula von Liste - May 84)
Az, five jonquil blossoms affronty in cross within a bord potenty
Or. (D: Frances de Battenhelm - Jun 02)
Az, goutty deau, a narwhale hauriant contourny & a unicorn
salient, horns crossed in salt, within a bord embat Or. (D:
Illaria of Narwhale Keep - Dec 91)
Az, in bend a compass star & a bears head erased Arg within a
bord embat Or. (D: Helmut Heinrichsohn - Dec 88)
Az, in pale a castle Arg & a sun in splendor a bord embat Or. (D:
Cristofre Fortescu of Castel Risinge - Aug 01)
Az, in pale a deaths head & 2 quills in salt, all within a bord embat
Or. (D: Philip the Apparently Harmless - Aug 88)
Az, in pale a linnet volant bendwise & a sprig of lilies of the valley
Arg, a bord embat Or. (D: Linotte Lematre - Oct 98)
Az, in pale a monkey salient & a rose Or, barbed & seeded Vt, all
within a bord embat Or. (D: Sine of Fairhaven - Jul 87)
Az, in pale 3 horses courant contourny Arg within a bord embat Or.
(D: Jacquetta de Mehun - Mar 93)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 square flags, flying to sin, Or, 3 fleurs-delys palewise Sa, all within a bord dovetailed Or. (D: Arlene de
Montblanc - Dec 89)
Az, on a cross embat & nowy Or a straight-armed Celtic cross
throughout Sa all within a bord embat Or. (D: Malachi Mac
Kenzie O Corrigan - Feb 03)
Az, on a cross Or a mullet Az, within a bord embat Or. (D: Stefan
Sikorski - Dec 83)
Az, on a fess betw 4 mullets of 4 points, 3 & one, Arg, 2 roses Az,
barbed & seeded proper, all within a bord embat Or. (B:
Agatha of Tintagel - Nov 99)
Az, on a flame Or a heart Gu, a bord embat Or. (B: Kieran Blake Sep 06)
Az scaly Arg, a dragon segreant a bord embat Or. (D: Tristan of
Longford - Sep 96)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 379

[Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Or]

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Or (continued)

Az semy of sparks Or, a lions head cabossed Arg jessant-de-lys

within a bord embat Or. (B: Antoinette la Rouge dAvignon Sep 00)
Az, six trefoils within a bord dovetailed Or. (D: Muirgel McDonald
- Oct 90)
Az, 3 Celtic crosses one & 2 & on a point pointed Arg a dragon
passant contourny Az, & as an augmentation on a canton Vt, in
pale a portcullis Or & a crescent Arg within a bord embat Or.
(Augmentation of Arms: James Eldon of York - Oct 07)
Az, 3 dragons heads erect erased Or, each vorant & pierced of a
sword palewise inv proper, all within a bord dovetailed Or. (D:
Ademar Wynne of Dragunwodde - May 86)
Az, 3 maple leaves in pall, slips conjoined, within a bord dovetailed
Or. (D: Aislinn Grey - Jul 89)
Az, 2 candles in salt Arg, enflamed proper, within a bord embat Or.
(B: Eileen Rahel do Pico - Nov 84)
Az, 2 poleaxes in salt Or surmounted by a bulls skull Arg, a bord
embat Or. (D: Francisco Delgadillo - Jul 90)
Checky Az & Arg, a cross patriarchal bottony & a bord dovetailed
Or. (D: Mathias Broussard le Caignon - Jan 96)
Checky Sa & Arg, a knight armed cap-a-pie mounted upon a horse
courant to sin a bord embat Or. (B: Meridies - Mar 97) (For
the Companionate of the Kings Lancer)
Counter-ermine, 2 Greek sphinxes ramp reguardant addorsed their
tails entwined in a Bourchier knot with the dexter maintaining
a sword & the sin maintaining a quill pen all within a bord
embat Or. (D: Gnther von Weiensee - May 03)
Gu, a horse ramp barry Or & Sa, a bord embat Or. (D: Calum
Friseal - Oct 93)
Gu, a lion dormant betw 3 trefoils & a bord embat Or. (D: Sesildi
Garces de Leon - May 05)
Gu, a lion passant, in canton a mullet of six points, a bord embat Or.
(D: James Francis Navarre - Nov 99)
Gu, a lion ramp to sin, maintaining a sword fesswise & a shield, its
sin hindpaw resting on a sin facing helm, all within a bord
embat Or. (D: Coinneach Kyllyr of Kilernan - Apr 04)
Gu, a lions jambe erased fesswise within a bord embat Or. (D:
Beatrix dAngoulesme - Nov 99)
Gu, a lymphad sail set Arg within a bord embat Or. (B: Daibhid
Ruadh MacLachlan - Sep 94)
Gu, a New World pineapple Or leaved Vt & a bord embat Or. (B:
Emma Barrington - Jan 07)
Gu, a rebec within a bord embat Or. (B: Loch Salann - Apr 88)
(For Masters of the Musicians Guild of Loch Salann)
Gu, a stag ramp maintaining a crux ansata Arg within a bord embat
Or. (D: Alisoun al-Bunni - Oct 87)
Gu, a tower Or within a laurel wreath, in chf 3 mullets Arg, all
within a bord embat Or. (D: Southron Gaard - Feb 07)
Gu, a tower Or within a laurel wreath, in chf 3 mullets Arg, all
within a bord embat Or, as an augmentation on a canton Az, 4
crescents conjoined in salt horns outward Arg. (Augmentation
of Arms: Southron Gaard - Feb 07)
Gu, a triskelion gammadion in annulo Or, overall a grey wolfs
head erased to sin proper all within a bord embat Or. (B:
Bartholomew of Wolfetwain - Dec 85) (For House
Gu, a vol conjoined to a vol inv betw in pale a torc & a torc inv, all
within a bord embat Or. (D: Gaius Tascius Severus Fabianus Apr 07)
Gu, a winged unicorn salient within a bord embat Or. (D: Heinrich
der Jger - Mar 89)
Gu, an annulet within a bord embat Or. (D: Bran of Lochiel Feb 91)
Gu, an ibis passant to sin close Arg within a bord embat Or. (B:
Richard the Alchemist of Wales - Sep 83)
Gu, an oxs head cabossed betw 3 hands Arg, a bord potenty Or.
(D: Eideard McCash - Sep 00)
Gu ermined, 3 roses within a bord dovetailed Or. (D: Branwen
verch Lewis ap Thomas - Jul 03)
Gu, in fess 3 demi-snakes erect within a bord embat Or. (D:
Kassandra Aiantide - Sep 02)
Gu, in salt 2 cup-hilted rapiers inv Or, overall a mullet of six points
fesswise Arg, all within a bord embat Or. (D: Luigi di Donate
- Sep 84)

380 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Or (continued)

Gu, on a bend sin betw a Latin cross bottony & a standing balance
Or, 4 decrescents palewise Gu, all within a bord embat Or. (D:
Doireann Fearghus Roberston - Jul 91)
Gu, on a cross formy Or, a cross pointed Gu, a bord embat Or. (B:
Valeran do Pico - Feb 87) (For Casa do Pico)
Gu, on a sun Or a seahorse Vt all within a bord potenty Or. (D:
Eliberio Antolinez Sancho del Mar - Dec 91)
Gu, 3 bees in pall heads to center proper within a bord embat Or.
(D: Brigid ONeill the Limner - Jun 01)
Gu, 3 lower case Greek letters pi within a bord embat Or. (D:
Julien Lapointe - May 03)
Gu, 2 martlets respectant, a bord dovetailed Or. (D: Sorcha n
Dhonnghaile - Feb 00)
Gu, 2 spears in salt Arg surmounted by a lions head cabossed
within a bord potenty Or. (D: Marcus Flavius Sylvanus Oct 90)
Gyronny Gu & Vt, a sprig of 2 oak leaves, fesswise reversed,
fructed to dexter, Arg within a bord embat Or. (B: Eadwyn
Inhold - Mar 97)
Lozengy Az & Arg, a dragon volant within a bord embat Or. (D:
Siubhan ni Coinneach - Oct 85)
Lozengy Gu & Arg, a chess rook & in chf 2 pheons inv Sa within a
bord embat grady Or. (D: John of Crimson River - Oct 06)
Lozengy Purp & Arg, a mullet of eight points within a bord potenty
Or. (D: Leonidas Titus - Nov 07)
Pean, a lion ramp & a bord embat Or. (D: va inghean u
Dochartaigh - May 02)
Pean, a sword inv hilted of a triskele, within a laurel wreath Arg, a
bord embat Or. (D: Amurgorod - Jun 90)
Pean, a unicorn ramp Arg & in chf 2 roses Gu within a bord embat
Or. (D: Amanda Beatriz - May 86)
Per bend Az & Vt, an astrolabe within a bord embat Or. (D:
Aleksandr the Traveller - Jun 95)
Per bend Gu & Az, 2 dragons segreant addorsed & in base a mullet,
a bord embat Or. (D: Melcher Lloyd of Hawkwood - Feb 05)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a lion dormant contourny tail nowed within a
bord embat Or. (D: Eadweard Ungearu - Jan 91)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, a hippogriff segreant Arg & a bord embat
Or. (D: Hauk of Normandy - Aug 02)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a griffin segreant to sin reguardant within a
bord embat Or. (D: Gwalchwyn ap Gryffyn - Dec 95)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, a bend sin betw six mullets, a bord embat
Or. (D: Sweinn of Ringsted - Oct 84)
Per bend sin Purp & Sa, a wyvern sejant within a bord embat Or.
(D: Alric of the Mists - Jul 05)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, 2 towers within a bord embat Or. (D:
Padraig MacCormaig - Feb 94)
Per chev inv Gu & Sa, an eagle disp within a bord dovetailed Or.
(D: Gerhard von Regensburg - May 94)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a dagger inv Arg transfixing in base a crescent
within a bord embat Or. (D: Antonella da Sicilia - Apr 02)
Per chev Sa & Gu, 2 fleur-de-lys & a pair of compasses with a
plummet dependant from its pivot, a bord embat Or. (D: John
Blacas - Apr 92)
Per fess Arg & Vt, a sword fesswise Sa & a mullet of eight points
Arg, all within a bord embat Or. (D: Rowena Serenarianaidd May 89)
Per fess Sa & Gu, a fess embat counter-embat betw 3 fleurs-de-lys
all within a bord embat Or. (D: Friedrich der
Halsabschneider - Aug 91)
Per fess Vt & Az, a bear statant erect contourny & a bord embat Or.
(D: Angelline la Petita - Apr 02)
Per fess Vt & Sa, a horses head couped within a bord embat Or.
(D: Julitta des Chevaux - Sep 83)
Per pale & per salt Gu & Sa, a trillium Arg within a bord embat Or.
(D: Meirwen uerch Owein - May 89)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 winged unicorns combattant ctrch within a
bord potenty Or. (D: Erlechin de Battenhelm - Jul 84)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a griffin betw six feathers in annulo ctrch & for
augmentation, surmounting the griffin on an escutcheon Vt, a
wheel & a bord embat Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Ryan de
Caergybi - May 06)
Per pale Az & Gu, a seahorse contourny within a bord embat Or.
(D: Caitlin of Enniskillen - Oct 01)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Or]

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Or (continued)

Per pale Gu & pean, a wingless griffin ramp, incensed & queuefourchy, within a bord embat Or. (B: Ysabeau Anais Roussot
du Lioncourt - Jun 06)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a sin hand in benediction Arg & a bord embat Or.
(D: Gaston de Champvieux - Nov 01)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a sword fracted proper within a bord embat Or.
(B: Darras Oakenshield - Jan 93)
Per pale Gu & Vt, a rose Or barbed Sa, seeded Gu, within a bord
dovetailed Or. (D: Meredith Rose - Jun 93)
Per pale Purp & Az, a lions head cabossed within a bord dovetailed
Or. (D: Scirja of Ravenscroft - Jan 97)
Per pale Purp & Az, a tyger ramp maintaining a mirror within a
bord potenty Or. (D: Hildegard Dsing - Oct 01)
Per pale Purp & Az, 3 oak leaves within a bord embat Or. (B:
Jocosa dAuxerre - Feb 07)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a Bengal tiger passant guardant, in chf a lily,
slipped & leaved, within a bord dovetailed, all Or. (D: Onio
Yuriko - Dec 89)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a sea-lion erect regardant within a bord
dovetailed Or. (D: Keith of Long Shore - Jul 84)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a tree eradicated Arg within a bord embat Or. (D:
Derrick Gunther Valdemar - Aug 88)
Per pale Sa & Purp, an elk lodged guardant Arg betw 3 bezants, a
bord embat Or. (D: Astolfo Orlando Antonio da Cagliari Jan 93)
Per pale Vt & Az, a dragon passant contourny & a bord embat Or.
(D: Corwyn de Wemyss - Mar 97)
Per pale Vt & Gu, a cubit arm Or maintaining a quill pen & an
artists brush in salt Arg, a bord embat Or. (D: Duccio
Alighieri - Oct 07)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a cross formy & a bord embat Or. (D: Eldred
Ulfsson - Oct 00)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a pegasus ramp Or betw 3 roses Arg, a bord
embat Or. (D: Gweniver Kenwyn of Roseveth - Mar 97)
Per pall Arg Gu & Sa, 3 decrescents Gu Or & Or all within a bord
embat Or. (D: William MacKay - Sep 02)
Per salt Arg & Gu, a mullet of eight points ctrch within a bord
embat Or. (D: Draco Fitz Alan - Apr 93)
Per salt Purp & Vt, a sea-wolf erect Or, maintaining in the dexter
forepaw an arrow bendwise sin & in the sin a bow strung
bendwise Arg, all within a bord embat Or. (D: Eckhart von
Eschenbach - Nov 88)
Per salt Sa & Gu, a wyvern erect & in chf a Thors hammer, all
within a bord embat Or. (D: Daegar Fairhair - Nov 88)
Per salt Sa & Vt, a horse ramp to sin regardant Arg within a bord
dovetailed Or. (D: Karl Falchner - Oct 04)
Per salt Vt & Sa, in pale 2 axes crossed in salt Arg & a lion ramp a
bord embat Or. (D: Alexander Eriksson Trevor - Feb 97)
Purp, a compass star within a bord embat Or. (D: Constans Erikson
- Oct 90)
Purp, a griffin couped at the breast wings elevated & addorsed
contourny Arg within a bord embat Or. (D: Robin Christophe
Griffaud - Oct 95)
Purp, a mullet of seven points Arg within a bord embat Or. (B:
Pawel of Gdansk - Aug 91) (For House of the Seven Skills)
Purp, a nightingale close within a bord dovetailed Or. (D: Cecelia
of Sternfeld - Apr 87)
Purp, a scorpion within a bord embat Or. (B: Oeric Lestrange Feb 05) (For House Gold Scorpion)
Purp, an apple slipped & leaved within a bord potenty Or. (B:
Almaith ingen Chormaic - May 00)
Purp, an armoured arm palewise embowed maintaining a peregrine
falcon Or & in chf 2 broadarrows Arg, all within a bord embat
Or. (D: Catherine of Hammerstone Manor - Mar 90)
Purp, an arrow Or sustained by 2 stags combatant Arg within a bord
embat Or. (D: Gearoid MacEgan - Aug 03)
Purp, betw 2 porcupines combatant reguardant Arg, collared, a
mullet of eight points elongated to chf & to base, within a bord
embat Or. (D: Avitoria vidua - Jan 07)
Purp, ermined Or, an eagle rising contourny, wings elevated & disp,
grasping in its talons a scimitar fesswise, blade to base, betw
its wings a compass-rose Arg, all within a bord embat Or. (B:
Quintus Manlius Petraeus - Mar 06)
Purp, in pale an open book & a sheaf of arrows Arg within a bord
embat Or. (D: Robin Bowman - Jun 06)

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Or (continued)

Quarterly Arg & Vt, a horse ramp contourny within a bord embat
Or. (D: Cateline Genevive du Mont - Oct 94)
Quarterly Az & ermine, a tyger ramp regardant, a bord raguly Or.
(D: Christiana Ann Steen - Sep 98)
Quarterly Sa & Az, a bord embat Or. (D: Curnan MacDowell Aug 94)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a natural leopards head erased within a bord
potenty Or. (D: Ruara Moriarty - Oct 84)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a sea-bull maintaining a cutlass within a bord
dovetailed Or. (D: Roibeard mac Neill mhic Ghille Eoin Aug 06)
Quarterly Sa & Purp, a skull within a bord embat Or. (D: Titus
Decimius Alexander - Dec 07)
Quarterly Vt & Gu, a hound statant within a bord embat Or. (D:
Ceara McCain - Dec 03)
Sa, a bat-winged wolf ramp Or gorged with an embat coronet Sa &
in dexter chf a sun Or eclipsed Sa all within a bord embat Or.
(D: Astrith Alexandra - Jun 02)
Sa, a bend cotised betw 2 chess rooks, all within a bord embat Or.
(D: Emrys Hawkwind - Feb 89)
Sa, a bend sin betw five mullets, 3 & 2, & a decrescent, all within a
bord embat Or. (D: Beorhtmund von Magdeburg - Aug 89)
Sa, a castle & in chf a compass-star, all within a bord embat Or. (B:
Goldwyn of Britain - Feb 82) (For House Aurium)
Sa, a comet fesswise Arg, a bord embat Or. (B: Debatable Lands,
the - Jun 99)
Sa, a comet fesswise Arg & in base a laurel wreath, a bord embat
Or. (D: Debatable Lands, the - Dec 05)
Sa, a compass rose Arg, a bord embat Or. (B: Northshield Nov 96)
Sa, a crescent within a bord embat Or. (D: Maryam bint Wahib ibn
Ahmad - Oct 02)
Sa, a dragon sejant contourny Or in chf an arrow fesswise Arg a
bord embat Or. (D: Godric ap Rhys - Mar 97)
Sa, a goblet inv within a bord embat Or. (D: Ivan of Kivachia Nov 82)
Sa, a gorgons face within a bord embat Or. (D: Lucius Aurelius
Valharic - Mar 06)
Sa, a griffin passant Or maintaining a compass rose Arg, a bord
embat Or. (B: Northshield - Nov 96)
Sa, a harpy disp within a bord embat Or. (D: Heinrich von Emden Jan 08)
Sa, a heart within a bord embat Or. (D: Valerian Sharpe Boncore Aug 95)
Sa, a keystone within a bord embat Or. (B: Caerthe - Jul 06)
Sa, a lion ramp to sin reguardant betw in bend 2 crosses potent
palewise, all within a bord embat Or. (D: Trey of Bedford Apr 82)
Sa, a nesselblatt & a bord embat Or. (D: than of Eppelhyrste May 06)
Sa, a phoenix & in chf 3 garden roses, a bord embat Or. (D: John
Ironstone - Oct 92)
Sa, a portcullis & a bord embat Or. (D: Malcolm MacLeod of Caer
Adamant - May 05)
Sa, a sagittary salient reguardant Arg drawing a bow to sin, a bord
embat Or. (D: Yesugai Naran - Sep 95)
Sa, a sea serpent ondoyant, in base a crown, a bord embat Or. (D:
Olaf Canceler - Sep 99)
Sa, a tankard Or foamed Arg within a laurel wreath within a bord
embat Or. (D: Isengau - Feb 02)
Sa, a tower betw in fess 2 crescents, all within a bord embat Or. (B:
Mikhail of the Khazars - Jul 89) (For House Geborgenheit)
Sa, a winged bear segreant within a bord embat Or. (B: Timothy of
Arindale - Aug 99)
Sa a winged cat segreant Arg & a bord embat Or. (D: Robin of
Silverwood - Mar 02)
Sa, a wolf statant Arg & a bord embat Or. (B: Randolf Garard Sep 04)
Sa, a wolfs head cabossed Arg betw 3 cinquefoils within a bord
dovetailed Or. (D: Rhiannon de la Medewe du Leu - Aug 94)
Sa, an alerion betw 3 eagles jambes erased a la quise, a bord embat
Or. (D: Uther Siemer - Nov 07)
Sa, an elephant Arg maintaining atop its back a tower, a bord embat
Or. (D: Edmund Foxe - Jul 04)
Sa, an oak leaf bendwise sin Arg & a bord embat Or. (D: Anleifr
Raedwulfson - Jul 03)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 381

[Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Or] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Purpure]

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Or (continued)

Sa, an ounces head erased to sin Arg, spotted Sa, within a bord
potenty Or. (B: Emeric Wendel - Jun 85)
Sa, in pale a cat passant reguardant to sin & 3 crescents interlaced in
pall inv, a bord embat Or. (D: Silvie de Rohan - Mar 00)
Sa, in pale a compass star & 2 swords in salt Arg & a bord embat
Or. (D: Garivald van Dorestade - Dec 94)
Sa, on a sun Arg a squid bendwise with tentacles in chf Gu, all
within a bord embat Or. (D: Barak Hasdrubal - Oct 85)
Sa, 3 acorns inv within a bord embat Or. (D: Armand de Rochefort
- Jun 96)
Sa, 2 bones fesswise in pale Arg, a bord embat Or. (D: Seamus
Bigbones - Feb 95)
Sa, 2 dragons combattant within a bord embat Or. (D: Arthur of the
Black Marsh - Feb 92)
Sa, 2 lightning bolts in salt Or surmounted by a sword palewise
proper within a bord embat Or. (B: Damales Redbeard Jan 92)
Sa, 2 lozenges conjoined in fess, a bord embat Or. (D: Grim Wall
of the Whispering Plains - Jul 93)
Sa, 2 swords in salt proper surmounted by a barrel helm Arg within
a bord embat Or. (D: Lawrence of Ashana - Mar 83)
Vt, a bear & a lion combattant & a bord embat Or. (D: Daniel
Archer the Bear - Nov 01)
Vt, a bear passant reguardant within a bord embat Or. (B: Bjorn
Jorsalfar of Bearhaven - Jun 04)
Vt, a boot & a bord embat Or. (B: Adelyn la Souteresse - Jul 02)
Vt, a cameleopard statant guardant Or marked Sa maintaining in its
mouth a sexfoil slipped & leaved Arg all within a bord embat
Or. (D: Elsa Snakenborgh - May 03)
Vt, a decrescent within a bord embat Or. (B: Griffin Suaird Oct 07)
Vt, a deers head erased Arg, budded, within a bord embat Or. (B:
Outlands, the - Apr 89) (For the Order of the Promise of the
Vt, a delf pierced within a bord dovetailed Or. (B: Greid of the
Wastes - Nov 81) (JB: Jeanne of Audierne)(For House Eider
Vt, a fawn lodged gardant within a bord embat Or. (B: Outlands,
the - May 85) (For the Order of the Promise of the Outlands)
Vt, a ferret statant Arg a bord embat Or. (D: Damian of Vest Yorvik
- Jan 98)
Vt, a fleur-de-lys Arg & a bord embat Or. (B: Gonter van Kortrike
- May 03) (JB: Regana van Kortrijk)
Vt, a goshawk close sustained by the fist of a gloved hand couped
fesswise reversed, a bord embat Or. (D: Ciaran mac Meara Jan 00)
Vt, a great horned owls head erased affronty within a bord embat
Or. (B: Rhys of Harlech - Mar 87)
Vt, a harp Arg surmounted by a rose, all within a bord embat Or.
(B: Outlands, the - Apr 89) (For the Queens Bard)
Vt, a harp Or surmounted by a trefoil slipped Arg, all within a bord
embat Or. (B: Outlands, the - Nov 89) (For the King Bard)
Vt, a hawk striking within a bord embat Or. (D: Conall
Cearnaigh - Jan 00)
Vt, a heart Or betw the attires of a stags head cabossed Arg, attired,
within a bord embat Or. (B: Outlands, the - Nov 89) (For the
Order of the Stags Heart)
Vt, a Latin cross Arg & a bord embat Or. (D: Kieran le Dragoner Aug 05)
Vt, a pair of shears bendwise inv Or surmounted by a needle
bendwise sin Arg threaded, a bord dovetailed Or. (D: Henry
Kersey of Devon - Mar 06)
Vt, a pheon inv environed of a stags attire, all within a bord embat
Or. (B: Outlands, the - Apr 89) (For the Order of the Golden
Vt, a portcullis Or within a laurel wreath Arg, all within a bord
embat Or. (D: Unser Hafen - Aug 89)
Vt, a rose Arg betw 3 oak leaves bendwise sin, all within a bord
embat Or. (D: Gretchen von Gernebach - Dec 94)
Vt, a sheaf of 3 swords inv proper surmounted by a rose, all within
a bord embat Or. (B: Outlands, the - Apr 89) (For the Order
of the Venerable Guard)
Vt, a sin gauntlet appaumy within a bord embat Or. (D: Hendrick
von Sievershausen - May 88)
Vt, a squirrel Arg maintaining an acorn proper within a bord
potenty Or. (D: Yon de la Sle - Mar 07)
382 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Or (continued)

Vt, a stag Arg, attired & unguled, salient from betw the boughs of a
laurel wreath, in chf a Saxon crown, all within a bord embat
Or. (D: Outlands, the - Oct 88)
Vt, a stag salient Arg, attired & unguled, within a bord embat Or.
(B: Outlands, the - Oct 88) (Ensign)
Vt, a stag salient Arg, attired, unguled & gorged with a Saxon
crown, all within a bord embat Or, overall a label Arg. (D:
Outlands, Crown Prince of the - Oct 88)
Vt, a stags attire palewise Arg, a bord embat Or. (B: Outlands, the
- Feb 99) (For Order of the Silver Tine)
Vt, a stags attires Or, affixed to the scalp erased proper, within a
bord embat Or. (B: Outlands, the - Mar 81) (For the Order
of Stags Tynes)
Vt, a stags head caboshed Arg, attired Or, betw 3 pheons one & 2
points outward Arg, a bord embat Or. (B: Outlands, the Jan 99) (For the Royal Archer of the Outlands)
Vt, a stags head cabossed, betw its antlers 2 arrows inv in salt Arg,
a bord embat Or. (B: Outlands, the - Mar 95) (For the
Archer General of the Outlands)
Vt, a stags head, erased & affronty, Arg, collared & armed, within
a bord embat Or. (B: Outlands, the - Apr 89) (For the Order
of the Argent Hart)
Vt, a stirrup Arg within a bord embat Or. (B: Outlands, the Oct 99) (For Order of the Silver Stirrup)
Vt, a stone hammer within a bord embat Or. (B: Ancel FitzCharles
- Nov 91)
Vt, a sunflower proper within a bord dovetailed Or. (B: Margala of
Dovedale - Mar 81)
Vt, a sword inv & a quill pen crossed in salt Arg, a bord embat Or.
(B: Outlands, the - Jul 97) (For the Ministry of the Lists)
Vt, a trefoil slipped Arg within a bord embat Or. (B: Outlands, the
- Apr 89) (For the Order of the Trefoil)
Vt, a winged unicorn volant to sin Arg, maned & tailed Sa, armed &
within a bord embat all Or. (D: Francesco di Calabria Aug 78?)
Vt, in pale a ferret statant contourny guardant & a mullet Arg within
a bord embat Or. (D: Titus the Alchemist - Jun 92)
Vt, in pale a fox passant Arg betw 2 crescents, a bord dovetailed Or.
(D: Saikhan Saran - Feb 08)
Vt, in pale a mullet of eight points Or & a sword proper, within a
bord dovetailed Or. (D: Morgan of Lorraine - Jul 90)
Vt, in salt a sword inv proper & an axe Arg, hafted Or, surmounted
by a stags head cabossed Arg, armed, within a bord embat,
Or. (B: Outlands, the - Apr 89) (For the Order of the Stags
Vt, on a chev betw 3 wolfs heads erased Arg the phrase "Non Sibi
Sed Todo" Sa all within a bord embat Or. (D: Quintin Wynn Jan 03)
Vt, on an open scroll Arg in salt an artists brush & a quill pen Sa, a
bord embat Or. (B: Outlands, the - Oct 07)
Vt, semy of escallops Or, a winged sea-unicorn Arg within a bord
embat Or. (D: Caillne Morgan - Apr 89)
Vt, semy-de-lys Arg, in pale a lion couchant Or & a lamb couchant
to sin Arg within a bord embat Or. (D: Kasimira Verena
dArcy - Jan 91)
Vt, 3 horses ramp Arg within a bord embat Or. (D: Agilina of Avon
- Apr 94)
Vt, 3 pairs of dulcimer hammers in salt within a bord embat Or. (D:
Ivon of Darkforest - Oct 88)
Vt, 2 griffins heads erased & a stags head caboshed within a bord
embat Or. (D: Geoffrey of Griffinhold - Jul 80)
Vt, 2 mascles interlaced in pale within a bord embat Or. (D: Arnold
Kuntz - Aug 94)
Vt, 2 rapiers inv in salt proper, overall a heart, all within a bord
embat Or. (B: Outlands, the - Dec 89) (For the Award of the
Protector of the Queens Heart)
Vt, 2 tennis rackets in salt a bord embat Or. (D: Bertrand du
Beaumanoir - Nov 01)
Vt, 2 wolves sejant addorsed, in chf a wolfs head cabossed Arg, a
bord dovetailed Or. (D: Asne Whitewolf - Mar 95)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Purpure

(Tinctureless) 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns outward,

surmounted by 2 trumpets in salt, within a bord embat. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: College of Heralds of Caid - Mar 82)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Purpure] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Sable]

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Purpure (continued)

(Tinctureless) 2 crossed trumpets, bells to chf, surmounted by a

scroll bendwise sin bearing the words "SALTANDI
SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bord
embat. (Seal: Heralds Seals: White Stag - Dec 89)
Arg, a boar salient & a bord embat Purp. (D: Gertrud Krumpf Aug 02)
Arg, a cross clechy within a belt in annulo a bord embat Purp. (B:
Katerina da Brescia - Aug 97)
Arg, a lozenge Purp within a mascle Vt & a bord embat Purp. (D:
Muriel ingen Gille Crist - Aug 04)
Arg, a quatrefoil saltirewise slipped Vt within a bord dovetailed
Purp. (B: Beatrice Tolomei da Firenze la Curiosa - Jul 94)
Arg, a scarpe Purp betw a swan naiant & a sun in splendor Az, all
within a bord embat Purp. (D: Giovanni Clarenza - Aug 81)
Arg, a sea-horse naiant to sin Vt within a bord embat Purp. (B:
Maeve Moorland - Aug 86)
Arg, a seahorse within a bord embat Purp. (D: Denise the Quiet Jun 95)
Arg, a swan naiant affronty Sa within a bord embat Purp. (B:
Giovanni Clarenza - Mar 83) (For La Casa del Cgno)
Arg, a triquetra within a bord embat Purp. (D: Liadan inghean
Ghlasain - Jul 01)
Arg, a wolfs pawprint Gu, a bord embat Purp. (D: Rhiannon
Redwulf - Oct 98)
Arg crusily fitchy Purp, a dragon segreant Gu, a bord embat Purp.
(D: Stephan Coeur de Dragon - Jul 01)
Arg estencel Purp, a winged unicorn segreant within a bord embat
Purp. (D: Bertha of Montevale - Mar 94)
Arg, 2 arrows in salt surmounted by a feather Vt, a bord embat
Purp. (D: Cecelia Wrenne - Feb 05)
Or, a bunch of grapes Purp, slipped & leaved Vt, within a bord
embat Purp. (B: Evah Marguerita Palma de Yuste - Apr 86)
Or, a phoenix disp, head to sin, Az, within a bord embat Purp. (D:
Cennydd Pawl - Dec 83)
Or, a triple towered castle within a bord embat Purp. (B: Dun Ard Sep 04)
Or, a wingless demi-dragon sejant Vt issuant from a wooden war
wagon proper, a bord dovetailed Purp. (D: Loretta of Illiton Nov 97)
Or, on a lozenge Purp, a lightning bolt Or, a bord embat Purp. (D:
Tanya of Shoreham - Mar 98)
Per chev ermine & counter-ermine, a feather fesswise embowed
Purp & a fleur-de-lys Or, a bord embat Purp. (D: Sbastien de
Caen - Apr 93)
Per pale Arg & Vt, an oak leaf & an acorn inv ctrch, in base a
pearled coronet Or, all within a bord embat Purp. (D: Eiliueth
verch Llewelyn Sutor de Gwynedd - Oct 07)
Quarterly Arg & Or, a rooster within a bord embat Sa. (D: Art in
Gai Bernaig - May 06)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Sable

(Tinctureless) 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns outward,

surmounted by 2 trumpets in salt, within a bord embat. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: College of Heralds of Caid - Mar 82)
(Tinctureless) 2 crossed trumpets, bells to chf, surmounted by a
scroll bendwise sin bearing the words "SALTANDI
SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bord
embat. (Seal: Heralds Seals: White Stag - Dec 89)
Arg, a bat-winged seahorse erect Gu, a bord embat Sa. (D: Michal
Mandragora - Jan 93)
Arg, a bear passant & a bord embat Sa. (B: Meridies - Jun 02)
(For Legio Ursi)
Arg, a bear ramp Purp within a bord embat Sa. (D: Ursula
Vbjarnarkona - Oct 91)
Arg, a bear ramp Sa within in annulo eight double-bitted axes
palewise Gu, all within a bord embat Sa. (B: Alaric BearStalker - Jan 83)
Arg, a bend Gu, overall a raven volant bendwise sin to sin within a
bord embat Sa. (D: Magdalen Anne Catherine Ravenstein May 88)
Arg, a Celtic cross Purp a bord embat Sa. (D: Micah Rose Sep 98)
Arg, a chestnut Caucasian centaur ramp proper bearing a sword &
shield Or within a bord embat Sa. (D: Nikolaos the Mad Oct 83)

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Sable (continued)

Arg, a chev Gu betw 2 crosses crosslet fitchy & in pile 3 tilers nails
points conjoined all within a bord embat Sa. (D: Padruig
Maclennan - Oct 91)
Arg, a chev Vt betw 3 frogs ramp Gu & a bord embat Sa. (D:
Aelfraed of Shyrwode - May 92)
Arg, a compass star throughout Gu & overall a griffin segreant
maintaining a poleaxe within a bord embat Sa. (D: Omarad
the Wary - May 92)
Arg, a cross triple-parted & fretted Gu & a bord potenty Sa. (B:
Alia Marie de Blois - Jan 07)
Arg, a dragons head cabossed Gu & a bord potenty Sa. (D:
Deodonatus Cervarius - May 02)
Arg, a drawn crossbow palewise betw in salt 4 crossbow quarrels
palewise inv, all within a bord embat, Sa. (D: Matthew of
Scarborough - Jan 89)
Arg, a dunghill cock contourny Az & a bord embat Sa. (D: Gabriel
de Haan - Jul 96)
Arg, a female centaur salient to sin Gu, armed with a bow & arrow,
within a bord potenty Sa. (D: Damon of Dragunfen - May 86)
Arg, a fox courant contourny Sa betw 3 trefoils Vt, a bord embat Sa.
(D: Simkin Colfox - Jan 96)
Arg, a frog Vt betw 3 roses Gu barbed & seeded within a bord
embat Sa. (D: Juan Miguel Cezar - Aug 95)
Arg, a hart at gaze contourny Gu, a bord embat Sa. (D: Taliesin of
Carreg Cennen - Apr 93)
Arg, a hawk belled Az within a bord embat Sa. (B: Kyriell
Hawkmoon - Feb 05)
Arg, a horses head couped at the shoulders Sa, maned of flames
proper, within a bord embat Sa. (D: Janina Katrina - Oct 84)
Arg, a lions head caboshed Gu within a bord embat Sa. (B:
William de la Montaigne Coup - Jun 83)
Arg, a Maltese cross Gu, overall a wolf passant reguardant within a
bord embat Sa. (D: Ranulf dAubraye - Dec 90)
Arg, a mascle-knot Gu, a bord embat Sa. (D: Cynthia Tregeare Aug 92)
Arg, a massacre within a bord embat Sa. (B: Buckland Cross May 04) (For the Populace)
Arg, a peregrine falcon volant to sin proper betw 3 cinquefoils
pierced Az, all within a bord embat Sa. (D: Learbhean ni
Sheighin - Jun 90)
Arg, a periwinkle Az betw 3 sprigs of 3 leaves, bases to center, Vt,
a bord embat Sa. (D: Lucinda of Naevehjem - Feb 94)
Arg, a pink flamingo proper within a bord dovetailed Sa. (D:
Johannes Rodenwerper - Apr 06)
Arg, a pithon erect Vt within a bord embat Sa. (B: Avram Ibn
Gabirol - Dec 03) (JB: Hannah de vila)
Arg, a rhinoceros ramp Az within a bord dovetailed Sa. (B: Rgn
hinn Stilligr - Aug 95)
Arg, a rose proper & in chf 3 annulets conjoined in fess within a
bord embat Sa. (D: Thurkill lArmeurier - Dec 90)
Arg, a roundel & a bord embat Sa. (D: Jn Eirksson - Feb 02)
Arg, a salt triply parted & fretted Vt & in base a mullet of eight
points pierced, all within a bord embat Sa. (D: Sean
MacMaurice - Dec 87)
Arg, a sheaf of 3 arrows inv within a bord embat Sa. (D: Jonathan
Blackshaft - May 88)
Arg, a skunk statant affronty, tail erect, Sa, marked Arg, within a
bord embat Sa. (D: Thomas of Hudds Path - Sep 88)
Arg, a swan naiant reguardant within a bord embat Sa. (D: Annora
de Grasse - Jan 08)
Arg, a trefoil Gu within a bord embat Sa. (B: Bartholomew
Gwaltrudd OCullaighne - Jul 90) (For House OCullaighne)
Arg, a wolfs head erased Gu within a bord dovetailed Sa. (B:
Yllaria of Wildewode - Jan 97)
Arg, a wolfs head Sa betw in salt 4 roses Gu, a bord embat Sa. (D:
Manfred Wolf - Jul 97)
Arg, a yale ramp Sa platy a bord embat Sa. (D: Alejandra de Miera
- Aug 01)
Arg crusilly formy Latin, a bulls head cabossed & a bord embat Sa.
(D: Torsten von den Schwartzenbullen - Sep 92)
Arg, five pavilions 2, 2, & one within a bord embat Sa. (D:
Werburg of Wenlock - Jul 00)
Arg goutty de sang, a double-bitted axe & a bord embat Sa. (D:
Theoddegn Bloodaxe - Nov 94)
Arg, in pale a butterfly & an anvil within a bord dovetailed Sa. (D:
Rudolph Fekter - Oct 95)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 383

[Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Sable]

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Sable (continued)

Arg, in pale a drakkar Gu & a tower Sa enflamed at the base Gu

within a bord embat Sa. (D: Thorgrim macDrostin of the
Cornovii - Jan 92)
Arg, in pale a raven disp & 2 swords in salt, a bord embat Sa. (D:
Mavrikii Andronikov - Jan 93)
Arg, in pale a rose Sa & a wyvern disp Gu within a bord embat Sa.
(D: Jessica Mandragora - Jun 84)
Arg, in pale a trefoil Vt & an anvil within a bord embat Sa. (B:
Simkin Colfox - Feb 97)
Arg, in pale an elephant statant contourny Sa & a tree eradicated
proper within a bord embat Sa. (D: Richard mac Tighearnaigh
- Sep 05)
Arg, in pale 2 axes in salt & a wolfs head caboshed, a bord embat
Sa. (D: Vga-orfinnr inn svarti - Aug 97)
Arg, on a bend sin Sa 3 towers palewise Arg, a bord embat Sa. (D:
Bennet Weissentein - May 98)
Arg, on a lozenge throughout Gu, a brocks head cabossed Arg
marked Sa, a bord potenty Sa. (D: Richard of Annesley Jul 86)
Arg, on an oak tree eradicated Sa, a cross formy Arg, all within a
bord dovetailed Sa. (B: Manfred von Rothenburg - Apr 91)
Arg semy of lozenges Vt, a fox ramp within a bord embat Sa. (D:
Iohannes ap Gwylim Pengrych - Jul 03)
Arg, semy-de-lys Sa, a dragons tail bendwise sin nowed Gu, within
a bord embat Sa. (B: Raphael de Mont Saint Michel - Oct 90)
(For Brotherhood of the Chymera)
Arg, 3 birds migrant, each sustaining an arrow fesswise reversed Gu
within a bord dovetailed Sa. (D: Alison MacLeod - Dec 00)
Arg, 3 double-bitted axes in bend Gu within a bord embat Sa. (D:
Angantyr Brynjolfsson - Oct 92)
Arg, 2 bucks counter-salient in salt proper within a laurel wreath Vt,
a bord embat Sa. (D: Buckland Cross - Jul 96)
Arg, 2 cats sejant addorsed their tails entwined a bord embat Sa. (D:
Milborough Aldaway - Sep 97)
Arg, 2 chevronels Az, overall a sin gauntlet aversant erect Sa,
clasping a garden rose Gu slipped & leaved Vt, all within a
bord embat Sa. (D: Alexandre Blackstone of Yorkshire Dec 85)
Arg, 2 foxes courant Gu within a bord embat Sa. (D: Volodimir of
Cambion - Oct 86)
Arg, 2 swords in salt betw 4 stags courant within a bord potenty
pointed Sa. (D: Thorgeirr Eikinskjold - Aug 79)
Arg, 2 wolfs heads erased respectant & on a tower Sa a Latin cross
bottony Arg all within a bord embat Sa. (D: Hruodland of
Starhaven - May 08)
Arg, within a mascle a raven volant bendwise, all within a bord
potenty Sa. (D: Bran Donn of the Cleftlands - Jul 87)
Barry Gu & Or, 3 eagles in pall disp, wings inv, heads to center, all
within a bord embat Sa. (D: Basil von Kln - Nov 84)
Chevronelly Vt & Arg, a cats head cabossed within a bord embat
Sa. (D: Rory mac Feidhlimidh - Aug 89)
Ermine, an escarbuncle Gu a bord embat Sa. (D: Balin Michael
Guiscard - Jul 97)
Ermine, in pale a tree, blasted & couped, & an anvil, all within a
bord dovetailed Sa. (D: Seinn Irontree - Dec 87)
Ermine, on a strawberry Gu slipped Vt seeded Or a rabbit couchant
Arg, a bord embat Sa. (D: Fionnghuala Friseil - Feb 95)
Ermine, 2 lions combattant Gu & a cross potent, a bord embat Sa.
(D: Gawin Nortmann - Jan 05)
Erminois, a greyhound salient Gu within a bord embat Sa. (D:
William MacGregor - Jan 00)
Erminois, in fess a foxs mask betw 2 spears all within a bord embat
Sa. (D: Silvestro lo Nero - Jun 04)
Erminois, 2 ravens close respectant a bord dovetailed Sa. (D:
Anthony Iron Skull - Sep 96)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, a winged bear ramp Sa collared Or & a bord
dovetailed Sa. (D: Bjorn hrsvartr - Apr 02)
Gyronny arrondi Arg & Vt, a hedgehog statant proper within a bord
embat Sa. (D: Dagr Bollason - Sep 04)
Gyronny arrondy Gu & Arg, a fire arrow Or enflamed proper
flighted Or, within a bord embat Sa. (B: Rising Waters Jan 95)
Gyronny arrondi Gu & Arg, a lion salient within a bord embat Sa.
(B: Rising Waters - Dec 92) (For Rising Waters Honour

384 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Sable (continued)

Gyronny arrondy of six Or & Az, a stoats head erased proper a

bord embat Sa. (D: Svein Bjarnarson - Nov 97)
Lozengy Gu & Arg, a double rose Sa barbed & seeded Or & a bord
embat Sa. (D: Domhnall C Chaille - Sep 94)
Lozengy Gu & Arg, an eagle disp facing sin within a bord embat
Sa. (D: Raphael de Mont Saint Michel - Sep 90)
Or, a bend enarched Sa surmounted by a weeping willow tree Vt, a
bord embat Sa. (D: Willa Faye Dunne - Jun 05)
Or, a cow statant Sa within a laurel wreath Vt, a bord embat Sa. (D:
Bofharrach - Feb 96)
Or, a cross potent surmounted by a delf voided Gu within a bord
embat Sa. (B: Geirr Ragnarsson - Mar 85)
Or, a dragon segreant Gu, a bord embat Sa. (D: Ludwig Grn Aug 98)
Or, a fess wavy Az, overall a tree blasted & eradicated within a
bord embat Sa. (D: Wolfgang von Heimbach - Apr 94)
Or, a flanged mace bendwise Vt & a bord embat Sa. (B: Caerthe Oct 04) (For the Constable)
Or, a horse ramp a bord embat Sa. (D: Richard Sparhawke May 98)
Or, a lightning bolt bendwise sin betw 2 compass stars, all within a
bord embat Sa. (D: Rose Galen - Jan 08)
Or, a lions head cabossed betw 3 fleurs-de-lys, a bord embat Sa.
(D: Edward de Lyons - Sep 00)
Or, a lymphad & in chf 3 mullets of six points all within a bord
embat Sa. (D: Dunstan MLolane - Jul 07)
Or, a lyre Vt & a bord embat Sa. (B: Caerthe - Aug 03)
Or, a pale Gu surmounted by 2 goats combattant, a bord embat Sa.
(D: Albyn Buckthorne - Aug 94)
Or, a pall inv, a bord embat Sa. (D: Barry of Castlerock - May 92)
Or, a pheon within a bord embat Sa. (D: Gwilym of the Three
Rivers - Jun 86)
Or, a sea lion contourny guardant & a bord raguly Sa. (D:
Maegwynn OCearbhallain - Aug 90)
Or, a sword inv Sa, overall a natural leopard passant Gu, all within a
bord embat Sa. (D: Romulus Paxton - Jun 90)
Or, a triskelion of aspen leaves conjoined at the stems Vt within a
bord embat Sa. (B: Caerthe - Oct 92)
Or, a wildcats head cabossed Purp, jessant of a rose inv slipped &
leaved proper, within a bord embat Sa. (D: Anastasia
Minskaya - May 92)
Or, a wolf sejant affronty Sa holding in its mount a dagger Or betw
in fess 2 swords inv, a bord embat Sa. (D: Erik Rikwulf Aug 91)
Or, a wolfs head erased betw 3 crosses crosslet fitchy all within a
bord embat Sa. (D: Cormac an Faoldubh - Jul 03)
Or, an eagle rising, wings elevated & addorsed, Sa, grasping in its
dexter claw a sword Gu, all within a bord embat Sa. (B:
Salvador Paolo de Barcelona - Dec 87) (For Casa del Pual
Or, an owl disp Az grasping in its talons a triangle inv Vt, a bord
embat Sa. (D: Alasdair MacRaibert Dhn Alasdair Dec 90)
Or, in fess 2 Thors hammers Vt within a bord embat Sa. (D: Oddi
olfss - Jan 08)
Or, in pale a raven disp Sa perched atop a crescent inv Gu all within
a bord embat Sa. (D: Bran of Lough Derg - Jan 04)
Or, in pale an owl affronty Gu perched atop a double-horned anvil
within a bord potenty Sa. (D: Kentigern Owle - Feb 07)
Or, on a flame Gu within a laurel wreath Vt a snowflake Arg, all
within a bord embat Sa. (D: Perilous Guard - Aug 87)
Or, on a pale Gu a lions head erased Or, within a bord embat Sa.
(B: Kevin of Aberwyvern - Feb 82)
Or, on a sun Sa, a sword Arg, all within a bord embat Sa. (D:
David of Mecca - Nov 86)
Or, on an eagle Sa a cross formy fitchy Or a bord embat Sa. (D:
Christiaen de Groote - Aug 01)
Or, on the crown of a tree issuant from a mound Sa, a bulls head
cabossed Or, all within a bord embat Sa. (D: James Treebull
the Stubborn - Jan 88)
Or, 3 bars wavy Az, overall a falcon disp Gu within a bord embat
Sa. (D: Eckerich Rothvalken von Stromburg - Feb 92)
Or, 3 bats within a bord embat Sa. (D: Derbil ingen Lonin Sep 03)
Or, 3 bees & a bord embat Sa. (D: Amy of Calafia - Jan 00)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Sable] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Vert]

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Sable (continued)

Or, 2 bendlets Sa overall a lion sejant erect doubly-queued Gu all

within a bord embat Sa. (D: Wynfri t Huntandune Oct 02)
Or, 2 foxes sejant respectant Gu, a bord embat Sa. (D: Gwaeddan o
Ystrad Llangollen - Dec 90)
Or, 2 lions combattant, each supporting a pennoncelle, poles
crossed in salt, within a bord embat Sa. (D: Cynewulf atten
Hyrste - Mar 94)
Paly Arg & Vt, 2 arms counterembowed & interlaced within a bord
embat Sa. (D: Christophe Lejeune - May 07)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a great helm ctrch within a bord embat Sa. (D:
Karl Kriegerhelm - Jan 91)
Per bend Arg & Or, a sheep statant to sin Vt within a bord embat
Sa. (D: Edelin of Sussex - Feb 90)
Per bend Arg & Or, a tree inv proper within a bord embat Sa. (D:
Ian MacDonald of Connacht - Jun 91)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, a tower ctrch within a bord embat Sa. (B:
Kay Delafleur - Aug 87) (For House Wayward)
Per chev chevronelly Or & Gu, & Or, in base a ship in full sail Gu,
all within a bord embat Sa. (D: Robert of Ferness - Sep 91)
Per chev Gu & Arg, in base an oak tree eradicated within a bord
embat Sa. (D: Ailean Mac an Daraich - Mar 93)
Per chev Gu & Or, upon a sun a laurel wreath all ctrch within a bord
embat Sa. (D: Vulcanfeldt - Feb 08) (# charged sun)
Per fess Arg goutty Gu & Gu, 2 griffins passant-counter-passant
reguardant ctrch Sa & Arg within a bord embat Sa. (D: Mikael
harrai - Jan 07)
Per fess Vt & Or, a sun ctrch within a bord potenty Sa. (D: Charles
of Greenfield - Oct 91)
Per pale Arg & Or, a pale betw a unicorn ramp to sin Az & a dragon
segreant Gu, all within a bord embat Sa. (D: James the Wise Nov 88)
Per pale Or & Arg, a legless swan rousant, wings elevated &
addorsed, all within a bord dovetailed Sa. (D: Michel du
Cygne Noir - Jun 90)
Per pale Or & Gu, a wolfs head erased contourny ctrch a bord
embat Sa. (B: Robert de Bardoulf - Jan 95)
Per pale Or & Purp, 2 wolfs heads erased addorsed & conjoined &
in base 2 axes addorsed all ctrch Sa & Arg, a bord embat Sa.
(D: Dafydd Balch de Cantref Blaidd - Sep 05)
Per pale Vt & Or, a chev betw 3 mullets ctrch within a bord embat
Sa. (D: Ifor of Aberystwyth - Jan 88)
Per salt Or & Arg, five mullets in cross within a bord embat Sa. (D:
Quentin Sablestar - Jul 84)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a crescent within a bord embat Sa. (B: Logan
Blackwoulfe - Oct 96)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a cross flory within a bord dovetailed Sa. (D:
James Rufus of Wendland - Sep 88)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a wolf ramp reguardant Sa betw 4 crescents in
salt ctrch, a bord embat Sa. (D: Logan Blackwoulfe - Oct 96)
Quarterly Gu ermined Arg & Arg ermined Gu, a stags head erased
within a bord embat Sa. (D: Carson Wynne - Jun 05)
Quarterly Or & Gu, 4 crosses crosslet fitchy ctrch, a bord embat Sa.
(D: Maleachi von Uri - Jun 04)
Quarterly Or & Gu, in salt a rapier Sa & a quill pen Arg, a bord
embat Sa. (D: Gomez de Santander - Nov 06)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, an oak tree eradicated ctrch Arg & Sa, all
within a bord embat Sa. (D: Efron le Fey - May 89)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Vert

(Tinctureless) 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns outward,

surmounted by 2 trumpets in salt, within a bord embat. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: College of Heralds of Caid - Mar 82)
(Tinctureless) 2 crossed trumpets, bells to chf, surmounted by a
scroll bendwise sin bearing the words "SALTANDI
SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bord
embat. (Seal: Heralds Seals: White Stag - Dec 89)
Arg, a boars head couped close Sa & a bord embat Vt. (D: Clovis
de Aragon - Mar 02)
Arg, a brown seagoat, tailed & within a bord grady embat Vt. (B:
Carolinde von Altenburg - May 89)
Arg, a catamount passant reguardant Sa & in base 3 shamrocks, a
bord embat Vt. (D: Catriona Heather MacLochlainn May 01)

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Vert (continued)

Arg, a crequier within a bord embat Vt. (D: David Martin

Failsworth - Feb 96)
Arg, a dragon disp, head to sin Sa maintaining a sword fesswise Or,
a bord embat Vt. (D: Jeremiah Drake - Jan 99)
Arg, a feather within a bord embat Vt. (D: Geoffrey Cheriton May 01)
Arg, a five-headed hydra ramp within a bord raguly Vt. (D: Sean
MacDuncan - Mar 89)
Arg, a frog ramp Vt spotted Sa, a bord embat Vt. (D: Greer
Jonsdottir - Feb 95)
Arg, a greyhound courant Sa, a bord embat Vt. (D: Vincent William
Blake - Sep 99)
Arg, a harp Vt betw 3 foxes courant Gu within a bord dovetailed Vt.
(D: Sorcha Chathasach - Sep 91)
Arg, a penguin affronty Sa, bellied Arg, within a bord embat Vt. (B:
Morwyn Edain - Oct 86)
Arg, a rowan tree eradicated & fructed proper within a bord embat
Vt. (D: Gwendolyn of Caer Cerddinen - Jan 81)
Arg, a sword bendwise sin Sa & in dexter chf a quatrefoil slipped,
all within a bord embat Vt. (D: Seinin Grewar of Loch
Katrine - Jan 85)
Arg, an acorn slipped & leaved proper a bord embat Vt. (D:
Brighid ni Chearnaigh - Jan 97)
Arg, an escallop inv within a bord embat Vt. (B: Forgotten Sea May 89) (For the Order of the Escallop)
Arg, ermined Vt, a strawberry Gu, capped, within a bord dovetailed
Vt. (B: Briana Etain MacKorkhill - Aug 89)
Arg, in fess a sword & a sword inv Sa within a bord embat Vt. (B:
Heinrich Riegersburg - May 95)
Arg, on a flame Vt, another Or, all within a bord embat Vt. (D:
Miriam Galbraith - Sep 86)
Arg, 3 lions passant contourny within a bord embat Vt. (D:
Gilligan of Eire - Jun 92)
Arg, 3 triskelions arrondy Purp within a bord embat Vt. (D:
Gregorii Ivan Vasilii Konstantinovich Paltin - Jul 89)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a narwhal naiant to sin Purp within a bord
dovetailed Vt. (D: Clara MacMillan - Nov 94)
Ermine, a portcullis within a bord embat Vt. (D: Osric of Scirwudu
- Feb 88)
Ermine, a water bouget Az within a bord raguly Vt. (D: Sorcha
inghean Eoin - Jun 08)
Or, a bear ramp, maintaining an axe, within a bord embat Vt. (D:
Thorvald of Vulkanfeld - Nov 87)
Or, a bears head erased Gu, a bord dovetailed Vt. (D: Robert
Makcalpyn - Oct 06)
Or, a chair with its back to dexter & a bord embat Vt. (D: Conall
mac Saghin - Mar 06)
Or, a greyhound statant Gu & a bord embat Vt. (D: Mevanwy verch
Tuder Courtecadeno - Mar 05)
Or, a griffin segreant a bord embat Vt. (D: William Montagu du
Vert - Apr 97)
Or, a hammer bendwise sin Sa head enflamed Gu betw 3 escallops
inv, a bord embat Vt. (D: Sven Olafssen - Aug 98)
Or, a horse passant contourny Sa within a bord embat Vt. (D:
Rebecca von Zweckel - Jan 05)
Or, a Latin cross patonce betw in base 2 others Gu, all within a bord
embat Vt. (D: George mac Raibeart - Apr 88)
Or, a pegasus passant & a bord potenty Vt. (D: Arnra in hrfagra
- Mar 03)
Or, a sea-pegasus contourny Purp & a bord embat Vt. (D: Uta
Blackthorne - Mar 02)
Or, a tower within a bord embat Vt. (B: Emerald Keep - Aug 83)
Or, a tower within a laurel wreath within a bord embat Vt. (D:
Emerald Keep - Aug 81)
Or, a winged wolf salient Sa within a bord embat Vt. (D: Lovell of
Shadwode - Sep 02)
Or, a wyvern statant to sin within a bord dovetailed Vt. (D: Judith
of Sherburn - Nov 90)
Or, an unstrung harp reversed Sa a bord embat Vt. (D: Allan
Blackharp - May 98)
Or, in pale a pig-faced bascinet pierced bendwise by an arrow, & a
2-horned anvil Sa within a bord potenty Vt. (D: Robert
Brandon Smythe - May 86)
Or, on a dragon Gu a laurel wreath Arg within a bord embat Vt. (D:
Le Fief des Dragonets - Oct 06)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 385

[Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Vert] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Wavy - Azure]

Bordure - Uncharged - Square - Vert (continued)

Or, semy of annulets Vt, a swan rising, wings elevated & addorsed,
Sa within a bord dovetailed Vt. (D: Ilsa von Sonnenburg Nov 89)
Or, the knot of a leather belt, ends embat, proper within a bord
embat Vt. (D: Aldred von Lechsend aus Froschheim Apr 86)
Or, 2 hawks close respectant & an oak tree eradicated within a bord
embat Vt. (D: Claire of Lynnwood Keep - Apr 84)
Or, 2 unicorns combattant Sa within a bord dovetailed Vt. (D: Kara
of Lions March - Jun 94)
Or, 2 woodsmans axes in salt Sa, hafted proper, surmounted by an
arrow inv proper flighted & within a bord embat Vt. (D:
Thorald skegglauss - Sep 05)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a winged trumpet ctrch all within a bord
embat Vt. (D: Gabriel of Maccuswell - Jun 06)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Wavy - Argent

Az, a compass star quarterly Arg & Or, a bord wavy Arg. (B:
Highland Foorde - Jan 98)
Az, a cross crosslet fitchy within a bord wavy Arg. (D: Algar de
Devonshire - Dec 95)
Az, a horse counter-couchant Or within a bord wavy Arg. (D:
Alexis Aubury - Jan 81)
Az, a plate betw 2 dolphins hauriant respectant, all within a bord
wavy Arg. (D: Olaf of Trollheimfjord - Jan 91)
Az, a rue flower Or, seeded Vt, within a bord wavy Arg. (B:
Mariana Silversea - Oct 87)
Az, a sea dog ramp to sin within a bord wavy Arg. (D: Arthur of
Cruach Mhr - Jun 89)
Az, a thunderbolt Or within a bord nebuly Arg. (D: Macaire
Tempest - Jan 91)
Az, a tower within a bord wavy Arg. (B: Adrian Buchanon Jun 85)
Az, in pale 2 spears in salt & a stags head erased, all within a bord
nebuly Arg. (D: Johannes Spei von Hochwald - Jul 84)
Az, on a sun within a bord wavy Arg, a unicorns head couped Az.
(B: Fiona OMull - Feb 90)
Az, 3 foxes sejant guardant contourny & a bord wavy Arg. (D:
Mathea Volpella da Perusia - Aug 01)
Az, 3 ravens rising within a bord nebuly Arg. (D: sa at
Hrafnavatni - Feb 07)
Az, 2 sea wolves respectant within a bord wavy Arg. (D: Llyr ap
Morgwn - Jan 00)
Gu, a bird migrant, in dexter chf 2 mullets of 4 points in bend, a
bord nebuly Arg. (D: Sebastiano da Pachino - Oct 98)
Gu, a mullet of seven points within a bord nebuly Arg. (B: Elgil
Mardil of Dor-Mallos - Apr 86)
Gu, a siege tower proper within a bord wavy Arg. (B: Adrian
Buchanon - Jun 82)
Gu, a tau cross within a bord nebuly Arg. (B: Bronwen Elvina n
hOdhrin - Dec 83) (For House Tarnished Tinsel)
Per chev inv Purp & Vt, 3 roses Or within a bord wavy Arg. (D:
Madeleine Bynortheweye - May 94)
Per fess Az & Vt, a butterfly & a bord wavy Arg. (D: Lasairfhona
of Grimfells - Jul 03)
Per fess Or & Az, 2 lozenges inarched ctrch; a bord wavy Arg. (D:
Annelise Dagfinsdottir - Aug 79)
Per fess wavy Az & barry wavy Arg & Az, in chf a rue flower Or,
seeded Vt, all within a bord wavy Arg. (D: Mariana Silversea
- Oct 87)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a melusine Arg, crined & maintaining a trident
bendwise sin Or, within a bord wavy Arg. (D: Melisande de
Tours - Apr 89)
Per pale wavy Sa & Gu, a quill pen & a rose slipped & leaved
within a bord wavy Arg. (D: Margaret Anne Julia Penrose Jul 92)
Purp, a bouquet of 3 daffodils slipped, the centermost affronty &
the outermost addorsed, Or within a bord nebuly Arg. (D:
Ygraine o Gaerllion Fawr - Jun 02)
Purp, a cattail & crutch in salt within a bord wavy Arg. (D: Jane
Lynn of Fenmere - Apr 92)
Purp, a chalice within a bord wavy Arg. (D: Arianwen Esyllt
Gwynedd - Jan 93)
Purp, a rose Arg, barbed Vt, within a bord nebuly Arg. (B:
Adrienne du Val des Roses - Jan 90)
386 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Wavy - Argent (continued)

Purp, an eagle enflamed disp head to sin within a bord wavy Arg.
(D: Piera da Ferrara - Feb 04)
Purp, in pale an owl disp Or & a plate within a bord wavy Arg. (D:
Isabeau de Poitiers - May 94)
Purp, 3 serpents embowed fretted in triquetra within a bord nebuly
Arg. (D: Tatiana Konstantinova Ruslanova - Sep 06)
Quarterly Az & Sa, a sturgeon bendwise & a bord wavy Arg. (D:
Nikolai Falassievich Ostetrov - Sep 92)
Quarterly Sa & Az, a quill pen, a bord wavy Arg. (D: Christina of
Riesling - Mar 95)
Sa, a dragons head couped within a laurel wreath, a bord nebuly
Arg. (D: Dragons Mist - Nov 92)
Sa, a drakkar Arg & in base a snail Or, a bord wavy Arg. (D: Bjarki
inn stuttskeggi - Jul 06)
Sa, a lily of the valley Arg, slipped & leaved, Or within a bord
wavy Arg. (B: Veleda of Isenfir - May 88)
Sa, a weeping willow tree eradicated within a bord nebuly Arg. (D:
Avril de lArbre Nebuleux - Aug 79?)
Sa, a wolf sejant coward ululant to sin within a bord wavy Arg. (D:
Morgan Wolfsinger - May 87)
Vt, a birch tree Arg leaved Or, a bord of knotwork Arg. (D: Betva a
Bedwyn - Jan 05)
Vt, a dagger bendwise sin inv within a bord nebuly Arg. (D:
Brendan of Adderskeep - Jun 85)
Vt, a natural salamander ramp within a bord nebuly Arg. (D:
Tigernach of Silvan Glen - Feb 03)
Vt, a sheep courant with in a bord wavy Arg. (B: Kaylitha
Rhiannon of Southhaven - Feb 87)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Wavy - Azure

Arg, a cross avellane dismembered within a bord wavy Az. (D:

Liam Airlie MacRioghail OCadal - May 80)
Arg, a feather bendwise sin Gu, a bord wavy Az. (B: Andrew
Quintero - Jan 00)
Arg, a helm contourny within a bord wavy Az. (D: Brandr
Blahjalmr - May 86)
Arg, a jesters bauble faced Or, sticked Sa, garbed Gu & Or, within
a bord rayonny Az. (D: Caratuccus the Fool - Jan 91)
Arg, a palm tree bendwise sin Sa within a bord wavy Az. (B:
Collys Bythesea - Feb 03)
Arg, a raven rising wings elevated & addorsed Sa beaked &
membered Gu maintaining in its dexter claw a heart Sa all
within a bord nebuly Az. (D: Alyna Duchez - Sep 95)
Arg, a sea-dragon erect Gu, maintaining an escutcheon Sa within a
bord wavy Az. (B: Seashire - Jul 86)
Arg, a stag lodged contourny Az attired Or & a bord nebuly Az. (B:
Aquaterra - Oct 03)
Arg, a standing seraph proper winged Az vested Or, a bord nebuly
Az. (D: Osanna verch Rhys ap Bleddyn - Oct 99)
Arg, a swan disp Sa within a laurel wreath Vt, in chf a feather
fesswise a bord wavy Az. (D: Glynn Rhe - Mar 98)
Arg, an acorn slipped & leaved, the leaf embowed to sin, Sa within
a bord nebuly Az. (B: Darach - Jun 82)
Arg, an osprey volant, wings elevated & disp, proper grasping in
both talons 4 ribbons, within a bord wavy Az. (D: Elvina
Effynewoode - Jun 80)
Arg, ermined Az, a winged unicorn ramp Gu within a bord wavy
Az. (D: Michieal Dammary the Mischievous - May 87)
Arg ermined Az, in bend 3 roses proper, a bord wavy Az. (B:
Femke de Roas - Jan 07)
Arg, in pale a mullet of eight points voided & a ship within a bord
wavy Az. (B: Uilliam mac Ailne mhic Seamuis - Oct 05)
Arg, in pale 3 seaboars naiant Gu, a bord wavy Az. (D: Gerald
Swinford - Jun 91)
Arg, 3 dolphins embowed in annulo clockwise within a bord wavy
Az. (D: Elena Belmare of Sherwood - May 87)
Checky Gu & Or, a lily Arg within a bord wavy Az. (D: Renate
Hildegerter - Sep 90)
Ermine, a phoenix Az issuant from flames proper within a bord
nebuly Az. (D: Fujiwara no Aoi - Dec 04)
Erminois, a peacock proper within a bord wavy Az. (D: Eleanor de
la Mare - Apr 07)
Gyronny wavy Sa & Arg, an estoile of seven rays Or, a bord wavy
Az. (D: Rosalind bint Mihrimah - Sep 92)

[Bordure - Uncharged - Wavy - Azure] to [Bordure - Uncharged - Wavy - Or]

Bordure - Uncharged - Wavy - Azure (continued)

Bordure - Uncharged - Wavy - Multicolor (continued)

Bordure - Uncharged - Wavy - Fur

Bordure - Uncharged - Wavy - Or

Or, a frog ramp guardant contourny Vt, a bord wavy Az. (D:
Ragnarr the Frog - Sep 95)
Or, a raven contourny perched atop & maintaining a crossbow
fesswise reversed, in dexter chf a tower Sa, a bord wavy Az.
(D: Eoin Ravenscroft - Jun 05)
Or, semy of hearts Gu, a rose within a bord wavy Az. (D:
Cassandra Frederikdtter - May 85)
Per fess Arg & Vt, a domestic cat sejant erect guardant Gu, a bord
wavy Az. (D: Ieuan ap Gwilym - Mar 08)
* * * End * * *
Arg, an alphyn passant Sa within a bord nebuly Az, ermined Arg.
(D: Klar of the Misty Vale - Mar 89)
Az, a mouse sejant erect Arg within a bord wavy erminois. (D:
Millicent Chandler - Jul 05)
Az, a nightingale counterclose regardant Or perched on a branch in
bend proper; a bord nebuly ermine. (D: Learen von Meissen Aug 79)
Per fess Gu & Az, a winged stag ramp Arg, unguled & attired Or,
within a bord nebuly ermine. (D: Alfred Larcher - Aug 84)
Vt, a foxs mask Or, a bord wavy ermine. (D: Reynardine de
Clifford - Apr 85)
Vt, a wyvern erect Arg within a bord wavy erminois. (D: Liduina
de Kasteelen van Valkenburg - Jan 93)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Wavy - Gules

Arg, a bears head couped Sa, muzzled Arg, betw in salt 4 holly
leaves saltirewise Vt, all within a bord nebuly Gu. (D: ndrs
Lszl - Jul 84)
Arg, a domestic cat couchant guardant Gu, in sin chf a trefoil Vt, a
bord wavy Gu. (D: Carech nic Amargein - Feb 99)
Arg, a feather bendwise sin Sa within a bord nebuly Gu. (D:
Ruaidhri Blackfeather - Feb 91)
Arg, a goose naiant Vt & a bord wavy Gu. (D: James the Goose Mar 86)
Arg, a serpents head erased to sin, a bord wavy Gu. (D: Bethan
Bacon - May 08)
Arg, a triquetra Purp interlaced with an annulet, a bord wavy Gu.
(D: Fne Binnech - Sep 04)
Arg, 4 holly leaves conjoined in cross Vt, within a bord nebuly Gu.
(B: ndrs Lszl - Jul 84)
Arg, 4 pallets wavy Az, surmounted by a laurel wreath Vt, all
within a bord wavy Gu. (D: Riverwatch - Dec 88)
Arg, 4 tilting spears fretted Sa within a bord nebuly Gu. (D:
Lancelin Peregrinus - Feb 87)
Arg, on a wolfs head cabossed Sa a rose Arg, barbed & seeded
proper, a bord wavy Gu. (D: Alanna of Volchevo Lesa Mar 92)
Arg, 3 hearts in bend sin Sa within a bord wavy Gu. (D: Juliana da
Mestre - Oct 91)
Chequy Sa & Arg, a sun in its splendour Or within a bord wavy Gu.
(D: Felix the Just of Rams Ey - Sep 89)
Or, in pale a lute fesswise reversed & a cobra erect all within a bord
wavy Gu. (D: Aethelwulf of the Grey Forest - Sep 85)
Or, semy of quill pens, a pegasus courant to sin, wings elevated &
addorsed, within a bord rayonny Gu. (D: Adela Mac Giolla
Eoin - Jan 91)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Wavy - Multicolor

Per bend sin Gu & Arg, a rose Sa, barbed Vt seeded Arg, a bord
wavy ctrch. (D: thelfld of Stfforda - Feb 95)
Per bend wavy Arg & Az, a dragonfly bendwise Az & a dragonfly
bendwise inv Or, all within an bord wavy ctrch. (D: Edana of
the Vineyards - May 88)
Per fess Arg & Vt, an orca haurient embowed proper, a bord wavy
per fess Az & Arg. (D: Christian Barnabas Anderson Jan 94)
Per fess Az & Arg, a polar bear passant Arg & a lymphad, sail
furled, proper within a bord wavy ctrch. (D: Cesare the
Merchant - Feb 88)
Per fess Sa & Arg, a sea serpent ondoyant within a bord wavy ctrch.
(D: Ivan the Illustrated - Sep 88)

Per pale Arg & Sa, a serpent with a head at either end, heads erect
& respectant, within a bord engrailed ctrch. (D: Gwythian
Darkmantle - Sep 86)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 3 pairs of wings conjoined & inv within a bord
nebuly, all ctrch. (D: Ala of Featherstone - Mar 90)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 otters combatant within a bord wavy ctrch.
(D: Eluned Hwylard - Jan 06)
Quarterly Az & Arg, on a roundel Sa a tree Arg a bord wavy ctrch.
(D: Genevieve dArgent Chene - Nov 01)
* * * End * * *
Az, a butterfly Or marked Sa within a bord nebuly Or. (B:
Aquaterra - Mar 06)
Az, a hawk disp within a laurel wreath Arg, a bord wavy Or. (D:
Hawks Haven - Mar 87)
Az, a Lacy knot Arg within a bord nebuly Or. (D: Aluara Hesel May 02)
Az, a mermaid proper, crined & tailed Or, brandishing a sword
proper & a shield, in chf 3 escallops within a bord wavy Or.
(D: Moira Drummond - Mar 94)
Az, a salt ermine, overall a sea-lion within a bord wavy Or. (D:
Sean Angus MacNab - Jun 92)
Az, a sea-pegasus erect Arg within a bord wavy Or. (D: Gretchen
of the Far Pines - May 86)
Az, an angel & a bord nebuly Or. (D: Tiberius Caelianus Severus Sep 02)
Az, an estoile within a bord nebuly Or. (B: Aquaterra - Sep 02)
Az, 4 daggers in cross, hilts to center, within a bord wavy Or. (D:
Brodhir MacDathi - May 88)
Az, in pale a bezant & a winged bottle Arg, all within a bord nebuly
Or. (D: Francesca Angelica Vasari - Dec 82)
Az, 3 ducks naiant within a bord wavy Or. (D: Rohesia Kenneswyn
- Jan 08)
Gu, a catfish tergiant urinant & a bord wavy Or. (D: Iuliana Muoz
Maldonado de Castile - Aug 07)
Gu, a seahorse erect & sin-facing within a bord wavy Or. (B:
Deirdre of Hopes Dale - Jul 89)
Gu, a sea-urchin contourny Or sustaining a plate within a bord
nebuly Or. (B: Aquaterra - Mar 06)
Gu, a winged sea-unicorn wings elevated & addorsed within a bord
wavy Or. (D: Meaghan of Myrganwood - Mar 92)
Gu, on a lozenge Or a trefoil Az all within a bord wavy Or. (B:
Katherine of Sternfeld - Sep 95)
Gu, on a pellet fimbriated a bulls head cabossed all within a bord
wavy Or. (D: Sebastian Alexander of Darkwood Isle Mar 02)
Gu, 3 hands in pall inv, conjoined at the wrist, within a bord wavy
Or. (D: Patrick of Jaravellir - Feb 87)
Per bend sin potenty Vt & Arg, & Gu, a dunghill cock rising, wings
addorsed within a bord wavy Or. (D: Artorius Conchobhar Jun 93)
Per fess indented Az goutty deau & Vt, a rapier bendwise within a
bord wavy Or. (B: Endless Hills - Aug 99)
Per fess Vt & Sa, a sun within a bord nebuly Or. (D: Luqman alMaghrebi - Dec 00)
Purp, a cup inv, its bowl pierced by an arrow fesswise, barb to sin,
all within a bord wavy Or. (D: Gytha of the Bows - Jun 87)
Purp, a fleur-de-lys & a bord wavy Or. (D: Laurencia du Fond Mar 93)
Purp, 3 bees within a bord wavy Or. (D: Ginevra Visconti Sep 03)
Quarterly Vt & Sa, a pear within a bord nebuly Or. (D: Niccolo
Stefani di Firenze - Apr 92)
Sa, a roundel within a bord wavy Or. (D: Sonny of Small Gray
Bear - Mar 91)
Sa, a sexfoil slipped & leaved within a bord wavy Or. (D:
Tanaidhe de Kelso - Sep 03)
Sa, a shepherds crook Arg, overall a pithon erect within a bord
wavy Or. (D: Cristina inghean Ruairc - May 06)
Sa, in pale a sun in its splendor & a lion dormant, a bord wavy Or.
(D: Solange de la Forteresse - Sep 00)
Vt, a sheaf of five stalks of wheat & a bord wavy Or. (D: engus
Minogue - Dec 04)
Vt, an enfield salient to sin reguardant, biting its tail Arg, a bord
nebuly Or. (D: Briana n da - Jun 93)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 387

[Bordure - Uncharged - Wavy - Or] to [Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Argent]

Bordure - Uncharged - Wavy - Or (continued)

Vt, bezanty, a stag courant Arg within a bord wavy Or. (D: Ascelyn
Schirleah - Mar 82)
Vt, on a mullet of eight points Or, a foxs mask proper, all within a
bord wavy Or. (D: Reynard de Lyre - Jul 88)
Vt, 2 rapiers inv in salt Arg & in chf a horseshoe inv, a bord wavy
Or. (D: Jayme Dominguez del Valle - Apr 05)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Wavy - Purpure

Arg, a lotus blossom in profile within a bord nebuly Purp. (D:

Melody of An Tir - Apr 01)
Arg, a pentaskelion of peacock feathers proper within a bord wavy
Purp. (D: Malcolm Rorie Rowntree - Jul 97)
Arg, in pale a castle Sa & a frog Vt spotted Or, a bord nebuly Purp.
(D: James the Dragonseeker - Aug 92)
Ermine, a crossbow within a bord wavy Purp. (D: Erik Callahan May 94)
Or, a fleur-de-lys, a bord nebuly Purp. (B: Anor dAnjou - Jul 99)
Or, a unicorn ramp & in chf 2 cinquefoils, all within a bord nebuly
Purp. (D: Malinda Tremayne - Jun 87)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Wavy - Sable

Arg, a praying mantis passant close Vt within a bord wavy Sa. (B:
Alrik Einar Thorvald - Oct 84)
Arg, a rosebud Gu, slipped & leaved Vt, betw 3 gouttes de sang
within a bord nebuly Sa. (D: Conmor Gallowglass - Oct 83)
Arg, a serpent glissant bendwise Purp within a bord wavy Sa. (B:
Chrystal Ariana MacRuari - Jul 96)
Arg, an amphysian cockatrice Gu within a bord nebuly Sa. (D:
Theodulf of Borogrove - Feb 73?)
Checky Gu & Arg, a laurel wreath & a bord wavy Sa. (D:
Castellum Montanum - Apr 93)
Ermine, a pavilion affronty within a bord wavy Sa. (D: Morphia
Gildersleeve of Saffron Walden - Jan 90)
Ermine, 4 roses in cross & a bord wavy Sa. (D: Emma of
Elandonan - May 97)
Or, a dragon segreant Az, grasping in its dexter forepaw a dagger
inv, within a bord nebuly Sa. (D: Briallen Owena o Caerphilly
- Aug 83)
Or, a dragonfly Vt within a bord wavy Sa. (D: Helen of Avebury Jul 07)
Or, a griffin ramp to sin Purp, beaked & forelegged Gu, within a
bord nebuly Sa. (D: Lachlan Sinclair Dumas - Nov 82)
Or, an oak leaf Vt betw 3 thorn branches pallwise in pall, all within
a bord nebuly Sa. (D: Bronwyn Acthorn - Feb 86)
Or, on a heart Az a sword inv proper, a bord wavy Sa. (D: Talia
Woods - Apr 92)
Or, 3 dolphins haurient Gu, a bord nebuly Sa. (D: Clare Agatha
MacLeod - Jul 97)
Per pale Arg & Vt, 2 hawks rising wings addorsed respectant ctrch
within a bord wavy Sa. (D: Drfinna Gumundardttir Jul 01)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Uncharged - Wavy - Vert

Arg, a bee within a bord nebuly Vt. (D: Deborah Unsiker Nov 96)
Arg, a domestic cat herissony Sa betw 3 torques Gu all within a
bord nebuly Vt. (D: Caitlin mac Cumhaill na Cruachan Feb 86)
Arg, a leek within a bord wavy Vt. (D: Annore Spicer - Jul 01)
Arg, a quill pen & a trumpet in salt Sa betw 4 trefoils in cross & a
bord nebuly Vt. (D: Ailionora inghean Ronain - May 07)
Arg, a seahorse naiant to sin within a bord wavy Vt. (D: Saahira
el-Hamra - May 89)
Arg, ermined Vt, a raven rising to sin Sa maintaining in his beak a
chain & pendant Or, within a bord wavy Vt. (B: Griswald
Capstock of Warwick - May 84)
Arg, goutty de larmes, a bord nebuly Vt. (D: Deborah di Carnevale
- Aug 98)
Arg, on a tree eradicated proper a harp Or, a bord wavy Vt. (D:
Glynis Gwynedd - Feb 05)
Arg, semy of swords inv Sa, a brooklime blossom Az within a bord
wavy Vt. (D: Malkin Allardson - May 87)
388 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Uncharged - Wavy - Vert (continued)

Az, a dolphin & a bord nebuly Arg. (B: Aquaterra - Aug 02) (For
Order of the Silver Dolphin)
Or, a butterfly Purp & a bord wavy Vt. (D: Nicolette Deschamps Dec 00)
Or, a frog ramp within a bord wavy Vt. (D: Hertha Blair of
Froggestow - Aug 85)
Or, a raven rising to sin Sa maintaining in its beak a necklace,
within a bord wavy Vt. (B: Griswald Capstock of Warwick Mar 84)
Or, a roundel barry wavy Arg & Sa within a bord wavy Vt. (D:
Susan of Coldwell - Aug 86)
Or, a seahorse & a bord nebuly Vt. (B: Aquaterra - Oct 03)
Or, 3 pretzels proper & a bord wavy Vt. (D: Callistus Gill Feb 03)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Argent

Az, a castle issuant from base Arg within a bord Arg mullety of
eight points Vt. (B: Dana FitzRoberts - Feb 04)
Az, a chev & in base a lymphad & a bord Arg semy of garbs Az.
(D: Morgan Ryan MacAnthony - Feb 97)
Az, a cinquefoil pierced ermine betw 3 mascles, a bord Arg charged
with mascles Gu. (D: Gerberga of Ardennes - Sep 93)
Az, a cock Or & a bord Arg semy of roundels Az. (D: Alienor la
Cuisiniere - Sep 06)
Az, a column Arg entwined of a snake Sa, in chf 2 swords in salt
Arg, a bord Arg semy-de-lys Az. (D: Arianna de Navarre Jun 98)
Az, a crane in its vigilance Arg within a bord Arg semy of
cinquefoils Vt. (D: Agnes of Cynnabar - Sep 05)
Az, a cross patonce Arg within a bord Arg mullety Vt. (D: Jaida
bint Salim - Apr 01)
Az, a dog sejant guardant Arg spotted Sa within a bord Arg lozengy
Sa. (D: Lyn the Inquisitive - Dec 02)
Az, a dolphin naiant within a bord Arg charged with 4 thistles in
cross proper. (D: Miriel McEwen - Oct 91)
Az, a dove Arg within a bord Arg semy of crosses moline Az. (D:
Keziah Gildea - Sep 95)
Az, a dove disp & on a bord Arg 3 acorns proper. (D: Devorguilla
of Darragh - Jan 03)
Az, a dragon couchant to sin Arg maintaining an open book Or, a
bord Arg mulletty of six points Az. (D: Sarra Greyhand Feb 06)
Az, a drop spindle Arg & a bord Arg semy of mullets of six points
Az. (D: Bruinnech Longstrider - Sep 95)
Az, a fox sejant erect within a bord Arg, charged with a morning
glory vine Vt, flowered Purp. (D: Melissa Greentree Nov 89)
Az, a fret couped Arg, on a bord Arg an orle of oak leaves in orle
Vt. (D: Gavin Kent - Feb 05)
Az, a horses leg couped Arg & a bord Arg semy de lys Sa. (D:
Nicolette aux Sabots Chevelus - Apr 97)
Az, a lily Arg & a bord Arg semy of crescents Az. (D: Safia alZarqa bint Abd al-Jaleel - Feb 02)
Az, a lymphad under full sail Arg within a bord Arg, crusilly fitchy
Az. (D: Artair MacArtair of Orkney - Mar 89)
Az, a maiden Arg crined Or within a bord Arg lozengy Sa. (B: Lyn
the Inquisitive - Dec 02)
Az, a mullet of seven points Or within six swords conjoined in
annulo proper, a bord Arg, mulletty of seven points Az,
impaled with Vt, on a bend Az fimbriated 3 escarbuncles of
five Arg. (B: Wilhelm von Westfalen - Dec 82) (JB:
Gwynaeth ferch Llewellyn von Westfalen)
Az, a mullet of seven points Or within six swords conjoined in
annulo proper, all within a bord Arg mullety of seven points
Az. (D: Wilhelm von Westfalen - Jan 82) (? same person as
Wilhelm aus Westfalen)
Az, a mullet of six points Or within six swords conjoined in annulo
proper, all within a bord Arg mullety of seven points Az. (D:
Wilhelm aus Westfalen - Oct 81) (? same person as Wilhelm
von Westfalen)
Az, a natural tiger statant contourny Arg striped Sa within a bord
Arg semy of card piques Sa. (D: Tearlach MacMillan Nov 99)
Az, a peacock in its pride Arg within a bord Arg fretty Vt. (B:
Maddalena Salutati - Jan 06)

[Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Argent]

Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Argent (continued)

Az, a pegasus ramp contourny & a bord Arg charged with roses
proper. (D: Elspeth Islay of Glen Meara - Apr 07)
Az, a pegasus salient, wings disp, Arg, in chf a decrescent moon Or,
all within a bord Arg, semy of escutcheons Sa. (D: Michel
lEstropi de Montserrat - Jul 91)
Az, a pig ramp Or within a bord Arg, charged with 3 primroses Az.
(D: Gwendalyn Sobhrach - Aug 89)
Az, a rose Arg within a bord Arg crusilly bottony Sa. (D: Marlein
Magdalena Weber von Rothenburg - Mar 06)
Az, a standing balance Arg & a bord Arg, mulletty Vt. (D: Jaudin
Guillaume - Jun 91)
Az, a swan naiant to sin Arg, a bord Arg semy of quill pens Az. (B:
Deirdre n Fhionnula - May 93)
Az, a tree eradicated Or, leaved Arg, in chf 2 suns Or, a bord Arg,
goutty de larmes. (D: Deirgrainne n Fhinn an tAblaigh Feb 92)
Az, a unicorn ramp Arg within a bord Arg semy-de-lys Sa. (D:
Illadore de Bedagrayne - May 93)
Az, a unicorn ramp contourny Arg within a bord Arg semy of
decrescents Az. (D: Idonea Morain - Mar 00)
Az, a unicornate sea-horse, tail elevated above its head Arg, within
a bord Arg semy of escallops Az. (D: Morwen Greycloak Jul 88)
Az, a wildcat statant guardant Arg, a bord Arg semy of hawks bells
Vt. (D: Rianna Whirlwind - Jun 91)
Az, a windmill bendwise Or within a bord Arg semy of harps Gu.
(D: Cerian Cantwr - Nov 92)
Az, a wolf sejant contourny ululant Arg, a bord Arg semy of thistles
proper. (D: Duncan of Kilernan - Jan 99)
Az, a wolfs head cabossed betw 2 feathers inv & a feather fesswise
reversed & on a bord Arg six grenades Gu enflamed Or. (D:
Quintin Phelan - Feb 02)
Az, a yew tree eradicated Arg & a bord Arg crescenty Az. (D: ine
ingen Mel Ptraic - Feb 08)
Az, an eagle Arg & a bord Arg semy of crescents Az. (D: Isabella
la curiosa - Apr 03)
Az, an oak tree eradicated & fructed Or, within a laurel wreath, all
within a bord Arg charged with 3 roses proper. (D: Briaroak May 89)
Az, fretty Or, an eagle disp, a bord Arg semy of quatrefoils slipped
Vt. (D: Francis Canny - Apr 92)
Az, in canton a mullet of 4 points Arg within a bord Arg mullety of
4 points Az. (D: William Killian - May 05)
Az, in pale a crescent & a crescent inv Arg, a bord Arg semy of
roses proper. (D: Eleanor de Bolton - Jun 00)
Az, in pale a lynxs head affronty erased Arg, collared Az & an
open book proper, within a bord Arg charged with eight roses
Az, seeded proper. (D: Thomas of Linlithgow - Aug 79?)
Az, on a sun Arg 2 lizards statant in annulo Vt, on a bord Arg five
palm fronds Vt. (D: Takash al-Sadiq ibn Artuq al-Khwarizmi Apr 92)
Az, on a sun Or a heart Gu, all within a bord Arg, crusily fitchy Az.
(D: Kendric MacDonald the Stoutheart - Aug 91)
Az, 3 catamounts sejant guardant Arg & a bord Arg semy of stars of
David Az. (D: Katja Davidova Orlova Khazarina - Feb 92)
Az, 3 covered tankards Arg a bord Arg semy of pheons Gu. (D:
William Marchant - Dec 97)
Az, 3 fleurs-de-lis Or within a bord Arg semy of torteaux. (D:
Alenon, Dukes of - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, 3 piles in point betw 2 arrows inv in pile Arg, a bord Arg hurty.
(D: Flavius Sagittarius - Oct 94)
Az, 3 windmills Arg & a bord Arg charged with tulips Gu. (D:
Clarice Degroot du Mas - Oct 95)
Az, 2 pallets Or, overall a phoenix Arg, issuant from flames Arg &
Sa, all within a bord Arg, mulletty Az. (D: Charissa of
Andalusia - Jul 89)
Counter-ermine, a compass star Arg within a bord Arg, semy of
roses proper. (D: Morgana Gwyn dArgenton - Apr 89)
Gu, a bord Arg crusilly Maltese Gu. (D: Galfridus de Gaugie Dec 06)
Gu, a cat sejant affronty Arg, a bord Arg semy of tuns palewise Gu.
(D: Cecily de Catton - Apr 92)
Gu a coney ramp on a bord Arg six thigh bones Gu. (B: Alexander
Sldner - Jan 98) (For Haus Sldner)
Gu, a dolphin haurient Arg within a bord Arg fretty Vt. (B:
Maddalena Salutati - Jan 06) (JB: Geoffrey Athos von Ulm)

Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Argent (continued)

Gu, a dove rising contourny, wings disp, sustaining in its beak an

arrow bendwise sin inv, within a bord Arg charged with
double-axes Gu. (D: Damn Ponder - Mar 93)
Gu, a fleur-de-lys Arg within a bord Arg goutty de sang. (D: Brise
Sanguin - Jul 03)
Gu, a gryphon Arg & a bord Arg semy of roses proper. (D:
Elizabeth Dunbar - Apr 05)
Gu, a griffin couchant to sin, wings elevated & addorsed Arg,
within a bord Arg semy of torteaux. (D: Rufus Tenstone Mar 86)
Gu, a horse ramp Arg, a bord Arg semy of compass stars Sa. (D:
Sorcha ingen Fhiaich - Dec 95)
Gu, a lion ramp guardant within a bord, both Arg goutty de sang.
(D: Aldwyn ap Llewelyn - Apr 87)
Gu, a palm tree couped Arg within a bord Arg crusily Az. (D:
Adelais Berengar - Jun 92)
Gu, a rams head cabossed & a bord Arg charged with mullets Gu.
(D: Gwyneth ferch Macsen Llanon - May 93)
Gu, a rose Arg, barbed Vt, seeded of a heart Gu within a bord Arg
crusilly formy Gu. (D: Mirielda Grey - May 91)
Gu, a sheaf of 3 arrows banded Arg & a bord Arg semy of roses Gu.
(D: Helen Rose Winfield - Feb 91)
Gu, a sword inv proper betw 2 lions combattant Or, a bord Arg
goutty de sang. (D: Ricardo Urdiales del Bosque - Jun 93)
Gu, a tower, on a bord Arg eight martlets Sa. (D: Caoinlen
Seanchaidh - Nov 97)
Gu, a triskelion of dragons heads & on a bord Arg an orle Sa. (D:
Draco de Euruic - Jul 07)
Gu, a wyvern erect wings disp Arg & a bord Arg crusilly couped
Sa. (D: John Moran - May 08)
Gu, an apple Or, a bord Arg semy of apple trees couped proper. (D:
Rene de la Pommeraie - Jul 93)
Gu, an Emperor penguin close to sin proper within a bord Arg sem
of pairs of holly leaves conjoined Vt, fructed Gu. (B: Meghan
Pengwyn of Wynterwood - Mar 84)
Gu, in fess 2 peacocks statant regardant addorsed, in chf a mullet,
all within on a bord Arg an orle of grape vines fructed proper.
(D: Ysabel del Norte - Jun 80)
Gu, in pale a peacock perched atop a needle fesswise reversed Arg,
a bord Arg mullety Gu. (D: Gwendolyn Corso di Bastia Apr 07)
Gu, in pale 3 pairs of wings conjoined in lure Arg within a bord
Arg, semy of roses Purp, barbed & seeded Vt. (D: Romula
Rethe of the Cleftlands - Sep 89)
Gu, on a cross Arg a crown betw 4 triskeles Sa all within a bord Arg
pellety. (D: Asa beiskalda - May 07)
Gu, on a tower Arg a wolfs head cabossed Sa, a bord Arg goutty de
poix. (D: Alden of Wolverton - Sep 92)
Gu, 3 double-bitted axes Or & a bord Arg semy of shamrocks Vt.
(D: Riobrd mac Sesaimh u Phdraig - Jun 96)
Gyronny Gu & Sa, a bears head couped within a bord Arg charged
with eight crosses patty fitchy Sa. (D: Bjorn av ttsidenfjord Aug 84)
Per bend Arg & Or, 2 crescents Gu, a bord charged with the words
"Verdade Honra E Sobretudo" Arg. (D: Gcauo Diego
Ramiri - Jul 00)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, five roses Arg a bord Arg semy of roundels
Az. (D: Stacia of Dragonsmark - Sep 95)
Per bend sin Or & Vt, a Lacy knot ctrch, a bord Arg crusilly formy
Sa. (D: Matthew de Lacy - Jul 05)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, a mullet of nine points voided & interlaced
within a bord Arg charged with annulets Sa. (D: Christoff of
Swampkeep - Jan 07)
Per chev Az & Or, issuant from chf a demi-sun Or & a bord Arg
semy-de-lys Sa. (D: Miriam de Xaintrailles - Feb 97)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a bord Arg charged with 3 triquetras Vt. (D:
Aylwin Wyllowe - Aug 03)
Per fess Az & Sa, on a mullet of eight points Arg a roundel Gu a
bord Arg mullety of eight points Gu. (D: Hrothbeorht
Matheus - Apr 98)
Per fess Gu & Purp, a lions head caboshed & on a bord Arg an orle
of holly sprigs fructed proper. (D: Ian Anndra of Loch Sheelin
- Mar 94)
Per fess Purp & Vt, a dove disp, wings inv within a bord Arg
charged with a tressure per fess Purp & Vt. (D: Lisette de Ville
- Aug 93)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 389

[Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Argent]

Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Argent (continued)

Per pale Az & Sa, a natural leopards head affronty erased Arg
marked Sa & on a bord Arg 3 roses proper. (D: Amphelisia
Wynter - Jun 03)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a crossbow Or within a bord Arg charged with
six pheons inv Az. (D: Will of Sussex - May 96)
Per pale Gu & Vt, a griffin segreant Arg within a bord Arg semy of
suns Gu. (B: Edouard Beausoleil - Nov 04)
Per pale Purp & Or, a 2 headed chess knight ctrch a bord Arg semyde-lys Purp. (D: Godric Regenwealdessunu - Apr 98)
Per pale Purp & Vt, a sea stag Arg within a bord Arg semy of
pommes. (D: Mary of Montevale - Nov 00)
Per pale Sa & Az, a unicorn ramp maintaining a rose slipped &
leaved Arg, a bord Arg semy of roses Az. (D: Peryn Rose
Whytehorse - May 01)
Per pale Sa & Purp, an ounces head cabossed Arg, incensed Or,
within a bord Arg semy of Cavendish knots Purp. (D: Maeve
Aislynn Ronan - Feb 07)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a sword inv proper winged Arg within a bord Arg
semy of thistles proper. (D: Tam Grimm - Jan 03)
Per pale Sa & Vt, 2 wolves combatant Arg maintaining betw them a
goblet Or, a bord Arg semy of Maltese crosses Sa. (D: Dougal
MacNeil - Jul 06)
Per salt Purp & Sa, a wolfs head erased contourny Arg & a bord
Arg semy of card piques Sa. (D: Robert of Bergen - Aug 07)
Per salt Sa & Gu, an oak leaf palewise Arg within a bord Arg, semy
of acorns proper. (D: Randal Oakwood of Eastwood Apr 88)
Per salt Vt & Sa, a winged monkey segreant Arg & a bord Arg
semy of cinquefoils Gu. (D: Aislinn of Loch Cairn - Jun 06)
Purp, a castle & in base a fleur-de-lis Arg, within a bord Arg semy
of thistles proper. (D: Aelesia Penwen - Aug 95)
Purp, a castle within a bord Arg charged with six cattails Purp. (B:
Carolingia - Jul 96)
Purp, a cat sejant & on a bord Arg six golpes. (D: Anna
Mitrofanova - Nov 93)
Purp, a double rose Arg & Purp within a bord Arg semy of roses
Purp. (D: Caelia Alexis vom Kirschwald - Apr 92)
Purp, a goblet Or & on a bord Arg an orle of ivy Vt. (D: Ava del
Mas - Sep 06)
Purp, a horse ramp to sin Arg within a bord Arg semy of oak leaves
Vt. (D: Sthmaith inghean mhic Aoidh - Dec 01)
Purp, a lions head cabossed & on a bord Arg 3 cinquefoils Sa. (D:
Kalisa Aleksandrovna - Sep 07)
Purp, a phoenix Arg rising from flames proper a bord Arg semy of
thistles proper. (D: Aoife nic Gillechomhghain - Sep 97)
Purp, a sea-serpent ondoyant Arg, a bord Arg semy-de-lys Az. (D:
Gracian de La Rochelle - May 01)
Purp, a swan disp Arg within a bord Arg semy of increscents Purp.
(D: Anna Katherina von Liebenstein - Sep 02)
Purp, an owl Arg within a bord Arg semy of mice tergiant Purp. (D:
Gwdiauwen ferch Gwdolwyn - May 85)
Purp, in pale a sheaf of arrows inv & a unicorn Arg all within a bord
Arg semy of trefoils Vt. (D: L Ban ingen u Dhuinnn Apr 03)
Purp, 2 chalices & a mortar & pestle & on a bord Arg a grapevine
fructed proper. (D: Katerina Vignera da Salerno - Dec 95)
Purp, 2 threaded needles in salt threaded with the same thread Arg,
a bord Arg semy of shamrocks Vt. (D: Ione Linch - Oct 97)
Quarterly Az & counter-ermine, a lion ramp contourny queueforchy Or, on a bord Arg an orle of chain Sa. (D: Sven
Gunnarson - Dec 98)
Quarterly Az & Sa, a unicorn ramp, a bord Arg mullety Sa. (D:
Francesca Angelo - Aug 98)
Quarterly Purp & Sa, 4 fleurs-de-lis Arg, a bord Arg crescenty Purp.
(D: Armand de la Croix - Jun 98)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a bord Arg, mullety Sa. (D: Corwin the
Stargazer - Mar 84)
Quarterly Sa & Purp, a rams skull cabossed Arg & a bord Arg
semy of trefoils Sa. (D: Michael Patrick MacBain - Aug 02)
Quarterly Vt & Sa, a tower Arg within a bord Arg semy-de-lys Sa.
(D: Robert Edouard La Tour - Mar 93)
Sa, a bat semi-disp Arg grasping in its talons a serpent nowed Or,
all within a bord Arg charged with eight shamrocks Vt. (D:
Deirdre Muldomhnaigh - Jan 74?)

390 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Argent (continued)

Sa, a bears head erased Arg muzzled Gu betw 2 swords in pile Arg
within a bord Arg semy of lozenges Sa. (D: Rorik Galbraith Mar 85)
Sa, a catamount ramp ermine, breathing flames Gu, within a bord
Arg charged in cross with 4 crosses couped Gu. (D: Parlan
MacRonan - May 91)
Sa, a chev Arg & a bord Arg billetty Sa. (D: Markus mac Cumhaill
- Aug 99)
Sa, a cobra erect affronty Arg within a bord Arg semy of roses Sa.
(D: Pawl Lludd - Jul 97)
Sa, a deaths head Arg within a bord Arg semy of hearts Sa. (D:
Morcant le Moune - Oct 92)
Sa, a decrescent within a bord Arg charged with an orle of holly Vt.
(B: Roland Silvervale - Mar 93) (For House Silvervale)
Sa, a double headed eagle disp Or, maintaining 2 double-bitted axes
inv Arg, a bord Arg mullety Gu. (D: Colin Brodie - Jan 98)
Sa, a dragon segreant, tail cowed, Or within a bord Arg mullety of
six points Gu. (D: Aidan Cadwaladr of Gwynedd - Feb 85)
Sa, a flame proper within a laurel wreath Or, all within a bord Arg
semy of thistles Purp, slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Caer Mithin
Halle - Jan 85)
Sa, a fret Or & on a bord Arg in salt 4 mascles palewise Sa. (B:
Padraic MacBrian - Aug 83)
Sa, a Greek sphinx sejant Or, & on a bord Arg, 3 crescents Sa. (D:
Gregor Vrs - Apr 97)
Sa, a griffin salient to sin Arg within a bord Arg, semy of crosses
formy fitchy Sa. (D: Randwulf Griffin of Inch Galbraith Feb 89)
Sa, a hammer fesswise & on a bord Arg in cross 4 oak leaves in orle
Vt. (B: Aurelia Aurifaber - Aug 04) (For House Oakenham)
Sa, a harp Arg, a bord Arg semy of shamrocks Vt. (D: Eadan ni
Fhionn Leithe - Sep 98)
Sa, a lions head couped contourny & on a bord Arg 3 decrescents
Sa. (D: Leonor Farfn - Feb 03)
Sa, a moon in her plentitude Arg, a bord Arg semy of oak leaves
Gu. (D: Gillian of Rotherwood - Apr 98)
Sa, a mullet of eight points Or within a bord Arg mullety of eight
points Sa. (D: Elizabet de Roslyne - Mar 08)
Sa, a mullet within the horns of a decrescent Arg, all within a bord
Arg, semy of leaves Vt. (D: Talena of Western Seas Dec 89)
Sa, a peacock feather issuant from base within a bord Arg charged
with an orle Purp. (B: Cristobal degli Glicine che Mangia
Uome - Jun 86)
Sa, a quatrefoil Arg, seeded Vt, & on a bord Arg a serpent biting its
tail clockwise, its body looped at each corner of the shield, Vt.
(D: Yvonne of Gad - Apr 82)
Sa, a raven close & on a bord Arg, six roses, barbed & seeded,
proper. (D: Branwyn Whiteraven - Apr 87)
Sa, a rose Arg, a bord Arg goutty-de-sang. (D: Margred Pontypwl May 96)
Sa, a rose betw 3 decrescents Arg within a bord Arg goutty de sang.
(D: Alana Urquhart - Aug 04)
Sa, a sea-unicorn sin facing Arg within a bord Arg, fretty Az. (D:
Bernard de Barfleur - Feb 90)
Sa, a serpent nowed, head erect, on a bord Arg, an orle Sa. (D:
Snorri Ottarsson - Feb 88)
Sa, a spider web Arg, surmounted by a dagger throughout Or a bord
Arg semy of spiders Sa. (D: Ceridwen of the Wilde - Jan 97)
Sa, a swan naiant Arg within a bord Arg semy-de-lys Purp. (D:
Emma Fitzwilliam - Feb 03)
Sa, a Thors hammer Arg within a bord Arg pellety. (D: Hrrekr i
Haukhaufdhi - Jun 94)
Sa, a tree Arg within a bord Arg, semy of Catherine wheels Sa. (D:
Sarra atte Elmes - Sep 94)
Sa, a triquetra Arg, a bord Arg pellety. (D: Olaf Hilditnn Mar 99)
Sa, a winged collie statant, upon a bord Arg six violet blossoms
Purp, seeded Or. (D: Elspeth Alyna of Alnwick - May 84)
Sa, a winged seahorse Arg within a bord Arg semy of increscents
Gu. (D: Alayne the Nedlere - Apr 94)
Sa, a wingless griffin ramp queue fourchy Or within a bord Arg
annuletty Gu. (D: Thomas Merrick of Blackheath - Aug 94)
Sa, a wolfs head cabossed Arg & in chf a coronet Or, a bord Arg
semy of hawks striking Gu. (D: Kille Dere Silverwolf Oct 99)

[Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Argent] to [Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Azure]

Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Argent (continued)

Sa, a wolfs head couped within a crescent inv Arg, a bord Arg
semy of hearts Sa. (D: Collwyn MacErnin Caernarfon Mar 93)
Sa, a wolfs head erased affronty betw mullets in annulo, & a bord
Arg charged with leaves Vt. (D: Taran Blackwolf of
Darkwood - Apr 91)
Sa, crusilly couped, a cracked goblet Arg within a bord Arg, semy
of escallops inv Sa. (D: Johan von Metton - Nov 88)
Sa, on a bend bretessed Arg, 3 roses proper, seeded, on a bord Arg
an orle Gu. (D: Thomas of Aylesbury - Jul 91)
Sa, on a bezant, a wolfs head couped Gu, on a bord Arg, six
gouttes Sa. (D: Donovan the Red of Affane - Oct 97)
Sa, on a plate a bear ramp Sa, all within a bord Arg, semy of deaths
heads Sa. (D: Donald Cathchern - Nov 89)
Sa, on a reremouse disp Arg a cross pomelly Gu, within a bord Arg
crusilly pomelly Gu. (D: Javier de Los Santos - Mar 92)
Sa semy of lozenges, on a bord Arg 3 lozenges Sa. (D: Magnus
Stewart - Mar 05)
Sa, 3 cups in fess Arg within a bord Arg semy of cups Sa. (B:
Diane de Arnot - Jan 95) (For House Faringold)
Sa, 3 roses Arg seeded Gu barbed Vt & on a bord Arg 3 dragons
statant Sa. (D: Constance de la Rose - Feb 01)
Sa, 2 hammers in salt Arg within a bord Arg semy de lys Purp. (D:
Armand Martel - Dec 95)
Vt, a cinquefoil Or seeded Sa within a bord Arg charged with a vine
Vt. (D: Sunniva Corinna Abercrombie - Jul 06)
Vt, a falcon Arg within a bord Arg semy of triquetras Vt. (D: Elena
verch Gwalchmai - Aug 03)
Vt, a feather bendwise sin betw 2 massacres Arg all within a bord
Arg semy of increscents Sa. (D: Hugh Silverfeather - Sep 90)
Vt, a fox statant erect contourny Arg marked Sa drawing a bow &
arrow within a bord Arg semy of pheons Vt. (D: Elfwine of
the Longbow - Jun 95)
Vt, a foxs mask within a bord Arg charged with fourteen torteaux.
(B: Pierre de Noves - May 80)
Vt, a goblet Arg a bord Arg, semy of shamrocks Vt. (D: Ladain n
Sheanachin - Nov 96)
Vt, a harp reversed within a bord Arg charged with 4 fleurs-de-lys
in cross Sa. (D: Claudia de Montpellier - Feb 83)
Vt, a hind trippant to sin Arg, a bord Arg semy of hearts Vt. (D:
Elvira Pedrosa - Jul 04)
Vt, a horse passant Arg, a bord Arg semy-de-lis Vt. (D: Anne von
Talstadt - Oct 99)
Vt, a hurst of 3 trees blasted & eradicated, on a bord Arg a vine of
ivy Vt. (D: Draga Drevo - Jan 00)
Vt, a lion Arg within a bord Arg semy of pretzels Sa. (D: Vassili
Miroslavich - May 04)
Vt, a natural sea otter, couchant on its back, tail erect & head erect
& guardant, Arg within a bord Arg, seme of lozenges Purp. (D:
Caristiona Bhan - Oct 87)
Vt, a Paschal lamb passant reguardant Arg within a bord Arg, semy
of roses Gu, barbed Vt. (D: Kate of Norwich - Mar 90)
Vt, a stag at gaze Arg within a bord Arg semy of oak leaves Vt. (D:
Aislinn of Ravenwood - Feb 92)
Vt, a sword inv Or betw in fess a mask of comedy & a mask of
tragedy Arg, a bord Arg semy of hawks bells Vt. (D:
Celeinion Annwyl Gwynfaen - Jun 98)
Vt, a tower & on a bord Arg a tressure Vt. (D: Edmund
Falconmere - Jan 82)
Vt, a unicorn couchant regardant Arg, a bord Arg semy-de-lys Sa.
(D: Katherine Elenora de Lacy - Nov 97)
Vt, a unicorn ramp contourny Arg within a bord Arg semy of roses
proper. (D: Mairi Lee of Silverbrooke - Dec 93)
Vt, a unicorns head erased Arg horned Or within a bord Arg semy
of roses Gu. (D: Catlin of the Bow - Aug 90)
Vt, a weasel passant contourny reguardant Arg collared & chained
Or, a bord Arg semy of goblets Sa. (D: Adina Vischer von
Hersbruck - Mar 00)
Vt, a wolf ramp Arg, a bord Arg semy of acorns Vt. (D: Anln
Greywolf - Jul 01)
Vt, an owl striking to sin Arg within a bord Arg, semy of lozenges
Vt. (D: Esmeralda la Sabia - Jan 91)
Vt, in bend sin 2 winged sheep statant contourny Arg within a bord
Arg semy of acorns proper. (D: Colm Caimbeul - Aug 93)
Vt, in fess a fork & spoon Arg, a bord Arg semy of mushrooms Az.
(D: Jalida bint al-Yasamin bint al-Susiya - Aug 06)

Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Argent (continued)

Vt, in pale 3 swords fesswise Or & a bord Arg semy of anvils Sa.
(D: Giles of Burleigh - Oct 06)
Vt, in salt a sickle Arg & a garb Or, on a bord Arg 2 grapevines
intertwined in orle, fructed & leaved, proper. (D: Sieglinde
Syr - Apr 81)
Vt, on a pale Arg a hawk contourny perched atop a tower Sa & a
bord Arg semy of towers Sa. (D: Ricart Berenguer Falcn Oct 04)
Vt, 3 bees in pall inv, heads to center, & on a bord Arg a briar vine
Sa. (D: James in le Breres - Nov 07)
Vt, 3 goblets in pall bowls to center & on a bord Arg an ivy vine Vt.
(B: Konrad von Krixen - May 02)
Vt, 3 mice dormant Arg within a bord Arg semy of caltrops Vt. (D:
Gwenddolynn ni hAilleachan - Aug 01)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Azure

Arg, a bend sin Az within a bord Az charged with 4 daffodils

affronty Or slipped & leaved proper. (D: Danielle of Headless
House - Jun 02)
Arg, a castle triple-towered Az, portalled, crenellated, & pennanted
Gu, within a bord Az semy of oak leaves Or. (D: Anne Louise
of Bluecastle - Aug 85)
Arg, a cat sejant affronty Az, a bord Az goutty deau. (B:
Vassillissa Koshkovna Nakhodchivaya - Mar 78)
Arg, a catherines wheel Gu, on a bord Az an orle of vine Arg. (D:
Katriona N Chonarin - Nov 91)
Arg, a crane in its vigilance Sa a bord Az semy-de-lis Arg. (D:
Blaise de Clairvaux - Sep 97)
Arg, a crux ansata Vt, on a bord Az eight mullets of eight points
Arg. (D: Jeana de Jarnette - Jan 73?)
Arg, a dolphin haurient Gu within a bord Az charged with 3
escallops Or. (D: Richildis de Dampierre - May 87)
Arg, a dolphin haurient Sa, marked Arg, within a bord Az, fretty
Arg. (D: Elfwyn de Barfleur - Dec 91)
Arg, a dragon dormant to sin within a bord Az semy of daisies
proper. (D: Merewyn the Meke - Aug 79?)
Arg, a dragon passant Gu, on a bord Az six estoiles Or. (D:
Richard de Mercia - Nov 98)
Arg, a dragon segreant Gu a bord Az crusilly Arg. (B: Tristan
Falstaff - Aug 97)
Arg, a lion dormant Sa within a bord Az, charged with 3 roses Arg
alternating with 3 suns in splendour Or. (D: Angharad of the
Sleeping Lion - Aug 87)
Arg, a melusine proper, crined Or, within a bord Az, semy of
escallops inv Arg. (D: Emmaline Marie Chandelle - Oct 90)
Arg, a natural leopard couchant Sa within a bord Az, goutty dOr.
(D: Caitlyn Fitzrobert - Jan 87)
Arg, a peacock pavonated to base proper maintaining a needle point
in chf Sa, threaded Gu, & on a bord Az 3 thimbles Arg. (D:
Meagan Windemere of Oakwood - Sep 85)
Arg, a rose branch bendwise sin leaved Sa flowered to chf within a
bord Az charged with a tressure Arg. (D: Elennar Linwen Dec 02)
Arg, a rose within a bord Az charged with butterflies Or. (D:
Margarita de la Fuente - Dec 02)
Arg, a squirrel sejant erect Az within a bord Az semy of carrots Or.
(D: Muiredach MacGregor - Jan 06)
Arg, a tree eradicated proper, a bord Az semy of acorns Or. (D:
Clare de Chesnei - Mar 93)
Arg, a 2-headed thistle proper a bord Az fretty Arg. (D: Teresa le
Chardon - Jan 97)
Arg, a unicorn passant to sin Az within on a bord Az an orle
lozenged Arg. (D: Alicia Raedwald of Thelwael - Apr 84)
Arg, an escallop inv Az, & a bord Az semy of escallops inv Arg.
(D: Christy Buchanan - Dec 91)
Arg, on a dunghill cock Gu a cross bottony Or a bord Az mullety
Or. (D: Barbara Sterling - Dec 96)
Arg, semy-de-lys Az, a Juniper tree eradicated proper within on a
bord Az 3 Latin crosses flory Arg. (D: Maria Elestr or
Llynarian - Apr 86)
Arg, 2 jesters staffs in salt & in base 2 chevronels, all within on a
bord Az, a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Novus Matisco - Jan 89)
Erminois, a bord Az semy of cinquefoils Arg. (D: Marion of
Preston - Jan 04)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 391

[Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Azure] to [Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Gules]

Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Azure (continued)

Erminois, a dragon segreant within a bord Az, charged with 3

fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Justin Lymner - Oct 86)
Gyronny Or & Purp, a sun Gu, a bord Az crescenty Or. (D: Alexia
del Mare - Nov 97)
Or, a Celtic cross Gu, on a bord Az 4 sprigs of 3 ivy leaves Or. (D:
Elspeth Necaedan - Aug 98)
Or, a dragonfly Purp & on a bord Az 3 triskeles Or. (D: na
inghean Chonchobhair - Jan 08)
Or, a dragonfly within a bord Az charged with 3 acorns Or. (D:
Viviane Morgaine de Burgh - Dec 89)
Or, a fret Az within a bord Az semy of lozenges Or. (D: Leah
Raedaelf of Pagham - Mar 91)
Or, a goblet Az within a bord Az semy of decrescents Arg. (B:
Alheydis von Krckhingen - Nov 04)
Or, a goose volant to sin Sa & a bord Az charged with eight oak
leaves Arg in annulo. (B: James o Gordon - Mar 95)
Or, a griffin Az within a bord Az crusilly Or. (D: Johanna bat
Ephraim ben Rialah - May 96)
Or, a seahorse Vt within a bord Az bezanty. (D: Lars Wibjorn Aug 93)
Or, a sun Az eclipsed Arg & a bord Az estoilly Arg. (D: Mirabel
Wynne - Aug 05)
Or, a unicornate lions head erased Sa, on a bord Az 4 roses in cross
Arg. (B: Alessa Elrica Attenborough - Feb 84)
Or, an equal-armed Celtic cross Az, a bord Az semy of hawk lures
Or. (D: Aoife inghean Roiberd ui Ruadhn - Oct 97)
Or, in pale a Lochaber axe fesswise & a wolfs head ululant erased
contourny Sa all within a bord Az semy of mullets of 4 points
Or. (D: Faoln Tilliir - Feb 02)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 wolves salient addorsed ctrch within a bord Az
crusily Arg. (D: Cuiln Cerd Leathair - Feb 92)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Fur

Purp estencely, 3 chevronels braced Arg within a bord ermine

charged with 4 crosses patty in cross Purp. (D: Mesia
Montana Sainte Germaine - Jun 95)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Gules

Arg, a brown bear ramp maintaining a wooden mallet proper, within

a bord Gu semy of thistles Arg. (D: Conor MacAlister of Saint
Andrews - May 96)
Arg, a cock statant Az within a bord Gu charged with 3 fountains.
(D: Finola OClery - Feb 89)
Arg, a domestic cat statant guardant Sa within a bord Gu semy of
cinquefoils Or. (D: Genevive de Beauvoir - Feb 04)
Arg, a dunghill cock contourny Sa, combed & jelloped Gu, a bord
Gu semy of water-bougets Or. (D: Mochi of the Iron Horde Sep 92)
Arg, a fleur-de-lys Gu within a bord Gu semy of escallops Arg. (D:
Elspeth Lillian of York - Jan 96)
Arg, a horse ramp contourny Sa on a bord Gu an orle of chain Or.
(D: Gregory Ahearne - Oct 96)
Arg, a pile Az & a chev ctrch within a bord Gu charged with 3
dragons passant deosil Arg. (D: Stephen Haroldson - Nov 86)
Arg, a rose proper, a bord Gu semy-de-lys Arg. (D: Roseline
dAnjou - Nov 98)
Arg, a salt pierced, on a bord Gu in cross 4 mullets Arg. (B:
Ealdormere - Oct 99) (For the Order of the Wain)
Arg, a stag lodged Gu & a bord Gu bezanty. (D: Ragnveig
Snorradttir - Mar 07)
Arg, a thistle Vt flowered Gu within a bord Gu charged with hawks
bells Or. (D: Mary Graham - Aug 86)
Arg, in cross five escutcheons Az each charged with five plates in
salt all within a bord Gu semy of castles Or. (D: Portugal Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, semy of double crosses Sa a bord Gu, semy of double crosses
Arg. (D: Bors Boden - Apr 92)
Arg, 3 butterflies Sa winged Az, on a bord Gu 3 mullets Arg. (D:
Annabelle Phair - Nov 99)
Arg, 2 natural panthers combatant guardant Sa maintaining in their
forepaws a triple-headed thistle slip Vt flowered Gu within a
bord Gu platy. (D: Seanach Mac Tmais - Mar 07)
Arg, within a vol an eagles head erased Gu all within a bord Gu
charged with 3 pheons Arg. (D: Wyll Hauk - Feb 97)
392 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Gules (continued)

Az, in pale 2 stags trippant Or within a bord Gu semy of saltorels

Or. (D: Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a phoenix Or within a bord Gu semy of doublebitted axes Or. (D: Aldred of Ascalon - Feb 92)
Gyronny of six per pale Sa & Arg, an opinicus sejant erect, wings
elevated & addorsed, Or, within a bord Gu, charged with 3
acorns, slipped & leaved, fruit to chf, Or. (D: Stefanie of Sun
Dragon - Dec 88)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, a dragon ramp Gu betw 3 estoiles Or, a bord Gu
estoilly Or. (D: Rhiannon Fitzgerald - Dec 92)
Or, a bull passant Gu atop a terrace couped Vt within a bord Gu
semy of flames Or. (D: Borgia, House of - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Or, a castle triple-towered Gu within a bord Gu semy of laurel
wreaths Or. (D: Alcazar de Brioga - Nov 05)
Or, a dragon sejant affronte Gu, bellied Or, wings disp Sa, within a
bord Gu, mullety Or. (D: Marc de Beaumanoir - May 84)
Or, a furison Gu, a bord Gu bezanty. (D: Juan Lzaro Ramirez
Xavier - Oct 99)
Or, a lion ramp contourny Sa within a bord Gu semy of acorns inv
Or. (D: Helmut zu Jlich - Sep 93)
Or, a lion ramp Gu a bord Gu semy-de-lis Or. (D: Robert de Foix Oct 97)
Or, a pheon bendwise sin inv & on a bord Gu five shuttles Or. (D:
Baltasar Cordero - Aug 05)
Or, a pink flamingo grasping in its dexter claw a sprig of holly
proper within a bord Gu fretty Or. (B: Grazia Geralda Loviza
de Navarra - Jan 91)
Or, a pomegranate slipped & leaved Gu, a bord Gu bezanty. (D:
Ana Ravaya de Guzmn - Mar 99)
Or, a rabbit ramp to sin Gu within a bord Gu semy of quatrefoils Or.
(D: Steuen de Sheffeld - Dec 04)
Or, a squirrel sejant erect Sa, sustaining a drawn wooden bow &
arrow proper, the arrow fletched Gu, within a bord Gu semy of
acorns Or. (D: Bozhana Alexandrova - Oct 05)
Or, a sun in splendor Purp & a bord Gu semy of increscents Or. (D:
Myfanwy ferch Morys - Sep 95)
Or, a tower triple towered Sa within a bord Gu semy of hearts Arg.
(D: Damiana Almodvar de Sevilla - Nov 03)
Or, a tower Vt, a bord Gu semy of birds Or. (D: Alan of
Caerlaverock - Jan 99)
Or, a winecup flower Gu, slipped Vt, on a bord Gu 4 fleurs-de-lys
Or. (D: Desiree de Champagne - May 85)
Or, a wolf ramp Sa within a bord Gu crusilly swallowtailed Or. (D:
Magdalena Ysabel von Wolfenberg - Jun 00)
Or an amphisbaena passant Gu within a bord Gu bezanty. (D:
Ricola of Fenhop - Dec 94)
Or crescenty Gu, a natural panther ramp regardant Sa within a bord
Gu crescenty Or. (D: Ysabella Scarlet - Feb 02)
Or, in chf a pellet within a bord Gu charged with eight hearts Or.
(D: Dolores del Corazon de Oro - Mar 78?)
Or, on a roundel Gu a triskele Or & on a bord Gu an orle of chain
Or. (D: Tiernan Moor - Feb 03)
Or, 3 hammers, & on a bord Gu, six bezants. (D: Emmerich of
Vakkerfjell - May 85)
Or, 3 martlets Az, a bord Gu semy-de-lys Or. (D: Crystyna
Hyrundo - Sep 95)
Or, 2 oak sprigs in bend Vt fructed proper & a bord Gu semy of
roses Arg. (D: Rosamund of Oakhill - Dec 90)
Pean, a lion passant Or within a bord Gu charged with seven
bezants. (D: William Fitzwalter of Wallingford - Aug 80)
Pean, on a bord Gu seven roses Or, barbed & seeded proper. (D:
Amandine du Gourdon - Jun 81)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Sa, in canton a cinquefoil & on a bord
Gu 3 cinquefoils Arg. (D: Malkyn Sharowe - Oct 07)
Per pale Az & Arg, a dove volant ctrch, on a bord Gu seven
mountains couped Arg. (D: Anne des Sept Monts - Jun 93)
Per pale Or & Sa semy-de-lys ctrch, a chev ctrch Sa & Or within a
bord Gu bezanty. (D: Alfonso Henriques de Montoya Feb 94)
Per salt Arg & Sa, a fox ramp Gu within a bord Gu mullety Arg. (D:
Reynard de Foch of Ravenglass - Jul 93)

[Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Gules] to [Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Or]

Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Gules (continued)

Per salt Or & Vt, on a torteau a mullet Or & to dexter a nutmeg

proper shelled Or all within a bord Gu charged with six mullets
3 in chf & 3 in base Or. (B: Grenada - Sep 95) (Important
non-SCA flag)
Per salt Sa & Arg, a falcon disp ctrch, in chf a ducal coronet Arg, all
within a bord Gu, charged in chf with a rose Arg. (D: Manfred
Kriegstreiber - Sep 92)
Quarterly Purp & Or, a bord Gu semy of goblets Arg. (D: Lothar
Conrad von Orsholt - Oct 91)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Multicolor

Arg semy of patriarchal crosses Sa, on a pile inv wavy Gu a natural

tiger passant reguardant Arg striped Sa, a bord ctrch Gu & Arg
semy of patriarchal crosses Sa. (D: Tatiana Nikonovna
Besprozvannyja - Dec 07)
Gu, a griffin segreant Or, a bord compony Or & Sa semy of roses
Or. (D: William Percival - Jun 99)
Gu, a hop vine palewise Or, fructed Arg, a bord compony Az, semy
of towers Arg, & Or. (D: Ilona von Neunhoff - Nov 06)
Gu, a lion ramp contourny Arg, a bord compony Az & Arg on each
Arg pane a tower Gu. (D: Richard James MacCausland Mar 95)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a bord semy of roundels ctrch. (D: Anson
Gleowyn - Sep 90)
Gyronny of six bevilled Or & Gu, a mullet of six points Arg within
a bord charged with six roses, all ctrch. (D: Katherine Maghee
de Chantre - Aug 89)
Gyronny Purp & Or, a dove volant Arg within a bord semy-de-lys
ctrch. (D: Grania Erann MacBride - Nov 89)
Or, a natural panther passant contourny Sa, a bord per pale Gu &
Az all crusilly fleury Or. (D: Dominique de la Croix Mar 99)
Per bend Or & Purp, 2 irises slipped ctrch within a bord per bend
Purp & Or, fretty ctrch. (D: Ursula dArcy - Sep 88)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a fox ramp to sin Gu maintaining a staff
topped with a cross clechy Or within a bord semy of crosses
clechy ctrch. (D: Renard Delacroix - Feb 06)
Per chev inv Arg & Az, a rose proper & 3 crescents, 2 & one, Arg,
all within a bord ctrch Az crescenty Arg & Arg. (D: Judith
Webbestre - May 04)
Per chev inv Arg & Sa, a unicorn salient & a bird disp within a bord
charged with eight peacock feathers in orle ctrch eyed Gu. (D:
Bronwyn Mewer - Jul 07)
Per fess Sa & Or, 2 arrows inv & a wolfs head cabossed within a
bord semy of musical notes, all ctrch. (D: Hamon
MacPhersone - Jan 08)
Per fess wavy Az & Arg, a tower within a bord semy of crescents,
all ctrch. (D: Hilary Mac Odhrain of Crystal Tower - Nov 88)
Per pale Arg & Az, an ounces face Sa incensed proper within a
bord crusilly fleury ctrch. (D: Raoghnailt Marie Beatrix de la
Barbe - Mar 07)
Per pale Arg & Purp, 2 lutes within a bord semy of thistles all ctrch.
(D: Margaret Seton - Aug 91)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a compass star within a bord mulletty, all ctrch.
(B: Michael Gerard Curtememoire - Jan 83) (For House of
the Wandering Stars)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a leopard salient ctrch, on a bord per pale Az &
Arg an orle of lozenges conjoined ctrch Arg & Gu. (D:
Sterling Schawn Leopard - Feb 91)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a raven volant to sin, wings elevated &
addorsed, within a bord semy of roses, all ctrch. (D: Rhianwen
of Ravenspur - Jan 90)
Per pale Arg & Sa, semy of crescents, within a bord charged with 3
mullets of eight points, all ctrch. (D: Reya nam Beanntan Oct 85)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a wingless dragon ramp to sin & a bottlenosed
dolphin haurient embowed, all within a bord mullety, all ctrch.
(D: Constanzia Beatrice Rossi - Jul 91)
Per pale Arg & Vt, an angel within a bord charged with butterflies
ctrch. (D: Alianora dArgent - Jan 03)
Per pale Az & Arg, a rose within a bord semy of roundels ctrch. (D:
Octavia Rosa di Bari - Oct 88)
Per pale Az & Arg, a sea-horse erect within a bord mullety all ctrch.
(D: Julia Gilyneta Ahearn - Aug 86)

Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Multicolor (continued)

Per pale Az & Arg, a tree within a bord crescenty, all ctrch. (D:
Gwynaeth Bronwyn - Aug 90)
Per pale Az & Arg, a unicorn ramp to sin ctrch within a bord semy
of decrescents ctrch. (D: Casse Tempeste - Aug 04)
Per pale Az & Arg, an owl disp within a bord semy of escarbuncles,
all ctrch. (D: William of Questionable Intentions - May 88)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 horses combattant within a bord charged with
mullets of six points ctrch. (D: Jacqueline de Champagne Mar 93)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 lions ramp addorsed within a bord seme of
lions jambs couped at the elbow, all ctrch. (D: Lazar ben
Yoal - Jan 87)
Per pale Az & Or, semy of arrows inv, a crab, on a bord six mullets
all ctrch. (D: Robert Runewald - Feb 98)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a boar ramp within a bord charged with crosses
crosslet ctrch. (D: Simon Montgumery - Aug 03)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a sea-horse within a bord semy-de-lis all ctrch.
(B: Melissa the Poulteress - Aug 04)
Per pale Or & Sa a double headed eagle disp, a bord semy of
lozenges ctrch. (D: Wulfbrand Weigand - Mar 95)
Per pale Or & Vt, a mascle ctrch within on a bord per pale Sa & Arg
semy of mascles ctrch. (D: Alexander de Quincy - Apr 92)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 2 swans naiant respectant & a bord charged
with card piques ctrch. (D: Deirdre N Mhaolruanaidh Sep 93)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 2 unicorns combattant reguardant a bord
goutty ctrch. (D: Eloine ni Mhaoileoin - Oct 97)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a chev betw 3 caltraps Or, all within a bord
compony Sa & Arg, each Sa section charged with a decrescent
Or. (D: Michael FitzRoderick the Moor - Oct 85)
Per pale Vt & Or, a shillelagh proper & a bord per pale Or trefly Vt
& Vt semy of roses Or. (D: Mairghread Eireannach Jun 06)
Quarterly Or semy of roses Purp & Purp, a swan contourny Arg
within a bord quarterly Purp & Or semy of roses Purp. (D:
Kra Bjarnardttir - Jul 07)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Or

Az, a bell Arg, a bord Or semy-de-lis Az. (D: Issabell Saint

Charles - Jul 01)
Az, a griffin segreant Or within a bord Or goutty de sang. (B: Brion
Anthony Uriel Tarragon - Nov 00)
Az, a horse ramp Arg & a bord Or semy of cinquefoils Purp. (D:
Annaliese Lasair Adare - Nov 93)
Az, a horse ramp Or within a bord Or semy of pommes. (D:
Ysabeau Tiercelin - Aug 07)
Az, a leopards head jessant-de-lys Or within a bord Or crusily latin
Az. (D: Roland de Lyon - Aug 90)
Az, a lion Or within a bord Or semy-de-lys Az. (D: Gregory
Kildare - Jul 02)
Az, a lion passant reguardant Or within a bord Or semy of water
bougets Az. (D: Wade Averey of Woodstock - Mar 05)
Az, a panther ramp Or hurty & a bord Or semy of rats passant feet
to center Az. (D: Kelwin Ratslayer - Feb 00)
Az, a pegasus segreant Arg on a bord Or 3 roses Gu barbed Vt. (D:
Antoinette la Rouge dAvignon - Oct 96)
Az, a recurved bow bendwise sin, fully drawn with an arrow
bendwise inv, within a bord Or, semy of garbs Gu. (D: Gyth of
the Danelaw - Apr 85)
Az, a sagittarius ramp Or, within a bord Or semy of arrowheads inv
Az. (D: Eric Bentbow - Jul 86)
Az, a sea-griffin erect contourny Or & a bord Or semy of sage
leaves Vt. (D: Dianora Salviati - Aug 02)
Az, a ship Or within a bord Or semy of apples Gu slipped & leaved
Vt. (D: Fredrick de Curragh Mor - Oct 91)
Az, a swan naiant to sin, wings elevated & addorsed, Arg within a
bord Or semy of escallops inv Az. (D: Alessandra Raffaela di
Luciano - Nov 90)
Az, a tower Arg within a bord Or crusilly plain Sa. (B: Cathal
MacLean - Feb 03)
Az, a tower Or within a bord Or, mulletty of 4 points Az. (B:
Sternfeld - Feb 87) (For the Order of the Golden Tower)
Az, a turtle Or & a bord Or semy of crescents Vt. (D: Marina of
Bluelake - Oct 01)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 393

[Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Or]

Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Or (continued)

Az, an escarbuncle Or & a bord Or semy of shamrocks Vt. (D:

Sibn ingen Chrtaig - Nov 02)
Az, an open book Arg, on a bord Or 3 mullets Az. (D: Galen
Martell of Canterbury - Nov 92)
Az goutty dOr, a wolf couchant Arg, on a bord Or 3 triquetras
bases to center Vt. (D: Morwenna Ceinewydd - Jul 01) (?
typo for goutty Or)
Az, in pale an eagle disp & a sword inv Or within a bord Or crusilly
formy Gu. (D: Agostino da Palermo - Aug 07)
Az, in pale 2 bagpipes Arg within a bord Or semy of acorns proper.
(D: Malcolm of Fife - Jan 00)
Az, issuant from chf 3 tilers nails & in base a snail contourny Or,
all within a bord Or semy crosses bourdonny Gu. (D: Ivarr
Tregr - May 94)
Az, on a bord Or seven fountains. (D: Dani of the Debatable Lands
- Dec 95)
Az, on a pale nebuly Arg a flame proper, within a bord Or, semy of
flames palewise proper. (B: Cleftlands - Dec 83) (For the
Cleftlands Scribes Guild)
Az, 2 tusks, tips crossed in salt, within a bord Or charged with equal
armed Celtic crosses Az. (D: Sean MacCahan - Oct 93)
Gu, a branch of mistletoe Or, berries Arg, on a bord Or 3 lozenges
Gu. (D: Bianca Isotta Viscari - May 98)
Gu, a dragon involved head to chf Arg, on a bord Or six quatrefoils
slipped Vt. (D: Asbjorn Berbeinn - Oct 99)
Gu, a falcon rising contourny, wings disp, hooded, belled, & jessed
Or within a bord Or semy of roses Az. (D: Guillermo Diego
Andrs Alcazar del Halcn - Apr 94)
Gu, a goblet Or within a bord Or semy of quatrefoils Gu. (D:
Isabetta del Gatta - Apr 08)
Gu, a griffin segreant to sin Or within a bord Or mulletty Gu. (D:
Galen of Newark - Jan 86)
Gu, a horned helmet with nasal affronty ensigned with a hawks
head erased Or within a bord Or semy of Thors hammers Sa.
(D: Ulthar Sveinsson - Jul 91)
Gu, a lion contourny Or within a bord Or semy of torteaux. (D:
Uggedei Mighan Nidun - Jul 03)
Gu, a marten sejant erect to sin, maintaining a bow nocked with a
fire arrow, Or, within a bord Or, semy of arrow heads Gu. (D:
Gislvast of Mrtengaerdh - Dec 89)
Gu, a mullet within & conjoined to five mullets in annulo, the
whole within & conjoined to a bord Or, semy of mullets of 4
points Az. (B: Sternfeld - Aug 89)
Gu, a peacock in his pride head to sin & on a bord Or the phrase
"Crux Mihi Grata Quies" Gu. (D: Zecharia Ines Balzan Sep 02)
Gu, a shuttle palewise Or & a bord Or semy of pheons bendwise sin
inv Gu. (D: Beatriz Tejedora - Aug 05)
Gu, a stags head, couped & sin facing, Or within a bord Or, semy
of lozenges Az. (D: Michel de Montrevel - Dec 87)
Gu, a sun in splendor Or within a bord Or semy of decrescents Sa.
(D: Brianna Baptista - Aug 01)
Gu, a unicorn ramp Arg armed & on a bord Or an orle Sa. (D:
Cairistiona inghean Raghnaill - Jan 05)
Gu an escallop Or within a bord Or semy of pellets. (D: Orlando
Alvarez - May 88)
Gu, 4 fleurs-de-lys in cross, bases to center Or, a bord Or semy-delys Gu. (D: Thomas de Castellan - May 93)
Gu, on a sun throughout Or a phoenix Gu, enflamed proper, all
within a bord Or mulletty Gu. (D: Astrid of Flanders Oct 92)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a laurel wreath Or within a bord Or, semy of
roundels Sa. (D: Saxon Moor - Dec 91)
Gyronny of 3 arrondy, Az, Vt & Arg, a mullet of 4 points elongated
to base Or, a bord Or pellety. (D: Mathiu van der Zee Jul 95)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, a pegasus segreant Arg crined & winged Or,
a bord Or semy of triskeles Vt. (D: Maire ni Sheaghdha Jul 99)
Per bend sin Vt & Purp, a rat sejant erect Or & a bord Or semy of
oak leaves Vt. (D: Gracye of Lokwode - Apr 02)
Per chev Az & Vt, 2 laurel wreaths & a stag passant, on a bord Or 3
maple leaves Gu. (D: Riverouge - Apr 00)

394 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Or (continued)

Per fess wavy Az & barry wavy Arg & Az, in chf a wolf couchant
Arg, maintaining in its dexter paw a sheaf of arrows, all within
a bord Or, semy of hammers Vt. (D: Sigurd Stormrider of
Wolves Haven - Apr 87)
Per pale Arg & Az, a salt dovetailed ctrch within a bord Or semy of
gunstones. (D: Ian Gunn - Nov 90)
Per pale Az & Sa, a unicorn ramp contourny Arg within a bord Or
semy-de-lys Az. (B: Anneke Raudhe - Apr 08)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a cat salient ctrch & a bord Or semy of
pawprints Sa. (D: Francesca Barozzi - Feb 02)
Per pale Vt & Purp, a fret & on a bord Or a grape vine leaved &
fructed proper. (D: Kaitlyn McKenna - Mar 97)
Per pale Vt & Purp, an estoile within & conjoined to a crescent
bendwise sin Or within a bord Or mulletty of six points Sa. (D:
Minna Rose von Kroppe - Jan 06)
Per salt Az & Vt, in pale a sea-unicorn naiant Arg & a unicorn
passant regardant Or within a bord Or semy of hearts Az. (B:
Cairistiona MacRorie of Loch Sterness - Jun 92) (For House
of the Hearts and Unicorns)
Per salt Sa & Purp, a newt statant Or within a bord Or semy of fish
Purp. (D: Santiago Pescador - Nov 04)
Per salt Vt & Gu, a horse courant contourny reguardant on a bord
Or 4 crosses couped Gu. (D: Tova Thorfinnsdottir - Oct 97)
Purp, a bend ermine cotised Arg betw 2 fleurs-de-lys, on a bord Or
an orle Sa. (D: Robert de Cynnabar - Jul 97)
Purp, a chev inv betw 3 wyverns passant within a bord Or, crusily
patty Sa. (D: Quendryth Verty of Lofthouse - Mar 83)
Purp, a horse ramp Or & a bord Or mullety Purp. (D: Caitln n
Mhille - May 96)
Purp, a knot of 4 loops in cross within a bord Or, semy of holly
sprigs Vt, fructed Gu. (D: Nan Neillillian of Skara Brae Mar 86)
Purp, a lion ramp maintaining an egg Or within a bord Or semy-delys Purp. (D: Richard of Dragon Castle - Aug 03)
Purp, a peacock close reguardant, a bord Or semy-de-lys Gu. (D:
Lillian Clare de Chateauroux - Mar 94)
Purp, a sun in its splendor Or & a bord Or semy of oak leaves Vt.
(D: Brigid of Linnhe - Mar 97)
Purp, a swan naiant contourny Arg, a bord Or semy-de-lys Purp.
(D: Amlie de Quessenet - Jul 05)
Purp, a unicorn doubly queued ramp regardant Arg armed & gorged
of a collar Or within a bord Or semy of bunches of grapes Purp
slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Genevieve Gabrielle Plubel dAvon Jul 02)
Purp, an escarbuncle Or, a bord Or semy-de-lys Purp. (D: Maria
Pagani - Jun 99)
Purp, an increscent Or, a bord Or semy of quatrefoils slipped Vt.
(D: Serena OBrian - Sep 95)
Purp, an Irish harp, on a bord Or five mullets Purp. (B: Ealdormere
- Oct 99) (For the Award of Orion)
Purp, 3 chevronels braced & in chf a cross bottony, on a bord Or an
orle Az. (D: Arabella de Montacute - May 00)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a garb & on a bord Or 3 roses Gu. (D:
Melinda of the Silent Rose - Oct 85)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a Latin cross bottony & on a bord Or 3 roses Gu
barbed & seeded Sa. (D: Gregory Clayborne - Apr 94)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a duck rising wings addorsed Or within a bord
Or estencelly Gu. (D: Davin Drakere - Jan 06)
Quarterly Vt & Az, on a bend sin Or an ivy vine Vt, all within a
bord Or, charged with an orle of ivy Vt. (D: Minna Miranda
of Avebury - Nov 89)
Sa, a bend sin cotised ermine, surmounted by a bagwyn ramp within
a bord Or charged with six crosses patty Gu. (D: Coleen
Griswald - Feb 85)
Sa, a dragons head, couped close & sin facing, Or within a bord
Arg, semy of roses Sa. (D: Harald Helstorm - Mar 88)
Sa, a foxs mask Arg & a bord Or pellety. (D: Leiff Haakonson Sep 04)
Sa, a fret Or within a bord Or pellety. (D: Matthew Smallwood May 02)
Sa, a horses head couped within a bord Or, semy of roses proper.
(D: Lea Grarvargr - Dec 87)
Sa, a mullet of eight points voided betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Or, all
within a bord Or crusilly potent Sa. (D: Marcolo del Mare Jan 07)

[Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Or] to [Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Sable]

Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Or (continued)

Sa, a raven close standing upon a skull affronty Arg & bearing in its
beak an annulet Or, all within a bord Or, goutt de sang. (D:
Erc Cathain - Nov 84)
Sa, a sea-horse Or, a bord Or semy of roses Sa. (D: Hilaire
NicPherson - Oct 93)
Sa, a sword & a quill pen in salt Or within a bord Or mullety Sa.
(D: Jrgen Danske - Aug 94)
Sa, a tree eradicated Arg & a bord Or semy of acorns Sa. (D:
Aldgudana Gunnarsdttir - Nov 01)
Sa, a unicorn ramp Or within a bord Or mullety Sa. (D: Abd alRahman de Javier - May 08)
Sa, an eagles foot couped within a laurel wreath, a bord Or charged
with pine trees couped Sa. (D: Talanwood - Dec 92)
Sa, an oak slip fructed Or, a bord Or semy of oak leaves reversed in
orle Vt. (D: Geoffrey de Baston - Sep 04)
Sa, on a bend Or 3 pine trees palewise couped Sa & a bord Or semy
of pine trees couped Sa. (D: Conrad vom Schwarzwald Sep 06)
Sa, on a flame Or an increscent Gu, a bord Or semy of increscents
Gu. (D: Elena Mowbray - Jul 93)
Sa, 2 boars heads couped close & addorsed & on a bord Or 3
crosses crosslet fitchy Sa. (D: Thorgrim Varghosson Mar 08)
Vair, a bord Or semy of wolves statant Sa. (D: Eliyahu ben Ezra Sep 95)
Vt, a cross clechy, on a bord Or an orle Vt. (D: Michael Houlihan May 97)
Vt, a daisy proper, a bord Or semy of lozenges Purp. (D:
Marguerite de Troyes - Dec 00)
Vt, a demi-pegasus Or within a bord Or, semy of lozenges Vt. (B:
Oriana Winterborne - Nov 86)
Vt, a dolphin within a bord Or charged with shamrocks Vt. (D:
Carthann Mac Luinge of Inishmore - Aug 93)
Vt, a dragon Or & a bord Or semy of closed books palewise Vt
garnished Or. (D: Scholast Michel - Nov 02)
Vt, a hind statant contourny Arg collared & chained Or, a bord Or
semy of trefoils Vt. (D: Edain inghean Raghalligh - Jun 06)
Vt, a horse couchant Or, a bord Or semy of roses Az. (D: Branwyn
FitzRoberts - Jan 06)
Vt, a lion ramp Or, a bord Or semy of shamrocks Vt. (D: Deirdre
of Kerry - Jul 97)
Vt, a paw print bendwise sin Or, a bord Or semy of lozenges Sa.
(D: Morgan of Osprey - Aug 00)
Vt, a salt Gu fimbriated, surmounted by an estoile of eight points
pierced Or, all within a bord Or pelletty. (D: Aonarrach Faol
MagUidhir - May 85)
Vt, a seawolf Or, a bord Or semy of pommes. (B: Akilah of
Seareach - Oct 97)
Vt, a seawolf Or within a bord Or crescenty Vt. (D: Akilah of
Seareach - Dec 00)
Vt, a strung bow within a laurel wreath within on a bord Or nine
pommes. (D: Bois dArc - Aug 83)
Vt, a tree blasted issuant from base, on a bord Or 3 increscents Vt.
(D: Torcail Maonaigh - May 97)
Vt, an eagle Or & a bord Or pellety. (D: Egil Haraldsson Oct 03)
Vt, an owl affronty Or, a bord Or crusilly Vt. (D: Helena von Eltz Feb 98)
Vt, in fess an arrow betw a drinking horn & a drinking horn
reversed Arg, a bord Or semy of pheons Sa. (D: Eneas Mac
Concarrigy - Jul 04)
Vt, in sin chf a sun, rays extending throughout Or, overall a poleaxe bendwise Arg, all within a bord Or charged with six
chalices Gu. (D: Allen of Weestone - Jul 85)
Vt, nine lozenges 3, 3, & 3 Arg, a bord Or semy of crescents inv Sa.
(D: Ximena Mara de Padilla - Jan 97)
Vt, on a bezant a Jerusalem cross Sa a bord Or semy-de-lys Sa. (D:
Sebastian Blacke - Oct 96)
Vt, on a plate a cat passant Sa all within a bord Or charged with a
tressure Gu. (D: Kathryn Grace Enright ONeill - Aug 80)
Vt semy of acorns, an oak tree on a bord Or six gouttes dhuile. (B:
Wealdsmere - Jan 98) (For the Order of the Golden Oak)
Vt, 3 chevronels braced Arg within a bord Or, semy of fir trees
couped Vt. (D: Rabiah of the Misty Mountains - Mar 89)

Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Or (continued)

Vt, 3 chevronels braced, in chf a stag lodged Or, a bord Or crusilly

formy Sa. (D: John de Ellsworth - Oct 99)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Purpure

Arg, a cat sejant reguardant Sa within a bord Purp semy of gauntlets

Arg. (D: Brita the Tormented - Jan 92)
Arg, a hurst of fir trees couped proper, a bord Purp semy of roses
Arg. (D: Angelica Giuliana Lucia della Rosa - Aug 92)
Arg, a lamb ramp within a bord Purp charged with lozenges Arg.
(D: Agnes Margaret de Grinstead - Oct 92)
Arg, a lyre Purp within a bord Purp, semy of roses Arg. (D:
Miranda de Pinillos - Jan 89)
Arg, a pantheon salient Purp, estoilly Or, betw in fess 2 crescents
Gu, within a bord Purp semy-de-lys Or. (D: Marie de
Clermont - Mar 92)
Arg, a peacock, tail spread, proper within a bord Purp semy-de-lys
Or. (B: Viviana le Pryce - Apr 07)
Arg, a setter statant Sa within a bord Purp, semy of pawprints Arg.
(D: Elizabeth of Gordonsward - Jan 90)
Arg, a swan naiant Sa, wings elevated & addorsed, a bord Purp
semy of roses Arg. (D: Deirdre MacGowan - Oct 96)
Arg, a violet within a bord Purp charged with 4 decrescents in cross
Arg. (D: Anastasia Elisabeth Fairfax - Dec 92)
Arg, on a bend sin Purp a weavers shuttle Arg, all within a bord
Purp, mulletty Arg. (D: Ariadne Athingana of Ravenglass Mar 89)
Arg, on a heart Purp a quill bendwise sin Arg, all within a bord
Purp, crusilly couped Arg. (D: Cyran Cyriac de Chalon-surSane - Mar 89)
Arg, six shears 2, 2 & 2 Gu a bord Purp semy of hawks bells Arg.
(D: Tharasia Danzadora - Jan 95)
Or, a crocodile bicapitate & double queued tergiant Vt within a bord
Purp charged with 3 bezants. (D: Anastasia Jaroslavna Oct 84)
Or, a griffin ramp Gu, a bord Purp semy of suns Or. (D: Caterina
Gabriella Calabresi - Oct 93)
Or, a rapier bendwise sin Purp a bord Purp semy-de-lys bases to
center Or. (D: Marceau de Valcourt - Jul 01)
Or, on an eagle disp Sa an inescutcheon Arg all within a bord Purp
semy of crosses formy Arg. (D: Alaricus Simmonds Nov 93)
Or semy of crescents, a fess Purp a bord Purp crusily couped Or.
(D: Tatiana Marana Melville - Jan 97)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Sable

Arg, a bear ramp Vt & on a bord Sa 3 thistles Or. (D: Gianetta

Lucia Allegretta - Aug 90)
Arg, a bird volant Sa, a bord Sa crusilly formy Arg. (B: Kai de
Ravenglas - Jun 01)
Arg, a bow reversed drawn with an arrow nocked Gu & a bord Sa
semy of crescents points inward Arg. (B: Shamir ibn Abd alRahman - Oct 06)
Arg, a cat couchant guardant, on a bord Sa, 3 mullets Arg. (D:
Emelye Stewart - May 98)
Arg, a dagger & an axe in salt Sa, a bord Sa semy of lightning bolts
Arg. (D: Sean Edward de Marksberry - Jun 05)
Arg, a dexter hand couped at the wrist Vt within a bord Sa guttee
dor. (D: Elaine the Merciful - Aug 79)
Arg, a dolphin haurient Vt, on a bord Sa 4 escallops in cross Or. (D:
Sen na Dubh Mhora - Apr 98)
Arg, a double-headed phoenix Sa rising from flames Gu, a bord Sa
platy. (D: Amauri de Clovis - Oct 99)
Arg, a double-tailed scorpion Gu, a bord Sa semy of broad-arrows
Arg. (D: Robert of Aroe - Jan 93)
Arg, a dragon courant to sin Gu within a bord Sa semy of crescents
Arg. (D: Amber Ulfsdottir - Jul 88)
Arg, a dragon disp & on a bord Sa 3 roses Arg seeded Az barbed
Vt. (D: Draco de la Rose - Feb 01)
Arg, a dragon ramp wings disp Az, a bord Sa semy of maple leaves
Or. (D: Rhydderch of Caerleon - May 01)
Arg, a 4-petalled rose Az barbed Vt seeded Arg betw five cats
pawprints in orle Sa within a bord Sa semy of cats pawprints
Arg. (D: Jillian Stevynsdaughter - Nov 91)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 395

[Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Sable]

Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Sable (continued)

Arg, a foxs mask Sa within a bord Sa, platy. (D: Nicholas Colfox Jun 89)
Arg, a gauntleted sin cubit arm Sa maintaining a rose Gu, barbed,
slipped & leaved Vt, within a bord Sa semy of roses Arg. (D:
Colin Fraser MacLeod - May 92)
Arg, a goat clymant maintaining in its dexter forehoof a hammer &
in its sin a punch Sa within a bord Sa bezanty. (B: An Tir Apr 95) (For Moneyers Guild of An Tir)
Arg, a hedgehog statant Sa within a bord Sa billetty Arg. (D:
Daffydd ap Owen de Caledon - Nov 03)
Arg, a horses head erased Sa within a bord Sa, semy of annulets
Or. (B: Wilhelm von Westfalen - Mar 88)
Arg, a kraken Vt within a bord Sa semy of acorns Arg. (D:
Duarcn Makcraken - Jun 02)
Arg, a lion ramp Gu crowned Or within a bord Sa bezanty. (D:
Richard, Earl of Cornwall - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA
Arg, a mare ramp, on a bord Sa 3 crosses crosslet Arg. (D: Ilaria
de la Mere - Apr 07)
Arg, a mounted knight passant, bearing a banner Gu, a bord Sa
crusilly formy Arg. (D: Susana del Lago - Feb 99)
Arg, a natural panthers head erased betw 3 lozenges & on a bord
Sa six lozenges Arg. (D: Khalil ibn Abd al-Rahman Nov 07)
Arg, a pale Sa betw 2 crosses crosslet Gu, on a bord Sa an orle of
chain Or. (D: Gareth Gordon MacGunter - Apr 91)
Arg, a rams head cabossed Sa enflamed Gu & a bord Sa semy of
Thors hammers Arg. (D: Randvr orvararson - Dec 06)
Arg, a rose proper within a bord Sa, semy of roses Or. (D: Meagan
of Loch Naver - Feb 91)
Arg, a salamander Sa enflamed proper & a bord Sa semy of crosses
formy fitchy Or. (D: Aemelia Weymouth - Mar 92)
Arg, a sea-horse Az within a bord Sa, semy of mullets of 4 points
Arg. (D: Marie du Puy - May 94)
Arg, a skull Sa within a bord Sa mullety Arg. (D: Godise
Davidesdohtor - Nov 02)
Arg, a sun in splendour issuant from base Gu within a bord Sa,
semy-de-lys Arg. (D: Gabrielle Annora dOutremer Aug 87)
Arg, a tree blasted & eradicated Sa within a bord Sa bezanty. (D:
Rys Chwith ap Madog - Feb 00)
Arg, a wolf ramp & on a bord Sa 3 crosses patonce Arg. (D:
Gunnolf of Mwre - Mar 05)
Arg, a wolf with the head of a demon, ramp guardant Gu
maintaining a seax Sa within a bord Sa charged with estoiles
Or. (D: Wulfwine Grimwald - Feb 86)
Arg, a wolfs head ululant erased Gu within a bord Sa charged with
a thornbranch in orle Arg. (D: Connor Thornhill - Jan 96)
Arg, a wyvern erect Vt, a bord Sa decrescenty Or. (D: Valamir von
Straubing - May 99)
Arg, in pale a decrescent & a dragon statant contourny regardant
Az, breathing flames of fire Gu a bord Sa semy of decrescents
Arg. (B: Rhiannon ui Neill - May 94)
Arg, in pale a 2-man cross-cut saw & 2 hammers in salt Sa all
within a bord Sa semy of maple leaves Arg. (D: Tancred of
Tangewood - Dec 02)
Arg, in salt a trident & a sword inv Sa, overall a flame of fire
proper, all within a bord Sa, fretty Arg. (D: Marcos
Ironworker - May 88)
Arg, on a chev cotised Sa a plate, a bord Sa platy. (D: Michael
Devlin Mac Mathghamhna - Mar 93)
Arg, on a sun Sa a decrescent moon Arg, a bord Sa estoilly Arg. (D:
Briallyn Iorweth mac Uilleim - Apr 91)
Arg, 3 leeks Vt & a bord Sa bezanty. (D: William of Riverhaven Aug 93)
Arg, 3 lions passant guardant Gu & on a bord Sa 3 lozenges Arg.
(D: Glyn ap Rhodri - Feb 86)
Arg, 3 piles in point Gu, overall an estoile, all within a bord Sa
charged with the words "Dignidad, Virtud, Honestad" Or. (D:
Dulcinea Margarita Teresa Velzquez de Ribera - Jun 92)
Arg, 3 rapiers in pall points to center Gu betw 3 crows disp, one &
2, Sa, a bord Sa semy of hops sprigs Or. (D: Malachi
Blacksley - Aug 05)
Arg, 2 domestic cats passant addorsed Sa within a bord Sa semy of
martlets Arg. (D: Lewina of Sussex - Jan 92)

396 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Sable (continued)

Arg, 2 griffins combatant, that to dexter Sa & that to sin Az, on a

bord Sa an orle of chain Or. (D: Sidroc Hrlfsson - May 08)
Arg, 2 spears in salt Gu surmounted by a bears head erased
affronty Sa, a bord Sa platy. (D: Bjorn Lochlannac - May 01)
Az, a thistle slipped & leaved Arg within a bord Sa fimbriated &
charged with eight tongues of flame Arg, each enfiled by a ring
Or. (B: Bran de Tintreak - Apr 82) (For Clan Reul)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a bord Sa semy of broadarrows points to
center Or. (B: Mairi filia Andreas - Feb 05)
Bendy Or & Vt, a lion salient contourny queue-fourchy Sa within a
bord Sa semy of escallops inv Or. (D: Julianna Maria
Wilhelmina von Metten - Nov 92)
Bendy wavy Arg & Az, a laurel wreath Or within a bord Sa, sem
of griffins segreant Or. (D: Beau Fleuve - Jan 83)
Chevronelly Or & Gu, a thistle & on a bord Sa 3 crosses crosslet
fitchy Arg. (D: Todd of Golden Keype - Aug 92)
Ermine, a Celtic cross Vt within a bord Sa charged with 3 bezants.
(D: Cristiona of Ulidia - Mar 86)
Erminois, a bord Sa charged with six annulets Or. (D: Beatrice
Lumini - Feb 98)
Gyronny Arg & Purp, a unicorn ramp, on a bord Sa 3 plates. (D:
Domenico Barbiere da Mantova - Jul 01)
Gyronny arrondy Arg & Vt, a raven Sa within a bord Sa semy of
roundels Or. (D: Njall Randvesson - Nov 07)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a hawk striking on a bord Sa 3 decrescents
Arg. (D: Ladain n Dheirdre Chaomhnaigh - Jan 98)
Gyronny Vt & Or, a horse salient Sa, a bord Sa semy of Celtic
crosses Or. (D: Samhthann ni Ghiolla Mhuire - Jul 01)
Or, a bear ramp Sa, a bord Sa semy-de-lys Or. (D: Gaston
dAubrecicourt - Dec 98)
Or, a bearded mans head cabossed Sa within a bord Sa semy of
cups Or. (D: Sean of Ben Dunfirth - Apr 01)
Or, a blackbird rising, wings elevated & addorsed, Purp, within a
bord Sa charged with six millet heads in orle Or. (D: Eleanor
Terrington - Jan 90)
Or, a boars head reversed erased Gu within a bord Sa charged with
eight spur-rowels Arg. (D: Harrold of Warrington - Aug 79?)
Or, a bow & arrow nocked & drawn to sin Sa betw in cross 4
crescents horns to center Gu, a bord Sa bezanty. (D: Jamukha
Batu - Nov 07)
Or, a dragon passant contourny Sa within a bord Sa semy of maple
leaves Arg. (D: Myfanwy Ddirwestol ferch Gruffudd Oct 94)
Or, a grape cluster Gu & a bord Sa semy-de-lys Or. (D: Isobel
Ramsay - Apr 92)
Or, a horse ramp Sa & a bord Sa mullety of six points Or. (B:
Celric of Marinus - Apr 02)
Or, a lion maintaining a sword Sa a bord Sa semy of lozenges Or.
(D: Brian of Quin - Aug 97)
Or, a raven disp, wings inv, head to sin, Sa perched on an oak
branch leaved proper, in chf a ducal coronet, on a bord Sa a
chain Or. (D: Balder Longstrider - Jan 91)
Or, a raven Sa within a bord Sa, semy of apple blossoms Arg. (D:
Ingvild Josefsdatter - May 89)
Or, a rose Az, barbed & seeded proper, within a bord Sa platy. (B:
Elvira the Invisible - Aug 83) (For Rose Hall)
Or, a sexfoil pierced Gu, a bord Sa semy of lozenges Or. (D:
Takeda Ujimasa - Oct 92)
Or, a sheaf of arrows Gu & on a bord Sa 4 decrescents in cross Or.
(D: Naima bint Rashid al-Andalusiyya - Aug 03)
Or, a stags head couped contourny Gu, a bord Sa semy of lozenges
Or. (D: Gaston de Montrevel - Jan 96)
Or, a swan naiant contourny wings disp Az, a bord Sa semy-de-lys
Or. (D: Galienne Belarot - May 01)
Or, a swan naiant Sa within a bord Sa bezanty. (D: Cedric the Dark
- Jun 75?)
Or, a wolf ramp Sa within a bord Sa estoily Or. (D: Rafe Woulson May 05)
Or, an eight-legged horse passant contourny within a bord Sa
charged with dolphins naiant Arg. (D: Halla Brandsdottir Jan 86)
Or, chap ploy plummety Or & Vt, a lily, all within a bord Sa
semy of hawks bells Or. (D: Olivia Ximna de Cabezn Nov 91)

[Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Sable] to [Bordure - Charged - Complex line - Argent]

Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Sable (continued)

Or, in bend sin 3 trees blasted & eradicated & embowed to dexter,
within on a bord Sa a laurel wreath Or. (D: Borderwinds Oct 85)
Or, on a pile Gu, a quill pen Or, all within a bord Sa charged with 3
annulets Or. (D: Astrid av Attsidenfjord - May 85)
Or, on a sun Sa a decrescent moon Or within a bord Sa bezanty. (D:
al-Azar Lucero - Aug 99)
Or, 3 natural dolphins naiant in annulo one & 2 Gu within a bord
Sa, mullety Or. (D: Ekaterina of Shadowed Stars - Jun 92)
Or, 3 pine trees eradicated in fess Gu, overall a dragon passant
coward, within a bord Sa charged with edelweisses Arg. (D:
Drachenwald, Crown Princess of - Jan 93)
Or, 3 swords Sa, a bord Sa bezanty. (D: Adalberon Blackwood Jun 85)
Per bend Arg & Az, a mullet of eight points ctrch, a bord Sa semy
of quatrefoils Arg. (D: Kyneburh Boithuile - Apr 99)
Per bend Az & Arg, a tower Arg & a lymphad Sa all within a bord
Sa crusilly plain Or. (D: Cathal MacLean - Aug 02)
Per chev Vt & ermine, a wyvern erect contourny ctrch, breathing
flames Arg, a bord Sa charged with 3 hearts Arg. (D: Sigerd
filius Blaecwulf - Apr 92)
Per pale Arg & Vt, 3 suns ctrch within a bord Sa mulletty Arg. (D:
Gwilym ap Dafydd - Aug 03)
Per pale Or & Gu, a castle ctrch & a bord Sa bezanty. (D: Wolfegar
von Rothenburg - Jun 95)
Per pale Or & Purp, a fleur-de-lys ctrch within a bord Sa semy of
lozenges Arg. (D: Justina Marie of Burgundy - Jul 91)
Per pale Or & Vt, a human face crined & bearded of foliage ctrch, a
bord Sa semy of towers Arg. (D: Santiago Carrillo de
Guadalupe - Mar 06)
Per pall inv Gu, Or & Arg, a cedar tree Vt stocked Sa & a bord Sa
semy of lozenges Or. (D: A. J. of Bonwicke - Apr 94)
Pily Arg & Purp, 2 winged unicorns combattant Or, a bord Sa semy
of compass stars Arg. (D: Muirgel Lyon - Jun 92)
Pily fesswise Purp & Arg, a dolmen of 3 pillars Or, a bord Sa semy
of mallets Arg. (D: Liam MacAuliffe - Dec 91)
Potenty Vt & Or, a raven rising Sa maintaining in its dexter claw an
increscent Arg, a bord Sa semy of increscents Arg. (D: Aoife
Eorann n Bhriain - Sep 95)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, a squirrel Sa & a bord Sa semy of pheons Arg.
(D: Hlfdan galinn - Mar 06)
Vair, a decrescent & on a bord Sa eight escallops inv Arg. (D:
Luciano di Giovanni - Oct 04)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Vert

Arg, a badger statant guardant Sa, marked Vt, within a bord Vt

semy of acorns Arg. (D: Brocc of the Isles - Dec 93)
Arg, a bord Vt mullety Arg. (D: Jemma Blakeney - Mar 05)
Arg, a castle within a bord Vt semy of cartouches Arg. (D: Aoiffa
of the Emerald Vale - Apr 85)
Arg, a dolphin naiant Purp within a bord Vt estencely Arg. (B:
Antonia da Troina - Oct 05)
Arg, a domino mask Vt, a bord Vt, semy of oak leaves Or. (D:
Christophe le Vite - Jan 97)
Arg, a greyhound passant regardant Sa & a bord Vt semy of rabbits
courant feet to center Or. (D: Rebecca with the Greyhound Aug 02)
Arg, a popinjay disp & on a bord Vt an orle of vine Arg. (D:
Tangwystel vyrgh Gwethenek - Sep 07)
Arg, a raven rising to sin Sa, a bord Vt semy of arrows reversed
Arg. (D: Connor Ivorson - Aug 92)
Arg, a seahorse within a bord Vt charged with roses Arg. (D:
Isabeau Marie Beauvallet - Jun 93)
Arg, a tree eradicated proper, on a bord Vt 3 compass stars Arg. (D:
Walter of Huntsdale Keep - Sep 07)
Arg, a trident Sa & a bord Vt semy of lotuses affronty Arg. (D:
Bhairavi of Thescorre - Nov 03)
Arg, a wolfs head erased contourny Sa a bord Vt platy. (B:
Prothelaus Louvetier - Mar 04)
Arg, a wolfs head erased contourny Sa gorged of a ducal coronet
Or all within a bord Vt platy. (D: Prothelaus Louvetier Mar 04)
Arg, a wooden drop spindle bendwise sin proper, entwined with
thread Vt, within a bord Vt fretty Arg. (D: Findabhair ni
Chonaill - Nov 07)

Bordure - Charged - Plain line - Vert (continued)

Arg, an eagle disp Sa, a bord Vt semy of harps Or. (D: Fiachra
Aiodhghean Muircheartaigh na hEoghanacht Locha Lein Jul 91)
Arg, an oak leaf Vt & a bord Vt semy of acorns Or. (D: lfwine
Akeworthe - Jun 95)
Arg, an oak tree bendwise eradicated Sa within a bord Vt semy of
holly leaves Arg. (D: Fiona Drummond of Perth - May 86)
Arg, an oak tree eradicated & sundered proper, fructed Or, in chf a
lightning bolt palewise Sa, all within a bord Vt, semy of acorns
Or. (D: Larrion Oaksbane - Oct 84)
Arg, on a fess betw 3 martlets Vt an elephant statant Arg a bord Vt
estencely Arg. (D: Riona Gillian McAllister - Aug 97)
Arg, 2 goblets in fess Vt within a bord Vt semy-de-lys Arg. (D:
Madelina de Lindesay - Sep 06)
Bendy Arg & Sa, a wingless griffin within a bord Vt semy of
anchors inv Or. (D: Gervais Delamare - May 96)
Checky Arg & Sa, a boar passant Gu & a bord Vt semy of
penannular brooches Or. (B: Torlough MacTormagh Apr 94)
Ermine, in base a trefoil Vt within a bord Vt semy of trefoils Arg.
(D: Coley Cuthbert - May 95)
Or, a beacon Sa enflamed Gu atop a mount Sa, a bord Vt semy of
oak leaves Or. (D: Isabel of Biconyll - Apr 95)
Or, a bear passant Sa & a bord Vt semy of crescents Or. (D:
Bertone Montanari - Dec 03)
Or, a cat sejant guardant contourny Sa within a bord Vt charged
with 3 sexfoils Or seeded Gu. (D: Caitlin Magdaline Gilchrist
- Jul 91)
Or, a dhow, sail set & sin facing, Vt within a bord Vt, bezanty. (D:
Maurice de Granada - Dec 87)
Or, a dragon ramp Purp maintaining a wooden harp proper, on a
bord Vt 3 Celtic crosses Or. (D: Dana Chathair Saibhin Jun 99)
Or, a dragon segreant to sin Vt within a bord Vt semy of escallops
inv Arg. (D: Robert le Dragon - Aug 01)
Or, a dragon segreant Vt, orbed & langued Gu, within on a bord Vt
six Kendal flowers proper. (D: Andr Lessarde - Jul 79?)
Or, a griffin segreant Sa, a bord Vt increscenty Or. (D: Griffin
Suaird - Dec 95)
Or, a pear tree eradicated per pale Vt & Sa, the sin half blasted,
within a bord Vt, semy of pears Or. (D: Ann OCarolan Dec 88)
Or, a serpent nowed head erect Sa within a bord Vt semy of mullets
pierced Or. (D: Isabeau de Brionne - Dec 02)
Or, an acorn proper slipped & leaved within a bord Vt, mullety of
seven points Or. (D: Owen Telynor - Dec 82)
Or, on an oak leaf Vt a cross formy Or within a bord Vt annuletty
Or. (D: Feln Skgarmannsson - Mar 92)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Charged - Complex line - Argent

Az, a compass star elongated to base Arg, a bord wavy Arg semy of
forget-me-nots Az, slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Elsbeth
Caerwent - Jan 93)
Az, a demi-sun Or issuant from a cloud Arg, within a bord engrailed
Arg estoilly Az. (D: Kellen Oddsdottir - Jul 92)
Az, a dragons head couped contourny Arg within a bord engrailed
Arg goutty de poix. (D: Iain MacCrimmon - Jun 92)
Az, a lion ramp Arg a bord embat Arg semy-de-lys Purp. (D:
Genevive Saint Jacques dAvignon - Apr 94)
Az, a lion ramp Or within a bord engrailed Arg semy of lozenges
Az. (D: Paul of Somerton - Aug 91)
Az, a swan rousant contourny Arg, incensed proper, gorged of a
county coronet Or, & a bord wavy Arg semy of roses Gu,
slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Dulcia MacPherson - Dec 05)
Az, a winged bear segreant to sin, holding in its mouth an olive
branch, Arg within a bord invected Arg, seme of stars of David
Az. (D: Daniello il Suonatore da Ferrara - Jan 87)
Az, a wolfs head erased Arg, a bord embat Arg semy of moons in
their plenitude Az. (D: Tatiana Patrascu - Dec 04)
Az, an angel affronty Arg within a bord invected Arg, semy of
estoiles Az. (D: Tamarra Neizvystnyja of Archangel Feb 89)
Az, within an open birdcage Or a dove reguardant Arg, a bord
engrailed Arg, semy of roses proper. (D: Aislynn de
Darkenhall - Jun 92)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 397

[Bordure - Charged - Complex line - Argent] to [Bordure - Charged - Complex line - Sable]

Bordure - Charged - Complex line - Argent (continued)

Gu, a mermaid contourny guardant maintaining a roundel Arg

within a bord wavy Arg semy of torteaux. (D: Lucia
Francesca de Valencia - May 92)
Gu, a thunderbolt within on a bord embat Arg a tressure Sa. (B:
Wilihelm Roderick FitzLovel of Kerr - Apr 82)
Per pale Purp & Sa, a unicorns head couped Arg armed Or within a
bord wavy Arg semy of oak leaves Sa. (D: Marryn
Blackgroves - Jul 05)
Per pale Purp & Vt, a columbine Arg within a bord wavy Arg semy
of suns Az. (D: Gwenllyen ferch Ithel - Sep 02)
Sa, a double-headed lion queue-forchy contourny maintaining a
sword inv & on a bord embat Arg an orle of keys, wards
inward, Sa. (D: James de Lyon of Glen Lyon - Oct 06)
Sa, a dragon passant Arg & a bord embat Arg crusilly bottony Sa.
(D: Johan Krieg - Feb 02)
Sa, a fleur-de-lys Arg within a bord embat Arg semy-de-lys Az. (D:
Philippe Miguel Roberto de Navarra - Nov 92)
Sa, a laurel wreath Or within a bord engrailed Arg goutty Sa. (D:
Blackwater - May 05)
Sa, a mooses head erased affronty Arg enflamed Gu within a bord
dovetailed Arg pellety. (D: Tar Radu - Nov 01)
Sa, a peacock in its pride Arg within a bord wavy Arg semy of roses
proper. (B: Madeleine Rose de Cardeville - Feb 07)
Sa, a seahorse naiant Or within a bord engrailed Arg charged with 3
escallops inv Az. (D: Meredyth Maskmaker - Aug 94)
Sa, a unicorn within a bord embat Arg charged with an orle Sa. (D:
Alisander du Mont Saint Michel - Jun 91)
Vt, a fleur-de-lis Or within a bord engrailed Arg charged with
twelve shamrocks Vt. (D: Amoreena de Jarret - Dec 80)
Vt, a Gothic capital letter M Or, a bord indented Arg pellety. (B:
Franchesca MacBeth - Jul 06)
Vt, a winged stag segreant, on a bord raguly Arg 3 lozenges Vt. (D:
Conchobar MacFloinn - Feb 00)
Vt, an oak tree within a bord engrailed Arg, charged with 4 oak
leaves in cross Vt. (B: Anne Chavelle of Silver Oak - Jun 91)
Vt, 2 needles in salt, points to base, within a bord nebuly Arg,
charged with 3 trefoils slipped Vt. (D: Elaina von Mannheim Jan 85)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Charged - Complex line - Azure

Arg, a butterfly Az & a bord wavy Az semy of butterflies Arg. (D:

Alexandra of Clan Donald - Apr 02)
Arg, a cinnamon tree eradicated Vt within a bord wavy Az, seme of
cloves Arg. (D: Gwyneth Espicier - Dec 88)
Arg, a crown within a rose leaf wreath Vt, all within a bord
engrailed Az, sem of roses Arg. (D: Mists, Princess of the Nov 82)
Arg, a sea-cat contourny counter-ermine, tailed Sa, & a bord
engrailed Az semy of roses Arg. (D: Elwynne Rowenna of
Wentworth - Mar 94)
Arg, a tree blasted & eradicated Sa within a bord indented Az
mullety Arg. (B: Ammalynne Sternjekrakki Haraldsdottir Apr 85) (For Haraldstad)
Ermine, a natural seahorse contourny Purp within a bord wavy Az
semy of escallops inv Arg. (D: Igrainne Lassair - Mar 97)
Or, an equal-armed Celtic cross within a bord invected Az charged
with a ribbon Or. (D: Brenna Lowri o Ruthin - Apr 89)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Charged - Complex line - Gules (continued)

Vair, a sun Gu & a bord rayonny Gu goutty deau. (D: Rayne
Fairweather - Nov 04)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Charged - Complex line - Multicolor

Per pale Arg & Purp, a reremouse disp within a bord dovetailed
semy of crescents, all ctrch. (D: Monika the Fair - Oct 94)
Per pale Az & Or, a Russian firebird disp ctrch & in chf a coronet
Gu, all within on a bord engrailed 3 roundels ctrch. (B:
Katharina von der Waldwiese - May 98)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a chalice bendwise Or distilling a goutte Arg &
a bord nebuly crusilly ctrch. (D: Aurelia du Coeur Sincre May 03)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a phoenix within a bord wavy charged with
mullets ctrch. (D: Mongke Gal - Oct 99)
Per pale Sa & Arg, an eagle Gu within a bord embat semy of
roundels ctrch. (D: Geoffrey de Cardeville - Jan 03)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Charged - Complex line - Or

Az, a fess dancetty Or within a bord indented Or, semy of hurts. (D:
Christopher Leyland DEyncourt - Feb 89)
Az, a portcullis within a bord embat Or, charged in pale with 2
compass stars Az. (B: Ulrich Vikingsjger - Aug 89) (For
House Northguard)
Az, a rose & on a bord embat Or, 3 roses Az. (D: Oriana of
Rosehaven - Oct 87)
Az, a sea-lion Or, a bord embat Or semy-de-lys Az. (B: Atlantia Sep 92) (For War Leader)
Az, a threaded needle bendwise sin, on a bord wavy Or in chf an
arrow fesswise Gu. (D: Sarah Archer of Salisbury - Dec 99)
Az, a wyvern erect Or within a bord embat Or semy of pheons inv
Gu. (D: Connor Bowsplitter of Clan MacFarlane - Dec 95)
Pean, a tyger ramp within a bord embat Or charged with six crosses
of Santiago Gu. (D: Adam Carlos Diaz de Castile - Dec 07)
Purp, 3 roses in bend Or, a bord invected Or semy-de-lis Purp. (D:
Lavina de Beaujolais - Sep 94)
Sa, a dragon dormant Or within a bord embat Or, semy of maple
leaves Gu. (D: Beli Bailey of Kintyre - Nov 90)
Sa, a natural tiger ramp Or marked Sa & a bord wavy Or semy of
annulets Sa. (D: Brian the Pious - Oct 07)
Sa, a unicorns head erased within a bord embat Or, charged with an
orle Sa. (B: Juliana FitzWilliam - Mar 87)
Vt, a fish naiant Or a bord indented Or semy of roundels Az. (B:
Ceara n Nill - Feb 04)
Vt, a sea-goat contourny Or within a bord indented Or hurty. (D:
Ceara n Nill - Feb 04)
Vt, a swan naiant, wings addorsed Or, a bord wavy Or semy-de-lys
Sa. (D: Alesia de Trenwyth - Oct 93)
Vt, a winged boar segreant Arg within a bord engrailed Or charged
with 3 pairs of acorns Vt. (D: Nygell Tallis - Sep 91)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Charged - Complex line - Purpure

Vt, a bend sin pean, surmounted by a pegasus salient, wings

elevated, addorsed & inv, Arg, within on a bord embat pean an
orle Or. (D: Edward of Aristallion - Aug 84)
* * * End * * *

Arg, a cat couchant Sa & a bord invected Purp semy of shamrocks

Arg. (D: Caitrona inghean ui Fhloinn of Corke - Mar 05)
Arg, a columbine & a bord wavy Purp charged with increscents
Arg. (D: Olivia MacKay - Apr 02)
Arg, a thistle proper, a bord embat Purp semy-de-lys Arg. (D:
Llewellyn de Guerre - Aug 95)
Or, a lion ramp maintaining a sword Purp, a bord wavy Purp
mullety Or. (D: Bianca Drake - Oct 99)
Or, 3 fir trees Vt, & a bord engrailed Purp, semy of irises Arg. (D:
lfds Greyga - Mar 94)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Charged - Complex line - Gules

Bordure - Charged - Complex line - Sable

Bordure - Charged - Complex line - Fur

Arg, a duck naiant Sa, a bord wavy Gu platy. (D: Yrsa in kyrra
Gubrandsdottir - Nov 01)
Arg, a rose Gu within a bord invected Gu crusily flory Arg. (D:
Juliana Neville of Middleham - Jan 92)
Arg, on an ogress an equal-armed Celtic cross formy Or, a bord
engrailed Gu bezanty. (D: Shemus McTaggart of Moyle Mar 95)

398 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Arg, a bear ramp & on a bord embat Sa 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D:

Geffrai Burlay - Sep 03)
Arg, a chev Sa betw 3 increscents Vt, a bord embat Sa semy of
increscents Arg. (D: Cormac MacGregor - Feb 94)
Arg, a horses head couped contourny Sa within a bord engrailed Sa
semy of lyres Arg. (D: Kelly of Drakelaw - Apr 06)
Arg, a lighthouse Sa enflamed in chf Gu within a bord rayonny Sa
goutty Arg. (D: Karl Friedrich von Sturmhafen - Aug 92)

[Bordure - Charged - Complex line - Sable] to [Bottle]

Bordure - Charged - Complex line - Sable (continued)

Arg, a standing seraph Az broken chains pendant from wrists &

ankles Sa within a bord rayonny Sa goutty deau. (D: Moses
von dem Falken - Dec 95)
Arg, a sun in his splendor Sa within a bord Sa semy of moons in
their plenitude Arg. (D: Lina Carville - Jun 02)
Arg, a tree eradicated proper & on a bord engrailed Sa five
arrowheads inv Arg. (D: Aleyd von Brandenburg - Sep 02)
Arg, 2 ounces ramp addorsed regardant tails entwined Sa incensed
Gu within a bord embat Sa platy. (D: Cerdic Cuileamhaim Mar 07)
Arg, 2 panthers ramp addorsed regardant tails entwined Sa incensed
Gu within a bord embat Sa platy. (D: Cerdic Cuileamhaim Apr 94)
Gyronny Arg & Az, a bull ramp within a bord embat Sa charged
with stars of David Arg. (D: Rom ben Yosef del Castillo del
Toro Negro - Aug 93)
Or, a celtic cross formy throughout Sa, a bord Sa platy. (D: Grimr
af Vargeyjum - May 92)
Or, a mountain Sa, tip enflamed Gu, within a bord embat Sa
charged with bezants. (D: Karl Aerdigwidder von Zauberberg
- Jul 86)
Or, an oak tree eradicated Gu fructed Or within a bord engrailed Sa
semy of annulets Or. (D: Erich Hlodowechssun fon
Hocheichhallu - Apr 86)
Or, on a roundel per fess Az & Sa a crescent Arg all within a bord
invected Sa mullety Arg. (B: Phoebe Hotham - Dec 02)
Or, on an escallop inv Vt, a Bengal tiger sejant affronty Arg, striped
Sa, within a bord raguly Sa, platy. (D: Cadhla nic Iain mac
Pharlain - May 88)
* * * End * * *

Bordure - Charged - Complex line - Vert

Arg, a dragons head, erased & sin facing, within a bord embat Vt,
charged with 3 roses Arg. (D: Svana Ltudttir - Feb 89)
Arg, a mallet fesswise reversed Sa & on a bord indented Vt six
annulets Or. (D: Fordwin Marchand - Nov 01)
Gyronny Or & Sa, a bord embat Vt semy-de-lys Or. (D: Rgnach of
Argyll - Jul 96)
Or, 3 dandelion leaves conjoined, one palewise & 2 in fess, Vt, the
center leaf charged with a dandelion stalked Or, all within a
bord embat Vt, semy of dandelion blossoms Or. (D: Isolde de
la Rame - Nov 84)
* * * End * * *
Bordure of flame: see Bordure and Fire
Bordure of flowers: see Bordure and Orle and Wreath
Boreas: see Cloud and Head - Human
Boreyne: see Monster - Other


(Fieldless) A bottle bendwise sin Arg entwined by an eel Az. (B:

Ysabeau Bourbeau - Oct 06)
(Fieldless) A fish standing with human legs upon a bottle fesswise
reversed issuant of a flood of liquor fesswise wavy to base Or.
(B: Kevin MacKinnon - May 89) (For the Household of the
Fish That Walks)
(Fieldless) A flask per fess Arg & Or. (B: Valia the Goth Jun 99)
(Fieldless) A lizard ramp contourney reguardant Az, clutching a
bottle Vt. (B: Maelsnechtain de Brus - May 92)
(Fieldless) A wine amphora Arg. (B: Julien de Montfort - Dec 97)
(Fieldless) A wine amphora Vt. (B: Bastiano di Iacopo - Jul 04)
(Fieldless) An amphora Az. (B: Natasha Orionova Zateeva Jul 99)
(Fieldless) An wine amphora conjoined at base & top within a
annulet Arg. (B: Thomas the Potter - Nov 98)
(Fieldless) On an amphora Az, a crux stellata Arg. (B: Southkeep May 93) (For the Southkeep Brewers and Vinters Guild)
(Fieldless) On an amphora Vt, a Bowen knot crosswise Arg. (B:
Cecelia Corr Mhire - Jun 04)
(Fieldless) On an amphora Vt a passion nail Arg. (B: Cecelia Corr
Mhire - Jul 05)
Arg, a leather bottell Sa betw 3 ogresses. (D: Svein sutari svithanda
- Oct 05)
Arg, an amphora Gu & a chf embat Az. (D: Lodema the Potter Sep 97)

Bottle (continued)

Az, a bottle bendwise sin betw 3 eels naiant in triangle Arg. (D:
Ysabeau Bourbeau - Mar 06)
Az, a camel ramp Or wearing a hat Gu & maintaining in its mouth a
bottle fesswise reversed Vt. (D: Xenos the Butcher - Jun 02)
Az, a wine amphora & a bord Or. (D: Rixende de Rouen - Aug 00)
Az, a wine amphora, on a chf Or 2 lymphads Az. (D: Giovanni da
Mosto - Dec 93)
Az, a winged bottle bendwise sin betw in pall 3 eating forks tines to
center Arg. (D: Lorenz Wieland - Sep 03)
Az, an amphora & a chf rayonny Arg. (D: Georg Kopman Nov 03)
Az, an amphora Arg beneath an arch of grape leaves proper. (D:
Aileen of Hesper - Feb 75?)
Az, in pale a bezant & a winged bottle Arg, all within a bord nebuly
Or. (D: Francesca Angelica Vasari - Dec 82)
Az, on a bend cotised betw 2 flasks Arg, a recorder bell to chf Sa.
(D: Robert of the Angels - Oct 88)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, a mermaid Or tailed Vt maintaining in her
dexter hand an amphora Or. (D: Lijsbet van tsHertogen Bosch
- Oct 04)
Gu, a fess bretessed betw 3 gouts & an amphora Or. (D: Gabrielle
van Nijenrode - Oct 92)
Gu, on an amphora betw 3 roses Or a cross of Calatrava Gu. (D:
Eithne ingen meic Cineda - Dec 06)
Or, a black-figure neck-amphora, cracked in chf, proper. (D:
Alisoun MacCoul of Elphane - Oct 81)
Or, a bottle bendwise inv Az distilling a goutte, a base Gu. (D:
John Linsdell of Tresco - May 95)
Or, a bottle surmounted by a sword, a sin tierce Vt. (D: Morgan
Kendrick - Jan 97)
Or, an ink bottle Sa betw 3 hummingbirds hovering Purp. (D:
Labhaiose inghean u Raghailligh - Dec 07)
Or, on a pile inv throughout Gu betw 2 amphorae Vt a cup Or. (D:
Ameline du Bois - Feb 00)
Or, on a wine amphora Purp a laurel wreath Or, in chf 3 goutes
Purp. (D: Bacchus Wood - May 98)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend betw a winged lion passant guardant to
sin & a raffia-covered wine bottle Or. (D: Christopher of
Lions Nest - Oct 83)
Per bend Purp & Vt, a bend Arg betw 2 wine amphorae Or. (D:
Eustachia de Westwic - Feb 99)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a bend embat counter-embat erminois betw a
bee volant erect Or & a bottle Vt. (D: Arthemal Haricourt
Oldecastille - Nov 83)
Per bend sin rayonny Sa masoned Arg & Gu masoned Arg, a
dragons head couped at the shoulder, & a wine amphora Arg.
(D: Thomas the Potter - Mar 98)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, an oak leaf bendwise sin & an ink bottle
ctrch. (B: Thescorre - Oct 04)
Per bend wavy Arg & Gu, a rose Purp barbed Vt & a flask Arg. (D:
Maria Cristina de Cordoba - Aug 99)
Per chev ermine & Gu, in base a wine amphora Or. (D: Lina Hen May 95)
Per chev Sa & Gu, 2 wolves combattant Arg, maintaining betw
them a flask Or charged with a millrind Sa. (D: Yvon Bater of
Darkwood - Nov 93)
Per pale Gu & Az, a fasces & a 2-handled amphora, on a chf
indented Arg 3 ogresses. (D: Iuliana of York - Mar 94)
Per salt Az & Arg, in cross a leopards face erminois betw 4 wine
amphorae ctrch. (D: Stephana Magnyn - Jul 05)
Potent, a flat-bottomed amphora Gu within a bord Sa. (D:
Meadhbh inghean Thaidhg u Domhnaill - Nov 06)
Purp, an amphora Or & a bord Arg. (B: Calontir - Apr 02)
Purp, an ampulla Or, billety Vt. (D: Michael Tryggve - May 84)
Purp, semy of amphoras Or, a sea-serpent ondoyant within a bord
invected Arg. (D: Meadhbh inghean Riain - Aug 96)
Sa, an amphora & on a chf Or 3 lozenges Sa. (D: Eigan of Black
Diamond - Mar 03)
Sa, an amphora, on a chf Arg 3 flames Gu. (D: Willem of Bruges May 99)
Sa, an ink flask Or. (B: West, the - Jul 87) (For the College of
Sa, on a bend sin cotised betw 2 ink bottles Arg, a quill pen Sa. (D:
Catlin Ravenlock - Oct 92)
Sa, semy of annulets Arg, on a wine amphora per fess Arg & Or a
goblet Sa. (D: Ciaran Fionn MacCuillean - Nov 91)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 399

[Bottle] to [Bow]

Bottle (continued)

Vt, a pale counter-compony Sa & Arg, on a chf Arg 3 open inkbottles Sa. (D: Morella of Glenalder - Aug 92)
Vt, a wine amphora & a chf rayonny Or. (D: Bastiano di Iacopo Aug 03)
Vt, an amphora Or, on a chf engrailed Arg a holly vine Vt fructed
Gu. (D: Helena Jans Folkje - Sep 95)
Vt, on a chev betw 3 flasks Arg, 2 salamanders combattant Vt
enflamed Gu. (D: Lorenzo Alhambra - Jul 90)
* * * End * * *
Bouget: see Water bouget
Bough: see Tree branch
Boulder: see Rock
Bouquet: see Flower - Bouquet
Bourchier knot: see Knot


See also: Musical instrument - Lute and Rainbow

(Name: Robert Strongbow - Jun 73)
(Fieldless) A bow bendwise string to chf Or overall a horses head
couped Vt. (B: Rhiannon of Crystal Mynes - Jan 03)
(Fieldless) A bow drawn & armed with an arrow Arg, flighted Az,
within an annulet Arg. (B: Atlantia - Sep 90) (For Guild of
(Fieldless) A bow fesswise Arg, the stock entwined of an ivy vine
Vt. (B: Stierbach - Apr 00)
(Fieldless) A bow fesswise Arg, the stock entwined of an ivy vine
Vt. (B: Stierbach - Apr 08) (For Award of the Silver Bow)
(Fieldless) A bow fesswise inv, overall a sheaf of arrows inv Sa.
(B: Baldric von Adlerberg - Dec 95)
(Fieldless) A bow reversed Gu. (B: Brynach ap Rhys - Jan 04)
(Fieldless) A bow reversed, overall in pale 2 arrows fesswise
reversed Arg. (B: Concordia of the Snows - May 02)
(Fieldless) A crossbow Sa loaded with 3 flaming arrows conjoined
at the nock Or enflamed Gu. (B: Ronan Mac a Chaladair Aug 91) (For House of the Ash and Yew)
(Fieldless) A crossbow within & conjoined to an oak chaplet Or.
(B: West, the - Jun 02)
(Fieldless) A drawn bow fesswise nocked of an arrow proper
barbed of the crown of a tree Vt & flighted Gu. (B: Ragnar
Thorbergsson - Mar 91)
(Fieldless) A falcon rising, wings disp Vt marked Sa, surmounted
by a drawn bow, arrow nocked, Or. (B: Aelfric the Kestrell Oct 92)
(Fieldless) A horse courant per pale Az & Sa sustaining atop its
back a knight armed cap-a-pie reguardant maintaining to sin a
crossbow fesswise reversed Or. (B: Drachenwald - May 05)
(Fieldless) A madrone tree eradicated Gu, leaved Vt, overall a bow
fesswise Or. (B: Madrone - Oct 98)
(Fieldless) A mascle ploy & overall in fess a bow reversed & a
bow Sa. (B: Khadal Kober - Mar 04)
(Tinctureless) A merman, bow in dexter & arrow in sin hand, tail
raised to sin. (B: Colin of Duntamknackan - Aug 79)
(Fieldless) A monster composed of the head & torso of a bull, the
tail of a snake, the wings of an eagle & the forearms of a man,
erect, wings elevated & maintaining a bow Gu. (B: Merwydd
of Effington - Apr 98)
(Tinctureless) A reflex bow reversed strung with a decrescent &
armed of an arrow fesswise. (B: Cariadoc of the Bow Jun 81)
(Fieldless) A winged mermaid proper crined Sa, winged & tailed
Az, facing dexter, sustaining a bow Sa. (B: Eleri of Caerleon Mar 98)
(Fieldless) An archer facing to sin proper, garbed Az & Or,
drawing a bow & arrow Sa. (B: Atenveldt, Kingdom of Feb 91)
(Fieldless) An archer kneeling on his sin leg proper, crined Or,
vested Az, drawing a bow sundered below the arrow, Sa, to
dexter an arrow palewise Sa. (B: Steven of Shadowkeep Jan 74)
(Fieldless) 4 drawn bows & arrows conjoined in cross arrowheads
outward Arg. (B: Mykola Alecksandr - Aug 99)
(Fieldless) On a quatrefoil erminois a sea-lion maintaining a bow
Gu. (B: Jacopo di Niccol - Aug 02)
Arg, a bend embat Vt betw a stags attires & a bow bent & stringed
bendwise Sa. (D: Jrg Kratz - Oct 84)
400 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bow (continued)

Arg, a bend sin wavy Sa betw a bow & arrow crossed in salt & a
stag statant to sin Gu. (D: Stevyn Luttrell Bowyer - Mar 88)
Arg, a bow bendwise sin nocked of a straight trumpet & on a chf
embat Az 3 open scrolls Arg. (D: Gregor Elfingstone Apr 07)
Arg, a bow fesswise drawn & with an arrow nocked Sa within an
orle Vt semy of acorns Or. (D: Blain Sylvanus - Feb 94)
Arg, a bow reversed betw 2 arrows, a bord embat Az. (D:
Ekaterina Marten - Mar 95)
Arg, a bow reversed drawn with an arrow nocked Gu & a bord Sa
semy of crescents points inward Arg. (B: Shamir ibn Abd alRahman - Oct 06)
Arg, a bow reversed Vt. (D: Giovanni dellArco - Nov 96)
Arg, a chev embat Az & in chf an arrow inv bendwise sin proper
flighted Gu & a wooden bow bendwise string to base proper.
(D: Ignazio James - Jul 03)
Arg a chevronel Gu, in chf a killer whale proper, in base a bow &
arrow Gu, bent & nocked, to sin. (D: Morton the Grey Jan 74?)
Arg, a crossbow Az. (D: Brice Armbruster - Aug 86)
Arg, a crossbow Sa, on a chf Vt a rabbit couchant Arg. (D: Snorri
Snarfari Bjornsson - Jun 98)
Arg, a crossbow Vt. (B: Brice Armbruster - Jan 88)
Arg, a drawn bow & arrow aimed to sin chf Purp betw 3 daggers
inv Az. (D: Cassandra Elaine McPherson - Aug 92)
Arg, a drawn crossbow palewise betw in salt 4 crossbow quarrels
palewise inv, all within a bord embat, Sa. (D: Matthew of
Scarborough - Jan 89)
Arg, a drawn wooden bow & arrow proper fletched & headed Sa on
a chf Az 4 mountains couped Arg. (D: Edward Archer of
Cornwall - Aug 01)
Arg, a griffin segreant Az drawing a bow Vt, in chf an increscent Or
fimbriated Sa. (D: Cariadoc of the Bow - Jan 73)
Arg, a longbow drawn with arrow nocked Sa betw 3 Celtic crosses
Purp. (D: Muireann Caitln ny Phelan - Mar 93)
Arg, a rebec & bow in salt within a bord Gu. (D: Sayna de Lincolne
- Mar 06)
Arg, a yew tree eradicated proper, in chf a bow fesswise Sa. (B:
Ceallach Llyn Tremen - Mar 87) (For Yewwood Manor)
Arg crusilly Sa, a dragon salient maintaining a bow Gu. (D:
Michael Addaf de Lessay - Oct 01)
Arg, in fess 2 strung bows palewise, strings to center, Sa within a
bord Az. (B: Julia Gilyneta Ahearn - Dec 88)
Arg, in pale a lozenge & a bow fesswise inv Sa. (D: Eva Archer Nov 05)
Arg, in pale a strung bow fesswise & a Bactrian camel statant
proper. (D: Rami ibn Asad men Damashk - May 83)
Arg, on a chev Vt betw 2 bows in chev & a quiver holding 3 arrows
Purp 4 horseshoes inv Arg. (D: Ayla Bogenschtzin - Sep 06)
Arg, on a Latin cross formy Gu betw in chf 2 crossbows Az, a heart
Or. (D: Benjamin dOrb - Aug 07)
Arg, semy of arrows Sa, on a bend Vt, a strung bow, string to base,
Arg. (D: Sean Colin mac Brenos of the Silver Bow - May 89)
Arg, 2 swords & a bow & arrow reversed Az, on a chf Vt a wolfs
head cabossed Arg. (D: Hrothgar feilan - Feb 06)
Az, a blackhaired mermaid embowed contourny drawing a bow &
arrow, all proper. (D: Fionaghal nan Eilean - Mar 98)
Az, a bow fesswise Or betw 3 triskeles one & 2 Arg. (B: Trimaris Dec 95) (For Order of the Arc dOr)
Az, a bow fesswise string to chf betw 3 mullets of six points voided
& interlaced Or. (D: Tahir the Mad - Aug 02)
Az, a crossbow & on a chf Or 3 pheons Az. (D: Allesaundra de
Crosthwaite - Sep 90)
Az, a crossbow inv Arg. (D: Siegfried Sebastian Faust - Nov 05)
Az, a crossbow Or, on a fess bretassy Arg, 3 estoiles Gu. (D:
Edward Ashwell of the Crossbow - Jan 90)
Az, a drawn bow fesswise, arrow palewise, Or, the bow winged
Arg, all within a bord Or. (D: Sandor the Hunter - Feb 87)
Az, a fess Gu fimbriated Arg betw a drawn bow & arrow to sin & 2
quill pens in salt Or. (D: William McNaughton - Mar 97)
Az, a horse ramp maintaining a bow & wearing a quiver & arrows
Arg, in chf 3 horseshoes inv Or. (D: Richenda de Braundeston
- Jul 98)
Az, a recurved bow bendwise sin, fully drawn with an arrow
bendwise inv, within a bord Or, semy of garbs Gu. (D: Gyth of
the Danelaw - Apr 85)


Bow (continued)

Az, a saggitary salient regardant & drawing his bow to sin a bord
embat Arg. (B: Caid - Nov 97) (For the Order of Chiron)
Az, a wolf sejant ululant & in chf 3 crossbows Arg. (D: Katya
Zhdana Volkova Kievskaya - Jan 97)
Az, an Indian statant affronty, maintaining a bow to dexter & an
arrow to sin Or, in canton a mullet Arg. (D: Massachusetts,
Commonwealth of - May 99) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az ermined Arg, a female sagittary ramp regardant & drawing her
bow to sin within a bord engrailed Or. (D: Zinaida Or"shinaia
- May 08)
Az, in fess 3 bows reversed Arg. (D: William Whytemore Dec 06)
Az, on a fess betw in chf & in base a bow reversed betw a pair of
drinking horns Arg a shamshir reversed blade to base Az. (B:
Nasir ibn al-Khazzaz ibn Qadir - Apr 95)
Az, on a fess Or betw 3 foxes ramp to sin Arg a strung longbow Sa.
(D: Renard de lArc - Sep 85)
Checky Gu & Arg, a crossbow & on a chf Sa, 3 elfbolts inv Arg.
(D: Nicholas Merrick - Jul 92)
Checky Or & Arg, a lions sin jambe erased sustaining a bow
fesswise Sa. (B: An Tir - Feb 97)
Ermine, a crossbow within a bord wavy Purp. (D: Erik Callahan May 94)
Gu, a bowed psaltery Or betw 2 flaunches ermine & in chf a
psaltery bow Or. (D: Eowyn nic Wie of Kincora - Mar 02)
Gu, a crossbow & in chf 3 thistles Arg. (D: Triaria de la Rivire Oct 92)
Gu, a crossbow Arg within an orle of pheons Or. (D: Cellach mac
Toimn - Aug 03)
Gu, a crossbow betw 4 thistles in cross Arg. (B: Triaria de la
Rivire - Oct 92)
Gu, a crossbow drawn & on a chf Arg, a stags attire Gu. (D: Ivarr
Raynorson - Aug 89)
Gu, a man statant to dexter maintaining a drawn bow & arrow
within a bord Or. (D: Gruffydd the Innocent - Oct 06)
Gu, a marten sejant erect to sin, maintaining a bow nocked with a
fire arrow, Or, within a bord Or, semy of arrow heads Gu. (D:
Gislvast of Mrtengaerdh - Dec 89)
Gu, a sin arm embowed sustaining a bow fesswise all within a bord
Arg. (D: Robert of Hawthorne - Oct 02)
Gu, a viol & a viol bow in salt & on a chf Arg a quill fesswise
reversed Gu. (D: Adelicia Marie di Rienzi - Nov 84)
Gu, an ape-headed centaur salient Or maintaining a drawn bow &
arrow Sa. (D: Aulay Leod - Apr 05)
Gu, in pale a bow fesswise & a sword inv betw flaunches Arg, each
charged with a sheaf of arrows inv Sa. (D: Edgar Finn Nov 94)
Gu, on a bowed psaltery betw in chf 2 bows in chev Arg a fleur-delys Sa. (D: Colbn the Lutemaker - May 02)
Gyronny of eight, Or, Gu, Or & Az, a crossbow proper. (D:
Heinrich Armbrster - Jun 82)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, a wyvern passant Gu winged Or maintaining a
sheaf of arrows inv & a bow Or, a bord Gu. (D: Ian Lindsay
Macrae - Apr 05)
Or, a bear statant erect contourny maintaining a bow & on a chf Sa,
3 harps Or. (D: Yitzhak ibn Yoshua - May 98)
Or, a bend counter-ermine betw a bow nocked with an arrow & a
lion ramp Gu. (D: Roderick de Graham - Jan 03)
Or, a bow & arrow nocked & drawn to sin Sa betw in cross 4
crescents horns to center Gu, a bord Sa bezanty. (D: Jamukha
Batu - Nov 07)
Or, a crossbow betw 2 wolves salient addorsed Gu. (D: Jon
Rolfsson - Nov 04)
Or, a crossbow palewise inv Sa. (D: Robyn the Sharpe - Jan 91)
Or, a demi-dragon contourny maintaining in its sin claw a bow & in
its dexter claw 2 arrows Az, a bord embat Gu. (D: Maria
Angela da Firenze - Dec 05)
Or, a griffin segreant Az drawing a bow Vt, in chf an increscent Arg
fimbriated Sa. (D: Diana Alene - Jan 73?)
Or, a melusine Arg tailed Vt crined Gu, in chf a bow proper. (D:
Constance Sabledrake - Apr 97)
Or, a pegasus segreant & in chf an unstrung recurved bow fesswise
& inv Sa, betw 2 flaunches Vt, on each a sword Or. (D: Jean
Claude Dominique Jeanin - Dec 85)

Bow (continued)

Or, a raven contourny perched atop & maintaining a crossbow

fesswise reversed, in dexter chf a tower Sa, a bord wavy Az.
(D: Eoin Ravenscroft - Jun 05)
Or, a sheaf of 4 arrows inv surmounted by a bow fesswise Sa, a chf
embat Vt. (D: Henry le Bowyer - Mar 94)
Or, a spear & a longbow interlaced in cross & a bord Az. (B: Dirk
van Muiden - Dec 01)
Or, a squirrel sejant erect Sa, sustaining a drawn wooden bow &
arrow proper, the arrow fletched Gu, within a bord Gu semy of
acorns Or. (D: Bozhana Alexandrova - Oct 05)
Or, a strawberry pierced by a viol bow bendwise proper. (D: Jean
le Reynard - date?)
Or, a wooden crossbow proper within a bord invected Gu. (D:
Sergio da Verona - Jun 06)
Or, an arrow inv & surmounted in chf by a bow fesswise, betw in
fess 2 sheaves of arrows inv Sa. (D: William de Vallier Oct 85)
Or, an oak leaf fructed Vt, overall a longbow fesswise Sa, a bord Vt
semy of pheons inv Arg. (B: Klaus Meyer - Mar 95)
Or, 4 chevronels inv & in chf a bow fesswise with arrow nocked &
drawn Gu. (D: Moira Strongbow NicConnell - May 93)
Or, 4 pallets Az, surmounted by a musicians bow fesswise, string
to base, proper, the whole betw 2 fleurs-de-lis Vt. (D: Amelie
dAnjou - Apr 87)
Or, in bend an arrow betw 2 strung bows, all bendwise sin, Sa. (D:
Robert Fletcher - May 85)
Or, in pale 3 bows reversed one & 2, drawn with arrows nocked, &
a hawk striking contourny Sa. (B: Johan of Hawksley Jul 06)
Or, in salt a bow reversed & an arrow inv Purp, a bord Gu. (B:
Antoinette Leblanc - Apr 01)
Or, on a bend sin Vt 3 arrows fesswise Or, in chf a longbow
reversed Sa. (D: Alain ap Dafydd - Jul 92)
Or, on a pile raguly Vt in chf a broadarrow inv Arg & surmounted
by a bow drawn fesswise Sa. (D: Jonathan Blackbow Jul 03)
Or, on a salt Purp a bow & a rebec in salt Or. (D: Rebekah of
Hillsview - Jul 92)
Or, on a tree blasted & eradicated betw 2 bows in pile, strings to
center Sa, an elfbolt Arg. (D: Derek of Grimwood - Apr 93)
Or, 3 chevronels braced Gu betw a strung bow fesswise, string to
base, surmounted by an arrow bendwise inv, & a cross crosslet
fitchy, all Sa. (D: Meaghan Arsmith of Ludlow - Sep 88)
Or, 2 arrows in salt Gu surmounted by a bow fesswise & in chf a
boar courant Sa. (D: Gerhardt der Jger - Nov 90)
Or, 2 arrows in salt inv proper barbed Sa & fletched Gu surmounted
by a bow fesswise proper all within a bord Gu. (D: Richard
Stanley Bowmaker - Jan 91)
Per bend Arg & Or, a bend Az betw a bow bendwise & an oak tree
couped Sa. (D: Ariel Ebon - Jul 92)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a thistle proper & a crossbow Arg. (D: Mr
inghean Rossa - Nov 01)
Per bend Az & Arg, a bear sejant erect & a drawn bow & arrow
bendwise reversed ctrch. (D: Dulcia Sabine - Aug 97)
Per bend Gu & Az, a rose Arg & a strung bow & arrow bendwise
reversed Or. (D: Innogen Mac Leod - Apr 99)
Per bend Or & Gu, a bow bendwise, fully drawn with an arrow
bendwise sin, all within a bord ctrch. (D: Bartholomew of
Dartford - Jan 89)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a bow bendwise string to base & a hawks head
erased Or. (D: Eric Haukeseye - Feb 03)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a drawn bow & arrow reversed betw 3
mullets ctrch. (D: Lorenzo il Confuso - Feb 98)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a bow reversed Arg. (D: Muirenn ingen
Thigernin - Jul 01)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, a bow bendwise sin Or & a quill pen
bendwise sin Sa. (D: Aodh Mrdha - Mar 94)
Per bend sin Vt & Arg, an arm armoured embowed fesswise,
maintaining a scimitar bendwise sin, & a bow bendwise sin
reversed ctrch. (D: Aleyn the Younger - Jan 90)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, a scarpe & on a canton sin Arg in bend sin a
bow & arrow, each bendwise, Vt. (D: Owen of the Dales Jan 80)
Per chev Arg & Az, a bow fesswise proper & a galleon Or. (D:
Anton de Silva - May 92)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 401


Bow (continued)

Per chev Az & Or, a crossbow ctrch. (D: Carl of the Crossbow Nov 82)
Per chev embat Sa & Arg, in pale 2 strung bows in salt Arg & a
cross of Calatrava Purp. (B: Calontir - May 90) (For the
Order of the Boga Hirth)
Per chev ermine & Gu, 2 bears ramp Sa, each holding a longbow
Gu, & an open book Arg charged with a tankard Sa. (D:
Thomas of Bear Woods - Jan 94)
Per chev ermine & Purp, in base a rebec surmounted by a bow inv
bendwise sin Arg, & on a chf dovetailed Purp a demi-sun Or.
(D: Morgen Duvall - Jul 80)
Per chev inv Or & Az, a crossbow Sa & 3 legs conjoined in pall at
the hip, each leg pierced in the calf by an arrow, Or. (D:
Niccola Sebastiani - Apr 84)
Per chev inv Purp & Or, a longbow Or & 2 arrows in chev inv Purp.
(D: Odd Bjarnarson - Apr 08)
Per chev Or & Purp, 2 wooden bows drawn & nocked, arrow points
to center, proper, the arrows flighted Vt, & a ram statant to sin
guardant Arg. (D: Etxatxu Enequy Jaudonebiquendiosteaco Jul 04)
Per chev Or & Vt, in chf 3 trefoils in fess & in base in salt a viol
surmounted by a bow, all ctrch. (D: Elvira the Invisible Nov 80)
Per chev rayonny Arg & Vt, 3 crows each maintaining a bow in its
dexter claw, all within a bord ctrch. (D: Llywelyn ap Gwillym
- Nov 06)
Per chev throughout Or & Gu, a draw-knife Or betw 2 bows in chev
Gu & another fesswise Or. (D: Dughal MacDonnel - Oct 91)
Per fess Arg & Az, a longbow fesswise & a bear passant ctrch. (D:
Morgan Nightbear - Jul 92)
Per fess Az & Gu, a bow fesswise & a handgun Or. (D: Brian of
Coeur dEnnui - May 07)
Per fess Az & Or, a bow fesswise, strung to base, surmounted by an
arrow inv Arg, & a sword inv Sa. (D: Wulfgar the Bowman Jul 87)
Per fess counter-ermine & Vt, a crescent inv & a drawn bow
fesswise nocked of an arrow Or. (D: Ormr bogsveigir Mar 04)
Per fess embat Arg & Gu, a bow fesswise Az & an open book Arg.
(D: Einar Gormsson - Feb 98)
Per fess embat Arg & Or, 3 bows reversed, drawn with arrows
nocked, & a hawk striking contourny Sa. (D: Johan of
Hawksley - Jul 06)
Per fess embat Or & Gu, in chf a longbow fesswise & arrow inv
nocked & issuant from base a battle axe reversed ctrch. (D:
Haakon Oaktall - Jun 82)
Per fess Gu & Vt, in chf in salt a mace surmounted by a sword, both
surmounted by a bow reversed palewise Or, & in base a brown
bear statant proper. (D: Michael of Hammond - Nov 79)
Per fess Or & Arg, in chf a brown bear statant reguardant proper,
maintaining in its mouth a fish embowed Arg, & in base a bow
bendwise sin reversed surmounted by 3 arrows bendwise inv
Sa. (D: Knut Skytja Thorngundobald - Jan 84)
Per fess Or & Sa, 2 bows nocked with arrows & drawn, strings to
center, & a rams head couped ctrch. (D: yri ingen Aedain ui
Rigain - Apr 07)
Per fess raguly Vt & Arg, an eagle disp perched on a bow & 3 trees
ctrch. (D: Isabeau Eaglestone of Glinwood - Aug 87)
Per fess wavy Az & Vt, in base on a bar wavy Arg a barrulet wavy
Az, & overall a bow palewise reversed or. (D: Diana of
Meadowbrook - Aug 79)
Per fess wavy Az & Vt, in pale 2 bows fesswise addorsed Arg betw
2 plates. (D: Morgan Sea-Archer - Dec 80)
Per fess wavy Sa & barry wavy Arg & Az, a mermaid erect to
dexter proper, armored & maintaining a crossbow Arg. (D:
Morgan of Calafia - Apr 99)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a dragon Gu & a natural tiger Arg marked Sa
combattant, in chf 3 crossbows, a bord ctrch. (D: Richard
Surefoot Mallory - Nov 95)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a drawn bow fesswise nocked with a rose ctrch,
barbed, seeded, slipped & leaved proper. (D: Roseanne
Adelicia of Pinewood - Jun 83)
Per pale Arg & Sa, on a salt betw 4 oak trees, eradicated & fructed,
in salt a bow & a sword, all ctrch. (D: Edrick of the Woods Dec 88)

402 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Bow (continued)

Per pale Az & Vt, a horse passant & in chf a bow fesswise Arg. (D:
Appoline dAvignon - Oct 01)
Per pale dovetailed Gu & Az, a set of panpipes, a rebec affronty & a
bow in salt, & a tabor & drumstick Or. (B: Gwyntarian Jun 83) (For the Musicians Guild of Gwyntarian)
Per pale embat Sa & Or, a whelk shell Or & a bow, string to dexter,
Gu. (D: Michelle of Polderslot - Aug 97)
Per pale Gu & Az, a crossbow & in chf 3 frogs Or. (D: Serena
Alvarez - Oct 07)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a crossbow Or within a bord Arg charged with
six pheons inv Az. (D: Will of Sussex - May 96)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a violin in bend sin crossing its bow in bend Or.
(D: Feodor Khrisotelevich Gudoshnikov - Aug 90)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a musical bow & a viol in salt Arg. (D: Dmitrii
Nikolaevich Gudoshinikov - Nov 96)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a bow & arrow in salt ctrch. (B: Bridge, the Aug 79) (For Archers and Bowyers Guild)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a mermaid erect embowed drawing a bow Or. (D:
Vincent of Winterpeak - Nov 82)
Per pall Or Az & Purp, a heart Gu & 2 crossbows Or. (D: Brenna
MacGhie of Kintyre - Mar 01)
Per pall Sa goutty deau, Or, & Vt, a stag at gaze Sa & a drawn bow
nocked of an arrow Or. (D: Rand the Tracker of Oak Hollow Sep 95)
Per pall Vt, Gu, & Sa, a crossbow Arg. (D: Thomas Dolan
Arbalister of Caerleon - Jul 86)
Per salt Arg & counter-ermine, a monster composed of the head &
torso of a bull, the tail of a snake, the wings of an eagle & the
forearms of a man, erect, wings elevated & maintaining a bow
Gu. (D: Merwydd of Effington - Apr 98)
Per salt Az & Or, in pale 2 drawn bows & arrows pointing to sin Or,
& in fess 2 foxs masks Gu. (D: Andreu Pedley - Jul 92)
Purp, a bend bevilled betw 2 recurved bows palewise addorsed,
each drawn & nocked of an arrow, Or. (D: Robin Saint
Michael - Aug 85)
Purp, in pale a strung bow fesswise, embowed to chf, & a cockatoo
close Arg, armed, membered & crested, all within an orle
wavy, Or. (D: Cassandra Scandicci di Santa Serena Jun 87)
Purp, in pale an eagle Arg & a crossbow fesswise Or. (D: Baseke
von Basel - Sep 02)
Quarterly Arg & pean, a recurve bow bendwise sin, fully drawn
with an arrow bendwise inv, Gu. (D: Arlin of Canterbury Dec 89)
Quarterly Az & Gu, on a bend Arg betw 2 bows bendwise nocked
& drawn Or 3 holly leaves fructed proper. (D: Alienor del
Chastel - Oct 91)
Quarterly wavy Or & Vt, 2 bows bendwise strings to chf Vt & 2
stags heads erased affronty Or. (D: William of the Wod Apr 06)
Sa, a bow fesswise fully drawn with an arrow palewise inv, all
within an orle of crescents Or. (D: Bilig the Watcher May 89)
Sa, a bow nocked of an arrow Or. (D: Andrew Roriksson - Apr 99)
Sa, a bow surmounted by an arrow fesswise point to dexter & on a
chf Arg, 3 ravens volant Sa. (D: Aoibheann nic Mhuirghis Apr 95)
Sa, a crossbow & on a chf Or a chain Sa. (B: Donato Pulcinella Feb 00) (For the Commilitoni della Balestra)
Sa, a crossbow betw 3 quarrels inv palewise, one & 3, all within a
bord embat Arg. (D: Barbara of Cambion - Jan 90)
Sa, a dragon segreant Arg maintaining a bow & a sword Or, on a
chf embat Arg 2 pairs of arrows inv in salt Sa. (D: Mikael the
Archer of Dragonwood - May 92)
Sa, a drawn bow fesswise, arrow nocked, & on a chf Arg 3 trees
eradicated proper. (D: Ragnar Thorbergsson - Mar 91)
Sa, a quiver containing 2 arrows Arg, all betw 2 bows palewise,
drawn & with strings to center, Or. (B: Tsunetomi Todomu Feb 88) (For House Forester)
Sa, a sagittary salient reguardant Arg drawing a bow to sin, a bord
embat Or. (D: Yesugai Naran - Sep 95)
Sa, in pale a bow & a sword in salt & a point pointed Arg. (D:
Jonathan Ivey de la Montagne - Mar 83)
Sa, on a bend betw 2 bows reversed Or, an arrow Sa. (D: Ulisse
Rowden Blackarrow of Boyd - Feb 91)

[Bow] to [Buckle]

Bow (continued)

Sa, on a bend nebuly Or betw a thistle & a bow bendwise Arg, 3

pheons Sa. (D: Caoimhn mac an Fhleisdeir - Jun 98)
Sa, on a bend sin betw a bow bendwise sin Or & a sword bendwise
sin inv proper, a quiver with 3 arrows Sa. (D: Corin y Cynydd
- Jan 95)
Sa, on a pale betw 2 bows Arg a crossbow Sa. (B: Meridies Nov 97) (For the Order of the Meridian Broken Bow)
Sa, on a pile embat betw 2 strung longbows, strings to center, Arg, a
cross of Calatrava Purp. (B: Calontir - May 90) (For the
Order of the Boga Fyrd)
Sa, semy of broadarrows inv Or, on a chf Or, a strung bow, string to
chf, Sa, all within a bord Or. (D: Yvonne Austin - Apr 90)
Sa, 2 arrows in salt surmounted by a third palewise, all inv, & in
base a longbow fesswise Or. (D: Bruce the Long-Winded Jun 80)
Vt, a bears head cabossed & on a chf Or, a drawn bow, string to
base, Sa. (D: Owain ap Morgan of Chaderton - Aug 89)
Vt, a bend dancetty betw a mullet of six points elongated in pale &
a strung bow reversed Or. (D: Catlin Fhar - May 83)
Vt, a bend sin gros vairy of one trait bendwise Or & Sa betw a
longbow with arrow fully drawn & in pale 2 swords bendwise
sin, the upper inv, proper. (B: Aonghas Galloglach
Domnhnullach - Jul 88)
Vt, a bow Arg, strung Or. (D: Erica Gealbogha - Jul 97)
Vt, a bow betw 2 acorns Or. (B: Drei Eichen - Mar 95)
Vt, a crossbow bent palewise & on a chf Arg, 3 shamrocks slipped
Vt. (D: Bryan mac Dhughaill an Boghadair - Feb 85)
Vt, a crossbow palewise within a bord Arg. (B: Bryan mac
Dhughaill an Boghadair - Apr 90)
Vt, a drawn bow & arrow reversed within an orle of quatrefoils
slipped Arg. (D: Brianna Maoltuile - Jun 92)
Vt, a fox statant erect contourny Arg marked Sa drawing a bow &
arrow within a bord Arg semy of pheons Vt. (D: Elfwine of
the Longbow - Jun 95)
Vt, a longbow fesswise inv surmounted by 3 arrows conjoined in
pile Or. (D: Allan Bluehood of Woods End - Aug 82)
Vt, a rebec in bend sin pegheads in chf crossed by a bow fesswise
Or. (D: Rebecca de Ravenstein - Jun 95)
Vt, a strung bow within a laurel wreath within on a bord Or nine
pommes. (D: Bois dArc - Aug 83)
Vt, a wall Arg betw in chf 2 crossbows & in base 2 swords in salt,
all within a bord Or. (D: Zachariah of Westlake - Dec 94)
Vt, a winged leonine sagittary segreant regardant Arg, spotted Sa,
drawing a bow to sin Or. (D: Phillipos the Skeptic - Jun 04)
Vt, a wolf ramp Arg maintaining in its dexter forepaw a sheaf of 3
arrows Or, barbed & flighted Arg, & sustaining in its sin
forepaw in chf a bow fesswise Gu. (D: Robert Strongbow Oct 07)
Vt, an eagle disp maintaining a longbow & a sheaf of arrows inv
Arg within a bord erminois. (B: Cadolen ferch Angharad the
Farwanderer - Oct 02)
Vt, in bend a wooden staff bendwise sin proper & a recurved
Turkish bow palewise reversed, armed & drawn, Arg. (D:
Edward Birnam - May 80)
Vt, in pale a stag at gaze Arg & a bow bendwise sin, drawn & with
arrow nocked Or. (D: Rotheric Kynith - Jun 03)
Vt, on a bend betw 2 bows bendwise Arg, a bow Vt. (D: Alen
Bendbow - Oct 92)
Vt, on a bend invected betw 2 unstrung recurved bows bendwise
Or, another Vt. (B: Elaine Ladd - Oct 84)
Vt, on a chev betw 3 gauntlets each sustaining a bow fesswise string
to chf Arg 2 threaded needles in chev Vt. (D: Isabella of
Fyren-Ar - Jan 03)
Vt, on a pile betw 2 bows addorsed Or 2 fire arrows inv in salt Sa
enflamed Gu. (D: Stefan OReilly - Jan 98)
Vt, 3 crossbows uncocked Arg. (B: Giano Balestriere - Apr 07)
* * * End * * *
Bowen cross: see Cross and Knot
Bowen knot: see Knot
Bowl: see Cauldron and Cup


(Fieldless) A six-sided coffin palewise Sa charged in chf with a

mullet of eight points Arg. (B: Starkhafn - Oct 82) (For

Box (continued)

(Fieldless) A wildcat sejant erect contourny erminois atop a chest

Sa. (B: Aylwin Wyllowe - Jun 06)
(Fieldless) A wooden chest proper charged with a sun in splendor
Or. (B: Atenveldt, Kingdom of - Jul 02) (For the Office of
Arg, 2 bears combatant Sa & a wooden chest proper, a bord Az. (D:
Margaret of Starkhafn - Aug 00)
Az, on a chest Arg, a fireball Sa, enflamed proper. (B: Sun, the date?) (For the Keeper of the Regalia)
Gu, the Ark of the Covenant Or. (D: Henil von Berg - Feb 08)
Or, a bend sin bretessed Sa betw a pine tree Vt & a wooden chest
proper. (D: Johann der Kiefer - Dec 03)
Per pale Or & Sa, 2 hedgehogs ramp addorsed the dexter
maintaining a bow & the sin maintaining an arrow inv all
ctrch. (D: Willelm Bogamann - May 02)
Sa, a fess Arg scaly Az betw a chest & a ring of keys Arg. (D:
Germaine Jambert lInnocente - Sep 97)
Sa, a fess betw a scimitar fesswise inv & an Arabic pen-box
fesswise Arg. (D: Sayf al Qamar Tarik ibn Abdul - Aug 83)
Sa, a pall betw a fleur-de-lys & 2 coffins palewise Arg. (D:
Tristram Lorenz of the Coffins - Mar 85)
* * * End * * *
Boy: see Human figure
Brachet: see Beast - Dog
Bracket: see Axle bracket
Bramble: see Plant - Thorn
Branch: see Tree branch
Brazier: see Beacon
Bread: see Foodstuff
Breadloaf: see Foodstuff
Breastplate: see Armor
Breys: see Saddlery
Briar: see Plant - Thorn and Plant - Vine
Bridge: see Architecture
Broach - Embroiderers: see Tool - Textile
Broad arrow: see Pheon
Broadaxe: see Axe
Brock: see Beast - Badger
Brocks head: see Head - Beast - Badger
Brooch: see Jewelry
Brooklime blossom: see Flower - Rose


(Fieldless) A besom inv Sa. (B: Emrys Eustace - Nov 91)

(Fieldless) A crescent Arg & overall a besom Or, hafted proper. (B:
Herrir Freyugyja gvaldsdttir - Feb 06)
Az, 2 besoms in salt surmounted by another palewise inv, all Or.
(B: Nordskogen - Nov 91) (For the Order of the Baronial
Per pale Arg & Sa, a besom & a scythe crossed in salt ctrch. (B:
Simona dellAmore - Aug 04)
* * * End * * *
Broom plant: see Plant - Other
Brush: see Tool - Artistic
Buck: see Beast - Deer
Bucket: see Basket


(Fieldless) A round buckle Az. (B: Alison MacDermot - Jul 91)

(Fieldless) A round buckle tongue fesswise Arg. (B: Lescelyn of
Kailzie - May 98)
Arg, fretty Vt, a mascle-shaped buckle Or & on a chf Vt a lion
passant guardant Arg. (D: Philippa of the Cleftlands Apr 84)
Az, an annulet engrailed Or surmounted by a sewing needle
bendwise Arg. (D: Kristen de Kennett - Nov 90)
Az, seven square buckles, 3, 3, & one Or. (D: Edward Little Feb 06)
Az, six round buckles Or. (D: Medb Liath - Nov 04)
Gu, a chev inv Sa fimbriated betw 3 round buckles one & 2 Arg.
(D: Elisabeth Pendarvis - Jan 07)
Or, on a bend Purp betw 2 pawprints Gu, 3 square buckles Or. (D:
Richard of Greyefalle - May 91)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 403

[Buckle] to [Caltrap]

Buckle (continued)

Per chev Gu & Vt, a chev betw 3 round buckles one & 2 & a
leopards face Or. (D: Gabrielle de Gunton - Jun 97)
Per chev Gu & Vt, a chev betw 2 round buckles Or & a spearhead
inv Arg, all within a bord Or. (D: Connor Tryggvason Oct 88)
Per chev inv Vt & paly Vt & Arg, a chev inv, in chf a round buckle
Or. (D: Brendan Mad - Apr 98)
Per fess Or & Az, a badger statant Sa & a round buckle Or. (D:
Brocgar Smylie - Oct 05)
Per pale Sa & Or, a thistle, slipped, its head environed by its leaves
in annulo, ctrch. (B: Deorsa Flathail an Famhair - Nov 89)
Per pale Vt & Gu, 2 round buckles Arg. (D: Sline n Chiarin Jul 01)
Per salt Sa & Arg, 2 frets Or & 2 round buckles Sa. (D: Wyllyam
MacGregor - Apr 98)
Sa, a pair of pine needles palewise betw 2 pairs of pine needles in
annulo Arg. (D: Matsuyama Yoshitoshi - Feb 90)
Vt, a round buckle Or. (B: Brendan Mad - May 99)
Vt, an antelope ramp contourny, in chf 2 round buckles Or. (D:
William FitzHugh de Cambria - Nov 98)
Vt, on a fess Or betw an oak leaf fesswise & a round buckle Arg, 3
acorns proper. (D: Grace Childes - Mar 98)
* * * End * * *
Bud: see Flower
Buffalo: see Beast - Bull
Bugle: see Musical instrument - Horn
Bull: see Beast - Bull
Bull seal: see Beast - Seal
Bullfrog: see Amphibian
Bulls head: see Head - Beast - Bull
Bulls horn: see Horn - Creature
Bulrush: see Plant - Reed
Bung starter: see Hammer
Bunny: see Beast - Rabbit
Burnisher: see Tool - Artistic
Bush - Heather: see Plant - Heather
Bush - Rose: see Flower - Rose and Plant - Other
Bush - Thorn: see Plant - Thorn
Bustard: see Bird
Buttercup: see Flower - Cup shape
Butterfly: see Arthropod - Moth
Cactus: see Plant - Cactus
Caduceus: see Staff
Cairn: see Architecture


See also: Tool - Other

(Fieldless) A pair of compasses Or. (B: Northshield - Jan 05)
(For Award of the Compass)
Arg, a compass Sa, on a chf embat Az a sword fesswise reversed
Arg. (D: David du Lac - Oct 79)
Arg, a pair of calipers Az, betw its points a quatrefoil pierced Gu, a
bord potenty Az. (D: Renier van Noordpas - Apr 97)
Arg, a pair of calipers inv Sa. (B: Morgan ap Harry - May 94)
Arg, a pair of compasses & in base a cross bottony all within a bord
embat Gu. (B: Dun Carraig - Feb 02)
Az, a falcons head erased betw in chf 2 compasses Or & in base a
feathered serpent fesswise, describing a line embat grady to
base, Arg. (D: Ferris Nelson of the Falcon - Jul 80)
Az, in bend 3 mallets betw 2 bendlets all betw 2 pairs of compasses
Arg. (D: Ferdinand of Strasburg - Apr 07)
Az, in pale a drawing compass & a 2-spouted oil lamp Arg,
enflamed Or. (D: Arthur Lemner of Wesley - May 86)
Az, in pale 2 wolfs heads erased addorsed & conjoined at the neck
Arg & 2 calipers in chev inv the chiefmost prongs crossed Or.
(B: Borealis - Dec 99) (For the Order of the Silverwolf)
Az, on a fess wavy betw a compass & a sheaf of 3 arrows Or 3
trefoils Vt. (D: Colin Wynthorpe - May 85)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a pair of compasses Or supported by a lion
ramp Gu. (D: Tmas Terlach Fraser - Aug 91)
Checky Gu & Arg, a compass Sa & on a chf Arg a cross Sa. (D:
Hugh Prescott - Apr 94)
Gu, a Latin cross bottony betw in bend 2 pairs of compasses & in
bend sin 2 winged grenades Or. (D: Joseph of Aberdeen Aug 96)
404 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Caliper (continued)

Gu, a pair of compasses betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Or, a bord gyronny Or

& Sa. (D: Findlaech MacAlasdair - Nov 00)
Gu, a pair of compasses in base betw its arms a compass rose, a
bord embat Arg. (B: Stierbach - Oct 99) (For the Baronial
Gu, on a chev per pale Arg & Sa betw 3 pairs of compasses Or, 3
roses ctrch. (D: Angeline Cymraes - Aug 92)
Or, a pair of compasses Sa & in base a phoenix Gu. (D: Leon
Jeronimo Suarez - Nov 02)
Per bend Az & Arg, a pair of calipers & an harp ctrch. (B:
Delftwood - Sep 93) (For Orde van de Blauwe Spoel)
Per chev Sa & Gu, 2 fleur-de-lys & a pair of compasses with a
plummet dependant from its pivot, a bord embat Or. (D: John
Blacas - Apr 92)
Per fess engrailed Sa & barry engrailed Arg & Az, an astrolabe Arg
& a pair of compasses inv Or. (D: Daoud al-Bodmani Feb 92)
Per pale Or & Arg, a pair of calipers Sa. (B: Society for Creative
Anachronism, Sciences, Minister - Jan 73?)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a pair of compasses & in base, betw the points, a
sun, all ctrch. (B: Zenobia Naphtali - Jan 85)
Per pale Vt & Az, a pair of calipers Arg. (B: Marinus - Sep 96)
(For Company of Artificers of Marinus)
Per pale Vt & Sa, an astrolabe betw 3 pairs of drawing compasses
Arg. (D: Tristan von Lausanne - Feb 91)
Sa, a chev Gu fimbriated betw 3 pairs of compasses Or, in base a
reremouse Arg. (D: Philippe de Tournay - Oct 95)
Sa, a pair of calipers inv Arg. (D: Morgan ap Harry - Apr 89)
Sa, in pale a hammer fesswise, Arg, hafted proper, & a divider Arg,
all betw 3 bezants. (D: Magnus Malleus - Aug 88)
* * * End * * *
Calla lily: see Flower - Trumpet shape


See also: Mullet

(Fieldless) A caltrap Arg ermined Az. (B: Marie Solange Chantal
de Sainte Genevive - Dec 95)
(Fieldless) A caltrop per pale Arg & Or. (B: Connor MEleam Aug 02)
(Fieldless) A caltrop per pale Arg & Sa. (B: thelmearc Oct 99)
(Fieldless) A caltrop per pale Gu & Arg. (B: Angharad of Morfa
Caer - Dec 96)
(Fieldless) A squirrel sejant erect counter-ermine maintaining a
caltrop Arg within & standing upon a fetterlock Or. (B:
Guillaume de Bracy - Jul 05)
(Fieldless) On a caltrop Arg a Latin cross Az. (B: Richard Radman
of Ditton Priors - Aug 97)
(Fieldless) 3 broadarrows conjoined in pall, barbs outwards, Sa. (B:
Jonathan Blackshaft - Nov 89)
Arg, a brown bears head caboshed proper & on a chf Vt 3 caltraps
Arg. (D: Barrett of Downpatrick - Dec 84)
Arg, a caltrap Sa betw 3 serpents glissant in annulo each biting the
tail of the next Purp. (B: Chrystal Ariana MacRuari - Jul 96)
Arg, a caltrap within a bord Sa. (B: Barak ben David - Aug 02)
Arg, a chev Gu, overall a caltrop Sa. (D: Jesmond Black - Jan 00)
Arg, a pall inv Az, betw 2 griffins combattant Vt, armed & winged
Gu, & a caltrop Sa, embrued at the upper point Gu. (D:
Llewelyn o Lanteprey - Aug 84)
Arg, an owls head cabossed & 3 caltraps, 2 & one, Sa. (D:
Frances Blackstone - Nov 91)
Arg, 4 caltraps in cross, points to center Gu within a bord Sa. (D:
Leonora Kateryn de Provence - Oct 92)
Arg, fretty Gu, an escarbuncle of seven caltraps joined at their
points within a bord Sa. (D: Moira Breanainn MacLochlainn Apr 89)
Arg semy of caltrops Sa, a dragon passant, tail nowed, Gu
maintaining a thistle proper. (D: Dalbach of Falcons Keep Oct 96)
Arg, six caltrops Sa & a chf indented Gu. (D: Ingram of Keth Mar 03)
Az, a bend sin embat Arg betw 3 cog wheels Or & 3 caltraps Arg.
(D: Nicodemus Novello - Nov 05)
Az, a caltrop Arg, on a chf Or a bottle fesswise reversed Az. (D:
Tancrde Larcade - Jul 07)

[Caltrap] to [Cameo]

Caltrap (continued)

Az, a caltrap Or. (B: Scellanus of Skye - Aug 79?)

Az, an open book Or charged with a battle axe bendwise Sa, in base
a caltrop inv Or. (D: Edward the Learned - Aug 83)
Az estencely, a caltrop Arg. (D: Kolr refskegg - Aug 01)
Az, on a chev betw 3 caltrops Arg, 3 wolves heads erased Az. (D:
Cillne Conaill - Dec 04)
Az, semy of caltrops, a double-headed griffin segreant to sin, the
dexter head reguardant Or, maintaining betw its forepaws a
caltrop Arg. (D: Allain of Kent - Sep 84) (? same person as
Alleyn of Kent)
Counter-ermine, a caltrop & a bord embat Arg. (D: Guillaume de
Bracy - Oct 01)
Counter-ermine, a caltrop Arg winged Gu. (D: Thorstein Olafsson Sep 84)
Ermine, on a pale Sa betw in chf 2 caltrops Gu, a Celtic cross Or.
(D: Luke Breen of Lough Finne - Sep 92)
Gu, a bend sin Az, fimbriated, betw a winged lion salient to sin,
wings addorsed, & 3 caltraps Or. (D: Siegmund vom
Weisswald - Apr 87)
Gu, a caltrap Or. (B: Morgan of Aberystwyth - Aug 79)
Gu, a chev betw 2 chess-rooks & a caltrap Or. (D: Gaufridus
Baldewin Gilbertson - Dec 84)
Gu, a monster ramp composed of the body & head of a lion, from
its back issuing the head of a goat, tailed of a serpent, & on a
chf Or, 3 caltraps Az. (D: Kezia die Nherin - Feb 89)
Gu, a wivern reversed grasping in its sin member a sword betw five
caltraps 2, 2, & one Or. (D: Morgan of Aberystwyth Mar 78?)
Gu, on a pale betw 2 caltrops Arg, 3 caltrops Gu. (D: Rosario di
Palermo - Nov 91)
Gu, 3 caltraps in bend & in sin chf a sun, all Arg. (D: Avram of
Mercia - Oct 76?)
Gyronny Arg ermined Az & Az, a caltrop within a bord Or. (D:
Marie Solange Chantal de Sainte Genevive - Aug 96)
Lozengy Arg & Sa, on a chev Gu 3 caltraps Or. (D: Sigurd of
Encboergaard - Sep 73)
Or, a gurges Az, overall 4 caltraps in pall Gu. (B: Adeliz Argenti Jul 04)
Or, a halberd head Sa betw 3 caltraps Az. (D: Thomas the Far
Travelled - May 88)
Or, a winged lion statant to sin Vt betw 3 caltrops Gu, a bord Vt.
(D: Rodric Windlion - Oct 84)
Or, on a chev betw 3 caltraps, bases to center, Vt, a chevronel Arg.
(D: Asa Birdfoot - May 88)
Per bend indented Sa & Or, 2 caltrops ctrch. (D: Stefan Hochreiter
- Jan 96)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a daisy & a caltrap ctrch. (D: Edane van Tiel Dec 03)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, 2 caltrops ctrch Arg & Gu. (D: Cecilia
Jonsdotter - Jan 97)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, a bend sin betw a crescent & a caltrop Arg.
(D: Alina Kathryn nic Duncan - Oct 92)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt 3 caltraps in bend sin Or. (D: Jean Richard
Malcolmson - Sep 90)
Per chev inv Arg & Az, in chf a caltrap Gu. (D: Ucko DAosta Sep 91)
Per chev inv Sa & Arg, a wingless dragon couchant Or & 2 caltraps
Gu. (D: Ilarion Ivanovich Drakonov - Jul 91)
Per chev Purp & Vt, a chev & in chf 2 caltrops Arg. (D: Garin of
Aston Tor - Oct 99)
Per chev Sa & Or, a caltrap Sa. (B: Eskalya - Mar 87)
Per chev throughout Sa & Arg, 2 caltraps & a catapult ctrch. (D:
Jonathan Grantham - Mar 87)
Per chev Vt & Az, a fox courant & in base a caltrap Arg. (D:
Wolfgang von Voss - Oct 95)
Per fess Gu & Sa, a caltrap Arg. (B: Timothy Royar - Sep 91)
(For Tribulus Company)
Per pale Arg & Az, a caltrop ctrch. (D: Mylisant de Impinton Mar 06)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a dagger inv & on a chf triangular a caltrop all
ctrch. (D: Roger Redhand - Sep 84)
Per pale Az & Or, a chev betw 2 wolfs heads cabossed & a caltrap,
a bord overall ctrch. (D: Uulfgar Uulfric - Aug 85)
Per pale Az & Vt, 3 swords in pall throughout conjoined at the
pommels betw 3 caltraps Arg. (D: Michael of Marlborough Sep 94)

Caltrap (continued)

Per pale Gu & Arg all semy of caltraps, 2 dragons combattant ctrch.
(D: Angharad of Morfa Caer - Feb 05)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 caltraps ctrch. (D: Fiona nic Kineth Jan 91)
Per pale Gu & Az, a rams head cabossed Or betw in base 3
caltrops, all within a bord Arg. (D: Morgan ap Idris - Jun 86)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a caltrap Arg betw in chf 2 decrescents Or. (D:
Raoul de Levier - Apr 95)
Per pale Purp & Arg, a caltrap inv ctrch. (B: Etienne Xavier
Bondurant de Blacquemoor - Oct 87)
Per pale Sa & Az, a griffin & in chf 3 caltrops Or. (D: Brian de
Lorne - Mar 06)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a chev betw 3 caltraps Or, all within a bord
compony Sa & Arg, each Sa section charged with a decrescent
Or. (D: Michael FitzRoderick the Moor - Oct 85)
Per pale Sa & Purp, a caltrop Or & on a chf Arg 3 equal-armed
Celtic crosses Sa. (D: William Percival de Drummyn Mar 08)
Per pale Sa & Vt, 2 winged stags couchant respectant, wings
elevated & addorsed, Arg & in base a caltrap Or. (D: Natalia
MacDhonnchaidh - Sep 87)
Per pale Vt & Sa all semy of caltrops a talbot passant Arg. (D:
Khevron Oktavii Tikhikovich Vorotnikov - Dec 03)
Per pale wavy Az & Arg, a caltrop Arg & a falcons head couped at
the shoulders Gu. (D: Andr dAramon - Dec 82)
Per salt Purp & Sa, in pale 2 leopards faces jessant-de-lys & in fess
2 caltrops Arg. (D: Neassa ni Fhathaigh - Sep 92)
Per salt Sa & Gu, 4 caltrops & a bord Arg. (D: Gunter Aldrich vom
Schwartzwald - Sep 99)
Per salt Vt & Sa, seme of caltraps, in pale 2 escarbuncles Arg. (B:
Caitlin di Berrona - Sep 88) (For Stede Aquilonis)
Purp, a caltrap inv betw 2 palets Arg. (D: Etienne Xavier
Bondurant de Blacquemoor - Jan 86)
Purp, a caltrop inv conjoined to a pair of wings disp Arg. (B:
Etienne Xavier Bondurant de Blacquemoor - Dec 87)
Purp, on a salt Or betw a caltrap & 3 crescents, horns to center, Arg,
2 natural roses crossed in salt Gu, slipped & leaved Vt. (D:
Kindaswintha von Wintermond - Aug 88)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, a caltrop ctrch within a bord Sa. (B: Gunnar
Thorisson - Sep 07)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, 4 caltrops conjoined in cross points to center
ctrch within a bord Sa. (D: Gunnar Thorisson - Sep 02)
Sa, a caltrap, on a chf Arg 3 caltraps Gu. (D: Randall, Friar Jun 75?)
Sa, a caltrap Or. (D: Selena of the Northern Woods - Apr 80)
Sa, a chev rompu Or betw 2 caltraps Arg & a snail counterpassant
Or. (D: Ernst Skaptisson - Aug 79)
Sa, betw a chevronel & a chevronel inv braced, a caltrop Or. (D:
Arabella Brus - Jul 90)
Sa, 4 caltrops in cross, points elongated to center, Arg. (B: Peredur
ap Tristan - Jan 93)
Sa, on a sun betw 3 caltraps Or a caltrap Sa all within a bord Or. (D:
Joan Atzur dAndorra - Apr 96)
Sa semy of caltrops Or, a winged unicorn segreant Arg. (D:
Wulfran Forester - May 04)
Sa, surmounting a shakefork betw 3 caltraps one & 2 Or, a caltrap
inv Gu. (D: Myrddin ap Rhys - Jan 73?)
Tierced in bend sin Sa, Arg & Vt, in bend a caltrap Gu betw 2
estoiles Or. (D: Szeven za Daemon - Jan 73?)
Vt, a bat disp within an orle of caltrops, points to center, Arg. (B:
Dolcia Bourdon - Apr 97)
Vt, a boot reversed & in chf 3 caltrops Or. (D: ornitr Walker Oct 05)
Vt, a caltrap Arg within a bord compony Arg & Sa. (B: Brian
MacBrand - Dec 89)
Vt, an eagle rising, wings elevated & addorsed, within a laurel
wreath betw in pale 2 caltrops, all Or. (D: Eagle, the Sep 80)
Vt semy of caltrops Arg. (D: Toen Fitzwilliam - Jul 01)
* * * End * * *
Calygreyhound: see Monster - Other
Camel: see Beast - Camel
Camellia: see Flower - Multipetaled
Camelopard: see Beast - Other
Cameo: see Jewelry
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 405

[Camomile flower] to [Candle]

Camomile flower: see Flower - Rose
Camomile plant: see Plant - Herb
Can: see Cup


(Fieldless) A candle fesswise Arg, lit at both ends proper, atop a

flat candlestick Or. (B: Rencester - Dec 92)
(Fieldless) A pillar candle per pale Sa & Az, enflamed Or. (B:
Nordmark - Dec 04) (For Ljusorden)
(Fieldless) A portcullis Vt debruised by a candle in its holder Or.
(B: Unser Hafen - Feb 91) (For Order of the Builders of the
(Fieldless) An annulet engrailed Or & fretted with 2 candles in salt
Arg enflamed at both ends proper. (B: Elspeth Keyf of
Neddingham - Jul 91) (For Schola Lucernae)
(Fieldless) An owls head cabossed Arg, maintaining in its beak a
candle fesswise Az lit at both ends proper. (B: Merric of
Stormgate - Jun 98)
(Fieldless) Issuant from a clarion Or 3 candles Arg flamment
proper. (B: San Ambrogio - Apr 97) (For the Guild of San
(Fieldless) On a Celtic cross Arg, a candle Vt, lit proper. (B: Keii
Gerard de Courtenay - Aug 92)
Arg, a candle Gu, lit Or. (D: Lara Sukhadrev - Feb 07)
Arg, a chev inv betw a rose Az, barbed & seeded proper, & 2
candles Az enflamed Gu. (D: Jonathan Bluerose - Mar 83)
Arg, a chev Sa betw a bat & 2 lit candles in salt Gu. (D: Blaise
Makkynnay - Dec 02)
Arg, a frog salient & on a chf Vt a candle Arg enflamed at both
ends Or. (D: Prisilka od Cerveny Kamen the Sensible May 86)
Arg, a rushlight bendwise proper, the dexter chf tip enflamed Or,
supported by a 3-legged iron stand Sa. (D: Richard Fenwick Dec 82)
Az, a bend Or betw a star of David & a lit candle Arg, a bord Or.
(D: Mephiboseth ben Yosef - Jul 04)
Az, a bend sin ermine betw a candle & candlestick flammant & a
Latin cross Arg. (D: Alexandria Cecil of Fairbrook May 94)
Az, a candle & candlestick Arg enflamed proper, betw a dexter
point ploye, a sin point ploy, & a base Arg. (D: Symond
Bayard le Gris - Sep 83)
Az, a candle Arg lit proper, on a chf Arg 2 hurts. (D: Cornelius von
Becke - Sep 92)
Az, a candle enflamed within an annulet Or. (B: Cariadoc of the
Bow - Aug 89)
Az, a candle enflamed within an arch stooped Arg. (B: Society for
Creative Anachronism - Mar 86) (JB)(For Arts and Sciences)
Az, a candle palewise Arg, enflamed at both ends Or. (D: Rurik the
Axe-finder - May 88)
Az, a chev rompu inv in chf 3 candles in candleholders Arg. (D:
Brendan Brisbone - Apr 92)
Az, a lit candle betw 4 roses in cross, a bord Arg. (D: Michelle
Blancherose - Feb 97)
Az, a lit candle in a candlestick betw flaunches Or. (D: Oscar
Einhard - Oct 94)
Az, a lute & on a chf Arg 2 candles palewise Vt. (D: Keii Gerard
de Courtenay - Oct 91)
Az, a pall inv Arg betw 3 lit candles Or. (D: Robard Matray Sep 95)
Az, a pallet dancetty couped betw 2 candles enflamed Arg. (B:
Belinda of Emeric - Oct 82) (For House Runa-Systr)
Az goutty deau, a candle fesswise Arg lit at both ends proper atop a
candlestick, within a laurel wreath Or. (D: Rencester Dec 92)
Az, mulletty, a legless owl & in chf a candle fesswise Arg,
enflamed at both ends proper. (D: Merric of Stormgate Apr 83)
Az, on a pale bretess Or betw 2 candles Arg, enflamed, a recorder
proper. (D: Eileen Rahel do Pico - Apr 83)
Az semy of candles Arg flammant Or, on a bend sin Arg 3 Latin
crosses crosslet palewise Vt. (D: Margaret Fitzwilliam of
Kent - Oct 98)
Az, 3 candles Arg enflamed proper & on a chf Arg 4 annulets Az.
(D: Guenddoleu ferch Cadwalladr - Sep 91)
Az, 2 candles in salt Arg, enflamed proper, within a bord embat Or.
(B: Eileen Rahel do Pico - Nov 84)
406 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Candle (continued)

Ermine, 3 candles Az enflamed proper. (D: Jacob of Harden Dec 90)

Gu, a bend sin Or betw a candle Arg, flammant Or, & an open book
Arg. (D: Saskia van Voorhees - Aug 78?)
Gu, a candle Arg enflamed in a candlestick Or within an orle Arg.
(D: Marguerite le Reed - Jul 05)
Gu, a candle in a flat candlestick, a tied pouch, & a covered 2wheeled cart, all Or. (D: Susan of the Red Tresses - Jul 85)
Gu, a chev betw 2 pairs of candles in salt Arg, enflamed Or, & a
squirrel sejant erect Arg, maintaining in both forepaws an
acorn Or. (D: Merevyn Hanley of Myrkfaelinn - Dec 83)
Gu, a lit candle betw in chf 2 delfs Or. (D: Peyre de Barat Oct 93)
Gu, on a bend sin betw 2 candles enflamed Or, 3 mullets of six
points Gu. (D: Anastasia Ivanovna - Jul 88)
Gu, on a fess betw 3 candles Arg flammant proper the Hebrew word
"chai" Az. (D: Miriam bat Shimeon - Jun 96)
Or, a candle Gu betw 2 flaunches embat Sa. (D: Padruig
Dubhchlogad - Aug 91)
Or, a cross Sa betw in bend 2 candles enflamed & in bend sin 2
keys wards to chf Gu all within a bord Sa. (D: Cristoforo
Montagna - Nov 03)
Per bend Az & Purp, a bend dancetty Or betw a lit candle in a flat
candleholder & a basket Arg. (D: Tiernan Dugrais - Jul 02)
Per bend sin Or & Gu, a scythe bendwise sin & a candle ensconced
ctrch. (D: Bruce ODuinn of Leix - Jan 92)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, 2 candles Arg enflamed proper ensconced
Or. (D: Ailyth Cambel of Rannoch Moor - Apr 95)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, a bend sin betw 2 candles Arg. (D: Lodhver
Ledhrftr - Sep 95)
Per bend wavy Gu & Sa, 3 candles in fess flammant Arg. (D:
Angelika Kunstler - Feb 94)
Per chev Arg & Az, 3 primroses, one & 2, Az, & a candle Arg,
enflamed & resting in a holder Or. (D: Roxanne of Anglesey May 83)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 lit candles mounted in flat candlesticks & an
open book ctrch. (D: Mustapha al-Muhaddith ibn al-Saqaat Dec 06)
Per chev inv Arg & Vt, a brown bears head erased proper & 2
candles enflamed & ensconced Arg. (D: Nathaniel Urswick Apr 05)
Per chev inv Sa & Arg, a pair of eyeglasses Or lensed Arg & a lit
candle Gu. (D: Genevieve de Eye - Sep 07)
Per chev Sa & Arg, a broken chain in chev & a candle sconced &
enflamed ctrch. (D: Rowan Darklighter of Casidon - Mar 82)
Per chev Sa, mullety of 4 points Arg, & Az, a chev & in base a
candle in a flat candlestick flammant Or. (D: Lettice Chandler
- Feb 94)
Per chev throughout Purp & Arg, 2 lit candles & a sun in its
splendor ctrch. (D: Marianna da Fiorenza - Feb 02)
Per chev Vt & Az, a chev raguly on the upper edge Arg betw 2
dolphins haurient Or & a candle fesswise Arg lit at both ends
atop a candlestick Or. (D: Iollann mac a Phearsoin - Dec 01)
Per fess Az & Vt, a seal naiant to sin within an orle of candles Arg,
enflamed proper. (D: Sharon of the Roses - Aug 90)
Per fess embat Gu & erminois, in base a candle Arg, in a flat
candlestick Sa, enflamed proper. (D: Louise of Woodsholme Jun 73?)
Per fess Gu & Sa, a mullet of six points Arg & 2 lit candles
ensconced Or. (D: Hadassah bat Josef - Apr 91)
Per fess Sa & Arg, 3 candles one & 2 Arg flammant proper & 3
needles conjoined in pile Sa. (D: Gillian de la Luz - Nov 95)
Per fess Vt & Gu, in chf 3 candles in fess flammant & in base a gate
Or. (D: Elena ate Weyhacche - Jan 94)
Per pale Az & Or, a candle Arg, sconced Sa, enflamed proper,
fimbriated ctrch. (D: Lorelei of Lockehaven - Jul 74?)
Per pale Az & Vt, a windmill betw 3 candles Arg lit proper. (D:
Caitriona Jenne - Mar 93)
Per pale Gu & Vt all semy of lit candles Or. (D: Bran the Dark Mar 04)
Per pale indented Az & Or, in dexter a candle Arg, enflamed
proper, in sin 2 Big Brown bats disp in pale proper. (D:
Katrina de La Rochelle - Aug 83)
Per salt Arg & Gu, a candle & candlestick flammant issuant from
base Gu betw 2 spearheads Arg. (D: Joakim Konevitsalainen Jul 96)

[Candle] to [Canoe]

Candle (continued)

Per salt Az & Arg in pale a decrescent & a lit candle in a flat
candlestick Arg. (D: Ariadne of Xanthus - Feb 91)
Per salt Az & Or, a candle Arg, flamed proper, betw in cross 4
escallops inv ctrch. (D: Joanna of the Singing Threads Jun 82)
Per salt dovetailed Vt & Arg, 3 frogs sejant affronty & a candle in a
flat candlestick ctrch. (D: Dionysus of Grantham - Apr 99)
Per salt Purp & Arg, 2 needles Arg & 2 lit candles Purp. (D: Olivia
Dougall - Aug 06)
Purp, a candle flammant Or. (B: Akitsuki Yoshimitsu - Apr 97)
Purp, a salt ermine betw 4 candles Arg, lit at both ends proper. (D:
Cassia Lavender de Morten - Jul 94)
Purp, a 3-armed candlestick Or, with candles Arg flammant proper
& a chf paly Arg & Sa. (D: Avelina de Athia - Sep 96)
Purp estencely, a candle flammant Arg. (D: Etienne de Saint
Amaranth - Oct 05)
Purp, issuant from base a dexter gauntlet & forearm Or, maintaining
a candle fesswise Arg, enflamed Or. (D: Maynard of Dark
River - Feb 88)
Quarterly Arg & Or, an eagles claw conjoined to a sin wing Gu
sustaining a candle Sa enflamed Gu. (B: Avacal - Aug 05)
(For the Champion of Arts and Sciences)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a candle ctrch, enflamed Or, overall a key
fesswise within a bord Sa. (B: Allaine de Beaumont of
Glastonbury - Mar 94)
Sa, a bend dovetailed betw a candle & candlestick Arg, enflamed
Or, & 2 hearts voided interlaced Or. (D: Dasiya Alexandrovna
Rostova - Jan 87)
Sa, a bend sin Vt fimbriated betw a tree eradicated & a lit candle
ensconced Arg. (D: Ciar of Connemara - Oct 92)
Sa, a candle enflamed & environed of a laurel wreath proper. (D:
Myrkfaelinn - Dec 75?)
Sa, a lit candle & on a chf Arg 3 Latin crosses Sa. (D: Colin
Mackay - Nov 97)
Sa, a quill pen & an arrow, crossed at their points Or, in chf a
candle Arg, enflamed Or. (B: Chidiock the Younger - Oct 91)
Sa, 3 candles in fess Arg, enflamed proper, within a laurel wreath
Or. (D: San Ambrogio - Jan 88)
Sa, 3 lit candles mounted in candlesticks Arg within a bord embat
Or. (D: Jane Atwell - Feb 07)
Tierced per pale Az, Gu, & Vt, 3 lighted candles proper aureoled in
flat candlesticks Or, 2 & one. (D: Paul McDaniel - Jan 74?)
Vt, a candle & candlestick flamant Or. (D: Gilraen of Regen Jan 74?)
Vt, a candle Arg lit proper, on a chf Arg an ivy vine Vt. (D:
Luciana of the Ivy - Sep 92)
Vt, a salamander Arg enflamed proper holding in its mouth a candle
Arg lit proper. (D: Gwendolyn Dunham - Apr 94)
Vt, in pale 3 candles fesswise Arg enflamed at both ends Or. (D:
Katherine OMally - Jul 97)
Vt, 3 candles conjoined at the bases in pall inv Or, enflamed proper,
betw 3 crosses of ermine spots Arg. (B: Timothy Garraghan o
Leitrim - Aug 84) (For Pearhaven)
* * * End * * *


(Fieldless) A candle fesswise Arg, lit at both ends proper, atop a

flat candlestick Or. (B: Rencester - Dec 92)
(Tinctureless) A cross of Samildanach. (B: Allyn Samildanach Aug 79) (A cross of Samildanach is four Menorahs in cross.)
Arg, a bend lozengy Vt betw a candlestick enflamed in holder & a
mullet of eight points Gu. (D: Aelfraed of Hrofesceaster Jun 84)
Arg, a menorah Sa. (D: Edwin the Unwyse - Jul 06)
Arg, on a bend betw 2 menorahs Az a bottlenosed dolphin naiant
Arg. (D: Gideon ha-Khazar - Mar 07)
Az, a bend sin ermine betw a candle & candlestick flammant & a
Latin cross Arg. (D: Alexandria Cecil of Fairbrook May 94)
Az, a candle & candlestick Arg enflamed proper, betw a dexter
point ploye, a sin point ploy, & a base Arg. (D: Symond
Bayard le Gris - Sep 83)
Az, a lit candle in a candlestick betw flaunches Or. (D: Oscar
Einhard - Oct 94)

Candlestick (continued)

Az goutty deau, a candle fesswise Arg lit at both ends proper atop a
candlestick, within a laurel wreath Or. (D: Rencester Dec 92)
Gu, a candle Arg enflamed in a candlestick Or within an orle Arg.
(D: Marguerite le Reed - Jul 05)
Gu, a candle in a flat candlestick, a tied pouch, & a covered 2wheeled cart, all Or. (D: Susan of the Red Tresses - Jul 85)
Paly bendy Arg & Sa, a nine-armed menorah & a bord Or. (D:
Alicia Boccaccio da Venezia - Aug 02)
Per bend Az & Arg, a covered salt-cellar, the salt shedding on both
sides, & a menorah ctrch. (D: Mordecai Salzer - Aug 91)
Per bend embat, Or & Az, a heart Gu & in bend 3 candles in flat
candlesticks palewise enflamed Or. (D: Trey of Woodlyn Aug 79)
Per chev Arg & Az, 3 primroses, one & 2, Az, & a candle Arg,
enflamed & resting in a holder Or. (D: Roxanne of Anglesey May 83)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 lit candles mounted in flat candlesticks & an
open book ctrch. (D: Mustapha al-Muhaddith ibn al-Saqaat Dec 06)
Per chev inv Arg & Purp, a candle in a candleholder ctrch, enflamed
Gu betw in chf 2 roses Purp slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Brianna
MacPherson - Oct 85)
Per chev Sa & Arg, a broken chain in chev & a candle sconced &
enflamed ctrch. (D: Rowan Darklighter of Casidon - Mar 82)
Per chev Sa, mullety of 4 points Arg, & Az, a chev & in base a
candle in a flat candlestick flammant Or. (D: Lettice Chandler
- Feb 94)
Per chev throughout Arg & Sa, 2 menorahs & a wolf statant ululant,
all ctrch. (D: Batsheva Slonimska - Aug 85)
Per chev Vt & Az, a chev raguly on the upper edge Arg betw 2
dolphins haurient Or & a candle fesswise Arg lit at both ends
atop a candlestick Or. (D: Iollann mac a Phearsoin - Dec 01)
Per fess Arg & Az, in chf a lion couchant queue-fourch
maintaining a sword palewise Az, & in base a menorah Arg.
(D: Gideon ben Levi - Apr 86)
Per fess embat Gu & erminois, in base a candle Arg, in a flat
candlestick Sa, enflamed proper. (D: Louise of Woodsholme Jun 73?)
Per fess Or, masoned Sa, & Arg, in pale a lion passant guardant Vt
& a menorah Sa, enflamed Gu. (D: Douglas of Sarkel Nov 89)
Per fess wavy Arg & Sa, 2 feathers in chev inv, crossed at their tips,
Az & a candlestick Arg, the candle enflamed Or. (D: Revekka
Alexandrovna Dobriye Ruki - Mar 88)
Per pale Arg & Az, a five-branched candlestick ctrch. (D: Aislinn
Gwyneth of Cadbury - Jan 89)
Per pale Purp & Vt, a nine-armed menorah Or, the central holder
enflamed Arg. (D: Alienor Kramer van den Haag - Nov 00)
Per salt Arg & Gu, a candle & candlestick flammant issuant from
base Gu betw 2 spearheads Arg. (D: Joakim Konevitsalainen Jul 96)
Per salt Az & Arg in pale a decrescent & a lit candle in a flat
candlestick Arg. (D: Ariadne of Xanthus - Feb 91)
Per salt dovetailed Vt & Arg, 3 frogs sejant affronty & a candle in a
flat candlestick ctrch. (D: Dionysus of Grantham - Apr 99)
Purp, a 3-armed candlestick Or, with candles Arg flammant proper
& a chf paly Arg & Sa. (D: Avelina de Athia - Sep 96)
Sa, a bend dovetailed betw a candle & candlestick Arg, enflamed
Or, & 2 hearts voided interlaced Or. (D: Dasiya Alexandrovna
Rostova - Jan 87)
Sa, a 3-armed candelabra lit Or. (D: Uilliam of Bronzehelm Nov 02)
Sa, 3 lit candles mounted in candlesticks Arg within a bord embat
Or. (D: Jane Atwell - Feb 07)
Tierced per pale Az, Gu, & Vt, 3 lighted candles proper aureoled in
flat candlesticks Or, 2 & one. (D: Paul McDaniel - Jan 74?)
Vt, a candle & candlestick flamant Or. (D: Gilraen of Regen Jan 74?)
* * * End * * *
Canine: see Beast - Dog
Cannon: see Gun
Canoe: see Ship

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 407



(Fieldless) On a canton Arg, a pale Gu surmounted by a dragon

passant Vt. (Augmentation of Arms: Torbin of Amberhall Apr 83)
(Fieldless) On a canton Az, a sun in his glory issuant from base or,
within a bord Arg. (Augmentation of Arms: Atenveldt,
Kingdom of - Aug 79)
(Fieldless) On a canton Az issuant from base a demi-sun Or within
a bord Arg. (Augmentation of Arms: Meri En Heh - Oct 79)
(to be placed upon a household badge)
(Fieldless) On a canton Gu, a pile Arg charged with a mullet
pierced Gu. (Augmentation of Arms: Stefan de Lorraine Aug 79) (For the Order of the Silver Molet)
(Fieldless) On a canton Or, in pale a crown of 3 points & a mullet
of five greater & five lesser points Sa. (Augmentation of Arms:
Sigmund the Wingfooted - Nov 88)
Arg, a grenade Sa enflamed proper a canton Vt. (D: Eamon
MacAindriu - Nov 97)
Arg, a quarter Gu. (D: Thomas of Red Square - Jan 73?)
Arg, a tyger dormant Az within a laurel wreath proper, on a canton
Az, 2 towers in bend sin Arg. (D: Towers, the - Aug 79?)
Arg, 4 bars Az, overall on a canton Arg a sun in splendor Or. (B:
Uruguay - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Az, a candle & candlestick Arg enflamed proper, betw a dexter
point ploye, a sin point ploy, & a base Arg. (D: Symond
Bayard le Gris - Sep 83)
Az, a fleur-de-lis & in chf 3 mullets, one & 2, all betw 3 points
pointed bottony Or. (D: Jean Len des Brumes - Jun 81)
Az, a representation of the Southern Cross Arg & a canton of the
Union Jack & in dexter base a mullet of seven points Arg. (B:
Australia - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)
Az, a wolf ramp contourny Arg maintaining in his sin paw an axe
bendwise Arg hafted Or, a base Arg & in chf a ducal coronet
Or, for augmentation, on a canton Purp a cross of Calatrava &
a bord Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Chrystofer Kensor Mar 08)
Az, an escutcheon of Fiji (Arg, a cross Gu betw (1) 3 stalks of
sugar cane palewise in fess proper, (2) a coconut palm proper,
(3) a dove rising wings elevated & addorsed Arg maintaining
in its beak an olive branch Vt, & (4) in bend sin a bunch of
bananas per bend Or & Vt stemmed proper & on a chf Gu a
lion passant gardant maintaining a cocoa pod(?) Or) & a
quarter of the Union Jack (Az, a salt gyronny Arg & Gu
fimbriated Arg surmounted by a cross Gu fimbriated Arg). (B:
Fiji - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Az, in cross 4 mullets Gu fimbriated Arg & a canton of the Union
Jack. (B: New Zealand - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)
Az, on a fess betw 2 catfish counternaiant Or a laurel wreath Vt, as
an augmentation on a canton Arg a pale Gu overall a dragon
passant Vt. (Augmentation of Arms: Jararvellir - Feb 95)
Az, 3 Celtic crosses one & 2 & on a point pointed Arg a dragon
passant contourny Az, & as an augmentation on a canton Vt, in
pale a portcullis Or & a crescent Arg within a bord embat Or.
(Augmentation of Arms: James Eldon of York - Oct 07)
Az, 3 sea-lions (monsters) sejant reguardant Or, on a sin canton Sa
fimbriated Or, an increscent Arg. (D: Barnabas of Avonel Apr 76?)
Az, 2 bendlets enhanced & in base a mullet voided Or, for
augmentation on a canton Gu 3 trilliums Arg seeded Vt within
a bord Arg. (Augmentation of Arms: Edmund de la Haye Mar 07)
Barry of eight Arg, Gu & Az, in canton the Union Jack. (B:
Hawaii, Kingdom and Republic of - May 99) (Important nonSCA flag)
Barry of fourteen Gu & Arg, on a quarter Az betw the horns of a
decrescent a mullet of fourteen points Or. (B: Malaysia Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Barry of nine Az & Arg, on a canton Az a cross Arg. (B: Greece Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)
Barry of thirteen Gu & Arg, a canton Az mullety Arg. (B: America,
United States of - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)
Bendy sin Or & Gu, a canton Sa. (D: Alan Fairfax - Jul 99)
Bendy sin Or & Gu, a canton Sa, for augmentation the canton
charged with an annulet Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Alan
Fairfax - Jul 99)

408 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Canton (continued)

Bleu celeste, to sin 4 mullets & five mullets inv arranged as a map
of Tuvalu Or, a quarter of the Union Jack (Az, a salt gyronny
Arg & Gu fimbriated Arg surmounted by a cross Gu fimbriated
Arg). (B: Tuvalu - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Checky Or & Gu, a quarter Sa. (D: Sunn Hrafnsdttir - Jan 00)
Checky Sa & Or, a seawolf erect Arg, as an augmentation on a
canton Gu a trillium flower Arg. (Augmentation of Arms:
Brand the Black - Sep 00)
Gu, a standing balance & a canton Or. (D: Ahelissa of Greyvale Mar 00)
Gu, a tower Or within a laurel wreath, in chf 3 mullets Arg, all
within a bord embat Or, as an augmentation on a canton Az, 4
crescents conjoined in salt horns outward Arg. (Augmentation
of Arms: Southron Gaard - Feb 07)
Gu, five bars Arg & on a canton Az a mullet Arg. (B: Liberia Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Gu, on a canton Arg a cross couped Gu. (B: Tonga - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Gu, on a canton Az a cogwheel surmounted by 2 ears of rice betw
fourteen mullets in annulo Arg. (B: Myanmar (Burma) Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Gu, on a quarter Az a sun Arg. (B: Taiwan - Sep 95) (Important
non-SCA flag)
Gu, on a quarter Az five mullets forming the constellation of the
Southern cross Arg. (B: Western Samoa - Sep 95) (Important
non-SCA flag)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a sea griffin erect, wings elevated & addorsed
Or within a bord ctrch. As an augmentation, a canton Gu
charged with a sun in his splendor Or. (Augmentation of Arms:
Alwyn Stewart - Jan 91)
Murrey, a canton per fess Sa & Arg. (B: Georgia - Dec 94)
(?)(Important non-SCA flag)
Or, a cross voided Sa surmounted by a rose Gu, barbed & seeded
proper, betw 2 goblets in bend sin Gu, augmented with a
canton of Or, a key fesswise Gu within a bord embat Vt.
(Augmentation of Arms: Giovanni di Sienna - Jul 88)
Or, a foxs head contourny erased ducally crowned within a bord
embat Gu & for augmentation on a canton Az, a sun in his
glory issuant from base Or, within a bord Arg. (Augmentation
of Arms: Katerina OCallaghan - Nov 06)
Or, a lion couchant Vt, armed & langued Purp, on a base nebuly Vt
3 fleurs-de-lys Or. As an augmentation, a canton Gu charged
with a sun in his splendor Or. (Augmentation of Arms:
Constance dOrleans - Jan 91)
Or, a mountain of 3 peaks issuant from base Vt, snowcapped &
charged with a horse courant to sin Arg; for augmentation a
canton of the arms of the Order of the Silver Molet fimbriated
Gu. (Augmentation of Arms: Robert of Dunharrow - Jan 85)
Or, a mountain of 3 peaks issuant from base Vt, snowcapped &
charged with a horse courant to sin Arg; for augmentation a sin
canton of the arms of the Exchequer of the West.
(Augmentation of Arms: Robert of Dunharrow - Jan 85)
Or, a wolf statant, head raised, upon a sin base quarter Sa, in canton
a torteau. (D: Aaron of Wolfs Krag - Jan 80)
Or semy of strawberry plants, slipped, leaved, & fructed proper, a
unicornate horse couchant reguardant Vt & for augmentation,
on a sin canton Az 4 crescents conjoined in salt horns outward
Arg. (Augmentation of Arms: Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani May 07)
Per bend sin bevilled fesswise Or & Gu, a sun ctrch within a bord
Sa, as an augmentation on a sin canton Sa in pale a pearled
coronet & a scorpion Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Kragon of
Lands End - Oct 01)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, a scarpe & on a canton sin Arg in bend sin a
bow & arrow, each bendwise, Vt. (D: Owen of the Dales Jan 80)
Per chev Vt & Or, in base a satyr dancing & piping proper & as an
augmentation on a canton Az a sun in glory within a bord Or.
(Augmentation of Arms: Marta as-tu Mika-Mysliwy - Jan 03)
Per fess Arg & Gu, on a canton Az a mullet Arg. (B: Chile Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Az & Vt, in base a tower Arg couped at the line of division,
on a canton Vt, a crown Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Headless
House - Sep 73)
Per fess Az & Vt, on a fess Arg 3 hunting horns Sa a canton Or. (D:
Rolland of Hunters Home - Sep 01)

[Canton] to [Cartouche]

Canton (continued)

Per fess Or & Az, a sin canton Az. (D: Helena dvreux - Aug 96)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a lion passant ctrch, armed, langued & orbed Gu
& as an augmentation on a canton Az a whelk within a bord
Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Denis of the Titans - May 04)
Per salt Or & Az, a hurst of oak trees proper, to sin a pearled
coronet Or, as an augmentation on a canton Sa a decrescent
Arg, a base indented of 3 points Arg. (Augmentation of Arms:
Heinrich Kreiner - Dec 00)
Sa, a flame & a base Arg, as an augmentation on a canton Or, a
mullet of five greater & five lesser points within an orle Sa.
(Augmentation of Arms: Modius von Mergentheim - Aug 07)
Sa, a pall inv in base 2 stalks of wheat crossed in salt & a canton Or.
(D: Arthur de Pennebrygg - Oct 01)
Sa, on a bend sin Arg a peregrine falcon descending, talons
extended & wings addorsed Az, on a canton Arg a pile Gu
charged with an antique crown voided Or. (Augmentation of
Arms: Kevin Peregrynne - Jul 82)
Sa, within a laurel wreath 2 dolphins haurient respectant Or, on a
chf wavy Arg 3 trident heads Gu, as an augmentation, on the
chf a canton throughout in base Az charged with a triskele Arg.
(Augmentation of Arms: Darkwater - May 94)
Vt, a bend Az fimbriated Or betw a tower Arg & a castle Or, & for
augmentation, on a canton Purp a cross of Calatrava within a
bord Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Valens of Flatrock May 93)
Vt, a camelopard statant contourny Or spotted Sa, a bord Or & for
augmentation, on a canton overall Az a sun in his glory issuant
from base Or within a bord Arg. (Augmentation of Arms:
Deborah Inis Glas - Jun 07)
Vt, 2 bars Or, overall on a canton Gu a mullet Arg. (B: Togo Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
* * * End * * *
Cap: see Clothing - Headgear
Cape: see Clothing - Gown
Carabao: see Beast - Bull
Caravel: see Ship

Card pique

(Fieldless) A card pique Gu. (B: Raphael ben Gideon - Jul 07)
(For Inn of the Crimson Spade)
(Fieldless) A card pique Or. (B: Leia di Capraia - Feb 95)
(Fieldless) A card pique Sa. (B: Iain MacDhugal Cameron of Ben
Liath - Mar 96)
(Fieldless) A card-pique Arg. (B: Erc FitzMungo - Sep 92)
(Fieldless) On a card pique Arg winged, a Maltese cross Sa. (B:
Jacob Maximilian of the Black Forest - Jan 99)
(Fieldless) On a card pique Gu, in cross 4 bezants. (B: Tamara
Tysyachyvlos - Dec 07)
(Fieldless) On a card pique Sa a trefoil Or. (B: Ruaidhri
MacMurrough - Jul 03)
Arg, a card pique within a chaplet of thorns Sa. (D: Zacharius
Ferntykylle - Oct 93)
Arg, a griffin segreant Gu, maintaining a halberd Sa, betw 3 card
piques Gu. (D: Richard Hatch of Devon - Jun 87)
Arg, on a card pique Sa a lion couchant queue-fourch, maintaining
a sword Arg. (D: Raphael ben Gideon - Feb 08)
Arg semy of card-piques Sa, a thistle proper within an orle Sa. (D:
Briana Galbraith MacCrimmon - Jul 93)
Arg semy of card-piques Sa, on a pale endorsed Gu a jesters bauble
Arg. (B: Geoffrey de Cardeville - Feb 07)
Arg, 2 arrows in salt inv Gu betw 4 card piques Sa. (D: Ilaria
Allegri Carreto - Jan 98)
Gu, a card pique Or betw in cross 4 bezants. (D: Tamara
Tysyachyvlos - Dec 07)
Gu, a chev & in base a card pique Arg. (D: Owen Seys - Nov 01)
Gu, in fess a card pique & a crescent Arg. (B: Owen Seys Mar 05) (JB: Alina Kathryn nic Duncan)
Gu, on a bend sin betw a trefoil & a card-pique Arg 2 hearts
palewise alternating with 2 lozenges palewise Gu. (D: Marie
Thrse Normand - Feb 04)
Or, a chev Sa cotised betw 2 trefoils Vt & a card pique Sa. (D:
Ruaidhri MacMurrough - Jul 03)
Or, a chev voided Gu betw 2 card-piques & a crux ansata, all Sa.
(D: Hugh ap Llewelyn - Feb 71?) (Deceased)

Card pique (continued)

Or, a salt raguly Gu in base a card pique Sa. (D: Erasmus Graber Oct 01)
Pean, on a passion nail inv Or, a card pique Gu, all within a bord
erminois. (D: Pierre Franois le Chansonnier - Aug 89)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a bend sin counter-ermine betw a scorpion
statant & a card-pique ctrch. (D: Ivan Ivanov syn Dmitriev Aug 98)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a thistle & a card-pique ctrch. (B: Briana
Galbraith MacCrimmon - Nov 95)
Per chev Az & Arg, 3 card-piques Arg & a horses head contourny
Sa. (D: Deirdre Fallon - Oct 99)
Per chev Gu & checky Sa & Arg, a compass star & in chf 2 cardpiques Or. (B: Augustine von Freiburg - Feb 06)
Per chev Gu & checky Sa & Arg, a cross formy fitchy & in chf 2
card-piques Or. (D: Augustine von Freiburg - Feb 06)
Per pale Arg & checky Az & Arg, to dexter a card pique Az. (D:
Thrbjrn Assa - Jan 92)
Per pale Sa & Arg a card pique within a bord embat ctrch. (B: Erc
FitzMungo - Sep 97)
Quarterly Gu & checky Arg & Sa, a card pique Or. (D: Jacob
Maximilian of the Black Forest - Aug 95)
Sa, a card pique Arg. (D: Erc FitzMungo - Jul 96)
Sa, on a chev Or a card pique Sa, a lozenge Gu, a trefoil Sa, & a
heart Gu, & in chf an owl disp Arg. (D: Ruaidhri OFlionn Aug 82)
Sa, on a pale betw 2 card piques Arg a winged catamount sejant
erect guardant wings elevated & addorsed Vt. (D: Sciath
ingen Eachduinn - Dec 99)
* * * End * * *
Carnation: see Flower - Multipetaled
Carpentry tool: see Tool - Carpentry
Carrack: see Ship
Carriage: see Wagon
Carrot: see Fruit - Other
Cart: see Wagon


(Fieldless) An aspen tree proper issuant from an egg fesswise

fracted Or. (B: Caerthe - Oct 04)
(Tinctureless) 2 cartouches conjoined in fess, the dexter
surmounting the sin at the edge, on the dexter cartouche 2
trumpets in salt, bells in chf, on the sin cartouche a tritons
trumpet shell palewise, in chf the word "ATLANTIA" & in
base the letters "COH." (Seal: Heralds Seals: Atlantia
College of Heralds - Mar 81)
(Fieldless) 2 cartouches voided & interlaced in cross Arg. (B:
Dante Madraso de Castilla - Jul 04)
Arg, a hammer Az within a cartouche, engrailed & voided, Gu, all
within a bord Az. (D: Subedai of the Oasis - Mar 90)
Arg estencely Sa, a cartouche Gu. (D: Axel Bohm - Sep 04)
Arg, in pale a flame of nine points to chf Gu & a cartouche fesswise
Az. (D: Damon of the Lake that Flames - Jan 83)
Arg masoned, on a demi-cartouche issuant from base Sa an A-frame
plumb line Or. (B: Griffith Jenner - Jul 04)
Arg, on a cartouche Az a horseshoe inv Arg, all within a bord Gu.
(D: Ragna Kolgrimsdottir - May 96)
Arg, on a cartouche Purp a dragonfly Arg. (D: Gwyneth Rhiannon
of the Sea - May 03)
Arg, on an egg Sa, the Lombardic uppercase letter M Arg. (B:
Meridies - Jul 96) (For the Order of the Guiding Hand)
Arg vtu ploy counter-ermine, a dragon sejant contourny Purp
maintaining an egg Sa. (D: Magdalena de Mayfeld - Jan 08)
Az, a wingless demi-hydra dismembered Or, in base an egg inv
Arg. (D: Aric Pfeilschmidt - Apr 93)
Az, 4 swords in cross, points conjoined proper, overall a cartouche
Gu, fimbriated Or. (D: Jaren Bloodstone - May 93)
Az, in salt a cartouche voided & a lion salient contourny queuefourchy, the lion passing through the cartouche, all Or. (D:
Leonus de Rotund - Sep 05)
Az, on a cartouche Or, a tree Vt. (D: Katryn yr Allt - Jun 95)
Az, 2 battle-axes in salt proper, surmounted by a cartouche Or
charged with a roof rat sejant erect proper, all environed of a
Norse 4-legged serpent embowed chasing its own tail Arg. (D:
Ragnarr Two-Axe of the Swamp - Aug 79?)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 409

[Cartouche] to [Castle - Sole primary - Argent]

Cartouche (continued)

Barry engrailed Or & Vt, a cartouche pointed in chf & base ctrch.
(D: Juana Isabella de Montoya y Ramirez - Oct 79)
Ermine, on an egg Gu a fleur-de-lys Or. (D: Magdalena Flores May 04)
Gu, a double cameo bust within 2 wings conjoined Or. (D: Gerold
Bright Angel - Jan 74?) (Deceased)
Gu, in cross 4 cartouches voided & interlaced with a mascle
concave, all Arg. (B: Lorenzo di Nebbia Argentea - May 87)
Gu, on a fess Arg a cartouche fesswise Gu voided Arg. (D:
Michael the Dane - Jan 73?)
Gyronny Or & Gu, a cartouche Arg & overall a dragonfly Sa. (D:
Catalina Caminante - Apr 05)
Or, an egg fesswise Purp & a mountain Vt. (D: Mevanwy verch
Llywelyn - May 07)
Or, in pale a wingless dragon dormant Purp & an egg Az. (B:
Dragonsspine - Apr 99) (For the Order of the Pride of
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a bend sin Az, in dexter chf a spear & a
round-headed mace in salt surmounted by a plant pod, all
surmounted by a Basotho shield brown. (B: Lesotho - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Per chev Arg & Az, a swan disp Gu issuant from a demi-egg in base
Arg. (D: Steveg Stevegsson - Jan 85)
Per fess engrailed enhanced Az & Or, at the honour point an egg
ctrch. (B: Carolingia - Jul 90) (For Carolingian Brewers
Per fess Or & per fess Az & Gu, an achievement of Ecuador (4
flags on flagpoles in salt, each per fess Or & per fess Az & Gu,
overall on a cartouche blue-gray Mount Chimborazo issuant
from fess Arg, in base on a river estuary Az betw banks of land
Vt a one-masted steamship proper, in chf a sun in its splendor
Or, perched atop the cartouche a condor rising, wings disp
proper, dependent from the cartouche a fasces fesswise brown,
bladed Arg). (B: Ecuador - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA
Per fess Sa & Vt, a fess Gu fimbriated, overall 2 spears in salt Arg
surmounted by an oval shield Gu, in pale a plate betw 2 deers
hoofprints Arg all betw flaunches Sa. (B: Kenya - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Per pale Arg & Sa, in chf a cartouche fesswise voided & issuant
from base flames ctrch. (D: Antara of Andar - Mar 83)
Per pale Az & Sa, the capital letter Q & in base a cartouche
fesswise Or. (D: Wesley the Silent - May 05)
Per pale Gu & Vt, 2 chains in salt debruised by a cartouche fesswise
Or. (B: Vkingr Jrnhauss inn Hrlangi - Feb 97)
Purp, on a cartouche fesswise Arg a brown coney couchant proper
all within a bord embat Arg. (D: Katriona OMaloney Jul 02)
Purp, on a cartouche throughout Or a peacock close reguardant
proper. (D: Ana Dimitriev of Plumley - Mar 83)
Sa, a daisy slipped & leaved proper within a cartouche voided Or.
(D: Rhiannon gan Bladau - Jul 74?)
Sa, in pale 3 cartouches fesswise Arg each charged with a spider
passant contourny Gu. (D: Edmund Barbarossa - Aug 05)
Sa, on a cartouche Gu fimbriated Arg, a rose slipped & leaved inv
Sa fimbriated Arg. (D: Ianthe dAveroigne - Dec 94)
Vt, an egg Arg & a chf embat Or. (D: Prudence the Curious Sep 90)
Vt, an elm leaf in bend sin environed of a cartouche voided Arg. (B:
Eva van Oudeachterkol - Oct 86) (For Embla Willsdottir)
* * * End * * *
Cartwheel: see Wheel
Cask: see Barrel

Castle - Sole primary - Argent

See also: Architecture

(Fieldless) A tower Arg goutty de sang. (B: Manfred de Outremer
- Sep 91)
(Fieldless) A tower bendwise Arg. (B: Settmour Swamp - Dec 06)
(For Order of the Ivory Tower)
(Fieldless) A zule Arg. (B: Carlos Juan Ramiro - Dec 99)
(Fieldless) In the doorway of a tower Arg, masoned Sa, a lion
couchant gardant or; above the keystone a cats pawprint Sa.
(B: Eileen OKitspa - Aug 79) (For Kitspa Manor)

410 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Castle - Sole primary - Argent (continued)

(Fieldless) On a castle Arg, a rose Az. (B: Angus Mac Taggart Sep 92)
(Fieldless) On a tower Arg a cross of Jerusalem Vt. (B: Joe of
Rivenstar - Apr 94)
(Fieldless) On a tower Arg, a lion ramp Az. (B: Angharad of the
Sleeping Lion - Feb 92)
(Fieldless) On a tower Arg, an acorn Sa. (B: Aelfric se Droflic Sep 92) (For Seekers Keep)
(Fieldless) On a tower Arg, in pale 3 decrescents Gu. (B: Iohanna
filia Iacobi - Jan 06)
(Fieldless) On a tower Arg in pale 3 escutcheons Sa. (B: Falko von
der Weser - Jan 05) (For Zunft der Schildermaler vom
Weien Thurm)
(Fieldless) On a tower Arg 3 gunstones in pale. (B: Michael the
Unsure - Jan 04)
(Fieldless) On a tower Arg 2 claymores in salt Sa. (B: Seosaidh
MacFaoilchire - Sep 01) (JB: Siobhn nic Chollaic)
Arg, on a pile inv throughout Az a tower Arg. (B: Dreiburgen Sep 82) (For the Order of the Towers of Dreiburgen)
Arg, on a pile inv throughout Az a tower Arg, within a bord embat
Az. (B: Dreiburgen - Sep 82)
Az, a castle & on a chf Arg, 3 frogs sejant Az. (D: Michelle of
Thescorre - May 97)
Az, a castle & on a chf embat Arg 3 roses proper. (D: Isabel of
Rosley - Oct 03)
Az, a castle & on a chf triangular Arg, a weasel statant to sin Az.
(D: Wilhelm der Wieselhter - Jul 91)
Az, a castle issuant from base Arg within a bord Arg mullety of
eight points Vt. (B: Dana FitzRoberts - Feb 04)
Az, a castle triple-towered & on a chf rayonny Arg 3 trees couped
Vt. (D: Alide van Spaarnwoude - Feb 06)
Az, a chess rook betw 2 compass stars in fess Arg. (D: Esteban
Diaz de la Mancha - Apr 98)
Az, a double-towered castle Arg & in chf 3 mullets of eight points
in chev Arg. (B: Elizabeth Winter of White Forest - Dec 88)
(For Hafen Arianniwlog)
Az, a lighthouse Arg enflamed proper within in base a laurel wreath
Or. (D: Inner Sea, the - Feb 98)
Az, a tower & in chf five wood anemones Arg. (B: Walkiala Sep 99)
Az, a tower & on a chf invected Arg, a lion passant guardant Sa.
(D: Fionna n Cheallaigh - Sep 92)
Az, a tower & on a point pointed Arg 3 hurts one & 2. (B: Thorvald
Fridtjofsson - Jan 01)
Az, a tower Arg a bord indented Or. (B: Njall Sigvaldason Jan 98) (For Household of Saint George of Burdell)
Az, a tower Arg & a base Arg ermined Az. (D: Dairine ingen
Dhomnaill - Feb 02)
Az, a tower Arg & a chf checky Sa & Arg. (D: Radulf Thordsson Apr 96)
Az, a tower Arg & in chf 3 crosses bottony within a bord embat Or.
(D: Robert de Rostok - Apr 94)
Az, a tower Arg & overall 2 enfields combatant Or. (D: Ciarmhac
Ceallaigh - Sep 05)
Az, a tower Arg on a chf Or a thistle issuant from the line of
division proper. (D: Marielle Cassandra MacGregor Aug 95)
Az, a tower Arg, surmounted by 3 bars wavy ctrch, all within a bord
Arg. (B: Bards Keep - Feb 86)
Az, a tower Arg surmounted in base by a timber wolf couchant to
sin & in chf atop the tower a round natural rose bush proper.
(B: Esmeralda of Kimaden - Aug 82) (For House Kimaden)
Az, a tower Arg within a bord Or crusilly plain Sa. (B: Cathal
MacLean - Feb 03)
Az, a tower betw in chf 3 mullets one & 2 Arg & issuant from a
trimount Vt. (B: Caer Anterth Mawr - Jan 08)
Az, a tower betw 3 laurel wreaths Arg. (D: Unikankare - Apr 99)
Az, a tower betw 3 mullets one & 2 Arg & issuant from a trimount
Vt charged with a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Caer Anterth Mawr Oct 91)
Az, a tower betw 2 tankards in fess & in chf a bar couped Arg all
within a bord compony Arg & Sa. (D: Julie Cambion Jan 07)
Az, a tower surmounted by 2 rapiers inv in salt Arg. (D: Alberic
von Rostock - May 96)

[Castle - Sole primary - Argent]

Castle - Sole primary - Argent (continued)

Az, a tower within a bord wavy Arg. (B: Adrian Buchanon Jun 85)
Az, a triple-towered castle & on a chf wavy Arg 3 dragonflies Purp.
(D: Jenna Fairhaven - Sep 00)
Az, a triple-towered castle Arg, illumined Purp, betw 3 crescents
Or. (D: Michaela de Neuville - Jan 74?)
Az, a triple-towered castle, the sin tower fracted & lying fesswise to
sin Arg, enflamed in chf proper, issuant from chf & base
flames proper. (D: Karlyn of the Flaming Castle - Jul 85)
Az, in fess a tower betw 2 stags combattant Arg. (D: William
Malcolm - Nov 97)
Az, on a tower Arg a pheon inv Az, within a bord Arg. (B:
Dreiburgen - Jul 83) (For Dreiburgen Archers)
Chequy Or & Gu, a tower Arg atop a mount Vt, in chf 3 gunstones.
(D: Maximillian von Strassburg - Nov 89)
Gu, a castle betw 3 fishes Arg. (D: Willa of Mathom Trove Dec 04)
Gu, a city Arg. (D: Valencia, Kingdom of - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Gu, a tower Arg, in chf 3 fleurs-de-lys, all within a bord Or. (D:
Cassandra de la Tour - Jan 90)
Gu, a tower Arg masoned Sa & on a chf Arg 3 Maltese crosses Gu.
(D: Luis de Castilla - Sep 02)
Gu, a tower, on a bord Arg eight martlets Sa. (D: Caoinlen
Seanchaidh - Nov 97)
Gu, a tower within a bord rayonny Arg. (B: Philomeena of
Morningscourt - Dec 86)
Gu, a tower within a laurel wreath, & on a chf Arg 3 maple leaves
Vt. (D: Castel Rouge - Aug 79?)
Gu, on a tower Arg a mullet of eight points Vt, a bord Arg. (B:
Richard Fergus Fitzalan - Apr 93)
Gu, on a tower Arg a 3-headed dog sejant erect affronty Sa, a chf
Arg. (D: Conrad MacCallum of Killane - Aug 02)
Gu, on a tower Arg a wolfs head cabossed Sa, a bord Arg goutty de
poix. (D: Alden of Wolverton - Sep 92)
Gu, on a tower Arg, an iris Az, slipped & leaved Vt, all within a
bord embat Arg. (D: Thomas Othasson von Burg Schwertlilie
- Oct 85)
Gu, on a tower within an orle of chamomile flowers Arg seeded Or
a heart Gu. (D: Cynthia Love of the Tower - Jun 02)
Gu, perched atop a tower a hooded falcon, within a bord Arg. (B:
Manfried Odo von Falkenmond - Oct 82)
Gu, semy of arrows inv Or, a castle & on a chf rayonny Arg a sword
reversed Gu. (D: Roland the Savage - Mar 86)
Gyronny of sixteen Sa & Or, a tower Arg charged with a laurel
wreath Vt, all within an orle Arg. (D: Endeweard - Jan 87)
Paly Or & Az, in dexter chf a tower Arg. (D: Dugall Ailean macic Lathurna - Feb 90)
Pean, a castle, the dexter tower in ruins, Arg, surmounted by a horse
salient to sin Gu. (D: Chenan du Cheval - Jul 85)
Pean, a tower Arg, issuant from its battlements 2 plumes pendant to
base Arg. (B: Guillaume di San Marino - Mar 89)
Pean, a tower Arg, overall a sprig of mistletoe bendwise sin proper.
(B: Crisiant Angelus - Feb 90)
Per bend Az & Vt, a tower within a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Salt
Keep - May 86)
Per bend Purp & Sa, a winged tower Arg. (D: Renata Rouge Feb 05)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a triple-towered castle betw in pale a mullet Arg
& a sun Or. (D: Elanor of Eccleshall - Sep 84)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a tower within a laurel wreath, all within a
bord embat Arg. (D: Silver Keep - Oct 88)
Per bend sin Purp & Sa, a castle & a bord embat Arg. (D: Terryl
inghean Aodhagin - Aug 06)
Per chev inv Sa & Vt, a tower betw in demi-annulo five estoiles all
within an annulet Arg. (B: Chimene des Cinq Tours - Jul 85)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a 3 towered castle Arg & in chf 4 mullets of 4
points Or. (D: Moira MacGillavrey - Sep 03)
Per chev Sa mulletty Or & Az, a tower Arg & in base a laurel
wreath Or. (D: Cold Keep - Jul 97)
Per chev Sa semy of grenades Or & Gu, in base a castle Arg. (D:
Pier of Marion Glen - May 04)
Per fess & per pale dovetailed Arg & Az, in sin chf a tower Arg. (D:
Stanford of Sheffield - Jan 73)
Per fess Az & Purp, a castle tripled towered Arg, with a portcullis
Gu, betw 3 compass stars Or. (D: Victor Highgate - Jul 96)

Castle - Sole primary - Argent (continued)

Per fess Az & Vt, a castle & in chf a roundel Arg. (B: Karl
Klauezahn - Jan 04)
Per fess Az & Vt, in base a tower Arg couped at the line of division.
(B: Headless House - Sep 73)
Per fess Az & Vt, in base a tower Arg couped at the line of division,
on a canton Vt, a crown Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Headless
House - Sep 73)
Per fess embat Gu, & Arg masoned Sa, in chf a castle triple-towered
Arg. (D: Thomas of Dinbych - May 86)
Per fess Gu & Az, a tower within a mascle Arg. (B: Caer Mear Mar 82)
Per fess Gu & Vt, a tower Arg betw 3 roosters Or. (D: Alfric
Alfricson - Aug 03)
Per fess Sa & Az, a tower betw in fess 4 mullets in chev inv, & in
chf a gull volant to sin Arg. (D: Merlynia of Rivenoak Oct 84)
Per pale Az & Sa, a castle Arg betw in pale an eagle disp & 2
barrulets wavy couped Or. (D: Maelgwn McCain - Aug 94)
Per pale Az & Vt, a windmill betw 3 candles Arg lit proper. (D:
Caitriona Jenne - Mar 93)
Per pale Gu & Az, a castle Arg betw 3 fleurs-de-lis Or. (D:
Franois Dragonet of Darkstone Castle - Oct 95)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a tower Arg & on a chf Or 2 arrows inv in salt
Gu armed & flighted Sa betw 2 mullets of eight points Vt. (B:
Richard Fergus Fitzalan - Sep 92)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a tower Arg, on a chf Or 3 mullets of eight points
Vt. (D: Richard Fergus Fitzalan - Sep 92)
Per pale Purp & Sa, a castle triple-towered betw 3 arrows Arg. (D:
Rosalinda of Castile - Apr 03)
Per pale Sa & Purp, a castle & in chf a thistle Arg. (D: Sabine of
Loch Rennach - Oct 04)
Per pale Sa & Purp, a tower Arg, in chf 2 compass-stars Or. (D:
Roland ORourke - Aug 98)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a castle & in chf 3 mullets one & 2 Arg. (D:
Stella Seraphina von Leuchtenberg - May 00)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a tower & in chf 2 mullets of 4 points Arg. (D:
Sebastian Cormac MDonaill - Jan 97)
Per salt Az & Vt, a tower within an orle of pawprints Arg. (B:
Sorcha Caervran - Jan 96)
Per salt Purp & Vt, a tower within a bord embat Arg. (D: Der
Thommain Breathnach - May 91)
Per salt Sa & Gu, a tower Arg within a bord Or. (D: Bran
MacNaughton le Hammer - May 02)
Purp, a castle & in base a fleur-de-lis Arg, within a bord Arg semy
of thistles proper. (D: Aelesia Penwen - Aug 95)
Purp, a castle & on a chf wavy Arg 3 terriers statant Sa. (D: Amicia
Sennet de Bruges - May 00)
Purp, a castle within a bord Arg charged with six cattails Purp. (B:
Carolingia - Jul 96)
Purp, a 4-towered castle Arg, in chf 3 hearts, 2 & one, Or. (D:
Annabella of Lochwinnoch - Nov 90)
Purp, a tower & on a chf enarched Arg 2 columbine flowers Purp.
(D: Aelith Tourblanc - Mar 85)
Purp, a tower Arg betw 3 equal-armed Celtic crosses Or. (D:
Kieran Chonnacht - Dec 91)
Purp, a tower, on a chf embat Arg a laurel wreath Purp. (D: Tour
dYvoire, la - May 92)
Purp, a tower within an annulet of thorns Arg. (B: Rosalie of
Rosethorne Castle - May 98)
Purp, a tower within an orle of hearts Arg. (D: Diana of Llanberis Jul 04)
Purp, a triple-towered castle Arg & on a chf embat ermine a lion
dormant guardant Sa. (B: Malcolm Duncan MacEoghainn Nov 02)
Purp, on a tower Arg a dog ramp Purp & in chf a coronet Or. (D:
Gemma Delaroche - Nov 06)
Purp, on a tower Arg a laurel wreath Vt on a chf Arg 3 apples Vt.
(D: Caer Gelynniog - Oct 01)
Quarterly Gu & Az, a triple-towered castle Arg within a bord
quarterly Or & Arg. (D: Heather MacLeod - Jun 92)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a castle & in dexter chf a mullet of 4 points
Arg. (D: Daniel of Stafford Pele - Oct 83)
Quarterly Vt & Or, a tower Arg & a chf counter-ermine. (D:
Eleanor Courtenay - Dec 92)
Quarterly Vt & Sa, a tower Arg within a bord Arg semy-de-lys Sa.
(D: Robert Edouard La Tour - Mar 93)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 411

[Castle - Sole primary - Argent] to [Castle - Sole primary - Gules]

Castle - Sole primary - Argent (continued)

Quarterly Vt & Sa, on a tower Arg a fret Gu. (D: Iain MacQuarrie
- Nov 01)
Sa, a castle, on a chf Arg 3 pheons Sa. (D: Daibhead MacUater Feb 92)
Sa, a castle triply-towered Arg betw in pale 2 martlets volant, wings
elevated & addorsed, Or, all within a bord engrailed Arg. (D:
Ciar nic Radin OSeachnasaigh - Jun 90)
Sa, a chess rook within a bord Arg. (D: William FitzBubba Aug 95)
Sa, a ruined tower betw flaunches Arg each flaunch charged with a
sword Gu. (D: Brocc Mac Taidhg - Oct 95)
Sa, a tower, & on a chf embat Arg, 3 pellets. (D: Emma Tucker Feb 97)
Sa, a tower Arg. (D: Anne of the White Tower - Dec 71?)
Sa, a tower Arg charged with an ivy vine palewise Vt, overall a
white-tailed fawn statant proper. (B: Sarah Beth NicDuairc
ONeill - Feb 81)
Sa, a tower betw in demi-annulo five estoiles, all within an annulet
Arg. (B: Chimene des Cinq Tours - Oct 80)
Sa, flames of fire proper issuant from the top of a tower betw 2
swords in fess, all within a bord Arg. (D: Mairi Morag
MacLeoid of Loch na hIolaire - Nov 86)
Sa, on a tower Arg a heart Gu, in chf 2 rapiers in chev tips crossed
proper. (D: Nigell Westcastle - Feb 07)
Sa, on a tower Arg betw 3 arrows in pall, points to center Or, a
wolfs head erased Sa. (D: Gaius Gracchus of Greymist Nov 90)
Sa, on a tower within an orle Arg a decrescent Gu. (D: Iohanna
filia Iacobi - Jan 06)
Tierced in pall Sa, Gu & Vt, a chess rook Arg. (B: Salaamallah the
Corpulent - Feb 82) (For House Rukh)
Vt, a castle Arg portalled & masoned Sa, on a chf Arg 3 oak leaves
Vt. (D: Hjalmar von Aachen - Jan 87)
Vt, a tower & in chf a roundel betw an increscent & a decrescent
Arg. (D: lfthryth the Amiable - Nov 98)
Vt, a tower & on a bord Arg a tressure Vt. (D: Edmund
Falconmere - Jan 82)
Vt, a tower Arg within a dragon dormant widdershins in annulo Or,
a chf embat Arg. (D: Robert du Chateau du Dragon - Oct 82)
Vt, on a tower betw 3 mullets of 4 points Arg a raven Sa. (D:
Coenred t Rauenesdale - Feb 07)
Vt, semy of oak leaves Arg, on a tower Arg a cross of Jerusalem Vt.
(D: Joe of Rivenstar - Apr 94)
* * * End * * *

Castle - Sole primary - Azure

See also: Architecture

(Fieldless) A chessrook Az. (B: Serena Lascelles - Sep 93)
(Fieldless) A tower Az within & conjoined at base to a decrescent
Arg. (B: Patrick of the Quietwood - Aug 89)
(Fieldless) On a tower Az a dragons head couped contourny Arg.
(B: Kelan McBride of Arainn - Apr 96)
(Fieldless) On a tower Az a fleur-de-lys Or. (B: Marguerite du
Royon - Feb 04) (JB: Brian FitzWilliam of Glastonbury)
(Fieldless) On a tower Az a hawk disp Arg. (B: Muirghein ni
Ghrainne - Jun 96)
Arg, a castle triple-towered Az, portalled, crenellated, & pennanted
Gu, within a bord Az semy of oak leaves Or. (D: Anne Louise
of Bluecastle - Aug 85)
Arg, a tower Az within a laurel wreath Vt & in chf a wolf courant
Sa. (D: Wolfscairn - Aug 83)
Arg, a tower fracted, the upper half bendwise, Az. (D: Felice of
Mayhem House - Aug 07)
Arg, a tower within a laurel wreath & on a chf Az, 3 vols Arg. (D:
Angels Keep - Oct 05)
Arg, a triple-towered castle, on a chf Az an eagle disp Arg. (D:
Caomhghin ap Rhys o Dun na hEan - Nov 87)
Arg, semy of hearts Gu, a tower & a bord Az. (B: Teleri Tawel Feb 94)
Or, a castle triple-towered Az within 3 dragons passant in orle
grasping each others tails Gu. (B: Charles of Dublin Apr 82)
Or, a chess rook & on a chf enarched Az 2 Maltese crosses Or. (D:
Malcolm of Loch Greymist - Dec 93)
Or, a tower & in chf seven arrows, 4 & 3, all Az. (D: Shahriyar
Michael Diogenes Romaioi - Dec 80)
412 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Castle - Sole primary - Azure (continued)

Or, a tower & in chf 3 thistles Az. (D: Mariot de Berwic - May 04)
Or, a tower Az betw flaunches Vt. (D: Gregory Hillson - Jan 04)
Or, a tower Az, in chf 2 roses Gu seeded Or. (D: Felicitas von
Rosenberg - Jul 04)
Per pale Or & Arg, a tower Az & in chf a laurel wreath Vt. (D:
Mountainpass - May 93)
Per pale Or & Arg, a tower Az within a bord Sa. (B: Elizabeth of
Laceby - Jul 86)
Quarterly Or & Arg, a castle Az betw 3 grenades Gu. (D: John de
Canon - Nov 06)
* * * End * * *

Castle - Sole primary - Fur

See also: Architecture

Az, a chess rook ermine surmounted by a quill pen palewise Or. (D:
Astriel of Smael Nest - Jun 81)
Per bend Arg & Az, a conical tower erminois. (D: Margherita di
San Gimignano - Jul 74?)
Vt, a chess rook ermine surmounted by a sword inv Or. (D: Herrel
of Smael Nest - Sep 81)
Vt, a tower pean betw 2 eagles close addorsed Or, on a chf ermine,
a sword fesswise Gu. (D: Malcolm Angus Gunn - Aug 86)
* * * End * * *

Castle - Sole primary - Gules

See also: Architecture

(Fieldless) On a castle Gu a griffin segreant Or. (B: Griffin
Wharvager - Jan 08)
(Fieldless) On a tower Gu a snowflake Arg. (B: Castel Rouge Apr 94) (For LOrdre du Flocon de Neige)
(Fieldless) On a tower Gu in pale 3 mascles interlaced Arg. (B:
Ifor de Leycester - Jun 00)
Arg, a friendly castle Gu, in chf a cats face Sa. (B: Godelind of
Windemere - Sep 83)
Arg, a ruined tower Gu, in chf 2 oak trees proper. (D: John of
Coillitorr - Aug 79)
Arg, a tower Gu & in base a pheon inv Sa. (D: John of Manchester
- Dec 71?)
Arg, a tower Gu betw in annulo five pine trees couped, all within a
bord Vt. (B: Uther Blackthorne - Sep 92)
Arg, a tower Gu within a bord quarterly Sa & Vt. (D: Rudolf der
Schtze - Jan 05)
Arg, a tower Gu within a laurel wreath, on a chf Sa 3 towers Arg.
(D: Forth Castle - Aug 95)
Arg, fretty Az, a tower & in chf 3 tankards Gu. (D: Willem Daniels
- Apr 96)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a tower Gu. (B: Isles, the - Nov 89)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a tower within a laurel wreath Gu. (D: Isles,
the - Aug 79)
Checky Arg & Sa, a tower enflamed & in sin canton a Maltese cross
Gu. (D: Galfrid Montrose - Aug 02)
Ermine, chauss raguly Vt, a tower Gu. (D: Edwin FitzLloyd Sep 83)
Gyronny Purp & Or, a castle within a bord Gu. (D: Baldwin
Einarsson - May 85)
Or, a castle Gu betw 3 eagles Sa. (D: John ye Elder - May 04)
Or, a castle triple-towered Gu within a bord Gu semy of laurel
wreaths Or. (D: Alcazar de Brioga - Nov 05)
Or, a chessrook Gu & a base chequy Sa & Arg. (D: Claude dOute
- Jan 73?)
Or, a tower & on a chf Gu 3 estoiles Or. (D: Miguel Javier de
Murcia - Mar 97)
Or, a tower Gu betw 3 trees & a bord Sa. (D: Wystan of Blackwood
Keep - Mar 95)
Or, a tower Gu betw 2 cats sejant respectant reguardant Sa. (D:
Rhiannon of Pembroke Castle - Sep 99)
Or, a tower Gu, on a chf embat Vt a salt Or. (D: Brian
McNaughton - Jun 86)
Or, a tower within a laurel wreath Gu & a base engrailed Sa scaly
Or. (D: Blackwater Keep - Jul 05)
Or semy of thistles proper, a tower Gu within a bord Sa. (D:
Uilliam MacAmhlaidh - Oct 99)
Paly wavy Arg & Sa, a castle triple-towered Gu. (B: John of
Coventry - May 88) (For Castle of the Lost)
Per chev rayonny Gu & Or, a tower Gu within a laurel wreath Vt, in
chf 2 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Saint Joan - Aug 90)

[Castle - Sole primary - Gules] to [Castle - Sole primary - Or]

Castle - Sole primary - Gules (continued)

Per pale Or & Sa, a tower Gu betw in pile 2 tilting spears, pennons
outwards, ctrch, overall a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Black Lake Dec 86)
Vair, a tower & on a chf dovetailed Gu 3 eagles disp Or. (D:
Arinwald Rotstein - Nov 96)
* * * End * * *

Castle - Sole primary - Multicolor

See also: Architecture

(Fieldless) A chess rook barry wavy Arg & Sa. (B: Giovanni
Fontananera - Oct 93) (For Teulu Ffynnon Ddu)
(Fieldless) A chess rook per fess Sa & Arg. (B: Conna MKennane
- Dec 97)
(Fieldless) A tower bendwise per fess Arg & Sa. (B: Settmour
Swamp - May 89) (For the Order of the Silver Tower)
(Fieldless) A tower bendwise per fess Or & Sa. (B: Settmour
Swamp - May 89) (For the Order of the Bronze Tower)
(Fieldless) A tower bendy sin Or & Vt. (B: Rorius Domhnall
Kithwall - Jun 93)
(Fieldless) A tower per bend sin Or & Vt. (B: Ivan Krasavets Jan 96)
(Fieldless) A tower per pale erminois & Gu. (B: Saint Joan Aug 91)
(Fieldless) A tower per pale Or & Az. (B: Dun Or - Apr 95)
(Fieldless) A tower quarterly Or & Gu. (B: Rokkehealdan Jan 07)
(Fieldless) A tower quarterly Sa & Arg. (B: Kateryn of Falconkeep
- Oct 97)
(Fieldless) A tower within an annulet per pale Gu & Arg. (B:
Artan macAiln - Feb 91)
(Fieldless) On a tower per pale Az & Arg, a dexter gauntlet
clenched ctrch. (B: Gregor von Mnchhausen - Mar 98)
(Fieldless) On a tower per pale Sa & Arg a fleur-de-lys ctrch. (B:
Elisabeth Johanna von Flossenburg - Nov 05)
Checky Arg & Vt, a tower per pale Sa & Az, the battlements
enflamed proper. (D: Curteis FitzOsbern de Abergavenny Sep 93)
Ermine, a lions head jessant of a tower, quarterly Or & Gu. (B:
Felicia of the True Layne - Sep 89)
Or, on a tower per pale Gu & Az, a compass star Or. (B: Torrin the
Wanderer - Feb 89)
Per bend ermine & Vt, a tower ctrch. (D: Amalric de Mannia Jul 05)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a tower conjoined in pale with a tower inv,
its sin battlements broken, ctrch. (D: Bran de Tintreak May 81)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, a tower ctrch within a bord embat Sa. (B:
Kay Delafleur - Aug 87) (For House Wayward)
Per bend sin Vt & Arg, a tower betw 3 cinquefoils ctrch. (D: Erec
von Rosenfels - Mar 07)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a tower ctrch. (D: Gilchrist MacNaughton Nov 02)
Per bend Vt & Or, a tower ctrch. (B: Fettburg - Jan 05) (For the
Per bend Vt & Or, a 2-towered castle ctrch, illumined Gu, betw in
chf a laurel wreath Or & in base a barrulet wavy Az. (D:
Fettburg - Aug 79?)
Per chev Arg & Sa, a tower ctrch betw 2 ravens rising respectant
Az. (D: Cyric Ravenscroft - Jun 91)
Per chev Az & Or, a tower ctrch & in chf 2 trees eradicated Or. (D:
Ansgar Cristernsen - Apr 02)
Per chev engrailed Arg & Az, a tower ctrch within a laurel wreath
Vt. (D: Keep by the Endless Sea - Oct 91)
Per fess Arg & Vt, a tower bendwise ctrch Sa & Arg, in sin chf a
laurel wreath Vt. (D: Settmour Swamp - Feb 81)
Per fess wavy Az & Arg, a tower within a bord semy of crescents,
all ctrch. (D: Hilary Mac Odhrain of Crystal Tower - Nov 88)
Per pale Arg & Az, a tower betw 2 mullets in bend ctrch. (D:
Dunhere Twostar - Jan 76?)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a bat-winged tower ctrch. (D: David FitzJames
le Rouge - Jul 93)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a tower & a bord indented ctrch. (B: Cydllan
Downs - Oct 85)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a triple-towered castle ctrch & a chf embat Sa.
(D: Benedetto da Settignano - Oct 87)

Castle - Sole primary - Multicolor (continued)

Per pale Arg & Sa, a tower & in chf 3 roundels ctrch. (D: Cynthia
Lloyd of Hightower - Apr 92)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a tower betw in chf 2 swords ctrch. (D: Dierk
zem Grauen Wolf - Apr 97)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a tower betw 3 crescents ctrch. (D: Gunter
Wahlstedt - Sep 91)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a tower ctrch within a bord invected Vt. (D:
Margaret Towerhill - Aug 89)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a spired tower betw 2 swords ctrch. (D:
Raghnailt Suird Coluimcille - Aug 02)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a tower, a bord embat ctrch. (D: Roland
dArgentan - Dec 98)
Per pale Az & Arg, a castle issuant from base, betw its towers a
laurel wreath ctrch. (D: Miehonlinna - Jul 01)
Per pale Az & Arg, a tower & in chf 2 hawks heads erased
addorsed ctrch. (D: Wynflaed of Hawksmir - Aug 85)
Per pale Az & Arg a tower betw 3 spearheads, all within a bord
ctrch. (D: Alric the Tall - May 89)
Per pale Az & Arg, on a tower ctrch a Celtic cross Gu. (D: Alaric
Hawkwood - Jun 92)
Per pale Az & Or, a tower ctrch surmounted by 2 axes in salt Gu.
(B: Dun Or - Apr 86)
Per pale Az & Or, a tower within a laurel wreath, a bord ctrch. (D:
Dun Or - Aug 92)
Per pale Az & Or, in fess a tower betw a sword inv & a sword ctrch.
(D: Dabhaidh mac Donnachaidh - Mar 98)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a castle within a bord embat all ctrch. (D:
Gerard Casteleyn - Sep 96)
Per pale Gu & Or, a castle ctrch within a bord paly bendy Sa & Arg.
(D: Siegfried Rupert Stanislaus - Mar 94)
Per pale Gu & Or, a tower ctrch. (B: Gareth Nikodemos Somerset Dec 88)
Per pale indented Arg & Gu, a castle ctrch within a laurel wreath
ctrch Vt & Arg. (D: Cydllan Downs - Jul 82)
Per pale Or & Gu, a castle ctrch & a bord Sa bezanty. (D: Wolfegar
von Rothenburg - Jun 95)
Per pale Or & Purp, a tower within a bord ctrch. (D: Clare de
Estepa - Aug 00)
Per pale Or & Sa, a tower betw 2 fleurs-de-lys ctrch. (B: Wulfstan
Egweald - Mar 01)
Per pale Purp & Arg, a tower within a laurel wreath ctrch. (D:
Galyardes Bastion - Mar 93)
Per pale Purp & Arg, a zule ctrch. (B: Red Spears - Sep 95) (For
Orde van de Zuil)
Per pale Purp & Or, a tower & a bord embat ctrch. (D: Lucian of
Caid - Feb 08)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a tower & an orle of mullets of 4 points ctrch.
(D: Walrick de Blakeney - Dec 96)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a tower & on a chf embat 3 lozenges, all ctrch.
(D: Osgar MagUidhar - Apr 92)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a 2-towered castle charged with a sword on each
tower, in chf 2 swords in salt, all ctrch. (B: Roger le
Brouillard - Mar 08)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a 2-towered castle ctrch. (D: Michel dAvignon
- Aug 89)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a tower betw 3 butterflies ctrch. (D: Klaus
Isenfaust - Feb 02)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a tower ctrch atop a mount Sa. (B: Denis of the
Titans - Sep 99)
Per pale Vt & Arg, on a chess rook a shamrock ctrch. (D: tan
ORowarke - Jan 02)
Per salt Gu & Arg, a tower ctrch betw in fess 2 trees eradicated Gu.
(D: Duncan FitzAzor - Feb 99)
Quarterly Arg & Az, a tower & in chf 2 roundels, all ctrch. (D:
Daibhdh mac Dubhghaill of Glasgow - Sep 07)
Quarterly Arg & Purp, a tower ctrch within a bord engrailed Az. (B:
Alexander Kyppyn Kirkcaldy - Dec 04)
* * * End * * *

Castle - Sole primary - Or

See also: Architecture

(Fieldless) A tower Or, overall 2 arrows inv in salt Gu. (B: Ben
Dunfirth - Jul 04)
(Fieldless) On a tower Or a candle Gu. (B: Padruig Dubhchlogad Aug 98)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 413

[Castle - Sole primary - Or] to [Castle - Sole primary - Sable]

Castle - Sole primary - Or (continued)

(Fieldless) On a tower Or a cross crosslet fitchy Az. (B: Iohanna

filia Iacobi - Jan 06)
(Fieldless) On a tower Or a raven Sa. (B: Shauna of Carrick Point
- Oct 00) (For Sand Castle)
(Fieldless) On a tower Or masoned Sa a thistle proper. (B: Eric
Morrison of Thistlekeep - Nov 93)
Az, a castle & on a chf triangular Or a rose Gu. (D: Serena Rouan Feb 95)
Az, a castle triple-towered issuant from a rock, on a chf Or, 3
decrescents Az. (D: Serena Roese of Stonehaven - Jun 91)
Az, a castle triple-towered, on a chf wavy Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D:
Gabrielle de Carcassonne - Aug 98)
Az, a castle triple-towered Or & on a chf triangular Arg a bow
palewise reversed & an arrow fesswise reversed in cross Sa.
(D: Richard Clitherow - Sep 03)
Az, a castle tripletowered Or, environed of an annulet issuant of
eight arrows Arg. (D: Michael Oldcastle of Ravenspur May 05)
Az, a castle within a laurel wreath Or, a tierce wavy paly wavy Az
& Arg. (D: Marcaster - Nov 06)
Az, a siege tower Or, a chf embat Arg. (D: Carl of Wiltshire Mar 83)
Az, a tower issuant from a base embat Or, in canton a crux stellata
Arg, in base a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Southkeep - Feb 83)
Az, a tower Or & a chf wavy erminois. (D: Conogan mab Rioc Jan 08)
Az, a tower Or within a bord Or, mulletty of 4 points Az. (B:
Sternfeld - Feb 87) (For the Order of the Golden Tower)
Az, a tower Or within an annulet Arg. (B: Michael Oldcastle of
Ravenspur - May 05)
Az, a tower within a laurel wreath & on a chf embat Or 4 mullets
Az. (D: Harrowgate Heath - Jul 06)
Az, a twin-towered, 3-arched bridge & on a chf Or a laurel wreath
Vt. (D: Bridge, the - May 81)
Az estencelly Arg, a tower Or atop a base Arg charged with a laurel
wreath Az. (D: Norcastel - Jan 08)
Az, on a tower betw in fess 2 swords Or, a laurel wreath Vt, all
within a bord Or. (D: Torre de los Brazos - Sep 90)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a tower Or issuant from a mount Vt, in chf a
laurel wreath Or. (D: Turm an dem See - Nov 88)
Barry wavy Arg & Sa, a castle within a laurel wreath Or. (D: Ben
Dunfirth - Jan 91)
Chequy Az & Arg, a chess rook Or within a bord erminois. (D:
Roberto de Jerez - Nov 89)
Ermine, a tower Or. (D: Ivanov von Schloss - Jul 71?)
Gu, a castle atop a mount & on a chf embat Or, 3 laurel wreaths Gu.
(D: Rokkehealdan - Feb 87)
Gu, a castle Or surmounted by a lance Arg, in chf 4 ermine spots
Or. (D: Daimhn Ruaidh - Jan 00)
Gu, a castle triple-towered Or. (D: Castile - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Gu, a tower betw flaunches Or each flaunch charged with a rose
proper. (D: Rosamond de Preston - Sep 02)
Gu, a tower Or, in chf 3 mullets Arg, a bord Or. (B: Southron
Gaard - Jan 99)
Gu, a tower Or within a laurel wreath, in chf 3 mullets Arg, all
within a bord embat Or. (D: Southron Gaard - Feb 07)
Gu, a tower Or within a laurel wreath, in chf 3 mullets Arg, all
within a bord embat Or, as an augmentation on a canton Az, 4
crescents conjoined in salt horns outward Arg. (Augmentation
of Arms: Southron Gaard - Feb 07)
Gu, a triturreted castle, on a chf Or 3 owls heads erased Gu. (D:
Ximena Aubel de Cambria - Sep 73?)
Pean, a tower triple-towered Or, surmounted by a falcon disp, head
to sin, Gu. (D: Orric Blackthorn - Jul 84)
Per bend Az & Gu, a tower Or & in chf 3 bezants. (B: Morgur the
Wise of Acre - Mar 81) (For House Acr)
Per fess barry wavy Arg & Sa & Gu, in base a tower Or. (B:
Eleonora Vittoria Alberti di Calabria - Jun 04)
Per fess embat Az & Vt, a tower Or. (D: Brusten de Bearsul Dec 75?)
Per fess Sa & Vt, a tower betw in fess 2 bears paw prints palewise
Or. (B: Morgan Arthur ap Llewellyn - Mar 88) (For Caer

414 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Castle - Sole primary - Or (continued)

Per pale Arg & Az, a castle Or, in chf 3 fleurs-de-lys ctrch, all
within a bord Sa. (D: Lorenzo Fabbrodino di Firenze Jul 84)
Per pale Az & Arg, a tower Or & on a chf Sa 3 garbs Or. (D:
Christopher MacConing - Jul 04)
Per pale Az & Vt, a chess rook Or. (B: Herrel of Smael Nest May 85) (For House Smael Nest)
Per pale Gu & Az, a chess rook & on a chf Or a badger statant Sa.
(D: Stephen of Greenwood - Feb 95)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a tower Or betw in fess 2 hawthorn blossoms
Arg. (B: Siranna of Hawthorn Hall - Nov 03) (For
Hawthorn Hall)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a triple-towered castle & in chf 3 mullets of six
points Or. (D: Lorcan of River Haven - May 07)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a tower Or, masoned Sa, on a chf Arg a mastiff
courant to sin Sa. (D: Aonghus Logan MacDonald - May 89)
Per salt Az & Sa, a tower within a bord Or. (D: Michael Gillean of
Blackwater Keep - Aug 99)
Purp, a tower within an orle of lions ramp Or. (B: Roland
ODonnell - Dec 92)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, a tower & in chf a martlet Or, a bord ctrch. (D:
Cathal Mac Art - Jul 86)
Sa, a castle & in chf a compass-star, all within a bord embat Or. (B:
Goldwyn of Britain - Feb 82) (For House Aurium)
Sa, a conical roofed tower Or, ajouree in the upper sin part. (D:
Ellen of Neglamer - Jan 73?)
Sa, a tower betw in fess 2 crescents, all within a bord embat Or. (B:
Mikhail of the Khazars - Jul 89) (For House Geborgenheit)
Sa, a tower Or enflamed proper & a chf Or, semy of sparks Gu. (D:
Barrett the Map Maker - Dec 91)
Sa, a triple-towered castle Or issuant from a base invected Arg. (B:
Haos Windchaser - Feb 86)
Vt, a castle triple-towered & on a chf indented Or, 2 hearts Gu. (D:
Keriwyn of Shadows Dance - Oct 84)
Vt, a castle triple-towered within an orle flory counter-flory Or. (D:
Brigitte von Eisenburg - Jan 85)
Vt, a tower betw 3 roundels Or. (D: Godwin Olafson - Mar 98)
Vt, a tower Or & a ford proper. (B: Eleazar ha Levi - Apr 90)
(For Household of the Eastern Shore)
Vt, a tower Or & in chf an Irish harp Arg. (D: Kaitlin Caslean an
Bharraigh - Feb 81)
Vt, goutty deau, a tower triply towered, its base within a laurel
wreath Or. (D: Swampkeep - Mar 94)
Vt, on a tower Or, a heart in chf Vt. (B: Robert Greenheart Nov 90) (For Greenhill Keep)
Vt semy of mice couchant to sin Arg, a tower Or. (D: Maria von
dem Museturm - Jul 99)
* * * End * * *

Castle - Sole primary - Purpure

See also: Architecture

Arg, a tower Purp betw 3 bunches of grapes proper. (D: Pedro de
Alcazar - Dec 97)
Arg, a tower Purp betw 2 apples in fess & an apple in base Vt & on
a chf Purp 3 broadarrows Arg. (D: Clarice of Caer Gelynniog
- Nov 06)
Or, a castle & in chf 3 mullets Purp. (D: Siward Kestle - Nov 96)
Or, a triple towered castle within a bord embat Purp. (B: Dun Ard Sep 04)
Or, a triple-towered castle within a laurel wreath Purp. (D: Dun
Ard - Sep 87)
* * * End * * *

Castle - Sole primary - Sable

See also: Architecture

(Fieldless) A castle Sa charged on the dexter tower with a lions
head erased & on the sin tower with a unicorns head couped
respectant Or. (B: Simon MacLeod - May 04) (JB: Katerine
Radford of Dreywick)
(Fieldless) A castle Sa charged with 3 celtic crosses Or. (B:
Llywelyn Gwehydd Pentrelasleygercaerdydd ap Gwilym Sep 91) (For Caerlonydd)
(Fieldless) A tower bendwise Sa. (B: Settmour Swamp - Dec 06)
(Fieldless) A tower Sa within & conjoined to an annulet Sa mullety
Or. (B: Artemisia - May 03) (For Order of the Defenders of
the Citadel)

[Castle - Sole primary - Sable] to [Castle - Sole primary - Vert]

Castle - Sole primary - Sable (continued)

(Fieldless) A winged tower Sa. (B: Moreach nic Mhaolain Mar 00) (JB: lfgifu verch Morgan)
(Fieldless) Issuant from a tower Sa masoned Or a unicorns head
Arg. (B: Ofelia della Crusca - Jul 96)
(Fieldless) Issuant from the top of a tower Sa masoned Or a brown
bears head proper. (B: Torric inn Bjrn - Jul 96)
(Fieldless) On a tower Sa a feather bendwise sin Or. (B: Harailt
MacDonald - Jan 95)
(Fieldless) On a tower Sa masoned Arg, a pair of shears Or. (B:
Tristn Isidro de Alcaar - Feb 07)
(Fieldless) On a tower Sa masoned Or a lions head cabossed Arg.
(B: Thomas of Calais - Jul 00)
(Fieldless) On a tower Sa 2 mullets in pale Or. (B: Eisenmarch May 06)
Arg, a castle Sa masoned Arg issuant from a base Vt, on a chf
embat Vt a plate. (D: Meghan Catriona McInnes of
Kinlochaline - Aug 79)
Arg, a castle Sa portalled of a wooden gate proper & a bord Az. (D:
Gerhard Gelling von dem Hagen - Feb 02)
Arg, a castle Sa within a laurel wreath Vt, in chf 3 boars heads
erased Gu. (D: Warriors Rest - Dec 87)
Arg, a castle triple-towered Sa, overall a harpie disp Or. (D:
Consuelo Torrez de Plata - Feb 75?)
Arg, a portcullis betw & conjoined to 2 towers Sa, on a chf Vt 2
laurel wreaths Or. (D: Gates Edge - Sep 92)
Arg, a ruined tower & on a chf Sa, a sword reversed Arg. (D: Kll
of the Broken Tower - Jan 93)
Arg, a ruined tower on a mount within a bord, all Sa. (B: Aleen du
Varnay - Mar 83) (For Nightwalk Tower)
Arg, a tower & in chf 2 roses Sa. (D: Rosario de la Torre Jan 03)
Arg, a tower betw 3 crows Sa. (D: Anna im Turm - Apr 00)
Arg, a tower betw 3 scorpions tergiant in annulo widdershins Sa.
(D: Vyell de Grymenhull - Dec 06)
Arg, a tower Sa & a ford proper, on a chf Sa an estoile Arg. (D:
Ulric von der Insel - May 96)
Arg, a tower Sa entwined of a pithon close Vt, within a double
tressure Sa. (D: Raphael of Shadowgard - Jul 84)
Arg, a tower Sa issuant from a base wavy barry wavy Az & Arg, a
chf Gu. (D: Emrys ap Gwyn - May 87)
Arg, a tower Sa, issuing from its roof a beacon flame proper, the
whole within a laurel wreath Vt, a chf enarched Az, platy. (D:
Eastwatch - Feb 90)
Arg, a tower Sa, its base environed of a laurel wreath Vt, all within
a bord embat Az. (D: Silfren Mere - Nov 87)
Arg, a tower Sa, on a chf Gu a vol Arg. (D: Brychan ap Frideric Aug 96)
Arg, a tower Sa, on its base a cross patonce voided Arg. (D:
Frederic of the West Tower - Jan 73?)
Arg, a tower Sa, the portal & ramparts enflamed proper, betw in
fess 2 crosses formy, all within a bord Vt. (D: William
Nighthawk of the Wastes - Apr 86)
Arg, a tower Sa within a laurel wreath, on a chf wavy Vt an open
book Arg bound Or. (D: Saint Malachy - Nov 99)
Arg, a tower Sa within a laurel wreath Vt, on a chf Sa an estoile Or.
(D: Bordergate - Feb 06)
Arg, a tower Sa within a mullet of five greater & five lesser points
voided Gu. (B: Northkeep - Dec 86)
Arg, fretty Az, a triple-towered castle Sa within a bord Az. (B:
Joan of Caernarvon - Oct 03)
Arg, on a castle Sa within a bord rayonny Sa, a raven close Arg. (B:
Branwyn Whiteraven - Sep 88) (For House Whiteraven)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a tower issuant from base Sa. (B: Geoffrey
Geometer - Nov 86) (For Freehold Turris Nimborum)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, a tower conjoined to dexter with a wall, both
issuant from a mound, in dexter chf a laurel wreath, all Sa. (D:
Ar n-Eilean-ne - Nov 89)
Checky Arg & Gu, a tower & in chf a hawks bell Sa. (D: Randal
Fitz Alan the Redowtable - Mar 97)
Checky Gu & Or, a chess rook within a bord Sa. (D: Joshua Frost Aug 93)
Checky Or & Arg, a chess rook & on a chf Sa 3 bezants. (B: An Tir
- Aug 85) (For Gamesmaster)
Checky Or & Az, a tower within an orle Sa. (D: Arius Helmcleaver
- Jan 85)

Castle - Sole primary - Sable (continued)

Gu, a siege tower proper within a bord wavy Arg. (B: Adrian
Buchanon - Jun 82)
Gu, a tower Sa fimbriated, overall a dragon passant Or. (D:
Candace of Dragonstower - Jan 74)
Gyronny arrondi Gu & Arg, a tower Sa, on a chf Or 3 laurel wreaths
Sa. (D: Havenholde - Jul 93)
Gyronny Or & Az, a brown sandstone tower proper, portaled &
lighted Or. (D: Peregrine Anorial of the Further Isles Oct 76?)
Or, a castle Sa & in chf 3 pearled coronets Purp all within a bord
pean. (D: Aster Peyton - Feb 02)
Or, a castle Sa betw in pale 2 roses, all within a bord embat Gu. (D:
Marco Valerio di Bartolomeo - Nov 83)
Or, a castle Sa, on a chf Gu 3 compass stars elongated to base Or, &
on a base Gu a compass star elongated to base Or. (D: Susan
of Wight - Dec 99)
Or, a castle triple-towered Sa, pennants flotant to sin Vt. (D:
Harold Breakstone - Jan 73?)
Or, a tower betw in fess 2 fleurs-de-lys Sa. a base wavy Gu. (D:
Elisabeth Johanna von Flossenburg - Apr 00)
Or, a tower Sa & on a chf Vt 2 sheaves of arrows Or. (D: Eric
Thorn - Aug 04)
Or, a tower Sa environed of in chf 3 bells, one & 2, Az & in base a
laurel wreath Vt. (D: St. Carol on the Moor - Jul 83)
Or, a tower Sa, winged of dragons wings disp Vt, within a bord Sa.
(D: Bardolph Dragontower - Jul 91)
Or, a tower Sa with seven mullets in annulo Vt. (B: Mirhaxa av
Morktorn - Feb 81) (For House Morktorn)
Or, a tower triple towered Sa within a bord Gu semy of hearts Arg.
(D: Damiana Almodvar de Sevilla - Nov 03)
Or, a tower with spire & pennon Sa, surmounted by a natural
rainbow proper. (D: Alina Brianna of Rainbow Keep Sep 84)
Or, a triple towered tower Sa within a laurel wreath & on a chf Gu a
griffin passant Or, for augmentation, the tower charged with a
sun in its splendor Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Welfengau Dec 01)
Or, a triple-towered tower Sa within a laurel wreath & on a chf Gu a
griffin passant Or. (D: Welfengau - Feb 87)
Papillonny Or & Gu, a chess-rook Sa. (D: Salaamallah the
Corpulent - Nov 79)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a tower & a bord Sa. (D: Medwyn Rhyfedd
- May 92)
Per bend sin Or & Gu, a tower Sa, masoned Or, enflamed within a
laurel wreath ctrch. (D: Border Vale Keep - Sep 85)
Per bend sin Or & Vt, on a tower Sa a rose slipped & leaved Arg, a
chf Sa. (D: Alan Black - May 02)
Per fess wavy Arg & barry wavy Az & Arg, in chf a tower Sa
enflamed proper. (D: Elaine Ladd - Oct 84)
Per pale Arg & Az, a tower & on a chf Sa, 3 bezants. (D: Giles
Chadwik Richardson - Sep 91)
Per pale Az & Or, a castle Sa & on a chf 3 caltrops all ctrch. (D:
Jared Wolfe of Shadow Keep - Aug 86)
Per pale Gu & Or, a tower Sa betw in bend 2 carpenters squares,
corners to chf, & in bend sin 2 frame saws, all ctrch. (D:
Thomas Saer Glamorgan - Feb 08)
Per pale Or & Vt, a tower Sa & in chf 2 mullets ctrch. (B: Mirhaxa
av Morktorn - May 85)
Per pale Or & Vt, a tower Sa betw in fess 2 mullets ctrch. (D:
Mirhaxa av Morktorn - Mar 80)
Per salt Arg & Gu, a ruined tower betw 3 tree stumps snagged Sa.
(D: Sylvanus Perrin - Dec 95)
Quarterly Or & Gu, a tower Sa, enflamed, within a double tressure
ctrch. (D: Wyll MacConachie - Nov 89)
* * * End * * *

Castle - Sole primary - Vert

See also: Architecture

(Fieldless) A tower Vt, masoned & winged Or. (B: Catherine de
Harcourt - Jul 94)
(Fieldless) On a castle Vt a foxs mask Arg. (B: Elenore
Grailseeker - Aug 95) (For House Foxesden)
Arg, a castle triple-towered within an orle of ivy Vt. (D: Eleanor
MacBeth - Mar 93)
Arg, a castle within a bord Vt semy of cartouches Arg. (D: Aoiffa
of the Emerald Vale - Apr 85)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 415

[Castle - Sole primary - Vert] to [Castle - Group primary - Argent]

Castle - Sole primary - Vert (continued)

Arg, a tower bendwise Vt. (D: Johanna le Mercer - Apr 97)

Arg, a tower Vt & on a chf Az a comet reversed Arg. (D: Duncan
ODougherty Greencastle - Mar 78)
Arg, a triple-towered castle on a chf Vt 3 escallops Arg. (D:
Muirgheal of Cashel - Oct 97)
Arg, on a tower Vt an equal-armed Celtic cross potent Or. (B:
Ceridwen Dafydd - Apr 86) (For Caer Ddysg)
Az, above a tower Vt a mullet of nine points voided Arg. (B:
Duncan ODougherty Greencastle - date?)
Ermine, a tower & on a chf embat Vt 2 fiddles fesswise necks to
center Arg. (D: Robert Downey of Forfar - Oct 05)
Ermine, a tower Vt & a bord Gu. (B: Antonio Franco di Milano Jun 93) (For Villa Verde)
Ermine, a tower Vt & on a chf Gu 3 lions heads couped Arg. (D:
Antonio Franco di Milano - Apr 92)
Or, a castle Vt & on a chf embat Sa, 3 mullets Or. (D: Balien de
Valiere - Jun 95)
Or, a tower & on a chf Vt 2 churchbells Or. (D: Thyri de Peel Dec 91)
Or, a tower Vt. (B: Sheri Lynn of Emerson Lake - May 89)
Or, a tower Vt, a bord Gu semy of birds Or. (D: Alan of
Caerlaverock - Jan 99)
Or, a tower within a bord embat Vt. (B: Emerald Keep - Aug 83)
Or, a tower within a laurel wreath within a bord embat Vt. (D:
Emerald Keep - Aug 81)
Or, masoned Sa, a 2-towered castle Vt, on a base Sa a lion ramp
coward Or. (D: Tamara Ivanovna Nabokova - Apr 91)
Per chev Az & ermine, in base a tower Vt, in canton a falcon rising
wings disp Arg. (D: Lochloinn samhach mac Griogair Feb 05)
* * * End * * *

Castle - Group primary - Argent

See also: Architecture

(Fieldless) A demi-hedgehog ramp Gu issuant from a tower proper.
(B: Giovanni di Giacomettino - Dec 96)
(Fieldless) A wingless sea dragon erect contourny Vt supporting a
ruined tower Arg. (B: Jehanne Urchurdan - Jul 90)
(Fieldless) Issuant from a tower Arg a phoenix Or rising from
flames proper. (B: Tir-y-Don - Jun 98)
Arg, upon a pile inv throughout, betw 2 ravens Sa, a tower Arg. (D:
Brann Morgan Dunmore of Galloway - Aug 78)
Az, a bear salient to sin reguardant Or, muzzled Sa, issuant from a
tower in base Arg, on a chf Or, a salamander tergiant Sa. (D:
Gregory von Lucida - Jul 74?)
Az, a tower Arg issuant from a heart Or. (D: Constance le Royer de
la Tour - Oct 99)
Az, a tower Arg masoned Sa issuant from a mountain all betw 2
rapiers Arg. (D: John of Drachenwald - Jan 02)
Az, in fess 3 towers each ensigned with an ostrich plume Arg
issuant from a mountain of 3 peaks Vt. (D: San Marino Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, in fess 2 chess rooks Arg. (D: Radhn Brd - Jun 98)
Az, in pale a castle Arg & a sun in splendor a bord embat Or. (D:
Cristofre Fortescu of Castel Risinge - Aug 01)
Az, in pale a castle Arg & a yale ramp to sin Or. (D: Bryan Gard
Yale - Feb 04)
Az, in pale a demi-pegasus issuant from a castle Arg. (D: Fjorleif
Rnlfskona - Nov 03)
Az, in pale a mullet of six points Or, a gray granite tower proper, &
a base alternate vair. (D: Sian Morwenna Meredith - Apr 82)
Az, in pale a phoenix Or & a triple-towered castle within a bord
embat Arg. (D: Eldon Ungol of the Phoenix - Mar 82)
Az, in salt five towers within a bord Arg. (D: Violante de Sant
Sebastian - Dec 00)
Az, mullety Or, a tower Arg within a bordurelet Or. (D: Madline
la Rveuse - Feb 80)
Az, 3 towers & on a chf wavy Arg a Savoy knot Az. (D: Matthew
of Summerdale - Jan 07)
Az, 3 towers conjoined in pall inv Arg. (B: Kapellenberg - Jun 98)
Az, 3 towers on a chf rayonny Arg a swept-hilt rapier reversed Az.
(B: Dreiburgen - Oct 95) (For the Dreiburgen School of
Az, to dexter a palet & to sin a tower Arg, with 3 arrow slots in
bend Az, in sin chf a shooting star Or. (D: Gervaise du Fortin
- Aug 79?)
416 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Castle - Group primary - Argent (continued)

Az, 2 towers palewise in bend sin Arg. (B: Towers, the - Feb 85)
Az, 2 wolfs heads erased addorsed & conjoined at the neck issuant
from the battlements of a demi-tower Arg. (B: Borealis Feb 83)
Gu, a bear Or statant atop a tower issuant from base & on a chf Arg,
3 roses Purp, barbed & seeded proper. (D: Siana of
Castletown Bearhaven - Sep 88)
Gu, atop a grey granite tower a copper brazier enflamed proper. (B:
Caer Mear - Dec 07) (For the Order of the Pharos)
Gu, in dexter chf a tower Arg masoned Sa, in sin base a hind
trippant or. (B: Barbara-Katherine of Kenilworth - Aug 79)
(re-registered 7910A)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a hazel sprig & a round tower ctrch. (D:
Jacques Dirlonde of Outremer - Aug 79?)
Per bend Az & Arg, a tower Arg & a lymphad Sa all within a bord
Sa crusilly plain Or. (D: Cathal MacLean - Aug 02)
Per bend Az & Or, in bend sin a tower within a laurel wreath Arg &
3 fountains in bend. (D: Saint Aldhelm - Apr 91)
Per bend Gu & Az, a reindeers head couped & collared Or & a
castle Arg. (D: Alexandra Ketillaug of Kastelholm - Aug 92)
Per bend Or & Sa, a dragon passant guardant Gu & a castle Arg.
(D: John of Brinton - Jan 97)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a castle & a corbie close contourny ctrch. (B:
Morgaine FitzStephen - Nov 98) (For La Companie du
Chateau Corbeau)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a castle & a crow close contourny ctrch. (B:
Morgaine FitzStephen - Jan 98)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a thistle & a castle Arg. (D: Juliana nic
Lachlainn - Jan 93)
Per bend Sa & Vt, a swans head embowed erased at the shoulder
Arg, beaked & gorged of a collar Or, & a tower Arg. (D:
Isobel des Tourelles de la Seine - May 80)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a heart & a tower ctrch. (D: Jrgen
Peredur - Nov 91)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a boar passant & a tower ctrch. (D: Jhann
brotamar - Sep 02)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a triple-towered castle Arg & 3 broadarrows Gu. (D: Alessandro von Florenz - Feb 07)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, a bears paw print Or & a tower Arg. (D:
Edmund de Montfort of Highkeep - Jun 83)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, a tower Arg flying a pennon Or & a garden
rose slipped & leaved Arg. (D: Arianna of Greytower Feb 83)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a wolfs head affronty & a castle Arg. (D:
Talan Mawr - Oct 98)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a demi-sun issuing from the line of division
Or & a castle triple-towered Arg. (D: Philomeena of
Morningscourt - date?)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Vt, a Long-eared Owl to sin proper & a
tower Arg. (D: Helena of Owls Keep - Nov 85)
Per bend sin embat Vt & Arg, a tower & 3 trees couped ctrch. (D:
Xavier Grayson of Ashley - Oct 93)
Per bend sin Or & Az, a unicorn salient to sin Sa & a tower Arg,
masoned Sa. (D: Sarah of Three Mountains - Nov 87)
Per bend sin Purp & Arg, a tower Arg & a garden rose bendwise sin
Gu slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Astrid Bjarnadottir - Aug 91)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, a decrescent & a tower Arg. (D: Kathryn of
Lindsey - Dec 91)
Per bend trefly Or & Sa, a reremouse Sa & a castle Arg. (D:
Rudolphus Heydenreich - Mar 02)
Per bend wavy Arg & Az, a heart & a tower ctrch. (B: Sterling de
la Rosa - Dec 04)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 fleurs-de-lys & a tower, all within a bord
ctrch. (B: Myles Blackheath - Jun 88) (For House
Per chev Arg & Gu, 3 shamrocks & a tower ctrch. (D: Rory
MacLellan - Aug 98)
Per chev Arg & Gu, 2 escallops & a tower ctrch. (D: Thorfinn the
Just - Jan 00)
Per chev Arg & Sa, in pale a mullet of nine points inv voided &
interlaced & a tower ctrch. (D: Cornelia of the Sapient Throng
- Nov 80)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 2 dragons segreant addorsed Gu & a tower Arg
masoned Sa. (D: Erich von Drachenholz - Mar 98)
Per chev Az & Gu, a hand balance Or & a tower Arg. (D: Lancelot
de Navarre - Feb 91)

[Castle - Group primary - Argent] to [Castle - Group primary - Azure]

Castle - Group primary - Argent (continued)

Per chev Az & Gu, 3 dogwood blossoms one & 2 & a tower Arg.
(D: Adaleide de Warewic - Mar 08)
Per chev enhanced Sa & Arg, 2 towers & a sea-unicorn naiant ctrch.
(D: Thorvald Isaacson of Firepit - Aug 85)
Per chev Gu & Az, 2 seahorses maintaining quill pens & a castle
Arg. (D: Frederic of Lub Shiochail - Aug 99)
Per chev Gu & Sa, 3 castles Arg. (D: David of Castlewhyte Sep 73?)
Per chev indented Vt & Arg, 2 towers Arg & a fox sejant affronty
proper. (D: Alexandra McVicar of Dornoch - Apr 97)
Per chev inv Az & Vt, a pawprint & a castle Arg. (B: Tiernan
OShea - Apr 02)
Per chev inv Or & Az, a sexfoil Vt & a castle Arg. (D: Conrad
Martin von Kassel - Apr 91)
Per chev inv throughout Sa & Vt, in cross 3 crosses forches & a
tower Arg. (D: Elestron an Tor Howlsedhas - Oct 83)
Per chev rayonny Gu & Arg, 2 chess rooks Arg & a phoenix Gu
rising from flames proper. (D: Valdimarr de Tamewurthe Jan 00)
Per chev Sa & Arg, in pale a bulldogs head couped close collared
& a tower ctrch. (D: Tor Magnusson - May 92)
Per chev Sa & Gu, 3 castles Arg. (D: Cheryl of Castlewhyte Sep 73?)
Per chev throughout Arg & Sa, 2 pairs of triangles conjoined in pale
at the points Gu & a tower Arg. (D: Thomas Blackkeep Aug 92)
Per chev Vt & Arg, in chf 2 towers Arg, in base a bifurcated eagle
Sa environed of a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Vielburgen Aug 79?)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 2 towers Arg & a double-headed eagle disp Sa.
(B: Vielburgen - Feb 89)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 2 towers Arg & a portcullis within a bord Sa.
(D: Llywelyn Lorell of Shrewsbury - Dec 87)
Per chev Vt & Az, 2 wyverns erect Or & a tower Arg. (D: Ceallan
mac Canachtaigh Conraoi - Mar 87)
Per chev Vt & Sa, a dragon courant wings elevated & addorsed Or
& a tower Arg. (D: Edmond Dracatorr - Feb 92)
Per fess & per chev throughout Vt & Arg, 2 fleurs-de-lys & a castle
Arg. (D: Cornelia of Hamilton Hall - Sep 92)
Per fess Arg & Az, a lion passant & a tower conjoined to sin with a
wall, all within a bord ctrch. (D: Joella of Blue Lions Keep Jul 88)
Per fess Arg & Gu, 2 wolfs heads erased Sa & a castle Arg. (D:
Mael Coluim mac Gilla Epscoip - Feb 07)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a nude demi-man affronty Gu issuant from a
tower issuant from base Arg. (B: Lughaid Cnuachd Dharaich
mac Aonghuis Dhuibh - Jun 92) (For Redman Tor)
Per fess Az & Arg, issuant from the line of division a tower proper
& in base a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Dismal Fogs - Apr 87)
Per fess Az & Sa, in pale a tower Arg & a wingless dragon dormant
Or. (D: Paul le Seul - Dec 88)
Per fess Az & Sa, 3 decrescents Or & a castle Arg. (D: Ian Cradoc
- Sep 02)
Per fess Az & Vt, 3 towers Arg & an acorn slipped & leaved Or.
(D: Emma Grey of Warwickshire - Jun 01) (? presumably
charges are arranged three and one)
Per fess Az & Vt, 2 hearts Or & a tower Arg. (D: Caitlin Dhuin na
n-ean - Jan 91)
Per fess dovetailed Gu & Sa, a castle & 3 Maltese crosses Arg. (D:
Morgant Capellanus - Aug 07)
Per fess embat Arg & Az, a demi-dragon ramp issuant from the line
of division Vt, in base a tower Arg enflamed at the battlements
Gu within a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Fire Mountain Keep Feb 94)
Per fess embat Arg & Sa, in chf a label couped Sa & a 2-towered
castle Arg. (D: Johann von Balduinseck - Dec 87)
Per fess engrailed Sa & Vt, a swallow volant & a castle Arg. (D:
Callum of Greycastell - Mar 08)
Per fess fleury counter-fleury Gu & Sa, 3 towers, one & 2, Arg. (D:
Isabel la Fouchiere - Dec 05)
Per fess Gu & Az, in pale a triple-towered castle Arg, portaled &
lighted Or, & a bezant charged with a laurel wreath &
surmounted by a sword proper. (D: Caer Mear - Nov 79)
Per fess Or & Gu, 4 lightning bolts in salt, points to center, Az & a
tower Arg. (D: Christoph von Lubbeke - Sep 99)

Castle - Group primary - Argent (continued)

Per fess Or & Vt, a falcons head erased to sin Sa & a tripletowered castle Arg. (D: Juan Miguel Esteban Alfredo de
Valencia - Apr 88)
Per fess rayonny Or & Gu, a fire arrow fesswise reversed Sa
enflamed Gu & a castle Arg. (D: Zekel Zofia - May 07)
Per fess wavy Gu & Vt, 3 cups Or & a castle triple-towered Arg.
(D: Eric Mulrooney - Feb 98)
Per pale Az & Arg, a tower & a spider ctrch & a chf countercompony Az & Arg. (D: Giovanni da Lucca - Dec 03)
Per pale embat Az & Gu, a tower & a Canterbury cross Arg. (D:
Arianwen of Dunvegan - Mar 95)
Per pale Or & Az, 2 towers conjoined by a bridge enarched Arg & a
bord ctrch. (B: River Haven - Jan 95) (For Order of the
Bridged Towers)
Per pale potenty Arg & Vt, a branch & a tower ctrch. (B: Caesaria
Almy - Sep 96)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a tower, a laurel wreath, & on a base wavy 2
bars wavy ctrch. (D: St. Michaels Keep - Mar 83)
Per pale wavy Arg & Az, a dragons head couped contourny & a
tower ctrch. (D: Taran Dragonovich - Jul 01)
Per pale wavy Purp & Arg, a castle & a cat sejant ctrch. (D:
Muirinn nic Shein - Apr 01)
Per pall Or, Arg & Az, a laurel wreath Vt, a tree blasted &
eradicated Sa, & a grey granite tower proper. (D: Wastekeep Feb 81)
Per pall Vt, Or, & Gu, in pale a spired tower Arg & 2 arrows inv in
salt ctrch. (D: Nikolai of Trakai - Oct 93)
Per salt Sa & Az, in pale 2 towers Arg & in fess 2 wolves courant
Or. (B: Argyll MacPherson - Jan 08)
Per salt Sa & Vt, in pale a griffin passant maintaining a sword inv &
a tower Arg. (D: Bertran of Edwinstowe - Jan 92)
Per salt Vt & chequy Sa & Arg, in pale a chess rook & 2 arrows inv
in salt Arg. (D: Robin Longfellow - Jun 88)
Purp, in bend sin a castle triply-towered & a unicorn ramp to sin
Arg. (D: Miriam Therese Believer of Dreams - Feb 90)
Purp, in pale a tower & a lion dormant Arg. (B: Denys de
Caergwen - Jun 91) (For House Caergwen)
Purp, mulletty Or, in fess 2 towers Arg. (D: Selwyn Searobyrig Aug 89)
Quarterly Purp & ermine, in bend 2 towers Arg. (D: Brianna
MacDhghaill - Sep 90)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, in pale a tower & a laurel wreath Arg. (D:
Lonely Tower, the - Oct 82)
Sa, a cross couped voided ending in 4 2-towered castles Arg,
overall a mullet of eight points or. (D: Carlotta the Lost Aug 79)
Sa, a wyvern Gu, winged, bellied & fimbriated Or, climbing a tower
Arg, masoned Sa, in canton a dagger inv Or. (D: Maelduine
von Drachenzahne - Jul 80)
Sa, 2 towers & in chf a mullet of 3 greater & six lesser points Arg.
(B: Stargate - May 81)
Tierced en pointe Arg, Gu & Az, a rose Gu, barbed, slipped &
leaved, Vt, a hunting horn of one loop & a castle Arg. (D:
Alfonso Chavez de Gascogne - Feb 84)
Vt, in fess a castle betw 2 wolves ramp addorsed each maintaining a
sword Arg. (B: Tristam McFarland - Jul 03)
Vt, issuant from a castle Arg a demi-griffin, in chf 3 mullets Or. (D:
Bennet Murray - May 94)
* * * End * * *

Castle - Group primary - Azure

See also: Architecture

Arg, in bend sin a raven close Sa & a demi-tower issuant from
dexter base Az, masoned Arg. (B: Lancelin of Ravens Nest Nov 82)
Per bend Az & Or, a fleam & a chessrook ctrch. (D: Alene Athdara
- Aug 79?)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a fleur-de-lys & a tower ctrch. (D:
Augustin von Schaffhausen - Feb 98)
Per bend sin wavy Az & Or, in chf in bend sin 3 pine trees couped
& a triple-towered castle ctrch. (D: Alduin Woodrow of
Townsend - Dec 90)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 castles & a dove migrant to chf ctrch. (D:
Jessica Rebecca Silvana - Nov 88)
Per chev Az & Arg, in chf 2 roses Arg, barbed & seeded proper, &
in base a tower Az. (D: Catherine Ariel de la Cru - Aug 79)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 417

[Castle - Group primary - Azure] to [Castle - Group primary - Or]

Castle - Group primary - Azure (continued)

Per chev Gu & Or, a lion passant guardant Arg & a tower Az within
a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Twr Cath - Jul 94)
Per chev inv Arg & Az, a tower Az & a laurel wreath Or. (D:
Kapellenberg - Oct 82)
Per fess Az & Arg, a single-headed chess knight & a tower ctrch.
(B: Adella de Tourlaville - Dec 91)
* * * End * * *

Castle - Group primary - Fur

See also: Architecture

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Castle - Group primary - Gules

See also: Architecture

(Fieldless) A demi-wyvern Vt issuant from a tower Gu. (B: Mons
Draconis - Apr 01)
Checky Sa & Arg, in chf 2 chessrooks Gu. (D: Sten Halvorsen Aug 79?)
Checky Sa & Arg, 3 chess rooks Gu within a bord Vt. (D: Galen
MacByrne - Jun 95)
Or, atop a bridge of 3 arches throughout a tower, the streams
transfluent Gu. (D: Grmr Vthfari - May 96)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a martlet & a tower ctrch. (B: Gallavally Jan 96)
Per bend Or & Sa, a tower Gu & a tree blasted Arg. (D: Roulant
Marat - Jan 07)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a tower Gu & a laurel wreath Arg. (D:
Crimson Citadel, the - Sep 93)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a cross fleury Arg & on a tower Gu in pale 3
mascles interlaced Arg. (D: Ifor de Leycester - Jun 00)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 wolves combattant Or & a castle Gu. (D:
Lyon Woulfran - Nov 01)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 martlets respectant & a tower, all within a
laurel wreath ctrch. (D: Gallavally - Apr 90)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 roses slipped & leaved & a tower ctrch. (D:
Jonathan Harbour - Nov 98)
Per chev raguly Gu & Or, 2 bezants each charged with a closed
book palewise reversed Sa, & a tower Gu. (D: Doria Tecla Nov 93)
Per fess Arg & Az, a tower Gu & an arrow inv & a sword crossed in
salt Arg. (B: Caer Mear - Jun 92)
Per fess Vt & Arg, a demi-sun Or & a 2-towered castle Gu. (D:
Hamlin du Soleil Levant - Dec 86)
* * * End * * *

Castle - Group primary - Multicolor

See also: Architecture

Per bend Or & Vt, 2 towers ctrch. (D: Gwyndlyn Caer Vyrddin Jan 97)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a tower conjoined in pale with a tower inv,
its sin battlements broken, ctrch. (D: Bran de Tintreak May 81)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, in pale 3 towers ctrch. (D: Perrin le Breton
- Jun 98)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, in bend 2 towers palewise ctrch. (D: William
of Hoghton - May 73) (implied reblazon of 7112 registration)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, 2 towers in bend ctrch & in chf a label of 3
points Arg. (B: Christopher of Hoghton - May 82)
Per chev inv embat Arg & Sa, 3 towers ctrch. (D: Malcolm
Donnelly - Sep 95)
Per chev Sa & Or, 2 wolves combattant & a tower ctrch. (D:
Wulfstan Egweald - Sep 93)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 3 castles within a laurel wreath, all within a
bord invected ctrch. (D: Stonemarche - Aug 87)
Per fess wavy Arg & Sa, 2 towers ctrch. (D: Muirgen of Caer Ddu
- Dec 90)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 towers & on a chf embat 2 axes fesswise,
heads outwards, all ctrch. (D: Peadair Aindrea MacLaine Sep 86)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 alligators ramp contourny each maintaining a
sword inv & a tower ctrch. (D: Charles MacKinnon - Oct 99)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 towers ctrch. (D: Brian FitzWilliam of
Glastonbury - Jan 02)
Per pale Az ermined Arg & Arg, ermined Az, 3 castles ctrch Arg &
Az. (D: Adelgar von Speyer - Feb 90)
418 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Castle - Group primary - Multicolor (continued)

Per pale dovetailed Gu & Arg, 2 towers ctrch within a bord Sa. (D:
Alfred Huddlestone - Feb 02)
Per pale Gu & Or, 3 towers ctrch. (D: Gareth Nikodemos Somerset
- Jul 99)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 3 towers in bend betw 2 roses ctrch. (D: Anna
de Curson - Apr 97)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 3 towers within a bord ctrch. (D: Cradoc
Mendwr - Jun 02)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 towers ctrch & in chf a crescent Or. (B: Timur
al-Badawi - Jul 06) (JB: Tanne Comyn)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 towers ctrch enflamed proper & a bicorporate
lion all ctrch. (D: John Quartermain - Jun 94)
Per pale Vt & Arg, in fess 2 towers within a laurel wreath, all ctrch
Or & Az. (D: Rauchenderberg - Mar 87)
Quarterly Arg & Gu, 4 towers ctrch. (D: Monique de la Maison
Rouge - Jul 90)
Quarterly Az & Arg, six towers ctrch. (B: Snorri Hallsson May 00) (For Stephen macThomas)(mistakenly labeled as a
Vt, a castle Or above a castle inv Sa, conjoined at their bases. (B:
Steven of Shadowkeep - Jun 73)
* * * End * * *

Castle - Group primary - Or

See also: Architecture

(Fieldless) A thistle issuant from a castle Or. (B: Gavin
MacDhomhnuill - Feb 96)
Az, atop a cloud Arg a tower Or enfiled at its base by a laurel
wreath Vt. (D: Dearnhelde - Oct 82)
Az, in chf a 4-towered castle & in base 2 dolphins haurient
respectant Or. (D: Jonathan of Newcastle - Dec 02)
Az, in pale 3 mullets of 4 points, 2 & one, & a tower, all within a
double tressure Or. (D: Christopher Summerset - Apr 08)
Az, in pale 2 double-bitted axes in fess conjoined at the handles
surmounted by another palewise, the sin edge notched, proper
& a tower Or. (D: Raymel Notchblade - Mar 83)
Az, issuant from the battlements of a demi-tower a banner Or, a
tierce wavy paly wavy Arg & Az. (B: Marcaster - Feb 06)
(For Order of the Golden Standard)
Az, issuant from the battlements of a demi-tower a beacon Or
enflamed proper, a tierce wavy paly wavy Arg & Az. (B:
Marcaster - Feb 06) (For Order of the Golden Citadel of
Az, seven towers, 2, 3 & 2, betw a stags attire, all within a bord Or.
(D: Siffrit von Nordheim - Jun 83)
Az, 3 chessrooks in pale Or betw 2 flaunches lozengy Sa & Arg.
(D: Daniel the Undecided - Oct 90)
Az, 2 owls & a tower & on a chf embat Or a mullet of eight points
Az. (D: Wolfhardt von Achterturm - Nov 96)
Barry engrailed Az & Arg, in salt five towers within a bord Or. (D:
ine Dhuin Bhuidhe - Aug 00)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, 3 towers Or. (B: Edwinna of Hawks Bluff Feb 96)
Barry wavy of eight Vt & Arg, ctrch per pale, 2 towers & on a point
pointed Or a cluster of grapes Purp, slipped & leaved Vt. (D:
Evah Marguerita Palma de Yuste - Nov 84)
Gu, in pale 2 towers Or each charged with a mullet Sa. (D: Borgar
of South Downs - Sep 05)
Gu, 2 battleaxes in chev, blades to base, & in base a tower, upon a
chf Or 3 eagles disp Sa. (D: Angus Alasdair MacLarty Aug 84)
Gyronny Vt & Or, 4 towers Or. (D: Ivan Krasavets - Sep 95)
Per bend Az & Arg, a tower Or & a pheon inv Gu, within a bord Sa.
(D: Vladimir Vladimirovich Vladimirov - Jan 88)
Per bend sin embat Vt & Or, a tower & a pheon ctrch. (D: William
Archer - Aug 83)
Per bend sin Gu & Vt, a hanging balance & a tower Or. (D: Aldwin
of Warwick - Jul 98)
Per bend sin Or & Az, a tower & a garb ctrch, a bord Sa. (D:
Morgan Trelawney - May 94)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, a pair of swords in salt & a tower all within a
bord embat ctrch. (D: John of Black Rose - Dec 91)
Per bend sin Purp & Or, a tower Or & a rose Purp slipped Vt a bord
ctrch. (D: Elyne the Elder - Sep 97)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, 2 towers within a bord embat Or. (D:
Padraig MacCormaig - Feb 94)

[Castle - Group primary - Or] to [Castle - Group primary - Sable]

Castle - Group primary - Or (continued)

Per bend sin Sa & Vt, a sword bendwise sin & a tower Or. (D:
Mary of Uffington - Nov 77?)
Per bend sin vairy, Arg & Sa, & Az, in bend sin enhanced 2 larks
volant to sin, each maintaining in its beak a quill & in sin base
a tower Or. (D: Aiglantine des Oiseaux du Chteau Bte Dec 83)
Per bend sin Vt & Arg, an onion-domed tower Or & a dragons
head, couped at the shoulder Gu. (D: Alysandra the Whyte
Moor - Jun 83)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 towers Or & a dragon dormant Vt. (B:
Catriona Mairi Ann nic Ghriogair - May 84)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 triple-towered castles Or & a greyhound
ramp Gu. (D: Ascellina Bethell from Tewkesbury - Jan 84)
Per chev Gu & Arg 2 towers Or & a natural panther ramp to sin Sa.
(D: Andrew MacFarlan of Wigan - May 92)
Per chev Gu & Az, 3 towers within a bord Or. (D: Geoffrey of
Lancaster - Jul 90)
Per chev Gu & Sa, a demi-sun issuant from the line of division & a
tower Or. (D: Adrian Flechyr - Apr 94)
Per chev Gu & Sa, in chf a tilting lance palewise betw 2 horses
combattant, & in base a tower, all Or. (D: Adria Jermyne Oct 88)
Per chev invected, Sa a human eye shedding a tear Arg, & Gu a
castle Or. (B: Etienne Gerard Laudonniere - Aug 79) (For
Chateau de Larmes)
Per chev Or & Gu, 2 oak trees proper & a tower Or. (D: Jan van
Hees - Apr 98)
Per chev Or & Sa, 2 pegasi salient respectant & a tower ctrch. (D:
Robert of the Mountains - Mar 87)
Per chev Purp & ermine, 2 castles Or, & a rams head couped
contourny Sa. (D: Michael of Ramsgate - Nov 96)
Per chev Sa, sem-de-lys Arg, & Gu, in chf a castle Or & in base a
fleur-de-lys Arg within a laurel wreath Or. (D: Ardanroe Jun 84)
Per chev throughout Or & Az, 2 mascles & a tower ctrch, & a bord
dovetailed pean. (D: Adelbrecht of Stonekeep - May 92)
Per chev throughout Sa & Or, 2 towers Or & a demon genuant
guardant Az maintaining a sword Gu. (D: Tuman Elnikov Apr 02)
Per fess Arg & Az, a hammer inv Gu & a castle Or. (D: Alfred
Brekewall - May 03)
Per fess Az & Vt, in pale a castle & a sheep statant Or. (D: Juan
Diego de Len - Jul 98)
Per fess Sa & Arg, in chf 3 towers Or, in base an eagle disp Gu. (D:
Wolfram von Windberg - Feb 97)
Per fess Sa & Gu, a castle triple-towered Or & a talbots head
couped Arg. (B: Leonard du Chien - Sep 93)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a tower Or & thirteen bumblebees migrant
bendwise sin inv proper. (B: William of Hoghton - Feb 80)
(For Hoghton Towers)
Purp, an onion domed tower Or, issuant from a cloud Arg, on a chf
enarched Or, an amphisbaena statant Gu. (D: Thomas Speir Feb 89)
Purp, in fess 2 towers Or. (D: John of Two Towers - Oct 89)
Quarterly: 1, France modern; 2, Quarterly Leon & Castile; 3, the
Union flag; 4, Gu on a salt Az thirteen mullets Arg; on an
inescutcheon paly Arg & Gu, a chf Az. (D: Alabama, State of
- May 99) (Important non-SCA arms)
Quarterly Or & Vt, in bend sin a mullet of 4 points & a castle Or.
(B: Castle North - Apr 83)
Quarterly Or & Vt, in bend sin a mullet of 4 points within a laurel
wreath & a castle, all Or. (D: Castle North - Dec 87)
Quarterly per fess wavy Gu & Sa, in pale a laurel wreath & a castle
Or. (D: Dregate - Aug 00)
Sa, a griffin segreant contourny atop a twin-towered castle issuant
from base Or. (B: John ap Griffin - May 07) (For Griffin
Sa, a tower conjoined to sin with a wall, all issuant from sin base, in
chf a cloud Or. (B: Abelard Kif de Marseilles - May 07)
Sa, 3 towers & a laurel wreath, 3 & one, & a chf embat Or. (D:
Threespires - Jul 06)
Vt, a phoenix Or rising from flames Gu issuant from a castle within
a laurel wreath Or. (D: Dun Braga - Sep 99)
Vt, in fess 2 towers Or, each with an armored arm embowed issuant
from the battlements Arg, maintaining 2 swords inv in salt Or.
(D: Guillaume de Marris - Oct 90)

Castle - Group primary - Or (continued)

Vt, 3 chess rooks & a chf engrailed Or. (D: Ranalt MacFirbis Sep 93)
* * * End * * *

Castle - Group primary - Purpure

See also: Architecture

Or, 2 towers in fess Purp. (B: John of Two Towers - Jul 96)
Per bend Purp & Or, a cross of St. Brigid & a castle ctrch. (D:
Bridget Lucia Mackenzie - Jun 99)
Per bend Purp & Or, a cross of St. Brigid & a castle ctrch & for
augmentation, flying from the dexter tower a banner Az
charged with 4 crescents conjoined in salt horns outward Arg.
(Augmentation of Arms: Bridget Lucia Mackenzie - May 07)
Per chev Or & Az, 2 towers Purp & a dragon statant erect affronty
wings disp Arg. (D: Rowena Macara - Apr 06)
Per salt Purp & Arg, in pale 2 seagulls volant, wings addorsed, & in
fess 2 towers ctrch. (D: Musa ibn Ibrahim al-Athir - Oct 85)
* * * End * * *

Castle - Group primary - Sable

See also: Architecture

(Fieldless) A rose Or issuant from the battlements of a castle Sa.
(B: Sterling Schawn Leopard - Dec 96)
(Fieldless) In chev a tower Sa sustained by 2 lions gambes erased
Or. (B: Northkeep - Oct 05) (For Order of the Lions Paw of
(Fieldless) In chf a rainbow couped fesswise Purp, Or & Gu, & in
base a tower Sa. (B: Eldrid Tremayne - Jun 81)
(Fieldless) In pale a crow perched atop the sin embattlement of a
tower Sa. (B: Anna im Turm - Apr 00)
(Fieldless) Issuant from a tower Sa masoned Or a dragons head
Gu. (B: James the Dragonseeker - Nov 96)
Arg, a phoenix rising Gu, enflamed Or, issuant from a tower fracted
palewise, within a laurel wreath Sa. (D: Ruins, the - Apr 88)
Arg, chap Az, in pale a mullet of 4 points & a tower Sa, in chf 2
goblets Or. (D: Rupert the Unwary - Aug 85)
Arg, in bend a thunderbolt inv Gu & a tower Sa. (D: Richard the
Steadfast - Aug 85)
Arg, in pale a castle Sa & a frog Vt spotted Or, a bord nebuly Purp.
(D: James the Dragonseeker - Aug 92)
Arg, in pale a drakkar Gu & a tower Sa enflamed at the base Gu
within a bord embat Sa. (D: Thorgrim macDrostin of the
Cornovii - Jan 92)
Arg, in pale a thistle proper issuant from a tower Sa & a base
engrailed Az. (D: Derek of Ildhafn - Jan 03)
Arg, in pale a tower Sa masoned Arg & 3 arrows in pile Gu. (D:
Phocas of Bordermarch - Jun 05)
Arg, in pale a wyvern erect, wings disp & head to sin, Gu & a castle
Sa. (B: Richard Eagle Eye - Apr 88) (For Household
Dragons Eyrie)
Arg, in pale an arm in armor fesswise sustaining a shamshir & a
tower couped bendwise sin at the top Sa. (D: Kamal Mishwa
ibn Javid Daoud Khan-ad-Din - Nov 07)
Arg, 2 wolfs heads erased respectant & on a tower Sa a Latin cross
bottony Arg all within a bord embat Sa. (D: Hruodland of
Starhaven - May 08)
Ermine, issuant from a ruined tower Sa a phoenix Gu enflamed of
flames proper. (D: Reinald FitzAlbert de la Tour Phnix Jul 83)
Ermine, 3 towers Sa, that in base within a laurel wreath Vt, a bord
embat Gu. (D: Three Towers - Jul 98)
Lozengy Vt & Arg, 2 chess rooks in pale Sa. (D: Egon von dem
Schwarzwald - Sep 96)
Or, a dragon passant Gu atop & its tail entwined about a tower Sa.
(B: Drachensheim - Jan 90)
Or, a dragon passant Gu, atop & its tail entwined about a tower Sa,
the whole within a laurel wreath Gu. (D: Drachensheim Jan 90)
Or, in pale 2 claymores in salt Gu & a tower, all within a bord Sa.
(D: Ian of Shadowlands - Jun 88)
Or, 3 towers in bend & a chf embat Sa. (B: Caerthe - Jan 03)
Or, 3 towers Sa, on a chf Az a dove disp guardant Arg. (D: Steven
Westbourg of Flanders - Feb 82)
Paly Gu & Or, 3 towers in fess Sa. (D: Angela Sara Mara Daz de
Valds - Nov 90)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 419

[Castle - Group primary - Sable] to [Castle - Secondary - Argent]

Castle - Group primary - Sable (continued)

Per bend Az, mulletty Arg, & Or, an increscent Arg & a fortress
with 2 minarets Sa. (D: Rashid al Ras at Tinnin - May 81)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a dragon ramp contourny & a castle, a bord
ctrch. (D: Barbara of Forgotten Sea - Mar 94)
Per bend Sa & Or, a dove volant bendwise & a tower, ctrch. (D:
Dovina Serpentsheart - date?)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a duck volant, wings addorsed Arg & a
tower under construction, on its roof a building crane, Sa. (D:
Robert Carpentarius - Aug 88)
Per bend sin ermine & Sa, a tower & a horses head couped convex
at the shoulder & gorged of a collar ctrch. (D: Roxanne de
Portland - Oct 82)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, a tower Sa & a cross potent Gu, fimbriated
Arg. (D: Michael Ironhelm - Apr 93)
Per bend sin rayonny Az & Arg, a mullet of eight points Arg & a
tower Sa, enflamed to chf proper. (D: Duncan of Jarrow Sep 89)
Per bend wavy Or & Az, a tower Sa issuing a flame Gu, & a laurel
wreath Or. (D: Dun Traigh - May 98)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 2 towers & a horse ramp ctrch. (D: Tangwystl
Tyriau Gleision - Dec 95)
Per chev embat Purp & Or, 2 horses combatant Arg & a tower Sa.
(D: Cellach of Flinthyll - Apr 07)
Per chev embat Sa & Or, 2 lions combatant & a tower ctrch. (D:
Malcolm MacCallum of Moffat - Jan 05)
Per chev engrailed Or & Sa, 2 towers & a dragon dormant
contourny within a bord ctrch. (D: Vigds vestfirzka - Sep 95)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 dogs couchant respectant Arg & a tower Sa.
(D: Melanie de la Tour - May 08)
Per chev inv raguly Or & Sa, in chf a tower & in base 3 crescents all
ctrch. (D: Tuvor Sabledrake - Feb 86)
Per chev Or & Arg, 2 towers Sa, each charged with a sword inv
Arg, & an enfield passant to sin guardant proper. (D: Dragan
Volkov - Sep 83)
Per chev Or & Sa, in chf a tower Sa betw 2 pine trees proper & in
base a key palewise Or. (D: William Keybearer of
Dragonwood - Oct 83)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 2 feathers inv in chev & a tower ctrch. (D:
Domnico Bonaugurio - Nov 93)
Per chev throughout Sa & Arg, 2 owls heads cabossed & a tower
ctrch. (D: Adelicia Katharine MacLeod - Jan 94)
Per chev Vt & Arg, a sun in splendour Or & a chess-rook Sa. (D:
Dafydd Gwynfardd - Aug 85)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 2 griffins combattant Arg & a tower Sa. (D:
Morgan MacDougal - May 96)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 2 sheaves of 3 arrows inv Or & a tower Sa. (D:
Joseph de la Tour - Jun 88)
Per fess embat Arg & Sa, in chf a ruined tower Sa within a laurel
wreath Vt & in base a barbless rose Gu, fimbriated Or, betw 3
thistle heads Arg. (D: Nithgaard - Jan 82)
Per fess indented Az & Or, in chf 2 swords inv in salt surmounted
by a helm Arg, & in base a castle Sa. (D: Cormac
MacCormac - Aug 84)
Per fess rayonny Gu & Arg, an eagles head erased proper & a 2towered castle Sa, masoned Arg. (D: Egill von Stahl Jan 82)
Per pale Arg & Or, in pale a castle Sa & a brown bears head erased
proper. (D: Torric inn Bjrn - date?)
Per pale wavy Arg & Az, a watchtower Sa charged with a cross
bottony & in pale 3 swans naiant Arg. (D: William Somme de
Ville - Jun 87)
Per pall inv Vt, Az & Or, 2 cups Or & a tower Sa. (D: Ceridwen o
Aberystwyth - Aug 91)
Per salt Arg & Gu, in pale a cup Gu & a castle Sa, masoned Arg
betw in fess 2 natural leopards heads erased respectant Arg,
spotted Sa. (D: Kasilda Kubasek - May 87)
Per salt Gu & Arg, in pale 2 crosses couped Arg & in fess 2 towers
Sa. (D: Cered Blodletere - Sep 02)
Quarterly wavy Sa & Arg, a sword & a tower Sa. (B: Black Kane
OShannon - Apr 93)
Quarterly wavy Sa & Or, a claymore & a tower Sa. (B: Black Kane
OShannon - Dec 95)
Sa, on a nesselblatt Arg, in pale a tower & a bear ramp Sa. (D:
Rosalinde von Braunschweig - Sep 88)

420 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Castle - Group primary - Sable (continued)

Vair, 2 towers Sa & a wolf statant Or. (B: Finn Marland

OShannon - Jan 96)
* * * End * * *

Castle - Group primary - Vert

See also: Architecture

Per bend sin Arg & Purp, a tower Vt & an anchor Or. (D: Angus
James MacDonald - Aug 97)
Per chev Gu & Or, 2 doves volant respectant wings addorsed Arg &
a triple-towered castle Vt. (D: Seamus Sinclair - Aug 97)
Per chev throughout Vt & Or, 2 eagles & a tower ctrch. (D: Elias
Trier - Mar 04)
Per fess embat Az & Arg, 2 suns in splendor Or & a castle Vt. (D:
Geoffrey de Wygan - Aug 99)
Per fess embat Vt & Arg, a torch Arg & 3 towers in fess Vt. (B:
Torvald - Oct 90)
Per fess Or & lozengy Vt & Or, in chf 2 towers Vt. (D: Sheri Lynn
of Emerson Lake - May 89)
* * * End * * *

Castle - Secondary - Argent

See also: Architecture

(Fieldless) A bear passant guardant Gu maintaining on its back a
castle Arg. (B: Halldor Rauthbjorn - May 02)
(Fieldless) 2 arrows inv in salt Or surmounted by a spired tower
Arg roofed of wooden shingles proper. (B: Nikolai of Trakai Jan 05)
(Fieldless) 2 lightning bolts in salt, overall a tower Arg. (B: David
van den Storm - Sep 92)
Az, a bend wavy ermine betw 2 towers Arg & a bord Or. (D:
Guillaume de Vaison - May 02)
Az, a chev Arg goutty de larmes betw 3 towers Arg. (D: Robert
Wildish - Sep 95)
Az, a chev inv wavy Or betw a castle & 2 foxes sejant addorsed
Arg. (D: Robert Corwen of Dunbar - Jul 98)
Az, a chev Or betw 3 towers Arg. (D: Margarete del Mare Dec 03)
Az, a fess double-arched betw a plate & a triple-towered castle Arg.
(D: Anastacia Marie Travarra - Oct 82)
Az, a fess of five lozenges betw a compass star & a tower, all within
a bord Arg. (D: Katharine de Chauny - Jan 90)
Az, a laurel wreath Or surmounted by a triple-towered castle with
lowered drawbridge, the central tower cupolaed & pennoned to
sin Arg, in base 2 barrulets wavy Or. (D: Elfsea - Dec 82)
Az, a salt Purp fimbriated Or overall a castle Arg. (D: Benjamin
Hardcastle - Apr 97)
Az, a sheaf of swords inv Or, in chf 2 towers, on a chf Arg a sun
Gu. (D: Allen of Flint - Aug 98)
Az, an elephant with a tower atop its back, within a laurel wreath
Arg, a base wavy barry wavy Arg & Sa. (D: Ivory Keep Feb 94)
Az ermined Arg, a bend sin wavy betw a laurel wreath & a tower
Arg. (D: Tor Aerie - Aug 90)
Az, on a bend betw a tower & unicorns head couped at the
shoulder Arg 3 mullets palewise Az. (D: Carandra of Mithyre
- Aug 79)
Az, on a bend betw 2 towers Arg, 2 Celtic crosses Az. (D: Joseph
Ducost - Nov 98)
Az, on a bend sin Or betw a unicorns head erased & sin facing Arg,
armed & crined Or, & a tower Arg, 3 crosses crosslet fitchy
Gu. (D: Tristan of Ryddingbrooke - Apr 87)
Az, on a bend wavy betw 2 towers Arg, 3 portcullises palewise Sa.
(D: Edwin atte Bridge - Jul 98)
Az semy of towers Arg, a bi-corporate lion Or. (D: Conchobhar
hAoilein - Jun 95)
Az, 3 bendlets Or & in sin chf a tower Arg. (D: Giovanni Rocco Sep 96)
Checky Sa & Or, in pale a chess rook & a chev inv Arg. (D:
Riccardo della Torre dAvorio - Jan 93)
Counter-ermine, a stag springing & in chf 3 towers Arg. (D:
Falenn of Deerkeep - Feb 94)
Gu, a laurel wreath Or, surmounted by a tower with open gate Arg
issuant from a base Or, in chf a bezant. (D: Warriors Gate Jul 87)
Gu, a pall wavy, in chf a tower Arg. (B: Duncorlach - Mar 88)

[Castle - Secondary - Argent]

Castle - Secondary - Argent (continued)

Gu, on a bend sin betw 2 towers Arg, a linden leaf palewise inv Vt.
(D: Tyrell Hardcastle - Aug 91)
Gu, on a salt Or betw in pale a tower & a boars head couped close
Arg, 2 matchlock muskets in salt proper, barreled Arg. (D:
Caoimhin macReagan - Nov 91)
Gu, 2 halberds in pile, betw their blades a tower, Arg, overall a
chev, all within a bord Or. (D: Hector Philip Martel Dec 86)
Gu, 2 tridents in salt surmounted by another Or, overall a tower
Arg, betw 2 mullets Or & another Arg. (D: Kennard
Gallowglass - Oct 82)
Pean, 2 daggers inv in salt surmounted by a chess rook Arg. (D:
Crispin of Dreywood - Aug 83)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a bend wavy Az betw an axe reversed & a
tower ctrch. (D: Richard Thomason - Sep 92)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend raguly Or betw 2 towers Arg. (D:
George Frank McKenzie - Oct 04)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a bend sin engrailed betw a tower & a
hawthorn Arg. (D: Siranna of Hawthorn Hall - Mar 82)
Per bend sin Gu & Vt, a bend sin betw an anvil & a tower Arg. (D:
Taran the Pict - Sep 00)
Per bend sin Purp & Gu, a sword inv proper betw 2 towers in bend
Arg, a chf embat Or. (D: Ranulf DArcy - Sep 91)
Per bend sin Sa & Purp, a bend sin Gu fimbriated betw a tower & a
hawk disp, wings inv, Arg. (B: Hawken of the Greenbriar Dec 99)
Per bend sin Sa & Purp, a bend sin Gu fimbriated betw a tower &
an eagle Arg. (D: Hawken of the Greenbriar - Dec 99)
Per bend sin, Sa & Vt, a sword inv bendwise sin Arg betw a
friendly white marble 2-towered castle proper & a wyvern
erect, tail involved Or. (D: Geoffrei de Courville - Aug 79)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, a bend sin betw a thistle & a tower Arg. (B:
Alys Wallas - Jul 02) (JB: Cydrych Wallas)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, a bend sin ctrch betw a tower Arg & a fox
sejant Sa. (B: Johann Wolfgang von Hesse - May 06)
Per chev Az & Gu, a chev Or betw 3 armorers anvils reversed & a
castle Arg. (D: Conrad Wappenschmied - Nov 04)
Per chev Az & Gu, on a pall inv engrailed betw 2 natural dolphins
haurient embowed & a lighthouse Arg six escallops palewise
Gu. (D: Anna Carye - Jan 04)
Per chev Az & Sa, a chev betw 3 doves volant bendwise sin
contourny & a castle triple-towered Arg. (D: Aine inghean
Chormaic - Jan 06)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev embat betw 2 laurel wreaths & a
lighthouse Arg enflamed Gu. (D: Dun an Chalaidh - Mar 04)
Per chev Az & Vt, a pall inv of chain betw 2 griffins combattant &
a tower Arg. (D: Tristan Gryphonroke - Jul 89)
Per chev Az & Vt, on a chev embat betw 3 towers Arg, 3 mullets
Az. (D: Angus Mac Aeda - Mar 98)
Per chev Gu & Sa, a chev ermine betw 2 towers & a wolfs head
erased Arg, a bord ermine. (D: Martino Michele Venri Mar 98)
Per chev inv Az & Gu, a chev inv betw a castle triple-towered Arg
& 3 plates. (D: Jean Paul de Rheims - Oct 88)
Per chev Or & Az, a chain chevronwise betw in chf 2 ravens
respectant Sa & in base a tower Arg. (D: Stennis Ravensweir Dec 71?)
Per chev Purp & Vt, on a chev Or betw 2 natural leopards
combattant & a tower Arg, a cross of Calvary Purp. (D:
Roderick Billingsley Mac Leod - Jan 99)
Per chev Sa & Vt, an annulet Or betw 3 towers Arg. (D: Torquil
MacGillavrey - Sep 03)
Per chev Vt & Az, a chev betw 2 castles & a marlin hauriant Arg.
(D: Neill or Daered ar Llyr of Marlincourt - Jan 74?)
Per chev Vt, semy of castles Arg, & Arg, in base a laurel wreath Vt.
(D: Carraig Ban - Mar 89)
Per chev wavy Az & Arg, surmounting a chev ctrch wavy betw 2
towers Arg & a tree blasted eradicated Sa, a laurel wreath Vt.
(D: Dubhrs - Jun 82)
Per fess Arg & Sa, on a fess Gu betw an eagle disp Sa & a castle
Arg, a hawks bell with jesses Or. (D: Wilhelm von Freiburg Jun 84)
Per fess Arg & Sa, 2 fireballs proper & 2 towers, betw them a pair
of swinging doors, Arg. (D: Rian MacFinn - Aug 93)

Castle - Secondary - Argent (continued)

Per fess Az & Vt, a barrulet betw in bend sin a tower & 2 towers
joined by a single-arched bridge Arg. (D: David of
Chancellorbridge - Sep 07)
Per fess Az & Vt, in chf 2 rapiers inv crossed in salt Arg & in base a
dragon ramp to sin Or maintaining a tower Arg. (D: Taliesin
dArgonne - Mar 96)
Per fess Sa & Gu, a fess embat counter-embat betw an eagles head
erased & a tower Arg. (D: Romanus Castelyn - Nov 04)
Per pale Az & Vt, a pale engrailed betw 2 towers Arg. (D:
Josceline Greylok - Dec 94)
Per pale double arched to sin Az & counter-ermine, in pale to dexter
a tower & a lions head cabossed & in sin a pomegranate Arg.
(B: Boneth of Glenarvon - Aug 80) (For House Drimore)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 3 hedgehogs ramp in pale betw 2 chess rooks
Arg. (D: Theoderic der Rot - Apr 98)
Per pale Purp & Arg, in base 3 barrulets wavy ctrch, in dexter a
tower issuant from the upper barrulet Arg, in sin chf a laurel
wreath Vt. (B: St. Michaels Keep - Aug 81)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a pine tree couped & in chf 2 towers ctrch. (D:
Johann Berndt - Jun 94)
Per pale Vt & Az, a pallet Or betw a tower & a double-bitted axe
Arg & on a base Or a drakkar, sail furled, proper. (D:
Darrbrann of Oxar - Jun 82)
Per pall Sa, Arg & Gu, a laurel wreath Vt & in chf a tower Arg. (D:
Cynnabar - Jul 83)
Per salt Gu & Az, a fret Arg betw in cross a fleur-de-lys Or & 3
towers Arg. (D: Morgan Dubh MacLeod - Dec 90)
Quarterly Az & Arg, a cross couped betw in bend 2 towers & in
bend sin 2 roses all ctrch. (D: Margarethe of Lynwood Keep Mar 94)
Quarterly Az & Vt, a crescent inv bendwise sin & in dexter base a
tower Arg. (D: Raimund of the Strait - Aug 79?)
Quarterly per fess indented Az & Arg, on a lozenge Sa betw 2
towers a crescent Arg. (D: Owen Haythorn - Apr 06)
Sa, a bend Or, overall a tower betw 2 arrows inv Arg. (D: Wilhelm
von Pfeffers - Dec 96)
Sa, a bend sin wavy Az fimbriated betw a falcon & a tower Arg. (D:
Matthias von Rheinfels - Dec 84)
Sa, a chev Az, fimbriated, betw 2 crescents & a tower Arg. (D:
Gratien de Nville - Feb 90)
Sa, a fess embat & in chf 2 towers Arg. (D: Roland de Ruthven Jan 96)
Sa, a pall betw in fess 2 mullets of eight points Or & in chf a tower
Arg. (D: Constance MacCallum of Hoghton - Sep 83)
Sa, on a bend betw a compass star elongated to base & a tripletowered castle Arg, 2 compass stars palewise elongated to base
Sa. (D: Marie da Serra da Estrela - Jul 92)
Sa, on a bend sin betw a bear sejant erect & a tower Arg 3 mullets
of eight points Gu. (D: Conor MacNeil - Jan 96)
Sa, on a bend sin bretasse betw 2 towers Arg, a tilting lance Sa. (D:
Kyneth mac Ewen - Aug 88)
Sa, on a bend sin Or betw 2 towers Arg a feather Gu. (D: Elias
Cameron of Black Isle - Feb 06)
Sa, platy, a bar embat abased Or betw in chf a castle & in base 3
pheons Arg. (D: Richard the Alchemist of Wales - Mar 81)
Sa, 2 spears in salt betw 2 towers in fess Arg. (B: Stargate Dec 89) (For the Sodality of the Sentinels of the Stargate)
Sa, 2 torches in salt Arg enflamed Or & in chf a triple-towered
castle Arg. (D: Thorgrim Olafsson - Jul 91)
Vt, a bend Az, fimbriated, betw a castle Arg & a tower Or. (D: Riik
of Flatrock - Aug 83)
Vt, a bend Az, fimbriated Or betw a tower Arg & a castle Or. (D:
Valens of Flatrock - Aug 83)
Vt, a bend sin ermine betw 2 towers Arg. (D: Marie Latourette
Beaudoin - Dec 02)
Vt, a bend wavy Az fimbriated, overall a tower Arg. (B: Isobel des
Tourelles de la Seine - Aug 85)
Vt, a dragon passant contourny Or maintaining in each talon a
grenade proper betw 2 towers Arg & a mountain of 3 peaks Or.
(D: Draco de Monte Cassino - Apr 05)
Vt, a dragon passant contourny Or maintaining in each talon a
grenade Sa enflamed Gu, all betw 2 towers Arg & a mountain
of 3 peaks Or. (D: Draco de Monte Cassino - Feb 08)
Vt, a unicorn clymant to sin & in chf 3 castles, all Arg. (D: Todd of
the Golden Unicorn - Sep 73?)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 421

[Castle - Secondary - Argent] to [Castle - Secondary - Multicolor]

Castle - Secondary - Argent (continued)

Vt, an elephant contourny maintaining on its back a tower Arg & a

chf per fess embat Sa & Arg. (D: Ciarn hua Cathassaig Nov 05)
Vt, in salt a warhammer & a sword, in base a tower atop a mount,
all Arg. (D: Lorin sur la Roche - Apr 76?)
Vt, on a bend sin betw a tower & 2 herrings in pale that in base
contourny Arg, 4 cauldrons palewise Sa. (D: Magnus av
Nordenskld - Jun 06)
Vt, on a fess betw 3 towers Arg a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Castlemere
- Feb 83)
Vt, semy of chess rooks Arg, a sealion erect Or. (D: Hywyn of
Wyrmgeist - Jun 90)
Vt, 2 swords in salt Or surmounted by a stone tower, the top
enflamed, proper. (B: Border Vale Keep - Apr 85)
* * * End * * *

Castle - Secondary - Azure

See also: Architecture

Arg, a bend Sa surmounted by a tower Az & in base 2 bars wavy
Sa. (D: Isabeau of Stormhaven Keep - Apr 92)
Arg, a chev inv engrailed Sa betw a tower Az, battlements enflamed
proper, & 2 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Jean Paul le Malicieux Jun 93)
Arg, a chev Purp betw 2 horses heads couped respectant Sa & a
tower Az. (D: Caterina di Fiore Delrosso - May 01)
Arg, a dragon sejant Gu holding in dexter a pen Sa, in dexter chf a
tower Az masoned Sa, in sin chf a stags head cabossed proper
& in base a cross patty Sa. (D: Alexander Rothdraca Aug 79?)
Arg, on a chev betw 3 towers Az, 3 stags heads erased Arg. (D:
Brandon MacKay - Jan 93)
Arg, 3 bendlets Purp & overall a tower Az. (B: Matillis atte Hethe Aug 07)
Or, a dragon passant on a cloud Gu, above a castle 3-towered Az.
(D: Charles of Dublin - Mar 78?)
Or, a fess Gu betw 3 fleurs-de-lys & a castle Az. (D: Amice of
Castleton - Oct 96)
Or, a pale Az, overall in fess 3 towers ctrch within a laurel wreath
Vt. (D: Meadowmarsh - Feb 84)
Or, a scarpe Sa betw a triple-towered castle Az & a rose Gu, barbed
& seeded Vt. (D: Leah of Mercia - Feb 80)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, a bend sin erminois betw a chess rook Az
& a conch shell fesswise Arg, all within a bord erminois. (D:
Muirgheal Cinnsealach - Nov 87)
Per fess Az & Arg, a fess Gu betw a mastless drakkar Arg & a
castle triple-towered Az. (D: Rhianna Kirsten of Dunwick Jan 85)
Per pale Purp & Az, a griffin segreant Arg, maintaining in its dexter
talon a morgenstern, & in its sin talon a targe charged with a
tower Az. (D: Griffin Val Drummond - Dec 06)
* * * End * * *

Castle - Secondary - Fur

See also: Architecture

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Castle - Secondary - Gules

See also: Architecture

(Fieldless) In salt a battle axe & a sword inv proper, & overall a
tower Gu, portaled Arg. (B: Middle Marches, the - Dec 80)
(For the Order of the Watchful Tower)
Arg, a bend Sa betw 2 castles Gu. (D: Alexandre de la Torre y
Rioja - Sep 06)
Arg, a bend sin wavy Az betw an open-flame lighthouse Gu & a
lymphad, sails furled, Sa. (D: Spurius Furius Eruditus Apr 83)
Arg, a cross fleury fitchy throughout Sa betw 4 towers Gu. (D:
Cassandra Elissa Castellano de Cervantes - Apr 98)
Arg, a pall betw a cross of Jerusalem Sa & 2 towers Gu. (D:
Gwenllian de Castell Coch - Jun 02)
Arg, fretty Az, a tower & in chf 3 tankards Gu. (D: Willem Daniels
- Apr 96)
Arg, 2 chevronels betw 3 crosses pomelly & a tower Gu. (D:
Donald of Saint Ives - Sep 03)
422 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Castle - Secondary - Gules (continued)

Or, a bend Sa betw a triple-towered castle & a griffin sejant erect to

sin Gu. (D: Fredric of Castlerock - Jan 84)
Or, a bend sin Gu betw a rose slipped & leaved proper & a tower
Gu. (D: Ulric le Alefondere - Aug 94)
Or, a chev Az betw a key fesswise, a quill bendwise sin, & a tower
Gu. (D: Gottfried von Beringen - May 82)
Or, a chev Az betw 2 thistles & a castle Gu. (B: Ceanntighern
Macgillechallum - Oct 99)
Or, a chev Az platy betw 2 trees eradicated & a castle Gu. (D:
Holdred of Crystalbrook - Aug 91)
Or, a chev Vt surmounted by a tower Gu betw 3 laurel wreaths Vt.
(D: Bryniau Tywynnog - Oct 90)
Or, a pile wavy bendwise betw a serpent glissant palewise Gu,
maintaining in its mouth an arrow bendwise inv Sa & a castle
triple-towered Gu. (D: Alejandra Isabel Murray - Nov 88)
Or, 3 chevronels braced Vt betw 2 towers issuant from the
chevronels & a laurel wreath Gu. (D: Cloondara - Jun 84)
Or, 2 wyverns combattant Vt in base a tower Gu within a laurel
wreath Vt. (D: Mons Draconis - Jun 97)
* * * End * * *

Castle - Secondary - Multicolor

See also: Architecture

Arg, on a pile Sa, a star of 3 greater & six lesser points Arg, in base
2 towers ctrch & a laurel wreath Sa voided Arg. (D: Stargate Jun 73?)
Per fess Sa & Or, a sun Gu betw in pale 2 towers ctrch. (D: Felena
Sidra de la Croix - Sep 84)
Per pale Arg & Az, a cross crosslet betw 4 towers ctrch. (D:
Elspeth Clerk - Aug 01)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a chev betw 2 mullets of 4 points & a tower, all
within a bord ctrch, as an augmentation, surmounting the chev,
on an inescutcheon Vt, a stag salient Arg, surmounted by a
ducal coronet, a bord embat Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Artan
macAiln - Nov 98)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a chev throughout & in base a castle ctrch. (D:
Steffan of Castle Isle - Apr 84)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a chev & in base a tower ctrch. (D: Otto von
Aken - Jan 04)
Per pale Arg & Vt, an acorn proper capped Or betw in chf 2 towers
ctrch Az & Or. (D: Fidelma Wiggins - Jun 01)
Per pale Az & Arg, a chev inv betw a tower & 2 dolmens, all ctrch.
(D: Terricus MacRorie - Aug 89)
Per pale Az & Arg, a pile inv throughout betw 2 towers ctrch. (D:
Kathryn Fletcher of Shrewsbury - Nov 92)
Per pale Az & Arg, on a chev 2 coneys courant & in base a castle
ctrch. (D: Roderick of Whitehall - Apr 92)
Per pale Or & Az, a dogs head couped Sa betw 3 towers ctrch. (D:
Peter von Hundisburg - Feb 94)
Per pale Or & Gu, 2 lions combattant & in chf a tower ctrch. (D:
Felicia of the True Layne - May 87)
Per pale Sa & Arg, on a chev betw 3 towers, 3 roundels ctrch. (D:
Maria Alessandra delle Tre Torri Alte - Jan 93)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a chev raguly on the upper edge betw 3 towers
ctrch. (D: Shamus Stewart - Oct 97)
Per pale wavy Az & Gu, a pallet wavy betw a tower Arg, portalled
to sin, & a siege tower proper. (D: Adrian Buchanon Nov 81)
Per salt Or & Az, a dragon ramp to sin Arg betw in cross 4 towers
ctrch. (D: Katrina Adeline aus Drachenfels Festung - Jun 86)
Per salt Or & Gu, a laurel wreath Vt betw in cross 4 towers ctrch.
(D: Harpelestane - Sep 91)
Quarterly Az & Or, a cross betw in chf 2 cinquefoils & in base 2
towers, all ctrch. (D: Zoe Anastasia Dalassena de Flora Jul 88)
Sa, a bend sin Arg, overall a tower checky Arg & Vt. (D: Robert
Hightower of Meridies - Sep 83)
Sa, a bend sin Arg, overall a tower checky Arg & Vt, as an
augmentation in dexter chf 3 mullets in fess Arg.
(Augmentation of Arms: Robert Hightower of Meridies May 01)
Vt, a bend Az, fimbriated, betw a castle Arg & a tower Or. (D: Riik
of Flatrock - Aug 83)
Vt, a bend Az, fimbriated Or betw a tower Arg & a castle Or. (D:
Valens of Flatrock - Aug 83)

[Castle - Secondary - Multicolor] to [Castle - Secondary - Or]

Castle - Secondary - Multicolor (continued)

Vt, a bend Az fimbriated Or betw a tower Arg & a castle Or, & for
augmentation, on a canton Purp a cross of Calatrava within a
bord Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Valens of Flatrock May 93)
* * * End * * *

Castle - Secondary - Or

See also: Architecture

Arg goutty de sang, an elephant passant Sa tusked & maintaining a
tower on its back Or. (D: Cailin Dubh mac Eoin - Mar 07)
Az, a bend sin bretessed Arg betw a tower & a escallop Or. (D:
Sabina of Kilkenny - Sep 97)
Az, a chev betw 3 mullets of 4 points in chev & a tower Or. (D:
Varvara Sigurardottir - Aug 06)
Az, a chev brettess betw 2 lions combattant & a tower Or. (D:
Geoffrey Thomas - Jan 83)
Az, a fess betw a demi-lion ramp issuant from the fess & a chess
rook Or. (D: Marcellus Capoziello da Napoli - Jun 98)
Az, a fess dovetailed betw a hound courant & a tower Or. (D:
Elaine de Charvigne - Mar 85)
Az, a pall betw 2 ruined towers Or. (B: Thomas the Incomplete Oct 07)
Az, a pall inv betw 2 mullets & a tower, all or. (D: Lisa Golden
Star - Aug 79)
Az, a python disp Or, collared & chained Arg to in chf 2 towers, all
within a bord embat Or. (D: Gilbert de Bracton - Feb 94)
Az, on a fess invected Arg betw a lioness courant & a tower issuant
from base Or, a compass star elongated to base Gu. (D: Kiara
o Ddinas Emrys - Oct 92)
Az, 3 scarpes wavy Arg betw 2 towers, each within a laurel wreath,
Or. (D: Lost Moor - Oct 87)
Az, 2 scarpes betw 3 mullets of 4 points & a tower Or. (D: Julia de
Montoya - Jul 96)
Counter-ermine, a hunting horn, its string encircling a chessrook
Or. (D: Sibylle Stanger - Sep 92)
Gu, a chev betw 2 chess-rooks & a caltrap Or. (D: Gaufridus
Baldewin Gilbertson - Dec 84)
Gu, a chev embat betw 2 chess-rooks Or & a Celtic cross Arg. (D:
Kieran Bren of Bannockburn - Mar 94)
Gu, a needle bendwise betw a tower & 2 fleurs-de-lis Or. (D: Lina
Joya de Grantham - May 05)
Gu, an arrow bendwise Or betw 2 bendlets Arg, betw in chf a tower
& in base a cross couped Or. (D: Julian Edward Farnsworth
of Falconmoors - Jul 86)
Gu, on a fess Arg betw a sun & a castle Or, 2 fleurs-de-lys Sa. (B:
Ardanroe - Aug 95)
Or, a sun throughout Gu surmounted by a mount Vt, overall a tower
Or. (B: Mathilde Hlne Caitlin MacCraobh - Jul 82) (For
Ard Dachaidh Thoir)
Per bend Az & Gu, a bend counter-embat betw an eagle disp, wings
inv, & a tower Or. (D: Wilhelm von Oldenburg - Jan 85)
Per bend Or & Sa, a bend Gu ermined Or betw a Cornish chough
proper & a tower Or. (D: Michael Treighie - Sep 03)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a bend sin Arg overall a tower Or. (D:
Arthur of Hightower - May 02)
Per bend sin Or & Gu, a bend sin counter-ermine betw a rook
contourny Sa & 3 towers Or. (D: Cynthia of the Loch Apr 03)
Per chev Az & Sa, a chev betw in canton a heart & in base a tower
Or. (D: Roswitha von Pirmasens - Oct 01)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev fracted betw 2 mullets of eight points & a
tower Or. (D: Llewelyn the Archer - Nov 91)
Per chev Gu & Purp, a chev cotised betw in dexter chf a castle & in
base a sprig of 2 oak leaves fesswise fructed Or. (D: Eadwyn
Inhold - Dec 84)
Per chev Gu & Vt, on a chev betw 2 lions combattant & a tower Or,
2 sprigs of mistletoe Vt. (D: Rafael da Venezia - Sep 94)
Per chev inv Sa & Vt, a pall betw a griffin segreant & 2 towers Or.
(D: Alaric Drommund Griffinsdaith - Feb 88)
Per chev Purp & Arg, a chev Sa betw 2 towers Or & a rose Purp,
barbed Vt, charged with another Arg, seeded Or. (D: Meghan
ferch Gwalchmai - May 83)
Per chev Purp & Sa, a chev betw 2 hearts & a tower Or. (D: Karl
Knigsberg - Jul 04)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a chev engrailed betw 2 Celtic crosses & a castle
Or. (D: Alianora of Aberdeen - Mar 85)

Castle - Secondary - Or (continued)

Per fess Or & Sa, a fir tree eradicated & in chf 3 towers, all ctrch.
(D: Karla of Sundragon - Jan 87)
Per fess Sa & Gu, on a fess Arg betw a 2-headed demi-eagle disp
issuant from the fess & a tower, both Or, 3 anchors Gu. (D:
Kathleen ODubhghaill - Jul 85)
Per fess Sa & Vt, a fess Arg, surmounted by a tower Or. (D: Graa
da Alataia - Dec 83)
Per pale Arg & Vt, 2 scarpes ctrch Gu & Arg betw a raven disp
contourny Sa armed & a tower Or. (D: Martn de Suero y
Tresguerras - Nov 91)
Per pale Az & Vt, a sword inv Arg betw a caravel sails furled & a
castle triple-towered Or. (D: Rhydderch ap Erwin - Mar 04)
Per pale Sa & Az, 2 chevronels betw 3 towers Or. (B: Christian
Darmody - Aug 89)
Purp, a chev throughout ermine betw 2 Catherine wheels & a castle
Or. (D: Katherine Neville of Kenilworth - Mar 94)
Purp, a double-bitted axe betw in base 2 towers Or. (D: Brion
OCuirc - Jul 92)
Purp, a Roman scutum Arg, ornamented Gu, betw in fess 2 towers
Or. (D: Correus Dracontius - Mar 90)
Quarterly Az & Purp, a boars head couped betw 2 towers in bend
sin Or. (D: Connor of Drei Eichen - Oct 96)
Sa, a bend cotised betw 2 chess rooks, all within a bord embat Or.
(D: Emrys Hawkwind - Feb 89)
Sa, a bend sin betw a tower & a bear passant, & on a chf Or 3
sledge hammers Sa. (D: Cedric Steinhauser - Aug 90)
Sa, a chev betw 2 equal armed Celtic crosses & a tower, a bord Or.
(D: Taliesin Galloglach - Sep 93)
Sa, a chev indented Arg betw 2 griffins combattant & a castle
double-towered Or. (D: Taliesin ap Gwythur - Apr 85)
Sa, a fess wavy & in dexter chf a tower Or. (B: Ben Dunfirth Apr 95)
Sa, a lightning flash bendwise throughout Arg surmounted by a
tower Or, within a bord embat erminois. (D: Hans Hager
Eyecrown - Apr 81)
Sa, a pall Arg, in chf a castle Or. (D: Adam mac Artuir - Feb 01)
Sa, an elephant Arg maintaining atop its back a tower, a bord embat
Or. (D: Edmund Foxe - Jul 04)
Sa, on a chev Arg betw a sword fesswise & a triple-towered castle
Or, 3 flames Gu. (D: Alfred of Greyvale - May 98)
Sa, on a chev Arg 3 oak trees eradicated proper, in base a tower Or.
(D: Godfrey McKnight - May 08)
Sa, on a chev couched from sin Arg betw 3 castles triple-towered
Or, five crosses formy Gu. (D: Karl von Schattenburg Feb 94)
Sa, on a pale betw in chf 2 castles Or in chf a castle Sa. (D:
Rebekah of Newcastle - Sep 01)
Sa, 2 chevronels, that in chf ensigned with a castle Or & enfiled of a
noose Arg pendant from a chf Or. (D: Richard of Locksley Apr 73?)
Sa, 2 lightning bolts throughout in salt Arg, in pale 2 towers Or. (D:
Knut Storm le Carter - Jul 97)
Sa, 2 winged unicorns combattant Arg & in base a 3 towered castle
Or. (D: Sorcha Kilcullen - Apr 91)
Vair en point, a tricorporate lion ramp guardant & in chf a castle of
3 towers Or. (B: Donato Pulcinella - Jan 84) (For Casa del
Tre Leoni)
Vairy in point Arg & Sa, on a bend sin Az betw 2 chess rooks a
stags attire Or. (D: Berenger Nachtwulf von Mainz der
Spieler - Dec 95)
Vt, a bend Az, fimbriated, betw a castle Arg & a tower Or. (D: Riik
of Flatrock - Aug 83)
Vt, a bend Az fimbriated betw a fleur-de-lys & a tower all within a
bord Or. (D: Marc of the Valley Freehold - Jan 91)
Vt, a bend Az, fimbriated Or betw a tower Arg & a castle Or. (D:
Valens of Flatrock - Aug 83)
Vt, a cross betw in bend a triskele & a tower Or. (D: Robert James
Buchanan - Aug 03)
Vt, a cross ermine betw 4 castles, each within a laurel wreath Or.
(D: Twae Linnes - May 93)
Vt, a scarpe Arg betw an oak leaf & a castle of 3 stepped towers Or.
(D: Dail y Eiliwriad o Cwm Cwymp Dwr - Jun 81)
Vt, ermined Or, a bend sin betw an eagle disp & a tower Or. (D:
Raedwulf Odell - Feb 88)
Vt, in fess a bear passant reguardant betw 2 towers Or. (B: Bjorn
Jorsalfar of Bearhaven - Jun 93)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 423

[Castle - Secondary - Or] to [Castle - Secondary - Vert]

Castle - Secondary - Or (continued)

Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 spired towers Or, 3 arrows palewise inv
Sa. (D: Teamhair Gleann D Loch - Oct 92)
Vt, on a pall betw a dragon & 2 towers Or a compass star Sa. (D:
Godric of Hamtun - Apr 03)
* * * End * * *

Castle - Secondary - Purpure

See also: Architecture

Arg, a bend sin wavy Az betw a pine tree eradicated proper & a
tower Purp. (D: Rowena Caer Llyn - Jul 97)
Arg, a chev Sa betw 2 swans naiant & a tower Purp. (D: Moira nic
Kessak - Jun 00)
Per bend sin Arg & barry engrailed Arg & Az, a bend sin, in chf a
tower Purp. (D: Wybke vom Drachenfeld - Oct 85)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a bend sin bevilled ctrch betw a sword
surmounted by 2 swords in salt, all inv, Or, & a chess rook
Purp. (D: Geoffrey Genour of Carney - Jul 74?)
* * * End * * *

Castle - Secondary - Sable

See also: Architecture

(Fieldless) A claymore inv proper, the blade surmounted by a tower
Sa. (B: Finbarr Mathgamain mac Conchobair - May 06)
(Fieldless) 2 tridents in salt & overall a tower Sa. (B: Illiton Apr 06)
Arg, a bend betw a tower & a pithon disp Sa. (D: Mordred
Blackstone of Norwich - May 96)
Arg, a bend sin betw a falcon striking to sin & a tower all within a
bord Sa. (B: Thomas of Endless Hills - May 94)
Arg, a bend sin dancetty Sa betw a phoenix Az rising from flames
Gu & a tower Sa. (D: Gillian of Lynnehaven - Feb 94)
Arg, a bend wavy Az betw 2 towers Sa. (D: Shannon of the Dark
Woods - Nov 93)
Arg, a chev counter-ermine betw 2 towers & a fasces Sa. (D: David
of Illwheirlane - Jan 73?)
Arg, a chev embat Gu betw 3 towers Sa. (D: Myrddyn Brandeall Apr 85)
Arg, a chev embat in base a tower, & a bord Sa. (D: Broinninn nic
Labhruinn - Nov 97)
Arg, a chev Vt surmounted by a tower Sa, in chf 2 wagon wheels
Vt. (D: Eadrun of Colletts Keep - Mar 87)
Arg, a cross Az betw in bend a Maltese cross Gu & a tower Sa
within a bord Az. (D: Njll orvaldsson - Oct 05)
Arg, a fess Gu betw 2 griffins segreant addorsed Vt & a tower Sa, a
bord Gu. (D: Eric of Kelton - Dec 94)
Arg, a portcullis betw & conjoined to 2 towers Sa, on a chf Vt 2
laurel wreaths Or. (D: Gates Edge - Sep 92)
Arg, a raven disp betw 3 towers Sa, all within an orle Vt. (D:
Raven of Black Tower - Jun 82)
Arg, a tilting helm affronty with horned crest, torse & mantling, Gu
betw in cross 4 triple-towered castles Sa. (D: Colin James
Mac Lachlan - Sep 87)
Arg, on a bend sin Gu betw a tower & a cross pattonce Sa 2 lions
counter-passant guardant Arg. (D: Christoph Lowentrm von
Mark - Feb 81)
Arg, on a bend sin Sa betw a thistle proper & a tower Sa, 3 annulets
Or. (D: Duncan MacLean of Atenveldt - Jan 99)
Arg, on a fess Az betw 4 towers Sa, 3 & one, a lymphad Arg. (D:
Marco Andrea Vendramin Veneziano - Feb 92)
Arg, on a fess betw a castle Sa & a bristlecone pine tree proper, 3
coneys couchant to sin Arg. (D: Eveleen the Unnoticed Mar 81)
Arg, on a salt Az 2 wheat stalks Or & in base a tower Sa. (D: Yusef
of South Tower - May 83)
Arg 3 chevronels Gu betw 3 ivy leaves in fess Vt & a tower Sa. (D:
Katrina of South Tower - Jul 87)
Arg, 3 pellets betw 2 chevronels betw a boars head erased Sa,
tusked Gu, & a tower Sa. (D: Karl-Kurt Friedrich v. Rainer u.
v. Bergen - Jan 73?)
Arg, 2 chevronels Vt in base a tower Sa. (D: Mikjal Haraldson Oct 95)
Arg, 2 scarpes Gu, overall a tower Sa. (D: Gareth MacBride Jul 92)
Az, 3 piles Arg & in base a tower Sa. (D: Elisane Gilraedd Feb 75)

424 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Castle - Secondary - Sable (continued)

Ermine, on a bend sin Az betw a tree eradicated proper & a tower

Sa, a laurel wreath palewise Arg. (D: Rivenwood Tower Nov 88)
Erminois, a tree eradicated & blasted, betw 2 towers in fess Sa. (D:
Peter Raventree - May 86)
Or, a bend betw a tower & an eagle disp, & on a chf Sa, 3 crosses
crosslet fitchy Or. (D: Wilhelm Steinhauser - Dec 85)
Or, a bend wavy Az betw 2 towers, all within a bord Sa. (B: Gloria
Kirkhouse of Tain - Oct 89) (For the Condottieri of the Twin
Or, a chev Gu betw 2 horses combattant & a castle Sa. (D:
Gwenhevare Cordelia Maynard - Nov 01)
Or, a pall wavy Purp in chf a tower Sa overall a laurel wreath Vt.
(D: Rivers Point - Aug 01)
Or, a raven contourny perched atop & maintaining a crossbow
fesswise reversed, in dexter chf a tower Sa, a bord wavy Az.
(D: Eoin Ravenscroft - Jun 05)
Or, a sword betw 4 towers Sa. (B: Atlantia - Apr 98) (For Order
of the Nonpareil)
Or, on a bend Gu betw 2 towers Sa a walking staff Arg. (D:
Brandon de Tournai - Apr 96)
Or, on a bend sin Vt betw a dexter arm embowed & armored,
maintaining an axe, & a castle Sa, in chf a double-headed eagle
disp Or, all within a bord Sa. (D: Friedrich Ethelred aus
Schloss Trier - Jan 85)
Or, on a chev betw 2 swords in salt & a tower Sa, 3 escallops
palewise inv Or. (B: Michael of Bedford - Dec 80) (For
House Trylliam)
Per bend Arg & Az, an elephant statant contourny Or atop its back a
tower Sa. (D: Thomas de Keth - Dec 02)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a bendlet Or betw a wolfs head erased Arg & a
tower Sa, fimbriated Or. (D: Ulrich von Matanuska - Jan 80)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a bend sin Gu betw a tower & a bear ramp
ctrch. (D: Mariana Christina - Dec 83)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, a bend sin embat Gu betw a fox statant
reguardant Arg & a tower Sa. (D: Johann von Graustein Mar 83)
Per fess Gu & Or, issuant from the line of division a demi-sun Arg,
overall a tower Sa. (B: Gaillard, Brotherhood of Chateau Aug 81)
Per fess Or & Arg, a fess embat Sa betw 3 reremice disp Gu & a
tower Sa. (D: Aelfric of Dorcestre - Nov 89)
Per pale Or & Arg, a sword palewise throughout betw 2 towers, all
within a bord Sa. (D: Black Kane OShannon - Dec 89)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, in bend sin a hawks head erased proper betw
2 towers Sa. (D: Simonn of Amber Isle - Mar 83)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, a cross Or betw in bend 2 eagles heads erased
Arg & in bend sin 2 towers Sa. (D: Maximilian de Morai Jun 86)
Vt, 3 chevronels Or, overall a castle Sa, fimbriated Or. (D: Marcus
of the Locked Mountain - Jun 81)
* * * End * * *

Castle - Secondary - Vert

See also: Architecture

Arg, a bend sin engrailed betw 2 towers Vt. (D: Richard Talbot of
Blackmere - Mar 02)
Arg, a chev wavy Purp betw 2 fir trees couped & a tower Vt. (D:
Alise Queneby - Jun 04)
Arg, a fess Az betw a triple-arched bridge & a tower Vt. (D: Anne
of Corbridge - Jun 81)
Arg, a pale betw 2 needles in salt & a tower Vt. (D: Faedagh
Glendhalyn - May 83)
Arg, on a chev Az betw 3 towers Vt 3 roses slipped & leaved Or.
(D: Robert mac Uisdein - Feb 07)
Arg semy of triple-towered castles Vt, on a fess Purp a lion passant
Arg.. (D: Aleanore of Conwy - Dec 04)
Or, a bend sin Vt betw a tree proper & a tower Vt. (D: Melisande
de Frayne - Sep 01)
Or, a bend Vt cotised Gu betw 2 towers Vt, masoned Or. (D:
Catherine de Harcourt - Oct 90)
Per chev Arg & ermine, a chev Sa & in chf 3 towers Vt. (D:
Padraig Ruadh Cille Chainnigh - Mar 00)
Per fess embat Vt & Arg, a bar bretessed Arg & a tower within a
laurel wreath betw in fess 2 towers Vt. (D: Torvald - Oct 90)
* * * End * * *

[Castle - Tertiary] to [Cauldron]

Castle - Tertiary

See also: Architecture

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *
Cat: see Beast - Cat
Catamount: see Beast - Cat
Catamount - Sea: see Monster - Sea - Other
Catapult: see Siege engine
Catfish: see Fish - Other
Catherine wheel: see Wheel
Catnip: see Plant - Herb
Cats face: see Head - Beast - Cat
Cats head: see Head - Beast - Cat
Cattail: see Plant - Reed and Tail


(Fieldless) A cauldron Arg. (B: Devora bat Shimshon - Sep 99)

(Fieldless) A cauldron Or. (B: Aurelie de Montpellier - Aug 90)
(Fieldless) A cauldron Sa. (B: Beinntheine - Oct 00)
(Fieldless) A cauldron Vt. (B: Devora bat Shimshon - Sep 99)
(Fieldless) On a cauldron Az a harp Or. (B: Caer Galen - Feb 05)
(Fieldless) On a cauldron Or a bears head cabossed Sa. (B: Elise
Dominique Clairmont - Dec 90)
(Fieldless) On a cauldron Vt 2 straight trumpets in chev bells to
base Or. (B: Pedro de Alcazar - Nov 00) (For House Kettle
and Trumpets)
Arg, a cauldron & on a chf Vt 3 increscents Arg. (D: Devora bat
Shimshon - Dec 97)
Arg, a cauldron Sa & a chf embat Az. (D: Minna Mary McGregor Mar 02)
Arg, a cauldron Sa & on a chf Gu five hearts Arg. (D: Helga
Tynker - Aug 05)
Arg, a chev Gu betw 2 cauldrons Vt & an oak slip palewise leaved
& fructed proper within a bord Gu. (D: Helewyse de Birkestad
- Aug 06)
Arg, a cooking pot betw on a chf Sa, a needle, eye to sin, Or, & a
base rayonny Gu. (D: Catherine the Friendly - Sep 88)
Arg, a corbie volant, wings elevated & addorsed, sustaining a
cauldron Sa. (D: Magdalena Laurens - Jul 99)
Arg, a demi-hare erect proper issuant from a cooking pot Sa betw 2
bars wavy Az. (D: Judith Fletcher of Wellow - Oct 02)
Arg, a dragon statant Purp breathing flames proper, in dexter chf a
cauldron Purp. (D: Alberad von Westerwanna - Jun 93)
Arg, a fess wavy Gu betw 2 cauldrons & an anvil Sa. (D: Garwed
Cadburiensis - Jul 82)
Arg, in pale a cauldron & a laurel wreath Sa betw flaunches Az. (D:
Beinntheine - Apr 99)
Arg, in pale 2 cauldrons & in fess 2 cats ramp Sa. (D: Caoilfhionn
inghean Amhlaoibh - Aug 03)
Arg, in pale 2 wooden spoons in salt proper & a cauldron Sa. (B:
Michaela de Romeny - Jan 07)
Arg, on a chev engrailed Gu betw 3 cauldrons Sa five escarbuncles
Arg. (B: thelmearc - Oct 06)
Arg, 2 wooden cooking spoons in salt proper & in chf a cauldron
Az. (B: Thescorre - Aug 79) (For Cauldron Blue Cooks
Az, a cauldron & a bord embat Or. (D: Fionnaghal Levenax Aug 93)
Az, a cauldron & in chf 3 harps Or. (D: Caera Cruitire ingen
Uaithne - Feb 05)
Az, a cauldron Arg charged with a bunch of 2 cherries Gu, slipped
& leaved Vt. (B: Delftwood - Mar 85) (For Gallimaufry
Cooks Guild)
Az, a cauldron betw 2 stalks of wheat embowed in pile Or. (D:
Marcellina Nave Staats - Apr 89)
Az, a demi-hare erect Arg issuant from a bowl Or. (B: Moira
Glanny - Apr 99)
Az, a plate charged with a cauldron & a domestic cat in its curiosity
Sa. (D: Rhithyn yr Gwlad yr Hav - Aug 78?) (The cat is
standing with its forepaws on the rim of the pot.)
Az, issuant from an iron cooking pot a yellow garden rose, slipped
& leaved, all proper. (B: Leonore Aid-an - Apr 81)
Az mullety, a cauldron Arg & issuant from base a flaming
mountain, all within a bord Or. (B: Azuria - Apr 85) (For
Cooks Guild)

Cauldron (continued)

Az, on a fess Arg betw 3 pots Or, 3 bunches of grapes Purp slipped
& leaved Vt. (D: Lucia filia Fausti - Nov 02)
Chequy Or & Az, a cooking pot Sa, on a chf Arg, 3 trivets Sa. (D:
Renate Koven - May 90)
Ermine, a cauldron Sa & on a chf engrailed Gu 3 dragonflies Arg.
(D: Siobhan inghean Chathasaigh - Sep 06)
Gu, a bend sin Or, overall a cooking-pot issuing a dragons tail Sa
fimbriated Or. (D: Ric of Dragonsbrothe - Nov 73?)
Gu, a cauldron Or & in chf 3 gouttes deau, one & 2. (B: Septentria
- Jul 87) (For the Order of the Cauldron)
Gu, 2 needles in salt Or betw in pale 2 daisies Arg, eyed, & in fess 2
cooking pots Or. (D: Elspeth Keyf of Neddingham - Jun 86)
Or, a cauldron suspended from a tripod Sa. (B: Jana Aoibeall Nov 89) (For House of the Blackened Pot)
Or, a pale Purp betw a cauldron Sa & a heart Gu. (D: Seosamh
Chda - Jul 84)
Or, a pall inv Vt betw 3 cauldrons Sa. (D: Alexander Szkele Feb 89)
Or, a wingless dragon couchant reguardant, tail elevated & reflexed,
Vt, breathing flames of fire Gu, suspended from the tail a
cooking pot Sa. (B: Katherine Linnet Holford - Nov 82) (For
Caerthen Cooks Guild)
Or, above a base rayonnee Gu a cauldron Sa. (B: Atenveldt,
Kingdom of - Dec 71) (For Cooks Guild of Atenveldt)
Or, on a bend sin Vt betw a cooking pot Sa & a goutte de sang, a
needle, point to base, Arg. (D: Genevive lise le Chantelois Sep 87)
Or, 2 cauldrons in fess Sa, a base enarched rayonny Gu, on a chf
indented Sa a sun Or. (D: Peggy of Tempest Hill - Nov 93)
Per bend Arg & Purp, a cauldron & 3 hearts ctrch. (D: Brigh
McGavin - Jan 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a cauldron Sa & a double-bitted axe Arg.
(D: Alven Roeys - Sep 03)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, a kettle Arg & a bord Or. (D: Claire le
Potter - Sep 07)
Per bend sin Or & Vt, a rainbow bendwise sin proper clouded Purp
& a cauldron Or. (D: Effric Campbell - Jan 97)
Per bend sin potenty Arg & Gu, a cooking pot Sa & a closed book
Or. (D: Kendra Bergette von dem Krutergarten - Jan 85)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 cauldrons Or & a domestic cat couchant Sa.
(D: Megan Douglas - Oct 86)
Per chev Gu & Or, 2 spoons & a cooking pot ctrch. (D: Naitan de
Yerdeburc - Oct 97)
Per chev Purp & barry wavy Or & Az, 2 clay pots & a whelk Arg.
(D: Aasni Ragnhildsdotter - Jan 08)
Per chev throughout Arg & Sa, 2 weavers knots Gu & a cauldron
Arg. (D: Mary Maknely - Feb 03)
Per fess embat Az & per pale, Arg & Sa, a demi-sun issuant from
fess Or & in base a cauldron ctrch. (D: Alan Redbeard of the
Cauldron - Jul 81)
Per fess Purp & Arg, a comet fesswise Arg & on a cauldron Sa an
escallop Or. (D: Catalina Alvarez - Jan 98)
Per fess Purp & Or, in pale a kettle Or atop a tree stump proper. (D:
Ian MacEwan - Sep 07)
Per fess Sa & Or, a demi-bear issuant from a cauldron ctrch. (D:
Harald Cristianson - May 00)
Per pale Purp & Vt, a bears leg palewise issuant from base Or,
maintaining a clay pot Arg. (D: William Taylor the Pure Aug 97)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a goblet ctrch betw in fess a bowl Or flammant
proper & a chasing hammer inv Sa. (B: Ambros Celidonis Jun 85)
Purp, a cooking pot betw a mascle of 4 bakers paddles, heads to
chf Arg. (D: Rowena Longstrider - Nov 96)
Purp, 2 swords in salt Arg, in base a cauldron Or. (D: Isaac of
Damascus - Sep 91)
Quarterly Or & Gu, a roundel betw in bend 2 fleurs-de-lys & in
bend sin a harp & a cauldron ctrch. (D: Aurelie de Montpellier
- May 83)
Quarterly Or & Gu, 4 cauldrons ctrch. (D: Aileen Bardon May 90)
Sa, a cauldron, a base indented of 3 points Arg. (B: Bright Hills Apr 01) (For the Cooks Guild)
Sa, a cooking pot hanging from a tripod above a flame in base Arg.
(D: Brekke Franksdottir - Jul 74?)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 425

[Cauldron] to [Chain]

Cauldron (continued)

Sa, in pale a spoon fesswise reversed & a cauldron, a gore Arg. (D:
Carl of Pendleton - Dec 98)
Sa, in pale an equal-armed Celtic cross & a cauldron Arg within an
orle embat on the outer edge Or. (D: Matthias Gordon of Glen
Devon - Sep 00)
Vt, a cauldron Or, on a chf Arg, 3 penannular brooches inv Gu. (D:
Angharad Glas - May 98)
Vt, a cross checky Sa & Arg betw 4 cauldrons Or. (D: Ann du Bosc
- Jan 05)
Vt, a sea-fox guardant betw in chf 2 tripod pipkins Arg. (D:
Asakura Machime - Feb 02) (A pipkin is a variety of small
ceramic cooking pot)
Vt, five cauldrons in salt Or. (D: Agnes Berengarii de Gerona May 05)
Vt, in bend sin a double-sail-backed salamander statant bendwise
embowed Arg, orbed Gu, & a bowl fesswise Or flammant
proper. (D: Ambros Celidonis - Oct 81)
Vt, in pale 2 spoons in salt, bowls to base, & a cauldron Or. (D:
Lilias Cruithnechn of Eilean a Cheo - Jan 88)
Vt, on a chev Arg 3 swans naiant Sa, in base on a cauldron Arg a
swan naiant Sa. (D: Sena of Swansea - Sep 92)
Vt, 3 armored arms in triskelion, each maintaining a spoon, Arg,
betw 3 cooking pots Or. (D: Steffan of the Close - Feb 97)
* * * End * * *
Cedar: see Tree - Pine tree shape
Celery stalk: see Fruit - Other
Centaur: see Monster - Centaur
Centauress: see Monster - Centaur


(Fieldless) A chain in chev inv conjoined in pale with a hawks bell

Or. (B: Stromgard - Mar 04) (For Order of the Bell and
(Fieldless) A chain of seven links palewise Sa. (B: Wulfbrand
Lurkr - Jul 89)
(Tinctureless) A circular chain. (Regalia: Society for Creative
Anachronism - Oct 98) (For the Order of Knighthood)
(Fieldless) A cross of chains couped Sa. (B: Thomas the Black Jun 08)
(Fieldless) A fleur-de-lys within & conjoined to an annulet of chain
Or. (B: Christopher Rawlyns - Feb 03)
(Fieldless) A ragged staff Or chained to an open fetterlock Sa. (B:
Dofinn-Hallr Morrisson - May 96)
(Fieldless) A saltorel of chain Or. (B: Reinholdt von Trollenhagen
- Nov 06)
(Fieldless) A stag springing Arg collared & chained within &
conjoined by the chain to a chain in annulo Or. (B:
Maximilian Racheengel - May 01)
(Fieldless) A stags massacre within & conjoined to an annulet of
chain Or. (B: Aethelred of Andredesleage - Mar 08)
(Fieldless) A trident inv, haft entwined with a chain Arg. (B:
Richard of Dunheved - Sep 92)
(Fieldless) An annulet pendent from a chain palewise enfiled of an
arrow fesswise Or. (B: Aoibheann nic Mhuirghis - Apr 95)
(Fieldless) In bend sin 2 pellets linked by a chain Sa. (B: Eleazar
Valentine von Mindelheim - Jul 85)
(Fieldless) 2 natural sea-horses respectant, tails conjoined in a
Hungerford knot Gu, collared & bound by a chain Sa. (B:
Dederick ap Oweyn - Jun 92)
Arg, a hound passant coward Sa within an orle of chain Az. (B:
Horic Grarvargr Caithnes - Apr 89)
Arg, a standing seraph Az broken chains pendant from wrists &
ankles Sa within a bord rayonny Sa goutty deau. (D: Moses
von dem Falken - Dec 95)
Arg, a swan disp & facing sin Sa gorged of a chain Or, overall a
fess counter-compony Az & Or. (D: Gregory of Loch Swan Dec 96)
Arg, an amphisbaena statant respectant Vt, winged Or, gorged of 2
oak wreaths Or connected betw the wings by a chain
containing 3 Catherine wheels Sa, in base a point pointed Gu.
(D: Edward the Gentle - Jul 81)
Arg, in salt a chain bendwise throughout Az broken by a sword inv
bendwise sin Sa, overall a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Carlsby May 84)

426 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chain (continued)

Arg, on a bend raguly Sa betw 2 wolves ramp Purp collared &

chained with a broken chain each maintaining a sword Gu 4
paw prints Arg. (D: Almeric Wolfgang von Ristau - Oct 99)
Arg, on a bend sin Az betw a mandolin bendwise sin, peghead in
chf, Gu, & an apothecary jar Vt voided Arg, a pair of
fetterlocks joined by a chain Arg. (D: Martha the Healer Mar 73?)
Az, a bend of chain betw 2 great helms & on a chf Or, a unicorn
couchant Sa. (D: Colinet Bradwarden - Sep 95)
Az, a broken shackle, dependent therefrom a broken chain of 4
links, Or. (D: Thomas Shackle - Aug 79)
Az, a chain of six annulets bendwise sin throughout Arg betw 2
escallops Or. (D: Elwyn Lytefoote - May 84)
Az, a chev of chain betw 2 anvils & a Thors hammer Arg. (D: Orn
engilsson - Jun 07)
Az, a falcon disp Or perched upon the hilt of a sword inv Arg, hilted
Sa, issuant from base, in chf a chain fesswise throughout,
broken in the center, & in the falcons sin talon the missing
link, Arg. (D: Kynewulf Gairloch - Aug 79?)
Az, a lions jambe erased bendwise shackled & chained with a
broken chain within a bord embat Arg. (D: Elsa de Lyon Nov 99)
Az, a pair of wings Arg conjoined by a shackle depending a chain
couped & in chf a demi-sun eclipsed Or. (D: Dosia of
Glendalough - Oct 86)
Az, a pegasus segreant Arg manacled with broken chains Sa within
a bord embat Or. (D: Anastasia de Arundel - Dec 04)
Az, a python erect wings addorsed gorged of a collar trailing 3 links
of chain Arg. (D: Tyra Stewart of Moray - Nov 99)
Az, a salt of chain couped Or, overall a wolf statant contourny Arg.
(D: Gunther Labenwolf - Dec 04)
Az, a sin gauntlet clenched aversant bendwise sustaining a rose
slipped & leaved bendwise sin Arg, in chf a mural coronet, all
within an orle of chain Or. (D: Steffen Albert Rheinbauer Jun 05)
Az, a swans head erased at the shoulders Arg, gorged of a collar &
chain Or, betw in fess 2 mullets of seven points Arg. (D: Aude
du Bois Fes - Feb 84)
Az, on a bend sin Sa fimbriated surmounted by a sword inv
bendwise a pair of manacles addorsed, each trailing to center a
broken chain Arg. (D: Geoffrey du Btard - Aug 83)
Az, on a chev Or 3 triskeles Az, in base a coronet within an annulet
of chain Or. (D: Steinn Vikingsson - Mar 06)
Az, on a gauntlet aversant Arg a Lombardic letter R Az crowned, all
within a orle of chain Or. (B: Raim y Hynnddyl - Jun 06)
Az, 3 sin gauntlets in triquetra Arg, within & grasping a ring of
chain Or. (D: Donn an Bronach - Apr 76?)
Az, 2 scythes in salt within an annulet of chain Arg. (D: Takamatsu
Tadayoshi - Apr 07)
Barry Arg & Gu, a naked man manacled on each wrist, lengths of
broken chain pendant, & a length of broken chain at his feet,
all proper. (D: Bari the Unfettered - Jan 73?)
Counter-ermine, a winged wolf ramp within an orle of chain Or. (D:
Valgard Stonecleaver - Dec 90)
Erminois, a lion salient Gu, on a chf potenty Sa a chain fesswise
throughout Or. (D: Philip dYpres - Nov 91)
Gu, a cross formy Or, charged with a cross pointed Gu, all within an
orle of chain Or. (B: Valeran do Pico - Dec 87)
Gu, a lynx ramp guardant Arg winged & maintaining a chain Or &
in chf a padlock Arg. (B: Cerridwen Maelwedd - Sep 03)
Gu, a rams head cabossed per pale Sa & Arg maintaining in its
mouth a chain Or. (D: Hugo Wolfhart - Jun 04)
Gu, an escarbuncle of chain within & conjoined to an orle of chain
Or. (D: Navarre - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, five annulets interlaced in bend within a bord Or. (D:
Catherine de Clare of Alconleigh - Jul 91)
Gu, 2 chains in salt Or surmounted by an eye Arg irised Gu. (D:
Gorge Mau of the Damnd Alani Race - Nov 07)
Gu, 2 swords in salt surmounted by another palewise inv, each hilt
grasped by a gauntlet, all 3 blades enfiling the center link of a
chain of 3 links fesswise Or. (B: Randal Avery of the Mease Apr 02)

[Chain] to [Chair]

Chain (continued)

Gyronny ermine & Or, in pale a demi-annulet of chain Vt

surmounted by a rose Gu, barbed & seeded proper, the chains
conjoined in annulo to the leaves of a thistle Purp, slipped &
leaved Vt. (D: Yvonne Elizabeth of Leyster - Mar 83)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, a salt of chains Vt. (D: Guy of Alderney Jul 91)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, a lion ramp guardant Purp maintaining a cross
bottony, within an orle of chain Or. (D: Edmund of Hertford Sep 96)
Or, a escarbuncle of chain throughout & a bord Gu. (D: Juan
Balthazar Tegero - Jul 03)
Or, a mullet of 4 points distilling from its lower point a gout Az,
overall a saltorel of chain couped Gu. (D: Eleanor Leonard Sep 93)
Or, a portcullis Gu with chains conjoined to a chf embat Sa. (D:
Heinrich von Salza - May 95)
Or, in pale a compass star Gu within a laurel wreath & a chain
fesswise throughout embowed to base Sa all within a bord Gu.
(D: Petrea Thule - Nov 94)
Or, on a pale betw 2 chains palewise Sa, a rose slipped & leaved Or.
(D: Emerentiana Rose - Oct 84)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a chain of 3 links bendwise sin & a bord ctrch.
(D: Lachlan mac Nachdan - Apr 98)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, in bend sin a chain throughout fracted Sa
betw a Latin cross patonce Gu & a standing balance Arg. (D:
Malachai von Riga - Jul 98)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, a bend sin indented betw the halves of a
chain bendwise fracted Arg. (D: Cara OConnor - May 89)
Per chev Az & Vt, a pall inv of chain betw 2 griffins combattant &
a tower Arg. (D: Tristan Gryphonroke - Jul 89)
Per chev checky Sa & Or & Purp, in base a unicorn ramp contourny
Arg gorged & fettered of a broken chain Or. (D: Cristeane
Regan MacNab - Dec 98)
Per chev Or & Az, a chain chevronwise betw in chf 2 ravens
respectant Sa & in base a tower Arg. (D: Stennis Ravensweir Dec 71?)
Per chev Purp mullety of six points Arg, & Arg, in base a spiked
ball & chain bendwise Sa, a chf embat Arg. (D: Linnet
Morningstar - Mar 93)
Per chev Sa & Arg, a broken chain in chev & a candle sconced &
enflamed ctrch. (D: Rowan Darklighter of Casidon - Mar 82)
Per chev Sa & Arg, a decrescent & an increscent Arg & six annulets
interlaced in annulo Purp. (D: Ibrahim al-Dimashqi Mar 03)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 natural panthers ramp addorsed tails nowed &
crossed, in base a county coronet, all within an orle of chain
ctrch. (D: Toirdhealbhach an Cat Dubh - Nov 06)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 links of chain fretted in cross ctrch. (D:
Angelica Peregrine the Red - Jun 91)
Per pale Gu & Az, a lion ramp Arg & in chf 3 chains bendwise sin
Or. (D: tan ingen Chellaig - May 08)
Per pale Gu & Or, a chain fesswise couped betw 3 roses ctrch. (D:
Diego Alfonso de Navarra - Jan 96)
Per pale Gu & Or, on a gauntlet aversant Sa, a cross formy per pale
Or & Gu, all within an orle of chain Arg. (D: Peter du Gant
Noir - Aug 96)
Per pale Gu & Vt, 2 chains in salt debruised by a cartouche fesswise
Or. (B: Vkingr Jrnhauss inn Hrlangi - Feb 97)
Per pale Sa & Az, a lion ramp maintaining an arrow Or, its sin rear
paw shackled with a broken chain, atop a mountain Arg. (D:
Angelique de Beauvais - Nov 98)
Per salt Az & Gu, a vol within an orle of chain Or. (D: Gui von
Oberhausen - Dec 02)
Purp, a chev betw 3 grape leaves inv Or, overall an orle of chain
Arg. (D: Inigo Missaglia - Jan 02) (Blanket permission to
conflict with device with one CD granted 0512w)
Purp, a leonine centaur statant, queue forchy, maintaining a lance
with pennon flying Arg, in base a chain of 2 links fesswise Or,
a bord rayonny Arg. (D: Gwydion Siwrnaiydd ap Madog ap
Taliesin Llan Rhyddlad - Apr 95)
Purp, a saltorel pointed surmounted by a cross pointed Arg within a
chain of hexagonal links in mascle, the 4 corner links
quadrilateral, Or. (B: Rosamunde von Muenstern - Apr 82)

Chain (continued)

Purp, an owl perched atop a chain fesswise couped & in chf 3 roses
slipped & leaved Arg. (D: Giovanni Bartolomeo da Corleone
- Mar 02)
Purp, 2 dolphins embowed in annulo, tails chained together Or. (D:
Deirdre of Shadowdale - Sep 92)
Quarterly erminois & ermine, a chain crossed in salt throughout Sa.
(B: Aldred von Lechsend aus Froschheim - Dec 88) (For
Quarterly Sa & Arg, in pale a chain fesswise ending in open
shackles & a tankard ctrch. (D: Andrew of Greyhorse Dec 01)
Sa, a bend of chain Arg, overall a camelopard statant to sin Or. (D:
Isolde de Lisieux - Jul 97)
Sa, a cat passant Arg collared Purp chained Arg a bord ermine. (D:
Falenn Dubshlech - Apr 97)
Sa, a chain bendwise throughout Arg betw 2 plates, each charged
with the Greek minuscule letter lambda Az. (D: Barbary of
Leijun - Feb 97)
Sa, a decrescent Arg within an orle of chain Or. (D: William of
Grey Niche - Aug 92)
Sa, a pall of chain Or betw 3 bezants. (D: Aleksandr Yaroslavovich
Vyetcikov - Oct 90)
Sa, a salt patee throughout Vt, fimbriated Arg, overall a chain in
orle Arg. (B: Waldt von Markheim - Aug 79) (For House
Sa, a spiked mace within an annulet of chain, a bord Or. (D:
Michael of the Mace - Jun 00)
Sa, a sword bendwise Or surmounted by a grey wolfs head erased
proper, in base a chain fesswise embowed Arg. (B: Gunwaldt
Gullbjrn - Nov 80) (For Haus Van Dag)
Sa, a sword inv betw the 2 halves of a broken chain fesswise abased
Arg. (D: Uta von Mainz - Dec 81)
Sa, a tree within an orle of chain & on a chf Or 3 mullets Gu. (D:
Ronan Darkmoon - May 92)
Sa, a tricorporate fox within an orle of chain Or. (D: Gherardo il
Trincatore - Oct 91)
Sa, a tyger erect affronty Or, pendant from each forepaw a metal
cuff & broken chain Sa, fimbriated Or & in chf a crown voided
betw 2 crowns Or. (D: Torgul Steingrimsson - Sep 86)
Sa, in bend sin a broken chain Or. (B: Strider of Duramen, the
Persistent - Aug 79) (For House Persistent)
Sa, in pale a ducal coronet & a griffin segreant Or, maintaining 2
swords proper, all within an orle of chain Or. (D: Aaron Breck
Gordon - Feb 89)
Sa, in pale a heart & a chain of 3 links chevronwise inv, the center
link fracted, Arg. (D: Maximilian Gunne - Jun 06)
Sa semy of hangmans nooses Arg, an annulet of chain Or. (B:
Finn Herjlfsson - Oct 92)
Vt, a bear passant reguardant within a orle of chain Or. (D: Bjorn
Jorsalfar of Bearhaven - Jun 04)
Vt, a goutte deau & a chain in fess, sundered, Or. (D: Dain the
Grim Ranger - Jul 74?)
Vt, a sword betw 2 halves of a broken chain in fess throughout & on
a chf embat Arg a flame Sa. (D: Wilhelm the Far Traveler Sep 84)
Vt, an escallop inv Arg & in chf a chain of 3 links fesswise Or. (B:
Stephen Grandchamp - Jan 96)
Vt, in chf an eagle disp, facing sin, & in base a salt, overall an orle
of chain Or. (D: Angus Ulrich - Jul 93)
Vt, 3 stags massacres each within an annulet of chain Or. (D:
Aethelred of Andredesleage - Apr 01)
* * * End * * *


(Fieldless) In pale a talbot Arg sejant atop a stool Az. (D: Catriona
Mairghread nic Dhuibh of Moray - Apr 00) (? should be
Arg, a bend sin betw a chair, back to sin, & a roundel Az. (D:
Thomas of the Isles - Mar 94)
Az, a sun-wheel ensigning a curule chair Or. (D: Raymond the
Gruesome - Aug 77)
Az, a wheel of 4 spokes in salt upon the seat of a curule chair, Or.
(B: Raymond the Gruesome - Oct 76?)
Or, a chair with its back to dexter & a bord embat Vt. (D: Conall
mac Saghin - Mar 06)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 427

[Chair] to [Chess piece]

Chair (continued)

Per salt Gu & Sa, in chf 3 lilies & in base a backed chair, its back to
dexter Arg. (D: Geoffrey Kyle Kiffin - Mar 06)
Vt, a Holstein-Frisian cow statant proper over a milking stool & a
pail Arg. (D: Garrison of Borden - Jan 74?)
* * * End * * *
Chalice: see Cup
Chamelion: see Reptile - Lizard
Chamfron: see Saddlery
Chamomile flower: see Flower - Rose
Chamomile plant: see Plant - Herb
Chape: see Field division - Per chevron
Chapeau: see Clothing - Headgear
Chapel: see Architecture
Chapel de fer: see Helmet
Chaplet: see Wreath
Chariot: see Wagon
Chausse: see Field division - Per chevron inverted and Pile
Checky: see Field division - Checky
Cheese: see Foodstuff
Cheetah: see Beast - Cat
Chequy: see Field division - Checky
Cherry: see Fruit - Other
Cherry blossom: see Flower - Rose
Cherry tree: see Tree - Rounded shape
Cherub: see Head - Human and Winged object
Cherubs face: see Head - Human and Winged object
Chess king: see Chess piece and Crown and Human figure
Chess knight: see Chess piece and Head - Beast - Horse

Chess piece

(Fieldless) A chess bishop Gu. (B: Godefroy Lvque - Mar 02)

(Fieldless) A chess rook barry wavy Arg & Sa. (B: Giovanni
Fontananera - Oct 93) (For Teulu Ffynnon Ddu)
(Fieldless) A chess rook per fess Sa & Arg. (B: Conna MKennane
- Dec 97)
(Fieldless) A chess rook Purp. (B: John Patten - Sep 06)
(Fieldless) A chessrook Az. (B: Serena Lascelles - Sep 93)
(Fieldless) A single-headed chess knight checky Purp & Arg. (B:
Alexis of Ross - Apr 96)
(Fieldless) A zule Arg. (B: Carlos Juan Ramiro - Dec 99)
(Fieldless) A zule Sa. (B: Anas ibn Haroun Abd al-Zaki - Jul 96)
Arg, a chess king within a bord rayonny Gu. (D: Alberic Reed Nov 84)
Arg, a chess knight Sa crined Gu. (D: Eoin MacGriogair Nov 00)
Arg, a single-headed chess knight & on a chf Sa a tilting lance
reversed Arg. (D: Ariadne de Glevo - Dec 04)
Arg, a single-headed chess knight, winged, Az. (B: Lance Nystrm
- Sep 89)
Az, a chess pawn Arg within a bord compony Gu & Or. (B: Diana
of the Isles - Aug 97)
Az, a chess rook betw 2 compass stars in fess Arg. (D: Esteban
Diaz de la Mancha - Apr 98)
Az, a chess rook ermine surmounted by a quill pen palewise Or. (D:
Astriel of Smael Nest - Jun 81)
Az, a chev humetty, in base a single-headed chess knight Arg. (B:
Maghnus an Chnoic na nIora - Jun 08)
Az, a fess betw a demi-lion ramp issuant from the fess & a chess
rook Or. (D: Marcellus Capoziello da Napoli - Jun 98)
Az, in fess 2 chess rooks Arg. (D: Radhn Brd - Jun 98)
Az, on a bend betw 4 chess rooks Or a gittern Az. (D: Erasmus von
Spielburg - Feb 03)
Az, on a bend enarched cotised betw 2 zules Or five triskelions
arrondy Az. (D: Marcelle de la Marche - Feb 03)
Az, 3 chessrooks in pale Or betw 2 flaunches lozengy Sa & Arg.
(D: Daniel the Undecided - Oct 90)
Chequy Az & Arg, a chess rook Or within a bord erminois. (D:
Roberto de Jerez - Nov 89)
Checky Az & Or, a single-headed chess knight & a chf Gu. (D:
Michael de Logan - Jul 96)
Checky Gu & Or, a chess rook within a bord Sa. (D: Joshua Frost Aug 93)
Checky Or & Arg, a chess rook & on a chf Sa 3 bezants. (B: An Tir
- Aug 85) (For Gamesmaster)

428 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chess piece (continued)

Checky Sa & Arg, in chf 2 chessrooks Gu. (D: Sten Halvorsen Aug 79?)
Checky Sa & Arg, 3 chess rooks Gu within a bord Vt. (D: Galen
MacByrne - Jun 95)
Checky Sa & Or, in pale a chess rook & a chev inv Arg. (D:
Riccardo della Torre dAvorio - Jan 93)
Counter-ermine, a hunting horn, its string encircling a chessrook
Or. (D: Sibylle Stanger - Sep 92)
Ermine, a chess knight Sa within a bord Vt. (D: Daniila of Dacia Mar 93)
Ermine, on a lozenge throughout palewise Gu, a single-headed
chess knight contourny Arg. (D: Jonathan Thorne - Sep 94)
Erminois, a sword inv betw 2 single-headed chess knights
respectant Sa. (D: Quhinten de Rath - Aug 99)
Gu, a chev betw 2 chess-rooks & a caltrap Or. (D: Gaufridus
Baldewin Gilbertson - Dec 84)
Gu, a chev embat betw 2 chess-rooks Or & a Celtic cross Arg. (D:
Kieran Bren of Bannockburn - Mar 94)
Gu, a single-headed chess knight on a chf Arg 3 crescents Az. (D:
Odrn Fhionn - Oct 01)
Gu, a winged single-headed chessknight within a bord Or. (D:
Joanna Eleanor Barrington - Feb 92)
Gu ermined Arg, a single-headed chess knight contourney within a
mascle Arg. (B: Jonathan Thorne - Sep 96) (For Maison du
Cheval dArgent)
Gu, on a chev inv betw a sun & chess knight Or, 2 annulets Gu. (D:
Sabatina da Valle - Sep 04)
Lozengy Gu & Arg, a chess rook & in chf 2 pheons inv Sa within a
bord embat grady Or. (D: John of Crimson River - Oct 06)
Lozengy Vt & Arg, 2 chess rooks in pale Sa. (D: Egon von dem
Schwarzwald - Sep 96)
Or, a chess bishop & a chf Gu. (D: Godefroy Lvque - Mar 02)
Or, a chess rook & on a chf enarched Az 2 Maltese crosses Or. (D:
Malcolm of Loch Greymist - Dec 93)
Or, a chessrook Gu & a base chequy Sa & Arg. (D: Claude dOute
- Jan 73?)
Or, a single-headed chess knight to sin Vt within a bord embat Gu.
(D: Fernanda de la Fort - Jul 85)
Papillonny Or & Gu, a chess-rook Sa. (D: Salaamallah the
Corpulent - Nov 79)
Pean, 2 daggers inv in salt surmounted by a chess rook Arg. (D:
Crispin of Dreywood - Aug 83)
Per bend Az & Or, a fleam & a chessrook ctrch. (D: Alene Athdara
- Aug 79?)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a tree Vt & chess knight Or. (D: Richard
Clerke of Rowanwood - Nov 99)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, a bend sin erminois betw a chess rook Az
& a conch shell fesswise Arg, all within a bord erminois. (D:
Muirgheal Cinnsealach - Nov 87)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, 2 chess rooks ctrch. (D: William
Blackstone - Sep 04)
Per bend sin Az & Or, a bend sin raguly betw a natural whale
embowed & a chess rook all ctrch. (D: Jean Paul Morgan Aug 05)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, 2 chess pawns & a bord ctrch. (D: Ivar
Ulfsson - Jul 92)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 chess rooks & a winged wolf statant ctrch.
(D: Uilliam mac Fearchair mhic Gille Aindrias - May 04)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 2 mullets of ten points Sa & a double-headed
chess knight Arg. (D: Morgan Maguire - Jan 99)
Per chev lozengy Sa & Arg & Sa, a chess knight Arg. (D: Joseph
Angus Wilson - Sep 01)
Per chev rayonny Gu & Arg, 2 chess rooks Arg & a phoenix Gu
rising from flames proper. (D: Valdimarr de Tamewurthe Jan 00)
Per chev Vt & Arg, a sun in splendour Or & a chess-rook Sa. (D:
Dafydd Gwynfardd - Aug 85)
Per fess Az & Arg, a single-headed chess knight & a tower ctrch.
(B: Adella de Tourlaville - Dec 91)
Per fess Az & Or, a zule ctrch. (B: Marcelle de la Marche Feb 03)
Per fess Sa & Or, 2 horseshoes & a single-headed chess knight
ctrch. (D: Randgar Schmidt - Dec 88)
Per pale & per chev Az & Arg, a chev checky Arg & Sa betw in
bend 2 fleurs-de-lys Or & in bend sin 2 single-headed chess
knights Sa. (D: Mathias de Maldegem - Jan 03)

[Chess piece] to [Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent]

Chess piece (continued)

Per pale Arg & Az, a unicornate single-headed chess knight ctrch.
(D: Padraig O Seachnasaigh - Jul 89)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a chess knight per pale Gu & Arg. (D: Branwen
pen Tyrhon - Jan 73?)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a chess rook & on a chf wavy 2 Maltese crosses
ctrch. (D: Eric Greyfox - Sep 90)
Per pale Az & Arg, a zule within a bord ctrch. (D: Elise de
Champtoceaux - Apr 01)
Per pale Az & Or, a chess knight within a bord ctrch. (D: Geoffrey
de Tocqueville - Dec 85)
Per pale Az & Sa, a pale Or, in dexter a single-headed chess knight
facing sin Arg. (D: Corwin de Starte - Nov 84)
Per pale Az & Vt, a chess rook Or. (B: Herrel of Smael Nest May 85) (For House Smael Nest)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a bend sin bevilled ctrch betw a sword
surmounted by 2 swords in salt, all inv, Or, & a chess rook
Purp. (D: Geoffrey Genour of Carney - Jul 74?)
Per pale Gu & Az, a chess rook & on a chf Or a badger statant Sa.
(D: Stephen of Greenwood - Feb 95)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 3 hedgehogs ramp in pale betw 2 chess rooks
Arg. (D: Theoderic der Rot - Apr 98)
Per pale Or & Vt, a chess knight ctrch. (D: Meadhbh of Calafia Apr 05)
Per pale Or & Vt, a chess pawn ctrch. (B: Graa da Alataia Jan 87)
Per pale Purp & Arg, a pall betw an open book & 2 keyholes all
ctrch. (D: Kevan o Rathkeale - Nov 85)
Per pale Purp & Arg, a zule ctrch. (B: Red Spears - Sep 95) (For
Orde van de Zuil)
Per pale Purp & Or, a 2 headed chess knight ctrch a bord Arg semyde-lys Purp. (D: Godric Regenwealdessunu - Apr 98)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a single-headed chess knight ctrch. (D: Daniel
de Neuf-Claire - Jan 02)
Per pale Vt & Arg, on a chess rook a shamrock ctrch. (D: tan
ORowarke - Jan 02)
Per pale wavy Gu & Arg, an antelope ramp to sin Or & a chess rook
Az. (D: Coiln de Kirkpatrick - Dec 01)
Per salt Gu & Arg, 2 compass-stars elongated to base Arg & 2
single-headed chess knights reversed Sa. (D: Randal Mallard
de la Guerre - Jan 95)
Per salt Purp & Vt, in pale 2 zules & in fess 2 abaci Or. (D: Gaius
Annaeus Equus - Jul 96)
Per salt Vt & chequy Sa & Arg, in pale a chess rook & 2 arrows inv
in salt Arg. (D: Robin Longfellow - Jun 88)
Purp, 2 single-headed chess knights in fess & on a chf triangular
Arg, a single-headed chess knight Purp. (D: Alexis of Ross Jun 93)
Purp, within a cross voided & cotised Or, a chess rook Arg. (D:
Alberecht von Heldenkreis - Sep 80)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, 4 single-headed chess knights ctrch. (D:
Damiano della Greccia - Jun 90)
Quarterly Sa & Az, in bend sin 2 single-headed chess knights
contourny Arg. (D: Stevyn of Leicester - Jan 98)
Sa, a bend cotised betw 2 chess rooks, all within a bord embat Or.
(D: Emrys Hawkwind - Feb 89)
Sa, a chess rook Arg. (B: William FitzBubba - Dec 01)
Sa, a chess rook within a bord Arg. (D: William FitzBubba Aug 95)
Sa, a single headed chess knight contourny Or. (D: Robert of
Glasgow - Jan 96)
Sa, a single-headed chess knight contourny Arg, on a chf erminois 3
roses proper. (D: Winifred of Rosemere - Oct 99)
Tierced in pall Sa, Gu & Vt, a chess rook Arg. (B: Salaamallah the
Corpulent - Feb 82) (For House Rukh)
Vairy in point Arg & Sa, on a bend sin Az betw 2 chess rooks a
stags attire Or. (D: Berenger Nachtwulf von Mainz der
Spieler - Dec 95)
Vt, a chess king betw 3 broad arrowheads, on a chf embat Or, 3
laurel wreaths Vt. (D: Knigstadt - Dec 88)
Vt, a chess rook ermine surmounted by a sword inv Or. (D: Herrel
of Smael Nest - Sep 81)
Vt, a zule Or. (B: Endless Hills - Aug 99)
Vt, on a chev betw 3 annulets in chev & a double-headed chess
knight Or, 2 arrows in chev Sa. (D: Carantoc of Darkdale Jan 90)

Chess piece (continued)

Vt, semy of chess rooks Arg, a sealion erect Or. (D: Hywyn of
Wyrmgeist - Jun 90)
Vt, 3 chess rooks & a chf engrailed Or. (D: Ranalt MacFirbis Sep 93)
* * * End * * *
Chess rook: see Castle and Chess piece
Chest: see Box

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent

(Fieldless) A chev couped Arg & overall a scorpion bendwise Or.

(B: al-Barran - Feb 91)
Az, a chev & in base a lymphad & a bord Arg semy of garbs Az.
(D: Morgan Ryan MacAnthony - Feb 97)
Az, a chev & in base, beneath a snowflake, a dragon passant, a chf
indented, all Arg. (D: Einar Isdrakon - Aug 79?)
Az, a chev & in chf 2 sheaves of arrows Arg. (D: Conrad dAnjou Feb 96)
Az, a chev Arg betw in dexter chf a sun in his splendor & in base 3
aspen leaves Or. (D: Lucius Avisius Seneca - Jul 00)
Az, a chev Arg betw 3 dragons heads couped those in chf
addorsed, Or. (D: Triston de Grey - Dec 98)
Az, a chev Arg betw 3 escallops inv one & 2 Or & a crescent Arg.
(D: tan of Durham - Apr 97)
Az, a chev Arg betw 3 fir trees couped Or, all within a bord Arg.
(D: Diane von Dakerwald - Apr 89)
Az, a chev Arg betw 3 suns Or, on a chf Arg 3 crescents Az. (D:
Joanna of Cotshall - Feb 94)
Az, a chev Arg betw 2 couplecloses engrailed on the outer edges Or
betw 3 mullets of nine points pierced Arg. (D: Aelfwynn
Gyrthesdohtor - Nov 82)
Az, a chev Arg cotised Or betw 3 estoiles Arg. (D: Asta Olafsdottir
- Nov 98)
Az, a chev Arg, overall a Latin cross Or. (D: Thomas der
Kreuzfahrer - Jan 97)
Az, a chev Arg, overall a winged catamount sejant affronte, wings
elevated, Sa. (D: Alainn Aodhmoira Bean Larren - Jan 80)
Az, a chev betw a harp, an axe reversed & a sabre-toothed tiger
statant Arg. (D: Beorn Collenferth - Oct 82)
Az, a chev betw a roundel & a wolfs head erased Arg. (D: Lachlan
Macdougal - Oct 02)
Az, a chev betw 3 fleams & on a chf Arg, 3 infants swaddled Az,
heads proper. (D: Michaela Nrnberger - Jun 93)
Az, a chev betw 3 mullets of 4 points & on a chf embat Arg 3 stags
attires Sa. (D: Dafydd o Gaerdydd - Sep 87)
Az, a chev betw 2 acorns & an oak leaf Arg. (D: Angela of the
Stoney Oak Forest - Jun 84)
Az, a chev betw 2 escarbuncles Arg & a fleur-de-lys Or. (D:
Christiana de Mandeville - Mar 00)
Az, a chev betw 2 falcons close respectant & a drakkars prow
reversed Arg. (B: Rannveigr Haakonardottir - Dec 83) (For
House Utfara)
Az, a chev betw 2 swords in chev, tips crossed, & a unicorns head
couped, a bord embat Arg. (D: Darius the Elder - Oct 93)
Az, a chev cotised Arg betw 2 roundels & a lymphad Or. (D:
Marcus von Stormarn - Apr 03)
Az, a chev cotised betw 3 rose buds, all within a bord Arg. (D:
Ambre dAvignon - May 86)
Az, a chev cotised throughout betw 3 gouttes Arg. (D: Ainle yr
Corlagh - Jun 84)
Az, a chev couched from dexter Arg. (D: John de Caversham Jul 96)
Az, a chev humetty, in base a single-headed chess knight Arg. (B:
Maghnus an Chnoic na nIora - Jun 08)
Az, a chev ploy cotised & in base a pelican in its piety Arg. (D:
Dorio of the Oaks - Feb 08)
Az, a chev throughout Arg & in base an acorn inv Or betw in fess 2
billets Arg. (D: Ruth of Oakseed Manor - Jun 85)
Az, a chev throughout Arg betw 2 gouttes dOr & a bear statant
erect Arg. (D: Thorstein fra Agnefit - Sep 85)
Az, a chevronel enhanced above a compass-star, one ray extended
to nombril point, all Arg. (D: Genevieve lEtoile Brilliante Aug 79?)
Az, a chevronel interlaced with another inv Arg. (B: Elrhond
Windrider - Aug 80)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 429

[Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent]

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent (continued)

Az, a chevronel inv surmounted by a chevronel, & in base a fleurde-lys Arg. (D: Guillaume Franois Rolland de Gonzac Aug 81)
Az ermined, a chev betw 3 horses heads couped Arg. (B: Michael
Grey - Apr 99)
Az, in pale a chev enhanced Arg & a sun in splendour, all within a
bord invected Or. (D: Aveline of Valognes - Nov 86)
Az, issuant from a chev betw 3 compass stars, a demi-lion
contourny maintaining an anchor Arg. (D: Ramn de
Castelln de la Plana - Nov 94)
Az mullety of eight points, a chev cotised betw 3 foxes ramp each
maintaining an arrow Arg. (D: Kiyohara Soteme - Feb 08)
Az semy of estoiles Or, a chev betw 3 martlets, a bord Arg. (D:
Genevire dAlsace - Feb 05)
Gu, a chev & in base a card pique Arg. (D: Owen Seys - Nov 01)
Gu, a chev & in base a griffin passant all betw 3 pairs of axes in salt
Arg. (D: Boris Dragons Bane - Jun 08)
Gu, a chev & in chf a boar passant contourny Arg. (B: Dugan
Makgowin of Aydel - Mar 07)
Gu, a chev Arg betw in chf 2 warhammers bendwise Sa fimbriated
Arg, & in base a wolfs head caboshed Sa, orbed & fimbriated
Arg. (B: Felinah Tifarah Arnvella Memo Hazara Khan-adDin - Mar 83)
Gu, a chev Arg betw 2 reremice & a mallet Or. (D: Alleyn of Kent Apr 96)
Gu, a chev Arg, in chf a compass star Or. (D: Jacopo di Niccol Jan 97)
Gu, a chev Arg, overall a falcon volant Sa, within a bord Arg. (D:
Philip of Richmond - Mar 80)
Gu, a chev betw a horse courant & a rose Arg. (D: Cecily de
Heselington - Jan 03)
Gu, a chev betw 3 crosses crosslet Arg. (D: Cuhelyn Cam vap
Morcant - Jul 99)
Gu, a chev betw 3 Latin crosses fitchy, a bord Arg. (D: al-Sadiq
ibn Ahmad ibn Ibrahim - Aug 00)
Gu, a chev betw 2 pairs of candles in salt Arg, enflamed Or, & a
squirrel sejant erect Arg, maintaining in both forepaws an
acorn Or. (D: Merevyn Hanley of Myrkfaelinn - Dec 83)
Gu, a chev betw 2 swans naiant respectant & a goblet, all within a
bord indented Arg. (D: Ritchenda Angharad Elizabeth de
Chalfont - Jan 81)
Gu, a chev cotised betw 3 compass stars Arg. (D: Genevieve Mullet
de Troies - May 08)
Gu, an owl close guardant beneath a chevronel throughout Arg betw
3 rue flowers Or. (D: Arienhwyfar Pell - Feb 82)
Gu, betw a chev & a chev inv 2 double-bitted axes in chev Arg. (D:
John Logan - Sep 04)
Gu, within a heart voided a palet & a chevronel enhanced Arg. (D:
Herbert Cocker - Aug 79?)
Per chev abased Gu & Az, 2 halberds respectant & a chevronel
abased Arg. (D: Armand Vozon dAngoumois - Dec 80)
Per chev abased Sa & Vt, a hippogriff volant betw in pale 3
compass-stars, one & 2, & a chevronel abased Arg. (D: Owain
Apeceon - Aug 79?)
Per chev Az & checky Or & Az, a chev & in chf a pair of wings
Arg. (D: Keina le Bleu - Aug 06)
Per chev Az & Gu, a chev Arg betw a lions head cabossed & a
lance palewise Or. (D: Sigmund Svertingsson - Mar 00)
Per chev Az & Gu, a chev betw five mullets in chev & an arrow inv,
all within a bord Arg. (D: Caitlin Ross of Cairngorm Jan 93)
Per chev Az & Gu, a chev betw 3 Latin crosses flory in chev & 2
rapiers in salt Arg. (D: Christien de Charlemaison - Oct 06)
Per chev Az & Gu, a chev betw 2 quills in chev & a foxs mask
Arg. (D: Zachary Fairfax - Sep 83)
Per chev Az & Gu, a chev cotised betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D:
Kiera of Cummerlandia - Jun 98)
Per chev Az & Purp, a chev Arg betw 2 bears sejant erect respectant
Or & a peach tree couped Arg fructed Or. (D: Anna Zen Aug 07)
Per chev Az & Sa, a chev Arg, on a plate in chf a mullet of eight
points Vt. (D: Asi ORiain - Apr 92)
Per chev Az & Sa, a chev betw 3 doves volant bendwise sin
contourny & a castle triple-towered Arg. (D: Aine inghean
Chormaic - Jan 06)

430 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent (continued)

Per chev Az & Sa, a chev betw 2 crosses formy fitched at the foot &
a wolfs head erased close Arg. (D: Wulfgar of East Anglia Feb 91)
Per chev Az & Sa, a chev cotised betw 2 escallops & a
hummingbird close Arg. (D: Vivienne Duval - Aug 05)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev & a chf embat Arg. (B: Emory
MacMichael - Oct 81) (For House Fairmont)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev & on a chf embat Arg a label Vt. (D:
Arwyn Althea - Feb 82)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev Arg above 3 garbs, one & 2, Or. (D:
Maeve Kilkieran - Jun 90)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev Arg & in base a lion dormant Or. (D:
Katerinka Lvovicha - May 08)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev Arg betw 2 winged lions combattant & in
pale a compass star & a lamp Or, enflamed at the tip proper.
(D: Gordon MacBlayr de Galowaye - Jun 83)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev betw 3 triquetras one & 2 & a boar
passant contourny Arg. (D: Conchobhar mac Bruaidn Jan 05)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev betw 2 crescents & a cross of ermine
spots Arg. (D: Rhiannon of Lostwithiel - Feb 94)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev betw 2 winged dogs sejant respectant
each with a forepaw raised Arg & a goblet Or. (D:
Seachnasach O Braonin - Apr 01)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev cotissed & in chf a mullet of 4 points Arg.
(D: Dafydd of the Glens - May 92)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev cotised betw a pair of eyes Arg irised Az
& a bell Arg. (D: Isabeau of Forgotten Sea - Nov 07)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev cotised betw a pair of eyes Arg irised Az
& a serpent nowed Arg. (D: Anton Raghelan - Nov 07)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chevronel Arg betw in chf a sun in glory & a
domestic cat dormant Arg. (D: Caryn Isolde Clothilde von
Katzenberg - Jun 75?)
Per chev Az estencely Arg, & Sa, a chev, a bord Arg. (B: Starkhafn
- May 99) (For The Order of the Sparkes of Starkhafn)
Per chev Az semy of compass stars Or, & Vt, a chev double cotised
Arg & in base a fleur-de-lys Or. (D: Lillian of the Distant
Shores - May 93)
Per chev Az semy of wolfs pawprints Arg & Vt, a chev, in base a
wolf courant Arg. (D: Allen of Wolfhou - Jul 01)
Per chev checky Vt & Or & Vt, a chev Arg & in base a cross potent
Or. (D: Mathias Haubrich - Jul 06)
Per chev enhanced Az & Sa, a chev enhanced Arg, in base a flame
proper. (B: Starkhafn - Jul 83) (For the Order of the Flames
of Starkhafn)
Per chev enhanced Az & Vt, a chevronel enhanced & in base a hart
statant to sin at gaze Arg. (D: Winnifred Aurelia von
Hirschberg - Apr 82)
Per chev enhanced Vt & Az, in pale a chev throughout & a gull
volant Arg. (D: Katla von der See - Mar 90)
Per chev Gu & Az, a chev Arg betw 2 daggers in chev proper & a
straight trumpet inv Or. (D: Mikhail Litvak - Oct 91)
Per chev Gu & Az, a chev Arg betw 2 lions ramp Or, & a pig-faced
bascinet Arg. (D: Christopher Anselm of Windsor - Sep 91)
Per chev Gu & Az, a chev Arg betw 2 quatrefoils & a stag trippant
Or. (D: Minna Hirneisen - Dec 90)
Per chev Gu & Sa, a chev & in base a wolfs pawprint Arg. (D:
Dyderich Wolfhart - Dec 01)
Per chev Gu & Sa, a chev Arg betw 2 compass stars & a lions head
cabossed Or. (D: Pippin Hodge - Jan 87)
Per chev Gu & Sa, a chev betw 2 crescents Arg & a talbots head
erased Arg spotted Sa. (D: Demetrius Gordianus Analindal Jan 97)
Per chev Gu & Vt, a chev throughout Arg betw 2 roses slipped &
leaved & a wolfs head erased Or. (D: Rhiannon Llygad
Flaidd - Feb 00)
Per chev inv Purp & Sa, a comet betw a chev & a chev inv braced
Arg. (D: Elena de Beaumont - Aug 99)
Per chev lozengy Or & Sa, & Gu, a chev Arg, in base a dragon
sejant Or. (D: Caitlin Angharad FitzHenry - Dec 92)
Per chev Purp & Az, a chev & in base a lozenge ploy Arg. (D:
Elsbeth de Shropshire - May 05)
Per chev Purp & Gu, a chev & in base the astrological symbol of
Venus Arg. (D: Mealla Caimbeul - Feb 04)
Per chev Purp & Sa, a chev betw 2 fleurs-de-lys & a rose Arg. (D:
Lece de Beauchamp - Oct 07)

[Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent]

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent (continued)

Per chev Purp & Vt, a chev & in chf 2 caltrops Arg. (D: Garin of
Aston Tor - Oct 99)
Per chev Purp & Vt, a chev betw 2 dogs heads erased & an oak leaf
Arg. (D: Oriel y Cwn - Dec 95)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev Arg & in base a wolfs head erased Or.
(D: Wulf Michaelson - Dec 83)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev betw 2 bearded axes in salt & a tree
blasted & couped Arg. (D: Jofreyr Maurisson - Dec 00)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev betw 2 feathers & a falcon passant Arg.
(D: Cian Gillebhrath - Jan 93)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev betw 2 wolves combattant & a ship Arg
atop a ford proper. (D: William Silverwolf - Jun 92)
Per chev Sa & Az goutty deau, a chev betw 3 decrescents & a
wolfs head bendwise erased Arg. (D: Oweyn Grimulf Dec 05)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev & in base a boar statant Arg. (D:
Llewellyn Baedd Gwyn - May 01)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev betw in chf 2 lions ramp addorsed & in
base an eagle disp Arg. (D: Wilhelm of Greyland - Oct 80)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev betw 2 mullets & 2 swords inv in salt
surmounted by a double-bladed axe, within a bord Arg. (D:
Karl Wolfgerson - Feb 92)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev betw 2 rams heads erased respectant & a
rams head cabossed Arg. (D: Ram the Reticent - Aug 79?)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev betw 2 roundels Arg each charged with
an eagles head erased Sa & another charged with an eagles
head erased Gu. (D: Gwalchfaen ap Uthr - Apr 95)
Per chev Sa & Purp, a chev Arg & in base a martlet volant to sin Or.
(D: Kathryne Larke of Blackwater - Dec 02)
Per chev Sa & Purp, a chev Arg betw 3 suns & a 3-peaked
mountain couped Or. (D: Cormac mac Ruadr - Nov 06)
Per chev Sa & Purp, a chev betw a roundel & an owl affronty Arg.
(D: Marcus Atheniou - Aug 06)
Per chev Sa & Purp, a chev betw 3 rabbits ramp to sin, each playing
bagpipes & brandishing a sword Arg. (D: Malcolm Duncan
MacEoghainn - Dec 92)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a chev & in base a cross formy Arg. (D: Gwen
ferch Rhys - Jun 95)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a chev & in base an eagles head erased within a
laurel wreath Arg. (D: Arindale - Jan 84)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a chev betw a decrescent & an increscent & an
oak leaf Arg. (D: Daoud al-Dimashqi - Oct 03)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a chev betw 3 lozenges Arg & a laurel wreath Or.
(D: Westland Mor - Nov 05)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a chev betw 3 mullets & a sheaf of arrows inv
Arg. (D: Galen MacColmin - Dec 04)
Per chev throughout Az & Gu, a chev throughout & in base a
garden rose slipped & leaved Arg. (D: Catriona nic Pharlain Apr 94)
Per chev Vt & Az, a chev & in chf a leaf Arg. (D: Sarah the Foole
- Jan 08)
Per chev Vt & Az, a chev & overall a stags head cabossed Arg. (D:
Alina Dabrowska - Aug 94)
Per chev Vt & Az, a chev Arg betw 2 natural dolphins embowed
respectant Or & a water wheel Arg. (D: Patrick MacFynn Oct 95)
Per chev Vt & Az, a chev betw 2 castles & a marlin hauriant Arg.
(D: Neill or Daered ar Llyr of Marlincourt - Jan 74?)
Per chev Vt & Gu, a chev & in chf 2 swords inv Arg. (D: Bjorn of
Wolfs Hold - Jan 86)
Per chev Vt & Gu, a chev Arg betw 3 winged lions sejant guardant
Or. (D: Cynric of Mercia - Sep 95)
Per chev Vt & Gu, a chev betw 2 roses & a swan naiant Arg. (D:
Isabella Beatrice della Rosa - Jul 03)
Per chev Vt & Purp, a chev betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Leuther
Eckhardt - Oct 02)
Per chev Vt & Sa, a chev betw 3 rams heads cabossed Arg horned
Or. (D: Nikolaus von Stahlburg - Jul 04)
Per chev Vt & Sa, a chev betw 2 lozenges ploy & a key wards to
chf Arg. (D: Richenza ander Brucke - May 05)
Per chev Vt, sem-de-lys Arg & Az, a chev & in base a compass
star Arg. (D: Mirendil Farand of Alardas - Nov 82)
Per fess Az & Sa, a chev betw a decrescent & a compass star Arg.
(D: Cyrene Valeria - Jul 06)
Per pale Az & Purp, a chev betw 3 hawks heads erased Arg. (D:
Fthnat ingen Thaidg - Apr 01)

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent (continued)

Per pale Az & Sa, a chev betw 3 roses Arg barbed Vt seeded Or.
(D: Rosalind Delamere - Feb 00)
Per pale Az & Sa, a chev cotised Arg. (D: Melisant de Alemayne Apr 00)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a chev & in base a swan Arg. (D: Catherine
Cary of Grayhouse - Jul 90)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a chev betw 2 escallops & a heron statant Arg.
(D: Morwenna of Tintagel - Sep 92)
Per pale Purp & Vt, a chev Arg, in chf in fess a decrescent & a sun
Or. (D: Sarah McHenry - Oct 89)
Per pale Sa & Az, a chev Arg & a bord Or. (B: Nordmark Jun 95)
Per pale Sa & Az, a chev Arg & overall a laurel wreath Or. (D:
Nordmark - Sep 85)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a chev & in base a mullet Arg. (D: Cormac
Douglas - Aug 98)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a chev betw 3 broadarrows inv, a bord Arg. (D:
Zenobia Blake - May 96)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a chev betw 3 lions Arg. (D: Aldwyn de
Lancashire - Feb 05)
Per pale Vt & Az, a chev betw 3 Thors hammers Arg. (D: Rgnach
inghean u Chonaill - Mar 08)
Purp, a chev & a chev inv braced & in pale 3 Bowen knots
crosswise Arg. (D: Silln the Fair - Oct 88)
Purp, a chev Arg & in base a pheon Or, on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys
Purp. (D: Milisent de Lilley - Sep 97)
Purp, a chev Arg betw in chf a laurel wreath betw 2 fleurs-de-lys in
fess & in base a dragon dormant, wings elevated & addorsed,
Or. (D: Ile du Dragon Dormant, l - Apr 85)
Purp, a chev Arg betw 2 Celtic crosses & a sun in splendor Or. (D:
Marie of Mere - Apr 05)
Purp, a chev betw 2 roses & a harp Arg. (D: Marie of Clan Neil Nov 97)
Purp, a chev cotised Arg betw 2 fasces, blades to sin, & a Latin
cross pometty Or. (D: Pawel of Gdansk - Nov 88)
Purp, a chev cotised betw 3 crosses formy Arg. (D: Alaric Liutpold
von Steinman - Jun 87)
Purp, semy-de-lys, a chev & in base a swan naiant Arg. (D: Sorcha
of Sherwood - Oct 85)
Sa, a chev & in chf a mullet of 4 points, a bord Arg. (B: Peter of
Dun Calma - Sep 92)
Sa, a chev & on a chf Arg 3 roses Sa barbed Vt seeded Gu. (D:
Coinneach mac Dhomhnuill - Sep 99)
Sa, a chev Arg & a bord Arg billetty Sa. (D: Markus mac Cumhaill
- Aug 99)
Sa, a chev Arg betw a plate charged with a griffin segreant to sin
Sa, a plate charged with a griffin segreant Sa, & a sword inv
Arg. (D: Eric Ibrahim Mozarabe - Jul 91)
Sa, a chev Arg betw 3 cats paw prints Or. (D: Pdraig connell Oct 00)
Sa, a chev Arg cotised betw 3 compass stars elongated to base Or.
(D: Vagn Olafsson - Feb 91)
Sa, a chev Arg, overall a scorpion & in base a laurel wreath, both
Or. (D: al-Barran - Jul 74)
Sa, a chev Arg surmounted by a scorpion Or, & in base a trefoil
Arg. (B: al-Barran - Jul 94) (For the Champion of alBarran)
Sa, a chev betw a label dovetailed throughout & a horses head
couped contourny Arg. (D: Kharra Unegen - Jul 02)
Sa, a chev betw a sword fesswise & a mullet of 4 points, a bord
Arg. (D: Dafydd de Mortemer - Jun 92)
Sa, a chev betw 4 triskeles 3 & one Arg. (D: Cerdic of Atenveldt Dec 05)
Sa, a chev betw 3 broadarrows inv Arg. (B: Zenobia Blake May 96)
Sa, a chev cotised & in chf 2 water bougets Arg. (D: Dubhghlas
Mac Ailean - Oct 86)
Sa, a chev cotised Arg betw 3 oak leaves Or. (D: Melisant SaintClair - Feb 04)
Sa, a chev cotised betw a Celtic cross & an open book Arg. (D:
Kerydd Shay - Jul 92)
Sa, a chev couped enhanced, overall a wavy-bladed sword
(flamberge) inv Arg hilted Sa all within a bord Arg. (D: Elric
of Moray - Jul 86)
Sa, a chevronel Arg & a chevronel inv Or interlaced. (D:
Krysandra Morgan of the Heathers - Aug 79)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 431

[Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent] to [Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Azure]

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent (continued)

Sa mullety, a chev Arg & in base a decrescent Or. (D: Katharine

da Carrara - Oct 01)
Tierced per pall inv Sa, Az, & Vt, a chevronel Arg conjoined with a
pile wavy inv Az, fimbriated Arg, & in chf a compass star
ctrch Arg & Or. (D: Stefan of the Wanderers - Mar 81)
Vt, a chev abased & in chf a bird volant wings addorsed Arg. (B:
Rowan Leah - May 98)
Vt, a chev Arg betw 3 dogs ramp Or. (D: Iohne Mac Dabhdh Oct 03)
Vt, a chev Arg, overall a fleur-de-lys Or. (D: Ailleann inghen
Proinnsias - Sep 00)
Vt, a chev betw 3 apples in chev & a lion sejant, queue-forchy Arg.
(D: Julienne Thorne - Dec 96)
Vt, a chev betw 3 cushions Arg, a bord Or. (D: Miri MDonnyle Nov 99)
Vt, a chev betw 3 falcons Arg. (D: Tangwystyl verch Morgant
Glasvryn - Jul 01)
Vt, a chev betw 3 peacocks pavonated to base Arg. (D: Caitlyn
Emrys - Aug 95)
Vt, a chev betw 3 roses Arg barbed & seeded Or, a chf embat Arg.
(D: Katheryn Bedford - Aug 01)
Vt, a chev betw 3 winged spurs Arg. (D: Harrys Rob of Wamphray
- Feb 96)
Vt, a chev betw 2 flutes chevronwise & a dragon segreant Arg, all
within a bord ermine. (D: Branwen Gwenyth Anrias Mar 92)
Vt, a chev betw 2 mullets of 4 points elongated to base & a
pavilion, a chf embat Arg. (D: Kenneth Muntsorell - Oct 06)
Vt, a chev cotised betw 2 suns in splendor & an open book Arg. (D:
Siobhn n Bhreoghain - Sep 97)
Vt, a chev throughout & in base a mullet of eight points Arg. (B:
Megan Silverstar - Nov 81)
Vt, a chev throughout Arg betw five mullets of six points, 2, one &
2 Or, a bord Arg. (D: Anjelina Isabella De Marisco - Feb 94)
Vt ermined, a chev betw 2 crescents & a dragon Arg. (D: Dietrich
Jorgen von Marksburg - Aug 06)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Azure

(Fieldless) A chev couped interlaced in base with a fret couped Az.

(B: Siana of Castletown Bearhaven - Apr 91)
(Fieldless) A demi-wyvern issuant from a chev couped Az. (B:
Siana of Castletown Bearhaven - Apr 91) (For Wyverns
Arg, a chev & in base a butterfly Az. (D: Adriana Sturmveder Jun 98)
Arg, a chev & on a chf Az 2 lions passant gardant Arg. (D: Thomas
de Longavilla - Mar 02)
Arg, a chev Az betw 3 crescents Purp, a bord engrailed Sa. (D:
Shahid al-Hasan - Nov 06)
Arg, a chev Az betw 3 crosses formy Gu & a hand apaumy Sa. (D:
Theobald Oneglove - Aug 97)
Arg, a chev Az betw 3 oak trees eradicated Sa fructed Arg. (D:
Eadmund of Pendlesweald - Jan 74)
Arg, a chev Az betw 3 pine trees Sa. (D: Thomas of the Pines Sep 71?)
Arg, a chev Az betw 3 trees Vt within a bord Sa. (D: Harry the
Hewer of Rimwood - Mar 02)
Arg, a chev Az betw 2 brown snails proper & a wyvern passant Vt.
(D: Celfind ingen Chathassaig - Jul 05)
Arg, a chev Az betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Gu & a wolfs head erased Sa.
(D: Athalwlfe von dem Rhein - Jul 83)
Arg, a chev Az betw 2 hammers bendwise Sa & a harp Gu. (D:
James Morrison the Harper - Jun 99)
Arg, a chev Az betw 2 roses slipped & leaved proper & a doubleheaded eagle Az. (D: Ursula von Thurn - Jul 01)
Arg, a chev Az, cotised Gu, betw 2 needles threaded, points to base,
& a pair of shears Az. (D: Lucia die Nherin - Mar 88)
Arg, a chev Az, overall a 3-clawed dragons foot erect Or, armed
Gu, fimbriated Sa. (D: Keith of Dragonfoot - Mar 75?)
Arg, a chev betw in chev 2 forget-me-nots Az slipped & leaved Vt
& a wolf couchant Az. (D: Killian MacKenzie - Jul 01)
Arg, a chev betw 3 crescents & on a chf Az 3 griffins Arg. (D:
Garrett Cromwell - Nov 06)
Arg, a chev betw 3 crosses crosslet fitchy each sustained by a hand
fesswise Az. (D: William MacNaught - Jul 01)
432 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Azure (continued)

Arg, a chev betw 3 dragonflies, a chf Az. (D: Botolph of Saxony Sep 97)
Arg, a chev betw 2 estoiles Az & an eagle Sa. (D: Wilhelm Meis Mar 05)
Arg, a chev cotised Az betw 2 crosses crosslet fitchy & a cross
crosslet fitchy inv Sa, all within a bord Az. (D: Berengaria de
Chinon - Feb 89)
Arg, a chev cotised Az betw 2 crosses formy & a stag springing Gu.
(D: Rowena of Swanwic - Sep 90)
Arg, a chev cotised Az betw 2 dragons passant respectant Gu,
maintaining betw them a sword palewise Sa, & a fret Gu. (D:
Taliesin of the Clan Furlong - Nov 89)
Arg, a chev cotised Az surmounted by a sword & in chf 2 mullets
Sa. (D: Alasdair MacIain of Elderslie - Feb 94)
Arg, a chev enhanced & a base Az, overall a Maltese cross Gu,
fimbriated Arg. (D: Maolcholm Burnes - Aug 80)
Arg, a chev, in chf a decrescent & an increscent Az overall a wolf
sejant Sa. (D: Thora of Skye - Jan 99)
Arg, a heron rising wings disp betw a chevronel throughout & a bar
Az. (D: Flann ua Donndubin - Jun 08)
Arg, betw a chev & a chev inv braced, a fleur-de-lys Az. (D:
Eduardo Diodati - May 93)
Arg semy of musical notes Sa, a chev Az & in base a bird Gu. (D:
Ealusaid inghean Ghille Bhrighde - May 04)
Ermine, a chev Az. (D: Muirgheal inghean Labhrain - Nov 04)
Erminois, a chev Az betw 3 roses proper. (D: Jeanne-Marie
Dubois - Dec 02)
Gu, a chev Az, fimbriated, overall a lion passant Or. (B: Tristan
Keck - Jun 86)
Or, a chev Az & in chf 2 pine trees Vt, overall a sword Gu. (D:
Mars Gaston - Oct 07)
Or, a chev Az betw a key fesswise, a quill bendwise sin, & a tower
Gu. (D: Gottfried von Beringen - May 82)
Or, a chev Az betw 3 brown weasels ramp proper. (D: zbeg of
Gyldenholt - Sep 02)
Or, a chev Az betw 2 bears combattant Gu & a horseshoe inv Az.
(B: Tukke Kirk - Sep 03)
Or, a chev Az betw 2 magpies respectant & a lyre with broken
strings Sa, a bord Az. (B: Sentinels Keep - Jan 91) (For
Bardic Horde of Sentinels Keep)
Or, a chev Az betw 2 thistles & a castle Gu. (B: Ceanntighern
Macgillechallum - Oct 99)
Or, a chev Az, in dexter chf a cross formy, a bord Sa. (D: Konrad
der Ruhige Br - Oct 91)
Or, a chev Az, in dexter chf a cross formy, a bord Sa, & for
difference a label couped Az. (D: Augustus der Ruhige Br Sep 96)
Or, a chev Az, masoned Or, betw 3 roses Az. (D: Isabeau de
Bordeaux - Dec 89)
Or, a chev Az, overall a pithon erect Gu. (D: Wynfrith of
Mooneschadowe - Jun 00)
Or, a chev betw 3 winged bulls ramp Az. (D: Jaufres de
Carcassona - May 08)
Or, a chev betw 2 gloves Az each charged with a bezant & a falcon
striking Az. (D: Piers Fauconer - Jul 01)
Or, a chev cotissed Az betw 3 daggers inv Sa. (D: Thaddeus the
Brown - Jul 84)
Or, a chev cotissed Az surmounted by a wolf ramp to sin Gu. (D:
Bogdan Ilich Volknoi - May 83)
Or, a chev couched from sin Az & in sin flank a single-bitted axe
reversed Sa. (D: Olaf the Skraeling - Mar 95)
Or, a chevronel surmounted by a chevronel inv Az, within a bord
Gu. (B: Robert of Wildewood - Jan 80)
Per chev Arg & Or, a chev Az betw a Chinese Dragon Gu & 2
retorts, necks crossed in salt, Vt. (D: Melina Argente
Chercheuse - Jun 86)
Per chev Arg & Sa, a chev Az betw 2 goats salient respectant Sa &
a leopards head jessant-de-lys Arg. (D: Natalie de Caen Apr 00)
Per chev Arg semy of Latin crosses Sa, & Arg, a chev Az & in base
an olive branch fructed proper. (D: Althaea della Terra di
Rugiada - Apr 86)
Per chev erminois & Arg, a chev Az & in base a serpent nowed Gu.
(D: Darri Kveldulfsson - Jul 85)
Per chev Or & Arg, a chev betw 3 double-headed eagles Az. (D:
Bertrand du Mez - Dec 02)

[Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Azure] to [Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules]

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Azure (continued)

Per chev Or & Sa, a chev Az & in base a crescent Arg, a chf
invected Sa mullety Arg. (D: Phoebe Hotham - Dec 02)
Per pale Or & Arg, a chev Az betw 3 stocks couped Sa all within a
bord Az. (D: Stephan Blakstok - Jul 95)
Sa, a chev Az, fimbriated, betw 2 crescents & a tower Arg. (D:
Gratien de Nville - Feb 90)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Fur

Arg, a chev counter-ermine betw 2 towers & a fasces Sa. (D: David
of Illwheirlane - Jan 73?)
Arg, a chev ermine fimbriated Vt betw 2 lures Sa & a turtle Vt. (D:
Isabeau Michaela Hawke - Apr 96)
Arg, a chev pean surmounted by a dragons head erased at the
shoulders Az within a bord pean. (D: Tyrca Ivarsdottir Sep 84)
Az, a chev Arg ermined Vt, overall a mancatcher issuant from base
Or. (D: Malachi Tay - Aug 00) (A man-catcher or a catchpole is a device which has spring blades on the inside that
prevent a man from withdrawing his neck one it is encircled by
the fork)
Az, a chev ermine betw in chf 3 mullets in fess & in base a martlet
Arg. (D: William of Martinvast - Dec 83)
Az, a chev ermine betw 3 griffins Or. (D: Rainer Wulfgar Jul 05)
Az, a chev erminois & overall a stags skull Arg. (D: Lance de
Courcy - Apr 94)
Az, a chev erminois betw 3 owls Or, a bord erminois. (D: Antonio
Miguel Santos de Borja - Nov 98)
Az, a chev erminois betw 2 cotises engrailed on the outer edges
Arg, in chf 2 ash keys fesswise reversed, & in base a domestic
cat couchant Or. (D: Anne of Threadneedle Street - Oct 84)
Checky Or & Az, a chev ermine. (D: Warwick, Earl of - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, a chev ermine betw in pale a plate & a wolfs pawprint Or. (D:
Dagian MacCaster Bubblesbane - Jan 81)
Gu, a chev ermine betw 2 trilliums Arg barbed Vt seeded Gu & a
key cross Or. (D: Carletta da Nicolosi - Jan 08)
Gu, a chev ermine cotised Or & in base a rose Arg, barbed &
seeded Sa. (D: Anstes Darcy - Feb 08)
Gu, a chev erminois betw 3 stags heads cabossed Or. (D:
Katherine Barr of Cumberland - May 04)
Gu, a chev erminois cotised betw 3 boars heads couped Or. (D:
John Angus Swinford - Jan 95)
Or, a chev pean & in base a double-horned anvil Vt. (D: Arterus O
Keynan - Jul 07)
Or, a chev Purp ermined Arg betw 2 compass stars elongated to
base Vt & a thistle proper. (D: Elizabeth Anne de Gresse Jul 05)
Per chev Az & Sa, a chev ermine & in base a cross fleury, a bord
Arg. (D: Gwenhwyfar Dinas Emrys - Oct 96)
Per chev Gu & Or, a chev ermine & in base a heart Purp. (D:
Kathelyne Fraser of Lochdoy - Oct 03)
Per chev Gu & Purp, a chev ermine betw 2 eagles heads respectant
Arg, armed Or & a plant of 3 lilies, slipped & leaved, Arg. (D:
Ysabeau Marie Juliet de Chartres - Aug 91)
Per chev Gu & Sa, a chev ermine betw 2 towers & a wolfs head
erased Arg, a bord ermine. (D: Martino Michele Venri Mar 98)
Per chev Or & Vt, a chev ermine betw 2 thistles, slipped & leaved,
Vt & a trefoil slipped Or. (D: Duncan MacDhai of Roxburg Dec 89)
Per chev Or & Vt, a chev pean betw a falcons head, erased & sin
facing, Vt & a stump eradicated Or. (D: Desire of
Falconham - Jul 88)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev ermine betw 2 mullets of eight points & a
griffin ramp Arg. (D: Erick Liminur - Jul 85)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev ermine cotised betw 2 swans naiant
respectant wings elevated & addorsed & a vol Arg. (D:
Svanhildr Karlsdottir - Nov 90)
Per chev Sa semy of ash sprigs Or, & Gu, a chev ermine & in base a
pheon Or. (D: Cyrred of Ashwood - Sep 92)
Per chev Vt & Purp, a chev ermine betw 2 fleurs-de-lys & a fleece
Arg. (D: Isabella Agnes van Lichtervelde - Feb 94)
Per fess Purp & Or, a chev ermine betw 3 fleurs-de-lis ctrch. (D:
Ysabeau Madeleine de Gascogne - Apr 95)

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Fur (continued)

Per pale Az & Gu, a chev ermine betw 3 ferrets ramp to sin Arg.
(D: Rhodri ap Owen - Oct 06)
Per pale Gu & Az, a bull & a unicorn combattant Or & a chev
abased ermine. (D: Guillaine de Vaux - Jun 84)
Per pale Gu & Az, a chev ermine betw 3 compass stars Arg. (D:
Katerina Mhler - Dec 05)
Per pale Vt & Az, a chev ermine betw 3 roundels in chev & an
arrow inv Or. (D: Toms mac Donnchaidh - Dec 06)
Purp, a chev ermine betw five escallops in chf & a dragonfly Arg.
(D: Gwenhwyvar Morwyn - May 05)
Purp, a chev ermine betw 3 dragons dormant wings elevated &
addorsed Arg. (D: Sorcha an Chomhraic - Jul 05)
Purp, a chev ermine cotised Arg betw 2 crescents & a scorpion Or.
(D: Chiara da Montepulciano - Dec 02)
Purp, a chev throughout Arg ermined Purp, in pale 2 wolfs heads
erased respectant Arg. (D: Dafydd mac Canannn - Sep 90)
Purp, a chev throughout ermine betw 2 Catherine wheels & a castle
Or. (D: Katherine Neville of Kenilworth - Mar 94)
Sa, a chev ermine betw 3 Catherines wheels Arg. (D: Una the
Bashful - Jul 00)
Sa, a chev ermine betw 3 suns Or. (D: Sigfrid Hake - Dec 01)
Sa, a chev ermine betw 2 griffins heads erased addorsed breathing
flames Or & a sword proper. (D: Stefan le Gascon - Oct 01)
Sa, a chev erminois betw 3 escutcheons Arg. (D: Aleit
Pietersdochter - Sep 06)
Vt, a chev betw 3 decrescents erminois. (D: Berengaria von
Grossenberg - Jan 95)
Vt, a chev ermine betw 3 crosses flory Or. (D: Faoln na Cairrce
mac Odhrin - Aug 04)
Vt, a chev ermine, cotised, betw 2 roses Arg & an opinicus sejant
erect to sin Or. (D: Ealasaid Ramsey of Skye - May 88)
Vt, 3 pallets Arg, overall a chev counter-ermine. (D: Phillip the
Pilgrim - Sep 84)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules

Arg, a chev betw 3 boars passant Gu. (D: Richard of Stokesley Dec 04)
Arg, a chev betw 3 cinquefoils & on a chf Gu, 2 jewelers hammers
in salt Arg. (D: Juenevere de Cleres - Feb 87)
Arg, a chev betw 3 crosses of Jerusalem Gu. (D: Basileios
Philanthropenos Philomathes - Jan 00)
Arg, a chev cotised Gu & in chf a quill fesswise reversed, all within
a bord Sa. (D: William of Thetford - May 89)
Arg, a chev cotised Gu betw 3 oak leaves Sa. (D: Engenulf de
Vienville - May 05)
Arg, a chev cotised Gu betw 3 roses Sa barbed & seeded proper.
(D: lric de Blaketorn - Aug 05)
Arg, a chev couched from dexter throughout Gu. (D: Hagen von
Scharfeneck - Jun 05)
Arg, a chev Gu & overall a bulls head cabossed; on a chf Sa 3
towers Arg. (D: Raimundo Gutierrez - Dec 94)
Arg, a chev Gu betw a fox passant & a crescent Sa. (D: Warren of
Bellford - Aug 79?)
Arg, a chev Gu betw 2 cauldrons Vt & an oak slip palewise leaved
& fructed proper within a bord Gu. (D: Helewyse de Birkestad
- Aug 06)
Arg, a chev Gu betw 2 crosses crosslet fitchy & in pile 3 tilers nails
points conjoined all within a bord embat Sa. (D: Padruig
Maclennan - Oct 91)
Arg, a chev Gu betw 2 hounds passant addorsed Sa & a torteau. (D:
William the Wicked - Nov 01)
Arg, a chev Gu betw 2 lions & a Catherine wheel Az. (D: Sabina
de Mordone - Jun 06)
Arg, a chev Gu betw 2 mullets of six points voided & interlaced & a
greyhound Sa. (D: Cynwrig Cynydd - Aug 97)
Arg, a chev Gu betw 2 thistles proper & a phoenix Az rising from
flames Gu. (D: Gyel der Spatz - Nov 04)
Arg, a chev Gu betw 2 wingless wyverns sejant addorsed Sa & a
hurst of 2 pine trees Vt, all within a bord Gu. (D: Dirk of
Frisia - Jun 92)
Arg, a chev Gu cotised, in base a porcupine statant Sa. (D: Judhael
de Cornouailles - Jun 99)
Arg, a chev Gu, mailed Or, betw 2 thistles, slipped & leaved, proper
& a boot Sa. (D: Dale the Wanderer - Jul 85)
Arg, a chev Gu, overall a caltrop Sa. (D: Jesmond Black - Jan 00)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 433

[Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules] to [Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor]

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules (continued)

Arg, a chev Gu, overall 2 bluebottles slipped & leaved & conjoined
at their bases proper within a bord Sa. (D: Richenda de la
Selva - Feb 81)
Arg, a chev Gu surmounted by a sea-dragon erect Vt all betw 3
roses slipped & leaved proper. (D: Qara Moridai - Nov 99)
Arg, a chev throughout Gu betw 3 sprigs of holly Vt fructed Gu.
(D: Alyna of the Ilex - Sep 02)
Arg, a chev throughout Gu interlaced with another inv throughout,
in fess 3 roundels Sa. (D: Isabeau de Falconcree - Sep 95)
Arg a chevronel Gu, in chf a killer whale proper, in base a bow &
arrow Gu, bent & nocked, to sin. (D: Morton the Grey Jan 74?)
Az, a chev Gu fimbriated & in base a bell Or. (D: Gryffydd Belwyn
- Jul 91)
Az, a chev Gu, fimbriated Arg, overall a demi-eagle erased disp Or,
all within a bord rayonny Arg. (D: Diego Rodrigo Espada de
la Fenix - Nov 89)
Az, a chev Gu fimbriated Arg, overall 3 stalks of wheat conjoined
in pile Or. (D: Lavina del Bakhous - Jun 00)
Az, a chev Gu fimbriated betw an arrow fesswise & a cross crosslet
fitchy Or. (D: Timothy McBride of Aran - Apr 95)
Az, a chev Gu fimbriated betw 3 stags heads caboshed Arg. (D:
Galefridus Peregrinus - Aug 07)
Az, a chev Gu, fimbriated, betw 2 bears heads erased & a bugle
horn Or. (D: Beoric of Granite Hills - Dec 84)
Az, a chev Gu fimbriated Or & in chf 2 bezants. (D: Eda Gwynedd
- Jul 92)
Az, a chev Gu fimbriated Or, overall a wolf ramp Arg. (D: Faoln
Siridein - Jun 08)
Ermine, a chev betw 3 estoiles Gu. (D: James of Wiverneweald Sep 97)
Erminois, a chev Gu betw 2 demi-suns issuant from dexter & sin
chf & a tree Sa. (D: Kimberly Blackwood - Aug 07)
Erminois, a chev Gu betw 2 trees & a demi-sun issuant from base
Sa. (D: Christopher Blackwood - Mar 93)
Or, a chev betw 3 axes Gu & on a chf Sa a Viking longship Or. (D:
orfinnr Bjarnason - Apr 02)
Or, a chev betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Gu, a chf wavy Sa. (D: Colin
OBryan - Jan 98)
Or, a chev betw 3 mullets in chf & a dragon passant Gu. (D:
Modric Deodatus - Jan 96)
Or, a chev betw 2 griffins combattant & a double-bladed axe Gu.
(D: Eirikr inn Litli - Oct 96)
Or, a chev cotised Gu betw 3 hearts Sa. (D: Michael of Exeter May 92)
Or, a chev cotised Gu, in base a thistle Gu, slipped & leaved Vt. (D:
Conan MacFaolain - Jul 94)
Or, a chev Gu & a chev inv Az interlaced. (D: Ian of Ettrick Mar 97)
Or, a chev Gu betw in chf 2 pairs of arrows inv in salt & in base 3
goblets one & 2 Sa. (D: Rupert the Unbalanced - Nov 04)
Or, a chev Gu betw 3 bugle horns & on a chf Sa a boars head
erased contourny Or. (D: Ralph Bigod of Hereford - May 03)
Or, a chev Gu betw 3 ermine spots Sa. (D: Lukas Mesmer Aug 02)
Or, a chev Gu betw 2 brown bears salient combattant proper & a
laurel wreath Vt. (D: College on the Hill - Jan 82)
Or, a chev Gu betw 2 galleys, sails furled, Sa, pennoned Gu, & an
eagle disp Sa, all within a bord Gu. (D: Laughlan MacAlister May 87)
Or, a chev Gu betw 2 horses combattant & a castle Sa. (D:
Gwenhevare Cordelia Maynard - Nov 01)
Or, a chev Gu, in chf 2 fleurs-de-lys Az, a bord Gu. (D: Jehanne la
Sarrasine de Montevilliers - Jun 01)
Or, a chev Gu overall a legless wyvern disp contourny, tail nowed
Sa. (D: Chagatai Burilgi - May 06)
Or, a chev Gu, overall a stag at gaze proper. (D: Wolfram van
Coudenhove - Mar 01)
Or, a chev Gu, surmounted by a griffin segreant Sa, all within a
bord pean. (D: William Haldane - Aug 81)
Or crusilly Sa, a chev Gu. (D: Brienus Holebroc - Oct 01)
Or masoned Sa, a chev Gu. (D: Annais Eleanor de Montgomerie Jan 96)
Or, seme of spruce trees Az, a chev throughout Gu & in base a
raven Sa. (D: Garrathe Ravenswood - Aug 87)

434 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules (continued)

Paly of eight Or & Sa, a chevronel betw 3 whippets courant Gu. (D:
Enriqueta Isabel de Reyes y Mora - Mar 81)
Pean, a chev Gu, surmounted by a mace Arg. (D: James of Kent Nov 82)
Per chev Arg & Sa, a chev Gu betw 2 pairs of hammers in salt Sa &
a lightning bolt bendwise sin Arg. (D: Decius Claudius Sep 02)
Per chev Arg & Sa, in pale a chev Gu & a mullet of ten points Arg,
in chf 2 mallets in chev Sa. (D: Rognvaldr Tilbuinn - Dec 88)
Per chev Az & Arg, a chev Gu betw a lion passant reguardant
queue-fourche Or & a rose Gu, barbed Vt. (D: Anna
MacFarlane of Loch Lomane - Oct 81)
Per chev Az & Arg, a chev Gu betw 2 goblets Arg & a ship Az. (D:
Ginevra da Cunha - Sep 02)
Per chev Or & Sa, a chev & in chf 2 bulls ramp addorsed Gu. (D:
Christoffel van Bovingne - Mar 01)
Per chev Sa & Arg, a chev Gu betw 2 mullets & a horses head
erased, all ctrch. (D: Marion of Wynterchase - Oct 88)
Per chev Sa & checky Arg & Sa, a chev Gu fimbriated Or & in chf
a hanging balance Arg. (D: Thorgrim af Kbmannehavn Feb 03)
Per chev Sa & ermine, a chev Gu fimbriated betw 2 roses slipped &
leaved Or & a sun Gu eclipsed ermine. (D: Alienora na Coille
- Jul 91)
Per chev Sa & Or, a chev Gu betw 3 wolves heads erased ctrch. (D:
Robert de Bardoulf - Oct 91)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a chev Gu betw 3 tau crosses ctrch. (D: Teresa
Alentejana - Feb 91)
Per fess embat Or & Sa, a chev Gu betw 2 ravens heads erased
addorsed & a sun ctrch. (D: Wulfgar of Northumbria Dec 83)
Per fess potenty Sa & Arg, in base a chev Gu, in dexter chf a cross
fleury Arg. (D: Charles the Turbulent - Feb 85)
Purp, a chev Gu fimbriated Or betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D:
Llywelyn Gwynedd of Caerdydd - Nov 92)
Sa, a chev Gu, fimbriated, & a bord Or. (D: Adrian Navarre Jul 91)
Sa, a chev Gu fimbriated Arg, overall a cross crosslet fitchy Or. (D:
Gabriel Talon - Oct 96)
Sa, a chev Gu fimbriated betw 3 eagles disp, each grasping in each
talon a hammer Or. (D: Michael Ironhammer - Jul 83)
Sa, a chev Gu fimbriated betw 3 fleurs-de-lys a chf Arg. (D: Vivien
de Maingny - Aug 01)
Sa, a chev Gu fimbriated betw 3 lions ramp Arg. (D: Abd alMahdi Jamal ibn Hakim - May 97)
Sa, a chev Gu fimbriated betw 3 pairs of compasses Or, in base a
reremouse Arg. (D: Philippe de Tournay - Oct 95)
Sa, a chev Gu fimbriated betw 3 roundels Arg each charged with a
raven Sa. (D: Rhiannon of Ravenswood - Jul 98)
Sa, a chev Gu, fimbriated Or, overall a horse ramp Arg betw 3
crescents Or. (D: Richard the Defyer - Jul 98)
Sa, a pale Arg, overall a chev Gu. (D: Philippe de Souraine Dec 75?)
Sa ermined Or, a chev Gu, overall a tyger sejant, Or, langued &
orbed Gu. (D: Andrassy Magyri of the Lowara - Oct 76?)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor

Arg, a chev party per pale Vt & Gu betw 3 leatherbound closed

books proper. (D: Guillaume Etienne du Vexin - Dec 80)
Arg, a chev vairy Az & Or betw 3 lions jambes bendwise Az. (D:
Thom the Tanner - Aug 88)
Arg, a pile Az & a chev ctrch within a bord Gu charged with 3
dragons passant deosil Arg. (D: Stephen Haroldson - Nov 86)
Arg, a pile betw 2 broadarrows Gu, overall a chev ctrch. (B: Enoch
Crandall mac Cranon - Aug 89)
Arg, a pile Gu & overall a chev ctrch, in chf a fleur-de-lys Arg. (D:
Alexander Peregrine - May 99)
Az, a chev potenty in point Or & Gu, in chf 2 griffins combattant
Arg. (D: Thorstein Christianson Ronnow - Feb 00)
Az, a pale Arg, surmounted by a chev ctrch, betw in chf 2 halberd
heads couped, blades to center, Arg. (D: Hans Drrmast von
der Wanderlust - Mar 89)
Az, a pile Or & overall a chev ctrch. (D: Agmund Stoltefoth Dec 07)

[Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor]

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor


Gu, a chev paly Or & Az betw 3 griffins heads erased Or. (D:
Everhardt the Bald - Dec 95)
Gu, a chev vair-in-pale. (D: Elspet Byndelase - Jan 05)
Gu, a chev vair-in-pale betw 3 wolves courant contourny Arg each
charged on the shoulder with a heart Sa. (B: Elspet Byndelase
- Jan 05)
Or, a chev vair betw 3 Catherine wheels Sa. (D: Himiltrude de
Austrasia - Jun 07)
Or, a cross crosslet fitchy Sa betw a chev & a bar chequy Arg & Sa.
(D: Timothy of Edessa - Apr 89)
Or, on a pile throughout Sa, 3 pheons Arg, overall a chev ctrch. (D:
Douglas Archer - Sep 86)
Paly Purp & Arg, a chev ctrch. (D: Ardovino Dragonetti - Nov 07)
Per chev Arg & Sa, a chev betw 2 compass stars & a bears head
caboshed, all ctrch. (B: Korok Starbear the Hammerhand Oct 84) (For House Starbear)
Per chev Arg & Vt, a chev chequy Arg & Sa, cotised to chf, betw 2
crescents Vt & a griffin segreant Arg. (D: Todd MacMaghnuis
- Nov 89)
Per chev Arg, semy of aspen leaves, & Vt, a chev per chev Vt &
Arg, in base a sheaf of 3 arrows inv Arg. (D: Leif Ivarson Oct 85)
Per chev Az & Arg, a chev betw 3 fleurs-de-lys, all ctrch. (D:
Dominic Tremayne - Jun 88)
Per chev Az & Arg, a chev ctrch betw 2 wolves ramp contourny
Arg & a raven disp contourny Sa. (D: Ragnar the Wolf Oct 93)
Per chev Az & Arg, a chev per chev Or & Az, betw 2 bison statant
respectant & a decrescent ctrch. (D: Robert Buffle of
Hawksheye - Aug 88)
Per chev Az & ermine, a chev ctrch & in chf 2 thistles Arg. (D:
Geoffrey of Stirlingshire - Jan 83)
Per chev Az & Or, a chev betw 3 crosses bottony fitchy ctrch. (D:
Andru Bruce - Mar 07)
Per chev Az & Sa, a chev checky Arg & Sa betw 2 mullets & a
foxs mask Arg. (D: Etheldred NicEoghainn - Oct 93)
Per chev Gu & Arg, a chev throughout betw 2 arrows inv in chev &
an eagle rising wings disp all ctrch Or & Gu. (D: Aidan
Sceotend t thm Mistigum Merum - Feb 92)
Per chev Gu & Or, a chev betw 3 mullets of 4 points elongated to
base ctrch. (D: Valentina Andreyevna Sokolova Krasnaya Jul 92)
Per chev Gu & Sa, a chev checky Or & Sa betw 3 torches flammant
Or. (D: William de Marmoutier - Oct 95)
Per chev Or & Gu, a chev betw 2 lions combattant & an oak tree, all
ctrch. (D: Amos al-Musa - Nov 90)
Per chev Or & Sa, a chev betw 2 swords in chev & a wolfs head
erased ctrch. (D: Robert Demont - May 98)
Per chev Or & Vt, a chev betw 2 pine trees couped & a Lacy knot
all ctrch. (D: Faolan Beag - Apr 94)
Per chev Or & Vt, a chev ctrch betw a pair of clenched gauntlets Gu
& a sea-lion Or. (D: Franco dOrsi - Jun 93)
Per chev Sa & Arg, a chev ctrch betw a dove disp Arg & a wolfs
head, erased & sin facing, Sa. (D: Gwenhwyfar Trelowarth Jun 88)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev compony Or & Gu. (D: Matthew James
Ravenridge - Jan 99)
Per chev Sa & Or, a chev betw five crosses bottonny fitchy, one, 2
& 2, ctrch. (D: Wilhelm von Fnfstadtgemeinden - Mar 89)
Per chev Vt & Or, a chev betw 2 laurel wreaths & an oak sprig
ctrch. (D: Fsach Mor - Sep 00)
Per pale & per chev Arg & Sa, a chev abased ctrch, in dexter chf a
cross crosslet, all within a bord Gu. (D: Elidir o Morgannwg Jan 83)
Per pale & per chev Az & Arg, a chev checky Arg & Sa betw in
bend 2 fleurs-de-lys Or & in bend sin 2 single-headed chess
knights Sa. (D: Mathias de Maldegem - Jan 03)
Per pale & per chev Vt & Arg, a chev & in chf 2 crosses crosslet
fitchy ctrch. (D: Rhys Vaughan Gowers - Oct 90)
Per pale & per chev Vt & Or, a chev throughout betw 3 pawprints,
ctrch. (D: Ulfr Thorfinnsson - Jan 92)
Per pale Arg & Az, a chev & in chf 2 irises ctrch. (D: Elizabeth
Darnley - Sep 04)
Per pale Arg & Az, a chev betw 3 dragons segreant ctrch. (D:
Caitln n Dhubhghaill - Feb 96)

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor


Per pale Arg & Az, a chev ctrch & in dexter chf an eagles head Az.
(D: Owen Fitz Raven - May 94)
Per pale Arg & Az, a cross formy & in chf a chevronell throughout
ctrch. (D: Nataal Dywyn - Feb 80)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a chev betw 2 mullets of 4 points & a tower, all
within a bord ctrch. (D: Artan macAiln - Jul 88)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a chev betw 2 mullets of 4 points & a tower, all
within a bord ctrch, as an augmentation, surmounting the chev,
on an inescutcheon Vt, a stag salient Arg, surmounted by a
ducal coronet, a bord embat Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Artan
macAiln - Nov 98)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a chev throughout & in base a castle ctrch. (D:
Steffan of Castle Isle - Apr 84)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a chev & in base a tower ctrch. (D: Otto von
Aken - Jan 04)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a chev cotissed betw 2 mullets & a roundel
ctrch. (D: Branwyn de Grafton - Sep 90)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a chev ctrch & in base a crescent, a bord Gu. (D:
Tristan von Rothenburg - Dec 92)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a chev throughout betw 3 swans naiant
contourny ctrch. (D: Ossn mac Ruaidr - Aug 97)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a chev ctrch. (D: Cailln mac Egain - Feb 02)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a chev ctrch on a chf Or 3 annulets Sa. (D:
Donal OBrien - Jun 97)
Per pale Az & Arg a chev & in chf 2 boars heads erased close
ctrch. (D: Colin of Shattered Crystal - Feb 98)
Per pale Az & Arg, a chev betw 3 wolfs heads erased ctrch. (D:
Lochlainn mac Faolin Bhin - Aug 03)
Per pale Az & Or, a chev & issuant from base a demi-sun, all ctrch.
(D: Arianna Marie du Soleil - Feb 91)
Per pale Az & Or, a chev betw 3 bees ctrch. (D: Aelia Apollonia Aug 03)
Per pale Az & Or, a chev betw 3 crescents ctrch. (D: Kylan
Magnusson - Dec 03)
Per pale Az & Or, a chev betw 2 wolfs heads cabossed & a caltrap,
a bord overall ctrch. (D: Uulfgar Uulfric - Aug 85)
Per pale Az & Or, a chev cotised betw 3 lozenges ctrch. (D:
thelrd t Blcmore - Apr 07)
Per pale dovetailed Arg & Purp, a chev ctrch. (D: Christian
dHiver - Dec 87)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a chev betw 2 compass stars & a talbots head
erased ctrch. (D: Cnut Ragnarsson - Oct 91)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a chev cotised betw 3 escallops inv ctrch. (D:
Diana Elinor Somerville - Jun 93)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a chev per pale Or & Purp betw 3 roundels,
each charged with a Maltese cross throughout ctrch. (D:
Edmund Newcastle - Jan 05)
Per pale Gu & Arg, in pale a chevronel couped palewise & 2
crosses patty ctrch, as an augmentation, on an escutcheon Az,
2 bears passant erect addorsed reguardant Arg, each
maintaining a berdiche proper, in base an annulet Or.
(Augmentation of Arms: Jan w Orzeldom - Dec 93)
Per pale Gu & Arg, in pale a chevronel couped per pale & 2 crosses
patty ctrch. (D: Jan w Orzeldom - Jun 80)
Per pale Gu & checky Sa & Arg, a chev betw 3 latin crosses potent
ctrch Arg & Gu. (D: Tristan of Glastonbury - Jun 95)
Per pale Gu & Or, a chev betw 2 crosses crosslet & a dragon ramp
ctrch. (D: Kenneth Mordun MacDonald - Sep 92)
Per pale Or & Az, a chev & a chf ctrch. (B: Reinholdt von
Trollenhagen - Nov 06)
Per pale Or & Gu, a chev betw 2 wolfs heads erased respectant & a
pine tree, all ctrch. (D: Wolf Dietrich von Hohenwald Aug 86)
Per pale Or & Gu, a chev inv surmounted by a chev per pale Gu &
Or, betw 3 Latin crosses ctrch. (D: Lloyd of Penrose Oct 92)
Per pale Or & pean, a chev ctrch. (B: Friedrich Eric Helmut von
Rheinhausen - Oct 00)
Per pale Or & Sa, a chev betw 4 wolves ramp 2 & 2 ctrch. (D:
Uilleag Conmhaic - Aug 02)
Per pale Or & Sa, a chev betw 3 roundels ctrch. (D: Erinlin
Aldhelm - Jun 95)
Per pale Or & Sa, a chev ctrch, overall a lion dormant guardant &
on a chf triangular Gu a Celtic cross Or. (D: Angharad O
Dubhdabhoireann - Dec 84)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 435

[Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor] to [Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Or]

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor


Per pale Or & Sa, a chev ctrch overall a wyvern disp Gu. (D: Rolf
de Chablis - Dec 95)
Per pale Or & Sa semy-de-lys ctrch, a chev ctrch Sa & Or within a
bord Gu bezanty. (D: Alfonso Henriques de Montoya Feb 94)
Per pale Or & Vt, a chev betw 2 escallops inv & a cinquefoil
pierced ctrch. (D: Isabelle Idonea de la Mere - May 92)
Per pale Or & Vt, a chev ctrch & in canton a cinquefoil Vt. (D:
Elysabeth Underhill - Aug 07)
Per pale Purp & Arg, a chev cotised ctrch. (D: Arabella of
Thornwood - Sep 92)
Per pale Purp & Arg, a chev per pale ermine & counter-ermine. (D:
Anastasia Guta - Sep 04)
Per pale Purp & Arg, in pale a chevronel couped ctrch & 2
Catherines wheels Or. (D: Katarzyna Szare Oczy - May 99)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a chev throughout ctrch surmounted by a chev
inv throughout Gu. (B: LoAleene Penrith - Dec 82)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a chev ctrch, fimbriated, betw 3 phoenixes Or,
rising from flames proper, all within a bord rayonny Or. (D:
Brandolf Erland - Nov 84)
Per pale Sa & Or, a chev betw 3 wolfs heads erased ctrch. (D:
Gabriel Halte - Nov 98)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a chev ctrch fimbriated & in chf a sword inv & a
crescent Arg. (D: Ciaran the Confuse - Jun 95)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a chev ctrch. (D: Cyneburh t Suhamtune Mar 00)
Per pale Vt & Or, a chev & in base 2 cats couchant respectant
guardant ctrch. (D: Rhiannon o Hafan Gath - Dec 92)
Per pale Vt & Or, a chev & in chf 2 hunting horns addorsed, within
a bord, all ctrch. (D: Branwen ferch Rhys - Aug 84)
Per pale Vt & Or, a chev betw 3 falcons stooping ctrch. (D: Paul of
Cheshire - Sep 92)
Per pale Vt & Or, a chev betw 3 mullets ctrch within a bord embat
Sa. (D: Ifor of Aberystwyth - Jan 88)
Per pale Vt & Or, a chev ctrch & in chf a pheon Arg & a wolf ramp
Gu. (D: Bardolf Ulfacson - Feb 83)
Purp, a pale Arg & a chev ctrch. (D: Wijade the Wondrous Sep 73?)
Sa, a chev barry wavy Arg & Az betw 3 increscents, a bord Arg.
(D: Cathryn of Chester - Jan 93)
Sa, a chev checky Arg & Sa betw 3 Norse sun crosses Arg. (D:
Kenneth MacQuarrie of Tobermory - Jan 93)
Sa, a chev checky Gu & Arg betw 2 crosses crosslet & a dove
volant bendwise, wings addorsed Arg. (D: Adelheid von
Hohenstein - Oct 07)
Sa, a chev vair. (D: Robert of Calais - May 04)
Sa, on a cross Arg surmounted by a chevronel & another inv braced
ctrch 3 lozenges in fess Gu. (D: Tabitha de Lund - Jun 95)
Vt, a chev barry dovetailed Sa & Or betw 3 sunflowers proper. (D:
Margala of Dovedale - Oct 79)
Vt, a chev counter-compony Or & Sa betw a cross flory Or & a
leopard passant guardant Or spotted Sa. (D: Isabella Marjorie
DArques - Aug 97)
Vt, a chev throughout checky Sa & Arg betw 2 Maltese crosses & a
lion Arg. (D: Werner der Fromme - Aug 06)
Vt, a chev vairy Or & Sa betw 2 griffins heads erased & a sword
Arg. (D: Corwin Alexander Templeton - Jan 94)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Or

Arg, a chev Or fimbriated betw 4 crosses bottony 3 & one Sa, a

bord Gu. (D: Magdalena Eskilsdotter - Feb 98)
Arg, a chev Or fimbriated betw 3 anvils Sa. (D: Halfdan Blackanvil
- Feb 98)
Arg, a chev Or, fimbriated Vt, & in base a branch palewise couped
proper flowered of 3 roses Gu, barbed & seeded proper. (D:
Rosalynn Dane de Forrest - May 82)
Az, a chev & in base a compass star Or. (D: Geoffrey Scott Aug 95)
Az, a chev & in chf 3 lozenges Or. (D: John de Lochabre Dec 01)
Az, a chev & in chf 2 stags heads cabossed Or. (D: Lucas de Caid
- Jan 04)
Az, a chev betw a label & a stags head erased Or. (D: Roderic ap
Cenydd - Mar 81)
436 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Or (continued)

Az, a chev betw 3 estoiles Or. (D: Edmund Middleton of York Jul 97)
Az, a chev betw 3 mullets of 4 points in chev & a tower Or. (D:
Varvara Sigurardottir - Aug 06)
Az, a chev betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Or & a compass star Arg, in chf a
bar embat Or. (D: Korwin Freawine of Maeldun - Jan 91)
Az, a chev betw 2 hearts Or & a wolfs head erased Arg. (D:
Faoln Lorcin - Aug 06)
Az, a chev betw 2 roses & a stags head couped, a chf embat Or.
(D: Tegan of Rolaie Halle - Jan 95)
Az, a chev cotised betw 3 butterflies Or. (D: Sorcha inghean
Shearraigh - Jul 03)
Az, a chev cotised Or betw 3 wolves statant Arg. (D: Meagan ferch
Rhys of Glynebwy - Apr 87)
Az, a chev, in base a natural leopards face & on a chf Or, 3 hurts.
(D: Michele of Colonsay - Jun 91)
Az, a chev inv & a chev fretted Or betw 3 mullets of 4 points Arg,
all within a bord Or. (D: Ludwig Dichter von Oldenberg Apr 90)
Az, a chev Or & a chf embat ermine. (D: Alheydis von
Krckhingen - Nov 04)
Az, a chev Or & in base a wolf sejant ululant Arg. (D: Nicolae
Potcoava - Jun 06)
Az, a chev Or & in chf a horse couchant Arg. (D: Isabetta Beccari
- Apr 07)
Az, a chev Or & in chf 2 goblets Arg. (D: Isibel in kyrra - Jan 07)
Az, a chev Or betw 3 fleurs-de-lys, on a chf Arg a wingless gryphon
statant Sa. (D: sa raua - Sep 05)
Az, a chev Or betw 3 lions heads erased Arg each gorged of 4
lozenges conjoined in fess Gu & a chf embat Or. (D: Iain
Jameson of Kilronan - Jun 95)
Az, a chev Or betw 3 towers Arg. (D: Margarete del Mare Dec 03)
Az, a chev Or betw 2 doves volant palewise Arg & 2 rams heads
erased combattant Or. (D: Quentin Wrenguard ap Rhys Jul 83)
Az, a chev Or betw 2 open books & a unicorn ramp reguardant
maintaining a quill pen Arg. (D: Timotheos of Alexandria Feb 96)
Az, a chev Or cotised Arg in chf 2 lions double-queued combatant
Or. (D: Daniel Elis - Apr 02)
Az, a chev Or, in base a tree eradicated, a chf embat Arg. (D:
Giovanni dAvila - Feb 86)
Az, a chev Or, overall a lion ramp Gu fimbriated Or. (D: Gordon
the Red of Darach - Oct 80)
Az, a chev Or surmounted by a natural dolphin fesswise Arg & on a
chf Or 3 mascles Az. (D: Geoffrey de Bellac - Mar 83)
Az, a chev throughout betw 3 mallets fesswise Or. (D: Eric of
Bhakail - Apr 96)
Az, a chev throughout Or betw 3 cats ramp Or ermined Az. (D:
Sabina Barclay - Jun 04)
Az, a mullet Arg within a chevronel & a chevronel inv braced Or.
(B: Ludwig Dichter von Oldenberg - Dec 89)
Az semy-de-lys Arg, a chev betw 3 gryphons heads erased Or. (D:
Symon de Poitiers - Mar 08)
Az semy-de-lys Arg, a chev Or. (B: Symon de Poitiers - Mar 08)
Counter-ermine, a chev Or & in base a plate. (D: Jordan Prinster
of Stanton - Jul 86)
Counter-ermine, a chev Or betw 3 cups & a chf embat Arg. (D:
Kelvin of Tynedale - Oct 94)
Ermine, a pile Vt, overall a chev Or. (D: Owen of Harfleur Jan 83)
Gu, a chev & in dexter chf a fleur-de-lys Or. (D: Arthur of
Atenveldt - Jul 03)
Gu, a chev & on a chf Or, a lion couchant Gu. (D: Rachel the
Untame - Aug 96)
Gu, a chev betw 2 brocks combattant & an open book all within a
bord Or. (D: Caissne Merdrech - Nov 03)
Gu, a chev betw 2 chess-rooks & a caltrap Or. (D: Gaufridus
Baldewin Gilbertson - Dec 84)
Gu, a chev cotised betw 3 pairs of shears inv Or. (B: Lochac Aug 04) (For the Worshipful Company of Broiderers)
Gu, a chev cotised Or betw a sword fesswise & an eagle disp Arg.
(D: Gregory Kystwright - Feb 90)
Gu, a chev couched from dexter Or. (D: Christina de Nedham Apr 06)

[Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Or]

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Or (continued)

Gu, a chev couped Or. (D: Mar Arthursson - Mar 99)

Gu, a chev Or betw 3 quatrefoils Arg pierced Gu. (D: Adele
Mallory - May 98)
Gu, a chev Or betw 2 wolves heads erased respectant Arg & a
hammer Or. (B: Sigurd Stormrider of Wolves Haven Apr 87) (For Wolves Haven)
Gu, a chev ploy Or betw 3 ostrich plumes Arg, a bord Or. (D:
Grainne MacAvery - Dec 95)
Gu ermined, a chev cotised Or. (D: Daniel Stewart de Guthre Feb 00)
Gu, issuant from a chev, a demi-dragon ramp, in base a cinquefoil,
all within a bord, all Or. (D: Frae Fitzalleyne - Nov 90)
Gu, 2 halberds in pile, betw their blades a tower, Arg, overall a
chev, all within a bord Or. (D: Hector Philip Martel Dec 86)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, a chev Or. (D: Brangwayna Morgan - Oct 99)
Per chev Az & Gu, a chev cotised betw 3 coneys statant to sin Or.
(D: Amisia Markham - Oct 88)
Per chev Az & Gu, a chev Or betw 3 armorers anvils reversed & a
castle Arg. (D: Conrad Wappenschmied - Nov 04)
Per chev Az & Gu, a chev Or betw 2 mugs & a cross patriarchal
Arg. (D: Juraj z Bratislavi - Jul 86)
Per chev Az & Sa, a chev betw in canton a heart & in base a tower
Or. (D: Roswitha von Pirmasens - Oct 01)
Per chev Az & Sa, a chev Or betw 2 axes in salt & a sword inv Arg.
(D: Karl Haraldsson - May 88)
Per chev Az & Sa, a chev Or surmounted by a unicorns head
erased to sin Arg. (D: Semeeah Caitlyn - May 88)
Per chev Az & Sa, 2 dragons combattant & a chev abased Or. (D:
Mariano of Rivers Point - Sep 03)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev enhanced Or & in base a compass rose
Arg. (D: Ceara ingen Chonaill - May 00)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev Or betw 2 swans rousant respectant Arg
& a mullet of eight points Or. (D: Yakoub Kadar - Jan 00)
Per chev Az bezanty & Az, a chev Or & in base a wolfs head
cabossed Arg. (D: Livia Queally of Eire - Jan 92)
Per chev Az mullety Arg & Gu, a chev Or & in base a cockatoo
close Arg. (D: Beatrice Fayrwether of York - Apr 07)
Per chev checky Sa & Arg & Sa, a chev Or & in base a foxs head
couped Arg. (D: Boleslav Ragnarsson - Apr 05)
Per chev counter-ermine & Gu, a chev Or, in base a raven Arg. (D:
Ysabel Bertrand - Oct 07)
Per chev ermine & Gu, a chev Or betw 2 gowns Purp & 2 needles in
salt, points to chf & threaded by a single thread, Arg. (D: Sara
Charmaine of Falkensee - Mar 87)
Per chev Gu & Az, a chev Or betw 2 furisons & a laurel wreath
Arg. (D: Flintheath - Nov 94)
Per chev Gu & Purp, a chev cotised betw in dexter chf a castle & in
base a sprig of 2 oak leaves fesswise fructed Or. (D: Eadwyn
Inhold - Dec 84)
Per chev Gu & Sa, a chev cotised Or & overall a dolphin haurient
Arg. (D: Gwentliana filia Iohannes - Jan 06)
Per chev Gu & Sa, a chev Or betw 2 winged rams combattant & a
sun Arg. (D: Meghan of Tara Hill - Nov 82)
Per chev Gu & Vt, a chev & in base a Latin cross parted & fretted
Or. (D: Andrew of Cork - Dec 94)
Per chev Gu & Vt, a chev betw 3 round buckles one & 2 & a
leopards face Or. (D: Gabrielle de Gunton - Jun 97)
Per chev Gu & Vt, a chev betw 2 round buckles Or & a spearhead
inv Arg, all within a bord Or. (D: Connor Tryggvason Oct 88)
Per chev Gu semy of cattails Or & Purp, a chev & in base a
gorgons head Or. (D: Melanie Bassenthwaite - Dec 98)
Per chev invected concave throughout Arg & Az, in base a
chevronel Or. (B: Steffan ap Cenydd of Silverwing - Jul 80)
(For House Silverwing)
Per chev pean & Sa, a chev betw a wolf couchant guardant & 4
wolfs paw prints in cross, all Or. (D: Konrad Lothar Dec 88)
Per chev pean & Sa, a chev throughout & in base a snowflake Or.
(D: Caitlin MacCaba MacCullough - Apr 94)
Per chev Purp & Sa, a chev betw 2 hearts & a tower Or. (D: Karl
Knigsberg - Jul 04)
Per chev Purp & Vt, a chev & in chf a compass star Or. (D: Angus
MacKinnon of Black Oak Keep - Sep 03)

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Or (continued)

Per chev Purp & Vt, a chev betw 2 mullets & a garb Or. (D: Sabina
Melisenda vom Katzenschloss - Dec 96)
Per chev Purp & Vt, a chev cotised betw 3 crosses of Jerusalem Or.
(D: Geoffrey of Wroxeter - Nov 00)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev betw 3 fleurs-de-lis Or. (D: Chesley of
Headless House - Jan 73)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev Or betw 2 wolfs heads couped & a ferret
statant Arg. (D: Wulfric Ferreter - Sep 95)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev betw 3 butterflies Or, wings voided. (D:
Mariposa de los Montoyas - Aug 79?)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev, in base a peregrine falcon disp Or,
hooded Sa, & a chf embat Or. (D: Eric Thorgrimsson Jun 83)
Per chev Sa & Gu, betw a chev & a chev inv interlaced a roundel
Or. (D: Thorvald Olafson the Swordmaker - Aug 94)
Per chev Sa & Gu, fimbriated Or, in chf a point dexter conjoined
with a point sin, in base an eagle disp Arg, armed, langued,
membered, & crowned with a maple leaf Or. (D: Kazimierez
Zdzislaw - Oct 79)
Per chev Sa & Purp, a chev & in base a phoenix Or. (D: Cristian of
Stonecroft - Mar 06)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a chev betw 2 compass stars Or & a natural tiger
ramp Or marked Sa. (D: Domenico Forestani - Jan 06)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a chev Or & in base a natural leopards face Arg.
(D: Rowland le Strange - Nov 01)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a chev Or betw 2 roses Arg & a foxs mask Or.
(D: Sabine Lefevre dArmagnac - Dec 02)
Per chev Sa, mullety of 4 points Arg, & Az, a chev & in base a
candle in a flat candlestick flammant Or. (D: Lettice Chandler
- Feb 94)
Per chev Sa, semy of compass stars Or, & Purp, a chev & in base an
Irish harp Or. (D: Tadhg mac Aodhin u Chonchobhair Dec 90)
Per chev throughout Gu & Az, a chev throughout & in base a
cinquefoil inv within a laurel wreath Or. (D: Lindenwood Feb 98)
Per chev throughout Gu & Az, a chev throughout & in base an
annulet Or. (D: Catherine Greyeyes - Jul 85)
Per chev throughout Purp & Sa, a chev throughout Or & in base a
wolfs head cabossed Arg. (D: Titus Scipio Germanicus Nov 06)
Per chev throughout Vt & Sa, a chev throughout betw 2 mullets & a
fleam Or. (D: Elspeth von Bremen - Jul 97)
Per chev Vt & Az, a chev cotised & in base an escallop Or. (D:
Amee de Jardyn - Dec 88)
Per chev Vt & Az, a chev Or, in base a narwhal naiant contourny
Arg. (D: Peregrine Uriona de Navarre - Feb 06) (? blazon
typo for "chevron")
Per chev Vt & Gu, a chev betw 2 fleurs-de-lys & an eagle Or. (D:
Isabel Mara del Aguila - Sep 03)
Per chev Vt & Gu, a chev Or betw 3 sin wings inv Arg. (D:
Ceindrych Costaine - Mar 96)
Per chev Vt & Purp, a chev betw 3 pheons inv Or. (D: Dwane
Shinnock - Jun 99)
Per chev Vt & Purp, a chev Or betw in chf 3 fleurs-de-lys & in base
an owl volant contourny guardant wings elevated & addorsed
Arg. (D: Gabrielle Flornoy - Jul 98)
Per fess Purp & Vt, a chev Or betw 2 roses & a lamb statant Arg.
(D: Giovanna Lamberti - Aug 96)
Per pale Az & Gu, a chev betw 3 suns Or. (D: Alexios Macedon Aug 97)
Per pale Az & Gu, a chev throughout Or & in base a winged
sagittary segreant Arg. (D: Christophe Brnklau von Rostock Jun 94)
Per pale Az & Sa, a chev Or betw 2 hands in chev, one sin, one
dexter, & a heart Arg. (B: Shadowlands, the - Apr 88) (For
the Artisan of the Shadowlands)
Per pale Gu & Az, in pale a chev & an estoile pierced Or. (D:
Tristan FitzAaron - Jun 90)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a chev & in base a boar passant Or. (D: Rnn
hua Thigernaig - May 06)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a chev Or betw 3 octopi Arg. (D: Zephirine le
Megre - Mar 08)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a chev throughout betw in chf 2 roundels Or. (D:
Olaf Ketilsson - Nov 07)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 437

[Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Or] to [Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable]

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Or (continued)

Per pale Sa & Gu, a chev betw 3 caltraps Or, all within a bord
compony Sa & Arg, each Sa section charged with a decrescent
Or. (D: Michael FitzRoderick the Moor - Oct 85)
Per salt Az & Gu, a chev & in chf 2 griffins combattant Or. (D:
Blayne atte Wood the Juggler - Jul 85)
Purp, a chev & a chf Or. (D: David ben Avraham Brisk - May 92)
Purp, a chev & in base a heart all within a bord Or. (D: Catherine
of Wessex - Jun 02)
Purp, a chev betw 3 grape leaves inv Or, overall an orle of chain
Arg. (D: Inigo Missaglia - Jan 02) (Blanket permission to
conflict with device with one CD granted 0512w)
Purp, a chev Or betw a sewing needle bendwise sin Arg threaded Or
& a quatrefoil saltirewise slipped, a chf engrailed trefoily at the
points Arg. (D: Bronwen Lorelle - Jan 91)
Purp, a chev Or betw 2 fleurs-de-lys & an escallop Arg, all within a
bord Or. (D: Marie de La Rochelle - Jul 89)
Purp, a chev ploy betw 2 leopards heads jessant-de-lys & an acorn
inv Or. (D: Tankred Bras-de-Fer - Mar 98)
Purp, a chevronelle Or betw in chf 2 scimitars fesswise conjoined at
the point proper & in base a flamed tulip proper. (D: Thalassa
Ilona of Soilka - Aug 79)
Quarterly Az & Gu, a chev Or & overall a cross clechy throughout
Arg. (D: John Angus West - Oct 96)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a chev Or & in dexter chf a mullet Arg. (D:
Rosamund FitzGilbert - Jul 98)
Sa, a chev betw 3 fleurs-de-lis & a winged serpent erect contourny
Or. (D: Gareth Bythewere - May 06)
Sa, a chev betw 3 lozenges Or, a chf chequy Or & Sa. (D: Winfred
Cromwell - Feb 87)
Sa, a chev betw 2 equal armed Celtic crosses & a tower, a bord Or.
(D: Taliesin Galloglach - Sep 93)
Sa, a chev couched from dexter Or. (D: Alan de Nedham - Feb 07)
Sa, a chev Or betw 2 crosses crosslet fitchy & a sin gauntlet
clenched Arg. (D: Gunther de Bohun - May 98)
Sa, a chev Or, overall a fleur de lys Arg. (D: Diego Ramirez de
Salamanca - Jun 01)
Sa, a chev ploy betw 2 tabors & a boars head couped Or. (D:
Bran Davison of Clan Chattan - Nov 95)
Sa, a chev throughout & in base a tree couped Or. (B: Marie du
Bois - Jan 08) (For House Woodshaven)
Sa, a chevronel betw a demi-sun & a lion ramp Or. (D: Oliver de
Len de Oro - Jan 81)
Sa, a sword inv enhanced Arg surmounted by a chev, & in base 2
chevronels braced Or. (D: Alexis Ruthin of Wessex - May 83)
Sa, betw a chevronel & a chevronel inv braced, a caltrop Or. (D:
Arabella Brus - Jul 90)
Sa, in pale a demi-sun & a chev Or. (B: Oliver de Len de Oro Dec 86)
Sa, semy of compass stars elongated palewise, a chev Or. (D:
Johann von Sternberg - May 99)
Sa, 2 mink sejant erect & combattant Arg & a chev abased Or. (D:
Aleksandrina Petrovna Danilova - Feb 88)
Vt, a chev & in base a battleaxe, on a chf Or 2 pairs of battleaxes
crossed in salt Sa. (D: Thorgrim Otrigson - Oct 93)
Vt, a chev & in base a fleur-de-lys, all within a bord Or. (D: Caitlin
hAodha - Oct 92)
Vt, a chev & in chf an arrow fesswise reversed Or. (D: Aylwin de
Claromonte - Aug 06)
Vt, a chev & on a chf embat Or, 3 pommes. (D: Rhys of Harlech Jun 90)
Vt, a chev betw a mullet of eight points, an Arabic oil lamp
enflamed & a sword betw 2 swords in chev Or. (D: Guy
dAigles - May 84)
Vt, a chev betw 3 pairs of lace bobbins, a chf urdy Or. (D: Nancy of
Woodstock - Jan 94)
Vt, a chev betw 3 stags heads cabossed & on a chf Or, 3 crosses
formy Sa. (D: Wolfger von Wolkenheim - Jan 92)
Vt, a chev betw 3 trident heads all within a bord Or. (D: Zac of
Middleford - Jan 91)
Vt, a chev betw 2 hawks bells & a quill pen Or. (D: Penelopee of
the Quill - Sep 95)
Vt, a chev cotised betw 3 bees volant en arrire Or. (D: Emrys
Shaunnon - Jun 85)
Vt, a chev, on a chf Or, a baton & a kris in salt Sa. (D: Shane
Fitzedward - May 89)

438 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Or (continued)

Vt, a chev Or betw 2 crescents & a tree Arg. (D: Derdriu ingen
Raghnaill Grig na Manach - Nov 96)
Vt, a chev Or, masoned Vt, betw 2 horses heads, couped &
respectant, & a thistle, slipped & leaved, Or. (D: Gawain
McHenry - Oct 89)
Vt, a chev plain, cotised, the cotises embat on their outer edges,
betw 3 sprigs of 3 holly leaves Or, fruited Gu. (D: Elspeth
Livingston - Dec 87)
Vt, a chevronel betw in pale 3 bezants 2 & one & a cross formy, all
within a bord Or. (D: Eofric of Soest - Dec 81)
Vt, a chevronel Or betw in chf 2 bulldogs statant respectant Arg,
each gorged of a collar Sa, studded Arg, & in base a squirrel
sejant erect Or holding in its forepaws an acorn Arg, capped
Or. (D: Sterling of Toad Hall - Aug 79?)
Vt, a shamrock Or surmounted by a harp Sa, in base a chevronel &
a chf Or. (D: Kyla Maire Reynolds of Galloway - Aug 80)
Vt, a tau cross conjoined at the juncture to a chev couped Or. (B:
Reynardine de Clifford - Jan 85)
Vt, six billets in fess Arg betw a chev inv & a chev Or. (D: William
of Vulcanfeldt - Jul 90)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Purpure

Arg, a chev & in base a femur Purp. (D: Leanore deVertearbors Dec 80)
Arg, a chev betw 3 frogs tergiant Purp. (D: Rhonwen Euelchyld Jan 01)
Arg, a chev cotised betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Purp. (D: Veronica of
Manchester - Mar 90)
Arg, a chev Purp betw 3 bees Sa banded Or & a thistle proper. (D:
Liesel Weiss - Jun 04)
Arg, a chev Purp betw 3 crosses formy Gu. (D: Antonio Giordano
da Sicilia - Dec 96)
Arg, a chev Purp betw 3 lions ramp Gu within a bord Purp. (D:
Isabeau Gagnon - Jun 02)
Arg, a chev Purp betw 3 roundels Vt. (D: Kytte Wynpeny - Sep 96)
Arg, a chev Purp betw 2 bears paw prints & a bear ramp Sa within
a bord Gu. (D: ririkr hslangr - Mar 06)
Arg, a chev Purp betw 2 crosses formy & a reremouse Sa. (D:
Fathir von Trier - Apr 03)
Arg, a chev Purp betw 2 horses heads couped respectant Sa & a
tower Az. (D: Caterina di Fiore Delrosso - May 01)
Arg, a chev Purp, cotised Gu, betw 3 hearts Sa. (D: Edward
Ackersley - Feb 88)
Arg, a chev Purp, in chf 2 ravens, dexter wing expanded & inv, Sa.
(D: Manus Branduff of Ardmore - Jul 95)
Lozengy Arg & Sa, a chev & in base a roundel Purp charged with a
triskelion of legs Arg. (D: Katharine of Wotton-under-Edge Jan 91)
Or, a chev cotised Purp betw 3 thistles proper. (D: Aoibeann of
Arran - May 85)
Or, a chev Purp betw 3 slips of bluebells Az. (D: Emelye de Mercia
- Apr 98)
Or, a chev Purp betw 2 ducks close & a dragon segreant Sa. (D:
Dragmel Morgunn the Wanderer - Jan 96)
Or, a chev Purp betw 2 mortars & pestles Vt & a cat sejant guardant
contourny Sa marked Arg. (D: Linet de Hynkersul - Jun 03)
Or, a chev Purp betw 2 toads sejant respecting each other Vt bellies
Arg & in base a cornucopia fluant proper. (D: Geraldine of
Toad Hall - Jan 73?)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable

Arg, a chev & in base a crescent Sa. (D: Eoin mac Cionaoith ui
Reannachain - Feb 03)
Arg, a chev & in chf 3 musical notes one & 2 Sa. (B: Arianna
Morgan - Jan 08)
Arg, a chev betw 3 chalices inv Sa. (D: Sabine of Shernbourne Jul 99)
Arg, a chev betw 3 roses all within a bord Sa. (D: Gabriel
Kalothetos - Jul 03)
Arg, a chev betw 2 helmets Sa & a stepcut gemstone palewise a
bord Vt. (D: Lyulf Angus MacDougal - Jun 94)
Arg, a chev betw 2 Maltese crosses & an axe Sa. (D: Bjarki
Magnsson - Apr 02)

[Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable] to [Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Vert]

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable (continued)

Arg, a chev Sa & overall a gryphon Gu, a chf Sa. (D: Miles de
Colwell - Dec 02)
Arg, a chev Sa betw a bat & 2 lit candles in salt Gu. (D: Blaise
Makkynnay - Dec 02)
Arg, a chev Sa betw in chf 2 mermaids each maintaining a sword &
in base a crescent Az. (D: Aldruth Arkesleve - Oct 03)
Arg, a chev Sa betw 3 gouttes de sang. (D: Jeremy of the Middle Jun 96)
Arg, a chev Sa betw 3 increscents Vt, a bord embat Sa semy of
increscents Arg. (D: Cormac MacGregor - Feb 94)
Arg, a chev Sa betw 3 lizards statant contourny each per pale Vt &
Gu. (D: Lavinia Betteresse - Jul 03)
Arg, a chev Sa betw 3 unicorns heads couped Az. (D: Ascelinne
de Chambord - Feb 05)
Arg, a chev Sa betw 2 adonis flowers & an escarbuncle Gu, all
within a double tressure Sa. (D: Muriella of Lions Gate Jul 86)
Arg, a chev Sa betw 2 fir trees couped Az & a dragon segreant to
sin Gu. (B: Mathias the Hermit - Feb 90) (For House of the
Blue Wood)
Arg, a chev Sa betw 2 mullets Gu & a rose Gu, barbed & seeded
proper, an orle Gu. (D: Dulcinea Margarita de Salamanca Feb 86)
Arg, a chev Sa betw 2 oak trees eradicated & a thistle proper. (D:
Moire nic Greagair - Aug 99)
Arg, a chev Sa betw 2 sprigs of rowan Vt, fructed Gu, & a lynx in
summer phase sejant erect proper, perched on a horn fesswise
Vt. (D: Anthea MacGillivray of Cairnagad - Jun 83)
Arg, a chev Sa betw 2 swans naiant & a tower Purp. (D: Moira nic
Kessak - Jun 00)
Arg, a chev Sa betw 2 thistles proper & a chalice Gu. (D: Talitha
de Barde - Jul 06)
Arg, a chev Sa, overall a cross crosslet fitchy Gu. (D: Alina de la
Watere - May 00)
Arg, a chev Sa overall a wyvern disp Az a bord Sa. (D: lfgar
Hweneage - Jul 96)
Arg, a chev Sa surmounted by a pile throughout ctrch Vt & Arg.
(D: Gesina of Schermerhorn - Dec 82)
Arg, a chev throughout Sa betw 2 roses Gu slipped & leaved & a
shamrock Vt. (D: Rowan OFlaherty - Jul 03)
Arg, in pale a chev throughout & a mullet of seven points elongated
to chf Sa within a bord Az. (D: Sirhan al Siani - Jul 88)
Arg, mulletty, a chev Sa surmounted by a mullet of six points
elongated palewise Or. (B: Brendan Shimmeringstar Nov 82)
Az, a chev Sa fimbriated Arg betw 2 daggers proper & an
increscent Arg. (D: Freya of the Amber Hills - Mar 78?)
Az, a chev Sa fimbriated betw 3 wolfs heads erased Or. (D: Finn
Marland OShannon - Sep 06)
Checky Or & Az, a chev Sa betw 3 roses proper. (D: Bartholomew
Hightower of Canterbury - Mar 99)
Gu, a chev Sa fimbriated & in base a sun Or charged with a pellet.
(D: Aaron Caldarius - Dec 85)
Gu, a chev Sa fimbriated Arg betw 3 keys fesswise reversed wards
to chf Or. (D: Muirghein ni Chaichir - Mar 97)
Gu, a chev Sa fimbriated Arg betw 3 salamanders statant Vt
enflamed Or. (D: Jared of Sancerr - May 84)
Gu, a chev Sa fimbriated Or betw 3 bears ramp Arg. (D: Harold
Graybear - May 00)
Gu, a chev Sa fimbriated, overall an eagle disp Arg, a chf embat Sa,
fimbriated Arg. (D: Kieron Hawkblood - Aug 79?)
Or, a chev betw 3 birds close Sa. (D: Freyds in tryggva
Sigurardttir - Feb 01)
Or, a chev betw 2 horses heads couped addorsed Sa & a rose Sa
barbed Vt seeded Or, within a bord Sa. (D: Robert Gethin
Albret - May 95)
Or, a chev cotised Sa betw 3 foxes passant proper. (D: Eleanora de
Montgomeri - Jun 05)
Or, a chev Sa betw a mullet of eight points Gu within a mascle & a
mullet of eight points Sa. (D: Galen Garrett - Jun 04)
Or, a chev Sa betw a sword fesswise & a boars head erased Gu. (D:
Patrick Stuart MacNab - Nov 80)
Or, a chev Sa betw a tree eradicated proper & a catamount passant
Gu. (D: Moira OMorchoe - Sep 95)

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable (continued)

Or, a chev Sa, betw in chf a cross clech Gu betw 2 crosses clech
Vt, & in base a maunch Gu within a laurel wreath Vt. (D:
White Buck Forest - Jul 83)
Or, a chev Sa betw 3 mullets of eight points one & 2 & a fleur-delys Purp. (D: Brenna Garrett - Jun 04)
Or, a chev Sa betw 2 hunting horns & a cross of Santiago Gu. (D:
Laura Ynez Cazador de Guzmn - Jan 98)
Or, a chev Sa cotised betw 2 trefoils Vt & a card pique Sa. (D:
Ruaidhri MacMurrough - Jul 03)
Or, a chev Sa in base a roundel, & a chf rayonny Vt. (D: Stefan
Locke - Oct 98)
Or, a chev Sa, overall a cock striking, on a chf rayonny Gu five
decrescents Arg. (D: Leopoldo of Tree Girt Sea - May 98)
Or, a chev throughout Sa & in base a campfire Sa, enflamed Gu. (B:
Heinrich Alois von Speyer - Aug 88)
Per chev Arg & ermine, a chev Sa & in chf 3 towers Vt. (D:
Padraig Ruadh Cille Chainnigh - Mar 00)
Per chev Arg & Gu, a chev Sa betw 3 roses ctrch, barbed & seeded
proper. (D: Rosemund von Glinde - Dec 92)
Per chev Arg & Gu, a chev Sa betw 2 hawks belled & jessed Vt & a
latin cross Arg, a bord Sa. (D: Simon Hauoc - Nov 94)
Per chev Arg & Or, a chev Sa. (D: Andri de Chartres - Oct 99)
Per chev Arg & Vt, a chev ploy Sa betw 2 vines & a feather
bendwise sin ctrch. (D: Adelheid Achtsnicht - Dec 01)
Per chev Gu & Arg, a chev Sa betw 3 broad arrows ctrch. (D:
Robert of Watford - Aug 94)
Per chev Or & Arg, a chev Sa betw 2 mullets of six points & a
scorpion tergiant Gu. (D: Raphael Charboneau - Mar 84)
Per chev Or & Gu, a chev Sa betw 4 roundels 3 & one ctrch. (D:
Callum Mac Fergus - May 95)
Per chev Or & Gu, a chev Sa betw 2 fleurs-de-lys & a lion ramp
guardant ctrch. (D: Kevin of Aberwyvern - Sep 81)
Per chev Purp & Arg, a chev Sa betw 2 towers Or & a rose Purp,
barbed Vt, charged with another Arg, seeded Or. (D: Meghan
ferch Gwalchmai - May 83)
Per fess embat Vt & Or, a delf Arg, charged with a foxs mask Gu,
& a chev abased Sa. (D: Richard de Hargrave - Oct 82)
Per pale & per salt Or & Vt, a chev betw 2 sheaves of arrows Sa &
a falcon passant, wings addorsed Gu. (D: Peregrine Falconer
of Greenbriar - Apr 93)
Per pale Az & Gu, a chev Sa, fimbriated, betw 2 lions combattant
queue-forchee & a lion passant guardant Or. (D: Tristan Keck
- May 86)
Per pale Vt & Gu, a chev throughout Sa fimbriated betw 2 dragons
combatant & a warhammer Arg. (D: Fulk de Cherbourg Sep 02)
Purp, a chev Sa fimbriated betw 2 fleurs-de-lys & a cross potent
Arg. (D: Seth of Newcastle - Oct 00)
Vt, a chev Sa fimbriated betw 3 estoiles Or. (D: Fiona OMorain Sep 73)
Vt, a chev throughout Sa fimbriated in base a wolf couchant Arg.
(D: Cesaire OCahill - Jun 95)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Vert

Arg, a chev betw 3 holly leaves Vt. (D: Vasilisa Myshkina Nov 97)
Arg, a chev betw 2 compass stars Vt & an anchor fouled of its cable
Sa. (D: Eirkr geirsbrjtr - Mar 06)
Arg, a chev cotised Vt betw 2 stags salient respectant & a sheaf of
arrows Sa. (D: Alric Blackhart - Sep 07)
Arg, a chev, in chf 2 hammers in chev Vt. (D: Edward le Blanc Apr 98)
Arg, a chev ploy Vt betw 2 roses Gu slipped & leaved Vt & a
sunburst Gu. (D: Anne of Huntingdon Loxley - Jun 96)
Arg, a chev throughout Vt & on a chf Az 3 falcons Arg. (D: Jos
Cabrera de Castilla - Nov 07)
Arg, a chev Vt & a bord Purp. (B: Katalena Aleksandrova May 04)
Arg, a chev Vt & a chev inv Sa braced & in chf 3 saltorels couped
Vt. (D: Iago Gamston - Aug 02)
Arg, a chev Vt & on a chf Sa 3 annulets Or. (D: Edela Evertz Jan 06)
Arg, a chev Vt & overall a lion pean maintaining a garb Or. (D:
Elizabeth ingen Tairdelbaig - Mar 05)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 439

[Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Vert] to [Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Argent]

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line - Vert (continued)

Arg, a chev Vt betw 3 acorns proper, all within a bord Sa. (D: Esla
of Ifeld - Jun 88)
Arg, a chev Vt betw 3 borage flowers Purp barbed Vt seeded Or.
(D: Katalena Aleksandrova - Mar 03)
Arg, a chev Vt betw 3 dragons passant Az, an orle Vt. (D: Dafydd
ap Morgan ap Gwyn - May 95)
Arg, a chev Vt betw 3 frogs ramp Gu & a bord embat Sa. (D:
Aelfraed of Shyrwode - May 92)
Arg, a chev Vt betw 3 pine trees in chev & in salt 2 paint brushes,
all proper. (D: Padraic Anglebourne of Middleborough Apr 83)
Arg, a chev Vt betw 3 ravens close contourny Sa, on a chf Vt 3
fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Yvon DuBois - May 98)
Arg, a chev Vt betw 3 trees eradicated proper & on a chf embat Vt 3
crescents Arg. (D: Lyanna of Bergental - Jun 92)
Arg, a chev Vt betw 3 yales ramp Az. (D: edn mac Celin hui
Sildubin - Apr 05)
Arg, a chev Vt betw 2 natural panthers faces & a unicorns head
erased Sa. (D: Kallessa Panthera - Dec 06)
Arg, a chev Vt betw 2 roses Gu slipped & leaved chevronwise & a
triquetra Vt. (D: Meadhbh inghean Ris - May 00)
Arg, a chev Vt, overall a tree blasted & eradicated Sa. (D: Anne
Whyte of Sedgewicke - Mar 05)
Arg, a chev Vt surmounted by a tower Sa, in chf 2 wagon wheels
Vt. (D: Eadrun of Colletts Keep - Mar 87)
Arg, a pile Sa & overall a chev ctrch Vt & Arg. (D: Michael of
Ravenskeep - Sep 04)
Arg, a raven contourney Sa perched atop a chev Vt. (B: Marion
FitzWilliam - Apr 98)
Az, a chev Vt fimbriated Or betw 3 caravels Arg. (D: Ciarnait
inghean Bhroin - Apr 02)
Ermine, a chev & a bord Vt. (D: Havordh ttarbani - Jan 95)
Or, a chev betw 3 battle-axes Vt. (D: Gregory Morison - Oct 01)
Or, a chev ploy Vt betw 2 pairs of swords in salt Gu & a compass
star Az. (D: Patrick Olyveyr - Nov 02)
Or, a chev Vt betw 3 boars statant proper. (D: edn mac Suibne Feb 01)
Or, a chev Vt betw 3 porcupines ramp Az. (D: Gregor von Leipzig
- Feb 05)
Or, a chev Vt betw 2 ravens contourny Sa & a bunch of grapes
proper. (D: Bjorn Johansen - Jun 05)
Or, a chev Vt surmounted by a tower Gu betw 3 laurel wreaths Vt.
(D: Bryniau Tywynnog - Oct 90)
Or, a griffin voided & in base a chevronel Vt. (D: oelwig
oelfwigson - Feb 75?)
Per chev erminois & Arg, a chev & in base an oak leaf Vt. (D:
Maderun Landimr - Nov 00)
Per chev Gu & Arg, a chev Vt betw a garb Or & a roundel Sa. (D:
Selwyn Mortimer - Dec 00)
Per fess rayonny Vt & Arg, in base a chev Vt. (D: Jane
Falconmoor - Mar 87)
Purp, a chev Vt fimbriated betw 2 fleurs-de-lys & a rose Or. (D:
Jean Paul Pierrepont - Mar 93)
Sa, a chev Vt fimbriated & on a chf wavy Arg 3 shamrocks Vt. (D:
Mauda McClain - Nov 06)
Sa, semy of flames Or, a chev Vt, fimbriated Arg. (D: Tagan the
Talesmythe - Apr 87)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Argent

Az, a chev disjoint, & in chf a roundel Arg. (B: Stuart of Lindley Jul 87)
Az, a chev dovetailed betw 2 roses slipped & leaved & a turtle
statant Arg. (D: Evelyn Westbrook - Nov 06)
Az, a chev embat Arg. (D: Aelesia Emelyne Couchur - Apr 99)
Az, a chev embat Arg betw 2 wolfs heads couped contourny & a
sun Or. (D: Connor MacKenzie - Oct 98)
Az, a chev embat betw 3 winged roundels within a bord embat Arg.
(D: Albrecht von Salzburg - Apr 07)
Az, a chev embat counter-embat & a bord Arg. (B: Robert
Blackhawk - Apr 03)
Az, a chev engrailed betw 2 fleurs-de-lys & a swan naiant
contourny Arg. (D: Adrienne de Montjoye - Aug 02)
Az, a chev fracted betw a sword fesswise Arg & a plate charged
with a monkey ramp proper. (D: Cynwrig ap Rhys - Aug 00)

440 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Argent


Az, a chev invected betw 2 roses Arg barbed & seeded proper & a
bald human head in profile couped Arg. (D: Ascelina of
Dereleie - Feb 08)
Az, a chev nebuly Arg betw 2 escallops & a seahorse erect Or. (D:
Ardith de Waldeslade - Feb 97)
Az, a chev of chain betw 2 anvils & a Thors hammer Arg. (D: Orn
engilsson - Jun 07)
Az, a chev raguly throughout Arg betw 2 mullets of six points Or &
a unicorn statant Arg, armed & crined Or. (D: Morien ap Rhys
of Cardiff - May 87)
Az, a chev rompu & in base an arrow inv Arg. (D: Jane the Tall of
Carlisle - Oct 07)
Az, a chev rompu betw a cross moline & a dexter gauntlet clenched,
all Arg. (D: Kennegrae Gilchrest - Aug 76?)
Az, a chev rompu betw 3 Bourchier knots palewise Arg. (D:
Darius Cordell - Mar 90)
Az, a chev rompu betw 2 seahorses combatant Arg & a sword Or.
(D: Ari Wilhelmsen - Jan 99)
Az, a chev throughout wavy & in base 3 mullets & a crescent in
cross Arg. (D: Evangelia de Martin - Apr 99)
Az, a chev wavy betw 3 Maltese crosses Arg. (D: Eleanore of West
Riding - Oct 88)
Az, issuant from a chev betw 3 compass stars, a demi-lion
contourny maintaining an anchor Arg. (D: Ramn de
Castelln de la Plana - Nov 94)
Gu, a chev embat ermine betw 3 crosses bottony & a bord Arg. (D:
Degan of Coventry - Nov 01)
Gu, a chev rayonny to base Arg betw 3 gouttes deau one & 2 & a
heron rising Or. (D: Elianora Feverel - Feb 07)
Gu, a chev rompu Arg overall a laurel wreath Or. (D: Caldrithig Apr 98)
Gu, a chev rompu betw 2 crosses formy fitchy at all points & a
double-headed eagle disp Arg. (D: Adam de Lancastre Dec 89)
Per chev Az & Sa, a chev embat betw 3 tankards Arg. (D: Alvar
Pacheco de Cadiz - Aug 93)
Per chev Az & Sa, a chev embat betw 2 recorders & a wingless
griffin ramp Arg. (D: Anatolia Chryse - Jun 93)
Per chev Az & Sa, a chev raguly bretessed betw 3 rams heads
caboshed Arg. (D: Roland Stewart - May 06)
Per chev Az & Sa, a chev wavy betw 2 triquetras & an escallop
Arg. (D: Cristiana of Loch Salann - Jun 98)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev embat betw 2 laurel wreaths & a
lighthouse Arg enflamed Gu. (D: Dun an Chalaidh - Mar 04)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev fracted Arg & in chf a tied pouch Or. (B:
Magdalena Asmarit di Venezia - Mar 92)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev rompu betw 3 chalices Arg, issuant from
each a demi-sun Or. (D: Godrich von Appenzell - Sep 92)
Per chev enhanced Purp & Vt, a chev enhanced wavy & in base an
escallop Arg. (D: Nadirah al-Duriyyah - Sep 04)
Per chev Gu & Purp, a chev dovetailed betw 2 lit Arabian lamps
spouts to center & a dove migrant Arg. (D: Annelise von
Aachen - Feb 00)
Per chev Gu & Sa, a chev rompu Arg betw 2 open scrolls & an
armillary sphere Or. (D: Enric Bongnier - Mar 08)
Per chev Gu & Vt, a chev embat Arg betw 3 decrescents Or. (D:
Martin de Chevillon - Apr 95)
Per chev Gu & Vt, a chev embat to base betw 2 dragons passant
respectant & a tree Arg. (D: Lorenzo di Monte San Savino Aug 94)
Per chev Purp & Az, a chev rompu betw 2 goats combattant & a
goat passant contourny Arg. (D: Rutger van Dieveren Sep 99)
Per chev Purp & Vt, a chev rompu & in base a sin gauntlet grasping
an artists paintbrush bendwise Arg. (D: Thomas de Beaumont
- Apr 92)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev embat betw 2 Thors hammers & 2
annulets interlaced in fess Arg. (D: Wilhelm von Kiel Dec 98)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev fracted betw 2 wolves combatant Arg & 2
falchions in salt proper. (D: Timur Borte - Jul 96)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev rompu Arg betw 2 crosses pommetty & a
winged lion-dragon erect Or. (D: Kieran Forrestier - Oct 89)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev rompu betw 2 feathers Arg & an owl disp
Or. (D: Talan the Night Owl - Feb 94)

[Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Argent] to [Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Fur]

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Argent


Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev embat betw 2 daggers in chev & a rose
Arg. (D: Antoine Francesco - Aug 06)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev rayonny on the upper edge betw 3 mullets
of eight points Arg. (D: Eberhart von Dornberg - Apr 06)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev rayonny on upper edge Or betw 2 thistles
& a great helm affronty torsed & mantled Arg. (D: Iain
MacLeoid - Feb 00)
Per chev Sa & Purp, a chev embat betw 2 hearts & a spider Arg. (D:
Jasmine Kllisdttir - Feb 00)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a chev embat Arg & in chf 2 wolves sejant Or.
(D: Uilliam Conchubhair - Jan 02)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a chev embat betw 3 crescents & a fox sejant
Arg. (D: Coinneach McIain - Oct 94)
Per chev Vt & Az, a chev raguly on the upper edge Arg betw 2
dolphins haurient Or & a candle fesswise Arg lit at both ends
atop a candlestick Or. (D: Iollann mac a Phearsoin - Dec 01)
Per chev Vt & per pale Or & Gu, a chev dovetailed on the upper
edge Arg betw 3 compass stars Or & a fleur-de-lys per pale Gu
& Or. (D: Oriana Luisa della Francesca - Sep 03)
Per pale counter-ermine & Az, a chev rompu Arg. (D: Robyn Akre
- Nov 91)
Per pale Sa & Az, a chev rompu betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D:
Vivienne Marie de Beauvais - Oct 91)
Per pale Vt & Purp, a chev dovetailed betw 2 wolfs heads erased &
a horse ramp Arg. (D: Jacquette Beamonte - Sep 05)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a chev raguly on the upper edge & in base 3
roundels 2 & one Arg. (D: Dyfan of the Debatable Lands May 05)
Purp, a chev dovetailed betw 3 unicorns heads couped contourny
Arg. (D: Geoffrey Peregrine - Mar 94)
Purp, a chev embat Arg betw 3 hearts Or. (D: Johanna von
Hasenmhle - Oct 98)
Purp, a chev embat, in base a cat sejant Arg. (D: Mirghrad
Kjaransdttir - Aug 06)
Purp, a chev engrailed betw in chf 2 doves Arg & a demi sun
issuant from base Or. (D: Oriana Vitale della Fonda Apr 92)
Purp, a chev fracted betw 3 chalices Arg. (D: Meadhbh ni
Loingsigh - Aug 95)
Purp, a chev rompu Arg betw 2 natural dolphins naiant embowed in
chev respectant proper & a decrescent Arg. (D: Megen de la
Beche - Jul 03)
Purp, a chev rompu betw 2 mullets & a dumbeg Arg. (D: Caoilinn
Mirymuth - Jan 03)
Sa, a chev dovetailed betw 3 wolves heads caboshed Arg. (D:
Owain Llwyd - Apr 84)
Sa, a chev embat betw 2 swords in chev & an open book Arg. (D:
William Schuyler - Aug 87)
Sa, a chev fracted & in base a Pierrot mask Arg. (D: Theodora of
Trebizond - Feb 00)
Sa, a chev indented Arg betw 2 griffins combattant & a castle
double-towered Or. (D: Taliesin ap Gwythur - Apr 85)
Sa, a chev rompu & in base a rose Arg. (D: Katerina von
Halberstadt - Dec 98)
Sa, a chev rompu Arg betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Cairistiona
inghean Lochloinn - Oct 03)
Sa, a chev rompu betw a decrescent, an increscent, & a dragon
couchant Arg. (D: Maureen OSeachnasaigh - Apr 91)
Sa, a chev rompu throughout Arg betw 3 decrescents Or. (D: Rose
of Threemoons - Jul 04)
Sa, a chev throughout raguly on the upper edge, in base a wolfs
head caboshed Arg. (B: Aarnimets - Jun 97)
Sa, a chev throughout raguly on the upper edge, in base a wolfs
head cabossed within a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Aarnimets Dec 92)
Vt, a chev embat Arg betw 3 hearts Or. (D: Johanna von
Hasenmhle - Feb 05)
Vt, a chev embat Arg betw 2 Hungerford knots Or & a dogwood
blossom Arg slipped proper. (D: Cassandra OConnor Apr 92)
Vt, a chev embat counter-embat Arg betw 3 wolfs heads erased Or,
all within a bord embat Arg. (D: Ulfric Halvdansk - Nov 89)
Vt, a chev embat to base betw 2 trefoils slipped Arg & a sword
palewise inv Or. (D: Shawn Taliesin - Jun 88)

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Argent


Vt, a chev nebuly betw 2 natural tigers combattant & a cross

crosslet fitchy, all within a bord Arg. (D: Linnet of Hearts
Rest - Nov 91)
Vt, a chev rompu & on a chf Arg 2 turtles fesswise Vt. (D: Jennen
the Cooper - Dec 01)
Vt, a chev rompu Arg betw 2 Celtic crosses & a brazier Or. (D: Sile
Linet OLoughlin - Jan 97)
Vt, a chev rompu betw 3 Russian Orthodox crosses Arg. (D:
Anastasiia Sviatoslavova vdova Aleksandrova - Jan 08)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Azure

Arg, a chev dovetailed Az betw 2 swallows volant in chev

respectant & a lily of the valley Purp, slipped & leaved Vt. (D:
Annora Maria Teresa Rossini - May 87)
Arg, a chev embat Az & in chf an arrow inv bendwise sin proper
flighted Gu & a wooden bow bendwise string to base proper.
(D: Ignazio James - Jul 03)
Arg, a chev embat betw six crosses patonce, one, 2, 2, & one Az.
(D: Brice of Carlisle - Nov 07)
Arg, a chev engrailed Az betw 2 maple leaves Gu & a lobster Az.
(D: Percevel Gower - Jan 97)
Arg, a chev engrailed betw 3 wyverns heads erased Az. (D:
Toussaint Lamoure - Sep 02)
Arg, a chev rompu Az betw 3 brown bears statant proper. (D:
Ursula de Faymonville - Nov 92)
Arg, a chev romp Az betw 3 dog paw prints Sa. (D: Connor
MacGlandris - Mar 01)
Arg, a chev rompu within a bord Az. (B: Andrew Silverhill Apr 88)
Arg, a chev wavy Az betw 2 swans naiant respectant Sa & a heart
distilling 3 gouttes Gu. (D: Anne Lecoeur - Jun 91)
Arg, a chev wavy throughout Az betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Vt. (D:
Nicolete de Saint-Denis - Apr 04)
Arg, a chevronel rompu Az betw 4 estoiles of 4 greater & 4 lesser
points, 3 & one, Gu, that in base pierced of the field. (D:
Celeste Lamuray de Provence - Feb 75?)
Ermine, a chev embat Az betw 3 mullets of 4 points elongated to
base Sa. (D: Eirik Blackhawk Ulfsson - Jul 92)
Or, a chev embat counterembattled betw 3 mullets of 4 points Az.
(D: Wilhelm von Bch - Dec 88)
Or, a chev rompu Az betw 2 Heneage knots Sa & in salt 2 ostrich
plumes Gu. (D: Manfred Schtze aus Augsburg - May 93)
Or, a chev wavy Az betw in chf a stallion countersalient Sa & a
bear (brown) statant erect proper, & in base, an eagle disp Gu.
(D: Marius Phillipus Barbarus - Aug 79)
Per chev Arg mullety Az, & Arg, a chev dovetailed Az & in base a
laurel wreath Vt. (D: Delvingrim - Feb 85)
Per chev Sa & Arg, a chevronel engrailed Az betw 2 oak branches
fructed Arg & a foxs mask Az. (D: Merloren the Hermit Jan 82)
Sa, a chev raguly Az fimbriated, & in chf 2 sets of 3 annulets
interlaced 2 & one Arg. (D: vangr Krsson - Oct 07)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Fur

Az, a chev rompu ermine betw 2 triquetras Arg & a rapier proper.
(D: Amazonia Longa - Jun 99)
Az, a chev rompu ermine betw 2 wolves heads couped respectant
& a feather Arg. (D: Rivka bat Yehudah - Aug 06)
Gu, a chev embat ermine betw 3 Latin crosses bottony Arg, each
enfiled bendwise of a county coronet Or. (D: John FitzGerald
de Clare - Nov 99)
Or, a chev rompu pean betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Sa. (D: Crestina da
Brescia - Sep 02)
Per chev Gu & Az, a chev engrailed ermine, betw in chf eleven
bezants five, 4 & 2, & in base a pheon Or. (D: Richard of
Trinacria - Jan 73?)
Per pale Or & Purp, a chev embat pean betw in chev 2 greyhounds
courant respectant & an escallop, all ctrch. (D: Francesca
della Terrazza - May 81)
Purp, a chev embat ermine betw 3 Latin crosses bottony Arg. (B:
John FitzGerald de Clare - Nov 99)
Sa, a chev embat erminois & in base a hammer Arg a bord
erminois. (D: Alexander the Black - Dec 01)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 441

[Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Fur] to [Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Or]

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Fur (continued)

Sa, a chev indented ermine betw 3 goats clymant Arg. (D: Laurenz
Tonnemacher - Jul 04)
Vt, a chev embat erminois betw 3 griffins heads erased Or. (D:
Tonwen ferch Gruffudd Aur - Jul 92)
Vt, a chev engrailed ermine betw 2 crescents & a leopards head
caboshed Arg. (D: Alix dAmiens - Oct 85)
Vt, a chev rompu Arg, ermined Vt, betw 2 stags salient respectant
& 2 deer antlers Arg. (D: Kristyan Elsabet von Gutberg Feb 89)
Vt, a chev rompu ermine. (D: Colin MacDhaibhidh of Southkeep Oct 95)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Gules

Arg, a chev dovetailed betw 2 mullets Gu & a catamount passant

Sa. (D: Wilhelm Aldebrand the Grey - Feb 94)
Arg, a chev, embat & rompu, Gu betw 2 falcons striking respectant
& a hammer bendwise, all within a bord Sa. (D: Stephen
Grimfalcon de Norfolk - Dec 87)
Arg, a chev embat cotissed, the cotise to chf embat counter-embat,
& in base a scorpion statant Gu. (D: Juan Carlos Prez May 83)
Arg, a chev embat Gu betw 3 towers Sa. (D: Myrddyn Brandeall Apr 85)
Arg, a chev engrailed Gu betw 2 crosses formy & a scorpion inv Sa.
(D: Eric Stroud - Sep 97)
Arg, a chev rayonny to chf Gu betw 3 gouttes Az. (D: Connor
McGuire of Roscommon - Oct 95)
Arg, a chev rompu & in chf 3 crosses moline Gu. (D: David
Lockhart - Jun 03)
Arg, a chev rompu Gu, in base a mullet of eight points Sa. (D:
Peregrine of Thescorre - Apr 00)
Arg, in pale a ferret statant to sin Sa & a chev dovetailed counterdovetailed Gu. (D: Daria of Durmast - Feb 92)
Or, a chev rompu Gu betw 2 crosses crosslet & a fleam Sa. (D:
Katherine de Shortall - Apr 90)
Or, a chev rompu Gu, in base a bulls head caboshed Sa. (D: Linnet
MacLeod - Sep 92)
Per chev Arg & Or, a chev embat Gu betw 2 arrowheads inv & a
cats pawprint Sa. (D: Faolchadh of Dubh Linn - May 90)
Per chev Arg & Or, a chev embat Gu betw 2 ravens respectant Sa &
an oak tree eradicated proper. (D: Anastasia Grindstead of
Raven Oak - Jan 91)
Per chev Arg & Sa, a chev embat Gu masoned & in base a rose Arg.
(D: Sabel Saer ferch Maredudd ap Rhosier - Dec 92)
Per chev inv counter-ermine & Arg, a chev raguly on its upper edge
Gu, in base a unicorn couchant reguardant Sa. (D: Pelinore of
Silverkeep - Dec 92)
Per chev Or & pean, a chev rompu betw 2 Maltese crosses Gu & a
bulls head cabossed Or. (D: Guillaume Bovier - May 96)
Sa, a chev embat Gu fimbriated Arg betw 2 swords in chev proper
& a wolfs head couped contourny Arg. (D: Elias mac
Griogair - Jun 01)
Vairy Az & Or, a chev rompu Gu. (D: Anne of Shaftesbury Sep 92)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Multicolor

Az, a chev engrailed paly Sa & Arg betw 3 eagles heads erased
Arg. (D: Fionnghuala Faradach - Oct 88)
Per chev Arg & Vt, a chev raguly on its upper edge betw 2 mullets
& a garb ctrch. (D: Ygraine of Kellswood - Aug 93)
Per chev Gu & Arg, a chev embat ctrch betw a harp reversed & a
harp Or & 2 battle-axes in salt Sa. (B: Mathghamhain
MacCionaoith - Feb 91)
Per chev Purp & Arg, a chev invected betw 2 bears heads cabossed
& a pheon inv ctrch. (D: Bjrn Skeggjason - May 88)
Per chev Sa & Or, a chev embat ctrch & in dexter chf a crux ansata
Or. (D: Agravaine the Hunter - Aug 90)
Per chev wavy Az & Arg, surmounting a chev ctrch wavy betw 2
towers Arg & a tree blasted eradicated Sa, a laurel wreath Vt.
(D: Dubhrs - Jun 82)
Per fess Sa & Arg, a chev throughout embat counter-embat betw 3
columns ctrch. (D: Leximus Taurus - Jun 97)
Per pale Arg & Az, a chev rompu & in base a bunch of grapes ctrch.
(D: Johann von Traubenberg - Nov 90)
442 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Multicolor


Per pale Arg & Purp, a chev fracted & in chf a roundel ctrch. (D:
Kirsten of Skye - Feb 02)
Per pale Arg & Purp, a chev raguly & in chf 2 mullets ctrch. (D:
Rafael Diego de Burgos - Dec 82)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a chev engrailed-invected ctrch, surmounted by
a seahorse erect Or. (D: Shawna Kerr of Devonshire Jan 82)
Per pale Az & erminois, a chev rompu ctrch. (D: Robert Buran May 87)
Per pale Az & Or, 2 pegasi combattant & a chev rompu ctrch
ermine & counter-ermine. (D: Katya Leonovna Belokoneva Sep 87)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a chev embat-counterembattled betw 3 wolfs
heads erased ctrch. (D: Cynwulf Rendell - Nov 97)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a chev potenty betw 2 halberds bendwise sin
issuant from dexter, 2 halberds bendwise issuant from sin, & a
double-headed eagle ctrch. (D: Heinrich Anselm - Jul 93)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a chev romp within a bord ctrch. (D: Magnus
the Black - Jul 00)
Per pale Sa & Gu ermined Arg, a chev rompu per pale Gu ermined
Arg, & Or; in base a lute palewise or. (D: Katharina von
Alyssin - Aug 79)
Per pale Sa & Or, a chev embat betw 3 pheons all ctrch. (D: Gilbert
of Greenhaven - Nov 94)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a chev raguly on the upper edge betw 3 towers
ctrch. (D: Shamus Stewart - Oct 97)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a chev wavy betw 3 trefoils all ctrch. (D:
Darerca N Dhonndubhin - Sep 95)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Or

Az, a chev brettess betw 2 lions combattant & a tower Or. (D:
Geoffrey Thomas - Jan 83)
Az, a chev embat Or betw 2 compass stars elongated to base Arg &
a sea-dragon erect contourny Or. (D: Aleksandr Morekhodov Nov 97)
Az, a chev embat Or, overall a wooden-gripped sword proper. (D:
Harold of Arenal - Jul 07)
Az, a chev embat-counterembattled Or betw 3 2-horned anvils Arg.
(D: Thorgrim Sindrason - Nov 97)
Az, a chev engrailed Arg betw 2 lions couchant respectant & a
fleur-de-lys Or. (D: Lisette la Bergire - Apr 06)
Az, a chev ensigned with a Latin cross betw 3 annulets engrailed on
the outer edge Or. (D: Stephan of Churchton - Jan 05)
Az, a chev invected Or betw 3 lilies Arg. (D: Genella of Leeshire Jun 90)
Az, a chev wavy betw 2 Celtic crosses & a thistle Or. (D:
Annabella Graham - May 01)
Counter-ermine, a chev embat counter-embat Or, overall a dragon
passant Vt. (D: Eldrid Wolfsguard - Apr 95)
Gu, a chev embat betw 2 chess-rooks Or & a Celtic cross Arg. (D:
Kieran Bren of Bannockburn - Mar 94)
Gu, a chev embat betw 2 swords in chev & a roundel pierced Or.
(D: Will Schuyler the Younger - Jan 01)
Gu, a chev embat Or, overall a pegasus salient Arg. (D: Sean Tracy
of Newbury - Sep 91)
Gu, a chev embat-counterembattled betw 2 lilies & a dragonfly Or.
(D: Lylie Dendelyoun - Mar 08)
Gu, a chev raguly Or & on a chf Arg 3 retorts Sa. (D: Seric of
Marston - Oct 04)
Gu, a chev romp Or & in base a swan naiant contourny wings
elevated & addorsed Arg. (D: Catot dArdennes - Feb 00)
Per chev Az & Gu, a chev embat betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Arg & a cross
fleury Or. (D: Derrick von Mnchen - Dec 90)
Per chev Az & Purp, a chev embat betw 3 eagles disp Or. (D:
Peregrine Elric of Courtenay - Jun 92)
Per chev Az & Sa, a chev rompu betw 2 unicorns combattant & a
pithon erect contourny Or. (D: Donndubn ua Cathniad May 96)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev embat Or, in chf a decrescent & an
increscent Arg. (D: Eleri Llanrwst - Aug 92)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev fracted betw 2 mullets of eight points & a
tower Or. (D: Llewelyn the Archer - Nov 91)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev nebuly & in sin chf a wake knot Or. (D:
Rainulf of Bari - Nov 85)

[Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Or] to [Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Sable]

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Or (continued)

Per chev Az & Vt, a chev rayonny on the upper edge Or betw 2
shamrocks & a unicorns head couped Arg. (D: Ashlin of
Limerick - Sep 97)
Per chev Gu & Az, a chev embat counterembattled Or. (D: Jeffery
of Jarrow - Oct 06)
Per chev Gu & Az, a chev romp betw 2 griffins combattant & a
sword Or. (D: Etienne Dubois - Sep 99)
Per chev Gu & Sa, a chev invected betw a dragon statant reguardant
& a mullet Or. (D: Myron Duxippus Draco - Apr 89)
Per chev Gu & Sa, a chev rompu betw in chf 2 hounds salient
respectant & in base in bend a mask of tragedy & a mask of
comedy, all Or. (D: Connal Albannach - Apr 90)
Per chev Purp & Gu, a chev wavy & in chf 2 tortoises tergiant erect
Or. (D: Alan of the Bright Lands - Jun 81)
Per chev Purp & Vt, a chev embat betw 3 crosses flory Or. (D:
Catlin Leurona Sewell - Oct 01)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev embat Or betw a decrescent, an increscent
& a unicorns head couped contourny Arg. (D: Morgana
Quarry - Oct 95)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev engrailed betw 2 decrescents Arg & a sun
Or. (D: Fiadhnait inghean Chiaragin - Oct 02)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev embat betw in sin chf a Latin cross Or &
in base a boar statant Arg. (D: Quentin le Boor - Mar 91)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev embat Or betw 2 moons in their plenitude
& a seal sejant Arg. (D: Bridget Woulfe - Apr 99)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev embat-counter-embat Or betw 2 cocks
close respectant Arg & a Catherine wheel Or. (D: Catherine
Kenda of Stillwater - Jan 81)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev rayonny on the upper edge Or, in base a
Norse Jelling beast nowed to sin Arg. (D: Malachi Halfdan
Brightskull - Feb 95)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chevronel rayonny Or, overall a deaths head
Arg, orbed of the field. (D: Balldrich Ballbarian - Feb 81)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a chev engrailed betw 2 Celtic crosses & a castle
Or. (D: Alianora of Aberdeen - Mar 85)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a chev rompu & in base a fox ramp Or, detailed
Arg. (D: Virginia Read - Jul 07)
Per chev Sa & Vt a chev wavy betw 2 mountains couped & a griffin
segreant Or. (D: Eiluned ferch Gruffydd of Anglesey Nov 91)
Per chev throughout Vt & Sa, a chev rayonny throughout & a harp
Or. (D: Barnabas of White Waters - Apr 90)
Per chev Vt & Az, a chev embat betw 3 ships Or. (B: Wlfric of
Derneford - Nov 92)
Per chev Vt & Sa, a chev rompu betw 2 wolves heads respectant
erased & a sheaf of spears Or. (D: Jehane Wulfeken - Jan 98)
Per fess wavy Gu & Az, issuant from a barrulet wavy a chevronel
dancetty Or, & in base a crescent betw the horns of another
Arg. (D: Rahlina del Norte - Oct 80)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a chev embat Or. (D: Auric von Regensburg Aug 04)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a chev embat betw 3 pairs of arrows in salt Or.
(D: Marsali Sorcha na Liosa Mire - Jul 92)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a chev rompu betw 3 suns Or. (D: Jared
McPhearson - May 92)
Purp, a chev embat betw 2 crosses crosslet fitchy & a lions head
erased affronty Or. (D: Sorcha inghean u Mhaolin - Jul 01)
Sa, a chev embat Or betw 2 mullets of 4 points & a sun Arg within a
bord Or. (D: Hugh du Puy - May 94)
Sa, a chev engrailed betw 2 sea lions, erect & respectant, & a
compass star, all within a bord Or. (D: Ivan von Kleist Jan 89)
Sa, a chev fracted Or betw 3 wolfs heads cabossed & a Thors
hammer inv Arg. (D: Gautrek the Christian - Nov 99)
Sa, a chev indented betw 3 maunches Or. (D: Michel Sacristain Aug 84)
Sa, a chev invected betw an owl close to sin guardant, a griffin
sejant, & a rose Or, barbed Vt. (D: Alarice nic Thaoitearain Jan 84)
Sa, a chev nebuly on the upper edge betw 2 unicorns heads erased
contourny & a cross crosslet fitchy Or. (D: Cynric t
Cingesbricge - Jun 95)
Sa, a chev potenty betw 2 roses & a winged cat passant Or. (D:
Catherine of Cawdor - Jun 92)
Sa, a chev rompu & in base a scorpion inv Or. (D: Cassius Drusus
- Feb 07)

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Or (continued)

Sa, a chev rompu Or betw 3 long crosses moline Arg. (D: Johann
Ludwig von Coburg - Aug 93)
Sa, a chev rompu Or betw 2 caltraps Arg & a snail counterpassant
Or. (D: Ernst Skaptisson - Aug 79)
Sa, a chev rompu throughout Or betw 2 angels & a Catherine wheel
Arg. (D: Catlin of Banbury - Dec 98)
Vt, a chev embat betw 3 goblets Or. (D: Rodrigo de Navarra Jan 00)
Vt, a chev embat betw 3 lynxs heads cabossed in fess & a primrose
Or. (D: Brialen Ulfsdottir Vikings - May 90)
Vt, a chev embat counter-embat & on a chf Or an arrow Vt. (D:
Geraint FitzStephen - Oct 95)
Vt, a chev engrailed betw 3 beehives beset with bees volant, Or. (D:
Luke Knowlton - Nov 00)
Vt, a chev fracted & in chf 3 crosses flory Or. (D: Jos Felipe
Sastre de Madrid - Mar 02)
Vt, a chev fracted, in base a paw print Or. (D: Lyon Havekin Sep 00)
Vt, a chev rompu betw 3 crosses formy in fess & a bicorporate lion
Or. (D: Richard Gilchrest - May 86)
Vt, a chev rompu betw 2 gillyflowers & a trowel Or. (D: Ealasaid
Catriona nyn Uilleim - Feb 94)
Vt, a chev rompu Or betw 3 wolves heads cabossed Arg. (D: Nels
Ulfger i Jaren - Sep 91)
Vt, a chev rompu Or betw 2 edelweisses Arg & a lion ramp Or. (D:
Klaus Wilhelm von Salzburg - May 93)
Vt, a chev wavy betw 2 acorns & an oak leaf inv Or. (D: Diane de
Winchester - Mar 00)
Vt, a chev wavy Or betw 2 crosses potent & an alembic flask Arg.
(D: Annora Deorling - Feb 84)
Vt, a tau cross conjoined at the juncture to a chev couped Or. (B:
Reynardine de Clifford - Jan 85)
Vt, 3 piles in point Arg, overall a chev embat Or. (D: Petra the
Blythe - May 01)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Purpure

Arg, a chev embat Purp betw 3 crosses of 4 lozenges Vt. (D: Joan
Sutton - Aug 97)
Arg, a chev rompu betw 3 crosses crosslet Purp. (D: Andrew
Silverhill - Feb 87)
Arg, a chev romp Purp & in base a Blackeyed Susan slipped &
leaved proper within a bord Purp. (D: Liesl Bethany des
Herbstliedes - Apr 82)
Arg, a chev rompu Purp betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Vt & a stag lodged Sa.
(D: Juan de la Gard - May 91)
Arg, a chev wavy Purp betw 2 fir trees couped & a tower Vt. (D:
Alise Queneby - Jun 04)
Or, a chev rompu betw 3 roses Purp barbed & seeded proper. (D:
Lyse of Coeur dEnnui - Feb 02)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Sable

(Fieldless) A chev couped raguly on the upper edge Sa. (B:

Aarnimets - Dec 05)
Arg, a chev embat in base a tower, & a bord Sa. (D: Broinninn nic
Labhruinn - Nov 97)
Arg, a chev embat Sa & in base a Latin cross Gu. (B: Leanore
deVertearbors - Apr 87)
Arg, a chev embat Sa betw 3 double-headed eagles Gu. (D: Mikhail
Damianovich - Feb 02)
Arg, a chev engrailed betw 3 ravens Sa. (D: Clement von Eicke Nov 06)
Arg, a chev raguly Sa betw 3 acorns, slipped & leaved, Gu. (D:
Charles of the Red Oakes - Jul 87)
Arg, a chev raguly Sa betw 3 cockatrices statant to sin, wings disp
Vt. (D: Cilian Nill MacAoidh - Jan 93)
Arg, a chev rayonny on the upper edge betw 2 cats combattant Sa &
a phoenix Gu rising from flames proper. (D: Rhiannon
Strongsheres - Sep 95)
Arg, a chev rompu Sa betw 3 grenades proper. (D: Ragnar of
Ragnars Rock - Oct 95)
Arg, a chev wavy betw 3 mullets of eight points & a raven volant
wings addorsed Sa. (D: Wilhelm Burchardt - Dec 94)
Arg, a chevronel inv fracted & a chevronel fracted Sa. (D:
Justinian Karl Friedrich von Reichschffen - Aug 81)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 443

[Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Sable] to [Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent]

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Sable


Arg, mulletty of six points a chev rompu Sa & in base a wyvern

statant Vt. (D: Blanche Ccile dtoile Noir - May 89)
Erminois, a chev rompu & in base a griffin statant Sa. (D: Barbary
Elspeth Ham - Dec 87)
Or, a chev engrailed & in chf 2 dragons heads erased respectant Sa,
breathing flames Gu. (D: Thomas Hambleton - Mar 92)
Or, a chev engrailed Sa betw 2 horses heads couped & a dragon
segreant Gu. (D: Johanna Reeves - Mar 86)
Or, a chev rayonny on the upper edge Sa. (D: Arnrr opinsjr Sep 07)
Or, a chev rompu Sa betw 2 eagles heads erased addorsed Gu & a
phoenix Sa. (D: Vilhjlmr assa Vilhjlmsson - Jan 05)
Or, within a chev rompu Sa a Scarlet Macaw tergiant close, head to
sin, proper. (D: Samal Kaan Uxmalil - Apr 81)
Sa, on a pall inv Arg a chev rompu Sa. (D: Urho Waltterinen Oct 85)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Vert

Arg, a chev embat Vt betw 3 garden roses Az, slipped & leaved Vt.
(D: Leofleda MacAree - Aug 93)
Arg, a chev embat Vt betw 2 hearts & a garden rose Az, slipped &
leaved Vt. (D: Lasairiona MacAree - May 93)
Arg, a chev embat Vt betw 2 mullets of eight points & a fox ramp
Gu. (D: Rhys Cantor - Apr 06)
Arg, a chev embat Vt, in base a rams head caboshed, & on a chf Sa
a ladder fesswise Or. (D: Tancred de Brus - May 86)
Arg, a chev embat Vt overall in fess a sword & a sword inv Sa. (D:
Heinrich Riegersburg - May 95)
Arg, a chev fracted Vt & in base a trillium inv Purp barbed Vt. (D:
Tuilelaith n Thanaidhein - Jan 03)
Arg, a chev fracted Vt, in chf a sun in glory Gu. (D: David the
Pensive - Jan 73?)
Arg, a chev nebuly betw 3 dragons segreant Vt. (D: Eber mac
Flainn - Jul 07)
Arg, a chev romp throughout betw 2 hawks bells & a cross of 4
mascles pometty Vt. (D: Kiara Wrynn of the Bells - Jun 01)
Arg, a chev rompu Vt betw 3 unicorns ramp Az. (D: Amanda the
Brave - Apr 04)
Arg, a chev wavy Vt betw 2 penguins disp Sa, bellied Arg, & a tun
proper. (D: Talorc Brennon Pittenweem - Feb 86)
Az, a chev wavy Vt fimbriated betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Arg & a Latin
cross potent Or. (D: Thomas dOrleans - Nov 83)
Or, a chev embat Vt betw 3 cups Gu. (D: Brian Cullen of Ormond Nov 07)
Or, a chev wavy enhanced to chf betw 2 tufts of rushes & a falcons
head erased facing sin, all Vt. (D: Mark von dem Falkensfenn
- Mar 75?)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent

Arg, on a chev Arg fimbriated Vt betw 3 Celtic crosses fitchy Sa 3

apples Vt. (D: Malcolm of Applecross - Oct 99)
Az, a chev Arg charged with another Gu, in chf 2 mullets of eight
points Arg. (D: Karl de Blenkinsopp - Aug 82)
Az, a chev Arg charged with 3 roundels Az, a mount Arg. (D:
Hildegardis filia Vulframni - Jul 03)
Az, a chev Arg goutty de larmes betw 3 towers Arg. (D: Robert
Wildish - Sep 95)
Az estencely, on a chev Arg 2 roses Az. (D: Meliora of Snowshill Sep 92)
Az, on a chev Arg a chevronel Sa & in base a decrescent Arg. (D:
Eogan Cu - Jan 07)
Az, on a chev Arg a leaved branch Sa, in chf a lizard statant Arg.
(D: Margaret Terryll - Mar 93)
Az, on a chev Arg a rose Sa barbed & seeded proper. (D: Catherine
Rose Lamont - May 03)
Az, on a chev Arg 4 musical notes Az & in base a sea lion Arg. (D:
Alys Tyrrell - Dec 04)
Az, on a chev Arg 3 bees palewise Sa, & on a chf Arg a beehive Sa.
(D: Deborah of Haleshaven - May 96)
Az, on a chev Arg 3 escallops inv Sa, a bord invected Arg. (D:
Guerin Valletort de Harfleur - Jan 05)
Az, on a chev Arg 3 golpes & on a chf Arg 3 crosses crosslet Sa.
(D: Amellia Bachert - Feb 82)
444 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent (continued)

Az, on a chev Arg 2 arrows inv in chev Gu & in base a rose Arg
barbed & seeded proper. (D: Teresa of Rosewood - Nov 03)
Az, on a chev Arg 2 hawks striking addorsed Sa, a bord Arg. (D:
Robert Blackhawk - Sep 99)
Az, on a chev betw 3 anchors Arg, a sword fracted reversed Sa,
hilted Or. (D: Jeffrey Broken Blade - Jan 82)
Az, on a chev betw 3 caltrops Arg, 3 wolves heads erased Az. (D:
Cillne Conaill - Dec 04)
Az, on a chev betw 3 crescents Arg a lymphad, sails unfurled, Sa.
(D: Elysant de la Vallette - Feb 06)
Az, on a chev betw 3 escallops inv Arg, 3 estoiles Az, a bord Arg.
(D: Lydia de la Mer - Jun 92)
Az, on a chev betw 3 gouttes Arg a drakkar Az. (B: Symon de
Poitiers - Mar 08)
Az, on a chev betw 3 increscents Arg, 2 compass stars palewise Az.
(D: Aylwin Greymane - May 92)
Az, on a chev betw 3 swans heads erased Arg five roses Gu barbed
Vt. (D: Fionnghuala O Murrigane - Dec 03)
Az, on a chev betw 3 tulips slipped & leaved Arg, 3 tulips slipped &
leaved Az. (D: Isabella da Venezia - Jun 04)
Az, on a chev betw 2 decrescents & a wolfs head couped
contourny Arg five pawprints palewise Az. (D: stridhr
Erlendardottir - Jul 05)
Az, on a chev betw 2 lions ramp guardant & a crescent Arg, 3
fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Emma de Lyons - Jun 99)
Az, on a chev betw 2 swans rousant respectant Arg, beaked &
membered, & a fleur-de-lis Or, 3 mullets Gu. (D: Lynnette de
Clermont - Jan 86)
Az, on a chev cotised Arg five lozenges throughout palewise Az, in
base a trefoil, on a chf Arg 3 hurts. (D: Sean Michael Reade Sep 94)
Az, on a chev cotised Arg 3 butterflies Az. (D: Fiona of Lions Gate
- Aug 01)
Az, on a chev cotised betw 3 birds disp facing sin Arg 3 decrescents
Sa. (D: Rhiannon ui Neill - Aug 97)
Az, on a chev couched from sin throughout Arg 3 doves volant
fesswise Sa. (D: Katherine Luvel - Jan 96)
Az, on a chev doubly cotised betw 3 crescents Arg, a crescent Az.
(D: Wystan Roland Sacheverell - Nov 91)
Az, on a chev throughout Arg five roses Az & in base a lion ramp
tail nowed Arg. (D: Elizabeth Cameron nic Iain - Jun 91)
Gu, a chev Arg semy of key crosses Sa betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg.
(D: Emelyne le Tresor - May 02)
Gu, a chev Arg surmounted by an eagle disp, wings inv, ctrch, in
chf an arrow fesswise barb to sin, Arg. (D: Brun Canutesson May 88)
Gu, on a chev Arg betw 3 Celtic crosses Or 3 escallops Sa. (D:
Cerfael Carreg of Aberdaron - Mar 02)
Gu, on a chev Arg 2 axes in chev heads to center Sa & in base a
tankard Or. (D: Magnus of the East - Jan 04)
Gu, on a chev betw 3 broad arrows inv Arg, 3 annulets Sa. (D:
Marie of Cologne - May 06)
Gu, on a chev betw 3 wolves ramp to sin Arg 2 swords points to
center Sa. (D: Nanesh Ivanovich - Dec 04)
Gu, on a chev cotised Arg betw 3 Bengal tigers passant Or, marked
Sa, 3 roses Sa, seeded Or. (D: Isleif Brimstone - Mar 97)
Gu, on a chev cotised Arg 3 Latin crosses palewise Gu & in sin chf
a 2-headed wyvern disp Arg. (D: Dubhghall Docair Mac
Tomais - Feb 07)
Gu, upon a chev Arg a morningstar with chain in chev Sa. (D:
Patrick Loch Mer - Jan 73?)
Per chev Az & Gu, on a chev betw 2 crosses formy & an eagle Arg
a pair of compasses Sa. (D: Wojciek z Krakowa - Jan 04)
Per chev Az & Vt, on a chev Arg 2 weasels passant Vt, in chf a dog
passant pulling a cart Arg. (D: Muirenn ingen Uaithne Feb 08)
Per chev Az & Vt, on a chev betw a decrescent, an increscent & a
tree eradicated Arg 2 chevronels Sa. (D: Rickard Hawthorne Jan 05)
Per chev Az & Vt, on a chev betw 2 cranes in their vigilance & a
griffin sejant erect Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Sa. (D: Valeria bi
Cranmere - Aug 02)
Per chev Gu ermined Arg & Sa, on a chev Arg 2 arrows inv Sa & in
base a wolf passant Arg. (D: Tristan of Carreg Wen Nov 95)

[Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent] to [Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Azure]

Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent (continued)

Per chev Purp & checky Purp & Or, on a chev Arg 3 roundels Purp.
(D: Cathelina delle Vigne - Feb 08)
Per chev Sa & Az, on a chev betw 3 mullets Arg 2 arrows inv Gu
barbed & fletched Sa. (D: Tighearnn Cearrbhach Faolin
- Jul 04)
Per chev Sa & Gu, on a chev Arg a wolfs head cabossed betw 2
crescents palewise Gu. (D: Bryan of Sacred Stone - Oct 97)
Per chev Sa & Gu, on a chev betw 3 hearts Arg 3 hearts Sa. (D:
Coiln Cruaidhchridheach - Sep 99)
Per chev Sa & Gu, on a chev betw 3 swans close Arg 3 crosses
crosslet Az. (D: Earc Briain - Aug 07)
Per chev Vt & Gu, on a chev betw an eagle disp & a fleur-de-lys
Arg 4 roses Gu, barbed Vt. (D: Kimberly of Nordskogen Aug 99)
Per pale Az & Sa, on a chev betw 2 roses & an eagle disp Arg, a
length of chain Sa. (B: Jonas Aquilian - Jun 95)
Per pale Az & Vt, on a chev Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Sa. (D: Albray
Hauk - Sep 03)
Per pale Or & Sa, on a chev Arg betw 3 fleurs-de-lys ctrch, 3
trefoils Vt. (D: Raghnailt inghean Dhuillean - Dec 00)
Per pale Sa & Vt, on a chev betw 3 roses Arg a dragon ramp Sa. (D:
Rhiannon Amber ferch Morgan ap Maredudd - Jul 94)
Per salt Sa & Gu, on a chev cotised Arg 3 martlets Sa. (D: Emeric
of Pevensey - Jul 92)
Purp, on a chev Arg a chevronel Sa & in base a fleur-de-lis Arg. (D:
Tamara du Moyer - Aug 79?)
Purp, on a chev Arg betw 3 hearts Or, 3 violets Purp. (D: Goscelin
Fitzalan of Amberley - Feb 87)
Purp, on a chev Arg betw 3 swords proper, a cross formy Gu. (D:
Fergus of Hanna - Aug 92)
Purp, on a chev Arg betw 2 bulls heads erased contourny & a
demi-sun issuant from base Or 3 crosses flory Sa. (D:
Deianeira Rodriguez y Aragons - Feb 06)
Purp, on a chev Arg 3 thistles palewise Purp, a chf embat Arg. (D:
Galiena Gruenstein - Mar 98)
Purp, on a chev betw 3 compass stars Arg, a sin hand Sa. (D:
Malachias von Morgenstern - Oct 99)
Purp, on a chev betw 3 decrescents Arg, a reremouse Sa. (D:
Anneyse of Caernarvonshire - Mar 91)
Purp, on a chev betw 3 harps Arg, 3 roses Az barbed & seeded
proper. (D: Anora Rose MacCorkhill - Apr 08)
Purp, on a chev betw 3 natural tigers heads cabossed Arg marked
Sa 3 thistles proper. (D: Lasairona inghean Chonchir u
Ciarin - Mar 01)
Purp, on a chev betw 2 bunches of grapes & a goblet Arg, a
grapevine fructed proper. (D: Lasairfhona Muireann of
Amberwynne - Oct 88)
Purp, upon a chev Arg beneath a paraclete descending proper 3
crosses of Lorraine Sa. (D: James de St. Germain - Jan 73?)
Sa, a chev Arg fretty Gu betw 3 dogs heads couped contourny Arg.
(D: Havelok MacClellan - Apr 02)
Sa, on a chev Arg a double-bitted axe betw 2 wolves combatant Sa.
(D: Ulrich Schwarzwolf - Mar 00)
Sa, on a chev Arg betw a sword fesswise & a triple-towered castle
Or, 3 flames Gu. (D: Alfred of Greyvale - May 98)
Sa, on a chev Arg betw 3 keys palewise wards to base Or, 3 crows
close contourny Sa. (D: Westan Locke - Aug 98)
Sa, on a chev Arg betw 3 lions heads caboshed Or a rose Gu. (D:
Eularia dAmboise - Jun 03)
Sa, on a chev Arg five roses Purp barbed & seeded proper in base a
falcon striking Arg. (D: Maeve Reynebaud of Falconskeep Apr 99)
Sa, on a chev Arg, 3 estoiles of 4 rays Gu, a chf embat Arg. (D:
Lawrence of Blackstone - Mar 90)
Sa, on a chev Arg 3 oak trees eradicated proper, in base a tower Or.
(D: Godfrey McKnight - May 08)
Sa, on a chev Arg 3 trefoils Vt, in base a heart Arg. (D: Christine
McDavid - Mar 07)
Sa, on a chev betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg a bird close Sa. (D: Albrecht
von Selbold - Jul 96)
Sa, on a chev betw 3 fleurs-de-lys, points to center Arg, a fleur-delys Gu. (D: Celeste de Saint tienne - Oct 93)
Sa, on a chev betw 3 frets Arg five torteaux. (D: Varric Varnsson Aug 83)

Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent (continued)

Sa, on a chev betw 3 sheathed gladii inv Arg, an eagle rising

contourny wings disp Gu. (D: Caius Severius Sabinus Apr 94)
Sa, on a chev cotissed betw 3 star jasmine blossoms Arg 3 ogresses.
(D: Richard the Dark - Aug 86)
Sa, on a chev couched from sin Arg betw 3 castles triple-towered
Or, five crosses formy Gu. (D: Karl von Schattenburg Feb 94)
Sa, on a chev throughout Arg an escallop Vt. (D: Rafaella
dAllemtejo - Mar 99)
Sa, on a chev throughout Arg 3 mullets of 4 points Vt, in base a
plate. (D: Johanna Ljubljana - Jan 93)
Vt, a dragon passant Or, incensed of flames proper, in chf on a chev
enhanced throughout Arg a compass star Az betw 2 mullets
Gu. (D: Elandir the Quiet - Sep 81)
Vt, on a chev above an eagles head erased Arg, 2 feathers Sa. (B:
Lochmere - May 90) (For the Order of the Eagles Feather)
Vt, on a chev Arg betw 3 harps Or 2 harps palewise Vt. (D: John
ap Wynne - Dec 80)
Vt, on a chev Arg betw 3 pine trees on mounts Or 3 English
sparrows close proper. (D: Ignatius of Man - Apr 80)
Vt, on a chev Arg betw 2 sheaves of arrows inv & a fox sejant Or, 3
musical notes Sa. (D: Geoffrey Winterbotham - Dec 06)
Vt, on a chev Arg 3 castles fesswise Sa & in chf a beaver statant,
maintaining in its sin forepaw a broken collar Arg. (D:
Francis of Aaron Isles - Dec 83)
Vt, on a chev Arg 3 hearts, the center heart inv, Gu, & a bord Arg.
(D: Rosalba Vespucci - Feb 82)
Vt, on a chev Arg 3 swans naiant Sa, in base on a cauldron Arg a
swan naiant Sa. (D: Sena of Swansea - Sep 92)
Vt, on a chev Arg 2 swords Sa, in base a goblet, all within a bord
embat Arg. (D: Ddin MacKay na Aonaich - Aug 87)
Vt, on a chev betw 3 bears ramp Arg, seven Latin crosses Vt. (D:
Thomas de Winterwade - Dec 91)
Vt, on a chev betw 3 flasks Arg, 2 salamanders combattant Vt
enflamed Gu. (D: Lorenzo Alhambra - Jul 90)
Vt, on a chev betw 3 gauntlets each sustaining a bow fesswise string
to chf Arg 2 threaded needles in chev Vt. (D: Isabella of
Fyren-Ar - Jan 03)
Vt, on a chev betw 3 griffins passant Arg, 3 latin crosses bottony
palewise Sa. (D: Eduard Vert - Jan 91)
Vt, on a chev betw 3 Maltese crosses Arg, 2 lions passant respectant
maintaining betw them a Maltese cross Sa. (D: Caradoc Llew
Du ap Morgan - Jan 85)
Vt, on a chev betw 3 tygers sejant Arg, 3 caltrops Purp. (D:
Thomas Wynne - May 99)
Vt, on a chev betw 3 wolfs heads erased Arg the phrase "Non Sibi
Sed Todo" Sa all within a bord embat Or. (D: Quintin Wynn Jan 03)
Vt, on a chev betw 2 horses combattant & a griffin passant Arg 3
lozenges Sa. (D: Rhieinwylydd Cyfeiliog - Oct 99)
Vt, on a chev cotised Arg 3 fir trees palewise proper. (D: Maelen of
Kynges Lea - Jan 80)
Vt, on a chev cotised betw 3 water bougets Arg, 3 cinquefoils Vt.
(D: Lauren Grey - Jan 87)
Vt, on a chev throughout Arg 3 holly leaves Vt. (D: Klaus Winter Jan 01)
Vt, on a chev throughout Arg 3 walnuts fesswise proper, in base a
laurel wreath Arg. (D: Wealhhnutu - Sep 86)
Vt, semy of acorns inv, slipped & leaved, Or, on a chev Arg, a
raven close, head lowered, Sa. (D: Leonie de Grey - Aug 89)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Azure

Arg, a chev Az, goutt deau, betw 2 unicorns passant respectant Sa

& a pellet. (D: Amberwyne Sylvansong - Apr 83)
Arg crusily saltirewise, on a chev Az 3 nettle leaves Arg. (D:
Phiala OCeallaigh - Jul 07)
Arg, fretty Vt, on a chev Az 3 hawthorne blossoms Arg, centered
Gu, seeded Or. (D: Alfwenna of the Hawthorne Wood Jun 84)
Arg goutty, on a chev Az betw 3 ships sails set Sa 3 escallops Or.
(D: Julia of Sheffield - Apr 96)
Arg, on a chev Az betw 3 crosses of 4 ermine spots Sa, 3
arrowheads inv palewise Or. (D: Roger Aylward Bagley Mar 97)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 445

[Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Azure] to [Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Gules]

Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Azure (continued)

Arg, on a chev Az betw 3 gouttes de sang, 3 thimbles palewise Arg,

on a chf Az, a needle, eye to sin, Arg. (D: Andfryd of
Trondelag - Nov 89)
Arg, on a chev Az betw 3 Latin crosses bottony Gu five oak leaves
palewise Or. (D: John of Blackmoor Woods - Oct 95)
Arg, on a chev Az betw 3 shamrocks Vt, 3 decrescents Arg. (D:
Kaln Sveinsdttir - Jul 04)
Arg, on a chev Az betw 3 towers Vt 3 roses slipped & leaved Or.
(D: Robert mac Uisdein - Feb 07)
Arg, on a chev Az betw 3 wolfs heads erased Gu 3 annulets Arg.
(D: Grmlfr Ormulfsson - Oct 06)
Arg, on a chev Az betw 2 escallops inv & a cross humetty Gu, a
bezant. (D: Jacques-Yves Rene Claude du Plat - Sep 81)
Arg, on a chev Az betw 2 trees & a mullet of eight points Gu a
chain couped Arg. (D: Edwin ate Grove - Nov 01)
Arg, on a chev Az 3 escarbuncles of six points Arg & in chf a
simurgh close Sa. (D: Zaccheo Alamanni - Mar 96)
Arg, on a chev Az 3 fleurs-de-lis Arg, in base a stags head
cabossed Gu. (D: John Williams of Farnham - Jun 06)
Arg, on a chev Az 3 quatrefoils Arg, in base a pegasus salient Gu,
overall a bord ctrch Gu & Arg. (D: Raoul de Chenonceaux Apr 93)
Arg, on a chev Az, 3 quavers palewise Arg. (D: Quinlan of Sheare
- Mar 75?)
Arg, on a chev betw 3 eagles heads erased breathing flame Az 2
swords points to center Arg. (D: Cecille de Lorraine Aug 04)
Arg, on a chev betw 3 roses Az 3 swallows volant contourny wings
addorsed Arg. (D: Conall Synclare - Apr 05)
Arg, on a chev betw 3 sheaves of arrows Az five mullets Arg. (D:
Rnn Spenser - Oct 02)
Arg, on a chev betw 3 towers Az, 3 stags heads erased Arg. (D:
Brandon MacKay - Jan 93)
Arg, on a chev betw 3 triquetras Az 2 keys wards to chf Or. (D:
Ceridwen Bach - Jul 01)
Arg, on a chev cotissed Az, a raven disp Or betw 2 ravens disp Arg.
(D: Rhiannon ferch Llyr - date?)
Arg, on a chev enhanced Az 3 goats heads erased Arg, & in base in
salt a garb of wheat & a scythe proper. (D: Samuel of Mossy
Dell Fief - Jan 76?) (Deceased)
Arg, on a chev ploy throughout betw 3 lotus blossoms in profile
Az 3 decrescents Arg. (D: Suad al-Raqqasah - Jan 04)
Arg, upon a chev enhanced Az, 3 goats heads erased Arg, & in
base a shovel & hoe in salt Sa. (D: Dorothy of Mossy Dell Fief
- Jan 76?)
Ermine, on a chev Az 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg, in base a laurel wreath
Vt. (D: Gotvik - Mar 00)
Lozengy Gu & Or, on a chev Az a lion sejant Or. (D: Mairead
Regane - May 94)
Lozengy Or & pean, on a chev Az fimbriated a chess rook Arg, a
bord Gu. (D: Stefan le Courteys - Sep 95)
Or, a chev Az platy betw 2 trees eradicated & a castle Gu. (D:
Holdred of Crystalbrook - Aug 91)
Or, a chev Az platy in base a fleur-de-lis Sa. (B: Eduardo
Francesco Maria Lucrezia - Apr 95)
Or, on a chev Az betw 3 foxs masks Gu a double-arched bridge Or.
(D: Falko von der Weser - Dec 01)
Or, on a chev Az betw 3 hearts Gu, 2 swords conjoined at their
points Arg, a bord embat Gu. (B: Clarissa Wykeham Oct 97)
Or, on a chev Az betw 3 ravens rising contourny Sa 3 crescents Or.
(D: Katya Nachtraven - May 96)
Or, on a chev Az betw 2 fleurs-de-lis Sa & a peacock in its pride
statant to sin proper, five plates. (D: Eduardo Francesco
Maria Lucrezia - May 89)
Or, on a chev Az betw 2 roundels & an anvil Sa 2 swords in chev
Or. (D: Friedrich Hirsch von Bremen - Jan 03)
Or, on a chev Az 3 crosses fleury Or. (D: Kit Fox - Apr 07)
Or, on a chev Az 3 roses Or, in base a domestic cat sejant Az. (D:
Guenuureth filia Thomas - May 04)
Or, on a chev betw 3 roundels Az 2 swords proper. (D: Brendan
the Shameless - Oct 97)
Per pale Gu & Or, crusilly of ermine spots ctrch, on a chev Az 2
stags salient respectant Or. (D: Anna Alicia Rheinhardt Jan 91)
* * * End * * *
446 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Fur

Per chev Az & Arg, on a chev counter-ermine a crescent Arg & in

base a cat passant reguardant Sa. (D: Isabella Gattoneri May 92)
Vt, on a chev ermine 3 fir trees palewise couped Vt, in base a laurel
wreath Arg. (D: Lost Forest - May 06) (Ancient Arms)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Gules

Arg, a chev Gu voided pean betw 3 wolves passant reguardant Sa.

(D: Gordon Blackwolf the Disrespectful - Aug 79?)
Arg, a sword Sa debruised by a chev cotised Gu bearing 3 trillium
flowers inv Arg, seeded Or, barbed Vt, in canton a laurel
wreath proper. (D: Eoforwic - Jan 03)
Arg, on a chev cottised betw 3 reremice Gu five increscents Arg.
(D: Edouard Chartier - Sep 95)
Arg, on a chev Gu a hand couped appaumy Arg within overall a
serpent in annulo biting its tail, head in base, ctrch Vt & Arg.
(D: Drstha Maida of the Lowara - Feb 81)
Arg, on a chev Gu betw 3 wolfs heads erased Sa 3 chess rooks Arg.
(D: Johann Wulfeken - Aug 03)
Arg, on a chev Gu betw 2 reremice & a raven close Sa 3 scourges in
chev handles to sin Arg. (D: Ciar O Byrne - Dec 01)
Arg, on a chev Gu 3 mortars & pestles Or, a chf Gu. (D: Magnus
von Lbeck - Sep 98)
Arg, on a chev Gu 3 roses Arg & in base a compass star Gu, all
within a bord Sa. (D: Deirdre de Gildelyn - Aug 81)
Arg, on a chev Gu 3 swans naiant Arg, in base a laurel wreath Sa.
(D: Cragmere - Jul 97)
Arg, on a chev throughout Gu 2 rapiers points to center proper, in
base an anchor Sa. (D: Angus MacDougall of Cragmere Nov 00)
Az, on a chev Gu fimbriated, 3 mullets Arg, in base a sun in his
splendor Or. (D: Hugh Kerr - Sep 92)
Az, on a chevronel Gu fimbriated Or seven bezants & in base a
chalice Or. (D: Miles Rupert Stuart - Nov 80)
Checky Sa & Arg, on a chev cotised Gu 3 mullets Arg. (D:
Cassandra Grey - Mar 93)
Counter-ermine, on a chev Gu a poppy Arg betw 2 others Or. (D:
Fiona Clare O Doinn - Nov 85)
Lozengy Arg & Sa, on a chev Gu 3 caltraps Or. (D: Sigurd of
Encboergaard - Sep 73)
Or, on a chev betw 2 pheons Gu & a dove migrant Sa, 3 fountains.
(D: Stephen Godwin fitz Baldric - Sep 89)
Or, on a chev Gu a bird volant to sin Or & in base a point pointed
Gu. (D: Amal al-Jabal Hamrini - Oct 91)
Or, on a chev Gu betw a broad axe fesswise, a broad axe fesswise
reversed, & a drakkar Az, 2 spears conjoined at the points Or.
(D: Dennis the Liberator - Nov 84)
Or, on a chev Gu, betw a sun Az & an inescutcheon Gu 3 doublebitted axe-heads Arg. (D: Vahan Cynrhonyn - Aug 79?)
Or, on a chev Gu betw 3 bears statant Purp 3 locks Or. (D:
Daibheid MacQuarrie - Apr 94)
Or, on a chev Gu betw 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Az, 3 mullets Arg.
(B: Kevin of Thornbury - Mar 99)
Or, on a chev Gu betw 2 boars combattant & a Maltese cross Sa
five fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Hugh Killingbury - Mar 04)
Pean, on a chev Gu fimbriated Arg, 3 crosses formy, in base a
wolfs head erased Or. (D: Cian Conor McQuaid - Dec 92)
Per chev Arg & Or, on a chev betw a crescent & a crescent inv Gu,
3 crescents Arg. (D: Elric of Sundragon - May 89)
Per chev Arg & Sa, on a chev betw 2 lions dormant Gu & a dragon
dormant, 2 ermine spots palewise Arg. (D: Dubhghall
Saghdha - Jul 90)
Per chev checky Sa & Arg & Arg, on a chev Gu a chevronel Arg, in
base a seahorse Sa, tailed Vt. (D: Rand Wulfesege - Feb 91)
Per chev counter-ermine & Sa, on a chev Gu fimbriated 3 fleurs-delis Or. (D: Ysolt de la Mere - Feb 04)
Per chev Or & Sa, on a chev Gu betw 2 eagles rising respectant,
wings addorsed Sa, & a winged lion salient, 3 fleur-de-lys Or.
(D: Gillian of the Swallows - Jun 91)
Per pale Sa & Arg, on a chev Gu betw 2 doves rising & respectant,
wings elevated & addorsed, & a dove disp ctrch, 3 wheels Or.
(D: Kateryne Cholmondeley - Jan 89)
Sa, on a chev Gu fimbriated betw 3 foxs masks a fleur-de-lys Arg.
(D: Franois Baptiste Lerenard - Jun 00)

[Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Gules] to [Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Or]

Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Gules (continued)

Sa, on a chev Gu fimbriated betw 3 lions faces a fleur-de-lys Arg.

(D: Madallaine Isabeau de Cat - Nov 02)
Sa, on a chev Gu fimbriated betw 3 pheons inv Arg, 3 fleurs-de-lys
palewise Or. (D: Jacques Hbert Desctes - Sep 04)
Sa, on a chev throughout Gu fimbriated, 3 wolfs heads erased Arg.
(D: Wolf of Wexford - Jul 04)
Tierced per chev Az, Gu, & Or, a stag trippant at gaze Or, seven
bezants, & a dexter hand apaumy & couped at the wrist Gu.
(D: Bethaldryk Quarryl - Jan 74?)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Multicolor

Gu, on a chev per pale Arg & Or, cotised per pale Or & Arg, betw 3
lions passant guardant contourny Or, 3 hearts Gu. (D: John
Bromere - Jul 93)
Gu, on a chev per pale Arg & Sa betw 3 pairs of compasses Or, 3
roses ctrch. (D: Angeline Cymraes - Aug 92)
Per chev Sa & Arg, on a chev ctrch 3 roses proper. (D: Amina of
Gyldenholt - Dec 07)
Per pale Arg & Gu, on a chev throughout 2 ferrets passant
respectant & in base a sun in splendor all ctrch. (D: Lachlann
del Glen - Jan 92)
Per pale Arg & Sa, on a chev betw 3 dragonflies disp 2 spears
within a bord, all ctrch. (D: Timofei Ivanovich - Oct 83)
Per pale Arg & Sa, on a chev betw 2 mullets & a fret a mullet all
ctrch. (D: Celestria de Cranham - Dec 00)
Per pale Arg & Sa, on a chev betw 2 roses & an escarbuncle, 3
gouttes, all ctrch. (D: Matheld Adela of Carlisle - Aug 89)
Per pale Arg & Sa, on a chev six towers ctrch. (D: Odo le Thike Dec 01)
Per pale Az & Arg, on a chev per pale Or & Az betw 3 vols, five
crosses formy floretty all ctrch. (D: Leah de Montgomerie of
Lark Hall - Mar 93)
Per pale Az & Arg, on a chev 2 coneys courant & in base a castle
ctrch. (D: Roderick of Whitehall - Apr 92)
Per pale Or & Gu, on a chev betw 3 crosses formy, 2 crosses formy
palewise, all ctrch. (D: William of Wakefield - Sep 91)
Per pale Or & Gu, on a chev cotised a handbell & a hand axe, all
ctrch. (D: Lazarus of the Steppes - Apr 84)
Per pale Purp & Arg, a chev fretty betw 2 mascles, all ctrch. (D:
Henry of Linlithgow - Apr 87)
Per pale Sa & Arg, on a chev betw 3 towers, 3 roundels ctrch. (D:
Maria Alessandra delle Tre Torri Alte - Jan 93)
Per pale Vt & Or, on a chev betw 3 snowflakes five pine trees
couped, all ctrch. (D: Roderick of Charlo - Jan 73?)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Or

Az, a pegasus segreant ermine surmounted by a chev Or charged

with 3 cinquefoils Az. (D: Roheis Ireton of Attenborough Nov 94)
Az, on a chev betw 3 bees Or 3 fleurs-de-lis Az. (D: Santine
Westmerland of Ravenstonedale - Apr 02)
Az, on a chev betw 3 flames Or, each charged with a torteau, five
torteaux. (D: Mellitus of Rouncivale - Apr 99)
Az, on a chev betw 3 harps Or 3 trefoils Vt. (D: Gareth of
Eastbrook - Apr 00)
Az, on a chev betw 3 hawks lures Or, 2 arrows inv Az. (D:
Luciliana de Castilla - May 96)
Az, on a chev betw 3 peacocks in their pride Or 3 roses proper. (D:
Rosamund Peacock - Feb 05)
Az, on a chev cotised betw 3 suns in splendor Or five mullets Az.
(D: Keterlin von dem Drachen - Feb 06)
Az, on a chev enhanced & cotised Or, 3 fleurs-de-lys Az, in base a
lion dormant Or. (D: Eleanor la Sincre - Jun 87)
Az, on a chev Or betw 3 axes Arg 3 hurts. (D: Giles Chinaud Jan 03)
Az, on a chev Or betw 3 axes Arg 3 hurts & overall in chf a label
dovetailed Or. (D: Thibault Chinaud - Jan 03)
Az, on a chev Or betw 3 roses Arg, six mullets Az. (D: Matthias
Rosenstern - Feb 97)
Az, on a chev Or betw 3 stags trippant Arg, five fir trees proper. (D:
Lidia OCeirin - Mar 90)
Az, on a chev Or 3 crosses couped Vt. (D: Hieronyma Holvoet van
Dadizele - May 97)

Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Or (continued)

Az, on a chev Or 3 hearts palewise Gu, issuant from base a demisun Or. (D: Valentine Michael de La Fre - Dec 95)
Az, on a chev Or 3 mullets Az, in chf 2 bells Or. (D: Lorenzo
Guasparre - Oct 99)
Az, on a chev Or 3 pheons Sa, in base a horse ramp Or. (D:
lfgeirr Agnarsson - Dec 05)
Az, on a chev Or 3 triskeles Az, in base a coronet within an annulet
of chain Or. (D: Steinn Vikingsson - Mar 06)
Az, on a chev Or, 2 fish haurient respectant Az & overall a sword
palewise Arg. (D: Vidimer of An Tir - Jul 91)
Az, on a chevronel Or, betw an owl disp Arg & a lymphad Or, 3
roses Gu. (D: Christina of Castleglen - Aug 79?)
Gu, a sword inv proper, overall on a chev Or 3 mullets of five
greater & five lesser points Sa. (D: Murdoc McDuncan Apr 01)
Gu estencely, on a chev Or 3 frets couped Az. (D: Abram de
Tatecastre - Feb 08)
Gu, on a chev betw 3 double-bitted axes Or, 3 compass stars Gu.
(D: Allwyn ap Gwilliam Caernarvon - Apr 91)
Gu, on a chev betw 3 escallops inv Or, five fleurs-de-lys Sa. (D:
Garth Brandon - Apr 98)
Gu, on a chev betw 3 escallops Or a rose proper. (D: Lisette la
Mandetta - Oct 02)
Gu, on a chev betw 3 estoiles Or 3 lozenges Sa. (D: Thomas
Lestrange - Feb 06)
Gu, on a chev betw 3 lions ramp Or a cross patonce Gu. (D: Bran
Olom - Feb 97)
Gu, on a chev betw 3 torches Or, a cross of Jerusalem Gu. (D:
Godelieve Davyson of Salisbury - Oct 93)
Gu, on a chev betw 3 wolfs heads couped Or, 3 cinquefoils Sa. (D:
Aidan MacDonald - Oct 97)
Gu, on a chev betw 2 acorns inv slipped & leaved & a stag ramp Or,
a chev embat Vt. (D: Ceridwen dArci of Stag Oakes Oct 93)
Gu, on a chev betw 2 harps & a lion Or five quatrefoils Gu & on a
chf potenty Or 3 martlets Gu. (D: Cecilia Lightfoot - Jul 07)
Gu, on a chev betw 2 Latin crosses bottony & a demi-sun issuant
from base Or, a chev Sa. (D: Amaranth Wolfsbane - Sep 96)
Gu, on a chev cotissed Or 4 estoiles Gu. (D: Michael Alanson Oct 81)
Gu, on a chev doubly cotissed Or 3 frets conjoined Az. (D:
Dubheasa n Chirn - Oct 95)
Gu, on a chev Or betw 2 seagulls volant respectant & a sea-bull
erect Arg, tailed & finned Or, 2 chevronels Sa. (D: Kieran
Storn - Sep 84)
Gu, on a chev Or five crosses crosslet fitchy palewise Sa, in base a
fox dormant Or. (D: Anastasia Knutovna - Jan 85)
Gu, on a chev Or five fleurs-de-lys Gu betw 3 lions ramp Arg. (D:
Conall ORylan - May 07)
Gu, on a chev Or 3 saltorels Gu, in chf 2 arrows Or. (D: Conull
Cameron - Feb 00)
Gu, upon a chev Or, a wheel of five spokes betw 2 double-axes Gu.
(D: Duryn the Red - Aug 78?)
Gyronny Gu & Sa, on a chev throughout Or a cross moline notched
of all 4 of the field. (D: Cathal MacEdan na Faeled - Feb 80)
Lozengy Arg & Purp, on a chev Or, 3 goblets Purp. (D: Anna
Mackenzie - Aug 97)
Per chev Arg fretty Purp & Vt, on a chev Or 3 quatrefoils Purp. (D:
Tonwen ferch Morien - Dec 00)
Per chev Gu & Sa, on a chev betw 3 decrescents Or 3 mullets Sa.
(D: Anna Dillon - Apr 03)
Per chev Gu & Vt, on a chev betw 2 lions combattant & a tower Or,
2 sprigs of mistletoe Vt. (D: Rafael da Venezia - Sep 94)
Per chev pean & Sa, on a chev Or 3 roses Gu seeded Or barbed Sa,
in base a clenched dexter gauntlet within a vol inv Or. (D:
Thorgrimr inn kyrri - Feb 01)
Per chev Purp & Sa, on a chev betw 2 crescents & a flame Or a
mullet Purp. (D: Dire Nic Fhionnlaigh - Jan 95)
Per chev Purp & Vt, on a chev cotissed Or, 3 cinquefoils Purp. (D:
Alarice Beatrix von Thal - Nov 91)
Per chev Purp & Vt, on a chev Or betw 2 natural leopards
combattant & a tower Arg, a cross of Calvary Purp. (D:
Roderick Billingsley Mac Leod - Jan 99)
Per chev Sa & Vt, on a chev Or 3 Latin crosses Gu, in base a cobra
coiled affronty Or. (B: Michael die Zauberzunge von Essen Dec 04)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 447

[Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Or] to [Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Sable]

Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Or (continued)

Per pale & per chev Gu & Sa, on a chev Or, 3 towers Sa, a bord Or.
(D: Thorolf Richardsson of the Chasm - Mar 86)
Per pale Gu & ermine, on a chev Or five quatrefoils voided, each
within an annulet, Sa. (D: Michael the Literate - Aug 79)
Per pale Purp & Vt, on a chev Or a cat passant reguardant Sa. (D:
Elizabeth Beaufort - Apr 81)
Purp, a pale Or overall on a chev ctrch 2 compass stars Purp. (D:
Jacquetta Grimaldi - Aug 01)
Purp, on a chev betw 3 columbine flowers Or 3 laurel wreaths Vt.
(D: Cil Choluim - Jul 03)
Purp, on a chev betw 3 decrescents Or a spider Sa. (D: Kristana
Tancz - Apr 05)
Purp, on a chev betw 3 mullets of six points Or, 3 fleurs-de-lys
Purp. (D: Marina la Perdue - Jan 93)
Purp, on a chev betw 3 threaded drop spindles Or, 3 dogwood
flowers Gu, seeded Or, leaved Vt. (D: Fiona MacNeill Feb 89)
Purp, on a chev Or another Sa, thereon a Maltese cross betw 2
goblets Or. (D: Dragomyr of Morkynwald - Aug 79)
Purp, on a chev Or 3 bunches of grapes proper, in base a mink
statant Or. (D: Mimienne the Minx - Jan 01)
Purp, on a chev throughout Or 3 fleur-de-lys palewise Gu, in base a
fleur-de-lys Or. (D: Genevive de Chambry - Mar 94)
Quarterly Sa & Az, on a chev Or 3 stags heads erased contourny Sa.
(D: Colwyn Stagghorn - Dec 04)
Sa, a chev throughout Or mullety Sa & in base a spear entwined by
a serpent Or. (D: Ulrich von Baden - Feb 07)
Sa, on a chev betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Or 3 lozenges Gu. (D: Marc
dAubigny - Jan 03)
Sa, on a chev betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Or 3 lozenges Gu & in chf a label
Or. (D: Brandon dAubigny - Jan 07)
Sa, on a chev betw 3 fools caps Or 3 gunstones, all within a bord
Or. (D: Lucius Valentyn Drake - Oct 91)
Sa, on a chev betw 3 hawks heads erased Or 3 gunstones, all within
a bord Or. (D: Nicholas Drake - Oct 91)
Sa, on a chev betw 3 open books Or 2 arrows inv in chev Sa. (D:
Temyl Rasche Hutter - Jan 04)
Sa, on a chev betw 3 rams heads cabossed Or, 3 crosses crosslet
fitchy Gu. (D: Novella the Fierce - Jun 99)
Sa, on a chev Or a card pique Sa, a lozenge Gu, a trefoil Sa, & a
heart Gu, & in chf an owl disp Arg. (D: Ruaidhri OFlionn Aug 82)
Sa, on a chev Or betw in chf 2 crosses crosslet fitchy & in base a
falcon wings elevated Arg, 4 decrescents Gu. (D: Lucius
Lowthyane - Jun 94)
Sa, on a chev Or cotised Arg 3 crescents Gu. (D: Nigel
FitzMaurice - Nov 00)
Sa, on a chev Or, 3 roses proper. (D: German Schade - Jun 98)
Sa, semy of wolfs paw prints Arg, on a chev Or a howling wolfs
head erased reversed Sa. (B: Harald de Sort Ulv af Danelaw Aug 79?)
Vt, a daisy slipped & leaved, a spray of buttercups slipped &
leaved, a singing meadowlark close all proper, overall a chev
Or charged with 3 strawberry plants flowered & fructed
proper. (D: Megitha of the Green Meadows - Aug 79)
Vt, in pale a chev enhanced Or, charged with 2 arrows in chev Sa,
& 2 quivers of arrows in pile Or. (D: Emeric of Darkdale Jan 90)
Vt, on a chev betw in chev 3 mullets of six points & a pine tree
eradicated Or a fleur-de-lys Vt. (D: Robyn FitzGeoffrey Jun 83)
Vt, on a chev betw 3 annulets in chev & a double-headed chess
knight Or, 2 arrows in chev Sa. (D: Carantoc of Darkdale Jan 90)
Vt, on a chev betw 3 braziers Or, enflamed proper, a pair of open
tongs Sa. (D: Alan of Bois dArc - Jan 90)
Vt, on a chev betw 3 compass stars Or 3 musical notes Vt. (D:
Finna Hlfdanardttir - Jul 98)
Vt, on a chev betw 3 crosses formy Or, 3 harps Purp. (D: Richenda
de Saint Clair - Aug 98)
Vt, on a chev betw 3 ferrets sejant erect Or five pawprints Sa. (D:
Roana of Brigeford - May 02)
Vt, on a chev betw 3 hunting horns reversed Or 3 roses proper. (D:
Julian de Hunteley - Dec 99)
Vt, on a chev betw 3 roses Or 3 roses Gu all within a bord erminois.
(D: Damaris of Norland - Jun 03)
448 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Or (continued)

Vt, on a chev betw 3 spearheads Or 3 crosses botonny Gu. (D:

Jelyan de Coity - Dec 05)
Vt, on a chev betw 3 tankards Or 3 lions passant guardant Gu. (D:
Conor OBryan - Feb 02)
Vt, on a chev betw 2 broken arrows fesswise Or another
chevronwise Vt. (D: Robert Thorne - Jan 97)
Vt, on a chev enhanced throughout Or, a decrescent Sa & in base a
weeping willow tree Or. (D: Jenne McGill - Jul 05)
Vt, on a chev Or, an increscent Purp, & on a chf Or, 3 increscents
Purp. (D: Iliana Donatova - Dec 97)
Vt, on a chev Or betw 3 double roses Arg 3 Latin crosses fleury Sa.
(D: Magge Rose - Feb 03)
Vt, on a chev Or betw 3 suns in splendor Arg a reremouse Sa. (D:
Natalia Karaulova - Jun 04)
Vt, on a chev Or five golpes & in base a needle threaded all within a
bord Or. (D: Svana in kyrra - Oct 02)
Vt, on a chev Or 3 brilliant cut emeralds seen from above proper.
(D: Theodore the Emerald - Jan 73?)
Vt, on a chev Or 3 butterflies Sa a chf erminois. (D: Deirdre of
Boolteens - Feb 94)
Vt, on a chev Or, 3 sprigs of mistletoe Sa, on a chf embat Or, a
brown bear sejant erect proper. (D: Tadhg ua hIcidhe AnArtuil - Jan 86)
Vt, on a chev Or 2 arrows inv Gu & a chf Or. (D: Arthur of
Ankeridge - Mar 97)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Purpure

Arg, on a chev Purp betw 3 oak leaves in pall, stems outwards, Vt, a
hind courant fesswise Arg. (D: Tangwen Ffraeth - Nov 89)
Az, on a chev Purp fimbriated Arg 3 arrowheads inv Or. (D: Simon
Hondy - Aug 95)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, on a chev Purp fimbriated 3 mullets Or. (D:
Danica Nemanjavia - Feb 02)
Or, on a chev Purp betw 3 shamrocks Vt 4 shamrocks Or, a bord
engrailed Vt. (D: Sle of Limerick - Jun 00)
Vt, on a chev Purp fimbriated Arg, a rose Sa fimbriated Arg barbed
& seeded proper. (D: Alatiel de Montfort of Reading-wood Aug 79)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Sable

Arg, on a chev betw 3 gauntlets Sa, each maintaining an arrow

fesswise reversed Gu, an arrow reversed fracted in chev Arg.
(D: Oswin of Moonstone - Feb 03)
Arg, on a chev cotised Sa a plate, a bord Sa platy. (D: Michael
Devlin Mac Mathghamhna - Mar 93)
Arg, on a chev cotised Sa 3 crosses clechy Arg. (D: Chire la
clergesse - Jul 05)
Arg, on a chev Sa betw 3 savages heads couped affronty Az, five
lozenges Arg. (D: Morgund McKenzie - Feb 08)
Arg, on a chev Sa betw 3 sprigs of rosemary Vt, 3 butterflies Arg.
(D: Rosemary of the Woods - Aug 90)
Arg, on a chev Sa betw 2 gryphons combattant & 2 swords in salt
Az, 3 compass-stars Or. (D: Duncan Angus MacDonald Dec 85)
Arg, on a chev Sa 3 escallops Arg. (D: John Hawkwood, Sir Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, on a chev Sa 3 escallops inv Or & a chf Sa. (D: Albert de
Moulton - Mar 04)
Arg, semy of oak trees eradicated Vt, on a chev Sa 3 dragons
segreant to sin Or. (D: John of Dragonwood - May 88)
Az, a chev Sa semy-de-lys fimbriated betw 3 wolfs heads erased
Or. (B: Finn Marland OShannon - Sep 06)
Az, on a chev Sa fimbriated, 3 triquetras Arg. (D: Feln ua
hEgain - Dec 04)
Az, on a chev throughout Sa, fimbriated Arg, 3 sexfoils Gu,
fimbriated Arg, & in base a hand of Fatima couped Arg. (D:
Kahina Dhahabiya - Oct 84)
Az, upon a chev Sa fimbriated betw 2 garbs & a cross crosslet Or, 2
lions combattant Arg. (D: Aladric of Litchfield - Feb 82)
Checky Az & Or, on a chev Sa 3 standing balances Or. (D: Jason
Kynslay - Apr 98)
Checky Gu & Or, on a chev Sa five crosses formy Arg. (D: Klaus
von Mainz - Dec 01)

[Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Sable] to [Chevron - 1 - Charged - Complex line]

Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Sable (continued)

Ermine, on a chev Sa 3 griffins segreant Or, a chf indented Sa. (D:

Alden Gryffyn-Hoffe - May 93)
Erminois, on a chev Sa betw 3 roses Gu 3 masks of tragedy
palewise Or. (D: Abelard die Elster - Sep 95)
Erminois, on a chev Sa 3 mullets Or, in base a cross floretty Gu. (D:
Baldwin the Wanderer - Sep 92)
Gu, on a chev Sa fimbriated betw 3 gryphons five fleurs-de-lys Or.
(D: Fergus MacLennan - Oct 04)
Gu, on a chev Sa fimbriated betw 3 pavilions Arg, each flying to
dexter a pennoncelle, 3 caltrops palewise Or. (D: Henry
Percivale Kempe - May 84)
Gu, on a chev Sa fimbriated five fleurs-de-lys palewise Or. (D:
Elaisse de Garrigues - Jun 04)
Gu, on a chev Sa fimbriated 3 crosses of St. Brigid Arg. (D:
Morgaine Somerset - Mar 04)
Gu, on a chev Sa fimbriated 3 wolfs heads couped Arg & in chf a
rose Arg barbed & seeded Vt. (D: Ian Gordon - May 04)
Or, a chev Sa, bezanty, in base a hawk disp Gu. (D: Warin
Redhawk of Seven Jays - Aug 87)
Or, on a chev betw 2 chevronelles Sa 4 ermine spots in cross Or.
(D: Alison Shana Rhys - Oct 79)
Or, on a chev betw 2 swords in salt & a tower Sa, 3 escallops
palewise inv Or. (B: Michael of Bedford - Dec 80) (For
House Trylliam)
Or, on a chev Sa 3 pheons Or, overall a double tressure Gu. (D:
Ruairidh Alasdair Mhic Leid - Dec 02)
Or semy of triskeles, on a chev Sa 3 4 leaved shamrocks slipped Or
all within a bord engrailed Gu. (D: Mr ingen Fhaltigern Mar 02)
Per pale & per chev Or & Vt, on a chev Sa betw 3 martlets
contourny, one & 2, & 2 axes crossed in salt ctrch a mullet Or.
(D: Johann Matheusson - Feb 07)
Per pale Gu & Or, on a chev Sa betw 3 oak leaves ctrch, a laurel
wreath Or. (D: Rusted Woodlands, the - Aug 84)
Vair, on a chev cotised Sa a centaur passant to sin guardant Or. (D:
Carlos Luis Lancero - Aug 81)
Vt, a sword palewise reversed proper, debruised by a chev Sa
fimbriated & charged with six mullets of six points, elongated
to chf, Arg. (D: Elenfa of Starwood - Nov 82)
Vt, on a chev Sa fimbriated betw 3 fleurs-de-lys a crescent Arg. (D:
Genevive dOrlans - Apr 03)
Vt, on a chev Sa fimbriated 3 lozenges palewise Arg. (D: Alasdair
MacEogan - Oct 95)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Vert

Arg, a chev Vt, platy, in chf 3 English ivy leaves conjoined in pall
inv, slips to center, Vt. (D: Jane Falada of Englewood Jan 89)
Arg, a thistle proper betw in pale on a chevronel throughout
conjoined to a bar abased Vt a decrescent & a compass-star Or.
(D: Megan Andoniel of Glengalen - May 81) (re-registered
Arg, on a chev betw 3 Celtic crosses Vt, a Celtic cross Arg. (D:
Randell Elinor Raye of Crianlarich - Nov 87)
Arg, on a chev Vt betw 3 foxes ramp Gu 3 roundels Arg. (D:
Cedifor Caddno - Apr 98)
Arg, on a chev Vt betw 3 irises Purp slipped & leaved Vt, five
crescents Arg. (D: Birna Gunnlaugsdttir - May 06)
Arg, on a chev Vt betw 3 ravens Purp, 3 estoiles Arg. (D: Cindy of
Ponte Alto - Jun 98)
Arg, on a chev Vt betw 2 bows in chev & a quiver holding 3 arrows
Purp 4 horseshoes inv Arg. (D: Ayla Bogenschtzin - Sep 06)
Arg, on a chev Vt betw 2 fir trees couped proper & a bears head
couped close Vt 3 crosses potent Arg. (D: sa in bjarndlska
- Jun 02)
Arg, on a chev Vt five mullets of eight points Arg. (B: Duncan
Darroch - Aug 02)
Or, on a chev betw an arrow fesswise reversed & a cats paw print
Vt, 3 bottles Or. (D: Evelyna Kendrick - Jan 97)
Or, on a chev betw 3 caltraps, bases to center, Vt, a chevronel Arg.
(D: Asa Birdfoot - May 88)
Or, on a chev Vt betw 3 turnips proper, a halberd fracted Or. (D:
Roger de Bayeux - Jul 88)
Or, on a chev Vt 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Otelia dAlsace - Aug 97)

Chevron - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Vert (continued)

Or, on a chev Vt 3 roses Or, in chf 2 cup-hilted rapiers in salt Sa

surmounted by a rose Gu. (D: Giovanni Lorenzo da
Montefiori - Jun 86)
Per pale Arg & Or, on a chev betw 3 cinquefoils Vt an estoile Or.
(D: Joscelin Charles - Aug 94)
Sa, on a chev Vt fimbriated 3 sheaves of arrows Arg. (D: Martin
Monteyro do Monte - Jan 06)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 1 - Charged - Complex line

Arg billety Sa, a chev wavy Gu, semy of escallops Arg, betw 3
lobsters Gu. (D: Neptunalis Frederich Wilhelm von Metten Nov 92)
Arg, on a chev embat counter-embat betw 3 roundels Az, 2 mice
couchant respectant Arg. (D: Alienor la Souris de Royan Aug 93)
Arg, on a chev embat counterembattled Sa betw 3 red squirrels
sejant erect proper, 3 acorns palewise Or. (D: Elsibeth
Merryweather - Sep 88)
Arg, on a chev embat Gu betw 3 ravens Sa 3 annulets Or. (D:
Victor Somerset of Ravenwood - Jul 91)
Arg, on a chev engrailed betw 3 reremice Sa, 3 roses Arg seeded
Gu. (D: Lariszka of the Carpathians - Nov 91)
Arg, on a chev engrailed Gu betw 3 cauldrons Sa five escarbuncles
Arg. (B: thelmearc - Oct 06)
Arg, on a chev invected betw 3 hearts Gu a lion dormant Or. (D:
Victoria of the Wooded Lake - Nov 84)
Arg, on a chev rompu Az 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg, in base a fret Gu. (D:
Caitlin McKadem - Jul 94)
Arg, on a chev wavy betw 3 pairs of quills in salt Sa, a wolf passant
guardant Arg. (D: David Keth of Ercildoun - Jul 87)
Az, on a chev embat betw 3 mullets of seven points Arg, 4 mullets
of seven points Sa. (D: Dubhn Mac Thomais - Oct 95)
Az, on a chev embat betw 3 wolfs heads erased Arg a chevronel
Az. (D: Marguerite de Neufchasteau - Apr 06)
Az, on a chev engrailed betw a bird bolt fesswise reversed & a
laurel wreath Arg, five annulets Az. (D: Granholme - Jan 99)
Az, on a chev fracted Arg five triquetras Az & on a chf embat Arg 3
crosses clechy Az. (D: Kieran Moncreiff of Dundee - Jul 04)
Az, on a chev invected betw 3 sea-unicorns Arg five mullets Vt. (D:
Roscelin Cameron - May 02)
Az, on a chev wavy betw in chf 2 acorns inv slipped & leaved & in
base in pale a crescent & a bulls head cabossed Or, 3 mullets
of eight points Sa. (D: Aonghas na Coille MacDomhnull Mar 84)
Ermine, on a chev engrailed betw 3 Maltese crosses Gu a rose Or.
(D: Genevieve de Calais - Sep 06)
Erminois, on a chev engrailed betw 3 natural salamanders involved,
heads to fess point, Gu, a flame Arg. (D: Mark Feuergeist Jul 80)
Gu, on a chev nebuly Or betw 3 stags trippant Arg, 3 caltraps Sa.
(D: Jeames Blaunkheort - Jul 87)
Gu, on a chev raguly Or betw 3 anvils Arg 3 hearts palewise Gu.
(D: Adolphus Staalslager - May 83)
Or, a chev embat Vt goutty dOr, in base a horses head couped Vt.
(D: Christian Colter - Jan 86)
Or, on a chev dovetailed counter-dovetailed betw 3 roundels Az 3
trident heads Or. (B: Angharad Rhos Tewdwr of Pembroke Dec 03)
Or, on a chev dovetailed Vt betw 2 catamounts couchant Sa, 3
fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Katherine Jane de Meritt - Jul 99)
Or, on a chev engrailed on the upper edge Purp 3 fleurs de lys Or.
(D: Ysmay Crvecoeur dAmiens - Jan 01)
Or, on a chev invected Sa, cottised Gu, 3 fir cones Or. (D:
Margaret of Ashford - Jan 81)
Or, on a chev wavy Az 3 morions Arg & in dexter chf a laurel
wreath Vt. (D: Rio de Las Animas - Sep 02)
Per chev Arg & Or, on a chev embat counter-embat Vt five roses
Arg. (D: Birgitta Frenzl - Oct 00)
Per chev Az & Vt, on a chev embat betw 3 towers Arg, 3 mullets
Az. (D: Angus Mac Aeda - Mar 98)
Per chev Az & Vt, on a chev wavy Arg, an estoille Gu. (D: Manus
MacDay - Aug 97)
Per chev pean & Gu, on a chev rayonny Or a wyvern disp Gu
maintaining an axe fesswise Arg hafted proper. (D: Angus
Langaxe - Jun 02)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 449

[Chevron - 1 - Charged - Complex line] to [Chevron - 2 - Gules]

Chevron - 1 - Charged - Complex line (continued)

Per pale Gu & Az, on a chev rompu Arg 3 roses Sa barbed &
seeded proper. (D: Caitiln Macallister - Jul 01)
Per pale Gu & Sa, on a chev embat Or betw 3 ivy leaves Arg, 2
foxes courant respectant Sa. (D: Brianna Yseulte Wynman Jan 90)
Sa, on a chev embat betw 2 mullets of eight points & a wolfs head
erased close Or a chevronel Sa. (D: Seoras Dubh mac Gordan
- Mar 84)
Sa, on a chev embat betw 2 wolves heads erased contourny Arg, 2
arrows inv Gu. (D: Beorhtwulf of Greymere - Aug 90)
Sa, on a chev engrailed betw 3 mullets Arg, a chevronel engrailed
Sa charged with 3 crescents Arg. (D: Giesele Hildegaard of
the Mystic Dragon - May 85)
Sa, on a chev fracted Arg 2 bears dormant respectant Gu. (B:
Bjarki Hvtabjarnarson - Oct 03) (JB: Theodora of
Sa, on a chev raguly to chf Arg betw 3 massacres Or, a chevronel
Sa. (D: Brandolf von der Pirsch - Aug 88)
Sa, on a chev rompu betw 3 torches Or, enflamed proper, 3
torteaux. (D: Cobbett Dermott - Apr 84)
Sa, on a chev wavy betw 3 spearheads Or, 3 acorns Sa. (D:
Roderick of Mandrake Hill - May 88)
Tierced per chev wavy throughout Arg Or & Az, a garden rose Gu
slipped & leaved, a sprig of Saint Johns wort Vt, & a heron
rising Arg. (D: Allison Poinvillars de Tours - Sep 01)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 2 - Argent

Az, a chev enarched within & conjoined at the point to a chev Arg
betw a drakkar & a Thors hammer Or. (D: Hkon
orgeirsson - Feb 03)
Az, a pale Arg, overall 2 chevronels ctrch. (D: Rosalinda Beatriz
de Carrasco - Jan 00)
Az, in pale a plate & 2 chevronels braced, on a chf Arg 3 seebltter
Vt. (D: Emelye of the Cuillin Hills - Nov 89)
Az, 2 chevronels & in chf 3 triskeles Arg. (B: Trimaris - Sep 03)
Az, 2 chevronels Arg betw 3 mullets Or. (D: Katherine Mercer Apr 00)
Az, 2 chevronels Arg, overall a Latin cross fleury ctrch, all within a
bord dovetailed Arg. (D: Gilbert Rhys MacLachlan - Sep 02)
Az, 2 chevronels Arg surmounted by a crescent Or, a chf Arg. (D:
David Wayland - Jul 91)
Az, 2 chevronels betw 3 cross crosslets fitchy Arg, a chf ermine.
(D: Ranulf of Waterford - Oct 91)
Az, 2 chevronels betw 2 trefoils slipped & a garb Arg. (D: Robert
de Clifton - Aug 98)
Az, 2 chevronels braced & in chf 3 roundels Arg. (D: Sebastiano
Manetti - Jan 03)
Az, 2 chevronels braced, in chf an owl disp Arg. (D: Talan Gwyn
Aderyn - Nov 94)
Az, 2 chevronels, issuant from the uppermost a demi-lion
maintaining a sword Arg. (D: Ioan Ferkar - Nov 00)
Gu, 2 chevronels betw 3 thistles Arg. (D: Brenda Lynne of Clan
Neil - Jul 97)
Gu, 2 chevronels betw 2 equal-armed Celtic crosses & a lion
passant Arg. (D: John Rodrick of Clan Neil - May 98)
Gu, 2 chevronels braced Arg, in base an ivory lace bobbin & on a
chf invected Or 3 shuttles bendwise sin Sa. (D: Elene de
Bruges - Feb 84)
Gu, 2 chevrons Arg each charged with 3 water bougets Sa. (D:
Ahlrich von dem Trlin - Jul 02)
Per chev Gu & Sa, 2 chevronels betw 3 triskelions of arms each arm
maintaining a hammer Arg. (D: David Michael Collanwood Oct 02)
Per chev Sa & Az, 2 chevronels surmounted by a sword palewise
transfixing five rabbits & in chf 2 roses all Arg. (D: Gwenedd
Rose Fitzgerald - Jan 92)
Per pale Sa & Az, 2 chevronels ploy betw 3 doves disp Arg. (D:
Julienne fille Gaspard - Jul 06)
Purp, a chev couched & a chev couched from sin interlaced &
couped Arg. (D: Rachel of the Forests - Jun 96)
Purp semy-de-lys, 2 chevronels within a bord invected Arg. (D:
Jean Pierre Quintin dArmagnac - Sep 92)
Purp, 2 chevronels & on a chf Arg 3 irises Purp. (D: Tacye Okelly Jul 01)

450 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chevron - 2 - Argent (continued)

Purp, 2 chevronels betw 2 wolves combattant, collared & chained,

& a compass star elongated to base within a bord, all Arg. (D:
Douglas Starwolf - Nov 89)
Purp, 2 chevronels braced & in chf a dragonfly Arg. (D: Gisela
Szabo - Jul 06)
Purp, 2 chevronels braced, on a chf Arg 3 bunches of grapes Purp
leaved Vt. (D: Wolfgang Heinrich von Weinberg - Sep 97)
Purp, 2 chevrons couched & braced betw 4 cats paw prints, all Arg.
(D: Guenivere Katherine of Trails End - Feb 87)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, 2 chevronels betw 3 lozenges all within a bord
Arg. (D: Frederica Drachendonner - Feb 91)
Sa, in pale a winged serpent disp & 2 chevronels Arg. (D: Dmitrii
of Seagirt - Sep 01)
Sa, 2 chevronels & in base a spider inv Arg. (D: Uilliam Mac
Tmhais - Aug 01)
Sa, 2 chevronels & in chf an arrow fesswise Arg. (D: Elizabeth
Turner de Carlisle - Dec 06)
Sa, 2 chevronels & on a chf Arg an eagle disp Sa. (D: Franz von
Adlerberg - Jul 92)
Sa, 2 chevronels couped counter-couched within an annulet Arg.
(D: Komura Shimitsu - Aug 76)
Sa, 2 chevronels throughout betw 2 compass stars & a bears head
caboshed, all within a bord Arg. (D: Korok Starbear the
Hammerhand - Oct 84)
Vt, a chev enarched within & conjoined at the point to a chev Arg
betw 2 fleurs-de-lys & a Thors hammer Or. (D: Lori of Mons
Tonitrus - Feb 03)
Vt, 2 chevronels & in base a greyhound sejant Arg collared Gu. (D:
Elspeth de Forbeys - Apr 97)
Vt, 2 chevronels Arg betw 2 hawks rising wings elevated &
addorsed & a crescent Or. (D: Frederick Blackmoore Oct 91)
Vt, 2 chevronels Arg betw 2 pike naiant Or. (D: Ivan of Navarette Jul 71?)
Vt, 2 chevronels betw 3 crosses of ermine spots Arg, overall a lion
dormant Or. (D: Timothy Garraghan o Leitrim - Oct 83)
Vt, 2 chevronels betw 2 cats sejant respectant reguardant & a
crescent Arg. (D: Pycard Dunstable Major - Apr 92)
Vt, 2 chevronels braced, a bord Arg. (D: Stephan MacTir Aug 98)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 2 - Azure

Arg, 2 chevronels Az betw 3 apples Gu, slipped & leaved proper, &
on a chf Vt a curved hilt shamshir fesswise reversed blade to
base Arg. (D: Daud ibn Auda - Aug 06)
Arg, 2 chevronels Az, in chf 2 boars heads cabossed, on a chf Sa a
boars head cabossed Arg. (D: Gaufrid mac Domhnaill Aug 94)
Arg, 2 chevronels Az, overall a sin gauntlet aversant erect Sa,
clasping a garden rose Gu slipped & leaved Vt, all within a
bord embat Sa. (D: Alexandre Blackstone of Yorkshire Dec 85)
Arg, 2 chevronels braced abased Az, overall a grapevine
bordurewise leaved & fructed proper. (D: Magdalena
Mercurio - Dec 80)
Arg, 2 chevronels braced Az betw a sun Sa & a laurel wreath Vt.
(D: Valley Azure, the - Jun 91)
Arg, 2 chevrons couched embraced Az. (D: Jean Paul Monraith Mar 75?)
Arg, 2 jesters staffs in salt & in base 2 chevronels, all within on a
bord Az, a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Novus Matisco - Jan 89)
Or, 2 chevronels Az & in base a crown of thorns Sa, all within a
bord Az. (D: Tindle Flintchinn - Jan 73?)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 2 - Fur

There are no items under this heading.

* * * End * * *

Chevron - 2 - Gules

Arg, 2 chevronels betw 3 crosses pomelly & a tower Gu. (D:

Donald of Saint Ives - Sep 03)
Arg, 2 chevronels braced Gu & in base a rose, a bord Sa. (D: Ysolt
Tayler of Windhill - Sep 05)

[Chevron - 2 - Gules] to [Chevron - 2 - Sable]

Chevron - 2 - Gules (continued)

Arg, 2 chevronels Gu & overall an eagle disp Sa. (D: Ivo

Blackhawk - Jan 02)
Arg, 2 chevronels Gu betw a lion statant & 3 crescents one & 2 Sa.
(D: Justinian Germanicus - Dec 00)
Arg, 2 chevronels Gu betw 2 mullets of eight points elongated to
base & a winged unicorn segreant Sa winged Gu. (D:
Oonishikawa no Sabourou Yoshimura - Dec 00)
Arg, 2 chevronels Gu, overall a dirk inv Sa within a bord embat Gu.
(D: Robert of Dragons Mark - Mar 93)
Arg, 2 chevronels Gu, overall a dragon passant Sa, gorged of a
crown embat, dependent therefrom a chain Or. (D: Caitlin
Stuart - May 82)
Ermine, 2 chevronels Gu betw 3 boars heads couped Sa, langued
Gu. (D: Robert of Winchester - Sep 73?)
Or, a chev voided Gu betw 2 card-piques & a crux ansata, all Sa.
(D: Hugh ap Llewelyn - Feb 71?) (Deceased)
Or, 2 chevronels Gu betw 3 ravens Sa, a bord embat Gu. (D:
Bianca Rose Byrne - Jun 96)
Or, 2 chevrons Gu, on a chf Sa 3 lozenges Or. (D: Denny of Port
Oasis - Mar 94)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 2 - Multicolor

Or, on a pile cotised Sa, surmounted in base by 2 chevronels ctrch,

in chf a tau cross Arg. (D: Frederick of Zwickau - Jan 91)
Or, on a pile Purp, surmounted by 2 chevronels ctrch, in chf a fleurde-lys Or. (D: Roxanne of Hidden River - Oct 88)
Per chev Sa & Gu, 2 chevronels ctrch, fimbriated Or. (D: David
van den Storm - Nov 92)
Per fess engrailed Arg & Az, a chevronel Gu & another Or. (D:
Connor de Morgan - Nov 91)
Per pale Arg & Az 2 chevronels in chf 2 crosses potent all ctrch.
(D: Benedict Beverly - Sep 95)
Per pale Arg & Gu, 2 chevronels ctrch. (B: Eldern Hills, the Dec 84)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 chevronels ctrch & in canton a thistle Purp
slipped & leaved Vt. (D: William MacDougall - Jul 06)
Per pale Gu & Or, a mullet of eight points betw 2 chevronels ctrch.
(D: Melania of the Three Needles - Nov 93)
Per pale Or & Az, 2 chevronels & a chf, all ctrch. (D: Reinholdt
von Trollenhagen - Sep 86)
Per pale Purp & Arg, a fess betw 2 chevrons ctrch. (D: Elric ap
Madog - Apr 92)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 2 chevronels betw 3 crescents all ctrch. (D:
Esclairmonde Ravenscroft - Dec 85)
Per pale Vt & Or, 2 chevronels & in chf 2 laurel wreaths ctrch. (D:
Attemark - Dec 01)
Quarterly Vt & Or, a chev couched dexter & another sin, conjoined
at the points, ctrch. (D: Bjorn Bjorklund - Oct 84)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 2 - Or

Az semy of mascles, 2 chevronels braced Or, overall an orle Arg.

(B: Alfred of Greyvale - May 98)
Az, 3 mullets in chev betw 2 chevronels Or, all within a bord embat
Arg. (D: Dunstan of Tunbridge - May 88)
Az, 3 roses Arg betw 2 chevronels Or & in base a stag at gaze Arg.
(D: Sarah Lynnette of Carlisle - Aug 90)
Az, 2 chevronels & on a chf embat Or 3 tygers passant Az. (D:
Nethaniel Strathearn - Feb 94)
Az, 2 chevronels braced Or & in chf a phoenix Arg, rising from
flames of fire proper. (D: Gillian Tremaine - Feb 89)
Az, 2 chevronels cotised braced & in chf 3 quatrefoils slipped Or.
(D: Siobhan of Cloverdell - Jul 85)
Gu ermined, a chev cotised Or. (D: Daniel Stewart de Guthre Feb 00)
Gu, 2 chevronels & a bord Or. (D: Gilbert the Short - May 03)
Gu, 2 chevronels betw 3 roses Or. (D: Edric de Aldebury Nov 03)
Gu, 2 chevrons couped & conjoined in fess Or within an orle of
bezants. (B: Janet Virago Parva of House Morningstar Sep 83)
Gu, 2 chevrons embat counter-embat Or, the upper one charged
with 3 towers palewise Sa, the lower with one tower palewise
Sa. (D: Dunstan of Thorun Watch - Dec 89)

Chevron - 2 - Or (continued)

Pean, 2 chevrons betw 3 leopards faces Or. (D: Brusi of Orkney May 83)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 chevronels Or & a sailless drakkar proper. (D:
Ian of Edingight - Aug 94)
Per pale Az & Purp, 2 chevronels braced Or & in base a wolfs head
erased contourny Arg. (D: Nastasia Volkovicha - Feb 06)
Per pale Sa & Az, 2 chevronels betw 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Or.
(D: Christian Darmody - Aug 89)
Per pale Sa & Az, 2 chevronels betw 3 towers Or. (B: Christian
Darmody - Aug 89)
Purp, a chev couched from dexter interlaced with a chev couched
from sin Or & overall 3 arrows inv in fess Arg. (D: sta
orvaldsdttir - Jul 03)
Purp, 2 chevronels couped betw in chf a crescent, an increscent & a
decrescent one & 2 & in base a lion couchant Or. (D: Marion
Leoncina da Susa - Mar 05)
Purp, 2 chevronels Or betw 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Arg. (D:
Angus mac Dhomhnuill - Oct 92)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, 2 chevronels Or. (D: Henri Guiscard Mar 05)
Sa, 2 chevronels betw 3 wolves ramp contourny Or. (D: Tassi
gylir - Mar 07)
Sa, 2 chevronels braced & in chf 3 laurel wreaths Or. (D:
Mountains Gate - May 89)
Sa, 2 chevronels braced & on a chf Or a compass star Gu. (D:
Joseph Grnewald of York - Apr 00)
Sa, 2 chevronels Or & in base a broad arrow Arg. (D: Alaxandair
Conchobhair - Nov 01)
Sa, 2 chevronels, that in chf ensigned with a castle Or & enfiled of a
noose Arg pendant from a chf Or. (D: Richard of Locksley Apr 73?)
Vt, in pale 2 chevronels & a leaf Or. (D: Elaria filia Robert Jun 06)
Vt, 2 chevronels & in chf a cats face Or, a bord counter-compony
Or & Az. (D: Sle nic Chionaodha - Oct 98)
Vt, 2 chevronels betw 3 compass stars & an angel facing sin
drawing a bow Or. (D: Meraud de Dun Carraig - Sep 91)
Vt, 2 chevronels betw 2 swans naiant respectant & a sun in splendor
Or. (D: Agripina Argyra - Jul 93)
Vt, 2 chevronels braced betw in chf a crescent betw 2 mullets of six
points & in base a mullet of six points Or. (D: Kale
Laskarina Sarantene - Sep 99)
Vt, 2 chevrons & in chf a wolfs head couped contourny Or. (D:
Wulfnoth Fourman - Jul 93)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 2 - Purpure

Arg, 2 chevronels Purp & overall a crow contourny Sa. (D: Eularia
Trewe - Oct 06)
Or semy of bees, 2 chevronels Purp. (D: Risi MacCracken Oct 05)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 2 - Sable

Arg, a crane in its vigilance to sin reguardant, wings elevated &

addorsed Gu, betw in chf 2 quatrefoils & in base 2 chevronels
braced Sa. (D: Eirikr Thorinsson - Jul 86)
Arg, a thistle Purp, slipped & leaved Vt, in base 2 chevronels
braced Sa, within a bord compony Sa & Arg. (D: Glynna of
Galashiels - Sep 80)
Arg, 3 hawks heads erased & sin facing Gu betw 2 chevronels, all
betw 3 decrescents Sa. (D: Rodney Wilhelm Czesny - Jun 87)
Arg, 3 pellets betw 2 chevronels betw a boars head erased Sa,
tusked Gu, & a tower Sa. (D: Karl-Kurt Friedrich v. Rainer u.
v. Bergen - Jan 73?)
Arg, 2 chevronels betw a dexter & a sin wing Sa & a roundel, all
within a bord Gu. (D: Stefan the Black - Jul 86)
Arg, 2 chevronels betw 2 Celtic crosses & an eagle disp, head
facing sin, Sa. (D: lric Ravenshaw - Jan 97)
Arg, 2 chevronels braced & on a chf rayonny Sa 3 faceted
gemstones in profile Arg. (D: Theresa Yolanda Cabeza de
Vaca - Apr 05)
Arg, 2 chevronels Sa betw a martlet contourny & an axe Az hafted
Sa. (D: Kori Redjohan - Nov 06)
Arg, 2 chevronels Sa, overall a cross clechy Gu. (D: John Edward
Scot - Aug 06)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 451

[Chevron - 2 - Sable] to [Chevron - 3 or more]

Chevron - 2 - Sable (continued)

Az, 2 chevronels Sa fimbriated & in chf 2 wolves combattant Arg.

(D: Sen mac Conaill u Bhraonin - Mar 05)
Or, a goblet betw 2 chevrons Sa. (D: Alaric Ellicott - Feb 90)
Or, a pair of angles palewise interlaced in fess Sa. (D: Albrecht von
Swabia, the Clumsy - Sep 92)
Or, 2 chevronels betw 2 daggers in chev conjoined at the hilts & a
natural panther ramp to sin Sa. (D: Mirga Kate - Aug 86)
Or, 2 chevronels fretted with a chevronel inv Sa, on a chf Vt 3
mullets Or. (D: Lorcn ab Arthur - Jun 89)
Or, 2 chevrons cotised & in base an armored arm embowed
fesswise Sa. (D: William Elleison - Mar 89)
Per pale Arg & Vt, 2 chevronels braced Sa & in chf an annulet Or.
(B: Dubhn Mac Thomais - Oct 95)
Vt, 2 chevronels Sa fimbriated Arg. (D: Odo Fitzhugh - Oct 97)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 2 - Vert

Arg, in chev 3 fir cones palewise inv Sa betw 2 chevronels Vt. (D:
Angharad ferch Rhys ap Rhodri - Dec 89)
Arg, 2 chevronels betw 2 shamrocks & a harp Vt. (D: Elinora
inghean ui Ruairc - Sep 03)
Arg, 2 chevronels couched from dexter Vt, in sin chf an acorn
proper. (D: Katrn in hrfagra - May 08)
Arg, 2 chevronels dovetailed on the upper edge Vt betw 3 trees
eradicated counter-ermine. (D: Prokop Zizka - Feb 91)
Arg, 2 chevronels Vt betw 3 roses Purp barbed & seeded Or. (D:
Lisabetta Micola da Monte - Apr 03)
Arg, 2 chevronels Vt in base a tower Sa. (D: Mikjal Haraldson Oct 95)
Arg, 2 chevronels Vt surmounted by a rams head cabossed Gu, all
betw 3 lozenges Vt. (D: Julia of Dunblane - Apr 89)
Or, on a fess betw 2 chevronels Vt, 3 lilies Arg. (D: Elizabeth de
Lisle - Feb 99)
Or, 2 chevronels Vt, in base a Tau cross, a bord indented Sa. (D:
Nicolette von Zweiberge - Dec 97)
* * * End * * *

Chevron - 3 or more

(Fieldless) A brace of 3 chevronels couped per pale Or & Sa. (B:

Tuvor Sabledrake - Aug 97)
(Fieldless) In dexter 2 chevronels surmounted by in sin a chevronel
all within an annulet Sa. (B: Anlieplic Dn - Dec 81)
(Fieldless) In pale 3 chevronels couped, braced & inv & 3
chevronels, couped & braced, all Az. (B: Adelaide de
Beaumont - Nov 86)
Arg, a comet fesswise Gu & issuant from base 3 chevronels braced
Gu Sa & Az & on a chf Sa 3 crescents Arg. (D: Timur alBadawi - Jul 03)
Arg, a unicorn courant betw 3 chevronels inv braced & 3 chevronels
braced Az. (D: Adelaide de Beaumont - Oct 82)
Arg, five chevronels braced & in chf a hammer fesswise reversed
Az. (D: Wihtstan Gravenor - Nov 89)
Arg, 4 chevronels braced within a bord Vt. (D: Astrid
Thorkelsdottir - Oct 92)
Arg, in chf a laurel wreath Vt betw a pile in bend & another in bend
sin & in base 3 chevronels braced, all Sa. (D: Mons Tonitrus Nov 86)
Arg, 3 chevronels Az, in base a heart Gu. (D: Konrad Faust Dec 04)
Arg, 3 chevronels braced & in base five mascles, conjoined in cross,
a chf invected, all Vt. (D: Liadaine of Cul Mor - Jan 87)
Arg, 3 chevronels braced & in chf a maple leaf Vt. (D: Theophano
Kepoure - Nov 00)
Arg, 3 chevronels braced & in chf 3 roses Az. (D: Caoilinn Rose
Maddox - Feb 03)
Arg, 3 chevronels braced & on a chf Az 3 roses Arg. (D: Anlon
Find mac Robartaigh - Jun 02)
Arg, 3 chevronels braced & on a chf wavy Purp, a rabbit statant
Arg. (D: Agnieszka Mlynarska - Sep 94)
Arg, 3 chevronels braced Az & in chf 2 crescents Gu. (D: Michael
the Maladroit - Jan 73?)
Arg, 3 chevronels braced Az & on a chf Sa a snow leopard couchant
Arg, spotted Sa. (D: Jordre Pargon of Windhovers Reach Dec 82)
Arg, 3 chevronels braced Az, in chf a natural seahorse Vt. (D:
Katerina Evstokheva - Oct 04)
452 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chevron - 3 or more (continued)

Arg, 3 chevronels braced Az, on a chf Vt 3 quill pens bendwise Or.

(D: Daimhn Cinncaidhe - Dec 95)
Arg, 3 chevronels braced Gu, in chf a compass-star Sa. (B: Aryana
Silknfyre - Jul 81)
Arg, 3 chevronels braced Sa. (D: Cecily de Farington - Sep 99)
Arg, 3 chevronels braced Vt, on a chf Az 3 decrescents Arg. (D:
Caoilfhionn inghean Cheallaigh u Mhrdha - Apr 98)
Arg, 3 chevronels braced within & conjoined to an orle Purp. (D:
Siobhan Medhbh ORoarke - Jan 85)
Arg, 3 chevronels Gu & on a chf dovetailed Az 2 sheaves of arrows
Arg. (D: Alexandre de Tourouvre - Jan 06)
Arg, 3 chevronels Gu betw a chf embat & a lozenge Sa. (D: Leslie
of Fairferd - May 90)
Arg 3 chevronels Gu betw 3 ivy leaves in fess Vt & a tower Sa. (D:
Katrina of South Tower - Jul 87)
Arg, 3 chevronels inv braced & 3 chevronels braced Az. (B:
Adelaide de Beaumont - Oct 82)
Arg, 3 chevronels Vt, in chf 2 bugle-horns Sa. (D: Samuel de
Bassett - Jan 73?)
Arg, 3 chevrons Gu. (D: Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis,
Cardinal de - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, 2 chevronels gemel, braced & fretted Vt, betw 3 quatrefoils
Az, in chf a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Stormvale - Jan 93)
Az, a chev Arg betw 2 couplecloses engrailed on the outer edges Or
betw 3 mullets of nine points pierced Arg. (D: Aelfwynn
Gyrthesdohtor - Nov 82)
Az, above 3 chevronels braced Or 2 seahorses respectant Arg, a chf
indented Or. (D: Felicitas de lHay - Aug 91)
Az, 4 chevronelles braced Or & in chf 3 quill pens Arg. (D:
Micheal the Limner - Jan 91)
Az, in chf 4 chevronels inv & braced, & in base 3 chevronels braced
Or, environed of six estoiles of eight points Or, pierced Gu, the
lowermost within the center chevronel. (D: Johann Heinrich
Michael Siemon von Wernigerode - Nov 88)
Az, in pale a lotus blossom in profile & 3 chevronels braced Arg.
(D: Odile Davignon - Jul 04)
Az, 3 chevronelles & overall a rams head caboshed Arg, orbed Gu.
(D: Carl of Carmarthin - Oct 79) (Deceased)
Az, 3 chevronelles interlaced & in chf a pegasus counter-forcene,
wings addorsed, Or. (D: Einar aus Enwelt - Oct 79)
Az, 3 chevronels braced & in base a gondola Arg. (D: Francesco
Giovanni Raffaello da Venezia - Mar 08)
Az, 3 chevronels braced & in chf a crescent all within a bord Arg.
(D: Robert du Mont - Aug 95)
Az, 3 chevronels braced & in chf as many cinquefoils, within an
orle interlaced with the chevronels Arg. (D: Catherine Digbie
of Sherborne - Jun 86)
Az, 3 chevronels braced & in chf 3 rams horns Arg. (D: Aidan
Mackay - Aug 97)
Az, 3 chevronels braced & on a chf Arg a sword Az. (B: Terra
Pomaria - May 94)
Az, 3 chevronels braced Arg & in base a broad arrow Or. (B: Terra
Pomaria - Sep 86)
Az, 3 chevronels braced Arg, in chf 2 broad arrows & overall a
laurel wreath Or. (D: Terra Pomaria - Mar 86)
Az, 3 chevronels braced Arg, on a chf indented Or, a rapier Az. (D:
Lucas FitzHugh Gray - May 91)
Az, 3 chevronels braced Arg overall a wyvern disp Or. (D:
Rhonwen verch Tuder - Apr 03)
Az, 3 chevronels braced betw 2 swords in chev & a mullet of 4
points Arg. (D: Sebastian Nightwind - May 83)
Az, 3 chevronels braced, in chf 4 fleurs-de-lis, in base a mullet, all
Arg. (D: Mark de Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte - Mar 96)
Az, 3 chevronels braced, on a chf embat Or 3 annulets Az. (D:
Cerdic of Dorchester - Oct 93)
Az, 3 chevronels braced Or, in chf on a bezant a thistle Gu. (D:
Ceanntighern Macgillechallum - Feb 94)
Checky Vt & Or, 3 chevronels Sa. (D: Sitric McConnaill - Sep 99)
Counter-ermine, 3 chevronels braced Or. (D: Anne Bigod Nov 05)
Ermine, 3 chevronels braced & in chf 2 bears combattant Gu. (D:
Alys Mackyntoich - Oct 94)
Ermine, 3 chevronels wavy Vt. (D: John le Burguillun - Sep 90)
Gu, a ram ramp guardant betw in chf 2 mullets of six points &
issuant from base 3 chevronels braced Arg. (D: Brendal
Bartholomew - Aug 85)

[Chevron - 3 or more]

Chevron - 3 or more (continued)

Gu, 3 chevronels braced & in chf an apple Arg. (B: Sylvan Glen Nov 04)
Gu, 3 chevronels braced & on a chf Arg a laurel wreath betw 2
cinquefoils Gu. (D: Sylvan Glen - Dec 93)
Gu, 3 chevronels braced Arg, overall a laurel wreath Vt, & in chf a
bear passant Arg. (D: Septentria - Feb 87)
Gu, 3 chevronels braced, in chf 3 ermine spots Or. (D: Edric
Winterboren - Sep 92)
Gu, 3 chevronels braced Or, in chf 3 fountains. (D: Gilbert du
Monde - Jul 89)
Gu, 3 chevronels braced throughout Arg & in base a phoenix Or.
(D: Dimitrii Borodinskii - May 07)
Gu, 3 chevronels engrailed & in chf 2 frogs salient respectant Arg.
(D: Gwynne Wallace of Carlyle - Nov 89)
Gu, 3 chevronels enhanced & a basset hound passant Or. (D: Istvn
Valkai - Jul 00)
Gu, 3 roses in fess Arg, barbed & seeded proper, & 3 chevronels
braced, all within a bord Arg. (D: Caitlin MacLeod - Jun 89)
Gu, within a laurel wreath proper 3 chevronels braced, in honor
point an estoile of eight points Or. (D: Canyons, the Aug 78?)
Or, a barrulet, in chf a pentaskelion of chevrons, all Vt. (D:
Konstantin the Red - Oct 76?)
Or, a cross crosslet fitchy Sa fretted with 3 chevronels braced Gu.
(B: Meaghan Arsmith of Ludlow - Sep 88)
Or, a serpent, heads at either end, nowed & respectant, Gu betw in
chf on a pellet a mullet of 4 points throughout Or & in base 3
chevronels braced Sa. (D: Kynan Rhys of Cardigan - Sep 90)
Or, betw & conjoined to 2 bendlets 3 chevronels bendwise all betw
a turtle fesswise & a lime branch Vt. (D: Taddea Gower Jan 95)
Or, 3 chevronels & on a chf Sa an increscent & a decrescent
conjoined Or. (D: Anne Johnston - Oct 05)
Or, 3 chevronels braced & on a chf invected Az, 3 chamomile
flowers Arg, seeded Or. (D: Ella of Mistley in the Blue
Mountains - Aug 85)
Or, 3 chevronels braced Az betw 3 bats disp Gu. (D: Phebe
Bonadeci - Apr 97)
Or, 3 chevronels braced Gu betw a strung bow fesswise, string to
base, surmounted by an arrow bendwise inv, & a cross crosslet
fitchy, all Sa. (D: Meaghan Arsmith of Ludlow - Sep 88)
Or, 3 chevronels braced Gu in chf a fountain, a bord Gu. (D: James
the Mercer - Feb 99)
Or, 3 chevronels braced Gu on a chf Sa a lion couchant Or. (D:
Dougal MacRae - Apr 98)
Or, 3 chevronels braced Purp, in chf a pawprint Sa. (D: Cathy of
Dun Or - Dec 92)
Or, 3 chevronels braced Sa & overall a fox ramp Gu. (D: Flaithr
Cearnaigh - Apr 03)
Or, 3 chevronels braced Sa within a bord pean. (D: Gwynnyd of
York - May 83)
Or, 3 chevronels braced Vt betw 2 towers issuant from the
chevronels & a laurel wreath Gu. (D: Cloondara - Jun 84)
Or, 3 chevronels Purp, in base a rose bush Vt flowered Purp. (D:
Cecelia Constanza de Castelln - Jan 93)
Or, 3 chevrons Gu. (D: Clare, Earl of Gloucester - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Per bend sin or, a flame Gu; & Vt, 3 chevronels in pale couped
palewise or. (D: James Qui Connait - Aug 79)
Per chev ermine & Arg, 3 chevronels wavy Vt & in base a heart
distilling 3 gouttes Gu. (B: Anne Lecoeur - Jun 91)
Per fess, Az & Arg, a mullet of eight points throughout in fess Or,
in base 3 chevronels braced Vt. (D: Dawyd z Gury - Aug 79)
Per fess counter-ermine & Gu, 3 chevronels rompu braced
throughout Arg. (D: Michael of Kendal - Aug 84)
Per fess Gu & Or, 2 snow leopards ramp addorsed Arg & 3
chevronels braced Gu. (D: Roberta Tyrell - May 96)
Per fess indented Gu & Sa, 3 estoiles & 3 chevronels braced Arg.
(D: Duncan Lamhearradh Campbell - Sep 92)
Per fess indented of five points Sa & Or, a decrescent Or & five
chevronels braced Gu. (D: Iseulte of the Red Cliffs - Jul 91)
Per fess Or & Arg, in pale 3 birds close in fess Az & 3 chevronels
braced Sa. (D: Rebecca Chadderton - Apr 88)
Per fess Or & Az, a wyvern sejant Gu & 3 chevronels braced Or.
(D: Siubhn inghean Fhearghusa - Jan 08)

Chevron - 3 or more (continued)

Per fess Purp & Or, an eagle rising wings elevated & addorsed Or &
3 chevronels braced Purp. (D: Anna Caitlin MacFergus Dec 96)
Per fess Sa & Arg, 3 chevronels braced ctrch & on a chf Arg a
pellet. (B: Mons Tonitrus - Jun 92) (For the Order of the
Sable Chevronels)
Per fess Sa & Arg, 3 gyrons issuant from chf Arg & 3 chevronels
braced Sa. (B: Mons Tonitrus - Aug 92) (For the Order of
the Defenders of Mons Tonitrus)
Per pale Arg & Az, 3 chevronels ctrch & on a chf Sa, 3 roses Or.
(D: Magnus mac Cinnfelad - Dec 96)
Per pale Arg & Vt, 3 chevronels ctrch, overall a wolf ramp Gu. (D:
Karel der Ermutigende - Nov 91)
Per pale Az & Arg, 3 chevronels braced & in base a roundel ctrch.
(D: edn Aylwyn - Sep 94)
Per pale Az & Arg, 3 chevronels braced & in chf 3 roses 2 & one
ctrch, barbed & seeded proper. (B: Arabella of Thornwood Sep 92)
Per pale Az & Arg, 3 chevronels ctrch, overall a rose Gu, seeded
Or, slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Siobhann n Chathain
MacMhuiraich - May 84)
Per pale Az & Gu, 3 chevronels braced, the center surmounted by a
chevronel inv Or. (D: Alaric of the Silent Forest - May 83)
Per pale Az & Or, 3 chevrons braced & on a chf 2 eagles all ctrch.
(D: Jairus of the Darklands - Sep 93)
Per pale Or & Purp, 3 chevronels flory at the points braced & in chf
2 wyverns passant addorsed ctrch. (D: Gabrielle Honore de
Saint Pierre - Feb 94)
Per pale Or & Sa, 3 chevronels braced & in chf 4 mascles conjoined
throughout ctrch. (D: Dominique de Roy - Nov 81)
Per pale Or & Vt, 3 chevronels ctrch, overall a double-bitted axe
palewise Sa. (D: Talen Gustaf of Marienburg - Aug 84)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 3 chevronels & in chf 2 dragons passant ctrch
Arg & Vt. (D: Geoffrey le Dragon - Jul 92)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 3 chevronels braced & in chf 3 fleurs-de-lys
ctrch. (D: Francesca Faliero - Jun 99)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 3 chevronels interlaced & in chf a pair of
scissors, points to chf, ctrch. (D: Galswinthia MacFie Feb 87)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 3 chevronels braced & in chf a double-axe
bendwise sin ctrch. (D: Gerard de Saint Michel - Nov 90)
Per pale Sa & Or, 3 chevronels braced, in chf 2 feathers in chev inv,
within a bord, all ctrch. (D: Gwenddoleu Idonea of the White
Dove - Jan 84)
Per pale Sa & Vt, 3 chevronels braced & on a chf indented Arg a
triquetra Vt betw 2 pawprints Sa. (D: Katerina Blakelock May 07)
Per pale Vt & Az, 3 chevronels braced Or. (D: Eugnie Griffon de
Seleone - Sep 03)
Per pale Vt & Or, 3 chevronels braced & in chf 3 compass stars
ctrch. (D: Leofwyna le May - Jul 03)
Per pale Vt & Sa, 3 chevronels ermine. (D: Vasilii Volchogo Zuba
syn - Apr 07)
Per salt Az & Sa, 3 chevronels braced & in chf a mill-rind Arg. (D:
Mylisant de Sandeforthe - Jan 99)
Purp, a pale Or, & overall 3 chevronels braced ctrch. (D: Dona av
Skarsten - Feb 92)
Purp estencely, 3 chevronels braced Arg within a bord ermine
charged with 4 crosses patty in cross Purp. (D: Mesia
Montana Sainte Germaine - Jun 95)
Purp, 4 chevronels braced & on a chf embat Or 3 compass stars
elongated to base Purp. (D: Marion Makkingze - Mar 06)
Purp, 4 chevronels braced Or. (B: Marion Makkingze - Mar 06)
Purp, 3 chevronels braced & in chf a cross bottony, on a bord Or an
orle Az. (D: Arabella de Montacute - May 00)
Purp, 3 chevronels braced & in chf 3 hearts in fess Or. (D: Rebekka
die Blonde - Nov 88)
Purp, 3 chevronels braced Arg. (D: Katerina da Brescia - Jun 96)
Purp, 3 chevronels braced on a chf Arg 3 roses Sa. (D: Ulfr inn
Berserkr - Jun 92)
Sa, a sword inv enhanced Arg surmounted by a chev, & in base 2
chevronels braced Or. (D: Alexis Ruthin of Wessex - May 83)
Sa, 3 chevronels & on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Gu. (D: Obedia la
calavera - Aug 03)
Sa, 3 chevronels braced & in chf a demi-wyvern betw 2 crosses of 4
fusils Or. (D: Morgana ferch Morgan - Feb 83)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 453

[Chevron - 3 or more] to [Chevron inverted - 1 - Uncharged]

Chevron - 3 or more (continued)

Sa, 3 chevronels braced & in chf a mascle, all within a bord Arg.
(D: Lucasta della Canzona Transalpina - Jul 80)
Sa, 3 chevronels braced & in chf a rams head cabossed Arg. (B:
Gerard de Saint Michel - Nov 90)
Sa, 3 chevronels braced & in chf an eagle close Or. (D: Cahir na
Coille Mire - May 96)
Sa, 3 chevronels braced & on a chf Arg, 3 mullets Vt. (D:
Gwenllian ferch Madog Llangollen - May 93)
Sa, 3 chevronels braced Arg, on a chf indented Or, a heart Gu betw
2 mullets Sa. (D: Brighid Aoibhinn - Nov 89)
Sa, 3 chevronels braced, in chf a pair of eyes Arg irised Az. (B:
Arik of Delftwood - Nov 04)
Sa, 3 chevronels braced, on a chf embat Arg 4 mascles Purp. (D:
Thomas Blackmoore - Sep 99)
Sa, 3 chevronels braced Or & on a chf indented Arg 2 compass stars
Vt. (D: Reynhard Sebastian von Reutte - Sep 02)
Sa, 3 chevronels Vt fimbriated Arg. (B: Morimoto Koryu Feb 75?)
Sa, 3 chevrons braced & on a chf embat Or, 3 caltrops Gu. (D:
Tancred Enrico di Castrogiovanni - Jan 93)
Sa, upon 3 chevronels Gu, fimbriated, seven roses 3, 3, & one, Arg.
(D: Antonio Francesco Luigi Nicolo Topaz di Saronno Feb 83)
Vt, a scarpe betw 3 chevronels braced & a horse courant to sin Arg,
gorged with a coronet Or. (D: Yelisveta Katlin Savrasova Apr 87)
Vt, 3 chevronels braced & in chf a hound couchant Arg charged
with a feather fesswise reversed Sa. (D: Eoin Saghdha Sep 95)
Vt, 3 chevronels braced & in chf a wyvern statant to sin Arg. (D:
Conan de Kirketun of Wyvernsreach - Jul 91)
Vt, 3 chevronels braced & in chf 3 empty embroiderers quills Or.
(D: Bricia de Neubold - Jul 07)
Vt, 3 chevronels braced & on a chf Arg a rapier reversed Sa. (D:
Crispin an Tulaich - Feb 92)
Vt, 3 chevronels braced Arg within a bord Or, semy of fir trees
couped Vt. (D: Rabiah of the Misty Mountains - Mar 89)
Vt, 3 chevronels braced ermine. (D: Ginevra Bagnesi da Diacceto Jan 97)
Vt, 3 chevronels braced, in chf a dolphin naiant Or. (D: Karna
Persdotter - Apr 01)
Vt, 3 chevronels braced, in chf a stag lodged Or, a bord Or crusilly
formy Sa. (D: John de Ellsworth - Oct 99)
Vt, 3 chevronels braced Or & in chf a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Mont
dOr - Nov 86)
Vt, 3 chevronels interlaced, in chf betw 2 compass-stars a fleur-delys voided Arg. (D: Joanna de Lisane - Aug 77?)
Vt, 3 chevronels Or, overall a castle Sa, fimbriated Or. (D: Marcus
of the Locked Mountain - Jun 81)
* * * End * * *

Chevron inverted - 1 - Uncharged

(Fieldless) A bay horses head contourny proper issuant from a

chev couped inv per chev inv Sa & Arg. (B: Brenna Logan Oct 92)
(Tinctureless) An R-rune set in a chev reversed. (B: Keith
Robertson - Oct 76?)
Arg, a bend sin Az cotised Vt, betw a cross patoncy & a chev inv
couped Gu. (D: George Armstrang - Jun 99)
Arg, a chev inv & in chf a dolphin naiant Sa. (D: Dimitrii
Stanislavich Riazanov - Apr 98)
Arg, a chev inv Az, in chf a brown hen rising, wings elevated &
addorsed, proper. (D: Barbara Giomaria di Roberto Oct 97)
Arg, a chev inv Az, in chf a brown hen rising wings elevated &
addorsed proper, for augmentation in base on an escutcheon Sa
an decrescent & a mountain of 3 peaks couped Arg.
(Augmentation of Arms: Barbara Giomaria di Roberto May 98) (? blazon typo for "an")
Arg, a chev inv Az, overall a lion contourny pean maintaining a
tankard Gu. (B: Lucentio Maccabbee Loredano - May 05)
(For Ladnn mac Abbeth)
Arg, a chev inv Az, overall in chf a cherry tree eradicated fructed
proper, in base 2 arrows inv crossed in salt near the fletching
Sa. (D: Elaine of the Woods - Dec 82)

454 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chevron inverted - 1 - Uncharged (continued)

Arg, a chev inv betw a rose Az, barbed & seeded proper, & 2
candles Az enflamed Gu. (D: Jonathan Bluerose - Mar 83)
Arg, a chev inv betw a thistle & 3 crosses crosslet 2 & one Gu. (D:
Geoffrey MacDhomhnuill - Jun 00)
Arg, a chev inv cotised Purp. (D: Mary verch Thomas - Jun 05)
Arg, a chev inv engrailed on the lower edge, in chf a Hungerford
knot all within a bord Az. (D: Julian Hungerford - Apr 96)
Arg, a chev inv engrailed Sa betw a tower Az, battlements enflamed
proper, & 2 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Jean Paul le Malicieux Jun 93)
Arg, a chev inv Gu betw 3 wolfs paw prints, 2 & one, overall a
wolfs head, couped, ululant & sin facing, Sa. (D: Clia
Blackwolf of Mistygrove - Nov 90)
Arg, a chev inv Gu surmounted by 2 spears palewise, in chf a Saxon
helm affronty Sa. (D: Horsa of Schleswig - Jan 07)
Arg, a chev inv ploy Vt in chf a fleur-de-lys inv Purp & a chf
invected Vt. (D: Annet du Vey - Nov 03)
Arg, a chev inv Purp betw a Patriarchal cross Gu & a 3-headed
thistle proper. (D: Alastair the Eastern Traveller - May 94)
Arg, a chev inv Sa, overall an oak tree eradicated proper. (D: Cano
mag Fhionnghail - Jul 04)
Arg, a chev inv Vt & in chf a cross formy fitchy Gu. (B: Robert
Bedlam - Jul 03)
Arg, a chev inv Vt & in chf a pine tree eradicated proper. (D:
Reinhardt Holtgreve - Feb 06)
Arg, a chev inv Vt betw 3 crosses formy fitchy one & 2 Gu. (D:
Robert Bedlam - May 03)
Arg, a chev inv wavy & in chf a dove volant Gu. (D: Valentina la
Valente - Feb 92)
Arg, a chev rompu inv Sa betw a sun Gu & a crescent Sa. (D: Sean
of Lough Derg - Oct 92)
Arg, a chev throughout Gu interlaced with another inv throughout,
in fess 3 roundels Sa. (D: Isabeau de Falconcree - Sep 95)
Arg, a chev Vt & a chev inv Sa braced & in chf 3 saltorels couped
Vt. (D: Iago Gamston - Aug 02)
Arg, a chevronel inv fracted & a chevronel fracted Sa. (D:
Justinian Karl Friedrich von Reichschffen - Aug 81)
Arg, a pile inv Sa, surmounted by a chev inv ctrch. (B: Mons
Tonitrus - Nov 87)
Arg, above a chev inv Gu, a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Middle Marches,
the - Jan 73?)
Arg, betw a chev & a chev inv braced, a fleur-de-lys Az. (D:
Eduardo Diodati - May 93)
Arg, on a chev inv cotised Gu, a fleam Arg. (D: Adelaide the Grey
- Apr 88)
Arg, 3 chevronels inv Gu, overall a dragon sejant erect, maintaining
a sword palewise Az. (D: Jasper Murtagh - Dec 88)
Az, a chev inv & a chev fretted Or betw 3 mullets of 4 points Arg,
all within a bord Or. (D: Ludwig Dichter von Oldenberg Apr 90)
Az, a chev inv & in chf an increscent Arg. (D: lfr Slendingr
Haraldsson - Oct 93)
Az, a chev inv Arg betw a scorpion tergiant inv & 3 Irish harps 2 &
one Or. (D: Dermot McGregory de Cashel - Jul 86)
Az, a chev inv Arg betw 3 roses Or barbed Vt seeded Gu. (D:
Brighid g inghean Nill - Dec 04)
Az, a chev inv betw a cubit arm apaumy Arg & 2 bees Or. (D: Varr
the Silent - Jan 05)
Az, a chev inv betw a mullet & a bear passant Or. (D: Erika
Bjornsdottir - Jun 04)
Az, a chev inv betw a sword inv Arg & a standing balance Or. (D:
Edmond of Surrey - Jan 07)
Az, a chev inv betw an owl contourny & 2 keys in salt wards to chf
Arg. (D: Kenneric Aubrey - Sep 07)
Az, a chev inv betw 3 crescents one & 2 Arg. (D: Ealasaid
MacDonald - Dec 94)
Az, a chev inv betw 3 snowflakes Arg, on a chf Or 3 flames proper.
(D: Mary of Tir Ysgithir - Jun 95)
Az, a chev inv betw 2 hunting horns reversed & a lion dormant Or.
(D: Melisande de Canonwald - Sep 96)
Az, a chev inv ermine betw an eagle disp & 2 eagles heads erased
Or. (D: Wilhelm von Mnchen - Jul 93)
Az, a chev inv ermine betw 3 mullets of eight points, one & 2, Arg.
(D: Alienor Llanfair - Apr 94)

[Chevron inverted - 1 - Uncharged]

Chevron inverted - 1 - Uncharged (continued)

Az, a chev inv Or betw a stags head cabossed Arg & 2 hearts, all
within a bord Or. (D: Johann Wolfgang von dem Goldenherz Nov 86)
Az, a chev inv Or betw 3 lions heads erased Arg. (D: Glamorgan
of Dudley - Jun 73?)
Az, a chev inv Or, goutty de sang issuant therefrom a demi-pegasus
salient, wings addorsed & inv, Arg. (D: Sean Kirkpatrick Mar 89)
Az, a chev inv wavy Or betw a castle & 2 foxes sejant addorsed
Arg. (D: Robert Corwen of Dunbar - Jul 98)
Az, a chev rompu inv betw a decrescent & 3 dragonflies Arg. (D:
Dulcia de Len - May 04)
Az, a chev rompu inv in chf 3 candles in candleholders Arg. (D:
Brendan Brisbone - Apr 92)
Az, a chevronel interlaced with another inv Arg. (B: Elrhond
Windrider - Aug 80)
Az, a chevronel inv Arg, overall a beaver couchant to sin Sa,
fimbriated Arg. (D: Michel le Voyageur - Aug 79?)
Az, a chevronel inv Arg, overall a sun Sa, fimbriated Arg. (D:
Susan the Opaque - May 80)
Az, a chevronel inv surmounted by a chevronel, & in base a fleurde-lys Arg. (D: Guillaume Franois Rolland de Gonzac Aug 81)
Az, a horse ramp to sin & in base a scimitar fracted chevronwise inv
Arg. (B: Boris of Woodland - Dec 88)
Az, a mullet Arg within a chevronel & a chevronel inv braced Or.
(B: Ludwig Dichter von Oldenberg - Dec 89)
Chequy Az & Arg, in pale a sword palewise & a chev inv
throughout Or. (D: Joseph Moonchaser - Jun 90)
Checky Sa & Or, in pale a chess rook & a chev inv Arg. (D:
Riccardo della Torre dAvorio - Jan 93)
Ermine, a chev inv cotised Sa, overall a sword palewise Gu. (D:
Brondwyn on Gwynedd - May 89)
Ermine, a chev inv Gu, overall a fountain. (D: Isolde die Graue aus
dem Lebendhertz - Mar 78?)
Ermine, a chev inv Purp betw a phoenix & a cross formy Gu. (D:
Renee Nix de Livingstone - Dec 03)
Gu, a chev inv & in chf a crescent all within a bord Or. (B:
Cionaodh OHosey - Oct 03)
Gu, a chev inv Arg, a demi-sun issuant from the chev & in base a
laurel wreath Or. (D: Tirnewydd - May 00)
Gu, a chev inv Arg betw a sword palewise Or hilted Sa & 3 roses
Or barbed Vt. (D: Grimaldo Giullietta - Sep 00)
Gu, a chev inv betw a winged cougar sejant to sin & 2 more sejant
respectant Arg. (D: Morwenna Trevethan - Mar 00)
Gu, a chev inv ermine, & overall a snaffle bit chevronwise Or. (D:
Rosamund of Derby - Feb 87)
Gu, a chev inv ermine, in chf a covered cup Or. (D: Leofric
Willoughby de Broke - Nov 00)
Gu, a chev inv, on a chf Or a demi-sun Sa. (D: Gwydion of
Blackmoore - Jan 99)
Gu, a chev inv Or & in chf a Maltese cross Arg. (D: Viktor von
dem Kleinflsse - Jan 91)
Gu, a chev inv Or, overall a falcon, both within an orle of daisies
Arg. (D: James Ainsley - Jan 89)
Gu, a chev inv pean betw in cross a wolfs head erased, 2 wolfs
paw prints, & an anvil Or. (D: Kenard Eisenwolf - Oct 82)
Gu, a chev inv per pale Or & Sa betw a lions face & 2 swords Or.
(D: Aaron de Paladin - Feb 07)
Gu, a chev inv Sa fimbriated betw 3 round buckles one & 2 Arg.
(D: Elisabeth Pendarvis - Jan 07)
Gu, a chev rompu inv Arg & in chf a sunburst Or. (D: Rowan Celia
FitzMarvin - Nov 94)
Gu, betw a chev & a chev inv 2 double-bitted axes in chev Arg. (D:
John Logan - Sep 04)
Gu, in pale a lotus flower affronty & a chev inv Arg. (D: Cassia
bint Abdullah - Mar 07)
Gu, in pale a sun Or charged with a crescent inv Sa & a chev inv
Or. (D: Constance of Purneos - May 07) (# charged sun)
Gu, issuant from a chev inv Arg a demi-sun Or. (B: Tirnewydd Oct 00)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, a chev inv Gu. (D: Gerhart von Altenberg Apr 03)
Or, a chev Gu & a chev inv Az interlaced. (D: Ian of Ettrick Mar 97)

Chevron inverted - 1 - Uncharged (continued)

Or, a chev inv Az, ermined Or, in chf a dolphin uriant Az. (D:
Sheron Regan - Feb 97)
Or, a chev inv cotised Gu, in chf a dragon passant Sa. (D:
Eadwynne of Runedun - Nov 82)
Or, a chev inv Gu, in chf 2 hurts. (B: Remus Fletcher - Sep 01)
Or, a chev inv Gu, overall a sheaf of 4 arrows Sa. (D: Geraint
Graeme de Menteith - Nov 96)
Or, a chev inv Purp betw 3 trilliums one & 2 Gu. (D: Isabel
Jimenez de Gaucin - Sep 04)
Or, a chev inv Sa, overall a dragonfly Gu. (D: Esabell Grant Dec 05)
Or, a chev inv Sa, overall an eagle disp Vt. (D: Andr lpervier Apr 97)
Or, a chevronel inv & a palet Gu betw 4 Celtic crosses each charged
with a salt couped Sa. (D: Ivan Stilanovich - Aug 79?)
Or, a chevronel surmounted by a chevronel inv Az, within a bord
Gu. (B: Robert of Wildewood - Jan 80)
Or, a handgun rest Az surmounted by a chev inv Gu. (D: Craig
Joyful - Feb 02)
Or, issuant from a chev inv Gu a demi-bull Az. (D: Thomas von
Hessen - Aug 03)
Or, issuant from chf a chev inv & in base 2 unicorns heads, couped
& addorsed, Az. (D: Caius Fabius - Jan 89)
Or, 2 chevronels fretted with a chevronel inv Sa, on a chf Vt 3
mullets Or. (D: Lorcn ab Arthur - Jun 89)
Per chevon inv Az & Purp, a chev inv Vt fimbriated & in chf a
crescent Arg. (D: Leslie of Twin Moons - Feb 02)
Per chev inv Arg, & Arg semy of thistles proper, a chev inv & in
chf 2 hounds salient respectant Az. (D: Diarmait
Caomhanach mac Alasdair - Oct 93)
Per chev inv Arg & Or, a chev inv Sa, overall a rose Gu seeded Or.
(D: Eleanor de Valence - Jul 99)
Per chev inv Arg & Sa, a chev inv ctrch betw a bay horses head
contourny proper & an increscent Arg, all within a bord ctrch.
(D: Brenna Logan - Aug 92)
Per chev inv Arg & Sa, a chev inv ctrch betw in chf a tree
eradicated Sa charged with a cross formy & in base a pair of
antlers in chev inv Arg. (D: Manfred von Rothenburg Mar 91)
Per chev inv Az & Az ermined Or, a chev inv Arg & in chf a lion
salient Or. (D: Malcolm Andrew of White Heather - Aug 86)
Per chev inv Az & counter-ermine, a chev inv Or betw an iris Arg
& a cross crosslet Or. (D: Isabeau de Briquesart - Jan 85)
Per chev inv Az & Gu, a chev inv betw a castle triple-towered Arg
& 3 plates. (D: Jean Paul de Rheims - Oct 88)
Per chev inv Az & Gu, a chev inv Or. (B: Joanne of Puffin Cliff Aug 87)
Per chev inv Az & pean a chev inv embat Or, in chf a bear passant
Arg. (D: Thorkell Ranulfsson - Aug 91)
Per chev inv Az & Purp, a chev inv Or betw a unicorns head Arg,
horned & maned, & a phoenix Or. (D: Claryce Orfevre May 87)
Per chev inv Az & Sa, a chev inv betw a dove volant & 3 harps Arg.
(D: Danahild nic Choluim - Mar 93)
Per chev inv Az & Sa, a chev inv betw a laurel wreath Or & a hawk
striking Arg. (D: Hawkes Reache - Sep 05)
Per chev inv Az & Sa, a chev inv betw a portcullis & 2 goblets Arg.
(D: Stefan Grey of Kent - Oct 96)
Per chev inv Az & Sa, a chev inv betw an arrow fesswise & 3
decrescents Arg. (D: Amber Blackwood - Jun 93)
Per chev inv Az & Sa, a chev inv cotised & in dexter chf a
cinquefoil Or. (D: Frydherik Eysenkopf - Mar 85)
Per chev inv Az & Sa, a chev inv embat on the lower edge & in chf
a martlet Arg. (D: Sadra Martelet - Apr 98)
Per chev inv Az & Sa, a chevronel inv betw in pale an eagle disp,
head to sin, & a compass star pierced Arg. (D: Valadonis the
Wanderer - Aug 80)
Per chev inv Az & Vt, a chev inv betw a mullet & 3 sycamore
leaves Arg. (D: Talon of Blackoak - Dec 99)
Per chev inv Az & Vt, a chev inv betw a tree blasted & eradicated
& a wolf statant Arg. (D: Btlfr fr Skgtjrn - Mar 93)
Per chev inv counter-vairy Vt & Arg, & Purp, a chev inv wreathed
Or & Az. (D: Gillian Lenzi - Sep 92)
Per chev inv Gu & Arg, a chev inv ctrch, in chf a celtic triquetrum
brooch Or. (D: Kara of Golden Rivers - Aug 90)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 455

[Chevron inverted - 1 - Uncharged]

Chevron inverted - 1 - Uncharged (continued)

Per chev inv Gu & Az, a chev inv betw a goblet inv distilling a
goutte, & in pile 2 gecko lizards statant addorsed, tails
entwined, Or. (D: Nicetas Lecapenus of Antioch - Jun 89)
Per chev inv Gu & Vt, a chev inv Arg betw a triskele & a falcon
disp Or. (D: Tuirn Brecc - Jan 94)
Per chev inv Or & Arg, a chev inv Az betw a wolf statant to sin
ululant Sa & 2 oak leaves in chev inv Vt. (D: Wolfram der
Jger - Apr 91)
Per chev inv Or & Arg, a chev inv Gu betw a rose proper & a wolf
couchant contourny Sa. (D: Caitilin nic Rorik - Aug 94)
Per chev inv Or & Gu, a chev inv Sa betw an apple Gu slipped &
leaved Vt & 2 bees Or. (D: Catherine Anne Applebey Jul 03)
Per chev inv Purp & Arg, a chev inv ctrch & in chf a Greek sphinx
sejant guardant Arg. (D: Morgana Devereux - Oct 92)
Per chev inv Purp & Gu, a chev inv engrailed betw a crescent & 2
elephants statant respectant Arg. (D: Asha of Grey Niche Feb 07)
Per chev inv Purp & Or, a chev inv ctrch Or & Sa betw a crescent
Or & a winged seeblatt Purp. (D: Ruth Freespirit - Nov 91)
Per chev inv Purp & Or, a chev inv Sa betw 2 roses ctrch. (D:
Lorita de Siena - May 04)
Per chev inv Purp & Sa, a chev inv betw a garb Or & 2 bees Or
marked Sa. (D: Gabrielle von Friedrichsthal - Aug 05)
Per chev inv Purp & Sa, a chev inv betw 2 unicorns addorsed Arg &
a wyvern disp head to sin Or. (D: Hallbjorg hin
miskunnarlausa - Oct 03)
Per chev inv Purp & Sa, a comet betw a chev & a chev inv braced
Arg. (D: Elena de Beaumont - Aug 99)
Per chev inv Purp & Vt, a chev inv & in chf a pomegranate slipped
& leaved Arg seeded Gu. (D: Juliana Bonnaire de Cherbourg
- Oct 07)
Per chev inv Purp & Vt, a chev inv betw a sun & 3 butterflies Or.
(D: Brighid inghean Fhionnghuala - Feb 05)
Per chev inv Purp & Vt, a chev inv Or betw a decrescent Arg & 2
oak leaves conjoined at the stem in chev Or, in chf 3 mullets in
chev Arg. (D: Deirdre Erinna of Skye - Oct 85)
Per chev inv Sa & Az, a chev inv & in chf a wolf ramp maintaining
in the raised dexter paw a quill pen fesswise & in the lowered
sin paw a sword Arg. (D: Ulfr bonde - Aug 05)
Per chev inv Sa & Gu, a chev inv betw a griffins head erased & 2
roses, slipped & leaved Arg. (D: Roland le Noir - Jan 95)
Per chev inv Sa & Gu, a chev inv embat & in chf a crescent Arg.
(B: Guy of Castle Kirk - Jan 96)
Per chev inv Sa & Gu, a chev inv Or betw a thistle Arg & a flame of
five tongues Or. (D: Sadira bint Wassouf - May 87)
Per chev inv Sa & Gu, a chev inv Or betw an oak leaf & an owl disp
Arg. (D: Gerard le Wise - Jul 02)
Per chev inv Sa & Gu, a chev inv Or betw in chf a scimitar fesswise
reversed Arg & in base 2 annulets in fess, the dexter
overlapping the sin, Or. (D: Saleem ibn Alefan ibn Iftakruddin
- Dec 83)
Per chev inv Sa & Gu, a chev inv rayonny Or, overall a winged
sword inv Arg. (D: Morcar Darkfalcon - May 95)
Per chev inv Sa & Vt, a chev inv betw a mullet of 4 points & a
stump Or. (D: Wilhelm Baumhecker - Aug 98)
Per chev inv Sa & Vt, a chev inv betw a roundel & a butterfly Arg.
(D: Teirnion Shadewe ap Griffydd Llanrudd - Jun 96)
Per chev inv Sa & Vt, a chev inv betw six mullets in pall inv Or.
(D: Bronwen Torrens - Nov 98)
Per chev inv Sa & Vt, a chev inv ermine. (D: Hans ter Beke Jan 96)
Per chev inv Vt & Az, a chev inv Or & in chf a dolmen Arg. (B:
Aidan Davidson - Jan 85) (For House Glenhollow)
Per chev inv Vt & Gu, a chev inv betw a lymphad & a laurel wreath
Or. (D: Mordenvale - Jul 03)
Per chev inv Vt & paly Vt & Arg, a chev inv, in chf a round buckle
Or. (D: Brendan Mad - Apr 98)
Per chev inv Vt & Purp, a chev inv embat on the upper edge & in
base a spaniel statant Or. (D: Amy Marie MacCormack May 06)
Per chev reversed Vt & Az, a chev reversed Arg betw a hippogriff
courant & 2 unicorns salient addorsed, all Or. (D: Alewaulfe
the Red - Apr 76?)
Per chev Sa & Gu, betw a chev & a chev inv interlaced a roundel
Or. (D: Thorvald Olafson the Swordmaker - Aug 94)
456 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chevron inverted - 1 - Uncharged (continued)

Per chev Sa & Vt, a chev inv betw 4 Latin crosses botonny 3 & one
Arg. (D: Dorinda Courtenay - Dec 92)
Per pale & per chev inv Or & Sa, a chev inv Gu. (D: Erliss
Greylizard - Sep 71?)
Per pale Arg & Az, a chev inv & in chf a Latin cross ctrch. (D:
Sibn nic Ghiolla Phdraig - Jul 94)
Per pale Arg & Az, a chev inv & in chf a rose ctrch. (D: Judur bint
Abd al-Wahid - Jan 03)
Per pale Arg & Or, a chev inv rompu & in chf a horse courant Sa.
(D: Dubheasa Eachinse - Dec 04)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a chev inv ctrch & in chf an annulet engrailed on
the outer edge Gu. (D: Madog ab Emrys - Jan 86)
Per pale Az & Arg, a chev inv betw a tower & 2 dolmens, all ctrch.
(D: Terricus MacRorie - Aug 89)
Per pale Az & Gu, 3 chevronels braced, the center surmounted by a
chevronel inv Or. (D: Alaric of the Silent Forest - May 83)
Per pale counter-ermine & Vt, a chev inv Arg betw a harp & 3
fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Siubhan MacDuff - Feb 85)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a chev inv & in chf a Russian Orthodox cross
Sa. (D: Ekaterina Iadorovna Kharlampieva - May 94)
Per pale Or & Gu, a chev inv surmounted by a chev per pale Gu &
Or, betw 3 Latin crosses ctrch. (D: Lloyd of Penrose Oct 92)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a chev inv betw a rose & 2 ravens close
addorsed ctrch. (D: Bartram Sinclair - Sep 90)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a chev throughout ctrch surmounted by a chev
inv throughout Gu. (B: LoAleene Penrith - Dec 82)
Per pale Vt & Or, a chev inv ctrch. (D: Dufan eyimarkingr May 04)
Purp, a chev & a chev inv braced & in pale 3 Bowen knots
crosswise Arg. (D: Silln the Fair - Oct 88)
Purp, a chev inv betw a rose & a chalice Arg. (D: Rowan of
Needwood - Oct 07)
Purp, a chev inv betw 3 wyverns passant within a bord Or, crusily
patty Sa. (D: Quendryth Verty of Lofthouse - Mar 83)
Purp, a chev inv cotised Arg in chf a phoenix Or. (D: Martyn
Fairchild of Grenhamerton - Apr 95)
Purp, a chev inv Or, overall a griffin sejant to sin Arg maintaining
in its forepaws a pot Sa enflamed Gu. (D: Lydia Lofthouse of
Tresco - Mar 83)
Purp, a chev inv Sa fimbriated Arg betw 3 crescents 2 & one & a
capital M Or. (D: Domninus Hadrianus Rufus - Oct 07)
Purp, seme of daggers inv proper, a chev inv & in chf a boars head
erased close Or. (D: Geoffrey Jagger - Oct 83)
Sa, a chev inv & in chf a rose Arg, barbed Vt, seeded of a heart Gu.
(D: Elayna Amavia - Jun 86)
Sa, a chev inv & in chf a sun Or. (D: Otto von Schwartzkatz Aug 80)
Sa a chev inv Arg & in chf 2 eyes Arg irised Az. (D: Ragnarr
Ulfsson sax - Sep 04)
Sa, a chev inv Arg betw 3 triangles one & 2 points to center Or & a
chf embat Arg. (D: Remero Alcon de Madrid - Sep 03)
Sa, a chev inv Az, fimbriated Or, overall a lion ramp, all within a
bord embat Arg. (D: Odran Schneelwe Eisenschmied Jul 88)
Sa, a chev inv betw a bears head cabossed & 3 compass stars, all
within a bord Arg. (D: Hrothgar Bjornsson - Feb 90)
Sa, a chev inv cotised & in chf a laurel wreath Or. (D: Vallum
Vespertinum - Oct 93)
Sa, a chev inv enhanced & in base a cross couped rayonnant Arg,
all within a bord ermine. (D: David Trueheart - Jul 86)
Sa, a chev inv ermine betw in chf 3 mullets, 2 & one, & in base a
decrescent Arg. (B: Donwenna la Mareschale - May 95)
Sa, a chev inv Gu, fimbriated, betw 3 goblets Arg. (D: William of
Dover - Mar 88)
Sa, a chevronel Arg & a chevronel inv Or interlaced. (D:
Krysandra Morgan of the Heathers - Aug 79)
Sa, betw a chevronel & a chevronel inv braced, a caltrop Or. (D:
Arabella Brus - Jul 90)
Sa goutty, a chev inv Arg. (D: Raven MacGregor - Jul 01)
Sa, on a cross Arg surmounted by a chevronel & another inv braced
ctrch 3 lozenges in fess Gu. (D: Tabitha de Lund - Jun 95)
Vt, a chev inv & in chf a roundel Or. (D: Frilv Olvesdottir Apr 01)
Vt, a chev inv Arg betw a Celtic cross & a tree eradicated Or. (D:
Robert Robertson - Oct 03)

[Chevron inverted - 1 - Uncharged] to [Chevron inverted - 2 or more]

Chevron inverted - 1 - Uncharged (continued)

Vt, a chev inv Arg betw a lyre & 3 mullets Or. (D: Alane
OMaoilriain - Aug 92)
Vt, a chev inv Arg, betw 3 bezants one & 2. (B: Patrick Connor
ODonnell McPhelan - Nov 97)
Vt, a chev inv betw a Celtic cross & 2 wolves salient addorsed Arg.
(D: Patrick Connor ODonnell McPhelan - Aug 91)
Vt, a chev inv betw a phoenix & 3 cinquefoils Arg. (D: Brigit
Chaimbeul - Jul 06)
Vt, a chev inv engrailed & in chf a beehive Or. (D: varr
bjarnherar - Aug 04)
Vt, a chev inv ermine, in chf a lynx passant contourny guardant Arg
maintaining an annulet Or. (D: Philippa la Blanche - Jul 93)
Vt, a chev inv Or betw a unicorns head couped & 2 recorders in
salt Arg. (D: Margoton Laflche du Bois - Feb 92)
Vt, a chev inv wavy & in chf a laurel wreath, both Or. (D: Golden
Rivers - Aug 77?)
Vt, six billets in fess Arg betw a chev inv & a chev Or. (D: William
of Vulcanfeldt - Jul 90)
Vt, upon a chevronel inv throughout wavy Or, 2 arrows Sa. (B:
Golden Rivers - Aug 78) (For Arcarius Archery Guild)
* * * End * * *

Chevron inverted - 1 - Charged

(Fieldless) On a chev couped inv Az, an annulet Arg. (B: Beyond

the Mountain - Sep 04)
(Fieldless) On a chev inv couped Gu, five bells Or. (B: Eridana
Ambra Dragotta - Aug 97)
Arg, on a chev inv Az a roundel betw an increscent & a decrescent,
all palewise, Arg. (D: Aurelia of Caer Mear - Sep 98)
Arg, on a chev inv Az betw 3 ermine spots one & 2 Sa, 3 suns Or.
(D: Donal Artur of the Silver Band - Sep 92)
Az, a chev inv betw a mullet & a bear passant Or, & as an
augmentation, on the chev inv seven triskeles Az.
(Augmentation of Arms: Erika Bjornsdottir - Jun 04)
Az, a chev inv embat on the lower edge Arg semy of escallops Sa,
in chf an escallop Arg. (D: Paula of Loch Salann - Jun 95)
Az, a chev inv Or semy-de-lys Az in chf a fleur-de-lys Or. (D:
Daria of Atlantia - Apr 03)
Az, on a chev inv Arg 3 dragonflies palewise Gu, in chf a wolf
passant Arg. (D: Elizabeth Iames - May 08)
Az, on a chev inv Arg 2 mullets of six points Sa. (D: Edward O
Dea - Oct 98)
Az, on a chev inv betw 3 fleurs-de-lys one & 2 Arg, 2 sprigs of
thyme Az. (D: Rhiannon the Gentle - Apr 98)
Az, on a chev inv betw 3 garbs one & 2 Or, 3 crosses fleury Sa. (D:
Marie de la Terre - Aug 92)
Az, on a chev inv Or 3 hearts Gu, in chf on a heart Or another Gu.
(D: Edmund Marshal - Aug 85)
Gu, in pale a tyger ramp contourny reguardant maintaining a goblet
& a chev inv Or charged with five beehives Gu. (D: Voron
Gregorev syn Tsetseneviskii - Nov 05)
Gu, on a chev inv Arg betw the halves of a sword inv fracted proper
3 gouttes de sang. (D: Scott of Sigelhundas - Dec 93)
Gu, on a chev inv Arg 4 annulets Sa, in base 3 spear heads inv Arg.
(D: Giovanni Albanese - Jun 01)
Gu, on a chev inv Arg 2 swords inv, conjoined at the points, Sa &
on a chf invected Arg, a raven statant to sin, wings inv &
addorsed, Sa. (D: Robert of Ravenswood - Feb 83)
Gu, on a chev inv betw a sun & chess knight Or, 2 annulets Gu. (D:
Sabatina da Valle - Sep 04)
Gu, on a chev inv cotised Arg, 3 mullets palewise Sa. (D: Dugal
MacTaveis - Nov 91)
Gu, on a chev inv Or a lozenge Az. (D: Kk Erdene - Apr 98)
Or, on a chev inv Az betw a rose Gu slipped & leaved Vt & a frog
Az 3 hearts palewise Or. (D: Robin dit Dessaint - Sep 04)
Or, on a chev inv Gu, an increscent & a decrescent Arg, overall a
unicorn ramp to sin, in chf a fleur-de-lys Sa. (D: Philippe
Attaignant - Jan 89)
Or, on a chev inv Gu, an increscent & a decrescent Arg, overall an
earwig tergiant palewise Sa. (B: Philippe Attaignant - Jul 89)
Or, semy of arrows Sa, on a chev inv Gu a pheon Or. (B: Geraint
Graeme de Menteith - Nov 96)
Per chev Gu & Arg, on a chev inv Sa, 2 antlers addorsed, & in chf a
snowflake Or. (D: Lna Sigurdardottir - Jul 88)

Chevron inverted - 1 - Charged (continued)

Per chev inv Az & Or, on a chev inv Sa betw a demi-sun Or issuant
from the chev inv & a bugle horn, bell to sin, Sa, five fleursde-lys palewise Or. (D: Carlo dalla Casa - Apr 84)
Per chev inv Vt & Sa, on a chev inv Arg an arrow fracted Sa. (D:
Brandric Slaywrock - Jun 91)
Per chev inv Vt & Sa, on a chev inv betw a standing balance & 3
roundels Or 2 daggers inv Sa. (D: Elena Anatolievna Pavlova
- Apr 94)
Per pale Gu & Arg, on a chev inv ctrch a lute & a falchion inv
proper & in chf a seagull disp ctrch. (D: Fanchion
Mountaintamer of Skyehaven - Mar 85)
Per pale Gu & Arg, on a chev inv 2 stags heads addorsed &
conjoined at the necks ctrch. (D: Alexander Ivor - Sep 95)
Per pale Vt & Arg, on a chev inv cotised 3 trefoils palewise ctrch.
(D: Catriona Muireaghan of Carlingford - Sep 85)
Per pale Vt & Az, on a chev inv ctrch fimbriated betw a sun & a
crescent, an estoile Arg. (D: Lauren Cleary - Dec 98)
Per pale Vt & Purp, on a chev inv Arg an oak sprig fructed proper.
(D: Beatrice Tolomei da Firenze la Curiosa - Feb 01)
Purp, a chev inv Arg voided Gu, in chf a bee rising contourny Or
banded Sa. (D: Slaine inghean Sheain - Jul 05)
Purp, on a chev inv Arg betw 3 bezants, a rose proper. (D: Alicia
Vespasiana - Jun 95)
Purp, on a chev inv Arg 3 mullets of six points Az, in chf a
decrescent Arg. (D: Juliana Bouchannane - Dec 06)
Purp, on a chev inv betw 3 boars heads couped Arg, one & 2, 3
equal-armed celtic crosses Sa. (D: Vladimir Bthory Jan 92)
Purp, on a chev inv betw 3 cats pawprints Arg a catnip leaf Vt. (D:
Aveline Rosa of Lyons - Dec 90)
Purp, on a chev inv betw 2 keys fesswise addorsed interlaced & a
crescent Or a unicorns head erased Sa. (D: Sarra de la Halle
- Apr 83)
Purp, on a chev inv Or 3 daisies Vt seeded Sa & in base an open
scroll bendwise conjoined to a quill pen bendwise sin Or. (D:
Kuji Akiko - Nov 91)
Sa, on a chev inv Arg 3 stags heads couped affronty Gu. (D: Bruce
of Rokkehealdon - Jun 94)
Sa, on a chev inv betw 3 crosses bottony one & 2 Arg 3 roses
proper. (D: Adriana la Bretonne - Apr 00)
Sa, on a chev inv cotissed Arg, 2 vines slipped & leaved Vt,
flowered Purp, in chf a skull Arg. (D: Zuriel of Eastwatch Sep 93)
Sa, on a chev inv voided Arg 3 fountains & in chf a wyvern disp
Arg. (D: Macsen ap Rhys of Wyvern Hall - Jan 92)
Sa, semy of snowflakes, on a chev inv Arg, an acorn Vt, capped
proper. (D: Aonghas macDhaibhidh - Jul 89)
Vt, on a chev inv Arg 3 hawks bells Sa & in chf a hawk Arg. (D:
Gawin Hawkseye - Nov 02)
Vt, on a chev inv betw 3 decrescents Or 3 tassels Vt. (D: Islah bint
Yuhannah - Feb 02)
Vt, on a chev inv enhanced Arg, a dexter arm reversed embowed,
terminating at the wrist with a metal hook, proper. (D: Lysbeth
Poulsdottir - Nov 80)
Vt, on a chev inv Or, a reremouse disp Sa. (D: Michael the Eclectic
- Jun 92)
* * * End * * *

Chevron inverted - 2 or more

(Fieldless) Five plates in annulo betw in fess 2 chevronels inv &

conjoined to an annulet Arg. (B: Westermark - Feb 87)
(Fieldless) In pale 3 chevronels couped, braced & inv & 3
chevronels, couped & braced, all Az. (B: Adelaide de
Beaumont - Nov 86)
Arg, a unicorn courant betw 3 chevronels inv braced & 3 chevronels
braced Az. (D: Adelaide de Beaumont - Oct 82)
Arg, issuant from chf 3 chevronels inv braced & in base 3 lace
bobbins in fess Purp threaded Sa. (B: Marianna da Fiorenza Aug 04)
Arg, 3 chevronels inv braced & 3 chevronels braced Az. (B:
Adelaide de Beaumont - Oct 82)
Arg, 2 chevrons inv Gu & in chf an eagle disp Sa. (D: Reinhardt
von Glckstadt - Jun 97)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 457

[Chevron inverted - 2 or more] to [Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent]

Chevron inverted - 2 or more (continued)

Az, in chf 4 chevronels inv & braced, & in base 3 chevronels braced
Or, environed of six estoiles of eight points Or, pierced Gu, the
lowermost within the center chevronel. (D: Johann Heinrich
Michael Siemon von Wernigerode - Nov 88)
Az, 3 chevronelles braced & inv within a bord Or. (B: Johann
Wolfgang von dem Goldenherz - Apr 91)
Az, 3 chevronels inv & in chf a retort Or. (D: Gwylon ap Owen Jan 99)
Az, 2 chevronels inv & in chf a lance, a chf embat Or. (D: Dougal
MacEwan - Nov 91)
Az, 2 chevronels inv & in chf an estoile of eight rays Arg. (D:
Isaac de Hugo - Sep 83)
Ermine, 2 chevronels inv & in chf a baton atop a triangle Gu. (D:
Fulk von Pfaffenhausen - May 83)
Gu, 2 chevronels inv, in chf a cross formy betw 2 lions combattant
Arg. (D: Dunstan t Sancte Petroces Stow - Apr 01)
Gu, 2 chevronels inv, in chf 3 Latin crosses fleury Or. (D:
Jonathan de Saint-Clair - Oct 06)
Gu, 2 chevronels inv within a bord Or. (D: Lyonnete Vibert Dec 03)
Or, a cat salient fesswise Az, in chf 3 chevronels inv braced Gu. (D:
Rhinnia LeClerc - Jan 81)
Or, a chevronel inv Vt & another Gu, in chf 3 poppies affronty 2 &
one Gu. (D: Lisia Fiorelli - Feb 08)
Or, 4 chevronels inv & in chf a bow fesswise with arrow nocked &
drawn Gu. (D: Moira Strongbow NicConnell - May 93)
Or, 2 garden roses Gu, slipped & leaved, stems conjoined, Vt, betw
2 chevronels inv Az. (D: Amanda Edwin - Nov 85)
Per chev inv Az & Sa, 3 chevronels inv Arg, overall a double bitted
axe Or. (D: Dinias ap Cynan - Oct 98)
Per chev inv Vt & Az, in pale a unicorns head, couped & sin
facing, Or & 2 chevronels inv Arg. (D: Dale Atthill - Oct 86)
Per fess indented Sa & Gu, 3 chevronels inv braced & a mullet of
nine points Arg. (D: Wulfstan Thorhallsson - Dec 89)
Per pale Az & Sa, 2 chevronels inv betw a sun & 2 fleurs-de-lys Or.
(D: Henri Michel du Bois - Jun 95)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 2 chevronels inv Or. (D: Dalia dAuria Sep 04)
Per pale Vt & Sa, in pale six chevronels inv couped Arg. (D: Anna
Baldewin - Jul 05)
Purp, 3 chevronels inv braced on a chf doubly enarched Or 3
triquetra Gu. (D: Gisla Rodumna - Sep 97)
Purp, 2 chevronels inv & in chf a cloud Arg, an orle ctrch. (D:
Umm al-Mundhir Inan bint Sufian - May 04)
Sa, a wolf dormant in chf 3 chevronels inv braced Arg. (D:
Vladimir Andreivich Aleksandrov - Jul 96)
Sa, in pale 3 chevrons inv & braced Arg & 3 serpents in annulo,
fretted in triquetra, Or. (D: Tearlach MacCarnochan May 90)
Sa, on a pile inv throughout Arg in base a crescent & overall in chf
2 chevronels inv enhanced ctrch. (B: Ciorstan MacAmhlaidh Mar 07)
Sa, 2 chevronelles inv & in chf a crescent, all Arg. (D: Eadric
Shadowguard of Mansfield - Aug 79)
Sa, 2 chevronels inv & in canton a fer-a-loup inv bendwise, & as an
augmentation a triskele in base Arg. (Augmentation of Arms:
Frederich Karl Kyburg - Oct 07)
Sa, 2 chevronels inv & in canton a fer-a-loup inv bendwise Arg. (D:
Frederich Karl Kyburg - Oct 07)
Sa, 2 chevrons inv Arg each charged with 3 water bougets Gu. (D:
Sibilla of Atenveldt - Jul 02)
Vt, in chev inv 2 swords conjoined at the pommels proper betw 2
chevronels inv & in chf a stags head erased Or. (D: Peredur
Theron of Monmouth - Apr 84)
Vt, 3 chevronels braced inv Or. (D: Aidan Cocrinn - Apr 86)
Vt, 2 chevronels inv & braced, in chf a rose, slipped & leaved, Arg.
(D: Gerard of Kilkenny - May 90)
Vt, 2 chevronels inv betw an open scroll fesswise Arg & 3 pears Or.
(D: Julian of Aldeford - Jul 94)
* * * End * * *
Chevron reversed: see Chevron inverted
Chevronel: see Chevron
Chevronel inverted: see Chevron inverted
Chevronelly: see Field division - Chevronelly
Chicken: see Bird
458 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chicory flower: see Flower - Multipetaled

Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent

(Tinctureless) A bearded sapper passant holding in both hands a

pick, a chf masoned. (B: Urien Pen-an-vre - Aug 79) (For
the Confraternity of Engineers)
Az, a badger ramp & a chf Arg. (D: Gregor von Eisenberg Dec 02)
Az, a bear sejant sin forepaw resting on a roundel Or a chf Arg. (D:
Malachy von Ulm - Jan 97)
Az, a bend sin engrailed betw 2 roses Arg barbed Vt & a chf Arg.
(D: Megge Gormshuileach - Aug 02)
Az, a boars head couped close & a chf Arg. (D: Mailagnas
maqqas Dunaidonas - Mar 04)
Az, a cubit arm grasping 3 arrows fesswise Arg, issuant from a ford
proper, a chf Arg maily Sa. (D: Simric Mailweaver - Aug 90)
Az, a dragon & a chf Arg. (D: Elze von Finkenauge - Mar 05)
Az, a gryphon & a chf Arg. (D: James ap Llywelyn - Jul 03)
Az, a horse statant contourny barded & a chf Arg. (D: Jared
Thallon - Dec 90)
Az, a lion dormant to sin & a chf arched Arg. (D: Thomas
Longshanks - Mar 84)
Az, a moon in its complement betw 3 retorts, a chf Arg. (D:
Michle il Matto - Apr 89)
Az, a pale Arg betw 2 wolves ramp Or, a chf enarched Arg. (D:
Conall Cathalin - Nov 95)
Az, a standing balance within a snake involved in annulo, a chf
enarched Arg. (D: Corwin McMorann - May 92)
Az, a standing seraph & a chf Arg. (D: Edmund Mowbray Dec 91)
Az, a sun Arg eclipsed Sa, a chf Arg. (D: Stuart of Lindley Jul 07) (# sun charged)
Az, a sword interleaving a triquetra & a chf Arg. (D: Robert de La
Trinit - Apr 92)
Az, a turtle Or, a chf Arg. (D: Diarmait mac Murchertaig Jun 00)
Az, on a lozenge Arg an acorn inv slipped & leaved Vt, a chf Arg.
(D: Juliane Hebert - Oct 98)
Az, on a pale endorsed Arg 3 escallops Gu & an enarched chf Arg.
(D: Bianca Foscari - Jul 04)
Az, semy-de-lys Arg, a cross Arg semy-de-lys Az & a chf Arg. (D:
Desire de Cambrai - Feb 89)
Az, six owls & a chf Arg. (D: Lilie Dubh inghean u Mrdha Mar 08)
Az, 3 bells & a chf Arg. (D: Arabella Ravenscroft - Apr 94)
Az, 2 chevronels Arg surmounted by a crescent Or, a chf Arg. (D:
David Wayland - Jul 91)
Counter-ermine, a griffin segreant coward, wings disp, Or; a chf
Arg. (D: Margot McLeod de Morgan - May 84)
Gu, a brocks head caboshed Arg, marked Sa, & a chf Arg. (D:
Colin of Swansdale - Aug 84)
Gu, a domestic cat couchant guardant & a chf Arg. (D: Rebecca de
Estella y Mallorca - Oct 06)
Gu, a seawolf erect, tailed as a fish, & a chf Arg. (D: Anton de Stoc
- Jun 90)
Gu, a thistle slipped & leaved proper & a chf Arg. (D: Micheil
MacGhillebrath of Dunmaglas - Oct 81)
Gu, a unicorns head within a Star of David & a chf Arg. (D: Marli
bas Nachoma - Oct 83)
Gu, a wreath of hop vine Or, a chf Arg. (D: Charles dAlsace le
Cervoisier - Aug 04)
Gu, on a tower Arg a 3-headed dog sejant erect affronty Sa, a chf
Arg. (D: Conrad MacCallum of Killane - Aug 02)
Gu, 3 astrolabes & a chf Arg. (D: Olivier de Bayonne - Apr 06)
Gu, 3 wolfs teeth issuant from sin & a chf Arg. (D: Nataliia
Anastasiia Evgenova Sviatoslavina vnuchka - Sep 06)
Party of six pieces Gu & Or, 3 bells Or & a chf Arg. (B: Laeghaire
O Laverty - Feb 94) (For Geoffrey Peel)
Per bend Gu & Arg, 2 roses slipped, their stems issuant from the
line of division ctrch & a chf Arg. (D: Anastasia della Rossa Jun 07)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, 2 hearts & a chf Arg. (D: Angelique
Aubuchon - Jun 99)
Per chev inv Az & Gu, a badger ramp contourny & a chf Arg. (D:
Gretchen Constantine - Sep 94)
Per chev Purp & Arg, a crescent pendant Purp & a chf Arg. (D:
Sybil de Bossinney - Nov 04)

[Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent] to [Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Azure]

Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent (continued)

Per chev throughout Sa & Az, 3 increscents, a chf Arg. (D:

Rachael of Hawkeswood - Nov 97)
Per chev Vt & Arg, a dragon passant Arg & a hunting horn reversed
Gu, a chf Arg. (D: Stephen Aldred - Aug 93)
Per pale Az & Gu, a compass star within & conjoined to an annulet,
a chf Arg. (D: Colin Gordon - Jun 98)
Per pale Gu & Az, a dragonfly & a chf Arg. (D: Alys Sheffield Nov 93)
Per pale Gu & Sa, an anchor Or & a cross formy swallowtail, a chf
Arg. (D: Gilbert des Moulins - Nov 00)
Per pale Gu & Vt all semy of musical notes Or, a hand & a chf Arg.
(D: Gabriele Silverhand - Sep 05)
Per pale Purp & Vt, a waterbouget & a chf Arg. (D: Maud la
leitiere - Sep 04)
Per pale Sa & Az, a heart Arg betw 3 bells Or, a chf Arg. (D: John
Tinhart - Oct 82)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a heart & a chf Arg. (D: Steven de Lile Dec 93)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a double-headed eagle & a chf Arg. (D:
Demetrios Doukas - Jul 04)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a stag trippant to sin & a chf Arg. (D: Daniel
Drake - May 92)
Per pale Vt & Az, a roundel & a chf Arg. (D: Eleanor
dAubrecicourt - Apr 00)
Per pale Vt & Az, a stags head cabossed & a chf Arg. (B: Valgard
Forkbeard - Nov 04)
Purp, a Bowen cross & a chf Arg. (D: Talan of Skye - Feb 03)
Purp, a butterfly bendwise sin & a chf Arg. (D: Savine de Cressy Jul 06)
Purp, a fret & a chf Arg. (D: Gwenhwyfar of Ravenhill - Apr 06)
Purp, a hyena statant contourny Arg semy of roundels Purp, a chf
Arg. (D: Oriel Gibberish - May 06)
Purp, a spiderweb & a chf Arg. (D: Fabrisse ter Brugghe - Jul 97)
Purp, a wolf ramp contourny & a chf Arg. (D: Brictrec de
Montaigne - Mar 00)
Purp, an antelope at gaze betw a chf & a base Arg. (D: Tabitha of
Wyndmoor - Mar 73?)
Purp, in fess 3 hearts Gu enflamed Or & a chf Arg. (D: Rupert
Geoffrey Down de Ronda - Jun 83)
Purp, on a pale betw a decrescent & an increscent Or, a pallet Vt, a
chf Arg. (D: Leofric of Mona - Jul 87)
Purp, on a tower Arg a laurel wreath Vt on a chf Arg 3 apples Vt.
(D: Caer Gelynniog - Oct 01)
Purp, 2 bones in salt & a chf Arg. (D: Abigail MacLachlan Aug 98)
Sa, a chev Gu fimbriated betw 3 fleurs-de-lys a chf Arg. (D: Vivien
de Maingny - Aug 01)
Sa, a fountain betw flaunches, a chf Arg. (D: Berengaria of Caer
Mear - Sep 95)
Sa, a laurel branch bendwise sin & a chf enarched Arg. (D: Alice
dAmiens - Jan 98)
Sa, a pale Arg betw 2 swords inv Or, a chf Arg. (D: Timo
Auliksenpoika - Mar 89)
Sa, a Samoyed dog counter-statant proper & a chf Arg. (D:
Guillaume, le Chien Blanc - Aug 80) (re-registered 8211M)
Sa, a shark Or & a chf Arg. (D: Agilwulf the Loud - Aug 95)
Sa, in base an estoile, a chf Arg. (D: Melisande de Belvoir Nov 79)
Sa, in fess 3 wolfs heads couped, a chf Arg. (D: Mathaeus Blades
- Jan 98)
Sa, on a hand Arg a butterfly Sa & a chf Arg. (D: Axel van Rgen May 07)
Sa, on a tree eradicated betw 2 demi-suns issuant from the dexter &
sin chf corners Arg, a crescent Vt. (D: Gabrielle Lux Dec 97)
Sa, 3 wolfs teeth issuant from sin & a chf Arg. (D: Sorcha
MacLeod - Sep 02)
Vair, a griffin segreant Gu, a chf Arg. (D: John St. Andrew Oct 83)
Vt, a harp reversed Or, in base 2 quill pens in salt & a chf Arg. (B:
Quintavia - Sep 06) (For Quintavian Bardic Guild)
Vt, a pale betw 2 horses combattant, a chf Arg. (D: Jaufr of Dinas
Emrys - May 93)
Vt, a portcullis Arg within a dragon dormant widdershins in annulo
Or, a chf Arg. (D: Andrew MacEth - Sep 83)

Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Argent (continued)

Vt, a shofar reversed bendwise sin & a chf Arg. (D: Avram Ibn
Gabirol - Dec 03)
Vt, an escallop & a chf Arg. (B: Louise Elizabeth Mindenhale Oct 06)
Vt, an oak leaf within a stags attires Or, a chf Arg. (D: Owen Alun
- May 88)
Vt, in pale a crescent inv & a chalice betw a chf & a base Arg. (D:
Abd al-Malik Hilal ibn Saqr al-Ibadi - Jan 95)
Vt, on a pale Sa fimbriated Arg a tree eradicated Or, a chf Arg. (D:
Branwen ferch Gwythyr - Feb 03)
Vt, on a salt Arg, 4 mullets of 4 points Az, a chf Arg. (D: Daniel of
Winchelsea - Mar 93)
Vt, on plate a sagitarry passant Sa, a chf Arg. (D: Cyrille Robert Jun 00)
Vt, 2 unicorns heads couped respectant, horns crossed in salt, in
base a crescent, a chf Arg. (D: Gwenddydd Rhosyn o Gymru
Newydd - Oct 84)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Azure

(Tinctureless) A bearded sapper passant holding in both hands a

pick, a chf masoned. (B: Urien Pen-an-vre - Aug 79) (For
the Confraternity of Engineers)
Arg, a Celtic cross & a chf Az. (D: Cai Lewis - Dec 00)
Arg, a chev betw 3 dragonflies, a chf Az. (D: Botolph of Saxony Sep 97)
Arg, a crab inv Az sustaining a trident fesswise reversed Sa & a chf
Az. (D: Decimus Aurelius Gracchus - Feb 07)
Arg, a cross formy & on a chf Az 3 crosses formy Arg. (D:
Elzbieta Rurikovskaia - Dec 01)
Arg, a cup & a chf Az. (D: Guy du Puy - Jan 97)
Arg, a horse passant & a chf Az. (D: Eyvor Halldrsdttir Jul 06)
Arg, a martlet & a chf Az. (D: Mrwynn of Croft - Jan 07)
Arg, a monkey sejant Sa & a chf Az. (D: Chlotivert der Affe Aug 88)
Arg, a phoenix Purp, rising from flames of fire proper, a chf Az. (D:
Sion of Nant-y-Derwyddon - Jun 90)
Arg, a pile inv wavy throughout Vt & a chf Az. (D: Elisaveta af
Isefjord - Oct 01)
Arg, a raven close to sin Sa bearing in its beak an annulet Gu, betw
a chf & a point pointed Az. (D: Erc of Ringholden - Mar 87)
Arg, a wolf ramp & a chf Az. (D: Sveinn of Hawks Haven Dec 03)
Arg, 4 wooden flutes fretted as a mascle proper & a chf Az. (D:
Glikeriya Agafonovna Dudyshkin - Oct 91)
Arg, in fess 3 mullets, a chf Az & a 3-peaked mountain Vt. (D:
Amanda Demoraunt - Nov 06)
Arg on a fess Gu betw a base & a chf Az a cartouche Arg charged
with an escutcheon of the state arms of COSTA RICA (Per
fess the sky & the sea proper, rising from an island fesswise
throughout Vt 3 volcanos in fess proper betw in chf an arch of
seven mullets Arg & in base a square-rigged ship, on the
horizon betw the dexter & central volcano a like ship proper &
to dexter a demi-sun issuant from the line of division Or). (B:
Costa Rica - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Arg, six palets Gu & a chf Az. (D: United States - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, 3 piles inv in point & a chf Az. (D: Andrew Redbeard May 94)
Arg, 2 domestic cats sejant respectant tails entwined in base Sa & a
chf Az. (D: elwynn filia Caschin - Aug 03)
Barry bendy Gu & Arg, a griffin segreant & a chf Az. (D: Durand
Rdwin - Aug 89)
Ermine, a lymphad & a chf Az. (D: Gerard de Langeleye Mar 93)
Ermine, a wolf statant contourny Sa & a chf Az. (D: Ceallach Chas
- Jul 92)
Or, a cross Az betw in bend sin a wolfs head erased & a fleur-delys Gu, a chf arched Az. (D: Maeve as Ceithir Uamhan Nov 85)
Or, a natural sea-turtle Sa & a chf Az. (D: Gwynfrewi Curzon Dec 06)
Or, a sprig of 4 mangrove leaves fructed Vt & a chf Az. (D:
Stephen of Irongate - Apr 87)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 459

[Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Azure] to [Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Fur]

Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Azure (continued)

Or, a wolf passant guardant & on a chf Az 3 plates. (D: Brian le

Wolfhunt - Jun 08)
Or, a yak passant & a chf Az. (D: Qadagin-u Jajiradai - Nov 90)
Or, an ankh & a chf enarched Az. (D: Elena Stavraki - Aug 07)
Or fretty, a chf Az. (D: Cecilia Blythe - Dec 00)
Per chev Arg & Az, 3 fleurs-de-lys ctrch, a chf Az. (D: Catherine
de Lance - Aug 00)
Per chev Arg & Gu, a dragons head erased & a chf Az. (D: Jakob
of Endless Hills - Jan 08)
Per chev Arg & Sa, in base a mullet of eight points Arg, a chf Az.
(D: Konradin von Merseburg - Apr 90)
Per chev embat Arg & Gu, 3 anchors fouled of their cables ctrch &
a chf Az. (D: Ealdred Battlescar - Jan 91)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a pile issuing from dexter to fess point Arg, in
fess 2 grey goose quills bendwise, that to dexter inv proper, a
chf Az. (D: Paul of Cambridge - Aug 79?)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Fur

(Tinctureless) A bearded sapper passant holding in both hands a

pick, a chf masoned. (B: Urien Pen-an-vre - Aug 79) (For
the Confraternity of Engineers)
Arg, a lion dormant Sa, gorged of a collar Or, a chf counter-ermine.
(D: Edlyn of Meadowburne - Apr 84)
Arg, a lion passant guardant Vt & a chf counter-ermine. (D:
Prudence Charbonnel - Aug 03)
Arg, a sun within a bord embat Gu, overall a chf Az ermined Arg.
(B: Thorvald Redhair - Mar 91)
Arg, a unicorn ramp Gu within an orle of gouttes-de-sang, a chf
counter-ermine. (D: Pedro Santiago de Villarquamada Apr 90)
Arg, an anchor Vt & a chf counter-ermine. (D: Owen de Clare Jun 88)
Arg, on a chf Gu 3 ermine spots Arg. (D: Henna of Redsand Sep 00)
Arg, on a pale embat counter-embat Purp betw 2 crescents Gu a
Latin cross flory Arg, a chf Gu ermined Arg. (D: Michael
MacGarry of Antrim - May 94)
Az, a chf ermine. (D: Odriana vander Brugghe - Feb 05)
Az, a phoenix Or & a chf ermine. (D: adaoin inghean Eoghain Mar 07)
Az, crusilly, a sword inv & sheathed Arg, entwined with a ribbon of
parchment Or, a chf erminois. (D: Udvarhelyi Barar Aeryck Jun 86)
Az, 3 crescents conjoined in pall inv horns outwards Arg, a chf
ermine. (D: Morgen of Rye - Dec 96)
Az, 2 chevronels betw 3 cross crosslets fitchy Arg, a chf ermine.
(D: Ranulf of Waterford - Oct 91)
Az, 2 stags combattant Arg, a chf ermine. (D: Steffan de
Hauckelegh - Oct 97)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a ship contourney proper sailed Or & a chf
counter-ermine. (D: Seth Flann MacDougal - Nov 97)
Checky Gu & Or, a falcon disp & a chf ermine. (D: Owain ap
Tegwared - Nov 92)
Countervair, a lion sejant with dexter forepaw raised Or, on a chf Sa
five ermine spots Arg. (D: Alaina Frantzin von Wirtenberg Jan 08)
Gu, a drakkar sailing to sin Arg & a chf ermine. (D: Oddr Sygnski Jul 93)
Gu, a falcon disp Or betw 4 garden roses 2 & 2 Arg, slipped &
leaved Vt, a chf ermine. (D: Italia Dupr - May 93)
Gu, a hippogriff passant Arg, a chf ermine. (D: Ruthven of
Rockridge - Jan 73?)
Gu, a sea-lion, erect & sin facing, Or, maned & finned Arg, a chf
enarched ermine. (D: Rognvald Stuttskeggr - Jun 88)
Gu, a winged cat passant guardant Or & a chf erminois. (D: Reyna
the Dancer - May 02)
Gu, a wolf dormant Arg, a chf ermine. (D: Gunnarr Einarsson Apr 00)
Gu, on a compass star Arg a roundel Sa, a chf ermine. (D:
Morgause du Fort - May 86)
Gyronny Or & Sa, a wyvern erect contourny Gu, a chf ermine. (D:
Ian Campbell of Glen Mor - Sep 96)
Or, a ferret passant Sa & a chf pean. (D: Janneke van Suylen Jul 02)

460 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Fur (continued)

Or, in salt 2 wolves counter-salient Az, on a chf Sa 3 ermine spots

Or. (D: Kay Leigh Drake - May 00)
Or, semy-de-lys Gu, a griffin segreant Sa & a chf counter-ermine.
(D: Adhemar de Villarquamada - Apr 90)
Or, 2 domestic cats sejant respectant dexter paws elevated Gu & a
chf Gu ermined Or. (D: Alianora Pusekat of Chapelerest Nov 90)
Paly Sa & Or, a natural panther passant in base a crescent inv Arg, a
chf ermine. (D: tan Liath - Sep 97)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a wolf statant contourny & a wolf statant
ctrch, a chf pean. (D: Alastair Maclennan - Feb 98)
Per pale Az & Gu, a greyhound statant Arg & a chf ermine. (D:
Amelot de Akeney - Dec 02)
Per pale Az & Sa a dove contourny Arg & a chf ermine. (D:
Magdalena Vogelsang - Jun 94)
Per pale Az & Vt, a greyhounds head erased contourny Or & a chf
ermine. (D: Efa verch Cynan - May 07)
Per pale Gu & Or, a double-headed eagle, wings inv & disp, ctrch, a
chf counter-ermine. (D: Amadeus von Koburg - Jul 89)
Per pale Gu & Or, an axe Sa & a chf ermine. (D: Danyel Volker Aug 04)
Per pale Gu & Vt, a unicorn ramp Arg & a chf ermine. (D:
Genevive de Chteau Licorne - Apr 92)
Per pale Purp & Vt, a spider Arg, a chf ermine. (D: Katya Ivanova
- Nov 99)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a chf ermine. (D: Ivan Geronovich - Oct 95)
Per pale wavy Vt & Arg, a caduceus Arg & a thistle proper, a chf
counterermine. (D: Alissandre de Picardie - Mar 93)
Per salt Az & Purp, 4 birds volant to base Arg, a chf ermine. (D:
Miranda Jourdaine MacDowel - Oct 93)
Per salt Az & Sa, a stags attires Or a chf erminois. (D: Ian of
Dogwood Hill - Apr 92)
Per salt Sa & Az, a bat-winged sea horse erect contourny Arg, a chf
ermine. (D: Alwin of Spottiswoode - Aug 94)
Per salt Sa & Gu, a hide Arg & a chf ermine. (D: Raulf of Esenden
- Jun 96)
Purp, a falcon Arg & a chf ermine. (D: Lalage la Peregrina Aug 93)
Purp, a rose & a chf ermine. (D: Eleyne de Comnocke - Sep 07)
(Blanket permission to conflict with device granted 0709w)
Quarterly Az & counter-ermine, 3 double-headed eagles disp Or, a
chf ermine. (D: John the Pursuwer - Dec 95)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a griffin segreant, queue-fourchee, ctrch & a
chf erminois. (D: Martin Gray of Griffs Hill - Mar 87)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a butterfly Arg, a chf ermine. (D: Arabella ni
Cormac - Aug 95)
Quarterly Sa & Vt, a winged catamount sejant to sin Or & a chf
erminois. (D: Hrut Smoothcheeks - Apr 90)
Quarterly Vt & Or, a tower Arg & a chf counter-ermine. (D:
Eleanor Courtenay - Dec 92)
Sa, a crescent & on a chf Arg 3 ermine spots Gu. (D: Chiara della
Luna - Aug 02)
Sa, a fess invected Or, in base a bear passant Arg, a chf ermine. (D:
Giovanna Costanza - Mar 93)
Sa, a goblet within a pair of wings conjoined Arg, a chf rayonny
ermine. (D: Wulfhere Mannteufel - Sep 89)
Sa, a heron close Arg, a chf ermine. (D: Herrir Freyugyja
gvaldsdttir - Apr 00)
Sa, a pheon Arg, a chf ermine. (D: Stephen of Ropsley - Jul 01)
Sa, a sea-lion erect maintaining a goblet Or, a chf ermine. (D:
Arianwen Cyffaith of Caerleon - Jan 84)
Sa, 4 patriarchial crosses in cross Arg, a chf ermine. (D: Elrond of
Gornoth - Feb 75?)
Sa, 3 piles in point Or each charged with a fleur-de-lis Sa, a chf
ermine. (D: Isabeau du Lis Noir - Jan 94)
Vt, a bears paw print Arg & a chf counter-ermine. (D: Andrey
Mikhailovich Rostov - Feb 87)
Vt, a chf-pale ermine. (D: Reynier de Vriere - May 08) (A chiefpale is a CD from a pale and X.2 from any other ordinary)
Vt, a fleur-de-lis Or a chf ermine. (D: Danr of Odense - Sep 97)
Vt, a greyhound ramp to sin regardant Arg collared Purp & a chf
erminois. (D: Ginevra Visconti - Aug 01)
Vt, a lion sejant Or holding in its dexter paw a rose Arg, on a chf Or
3 ermine spots fesswise Sa. (D: Dianna of the Silver Shore Nov 95)

[Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Fur] to [Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor]

Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Fur (continued)

Vt, a sun in its glory Arg & a chf ermine. (D: Derian le Breton Jul 05)
Vt, a winged lion couchant reguardant Or, maintaining an open
book Arg, a chf enarched ermine. (D: Michael Rhys Armitage
- Aug 89)
Vt, a winged lizard sejant erect Arg & a chf counter-ermine. (D:
Arlette la Bretonne - May 83)
Vt, a winged stag ramp contourny Arg & a chf ermine. (D:
Genevieve MacPherson - Feb 96)
Vt, an escarbuncle Arg, a chf ermine. (D: Katherine Fitzwalter Jan 73?)
Vt, an otter passant reguardant Arg a chf ermine. (D: Katharina
van den Otter - Nov 94)
Vt, on a chev Or 3 butterflies Sa a chf erminois. (D: Deirdre of
Boolteens - Feb 94)
Vt, 3 apples Or & a chf ermine. (D: Morvran ap Rhys - Apr 94)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules

(Tinctureless) A bearded sapper passant holding in both hands a

pick, a chf masoned. (B: Urien Pen-an-vre - Aug 79) (For
the Confraternity of Engineers)
Arg, a frog statant erect affronty Vt holding in its mouth a dagger
Sa, a chf Gu. (D: William de Ness - Mar 93)
Arg, a hurst of fir trees proper betw 3 gunstones, a chf Gu. (B:
Gudrun Elizabeth Johansdottir - Jul 07)
Arg, a lymphad reversed, sails furled, Az, a chf Gu. (D: Brian
MacAlisdair - Jun 86)
Arg, a mastless drakkar, a chf, & a base engrailed Sa. (B: Eirkr
eldr Hjortsson - Jun 03)
Arg, a pall flory Sa betw 3 roses proper, a chf Gu. (D: Mirabel atte
Rose - May 94)
Arg, a spider tergiant Sa a chf Gu. (B: Society for Creative
Anachronism - Sep 97) (For Web Ministry)
Arg, a stag lodged guardant & a chf Gu. (D: Tarlach o the Wode Sep 00)
Arg, a strawberry Gu leaved Vt & a chf Gu. (D: Lucrezia
Tagliaferro - Jan 06)
Arg, a thyrsus proper & a chf Gu. (D: Dominika Anatolika Jul 04)
Arg, a tower Sa issuant from a base wavy barry wavy Az & Arg, a
chf Gu. (D: Emrys ap Gwyn - May 87)
Arg, a trimount Vt & a chf Gu. (D: Khudashka Fomma - Apr 08)
Arg, a wyvern erect Az & a chf Gu. (D: Gwydion Gwirion Oct 89)
Arg, an anchor Sa & a chf Gu. (D: Dyryke Stanley - Dec 06)
Arg, an escarbuncle Vt each spoke terminating in a rose & a chf Gu.
(D: Octavio de Flores - Oct 05)
Arg, masoned Sa, a bull statant & a chf Gu. (D: Jean-Michel de
Taurion - Apr 90)
Arg, on a chev Gu 3 mortars & pestles Or, a chf Gu. (D: Magnus
von Lbeck - Sep 98)
Arg, on a heart Gu a dragonfly Arg, a chf Gu. (D: Giovanna di
Meir - Jul 06)
Arg, 2 thistles slipped & leaved Vt, flowered Gu, & a hedgehog
passant Sa betw a chf & a point Gu. (D: Catriona Fionnaghal
nic Elphinstone - Aug 79)
Checky Arg & Sa, a heart & a chf Gu. (D: David of Rottweil Feb 98)
Checky Az & Or, a single-headed chess knight & a chf Gu. (D:
Michael de Logan - Jul 96)
Ermine, a cross formy & a chf Gu. (D: Effric Neyn Ken3ocht
Mcherrald - Feb 04) (Permission to conflict with one CD
granted 0402)
Ermine, a raven Sa & a chf Gu. (D: Berek Ravencrest - Jul 91)
Lozengy Arg & Sa, a chf Gu. (D: Rowen Cloteworthy - Feb 05)
Or, a chess bishop & a chf Gu. (D: Godefroy Lvque - Mar 02)
Or, a cross Vt & a chf Gu. (D: Toirrdelbach Ua Mel Doraid Apr 97)
Or, a palet couped raguly Sa betw in chf 2 pellets, & a chf Gu. (D:
Diel of Norwich - Apr 84)
Or, a Russian firebirds head erased contourny & a chf Gu. (D:
Esmerelda of Dun Or - May 00)
Or, a salt & a chf Gu. (D: Bruce, former royal house of Scotland Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, a tortoise Vt & a chf Gu. (D: Theresa von Elp - Jan 02)

Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Gules (continued)

Or, an oak sprig fesswise reversed proper & a chf Gu. (D: Sarra
Garrett - Jul 06)
Or, billetty Sa, an annulet & a chf Gu. (D: Steffan Wolfgang von
Ravensburg - May 90)
Or, on a bulls head cabossed Sa a rose Arg, a chf Gu. (D: Askell de
Loucelles - Oct 07)
Or, 2 hounds ramp addorsed & a chf Gu. (D: Rian Gortyroyan Jun 92)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a rose & a chf Gu. (D: Annanias Fenne May 02)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a unicorn ramp ctrch, a chf Gu. (D: Ellen of
the Scholars - Apr 93)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 3 crosses of 4 mascles ctrch, a chf Gu. (D:
Deorwulf Rathbrand - Mar 85)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 dragons salient respectant each bearing a
tankard ctrch, a chf Gu. (D: Theodwine of Falconbridge Feb 95)
Per pale Arg & Sa, an hourglass ctrch & a chf Gu. (D: Rafael de
Tempo - May 00)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a chf Gu. (D: Raghnall mac Aodha - Jul 05)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a heart ctrch & a chf Gu. (D: James the Gentle Feb 90)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 quills conjoined in pile ctrch, a chf Gu. (B:
Society for Creative Anachronism, Chronicler of the Nov 80)
Per pale Sa & Or, an amphisbaena passant ctrch, a chf Gu. (D:
Michael McLaurin of Cockburnspath - Nov 91)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor

(Tinctureless) A bearded sapper passant holding in both hands a

pick, a chf masoned. (B: Urien Pen-an-vre - Aug 79) (For
the Confraternity of Engineers)
Arg, a barrulet debased Gu, a chf barry Arg & Gu. (B: Keradwc an
Cai - Oct 82)
Arg, a cobras head erect affronty couped Sa, bellied Arg, betw 2
swords inv Sa, & a chf checky Sa & Arg. (B: Ryan von
Gunterburg - Aug 93)
Arg, a cross barby Sa & a chf checky Sa & Arg. (D: Wulf de
Langhemerc - Aug 01)
Arg, a dragon contourny Az, a chf checky Arg & Az, a base
dovetailed Az. (D: Celfind ingen hui Ruaircc - Jan 03)
Arg, a hounds head erased Gu, collared Or, maintaining a garden
rose Gu, slipped & leaved proper, a chf checky Arg & Gu. (D:
Artur of Trimaris - Apr 92)
Arg, a hummingbird hovering to sin Vt headed Gu sustaining in its
beak a threaded needle Sa, a chf counter-compony Gu & Or.
(D: Abigail of Lough Derravara - Dec 07)
Arg, a Japanese well frame crosswise Gu & a chf barry Arg & Gu.
(B: Ii Saburou Katsumori - Mar 02)
Arg, a lion ramp doubly-queued Sa betw six roses in annulo proper,
a chf lozengy Gu & Or. (D: Evzenie Apolena Vitkovic Apr 97)
Arg, a lion ramp queue forchy Vt within an orle of six thistles
proper, a chf checky Gu & Arg. (D: Susannah of Locksley Aug 94)
Arg, a tyger ramp Az, a chf lozengy Az & Arg. (D: Anne of
Fallbrook - Feb 94)
Arg, a wolf statant Sa, a chf checky Sa & Arg, chauss Az. (D:
Phelan Kell - Feb 97)
Arg, 3 piles, issuant from dexter base, each ensigned with a mullet
of eight points, Purp & a chf potent. (D: Achilles von Fulda Mar 90)
Arg, 3 sprigs of cherries proper, a chf countercompony Az & Arg.
(D: Brigid of Kerry - Dec 00)
Az, a chf per fess Gu & Arg & a base per fess Arg & Gu. (B:
Thailand - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Az, a cock Arg & a chf checky Or & Gu. (D: Lucas Daz de
Oviedo - Jan 02)
Az, a frame saw fesswise Or & a chf potenty Gu & Or. (D:
Laurence Kleinstadt - Mar 89)
Az, a tower Arg & a chf checky Sa & Arg. (D: Radulf Thordsson Apr 96)
Az, on a bezant a raven contourny Sa & a chf counter-compony Or
& Sa. (D: Bertran Eastwood - Sep 95)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 461

[Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor]

Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor (continued)

Az, on a double-headed eagle Arg a chi-rho Sa, a chf checky Sa &

Arg. (D: Isaak Frangopoulos - Feb 07)
Az, on a double-headed eagle Arg a chi-ro Sa, a chf checky Sa &
Arg. (D: Isaak Frangopoulos - Jan 95)
Az, 2 keys in salt, wards to base, each rod terminating in a wolfs
head cabossed, all Or, surmounted by a sword palewise proper,
a chf chequy Sa & Arg. (D: Kasimir of Ostgardr - May 90)
Counterermine, a chf potenty Arg. (D: Tomas Egilsson - May 05)
Gu, a catamounts face per pale Sa & Arg jessant of a fleur-de-lys
per pale Arg & Sa, a chf checky Sa & Arg. (D: Caoilinn
inghean ui Sheanain - Jan 06)
Gu, a claw hammer Arg, handled Or, within an orle of passion nails
Arg, a chf per fess Az & Arg. (D: Oskar den Frivillige
Ungkarlen - Jun 89)
Gu, a griffin passant to sin Arg, a chf checky Sa & Arg. (D:
Gwenhwyfar de Hwytinton - Dec 92)
Gu, a sin gusset ermine & a chf checky Sa & Arg. (D: Cemgen
mac Olcain - Aug 01)
Gu, a tree eradicated Arg & a chf potenty Az & Or. (D: Trygve
Sophister - Feb 87)
Gu, a winged beagle Arg, spotted Sa, passant to sin, wings elevated
& addorsed, a chf counter-compony Arg & Sa. (D: Keith of
Bryn Gwlad - Feb 87)
Gu, issuant from a wall embat Arg portalled Sa, issuant from base, a
natural demi-tiger ramp Arg marked Sa maintaining a pole &
pennon Arg, a chf counter-compony Sa & Arg. (B: Darius of
Jaxartes - Dec 97)
Gu, on a tankard Or, banded & foaming Arg, a laurel wreath Sa, &
a chf per fess embat Az & Arg. (D: Roterde - Sep 96)
Gu, 3 bells Or, a chf paly Az & Or. (D: Uberto Renaldi - Dec 99)
Gyronny Or & Vt, a chf vairy Arg & Sa. (D: Ariella of Thornbury Jan 00)
Or, a maple leaf inv Gu & a chf quarterly Vt & Arg. (D: Garrett of
Wolfscairn - Dec 03)
Or, a pall inv engrailed betw 3 rustres Gu, & a chf checky Arg &
Az. (D: Sharna KLynn - Feb 81)
Or, a stag ramp contourny Sa, a chf per fess embat Arg & Gu. (D:
Mr Fiad Dub - Nov 93)
Or, a thistle bendwise, slipped & leaved, Sa & a chf checky Sa &
Or. (D: Morgan MacLeod - Apr 84)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a lions head cabossed Arg & a chf
countercompony Sa & Arg. (D: Emery Lioncourt - Dec 00)
Per chev Arg semy of oak leaves Vt & Sa, a hammer Arg, a chf
checky Sa & Arg. (D: Ian Cnulle - Oct 95)
Per chev Gu & Sa, a thistle slipped & leaved Or & a chf gyronny Sa
& Arg. (D: Raibert MacArthur - Feb 92)
Per fess Or & Sa, a griffin segreant ctrch, a chf counter-compony Or
& Sa. (D: William of Westmarish - Dec 92)
Per pale Arg & Az, a celtic cross ctrch & a chf chequy Az & Arg.
(D: Maelpdraig MacConmara - Feb 92)
Per pale Arg & Az, a mullet of six points elongated to base & a chf
ctrch. (D: Will of Black Rose - Mar 05)
Per pale Arg & Purp, a chf gyronny Or & Gu. (D: Tomaltach de
Brus - Apr 02)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 battleaxes, blades to center, & a chf all ctrch.
(D: Codran Bloodaxe - Mar 93)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 cats combattant & a chf ctrch. (D: Lecelin of
Ravenscroft - Jan 95)
Per pale Az & Arg, a cross bottony ctrch, a chf checky Az & Arg.
(D: Gabrielle dAnjou - Jul 00)
Per pale Az & Arg, a tower & a spider ctrch & a chf countercompony Az & Arg. (D: Giovanni da Lucca - Dec 03)
Per pale Az & Arg, a tree eradicated ctrch Arg & Sa, a chf countercompony Sa & Arg. (D: Gerhard Finsterwalder - Apr 98)
Per pale Az & Arg ermined Vt, a chf ctrch. (D: Timothy OBrien Jun 99)
Per pale Az & Arg, 3 tau crosses ctrch & a chf vair. (D: Saxus of
Arunshire - Sep 85)
Per pale Az & Or, a fret & a chf ctrch. (D: Phillip Harlech of
Exeter - Apr 81)
Per pale Az & Or, a latin cross fleury ctrch & a chf vairy Sa & Arg.
(D: Etienne de la Croix - Mar 96)
Per pale Az & Purp, a chf checky Arg & Sa. (D: Lorin MacKai Aug 93)

462 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Multicolor (continued)

Per pale Az, semy of millrinds Or, & Gu, semy of millrinds Or, a
barrel helm facing sin Arg & a chf per fess nebuly Gu & Arg.
(D: Richard Ironforger - Jan 85)
Per pale Or & Az, a chev & a chf ctrch. (B: Reinholdt von
Trollenhagen - Nov 06)
Per pale Or & Az, 2 chevronels & a chf, all ctrch. (D: Reinholdt
von Trollenhagen - Sep 86)
Per pale Or & Gu, a sword inv ctrch, & a chf per fess embat Az &
Arg. (D: Siegfried von Hllenstein - Oct 81)
Per pale Or & Vt, in fess a sprig of 3 cherries, slipped & leaved
proper, & a bee Or marked Sa, a chf checky Sa & Arg. (D:
Antonia Stefani - Jan 08)
Per pale rayonny Sa & Arg, a chf checky Sa & Arg. (D: Ludovico il
Corvo - Apr 01)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 dragons statant erect respectant ctrch breathing
flames proper, a chf per pale ermine & counter-ermine. (B:
Symmonne Deccarrete de Villette - Jan 04)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 swords in salt surmounted by another inv ctrch,
a chf enarched ctrch erminois & pean. (D: orvaldr frisamr Jan 08)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a chf ctrch. (D: Dugan Makgowin of Aydel Mar 07)
Per pale Vt & Or, in fess 2 paw prints ctrch Or & Sa, a chf ctrch.
(D: Darcy Eveline o Lasgwm - Apr 90)
Per pale wavy Or & Az, 2 horses heads couped addorsed betw a
chf & a base, all ctrch. (D: Stephanie of Oultre-Mer Mar 83)
Purp, a camel statant Arg & a chf lozengy Arg & Sa. (D:
Constance ingen Chonchobair - Nov 05)
Purp, a 3-armed candlestick Or, with candles Arg flammant proper
& a chf paly Arg & Sa. (D: Avelina de Athia - Sep 96)
Purp, a unicorn ramp Arg & a chf lozengy Vt & Arg. (D: Vivienne
de la Chartreuse - Nov 02)
Purp, 3 thistles in bend Or, a chf checky Purp & Or. (D: Petronilla
of Argyll - Jul 97)
Quarterly Vt & Or, a falcon striking to sin & a chf ctrch. (D: Simon
Thorndyke - Nov 82)
Sa, a bat disp Or pendant from a chf arched checky Az & Or. (D:
Garich die Fledermaus - Jan 83)
Sa, a bear ramp Arg & a chf checky Or & Sa. (D: Cadwgan Ty
Mawr - Nov 00)
Sa, a chev betw 3 lozenges Or, a chf chequy Or & Sa. (D: Winfred
Cromwell - Feb 87)
Sa, a decrescent Arg, a chf vairy Vt & Or. (D: Susanna Grey May 98)
Sa, a raven disp & a chf chequy Vt & Arg. (D: Witram Elwood Nov 88)
Sa, a woman courant Arg, crined, helmeted of a winged helm &
vested, bearing in the right hand a round shield Or & in the sin
a sword bendwise sin proper, a chf lozengy Arg & pean. (D:
Ursa Ivarsdottir - Dec 87)
Sa, an anchor bendwise fouled of its chain Arg & a chf vair of one
trait. (D: Stefano dAmato - Aug 91)
Sa, in pale an arrow reversed fesswise Arg & a fountain proper, a
chf checky Vt & Arg. (D: Beaune de la Sorse - May 92)
Sa, 3 bees Or & a chf paly bendy Sa & Or. (D: David Scrivener of
Newcastle - Sep 95)
Sa, 2 dragons combatant Or each maintaining a sword Vt in its tail,
a chf checky Sa & Arg. (D: Richard Tremayne - Jan 97)
Vt, a bear statant contourny Or, a chf indented point in point Gu &
Arg. (D: Calogero Urso - Aug 95)
Vt, a helm pierced by an arrow bendwise sin Arg, a chf checky Arg
& Sa. (D: Harold of Eastwood - Jun 95)
Vt, a mastiff salient Arg & a chf vair. (D: Nikolaus der Auslnder May 88)
Vt, a stags head erased Arg, a chf vairy Sa & Arg. (D: Hugh de
Rose - Aug 05)
Vt, a wolfs head erased contourny Or & a chf checky Vt & Or. (D:
Talbot of Galtris - May 06)
Vt, an elephant contourny maintaining on its back a tower Arg & a
chf per fess embat Sa & Arg. (D: Ciarn hua Cathassaig Nov 05)
Vt, semy of hearts Arg, a chf checky Sa & Arg. (D: Jesmaine of
Volchevo Lesa - Dec 91)
* * * End * * *

[Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Or] to [Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Purpure]

Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Or

(Tinctureless) A bearded sapper passant holding in both hands a

pick, a chf masoned. (B: Urien Pen-an-vre - Aug 79) (For
the Confraternity of Engineers)
Az, a compass rose & a chf enarched Or. (D: Rufus MacDaniel Oct 95)
Az, a daisy proper within an orle of plates conjoined & a chf Or.
(D: Marguerite dIsre - Feb 95)
Az, a greyhound passant & on a chf Or 3 frets couped Vt. (D:
Mairghread ni Fhlaithbheartaigh - Nov 97)
Az, a hunting horn Arg & a chf Or. (D: Siegfried McClure Sep 03)
Az, a jesters hat lozengy Gu & Or & a chf Or. (D: Casamira
Jawjalny - Mar 87)
Az, a pair of shears & on a chf Or 3 lace bobbins Sa. (D: Rathnait
inghean ui Chaireallin - Oct 07)
Az, a pale endorsed & a chf Or. (D: Kwellend-Njal Kolskeggsson Nov 90)
Az, a pomegranate slipped & leaved & a chf Or. (D: Isabetta
Pomati - Apr 02)
Az, a seahorse erect & a chf Or. (D: Kateline Deveraux Simpson Feb 89)
Az, a triquetra & a chf Or. (D: Jolana Eadgythe Heverington Apr 90)
Az, 4 claymores inv interlaced as a fret interlaced by a claymore inv
& a chf Or. (D: Tairdelbach mac Conchobair - Jul 04)
Az, 3 plates & a chf Or. (D: Mairghread nighean Eanruig Mar 97)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, a butterfly & a chf Or. (D: Juliana
dAvignon - Oct 92)
Bendy Or & Sa, a chf Or, overall a mandrake Purp, leaved Vt. (D:
Alraun of Brownmoor - Jan 73)
Counter-ermine, a bomb Or, enflamed proper, & a chf Or. (D:
Shanta de la Mar - Apr 83)
Gu, a bumblebee proper & a chf Or honeycombed Sa. (D: Lucia
Porzia Sforza di Firenze - Mar 92)
Gu, a griffin segreant & a chf Or. (B: William Castille - Dec 04)
Gu, a pale & a chf Or. (D: Idonia Tait - Apr 96)
Gu, a pomegranate Or seeded Gu slipped & leaved Vt & a chf Or.
(D: Rivkah Strbele - Aug 02)
Gu, in pale a drakkar sailing to sin & an axe reversed, a chf Or. (D:
Erik the Runt - Dec 92)
Gu, on a compass star Or, betw a chf Or & a base wavy barry wavy
Or & Sa, a pellet. (D: Daud Kashtah - Feb 90)
Gu semy of suns, an eagle & a chf Or. (D: Ranulph de Nedham Nov 07)
Gu, 3 bat-winged cats sejant affronty wings disp & a chf Or. (D:
Catrin von Berlin - Nov 02)
Gu, 3 frets couped Arg & a chf Or. (D: Gyles de Blair - Aug 04)
Gu, 2 ravens addorsed environed of a serpent in annulo involved
vorant of its tail, a chf Or. (D: Sven Dragon Ormson Jan 91)
Lozengy Az & Arg, a cats face Or marked Sa & a chf Or. (D:
Catlin Lindsay - Jun 95)
Pean, a wolf passant reguardant & a chf Or. (D: David Grand
Dorian - Mar 89)
Per bend Az & Vt, a seahorse erect Arg & a chf Or. (D: Rhiannon
filia Catell - Oct 07)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, a lions jambe bendwise erased & a chf Or.
(D: Kendra Kenmare - Sep 92)
Per bend Vt & Or, a Latin cross Or & a thistle Gu, slipped & leaved
Vt, a chf Or. (D: Selina Marie Sinclair - Mar 98)
Per fess embat Az & Or masoned Sa, a chf arched Or. (D:
Thorbjorn Wulfgrimmssnn - Nov 83)
Per pale Az & Gu, a rams head couped affronty & a chf Or. (D:
Garrett Logan Todhunter - Dec 95)
Per pale Az & Purp, a triskelion arrondy pommetty & a chf Or. (D:
Juliana Macnayre - Dec 05)
Per pale Gu & Vt, a wolf ramp contourny & a chf Or. (D: Wolff
Hebenstreit - Jan 05)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 3 lions heads jessant-de-lys ctrch & a chf Or.
(D: Crystyl of Dael Beorht - Nov 95)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a winged bear ramp & a chf Or. (D: Bjorn
Kathrynson - Jun 88)
Per pale Vt & Purp, an armored female angel disp maintaining
overhead a spear fesswise reversed, a chf Or. (D: Valeria
ngeli - May 98)

Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Or (continued)

Per pale Vt & Sa, a wolf statant Arg & a chf Or. (D: Thyr lfr Jan 08)
Per salt Sa & Gu, an annulet & a chf Or. (D: Abner Plunkett Feb 94)
Purp, a bend Gu fimbriated, in chf an increscent, a chf Or. (D:
Caissne ingen Scandail - Dec 97)
Purp, a chev & a chf Or. (D: David ben Avraham Brisk - May 92)
Purp, a chi-rho & a chf Or. (D: Konstantinos of Rath an Oir Sep 07)
Purp, a foxs mask & a chf Or. (D: Amanda of Foxden - Jan 93)
Purp, a natural tiger ramp Arg marked Sa & a chf Or. (D: Chagan
Baras - Jul 03)
Purp, a torch Arg, enflamed Or, & a chf Or, fretty Purp. (D: Helena
of the Lighted Torch - Dec 88)
Purp, an iris slipped & a chf Or. (D: Katharine Tuscher - Feb 03)
Purp bezanty & a chf Or. (B: Nigel the Byzantine - Oct 95)
Purp crusily Cerdaa, a chf enarched Or. (D: Fortunus Saturnin Jul 00)
Purp, on a chalice Or a crescent Sa & a chf Or. (D: Hannah of
Trimaris - Sep 03)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, an oak tree & a chf Or. (D: Otes atten Oke May 05)
Sa, a fret & a chf Or. (D: Gwydden Lawen - Sep 95)
Sa, a horses head couped & a chf Or. (D: Francesca Testarossa
de Martini - Nov 03)
Sa, a lark volant to sin beneath a chf enarched, Or. (D: Lilofee
Radmilla Lerchhausen von Maehren - Nov 77?)
Sa, a melusine Arg vested Gu & on a chf Or 3 roses proper. (D:
Susanna Flur - Aug 06)
Sa, a spiderweb & on a chf Or 3 spiders Sa. (D: Chle Aubre
Duclair - Sep 88)
Sa, 3 pomegranates slipped & leaved, stems conjoined in pall, & a
chf Or. (D: Mva matbarkona - Jun 05)
Sa, 2 chevronels, that in chf ensigned with a castle Or & enfiled of a
noose Arg pendant from a chf Or. (D: Richard of Locksley Apr 73?)
Vt, a hanging balance & a chf Or. (D: Theodore Barrister Jul 89)
Vt, a lion ramp contourny & a chf Or. (D: Finn hua Cellaig Aug 01)
Vt, a mushroom & a chf Or. (D: Gwendolyn Sylvania - Oct 92)
Vt, a shamrock Or surmounted by a harp Sa, in base a chevronel &
a chf Or. (D: Kyla Maire Reynolds of Galloway - Aug 80)
Vt, a vulture close & a chf Or. (D: Ruth of the Debatable Lands Dec 88)
Vt, masoned Arg, a compass-star & a chf arched Or. (D: Theodrik
of Skane - Nov 81)
Vt, on a bend Or 3 annulets Vt, a chf Or. (D: Ciana da Vizzi Mar 05)
Vt, on a chev Or 2 arrows inv Gu & a chf Or. (D: Arthur of
Ankeridge - Mar 97)
Vt, 3 horseshoes inv Arg & a chf Or. (D: Kendrick Ostler Sep 91)
Vt, 3 trilliums Arg & a chf Or. (D: Isabel Dancere - Jan 03)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Purpure

(Tinctureless) A bearded sapper passant holding in both hands a

pick, a chf masoned. (B: Urien Pen-an-vre - Aug 79) (For
the Confraternity of Engineers)
Arg, a cow salient & a chf Purp. (D: Guillaume Beauvin - Jul 00)
Arg, a double-headed hawk disp & a chf Purp. (D: Wilhelm
Zweikopfig Falke - Dec 87)
Arg, a dragon segreant contourny & a chf Purp. (D: Siobn
inghean u Fhidhne - Dec 00)
Arg, a horse salient to sin & a chf Purp. (D: Jena Whitehart Aug 84)
Arg, in salt 2 roses, slipped & leaved, Az & a chf Purp. (D:
Elizabeth of the Blue Rose - Feb 89)
Arg scaly Vt, a salamander statant guardant & a chf Purp. (D:
Barbara atte Dragon - Jan 96)
Arg, 3 natural panthers passant reguardant Sa & a chf Purp. (D:
Zacharias Flamebeard of Eastmark - Jun 96)
Bendy wavy Gu & Or, 3 doves volant Arg, a chf Purp. (D:
Wendolyn y Breuddwydwr - Jul 81)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 463

[Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Purpure] to [Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Vert]

Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Purpure (continued)

Or, a quill pen palewise Purp, a chf Purp, mailly Or. (D: Melinda
Dobyns of Suffolk - Apr 89)
Or ermined Gu, a bunch of grapes & a chf enarched Purp. (D:
Richard Morgan of Cumberland - Nov 03)
Per fess Arg & Vt, a horse statant Sa & a die Arg, a chf enarched
Purp. (D: Karsten Pferdenarr - Dec 00)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a pale embat Purp betw a dragon & a unicorn
combattant ctrch, & a chf Purp. (D: Caitlyn Killian - Nov 90)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable

(Tinctureless) A bearded sapper passant holding in both hands a

pick, a chf masoned. (B: Urien Pen-an-vre - Aug 79) (For
the Confraternity of Engineers)
Arg, a bend sin Arg, fimbriated, overall a winged unicorn Sa,
armed, unguled, collared, & trailing a broken chain Or, a chf
Sa. (D: William of Duramen, the Unfettered - Jul 79?)
Arg, a black Caucasian centaur statant proper, crined & maintaining
a trident, a chf Sa. (D: Domhnall Inwood - Dec 89)
Arg, a chev Sa & overall a gryphon Gu, a chf Sa. (D: Miles de
Colwell - Dec 02)
Arg, a chf Sa. (B: Templars, Order of the Knights - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Arg, a chf Sa & overall a cross Gu. (D: Templars, Order of the
Knights - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, a domestic cats head couped affronty Sa betw in fess 2 garden
rosebuds Gu slipped & leaved Vt & a chf Sa. (D: Morgaine
Bheithir - Oct 90)
Arg, a Monarch butterfly bendwise sin, wings elevated & addorsed
proper, betw 3 holly leaves in pall Vt, a chf Sa. (D: Edana
Aleen of the Borough of York - Jul 85)
Arg, a pantheon ramp Gu mullety Or, a chf Sa. (D: Romille de
Mont Blanc - Aug 95)
Arg, a pestle in a mortar & a chf Sa. (D: Aaron von dem Drachen Jul 86)
Arg, a snail guardant & a chf Sa. (D: Emily of Briarthorn Oct 88)
Arg, a sun betw a chf enarched & a base Sa. (D: Sol Tizona Jul 04)
Arg, a sword Sa entwined by a pomegranate slipped Gu & a chf Sa.
(D: Tunoc Breakshield - Jul 90)
Arg, a talbot passant Sa betw flaunches Purp & a chf Sa. (D:
Maeve of Spiaggia Levantina - Feb 04)
Arg, a vol & a chf Sa. (D: Penelope Carlyll - Feb 05)
Arg, a wolf passant reguardant contourny Gu & a chf enarched Sa.
(D: Brigit ingen Meic Thre Ruaidh - Jan 03)
Arg, an arrow & a chf Sa. (B: Marioun Golightly - Mar 06)
Arg, ermined Gu, a bear ramp maintaining a double-bitted axe, & a
chf Sa. (D: Alaric Bear-Stalker - Jun 82)
Arg, five crows in salt & a chf Sa. (D: Ogan O Crowly - Nov 06)
Arg, goutty de sang, a stag ramp & a chf Sa. (D: Amalric Blackhart
- Mar 90)
Arg, on a chev Sa 3 escallops inv Or & a chf Sa. (D: Albert de
Moulton - Mar 04)
Arg, on a lozenge fesswise Gu a pig statant Arg, a chf & a base Sa.
(B: Erica Poitevin - Feb 00)
Arg, on a lozenge palewise throughout betw 2 goutes in fess Az, a
cross couped Arg, a chf Sa. (D: Elizabeth atte Grove Jul 98)
Arg, on flames of fire Gu a tower Arg, a chf enarched Sa. (D:
Arthur of the Serpentine Trail - Jan 86)
Barry wavy Arg & Vt, a cow couchant guardant Or & a chf Sa. (D:
Fridemunt von Kostenz - May 99)
Checky Arg & Gu, a legless wyvern disp & a chf Sa. (D: Blase di
Angelo - Jul 06)
Checky Arg & Vt, a wolf ramp & a chf Sa. (D: Randwulf aet
Blacwulveslea - Aug 01)
Ermine, 3 fleurs-de-lys Gu & a chf Sa. (D: Reina Sainte Claire Mar 91)
Erminois, a sword Or, hilted & enflamed, & a chf enarched Sa. (D:
Donal Artair MacRorie - Sep 87)
Lozengy Arg & Az, a hound passant regardant & a chf Sa. (D:
Sigismund Schmidt - Sep 03)
Lozengy Gu & Arg semy of keys palewise wards to dexter base, a
chf Sa. (D: Anne of Framlingham - Nov 00)

464 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Sable (continued)

Lozengy Or & Vt, a chf Sa. (D: Elizabeth of Hadley Hall Feb 01)
Or, a boar ramp Sa betw 4 cloves proper, a chf Sa. (D: Artegall
Stonehollow - Jan 81)
Or, a dexter tierce Gu, a chf Sa. (D: Jibrail Attar - Apr 08)
(Blanket permission to conflict with device granted 0804K)
Or, a natural panthers face betw 3 paw prints & a chf Sa. (D:
Elizabeth Buchanan - Nov 91)
Or, a rams horn fesswise reversed & a chf Sa. (D: Alexander
Ramsey of Dunblane - May 92)
Or, a single-arched bridge & on a chf Sa a rapier fesswise Or. (B:
Ponte Alto - Sep 07) (For the Baronial Rapier Champion)
Or, a Thors hammer & a chf Sa. (D: Dmarr Ingvaldarson Nov 02)
Or, a wyvern erect maintaining a trident, a chf Sa. (D: Duncan of
Seareach - Jan 99)
Or, an elephant statant & a chf Sa. (D: Kennard of Bath - Aug 87)
Or, an urchin Gu, a chf Sa maily Arg. (D: Tanw the Confused Jan 93)
Or goutty de poix, 2 wolves combattant Gu & a chf Sa. (D: Bran
MacNeill - Feb 95)
Or, 2 lions heads erased conjoined at the neck & a chf Sa. (D:
Wulfgang von den Lowen - Feb 87)
Or, 2 rapiers in salt Sa overall a rose proper & a chf Sa. (D: Bell
Phoebe de Givet - Feb 02)
Per bend Or & Gu, a chf Sa. (D: Timothy of Shaftesbury - Jan 08)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, a mullet voided & conjoined to an annulet
Purp, & a sword bendwise sin Or, a chf Sa. (D: Robert of
Pembroke - Jan 85)
Per bend sin Or & Vt, on a tower Sa a rose slipped & leaved Arg, a
chf Sa. (D: Alan Black - May 02)
Per chev Arg & Gu, a rose ctrch barbed & seeded proper a chf Sa.
(D: Juliana Rosalia Dolce da Siena - Apr 96)
Per pale bendy sin Or & Vt, & Or, in sin a lion Vt, a chf Sa. (D:
Bartholomew of Suffolk - May 96)
Per pale Or & Arg, six lozenges 3, 2 & one, & a chf Sa. (D: Solveig
Gunnadttir r lfey - Jan 94)
Per pale rayonny ermine & Vt, a boar statant to sin & a chf Sa. (D:
Saghdha Cameron - Nov 05)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a vol inv ctrch & a chf Az. (D: Adriana
Featherstonehaugh - Jun 02)
Per pale Vt & Or, a sin gauntlet bendwise sin issuant from dexter
base Arg grasping a cross bottony Vt, & a chf Sa. (D: Ian the
Bane - Dec 83)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a cross ctrch & a chf Sa. (D: Ysemay Sterlyng
- Aug 06)
Vair, a swan naiant & a chf Sa. (D: Connor of Kilsyth - May 02)
Vair en pointe, an enfield ramp Or & a chf Sa. (D: Donnan the
Solitary - Feb 86)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Vert

(Tinctureless) A bearded sapper passant holding in both hands a

pick, a chf masoned. (B: Urien Pen-an-vre - Aug 79) (For
the Confraternity of Engineers)
Arg, a wyvern disp head to sin & a chf Vt. (D: Avelina Dragon Jan 05)
Arg, an escallop & a chf Vt. (D: Louise Elizabeth Mindenhale Sep 90)
Arg, an ivy leaf & a chf Vt. (D: Magy of Aberdeen - Dec 07)
Arg ermined Vt, a rose proper & a chf Vt. (D: Marion de Gael Jul 99)
Arg fretty Sa, a chf Vt. (B: Altavia - Feb 03)
Arg, 3 butterflies Az & a chf Vt. (D: Elinora OConnor - Aug 04)
Arg, 3 gouttes & a chf Vt. (D: Marietta Aurelia da Bari - May 04)
Arg, 3 lavender sprigs conjoined in base proper & a chf enarched
Vt. (D: Helewis of Richemond - Dec 02)
Arg, 2 axes in salt surmounted by a double-bitted axe Sa, a chf Vt.
(D: Klaus von Trollenberg - Aug 82)
Arg, 2 peacock feathers in pile, tips crossed, proper & a chf Vt. (D:
Mary Rose de Burgon - May 06)
Ermine, a falcon rising contourny, wings addorsed, belled & jessed
Gu & a chf Vt. (D: Anne of Framlingham - May 93)
Lozengy Arg & Vt, a chf Vt. (D: Eleonor von Lbeck - Jun 96)
Or, a bullfrog sejant & a chf Vt. (D: Ribert Diolun of Armagh May 89)

[Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Vert] to [Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Argent]

Chief - Uncharged - Plain line - Vert (continued)

Or, a phoenix Vt rising from flames issuant from base proper, a chf
Vt. (D: Rachel Wallace - Dec 93)
Or, a swepe Sa, a chf Vt. (D: Woodford of Lorien - Sep 71?)
Or, a triskelion arrondy within an annulet, a chf Vt. (B: Deirdre
OSiodhachain - Nov 89)
Or, an owl contourny maintaining a barrel Sa banded Arg, a chf
enarched Vt. (D: Martin de Thalassa - Apr 01)
Or, six quatrefoils slipped in annulo stems to center & a chf Vt. (D:
Alana of Ramskeep - May 04)
Or, 2 crows disp, heads respectant, Sa & a chf Vt. (D: Morvran
Corbet de la Flamme - Aug 87)
Per bend sin Or & Gu, a trefoil knot & a chf Vt. (D: Shonna
Dennyng - Jun 08)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a crescent ctrch & a chf Vt. (D: Jennet of
Amberley - Jun 90)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a lion ramp ctrch & a chf Vt. (D: Petur Eylward
- Nov 06)
Per pall Or, Sa & Purp, a chf Vt. (D: Eoin of Argyll - Feb 06)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Argent

Az, a bear statant guardant Arg, antlered Or, a chf rayonny Arg. (D:
Sean Donald of Caithness - Jun 98)
Az, a bull ramp & a chf indented Arg. (D: Alessandro of Tir
Ysgithr - Feb 03)
Az, a carrack in full sail pennons flying Or issuant from a trimount,
a chf enarched & invected Arg. (D: Sabiha al-Zarqa - Jul 02)
Az, a Celtic cross Arg betw in base 2 annulets Or, a chf embat Arg.
(D: Patric of Blackthorn - Oct 99)
Az, a centaur passant guardant maintaining in each hand an annulet
Or, a chf indented Arg. (D: Anne Brynley - Mar 01)
Az, a chev & in base, beneath a snowflake, a dragon passant, a chf
indented, all Arg. (D: Einar Isdrakon - Aug 79?)
Az, a chev Or, in base a tree eradicated, a chf embat Arg. (D:
Giovanni dAvila - Feb 86)
Az, a chicken close contourny, a chf invected Arg. (D: Margaret
Acton - Jul 00)
Az, a crescent & a chf potenty Arg. (D: Paul the Small - Nov 07)
Az, a decrescent & in chf 2 compass stars, a chf potent Arg. (D:
Pierre de Baxas - Apr 00)
Az, a dove descending & a chf invected Arg. (D: James Addison of
Woolpit - Jul 81)
Az, a dragonfly Or, a chf embat Arg. (D: Czendes Sadany Jul 01)
Az, a dragonfly Or & a chf wavy Arg. (D: Briana de Luna Dec 01)
Az, a griffin segreant to sin & a chf invected Arg. (D: Ian Jameson
- Feb 90)
Az, a helm affronty Or, a chf indented Arg. (B: Bronzehelm Sep 94)
Az, a helm affronty Or within a laurel wreath, a chf indented Arg.
(D: Bronzehelm - Oct 92)
Az, a keyhole voided within a laurel wreath, a chf embat Arg. (D:
Skeldergate - Jan 93)
Az a lamb statant guardant & a chf invected Arg. (D: Mary van
Wrinck - Apr 82)
Az, a lion couchant Or & a chf wavy Arg. (D: John Bowyer Jun 08)
Az, a mullet of 4 points Or, a chf wavy Arg. (B: White Waters, the
- Jul 97)
Az, a mullet of 4 points within a laurel wreath Or, a chf wavy Arg.
(D: White Waters, the - Jul 92)
Az, a pegasus passant wings elevated & addorsed & a chf
dovetailed Arg. (D: Gyel von Sachsen - Sep 00)
Az, a plate atop a point pointed, a chf indented Arg. (D: Meinhard
Hinck von Erbach - Dec 82)
Az, a polar bear statant to sin Arg, crowned of a coronet dovetailed
Or, within an annulet, a chf embat Arg. (D: Rowan Beatrice
vom Kampfer - Jan 88)
Az, a ring of 2 keys & a chf wavy Arg. (B: Atlantia - Aug 91)
(For the Office of the Chatelaine)
Az, a scallop shell & a chf wavy Arg. (D: Jehane Pelerine Mar 75?)
Az, a sea lion erect & a chf nebuly Arg. (D: Colin de Wyndmere Aug 78?)

Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Argent (continued)

Az, a sealion betw 3 estoiles Or a chf wavy Arg. (D: Muirgheal nic
Dhonnachaidh - Aug 96)
Az, a sheaf of arrows inv Or betw 2 moons in their complement, a
chf embat Arg. (B: Twin Moons - Jun 95)
Az, a siege tower Or, a chf embat Arg. (D: Carl of Wiltshire Mar 83)
Az, a snowflake betw 2 dragons heads addorsed, necks conjoined
in base, & a chf embat Arg. (D: Michael Dennison of Alnwick
- Mar 88)
Az, a spiral hunting horn & a chf embat Arg. (D: Symonne
Lentaigne - Nov 06)
Az, a sun Or betw 2 merlins volant respectant & a merlin close
affronty proper, a chf invected Arg. (D: Merlin Falconer Mar 82)
Az, a sunburst Or & a chf indented of 3 points Arg. (B: Three
Mountains - Jun 96) (For Order of Three Mountains)
Az, a swan rousant contourny & a chf embat Arg. (D: Brendan
McCarrell - Jun 93)
Az, a unicorn ramp, a chf invected Arg. (D: Gareth MacDuff Jul 00)
Az, a wagon wheel & a chf embat Arg. (D: Leofwine of
Sumerstum - Jan 03)
Az, a walrus couchant guardant & a chf wavy Arg. (D: Wyllym
MacLeod of Tir Ysgithr - Apr 05)
Az, a winged catamount segreant Or & a chf rayonny Arg. (D:
Salvatore Rocco da Napoli - Jun 04)
Az, an amphora & a chf rayonny Arg. (D: Georg Kopman Nov 03)
Az, an eagle & on a chf doubly enarched Arg, 3 annulets Az. (D:
Grinne inghean Daudh u Chonchobhair - Apr 08)
Az, an escallop & a chf embat Arg, a ford proper. (B: Havre de
Glace - Aug 06) (For Ordre du Plerin)
Az, an escallop inv & a chf invected Arg. (D: Boudicca
Dolwyddelan - Oct 91)
Az, an otter ramp contourney Or & a blonde mermaid erect proper
respectant a chf invected Arg. (D: Andela Romier - Mar 97)
Az, ermined, a fox courant & on a chf indented Arg, 3 celtic crosses
Az. (D: Artus Quintus - Sep 90)
Az, ermined Or, a bezant betw the tines of a stags attires, a chf
embat Arg. (D: Cindra Bhn of the Amber Rose - May 89)
Az estencelly & a chf embat Arg. (D: Alys Durivau - Jul 99)
Az, in fess 2 lizards tergiant & a chf triangular Arg. (D: Mary
Buchanan - Mar 94)
Az, in pale an owl disp Arg perched atop 2 rapiers inv in salt Or, a
chf dovetailed Arg. (D: Justin Louis de Courtenay - May 07)
Az, in pale 3 comets fesswise & a chf nebuly Arg. (D: Douglas
Orion - Mar 85)
Az, in pale 3 fish & a chf invected Arg. (D: Toi Poisson de
Mortagne - Mar 07)
Az, on a bears pawprint Arg a mullet of 4 points elongated
palewise Az, a chf embat Arg. (D: Gregory Wynterson Jun 95)
Az, on a lozenge Arg a thistle proper a chf embat Arg. (D: Anne
Elizabeth Ross - Jan 02)
Az, on a plate betw 3 crosses moline Or, a hawks head erased Sa, a
chf indented Arg. (D: Stephen Greyhawkes - Jun 89)
Az semy of arrows Or, a chf wavy Arg. (B: White Waters, the Jul 97)
Az, six colts foot blossoms in profile Or, a chf indented Arg. (D:
Delphine du Dauphin - Aug 96)
Az, 3 acorns conjoined in pall & a chf rayonny Arg. (D: Lucina la
frepire - Apr 00)
Az, 3 gouts & a chf invected Arg. (D: Constance Greystorm Jul 92)
Az, 3 natural dolphins naiant in annulo one & 2, a chf wavy Arg.
(D: Isibel sveraspillir - Feb 02)
Az, 3 rose slips conjoined in base, a chf embat Arg. (D: Aine ingen
Fhinn - Dec 04)
Az, 2 axes in salt betw 2 lightning bolts palewise Or issuant from a
chf nebuly Arg. (D: Maeloc of Wolfhaven - May 07)
Az, 2 bars wavy Arg, overall a laurel wreath Vt, a chf nebuly Arg.
(D: Gwyntarian - Mar 83)
Az, 2 keys in salt wards to base & a chf embat Arg. (D: Tessa da
Rimini - Aug 00)
Az, 2 sea stags addorsed tails crossed within a laurel wreath, a chf
wavy Arg. (D: Talmere - Dec 00)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 465

[Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Argent]

Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Argent (continued)

Bendy sin Or & Az, an escarbuncle & a chf embat Arg. (D:
Contarina la Bianca - Jul 03)
Counter-ermine, a chev Or betw 3 cups & a chf embat Arg. (D:
Kelvin of Tynedale - Oct 94)
Counter-ermine, on a lozenge Arg, a wolfs head, erased & sin
facing, Sa, a chf indented Arg. (D: Hrothgar Hrolfsson Aug 88)
Gu, a bear passant to sin reguardant & a chf embat Arg. (D:
Erann OConnor - Sep 90)
Gu, a boar statant to sin & a chf potenty Arg. (D: Thorfinn the
Cruel - Jul 92)
Gu, a chf embat Arg. (D: John Thorn - Feb 00)
Gu, a decrescent beneath a chf nebuly Arg. (D: Conrad von
Regensburg - Sep 73?)
Gu, a fess of 4 lozenges Arg, each charged with a cross couped Sa,
a chf embat Arg. (D: Ljubljana Kovaca - Dec 88)
Gu, a fist couped sustaining 2 arrows in salt points to sin, a chf
triangular Arg. (D: Fearghus Amhreaidh - Oct 07)
Gu, a harpy disp & a chf rayonny Arg. (D: Lira of Ascalon Feb 91)
Gu, a lily-of-the-valley plant Or, a chf embat Arg. (D: Maria del
Norte - Sep 93)
Gu, a lion dormant contourny Or, a chf wavy Arg. (D: Brengre
Marguerite Madeline dAcre - Jan 93)
Gu, a rabbit sejant contourny regardant & a chf dovetailed Arg. (D:
Rose Thorne - Aug 03)
Gu, a sheaf of 3 arrows Arg fletched Vt marked Sa, a chf embat
Arg. (D: Aeddan Ivor - Apr 99)
Gu, a standing balance, arm bendwise, & a chf potenty Arg. (D:
Jrg Siggeirsson - Mar 88)
Gu, a trillium blossom & a chf invected Arg. (D: Madelyn
Catherwood - Sep 90)
Gu, a unicorn ramp & a chf double-arched Arg. (D: Jurgis Magnus
- Mar 97)
Gu, an abacus Or & a chf embat Arg. (D: Vincent the Calculator Apr 93)
Gu, crusilly fitchy, a sea horse & a chf wavy Arg. (D: Marion
Howard - Sep 91)
Gu, on a pale Or, a needle Gu, a chf indented Arg. (D: Bryce Lones
- Feb 95)
Pean, a chf indented Arg. (D: Julien de Montfort - Apr 99)
Per bend Az & Purp, a bend bevilled, a chf invected Arg. (D:
Faoileann inghean Tighearnaigh - Oct 04)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a fleur-de-lys & a chf dovetailed Arg. (D:
Marcella Alleyne - Aug 91)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a Maltese cross & a chf wavy Arg. (D:
Wolfgang der Stumm - Sep 99)
Per bend sin Purp & Az, an oak leaf & a chf embat Arg. (D: Alyne
Strangwych - Jul 03)
Per chev Az & vairy Arg & Sa, a chf invected Arg. (D: Maghnus
an Chnoic na nIora - May 83)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev & a chf embat Arg. (B: Emory
MacMichael - Oct 81) (For House Fairmont)
Per chev Purp mullety of six points Arg, & Arg, in base a spiked
ball & chain bendwise Sa, a chf embat Arg. (D: Linnet
Morningstar - Mar 93)
Per fess rayonny Sa & Gu, in base a horse courant contourny, a chf
embat Arg. (B: Marc MacLave - Jun 02)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a deers attires & a chf embat Arg. (D: Aonghas
of Rannachmoor - Feb 06)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a hawk disp alighting on a harp, a chf triangular
Arg. (D: Chelidon o Gaerddrych - Apr 88)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a sun & a chf doubly arched Arg. (D: Ciar
inghean Mhic Ghiolla Earna - Jan 07)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a wolfs head erased contourny & a chf embat
Arg. (D: Everett of Gallavally - Feb 96)
Per pale Gu & Vt, a willow tree eradicated & a chf embat Arg. (D:
Jane Willows - Nov 91)
Per pale Or & Sa, a dog statant ctrch & a chf invected Vt. (D: Jean
Philippe des Bouviers Noirs - Jan 03)
Per pale Purp & Vt, a compass star & a chf engrailed Arg. (D:
Genevieve Bertholet - Mar 07)
Per pale Sa & Az, a Celtic cross & a chf indented Arg. (D: Brianna
n Dhonnachaidh - Feb 92)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a double-headed eagle & a chf invected Arg. (D:
Dubhchobhlaigh n Dhomhnaill - Dec 90)
466 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Argent (continued)

Per pale Sa & Gu, a sea-horse naiant & a chf invected Arg. (D:
Curnn Wesley MacLeod - Mar 93)
Per pale Vt & Az, a natural dolphin & a chf potenty Arg. (D:
Jennette Makepays - Jan 05)
Per pale Vt & Az, a stag & a sea-lion combattant, a chf triangular
Arg. (D: Tristram von Rottweil - May 98)
Per pale Vt & Az, a thistle & a chf dovetailed Arg. (D: Catriona of
Kyntail - Dec 99)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a Catherines wheel & an oak leaf, a chf
triangular Arg. (D: Catherine Margaret Oakley of Rivendale Feb 98)
Purp, a butterfly & a chf embat Arg. (D: Cristina Da Napoli Jun 00)
Purp, a cat couchant guardant contourny, a chf indented Arg. (D:
Faith Rayne - Feb 06)
Purp, a chev Or betw a sewing needle bendwise sin Arg threaded Or
& a quatrefoil saltirewise slipped, a chf engrailed trefoily at the
points Arg. (D: Bronwen Lorelle - Jan 91)
Purp, a demi-sun inv Or issuant from a chf invected Arg. (D: Olias
of the Mists - Dec 82)
Purp, a garlic bulb, a chf dovetailed Arg. (D: Desdemona
Polizziano - May 98)
Purp, a horse salient & a chf embat Arg. (D: Luzia do Valongo Jan 99)
Purp, a lion sejant Or, a chf embat Arg. (D: Diana Francesca della
Mirandola - Sep 92)
Purp, a lozenge Or & a chf indented Arg. (D: Shirley of the
Debatable Lands - Feb 87)
Purp, a salt within & conjoined to a delf voided fleury at the points
Or, a chf rayonny Arg. (D: Oshaya de Carcassonne - Jun 00)
Purp, a seeblatt & a chf invected Arg. (D: Isabella Lacebrayder Jan 96)
Purp, a sin arm embowed aversant Arg sustaining an annulet Or, a
chf embat Arg. (D: Quentyn Siobhn Riordin - Feb 05)
Purp, a sun Arg eclipsed Sa, a chf embat Arg. (D: Ivan Grimbearn
- Sep 92)
Purp, a swan rousant to sin Or, a chf rayonny Arg. (D: Clarissa di
Firenze - Aug 88)
Purp, a unicorns head erased & a chf wavy Arg. (D: Oriel of the
Gypsies - Nov 94)
Purp, an ark & a chf invected Arg. (D: Alexandria de Bois dArc Sep 87)
Purp, an escallop inv betw 3 swans naiant & a chf nebuly Arg. (D:
Ceridwen de Bellme - Feb 91)
Purp, betw the horns of a decrescent Arg a compass star elongated
to base Or, a chf embat Arg. (D: Morgan the Mischief Aug 92)
Purp, on a chev Arg 3 thistles palewise Purp, a chf embat Arg. (D:
Galiena Gruenstein - Mar 98)
Purp, 3 triquetras inv, a chf embat Arg. (D: Morgaine MacDaniel
de la Rose - Jul 99)
Quarterly Az & Gu, a unicorns head couped to sin & a chf
dovetailed Arg. (D: Lindret of Bryn Myrddin - Dec 85)
Quarterly Sa & Az, a Celtic cross & a chf embat Arg. (D: Michael
MacDavid - Jun 93)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a chf embat Arg. (D: Rhael ferch Rhodri Jul 01)
Sa, a bears jambe erased, a chf rayonny Arg. (D: Ursula von
Bamberg - May 98)
Sa, a catamounts head & a chf embat Arg. (D: Toirasa n
Thighearnaigh - Jun 97)
Sa, a chalice betw in cross 4 mullets of 4 points & a chf embat Arg.
(D: Sion Rhys of Badon - Jun 92)
Sa, a chev inv Arg betw 3 triangles one & 2 points to center Or & a
chf embat Arg. (D: Remero Alcon de Madrid - Sep 03)
Sa, a chev Vt fimbriated & on a chf wavy Arg 3 shamrocks Vt. (D:
Mauda McClain - Nov 06)
Sa, a chf indented Arg & a base rayonny Or. (D: Ivan Kosinski Sep 97)
Sa, a compass rose & a chf embat Arg. (D: Vincenzo Crovetto
Genovese - Jan 96)
Sa, a crescent & a chf embat Arg. (D: Eric Van Roosebeke Jun 03)
Sa, a dragon segreant, incensed of icy breath, & a chf rayonny Arg.
(D: Alexander Graylorn - Apr 82)

[Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Argent] to [Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Azure]

Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Argent (continued)

Sa, a needle threaded Arg, a ford proper & a chf urdy Arg. (D:
Clotilde von der Insel - Mar 97)
Sa, a phoenix & a chf embat Arg. (D: Katayama Chikara Sep 01)
Sa, a polar bear salient affronte proper & a chf embat Arg. (D: YoNa Morganstern von Sul - Aug 81)
Sa, a sea-lion ramp Arg, in dexter an estoile Or, & a chf nebuly Arg.
(D: Caitlyn de Wyndmere - Aug 79)
Sa, a sea-serpents head couped contourny, a chf indented Arg. (D:
Richard Edward Logan - Jun 92)
Sa, a stag trippant betw a chf engrailed & a point pointed Arg. (B:
Thomas Sinclair - Nov 04)
Sa, a winged wolf ramp Arg charged on the shoulder with a heart
Gu, a chf rayonny Arg. (D: Corwin Silvertongue - May 07)
Sa, an eagle disp, head to sin, Arg, charged on the breast with an
escarbuncle Sa, a chf indented Arg. (D: Otto von Besenburg Aug 89)
Sa, in annulo six mullets of eight points within a laurel wreath, a chf
rayonny Arg. (D: Flaming Skies, the - Feb 90)
Sa, masoned Arg, a rose & a chf embat Arg. (D: duuard of
Haxeholm - Nov 93)
Sa, on a chev Arg, 3 estoiles of 4 rays Gu, a chf embat Arg. (D:
Lawrence of Blackstone - Mar 90)
Sa, on a pile inv Arg a Thors hammer Sa, a chf rayonny Arg. (D:
Malachi Halfhand - Jun 96)
Sa, on a pile issuant from dexter base Arg a sheep ramp palewise
contourny Purp, a chf invected Arg. (D: Una Billie - May 06)
Sa, 3 gouttes Or & a chf embat Arg. (D: Torkel Leifson - Aug 94)
Sa, 2 foxes combatant & a chf dovetailed Arg. (D: Raphael Dunoir
- Jul 04)
Sa, 2 garden roses slipped & leaved in salt & a chf embat Arg. (D:
Kunegunda Henschel von Schattenberg - Jan 85)
Vt, a base of flames proper, overall a tiger salamander tergiant
palewise Or, & a chf indented Arg. (D: Bernice of Brittany Oct 80)
Vt, a cat passant & a chf triangular Arg. (D: Aeschine ODonley Oct 00)
Vt, a chev betw 3 roses Arg barbed & seeded Or, a chf embat Arg.
(D: Katheryn Bedford - Aug 01)
Vt, a chev betw 2 mullets of 4 points elongated to base & a
pavilion, a chf embat Arg. (D: Kenneth Muntsorell - Oct 06)
Vt, a cross of Jerusalem Or & a chf embat Arg. (D: Gwilym ap
Riccard - Dec 05)
Vt, a griffin Or, a chf indented Arg. (D: Cormac Mannachin Aug 06)
Vt, a griffin sejant to sin & a chf dovetailed Arg. (D: Dennis of
Northsea - Nov 83)
Vt, a hare ramp maintaining a herring net & a chf wavy Arg. (D:
Ailikn Olafsdottir - Jan 92)
Vt, a horned sea-pegasus Or, a chf invected Arg. (D: Ferelith
MacDonald - Mar 80)
Vt, a monster with a rabbits body & 2 goats heads springing Arg,
attired Or, beneath a chf invected Arg. (D: April Alys ODale date?)
Vt, a pile inv barry wavy Arg & Az betw 2 garbs Or & a chf
indented Arg. (D: Eirik i Sandvik - Aug 96)
Vt, a spearhead Or & a chf dovetailed Arg. (D: Garrett of Kilborne
- Mar 83)
Vt, a talbot dormant Or & a chf embat Arg. (D: Ieuan ab Einion May 08)
Vt, a tower Arg within a dragon dormant widdershins in annulo Or,
a chf embat Arg. (D: Robert du Chateau du Dragon - Oct 82)
Vt, a triquetra & a chf embat Arg. (D: Morwyn Edain - Oct 86)
Vt, a winged natural dolphin naiant to sin & a chf invected Arg. (D:
Antoine de Bayonne - Aug 90)
Vt, a wolf ramp contourny brandishing a sword & a chf embat Arg.
(D: Padraic Ciotach - May 92)
Vt, an annulet Arg enflamed on the outer edge proper & a chf
engrailed Arg. (D: Julia da Brescia - Feb 08)
Vt, an octopus Arg orbed Az wearing a skull-cap Gu, a chf invected
Arg. (D: Alphonse dAyr - Nov 77)
Vt, an owl & a chf indented Arg. (D: Eleanor Lyttellhayles Sep 87)
Vt estencely, a simurgh close & a chf nebuly Arg. (D: Pipa
Sparkes - May 06)

Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Argent (continued)

Vt, in sin issuant from sin 4 piles fesswise counter-embowed & a

chf indented Arg. (D: Wolk of Three Mountains - Oct 81)
Vt, on a lozenge Arg a butterfly Az, a chf wavy Arg. (D: Sorcha
inghean Airt - Aug 06)
Vt, 3 sparrows & a chf engrailed Arg. (D: Amie Sparrow - Oct 05)
Vt, 3 wolves ramp & a chf embat Arg. (D: Arwen Gyles - Sep 97)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Azure

Arg, a bear ramp Gu & a chf embat Az. (D: Halldor Rauthbjorn Oct 91)
Arg, a cauldron Sa & a chf embat Az. (D: Minna Mary McGregor Mar 02)
Arg, a chf rayonny Az. (D: Natalia Georgievicha - Nov 07)
Arg, a domestic cat couchant contourny Vt & a chf nebuly Az. (D:
rennach ingen u Rnan - Oct 03)
Arg, a female Everglades kite rising to sin proper maintaining in
both talons a snail Sa, a chf invected Az. (D: Glynis ferch
Llewellyn - Feb 83)
Arg, a fish-tailed demi-dog Vt maintaining a Celtic cross Gu & a
chf invected Az. (D: Dominic MacNamara - May 00)
Arg, a fleur-de-lis & a chf embat Az. (D: Ysabeau Marie
dAuvergne - Dec 03)
Arg, a fleur-de-lys, a chf trefly counter-trefly Az. (D: Blanche
Brerecliffe - Jul 04)
Arg, a griffin segreant & a chf urdy Az. (D: Sean McConnul
Duncan - Dec 99)
Arg, a griffin segreant Sa & a chf indented Az. (D: Brian de
Messina - Aug 06)
Arg, a hedgehog statant Sa & a chf embat Az. (D: Petronilla i
Rotarfve - Nov 98)
Arg, a kraken Purp & a chf rayonny Az. (D: Sunn kerling Mar 05)
Arg, a laurel wreath Vt & a chf dancetty of 3 Az. (D: Three
Mountains - Jan 73?)
Arg, a lion passant & a chf embat Az. (D: Alexandra Wylson of
Inverness Wood - Aug 97)
Arg, a lotus affronty & a chf wavy Az. (D: Aletheia Isidora of
Philae - Aug 99)
Arg, a mullet of five greater & five lesser points Vt & a chf embat
Az. (D: Rowena of Jorvik - Sep 84)
Arg, a pair of stags attires & a chf dovetailed Az. (D: Eoghan
Gabhann - May 95)
Arg, a pile inv wavy, a chf indented Az. (D: Ansgar Otkelsson Jun 91)
Arg, a portcullis & a chf embat Az. (D: Julia Windsor - Apr 96)
Arg, a sea-lion naiant Sa, tail reflexed to chf Vt, maintaining a
sword Sa, a chf wavy Az. (D: Valgard Northern - May 94)
Arg, a stag at gaze to sin Sa & a chf embat Az. (D: Edward
Longtooth - Nov 89)
Arg, a stags head affronty erased proper & a chf embat Az. (D:
Kristofer Olafsson - Sep 96)
Arg, a 3-tiered fountain Vt spouting & a chf embat Az. (D:
Radegund von Feuchtenstadt - Dec 91)
Arg, a thunderbolt & a chf embat Az. (D: Ambrosius Torris May 92)
Arg, a trebuchet proper betw a chf embat & a base Az. (D: Dafydd
y Peiriannydd - Mar 86)
Arg, a 2-headed eagle disp Sa betw a chf embat & a base wavy Az.
(D: Wilhelm von Basel - Dec 03)
Arg, a water-bouget & a chf embat Az. (D: Eadweard of
Northampton - Jan 84)
Arg, an amphora Gu & a chf embat Az. (D: Lodema the Potter Sep 97)
Arg, an apple Gu within a laurel wreath Vt a chf wavy Az. (B:
Vulcanfeldt - Feb 08) (Ancient Arms)
Arg, an eagle disp Gu perching upon an ogress, a chf dovetailed Az.
(D: Alan of Cote du Ciel - Nov 91)
Arg, an eagles head erased Sa betw in fess 2 roses Gu slipped Sa,
stems crossed in base, a chf embat Az. (D: Gavin of Windkeep
- Feb 98)
Arg, 4 arrows fretted in mascle Sa & a chf indented Az. (D:
Dorigen of Lewes - Dec 89)
Arg, in fess 3 pommes, a chf engrailed Az. (D: Meaghar
OBrollachin - Mar 85)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 467

[Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Azure] to [Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Fur]

Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Azure (continued)

Arg, in pale a lobster fesswise contourny Gu & a wooden butter

churn enflamed proper & a chf wavy Az. (B: Marion
FitzWilliam - Mar 07)
Arg, in pale a unicorns head erased & a rose, a chf invected Az.
(D: Isabella Bianca - Jan 91)
Arg, in salt a single-bitted axe & a hammer inv hafted of a lightning
flash Gu, a chf embat Az. (D: Rena Thorbjornsdottir Jul 92)
Arg on a pall Gu a hare salient Or, a chf embat Az. (D: Robert of
Two Cliffs - Jul 82)
Arg semy of cinquefoils Az, a dog couchant Sa & a chf embat Az.
(D: Briana Maklucas - Dec 01)
Arg, 3 scarpes Sa surmounted by a merlin stooping to sin wings
disp & a chf embat Az. (D: Charis Accipiter - Nov 90)
Arg, 2 bears combattant Gu & a rose, a chf engrailed Az. (D:
Gabriele Ren de Bernard - Jan 00)
Arg, 2 domestic cats sejant erect addorsed Purp & a chf embat Az.
(D: Judith le Alefondere - Jan 91)
Arg, 2 horses combattant that to dexter Sa that to sin Gu & a chf
indented Az. (D: Ceara ingen u Ladnin - Oct 01)
Ermine, a garden rosebud bendwise Gu, slipped Vt, & a chf doubly
arched Az. (D: Alyssia of Cameo Keype - Nov 90)
Erminois, a lion Gu & a chf dovetailed Az. (D: Katherine Brandon
- Dec 02)
Or, a boar ramp Gu & a chf embat Az. (D: Eoin Mr mac Aonghuis
- Apr 08)
Or, a bull salient gardant Gu, a chf indented Az. (D: Marco da
Murano - Mar 98)
Or, a cross of Cerdaa Gu, a chf embat arrondi Az. (D: Rodrigo de
Cerdaa - Jun 86)
Or, a dragon couchant & a chf indented Az. (D: Zoran Dolmar of
Dragonhead - Jul 83)
Or, a dragon couchant to sin, wings elevated, head elevated &
guardant, Gu & a chf urdy Az. (D: Johann von Drachenfels Oct 87)
Or, a dragon ramp to sin & a chf embat Az. (D: Rhaylan o Ynys
Witrin - Dec 84)
Or, a ford proper & a chf embat Az. (D: Sara of Rockcliff Manor Dec 89)
Or, a griffin sejant Gu & a chf embat Az. (D: Katarina of Vulpine
Reach - Apr 06)
Or, a heart Gu & a chf wavy Az. (B: Coeur du Val - Nov 88)
Or, a horses head couped betw 3 horseshoes inv Sa, a chf indented
Az. (D: Erlewin Sarpo - May 93)
Or, a pair of shears fesswise, blades to sin, & a chf embat Az. (D:
Meridith of Schramberg - Jul 92)
Or, a pile inv Vt & a chf wavy Az. (D: Elisabeth Browneye Jan 96)
Or, a popinjay Vt & a chf doubly-enarched Az. (D: strir of
Dragonsspine - Jan 04)
Or, a windmill Gu & a chf wavy Az. (D: Hendrika Marie van
Heyen - Jan 91)
Or, an eagles leg erased Sa & a chf urdy Az. (D: Olaf Eriksson
rnklo - Jun 95) (re-registered 9608D)
Or, an eel erect embowed counterembowed, a chf embat Az. (D:
Gregoire le Gris - Jan 99)
Or, an open book Gu & a chf embat Az. (D: Leah Janette Feb 03)
Or, on a pile pean a talbot ramp Arg & a chf dovetailed Az. (D:
Tegan Trahaearn - Jan 92)
Per bend Arg & Purp, a mullet ctrch & a chf wavy Az. (D:
Caiterina nic Shamuis - Mar 90)
Per bend sin Arg & Or, a dragons head issuant from base Gu, a chf
indented Az. (D: John of Skye - May 87)
Per chev Arg & Az, in chf 2 foxs masks Gu & a chf embat Az. (D:
Kunrad Fuchs - Jun 94)
Per chev ermine & Az, 2 crosses formy Az & a chalice Arg, a chf
embat Az. (D: Martin aus Brandenburg - Sep 92)
Per chev Or & Az, a cock Or & a chf dovetailed Az. (D:
Fionghuine Mac Coinnich - Apr 05)
Per chev Or & Az, 2 trees & a dragon passant ctrch & a chf
dovetailed Az. (D: Robert Wright - Feb 04)
Per pale Arg & Or, in fess a Celtic cross & a Latin cross pommetty
Sa, a chf triangular Az. (D: Yvaine Catlin dAcley - Aug 89)
Per pale ermine & Sa, a seadragon per pale Sa & Arg, a chf
indented Az. (D: Damiano Elie Bellini - Oct 94)
468 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Azure (continued)

Sa, a torch Arg, & a chf indented Az, fimbriated, sem of compass
stars Arg. (D: Jason Michael of Andover - Dec 82)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Fur

Arg, a horse ramp & a chf rayonny pean. (D: Ceridwen Maelor
verch Gruffydd - Jan 94)
Arg, a winged lioness passant reguardant counter-ermine within a
bord Az, & overall a chf indented counter-ermine. (D:
Cassandre Nicole Loustaunau - Aug 91)
Arg, 4 martlets close in cross Az, a chf embat Az, ermined Arg. (D:
Rowena of Flanders - Jun 91)
Arg on a flame proper betw a chf embat pean & a laurel wreath Vt,
a castle Sa. (D: An Dun Theine - Oct 88)
Az, a chev Or & a chf embat ermine. (D: Alheydis von
Krckhingen - Nov 04)
Az, a dragon disp Or, a chf ermine. (D: Michael of Dragonswood Mar 07)
Az, a dragon passant to sin Arg, a chf indented Arg ermined Az. (D:
Sieglinde Achtermann - Dec 95)
Az, a tower Or & a chf wavy erminois. (D: Conogan mab Rioc Jan 08)
Az, a tricorporate sealion contourny Or, a chf rayonny erminois. (D:
Cymbric of the Isles - Apr 94)
Az, a wolfhound ramp Arg & a chf embat ermine. (D: Jean de
Leedes - Jul 03)
Az, an escallop inv betw in base 3 roundels Arg, 2 & one, a chf
invected ermine. (D: Marina Sabine - Jun 92)
Az, 2 sea-unicorns combattant Arg, a chf nebuly ermine. (D:
Cassandra de Scardeburgh - Jul 05)
Az, 2 wolfs heads erased addorsed conjoined at the neck Arg & a
chf dovetailed ermine. (D: Seanach of Trimaris - May 08)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a brunette mermaid affronty proper, dexter
hand raised, & a chf wavy counter-ermine. (D: Alexandra
Idonea - May 86)
Gu, a chf triangular ermine, in base a dove rising, wings disp, Or.
(D: John of the Angular Dove - Oct 76?)
Gu, a decrescent Arg betw 3 plates & a chf embat erminois. (D:
Tasleem bint Noor - Feb 87)
Gu, a dogs head couped Arg & a chf embat ermine. (D: Tatianitsa
Iaroslavna - Feb 08)
Gu, a dragon segreant, breathing flames, Arg, a chf rayonny ermine.
(D: Russell of Clan Neil - Feb 98)
Gu, a falcon passant, maintaining an acorn in its dexter talon, Arg, a
chf embat counter-ermine. (D: Freydis Thorunnsdatter Aug 89)
Gu, a griffin contourny Or maintaining a broken sword Arg & a chf
indented crusilly long at the upper points ermine. (D: Paul de
Gorey - May 96)
Gu, a griffin segreant maintaining a harp Or, a chf urdy erminois.
(D: Kiera Loch Beldragon - Jul 97)
Gu, a griffin segreant to sin queue-forchy, in base a rose Or, a chf
dovetailed ermine. (D: Alric de la Bataille - Oct 93)
Gu, a longship, oars in action, Arg & a chf embat counter-ermine.
(D: Thorgard inn Svarti - Jul 88)
Gu, a thistle Arg & a chf indented erminois. (D: Avelyn of Brodick
- Oct 91)
Gu, a unicorn ramp & in base a rose Arg, a chf wavy erminois. (D:
Tamar of Rowanwood - Oct 93)
Gu crusily, a stag lodged Or, & a chf doubly enarched ermine. (D:
Daniel Eyesham of Tweed - Dec 84)
Gu, on a pale Arg a wolfs head couped Sa & a chf invected ermine.
(D: Ralf Blackwood of Ravenstone - Nov 91)
Gu, 2 lions ramp regardant addorsed Or, a chf double-enarched
ermine. (D: Constance Lyonnete de Beaumont - Dec 04)
Lozengy Arg & Az, a stag trippant Or, a chf wavy ermine. (D:
Constans von Wrttemberg - May 91)
Or, a dove volant Az, a chf dovetailed Az ermined Or. (D: Sophia
de Verdun - Oct 99)
Or, a frog Vt, a chf rayonny Purp ermined Or. (D: Stanislaw of
Meridies - Oct 00)
Or, a griffin couchant Sa & a chf embat pean. (D: John of
Thescorre - Jul 92)
Or, a natural rainbow proper clouded Sa, a chf indented pean. (D:
Gabrielle Cartier - Mar 96)

[Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Fur] to [Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Gules]

Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Fur (continued)

Per bend sin Sa & Arg, 2 hawks rising wings addorsed ctrch & a chf
potenty erminois. (D: Gwenhwyvar verch Llewelyn Vethike Nov 02)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a frog Or & a chf wavy erminois. (D: Anastasia
Antonia Benettini - Oct 06)
Per pale Or & Gu, a goat salient ctrch, a chf embat counter-ermine.
(D: Eirn orvaldsdttir - Jan 98)
Per pale Purp & Vt, 2 sprigs Or & a chf triangular erminois. (D:
Tamara de Bretagne - Apr 94)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 2 wolves combattant Arg, a chf embat erminois.
(D: Iohann Folcwulfes sunu - Oct 99)
Per pale Vt & Az, a stag at gaze Arg & a chf indented ermine. (D:
Rafaella Violante de Lorraine - Feb 97)
Per pale wavy Az & Arg, 2 goblets ctrch, a chf wavy Or ermined
Az. (D: Anne the Shey - Jun 04)
Per salt Vt & Sa, an owl Arg & a chf embat ermine. (D: amonn
mac Rioghbhardin - Sep 03)
Purp, a fleur-de-lys Or, a chf embat ermine. (D: Vyvyene von
Cnutlingen - Apr 95)
Purp, a lyre Arg & a chf potenty Arg, ermined Purp. (D: Laura
della Francesca - Mar 88)
Purp, a needle bendwise sin, eye to chf, Or & a chf wavy erminois.
(D: Maerwen Aelfscinu - Jan 90)
Purp, a sea-unicorn erect Arg, & a chf engrailed ermine. (D: Alyna
Isabel de Clare - Jul 97)
Purp, a stags head cabossed Or & a chf triangular Or ermined Gu.
(D: Gunnora Lovitt of Buchnell - Nov 03)
Purp, 3 acorns inv Or & a chf triangular erminois. (D: Jessica of
Fearn Abbey - Dec 88)
Sa, a chalice Or & a chf embat erminois. (D: Crispin del More Apr 07)
Sa, a tree eradicated Or & a chf indented erminois. (D: Liadan
inghean Aodhain - Sep 04)
Sa fretty Or, a chf invected ermine. (B: Karl Aerdigwidder von
Zauberberg - Sep 95)
Sa, in pale 2 lions dormant, a chf embat erminois. (D: Conrad
Longespee the Blak Heart - Jul 00)
Sa, on a dexter hand couped at the wrist apaumy fesswise Or a heart
Gu, a chf indented erminois. (D: Niall McKennett - Jan 86)
Sa, 3 portcullises Arg & a chf embat ermine. (D: Wolfgar the Mad
- Feb 86)
Vt, a cat sejant guardant Or & a chf invected ermine. (D: Ysabeau
de Nantes - Oct 07)
Vt, a catamount ramp guardant contourny & a chf wavy ermine. (D:
Edelinne de Bayonne - Nov 04)
Vt, a sea lion statant Or within the horns of a crescent Arg & a chf
embat ermine. (D: Cerridwen Maelwedd - Jan 95)
Vt, a sin gauntlet clenched Or & a chf embat ermine. (D: Jaimie of
the East - Jan 93)
Vt, 2 quill pens in salt Arg, a chf indented ermine. (D: Anneyse of
Caernarvonshire - Jul 98)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Gules

Arg, a badger ramp contourny & a chf embat Gu. (D: Elspeth of
Tyvidale - Feb 07)
Arg, a bulls head caboshed, a chf raguly Gu. (D: ibhear mac
Cuilinn - Mar 01)
Arg, a cross barby quarterly Gu & Vt, a chf embat Gu. (D:
Cemgen Tuathail - Feb 98)
Arg, a cross botonny & a chf triangular Gu. (D: Everard Sefar Sep 05)
Arg, a dragon statant erect to sin, wings disp, & a chf embat Gu. (D:
Macsen Felinfoel - Mar 86)
Arg, a dragons head couped Sa & a chf rayonny Gu. (D: Wilhelm
von Rottenstein - Oct 03)
Arg, a fret Gu surmounted by a badger statant Sa & a chf indented
Gu. (D: Muirgheal inghean Raghailligh mhic Seachnasaigh Mar 02)
Arg, a fret Sa & a chf embat Gu. (D: Mathghamhain MacRaith Nov 98)
Arg, a lion dormant, a chf rayonny Gu. (D: Bartholomew Baskin Feb 05) (Blanket permission to conflict with one CD with
device granted 0603w)

Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Gules (continued)

Arg, a Persian winged lion passant reguardant to sin Sa & a chf

indented Gu. (D: Catriona Cattanach of Clan Macpherson Aug 88)
Arg, a phoenix & a chf wavy Gu. (D: Will Dekne - Mar 02)
Arg, a pomegranate slipped & leaved Purp & a chf doubly enarched
Gu. (D: Eleanor Gildenher - Aug 06)
Arg, a sea-bull Sa & a chf embat Gu. (D: Gunnar Silverbeard May 03)
Arg, a swan naiant & a chf rayonny Gu. (D: Niall or Wlad Bell Aug 84)
Arg, a talbot passant Sa & a chf indented Gu. (D: Galiana fitz
William - Jul 00)
Arg, a violet Purp slipped & leaved Vt, a chf embat Gu. (D:
Francesca Valentina dIvrea - Feb 00)
Arg, a winged pig passant bendwise, wings addorsed, Sa & a chf
engrailed Gu. (D: Margarete von Duroc - Apr 82)
Arg, a wolfs head cabossed Sa, maintaining in its mouth a garden
rose, slipped & leaved, within a heart voided & a chf doubly
enarched Gu. (D: Paganus Grimlove - Jul 88)
Arg, an armorers anvil Sa & a chf embat Gu. (D: Sven
Gunnarsson of Fjathrundaland - Jan 99)
Arg crusilly, an eagle rising to sin, wings addorsed, grasping in its
talons a staff Sa, a chf invected Gu. (D: Louis Lattimore Jun 91)
Arg goutty de sang, a winged ounce segreant Sa incensed & a chf
nebuly Gu. (D: Gya galin Kaladttir - Nov 06)
Arg, in fess 2 battle axes that to sin inv & reversed Sa a chf embat
Gu. (D: Giles O Culzean - Nov 91)
Arg, in pale a grenade Gu & 2 battleaxes in salt Sa, a chf dovetailed
Gu. (D: Liam MacIan of the Bloody Foreland - Nov 89)
Arg, in pale 3 sea-dragons naiant Sa, a chf raguly Gu. (D: Robyn
Ruadh Mg Aonghusa - Mar 92)
Arg, six caltrops Sa & a chf indented Gu. (D: Ingram of Keth Mar 03)
Arg, 3 pallets Purp & a chf triangular Gu masoned Arg. (B:
Wulfgar Brandbeorn - Jun 94) (For House of the Stonewall)
Arg, 3 trefoils Vt & a chf embat Gu. (D: Ailis ingen u Donnubin Feb 02)
Arg, trefly Vt, a sword Gu, hilted Sa, a chf triply arched Gu. (D:
Bartholomew Gwaltrudd OCullaighne - Sep 87)
Arg, 2 falcons respectant Gu & a chf triangular Az. (D: Giovanni
Orsini da Venezia - May 02)
Barry wavy Or & Az, a spearfish naiant embowed contourny Arg &
a chf wavy Gu. (D: Cristobal de Luson - Feb 06)
Erminois, a reremouse disp head facing sin, Sa & a chf embat Gu.
(D: Edmund of Rhuddlan - May 99)
Or, a boars head erased Sa betw 3 battle-axes, a chf potenty Gu.
(D: Rodoald the Knifesmith - Feb 01)
Or, a dragonfly Sa & a chf embat Gu. (D: Dyan du Lac des
Calandres - Sep 03)
Or, a falcon silhouette disp Sa, grasping in sin talon 3 carnations
Gu, stemmed Vt, a chf urdy Gu. (D: Neptha of Thebes Feb 03)
Or, a fountain & a chf rayonny Gu. (D: Thomas Brownwell Sep 90)
Or, a fox dormant & a chf indented Gu. (D: Astridr Nilsdottir Sep 04)
Or, a lizard tergiant, head to dexter, a chf rayonny Gu. (D:
Maddelena Delamour le Vrai - Jun 98)
Or, a salamander couchant reguardant Az enflamed & a chf rayonny
Gu. (D: Salaberge de Granson - Oct 01)
Or, a Scottish terrier statant to sin Sa & a chf rayonny Gu. (B:
Malcolm Leslie the Scot - Mar 90)
Or, a trefoil Vt a chf flory-counterflory Gu. (D: Ciar de Burgo Aug 01)
Or, an abacus Sa, a chf rayonny Gu. (D: Wolfgang Rotkopf Jul 90)
Or, an eagles dexter wing terminating in an eagles head sin facing
Sa, a chf rayonny Gu. (D: Gustavus von Goslar - Nov 89)
Or semy of mascles Sa, a chf invected Gu. (B: Knute Hvitabjrn Jan 97)
Or, 3 mullets of eight points pierced Vt, a chf triangular Gu. (D:
Sign Finnsdttir - Apr 96)
Or, 2 cats sejant addorsed reguardant, tails entwined Sa & a chf
engrailed Gu. (D: Adelheit Schwarzenkatze - Feb 06)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 469

[Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Gules] to [Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Or]

Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Gules (continued)

Per bend Or & Gu, 2 falcons disp ctrch & a chf dovetailed Gu. (D:
Catherine of Faulconridge - Dec 91)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a cross moline ctrch & a chf embat Gu. (D:
John Edward - Sep 94)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 3 bulls heads caboshed ctrch & a chf embat
Gu. (D: Cathal mac an Phearsoin - Apr 05)
Per chev inv Or & Sa, a pine tree couped Sa & a chf rayonny Gu.
(D: Tyler the Younger - Dec 06)
Per chev Or & counter-ermine, a chf rayonny Gu. (D: James of
Lochiel - Dec 87)
Per pale & chevronelly Arg & Sa, a torch Gu inflamed proper & a
chf rayonny Gu. (D: Tristan der Fackelttrger - Jan 91)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a harp & a cross of 4 lozenges ctrch, a chf embat
Gu. (D: thelstan von Ransbergen - Sep 92)
Per pale Arg & Sa, an hourglass & a chf dovetailed Gu. (D: Cynara
of the Later Hours - May 87)
Per pale Az & Arg, a thunderbolt ctrch & a chf embat Gu. (D:
Michel von Grningen - Feb 07)
Per pale Or & Sa, in fess a wolfs head erased & an apple ctrch, a
chf triangular Gu. (D: Connor Sackett ONeill of Connaught Dec 88)
Per pale Sa & Or, a double-headed eagle disp ctrch, a chf embat Gu.
(D: Mikhail Reubenovic Kopaczewski - Jul 88)
Per pale Sa & Or, a dragon & a griffin combattant ctrch & a chf
triangular Gu. (D: Arthur Phillip van Zanten - Feb 90)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Multicolor

Arg, a cross bottony Vt & a chf wavy barry wavy Az & Arg. (D:
Rachell Gray - May 07)
Arg, a dexter tierce Gu & an escallop Sa, a chf indented ctrch. (D:
Estrild Lece Vivana Vicentia - Jun 82)
Az, a domestic cat statant contourny betw 3 estoiles 2 & one Arg &
a chf wavy paly Or & Vt. (B: Gabriela Maria dei Clementini
dOrvieto - Jun 99)
Az, a lozenge Arg & a chf indented lozengy Az & Arg. (D: Sarra
Fina MacDonald - Sep 05)
Gu, a demi-wolf erased at the hip ramp to sin Arg, a chf embat
checky Arg & Sa. (D: Lyulf Williamson - Apr 97)
Gu, 2 battle axes in salt Or, a chf wavy checky Az & Or. (D:
Ragnsteinn fr Andrssmri - Sep 05)
Or, a dragon ramp contourny, wings disp, Gu holding across its
chest a sword bendwise Or, a chf embat checky Sa & Arg. (D:
Gwendolyn Tremayne - Jan 97)
Or, a dragon sejant to sin wings disp Az, maintaining in base with
its tail a Latin cross botonny Sa, a chf embat checky Sa & Arg.
(D: Mordeyrn Tremayne - Aug 98)
Per chev throughout Gu & Arg, in base a griffin counter-sejant
coward reguardant, wings elevated & addorsed, the sin talon
resting on a roundel Sa, a chf rayonny ctrch. (D: Lawrence
Gryphon Huzar Warszawarski - Jun 80)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 lions ramp, a chf wavy ctrch. (D: Dieric
Pieterszoon van Tolen - Apr 01)
Per pale Arg & Gu, all goutty, a cross of Santiago & a chf invected
all ctrch. (D: Ysabella Celestina Manrique de Palma Apr 06)
Per pale Arg & Gu, all goutty, 4 mascles in cross, in base 2 bars
wavy, a chf invected, all ctrch. (B: Ysabella Celestina
Manrique de Palma - Apr 06)
Per pale Arg & Gu, an annulus of wolves heads cabossed & a chf
indented ctrch. (D: Raffe of Ardcreag - Dec 92)
Per pale Arg & Gu, in pale 3 pairs of arrows fesswise fletchings to
center & a chf indented ctrch. (D: Elias of Coventry Nov 03)
Per pale Arg & Purp, a sun & a chf embat ctrch. (D: Oriana Nicola
Courtenay - Jan 97)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a phoenix head to sin & a chf rayonny ctrch Gu
& Or. (D: Matildis du Bois - Apr 06)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a serpent nowed & a chf dovetailed ctrch. (D:
Eleanor of Ynys Taltraeth - Aug 05)
Per pale Arg & Vt, an oak tree proper & a Celtic cross Arg, a chf
wavy ctrch. (D: Rian Greenoake - Dec 92)
Per pale Az & Arg, a tree blasted & eradicated & a chf dovetailed
ctrch. (D: Annalies Katerina Schneider - May 06)
Per pale Az & bendy sin Or & Sa, a chf wavy ctrch. (D: Quirin von
Strassburg - Nov 89)
470 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Multicolor


Per pale Gu & Arg, a chf embat ctrch. (D: Daniel Olavinpoika
Sulka - Apr 98)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a Maltese cross elongated to base & a chf
indented all ctrch. (D: Brian de Meer - Oct 94)
Per pale Gu & ermine, a coney ramp Or & a chf wavy ctrch. (D:
Caterina de Verdeschi - Nov 94)
Per pale Gu & Or, a wolf courant ctrch Arg & Sa & a chf embat
ctrch. (D: Sveinn Thorolfsson - Mar 03)
Per pale Or & Sa, a bear & a lion combattant ctrch, a chf triangular
chequy Sa & Or. (D: Caradoc Danyllson of Botley Grange Jun 88)
Per pale Or & Sa, a chf dovetailed ctrch. (D: Joscelyn of Ivybridge
- Jun 97)
Per pale Or & Vt, a cat sejant to sin Sa & a peregrine falcon close
Or, a chf engrailed ctrch. (D: Suzanne Rene Barineau Dec 85)
Per pale Purp & Arg a triquetra & a chf doubly enarched ermined
all ctrch. (D: Serena della Francesca - Feb 91)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a lion dormant Or, a chf embat ctrch. (D:
Ekkehart von Wartstein - Jul 93)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a rose & a wolfs head caboshed a chf embat, all
ctrch. (B: Thorbjorn Osiss Brandsson - Jul 97)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 3 annulets conjoined one & 2 & a chf wavy all
ctrch. (D: Suzanna the Herbalist - Sep 90)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a wheat stalk slipped & leaved Or. & a
patriarchal cross flory Az, a chf raguly ctrch. (D: Ejvan
Vsevolodovich - Dec 85)
Per pale Vt & Arg, 2 spears in salt & a chf embat ctrch. (D:
William of Brittany - Mar 85)
Quarterly Or & Vt, a cross Arg, in dexter chf 3 cinquefoils one & 2
Vt, a chf embat per pale Vt & Or. (D: Manus Syme - Jul 01)
Vt, an acorn Arg within an annulet rayonny counter-rayonny Or, a
chf wavy barry wavy Az & Arg. (D: Silvija the Landlady Dec 90)
Vt, an oak tree couped fructed Or, a chf wavy barry wavy Az &
Arg. (D: Lettice Webbe - May 04)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Or

Az, a bee Arg & a chf rayonny Or. (D: Margery of Kent - Mar 95)
Az, a bell conjoined to a chf triangular Or. (D: Rowena of the Dell Aug 81)
Az, a catapult, in base 3 roundels one & 2, & a chf embat Or. (D:
Siegfried Berg - Feb 97)
Az, a Celtic cross Arg & a chf rayonny Or. (D: Urraca Cantbrica
- Dec 92)
Az, a chev betw 2 roses & a stags head couped, a chf embat Or.
(D: Tegan of Rolaie Halle - Jan 95)
Az, a chev Or betw 3 lions heads erased Arg each gorged of 4
lozenges conjoined in fess Gu & a chf embat Or. (D: Iain
Jameson of Kilronan - Jun 95)
Az, a crab & a chf invected Or. (D: Gerhard der Taschenkrebs Dec 91)
Az, a crane in its vigilance Arg, within a laurel wreath, a chf embat
Or. (D: Sentinels Keep - Feb 89)
Az, a cross swallowtail gyronny Or & Gu, a chf indented Or. (D:
Egill the Dane - Oct 99)
Az, a dandelion slipped & leaved below a chf embat Or. (D:
Elvnedd of Owlswater - Jan 74?)
Az, a fox passant Arg maintaining in its dexter forepaw a spiral
hunting horn palewise reversed, slung over its shoulder, & a
chf embat Or. (B: Gabriel Rene Antoine du Renard - Feb 07)
Az, a fox passant Arg maintaining in its sin forepaw a spiral hunting
horn palewise reversed, slung over its shoulder, & a chf embat
Or. (D: Gabriel Rene Antoine du Renard - Feb 07)
Az, a griffin segreant contourny & a chf rayonny Or. (D:
Toirdhealbhach Corrin - Apr 02)
Az, a lion ramp to sin Gu, fimbriated & orbed, a chf indented Or.
(B: Leon von Schrecken - Aug 79)
Az, a lynx ramp Arg, a chf rayonny Or. (D: Rnn Meablach Feb 05)
Az, a rose Arg & a chf embat Or. (D: Gisela de Bier - Sep 01)
Az, a unicorn passant & chf embat Or. (D: Ygraine Marschal Dec 00)

[Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Or]

Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Or (continued)

Az, above 3 chevronels braced Or 2 seahorses respectant Arg, a chf

indented Or. (D: Felicitas de lHay - Aug 91)
Az, an armored wolf statant coward ululant contourny Arg & in
dexter chf a bezant charged with a laurel wreath Az, a chf
embat Or. (D: Vilku Urvas - Dec 02)
Az, an armoured equestrian salient to sin & brandishing a sword in
the right hand Or, betw 3 crosses patonce 2 & one Arg, a chf
enarched rayonny Gu fimbriated Or. (D: Iijvan Aleichem Sep 73?)
Az, crusilly, a sycamore leaf & a chf nebuly Or. (D: Hokumori
Yoshiie - Oct 89)
Az, five roundels Arg in annulo within a laurel wreath, a chf embat
Or. (D: Loch Meadhonach - Mar 05)
Az, 4 lozenges in cross & a chf engrailed Or. (D: Meadhbh
OLabhraidh the Malevolent - Mar 91)
Az, masoned Arg, a goblet & a chf embat Or. (B: Citadel of the
Southern Pass, the - May 83)
Az, masoned Arg, a goblet within a laurel wreath & a chf embat Or.
(D: Citadel of the Southern Pass, the - Jul 80)
Az mullety Arg, a swan rousant & a chf rayonny Or. (D: Teleri
ferch Morgant ap Rhys - Jan 92)
Az, on a bend sin Arg a mullet of six points Az, a chf embat &
issuant from base a demi-sun Or, eclipsed Az. (D: Charles
John ben Moses David of Guiles - Nov 87)
Az, 3 arrows in sheaf inv, a chf rayonny Or. (D: Charles of Alden Dec 00)
Az, 3 sea-unicorns erect, one & 2, Arg & a chf invected Or. (D:
Lynette de Laurier - Oct 83)
Az, 3 triskelia arrondy & a chf embat Or. (D: Cynan Crych May 90)
Az, 2 bears ramp addorsed Arg & a chf embat Or. (D: Bjorn
trollfirzki - Apr 08)
Az, 2 chevronels inv & in chf a lance, a chf embat Or. (D: Dougal
MacEwan - Nov 91)
Az, 2 roses slipped & leaved in salt, a chf embat & a point pointed
ploy Or. (D: Tristan Herv - Dec 00)
Az, 2 wyverns combattant guardant Arg, a point pointed & a chf
embat Or. (D: Avery the Seeker - Oct 83)
Barry wavy Vt & Arg, a unicorns head couped Sa, armed, orbed &
crined, & a chf wavy Or. (D: Dagonell Collingwood of
Emerald Lake - Aug 87)
Gu, a daisy Arg seeded Or, a chf urdy Or. (D: Arielle le Floer Jan 93)
Gu, a frame saw, a chf invected Or. (D: Alonso Giovanni da
Livorno - Aug 99)
Gu, a frog & a chf dovetailed Or. (D: Sline OConnor - Aug 03)
Gu, a Lacy knot & a chf triangular Or. (D: Carina Lunetta de Lacy
- Sep 95)
Gu, a lymphad Arg & a chf embat Or. (D: Daibhid Ruadh
MacLachlan - Dec 92)
Gu, a portcullis within a laurel wreath & a chf embat Or. (D:
Westgate - Dec 98)
Gu, a seeblatt & a chf doubly enarched Or. (D: Anita de Challis Dec 05)
Gu, a thunderbolt & a chf embat Or. (D: Marcus Marius Leontius
Britannicus - Dec 06)
Gu, a winged ounce passant contourny Or, incensed proper, a chf
urdy Or. (D: William the True - Mar 07)
Gu ermined, a falcon disp & sin-facing & a chf embat Or. (D:
Peregrine Baldewin - Nov 92)
Gu, in bend 2 theatrical masks, a chf urdy Or. (D: Zoe Doukaina
Radene - Aug 00)
Gu, in salt a rowan sprig & a thistle slipped & leaved Arg & a chf
embat Or. (B: Daibhid Ruadh MacLachlan - Dec 92)
Gu, on a flame Or a mullet Gu, a chf rayonny Or. (D: Morwenna
Adeva ferch Gruffudd of Northaven - Sep 95)
Gu, on a sun Or, a cross of St. Antony Gu, a chf embat Or. (D:
Antony of the Light - Jun 75?)
Gu, 3 pallets dancetty & a chf invected Or. (B: Bjorn Magnusson
Esping - Jan 81) (For House Stormgarth)
Gu, 2 bars gemel Arg, overall a leaf fesswise, & a chf invected Or.
(D: Branwyn Chainsmith - May 83)
Gu, 2 winged stags salient respectant & in base a fleur-de-lys Arg, a
chf indented Or. (D: Sebastian De Lasset - Jan 08)
Pean, 3 bendlets Vt & a chf urdy Or. (D: Hermina Matilda de
Ainesleah of Meredene - Jan 84)

Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Or (continued)

Pean, 2 tygers passant counterpassant Arg, a chf embat Or. (D:

Bianca da Ravenna - Dec 98)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, a bend sin & a chf embat Or. (D: Mikael of
Monmouthshire - May 86)
Per bend sin Purp & Az, a lily & a chf embat Or. (D: Michaela
Rosana Mirandola - Aug 99)
Per bend sin Purp & Gu, a sword inv proper betw 2 towers in bend
Arg, a chf embat Or. (D: Ranulf DArcy - Sep 91)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, a cross crosslet Arg & an oak tree couped, a
chf rayonny Or. (D: Dietrich Kirk - Jan 95)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev, in base a peregrine falcon disp Or,
hooded Sa, & a chf embat Or. (D: Eric Thorgrimsson Jun 83)
Per chev Sa, & Gu ermined, a cross crosslet fitchy & a chf invected
Or. (D: Melisande Brigitte Nazaire dAvignon - Sep 92)
Per chev Vt & Or, in base a grape cluster slipped & doubly leaved,
& a chf dovetailed ctrch. (D: Monika von Zell - Apr 83)
Per fess Az & Or, a mullet of eight points pierced ctrch, in base an
increscent Az, a chf embat Or. (D: Sybylle of al-Barran Oct 85)
Per fess Sa & Or, a mullet of eight points pierced ctrch in base a
garden rosebud fesswise reversed Gu, slipped & leaved Vt, a
chf embat Or. (B: Elanor OHalloraine - Jan 07)
Per pale Arg & Az, a lion couchant ctrch & a chf embat Or. (D:
Sine ni Mharbhen - Jun 82)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 closed books palewise ctrch & a chf triangular
Or. (D: Kristoff McLain Cameron - Aug 02)
Per pale Az & Gu, a gryphon passant & a chf embat Or. (B: Sigen
Fridreksdottir - Dec 06)
Per pale Az & Gu, 2 ounces addorsed & incensed Arg, a chf embat
Or. (D: Isabella of Northumberland - Mar 07)
Per pale Az & Vt, a wyvern statant wings disp & a chf embat Or.
(D: Caitlin ni Chinneidigh - Apr 97)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a winged wolf volant bendwise ctrch, a chf
triangular Or. (D: Dafydd MacFarlane - Aug 86)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a bicorporate tyger Arg, a chf rayonny Or. (D:
Baras Bayan - May 96)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a wingless hydra affronty & a chf embat Or. (D:
Roark of Hydra Hall - Feb 05)
Per pale Purp & Sa, a trident head & a chf rayonny Or. (D: Cinaed
Tire Eogain - Feb 96)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 rabbits sejant erect respectant ctrch & a chf
embat Or. (D: Arianwen o Aberystwyth - Nov 01)
Per pale Sa & Az, a crescent & a chf invected Or. (D: Wentlian
Bekelert - Feb 06)
Per pale Vt & Az, a laurel wreath Arg & in base 2 daffodils slipped
in salt, a chf embat Or. (D: Rath an Oir - Mar 02)
Per pale Vt & Az, a rams head cabossed Arg, armed, & a chf urdy
Or. (D: Karolyn Johnston of Lindley - Aug 82)
Per pale Vt & Purp, a winged lion passant, & a chf embat Or. (D:
Shehira of Alexandria - Oct 92)
Per pale Vt & Sa, in fess 2 nags heads couped, a chf embat Or. (D:
Thomas Buchannan of Clyde - Jul 88)
Per pale Vt & Sa, 2 single-bitted axes in salt Arg surmounted by a
lions head cabossed, a chf embat Or. (D: Artr mac
Lochlainn - Apr 90)
Purp, a bee & a chf indented flory at the points Or. (D: Jane of
Marinus - Sep 99)
Purp, a chf trefly-counter-trefly Or. (D: Kazdoya Ruslander Jan 04)
Purp, a garb & a chf trefly counter-trefly Or. (B: Kazdoya
Ruslander - Jan 04)
Purp, a reremouse & a chf nebuly Or. (D: Arabella von Lohbach Jul 91)
Purp, a winged battleaxe & a chf dovetailed Or. (D: Sigrun inn
Hrfagri - Oct 91)
Purp, an estoile & a chf rayonny Or. (D: Francesca Carletti Aug 06)
Purp, an urchin statant Arg & a chf invected Or. (D: Ealdgytha of
Spalding Abbey - Feb 92)
Purp, ermined, a lions head erased & a chf nebuly Or. (D: Godfrey
of Lyons - Jul 87)
Purp, 3 dragonflies in fess & a chf wavy Or. (D: Kateryn
Treningham - Mar 06)
Quarterly Az & Vt, 4 unicorns ramp Arg & a chf embat Or. (D:
Felicity Cahan - Feb 97)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 471

[Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Or] to [Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Sable]

Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Or (continued)

Quarterly ermine & Az, a wolf ramp contourny & a chf wavy Or.
(D: Gordon of Westover - Oct 02)
Sa, a dexter hand appaumy fesswise Arg, a chf raguly Or. (D:
Cormac mac Ronain - Mar 88)
Sa, a hornless goats head couped, a chf wavy Or. (D: Lucia del
Mar - Jun 95)
Sa, a man affronty, a chf rayonny Or. (D: Prospero the Merchant Sep 00)
Sa, a phoenix & a chf embat Or. (D: Reimond of Ipstones Oct 93)
Sa, a unicorn sejant & a chf nebuly Or. (D: Eliane Marie Nazaire
dAvignon - Sep 92)
Sa, a wyvern erect & a chf dovetailed Or. (D: Alfred Winddragon Jul 84)
Sa, an acorn & a chf embat Or. (D: Dorigen of the Grey Gate Mar 95)
Sa, crusilly Maltese, a chf dovetailed Or. (D: Robert MacClintock Oct 87)
Sa crusily fitchy Or, a serpent glissant palewise Arg & a chf embat
Or. (D: Balaan Espie - Jul 97)
Sa, in bend a sun & a griffin ramp contourny, a chf embat Or. (D:
Ilya Yaroslavovich - Jul 93)
Sa, on a bezant within a laurel wreath Or, a wolf ramp Gu, a chf
dovetailed Or. (D: Castillo de los Lobos - Mar 89)
Sa, on the head of a comet fesswise Or a torteau, a chf nebuly Or.
(D: Saeric Scirham - Jul 89)
Sa, 3 lightning bolts palewise in fess & a chf embat Or. (D: Judith
of Stormholde - Oct 86)
Sa, 3 lymphads & a chf engrailed Or. (D: Duncan Mac na
Ceardadh - Oct 88)
Sa, 3 towers & a laurel wreath, 3 & one, & a chf embat Or. (D:
Threespires - Jul 06)
Sa, 3 unicorns ramp to sin, a chf indented Or. (D: Lasair Burke Sep 95)
Sa, 3 wolves ramp, a chf indented Or. (D: Bran Mac Conraoi Apr 98)
Vair a demi sun, issuant from chf, Or & a base Vt. (D: Guillaume
of Faireskye - Jan 89)
Vt, a Catherine wheel Arg & a chf rayonny Or. (D: Katharynne
Reede - Sep 91)
Vt, a chev betw 3 pairs of lace bobbins, a chf urdy Or. (D: Nancy of
Woodstock - Jan 94)
Vt, a deer passant within a laurel wreath & a chf embat Or. (D:
Hunters Home - Aug 02)
Vt, a griffin segreant Or betw in fess 2 pairs of arrows crossed in
salt & inv Or flighted Sa, a chf embat Or. (D: Alric Azor Nov 00)
Vt, a harp Arg, the front post entwined of a brown asp reguardant
proper, a chf embat Or. (D: Genevieve McCullum de Caen May 83)
Vt, a mouse dormant contourny & a chf embat Or. (D: Damiana
Juliana de Kyme - Sep 92)
Vt, a mullet Or within a dolmen Arg, a chf embat Or. (D:
Morgaine FitzStephen - May 86)
Vt, a pheon & a chf indented Or. (D: Rowena of Falkirk - Feb 98)
Vt, a seahorse erect Arg & a chf invected Or. (D: Karen of the
Emerald Sea - Jan 85)
Vt, a sheep passant Arg maintaining with its forehoof a drop spindle
Or, threaded Arg, & a chf embat Or. (D: Helwynn Ivelchild Mar 07)
Vt, a triquetra inv & a chf engrailed Or. (D: Seamus ODonohue Dec 89)
Vt, a vol & a chf embat Or. (D: Rghnall of nan Crioch Tuatha Nov 98)
Vt, a wine amphora & a chf rayonny Or. (D: Bastiano di Iacopo Aug 03)
Vt, a winged greyhound salient to sin, wings elevated & addorsed a
chf indented Or. (D: Gwalchmai ap Cynhaearn - Nov 96)
Vt, a winged lion ramp, a chf embat Or. (D: Anna Sabyn of
Bordeaux - May 98)
Vt, a wolf ramp & a chf raguly Or. (D: Lughaidh Mac Sheinn Nov 02)
Vt, an angel armoured, hands folded in prayer, Arg, winged &
haloed, a chf rayonny Or. (D: Morgan FitzGerald - Nov 89)
Vt, an apple & a chf dovetailed Or. (D: Siobhan ORiordain May 90)
472 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Or (continued)

Vt, an egg Arg & a chf embat Or. (D: Prudence the Curious Sep 90)
Vt honeycombed, 2 bees in fess & a chf indented Or. (D: Gabhainn
Luath MacDhomhnuill - Dec 92)
Vt, 3 Celtic crosses swallowtailed & a chf embat Or. (D: Charles
von Strasburg - Oct 95)
Vt, 3 chess rooks & a chf engrailed Or. (D: Ranalt MacFirbis Sep 93)
Vt, 3 goblets & a chf embat Or. (D: Cairell mac Cormaic Mar 04)
Vt, 3 lamps & a chf double-arched Or. (D: Cassandra Northcliffe Sep 91)
Vt, 3 stalks of wheat bendwise sin in fess & a chf wavy Or. (D:
Nerissa of the Golden Sea - Oct 84)
Vt, 2 otters salient addorsed, tails crossed in salt, & a demi-sun
issuant from chf, all Or. (D: Rhiannon of Ottersdale - Sep 89)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Purpure

Arg, a chf indented Purp. (D: Phillip of the Valley of Sleep Nov 73?)
Arg, a fleur-de-lis & a chf embat Purp. (D: Madeleine la Seule Mar 92)
Arg, a horses head, couped & sin facing, & a chf wavy Purp. (D:
Varyn Crowingshield - Oct 89)
Arg, a thistle proper issuant from a point pointed, a chf invected
Purp. (D: Eadain inghean Ruadhin - Feb 07)
Arg, a wolf ramp to sin Sa & a chf raguly Purp. (D: Aeschine
Colquhoun - Oct 03)
Arg, on a heart Purp a keyhole Arg, a chf embat Purp. (D: Yrsa
Gudrunardottir - Aug 92)
Arg, 3 double roses & a chf embat Purp. (D: Thaddeus Maddox Feb 03)
Arg, 3 irises Purp slipped & leaved Vt, a chf invected Purp. (D:
Beatrice Villani - Jan 05)
Arg, 2 hummingbirds hovering respectant & a chf engrailed Purp.
(D: Laurette de Montasalvy - Dec 07)
Arg, 2 irises Purp slipped & leaved Vt conjoined in base, a chf
doubly-enarched Purp. (D: Else Krueger of Wuerttemburg Feb 97)
Arg, 2 snakes erect respectant Vt & a chf engrailed Purp. (D:
Sagevarda von Rottweil - Feb 95)
Ermine, a gore Gu & a chf embat Purp. (D: Richard Cristofre Mar 87)
Or, a bend & a chf embat Purp. (D: Rhys Terfan Greydragon Aug 88)
Or, a dog statant & a chf invected Purp. (D: Dire inghean
Chearbhaill - Nov 03)
Or, a fox sejant Gu a chf raguly Purp. (D: Margaret MacGillivray Mar 97)
Or, an oak tree eradicated & a chf indented Purp. (D: John
Claymore - Jan 86)
Per chev Arg & Purp, in base a millrind Arg, a chf embat Purp. (D:
Jakob van Groningen - Feb 88)
Per pale Arg & Or, a mullet Purp charged with a triquetra per pale
Or & Arg, a chf doubly arched Purp. (D: ine inghean Chuinn
- Nov 06)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a mullet inv betw in chf 3 roundels one & 2
ctrch, a chf indented Purp. (D: Zillah de Barcelona - Mar 93)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Sable

Arg, a blacksmiths anvil & a chf wavy Sa. (D: William Beornsson
- Oct 88)
Arg, a catamount triply queued statant guardant & a chf dovetailed
Sa. (D: Sibyl of Dragons Eyrie - Apr 88)
Arg, a cross-crosslet fitchy Gu, a chf embat Sa. (D: Mihel Louis
DAigneaux - Nov 97)
Arg, a demi-wolf erect Gu & a chf embat Sa. (D: Raedwulf de
Rouen - Jan 83)
Arg, a dragon couchant & a chf rayonny Sa. (D: William Black
Dragon - Mar 06)
Arg, a fleece Purp & a chf rayonny Sa. (D: Gillian de Chyviot Mar 04)
Arg, a fox courant guardant Gu & a chf flory-counter-flory Sa. (D:
Ysabiau de Mortagne - Oct 02)

[Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Sable] to [Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Vert]

Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Sable (continued)

Arg, a foxs mask Sa maintaining in its mouth a rose fesswise

reversed Purp slipped & leaved Vt, a chf doubly enarched Sa.
(D: Medb Ceitinn - Aug 00)
Arg, a frog ramp guardant Vt, a chf embat Sa estoilly of five rays
Arg. (D: Feidhlimidh mac Griogair - Mar 98)
Arg, a horses head couped contourny Sa crined Gu & a chf embat
Sa. (D: Rose of Nazareth - May 05)
Arg, a mullet Vt & a chf double-arched Sa. (D: William O Cormick
- Nov 04)
Arg, a quill pen bendwise sin Gu, & on a chf potenty Sa, 3 crescents
Arg. (D: Bridgit Ruadh - Aug 90)
Arg, a salt Sa betw 4 thistles proper, a chf embat Sa. (D: engus
Fearghail - Oct 97)
Arg, a sheaf of swords inv Sa betw 2 boars passant respectant Gu, a
chf embat Sa. (D: William of Seawinds - Oct 91)
Arg, a spiral trumpet Vt & a chf embat Sa. (D: Thom de Laurent Jul 90)
Arg, a sword palewise inv Gu betw a chf embat Sa & a base Az. (D:
Corin Anderson - Jun 90)
Arg, a winged lion sejant guardant, maintaining a sword palewise,
Vt & a chf rayonny Sa. (D: Canair James Saint Aubyn Dec 89)
Arg, an ivy leaf within a laurel wreath Vt & a chf embat Sa. (D:
Ivyeinrust - Feb 82)
Arg, goutte de sang, 3 mullets of six straight & six wavy points & a
chf wavy Sa. (D: Corwin ap Arawyn - Dec 86)
Arg, on a cats pawprint Az a mullet Arg, a chf dovetailed Sa. (D:
Grinne inghean u Bhrolachin - Aug 98)
Arg, on a lozenge Purp a decrescent Arg, a chf dovetailed Sa. (D:
Brianna ODinneen - May 98)
Arg semy of lozenges Sa, a sea horse Az & a chf engrailed Sa. (D:
Kateryn of Kensington - Jul 98)
Arg semy-de-lys Az, a chf embat Sa. (D: Jamila of Bhakail Feb 05)
Arg, 3 chevronels Gu betw a chf embat & a lozenge Sa. (D: Leslie
of Fairferd - May 90)
Arg, 3 pallets Sa, betw 2 griffins combattant Vt, a chf embat Sa. (D:
Yvonne von Bremen - Jan 87)
Arg, 2 tilting lances crossed in salt, a chf indented Sa. (B: Rlich
Sturmveder - Feb 00) (For House Black Lance)
Arg, 2 vultures rising respectant, wings inv & addorsed, a chf
engrailed Sa. (D: Edvard Gayer - Jul 99)
Bendy sin Gu & Arg, a bear ramp, a chf embat Sa. (D: Aron
Niedzwiedz - Dec 98)
Checky Arg & Purp, a chf embat Sa. (D: lfwynn of Witebi Feb 04)
Ermine, a cross formy Gu & a chf embat Sa. (B: Elina Einarsdottir
- Nov 03) (For Haus Lindau)(JB: James Ahearn)
Ermine, a tree blasted & a chf wavy Sa. (D: Myrkewoode Jan 73?)
Ermine, a tree blasted & eradicated & a chf wavy within a bord Sa.
(B: Lochmere - Aug 91) (For Order of the Blasted Oak)
Ermine, on a chev Sa 3 griffins segreant Or, a chf indented Sa. (D:
Alden Gryffyn-Hoffe - May 93)
Gu, a chev Sa fimbriated, overall an eagle disp Arg, a chf embat Sa,
fimbriated Arg. (D: Kieron Hawkblood - Aug 79?)
Gu, an elephant trumpeting passant Sa, orbed Gu, a chf embat Sa.
(B: Andrew Castlebuilder - Aug 79) (For Clan Alexander)
Or, a brock ramp contourny Sa marked Arg maintaining a goblet
Gu, a chf embat Sa. (D: Killian Brock - Dec 90)
Or, a chev betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Gu, a chf wavy Sa. (D: Colin
OBryan - Jan 98)
Or, a cross fleury Gu betw 4 hurts, a chf rayonny Sa. (D: Tancred
Fraser - Nov 93)
Or, a dragon passant Gu & a chf embat Sa. (B: Caerthe - Jun 08)
(For Order of Evan)
Or, a fleur-de-lys Vt, a chf engrailed Sa. (D: Katherine Mountclare
- Aug 98)
Or, a hedgehog statant proper; a chf wavy Sa. (D: Katherine
Graybard of Sillenglen - Aug 79)
Or, a horse passant & a chf raguly Sa. (D: Kaeli of Marion Glen Jan 04)
Or, a horse ramp Gu, a chf embat Sa. (D: Clare Elena of
Strathclyde - Sep 00)
Or, a laurel wreath Vt & a chf embat Sa. (D: Caerthe - Dec 94)

Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Sable (continued)

Or, a lions head erased & a chf embat Sa. (D: Duncan MacLaren Jun 01)
Or, a mountain of 2 peaks couped & a chf indented Sa. (B:
Elizabeth Thornfield Freemountain - Sep 87)
Or, a mullet of twelve points pierced Gu, a chf triangular Sa. (D:
Etienne dArgent - Aug 85)
Or, a portcullis Gu with chains conjoined to a chf embat Sa. (D:
Heinrich von Salza - May 95)
Or, a quatrefoil & a chf embat Sa. (D: Bvi farmar - Feb 05)
Or, a swan naiant to sin, a chf arched rayonny Sa. (D: Oriana
Dreamweaver - Jan 86)
Or, a wolf ramp Vt, a chf indented Sa. (D: James of Hastings Apr 88)
Or, an equal-armed Celtic cross Gu & a chf potenty Sa. (D:
Meliora Cnox - Sep 02)
Or, goutt des larmes, a hawks head erased Gu & a chf invected
Sa. (D: William na Coille Stoirmeil - Jul 84)
Or, on a spider web throughout a spider tergiant inv & a chf
indented Sa. (D: Elizabeth Thornfield Freemountain Mar 87)
Or, on a tankard Az a rabbits head erased Arg & a chf embat Sa.
(D: Theodor von Oldenburg - Jul 05)
Or, 3 ermine spots & a chf invected Sa. (D: Rohais de Marcy Sep 92)
Or, 3 towers in bend & a chf embat Sa. (B: Caerthe - Jan 03)
Or, 2 arrows in salt, points to sin, surmounted by another fesswise,
point to dexter Sa flighted Az, a chf embat Sa. (D: Craig of
the White Cliffs - Sep 92)
Or, 2 pallets Sa overall 2 natural dolphins naiant in pale Az, a chf
embat Sa. (D: Katheryn MKethirryke - Apr 95)
Or, 2 wolves salient respectant & a chf indented Sa. (B: Garick
Kpke - Nov 89) (For House Wlfslager)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a cross crosslet fitchy ctrch & a chf embat Sa.
(D: Aileen OShea - Dec 07)
Per fess Or & Gu, in base a standing balance Arg, a chf rayonny Sa.
(D: Antonia della Scalla - Jul 04)
Per pale & per salt Or & Gu, a dog passant & a chf dovetailed Sa.
(D: Fiona inghean Lid - May 05)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a triple-towered castle ctrch & a chf embat Sa.
(D: Benedetto da Settignano - Oct 87)
Per pale Az & Or, a sea-lion contourny reguardant maintaining a
mace ctrch & a chf embat Sa. (D: Gavin Conall of Greenlaw Nov 93)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a thunderbolt ctrch, a chf embat Sa. (D:
Hrothgar vom Schwartzwald - Oct 92)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a wolfs head erased ctrch & a chf embat Sa.
(D: Caleb vande Casteele - Aug 02)
Per pale Gu & Arg, in fess 2 garden roses, slipped & leaved, ctrch, a
chf triangular Sa. (D: Otho dAuvergne - Jan 90)
Per pale Gu & Or, a wyvern ctrch & a chf embat Sa. (D: Jonathan
dAbernon - Jun 02)
Per pale Or & Purp, 2 bulls ramp respectant, in base a crescent, all
ctrch, & a chf embat Sa. (D: Chandra al-Samira - Jun 90)
Quarterly Or & Gu, 4 roundels in cross ctrch & a chf embat Sa. (D:
Hobb Drake - Sep 90)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Vert

Arg, a brown seagoat proper, tailed, & a chf embat grady Vt. (D:
Carolinde von Altenburg - Aug 88)
Arg, a bull passant Sa & a chf embat Vt. (D: Rodrigo Garcia de
Palacios - Oct 05)
Arg, a chev inv ploy Vt in chf a fleur-de-lys inv Purp & a chf
invected Vt. (D: Annet du Vey - Nov 03)
Arg, a fig leaf bendwise & a chf embat Vt. (D: Loureno Coelho Feb 07)
Arg, a fox passant reguardant Sa & a chf invected Vt. (D: Brian of
Foxwold - Nov 81)
Arg, a griffin sejant Gu & a chf raguly & on a mount Vt a tree Arg.
(D: Baldwin of Hillshire - Mar 02)
Arg, a hare courant Sa & a chf embat Vt. (B: Loureno Coelho Feb 07)
Arg, a harp reversed Sa & a chf indented Vt. (D: Tadhg
OMurchadha the Wanderer - Sep 91)
Arg, a heart Gu debruised of an olive branch bendwise sin proper, a
chf urdy Vt. (D: Fredrick of Woodlyn - Sep 98)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 473

[Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Vert] to [Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 argent only]

Chief - Uncharged - Complex line - Vert (continued)

Arg, a salt betw in fess 2 dolphins urinant, a chf invected Vt. (D:
Brendan MacRonan - Feb 92)
Arg, a sea-goat Purp & a chf wavy Vt. (D: Guilin Frouville le
Coyfer - Apr 00)
Arg, a sea-horse Gu grasping with its tail an arrow bendwise sin inv
Sa, a chf invected Vt. (D: Alexander of Hawkwood - Sep 92)
Arg, a stag at gaze Sa, a chf embat Vt. (D: Robert ap Hywel ap
David - Feb 07)
Arg, a unicorn ramp contourny Gu & a chf invected Vt. (D: Sen
Caoimhghein Sileabhin - Apr 96)
Arg, an otter statant guardant contourny & a chf embat Vt. (D:
Sibley of Nethercerne - Aug 95)
Arg, five mascles conjoined in cross & a chf dovetailed Vt. (D:
Caecelia di Battista - Aug 95)
Arg, on a fess betw a chf indented & a base indented Vt a Maltese
spaniel passant guardant betw 2 estoiles Arg. (D: Maria
Catarina da Taranto - Jul 80)
Arg, 3 butterflies Sa, a chf rayonny Vt. (D: Africa OBrien Feb 98)
Arg, 3 chevronels braced & in base five mascles, conjoined in cross,
a chf invected, all Vt. (D: Liadaine of Cul Mor - Jan 87)
Arg, 2 billhooks addorsed in salt Sa, a chf doubly enarched Vt. (D:
Andrew Mariner - Mar 05)
Ermine, a stag lodged Or, a chf urdy Vt, fimbriated Or. (D:
Gladwen of Ayelsford - Aug 80)
Or, a chev Sa in base a roundel, & a chf rayonny Vt. (D: Stefan
Locke - Oct 98)
Or, a claymore inv issuant from a chalice Sa, a chf wavy Vt. (D:
William le Loup - Jul 01)
Or, a dragons head couped & on a chf embat Vt a sword reversed
proper. (D: Drogo de Le Mans - Sep 02)
Or, a fist palewise appaumy grasping a stylus bendwise sin within a
laurel wreath Gu, a chf embat Vt. (D: St. Cassian of Imola Jun 88)
Or, a needle bendwise threaded Sa, a chf embat Vt. (D: Elspeth
Macalpin - Nov 97)
Or, a raven & a chf wavy Vt. (D: Avis Albrechtsdotter - Oct 01)
Or, a sheaf of 4 arrows inv surmounted by a bow fesswise Sa, a chf
embat Vt. (D: Henry le Bowyer - Mar 94)
Or, 3 Latin crosses raguly, a chf triangular Vt. (D: Tomaso Camino
- Feb 97)
Or, 2 hummingbirds rising addorsed, wings elevated & addorsed,
Gu, a chf embat Vt. (D: Lucia Zaffarana - Dec 05)
Per chev Or & Az, 3 roses one & 2 proper & a garb Or, a chf
invected Vt. (D: Catherine Holcombe of Arden - Feb 07)
Per chev Or & Vt, in base an equal-armed Celtic cross potent Or, &
a chf embat Vt. (D: Ceridwen Dafydd - Apr 86)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Not above

Az, on a chf Arg an arrow reversed Sa. (D: William Bauer Feb 97)
Barry bendy sin Gu & Or, on a chf Arg 3 saltires couped Gu. (D:
Michael of Essex - Mar 97)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, on a chf Arg 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Sa. (D:
Bella Caterina Malatesta - Mar 03)
Bendy wavy Az & Or, on a chf Arg 3 laurel trees proper. (D:
Mathilda von Lindenwald - Sep 07)
Checky Vt & Arg, on a chf Arg 4 roses proper. (D: Clare Garland
- Jun 08)
Chevronelly Purp & Or, on a chf Arg 2 ounces statant reguardant
addorsed, tails entwined, breathing flame Sa. (D: Brianna
Vivina O Choda - Dec 06)
Counter-ermine, on a chf Arg a grove of seven fir trees proper. (D:
Eirik Vilhelmsson - Aug 80)
Gyronny Or & Az, on a chf Arg 3 rooks wings Sa. (D: Juliana de
la Rokele - Dec 02)
Lozengy Vt & Arg, on a chf Arg 2 roses Purp, slips nowed together
in a Wake knot proper. (D: Tamar bint Ephraim al-Haaika Sep 91)
Paly Az & Arg, on a chf Arg 2 frets Az. (D: Ellen of York Sep 04)
Paly Vt & Arg, on a chf Arg 3 trefoils Purp. (D: Michael of Galicia
- Apr 01)

474 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Not above


Per chev throughout Sa & Arg, on a chf Arg 4 crosses, each within
& conjoined to a mascle Sa. (D: Dur of Hidden Mountain Jul 92)
Per pale Gu & Sa, on a chf Arg 3 mullets Sa. (D: Lachlann Munro
- Oct 03)
Per pale Purp & Sa, on a chf Arg 3 lozenges each per pale Sa &
Purp. (D: Nigel de Rothewelle - May 06)
Per pale Sa & Vt, on a chf Arg a fox passant Gu. (D: Donovan
Shinnock - Mar 08)
Per pall Sa, Arg & Az, on a chf Arg a fleur-de-lys Gu. (D: Giotto di
Giovanni - Mar 06)
Sa, on a chf Arg a rose Purp betw 2 roses Sa. (D: Moira
MacDonald of Dunskahay - Sep 02)
Sa, on a chf Arg a swan naiant wings addorsed issuant from the line
of division Gu. (D: Rhonwen of Rhyl - Jul 02)
Vt, on a chf Arg 3 oak leaves bendwise Gu. (D: Rhonwen
Wynterbourne - May 03)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 argent


Az, a bear ramp & on a chf Arg 3 seeblatter Az. (D: Matthias von
Wrzburg - Jul 99)
Az, a bear statant erect muzzled, on a chf Arg 4 retorts Gu. (D: Alix
de Coucy - Apr 98)
Az, a billet bendwise sin & on a chf Arg 3 roses Az. (D: Jacobina
of White Moor - Nov 04)
Az, a blonde mermaid proper, tailed Arg, maintaining in each hand
a garden rose Gu, on a chf Arg, 3 foxes passant Gu. (D:
Camilla de la Reynarde la Droitire - Jan 89)
Az, a boot & on a chf Arg, a branch reversed Vt. (D: Dafydd the
Wanderer - Oct 94)
Az, a bull couchant gardant contourny & on a chf Arg 3 oak leaves
Vt. (D: Dagmr in hvassa - Jun 95)
Az, a bull salient reguardant & on a chf Arg a chain Sa. (D: Brian
Sebastian Aldobrandi - Jul 92)
Az, a candle Arg lit proper, on a chf Arg 2 hurts. (D: Cornelius von
Becke - Sep 92)
Az, a castle & on a chf Arg, 3 frogs sejant Az. (D: Michelle of
Thescorre - May 97)
Az, a cat sejant contourny & on a chf Arg an oak tree proper. (D:
Magy Blackmore - Jul 03)
Az, a cat sejant dexter forepaw raised Arg charged on the shoulder
with a lozenge Sa on a chf enarched Arg 2 iris flowers Az
marked Arg slipped Vt. (D: Catrona Macraith - Nov 01)
Az, a Catherines wheel & on a chf Arg 3 hurts. (D: Henry Forlong
de Falconhurst - Jul 92)
Az, a cats head couped & on a chf Arg a bar wavy Vt. (D: Mary
the Mild - Sep 93)
Az, a Celtic cross & on a chf Arg, a lion statant Az. (D: Eric Lyon
of St. Michaels - Oct 85)
Az, a closed Torah scroll palewise, on a chf Arg, 3 frets throughout
Sa. (D: Naarah bat Avraham - May 92)
Az, a compass star & on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lis Az. (D: Hugh de
Bois - Aug 94)
Az, a crane in its vigilance contourny & on a chf Arg an arrow
reversed Az. (D: Miriam Rivka bat Yisrael - Feb 02)
Az, a cross bottony Arg, a chf Arg crusilly plain Az. (D: Rhys ap
Bledri - May 94)
Az, a cross formy throughout & on a chf Arg, 3 hearts Gu. (D:
John Theophilus - Dec 87)
Az, a cross of Cleves, on a chf Arg 3 crosses of Cleves Az. (D:
Josephine de Champagne - Jan 94)
Az, a dolphin haurient & on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Gu. (D:
Giuliana Firidolfi - Feb 97)
Az, a domestic cat sejant reguardant & on a chf Arg 3 escallops inv
Az. (D: Siobhn Ng Eochadha - Oct 93)
Az, a double-headed lion queue-forchy ramp contourny maintaining
in its sin forepaw a sword inv & on a chf Arg 2 wooden spoons
in salt proper. (D: Siobhan inghean Bhraonain - Nov 05)
Az, a dove & on a chf Arg, 2 roses proper. (D: Lynette Jaclyn
Davjean - Mar 93)
Az, a duck rising wings elevated & addorsed & on a chf Arg 3
shamrocks Vt. (D: Helvig Ulfsdotter - Jan 98)

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 argent only]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 argent

only (continued)

Az, a falcon striking to sin & on a chf Arg 3 praying mantises sejant
erect guardant contourny Vt. (D: Richart Parion - Feb 05)
Az, a fox passant & on a chf Arg 3 increscents Az. (D: Aileen
Fitzwilliam - Apr 92)
Az, a fret & on a chf Arg 3 crosses crosslet fitched Sa. (D:
Margaret of Enniscorthy - Jun 96)
Az, a garb & on a chf Arg, a griffin passant Gu. (D: Syele von
Heidelberg - Nov 06)
Az, a gate & on a chf Arg 3 ravens close Sa. (B: Fridrikr Tomasson
av Knusslig Hamn - Mar 98) (For Alqamah ibn Sayf alKhatib)
Az, a griffin statant & on a chf Arg, a feather fesswise Az. (D:
Geoffrey Featherstonehaugh - Jul 88)
Az, a hand appaumy & on a chf Arg, 2 domestic cats sejant
addorsed Az. (D: Aelfwynn Silverhand - Aug 89)
Az, a heart & on a chf Arg, 3 unicorns heads couped Az. (D:
Adriana Ashworth - Apr 89)
Az, a horse ramp barded, upon a chf Arg 3 crosses crosslet fitchy
Az. (D: Christina MacKay - Jan 91)
Az, a horses head couped contourny & on a chf Arg a bar wavy Vt.
(D: Alfred the Large - Sep 93)
Az, a Lacy knot & on a chf Arg, 3 musical notes Az. (D: Kyrstyan
of Danegeld Tor - Oct 99)
Az, a Latin cross of Toulouse & on a chf Arg a fleur-de-lys Az betw
2 crescents Sa. (D: Alainne dAncenis - Feb 05)
Az, a lightning bolt bendwise, on a chf Arg 3 mascles Gu. (D:
Kara Montagu - Oct 84)
Az, a lion couchant & on a chf Arg 3 roundels Az. (D: Jacques
Abarn - Dec 93)
Az, a lion of Saint Mark statant guardant & on a chf Arg 3 fleursde-lys Az. (D: Collette de Paris - Oct 07)
Az, a lions head cabossed, on a chf Arg 3 roses Az. (D: Lyon
Filshenri - Nov 97)
Az, a lotus goblet Arg & on a chf Arg 3 lotus blossoms inv
throughout Gu. (D: Dierdriana of the Misty Isles - Aug 79?)
Az, a lute & on a chf Arg 2 candles palewise Vt. (D: Keii Gerard
de Courtenay - Oct 91)
Az, a lymphad & on a chf Arg 3 loaves of brown bread proper. (D:
Gwenhwyvar Ywein - Jul 97)
Az, a mermaid proper crined Or maintaining in her dexter hand a
shamshir proper & in her sin hand a gemstone Gu, on a chf
Arg 3 crescents Gu. (D: Elise lstrange - May 05)
Az, a monks hood & on a chf Arg 3 crosses of St. Brigid Az. (D:
Brigida von Mnchen - Aug 03)
Az, a pall Or & on a chf Arg 3 fish Gu. (D: Thomasina Bernes Aug 02)
Az, a pegasus couchant, wings elevated & addorsed, & on a chf
Arg, 3 mullets inv Vt. (D: Susi de la Terre - Oct 88)
Az, a phoenix Arg rising from flames proper on a chf Arg 3 harps
Sa. (D: Lore von Vechta - Jan 96)
Az, a pine tree couped & on a chf Arg 3 arrows, points to chf Az.
(D: Aranwen verch Rhys ap Gwalter - Feb 06)
Az, a pithon erect to sin & on a chf Arg 3 roundels Az. (D: Pagan
Grendel - Feb 02)
Az, a quill & on a chf Arg a dove disp affronty Az. (D: Francis of
the Silver Quill - Jan 82)
Az, a rat sejant erect & on a chf Arg a rose Az barbed & seeded
proper. (D: Aularia Diez - Apr 08)
Az, a salt & on a chf Arg 3 mullets Sa. (D: Lauretta atte
Blacksterre - Sep 05)
Az, a salt & on a chf Arg 3 oak leaves bendwise Vt. (D: Randall of
Willoughby Vale - Dec 05)
Az, a seahorse & on a chf Arg 3 estoiles Az. (D: Malina Attewode Jan 03)
Az, a sea-unicorn erect to sin & on a chf Arg a natural dolphin
embowed to sin Az. (D: Moire MacMurtrie - Apr 85)
Az, a seawolf on a chf Arg 3 wolf pawprints Sa. (D: Wulf
McLachlan - Aug 94)
Az, a sin wing, on a chf Arg a vine leaved Vt, flowered Purp. (D:
Griseldis Falkner - Aug 91)
Az, a spider inv & on a chf Arg 3 roses proper. (D: Dametta Sweet
- Dec 05)
Az, a sprig of grape vine bendwise sin & on a chf Arg a feather
reversed Az. (D: Marianna Gentilcore - May 04)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 argent

only (continued)

Az, a stag ramp & on a chf Arg a thistle fesswise & a thistle
fesswise reversed proper. (D: Duncan MacLachlan - Dec 00)
Az, a stags head cabossed & on a chf Arg 3 Celtic crosses Sa. (D:
Robert Maccuswell of Whitherne - Nov 02)
Az, a stags head erased & on a chf Arg 3 escallops Az. (D:
Radn Fota - Jul 04)
Az, a star of David & on a chf Arg 3 goblets Az. (D: Eunice bas
Yosef - May 92)
Az, a sword palewise inv & on a chf enarched Arg, 3 trefoils
slipped Az. (D: Patrick Cei MacBrian - Feb 89)
Az, a talbot statant & on a chf Arg a mullet of six points betw 2
triskeles Vt. (D: David Warren Rouffier of Monmouth Sep 03)
Az, a thistle & on a chf Arg 3 roses proper. (D: Duncan Andrew
Hughes - Aug 93)
Az, a threaded stick shuttle & on a chf Arg 3 sheaves of arrows Gu.
(D: Scott of Kent - Jul 96)
Az, a tree blasted & eradicated Or, on a chf Arg 3 pheons Sa. (D:
Sian verch Gwilim ap Lewelin - Feb 07)
Az, a tree eradicated & on a chf Arg 4 lightning bolts palewise Sa.
(D: Nicholas of Rivenwald - Aug 97)
Az, a triangle, on a chf Arg 3 cinquefoils Az. (D: Sesilia in heppna
- Jul 01)
Az, a unicorn passant Arg & on a chf Arg 3 lilac trees one & 2
proper. (D: Anne of Kingsford - Jul 74?)
Az, a unicorn ramp & on a chf Arg 3 eagles disp Az. (B: Constance
de Saint Denis - Mar 05)
Az, a unicorns head couped contourny, on a chf Arg an escallop
betw 2 escallops inv Az. (D: Katherine of Greymist - Aug 94)
Az, a water lily in profile & on a chf Arg 3 feathers bendwise sin
Sa. (D: Doireann the Wanderer - Jun 01)
Az, a windmill & on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Andre Louis
de Vincennes - Dec 83)
Az, a winged natural tiger ramp Arg marked Sa, on a chf Arg 3
pairs of garden roses in salt Az, slipped & leaved Vt. (D:
Thomas Faraday - Jan 91)
Az, a winged unicorn ramp & on a chf Arg 3 passion crosses Gu.
(D: Nowell Forrestor - Mar 94)
Az, a wolf ramp & on a chf nebuly Arg 3 orange trees couped &
fructed proper. (D: Eric Drake Oranwood - Oct 04)
Az, a wolf ramp maintaining a mullet, on a chf Arg, 3 mullets Az.
(D: John Wolf - Aug 98)
Az, a wolf sejant affronty & on a chf Arg, a raven contourny
regardant Sa. (D: Snorri hrafnauga Hrlfsson - Dec 06)
Az, a wolfs head erased & on a chf Arg a comet reversed Gu. (D:
William Forester - Nov 04)
Az, a wolfs head erased & on a chf Arg 3 closed books palewise
Sa. (D: Feln ccnaid - Mar 05)
Az, a yale ramp & on a chf Arg 3 double-bitted axes Sa. (D:
Gunnvaldr Genja Ulfarsson - Feb 99)
Az, an acorn inv, on a chf Arg 2 squirrels respectant Az. (D:
Dulcia Wylde - Feb 07)
Az, an eagle & on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Johan Berger Dec 05)
Az, an ermine passant proper, & on a chf Arg 3 sprigs Vt. (D:
Tiphina of Ledbury - Nov 04)
Az, an estoile of eight rays & on a chf Arg 3 gouttes Az. (D:
Branwen Ottersby - Dec 94)
Az, an increscent & on a chf Arg 4 mullets Az. (D: Susan of
Tirnewydd - Oct 92)
Az, an oak leaf & on a chf Arg 3 acorns Az. (D: Isabella Oakwood
- Aug 95)
Az, an open book & on a chf Arg 3 hurts. (D: Isabelle Christine de
Foix - Apr 02)
Az, an owl & on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Diana Ygraine
Lylywythe - Jul 03)
Az, on a bend sin Arg a helm palewise Sa plumed Gu, & on a chf
Arg 3 thistles slipped & leaved proper. (D: Andrew Murdoch Jan 85)
Az, on a chev Arg 3 bees palewise Sa, & on a chf Arg a beehive Sa.
(D: Deborah of Haleshaven - May 96)
Az, on a chev Arg 3 golpes & on a chf Arg 3 crosses crosslet Sa.
(D: Amellia Bachert - Feb 82)
Az, on a goblet Arg a mullet of eight points Vt & on a chf Arg an
Arabic pen box Vt. (D: Mariam Albarran - May 05)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 475

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 argent only]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 argent

only (continued)

Az, on a Latin cross fleury Arg a rose proper, a chf Arg fretty Vt.
(D: Maddalena Salutati - Jan 91)
Az, on a pale Arg a candle Az, on a chf Arg 3 quill pens bendwise
sin Az. (D: Nest verch Madoc - Dec 97)
Az, on a pale Arg a harp reversed Sa & on a chf Arg a bridge of one
arch Sa masoned Arg. (D: Craig Robert le Luthier de
Pierrepont - Aug 02)
Az, on a pale Arg, 2 gouttes Vt, on a chf Arg, 3 gouttes Vt. (D:
Isobel of Silvermere - Oct 88)
Az, on a pitcher Arg a millrind Az & on a chf Arg 3 millrinds Az.
(D: Medb ingen Domnaill u Somhairle - Aug 02)
Az, the lowercase letter lambda & on a chf Arg a carrot Az. (D:
Zomyw Chenad - Feb 05)
Barry wavy Purp & Or, a winged dolphin haurient & on a chf Arg 3
decrescents Purp. (D: Edine Fairfield - Jan 94)
Bendy sin indented Sa & Or, a rabbit salient contourny & on a chf
Arg 3 Stars of David Vt. (D: Protais of Verona - Sep 00)
Checky Gu & Arg, a compass Sa & on a chf Arg a cross Sa. (D:
Hugh Prescott - Apr 94)
Chevronelly inv Purp & Or, a kestrel rising, wings addorsed, jessed
& belled, & on a chf Arg a fleur-de-lys Purp. (D: Catarina
Ginevra Falconieri - Aug 94)
Gu, a bear passant & on a chf Arg 3 monkeys statant collared Gu.
(D: Raignailt Sturemi Caithnes - date?)
Gu, a bladed & spiked mace & on a chf Arg a dragonship with 4
shields disp Sa. (D: Philip of Meadhe - Aug 79)
Gu, a chalice & on a chf Arg a wingless wyvern Sa. (D: Yrsa
Draksdotter av Disavi - Jan 98)
Gu, a cogwheel, on a chf Arg a dragon passant Sa. (D: Maximilian
der Zauber - Oct 99)
Gu, a comet palewise inv & on a chf Arg 3 human ears Gu. (D:
Simon of Gardengate House - Feb 87)
Gu, a compass star elongated to base & on a chf Arg, a longbow Sa.
(D: Erik Longbow the Navigator - Oct 94)
Gu, a crescent, on a chf Arg 2 pallets wavy Az. (D: Halima alRakkasa - May 99)
Gu, a cross of Santiago, on a chf Arg 3 crescents Sa. (D:
Constanzia Moralez y de Zamora - Jun 01)
Gu, a crossbow drawn & on a chf Arg, a stags attire Gu. (D: Ivarr
Raynorson - Aug 89)
Gu, a dove disp proper, on a chf Arg an arrow fesswise Sa. (D:
Timothy OByrne - Nov 95)
Gu, a dragon dormant, on a chf Arg 3 roses Gu. (D: Rosalind
Moondragon - Mar 92)
Gu, a dragon ramp maintaining an axe, on a chf Arg 3 trefoils Gu.
(D: Torvald Asmundarson - Aug 90)
Gu, a fret & on a chf Arg a domestic cat statant Sa. (D: Genevive
Frei - Sep 00)
Gu, a griffin passant & on a chf Arg 3 crescents Gu. (D: Nill
orkelsson - Mar 06)
Gu, a griffins head contourny couped on a chf Arg a staff entwined
with a leafless vine thorned Sa. (D: William Griffin
Blackthorne - Nov 95)
Gu, a hart salient reguardant & on a chf Arg 4 clusters of 3 holly
berries Gu & 2 holly leaves Vt, the leaves fesswise to center.
(D: Anna Pembroke of Woodsley Hall - Jan 83)
Gu, a hunting horn & on a chf Arg, 3 pheons inv Sa. (D: Tristan
van Groningen - Mar 90)
Gu, a maunch Arg & a chf Arg semy of ears of wheat Gu. (D:
Caterina Gioacchini - Apr 97)
Gu, a merman maintaining a mace & a sword & on a chf Arg 4
escallops inv Gu. (D: Cdmon of Aldergrove - Dec 94)
Gu, a mountain couped & on a chf Arg a lion passant Gu. (D:
James Buehler - Feb 86)
Gu, a mouse ramp contourny & on a chf Arg 3 carracks contourny
proper, sailed Gu. (D: Katherine Scarlett Hawkins - Oct 05)
Gu, a natural leopard ramp & on a chf Arg 2 mullets of eight points
Gu. (D: Catherine Cros - Jul 05)
Gu, a natural panther passant Arg marked Sa & on a chf Arg 3 roses
Gu. (D: Roscelin de Limoges - Apr 02)
Gu, a Norwegian elkhound statant & on a chf Arg 2 estoiles
fesswise Gu. (D: Miriam of Bristol - Jan 98)
Gu, a peacock in his pride & on a chf Arg five lozenges conjoined
throughout Sa. (D: Caterina Fregoso - Nov 01)

476 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 argent

only (continued)

Gu, a rabbit ramp maintaining a sword & on a chf Arg 3 wooden

tankards proper. (D: James Damian Blackmoor - Aug 95)
Gu, a rat sejant erect guardant maintaining a sword & on a chf Arg
2 ravens close Sa. (D: Ragnar Arason of Vinland - Aug 95)
Gu, a rose & on a chf Arg 2 crosses crosslet fitchy Sa. (D: Trystan
Wynter - Jul 96)
Gu, a sea-horse & on a chf Arg 2 roses in salt slipped & leaved Sa.
(D: Fekete Rosa - Sep 05)
Gu, a sea-pegasus passant, on a chf Arg 2 dolphins naiant Gu. (D:
Catherine of Cobweb Cottage - Sep 91)
Gu, a sheep statant on a chf Arg 3 torteaux. (B: Helen Whitmore Apr 96)
Gu, a single-headed chess knight on a chf Arg 3 crescents Az. (D:
Odrn Fhionn - Oct 01)
Gu, a snow leopard sejant guardant Arg spotted Sa & on a chf Arg 3
lozenges Gu. (D: Tamara de Montoya - Apr 01)
Gu, a stone throwing hammer & on a chf Arg 2 ravens Sa. (D:
Brondlfr sgeirsson - Oct 04)
Gu, a swan naiant, wings elevated, on a chf Arg 3 trefoil knots Gu.
(D: Parlan MacGillivray - Feb 91)
Gu, a thistle & on a chf Arg a salt engrailed Sa. (D: Daniel
Colquhoun - Nov 91)
Gu, a tower Arg masoned Sa & on a chf Arg 3 Maltese crosses Gu.
(D: Luis de Castilla - Sep 02)
Gu, a tree blasted & eradicated & on a chf nebuly Arg, 4 acorns Gu.
(D: Elysant atten Oke - Apr 07)
Gu, a tyger ramp & on a chf Arg, 3 thistles proper. (D: Robert
Glendon of Auk - Oct 90)
Gu, a unicorn couchant & on a chf Arg, 3 roses Gu. (D: Joanna
Sparhawke - Oct 92)
Gu, a unicorn ramp, on a chf Arg a tower triple-towered Gu. (D:
Iain Sgiath - Dec 98)
Gu, a winged snail, on a chf Arg 2 apples Gu leaved Vt. (D:
Christiana Macnamara - Oct 99)
Gu, a wolf ramp & on a chf Arg 3 crosses barby fitchy Sa. (D:
James inn Danski - Feb 02)
Gu, a wolfs head erased & on a chf Arg 3 broad arrows inv Az. (D:
Gudrun Bogsveigir - Dec 03)
Gu, a wyvern & on a chf Arg 3 compass stars Vt. (D: Gylis
Kingston - Aug 93)
Gu, an owl affronty Arg maintaining an arrow fesswise reversed Or,
on a chf Arg an arrow reversed Gu. (D: Dael mac Daill of
Dunadd - Dec 95)
Gu, on a roundel engrailed Arg a tree blasted & eradicated Sa & on
a chf Arg 2 boars statant addorsed Gu. (D: Gnter Weiss Jan 05)
Gyronny Gu & Or, a lions head cabossed, on a chf Arg 3 towers Sa
masoned Or. (D: Thomas of Calais - Dec 98)
Gyronny of twelve Sa & Az, a mascle & on a chf Arg a unicorn
courant regardant Sa. (D: Regan Lowry the Loner - Jun 80)
Pean, a raven disp & on a chf Arg 3 decrescents Sa. (D: Richenda
Bevilacqua - Sep 91)
Per bend Az & Gu, a lynx couchant guardant & on a chf Arg 3
fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Cristina Stolte - Mar 04)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a cross formy & on a chf Arg a fleur-de-lys betw
2 roses Gu. (D: Stephan of Atenveldt - Nov 07)
Per bend Sa & Az, a griffin segreant & on a chf Arg 3 crescents Sa.
(D: Rowen Killian - Jul 99)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, a dolphin naiant bendwise & on a chf Arg, 3
fleurs-de-lys Gu. (D: Juvence Grauntvalet - Dec 92)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a cross of Calvary & on a chf Arg 3 ravens
Sa. (D: Francis Martin - Nov 05)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a horses head erased & on a chf Arg 4
horseshoes Az. (D: Konrad von Schilberg - Mar 02)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a wolfs head cabossed & on a chf Arg 3
wolves statant reguardant Az. (D: Rhonwen ferch Maelgwyn
ap Rhys - Jan 92)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a pegasus ramp contourny & on a chf Arg, 3
lozenges Sa. (D: Brigid of Whitecastle - Jan 93)
Per bend sin Purp & Sa, a covered well & on a chf Arg, 3 laurel
wreaths Sa. (D: Dyrnnewylle - Nov 92)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt, a dragon sejant guardant & on a chf Arg 3
pellets. (D: Tanne Comyn - Feb 04)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, a winged cat sejant regardant & on a chf Arg
a vine of 3 roses proper. (D: Juliana Celestria - Sep 02)

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 argent only]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 argent

only (continued)

Per bend Vt & Sa, an owl affronty & on a chf Arg 3 hunting horns
Sa. (D: David Cooper of Tynedale - Jun 94)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a Thors hammer inv & on a chf Arg 3 mullets
of six points Sa. (D: Samus mac Neachtain - Feb 08)
Per chev throughout Vt & Az, in base a domestic cats head
cabossed, on a chf Arg, 4 cats paw prints Sa. (D: Gwendolyn
Spring - Nov 88)
Per pale Az & Purp, a cross of Calatrava & on a chf Arg a
decrescent Az betw 2 mullets Purp. (D: Liuete Liana da Luna
- Aug 01)
Per pale Az & Sa, a bear statant erect affronty & on a chf Arg 2
bears dormant respectant Gu. (D: Bjarki Hvtabjarnarson Nov 99)
Per pale Az & Sa, a natural tiger ramp Arg marked Sa & on a chf
Arg a roundel betw an increscent & decrescent Sa. (D:
Tatiana Aleksandrovna Ragozina - Jul 04)
Per pale Az & Sa, a wolf statant & on a chf Arg 3 Celtic crosses Sa.
(D: Dafydd Caerfyrddin - Oct 05)
Per pale Az & Vt, a dragon passant to sin, on a chf Arg, a rapier
reversed Gu. (D: Gareth the Faithful - Oct 04)
Per pale Az & Vt, a griffin segreant contourny & on a chf Arg 3
triquetras Purp. (D: Maeve Griffinsward - Jan 96)
Per pale Gu & Az, a pegasus couchant & on a chf Arg 3 delfs Az.
(D: Luce Antony Venus - Feb 02)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a Celtic cross & on a chf Arg 3 Maltese crosses
Vt. (D: Fiachra the Bonesetter - Feb 03)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a demi-bat disp head to sin, on a chf Arg 3
mullets of six points Sa. (D: Talan Hackewrist - Mar 07)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a dragon statant guardant, tail coward, & on a chf
enarched Arg, 3 tuns palewise Sa. (D: Gregorio Antonio
Cobianchi di Piacenza - Oct 88)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a lion passant to sin, on a chf Arg 3 roundels Sa.
(B: Edith of Arbroath - Mar 04)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a pithon disp & on a chf Arg 3 crosses formy Sa.
(D: Wolfgang von Wuestenberg - Jul 98)
Per pale Purp & Az, a winged sword inv, wings disp, & on a chf
Arg 3 equal-armed Celtic crosses Vt. (D: Fiacha Suileach Aug 91)
Per pale Purp & Vt, a horse passant contourny & on a chf Arg an
arrow inv bendwise sin betw 2 fleurs-de-lys inv Purp. (D:
Sylvia du Vey - Jan 04)
Per pale Sa & Az, a snake glissant palewise & on a chf Arg, a sword
Sa. (D: Vashti Damascene - Feb 91)
Per pale Sa & Az, a sun & on a chf Arg 2 mullets Sa. (D: strr of
Cleftlands - Apr 07)
Per pale Sa & Gu, an escarbuncle & on a chf enarched Arg 2 frogs
tergiant fesswise respectant Vt. (D: Owyne of Clan Frog Dec 05)
Per pale Sa & Purp, a mullet of eight points, on a chf Arg, 3
crescents Sa. (D: Giuliana La Gazza - Sep 94)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a talbot sejant & on a chf Arg, 3 crescents Sa. (D:
Celn Rogallaig - Oct 92)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a palet & on a chf Arg a trident Sa. (B: Marinus
- Jan 81)
Per pale Vt & Az, a bear passant, on a chf Arg 2 equal-armed Celtic
crosses Az. (D: Lockwyn mac Aoidh - Nov 06)
Per pale Vt & Az, an open scroll & on a chf Arg a quill pen Sa. (B:
Marinus - Jul 07) (For Scriptorium Marini)
Per pale Vt & Purp, a stag trippant & on a chf Arg a grapevine
proper fructed Purp. (D: Magdalene von Rottweil - Nov 93)
Per salt Az & Sa, a hawk & on a chf Arg 3 broadarrows Sa. (D:
Anderewe Hawkewood - Apr 03)
Per salt Purp & Az, an anchor & on a chf Arg 4 shamrocks Vt. (D:
Dante McGavin - Feb 05)
Per salt Sa & Gu, a falcon close on a chf Arg 3 thistles proper. (D:
Cailean Aindrea Stewart - May 94)
Per salt Sa & Vt, a winged stag salient, on a chf Arg 3 broadarrows
Sa. (D: Dafydd ap Sion - Oct 07)
Purp, a birch tree eradicated & on a chf Arg 2 wolves dormant
respectant Sa. (D: Brianna of Sylverwode - Dec 95)
Purp, a centaur ramp guardant holding a harp & on a chf Arg, 2
recorders crossed in salt Sa. (D: Caterina de Chantal Mar 92)
Purp, a compass rose & on a chf Arg an ivy vine Vt. (D: Hannah
bat Isaac de Toledo - May 08)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 argent

only (continued)

Purp, a coronet & on a chf Arg 3 roses Purp. (B: Ysabeau Cameron
- Jul 94)
Purp, a crane volant, wings addorsed to base, & on a chf Arg, 3
mullets Purp. (D: Catherine Owain of Porth Ceri - Oct 90)
Purp, a cross crosslet fitchy, on a chf Arg 3 mullets Purp. (D:
Godlefe Bury - Dec 04)
Purp, a delf & on a chf Arg, 3 boars heads couped Purp. (D:
Caroline Forbes of Oxfordshire - Dec 89)
Purp, a dove volant wings addorsed, on a chf Arg 3 violets Purp,
slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Elaine de Montgris - May 92)
Purp, a dragon in annulo, head to chf & on a chf Arg, 3 roses Purp.
(D: Bianca Drago - Sep 92)
Purp, a dragonfly & on a chf Arg 3 seeblatter Purp. (D: Ela de
Areci - May 07)
Purp, a foxs mask & on a chf Arg 2 caltrops Purp. (D: Averill
Danielson - Jul 99)
Purp, a greyhound passant regardant coward & on a chf Arg a
grapevine fructed proper. (D: Ariel of Caer Myrddin Mar 85)
Purp, a griffin segreant to sin & on a chf Arg 3 roses Purp seeded
Arg. (D: Fionnabhair Kyriath Inghean U Nill - Apr 86)
Purp, a harpy statant gardant wings disp & on a chf Arg 3 ankhs Sa.
(D: Deredere the Midwife - Dec 03)
Purp, a heart & on a chf Arg a vine Vt. (D: Anne Isabella del
Gardin - Nov 95)
Purp, a increscent & on a chf Arg a mullet betw 2 drinking horns
addorsed Vt. (D: Adina del Alczar - Oct 91)
Purp, a lion dormant & on a chf Arg 3 lions dormant contourny
Purp. (D: Gwylym Penbras - Feb 96)
Purp, a lion passant guardant & on a chf Arg 3 crosses formy Gu.
(D: Giovanni Giordano da Firenze - Aug 01)
Purp, a portcullis & on a chf Arg a unicorn couchant reguardant
Purp. (D: Grace Chamberlaine - May 92)
Purp, a recorder & on a chf Arg 3 musical notes Gu. (D: Wilhelm
von Meissen gennant Frawenlop - Apr 98)
Purp, a rose Arg slipped & leaved Vt & on a chf Arg 3 mullets
pierced Sa. (D: Bera skytja - Feb 05)
Purp, a ship on a chf Arg 3 quatrefoil knots Purp. (D: Caitlin nic
Aindreis of Dumbarton - Jul 95)
Purp, a stag at gaze & on a chf Arg 3 hammers Sa. (D: Thor Stagge
- Feb 95)
Purp, a stag courant to sin & on a chf Arg 2 thistles, slipped &
leaved, proper. (D: Maeve MacMaolain - Dec 86)
Purp, a swan naiant & on a chf Arg 3 trees Vt. (D: ine inghean
Riocaird - Mar 04)
Purp, a sword inv proper & on a chf Arg 2 swords inv in salt Gu.
(D: Amat al-Shakoor di Riccardo - Oct 04)
Purp, a sword proper, on a chf Arg, 3 fleurs-de-lys Purp. (D: Elise
Dominique Clairmont - Nov 89)
Purp, a tower & on a chf enarched Arg 2 columbine flowers Purp.
(D: Aelith Tourblanc - Mar 85)
Purp, a unicorn ramp & on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Purp. (D: Iana
of Whiteclif - Jun 91)
Purp, a winged stag ramp contourny & on a chf Arg a castle betw 2
crosses couped Purp. (D: Elkanah MacDonald - Jan 03)
Purp, a wolf sejant & on a chf Arg 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Gu. (D:
Drostan Arnache - Aug 00)
Purp, an eagles head erased, & on a chf enarched Arg, 3 mullets of
six points Sa. (D: Catharine Duran - May 92)
Purp, an escallop inv, on a chf Arg 3 crosses botonny fitchy Sa. (D:
Nathalie of San Marco - Aug 98)
Purp, an owl close affronty & on a chf Arg 3 crosses of Canterbury
Purp. (D: Sebastian de Grey - Apr 86)
Purp, on a scroll Arg an hourglass Sa & on a chf Arg a dolmen of 3
lintels Sa. (B: Jocelyn Douglas of Fairfax - Sep 91)
Purp semy-de-lys Or, a wyvern passant & on a chf Arg 3 roses
proper. (D: Isabeau Noellet dAvignon - Jan 99)
Quarterly Az & Sa, an eagle disp & on a chf Arg 2 crescents Sa. (D:
William Freskyn Murray - Jun 98)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a cross clechy & on a chf Arg, five ermine spots
Sa. (D: William of Ashby de la Zouche - Dec 91)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a cross of Santiago throughout on a chf Arg 2
scorpions Sa. (D: Diego Sanchez Montoya de Cordoba May 96)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 477

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 argent only]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 argent

only (continued)

Quarterly Sa & Gu, a dexter arm, armoured, couped & embowed

fesswise & on a chf Arg 3 gouttes de poix. (D: Bedawyr of
Avaricum - Oct 85)
Quarterly Vt & Az, a dragon segreant, on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lis
Vt. (D: Lassarina OMalley - May 04)
Sa, a aeolus, on a chf Arg a salamander Az enflamed Sa. (D: Ewen
of Melmerby - Jan 94)
Sa, a bear passant Arg & on a chf Arg 3 sparks Sa. (D: Ursula
Gilforde - Dec 00)
Sa, a bear statant contourny, on a chf Arg a sword reversed Sa. (D:
Haakon Bloodaxe - May 94)
Sa, a bears head erased Arg charged on the neck with a crescent Gu
& on a chf Arg 3 escallops Gu. (D: Allegranza Marcovaldi Jul 06)
Sa, a bears head erased close contourny & on a chf Arg 3 crosses
of Calatrava Vt. (D: Alasdair Mr MacLeid - Dec 99)
Sa, a boars head erased on a chf Arg 3 escallops Gu. (D: Rhodri
ap Rhydderch - Jul 97)
Sa, a bull passant guardant contourny & on a chf Arg a crescent Gu
betw the horns of a bulls massacre Sa. (D: Francesc Miguel
Joaquim Inacio - Feb 96)
Sa, a caltrap, on a chf Arg 3 caltraps Gu. (D: Randall, Friar Jun 75?)
Sa, a castle, on a chf Arg 3 pheons Sa. (D: Daibhead MacUater Feb 92)
Sa, a chev & on a chf Arg 3 roses Sa barbed Vt seeded Gu. (D:
Coinneach mac Dhomhnuill - Sep 99)
Sa, a comet & on a chf Arg 3 crosses bottony Gu. (D: Neathery of
Safita - Jan 03)
Sa, a crane rising, wings disp & on a chf Arg a lion passant
guardant Gu. (D: Li Kuang-Chi - Feb 97)
Sa, a crescent & on a chf Arg 3 ermine spots Gu. (D: Chiara della
Luna - Aug 02)
Sa, a cross formy, on a chf Arg 4 crosses formy Sa. (D: Karl
Abstreiter von Bayern - May 97)
Sa, a cross of Jerusalem & on a chf Arg 3 Maltese crosses Gu. (D:
Taliesin dAcre - Nov 83)
Sa, a cuirass & on a chf Arg, in sin a decrescent Az. (D: Khalid alKhadir - Jan 99)
Sa, a dagger & on a chf Arg 3 foxes passant Gu. (D: Brian Sinnach
- Mar 01)
Sa, a decrescent & on a chf Arg 3 mullets Sa. (D: Rhiannon of
Ravenglass - Mar 08)
Sa, a double horned anvil & on a chf Arg 3 Thors hammers inv Sa.
(D: Grettir the Slow - Dec 95)
Sa, a dragon passant & on a chf Arg 3 roses Sa slipped & leaved Vt.
(D: Sian Llwydwyn - Jan 98)
Sa, a drakkar under full sail & on a chf Arg 3 crescents Gu. (D:
Talorgen nepos Wrguist - Oct 07)
Sa, a drawn bow fesswise, arrow nocked, & on a chf Arg 3 trees
eradicated proper. (D: Ragnar Thorbergsson - Mar 91)
Sa, a falcon contourny & on a chf Arg, 3 escallops inv Sa. (D:
Jamie Amalthea Rowan - Oct 93)
Sa, a fox sejant, dexter forepaw raised, on a chf Arg 2 thistles
slipped & leaved proper. (D: Fionnghuala nic an tSionnaigh Sep 92)
Sa, a fret the salt parted & fretted, on a chf Arg 3 annulets Gu. (D:
Eleri Vwyn - Apr 00)
Sa, a gate & on a chf Arg 3 wolfs heads caboshed Sa. (D: Bares
Wulffson - Jan 97)
Sa, a German chimera ramp & on a chf Arg a flanged mace Sa. (D:
Andreas Morgan - Aug 94)
Sa, a goblet Or & on a chf Arg 3 roses proper. (D: Alicia Cambion
- Jan 07)
Sa, a griffin segreant & on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Sa. (D:
Aodhnait inghean mhic Chrthaigh - May 98)
Sa, a hammer & on a chf Arg 4 oak leaves fesswise stems to center
Vt. (D: Aurelia Aurifaber - Aug 00)
Sa, a harp ensigned with a unicorns head, on a chf Arg, 2 estoiles
Sa. (D: Genevieve LaRousse - Apr 91)
Sa, a harpy & on a chf Arg 2 roses Gu. (D: Szab va Mria Apr 96)
Sa, a hawk volant wings addorsed & on a chf Arg 3 roses Gu. (D:
Raven Clough - Jul 02)

478 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 argent

only (continued)

Sa, a hawks head erased & on a chf Arg a rapier Az. (B: Galen
Storm - Mar 03)
Sa, a heart & on a chf Arg 3 hearts Sa. (D: Justine Hart - Sep 05)
Sa, a horse ramp & on a chf Arg 3 crescents Az. (D: Elizabeth
Stephenson - Feb 05)
Sa, a horseshoe inv & on a chf Arg 3 roses Gu. (B: Arnora
Dunestan - Mar 91)
Sa, a Latin cross crosslet & on a chf Arg a fleur-de-lys betw 2
ravens regardant respectant Sa. (D: Raven of Drachenheim Jan 03)
Sa, a lion & on a chf Arg 2 towers Sa. (D: Benedict Stonhewer of
Askerigg - Mar 01) (Blanket permission to conflict with
device with one CD granted 0512w)
Sa, a lion dormant & on a chf Arg 3 roses Purp. (D: Rose Morgan Nov 96)
Sa, a lion passant to sin, on a chf Arg 3 decrescents Sa. (D:
Dominic de Lyon - May 92)
Sa, a lit candle & on a chf Arg 3 Latin crosses Sa. (D: Colin
Mackay - Nov 97)
Sa, a millrind & on a chf Arg 2 ravens rising wings elevated &
addorsed Sa. (D: Alexander Ravenscroft - Dec 96)
Sa, a padlock & on a chf Arg 3 wolves heads couped Sa. (D:
Randwulf Witlac - Aug 85)
Sa, a pegasus passant wings elevated & addorsed & on a chf Arg 3
crescents Purp. (D: Kalara Madarasz - Dec 04)
Sa, a pegasus ramp Arg, on a chf Arg a stags attire fesswise Sa. (D:
Alfgar the Sententious - Jan 73?)
Sa, a pegasus salient to sin, wings addorsed, & on a chf Arg 3
decrescents Gu. (D: Erenric of Devon - Feb 94)
Sa, a phoenix sin-facing & issuant from base & on a chf Arg, a
Maltese cross betw 2 battleaxes addorsed Gu. (D: Eirik
Gunnarson - Oct 85)
Sa, a plate & on a chf Arg 3 trees proper. (D: Rowan Greyfeather Dec 93)
Sa, a sea-horse erect, on a chf Arg, 2 lutes fesswise Sa. (B: Olwen
verch Heilyn Blaidd - Apr 99) (For Etienne Philippe
Sa, a serpent nowed with a head at either end, on a chf Arg 3
caltraps Sa. (D: Lothar the Wanderer - Mar 93)
Sa, a spiderweb, on a chf Arg 3 pawprints Sa. (D: Catlin McRay Jan 98)
Sa, a spray of 3 pawlonia leaves, blossomed to chf, & on a chf Arg
2 increscents Sa. (D: Macsen ap Rhys - Aug 84)
Sa, a stag trippant & on a chf Arg, 2 pheons Sa. (D: Angharad
MacIvar of Stirling - Jan 97)
Sa, a sun & on a chf Arg, 3 pheons Sa. (D: Daryl of Avallon Dec 92)
Sa, a sword inv &, on a chf Arg, a compass star Sa. (D: Elendur
niKhilhilt - Nov 82)
Sa, a talbot ramp & on a chf Arg 3 pawprints Sa. (D: Robert Talbot
- Jun 05)
Sa, a thistle, on a chf Arg 3 thistles Gu. (D: Simon Aaron of
Windermere - Jul 98)
Sa, a Thors hammer & on a chf Arg a Norse sun cross Sa betw 2
Cornish choughs proper. (D: Anund Vittfarne - Oct 94)
Sa, a tree blasted & eradicated & on a chf Arg a leaved vine
throughout Sa. (D: Sean Breathnach - Nov 95)
Sa, a tulip slipped & leaved & on a chf Arg a pair of shackles, the
chain broken Sa. (D: Daniel Cameron - Aug 92)
Sa, a turtle tergiant & on a chf Arg 3 crescents Gu. (D: Gerdr
lfsdttir - Jul 97)
Sa, a unicorn head erased contourny, on a chf Arg 3 greyhounds
couchant contourny Sa. (D: Catrin Skynith of Mam Cymru Feb 01)
Sa, a unicorn ramp to sin & on a chf Arg 2 crosses formy patonce
Gu. (D: Damion Baskerville - Apr 84)
Sa, a winged bull ramp, on a chf Arg 3 mullets Sa. (D: Kyneth
MKyvyr MFergus - May 05)
Sa, a winged unicorn ramp on a chf Arg a label couped dovetailed
betw 2 roses Sa. (D: Thorkell Bloodaxe of Gardar - Sep 94)
Sa, a winged wolf segreant, on a chf Arg a crescent Purp. (D:
Brigit ingen Fhaltigirn - Dec 96)
Sa, a wolfs head erased affronty & on a chf Arg 3 clusters of holly
leaves inv Vt, fructed Gu. (D: Kassandra Tenebrosa Jan 94)

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 argent only]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 argent

only (continued)

Sa, a wolfs head erased, on a chf Arg 3 swans close Vt. (D:
Phelan Wolfer of Warrington - Feb 96)
Sa, a wyvern segreant reguardant maintaining 2 swords & on a chf
Arg, 4 mullets of eight points Az. (D: Irel Krist of Starre Inn Sep 88)
Sa, an amphora, on a chf Arg 3 flames Gu. (D: Willem of Bruges May 99)
Sa, an armored leg palewise embowed & on a chf Arg, a Maltese
cross betw a decrescent & an increscent Gu. (D: Edmund the
Lame - Jul 90)
Sa, an escarbuncle of six arms & on a chf Arg 3 escarbuncles of six
arms Sa. (D: Alexandria of Marinus - Jan 06)
Sa, an open book & on a chf Arg 3 feathers bendwise sin Sa. (D:
Robert Buchanan of Linlithgow - Apr 92)
Sa, an opinicus statant & on a chf Arg 3 decrescents Sa. (D:
Melpomene Sphakterie - Aug 04)
Sa, an owl & on a chf Arg a sheaf of 3 arrows fesswise reversed Sa.
(D: Angharad of Ealdnorwuda - Apr 07)
Sa, on a cross patonce Arg a thistle flower proper, & on a chf Arg, 3
thistles proper. (D: Muirgheal McLelland - May 91)
Sa, on a dragons jambe erased affronty Arg a roundel Vt grasped in
the claws, on a chf Arg an ancient crown Sa. (D: Lucan von
Drachenklaue - Sep 04)
Sa, on a plate a hedgehog statant Gu, on a chf Arg 3 hedgehogs
statant Gu. (D: Cartismandua Natione Veniconum - Feb 99)
Sa, on a plate a unicorns head couped Purp, & on a chf Arg, a
decrescent Purp. (D: Jean de Chauliac - Aug 98)
Sa, on a plate a wolf statant Gu & on a chf Arg 4 flames Gu. (D:
Cadogan map Cado - Apr 03)
Sa, on a tent Arg a brown camels head couped contourny proper &
on a chf Arg 2 scimitars in chev the tips crossed Sa. (D: Salah
ibn Rami - Dec 02)
Sa, on an open scroll Arg a rose Gu & on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lis
Gu. (D: Parnel Pashley Penhaligon - Nov 93)
Sa, 3 birds disp & on a chf Arg a kris Sa. (D: Cazimir Ryndin Jul 04)
Vt, a bear statant & on a chf Arg 3 Latin crosses fleury Az. (D:
Everard Gein - Apr 98)
Vt, a bearded collie passant to sin & on a chf Arg, 3 tri-bladed
windmills Az. (D: Konrad Tregetor der Taschenspieler Oct 88)
Vt, a boars head erased close & on a chf Arg 3 roundels Vt. (D:
Eleanor la Maladroite - Jan 98)
Vt, a bull passant contourny on a chf enarched Arg 3 decrescents
Gu. (D: Rhys Tristan Ednowain - Jun 95)
Vt, a candle Arg lit proper, on a chf Arg an ivy vine Vt. (D:
Luciana of the Ivy - Sep 92)
Vt, a castle Arg portalled & masoned Sa, on a chf Arg 3 oak leaves
Vt. (D: Hjalmar von Aachen - Jan 87)
Vt, a celtic cross & on a chf Arg 3 quatrefoils Vt. (D: Adam of Erin
- Dec 91)
Vt, a chev rompu & on a chf Arg 2 turtles fesswise Vt. (D: Jennen
the Cooper - Dec 01)
Vt, a compass star of sixteen points & on a chf Arg, 3 mullets of 4
points Vt. (D: Alisoun Fortescue of Maplehurst - Apr 90)
Vt, a coney courant guardant to sin, on a chf Arg five fusils
conjoined in fess Vt. (D: Guillermo Berenguer de los
Almogvares - Oct 88)
Vt, a coney sejant erect & on a chf Arg 3 turtles Vt. (D: Lora Leigh
- Dec 90)
Vt, a cross clechy & on a chf Arg 2 billets Sa. (D: Elayne
MacDuncan - Nov 02)
Vt, a cross moline & on a chf Arg 3 torteaux. (D: Gideon Lydiard Mar 04)
Vt, a crossbow bent palewise & on a chf Arg, 3 shamrocks slipped
Vt. (D: Bryan mac Dhughaill an Boghadair - Feb 85)
Vt, a dance & on a chf Arg 3 oak leaves Vt. (D: Elizabeth
Oakewood - Sep 90)
Vt, a demi-key palewise, wards to sin, & on a chf Arg 3 acorns
bendwise proper. (D: Edward the Stuffy - Oct 80)
Vt, a doe couchant contourny & on a chf Arg six martlets Gu. (D:
Ceridwen de Lindsay - Nov 94)
Vt, a domestic cat sejant guardant & on a chf Arg 3 estoiles Az. (D:
Sybelle Madeleine MacKee - Apr 96)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 argent

only (continued)

Vt, a double-bitted battleaxe & on a chf Arg 3 foxes courant Vt. (D:
Hnthjfr froskr - May 02)
Vt, a dragon segreant & on a chf Arg 3 crosses formy Gu. (D:
Antonio Giordano da Firenze - Feb 02)
Vt, a fleur-de-lys & on a chf Arg 3 butterflies Sa. (D: Aileua de
Lissi - Nov 07)
Vt, a foxs mask, & on a chf Arg 3 pheons Sa. (D: Robert the
Forgotten of Foxmoor - Mar 99)
Vt, a griffin sejant erect maintaining in both talons a harp, & on a
chf Arg a rose Sa, barbed Vt, seeded Arg. (D: Elen o
Ddynevwr - Feb 84)
Vt, a hare couchant & on a chf Arg 3 mullets Az. (D: Cerdic Ball Jul 92)
Vt, a hawks lure on a chf Arg 3 hawks bells Gu. (D: Christian de
Havik - Jun 96)
Vt, a horse ramp & on a chf Arg 3 ravens close Sa. (D: Diana Rhys
of Carmarthen - Oct 96)
Vt, a horseshoe inv & on a chf Arg 2 arrows inv in salt Sa. (D:
Lasairfhiona inghean Cheallaigh - Mar 08)
Vt, a natural leopard ramp, on a chf Arg 3 roses Gu. (D: Alysandria
of the Fosse Way - Jan 99)
Vt, a natural tigers head caboshed Arg marked Sa & on a chf Arg 3
trees proper. (D: Tomas del Valle de Bravo - Oct 02)
Vt, a phoenix, on a chf Arg 3 crescents Az. (D: Fahlah alNasafiyyah - Dec 98)
Vt, a rams head affronty erased, on a chf Arg 3 increscents Sa. (D:
Nadezhda Volynskaia - Nov 04)
Vt, a rams head couped contourny & on a chf Arg 3 maltese
crosses Gu. (D: James Allen of Concordia - Sep 91)
Vt, a rat couchant, on a chf Arg 3 roses proper. (D: Damaris of
Sikyon - Mar 95)
Vt, a ring of 3 keys inv & on a chf Arg a coronet Az. (D: Drusilla
of Northumbria - Mar 87)
Vt, a sagittary passant & on a chf Arg 3 arrows inv bendwise sin Sa.
(D: Lisa of Stromgard - Feb 00)
Vt, a sealion & on a chf Arg 3 stepcut gemstones Vt. (D: Rowena
Jade of the Lion Isles - Aug 94)
Vt, a sheep ramp & on a chf Arg, 3 apples Gu slipped & leaved Vt.
(D: Daire of Storvik - Dec 92)
Vt, a sheep ramp contourny & on a chf Arg 2 thistles proper. (D:
Samus Uilis - Jul 00)
Vt, a sin wing palewise, on a chf Arg 3 pheons Sa. (D: William
FitzJohn - Jul 96)
Vt, a snowy owl close contourny & on a chf Arg a compass star,
elongated to fess, Az. (D: Edwina Dirks Sterne - Jun 86)
Vt, a stag lodged & on a chf Arg an arrow reversed Sa. (D: Meuryc
Kynyd - Aug 02)
Vt, a stag springing to sin & on a chf Arg, 3 drinking horns Sa. (D:
Cieran mac Cumaill - Jun 90)
Vt, a stag trippant Arg & a chf Arg fretty Sa. (D: Roberd mac
Cormaic - Feb 01)
Vt, a stags head cabossed & on a chf Arg, 3 Bowen crosses Vt. (D:
Felch an Stalcair - Nov 97)
Vt, a swallowtail butterfly & on a chf Arg 2 butterflies Vt. (D:
Tiona du Papillion - Jul 82)
Vt, a swan naiant & on a chf Arg, an open book betw 2 quills
palewise Sa. (D: Trystan Latimer of Swanswood - Aug 85)
Vt, a swan rousant & on a chf Arg 3 roses proper. (D: Olaf
Sveinsson - Feb 95)
Vt, a tree blasted & eradicated & on a chf Arg a triquetra inv betw 2
triquetras Az. (D: Catherine Grace Fitzlewis - Aug 06)
Vt, a turtle & on a chf Arg 3 roses proper. (D: Sorcha Bhuidhe Mar 07)
Vt, a tyger ramp contourny & on a chf Arg 3 moons in their
plenitude Az. (D: Mora of Lincolnshire - Sep 99)
Vt, a unicorn dormant & on a chf Arg, 3 arrows bendwise Sa. (D:
Cian Cathail - Sep 92)
Vt, a unicorn ramp, on a chf Arg 2 oak trees eradicated proper. (D:
Vincent of Wildwood - Jul 99)
Vt, a unicorns head erased Arg, on a chf Arg a helmed deaths
head betw 2 roses Vt. (D: Barbary de Folo - Jan 74)
Vt, a wall issuant from base Arg masoned Sa with a wooden door
proper & on a chf Arg 3 cups Az. (B: Dafydd MacNab Feb 07)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 479

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 argent only] to [Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 fur]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 argent

only (continued)

Vt, a winged ram ramp Arg, on a chf Arg 3 shamrocks Vt. (D:
Caiterna inghean Chathail - Aug 98)
Vt, a wolf passant & on a chf Arg 2 birds disp Sa. (D: Wulf Gray
Wind - Sep 02)
Vt, a wolf ramp & on a chf Arg 2 teazels Vt. (D: Regan Tuschech Jan 97)
Vt, a wolf sejant ululant & on a chf Arg 3 pairs of rapiers in salt Sa.
(D: Ekaterina Volkova - Jun 98)
Vt, a wolfs head cabossed, on a chf Arg a pair of arrows inv in salt
interlaced with a bow Az. (D: Morwenna Llywelyn - Jan 98)
Vt, a wolfs head erased & on a chf Arg 3 lymphads Sa. (D: Segdae
hua Morda - Sep 06)
Vt, a wyvern passant to sin & on a chf Arg 3 towers Vt. (D:
Darerca Wilric - Nov 90)
Vt, an abacus & on a chf enarched Arg, 2 quill pens in salt Sa. (D:
Padraig OCeallachain - Jun 90)
Vt, an anchor, on a chf Arg 3 roses Vt. (D: Hillary Rose
Greenslade - Jan 94)
Vt, an Arabian lamp Or issuing smoke & on a chf Arg a serpent
nowed contourny Sa. (D: Asiya al-Ifriqiyya - Jan 06)
Vt, an eagle & on a chf Arg, 2 oak leaves Vt. (D: Willehelm von
Tannenberg - Aug 04)
Vt, an elephant passant contourny & on a chf nebuly Arg 3 orange
trees couped fructed proper. (D: Jesca de Hunteleghe Oct 04)
Vt, an hourglass & on a chf Arg, 3 quills of yarn Sa threaded Vt.
(D: Constance Waite - Dec 95)
Vt, an owl & on a chf Arg 3 decrescents Sa. (D: Kra Ortwins
tohter - Jan 02)
Vt, on a cowbell Arg a shamrock Vt & on a chf Arg a glaive Sa. (D:
Celn mac Domhnaill - Oct 07)
Vt, on a pile inv ploy Arg a corbie close Sa & on a chf Arg a rapier
reversed Sa. (D: Robert Corwin Silverthorne - Dec 98)
Vt, on a pile throughout Arg; a boar ramp proper, on a chf Arg 3
Thors hammers Gu. (D: Oddmarr berserkr - Sep 07) (?
semicolon in blazon)
Vt, on a plate a tree eradicated proper & on a chf Arg 3 cats heads
erased Az. (D: Rioghnach inghean Chonchobhair Atha Dhara
- Jun 03)
Vt, on a sun Arg a thistle proper, on a chf Arg a sword fesswise Vt.
(D: Gwendolen Eve MacDonald - Apr 99)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 argent plus

Az, a bird volant to sin Arg & a ford proper, on a chf Arg 3 moons
in their plenitude Az. (D: Katherine OCarroll - Mar 05)
Az, a chev Arg betw 3 suns Or, on a chf Arg 3 crescents Az. (D:
Joanna of Cotshall - Feb 94)
Az, a chev betw 3 fleams & on a chf Arg, 3 infants swaddled Az,
heads proper. (D: Michaela Nrnberger - Jun 93)
Az, a crescent betw flaunches & on a chf Arg five mullets Az. (D:
Sofia of Sternfeld - Sep 95)
Az, a cross parted & fretted interlaced with an annulet, on a chf
Arg, 3 annulets Az. (D: Jordan Ceridwen of Thorngill Nov 94)
Az, a cross patonce betw 4 ermine spots, tails outward in salt & on a
chf Arg 3 roses proper. (D: Alysoun Tobin - Nov 91)
Az, a dogs head couped contourny betw 3 mullets & on a chf Arg 3
shamrocks Vt. (D: Shannon inghean Bhriain u Dhuillein Jul 05)
Az, a fox ramp reguardant within an orle of snowflakes, on a chf
Arg, a flamberge fesswise Az. (D: Einhard of the White Winds
- Jun 90)
Az, a garb Or issuant from a base enarched, on a chf Arg a cross
fleury Sa betw 2 roses Az. (D: Bradan Burleigh - Nov 89)
Az, a heron close Arg within a laurel wreath Or, on a chf Arg 3 oak
leaves bendwise sin inv Gu. (D: Abhainn Cach Ghlais Nov 89)
Az, a trident surmounted by a laurel wreath & on a chf Arg 2 paw
prints Sa. (D: Westmere - May 06)
Az, a unicorn ramp betw 3 roses & on a chf Arg 3 roses Gu. (D:
Alessandra lAmour - Feb 96)
Az, an Ionic column within an annulet, on a chf Arg a slip of
English ivy proper. (D: Annolivia of the Sylvan Glade Mar 81)
480 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 argent plus


Az, an owl Arg atop a mount Or, on a chf Arg a hurst of pine trees
Az. (D: Katalena of Owlsherst - Jan 08)
Az, issuant from a plate charged with a wheel Gu 3 demi-lightning
bolts in pall Arg & on a chf Arg five pheons inv Gu. (D:
Rolland Benassis - Sep 95)
Az mullety, an owl & on a chf Arg a recorder reversed Az. (D:
Rochel bas Gershom Sternenkiker - May 01)
Az, on a chev cotised Arg five lozenges throughout palewise Az, in
base a trefoil, on a chf Arg 3 hurts. (D: Sean Michael Reade Sep 94)
Az, perched upon a harp a hawk close guardant Arg, a chf Arg
fretty Az. (D: Ceole Seabhac - Feb 92)
Gu, a butterfly & in base 2 bars wavy, on a chf Arg 3 decrescents
Gu. (D: Elizabeth atte Blacksterre - Feb 05)
Gu, a Celtic cross within an orle & on a chf Arg, a boar passant Sa.
(D: Ciarn OConaire - Dec 92)
Gu, a Latin cross within an annulet, & on a chf Arg an arrow point
to dexter Gu. (D: Morgan Thorwald the Young - Jan 85)
Gu, a snake erect betw in chf 2 Maltese crosses & on a chf Arg a
halberd bendwise Gu. (D: Chlotichilda Beorhtesdohtor
Wulfing - Sep 96)
Gu, a sword betw 2 ermine spots & on a chf Arg a hanging balance
Gu. (D: Conan MacAindreis - Mar 02)
Gu, a tower within a laurel wreath, & on a chf Arg 3 maple leaves
Vt. (D: Castel Rouge - Aug 79?)
Gu crusilly Or, a Maltese cross & on a chf Arg 3 falcons belled &
jessed Sa. (D: Morien MacBain - May 02)
Purp, a Celtic cross & in base a cloud, on a chf Arg 3 thistles
proper. (D: Moire Ross of Haddirvyk - Jul 97)
Purp, a chev Arg & in base a pheon Or, on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys
Purp. (D: Milisent de Lilley - Sep 97)
Purp, a lymphad Arg betw 3 compass stars Or, on a chf Arg a cross
moline Purp. (D: James of Leslie - Jun 01)
Purp, a pickax within in base a laurel wreath, on a chf Arg 3
lozenges Purp. (D: Crystal Mynes - Jan 95)
Purp, a triskele within & conjoined to an annulet & on a chf Arg 3
millrinds Purp. (D: Keri-Anne of Avacal - Jul 07)
Sa, a falcon Arg betw 3 dandelions slipped & leaved Or, on a chf
Arg 3 urchins contourny Gu. (D: Aurildis Peregrina Mar 93)
Sa, a sea-dog ramp betw 3 ships, sails furled, on a chf Arg a rapier
reversed Sa. (D: Donovan Morgan - Oct 93)
Sa, a wyvern passant betw six roses in annulo, & on a chf Arg a
crescent betw 2 bunches of grapes Sa. (D: Khalid Abd alRashid ibn Nasr ibn al-Husayn - Nov 96)
Sa, on a salt Arg another humetty Gu, in base an arm conjoined to a
sin wing & maintaining a sword, on a chf Arg 3 annulets Gu.
(D: Peter Hibben - Aug 92)
Vt, a horse courant & in base a crescent & on a chf Arg 3 mullets
Sa. (D: Diana Scott - Apr 02)
Vt, a wolfs head cabossed betw in fess 2 daggers inv, on a chf Arg
a five-tailed dragon couchant reguardant Gu. (D: Wolfhild of
Glyndebourne - Jun 92)
Vt estencely, a phoenix & on a chf Arg 3 butterflies Purp. (B: Fu
Ching Lan - Sep 02) (For Cordelia Helena Fitzgerald)
Vt, semy of buttercups Or, a griffin segreant, & on a chf Arg, 3
mullets Az. (D: James FitzGarth - May 85)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 azure

Chevronelly Or & Sa, on a pale Az 3 roses & on a chf Arg 3 equalarmed Celtic crosses Az. (D: Ewein Padelford - Feb 96)
Or, a griffin segreant contourny & on a chf Az 3 pomegranates
slipped & leaved bendwise Or. (D: Ciarnait inghean u
Mheadhra - Jul 01)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 fur

Az, a goat clymant ermine & on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Purp. (D:
Andriet de Pizan - Nov 07)
Az, a pale erminois betw 2 panthers ramp guardant addorsed Or
pellety, incensed Gu, on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D:
Dennet de Poitou - Aug 95)
Per pale Az & Sa, a pile ermine & on a chf Arg 3 mullets of 4
points Az. (D: Arianne Lightheart of Whiteheld - Oct 90)

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 fur] to [Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 or only]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 fur


Sa, a lion ermine & on a chf Arg 3 roses Gu barbed & seeded Vt.
(D: Symonne de Clare - Nov 99)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 gules

Counter-ermine, a wolf statant Gu, holding in his dexter paw a

cloyshacke (Irish harp) Or, on a chf Arg a lymphad Sa. (D:
Emrys y Crwydryn - date?)
Lozengy Az & Arg, a lions head cabossed Gu, on a chf Arg 3
crosses formy Sa. (D: Gunther Friedrich von Bodenheim Feb 00)
Paly bendy Az & Arg, a dolphin hauriant Gu & on a chf Arg a
trident Sa. (D: Gunther von Lindenwald - Oct 02)
Sa, a bend Gu fimbriated & on a chf Arg a lion dormant Sa. (D:
Miles Reginald Hastings - Jun 92)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 multicolor

A landscape (in pale sky Az, snow-capped mountains Arg, hills Vt,
prairie proper, & a wheat field proper) & on a chf Arg a cross
Gu. (D: Alberta - Feb 04) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, a pile barruly Az & Arg & on a chf Arg a cross of Calatrava Gu
& a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Spinning Winds, the - Oct 83)
Az, a rainbow proper, on a chf Arg five gouttes de larmes & on a
point pointed Arg a goutte de larmes. (D: Victoria of Lochlann
- Aug 02)
Az, a sunflower proper, on a chf Arg 3 goblets Gu. (D: Cristina
Rose da Napoli - Mar 08)
Gu, a horse ramp per bend sin Sa & Arg, on a chf Arg 3 quatrefoils
barbed Gu. (D: Myghchaell Loughlin - Aug 93)
Gu, a unicorn ramp lozengy Az & Arg, on a chf Arg 3 thistles Gu.
(D: Antony Greigor MacGreigor - Nov 97)
Per bend sin Vt & Arg, a swan naiant ctrch, on a chf Arg a feather
Vt. (D: Mathildis Death - May 04)
Per pale Sa & Or, a standing seraph ctrch on a chf Arg 3 trilliums
Vt. (D: Elizabeth Anne Pennington - Oct 01)
Purp, a blonde mermaid in her vanity proper, on a chf Arg 3 bats
Sa. (D: Eochar de Alano - Dec 96)
Sa, a fountain & on a chf Arg 3 millrinds Az. (D: Godeveert van
der Meere - Jun 92)
Sa, a rabbit courant paly Az & Arg, on a chf Arg 2 fleurs-de-lys Az.
(D: Tieg ap Gwylym - Jun 04)
Vt, a pale counter-compony Sa & Arg, on a chf Arg 3 open inkbottles Sa. (D: Morella of Glenalder - Aug 92)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 or only

Az, a dragon passant Or, on a chf Arg 3 Celtic crosses Sa. (D:
Ceinwen ferch Rhys ap Gawain - Nov 93)
Az, a dragon sejant Or & on a chf Arg 3 torteaux. (D: Albert Villon
- Aug 02)
Az, a fish in annulo head to base Or & on a chf Arg a holly branch
fructed proper. (D: Mairsile Kendrick - Feb 04)
Az, a garb Or, on a chf Arg 3 leaves bendwise sin Vt. (D: Phillipa
Seton - Aug 98)
Az, a griffin Or & on a chf Arg 3 open books Az. (D: Guenlliant
Goch verch Ouein - Apr 07)
Az, a harp Or, on a chf Arg 3 crosses bottony Gu. (D: Celia of
Rosedale - Sep 98)
Az, a hawks head erased Or & on a chf Arg a rapier fesswise Sa.
(B: Galen Storm - Aug 02)
Az, a human eye Or, irised Az, on a chf Arg, 3 coneys heads erased
Sa. (D: Diego Esteban Manuel Luis Monteverde - Sep 88)
Az, a knorr reversed Or, on a chf Arg 3 gouttes de sang. (D:
Hendricke Lambert Bloetgoet - Jan 96)
Az, a laurel wreath Or & a chf Arg goutty-de-larmes. (D: Trelac Nov 93)
Az, a lion dormant to sin Or & on a chf Arg, 3 thistles Gu, slipped
& leaved Vt. (D: Kendra An Teallach - Dec 89)
Az, a lions paw palewise erased Or & on a chf Arg five mullets Az.
(D: Catherine de la Griffe de Lion - Mar 85)
Az, a mascle Or & on a chf Arg 2 water bougets Sa. (D: John of
Fordington - Dec 86)
Az, a phoenix Or, on a chf Arg 3 hearts Gu. (D: Juliana of Frisia May 04)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 or only


Az, a rose Or barbed Vt & on a chf Arg an arrow reversed Az. (D:
Catherine of Rosedale - Nov 03)
Az, a seal erect contourny maintaining a harp Or, on a chf Arg 3
increscents Az. (D: Ceridwen Mordelyn Eryri - Jun 95)
Az, a sun Or, on a chf Arg 3 decrescents Az. (D: Isabel dAvignon
- Sep 98)
Az, a winged haloed lion sejant guardant Or & on a chf Arg a heart
inv betw 2 hearts Gu. (D: John of Candia - Oct 80)
Az, a wyvern erect Or & on a chf Arg 3 torteaux. (D: Jared Phelp
of Canterbury - Jul 02)
Az ermined Arg, a dagger inv Or & on a chf Arg 3 Celtic crosses
Az. (D: Uilleam MacLeid - Jan 97)
Az, issuant from chf a demi-sun Or, on a chf Arg a laurel wreath Vt
betw 2 swans heads & necks erased respectant Sa. (D: Aneala
- Jun 87)
Az, on a demi-sun issuant from base Or a dolphin contourny Sa, on
a chf Arg 3 Thors hammers Sa. (D: Oriana Sutherland of
Inverness - Dec 97)
Counter-ermine, a raven Or, on a chf Arg, a hammer fesswise Gu.
(D: Harailt MacDonald - May 89)
Counter-ermine, a sun Or & on a chf Arg 3 roses proper. (D:
Giovanna Donnina - Nov 96)
Gu, a bezant, on a chf Arg, 3 ravens Sa. (D: Harald Leofwine May 89)
Gu, a butterfly Or, on a chf Arg 3 saltorels Gu. (D: Elspeth of
Hampshire - Feb 98)
Gu, a camelopard ramp Or spotted Sa & on a chf Arg 2 trefoils Gu.
(D: inara Mara de Trujillo - Mar 06)
Gu, a chev raguly Or & on a chf Arg 3 retorts Sa. (D: Seric of
Marston - Oct 04)
Gu, a francisca bendwise, bladed Or, shaft erased Sa, on a chf Arg
masoned Sa, a pale barry wavy Arg & Az. (D: Wilhelm the
Frank of Walled Lake - date?)
Gu, a goat salient Or & on a chf Arg 3 wagon wheels Sa. (D:
Iuliana da Rauvenna - Feb 08)
Gu a lions head couped Or on a chf Arg a cross throughout Az. (D:
Rupert Paxton - Apr 98)
Gu, a lions head Or jessant-de-lys, on a chf Arg, 2 roses Gu,
barbed Vt. (D: Elizabeth Mortimer - Aug 89)
Gu, a patriarchal cross bottony Or, & on a chf Arg 2 cockatrices Vt.
(D: Enrique de Molina - Oct 94)
Gu, on a ball of fire Or a torteau & on a chf Arg an aardvark courant
Gu. (D: Sita of Oudh - Mar 73?)
Lozengy Gu & Arg, an eagle disp Or, & on a chf Arg, 3 seeblatter
Vt. (D: Friedrich Wolfgang von Unterstein - Feb 87) (A
seeblatt is a stylized leaf.)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a cock crowing Or, on a chf Arg 3 goblets Or
fimbriated Sa. (D: Josette de Chantecler - Jun 76?)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a dragon segreant tail nowed maintaining a lyre
Or, & on a chf Arg 3 shamrocks Vt. (D: Ailn nic an Bhird Sep 97)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a tower Or, masoned Sa, on a chf Arg a mastiff
courant to sin Sa. (D: Aonghus Logan MacDonald - May 89)
Per pale Sa & Purp, a caltrop Or & on a chf Arg 3 equal-armed
Celtic crosses Sa. (D: William Percival de Drummyn Mar 08)
Per pale Vt & Gu, a stags head cabossed Or & on a chf Arg 3
crosses crosslet Gu. (D: Gerald of Tir-y-Don - Dec 01)
Purp, a demi-eagle, facing sin, wings elevated & addorsed, Or & on
a chf Arg a dagger Sa. (D: Aquila das Waisenkind von
Drachenfels - Oct 83)
Purp, a hummingbird rising to sin wings addorsed Or & on a chf
Arg a decrescent betw 2 mullets Az. (D: Isabella Gabriele de
lora - Dec 03)
Purp, a pegasus segreant Or on a chf Arg 3 iris blossoms Purp. (D:
Ysabel Farquhar - Jan 96)
Purp, on a sun Or a turtle tergiant Purp, on a chf Arg a roundel betw
an increscent & a decrescent Purp. (D: Cassandra ferch y
Wehyddes - Jan 95)
Sa, a Celtic cross Or & on a chf Arg 3 triskelions of legs Vt. (D:
Laetitia Marie OBrien - Apr 96)
Sa, a dragons head erased Or & on a chf Arg 3 crosses formy Az.
(D: Egill Skorrason - Jan 05)
Sa, a fret Or & on a chf arched Arg 2 mascles Sa. (D: Padraic
MacBrian - Aug 83)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 481

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 or only] to [Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 2]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 or only


Sa, a lion ramp Or & on a chf Arg 3 crosses formy Gu. (D: Marion
Lang Boogschutter - Jan 94)
Sa, a lion ramp Or, on a chf Arg, a bow Gu. (B: Marion Lang
Boogschutter - Jan 97)
Sa, a mullet of eight points Or, on a chf Arg, a bat disp Gu. (D:
Wolfram Schaffner - Oct 85)
Sa, a spear Or, on a chf Arg 3 boars heads couped Gu. (D: Aelfric
se Droflic - Sep 92)
Sa, a unicorn ramp to sin Or, on a chf Arg 3 compass stars Gu. (D:
Victor MacCain - Jul 92)
Vt, a bulls head cabossed Arg armed Or & on a chf Arg 3 crosses
patonce fitchy Vt. (D: Uther the Small - Sep 04)
Vt, a cat-a-mountain sejant guardant Or & on a chf Arg a crescent
Gu. (B: Alasdair Morgan Gunn - Feb 85)
Vt, a cauldron Or, on a chf Arg, 3 penannular brooches inv Gu. (D:
Angharad Glas - May 98)
Vt, a Celtic cross Or & on a chf Arg a dragon couchant Gu. (D:
Owain ap Hugh of Merioneth - Feb 94)
Vt, a cittern Or & on a chf Arg 3 water bougets Vt. (D: Robert
Redmoor - Feb 01)
Vt, a dragons head contourny issuant from base Or & on a chf Arg
2 wings conjoined Sa. (D: Theodora Damaskena - Apr 00)
Vt, a fleur-de-lys Or & on a chf Arg 3 crosses bottony Sa. (D:
Melisent la Ruse - Mar 05)
Vt, a garb Or, on a chf Arg 3 roses Purp barbed & seeded proper.
(D: Begga Elisabeth Schexnayder - Aug 97)
Vt, a horse passant Or & on a chf Arg 3 acorns Sa. (D: Serena
Kimbalwyke - Apr 96)
Vt, a natural leopard statant guardant Or spotted Sa, on a chf Arg 3
double roses Gu. (D: Caiterna inghean u Chonaill - Apr 01)
Vt, a spectacled spagen helm affronty Or, on a chf Arg a dragonfly
volant inv Az, winged Sa. (D: Helm Egilsson of Birka Mar 85)
Vt, a stag trippant Or & on a chf Arg 2 swans naiant respectant Az.
(D: Aileen MacAlpin - Jul 86)
Vt, a standing balance Or, on a chf Arg 3 closed books palewise Vt.
(D: Talya Palaeologina - Jun 93)
Vt, a sun Or eclipsed Vt & on a chf Arg 3 gouttes-de-sang. (D:
Ciarmhac of Stormsport - Jul 00)
Vt, a tyger sejant Or, on a chf Arg 3 violets Purp. (D: Gwyneth
Catherine la Faire - Jun 95)
Vt, a winged stag segreant Or, on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D:
Anne Marie de Garmeaulx - Feb 97)
Vt, a winged wolf ramp Or, on a chf Arg 3 foxs heads cabossed Sa.
(D: Jennet Faolan - Aug 95)
Vt, a winged wolf ramp Or, on a chf Arg 2 bears passant Sa. (D:
Arianna Faolan - Oct 92)
Vt, an African lion dormant Or, & on a chf Arg 3 goblets Gu. (D:
Arthur of Burgundy - Aug 79?)
Vt, an increscent moon Or, on a chf Arg 3 compass stars Gu. (D:
Marjorie of Bethany - May 92)
Vt, an oak tree eradicated Or, on a chf Arg 2 griffins passant
respectant Vt. (D: Serwyl ap Morgan - May 93)
Vt, an open book Or & on a chf Arg 3 escallops inv Az. (B:
Deirdre Ui Mhaille - Jan 87)
Vt fretty Or, on a chf Arg 3 roses Az. (D: Uilliam MacAindri Oct 01)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 or plus

Az, a chev Or betw 3 fleurs-de-lys, on a chf Arg a wingless gryphon

statant Sa. (D: sa raua - Sep 05)
Az, a lymphad in full sail, oars in action, Or within a laurel wreath
& on a chf Arg, 3 bars wavy Az. (D: Port Oasis - Jun 89)
Az, a mullet of eight points Or, issuant from base a pair of hands &
on a chf Arg 3 barrulets Sa. (D: Miranda Elazar - Feb 85)
Az, an antelope ramp betw in chf 2 crosses crosslet Or on a chf Arg
3 towers triple-towered Sa. (D: Joseph von Tyrol - Jun 95)
Gu, a fess wavy cotised Or, overall a unicorn ramp contourny & on
a chf Arg 3 arrows fesswise Gu. (D: Kenelm Rogan - Jan 95)
Gu, a harp Or pierced by a quill bendwise sin Arg, a chf Arg fretty
Gu. (D: Marthen of Kells - May 86)
Gu, a ladder betw in fess 2 axes Or, on a chf Arg 3 Maltese crosses
Sa. (D: Cuiln Rothlin - May 05)

482 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 or plus


Gu, a salt Or, surmounted by a rose; on a chf Arg, 3 crosses flory

Vt. (D: Philip Williams of Aston - Sep 94)
Purp, a bend Or overall a wolf statant, on a chf Arg 3 increscents
Purp. (D: Lucretia DeSantis - May 99)
Sa, a winged talbot sejant Or & on a chf Arg 3 goblets Sa. (D:
Siobhan Reed - Feb 08)
Sa, a wolfs head erased Or betw the horns of a crescent & on a chf
Arg 3 mullets Sa. (D: Andrew of Dragons Mist - Oct 94)
Vt, a cross flory Or surmounted by a foxs mask, on a chf Arg an
arrow reversed Vt. (D: Monique le Basset - Jul 99)
Vt, a phoenix Or within a laurel wreath & on a chf Arg 3 cattails
slipped & leaved proper. (D: Rokeclif - Feb 97)
Vt, an increscent betw in fess 2 cinquefoils Or, on a chf Arg a pine
cone, stem to base Vt. (D: Gerlinda Agast - Apr 06)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 purpure

Vt, a unicorns horn inv Purp, fimbriated Or, on a chf Arg 3
roundels Vt. (D: Fionn Creagh - Oct 85)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 sable

Barry wavy Az & Arg, a sea unicorn erect Sa & on a chf Arg 3
roses Sa. (D: Bronwyn Dawntreader - Apr 88)
Checky Arg & Vt, a dragon segreant Sa maintaining a Latin cross
Gu, on a chf Arg, 3 suns Sa. (D: Richard of Essex - Nov 94)
Chequy Or & Az, a cooking pot Sa, on a chf Arg, 3 trivets Sa. (D:
Renate Koven - May 90)
Gu, a salamander Sa dancing in flames, environed of a laurel wreath
proper, on a chf Arg a hurst of 3 trees, maple, pine & oak,
proper, betw a quill & a quill inv, Gu. (D: Bhakail - Jul 74)
Gyronny Purp & Or, an annulet Sa & on a chf Arg 3 shamrocks Vt.
(D: Haakon Thorgilsson - Mar 92)
Per chev Sa estoilly Arg & Arg, in base a rose Sa barbed Vt &
seeded Gu, on a chf Arg a Greek androsphinx guardant Gu.
(D: Jean Paul tienne de La Chaise Dieu - Jun 95)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 1 vert

Potent in point, a dragon passant reguardant Vt & on a chf Arg 3

brown scallops inv proper. (D: Timoteo Hilario e Fraga Oct 90)
Purp, a trillium Arg barbed Vt seeded Or & on a chf Arg 3 cats
couchant Sa. (D: Jerusha Kilgour - Jul 04)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 2

Az, a cubit arm bendwise sustaining by the handles a pair of

scissors Arg, on a chf Arg 3 butterflies Az. (D: Paulette Anne
le Nedlere - Mar 94)
Az, a hammer & a sword in salt & on a chf Arg 3 Clouded
Leopards heads cabossed proper. (D: Bjorn
Isenkrammenhandler - Apr 82)
Az, a lions head cabossed Or pierced of a sword inv, on a chf
enarched Arg 2 crosses of Cleves Gu. (D: David Macalpin of
Dalcross - Jul 00)
Az, a pale & a base Or, on a chf arched Arg a raven rising, wings
addorsed Sa. (D: Garrick Ravenshear - Dec 82)
Az, betw the front paws of a lioness a lion cub, both statant proper,
on a chf Arg 3 cats heads cabossed Gu. (D: Lorissa du Griffin
- Apr 76?)
Az, betw the front paws of a lioness (Panthera leo) a lion cub both
statant proper & on a chf Arg 3 cats heads cabossed Gu & for
augmentation, replacing the center cats head, a roundel Az
charged with 4 crescents conjoined in salt horns outward Arg.
(Augmentation of Arms: Lorissa du Griffin - May 07)
Az, betw the horns of a crescent pendant a mullet of ten points Or,
on a chf Arg 3 gouttes de larmes. (D: Alianora Blackwell Nov 07)
Az, in pale 2 whippets in full course bendwise sin Arg, collared Gu,
& on a chf Arg a fox couchant reguardant Or enflamed Gu. (D:
Branwyn OBrallaghan - May 81)
Az, in salt 2 hammers, on a chf Arg 3 chess rooks Sa. (D:
Francesca Lorenza Caterina Marino - Aug 07)

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 2] to [Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 3 or more]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 2


Az, 2 angels statant respectant Arg, crined Or, on a chf Arg, 3

quatrefoils Vt. (D: Gabrielle of Auburn - Apr 90)
Az, 2 axes in salt & on a chf Arg 2 eagles disp heads to sin Sa. (D:
Iohann filius Agustin - Jan 08)
Az, 2 dolphins urinant respectant & on a chf Arg 3 bears ramp Gu.
(D: Canice Scrupe - Jan 96)
Az, 2 ladles in salt & on a chf Arg 3 mullets Sa. (D: Hugh Wallace
- Feb 02)
Az, 2 natural dolphins haurient embowed respectant, on a chf Arg 3
dragonflies Sa. (D: Morwenna teg Caernarvon - Jun 04)
Az, 2 natural dolphins naiant in annulo & on a chf Arg 3
broadarrows Az. (D: Robyn of Pevensey - Jan 95)
Az, 2 pallets Or, overall a fox, on a chf Arg 3 annulets Sa. (D:
Stephan of Darkwater - Sep 89)
Az, 2 pallets wavy Arg betw 2 piles inv Gu fimbriated Arg each
charged with 2 bezants & on a chf Arg a cross Gu overall a
roundel vair. (D: Yukon Territories - Jan 98) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Az, 2 rapiers in salt & on a chf Arg 3 roses proper. (D: Alan of
Rosley - May 03)
Az, 2 sheep passant respectant & on a chf Arg a shepherds crook
fesswise reversed inv proper. (D: Cassandra Felicia Jan 03)
Az, 2 swords in salt inv proper, overall a swan naiant, on a chf Arg
a thistle proper. (D: Ealasaid nic Chlurain - Feb 84)
Az, 2 wolfs heads addorsed conjoined at the neck, on a chf Arg, 2
roundels Az. (D: Nikolai Petrovich iz Taimyra - Nov 91)
Gu, a bear Or statant atop a tower issuant from base & on a chf Arg,
3 roses Purp, barbed & seeded proper. (D: Siana of
Castletown Bearhaven - Sep 88)
Gu, a viol & a viol bow in salt & on a chf Arg a quill fesswise
reversed Gu. (D: Adelicia Marie di Rienzi - Nov 84)
Gu, 2 bendlets & on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Gu. (D: Madelena da
Firenze - Sep 03)
Gu, 2 elephants statant respectant, trunks elevated & crossed in salt,
on a chf Arg 3 roses Gu seeded Arg barbed Vt & on a base Arg
a rose Gu seeded Arg barbed Vt. (D: Nadrah al-Zarqa May 04)
Gu, 2 natural seahorses addorsed & on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Sa.
(D: Briana von der Ostwache - May 97)
Gu, 2 opinici combattant Or & on a chf Arg 3 apples Gu, slipped &
leaved Vt. (D: Elizabeth McIntosh - Dec 82)
Gu, 2 swords in salt & on a chf Arg 3 dragons heads couped Gu.
(D: Dietrich Nibelung - Feb 02)
Gu, 2 wyverns erect respectant tails conjoined Arg, a chf Arg fretty
Gu. (D: Joshua Silverstone - Oct 00)
Per pale Az & Or, 2 wyverns statant respectant conjoined at the
breast ctrch, on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Eibhln n
Chaoimh - Aug 97)
Per pale Az & Vt, in pale 2 axes fesswise & on a chf Arg, a stag
browsing Gu. (D: Randall Andrew Thorrold MacBirny Apr 93)
Per pale Az & Vt, 2 natural dolphins hauriant embowed respectant
& on a chf Arg 4 escallops inv, the 2 to dexter Vt & the 2 to
sin Az. (D: Delphine Simone del Mare - Jan 88)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 wolves ramp addorsed, each maintaining an
axe, on a chf Arg an eagle per pale Sa & Gu. (D: Thorgrim
Skullsplitter - Jul 07)
Per pale Gu & Vt, in chev an axe Arg hafted proper & a needle inv
& on a chf Arg 3 trefoils Vt. (D: Thorin of Caid - Jun 06)
Per pale Or & Sa, 2 scorpions tergiant ctrch, on a chf Arg 2 quill
pens in salt Az. (D: Morgan of Aldermire - Feb 86)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 2 crosses paty fitchy, on a chf Arg an eagle disp
Gu. (D: Wilhelm Steinbruch - Jan 86)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 2 mullets & on a chf Arg a cross fleury Sa. (D:
Michel de Groot - Nov 04)
Per pale Vt & Az, a griffin & a lion combatant & on a chf Arg 3
towers Sa. (D: Richard von Tanne - Nov 05)
Per pale Vt & Az, 2 horses salient addorsed & on a chf Arg an ivy
vine Vt. (D: Rebekah ferch Anna - May 02)
Per pale Vt & Gu, 2 foxes sejant respectant on a chf Arg 3 roses
proper seeded Sa. (D: Affrica nic Pharlain Sidhein Mhoir Sep 95)
Per pale Vt & Sa, 2 herons close respectant & on a chf Arg 3 fleursde-lys Sa. (D: Chiara Genevieve dAnjou - Nov 98)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 2


Purp, 2 chevronels & on a chf Arg 3 irises Purp. (D: Tacye Okelly Jul 01)
Purp, 2 chevronels braced, on a chf Arg 3 bunches of grapes Purp
leaved Vt. (D: Wolfgang Heinrich von Weinberg - Sep 97)
Purp, 2 horses combatant Or & on a chf Arg 4 roses Gu. (D:
Gunnarr of Endless Hills - May 07)
Purp, 2 natural panthers ramp addorsed, tails nowed together, on a
chf Arg 3 falcons heads erased Vt. (D: Careach inghean u
Ghiolla Phdraig - Dec 05)
Purp, 2 owls respectant guardant & on a chf Arg 3 wolfs pawprints
Purp. (D: Abdah al-Rumiyyah - Sep 04)
Quarterly Az & Purp, 2 recorders crossed in salt, on a chf Arg a
bear statant contourny betw 2 fleur-de-lys Sa. (D: Dafydd Arth
- Sep 95)
Sa, a bow surmounted by an arrow fesswise point to dexter & on a
chf Arg, 3 ravens volant Sa. (D: Aoibheann nic Mhuirghis Apr 95)
Sa, a dragon & a bear combattant, on a chf Arg 3 mullets Gu. (D:
Eldgrimr Brotamadr - Jan 94)
Sa, a goat & a lion combattant & on a chf Arg 3 crabs Gu. (D:
Wulfrun Spakona - Feb 87)
Sa, a sword sustained by a gloved cubit arm fesswise, on a chf Arg
3 roundels Sa. (D: Corwyn Montgomery - Jun 01)
Sa, a wyvern erect entwined about a trident palewise & on a chf Arg
3 4-leaved clovers Vt. (D: Astrid Johnsdotter Torp - Aug 06)
Sa, in fess a mask of comedy & a mask of tragedy Or, on a chf Arg
3 stars of David Az. (D: Sarah Elizabeth of Bellwood Jan 08)
Sa, in pale a trefoil within & conjoined in base to an annulet Arg &
a lion contourny Or on a chf Arg 3 increscents Gu. (D: Colin
Vargus OConnor - Jun 97)
Sa, in pile 2 rapiers inv conjoined at the points & on a chf Arg 3
hearts Gu. (D: Guyon Dupre - Sep 03)
Sa, in salt 2 batons betw 4 crescents in cross, horns outwards, on a
chf Arg, 3 crescents Purp. (D: Angelique Rivez de Hellsgate Mar 89)
Sa, 2 arrows in salt, on a chf Arg 3 roses Sa. (D: Federico Arcire
dal Fire - Feb 94)
Sa, 2 chevronels & on a chf Arg an eagle disp Sa. (D: Franz von
Adlerberg - Jul 92)
Sa, 2 horses combatant & on a chf Arg 3 roses proper. (D: Frederic
Martel - Nov 96)
Sa, 2 mallets in salt Or, on a chf Arg 3 mullets of 4 points Az. (D:
Edward le Kervere - Nov 93)
Sa, 2 narwhals naiant in annulo & on a chf Arg 3 ravens Sa. (D:
Thorin of Kvalsund - Dec 94)
Sa, 2 needles inv in salt Arg, threaded Or, & on a chf Arg, 3 garbs
Sa. (D: Isabeau Jehane - Aug 91)
Sa, 2 unicorns statant reguardant addorsed, in chf a compass star, &
on a chf Arg 3 compass stars Sa. (D: Mary of Storvik Feb 94)
Sa, 2 willow leaves in chev inv Or, on a chf Arg a fox courant
proper. (D: Aileve of the Mists - Nov 94)
Sa, 2 winged unicorns combattant & on a chf Arg 3 estoiles Sa. (D:
Edeva de Vere - Dec 01)
Vt, in salt a hammer & a quill pen, & on a chf Arg 3 mullets of six
points Gu. (D: Francis Burnell of Selkirk - Oct 98)
Vt, in salt a rapier & a sewing needle inv, on a chf Arg 3 trees
proper. (D: Ada Cormack - Dec 99)
Vt, 2 axes addorsed & on a chf Arg 3 crosses potent Vt. (D: Eadric
Wiglafes sunu - Oct 07)
Vt, 2 drinking horns in salt on a chf Arg 2 ravens close respectant
Sa. (D: Marion FitzWilliam - Jan 97)
Vt, 2 lions ramp reguardant addorsed, on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys
Sa. (D: Collette de Calais - Aug 99)
Vt, 2 rapiers in salt proper, on a chf Arg a dragon passant Vt. (B:
Alfred of Chester - Jan 94)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 3 or more

Az, a sheaf of swords inv Or, in chf 2 towers, on a chf Arg a sun
Gu. (D: Allen of Flint - Aug 98)
Az goutty, on a chf Arg 3 carnations Gu. (D: Ermellina da Urbino
- Jul 99)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 483

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 3 or more]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 3 or more


Az, in cross five mullets of eight points, on a chf Arg, 3 laurel

wreaths Vt. (D: Saint Brendan - Jan 90)
Az, in fess 3 arrows & on a chf Arg 3 gouttes Az. (D: Justinus
Fletcher - Sep 04)
Az, in pale a plate & 2 chevronels braced, on a chf Arg 3 seebltter
Vt. (D: Emelye of the Cuillin Hills - Nov 89)
Az, in pale 3 comets headed of mullets of 4 points fesswise & on a
chf Arg, 3 crescents Gu. (D: Andrew Maklaurene - Aug 97)
Az, in pale 3 natural tigers passant to sin Arg, marked Sa, on a chf
Arg 3 crosses moline Az. (D: David of Aragon - Sep 87)
Az, issuant from sin base 3 piles wavy, on a chf Arg 3 decrescents
Az. (D: Alina of Folkstone - Mar 94)
Az, seven roundels 2 3 & 2 Arg, the centermost Or, & on a chf Arg
2 laurel wreaths Vt. (D: Bull Pitte - Mar 04)
Az, six swords fretted & a chf Arg, sem-de-lys Sa. (D: Alain de
Velencourt - Mar 83)
Az, 3 bears ramp regardant & on a chf Arg 3 escarbuncles Az. (D:
James de Northebrok - Aug 03)
Az, 3 candles Arg enflamed proper & on a chf Arg 4 annulets Az.
(D: Guenddoleu ferch Cadwalladr - Sep 91)
Az, 3 chevronels braced & on a chf Arg a sword Az. (B: Terra
Pomaria - May 94)
Az, 3 crescents & on a chf Arg, 3 owls close guardant Gu. (D:
Duncan of Greyhill - Mar 97)
Az, 3 crescents conjoined in pall horns outward, upon a chf
enarched Arg a seax reversed blade to chf Az. (D: Shariya
Shirin Khayzuran bint Shahzadeh - Aug 91)
Az, 3 cups & on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Michelina da
Trento - Mar 04)
Az, 3 dragons Or & on a chf Arg a heart Purp. (D: Ketill
rauskeggr - Feb 06)
Az, 3 escallops inv Or, on a chf Arg, 2 annulets fretted in fess Az.
(D: Daveth map Myghal Mur - Apr 90)
Az, 3 falchions Or, on a chf Arg 3 cross crosslets Gu. (D: Guy de
Falchion - Jul 80)
Az, 3 falcons rising disp, each with the dexter wing inv, on a chf
Arg 3 crosses crosslet Az. (D: Dunecan Falkenar de la Leie Oct 93)
Az, 3 forks 2-tined & tangued Or, on a chf Arg 3 tricunes Sa. (D:
Uilleam Thorken Hardhans - Jan 72?)
Az, 3 hearts Or, on a chf Arg, a sword fesswise Arg, hilted Sa, the
blade enflamed Gu. (D: Dirk Edward of Frijia - May 81)
Az, 3 horses heads couped, on a chf Arg a goblet betw 2 roundels
Az. (D: Tadhg MacCollough - Oct 99)
Az, 3 natural dolphins naiant Arg, each maintaining in its mouth a
sprig of thyme Vt, on a chf Arg 3 loaves of brown bread
proper. (D: Catherine Cameron - Sep 99)
Az, 3 sea horses & on a chf Arg 3 crosses of Cleves Az. (D:
Ludwig von Tschelln - Sep 04)
Az, 3 sea serpents ondoyant in pale, on a chf Arg a shamrock Vt
betw 2 thistles slipped & leaved proper. (D: Seann Dire Aug 97)
Az, 3 tabors Or, on a chf Arg a spear reversed Sa. (D: Duncan Iain
MacAindreis - Dec 92)
Az, 3 tankards & on a chf Arg a dragon passant Sa. (B: Amicia
Theudoric la Sauniere - Jul 06)
Az, 3 thimbles & on a chf Arg a needle fesswise Az. (D: Anastasie
de Lamoure - Nov 05)
Az, 3 trees & on a chf Arg 3 lozenges Az. (D: Anneke Grove of
Scambanden - Jun 03)
Az, 3 wheels, on a chf Arg a dragon statant Az. (D: Eldred
lfwald - Apr 98)
Gu, a sheaf of 3 arrows & on a chf Arg 3 arrowheads Gu. (D:
Theodore de Hales - Aug 83)
Gu, five plates in chev, in base a laurel wreath, & on a chf Arg a
Celtic cross flory Sa. (D: Otherhill - Oct 81)
Gu goutty, on a chf Arg a lightning bolt Sa. (D: Arkhelaia
Vsevolozha - Nov 05)
Gu, in fess 3 staffs Or on a chf Arg 3 tankards Sa. (D: Tariq ibn
Yazid - Feb 97)
Gu semy of lightning bolts palewise, on a chf Arg 3 clouds Sa. (D:
Siona Storm - May 07)
Gu, seme of London plane leaves Or, on a chf Arg, 3 Moors heads
couped Sa. (D: Ian of Treemoore - Nov 88)

484 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 3 or more


Gu, 3 annulets interlaced 2 & one & on a chf Arg 3 wheels Gu. (D:
Krista Silverlock - May 02)
Gu, 3 chevronels braced & on a chf Arg a laurel wreath betw 2
cinquefoils Gu. (D: Sylvan Glen - Dec 93)
Gu, 3 horses ramp & on a chf Arg, 3 horses ramp Gu. (D:
Margaret Lynn - Sep 92)
Gu, 3 piles throughout in point inv & on a chf Arg a laurel wreath
Vt. (D: Burnfield - Aug 04)
Gu, 3 roses & on a chf Arg 3 crosses formy Gu. (D: Anna
Giordano da Firenze - Aug 01)
Gu, 3 stalks of barley in pile Or, on a chf Arg a bridge of 2 arches
Purp. (D: Siobhn Chantoiseau de Longpont sur Orges Nov 92)
Per fess Sa & Arg, 3 chevronels braced ctrch & on a chf Arg a
pellet. (B: Mons Tonitrus - Jun 92) (For the Order of the
Sable Chevronels)
Per pale Az & Arg, to dexter a beehive betw 3 honeybees volant
proper & to sin a bunch of grapes Az, slipped & leaved Or, on
a chf Arg, a tyger passant Az. (B: East, the - May 90) (For
Guild of Brewers, Vintners and Meadmakers)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 3 arrows inv palewise in fess & on a chf Arg, a
shepherds crook reversed Sa. (D: Marcus MacDonald Apr 85)
Purp, in pile 3 needles threaded & on a chf Arg 2 branches Vt. (D:
Giovanna Giovannelli - Mar 04)
Purp mullety, on a chf Arg 3 crescents Purp. (D: Daniel de
Bonneval - May 93)
Purp, 3 chevronels braced on a chf Arg 3 roses Sa. (D: Ulfr inn
Berserkr - Jun 92)
Purp, 3 pairs of shoes each pendant from a cord & on a chf Arg a
thistle proper. (D: Sandra the Fair - May 92)
Purp, 3 suns in their splendor & on a chf Arg, 3 frets Az. (D:
Yllaria Gyngyvere - Dec 97)
Sa, a spray of 3 pawlonia leaves, blossomed to chf, & on a chf Arg
2 increscents Sa. (D: Macsen ap Rhys - Aug 84)
Sa, in fess 3 swords & on a chf Arg 3 falcons Sa. (D: Katelin
McDaveyd - Jan 04)
Sa, seven piles inv conjoined in point, surmounted at the points by
an eye, & embat in chf Or, on a chf Arg a lion passant Gu,
overall a fillet per fess Gu & Or. (D: John Emeris of Ellenar Nov 79)
Sa, 3 barley stalks in fess Or & on a chf Arg 3 hop leaves inv Vt.
(D: Eric Edmundsson - Mar 83)
Sa, 3 boars heads erased & on a chf Arg 3 roses Sa. (D: Siegfried
Hrodulf - Jan 03)
Sa, 3 chevronels & on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Gu. (D: Obedia la
calavera - Aug 03)
Sa, 3 chevronels braced & on a chf Arg, 3 mullets Vt. (D:
Gwenllian ferch Madog Llangollen - May 93)
Sa, 3 hands, on a chf Arg a lion passant guardant Gu. (D: Jonah
MCoghlane - May 04)
Sa, 3 lions ramp to sin, on a chf Arg, 3 crosses bottony Sa. (D:
Christian du Glaive - Dec 85)
Sa, 3 manacles & on a chf Arg, a sword Sa. (D: Maucolum de
Duueglas - May 93)
Sa, 3 roundels & on a chf Arg a lion passant Az. (D: Jean Charles
Lamb - Jul 01)
Sa, 3 stags heads cabossed Or, on a chf Arg 3 mullets Az. (D:
Aindreas Pol MacAoidh - Nov 84)
Vt, a crescent an increscent & a decrescent one & 2 Or & on a chf
Arg 3 Cavendish knots Az. (D: Constancia of Owls Rest Oct 04)
Vt, a sprig of 3 maple leaves slipped Or on a chf Arg a cross Gu.
(D: Ontario - Jan 98) (Important non-SCA arms)
Vt, a sword inv proper sustained by 2 dragons combattant Arg, on a
chf Arg 3 trefoils Purp. (D: Anna Christine Espen - Nov 94)
Vt fretty, on a chf Arg 3 cauldrons Sa. (D: Berelindis filia
Cunowulfi - Apr 06)
Vt, 3 annulets interlaced, 2 & one, Or, on a chf Arg 3 pellets. (D:
Catarina de Liguria - Nov 89)
Vt, 3 bugle horns & on a chf Arg, a rose Gu. (D: Frances
Huntington - Apr 87)
Vt, 3 chevronels braced & on a chf Arg a rapier reversed Sa. (D:
Crispin an Tulaich - Feb 92)

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 3 or more] to [Chief - Charged - Plain line - Azure]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Argent - Above 3 or more


Vt, 3 foxs masks & on a chf Arg 3 increscents Az. (D: Blausa
Korsakova - Apr 04)
Vt, 3 Maltese crosses, on a chf Arg 3 compass roses Sa. (D:
Caitlyn ODuirnin - Nov 98)
Vt, 3 oak leaves & on a chf Arg a quill pen Vt. (D: Douglas le
Escriueyn - May 92)
Vt, 3 pears in pale Or & on a chf Arg 2 holly leaves fesswise Vt.
(D: Mylisant Perry - Oct 96)
Vt, 3 serpents involved in annulo & on a chf Arg 3 Arabian lamps
lit Vt. (D: Owain Penbras - Sep 06)
Vt, 3 swords in fess proper, on a chf Arg 3 annulets Sa. (D:
Norbert Fechter - Dec 90)
Vt, 3 swords inv in point, on a chf Arg, 3 Latin crosses Vt. (D:
Wilhelm Cameron von Holstein - Sep 90)
Vt, 3 trees couped & on a chf Arg, a pike naiant embowed Gu. (D:
Aethelwyn von Wotanswald - Aug 88)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Azure

Arg, a badgers paw print Sa & on a chf Az 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D:

Pagan Badger - Feb 03)
Arg, a bear passant Sa, on a chf Az 3 trees Arg. (D: John Kyle
Bearshaw - Jan 95)
Arg, a beardless unicorns head couped Sa maintaining a thistle
proper, on a chf Az 3 mullets Arg. (D: Lyralyn du Lac Noir May 07)
Arg, a beaver ramp to sin & on a chf Az a portcullis betw 2 mullets
Arg. (D: Beotram of the Northwinds - May 85)
Arg, a bird migrant to base & on a chf Az 3 suns Or. (D: Lassarina
ingen U Eochada - Jul 01)
Arg, a boar ramp Az, collared & chained Or, & on a chf Az 3
anchors Or. (D: Thomas de Burne - Jun 99)
Arg, a bouquet of lavender blossoms slipped, tied with a ribbon
Purp, on a chf Az, 3 daisies Arg, seeded Or. (D: Carolyn of
Roddingholme - Sep 92)
Arg, a Bowen cross, on a chf Az 3 lozenges Arg. (D: Keina ferch
Sin - Jan 01)
Arg, a brown bear ramp proper atop a base embat Sa, masoned Arg,
& on a chf Az 3 crosses crosslet Arg. (D: Bronwyn the Scot Jun 85)
Arg, a bunch of grapes, slipped & leaved proper, on a chf Az 3
decrescents Or. (D: Eugenia of Baysham - Aug 96)
Arg, a caduceus Sa & on a chf Az 3 staples Arg. (D: James
Sutherland of Inverness - Mar 05)
Arg, a catamount courant Sa, on a chf Az, 3 Stars of David Or. (D:
Ruben ben Yosef the Khazar - Aug 84)
Arg, a catamount ramp guardant Sa, marked Arg, a ford proper, &
on a chf Az a sun Arg. (D: Sela nic aPhearsoin of Clan
Chattan - Jun 92)
Arg, a chaplet of oak leaves fructed Vt & capped Or, on a chf Az 3
oak leaves palewise Or. (D: Medb ingen Gillai-Brigte Jan 00)
Arg, a chev & on a chf Az 2 lions passant gardant Arg. (D: Thomas
de Longavilla - Mar 02)
Arg, a chev betw 3 crescents & on a chf Az 3 griffins Arg. (D:
Garrett Cromwell - Nov 06)
Arg, a chev throughout Vt & on a chf Az 3 falcons Arg. (D: Jos
Cabrera de Castilla - Nov 07)
Arg, a cow ramp & on a chf enarched Az, 2 spears in salt Arg. (D:
Gertrude von Holstein - Jul 90)
Arg, a crescent & on a chf Az 3 mullets of six points Arg. (D:
Ildaria Nunez de Caminha - Jul 04)
Arg, a cross bottony Sa & on a chf Az 3 mullets Arg. (D: Zanobia
Adimari - Jul 06)
Arg, a cross doubly parted & fretted, on a chf Az 2 tankards Arg.
(D: Gilchrist Morgan - Mar 89)
Arg, a cross of Cleves & on a chf Az a fox courant Arg. (D:
Allastair Sterling - Nov 05)
Arg, a cross of ermine spots Sa, on a chf Az 3 escallops Arg. (D:
James Byngham - Mar 00)
Arg, a dog sejant & on a chf Az 3 open books Arg. (D: Samus of
Amlesmore - Feb 07)
Arg, a dolphin embowed naiant Gu, in base 3 barrulets wavy & on a
chf Az 2 boat oars in salt Arg. (B: Alisoun MacCoul of
Elphane - Oct 81) (For Company of Watermen)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Azure (continued)

Arg, a dolphin haurient Sa, on a chf Az 3 crescents Arg. (D:

Sybella Tobyn - Sep 90)
Arg, a domestic cats head cabossed & on a chf Az 3 fleurs-de-lys
Arg. (D: Tatyana Kushina - Nov 03)
Arg, a doubled cross Gu & on a chf Az 3 mullets Arg. (D: James of
Ravenhill - Apr 06)
Arg, a dragon passant counter-ermine & in base a laurel wreath Az,
a chf Az platy. (D: Tor Brant - Jul 91)
Arg, a dragon segreant Gu, on a chf Az 3 crosses bottony Arg. (D:
Tristan Falstaff - Sep 98)
Arg, a dragon segreant on a chf Az 3 roses Arg. (D: Rose
McDermott - Dec 01)
Arg, a falcon striking, wings disp proper, on a chf Az 3 roses Arg,
each charged with a rose Or, fimbriated Sa, all barbed &
seeded proper. (D: Gregory of York - May 96)
Arg, a flat cap Purp plumed & on a chf Az 3 commedia delArte
masks Arg. (D: Christopher Thomas - Mar 98)
Arg, a fox ramp & on a chf Az 2 rapiers in salt Arg. (D: Katherine
Vivans - Feb 03)
Arg, a foxs head erased Gu, on a chf Az 2 swords in salt Arg. (D:
Helen Jennet of Foxhall - Jul 88)
Arg, a foxs mask Gu & on a chf Az 3 crescents Arg. (D: Diana
Reynard la rouge - Jul 07)
Arg, a frame saw & on a chf Az 3 trees blasted & couped Arg. (D:
Berwyn of Kerry - Jul 92)
Arg, a fret couped, on a chf Az a greyhound courant Arg. (D:
Caitrona inghean Ghiolla Phdraig - Jan 99)
Arg, a garb Vt betw 3 stars of David & on a chf Az 3 increscents
Arg. (D: Hadassah bat Aaron ha-Karai - Apr 94)
Arg, a garden rose Gu slipped & leaved Vt, on a chf Az, 3 mullets
Arg. (D: Michael the Bard - May 92)
Arg, a goblet Sa betw 2 roses Gu, barbed & seeded proper, & on a
chf Az a decrescent moon, betw the horns a mullet Arg. (D:
Ann Christopher of Cheshire - Apr 06)
Arg, a griffin passant on a chf Az 3 roses Arg barbed & seeded
proper. (B: Susan of the Golden Heart - Feb 94) (For House
Griffin and Rose)
Arg, a griffin sejant & on a chf Az, an arrow, barb to sin, Or. (D:
Bronwyn ferch Brien Caerdydd Mawr - Feb 90)
Arg, a griffin sejant dexter forepaw raised Sa, on a chf Az 3 acorns
Or. (D: Alvaro de la Bastida - Apr 01)
Arg, a hare sejant proper, on a chf Az 3 triangles Or. (D: Ann of
Hendon - Apr 88)
Arg, a heart Gu & on a chf Az 3 mullets Arg. (D: Douglas Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, a heart Gu & on a chf Az 3 mullets Arg, for augmentation, the
heart crowned proper. (Augmentation of Arms: Douglas Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, a heart, on a chf Az an axe Arg. (D: David ap Tristan Oct 97)
Arg, a horse ramp contourny Gu crined Sa & on a chf Az 3 trefoils
pierced Arg. (D: Grinne inghean Chonaill u Eachadha Sep 05)
Arg, a hound statant & on a chf Az 3 crosses swallowtail Or. (D:
Lucrezia di Francesca - Sep 96)
Arg, a hurst of apple trees fructed proper & on a chf Az 3 escallops
Arg. (D: Gemma Northwode - Apr 08)
Arg, a hurst of pine trees proper atop a mount Vt & on a chf Az an
arrow Or. (D: Suzanne Delaplaine - Jun 03)
Arg, a jay rising wings elevated & addorsed & on a chf Az 3 fleursde-lys Arg. (D: Lauretta Toulouse - Mar 00)
Arg, a Lacy knot Az, a ford proper, & on a chf Az an arrow Or. (D:
Thomas Joseph de Lacy - Nov 03)
Arg, a Latin cross formy Vt & on a chf enarched Az a hammer
reversed Or. (D: Guy Grmsson - Sep 05)
Arg, a laurel wreath & on a chf Az 3 swans statant close Arg. (D:
Swans Keep - Jun 05)
Arg, a lion ramp to sin & on a chf Az 3 mullets Arg. (D: Seamus
McRay - Nov 06)
Arg, a lotus blossom in profile & on a chf Az a quill pen Arg. (D:
Hadya al-Katiba of Karnak - May 96)
Arg, a lute in profile & on a chf Az 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Marie
Jos de Champain - Nov 01)
Arg, a lymphad & on a chf Az 3 eagles heads Or. (D: Uilleam
MacDhomhnuill - Jun 97)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 485

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Azure]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Azure (continued)

Arg, a martins head Purp, beaked & orbed Or, & on a chf Az 3
goblets Or. (D: Charles of the Purple Martlet - Aug 79?)
Arg, a mermaid Vt & on a chf Az 2 spoons palewise Arg, a base
wavy Az. (D: Penni of Iron Bog - May 05)
Arg, a Moors arm fesswise embowed proper atop a trimount Vt &
on a chf Az 3 crescents Arg. (D: Ileana Welgy - Sep 03)
Arg, a pall Sa & on a chf enarched Az 3 plates. (D: Bruce
MacDonald of Strathbogie - Jul 07)
Arg, a peacock in his pride, on a chf enarched Az, 3 chevronels
throughout braced Arg. (D: Marie Hlne de Montaigne Nov 89)
Arg, a penguin contourny, on a chf Az 3 roses Arg. (D: Rebecca
Beaumont - Dec 04)
Arg, a pine tree proper issuant from a mount Vt, & on a chf Az a
moon in her complement. (D: Eluned merch Gwynt - Jan 82)
Arg, a pithon & on a chf Az a fret Arg. (D: Kataryna Tkach Nov 02)
Arg, a raven contourny & on a chf Az 3 decrescents Arg. (D:
Branwen ferch Idris - Oct 07)
Arg, a raven disp & on a chf Az, 3 plates. (D: Richard of
Ravensglenn the Juggler - Apr 89)
Arg, a raven Gu, on a chf Az 2 crescents Arg. (D: Morag Ruadh Jun 91)
Arg, a reremouse Sa & on a chf Az 3 scorpions Arg. (D: Ealusaid
inghean Lughaidh - Nov 02)
Arg, a rose Az barbed & seeded proper & on a chf Az a salmon
naiant embowed Arg. (D: Aminah al-Zarqah - Aug 03)
Arg, a rottweiler passant proper, on a chf Az a dirk palewise betw 2
hearts Arg. (D: Dirk del Prestes - Jan 99)
Arg, a rowan branch bendwise sin fructed proper, on a chf Az a
demi-sun issuant from the line of the chf Or. (D: Rowan
Ashbrooke - Oct 93)
Arg, a sagittary trippant proper & a lion counterrampant Gu, on a
chf Az 3 crescents Arg. (D: Simonetta de Galicia - Aug 79)
Arg, a sagittary trippant proper & a lion ramp contourn Gu, on a
chf Az 3 crescents, above the central crescent a label, Arg. (D:
Tancred de Galicia - Oct 79)
Arg, a salt cotised & on a chf Az 3 cinquefoils Arg seeded Gu. (D:
Simidh Am Piobaire - Jan 99)
Arg, a scythe & on a chf Az a sword reversed Arg. (D: Halbert
Lynton - Mar 03)
Arg, a sea-bear Sa maintaining an Irish harp & on a chf Az a thistle
fesswise & another fesswise reversed, slips entwined, Or. (D:
Coinneach mac Risteaird - Jan 94)
Arg, a seahorse naiant Gu & on a chf Az 3 pheons Arg. (D:
Thorgrimr Olafsson - Aug 94)
Arg, a sea-horse, on a chf Az 3 increscents Arg. (D: Gwenafwy
Sinclaire - Dec 93)
Arg, a sea-wolf Gu & on a chf Az 3 mullets of 4 points Arg. (D:
thelwulf of Dover - Mar 91)
Arg, a shamrock Vt & on a chf Az a rose Or barbed Vt. (D: Rois
inghean Domhnaill - Aug 02)
Arg, a sheaf of arrows inv Sa within a laurel wreath Vt & on a chf
Az 2 boars heads couped respectant Or. (D: Vest Yorvik Oct 83)
Arg, a sheaf of arrows Sa, on a chf Az 3 mullets Or. (D: Elena of
Lincoln - Jan 93)
Arg, a spur-rowel & on a chf enarched Az 3 decrescents Arg. (D:
Dracon of Apulia - Jan 97)
Arg, a stag ramp & on a chf Az 4 increscents Arg. (D: Marks inn
fasthaldi Vagnsson - Jul 07)
Arg, a stag ramp Gu & on a chf Az 2 pairs of arrows in salt Arg. (D:
Fintan na Coilled - Sep 03)
Arg, a stag statant & on a chf Az an increscent betw 2 mullets of six
points Or. (D: Alexandra Scott de Northumberland - Feb 05)
Arg, a strawberry Gu seeded Arg, slipped Vt, & on a chf Az 3
swords palewise proper. (D: Robert Hildreth - Aug 06)
Arg, a sun Sa & on a chf Az 3 frets couped Arg. (D: Caitiln ingen
ui Dlaig - Jan 05)
Arg, a tau cross & on a chf Az 2 open books Arg. (D: Tostig
Logiosophia - Feb 97)
Arg, a thistle & on a chf Az 3 frets conjoined Or. (D: Christian of
Carmichael - Jul 92)
Arg, a thistle proper & on a chf Az 3 escallops inv Arg. (D: Fiona
of Artemisia - Jul 01)

486 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Azure (continued)

Arg, a tower Sa, issuing from its roof a beacon flame proper, the
whole within a laurel wreath Vt, a chf enarched Az, platy. (D:
Eastwatch - Feb 90)
Arg, a tower Vt & on a chf Az a comet reversed Arg. (D: Duncan
ODougherty Greencastle - Mar 78)
Arg, a tower within a laurel wreath & on a chf Az, 3 vols Arg. (D:
Angels Keep - Oct 05)
Arg, a triple-towered castle, on a chf Az an eagle disp Arg. (D:
Caomhghin ap Rhys o Dun na hEan - Nov 87)
Arg, a troll within a laurel wreath Vt & on a chf Az a 3-arched
bridge Or. (D: Trollhaven - Nov 95)
Arg, a turkeycock statant & on a chf Az, 2 quill pens crossed in salt
Or. (D: David Waxthorn - Sep 90)
Arg, a unicorn ramp Gu & on a chf Az, 2 mallets, heads to center,
Or. (D: Caomhghin oRourke - Dec 91)
Arg, a unicorn ramp Sa & on a chf Az a plate betw an increscent &
a decrescent Arg. (D: Morin Kytte Lauman - Oct 98)
Arg, a vireo statant to sin Vt, on a chf Az 3 bells Arg. (D:
Shoshana bas Josce - Jul 86)
Arg, a weasel statant erect Sa transfixed by an arrow fesswise
reversed Gu, & on a chf Az a double-bitted axe Or. (D: Ulf
Njalsen - Jul 84)
Arg, a windmill & on a chf Az 3 lilies Arg slipped & leaved Or. (D:
Anastasia Vanessara iz Chernigova - Dec 83)
Arg, a winged natural panther segreant Sa & on a chf enarched Az 3
fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Adrienne de la Montagne - Dec 96)
Arg, a winged spear disp Sa & on a chf Az 3 decrescents Arg. (D:
Thomas of Kent - Nov 82)
Arg, a wolf couchant contourny Sa on a chf Az, 3 roses Arg. (D:
Katerina Kristanovna Volokhova vnuka - May 99)
Arg, a wolfs head erased Sa & on a chf Az 3 crescents Or. (D:
Umm Mishal Inan bint Daud al-Maraghi - Nov 06)
Arg, a wyvern statant, wings disp & on a chf Az, 3 mullets of eight
points Arg. (D: Hugh Michael Sinclair - Mar 93)
Arg, an acorn inv, slipped & leaved, proper, on a chf Az, 3 estoiles
Or. (D: Aaron of Lichgreen - Aug 89)
Arg, an alder slip fesswise reversed Sa, fructed Gu, a ford proper, &
on a chf Az 2 laurel wreaths Arg. (D: Alderford - Nov 96)
Arg, an anvil Sa, on a chf Az, 2 hammers, heads to center, Arg. (D:
Antonio de Armado - Apr 91)
Arg, an escarbuncle, on a chf Az, 2 wheels Arg. (D: Lynn Chance
of Kent - Aug 89)
Arg, an estoile & on a chf Az a fox passant Arg. (D: Ravasz Jnos
- Feb 03)
Arg, an oak sapling eradicated Sa, on a chf Az a mullet Arg. (D:
Eichling von Amrum - Aug 79?)
Arg, an oak sapling eradicated Sa, on a chf Az a mullet Arg, as an
augmentation, surmounting the trunk an inescutcheon Az
charged with 4 crescents conjoined in salt horns outward Arg.
(Augmentation of Arms: Eichling von Amrum - Mar 01)
Arg, an ostrich & on a chf Az, a feather fesswise Arg. (D: William
Crome - Sep 02)
Arg, an ounce ramp queue forchy Sa spotted Or on a chf Az 3
increscents Or. (D: Cerdic MacAoidh - Feb 96)
Arg, an ounce ramp Sa incensed Gu & on a chf Az in salt a sword
Arg & an artists brush inv Or. (D: Gwenhwyfar ferch Dafydd
- Mar 07)
Arg, an owl contourny Gu perched upon a sword, on a chf Az a
crescent Arg. (D: Alasdair of Glastonbury - Oct 94)
Arg, an tree eradicated proper, on a chf Az a seax reversed blade to
chf Arg. (D: thelgar Regenwealdsune - Sep 95)
Arg estencely Gu, a keythongs head erased & on a chf Az 3 fleursde-lys Arg. (D: Dougal Duncanson - Apr 97)
Arg, 4 garden rosebuds 2 & 2 Az barbed Vt & on a chf Az 3 doves
volant bendwise Arg. (D: Rosa die Taube - Feb 91)
Arg goutty Az, a lynx ramp contourny Gu & on a chf Az 3 compass
stars Arg. (D: Mel Brigte ingen hu Nill - Feb 04)
Arg, goutty inv, a demon & on a chf Az 2 winged boars passant
Arg. (D: Brian Broadaxe - Jul 00)
Arg, in bend sin a dove migrant to base & a wolf salient
countourn, on a chf Az five swords inv proper. (D: Reagan
Rodolfsdatter or Geiranger - Apr 81)
Arg, in fess 3 serpents glissant palewise Gu & on a chf Az a rapier
Arg. (D: Alexander ONeill - Jul 05)
Arg, on a bend cotised Az 3 quail close Arg, on a chf Az, a lion
passant guardant Arg. (D: Niccolo da Quaglietta - Sep 99)

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Azure]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Azure (continued)

Arg, on a chev Az betw 3 gouttes de sang, 3 thimbles palewise Arg,

on a chf Az, a needle, eye to sin, Arg. (D: Andfryd of
Trondelag - Nov 89)
Arg, on a chf Az 3 mullets Arg. (D: Douglas - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, on a compass star Az, a phoenix Or & on a chf Az 3 mascles
Or. (D: Aurelia Stellari - Apr 94)
Arg, on a donkey statant contourny, head lowered Sa, a pall Arg, on
a chf Az 2 birds contourny Arg. (D: Brocc the Smith May 93)
Arg, on a pale Az betw 2 roses Gu another Or, on a chf Az an arrow
reversed Or. (D: Katherine of Thorneholde - May 94)
Arg, on a pale Vt a cross of Jerusalem Or & on a chf Az a sheaf of 3
arrows inv Or. (D: Dougall MacAonghuis - Feb 94)
Arg, on a pile bendwise sin throughout issuant from base betw 2
crescents Az, an owl statant to sin Arg, as an augmentation on
a chf Az, 2 keys fesswise reversed in fess Arg. (Augmentation
of Arms: Francesca di Pavia - Jan 01)
Arg, on a salt Vt a rose Arg & on a chf Az 3 mullets Or. (D:
Bronwen Rose Greylyng - Nov 03)
Arg, six fleurs-de-lys & on a chf Az a falcon rising wings disp Arg.
(D: Giovanni da Venezia - Sep 03)
Arg, six wolves ramp & on a chf Az 3 escarbuncles Arg. (D:
Muriella de Clare - Aug 01)
Arg, the trunk of a tree sprouting 3 slips proper issuant from base,
on a chf Az 3 boars passant Arg. (D: Lorn Mac Ewen Feb 98)
Arg, 3 arrows in pall, points outwards Sa, on a chf Az a label
couped Arg. (D: Erik of Saint Katherines College - Sep 92)
Arg, 3 arrows Sa & on a chf Az 3 suns Or. (D: Albrecht Ulfsson Jun 96)
Arg, 3 chevronels braced & on a chf Az 3 roses Arg. (D: Anlon
Find mac Robartaigh - Jun 02)
Arg, 3 chevronels braced Vt, on a chf Az 3 decrescents Arg. (D:
Caoilfhionn inghean Cheallaigh u Mhrdha - Apr 98)
Arg, 3 crescents & on a chf Az a dolphin embowed Arg. (D: Caid,
Crown Prince of - Jan 80)
Arg, 3 crescents & on a chf Az a rose Or. (D: Caid, Crown
Princess of - Jan 80)
Arg, 3 griffins in fess & on a chf Az, a unicorn couchant Arg. (D:
Andrs Javier Ruz - Oct 92)
Arg, 3 hearts & on a chf Az, a unicorn dormant Arg. (D: Kevin
MacCormack - Apr 87)
Arg, 3 wolfs heads erased Sa, on a chf Az 3 eagles Arg. (D: C
Dub mac Lorccin - Jul 04)
Arg, 2 bears sejant erect addorsed Sa, on a chf Az 3 standing
balances Arg, a ford proper. (D: Katerina von Breslau Nov 00)
Arg, 2 dragons combattant, on a chf Az, 3 Thors hammers Arg. (D:
Gunnar Tortryggsson - Oct 98)
Arg, 2 lions combattant guardant Sa & on a chf Az 3 lilies Arg. (D:
Sabina of Borthwick - Jun 02)
Arg, 2 pink flamingoes statant respectant proper, on a chf Az a sun
in splendour Or. (D: Jeanette Seurat dAvignon - Apr 89)
Arg, 2 quill pens in salt Sa, on a chf Az a rapier fesswise Arg. (D:
Siona Devereaux - Jan 89)
Arg, 2 unicorns, passant reguardant & addorsed, on a chf Az, 3
mullets of ten points Arg. (D: Ceridwen o Forgannwg ferch y
Prydydd - Dec 88)
Arg, 2 winged cats combattant Sa, on a chf Az 3 broadarrows inv
Arg. (D: Laura Serafina - May 93)
Barry Or & Az, on a chf Az 2 palets betw 2 gyrons Or & overall an
escutcheon Arg. (D: Mortimer, Earl of March - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a cross crosslet Sa, on a chf Az, 3 anchors
Arg. (D: Angelique del Mar - May 88)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, issuant from base a demi sun Or on a chf the
Union Jack augmented with a coronet Or. (D: British
Columbia - Jan 98) (Important non-SCA arms)
Barry wavy of eight Arg & Vt, on a chf Az 4 piles inv Sa, tipped &
fimbriated Arg. (D: Wilhelm of Bothnia - Jan 73?)
Bendy Or & Az, a bear ramp Sa, on a chf Az 3 escallops Or. (D:
Beatrice SantAnastasia Silvani - Aug 92)
Checky Az & Arg, an owl Or & on a chf Az a plate betw 2 mullets
Arg. (D: Katherine Margaret von Schnberg - Sep 92)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Azure (continued)

Ermine, a grenade Sa enflamed Gu, on a chf Az 4 frets conjoined

Arg. (D: Thamzine of the North Sea - Aug 92)
Ermine, a hart lodged & on a chf Az, a Star of David betw 2
crescents Arg. (D: Algernon Hartesmond - Jul 90)
Ermine, a lion couchant Gu, on a chf Az a crescent betw 2 estoiles
Or. (D: Brenna Beldame - Jan 99)
Ermine, a lozenge Sa & on a chf Az a sword reversed Or. (D:
Catherine Elisabeth Stewart - Jul 04)
Ermine, a rose Gu barbed & seeded Vt, on a chf Az 3 crescents Arg.
(D: Kateryn Rous - Nov 98)
Ermine, a wolfs head erased contourny Gu & on a chf Az 3 arrows
palewise Arg. (D: Briag ap Ithail ap Maelgwn - Mar 03)
Ermine, fretty Or, on a chf Az 3 beehives Or. (D: Sibn ingen
Ragnaill - Feb 80)
Ermine, on a sun Az a heart Arg, on a chf Az 3 hearts Arg. (D:
Erich von Grauwald - Dec 96)
Erminois, on a chf Az 2 escallops Or. (D: Giovanni di Cellini Sep 97)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, a quill pen fesswise dependent on a strap
conjoined to its center, a fleece Or, & on a chf Az 2 rapiers
crossed in salt Arg. (D: Aonghus Camshrn Mac aChlirich Jan 94)
Lozengy Arg & Az, a mascle Sa & on a chf Az 2 swans naiant Arg.
(D: Isabeau dAndrea - Mar 94)
Or, a bears paw print & on a chf Az, 2 mullets of seven points Or.
(D: Daniele il Orso - date?)
Or, a beech tree eradicated proper & on a chf Az a pair of gauntlets
clasped Or & Arg. (D: Eadwine be Bocce Sele - Jul 83)
Or, a brown beaver ramp proper, on a chf Az a sun Or. (D:
Genevieve la Sautreour - Nov 98)
Or, a butterfly Purp & on a chf Az a feather reversed Arg. (D:
Ginevra Verrocchi - Jan 03)
Or, a Catherine wheel Vt, on a chf Az 3 frets Or. (D: Scolastica la
souriete - Apr 88)
Or, a Celtic cross Vt & on a chf Az 3 mullets Arg. (D: Mirghrad
inghean Toirdhealbhaigh - Dec 05)
Or, a chess rook & on a chf enarched Az 2 Maltese crosses Or. (D:
Malcolm of Loch Greymist - Dec 93)
Or, a cross of Calatrava Gu & on a chf Az, 3 lyres Or. (D: Geloira
de Sancto Johanne - Dec 93)
Or, a cross of Santiago Purp, on a chf Az 3 Lacy knots Or. (D:
Bronwen Arianwen of Rivenwood Tower - Nov 00)
Or, a dragon ramp & on a chf Az 3 crosses of Jerusalem Or. (D:
Arthur Catfield - Jul 98)
Or, a dragons head couped Vt, detailed Gu, & on a chf Az a
crescent Or. (D: Adrian Freyser - Nov 06)
Or, a drakkar Az, sailed Gu, & on a chf Az, 3 compass roses Or. (D:
Eirik Haarfager Gransson - Jul 91)
Or, a falcon & on a chf Az 3 lozenges Or. (D: Garen of Marion
Glen - Jan 05)
Or, a fess wavy Az betw 3 wolfs heads erased contourny Sa, on a
chf Az, 3 butterflies Or. (D: Carlos Lobo - Jul 04)
Or, a fleur-de-lys Gu, on a chf Az 3 mullets Arg. (D: Elizabeth
Anthony - Dec 96)
Or, a goblet inv & on a chf Az, 3 butterflies disp Or. (D: Kenneth
Edwards - Jul 88)
Or, a Great Horned Owl proper perched atop a Catherine wheel &
on a chf Az 3 open books Arg. (D: Colin of Rollingford Feb 84)
Or, a Greek helm Vt & on a chf enarched Az five mullets of 4
points Or. (D: Cormac mac Seamuis - Nov 99)
Or, a griffin segreant Vt & on a chf Az, a cross crosslet fitchy betw
2 escallops Or. (D: Seamus Glendavar of the Green Mist Feb 85)
Or, a heart per pale Sa & Gu & on a chf Az 2 hearts Arg. (D: Teige
MacLennan the Tinker - Nov 01)
Or, a horse ramp, on a chf Az a serpent erect Or betw 2 bezants. (D:
Chrestienne la Croniere - Feb 00)
Or, a laurel wreath Vt, on a chf Az 3 suns Or. (D: Poll na Gainmhe
- Mar 94)
Or, a lion passant guardant Gu & on a chf Az a swan volant to sin
wings addorsed Arg. (D: Crimthann Mac Giolla Phadraig Dec 03)
Or, a lion ramp guardant Sa & on a chf embat Az an arrow Or. (D:
Racheel Dominique de Brienne - Mar 04)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 487

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Azure]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Azure (continued)

Or, a pale & on a chf Az 3 suns Or. (D: Morgan Buchanan Jan 02)
Or, a palm tree couped & on a chf Az 2 bars Or. (D: Achmere ibn
Tamim - Aug 84)
Or, a patriarchal cross fitchy & on a chf Az 2 stars of David Or. (D:
Magnus ben Judah - Feb 02)
Or, a phoenix disp & on a chf Az 3 estoiles Or. (D: Alexander of
Iffhaven - Dec 86)
Or, a pine tree couped proper & on a chf Az 3 mullets Arg. (D:
Julian Nill - Sep 07)
Or, a portcullis & in chf a pearled coronet, on a chf Az 3 flames Or.
(D: Iefan Colledig ap Dynfwal Abertawe - Apr 07)
Or, a quatrefoil & on a chf Az a salt Or. (D: Mary Ellen le Bret Sep 97)
Or, a raven disp Sa & on a chf Az 3 wolves passant Arg. (D: Alicia
FitzHugh of Ravensworth - Jan 01)
Or, a ruby-throated hummingbird rising proper, on a chf Az 3 oak
leaves bendwise sin inv Or. (D: Ara Aradottir - Dec 07)
Or, a salt betw a decrescent & 3 mullets, on a chf Az 4 thistles Or.
(D: Feargus MacBruce - Jun 92)
Or, a scimitar reversed bendwise sin sustained by an armored arm
fesswise embowed & on a chf Az 3 martlets Or. (D: Konrad
Ryman - Jun 05)
Or, a sea-stag passant reguardant Gu, on a chf Az 3 roses Arg. (D:
Gytha Anora ni Chiarain - Nov 87)
Or, a smiths hammer & tongs in pile Sa, on a chf Az a sword
reversed Arg. (D: Robert Pery Paxton - Jun 93)
Or, a stags attire & on a chf Az 3 laurel wreaths Or. (D:
Hartshorn-dale - Oct 88)
Or, a stags head caboshed Vt, on a chf Az 2 crosses formy Arg. (D:
Elizabeth of Laceby - Aug 84)
Or, a swan naiant Sa & on a chf Az 3 decrescents Arg. (D: Cecily
de Stafford - Mar 96)
Or, a talbots head couped Sa, on a chf Az 3 lozenges Arg. (D:
Angharad ferch Geoffrey ap Owen - May 88)
Or, a tygers head erased Az, engorged with an Eastern Crown Arg;
on a chf Az a quill pen fesswise Or. (B: East, the - Aug 79)
(For the Tyger Clerk of the Signet Office)
Or, a unicorn & on a chf Az 3 passion crosses botonny Or. (B:
Melissent dAulnay - Dec 03)
Or, a water buffalos head caboshed proper, horns embrued Gu, on
a chf Az betw the points of a decrescent bendwise a mullet
enhanced Arg. (D: Moehammed Kasy - Jul 80)
Or, a wolf sejant affronty Sa & on a chf Az, 2 butterflies disp Or.
(D: Eric LEstrange - Sep 88)
Or, a wyvern statant Sa, on a chf Az 3 crosses bottony Arg. (D:
Donecan Grayson - Feb 97)
Or, an eagle disp Gu, on a chf Az 3 winged boots Or. (D: Egil
Thorkelsson Brberg - Feb 00)
Or, an eagle disp, wings inv, on a chf Az 3 mullets Or. (D: Alaric
Akeson - Apr 98)
Or, an elfbolt & on a chf Az 3 decrescents Or. (D: Thra
Jdsardttir - Oct 05)
Or, an escallop inv Vt, on a chf Az 3 compass stars Arg. (D:
Norinna Sewell - Nov 88)
Or, an oak tree Vt, fructed Arg, issuant from a ford proper, betw in
fess 2 acorns inv, & on a chf Az an open book scroll fesswise
Arg. (D: Elon ben Moshe - Aug 85)
Or, an orca haurient embowed Sa, marked Arg, on a chf Az, 2
mullets Arg. (D: Angela of Silverwood - Jun 89)
Or, five open books in salt, on a chf Az 3 laurel wreaths Or. (D:
Boethius - Feb 91)
Or, in fess a quilliq abased Sa enflamed Gu & an inuksuk & on a
chf Az a mullet above five roundels enarched to base, the
center roundel issuant from base Or. (D: Nunavut, Territory of
- Sep 00) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, in pale a carpenters axe reversed & a carpenters square, point
to base, & on a chf Az 3 annulets Or. (D: Roger Carpenter of
Rye - Oct 86)
Or, in salt an arrow inv & a dagger Sa, on a chf Az 3 gillyflowers
Arg, seeded Or. (D: Katherine Gilliesfleur - Dec 83)
Or, issuant from a mount Sa a pine tree Vt, on a chf Az 3 bezants.
(D: Lothar an dem Berg - Jan 94)
Or, on a pile inv Az, a rams head erased Arg, on a chf Az 3
bezants. (D: Ayesha of the Flowing Sands - Aug 88)

488 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Azure (continued)

Or, semy-de-lis Sa, a unicorn salient to sin & on a chf Az 3 Norse

one-legged serpents nowed Or. (D: Kristin Alfhildr of
Trondheim - Aug 86)
Or, 3 inkwells Gu, on a chf Az a drakkar without sail Arg. (D:
Ingrid the Fair - Jul 81)
Or, 3 pheons Gu on a chf Az a pike naiant contourney Or. (D:
Raimund Lateiner - Jul 97)
Or, 3 piles in point Gu, on a chf enarched Az a sword reversed Or.
(D: Andr de Chasseron - Mar 96)
Or, 3 pine trees couped & on a chf Az 3 crosses bottony Or. (D:
Tedric Sprucewood - Mar 95)
Or, 3 towers Sa, on a chf Az a dove disp guardant Arg. (D: Steven
Westbourg of Flanders - Feb 82)
Or, 2 arrows in salt & on a chf Az 3 anchors Or. (D: Samus
Grdaigh - Sep 05)
Paly Vt & Arg, 2 wyverns erect respectant Sa & on a chf Az 3
mullets Arg. (B: Iamys MacMurray de Morayshire - Jun 03)
Per bend Arg & Az, a swan naiant ctrch & on a chf Az 3 roses Arg.
(D: Alisandre Isabeau de la Chapelle - Dec 90)
Per bend indented Gu & Or, on a chf Az, a pale Arg betw 2 fleursde-lis Or. (D: Louis le Blanc lou Boumain - Jan 74?)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 Moors cubit arms in chev issuant from the
flanks proper & a phoenix Arg & on a chf Az 3 annulets Arg.
(D: Jaine Elizabeth Parr - Dec 02)
Per chev Gu & Or, on a chf Az in canton an annulet Or. (D:
Marchias - Jan 81)
Per chev Or & Az, in base a bears head Arg & on a chf Az 3
mullets of eight points Or. (D: Dante Stefani - Feb 96)
Per chev throughout Arg & Sa, a spear Arg, on a chf Az a roundel
square-pierced Or. (D: Gareth the Wanderer - Sep 92)
Per pale & chevronelly Gu & Or, an eagle disp, wings inv, & on a
chf Az 3 patriarchal crosses bottony Or. (D: Alwyn von
Breitscheid - Jan 91)
Per pale Arg & Gu, on a chf Az a mullet Arg. (B: Texas, Republic
of - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per pale Arg & Or, 3 arrows bendwise fretted with 3 others
bendwise sin Sa, on a chf Az a bow Or. (D: Kazimierz
Samostrelov - Sep 94)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a standing balance ctrch & on a chf Az 3 fish
naiant Arg. (D: Alexander Kyppyn Kirkcaldy - Aug 00)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a natural panther & a bear passant respectant
ctrch & on a chf Az 3 cinquefoils Arg. (D: Elena Glamorgan Nov 06)
Per pale Or & Arg, issuing from base a phoenix contourny Az rising
from flames proper & on a chf Az a heart Or betw 2 compass
stars Arg. (D: Queron Devlin OBrian - Jan 91)
Per pale Or & Vt, a stag springing proper & on a chf Az 3 roses Or.
(D: Ciaran MacLeod of Frosted Hills - Aug 95)
Per pale Or & Vt, 2 fir trees couped ctrch & on a chf Az a laurel
wreath betw 2 cups Or. (D: Pendale - Dec 94)
Per pale Purp & Or, 2 swans naiant respectant ctrch, on a chf Az a
unicorn statant Or. (D: Arianwen Elyot - Sep 92)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a cross formy ctrch, on a chf Az 2 birds rising
wings elevated & addorsed each maintaining a spear Arg. (D:
Gareth of Exeter - Oct 99)
Per salt Arg & Az, a compass star throughout ctrch & on a chf Az 3
mullets of 4 points Arg. (D: Sunniva Kyrre - Apr 06)
Per salt Arg & Sa, a dragon & a pegasus combattant Arg & on a chf
Az 3 mullets of 4 points pierced Or. (D: Nasir ibn al-Khazzaz
ibn Qadir - Jan 94)
Per salt Or & Sa, 4 mullets of 4 points ctrch, on a chf Az a lightning
bolt Or. (D: Johannes vom Weidenwald - Sep 92)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a heron volant wings addorsed & on a chf Az a
sword reversed Arg. (D: Melchior zum grauen Wolf - Jun 02)
Sa, a compass star of sixteen points Arg, on a chf Az fimbriated, 3
covered tankards Arg. (D: Thomas DeGuy Bassard - Jul 81)
Sa, a tyger sejant erect Or, upon a chf Az fimbriated Or, 3 mullets
of six points Or. (D: Astrum Excubitorius of Alexandria Oct 76?)
Tierced per fess Az, Gu, & Az, a lion passant guardant betw 4
roses, 3 & one, Arg, barbed & seeded Or. (D: Maelgwyn de
Lyonesse - Jan 76?)
Vair, on a chf Az 3 escutcheons Or. (D: Loren of Lindisfarne Apr 98)
Vairy Arg & Sa, on a chf Az a dragon ramp Or. (D: Darius Drake
Blackacre - Jun 03)

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Azure] to [Chief - Charged - Plain line - Gules]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Azure (continued)

Vt, a dragon involved to sin Arg, in chf a sword fesswise reversed

Or quilloned Arg, on a chf Az fimbriated 3 estoiles Arg. (D:
Marc Arianddraig o mynydd du - Mar 78?)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Fur

Az, a lute bendwise Or beneath five bezants in fess arched & on a

chf pean a sin hand couped reversed & a dexter hand couped
Arg. (D: Ergard Joelson - Feb 82)
Az, 2 lions ramp, addorsed & respectant, Or, on a chf erminois an
increscent Az. (D: Matthew the Taylors Son - Mar 88)
Az, 2 natural dolphins in annulo Arg & on a chf ermine a stag at
gaze proper. (D: Tatiana Kionova - Feb 05)
Counter-ermine, an eagles talon couped bendwise sin Or, on a chf
ermine 3 hearts Gu. (D: Catherine Lacy de la Roche Dec 95)
Gu, a boars head couped Or, on a chf ermine 3 gouttes de larmes.
(D: Richard Larmer - Apr 97)
Gu, a fox sejant the dexter forepaw resting on a heart Arg, on a chf
ermine 3 hawks lures Gu. (D: Marion de Pax Ford - Jun 96)
Gu, a pale & a fess fretted with a mascle Arg, on a chf counterermine 2 roses Or. (D: Leif Haraldsen - Feb 89)
Gu, a snow leopard couchant, tail & head elevated, proper, on a chf
pean a mushroom Arg. (D: Kynan Wyllt - May 86)
Gu, 2 swords crossed in salt Arg, on a chf ermine 2 roses proper.
(D: Philipe du Lac - Jun 01)
Or, a quill pen bendwise sin Sa & on a chf counter-ermine an
Egyptian sphinx couchant Or. (D: Mary Cats the Minikin Oct 90)
Or semy-de-lys Gu, a griffin segreant Sa & on a chf counterermine
a fleur-de-lys Or. (D: William of Dragonship Haven May 97)
Purp, a ram statant Arg & on a chf ermine 3 harps Gu. (D:
Tryphena von Stargard - Feb 98)
Purp, on a chf erminois a rod fesswise Arg. (D: Ivan Dragonstone date?)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a cross Arg, on a chf ermine a mullet Sa. (D:
Chirhart Blackstar - Mar 83)
Sa, a single-headed chess knight contourny Arg, on a chf erminois 3
roses proper. (D: Winifred of Rosemere - Oct 99)
Vt, a tower pean betw 2 eagles close addorsed Or, on a chf ermine,
a sword fesswise Gu. (D: Malcolm Angus Gunn - Aug 86)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Gules

Arg, a batwinged natural tiger ramp guardant contourny Gu striped

Sa wings disp Az, on a chf Gu 3 thistles slipped & leaved Arg.
(D: Dafydd ap Emrys - Jun 98)
Arg, a bear ramp & on a chf Gu 3 Latin crosses formy Arg. (D:
Arthur Red - Apr 03)
Arg, a bear ramp to sin Sa & on a chf Gu a heart betw 2 oak leaves
Or. (D: Ulfarr inn frkni - Nov 04)
Arg, a bears head erased contourny Sa, on a chf enarched Gu 2
warhammers hafts to center, heads to base Or. (D: Antonio el
Oso - Jan 91)
Arg, a bend Az, overall a wyvern statant, on a chf Gu 3 polled cows
heads caboshed Arg. (D: Ulrich Maximilian Neidlinger May 95)
Arg, a bend sin Az & on a chf Gu, a hanging balance Or. (D: Adam
Jason Sauvitch - Jan 07)
Arg, a blackletter initial B betw 2 birch leaves Sa, on a chf Gu a
lion passant guardant Arg. (D: John the Brewer - Jan 97)
Arg, a boar statant & on a chf Gu an arrow Or. (D: Edward
MacTavisch - Dec 07)
Arg, a cat herissant & on a chf Gu, 2 wings conjoined in vol Arg.
(D: Stefan Laskwski - Sep 88)
Arg, a catamount sejant contourny & on a chf Gu 3 lilies Arg. (D:
Arelinda Poincelin - Feb 03)
Arg, a cauldron Sa & on a chf Gu five hearts Arg. (D: Helga
Tynker - Aug 05)
Arg, a chev betw 3 cinquefoils & on a chf Gu, 2 jewelers hammers
in salt Arg. (D: Juenevere de Cleres - Feb 87)
Arg, a domestic cat passant guardant herissony Sa, on a chf Gu, a
decrescent betw 2 mullets Arg. (D: Rundaeg von Trier Apr 90)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Gules (continued)

Arg, a double-headed eagle & on a chf Gu 3 roundels ermine. (D:

Finn Folhare - Apr 03)
Arg, a dragon passant, on a chf Gu 3 towers Arg. (D: Angharad
ferch Maredudd - Jun 95)
Arg, a dragon segreant Vt, on a chf Gu 2 needles crossed in salt
betw 2 thimbles Or. (D: Tanglust wraig Brychan - Dec 00)
Arg, a dragonfly Sa on a chf Gu 3 lilies Arg. (D: Sibyl of
Amberhall - Jun 94)
Arg, a dragons head affronty betw in fess 2 dragons heads
addorsed, all conjoined at the neck, & on a chf enarched Gu a
laurel wreath Arg. (D: Windwyrm - Oct 83)
Arg, a fan Sa, on a chf Gu a compass star Or. (D: Ysabell Graver Aug 98)
Arg, a flamingo close & on a chf Gu, 3 lilies Arg. (B: Arelinda
Poincelin - Jul 06) (For Auguste Herbert)
Arg, a foxs head erased & sin facing Sa, langued, & on a chf Gu 3
bezants. (D: Kasia Blackfox - Aug 87)
Arg, a frog Vt & on a chf Gu 3 estoiles Arg. (D: Genevieve le Fey Dec 04)
Arg, a griffin passant Gu maintaining a sheaf of needles Sa, on a chf
Gu 3 caravels Arg. (D: Gwenddwyn Hardd - Jul 97)
Arg, a griffin segreant & on a chf Gu, 3 crescents Arg. (D:
Ceridwen o Fachynlleth - Mar 88)
Arg, a griffin sejant Sa, on a chf Gu a crescent Or. (D: Seth
MacAlpine - Dec 95)
Arg, a harp Sa & on a chf Gu a sword Arg. (D: Raymund of
Tadecastre - May 94)
Arg, a heart Sa, on a chf doubly-enarched Gu a seax fesswise
reversed & inv Arg. (D: Ashlynn Blackhart - Apr 99)
Arg, a herring haurient & on a chf Gu 3 annulets Arg. (D:
Stephania Hering - Nov 93)
Arg, a hurst of pine trees couped Vt, on a chf Gu 3 lions passant
guardant Or. (D: Sion ap Arthur - Jun 98)
Arg, a ladybug Gu marked Sa & on a chf Gu 2 roses Arg barbed Vt
& seeded Gu. (D: Elizabeth of Roxbury Mill - Oct 05)
Arg, a lamb passant Sa maintaining a hollybush proper & on a chf
Gu 3 saltorels Arg. (D: Rosamunde of Axbridge - Feb 92)
Arg, a leaping hart Sa, orbed Arg, on a chf Gu 3 violets seeded
proper fesswise. (D: Karen of the Hartwood - Sep 73?)
Arg, a lion sejant erect grasping a spear & on a chf Gu 2 laurel
wreaths Arg. (D: Lyonsmarche - Feb 96)
Arg, a lyre Gu betw 3 torteaux, a chf Gu semy-de-lys Arg. (D:
Adon Gerhardt de Languedoc - Jun 92)
Arg, a mermaid, in her vanity & sin facing, on a chf Gu, 3 escallops
Arg. (D: Magdalena vander Meere - Feb 90)
Arg, a natural dolphin haurient Az & on a chf Gu 3 hearts Arg. (D:
Gillian Trenowyth - Feb 05)
Arg, a pair of open scissors points to chf Sa & on a chf Gu 2 open
books Arg. (D: Nicolette Thomas - Aug 03)
Arg, a peacock in his pride Az, tailed Vt, on a chf Gu 3 hair combs
Or. (D: Onora OToole - Nov 94)
Arg, a pegasus passant pean, on a chf Gu 2 winged cats sejant
affronty, wings disp Or. (D: Mistylla of the Misty Isle Nov 92)
Arg, a phoenix & on a chf Gu, a fire-arrow reversed Arg. (D:
Sindokht Bayt al-Herati - Jun 93)
Arg, a phoenix Vt rising from flames & on a chf Gu 3 crescents Or.
(D: Antonio Giovanni Cellini - Oct 01)
Arg, a rabbit ramp Sa, on a chf Gu, 3 compass stars Arg. (D:
Alberic Haak - Jun 95)
Arg, a raven rising wings disp Sa, on a chf Gu 3 pairs of arrows inv
in salt Arg. (D: Andr du Corbeau - Dec 04)
Arg, a reindeer salient contourny Sa & on a chf Gu 3 coronets Arg.
(D: sa Starradttir - Aug 05)
Arg, a salt & on a chf Gu a monkey statant Arg collared & chained
Or. (D: Edwardus Honestus - May 96)
Arg, a shakefork & on a chf Gu 3 quatrefoils Arg. (D: Katheryn
Cunningghame - Mar 06)
Arg, a sin gauntlet aversant Az & on a chf Gu 3 crosses of ermine
spots Arg. (D: Alwin of Nottinghill Coill - Apr 94)
Arg, a sin hand, fingers spread, Vt, in chf five torteaux in fess
enarched, on a chf Gu a jesters bauble fesswise Or, capped Vt.
(D: Jasper of Spaldyng - Dec 89)
Arg, a sprig of 3 oak leaves fructed Vt & on a chf Gu 3 hearts Arg.
(D: Ragnvald Joransson Ek - Jun 92)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 489

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Gules]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Gules (continued)

Arg, a sun Sa, on a chf Gu a demi-lion erect issuant Arg. (D:

Vladimir ap Gwynne - Jun 80)
Arg, a swan naiant Sa beaked, on a chf Gu 3 suns Or. (D: Deredere
Galbraith - Jul 01)
Arg, a tower Sa, on a chf Gu a vol Arg. (D: Brychan ap Frideric Aug 96)
Arg, a tulip Vt flowered issuant from base & on a chf Gu 2 lions
passant guardant respectant Or. (D: Beldina of Caer Galen Oct 01)
Arg, a 2-headed wolf, queue forchy & ramp to sin, Vt, on a chf Gu,
3 escallops inv Arg. (D: Derdriu OFionnghail of Clare Feb 90)
Arg, a weeping willow tree Az & on a chf Gu a lute reversed Arg.
(D: Jacques Chanson dOsier - Jun 05)
Arg, a weeping willow tree blasted & eradicated, on a chf Gu 2
geese close respectant Arg. (D: Rosamund du Grasse Jun 05)
Arg, a wingless dragon dormant involved in annulo Purp & on a chf
Gu 3 pheons inv Arg. (D: Evelyn Macrae - Feb 02)
Arg, a wingless dragon Gu involved around a landsknechts great
sword Sa, on a chf Gu 3 fleurs-de-lis or. (D: Eloise of
Lancaster - Aug 79)
Arg, a wolf ramp maintaining 2 arrows inv Sa & on a chf enarched
Gu a demi-sun Or. (D: Zachary Wolfhunter - Aug 96)
Arg, a wolf ramp, on a chf Gu 3 hammers Arg. (D: Magni Ulfsson
- Aug 98)
Arg, a wolf ramp to sin Sa & on a chf Gu in pale a rolled scroll & a
quill reversed Or. (D: Wolfgang von Volkersheim - Aug 83)
Arg, a wolfs head erased affronty Sa, on a chf Gu a cross Arg. (D:
John Blackwolf - Mar 93)
Arg, a wolfs head erased Sa, within a laurel wreath Vt & on a chf
Gu 3 lozenges Arg. (D: Ulvberget - Aug 94)
Arg, an African leopard passant proper; on a chf Gu 3 fleurs-de-lys
Or. (B: Eloise of Lancaster - May 85)
Arg, in fess 2 annulets interlaced & on a chf Gu a quill pen
bendwise sin Arg. (D: Lisette de Meyners - May 99)
Arg, issuant from an island Vt a hurst of oak trees proper & on a chf
Gu a lion passant guardant Or. (D: Prince Edward Island Jan 98) (Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, on a chf Gu 3 ermine spots Arg. (D: Henna of Redsand Sep 00)
Arg, on a salt betw 4 suns Gu an owl Arg & on a chf Gu 3 Celtic
crosses Or. (D: Brighid N Chilln - Jun 94)
Arg semy of hearts, a gauntlet Gu within an orle Purp, on a chf Gu a
rapier Arg. (D: Guillaume de la Rapire - Aug 92)
Arg, 3 bears pawprints Sa, on a chf Gu a fish Arg. (D: Bassi inn
fiskni Einarsson - Feb 07)
Arg, 3 crosses crosslet Sa, on a chf Gu a quill pen fesswise Or. (D:
Justin of Kent - Aug 96)
Arg, 3 pallets Vt, on a chf Gu a martlet Arg. (D: Margaret de
Trobrigge - Jun 89)
Arg, 3 wolves courant Sa & on a chf Gu 3 arrows palewise Arg. (D:
Ivan of Summergate - Apr 07)
Arg, 2 arrows inv in salt Sa, fletched, on a chf Gu, a tyger dormant
Or. (D: Kane Redfeather - Oct 89)
Arg, 2 cherries Gu slipped & leaved conjoined at the stems Vt & on
a chf Gu 3 cartouches fesswise Arg. (D: Meuris of Antioch May 05)
Arg, 2 dolphins haurient respectant & on a chf Gu 3 hearts Or. (D:
Catrin Brynmorgan - Oct 99)
Arg, 2 lozenges in pale & on a chf Gu 2 saltorels couped Arg. (D:
Gerdhny Gunnarsdottir - Aug 85)
Arg, 2 single-bitted axes in salt & on a chf Gu 3 recorders palewise
Arg. (D: Gunnarr skld orvaldsson - Jun 02)
Arg, 2 talbots addorsed ramp reguardant, tails coward, Sa, & on a
chf Gu 3 mullets of 4 points Arg. (D: Margarete of
Stirlingshire - Apr 91)
Arg, 2 tusks tips crossed in salt & on a chf Gu 3 roses Arg. (D:
Katherine Kyle - Jan 94)
Barry dancetty & paly Az & Arg, an annulet & on a chf Gu in sin a
sword hilt inv with blade stub Arg. (D: Giulianno Giovanni
Lapcevic - Aug 81)
Barry pily Or & Az, a Catherine wheel & on a chf Gu, 3 compass
stars, elongated to base, Arg. (D: Katrine the Outlandish Nov 89)

490 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Gules (continued)

Barry wavy Arg & Az, on a chf Gu 3 garbs Or. (D: Gudrun in
spaka - Feb 03)
Bendy Or & Az, on a chf Gu 3 bears jambes bendwise couped one
& 2 Or. (D: Elwisia Mouche de Voujeaucourt - Mar 02)
Checky Sa & Arg, on a chf Gu a water bouget Or. (D: Durnhardt
of Altenau - Dec 81)
Checky Sa & Or, on a chf Gu 3 fleurs-de-lis Or. (D: Bryce de
Byram - Apr 98)
Counter-vairy Or & Az, an increscent & on a chf Gu a lion dormant
Or. (D: Paulina Cline - Nov 91)
Ermine, a Continental panther ramp Gu incensed Az, on a chf Gu a
sword reversed proper. (D: Dunstan of Manchester - Jul 98)
Ermine, a Coptic cross & on a chf Gu 3 chess rooks ermine. (D:
Duncan Malcolm MacDougall - Sep 95)
Ermine, a tower Vt & on a chf Gu 3 lions heads couped Arg. (D:
Antonio Franco di Milano - Apr 92)
Ermine, on a chf Gu 3 roses Arg. (D: Merit de la Rose - Jan 01)
Erminois, a cinquefoil & on a chf Gu 3 crescents Arg. (D: Tatiana
the Red - Aug 06)
Erminois, an Emperor penguin statant to sin proper & on a chf Gu 3
roses Or. (D: Jessica Attenborough - Dec 85)
Erminois, fretty Gu, a chf Gu, semy of cinquefoils Or. (D: Thibault
MacDonald Elliot de Valenciennes - Nov 88)
Gyronny Az & Arg, on a chf Gu 3 Maltese crosses Arg. (D: Turvon
Kuznetsov - Jan 03)
Gyronny Or & Sa, a wolfs head cabossed Arg, on a chf Gu 3
crescents Or. (D: Alasdair Iain Caimbeul - Nov 90)
Gyronny Or & Vt, a duck disp, head to sin, Arg, on a chf Gu, 3
fleurs-de-lis Arg. (D: Guillermo da Firenze - Apr 89)
Lozengy Arg & Az, a wyvern passant Or, on a chf Gu 3 plates. (D:
Roderick Montclaire - Jan 84)
Lozengy Arg & Az, 2 brown bears ramp reguardant proper, on a chf
Gu 3 crosses couped Or. (D: Thorbjorn Kristiansson Apr 01)
Lozengy bendwise Arg & Az, on a chf Gu 3 seebltter Or. (D: Jost
von Aichstadt - May 08)
Lozengy ermine & Sa, an owl statant guardant to sin, wings disp, on
a chf Gu, five annulets fretted in fess Or. (D: Patricia of
Wyvernwood - Feb 89)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, a cross Or & on a chf Gu 3 lighted candles Or.
(D: Hrodgar Hohenwolf - Apr 86)
Or, a bear ramp maintaining a mace bendwise sin & on a chf Gu 3
edelweiss blossoms Arg. (D: Thorin bjarnkarl - Jul 05)
Or, a bull passant Sa, on a chf Gu an arrow reversed Or. (D:
Thomas Bowyer of Whiteparish - Oct 98)
Or, a bulls head couped Gu, armed, orbed, & ringed in the nose Sa,
& on a chf enarched Gu 3 sets of as many annulets interlaced
inv Or. (D: Bizek the Tyne - Sep 05)
Or, a castle Sa, on a chf Gu 3 compass stars elongated to base Or, &
on a base Gu a compass star elongated to base Or. (D: Susan
of Wight - Dec 99)
Or, a demi-griffin, on a chf Gu, 3 bezants. (D: Siglinde von
Hartberg - Oct 91)
Or, a double-headed eagle Sa, on a chf Gu 2 scorpions fesswise
respectant Or. (D: Lucius Evangelista - Dec 05)
Or, a drakkar & on a chf Gu 2 lions passant addorsed, tails
interlaced, Or. (D: Dagmar Pate Paty of Smland - Jun 83)
Or, a feather, on a chf Gu a pair of manacles Or. (D: Hans the
Gentle - Jan 96)
Or, a galley, oars in action, Sa, sails furled, within an orle invected
& voided, on a chf Gu a griffin passant Or. (D: Geoffrey de la
Mer - Nov 86)
Or, a horses head cabossed Sa & on a chf Gu an arrow Or. (D:
Rosalind of Castle Rising - Jan 92)
Or, a mermaid, on a chf Gu 3 catamounts heads cabossed Or. (D:
Mary of Lyonshall - Aug 98)
Or, a oak tree fructed proper & on a chf Gu 3 stags attires Or. (D:
Hirsch Ross Eichmann - Apr 97)
Or, a pale & on a chf Gu, 3 tankards, lidded with boars heads, Or.
(D: Aislynn Ulfbearn - Feb 89)
Or, a peacock in its pride proper on a chf Gu a natural leopard
passant Or spotted Sa. (D: Margaida da Gama - Aug 01)
Or, a phoenix contourny Sa issuant from flames, on a chf Gu 3 pairs
of axes in salt Or. (D: Gilla Ptraic hUa Branin - Jun 07)
Or, a robin proper & on a chf Gu 3 apples slipped & leaved Or. (D:
Elna Krsdttir - Mar 07)

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Gules] to [Chief - Charged - Plain line - Multicolor]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Gules (continued)

Or, a rose & on a chf Gu, 3 frets Or. (D: Theodosia of Goldenvale Feb 88)
Or, a serpent nowed Vt & on a chf Gu 3 trefoils Or. (D:
Fionnghuala inghean Diarmada - May 02)
Or, a sprig of holly bendwise inv Vt, fructed, & a chf Gu, fretty Or.
(D: Grazia Geralda Loviza de Navarra - Sep 89)
Or, a straight trumpet fesswise Gu betw 2 annulets Sa, on a chf Gu
3 bezants. (D: Gabriella Okehorn - Jun 87)
Or, a swan naiant Sa on a chf Gu a cross fleuretty betw 2 fleurs-delis Or. (D: Batrice de Chteauneuf - Nov 94)
Or, a swan rousant Sa, collared, on a chf Gu, 3 roses Arg, barbed &
seeded proper. (D: Frances Gorges - Apr 90)
Or, a swan rousant wings disp Sa & on a chf Gu 3 suns Or. (D:
Isidora Elleva - Mar 01)
Or, a sword inv, on a chf Gu a straight trumpet Or. (B: Damian von
Baden - Sep 98) (For Company of Saint Oswald)
Or, a thunderbolt & on a chf Gu 3 squirrels each holding in its
forepaws a nut, Or. (D: Thorkel berserkr Gormsson - Dec 91)
Or, a tower & on a chf Gu 3 estoiles Or. (D: Miguel Javier de
Murcia - Mar 97)
Or, a tree blasted & eradicated Sa within a laurel wreath Vt, on a
chf Gu, a lightning bolt bendwise sin Or. (D: Coille Stoirmeil
- Aug 89)
Or, a triple towered tower Sa within a laurel wreath & on a chf Gu a
griffin passant Or, for augmentation, the tower charged with a
sun in its splendor Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Welfengau Dec 01)
Or, a triple-towered tower Sa within a laurel wreath & on a chf Gu a
griffin passant Or. (D: Welfengau - Feb 87)
Or, a triskele & on a chf Gu 2 mullets of six points Arg. (D: Fne
ingen eda - Feb 05)
Or, a turnip Purp, leaved Vt & on a chf Gu 3 bees proper. (D:
Ysabelot Clarisse - Feb 06)
Or, a 2-tailed merman maintaining above his head a trident fesswise
Sa, on a chf Gu 3 fountains. (D: Tristan Rory de Jorz Jan 92)
Or, a winged cat sejant Sa & on a chf Gu 3 open books Or. (D:
Samus mac Rin - Aug 06)
Or, a winged sea-dragon erect Vt & on a chf Gu a cross crosslet
fleury concave Arg. (D: Ellisena de Bayonne - Mar 88)
Or, a wolf & a stag salient respectant & on a chf Gu 3 suns Or. (D:
Deirdre of Lochmere - Apr 07)
Or, a wolf sejant contourny ululant Sa, a chf Gu semy of pawprints
fesswise reversed Or. (D: Ana de Moravia - Dec 98)
Or, a wolfs head couped Sa & on a chf Gu, a dragon passant Or.
(D: Caradog y Blaidd - Apr 98)
Or, a wyvern erect, wings disp, Vt, on a chf Gu 3 broad arrows Or.
(D: Demetrius of Wyvern Hollow - Oct 87)
Or, an apple & on a chf Gu a griffin passant Or. (D: Frderic de
Cherbourg - Sep 91)
Or, an apple tree Gu fructed Or, on a chf Gu a crescent betw 2
roundels Or. (D: Eudoxia Antonina - Feb 06)
Or, an eagles head erased & on a chf Gu a mallet fesswise Or. (D:
Kirsten Munro - Jan 96)
Or, an oak tree eradicated Sa & on a chf Gu an eagle disp, wings
inv, Arg. (D: Gavin Draeger of Quietwood - Mar 92)
Or chausse rayonny Gu, 3 man-lions ramp guardant Sa & on a chf
Gu 3 estoiles Or. (D: Brigit OBreslin - Oct 92)
Or ermined Gu, a unicorn salient to sin Az, on a chf Gu a spoon
reversed Or. (D: Fiona Gilanders - Nov 92)
Or, 4 piles issuant fesswise from sin Az, on a chf Gu 2 lures Arg.
(D: Algirdas Wolthus - May 89)
Or, issuant from a base wavy barry wavy Az & Arg a lymphad
proper flagged & on a chf Gu a lion passant guardant Or. (D:
New Brunswick - Jan 98) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, on a chf Gu 3 crosses moline Or. (D: Aurenca Mouly - Sep 03)
Or, on a heart Gu, a cross fleury Or, on a chf Gu 4 fleurs-de-lys Or.
(D: Rene Marie Dubois - Mar 94)
Or, on a pale endorsed Gu a cat sejant affronty Or & on a chf Gu a
Coptic cross Or. (D: Damiana bint al-Katib - Sep 02)
Or, 3 bulls heads cabossed & on a chf Gu a lion passant Or. (D:
Isabella Candeloro - Sep 05)
Or, 3 harps Az, on a chf Gu 3 cups Or. (D: Gleowine Barding of
Bardingham - Aug 87)
Or, 3 pine trees couped proper & on a chf Gu a spoon fesswise Or.
(D: Deicyn Moel - Apr 00)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Gules (continued)

Or, 3 pine trees in fess eradicated Gu, overall a dragon passant

coward Sa, & on a chf Gu a rapier Arg. (B: Drachenwald Nov 03) (For Order of the Dragons Steel)
Or, 3 sprigs of oak Vt fructed proper, on a chf Gu a lion dormant
Or. (D: Mealla inghean u Shiridein - Jan 98)
Or, 3 tuns & on a chf Gu 3 goblets Or. (D: Howel Pascoe Feb 07)
Or, 2 feathers in salt & on a chf Gu, a Manx cat passant Or. (D:
Mwynwen ferch Dingarth - May 93)
Or, 2 halberds in salt Sa, on a chf Gu a mullet of five greater & five
lesser points Arg. (B: Bryn Gwlad - Jan 87) (For the
Baronial Guard)
Or, 2 horses combattant Sa, on a chf enarched Gu 3 triskelions of
legs Or. (D: Godfrey Avonsford - Feb 98)
Or, 2 lions combattant, on a chf Gu a foi Or. (D: Miriam of Ried
bei Kerzers - Jul 99)
Paly Sa & Or, a wingless dragon passant on a chf Gu 4 castles Or.
(D: Richard Eagle Eye - Jan 87)
Pean, on a chf Gu 2 pairs of annulets, each pair fretted, Or, & on a
point pointed Arg, a mailed fist appaumy Sa. (D: Michael
Bohun - Sep 88)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a squirrel ctrch, on a chf Gu 3 hazelnuts Arg.
(D: John of Hazelmere - Jan 83)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a wolf ramp to sin Sa, on a chf Gu 3 quill
pens bendwise Arg. (D: Hrlfr Brynjlfsson - Jun 98)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, 2 roundels ctrch & on a chf Gu 3 tai-chi
fesswise proper. (D: Margarite McBridin - Dec 03)
Per chev Or & Az, an eagle disp ctrch, on a chf Gu 3 Maltese
crosses Arg. (D: Roelandt Storme van Raedt - Dec 99)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a foxs mask ctrch on a chf Gu 3 crosses formy
Arg. (D: Ulric von Vohburg - Nov 01)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a tree eradicated & blasted ctrch & on a chf Gu a
hammer fesswise Sa, fimbriated Arg. (D: Abdur Rahman
Curom Memo Hazara Khan-ad-Din - Mar 84)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a cross flory & on a chf Gu 3 roses Arg barbed
Vt. (D: Rosa Maria da Cosenza - Sep 03)
Per pale Or & Sa, a Bourchier knot ctrch, on a chf Gu, 2 bees Or.
(D: Anne McHenry - Oct 89)
Per pale Or & Sa, an eagle ctrch & on a chf Gu 2 keys in salt wards
to chf Arg. (D: Meheldis von Fulda - May 05)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a double-headed eagle ctrch, on a chf Gu 3
caltrops Arg. (D: Thaddeus von Orlamnde - Sep 04)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a lion ramp ctrch, on a chf Gu, 2
chrysanthemum flowers in profile Or. (D: Bera Gunnarsdttir
- Oct 89)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a mask of tragedy & a mask of comedy ctrch &
on a chf Gu a crescent Or. (D: Samuel Tynker - Jun 04)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a roundel betw in fess an increscent & a
decrescent ctrch, on a chf Gu 3 triskeles Arg. (D: Douceline
de la Hay - Jul 99)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 bears combattant ctrch & on a chf Gu 3
bezants. (D: ra ttarsdttir - Jan 03)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 oak trees eradicated conjoined in fess ctrch, on
a chf Gu 3 acorns Or. (D: Amber of Hallsflor - Dec 84)
Per pale Vt & Or, 2 lions combattant ctrch, on a chf Gu, 3 pairs of
needles in salt Or. (D: Brendan OFarrell - Jun 99)
Pily bendy sin Arg & Az, a wolfs head caboshed & on a chf Gu, 3
hammers Or. (D: Fredrich Gerebrand - Jun 04)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a cross couped & on a chf Gu, 3 grenades Or,
enflamed proper. (D: Elrik Skap-Vargr - Oct 89)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, 4 dragons segreant ctrch on a chf Gu 3 mullets
of eight points Arg. (D: Andrei Donatovich Medvednikov Dec 95)
Sa, a leopards head cabossed Or, on a chf enarched Gu, fimbriated,
a dexter gauntlet fesswise Arg. (D: Carandalis of Ryge May 81)
Vair, a magpie Sa & on a chf Gu 3 annulets Or. (D: Magdalina
Ilianova - Mar 05)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Multicolor

Arg, a bears head erased contourny Sa & on a chf per pale Gu &
Az 3 estoiles of eight rays Or. (D: Katinka von Trifels Aug 96)
Arg, a butterfly Gu, on a chf checky Sa & Arg 3 mullets Gu. (D:
Ophelia Wortman - Mar 96)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 491

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Multicolor] to [Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Not above]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Multicolor (continued)

Arg, a cross potent throughout Sa & on a chf paly Or & Gu 4 towers

Sa. (B: Brut von Kln - Apr 07)
Arg, a sword bendwise sin Or, hilted Vt, & on a chf per pale Or &
Az, in sin 2 fleurs-de-lis Or. (D: Jhondo Oakenshield Jan 74?)
Az, a sun Or & on a chf checky Az & Arg 3 laurel wreaths Or. (D:
Camden Tor - Apr 98)
Ermine, 2 falcons close Gu, belled & jessed, the jesses tied together
in a Bourchier knot, Or & on a chf per salt Sa & Or, a salt
ctrch. (D: Duncan MacLachlan VcLeoid - Jan 91)
Gu, a boar ramp to sin Arg & on a chf checky Arg & Sa 3 acorns
Gu. (D: Arias the Innkeepers Daughter - Jan 06)
Gu, 3 pallets counter-ermine, on a chf ctrch 3 wiverns heads
couped Arg. (D: Dylan ab Aneirin y Brenddwydiwr - Oct 79)
Gyronny Or & Sa, on a chf per pale Sa & Or 3 crosses crosslet
fitchy ctrch. (D: Kevin Langdon - Aug 84)
Or, a hunting horn Gu stringed Az & on a chf checky Arg & Gu a
label of 4 points Az. (D: Andreas Tillman von Severin Aug 96) (re-registration)
Or, a hunting horn reversed Gu stringed Az & on a chf checky Arg
& Gu a label of 4 points Az. (D: Andreas Tillman von Severin
- Jun 95) (re-registered with new blazon 9608D)
Per pale Arg & Az, a compass rose & on a chf 3 crosses crosslet all
ctrch. (D: Illtyd Llynllydaw the Scot - Jun 85)
Per pale Arg & Az, a crescent & on a chf 3 mullets of 4 points all
ctrch. (D: Aziza al-Kashani - Feb 91)
Per pale Arg & Az, a cross fleury fitchy & on a chf 3 fleurs-de-lys
ctrch. (D: Geoffrey de Rennes - Aug 07)
Per pale Arg & Az, a pair of wings conjoined inv & in base a
serpent involved deasil, head in sin base, & on a chf 2 estoiles,
all ctrch. (D: Linda of Flanders - Jul 84)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a fret ctrch, on a chf per pale Vt & Arg, 3
lozenges ctrch. (D: Morag Freyser - Jan 90)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a wyvern disp, breathing flames, & on a chf 3
wheels, all ctrch. (D: Kipp Silverlock - Oct 82)
Per pale Arg & Purp, 3 butterflies & on a chf 3 annulets ctrch. (D:
Cassandra or waun - Oct 02)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a double-headed eagle disp, on a chf 3 mullets
of eight points ctrch. (D: Auver de Ver - Apr 00)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a fret couped & on a chf 3 frets couped ctrch.
(D: Jared of Castlewood - Jan 93)
Per pale Arg & Sa, an oak leaf Vt, on a chf per pale Sa & Arg, 3
mullets ctrch. (D: Roddhu Oakburn - Oct 84)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 war hammers respectant, & on a chf 2
caltrops, all ctrch. (D: Sigmund Schwarzwald - Jul 82)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 wolves combattant, on a chf enarched, a
roundel betw an increscent & a decrescent ctrch. (D:
Gwalchmai ap Bledig - Sep 89)
Per pale Az & Arg, a chf goutty ctrch. (D: Heilyn de Highwater Jun 99)
Per pale Az & Arg, a dolphin haurient & a cockatrice erect, on a chf
a dragon couchant guardant all ctrch. (D: Katherine of
Anglesey - Mar 94)
Per pale Az & Arg a Lacy knot, on a chf 3 triskeles all ctrch. (D:
Mr Din Ruaid - Oct 97)
Per pale Az & Arg, a windmill & on a chf ctrch in fess 2 fleurs-delys Az, banded Or, & 2 lilies Arg slipped & leaved Or. (B:
Andre Louis de Vincennes - Mar 85) (JB: Anastasia
Vanessara iz Chernigova)
Per pale Az & Arg, a wyvern passant & on a chf an arrow point to
dexter ctrch. (D: Elsa von Bayreuth - Nov 91)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 hares salient respectant ctrch Arg & Sa, on a
chf per pale Arg & Az 3 cinquefoils ctrch Sa & Arg. (D:
Ceara inghean u Mhadadhin - Oct 07)
Per pale Az & Or, a castle Sa & on a chf 3 caltrops all ctrch. (D:
Jared Wolfe of Shadow Keep - Aug 86)
Per pale Az & Or, on a chf 2 mullets all ctrch. (D: Rosalie of
Blackheath - Nov 95)
Per pale Az & Or, 3 chevrons braced & on a chf 2 eagles all ctrch.
(D: Jairus of the Darklands - Sep 93)
Per pale Az & Or, 2 lions couchant respectant & on a chf 2 cats
pawprints ctrch. (D: tan ingen Domnaill - Jan 04)
Per pale Gu & Or, 3 armoured legs in triskelion & on a chf 3
escallops inv, all ctrch. (D: Urban Cheeseshank - Nov 89)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a cockatrice disp Or, on a chf counter-compony
Gu & Arg 3 garbs Or. (D: Nikolai Sazhka Kolosov - Apr 04)
492 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Multicolor (continued)

Per pale Or & Gu, a squirrel sejant erect guardant Sa maintaining in

dexter forepaw an empty wooden drop spindle proper, a chf
semy-de-lys ctrch. (D: Sine ni Mharbhen - Nov 07)
Per pale Or & Purp, fretty overall ctrch, on a chf per pale Purp &
Or, 2 nags heads erased aspectant, all ctrch. (D: Courtnay
Lettice de Varnay - Jun 88)
Per pale Purp & Arg, a horses head couped & a harp reversed & on
a chf an arrow all ctrch. (D: Laurencia de Saint Germain Jul 97)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 2 sharks haurient embowed respectant, on a
chf 2 Maltese crosses all ctrch. (D: Antonio Cellini - Apr 99)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a bat disp, on a chf enarched 3 crescents, all
ctrch. (D: Kathryn Amber Roche - Feb 90)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a theatrical mask, comic to dexter, tragic to sin,
ctrch & on a chf indented per pale Arg & Purp, a chain of five
mascles ctrch. (D: Dorren of Ashwell - Nov 86)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a vol, on a chf a sun in splendour & a
decrescent, all ctrch. (D: Dubthach Raghailligh - Jan 07)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a wolf & a hare salient addorsed & on a chf 3
mullets of six points ctrch. (D: Enoch MacBain - Oct 02)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a wolf ramp to sin, maintaining a sword
bendwise sin, on a chf 3 fleurs-de-lys, all ctrch. (D: Christian
de la Croix - Feb 89)
Per pale Sa & Arg, in salt a quill & a sword inv & on a chf 2
wolves heads caboshed all ctrch. (D: Donato el Lobo Mar 85)
Per pale Sa & Arg, on a chf five saltorels throughout conjoined &
ctrch. (D: Katira al-Maghrebiyya - May 90)
Per pale Sa & Arg, to sin a sword Sa, on a chf ctrch to dexter a sin
fist, thumb extended to chf, Sa. (D: Edward MacGraeme Aug 79)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 swans respectant & on a chf 4 increscents
ctrch. (D: Katherine Sinclaire - Oct 01)
Per pale Sa & Or, a griffin segreant & on a chf 2 griffins segreant
ctrch. (D: Hafdan Shieldbreaker - Jan 90)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 wyverns combatant & on a chf 3 roundels, all
ctrch. (D: Bjorn inn hvi - Dec 07)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a fleur-de-lys & on a chf 2 ermine spots, all
ctrch. (D: Aldith Lightwicke - Jan 87)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a lion passant guardant contourny Sa, on a chf
per pale Arg & Vt a sword Sa. (D: Tegan NGavin of Calder Feb 97)
Per pale Vt & Arg, an anchor & on a chf 3 mullets of eight points,
all ctrch. (D: Thomas Logan - Mar 84)
Per pale Vt & Or, 2 bison statant respectant, on a chf 2 bows
fesswise, all ctrch. (D: Tarasius of Galata - Mar 03)
Purp, a dragon couchant Arg, on a chf barry wavy Vt & Arg 3 bees
Purp. (D: Sueva the Short - Apr 01)
Sa, a wolfs head cabossed Arg, on a chf checky Arg & Sa 2
double-bitted axes crossed in salt Gu. (D: Maximilian Utz von
Wulfen - Jul 99)
Sa, 3 lilies Arg & on a chf per pale Az & Gu a fleur-de-lis & a lion
passant gardant Or. (D: Eton College - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA arms)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Not above

Az, on a chf Or 2 ravens Sa. (D: Bjarni Evararson Jrvk Oct 03)
Bendy sin Sa & Arg, on a chf Or a pair of wings conjoined in lure
Gu. (D: Isabella Mea Caterina dAngelo - Jan 07)
Chequy Az & Arg, on a chf Or, 4 foxs masks Gu. (D: William
MacFie - Jun 87)
Chevronelly Purp & Or, on a chf Or 3 birds disp Sa. (D: Morgan
Emrys - Aug 96)
Gu, on a chf Or 3 mullets pierced Az. (D: Anton LaFlamme de
Saint Aubin - Aug 00)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, on a chf Or 3 cats pawprints Vt. (D: Lofsige
Caoimh - Jan 94)
Gyronny Gu & Arg, on a chf Or 3 lozenges Sa. (D: Kalin
mjoksiglandi - Dec 05)
Pean, on a chf Or 2 Norse serpents respectant Gu. (D: Caolaidhe
mac Ceaird - Nov 93)
Per bend embat Gu & Sa, on a chf Or 3 roses Gu, barbed & seeded
Vt. (D: Gareth Aldershaw - Oct 98)

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Not above] to [Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 argent only]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Not above (continued)

Per fess engrailed Vt & Az, on a chf Or 3 turtles Az. (D: Muirenn
ingen Donngaile - Aug 07)
Per pale Sa & Az, on a chf Or a tigers head erased contourny Sa.
(D: Tigernach Cathin - Nov 01)
Per pale Vt & Gu, on a chf Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Gu. (D: Augustine
Charbonnieres - Jul 98)
Per pall inv Vt Az & Arg, on a chf Or 3 butterflies Sa. (D:
Laurensa Fraser - Nov 01)
Per salt Gu & Or, on a chf Or 3 cats sejant Sa. (D: Brianna
Baccamoor - Mar 97)
Pily bendy wavy Sa & Arg, on a chf Or 3 crescents Sa. (D:
Giuliana Audaci - Jun 04)
Purp fretty, on a chf Or 3 shuttles palewise Purp. (D: Fne nic
Bhloscaidh - Sep 94)
Sa, on a chf Or 3 apples Gu slipped Vt. (D: Anna de Apperleye Jun 07)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 argent only

Az, a caltrop Arg, on a chf Or a bottle fesswise reversed Az. (D:

Tancrde Larcade - Jul 07)
Az, a Celtic cross Arg, on a chf Or a bow fesswise Az. (D: Alastair
Calum Montgomery - Apr 99)
Az, a compass star Arg & on a chf Or a feather Vt. (D: Peregrine
the Wanderer - Oct 94)
Az, a coney salient Arg & on a chf Or 3 golpes. (D: Meleri Gyfford
- Jan 96)
Az, a crescent Arg & on a chf Or 3 oak leaves bendwise sin Vt. (D:
Pauline the Apothecary - May 03)
Az, a cross of Lorraine Arg & on a chf Or 3 quill pens bendwise sin
Gu. (D: Andrew Montgomerie - Feb 94)
Az, a dagger palewise Arg, on a chf Or a lion couchant guardant Sa.
(D: Roderick of the Hunt - Apr 76?)
Az, a fleece Arg, banded & ringed, on a chf Or 3 thistles proper. (D:
Lynn Mallory MacRobert - Aug 82)
Az, a fret Arg & on a chf Or a stags attires Sa. (D: Ernn
Conall - Jun 99)
Az, a griffin couchant Arg, on a chf Or 3 towers Gu. (D: Tuathal
OKane - Oct 90)
Az, a gryphon segreant Arg & on a chf Or 3 fountains, overall a
bord ctrch. (D: Albrecht of Caer Anterth-Mor - Jan 08)
Az, a hawk striking Arg, on a chf Or a broad arrow inv betw 2 pairs
of arrows inv in salt Sa. (D: Artorius Greyhawk - Mar 05)
Az, a horse salient Arg spotted Sa, on a chf Or 3 shamrocks Vt. (D:
Alethea MacNaradhaigh - Jun 95)
Az, a lymphad Arg & on a chf Or an otter passant Gu. (D:
Cainnech Rad mac Guairi - Sep 00)
Az, a natural tigers face Arg marked Sa, on a chf Or 3 suns Purp.
(D: Cassandra of Sumava - Nov 96)
Az, a pegasus passant Arg, a chf Or semy of trefoils Vt. (D: ine
Finnlfsdottir - Apr 07)
Az, a portcullis Arg & on a chf Or a mullet Az within a laurel
wreath Vt. (D: Noergate - Nov 83)
Az, a rat sejant erect coward Arg & on a chf Or 3 swans naiant Gu.
(D: Aimil Sorcha Dhuileach - Feb 87)
Az, a raven Arg maintaining in its dexter claw a serpent glissant
head to chf, on a chf triangular Or a cinquefoil Vt. (D:
Branwen Bach - Jan 07)
Az, a sagittary passant contourny Arg & on a chf Or 3 braziers Sa
enflamed Gu. (D: Natasha Orionova Zateeva - Mar 95)
Az, a Saluki bitch salient Arg & on a chf Or 3 escallops Az. (D:
Rebekah Billaur of the Rain Winds - Nov 86)
Az, a skull Arg, on a chf Or a pellet betw a decrescent & an
increscent Sa. (D: Aindrea MacLeod - May 94)
Az, a stag trippant Arg & on a chf Or 3 roses Az. (D: Katherine
Sharpe - Sep 90)
Az, a terrier statant Arg holding in its mouth 2 arrows & on a chf
enarched Or 2 roses Gu. (D: Meliora Leuedai de Ardescote Sep 95)
Az, a tower Arg on a chf Or a thistle issuant from the line of
division proper. (D: Marielle Cassandra MacGregor Aug 95)
Az, a tree blasted & eradicated Arg & on a chf Or a European hazel
branch reversed, leaved & fructed, proper. (D: Avelina of
Moncrieff - May 83)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 argent only


Az, a unicorn ramp Arg, crined Or, on a chf arched Or 3 snowflakes

Az. (D: Kylson Skyfyre - Jul 81)
Az, a winged trout naiant to sin, wings elevated & addorsed Arg, on
a chf Or 3 frets throughout Vt. (D: Arian Rowan of Featherfin
- Nov 82)
Az, a wingless dragon couchant reversed Arg, clutching in its
forepaws a torteau, on a chf Or 2 horses passant respectant Sa.
(D: Jessika of Fairholm - Aug 87)
Az, an oak eradicated Arg, on a chf enarched Or a laurel wreath en
soleil Gu. (D: Beyond the Mountain - Sep 73?)
Az, an open book Arg, on a chf Or an arrow point to dexter Az. (D:
Roderick der Gelehrte - Apr 92)
Az, on a pile Arg, a Coast Redwood tree couped proper, on a chf
Or, 3 laurel wreaths Vt. (D: Wuduholt be Secg - Aug 87)
Az, on a pile Arg an iris Az slipped & leaved Vt, on a chf Or 3
pheons inv Vt. (D: Eve the Wagand - May 04)
Gu, a chamfron Arg, on a chf Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Dewi de la
Brooke - Jun 01)
Gu, a dove volant bendwise Arg & on a chf Or, 2 crosses crosslet
fitchy Sa. (D: Dianne of York - Nov 90)
Gu, a dragon passant reguardant Arg nimbed on a chf Or 3 crosses
moline Purp. (D: Michel Phillipe de Sarcey - Jan 96)
Gu, a hollyhock flower Arg, on a chf Or 3 shamrocks Vt. (D:
Megan Althea of Glengarriff - Oct 92)
Gu, a horse forcene to sin Arg, on a chf Or 2 escallops Az betw 3
bears paw prints Sa. (D: Core de Hingst - Aug 79?)
Gu, a rabbit salient to sin Arg, on a chf Or 3 cauldrons Sa. (D:
James MacCoag - Jun 04)
Gu, a schnecke issuant from sin chf Arg & on a chf Or 3 fleurs-delys Az. (B: Anita de Challis - Dec 05)
Gu, a Scottish deerhound statant Arg, on a chf Or 2 stags courant
Sa. (D: Tassine de Bretagne - Dec 93)
Gu, a sun of twelve straight rays Arg, on a chf Or, a mallet fesswise
Sa. (D: Scirlaf Rockbreaker - Oct 86)
Gu, a tree blasted & eradicated Arg & on a chf Or 2 ravens
contourny Sa. (D: Oddr ordspakr - Feb 04)
Gu, a wolf salient to sin Arg, on a chf Or 3 thistles proper. (D:
Richard of Bewcastle - Apr 94)
Gu, a wolfs head erased Arg & on a chf Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Sa. (D:
Konrad von Falkenberg - Jun 02)
Gu, an eagle striking Arg, on a chf Or 2 spears in salt Sa. (D:
Judwiga Czarna Pika ze Smocza Jamy - Aug 99)
Gu, fretty Or, a stags head caboshed Arg & on a chf Or a rose Sa,
barbed & seeded proper. (D: Jamie Blackrose - Dec 98)
Pean, a unicorns head erased Arg, on a chf Or 3 roses Sa. (D:
Vivian Leonna dArcy - Oct 92)
Pean, a wolf ramp Arg, on a chf enarched Or 3 crescents Sa. (D:
Dmitrii Volkovich - Jan 96)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a unicorn salient Arg on a chf Or 3 thistles
Sa. (D: Rachel de Johnstone - Jan 92)
Per pale Az & Vt, a foxs mask Arg & on a chf Or a roundel betw
an increscent & a decrescent Sa. (D: Piera Sartore - Apr 06)
Per pale Az & Vt, a phoenix Arg enflamed & on a chf Or, 3
crescents Vt, per pale Vt & Az, & Az. (D: Kernand Aodhan of
Dungarven - Jun 91)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a tower Arg & on a chf Or 2 arrows inv in salt
Gu armed & flighted Sa betw 2 mullets of eight points Vt. (B:
Richard Fergus Fitzalan - Sep 92)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a tower Arg, on a chf Or 3 mullets of eight points
Vt. (D: Richard Fergus Fitzalan - Sep 92)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a cross of Jerusalem Arg, on a chf Or 3 bunches
of grapes Purp slipped Vt. (D: Niccolo di Francesco Dec 00)
Per salt Gu & Or, a butterfly Sa marked Arg, on a chf Or 2 acorns
proper. (D: Catherina of Londinium ad Rubrum Flumen Apr 00)
Purp, a bat disp Arg, on a chf Or a jesters cap lozengy bendwise
Purp & Arg belled Arg. (D: Aislinn Chiabach - May 07)
Purp, a compass star Arg, on a chf Or 4 lozenges Sa. (D: Lucrezia
da Diamante Nero - Jan 00)
Purp, a mermaid in her vanity Arg & on a chf Or 3 lions ramp
guardant Gu. (D: Reatha Carminoui - Aug 80)
Purp, a single-horned anvil Arg, on a chf Or, 3 bunches of grapes
Purp. (D: Michael the Farlander - Mar 88)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 493

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 argent only] to [Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 multicolor]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 argent only


Purp, a swan disp Arg & on a chf Or 2 sphinxes Sa. (D: Alessia di
Lago del Cigno - Feb 92)
Purp, a torch Arg, enflamed Or, & a chf Or, fretty Purp. (D: Helena
of the Lighted Torch - Dec 88)
Quarterly Gu & Az, an estoile Arg, a chf Or fretty Az. (D: Martina
de Bury - Aug 90)
Quarterly Gu & Purp, a dove reguardant Arg, on a chf Or a lute
reversed Sa. (D: Sarah Rebekah the Gentle of Southbrent Apr 92)
Quarterly Purp & Gu, a unicorns head couped contourny Arg
crined & armed on a chf enarched Or 2 fleurs-de-lys Sa. (D:
Nastasiia MacNeill - Aug 01)
Sa, a bend sin Arg charged with another Gu, on a chf Or a demi-sun
Gu. (D: Michael the Dark - Aug 92)
Sa, a hawthorn blossom Arg & on a chf Or a spear Sa. (D: Gerstan
Heah Leah - Mar 82)
Sa, a lion salient to sin Arg, on a chf Or 3 torteaux. (D: Audrey la
Solitaire - Sep 94)
Sa, a moon in her plenitude Arg, on a chf Or 3 ankhs Sa. (D:
Catherine Delacroix - Jan 96)
Sa, a pale Arg & on a chf Or a lightning bolt Sa. (D: Jonathan
Stone - Feb 03)
Sa, a portcullis Arg & on a chf Or, a lion passant guardant Sa. (D:
Robert of Sacred Stone - Oct 96)
Sa, a salt Arg, on a chf Or 3 laurel wreaths Sa. (D: Crosston Jan 94)
Sa, a sun Arg, eclipsed Sa, & on a chf Or, a laurel wreath Sa. (D:
Mooneschadowe - Jul 91)
Sa, a swan naiant, wings elevated & addorsed Arg, & on a chf Or 3
roses Sa, seeded Or. (D: Brenna Edlyn Blackrose - May 83)
Sa, a unicorns head erased Arg, on a chf Or, 3 pomegranates
slipped & leaved proper. (D: Cara Angiola Boccacio Dec 85)
Sa, on a cross Arg a sword betw in fess 2 crosses couped Gu, & on
a chf Or 3 escallops Sa. (D: Gilbert of Darkwood - Jul 86)
Sa, on a cross engrailed Arg a lion passant Gu betw 4 leopards
faces Az & on a chf Or a rose betw 2 Cornish choughs proper.
(D: Thomas Wolsey, Cardinal, Chancellor of England Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Vairy Sa & Or, a unicorn ramp Arg, on a chf Or 3 roses Purp. (D:
Kateryn Bronwen of Gloucester - Mar 93)
Vt, a coney salient Arg, on a chf Or, an arrow fesswise, point to
dexter, Vt. (D: Johannes der Hase - Jul 88)
Vt, a dexter human hand appaumy couped at the wrist & with its
little finger broken, Arg, on a chf Or a wolf passant betw 2
ravens feathers bendwise Sa. (D: Wolfram Brokenfinger Aug 79?)
Vt, a horse passant contourny Arg, on a chf Or, 3 roses proper. (B:
Bl von Bremen - Apr 98)
Vt, a horse salient to sin Arg, on a chf Or 3 trefoils Vt. (D: Padraig
mac Nechtain - Feb 06)
Vt, a seahorse Arg & on a chf Or 3 shamrocks Vt. (D: Onra
inghean Chonaill - May 07)
Vt, a snowy owl affronty Arg marked Sa & on a chf Or, 3 roses Gu.
(D: Cara Marie of Carlisle - May 86)
Vt, a stag trippant Arg, on a chf Or 3 pairs of arrows in salt Sa. (D:
Eamon Deimne James Hennessy - Jan 85)
Vt, a stags head couped affronty Arg, on a chf Or, 3 thistles,
slipped & leaved, Gu. (D: William Fraser - Jan 90)
Vt, a swan disp Arg, a chf enarched Or semy of maple leaves Vt.
(D: lfstan le Cygne Gris - Mar 93)
Vt, a swan naiant Arg & on a chf Or, a Latin cross couped Sa,
enflamed Gu, betw 2 harps Sa. (D: Juliana Fairfax - Nov 86)
Vt, a tree blasted Arg & on a chf Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Vt. (D: Isabella
de Soumont - Nov 03)
Vt, a wolf dormant Arg, on a chf Or 3 mullets Gu. (D: Johann
Grauenwolf - Mar 04)
Vt, a wolf ramp Arg, on a chf Or a halberd Sa. (D: Ulrich von
Landstuhl - Feb 00)
Vt, a wolfs head cabossed winged Arg, on a chf Or 3 estoiles Gu.
(D: Jayna of Gallavally - Apr 96)
Vt, an escallop Arg, on a chf Or 3 Maltese crosses Sa. (D: Rhys ap
Cynan - Jan 95)

494 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 argent only


Vt, upon an open book Arg, bound & edged Or, a watchtower Vt;
on a chf Or, a cat couchant guardant Sa, orbed Vt. (D:
Jacqueline des Champs Verts - Aug 79)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 argent plus

Az, a chev inv betw 3 snowflakes Arg, on a chf Or 3 flames proper.

(D: Mary of Tir Ysgithir - Jun 95)
Az, a pale wavy Arg, overall a laurel wreath ctrch & on a chf Or 2
roses proper. (D: Silver Rylle - Nov 90)
Az, crusilly Or, a dove rising, wings disp, Arg, on a chf Or 3 roses
proper. (D: Donald Thomas Maxwell - Nov 88)
Gu, a breastplate Arg, a point pointed & on a chf Or 3 gunstones.
(D: Richard Devlin Bordeaux - Feb 91)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, a wingless dragon Arg involved about a great
sword & on a chf arched Or 3 caltrops Vt. (D: Thomas of
Whitelow - Apr 82)
Purp semy of rivets Or, a goldsmiths framesaw bendwise Arg, on a
chf Or, 3 Bowen crosses Sa. (D: Pearce Redsmythe Mar 01)
Sa, a lozenge betw 2 piles in point Arg & on a chf Or a laurel
wreath Vt. (D: Swordcliff - Feb 84)
Sa, an arrow fesswise surmounted by a decrescent Arg & on a chf
Or 3 roses Sa. (D: Lucrezia Isabella Fraccia - Apr 05)
Vt, a hippopotamus ramp betw in chf 2 roses Arg, on a chf Or a
stick shuttle Sa. (D: Sindra Gunhild Sigmundsdottir - Sep 90)
Vt, an annulet rayonny on the outer edge Arg & in chf a sword
fesswise proper, & as an augmentation, on a chf Or a dragon
passant coward Sa ducally crowned Gu. (Augmentation of
Arms: Elffin of Mona - Jan 99)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 azure

Quarterly wavy Gu & Arg, a mouse ramp to sin Az & a chf Or,
pelletty. (D: Arthur the Mouse - Dec 89)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 fur

Az, a bend sin erminois betw 2 open books bendwise sin Arg & on
a chf Or 3 fireballs proper. (D: Jack fitzHugh - Feb 91)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 gules

Bendy Or & Az, a wolfs head erased ululant contourny Gu

maintaining in its mouth an egg Arg, on a chf Or 3 eagles Gu.
(D: Eginolf von Basel - Nov 07)
Checky Az & Or, a lion sejant erect guardant Gu, on a chf Or a
thistle proper. (D: Kennyth de Warenne - Apr 83)
Pean, a cracked portal Gu & on a chf Or in salt a lightning bolt
surmounting a rolled scroll Gu. (B: Lucasta della Canzona
Transalpina - Jan 82) (For House Broken)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 multicolor

Gu, a cross flory gyronny Sa & Or betw 4 crosses formy, on a chf

Or, 3 eagles heads erased Sa. (D: Kurt Michael Meyer
Wittman von Altenstein - Dec 87)
Gu, a fountain & on a chf Or 3 musical notes Sa. (D: Damian von
Baden - Oct 95)
Gu, a joscelyn wreathed Sa & Arg belled Or, on a chf Or 3 Maltese
crosses Sa. (D: Elizabeth of Malta - Sep 96)
Per bend Az & Arg, a sea wyvern bendwise ctrch, on a chf Or 3
mullets Purp. (D: Ayesha bint Daud ibn Daud al-Kabir Feb 08)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, a lion ramp ctrch, on a chf Or a double-bitted
battle axe fesswise reversed Sa. (D: Duncan MacDougald Apr 00)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a man armoured cap-a-pie maintaining in dexter
hand a sword & in sin hand a shield ctrch, on a chf Or a dragon
statant Sa. (D: Matheu de Merel - Apr 06)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a chev ctrch on a chf Or 3 annulets Sa. (D:
Donal OBrien - Jun 97)
Per salt Vt & Or, a Celtic cross ctrch, on a chf Or 3 trefoils slipped
Vt. (D: Maire Bridgit ni Mhoire OMeagher - Sep 86)

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 multicolor] to [Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 or only]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 multicolor


Vt, a flame proper, on a chf enarched Or, a spear reversed, fracted

in chev, Sa, hafted proper. (D: Donn son of Fergus - Feb 89)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 or only

Az, a bear ramp, on a chf Or a martlet betw 2 trefoils Sa. (D:

Hildegarde Seidensticker - Oct 97)
Az, a boot & on a chf Or 3 lozenges Sa. (D: Leonore of Black
Diamond - Feb 02)
Az, a castle triple-towered issuant from a rock, on a chf Or, 3
decrescents Az. (D: Serena Roese of Stonehaven - Jun 91)
Az, a cat statant guardant & on a chf Or, 3 crosses formy Sa. (D:
Christine von Guttin - Aug 04)
Az, a Celtic cross & on a chf Or, 3 Arabic lamps Az, lit proper. (D:
Timothy of Sheffield - Apr 93)
Az, a chalice, on a chf Or 3 roundels Sa. (D: Geoffrey de
Montgomeri - Apr 00)
Az, a cogwheel, on a chf Or 3 martlets Az. (D: William of Torlyon
- Dec 98)
Az, a compass rose inv & on a chf Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Tane
Verloren - May 00)
Az, a cross nowy of a lozenge, pierced of a lozenge, & on a chf Or 3
lozenges Az. (D: Annora Steward - Dec 93)
Az, a crossbow & on a chf Or 3 pheons Az. (D: Allesaundra de
Crosthwaite - Sep 90)
Az, a dolphin haurient & on a chf Or, 3 seebltter Az. (D: Ysabella
Dolfin - May 07)
Az, a dragon & on a chf Or 3 bunches of grapes Purp. (D: Adriana
di Salaparuta - Mar 06)
Az, a dragon ramp wings disp & on a chf Or an eagle disp Sa
crowned Or. (D: Borghese, House of - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Az, a eagle rising, wings elevated & addorsed, Or, holding in its
talons a fish Arg, on a chf Or, 3 crosses bottonny Az. (D:
Balin the Hunter - Mar 87)
Az, a falcons head erased, on a chf Or 3 crosses mill-rind Gu. (D:
Ulrike the Franke - Apr 86)
Az, a fret & on a chf Or a castle Az. (D: Elizabeth Upton Mar 07)
Az, a garb & on a chf Or 2 reremice Sa. (D: Branwen le Baxtere Mar 06)
Az, a Greek lyre & on a chf Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Roselynde
dAngleterre - Oct 82)
Az, a greyhound passant & on a chf Or 3 frets couped Vt. (D:
Mairghread ni Fhlaithbheartaigh - Nov 97)
Az, a gryphon sejant, sin talon raised, & on a chf Or a demi-sun
betw 2 compass stars Purp. (D: Elisheva bat Moshe May 94)
Az, a harp & on a chf embat Or 3 crescents Gu. (D: Onnwuen
thelhelmes dohtor - Jun 08)
Az, a hawk close & on a chf Or 2 roses Gu, barbed & seeded
proper. (D: Elizabeth nic Dhiarmid - Nov 83)
Az, a horse ramp Or crined & unguled Arg, on a chf Or a Celtic
cross betw 2 lions faces Purp. (D: Gillian Saintclair May 96)
Az, a horseshoe inv, on a chf Or 3 round buckles Sa. (D: Mary
Elizabeth Clason - Jul 00)
Az, a Latin cross flory & on a chf Or, 3 compass stars Gu. (D:
Francesco Gaetano Greco dEdessa - Aug 93)
Az, a lioness passant & on a chf Or 3 wagon wheels Gu. (D:
Melissente Lyonne - Apr 04)
Az, a mule-deer doe lodged at gaze & on a chf Or 3 wagon wheels
of eight spokes Gu. (D: Beau Marishka of the Romanies May 80)
Az, a natural salamander statant regardant queue forchy & on a chf
Or a chain Sa. (D: Sveinn rauskegger Einarsson - Mar 02)
Az, a phoenix rising from a base of flames, on a chf Or 2 laurel
wreaths proper. (D: Nordwache - Apr 84)
Az, a roadrunner courant to sin, on a chf Or betw 2 saguaro cacti
Vt, a torteau. (D: Reyna de San Diego - Jan 76?)
Az, a salt & on a chf Or 3 gouttes de sang. (D: Thomas of Chester Dec 07)
Az, a sauvage Or, on a chf Or 3 roses Sa barbed & seeded Gu. (D:
Duncan of Chisholm - Jan 74?)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 or only


Az, a ship sailing to sin & on a chf Or 2 bunches of grapes Az. (D:
Susan Wilks - May 08)
Az, a squirrel Or holding a nut proper & on a chf Or a fork & spoon
in salt Az. (D: John Marshall atte Forde - Sep 02)
Az, a standing balance & on a chf Or 2 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D:
Manuel le Gules - Oct 90)
Az, a sun & on a chf Or 3 water pitchers Az. (D: Anne de
Beausoleil - Apr 04)
Az, a sun in splendor & on a chf Or 3 ravens Sa. (D: Edonea
MacKay - Jan 05)
Az, a sunburst, on a chf Or 3 open books Az. (D: Kendal Macalpin
- May 04)
Az, a 3-headed wolf ramp, heads dexter facing, guardant &
reguardant, & on a chf Or, 3 wolves paw prints Az. (D: Boris
of Bedlam - Mar 89)
Az, a tree blasted & eradicated & on a chf Or 3 Celtic crosses Az.
(D: Maine of Galway - Jul 03)
Az, a tricorporate lion & on a chf Or 3 suns Gu. (D: Aelfred
Halvdan of Holdene - Mar 86)
Az, a triskelion arrondy & on a chf Or, 3 gillyflowers Gu. (D:
Alena Premyslowna - Dec 05)
Az, a twin-towered, 3-arched bridge & on a chf Or a laurel wreath
Vt. (D: Bridge, the - May 81)
Az, a 2-headed eagle Or charged on the breast with a lozenge Az &
on a chf Or 3 lozenges Az. (D: Katharina von Bayern Nov 05)
Az, a water bouget & on a chf Or 3 fountains. (D: Anne Botman Sep 04)
Az, a wine amphora, on a chf Or 2 lymphads Az. (D: Giovanni da
Mosto - Dec 93)
Az, a winged frog tergiant disp, on a chf Or, 3 crescents Az. (D:
Calista von Froschewald - Jun 90)
Az, a wolf sejant ululant & on a chf Or 3 double roses proper. (D:
Juliana dei Rossi - Nov 01)
Az, an alphyn passant & on a chf Or 3 step-cut gemstones Az. (D:
Amba allrasystir - Jun 05)
Az, an eagle, on a chf Or a demi-sun throughout Gu. (D: Bjorn
Blodx Thorgrimson - Apr 96)
Az, an elephants head cabossed Or armed Arg, on a chf Or a sun
Az. (D: William Maltravers - Apr 97)
Az, an ivy leaf & on a chf Or 3 roses Sa. (D: Giovanna Morosini Oct 04)
Az ermined Arg, a greyhound courant & on a chf Or an arrow
reversed Gu. (D: Nicholas Fletcher of Canterbury - Jan 04)
Az, ermined Or, a cockatoo disp, wings inv, & on a chf Or, 2
horses heads couped Sa. (D: Paul Barrie - Aug 89)
Az, on a bezant a swallow disp facing sin Az, on a chf Or 2 holly
leaves fesswise reversed Vt. (D: Myfanwy verch Rhonwen Sep 95)
Checky Arg & Az, a cross flory issuant from base & on a chf Or, 3
roses Gu. (D: William the Stout - Mar 93)
Gu, a beehive & on a chf Or 3 cinquefoils Gu. (D: Perronnelle la
paintre - Sep 05)
Gu, a boars head erased close & on a chf Or 3 mullets Gu. (D:
Symon Fitz Gilbert - May 04)
Gu, a chev & on a chf Or, a lion couchant Gu. (D: Rachel the
Untame - Aug 96)
Gu, a chev inv, on a chf Or a demi-sun Sa. (D: Gwydion of
Blackmoore - Jan 99)
Gu, a comet fesswise reversed & on a chf Or 3 mullets Vt. (D:
Patricia of Trakai - Jan 06)
Gu, a compass rose, on a chf Or 3 weavers shuttles bendwise Sa.
(D: Caitlin Wayfarer - Feb 94)
Gu, a dog ramp Or collared Gu & on a chf Or 3 thistles Purp slipped
& leaved Vt. (D: Margaret Hamilton of Stirlingshire Oct 06)
Gu, a dog sejant contourny forepaw raised & on a chf Or 3 ermine
spots Sa. (D: Dis Mikkelsdotter i Torp - Oct 05)
Gu, a dragon segreant Or, winged Arg, belly pierced by an arrow, &
on a chf Or 3 arrows bendwise, each surmounted by a bow
bendwise sin inv Sa. (D: Gwenhevare Dominique Nazaire
dAvignon - Sep 92)
Gu, a falcon Or hooded & jessed Sa, on a chf Or a bar of 3 fusils
Gu. (D: Elspeth of Wyre Forest - Oct 93)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 495

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 or only]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 or only


Gu, a fleur-de-lys & on a chf Or 3 escallops Sa. (D: Alienor of

Southwark - Jul 98)
Gu, a fret & on a chf Or 3 leaves bendwise sin Vt. (D: Susanna
Schweiguth - Aug 04)
Gu, a garden rose, slipped & leaved & on a chf Or, 3 decrescents
Gu. (D: Cassandra de Fareburn - Jun 91)
Gu, a griffin passant to sin & on a chf Or 3 escarbuncles Gu. (D:
Guillaume de Chaumont - Nov 90)
Gu, a harp & on a chf Or, 3 Celtic crosses formy Gu. (D: Connor
ODonnghaile - Aug 87)
Gu, a horse salient & on a chf Or a lance reversed Sa. (D: Catelin
Spenser of Newmarket - Jul 96)
Gu, a lion couchant guardant Or, on a chf Or 3 cinquefoils Gu. (D:
Arabella Lyon de Rohese - Nov 73?)
Gu, a lions head cabossed & on a chf Or 3 rustres Sa. (D:
Thorvald Macconachie - Oct 92)
Gu, a monster ramp composed of the body & head of a lion, from
its back issuing the head of a goat, tailed of a serpent, & on a
chf Or, 3 caltraps Az. (D: Kezia die Nherin - Feb 89)
Gu, a mortar with pestle & on a chf Or, 3 Latin crosses botonny Gu.
(D: Giovanni Paulo Sbragia di Lucca - Apr 88)
Gu, a mullet of 4 points, & on a chf Or a dragon passant Gu. (D:
Robin the Red Dragon - Aug 79?)
Gu, a pavilion & on a chf Or 3 annulets Gu. (D: Brighid Ross Apr 03)
Gu, a quatrefoil knot, on a chf Or a catamount passant Sa. (D:
Rufus Adycote of Mynheniot - Oct 98)
Gu, a scorpion, on a chf Or 3 flames Sa. (D: Gaius Marius
Cingetorix - Mar 04)
Gu, a seal sejant contourny, & on a chf Or 3 shamrocks Vt. (D:
Emelyne OToole - Dec 93)
Gu, a sin hand couped apaumy & on a chf Or 3 mascles interlaced
Gu. (D: Valerienne de Menton - Apr 97)
Gu, a sun in his splendour & on a chf Or 3 towers Sa. (D: Ingfridh
of Nordmark - Aug 92)
Gu, a sword inv Or, on a chf Or 3 lozenges Az. (D: Dale the Small
- Jan 73?)
Gu, a tiger ramp Or marked Sa maintaining in its dexter forepaw a
trumpet palewise, on a chf Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Isabel
dAuron - May 97)
Gu, a tree blasted & eradicated & on a chf Or, 3 card piques Sa. (D:
Cassandra Eleanora Milano - Mar 93)
Gu, a triturreted castle, on a chf Or 3 owls heads erased Gu. (D:
Ximena Aubel de Cambria - Sep 73?)
Gu, a vol & on a chf Or 2 crosses patonce Sa. (D: Andr Miguel de
la Croix - Jul 91)
Gu, a winged lion sejant guardant maintaining an open book & on a
chf Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Sa. (B: Giuseppe Francesco da Borgia Apr 05)
Gu, an eagle & on a chf Or 3 roses Gu. (D: Briony Moondragon Aug 01)
Gu masoned Arg, a rose & on a chf Or 2 catamounts passant
guardant respectant Sa. (D: Francesca Laviana Sansovino Jan 99)
Gu, on a sun Or a step-cut gemstone fesswise Gu & on a chf Or a
feather Gu. (D: Alexandria of Sunningdale - Jan 95)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a pegasus salient, wings disp, & on a chf Or 3
quatrefoils Az. (D: Katrina Silvermaker - Aug 83)
Gyronny wavy Arg & Az, a cup & on a chf Or 3 crosses fleury Az.
(D: Maura MacLeod - Oct 99)
Lozengy Vt & Arg, a crane in its vigilance & on a chf Or 3
escallops Sa. (D: Gaerwen of Trafford - Apr 97)
Pean, a fan & on a chf Or 2 ravens rising to sin, wings elevated &
addorsed Sa. (D: Maria Isabel Elena Velsquz de Barcelona
- Jul 90)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a basilisk & on a chf Or, an arrow reversed Sa.
(D: Howard of Bright Hills - Oct 93)
Per bend Gu & Sa, an eagle disp, wings inv, & on a chf Or, 3
crosses patty Sa. (D: Conrad von Altmark - Jul 84)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a boar sejant & on a chf Or 3 crosses patonce
Sa. (D: Theobald Veckinchusen - Mar 02)
Per pale Az & Gu, a tabby cat sejant guardant & on a chf Or 3
hawks bells Az. (D: Bronwyn ferch Gwyn ap Rhys - Jul 92)

496 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 or only


Per pale Az & Sa, a swan naiant reguardant, gorged of a coronet

embat, on a chf Or 3 hazelnuts Vt. (D: Jana von
Drachenklaue - Dec 93)
Per pale Az & Vt, a wolfhound salient & on a chf Or 3 roses proper.
(D: Karen of Aquaterra - Mar 03)
Per pale Gu & Az, a chess rook & on a chf Or a badger statant Sa.
(D: Stephen of Greenwood - Feb 95)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a bear ramp contourny & on a chf Or 3 Thors
hammers Sa. (D: Ragnarr Gunnarsson - Jul 03)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a cross flory, on a chf Or a dragons head couped
Vt. (D: Merowald de Sylveaston - Jan 73?)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a phoenix & on a chf Or an ivy vine Vt. (D:
Alana filia Tigernin - Oct 05)
Per pale Vt & Az, a drakkar reversed & on a chf Or a salt Gu. (D:
Grimkell Vikarsson of Brattahlid - Dec 95)
Per pale Vt & Gu, a hound courant to sin maintaining a cup & on a
chf Or 3 clarions Gu. (D: Ruaidhri an Cu - Mar 99)
Per salt Gu & Vt, a cross of Calatrava & on a chf Or a hawks bell
Vt betw 2 more Gu. (D: Jelyan of Lindisfarne - Apr 99)
Plumetty Az & Arg, a dragon statant in annulo & on a chf Or 3
roundels Az. (D: Adelinde Katla - Feb 92)
Purp, a bears head couped & on a chf Or 3 escallops Purp. (B:
Allegranza Marcovaldi - Jul 06)
Purp, a bulls head caboshed & on a chf Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Vt. (D:
Arianna Selvaggio - May 98)
Purp, a cross of Calatrava & on a chf Or, 3 cooking pots Purp. (B:
Calontir - Apr 07) (For Calontir Cooks Guild)
Purp, a demi-lion queue forch & on a chf Or 2 mullets of 4 points
Sa. (D: Ulfa the Sweet - Nov 91)
Purp, a lion passant guardant Or, maintaining in his dexter paw a
ragged staff palewise Arg, on a chf Or, 3 valknuts Purp. (D:
Thorhalla Carlsdottir Brberg - Aug 90)
Purp, a lion ramp & on a chf Or 3 crosses formy Gu. (D: Friedrich
von Augsburg - Aug 01)
Purp, a mount of 3 hillocks & on a chf Or 3 crescents Purp. (D:
Morna Monadh - Dec 84)
Purp, a phoenix Or, enflamed Arg, on a chf Or, a seax reversed,
blade to chf, Purp. (D: Brianna Healfseaxe - Jun 88)
Purp, a phoenix Or rising from flames Gu, on a chf Or 3 suns in
splendor Purp. (D: Eleanor of Leycestershyre - Oct 98)
Purp, a raven disp & on a chf Or 3 trefoils Vt. (D: Robert OMora May 05)
Purp, a seahorse & on a chf Or 3 Catherine wheels Purp. (D:
Katharina Jourdain - Feb 92)
Purp, a star of David & on a chf Or 2 violets in salt Purp, slipped &
doubly leaved Vt. (D: Yael bayet Kochba - Mar 81)
Purp, a sun in his splendor, on a chf Or 3 pears Vt. (D: Olivia
dAnjou - Aug 98)
Purp, a sun Or eclipsed by a moon in her plenitude Az & on a chf
Or 3 compass stars Az. (D: Genevive de Saint-Cirq-Lapopie
- Feb 03)
Purp, a winged cat passant Or maintaining a sword proper, a chf Or
fretty Purp. (D: Deirdre the Difficult - Sep 92)
Purp, an antelope springing & on a chf Or 3 awls points to base
Purp. (D: Huszar Ferenc - Aug 05)
Purp, an Eastern Crown & on a chf Or 3 roses Purp. (D: East,
Crown Princess of the - Oct 83)
Purp fretty, on a chf Or 3 shuttles palewise Purp. (D: Fne nic
Bhloscaidh - Sep 94)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a foxs mask ctrch, on a chf Or, 3 foxes paw
prints Sa. (D: Bryon Greyfox - Oct 85)
Sa, a bear ramp, on a chf Or 3 spruce trees eradicated Sa. (D:
Tigernan MacAlpin - Aug 98)
Sa, a bears head caboshed & on a chf Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Vt. (D:
Grmarr Bjarnarson - Nov 06)
Sa, a bears head couped & on a chf Or 3 bears paw prints Gu. (D:
Nikolai Ivanovich Sudovshchikov - Dec 00)
Sa, a bicorporate lion & on a chf Or, 3 laurel wreaths Vt. (D: Lions
End - May 90)
Sa, a boar passant & on a chf Or 3 Thors hammers Gu. (D: Grmr
Skallagrmson - Oct 05)
Sa, a bull statant to sin, on a chf Or, 2 dragons passant Gu. (D:
Robert Robare the Rhos - May 92)

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 or only]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 or only


Sa, a cock passant regardant & on a chf Or an annulet betw 2

Russian Orthodox crosses Sa. (D: Vanya Popovitch Mar 84)
Sa, a crossbow & on a chf Or a chain Sa. (B: Donato Pulcinella Feb 00) (For the Commilitoni della Balestra)
Sa, a double-bitted axe & on a chf Or a mullet of five greater & five
lesser points Sa. (D: Armando de la Cabanna - Sep 00)
Sa, a dragonfly & on a chf Or 3 needles inv Sa. (D: Tegan de
Moreton - Feb 94)
Sa, a equal-armed Celtic cross potent & on a chf Or 3 annulets Sa.
(D: Ciar Lasse MacGregor - Sep 91)
Sa, a falcon & on a chf Or 3 pheons inv Sa. (D: William Gunn Oct 02)
Sa, a fleur-de-lis, & on a chf Or 3 roses proper. (D: Elaine
Compton of Wyngates - Feb 94)
Sa, a gauntlet aversant bendwise inv Or maintaining a callalily
slipped, leaved & seeded Arg & on a chf Or an ermine
reguardant Sa. (D: Roberto Damiano da Bologna - Sep 97)
Sa, a griffin segreant, on a chf Or 3 thistles proper. (D: Edouard
dAth - Aug 84)
Sa, a griffin sejant erect contourny & on a chf Or 3 mullets Sa. (D:
Griffin Porthor - Sep 99)
Sa, a gurges & on a chf Or, a halberd fesswise reversed Sa. (D:
Mordraut Freyulf - May 89)
Sa, a harp reversed Or stringed Arg & on a chf Or 2 swords inv in
salt Sa. (D: lchobar Mac engusa - Oct 06)
Sa, a lions head caboshed, upon a chf Or five mullets of six points
Sa. (D: Ari ben Abraham - Jul 83)
Sa, a lions head contourny & on a chf Or 3 crosses bottony Gu. (D:
Martin Lochner - Jun 97)
Sa, a lynx ramp to sin & on a chf Or 3 flames Az. (D: Alesaunder
Becc - Sep 02)
Sa, a mascle & on a chf Or 3 lozenges Sa. (D: Tarlach
MacDonnachaidh - Feb 00)
Sa, a mullet of 4 greater & 4 lesser points, on a chf Or, a spear
fesswise Sa. (D: Otto the Obscure - Jun 88)
Sa, a phoenix Or rising from flames proper & on a chf Or 3
dumbegs Sa. (D: Pdraig MacMurtagh - Nov 99)
Sa, a pine tree eradicated & on a chf Or 3 lozenges pometty Gu. (D:
Coryn of the Wode - May 07)
Sa, a pomegranate slipped & leaved Or seeded Gu, on a chf Or 3
cinquefoils Gu. (D: Bartolomeo Giancristoforo Agazzari Nov 99)
Sa, a quill pen bendwise sin, on a chf Or 3 gouttes de poix. (D:
Dane of Lindisfarne - Feb 91)
Sa, a spider, on a chf Or 3 crescents Sa. (D: Decimus filius
Johannis - Oct 06)
Sa, a squirrel sejant erect & on a chf Or 2 crosses crosslet fitchy Gu.
(D: Jamie of Fairfield - Dec 93)
Sa, a standing balance & on a chf enarched Or 2 rapiers, tips
crossed in salt, Purp. (D: Valdis ODavoren - Sep 92)
Sa, a Thors hammer & on a chf Or 3 anvils Sa. (D: Gunnarr the
Smith - Dec 95)
Sa, a 3-headed dragon sejant affronty wings disp & on a chf Or 3
roses Sa. (D: Elizabeth Cameron Campbell - Mar 98)
Sa, a tower Or enflamed proper & a chf Or, semy of sparks Gu. (D:
Barrett the Map Maker - Dec 91)
Sa, a unicorn ramp & on a chf Or 3 fleurs-de-lis Sa. (D: Edward
William Morgan - Apr 94)
Sa, a Viking longship reversed, sail furled & oars in action, & on a
chf Or 3 beacons Sa enflamed Gu. (D: Gunnar Eriksson Apr 93)
Sa, a winged frog sejant & on a chf Or 3 maunches Gu. (D: Maude
of Burgundy - Feb 96)
Sa, a wolf ramp, on a chf Or 2 triangles inv Sa. (D: Cynwrig Wyn Dec 00)
Sa, a wolfs head erased Or & a chf Or goutty-de-sang. (D: Wulfric
of Santlache - Dec 96)
Sa, an amphora & on a chf Or 3 lozenges Sa. (D: Eigan of Black
Diamond - Mar 03)
Sa, an eagle disp & on a chf Or 3 mullets of six greater & six lesser
points Sa. (D: David Falvy Falconer - Sep 98)
Sa, an owl affronty perched on & maintaining a branch fesswise &
on a chf Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Sa. (D: Myles of Connacht Nov 02)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 or only


Sa fretty Arg, a dragon passant & on a chf Or 3 laurel wreaths Vt.

(D: Dragons Aerie - Aug 92)
Sa, on a bezant a tree eradicated proper & on a chf Or 3 stags heads
erased Gu. (D: Tighearnach ua Cathin tha Dara - Jun 03)
Sa, on a hexagon Or, a frog sejant affronty Vt, & on a chf Or a
feather, point to dexter, Vt. (B: Aldred von Lechsend aus
Froschheim - Apr 86)
Vt, a badger statant to sin & on a chf Or a sun Az betw 2 dolphins
hauriant respectant Gu. (D: Jan van Haarlingen - Jul 82)
Vt, a basket & on a chf Or 2 ivy leaves bendwise inv Vt. (D:
Gwynneth wraig Rhys - Mar 98)
Vt, a bear ramp maintaining a sword & on a chf Or a quill pen its
nib to dexter Vt. (D: Alexander Petrovich - Sep 05)
Vt, a bear ramp to sin, on a chf Or a Celtic cross Vt. (D: Shauna
MacLeod - Feb 98)
Vt, a bears head cabossed & on a chf Or, a drawn bow, string to
base, Sa. (D: Owain ap Morgan of Chaderton - Aug 89)
Vt, a boars head couped close & on a chf Or 3 thistles proper. (D:
Aonghas of Clan Campbell - Mar 97)
Vt, a bull dormant & on a chf Or 3 roses proper. (D: Arianwen
verch Kynwraidd ap Aeddan - Sep 94)
Vt, a camel statant & on a chf Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Vt. (D: Bianca the
Inquisitive - Jan 06)
Vt, a cat passant & on a chf Or a needle Az. (D: tain ingen u
Brenin - Aug 99)
Vt, a centaur passant Or blowing a horn Arg & on a chf Or 3 acorns
proper. (D: Cassandra Pendorayl - Mar 03)
Vt, a chev embat counter-embat & on a chf Or an arrow Vt. (D:
Geraint FitzStephen - Oct 95)
Vt, a chev, on a chf Or, a baton & a kris in salt Sa. (D: Shane
Fitzedward - May 89)
Vt, a cinquefoil & on a chf Or, 3 leaves Vt. (D: Kathleen
ODonnelly - Mar 86)
Vt, a clarion & on a chf Or 3 pheons Vt. (D: Camma an Daraich Feb 92)
Vt, a crab & on a chf Or 3 mullets Vt. (D: Alexia di Napoli Oct 06)
Vt, a crescent & on a chf Or 3 crescents Vt. (D: Vashti Brianna Dec 82)
Vt, a cross & on a chf Or, 3 hearts Gu. (D: William Chester of
Ackfordshire - Dec 90)
Vt, a dragon passant, on a chf Or 3 triskelions of spirals Vt. (D:
Gwydion ap Lewelyn - May 04)
Vt, a dragon segreant & on a chf Or 3 leeks proper. (D: Donal ap
Gryffydd - Jan 85)
Vt, a dragonfly & on a chf Or 3 pomegranates Gu slipped & leaved
Vt. (D: Faoiltighearna n Dhuinn - Dec 99)
Vt, a fret & on a chf Or 3 pine trees Vt. (D: Lavina Knappe Apr 02)
Vt, a garb & on a chf Or 3 laurel wreaths Vt. (D: Castell Gwent Apr 05)
Vt, a gillyflower & on a chf Or 3 bunches of grapes Purp. (D:
Elena di Salaparuta - Nov 05)
Vt, a griffin segreant Or maintaining a trefoil Arg & on a chf Or 3
hearts Sa. (D: Padraig Gliadrach Ceallaigh - Sep 96)
Vt, a hand in benediction Or, a chf Or semy of dragonflies Vt. (D:
Ann Travers of Amberlye - Jul 99)
Vt, a harp & on a chf Or a flanged mace fesswise Sa. (D: Rhys Ian
Glenowen - Sep 83)
Vt, a hawk close & on a chf Or 3 hands appaumy Vt. (D: Sgn ua
Flaithfhiled - Feb 99)
Vt, a horse passant & on a chf Or a hammer Vt. (D: Artur marechal
- Jan 08)
Vt, a horseshoe & on a chf Or, a demi-sun throughout issuant from
the line of division Gu. (D: Robert Furness of Southwood Nov 90)
Vt, a lion sejant Or holding in its dexter paw a rose Arg, on a chf Or
3 ermine spots fesswise Sa. (D: Dianna of the Silver Shore Nov 95)
Vt, a lion statant erect affronty, on a chf Or, issuant from the bottom
edge a demi-sun Gu. (D: Anna Virago of Vest Yorvik Nov 97)
Vt, a lions head cabossed & on a chf Or 3 hearts Vt. (D: John
Lionheart - Jan 08)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 497

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 or only] to [Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 sable]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 or only


Vt, a lions head erased & on a chf Or, 2 paw-prints Vt. (D: Martha
Rosewood - Sep 92)
Vt, a male griffins head erased contourny & on a chf Or 3 fleursde-lys Vt. (D: Grifon the Stranger - Oct 00)
Vt, a sea-griffin & on a chf Or, 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Vt. (D:
Rowan Brianna MacLellan - Jan 90)
Vt, a seawolf erect, on a chf Or 3 paw prints Gu. (D: Jesse ap
Cedivor - Oct 97)
Vt, a shoe reversed & on a chf Or an arrow Vt. (D: Damian
Grafton of Yorkshire - Aug 96)
Vt, a stag courant contourny & on a chf Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Vt. (D:
Rhiell Wystaneston - Mar 96)
Vt, a stork statant, dexter foot raised, wings elevated & addorsed,
maintaining in its sin foot a gauntlet, on a chf enarched Or 2
gauntlets Az. (D: Lukas Bontyne - Aug 96)
Vt, a sun in splendor & on a chf Or a dragon passant to sin
regardant Vt. (D: Elen Aelfrige of Dragons Ley - Dec 81)
Vt, a talbot ramp & on a chf Or 2 broadarrows Vt. (D: Madog
Tellier - Jun 99)
Vt, a triquetra & on a chf Or 3 shamrocks Vt. (D: ine inghean
Fhlaithimhin - Jul 04)
Vt, a wheel & on a chf Or 2 roses proper. (D: Sion ap Llwyd Jun 92)
Vt, a winged ounce passant & on a chf Or 3 compass stars Vt. (D:
Cyra Wren - Aug 94)
Vt, a wolf ramp contourny & on a chf Or 3 thistles proper. (D:
Iamys MThamais - Mar 06)
Vt, an antelope ramp, on a chf Or, 3 pine trees couped Vt. (D:
Keridwen Andersdottir - Feb 97)
Vt, an armorers hammer & on a chf Or 3 cinquefoils Purp ermined
Or. (D: Jrunn steinnabrjtr - Jun 01)
Vt, an equal-armed Celtic cross formy & on a chf Or 2 lozenges Vt.
(D: Fergus MacPherson - Jun 05)
Vt, an escutcheon & on a chf Or a cross patonce betw 2 feathers Gu.
(D: Brian Goodheart - Apr 94)
Vt, an oak leaf fructed & on a chf Or an acorn inv betw 2 acorns Vt.
(D: Gwendolyn Kaye MacVeigh of Amber Oaks - Jun 95)
Vt, an oak tree blasted & erased, on a chf Or a stags head caboshed
betw 2 roundels Vt. (D: Aurelius Forgan - date?)
Vt, an open book & on a chf Or 3 crosses fleury Vt. (D: Diane the
Scrivener - Dec 00)
Vt ermined, a domestic cat statant guardant & on a chf embat Or 3
crosses formy Vt. (D: Gwenllyan verch Wilkin - Aug 07)
Vt, on a pale Or an adder erect, tail nowed Sa, & on a chf Or 3 stepcut gemstones palewise Vt. (D: Esmeralda Blackadder Mar 98)
Vt, on a salt Or a tower Gu, & on a chf Or 3 roses Gu, barbed &
seeded proper. (D: Elspeth Trelawney MacNaughton of
Lochawe - Aug 86)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 or plus

Az, a bend of chain betw 2 great helms & on a chf Or, a unicorn
couchant Sa. (D: Colinet Bradwarden - Sep 95)
Az, a bend sin betw a griffin segreant & a dolphin embowed on a
chf Or 3 escallops inv Sa. (D: Giovanna Lisabetta Ferri Jun 01)
Az, a chev, in base a natural leopards face & on a chf Or, 3 hurts.
(D: Michele of Colonsay - Jun 91)
Az, a chev Or surmounted by a natural dolphin fesswise Arg & on a
chf Or 3 mascles Az. (D: Geoffrey de Bellac - Mar 83)
Az, a griffin couchant above on a base Or 3 mullets Vt, on a chf Or
a mullet Vt. (D: Meriwether of the Four Winds - Aug 79?)
Az, a mermaid maintaining above her head a ship, on a chf Or 3
harps Gu. (D: Christopher FitzJohn - Jul 96)
Az, a swan naiant to sin Or, in base 2 bars wavy Arg, on a chf Or, 2
dice Az, spotted Or. (D: Salvius Cygnus Aureus - Apr 88)
Az, a sword palewise surmounted by 2 quills in salt, on a chf Or, an
eagle volant Az. (D: Marco Palladio di Soncino - date?)
Az, a winged lion sejant Or collared Az betw 3 suns in splendor &
on a chf Or 2 laurel wreaths Vt. (D: Castelleone Nuovo Sep 99)
Az, an obelisk betw six roundels one, 2, 2 & one & on a chf Or 3
mullets Az. (D: Bianca Caterina dei Medici - Apr 97)

498 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 or plus


Az, an open book within a laurel wreath & on a chf Or a lion

dormant Sa. (D: Bedes - Apr 03)
Az bezanty, a decrescent & on a chf Or 3 mullets Az. (D: Johanna
Hasard - Jan 95)
Az, on a sun within a laurel wreath Or a dragons head couped Sa,
on a chf Or 3 tankards Az. (D: Schwarzloch - Jun 00)
Gu, a bend Or betw 2 open scrolls fesswise Arg, on a chf Or 3 Latin
crosses Sa. (D: Alonzo Petri - Oct 92)
Gu, a garb within a laurel wreath & on a chf Or a demi-sun Gu. (D:
Nimenefeld - Mar 06)
Gu, a helmet betw in fess 2 hammers reversed & in base another, on
a chf Or 3 anvils Gu. (D: William of Bellefonte - Feb 86)
Gu, fretty Or, a stags head caboshed Arg & on a chf Or a rose Sa,
barbed & seeded proper. (D: Jamie Blackrose - Dec 98)
Sa, a bend sin betw a tower & a bear passant, & on a chf Or 3
sledge hammers Sa. (D: Cedric Steinhauser - Aug 90)
Sa, a lions head cabossed betw flaunches & on a chf Or 2 arrows
inv in salt Sa, flighted Vt. (D: Katheryn Spencer - Oct 94)
Sa, a natural leopards face Or betw 2 flaunches ermine & on a chf
Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Gu. (D: Margarette Cathrine Helen de
Burgh of Silvermoor - Aug 86)
Sa, a squirrel sejant erect within a laurel wreath, on a chf Or 3
acorns Sa. (D: Ecorngill - Sep 00)
Sa, a standing balance surmounted by a rams head cabossed & on a
chf Or 3 pairs of holly leaves bendwise sin fructed Sa. (D:
Elizabeth Margaret Cleves - Jan 01)
Sa, a tree within an orle of chain & on a chf Or 3 mullets Gu. (D:
Ronan Darkmoon - May 92)
Sa, mulletty Or, a lymphad in full sail reversed Or, charged upon
the sail with a laurel wreath Vt, & on a chf Or 3 towers Sa. (D:
Eisenmarch - Mar 86)
Vt, a chev & in base a battleaxe, on a chf Or 2 pairs of battleaxes
crossed in salt Sa. (D: Thorgrim Otrigson - Oct 93)
Vt, a chev betw 3 stags heads cabossed & on a chf Or, 3 crosses
formy Sa. (D: Wolfger von Wolkenheim - Jan 92)
Vt, a compass star within & conjoined to an annulet, & on a chf Or
3 shamrocks Vt. (D: Egan C Chaille - Feb 96)
Vt, a lion passant betw 3 dragonflies, on a chf Or a rapier Vt. (D:
Morin inghen Ruairc - Sep 04)
Vt, a salt Or surmounted by a sword proper & on a chf Or 4 goblets
Vt. (D: Robert FitzHugh of Bannockburn - Oct 83)
Vt, on a chev Or, an increscent Purp, & on a chf Or, 3 increscents
Purp. (D: Iliana Donatova - Dec 97)
Vt, semy of roses Arg, a horse salient & on a chf Or 3 mullets of six
points Vt. (D: Olwen ferch Rhys of Aberdovey - Jan 94)
Vt semy-de-lys, a sun & on a chf Or 3 roses Gu. (D: Mary Grace of
Gatland - Jun 02)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 purpure

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 sable

Gu, on a bend Sa, fimbriated, betw 2 grenades, a torch, on a chf Or,

3 pheons Sa. (D: Genevieve Aelfwynn the Firebrand Dec 89)
Gyronny arrondi Gu & Arg, a tower Sa, on a chf Or 3 laurel wreaths
Sa. (D: Havenholde - Jul 93)
Per chev Purp & Arg, in base a doubled horned armorers anvil Sa
& on a chf Or a hand Sa. (D: William of Wealdsmere Nov 93)
Vt, a bagpipe Sa, fimbriated Or, & on a chf Or a thistle fesswise
slipped & leaved proper. (D: Jeosigh Padraig MacCruimein Aug 79)
Vt, a bison statant atop a mount issuant from base proper & on a chf
Or a lion passant guardant Gu. (D: Manitoba - Jan 98)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Vt, a butterfly Sa winged Arg & on a chf Or 3 roses proper. (D:
Edan inghean an Druaidh - Dec 00)
Vt, on a pile Sa fimbriated a sun, & on a chf Or a lion passant Purp.
(D: Michael DeLacy - Oct 94)
* * * End * * *

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 vert] to [Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 3 or more]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 1 vert

Checky Arg & Sa, an apple tree fructed proper & on a chf Or 3
apples Gu. (D: Robert of the Appletree - Jan 92)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 2

Az, a bear salient to sin reguardant Or, muzzled Sa, issuant from a
tower in base Arg, on a chf Or, a salamander tergiant Sa. (D:
Gregory von Lucida - Jul 74?)
Az, crusilly Or, a lion & a lamb couchant respectant Arg & on a chf
Or 3 horned owls Az. (D: Gareth Tancred Wilfirth - Jun 85)
Az, in cross a staff raguly & a staff raguly reversed Arg, on a chf Or
3 annulets Gu. (D: John Dougal MacAndrew - Dec 99)
Az, in fess a stag & a horse both ramp contourny & on a chf Or a
barley stalk fesswise reversed Sa. (D: Mikhail Chaika Pavlov
syn Novgorodets - Jan 06)
Az, in salt a hammer Or surmounted by a scroll Arg, & on a chf Or
a hand balance Sa. (D: Femalaya of Noergate - May 83)
Az, 2 elephants combatant Arg, on a chf Or 3 torteaux. (D: Adela
Dagmar OFlynn - Jul 01)
Az, 2 falcons respectant Arg & on a chf Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Sa. (D:
Antoine du Marais - Feb 05)
Az, 2 squirrels sejant erect, addorsed, & on a chf Or, 2 swords in
pale, the upper reversed, Az. (D: Grigorei Nikolaevitch Belkin
- Nov 91)
Az, 2 winged unicorns queue-forchy combatant & on a chf Or, 3
clarions Az. (D: Celia des Archiers - Jun 93)
Gu, in bend 2 lace bobbins bendwise sin Or & a chf Or fretty Purp.
(D: Lois an der Baumhecke - Jul 01)
Gu, in fess a deer & a horse both ramp & on a chf Or a pair of
shears fesswise points to sin Sa. (D: Cristina Iarina
Chaikinaia - Jan 06)
Gu, in pale a lynx in summer phase ramp proper, & a mullet, on a
chf Or 3 flames Sa. (D: Rhianna Viatrix - Dec 82)
Gu, 2 battleaxes in chev, blades to base, & in base a tower, upon a
chf Or 3 eagles disp Sa. (D: Angus Alasdair MacLarty Aug 84)
Gu, 2 needles inv in salt Arg threaded & on a chf Or a domestic cat
couchant Sa. (D: Morgaine Essex - Sep 98)
Per pale Az & Sa, a dragon & a lion combatant & on a chf Or 3
axes Sa. (D: Galen of the Axe - Jul 99)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a wolf sejant ululant to sin Arg & a cross clechy
fitchy, on a chf Or 3 gouttes Gu. (D: Lars of Nordskogen Oct 07)
Per pale Gu & Sa, in fess a horses head erased & a swan naiant
contourny wings elevated & addorsed & on a chf Or 3
escallops inv Sa. (D: Patricia Grey - May 98)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 2 dragons & on a chf Or a lion couchant Sa. (D:
Ulrich von dem Walde - May 08)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a lightning bolt palewise & a garb, on a chf Or 3
hearts Gu. (D: Cyneburga Thorisdohter - Aug 06)
Per salt Sa & Vt, 2 halberds in salt Or & in base a compass star Arg
& on a chf Or a wolf courant Vt. (D: Fiacc MacDougal Oct 03)
Purp, a pilgrims staff bendwise sin passing through the strap of a
pilgrims scrip bendwise, on a chf Or 3 escallops Purp. (D:
Andrew son of Osric - Mar 90)
Purp, an onion domed tower Or, issuant from a cloud Arg, on a chf
enarched Or, an amphisbaena statant Gu. (D: Thomas Speir Feb 89)
Purp, in fess 2 goblets & on a point pointed Or, a bunch of grapes
Purp, on a chf Or, a dachshund couchant Sa. (D: Maximillian
Wilhelm aus Weinheim - Apr 90)
Purp, in pale a laurel tree & a crescent & on a chf Or a goblet betw
2 mullets of 4 points Purp.. (D: Alinor Bellissima Montgomery
- Sep 07)
Purp, 2 lions passant counter-passant reguardant & on a chf Or 3
crosses crosslet fitchy Purp. (D: Allegra Beati - Mar 96)
Sa, a gauntlet bendwise Arg sustaining a Celtic cross bendwise sin,
on a chf Or a salt Sa. (D: Duncan of the Bridge - Aug 99)
Sa, 2 chevronels braced & on a chf Or a compass star Gu. (D:
Joseph Grnewald of York - Apr 00)
Vt, a falcon close contourny & a lion ramp Or maintaining betw
them a sword Arg, on a chf Or a harp Vt. (D: Bibhinn N
Dhonnamhin - Jan 99)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 2 (continued)

Vt, an open book Arg sustained by a hand couped at the wrist

proper, on a chf Or 3 frogs sejant to sin Vt. (D: Dionisia de
Vere - May 98)
Vt, 2 stags ramp addorsed Arg & in chf a water bouget, on a chf Or
a bar embat to base Sa. (D: Nicolette dAvignon - May 92)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 3 or more

Az, 4 compass stars 2 one & one & on a chf Or a dog passant Az.
(D: Dirk MacMartin - Feb 02)
Az, 4 lozenges in fess arched, their lower points pointing to in base
a roundel, on a chf arched Or 3 torteaux. (D: Eromene Aspasia
of Constantinople - Dec 82)
Az, 4 quill pens fretted in a mascle & on a chf Or 2 mullets Az. (D:
Milica of Varna - Jan 03)
Az, in fess a sword proper betw 2 lions combatant, on a chf Or 3
Maltese crosses Az. (D: Cinan of Forth Castle - Nov 06)
Az, six daggers conjoined at the pommels points outwards proper,
within an orle Or, on a chf Or, 2 dragons statant respectant Az.
(D: Lachlan MacLean - Jul 04)
Az, 3 crosses flory & on a chf Or a triple-towered bridge of 2 spans
Gu. (D: Jehanne dAvignon - Sep 07)
Az, 3 drop spindles & on a chf Or a threaded needle reversed Az.
(D: Jesca the Semstress - Jan 96)
Az, 3 estoiles & on a chf Or, 3 crescents Az. (D: Kaylitha
Rhiannon of Southhaven - Dec 88)
Az, 3 standing balances & on a chf Or, a comet fesswise Az. (D:
Justin Meteora - Jan 87)
Az, 3 water bougets Or & a chf Or fretty Az. (D: Giana di Aurelio
- Jun 03)
Az, 3 wolfs heads erased & on a chf Or 3 laurel wreaths Gu. (D:
Wolfsau - Sep 99)
Az, 2 pallets Arg, overall a Latin cross fleury & on a chf Or 2
garden roses Gu, slipped & leaved, stems crossed in salt, Sa.
(D: Teresa Chavez de Gascogne - Feb 86)
Gu, five scarpes Arg, on a chf Or a sword fesswise Az. (D:
Tiburtius of Scarpa - Dec 87)
Gu semy of bees bendwise, on a chf Or 3 pomegranates Gu slipped
& leaved Vt seeded Or. (D: Francesca Tessa dAngelo Feb 07)
Gu, semy of stitchwort blossoms Arg, barbed Vt, seeded, on a chf
Or 3 Catherine wheels Vt. (D: Blodwen ferch Gruffydd ab Ifor
- Mar 85)
Gu, 3 bezants & on a chf Or a dagger Sa. (D: Cesare Ambrogino
Salvuzzi - Jun 01)
Gu, 3 piles inv & on a chf Or 3 war hammers Sa. (D: Douglas
Lachlan MacFarlane - Sep 97)
Pean, a sheaf of lace bobbins & on a chf Or 3 lozenges Gu. (D:
Barbara la Tapissiere - Jun 03)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a sheaf of arrows inv, on a chf Or a horse
courant contourny Vt. (D: Sara Littel of Denby Dale Dec 00)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 cinquefoils Arg & a cross bottony Az & on a
chf Or a hautboy reversed Az. (D: Dikran Aivazian - Apr 83)
Per chev Sa & Or, 2 wolfs heads erased addorsed Arg & a mullet
Az, & on a chf Or 3 lozenges Az. (D: Seamus MacOwen of
Kirkhill - Jan 84)
Per chev Vt & Or, 2 quill pens in chev nibs to chf Or & a cats head
cabossed Sa, on a chf Or 3 trefoils Vt. (D: Brg ingen
rennaigh - Aug 00)
Per pale Arg & Az, 3 bars ctrch surmounted by a goblet & on a chf
Or 3 roses Az. (D: Rodney Joseph Klahs - Nov 84)
Per pale Gu & Arg, six crosses crosslet, 4 & 2, ctrch & on a chf Or
a swan naiant Gu. (D: Maelgwyn ap Gwilym - Jul 87)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 3 cubit arms conjoined in pall inv, each grasping
a jugglers club, on a chf Or, a fox passant Gu maintaining a
gunstone. (D: Tormod dubh Gunn - Feb 95)
Per salt Vt & Sa, six bezants one, 2, & 3 & on a chf Or 3 pellets.
(D: Robert lEtourdi - Jun 08)
Purp, 4 swords fretted in mascle points to chf, on a chf enarched Or
2 wolfs heads erased Purp. (D: Cecille de Baskervyl May 01)
Purp, seme of suns & on a chf Or a lion dormant Purp. (D: Eric
Ragnarsson of the Ice Dragon Isles - Oct 90)
Purp, 3 cats passant & on a chf Or a sun Purp. (D: Isabella
Dragonetti - Nov 03)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 499

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 3 or more] to [Chief - Charged - Plain line - Purpure]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Or - Above 3 or more


Sa, five lozenges conjoined in pale Or within an orle Arg & on a chf
Or 3 martlets wings elevated & addorsed Sa. (D: William
Stefan Gould - Feb 96)
Sa, 4 piles inv in point & on a chf Or, 3 broadarrows inv Sa. (D:
Alexandra du Sommet - Sep 92)
Sa, semy of broadarrows inv Or, on a chf Or, a strung bow, string to
chf, Sa, all within a bord Or. (D: Yvonne Austin - Apr 90)
Sa, 3 crescents Arg & on a chf Or, 3 compass stars Gu. (D: Brion
of Bellatrix - Nov 90)
Sa, 3 griffins Or, a chf Or fretty Sa. (D: Padraig Dubh MacEanruig
- Oct 92)
Sa, 3 mountains couped & conjoined in fess within a belt buckled in
annulo, on a chf Or a bear passant Sa. (D: Donald of Mount
Gurten - Jul 93)
Sa, 3 phoenixes & on a chf Or 3 roundels Gu. (D: Alex of Wolfdale
- Mar 05)
Vt, a bear ramp sustaining a key within a laurel wreath Or & a chf
Or grillage Sa. (D: Forestgate - Dec 99)
Vt, in chev 3 roundels betw in base a goblet & on a chf Or a serpent
nowed Gu. (D: Melissa of Greenbranch - Jan 84)
Vt, in pale 3 broad arrows & on a chf Or a battleaxe Gu. (D:
Howard of Brockenhurst - Jul 02)
Vt, nine roundels arranged as a lozenge, on a chf Or, six roundels in
fess Gu. (D: Corinne of Grenvelt - Jul 97)
Vt semy of pears slipped & leaved, on a chf Or 3 pimpernels Gu.
(D: Yseult the Gentle - Apr 00)
Vt, seven mullets & on a chf Or 3 martlets Vt. (D: Edward
Sevensterre - Feb 96)
Vt, 3 annulets interlaced in fess & on a chf Or 3 ivy leaves Vt. (D:
Genevieve de Blois - Dec 93)
Vt, 3 fleurs-de-lys & on a chf Or, a dragon passant Gu. (D:
Morgann ap Ffrancwr Morgannwg - Sep 90)
Vt, 3 fraises Or, pierced Vt, on a chf Or a rose Gu barbed & seeded
proper. (D: Bevin Fraser of Sterling - Jan 74?)
Vt, 3 garbs in fess & on a chf Or a lion passant guardant Gu. (D:
Saskatchewan - Jan 98) (Important non-SCA arms)
Vt, 3 mullets of eight points & on a chf Or, a comet fesswise Sa.
(D: Yrcun of Anglesea - Feb 90)
Vt, 3 stags heads cabossed Arg, on a chf Or a wolf courant Gu. (D:
Morgan Ni Mhaille - Nov 92)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Purpure

Arg, a brown mouse ramp proper maintaining a sword Sa & on a

chf Purp a longbow Arg. (D: Franz Belgraunde die Mus Mar 04)
Arg, a butterfly Purp & on a chf Purp, mulletty, a crescent Arg. (D:
Farasha Joralemon - Nov 86)
Arg, a cat sejant contourny, on a chf Purp 3 suns Arg. (D: Caillin
hIcidhe - Oct 99)
Arg, a cat sejant erect, tail nowed, Sa & on a chf Purp five annulets
interlaced Arg. (D: Gregoria Anne du Lac - Jul 83)
Arg, a columbine Purp slipped & leaved Vt, on a chf Purp 4
lozenges Arg. (D: Keinwen Ragnarsdottir - Nov 95)
Arg, a deers attires & on a chf Purp a cloud Arg. (D: Amalie von
Prag - Mar 07)
Arg, a demon affronty, wings disp Purp maintaining a string of
flowers Arg, on a chf Purp, 3 open scrolls Arg. (D: Asher
Truefriend - Sep 92)
Arg, a dragon ramp Vt & on a chf Purp 2 mascles Arg. (D: Cera
ingen Rnin - Dec 05)
Arg, a dragon sejant contourny, on a chf Purp 3 decrescents Arg.
(D: Fiona Fairweather - Jul 94)
Arg, a fox courant contourny, on a chf Purp 3 oak leaves bendwise
sin Arg. (D: Teleri ferch Pawl - May 95)
Arg, a fox ramp Az, on a chf Purp, 3 roundels Or. (D: Leofric
Silverwater - Sep 04)
Arg, a gillyflower slipped & leaved Az & on a chf Purp 3 feathers
bendwise sin Arg. (D: Katerina Sina Samovicha - Feb 04)
Arg, a ladybug Gu marked Sa on a chf Purp 2 open books Arg. (D:
Tamar the Serene - Dec 95)
Arg, a Maltese cross, on a chf Purp 4 Eastern Orthodox crosses Arg.
(D: Gisela von Salzburg - Jun 90)
Arg, a mullet of eight interlocking mascles & on a chf Purp 3 Celtic
crosses Arg. (D: Elyzabeth of Cm an Iolair - Jul 03)
500 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Purpure (continued)

Arg, a natural panther couchant gardant Sa, on a chf Purp 3 hearts

Sa fimbriated Arg, all within a bord ctrch. (D: Fiona MacNab
MacAlpine - Feb 85)
Arg, a natural sea-turtle Vt, on a chf Purp 3 escallops inv Arg. (D:
Bronwen of Westhold - Oct 07)
Arg, a panther ramp guardant Sa spotted of diverse tinctures
incensed Gu & on a chf Purp 3 moths Arg. (D: Derdriu of
Kilmaron - Dec 01)
Arg, a peacock in his pride Purp tailed Gu & on a chf Purp 3
crescents Or. (D: Mahdukht al-Zarqa - May 04)
Arg, a rose branch & a sword inv in salt Sa, on a chf Purp 2 lions
passant Arg. (D: Kinborough Lyons - Aug 95)
Arg, a ship in full sail Sa pennoned Gu, & on a chf Purp, 4 plates.
(D: Joseph Lawrence van der Cullen - Jan 86)
Arg, a thistle Vt, flowered Gu, on a chf Purp a lynx couchant
guardant Arg. (D: Alistair MacLeod - Jan 93)
Arg, a tower Purp betw 2 apples in fess & an apple in base Vt & on
a chf Purp 3 broadarrows Arg. (D: Clarice of Caer Gelynniog
- Nov 06)
Arg, a tree blasted & on a chf Purp, 2 urchins statant respectant Arg.
(D: Iseault du Coeur de lOpale - Jul 96)
Arg, a triskelion of spirals within & conjoined to an annulet Sa &
on a chf Purp 3 ermine spots Arg. (D: Ellisif unnkrr Dec 03)
Arg, a unicorn & on a chf Purp 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Melissent
dAulnay - Dec 03)
Arg, a wolf ramp & on a chf Purp 3 crosses flory Arg. (D:
Guillaume Tomas le Lou - Jan 05)
Arg, on a pale Purp a garb Or & on a chf Purp a sea-horse naiant
regardant Arg. (D: Grainne ingen Murchada - Apr 00)
Arg, on a pall Vt 3 dolphins haurient contourny Or & on a chf Purp
3 escarbuncles Or. (D: Delphina de Champeaux - Mar 98)
Arg, 3 peacock feathers conjoined in base proper & on a chf Purp a
carrot Or leaved Vt. (D: Randal Carrick - Jul 02)
Arg, 3 sprigs of ash inv conjoined in chf & on a chf Purp 4 crosses
moline Arg. (D: Ascelin dYpres - Jan 94)
Arg, 2 swords in salt Purp surmounted by a lions head couped Gu,
on a chf Purp 3 mice statant Arg. (D: Camillo Guinicelli Nov 98)
Arg, 2 wolves sejant ululant respectant Az, on a chf enarched Purp,
3 mullets Arg. (D: Siobhan ni Diarmaid - Aug 89)
Barry wavy ermine & Az, on a chf Purp issuant from the line of
division a demi-sun Or. (D: Thierry dOutremer - May 00)
Bendy Arg & Vt, on a chf Purp 3 sexfoils Arg. (D: Naadirah bint
Ali - Jul 04)
Ermine, a unicorn passant & on a chf Purp 3 suns Arg. (D:
Alessandra Bencini - Jan 05)
Ermine, a unicorns head contourny issuant from base Sa, on a chf
Purp a club Or. (B: Aed of Avigdor - Jan 05)
Or, a bear statant erect affronty, forelegs extended in fess, Gu, on a
chf Purp 3 hearts Arg. (D: Mary Rose Edwards - Dec 94)
Or, a borage flower Az & on a chf Purp, 3 annulets Arg. (D:
Melisenda de Barcelona - Apr 98)
Or, a Bowen cross Vt & on a chf Purp 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D:
Saige verch Laurens - Oct 02)
Or, a bunch of grapes slipped & leaved proper & on a chf Purp 3
chalices Or. (D: Cassandra Isabella Borghi - Feb 02)
Or, a chalice Sa, on a chf Purp a pair of shears & a quill pen
fesswise Arg. (B: Cainder ingen hui Chatharnaig - May 07)
(JB: Aurelia von Grein)
Or, a cross flory, on a chf Purp 3 Janus heads Arg. (D: Sabina de
Almera - Jan 95)
Or, a crow rising Sa & on a chf Purp 3 key crosses Or. (D: William
of Gleann nam Feorag Dhuibhe - Apr 06)
Or, a dragonfly & on a chf Purp 3 spools of thread Or. (D: Ceara
nc Fhionnghalaigh - Mar 08)
Or, a foxs mask Sa, on a chf Purp 3 roses Or. (D: Annys Reynard Nov 94)
Or, a hart salient contourny Gu & on a chf Purp 3 compass stars Or.
(D: Michaela n Dhuibhne U Bhardin - Dec 92)
Or, a phoenix, on a chf Purp a quill pen bendwise sin Or. (D:
Milesenda de Bourges - May 04)
Or, a 3-headed thistle proper, on a chf Purp 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D:
Jennet Mayefaire - Jul 92)
Or, an eagle disp & on a chf Purp a fleur-de-lys betw 2 roses Or.
(D: Anne of Foxmoor - Jan 96)

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Purpure] to [Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 1 gules only]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Purpure (continued)

Or, an iris Purp slipped & leaved Vt, on a chf Purp 3 moons in their
plentitude Or. (D: Cecilia Maria Landriani - Jan 96)
Or, an open scroll within a laurel wreath Vt & on a chf Purp 3
lanterns Or. (D: Baile na Scolari - Mar 92)
Or, sem of keyholes Sa, on a chf Purp a heart Arg. (D: Katherine
von Schlosserwald - Jun 84)
Or, 2 bars dovetailed on a chf Purp, a crescent betw 2 mascles Or.
(D: Beatrice Maria Malatesta - Jun 95)
Or, 2 piles in point Gu, on a chf Purp 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D:
Antoinette Leblanc - Apr 01)
Or, 2 unicorns heads couped Sa & a sheaf of 3 arrows & on a chf
Purp 3 roses Or. (D: Aibhiln n Dhomhnaill mhic Ghiolla tSeanin - Feb 92)
Per bend sin ermine & counter-ermine, on a chf Purp 4 roses Or.
(D: Kathleen Conant of Dunbar - Oct 91)
Per pale Arg & Or, a unicorn passant to sin & on a chf Purp 3
millrinds Arg. (D: Tristan Melinydd - Aug 83)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 domestic cats sejant reguardant ctrch & on a
chf Purp 3 mice ramp Arg. (D: Alesia de Cattemere Mar 97)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a spiderweb ctrch, on a chf Purp a scorpion
fesswise Arg. (B: Tiberius Caelianus Severus - Sep 02)
Per salt Arg & Sa, a roundel ctrch, on a chf Purp 3 roses Arg. (D:
Amethysta of Kensington - Aug 99)
Plumetty Vt & Or, a dunghill cocks head erased & on a chf Purp 3
bezants. (D: lfgifu verch Morgan - Dec 96)
Quarterly Arg & Vt, 4 lozenges ctrch Purp & Arg, on a chf Purp, a
dragon passant to sin Arg. (D: Africa nic Shomha nic
Ghillonfhaidh - Nov 91)
Vt, a Jerusalem cross Or, on a chf Purp, fimbriated Or, a lion
couchant Or. (D: Edward of Stockwood - Oct 76?)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Not above

Arg ermined Gu, on a chf Sa 3 cinquefoils Or. (D: Elspeth

Turnbull - May 97)
Arg fretty Gu, a panther passant Sa incensed proper spotted of
various tinctures, on a chf Sa 3 crescents Arg. (D: Eleonora
van den Bogaerde - Feb 94)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, on a chf Sa a heart Gu fimbriated Or. (D:
Nicolette Douglas of Lanark - Dec 82)
Bendy sin Arg & alternately Sa & Gu, on a chf Sa a Saracenic pen
box reversed Arg. (B: Robin of Rhovanion - Sep 94)
Checky Az & Or, on a chf Sa a griffin statant to sin Arg. (D:
Robert of Avon - Sep 73?)
Checky Purp & Arg, on a chf Sa a horse courant Arg. (D: Henil
von Berg - Aug 03)
Checky Purp & Or, on a chf Sa a cross patonce Arg betw &
sustained by 2 lions sejant erect respectant Or. (D: Rowland
Baker - Sep 05)
Gyronny Purp & Arg, on a chf Sa 2 escallops inv Arg. (D: Lyneya
de Aston - Mar 05)
Gyronny Vt & Arg, on a chf Sa 3 Maltese crosses Arg. (D:
Sebastiano Francisco de Valencia - Nov 05)
Lozengy Arg & Gu, on a chf Sa an otter statant Arg. (D: Thomas
Foxhall of Gravesend - Feb 00)
Lozengy bendwise Gu & Or, on a chf Sa 3 oak slips fructed Or. (D:
Marc Beaucoeur - Mar 84)
Lozengy Or & Az, on a chf Sa 3 crosses fleury Or. (D:
Jacquemette de Chaponay - Jul 01)
Or fretty Vt, on a chf Sa 3 equal-armed Celtic crosses couped plain
Or. (D: Cemfind ingen Chobthaig - Nov 95)
Or, on a chf Sa 3 escallops Or. (D: Graham, Duke of Montrose Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Per chev Arg & Sa, on a chf Sa a plate. (D: Eloi Abelard - Feb 97)
Per chev ermine & Gu, on a chf Sa a dragon dormant Arg. (D:
Hysingr Langaspjt Skjoldsson - May 92)
Quarterly Or & Gu, on a chf Sa 3 harps Or. (D: Pdraig an
Fhasaigh - Feb 06)
Vair en pointe, on a chf Sa, a demi-sun Or issuant from the line of
division beneath an arch of eight mullets Arg. (D: Shana
Taleh - Apr 87)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 1 argent

Arg, a bend sin Arg, fimbriated Sa, overall a winged unicorn salient
Sa, armed & collared & trailing a broken chain Or, the collar
charged with a crescent Gu, on a chf Sa a wolfs paw print
Arg. (D: Phalin of Duramen - Apr 80)
Arg, a grey wolf dormant proper & on a chf Sa 3 fountains. (D: Ian
of Gloucester - Jul 81)
Per chev throughout Arg & Az, a decrescent Arg & on a chf Sa 3
triquetras Arg. (D: Eilionra Ghorm inghean Phaidn Mar 08)
Per pale Or & Gu, a griffon segreant contourny Arg maintaining an
acorn proper & a sword Arg & on a chf Sa 2 crescents Arg.
(D: Ruland von Bern - Jul 02)
Per salt Or & Sa, an open book Arg & on a chf Sa an arrow Or. (D:
Fri Farmansson - Apr 07)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 1 azure

Arg, a bend sin Arg, fimbriated, overall a winged unicorn salient

Sa, armed, unguled, & collared of a label trailing a broken
chain Or, on a chf Sa a label throughout Arg. (D: Strider of
Duramen, the Persistent - Jul 79?)
Arg, a dragon ramp Az maintaining a torteau, on a chf Sa 3 open
books Arg. (D: Lorenzo Dragone della Grotta - May 86)
Arg, a maunch Az, on a chf Sa a sword Arg. (D: Dafydd Lyn
OSeachnasaigh - Aug 79?)
Arg, a rose Az, slipped & leaved Vt, on a chf Sa, 3 crosses formy
fitchy Arg. (D: Sean Rose McGreggor - Feb 90)
Arg, a sea-wolf tailed as a fish erect Az, on a chf Sa, a sword
fesswise betw 2 anchors Or. (D: Leopold of Darkwater Dec 85)
Arg, a unicorns head couped contourny Az & on a chf Sa a sword
reversed Arg. (D: Richard Foxmoore - Jan 05)
Arg, a winged stags head affronty erased at the shoulder wings disp
Az within a laurel wreath Vt & on a chf Sa 3 mullets of eight
points Arg. (D: Wynterset - Feb 04)
Arg, on a bend Az, 3 open books Arg, on a chf Sa an arrow Or. (D:
Marion Fitzthomas - Oct 05)
Or, a maunch Az, on a chf Sa 2 cubit arms fesswise, hands clasped
Arg. (D: Etain Eame - Aug 93)
Or, a pale Az & on a chf Sa 3 plates, all within a bord Gu. (D:
Ambrosius MacDaibhidh - Dec 95)
Or, a wyvern Az & on a chf Sa 3 quatrefoils Or barbed Vt. (D:
Alison Wodehalle - Oct 04)
Or, an eagle disp Az, on a chf Sa a long Maltese cross Arg. (D:
Alexander de Arundel - Aug 92)
Or, billetty Sa, a squirrel sejant erect to sin Az & a chf Sa billetty
Or. (D: Solomon ben Jacob the Levite - Apr 83)
Per salt Arg & Or, a cup Az & on a chf Sa 3 mullets of six points
Arg. (D: Cedrych Ladyman - Sep 91)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 1 fur

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 1 gules only

Arg, a bulls head cabossed Gu & on a chf Sa 3 grouse close Or. (D:
Tarquin Turnbull - May 97)
Arg, a cock Gu & on a chf Sa 3 dolmens Arg. (D: Francois
Thibault - Aug 95)
Arg, a cross formy Gu, on a chf Sa 3 trefoils, each within &
conjoined at the base to an annulet Arg. (D: Christopher of
Silveroak - Jul 93)
Arg, a cup Gu & on a chf Sa 3 escallops inv Arg. (D: Milicent de
Glastonbury - Mar 97)
Arg, a dragon passant Gu & on a chf Sa 2 eggs Or. (D: Aislinn
ingen Rnin - May 02)
Arg, a dun cow statant proper & on a chf Sa 3 bees Or. (D: Debora
of Durham - Dec 06)
Arg, a fox ramp guardant Gu & on a chf Sa a single-headed chess
knight betw 2 chess rooks Arg. (D: Robyn MacArtair Nov 84)
Arg, a horses head couped Gu, on a chf Sa 2 increscents Arg. (D:
Duncan McClay - Apr 98)
Arg, a Latin cross bottony Gu & on a chf Sa 3 crosses bottony Arg.
(D: Sean of Elmhurst - Jul 96)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 501

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 1 gules only] to [Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 1 multicolor]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 1 gules only


Arg, a legless basilisk disp Gu, on a chf Sa 3 caltraps Arg. (D:

Morgan Blackmarch - Jun 92)
Arg, a pile wavy Gu, on a chf Sa, 3 plates. (D: Edward Oakenheart
- Jan 90)
Arg, a stags head erased Gu & on a chf Sa 3 bezants. (D: Ieuan
Chwith - Jun 03)
Arg, a sun Gu & on a chf Sa 3 crescents Arg. (D: Lisa van
Roosebeke - Oct 03)
Arg, a unicorn ramp Gu & on a chf Sa 3 dramatic masks Or. (D:
Gwynedd of Allendorf - Nov 91)
Arg, a unicornate dragons head contourny couped Gu & on a chf
Sa 3 dexter plate gauntlets clenched Arg. (D: Baldric Leeman
of Newcastle Emlyn - Feb 91)
Arg, a winged bull passant Gu & on a chf Sa 3 escallops inv Or. (D:
Una de Saint Luc - Jun 03)
Arg, an equal-armed Celtic cross Gu & on a chf Sa 3 triquetra Arg.
(D: Tadgg Derg ua Ciarain - Nov 99)
Arg, an escallop inv Gu & on a chf Sa 3 roundels Arg. (D: Caitiln
inghean Diarmada - Jul 07)
Arg, an eye Gu irised Arg & on a chf Sa 3 double-bitted axes
palewise Arg. (D: Athanaric Redeye - May 02)
Arg, chauss ploy Sa, a sword palewise inv Gu, on a chf Sa 3
mullets Arg. (D: Aaron OConnor - May 85)
Arg, in base a heart Gu & on a chf Sa a pair of armored arms
embowed respectant each maintaining a dagger Or. (D:
Wilham Juste - Nov 02)
Arg, on a cross Gu a cross of 4 ermine spots Arg, on a chf Sa a
tyger passant Arg. (D: Tangwystl ferch Dafydd - Jul 91)
Arg, on a heart Gu a quatrefoil Or, on a chf Sa 3 goblets Or. (D:
Amabel dAvignon - Feb 96)
Ermine, a double-headed eagle Gu, on a chf Sa 3 bears pawprints
Arg. (D: Aleksandr Mikhail Evgenevich Sviatoslavin vnuk Apr 96)
Erminois, a crab disp tergiant bendwise Gu maintaining in its chf
claw a fern frond arched fesswise Vt, on a chf Sa an increscent
& a sun Or. (D: Verena von Farnberg - Sep 80)
Lozengy Arg & Sa, a griffon passant Gu, on a chf Sa 3 decrescents
Arg. (D: Shariya bint Badr - Jun 94)
Or, a bear statant Gu, on a chf Sa 3 crosses swallowtailed Or. (D:
Volodymyr Mykhailovych Dolhoruko - Nov 00)
Or, a cardinals hat Gu, & on a chf Sa, 3 fleurs-de-lis Or. (D: Dirk
of Drei Eichen - Feb 94)
Or, a cross moline disjoined Gu, on a chf Sa 3 roses Or. (D:
Elspeth Ainslee Goldheart - Mar 96)
Or, a cross potent surmounted by a delf voided Gu & on a chf Sa 4
crosses couped Arg. (D: Geirr Ragnarsson - Dec 83)
Or, a fox sejant Gu & on a chf Sa, 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Annora
de Renart - Apr 91)
Or, a heart Gu & on a chf Sa 3 wolfs heads erased Or. (D:
Corisande de la Valle - Sep 95)
Or, a lion Gu maintaining a sheaf of arrows inv & on a chf Sa 3
crosses couped Or. (D: Marguerite de Moseleia - Mar 04)
Or, a pegasus volant Gu, upon a chf Sa 3 fleurs-de-lis Or. (D: Mark
of the Crimson Pegasus - Aug 82)
Or, a phoenix Gu, on a chf Sa a lightning bolt Arg. (D: Nicolette
Alicia Mara Delgadillo - Jun 98)
Or, a portcullis Gu & on a chf Sa 3 open books Or. (D: Diarmait
Corragin - May 99)
Or, a scorpion Gu & on a chf Sa 3 eggs Or. (D: Auriana filia
Germani - Mar 08)
Or, a stags attire bendwise sin Gu & on a chf Sa, an arrow reversed
Arg. (D: Archibald Michael Mac Robert - Apr 97)
Or, a swan rousant to sin Gu, on a chf Sa 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D:
Elizabeth Taylor atte Red Swanne - Jan 07)
Or, an eagle Gu & on a chf Sa five crosses formy fitchy Or. (D:
Adelrich Falke - Aug 02)
Or, an owl maintaining a needle Gu & on a chf Sa 3 holly leaves Or.
(D: Ingerith of Egilsey - Dec 90)
Or ermined Vt, a pale Gu on a chf Sa a lion dormant Or. (D:
Kenelm dOutremer - Nov 94)
Per chev Arg & Vt, a red fox passant reguardant proper & on a chf
Sa a decrescent betw 2 estoiles Arg. (D: Renard des Terres
Hautes - Mar 83)
Per salt Arg & Or, a rose Gu barbed Vt, on a chf Sa, 3 pairs of
swords inv in salt Arg. (D: Conan Mac Arthur - Jul 92)
502 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 1 gules only


Pily bendy sin Or & Sa, a sword Gu, on a chf Sa a dog courant to
sin, tail nowed Or. (D: Cailean mac Duibhdhormaigh u
Dubhlaoich - Jul 92)
Vair en point, a raven striking Gu, on a chf Sa a mullet Arg. (D:
Ianto van Diemen - Nov 93)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 1 gules plus

Arg, a chev Gu & overall a bulls head cabossed; on a chf Sa 3

towers Arg. (D: Raimundo Gutierrez - Dec 94)
Arg, a comet fesswise Gu & issuant from base 3 chevronels braced
Gu Sa & Az & on a chf Sa 3 crescents Arg. (D: Timur alBadawi - Jul 03)
Arg, a patriarchal cross betw 3 crescents Gu & on a chf Sa 3 fleursde-lis Or. (D: Soffya of Stierbach - May 03)
Arg, a rose Gu, overall 2 swords in salt & on a chf Sa 3 roses Arg.
(D: Alessandra di Teodoro - Jul 00)
Arg, a tower Gu within a laurel wreath, on a chf Sa 3 towers Arg.
(D: Forth Castle - Aug 95)
Or, a chev betw 3 axes Gu & on a chf Sa a Viking longship Or. (D:
orfinnr Bjarnason - Apr 02)
Or, a chev Gu betw 3 bugle horns & on a chf Sa a boars head
erased contourny Or. (D: Ralph Bigod of Hereford - May 03)
Or, a cross potent surmounted by a delf voided Gu & on a chf Sa 4
crosses couped Arg. (D: Geirr Ragnarsson - Dec 83)
Or, a pegasus segreant Gu within a dolmen issuant from base, on a
chf Sa a plate. (D: Malcolm Strider of Amesbury - Jan 91)
Or, an eagle rising wings disp Gu perched upon a gauntlet fesswise
& on a chf Sa 3 compass stars Arg. (D: Sebastian Thomas of
Hawkesridge - Aug 95)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 1 multicolor

Arg, a phoenix contourny Sa rising from flames Gu, & on a chf Sa 3

cleavers inv & reversed proper. (D: James Morris - Mar 94)
Erminois, a hippogriff ramp contournee, the aquiline half Sa & the
equine half Arg, armed & orbed Arg, unguled Sa, grasping in
its talons a decrescent Arg, & on a chf Sa a crescent Arg. (D:
Phalaea an Caer Eirdalyn - Aug 79)
Or, a phoenix Sa rising from flames Gu, on a chf Sa 3 crescents
Arg. (D: Jaffr Hbert - Aug 93)
Or, a portcullis Sa enflamed Gu, on a chf Sa, 3 laurel wreaths Or.
(D: Saint Johns Marsh - Sep 98)
Per bend Arg & Sa, an oak leaf ctrch & on a chf Sa 3 acorns Or. (D:
Lloyd of the Stoney Oak Forest - Jun 84)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Sa, a unicorn ramp ctrch, on a chf Sa, 3
roses Arg. (D: Thrainn Jrngrmsson - May 88)
Per fess Or & Sa, a lion ramp ctrch on a chf Sa 3 laurel wreaths Or.
(D: Mountain Edge - Aug 96)
Per pale Arg & Az, a Catherine wheel ctrch, on a chf Sa 3 cats
faces Or. (D: Bronwen of Brightoaks - Oct 92)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a cross crosslet ctrch, on a chf Sa 3 wolves
heads erased Arg. (D: Tigernach mac oghain ua eda May 99)
Per pale Gu & Or, a griffin contourny ctrch, on a chf Sa 3 roses Or.
(D: Peder Georg Jensen - Jun 96)
Per pale Or & Gu, a cross crosslet fitchy ctrch, on a chf Sa 4 crosses
crosslet Or. (D: Helmut von Reineck - Jul 04)
Per pale Or & Gu, a fleur-de-lys ctrch & on a chf Sa, 2 harpies
statant respectant, wings elevated & addorsed, Or. (D:
Luciana di Ridolfi - May 87)
Per pale Or & Gu, a sun ctrch, on a chf Sa a hammer Or. (B: Una
Wynifreed Berry - Mar 93) (For Domus Artium Utilium)
Per pale Or & Vt, a double-headed eagle ctrch & on a chf Sa 2
hawks lures Or. (D: Colyne Gray - Mar 03)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a compass star ctrch, on a chf Sa a spear Arg.
(D: Danyel Vendredi de Lyon - Feb 01)
Per pale Vt & Or, a Latin cross nowy pierced ctrch, on a chf Sa 3
harps Or. (D: Seamus the Shameless Connachtaigh Aug 93)
Quarterly Arg & Az, a cross flory ctrch Sa & Arg, in dexter chf a
laurel wreath & on a chf Sa, 3 mullets Arg. (D: Saint Julian
the Hospitaller - Dec 88)
Quarterly Arg & Gu, a dragonfly ctrch & on a chf Sa 3 boars heads
erased Arg. (D: Sorcha of Ar n-Eilean-ne - May 03)

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 1 multicolor] to [Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 1 sable only]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 1 multicolor


Quarterly Az & Arg, a cross ctrch & on a chf Sa 2 annulets

interlaced Arg. (D: Donovan Ravenhull - Nov 03)
Quarterly ermine & Gu, a cross crosslet fitchy ctrch Gu & Arg, on a
chf Sa, 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Arg. (D: Stefan of Pembroke May 90)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, a Latin cross fleury ctrch, on a chf Sa 3 fleursde-lys Arg. (D: Gunther van der Aachen - Sep 97)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 1 or

Chevronelly Vt & Arg, a lion ramp queue forchy Or, on a chf Sa 3

mullets of 4 points Or. (D: Siegfried von Siegen - Jul 94)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, a bear ramp maintaining an ax Or & on a chf Sa
2 bees Or. (D: Kilian the Black - Mar 08)
Gyronny of sixteen Or & Gu, a roundel Or fimbriated & on a chf Sa
a lightning bolt Or. (D: Tiberius Iulius Rufus - May 07)
Per pale Az & Arg, a tower Or & on a chf Sa 3 garbs Or. (D:
Christopher MacConing - Jul 04)
Per salt Arg & Vt, an open book Or, bound, & on a chf Sa a sword
fesswise reversed Or. (D: Michel dArtois - Jun 82)
Quarterly Arg & Az, a lions head erased Or, on a chf Sa 3
increscents Arg. (D: Aodhan O Dunlaing - Sep 04)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 1 purpure

Arg, a griffin Purp & on a chf Sa a fleur-de-lys Or. (D: Genevive

de Chauvigny - Sep 02)
Arg, a spiderweb Purp & on a chf Sa 3 spiders Or. (D: Ana Isabella
Julietta Borja - Sep 95)
Ermine, a horse ramp Purp, on a chf Sa 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D:
Angel dAuvergne - Oct 07)
Or, an iris Purp & on a chf Sa, 3 thistles Or. (D: Cera Campbell Jul 90)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 1 sable only

Arg, a bat & on a chf Sa 3 sets of 3 annulets one & 2 interlaced Arg.
(D: Donovan Synklar - May 05)
Arg, a bear ramp, on a chf Sa 3 roses Arg. (D: Antonia di Marino Apr 98)
Arg, a breadloaf & on a chf Sa 3 ladles palewise Arg. (D:
Magdalene Katherine MacDonald - Feb 94)
Arg, a bull passant guardant on a chf Sa 3 thistles Arg. (D: Angus
Ian Urry - Jul 96)
Arg, a cat sejant affronty, on a chf Sa a plate. (D: Cormacc mac
Conin - Dec 95)
Arg, a double-headed eagle disp & on a chf Sa a lion passant Arg.
(D: John de Duglas - Jun 02)
Arg, a dragon passant & on a chf Sa 3 crescents Arg. (D: Gemma
Stone - Aug 01)
Arg, a garden rose affronty Sa, leaved Vt, on a chf Sa 3 Latin
crosses Or. (D: Stephen of Abbey Blackrose - Nov 89)
Arg, a great horned owl disp proper, on a chf Sa a sword fesswise
reversed betw 2 towers Arg. (D: Timotheus Zacharia von
Schloss Zwilling - Jan 87)
Arg, a lion ramp contourny, queue forchy, on a chf Sa 3 hearts Arg.
(D: Dirk von den Schwarzenkatzen - Nov 93)
Arg, a oak Sa, fructed Or & Arg, on a chf Sa, 3 laurel wreaths Or.
(D: Darkwood - Sep 88)
Arg, a pegasus ramp to sin, & on a chf arched Sa 2 fleurs-de-lys
Arg. (D: Arianna Margarite dErte - May 84)
Arg, a pegasus segreant, on a chf Sa a roundel betw a decrescent &
an increscent Arg. (D: Ysemay Ranenshagh - Nov 99)
Arg, a phoenix & on a chf Sa 3 suns Arg. (D: Cyriac Grymsdale Oct 02)
Arg, a pithon erect & on a chf Sa 3 Maltese crosses Arg. (D: Collin
Monro of Tadcaster - Jun 06)
Arg, a ram passant & on a chf Sa a label Arg. (D: Michel de
Belgique - Oct 79)
Arg, a raven close, on a chf Sa 3 mullets Or. (D: Alesia de Maris of
Ravenstar - Dec 87)
Arg, a raven contourny, on a chf Sa 3 bells Or. (D: Gershom of
Ravensdale - Jul 94)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 1 sable only


Arg, a raven disp maintaining a spear fesswise Sa within a bord Gu

& overall on a chf Sa 3 ermine spots Arg. (D: Ravenswar
Brack - Oct 07)
Arg, a ruined tower & on a chf Sa, a sword reversed Arg. (D: Kll
of the Broken Tower - Jan 93)
Arg, a scorpion tergiant fesswise reversed & on a chf Sa, 3 caltraps
Arg. (D: Hephzibah MacLeod of Kilmuir - Jul 94)
Arg, a serpent nowed, on a chf Sa, a moon in its complement & an
increscent Arg. (D: Ivan Sarpe - Jul 88)
Arg, a single-headed chess knight & on a chf Sa a tilting lance
reversed Arg. (D: Ariadne de Glevo - Dec 04)
Arg, a sun in his splendor & on a chf Sa 3 mullets Arg. (D: Ruslan
Novgorodcev - Jan 92)
Arg, a sword & on a chf Sa, 3 mullets Arg. (D: Augustin Beau Aug 93)
Arg, a turtle passant, on a chf Sa 3 mullets of eight points Arg. (D:
Hagar the Black - Aug 79)
Arg, a unicorn salient reguardant, on a chf Sa 2 oak leaves Arg. (D:
Meliora Blythe - Apr 01)
Arg, an owl affronty & on a chf Sa 3 mice couchant contourny tails
erect Arg. (D: Pleasance de Coignieres - Jun 01)
Arg, on a single-horned anvil Sa a pheon Arg & on a chf Sa 3
trilliums inv Arg. (D: Seaan OHagan - Jan 04)
Arg, scaly Sa, a dragon disp, head to sin, & on a chf Sa, 3 towers
Arg. (D: Michael O hUigin - Jan 89)
Checky Gu & Arg, a horse ramp contourny, on a chf Sa a sheaf of
arrows inv betw 2 laurel wreaths Arg. (D: Schutzheim Jan 93)
Checky Gu & Arg, a lion ramp Sa charged on the shoulder with a
thistle Arg & on a chf Sa 3 spur rowels Arg. (D: Thomas
MacBriar - Oct 01)
Checky Or & Arg, a chess rook & on a chf Sa 3 bezants. (B: An Tir
- Aug 85) (For Gamesmaster)
Ermine, a bear statant, on a chf Sa 3 roses Arg. (D: Uilliam
MacCloskey - Jan 00)
Ermine, a cross formy nowy Vt & on a chf Sa 3 crosses of Lorraine
Arg. (D: Balthasar Yvon Charon - Apr 02)
Ermine, on a salt engrailed Sa a crescent Arg, on a chf Sa, a
crescent Arg. (D: Sean Owein MacGrioghair - Jun 91)
Erminois, a lion couchant & on a chf Sa 3 bezants. (D: Idunn
Felinnoir - Apr 91)
Gyronny arrondi of six Arg & Purp, a catamount statant guardant to
sin, on a chf Sa 3 feline pawprints Arg. (D: Valerian
Hildebrand - Oct 95)
Gyronny Gu & Or, a chalice & on a chf Sa a dragon passant Arg.
(D: George von Gerolstein - Jul 07)
Gyronny Gu & Or, an escarbuncle & on a chf Sa 3 bezants. (D:
Earik MacSkellie - Aug 06)
Gyronny of six per pale Arg & Gu, a unicorns head couped
contourny & on a chf Sa, a plate in sin chf. (D: Murdock
Cameron - May 92)
Gyronny of sixteen Arg & Gu, a domestic cat sejant & on a chf Sa a
decrescent & an increscent Arg. (D: Ceridwen of
Cahercommaun - Jul 91)
Gyronny Vt & Or, a unicorns head couped & on a chf Sa 3 feathers
bendwise sin Arg. (D: Katerine Radford of Dreywick Jul 00)
Lozengy Arg & Gu, a doe lodged & on a chf Sa 2 arrows inv in salt
Arg. (D: Alethea Charle - Mar 91)
Lozengy Arg & Gu, a hawk contourny & on a chf Sa 3 tankards
reversed Arg. (D: Aaron Hawksmoor - Feb 02)
Lozengy Arg & Vt, a boars head couped & on a chf Sa 2 pairs of
crampons crossed in salt Or. (D: Katrine Eberly - Oct 95)
Or, a bald Mooresss head cabossed & on a chf Sa 3 cowrie shells
fesswise Arg. (D: Amina of Songhay - Mar 08)
Or, a bear statant erect contourny maintaining a bow & on a chf Sa,
3 harps Or. (D: Yitzhak ibn Yoshua - May 98)
Or, a bear statant, on a chf Sa a mullet within the horns of a
decrescent Or. (D: Teodoro lOrso - Nov 93)
Or, a cat sejant reguardant & on a chf Sa 3 pawprints Arg. (D:
Isabel de Estella - Jun 95)
Or, a cross formy fitchy & on a chf Sa, 2 wolves heads erased Or.
(D: Michael Robertson - May 99)
Or, a domestic cat passant to sin & on a chf Sa, 3 bezants. (D:
Cynthia Anne of Silver Lakes - Jul 88)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 503

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 1 sable only] to [Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 1 vert]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 1 sable only


Or, a fox courant & on a chf Sa 3 palm trees Or. (D: Reinmar
Heyden - Nov 01)
Or, a griffin segreant, on a chf Sa 3 bowed psalteries Or. (D:
Pawlyn ap Griffydd - Dec 95)
Or, a griffin segreant to sin & on a chf Sa 2 coneys couchant
respectant Or. (D: Sibylla Timida de Cantabria - Mar 84)
Or, a key cross & on a chf Sa 3 roundels Or. (D: Giovanni
Vendelino da Firenze - Mar 07)
Or, a raven & on a chf Sa, 3 finger rings Or gemmed Arg. (D:
Katerina von Altenstein - May 06)
Or, a raven rising wings elevated & addorsed, on a chf Sa five
fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Reinhardt von Trotha - Jan 99)
Or, a rose Sa barbed & seeded proper, a chf enarched Sa mullety
Or. (D: Angharad ferch Tangwystl - Sep 95)
Or, a rustre & on a chf Sa a partially broken arrow reversed
chevronwise Or. (D: Douglas of Blackstone - Aug 82)
Or, a salt & on a chf Sa a cross of Calatrava Or. (D: Elena Kirkman
- Mar 06)
Or, a single-arched bridge & on a chf Sa a barrel palewise Or. (B:
Ponte Alto - Sep 07) (For the Baronial Brewer)
Or, a single-arched bridge & on a chf Sa a helm Or. (B: Ponte Alto
- Sep 07) (For the Baronial Rattan Champion)
Or, a single-arched bridge & on a chf Sa a pair of calipers Or. (B:
Ponte Alto - Sep 07) (For the Baronial Artisan)
Or, a single-arched bridge & on a chf Sa a pheon Or. (B: Ponte Alto
- Sep 07) (For the Baronial Archer)
Or, a single-arched bridge & on a chf Sa 3 harps Or. (B: Ponte Alto
- Sep 07) (For the Baronial Bard)
Or, a sin hand & on a chf Sa 3 decrescents Or. (D: Jawhar ibn
Akmal - Feb 02)
Or, a swan naiant, on a chf Sa 3 celtic crosses Or. (D: Chrel
Wynters - Mar 94)
Or, a winged spear & on a chf Sa 3 lions couchant Arg. (D: Owen
Sherard Trahern - Apr 06)
Or, a wolfs head cabossed & on a chf Sa, a label Or. (D: Darius
Wolfe - Feb 97)
Or, a wolfs head erased, on a chf Sa, a stags attires Or. (D:
Deorwulf se Deorc - Oct 98)
Or, an eagle disp on a chf Sa 3 lilies Arg. (D: Friederich Scrodir
von Baden - Jan 96)
Or, an hourglass & on a chf Sa 2 roses Or. (D: Iain Draker Sep 92)
Or, issuant from base a demi-eagle closed Sa, orbed Or, on a chf Sa
a lute fesswise reversed Or. (D: Anna nic Colin of Eagles Aug 79?)
Or mullety, a catamount salient & on a chf Sa, 3 thistles Or. (D:
Brighid Ellen Seward - Nov 97)
Or, on a lozenge Sa a Latin cross bottony Or, on a chf Sa 3 lozenges
Or. (D: Eleanor of Grey - Mar 01)
Or, on a pile Sa a crescent enhanced Or, & on a chf Sa, 3 mullets
Or. (D: Marc the Lazy - Oct 86)
Paly bendy Arg & Vt, a double-headed eagle disp & on a chf Sa 3
chalices Arg. (D: Konrad von Krixen - May 99)
Paly bendy Az & Arg, a swan naiant wings elevated & addorsed &
on a chf Sa a sword fesswise Or, hilted Arg. (D: Erich Rotbart
von Mittenwald - Nov 97)
Paly Gu & Or, a reremouse Sa charged on the breast with a Thors
hammer Arg, & on a chf Sa a sword Arg. (D: Ellisif
Bjarnardottir - Apr 94)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a bulls head cabossed & on a chf Sa, 3
fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Galen the Traveller - Oct 93)
Per pale Arg & Az, a tower & on a chf Sa, 3 bezants. (D: Giles
Chadwik Richardson - Sep 91)
Per pale Or & Gu, an eagle disp ctrch & on a chf Sa 2 laurel wreaths
Or. (D: Cm an Iolair - Jan 96)
Per salt Arg & Vt, a laurel wreath & on a chf Sa 3 mullets of eight
points Arg. (D: Tir Briste - Aug 03)
Quarterly Arg & Gu, an eagle disp & on a chf Sa 3 suns Arg. (D:
Eduard von Konstanz - Apr 97)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a bear statant to sin & on a chf Sa 3 doublebitted axes Arg. (D: Bjorn bunhauss lfsson - Nov 05)
Vair, a griffin passant & on a chf Sa 3 maple leaves Arg. (D:
Alasdair MacLeod of Durna - Aug 02)
* * * End * * *

504 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 1 sable plus

Arg, a cider press Sa betw 3 apples Gu, slipped & leaved proper, &
for augmentation, on a chf Sa 2 keys fesswise, wards to base
Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Rhys Afalwin - Jan 06)
Arg, a cooking pot betw on a chf Sa, a needle, eye to sin, Or, & a
base rayonny Gu. (D: Catherine the Friendly - Sep 88)
Arg, a double-bladed axe Sa, hafted proper, within an orle of
gouttes Az, on a chf Sa 2 open books Arg. (D: Andrew the
Executioner - Jul 97)
Arg, a hare courant Sa betw 3 roundels Gu & on a chf Sa 3
decrescents Arg. (D: Isabeau de Valle - Nov 03)
Arg, a harp reversed Sa within a laurel wreath Vt, on a chf Sa 3
goblets Arg. (D: Yarnvid - Jun 95)
Arg, a phoenix contourny Sa rising from flames Gu, & on a chf Sa 3
cleavers inv & reversed proper. (D: James Morris - Mar 94)
Arg, a stag ramp to sin betw eight mullets in annulo & on a chf Sa,
a sun Or. (D: Fiadhnait Chelsea - May 88)
Arg, a tower Sa & a ford proper, on a chf Sa an estoile Arg. (D:
Ulric von der Insel - May 96)
Arg, a tower Sa within a laurel wreath Vt, on a chf Sa an estoile Or.
(D: Bordergate - Feb 06)
Arg, a tree blasted & eradicated Sa within a laurel wreath Vt & on a
chf Sa 3 mullets Arg. (D: Coed du - Jul 05)
Arg goutty de sang, a greyhound statant coward, on a chf Sa 2
spears in salt Or. (D: Jonathan ap Morgan - Sep 93)
Or, a bend betw a tower & an eagle disp, & on a chf Sa, 3 crosses
crosslet fitchy Or. (D: Wilhelm Steinhauser - Dec 85)
Or, a cock, dexter leg raised, Sa, in base 3 peascods in pile Vt, on a
chf Sa 3 hawks bells Or. (D: Charles Edmonton - Mar 92)
Or, a crow close contourny betw 3 gouttes, on a chf Sa a sword
fesswise Or. (D: Reyne Wurm - Aug 98)
Or, a phoenix Sa rising from flames Gu, on a chf Sa 3 crescents
Arg. (D: Jaffr Hbert - Aug 93)
Or, a portcullis Sa enflamed Gu, on a chf Sa, 3 laurel wreaths Or.
(D: Saint Johns Marsh - Sep 98)
Or, a raven disp Sa & a mount indented Gu, on a chf Sa 3 towers
Or. (D: Michael Brangwyn - Dec 92)
Or, embedded in a tree stump an axe bendwise sin inv, on a chf Sa 3
ravens Or. (D: Roelof Doldersum - Mar 93)
Or, goutte de sang, a raven disp & on a chf Sa, 3 suns Or. (D:
Celynnen Cigfran - Oct 86)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 1 vert

Arg, a chev embat Vt, in base a rams head caboshed, & on a chf Sa
a ladder fesswise Or. (D: Tancred de Brus - May 86)
Arg, a chev Vt & on a chf Sa 3 annulets Or. (D: Edela Evertz Jan 06)
Arg, a fret Vt, on a chf Sa a sword reversed Arg. (D: Original
Nightshade - Jul 92)
Arg, a griffin segreant contourny Vt & on a chf Sa 3 crescents Arg.
(D: Aeschine Kamerum de Lochabor - Oct 06)
Arg, a lion ramp guardant, tail nowed, Vt grasping in its dexter
forepaw an ankh Gu, on a chf Sa a rainbow proper. (D:
Leiannka Zorya Zelolev - Nov 82)
Arg, a thistle proper, on a chf Sa 2 crosses formy quadrate Or. (D:
Meadhbh inghean Roiberd mhic Dhuibhshthe - Jul 01)
Arg, a weeping willow tree eradicated proper, on a chf Sa, 3 Celtic
crosses Arg. (D: Meghan of Laurel Wood - Dec 89)
Arg, an oak leaf bendwise sin Vt & on a chf Sa 3 triquetras Arg. (D:
Ernine ingen Duib Dara - Jan 08)
Arg, an oak tree fructed proper atop a mount Vt & on a chf arched
Sa a male griffin passant reguardant Or. (D: Geofry of
Cyrtenham - Dec 81)
Or, a Celtic cross Vt & on a chf Sa 3 escallops inv Arg. (D: Seumas
MacCullach - Dec 00)
Or, a dragon courant & in base 2 trees Vt, on a chf Sa 3 mullets Or.
(D: Luigi Santini da Sutera - Nov 97)
Or, a dragons head erased Vt, on a chf Sa 3 chess rooks Arg. (D:
Fionn na Fithe - Oct 98)
Or, a New World pineapple Vt, on a chf Sa a sun in its splendor Or
& a moon in its plentitude Arg. (D: Marsaili inghean
Domhnaill - May 04)
Or, a ram ramp Vt, on a chf Sa 3 garbs Or. (D: Diego Florez
Mendez - May 93)
Or, a tree issuant from base proper & on a chf Sa 3 estoiles Or. (D:
Damiana de Granada - Dec 06)

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 1 vert] to [Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 3 or more]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 1 vert


Or, on a shamrock Vt a triquetra Or, on a chf Sa 2 triquetras Or. (D:

Aubray inghean Fhearghaill - Oct 05)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 2

Arg, a drawn wooden bow & arrow proper fletched & headed Sa on
a chf Az 4 mountains couped Arg. (D: Edward Archer of
Cornwall - Aug 01)
Arg, a falcon disp Vt sustained by a sin cubit arm fesswise fist
clenched & on a chf Sa 3 feathers bendwise sin Or. (D: Donal
Bane of Blakmers - Dec 00)
Arg, in pale a goute de sang & a tick on a chf Sa a decrescent Arg.
(D: Raven Mayne - Feb 02)
Arg, in salt 2 roses Gu slipped & leaved Vt & on a chf Sa 3 otters
statant Or. (D: Abigail O Brogan - Feb 02)
Arg, 2 arrows in salt Gu overall a seeblatt on a chf Sa a bow Arg.
(D: Bruno Jger - Jan 95)
Arg, 2 cats combatant & on a chf Sa, a butterfly Arg. (D: Katrin
Bchlein - Jan 07)
Arg, 2 chevronels Az, in chf 2 boars heads cabossed, on a chf Sa a
boars head cabossed Arg. (D: Gaufrid mac Domhnaill Aug 94)
Arg, 2 comets inv Gu, on a chf Sa 3 estoiles Arg. (D: Grainne
ingen Lasrach - Aug 97)
Arg, 2 flaunches Sa each charged with a tower Arg, on a chf Sa 3
wolfs heads erased ululant Arg. (D: Wulfgar the Bold Jan 93)
Arg, 2 hammerhead sharks naiant in annulo surrounding a rose, on a
chf Sa 3 Latin crosses botonny Arg. (D: Daemon Broussard Jul 98)
Arg, 2 horses salient respectant, on a chf Sa 3 Maltese crosses Arg.
(D: Justin de Jussac - Nov 00)
Arg, 2 mallets in salt, on a chf Sa 3 quills palewise Arg. (D: Emrys
Llewellyn - Jan 89)
Arg, 2 piles wavy Gu, on a chf Sa 3 crescents inv Arg. (D: Teresa
the Unknown - May 93)
Arg, 2 rose branches in salt Vt, each with a rose Gu, & on a chf Sa 3
butterflies Or. (D: Rosalia di Bellavita - Sep 98)
Arg, 2 scimitars in salt & on a chf Sa 3 decrescents Arg. (D:
Rahmat al-Tayyibba - Jul 04)
Arg, 2 swans naiant respectant & on a chf Sa a demi-sun throughout
issuant from the line of division Or. (D: Adriana Belechere Nov 90)
Arg, 2 unicorns combattant, on a chf Sa 3 roses Or barbed & seeded
Arg. (D: Isabeau Reiner - Jun 98)
Arg, 2 wolves combattant, on a chf Sa 3 patriarchal crosses Arg.
(D: Sophia Mikhailovna Serpukhova - May 92)
Checky Arg & Gu, 2 griffins combattant & in base an annulet, on a
chf Sa 3 annulets Arg. (D: Regenweald Acleah Beorthram Sep 93)
Ermine, 2 quill pens in salt Gu & on a chf Sa 3 escallops Arg. (D:
Genevieve de Bohun - Mar 03)
Erminois, 2 lions heads conjoined at the neck respectant & on a chf
Sa a heart Or. (D: Kaleb McCabe - Apr 92)
Or estencely, in pale 2 scimitars fesswise edge to chf & on a chf Sa
a scimitar fesswise edge to chf Or. (D: Rhiannon verch Bryan
- Jan 08)
Or, in salt 2 wolves counter-salient Az, on a chf Sa 3 ermine spots
Or. (D: Kay Leigh Drake - May 00)
Or, 2 bottle-nosed dolphins naiant in annulo Az, on a chf Sa 3
sheaves of arrows Or. (D: Natalie of Carillion - Sep 95)
Or, 2 cats combattant Sa maintaining a heart Gu enflamed to chf, on
a chf Sa 3 crosses flory Or. (D: Victoria MacKinnon Aug 98)
Or, 2 chevrons Gu, on a chf Sa 3 lozenges Or. (D: Denny of Port
Oasis - Mar 94)
Or, 2 domestic cats sejant erect respectant, in base a heart & on a
chf Sa 3 hearts Or. (D: Kara the Twin of Kelton - Nov 96)
Or, 2 hares ramp Gu & a chf Sa, fretty Or. (D: Robert of Sentinels
Keep - May 88)
Or, 2 rapiers in salt Sa, a griffin passant Gu overall, & on a chf Sa a
mouse statant Or. (D: Gwylym ab Owain Tatershal - Sep 94)
Or, 2 wolves combattant & on a chf Sa, 3 roses Or. (D: Michael
Phelan - Nov 92)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 2 (continued)

Per bend debased Or & Gu, a cup & a fleur-de-lis ctrch, on a chf Sa
a bugle-horn reversed Arg. (D: Abelard Kif de Marseilles Aug 79)
Per pale Arg & Az, a rose & an increscent ctrch & on a chf Sa 3
dragons ramp Arg. (D: Katherine Westbrook - Jun 06)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 tygers sejant erect ctrch & on a chf Sa, 3
scrolls unrolled Arg. (D: Aell Aethelwita - May 85)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a hammer & tongs in salt ctrch & on a chf Sa a
tuft of 3 cattails slipped & leaved Arg. (D: Roland Ganneth Aug 99)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 bat-winged wolves combattant ctrch, on a chf
Sa 3 crescents Arg. (D: Edric Rannulf - Mar 91)
Per pale Or & Gu, 2 bears combattant ctrch & on a chf Sa a bears
pawprint Arg. (D: Sean Ladds - Jul 05)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a unicorn & a dragon combattant ctrch & on a
chf Sa 3 castles Or. (D: Thomas Gryffyth - Feb 97)
Per pale Vt & Arg, 2 bars ctrch, on a chf Sa 3 crosses bottony Arg.
(D: Paterick Burke - Apr 01)
Vt, 2 dragons heads respectant couped & conjoined at the neck
Arg, on a chf Sa fimbriated an arrow reversed Arg. (D:
Michelle de Feraud - Mar 81)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 3 or more

Arg, a cross of 4 swords conjoined at the points Sa, on a chf Az a

castle triple-towered Arg. (D: Alaric von Knigsburg Aug 90)
Arg, a salt triply parted & fretted Gu & on a chf Sa a bar wreathed
Arg. (D: Modwenna ferch Dewi o Glascrug - Jul 83)
Arg, a sheaf of peacock feathers proper & on a chf Sa 2 rapiers in
salt proper. (D: Raffaella di Contino - Mar 04)
Arg, a sheaf of 3 cattails Gu within a laurel wreath, on a chf
enarched Sa 2 water bougets Arg. (D: River March - Mar 89)
Arg crusilly fitchy Gu, on a chf Sa 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Angelo
di Gabbriello - Feb 04)
Arg, 4 roundels in cross & on a chf Sa 3 mullets of 4 points Or. (D:
Gregor of Caer Darth - Sep 95)
Arg, 3 chevronels braced Az & on a chf Sa a snow leopard couchant
Arg, spotted Sa. (D: Jordre Pargon of Windhovers Reach Dec 82)
Arg, 3 escallops Az & on a chf Sa an arrow reversed Arg. (D:
Muirgheal inghean Sheumais - May 99)
Arg, 3 mullets & on a chf Sa a comet Or. (D: Fionnghuala inghean
Uilliam - Mar 07)
Arg, 3 oak trees & on a chf Sa 3 acorns Arg. (D: Christiana
Blackhurst - Sep 95)
Arg, 3 piles inv in point Gu, on a chf Sa 3 fleams reversed Arg. (D:
Elizabeth MacFarlane - Oct 87)
Arg, 3 shamrocks Gu & on a chf Sa 2 Maltese crosses Arg. (D:
Llywel Silverserpent of the Misty Moors - Dec 85)
Arg, 3 torcs interlaced in pall inv, openings outward Gu, on a chf Sa
a sword Arg. (D: Tegan ferch Urien - Dec 92)
Arg, 3 trees blasted, on a chf Sa a wolf passant Arg. (D: Wolfgang
Schwarzwald - Feb 98)
Arg, 3 triskeles Gu, on a chf Sa a Great Dane couchant Arg. (D:
Grinne inghean Dhiarmada - Jul 99)
Arg, 2 rapiers crossed in salt Sa surmounted by a rams head
cabossed Gu, on a chf Sa a sheaf of 3 arrows Arg. (D: Edward
of Westmark - Apr 00)
Lozengy Or & Gu, in pale 3 cannons reversed, mounted on ships
carriages, on a chf Sa 3 bezants. (D: Angus Olyver - Nov 07)
Or, 3 axes & on a chf Sa, 3 bezants. (D: Constantine the Varangian
- May 89)
Or, 3 chevronels & on a chf Sa an increscent & a decrescent
conjoined Or. (D: Anne Johnston - Oct 05)
Or, 3 chevronels braced Gu on a chf Sa a lion couchant Or. (D:
Dougal MacRae - Apr 98)
Or, 3 double-bitted halberds, 2 in salt & one in pale, proper, & on a
chf Sa a sword fesswise reversed flammant proper. (D:
Michael of Brighthall - Aug 79)
Or, 3 dragons passant Gu, on a chf Sa an eagle disp Arg. (D: Erik
Adler - Dec 99)
Or, 3 hearts, points to center, Gu, overall a chaplet of thorns & on a
chf Sa a dagger reversed Arg. (D: Dominicus filius Raimundi Jun 92)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 505

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 3 or more] to [Chief - Charged - Plain line - Vert]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Sable - Above 3 or more


Per chev Arg & Vt, 2 tau crosses Gu & a mullet of 4 points
elongated palewise Or, a chf Sa, fretty Or. (D: Hans Makler Sep 86)
Per fess Arg & Vt, a hurst of pine trees Vt trunks Or issuant from
the line of division, & on a chf Sa a roundel betw an increscent
& a decrescent Arg. (D: Linet Grmlfsdttir - Jul 05)
Per pale Arg & Az, 3 chevronels ctrch & on a chf Sa, 3 roses Or.
(D: Magnus mac Cinnfelad - Dec 96)
Per pale Arg & Or, 2 legless demi-wyverns respectant Sa, belled &
incensed, & a garb Gu, on a chf Sa, 3 pheons Or. (D: Seann
ni Mhurchin MacFerris - Dec 89)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Vert

Arg, a birch tree eradicated, on a chf Vt a horse passant contourny

Arg. (D: Aline von Ronneburg - Jun 01)
Arg, a brown bear ramp to sin proper maintaining an axe Sa, on a
chf Vt 3 triquetras Arg. (D: Fearghus mac Airt - Feb 05)
Arg, a brown bears head caboshed proper & on a chf Vt 3 caltraps
Arg. (D: Barrett of Downpatrick - Dec 84)
Arg, a butterfly Purp, on a chf Vt 3 cinquefoils Arg. (D: Evelynne
van der Haagen - Sep 92)
Arg, a cat dormant Sa, on a chf Vt 3 fleurs-de-lis Arg. (D: Gillian
la Dyer - Jun 07)
Arg, a caucasian jesters bauble, vested Gu & Vt, sticked proper, &
on a chf Vt, a heron volant Arg. (D: Hilarie the Puppeteer May 92)
Arg, a cauldron & on a chf Vt 3 increscents Arg. (D: Devora bat
Shimshon - Dec 97)
Arg, a chev Vt betw 3 ravens close contourny Sa, on a chf Vt 3
fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Yvon DuBois - May 98)
Arg, a cockatrice erect Gu maintaining in each talon an oak leaf, on
a chf Vt 3 bells Or. (D: Sionn de Prendergast the Shannaghe
- Jan 95)
Arg, a crossbow Sa, on a chf Vt a rabbit couchant Arg. (D: Snorri
Snarfari Bjornsson - Jun 98)
Arg, a dog statant guardant & on a chf Vt an arrow reversed Or. (D:
Plokhoi Sobakin - Mar 02)
Arg, a double-horned anvil Sa & on a chf Vt a straight trumpet Or.
(D: Edric of Scardburgh - Mar 02)
Arg, a dragon passant Purp & on a chf Vt a gurges Arg. (B: Sigered
Aldrich - May 05) (JB: Katharine Aldrich)
Arg, a dragon segreant Gu & on a chf Vt 3 oak leaves bendwise
Arg. (D: Gwydion ap Kynwric - Feb 02)
Arg, a falcon stooping & on a chf Vt a rapier reversed proper. (D:
Fionnbharr Seabhac - Feb 99)
Arg, a fox courant to sin Gu & on a chf enarched Vt 2 crescents
Arg. (D: Jonet Nycholl - Aug 06)
Arg, a fox passant proper & on a chf Vt a compass star elongated to
base Arg. (D: Ruth of Innilgard - Jun 02)
Arg, a fox ramp Gu maintaining a torch proper & on a chf Vt 3
garbs Or. (D: Hannah Cameron - Sep 96)
Arg, a fret & on a chf Vt 3 estoiles Arg. (D: Tevenete de Charolais
- May 03)
Arg, a fret Sa & on a chf Vt a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Altavia Apr 82)
Arg, a frog salient & on a chf Vt a candle Arg enflamed at both
ends Or. (D: Prisilka od Cerveny Kamen the Sensible May 86)
Arg, a frog Vt spotted Or & on a chf Vt 2 unicorns couchant
respectant Arg crined & armed Or. (D: Ofelia della Crusca Jun 91)
Arg, a griffin segreant on a chf Vt, 3 roses Arg. (D: Meriel of
Dunheved - Mar 98)
Arg, a horse passant to sin Sa, on a chf Vt 3 harps Or. (D: Trechn
MacAoidh - Sep 92)
Arg, a horses head couped to sin Sa, on a chf Vt 3 horses heads
couped to sin Arg. (D: Lassar Fhna ingen Gharbin Aug 94)
Arg, a lion ramp Sa & on a chf Vt 3 Latin crosses Arg. (D: Charles
Fleming - Oct 01)
Arg, a longship Sa, on a chf Vt, in pale 2 axes fesswise, the lower
inv & reversed, Arg. (D: Ulfrik Haraldsson - Sep 92)

506 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Vert (continued)

Arg, a melusine with tails to base & on a chf Vt, 2 pairs of escallops
conjoined fesswise at the hinges Arg. (D: David mac Dougal
mac Rori - Sep 92)
Arg, a natural panther sejant Sa & on a chf Vt 3 candles Arg
enflamed Or. (D: Llywus ap Alan - Sep 03)
Arg, a pair of eyeglasses Sa lensed & on a chf Vt 2 boars heads
couped Or. (D: Leif Andersson - Jul 01)
Arg, a pair of gauntlets chevronwise Vt holding a sun Gu, on a chf
Vt 3 mullets Arg. (D: Rudolf von der Drau - Nov 94)
Arg, a pale Az betw 2 spear-heads & on a chf Vt a griffin passant
Arg. (D: Michael FitzRaymond of Twin Cedars - Aug 80)
Arg, a pegasus volant to sin & on a chf Vt, a quill Arg. (D: Aleric
Stensson de Bras dOr - Feb 86)
Arg, a peregrine falcon rising to sin proper, wings elevated &
addorsed, & on a chf Vt a sword proper enfiled of a ring of
keys reversed Or. (D: Jocelyn Celeste de Peregrina - Aug 86)
Arg, a pine cone inv & upon a chf Vt, an arrow reversed Arg. (D:
Bjorn Urho of the Pines - Oct 94)
Arg, a pine cone, stem to base & upon a chf Vt, an arrow reversed
Arg. (D: Bjorn Urho of the Pines - Apr 06)
Arg, a popinjay close affronty, head to dexter, on a chf Vt 3
shamrocks Arg. (D: Ceridwen du Bois du nord - Jun 99)
Arg, a portcullis betw & conjoined to 2 towers Sa, on a chf Vt 2
laurel wreaths Or. (D: Gates Edge - Sep 92)
Arg, a raven close contourny Sa, on a chf Vt a sheaf of arrows
fesswise Arg, & a base wavy barry wavy Vt & Arg. (D:
Robyn OConnor - May 98)
Arg, a raven contourny Sa, on a chf Vt 2 swords in salt Arg. (D:
John OGara - Aug 93)
Arg, a raven disp Sa, on a chf enarched Vt a mallet Arg. (D:
Morwenna n Mheachair - Feb 00)
Arg, a raven Purp, on a chf Vt, 3 decrescents Arg. (D: Carinne
OBranagin - May 92)
Arg, a raven reguardant Sa & on a chf Vt 4 roses Arg, barbed &
seeded proper. (D: Morgana Elisabetta Rosatti - May 89)
Arg, a raven rising wings elevated & addorsed Sa, on a chf Vt 3
annulets Arg. (D: Corwyn Sinister - Nov 91)
Arg, a reremouse disp Purp, on a chf Vt 3 wagon wheels Or. (D:
Alexandra Stick - Nov 98)
Arg, a rose Gu slipped & leaved proper & on a chf Vt five empty
yarn quills Or. (D: Rs of Port Oasis - Oct 02)
Arg, a seahorse Az & on a chf Vt 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Brighid
dArcy - Jun 03)
Arg, a seahorse erect Gu on a chf Vt 3 cinquefoils Or. (D: Stefanus
le Fiz Edmund - Feb 97)
Arg, a squirrel statant Gu & on a chf Vt 3 acorns Arg. (D: Isabel
Fosson - Apr 02)
Arg, a talbot passant guardant Az, on a chf Vt, 3 crosses formy Or.
(D: Margaret Powell - Jan 00)
Arg, a thistle proper & on a chf Vt 3 chalices Arg. (D: Elizabeth
Cammeron of Skye - Jan 02)
Arg, a triple-towered castle on a chf Vt 3 escallops Arg. (D:
Muirgheal of Cashel - Oct 97)
Arg, a turtle ramp & on a chf Vt, 3 turtles tergiant fesswise Arg. (D:
Pdraig McNeil - Mar 93)
Arg, a tyger ramp Gu, on a chf Vt 3 trefoils Or. (D: Natalia
Volkovicha - Jun 06)
Arg, a unicorn ramp Purp on a chf Vt 3 roses Arg barbed & seeded
Or. (D: Ciorsdan inghean an Fhucadair - Apr 97)
Arg, a unicornate natural seahorse erect to sin Vt, a chf Vt fretty
Arg. (D: Amytis de la Fontaine - Dec 85)
Arg, a wasp-waisted epinettes des Vosges bendwise sin proper, on a
chf Vt, 3 bells Arg. (D: Julian of Bergental - Dec 89)
Arg, a weeping willow tree proper, on a chf Vt 3 roses Or. (D:
Roswitha Goldfink - Jun 05)
Arg, a winged wolf statant to sin ululant, on a chf Vt 3 plates. (D:
Caitlin of Strathpefir - Aug 90)
Arg, an elm tree eradicated proper leaved Gu & on a chf Vt a candle
reversed Arg. (B: Myrgan Wood - May 05) (For the
Champion of Arts and Sciences)
Arg, an elm tree eradicated proper leaved Gu & on a chf Vt a poleaxe reversed & inv Arg. (B: Myrgan Wood - May 05) (For
the Champion of Armoured Combat)
Arg, an elm tree eradicated proper leaved Gu & on a chf Vt a rapier
reversed Arg. (B: Myrgan Wood - May 05) (For the
Champion of Rapier)

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Vert]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Vert (continued)

Arg, an elm tree eradicated proper leaved Gu & on a chf Vt an

arrow Arg. (B: Myrgan Wood - May 05) (For the Champion
of Missile Combat)
Arg, an elm tree eradicated proper, leaved Gu, within a laurel
wreath & on a chf Vt 3 maples leaves Arg. (D: Myrgan Wood
- Oct 83)
Arg, an Irish Wolf Hound counterrampant Sa, & on a chf Vt a
Huntinghorn reversed Arg. (D: Gavain Black Hound of the
Horn - Aug 79)
Arg, an ivy leaf inv & on a chf Vt 3 annulets Arg. (B: Morgaine
FitzStephen - Apr 05)
Arg, an oak leaf & on a chf Vt 3 horseshoes inv Arg. (D: Keina
Greenleaf - May 00)
Arg, an oak leaf palewise Gu & on a chf Vt an arrow reversed Or.
(D: Julian of Glenrood - May 82)
Arg, an owl disp Sa, on a chf Vt 3 decrescents Arg. (D: Aleksandra
Drakonova - Apr 00)
Arg, an urchin statant proper, on a chf Vt, 3 trefoils Or. (D:
Elizabeth Severn - Jun 87)
Arg ermined Vt, a great horned owl contourny proper & on a chf Vt
a castle Arg. (D: Elaine O Lansteffan - Nov 90)
Arg ermined Vt, on a chf Vt 3 crosses formy Arg. (D: Hathewisse
atte Mere - Sep 96)
Arg, 4 broadarrows in cross points to center Az & on a chf Vt a
longbow Arg. (D: Godwin FitzGilbert - Oct 00)
Arg fretty, on a chf Vt 2 laurel wreaths Arg. (D: Willoughby Vale Apr 02)
Arg, fretty Vt, a mascle-shaped buckle Or & on a chf Vt a lion
passant guardant Arg. (D: Philippa of the Cleftlands Apr 84)
Arg, in fess 2 oak trees eradicated proper, on a chf Vt an arrow
reversed Arg. (D: Iulianiia Trieskova - Feb 08)
Arg, in salt 4 mice tergiant, tails to center, Sa, on a chf Vt 2 pairs of
needles in salt Or. (D: Nicholaa Kelton - Apr 92)
Arg, on a chf Vt 3 martlets Arg. (D: Conchobar de Nevell Oct 02)
Arg, on a sun issuant from base Gu a fleur-de-lis Arg, on a chf Vt a
fleur-de-lis Arg. (D: Emerant Levana of the Rising Sun Mar 78?)
Arg, six sexfoils Purp, on a chf Vt a needle reversed Arg. (D: Anna
Stitcher - Jan 92)
Arg, 3 chevronels braced Az, on a chf Vt 3 quill pens bendwise Or.
(D: Daimhn Cinncaidhe - Dec 95)
Arg, 3 crosses of Jerusalem Sa & on a chf Vt 4 mascles Arg. (D:
Alessandro Solari - Feb 08)
Arg, 3 lions ramp in fess Gu & on a chf Vt in pale a bow & an
arrow fesswise Or. (D: Gerald of Northumberland - Oct 88)
Arg, 3 oak leaves & on a chf Vt 3 acorns Arg. (D: Mairad of
Dairbhre - Dec 91)
Arg, 3 piles in point throughout & on a chf Vt a hound courant Arg
bearing in its mouth a leather leash fesswise proper. (D: Liam
Donovan FitzSeamus - Jun 81)
Arg, 3 winged pigs statant Gu & on a chf Vt a swan naiant Or. (D:
Rose Campbell - Oct 06)
Arg, 2 chevronels Az betw 3 apples Gu, slipped & leaved proper, &
on a chf Vt a curved hilt shamshir fesswise reversed blade to
base Arg. (D: Daud ibn Auda - Aug 06)
Arg, 2 does statant respectant reguardant proper on a chf Vt 3 birch
leaves Arg. (D: Sadhbh Samhioldanach - Nov 90)
Arg, 2 pallets Purp & on a chf Vt, a snowflake Arg. (D: Bebhinn
ODbhlin - Sep 91)
Arg, 2 spears in salt & on a chf Vt 3 harps Arg. (D: Robert Stonor Jun 91)
Arg, 2 swords & a bow & arrow reversed Az, on a chf Vt a wolfs
head cabossed Arg. (D: Hrothgar feilan - Feb 06)
Arg, 2 swords in salt Sa, on a chf Vt 2 wolfs heads couped
respectant Arg. (D: Colin MacWilliams - Apr 00)
Arg, 2 swords inv in salt Sa fretted with a mascle & on a chf Vt 2
escallops Arg. (D: Alicia le Wilfulle - Mar 02)
Barry Arg & Vt, a sun Or & on a chf Vt 3 crescents inv Or. (D:
Anne Greye - Dec 95)
Bendy & per pale Or & Sa, on a chf Vt a fleur-de-lys betw 2 mullets
Or. (D: Katerina Isabella di Firenze - Nov 88)
Chevronelly Sa & Arg, on a chf Vt a drinking horn Arg. (D: Su of
the Silver Horn - Jan 03)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Vert (continued)

Ermine, an owl disp Vt maintaining a rat Gu, on a chf Vt 3 acorns

inv slipped & leaved Arg. (D: Ethelreda the Wise - Apr 97)
Lozengy Or & Sa, on a chf enarched Vt 3 chess rooks Or. (D:
Wilhelm von Wittenberg - May 05)
Or, a battle axe bendwise sin sustained by a cubit arm Sa & on a chf
Vt 3 bells Or. (D: Timothy Fletcher - May 03)
Or, a bear ramp Sa on a chf Vt 3 increscents Arg. (D: William
Warren - Jan 02)
Or, a bunch of grapes Gu slipped & on a chf Vt 3 suns Or. (D:
Cecilia la Feconda - Feb 01)
Or, a compass rose Sa, on a chf Vt 2 hides Or. (D: Caelina Lrd
Reisende - Jun 98)
Or, a cross fleury Gu & on a chf Vt a crescent Arg. (D: Ysabel
dOutre-mer - Feb 03)
Or, a demons head & on a chf Vt 3 Celtic crosses Or. (D: Fiona
McClancy - Jul 01)
Or, a dolmen & on a chf Vt 3 lozenges Or. (D: Nechtan MacIver Sep 04)
Or, a Donnelly knot Gu, on a chf Vt 3 quills Or. (D: Claire Marie
Alderton - Jan 98)
Or, a double-headed eagle disp Sa, on a chf Vt 3 laurel wreaths Or.
(D: Infimus Mons Aureus - Dec 96)
Or, a dragon passant Gu & on a chf Vt 2 triquetrae Or. (D: Ercc
hua Cuilin - Feb 07)
Or, a dragon segreant Gu, on a chf Vt 3 Jerusalem crosses Or. (D:
Gwenhwyvar Lawen - Jun 91)
Or, a dragons head cabossed Sa & on a chf Vt 3 triangles inv Or.
(D: Catrijn van der Hedde - Jan 08)
Or, a fleur-de-lis Purp, on a chf Vt a lion passant guardant
maintaining a harp Or. (D: Catalina Maria di Michele
Baroncelli - Oct 06)
Or, a leonine-Sagittarius passant & on a chf Vt, 3 phoenixes Or,
enflamed proper. (D: Beatrice Sidney - Oct 91)
Or, a pavilion within a laurel wreath & on a chf Vt 3 compass stars
Or. (D: Norborough - Sep 00)
Or, a penguin statant affronty facing dexter Sa, bellied Arg, on a chf
Vt 3 mullets of six points Or. (D: Allison of Basarabia Sep 92)
Or, a pile inv pean, on a chf Vt, 4 acorns Or. (D: Meraiah of
Lands End - Apr 90)
Or, a rose Az, barbed & seeded Vt, a chf Vt fretty Or. (D: Katarina
Petrovna Pomeshanova - Dec 93)
Or, a rose proper on a chf Vt 3 suns Or. (D: Rosalind Jehanne Jan 92)
Or, a sea lion & on a chf Vt, 3 serpents involved Or. (D: Talek
Rynstr - Nov 89)
Or, a slip of elderberry, flowered & fructed proper, & on a chf Vt a
ladle Or. (D: Ingrid Elizabeth de Marksberry - Feb 07)
Or, a sprig of mistletoe inv Vt fructed Arg, on a chf Vt a sewing
needle fesswise reversed Arg threaded Or. (D: Nesta Coed Oct 00)
Or, a sprig of 3 linden leaves & on a chf Vt, a Cavendish knot Or.
(D: Nazar Druzhinin - Oct 92)
Or, a stag statant proper, on a chf Vt 3 acorns slipped & leaved Or.
(B: Gwenhwyfar Dinas Emrys - Feb 05)
Or, a sun in his splendor Gu, on a chf Vt 3 billets Arg. (D: Sorcha
of Stonegrave - Aug 06)
Or, a tower & on a chf Vt 2 churchbells Or. (D: Thyri de Peel Dec 91)
Or, a tower Sa & on a chf Vt 2 sheaves of arrows Or. (D: Eric
Thorn - Aug 04)
Or, a tree blasted Sa, on a chf Vt 3 fleams Or. (D: Reyne Morgane Jun 04)
Or, a weeping willow tree couped & on a chf Vt 3 suns in splendor
Or. (D: Ariel de Narbonne - Jun 05)
Or, a wild mans head cabossed & on a chf Vt, 3 mallets Or. (D:
Charles le Serein - May 97)
Or, a winged lion ramp Gu maintaining a fleur-de-lis Az, on a chf
Vt a straight trumpet Or. (D: Baudouin de Domrmy May 04)
Or, a wingless dragon passant to sin, on a chf Vt 3 castles Arg. (D:
Theron of Dragonsfyre - Sep 73?)
Or, a yew tree eradicated, on a chf Vt a jews harp fesswise Or. (B:
Eoghan g Mac Labhrainn - Jun 01)
Or, an iris Gu slipped & leaved, on a chf Vt 2 threaded needles
palewise Or. (D: Phyllis Longacre of Ravenglass - Apr 00)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 507

[Chief - Charged - Plain line - Vert] to [Chief - Charged - Jagged - Argent]

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Vert (continued)

Or, an oak tree eradicated fructed proper & on a chf Vt a wolf

courant to sin Arg. (D: Wolfgang von dem Eichenwald Mar 91)
Or, an oak tree proper issuant from a mount & on a chf Vt 3
escallops Arg. (D: Theodoros Constantinopolites - Nov 88)
Or ermined, a fret & on a chf Vt 2 trefoils Or. (D: Caitln inghean
u Shiridein - Aug 00)
Or fretty, on a chf Vt a stag courant Arg. (D: Fionnach nic
Shearlais - Mar 98)
Or, on a chf Vt 3 ducks naiant to sin Or. (D: Birna rau - Jul 06)
Or, on a sun Gu a lion passant Or & on a chf Vt 3 lilies Arg. (D:
Linnet Pavatte - Mar 04)
Or, the prow of a drakkar reversed, on a chf a serpent ondoyant to
sin Vt, fimbriated Or. (D: Orwic-Skell Hosfelt e Jarneberg Jan 73?)
Or, 3 falcons Vt belled Arg & jessed Gu & on a chf Vt 3 lilies Or.
(D: Lishka Cheglokova - Apr 02)
Or, 3 Irish setters ramp proper & on a chf Vt issuant from base a
dexter hand Arg, vested Or, grasping a sword reversed proper.
(D: Caobhin Suilleabhain - Feb 82)
Or, 3 oak leaves conjoined in pall & on a chf Vt 3 acorns Or. (D:
Eilidh na Tire Dharigh - Jan 98)
Or, 3 squirrels sejant erect Gu, each maintaining a mushroom & on
a chf Vt, a needle threaded Or. (D: Eleanora de la Birche Jul 94)
Or, 3 urchins Vt & a chf Vt fretty Or. (D: Aelis Helene of
Hengandrode - Nov 90)
Or, 2 chevronels fretted with a chevronel inv Sa, on a chf Vt 3
mullets Or. (D: Lorcn ab Arthur - Jun 89)
Or, 2 pheasants addorsed tails crossed in salt & on a chf Vt five
lozenges Or. (D: Lydia of Sardis - Nov 95)
Or, 2 rapiers in salt inv Sa, overall a hawk close & on a chf Vt 3
cups Or. (D: Facon du Pray - Nov 93)
Or, 2 rapiers inv in salt Sa surmounted by a lozenge Purp, on a chf
Vt 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Nikodemus of Axemoor - Sep 98)
Paly Arg & Vt, on a chf Vt 4 feathers bendwise sin Arg. (D: Fithir
Gormlaith MacMurrough - Oct 89)
Paly of 4 Sa & Or, a pheon & on a chf Vt, 2 hunting horns reversed
Or. (D: John Kelton of Greyhorn - May 89)
Paly Sa & Arg, on a chf Vt 2 rapiers inv in salt Or. (D: Jane Nora
Carrik - Jan 96)
Per bend Or & checky Vt & Or, in sin chf an eagle rising, wings
addorsed Sa, & on a chf Vt 3 broad arrows Or. (D: Jonathan
Yeatts - Aug 91)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a bend sin wavy ctrch betw a dolphin naiant
bendwise sin Vt & another facing sin & inv, Arg, on a chf Vt 3
escallops Or. (D: Allesandra Francesca Karina del Bochetto Aug 86)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a heart ctrch, on a chf Vt a pair of shears
blades to dexter Or. (D: Marion Ravendel - Jul 00)
Per bend sin Or & Vt, a horse salient ctrch & on a chf Vt a strung
bow inv Or. (D: Miriam Armstrong - Aug 83)
Per fess wavy Or & Vt, a seahorse ctrch, on a chf Vt, an acorn
slipped & leaved inv betw 2 tortoises Or. (D: Elspeth
Radegund - Oct 90)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 domestic cats combattant ctrch Sa & Arg &
on a chf Vt a domestic cat couchant Or. (D: Aniushka
Sekerina - Jan 03)
Per pale Arg & Or, 3 quatrefoils slipped & on a chf Vt 3 roses Arg.
(D: Melangell o Bwllglas - Oct 95)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a griffin segreant & on a chf Vt 3 mullets Arg.
(D: Waryn de Ashley - Apr 05)
Per pale Arg & Sa, in fess 2 mortars & pestles ctrch, on a chf Vt 3
aspen leaves Arg. (D: Catherine Adrienne de Steele - Jul 89)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 unicorns heads erased respectant ctrch, on a
chf Vt 3 shamrocks Arg. (D: Connar OMorris Greywolf Feb 91)
Per pale Az & Or, 2 walls couped with portals ctrch & on a chf Vt
an arrow Or. (D: Hans Schneckenburg - Sep 03)
Per pale counter-ermine & ermine 2 dolphins urinant respectant Arg
& Sa & on a chf Vt 3 escallops inv Arg. (D: Girard Antoine
de Beauchamps - Dec 90)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a chalice & a lion ctrch & on a chf Vt, 3 harps
Or. (D: Mchl Murchadha - Feb 07)
Per pale Or & Arg, a bulls head caboshed Sa, on a chf Vt 3 mullets
Arg. (D: Gunther the Boastful - Nov 95)
508 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Charged - Plain line - Vert (continued)

Per pale Or & Sa, a sun throughout ctrch, on a chf Vt 3 fleurs-de-lys

Or. (D: Pietro Antuono di Napoli - date?)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 lions couchant addorsed ctrch, on a chf Vt a
plate. (D: Alexondra Ivasheva - Feb 08)
Potent, on a chf Vt a boar passant Arg. (D: Gerrard Sanglier Jun 04)
Purp, a cross of Jerusalem Or, & on a chf Vt, fimbriated, a rose
slipped & leaved Or. (D: Susan the Specific - Aug 79?)
Vair, a pegasus ramp Or & on a chf Vt 3 celtic crosses Or. (B:
Blaise de Cormeilles - Aug 98)
Vairy en point Or & Vt, on a chf Vt a squirrel courant Or. (D:
Daphne Anne Fraser - Aug 91)
Vairy en pointe Vt & Arg, on a chf Vt a sprig of 3 oak leaves & 2
acorns Arg. (D: Siobhan nic an Baihrd - Nov 81)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Jagged - Argent

Az, a barrel fesswise Or & on a chf triangular Arg a bears head

couped Sa. (D: Colin Ursell - Jan 91)
Az, a bear ramp Or on a chf invected Arg 3 anchors Az. (D:
Margarethe Wessel - Aug 85)
Az, a bell & on a chf invected Arg, 3 roses Az. (D: Caitlin of
Rosecommon - Sep 92)
Az, a boar passant & on a chf indented Arg 2 bickern anvils Az. (D:
Garth of the Crags - Sep 95)
Az, a castle & on a chf triangular Arg, a weasel statant to sin Az.
(D: Wilhelm der Wieselhter - Jul 91)
Az, a castle triple-towered Or & on a chf triangular Arg a bow
palewise reversed & an arrow fesswise reversed in cross Sa.
(D: Richard Clitherow - Sep 03)
Az, a cat sejant erect & on a chf engrailed Arg 3 trefoils Vt. (D:
Dailfind inghean u Ruairc - Apr 08)
Az, a claymore inv, on a chf invected Arg 4 decrescents Vt. (D:
William MacAndro - Feb 98)
Az, a demi-sun issuant from base Or & on a chf invected Arg 3
crescents Az. (D: Ismail al-Qasim - May 92)
Az, a demi-sun Or issuant from base, & on a chf double arched Arg
3 hearts Sa. (D: Christence Heiseler - May 94)
Az, a dragon segreant & on a chf indented Arg 3 dogs passant Vt.
(D: Jehane Desquiens - Sep 00)
Az, a dragons head erased Or & on a chf invected Arg, 3 spools of
thread Vt. (D: Chrestienne Chabrier - Jul 07)
Az, a dragons head issuant from base Or, on a chf urdy Arg a
sword reversed Gu. (D: Donatus Canute Hillebrand Oct 93)
Az, a hand in benediction & on a chf invected Arg 3 decrescents
Az. (D: James Edmund of Aberedw - May 92)
Az, a harp reversed Or, on a chf invected Arg, 3 roses Sa. (D:
Rosalie Ashleigh - Jul 91)
Az, a Latin cross throughout & on a chf engrailed Arg a laurel
branch Vt. (D: Jannet nyk Donnachie - Jul 00)
Az, a lion ramp regardant maintaining in its sin forepaw a sword inv
Or, on a chf indented Arg 3 crosses formy Sa. (D: Amalric
von Regensburg - Jul 98)
Az, a lymphad within a laurel wreath, on a chf indented Arg 3
snowflakes Az. (D: Brewerskeep - Oct 89)
Az, a lynx sejant guardant & on a chf indented Arg a garden
rosebud reversed, slipped & leaved, Sa. (D: Anastasiya
Feodorovna - Nov 93)
Az, a mortar & pestle & on a chf indented Arg 2 cats sejant
respectant Sa. (D: Diane de Domrmy - Jun 95)
Az, a scythe bendwise sin inv & on a chf invected Arg, 2 roses Az.
(D: Li Kung Lo - Dec 92)
Az, a seahorse & on a chf invected Arg, a crescent Az. (D:
Alexander de Toulon - Apr 90)
Az, a sea-tyger ramp & on a chf invected Arg, 3 laurel wreaths Az.
(D: Seatygers Ryn - Oct 92)
Az, a seawolf naiant reguardant queue forchy & on a chf invected
Arg a sword reversed Az. (D: Anthony Westley - Aug 95)
Az, a sexfoil & on a chf invected Arg 3 sexfoils Az. (D: Isabella
Sharman - Jul 99)
Az, a sun, on a chf indented Arg 3 shamrocks Az. (D: Dougal
McCracken - Jan 00)
Az, a tankard & on a chf triangular Arg a roundel Gu. (D: Mchel
of the East - May 05)

[Chief - Charged - Jagged - Argent]

Chief - Charged - Jagged - Argent (continued)

Az, a tower & on a chf invected Arg, a lion passant guardant Sa.
(D: Fionna n Cheallaigh - Sep 92)
Az, a trillium flower inv Or & on a chf triangular Arg 3 roses in fess
proper. (D: Margaret de Luce - Jan 03)
Az, a tyger ramp to sin & on a chf triangular Arg, 3 compass stars
Gu. (D: Conall MacLeod - Jan 93)
Az, a winged shoe Or, on a chf invected Arg an arrow reversed Az.
(D: Oliver Tarney - Mar 02)
Az, a wolf couchant contourny & on a chf triangular Arg a rose
proper. (D: Rs Fhionn inghean Domhnaill - Oct 05)
Az, an eagle disp, wings inv, Or, on a chf triply-arched Arg, a fox
courant Gu. (D: Genevieve des Champs - May 92)
Az, an escallop & on a chf invected Arg five roundels Az. (D:
Gwenhwyvar de la Mere - Feb 00)
Az, an owl disp & on a chf triangular Arg an apple Gu. (B: Storvik
- Apr 92) (For Order of the Owl)
Az, 4 hearts, 3 & one, & on a chf engrailed Arg an arrow Sa,
flighted & nocked at both ends Az. (D: Elaine the Forgettable
- Jun 81)
Az goutty deau, a dragon passant Or, on a chf invected Arg, a
laurel wreath Vt. (D: Sterlynge Vayle - Jan 85)
Az, in fess 2 spiders & on a chf invected Arg a spider Sa. (D: Anje
von den Wellen - Aug 84)
Az, in salt 2 roses, slipped & leaved, Arg, barbed & seeded, proper,
on a chf triangular Arg, a compass star Az. (D: Elwyn ferch
Alwyn - Dec 88)
Az, on a chf indented Arg, 3 hearts Gu. (D: Julian Goodwyn Dec 96)
Az, 3 Celtic crosses & on a chf triangular Arg a wolfs head erased
Sa. (D: Ariana ferch Medwyn - Feb 86)
Az, 3 goblets & on a chf urdy Arg, 2 annulets conjoined Sa. (D:
Alejandro del guila - Dec 92)
Az, 3 wolves heads couped & on a chf indented Arg a cross Sa. (D:
Friedrich Karl von Wolfstein - May 92)
Az, 2 cats combattant & on a chf triangular Arg, 3 hearts 2 & one
Az. (D: Katla of Bergen - Jul 92)
Az, 2 lace bobbins in salt & on a chf triangular Arg a spider inv Az.
(D: Valds Osborne - Oct 03)
Az, 2 lions combattant Or & on a chf triangular Arg a cross bottony
Gu. (D: Garth Elander - Jul 90)
Az, 2 swords crossed at the hilts in salt, on a chf triangular Arg a
star of David Az. (D: Yehoshua ben Yisrael - Apr 96)
Az, 2 torches in salt Or & on a chf triangular Arg a natural sea turtle
Vt. (D: Gabriel Delacroix - Mar 95)
Az, 2 wolves dormant respectant & on a chf indented Arg a mullet
Az. (B: Vallaulfr Rurikson - Jul 06)
Barry Or & Sa, on a chf triangular Arg a wolf passant guardant
contourny Sa. (D: scwynne t Bodanhamme - Apr 07)
Chequy Vt & Arg, on a chf triangular Arg a swan rising, wings
elevated & addorsed, Sa. (D: Henry of Longhouse - Aug 87)
Counter-ermine, on a chf indented Arg, a stags head Sa betw 2
edelweiss blossoms Purp. (D: Anne Fawnhaven - Jan 89)
Gu, a brunette mermaid in her vanity proper & on a chf doubly
enarched Arg a decrescent Sa. (D: Valentina la Marcheande Dec 06)
Gu, a demi-eagle erased & on a chf triangular Arg a cinquefoil
pierced Purp. (D: Mini of al-Barran - Sep 03)
Gu, a horses head erased & on a chf indented Arg 3 shamrocks Vt.
(D: Michaelis Provost - Aug 92)
Gu, a laurel wreath Or, on a chf invected Arg 3 snowflakes Gu. (D:
Wintermist - Feb 91)
Gu, a seahorse erect contourny & on a chf indented Arg 3 anchors
Az. (D: Hkon mjoksiglandi - Jul 06)
Gu, a swan disp & on a chf triangular Arg, a bears head cabossed
Sa. (D: Signi Bjornsdottir - Mar 87)
Gu, a trillium blossom & on a chf invected Arg a label Sa. (D:
Balin Catherwood - Dec 92)
Gu, an eagle Or, on a chf invected Arg 3 cinquefoils Vt. (D: Elsslin
von Adlersberg - Oct 04)
Gu, an open book, on a chf engrailed Arg, 3 hearts Gu. (D: Elaine
Courtenay - May 88)
Gu, on a chev inv Arg 2 swords inv, conjoined at the points, Sa &
on a chf invected Arg, a raven statant to sin, wings inv &
addorsed, Sa. (D: Robert of Ravenswood - Feb 83)
Gu, 3 bears paw prints & on a chf triangular raguly Arg, a raven
disp Sa. (D: Iain Gilfillan - Aug 89)

Chief - Charged - Jagged - Argent (continued)

Per bend sin Az & Sa, a mullet of 4 points & on a chf indented Arg
3 mullets of 4 points Az. (D: Maccus of Elgin - Feb 08)
Per bend wavy Gu & Vt billety Or, in dexter chf an Arctic foxs
mask & on a chf indented Arg a barrulet wavy Az. (D:
Northwest Territories - Jan 98) (Important non-SCA arms)
Per pale Az & Gu, a cross moline & on a chf triangular Arg 3
mullets 2 & one Sa. (D: Madrun Newmarch - Sep 02)
Per pale Gu & Az, a dragon & a unicorn combatant & on a chf
triangular Arg a triquetra inv Vt. (B: Catan ingen ui Chuinn Sep 05) (JB: Ailleann Mac Quyn)
Per pale Gu & Az, a fasces & a 2-handled amphora, on a chf
indented Arg 3 ogresses. (D: Iuliana of York - Mar 94)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a bat guardant, wings inv & disp, Or & on a chf
triangular Arg 3 annulets interlaced, 2 & one, Sa. (D: Payne of
Woods Rising - May 87)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a lion ramp & on a chf indented Arg, 3 lozenges
Purp. (D: Gaston Valmont - Feb 95)
Per pale Purp & Az, a sea-lion Or & on a chf invected Arg 2
escallops Az. (D: Macrina di Napoli - Jan 92)
Per pale Purp & Sa, a crescent betw 2 needles in pile, on a chf
indented Arg 4 mullets of seven points Sa. (D: Julian of
Redwood - Jul 06)
Per pale Purp & Sa, a swan naiant & on a chf triangular Arg, 3 holly
sprigs Vt, fructed Gu. (D: Rebekah MacTiernan - Nov 92)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 3 lozenges & on a chf triangular Arg, an oak leaf
Sa. (D: Anna Blackleaf - Dec 92)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a talbot courant reguardant to sin & on a chf
triangular Arg, a rose Az. (D: Christofer Hoyland the
Embarassable - Apr 90)
Per pale Sa & Vt, 3 chevronels braced & on a chf indented Arg a
triquetra Vt betw 2 pawprints Sa. (D: Katerina Blakelock May 07)
Per pale Sa & Vt, 2 moorcocks & a boars head couped, on a chf
triangular Arg a boars head couped Sa. (D: Russell de
Botelsford - Mar 94)
Per pale Vt & Purp, on a chf indented Arg 3 harps Vt. (D: Joan la
Harper - May 04)
Purp, a hawk disp, head to sin, & on a chf triangular Arg, 3
decrescents Purp. (D: Rhiannon Lighthawk - Mar 85)
Purp, a natural tiger dormant Arg, marked Sa, a chf triangular Arg
goutty Purp. (D: Deidre Hawksworth - Jul 90)
Purp, a rams head caboshed Arg armed Or, & on a chf indented
Arg 2 acorns Purp. (D: Ceolric von Rheinholt - Jan 85)
Purp, a rose Arg barbed & seeded proper & on a chf invected Arg 3
hearts Gu. (D: Robin Rosewood - Jul 03)
Purp, a wolfs head erased & on a chf urdy Arg 3 crosses formy Sa.
(D: Violante de Villalobos - Jul 04)
Purp, 2 axes in salt & on a chf triangular Arg, a rose Purp barbed &
seeded proper. (D: Matthew of Nithgaard - Dec 95)
Purp, 2 natural seahorses addorsed on a point pointed Arg a crescent
inv Sa & on a chf triangular Arg a crescent Sa. (D: Mylisant
de la Croix - Nov 96)
Purp, 2 peacocks pavonated to base addorsed, tails crossed in salt,
on a chf urdy Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Vt. (D: Maeve Kelly de
Navarre - Aug 94)
Purp, 2 single-headed chess knights in fess & on a chf triangular
Arg, a single-headed chess knight Purp. (D: Alexis of Ross Jun 93)
Quarterly Vt & Az, a mortar & pestle Or, on a chf indented Arg five
cloves proper. (D: Fionn MacAilein - Jul 90)
Sa, a badger ramp & on a chf invected Arg 3 reremice Sa. (D: Tyrvi
rotinn - Jan 03)
Sa, a battle axe bendwise, on a chf doubly arched Arg a drakkar
proper sailed Gu. (D: Hlfdan lknarlauss - Sep 99)
Sa, a bat-winged lion sejant affront, wings disp, on a chf triangular
Arg a Celtic cross Sa. (D: Rhyance Llew ap Llewellyn Nov 82)
Sa, a bear ramp contourny & on a chf engrailed Arg, 3 bears
pawprints Purp. (D: Arnra Grmarskona - Jul 07)
Sa, a Bengal tigers head cabossed proper, ruffed Arg, & on a chf
triangular Arg a mullet of six points Sa. (D: Michael
MacNaughton of Loch Ness - Aug 85)
Sa, a claymore inv proper overall a tree stump & on a chf indented
Arg 3 trees proper. (D: Morgan of the Oaks - Mar 02)
Sa, a dove migrant & on a chf indented Arg, 3 acorns Gu. (D:
Deonna von Aachen - Dec 89)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 509

[Chief - Charged - Jagged - Argent] to [Chief - Charged - Jagged - Azure]

Chief - Charged - Jagged - Argent (continued)

Sa, a dragon couchant regardant Or & on a chf engrailed Arg 3

gouttes de sang. (D: Gwladyse verch Bertram - May 02)
Sa, a dragons head couped & on a chf triangular Arg, an hourglass
Gu. (D: Ragnar Skadeskudtr Sigtryggson fra Skardstind Dec 89)
Sa, a falcon striking & on a chf indented Arg, 2 arrows in salt Sa.
(D: Cairbre mac Amargein - Sep 89)
Sa, a griffin couchant to sin & on a chf indented Arg 3 roses Sa
barbed & seeded Vt. (D: ldric de Logan - Sep 04)
Sa, a horses head erased & on a chf invected Arg a rose branch Vt
flowered of 4 roses Gu. (D: Roese Meurdoch - Feb 03)
Sa, a phoenix head to sin Arg rising from flames proper & on a chf
triangular Arg in fess 3 compass stars Gu. (D: Kirstin
Macbeath - May 00)
Sa, a phoenix, on a chf indented Arg 2 arrows inv & crossed in salt
Sa. (D: Rhodri ap Gruffudd - Jul 99)
Sa, a plate & on a chf urdy Arg 3 gouttes Sa. (D: Margaret the
Rueful of Pevensey - Jun 92)
Sa, a scorpion & on a chf indented Arg a snake glissant Vt. (D:
Jacob ffrayser - Aug 03)
Sa, a skull Or & on a chf triangular Arg 2 roses in salt Gu slipped &
leaved Vt. (D: Darius Xavier Drake - Jul 02)
Sa, a stags head couped & on a chf triangular Arg a pellet. (D:
Balthasar of Aragon - Jan 94)
Sa, a triskelion arrondy & on a chf indented Arg 3 abaci Sa. (D:
Kirk FitzDavid - Jan 88)
Sa, a winged cat sejant guardant & on a chf engrailed Arg 3
crescents pendant Gu. (D: Juliana Woderose - Aug 06)
Sa, a wolf sejant ululant on a chf indented Arg 2 roses Gu. (D: Tam
Meir Rous - Nov 93)
Sa, a wolfs head erased to sin & on a chf triangular Arg, a crescent
Gu. (D: Eliot Hawkes - Jan 87)
Sa, an alphyns head erased Or & on a chf engrailed Arg 3 crosses
swallowtailed fitchy Purp. (D: Phelan the Wight - Nov 90)
Sa, an eagle disp & on a chf invected Arg, a mastless drakkar Sa.
(D: Donald MacGregor - Dec 96)
Sa, an eagle stooping & on a chf invected Arg a lightning bolt
fesswise Sa. (D: Jock Mactavish - Jul 97)
Sa, an owl disp, on a chf triangular Arg a mullet of six points
elongated to chf & to base Sa. (D: Tirzah nic Chathail Mar 94)
Sa, in fess 2 sunflowers Or, on a chf triangular Arg a stags head
cabossed Sa. (D: Angus of Blackmoor - Apr 92)
Sa, in fess 2 wolfs heads cabossed & in base a rose Arg slipped &
leaved fesswise Or, on a chf triangular Arg a heart Gu. (D:
Alicia Rose Wolf - Apr 01)
Sa, on a chf triangular Arg an oak tree blasted & couped Sa. (D:
Matthew Blackoak - Dec 92)
Sa semy of oak leaves Arg, 2 dragons heads couped addorsed Or &
on a chf triangular Arg a compass star Sa. (D: Halfdan
Blackwood the Gray - Nov 95)
Sa, 3 chevronels braced Or & on a chf indented Arg 2 compass stars
Vt. (D: Reynhard Sebastian von Reutte - Sep 02)
Sa, 3 roses, on a chf triangular Arg, an eagle striking Sa. (D:
Katherine of the Black Eagles - Jan 90)
Sa, 2 bears combattant & on a chf indented Arg, 3 laurel wreaths
Gu. (D: Crannog Mor - Apr 90)
Sa, 2 lions combattant Or, on a chf triangular Arg a triquetra inv Sa.
(D: Eliza OCulane - Nov 99)
Vt, a cat-a-mountain sejant guardant Or, on a chf indented of 3
points Arg 2 mullets of eight points Sa. (D: Alasdair Morgan
Gunn - Jun 84)
Vt, a cinquefoil within a laurel wreath Or, on a chf indented Arg 3
hurts. (D: Misty Highlands - Mar 90)
Vt, a cross crosslet Arg quarter pierced Gu & on a chf engrailed Arg
3 hunting horns Vt stringed Gu. (D: David of Moffat Aug 97)
Vt, a doe lodged regardant, on a chf engrailed Arg, a thistle
fesswise reversed slipped & leaved proper. (D: Alastriona nic
Choinnich o Ghlean Carron - Mar 85)
Vt, a dolphin naiant & on a chf invected Arg, 3 mullets Vt. (D:
Lassarina Kieren - Jan 85)
Vt, a dragon passant & on a chf doubly-enarched Arg 3 hearts Az.
(D: Catin de Mortain - Jan 00)
Vt, a fox ramp & on a chf trefly countertrefly Arg, 3 roses Sa,
barbed & seeded Vt. (D: Elsbeth Laurence - Apr 89)
510 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Charged - Jagged - Argent (continued)

Vt, a fret & on a chf indented Arg 3 roses Gu. (D: Catylyn verch
Ieuan - Nov 06)
Vt, a griffin passant Arg charged on the shoulder with a fleur-de-lys
Vt a chf engrailed Arg semy of quatrefoils Vt. (D: Griffin
Felin - Jan 02)
Vt, a griffin segreant contourny Or, on a chf indented Arg a dragon
couchant Gu. (D: Gobbn Maolaoidh - Nov 92)
Vt, a horse passant contourny & on a chf urdy Arg 2 roses Purp. (D:
Alana Buchanan - Mar 01)
Vt, a mermaid & on a chf triangular Arg, a crescent Az. (D:
Micaela Isabella Botticelli - Nov 92)
Vt, a narwhal haurient & on a chf indented Arg 3 ravens close Sa.
(D: strr in hrsvarta orvaldsdttir - Oct 99)
Vt, a pale Arg betw 2 towers joined by a single-span bridge overall
Or, on a chf indented Arg a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Castle Keep
- Sep 07)
Vt, a pine tree & on a chf urdy Arg, 3 quatrefoils Vt. (D: Serena
Verran - Nov 89)
Vt, a seeblat & on a chf double-arched Arg 3 pomegranates Gu. (D:
Meg ny Devlin - May 98)
Vt, a tricorporate sea-lion & on a chf invected Arg 3 towers Vt. (D:
Wolfgang Ulrich von Danzk - Apr 96)
Vt, a winged lion passant to sin & on a chf indented Arg a compass
star elongated to base Sa. (D: Dona of Flaming Gryphon Feb 87)
Vt, a wolf ramp contourny & on a chf invected Arg 3 crosses of
Santiago Gu. (D: Diego Ramos del Lobo - Jul 03)
Vt, a wolf statant contourny & on a chf indented Arg 3 caltraps Vt.
(D: Connor MacLean - Dec 93)
Vt, a wyvern erect Or, on a chf invected Arg 3 crosses formy Vt.
(D: Garnish of Merionyth - Apr 93)
Vt, an amphora Or, on a chf engrailed Arg a holly vine Vt fructed
Gu. (D: Helena Jans Folkje - Sep 95)
Vt, an eagle rising & on a chf indented Arg 3 bunches of grapes
Purp, slipped, leaved, & tendriled Vt. (D: Rhiannon of
Eaglesflight - Aug 83)
Vt, 4 arrows in cross points to center, on a chf indented Arg a
mountain couped Gu betw 2 laurel wreaths Vt. (D: rdchreag
- Oct 94)
Vt, on a chf indented Arg 3 compass-stars Vt. (B: Raymond the
Quiet - Oct 85) (For House Sternedell)
Vt, on a chf triangular Arg a lotus in profile Az. (D: Catrijn vanden
Westhende - May 06)
Vt, 3 open books & on a chf triangular Arg, a sprig of rosemary Vt.
(D: Ella Gajewi - Mar 86)
Vt, 2 swords in salt, on a chf triangular embat Arg, a boars head
couped Gu. (D: Gwilym ap Gwilym - Jan 89)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Jagged - Azure

Arg, a brown bears head cabossed proper & on a chf doubly arched
Az an estoile Arg. (B: Rhwth Rhys of Eldatir - Dec 82)
Arg, a cat couchant contourny Sa on a chf indented Az 3 pairs of
arrows inv in salt Arg. (D: Elisabeth von Katzenheim May 98)
Arg, a cat couchant to sin Sa & on a chf indented Az 3 pairs of
needles in salt Arg. (D: Karawin Mantell - Aug 83)
Arg, a cross betw 4 mullets & on a chf indented Az a pair of wings
disp inv Arg. (D: Colin Hugh ODuncan of Eagle Haven May 86)
Arg, a cross fleury, on a chf indented Az, 2 bulls passant Or. (D:
Wulf Thorunsson - Jan 98)
Arg, a cup & on a chf indented Az, a sun in his splendour Or. (D:
Odette de Burgh - Mar 88)
Arg, a dolphin haurient & on a chf invected Az, 3 suns Arg. (D:
Cathlin Sommerfield - Feb 89)
Arg, a dragonfly & on a chf engrailed Az 3 fleurs-de-lis Arg. (D:
Sonnet Manon - Aug 03)
Arg, a fleur-de-lys & on a chf indented Az 3 mullets Arg. (D:
Ysabel de Bayeux - Jun 03)
Arg, a foxs mask proper, on a chf triangular Az 3 daisies Or seeded
Sa. (D: Susan of Foxmeadow - Oct 98)
Arg, a lady fern frond Vt, on a chf invected Az a whelk shell
fesswise, opening to sin, Or. (D: Jennet Witteney of Little
Cowarne - Dec 83)

[Chief - Charged - Jagged - Azure] to [Chief - Charged - Jagged - Gules]

Chief - Charged - Jagged - Azure (continued)

Arg, a Maltese cross & on a chf triangular Az a kettle helm Arg. (D:
Kasian Astrakhanovich - Oct 07)
Arg, a mermaid in her vanity proper, crined Sa, on a chf invected
Az 3 lozenges Arg. (D: Cordelia of Diamond Cove - Aug 93)
Arg, a pheon Gu & on a chf indented Az 3 towers Arg. (D: Duncan
MacLeod of Duirinish - Jan 94)
Arg, a phoenix Az rising from flames proper & on a chf invected
Az a pair of scissors Arg. (D: Catriona Mairghread nic
Dhuibh of Moray - Dec 90)
Arg, a salamander tergiant Sa enflamed proper, on a chf indented
Az 3 Latin crosses flory Or. (D: Sign of Orkney - Mar 93)
Arg, a sea-wolf erect to sin Sa & on a chf invected Az, 3 Bourchier
knots palewise Or. (D: Seamus Padraig OBaoigheallain Mnrach - Sep 87)
Arg, a seeblatt & on a chf doubly enarched Az 3 estoiles Or. (D:
Kra in Danska - Apr 01)
Arg, a sheaf of arrows inv Vt, on a chf invected Az, 3 drakkars Arg.
(D: Strvarr rvarsmir - Jul 05)
Arg, a strawberry plant bendwise sin Vt fructed Gu & on a chf
triangular Az a strawberry flower Arg. (D: Eithne of
Cantwaraburg - Aug 02)
Arg, a talbot passant Sa & on a chf double arched Az 3 doves volant
to sin Arg. (D: Leah Hundemanin - Aug 06)
Arg, a tau cross & on a chf indented Az 3 mullets Arg. (D:
Ealdthryth of Humberstone - Jun 95)
Arg, a tree eradicated & on a chf invected Az a cloud Arg. (D:
Vasili Stepanovich Orlov - Jan 92)
Arg, a vol Sa, on a chf triangular Az a wolfs head caboshed Arg.
(D: Natalya Berkutova Voronina - Aug 00)
Arg, a wolfs head, erased & sin facing, on a chf triangular Az, an
increscent Arg. (D: Bleiddian y Llwynonn - Jan 89)
Arg, an estoile & on a chf double-arched Az a bow inv Arg. (D:
Rhwth Rhys of Eldatir - Feb 81)
Arg billety Gu, on a chf triangular Az a sun in splendor Or. (D:
Ginevra Domenichetti - Mar 00)
Arg ermined & on a chf urdy Az, 3 crosses clechy Or. (D:
Melisende de Westemere - Sep 92)
Arg, in fess 2 penguins disp Sa, bellied Arg, beaked & membered
Or, on a chf invected Az, 3 escallops inv Arg. (D: Damaris
OPetain - Aug 87)
Arg, issuant from base a phoenix Purp, & on a chf triangular Az a
mullet of seven points Arg. (D: Glenn of Caerleon - Aug 84)
Arg, masoned, 2 axes in pile, blades outward, Sa & on a chf
triangular Az, a dove migrant to chf Arg. (D: Ragnarr
Arnbjornsson - Nov 86)
Arg, on a chf doubly arched Az an estoile Arg. (B: Rhwth Rhys of
Eldatir - Dec 82)
Arg, on a chf engrailed Az 3 crescents Or. (D: Erlan skld
Norrlandi - Dec 04)
Arg, semy of laurel leaves bendwise sin inv Vt, a leather moneybag
proper & a chf triangular Az, bezanty. (B: Christopher
Thomas - Mar 98)
Arg, 3 arrows in fess, on a chf indented Az 3 wolfs heads cabossed
Arg. (D: Leohtulf of the Silver Hills - Nov 94)
Arg, 3 goblets & on a chf triangular Az a demi-sun issuant from the
point, Or eclipsed Sa. (D: Mfanwy of Ceredigion - Oct 91)
Arg, 2 bendlets abased, on a chf triangular Az 3 decrescents Arg.
(D: Tmas Ashe Buchanan - Jul 95)
Arg, 2 herons respectant necks entwined & on a chf invected Az 2
swords inv in salt Arg. (D: Elizabet MacKenzie de Ross Feb 02)
Arg, 2 natural dolphins uriant addorsed & on a chf triangular Az, a
mullet of 4 points Arg. (D: Jenna of Southwind Hall Dec 88)
Arg, 2 war hammers in salt Sa, on a chf triangular Az a cross
crosslet Arg. (D: Erik von Kln am Rhein - Jun 86)
Ermine, on a chf triangular Az, a cinquefoil Arg. (D: Gwyneth de
Codinton - Feb 87)
Gu, a phoenix Arg on a chf indented Az, fimbriated Arg, a
decrescent Or. (D: Eadweard Halistan - Dec 82)
Or, a bear ramp Gu maintaining an axe Sa, on a chf indented Az 3
Russian Orthodox crosses Arg. (D: Vladimir Igorevich May 98)
Or, a bear sejant erect Sa, playing a straight trumpet Vt, on a chf
invected Az, an annulet Or. (D: Harald of Bears Haven Jul 88)

Chief - Charged - Jagged - Azure (continued)

Or, a Celtic cross within a laurel wreath & on a chf indented Az 3

decrescents Or. (D: Calanais Nuadh - Dec 92)
Or, a compass star elongated to base Sa, on a chf triangular Az a
sperm whale Arg. (B: James Darkstar - Aug 05) (For House
of the Beached Whale)
Or, a domestic cat sejant affronty head to dexter Gu gorged with a
pearled coronet Arg & on a chf urdy Az 3 spools of thread Or.
(D: Ekaterina Vladimirovna - Nov 04)
Or, a lymphad under sail Gu, a base wavy, & on a chf indented Az 4
mullets of 4 points in arch Or. (D: Frederick the Red of
Swansea - Dec 82)
Or, a maunch Gu, on a chf engrailed Az, 3 mullets pierced Arg. (D:
Garin de Gramercy - Jul 82)
Or, a peacock in its vanity proper, on a chf urdy Az, a mullet betw a
decrescent & a crescent Arg. (D: Thais of Illiton - Jan 89)
Or, a wolf passant Vt & on a chf indented Az 3 lozenges Or. (D:
Aidan of Marion Glen - Feb 06)
Or, a wyvern erect reguardant holding in its dexter claw a hammer
& on a chf indented Az 3 hammers Or. (D: Blosgaidh
OGhabhain - Dec 90)
Or, an elephant ramp & on a chf enarched & invected Az a crescent
betw 2 musical notes Arg. (D: Justinian the Gentle - May 02)
Or, an oak tree eradicated Vt & on a chf engrailed Az, a dove volant
wings addorsed Or. (D: Rhiannon verch Edenevet - Feb 07)
Or, in fess a sword inv betw 2 eagles rising respectant Sa, on a chf
triangular Az 3 gouttes deau. (D: Theunis MacDhmhnuill Jan 00)
Or, issuant from base a dragons head breathing fire Gu, on a chf
triangular Az a demi-sun issuant from chf Or. (D: Aranwen
Bengrek - Apr 07)
Or, 3 chevronels braced & on a chf invected Az, 3 chamomile
flowers Arg, seeded Or. (D: Ella of Mistley in the Blue
Mountains - Aug 85)
Or, 2 fern fronds in pile Vt, on a chf triangular Az a plate. (D:
Alana bat Meir - Aug 95)
Or, 2 staves in salt betw in fess 2 4-leaved clovers, slips to center
Vt, on a chf indented Az 2 palmers scrips Or. (D: Sen ua
Nill the Staffmaker - Oct 07)
Per chev inv & enhanced Az & Vt, in chf a cross of fire rayonny
proper, debruised by 2 lightning-flashes in salt Arg, in base a
winged war-hammer Or. (D: Ragnarr Thorwaldsson Aug 79?)
Per pale: dexter, Gu, a bear passant to sin guardant Arg, on a chf
invected Az a crescent Arg; sin, Arg, the arms of the United
States. (D: Missouri, State of - May 99) (Important non-SCA
Per pale Gu & Arg, a dolphin naiant embowed ctrch, & on a chf
triangular Az, a thistle slipped & leaved Arg. (D: Samus
MacAlystair of Kintyre - Feb 85)
Per pale Or & Arg, an escallop inv, on a chf triangular Az, 3 Thors
hammers, 2 & one, Or. (D: Ellisef Thorvaldsdottir - Dec 89)
Purp, a unicorn ramp contourny & on a chf double-arched Arg a
thistle Sa. (D: Katerine dAmiens - Apr 00)
Sa, a pegasus ramp to sin Arg, & a chf indented Az, fimbriated,
sem of compass stars Arg. (D: Susan Douglas of Andover Mar 83)
Vt, a sea-lion erect Or, & on a chf engrailed Az, fimbriated Arg, a
sun Or. (D: Rutker van Schiedam - Nov 81)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Jagged - Fur

Gu, a bear ramp Arg & on a chf indented ermine a rose Gu, barbed
& seeded proper. (D: Constance Aveline Merrifield May 84)
Purp, a Lacy knot Arg & on a chf urdy ermine a Lochaber axe blade
to chf Sa. (D: Twilleliah Taillur - Feb 02)
Purp, a rose & on a chf indented ermine, 3 double-bitted axes Purp.
(D: Feena Bothildardottir - Jan 90)
Sa, a dragons head erased, on a chf engrailed erminois 3 lilies Az.
(D: Stephanie of Nethyrwode - Aug 97)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Jagged - Gules

Arg, a bison ramp Sa & on a chf indented Gu, a sword fesswise

Arg. (D: David von dem Krieg - Aug 88)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 511

[Chief - Charged - Jagged - Gules] to [Chief - Charged - Jagged - Or]

Chief - Charged - Jagged - Gules (continued)

Arg, a brazier Sa enflamed proper within a laurel wreath on a chf

indented Gu 3 garbs Or. (D: Ambergard - Sep 96)
Arg, a Chinese dragon in annulo, head to sin, Sa, on a chf doubly
arched Gu 3 plates. (D: Serena of Canton - Jan 90)
Arg, a fox ramp proper & on a chf triangular Gu a scimitar Or. (D:
Narkissa Ekaterina Vladimirovna - Jan 98)
Arg, a griffin segreant Az, on a chf indented Gu 3 oak leaves Arg.
(D: Sabina Wterich - Aug 00)
Arg, a hedgehog & on a chf invected Gu 3 escarbuncles Arg. (D:
Victoria la Picarde - Nov 04)
Arg, a horse ramp Az, on a chf invected Gu 2 fleams Arg. (D:
Tegan Thorbergsdttir - Sep 99)
Arg, a lion contourny Sa, on a chf triangular Gu a rose Or barbed &
seeded Vt. (D: Elizabet von Minden - Jul 99)
Arg, a phoenix Vt rising from flames proper, on a chf triangular Gu
a sun Arg. (D: Ulrica of Lincoln - Jan 93)
Arg, a rose proper & on a chf triangular Gu a martlet Arg. (D: Alita
Longtress - May 92)
Arg, a wolf statant ululant contourny & on a chf engrailed Gu 2
eyes Arg irised Gu & pupilled Sa. (D: Valdis Gylir Aug 01)
Arg, a wolfs head erased Sa, on a chf indented Gu a cross formy
fitchy Arg surmounted by a bord ctrch. (D: Ulrich der
Geschwinde von Augsburg - Feb 83)
Arg, a wolfs head erased Sa, on a chf urdy Gu 3 wolfs pawprints
Arg. (D: Dugald MacRath of Gairloch - Nov 00)
Arg, goutty Gu, a rose Sa, barbed & seeded proper, & on a chf
engrailed Gu a falchion reversed proper. (D: Nigel of
Hinterland - Mar 92)
Arg, on a pale doubly endorsed Vt, an angel Arg, a chf invected Gu,
mulletty Or. (D: Michael Edwards - Feb 90)
Arg, 3 passion nails & on a chf indented Gu an estoile of seven rays
Arg. (D: Elen Alswith of Eriskay - Sep 94)
Ermine, a cauldron Sa & on a chf engrailed Gu 3 dragonflies Arg.
(D: Siobhan inghean Chathasaigh - Sep 06)
Ermine, a wolf sejant Sa, on a chf indented Gu 3 bezants. (D:
Thyrnni of Wolfskrag - Sep 92)
Ermine, on a chf double-arched to base Gu a moustache Or. (D:
Robin of Gilwell - Nov 95)
Erminois, an eagle disp Sa, on a chf triangular Gu, 3 roses Arg. (D:
Patrick Logan - Jan 91)
Gyronny Vt & Arg, a bear statant erect affronty Sa, on a chf
invected Gu 2 roses Or, barbed & seeded Vt. (D: Alfred
Humfrey Mihell - Jun 92)
Lozengy Arg & Az, upon a chf indented Gu, 3 plates. (D: Roderick
Dubh Macrae of Kintail - Mar 78?)
Or, a badgers head erased Sa, on a chf indented Gu a drinking horn
betw 2 fleams Or. (D: Kristin Ailbe Anmclaid - Jun 01)
Or, a catamount ramp Sa & on a chf triangular Gu a hawks lure Or.
(D: Cassandra de Laci - Sep 98)
Or, a wyvern disp & on a chf triangular Gu a Celtic cross Or. (D:
Ysfael Bryndu - Apr 99)
Or, on a chf triangular Gu a hawk Arg. (D: Gavin MacRobert May 05)
Or, semy of suns in splendour & on a chf indented of 3 points Gu, 2
wolves heads caboshed Or. (D: Raymond Carder the Sea
Rover - Aug 88)
Or, 2 lances in salt Sa flying pennons & on a chf triangular Gu a vol
Arg. (D: Janus Paszkewicz - Jun 95)
Or, 2 swords in salt, & on a chf engrailed Gu, a griffin passant Or.
(D: Geoffrey of Carrick - Aug 85)
Per pale Or & Az, 2 increscents ctrch & on a chf triangular Gu a sun
Or. (D: Irene Elise Brabant - Apr 02)
Per pale Or & Sa, a chev ctrch, overall a lion dormant guardant &
on a chf triangular Gu a Celtic cross Or. (D: Angharad O
Dubhdabhoireann - Dec 84)
Per pale Sa & Or, a 2-headed raven disp ctrch, on a chf triangular
Gu a sprig of mistletoe Arg. (D: Thurwulf Ragnarsson Mar 93)
Sa, 2 claymores in salt proper, on a chf pointed Gu, fimbriated, a
mullet Or. (D: Edwyn de Forbes - Feb 82)
* * * End * * *

512 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Charged - Jagged - Multicolor

Arg, a pomegranate Gu, in chf five lozenges conjoined in fess Sa

each charged with a bee Or marked Sa. (D: Sanchia de Illora Feb 06)
Per pale Arg & Gu, all goutty, a cross of Santiago & a chf invected
all ctrch, & for augmentation, on the chf, 3 escallops ctrch.
(Augmentation of Arms: Ysabella Celestina Manrique de
Palma - Apr 06)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a dagger inv & on a chf triangular a caltrop all
ctrch. (D: Roger Redhand - Sep 84)
Per pale Az & Arg, a sea-pegasus & on a chf invected 2 thistles all
ctrch. (D: Bryan Morrison - Oct 92)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Jagged - Or

Az, a castle & on a chf triangular Or a rose Gu. (D: Serena Rouan Feb 95)
Az, a cats head caboshed & on a chf invected Or 3 cinquefoils
Purp. (D: Jacqueline de Meux - Feb 03)
Az, a dragonfly & on a chf invected Or, 3 lotus blossoms in profile
Az, slipped Vt. (D: Georgia the Pragmatic of Clyffmarsh Feb 88)
Az, a drakkar, & on a chf invected Or 3 mullets Az. (D: Katryn of
Scandia - Jun 84)
Az, a falcon belled & jessed & on a chf indented Or 3 drakkars Az.
(D: Orn skelsson - Mar 02)
Az, a human head contourny, vested in a jesters hat within a laurel
wreath, on a chf indented Or a natural whale naiant to sin Vt.
(D: Berley Cort - Feb 06)
Az, a sea dragon Arg, on a chf invected Or 3 flames Gu. (D:
Gwyneth ferch Morien - Jun 92)
Az, a stags head cabossed & on a chf double enarched Or, 3
mullets of six points Az. (D: Richard Stanley Greybeard Sep 93)
Az, a stags massacre & on a chf triangular Or, 3 oak leaves inv Gu.
(D: Gille MacDhonuill - Nov 92)
Az, a swan naiant Arg, on a chf indented Or 3 mullets Gu. (D:
Eirik Hroaldsson af Svanhillu - May 94)
Az, a winged doe ramp guardant Arg, on a chf invected Or 3 hearts
Az. (D: Masina di Giovanni - Oct 98)
Az, an Arabian lamp enflamed & on a chf urdy Or, an olive branch
reversed Vt. (D: Suleiman ibn al-Khattaru - Sep 86)
Az, an owl disp Arg & on a chf indented Or 3 roundels Gu. (D:
Anna de Byxe - Feb 00) (Blanket permission to conflict with
device with one CD granted 0711D)
Az, in pale an open book & 2 feathers in salt, on a chf invected Or 2
escallops Az. (D: Cordelia Scriven - Feb 92)
Az mulletty of six points Arg, an ounce ramp guardant enflamed, on
a chf triangular Or, a crescent Gu. (D: Rachid ibn Husam Feb 07)
Az, on a chf indented Or 3 pommes. (D: Sabine de Kerbriant Nov 06)
Az, on an escallop Or, an estoile Az, on a chf indented Or 3 martlets
Az. (D: Laura Aleyn - Jul 91)
Az, 3 chevronels braced Arg, on a chf indented Or, a rapier Az. (D:
Lucas FitzHugh Gray - May 91)
Counter-ermine, a griffin segreant Gu gorged of a ducal coronet inv
& on a chf indented Or 3 mullets Sa. (D: Kein MacEwan Nov 99)
Gu, a clarion within a laurel wreath & on a chf invected Or 3 maple
leaves Gu. (D: Hornwood - Nov 90)
Gu, a cross moline & on a chf doubly enarched Or, 3 shamrocks Vt.
(D: Anastasia Seraphine - Sep 92)
Gu, a demi-lion & on a chf indented Or, 3 cinquefoils pierced Sa.
(D: Lorenzo della Rocca - Aug 99)
Gu, a goblet Or & a chf triangular Or goutty de sang. (D: Lenora di
Felicie - Feb 96)
Gu, a griffin segreant & on a chf indented Or 3 Celtic crosses Gu.
(D: Cailean Bane McDougall - Feb 96)
Gu, a hawk stooping, wings addorsed, & on a chf engrailed Or, 3
laurel wreaths Vt. (D: Hawks Hollow - Nov 91)
Gu, a lion & on a chf invected Or 3 suns Gu. (D: Xene Erienikina Feb 05)
Gu, a lion dormant, on a chf triangular Or a sun Sa. (D: Angus
MacIndeor - Aug 91)
Gu, a sea-lion & on a chf indented Or, 3 roses proper. (D: Reina
Crystaldale - Dec 92)

[Chief - Charged - Jagged - Or]

Chief - Charged - Jagged - Or (continued)

Gu, an escarbuncle & a chf indented Or surmounted by a fillet

dancetty floretty ctrch. (D: Soraya Evodia - Nov 83)
Gu, an owl atop a leaf-bladed spear fesswise & on a chf indented
Or, 3 flames voided Gu. (D: Cdmon Mac Ahern - Jun 94)
Gu, on a chf indented Or 3 sea-lions contourny, each maintaining a
heart Gu. (D: Maria Katharina von Schulenberg - Mar 06)
Gu, on a cross Or a mullet Gu, on a chf indented Or 2 dragons
passant respectant Gu. (D: Paul Spyke - Feb 06)
Gu, on a pile invected Arg, a rose Az, slipped & leaved Vt, on a chf
engrailed Or, 3 arrows inv Gu. (D: Rosalie of Burgundy May 85)
Gu, 3 crosses fleury & on a chf indented Or 2 arming buckles Sa.
(D: Oswin de Kokerham - Apr 02)
Gu, 3 fir trees & on a chf triangular Or a heart Gu. (D: David de
Val du Bois - Apr 02)
Gu, 2 bears ramp addorsed Or, each maintaining a scimitar Arg, on
a chf triangular Or, 3 crescents, 2 & one, Gu. (D: Valerian
Zakharevitch Druzhinnik - Apr 89)
Gu, 2 chevronels braced Arg, in base an ivory lace bobbin & on a
chf invected Or 3 shuttles bendwise sin Sa. (D: Elene de
Bruges - Feb 84)
Gu, 2 halberds in salt Arg, on a chf triangular Or, a retort Vt. (D:
Wilhelm von Stromberg - May 94)
Gu, 2 lions addorsed tails entwined & on a chf indented Or five
annulets Az. (D: Annabelle Perrot - Sep 06)
Gu, 2 swans statant respectant Arg, on a chf triangular Or a fleurde-lis Gu, a bord ermine. (D: Lynnette Huntingdon - May 96)
(re-registered 9609A)
Lozengy Or & Gu, ermined Or, on a chf indented Or a cat couchant
Purp. (D: Jadwiga Marina Majewska - May 88)
Pean, a unicorn ramp contourny Arg, on a chf invected Or 2 roses
Gu. (D: Abigail Elizabeth Mihell - Jan 93)
Per pale Az & Gu, 2 coneys ramp reguardant addorsed Or, on a chf
triangular Or, in pale a fleur-de-lys & 2 shaums in salt Sa. (D:
Adam le Marchaud - Sep 89)
Per pale Gu & Az, an anchor & on a chf invected Or 3 seahorses
erect Gu. (D: Deodericus of Huntington - Jan 98)
Per pale Gu & ermine, in dexter a garden tulip Or & on a chf
double-arched Or 3 doves descending Sa. (D: Jovonne
dEspirit - May 81)
Per pale Gu & Sa, an eagle rising, wings addorsed & inv, on a chf
indented Or, a hawks lure Sa, roped Gu & a hawks lure Gu,
roped Sa, the ropes conjoined in a Wake knot. (D: Carl of
Raven Wood - Feb 90)
Per pale Purp & Gu, a wolf couchant reguardant & on a chf
triangular Or a cinquefoil Gu. (D: Albreda Wolfkeeper Jul 92)
Per pale Sa & Az, a phoenix disp & sin facing Arg enflamed & on a
chf triangular Or an oak leaf Sa. (D: Matthew Blackleaf Feb 91)
Per pale Sa & Az, a sea-wolf & on a chf invected Or, 3 axe-heads
reversed Sa. (D: Askold Brotamar - Jul 98)
Per pale Sa & Az, 2 bears statant erect addorsed Arg each
maintaining a spear, on a chf triangular Or an increscent Az.
(D: Glmr sbjarnarson - Jan 98)
Per pale Vt & Purp, a pair of scissors inv Arg & on a chf triangular
Or a needle bendwise Sa. (D: Novella Francesca Caterina
Zancani - Apr 04)
Purp, a bat-winged squirrel ramp & on a chf indented Or 3 acorns
Purp. (D: Alys Scurrell - Dec 03)
Purp, a catamount sejant guardant Or charged on the shoulder with
an ermine spot Sa & on a chf invected Or 3 maple leaves Gu.
(D: Tacye Maple - Jan 04)
Purp, a cross of Cleves & on a chf invected Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Az.
(D: Gerard du Quartier - Sep 03)
Purp, a decrescent & on a chf triangular Or, a rose Gu, barbed &
seeded proper. (D: Delilia Castillo - Oct 87)
Purp, a dragon passant & on a chf engrailed Or 3 escallops Purp.
(D: Rhiannon ferch Llywelyn ap Padrig - Aug 94)
Purp, a gryphon segreant & on a chf doubly enarched Or 2 roses
fesswise Purp slipped & leaved stems to center Vt. (D: Etain
OFouhy - Apr 02)
Purp, a sea-stag erect, on a chf engrailed Or, 3 whelks fesswise
Purp. (D: Mirriam Francoise - Mar 85)

Chief - Charged - Jagged - Or (continued)

Purp, a wheel Arg, betw seven mullets, 2, 2, 2, & one, on a chf

indented Or, five mullets Purp. (D: Sren Nordjyllander Aug 89)
Purp, an estoile of eight rays, on a chf indented Or 3 mullets of 4
points Purp. (D: Toirdhealbhach Mr mac Gille Mhuire Dec 04)
Purp, 3 chevronels inv braced on a chf doubly enarched Or 3
triquetra Gu. (D: Gisla Rodumna - Sep 97)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, an oak tree eradicated & on a chf indented Or 3
compass stars Gu. (D: Quentyn Arey - Nov 07)
Sa, a bear salient contourney reguardant Arg, on a chf indented Or 2
compass roses Sa. (D: Doneuuald MacEwen of Caer Arthwen
- Feb 97)
Sa, a bee, on a chf urdy Or 2 bees Sa. (D: Thierry Gutherie Oct 94)
Sa, a bull statant to sin, on a chf triangular Or, a dragon passant Gu.
(B: Robert Robare the Rhos - May 92)
Sa, a Celtic cross & on a chf doubly enarched Or 3 shamrocks Vt.
(D: Pdraign hIfearnan - Jul 04)
Sa, a lantern & on a chf engrailed Or 3 ravens reguardant Sa. (D:
Cathus the Curious - Sep 01)
Sa, a pair of wings conjoined Arg, on a chf invected Or, a lion
passant Gu. (D: Gareth Lionmane - Aug 87)
Sa, a pegasus ramp & on a chf engrailed Or 3 hearts Az. (D: Aquila
Chase - Aug 88)
Sa, a phoenix disp Or issuant from flames proper, on a chf
triangular Or, a crux ansata Gu. (D: Isabeau du Phnix dOr Jan 87)
Sa, a wood chisel, blade to base, & on a chf indented Or 3 hammers
Sa. (D: Thomas Woodbridge - Jun 93)
Sa, in salt a palmers staff Or & a sword Arg, on a chf triangular Or
a tower Sa. (D: Donald Dalamare Storm - Feb 98)
Sa mulletty Or, a plate, & on a chf triangular Or, a sun Gu. (D:
Leofryth Blair Moonsong - Jun 85)
Sa, on a bezant engrailed a unicornate sea-horse passant Sa, & on a
chf invected Or, 3 torteaux. (D: Shea Kildare - Oct 84)
Sa, on a chf indented Or, in canton a decrescent Sa. (D: Amanda
Morgan - Jul 80)
Sa, on a sun Or an eagles leg couped Sa, on a chf indented Or 4
pellets. (D: Eleanor of Peregrine Mews - Oct 95)
Sa, 3 chevronels braced Arg, on a chf indented Or, a heart Gu betw
2 mullets Sa. (D: Brighid Aoibhinn - Nov 89)
Vt, a bell Arg & on a chf indented Or, 2 birds Az. (D: Gudrun of
the Glen - Jul 90)
Vt, a bison statant Arg & on a chf doubly enarched Or a cranequin
fesswise Sa. (D: Sylvia Schirenhoferin - Jul 01)
Vt, a castle triple-towered & on a chf indented Or, 2 hearts Gu. (D:
Keriwyn of Shadows Dance - Oct 84)
Vt, a dragonfly & a chf triangular Or. (D: Mariana Maria
Pietrosanti - Mar 08)
Vt, a fish-tailed demi-dog maintaining in its mouth a fish Arg on a
chf indented Or an arrow reversed Sa. (D: Conall Riabhach May 98)
Vt, a fox passant Arg & on a chf triangular Or a mullet of 4 points
Sa. (D: Llewelyn ap Hywel - Sep 02)
Vt, a helm affronty Arg within a laurel wreath & on a chf triangular
Or a harp Az. (D: Glyn Dwfn - Oct 83)
Vt, a horse ramp & on a chf indented Or 3 hearts Vt. (D: Ciannait
inghean Roibeaird - Nov 05)
Vt, a lion passant regardant maintaining an annulet, on a chf
invected Or 3 annulets Vt. (D: Aoife n Chiarn of Durrow Sep 94)
Vt, a lioness dormant guardant & on a chf doubly enarched Or 3
crosses fleury Vt. (D: Isabella del Bosque - Dec 91)
Vt, a peacock in its pride & on a chf invected Or, 3 roses proper.
(D: Catherine Marie Elisabeth dEvreux - Mar 90)
Vt, a rose & on a chf indented Or 3 hearts Vt. (D: Victoria Rose Jan 04)
Vt, a sea-lion erect regardant & on a chf invected Or 3 chalices Vt.
(D: Erland Griswold - Sep 84)
Vt, crusily bottony, on a chf triangular Or a harp Sa. (D: Robert of
Blackmoor - Nov 93)
Vt, nine inescutcheons 4, 3, & 2 Arg, on a chf indented Or a laurel
wreath Vt. (D: Lydd - Sep 71?) (Defunct)
Vt, on a chf urdy Or a lion passant Sa. (D: Camillo Lombardi Apr 93)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 513

[Chief - Charged - Jagged - Or] to [Chief - Charged - Jagged - Sable]

Chief - Charged - Jagged - Or (continued)

Vt, 3 wolves passant & on a chf indented Or 3 cinquefoils Vt. (D:

Brigid MacCana - May 04)
Vt, 2 arrows crossed in salt surmounted by a double-bitted axe & on
a chf indented Or 2 shamrocks Sa. (D: Conall mac Magnusa Feb 02)
Vt, 2 birds contourny Arg & on a chf triangular Or a bunch of
grapes Purp slipped & leaved proper. (B: Bjorn Johansen Jun 05)
Vt, 2 lions ramp addorsed & on a chf triangular Or, a harp Vt. (D:
Patrick Thomas MacManus - May 93)
Vt, 2 peacocks close pavonated to base addorsed reguardant tails
crossed in salt Arg on a chf invected Or 3 elm leaves inv Vt.
(D: Muriel FitzLloyd - Jul 97)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Jagged - Purpure

Arg, a branch of heather proper, on a chf indented Purp a fleur-delys Arg. (D: Elayne Walais of Cawdor - Oct 90)
Arg, a coney sejant erect Sa & on a chf urdy Purp 3 pair of lace
bobbins Arg. (D: Larissa the Lacemaker - Jul 95)
Arg, a lion sejant Sa & on a chf double-enarched Purp, a roundel
betw a decrescent & an increscent Arg. (D: Sabine the Short Feb 97)
Arg, a raven disp Sa, on a chf triangular Purp a sun Or. (D: Anika
Hrafnsdottir - Jun 96)
Arg, a raven Sa & on a chf indented Purp 3 hazel leaves Arg. (D:
Derbil ingen Chonchobair - Jan 02)
Arg, a sea lion Vt, on a chf invected Purp, a skean (Scottish dirk)
reversed Or. (D: Cathbarr MacQuarrie - Aug 90)
Arg, a sheep statant guardant contourny Sa, in base a clump of
lavender Vt flowered Purp, on a chf invected Purp a quill pen
reversed Arg. (D: Philippa Llewelyn Schuyler - Jan 93)
Arg, a six-petalled rose Purp, barbed Vt, on a chf invected Purp a
bell Or. (D: Gwendalyn Fayrfax - Jul 84)
Arg, a unicorn couchant & on a chf doubly-enarched Purp 3 lilies
Arg. (D: Issobell de Lockford - Sep 01)
Arg, a weeping willow proper & on a chf triangular Purp, a heart
Arg. (D: Willow of the Dancing Heart - Mar 87)
Arg, an escallop & on a chf invected Purp, 3 crescents inv Arg. (D:
Lucrezia di Bartolomeo - Jul 96)
Arg, on a chf triangular Purp a cross of Jerusalem Arg, a base wavy
Sa. (D: Hans Faust der herlat - Nov 00)
Arg, 2 peacocks close respectant Az, on a chf triangular Purp a
crescent Arg. (D: Mardanah al-Hindiyyah - Oct 00)
Arg, 2 roses in salt Gu slipped & leaved Sa, a chf triangular Purp
goutty deau. (D: Elizabeth Blackthorne - Nov 06)
Ermine, on a chf indented Purp 3 estoiles Or. (D: Celia the Fair Sep 03)
Lozengy Arg & Vt, on a chf indented Purp 3 roses Or barbed Vt
seeded Gu. (D: Valentina Barrow - Sep 07)
Lozengy Sa & Or, on a chf triangular Purp a lions head caboshed
Or. (D: Timothy Kyle - Jan 93)
Or, an owl close guardant Purp maintaining an arrow palewise Vt,
on a chf indented Purp 3 crosses of St. Julian Or. (D: Julian
Beaufort - Mar 99)
Or, in fess 2 hearts Gu, ermined Or, & on a chf doubly enarched
Purp an escallop inv Arg. (D: Moira Catherine Mathews Aug 90)
Or, semy of grape bunches Purp slipped Vt, on a chf triangular Purp
a fox sejant, forepaw raised Or. (D: Aubrey Anna Golden Fox
- Jan 93)
Paly Vt & Arg, on a chf indented Purp 3 fleurs-de-lis Arg. (D:
Andrew McClaine - Sep 94)
Per pale Arg & Or, on a chf triangular Purp a cats face Or. (D:
Sine ni Shranachin - May 93)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a lotus flower in profile ctrch, on a chf triangular
Purp a decrescent & an increscent Arg. (D: Sarolta of Tir
Ysgithr - Feb 98)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Jagged - Sable

Arg, a catamount passant contourny, on a chf triangular Sa a dagger

Arg. (D: Iain Kyle the Red - Apr 97)
Arg, a domestic cat sejant & on a chf indented Sa a decrescent Arg.
(D: Catriana le Fey of Airley - May 92)

514 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Charged - Jagged - Sable (continued)

Arg, a double-headed eagle disp Gu, & on a chf triangular Sa a

goblet Or. (D: Johann Gtz Kauffman von Erfurt - Mar 94)
Arg, a dragon salient Gu & on a chf engrailed Sa a comet Arg. (D:
Brynach ap Rhys - Jun 02)
Arg, a dragon sejant affronty, wings disp, & on a chf triangular Sa a
flame Or charged with a broad-arrow Gu. (D: Robert
FitzAlwyn - Jun 08)
Arg, a fir tree proper & on a chf triangular Sa an increscent Or. (D:
Arthur Augustin - Jan 03)
Arg, a griffin segreant to sin Gu, on a chf engrailed Sa 3 whelk
shells Or. (D: Ian James of Silverlake - Dec 83)
Arg, a harp Gu on a chf indented Sa 3 crosses bottony Arg. (D:
Signy Dimmridaela - Jan 95)
Arg, a maiden statant affronty, arms upraised proper, vested &
crined on a chf triangular Sa, a decrescent Arg. (D: Elfwyn of
the Silvermoon - Apr 92)
Arg, a raven disp & on a chf engrailed Sa 3 Thors hammers Arg.
(D: Karl Arnaldsson - Jul 06)
Arg, a rowan tree Gu & on a chf indented Sa 3 falcons Or. (D:
Rowan Elvesham - Jan 98)
Arg, a stags head cabossed Gu on a chf triangular Sa a crescent
Arg. (D: Ana inghean u Riagin - Sep 01)
Arg, a unicorn & on a chf engrailed Sa 3 suns Arg. (D: Leif
McBride - Jan 02)
Arg, a vol & on a chf triangular Sa an axe proper fimbriated of
flame Or. (D: Frederick Asquith Feare - Aug 00)
Arg, a winged wolf passant, wings elevated & addorsed, on a chf
triangular Sa an aurochs skull Arg. (D: Haakon Haukarson Aug 84)
Arg, a wingless dragon couchant regardant Vt & on a chf doublearched Sa an increscent betw in fess 3 mullets in increscent &
3 mullets in decrescent Arg. (D: Renne Michaeline - Jul 81)
Arg, a wolfs paw print & on a chf indented Sa, 3 crescents Arg.
(D: Rodrigo de los Lobos - Aug 85)
Arg, a wyvern Gu spiraling down a tree eradicated & on a chf urdy
Sa a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Wrm Wald - Jul 80)
Arg, a wyvern passant Gu, maintaining a quill pen, on a chf
indented Sa, 3 bees volant en arrire to dexter Or. (D: Lucia
Borromeo - Jan 90)
Arg, in salt 2 arrows inv, on a chf urdy Sa 3 annulets Arg. (D:
Dominique Delvaux dArdennes - May 97)
Arg, on a pellet a sagebrush eradicated Arg, on a chf dancetty Sa a
nine-banded armadillo statant sin proper. (D: John the Plain
of Shearn - Aug 79)
Arg, 3 conch shells palewise Az, on a chf engrailed Sa, a feather
fesswise Arg. (D: Torn Thornwald - Dec 89)
Arg, 2 dragonflies in fess Purp & on a chf triangular Sa a sun Arg.
(D: Rashida bint Rashid - Sep 06)
Checky Arg & Gu, on a chf triangular Sa a cross of Jerusalem Arg.
(D: Aethelred of Ambrevale - Mar 95)
Checky Arg & Purp, a heart Gu, on a chf double-arched Sa an ankh
Arg. (D: Aimara Baratzuri - Mar 06)
Chequy Gu & Arg, a pair of wings conjoined & on a chf triangular
Sa, an increscent Arg. (D: Teric Gwynedd - Dec 89)
Chevronelly Vt & Arg, on a chf indented Sa a badger statant Arg.
(D: Dareios Rossos the Vigilant - Jul 02)
Ermine, a double headed eagle disp, per pale Gu & Az, on a chf
triangular Sa, a sword fesswise Or. (D: Godwin Talfourd of
York - Jul 88)
Ermine, a heart Gu pierced by a passion nail palewise Arg, on a chf
triangular Sa a mullet within the horns of a crescent Or. (D:
Catriona MacEanruig - Sep 88)
Ermine, a pale engrailed Sa betw a sword & syrinx Vt, on a chf
engrailed Sa, seven estoiles Arg. (D: Franque ui Cruthnye Feb 75?)
Erminois, a griffin segreant to sin & on a chf indented Sa 3 estoiles
Or. (D: William of Shirwell - Jul 04)
Or, a bat-winged catamount segreant Gu & on a chf urdy Sa 3
decrescents Arg. (D: Cara Mondragon - Apr 03)
Or, a cross potent fitchy & on a chf engrailed Sa, 3 lozenges Arg.
(D: Wulfric of Blackthorn - Jul 85)
Or, a dragon passant reguardant coward Vt & on a chf triangular Sa
a unicorn couchant to sin guardant Arg, armed, crined, &
unguled Or. (D: Cyril of the Sillie Stilus - Oct 82)
Or, a fox dormant Gu & on a chf indented Sa 3 pheons Or. (D:
Emma la Rousse dArgentan - Apr 96)

[Chief - Charged - Jagged - Sable] to [Chief - Charged - Long]

Chief - Charged - Jagged - Sable (continued)

Or, a lymphad in full sail Sa, on a chf urdy Sa 3 open books Arg.
(D: Vladimir von Livland - Apr 76?)
Or, a reremouse & on a chf engrailed Sa a decrescent Or. (D:
Katheryn Margarete de Ryes - Sep 03)
Or, a rose, slipped & leaved, Gu, on a chf indented Sa 2 crosses
potent Arg. (D: Ceridwen of Caernarfon - Feb 87)
Or, an open scroll fesswise & on a chf indented Sa, 3 flames proper.
(D: Pietro dArezzo - Oct 92)
Or goutty Gu, a bear ramp & on a chf indented Sa 3 arrowheads inv
Or. (D: Niamh ingen Raigillig - Nov 00)
Or, on a pale Sa, a fleur-de-lys Or, overall a laurel wreath ctrch, on
a chf urdy Sa, 3 mullets Or. (D: Beau Fort - Jul 87)
Or semy of apples Gu, on a chf triangular Sa a rams head erased to
sin Or. (D: Aldgyth atte Apelyard - Sep 85)
Or, 3 swords inv & on a chf invected Sa, a dragon passant Or. (D:
Mihly Drachenschlger - Feb 99)
Or, 2 cauldrons in fess Sa, a base enarched rayonny Gu, on a chf
indented Sa a sun Or. (D: Peggy of Tempest Hill - Nov 93)
Or, 2 falcons rising, wings addorsed, combattant Gu, on a chf
triangular Sa, a hand couped, appaumy & fingers spread, Or.
(D: Meaghann Avice Dulon - Mar 87)
Or, 2 swords inv in salt & on a chf triangular Sa a Gorgons head
cabossed Or. (D: Titus Antonius Thurinus - Aug 07)
Per chev inv enhanced Sa & Gu, in chf a cross patonce Arg, & in
base a stags head couped affront proper, attired Or. (D: Leah
de Spencer - Nov 80)
Per chev Or & Sa, a chev Az & in base a crescent Arg, a chf
invected Sa mullety Arg. (D: Phoebe Hotham - Dec 02)
Per pale & barry wavy Arg & Sa, on a chf triangular Sa, a sealion
naiant Or. (D: Ia Anna Kazimova - Apr 90)
Per pale Arg & Az, a Maltese cross ctrch, on a chf triangular Sa a
mug Or. (D: Connor Andrew McEwan - Dec 94)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a goat ramp & upon a chf invected Sa, 3 estoiles
Arg. (D: Rathyen de Bures of Acton - Oct 83)
Per pale Arg & Or, a horse salient Az, on a chf triangular Sa an
increscent Arg betw 2 mullets of eight points Or. (D: Isadora
de Alba - Jun 85)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a stags head cabossed & on a chf triangular Sa,
a plate. (D: C Ulad Cuileannin - Mar 93)
Per pale Vt & Or, a massacre ctrch, on a chf triangular Sa a mullet
Or. (D: Fergus Stout - Jan 91)
Per salt Arg & Or, a brown bears head cabossed proper, on a chf
engrailed Sa 3 Irish harps Or. (D: Cynan an Math Mer Feb 86)
Plumetty Vt & Or, on a chf triangular Sa an acorn inv slipped &
leaved Or. (D: Gwyneth Gower - Feb 08)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Jagged - Vert

Arg, a brown owl disp proper & on a chf triangular Vt 3 oak leaves
conjoined at their stems Or. (D: Leofwynn Kyndheir May 02)
Arg, a cross patty within an annulet Sa, on a chf triangular Vt a
unicorns horn inv Arg. (D: Jerilyn of Vert Silva - Jan 81)
Arg, a lion couchant contourny reguardant Gu, on a chf invected Vt,
a salt Arg. (D: Diorbhail n Ruaidhri - May 92)
Arg, a lion ramp Sa & on a chf indented Vt a fret Or. (D: Elizabeth
de Whitney - Oct 97)
Arg, a lion ramp Sa & on a chf indented Vt 3 fleurs-de-lis Or. (D:
Victoire de Whitney - Oct 97)
Arg, a mastless drakkar, oars in action, proper & on a chf invected
Vt 2 laurel wreaths Arg. (D: Greenhithe By The Water Jan 06)
Arg, a natural panthers head cabossed Sa, on a chf indented Vt a
crescent Or. (D: Dananir bint Zang al Tabib - Jan 06)
Arg, a salamander Vt enflamed proper, on a chf triangular Vt a
Bowen knot Arg. (D: Richard MacRichie - Nov 99)
Arg, a sea stag Gu tailed & on a chf indented Vt, a sheaf of arrows
inv Arg betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Celyn ap Llewelyn Sep 90)
Arg, a squirrel ramp & on a chf engrailed Vt 4 acorns Arg. (D:
Duncan MacFergus of Kintyre - Dec 90)
Arg, a stag ramp proper & on a chf indented Vt, 3 snowflakes Arg.
(D: Joan of the Winds - Aug 87)

Chief - Charged - Jagged - Vert (continued)

Arg, a tree eradicated & on a chf indented Vt a lizard tergiant

palewise Or betw a snake nowed & a snake nowed to sin Arg.
(D: Aletea Dellquila - Nov 93)
Arg, a triple-headed thistle proper, on a chf indented flory at the
points Vt 3 roses Arg. (D: Duncan MacFlandry - Sep 93)
Arg, an otter statant guardant proper, on a chf urdy Vt 3 bezants.
(D: Margaret Maclachlan - Apr 96)
Arg semy of clarions Sa, on a chf triangular Vt a sun in splendor Or.
(D: Michael atte Calle - Mar 00)
Arg semy of heather blossoms Purp, on a chf engrailed Vt a
recorder reversed Arg. (D: Aelua of Whitehaven - Jul 91)
Arg, 3 roses & on a chf indented fleury at the base points Vt a rapier
reversed Arg. (D: Samus mac Inneirghe - Feb 02)
Arg, 3 thistles, slipped & leaved, Purp & a chf indented Vt, semy of
estoiles Arg. (D: Caitrin ni Ruaidhri - May 88)
Arg, 2 brown bears combattant proper & on a chf indented Vt 3
mullets of eight points Or. (D: Thomas of Selviergard Oct 03)
Arg, 2 crescents Az & a bear statant erect affronty head to dexter
Sa, on a chf doubly enarched Vt, a fleam Arg. (D: Mary
Uinnbid - Mar 98)
Arg, 2 fish naiant in annulo on a chf indented Vt an escallop Arg.
(D: Cristina de Asturias - May 96)
Barry & per pale Or & Gu, on a chf triangular Vt a crescent Or. (D:
Rnn mac Magnusa - Aug 02)
Ermine, on a chf urdy Vt a foxs mask Arg. (D: Faeder Whitefox Oct 91)
Or, a monkey ramp Sa winged & maintaining a skull, on a chf
invected Vt 3 mullets Arg. (D: Cristobal Corvacho - Apr 05)
Or, a squirrel sejant erect maintaining an acorn & on a chf engrailed
Vt a roundel betw an increscent & a decrescent Or. (D:
Magdalena Szezemayna von Harten - Jul 07)
Or, 2 chipmunks sejant erect respectant proper, on a chf triangular
Vt an acorn Or. (D: Anne de Silva - Jul 93)
Or, 2 garden roses Gu, slipped & leaved, their stems extended in
crescent & tied in base in a Bourchier knot, & on a chf
triangular Vt a swan naiant Arg charged with a goutte-de-sang.
(D: Calista nic Ghille Andrais - Feb 83)
Paly of eight Vt & Arg, on a chf triangular Vt a laurel wreath Arg.
(D: Branswatch - May 81)
Per pale Arg & Or, 2 cats sejant addorsed guardant Sa, on chf
triangular Vt a Latin cross bottony Or. (D: Augustina of
Constantinople - Aug 94)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Long

Arg, a bear sejant erect Sa & on a chf enarched rayonny Gu a

lightning bolt Arg. (D: Andreas Jger von Holstein - Sep 07)
Arg, a double-head lion ramp betw 3 mullets, on a chf rayonny Purp
issuant from chf a demi-sun Or. (D: Llewellyn Cadwallader Nov 96)
Arg, a pair of human footprints Az & a chf rayonny Az crusilly
Arg. (D: Gwendolyn Kateryne Piedfroid - Jun 91)
Arg, a pillar Sa surmounted by a horse passant contourny & on a
chf rayonny Purp a rose slipped & leaved Arg. (D: Micaela
Leslie - Feb 02)
Arg, a pomegranate slipped & leaved Purp, seeded Arg, & on a chf
rayonny Purp 2 escallops inv Arg. (D: Berta of the Southern
Isle - Aug 81)
Arg, a ram ramp Gu & on a chf rayonny Sa 2 pairs of arrows inv in
salt Arg. (D: Blthnait of Grimwith - Sep 05)
Arg, 2 chevronels braced & on a chf rayonny Sa 3 faceted
gemstones in profile Arg. (D: Theresa Yolanda Cabeza de
Vaca - Apr 05)
Az, a castle triple-towered & on a chf rayonny Arg 3 trees couped
Vt. (D: Alide van Spaarnwoude - Feb 06)
Az, a dolphin urinant & on a chf rayonny Arg 2 roses Gu. (D:
Amicia Druet - Feb 96)
Az, a horse ramp Arg, hooved & crined Or, on a chf rayonny Arg, a
tree eradicated proper betw 2 roses Az. (D: Eleanor Mabille Aug 89)
Az, a winged wolf ramp, on a chf rayonny Arg a battle-axe Sa. (D:
lfr Grmlfsson - Feb 00)
Az, goutte deau, on a chf rayonny Or, 3 laurel wreaths Vt. (D:
Glymm Mere - Jan 90)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 515

[Chief - Charged - Long] to [Chief - Charged - Square - Argent]

Chief - Charged - Long (continued)

Az, 3 flames Or, on a chf rayonny Arg 2 escallops inv Az. (D:
Gunvor Torstensdottir - Mar 95)
Az, 3 towers on a chf rayonny Arg a swept-hilt rapier reversed Az.
(B: Dreiburgen - Oct 95) (For the Dreiburgen School of
Gu, a catamount sejant contourny, on a chf rayonny Or 3 goblets
Gu. (D: Lasairfhiona n Dhoineannaigh - Aug 95)
Gu, a dragon passant Or, on a chf rayonny Arg 3 crosses formy
fitchy Sa. (D: Murtaugh the Galloglas - Aug 95)
Gu, a falcon striking Or, on a chf rayonny Arg 3 estoiles Gu. (D:
Christian Cnox - Jan 92)
Gu, a grenade & on a chf rayonny Or, 3 towers Gu. (D: Katherine
Angelique dArtois de Berry - Dec 88)
Gu, a sun within a laurel wreath & on a chf rayonny Or, a tripletowered castle Sa. (D: Sol Haven - Sep 90)
Gu, a tree eradicated Or, on a chf rayonny Arg a dragon passant Gu.
(D: Tanarian Brenaur ferch Owain fab Bran - Dec 91)
Gu, a trident & on a chf rayonny Or 3 mill-wheels Sa. (D: Patrick
of Holmrike - Aug 94)
Gu, a unicorn passant Arg on a chf rayonny Or 3 brown bulls heads
caboshed proper. (D: riu of Tlachtga - Oct 95)
Gu, a winged stag ramp, wings elevated & addorsed, pean, armed
Or, on a chf rayonny Or, a thistle, slipped & leaved, betw 2
roses proper. (D: Madraut MacChlurain - Sep 87)
Gu, semy of arrows inv Or, a castle & on a chf rayonny Arg a sword
reversed Gu. (D: Roland the Savage - Mar 86)
Lozengy Arg & Gu, a dexter gauntlet palewise & on a chf rayonny
Sa, a sword reversed proper. (D: Morgaine Meuran
Airgiodachan - Oct 88)
Lozengy Or & Gu, 2 lions combattant Arg, on a chf rayonny Sa, a
harp Or. (D: Alaric of Phoenix Fens - Jan 90)
Or, a chev Sa, overall a cock striking, on a chf rayonny Gu five
decrescents Arg. (D: Leopoldo of Tree Girt Sea - May 98)
Or, a dolphin naiant contourny, on a chf rayonny Az 3 bees proper,
winged Or. (D: Johannes of Amstelveen - Oct 94)
Or, a flame of fire proper, on a chf rayonny Az an arrow Arg. (D:
Idris ap Llawr - Jul 91)
Or, a horse ramp & on a chf rayonny Purp a plate. (D: Alexander
Mieszkowicz - Dec 95)
Or, a phoenix Sa rising from flames Gu & on a chf rayonny Sa a
bow fesswise surmounted by 2 arrows inv in salt Or. (D: Mor
Loft - Jan 00)
Or, a polecat-ferret passant proper, on a chf rayonny Gu, 2 crescents
Arg. (D: Yorick of Bidston Hill - Feb 89)
Or, a pomegranate slipped & leaved Gu, on a chf rayonny Vt 3
gouttes deau. (D: Hesychia Bryennissa - May 04)
Or, a roofless well Sa & on a chf rayonny Gu 3 badger heads
cabossed Arg marked Sa. (D: Wendel Weller - Nov 03)
Or, a Scottish terrier statant to sin Sa, on a chf rayonny Gu, a
claymore Arg. (D: Malcolm Leslie the Scot - Aug 88)
Or, a tree within a laurel wreath Vt & on a chf rayonny Gu a lizard
reguardant breathing flames Arg. (D: Bois Ardent - Feb 05)
Or, a wolf ramp Az, on a chf Sa 3 crosses formy Or. (D: Wolfger
von Eisenstadt - Jan 07)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 horses salient respectant ctrch & on a chf
rayonny Az 3 crescents pendant Or. (D: Triq ibn Khalil Jan 05)
Per pale Az & Vt, a knorr & on a chf rayonny Arg, a Lacy knot Az
betw 2 horses heads couped Vt. (D: Angharad ferch Rhys ap
Morgan Genaur Glyn - May 93)
Purp, 2 fire arrows inv crossed in salt Arg enflamed proper on a chf
rayonny Arg 3 pairs of knitting needles crossed in salt Purp.
(D: Alis ni Malone - Feb 00)
Sa, a bull passant Arg, on a chf rayonny Or 3 crescents Sa. (D:
Tigranes of Bezabde - Feb 94)
Sa, a compass star & on a chf rayonny Or, a sword fesswise Sa. (D:
Robert of Hazeltine - Aug 87)
Sa, a hart springing contourny guardant Arg vulned on the shoulder
Gu on a chf rayonny Or 2 harps Sa. (D: Andr de Saint Michel
- Apr 94)
Sa, a mullet of eight points elongated to chf & on a chf rayonny Or
3 double roses Gu. (D: Sara of Cambridge - Sep 01)
Sa, a phoenix Or & on a chf rayonny Arg a compass star Sa. (D:
Sapphira die Vreche - Jul 02)
Sa, a stags head erased & on a chf rayonny Arg an arrow point to
dexter Sa. (D: Lachlann Faol-lonn o Lochlon - Sep 84)
516 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Charged - Long (continued)

Sa, on a plate a wolfs head couped Sa, on a chf rayonny Or 3

lozenges Gu. (D: Ian of Iron Bog - Mar 95)
Vt, a lion ramp to sin & on a chf rayonny Arg 3 hearts Sa. (D:
Julyan Lyttleton - Feb 92)
Vt, a wyvern passant wings disp Arg & on a chf rayonny Or an
arrow reversed Az. (D: Ragnarr bogsveigir - Dec 03)
Vt, 2 bears ramp reguardant addorsed Arg on a chf rayonny Or a
compass star Az. (D: Ulf Johannas Peter von Greiffenburg Jun 95)
Vt, 2 golf clubs crossed in salt, on a chf rayonny Arg 3 pellets. (D:
Torquil MacTaggart the Steadfast - Dec 95)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Square - Argent

Az, a armored foi in chev issuant from the flanks, on a chf embat
Arg 3 roses proper. (D: Guillaume de Saint Michel - Apr 94)
Az, a bantam cock statant, wings elevated & addorsed, & on a chf
embat Arg, an annulet Sa. (D: Uilliam mac Ailne mhic
Seamuis - Jan 91)
Az, a bear sejant erect & on a chf embat Arg 3 flames Gu. (D:
Grmr Magnsson - Mar 04)
Az, a blackletter capital S Or & on a chf embat Arg a natural
panther passant Sa. (D: Sovrana Rosa Medonia Baldini Apr 02)
Az, a boars head couped close contourny & on a chf embat Arg a
boar spear reversed Az. (D: Vilkin Jfursbani - Nov 93)
Az, a boars head erased & on a chf embat Arg, a tower Az. (D:
Robert of Coldcastle - Jan 88)
Az, a castle & on a chf embat Arg 3 roses proper. (D: Isabel of
Rosley - Oct 03)
Az, a chev betw 3 mullets of 4 points & on a chf embat Arg 3 stags
attires Sa. (D: Dafydd o Gaerdydd - Sep 87)
Az, a dexter hand couped at the wrist maintaining a sword proper,
on a chf embat Arg a chain throughout Sa. (B: Jason Griffiths
of Shadowhyrst - Aug 82)
Az, a dhow reversed Or & on a chf embat Arg an estoile Sa. (D:
Santiago de Arcos - Dec 91)
Az, a doe lodged Or gorged of a coronet & chained, on a chf embat
Arg a sun in splendor Gu. (D: Tsivia bas Tamara of
Amberview - May 99)
Az, a dolphin hauriant & on a chf embat Arg 3 mullets Sa. (D:
Torhthelm Eadmunding - Feb 87)
Az, a falcon disp, belled & jessed, on a chf embat Arg 3 roses Purp.
(D: Morgan the Falconer - Oct 93)
Az, a ferret salient to sin & on a chf embat Arg 3 roses Gu. (D:
Angeline of the Grove - Nov 91)
Az, a fleur-de-lys & on a chf embat Arg a hare courant contourny
Sa. (D: Guy Cheveux de Guise - May 96)
Az, a fret & on a chf embat Arg, a raven rising, wings addorsed, Sa.
(D: Elizabeth Curwen - Jul 92)
Az, a goblet Or on a chf embat Arg 3 roses Gu. (D: Anne of
Carthew - Jan 94)
Az, a Great Dane statant Or, on a chf dovetailed Arg 3 thistles
proper. (B: Kristoff McLain Cameron - Aug 02)
Az, a hart trippant reguardant contourny, on a chf embat Arg 3
dragonflies Az. (D: Wencenedl of Rokesburg - Feb 05)
Az, a heart & on a chf embat Arg, 2 mullets Az. (D: Alana Douglas
- Feb 97)
Az, a hedgehog statant & on a chf embat Arg 3 roses proper. (D:
Livia Zanna - Apr 08)
Az, a ladder bendwise, on a chf embat Arg, 3 serpents nowed Gu.
(D: Apollonia von Kriegsfeld - May 90)
Az, a lion passant reguardant Or & on a chf embat Arg 3 increscents
Az. (D: Gregor Heiseler - Oct 88)
Az, a lion ramp queue-forchy & on a chf embat Arg 3 martlets
contourny Az. (D: Geoffrey Storm - Nov 98)
Az, a pegasus passant reguardant contourny & on a chf dovetailed
Arg 3 fleurs-de-lis Az. (D: Genevive Ravencrest - Feb 03)
Az, a pilgrim passant contourny, holding in dexter hand a staff
proper & in sin hand a mullet of 4 greater & 4 lesser points Or,
& on a chf embat Arg 3 ornamental Chinese Fu dogs heads
caboshed Sa. (D: Christopher of Deauville - Mar 81)
Az, a rabbit ramp maintaining an axe Arg, a chf embat Arg goutty
de sang. (D: Andrea le Lapin - Jun 01)
Az, a rose Arg barbed Vt, on a chf embat Arg 3 roses Az barbed Vt.
(D: Jacquelin of Normandy - Aug 98)

[Chief - Charged - Square - Argent]

Chief - Charged - Square - Argent (continued)

Az, a screw press & on a chf embat Arg, 3 clusters of grapes Az.
(D: Mary Marguerite Wentworth - Sep 92)
Az, a shepherds crook bendwise & on a chf embat Arg 3 crosses
crosslet fitchy Az. (D: Brian Crawford - Jan 07)
Az, a squirrel sejant erect, on a chf potenty Arg 3 rowan sprigs Vt.
(D: Radhnait inghean Ruaidhr - May 07)
Az, a stag passant maintaining a gonfannon & on a chf embat Arg 3
roses Az. (D: Brian Angus McDonald - Jan 91)
Az, a sun in its splendor Or, on a chf embat Arg 3 fleur-de-lys Az.
(D: Madeleine Valois - Nov 98)
Az, a tabby cat sejant Arg, striped Sa, its dexter forepaw raised &
maintaining a quill, on a chf embat Arg 2 quills addorsed Sa.
(D: Tamara Devereaux - Oct 82)
Az, a triquetra & on a chf embat Arg a longbow Az. (D: Tor
Olafsson - Sep 07)
Az, a unicorn couchant & on a chf embat Arg a pine cone stem to
base betw 2 crescents Sa. (D: Ealasaid inghean u Dhomhnaill
- Feb 02)
Az, a unicorn ramp contourny, on a chf embat Arg 3 suns Az. (D:
Connor Hume - Aug 98)
Az, a vol betw 3 crescents, on a chf dovetailed Arg 3 compass stars
Sa. (D: Melessent Michel - Nov 04)
Az, a winged sea-lion maintaining a trident Or & on a chf embat
Arg 3 crescents Az. (D: Grmkell Valgararson - Sep 03)
Az, a wolf statant & on a chf embat Arg five card piques Vt & on a
mount Arg a card pique Vt. (D: Randolf Garard - Feb 02)
Az, an axe reversed, on a chf dovetailed Arg 3 lozenges Az. (D:
Sean Fitzpatrick - Mar 95)
Az, an owl on a chf embat Arg 3 increscents Az. (D: Muriel von
Schrecken - Aug 01)
Az, ermined, a unicorn ramp & on a chf embat Arg a vine fesswise
throughout Sa charged with 2 roses Az. (D: Elspeth of the
Blue Stone Keep - May 84)
Az, 4 acorns in cross, caps to center, on a chf dovetailed Arg, a
barrulet Az. (D: Catherine Hope Hastings - Apr 89)
Az, on a bend sin Gu, fimbriated, a sword inv, & on a chf embat
Arg 3 hurts. (D: Micah of Lions Tower - Apr 84)
Az, on a chev fracted Arg five triquetras Az & on a chf embat Arg 3
crosses clechy Az. (D: Kieran Moncreiff of Dundee - Jul 04)
Az, on a chf embat Arg a dragon couchant Az, winged Sa. (D:
Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme - Sep 90)
Az, on a chf embat Arg a dragon couchant Az winged Sa, as an
augmentation the dragon maintaining betw its forefeet an
escutcheon Az charged with 4 crescents conjoined in salt,
horns outward Arg. (Augmentation of Arms: Bruce
Draconarius of Mistholme - Oct 95)
Az semy of arrows bendwise sin inv, on a chf embat Arg 3 pairs of
double-bitted axes in salt Az. (D: Grimbold Hardax Feb 91)
Az, 3 martlets Or, on a chf embat Arg 4 pairs of aspen leaves inv
conjoined at the stems Vt. (D: Beverly of Stromgard Nov 93)
Az, 2 arrows inv in salt Or barbed & on a chf embat Arg 3 wolfs
paw prints Az. (D: Mickel Birnsson till Wargegrden Mar 04)
Az, 2 stalks of wheat in salt Or & on a chf embat Arg 2 acorns
proper. (D: Jocosa dAuxerre - Aug 05)
Az, 2 swans naiant respectant & on a chf potenty Arg 2
escarbuncles Az. (D: Ekaterina Dimitriu - Dec 90)
Az, 2 tilting lances in salt & on a chf embat Arg, a lion passant Sa.
(D: Keilyn FitzWarin - Mar 86)
Counter-ermine, a sun Arg charged with a lions head caboshed Gu
& on a chf embat Arg 2 roses Sa. (D: Morgan ap Rhys ap
Bran - Aug 02)
Gu, a cross of Jerusalem, on a chf embat Arg 3 crosses of Jerusalem
Gu. (D: Robert Cornelius MacGregor - Aug 98)
Gu, a demi-maiden in her modesty & on a chf embat Arg a sword
fesswise Gu. (D: Jimena Montoya - Jan 04)
Gu, a dove migrant to chf & on a chf embat Arg, 3 tulips Gu. (D:
Stephanie of Ean Airgead - Jun 88)
Gu, a fox courant contourny & on a chf embat Arg 3 ravens disp Sa.
(D: Wilhelm of Ben Dunfirth - Apr 94)
Gu, a grenade Or, on a chf embat Arg 3 crescents Sa. (D: Brian
Killian the Red - Aug 99)
Gu, a gryphon & on a chf embat Arg a laurel wreath betw 2 pheons
inv Sa. (D: Gryffyns Keep - Jul 04)

Chief - Charged - Square - Argent (continued)

Gu, a horses head couped & on a chf raguly Arg a bunch of grapes
slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Maria Isabella de Crdoba Oct 91)
Gu, a lion dormant Or & on a chf embat Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D:
Guy Dawkins of Stockley - Jun 98)
Gu, a mouse ramp & on a chf embat Arg 3 apples slipped & leaved
Gu. (D: James of Hartstone - May 04)
Gu, a theow ramp & on a chf embat Arg 4 trilliums Gu, barbed Vt,
seeded Or. (D: thelwulf Stealcere - Dec 06)
Gu, an elephant passant trumpeting & on a chf raguly Arg 2
annulets Gu. (D: Fiona Averylle of Maidenhead - Nov 83)
Gu, an elephant passant trumpeting, on a chf raguly Arg 2 annulets
Gu, & for augmentation, in center chf an inescutcheon Sa
charged with an annulet Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Fiona
Averylle of Maidenhead - Oct 92)
Gu, an owl & on a chf embat Arg a cross flory Gu betw 2 thistles
proper. (D: Angus Argyll of Clyde - Nov 04)
Pean, a horses head couped contourny & on a chf embat Arg 3
towers Vt. (D: ine ingen u engusa - Sep 03)
Pean, on a chf dovetailed Arg, 3 bunches of grapes Purp leaved Vt.
(D: Gwynethe Glaslyn - Apr 06)
Pean, 3 natural leopards faces Or, on a chf embat Arg a lion
passant guardant Sa. (D: Diarmid O Lorcain - Dec 87)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev & on a chf embat Arg a label Vt. (D:
Arwyn Althea - Feb 82)
Per chev Gu & ermine, on a chf embat Arg 3 mullets Gu. (D:
Donal MacMurtrie - Mar 85)
Per pale Az & Gu, a salade reversed & on a chf embat Arg a Roman
numeral "X" Sa. (B: Renard de lArc - Oct 95)
Per pale Az & Sa, a cock close & on a chf embat Arg 3 crosses
formy Sa. (D: Daniel of Darach - Jun 00)
Per pale Az & Sa, a griffin segreant & on a chf dovetailed Arg 2
floats Gu. (D: Domhnall Cathin - Feb 95)
Per pale Gu & Az, a pegasus segreant, on a chf embat Arg 2
shamrocks Vt. (D: Kathleen of Stonehaven - Jul 96)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a sun & on a chf embat Arg, five suns Sa. (D:
Erick of Longacres - Dec 95)
Per pale Gu & Vt, a catamount sejant Arg pellety & on a chf raguly
Arg a chain throughout Sa. (B: Katerina McGilledoroughe Feb 05)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a wolf ramp & on a chf embat Arg a crescent Gu.
(D: Stefan Weisswolf - Dec 03)
Per pale Sa & Gu, an owl disp within a laurel wreath Or, on a chf
dovetailed Arg 3 crosses formy Sa. (D: Owls Nest - Sep 92)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a wolf ramp & on a chf embat Arg 3 crosses
potent Sa. (D: Karl Klauezahn - Jan 97)
Per pale Sa & Vt, 2 hawks rising respectant, wings elevated & disp,
& on a chf embat Arg, 3 Latin crosses bottony Gu. (D:
William of the Two Hawks - Aug 90)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a rabbit sejant & on a chf embat Arg, 3 shamrocks
Vt. (D: Erin O Buaghelly - Jan 97)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a salamander contourny Arg enflamed proper &
on a chf embat Arg 3 mullets of seven points Az. (D: Benedict
Fergus atte Mede - Jun 08)
Purp, a bear passant, on a chf embat Arg 2 cauldrons Sa. (D:
William the Bear of Nottingham - Dec 88)
Purp, a boar ramp & on a chf embat Arg, 3 lozenges Sa. (D:
Ecgwin of Tideswell - Jan 93)
Purp, a compass star Or on a chf dovetailed Arg, a roundel betw an
increscent & a decrescent Sa. (D: Vladimir Dragonovich Nov 96)
Purp, a coney salient & on a chf embat Arg 3 equal-armed Celtic
crosses Gu. (D: Brangwyne verch Gryffyd - Nov 06)
Purp, a crane & on a chf embat Arg 3 mullets of eight points Vt. (D:
Emeline Patterson - Feb 05)
Purp, a dragon & on a chf embat Arg 3 unicorns heads couped
Purp. (D: Aurora Nhutbyme - Jun 05)
Purp, a fleur-de-lys & on a chf embat Arg, 2 elephants Purp. (D:
Eric Edwardson - Apr 07)
Purp, a gauntlet appaumy, on a chf embat Arg a flanged mace
fesswise reversed Purp. (D: Tobin Ripponwood - Jun 98)
Purp, a moon in her plenitude & on a chf dovetailed Arg, 3 mullets
Purp. (D: Fiona OKeeffe - Sep 92)
Purp, a sheep salient & on a chf embat Arg 2 ermine spots Sa. (D:
Elisabeth Fairchild - Apr 02)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 517

[Chief - Charged - Square - Argent] to [Chief - Charged - Square - Azure]

Chief - Charged - Square - Argent (continued)

Purp, a Thors hammer & on a chf embat Arg 3 roses slipped &
leaved proper. (D: Ingrede Falkenberg - Dec 99)
Purp, a tower, on a chf embat Arg a laurel wreath Purp. (D: Tour
dYvoire, la - May 92)
Purp, a unicorn ramp & on a chf embat Arg 3 roses Purp. (D:
Katarina Kittmann - Aug 01)
Purp, a unicorns head couped & on a chf embat Arg, a sword
fesswise reversed Sa. (D: Kateryn de Ver - Jun 98)
Purp, an increscent & on a chf embat Arg 3 increscents Purp. (D:
Clara of Mons Tonitrus - Aug 03)
Purp, on a plate a stags head erased Sa, on a chf embat Arg 3
shamrocks Purp. (D: Aurnia of Carrigogunnel - Dec 90)
Purp, 2 wolves sejant guardant respectant & on a chf embat Arg, a
roundel betw 2 mountains couped Purp. (D: Wolfgang von
Steinbach - Jan 92)
Sa, a bird rising contourny Arg, on a chf embat Arg 3 crescents Gu.
(D: Brianna O Duinn - Oct 97)
Sa, a cherubs head & on a chf raguly Arg 3 roses Sa. (D: Ruth
OKelly - Jul 04)
Sa, a cockroach tergiant within a laurel wreath & on a chf embat
Arg, a pomme. (D: Whyt Whey - Aug 99)
Sa, a Corinthian horned helmet affronty Or, on a chf embat Arg 3
fleurs-de-lys Vt. (D: Christian Thomas of York - Sep 06)
Sa, a cross crosslet fitchy & on a chf embat Arg, 3 roses proper. (D:
Ariannah Rose of Bishops Lynn - Mar 93)
Sa, a deaths head & on a chf embat Arg, 3 tankards Sa. (D: Philip
the Gravedigger - Aug 06)
Sa, a dragon passant & on a chf embat Arg 3 hearts Gu. (D:
Morgana of Dragonheart - Oct 84)
Sa, a dragon segreant Arg maintaining a bow & a sword Or, on a
chf embat Arg 2 pairs of arrows inv in salt Sa. (D: Mikael the
Archer of Dragonwood - May 92)
Sa, a lion sejant erect contourny maintaining in its forepaws a snake
erect & on a chf embat Arg 3 cinquefoils Az. (D: Sibella
Denton - Feb 06)
Sa, a pegasus ramp to sin & on a chf embat Arg, 3 increscents Sa.
(D: Gregory de Vulpe - Apr 90)
Sa, a rapier inv & on a chf embat Arg 3 acorns slipped & leaved Vt.
(D: Robert Watson - Sep 02)
Sa, a raven & on a chf embat Arg 3 arrows fesswise reversed Gu.
(D: John of Caer Gelynniog - Aug 07)
Sa, a standing balance Or & on a chf embat Arg five mullets Sa. (D:
Robert Justice - Feb 02)
Sa, a threaded needle bendwise sin & on a chf embat Arg, 3
threaded needles bendwise sin Sa. (D: Briana Talbot Jun 04)
Sa, a tower, & on a chf embat Arg, 3 pellets. (D: Emma Tucker Feb 97)
Sa, a wolf ramp, on a chf dovetailed Arg 2 bagpipes Sa. (D: Angus
MacLachlan - Aug 98)
Sa, an owl disp & on a chf embat Arg a hammer Sa. (D: Olaf
Olafson - Apr 86)
Sa, on a mug inv bendwise sin Arg an acorn Sa & on a chf embat
Arg a laurel wreath Sa. (D: Mugmort - Oct 82)
Sa, 3 chevronels braced, on a chf embat Arg 4 mascles Purp. (D:
Thomas Blackmoore - Sep 99)
Sa, 3 pheons & on a chf embat Arg an arrow Sa fletched & nocked
at both ends Gu. (B: Keradwc an Cai - Aug 85)
Sa, 2 Oriental dragons passant-counter-passant Or, on a chf raguly
Arg a Celtic cross Sa betw 2 Lacy knots Vt. (D: Law O Kervy
- Oct 07)
Vt, a bucks head caboshed, on a chf embat Arg a spear Vt. (D:
Graelant Forester - Jun 00)
Vt, a Celtic cross & on a chf dovetailed Arg a harp Az. (D: Muirgel
Camshron - Jun 95)
Vt, a dove migrant, on a chf dovetailed Arg an olive branch Vt. (D:
Katerinka Stepanova Gostimira - Jun 98)
Vt, a hooded cloak Arg lined Sa, on a chf embat Arg, 3 increscents
Sa. (D: Angharad Clog Llwyd ferch Madog ap Maredudd Jun 97)
Vt, a horse ramp Or, on a chf embat Arg 3 Maltese crosses Gu. (D:
Gwendolyn of Gloucester - Oct 92)
Vt, a Latin cross & on a chf potenty Arg, 3 mullets of eight points
pierced Gu. (D: Michael FitzGeoffrey - Jul 92)
Vt, a laurel wreath, on a chf embat Arg 3 ducks close Vt. (D:
Fendrake Marsh - Aug 98)
518 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Charged - Square - Argent (continued)

Vt, a phoenix & on a chf embat Arg a lion couchant Sa. (D: Rafael
Mercrio - Apr 92)
Vt, a stag trippant contourny, on a chf embat Arg 2 roses Purp. (D:
Arabella Moira of Heatherhill - Sep 94)
Vt, a stags head erased Or & on a chf embat Arg 3 caltrops Sa. (D:
Colin Oisin Donavan U Nill - Dec 86)
Vt, a sun in his splendour, on a chf embat Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Sa.
(D: Marguerite Louise de la Marche - Oct 99)
Vt, a sword betw 2 halves of a broken chain in fess throughout & on
a chf embat Arg a flame Sa. (D: Wilhelm the Far Traveler Sep 84)
Vt, a windmill bendwise sin & on a chf dovetailed Arg, 3
strawberries Gu, capped Vt. (D: Briana Etain MacKorkhill May 89)
Vt, a winged stag segreant, on a chf embat Arg 3 pheons Sa. (D:
Connor MacPhie - Feb 01)
Vt, a wolf ramp & on a chf embat Arg 3 crosses formy quadrate Sa.
(D: Faolan MacNeill - Aug 99)
Vt, a wolf ramp contourny & in base a fraise & on a chf embat Arg
2 fraises Purp. (D: Bronwen Fraser - Nov 02)
Vt, a wolf statant ululant & on a chf embat Arg 3 dolphins Az. (D:
lfr orvararson - Mar 04)
Vt, a wolfs head cabossed & on a chf embat Arg, 3 fir trees couped
Sa. (D: Jordon Wells of Darkwood - Dec 89)
Vt, on a plate a stags head cabossed Sa, on a chf embat Arg a
roundel betw an increscent & decrescent Sa. (D: William of
Mons Tonitrus - Jan 06)
Vt, 3 broad arrowheads in pall, points outward, & on a chf
dovetailed Arg a lion passant guardant Sa. (D: Eoin Mac
Eoghain - date?)
Vt, 2 wings, conjoined & inv, & on a chf dovetailed Arg, 3 wyverns
erect Sa. (D: Somerled MacEth MacDonal of Moray Oct 89)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Square - Azure

Arg, a battle axe & an arrow inv in salt Sa, surmounted by a cross
couped & fitchy Gu, on a chf embat Az, a fox courant Arg. (D:
Robyn Foxe of Cantshire - Aug 84)
Arg, a bear ramp Sa, on a chf embat Az 3 mullets of six points Or.
(D: Simon Arundel - May 87)
Arg, a bow bendwise sin nocked of a straight trumpet & on a chf
embat Az 3 open scrolls Arg. (D: Gregor Elfingstone Apr 07)
Arg, a chaplet of brown thorn proper, on a chf embat Az 3
decrescents Arg. (D: Elizabeth Lightfote - May 92)
Arg, a compass Sa, on a chf embat Az a sword fesswise reversed
Arg. (D: David du Lac - Oct 79)
Arg, a double-bitted axe Sa, on a chf embat Az, 3 edelweiss
blossoms Or. (D: Hanns Helvig von Longstrum - Sep 87)
Arg, a dragon statant, on a chf embat Az 3 mullets Arg. (D: Megan
ni Phdraig - May 98)
Arg, a horse courant & on a chf embat Az 3 triquetras Arg. (D:
Kiena Stiward - Oct 06)
Arg, a hummingbird rising Vt throated & sustaining in its feet an
arrow fesswise reversed Gu & on a chf potenty Az 3 roses Arg
barbed Vt. (D: Generys le Boghyere - May 07)
Arg, a natural panther ramp Sa & on a chf embat Az 3 annulets Arg.
(D: Muirghein inghean Rioghain - Jul 02)
Arg, a peregrine falcon statant, wings elevated, proper & on a chf
embat Az a sword Arg. (D: Edmund Colberane - Jul 83)
Arg, a phoenix & on a chf dovetailed Az 3 quatrefoils Arg. (D:
Marina Loveday - Apr 00)
Arg, a portcullis within a laurel wreath & on a chf embat grady Az
3 maple leaves Arg. (D: Starleaf Gate - Aug 91)
Arg, a reindeers head, couped & sin facing, on a chf embat Az, 2
pikas addorsed Arg. (D: Malcolm of Dun Ard - Jan 90)
Arg, a salt Gu, overall an eagle striking Sa, on a chf embat Az a
mullet Arg. (D: Gunnar Oxnamegin - Aug 95)
Arg, a seal statant affronty, head erect to dexter, Sa, on a chf embat
Az a mullet Arg. (D: Pellinor aus dem Sturm - Sep 83)
Arg, a smiths tongs Sa, on a chf embat Az 3 loaves of bread Or.
(D: Fergus Gove - Jul 06)
Arg, a stag lodged proper & on a chf embat Az, 2 pheons Arg. (D:
Coemgen MacDaid - Jan 94)

[Chief - Charged - Square - Azure] to [Chief - Charged - Square - Gules]

Chief - Charged - Square - Azure (continued)

Arg, a sun Sa eclipsed Or, on a chf embat Az, 3 roses Arg. (D:
Cecilia of Lindley - Apr 85)
Arg, a swan naiant Sa & on a chf embat Az, 3 pink dogwood
blossoms proper. (D: Sinead Lauren Aithne Armagh Nov 84)
Arg, a tree couped & on a chf dovetailed Az, 3 keys fesswise
reversed Arg. (D: Craig of the Glyn - Aug 93)
Arg, a tree proper, on a chf embat Az 3 plates. (D: Bergds
Thorgrmsdttir - Jul 01)
Arg, a trefoil Vt & on a chf embat Az 3 crescents Arg. (D: Seamus
Domhnaill - Sep 06)
Arg, a tyger passant Gu, on a chf embat Az 3 cinquefoils pierced
Arg. (D: Kateryn Sangistere of Northwood - Nov 93)
Arg ermined Az, & on a chf embat Az an arrow reversed Or. (D:
Cristina of Carreg Wen - Sep 96)
Arg, in fess 3 swords inv Sa, on a chf embat Az, 3 towers Arg. (D:
Guillaume de Clare - Oct 91)
Arg masoned, a bull ramp guardant Sa & on a chf embat Az a
sword fesswise reversed Arg. (D: Melchor Stoneteeth Jan 04)
Arg masoned Az, a bear ramp Sa & on a chf embat Az, 2 arrows inv
in salt Or. (D: Jaques the Spink - Nov 04)
Arg masoned Sa, a dragon dormant, on a chf embat Az 2 compass
stars Or. (D: Gyles of Western Seas - Jan 93)
Arg masoned Sa, a squirrel sejant erect Gu & on a chf embat Az 3
acorns each within a laurel wreath Or. (D: Akornebir Mar 01)
Arg, on a chf embat Az, a panther passant Arg, spotted Az, incensed
Or. (D: Eleanor Catlyn - Nov 98)
Arg, on a salt Gu a griffins head erased Or & on a chf embat Az 3
great-helms Arg. (D: Raymond of Annan - Jun 83)
Arg, 3 chevronels Gu & on a chf dovetailed Az 2 sheaves of arrows
Arg. (D: Alexandre de Tourouvre - Jan 06)
Arg, 3 feathers in pile Sa & on a chf dovetailed Az a cat dormant
Arg. (D: Bronwen ORiordan - Nov 01)
Arg, 3 garden rosebuds Gu, slipped & leaved Vt, on a chf embat Az
a hare courant Arg. (D: Miriam Christine de Louviers Dec 92)
Arg, 3 torteaux, on a chf embat Az 2 crescents Arg. (D: Charles
MacCormaic - Feb 97)
Bendy Vt & Arg, on a chf embat grady Az, a sea-lion naiant Or. (D:
Ilse vom Rhein - Jun 91)
Chevronelly inv Gu & Arg, a male griffin segreant Or & on a chf
embat Az, 3 mullets of seven points Or. (D: Ariel ap Gryffyn Dec 84)
Ermine, on a chf embat Az 2 griffins combattant Or. (D: Catherine
de Calais - Dec 96)
Erminois, a chf embat Az in the dexter a roundel Or. (D: William
the Lucky - Sep 87)
Gu, a phoenix Arg issuant from flames proper, on a chf embat Az,
fimbriated Or, a battle-axe reversed Or. (D: Charles
Smokeater - Aug 79?)
Or, a holly branch bendwise sin inv Vt fructed Gu & on a chf grady
Az a mullet voided Or. (D: Evelyn atte Holye - Feb 95)
Or, a pine tree proper & on a chf embat Az, a cloud Arg. (D: John
of the Pines - Sep 88)
Or, a tree eradicated proper & on a chf embat Az 2 lions passant
guardant respectant Or. (D: Adrianna of Westmarch Aug 94)
Or, a wyvern & on a chf embat Az 3 axes Or. (D: Thomas
Caulfield - Feb 08)
Or, an escallop & on a chf embat Az 3 escallops Or. (D: Guendolen
of Skye - Jan 94)
Or, an oak leaf & on a chf embat Az seven bezants in arch. (D:
Leiftameon Carlsefnasson - Aug 79)
Or, on a cross couped Az a decrescent Or, on a chf embat Az, 3
mullets Or. (D: Jean Guy Talbot Du Lac - Nov 89)
Or, on a pile inv Az betw 2 wooden barrels fesswise proper a rapier
Arg, on a chf embat Az 3 quail Arg. (D: James the Just Jun 99)
Per chev Or & Az, five bezants in annulo, on a chf embat Az a
sword reversed Arg. (D: Jarik Blackthorn - Sep 92)
Per pale bendy sin Or & Gu, & Arg ermined Vt, on a chf embat Az
3 sin cubit arms, fists clenched, Arg. (D: Friedrich von
Konigsburg - Nov 93)

Chief - Charged - Square - Azure (continued)

Per pale Or & Sa, a cross formy ctrch, on a chf dovetailed Az, a
sword fesswise reversed Arg, enflamed proper. (D: Raedwulf
Hrothgaresun - Feb 89)
Sa, a compass-star Arg, on a chf embat Az, fimbriated Or, a
decrescent & an increscent Arg. (B: Patrick OMalley of
Ulidia - Feb 82) (For House of the Distant Star)
Vt, in salt 2 wooden spoons proper, on a chf embat Az, fimbriated
Or, a dinner plate Or. (D: Siglinde aus Truso, called the
Stupid Peasant - Feb 80)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Square - Fur

Bendy barry bendy sin Arg & Vt, on a chf embat pean a label
dovetailed Gu. (D: Anne Aldous of Camberton - May 82)
Purp, a triple-towered castle Arg & on a chf embat ermine a lion
dormant guardant Sa. (B: Malcolm Duncan MacEoghainn Nov 02)
Sa, a cross formy fitchy Arg & on a chf embat ermine, an acorn Gu.
(D: Olaus Simone Silvano - Oct 85)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Square - Gules

Arg, a bear passant Sa & on a chf embat Gu 3 crosses bottony Or.

(D: Henry Leeds - Mar 91)
Arg, a dragon segreant Vt & on a chf embat Gu a needle palewise
Arg conjoined by the thread to a quill of yarn palewise Or. (D:
Elena of Sunderoak - Mar 05)
Arg, a saker hawk migrant to base proper, on a chf embat Gu, 3
lilies Or. (D: Gwyneth Maeve of Falconguard - Jul 88)
Arg, a sin gauntlet Sa, on a chf embat Gu 2 anvils reversed Arg. (D:
Edward Ironhand - Sep 93)
Arg, a stag ramp Sa, on a chf embat Gu, a catamount passant to sin
Or. (D: Sean Gobha - Jul 89)
Arg, a tree blasted & eradicated Sa & on a chf embat Gu 3 laurel
wreaths Or. (D: Grimwithshire - Sep 07)
Arg, a unicorn ramp & on a chf embat Gu, an arrow, barb to dexter,
Arg. (D: Zenobia of Rebelswood - Dec 87)
Arg, a unicorns head erased Sa, armed Or, on a chf embat Gu a
needle Or. (D: Mara Juanita de Valencia - May 94)
Arg, a wolf ramp to sin Gu & on a chf embat Gu masoned 3 boars
heads erased Arg. (D: Johannes Kranich - May 07)
Arg, an oak leaf Vt & on a chf embat Gu a label couped Arg. (D:
William of Chesterfield - Sep 95)
Arg, in pale 2 robins close to sin proper & on a chf embat Gu a
thorn branch Arg. (D: Ethelane the Saxon - Nov 82)
Erminois, on a chf dove-tailed Gu, 3 crosses bottony Or. (D: Iago
Benitez - May 94)
Or, a bear ramp maintaining an axe Sa, on a chf embat Gu a
decrescent & an increscent Or. (D: Angus MacRae - Oct 92)
Or, a boar passant to sin Sa, on a chf embat Gu an arrow Or. (D:
Einar Sclater of Orkney - Jul 94)
Or, a cross crosslet fitchy, on a chf embat Gu a feather Or. (D:
Martyn ap Cadwalladr the Bold - Jun 91)
Or, a domestic cat sejant Sa, on a chf embat Gu 3 decrescents Or.
(D: William Bruce - Nov 97)
Or, a dragon sejant & on a chf embat Gu 3 suns Or. (D: Ltold von
Sonnenthal - Jun 96)
Or, a falcon volant & on a chf embat Gu, 2 crescents Arg. (D:
Peregrine Frijonds - Jul 90)
Or, a fer-a-loup inv & on a chf embat Gu, 3 goblets Or. (D: Symon
de Ipswich - Jan 07)
Or, a natural panthers head cabossed Sa maintaining in its mouth a
rose Gu slipped Vt, on a chf embat Gu 3 harps Or. (D: Juliana
Cardoso - Nov 00)
Or, a phoenix Sa rising from flames & on a chf embat Gu an open
scroll betw 2 quill pens, nibs to center, all Or. (D: Roderick
Ian OConnell - Nov 90)
Or, a raven proper perched atop & sustaining a key bendwise wards
to base, on a chf embat Gu 2 laurel wreaths Or. (D: Ravensley
- May 05)
Or, a raven Sa, on a chf embat Gu 3 Thors hammers Or. (D:
Arnbiorg Nic an Ghabhann - Sep 92)
Or, a thistle proper, on a chf embat Gu five plates. (D: Dealla
MacCuag - Jan 93)
Or, a wheel & on a chf embat Gu an arrow reversed Or. (D:
orfinnr Kolsson - Aug 02)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 519

[Chief - Charged - Square - Gules] to [Chief - Charged - Square - Or]

Chief - Charged - Square - Gules (continued)

Or, a wyvern passant Vt bellied & wings disp, on a chf embat Gu 3

crescents Or. (D: Waldemar Kendrik Tavenor - Dec 95)
Or, an anvil Sa, & on a chf embat Gu a sword reversed proper. (D:
Hans von Steinhaus - Sep 83)
Or, in salt 2 garden roses Gu, slipped & leaved, Vt, on a chf embat
Gu, 3 escallops inv Or. (D: Elisia Castel of Dragonmoor Mar 88)
Or, seven oak leaves Vt & a chf embat Gu, seme of acorns Or. (D:
Robert Braithwaite of Sevenoaks - Jan 87)
Per pale Or & Sa, 2 garbs ctrch on a chf embat Gu an arrow
reversed Or. (D: Henry Enhallow - Jan 98)
Vair, a tower & on a chf dovetailed Gu 3 eagles disp Or. (D:
Arinwald Rotstein - Nov 96)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Square - Multicolor

Per pale Arg & Az, a double-headed phoenix & on a chf embat 3
suns all ctrch. (D: Feln mac Egain meic Mel Din Aug 06)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 towers & on a chf embat 2 axes fesswise,
heads outwards, all ctrch. (D: Peadair Aindrea MacLaine Sep 86)
Per pale Gu & pean, a gryphon segreant Arg, on a chf embat ctrch,
3 goblets Arg. (D: Ceridwen ferch Owain - Jul 89)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a millrind & on a chf dovetailed a chain of five
mascles, all ctrch. (D: Francis of Tadecastre - Sep 86)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a tower & on a chf embat 3 lozenges, all ctrch.
(D: Osgar MagUidhar - Apr 92)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a stags head cabossed & on a chf embat, 2
lozenges fesswise ctrch. (D: Gwilym Llonydd - Aug 94)
Vt, a boar ramp Arg & on a chf embat per pale Sa & Arg 2 suns
ctrch. (D: Dalibor Krivokltsky - May 05)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Square - Or

Az, a bear passant to sin & on a chf embat Or 3 barrels proper. (D:
Thorfinn Jarlsson - Aug 94)
Az, a blonde mermaid erect proper maintaining in both hands a
goblet, & on a chf embat Or a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Tarnmist May 85)
Az, a falcon jessed & belled, on a chf embat Or, 3 horseshoes inv
Az. (D: Fredericka Jean Grey of Brackenridge - Mar 94)
Az, a falcons head erased Arg & on a chf dovetailed Or 3 pheons
inv Az. (D: Michael Mac Ian - Jun 95)
Az, a fox salient Arg & on a chf embat Or a sword Az. (D: Seth
Foxley - Jul 98)
Az, a heron close & on a chf embat Or a rapier Sa. (D: Edward
Heron the Quiet - Mar 06)
Az, a horse ramp & on a chf embat Or 3 roses Gu slipped & leaved
Vt. (D: Aelesia de Trochdene - Sep 03)
Az, a hound sejant Or collared Gu maintaining in a raised paw a
plate & on a chf embat Or 3 hurts. (D: Erich Hundeman Jul 05)
Az, a lion ramp reguardant Or, langued & armed Gu, the sin paw
maintaining an estoile of seven points Arg, on a chf arched
embat Or a shawm proper. (D: Jowell Toledero - Aug 76?)
Az, a lioness head erased affronty, on a chf embat Or 3 lions
jambes bendwise Gu. (D: Gerhild the Willful - Mar 00)
Az, a rams head cabossed betw 3 mullets & on a chf embat Or 2
Thors hammers palewise, hafts to base, Az. (D: Adriana
Ramstar - Dec 83)
Az, a salt Arg, a chf embat Or goutty de sang. (D: Therion Sean
Storie - Oct 92)
Az, a stag springing to sin Arg, on a chf dovetailed Or 2 estoiles of
eight points Sa. (D: Domnhall Mac Giolla Bhrighde May 96)
Az, a tower within a laurel wreath & on a chf embat Or 4 mullets
Az. (D: Harrowgate Heath - Jul 06)
Az, a winged sea-horse Arg, on a chf embat Or a trident reversed
Sa. (D: Colin Macpherson - Jul 99)
Az, 4 lions ramp combattant, 2 & 2, Arg, on a chf embat Or, a lion
passant Az. (D: Johannes von Schwoykau - Aug 85)
Az, on a sun Or a tower Purp & on a chf embat Or a ladybug
fesswise Gu marked Sa. (B: Heylawive von Meien - Sep 06)
Az, on a sun Or a tower Purp & on a chf embat Or 3 ladybugs
fesswise Gu marked Sa. (D: Heylawive von Meien - Sep 06)
520 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Charged - Square - Or (continued)

Az, six bees in annulo tails inward proper on a chf embat Or a

weavers slea proper. (D: Emelyn Gunnarsdttir - Sep 01)
Az, 3 chevronels braced, on a chf embat Or 3 annulets Az. (D:
Cerdic of Dorchester - Oct 93)
Az, 2 chevronels & on a chf embat Or 3 tygers passant Az. (D:
Nethaniel Strathearn - Feb 94)
Az, 2 drinking horns tips crossed in base & on a chf dovetailed Or 3
Maltese crosses Sa. (D: Bronislawa Mnsdotter Horn Jun 94)
Az, 2 greyhounds salient addorsed, on a chf embat Or 3 crescents
Sa. (D: Randal Sinclair Hawkins - Jun 00)
Az, 2 owls & a tower & on a chf embat Or a mullet of eight points
Az. (D: Wolfhardt von Achterturm - Nov 96)
Checky Arg & Sa, a coronet & on a chf embat Or, 3 crosses Latin
bottony Gu. (D: Anton Tremayne - Apr 95)
Chequy Arg & Sa, on a chf embat Or, 3 crosses bottonny Gu. (B:
Anton Tremayne - Apr 95)
Counter-ermine, a portcullis, on a chf dovetailed Or 3 fish naiant
embowed Vt. (D: Robert Sellose - Dec 06)
Gu, a bear ramp maintaining a cross crosslet fitchy & on a chf
embat Or 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Sa. (D: Tatiana Dieugarde Jan 96)
Gu, a castle atop a mount & on a chf embat Or, 3 laurel wreaths Gu.
(D: Rokkehealdan - Feb 87)
Gu, a horse ramp Arg & on a chf embat Or 2 spear heads, points to
base Sa. (D: Garcia Guerrero de Corrales - Oct 07)
Gu, a lion queue-fourchy maintaining a tankard & on a chf embat
Or 3 towers Gu. (D: Waczlaw Rodaky - Apr 02)
Gu, a loaded trebuchet Arg & on a chf embat Or 3 towers Sa. (D:
Tristn Isidro de Alcaar - Aug 06)
Gu, a martlet Arg & on a chf embat Or a mullet betw 2 crescents Sa.
(D: Ernn inghean u Fhiannaidhe - Mar 03)
Gu, a rams head, erased & affronty, & on a chf embat Or, 3
portcullises Sa. (D: Vanard of the Skilled Hands - Sep 88)
Gu, a stag at gaze, on a chf embat Or 4 mullets Gu. (D: Ana Maria
Maddelena Selvaggio - Jul 94)
Gu, an antelope ramp contourny, on a chf embat Or 3 crescents Sa.
(D: Arielle the Golden - Dec 97)
Gu, an eagle disp perched upon a sword fesswise & on a chf embat
Or a mullet betw a decrescent & an increscent Purp. (D:
Cynric Norwood of Caernarvon - Oct 85)
Gu, an escallop Arg, on a chf dovetailed Or a grozing iron Sa. (D:
Gerald de Rapalje - Jul 81)
Gu estencely, a sun in splendor & on a chf embat Or 3 Norse sun
crosses Gu. (D: Kaall Ragason - Feb 08)
Gu, 4 martlets in cross & on a chf embat Or 3 goblets Gu. (D:
Gustav Emile der Dunkele Rotvogel - Jun 88)
Gu, on a bezant a fleam Sa & on a chf dovetailed Or 2 keys
fesswise reversed Sa. (D: Iustinos Tekton - Jul 02)
Gu, on a chev betw 2 harps & a lion Or five quatrefoils Gu & on a
chf potenty Or 3 martlets Gu. (D: Cecilia Lightfoot - Jul 07)
Gu, 3 roses & on a chf dovetailed Or, a domestic cat couchant
guardant Sa. (D: Alys Meghan Cattewynne - Jun 89)
Lozengy Arg & Vt, on a chf embat Or, 3 thistles, slipped & leaved,
proper. (D: Alasdair MacDhonnchaid - Aug 88)
Or, a pomegranate slipped & leaved & on a chf embat Gu 3 roses
Or. (D: Hannah bat Levi - Jul 04)
Per chev Gu & Sa, 3 unicorn heads & on a chf embat Or 3 thistles
proper. (D: Gareth Cambell - May 04)
Per pale Az & Gu, a sword inv Arg & on a chf raguly Or an
armorers hammer fesswise Sa. (D: Scarphedin Leifsson Jan 86)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 wolves combattant Arg, on a chf embat Or a
paw print Sa. (D: Tjorvi Lodinsson - Dec 92)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 wolves heads erased respectant Arg, on a chf
embat Or a paw print Sa. (B: Tjorvi Lodinsson - May 93)
Per pale Sa & Az, on a chf dovetailed Or, 3 mullets Sa. (D:
Richard de Chinon - May 95)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a thunderbolt & on a chf embat Or a cat statant
contourny reguardant Sa. (D: Katherine Maniske a Nynetails
- May 97)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a winged lion segreant Arg & on a chf embat Or
2 pheons Gu. (D: Galyon le Archer - Feb 92)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 2 axes in salt & on a chf embat Or 3 ravens Sa.
(D: Lazarus von Kyrchberc - Jan 02)

[Chief - Charged - Square - Or] to [Chief - Charged - Square - Purpure]

Chief - Charged - Square - Or (continued)

Per pale Sa & Purp, a butterfly, on a chf embat Or 3 roses proper.

(D: Caitln n Dhuibheasa U Dhubhuidhir - Feb 96)
Per pale Sa & Purp, a unicorns head erased Arg & on a chf embat
Or 3 roses Gu barbed Vt. (D: Camilla of Addershold Mar 01)
Per pale Vt & Az, a lymphad & on a chf dovetailed Or 3 Celtic
crosses Sa. (D: Mel Coluim mac Flainn - Apr 98)
Purp, a bell & on a chf embat Or 3 quavers Sa. (D: Marie Aoibeall
- Apr 01)
Purp, a bowed psaltery & on a chf raguly Or, a turtle tergiant
contourny fesswise Vt & a scorpion tergiant fesswise Sa. (D:
Fintan MacAldin - Dec 97)
Purp, a brock passant & on a chf embat Or 3 thistles proper. (D:
Kendall MacBhroc - Jun 92)
Purp, a crow & on a chf raguly Or 3 gouttes de larmes. (D: Hobbe
Yonge - Nov 06)
Purp, a drinking jack betw 2 barley stalks stems crossed in base, &
on a chf embat Or, 3 daggers inv Sa. (D: Jean Michel Guicard
- Nov 96)
Purp, a swan naiant wings elevated & addorsed Arg & on a chf
dovetailed Or 2 sprigs of rosemary conjoined at the base Vt.
(D: Lijss van den Kerckhove - Jan 05)
Purp, a tree eradicated & on a chf embat Or 3 mullets of six points
Purp. (D: Maria of Nea Nikopolis - Mar 04)
Purp, a unicorn Arg crined & queued & on a chf embat Or 2 fleursde-lys Purp. (D: Drahomira von Augsburg - May 02)
Purp, an angel disp & armored Arg, haloed Or, maintaining a sword
inv Sa, on a chf embat Or 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Purp. (D:
Antonio Galileo da Milano - Mar 98)
Purp, 4 chevronels braced & on a chf embat Or 3 compass stars
elongated to base Purp. (D: Marion Makkingze - Mar 06)
Purp, in cross 4 roses Arg barbed & seeded proper, on a chf embat
Or 3 crosses of Calvary Gu. (D: Diana de la Roche - Aug 98)
Purp, seven annulets, 2, 3 & 2, upon a chf enarched embat Or a cat
courant to sin Purp. (D: Karl the Purple - Aug 91)
Purp, 2 dolphins haurient respectant Arg, on a chf embat Or 3
pomegranates slipped & leaved Vt, seeded Gu. (D: Ynez
Chaiya Benveniste - Oct 07)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a Maltese cross Arg, on a chf embat Or, in salt
2 arrows inv Sa. (D: Mikael du Mouchel - Jan 90)
Sa, a cross formy swallowtailed, on a chf embat Or five feathers Sa.
(D: Ranulf Throckmorton - Sep 96)
Sa, a dragon sejant Arg & on a chf embat Or 4 lozenges Gu. (D:
Johne de Oakford - Apr 02)
Sa, a griffin segreant & on a chf embat Or 3 wolfs heads cabossed
Sa. (D: Jacob Robert Innes - Sep 90)
Sa, a hawk disp & on a chf embat Or, 3 fir trees eradicated Sa. (D:
Alaric Hawkwood of Hawkwood Manor - Mar 91)
Sa, a lion betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg, on a chf embat Or 3 fleurs-delys Az. (D: Pierre Gaston de Vallier - May 99)
Sa, a sword betw a pair of wings disp Arg, on a chf embat Or 3
wheels Gu. (D: David Saint David - Jan 94)
Sa, a winged scarab beetle disp, in chf betw the wingtips a roundel,
on a chf embat Or, a Jerusalem cross Sa. (D: Tuia Kynara of
Illyricum - Mar 84)
Sa, an acorn within a laurel wreath & on a chf embat Or 2 squirrels
respectant each maintaining an acorn Sa. (D: Gleann nam
Feorag Dhuibhe - Nov 04)
Sa, an eagle volant, wings elevated & addorsed, maintaining in its
talons a sword fesswise reversed, on a chf embat Or, five
fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Jean Philippe Duvier - Dec 86)
Sa, an eagles head erased reversed Arg, betw 3 acorns, on a chf
embat Or, a garden rose reversed, Sa, slipped & leaved Vt. (D:
Grania McNish of Eagles Eyre - Nov 91)
Sa fretty, on a chf embat Or 3 axes bendwise Gu. (D: Gunther
Addis - Apr 96)
Sa goutty Arg, on a chf embat Or a dragon couchant Gu. (D:
Wolfgang von Bremen - Jun 02)
Sa, on a chf embat Or 3 arrows fesswise Gu. (D: William of
Wolverhampton - Jul 07)
Sa, 3 chevrons braced & on a chf embat Or, 3 caltrops Gu. (D:
Tancred Enrico di Castrogiovanni - Jan 93)
Sa, 3 crosses of Cleves Arg, on a chf dovetailed Or, 3 torteaux. (D:
Paul Puissant - Sep 73?)
Sa, 3 swords proper & on a chf embat Or 2 ravens Sa. (D: James de
Lawton - Mar 03)

Chief - Charged - Square - Or (continued)

Sa, 2 stags heads couped addorsed Arg, on a chf embat Or, a bow
Sa. (D: Gareth of Staggmoor - Mar 93)
Vt, a bears head erased Arg, on a chf embat Or 3 St. Brigids
crosses Vt. (D: Giolla Bhrghde Gwaelyn - Jul 94)
Vt, a bee & on a chf embat Or an acorn betw 2 oak leaves fesswise
stems to center Vt. (D: Elinor Strangewayes - Sep 05)
Vt, a Celtic cross & on a chf embat Or 3 trefoils Vt. (D: ine of
Three Towers - Nov 05)
Vt, a chalice within a laurel wreath & on a chf embat Or a mullet of
five greater & five lesser points Sa. (D: Turris Animarum Jul 94)
Vt, a chess king betw 3 broad arrowheads, on a chf embat Or, 3
laurel wreaths Vt. (D: Knigstadt - Dec 88)
Vt, a chev & on a chf embat Or, 3 pommes. (D: Rhys of Harlech Jun 90)
Vt, a double-bitted axe & on a chf embat Or an arrow Sa. (D:
Edward of Freeholt - Feb 07)
Vt, a dragon passant coward & on a chf embat Or 3 Latin crosses
fleury Sa. (D: Lothair von Drachenstein - Sep 90)
Vt, a fret & on a chf embat Or 3 mascles Vt. (D: lfreda t
thelwealda - Sep 93)
Vt, a griffin & on a chf dovetailed Or 3 mullets Vt. (D: Nicola da
Lipari - Aug 03)
Vt, a horse ramp, on a chf raguly Or 3 mullets Vt pierced Or. (D:
Alaric Griswald de Toledo - May 86)
Vt, a lion ramp, on a chf embat Or, a sword Gu. (D: Edward of
Denby Woods - Feb 97)
Vt, a mules head erased Or, on a chf embat Or, 3 Celtic hounds
statant coward proper. (D: Beagle de la Souris Folle Jun 75?) (A Celtic hound proper is brown.)
Vt, a palomino horse couchant reguardant proper, on a chf potenty
Or, a sun pierced by an arrow fesswise, barb to sin, Sa. (D:
Gwenievere Perreal Smythe - Jan 90)
Vt, a phoenix rising & on a chf embat Or 3 towers Vt. (D: Richard
Hode - May 00)
Vt, a squirrel & on a chf embat Or, 3 acorns inv slipped & leaved
Vt. (D: Iuliana Angelina - Mar 08)
Vt, a stags head cabossed & on a chf embat Or 3 acorns inv slipped
& leaved Vt. (D: Conchobar mac Lochlainn - Jan 05)
Vt, a wolf ramp maintaining a sword & a shield Arg, & on a chf
raguly Or, 3 crescents Vt. (D: Seumas ap Gwalchmai May 94)
Vt, an owl Arg, on a chf embat Or 2 feathers fesswise inv crossed at
the tips Gu. (D: Kateryna Ty Isaf - Jul 00)
Vt, an owl contourny & on a chf embat Or a standing balance Az.
(D: Alexander Johann Stilz - Jan 03)
Vt, an owl disp Arg, on a chf embat Or a massacre Gu. (D: Erich
Forester - Mar 95)
Vt, on a chev Or, 3 sprigs of mistletoe Sa, on a chf embat Or, a
brown bear sejant erect proper. (D: Tadhg ua hIcidhe AnArtuil - Jan 86)
Vt, on a chf embat Or six shamrocks Vt. (D: Finn Kelly ODonnell
- May 81)
Vt, on an annulet Or, seven torteaux & on a chf dovetailed Or, a slip
of oak fesswise, leaved & fructed, proper. (D: Rhydderch the
Hunter - May 87)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Square - Purpure

Arg, a cats paw print Sa, on a chf embat Purp a lion couchant
guardant Or. (D: Eileen OKitspa - Feb 86)
Arg, a hummingbird rising Vt & on a chf embat Purp a feather
bendwise sin Arg betw 2 clay pots Or. (D: Isabel Ximena
Galiano de Valera - Dec 07)
Arg, a stags head couped affronty Sa & on a chf embat Purp a wolf
passant Arg. (D: Gavin OShannon - Sep 02)
Arg, a thistle proper & on a chf embat Purp, a chain Arg. (D:
Catriona Elspeth Montgumery of Renfrewshire - Mar 94)
Arg, an elephant passant Purp, armed Or, on a chf embat Purp 3
annulets Or. (D: Alisandre Oliphant - Apr 86)
Ermine, on a chf embat Purp 3 frets conjoined Or. (D: Evaine
MacGreger - Aug 01)
Or, a bull passant Gu, on a chf embat Purp an open book Or. (D:
Diogenia Melanesi - Nov 04)
Or, a lily slipped & leaved Gu & on a chf dovetailed Purp 3 fleursde-lys Or. (D: Margaret McNeill - Feb 02)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 521

[Chief - Charged - Square - Purpure] to [Chief - Charged - Square - Vert]

Chief - Charged - Square - Purpure (continued)

Or, a raven Sa, on a chf embat Purp, 3 roses Or. (D: Morgana von
Magdeburg - May 89)
Or, a swan disp Sa on a chf embat Purp, 3 fleur-de-lys Or. (D:
Katherine Saintlow - Mar 98)
Or, a wyvern disp, on a chf embat Purp 3 hearts Or. (D: Tristan
Dragonheart - May 96)
Per chev ermine & Purp, in base a rebec surmounted by a bow inv
bendwise sin Arg, & on a chf dovetailed Purp a demi-sun Or.
(D: Morgen Duvall - Jul 80)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Square - Sable

Arg, a chameleon statant contourny Vt & on a chf embat Sa 3

hangmans nooses Arg. (D: Beatrice de Winter - Aug 04)
Arg, a Cornish chough & on a chf embat Sa 3 plates. (D: Jennifer
Keruer - Jan 92)
Arg, a dolphin haurient Vt, on a chf embat Sa 3 hawks bells Arg.
(D: Ceinwen y Griffwn ferch Cynan - Aug 85)
Arg, a dragon dormant, head to sin, Vt, on a chf embat Sa a
unicorns head couped to sin Arg, armed & crined Or. (D:
Morgana of the Shadowed Keep - Apr 82)
Arg, a dragon passant Purp, a demi-sun issuant from base, & on a
chf embat Sa 3 mullets Arg. (D: Gweneth ferch Morgan Jun 99)
Arg, a dragon ramp Gu maintaining a sword, on a chf embat Sa 3
estoiles Arg. (D: Temair MacDiarmada - Nov 93)
Arg, a falcon close contourny Vt, on a chf embat Sa a sword
reversed Or. (D: Gavin MacKay - Oct 98)
Arg, a greyhound ramp Gu, on a chf embat Sa 3 crescents Arg. (D:
Alana Greywood - Mar 05)
Arg, a griffin segreant to sin Az & on a chf embat Sa, 3 snowflakes
Arg. (D: Marion Gwendolyn Morgan - Aug 88)
Arg, a lion ramp & on a chf embat Sa 3 Maltese crosses Arg. (D:
Konrad von Ulm - Apr 02)
Arg, a lion sejant contourny Gu crined & maintaining in his paw a
hammer betw 3 anvils reversed, on a chf embat Sa 3 bezants.
(D: Leo Diogenes - Oct 07)
Arg, a lymphad, oars shipped, on a chf dovetailed Sa a cutlass Arg,
a base nebuly Az. (D: Morgan Faraday - Sep 04)
Arg, a male griffin ramp Vt, on a chf embat Sa a compass star betw
a decrescent & an increscent Arg. (D: Gavin Rae of the Vale Nov 94)
Arg, a pair of wings conjoined in lure, on a chf embat Sa 3 roses
Arg barbed & seeded proper. (D: Serafina Isabella Borromeo
- Mar 07)
Arg, a rapier within a laurel wreath & on a chf embat Sa 3 roses Or.
(D: Noiregarde - Apr 06)
Arg, a rose & on a chf dovetailed Sa 4 crosses crosslet Arg. (D:
Beatrice La Grave - Aug 97)
Arg, a rose Gu, barbed & seeded Or, & on a chf embat Sa 2
crescents Arg. (D: Rolf le Bref - Jun 92)
Arg, a seawolf & on a chf embat Sa 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Egan
mac Muirgein - Feb 07)
Arg, a sheep statant & on a chf embat Sa, 3 triangles Arg. (D:
Maud verch Howell - Jul 04)
Arg, a stags head cabossed & on a chf embat Sa 3 crescents Arg.
(D: Roussel Tavernier - May 07)
Arg, a sun betw 2 lightning bolts in chev inv & on a chf embat Sa 3
crescents Arg. (D: Bldwyn Honestus - Apr 02)
Arg, a sword Gu, on a chf embat Sa, a crescent betw 2 mullets Arg.
(D: Jonathan Silverthorn - Sep 88)
Arg, a tree proper on a chf embat Sa 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Ysmay
du Parc - Mar 97)
Arg, a unicorn ramp Sa betw 3 fleurs-de-lis Gu & on a chf embat
Sa, 3 fleurs-de-lis Or. (D: Rinaldo Diego - Jan 94)
Arg, a wolfs head cabossed, on a chf embat Sa 3 cups Arg. (D:
Thorbjorn Osiss Brandsson - Sep 95)
Arg, a wolfs head erased contourny & on a chf embat Sa, 3 roses
Arg. (D: Raedwulf Burke - Jun 91)
Arg, an oak tree eradicated Purp, on a chf embat Sa 3 gouttes Arg.
(D: James Barkley - Feb 01)
Arg, in pale 2 wolves heads cabossed & on a chf embat Sa 3 plates.
(D: Alexander ap Talhaearn - Oct 93)
Arg on a bend Purp 3 estoiles Arg & on a chf embat Sa a moon in
her complement Arg. (D: Rhiannon Heledd of Mathrafal Jan 92)
522 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Charged - Square - Sable (continued)

Arg, 3 axes in fess & on a chf embat Sa a dolphin naiant Arg. (D:
Maerric atte Mor - Jan 94)
Arg, 3 fern fronds Vt & on a chf dovetailed Sa, 3 mullets Arg. (D:
Kenelm of Tintagel - Mar 99)
Arg, 2 celtic crosses & in base a garden rose fesswise reversed Sa,
slipped & leaved Vt, on a chf embat Sa, 3 harps Arg. (D: Bran
McNish - Nov 91)
Checky Az & Arg, a tankard & on a chf embat Sa 3 natural
dolphins haurient Arg. (D: Astil Alysone Sandilands Apr 98)
Ermine, a brocks head couped affronty Sa, marked Arg, & on a chf
dovetailed Sa 3 moons in their complement Arg. (D: Jnos
Veres - Oct 88)
Erminois, a lion salient Gu, on a chf potenty Sa a chain fesswise
throughout Or. (D: Philip dYpres - Nov 91)
Erminois, on a chf dovetailed Sa, 3 fleur-de-lys Or. (D: Brianna
Laurina de Winton - Jul 88)
Or, a bear ramp, on a chf dovetailed Sa, 3 escallops inv Arg. (D:
Georg Bereward - Mar 89)
Or, a castle Vt & on a chf embat Sa, 3 mullets Or. (D: Balien de
Valiere - Jun 95)
Or, a ferrets head on a chf embat Sa a sword reversed Arg. (D:
Eirkr Greysltr - Oct 95)
Or, a plow Vt & on a chf embat Sa 3 garbs Or. (D: Alan the Strong
- Mar 04)
Or, a raven & on a chf embat Sa, 2 quill pens in salt Arg. (D: Jane
of Bright Hills - Jul 90)
Or, a raven contourny, on a chf dovetailed Sa 3 roses Or. (D:
Ascelin Meere of Ravenslocke - Apr 96)
Or, a raven disp & on a chf embat Sa, 3 Thors hammers Or. (D:
Haakon Tryggvason - Aug 93)
Or, a ship & on a chf embat Sa, 3 crosses crosslet Or. (D: David
Thames - Jul 92)
Or, a sun & on a chf embat Sa a pithon wavy volant to sin Or. (D:
Rianna van Heiniken - Jan 84)
Or, a wingless griffin segreant, in base an hourglass & on a chf
embat Sa 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Laurence de Xaintrailles Aug 91)
Or, on a chf embat Sa 3 mullets Arg. (D: Jean Amy - Feb 08)
Or, on a chf potent Sa, a calla lily fesswise, slipped & leaved, Arg.
(D: Cillene MacRorie - Feb 90)
Or, 2 scarpes Gu, overall a horse passant & on a chf embat Sa, 3
stirrups Arg. (D: Caitlyn of Penryn - May 88)
Per pale Az & Or, a cross pate ctrch, & on a chf dovetailed Sa 3
double-bitted battle axes Arg. (D: Eadric Hrothgaresun Aug 84)
Per pale bendy Or & Vt & Or, 2 stags springing respectant Sa & on
a chf embat Sa 3 suns Or. (D: Gryffith FitzWilliam - Nov 04)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 2 griffins combattant ctrch, on a chf embat Sa a
Latin cross betw 2 crosses couped Or. (D: Gustav Athanasius
von Hausenstadt - May 83)
Per pale Gu & Or, a portcullis & on a chf embat Sa 3 thistles Or.
(D: Kilian Baillie - Jul 96)
Per pale Gu & Or, an acorn ctrch, on a chf dovetailed Sa 2 arrows
fesswise in bend sin Or. (D: Llywellyn MacLamont - Jun 95)
Per pale Or & Arg, an eagle disp head to sin & on a chf embat Sa 2
roses Arg barbed & seeded proper. (D: Conrad von Zollern May 02)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Square - Vert

Arg, a castle Sa masoned Arg issuant from a base Vt, on a chf

embat Vt a plate. (D: Meghan Catriona McInnes of
Kinlochaline - Aug 79)
Arg, a cat sejant, dexter paw raised Sa, on a chf embat Vt 2
crescents Arg. (D: Gwenllian Basset - Aug 93)
Arg, a chev Vt betw 3 trees eradicated proper & on a chf embat Vt 3
crescents Arg. (D: Lyanna of Bergental - Jun 92)
Arg, a compass star within a laurel wreath, on a chf embat Vt 4 pine
trees Arg. (D: Graywood - Nov 88)
Arg, a dragon passant contourny Gu & on a chf embat Vt a mullet
betw an increscent & a decrescent Arg. (D: Celestria
Monelyght le Dragon - Aug 03)
Arg, a hedgehog proper, on a chf embat Vt, a mortar & pestle betw
a decrescent & an increscent Arg. (D: Meadhbh n Ruaidh
Chonnemara - Jan 93)

[Chief - Charged - Square - Vert] to [Chief - Charged - Wavy - Argent]

Chief - Charged - Square - Vert (continued)

Arg, a lizard ramp & on a chf embat Vt 3 estoiles Arg. (D: Killian
Bryce - Sep 97)
Arg, a raven contourny Sa & on a chf embat Vt 3 bezants. (D:
Leofric t Countr - Mar 08)
Arg, a stag trippant Sa & in base 2 oak leaves in chev inv & on a
chf dovetailed Vt 3 crescents Arg. (D: Caitiln inghean U
Laoghaire - Apr 02)
Arg, an aardvark ramp & on a chf embat Vt a hammered dulcimer
Or. (D: Jamie Snawberd of Ross - Aug 99)
Arg, an oak tree blasted & sundered Sa atop a mount Vt, on a chf
embat Vt a laurel wreath Or. (D: Sunderoak - Jun 98)
Arg masoned Sa, a snail & on a chf embat Vt, an arrow Arg. (D:
Cathleen of Greystones - Aug 93)
Arg, 2 tilting spears in salt surmounted by a third palewise Sa & on
a chf embat Vt 3 broadarrows inv Arg. (D: Neil Greenstone Dec 86)
Ermine, a fret Purp, on a chf embat Vt a roundel betw 2 crescents
Arg. (D: Bon Freborn - Dec 04)
Ermine, a tower & on a chf embat Vt 2 fiddles fesswise necks to
center Arg. (D: Robert Downey of Forfar - Oct 05)
Ermine, a unicorn ramp to sin & on a chf embat Vt, 2 Celtic crosses
Or. (D: Brian OSeachnasaigh - Mar 89)
Or, a brown bear ramp regardant proper, on a chf embat Vt 3 Celtic
crosses Or. (D: Tobias Arth - Sep 94)
Or, a Celtic cross & on a chf dovetailed Vt 3 roses Arg. (D: Thorolf
Asgeirsson - Aug 03)
Or, a Latin cross couped fretted with a delf voided Gu, on a chf
embat Vt, 3 harps Arg. (D: Tor von Butterberg - Dec 88)
Or, a sheaf of 4 arrows inv Sa & on a chf embat Vt a bow Or. (D:
Gregory le Fletcher - Mar 94)
Or, a standing balance Purp & on a chf dovetailed Vt 3 open books
Or. (D: Olaus af Scherff - Jun 05)
Or, a tower Gu, on a chf embat Vt a salt Or. (D: Brian
McNaughton - Jun 86)
Or, an eagle disp & on a chf embat Vt 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Jehan
dAigle - Oct 92)
Per bend Arg & Az, 2 mullets ctrch, on a chf dovetailed Vt 3
lozenges Arg. (D: Norinna OShaughnessy - Dec 91)
Per pale Gu & Or, a heart ctrch & on a chf dovetailed Vt 3 roses Or.
(D: Mary Anne Loveman - Nov 97)
Per pale Or & Sa, a lymphad betw 3 anchors ctrch & on a chf embat
Vt 3 harps Or. (D: Radhn of Thors Mountain - Feb 02)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Wavy - Argent

Az, a Catherines wheel & on a chf wavy Arg, 3 quavers Sa. (B:
Bella Caterina Malatesta - Aug 05)
Az, a chalice & on a chf wavy Arg 3 anchors Az. (D: Bartholomew
Samuelson of Brente - Apr 94)
Az, a crane & on a chf Arg 3 roses Az. (D: Aleyd von Kiel May 04)
Az, a duck naiant Or & on a chf nebuly Arg, 3 annulets Az. (D:
Eowen Annasdottir - Feb 92)
Az, a goose rousant contourny & on a chf wavy Arg 3 hurts. (D:
Cassandra Cappelletti - Apr 02)
Az, a hawks lure on a chf wavy Arg 2 hawks bells Az. (D:
Catrina Ravenbourne - Aug 97)
Az, a kids head erased & on a chf nebuly Arg 3 English robins
volant proper. (D: Geoffrey of Northaven - Feb 75?)
Az, a lymphad & on a chf wavy Arg a laurel wreath Vt. (D: An
Loch - Apr 06)
Az, a seahorse Or & on a chf wavy Arg 3 estoiles Az. (D: Serlaith
ingen mic Nill - Jun 06)
Az, a sea-lion Or, scaled Vt, armed & orbed Arg, & on a chf wavy
Arg 3 laurel wreaths Vt, bound Or. (D: Allyshia - Aug 79)
Az, a sun Or eclipsed Sa & on a chf wavy Arg 2 barrulets wavy Az.
(D: Michael Langley of Riversmeet - Feb 86)
Az, a sun within & conjoined to a laurel wreath Or, on a chf wavy
Arg a bar wavy Gu. (D: Radburne - Jul 07)
Az, a triple-towered castle & on a chf wavy Arg 3 dragonflies Purp.
(D: Jenna Fairhaven - Sep 00)
Az, a triskelion of armored legs & on a chf wavy Arg a violin, pegs
to sin, Az. (D: Thormot Mac Otter - Aug 07)
Az, a unicorns head couped, on a chf nebuly Arg a thistle proper.
(D: Glynys of Arran - Mar 78?)

Chief - Charged - Wavy - Argent (continued)

Az, a unicorns head erased Arg, armed Or, & on a chf wavy Arg 3
bells Az. (D: Joscelyn Jentyl - Sep 94)
Az, a wolf statant & on a chf wavy Arg a branch of holly fructed
proper. (D: Cailean MacKendrick - Jul 92)
Az, an estoile of eight rays & on a chf wavy Arg 3 roses Gu barbed
& seeded Arg. (D: Quenild of Mercia - May 02)
Az, an owl disp, on a chf nebuly Arg an arrow Gu. (D: Leonard of
Kelso - Mar 97)
Az fretty, on a chf wavy Arg 3 tulips Gu, slipped & leaved Vt. (D:
Dorothea van der Zee - Sep 92)
Az, 3 towers & on a chf wavy Arg a Savoy knot Az. (D: Matthew
of Summerdale - Jan 07)
Az, 2 dolphins haurient respectant & on a chf wavy Arg 3 crosses
bottony Az. (D: na Barid - Apr 03)
Az, 2 swords crossed in salt proper, on a chf wavy Arg a fleur-delys Az. (D: Genevive de Lyon - Dec 00)
Gu, a hookah Or, on a chf wavy Arg a winged cat couchant
guardant proper. (D: Lewis MacGregor - Jan 76?)
Gu, a pegasus segreant, on a chf wavy Arg 3 quatrefoils Vt. (D:
Nuala inghean u Chaoindealbhain - Mar 05)
Gu, a swan naiant & on a chf wavy Arg 3 roses Gu. (D: Nicoletta
di Padova - Aug 95)
Gu, a swan rousant & on a chf wavy Arg 3 crescents Gu. (D: Elena
de Barrasa - Oct 04)
Gu, 3 scarpes couped to chf & on a chf wavy Arg 3 hearts Gu. (D:
Robert mac Neill mhic Donnachaidh of Inchmagranac Oct 90)
Gu, 3 trees eradicated & on a chf wavy Arg a griffin passant Gu.
(D: Gwenllian de la Fort - Feb 88)
Or, a cross flory Sa & overall on a bend Gu another engrailed Or
charged with 3 grenades Sa flammant proper, for
augmentation, on a chf wavy Arg a palm tree betw a disabled
ship & a ruinous battery all issuant from waves of the sea all
proper. (Augmentation of Arms: Horatio Nelson, Viscount Sir
- Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, a cross flory Sa & overall on a bend Gu another engrailed Or
charged with 3 grenades Sa flammant proper, for
augmentation, on a chf wavy Arg a palm tree betw a disabled
ship & a ruinous battery all issuant from waves of the sea all
proper, for second augmentation (posthumous), on a fess wavy
overall Az the word TRAFALGAR Or. (Augmentation of
Arms: Horatio Nelson, Viscount Sir - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Pean, a rams head cabossed, on a chf wavy Arg a stags attire Gu
betw 2 roses Sa, barbed & seeded proper. (D: Haakon
Silverram - Jun 87)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a bat-winged lion salient to sin & on a chf
wavy Arg a warhammer Sa. (D: Gamel of Mottrum - Aug 05)
Per pale Sa & Az, a pheon inv & a fleur-de-lis, on a chf wavy Arg 3
dolphins Az. (D: Anne Descostes - Jan 06)
Purp, a castle & on a chf wavy Arg 3 terriers statant Sa. (D: Amicia
Sennet de Bruges - May 00)
Purp, a decrescent & on a chf wavy Arg 3 mullets of six points
Purp. (D: Celestina Ambrosini - Apr 02)
Purp, a heart & on a chf wavy Arg 3 mullets inv Az. (D:
Tehmuginn Burgudjerekh - Mar 01)
Purp, a horse ramp & on a chf nebuly Arg 3 trefoils Sa. (D: Elisant
of Caerthe - Aug 05)
Purp, a morningstar chevronwise & on a chf wavy Arg, 3 roses
Purp, barbed, seeded, slipped & leaved proper. (D: Birgitta
Heringsdochter - Feb 87)
Purp, a winged cat sejant wings close licking its sin forepaw, on a
chf wavy Arg 3 roses proper. (D: Osanna Katzgraw von der
Tann - Jul 00)
Purp, a wolf ramp & on a chf nebuly Arg 3 hawk bells Purp. (D:
Tereysa Serrano - Dec 06)
Purp, an increscent moon & on a chf wavy Arg 3 triquetras Gu. (D:
Marsaili inghean Fhionghuin - Apr 00)
Purp, an open scroll bendwise & on a chf wavy Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys
Az. (D: Hlose Le Gardeur - Mar 06)
Quarterly Az & Sa, a wolf ramp reguardant, on a chf wavy Arg 3
corbies close Sa. (D: Korbinian Qwythwolf - Aug 99)
Sa, a bears paw print & on a chf wavy Arg, a pellet betw a
decrescent & an increscent Sa. (D: Harald Ulfson - Feb 86)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 523

[Chief - Charged - Wavy - Argent] to [Chief - Charged - Wavy - Or]

Chief - Charged - Wavy - Argent (continued)

Sa, a kestrel volant to sin & on a chf nebuly Arg, an artists brush
Sa distilling a gout de vin. (D: Meghan MacLachlan May 93)
Sa, a melusine affronty grasping a tail in each hand, & on a chf
wavy Arg 2 keys in salt Sa. (D: Bronwen Meredith Kirk Jul 86)
Sa, a rapier & on a chf wavy Arg a rose Vt betw 2 wagon wheels
Sa. (D: Ris Bheag inghean Chiarin - Dec 01)
Sa, a snipe rising contourny & on a chf Arg 3 dragons feet
bendwise sin contourny Sa. (D: Ronan Barrett - Dec 06)
Sa, a stags head cabossed Or, interlaced by its attire a staff & an
axe in salt proper, on a chf wavy Arg 3 pheons Az. (D:
Anthony the Sinister - Aug 79?)
Sa, a sword hilt & on a chf wavy Arg a ferret couchant Sa. (D:
Isaac Quentin - Feb 84)
Sa, a sword inv betw in chf 2 doves rising, wings addorsed, on a chf
nebuly Arg a bar nebuly Az. (D: Kara von Brandenburg Dec 87)
Sa, an aeolus & on a chf wavy Arg 3 sin wings Gu. (D: Miramah
bint Ibrahim - Nov 07)
Sa fretty Or, a demi-dragon & on a chf wavy Arg 2 hearts Gu. (D:
Paul Franz von Drachenschloss - Feb 91)
Sa, 2 dolphins haurient respectant within a laurel wreath Or & on a
chf wavy Arg 3 tridents heads Gu. (D: Darkwater - Feb 83)
Sa, 2 lions combattant & on a chf nebuly Arg 3 Aarons rods Sa.
(D: Marcus Ferguson - Feb 92)
Sa, 2 unicorns heads erased at the shoulder respectant & on a chf
wavy Arg 3 estoiles Gu. (D: Dainiad Elen Fashti o
Llanrhyddlad - Feb 83)
Sa, within a laurel wreath 2 dolphins haurient respectant Or, on a
chf wavy Arg 3 trident heads Gu, as an augmentation, on the
chf a canton throughout in base Az charged with a triskele Arg.
(Augmentation of Arms: Darkwater - May 94)
Vt, a coney courant & on a chf wavy Arg, 3 torteaux. (D: Rowan
de la Garnison - Jan 85)
Vt, a cross Jerusalem & on a chf wavy Arg, 3 fleams Gu. (D:
Hussein Stefan Halaby - Jul 85)
Vt, a dolphin haurient contourny & on a chf wavy Arg, 3 crescents
Vt. (D: Dorcas Whitecap - Jul 93)
Vt, a hind trippant reguardant, on a chf wavy Arg, 3 Catherine
wheels Gu. (D: Catrin ferch Gwilym o Gonway - Mar 89)
Vt, a seagoat & on a chf wavy Arg 3 escallops inv Vt. (D: Isobel
FitzGilbert - Mar 00)
Vt, a sea-unicorn erect Arg, in chf a crown Or, & on a chf wavy Arg
2 fleurs-de-lys Vt. (D: Alix dAudincourt - May 83)
Vt, a sword inv Or, on a chf wavy Arg 3 golpes. (D: Tmas
Youngerson - Aug 92)
Vt, a talbot sejant Arg collared Purp & on a chf wavy Arg a bow Vt.
(D: Dearbhil ingean u Dhonnchaidh - Sep 06)
Vt, a triquetra & on a chf wavy Arg, 2 more Vt. (D: Fionn Mac
Phil - Sep 94)
Vt, a wyvern passant Arg, winged & bellied within a laurel wreath
Or & as an augmentation on a chf wavy Arg 3 triskeles Az.
(Augmentation of Arms: Wyvernwoode - Apr 98)
Vt, on a chf wavy Arg 2 bees Sa. (D: Margareta Gijsberts Dec 07)
Vt, 3 rapiers inv in pile on a chf wavy Arg 3 gouttes de larmes. (D:
Catalina dellAcqua - Dec 01)
Vt, 3 spearheads in pall points outwards, on a chf wavy Arg 3 laurel
wreaths Vt. (D: Torna - Jun 01)
Vt, 2 dolphins hauriant addorsed & on a chf wavy Arg five
decrescents Vt. (D: Briant Huntington - May 02)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Wavy - Azure

Arg, a cross bottony & on a chf wavy Az a coronet Arg. (B:

Thorbrandr Olafsson - Mar 99)
Arg, a cross bottony Vt & a chf wavy barry wavy Az & Arg. (D:
Rachell Gray - May 07)
Arg, a dolphin naiant Vt & a ford proper, on a chf wavy Az 3
escallops inv Arg. (D: Ginevra de Rossi - Aug 98)
Arg, a dromedary statant contourny Sa & on a chf wavy Az 2
falcons striking respectant Arg. (D: Muhallim ibn Rashid Sep 91)
Arg, a fret & on a chf wavy Az 3 escallops Arg. (D: Caitrona
Bhn - Mar 05)
524 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Chief - Charged - Wavy - Azure (continued)

Arg, a natural panther salient Sa, on a chf wavy Az a bezant. (D:

Magnus Lodinsson - Oct 92)
Arg, a phoenix Az rising from flames proper & on a chf wavy Az 4
fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Marguerite dAvignon - Jun 00)
Arg, a quail martletted to sin reguardant Sa, a mount Vt, & on a chf
wavy Az in dexter a sun Or. (D: Kathren of Sandesward Nov 81)
Arg, a rose Sa, barbed & seeded proper, on a chf nebuly Az 3
mullets of six points Arg. (D: Aliskye MacKyven Raizel May 85)
Arg, a savage ramp & on a chf wavy Az 2 hearts Arg. (D: Wulfgifu
Wadylove of Wokyhole - Jan 85)
Arg, a weeping willow tree Vt & on a chf wavy Az 3 swans naiant
Arg. (D: Thurlef of Sogn - Jun 05)
Arg, a wheel, & on a chf nebuly Az a spiral horn Arg. (D: Cormac
an t-Aislingeach - Jan 85)
Arg, a wooden door proper within & conjoined to an arch Sa
masoned Arg, on a chf wavy Az a laurel wreath Arg. (D:
Sudentorre - Mar 05)
Arg, on a chf wavy Az 3 daisies proper. (D: Michelle of Arenal May 07)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, on a chf wavy Az a laurel wreath Or betw 2
towers Arg. (D: Bards Keep - Dec 91)
Ermine, a cross formy fitchy, on a chf wavy Az a reremouse
ermine. (D: Sexwulf the Transgressor - Feb 92)
Or, a heart Gu within a laurel wreath Vt, a chf wavy Az goutty
deau. (D: Coeur du Val - Oct 98)
Or, a hurst of ash trees proper & on a chf wavy Az, 3 laurel wreaths
Or. (D: Aschehyrst - Sep 95)
Or, a winged lioness passant reguardant contourny Vt & a chf wavy
Az charged with 2 barrulets wavy Arg. (D: runn Vgadttir
- Jun 02)
Or, a wolf ramp Gu & on a chf nebuly Az a butterfly Arg. (D: Eva
die Wlfen - Jun 05)
Or, an anchor within a laurel wreath, on a chf wavy Az 3 garbs Or.
(D: Golden Sea - Apr 94)
Or, 2 dragons heads couped addorsed Vt & on a chf wavy Az 3
doves volant wings addorsed Arg. (D: Loinn Vkarsson Mar 02)
Per pall Arg, Vt, & Gu, on a chf wavy Az the masks of comedy &
tragedy Arg. (D: William Cristofore of Devonshire - Nov 92)
Vt, semy of fusils Or, on a chf wavy Az a laurel wreath Or. (D:
Dumnonia - Dec 75?)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Wavy - Fur

There are no items under this heading.

* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Wavy - Gules

Arg, a popinjay rising wings disp proper & on a chf wavy Gu a

unicorn counter-dormant Or. (D: Hilary of Keer - Apr 06)
Arg, a tortoise tergiant fesswise reversed Vt, on a chf nebuly Gu, 3
mushrooms Or. (D: Mary Lyttle Turtell - Jun 91)
Or, a camel couchant & on a chf nebuly Gu, 2 moons in their
complement Or. (D: Zaida of Southkeep - Apr 89)
Or, a hawks head erased & on a chf wavy Gu a bar wavy Or. (D:
Somhairle Mac Nicail - Feb 08)
Or, a seadog ramp & on a chf wavy Gu, a 3-arched bridge Or. (D:
Aine Callaghan - Jul 91)
Or, a wolf ramp Purp, on a chf wavy Gu a rapier proper. (D:
Angelline dAvallon - Oct 07)
Per chev Or & Gu, 3 hawks close ctrch, on a chf nebuly Gu, 3
crescents Or. (D: Peregrine of the Crescent Hawks - Feb 90)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a salt ctrch & on a chf nebuly Gu 3 Celtic
crosses Or. (D: Eoghan Mac Giolla Phdraig - Mar 94)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Wavy - Multicolor

Per pale Arg & Vt, a chess rook & on a chf wavy 2 Maltese crosses
ctrch. (D: Eric Greyfox - Sep 90)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Wavy - Or

Az, a castle triple-towered, on a chf wavy Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D:

Gabrielle de Carcassonne - Aug 98)

[Chief - Charged - Wavy - Or] to [Chief - Charged - Wavy - Vert]

Chief - Charged - Wavy - Or (continued)

Az, a laurel wreath & 2 sea-lions combatant, one & 2, on a chf

wavy Or 3 escallops Az. (D: des Iles des Diamants - Dec 06)
Az, a peacock close contourny, on a chf wavy Or 3 fleurs-de-lys
Az. (D: Francesco Antonio da Firenze - Sep 00)
Az, a swan within a bord Arg, overall on a chf nebuly Or, 3 leaves
Vt. (D: Basilla la Mercire - Oct 93)
Az, a winged annulet, wings inv, on a chf wavy Or an arrow wavy,
point to dexter, Sa, flighted Az. (D: Randal Pace the Mistaken
- Jun 86)
Az, an anchor & on a chf wavy Or 3 dolphins Az. (D: John Maelen
- Feb 94)
Az, an otter ramp & on a chf wavy Or 3 harps Az. (D: Phillipa of
Otterbourne - Jul 06)
Az, 2 arrows inv in salt & on a chf wavy Or a bee volant Az. (D:
Rowena Rodericksdohter - May 83)
Az, 2 heron heads erased respectant & a whelk, on a chf wavy Or a
fleur-de-lys Az. (B: Isabelle de Sancerre - Dec 01)
Az, 2 unicorns ramp addorsed & on a chf wavy Or a 4 towered
castle Sa. (D: Felicia Heather of Newcastle - Sep 99)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, a scorpion palewise & on a chf wavy Or, an
Egyptian sphinx Az, faced Arg. (D: Marguerite Isadora de
Riva - Aug 88)
Gu, a bear ramp dismembered & on a chf nebuly Or, 2 bees Gu. (D:
Dolan Madoc of Harlech - Jul 93)
Gu, a blonde mermaid maintaining a casket & mirror all proper, a
chf wavy Or fretty Sa. (D: Oriana of Xylina - Sep 95)
Gu, a crescent pendant & on a chf wavy Or, five torteaux. (D:
Marian Cwmbran - Mar 86)
Gu, a sun in splendor & on a chf wavy Or 3 roses leaved Gu. (D:
Magdalen MacKenzie - Sep 97)
Gu, a vol inv Arg & on a chf wavy Or 3 escallops inv Sa. (D:
Bianca Spiriti de Fiorenza - Feb 08)
Gu, 2 recorders in salt & on a chf wavy Or, 3 crosses couped Gu.
(D: Cecilia di Firenze - Jun 88)
Gyronny Arg & Az, on a chf wavy Or 3 fountains. (D: Myfanwy of
Oakwell - Nov 86)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 cedar trees ctrch on a chf wavy Or 3
arrowheads inv Sa, & a base Az. (D: Rufus of Stamford Feb 94)
Per pale Gu & Sa, on a chf wavy Or 3 ladybugs Gu spotted Sa. (D:
Ariana Faust - Sep 04)
Purp, a heart & on a chf wavy Or 3 ravens close Sa. (D: Brenna
Goldherte - Feb 97)
Purp, a sea-horse Arg & on a chf wavy Or a bow inv Gu. (D:
Danyel de Licatia - Jul 04)
Purp, a wolfs head erased to sin Arg, & on a chf nebuly Or 3
compass stars Gu. (D: Magen of the Golden Unicorn Aug 85)
Quarterly Gu & Az, a sun & on a chf wavy Or 3 oak leaves
bendwise Gu. (D: Bess Buckland - Dec 01)
Sa, a drakkar under full sail, oars in action, & on a chf wavy Or, 3
ravens close Sa. (D: Haarek Stormraven - Nov 89)
Vt, a badgers head cabossed, Arg, marked Sa, on a chf nebuly Or, a
cross urdy Gu betw 2 trefoils slipped Vt. (D: Catriona
Sterling de Liston - Nov 89)
Vt, a beehive beset by bees & on a chf wavy Or 3 boars heads
couped Gu. (D: Averil de Trafford - Apr 87)
Vt, a horse couchant & on a chf nebuly Or 3 plumes bendwise sin
Sa. (D: Cassandra Peverell - Oct 05)
Vt, a mermaid in her vanity Arg, crined & scaled, & on a chf wavy
Or 3 thistles, slipped & leaved, proper. (D: Felicia Catriona
Morgan - Dec 86)
Vt, a natural seahorse erect & on a chf wavy Or, 3 escallops Purp.
(D: Bridget McPhie - Jul 97)
Vt, a shakefork Arg, on a chf nebuly Or 3 pallets Gu. (D: Francis
Owen Roderick Keith - Nov 89)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Wavy - Purpure

Arg, a columbine slipped & leaved, on a chf wavy Purp a cloud

Arg. (D: Roana of Leigh - Jan 00)
Arg, a demi-horse ramp Sa, on a chf wavy Purp, 3 triskelions
pommety Or. (D: Caitriona ni Dhubhghaill - Sep 95)
Arg, a galleon reversed Sa & on a chf wavy Purp 3 garden roses
slipped & leaved Arg. (D: Francis Thorpe - Jul 94)

Chief - Charged - Wavy - Purpure (continued)

Arg, a lymphad in full sail Vt, on a chf wavy Purp 2 crosses formy
Or. (D: Murtagh MacKenzie - Oct 92)
Arg, a swan naiant Sa & on a chf wavy Purp 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D:
Anne du Cygne Noir - Jan 05)
Arg, a thistle proper & on a chf wavy Purp 2 whelks fesswise
reversed Arg. (D: Muirgheal inghean Shitheach - Dec 00)
Arg, a tree eradicated & on a chf wavy Purp 3 cinquefoils Arg. (D:
Anne Ramsay - Feb 04)
Arg, an iris Purp, slipped & leaved Vt, on a chf wavy Purp, a
thimble Arg. (D: Joia van Aken - Jun 90)
Arg, 3 chevronels braced & on a chf wavy Purp, a rabbit statant
Arg. (D: Agnieszka Mlynarska - Sep 94)
Or, a dragon sejant wings elevated & addorsed Vt maintaining a
roundel & on a chf nebuly Purp 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D:
Honore la Charmante - Oct 00)
Or, a seahorse, on a chf wavy Purp 3 doubled crosses Or. (D:
Elizabeth of Castleton - Aug 95)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 roses slipped & leaved ctrch & on a chf wavy
Purp, a crescent Arg. (D: Mairghread of Herth - Nov 04)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Wavy - Sable

Arg, a bull passant & on a chf wavy Sa a comet Arg. (D: Jrgen
Scherzer - Sep 01)
Arg, a crescent Gu & on a chf nebuly Sa in fess a scimitar inv
reversed & a scimitar Arg. (D: Shamir ibn Abd al-Rahman Oct 06)
Arg, a dolphin haurient embowed Purp & on a chf wavy Sa a
dagger reversed proper. (D: Gwendolen Dolfin - Mar 02)
Arg, a lions head cabossed, on a chf wavy Sa 3 crosses formy
fitchy Arg. (D: Raphael dAngelo - Feb 99)
Arg, a scorpion inv Az, on a chf wavy Sa an annulet Arg. (D:
Quintin de Lacey - Aug 91)
Arg, a sea-dragon Gu & on a chf wavy Sa 3 fleurs-de-lis Arg. (B:
Tristram OShee - Dec 07)
Arg, a turtle statant Vt, on a chf wavy Sa an increscent Arg. (D:
Colin the Hermit of Lindisfarne - Jun 94)
Arg, a wolf ramp Gu & on a chf wavy Sa 3 estoiles Arg. (D:
thelwynn Rdwulfesdohter - Nov 02)
Arg, a wolfs head, couped & sin facing, Az, on a chf wavy Sa, 2
axes, blades to sin, Arg, hafted Or. (D: Adelulf von Trier Aug 88)
Arg, an octopus Vt & on a chf wavy Sa 3 estoiles Arg. (D: Edmund
atte Yeo - Dec 01)
Arg, 2 bars wavy, on a chf wavy Sa a moon in her plenitude Arg.
(D: Martino del Oceano - May 91)
Barry wavy Arg & Gu, a wyvern erect maintaining an axe & on a
chf wavy Sa 3 crosses patonce Arg. (D: Oswyn t Mldune May 07)
Ermine, 2 cobras erect respectant & on a chf wavy Sa, 3 crosses
bottony Arg. (D: Khanada de Chtealin - Jun 90)
Or, a hulk Sa, a chf wavy Sa bezanty. (D: Cionoth g - Jun 05)
Or, a morion & on a chf wavy Sa 3 birds volant to sin chf Or. (D:
Domingo Diaz de la Vega y Martin - Dec 02)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a swan naiant & on a chf nebully Sa, a rose
betw 2 fleurs-de-lis Arg. (D: Odette dAmboise - Jul 04)
Per pale Gu & Arg, on a chf enarched-counter-enarched Sa, in sin
chf a mullet of 4 points Arg. (D: Talonayre of the Two Swords
- Feb 82)
Vair, a drakkar reversed & on a chf wavy Sa a griffin statant
reguardant tail nowed Arg. (D: Varia Goffe - May 01)
* * * End * * *

Chief - Charged - Wavy - Vert

Arg, a dolphin naiant & on a chf wavy Vt 4 hearts Arg. (D:

Allegranza Maria del Rosso - Oct 05)
Arg, a fleur-de-lys Gu, on a chf wavy Vt 4 quatrefoils saltirewise
Arg. (D: Lisabetta Maria da Firenze - May 94)
Arg, a pale Vt surmounted in base by a lion dormant Or & on a chf
wavy Vt an Irish harp Or. (D: Siobhn n hEodhusa Nov 82)
Arg, a salt Gu, on a chf wavy Vt a sword entwined of a serpent Or.
(D: Dennis of Greenway - Jun 01)
Arg, a schnecke Purp issuant from dexter base & on a chf wavy Vt,
3 edelweiss blossoms Arg seeded Or. (D: Adelheid Leinwater
- Jun 03)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 525

[Chief - Charged - Wavy - Vert] to [Clothing - Belt]

Chief - Charged - Wavy - Vert (continued)

Arg, a shamrock & on a chf wavy Vt 3 hearts Arg. (D: Muirenn

ingen Brain - Nov 07)
Arg, a tower Sa within a laurel wreath, on a chf wavy Vt an open
book Arg bound Or. (D: Saint Malachy - Nov 99)
Arg, a wyvern Az, on a chf wavy Vt, 3 escallops Arg. (D:
Mairgreg of Bryn Gwlad - Jan 89)
Arg, 2 oak sprigs slipped, leaved, & fructed proper, a chf nebuly Vt
mulletty Arg. (D: Treya nIurge ar Glanabred - Mar 78?)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a ship Gu & a chf wavy Sa mulletty Or. (D:
Aengus Stiubhard Mac Dhughaill - Jun 05)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, on a chf wavy Vt 3 estoiles Arg. (D:
Coemri nEithne - Nov 93)
Or, a bulls head cabbossed Sa, on a chf wavy Vt 3 bezants & on a
base wavy Vt a bezant. (D: Cerdic the Bull - Jun 99)
Or, a domestic cat sejant Sa & on a chf wavy Vt in canton a bezant.
(D: Ladan ingen Fhelin - Aug 07)
* * * End * * *
Child: see Human figure
Childs head: see Head - Human
Chipmunk: see Beast - Squirrel
Chough: see Bird
Chrysanthemum: see Flower - Multipetaled
Church: see Architecture
Churchbell: see Bell
Cider press: see Press and Tool - Agricultural and Tool - Other
Cinnamon tree: see Tree - Rounded shape
Cinquedea: see Sword
Cinquefoil: see Flower - Rose
Circlet: see Crown
Citadel: see Castle
Cithara: see Musical instrument - Lute
Cittern: see Musical instrument - Lute
Claidheamh mor: see Sword
Clam: see Shell - Other


(Fieldless) A clarion Gu. (B: Richard of the Silverdawn - Jul 91)

(Fieldless) A clarion Purp. (B: East, the - Dec 91) (For the Royal
Eastern College of Bards)
(Fieldless) A clarion reversed Gu. (B: Richard of the Silverdawn Sep 92)
(Fieldless) A gunrest Sa surmounted by a coiled match Arg. (B:
Kazimir Petrovich Pomeshanov - Jan 94) (For Sommerfield
(Fieldless) Issuant from a clarion Or 3 candles Arg flamment
proper. (B: San Ambrogio - Apr 97) (For the Guild of San
Arg, a wolf ramp counterermine betw 3 clarions Az. (D: Kedivor
Tal ap Cadugon - Dec 99)
Arg, on a bend sin betw 2 clarions Az, a quill pen Arg. (B:
Atenveldt, Barony of - Aug 92) (For the Performing Arts
Arg semy of clarions Sa, on a chf triangular Vt a sun in splendor Or.
(D: Michael atte Calle - Mar 00)
Arg, 2 palm trees, trunks crossed in salt, proper & in chf a clarion
Purp. (B: Atenveldt, Barony of - Jan 91) (For Order of the
Purpure Clarion of the Barony of Atenveldt)
Az, a clarion betw five mullets of eight points Arg. (B: Balian de
Brionne - Jul 86)
Az, a clarion Or within a bord embat Arg. (D: Clare of Monkeswell
- Oct 07)
Az, a clarion within a bord Arg. (B: Rhiannon Christian - May 90)
Az, a lute palewise affronty betw in chf 2 clarions Arg. (D:
Rhiannon Christian - Apr 87)
Az, 3 clarions Arg. (D: Balian de Brionne - Jul 03)
Gu, a clarion reversed a bord Or. (B: Hornwood - Nov 97)
Gu, a clarion within a laurel wreath & on a chf invected Or 3 maple
leaves Gu. (D: Hornwood - Nov 90)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, a drakkar sail set betw 2 clarions in pale Sa.
(D: Hrothgar Thorgrimsson - Jul 94)
Or, a clarion Sa & a bord engrailed Az. (B: Western Seas Apr 94)
Or, on a pale cotised betw 2 clarions Az, a needle, eye to chf Or.
(D: Arianne Anastasia Balfour - Aug 89)

526 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Clarion (continued)

Per bend Or & Vt, a clarion & a church bell ctrch. (B: Gwyneth of
Dragons Keepe - Apr 84)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, a clarion Or. (B: Atenveldt, Kingdom of Dec 71) (For College of Musicians of Atenveldt)
Per chev Az & Arg, 3 clarions ctrch. (D: Robin Clarian - Jun 84)
Per chev Az & Or, 3 clarions ctrch. (B: Celia des Archiers Jun 93) (For Maison des Archiers)
Per chev Or & Vt, 2 frogs sejant erect respectant & a clarion ctrch.
(D: Monika z Gniezno - Jul 87)
Per fess Arg & Az, a clarion ctrch. (B: Thomas Longshanks Oct 84)
Per fess dovetailed Az & Arg, in chf 3 lilies, one & 2 Arg, in base a
clarion Vt. (D: Freydis Tollefsdottr - Aug 78)
Per pale Az & Arg, a clarion ctrch Or & Gu. (D: Godfrey de
Shipbrook - Apr 89)
Per pale embat Gu & Or, to dexter a handgonne rest Or & to sin a
slow match, ends in chf, inflamed, proper. (D: Eadmond du
Battlemont - Sep 73?)
Per pale Vt & Az, a goat clymant Arg & in chf 3 clarions Or. (D:
Celeste Dougherty - May 98)
Per pale Vt & Gu, a swan rousant Arg & in chf 3 clarions Or. (D:
Lefwenna Swanhilde de la Hay - Aug 97)
Per salt Gu & Az, a clarion Or within a bord countercompony Or &
Sa. (D: Alaistair Nigel Sinclair - Oct 89)
Per salt Or & Purp, a handgun rest Gu betw 2 baskets Or. (D: Alina
Mika Kobyakovna - Sep 93)
Per salt Or & Sa, in pale 2 mullets Sa & in fess 2 clarions Or. (D:
Freydis Aelfhilda of Gloppinfjord - Aug 90)
Per salt Or & Vt, in pale 2 church bells & in fess 2 clarions, the
dexter reversed, ctrch. (D: Gwyneth of Dragons Keepe Dec 82)
Purp, a bend indented betw a quill pen bendwise & a clarion Arg.
(D: Melisend de Chartres - Sep 93)
Tierced in point Purp, Gu, & Vt, a fountain betw a selle, a dome, &
a rest Or. (D: Ann de Fountain of Seldom Rest - Nov 81)
Vt, a clarion & on a chf Or 3 pheons Vt. (D: Camma an Daraich Feb 92)
Vt, a clarion Arg. (D: Ava Trudine of Tregoenning - May 84)
Vt, a cross parted & fretted interlaced with a mascle Arg, in dexter
chf a clarion Or. (D: Marie dAcre - Jan 85)
* * * End * * *
Clarion trumpet: see Musical instrument - Horn


See also: Leg - Bird and Leg - Monster

(Fieldless) A pair of crab claws Az maintaining betw them a sword
Gu. (B: Lochmere - May 91) (For Order of the Crab Claw)
Arg, a feather inv betw a claw reversed, & a claw Sa. (B: Rowena
of Avalon - Oct 00)
Arg, in pale an eagles toe fesswise couped Sa & 2 bars wavy Az.
(B: Thescorre - Oct 04) (For Order of the Black Talon)
Gu, atop a skull Arg a dragons claw inv erased, all within an
annulet Or. (D: Jeffrey Walther - Jan 97)
Per pall Or, Gu, & Vt, 2 arrows in salt Or & in chf a claw couped
contourny Gu. (D: Talon Ravenesclawe - Sep 99)
* * * End * * *
Claw hammer: see Hammer
Claymore: see Sword
Cloak: see Clothing - Gown
Cloth snip: see Shear
Clothing - Baldric: see Clothing - Belt

Clothing - Belt

(Fieldless) A belt in annulo Gu. (B: Herveus dOrmonde Apr 01)

(Fieldless) A garter buckled in annulo Az garnished & charged
with the words HONI SOIT QUI MAL Y PENSE Or. (B:
Garter, Order of the - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA badge)
(Fieldless) A garter buckled in annulo Or. (B: Ponte Alto Sep 93) (For the Order of the Garland)
(Fieldless) A garter buckled in annulo Vt, garnished, inscribed with
the words cyfiawnder, callineb, gwroldeb, dirwest Or. (B:
Tonwen ferch Gruffudd Aur - Oct 95)

[Clothing - Belt] to [Clothing - Footgear]

Clothing - Belt (continued)

(Fieldless) A garter Sa charged with the letters N. A. G. S. Or. (B:

Jonathan Blackshaft - May 92)
(Fieldless) A white baldric. (Regalia: Society for Creative
Anachronism - Oct 98) (For the Order of Mastery of Arms)
(Fieldless) A white belt. (Regalia: Society for Creative
Anachronism - Oct 98) (For the Order of Knighthood)
(Fieldless) In pale a garter buckled in annulo, buckle to chf Vt & a
lions paw escallop dependent from the garter Or. (B:
Lyondemere - Sep 01) (For the Order of the Lions Paw)
(Fieldless) In pale a garter buckled in annulo buckle to chf Vt & a
trident head dependent from the garter Or. (B: Lyondemere Dec 07)
(Fieldless) The knot of a leather belt, ends embat, proper. (B:
Aldred von Lechsend aus Froschheim - Apr 86)
Arg, a cross clechy within a belt in annulo a bord embat Purp. (B:
Katerina da Brescia - Aug 97)
Az, in pale a sun & an eagle volant affronty wings disp voided, in
the hoist a pallet of lace Or. (B: Kazakhstan - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, a quill pen fesswise dependent on a strap
conjoined to its center, a fleece Or, & on a chf Az 2 rapiers
crossed in salt Arg. (D: Aonghus Camshrn Mac aChlirich Jan 94)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, an owl Or within a looped leather belt, buckled
& knotted proper. (D: Alexander the Desert Dweller Jan 92)
Or, a lion ramp to sin guardant within a sash in annulo knotted in
base Sa. (D: Stephen MacAlpine - May 92)
Or, the knot of a leather belt, ends embat, proper within a bord
embat Vt. (D: Aldred von Lechsend aus Froschheim Apr 86)
Sa, 3 mountains couped & conjoined in fess within a belt buckled in
annulo, on a chf Or a bear passant Sa. (D: Donald of Mount
Gurten - Jul 93)
* * * End * * *
Clothing - Beret: see Clothing - Headgear
Clothing - Boot: see Clothing - Footgear
Clothing - Cap: see Clothing - Headgear
Clothing - Cape: see Clothing - Gown
Clothing - Chapeau: see Clothing - Headgear
Clothing - Cloak: see Clothing - Gown
Clothing - Fools cap: see Clothing - Fools motley and Clothing Headgear

Clothing - Fools motley

(Fieldless) A dove disp upon a billet chequy Or & Gu betw a pair

of cockatrices clad in motley like a fools, their feathers are
dimidiated with a tree eradicated, limbed & fructed
countercompony. (B: Baldwin of Erebor - Apr 80)
(Fieldless) A fools cap per pale Gu & Sa. (B: Michael Oldcastle
of Ravenspur - Dec 96)
(Fieldless) A jesters hood Gu, doubled & belled Or. (B:
Bjornsborg - Aug 94)
(Fieldless) A sun Or charged with a fools cap per pale Gu & Vt.
(B: Alaric the Fool - Mar 96)
(Fieldless) In pale a jesters cap Gu, belled Arg, & an earthworm
nowed Az. (B: Titus of Wormwood - Jan 86)
Arg, a bend Az betw a jesters hat per pale Gu & Purp, & a
brimmed beret bendwise sin Sa, plumed Purp. (B: Constance
MacCallum of Hoghton - Sep 83)
Az, a fools cap Or. (B: Catherine the Merry - May 93)
Az, a jesters hat lozengy Gu & Or & a chf Or. (D: Casamira
Jawjalny - Mar 87)
Az, in fess a needle Or sustained by a bear ramp Arg vested in a
fools motley lozengy Or & Gu. (D: Brynach MacCallum Feb 06)
Az, on a bend sin wavy betw a cat sejant guardant & a fools cap
Or, 3 hens palewise Az. (D: Catherine the Merry - Aug 92)
Gyronny of six per pale Gu & Arg, a fools hood of 2 ears affronty
Sa. (B: Tamar of Highmoor - Mar 90)
Gyronny of twelve Gu & Arg, in pale a fools cap Purp & a laurel
wreath Vt. (D: Narrental - Dec 92)
Gyronny Sa & Vt, a fools cap Arg. (B: Sionyn Muirgen ni
Dhomnall - Jul 88)

Clothing - Fools motley (continued)

Or, a fox ramp Gu wearing a fools cap Vt, in chf 3 golpes one & 2
all within a bord dovetailed Gu. (D: Anna Zauberknstlerin Oct 92)
Or, a jesters belled hood affronty Gu betw in fess a mask of
comedy & a mask of tragedy Az. (B: Axed Root - Aug 85)
(For Guild of Fools)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a fools cap & a Latin cross Arg. (D:
Edward Blythe of Nottinghamshire - Aug 94)
Per chev throughout, Arg ermined Gu, & Sa, 2 mullets of six points
Sa, & a fools hat, points embowed, Or. (D: Jotham Wechsler
- Dec 85)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a fools cap per pale Gu & Vt, & a sun Or. (D:
Alaric the Fool - Apr 95)
Per fess Gu & Arg, a jesters hood Arg, semy of lozenges Sa, & a
round brazier Sa, filled with flames Gu. (D: Tamar of
Highmoor - May 89)
Per pale & per chev Vt & Or, a fools head affronty proper capped
& collared Sa within a bord ctrch. (B: Vergil William de
Comyn - Jul 92)
Per pale Az & Arg, a jesters belled hood of 2 ears affronty ctrch.
(D: Alfredo el Bufn - Jul 85)
Purp, a skull Arg wearing a fools cap per pale ermine & Or. (B:
Valentine Christian Warner - Sep 98)
Sa, a greyhounds skull bendwise sin Arg, wearing a fools cap of 2
points particoloured Gu & Or, belled Arg. (B: Rebecca of
Twywn, called the Demanding - Apr 89) (For House
Sa, on a chev betw 3 fools caps Or 3 gunstones, all within a bord
Or. (D: Lucius Valentyn Drake - Oct 91)
* * * End * * *

Clothing - Footgear

(Fieldless) A boot Az. (B: Ciaran Cluana Ferta - Jul 97)

(Fieldless) A boot papellonny Arg & Sa. (B: Lavan Longwalker May 92)
(Fieldless) A slipper vair. (B: Dagonell Collingwood of Emerald
Lake - Oct 94)
(Fieldless) An ankle boot vair. (B: Dagonell Collingwood of
Emerald Lake - Jul 91)
(Fieldless) In bend 3 boots palewise Arg. (B: Arwen Evaine ferch
Rhys of Gwynedd - Jun 90) (For the League of Freebooters)
(Fieldless) 2 leather slippers in fess, toes outward proper, goutty
deau. (B: Astrid Thorkelsdottir - Jun 93)
Arg, a chev Gu, mailed Or, betw 2 thistles, slipped & leaved, proper
& a boot Sa. (D: Dale the Wanderer - Jul 85)
Arg, a pair of hosen inv & addorsed palewise Vt. (B: Michael
Oldcastle of Ravenspur - May 05) (For House Deartharacha
di Trithi)
Arg, a shoe, toe to sin, Az, strapped & lined Gu. (B: Julia of the
Forest, known as The Childless - Jan 84) (For Chteau
Az, a bend sin invected betw a California poppy slipped & leaved &
a slipper bendwise sin reversed Or. (D: Eveline of Shoreham Nov 82)
Az, a boot & on a chf Arg, a branch reversed Vt. (D: Dafydd the
Wanderer - Oct 94)
Az, a boot & on a chf Or 3 lozenges Sa. (D: Leonore of Black
Diamond - Feb 02)
Az, a boot Arg betw 4 estoiles of 4 straight & 4 wavy rays, 3 & one,
Or. (D: Alasdair MacAuley - Sep 84)
Az, a slipper bendwise sin Or. (B: Eveline of Shoreham - Dec 87)
Az, a slipper bendwise sin within a bord invected Or. (B: Eveline of
Shoreham - Oct 83)
Az, a statue of a boot erased below the knee Arg, masoned Sa,
resting on a bar & in chf a label of 3 points, both Arg. (D:
Ozymandias the Superfluous - Jul 74?)
Az, a winged boot couped betw 2 scarpes Arg. (D: Sigmund the
Wingfooted - Jun 81)
Az, a winged shoe Or, on a chf invected Arg an arrow reversed Az.
(D: Oliver Tarney - Mar 02)
Erminois, 2 swords in salt, points in base Arg, hilted Gu, in chf a
slipper palewise point in base Az ribanded Gu, in base a thistle
proper. (D: Eilidh na Caitich - Jul 71?)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, a boot Gu. (D: Elizabeth Ryan of Rosewood Oct 86)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 527

[Clothing - Footgear] to [Clothing - Headgear]

Clothing - Footgear (continued)

Or, a leather boot reversed proper impaled through the toe by a

dagger inv Sa. (D: Albert the Boar - Dec 82)
Or, a leather dancing shoe bendwise sin proper. (B: Geta
Alexandra din Wallachia - Jun 87)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a shoe Gu charged with a wolfs head caboshed
Arg. (B: Aarnimets - Jan 98) (For the dancing guild)
Per bend Sa & Or, in bend sin a goblet fesswise Or, distilling a
goutte de sang, & a sandal Sa. (B: Loric of Winteroak Apr 91) (For the Brotherhood of Saint Pyr)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, 2 slippers ctrch. (D: Alessandra Beatrice
Desiderio - Sep 93)
Per bend sin embat Sa & ermine, a unicorns head couped to sin & a
slipper ctrch. (D: Genevieve Chastellain - Feb 87)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, a sheaf of 3 arrows inv Sa, overall a shoe
reversed Or. (D: Shannon the Straggler - Mar 90)
Per chev Az & Vt, a wooden shoe proper fimbriated Or betw 3
bezants. (B: Windmasters Hill - Aug 79) (For the Order of
St. Nicholas)
Per chev inv Arg & Gu, a boot bendwise sin Gu. (D: Fiora Valori Feb 04)
Per chev Or & Gu, a pair of leather dancing shoes in chev addorsed
proper & a needle Or. (D: Geta Alexandra din Wallachia May 86)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 2 lyres Arg & a pair of hosen Gu. (B: Alane
OMaoilriain - Aug 93)
Per fess Arg & Gu, 2 boots Gu & an open book proper. (D: Aaron
Exile - Dec 90)
Per fess indented Az & Arg, 2 slippers ctrch. (D: Juliana
dAntioche - Aug 95)
Per pale indented Arg goutty de sang & Gu, a boot Sa & an axe
Arg. (D: Douglas of Ostgardr - Jun 01)
Purp, 3 pairs of shoes each pendant from a cord & on a chf Arg a
thistle proper. (D: Sandra the Fair - May 92)
Quarterly Arg & papellonn Sa & Arg, a cross Gu, in dexter chf a
leather boot proper. (D: Lavan Longwalker - Feb 84)
Vt, a bend sin Gu fimbriated Arg, betw a glass drinking horn of red
wine with a drop dependent therefrom, & a boot spurred &
rowelled, all proper. (D: Michael Rheodi - Oct 76?)
Vt, a boot & a bord embat Or. (B: Adelyn la Souteresse - Jul 02)
Vt, a boot reversed & in chf 3 caltrops Or. (D: ornitr Walker Oct 05)
Vt, a shoe reversed & on a chf Or an arrow Vt. (D: Damian
Grafton of Yorkshire - Aug 96)
Vt, a slipper reversed betw 2 ferrets sejant erect respectant Arg. (D:
Sara ORaghailligh - Sep 92)
* * * End * * *
Clothing - Gauntlet: see Hand

Clothing - Gown

Arg, a hooded cloak Gu. (D: orbjorn raufeldr - Jul 03)

Per chev ermine & Gu, a chev Or betw 2 gowns Purp & 2 needles in
salt, points to chf & threaded by a single thread, Arg. (D: Sara
Charmaine of Falkensee - Mar 87)
Vt, a hooded cloak Arg lined Sa, on a chf embat Arg, 3 increscents
Sa. (D: Angharad Clog Llwyd ferch Madog ap Maredudd Jun 97)
Vt, a sewing needle bendwise sin, eye to base, Arg, overall a quilted
jerkin, Or, all within a bord Arg. (D: Bbhinn le Cuilter Nov 89)
* * * End * * *
Clothing - Hat: see Clothing - Headgear

Clothing - Headgear

See also: Helmet

(Tinctureless) A chapeau. (Regalia: Society for Creative
Anachronism - Oct 98) (For the Order of the Pelican)
(Fieldless) A double-bitted axe surmounted by a winged arming
cap Sa. (B: Cybi de Elmhurst - Jul 86)
(Fieldless) A falcons hood Vt. (B: West, the - May 94) (For the
Falconers Guild)
(Fieldless) A fools cap per pale Gu & Sa. (B: Michael Oldcastle
of Ravenspur - Dec 96)
(Fieldless) A fools cap per pall Or, Gu, & Vt. (B: Nordskogen Feb 00)
528 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Clothing - Headgear (continued)

(Fieldless) A jesters cap per pale Az & Purp. (B: Maddalena

Alessandra Godwin - Aug 97)
(Fieldless) A jesters hood Arg. (B: Finella Harper - Apr 96)
(Fieldless) A jesters hood Purp charged with a Roman numeral 2
Arg. (B: Brenno Motteggiatore Guarnieri - Sep 97)
(Fieldless) A skull Arg, wearing a fools hat with 3 tassels Gu,
erminois, & Az. (B: Feliciano Grimaldi - Sep 97)
Arg, a bend Az betw a jesters hat per pale Gu & Purp, & a
brimmed beret bendwise sin Sa, plumed Purp. (B: Constance
MacCallum of Hoghton - Sep 83)
Arg, a flat cap Purp plumed & on a chf Az 3 commedia delArte
masks Arg. (D: Christopher Thomas - Mar 98)
Arg, a horseshoe inv Gu, in chf 2 fools caps Sa. (D: Lawrence
Kelly - Mar 92)
Arg, a phrygian cap Purp. (D: Declan of Drogheda - Mar 99)
Arg, on a bend betw 2 executioners hoods Sa a katana Arg. (B:
Rhiannon Dragonsword of the Mystic Woods - Jul 91)
Arg, on a jesters hood Purp betw 4 Roman numerals 2, 3 & one Sa,
a deaths head Arg. (D: Brenno Motteggiatore Guarnieri Nov 96)
Arg, semy of house wrens close to sin proper, a cap of Mercury Az,
winged Arg, overall a quill pen palewise Or. (B: Edmund
Renfield Wanderscribe - Aug 79)
Az, a camel ramp Or wearing a hat Gu & maintaining in its mouth a
bottle fesswise reversed Vt. (D: Xenos the Butcher - Jun 02)
Az, a conical hat Arg & a tierce per pale Vt & Gu. (B: Lesotho Mar 07) (important non-SCA armory)
Az, a fools cap Or. (B: Catherine the Merry - May 93)
Az, a human head contourny, vested in a jesters hat within a laurel
wreath, on a chf indented Or a natural whale naiant to sin Vt.
(D: Berley Cort - Feb 06)
Az, a lion ramp Or betw 3 Jewish hats Arg. (D: Salamon ben
Mosse de Aguilar - Sep 01)
Az, a monks hood & on a chf Arg 3 crosses of St. Brigid Az. (D:
Brigida von Mnchen - Aug 03)
Az, a pall inv bretessed betw 2 moons in their complement & a cap
Arg. (B: Twin Moons - Jun 95) (For Order of the Silver
Az, a royal crown Or the cap Gu. (D: Toleda, Kingdom of Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, in salt a ladle inv & a recorder betw 4 Jewish hats Or. (D:
Joshua ibn Eleazar ha-Shalib - May 92)
Az, on a bend sin wavy betw a cat sejant guardant & a fools cap
Or, 3 hens palewise Az. (D: Catherine the Merry - Aug 92)
Checky Sa & Arg, a bear ramp contourny betw 3 Jews hats Gu. (D:
David ben Benjamin - Jan 03)
Ermine, a jesters cap Gu. (D: Gautier dIsigny-sur-Mer - Aug 94)
Gu, a jesters cap lozengy Arg & Sa. (B: Amata Quentin Motzhart Mar 00)
Gu, a monks hood & a bord Arg. (D: Magns Grhetta
Bjarnarson - Jun 97)
Gu, a monks hood Or. (D: William Worm - Aug 01)
Gyronny of six per pale Gu & Arg, a fools hood of 2 ears affronty
Sa. (B: Tamar of Highmoor - Mar 90)
Gyronny of twelve Gu & Arg, in pale a fools cap Purp & a laurel
wreath Vt. (D: Narrental - Dec 92)
Gyronny Sa & Vt, a fools cap Arg. (B: Sionyn Muirgen ni
Dhomnall - Jul 88)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, a jesters cap & a bord Gu. (D: Amata Quentin
Motzhart - Apr 92)
Or, a cardinals hat Gu, & on a chf Sa, 3 fleurs-de-lis Or. (D: Dirk
of Drei Eichen - Feb 94)
Or, a commedia dellarte mask in profile reversed Sa, hatted &
plumed Gu. (D: Gino di Palcoscenico - Sep 73?)
Or, a fess Az, overall a lion ramp Gu wearing the hood & tippet of a
teaching master Sa, turned up & tasseled ermine. (D: Mark of
Glastonbury - Jan 73?)
Or, a lion ramp to sin guardant within a sash in annulo knotted in
base Sa. (D: Stephen MacAlpine - May 92)
Per bend Or & bendy Gu & Or, a demons head couped affronty Gu
wearing an arming cap Sa. (D: Sveinn Harfari - Oct 02)
Per bend potenty Gu & Arg, a sun in his splendour & a cap of
Mercury Az winged Arg. (D: Edmund Renfield Wanderscribe
- Sep 73)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a fools cap & a Latin cross Arg. (D:
Edward Blythe of Nottinghamshire - Aug 94)

[Clothing - Headgear] to [Cloud]

Clothing - Headgear (continued)

Clothing - Pouch

Per bend sin Or & Arg, a jesters cap per pale Gu & Vt, & a quill
pen bendwise sin Purp. (D: Etienne Brillant - Sep 94)
Per bend sin Or & Az, a jesters cap betw 3 Tau crosses ctrch. (D:
Willelm de Whytemersch - Nov 01)
Per chev Az & Arg, 3 Phrygian caps one & 2 Arg & a joscelyn
wreathed Az & Or with 3 bells Gu. (D: Eowyn Swiftlere Feb 03)
Per chev Or & Sa, an executioners hood Sa, fimbriated in base Or,
betw in chf 2 double-bitted axes Sa, embrued to sin. (D:
Telbyrne Morningstar - Nov 77?)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 3 skulls one & 2 & a jesters cap ctrch. (D:
Robert MEan of Kyle - Jan 05)
Per chev throughout, Arg ermined Gu, & Sa, 2 mullets of six points
Sa, & a fools hat, points embowed, Or. (D: Jotham Wechsler
- Dec 85)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 2 open books & a hood ctrch. (D: Victor of
Shrewsbury - Apr 97)
Per chev Vt & Or, 2 triquetrae inv Or & a falcons head erased Sa
hooded Vt. (D: Gwendolen of Cairnryan - Jun 97)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a fools cap per pale Gu & Vt, & a sun Or. (D:
Alaric the Fool - Apr 95)
Per fess Gu & Or, a skull vested of a fools hood & 3 bears paw
prints in fess ctrch. (B: Roberto Carlos Dominguez - Jan 03)
Per fess Or & Sa, a fools cap per pale Gu & Sa & a sheeps head
cabossed Or within a bord Gu. (D: Boddi bjarki Bjarnarson Nov 03)
Per pale Arg & Purp, a jesters hat ctrch. (D: Allen of Dunwich Apr 91)
Per pale Az & Purp, a griffin contourny & in chf a jesters cap Or.
(D: Maddalena Alessandra Godwin - May 96)
Per pale Az & Purp, a skull wearing a fools cap betw 3 pheons inv
Arg. (D: Edgar Chiswick - Apr 05)
Per pale Az & Vt, a jesters hood per pale Arg & Or. (B: Wyll Hauk
- Jan 05)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a jesters cap & in base a pair of dice ctrch. (D:
Alexander Demetrius - Jun 99)
Per pale Or & Vt, in pale a jesters hat & a horses head couped
ctrch. (D: Etain of Ballynagran - Sep 95)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 double-bitted axes in salt, in chf an
executioners hood affronty ctrch. (D: Axel the Executioner Jun 98)
Purp, a skull Arg wearing a fools cap per pale ermine & Or. (B:
Valentine Christian Warner - Sep 98)
Quarterly: first, bishopric of Urgel (Gu, a mitre Or); second, Foix
(Or, 3 pallets Gu); third, Catalonia (Or, 4 pallets Gu); fourth,
Bearn (Or, in pale 2 cows passant Gu). (D: Andorra Mar 07) (important non-SCA armory)
Sa, a greyhounds skull bendwise sin Arg, wearing a fools cap of 2
points particoloured Gu & Or, belled Arg. (B: Rebecca of
Twywn, called the Demanding - Apr 89) (For House
Sa, a sword betw in chf 2 skulls Arg vested of jesters caps belled
Or. (D: Istvn Lszl - Nov 96)
Sa, in cross 3 mullets & a cap of Mercury affronty within a bord
Arg. (D: James Hawke - Jun 95)
Sa, on a chev betw 3 fools caps Or 3 gunstones, all within a bord
Or. (D: Lucius Valentyn Drake - Oct 91)
Vt, 3 long conical caps Or turned up ermine. (D: Valentine
Christian Warner - Jan 96)
* * * End * * *

(Fieldless) A cloth bag Or, knotted Purp, issuant from a rent to

dexter a stream of salt grains Arg. (B: Brenainn OMurchadha
de Ros Comain - Aug 87) (For Brendan OMorchoe of
(Fieldless) A dragon passant contourny Vt maintaining a bag Or.
(B: Kirsten Dystel - Feb 07)
(Fieldless) A dragon passant contourny Vt maintaning a bag Or.
(B: Kirsten Dystel - Sep 02)
(Fieldless) A lion-posted harp fesswise reversed Arg issuant from a
bag erminois, lined Vt. (B: Renna of Battersea - Apr 89)
Arg, a bend sin Sa betw a heart Gu & a drawstring bag Vt. (D: Jac
of Liskeard - Jul 05)
Arg, on a pale Sa betw a drawstring bag Az & Latin cross Gu, a
sword Arg. (D: Cedric fils de Guillaume - Sep 80)
Arg, on a pile Az betw 2 money bags Sa a lymphad Arg. (D:
Giovanni Magrino - Oct 01)
Arg, semy of laurel leaves bendwise sin inv Vt, a leather moneybag
proper & a chf triangular Az, bezanty. (B: Christopher
Thomas - Mar 98)
Gu, a candle in a flat candlestick, a tied pouch, & a covered 2wheeled cart, all Or. (D: Susan of the Red Tresses - Jul 85)
Gu, a woolly spider monkey ramp proper grasping with its upraised
tail a pouch Or. (B: John the Idiota - Aug 82)
Gyronny Arg & Az, a purse Or within an orle of roundels
alternately Az & Or, each charged with a cross couped of the
field. (D: Magdalena Asmarit di Venezia - Feb 89)
Lozengy Vt & Or, an owl Arg perched atop & sustaining a
drawstring pouch fesswise Gu. (D: Anton von Heidelberg Dec 03)
Or, a shillelagh fesswise Sa, pendent therefrom a palmers scrip Gu,
in chf 2 roses Vt. (D: Michael Amadan Fitzgerald - Nov 89)
Or, pendant from a sin fist fesswise erased a purse Sa. (B: Black
Fist, Legion of the - Mar 83)
Or, 2 spoons in salt Az betw in pale 2 money bags Sa & in fess 2
gouttes de larmes. (D: Norman the Norman - May 83)
Per bend Az & Gu, a bend Or betw a quill pen bendwise Arg & a
money bag Or. (D: Eduard Ostlnder - Jan 98)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, a bend sin Arg betw a purse fesswise,
spilling coins to dexter, & a gauntlet bendwise appaumy Or, its
palm surmounted by a dagger bendwise sin inv proper. (D:
Morgan of Winterskeep - Aug 89)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev fracted Arg & in chf a tied pouch Or. (B:
Magdalena Asmarit di Venezia - Mar 92)
Per chev Sa & Gu, 2 open scrolls Or & a money bag Arg. (D:
Katerina de Kelly - Mar 08)
Per fess indented Az & Gu, a dance Arg betw a Latin cross fleury &
a pilgrims purse Or. (D: Jarucha Delamare - Oct 05)
Per pale embat Or & Gu, 2 sacks, their necks tied with cords, ctrch.
(D: Fabiano Figlio degli Due Sacchi - Nov 89)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a 2-headed dragon disp Or, grasping in dexter
forepaw a laurel wreath Vt & in sin forepaw a moneybag Gu.
(D: Dragons Laire - Oct 83)
Purp, a pilgrims staff bendwise sin passing through the strap of a
pilgrims scrip bendwise, on a chf Or 3 escallops Purp. (D:
Andrew son of Osric - Mar 90)
Sa, a cross Or goutty de sang betw 4 pilgrims scrips Or. (D: Maria
Taresa Ospital - Oct 03)
Sa, a moneybag within 2 bars couped fretted with 2 pallets couped
Arg. (D: Kamiizumi Jirou Munenori - Sep 95)
* * * End * * *

Clothing - Helmet: see Helmet

Clothing - Hood: see Clothing - Headgear
Clothing - Hose: see Clothing - Footgear
Clothing - Hosen: see Clothing - Footgear
Clothing - Jerkin: see Clothing - Gown
Clothing - Mask: see Mask
Clothing - Motley: see Clothing - Fools motley

Clothing - Purse: see Clothing - Pouch

Clothing - Robe: see Clothing - Gown
Clothing - Sandal: see Clothing - Footgear
Clothing - Scarf: see Clothing - Belt and Clothing - Headgear
Clothing - Scrip: see Clothing - Pouch
Clothing - Shoe: see Clothing - Footgear
Clothing - Slipper: see Clothing - Footgear
Clothing - Strap: see Clothing - Belt
Clothing - Trews: see Clothing - Other
Clothing - Trousers: see Clothing - Other
Clothing - Veil: see Clothing - Headgear

Clothing - Other

(Fieldless) A mantle Or. (B: East, the - Sep 07) (For Order of the
Golden Mantle)
Per pale Purp & Or, a pair of trews potent. (D: Antonius Hasebroek
- Feb 06)
* * * End * * *


(Fieldless) A demi-lion Arg issuant from a cloud Or. (B: Thomas

Bordeaux - Feb 90)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 529


Cloud (continued)

(Fieldless) A dragons head issuant from a cloud Arg. (B:

Dragons Mist - Oct 93)
(Fieldless) A mistral contourny Arg. (B: Delftwood - Mar 05)
(Fieldless) A sunburst Or issuant from clouds proper. (B: Edward
III of England - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA badge)
(Fieldless) In pale a falcon striking to sin Arg conjoined with a
cloud Or. (B: Wulfhere Slende Falk - Feb 96)
(Fieldless) Issuant from the base of a cloud Sa a lightning flash
palewise Or. (B: Hillary Stormrider - Oct 80) (For House
(Fieldless) Issuant palewise to base from a cloud Arg, a lightning
bolt Or. (B: Richard Storm - Jan 00)
(Fieldless) On a cloud Arg, 3 gouts in fess Purp. (B: Saint
Swithins Bog - Mar 93)
(Fieldless) Seven trumpets in pile bells to chf Or issuant from a
cloud Sa. (B: Madoc Kynith - Jul 01)
(Fieldless) 2 Aeoli with breaths conjoined, Arg. (B: Elvegast Aug 79)
(Fieldless) 2 boreae addorsed & conjoined Arg. (B: Windmasters
Hill - Oct 79) (For Order of Boreas)
(Fieldless) 2 lightning bolts in salt Gu, overall a cloud Arg. (B:
Basileios Philanthropenos Philomathes - Jul 06)
Arg, a cloud within a bord Sa. (B: John of the Pines - Nov 89)
Arg, a natural beaver courant proper betw a cloud & a base wavy
Az. (D: Isabel du Talus - Feb 98)
Arg, a pegasus segreant contourny Sa & in chf a cloud Purp. (D:
Elizabeth of Gyldenholt - Apr 04)
Arg, a sunburst Gu issuant from clouds Sa, a bord Gu. (B: Tigranes
of Bezabde - Oct 98)
Arg, a tree eradicated & on a chf invected Az a cloud Arg. (D:
Vasili Stepanovich Orlov - Jan 92)
Arg, an aeolus Az. (B: Trimaris - Jun 95) (For the Order of the
Trade Winds of Trimaris)
Arg, chauss Az, in pale an aeolus Az & a laurel wreath Vt. (D:
Windale - Sep 04)
Arg, in pale a cloud Sa & a bridge of one span Gu masoned Arg & a
base wavy Az. (D: Balthazar van der Brugghe - Aug 03)
Az, a bendlet betw a boreas & an ounce counter-ramp gardant Or,
incensed Gu. (D: Taran of Windy Hill - Feb 07)
Az, a boreas betw 3 roundels Arg. (B: Viljalempi Talventytr Jul 96)
Az, a Boreas (wind) affronty Arg. (D: Cassandra de la Mistral Apr 73?)
Az, a demi-sun Or issuant from a cloud Arg, within a bord engrailed
Arg estoilly Az. (D: Kellen Oddsdottir - Jul 92)
Az, a hedgehog betw 3 clouds Arg. (D: Avalon Dubois - Jul 03)
Az, a lightning bolt bendwise sin surmounted in chf by a cloud Arg.
(D: Catriona of Bronzehelm - Jun 92)
Az, a sunburst Or issuant from a cloud Arg betw 3 mullets Or. (D:
Baldric the Benevolent - Feb 91)
Az, atop a cloud Arg a tower Or enfiled at its base by a laurel
wreath Vt. (D: Dearnhelde - Oct 82)
Az ermined, in pale a cloud Arg & an eagle disp head to sin Or. (D:
Andreu Fayrfax - Apr 02)
Az goutty dOr, in fess 3 cups & in chf a cloud Arg. (D: Frithuric
Ulman - Nov 99)
Az in pale a Boreas & a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Windy Meads Mar 98)
Az, on a fess invected in base Or, betw in chf a sun in splendour Or
betw 2 clouds, & in base a dolphin naiant Arg, 2 oak trees
couped proper. (D: Eric Earth-Friend - Oct 80)
Az, 3 clouds Arg. (D: Elisabetta Tempesta - Jul 05)
Gu, a demi-sun in splendor Or issuant from a cloud Arg. (D:
Cordelia FitzRobert of York - Aug 96)
Or, a cloud Az betw flaunches Vt. (D: Anne Liese Wolkenhaar May 96)
Or, a dragon passant on a cloud Gu, above a castle 3-towered Az.
(D: Charles of Dublin - Mar 78?)
Or, a natural rainbow proper issuant from clouds betw 3 pansies
within a bord Purp. (D: Annabelle Marie FitzSimmons Aug 95)
Or, a pine tree proper & on a chf embat Az, a cloud Arg. (D: John
of the Pines - Sep 88)
Per bend Purp & Vt, an aeolus Arg & a harp Or. (D: Aurelia von
Grein - Mar 04)

530 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Cloud (continued)

Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a Boreas affront Sa & a rat couchant Arg
vested of a hood Sa. (D: Gwendolyn the Rat Keeper - Apr 81)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a bend sin wavy betw a mistral contourny &
a horse passant contourny Arg. (D: Arabella of the Plains Apr 01)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, 2 scarpes Or, overall a cloud Arg. (B: Colm
Kile of Lochalsh - Jan 97)
Per chev Arg & Az, 3 clouds one & 2 Az. (B: Hidden Mountain Dec 99)
Per chev Arg & Gu, 3 clouds one & 2 Gu. (B: Hidden Mountain Dec 99) (For Order of the Crimson Mountain)
Per chev Arg & Purp, 3 clouds, one & 2, Purp. (B: Hidden
Mountain - Dec 00)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 3 clouds one & 2 Sa. (B: Hidden Mountain Dec 99) (For Order of the Sable Mountain)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 3 clouds one & 2 Vt. (B: Hidden Mountain Nov 00)
Per chev Az & Arg, 3 clouds ctrch. (D: Brigid of Skye - Feb 92)
Per chev Az & Vt, a boreas blowing in bend surmounted by a quill
pen in bend sin Or. (B: Windmasters Hill - Oct 79) (For the
Calligraphers and Illuminaters Guild)
Per chev Az & Vt; in chf 2 aeoli with breaths conjoined at fess point
Arg; in base a laurel wreath Or. (D: Elvegast - Aug 79)
Per chev Az & Vt, in chf 2 boreae addorsed & conjoined & in base
a winged cat passant, forepaw extended, wings elevated &
addorsed, all Arg, within overall a laurel wreath Or. (D:
Windmasters Hill - Oct 79)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 2 winds respectant Arg & a moon in her
plenitude Sa. (D: Gabbriella Mocenigo - Dec 99)
Per fess Az & Arg, a zephyr & a lymphad ctrch. (D: Richard
MacFarland - Jun 97)
Per fess embat Az & Sa, an Aeolus Or. (B: Taran of Windy Hill May 81)
Per fess Sa & Sa, goutty dOr, a cloud throughout Arg & in chf a
dragon passant Or. (D: Teska Liepa - Nov 89)
Per fess wavy Vt & Az, issuant from chf a mistral & from base 4
piles wavy inv conjoined at the fess point Arg. (D: Mistral de
lIsle sur Tarn - May 85)
Per pale Purp & Az, 3 sunbursts Or issuant from clouds Arg. (D:
Dag Eriksson - Aug 94)
Per pale Sa & Az both estencely Arg, a tree blasted & eradicated &
in chf a cloud Or. (D: Broinnfind Munro - Oct 99)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a moon in its complement & a cloud conjoined in
pale Arg. (D: Balthasar the Painter - Dec 93)
Purp, a cat sejant Arg with a lightning bolt in its mouth Or in chf a
cloud Arg. (D: Branwen ferch Rhodri Gwynedd - Oct 95)
Purp, a Celtic cross & in base a cloud, on a chf Arg 3 thistles
proper. (D: Moire Ross of Haddirvyk - Jul 97)
Purp, an onion domed tower Or, issuant from a cloud Arg, on a chf
enarched Or, an amphisbaena statant Gu. (D: Thomas Speir Feb 89)
Purp, 2 chevronels inv & in chf a cloud Arg, an orle ctrch. (D:
Umm al-Mundhir Inan bint Sufian - May 04)
Sa, a aeolus, on a chf Arg a salamander Az enflamed Sa. (D: Ewen
of Melmerby - Jan 94)
Sa, a boreas blowing bendwise from sin base Arg. (B: Jean
Grondin the Basque - Nov 89)
Sa, a lightning bolt palewise Or & in chf a cloud Arg. (D: Richard
Storm - May 07)
Sa, a moon in her plenitude issuant from clouds Arg & in chf 3
roses Or. (D: Michelina della Rosa dOro - Dec 96)
Sa, a mountain erased voided betw in chev enhanced 3 clouds
fesswise Arg & in canton a laurel wreath Or. (D: Hidden
Mountain - Jan 82)
Sa, a mountain erased voided in chf 3 clouds one & 2 Arg. (B:
Hidden Mountain - Dec 99)
Sa, a mountain erased voided in chf 3 clouds one & 2 Arg within a
bord Or. (B: Hidden Mountain - Aug 06) (For Order of the
Defender of the Mountain)
Sa, a mountain erased voided in chf 3 clouds one & 2 Or. (B:
Hidden Mountain - Dec 99) (For Order of the Pinnacle of the
Sa, a pale endorsed Arg & overall a zephyr Or. (B: Alicia of
Dunbar - Oct 05)

[Cloud] to [Comet]

Cloud (continued)

Sa, a sun in its splendor Or betw 3 sun bursts in pall rays to center
Or issuant from clouds Arg. (D: Constantia Maria von Kln Sep 00)
Sa, a tower conjoined to sin with a wall, all issuant from sin base, in
chf a cloud Or. (B: Abelard Kif de Marseilles - May 07)
Sa, an aeolus & on a chf wavy Arg 3 sin wings Gu. (D: Miramah
bint Ibrahim - Nov 07)
Sa, betw the horns of a crescent pendant a cloud Arg. (B: Medb of
Rusted Woodlands - May 05)
Vt, a bend Or betw a cloud & a dog sejant erect contourny Arg. (D:
Rebekah Anna of Wynterbourne - Jul 05)
Vt, a leg reversed proper issuant from a cloud in chf Arg. (D:
Merwenna Stepesoft - Mar 06)
Vt, in pale a cloud conjoined to a demi-lightning bolt issuant to base
Arg, a bord rayonny Or. (D: Trifona Anastasiia Dodovicha May 07)
Vt, in pale an anchor Or & a cloud Arg. (D: Nymandus vom
Weidehgel - Apr 07)
* * * End * * *
Clove: see Fruit - Other
Clover - Four leafed: see Foil - Quatrefoil
Clover bud: see Flower - Rose
Club: see Staff
Cobra: see Reptile - Snake
Cock: see Bird
Cockatoo: see Bird
Cockatrice: see Monster - Dragon
Cockroach: see Arthropod - Beetle


(Fieldless) A six-sided coffin palewise Sa charged in chf with a

mullet of eight points Arg. (B: Starkhafn - Oct 82) (For
Sa, a pall betw a fleur-de-lys & 2 coffins palewise Arg. (D:
Tristram Lorenz of the Coffins - Mar 85)
* * * End * * *
Cogwheel: see Wheel
Collie: see Beast - Dog
Columbine: see Flower - Trumpet shape
Column: see Architecture
Comb: see Jewelry
Combattant: see Arrangement - Creature - Combattant


(Fieldless) A comet bendwise Sa bearded Or. (B: Temair

MacDiarmada - Nov 97)
(Fieldless) A comet bendwise sin inv Or the head charged with an
estoile Az. (B: Edmund de la Haye - Aug 96)
(Fieldless) A comet fesswise Arg. (B: Meridies - Jun 94) (For
Order of the Argent Comet of Meridies)
(Fieldless) A comet fesswise Gu. (B: Alesia la Sabia de Murcia Nov 97)
(Fieldless) A comet fesswise Gu bearded Or. (B: Nicolaa de
Bracton of Leicester - Mar 06)
(Fieldless) A comet fesswise Sa. (B: Debatable Lands, the Aug 02)
(Fieldless) A comet Gu. (B: Aurildis Peregrina - Jan 96)
(Fieldless) A comet headed of a mullet of five greater & five lesser
points fesswise reversed Sa. (B: Ansteorra - Jan 91) (For
Award of the Sable Comet of Ansteorra)
(Fieldless) A comet inv Arg. (B: Lothar von Katzenellenbogen Feb 92)
(Fieldless) A comet palewise Sa bearded Vt the estoile charged
with an uncial lowercase "a" Or. (B: Aodh Deoradhn Jan 98)
(Fieldless) A long ship & in chf a comet Az. (B: Voyagers, the Mar 90)
(Fieldless) A shooting star Gu. (B: Alejandro Mateo Ramirez May 03)
(Fieldless) 2 comets conjoined in annulo Or, heads in fess Gu. (B:
Robyyan Torr dElandris - Dec 91)
(Fieldless) 2 comets in annulo, heads in fess, Sa. (B: Joseph
dAquitaine - Mar 90)

Comet (continued)

Arg, a comet bendwise sin inv Sa, bearded Gu. (B: Egill von Stahl Aug 86)
Arg, a comet fesswise Gu & issuant from base 3 chevronels braced
Gu Sa & Az & on a chf Sa 3 crescents Arg. (D: Timur alBadawi - Jul 03)
Arg, a longship Az within a laurel wreath Vt, in chf a comet
fesswise Az. (D: Voyagers, the - Mar 90)
Arg, in pale 3 shooting stars bendwise sin Gu betw flaunches Az the
dexter charged with an escarbuncle & the sin charged with an
aeolus Arg. (D: Serret of Falling Stars - Oct 07)
Arg, on the head of a round-headed comet bendwise Gu, a demiwolf Or. (D: Wolfgang von Trier - Nov 89)
Arg, 2 comets inv Gu, on a chf Sa 3 estoiles Arg. (D: Grainne
ingen Lasrach - Aug 97)
Az, a comet bendwise inv Arg. (B: Olwen the Odd - Apr 01)
Az, a comet bendwise sin inv betw 2 estoiles Arg. (D: Cinnion map
Liuelin map Higuel - May 98)
Az, a comet fesswise, a dexter point & a sin point Arg. (D: Anborn
de Montaigne - Apr 91)
Az, a winged aardvark statant erect affronty, wings disp, in chf a
comet fesswise enarched, all within a bord engrailed Or. (D:
Godfrey de la Fosse - Dec 84)
Az, in pale a comet bendwise inv Arg & a crescent, a sin tierce Or.
(D: Olwen the Odd - Apr 01)
Az, in pale 3 comets fesswise & a chf nebuly Arg. (D: Douglas
Orion - Mar 85)
Az, in pale 3 comets headed of mullets of 4 points fesswise & on a
chf Arg, 3 crescents Gu. (D: Andrew Maklaurene - Aug 97)
Az mulletty Arg, in pale a comet & a recorder both fesswise Or. (B:
Three Mountains - Jan 93)
Az, to dexter a palet & to sin a tower Arg, with 3 arrow slots in
bend Az, in sin chf a shooting star Or. (D: Gervaise du Fortin
- Aug 79?)
Az, 2 bars dancetty betw in pale 3 comets fesswise, heads to sin, Or.
(D: Miyoshi Suisei-ko - Aug 86)
Az, 2 comets in annulo, heads in fess, Arg. (D: Joseph dAquitaine
- Dec 86)
Az, 2 comets palewise, heads to chf, Arg betw their heads a
decrescent Or. (D: Gwyddon Alexander MacGregor of
Settmour - Oct 87)
Gu, a comet bendwise inv Or. (B: Elena Glamorgan - Jun 03)
Gu, a comet bendwise sin Arg ermined Gu. (D: Styvyn Longshanks
- Nov 97)
Gu, a comet bendwise sin headed of a compass star Arg & a ford
proper. (B: Highland Foorde - Sep 03)
Gu, a comet fesswise Or & a trimount Arg. (D: Cerian Dafydd Jan 98)
Gu, a comet fesswise reversed & on a chf Or 3 mullets Vt. (D:
Patricia of Trakai - Jan 06)
Gu, a comet head to base & a bord Or. (D: Orm of Drachenwald Mar 04)
Gu, a comet palewise & a mountain issuant from base Arg. (D:
Thomas Escomb - Oct 97)
Gu, a comet palewise inv & on a chf Arg 3 human ears Gu. (D:
Simon of Gardengate House - Feb 87)
Gu, in pale a comet fesswise Arg & an open book Or. (D: Zhivana
Anastasiia Svemirovna - Mar 00)
Gu, semy of comets inv, issuant from base a demi-sun Or. (B:
Lothar von Katzenellenbogen - Feb 92)
Gyronny Sa & Or, a comet bendwise Arg. (D: William the Heretic
- Jul 93)
Or, a comet bendwise sin, head in chf Sa, the beard voided. (D: Irja
Laulaa - Mar 71?)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, a comet bendwise sin betw 2 crescents
ctrch. (B: Shajar al-Yaasmeen - Jan 03)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a comet bendwise sin & a laurel wreath
ctrch. (D: Greyhope - Aug 06)
Per bend sin dovetailed Sa & Vt, a comet bendwise sin & a trumpet
bendwise sin inv Or. (D: Aodh Deoradhn - Oct 97)
Per bend sin engrailed Arg & Az, 3 sprigs of 3 cherries proper & a
comet bendwise sin inv Arg. (D: Angus le Todde Mac Donnell
- Nov 99)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a comet headed of a mullet of eight points
fesswise reversed Arg. (D: Llwyd Aldrydd - Feb 96)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 531

[Comet] to [Compass rose]

Comet (continued)

Per bend sin Or & Sa, in bend a raven close to sin Sa & 2 comets
bendwise sin in pale Or, all within a bord ermine. (D: Marius
Lugotorix Delenitor - Dec 88)
Per bend sin Purp & Az, a comet bendwise Arg betw 2 crescents
Or. (D: Osanna de Haukesworth - Jun 98)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a comet headed of a roundel bendwise sin &
3 mullets ctrch. (D: Muirghein Dhubh ni Mhaille - Jan 96)
Per bend wavy Sa & Az, a comet bendwise inv & a comet bendwise
Arg. (D: Bianca da Bari - Jan 08)
Per chev Arg & Gu, a mortar & pestle Vt & a comet Arg. (D:
Ascelyn Balstene - Jan 00)
Per chev Arg & Gu, an armadillo statant contourny Vt & a comet
bendwise inv Arg. (D: Vallust Balstene - Jan 00)
Per chev Az & Arg, a comet fesswise head to sin embowed Or
bearded Arg & 3 Maltese crosses 2 & one Gu. (D: Michael
Lazarus of Antioch - Sep 03)
Per chev Az & Or, in pale a comet fesswise headed of a compass
star Or & an acorn proper. (D: James Ericsson - Jan 91)
Per chev inv Purp & Or, in chf a badger Or & in base 3 comets 2 &
one Gu. (D: Martha Brockbank - Dec 03)
Per chev inv Purp & Sa, a comet betw a chev & a chev inv braced
Arg. (D: Elena de Beaumont - Aug 99)
Per chev Sa & Az, a comet palewise Arg, bearded Or. (D: Dierdre
de Clarik - May 80)
Per chev throughout dovetailed Arg & Sa, 2 estoiles & a comet
ctrch a bord Gu. (D: Anna Estrella Scudiero - Jan 98)
Per fess Az & Gu, in chf 2 comets inv bendwise sin Arg & in base 2
recorders in salt Or. (D: Donalbain MacPherson - Mar 86)
Per fess counter-embowed & embowed Sa & Arg, to dexter a mullet
trailing 3 comets fesswise embowed, in base a rose proper
slipped & leaved fesswise counter-embowed, all ctrch. (B:
Athanasius Birnovi! - Nov 77)
Per fess embat Az & Arg, 2 mullets of 4 points & a comet fesswise,
head to sin, ctrch. (B: Caid - Apr 90) (For the use of the
Make-A-Wish Child)
Per fess indented Gu & Sa, in pale a comet fesswise & a griffin
passant Or. (D: Berthold von Matsch - Jul 88)
Per fess Purp & Arg, a comet fesswise Arg & on a cauldron Sa an
escallop Or. (D: Catalina Alvarez - Jan 98)
Per fess Purp & Vt, a shooting star bendwise sin Arg. (D: Chavah
bat Mordechai - Aug 02)
Per fess Sa & Az, a comet bendwise sin inv & in chf 3 suns Or. (D:
Colm Kile of Lochalsh - Apr 94)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 laurel wreaths & a shooting star ctrch. (D:
Steren Codha - Nov 94)
Per pale Gu & Or, a comet throughout headed of a compass star
betw a decrescent & an increscent ctrch. (D: Haley lfsdttir
- Jul 00)
Per pale Sa & Arg, in fess 3 comets ctrch. (D: Stefan Skywatcher Mar 93)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a tree eradicated betw 2 comets Or. (D: Malkyn
of Healftreow - Jan 95)
Per salt Purp & Arg, in pale a comet bendwise sin Or headed of a
mullet & a single-horned anvil Arg. (D: Marcus Christian Jun 02)
Purp, a griffin couchant & in chf a comet fesswise Arg. (D: Adeline
vom Schwarzwald - Oct 95)
Purp, a shooting star bendwise sin Or. (D: Esmirelda Dancingstar Mar 78?)
Purp, a 2-tailed comet bendwise Or, overall a snow leopard statant
to sin reguardant proper. (D: Talina Orysa of Quizzisath Jul 82)
Purp mullety Arg, 2 comets inv in salt & issuant from base a demisun Or, eclipsed of the field. (D: Roscelin de Saint Rmy Dec 85)
Purp, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 comets bendwise sin inv Or, 3
fleurs-de-lys palewise Purp. (D: Sabina Tafler - Apr 93)
Purp, 2 comets & a wolfs head couped close contourny Arg. (D:
Hildewulf Werreur - Dec 00)
Sa, a comet & on a chf Arg 3 crosses bottony Gu. (D: Neathery of
Safita - Jan 03)
Sa, a comet bendwise sin Or betw in bend a mullet of nine points &
an increscent Arg. (B: Shadowlands, the - Aug 83) (For the
Sterregazerers Gylde of the Shire of the Shadowlands)
Sa, a comet fesswise Arg, a bord embat Or. (B: Debatable Lands,
the - Jun 99)
532 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Comet (continued)

Sa, a comet fesswise Arg & in base a laurel wreath, a bord embat
Or. (D: Debatable Lands, the - Dec 05)
Sa, a comet fesswise reversed Or & a ford proper. (B: Ariana Irene
de Caro - Apr 02) (For Eveninghold)
Sa, a comet within an orle Or. (D: angbrandr sekr Sigfsson Feb 07)
Sa, a phoenix Or, in chf a comet fesswise reversed Arg. (D:
Rodhlann Ceallachin - Jan 98)
Sa, a rapier betw 2 comets inv in pile & a mountain Arg. (D: Aldan
Kerr - Sep 01)
Sa, a roundheaded comet fesswise head to sin & a 3 peaked
mountain Or. (D: Reinhardt der Steiger - Jun 95)
Sa, a scarpe betw 2 comets bendwise sin, head to base, all betw 2
scarpes Or. (D: Lachlan of Cromarty - Mar 90)
Sa, in pale 3 comets fesswise Arg. (D: Marc of Esfenn - Nov 84)
Sa, issuant from sin chf a lightning bolt bendwise sin Arg
conjoining in dexter base an estoile of 4 greater & 4 lesser rays
or. (D: Kalven the Deranged - Aug 79)
Sa, on a gore sin Arg a dragon bendwise couchant Az, wings erect,
in canton a comet rising bendwise Arg. (D: Frances
Stardragon - Aug 78?)
Sa, on a salt Or, in salt an arrow inv Gu & a sword Sa, in base a
comet Or. (D: Raymond de Valognes - Aug 91)
Sa, on the head of a comet fesswise Or a torteau, a chf nebuly Or.
(D: Saeric Scirham - Jul 89)
Sa, seme of comets inv, issuant from base a demi-sun Arg. (B:
Lothar von Katzenellenbogen - Nov 95)
Sa, the Lombardic uppercase letter M, & in base a comet fesswise
Arg. (B: Meridies - Aug 79) (For the populace)
Tierced per bend sin Arg, Az, & Sa, a comet fesswise reversed Or.
(D: Thomas of Hassard - Oct 79) (re-registered 8010W)
Tierced per pall Sa, Or & Arg, in chf a comet Arg bearded Or. (B:
Richard of the Isle - Jun 81) (For House Recherche de Nuit)
Vt, a comet bendwise, head to chf, betw six estoiles Or. (D: Henri
La Grave - Aug 98)
Vt, a comet bendwise Or within an orle of trefoils Arg. (D: Kevin
MacColin OGallagher - Aug 00)
Vt, a comet palewise Or betw 2 flaunches ermine. (D: Esme
Ffoulkes of Mercia - Sep 86)
Vt, a sheaf of 3 comets Arg. (D: Iva Sjna - Feb 97)
Vt, in fess a shooting star bendwise sin Or & a winged lioness ramp
Arg. (D: Kathleen de Tara - Apr 81)
Vt semy of comets, on a fess Arg a closed book Vt. (D: Eva Goch Jun 01)
Vt, 2 pallets betw 2 comets Arg. (D: Domnall the Grey - Dec 03)
* * * End * * *
Comic mask: see Mask
Comital coronet: see Crown
Compass: see Caliper

Compass rose

(Fieldless) A compass rose Arg sustained by a horse ramp Or. (B:

Northshield - Jan 05) (For Order of the Destrer)
(Fieldless) A compass rose Az. (B: Kendrick Wayfarer - Apr 96)
(Fieldless) A compass rose quarterly Arg & Sa. (B: Gwendolyn the
Rat Keeper - Jul 90)
(Fieldless) A compass rose quarterly Az & Or. (B: Stephanie of
Nethyrwode - Oct 07)
(Fieldless) A dragon contourny sustaining a compass rose Arg. (B:
Gwenevere McAy - May 02)
(Fieldless) On a compass rose Arg a capital letter "S" Gu. (B:
Simon Montgumery - Aug 07)
Arg, a bend sin cotised Vt betw a compass rose & a grenade Sa
enflamed proper. (D: Robert de Zwijger van Limburg Apr 03)
Az, a compass rose & a chf enarched Or. (D: Rufus MacDaniel Oct 95)
Az, a compass rose Arg. (D: Alexandre sur la Mer - Jul 81)
Az, a compass rose inv & on a chf Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Tane
Verloren - May 00)
Az, a reef knot bendwise betw 2 compass roses Or. (D: Rhys ap
Morgan of Cynwyd - Oct 91)
Az semy of compass stars Arg, a compass-rose Or. (D: Aurelia
Kaloethes - Nov 04)
Ermine, a compass rose Vt. (D: Alexandra de Louvain - Mar 97)

[Compass rose] to [Crescent - 1 - Argent - Decrescent]

Compass rose (continued)

Gu, a bend sin Sa fimbriated betw a compass rose & a sheaf of

arrows Or. (D: Reynard de la Rochefoucauld - Apr 02)
Gu, a compass rose in chf 2 sheaves of 3 arrows inv Arg a ford
proper. (D: Robert MacInnes of Skye - Jan 97)
Gu, a compass rose, on a chf Or 3 weavers shuttles bendwise Sa.
(D: Caitlin Wayfarer - Feb 94)
Gu, a compass rose within a laurel wreath Or & a ford proper. (D:
Northover - Nov 03)
Gu, a pair of compasses in base betw its arms a compass rose, a
bord embat Arg. (B: Stierbach - Oct 99) (For the Baronial
Gu, a phoenix Arg rising from flames proper & in chf a compass
rose Or. (B: Magns Slembidjkn - Nov 06)
Or, a bend sin wavy Gu betw a compass rose & an open scroll Purp
charged with a feather Or. (D: Andrew Wallace the Wanderer
- Jan 94)
Or, a compass rose Sa, on a chf Vt 2 hides Or. (D: Caelina Lrd
Reisende - Jun 98)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a compass rose & a bull salient within a bord
embat ctrch. (B: Stierbach - Nov 01)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a compass rose & a bull salient within a bord
embat ctrch. (B: Stierbach - Apr 08) (For Award of the
Silver Compass)
Per bend sin wavy Vt & Az, a thistle & a compass rose Or. (D:
Cathal Macdoyl - Feb 00)
Per chev Arg & Az, a wolf passant Sa betw 3 compass roses ctrch.
(D: Kendrick Wayfarer - Jan 95)
Per chev Az & Or, a compass rose Or & a brown otter statant
proper. (D: Vincenzo Pasquale dAnza - Feb 03)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev enhanced Or & in base a compass rose
Arg. (D: Ceara ingen Chonaill - May 00)
Per chev Or & Gu, a compass rose Sa. (B: Ansteorra - Dec 90)
(For Award of the Compass Rose of Ansteorra)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 2 double-bitted axes Arg & a compass rose Sa.
(D: Gallant ODriscole - May 04)
Per fess embat Sa & Or, 3 compass roses ctrch. (D: Garrick
Mapmaker - Nov 04)
Per fess engrailed Or & Az, a dolphin embowed & a compass rose
ctrch. (D: Mark Mac Kill - Jan 07)
Per pale Arg & Az, a compass rose & on a chf 3 crosses crosslet all
ctrch. (D: Illtyd Llynllydaw the Scot - Jun 85)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a compass rose betw in fess 2 pomegranates
slipped & leaved ctrch. (B: Northshield - Apr 03)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a compass rose Or within an orle of mullets Arg.
(B: Jonathon von Trotha - Jul 06) (For House Astrum
Aureum)(JB: Deille of Farnham)
Per salt Az & Sa, 2 dragons combattant Or & a compass rose Arg.
(D: Connor Alexander Maxwell - Apr 00)
Purp, a compass rose & on a chf Arg an ivy vine Vt. (D: Hannah
bat Isaac de Toledo - May 08)
Purp, ermined Or, an eagle rising contourny, wings elevated & disp,
grasping in its talons a scimitar fesswise, blade to base, betw
its wings a compass-rose Arg, all within a bord embat Or. (B:
Quintus Manlius Petraeus - Mar 06)
Quarterly Arg & Gu, a compass rose ctrch Sa & Arg. (D: Asa
Martel - Sep 06)
Sa, a compass rose & a chf embat Arg. (D: Vincenzo Crovetto
Genovese - Jan 96)
Sa, a compass rose Arg, a bord embat Or. (B: Northshield Nov 96)
Sa, a compass rose Arg, a bord Or. (B: Northshield - Sep 95)
Sa, a compass rose Arg within a laurel wreath, in chf an ancient
crown Or. (D: Northshield - Jan 95)
Sa, a compass rose Arg within a wreath of roses, in chf an ancient
crown Or. (D: Northshield - Jan 95) (For consort)
Sa, a compass rose Or. (B: Walter de Witte - Jul 89) (For House
De Witte)
Sa, a griffin passant Or maintaining a compass rose Arg, a bord
embat Or. (B: Northshield - Nov 96)
Vt, a compass rose bendwise betw in cross 4 compass stars Or. (D:
Maureen Callaghan Dolan - Jan 89)
Vt, a compass rose within a bord Arg. (B: Ceara ingen Chonaill Feb 04)
* * * End * * *
Compass star: see Mullet

Composite monster: see Monster - Other

Conch: see Shell - Other
Cone: see Fruit - Pinecone
Coney: see Beast - Rabbit
Constellation: see Mullet and Roundel - Whole
Cooking pot: see Cauldron
Copihue: see Flower - Trumpet shape
Corbie: see Bird
Corbies head: see Head - Bird
Cormorant: see Bird
Corn: see Plant - Wheat
Cornetto: see Musical instrument - Horn
Cornflower: see Flower - Rose


(Fieldless) A cornucopia effluent to sin Arg. (B: Calafia - Jan 97)

(For the Calafian Cooking Guild)
(Fieldless) A Cornucopia in annulo Or, fructed proper, surmounted
by a duck, wings disp, Arg, membered Or, statant atop the
fruit. (B: Andrew MacKay - Nov 89) (For West Wind Farm)
Az, a bend sin betw 2 spoons in fess Arg & a cornucopia Or. (D:
Marit Horn - Feb 97)
Gu, a cornucopia & in chf 3 cups Or. (D: Roxanne Brewer of Bath Mar 94)
Or, a chev Purp betw 2 toads sejant respecting each other Vt bellies
Arg & in base a cornucopia fluant proper. (D: Geraldine of
Toad Hall - Jan 73?)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a cornucopia Or effluent proper. (D: Yeke
Delger - Nov 03)
* * * End * * *
Coronet: see Crown
Corsica: see Sword
Cougar: see Beast - Cat
Counter vair: see Field treatment - Vairy
Cow: see Beast - Bull
Crab: see Arthropod - Lobster


Az, a cradle within an orle of thimbles Arg. (D: Abigail of Lorraine

- Oct 02)
Gu, on a cradle Or, 2 towers Sa, all within a bord Or. (D: Gloria
Kirkhouse of Tain - Oct 89)
* * * End * * *


(Fieldless) A crampet Arg. (B: Lillia de Vaux - Dec 07)

Arg semy of crampets, a bend Az. (D: Lillia de Vaux - Dec 07) (A
crampet is the metal bit at the tip of a scabbard)
* * * End * * *
Crampon: see Tool - Other
Crane: see Bird
Crane - Building: see Castle
Cranequin: see Tool - Other
Crawfish: see Arthropod - Lobster
Crequier plant: see Tree - Rounded shape

Crescent - 1 - Argent - Decrescent

(Fieldless) A decrescent Arg & overall a spear Sa. (B: Alastar

ORogan - Nov 03)
(Fieldless) A griffin passant within & conjoined to the horns of a
decrescent, Arg. (B: Shariya bint Badr - Jul 91)
(Tinctureless) A reflex bow reversed strung with a decrescent &
armed of an arrow fesswise. (B: Cariadoc of the Bow Jun 81)
(Fieldless) A tower Az within & conjoined at base to a decrescent
Arg. (B: Patrick of the Quietwood - Aug 89)
(Fieldless) On a decrescent Arg, a fir tree Sa. (B: Hedewigis
Ockenfin - Oct 06)
(Fieldless) Within & conjoined to a decrescent Arg a mullet of
seven points Sa. (B: Eirkr Tryggvason - Jun 97)
Az, a bend sin betw a decrescent moon Arg & a sun in his splendor
Or. (D: Anne Mathiu - Mar 96)
Az, a bend sin dancetty betw a decrescent & a pegasus segreant
Arg. (D: Caitlin Morgana ferch Llywellyn - May 92)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 533

[Crescent - 1 - Argent - Decrescent]

Crescent - 1 - Argent - Decrescent (continued)

Az, a boar statant Sa transfixed by an arrow bendwise sin Or & in

chf a decrescent Arg & a mullet of eight points Or. (D:
Rakonczay Gergely - Jan 08)
Az, a chev rompu inv betw a decrescent & 3 dragonflies Arg. (D:
Dulcia de Len - May 04)
Az, a decrescent & a gore sin Arg. (B: Isolde Corby - Aug 04)
Az, a decrescent & in chf 2 compass stars, a chf potent Arg. (D:
Pierre de Baxas - Apr 00)
Az, a decrescent & on a sin tierce dovetailed Arg 3 escallops inv
Az. (D: Haldane Jensdottir de Baliol - Mar 88)
Az, a decrescent Arg within an orle Or. (B: Alheydis von
Krckhingen - Nov 04)
Az, a decrescent within seven trees in orle Arg. (D: Diana de
Savigny - Aug 78)
Az, a dondril blossom proper within a decrescent Arg. (D: Dondra
du Baranduae - Jan 73?) (A dondrill or Australian
wildflower is gules.)
Az, a mandrake & in chf a decrescent moon Arg. (D: Leandra
Plumieg - Sep 93)
Az, a merman affronty reguardant maintaining in the sin hand a
trident, in chf a pearled coronet, all within a bord Arg, as an
augmentation, in the mermans dexter hand a targe Arg
charged with an escutcheon of Sa, a decrescent & a base
indented of 3 points Arg.. (Augmentation of Arms: Tristan
Alexander - Nov 01)
Az, a pile inv bendwise sin throughout ermine betw a decrescent &
a compass star Arg. (D: Barbara de Saint Michel - Mar 85)
Az, a shakefork betw a decrescent & 2 wolves sejant respectant
ululant Arg. (D: Catherine Ecceles - Oct 89)
Az, a winged lynx ramp in chf a mullet betw a decrescent & an
increscent Arg. (D: Mredyth y Linx Gwyn - Sep 94)
Az, ermined Or, in pale a decrescent & an estoile of eight points
Arg. (D: Elenore Grailseeker - Aug 87)
Az, in cross a decrescent betw 4 scorpions, heads to center, Arg. (D:
Atar Bakhtar - May 83)
Az, in fess a decrescent & a mullet of seven points Arg charged
with a pheon inv Gu, a bord embat Arg. (B: Starhelm
Warlocke - Jun 93) (For Ladyhall)
Az, in pale a lymphad under sail reversed & a decrescent within a
bord engrailed Arg. (D: Pelinora de Orin - Feb 85)
Az, in salt an oaken staff & a sword inv proper surmounted by a
decrescent Arg. (B: Alicia Stillwater - Jun 81)
Az, mulletty Arg, a bend sin Or betw a decrescent & a standing
balance Arg, a bord Or. (D: Aspasia Jeanne Cartier - Jun 90)
Az, on a bend sin Arg betw a sun Or & a decrescent Arg, 3 mullets
palewise Gu. (D: Isabel de Morn de la Frontera - Oct 94)
Az, on a chev Arg a chevronel Sa & in base a decrescent Arg. (D:
Eogan Cu - Jan 07)
Az semy-de-lys, a decrescent Arg. (D: Margareta Blacke of York Aug 02)
Az, 2 seahorses addorsed, tails nowed, & in chf a decrescent Arg.
(D: Alyna of Snow Camp - Sep 88)
Barry bendy Az & Or, a decrescent within a bord Arg. (D: Bressal
MacMillan - Sep 95)
Counter-ermine, on a decrescent Arg a rose proper. (D: Elisabetta
Castagna - Aug 95)
Erminois, a hippogriff ramp contournee, the aquiline half Sa & the
equine half Arg, armed & orbed Arg, unguled Sa, grasping in
its talons a decrescent Arg, & on a chf Sa a crescent Arg. (D:
Phalaea an Caer Eirdalyn - Aug 79)
Gu, a compass star within & conjoined to a decrescent Arg, within a
mascle issuing from each corner 3 strawberry leaves Or. (D:
Ithriliel of Silver Lake - Sep 83)
Gu, a decrescent Arg betw 3 plates & a chf embat erminois. (D:
Tasleem bint Noor - Feb 87)
Gu, a decrescent beneath a chf nebuly Arg. (D: Conrad von
Regensburg - Sep 73?)
Gu, a unicorns head erased reversed, in canton a decrescent & in
sin chf in bend sin 2 mullets palewise Arg. (D: Katrina of the
Neverlands - Sep 80)
Gu, an aurochs head cabossed Sa, betw its horns a mullet Or, in
base a rose & a decrescent Arg. (D: Wallachia - Dec 03)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, betw the horns of a decrescent a mullet Arg. (B: Turkey Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)

534 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Crescent - 1 - Argent - Decrescent (continued)

Gu, on a fess indented to chf betw a mullet & a decrescent Arg, a

quill pen its nib to dexter Gu. (D: Vildan el-Taalebatun Sep 05)
Gu, on a pale Sa, fimbriated Or, in pale a decrescent Arg & a
dragon segreant Or. (B: William of Grey Niche - Aug 89)
(For House Sable Orb)
Or, a harts head erased Sa & in canton a decrescent Arg,
fimbriated, all within a bord Sa. (B: Kathryn Blackhart Aug 89)
Pean, in bend a decrescent & a peacock contourny Arg. (D: Errica
de Creau - Apr 07)
Pean, in bend a decrescent & a swan naiant wings addorsed Arg.
(D: Bronach ingen Eogain - Apr 05)
Per bend Arg & Az, a winged cat salient & a decrescent ctrch. (D:
John Lindsay - Nov 04)
Per bend Arg & counter-ermine, a sun in its splendour Gu & a
decrescent Arg. (D: Agafon Albwin - Jan 88)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a bull salient & a decrescent within a bord
embat ctrch. (B: Stierbach - Apr 08) (For Award of the Bull
and the Crescent)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a bull salient & a decrescent within a bord
embat ctrch. (B: Stierbach - Aug 92)
Per bend Arg & Purp, a sprig of 3 gillyflowers Purp slipped Vt & a
decrescent Arg. (D: Giovina Mancuso - Oct 01)
Per bend Az & Gu, a decrescent Arg & a brunette womans head
couped at the shoulder proper. (D: Theodora Tedaldi Sep 97)
Per bend Az & Sa, a bend Arg betw a sun in his splendor Or & a
decrescent Arg. (D: Diana of the Veil - Oct 91)
Per bend Gu & Purp, in chf 3 mullets of eight points & in base a
decrescent Arg. (D: Shirin al-Adawiya - Dec 03)
Per bend Purp & Arg, a decrescent & a pegasus ramp ctrch. (D:
Breccnat nic Diarmada - Oct 90)
Per bend rayonny Arg & Gu, a brown eagles wing proper & a
decrescent Arg. (D: Krystyna Czartoryska - Apr 91)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a decrescent & a hound dormant ctrch. (D:
Aleksander Regulanka - Feb 06)
Per bend Sa & Purp, a decrescent & a mullet Arg. (D: Niccolina
the Wanderer - Feb 05)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a demi-pegasus volant issuant from the line
of division Sa, a mullet of eight points & an arrow inv
surmounted by a decrescent Arg. (D: Cyrie Evaine Deloraine
- Oct 80)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, on a bend sin Gu betw an acorn inv Vt & a
decrescent, five mullets bendwise conjoined in bend sin Arg.
(D: Leila Angwin of the Silver Stallion - Aug 92)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a decrescent & a mullet ctrch. (D: Isabella
de Burnham - Sep 02)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, a decrescent & a feather bendwise sin Arg.
(D: Ekaterina Borisovna Kievskaia - Nov 00)
Per bend sin Az & Or, a bend sin Gu betw a decrescent Arg & a tree
eradicated Vt. (D: Mark Greenleaf of Redore - Feb 83)
Per bend sin counterermine & ermine, a decrescent Arg & a brown
owl contourny proper. (D: Heinrich vom Schwarzwald Nov 03)
Per bend sin embat Sa & Arg, a decrescent & a raven contourny
ctrch. (D: Simon of Ravenwood - Dec 94)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a bend sin embat counter-embat betw a
decrescent & a sin hand Arg. (B: Gershon ben Avraham Oct 98)
Per bend sin indented Or & Sa, a mullet of ten points Sa & a
decrescent Arg. (D: Radulfr Arnason - Mar 93)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a bend sin Gu betw a decrescent Arg & a
dragon salient contourny Sa. (D: Marian Leyland of Lea May 95)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a decrescent & a half-face mask in profile &
stringed, ctrch. (D: Agnes de Saint Michel - Aug 79)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a decrescent Arg & a compass star
elongated to base Purp. (D: Onra inghean Leoid - Mar 05)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg honeycombed Sa, a decrescent Arg & a
spider Sa. (D: Ramona of Atlantia - Jul 91)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, a decrescent & a tower Arg. (D: Kathryn of
Lindsey - Dec 91)

[Crescent - 1 - Argent - Decrescent]

Crescent - 1 - Argent - Decrescent (continued)

Per bend sin Sa & Gu, on a bend sin cotised betw a decrescent & 3
ostrich plumes palewise in bend sin Arg, a needle, point to
base, Sa. (D: Margaret Elizabeth Peyton de Lascaux Dec 88)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, a bend sin & in dexter chf a decrescent Arg.
(D: Roland Silvervale - Aug 91)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, a musical note inv Or within a decrescent
Arg. (B: Selina Trastamara de Luna - Dec 96)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a decrescent Arg & a double rose Or & Gu, a
bord Arg. (D: Zillah bint Uways al-Qahir - Feb 98)
Per bend sin wavy Gu & Sa, a decrescent & in bend sin 3 mullets
Arg. (D: Tvoislava Michelovna - Oct 02)
Per bend sin wavy Sa & Arg, a bend sin wavy betw a decrescent &
a chalice all ctrch. (B: Frederic Badger - Aug 03)
Per bend sin wavy Sa & Arg, a decrescent Arg & a rose bendwise
sin Az slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Mara Isabel Falcn de la
Sierra - Jul 03)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a bend embat counter-embat Arg betw a Celtic
cross Or & a decrescent Arg. (D: Bran Mac Murchada Feb 92)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a decrescent betw 3 estoiles of eight rays Arg.
(D: Cleste le Mercier - Oct 98)
Per chev abased Az & Arg, in pale in salt an oaken staff & a sword
inv proper surmounted by a decrescent Arg & a mastiffs head
couped affronte Sa. (D: Alicia Stillwater - Jun 81)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 clusters of 3 grape leaves Vt & a decrescent
Arg surmounted by a crossbow bolt fesswise reversed Or. (D:
Cadfael the Mordant - Jan 92)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 2 domestic cats sejant guardant addorsed & a
decrescent ctrch. (D: Jocea Anne Gallowglass - Mar 88)
Per chev Az mullety Or & Arg, a decrescent Arg & a tree couped
Vt. (D: Medb ingen Brain - Apr 99)
Per chev Gu & Az mullety Arg, a sun in splendor Or & a decrescent
moon Arg. (D: Nika Menshikova - Oct 01)
Per chev inv Purp & Vt, a chev inv Or betw a decrescent Arg & 2
oak leaves conjoined at the stem in chev Or, in chf 3 mullets in
chev Arg. (D: Deirdre Erinna of Skye - Oct 85)
Per chev Purp & Sa, a sun issuant from the line of division Or & a
decrescent Arg. (D: Willewyn Glaswryghte - Aug 04)
Per chev Sa & Arg, a sun in splendour Or, a mullet betw the horns
of a decrescent Arg, & a wingless wyvern passant reguardant
Gu, breathing flames Or. (D: Wilfred von Templehof Feb 84)
Per chev throughout Arg & Az, a decrescent Arg & on a chf Sa 3
triquetras Arg. (D: Eilionra Ghorm inghean Phaidn Mar 08)
Per fess Arg & Sa, on a fess Gu a lion couchant, in base a
decrescent Arg. (D: Aziza al-Labua bint Ibrahim ibn Rashid
al-Rahhala - Feb 07)
Per fess Az & counter-ermine, a fess wavy Arg betw a sun in
splendour Or & a decrescent moon Arg. (D: Morwynna Cryw
- Dec 89)
Per fess Az & Sa, a chev betw a decrescent & a compass star Arg.
(D: Cyrene Valeria - Jul 06)
Per fess Az & Sa, a demi-sun issuant from line of division Or, & a
decrescent Arg, a base Or. (D: Eyjolfr Falgeirsson - Aug 91)
Per fess bleu-celeste & Vt, a fess Arg fimbriated Gu, in chf 12
mullets 3, 4, & 5, & in dexter chf a decrescent Arg. (B:
Uzbekistan - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess engrailed Az & Arg, a mermaid tergiant in her vanity ctrch
Arg & Vt, crined Or, betw a decrescent, a mullet Arg, & a
firewheel blossom Gu. (D: Alima Kalil - Feb 83)
Per fess Gu & Arg, in canton within the horns of a decrescent five
mullets in annulo Arg. (B: Singapore - Sep 95) (Important
non-SCA flag)
Per fess indented Az & Gu, a decrescent Arg & a demi-sun Or. (D:
Celina Dawen - Jan 87)
Per fess Purp & Sa, a stag trippant Arg, attired Or & in chf a
decrescent Arg. (D: Eleanore MacCarthaigh - Dec 93)
Per fess Purp & Vt, a fess betw in chf a decrescent betw 2 mullets &
in base a mullet Arg. (D: Anabella Makmyllane - Apr 02)
Per fess Sa & Gu, all estencely Arg, a mullet of seven points within
& conjoined to a decrescent Arg. (D: Celeste Creirwy verch
Dafydd - Mar 93)
Per fess wavy Az & Arg, 2 bars wavy ctrch betw a decrescent Arg
& a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Nahrun Kabirun - Nov 89)

Crescent - 1 - Argent - Decrescent (continued)

Per fess wavy Purp & Az, a sea-unicorn naiant, & in chf a
decrescent & an estoile Arg. (D: Cairistiona MacRorie of
Loch Sterness - Nov 84)
Per fess wavy Vt & Arg, a decrescent Arg & a raven close Sa. (D:
Elizabeth Greene - Jan 98)
Per pale Az & Sa, a decrescent betw five mullets, 2, 2 & one, Arg.
(D: Mutahara bint Haakim - Aug 90)
Per pale Az & Sa, a jawless skull Arg pierced by a katana inv, edge
to sin, betw in fess a sun in glory Or & a decrescent Arg. (D:
Tul Cyrdkatte - Feb 75)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a decrescent Arg, a bord Or. (D: Aigiarm Naran
- Nov 93)
Per pale Gu & Vt, a bend betw a wolfs head erased & a decrescent
moon Arg. (D: Wulf Blodstan of Graegmona - Mar 81)
Per pale Gu & Vt, to dexter a decrescent moon Arg. (B: Wulf
Blodstan of Graegmona - Mar 81)
Per pale Purp & Arg, a tree blasted & eradicated betw in chf a
decrescent & a compass star all ctrch. (D: Marina Rhianydd of
Wakefield - Feb 91)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a dance ctrch & in dexter chf a decrescent Arg.
(D: Gareth Westmoor - Dec 93)
Per pale Vt & Az, a decrescent Arg betw 3 musical notes inv Or.
(D: Selina Trastamara de Luna - Dec 96)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a 2-headed dragon statant Or, wings elevated &
addorsed Arg, in chf a bezant & a decrescent Arg. (D: Edwin
Corrison - Jan 84)
Per pall inv Gu, Sa & Arg, in pale a decrescent Arg & a gout de
sang. (B: Raven Mayne - May 08) (JB: Tvoislava
Per salt Az & Arg in pale a decrescent & a lit candle in a flat
candlestick Arg. (D: Ariadne of Xanthus - Feb 91)
Potenty Az & Or, a bottlenosed dolphin counter-embowed & in chf
a decrescent & a mullet Arg. (D: Gunnar Iverson of
Hangarstad - Jan 81)
Purp, a bend sin Or betw a decrescent & a doe dormant guardant
Arg. (D: Gwendolyn the Fair - Aug 90)
Purp, a chev rompu Arg betw 2 natural dolphins naiant embowed in
chev respectant proper & a decrescent Arg. (D: Megen de la
Beche - Jul 03)
Purp, a decrescent & on a chf wavy Arg 3 mullets of six points
Purp. (D: Celestina Ambrosini - Apr 02)
Purp, a fess Or overall a decrescent Arg. (B: Masala al-Raqqasa Jul 02)
Purp, a Latin cross throughout Or, in sin canton a decrescent Arg.
(D: Mahee of Acre - Aug 00)
Purp, a pall Or betw a decrescent transfixed by an arrow inv & 2
swans naiant respectant Arg. (D: Morgan Fitzwalter of
Lithewood - Sep 91)
Purp, a sea-cat & in canton a decrescent Arg, a ford proper. (D:
Maria Caterina di Boni - Dec 04)
Purp, betw the horns of a decrescent Arg a compass star elongated
to base Or, a chf embat Arg. (D: Morgan the Mischief Aug 92)
Purp, five daisies in bend sin Or betw a decrescent & an owl Arg.
(D: Katya Aleksievna Polunochnika - Oct 91)
Purp, in dexter chf a decrescent Arg a gore sin ermine. (D:
Selewynn Beltran - Jan 98)
Purp mullety of six points, a decrescent Arg. (D: Masala alRaqqasa - Jul 02)
Purp, on a chev inv Arg 3 mullets of six points Az, in chf a
decrescent Arg. (D: Juliana Bouchannane - Dec 06)
Purp, 2 winged cats sejant respectant dexter paws raised & in chf a
decrescent Arg. (D: Svanhildr Valdimarsdttir - Jun 00)
Purp, within the horns of a decrescent a wolfs head erased
contourny Arg. (D: Luna Athanwulf - Dec 91)
Quarterly Az & Sa, a decrescent betw 3 trees Arg. (D: Anabel de
Mont Saint Michel - Aug 97)
Quarterly Az & Sa, a lute bendwise sin betw 3 mullets & a
decrescent Arg. (D: Erik of Grenloch - Feb 05)
Quarterly Vt & Sa, a decrescent within a mascle Arg. (D: Cline
Elisabeth de Meaux - Dec 92)
Sa, a bend betw a decrescent & an opinicus statant Arg. (D:
Johannes von Morgarten - Aug 04)
Sa, a bend ermine betw a sun in its splendor Or & a decrescent Arg
all within a bord Or. (D: Niniane de Bretagne - Feb 96)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 535

[Crescent - 1 - Argent - Decrescent] to [Crescent - 1 - Argent - Increscent]

Crescent - 1 - Argent - Decrescent (continued)

Sa, a bend sin engrailed Or betw a decrescent & 3 mullets of eight

points Arg. (D: Sarah Bakestre - Sep 07)
Sa, a chev inv ermine betw in chf 3 mullets, 2 & one, & in base a
decrescent Arg. (B: Donwenna la Mareschale - May 95)
Sa, a decrescent, a base indented of 3 points Arg. (B: Bright Hills Jun 98)
Sa, a decrescent & a mullet within an annulet convoluted into 3
lobes, all within an annulet all Arg. (D: Ketievia Segovia de la
Noche - Jun 75?)
Sa, a decrescent & on a chf Arg 3 mullets Sa. (D: Rhiannon of
Ravenglass - Mar 08)
Sa, a decrescent Arg, a chf vairy Vt & Or. (D: Susanna Grey May 98)
Sa, a decrescent Arg within a laurel wreath Or, a base indented of 3
points Arg. (D: Bright Hills - Jul 89)
Sa, a decrescent Arg within an orle of chain Or. (D: William of
Grey Niche - Aug 92)
Sa, a decrescent betw 3 mullets of 4 points, one & 2, Arg. (D:
Murdoch Montgomery - Feb 98)
Sa, a decrescent within a bord Arg charged with an orle of holly Vt.
(B: Roland Silvervale - Mar 93) (For House Silvervale)
Sa, a horses head couped within a decrescent Arg. (B: Sherry
Foxwell - Aug 89)
Sa, a mullet within the horns of a decrescent Arg, all within a bord
Arg, semy of leaves Vt. (D: Talena of Western Seas Dec 89)
Sa, a winged blonde melusine proper, wings disp & winged at the
temples Arg, bearing a sword fesswise reversed proper & a
decrescent-shaped shield & above her head a mullet Arg. (D:
Tatiana Moryn Canu - Aug 79)
Sa, a wolf salient to sin, in dexter chf a mullet of twelve points, in
sin chf a decrescent Arg. (D: Slobadan Sretenov Ivanisevic Mar 78?)
Sa, an arrow fesswise surmounted by a decrescent Arg & on a chf
Or 3 roses Sa. (D: Lucrezia Isabella Fraccia - Apr 05)
Sa, in canton a decrescent Arg & issuant from base a demi-sun Or.
(D: Mugain inghean u Bhraonin - Oct 05)
Sa, mulletty pierced, an eagle striking, wings elevated & addorsed,
Arg, armed Or, in chf a decrescent Arg. (D: Andrew MacKay May 91)
Sa, mullety of 4 points or, in chf a decrescent Arg, a base embat or.
(D: Tristan de Montesporre - Aug 79)
Sa mullety Or, an owl within a decrescent Arg. (D: Isabeau
Adriana Hauberk - Nov 94)
Sa, on a bend betw an increscent & a decrescent Arg, 3 wolves
heads erased contourny Sa. (D: Conall MacGwynn - Dec 96)
Sa, on a bend wavy Az fimbriated, an arrow inv, in sin chf a
decrescent Arg. (D: Connor Whitehawk - Jun 98)
Vt, a bay caucasian centaur salient proper, holding in his dexter
hand a goblet flammant & in canton a decrescent Arg. (D:
Tristram of Ravensgate - Aug 79)
Vt, a bend sin Or betw a decrescent Arg & a mullet pierced Or. (D:
Kennyth Landor of Skye - May 83)
Vt, a decrescent Arg within a bord Gu. (B: Maldives - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Vt, a decrescent Arg within an arch stooped Or, betw 3 mullets Arg.
(D: Luanmaise nic Ailithir - Nov 92)
Vt, a decrescent within a bord indented Arg. (B: Carl of Sutherland
- Nov 82)
Vt, a fess checky Sa & Or betw a sun in splendor Or & a decrescent
moon Arg. (D: Katerina Elizabeth de Clisson - Jul 97)
Vt, an increscent & a decrescent interlaced & a base Arg. (D:
Anselm the Bald - Jun 00)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Argent - Increscent

(Fieldless) A compass star Or within & conjoined to the horns of

an increscent Arg. (B: Isabella de Luna - Apr 98)
(Fieldless) A griffin segreant Arg mullety Sa sustaining an
increscent Arg. (B: Rupert the Persistent - Jan 95)
(Fieldless) A lozenge ploy within & conjoined to the horns of an
increscent Arg. (B: Sorcha inghean Dhara mhic Seachnasaigh
- Nov 03)
(Fieldless) A winged lion sejant erect coward Or sustaining an
increscent Arg. (B: Catrona nic Therlaigh - Dec 95)

536 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Crescent - 1 - Argent - Increscent (continued)

(Fieldless) Atop of an increscent Arg a winged pig statant Az. (B:

Arianna McPhearson - Feb 96)
(Fieldless) On an increscent Arg, a rose, slipped & leaved proper.
(B: Martin Mandrea - Apr 92)
(Fieldless) On an increscent Arg 3 mullets of six points Az. (B:
Magda Azul - Jun 93)
Arg, a dragon coward passant to sin & on a sin gore Sa, an
increscent Arg. (D: Adriana Chiara da Fiesole - Jan 90)
Az, a battleaxe bendwise sin Arg, hafted Or, maintained by a bears
jamb palewise, in dexter chf an increscent Arg. (D: Ivar
Rnamagi - Aug 88)
Az, a bend sin wavy betw a moon increscent & a fish naiant Arg.
(D: Geoffrey le Gentil - Aug 84)
Az, a brunette woman sejant erect guardant proper, winged Arg,
vested Gu, fimbriated Arg, holding an increscent moon Arg.
(D: Diana av Fjell Tusenfryden - Apr 80)
Az, a chev inv & in chf an increscent Arg. (D: lfr Slendingr
Haraldsson - Oct 93)
Az, a chev Sa fimbriated Arg betw 2 daggers proper & an
increscent Arg. (D: Freya of the Amber Hills - Mar 78?)
Az, a winged lynx ramp in chf a mullet betw a decrescent & an
increscent Arg. (D: Mredyth y Linx Gwyn - Sep 94)
Az, an increscent & a bord engrailed Arg. (D: Gwenhwyvar
Nocturnal - Oct 93)
Az, an increscent & on a base Arg a demi-sun issuant from base Vt.
(D: Dervin Norwood of Hedgeley Moor - Apr 94)
Az, an increscent & on a chf Arg 4 mullets Az. (D: Susan of
Tirnewydd - Oct 92)
Az, an increscent Arg & a ford proper. (D: Rouland Campion Dec 99)
Az, an increscent moon betw 3 mullets Arg. (D: William Kendrick
- Jan 02)
Az, an increscent within an orle of fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D:
Genevive del Gamba - Aug 01)
Az, betw the horns of an increscent Arg, a screech owl reversed
proper, a bord Sa. (D: Barbara of Suir - Jun 73?)
Az, in pale an increscent & a lizard tergiant embowed Arg. (D:
Elspeth MacClure - Aug 79?)
Az, on a fess wavy betw an increscent & a sin wing Arg a fess wavy
Sa, a bord Arg. (D: Elenore Spyrling - Sep 95)
Az, 3 sea-lions (monsters) sejant reguardant Or, on a sin canton Sa
fimbriated Or, an increscent Arg. (D: Barnabas of Avonel Apr 76?)
Gu, a swans head erased Or beaked Sa maintaining in its beak an
increscent, in chf a key fesswise reversed wards to base Arg.
(D: Amy verch Rychard - Jul 06)
Gu, on a bend sin Sa, fimbriated, betw a sun & an increscent, 3
broad arrows inv, all Arg. (D: Peter the Sinister - Aug 89)
Or, a griffin segreant Az drawing a bow Vt, in chf an increscent Arg
fimbriated Sa. (D: Diana Alene - Jan 73?)
Per bend Az & Arg, an increscent & a chalice ctrch. (D: Beatrice
Elaine of the Oak Grove - Jun 91)
Per bend Az & Sa, an increscent moon Arg & a Wake knot
bendwise throughout Or. (D: Antolin el Tunant de Treburgos
- Oct 97)
Per bend Az, mulletty Arg, & Or, an increscent Arg & a fortress
with 2 minarets Sa. (D: Rashid al Ras at Tinnin - May 81)
Per bend Gu & Sa, within the horns of an increscent a human skull
facing dexter Arg. (D: Ordoo de la Corua - Jul 03)
Per bend indented Or & Purp, a golpe charged with a mullet
throughout & an increscent Arg. (D: Diana dAvignon Jan 91)
Per bend indented Sa, mulletty Arg, & Vt, in dexter base an
increscent Arg. (D: Breck della Scala - Aug 88)
Per bend pean & Arg, a bend bevilled Az betw an increscent Arg &
a spider inv in base Sa. (D: Mariana de Santillana - Dec 99)
Per bend Purp & Az, a bend wavy betw an increscent & a dragonfly
Arg. (D: Niamh inghean Fhearghail - Mar 05)
Per bend rayonny Arg & Gu, a pomegranate Gu slipped & leaved
Vt, & an increscent Arg. (D: Cline dAlisandre - Aug 98)
Per bend Sa & Arg, an increscent & a double-boled birch tree
eradicated ctrch. (D: Augusta Long - Apr 92)
Per bend Sa & Arg, an increscent bendwise Arg & an arrow
bendwise sin inv proper headed Sa fletched Purp. (D: Isabella
Feliciano da Fiume - Jan 05)

[Crescent - 1 - Argent - Increscent] to [Crescent - 1 - Argent - Pendant]

Crescent - 1 - Argent - Increscent (continued)

Per bend Sa & Az, a fret betw in fess a sackbut palewise & an
increscent Arg. (B: Dorian Longwind of Neumes - Aug 81)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a wolf ramp reguardant maintaining an
increscent ctrch. (D: Jane Gunn - Jul 96)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, an increscent double-arched & an angelfish
naiant bendwise, ctrch. (D: Alys Carvelsdatter - Oct 76)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a bend sin Arg betw a sun in splendor & an
increscent moon Arg. (D: Kateryn of Cornwall - Apr 99)
Per bend sin nebuly Gu & Sa, a cross moline & an increscent Arg.
(B: Theodric von Rostock - Oct 93)
Per bend sin raguly Arg & Az, a dragon passant, wings disp & inv,
& an increscent ctrch. (D: Bjrn Thegjandi Grimnisson Jun 92)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a bend sin betw an increscent & a oak leaf
bendwise sin, all ctrch Arg & Vt. (D: Sheamus Selvayn Feb 99)
Per bend sin Vt & Arg, an increscent Arg & 3 tadpoles with legs
fesswise disp ctrch, orbed Or. (D: Will of Orkney - Jan 73?)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Sa, a thistle bendwise & an increscent
bendwise ctrch. (D: Finnguala ingen Daud - Jun 99)
Per bend Vt & Arg, an increscent & a blackthorne sprig within a
bord ctrch. (D: Stevyn of Beinn nam faoghla - Oct 91)
Per chev inv Arg & Sa, a chev inv ctrch betw a bay horses head
contourny proper & an increscent Arg, all within a bord ctrch.
(D: Brenna Logan - Aug 92)
Per chev rayonny Az & Vt, a lozenge below in dexter chf an estoile
& in sin chf an increscent, all Arg. (D: Brian of Green Hills Sep 73?)
Per chev rayonny Sa & Gu, in base an increscent Arg. (D: Laelia
Caoilinn nic Bhranainn - Nov 93)
Per chev Sa & Az, a dragon in annulo head to chf & in dexter chf an
increscent Arg. (D: Alan FitzOdin - Feb 03)
Per chev throughout Arg & Gu, 2 frogs tergiant Vt & an increscent
Arg. (D: Aemilia Sabine - Feb 03)
Per chev Vt & Az, 2 spurs Or winged & an increscent Arg. (D:
Tabitha Johnstone - May 07)
Per fess arched Az mulletty Arg & Gu sem of apples, in fess a sun
in splendor Or betw the horns of an increscent moon Arg. (D:
Joscelyn Fitzharry of Gillyflower - Apr 84)
Per fess Az & Vt, a lozenge ploy within & conjoined to the horns
of an increscent a bord Arg. (D: Sorcha inghean Dhara mhic
Seachnasaigh - Aug 01)
Per fess Sa & Az, an increscent Arg betw 4 mullets of 4 points in
cross Or. (D: Anastasiya Dolgorukova - Mar 94)
Per fess Sa & Gu, 2 gyrons issuant from dexter chf & from sin,
conjoined at the honor point & in sin chf an increscent, all Arg.
(D: Ilissa the Nightwatcher - Sep 88)
Per pale Arg & Az, a rose & an increscent ctrch & on a chf Sa 3
dragons ramp Arg. (D: Katherine Westbrook - Jun 06)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a unicorns head couped ctrch, maintaining in its
mouth a rosebud Gu, slipped & leaved Vt, in sin chf an
increscent Arg. (D: Torin Geffries - Dec 88)
Per pale Az & Purp, a natural dolphin naiant embowed contourny &
in chf an increscent Arg. (D: Selina Thurfinsdotter af Skyd Apr 99)
Per pale rayonny Or & Sa, a sun Gu & an increscent Arg. (D:
Samuron the Inconsistent - Sep 91)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a decrescent moon & an increscent moon, a base
engrailed ctrch Arg & Gu. (D: Owen the Mad - Aug 96)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a dolphin hauriant & in chf an increscent & an
estoile Arg. (D: Cristina Giuliana DellOnda - Oct 79)
Per pale Vt & Az, an increscent Arg betw 3 estoiles Or. (D: Valeria
della Stelle da Firenze - Mar 00)
Per pale Vt & Gu, a bend sin betw a unicorn couchant reguardant
coward, tail nowed, & an increscent moon Arg. (D: Leona
Brandy Clarissa MacKay - Mar 81)
Per pale wavy Az & Arg, a hawk striking to sin & an increscent
moon ctrch. (B: Aelfraed Hawkmoon - Oct 88) (For
Hawkmoon House)
Per pall ermine, Sa & Gu, in fess an owl close affronty & an
increscent moon Arg. (D: Julitta de Moulins - Mar 90)
Per pall Sa, Gu & Arg, in pale an increscent Arg surmounted by an
arrow fesswise reversed Or, & an owl disp Az. (D: Alexander
MacIntosh of Islay - Mar 93)
Per pall Sa Vt & Arg, in base an increscent Arg & a dragon passant
Gu. (D: Corwyn Ambrose - Aug 03)

Crescent - 1 - Argent - Increscent (continued)

Per salt Sa & Vt, in pale an increscent Arg & a sun in splendor Or.
(D: Erec le Clair - Nov 06)
Potenty Vt & Or, a raven rising Sa maintaining in its dexter claw an
increscent Arg, a bord Sa semy of increscents Arg. (D: Aoife
Eorann n Bhriain - Sep 95)
Purp, a bend embat counter-embat Or betw an increscent & a
compass-star Arg. (D: Marian Loresinger - Jun 84)
Purp, a horse courant & in chf an increscent Arg. (B: Duncan
Andrew Songhawke Tengri-in Jida - Mar 92)
Purp, a increscent & on a chf Arg a mullet betw 2 drinking horns
addorsed Vt. (D: Adina del Alczar - Oct 91)
Purp, an increscent & on a chf embat Arg 3 increscents Purp. (D:
Clara of Mons Tonitrus - Aug 03)
Purp, an increscent Arg within an annulet, a bord Or. (D: Beatrice
of Hamtunscir - Nov 00)
Purp, an increscent moon & on a chf wavy Arg 3 triquetras Gu. (D:
Marsaili inghean Fhionghuin - Apr 00)
Purp, in pale an increscent & a goblet Arg. (D: Layla Shirin Mar 87)
Quarterly Sa & Or, a cross ctrch & in canton an increscent Arg. (D:
Connor MacConmara - Jan 08)
Sa, a bend engrailed & in chf an increscent Arg. (D: tan
Bhinnech - Mar 98)
Sa, a bend Or betw an increscent & a mullet Arg. (D: Gabrielle
Boivin - Oct 82)
Sa, a comet bendwise sin Or betw in bend a mullet of nine points &
an increscent Arg. (B: Shadowlands, the - Aug 83) (For the
Sterregazerers Gylde of the Shire of the Shadowlands)
Sa, a coyote sejant ululant to sin, & in chf an increscent betw 2
mullets of six points Arg. (D: Thorarin of the Desert Nov 90)
Sa, a dragon sejant dexter forepaw raised & in chf an increscent
Arg. (D: Gwendolen atte Whitedragon - Jun 95)
Sa, a stag counter-trippant Arg, betw its antlers a bezant, in sin base
an increscent Arg. (D: Talymar gan y Llwyn - Jul 80)
Sa, an arrow bendwise sin Arg betw a sun in his glory & an
increscent Arg. (D: Leon de Asturias - Jun 71?)
Sa, an increscent Arg. (D: Sean Macarailt of Sandyhume Jan 73?)
Sa, an increscent Arg, overall a doe courant Gu fimbriated Arg. (D:
Victoria Anna de Toledo - Mar 78?)
Sa, in pale an increscent moon & a hand apaumy Arg betw
flaunches ermine. (D: Llywelyn Main ap Cristin - Dec 93)
Sa, on a bend betw an increscent & a decrescent Arg, 3 wolves
heads erased contourny Sa. (D: Conall MacGwynn - Dec 96)
Tierced per chev throughout, Az a sun or, Sa an increscent Arg, Arg
a pile inv Vt. (D: Emory MacMichael - Aug 79)
Vt, a fess Gu fimbriated Arg betw a male griffin couchant Or & an
increscent Arg, all within a bord Or. (D: Cigfa wniadyddes May 94)
Vt, an increscent & a decrescent interlaced & a base Arg. (D:
Anselm the Bald - Jun 00)
Vt, on a bend Arg 3 wolfs paw prints palewise Vt & in sin chf an
increscent Arg. (D: Rachel Armstrong - May 02)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Argent - Pendant

(Fieldless) In pale a boar passant contourny Or atop a crescent

pendant Arg. (B: Ceit Ailis nic Ardis - Aug 05) (For House
Moon and Boar)(JB: Thorolf Gunderson)
(Fieldless) In pale a crescent inv Arg & an Eastern crown Or. (B:
East, the - Apr 81) (For the Order of the Silver Crescent)
Az, a crescent inv betw 2 piles inv Arg, each charged with a
crescent inv Az. (D: Tona the Black - Apr 90)
Az, in cross a crescent, inv & winged, Arg & 3 mullets of 4 points
dismembered Or, all within a bord Arg. (D: Kendra of
Darkmoon - Feb 90)
Az, in pale a crescent & a crescent inv Arg, a bord Arg semy of
roses proper. (D: Eleanor de Bolton - Jun 00)
Paly Sa & Or, a natural panther passant in base a crescent inv Arg, a
chf ermine. (D: tan Liath - Sep 97)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a mullet & a crescent inv Arg. (D: Srn mac
Duinn - Feb 08)
Per chev inv Sa & Gu, a compass star Gu fimbriated & a crescent
inv Arg within a bord countercompony Arg & Sa. (D: Brian
MacBrand - Jan 92)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 537

[Crescent - 1 - Argent - Pendant] to [Crescent - 1 - Argent - Upright]

Crescent - 1 - Argent - Pendant (continued)

Per fess Az & Arg, a crescent pendant Arg & an oak tree with a
trunk proper, leaved Gu. (D: Paul the Red - May 86)
Per fess Az & Vt, a crescent pendant Arg & an oak leaf fesswise Or.
(D: Aillenn Dlis ingen Nll - Jul 06)
Per fess embat Gu & Or, in chf a crescent inv Arg. (D: Balin
Ulfstein - Nov 90)
Per fess enarched wavy Arg & Vt, in pale a crescent inv & a
catamount couchant gardant Arg. (D: Verena of the White
Panther - Sep 86)
Per pale Sa & Az, a wolf sejant ululant & in chf a crescent pendant
Arg. (B: Alfric gylir - Aug 02)
Sa, a bend betw a crescent inv & a demi-sun bendwise inv, all
within an orle Arg. (D: Ilya the Fey - Aug 81)
Sa, a crescent inv Arg within an orle of trillium flowers inv Or. (D:
Caitrin OMaughan - Jan 03)
Sa, a sword & in chf a crescent inv, all within a laurel wreath Arg.
(D: Morrows Keep - May 85)
Sa, a wolfs head couped within a crescent inv Arg, a bord Arg
semy of hearts Sa. (D: Collwyn MacErnin Caernarfon Mar 93)
Sa, betw the horns of a crescent pendant a cloud Arg. (B: Medb of
Rusted Woodlands - May 05)
Sa, in bend sin a crescent inv & a demi-sun inv Arg. (B: Ilya the
Fey - Aug 81)
Sa, in pale a crescent inv Arg charged with an ogress & a ninepointed star Arg. (D: Michael of Carillion - Oct 04)
Vt, in pale a crescent inv & a chalice betw a chf & a base Arg. (D:
Abd al-Malik Hilal ibn Saqr al-Ibadi - Jan 95)
Vt, in pale a crescent inv & a Thors hammer Arg. (D: Ulf
Mjdtunga - Aug 94)
Vt, in pale a crescent inv & on a hand of Fatima inv Arg a torteau.
(D: Ghazalah al-Badriyyah - Nov 99)
Vt, 2 natural leopards statant guardant respectant Or spotted Sa & in
base a crescent inv Arg. (D: Geoffrey Fitzodo de Montrouge May 94)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Argent - Tilted

(Fieldless) A crescent bendwise Arg. (B: Finnguala ingen Daud Jul 00)
Gu, a crescent bendwise sin Arg. (D: Drusticc inigena Eddarrnonn
- Jun 05)
Gu masoned Or, a crescent bendwise sin Arg within a bord ermine.
(D: Abiel ben Hiel - May 96)
Per bend Purp & Gu, a mullet bendwise sin betw the horns of a
crescent bendwise, all within a bord Arg. (B: Electra de Flora
- Nov 88)
Per bend Purp & Gu, in bend sin a mullet bendwise sin betw the
horns of a crescent bendwise & a cinquefoil, all Arg. (D:
Electra de Flora - Nov 88)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, an owls head couped affronty betw in bend
a mullet & an increscent bendwise sin Arg. (D: Ceallach Llyn
Tremen - Mar 87)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa mullety Arg, in dexter chf a mullet within a
crescent pendant bendwise Arg. (D: Ceit Ailis nic Ardis Mar 99)
Purp, a liondragon statant Or maintaining a crescent bendwise a
bord invected Arg. (D: Melisende Beaumont - Jul 98)
Quarterly Az & Vt, a crescent inv bendwise sin & in dexter base a
tower Arg. (D: Raimund of the Strait - Aug 79?)
Sa, a crescent bendwise, within its horns a Japanese crane disp
bendwise Arg. (B: Ichijo Honen - Apr 05)
Sa, in bend a sword bendwise sin betw a mullet of 4 points & a
crescent bendwise Arg. (D: Aduial of Kensington - Aug 79?)
Vt, a mullet betw the horns of a crescent, both bendwise sin, & a
dexter tierce Arg. (B: Pakistan - Sep 95) (Important nonSCA flag)
Vt, betw the horns of a decrescent bendwise sin 4 mullets bendwise
sin in bend sin Arg. (B: Comoros - Sep 95) (Important nonSCA flag)
Vt, in dexter chf betw the horns of a crescent bendwise five mullets
2 & 3 in bend Arg, to dexter a pale Gu marked as a Turkmen
carpet Or, Arg & Az. (B: Turkmenistan - Sep 95) (Important
non-SCA flag)

538 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Crescent - 1 - Argent - Tilted (continued)

Vt, in pale a crescent bendwise Arg & a hound statant contourny

Or. (D: Brnach ua Mochonne - Jan 01)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Argent - Upright

(Fieldless) A crescent Arg & overall a besom Or, hafted proper. (B:
Herrir Freyugyja gvaldsdttir - Feb 06)
(Fieldless) A crescent Arg betw five rosebuds in annulo, blossoms
outwards, Or, barbed Vt. (B: Aldred Colson - Sep 83) (JB:
Elinor Aurora of Rosewood)
(Fieldless) A crescent Arg estencelly Az. (B: Ailis Linne - Jun 02)
(Fieldless) A demi-fish hauriant Purp issuant from a crescent Arg.
(B: Stephania Hering - Mar 99)
(Fieldless) A dragon ramp environed of a crescent Arg. (B:
Aoibheall Dylon - Dec 90)
(Fieldless) A heart Sa within the horns of & conjoined to a crescent
Arg. (B: Feln mac Cathail - May 07) (JB: Alisandre
(Fieldless) A maiden maintaining a crescent & sustaining a spear
Arg. (B: Kolfinna kottr - Aug 03)
(Fieldless) A mullet of 4 points elongated to base Az interlaced
with a crescent Arg. (B: Aziza al-Kashani - Feb 91)
(Fieldless) A sword inv Sa surmounted by a crescent Arg. (B: Eric
Van Roosebeke - Dec 03)
(Tinctureless) An estoile betw the horns of a crescent. (B: Richard
I of England - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA badge)
(Fieldless) In bend a crescent sustained by a melusine Arg. (B:
Juliana de Luna - May 07)
(Fieldless) Issuant from a crescent Arg, a demi-gryphon Gu. (B:
Gareth of Gryphons Nest - Oct 90) (For Gryphons Nest)
(Fieldless) On a crescent Arg a crux ansata Az. (B: ine
Aislingthech ingen Sorcha - Apr 98)
(Fieldless) On an escallop inv Purp, a crescent Arg. (B: Diego
Mundoz - May 93)
Arg, on a wolfs pawprint Sa, a crescent Arg. (B: Rodrigo de los
Lobos - Oct 86)
Az, a bend sin Or, overall in pale a foxs head caboshed & a
crescent Arg. (D: Fox of the Mellow Marsh - Oct 80)
Az, a Celtic cross Arg charged with twelve mullets Sa, in base a
crescent Arg. (D: Anne Tannithcourt - Jan 73?)
Az, a chev Arg betw 3 escallops inv one & 2 Or & a crescent Arg.
(D: tan of Durham - Apr 97)
Az, a chev throughout wavy & in base 3 mullets & a crescent in
cross Arg. (D: Evangelia de Martin - Apr 99)
Az, a crescent & a chf potenty Arg. (D: Paul the Small - Nov 07)
Az, a crescent & in chf 3 fleurs-de-lys, an orle Arg. (D: Gillian
McGill - Nov 05)
Az, a crescent Arg & on a chf Or 3 oak leaves bendwise sin Vt. (D:
Pauline the Apothecary - May 03)
Az, a crescent Arg, overall an arrow palewise inv Or. (B: Morgan
MacDonald MacCrae - Mar 89)
Az, a crescent betw flaunches & on a chf Arg five mullets Az. (D:
Sofia of Sternfeld - Sep 95)
Az, a crescent surmounted by a sword all within a bord embat Arg.
(B: Caid - Jun 86) (For the Order of the Crescent Sword)
Az, a crescent within an orle of mullets Arg. (D: Mel Muire mac
Nill hui Cholmin - Aug 02)
Az, a double-bitted axe Arg betw 3 triangles conjoined one & 2 Or,
in base a crescent Arg. (D: Michael of Kilkenny - Jun 06)
Az, a fess engrailed ermine betw a demi-sun issuant from the fess
Or & a crescent Arg. (D: Stjerne-Odd Srensen - Nov 01)
Az, a fess wavy betw 3 mullets of eight points Or, in chf a crescent
Arg. (D: Eridano Auri - Mar 08)
Az, a horses head betw in chf 3 mullets one & 2 & in base a
crescent, Arg. (D: Diana Brythonwen ferch Cynfarch ap
Cynan - Jul 81)
Az, a pale endorsed to dexter, to sin a crescent, all Arg. (D:
Lindanloren Droxeen - Aug 79)
Az, a talbots head caboshed & in chf a crescent Arg. (B: Sunnifa
Heinreksdttir - Dec 06)
Az, betw the horns of a crescent a winged dolphin naiant Arg. (D:
Medb of Rusted Woodlands - Oct 04)
Az, entwined about a crescent Arg, a dragon Or, grasping for, in sin
chf, an estoile of eight points Arg. (D: Selene of the Sky Jan 74?)

[Crescent - 1 - Argent - Upright]

Crescent - 1 - Argent - Upright (continued)

Az, in dexter chf a crescent Arg & on a point pointed ploy Or an

ankh Sa. (D: Anna Maria de Wittes - Aug 02)
Az, in pale a crescent & a crescent inv Arg, a bord Arg semy of
roses proper. (D: Eleanor de Bolton - Jun 00)
Az, in pale a crescent & a mullet within a bord Arg. (D: Costanza
de Navarre - Sep 96)
Az, in pale a mullet of six points Or & a crescent Arg. (D: Croatia,
Ancient - Jan 00) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az mulletty Or, a crescent Arg & issuant from chf a demi-sun Or.
(D: Graidhne ni Ruaidh - Sep 00)
Az, on a chev betw 2 lions ramp guardant & a crescent Arg, 3
fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Emma de Lyons - Jun 99)
Az, 3 chevronels braced & in chf a crescent all within a bord Arg.
(D: Robert du Mont - Aug 95)
Az, 2 mullets of 4 greater & 4 lesser points in fess below a crescent,
all Arg. (B: Atenveldt, Kingdom of - Jan 74) (For College of
Az vtu ploy ermine, a crescent & in chf a coronet Arg. (D: Caia
Snowden - Nov 03)
Barry Vt & Az, issuant from base 2 demi-bears erect respectant &
in chf a crescent Arg. (D: Ursuline de Grennan-Barrett Aug 79?)
Counter-ermine, a crescent Arg, overall a garden rose Or, slipped &
leaved Vt. (D: Arwyn of Ravenspur - Feb 87)
Gu, a crescent, on a chf Arg 2 pallets wavy Az. (D: Halima alRakkasa - May 99)
Gu ermined, a fleur-de-lis & in chf a crescent Arg. (D: Gargan
Garnet - Nov 92)
Gu, in fess a card pique & a crescent Arg. (B: Owen Seys Mar 05) (JB: Alina Kathryn nic Duncan)
Gu, in pale a demi-mullet of nine points issuant from a crescent & a
mullet of twelve points Arg within a bord Az. (B: Nepal Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Gu, in pale a skull & a crescent Arg. (B: Rnn mac an Stalcair Aug 04)
Or, on a pile inv Vt a crescent Arg. (D: Morgaine Aelfdryda ferch
Cadfael - Dec 90)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a tankard & a crescent ctrch. (B: Birna
Gunnlaugsdttir - Feb 06)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a dragon ramp & in dexter chf a decrescent
Arg. (D: Angel de Saint Germain - Feb 04)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a pile inv bendwise sin wavy betw a crescent
Arg & a serpent erect, tail nowed, Arg, marked Sa. (D:
Isadora Athinai - Oct 87)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, a bend sin betw a crescent & a caltrop Arg.
(D: Alina Kathryn nic Duncan - Oct 92)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a crescent Arg & a duck naiant Or. (D:
Zafirah al-Aliyyah - Jan 08)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a crescent & a 2-headed serpent wavy erect,
heads respectant, ctrch. (D: Emrys Miles - Dec 86)
Per bend Vt & Arg, on a bend Az, a hand appaumy couped & in chf
a crescent Arg. (D: Bianca Allegri da Vicenza - Jan 87)
Per chevon inv Az & Purp, a chev inv Vt fimbriated & in chf a
crescent Arg. (D: Leslie of Twin Moons - Feb 02)
Per chev embat Az & Gu, in sin chf a crescent Arg. (D: William
Gregor Grant - Feb 90)
Per chev Gu & Az, 2 swans rousant respectant wings addorsed & a
crescent Arg. (D: Xemena Xemenez - Sep 03)
Per chev inv Gu & Sa, a double-bitted axe & a crescent Arg. (D:
Olaf Oleson Bjorn - Sep 91)
Per chev inv Purp & Gu, a chev inv engrailed betw a crescent & 2
elephants statant respectant Arg. (D: Asha of Grey Niche Feb 07)
Per chev inv Sa & Gu, a chev inv embat & in chf a crescent Arg.
(B: Guy of Castle Kirk - Jan 96)
Per chev Or & Sa, a chev Az & in base a crescent Arg, a chf
invected Sa mullety Arg. (D: Phoebe Hotham - Dec 02)
Per chev per pale Az & Purp & plummety Arg & Sa, 2 stags
springing respectant & in chf a crescent Arg. (B: Elaine of
Elswicke - Mar 01)
Per chev rayonny Sa & Arg, in pale a crescent Arg & a lion
dormant Purp ducally crowned Or. (D: Luned of Snowdon Apr 95)
Per chev Sa & Arg semy of swords Sa, in chf a crescent Arg. (B:
Anlieplic Dn - Nov 84) (For Privy Council of Anlieplic Dun)

Crescent - 1 - Argent - Upright (continued)

Per chev Sa & Az, a seahorse erect maintaining a pitcher, in chf a

crescent, all Arg. (D: Aveline de Roet - Aug 90)
Per chev Sa & Gu, in chf a crescent Arg. (D: Wulfgar of al-Barran
- Dec 97)
Per chev throughout Vt & Sa, in pale 2 crescents Arg. (B:
Diomedes Sebastianus - May 04)
Per fess Arg & Az, in pale an oak tree eradicated Vt & a crescent
Arg. (D: Margaret Penitone of Ravenglass - Nov 83)
Per fess Arg & Az, 2 birds respectant & a crescent ctrch. (B:
Rosalynd of Thornabe on Tees - Apr 94)
Per fess Arg & Vt, in chf a natural tiger passant guardant Vt striped
Or, maintaining a closed book Sa, & in base a crescent Arg.
(D: Kim of Loch Salann - Aug 93)
Per fess counterermine & Sa, on a fess embat counterembattled Arg,
a wolf courant Sa, in base a crescent Arg. (D: Monte
Blackwolf - Nov 88)
Per fess dovetailed Gu & Sa, a griffin passant & a crescent Arg. (D:
Gaston de Clermont - Jun 95)
Per fess embat Sa mullety Arg & Gu, in base a crescent Arg. (D:
Margery Garret - Dec 03)
Per fess rayonny Sa & Gu, in chf a mullet of seven points betw the
horns of a crescent Arg. (D: Khalil al-Jili - Feb 99)
Per fess Sa & Arg, a crescent Arg & a cinquefoil pierced Az. (D:
Gabriela Scarpuzzi - Apr 94)
Per fess Sa & Arg, a crescent Arg & 3 wolves statant contourny Sa.
(D: Murdoch McArthur - Aug 01)
Per pale Gu & Vt, an otter statant reguardant Or, in chf a crescent
Arg. (D: Dmhnull na Carraige - Jun 96)
Per pale Purp & Sa, a crescent betw 2 needles in pile, on a chf
indented Arg 4 mullets of seven points Sa. (D: Julian of
Redwood - Jul 06)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a chev ctrch fimbriated & in chf a sword inv & a
crescent Arg. (D: Ciaran the Confuse - Jun 95)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a pall inv betw 2 owls respectant & a crescent
Arg. (D: Denise of the Debatable Lands - Mar 04)
Per pale Vt & Az, on a chev inv ctrch fimbriated betw a sun & a
crescent, an estoile Arg. (D: Lauren Cleary - Dec 98)
Per pale Vt & Purp, a crescent within a bord engrailed Arg. (B:
Seonaid n Fhionn - Mar 89)
Per pale Vt & Purp, on a pile Arg a winged cat sejant affronty,
wings disp, Sa, in base a crescent Arg. (D: Seonaid n Fhionn
- Aug 84)
Per pall Vt, Arg, & Or, a crescent Arg & 2 cinquefoils Vt. (D:
Meadhbh ni Bhriain - Apr 93)
Per salt Sa & Gu, a crescent Arg. (B: Wulfstan Thorhallsson Jan 04)
Purp, a goblet & in chf a crescent Arg all within a double tressure
Or. (D: Deborah of the Wastelands - Apr 94)
Purp, an opinicus statant Or & in chf a crescent Arg, a bord
engrailed Or. (D: Rowan of Clonmacnoise - Jun 00)
Purp, in pale a rose & a crescent Arg within a bord per salt Sa &
Arg. (D: Melissa of Carolingia - Aug 99)
Purp, in pale a sprig of 3 lotus blossoms & a crescent Arg. (D:
Vivienne of the Moon - Mar 88)
Purp, 2 eagles wings conjoined Or & in chf a crescent Arg. (D:
Celine dAvignon - Jan 87)
Quarterly Or & Sa, a raven ctrch & in sin chf an increscent Arg. (D:
Beatrix Powson of Ravenstonedale - May 05)
Quarterly Purp & Az, a cross parted & fretted & in dexter chf a
crescent Arg. (D: Dirk the Left-Handed - Sep 88)
Quarterly Sa & Or, a Lebanon cedar tree Vt, in chf a crescent Arg &
a Phoenician longship reversed, sails to dexter, Purp. (D:
Ahmed ibn Trbai - Jan 80)
Quarterly Vt & Sa, a crescent within a bord Arg. (B: Aldred Colson
- Mar 81)
Sa, a bezant betw the horns of a crescent, all within nine mullets in
annulo Arg. (D: Eriod of Eire - Jun 81)
Sa, a bucks head caboshed & in chf a crescent all within a bord
Arg. (D: Cionaodh OHosey - Oct 03)
Sa, a butterfly betw the horns of a crescent & in chf 3 plates, one &
2, Arg. (B: Leric Speltigh - May 84)
Sa, a camel statant to sin & in chf a crescent & on a base Arg a
fleur-de-lys Sa. (D: Maria Theresa Sanchez Garcia Mar 04)
Sa, a crescent & a chf embat Arg. (D: Eric Van Roosebeke Jun 03)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 539

[Crescent - 1 - Argent - Upright] to [Crescent - 1 - Azure - Upright]

Crescent - 1 - Argent - Upright (continued)

Sa, a crescent & on a chf Arg 3 ermine spots Gu. (D: Chiara della
Luna - Aug 02)
Sa, a crescent Arg betw seven oak leaves in annulo, all within an
orle Or. (D: Arianwen ferch Morgan Fychan of Caer Llefelys Jul 87)
Sa a crescent betw 2 mullets in pale Arg. (D: Leinhard Germeyn May 03)
Sa, a crescent surmounted by a ken blade Arg. (D: Morimoto
Koryu - Jun 76)
Sa, a gemsbok counterstatant guardant proper, pied Sa, in chf a
crescent Arg. (D: Ronald von Schlosserhausen - Oct 80)
Sa, a stags head couped betw in pale a plate within the stags attire
& a crescent Arg. (B: Talymar gan y Llwyn - Nov 83)
Sa, a wolf ramp contourny betw 3 crescents Arg. (D: Seth Comyn Feb 07)
Sa, a wolfs head erased Or betw the horns of a crescent & on a chf
Arg 3 mullets Sa. (D: Andrew of Dragons Mist - Oct 94)
Sa, in bend 3 estoiles of eight points within 2 gemel bendlets wavy
betw a crescent & a lymphad reversed, all Arg. (D: Maeve of
the Lone Isles - Aug 79)
Sa, in pale a cinquefoil, a crescent, & a dagger inv, all Arg. (D:
Adrienne of Toledo - May 73?)
Sa, in pale a crescent & a horse passant reguardant betw a pair of
flaunches Arg, each charged with a carrick-bend knot Sa. (D:
Jane Trower - Feb 84)
Sa, on a bend sin Or 3 oak leaves Vt & in dexter chf a crescent Arg.
(D: Leticia Troischesnes - Aug 95)
Sa, on a fess Az, fimbriated, betw a sheathed shamshir fesswise inv
& a crescent Arg, a Saracenic pen-box Or. (D: Mansur alSuuban ibn Mudarris - Nov 82)
Sa, 2 chevronelles inv & in chf a crescent, all Arg. (D: Eadric
Shadowguard of Mansfield - Aug 79)
Sa, 2 stags attires Or issuant from betw the horns of a crescent Arg.
(D: Seanach an tSeanachaidhe - Dec 99)
Sa, upon a pall inv betw 2 dragons ramp & a crescent Arg, a pall inv
Vt. (D: Aoibheall Dylon - Feb 91)
Sa, within a crescent Arg, a crescent embat Gu. (D: Cadwynn ap
Cheshire - Mar 75?)
Tierced per pall dovetailed Az, Gu & Sa, a crescent, a dexter arm,
vambraced & gauntletted, issuant from the line of division Arg
maintaining a sword proper, & a lion ramp Or. (D: John
Fettersson of the Misty Hills - Oct 82)
Vt, a crescent & in chf a Kris inv Arg. (D: Chandrabala - Aug 85)
Vt, a crescent betw five mullets of eight points 2 2 & one Arg. (D:
Tahir al-Razi - Oct 04)
Vt, a horse courant & in base a crescent & on a chf Arg 3 mullets
Sa. (D: Diana Scott - Apr 02)
Vt, a phoenix Or, in chf a crescent Arg. (D: Gwendoline Rosamond
- Jan 94)
Vt, a sea lion statant Or within the horns of a crescent Arg & a chf
embat ermine. (D: Cerridwen Maelwedd - Jan 95)
Vt, in pale a boar statant & a crescent Arg. (D: Sen le Bastard Jul 03)
Vt, 2 chevronels betw 2 cats sejant respectant reguardant & a
crescent Arg. (D: Pycard Dunstable Major - Apr 92)
Vt, 2 unicorns heads couped respectant, horns crossed in salt, in
base a crescent, a chf Arg. (D: Gwenddydd Rhosyn o Gymru
Newydd - Oct 84)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Azure - Decrescent

(Fieldless) A decrescent Az. (B: Rhiannon ui Neill - Aug 94)

(Tinctureless) A reflex bow reversed strung with a decrescent &
armed of an arrow fesswise. (B: Cariadoc of the Bow Jun 81)
Arg, a decrescent Az betw in fess 2 heather branches leaved &
flowered proper, all within a bord invected Az. (D: Genna
inghean Braonin u Amaind - Feb 87)
Arg, a decrescent Az betw 3 roses Gu barbed Vt. (D: Alianora
Roseland - Apr 97)
Arg, a decrescent Az within a bord rayonny Vt. (D: Synnve
Nilsdottir - Nov 96)
Arg, a decrescent betw 4 mullets 2 & 2 & a base engrailed Az. (D:
Margareta de la Mer - Mar 02)
Arg, a fess Vt betw 2 mullets Purp & a decrescent Az. (D: Claudia
of Houndsford - Apr 96)
540 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Crescent - 1 - Azure - Decrescent (continued)

Arg, in pale a decrescent & a dragon statant contourny regardant

Az, breathing flames of fire Gu a bord Sa semy of decrescents
Arg. (B: Rhiannon ui Neill - May 94)
Arg, on a bend sin betw a compass star & a decrescent Az 3 goblets
palewise Arg. (D: Mahon ODillane - Apr 96)
Or, a peacock feather bendwise sin Vt debruised by a decrescent
Az. (B: Siobhan of Cloverdell - Sep 85)
Or, a salt betw a decrescent & 3 mullets, on a chf Az 4 thistles Or.
(D: Feargus MacBruce - Jun 92)
Per bend nebuly Az & Arg, a heart & a decrescent ctrch. (D: Ulrich
von Wulfskuhl - Sep 91)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, an owl disp & a decrescent ctrch. (D:
Morgan MacDonnough - Jan 94)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Az, a decrescent & a mullet ctrch. (D:
Crystal Corazn del Len Borbn - Mar 94)
Per bend sin Or & Az, a decrescent & a garb ctrch. (D: Brian Gam
- Sep 92)
Per chev Arg & Or, 2 gouttes Gu & a decrescent Az. (D: Melangell
Dwn - Aug 05)
Per chev Az & Arg, a chev per chev Or & Az, betw 2 bison statant
respectant & a decrescent ctrch. (D: Robert Buffle of
Hawksheye - Aug 88)
Per fess wavy Arg & Az, a decrescent & a crab tergiant ctrch. (D:
Constance Morley - Dec 99)
Per pale wavy Az & Arg, in fess a cock statant, wings elevated &
addorsed, Arg, & a decrescent Az. (D: Cyneheard Dunnering
- Feb 90)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Azure - Increscent

Arg, a sprig of belladonna proper, in canton an increscent Az. (D:

Morgana of the Marshes - Nov 80)
Arg, an owl maintaining in its dexter talon a book & in sin chf an
increscent Az. (D: Elizabeth FitzRandolph - Jan 07)
Az, 2 lions ramp, addorsed & respectant, Or, on a chf erminois an
increscent Az. (D: Matthew the Taylors Son - Mar 88)
Per bend Arg & Az, an increscent & a thistle bendwise ctrch. (D:
Douglas Greythistle of Lanark on Clyde - Nov 90)
Per bend sin Az masoned Arg & Arg, an increscent Az. (D: Grant
of Glaedenfeld - Dec 94)
Per fess Az & Or, a mullet of eight points pierced ctrch, in base an
increscent Az, a chf embat Or. (D: Sybylle of al-Barran Oct 85)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Azure - Pendant

Or, a crescent pendant Az within a serpent in annulo, head to base,

Gu. (D: Cerdic Lejoune - Feb 86)
Or, a Latin cross atop a crescent inv Az. (D: Volodymyr Bohdan
Blahuciak - Nov 97)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 cats passant guardant & a Latin Cross atop a
crescent inv ctrch. (B: Volodymyr Bohdan Blahuciak Nov 97)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Azure - Tilted

Or, a swan naiant Sa, in sin chf a crescent bendwise sin Az, a bord
Sa. (D: Licoricia du Lac Noir - Dec 93)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Azure - Upright

(Fieldless) A crescent Az. (B: Miguel Antonio Fernandez de

Chaves - Nov 01)
(Tinctureless) An estoile betw the horns of a crescent. (B: Richard
I of England - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA badge)
(Fieldless) An owl affronty Arg perched within a crescent Az. (B:
Francesca di Pavia - Feb 91)
(Fieldless) betw the horns of a crescent a fleur-de-lis Az. (B:
Robear du Bois - Aug 79)
(Fieldless) On a crescent Az, an Arabic letter ba Arg. (B: Benefse
al-Rashida - Feb 03)
Arg, a chev Sa betw in chf 2 mermaids each maintaining a sword &
in base a crescent Az. (D: Aldruth Arkesleve - Oct 03)
Arg, a crescent & on a chf Az 3 mullets of six points Arg. (D:
Ildaria Nunez de Caminha - Jul 04)
Arg a crescent voided Az. (B: Tess of Ambergeen - Nov 77)

[Crescent - 1 - Azure - Upright] to [Crescent - 1 - Gules - Upright]

Crescent - 1 - Azure - Upright (continued)

Arg estencelly, a crescent Az. (D: Ailis Linne - Jun 02)

Arg, in pale a dove disp, head elevated, betw the points of a
crescent, all within a bord Az. (D: Tess of Ambergeen Oct 86)
Arg, in pale a hurt & a crescent within a bord Az. (D: Corey
Heydon - Jul 83)
Arg, in pale a rose proper slipped & leaved Vt & a crescent
environing the slip Az, a bord engrailed Sa. (D: Asiya alMubaraka - Oct 07)
Arg, in salt a rosebud Gu, slipped & leaved Vt, & a sword Sa, in
base a crescent Az. (D: Francis de Grce - Jan 84)
Or, a compass star alternately wavy & straight, betw in sin chf a
crescent & a base, all Az. (B: Telbyrne Morningstar Aug 79) (For House Morningstar)
Or, in pale a crescent & a serpent in annulo Az. (D: Thorval
Wronghand - Feb 87)
Per chev Az & Or, 3 compass stars, one & 2, Arg & a crescent Az.
(D: Angelina Panattoni di Lucca - Feb 87)
Per fess Or & Arg, a dance Az betw 2 escallops Gu & a crescent
Az. (D: Gerald Saunders - Apr 98)
Vt, a mermaid & on a chf triangular Arg, a crescent Az. (D:
Micaela Isabella Botticelli - Nov 92)
Vt, in pale a crescent Az fimbriated & a coney dormant to sin Arg.
(D: Kevin MacKinnon - Jan 85)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Fur

(Fieldless) A crescent ermine. (B: Isabel Grimault - Oct 02)

(Tinctureless) A reflex bow reversed strung with a decrescent &
armed of an arrow fesswise. (B: Cariadoc of the Bow Jun 81)
(Tinctureless) An estoile betw the horns of a crescent. (B: Richard
I of England - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA badge)
Arg, a wolfs head erased Vt within the horns of a crescent counterermine. (B: Ranulf of Wolfshaven - Jul 91)
Az, a griffin statant contourny & in base a crescent Or. (D: Roland
Ducat - Jan 03)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Gules - Decrescent

(Tinctureless) A reflex bow reversed strung with a decrescent &

armed of an arrow fesswise. (B: Cariadoc of the Bow Jun 81)
A single Gu decrescent on any Arg background or in any way that
could be disp on an Arg background. (B: Red Crescent Jul 06) (Important non-SCA badge)(The restriction includes
fieldless badges and is based on international treaty. See
Letter of Acceptances and Returns for details.)
Arg, a decrescent Gu. (B: Red Crescent - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA flag)
Arg, on a bend sin wavy Az betw a sun & a decrescent Gu, 3
mullets of six points palewise Arg. (D: Etienne Xavier de
Saosnes - Jan 97)
Counter-ermine, a sword Arg debruised by a decrescent Gu. (D:
Rass Trammerlaine Drakon - Jan 73)
Gu, on a plate within the horns of a decrescent a mullet Gu. (B:
Tunisia - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)
Gyronny of fourteen Az & Arg, a decrescent Gu charged with a
bear ramp to sin Arg. (B: Llwyd Emrys - Jan 90)
Per fess embat Sa & Or, 2 sunbursts Or, clouded Arg, & a bulls
head cabossed Sa, betw its horns a decrescent Gu. (D: Seamus
MacLeoid - Jan 98)
Per fess Vt & Arg, a mullet betw the horns of a decrescent Gu. (B:
Algeria - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a decrescent moon & an increscent moon, a base
engrailed ctrch Arg & Gu. (D: Owen the Mad - Aug 96)
Per pale Sa & Arg mulletty ctrch, a decrescent Gu. (D: Konstantin
Drozdenskii Rumiantsevits - Feb 07)
Per salt Arg & Sa, in pale a decrescent & a clenched gauntlet Gu.
(D: Brian Ringweaver - Nov 90)
Sa, on a pale Arg a decrescent Gu. (D: Pwyll pen Tyrhon Jan 73?)
Vairy Arg & Sa, a decrescent Gu. (D: Yngvar the Dismal Apr 89)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Gules - Increscent

Arg, a bend Az betw an increscent Gu & a sword, a bord Sa. (D:

Mustafa the Red - Nov 04)
Counter-vairy Or & Az, an increscent & on a chf Gu a lion dormant
Or. (D: Paulina Cline - Nov 91)
Per bend Arg & Or, on a bend Vt betw an increscent Gu & a scythe
with head in base & blade to sin proper, a garb palewise Or.
(D: Margaret of Radclyffe - Jul 85)
Per bend Or & Sa, an increscent Gu & a compass-star Arg. (D:
Conchobhar mac Melin - Jan 95)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, in bend an increscent & a boars head
erased ctrch. (D: Gaela of Radclyffe - Nov 80)
Per pale Gu & Or, a comet throughout headed of a compass star
betw a decrescent & an increscent ctrch. (D: Haley lfsdttir
- Jul 00)
Sa, issuant from a maunch or, semee-de-lis Gu, lined Gu, a hand
supporting a goblet or, in canton an increscent Gu, fimbriated
or. (D: Elite de la Loire - Aug 79)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Gules - Pendant

Arg, 2 bendlets sin Sa betw a mullet environed of a crescent inv &

an eagles wing Gu, all within a bord Sa. (D: Eirik
Guthrthson - Mar 91)
Ermine, in chf a crescent inv Gu surmounted by an arrow fracted
chevronwise inv Sa. (D: Garvey the Pict - Jul 90)
Or, in pale a raven disp Sa perched atop a crescent inv Gu all within
a bord embat Sa. (D: Bran of Lough Derg - Jan 04)
Paly Arg & Sa, in pale a crescent inv & a goutte Gu. (D: Gwilenhin
ap Fflewddwr - Dec 96)
Quarterly Or & Az, a crescent inv Gu. (D: Harald One-Eye Mar 92)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Gules - Tilted

Per bend indented Gu & Or, a sun & a crescent horns to sin chf
ctrch. (D: Bryn OGrady - Feb 06)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Gules - Upright

(Fieldless) A crescent Gu. (B: Saher de Wahull - May 06)

(Fieldless) A cubit arm proper issuant from the mouth of a fishs
head couped close Vt, maintaining a crescent Gu. (B: Simona
Zon dAsolo - Aug 93)
(Tinctureless) An estoile betw the horns of a crescent. (B: Richard
I of England - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA badge)
(Fieldless) On a crescent Gu a cross moline Or. (B: Aurenca
Mouly - Mar 04)
Arg, a crescent Gu & on a chf nebuly Sa in fess a scimitar inv
reversed & a scimitar Arg. (D: Shamir ibn Abd al-Rahman Oct 06)
Arg, a cross couped of 3 crossbars missing the dexter base arm & in
base a crescent Gu. (D: Kazimierz Dimidowicz Dziecielowski Mar 98)
Arg, semy-de-lys Sa, a dragon passant within the horns of a
crescent Gu. (D: Catarina della Zimarra - Sep 88)
Arg trefly Az, in pale a crescent Gu & a lion ramp Sa. (D: Randel
Patrick Gallagher - Jul 92)
Or, a bend per bend Arg & Sa & overall issuant from a crescent Gu
charged with the phrase "Always render service with Gods
guidance" in Arabic Sa betw in fess a pair of cubit arms
palewise a palm tree ensigned with a platform & banner Gu, in
base & conjoined to the crescent a ribbon Gu charged with
"Brunei, city of peace" in Arabic. (B: Brunei - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Or, 2 ravens close respectant Sa maintaining betw them a crescent
Gu, all within an orle Sa. (D: Ellisif Arngunnardottir Jul 92)
Per bend sin embat lozengy Arg & Sa & Gu, a crescent & a bat disp
ctrch. (D: Almedha of Anglesey - Jul 01)
Per fess wavy Arg & barry wavy Gu & Arg, a crescent in chf & a
bord Gu. (D: Ivan Ulrickson - Sep 93)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a chev ctrch & in base a crescent, a bord Gu. (D:
Tristan von Rothenburg - Dec 92)
Per pale ermine & Or, 2 lions combattant & in chf a crescent Gu.
(D: Jenefer Philippa Crosthwaite - Sep 04)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 541

[Crescent - 1 - Gules - Upright] to [Crescent - 1 - Or - Decrescent]

Crescent - 1 - Gules - Upright (continued)

Sa, within a crescent Arg, a crescent embat Gu. (D: Cadwynn ap

Cheshire - Mar 75?)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Multicolor - Upright (continued)

(Fieldless) A decrescent per pale Az & Arg. (B: Kiena Gledston May 06)
(Fieldless) A decrescent tierced per fess Gu, Arg & Sa. (B: Yngvar
the Dismal - Jun 92)
(Tinctureless) A reflex bow reversed strung with a decrescent &
armed of an arrow fesswise. (B: Cariadoc of the Bow Jun 81)
(Fieldless) On a decrescent per fess Sa & Az a fess engrailed Arg.
(B: Fiadhnait inghean Chiaragin - Nov 04)
Paly of 4 Or & Az, 2 mullets & a decrescent ctrch. (D: Liriel
Correll of Tuatha Keep - Dec 87)
* * * End * * *

Per pale Or & Sa, a crescent betw 2 bars wavy ctrch. (D: Brandon
of Tipperary - Mar 84)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a crescent betw 3 open books ctrch. (D:
Celainn inghean u Rordin - Apr 98)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a crescent ctrch & a chf Vt. (D: Jennet of
Amberley - Jun 90)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a crescent within a bord ctrch. (B: Nadirah bint
Sayf of the Hashid - Apr 93)
Per pall Arg, Gu, & Sa, a crescent per pale Sa & Gu & 2 crosses of
Santiago Arg. (D: Guilliermo Ugarte de Navarra - Oct 92)
Per pall inv Sa Az & Or, 2 pegasi segreant Or & a crescent per pale
Sa & Az. (D: Alisaundre de la Camargue - Jul 96)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, in pale a crescent & a fleur-de-lys ctrch. (D:
Giovanna Gabbriella Donati - Jan 05)
Vt, a martlet migrant bendwise sin Or, orbed Gu, betw the horns of
a crescent per pale Or & Arg. (D: Sandra Sogan - Sep 71?)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Multicolor - Increscent

Crescent - 1 - Or - Decrescent

Crescent - 1 - Multicolor - Decrescent

(Fieldless) An increscent moon lozengy Arg & Az. (B: Elspeth ni

Conchobhair o Ciarraighe - Sep 91)
Per bend Az & Arg, an increscent ctrch. (D: Dierdre Breffsdottir Aug 79?)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Multicolor - Pendant

Per pale Arg mullety of 4 points Sa & Sa mullety of 4 points Arg, a

crescent inv ctrch Vt & Arg, a base Vt. (D: Frederick
Speuradair - Jun 94)
Per pale Az & Arg, in pale a crescent inv & a compass-star ctrch Or
& Sa. (D: Athelesia Morgan - Sep 85)
Per pale Or & Az, 2 pegasi combattant betw in pale a crescent
pendant & a compass star, all within a bord ctrch. (D: Fiona
von Steinhaus - May 81)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a crescent pendant, in chf 2 ermine spots ctrch.
(D: Thorfin Ragnar Sigurdsson - Jul 01)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a phoenix ctrch rising from flames emergent
from base proper & in chf a crescent inv ctrch. (B: Siobhann
n Chathain MacMhuiraich - May 84)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, in pale a dragon passant Or & a crescent
pendant ctrch. (D: Gwydion Merther - Mar 05)
Sa, a cloudless natural rainbow in the shape of a crescent inv,
overall a phoenix of flames rising, all proper. (D: Kormack
OKelly - Jun 82)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Multicolor - Tilted

There are no items under this heading.

* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Multicolor - Upright

(Fieldless) A crescent bendy sin Sa & Arg. (B: al-Haadi abd-alMalik Husam ibn Khalid - Jun 95)
(Fieldless) A crescent per pale Arg & Gu. (B: Enderlin Jger Jan 07)
(Fieldless) A crescent per pale Or & ermine. (B: Charles de
Cayeux - Jun 02)
(Fieldless) A crescent per pale Or & Sa charged with a mullet of
eight points ctrch. (B: Ysabeau de Saint Wanderielle Oct 94)
(Tinctureless) An estoile betw the horns of a crescent. (B: Richard
I of England - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA badge)
Per chev Arg & Sa, a crescent ctrch. (D: Sigvaldi inn enski Aug 06)
Per pale & per chev Arg & Az, 2 trefoils & a crescent ctrch. (D:
Judith the Uncertain - Feb 87)
Per pale Arg & Az, a crescent & on a chf 3 mullets of 4 points all
ctrch. (D: Aziza al-Kashani - Feb 91)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a crescent within a bord rayonny ctrch. (D:
Suleiman ibn Ghazi abdal Rahim al Andalusi - Oct 99)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a dragon & a wolf combattant, in chf a crescent,
all ctrch Gu & Arg. (D: Lucian le Wolfe - Jul 05)
Per pale Az & Arg, a crescent & a demi sun issuant from base ctrch.
(D: Ceara n Loidein - Feb 96)
Per pale Or & Purp, 2 bulls ramp respectant, in base a crescent, all
ctrch, & a chf embat Sa. (D: Chandra al-Samira - Jun 90)
542 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

(Fieldless) A demi-dragon contourny Az sustaining a decrescent

Or. (B: Simon Kerbouchard - Nov 07)
(Fieldless) A mullet within & conjoined to a decrescent Or. (B:
Godric the Gallant - Nov 99)
(Tinctureless) A reflex bow reversed strung with a decrescent &
armed of an arrow fesswise. (B: Cariadoc of the Bow Jun 81)
(Fieldless) On a decrescent Or a mullet Sa. (B: Elwyn Halfmoon Apr 94)
Arg, a horned pegasus springing Sa & in base a decrescent Or
fimbriated Sa. (D: Joi du Lac - Aug 79)
Az, a decrescent Or betw 3 plates. (D: Katherine Ashewode Oct 04)
Az, a decrescent Or within a joscelyn Arg & Gu belled Arg. (B:
Phob Kornthia - May 06)
Az, a pegasus salient, wings disp, Arg, in chf a decrescent moon Or,
all within a bord Arg, semy of escutcheons Sa. (D: Michel
lEstropi de Montserrat - Jul 91)
Az, a unicorns head couped to sin Arg, in canton a decrescent Or.
(D: Ivone Pons Leyr - Nov 91)
Az bezanty, a decrescent & on a chf Or 3 mullets Az. (D: Johanna
Hasard - Jan 95)
Az, in fess a decrescent Or enclosing within its horns a millrind
Arg. (B: Theresa of the Blue Rose - Jun 83) (For House
Az, on a pall Or in base a fir tree couped Az, in chf a decrescent Or,
a bord Arg. (D: Anna Fae - Oct 04)
Az, 2 comets palewise, heads to chf, Arg betw their heads a
decrescent Or. (D: Gwyddon Alexander MacGregor of
Settmour - Oct 87)
Az, within a roundel engrailed & voided of the field betw 4 mullets
2 & 2, a decrescent Or. (D: Deborah of Llyr - Jan 73?)
Bendy Arg & Sa, a decrescent Or, overall a cross bottony Gu. (D:
Valencia Carlota Maria de Granada - Jun 89)
Ermine, a bend sin within a bord Az, overall a scarpe nebuly & in
dexter chf a decrescent Or. (D: Gernot of Gallimaufry Oct 76?)
Gu, a decrescent moon within an orle of mullets Or. (D: Lourana
Moonwind - Oct 85)
Gu, a decrescent Or within a bord ermine. (B: Oskar of the Wood Jun 08)
Gu, a stag springing Arg & in sin chf a decrescent Or within a bord
ermine. (D: Oskar of the Wood - Nov 90)
Gu, in fess a decrescent & a bat Or. (D: Ikishima Katsutoshi Mar 05)
Or, a double-bitted axe Vt, issuant from dexter fess a lozenge Gu
charged with a decrescent Or, issuant from sin fess a lozenge
Gu charged with a sun Or. (D: Serhana-Grey of Ravenshold Mar 78?)
Pean, in bend a decrescent Or & a pile bendwise inv Arg. (D: Leif
Moonshadow Dalesonn - Oct 83)
Per bend indented Sa & Arg, in sin chf a decrescent Or within a
bord Gu. (D: Elspeth y Gweledydd - Aug 88)
Per bend paly Or & Sa & Gu, a bend & in base betw the horns of a
decrescent a mullet Or. (D: Zaneta Angiolieri - Jul 05)
Per bend sin Az & Purp, a bend sin engrailed betw a sun & a
decrescent Or. (D: Brigid of Ballyteegan - Apr 91)

[Crescent - 1 - Or - Decrescent] to [Crescent - 1 - Or - Increscent]

Crescent - 1 - Or - Decrescent (continued)

Per bend sin potenty Sa & Gu, a decrescent Or & a unicorn ramp
Arg. (D: Sybyl ferch Llywelyn ab Einion ap Gruffydd Feb 92)
Per bend sin Purp & Vt, a bend sin cotised betw an elephants head
couped close & a decrescent with a mullet suspended betw its
horns Or. (D: Yusuf Jabar al-Timbuktuwwi - Jun 91)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, a decrescent Or & 3 fir trees couped proper.
(D: Madelyn Alcott - Apr 91)
Per bend sin Sa & pean, a scarpe & in dexter chf a decrescent
double-arched Or. (D: Jessica of Quizzisath - Jul 80)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, a bend sin Arg betw a decrescent & a
seahorse erect Or. (B: Leif Moonshadow Dalesonn - Jan 83)
(JB: Shawna Kerr of Devonshire)(For House of the Crescent
& Seahorse)
Per chev Az & Arg, in chf a decrescent Or. (B: Hawkwood Mar 82)
Per chev Purp & Gu, 2 hummingbirds rising respectant wings
addorsed & a decrescent Or. (D: Genevieve Marie Etiennette
de Montagne - Apr 97)
Per fess embat Az & Sa, in pale a decrescent & a double-bitted axe
or. (D: Hans von Hammer - Aug 79)
Per fess ermine & Purp, a griffin sejant erect, in canton a decrescent
Or. (D: Svidrir Einarrsson - Aug 79?)
Per fess Gu & Az, an aurochs head cabossed, betw its horns a
mullet of eight points, in base a rose & a decrescent bendwise
sin Or. (D: Moldova - Dec 03) (Important non-SCA arms)
Per fess indented of five points Sa & Or, a decrescent Or & five
chevronels braced Gu. (D: Iseulte of the Red Cliffs - Jul 91)
Per fess Sa & Purp, in pale a decrescent Or & a goutte deau. (D:
Joseph of Wrm Wald - Aug 88)
Per fess wavy Sa & Or, a decrescent double-arched & 2 cats pawprints ctrch. (B: Jessica of Quizzisath - Feb 85)
Per fess wavy Sa & Vt, in chf a decrescent, a bord Or. (D: Anke
von Annewillere - Aug 96)
Per pale Gu & Or, a comet throughout headed of a compass star
betw a decrescent & an increscent ctrch. (D: Haley lfsdttir
- Jul 00)
Per pale Purp & Vt, a chev Arg, in chf in fess a decrescent & a sun
Or. (D: Sarah McHenry - Oct 89)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a sprig of 2 acorns & 3 oak leaves proper & in
chf a decrescent Or & a compass star wavy Gu. (D: Fiona or
Dderwenau - May 83)
Per pale Sa & Vt, an antelope ramp Arg, in canton a decrescent Or.
(D: Piers Blackmere - Jul 01)
Per pale wavy Vt & Purp, a decrescent & a lyre Or. (D: Diana of
Viroconium - Mar 98)
Per pall Gu, Arg & Sa, in chf a decrescent Or, in dexter in bend 3
mullets of 4 points Purp, & in sin a seax proper. (D: Omar
Mohammud Mirzazadeh - Aug 83)
Per pall Vt Arg & Sa, a decrescent Or & 2 wolves sejant respectant
ululant Sa & Arg. (D: Ceinwen Bleddyn - Nov 02)
Purp, a decrescent & on a chf triangular Or, a rose Gu, barbed &
seeded proper. (D: Delilia Castillo - Oct 87)
Purp, in pale a decrescent Or & a dove close contourny maintaining
in its beak a moonflower slipped Arg leaved Or. (D: Siobhn
le Wilfulle - Jan 05) (? what sort of flower is a moonflower)
Purp, on a bend sin betw a sun & a decrescent Or, 3 billets palewise
Az. (D: Angus of Ayr - Oct 90)
Sa, a bend sin betw five mullets, 3 & 2, & a decrescent, all within a
bord embat Or. (D: Beorhtmund von Magdeburg - Aug 89)
Sa, a bendlet Arg betw in cross a decrescent Or & 3 compass stars
Arg, overall a roundel quarterly Az & Or. (D: Terellys of
Darkmoor - Mar 80)
Sa, a decrescent Or. (B: Christopher Edward Hawkins - Apr 97)
Sa, a decrescent within eight lozenges in annulo, bases to center, all
within a bord Or. (D: Patrick Levi Darkwrath - Dec 89)
Sa mullety, a chev Arg & in base a decrescent Or. (D: Katharine
da Carrara - Oct 01)
Sa, on a bend betw a sun in splendor & a decrescent Or a rose Purp
barbed, slipped, & leaved Vt. (D: Cara Gianetta Foscari Sep 05)
Sa, 2 lightning bolts in salt betw in fess 2 swords palewise & in chf
a decrescent, all within a bord Or. (D: James Nightstriker Mar 89)
Vt, a decrescent & in chf 3 mullets of eight points Or. (D: Aelfric
MacRancan - Oct 02)

Crescent - 1 - Or - Decrescent (continued)

Vt, a decrescent betw 3 lozenges Or. (D: Wolfgang der Sucher May 02)
Vt, a decrescent within a bord embat Or. (B: Griffin Suaird Oct 07)
Vt, a fess Sa fimbriated surmounted by a domed mosque of one
minaret, in canton a decrescent Or. (D: Afra bint Tamir alSahrahwayyiah - May 98)
Vt, a pine tree couped & in canton a decrescent Or. (D: Avelina of
the Wood - Jan 06)
Vt, on a bend Arg betw a decrescent & 3 garbs Or 4 mullets
bendwise sin Az. (D: Anastasia Ivanovna Rostislava Dec 97)
Vt, 2 chevronels braced betw in chf a crescent betw 2 mullets of six
points & in base a mullet of six points Or. (D: Kale
Laskarina Sarantene - Sep 99)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Or - Increscent

Arg, a griffin segreant Az drawing a bow Vt, in chf an increscent Or

fimbriated Sa. (D: Cariadoc of the Bow - Jan 73)
Arg, on a toad sejant Sa, an increscent Or. (D: Salvatore del
Rosposcuro - Aug 89)
Az, an eagle disp Or, beaked & membered Gu, maintaining in its
beak a Latin cross, betw in chf a sun & an increscent Or. (D:
Moldavia - Dec 03) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, in annulo an increscent & betw its horns 3 mullets, all
environed of a laurel wreath Or. (D: Crescent Moon, the Jan 85)
Az, in annulo an increscent & betw its horns 3 mullets Or. (B:
Crescent Moon, the - Feb 86) (Ensign)
Az, seated in a moon increscent Or a nude maiden holding a veil
proper, in dexter chf a dove volant Arg. (B: Roger the Goliard
- Feb 75?)
Az, seated in an increscent moon Or a nude maiden holding a veil
proper, within an orle Or. (D: Roger the Goliard - Nov 81)
Az, 3 catamounts ramp Arg, in chf an increscent Or. (D: Aelesia
Marschal - Jun 08)
Counter-ermine, a bend sin Gu betw a bezant & an increscent Or.
(D: James the Inconstant - Dec 80)
Gu, a bend sin Arg betw a sun in his splendor & an increscent moon
Or, a bord Arg. (D: Cicilia Deldanza - Dec 00)
Gu, a peacock Or, the tail marked Gu, collared & tethered Arg in
sin chf to a mullet within the horns of an increscent Or. (D:
Sleyman Khaym - Apr 07)
Gu, in cross an increscent betw 4 butterflies, heads to center Or. (D:
Umm Sulaiman Safia al-Bakhtariyya - Aug 97)
Gu, 3 lotus blossoms in profile & in chf an increscent Or. (D:
Ratanavati Bai - Apr 06)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a bend double-bevilled betw an increscent & a
demi-sun in splendour issuant from base, all Or. (D: Alanric
of Gloucester - Oct 85)
Per bend Sa & Or, an increscent bendwise Or & a human eye Arg
fimbriated Gu irised Az. (D: Henorithal the Harmless Nov 07)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, on a bend sin Arg 3 dragonflies palewise
Purp, in canton an increscent Or. (D: Idonea de Clare May 07)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, a compass star & an increscent ctrch. (D:
Katherine of South Downs - Dec 83)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, an increscent & a raven ctrch. (D: Muredach
Dil Riata - Sep 95)
Per chev Az & Purp, an increscent & in chf 3 mullets of six points
Or. (D: Celstine von Appenzell - Jan 98)
Per chev Gu & Az, an increscent Or within a bord Arg. (B:
Beatrice Delfini - Aug 83)
Per chev inv Vt & Sa, an increscent betw in cross 4 mullets of 4
points Or. (D: Duibheasa Maeve of Strikkenwoode - Jul 00)
Per fess embat Az & Vt, an increscent Or & a domestic cat sejant
Arg. (D: Branwen Madyn Wallis - Mar 94)
Per fess embat Or & Purp, a sun in splendour Gu & a moon
increscent, a mullet betw its horns, Or. (D: Gisela von
Edgemund - Aug 84)
Per fess wavy Az & barry wavy Arg & Az in chf a mullet of eight
points & an increscent Or. (D: Robyrt of Watersyde - Jul 98)
Per fess wavy Az & Or, an increscent Or & a crab Gu. (B:
Alessandra Ruscello - Aug 04)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 543

[Crescent - 1 - Or - Increscent] to [Crescent - 1 - Or - Upright]

Crescent - 1 - Or - Increscent (continued)

Plumetty Sa & Arg, an increscent Or. (D: Darius Coligny Aug 03)
Purp, a bend Gu fimbriated, in chf an increscent, a chf Or. (D:
Caissne ingen Scandail - Dec 97)
Purp, an increscent Or, a bord Or semy of quatrefoils slipped Vt.
(D: Serena OBrian - Sep 95)
Quarterly checky Vt & Arg & Az, an increscent betw in bend sin 2
pairs of mullets of 4 points in bend Or. (D: Gawyne Mace
Wollerton - Apr 92)
Sa, a reremouse Arg, in chf an increscent Or. (D: Kara Temur Nov 97)
Sa, an increscent betw 3 mullets one & 2 Or. (B: Arianne
Farnsworth of Falconmoors - Aug 02)
Sa, an increscent Or betw five columns, 2, 2, & one Arg. (D: Timur
ibn Junaid - Oct 98)
Sa, in fess 2 frogs salient contourny Arg, in dexter chf a mullet
within the horns of an increscent Or. (D: Bella Brandi Apr 05)
Sa, mullety, an increscent Or. (D: Arianne Farnsworth of
Falconmoors - Jul 86)
Vt, a feather bendwise & in sin chf an increscent Or. (D: Emma
Wen of Painscastle - Dec 04)
Vt, an increscent betw in fess 2 cinquefoils Or, on a chf Arg a pine
cone, stem to base Vt. (D: Gerlinda Agast - Apr 06)
Vt, an increscent moon Or, on a chf Arg 3 compass stars Gu. (D:
Marjorie of Bethany - May 92)
Vt, in pale an increscent & a pinecone, stem to chf Or. (D: Diana
Kidder - Apr 06)
Vt, on a cross Arg, a cross Gu, overall a pegasus Arg & in canton an
increscent Or. (D: Diana Listmaker - Jan 73?)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Or - Pendant

(Fieldless) A crescent inv & overall an arrow fracted in chev inv

Or. (B: Edith of Arbroath - Mar 00)
(Fieldless) A fer-de-loup inv Or. (B: Ulfarr MacDhughaill Jan 93)
Az, a crescent inv & overall an arrow fracted in chev inv Or. (D:
Edith of Arbroath - Mar 04)
Az, betw the horns of a crescent pendant a mullet of ten points Or,
on a chf Arg 3 gouttes de larmes. (D: Alianora Blackwell Nov 07)
Az, in pale on a crescent inv Or a natural leopard passant guardant
Sa, & a bear sejant to sin reguardant Arg. (D: Ursula Katze Dec 83)
Gu, a crescent pendant & on a chf wavy Or, five torteaux. (D:
Marian Cwmbran - Mar 86)
Per bend Vt & Or, a crescent inv Or & a thistle proper. (D: Rowan
Ramsay MacDiarmaid - Oct 86)
Per fess counter-ermine & Vt, a crescent inv & a drawn bow
fesswise nocked of an arrow Or. (D: Ormr bogsveigir Mar 04)
Per fess rayonny Sa & Or, a crescent pendant Or & a mullet of eight
points Gu. (D: Mordain Blackcloak - Dec 81)
Per fess rayonny Vt & Arg, in chf a crescent inv Or & in base 3
Latin crosses bottony Gu. (D: Matthew of Skraeling Althing Dec 95)
Per fess Sa & Gu, a scimitar fesswise blade to base, fracted & a
crescent inv a bord Or. (D: Khadija bint Shuja - Apr 98)
Per pale Az & Sa, in chf 2 fleurs-de-lis Or & in base a crescent
pendant Or. (D: Carole the Grim - Jan 73?)
Potent, a crescent inv Or. (D: Maeva Torfadottir - Oct 89)
Vt, a dance ermine betw a crescent pendant & a winged bear
passant Or, & a bord ermine. (D: Fiona nic Ferrall OCahan Jun 93)
Vt, in pale a crescent inv & a Thors hammer Or. (D: Styrbjrn
Halte - Aug 94)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Or - Tilted

Az, a crescent bendwise Or, sustained by a cubit arm palewise

proper, a bord Or. (D: Ysabet ferch Gwydyon - Feb 98)
Per pale Vt & Purp, an estoile within & conjoined to a crescent
bendwise sin Or within a bord Or mulletty of six points Sa. (D:
Minna Rose von Kroppe - Jan 06)

544 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Crescent - 1 - Or - Tilted (continued)

Vt, on a bend bretessed Arg betw a mullet of eight points & a

crescent bendwise sin Or, a bend Gu, all within a bord embat
Arg. (D: Christine Ariadne of Gwynedd - Jun 86)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Or - Upright

(Fieldless) A crescent Or en soleil Az. (B: Michaela de Neuville Nov 77)

(Fieldless) A helm Sa torsed mantled & maintaining as a crest a
crescent Or. (B: Klaus Rother von Schweinichen - Jun 05)
(JB: Thaddeus von Orlamnde)(For Gesellschaft mit der
(Fieldless) A rose proper within & conjoined to a crescent Or. (B:
Aryanna Hawkyns - Jan 06)
(Tinctureless) An estoile betw the horns of a crescent. (B: Richard
I of England - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA badge)
Az, a crescent environed to chf of five mullets in demi-annulo, all
within a bord embat Or. (D: Morgan Starbridge - Apr 89)
Az, a crescent Or betw 3 mullets of 4 points a bord embat Arg. (D:
Christian Broussard - Jan 96)
Az, a crescent Or surmounted by a nude red-headed woman arms
upraised proper winged Or. (D: Helena Seren de Luna Aug 01)
Az, a cross ermine, in canton a crescent Or. (D: Charles de Cayeux
- Sep 00)
Az, in chev 2 batons raguly issuant from the flanks, in base a
crescent Or. (D: Drew Oldcastle - May 92)
Az, in pale a comet bendwise inv Arg & a crescent, a sin tierce Or.
(D: Olwen the Odd - Apr 01)
Az, in pale a fleur-de-lys & a crescent Or within a bord Arg. (D:
Stanislaw Jan Ossolinski - May 90)
Az, in pale 3 mullets of 4 points, 2 & one, & a crescent, all within a
double tressure Or. (D: Patrick Michael Gordonne - Dec 89)
Az, on a chev wavy betw in chf 2 acorns inv slipped & leaved & in
base in pale a crescent & a bulls head cabossed Or, 3 mullets
of eight points Sa. (D: Aonghas na Coille MacDomhnull Mar 84)
Az, on a fess Arg betw a crescent & 2 scimitars in salt Or a lotus
flower in profile Az. (D: Erin of Atenveldt - Jan 08)
Az, on a fess Arg betw 3 trefoils slipped & a crescent Or, a lion
couchant Gu. (D: Ciaran Kirriemuir Androssoun - Nov 88)
Az, 2 chevronels Arg surmounted by a crescent Or, a chf Arg. (D:
David Wayland - Jul 91)
Gu, a chev inv & in chf a crescent all within a bord Or. (B:
Cionaodh OHosey - Oct 03)
Gu, a crescent within a spokeless Catherine wheel, all within a
bordurelet Or. (D: Kate Philippa oShion - Jan 81)
Gu, an owls head couped & in chf a crescent Or. (B: Teleri
Talgellawg - Nov 91)
Gu, on a bend Az fimbriated forming part of a fret 3 fleurs-de-lys,
in chf a crescent Or. (D: Robert de Spencer - Mar 82)
Gu, on a bend sin wavy betw a maple leaf & a crescent Or a scarpe
Sa. (D: Leifr of the Crescent Moon - Jul 01)
Gu, on a phoenix Or rising from flames proper a Roman numeral V
Gu, in chf a crescent, a bord Or. (B: Caid - Jul 94)
Gu, 2 peacocks pavonated to base addorsed reguardant, in chf a
crescent Or. (D: Rashid ibn Hilal - Nov 94)
Gu, 2 spears in salt Arg, in chf a crescent Or. (D: Walter of
Minstead - Aug 95)
Gyronny Arg, & Az mullety Arg, a crescent Or. (D: David the
Lightgatherer - Mar 78?)
Per bend Gu & Sa, on a bend betw a crescent & a natural seahorse
bendwise Or, 3 trefoils Vt. (D: Arven Atwater - Dec 92)
Per bend Or & Sa, an estoile & a crescent ctrch. (D: Sorcha of
Ballycastle - Mar 96)
Per bend rayonny Arg & Az, a fleur-de-lys Az & a crescent Or. (D:
Clia Emeriau de Morgan - Mar 90)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a crescent & a sword, a bord Or. (D: Malcolm
Maclein - Sep 98)
Per bend Sa & Vt, on a bend Arg betw a sun & a crescent Or, an
arrow inv Sa. (D: Jason the Fletcher - Sep 00)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, a dolphin haurient & a crescent Or all within
a bord Arg. (D: Constantine de Felice - Dec 02)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, a crescent & a sin wing Or. (D: Joseph
dAremand - Oct 02)

[Crescent - 1 - Or - Upright] to [Crescent - 1 - Sable - Decrescent]

Crescent - 1 - Or - Upright (continued)

Per bend sin Or & Gu, a bend sin Sa betw a foxs mask & a crescent
ctrch. (D: Sophia von Eisental - Nov 04)
Per bend sin Or & Gu, an eye Arg, irised Az, betw in chf 3 mullets
in fess Gu & in base a crescent Or. (D: Rashid al Faqih Sep 88)
Per chev Arg & Az, in base a decrescent Or. (B: Hawkwood Aug 07) (For Order of the Golden Moon)
Per chev Az & Vt, a crescent betw 3 pairs of wheat stalks in salt Or.
(D: Heinrich Wolfsattel - Dec 00)
Per chev Gu & Or, a crescent Or & a natural panther couchant Sa.
(D: Antonia Ambrosia Illirica - Mar 87)
Per chev Gu & Sa, 2 fleurs-de-lys & a crescent Or. (D: Tyer
Decharme - Jan 98)
Per chev inv dovetailed Sa mullety Or & Gu, in chf a crescent & in
base 3 equal-armed celtic crosses pommety Or. (D:
Chrystiana Saint Ebremond - May 95)
Per chev inv Or & Az, a greyhounds head erased & a crescent
ctrch. (D: Cerridwen of Conwy - Jul 06)
Per chev inv Purp & Or, a chev inv ctrch Or & Sa betw a crescent
Or & a winged seeblatt Purp. (D: Ruth Freespirit - Nov 91)
Per chev Purp & Vt, a crescent & a cat couchant Or. (D: Aranwen
Ddryw ferch Rhodri - Mar 00)
Per chev Sa & Az, 2 suns & a crescent Or. (D: Merewen the Dark Jun 05)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a dagger inv Arg transfixing in base a crescent
within a bord embat Or. (D: Antonella da Sicilia - Apr 02)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a wolf statant Arg in chf a crescent Or. (D:
Juliana Macpherson - Apr 96)
Per chev Sa mullety Arg & Az, a crescent Or & a winged woman
statant to dexter, wings addorsed Arg. (D: Siobhn na
bhFeadh - Jul 04)
Per fess Az & Purp, a fret & in base a crescent Or. (D: Brighid
inghean Ioain - Aug 06)
Per fess Sa & Az, a demi-sun in splendor issuant from the line of
division within a laurel wreath, in chf a crescent Or. (D:
Insula Draconis - Jun 04)
Per fess Vt & Az, a fess wavy Arg & in chf a crescent Or. (D:
Miana n Chonnagin - Sep 92)
Per fess Vt & bendy Or & Purp, in chf a crescent Or. (D: Triq ibn
Jelal ibn Ziyadatallah al-Naysbr - Jun 96)
Per fess wavy Sa & barry wavy Or & Sa, in chf a decrescent Or. (D:
Bathory Anastasia - Mar 01)
Per pale Az & Gu, a crescent within a bord rayonny Or. (D:
Chrestienne de Kalais - Feb 02)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a battleaxe & a battleaxe inv, both bendwise sin
& fretted, Arg, hafted, & in base a crescent Or. (D: Llewellyn
or Glyn - Apr 87)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 towers ctrch & in chf a crescent Or. (B: Timur
al-Badawi - Jul 06) (JB: Tanne Comyn)
Per pale Sa & Az, a crescent & a chf invected Or. (D: Wentlian
Bekelert - Feb 06)
Per pale Vt & Purp, a squirrel ramp & in base a crescent Or. (D:
Gwenhwyvar verch Owein - Dec 05)
Per salt Az & pean, in pale a wolfs head erased & a crescent Or.
(D: Silkisif of Svanhill - Sep 90)
Per salt Vt & Arg, 2 holly leaves Vt & in chf a crescent Or. (D:
Gareth of Gartloch - Oct 97)
Per salt Vt & Sa, a crescent betw in cross 4 mullets of 4 points Or.
(D: Kendric de Morlaix - Jan 85)
Purp, an owl, wings disp & inv, Arg, in base a crescent, all within a
bord rayonny Or. (D: Aryanna Hawkyns - Aug 89)
Purp, in pale a laurel tree & a crescent & on a chf Or a goblet betw
2 mullets of 4 points Purp.. (D: Alinor Bellissima Montgomery
- Sep 07)
Purp, on a chev inv betw 2 keys fesswise addorsed interlaced & a
crescent Or a unicorns head erased Sa. (D: Sarra de la Halle
- Apr 83)
Quarterly Az & Sa, a goose rising contourny & a bear ramp & in
chf a crescent Or. (D: Christopher Gous - Nov 06)
Quarterly Gu & Vt, perched atop a crescent Or a falcon, hooded &
jessed, Arg. (D: Manfried Odo von Falkenmond - Dec 84)
Sa, a crescent within a bord embat Or. (D: Maryam bint Wahib ibn
Ahmad - Oct 02)
Sa, a fleur-de-lys within the horns of a crescent Or. (B: Catarina
della Zimarra - Jun 88)

Crescent - 1 - Or - Upright (continued)

Sa, a gazelle springing betw in pale a mullet of six points & a

crescent Or. (B: Damara Narrissa - Jun 84)
Sa, a pithon counter-volant fesswise reguardant inv Arg betw in
pale a crescent & a sun Or. (D: Morgan y Brith - Oct 80)
Sa, a swan naiant reguardant Arg, gorged of a coronet, betw 2
flaunches & in chf a crescent Or. (D: Andreah al Shad-u-Km
- Feb 84)
Sa, 3 piles issuant from sin base meeting below a crescent in dexter
chf all Or. (D: Michael de la Lune - Jan 73?)
Sa, 2 scarpes betw a trefoil & a crescent Or. (D: Celine Vita da
Francavilla - Feb 97)
Vt, a crescent & betw its horns a mullet Or. (B: Mauritania Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Vt, a crescent & on a chf Or 3 crescents Vt. (D: Vashti Brianna Dec 82)
Vt, a crescent within a bord Or. (B: Kendric de Morlaix - Dec 85)
Vt, a dragon sejant, wings elevated & addorsed, maintaining in
dexter forepaw a crescent Or. (D: Alethia Elphinstone of
Dragonhold - Oct 83)
Vt, a drakkar in full sail Arg, targeted Gu, & in base a crescent Or.
(D: Aemelye Octavya - Oct 76?)
Vt, in pale a crescent Or & a wolf passant reguardant to sin Arg. (B:
Alain du Val - Oct 93)
Vt, in pale a dagger inv Arg & a crescent Or, within an orle of gouts
deau. (D: Annest Walays - Jan 93)
Vt, 2 chevronels Arg betw 2 hawks rising wings elevated &
addorsed & a crescent Or. (D: Frederick Blackmoore Oct 91)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Purpure

(Fieldless) A crescent Purp. (B: Brigit ingen Fhaltigirn - Jun 02)

(Tinctureless) A reflex bow reversed strung with a decrescent &
armed of an arrow fesswise. (B: Cariadoc of the Bow Jun 81)
(Fieldless) A rose within & conjoined to a crescent Purp. (B: Elena
Anne of Lostwithiel - Jan 93)
(Tinctureless) An estoile betw the horns of a crescent. (B: Richard
I of England - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA badge)
(Fieldless) An increscent Purp. (B: Perronnelle Charrette de La
Tour du Pin - May 96)
(Fieldless) An increscent Purp fimbriated Or. (B: Perronnelle
Charrette de La Tour du Pin - Jul 96)
Arg, a bend sin wavy betw a sun & a crescent Purp. (D: Meara of
Caer Ddu - Jan 90)
Or, an increscent Purp. (D: Perronnelle Charrette de La Tour du
Pin - Jul 96)
Or, betw the horns of a decrescent a triquetra, an orle Purp. (D:
Muirenn ingen eda - Mar 08)
Per bend rayonny Arg goutty Purp & Purp goutty Arg, an increscent
Purp & a heart Arg. (D: Rhieinwen Cyfarwydd ferch
Angharad - Apr 96)
Per chev Purp & Arg, a crescent pendant Purp & a chf Arg. (D:
Sybil de Bossinney - Nov 04)
Per fess embat Arg & Purp, a crescent & a Catherine wheel ctrch.
(D: Felicia of Lynwood - Jun 93)
Purp, on a bend sin betw a harp & an ostrich close Or, a decrescent
palewise Purp. (D: Vladislav the Purple - Oct 83)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Sable - Decrescent

(Tinctureless) A reflex bow reversed strung with a decrescent &

armed of an arrow fesswise. (B: Cariadoc of the Bow Jun 81)
Arg, a bend sin embat betw a cross crosslet & a decrescent Sa. (D:
Wolfgang van Zanten - May 06)
Arg, a decrescent & in chf 3 fir trees Sa. (D: Hedewigis Ockenfin
- Oct 06)
Arg, a fess Az betw 2 mullets of 4 points & a decrescent Sa. (D:
Sthmaith na bhFeadh - Jun 04)
Arg, a Norman ax reversed fracted & in chf a decrescent betw 2
mullets of six points all within a bord Sa. (D: Eirik Broken-ax
- Feb 86)
Bendy sin Gu & Arg, betw the horns of a decrescent a mullet Sa.
(D: Estrella de los Confines - Dec 92)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 545

[Crescent - 1 - Sable - Decrescent] to [Crescent - 2]

Crescent - 1 - Sable - Decrescent (continued)

Checky Gu & Arg, a decrescent Sa. (D: Angus MacGregor May 92)
Checky Vt & Arg, a bend sin betw a decrescent & 3 mullets Sa. (D:
Collin de Montfort - Jun 91)
Per bend Sa & Or, a sun & a decrescent ctrch. (D: Gwydion ap
Myrddin - Jan 94)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a raven & a decrescent ctrch. (D: Aoibhel of
Dun Holen - Apr 89)
Per fess indented Or & Sa, a fess dancetty betw a decrescent & a
cross of Jerusalem ctrch. (D: Stephen Augustin of the South
Downs - Sep 92)
Vair, a decrescent & on a bord Sa eight escallops inv Arg. (D:
Luciano di Giovanni - Oct 04)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Sable - Increscent

(Fieldless) An increscent surmounted by in pale 3 swords fesswise

reversed Sa, ctrch Arg. (B: Rami ibn Asad men Damashk May 88)
Arg, an increscent betw eight triangles in annulo points outward Sa.
(B: Avery del Marre - Dec 04)
Arg, in pale an increscent moon & a mullet of eight points within a
bord rayonny Sa. (D: Duncan Bane fuar bhathais - Aug 95)
Arg mullety Gu, an increscent Sa. (D: Michael of the Outlands Dec 94)
Arg, on a bend sin Gu betw an increscent Sa & a dromedary statant
contourny proper 3 scimitars palewise Arg. (D: Bcar ibn
Tariq - Feb 92)
Arg, within a wall-less onion-domed pavilion an increscent doubled
arched Sa. (B: Hastini Chandra - Jan 80) (For House Gehe
Ermine, an increscent within a bord Sa. (D: Edward Newman Jun 01)
Per chev indented Sa & Arg, 2 compass stars & an increscent ctrch.
(D: Mariah Aidan Tyrrell - Dec 89)
Per pall inv Sa, Arg, & Az, in chf a compass star Arg & an
increscent Sa. (D: Galen of Ockham - Apr 99)
Quarterly Az & Arg, in pale a raven contourny perched atop an
increscent Sa. (D: Tristan Ravencrest - Feb 03)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Sable - Pendant

(Fieldless) A crescent pendant Sa. (B: Juliana de Luna - May 07)

Arg, a bend sin wavy Gu betw a crescent pendant & a rose Sa. (D:
Jane Beaumont - Sep 95)
Arg, in pale a crescent inv & a maple leaf within a bord Sa. (D:
Akitsuki Yoshimitsu - Nov 88)
Or, within a crescent pendant a pawprint Sa. (B: Katla in Rauhra
- Jan 07)
Per chev inv Purp & ermine, an eagle disp ctrch, in base a crescent
inv Sa. (B: Alaric Sartiano - Nov 03)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Sable - Tilted

(Fieldless) Within a crescent bendwise Sa, a rose proper. (B:

Giovanni di Sienna - Apr 91) (For the House of the Chaste)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Sable - Upright

(Fieldless) A crescent Sa. (B: Sign Sngvari Svansdttir Jan 96)

(Fieldless) A crescent Sa fimbriated, charged with a sun Or winged
Arg. (B: Tigranes of Bezabde - Feb 95)
(Tinctureless) An estoile betw the horns of a crescent. (B: Richard
I of England - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA badge)
(Fieldless) On a crescent Sa a butterfly Arg. (B: Deirdre of
Boolteens - Oct 99)
Arg, a chev & in base a crescent Sa. (D: Eoin mac Cionaoith ui
Reannachain - Feb 03)
Arg, a chev Gu betw a fox passant & a crescent Sa. (D: Warren of
Bellford - Aug 79?)
Arg, a chev rompu inv Sa betw a sun Gu & a crescent Sa. (D: Sean
of Lough Derg - Oct 92)
Arg, a stags head cabossed & in chf a crescent Sa. (B: Katerine
Martel - Jan 05)
546 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Crescent - 1 - Sable - Upright (continued)

Arg, in pale a crescent & a cat passant Sa betw flaunches Vt. (D:
Karin of Dun Or - May 08)
Arg, in pale a crescent Sa & 3 gouttes 2 & one Az. (D: Killian
MacTaggart - Mar 98)
Chevronelly raguly Az & Or, a crescent betw 3 birds migrant to
base Sa. (B: Randal Sinclair Hawkins - Jun 00)
Or, an iris Purp slipped & leaved Vt, in chf a crescent Sa, &
flaunches pean. (D: Arisa Novgorodkin - Jul 91)
Per chev inv Purp & ermine, an eagle disp ctrch & in base a
crescent Sa. (D: Alaric Sartiano - Nov 03)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a crescent & a wolf ramp ctrch. (D: Morgan
Kildarby - Sep 91)
Per salt Arg & paly Or & Gu, in chf a compass star & in base a
crescent Sa. (D: Pagan lOsarro de Montpeller - Feb 95)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a crescent within a bord embat Sa. (B: Logan
Blackwoulfe - Oct 96)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Vert - Decrescent

(Fieldless) A decrescent Vt. (B: Arqai Nerin - Jul 07)

(Tinctureless) A reflex bow reversed strung with a decrescent &
armed of an arrow fesswise. (B: Cariadoc of the Bow Jun 81)
Arg, in sin chf a mullet betw the horns of a decrescent Vt & a gore
Az. (D: Mansur ibn al-Shabi ibn Rafi - Aug 03)
Arg, issuing from a bar abased & wavy Az, a mountain peak Or
surmounting a demi-sun Gu, in canton a decrescent Vt. (D:
Barok-Baran - Jan 74?)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, a decrescent Vt. (D: Arqai Nerin - Jul 07)
Or, a natural rainbow proper betw in pale a decrescent Vt & a
rosebud slipped & leaved Az. (D: Rose aux Mains Habiles Oct 82)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Vert - Increscent

Or chap, a compass star within & conjoined to an increscent Vt.

(D: Conchobhar Loingsigh - Jun 98)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Vert - Pendant

Or, betw 2 wings disp Sa a hammer Arg, all conjoined by a crescent

inv Vt. (B: Michael the Black - Jun 76) (For House
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Vert - Tilted

There are no items under this heading.

* * * End * * *

Crescent - 1 - Vert - Upright

(Tinctureless) An estoile betw the horns of a crescent. (B: Richard

I of England - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA badge)
Arg, a cow courant Purp & in base a crescent Vt. (D: Rhiannon
Walkinfire - Sep 97)
Arg, a demi-fleur-de-lis within & conjoined to a crescent Vt, all
within an orle Sa. (D: Viviana de Castelloza - Jun 89)
Arg chauss wavy, a crescent Vt. (D: Amerinda da Praga Jun 00)
Or, in pale a crescent & a harp Vt. (D: Abu Ismail Ibrahim ibn
Abdullah al Gharnatawayyi - Sep 97)
Or, on a sin gore Sa a cross crosslet fitchy Arg, in dexter chf a
crescent Vt. (D: Hawise ferch Meredith - Nov 88)
Or, seven stalks of wheat Sa issuant from a crescent Vt. (D:
Morgana Bro Morgannwg - May 88)
Per bend sin Arg & Or, a bend sin Sa betw in dexter chf a scimitar
fesswise reversed inv Az & in base a crescent Vt. (D:
Mahmud Ali ben Sinan - Feb 84)
Per bend sin Or & Vt, a Lacy knot ctrch & in dexter chf a crescent
Vt. (D: Charles de Lacy - May 03)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 2

Arg, a bend sin dancetty Gu betw a decrescent & an increscent Sa.

(D: Melisande Alys Deschaux - Apr 98)
Arg, a bend sin indented Sa betw 2 increscents Gu. (D: Elwyn of
Thornbury - Nov 93)

[Crescent - 2]

Crescent - 2 (continued)

Arg, a chev, in chf a decrescent & an increscent Az overall a wolf

sejant Sa. (D: Thora of Skye - Jan 99)
Arg, a cross gyronny Sa & Gu, betw in bend a decrescent & an
increscent Sa. (D: Alaric Friedrich von Rundstadt - Jul 88)
Arg, a dragons head couped Gu & in chf 2 increscent moons Az.
(D: Elyenora Danyel de La Roche - Jul 07)
Arg, a hedgehog proper, on a chf embat Vt, a mortar & pestle betw
a decrescent & an increscent Arg. (D: Meadhbh n Ruaidh
Chonnemara - Jan 93)
Arg, a pale betw in chf a decrescent & an increscent Gu & in base 2
oak trees proper. (D: Eric Thordsson - May 86)
Arg, a pale betw in chf a decrescent & an increscent Purp, overall a
winged scimitar ctrch. (D: Salima bint Radiyya - Dec 85)
Arg, a pantheon salient Purp, estoilly Or, betw in fess 2 crescents
Gu, within a bord Purp semy-de-lys Or. (D: Marie de
Clermont - Mar 92)
Arg, a rowan tree eradicated Gu, in chf 2 crescents within a bord Sa.
(D: Rowan OHarrell - Oct 85)
Arg, a salt betw in fess 2 decrescents Sa, overall a sword Gu. (B:
Donecan de Maccuswel - Jul 04)
Arg, an arrow inv betw a decrescent & an increscent & in chf 2
mullets Gu. (D: Hagen Dawnhawk - Jan 91)
Arg, in chf a decrescent & an increscent & in base a fleur-de-lis,
within a bord embat Gu. (D: Alisoun Varena - Aug 79?)
Arg, in fess a stags head caboshed betw a decrescent & an
increscent Sa. (D: Dia of Newcastle - Dec 06)
Arg, in pale a boars head couped close & in fess 2 crescents within
a bord Sa. (D: Dathi Tennant - Apr 00)
Arg, in pale 2 crescents Gu betw a pair of flaunches Vt. (D: Adwen
verch Gryffyn - Nov 00)
Arg, on a bend Purp betw 2 crescents Az, 3 escallops Arg. (D:
Helena Gereman - Oct 92)
Arg, on a bend rayonny Gu betw an increscent & a decrescent Vt a
sword Arg. (D: Alina of Ierne - Mar 88)
Arg, on a bend sin betw an increscent & a decrescent Az, 3 roses
Arg. (D: Kristin Leifsdottir - Dec 07)
Arg, on a bend sin Vt betw 2 crescents Az, 3 lilies palewise Arg.
(D: Vivian Aurore de la Mer - May 85)
Arg, on a fusil Az, a wolfs head erased Arg, langued Gu, & in chf 2
decrescents Az. (D: Philip the Freeborn - Aug 79?)
Arg, on a pale Az betw 2 decrescents in chf, a decrescent in base,
overall a bord embat ctrch. (D: Hreodbeorht Talbot ap
Cyngen - Oct 92)
Arg, on a pale betw a decrescent & an increscent Vt a rowan tree
couped Arg. (D: Rowan OBannon - Jul 03)
Arg, on a pale embat counter-embat Purp betw 2 crescents Gu a
Latin cross flory Arg, a chf Gu ermined Arg. (D: Michael
MacGarry of Antrim - May 94)
Arg, on a pale Sa betw in chf a decrescent & a crescent Gu a sapling
blasted couped Arg. (D: Emellin Gwynedd - May 82)
Arg, on a pile bendwise sin issuant from base betw 2 crescents Az,
an owl statant to sin Arg. (D: Francesca di Pavia - Nov 89)
Arg, on a pile bendwise sin throughout issuant from base betw 2
crescents Az, an owl statant to sin Arg, as an augmentation on
a chf Az, 2 keys fesswise reversed in fess Arg. (Augmentation
of Arms: Francesca di Pavia - Jan 01)
Arg, on a pile engrailed Az betw 2 crescents Gu, a castle tripletowered Arg. (D: Siobhan Dhuinbheagain - May 96)
Arg, on a pile ploye betw 2 crescents Az, a trident Arg. (D: Colin
MacLear - Jul 91)
Arg, on a pile Sa betw 2 crescents Vt, a wyvern erect Arg. (D:
Khadija bint Junaid - Mar 97)
Arg, on a pile Vt betw in fess an increscent & a decrescent Az, a
hand mirror Arg, glassed Sa. (D: William of Nevil - Jul 84)
Arg, on a salt betw in fess a decrescent & an increscent Gu, a boars
head couped close Or. (D: Al-Khariji abd al-Khabir Yusuf ibn
Khalid - May 81)
Arg, on a salt betw in fess 2 decrescents Sa a mullet Arg. (D:
Donecan de Maccuswel - Jul 04)
Arg, 3 chevronels braced Az & in chf 2 crescents Gu. (D: Michael
the Maladroit - Jan 73?)
Arg, 2 crescents Az & a bear statant erect affronty head to dexter
Sa, on a chf doubly enarched Vt, a fleam Arg. (D: Mary
Uinnbid - Mar 98)
Arg, 2 crescents Gu & a scourge Sa. (B: Bell Phoebe de Givet Jun 02)

Crescent - 2 (continued)

Arg, 2 crescents Sa & a fleur-de-lys Az, on a point pointed Sa an

Arabic ceremonial saddle Arg. (D: Salim ibn abd al-Rahman
al-Rashid - Mar 93)
Arg, 2 palm trees in salt, a dexter tierce Vt, in chf 3 crescents inv
ctrch. (D: Ismail ibn Ihsaan ibn Hassan - Sep 90)
Az, a bend dovetailed Arg betw 2 decrescents Or. (D: Antonio de
Luna - Feb 02)
Az, a cross parted & fretted betw in bend 2 escallops inv & in bend
sin 2 decrescents within a bord Arg. (D: Morgan Jaussara de
Valletta - Apr 87)
Az, a decrescent & an increscent Arg, on a point pointed Or an
acorn inv slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Kenrick Bermyngeham Nov 94)
Az, a hippogriff segreant Or & in chf a decrescent & an increscent
Arg all within a bord Or. (D: Isabeau de Savigny - Aug 03)
Az, a key fesswise, a decrescent & an increscent, one & 2, Arg. (B:
Wilhelm von Schlssel - Jul 81) (For Unserheim)(JB:
Cynthia FitzColline von Schlssel)
Az, a pale erminois betw a decrescent & an increscent Arg. (D:
Matteo Sassetti - May 90)
Az, a pall inv bretessed betw 2 increscents Arg. (B: Twin Moons Jul 02) (For LOrdine della Luna Crescente)
Az, a phoenix Or issuant from flames Gu, in chf 2 increscents Arg,
a bord erminois. (D: Ginevra dellAcqua - Jul 01)
Az, a roundel betw in pale a crescent pendant & a crescent Arg. (D:
Hannah de vila - Dec 03)
Az, a scimitar inv & reversed proper issuant from a trimount Vt, in
chf 2 crescents Or. (D: Kathws Rusa - May 05)
Az, a stag lodged & in chf a decrescent & an increscent all within a
bord Arg. (D: Aelfreda o Lyn Ewig - Jul 91)
Az, a stags head couped betw in fess a decrescent & an increscent
Arg. (B: Aelfreda o Lyn Ewig - Apr 07)
Az, a straight tau cross throughout betw in chf an ounce passant
guardant Arg incensed proper & in base an increscent & a
decrescent, all Arg. (D: Catriona Gillander - Dec 06)
Az, a sword inv bendwise sin betw a decrescent & an increscent all
within a bord embat Arg. (D: Iain James MacLaren - Sep 91)
Az, a unicorns head erased contourny betw in pale 2 triquetras & in
fess 2 crescents Arg. (D: Siobhn ng Fhloinn u Donnabhin
- Jan 96)
Az, a winged lynx ramp in chf a mullet betw a decrescent & an
increscent Arg. (D: Mredyth y Linx Gwyn - Sep 94)
Az, an arrow betw in fess 2 crescents Arg. (B: Caid - Jul 89) (For
the Order of the Argent Arrow)
Az, estoilly, a salt Arg betw in chf a plate & in fess an increscent &
a decrescent Arg. (D: Yasmeen Bakhtar - Apr 87)
Az, five mullets in bend sin betw a decrescent & an increscent, all
Arg. (D: Berengaria of Lincoln - Nov 86)
Az, in pale a crescent pendant & an increscent Arg. (D: Geua filia
Guy - Nov 07)
Az, in pall a laurel wreath betw an increscent, a decrescent, & a
dragon dormant, all within a bord Arg. (D: Dragons Mark Dec 83)
Az mullety Arg, a bend sin wavy Or betw 2 increscents Arg. (D:
Margarita Kofinopoia - Jul 97)
Az, on a bend betw 2 increscents Arg, a cat courant Sa. (D: Zoya
Ivanovna Rezanskaya - Jan 97)
Az, on a bend Gu fimbriated betw 2 decrescents, an arrow inv Arg.
(D: Vishaldyrne of Stackeryd - Jan 73?)
Az, on a bend indented betw 2 crescents Arg a feather Sa. (D:
Grinne ingen Daud - May 96)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 decrescents Or, 3 mullets Sa. (D: Elwyn
Halfmoon - Sep 94)
Az, on a bend sin enarched Arg betw a decrescent & an increscent
Or, 3 trees palewise eradicated proper. (D: Mrgrg inghean
u Chaiside - Sep 99)
Az, on a bend Vt fimbriated Or, betw 2 increscents Arg, a
catamount passant Or. (D: Adrian La Moyne - Jul 97)
Az, on a chev betw 2 decrescents & a wolfs head couped
contourny Arg five pawprints palewise Az. (D: stridhr
Erlendardottir - Jul 05)
Az, on a pale Arg betw a decrescent & an increscent Or, a vested
woman statant contourny Sa. (D: Austrechild von Mondsee Dec 92)
Az, on a pale betw a decrescent & an increscent Arg, a helm
affronty & a sword inv Az. (D: Kenrick Bosch - Feb 94)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 547

[Crescent - 2]

Crescent - 2 (continued)

Az, on a pile embat betw 2 decrescents Arg, an estoile Sa. (D:

Frederick der Jngling of Augsburg - Jul 91)
Az, on a pile throughout betw 2 crescents Or, a sword inv Az,
overall a bord engrailed ctrch. (D: Gillian de Ravely Aug 97)
Az, 2 decrescents & a heron Or. (D: Phob Kornthia - Feb 03)
Az, 2 suns in glory betw 2 flaunches Or, upon each flaunch a
crescent Az. (D: Alicia of Caer yn Arfon - Sep 73?)
Ermine, a hart lodged & on a chf Az, a Star of David betw 2
crescents Arg. (D: Algernon Hartesmond - Jul 90)
Erminois, a cat ramp Sa & in chf 2 crescents Az. (D: Lijsbet vande
Visschereye - Jan 92)
Gu, a bend betw 2 decrescents Or. (D: Gabriella di Ravenna Oct 95)
Gu, a bend sin checky Arg & Sa betw 2 crescents Or. (D: Tiernan
Shepherd - Aug 95)
Gu, a cross betw in bend 2 Maltese crosses & in bend sin 2
crescents Arg, a bord Or. (B: Murchadh Garrioch - Mar 07)
(JB: Matheus le Vaus)
Gu, a salt parted & fretted betw 2 crescents in pale Arg. (D:
Geoffrey Mathias - Mar 85)
Gu, a sword inv Arg betw an increscent & a decrescent Or. (D:
Thomas Adler - Apr 04)
Gu, an eagle disp perched upon a sword fesswise & on a chf embat
Or a mullet betw a decrescent & an increscent Purp. (D:
Cynric Norwood of Caernarvon - Oct 85)
Gu, an increscent a decrescent & an owl Arg. (D: Sara Boone Oct 03)
Gu, an osprey striking betw in chf 2 crescents Or. (D: Sasha
Dmitrievich Dozortsev - Dec 94)
Gu, issuant from base a demi-sun Or & in chf a decrescent & an
increscent Arg. (B: Costanza di Firenze - Aug 81)
Gu, on a bend Arg betw 2 crescents & a tree Or 3 shamrocks
palewise Vt. (D: Ezabel de Vaux - May 00)
Gu, on a bend sin betw 2 increscents Arg, a wheel Az. (D:
Katerina Raedaria - May 98)
Gu, on a bend sin Sa fimbriated betw a crescent & another pendant,
a flamberge Arg. (D: Subotai Cinoa - May 96)
Or, a bear ramp maintaining an axe Sa, on a chf embat Gu a
decrescent & an increscent Or. (D: Angus MacRae - Oct 92)
Or, a cross couped Sa betw a decrescent, a sun, a mullet of eight
points, & an increscent Az. (B: Alison MacKieran of Dunglas
- Feb 83)
Or, a horse passant to sin betw 2 crescents & an escallop inv Gu.
(D: Maeve Moorland - Aug 86)
Or, a raven regardant Sa perched on a whelk fesswise reversed Az
& betw in chf 2 crescents Gu. (D: Lughaid Cnuachd Dharaich
mac Aonghuis Dhuibh - Oct 95)
Or, a salt Purp betw in pale 2 crescents horns to center & in fess 2
mullets of six points Az. (D: Isabella Sancha de Luna Oct 02)
Or, on a pale betw 2 crescents Az, a rocket Or. (D: Luke of Bright
Hills - Oct 05)
Per bend Arg & Or, 2 crescents Gu, a bord charged with the words
"Verdade Honra E Sobretudo" Arg. (D: Gcauo Diego
Ramiri - Jul 00)
Per bend Az & Sa, on a bend wavy betw 2 increscents Arg, 3 suns
Az. (D: Maeve FitzRobert of York - Apr 06)
Per bend Gu & Az, a bend dovetailed ermine betw 2 decrescents Or.
(D: Brigit MacDonald of Murligan - Mar 99)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a Latin cross betw in bend 2 decrescents Arg.
(D: Eric of Chester - Aug 00)
Per bend Gu & Sa, in bend sin a horse salient contourny betw 2
crescents Arg. (D: Sine Gregdoghter - Nov 91)
Per bend Purp & Sa, a monster composed of the body of a wolf &
the torso of a man, passant & maintaining in both hands a
spear palewise, betw 2 crescents inv in bend sin, all Arg. (D:
Ciaran Tison - Mar 90)
Per bend Sa & Or, a rose Or & 2 crescents Sa. (D: Martin de la
Rosa - Oct 02)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, a comet bendwise sin betw 2 crescents
ctrch. (B: Shajar al-Yaasmeen - Jan 03)
Per bend sin embowed & counterembowed Sa & Arg, a bend sin
embowed & counterembowed Gu betw a crescent & a crescent
inv ctrch within a bord Gu. (D: Gaston de Navarre - Feb 91)

548 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Crescent - 2 (continued)

Per bend sin Gu & Az, a bend sin wavy betw 2 decrescents Or. (D:
Christopher Edward Hawkins - Jun 92)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, in fess a roundel betw an increscent & a
decrescent Arg. (D: Elizabeth Karlsdotter - Dec 03)
Per bend sin Purp & Az, a comet bendwise Arg betw 2 crescents
Or. (D: Osanna de Haukesworth - Jun 98)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, a bend sin betw 2 decrescents Or. (D:
Branwen of Aarnimets - May 97)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, in bend 4 fusils in cross, those in chf &
dexter Or, those in sin & base Gu, betw 2 crescents fesswise
ctrch. (D: Dailina Catriona - Jan 80)
Per bend Vt & Az, a decrescent & an increscent Or. (D: Amelye
van Deventer - Jun 03)
Per bend wavy Az & Arg, 2 increscents ctrch. (D: Aithne of
Eagles Crag - Jan 91)
Per chev Arg & Or, on a chev betw a crescent & a crescent inv Gu,
3 crescents Arg. (D: Elric of Sundragon - May 89)
Per chev Arg & Purp, 2 crescents & a Celtic cross ctrch. (D: Kiera
nic an Bhaird - Apr 92)
Per chev Arg & Vt, a bear statant erect ctrch, collared Arg, betw in
fess 2 crescents Vt. (D: Mavi of Misthaven - Jul 86)
Per chev Arg & Vt, a chev chequy Arg & Sa, cotised to chf, betw 2
crescents Vt & a griffin segreant Arg. (D: Todd MacMaghnuis
- Nov 89)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 decrescents & a cross fleury ctrch. (D:
Isabelle le Charpentier de Normandie - Sep 95)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 increscents Arg & a cat couchant Sa. (D:
Meadhbh Fionnghuala nic Mhatha - Jan 92)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 crescents inv Or & a mullet of 4 points,
elongated to base, Gu. (D: Galen Edwin Kirchenbauer Oct 87)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 decrescents & a dragon contourny ctrch. (D:
Simon Kerbouchard - May 05)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 increscents Or & a bird volant bendwise
holding in its beak an artists brush Sa. (D: Daniel of Rutland
- Aug 92)
Per chev Az & Sa, a Celtic cross & in base a decrescent & an
increscent Arg. (D: Aylwin Thoraldson - Sep 02)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev betw 2 crescents & a cross of ermine
spots Arg. (D: Rhiannon of Lostwithiel - Feb 94)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev embat Or, in chf a decrescent & an
increscent Arg. (D: Eleri Llanrwst - Aug 92)
Per chev Az & Vt, on a chev betw a decrescent, an increscent & a
tree eradicated Arg 2 chevronels Sa. (D: Rickard Hawthorne Jan 05)
Per chev embat Purp & Arg, an increscent & a decrescent Arg & a
heart Gu. (D: Elena Isidro de Cordova - Sep 04)
Per chev embat Sa & Arg, 2 crescents Or & a dragon passant Gu.
(B: Bera Gunnarsdttir - May 94) (For Household Crescent
and Dragon)
Per chev enhanced Sa & Or, a wolf ramp to sin reguardant Sa & in
chf 2 decrescents Or. (D: C Dub MacArtuir - Feb 89)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 crescents each enclosing a mullet Or & a
double-headed eagle disp Sa. (D: Ekaterina Tarasova Oct 86)
Per chev Gu & Sa, a chev betw 2 crescents Arg & a talbots head
erased Arg spotted Sa. (D: Demetrius Gordianus Analindal Jan 97)
Per chev inv Arg & Purp, a hound courant Az & 2 crescents Arg.
(D: Egan Ua Confrach - Mar 02)
Per chev inv Arg & Vt, a sagebrush eradicated, a decrescent, & an
increscent, one & 2, ctrch. (B: Otherhill - Aug 83)
Per chev inv Sa & Gu, in chf a decrescent & an increscent Or. (D:
Arthur of Rivenstar - Dec 90)
Per chev inv Vt & Or, a mullet of 4 points & 2 crescents ctrch. (D:
Celfind ben U Chonfrach - Aug 97)
Per chev ploy Sa estencely & Arg, 2 increscents Arg & a wolf
couchant Az. (D: Myfanwy Afrwydd - Jun 06)
Per chev ploy throughout Purp & Or, a decrescent moon, an
increscent moon Or & a cat sejant Sa. (D: Gwenhwyvar Befr Sep 98)
Per chev Purp & Arg, a horse courant contourny reguardant Sa,
saddled & bridled Or, in chf 2 decrescents Arg. (D: Isabeau
de Foirbeis - Jan 94)
Per chev Purp, & Arg, 2 crescents inv Or & a massacre Gu. (D:
Ladan ingen MhicCaille - Mar 99)

[Crescent - 2]

Crescent - 2 (continued)

Per chev Purp & Sa, on a chev betw 2 crescents & a flame Or a
mullet Purp. (D: Dire Nic Fhionnlaigh - Jan 95)
Per chev rayonny Arg & Az, 2 crescents & a mullet of six points
elongated to base ctrch. (D: Lot Ramirez - Aug 03)
Per chev Sa & Arg, a decrescent & an increscent Arg & six annulets
interlaced in annulo Purp. (D: Ibrahim al-Dimashqi Mar 03)
Per chev Sa & Arg, an increscent & a decrescent Arg, & an estoile
Az. (D: Kathleen of Wuduholt be Secg - Dec 98)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev embat Or betw a decrescent, an increscent
& a unicorns head couped contourny Arg. (D: Morgana
Quarry - Oct 95)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev engrailed betw 2 decrescents Arg & a sun
Or. (D: Fiadhnait inghean Chiaragin - Oct 02)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a tilting lance palewise betw a decrescent, an
increscent, & 2 mullets Or. (D: Garvin Wyther of Bryn Gwlad
- Sep 84)
Per chev Sa & Or, an increscent & a decrescent Arg & an eagle,
head to sin, Sa. (D: Malcolm Korbinian - Feb 08)
Per chev Sa & Or, an increscent & a decrescent Or & a fox ramp
Gu. (D: Serlaith ingen Radin - Jan 05)
Per chev Sa & Or, in cross a plate, a decrescent, & an increscent
Arg, & a foxs mask Gu. (D: Fiona the Tarnhaunter of
Hazelgrove - Dec 81)
Per chev Sa & Or, in pale a demi-sun issuant from chf & an ankh
ctrch, betw in fess 2 crescents Arg. (D: Thomas of Grey Niche
- Nov 88)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a chev betw a decrescent & an increscent & an
oak leaf Arg. (D: Daoud al-Dimashqi - Oct 03)
Per chev Sa & Vt, 2 crescents & a wolf ramp Arg. (D: Eoghann
MacAindreis - Sep 03)
Per chev throughout Or & Vt, a seahorse erect Arg betw in chf a
decrescent & an increscent Sa. (D: Finnabair ni Ealasaid May 88)
Per chev throughout ploy engrailed Or & Purp, a dove volant Arg
bearing in its beak an olive branch proper & in chf 2 crescents
Purp. (D: Kyrielle Chandoisel - Jul 90)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 2 crescents Arg & a wolfs head, erased & sinfacing, Sa. (D: Lupus Maximus Caine - Aug 89)
Per fess arched debased Az & Arg, in chf a decrescent & an
increscent Arg, & in base a closed book proper. (D: Cynthia
FitzColline von Schlssel - May 80)
Per fess Arg & Az, in chf 2 unicorns couchant respectant, horns
crossed in salt, Az & in base a decrescent & an increscent in
fess Arg. (D: Brig Kieran - Nov 88)
Per fess Az & Or, a decrescent moon & an increscent moon Or & a
natural panther ramp Sa. (D: Crescentia Hildegard - Mar 94)
Per fess embat Gu & Or, 2 decrescents & a raven contourny ctrch.
(B: Wulfgar Hrafnfoedir - Mar 91) (For Hrafnsheim)
Per fess engrailed Az & Arg, a decrescent & an increscent ctrch.
(D: Llyn Penllyn - Aug 93)
Per fess engrailed Sa & Arg, a roundel betw a decrescent & an
increscent Arg. (D: Katherine Nox - Jun 01)
Per fess potenty Or & Az, in pale an increscent & a decrescent
ctrch. (D: Bernadette du Barra - Aug 79)
Per fess Purp & Az, a fess wavy & in chf a Passion cross betw a
decrescent & an increscent Arg. (D: Celestria of
Celtenhomme - Jan 03)
Per fess Sa & Arg, a tree, blasted & eradicated betw in chf a
decrescent & an increscent ctrch. (D: Mathieu Sylverwoode of
Nyte Haven - Jun 86)
Per fess Sa & Arg, a wolf salient betw in pale a crescent inv & a
crescent ctrch. (D: Aislinn Ard na Tine - Dec 83)
Per fess Sa & Arg, 2 decrescents & a bear statant guardant within a
bord all ctrch. (D: Cwenthryth Wine - Mar 91)
Per fess Sa & Az, a fess wavy betw 2 decrescents Arg. (D: Guy de
Bealmont - Feb 04)
Per fess Sa & Az, in bend a swan naiant contourny reguardant betw
2 decrescents Arg. (D: Norbert of Iken - Jan 94)
Per fess Vt & Az, a tree issuant from base & in chf 2 crescents Arg.
(D: Meidhbhn N Thorain - Jun 94)

Crescent - 2 (continued)

Per fess Vt & Gu, on a fess fimbriated with the Arabic words
ALLAHU AKBAR twenty-2 times in Kufic script Arg a sheaf
of a decrescent, a sword blade, & an increscent crossed at the
base betw in fess a decrescent & an increscent & in chf a
tashdid Gu. (B: Iran - Sep 95) (A tashdid is essentially a
"w", made from two crescents conjoined in fess.)(Important
non-SCA flag)
Per fess wavy Arg & Sa, in chf a decrescent & an increscent Az.
(D: Custance the Compassionate - Oct 04)
Per fess wavy Gu & Az, issuant from a barrulet wavy a chevronel
dancetty Or, & in base a crescent betw the horns of another
Arg. (D: Rahlina del Norte - Oct 80)
Per fess wavy Sa & Arg in chf 2 decrescents Or & in base 2 bars
wavy Az. (D: Maurice van Rijn - Aug 97)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 decrescents ctrch. (D: Kiena Gledston Feb 03)
Per pale Arg & Gu, in fess 2 crescents ctrch. (D: Kathleen St.
George - Jan 85)
Per pale Arg & Or, an escallop inv Vt betw in fess a decrescent &
an increscent Az. (D: Scellin dAlenon - Nov 88)
Per pale Arg & Sa, an increscent Purp & a decrescent Or. (D:
Morwich Ua Morgair - Jul 01)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 wolves combattant, on a chf enarched, a
roundel betw an increscent & a decrescent ctrch. (D:
Gwalchmai ap Bledig - Sep 89)
Per pale Az & Or, an escarbuncle betw in bend sin an increscent &
a decrescent ctrch. (D: Constantina von Ravenna - Mar 01)
Per pale Az & Or, an owl affronty ctrch maintaining an embroiders
broach fesswise Gu, in chf a roundel betw an increscent & a
decrescent ctrch Arg & Az. (D: Alessandra da Pavia Mar 97)
Per pale Az & Purp, in fess an increscent Arg, a bezant, & a
decrescent Arg. (B: Fiacha Suileach - Mar 94)
Per pale Az & Sa, a bend betw an increscent & a decrescent Arg.
(D: Heinrich von Eisleben - Jul 06)
Per pale Az & Sa, a sword proper betw in chf a decrescent & an
increscent Arg. (D: Kjartan krka - Feb 01)
Per pale Gu & Or, a comet throughout headed of a compass star
betw a decrescent & an increscent ctrch. (D: Haley lfsdttir
- Jul 00)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a caltrap Arg betw in chf 2 decrescents Or. (D:
Raoul de Levier - Apr 95)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a dragon segreant Or maintaining in its tail a
shepherds crook in chf an increscent & a decresecent Arg. (D:
Allyson Tymmes - Sep 01)
Per pale Gu & Sa, in pale a flame & a goblet & in chf a decrescent
& an increscent all Or. (D: Rhiannon ferch Eilonwy Mar 85)
Per pale Or & Az, a cross moline betw in bend 2 crescents, all ctrch.
(D: Lazaro Bettencourt de Vega - May 94)
Per pale Or & Az, a swan statant, wings disp & inv, proper & in chf
a decrescent & an increscent ctrch. (D: Sabine od Vlatavy Jun 87)
Per pale Or & Az, 2 increscents ctrch & on a chf triangular Gu a sun
Or. (D: Irene Elise Brabant - Apr 02)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 2 decrescents & a wolfs head cabossed ctrch.
(D: Robert Wolfshead - Jul 92)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a decrescent moon & an increscent moon, a base
engrailed ctrch Arg & Gu. (D: Owen the Mad - Aug 96)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a roundel betw in fess an increscent & a
decrescent ctrch, on a chf Gu 3 triskeles Arg. (D: Douceline
de la Hay - Jul 99)
Per pale Sa & Arg, in bend a decrescent & an increscent ctrch. (D:
Eirkr Fence Splitter - Aug 92)
Per pale Sa & Arg, in fess an increscent, a roundel & a decrescent
within a bord embat ctrch. (D: Anas ibn Haroun Abd al-Zaki
- Jul 95)
Per pale Sa & Az, a pegasus volant Arg & in base 2 crescents Or.
(D: Yseult of Orkney - Apr 76?)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a pale of 4 lozenges Or each charged with a rose
proper betw an increscent & a decrescent Or. (D: Syele von
der Rosen - Jan 05)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a roundel Or, overall a pile throughout Az,
fimbriated & in chf 3 decrescents Or. (D: Catalin di Napoli Mar 80)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 549

[Crescent - 2]

Crescent - 2 (continued)

Per pale Sa & Gu, in fess an increscent & a decrescent conjoined

betw 2 bars Arg, each bar charged with a barrulet wavy per
pale Gu & Sa. (D: Afshin Darius - Apr 06)
Per pale Sa & Or, a bird disp & in base a sun betw 2 crescents, 2 &
one, all ctrch. (D: Ruthardus Hruga - Feb 06)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a decrescent & an increscent ctrch. (D: Gabriel
of Greenwood - Apr 83)
Per pale Vt & Or, an increscent & a decrescent within a bord embat
ctrch. (B: Eirik Broken-ax - Dec 85) (For Simeon of the
Leafy Heights)
Per pale Vt & Sa, an eagle disp betw in bend 2 increscents Or. (D:
Muirne n Chathin - Feb 98)
Per salt Arg & Az, in pale 2 ravens disp Sa & in fess an increscent
& a decrescent Arg. (D: Qaragaj Qara Ton - Jul 88)
Per salt Arg & Purp, in pale 2 decrescents Purp. (D: Michael of the
Amethyst - Nov 92)
Per salt Arg & Vt, 2 crescents in pale Vt. (D: Katarine Sichling von
Nrnberg - Oct 93)
Per salt Az & Sa, in pale 2 reremice & in fess 2 decrescents Arg.
(D: Ingunn of Wyrmgeist - Feb 00)
Per salt Az & Sa, on a salt embat counter-embat betw in pale 2 suns
Or & in fess a decrescent & an increscent Arg, a harp Az. (D:
Thorkel Tryggvason - Sep 89)
Per salt Gu & Sa, in pale 2 mullets & in fess a decrescent & an
increscent Arg. (D: Morgana yr Oerfa - Jul 83)
Per salt Or & Purp, in pale 2 roses slipped & leaved proper & in
fess an increscent & a decrescent Arg. (D: Kassandra of Loch
Salann - Feb 99)
Per salt Sa & Gu, a flame proper surmounted by the blade of a
sword Arg, betw in fess 2 crescents Or, all within a bord Arg.
(D: Balthasar Brightblade of the Fens - Jun 94)
Per salt Vt & Purp, a horse courant betw in pale 2 increscents Arg.
(D: Duncan Andrew Songhawke Tengri-in Jida - Mar 92)
Purp, a bend sin dovetailed betw a fox sejant contourny & a
crescent & a crescent inv Or. (D: Morgan Rowantree Apr 99)
Purp, a chev ermine cotised Arg betw 2 crescents & a scorpion Or.
(D: Chiara da Montepulciano - Dec 02)
Purp, a salt betw in pale 2 mullets of 4 points, & in fess an
increscent & a decrescent Or. (D: Katya Wanderer - Jan 83)
Purp, a salt invected betw in pale 2 decrescents Or. (D: Kirsten
Fagerhjrta - Sep 88)
Purp, a shepherds crook reversed betw in fess a decrescent & an
increscent Arg. (D: Barbara of Stelton Wald - Dec 95)
Purp, an olive tree couped & in chf an increscent & a decrescent
Arg. (D: Giuseppe Calabro - Mar 07)
Purp, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 daffodils affronty & 2 decrescents
Or, a hummingbird palewise disp Gu. (D: Angelica des
Montagnes - Jun 02)
Purp, on a pale betw a decrescent & an increscent Or, a pallet Vt, a
chf Arg. (D: Leofric of Mona - Jul 87)
Purp, on a pall betw a compass star, an increscent, & a decrescent
Arg a thistle slipped & leaved proper. (D: Alison MacKieran
of Dunglas - Feb 83)
Purp, on a pile betw 2 crescents Or, a rose proper, slipped & leaved
Vt. (D: Angelique Tarin dArc - Aug 89)
Quarterly Az & ermine, on a cross Gu betw in bend 2 crescents, a
rams head cabossed Arg. (D: Olwyn Gwallt Coch - Jun 88)
Quarterly Az & Gu, a salt betw in pale 2 crescents Arg. (D:
Edward Halrim - Jan 80)
Quarterly Az & Vt, in bend 2 crescents Or. (D: Hubert dAvignon Jun 04)
Quarterly Purp & Vt, a hawk stooping betw in bend 2 decrescents
Or. (D: Cristina inghean ui Shuileabhain - Jul 03)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, in bend 2 increscents within a bord embat Arg.
(D: Angelique von Regensburg - Nov 03)
Quarterly Sa & Or, a decrescent & an increscent ctrch. (D: Hrodric
Gairovaldson - Feb 87)
Quarterly Vt & ermine, in bend a decrescent, a mullet & an
increscent all Arg. (D: Miranda of Silvandel - Jul 74?)
Quarterly Vt & Sa, a salt betw in pale 2 crescents Arg. (D: Aldred
Colson - Aug 83)
Quarterly Vt & Sa, on a tree eradicated betw in chf 2 crescents Arg
a wolfs head erased Gu. (D: Shiack NicGeoch - Nov 97)
Sa, a bears paw print & on a chf wavy Arg, a pellet betw a
decrescent & an increscent Sa. (D: Harald Ulfson - Feb 86)
550 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Crescent - 2 (continued)

Sa, a chev Az, fimbriated, betw 2 crescents & a tower Arg. (D:
Gratien de Nville - Feb 90)
Sa, a chev rompu betw a decrescent, an increscent, & a dragon
couchant Arg. (D: Maureen OSeachnasaigh - Apr 91)
Sa, a dhow Or sailed Arg issuant from a ford proper & in chf a
decrescent & an increscent Or. (D: Achmed ibn Yousef May 03)
Sa, a dragon dormant to sin Or betw an increscent & a decrescent in
bend sin Arg, in chf a ducal coronet Or. (D: Branwen bean
Aaron - Oct 87)
Sa, a fret betw in pale 2 increscents, a bord Arg. (D: Annys Wolf of
Wharram Percy - Jun 96)
Sa, a garden rose, slipped, betw 2 decrescents in bend sin, all within
an orle Arg. (D: Benjamin di Rosa of Aldea - Jan 85)
Sa, a phoenix disp head to sin Or, in chf 2 crescents Arg. (D:
Etienne le Marchand - Sep 00)
Sa, a torteau fimbriated & conjoined in fess with an increscent & a
decrescent Or. (D: Tivar Moondragon - May 80)
Sa, a tower betw in fess 2 crescents, all within a bord embat Or. (B:
Mikhail of the Khazars - Jul 89) (For House Geborgenheit)
Sa, a tree issuant from a mount Arg, in chf a plate betw an
increscent & a decrescent, all within a bord Arg. (D: Olivia
Andrea aBheithir - Mar 88)
Sa, a wolf couchant regardant Arg betw in pale 2 decrescents Or, a
bord vair. (D: Serina Vigdis Ulfsdottir - Aug 86)
Sa, an eagle-winged wyvern disp head to sin, Arg, charged on the
breast with a decrescent Sa, & in base 2 decrescents Arg. (D:
Guy de Coldrake - Apr 82)
Sa, in pale a crescent & a crescent inv Arg betw 2 plates in fess. (D:
Noel Raphael - Apr 87)
Sa, in salt 2 arrows inv betw in pale a crescent inv, engrailed in chf,
& a crescent, engrailed in base, Arg. (B: Alric Bowbreaker of
the High March - Nov 79)
Sa, on a bend betw an increscent & a decrescent Arg, 3 wolves
heads erased contourny Sa. (D: Conall MacGwynn - Dec 96)
Sa, on a bend sin betw 2 crescents Arg, 2 towers palewise Sa. (D:
Iricus le Ferur - Jul 90)
Sa, on a bend sin Or betw 2 crescents Arg 3 bells palewise Gu. (D:
Tamara di Firenze - Jan 92)
Sa, on a bend sin wavy cotised betw 2 crescents Arg each charged
with a mullet Sa 3 swords palewise inv Sa. (D: Nasim alRashid ibn Khalil al-Khatteb al-Medinawayyi - Jun 96)
Sa, on a pale Or betw in chf 2 decrescents Arg a spear Sa. (D:
Alastar ORogan - Nov 03)
Sa, on a pale Or 2 crescents inv Gu, a bord embat ctrch. (D: Hakim
ibn Asad - Sep 90)
Sa, on a pile betw in base a decrescent & an increscent Arg, a
horses head couped at the shoulder Sa. (D: Nefratiri Ani Mar 84)
Sa, on a pile betw 2 crescents Arg, a crescent Gu. (B: Seamus
Connachtach - Jun 01)
Sa, on a pile inv throughout betw 2 decrescents Or, a swan naiant to
sin Sa. (D: Clarence Forbes of Glen Dee - Dec 87)
Sa, 2 arrows in salt, in chf a crescent inv, engrailed in chf, raguly in
base, & in base a like crescent, all Arg. (D: Alric Bowbreaker
of the High March - Jul 74?)
Sa, 2 arrows inv in salt Or betw in fess a decrescent & an increscent
& overall a battle axe Arg. (D: Miles Oakeley - Mar 84)
Vt, a cat sejant Arg betw in fess an increscent & a decrescent Or.
(D: Margaret of Nordskogen - Sep 95)
Vt, a catamount statant guardant betw in pale 2 crescents & in fess 2
scimitars inv & addorsed Arg. (D: Scheherazade al-Zahira Sep 06)
Vt, a chev engrailed ermine betw 2 crescents & a leopards head
caboshed Arg. (D: Alix dAmiens - Oct 85)
Vt, a chev Or betw 2 crescents & a tree Arg. (D: Derdriu ingen
Raghnaill Grig na Manach - Nov 96)
Vt, a hand of Fatima fesswise betw in pale a crescent inv & a
crescent within a bord Or. (D: Yusef Metin el Rumi Sep 71?)
Vt, a horses head couped Arg crined & in chf 2 increscents Or. (D:
Fiona Finnech - Oct 04)
Vt, a mullet of six points voided, in chf a roundel betw a decrescent
& an increscent Arg. (D: Elena Cordovera - Aug 04)
Vt, a single-span bridge throughout Or betw 2 increscents Arg. (D:
Grinne inghean u Uaithne - Sep 07)

[Crescent - 2] to [Crescent - 3]

Crescent - 2 (continued)

Vt, a tower & in chf a roundel betw an increscent & a decrescent

Arg. (D: lfthryth the Amiable - Nov 98)
Vt, an increscent, a decrescent & a roundel Or. (D: Arielle of
Eisental - Mar 05)
Vt, an ounce ramp & in chf 2 crescents Arg. (D: Sabyn de Lisieux Sep 00)
Vt, chap Or, 2 crescents Vt & an elephants head couped, trunk
raised, Arg. (D: Rowena von Steinhaus - Sep 83)
Vt ermined, a chev betw 2 crescents & a dragon Arg. (D: Dietrich
Jorgen von Marksburg - Aug 06)
Vt, in pale a fox passant Arg betw 2 crescents, a bord dovetailed Or.
(D: Saikhan Saran - Feb 08)
Vt, on a bend sin wavy betw 2 crescents Arg, a wolf statant ululant
to sin Sa. (D: Padruig Wulfstan - May 86)
Vt, on a pale Or betw in chf 2 crescents Arg a scorpion inv Sa. (D:
Rodrigo Alfonso de Granada - Mar 03)
Vt, on a plate betw 2 crescents Arg & an estoile Or a horses head
couped to sin Gu, all within an orle Or. (D: Athelyna Estrild
Nimblefingers - Nov 83)
Vt, 2 increscents Or & a bear statant Arg. (D: Ingrid
Thurmansdottir - Aug 97)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 3

(Fieldless) 3 crescents conjoined in pall horns outward Or. (B:

Maurya Etain Sableswan - Dec 90)
(Fieldless) 3 crescents conjoined one & 2, horns outward, Az. (B:
Breichiol map Lludd o Fannauc - Feb 91)
Arg, a chev Az betw 3 crescents Purp, a bord engrailed Sa. (D:
Shahid al-Hasan - Nov 06)
Arg, a chev betw 3 crescents & on a chf Az 3 griffins Arg. (D:
Garrett Cromwell - Nov 06)
Arg, a chev Sa betw 3 increscents Vt, a bord embat Sa semy of
increscents Arg. (D: Cormac MacGregor - Feb 94)
Arg, a crescent pendant, a decrescent & an increscent one & 2, in
base 2 barrulets wavy couped Sa. (D: Zebeeba al-Kharqaa Sep 04)
Arg, a decrescent, an increscent, & a crescent Az. (D: Caitlin
MacAlpin Wood - Feb 01)
Arg, a dragon segreant Sa & in chf 3 crescents Gu, all within a bord
engrailed Sa. (B: Brion Thornbird ap Rhys - Aug 94)
Arg, a dragon sejant erect contourny Vt maintaining a rose slipped
& leaved proper betw 3 decrescents Az. (D: Susanna
Campbell - Aug 00)
Arg, a hawks head erased contourney betw 3 crescents Az. (D:
Haldane Sparhawke - Sep 97)
Arg, a lion passant contourny betw 3 crescents Gu, a bord Az. (D:
Charles de Lyons - May 94)
Arg, a luna moth proper betw a decrescent, an increscent & a
crescent, all Vt. (D: Deirdri of the Mist - Nov 86)
Arg, a patriarchal cross betw 3 crescents Gu & on a chf Sa 3 fleursde-lis Or. (D: Soffya of Stierbach - May 03)
Arg, a sagittary trippant proper & a lion ramp contourn Gu, on a
chf Az 3 crescents, above the central crescent a label, Arg. (D:
Tancred de Galicia - Oct 79)
Arg, a vol betw 3 crescents Gu. (D: Aveline loisele - Nov 04)
Arg, an oak leaf Vt betw 3 decrescents Gu. (D: Brigit ingen
Charthaig - Apr 00)
Arg, 3 crescents & on a chf Az a dolphin embowed Arg. (D: Caid,
Crown Prince of - Jan 80)
Arg, 3 crescents & on a chf Az a rose Or. (D: Caid, Crown
Princess of - Jan 80)
Arg, 3 hawks heads erased & sin facing Gu betw 2 chevronels, all
betw 3 decrescents Sa. (D: Rodney Wilhelm Czesny - Jun 87)
Arg, 2 chevronels Gu betw a lion statant & 3 crescents one & 2 Sa.
(D: Justinian Germanicus - Dec 00)
Arg, 2 Moors arms issuant from the flanks, maintaining a brownhaired melusine proper, all betw 3 crescents Gu. (D: Simona
Zon dAsolo - Nov 93)
Az, a bend sin Arg betw 3 crescents Or & 3 mullets of six points
Arg, a base wavy Or. (D: Riley of Golden Sand - Mar 88)
Az, a bendlet gemel wavy betw in bend a crescent betw 2 mullets &
in bend a mullet betw 2 crescents, all Arg. (B: Morrigan FitzRolf - May 81)
Az, a cat sejant to sin Arg betw 3 crescents Or. (D: Wendy of the
Outlands - Mar 96)

Crescent - 3 (continued)

Az, a chev inv betw 3 crescents one & 2 Arg. (D: Ealasaid
MacDonald - Dec 94)
Az, a crescent inv betw 2 piles inv Arg, each charged with a
crescent inv Az. (D: Tona the Black - Apr 90)
Az, a crown within a laurel wreath Or, betw 3 crescents within a
bord embat Arg. (D: Caid - Feb 75?)
Az, a rose Or betw 3 crescents, all within a bord embat Arg. (D:
Caid, Queen of - Jan 80)
Az, a sea-horse Arg betw 3 crescents Or. (D: Diana of the Isles Apr 76?)
Az, a sheaf of 3 stalks of wheat Or, betw 3 crescents Arg, a bord Or.
(D: Rowan Oldway - Nov 98)
Az, a stag salient guardant Arg, collared Vt, betw 3 increscents Arg.
(D: Aurelia Bryhtwyn - Feb 96)
Az, a talbot dormant & in chf 3 crescents Arg. (D: Sunnifa
Heinreksdttir - Dec 06)
Az, a triple-towered castle Arg, illumined Purp, betw 3 crescents
Or. (D: Michaela de Neuville - Jan 74?)
Az, a vol betw 3 crescents, on a chf dovetailed Arg 3 compass stars
Sa. (D: Melessent Michel - Nov 04)
Az estencely Arg, a sun in splendor betw 3 increscents Or. (D:
Alesia la Sabia de Murcia - Sep 94)
Az, in fess 3 increscents & on a base Or a sword inv surmounted by
a heart Gu. (D: Ceallach Cadhla - Sep 07)
Az, in pale 3 crescents, a sin tierce Arg. (D: Philip Drzislav Dec 99)
Az, on a chev betw 3 crescents Arg a lymphad, sails unfurled, Sa.
(D: Elysant de la Vallette - Feb 06)
Az, on a chev betw 3 increscents Arg, 2 compass stars palewise Az.
(D: Aylwin Greymane - May 92)
Az, on a chev doubly cotised betw 3 crescents Arg, a crescent Az.
(D: Wystan Roland Sacheverell - Nov 91)
Az, on a fess betw 3 crescents Arg a comet Az. (D: Temair Brecc
inghen Choluim - Jan 02)
Az, on a fess betw 3 crescents Or, 3 martlets Az. (D: Nyilas
Tiborch - Jun 04)
Az, 3 crescents & on a chf Arg, 3 owls close guardant Gu. (D:
Duncan of Greyhill - Mar 97)
Az, 3 crescents conjoined, horns outward, a bord embat Arg. (B:
Caid - Mar 94) (For Order of the Crescent)
Az, 3 crescents conjoined in pall horns outward, upon a chf
enarched Arg a seax reversed blade to chf Az. (D: Shariya
Shirin Khayzuran bint Shahzadeh - Aug 91)
Az, 3 crescents conjoined in pall inv horns outwards Arg, a chf
ermine. (D: Morgen of Rye - Dec 96)
Az, 3 crescents conjoined one & 2, horns outward, Arg & in chf a
compass star Or. (D: Alys Bouchard - Jun 08)
Az, 3 crescents in pall, horns to center Or. (B: Rosalind bint
Mihrimah - Dec 06)
Az, 2 arrows in fess & in chf 3 crescents pendant Arg. (D: Juliana
de Essex - Nov 03)
Barry wavy Arg & Purp, a shamrock betw 3 decrescents Vt. (D:
Kateline de Hawkesford - Jul 92)
Chequy Purp & Arg, a lions face jessant-de-lys & in chf 3
crescents Or. (D: Constancia Luiza de Almada - Mar 88)
Ermine, an alphyn passant betw 3 crescents inv Sa. (D: Abfhinn ni
Thigearnaigh - Jan 97)
Ermine, 3 crescents inv Sa. (D: Fiona Ann the Fair - Jun 02)
Gu, a dragon-headed torc Or betw an increscent, a decrescent, & a
crescent pendant Arg. (D: Artos Ancilis - Jun 94)
Gu, a hippogriff segreant Or betw 3 decrescents Arg. (D: Vortigern
Faber - Oct 97)
Gu, a rooster close to sin Or betw 3 crescents Arg. (D: Lachlan of
Theriddelond - Apr 02)
Gu, a stag ramp to sin betw 3 decrescents Arg. (D: Arianna
Kateryn Nunneschild - Aug 92)
Gu, on a fess Arg betw 3 increscents Or, a catamount passant Sa.
(D: Aislinn ni Chearbhaill - Jan 98)
Gu, 3 crescents Arg. (D: Gro Torstensdotter - Jun 04)
Gu, 3 crescents in pall inv horns to center Arg betw 3 mullets of six
points Or. (D: Aigiarn Aljin - Dec 03)
Gu, 3 crescents Or. (D: Jane of Stokton - Jul 04)
Gu, 3 ermine tails conjoined in pall Arg betw 3 crescents horns
outward Or. (B: Rhodri Longshanks - Sep 91)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, 3 crescents inv Gu. (D: Iror of Crystal Mynes Mar 04)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 551

[Crescent - 3]

Crescent - 3 (continued)

Lozengy Or & Purp, a spider & in chf 3 decrescents Arg. (D:

Clarice dOuessant - Oct 90)
Or, a frog tergiant Vt, & in chf 3 crescents, one & 2 Gu. (D:
Duibheasa of Mona - May 86)
Or, a hawk rising wings elevated & addorsed betw 3 crescents Gu.
(D: Joshua Redhawk - Apr 97)
Or, a lymphad reversed sails unfurled Sa & in chf 3 decrescents Az
all within a bord Sa. (D: Daniel Tremayne - Jan 02)
Or, in fess 3 crescents pendant Sa betw in pale 2 dragons statant Gu.
(D: Dragonetz de Xavier - Jul 03)
Or, 3 crescents Gu. (D: Saher de Wahull - Sep 02)
Or, 3 crescents in pale Sa betw 2 flaunches Vt. (D: Bevin
OSullivan - Jul 92)
Paly bendy sin Arg & Gu, 3 crescents conjoined in pall inv, points
outward & throughout, Sa. (D: Feran Blackthorn - May 88)
Party of six Vt & Arg, a griffin segreant queue-forchy Gu betw 3
increscents Arg. (D: Murdoch Drummond - Jul 95)
Pean, a maiden statant affronty proper, vested Arg, crined Or,
holding in dexter hand a sword bendwise proper, betw 3
crescents, horns to center Arg. (D: Miranda de la Shalamar May 85)
Per bend Az & Sa, in bend 3 decrescents Arg. (D: Anna la Claire Nov 06)
Per bend nebuly Az & Gu, 3 crescents & a chalice Or. (D:
Morgaine of Donegal - Mar 99)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a pair of lips Gu & 3 increscents Arg. (D:
Saundra the Incorrigible - Mar 93)
Per bend sin Az & Or, in bend sin 3 suns Or & in bend sin 3
decrescents Az. (D: Brenna Bethan - Feb 03)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a horse ramp Arg betw 3 decrescents Or. (D:
Gabriella Marguerite Simonetti Rucellai - Jun 92)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, a wolf ramp & in chf 3 increscents Arg. (D:
Owen MacPherson - May 08)
Per bend sin Vt & Arg, 3 crescents & 3 oak leaves ctrch. (D:
Gwenllian Derwen - Dec 92)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, a dragon disp Arg maintaining in each
hindclaw an acorn Or, all betw 3 decrescents Arg. (D:
Collwen Glynmes - Jun 95)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a tree blasted & eradicated & in chf 3
crescents Arg. (D: Margaret blomakinn Samsdottir - Feb 04)
Per bend Vt & Or, 3 decrescents Or & a fox passant gardant Gu. (D:
Avilina Andreu - Dec 02)
Per chev Arg & Gu, 3 increscents ctrch. (D: Kenric Burn of
Northampton - Feb 97)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 3 decrescents ctrch, in center chf a pine tree
couped Sa. (D: Virgil Aldensen of Lonewood - Aug 89)
Per chev Az & Arg, 3 crescents Arg & a natural leopard ramp Sa
spotted Arg. (D: Conall Roghbhardin - Jan 00)
Per chev Az & Sa, 3 crescents one & 2 Arg & a natural leopard
dormant contourny Or marked Sa. (D: Castellana de Salas Dec 00)
Per chev Az & Vt, a pawprint Or & in chf 3 increscents Arg. (D:
Tegan verch Morgant - Dec 05)
Per chev embat Arg & Sa, 3 crescents in chev Gu & a nightingale
close to sin Arg. (D: Stephen de Soissons - Dec 88)
Per chev Gu & Or, 3 decrescents with flames issuant from the upper
cusp of each, ctrch. (D: Daniel the Silent - Jun 76?)
Per chev Gu & Purp, a cat salient guardant Or collared Purp & in
chf 3 crescents one & 2 Or. (D: Rowena of Seventowers Oct 01)
Per chev Gu & Sa, on a chev betw 3 decrescents Or 3 mullets Sa.
(D: Anna Dillon - Apr 03)
Per chev Gu & Vt, a chev embat Arg betw 3 decrescents Or. (D:
Martin de Chevillon - Apr 95)
Per chev invected Az & ermine, in chf 3 decrescents in fess Or. (D:
Damienne dAuxerre - Nov 88)
Per chev inv Arg & Az, a rose proper & 3 crescents, 2 & one, Arg,
all within a bord ctrch Az crescenty Arg & Arg. (D: Judith
Webbestre - May 04)
Per chev inv Az & Gu, an eagle disp & 3 crescents Or. (D: Alaric
Foxley - Sep 92)
Per chev inv Az & Sa, a chev inv betw an arrow fesswise & 3
decrescents Arg. (D: Amber Blackwood - Jun 93)
Per chev inv ermine & Sa, in chf a flame Gu, & in base 3 crescents
Arg. (D: Alaric Erskin - Jun 82)

552 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Crescent - 3 (continued)

Per chev inv Gu & Sa, a winged sword & 3 decrescents Arg. (D:
Elyas Tigar - Feb 07)
Per chev inv raguly Or & Sa, in chf a tower & in base 3 crescents all
ctrch. (D: Tuvor Sabledrake - Feb 86)
Per chev inv Vt & Or, 3 oak leaves conjoined in pall, fructed Or, &
3 decrescents Vt. (D: Edolina del Fylde - Sep 96)
Per chev Or & Az, 3 crescents pendant ctrch. (D: Savaric de
Miraval - Mar 95)
Per chev Or & Gu, in chf 3 crescents, one & 2, Gu & in base a sun
eclipsed Or. (D: Adrian de Bretigny du Cabochon - Jan 89)
Per chev Or & Vt, 3 crescents one & 2 Gu & a cinquefoil Or. (D:
Yaasamiin al-Raqqasa al-Alaiyiyya - Nov 04)
Per chev Purp & Gu, in pale a crescent & in fess an increscent &
decrescent Arg. (D: Candice of Swampkeep - Mar 03)
Per chev rayonny Sa & Or, 3 crescents ctrch. (D: Deirdre an Din
ideann - Aug 94)
Per chev Sa & Az goutty deau, a chev betw 3 decrescents & a
wolfs head bendwise erased Arg. (D: Oweyn Grimulf Dec 05)
Per chev Sa & Gu, in chev five mullets Or, all betw 3 crescents Arg.
(D: Hubert FitzBennett - Jul 83)
Per chev Sa & Gu, 3 crescents conjoined in pall inv, horns outward
Or. (D: Austyn of Forrestgate - Sep 91)
Per chev Sa & Or, 3 decrescents one & 2 Or & a goblet Sa. (D:
Gwyneth of Avondale - Mar 08)
Per chev Sa & Purp, 3 decrescents Arg. (D: Lamorak of Dunsinane
- Apr 02)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a chev embat betw 3 crescents & a fox sejant
Arg. (D: Coinneach McIain - Oct 94)
Per chev Sa & Vt, 3 increscents Arg & a wheel Or. (D: Isabel
Paulo - Nov 06)
Per chev Sa goutty deau & Vt, in chf a martlet rising, wings disp,
& in base 3 decrescents one & 2 Arg. (D: Yolande Isabeau de
Saulx-Tavannes - Jan 93)
Per chev throughout Sa & Az, 3 increscents, a chf Arg. (D:
Rachael of Hawkeswood - Nov 97)
Per fess Arg, sem-de-lys Vt, & Sa, in base 3 increscents Arg. (D:
Catherine des Gorges du Tarn - Mar 84)
Per fess Az & Gu, 3 increscents & a martlet Or. (D: Marie de
Lancey - Nov 01)
Per fess Az & Sa, 3 decrescents Or & a castle Arg. (D: Ian Cradoc
- Sep 02)
Per fess embat Gu & Arg, 3 crescents, each within an annulet, all
ctrch. (D: Elizabeth Wigglesworth of Kirton - Jan 88)
Per fess embat Sa & Arg, in chf 3 crescents in fess Arg & in base a
thistle proper. (D: Tangwystl ferch Morgan - Jan 94)
Per fess engrailed Arg & Sa, 3 crescents Gu & a natural dolphin
naiant Arg. (D: Cassandra the Forlorn - Dec 01)
Per fess indented of 3 points Sa & Az, a dance betw 3 crescents & a
lion dormant Or. (B: Ekaterina von Pferdberg - Aug 90)
Per fess indented Sa & Az, a dance betw 3 crescents & a sun, Or.
(D: Ekaterina von Pferdberg - Aug 90)
Per fess rayonny Gu & Sa, 3 decrescents Arg. (D: Sylvana
Ballaster - Sep 02)
Per fess rayonny Sa & Or, 3 decrescents in fess Or & a boars head
erased Vt. (D: Thomas Gunn - Dec 90)
Per fess Sa & Az a fess wavy Arg betw 3 crescents & a dolphin
naiant Or. (D: Dervilia OShannon - Dec 93)
Per fess Sa & Az, a swan naiant Arg, beaked, in chf an increscent,
decrescent, & increscent, one & 2, Or. (D: Ruth Baraskaya Feb 81)
Per fess Sa & Gu, a fess embat, in chf 3 crescents Or. (B: Ciaran
MacDarragh - Feb 92)
Per fess Sa & Or, 3 crescents pendant & a natural panther passant
ctrch. (D: Katla in Rauhra - Jan 07)
Per fess Vt & Or, in pale 3 crescents Or & a sprig of oak fructed
proper. (D: Gillian of the Green Woods - Jan 74?)
Per fess wavy Sa & barry wavy Arg & Az, in chf 3 increscents Arg.
(D: Sign Jlinnardttir - Dec 95)
Per fess wavy Sa & Gu papellony Arg, in chf 3 increscents Arg. (D:
Tegen Meanbh - Sep 96)
Per pale Arg & Az, a unicorn ramp betw 3 increscents ctrch. (D:
ireannach OHanley - Oct 99)
Per pale Arg & Az, in bend 3 crescents ctrch. (D: Durien of Glarus
- Nov 82)

[Crescent - 3]

Crescent - 3 (continued)

Per pale Arg & Purp, 3 crescents ctrch. (D: Violante de Myranda Jun 03)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a tower betw 3 crescents ctrch. (D: Gunter
Wahlstedt - Sep 91)
Per pale Az & Arg, in fess an increscent, a crescent, & a decrescent
ctrch. (D: Hrefna lfvarinsdttir - Oct 06)
Per pale Az & Gu, a dance betw 3 decrescents Arg. (D: Adeliza
Caldern - Sep 95)
Per pale Az & Or, a chev betw 3 crescents ctrch. (D: Kylan
Magnusson - Dec 03)
Per pale Az & Sa, a wolf sejant ululant betw 3 decrescents Arg. (D:
Celn Ruairc - Feb 00)
Per pale Az & Sa, 3 crescents conjoined in pall inv, horns outward
within an orle Arg. (D: Alianora MacIntosh - Oct 93)
Per pale embat Vt & Arg, a cross flory Arg & 3 crescents in pale
Az. (D: Juliane de Saint-Thomas - Sep 02)
Per pale ermine & Gu, 3 crescents ctrch Gu & Or. (D: Isabel
Grimault - Feb 01)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a fess Sa, betw 3 crescents ctrch. (D: George
Michael Edmunson - Jul 91)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a mullet of seven points pierced Or betw 3
decrescents Arg. (D: Martin of Grantham - Sep 92)
Per pale Or & Az, a deer at gaze betw 3 crescents ctrch. (D: Mariel
of Strasbourg - Aug 92)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 2 chevronels betw 3 crescents all ctrch. (D:
Esclairmonde Ravenscroft - Dec 85)
Per pale Purp & Or, a cross fleury betw 3 crescents ctrch. (D:
Gayla atte Blacwoulfe - Apr 07)
Per pale Purp & Or, an amphisbaena, heads reguardant, betw 3
crescents ctrch. (D: Solveig Langlif - Jan 91)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a wolf passant betw 3 decrescents ctrch. (D:
Arinbjorn Rnlfsson Rafnssonar - Oct 92)
Per pale Sa & Az, a stags head affronty erased & in chf 3
increscents Arg. (D: Catriona Roche - Jun 92)
Per pale Vt & Gu, a wolf passant & in chf 3 crescents Arg. (D:
Feln mac Cathail - Feb 02)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a raven betw 3 crescents Arg. (D: Bran Finn hua
Nill - May 08)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a unicorn couchant betw 3 crescents Arg. (D:
Honora Shirebrooke - Nov 04)
Per pale Vt & Sa, 3 crescents conjoined in pall inv, horns outward,
betw 3 nightingales contourny Arg. (D: Nicodemus of Roaring
Wastes - Mar 93)
Per pall Arg Gu & Sa, 3 decrescents Gu Or & Or all within a bord
embat Or. (D: William MacKay - Sep 02)
Per salt Arg & Or, a scorpion tergiant erect betw in fess 2
decrescents & in base a crescent Sa. (B: Imran Yosuf le
Scorpioun - Jul 82)
Purp, a bend Arg cotised Or betw 3 decrescents & 3 mullets of six
points Arg. (D: Alix dAvignon - Jul 85)
Purp, a chev inv Sa fimbriated Arg betw 3 crescents 2 & one & a
capital M Or. (D: Domninus Hadrianus Rufus - Oct 07)
Purp, a fish haurient betw 3 crescents Or. (D: lfwynn Fiske Jan 92)
Purp, a griffin passant betw 3 crescents inv Arg. (D: Cassandra
Brant - Nov 90)
Purp, a stag trippant & in chf 3 crescents Or. (D: Collette de Valois
- Apr 06)
Purp, a sun betw an increscent a decrescent & a crescent pendant
Or. (D: Eilna Guriksdttir - Sep 03)
Purp, a sun betw 3 increscents Arg. (D: Phile of Ephesus Aug 02)
Purp, a Trojan horse betw 3 decrescents Arg. (D: Troy of Nodham
Whyre - Apr 84)
Purp, a weeping willow tree blasted & eradicated & in chf 3
decrescents within a bord embat grady Arg. (D: Morwenna n
Thiarnin - Jun 05)
Purp, a winged hind trippant & in chf 3 crescents Arg. (D:
Derbhiled ni Liadhnin - May 90)
Purp, a zebra ramp proper & in chf 3 increscents Or. (D: Avelon de
Lunivilla - Oct 06)
Purp, in pall a harp betw 3 increscents Arg. (D: Gwenhwyvar
Telynores - Jan 99)
Purp, on a chev betw 3 decrescents Or a spider Sa. (D: Kristana
Tancz - Apr 05)

Crescent - 3 (continued)

Purp, on a salt Or betw a caltrap & 3 crescents, horns to center, Arg,

2 natural roses crossed in salt Gu, slipped & leaved Vt. (D:
Kindaswintha von Wintermond - Aug 88)
Purp, on a sun betw a decrescent, an increscent & a crescent Arg, a
phoenix Az. (D: Alwynn Kristyan nyn Rineyan - Aug 90)
Purp, 3 increscents in bend betw 2 ferrets statant Arg. (D: Gemma
Rosalia - Oct 05)
Purp, 2 chevronels couped betw in chf a crescent, an increscent & a
decrescent one & 2 & in base a lion couchant Or. (D: Marion
Leoncina da Susa - Mar 05)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a hurst of 3 trees issuant from a mount couped,
all betw 3 increscents Arg. (D: Roland von dem Silbernwald Apr 87)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a wolf ramp to sin betw 3 decrescents Arg. (D:
Jared Galien - Dec 03)
Quarterly Purp & Vt, a sea-serpent ondoyant contourny betw 3
crescents Arg. (D: Brighid Nic Thighearnin - Aug 94)
Quarterly Sa & Az, a sun Or & in chf 3 increscents Arg. (D: Padrig
Saethydd - Apr 06)
Quarterly Sa & Az, in pall inv a trefoil knot betw 3 crescents Arg.
(D: Ciar ingen Dega - Feb 08)
Quarterly Vt & Gu, a hare sejant erect contourny Arg, in chf 3
increscents Or. (D: Egan Mac Ailpein - Nov 97)
Quarterly Vt & Sa, an eagle disp Or betw 3 crescents pendant Arg.
(D: Bryce de Wales - May 05)
Sa, a bend Or betw an estoile & 3 decrescents Arg all within a bord
Or. (D: Jael al Gamal - Jun 91)
Sa, a camel statant contourny betw 3 decrescents Or. (D: Balthazar
the Quiet - Aug 95)
Sa, a chev barry wavy Arg & Az betw 3 increscents, a bord Arg.
(D: Cathryn of Chester - Jan 93)
Sa, a chev Gu, fimbriated Or, overall a horse ramp Arg betw 3
crescents Or. (D: Richard the Defyer - Jul 98)
Sa, a chev rompu throughout Arg betw 3 decrescents Or. (D: Rose
of Threemoons - Jul 04)
Sa, a fox sejant reguardant, its forepaws grasping an arrow inv,
betw 3 increscents Arg. (D: Arianna McPhearson - Mar 90)
Sa, a lions face jessant-de-lys & in chf 3 crescents Arg. (D:
Adelaide de Saussay - Mar 02)
Sa, a mongoose passant regardant Or maintaining a sword proper
betw 3 increscents Or. (D: Abu Nur Rustam ibn Abdallah May 94)
Sa, a pegasus salient to sin Arg, gorged of an Eastern crown Or,
betw 3 increscents Arg. (D: Seanan an Chasur - Dec 88)
Sa, a rose betw 3 decrescents Arg within a bord Arg goutty de sang.
(D: Alana Urquhart - Aug 04)
Sa, a shakefork betw 3 crescents Arg. (D: Thorkell Ulfsson Jan 96)
Sa, a thunderbolt betw 3 crescents Arg. (D: Breac MacFinnin May 93)
Sa, a triquetra & in chf a crescent betw an increscent & a decrescent
Arg. (D: Sorcha inghen u Dhonnchaidh - Jul 05)
Sa, a wolf passant Arg betw 3 crescents Or. (D: Dagonet de
Marlowe - Jul 03)
Sa, an annulet surmounted by 3 crescents in pall, horns outward, all
within a bord Arg. (D: William Ranulf le Broc - Mar 89)
Sa, betw 3 crescents a stags attire affronty erased, a bord
dovetailed Arg. (D: Dediana du Corwyn - Mar 78?)
Sa, in bend 3 crescents Arg. (D: Cathan MacCullaich - Mar 06)
Sa, in pale a cat passant reguardant to sin & 3 crescents interlaced in
pall inv, a bord embat Or. (D: Silvie de Rohan - Mar 00)
Sa, on a fess Arg betw 3 crescents Or a simurgh close Gu. (D:
Jannat Raushana al-Rumiya - Jan 95)
Sa, on a fess Or, a serpent nowed Gu, in chf 3 decrescents Arg. (D:
Isolda de Chasteaulin - Feb 88)
Sa, on a lozenge Purp fimbriated betw 3 crescents a double-bitted
axe Arg. (D: Iphis Psellina - Jul 07)
Sa, on a pile Arg a sword inv Gu, the hilt betw 3 crescents, one & 2,
Az. (B: Morgan MacNeil of Clan Fergus - Aug 82)
Sa, 3 crescents Arg & on a chf Or, 3 compass stars Gu. (D: Brion
of Bellatrix - Nov 90)
Sa, 3 crescents conjoined at the tips pallwise Arg. (D: Oonami
Yoshirou Kageyoshi - Apr 98)
Sa, 3 crescents conjoined in pall inv, horns outward, within 3
scimitars in annulo Arg. (D: Keradwc an Cai - Aug 85)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 553

[Crescent - 3] to [Crescent - 4 or more]

Crescent - 3 (continued)

Sa, 3 crescents one & 2 conjoined at the horns Or. (B: Rabah azZafir - Nov 00)
Sa, 3 decrescents in bend betw 2 wolfs heads erased ululant
contourny Arg. (D: Wlfer Drachenhand - Feb 02)
Sa, 2 scimitars in salt betw 3 decrescents within a bord embat Arg.
(D: Abd-al-Aziz al-Jazzar - Mar 94)
Vt, a chalice within an annulet betw 3 crescents Arg. (D: Etain
ingen an Aba - Oct 04)
Vt, a chev betw 3 decrescents erminois. (D: Berengaria von
Grossenberg - Jan 95)
Vt, a crescent an increscent & a decrescent one & 2 Or & on a chf
Arg 3 Cavendish knots Az. (D: Constancia of Owls Rest Oct 04)
Vt, a ferret statant guardant contourny Or, in chf 3 crescents Arg.
(D: ine Aislingthech ingen Sorcha - Apr 98)
Vt, a foxs mask betw 3 crescents Arg. (D: Avelyn of Kennington Dec 07)
Vt, a Jerusalem cross betw 3 crescents Arg. (D: Robin of
Devonshire - Nov 96)
Vt, a maple leaf betw 3 increscents Arg. (D: Morgan Branwen Jun 93)
Vt, a pall Sa fimbriated betw 3 crescents Arg. (D: Lescelyn of
Kailzie - Dec 96)
Vt, a phoenix Arg betw 3 crescents Or. (D: Ceara Ruad - Dec 00)
Vt, a sword betw in fess a decrescent & an increscent & in chf a
crescent inv Arg. (D: Torna MacConn - Jun 83)
Vt, a unicorn couchant & in chf 3 crescents Arg. (D: Alanna of
Downpatrick - Feb 87)
Vt, a winged cat salient contourny Arg betw 3 increscents Or. (D:
Myfanwy ferch Candelan - Jan 95)
Vt, an acorn within a wreath of oak leaves Or & in chf 3 crescents
Arg. (B: Caid - May 80) (For Children of the Caidan
Vt, an owl close guardant betw in chf a crescent & in fess 2 more
Arg. (D: Mariora Bullen - Jun 98)
Vt, in pall inv 3 crescents interlocked, horns outwards, betw 3
mullets voided Or. (D: Esmeralda of Kimaden - Aug 82)
Vt, on a bar betw a horse salient & 3 decrescents Arg five almonds
proper. (D: Charlene Chakaydia - Aug 79?)
Vt, on a chev inv betw 3 decrescents Or 3 tassels Vt. (D: Islah bint
Yuhannah - Feb 02)
Vt, on a fess betw 3 crescents Or, a lion passant guardant contourny
Az. (D: Luigsech n Ifearnin - Oct 93)
Vt, 3 increscents in bend sin betw 2 scarpes Arg. (D: Lydia
Brittanica - May 92)
* * * End * * *

Crescent - 4 or more

(Fieldless) A grenade within & conjoined to 4 crescents conjoined

in cross at the points Or. (B: Brian Killian the Red - Aug 04)
(Fieldless) A sun in glory Or betw five crescents pointed outward
Arg. (B: Ursula die Taube - Oct 90)
(Fieldless) An eagle disp Or perched atop 4 crescents conjoined in
salt, horns outward Arg. (B: Caid - Oct 00)
(Fieldless) Five crescents conjoined in annulo horns outward Arg.
(B: Caid - Jan 02) (For Arts and Sciences Pentathlon)
(Tinctureless) 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns outward,
surmounted by 2 trumpets in salt, within a bord embat. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: College of Heralds of Caid - Mar 82)
(Fieldless) On a roundel Az betw & conjoined to eight crescents in
annulo horns outward a tower Arg. (B: Dreiburgen - Feb 08)
(For former territorial barons and baronesses of Dreiburgen)
(Fieldless) On a roundel Az betw & conjoined to eight crescents in
annulo horns outward Arg a hurst Or. (B: Gyldenholt Feb 08) (For former territorial barons and baronesses of
(Fieldless) On a roundel Az betw & conjoined to eight crescents in
annulo horns outward Arg a phoenix Or. (B: Nordwache Feb 08) (For former territorial barons and baronesses of
(Fieldless) On a roundel Az betw & conjoined to eight crescents in
annulo horns outward Arg a trident Or. (B: Calafia - Feb 08)
(For former territorial barons and baronesses of Calafia)

554 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Crescent - 4 or more (continued)

(Fieldless) On a roundel betw & conjoined to eight crescents in

annulo horns outward Arg an ermine spot Gu. (B: Naevehjem
- Feb 08) (For former territorial barons and baronesses of
(Fieldless) On a roundel Gu betw & conjoined to eight crescents in
annulo horns outward Arg a standing seraph proper winged Or.
(B: Angels, the - Feb 08) (For former territorial barons and
baronesses of the Angels)
(Fieldless) On a roundel per pale Az & Or betw & conjoined to
eight crescents in annulo horns outward Arg a tower ctrch. (B:
Dun Or - Feb 08) (For former territorial barons and
baronesses of Dun Or)
(Fieldless) On a roundel Vt betw & conjoined to eight crescents in
annulo horns outward Arg an escallop Or. (B: Lyondemere Feb 08) (For former territorial barons and baronesses of
Arg, a bend betw six crescents Gu. (D: Enderlin Jger - Sep 06)
Arg, a bend cotised Sa betw six crescents Az. (D: Gwenllian ferch
Maredudd - Dec 96) (Blanket permission to conflict with
device with one CD granted 0708Q)
Arg, a brazier Sa enflamed proper betw in cross 4 decrescents Gu.
(D: Usama al-Rashid - May 01)
Arg, a celtic cross throughout betw 4 crescents Az. (D: Jedidiah
Larkin - Jun 91)
Arg, a dragon sejant betw six increscents in orle Az. (D: Eulalia de
Ravenfeld - Oct 02)
Arg, a Japanese well frame crosswise betw 4 crescents in cross
horns inwards conjoined Gu. (D: Ii Saburou Katsumori Mar 02)
Arg, a wolfs head cabossed Sa, enflamed betw 4 crescents in cross
Gu. (B: Logan Blackwoulfe - Oct 96)
Arg, an escarbuncle within an orle of crescents Vt. (D: Genevieve
du Lac - Aug 90)
Arg masoned Sa, a mascle Gu betw 4 crescents in salt, horns to
center Sa. (D: Franbald of Loncastre - Jan 97)
Arg, on a bend betw six crescents Purp, a cat dormant Arg. (D:
Khioniya Nikolaevna Ryseva - Aug 97)
Arg, semy of crescents Gu, an eagle inv & disp within a bord embat
Az. (D: Alexander of Cumberlande - Oct 86)
Arg, semy of decrescents Az, 3 popinjays close Vt, marked Gu,
within a bord Az. (D: Gregory Finche - Aug 88)
Arg semy of decrescents, on a lozenge throughout Sa a stag at gaze
Arg armed & attired Or. (D: Anastasia Gabrielle of Nantwich
Hall - Jun 95)
Arg, semy of decrescents Vt, a spider tergiant Sa charged with a
mullet Arg. (D: Denise MacMhathain - Apr 85)
Arg, 2 feathers in salt betw 4 crescents Az. (D: Brianna of Locksley
- Nov 85)
Az, a cross moline Arg betw 4 increscents Or, a bord Arg. (D: Jean
Paul the Mace - May 93)
Az, a fess betw six crescents Arg. (D: lffld t Wemor Apr 00)
Az, a lioness statant guardant Or within an orle of increscents Arg.
(D: Guinevere of Lyonesse - Mar 00)
Az, a mullet of six points, each ray surmounted at its tip by a
crescent, horns outward, Or. (D: Rachel of Ravenskeep Jan 90)
Az, a pheon within in cross 4 crescents conjoined, points inward,
Arg. (D: Alane of Montmaris - Feb 75?)
Az, a sea elephant Or betw 4 decrescents in cross Arg. (D: Beatrice
MacKelli - Oct 88)
Az, an orle of crescents Arg. (D: Gabriel andvaka Kjotvason Jan 02)
Az, betw the front paws of a lioness (Panthera leo) a lion cub both
statant proper & on a chf Arg 3 cats heads cabossed Gu & for
augmentation, replacing the center cats head, a roundel Az
charged with 4 crescents conjoined in salt horns outward Arg.
(Augmentation of Arms: Lorissa du Griffin - May 07)
Az, crescenty, a bear ramp Or maintaining a scimitar bendwise Or.
(D: Hilal al-Dubb - Feb 89)
Az crescenty Arg, a Russian Orthodox cross Or & a gore sin Arg.
(D: Mykola Alecksandr - Mar 92)
Az, crescenty Or, on a bend Arg, a natural dolphin embowed Sa. (B:
Pelinora de Orin - Dec 88)
Az crescenty, 3 coneys ramp each maintaining a mace Or. (D:
Amaryllis Marinaro - Apr 07)

[Crescent - 4 or more]

Crescent - 4 or more (continued)

Az, five crescents in pale Arg betw 2 pallets Or. (D: Brighid of
Garnsey - Dec 02)
Az, 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns outward, Arg.
(Augmentation of Arms: Caid - Jul 04) (Standard
Az, 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns outward, Arg. (B: Caid Aug 79) (War banner)(For the populace)
Az, in pale 3 dragons passant Or & for augmentation, in canton 4
crescents conjoined in salt horns outward Arg. (Augmentation
of Arms: owyn Amberdrake - Jul 04)
Az, on a bend sin Or betw six crescents Arg, 3 lozenges Gu. (D:
Ciaran Dubh MacDonagh - May 90)
Az, on a pale betw six crescents Arg 3 mullets of six points Az. (D:
Lisette la Rouxe - Feb 01)
Az, semy of crescents Arg, a dexter gauntlet reversed maintaining a
rose slipped & leaved Or. (D: Bardolph Odger Windlufer May 85)
Az semy of crescents Arg, a phoenix Or rising from flames proper.
(D: Jutta de Warwick - Feb 07)
Az, 2 arrows in salt betw 4 crescents, horns outwards, all within a
bord embat Arg. (B: Caid - Nov 89) (For the Kingdom
Master of Archers)
Az, 2 natural seahorses respectant Or within an orle of crescents
Arg. (D: Kiara Rowland - Aug 96)
Az, 2 spears in salt betw 4 crescents inv Arg. (B: Cassandra Brant
- Nov 90) (For House Moonspear)
Gu, a cross crescenty quarterly Or & Arg. (D: Gregor of nan
Crioch Tuatha - Nov 98)
Gu, a fleur-de-lys betw 4 crescents in cross horns to center &
conjoined at the tips Arg. (B: Kateryn Rous - Feb 02)
Gu semy of decrescents, a stags head affronty erased & a base Or.
(D: Thorkell Sigurdson - Nov 95)
Gu semy of decrescents Arg. (B: Conrad von Regensburg Jan 74)
Gu, semy of decrescents Arg, in pale an Arabic oil lamp & 2
scimitars inv in salt with edges to base Or. (D: Raschid
Abdullah ibn Iacoob al Baghdadi - Dec 85)
Gu, six crescents inv 2, 2, & 2 checky Arg & Sa. (D: Juliana de
Luna - Sep 00)
Or, a bow & arrow nocked & drawn to sin Sa betw in cross 4
crescents horns to center Gu, a bord Sa bezanty. (D: Jamukha
Batu - Nov 07)
Or, a dragons head couped Vt within an orle of crescents Sa. (D:
Eldrik Dudley - Oct 85)
Or, a salt engrailed betw 4 increscents Purp. (D: Alithea ferch Rhys
of Birchum - Jan 85)
Or crescenty Gu, a natural panther ramp regardant Sa within a bord
Gu crescenty Or. (D: Ysabella Scarlet - Feb 02)
Or semy of crescents, a fess Purp a bord Purp crusily couped Or.
(D: Tatiana Marana Melville - Jan 97)
Or semy of decrescents Az, an oak tree Vt trunked Sa. (D:
Rhiannon Boyle - Oct 02)
Or, six crescents pendant 2 2 & 2 Az. (D: Geoffrey of AEthelmearc
- Apr 02)
Or, six crescents 2, 2, & 2 Gu. (D: Yamina bint Habib - May 03)
Per bend Arg & Vt, in cross a roundel betw 4 crescents, horns
outwards, all ctrch. (D: Eleanor de Montfort of Atlantia Mar 07)
Per bend Az & Sa, a wolfs head couped contourny within an orle
of decrescents Or. (D: Domnall mac Faltigeirn - Jul 07)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend betw 4 crescents conjoined in cross at the
points & a cross clechy Arg. (D: ine inghean u Ghrobhtha Dec 05)
Per bend Or & Az semy of crescents ctrch. (D: Luther Anshelm Oct 95)
Per bend Purp & Sa, a salt betw 4 crescents Arg. (D: Gerard
FitzGerald - Feb 92)
Per bend Sa, mulletty of six points Or, & Or, crescenty Sa, a date
palm tree couped Gu. (D: Damara Narrissa - Feb 83)
Per bend sin Arg crusily Sa & Or crescenty, on a bend sin Sa a
sword proper. (D: William Xanthos - Feb 00)
Per chev Arg & Purp, 4 decrescents one, 2 & one ctrch. (D:
Giustina Ottavanti - Jan 00)
Per chev Arg & Sa, a bird disp, head facing sin, within an orle of
decrescents ctrch. (D: Andrew Blount - Apr 99)

Crescent - 4 or more (continued)

Per chev Az & Vt, 2 decrescents & 2 increscents in chev & a rowan
tree Arg. (D: Rowan Mac Quillan - Sep 00)
Per pale Arg & Sa all crescenty ctrch, a bord Gu. (D: Kathalyn
Nimet - Oct 04)
Per pale Arg & Sa, semy of crescents, within a bord charged with 3
mullets of eight points, all ctrch. (D: Reya nam Beanntan Oct 85)
Per pale Gu & Arg, an open book betw 4 crescents in cross horns to
center, a bord ctrch. (D: Juliana Lorenzo de Len - Sep 06)
Per pale Gu & Az, a griffin passant contourny betw crescents in
annulo Arg. (B: Shajar al-Yaasmeen - Jul 02)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a compass star dismembered betw in cross 4
crescents, their horns facing inwards, Arg. (D: Manfred
Albrecht von Halsstern - Jan 83)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a cross moline betw in dexter 2 increscents & in
sin 2 decrescents Arg. (D: Theodric von Rostock - Dec 85)
Per pale Or & Arg, in cross a crescent, another bendwise, another
bendwise sin, & a mullet of six points Sa. (D: Ali ibn Ibrahim
Abd al-Aziz - Oct 92)
Per pale Purp & Gu, a fret betw 4 decrescents Or. (D: Branwen or
Gelli Aur - Mar 89)
Per pale Sa & Arg semy of crescents ctrch, a sun in splendor Gu.
(D: Havicia OByrne Brannagh - Jun 98)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a chev betw 3 caltraps Or, all within a bord
compony Sa & Arg, each Sa section charged with a decrescent
Or. (D: Michael FitzRoderick the Moor - Oct 85)
Per pale Sa & Or all crescenty ctrch. (B: Klaus Rother von
Schweinichen - May 04) (JB: Thaddeus von
Orlamnde)(For Gesellschaft mit der Mondsichel)
Per pale Sa & Purp, a Latin cross bottony betw in dexter 2
increscents & in sin 2 decrescents Or. (D: Milan Ivanovich Mar 95)
Per pale wavy Arg & Az, 2 seahorses erect respectant within an orle
of decrescents ctrch. (D: Marion Brady - Apr 99)
Per salt Az & Gu, 4 crescents pendant Or. (D: Elisabeth Hnsler Apr 08)
Per salt Gu & Sa, a griffin segreant betw 4 crescents in cross Arg.
(D: Bryce of Heronter - Feb 97)
Per salt Or & Sa, 4 crescents within a bord ctrch. (D: Ysabeau de
Saint Wanderielle - Oct 91)
Per salt Purp & Sa, a fret betw 4 decrescents Or. (D: Rowland
Addison Carrick - Jul 96)
Per salt Sa & Arg, in cross a roundel betw 4 crescents, horns
outward, ctrch. (D: Abu Shahid Malik al-Haddad - Jan 08)
Per salt Vt & Sa, a pithon erect nowed, wings disp, betw in cross 4
crescents Arg. (D: Benjamin Xanthus Ruthendale - Apr 85)
Per salt Vt & Sa, 4 crescents conjoined in cross points inward Arg.
(D: Ramon de la Vega - Feb 00)
Purp, a dolmen betw in cross 4 crescents Or. (B: Meadhbh ni
Bhriain - Jul 86)
Purp, crescenty Arg, 2 catamounts sejant reguardant addorsed Or.
(D: Morgan nic Gregor - Jul 89)
Purp, in cross a butterfly betw 4 crescents horns outward Arg. (D:
Sati al-Isfahaniyya - Jan 07)
Purp, six crescents & a bord Arg. (D: Maddalena dei Ridolfi Feb 95)
Purp, six crescents in annulo Arg. (D: Cassandra Cernakova May 85)
Quarterly Az semy of crescents & Arg, a scimitar bendwise sin Az.
(D: Hashim Abd-al-Salam - Jan 94)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a wolf ramp reguardant Sa betw 4 crescents in
salt ctrch, a bord embat Sa. (D: Logan Blackwoulfe - Oct 96)
Quarterly Or & Gu, a bird disp Arg betw 4 crescents ctrch. (B:
Colin OBryan - Sep 99) (For John OBryan)
Quarterly Purp & Arg, an estoile Or betw 4 increscents ctrch. (D:
Ceridwen merch Tudwal Penwyn - Feb 00)
Quarterly Sa & Az, a cross betw 4 crescents Arg. (D: Elyas de
Dunblan - Jun 05)
Quarterly Vt & Sa, 4 crescents Arg. (D: Celn mac Meic Craith Jan 97)
Sa, a sun in glory Or betw five crescents in annulo points outward
Arg. (D: Ursula die Taube - Apr 98)
Sa, a tyger statant Or within an orle of crescents Arg. (D: Ulric
Fredricson - Mar 88)
Sa, a winged tree blasted & eradicated & in chf 4 crescents Arg. (D:
Sren Nielsen - Aug 03)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 555

[Crescent - 4 or more] to [Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Argent]

Crescent - 4 or more (continued)

Sa, an artists brush inv & a quill pen in salt Arg betw 4 crescents
all within an orle Or. (D: Rafia al-Zarqa - Mar 06)
Sa crescenty, on a fess Or 3 crescents Sa. (D: Dharr ibn Abu alNasir al-Mawsili - Jul 04)
Sa estencely Or, six crescents in annulo Arg. (D: Sign Sngvari
Svansdttir - Mar 93)
Sa, in cross 4 decrescent moons within a laurel wreath Arg. (D:
Shadows Edge - Feb 90)
Sa, in salt 2 batons betw 4 crescents in cross, horns outwards, on a
chf Arg, 3 crescents Purp. (D: Angelique Rivez de Hellsgate Mar 89)
Sa, on a bend sin betw 4 decrescents Arg a garden rose slipped &
leaved Az. (D: Etienne Armand du Prigord - Jul 91)
Sa, on a cross betw 4 decrescents Or, five swans naiant Sa. (B:
Imran Yosuf le Scorpioun - Apr 85) (For House Illuminar)
Sa semy of decrescents Arg, a torch Or enflamed Gu & in chf a
coronet Or. (D: Nemania Brigans - May 07)
Sa, semy of increscents, on a pile ploy inv bendwise Arg, an orm
bendwise Vt. (D: Elna Grimmsdttir - Jun 91)
Sa, 2 lions sejant erect addorsed, tails entwined, each maintaining a
scimitar inv palewise, Or, hilted Arg, in chf seven increscents
Or. (D: Wolfram Vincenzio dIfola - Aug 88)
Vt, a bend sin Arg, semy of needles, eyes to chf, Sa, betw six
decrescents Arg. (D: Mathila of Amersham - Dec 89)
Vt, a Celtic cross Arg betw 4 crescents in cross, horns outward, Or.
(D: Dawn Marie OToole - Sep 89)
Vt, a griffin segreant contourny Or & for augmentation, maintaining
in its forefeet a roundel Az charged with 4 crescents conjoined
in salt horns outward & a bord Arg. (Augmentation of Arms:
John ap Griffin - May 07)
Vt, a Latin cross of six annulets interlaced within an orle of
decrescents Or. (D: Gisela Redihalgh - Dec 00)
Vt, a mullet of five greater & five lesser points Arg within &
conjoined at the greater points to five crescents in annulo,
horns inward, Or. (D: Maria Theresa Ipearrieta - Jun 91)
Vt, a sea horse contourny within an orle of crescents Arg. (D:
Taliesin ap Owaine - Sep 91)
Vt, crescenty Or, a domestic cat ramp to sin Arg. (D: Rebecca
Marie MacLeod - Feb 91)
Vt, on a pile betw 2 increscents & 2 decrescents Arg, a cross
crosslet fitchy Sa. (D: Caius of Umber - Feb 91)
Vt semy of crescents pendant, on a pile betw 2 owls respectant Or a
tree proper. (D: Zakalus Latizlo - Mar 08)
Vt semy of increscents Or, a wolf sejant contourny ululant Arg. (D:
Aurelia Iuliana - Dec 04)
* * * End * * *
Crescenty: see Crescent
Cresset: see Beacon
Cresset torch: see Torch
Crest: see Helm crest
Crocodile: see Reptile - Lizard
Crocus: see Flower - Trumpet shape
Crook: see Staff
Cross - Arrangement in: see Arrangement - In cross

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Argent

(Fieldless) A Celtic cross Arg, overall a garden rose bendwise Gu,

slipped & leaved Vt. (B: Leonora Morgana - Jan 97)
(Fieldless) A Celtic cross within & conjoined to a vol Arg. (B:
Celeinion Caerleon - Mar 94)
(Fieldless) A Celtic cross within & issuant from a mascle Arg. (B:
John ap Gwyndaf of Holdingford - Feb 96) (For House
(Fieldless) A cross bottony Arg betw & conjoined with 4 hurts. (B:
Rhys ap Bledri - Aug 95)
(Fieldless) A cross bottony fitchy Arg surmounted by a rose Purp.
(B: Sofya Ioannovna Starokievskaya - May 92)
(Fieldless) A cross formy Arg fimbriated Gu. (B: Dannebrog,
Order of - Nov 98) (Important non-SCA badge)
(Fieldless) A cross formy within a stags attires Arg. (B: Geoffrey
de Bradelei - Jul 90)
(Fieldless) A cross formy within & conjoined to an annulet Arg.
(B: Conall Eoin MacTavish - Aug 99)
(Fieldless) A cross of five mascles Arg. (B: Ellesbeth Donofrey Sep 04)
556 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Argent (continued)

(Fieldless) A cross of 4 ermine spots conjoined Arg. (B: Darya

Kazakova - Oct 96)
(Fieldless) A cross of 4 lozenges Arg. (B: Disa blatonn - Oct 04)
(Fieldless) A cross of 4 lozenges Arg, within & conjoined to a torse
wreathed Az & Or. (B: Giovanni Rocco - Dec 98)
(Tinctureless) A cross of Samildanach. (B: Allyn Samildanach Aug 79) (A cross of Samildanach is four Menorahs in cross.)
(Fieldless) A cross of Santiago Arg. (B: Stephen de Huyn Sep 96)
(Fieldless) A cross triparted & fretted fleury Arg. (B: Cecille de
Beumund - Nov 00)
(Fieldless) A cross-crosslet Arg quarter-pierced Gu. (B: David of
Moffat - Jul 94)
(Fieldless) A cross-crosslet fitchy Arg charged with a compass star
Az. (B: James Andrew MacAllister - Apr 98) (JB: Ghislaine
(Fieldless) A latin cross fleury Arg charged with a rose Gu, barbed
Vt & seeded Arg. (B: Maddalena Salutati - May 92)
(Fieldless) A Latin cross of bones Arg enfiled with a coronet Sa.
(B: Thorbrandr Olafsson - Jul 99)
(Fieldless) A Maltese cross Arg. (B: Malta, Order of the Knights
of - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA badge)
(Fieldless) A rogacina doubly crossed & fourchy Arg. (B: Vitus
Polonius - Nov 05)
(Fieldless) A Saint Brigids cross Arg. (B: Crois Brigte - Mar 07)
(Fieldless) A tau cross within an annulet Arg. (B: Thorland
OShea - Feb 91)
(Fieldless) Five mascles conjoined in cross betw 4 sewing needles
in salt, points outward, Arg. (B: Liadaine of Cul Mor Jan 87)
(Fieldless) On a Celtic cross Arg a brown talbots head erased
proper. (B: Evelyn atte Holye - Dec 01) (For House Talbot
and Cross)
(Fieldless) On a Celtic cross Arg, a candle Vt, lit proper. (B: Keii
Gerard de Courtenay - Aug 92)
(Fieldless) On a cross couped Arg a mullet of 4 points Gu. (B:
Artan macAiln - Oct 01)
(Fieldless) On a cross couped rayonnant Arg a fleur-de-lys Gu. (B:
Francesca Laura di Firenze - Aug 95)
(Fieldless) On a cross formy Arg 4 crescents Sa. (B: Stanislaw Jan
Ossolinski - Feb 94)
(Fieldless) On a cross formy convex Arg a cat herisonnee Az,
armed & orbed Or. (B: Catherine Winifred of Tor Bitterroot Aug 79)
(Fieldless) On a Maltese cross Arg 2 arrows in cross Sa, the
palewise arrow inv. (B: Mikael du Mouchel - Feb 92)
(Fieldless) On an equal-armed Celtic cross Arg, a sword palewise
inv Sa. (B: George of Clan OCaine - Apr 90) (For
Household OCaine)
(Fieldless) 2 cartouches voided & interlaced in cross Arg. (B:
Dante Madraso de Castilla - Jul 04)
Az, a Celtic cross & on a chf Arg, a lion statant Az. (D: Eric Lyon
of St. Michaels - Oct 85)
Az, a Celtic cross Arg & a chf rayonny Or. (D: Urraca Cantbrica
- Dec 92)
Az, a Celtic cross Arg betw in base 2 annulets Or, a chf embat Arg.
(D: Patric of Blackthorn - Oct 99)
Az, a Celtic cross Arg charged with twelve mullets Sa, in base a
crescent Arg. (D: Anne Tannithcourt - Jan 73?)
Az, a Celtic cross Arg, on a chf Or a bow fesswise Az. (D: Alastair
Calum Montgomery - Apr 99)
Az, a Celtic cross bottonny, mounted on 3 grieces, betw 3 lilies Arg.
(D: Genevieve of Nottinghill - Aug 87)
Az, a cross bottony Arg, a chf Arg crusilly plain Az. (D: Rhys ap
Bledri - May 94)
Az, a cross bottony betw 4 roses Arg. (D: Eleanor de Broke Oct 95)
Az, a cross bottony fitchy betw 3 trefoils Arg. (D: Llywelyn Hael
ap Cydifor - Sep 03)
Az, a cross couped Arg. (D: Greece - Dec 94) (Important nonSCA arms)
Az, a cross couped of 3 crossbars, missing the dexter base arm, a
bord embat Arg. (D: Antek Ignatovich - Feb 97)
Az, a cross crosslet fitchy within a bord wavy Arg. (D: Algar de
Devonshire - Dec 95)

[Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Argent]

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Argent (continued)

Az, a cross crosslet voided, a bord Arg. (B: Keira Featherstone Jan 99)
Az, a cross fleury betw 4 roses within a bord Arg. (D: Catriona
Stewart of the Glens - Feb 96)
Az, a cross formy pierced within a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Saint
Cuthbert - Jun 07)
Az, a cross moline, a bord embat Arg. (B: Gryffri de Newmarch May 01)
Az, a cross moline Arg betw 4 increscents Or, a bord Arg. (D: Jean
Paul the Mace - May 93)
Az, a cross of Cleves, on a chf Arg 3 crosses of Cleves Az. (D:
Josephine de Champagne - Jan 94)
Az, a cross of 4 mascles Arg within & conjoined to a mascle Or. (B:
Francesca la Curiosa - Oct 01)
Az, a cross of Lorraine Arg & on a chf Or 3 quill pens bendwise sin
Gu. (D: Andrew Montgomerie - Feb 94)
Az, a cross of Lorraine Arg entwined with a garden rose Gu, slipped
& leaved Vt, in dexter chf a catherine wheel Or. (D:
Rosalinda la Mal Guarde - Nov 79)
Az, a cross of Toulouse Arg. (D: Antonia Ruccellai - Jan 98)
Az, a cross patonce Arg within a bord Arg mullety Vt. (D: Jaida
bint Salim - Apr 01)
Az, a cross patonce betw 4 ermine spots, tails outward in salt & on a
chf Arg 3 roses proper. (D: Alysoun Tobin - Nov 91)
Az, a cross potent Arg betw six mullets of eight points in annulo Or.
(B: Armatus Kamateros - Aug 05)
Az, a crux ansata inscribed in a triangle voided & inv Arg. (D:
Andregor Starseeker von Morgenwind - Jun 75)
Az, a crux stellata Arg. (B: Eureka Flag - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA flag)
Az, a Latin cross betw 3 escallops Arg, a bord embat Or. (D: Miriel
Macalister - Oct 95)
Az, a Latin cross formy floretty betw 4 lozenges Arg. (D: Tfa
Jhansdttir - Dec 03)
Az, a Latin cross of Toulouse & on a chf Arg a fleur-de-lys Az betw
2 crescents Sa. (D: Alainne dAncenis - Feb 05)
Az, a Latin cross Or betw in bend a capital letter H & a caduceus
Arg. (D: Ian Michael Hudson - Jul 05)
Az, a long cross moline Arg, in chf 2 wyverns passant respectant
wings disp, a bord Or. (D: Merrick Xavier - Sep 95)
Az, a Norse sun cross within a bord Arg. (D: Curwinus Trevirensis
- Apr 03)
Az, a rogacina crossed & fourchy Arg. (D: Angharad Rhos Tewdwr
of Pembroke - Dec 03) (a rogacina is a Polish charge that
resembles a broadarrow inverted with a complicated shaft;
this one has a crosspiece and a forked foot)
Az, a straight tau cross throughout betw in chf an ounce passant
guardant Arg incensed proper & in base an increscent & a
decrescent, all Arg. (D: Catriona Gillander - Dec 06)
Az, an equal-armed Celtic cross couped plain betw 3 trees couped
Arg. (D: Broinninn ni Choileain - Feb 96)
Az chap, a Celtic cross & in base 2 bay leaves stems crossed in salt
Arg. (D: Neassa inghean Ghiolla Chrost mhic Chathasaigh Jan 96)
Az, 4 ermine spots in cross bases to center Arg each charged with a
roundel Az. (B: Constance de Montbard - Sep 01)
Az goutty deau, a cross formy fitchy & a gusset sin Arg. (D:
Brighid of Ferncliff - Aug 95)
Az, on a cross fleury betw 4 fleurs-de-lys bases to center Arg a
triskele Az all within a bord Arg. (B: Trimaris - Nov 06)
Az, on a Latin cross fleury Arg a rose proper, a chf Arg fretty Vt.
(D: Maddalena Salutati - Jan 91)
Counter-ermine, on a cross moline Arg a wolfs head erased Vt. (D:
Ranulf of Wolfshaven - Jul 91)
Gu, a Canterbury cross & in chf 3 mullets Arg. (B: Southron Gaard
- May 00)
Gu, a Celtic cross within an orle & on a chf Arg, a boar passant Sa.
(D: Ciarn OConaire - Dec 92)
Gu, a cross couped Arg. (D: Switzerland - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Gu, a cross crosslet fitchy Arg surmounted in base by a wyvern
statant Or, backed Vt, & in dexter chf a fleur-de-lys Or. (D:
Etienne de Valance - Nov 81)
Gu, a cross formy within roundels in annulo, all within a bord Arg.
(D: Aulus Allemanius Draconis - Oct 82)

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Argent (continued)

Gu, a cross of Jerusalem, on a chf embat Arg 3 crosses of Jerusalem

Gu. (D: Robert Cornelius MacGregor - Aug 98)
Gu, a cross of Lorraine Arg issuant from a trimount Vt. (D:
Hungary, Modern - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, a cross of Santiago, on a chf Arg 3 crescents Sa. (D:
Constanzia Moralez y de Zamora - Jun 01)
Gu, a Latin cross within an annulet, & on a chf Arg an arrow point
to dexter Gu. (D: Morgan Thorwald the Young - Jan 85)
Gu, a Maltese cross Arg. (B: Malta, Order of the Knights of Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)
Gu, a patriarchal cross Arg issuant from a trimount Az. (D: Slovak
Republic, the - May 99) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, a patriarchal cross botonny betw 3 swans naiant to sin Arg. (D:
Cein ferch Aylwyn - Aug 89)
Gu, a patriarchal cross fleury Arg & an orle Or betw 3 fleur-de-lys
Arg. (D: Marie Lorraine de Montclair - Feb 99)
Gu, a star cross within a bord Arg. (D: Lain Alfanez de la Roca date?)
Gu, a tau cross within a bord nebuly Arg. (B: Bronwen Elvina n
hOdhrin - Dec 83) (For House Tarnished Tinsel)
Gu crusilly Or, a Maltese cross & on a chf Arg 3 falcons belled &
jessed Sa. (D: Morien MacBain - May 02)
Gu, on a cross concave betw 4 mullets Arg a brown bears head
couped at the shoulders proper. (B: Theodric ap Breken
Beaken - Oct 80) (For Juan Carlos del Oso)
Gu, on a cross moline quadrate Arg betw 4 annulets Or, a raven
maintaining in its beak an annulet Sa. (D: Peter Engelke Dec 95)
Gu, on a Ukrainian sun-cross Arg, a horses head couped Gu. (B:
Vassillissa Koshkovna Nakhodchivaya - Jan 73)
Gu, upon a Latin cross Arg a sword inv Arg, hilted Sa, enflamed
radiant from the blade Gu. (D: Robert Roundpounder Jul 71?)
Gyronny of twelve Or & Sa, a Celtic cross within a bord Arg. (D:
Baldwin Giffard - Aug 95)
Gyronny Or & Az, a Celtic cross Arg, fimbriated Sa. (D: Gormflait
Suiban ni Cuallachta - Jan 73?)
Lozengy Purp & Or, a cross formy fitchy Arg. (D: Seth Williamson
of Exeter - May 97)
Per bend bendy Az & Or & Az, in base a cross crosslet Arg. (D:
Hugh Montagud - Sep 96)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a cross formy & on a chf Arg a fleur-de-lys betw
2 roses Gu. (D: Stephan of Atenveldt - Nov 07)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a Latin cross betw in bend 2 decrescents Arg.
(D: Eric of Chester - Aug 00)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a rogacina doubly crossed & fourchy Arg. (D:
Vitus Polonius - Nov 05)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a Celtic cross betw in chf 2 hearts Arg. (D:
Angus MacPherson - May 95)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a Latin cross formy betw in bend sin 2 roundels
Arg. (D: Martin of Rivenstar - Feb 96)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a cross of Calvary & on a chf Arg 3 ravens
Sa. (D: Francis Martin - Nov 05)
Per bend sin embat paly Az & Arg & Sa, in base a cross crosslet
voided Arg. (D: Keira Featherstone - Jan 96)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, in dexter chf a key cross nowy pierced Arg.
(B: Rhys FitzGilbert - Nov 89)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a Maltese cross & a chf wavy Arg. (D:
Wolfgang der Stumm - Sep 99)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, on a cross crosslet fitchy Arg, a mullet of
eight points Gu betw 4 horseshoes in cross, open ends to
center, Az. (D: Donnchadh Farris - Dec 86)
Per bend wavy Az & bendy wavy Arg & Az, in sin chf a cross
crosslet flory Arg. (D: William of Weir - Nov 80)
Per chev Az & Arg goutty de sang, in chf a Latin cross Arg. (D:
Randal Lee - Aug 97)
Per chev Az & Sa, a Celtic cross & in base a decrescent & an
increscent Arg. (D: Aylwin Thoraldson - Sep 02)
Per chev Az & Vt, a crux ansata patty Arg. (D: Anne the Merciful Oct 76?)
Per chev Gu & Az, a cross of Jerusalem Arg & a label ermine. (D:
Mattheus Dupuy - Feb 04)
Per fess Az & Gu, a cross patonce Arg within a bord chequy Sa &
Arg. (D: Deirdre of Carlyle - Apr 87)
Per fess Az & Vt, a crux ansata & in chf a scimitar fesswise edge to
chf Arg. (D: Khalid of Dun Or - Aug 03)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 557

[Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Argent]

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Argent (continued)

Per fess Az mullety Or & Vt, a cross betw in base 2 dolphins

haurient respectant Arg. (D: Michela Delfino - May 01)
Per fess enarched Gu & Vt, a San Damiano crucifix Arg charged
with a figure of Christ Sa. (B: Francesco Gaetano Greco
dEdessa - Nov 06)
Per pale & per chev Sa & Vt, a cross crosslet fitchy within a bord
rayonny Arg. (D: Eurion ap Gruffyd - Aug 85)
Per pale Az & Gu, a cross formy Arg within a bord ermine. (D:
Edward Gostomski - Dec 00)
Per pale Az & Gu, a cross moline & on a chf triangular Arg 3
mullets 2 & one Sa. (D: Madrun Newmarch - Sep 02)
Per pale Az & Purp, a cross of Calatrava & on a chf Arg a
decrescent Az betw 2 mullets Purp. (D: Liuete Liana da Luna
- Aug 01)
Per pale Az & Sa, a cross crosslet fitchy within an orle Arg. (D:
Owain ap Howell - Jan 94)
Per pale Az & Vt, a Tau cross Arg. (D: Janet Gordon - Jun 00)
Per pale Gu & Az, a cross Arg griffee-de-loup, pierced, therein an
acorn Or, capped Vt. (D: Johnathan Crusadene Whitewolf the
Younger - Jun 76)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a Celtic cross & on a chf Arg 3 Maltese crosses
Vt. (D: Fiachra the Bonesetter - Feb 03)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a cross moline betw in dexter 2 increscents & in
sin 2 decrescents Arg. (D: Theodric von Rostock - Dec 85)
Per pale Gu & Vt, on a patriarchal cross betw 2 doves respectant
Arg an arrow Sa. (D: Gyory Sandor - Jan 02)
Per pale Sa & Az, a Celtic cross & a chf indented Arg. (D: Brianna
n Dhonnachaidh - Feb 92)
Per pale Sa & Az, a cross formy within an orle Arg. (D: Theodric
FitzRichard - Aug 01)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a cross patriarchal within a bord Arg. (D:
Konstantin Syncellus - Jul 96)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a Maltese cross betw 4 mullets of eight points all
within a bord Arg. (B: Andreas der Eisfalke - Dec 91) (For
Haus Blutwache)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a tau cross within an orle Arg. (D: Thorland
OShea - Jul 03)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a Celtic cross Arg & in chf 3 compass stars Or.
(D: Lute MacAlpine - Jul 99)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a Latin cross bottony Arg. (B: Sigenoth the
Blissful - Jan 98)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a cross of Jerusalem Arg, on a chf Or 3 bunches
of grapes Purp slipped Vt. (D: Niccolo di Francesco Dec 00)
Per salt Az & Sa, a cross fleury Arg. (D: Geffroi de Mosterol Dec 02)
Per salt Purp & Az, an equal-armed Celtic cross couped plain betw
in salt 4 ermine spots Arg. (D: Megan Brennan - Jan 92)
Per salt Sa & Az, a cross of 4 lozenges Arg. (D: Disa blatonn Oct 04)
Per salt Sa & Az, on a Latin cross formy Arg, a fleur-de-lys Sa. (D:
Jacques Louis de Normandie - Oct 98)
Per salt Sa & Gu, a Celtic cross & a bord embat Arg. (D: Dannet
ODaire - Apr 03)
Per salt Sa & Gu, a Latin cross bendwise sin Arg. (D: Glennon
Fabyan - Feb 82)
Per salt Vt & Or, a Celtic cross Arg within an orle ctrch. (D:
Ciaran Islwyn - May 94)
Purp, a Bowen cross & a chf Arg. (D: Talan of Skye - Feb 03)
Purp, a Celtic cross & in base a cloud, on a chf Arg 3 thistles
proper. (D: Moire Ross of Haddirvyk - Jul 97)
Purp, a cross couped & pierced Arg betw 4 bezants. (D: John Kirk
Bayard - Nov 89)
Purp, a cross crescenty Arg. (B: Celestria of Celtenhomme Jan 03)
Purp, a cross crosslet fitchy, on a chf Arg 3 mullets Purp. (D:
Godlefe Bury - Dec 04)
Purp, a cross flory within a bord Arg. (D: Anne of the Golden City Jan 74?)
Purp, a cross of 4 seaxes conjoined at the pommel & on a base
wavy Arg a barrulet wavy Az. (B: William Scott of Blackwater
- Jun 06) (For House Saxford)
Purp, a cross potent betw 4 crosslets Arg. (D: Walter of Greenwalls
- Jan 73?)
Purp, a Maltese cross, in chf 2 escallops Arg. (D: Gunthar Jonsson
- Mar 89)
558 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Argent (continued)

Purp, on a cross fleury throughout Arg a rose Purp slipped & leaved
Vt. (D: Krystyne McGowan of Rose Hill - Dec 00)
Purp, on a cross moline Arg a cross couped Purp & in base 2 bars
wavy Arg. (B: Rafael Diego de Burgos - Jun 83) (For Casa
de Morado)
Purp, on a cross moline nowy betw 4 unicorns heads erased Arg, a
rose Gu. (D: Aldwin Greenleaf - Jul 91)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a Latin cross clechy betw in base 2 geese
rousant respectant all ctrch. (D: Gerhard Goosen - Sep 02)
Quarterly Az & Gu, a cross flory betw 2 mullets bendwise Arg & 2
roses bendwise sin Or. (D: Viviane of Essex - Jun 00)
Quarterly Az & Sa, a cross nowy betw in bend sin 2 bears ramp
Arg. (D: Edward Aldwin - Oct 07)
Quarterly erminois & Gu, a Maltese cross & in sin chf an edelweiss
flower Arg. (D: Klaus der Lange - Jun 05)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a cross clechy & on a chf Arg, five ermine spots
Sa. (D: William of Ashby de la Zouche - Dec 91)
Quarterly Purp & Az, a cross bottony betw 4 dragonflies Arg. (D:
Elanor OHalloraine - Jan 07)
Quarterly Sa & Az, a Celtic cross & a chf embat Arg. (D: Michael
MacDavid - Jun 93)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a Maltese cross Arg, on a chf embat Or, in salt
2 arrows inv Sa. (D: Mikael du Mouchel - Jan 90)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, on a cross fleury throughout Arg, a rose slipped
& leaved proper. (D: Mchel Comhdhain - Dec 00)
Quarterly Sa & Vt, a cross bottony Arg. (B: Sigenoth the Blissful Jan 98) (For Maison de la Croix Blanche)
Quarterly Vt & Az, a cross of Jerusalem betw 4 mullets of six
points Arg. (D: Lukas von Ach - Mar 08)
Quarterly Vt & Sa, a Celtic cross betw 4 mascles in cross Arg. (D:
Edana Astrid - Sep 88)
Sa, a Celtic cross & in base a bar wavy Arg. (D: Tamar Oqropiri May 07)
Sa, a Celtic cross Arg atop a mount Or. (D: Siobhan an
Lochllanach - Jan 73?)
Sa, a Celtic cross betw 4 eyes Arg irised Vt. (D: Rowan Bridget
Blackmoor - Jan 02)
Sa, a cross couped voided ending in 4 2-towered castles Arg,
overall a mullet of eight points or. (D: Carlotta the Lost Aug 79)
Sa, a cross crosslet fitchy & on a chf embat Arg, 3 roses proper. (D:
Ariannah Rose of Bishops Lynn - Mar 93)
Sa, a cross crosslet fitchy within a bord embat Arg. (D: Andrew
Grey of Blakehethe - Nov 99)
Sa, a cross formy fitchy Arg & on a chf embat ermine, an acorn Gu.
(D: Olaus Simone Silvano - Oct 85)
Sa, a cross formy, on a chf Arg 4 crosses formy Sa. (D: Karl
Abstreiter von Bayern - May 97)
Sa, a cross miller parted & fretted & a bord Arg. (D: Tako Jiro Aug 87)
Sa, a cross moline Arg, in canton a bezant. (D: Nadezhda Toranova
- Mar 01)
Sa, a cross of Jerusalem & on a chf Arg 3 Maltese crosses Gu. (D:
Taliesin dAcre - Nov 83)
Sa, a cross potent rebated in annulo Arg surmounted of a lion ramp
Gu. (D: Zsoltan Kovacs - Jun 73?)
Sa, a cross potent within an annulet Arg. (D: Nakagawa Sukeie Dec 06)
Sa, a Latin cross Arg & in chf a sword fesswise proper maintained
by a sin cubit arm palewise Arg. (D: Robert de Lacey May 96)
Sa, a Latin cross bottonny Arg, rayonnant Or, betw 2 flaunches Or,
goutty de sang. (D: Sarlin le Greye - Oct 87)
Sa, a Latin cross crosslet & on a chf Arg a fleur-de-lys betw 2
ravens regardant respectant Sa. (D: Raven of Drachenheim Jan 03)
Sa, a Maltese cross within a mascle of spears conjoined points to
chf Arg. (D: James Hawk Galloway - Nov 03)
Sa, a Maltese cross within an annulet within & conjoined to a
compass star voided, all within a bordurelet Arg. (D: Alacidar
of the Towers of the Morning - Feb 81)
Sa, a patriarchal cross Arg. (D: Karolus Janos - Feb 00)
Sa, a tau cross Arg within a bord Or. (D: Thomas Just Thomas Apr 96)

[Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Argent] to [Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Azure]

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Argent (continued)

Sa, an equal-armed Celtic cross betw 3 horses courant contourny in

annulo within a bord Arg. (D: Sekimura no Minamoto
Akiranaga - Feb 07)
Sa, in bend sin a cross formy betw a scorpion embowed bendwise &
a scorpion embowed inv bendwise Arg. (D: David of Clayton
- Nov 04)
Sa, in sin chf a tau cross Arg. (D: Sean MacFflam of Ravenswaard
- Oct 79)
Sa, mullety, a cross patty sarcelled within & conjoined to an
annulet, all within a bord Arg. (D: Gwilym y Fferill o Caer
Lleuad - Feb 81)
Sa, on a Celtic cross Arg a thistle Purp. (B: Charles the Bull Mar 01)
Sa, on a cross patonce Arg a thistle flower proper, & on a chf Arg, 3
thistles proper. (D: Muirgheal McLelland - May 91)
Sa semy of escallops Or, a cross of Santiago Arg. (D: Esteban
Vicente Manrique de Santiago - Oct 96)
Vt, a celtic cross & on a chf Arg 3 quatrefoils Vt. (D: Adam of Erin
- Dec 91)
Vt, a Celtic cross & on a chf dovetailed Arg a harp Az. (D: Muirgel
Camshron - Jun 95)
Vt, a celtic cross Arg, betw flaunches ermine. (D: Catraoine ni
Risteaird - Nov 91)
Vt, a Celtic cross Arg betw 4 crescents in cross, horns outward, Or.
(D: Dawn Marie OToole - Sep 89)
Vt, a Celtic cross betw in base 2 trefoils slipped Arg within a bord
Or. (D: Brian FitzPatrick - Jan 87)
Vt, a Celtic cross betw 2 flaunches Arg, each charged with a
shamrock Vt. (D: Brien Corwin Kilpadraig - Dec 83)
Vt, a cross bottony Arg, overall a squirrel Or. (D: Adriana
Hambleton - Dec 00)
Vt, a cross clechy & on a chf Arg 2 billets Sa. (D: Elayne
MacDuncan - Nov 02)
Vt, a cross crosslet Arg quarter pierced Gu & on a chf engrailed Arg
3 hunting horns Vt stringed Gu. (D: David of Moffat Aug 97)
Vt, a cross Jerusalem & on a chf wavy Arg, 3 fleams Gu. (D:
Hussein Stefan Halaby - Jul 85)
Vt, a cross moline & on a chf Arg 3 torteaux. (D: Gideon Lydiard Mar 04)
Vt, a cross of 4 pheons within a bord invected Arg. (B: Constance
Waite - Feb 02)
Vt, a cross of Jerusalem Or & a chf embat Arg. (D: Gwilym ap
Riccard - Dec 05)
Vt, a crux ansata within a bord Arg. (D: Scandal nic Mhiride Sep 91)
Vt, a Jerusalem cross betw 3 crescents Arg. (D: Robin of
Devonshire - Nov 96)
Vt, a Latin cross & on a chf potenty Arg, 3 mullets of eight points
pierced Gu. (D: Michael FitzGeoffrey - Jul 92)
Vt, a Latin cross Arg & a bord embat Or. (D: Kieran le Dragoner Aug 05)
Vt, a Latin cross bottony a bord Arg. (B: Dorinda Courtenay Jan 98)
Vt, a tau cross within a bord embat Arg. (D: Theron de Cameron Apr 96)
Vt, in chf a cross fleury Arg betw flaunches Arg semy-de-lys Gu.
(D: Katherine Constancia da Feltre - Nov 90)
Vt, on a Celtic cross Arg a marguerite blossom Az seeded Or. (D:
Margaret Malise de Kyrkyntolaghe - Feb 91)
Vt, on a cross formy quadrate Arg a compass star Gu. (D: Marcello
li Donnici - Feb 99)
* * * End * * *

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Azure

(Fieldless) A cross fleury Az irradiated Or. (B: Morgana

Elisabetta Rosatti - Jan 96)
(Fieldless) A cross formy Az. (B: Effric Neyn Ken3ocht Mcherrald
- May 01) (Permission to conflict with one CD granted 0402)
(Fieldless) A cross of Calatrava Az. (B: Costana Daguiar May 02)
(Fieldless) A cross of ermine spots Az. (B: Siobhn ng Fhloinn u
Donnabhin - Jul 00)
(Fieldless) A cross of 4 pheons conjoined at the points Az. (B:
Glymm Mere - Nov 02)

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Azure (continued)

(Tinctureless) A cross of Samildanach. (B: Allyn Samildanach Aug 79) (A cross of Samildanach is four Menorahs in cross.)
(Fieldless) A cross of Santiago Az. (B: Isabella Benalczar Dec 97)
(Fieldless) On a cross flory Az a cross flory betw 4 fleurs-de-lys
bases to center Or. (B: Esperanza Razzolini dAsolo - Jul 97)
(Fieldless) On a cross formy Az, a reremouse ermine. (B: Sexwulf
the Transgressor - Feb 92)
(Fieldless) On a cross miller Az, a compass star Or. (B: Dawyd z
Gury - Jul 85)
(Fieldless) On a Thors hammer Az a roundel Arg. (B: Sigen
Fridreksdottir - Jan 00)
Arg, a Bowen cross, on a chf Az 3 lozenges Arg. (D: Keina ferch
Sin - Jan 01)
Arg, a Celtic cross & a chf Az. (D: Cai Lewis - Dec 00)
Arg, a cross avellane dismembered within a bord wavy Az. (D:
Liam Airlie MacRioghail OCadal - May 80)
Arg, a cross bottony & on a chf wavy Az a coronet Arg. (B:
Thorbrandr Olafsson - Mar 99)
Arg, a cross crosslet fitchy betw in base 2 fleurs-de-lis all within a
bord Az. (D: Gillian Kylpatrick - Nov 01)
Arg, a cross crosslet fitchy betw in base 2 wheat stalks slipped all
within a bord Az. (D: Iamys Huet - Nov 01)
Arg, a cross crosslet fitchy within a bord embat Az. (B: lfr
Ljtarson af y - Dec 02) (For Olaf Lutherson)
Arg, a cross fleury, on a chf indented Az, 2 bulls passant Or. (D:
Wulf Thorunsson - Jan 98)
Arg, a cross formy & on a chf Az 3 crosses formy Arg. (D:
Elzbieta Rurikovskaia - Dec 01)
Arg, a cross of Calatrava & a double tressure Az. (D: Costana
Daguiar - May 02)
Arg, a cross of Cleves & on a chf Az a fox courant Arg. (D:
Allastair Sterling - Nov 05)
Arg, a cross of ermine spots & a tierce Az. (D: Marisa Symmes of
Berewyk - Oct 06)
Arg, a Latin cross flory Az, a bord paly bendy sin Az & Or. (D:
Hans der Grau - Jan 98)
Arg, a Latinate Celtic cross Az betw 3 quatrefoils Gu. (D: David of
Galloway - Aug 97)
Arg, a Maltese cross & on a chf triangular Az a kettle helm Arg. (D:
Kasian Astrakhanovich - Oct 07)
Arg, a tau cross & on a chf Az 2 open books Arg. (D: Tostig
Logiosophia - Feb 97)
Arg, a tau cross & on a chf indented Az 3 mullets Arg. (D:
Ealdthryth of Humberstone - Jun 95)
Arg, crusilly fitchy, a key cross nowy pierced Az & a bendlet
enhanced Vt. (D: Rhys FitzGilbert - Jun 86)
Arg, in chf a cross moline betw flaunches Az. (D: Cerdic the
Blodlettere - Jun 98)
Arg, on a Maltese cross nowy Az 4 swords in cross points to center
Or betw in salt 4 passion nails heads to center Arg. (D: Sorcha
Rhys - Mar 00)
Arg, upon a cross fleury Az betw in chf a scimitar bendwise & a
scimitar reversed bendwise sin Sa, a fox ramp Arg. (D: Alaric
Kydde of Foxboro - Oct 86)
Ermine, a cross formy fitchy, on a chf wavy Az a reremouse
ermine. (D: Sexwulf the Transgressor - Feb 92)
Gu, a cross swallowtailed Az fimbriated Or. (D: Eric of the Broken
Cross - Jul 74?)
Gyronny of sixteen Gu & Or, a Celtic cross Az. (D: Padric O
Mullan - Jun 99)
Or, a Celtic cross within a laurel wreath & on a chf indented Az 3
decrescents Or. (D: Calanais Nuadh - Dec 92)
Or, a cross moline Az betw 4 seeblatter, points to center, Vt. (D:
Dietmar von Straubing - Mar 98)
Or, a Latin cross flory Az charged with a cross couped Arg. (D:
Romanos Koresses - May 06)
Or, a patriarchal cross fitchy & on a chf Az 2 stars of David Or. (D:
Magnus ben Judah - Feb 02)
Or, a tau cross Az. (B: Wilrich von Hessen - Sep 07)
Or, an ankh & a chf enarched Az. (D: Elena Stavraki - Aug 07)
Or, an equal-armed Celtic cross Az, a bord Az semy of hawk lures
Or. (D: Aoife inghean Roiberd ui Ruadhn - Oct 97)
Or, an equal-armed Celtic cross within a bord invected Az charged
with a ribbon Or. (D: Brenna Lowri o Ruthin - Apr 89)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 559

[Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Azure] to [Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Gules]

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Azure (continued)

Or, five lozenges conjoined in cross Az, each charged with a fleurde-lys Or. (D: Arianne des Jardins - Feb 92)
Or, on a cross couped Az a decrescent Or, on a chf embat Az, 3
mullets Or. (D: Jean Guy Talbot Du Lac - Nov 89)
Pean, on a cross flory Az a chalice Or. (D: Alexander Shanasie Feb 82)
Per fess indented Sa & ermine, a cross crosslet fitchy Az fimbriated
Arg. (B: Steffan yr Ysgolhaig - Jan 83)
Per salt Arg & Or, a cross swallowtailed Az & a bord Gu. (D:
Vsevolod Igorovich - Jun 92)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, seme of Russian Orthodox crosses, a Russian
Orthodox cross Az. (D: Lee of the Lowlands - Aug 87)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, in canton a cross botonny Az fimbriated Arg.
(D: Pontius Maximilian de Leon of South Cashion - Jun 75?)
Sa, a cross crosslet fitchy Az, fimbriated Arg. (B: Steffan yr
Ysgolhaig - Dec 88) (For Tyr Llen)
Sa, a cross crosslet fitchy Az fimbriated Arg, betw flaunches
ermine. (B: Alexandra del Monte di Piet - Jan 98)
* * * End * * *

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Fur

(Fieldless) A cross bottony within & conjoined to an annulet

erminois. (B: Ivan Mikhailovich - Oct 99)
(Fieldless) A cross of 4 lozenges ermine. (B: Morgan ap Siarl Jul 85)
(Tinctureless) A cross of Samildanach. (B: Allyn Samildanach Aug 79) (A cross of Samildanach is four Menorahs in cross.)
(Fieldless) A Latin cross nowy pierced erminois. (B: Muirdeach of
Carrigart - Aug 93)
(Fieldless) On a cross of Canterbury Or a cross of ermine spots Sa.
(B: Branwen Madyn Wallis - Jan 00)
Gu, a Celtic cross ermine, its annulet in the form of a serpent vorant
of its tail, a bord engrailed Or. (D: Conor MacColl - Oct 94)
Per pale Az & Vt, a Celtic cross ermine. (D: Charles of Calafia Sep 94) (goes with the 1994 holding name)
Vt, a Tau cross ermine. (B: Anthony de Prigord - May 83)
* * * End * * *

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Gules

(Fieldless) A cross bottony Gu charged with five crescents Arg. (B:

Anton Tremayne - Jun 95)
(Fieldless) A cross croslet Gu surmounted by an apple Or. (B:
Gareth Gordon MacGunter - Dec 91)
(Fieldless) A cross doubly pommeled Gu. (B: Petros Monomachos
- Feb 97)
(Fieldless) A cross flory Gu within & conjoined to an annulet Sa.
(B: Cathyn Fitzgerald - Apr 04)
(Fieldless) A cross formy Gu surmounted by an ounce passant
guardant pean, incensed proper, maintaining a mace Sa. (B:
Robert de Tyr - Nov 06)
(Fieldless) A cross of Calatrava Gu. (B: Calatrava, Order of Nov 98) (Important non-SCA badge)
(Fieldless) A cross of 4 ermine spots conjoined Gu. (B: An Tir Jul 99) (For the Western Region)
(Tinctureless) A cross of Samildanach. (B: Allyn Samildanach Aug 79) (A cross of Samildanach is four Menorahs in cross.)
(Fieldless) A cross of Santiago Gu. (B: Santiago, Order of Nov 98) (Important non-SCA badge)
(Fieldless) A cross of Toulouse Gu, overall a compass star Sa. (B:
Conor Mac Cinneide - Sep 92)
(Fieldless) A cross potent betw 4 crosses Gu. (B: Holy Sepulchre,
Order of - Nov 98) (Important non-SCA badge)
(Fieldless) A Latin cross formy Gu. (B: Templars, Order of the
Knights - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA badge)
(Fieldless) A tau cross betw 2 domestic cats respectant sejant
guardant Gu. (B: Trudi von Bayern - Nov 88)
(Fieldless) A wolfs head caboshed Or jessant of a Celtic cross
patonce Gu. (B: Robert of the Isles - Sep 95)
(Fieldless) On a cross formy Gu fimbriated, a lion ramp guardant
Or. (B: Burke Kyriell MacDonald - Feb 91) (For House
(Fieldless) On a cross formy Gu, in cross an arrow inv & an arrow
reversed Arg. (B: Isabella Coppola - Nov 07)
(Fieldless) On a Latin cross formy Gu a Latin cross Arg. (B:
Christ, Order of - Nov 98) (Important non-SCA badge)

560 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Gules (continued)

A single Gu cross couped on any Arg background or in any way

that could be disp on an Arg background. (B: Red Cross Jul 06) (Important non-SCA badge)(The restriction includes
fieldless badges and is based on international treaty. See
Letter of Acceptances and Returns for details.)
Arg, a cross betw 4 crosses couped Gu. (B: Georgia - Jul 06)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Arg, a cross botonny & a chf triangular Gu. (D: Everard Sefar Sep 05)
Arg, a cross bottony Gu betw 3 trees proper. (D: Gertraud von
Wuerzburg - Feb 97)
Arg, a cross couped Gu. (B: Red Cross - Dec 94) (Important nonSCA flag)
Arg, a cross couped of 3 crossbars missing the dexter base arm & in
base a crescent Gu. (D: Kazimierz Dimidowicz Dziecielowski Mar 98)
Arg, a cross formy betw flaunches Gu, each flaunch charged with
an arrow inv Arg. (D: Isabella Coppola - Apr 05)
Arg, a cross formy Gu, in chf a pearled coronet, a base Sa. (B:
Antonio Giordano da Sicilia - Aug 05)
Arg, a cross formy Gu, on a chf Sa 3 trefoils, each within &
conjoined at the base to an annulet Arg. (D: Christopher of
Silveroak - Jul 93)
Arg, a cross moline Gu betw 4 griffins heads erased, a bord Vt. (D:
Joanna of the Beechwoods - Jan 93)
Arg, a cross of 4 lozenges Gu within a bord indented Sa. (D: Acelin
de Alsop - Jul 05)
Arg, a cross of 4 pheons conjoined at the points Gu. (B: Atalaya la
Sanadora - Apr 97) (For House of the Four Pheons)
Arg, a cross patonce Gu betw in chf 2 sea lions addorsed Sa each
maintaining a sword Or. (D: Sighn inghean Giolla Ein Feb 07)
Arg, a cross patonce Gu betw in chf 2 sea lions addrosed Sa each
maintaining a sword Or. (D: Sighn inghean Giolla Ein Sep 04)
Arg, a cross triple-parted & fretted Gu & a bord potenty Sa. (B:
Alia Marie de Blois - Jan 07)
Arg, a cross-crosslet fitchy Gu, a chf embat Sa. (D: Mihel Louis
DAigneaux - Nov 97)
Arg, a crux ansata, a bord rayonny Gu. (B: Guy Wicker - Apr 98)
Arg, a doubled cross Gu & on a chf Az 3 mullets Arg. (D: James of
Ravenhill - Apr 06)
Arg, a Latin cross bottony Gu & on a chf Sa 3 crosses bottony Arg.
(D: Sean of Elmhurst - Jul 96)
Arg, a Latin cross flory & in chf 3 eagles Gu. (D: Declan
Ogillegan - May 07)
Arg, a long Maltese cross nowy pierced Gu & therein a rose Az. (B:
Johnathan Crusadene Whitewolf - Aug 86) (For the Brothers
Arg, a Maltese cross betw 4 fleurs-de-lys in salt Gu, overall a NineMan-Morris board saltirewise Or, marked Sa. (D: Marguerite
de Villars - Sep 80)
Arg, a Maltese cross Gu, overall a wolf passant reguardant within a
bord embat Sa. (D: Ranulf dAubraye - Dec 90)
Arg, a patriarchal cross betw 3 crescents Gu & on a chf Sa 3 fleursde-lis Or. (D: Soffya of Stierbach - May 03)
Arg, a Tau cross swallowtailed betw in base 2 mullets, a bord Gu.
(D: Tiberius Erikson - Nov 90)
Arg, an equal-armed Celtic cross Gu & on a chf Sa 3 triquetra Arg.
(D: Tadgg Derg ua Ciarain - Nov 99)
Arg ermined, on a cross clechy Gu 4 Pierrot masks Or. (D:
Angelina dEste - Jul 90)
Arg, in fess a patriarchal cross Gu distilling a goutte de poix betw 2
pine trees proper. (B: Fionna Ramsay of Bronwyn Vale Feb 82) (For Theodore Little Bear)
Arg, on a Latin cross formy Gu betw in chf 2 crossbows Az, a heart
Or. (D: Benjamin dOrb - Aug 07)
Arg, on a rock issuant from base a long cross potent Gu. (D:
Bartolomeo della Rocca - Dec 75?)
Barry of eight Arg & Sa, a cross moline fitchy Gu. (D: Giceline de
Molay - Aug 87)
Bendy Sa & Arg, a cross patte Gu within a bord Sa. (D: Alric of
Castleburg - Oct 81)
Bendy sin Sa & Arg, an equal-armed Celtic cross Gu. (D: Seamus
Albanach Mac Roibeirt - Sep 99)

[Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Gules] to [Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Multicolor]

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Gules (continued)

Checky Purp & Arg, on a cross formy quadrate Gu a fleur-de-lys

Arg. (D: Magdalen La Brave - Dec 98)
Counter-vair, on a cross clech betw 4 roundels Gu a cross bottony
pierced Arg. (D: Theodelinda of Wenlock - Dec 82)
Ermine, a Coptic cross & on a chf Gu 3 chess rooks ermine. (D:
Duncan Malcolm MacDougall - Sep 95)
Ermine, a cross formy & a chf Gu. (D: Effric Neyn Ken3ocht
Mcherrald - Feb 04) (Permission to conflict with one CD
granted 0402)
Ermine, a cross formy Gu & a chf embat Sa. (B: Elina Einarsdottir
- Nov 03) (For Haus Lindau)(JB: James Ahearn)
Erminois, a Latin cross flory Gu surmounted by a rose Az. (D:
Annys Ruth OCarney - Dec 95)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, a cross formy Gu within a bord ctrch. (D:
David de Clermunt - Jan 05)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, a cross moline & a bord Gu. (D: Marke von
Mainz - Jul 91)
Lozengy Or & Vt, a patriarchal cross flory Gu. (D: Renaud de
Launay - Apr 00)
Or, a Celtic cross Gu, on a bord Az 4 sprigs of 3 ivy leaves Or. (D:
Elspeth Necaedan - Aug 98)
Or, a cross crosslet fitchy, on a chf embat Gu a feather Or. (D:
Martyn ap Cadwalladr the Bold - Jun 91)
Or, a cross crosslet Gu, overall in pale a lion passant Vt bearing a
sword imbrued proper, & a lion passant to sin Vt bearing a
sprig of mistletoe proper. (B: Ilse von Schnau - Jun 84)
(For Annora Yvain nic Aethelbrand)
Or, a cross fleury Gu & on a chf Vt a crescent Arg. (D: Ysabel
dOutre-mer - Feb 03)
Or, a cross fleury Gu betw 4 hurts, a chf rayonny Sa. (D: Tancred
Fraser - Nov 93)
Or, a cross fleury Gu, overall a panther ramp guardant Sa bezanty,
incensed Gu, a bord rayonny Sa. (D: Kathleen Simonetta
Riario - Feb 95)
Or, a cross fleury Gu surmounted by a winged unicorn salient, all
within a bord Sa. (D: James the Tristful - Oct 82)
Or, a cross formy Gu surmounted by a heart Sa, all within a bord
Gu. (B: Michael of Exeter - Jun 90)
Or, a cross moline disjoined Gu, on a chf Sa 3 roses Or. (D:
Elspeth Ainslee Goldheart - Mar 96)
Or, a cross of Calatrava Gu & on a chf Az, 3 lyres Or. (D: Geloira
de Sancto Johanne - Dec 93)
Or, a cross of Calatrava Gu within an orle of lozenges bases to
center Sa. (D: Jebe of Sugdak - Mar 04)
Or, a cross of Cerdaa Gu, a chf embat arrondi Az. (D: Rodrigo de
Cerdaa - Jun 86)
Or, a cross of Cerdana Gu within a salt voided & interlaced Az. (D:
Yolanda del Campo de Cerdana - Aug 79?)
Or, a cross of Toulouse Gu. (D: Genevive de Vendome - Mar 02)
Or, a cross potent surmounted by a delf voided Gu & on a chf Sa 4
crosses couped Arg. (D: Geirr Ragnarsson - Dec 83)
Or, a cross potent surmounted by a delf voided Gu within a bord
embat Sa. (B: Geirr Ragnarsson - Mar 85)
Or, a Greek cross Gu & a mount Vt. (D: Gordon the Righteous Mar 86)
Or, a Latin cross couped fretted with a delf voided Gu, on a chf
embat Vt, 3 harps Arg. (D: Tor von Butterberg - Dec 88)
Or, a Latin cross patonce betw in base 2 others Gu, all within a bord
embat Vt. (D: George mac Raibeart - Apr 88)
Or, an equal-armed Celtic cross Gu & a chf potenty Sa. (D:
Meliora Cnox - Sep 02)
Or, centered upon a Celtic cross patty Gu, a rose barbed & seeded
Arg. (D: Kay Gwenhwyfar of Locksley - Jan 73?)
Or, semy of hearts Sa, a cross flory within an orle Gu. (D: Thorkel
of Nevilles Cross - Mar 86)
Pean, a Bowen knot in cross Gu, fimbriated Or. (D: Douglas
MacAndrew - Mar 82)
Per bend Az & Arg, a cross moline Gu, overall a claymore
bendwise proper. (D: Soras of An Alltan - Nov 79)
Per bend Az & Arg, a cross moline Gu, overall a claymore
bendwise proper, in chf a label throughout ctrch. (D: Michael,
Younger of An Alltan - Nov 79)
Per bend embat Arg & Gu, a cross clechy Gu. (D: Gareth Grey de
Wilton - Sep 07)
Per bend sin Or & paly bendy Or & Sa, in canton a Maltese cross
Gu. (D: Hugo van Halle - Oct 02)

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Gules (continued)

Per bend sin Sa & Arg a cross formy a bord Gu. (D: Owain
FitzMarshal of Grindal - Aug 97)
Per chev Gu, crusilly bottony Arg, & Arg, in base a cross bottony
within a laurel wreath Gu. (D: Dun Carraig - Apr 90)
Per fess indented Az semy of escarbuncles & Arg, in base a Russian
Orthodox cross Gu. (D: Taisha Markov - May 07)
Per fess wavy Arg & Gu, in canton a cross patty Gu. (D: Ivan the
Astronomer - Jan 73?)
Per pale Arg & Gu, for augmentation, in canton the George Cross
proper. (B: Malta - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per pale Arg & Or, a cross crosslet fitchy Gu. (D: William de
Rouen - Jan 97)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a cross flory & in canton a rose Gu, barbed &
seeded, slipped & leaved Sa. (D: Normand de la Croix Apr 80)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a cross flory & on a chf Gu 3 roses Arg barbed
Vt. (D: Rosa Maria da Cosenza - Sep 03)
Per pale Sa & Or, a Maltese cross Gu. (D: Volkmar Kiver Jan 07)
Per salt Arg & Sa, a cross doubly pommeled Gu. (D: Petros
Monomachos - Nov 98)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a cross bottony throughout Gu & overall a
weasel statant erect contourny Or. (D: Simon Savastian
Caminante - Sep 04)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a cross couped & on a chf Gu, 3 grenades Or,
enflamed proper. (D: Elrik Skap-Vargr - Oct 89)
Quarterly Az & Arg, a cross patonce Gu betw in bend 2 fleur-de-lys
Arg. (D: William Delamere of Darkmoor - Jul 91)
Sa, a Latin cross Gu fimbriated betw in fess 2 cobras erect affronty
Or. (D: Michael die Zauberzunge von Essen - Nov 05)
Vairy Sa & Arg, a Maltese cross within a bord Gu. (D: Bryan
Abela - Jul 90)
* * * End * * *

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Multicolor

(Fieldless) A Canterbury cross per pale Gu & Arg. (B: Caitlyn

ODuirnin - Oct 94) (JB: Ranulf of Waterford)
(Fieldless) A Celtic cross quarterly Sa & Or. (B: Alastrina
McKeary - Sep 92)
(Fieldless) A cross botonny gyronny Or & Vt. (B: Clare Isibel
Sadhachn - Sep 93)
(Fieldless) A cross botonny per pale Sa & Or. (B: Maridonna
Benvenuti - Mar 98)
(Fieldless) A cross clechy per pale Arg & Az. (B: Antonio
Giovanni Pecoraro - Mar 99)
(Fieldless) A cross couped quarterly Sa & Arg. (B: Dafydd Blaidd
- Jun 98)
(Fieldless) A cross crosslet fitchy per pale Az & Or. (B: Kevin of
Thornbury - Apr 97)
(Fieldless) A cross crosslet fitchy quarterly Gu & Sa. (B: William
Scrivener - Mar 08)
(Fieldless) A cross crosslet fitchy quarterly Vt & Arg. (B: James
Andrew MacAllister - Mar 98)
(Fieldless) A cross crosslet gyronny Gu & Arg. (B: Cuhelyn Cam
vap Morcant - Jun 01)
(Fieldless) A cross crosslet per pale Gu & Arg. (B: Tigernach mac
oghain ua eda - Feb 00)
(Fieldless) A cross crosslet quarterly Az & Gu. (B: Bryan Mikhail
Woodroffe - Dec 92) (For FitzPatrick Abbey)
(Fieldless) A cross crosslet quarterly Gu & Arg. (B: Christopher
Jameson - Jul 01)
(Fieldless) A cross crosslet quarterly Vt & Gu quarter-pierced Arg.
(B: David of Moffat - Apr 93)
(Fieldless) A cross flory quarterly Arg & Az. (B: Gabriel andvaka
Kjotvason - Jul 01)
(Fieldless) A cross formy checky Arg & Gu. (B: Randal Fitz Alan
the Redowtable - Jul 02)
(Fieldless) A cross formy per pale Arg & Gu. (B: Rhodri ap
Gruffudd - Jul 02)
(Fieldless) A cross formy per pale Az & Arg. (B: Elzbieta
Rurikovskaia - Nov 07)
(Fieldless) A cross formy quarterly Sa & Or. (B: Johann von
Rothenburg - Jul 91)
(Fieldless) A cross formy swallowtailed per pale Gu & Or charged
with a fleur-de-lys ctrch. (B: Phineas Magollricke - Nov 03)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 561

[Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Multicolor]

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Multicolor (continued)

(Fieldless) A cross miller gyronny Or & Gu. (B: Valley Wold Aug 96)
(Fieldless) A cross moline gyronny Arg & Sa. (B: Meridies Oct 97) (For Order of the Meridian Cross)
(Fieldless) A cross of 4 ermine spots per pale Gu & Sa. (B:
Maredudd Cethin - Jan 06)
(Fieldless) A cross of 4 lozenges quarterly Gu & Or. (B: Jibrail
Attar - Apr 08) (For Compagnia dellArcangelo
Gabriele)(Blanket permission to conflict with badge granted
(Tinctureless) A cross of Samildanach. (B: Allyn Samildanach Aug 79) (A cross of Samildanach is four Menorahs in cross.)
(Fieldless) A cross potent per pale Vt & Sa. (B: Arkell vom
Cophus - Nov 02) (For Haus vom Cophus)
(Fieldless) A cross potent quarterly Or & Vt. (B: Leopold von
Elchenwald - Oct 93)
(Fieldless) A cross raguly couped gyronny Sa & Or. (B: Charles
Robert Blackstone - May 04)
(Fieldless) A cross swallowtail gyronny Az & Or. (B: Egill the
Dane - May 02)
(Fieldless) A Maltese cross per salt Arg & Sa. (B: Collin Monro of
Tadcaster - Sep 07)
(Fieldless) A Maltese cross quarterly Or & Arg. (B: Eldrid
Tremayne - Apr 92)
(Fieldless) A Russian Orthodox cross per pale Sa & Arg. (B:
Vladimir Andreivich Aleksandrov - Sep 99)
(Fieldless) An equal-armed Celtic cross per fess Or & Az. (B:
Gregory of Saint Albans - Oct 96)
(Fieldless) On a cross formy per pale Or & Gu, a goblet Sa. (B:
Peter du Gant Noir - Feb 89)
(Fieldless) On a cross potent per bend sin Or & Gu an arrow ctrch.
(B: Gareth Strongbow - Dec 99)
Arg, a cross barby quarterly Gu & Vt, a chf embat Gu. (D:
Cemgen Tuathail - Feb 98)
Arg, a cross crosslet countercompony Or & Sa. (B: Pieter van
Doorn - Dec 88)
Arg, a cross crosslet countercompony Sa & Or, within a bord Sa.
(D: Pieter van Doorn - May 88)
Arg, a tau cross per pale Gu & Sa within a bord per pale Sa & Gu.
(D: Thorvald Grimsson - Jan 84)
Az, a cross swallowtail gyronny Or & Gu, a chf indented Or. (D:
Egill the Dane - Oct 99)
Bendy sin Arg & Gu, a cross potent ctrch. (D: Donn the Bald Apr 96)
Ermine, a cross flory per pale Gu & Az within a bord per pale Az &
Gu. (D: Reginald de Sheppey - Sep 91)
Gu, a cross crescenty quarterly Or & Arg. (D: Gregor of nan
Crioch Tuatha - Nov 98)
Gu, a cross flory gyronny Sa & Or betw 4 crosses formy, on a chf
Or, 3 eagles heads erased Sa. (D: Kurt Michael Meyer
Wittman von Altenstein - Dec 87)
Gu, a cross patonce gyronny Sa & Arg & a bord compony Sa &
Arg. (D: Richard fitz Richard Blackmoore - May 92)
Gyronny Arg, ermined Purp, & Purp, a cross flory gyronny Purp &
Arg within a bord ctrch. (B: Jadwiga Marina Majewska Jan 90)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a cross potent betw in pall 3 fleur-de-lys ctrch.
(D: Anebairn MacPharlaine of Arrochar - May 80)
Gyronny from chf Az & Or, a patriarchal cross ctrch. (D: Owain de
Lore - May 82)
Gyronny Gu & Or, on a cross formy nowy quadrate ctrch a tower
Arg. (D: Aneirin Arkwright - Sep 92)
Gyronny Purp & Arg, a cross crosslet ctrch. (D: Anora Frayne of
Winward - Aug 83)
Gyronny Sa & Or, a cross crosslet fitchy within a bord ctrch. (D:
Angele Marie de Savigny - Oct 06)
Gyronny Sa & Or, a crux ansata ctrch. (D: Alberi de Garenne Jan 91)
Gyronny Vt & Or, a cross botonny ctrch. (D: Clare Isibel
Sadhachn - Sep 93)
Or, a Celtic cross per pale Purp & Vt. (D: Etain ingen Ghilla
Phatraic - Apr 05)
Or, a Latin cross flory per pale Purp & Sa within a bord per pale Sa
& Purp. (D: Alyce de Sheppey - Jun 01)
Per bend Arg & Az, a Maltese cross within a bord ctrch. (D:
Dianne of Winchelsea - Mar 83)
562 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Multicolor (continued)

Per bend Arg & Sa, a cross crosslet fitchy ctrch & a chf embat Sa.
(D: Aileen OShea - Dec 07)
Per bend Az & Arg, a Latin cross voided & ctrch. (D: Angelique de
La Croix - Dec 86)
Per bend embowed counter-embowed Arg & Sa, a cross formy
ctrch. (B: Petrus von Burghausen - Mar 94)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a Celtic cross & a bord ctrch. (D: Baldric du
Cros - Sep 07)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a Saint Brigids cross within a laurel wreath
ctrch. (D: Crois Brigte - Sep 00)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a cross formy fitchy ctrch, in canton a
roundel Az. (D: Gfstan Gerhard - Apr 01)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a cross moline ctrch & a chf embat Gu. (D:
John Edward - Sep 94)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a Celtic cross ctrch & in chf a hawk migrant
Sa. (D: Eden Elisabeth McNab Sommerhawke - Jul 90)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a Celtic cross within & surmounting
shamrocks palewise in annulo ctrch, in chf a hawk migrant Sa.
(B: Eden Elisabeth McNab Sommerhawke - May 91)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, on a cross fleury ctrch a bezant. (D:
Catherine Beaujeu - Aug 04)
Per bend sin Az & ermine, a Maltese cross ctrch Arg & Az. (D:
Henri de Valery sur Somme - Jan 08)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, a cross clechy within a bord ctrch. (D:
Lucien dArtois - May 03)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a cross formy ctrch. (D: Sebastian
Friedrich von Eschen - Dec 91)
Per bend sin Vt & Arg, a cross crosslet ctrch. (D: Maykin Crofte Nov 01)
Per chev Vt & Or, a Celtic cross ctrch. (D: Daniel MacLeod Apr 95)
Per fess Arg & Gu, a cross crosslet ctrch & in chf 2 mullets of eight
points Az. (D: Falcon de la Costa - May 07)
Per fess Arg & Purp, a cross formy within a bord ctrch. (D:
Cynewulf Guthfloga - Mar 94)
Per fess Gu & Or, on a cross fleury a rose ctrch. (D: Michelle
Chantal de Charente - Nov 93)
Per fess Or & Az, an equal-armed Celtic cross ctrch. (D: Gregory
of Saint Albans - Oct 96)
Per fess Sa & ermine, a Celtic cross per fess Arg & Vt. (D: Colm
Dubh - Jan 90)
Per pale Arg & Az, a celtic cross ctrch & a chf chequy Az & Arg.
(D: Maelpdraig MacConmara - Feb 92)
Per pale Arg & Az, a Celtic cross ctrch betw in bend an oak leaf Vt
& another Arg. (D: Megan ni Nheill - Sep 84)
Per pale Arg & Az, a cross crosslet betw 4 towers ctrch. (D:
Elspeth Clerk - Aug 01)
Per pale Arg & Az, a cross fleury fitchy & on a chf 3 fleurs-de-lys
ctrch. (D: Geoffrey de Rennes - Aug 07)
Per pale Arg & Az, a Maltese cross ctrch, on a chf triangular Sa a
mug Or. (D: Connor Andrew McEwan - Dec 94)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a cross crosslet ctrch, on a chf Sa 3 wolves
heads erased Arg. (D: Tigernach mac oghain ua eda May 99)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a Maltese cross ctrch. (D: Emeric Wendel Aug 79?)
Per pale Arg & Gu, all goutty, a cross of Santiago & a chf invected
all ctrch. (D: Ysabella Celestina Manrique de Palma Apr 06)
Per pale Arg & Gu, all goutty, a cross of Santiago & a chf invected
all ctrch, & for augmentation, on the chf, 3 escallops ctrch.
(Augmentation of Arms: Ysabella Celestina Manrique de
Palma - Apr 06)
Per pale Arg & Purp, a cross fleury ctrch. (B: Marie-Elisabeth de
Bretagne - Nov 02)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a cross clechy fitchy within a bord ctrch. (D:
Darius von Tannenberg - Jun 00)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a cross crosslet ctrch. (D: Thomas Langland Feb 98)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a Maltese cross betw 2 pallets ctrch. (B: Jakob
von Hohl - Sep 97)
Per pale Arg & Sa, an equal-armed Celtic cross ctrch, in base a vol
Gu. (D: Wulf Peace of Kantara - Sep 92)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a cross formy fitchy within a bord ctrch. (D:
Eoin OKeevan de Curci Blake - Apr 89)

[Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Multicolor]

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Multicolor (continued)

Per pale Az & Arg, a cross bottony ctrch, a chf checky Az & Arg.
(D: Gabrielle dAnjou - Jul 00)
Per pale Az & Arg, a cross formy ctrch within a bord invected Gu.
(B: Edward Gostomski - Dec 00)
Per pale Az & Arg, a cross of Santiago ctrch. (D: Cristbal
Vzquez de Narriahondo - Nov 05)
Per pale Az & Arg, a tau cross within a bord ctrch. (D: Luzia
Violante Bazn - Sep 02)
Per pale Az & Arg, an ankh ctrch. (D: Katriona Silverswan Dec 90)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 links of chain fretted in cross ctrch. (D:
Angelica Peregrine the Red - Jun 91)
Per pale Az & Or, a Celtic cross ctrch. (D: Ingold of the Flaming
Gryphon - Aug 93)
Per pale Az & Or, a cross flory ctrch & in dexter chf a sun in
splendour Or. (B: Elisabeth Christianne de Calais - Jun 05)
Per pale Az & Or, a cross pate ctrch, & on a chf dovetailed Sa 3
double-bitted battle axes Arg. (D: Eadric Hrothgaresun Aug 84)
Per pale Az & Or, a latin cross fleury ctrch & a chf vairy Sa & Arg.
(D: Etienne de la Croix - Mar 96)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a cross bottony betw in chf 2 escallops, a bord
embat ctrch. (D: Gonsalvo de Silva - Feb 05)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a cross flory ctrch. (D: Caterina de Cesare Aug 99)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a Latin cross bottony betw 2 boars heads
couped close addorsed ctrch. (D: Obadiah the Obstreperous Dec 94)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a Maltese cross elongated to base & a chf
indented all ctrch. (D: Brian de Meer - Oct 94)
Per pale Gu & Or, a cross quadrate couped ctrch. (D: Eleanor
FitzPatrick - Jan 98)
Per pale Or & Az, a cross moline betw in bend 2 crescents, all ctrch.
(D: Lazaro Bettencourt de Vega - May 94)
Per pale Or & Gu, a cross crosslet fitchy ctrch, on a chf Sa 4 crosses
crosslet Or. (D: Helmut von Reineck - Jul 04)
Per pale Or & Sa, a cross formy ctrch, on a chf dovetailed Az, a
sword fesswise reversed Arg, enflamed proper. (D: Raedwulf
Hrothgaresun - Feb 89)
Per pale Or & Sa, a cross of Jerusalem ctrch. (D: Stephan of
Monmouth - Oct 00)
Per pale Or & Sa, a Maltese cross ctrch. (B: Niccola di Cristiano Aug 07)
Per pale Or & Vt, a cross crosslet ctrch. (D: Anselm da Calabria Jul 06)
Per pale Purp & Arg, on a Celtic cross a lozenge ctrch. (D: Denis
des Baux - Dec 00)
Per pale Purp & Or, a cross botonny ctrch. (D: Veronica of the
Dragons - Oct 80)
Per pale Purp & Or, a cross fleury betw 3 crescents ctrch. (D:
Gayla atte Blacwoulfe - Apr 07)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a cross crosslet fitchy square-pierced within a
bord all ctrch. (D: Nadirah bint Sayf of the Hashid - Sep 92)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a cross formy ctrch, on a chf Az 2 birds rising
wings elevated & addorsed each maintaining a spear Arg. (D:
Gareth of Exeter - Oct 99)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a Maltese cross ctrch. (D: Lodewicus von
Frstenwalde - Aug 95)
Per pale Sa & lozengy Gu & Or, a cross formy ctrch. (D: Anna
Elisabeth von Gelsenkirchen - Feb 86)
Per pale Sa & Or, a cross crosslet fitchy & in chf 2 lions, a bord
ctrch. (D: Malcolm Ross - Apr 04)
Per pale Sa & Or, a cross of Santiago ctrch. (B: Dafydd Morrison Feb 02)
Per pale Sa & Or, on a tau cross ctrch, an eye Arg, irised Az. (D:
Guthrum Godar - Aug 85)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a Celtic cross ctrch. (D: Tiernan OShea Apr 02)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a cross flory within an annulet charged with 4
hearts in cross, all ctrch. (D: Christiana Leigh - Mar 93)
Per pale Vt & Or, a Latin cross ctrch. (D: William of the West Jan 02)
Per pale Vt & Or, a Latin cross nowy pierced ctrch, on a chf Sa 3
harps Or. (D: Seamus the Shameless Connachtaigh Aug 93)

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Multicolor (continued)

Per pall embat Arg, Sa & Gu, a cross formy quarterly embat Sa &
Gu, in base 2 crosses formy Arg. (D: Ceidrych the Innocent
ap Gryffydd - Oct 90)
Per salt Arg & Az, a Celtic cross issuant from base ctrch. (D:
Roderick of Hastings - Aug 95)
Per salt Arg & Sa, a Maltese cross ctrch. (D: Rouge Anne Marie du
Maurier - May 07)
Per salt Az & Arg, a cross patonce ctrch. (D: Brigit Gilbertstoune Sep 98)
Per salt Gu & Arg, a cross potent ctrch within a bord Or. (B:
Francesco Gaetano Greco dEdessa - Jul 06)
Per salt Or & Sa, a cross patonce ctrch. (D: Arval Benicoeur Jan 86)
Per salt Or & Vt, a Maltese cross ctrch. (D: Branwyn Mwrheyd Nov 92)
Per salt Purp & Or, a Maltese cross within a bord embat all ctrch.
(D: Alberic Telfer - May 92)
Per salt Sa & Arg, a Bowen cross ctrch. (B: Adler des Berges Aug 80)
Per salt Sa & ermine, a cross bottony ctrch. (D: William Rufus
Guthrie - Dec 00)
Per salt Vt & Arg, a cross of 4 lozenges ctrch, a base enarched &
indented Arg. (D: Sabine la Peureuse - Mar 93)
Per salt Vt & Or, a Celtic cross ctrch, on a chf Or 3 trefoils slipped
Vt. (D: Maire Bridgit ni Mhoire OMeagher - Sep 86)
Quarterly Arg & Az, a celtic cross betw 4 ospreys volant bendwise
ctrch. (D: Brita Mairi Svensdottir - May 92)
Quarterly Arg & Az, a cross clechy ctrch. (D: Samme of the
Towers - Mar 01)
Quarterly Arg & Az, a cross flory ctrch Sa & Arg, in dexter chf a
laurel wreath & on a chf Sa, 3 mullets Arg. (D: Saint Julian
the Hospitaller - Dec 88)
Quarterly Arg & Az, a cross moline voided, a bord engrailed ctrch.
(D: Miriel Gwenddwr Ty Arannell - Apr 92)
Quarterly Arg & Purp, a cross moline ctrch. (D: Ursula of Kyleakin
- Jun 96)
Quarterly Arg & Purp, an ankh ctrch. (D: Elizabeth de Valence Dec 95)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a Celtic cross & in chf 3 roses ctrch. (D:
Dafydd ab Ystyffan - Sep 97)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a cross flory & a bord ctrch. (D: Taliesin of
Three Rivers - Jun 05)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a cross moline quarter-pierced, ctrch. (D:
Etienne de Bracieux - Jan 99)
Quarterly Arg & Vt, a cross botonny ctrch within an oak chaplet, in
chf a billet fesswise Or. (D: Elizabeth Bowles - Dec 98)
Quarterly Arg & Vt, a cross moline within a bord ctrch. (D: na
Gous - Jan 07)
Quarterly Az & Arg, a cross botonny ctrch betw in bend a grenade
& a heart erminois, a bord ctrch. (D: Sebastian Kerr Sep 92)
Quarterly Az & Arg, a cross couped betw in bend 2 towers & in
bend sin 2 roses all ctrch. (D: Margarethe of Lynwood Keep Mar 94)
Quarterly Az & Arg, a cross moline ctrch betw in bend sin 2 mullets
Az. (D: Paxentius of Ashford - Jul 88)
Quarterly Az & Or, a cross crosslet fitchy ctrch. (D: Kevin of
Thornbury - Mar 99)
Quarterly Az & Or, a cross flory within a bord ctrch. (D: Enid
dAuliere - Jul 84)
Quarterly Az & Or, a cross paty betw 3 roses ctrch. (D: Carol of
Penrith - Jan 85)
Quarterly Az & Or, a Maltese cross betw 4 others, 2 & 2, ctrch. (D:
Gilbert Ost Westley - Nov 90)
Quarterly ermine & Gu, a cross crosslet fitchy ctrch Gu & Arg, on a
chf Sa, 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Arg. (D: Stefan of Pembroke May 90)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a cross bottony fitchy ctrch betw in bend an
escallop & a winged lion ramp Or. (D: Geoffrey of Lincolne Feb 83)
Quarterly Gu & Or, a cross bottony within a bord ctrch. (B: Iago
Benitez - Jul 00)
Quarterly Gu & Or, a cross fleury ctrch. (D: Rouland of
Willowbrooke - Jan 03)
Quarterly Gu & Or, a cross patonce ctrch. (D: Miryam t West
Seaxe - Feb 03)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 563

[Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Multicolor] to [Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Or]

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Multicolor (continued)

Quarterly Or & Az, a cross flory betw in bend 2 others & in bend
sin six roses, all ctrch. (D: Marguerite de la Croix - Nov 85)
Quarterly Or & Az, a cross moline betw 4 suns ctrch. (D: Beocca
the Fair of Hastings - Apr 99)
Quarterly Or & Gu, a cross fleuretty betw 4 estoiles, all ctrch. (D:
Magdalene de Lige - Jul 88)
Quarterly Or & Gu, a cross of Jerusalem within a bord embat, all
ctrch. (D: Tatiana Negoshka Danilova - Oct 07)
Quarterly Or & Gu, a cross of Santiago within a bord engrailed
ctrch. (D: Tomas Moreno de la Cruz - May 06)
Quarterly Or & Sa, a Maltese cross ctrch Vt & Or within a bord Vt.
(D: Leonia de Calais - Jan 92)
Quarterly Or ermined Vt & Vt ermined Or, a cross moline quarterly
Vt & Or. (D: William Petheram of Somerset - May 82)
Quarterly Purp & ermine, a cross flory betw in bend 2 griffins ramp
ctrch. (D: Morgan Griffith of York - May 82)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, a cross crosslet fitchy betw 4 fleurs-de-lys
ctrch. (D: Ingelric Kelvin - Apr 99)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, a cross of 4 mascles ctrch. (B: Dorren of
Ashwell - Aug 88)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, a cross patonce ctrch. (D: Cerdic Whitewynde
of Wessex - Feb 03)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, a Bowen cross within a bord embat ctrch. (D:
Fylan MacFergus of Sligo - Jun 00)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, a cross botonny ctrch within an oak chaplet, in
chf a billet fesswise Or. (B: Elizabeth Bowles - Dec 98)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, a cross bottonny betw in bend 2 pheons inv
ctrch. (D: James Christian - Jul 87)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, a cross bottony ctrch, in chf a coronet Or. (B:
Dafydd ap Gwystl - Mar 99)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, a Latin cross fleury ctrch, on a chf Sa 3 fleursde-lys Arg. (D: Gunther van der Aachen - Sep 97)
Quarterly Vt & Or, a Celtic cross betw 4 shamrocks ctrch. (D:
Javanne MacIver of Lost Keep - Feb 86)
Sa, a cross swallowtailed, gyronny Gu & Arg, fimbriated & within a
bord Or. (D: Wladislaw of Concordia - Feb 86)
* * * End * * *

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Or

(Fieldless) A cross clechy Or within & conjoined to an annulet

Arg. (B: Northshield - May 98) (For Order of the Pyxis)
(Fieldless) A cross crosslet fitchy Or surmounted by a bulls head
couped Gu, armed & ringed Sa. (B: Bizek the Tyne - date?)
(Fieldless) A cross of 4 anchors conjoined at the ring Or. (B:
Donal macRuiseart - Apr 06)
(Fieldless) A cross of 4 ermine spots conjoined Or. (B: Ivan
Geronovich - Oct 96)
(Fieldless) A cross of 4 lozenges Or within & conjoined to an
annulet Az. (B: Margherita da Fiorenza - Jul 07)
(Tinctureless) A cross of Samildanach. (B: Allyn Samildanach Aug 79) (A cross of Samildanach is four Menorahs in cross.)
(Fieldless) A cross potent Or. (B: Ghislaine dAuxerre - Mar 00)
(Fieldless) A cross quadrate parted & fretted Or. (B: Gwyntarian Aug 84) (For Weavers Guild of Gwyntarian)
(Fieldless) A Latin cross formy Or, overall 2 swords in salt Arg.
(B: Wolfgang von dem Schwartzwald - May 04)
(Fieldless) A Russian Orthodox cross reversed Or. (B: Borek
Vitalievich Volkov - Dec 04)
(Fieldless) An equal-armed Celtic cross Or. (B: Alys de Wilton Apr 92)
(Fieldless) 4 mascles conjoined in cross, pommetty at all joints, Or.
(B: Clarissa Elana de Perrenoud - Jun 81)
(Fieldless) In pale a cross couped betw & conjoined to 2 chevronels
couped Or. (B: Aron Niedzwiedz - Nov 99) (the charge is
also known as a rogacina)
(Fieldless) On a cross couped Or five cats pawprints Sa. (B:
Francesca Barozzi - Aug 02)
(Fieldless) On a cross of Canterbury Or a cross of ermine spots Sa.
(B: Branwen Madyn Wallis - Jan 00)
(Fieldless) On a cross potent Or 4 torteaux. (B: Arthur of the Black
Marsh - Feb 92)
(Fieldless) On 4 demi-fleurs conjoined in cross Or a torteau. (B:
Eibhln n Chaoimh - Apr 00)
(Fieldless) 3 nails bound into the shape of a cross, one palewise,
the others fesswise, points to center, Sa, bound with a cord Or.
(B: Matthew of Friars Manor - Mar 88)
564 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Or (continued)

Arg, a cross potent betw 4 crosses couped Or. (D: Jerusalem Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, a Bowen cross Or within a mascle of 4 arrows Arg. (D:
Amargein of Puckridge - Jul 99)
Az, a Celtic cross & on a chf Or, 3 Arabic lamps Az, lit proper. (D:
Timothy of Sheffield - Apr 93)
Az, a Celtic cross betw in bend sin 2 pheasants, each facing to sin
bearing in its beak an olive branch, all Or. (D: Muirdeach of
Carrigart - Oct 87)
Az, a cross botonny fitchy Or. (D: Launcelot de Westwood Sep 73?)
Az, a cross couped quarter-pierced betw 4 lozenges, a bord Or. (D:
Emeline Gifford - Oct 04)
Az, a cross flory betw five doves Or. (D: Edward the Confessor Dec 94) (attributed)(Important non-SCA arms)
Az, a cross flory tripartite betw 4 hearts in salt, all within a bord Or.
(D: Rhiannon of the Lost Star - Nov 80)
Az, a cross surmounted by a salt, both within & conjoined to a
mascle Or. (B: Jean de Faucon - Mar 83)
Az, a crux ansata within a bord Or. (D: Ellis of Caer Anterth Feb 87)
Az, a Latin cross flory & on a chf Or, 3 compass stars Gu. (D:
Francesco Gaetano Greco dEdessa - Aug 93)
Az, a tau cross Or. (D: Timothy Brother - Nov 02)
Az, an equal-armed Celtic cross formy Or issuant from a mount Vt.
(D: Aindrea Mac Parthalin - Jan 03)
Az crescenty Arg, a Russian Orthodox cross Or & a gore sin Arg.
(D: Mykola Alecksandr - Mar 92)
Az estencely Arg, a cross flory Or. (B: Edmund de Port - Jan 03)
Az, in canton a crux ansata patty Or. (D: Verena of Laurelin Jan 73?)
Az, on a cross couped Or a mullet Az, a bord Or. (D: Francesca
Giovanna della Rovere - May 94)
Az, on a cross formy Or a chalice Gu. (D: Ottokar von dem
Schwarzwald - Aug 97)
Az, on a Latin cross bottony betw 3 mullets Or a mullet Gu. (D:
Beorn Boghener - Nov 03)
Barry Arg & Sa, a Latin cross Or, surmounted at each tip by a
mullet of six points Gu, within a bord Gu. (D: Thomas the
Mute - Jan 80)
Barry of 4 Vt & Arg, on a cross formy quadrate Or a bears head
cabossed Gu. (D: Arnbirn Bassi Dansson - Jul 04)
Checky Arg & Az, a cross flory issuant from base & on a chf Or, 3
roses Gu. (D: William the Stout - Mar 93)
Checky Az & Arg, a cross patriarchal bottony & a bord dovetailed
Or. (D: Mathias Broussard le Caignon - Jan 96)
Chequy Purp & Arg, a cross formy Or surmounted by a heart Gu.
(D: Geoffrey MacInnes - Feb 86)
Counter-vair, a cross patonce Or, overall on a bend Gu 3 hearts
palewise Or. (D: Gwendolyn of Middlemarch - Jul 80)
Gu, A Celtic cross Or betw 3 quill pens in annulo, one & 2, Arg.
(D: Margaret Brownwell - Jul 90)
Gu, a cross bottony & in chf 3 mascles Or. (D: Aveline Guillemot May 00)
Gu, a cross crosslet fitchy betw flaunches Or each flaunch charged
with a griffin Gu. (D: Gruffudd ap Cadfael - May 96)
Gu, a cross fleury & in chf 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Acarin Saint Cyr
- Jul 02)
Gu, a cross fleury within an annulet Or. (D: Stephen of Hunmanby
- Jan 05)
Gu, a cross flory Or betw eight roses in annulo Arg. (B: Rosa
Maria da Cosenza - Nov 03)
Gu, a cross formy Or, charged with a cross pointed Gu, all within an
orle of chain Or. (B: Valeran do Pico - Dec 87)
Gu, a cross gurgity Or within a serpent in annulo head to base Arg.
(D: Uther Schiemann der Hunt - Jun 03)
Gu, a cross moline & on a chf doubly enarched Or, 3 shamrocks Vt.
(D: Anastasia Seraphine - Sep 92)
Gu, a cross of Toulouse Or. (D: Toulouse, Counts of - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, a Latin cross bottony betw in bend 2 pairs of compasses & in
bend sin 2 winged grenades Or. (D: Joseph of Aberdeen Aug 96)
Gu, a Latin cross clechy within a bord rayonny Or. (D: Damiana
al-Andalusiyya - Mar 06)

[Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Or]

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Or (continued)

Gu, a Maltese cross Or, overall a fountain. (D: John of Sudwelle Feb 90)
Gu, a patriarchal cross bottony Or, & on a chf Arg 2 cockatrices Vt.
(D: Enrique de Molina - Oct 94)
Gu, a tau cross within an orle of mascles Or. (D: Dimitrii
Sviatoslav Varulovich Polynov - Aug 02)
Gu, an orb Or. (D: Holy Roman Empire, Arch-Steward of the Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, fretty Arg, a cross patonce Or within a bord Arg. (D: Caitlin
Davies - Oct 91)
Gu, in chf a cross formy Or & 2 gores Arg. (D: Christoph von dem
Schwarzwald - Sep 90)
Gu, on a cross flory within a bord engrailed Or, in pale 3 keys
fesswise Gu. (D: Victoire Ferdenande dAvignon - Oct 93)
Gu, on a cross formy Or, a cross pointed Gu, a bord embat Or. (B:
Valeran do Pico - Feb 87) (For Casa do Pico)
Gu, on a tau cross Or an eagle Sa. (D: Peter Bog - Jan 03)
Gyronny arrondi Gu & Arg, a cross of Santiago Or within a bord
Sa. (B: Rising Waters - Oct 92) (For Order of the Protectors
of the Chalice)
Gyronny arrondi widdershins ermine & Az, a cross crosslet Calvary
Or within a bord gyronny Az & Or. (D: Christopher
Sigismund Olafsson - Oct 83)
Gyronny Az & Gu, a key cross Or. (D: Ian Bruce MacRae Jan 83) (A key cross looks like the Cross Cleche shown in
Elvin plate 8, figure 39.)
Gyronny ermine & Vt, a crux ansata Or. (D: Mary the Melodious
Lady of Flanders - Jul 71?)
Lozengy Purp & Arg, a Maltese cross within a bord Or. (D:
Konrad Korb of Orkney - Jan 92)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, a Celtic cross Or, a bord engrailed Gu. (D:
Edward Dowe of Ayrshire - Apr 98)
Paly bendy sin Az & Arg, a cross flory within an orle Or. (B:
Christian Darmody - Jun 92)
Per bend Az & checky Or & Az, a cross of 4 lozenges Or. (D:
Heinrich von Stuttgart - Aug 03)
Per bend Az & Gu, a cross formy Or. (D: Edmund Cavendish Aug 98)
Per bend potenty Arg & Sa, a cross patoncy Or, overall a griffin
segreant Vt. (D: Miguel Francisco de la Vega - May 87)
Per bend Sa, fretty Or, & Sa, in dexter base a swallowtailed cross
Or. (D: Richeard Foxtwychen - Apr 90)
Per bend sin Az & Or maily Az, a cross of Lorraine Or. (D:
Cemell NicEntaggart - Sep 95)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, 4 lozenges conjoined in cross within &
conjoined to an annulet Or. (D: Malachi Delacot - Aug 85)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, on a Celtic cross Or a sword Az. (D: Dylan
of Vatavia - Apr 07)
Per bend sin Vt & Purp, a cross of Lorraine betw a mullet in chf & 2
mullets in fess Or. (D: Alan Wacher of Skey - Jun 04)
Per chev Arg & Vt, in base a cross patonce Or. (D: Raimondo
Ricchi detto il Lemosino - Oct 05)
Per chev Gu & checky Sa & Arg, a cross formy fitchy & in chf 2
card-piques Or. (D: Augustine von Freiburg - Feb 06)
Per chev Or & Vt, in base an equal-armed Celtic cross potent Or, &
a chf embat Vt. (D: Ceridwen Dafydd - Apr 86)
Per chev Sa, & Gu ermined, a cross crosslet fitchy & a chf invected
Or. (D: Melisande Brigitte Nazaire dAvignon - Sep 92)
Per fess indented Vt & Sa, a Latin cross formy enhanced Or betw 2
swords Arg. (D: Wolfgang von dem Schwartzwald - May 04)
Per fess Purp & Vt, a Celtic cross & in chf a mullet of seven points
Or. (D: Rohesia Morleigh - Aug 07)
Per fess Sa & gyronny from the fess point Arg & Vt, a cross alise
fitchy Or. (D: Famr Bek - May 96)
Per pale embat Sa & Gu, in dexter chf a cross formy Or. (D: Glyn
dArtois - Sep 00)
Per pale Gu & Vt, a Maltese cross Or. (B: Meave de Clare Feb 00) (For House Vermoncourt)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a cross flory, on a chf Or a dragons head couped
Vt. (D: Merowald de Sylveaston - Jan 73?)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a cross formy betw 4 mullets 3 & one Or. (D:
Karl Arnwulf von Ravensburg - Mar 93)
Per pale Sa & Purp, a Latin cross bottony betw in dexter 2
increscents & in sin 2 decrescents Or. (D: Milan Ivanovich Mar 95)

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Or (continued)

Per pale Sa & Vt, a saltorel within & conjoined to a cross nowy
lozengy Or pierced of a lozenge of the field & in chf 2 bezants.
(D: Mordred Mjothvitner - Dec 83)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a cross formy & a bord embat Or. (D: Eldred
Ulfsson - Oct 00)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a crux ansata within an orle Or. (D: Constantine
Blackhart - Feb 05)
Per salt ermine & Purp, an equal-armed Celtic cross flory Or. (D:
Eoin MacLaren - Nov 93)
Per salt Gu & Sa, a cross gurgity Or. (B: Uther Schiemann der
Hunt - Mar 08)
Per salt Gu & Vt, a cross of Calatrava & on a chf Or a hawks bell
Vt betw 2 more Gu. (D: Jelyan of Lindisfarne - Apr 99)
Per salt Vt & Gu, in cross a Celtic cross betw 4 harps Or. (D:
Rhiannon ferch Iorwerth - Sep 92)
Purp, a Bowen cross within a tressure Or. (D: Francesca Lucia
Sammicheli - Sep 98)
Purp, a Canterbury cross betw flaunches invected Or. (D: Jennet of
Tewkesbury - Sep 02)
Purp, a Celtic cross & in chf 2 trees eradicated Or. (D: Rohesia
Clireach - Sep 93)
Purp, a cross moline disjointed, a bord Or. (D: Bianca Fioretta da
Ravenna - Jul 01) (Blanket permission to conflict with device
granted 0707K)
Purp, a cross of Calatrava above 3 arrows reversed fesswise in pale
Or. (B: Calontir - Oct 84) (For Kings Compaignie of
Purp, a cross of Calatrava & a bord Or. (Augmentation of Arms:
Calontir - Feb 08) (Standard augmentation)
Purp, a cross of Calatrava & in chf a crown within a bord Or,
overall a label throughout Arg. (D: Calontir, Crown Prince of
- Mar 85)
Purp, a cross of Calatrava & on a chf Or, 3 cooking pots Purp. (B:
Calontir - Apr 07) (For Calontir Cooks Guild)
Purp, a cross of Calatrava, in chf a crown Or, within a wreath of
roses lying as on a bord Arg. (D: Calontir, Queen of Oct 84)
Purp, a cross of Calatrava, in chf a crown Or, within a wreath of
trillium flowers lying as on a bord Arg. (D: Calontir, Crown
Princess of - Oct 84)
Purp, a cross of Calatrava, in chf a crown, within in bord a laurel
wreath Or. (D: Calontir - Jan 84)
Purp, a cross of Calatrava Or. (B: Calontir - Apr 84) (Ensign)
Purp, a cross of Cleves & on a chf invected Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Az.
(D: Gerard du Quartier - Sep 03)
Purp, a cross of Jerusalem Or, & on a chf Vt, fimbriated, a rose
slipped & leaved Or. (D: Susan the Specific - Aug 79?)
Purp, a Maltese Latin cross Or surmounted by a lions head erased
Arg. (B: Alaric von Knigsburg - Jul 97)
Purp, a Russian Orthodox cross & a sin tierce Or. (D: Nikolai
Dmitrii Iurev - May 98)
Purp, on a cross flory within a bord invected Or, a rose Gu. (D:
Bianca Caterina della Robbia - Nov 88)
Quarterly Az & Arg, a cross flory issuant from base, a bord Or. (B:
William the Stout - Jan 99)
Quarterly Az & Az, ermined, on a cross floretty engrailed betw in
bend 2 leopards heads jessant-de-lis Or, a cross floretty Az.
(D: Jean Pierre Duquesne - Feb 89)
Quarterly Az & Vt, a cross of 4 lozenges & a bord Or. (D:
Margherita da Fiorenza - Jul 07)
Quarterly Gu & Az, a Celtic cross betw 4 roses Or. (D: Isabell
Chantal de la Croix - Dec 04)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a Latin cross bottony & on a bord Or 3 roses Gu
barbed & seeded Sa. (D: Gregory Clayborne - Apr 94)
Quarterly Purp & Sa, a Celtic cross betw 3 dragons courant in
annulo each biting the tail of the next Or. (D: Wilhelm of
Thunderhall - Oct 95)
Quarterly Purp & Sa, a Celtic cross within a bord fleury Or. (D:
Isabele Sutherland - May 01)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, a cross flory Or betw 4 roses ctrch. (D:
Percival Aldridge - Apr 98)
Quarterly Sa & Vt, on a Latin cross swallowtailed Or a spear Sa.
(D: Ragnar Ketilsson - Oct 93)
Quarterly Sa, & Vt semy of shamrocks, a cross patonce Or. (D:
Alaric le Fevre - Jun 96)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 565

[Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Or] to [Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Purpure]

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Or (continued)

Sa, a Celtic cross & on a chf doubly enarched Or 3 shamrocks Vt.

(D: Pdraign hIfearnan - Jul 04)
Sa, a Celtic cross Or & on a chf Arg 3 triskelions of legs Vt. (D:
Laetitia Marie OBrien - Apr 96)
Sa, a celtic cross Or betw 4 lions ramp Arg. (D: Alistar Sean
Lamont - Sep 90)
Sa, a cross avellane Or betw 4 roses Arg barbed & seeded Or. (D:
Aveline de la Rose - Feb 92)
Sa, a cross bottony Or betw 3 roses Arg barbed & seeded proper.
(D: Laura la Lavendere - Apr 96)
Sa, a cross flory voided Or & in dexter chf a yale ramp Arg. (D:
Hugo von Feuerklippe - Oct 83)
Sa, a cross formy & in chf a coronet Or, a bord counter-compony Sa
& Arg. (D: Ryan von Gunterburg - Aug 93)
Sa, a cross formy swallowtailed, on a chf embat Or five feathers Sa.
(D: Ranulf Throckmorton - Sep 96)
Sa, a cross of 4 ermine spots Or, in dexter chf a horn Arg, stringed
& lipped Gu. (D: Karl Silverhorn - Sep 73?)
Sa, a cross of Jerusalem & a bord Or. (B: Jason MacPherson May 03)
Sa, a cross of Santiago within a mascle Or. (D: Cillne of Dragons
Laire - Feb 08)
Sa, a equal-armed Celtic cross potent & on a chf Or 3 annulets Sa.
(D: Ciar Lasse MacGregor - Sep 91)
Sa, a Latin cross Or within a tressure Arg. (D: Helena Houghs of
London - Jun 81)
Sa, a Maltese cross Or surmounting a delf Or voided Gu. (D: Karl
of Clan Colin - Jun 75?)
Sa, a Maltese cross within a double tressure embat on its outer
edges Or. (D: Christopher of Saint Michaels - Apr 85)
Sa, a patriarchal cross Or betw 3 wolves heads erased Arg. (D:
Alaric Valdemar Whitewolf - Dec 86)
Sa, a patriarchal cross Or surmounted by a wolfs head erased Arg.
(B: Alaric Valdemar Whitewolf - Dec 86)
Sa, centered upon a Latin cross engrailed Or a shamrock slipped Vt.
(D: Bradford of Green Meadow - Jan 73?)
Sa, chap, a long cross barby nowy Or & in chf 2 pairs of quill pens
crossed in salt Sa. (D: Francesca Cecilia Benincasa Nov 82)
Sa, on a cross moline nowy quadrate betw in salt 4 daggers points to
center Or a delf Gu charged with a wolfs head erased close
Or. (D: Kormakr Ulfshofuth - Jan 82)
Sa, on a cross swallowtailed quadrate Or 4 hearts conjoined in
cross, points outward Az. (D: Barbara Starding of Wensley Oct 07)
Sa, on a key cross Or a cross clechy Gu, a bord gyronny Or & Gu.
(D: Alienor Sanz-Argent - Jan 06)
Vair, a Latin cross fleury Or. (D: Richard of Alsace - Dec 75?)
Vt, a Celtic cross & on a chf embat Or 3 trefoils Vt. (D: ine of
Three Towers - Nov 05)
Vt, a Celtic cross Or & on a chf Arg a dragon couchant Gu. (D:
Owain ap Hugh of Merioneth - Feb 94)
Vt, a Celtic cross within a bord Or. (D: Aithbric an Ardain Dhuibh
- Mar 89)
Vt, a cross barby Or & overall a rabbit sejant contourny Arg. (D:
Alienor Lewelyne - Dec 02)
Vt, a cross clechy, on a bord Or an orle Vt. (D: Michael Houlihan May 97)
Vt, a cross fleury Or within a bord ermine. (B: Faoln na Cairrce
mac Odhrin - Aug 04)
Vt, a cross flory Or overall a swan naiant Arg, a bord engrailed Or.
(D: Odette de la Foi - Aug 95)
Vt, a cross flory Or surmounted by a foxs mask, on a chf Arg an
arrow reversed Vt. (D: Monique le Basset - Jul 99)
Vt, a cross formy Or within a stags attires, a bord raguly Arg. (D:
Samus Cuilein - Sep 00)
Vt, a crux ansata Or overarched by a serpent Arg. (D: Bronwyn
Chiron of Temple Dawn - Sep 73?)
Vt, a Jerusalem cross Or, on a chf Purp, fimbriated Or, a lion
couchant Or. (D: Edward of Stockwood - Oct 76?)
Vt, a Latin cross of six annulets interlaced within an orle of
decrescents Or. (D: Gisela Redihalgh - Dec 00)
Vt, a Latin cross pointed betw in base 2 lions heads cabossed Or.
(D: Alexandria Chetwynd Montgomery - Jun 98)
Vt, a Latin cross pointed betw 3 trefoil knots Or. (D: Elheran
MacElheran - Aug 79?)
566 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Or (continued)

Vt, an equal-armed Celtic cross formy & on a chf Or 2 lozenges Vt.

(D: Fergus MacPherson - Jun 05)
Vt, an equal-armed Celtic cross Or betw 3 thistles Arg. (D:
Rachael MacKinney - Nov 04)
Vt, an equal-armed Celtic cross potent Or within a bord embat Arg.
(B: Ceridwen Dafydd - Apr 86)
Vt, at the foot of a Celtic cross Or, a unicorn couchant reguardant,
head bowed, Arg, unguled & gorged of an ivy wreath Or. (D:
Jane of Woodhaven - Sep 73?)
Vt, 4 mascles conjoined in cross, pommetty at all joints, Or. (D:
Clarissa Elana de Perrenoud - Jun 81)
Vt, on a cross bottony issuant from base Or a hawk stooping Sa. (D:
Gabriel Shadewehauke - Feb 96)
Vt, on a tau cross betw in base 2 harps reversed Or 3 quatrefoils 2 &
one Vt. (D: Cian Madadhain - Oct 01)
Vt semy-de-lys, a Latin cross floretty Or. (D: Constanza Raffaella
dallOriente - Mar 96)
* * * End * * *

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Purpure

(Fieldless) A Celtic cross Purp. (B: Meadhbha inghean Bhrain

Mhuilleir - Jan 05)
(Fieldless) A cross gringol Purp with snake heads Arg. (B:
Zianna beguy urdina de Zabaleta - Oct 07)
(Fieldless) A cross of Calatrava Purp. (B: Oriana Morgan of Ely Nov 04)
(Fieldless) A cross of Jerusalem Purp. (B: Hans Faust der herlat Apr 03)
(Tinctureless) A cross of Samildanach. (B: Allyn Samildanach Aug 79) (A cross of Samildanach is four Menorahs in cross.)
(Fieldless) A cross swallowtailed Purp. (B: Donata Bonacorsi Mar 93)
(Fieldless) A cross-crosslet fitchy Purp square pierced Arg. (B:
Marco Valentino - May 95)
Arg, a Celtic cross Purp a bord embat Sa. (D: Micah Rose Sep 98)
Arg, a Celtic cross Purp betw 4 thistles, slipped & leaved, Sa, all
within a bord indented Purp. (D: Michael Galen Mackintosh Oct 89)
Arg, a Celtic cross within a bord fleury Purp. (D: Arrienne Lenorra
Ashford - Oct 92)
Arg, a Coptic cross Purp. (D: Passchyer Bisscop - May 05)
Arg, a cross bottony within a laurel wreath Purp. (D: SaintFlorian-de-la-rivire - Jul 95)
Arg, a cross clechy within a belt in annulo a bord embat Purp. (B:
Katerina da Brescia - Aug 97)
Arg, a cross crosslet fitchy square pierced Purp betw 4 gouttes Gu.
(D: Marco Valentino - Jan 94)
Arg, a Maltese cross, on a chf Purp 4 Eastern Orthodox crosses Arg.
(D: Gisela von Salzburg - Jun 90)
Arg, on a cross bottony betw 4 mullets Purp, a cross couped Arg.
(B: Rafael Diego de Burgos - Jul 84)
Arg, on a cross fleury Purp, a rose Arg. (D: Rayne Louveciennes Apr 88)
Arg, within a cross moline disjoint Purp, a thistle proper. (D: Ian
Nudd MacPherson - Dec 89)
Gu, a Latin cross Purp, fimbriated & winged Arg. (D: John Russo Jan 73?)
Or, a Celtic cross Purp, overall a frog salient to sin Vt. (D: Uilliam
Uaine - Nov 89)
Or, a cross flory, on a chf Purp 3 Janus heads Arg. (D: Sabina de
Almera - Jan 95)
Or, a cross of Calatrava within a bord Purp. (B: Calontir May 90) (For the Order of the Calon Cross)
Or, a cross of Santiago Purp, on a chf Az 3 Lacy knots Or. (D:
Bronwen Arianwen of Rivenwood Tower - Nov 00)
Or, a Maltese cross Purp. (D: Marcus Carunna - Feb 97)
Or, on a cross fleury Purp a goblet Or. (B: Lindyre of Valreinor Aug 80)
Quarterly ermine & Vt, a cross fleury Purp, overall a sun Or. (D:
Stephen of Mountjoy - Aug 71?)
Sa, a Non cross Purp fimbriated Arg. (B: Peregryne Tal Elan of
Non - Nov 77) (A Non cross looks like two voided cartouches
interlaced with a cross.)
* * * End * * *

[Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Sable]

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Sable

(Fieldless) A cross flory Sa, overall a pellet charged with a harp Or

within a torse wreathed Or & Gu. (B: Gwyneth Maeve of
Falconguard - Jan 90)
(Fieldless) A cross formy Sa, overall an escarbuncle Arg. (B:
Maximillian Johann von Kleve - Jun 07)
(Fieldless) A cross of chains couped Sa. (B: Thomas the Black Jun 08)
(Fieldless) A cross of 4 ermine spots conjoined Sa. (B: Darya
Kazakova - Oct 96)
(Fieldless) A cross of Jerusalem Sa. (B: Seraphina Sacheverell May 02)
(Fieldless) A cross of Jerusalem Sa, overall a hand Arg. (B:
Harold O Mainnn - Oct 92)
(Tinctureless) A cross of Samildanach. (B: Allyn Samildanach Aug 79) (A cross of Samildanach is four Menorahs in cross.)
(Fieldless) A cross of Santiago Sa. (B: Juan Santiago - Dec 03)
(Fieldless) A cross within & conjoined to a mascle Sa. (B: Dur of
Hidden Mountain - Nov 97)
(Fieldless) A crux ansata Arg winged Sa. (B: Alaric der Jaeger Feb 02) (JB: Adelaide Ehrhardt)
(Fieldless) A Latin cross formy Sa fimbriated Arg. (B: Teutonic
Order - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA badge)
(Fieldless) An equal-armed Celtic cross clechy Sa. (B: Maximilian
Delmonico - Sep 97)
(Fieldless) In pale a cross couped betw & conjoined to 2 chevronels
couped Sa. (B: Aron Niedzwiedz - Nov 99) (the charge is
also known as a rogacina)
(Fieldless) On a cross formy Sa, a cross of ermine spots Arg. (B:
Richard of Alder Tree - Aug 05)
Arg, a bowen knot in cross Sa. (B: Darcy Graham - Feb 81)
Arg, a brown wooden cross patonce proper, betw in bend sin a
martlet rising Gu, & an Irish harp reversed Vt. (D: Di Ana,
called the Devoted - Aug 79?)
Arg, a Celtic cross Sa betw 3 shamrocks Vt. (D: Seamus O Shea Apr 03)
Arg, a Coptic cross Sa within a bord embat Gu. (D: Stephen of
Bellamy - Sep 73?)
Arg, a cross avellane Sa, the center roundel Gu. (B: Clare
RosMuire St. John - Feb 81)
Arg, a cross barby Sa & a chf checky Sa & Arg. (D: Wulf de
Langhemerc - Aug 01)
Arg, a cross bottony quarter-pierced Sa. (D: Annys Bradwardyn May 08)
Arg, a cross bottony Sa & on a chf Az 3 mullets Arg. (D: Zanobia
Adimari - Jul 06)
Arg, a cross clechy voided within a double tressure Sa. (B: Vanya
Betzina - Dec 07)
Arg, a cross couped quarter-pierced environed of a dragon inv in
annulo, Sa. (D: Retepert the Barbarian - Apr 85)
Arg, a cross crosslet fitchy Sa, in chf 3 roses Purp barbed & seeded
proper. (D: Robert Marchet - Feb 98)
Arg, a cross formy Sa & on a base embat Gu a wolf courant Arg.
(B: Astrid Radulfsdottir - Jul 00)
Arg, a cross moline Sa betw 4 lilies in salt Gu bases to center all
within a bord Sa. (D: Valeria de Borgia - Jul 03)
Arg, a cross of ermine spots Sa, on a chf Az 3 escallops Arg. (D:
James Byngham - Mar 00)
Arg, a cross of 4 ermine spots within a bord Sa. (B: Maurya Etain
Sableswan - Oct 99)
Arg, a cross patty Sa. (D: Dorothea of Caer-Myrddin - Jan 73?)
Arg, a cross patty within an annulet Sa, on a chf triangular Vt a
unicorns horn inv Arg. (D: Jerilyn of Vert Silva - Jan 81)
Arg, a cross pointed raguly surmounted by an annulet Sa betw in
bend a standing balance & a goblet Gu. (D: Bartholomew
Didymus - Jun 82)
Arg, a fillet cross arrondi Sa betw in bend 2 lozenges Gu. (B: John
the Bearkiller - May 83) (For House of the Scarlet
Diamond)(JB: Heather of Tyson)
Arg, a gore sin & a Maltese cross fitchy Sa. (D: Laurent Honor
Sourdevaux - Jun 85)
Arg, a Latin cross Sa, in base a rose fesswise Gu, slipped & leaved
Vt. (B: Cailean McArdle - Jan 00)
Arg, a Maltese cross betw 4 roses, each environed of a laurel wreath
Sa. (D: Black Rose, the - Feb 89)
Arg, a Maltese cross, on a base Sa a decrescent & an increscent Or.
(D: Ulrich Wulfson - Oct 99)

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Sable (continued)

Arg, a Maltese cross Sa betw 4 lilies Vt. (D: Flora de Bayeaux Sep 07)
Arg, a Maltese cross Sa within a bord Purp. (D: Dnchn Mac
Namara - Oct 03)
Arg, on a cross nowy quadrate couped Sa a great helm pierced
through the eye-slit by an arrow fesswise point to sin Arg
within a bord per salt Sa & Gu. (D: Edward Ian Anderson Sep 85)
Arg, on a cross of Saint Julian Sa, five mullets Or. (D: Julien de la
Croix - Mar 99)
Az, a tau cross Sa, fimbriated, overall a lioness sejant, dexter
forepaw raised, & in dexter base a cup, all Or. (D: Leona di
Francesco - Aug 86)
Barry & per pale Arg & Vt, a cross crosslet fitchy Sa. (B: Aengus
Stiubhard Mac Dhughaill - Jun 05)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a cross crosslet Sa, on a chf Az, 3 anchors
Arg. (D: Angelique del Mar - May 88)
Ermine, a Celtic cross within a bord Sa. (B: Reya nam Beanntan Aug 84)
Ermine, a cross flory fitchy betw on flaunches Sa a pair of snails
respectant Or. (D: Eleanor Sinclair of Aberdeen - Jul 98)
Erminois, on a long Celtic cross Sa, a stag lodged reguardant Arg
vulned on the shoulder Sa. (D: Aethelthritha of Whitby Aug 85)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, a cross of Toulouse Sa. (D: Vlksha Iakovleva Mar 04)
Gyronny arrondi Gu & Arg, a cross of Santiago within a bord Sa.
(B: Rising Waters - Oct 92) (For Award of the Warriors of
the Chalice)
Gyronny Vt & Arg, a Latin cross nowy pierced Sa. (D: Peter fra
Marstal - Sep 88)
Or, a Coptic cross voided in the arms Sa, within the annulet thereof
a compass-star Gu. (D: Stephen of the Lance - Sep 73?)
Or, a cross clechy within an orle of ermine spots Sa. (D: Aileve of
Windhaven - Jul 96)
Or, a cross couped Sa betw a decrescent, a sun, a mullet of eight
points, & an increscent Az. (B: Alison MacKieran of Dunglas
- Feb 83)
Or, a cross flory Sa & overall on a bend Gu another engrailed Or
charged with 3 grenades Sa flammant proper. (D: Horatio
Nelson, Viscount Sir - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, a cross flory Sa & overall on a bend Gu another engrailed Or
charged with 3 grenades Sa flammant proper, for
augmentation, on a chf wavy Arg a palm tree betw a disabled
ship & a ruinous battery all issuant from waves of the sea all
proper. (Augmentation of Arms: Horatio Nelson, Viscount Sir
- Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, a cross flory Sa & overall on a bend Gu another engrailed Or
charged with 3 grenades Sa flammant proper, for
augmentation, on a chf wavy Arg a palm tree betw a disabled
ship & a ruinous battery all issuant from waves of the sea all
proper, for second augmentation (posthumous), on a fess wavy
overall Az the word TRAFALGAR Or. (Augmentation of
Arms: Horatio Nelson, Viscount Sir - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Or, a cross formy fitchy & on a chf Sa, 2 wolves heads erased Or.
(D: Michael Robertson - May 99)
Or, a cross formy Sa surmounted by a rose Gu barbed & seeded Vt
all within a bord Gu. (B: Shamus OCarolan - Dec 91) (For
Haus der Kameraden)
Or, a cross gurgity Sa. (B: Gwynneth Sanquebarr - Nov 77)
Or, a cross moline Sa. (D: Edouard Beausoleil - Nov 04)
Or, a cross of 4 ermine spots Sa betw 4 gates Az. (D: Emelyne de
Crosseland - Jan 06)
Or, a cross of 4 pheons points to center Sa within a bord Gu. (B:
Kezia von Holzenhaus - Sep 04)
Or, a cross potent fitchy & on a chf engrailed Sa, 3 lozenges Arg.
(D: Wulfric of Blackthorn - Jul 85)
Or, a key cross & on a chf Sa 3 roundels Or. (D: Giovanni
Vendelino da Firenze - Mar 07)
Or, on a cross formy quadrate Sa within a laurel wreath Vt a lions
face Or. (D: Lionsdale - Feb 97)
Or, on a cross formy Sa an estoile of 4 points Or, in base an ermine
spot Gu. (D: Bronwen of Glamorgan - Dec 96)
Or, on a cross nowy Sa an estoile Arg. (D: Wilhelm von Ulrichen Sep 83)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 567

[Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Sable] to [Cross - As charge - Group primary - Argent]

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Sable (continued)

Per bend Or & Az, a cross formy Sa a bord ctrch. (B: Konrad der
Ruhige Br - Jun 92)
Per fess wavy Arg & barry wavy Az & Arg, in chf a Norse suncross Sa. (B: Mary Taran of Glastonbury - Oct 07) (JB:
duin of Skye)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a cross fourchy betw the tines of each fork a
roundel Sa. (D: Zygmunt Nadratowski - Jan 04)
Per pale Az mullety Arg & Arg, a cross moline Sa. (D: Dana the
Quarrier - May 04)
Per pall inv Sa, Vt & Or, in base a Maltese cross Sa. (D: Aldric
Elys of Kiddall Hall - Mar 07)
Per salt Arg semy-de-lys Sa & Or, a cross patonce Sa. (D: Sionan
Padraig Caimbeul - Dec 98)
Per salt Or & Gu, a Maltese cross Sa betw 4 fleurs-de-lys ctrch. (D:
Florian de Pompierre - Feb 00)
Quarterly Arg & Az, a cross crosslet fitchy Sa betw in bend 2
thistles proper & in bend sin 2 more Arg. (D: Dougal
MacDougall - Jan 85)
Quarterly Arg & Az, a Maltese cross betw in bend 2 wolfs heads
cabossed Sa. (D: Wolfgang Krieger - Dec 89)
Quarterly Arg & Gu, a cross fleury Sa. (B: Michel de Groot Nov 04)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a cross flory within a bord dovetailed Sa. (D:
James Rufus of Wendland - Sep 88)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a maltese cross Sa within a bord ctrch of the
field. (D: Roberto de Espaa - Jan 91)
Quarterly Or & Purp, a cross formy fitchy Sa betw 2 hearts in bend
Gu. (D: Valentina Isabella Rosati - Jul 96)
Quarterly Vt & Or, a cross of Lorraine Sa. (D: Lorraine Marcus Jan 73)
* * * End * * *

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Vert

(Fieldless) A cross of Calatrava Vt. (B: Aviz, Order of - Nov 98)

(Important non-SCA badge)
(Fieldless) A cross of ermine spots conjoined Vt. (B: Anastazia
Winogrodzka - Feb 91)
(Tinctureless) A cross of Samildanach. (B: Allyn Samildanach Aug 79) (A cross of Samildanach is four Menorahs in cross.)
(Fieldless) A cross of Toulouse Vt, overall a rose Gu, barbed &
seeded Or. (B: Catherine Harwell - Sep 92)
(Fieldless) A doubled cross Vt. (B: Nikolai of Trakai - Jul 03)
(Fieldless) On a cross crosslet Vt, a cross couped Or. (B: Lora
Anne the Silent - Nov 01)
(Fieldless) On a cross flory Vt, a straight trumpet Or. (B: Jayme
Dominguez del Valle - Jul 04)
(Fieldless) On a cross formy Vt an ermine spot Arg. (B:
Hathewisse atte Mere - Sep 96)
(Fieldless) On a cross potent Vt another Arg. (B: Michael
FitzGeoffrey - Dec 93)
(Fieldless) On an equal-armed Celtic cross couped plain Vt a
mullet Or. (B: Anlon MacMatha - Jun 97)
(Fieldless) 2 millrinds in cross Vt. (B: Roxbury Mill - Apr 01)
Arg, a cross bottony, issuant from a point pointed Vt charged with a
stags head cabossed Arg, in chf 2 stags heads cabossed Vt.
(D: Beatrice Elaine de Horton - Dec 94)
Arg, a cross bottony Vt & a chf wavy barry wavy Az & Arg. (D:
Rachell Gray - May 07)
Arg, a cross formy fitched Vt within a bord Gu. (B: Eoin OKeevan
de Curci Blake - Jul 86)
Arg, a cross of Santiago within an orle Vt. (D: Mr inghean u
Choingheallaigh - Oct 01)
Arg, a cross tau betw 3 mullets of six points one & 2 Vt, each arm
charged at the end with a mullet of six points Arg. (D:
Guillaume dAnjou - Jul 85)
Arg, a cross triparted & fretted fleury Vt. (D: Keresztly Ilona May 98)
Arg, a crux ansata Vt, on a bord Az eight mullets of eight points
Arg. (D: Jeana de Jarnette - Jan 73?)
Arg, a Latin cross formy Vt & on a chf enarched Az a hammer
reversed Or. (D: Guy Grmsson - Sep 05)
Arg, a Maltese cross betw 2 flaunches Vt, each flank charged with a
Maltese cross ctrch. (D: John Wystan of Deodar - Oct 84)
Arg, five mascles conjoined in cross & a chf dovetailed Vt. (D:
Caecelia di Battista - Aug 95)

568 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Cross - As charge - Sole primary - Vert (continued)

Arg, on a cross couped & quarter-pierced Vt betw in bend sin 2

crosses bottony Gu, a cross bottony Gu. (D: Gilliane Atherley
- Aug 89)
Arg, within a cross moline disjointed Vt nine roses in cross Gu
seeded Or. (D: Arthur de Beaumont - Sep 04)
Ermine, a Celtic cross Vt within a bord Sa charged with 3 bezants.
(D: Cristiona of Ulidia - Mar 86)
Gyronny Arg & Az, a key cross Vt. (D: Leta da Padova - Apr 05)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, an equal-armed celtic cross Vt. (D: Catairiona
n Fhlannagin - Oct 94)
Or, a Bowen cross Vt & on a chf Purp 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D:
Saige verch Laurens - Oct 02)
Or, a Celtic cross & on a chf dovetailed Vt 3 roses Arg. (D: Thorolf
Asgeirsson - Aug 03)
Or, a Celtic cross Vt & on a chf Az 3 mullets Arg. (D: Mirghrad
inghean Toirdhealbhaigh - Dec 05)
Or, a Celtic cross Vt & on a chf Sa 3 escallops inv Arg. (D: Seumas
MacCullach - Dec 00)
Or, a cross bottony Vt & a dexter tierce embat Az. (B: Alds
Grmlfsdttir - Sep 02)
Or, a cross crosslet fitchy Vt & a demi-sun issuant from chf Sa. (D:
Terence OQuinlan - May 04)
Or, a cross formy fitchy within a bord Vt. (B: Siobhn ingen
Tigernaich - Nov 07) (JB: Clarissima della Chiesa)
Per bend sin Arg & Or, a Maltese cross within an orle Vt. (D:
Seymour the Skeptic - Feb 96)
Per chev inv dovetailed Arg & counter-ermine, in chf a cross clechy
Vt. (D: Torin of Norwood - Feb 89)
Per pale Or & Arg, a cross bottony betw 3 anchors Vt. (D: Gresch
der Turse - Sep 03)
Purp, a cross bottonny fitchy Vt, enflamed Or. (D: Evaine Saint
Jean de Maurienne - Dec 89)
* * * End * * *

Cross - As charge - Group primary - Argent

(Fieldless) In bend 3 Celtic crosses Arg. (B: Eric Lyon of St.

Michaels - Apr 86)
Az, crusily flory, a bord rayonny Arg. (D: Michael of Winterskeep
- Apr 84)
Az, crusily, on a pair of flaunches Arg, 2 escallops Az. (D: Juliana
Avenel - Aug 91)
Az, five crosses bottony 2 2 & one & a bord engrailed Arg. (D:
Annora verch Llwyd Bryneirian - Nov 01)
Az, in pale a cross fleury & a pair of hawks wings conjoined betw
3 fleurs-de-lys, tips to center Arg, within a bord lozengy Arg &
Sa. (D: Jacques dOrleans - May 86)
Az, 3 Celtic crosses & on a chf triangular Arg a wolfs head erased
Sa. (D: Ariana ferch Medwyn - Feb 86)
Az, 3 Celtic crosses one & 2 & on a point pointed Arg a dragon
passant contourny Az. (D: James Eldon of York - Oct 07)
Az, 3 Celtic crosses one & 2 & on a point pointed Arg a dragon
passant contourny Az, & as an augmentation on a canton Vt, in
pale a portcullis Or & a crescent Arg within a bord embat Or.
(Augmentation of Arms: James Eldon of York - Oct 07)
Az, 3 crosses of ermine spots one & 2 Arg. (B: Tangwystl ferch
Dafydd - Sep 92)
Az, 3 Latin crosses, one & 2, on a point pointed Arg, a heart Gu.
(D: Alys Lavender of Blackwood - Sep 96)
Az, 3 Tau crosses, stems conjoined in trefoil, Arg, overall a raven
disp Sa, fimbriated Arg. (B: Sean MacFflam of Ravenswaard Aug 78?) (For House Ravenswaard)
Gu, in pale a fret & a Celtic cross Arg. (D: Bronwen merch Athruis
- Jul 06)
Gu semy of Saint Brigids crosses Arg. (B: Crois Brigte - Apr 07)
Gu, 3 Latin crosses conjoined in pall surmounted by 3 horseshoes
pallwise opening outward Arg. (B: Stefan der Polle - Jul 04)
Lozengy Or & Vt, 2 owls addorsed & a cross crosslet fitchy Arg.
(D: Tonwen verch Gruffydd - Apr 02)
Per bend Arg & Az, a sin hand & a Maltese cross ctrch. (D: Seanne
Alansyn - Feb 01)
Per bend Arg & Gu, in fess a cross couped Arg & an apple tree Vt,
fructed Arg. (D: Claire de la Mer - May 92)
Per bend Arg & Gu, 3 camellias Gu slipped & leaved Vt & a Latin
cross bottony Arg. (D: Camilla Fante da Ferrara - Sep 04)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a brown bear passant proper & a cross fleury
Arg. (D: Jehanne de Nimes - Nov 04)

[Cross - As charge - Group primary - Argent]

Cross - As charge - Group primary - Argent (continued)

Per bend Arg & Vt, a shamrock & a Celtic cross ctrch. (D: Pdraig
Rad Maolagin - Apr 01)
Per bend Az & Arg, a cross couped & a Thors hammer ctrch. (D:
Turgeis Hakonsson - Jun 92)
Per bend Az & Arg, a cross flory Arg & an anchor Vt. (D: Gerard
de Saint-Thomas - Mar 04)
Per bend Az & Gu, a cross couped & a cup Arg. (D: Alcuin of
Threckingham - Aug 84)
Per bend Az & Vt, in bend sin a Celtic cross Arg & a seahorse Or.
(D: Arnault de Marseilles - Feb 90)
Per bend bendy Az & Or, & Az, in base 3 crosses of 4 mascles Arg.
(D: Lars Eriksson - Feb 97)
Per bend Gu & Arg, 2 Russian Orthodox crosses in bend Arg &
another Sa. (D: Anastasia Aleksandrovna Andreeva - Aug 87)
Per bend Gu & Sa, 2 Latin crosses raguly Arg. (D: Morann of
Conamara - Jul 00)
Per bend raguly Arg & Purp crusily flory Arg. (D: Grace Gambel Aug 91)
Per bend Sa & Arg, an ankh Arg & a rose bendwise slipped &
leaved proper within a bord ctrch. (D: Kytte Anna atte Rose Jan 96)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a seraphs head proper & a Celtic cross
Arg. (D: Lilliard Boudicea Devorguila - May 93)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a mullet & a Maltese cross ctrch. (D:
Daniel of Twin Moons - Apr 08)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, 2 swords in salt & a Celtic cross ctrch. (D:
Dalln Donnabhin - Aug 02)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a Celtic cross Arg & a wolf salient Sa. (D:
Christian Blackwolfe - Aug 94)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a Celtic cross fitchy & an escallop ctrch.
(D: Avenel Kellough - Feb 86)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a Norse sun cross & a wolfs pawprint
bendwise sin Arg. (D: Ragnall Ciaragin - Jun 97)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, 3 crosses potent 2 & one Arg. (D:
Marmaduc de Thystelesworthe - Jan 03)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, a cross patonce Arg & a bee Sa marked Or.
(D: Crispin de La Rochefoucauld - Mar 04)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a fools cap & a Latin cross Arg. (D:
Edward Blythe of Nottinghamshire - Aug 94)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, 3 Celtic crosses Arg. (D: Aonghas
Mathgamain MacDhomhnuill - Dec 92)
Per bend sin Gu & Vt, a pomegranate slipped & leaved Or & a
cross bottony Arg. (D: Jane Godwin - Oct 07)
Per bend sin nebuly Gu & Sa, a cross moline & an increscent Arg.
(B: Theodric von Rostock - Oct 93)
Per bend sin Purp & Arg a Latin cross Arg & a peacock in his pride
proper. (D: Veronica da Milano - Dec 04)
Per bend sin rayonny palewise Gu & Arg, a cross clechy pommetty
Arg & a lions head erased Sa. (D: Riccardo di Pisa - Jun 81)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a cross fleury Arg & on a tower Gu in pale 3
mascles interlaced Arg. (D: Ifor de Leycester - Jun 00)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a cross Moline & a armored arm embowed
palewise ctrch. (D: Madyn ap Cadell - Aug 04)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a Russian cross Arg & a violet Purp, slipped
& leaved Vt. (D: Maritsa Dmitrievna - Feb 84)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, a cross crosslet fitchy & a scorpion Arg. (D:
Niall MacTaggart - Nov 02)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, 3 tau crosses within a bord Arg. (D: Aedrik
Thorulfsson - Nov 89)
Per bend sin Sa & Vt, a cross crosslet Arg & an oak tree couped, a
chf rayonny Or. (D: Dietrich Kirk - Jan 95)
Per bend sin wavy, Arg, a rowan branch proper, & Az, a celtic cross
Arg. (D: Karina Haakonsdottir - Aug 79)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a Norse sun cross Arg & an anchor Sa. (D:
duin of Skye - Mar 01)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a Russian Orthodox cross & a bear ramp Arg.
(D: Grigorii Borislav Kuropatva syn - Jul 01)
Per chev Arg & Az, in chf 2 quills & in base an ankh within an
annulet ctrch. (D: Rosemary the Nightingale - Jun 83)
Per chev Arg & Az, 3 thistles one & 2 Vt headed Purp & a Celtic
cross Arg. (D: Vivian McKinnon - Jan 08)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 annulets Purp & a cross formy fitchy Arg.
(D: Cordelia Tosere - Sep 93)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 laurel wreaths & a cross floretty ctrch. (D:
Torlyon - Jun 98)

Cross - As charge - Group primary - Argent (continued)

Per chev Arg & Az, 2 rapiers in salt & a cross of 4 passion nails
ctrch. (D: Jamys de Godeleia - Jan 91)
Per chev Arg & Gu, a ship sails unfurled Sa & 2 crosses formy in
pale Arg. (D: Jan Starszy - Apr 03)
Per chev Arg & Gu, 2 garbs & a Latin cross bottony ctrch. (D:
Catherine Sheffield - Mar 06)
Per chev Arg & Purp, 2 crescents & a Celtic cross ctrch. (D: Kiera
nic an Bhaird - Apr 92)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 2 rams salient combattant & a Celtic cross
ctrch. (D: Sionnaich Creag - Mar 82)
Per chev Arg & Vt, a lion passant guardant Sa & 3 crosses bottony
one & 2 Arg. (D: Margarette de Saint Martin-sur-Mer Jul 01)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 2 columns & a cross patonce within a bord
ctrch. (D: Friederich von Blumenkamp - Oct 99)
Per chev Arg ermined Az, & Az, a butterfly Purp & a Celtic cross
Arg. (D: Alina Kendall OComhraidhe - Jan 93)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 Celtic crosses Arg & a dragon passant Gu. (D:
Sorcha MacGregor - May 03)
Per chev embat Sa & Arg, 2 Norse sun crosses Arg & a dragon
segreant Vt. (D: Antonius Alvredus - May 01)
Per chev fleury at the point Arg & Az, 2 roses Az seeded Or & a
cross patonce Arg. (D: Constance Warrock de Winandemere Sep 03)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 crosses of lozenges & a phoenix issuant from
base ctrch. (D: Muirenn of Wintersedge - Mar 97)
Per chev Gu & Sa masoned, in chf 3 crosses formy one & 2 Arg.
(D: Maynard von dem Steine - Feb 00)
Per chev inv Az & Sa, 3 Latin crosses Arg, one & 2. (D: Eric the
Wanderer - Nov 94)
Per chev inv Az goutty deau & Arg, a Celtic cross Arg & 2 garden
roses in salt Gu, slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Leonora Morgana Jan 85)
Per chev inv Az goutty deau & Arg, a Celtic cross Arg & 2 garden
roses in salt Gu, slipped & leaved Vt, for augmentation,
surmounting the roses where they cross, an inescutcheon Az
charged with 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns outward Arg.
(Augmentation of Arms: Leonora Morgana - Sep 01)
Per chev inv enhanced Sa & Gu, in chf a cross patonce Arg, & in
base a stags head couped affront proper, attired Or. (D: Leah
de Spencer - Nov 80)
Per chev inv Gu & Az, in pale a cross bottonny gyronny Arg & Sa
& a cup Or. (D: Tomas Fitzsimon of Oxford - Mar 88)
Per chev inv Gu & Sa, 3 Maltese crosses Arg & a massacre Or. (D:
Klaus Hartel von Ulm - Jan 99)
Per chev inv throughout Sa & Vt, in cross 3 crosses forches & a
tower Arg. (D: Elestron an Tor Howlsedhas - Oct 83)
Per chev Or & Vt, 2 casks proper & a Celtic cross Arg. (D:
Donnchadh Beag mac Griogair - Mar 05)
Per chev Purp & Vt, 2 tau crosses & a moon in her plentitude Arg.
(D: Liamuin ingen Sillin - Sep 97)
Per chev raguly Sa & Arg, 2 crosses bottony & a lion ramp ctrch.
(D: Toran Weisszahn - Nov 97)
Per chev raguly Sa & Arg, 2 crosses bottony Arg & an eagle Gu.
(D: Conor Weisszahn - Nov 97)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 2 crosses bottony & a horse passant ctrch. (D:
Christian Blackhorse - Nov 94)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 2 crosses formy fitchy Arg & a scorpion Gu.
(D: Romanius Vesperianus - Apr 01)
Per chev Sa & Gu, 2 crosses crosslet fitchy & a fleur-de-lys Arg.
(D: Stanwulf the Stern - Oct 01)
Per chev throughout ploy Gu & Arg, 2 Celtic crosses Arg & a
portcullis Sa. (D: Dirmyg ap Selyf - Nov 96)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 3 crosses fleury Arg & a brown hippopotamus
statant guardant proper. (D: Sajah bint Habushun ibn
Ishandiyar al-Hajjaji - Feb 06)
Per chev Vt & Arg, 2 equal-armed Celtic crosses & a raven disp
ctrch. (D: Hrfn mac Thaidhg - Aug 92)
Per chev Vt & Or, 2 crosses moline Arg & a raven volant wings
addorsed Sa. (D: Nicholas de Harrington - Aug 06)
Per chev Vt & Purp, 3 Bowen crosses & a coney couchant Arg. (D:
Sorcha inghean Chaillin - Dec 07)
Per chev Vt & Sa, 2 crosses clechy & a chimera statant Arg. (D:
Nikodemos Synadenos - Apr 00)
Per fess Arg & Az, a demi-eagle issuant from the line of division &
3 crosses formy ctrch. (D: Wolfgang von der Eifel - Mar 07)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 569

[Cross - As charge - Group primary - Argent] to [Cross - As charge - Group primary - Azure]

Cross - As charge - Group primary - Argent (continued)

Per fess Arg & Gu, a brown bears head cabossed proper & a cross
couped Arg. (D: Konrad Mailander - Jun 94)
Per fess dovetailed Gu & Sa, a castle & 3 Maltese crosses Arg. (D:
Morgant Capellanus - Aug 07)
Per fess embat Arg & Az, a griffin segreant Sa & a cross moline
Arg. (D: Gryffri de Newmarch - Aug 99)
Per fess embat Arg & Az, 2 bunches of grapes & a Latin cross
ctrch. (D: Angelo dAmico - Feb 08)
Per fess embat Az & Arg, 2 crosses bottony Arg & a raven Sa. (D:
Eanswyth de Burthoswald - Aug 01)
Per fess Gu & Sa, 2 griffins addorsed & a Maltese cross Arg. (D:
Thomas Godefroy - Aug 04)
Per fess indented Gu & checky Sa & Arg, in chf 3 Maltese crosses
Arg. (D: Gabriella Francesca Qlejja de Warre - Dec 91)
Per fess indented of 2 points Az & Arg, a Latin cross & a mullet of
six points ctrch. (D: Galfridus de Gaillard - Jan 92)
Per fess Sa & Arg, 2 Maltese crosses & a compass star, all ctrch.
(D: Genevieve Emrys - Jul 87)
Per fess Sa & Az, 3 crosses flory Arg & a lions head jessant de lys
Or. (D: Gregory de Saville - Feb 03)
Per fess Sa & Gu, 3 wolfs heads erased & a Maltese cross fitchy
Arg. (D: Wolfgang von der Hafen - Feb 99)
Per fess Vt & Arg, a cross potent surmounted by an annulet Arg & a
boars head erased Gu. (D: Finn Einar Gilchrist - Mar 90)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a harp & a cross of 4 lozenges ctrch, a chf embat
Gu. (D: thelstan von Ransbergen - Sep 92)
Per pale Arg & Vt, an oak tree proper & a Celtic cross Arg, a chf
wavy ctrch. (D: Rian Greenoake - Dec 92)
Per pale Az & Sa, 3 crosses crosslet Arg. (D: Angus Scrymgeoure Aug 98)
Per pale Az & Sa, 2 Latin crosses fitchy Arg. (D: William Forest
Oldemixon - Nov 97)
Per pale dovetailed Az & Arg, a Celtic cross Arg & in pale 3 acorns
proper. (D: Robert Edward Stewart - Dec 95)
Per pale embat Az & Gu, a tower & a Canterbury cross Arg. (D:
Arianwen of Dunvegan - Mar 95)
Per pale embat, Sa a cross patty fitchy Arg, & Arg a wivern erect Vt
orbed, langued, bellied, webbed & armed Gu. (D: Aonarach
na Cailleach - Aug 76?)
Per pale embat Vt & Arg, a cross flory Arg & 3 crescents in pale
Az. (D: Juliane de Saint-Thomas - Sep 02)
Per pale Gu & Az, in bend 3 Latin crosses moline Arg. (D: Linnet
Saunpite - Oct 94)
Per pale Gu & Sa, an anchor Or & a cross formy swallowtail, a chf
Arg. (D: Gilbert des Moulins - Nov 00)
Per pale nebuly Sa & Az, in fess enhanced a cross crosslet & a rose
within nine plates in annulo Arg. (D: Margaret of Shaftesbury
- Jul 80)
Per pale Purp & Sa, in pale a catamount passant & a cross fleury
Arg. (D: Daniel of Aquitaine - Oct 97)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 3 Latin crosses clechy Arg. (D: Barat Fitzwalter
Reynolds - Sep 90)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 2 crosses paty fitchy, on a chf Arg an eagle disp
Gu. (D: Wilhelm Steinbruch - Jan 86)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 2 dragons addorsed & a tau cross Arg. (D: Toma
Drake - Sep 02)
Per pale Sa & Or, a cross urdy fitchy Arg & a cinquefoil Vt. (D:
Ulfgarth von Bergen - Jan 73?)
Per pall Arg, Gu, & Sa, a crescent per pale Sa & Gu & 2 crosses of
Santiago Arg. (D: Guilliermo Ugarte de Navarra - Oct 92)
Per pall inv Arg, Sa & Az, 2 swans rousant respectant ctrch & a
Latin cross Arg. (D: Chad Silverswan - Feb 98)
Per pall inv Gu, Sa, & Arg, a sword bendwise sin proper, a cross
potent Arg, & an estoile of eight rays Gu. (D: William Hygh of
Winyah - Feb 85)
Per pall inv Gu, Sa, & Arg, 2 Celtic crosses Arg & in base a
Continental panther passant guardant Sa enflamed proper. (D:
Franois of Thors Mountain - Nov 06)
Per pall inv Gu, Sa, & Arg, 2 Celtic crosses Arg & in base a panther
passant Sa enflamed proper. (D: Franois of Thors Mountain
- Jan 97)
Per pall inv Vt, Sa, & ermine, 2 Latin crosses formy nowy Arg & a
sprig of 3 holly leaves slipped Vt fructed Gu. (D: Celainn
MacDhonnachaidh - Apr 91)
Per salt Arg & Gu, 2 arrows Sa & 2 crosses patonce Arg. (D:
Caitrona inghean Raghnaill - Sep 06)
570 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Cross - As charge - Group primary - Argent (continued)

Per salt Arg & Vt, in fess a Latin cross & a staff of Asclepius Arg.
(D: Craig Goodleech Duggin - Dec 83)
Per salt Az & Arg, in pale 2 crosses annulety arms formy & voided
& in fess 2 lions combattant ctrch. (D: Sophia de Leon Feb 05)
Per salt Az & Sa, in pale 2 mullets & in fess 2 Maltese crosses Arg.
(D: Frirekr berserkr - Jul 03)
Per salt Gu & Arg, in pale 2 crosses couped Arg & in fess 2 towers
Sa. (D: Cered Blodletere - Sep 02)
Per salt Gu & Az, in pale 2 double-bitted axes Or & in fess 2
Maltese crosses Arg. (D: Krr inn danski varsson - Aug 02)
Per salt Sa & ermine, a Maltese cross & a skull Arg. (D: Lucius
Angelini de Santa Croce - Jan 08)
Per salt Sa & Gu, 4 Maltese crosses within a bord Arg. (D:
Joachim Liehtenauwer - Mar 07)
Purp, 2 plumed helmets addorsed & a fillet cross fleury Arg. (B:
Randall Morgan - Feb 84)
Quarterly Az & Arg, 2 crosses formy fitchy Arg. (B: Sancti
Geronimi - Nov 01)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, 2 bears combatant Or & a cross formy Arg. (D:
Brian de Barri - Jan 98)
Sa, a cross pointed Arg, a tyger passant erminois, & in dexter chf a
seraphs head Arg. (D: Draco Vulkea - May 86)
Sa crusilly formy Arg. (D: Christgaen von Kln - May 07)
Sa, 4 patriarchial crosses in cross Arg, a chf ermine. (D: Elrond of
Gornoth - Feb 75?)
Sa, in pale an equal-armed Celtic cross & a cauldron Arg within an
orle embat on the outer edge Or. (D: Matthias Gordon of Glen
Devon - Sep 00)
Sa, in salt abased a long cross Arg & a sword inv proper, in chf a
lion sejant coward Or. (D: Alastair Ronal Kester Aeyalweard Jun 84)
Sa, 3 crosses of Cleves Arg, on a chf dovetailed Or, 3 torteaux. (D:
Paul Puissant - Sep 73?)
Vt crusilly Arg. (D: Griffin Crosthwait - Nov 98)
Vt, in bend sin a goats head couped & a patriarchal cross within a
bord embat Arg. (D: David Friedrich von Einbeck - Dec 03)
Vt, 3 Maltese crosses, on a chf Arg 3 compass roses Sa. (D:
Caitlyn ODuirnin - Nov 98)
* * * End * * *

Cross - As charge - Group primary - Azure

(Fieldless) An ankh & a feather conjoined at base in chev inv Az.

(B: Aletheia Isidora of Philae - Apr 98)
(Fieldless) In fess 3 crosses couped, parted & fretted Az. (B:
Therasia von Tux - Dec 84)
(Fieldless) In pale a unicorns head couped & a tau cross
swallowtailed Az. (B: Caius Fabius - May 89) (For Haus
Arg, 4 crosses moline disjointed 2 & 2 Az. (D: Denise Lecourt Apr 04)
Arg, 3 Latin crosses Az. (D: Caedmon Wilson - Sep 03)
Chevronelly Az & Or crusilly formy Az. (D: Muirgheal Mag Raith
- Jan 04)
Or, a Latin cross atop a crescent inv Az. (D: Volodymyr Bohdan
Blahuciak - Nov 97)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a Latin cross bottony & a griffin segreant
within a bord potenty, all ctrch. (D: Rycherd of Caistron Jul 91)
Per bend sin indented Or & Sa, a cross of Cleves Az & a flame Or.
(D: Wayne of Ponte Alto - Apr 06) (? blazon typo for
Per bend sin Or & Arg, a dragon segreant Gu & in bend sin 3
crosses formy fitchy Az. (D: Roland dAmboise - Jun 00)
Per bend sin Or & Az, a Latin cross & a double-headed eagle,
wings disp & inv, ctrch. (D: Sely Magnus Scriba - Aug 89)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 Latin crosses & a lion ramp ctrch. (D: James
Applegate - Nov 06)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 decrescents & a cross fleury ctrch. (D:
Isabelle le Charpentier de Normandie - Sep 95)
Per chev Az & Or, a needle fesswise, eye to sin, & a Bowen knot
crosswise ctrch. (D: Brighid ni Chiarin of Tethba - Aug 88)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 cats passant guardant & a Latin Cross atop a
crescent inv ctrch. (B: Volodymyr Bohdan Blahuciak Nov 97)

[Cross - As charge - Group primary - Azure] to [Cross - As charge - Group primary - Gules]

Cross - As charge - Group primary - Azure (continued)

Per chev Az & Or, 2 cinquefoils Arg & a cross bottony Az & on a
chf Or a hautboy reversed Az. (D: Dikran Aivazian - Apr 83)
Per chev ermine & Az, 2 crosses formy Az & a chalice Arg, a chf
embat Az. (D: Martin aus Brandenburg - Sep 92)
Per chev Or & Az, 2 tau crosses & a horse salient ctrch. (D:
Wilrich von Hessen - Jun 02)
Per fess Az & Or, in chf a lion ramp Arg & in base 3 Maltese
crosses patonce Az. (B: Edward dOrleans - Jul 88)
Per fess Gu & Arg, a pegasus passant contourny Arg & a Latin
cross fleury fitchy Az. (D: Lucien de Lorraine - May 00)
Per pale dovetailed Az & Or, a lion ramp Arg & 3 Maltese crosses
patoncy, 2 & one, Az. (D: Edward dOrleans - Jul 88)
Per pale indented Arg & Az, a Latin cross bottony & a lightning
bolt bendwise sin ctrch. (D: Charles Wellingham - Jan 97)
Per pale urdy Arg & Purp, a cross flory Az & a flanged mace
palewise Arg. (D: Cedric Adelaar Staats - Apr 89)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a wheat stalk slipped & leaved Or. & a
patriarchal cross flory Az, a chf raguly ctrch. (D: Ejvan
Vsevolodovich - Dec 85)
Per salt Az & Arg, in pale 2 Catherine wheels & in fess 2 Maltese
crosses, a bord ctrch. (D: Katheryne Winterbourne - Dec 04)
* * * End * * *

Cross - As charge - Group primary - Fur

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Cross - As charge - Group primary - Gules

(Fieldless) A demi-unicorn ramp Sa issuant from a Maltese cross

Gu. (B: Richard de la Croix - Jun 91)
(Fieldless) A mandrakes head eradicated Vt, fructed & corded
about the neck Or, jessant a cross crosslet fitchy quadrate, the
limbs quadrate & square-pierced Gu. (B: Konrad von
Greifswald - Jun 93)
(Fieldless) A pithon disp Arg entwined about a tau cross Gu. (B:
Robert of Ben Dunfirth - Apr 87)
(Fieldless) 3 Latin crosses forchy conjoined in pall Gu, surmounted
by a palm tree couped Sa. (B: Berold de Gilbert - Dec 89)
A single Gu cross couped on any Arg background or in any way
that could be disp on an Arg background. (B: Red Cross Jul 06) (Important non-SCA badge)(The restriction includes
fieldless badges and is based on international treaty. See
Letter of Acceptances and Returns for details.)
Arg, a battle axe & an arrow inv in salt Sa, surmounted by a cross
couped & fitchy Gu, on a chf embat Az, a fox courant Arg. (D:
Robyn Foxe of Cantshire - Aug 84)
Arg, a cross formy Gu betw in fess 2 swords inv Sa, a base wavy
Az. (D: Martin of Doncaster - May 98)
Arg crusilly fitchy Gu, on a chf Sa 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Angelo
di Gabbriello - Feb 04)
Arg, 4 crosses formy 2 & 2 & a bord Gu. (B: Tomas mac Aedain Mar 07)
Arg, in estoile six crosses crosslet fitchy conjoined at the points Gu.
(D: Elspeth Schnee-Flamme - Mar 78?)
Arg, in fess a domestic cat sejant guardant Sa & a cross crosslet
fitchy Gu, its lower arm entwined by the cats tail, all within a
bord Az. (D: Etain McConnell - Apr 90)
Arg, in pale 2 crosses crosslet Gu betw in fess 2 frets couped Az.
(D: Filippa Ginevra Francesca di Lucignano - Nov 98)
Arg, 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Gu & a bord Sa. (D: William
Scrivener - Jul 04)
Arg, 2 unicorns ramp addorsed reguardant, horns crossed, Sa, & a
Maltese cross Gu. (D: Richard de la Croix - May 86)
Ermine, 3 crosses crosslet fitchy within an orle surmounted by 3
fleurs-de-lys in pall, all Gu. (D: Devon of Newcastle Jun 91)
Or, five crosses of Santiago in salt within an orle of ivy Gu. (D:
Gregorio Cristovalez de la Vega - Jul 03)
Or, semy of Crosses of Cerdana conjoined at the points Gu. (B:
Rodrigo de Cerdaa - Aug 79)
Or, six crosses crosslet fitchy Gu within a bord Sa. (D: Terence the
Arcane - Apr 89)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a compass star elongated to base & a
patriarchal cross calvary orthodox botonny ctrch. (D: Leonid
Groznye Petrovich Kievnaya - Jan 80)

Cross - As charge - Group primary - Gules (continued)

Per bend Or & Gu, a Celtic cross Gu & an ash tree Arg. (D:
Allistair MacMitchell - Nov 96)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a cross crosslet & a falcon belled & jessed,
all ctrch. (D: Samus of Dragonsspine - Oct 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a cross formy & a mullet ctrch. (D:
Grimbaldus Bacon - May 95)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a Latin cross clechy Gu & 3 swords inv Or.
(D: Elden the True - Aug 92)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a cross formy Gu & a thistle Arg. (D:
Thomas Loch - Oct 02)
Per bend sin dovetailed Or & Az, a Celtic cross Gu & a dragon
ramp Arg. (D: Jon Olafsson den Kristlig - Jun 84)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, an apothecary jar bendwise sin & a cross
bottony ctrch. (D: Magdalena Gdanska - Oct 06)
Per bend sin Or & Az, in chf a cross moline fitchy Gu & issuant
from base a demi-sun Or. (D: Arwyn Lassarina ni
Mhaolghaoithe - May 80)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, a tower Sa & a cross potent Gu, fimbriated
Arg. (D: Michael Ironhelm - Apr 93)
Per bend sin Vt & Arg, a dragonship, sail & banner unfurled, Or &
a cross formy Gu. (D: Aelfrick Frithariksson - Apr 81)
Per chev Arg & Az, in chf 3 crosses crosslet in chev Gu & in base a
great helm affronty resting atop an anvil Arg. (D: Athelwulf
the Ancient of the Dry Lands - Sep 83)
Per chev Arg & chequy Gu & Arg, 2 crosses crosslet Gu & a wolf
ramp reguardant Sa. (D: Aedilwulf Cachelove aet Warwic Apr 90)
Per chev Arg & Or, 2 ravens Sa & a cross of Cleves Gu. (D:
Jonathus of Santiago de Compostela - Aug 93)
Per chev Arg & Purp, 2 crosses pommy fitchy Gu & a trefoil
slipped Arg. (D: Tomas mac Torcail an Sligeach - Nov 86)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 2 tau crosses Gu & a mullet of 4 points
elongated palewise Or, a chf Sa, fretty Or. (D: Hans Makler Sep 86)
Per chev Az & Arg, a comet fesswise head to sin embowed Or
bearded Arg & 3 Maltese crosses 2 & one Gu. (D: Michael
Lazarus of Antioch - Sep 03)
Per chev Az & Arg, 3 mullets of eight points one & 2 Or & a cross
of Santiago Gu within a bord embat ctrch. (D: Carlos Nieto de
Andrade - Jun 08)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 suns Or & a Maltese cross Gu. (D: Benito de
Sicilia - Jun 85)
Per chev Az & chequy Arg & Vt, 2 griffins segreant addorsed Arg
& a Celtic cross Gu. (D: Christopher Patrick ONeill Aug 90)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 dogwood blossoms Arg seeded Vt & a Latin
cross Gu, a bord Vt. (D: Marsilla la Despensere - May 08)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 rams combattant & a Latin cross inv ctrch.
(D: Aaron Graves - Oct 98)
Per chev inv Arg & Gu, a cross of Cleves & a bird volent a bord
engrailed ctrch. (D: Lothar von Brandenburg - May 98)
Per chev inv embat Arg & Sa, a Maltese cross Gu & an eagle
stooping Or. (D: Alpin mac Eochada - Aug 02)
Per chev inv Or & Sa, a Maltese cross Gu & a vol Or. (D: Faust
von Hamburg - Mar 05)
Per chev raguly Arg & Az, 3 Celtic crosses in chev Gu & a
keythong passant Or. (D: Robert ap Llywelyn Cynwyd Fawr Sep 04)
Per chev rayonny Arg & Gu, 2 equal-armed Celtic crosses & a
rams head cabossed ctrch. (D: Fergus Sturrock - Oct 04)
Per chev rayonny Or & Gu, 2 crosses of Jerusalem Gu & a cow
ramp ermine. (D: Frederich Holstein der Tollhase - Nov 01)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 2 lions double-queued combattant Arg & a
Bowen cross Gu. (D: Courtney of Houghton - Feb 03)
Per fess Arg & Sa, 2 crosses formy Gu & a bear passant guardant to
sin Arg. (D: Quentin Sprecher - Feb 07)
Per fess Az & Arg, a portative organ Or & a cross fleury Gu. (D:
Rose Mary Fleury FitzHugh - Nov 89)
Per fess Gu & Arg, a unicorns head couped & a Jerusalem Cross
within a bord ctrch. (D: Allison Maysie Gunn - Oct 90)
Per fess indented Or & Arg, 2 crosses potent Gu. (D: Ernst der
Dunkelwolf - Jan 01)
Per fess Or & Az, 3 crosses crosslet Gu & a heart Or. (D: Tam
Surwald - Jan 03)
Per fess rayonny Arg & Gu, a Maltese cross & an anvil reversed
ctrch. (D: Galen MacLean - Oct 06)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 571

[Cross - As charge - Group primary - Gules] to [Cross - As charge - Group primary - Multicolor]

Cross - As charge - Group primary - Gules (continued)

Per fess rayonny Vt & Arg, in chf a crescent inv Or & in base 3
Latin crosses bottony Gu. (D: Matthew of Skraeling Althing Dec 95)
Per fess urdy Gu & Or, issuant from a maunche a hand maintaining
a sun & a cross of Jerusalem ctrch. (D: Isabella Julietta Diego
y Vega - Jun 00)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a patriarchal cross fleury & a unicorn ramp
ctrch. (D: Ker Driscoll Stuart Donnchadh - Jul 74?)
Per pale Arg & Vt, in annulo to dexter 3 crosses patty Gu & to sin 3
trefoils slipped Arg. (D: Gwenhwyfar Morgan Cornubia Oct 80)
Per pall inv Az, Or & Arg, in chf 2 lions ramp addorsed,
maintaining swords, ctrch Or & Az, & in base a cross crosslet
fitchy Gu. (D: Richard Fitzgerald of Broadmeadow Nov 87)
Per pall inv Gu, Az & Or, in pale a lion passant guardant Or & a
Celtic cross Gu. (D: Michael the Loud - Apr 88)
Per salt Arg & Gu, in pale 2 Maltese crosses Gu & in fess 2 fleursde-lys Or. (D: Phineas Magollricke - Jun 04)
Quarterly ermine & Az, in bend 2 crosses formy Gu. (D: Michael
Silverhand - Jul 03)
* * * End * * *

Cross - As charge - Group primary - Multicolor

(Fieldless) A salt couped clechy surmounted by a cross clechy

gyronny Sa & Or. (B: Northshield - Jan 01)
Gyronny Arg & Az, crusily ctrch. (D: Melianne dAvignon May 83)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, 3 crosses formy within a bord ctrch. (D: Raffe
Pencestre - Jul 92)
Gyronny Gu & Or, eight Latin crosses in annulo ctrch. (D:
Thorvaldr of Gates Edge - Jan 01)
Gyronny Sa & Or, in chf a key bendwise wards to base Or & a key
bendwise sin wards to base Sa, in base a cross formy ctrch. (D:
Erik von Wildflecken - Feb 07)
Per bend Arg & Az, in bend sin 2 crosses crosslet within a bord, all
ctrch. (D: Gwyneth of Lindesfarne - Aug 88)
Per bend embat Arg & Az, 2 crosses potent ctrch. (D: John Anborn
the Blue - Jan 87)
Per bend Gu & Az, a cross crosslet Or & another Arg. (D: Eleanor
Colwell of Gloucester - Sep 84)
Per bend Gu & Or, in bend sin 3 crosses crosslet fitchy ctrch. (D:
Magdalen Ainslee MacNeil - May 88)
Per bend potenty Sa & Or, 2 tau crosses ctrch. (B: Teka Turmanov Sep 01)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, in bend 3 equal-armed Celtic crosses ctrch.
(D: Kathleen MacLaughlen - Oct 05)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, 2 crosses formy ctrch. (D: Dietrich von
Vogelsang - Mar 88)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, 2 Bowen crosses ctrch. (D: Christopher of
Canterbury - Aug 94)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, 2 tau crosses ctrch. (D: Henri dArtois Aug 98)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, 2 Celtic crosses ctrch. (D: Tamlin Somerled
- Mar 99)
Per bend sin dovetailed Arg, semy of crosses of 4 ermine tails Purp,
& Purp, semy of crosses of 4 ermine tails Arg. (D: Aine
MacDomhnaill - Apr 89)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Az, 2 crosses of 4 lozenges ctrch. (D:
Alice de Durham - Jun 01)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, 2 crosses crosslet fitchy ctrch. (D: Edward
Ross - Jul 81)
Per bend sin Purp & Arg, 2 crosses formy fitchy ctrch Arg & Sa.
(D: Maximilian Racheengel - Dec 94)
Per bend sin Purp & Arg, 2 crosses of Calvary & a bord ctrch. (D:
Arthur of Ballonesmore - Oct 03)
Per bend sin Purp & Or, 2 Celtic crosses ctrch. (D: Kathleen de
Galloway - Feb 08)
Per bend wavy Arg & Sa, 2 crosses formy ctrch. (D: Tighearain
Blackwater - Feb 00)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 3 crosses of 4 mascles ctrch, a chf Gu. (D:
Deorwulf Rathbrand - Mar 85)
Per chev dovetailed Arg & Purp, 3 equal-armed Celtic crosses
couped plain ctrch. (D: Cormac McLachlan McKinnon Oct 98)

572 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Cross - As charge - Group primary - Multicolor


Per chev embat Arg & Sa, 3 crosses crosslet fitchy ctrch. (D:
Conor McDonald - Jan 99)
Per chev embat: Sa, five cross crosslets 3 & 2 Arg; & Gu, 4 cross
crosslets one, 2, & one, Or. (D: Edmond de lIsle Allees Aug 79)
Per chev Sa & Gu, 2 dragons combattant Arg & a cross patonce
gyronny Sa & Arg. (D: Gilbert Christian Blackmoore May 92)
Per chev throughout Purp & Arg, 3 equal-armed Celtic crosses ctrch
Arg & Sa. (D: Kieran MacRae - Jun 01)
Per chev throughout Sa & Arg, 3 Latin crosses pointed ctrch Arg &
Vt. (D: Bryan Adyngton - Aug 04)
Per fess Arg & Vt, 4 crosses of Cerdaa in cross ctrch. (D:
Catherine Aime LeMoyne - Jan 85)
Per fess Az & per pale Purp & Or, a Janus head capped & belled as
a jester Arg & 2 crosses nowy couped ctrch. (D: Jack Ell of
Boothaven - Nov 93)
Per fess embat Sa & Or, 3 crosses avellane ctrch. (D: Fiadhnait
Ghlinne Alainn - Sep 84)
Per fess Gu & Or crusilly Russian Orthodox ctrch. (D: Vladimir
Krasnoboroda - Oct 05)
Per pale & per chev Arg & Az, 3 crosses clechy ctrch. (D: Antonio
Giovanni Pecoraro - Mar 99)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 crosses clechy fitchy ctrch Az & Or, on a base
embat Or masoned Sa a laurel wreath Az. (D: Harrows Cross
- Dec 00)
Per pale Arg & Gu, 3 crosses of Cerdaa ctrch. (D: Eckehard
Thurn - Jul 03)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 crosses erminy in pale within a bord, all ctrch.
(D: Caellyn yVearn Fitzhugh - Aug 76?)
Per pale Az & Arg, 3 tau crosses ctrch & a chf vair. (D: Saxus of
Arunshire - Sep 85)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 crosses crosslet fitchy ctrch. (D: Roderick
Mactavish - Feb 85)
Per pale Az & Or, 3 key crosses ctrch. (D: Cernach Mac Gilla
Crst - Mar 03)
Per pale Gu & Arg, in pale a chevronel couped palewise & 2
crosses patty ctrch, as an augmentation, on an escutcheon Az,
2 bears passant erect addorsed reguardant Arg, each
maintaining a berdiche proper, in base an annulet Or.
(Augmentation of Arms: Jan w Orzeldom - Dec 93)
Per pale Gu & Arg, in pale a chevronel couped per pale & 2 crosses
patty ctrch. (D: Jan w Orzeldom - Jun 80)
Per pale Gu & Arg, six crosses crosslet, 4 & 2, ctrch & on a chf Or
a swan naiant Gu. (D: Maelgwyn ap Gwilym - Jul 87)
Per pale Gu & Arg, 3 crosses crosslet fitchy within as many
annulets, all ctrch. (D: Siobhan MacDonald - Mar 85)
Per pale Or & Gu, 3 crosses patonce ctrch. (D: Elwyn Tenways Jan 95)
Per pale Or & Purp, 3 ankhs ctrch. (D: Guy dArgonne - Aug 85)
Per pale Or & Sa, in pale 3 Maltese crosses ctrch. (D: Niccola di
Cristiano - May 05)
Per pale Vt & Arg, 3 crosses bottony ctrch. (D: Mary of
Greenmeads - Jul 84)
Per pale Vt & Arg, 2 Latin crosses potent nowy quadrate each
charged with a lozenge, a base ctrch. (D: Nikaia Angelina
Tagarina - Nov 04)
Per pale wavy Arg & Sa, crusilly formy ctrch. (B: Tighearain
Blackwater - Oct 07)
Per pall inv Az Arg & Sa, 2 crosses flory fitchy ctrch Arg & Az & a
wolfs head caboshed Arg. (D: Rolf Hobart - Sep 02)
Per salt Sa & Or, 4 crosses crosslet ctrch Or & Vt. (D: Adriana
Michaels - Feb 05)
Quarterly: 1 & 4 paly of six Or & Sa, a bend ctrch; 2 & 3 quarterly
Arg & Gu, a cross bottony ctrch. (D: Maryland, State of May 99) (Important non-SCA arms)
Quarterly Arg & Az, in salt five crosses fleury ctrch. (D: Emilia
Benitez - Jun 01)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, in salt five crosses swallowtailed ctrch. (D:
Savaric de Pardieu - Sep 99)
Quarterly Az & Arg, five crosses crosslet in salt ctrch. (D: Daniel
Larke del Glen - Feb 02)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, 3 crosses of Santiago ctrch Arg & Sa. (D:
Juliana la Caminante de Navarra - Dec 00)

[Cross - As charge - Group primary - Multicolor] to [Cross - As charge - Group primary - Or]

Cross - As charge - Group primary - Multicolor


Quarterly Or & Gu, 4 crosses couped ctrch. (D: Edward FitzRanulf

- Feb 87)
Quarterly Or & Gu, 4 crosses crosslet fitchy ctrch, a bord embat Sa.
(D: Maleachi von Uri - Jun 04)
Quarterly Or & Sa, 4 Maltese crosses ctrch. (B: Godric ap Rhys Oct 06) (For Company of Saint Ulrich)
Quarterly Or & Vt, 4 crosses formy ctrch. (D: Miles de Berdon Sep 03)
Quarterly Sa & Or, 3 crosses formy ctrch. (D: Johann von
Rothenburg - Jul 91)
Quarterly Vt & Arg crusilly fitchy ctrch, a bord quarterly Arg & Vt.
(D: James Andrew MacAllister - Jan 95)
* * * End * * *

Cross - As charge - Group primary - Or

(Fieldless) A Latin cross bottony sustained by a lions paw erased

Or. (B: Isabel Tamar Le Fort - May 96)
Az, a cross formy within & conjoined to an annulet Or. (D:
Johanna aff Hucka - Dec 00)
Az, crusily Celtic Or. (D: Airmid Godwin - Nov 79)
Az, in fess a cross of Calatrava sustained by a talbot passant Or. (B:
Susannah Griffon - Jul 07)
Az, in pale a Latin cross bottonny & an open book Or, a bord
rayonny Arg. (D: Katerina of Bright Hills - Jun 99)
Az, in pale a Latin cross Or charged with a sword inv Sa & an
African lion couchant proper within a bord Or. (D:
Hrothbeorht the Wanderer - Apr 82)
Az, 3 crosses flory & on a chf Or a triple-towered bridge of 2 spans
Gu. (D: Jehanne dAvignon - Sep 07)
Chevronelly Arg & Vt, in pale 3 crosses patonce Or. (B: Raimondo
Ricchi detto il Lemosino - Oct 05)
Gu, 4 crosses formy, 2, one & one, the center cross within a mascle
Or. (D: Iain Grant - Jul 94)
Gu, in bend a cross couped & the letters S P Q R Or. (D: Rome,
City of - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, in bend 2 crosses moline disjointed Or. (D: Katerine Bontemps
- May 07)
Gu, six Latin crosses formy Or. (D: Christoff von Rotenburg Dec 01)
Gu, 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Or. (D: Cathleen de Barre - Dec 96)
Gu, 3 crosses fleury & on a chf indented Or 2 arming buckles Sa.
(D: Oswin de Kokerham - Apr 02)
Gu, 3 crosses flory & a bord Or. (D: Anne la Settere - Sep 07)
Gu, 3 patriarchal crosses in chev Or. (D: John of Blackhawk Apr 96)
Gyronny of six Vt & Sa, in annulo 3 garbs betw 3 crosses crosslet,
one & 2, Or. (D: Etienne du Neve - Feb 84)
Lozengy Or & Vt semy of patriarchal crosses Or. (B: Mikhail
Nikolaevich Kramolnikov - Apr 07)
Per bend Az & Or, a Celtic cross & a swepe ctrch. (D: Wilkin le
Fleming - Oct 91)
Per bend embat Az & or, a Cross of Jerusalem & a bulls head
cabossed ctrch. (D: Walter of St. Jacobs - Aug 79)
Per bend embat Or & Sa, a heart & a cross patonce ctrch. (D:
Guido il Moro - Feb 97)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a cross potent Or & a hawk volant to sin, wings
addorsed, maintaining a sheaf of lilies Az. (D: Genoveva von
Vogelsang - Sep 92)
Per bend Purp & Or, a cross of St. Brigid & a castle ctrch. (D:
Bridget Lucia Mackenzie - Jun 99)
Per bend Purp & Or, a cross of St. Brigid & a castle ctrch & for
augmentation, flying from the dexter tower a banner Az
charged with 4 crescents conjoined in salt horns outward Arg.
(Augmentation of Arms: Bridget Lucia Mackenzie - May 07)
Per bend Sa & Gu, in bend sin a phoenix, head to sin, Arg & a
Celtic cross, all within an orle Or. (D: Randal MacDougal Apr 89)
Per bend Sa & Or, a Latin cross fleury & a heart, a bord ctrch. (D:
Hauk Maclean - Dec 00)
Per bend Sa & Or, 3 crosses bottony in bend & 3 pheons inv in bend
ctrch. (D: Geoffrey of Warwick - Feb 00)
Per bend Sa & Vt, in bend sin 3 crosses formy Or. (D: Eric von
Wald - Oct 90)
Per bend Sa, fretty Or, & Sa, in dexter base a swallowtailed cross
Or. (D: Richeard Foxtwychen - Apr 90)

Cross - As charge - Group primary - Or (continued)

Per bend sin Az & Vt, a hummingbird rising, wings elevated &
addorsed, Arg & a Celtic cross Or. (D: Elspeth Leabhrach Aug 94)
Per bend sin embat Or & Vt, a pine tree couped & a cross fleury
ctrch. (D: Juliana Stafford - Dec 90)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, a cross bottony Or & a double-headed eagle
disp, maintaining a sword & a scroll, Gu. (D: Wolfram von
Solingen - Jan 88)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, in dexter chf a cross formy & issuant from
sin 3 wolfs teeth Or. (D: Diana of Atenveldt - Dec 02)
Per bend sin nebuly Vt & Sa, a cross flory & a trefoil slipped Or.
(B: Alaric le Fevre - Jul 04)
Per bend sin rayonny Sa & Or, a cross of Jerusalem & a boars head
erased ctrch. (D: Jason MacPherson - Apr 01)
Per bend sin vairy Arg & Sa, & Gu, in base 2 crosses crosslet Or.
(D: Isabelle of Leith - Jan 96)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, in bend 2 Celtic crosses Or. (D: Diane de la
Croix - Jan 89)
Per bend Vt & Or a cross bottony Or & a heart Gu. (D: Noel le
Bocher - Aug 91)
Per bend Vt & Or, a Latin cross Or & a thistle Gu, slipped & leaved
Vt, a chf Or. (D: Selina Marie Sinclair - Mar 98)
Per chev Arg & Az, in pale a stag courant proper & a cross formy
within & conjoined to an annulet Or. (D: Brid nic Sharlais Dec 88)
Per chev Az & Arg, 3 Latin crosses flory Or & an ash sprig Vt. (D:
Juliana of Aschurst - Aug 97)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 crosses crosslet Or & a tree stump snagged
proper. (D: Alix Coeurbois - Oct 84)
Per chev Az & checky Sa & Arg, 2 crosses formy & a lions head
erased Or. (D: Christian von Nrnberg - May 00)
Per chev Az & Or, in pale a cross hummety & a falcon disp, wings
inv, ctrch. (D: Jan Janowicz Bogdanski - Aug 87)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 Russian Orthodox crosses reversed Or & a
phoenix Gu. (D: Monenka Romanyak - Jul 85)
Per chev Az & Vt, 3 crosses of Santiago Or. (D: Ximena Yannez de
Talavera - Apr 00)
Per chev dovetailed Gu & Sa, 3 crosses bottony, one & 2, & a lion
ramp guardant Or. (D: Antonio Francesco Bernini - Dec 97)
Per chev engrailed Or & Vt, 3 annulets linked fesswise Purp & a
celtic cross Or. (D: Katherine OPhelan - Dec 90)
Per chev Gu & Az, in chf five crosses flory 2, one, & 2 Or. (D:
ine ingen u Neachtain - Jun 00)
Per chev Gu & Sa, 2 crosses potent & a dolphin haurient to sin Or.
(D: Ansgar Schwartzburg - May 97)
Per chev Gu & Sa, 2 Latin crosses clechy & a phoenix Or rising
from flames proper, a bord Or. (D: Kaine Ashburne - Sep 00)
Per chev Gu & Sa, 2 single-bitted axes crossed in salt Arg & a cross
couped parted & fretted Or. (D: Rognvald Bloodaxe - Jun 95)
Per chev inv Gu & Az, a shofar fesswise & 3 Latin crosses Or. (D:
Rupert von Holstein - Jan 93)
Per chev Purp & ermine, in chf 2 cruces ansatae Or. (D: Celeborn
of Losinach - Aug 79)
Per chev Purp & Or, 2 crosses patonce Or & an oak tree eradicated
proper, fructed Or. (D: Nanne of Hunterston - Dec 05)
Per chev Sa & Gu, 3 crosses formy fitchy in chev Or & a boar
courant contourny Arg. (D: Tormod de Palermo - May 98)
Per chev Sa & Or, 2 Maltese crosses & a griffin ctrch. (D:
Ekaterina Adrianovna Sinilnikova - Mar 94)
Per chev Sa & Vt, 2 Celtic crosses & a stags head cabossed Or. (D:
Pdraig Deghaidh - Nov 98)
Per chev throughout Az & Or, 2 Bowen crosses Or & a tree
eradicated Gu. (D: Kristiana of Arden - Jan 02)
Per chev Vt & Az, 2 Latin crosses & a crane in its vigilance Or. (D:
Ognyen Fenlander - Jan 96)
Per chev Vt & Gu, in pale a triquetra & a celtic cross Or. (D:
Aelred ODonohue - Sep 90)
Per chev Vt & Or, 2 ankhs & a frog sejant affront ctrch. (D: Kara
MacKenzie - Apr 84)
Per chev Vt & Or, 2 crosses of Jerusalem Or & a thistle Sa. (D:
Catriona inghean Ghiricc - Dec 01)
Per fess Arg & Vt, a lion-dragon erect Gu & 3 Celtic crosses Or.
(D: Llywelyn Gwehydd Pentrelasleygercaerdydd ap Gwilym Nov 91)
Per fess Az & Vt, a stork statant Arg & a Latin cross fleury Or. (D:
Erika Segenlein - Feb 83)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 573

[Cross - As charge - Group primary - Or] to [Cross - As charge - Group primary - Sable]

Cross - As charge - Group primary - Or (continued)

Per fess Az, mulletty Or, & Purp, crusilly Or. (D: Astra Christiana
Benedict - Jun 90)
Per fess dovetailed Arg & Az crusily plain Or, in chf a bay horse
courant proper. (D: Ruth de Lorient - May 86)
Per fess embat Gu & Arg, 2 crosses moline Or & a laurel wreath
Az. (D: Attilium - Sep 02)
Per fess embat Vt & Or, 2 Jerusalem crosses & a turtle tergiant
palewise ctrch. (D: Hierusalem Chrysostoma - Feb 88)
Per fess embat Vt & Sa, a celtic cross & a stag courant to sin Or.
(D: Brian mac Rannall of Graig na Manach - Jan 92)
Per fess engrailed Or & Az, 3 gouttes Az & 3 crosses flory Or all
within a bord embat Gu. (D: Agnes of the Whispering Willows
- Sep 91)
Per fess Gu & Sa, in pale a cross of 4 fusils & a demi-wyvern Or.
(B: Morgana ferch Morgan - Feb 83)
Per fess Gu & Vt, in chf a Latin cross & in base 3 arrows fesswise
in pale Or. (D: Cornelius Brangwyn - Mar 96)
Per fess Sa & Gu, a dog statant reguardant Arg & a bowen cross Or.
(D: Fiona Cattanach - Feb 98)
Per fess Sa & Gu, in fess an eagle disp & a Celtic cross Or. (D:
Richard Stewart of Saint Andrews - Feb 00)
Per fess Vt & Or, in chf a cross bottony, in base an ash tree issuant
from a mount ctrch. (D: Ascelina le Bocher - Aug 91)
Per fess wavy Gu & Or, 2 Celtic crosses & a lions head erased
ctrch. (D: Kilian of Golden Sea - Jan 93)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a wolf sejant ululant to sin Arg & a cross clechy
fitchy, on a chf Or 3 gouttes Gu. (D: Lars of Nordskogen Oct 07)
Per pale rayonny Or & Vt, a birch tree proper & a Russian
Orthodox cross botonny graded Or. (D: Boris Groznye
Dimietrivich of Kiev - May 85)
Per pall Arg, Sa, & Gu, a cross crosslet Sa & 2 crosses crosslet Or.
(B: engus Fearghail - Jun 00) (For Tiberios Sabbatios)
Per pall Gu, Arg & Az, a cross of Santiago Or & 2 lions combatant
ctrch. (D: Raphael Delchambre - Jul 07)
Per salt Az & Arg goutty de sang, in pale 2 crosses crosslet fitchy
Or. (D: Christian Pureheart - Feb 94)
Per salt Az & Or, in pale an equal-armed Celtic cross couped & a
sword Or. (D: Phelan of Arran - Dec 97)
Per salt Az & Vt, in pale a Celtic cross & a ship reversed Or sailed
Arg. (D: Murchadh Garrioch - Feb 04)
Per salt Gu & Arg, in pale 2 Maltese crosses Or & in fess 2 talons
couped Sa. (B: Rycharde de Bruce the Fowler - Dec 03)
Per salt Vt & Gu, in cross a Celtic cross betw 4 harps Or. (D:
Rhiannon ferch Iorwerth - Sep 92)
Per salt Vt & Or, in pale 2 Bowen crosses Or & in fess 2 acorns Vt.
(D: Rhonwen Alyna Nic an Chrosin - Aug 05)
Purp crusily Cerdaa, a chf enarched Or. (D: Fortunus Saturnin Jul 00)
Purp, in pale 3 crosses fleury Or betw flaunches ermine. (D:
Keterlyn von Fulda - Sep 95)
Quarterly Az & Sa, 3 Latin crosses bottony in bend sin Or. (D:
Fonnlaoch OhAirt - Jun 91)
Quarterly embat Gu & Or, in the first quarter a cross formy Or
charged with a cross pointed Gu & in the fourth quarter a
mountain couped with 4 peaks Or. (D: Valeran do Pico Sep 98)
Quarterly Or & Vt, 2 crosses bottony Or within a bord ctrch. (D:
Sean of the South - Nov 03)
Quarterly per fess indented Sa & Or, 2 crosses crosslet fitchy Or.
(D: Robert Fagan of Blackstoke - Sep 84)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, in salt a heart betw 4 Latin crosses bottony Or.
(D: Pelacho del Corazn Carinoso - Apr 00)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, 2 Latin crosses in bend Or. (D: Falenn
inghean Mheanmain - Oct 02)
Sa, a gauntlet bendwise Arg sustaining a Celtic cross bendwise sin,
on a chf Or a salt Sa. (D: Duncan of the Bridge - Aug 99)
Sa, a Latin cross bottony sustained by a lions paw erased Or. (D:
Isabel Tamar Le Fort - May 96)
Sa, crusilly Maltese, a chf dovetailed Or. (D: Robert MacClintock Oct 87)
Sa, in chf 3 crosses clechy Or. (D: Teleri Tawel - Aug 95)
Sa, in cross 4 crosses crosslet fitchy Or. (B: Donnchadh Pixley Oct 05)

574 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Cross - As charge - Group primary - Or (continued)

Sa, in pale a compass star elongated to base & a stirrup cup betw in
fess 2 crosses bottony Or, each cross charged with a cross
couped Az. (D: Katrin of the Hidden Orchard - Aug 83)
Sa, in salt a double-bitted axe & a Celtic cross Or. (D: Richard of
Mont Royal, the Short - Jan 73?)
Sa, 3 patriarchal crosses botonny in bend Or. (D: Tucken Ashford Dec 84)
Tierced per pall inv Vt, Arg & Sa, a cross Or, a heart Gu, & a bird
bolt inv Arg. (D: Aloysius Greywolfe - Aug 81)
Vt, a tau cross conjoined at the juncture to a chev couped Or. (B:
Reynardine de Clifford - Jan 85)
Vt, an arm issuant from sin Arg sustaining a Celtic cross Or. (D:
Christina Armstrong - Feb 97)
Vt, crusily bottony, on a chf triangular Or a harp Sa. (D: Robert of
Blackmoor - Nov 93)
Vt, 3 Celtic crosses swallowtailed & a chf embat Or. (D: Charles
von Strasburg - Oct 95)
Vt, 3 crosses formy Or. (D: Domnall na nAmus - Jul 07)
Vt, 2 tau crosses in pale, that in chf inv, Or. (D: Nicholas Bleumert
- Feb 75)
* * * End * * *

Cross - As charge - Group primary - Purpure

(Fieldless) A raven Sa perched atop & supported by an equalarmed Celtic cross Purp. (B: Rhiannon ferch Iorwerth Nov 02) (for Tylwyth y Gigfran Dywyll)
Arg, in bend 2 crosses couped Purp, overall a laurel wreath Vt. (D:
Carreg Wen - Jan 85)
Arg, in pale 2 thistles proper & in fess 2 Celtic crosses Purp. (D:
Gudrun of Three Rivers - Oct 97)
Arg, 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Purp. (D: Joye McDonald - Jan 99)
Paly bendy Vt & Arg crusily Purp. (B: Kthe Willig von Mainz Nov 82) (For George Philip von Gafia)
Per bend sin embat erminois & Purp, a cross moline & a maunch
ctrch. (D: Corisande Seathwaite - Oct 84)
Per chev embat Sa & Arg, in pale 2 strung bows in salt Arg & a
cross of Calatrava Purp. (B: Calontir - May 90) (For the
Order of the Boga Hirth)
Per chev embat Sa & Arg, 2 battleaxes in salt Arg & a cross of
Calatrava Purp. (B: Calontir - Oct 82) (For the Hirth of
Per chev inv Or & Purp, a cross of Jerusalem Purp & on a rose Or,
another rose Gu seeded Or. (D: Anna Oy - Apr 08)
Per fess Or & Purp, a cross bottony & a dolphin naiant ctrch. (D:
Gerard le Bon dOrleans - May 07)
Per pale Purp & Arg, 2 seebltter & an ankh ctrch. (D: Irmgard von
Einbeck - May 08)
* * * End * * *

Cross - As charge - Group primary - Sable

(Fieldless) A cross within & conjoined to a mascle Sa. (B: Dur of

Hidden Mountain - Nov 97)
(Fieldless) A rose Or, pierced by a cross crosslet fitchy Sa. (B:
Berengaria de Chinon - Mar 89)
(Fieldless) In a pale a key cross conjoined to a key inv Sa. (B:
Artemisia - May 03) (For Order of the Key Cross)
(Fieldless) In pale a Maltese cross & a reremouse conjoined Sa. (B:
Michel de Saint Didier - Dec 05)
(Fieldless) 3 crosses crosslet fitchy in pall, points conjoined Sa. (B:
Dulcinea Margarita Teresa Velzquez de Ribera - Sep 92)
Arg, a cross of Santiago Sa & 2 winged & haloed lions passant
gardant respectant Gu one & 2, a point pointed papellony Vt &
Arg. (D: Leo Alejandro - Mar 98)
Arg, a sword Gu fretted with a Bowen cross Sa. (D: Oengus
Flannagin - Jun 98)
Arg crusilly formy, a bord Sa. (B: Christgaen von Kln - May 07)
Arg crusilly Maltese Sa. (B: Martino Michele Venri - May 07)
Arg, in cross five crosses crosslet Sa. (D: William Bekwith Jun 96)
Arg, in pale 3 crosses formy Sa betw flaunches Gu. (D: Conrad
Abelard - Nov 95)
Arg, semy of double crosses Sa a bord Gu, semy of double crosses
Arg. (D: Bors Boden - Apr 92)
Arg, 3 crosses crosslet Sa, on a chf Gu a quill pen fesswise Or. (D:
Justin of Kent - Aug 96)

[Cross - As charge - Group primary - Sable] to [Cross - As charge - Secondary - Argent]

Cross - As charge - Group primary - Sable (continued)

Arg, 3 crosses formy fitchy in pall conjoined at the points, a bord

Sa. (B: Johann Wolfgang von Hesse - Feb 99) (For
Company of the Sable Blade)
Arg, 3 crosses of Jerusalem Sa & on a chf Vt 4 mascles Arg. (D:
Alessandro Solari - Feb 08)
Arg, 3 Latin crosses crosslet Sa a bord per salt Gu & counterermine. (D: Heth McKay - May 97)
Arg, 2 celtic crosses & in base a garden rose fesswise reversed Sa,
slipped & leaved Vt, on a chf embat Sa, 3 harps Arg. (D: Bran
McNish - Nov 91)
Ermine, in chf a falcons head Sa issuant of a cross patonce Sa
fimbriated Arg. (D: David von Schwarzvogel - Feb 75?)
Ermine, 2 lions combattant Gu & a cross potent, a bord embat Sa.
(D: Gawin Nortmann - Jan 05)
Or, a cross crosslet fitchy Sa fretted with 3 chevronels braced Gu.
(B: Meaghan Arsmith of Ludlow - Sep 88)
Or, a cross formy fitchy Sa & 2 quill pens in salt Gu. (D: Sarra
Elisabeth Graeham of Birnham - May 88)
Or, in fess a Latin cross bottony bendwise sustained by a lion ramp
guardant & in base a rose Gu barbed Sa. (D: Edward of
Ealdormere - Sep 06)
Or, in pale a Coptic cross Sa & a brown bear statant contourny
proper. (D: Aurora the Joyful - Aug 02)
Or, in pale 3 crosses bottony fitchy betw flaunches Sa. (D:
Stephanie Winterin von Brandenburg - Jul 06)
Paly Gu & Or, 2 double-headed eagles disp & a Maltese cross Sa.
(D: Brut von Kln - Jan 99)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a cross formy & a pheon ctrch. (D: Eadric the
Wild - Feb 99)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a cross paty Sa & in salt a lute affronty & a
sword Or. (D: Karl of Berg Rheinstein - Apr 85)
Per bend embowed counter-embowed Arg & Sa, a cross formy & a
dragon ramp ctrch. (D: Petrus von Burghausen - Feb 94)
Per bend potenty Sa & Or, a unicorns head erased Arg armed Or &
a tau cross Sa. (D: Teka Turmanov - Sep 01)
Per bend sin Or & Arg, in bend a cross crosslet Sa & a garden rose
Purp, slipped & leaved Sa. (D: Lucia Ilaria Malatesta Jun 90)
Per bend sin raguly ermine & Purp, a cross potent Sa & sea-lion
erect Or. (D: William Dermot MacPherson - Sep 97)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, 2 cannon barrels in salt & 3 Latin crosses
ctrch. (D: Robert Lector of Reading - Jan 08)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 2 crosses formy Sa & a salamander tergiant Arg
enflamed proper. (D: Werner Seitz - Jan 97)
Per chev Arg, & Vt semy of pine trees Arg, in chf 2 crosses crosslet
Sa. (D: Jeanne dArbois - Oct 92)
Per chev Or & Arg, a pick & a Maltese cross Sa. (D: Erich von
Plauen - Sep 91)
Per chev Or & Gu, 3 crosses fitchy in fess enhanced Sa & a cup Or.
(D: Ciaran of Kells - Mar 82)
Per chev Or & Sa, 2 crosses crosslet fitchy Sa & a rose Arg seeded
Gu. (D: Armanna Goldenwood - Oct 85)
Per chev pean & erminois, 2 ounces faces Or enflamed proper & a
Celtic cross Sa. (B: Christian Baier - Mar 07)
Per chev Sa & Arg, a hawks head erased Arg & a cross flory
surmounted by an annulet Sa. (D: Artorius ap Caradoc May 85)
Per chev Sa & Or, in chf 3 gouttes in fess & in base a patriarchal
cross bottony ctrch. (D: Gwyneth Wallis Amberon of
Glendwry - Aug 82)
Per chev Sa & Or, in pale a demi-sun issuant from chf & an ankh
ctrch, betw in fess 2 crescents Arg. (D: Thomas of Grey Niche
- Nov 88)
Per fess Arg & Az, 2 Maltese crosses Sa & a dove Arg. (B: Hugh
Prescott - Apr 94) (For House Prescott)
Per fess Arg & Gu, a Latin cross Sa & a gorgons head cabossed
Arg. (D: twin Glantz - Jun 04)
Per fess embat Or & Sa, in chf 3 crosses potent Sa. (D: Jean
Charles dAvignon - Jan 86)
Per fess Sa & Arg, a dragon passant & a cross formy ctrch. (D:
Hans Wolfgang vom Drachen - Oct 92)
Per pale Arg & Or, in fess a Celtic cross & a Latin cross pommetty
Sa, a chf triangular Az. (D: Yvaine Catlin dAcley - Aug 89)
Per salt Gu & Or, in pale 2 crocodiles passant contourny Arg each
gorged of a county coronet, & in fess 2 crosses formy fitched
at the foot Sa. (D: Kobayakawa Ariake - Feb 97)

Cross - As charge - Group primary - Sable (continued)

Quarterly Arg & Vt, 2 crosses potent in bend Sa. (D: Arkell vom
Cophus - Nov 02)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, in bend sin 2 crosses fleury Sa. (D: Enrique
Matias de Rojas - Aug 02)
Quarterly Or & Arg, in bend 2 Celtic crosses Sa. (D: Duncan
Robertsoun - Apr 07)
* * * End * * *

Cross - As charge - Group primary - Vert

(Fieldless) In pale a tyger passant & a cross formy fitchy Vt. (B:
Bran of Lochiel - Aug 89)
Arg, a cross Vt interlaced with a star of David Gu. (D: Timothy
Matthias de Coupeland - Apr 01)
Arg, in pale 3 crosses of Saint Bridget Vt. (D: Ainbthen ingen
Signe - May 06)
Gyronny, Arg & Az, each Arg gyron charged with a cross crosslet
fitchy Vt, & a bord ctrch. (D: Edmund Pethlton - Aug 79)
Gyronny Purp & Arg, each Arg gyron charged with a cross couped
Vt, a bord Az. (D: Aodh Magnusson - Jul 93)
Or, in salt five crosses bottony Vt within a bord embat Az. (D:
Alds Grmlfsdttir - Sep 02)
Or, 3 Latin crosses raguly, a chf triangular Vt. (D: Tomaso Camino
- Feb 97)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a Latin cross Vt & a cats head cabossed Arg.
(D: Cristofre de Hastings - Feb 07)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a Celtic cross & a pegasus salient to sin ctrch.
(D: Sabrina Morna - Mar 78?)
Per bend Or & Vt, a cross of Canterbury & a falcon, perched to sin
& belled, ctrch. (D: Audrey Adelicia of Canterbury - Jul 89)
Per bend sin Or & Vt, a Russian Orthodox cross & an apothecary
jar ctrch. (D: Aleksandra Bogdanova - Dec 04)
Per chev Arg & Vt, a Norse sun cross & a serpent erect tail coiled
ctrch. (D: Markos Agallon Armenios - Jul 06)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 2 equal-armed Celtic crosses & a cat statant
guardant ctrch. (D: Berenice Calvina - Feb 07)
Per chev inv Vt & Or, 2 owls passant respectant, inner wing
elevated, Or & a cross crosslet Vt. (D: Lora Anne the Silent May 90)
Per chev Vt & Arg, a horse courant & a celtic cross ctrch. (D: Iain
Gearr-Sheallach O Maoilbhreanainn - Apr 91)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a Maltese cross Vt & a Chinese dragons head
couped close & sin facing, Or. (D: Raymond de Caen May 89)
Per fess Arg & Vt, a Celtic cross & a wolf passant ctrch. (D:
Geoffrey Lucas - Jun 08)
Per pale embat Vt & Arg, 3 wolfs heads contourny in pale Arg & a
Celtic cross Vt. (D: Conor Mac Murrey - Jan 99)
Per salt Arg & Vt, 2 equal-armed Celtic crosses flory Vt. (D:
Emma Rose Sinclaire - Dec 05)
Quarterly embat Vt & Or, in bend 2 wolves salient Arg & in bend
sin 2 Celtic crosses Vt. (B: Fergus MacLennan - Oct 04)
Quarterly indented Or & Vt, a hand & a Celtic cross Vt. (D:
amonn mac Domhnaill - Sep 07)
* * * End * * *

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Argent

(Fieldless) A cross formy within a stags attires Arg. (B: Geoffrey

de Bradelei - Jul 90)
(Fieldless) A salt flory Sa surmounted by a cross flory fitchy Arg.
(B: An Crosaire - Sep 89)
(Fieldless) A step-gabled arch ensigned with a Celtic cross Arg &
charged with 3 lions heads erased Sa. (B: Nordmark May 97) (For Vita Portens Orden)
(Fieldless) On a stag trippant contourny Sa attired maintaining a
lance bendwise a cross formy Arg. (B: Manfred von
Rothenburg - May 96)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells to chf, overall a
cross of Calatrava. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Gold Falcon May 89)
Az, a bend cotised & in sin chf a cross of 4 mascles Arg. (D:
Arabella Mackinnon - Sep 04)
Az, a bend embat counter-embat Or betw a double-headed eagle
disp & a cross formy Arg. (D: Sigmund of Meridies - Jul 97)
Az, a bend invected Or & in sin chf a Latin cross bottony Arg. (D:
Cicilia Corsini - Feb 03)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 575

[Cross - As charge - Secondary - Argent]

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Argent (continued)

Az, a bend sin ermine betw a candle & candlestick flammant & a
Latin cross Arg. (D: Alexandria Cecil of Fairbrook May 94)
Az, a bend sin Or betw a tree eradicated & a Latin cross Arg. (D:
Dominique Salluste de Rovere - Sep 92)
Az, a boulder betw 4 Celtic crosses in cross Arg. (D: Lynne of
Greystone - Nov 89)
Az, a broken sword inv proper betw in chf 2 crosses formy Arg. (D:
Albrekt Lyddekesson Hjalt - Jun 91)
Az, a cherubs head betw 3 crosses crosslet Arg. (D: Bella da
Firenze - Mar 03)
Az, a chev rompu betw a cross moline & a dexter gauntlet clenched,
all Arg. (D: Kennegrae Gilchrest - Aug 76?)
Az, a chev wavy betw 3 Maltese crosses Arg. (D: Eleanore of West
Riding - Oct 88)
Az, a dog passant, in canton a swallowtailed cross Arg. (B:
Lucrezia di Francesca - Feb 99)
Az, a dragon passant to sin Or betw 3 crosses of Canterbury Arg.
(D: Balin of Canterbury - Nov 87)
Az, a fess embat Or betw 3 crosses formy & a rose Arg within a
bord Or. (D: Jane Katherine Beaumont of Cottingham Jan 96)
Az, a fess enarched, embat on the lower edge, betw 3 crosses formy
fitchy & a wolfs head erased Arg. (D: lfstan of Calontir Apr 99)
Az, a garb betw 3 crosses bottony Arg. (D: Valla-Lta Kolladttir Dec 03)
Az, a horse passant & in chf 3 crosses couped Arg. (D: Philipp
Hartrat - Jan 07)
Az, a horseshoe ensigned with a cross couped fitchy Arg. (B: Jan
Janowicz Bogdanski - Apr 08)
Az, a pall betw a Celtic cross & 2 unicorns combattant Arg. (D:
Ailith ferch Dafydd - Mar 88)
Az, a paw print Arg betw 3 crosses clechy fitchy Or. (D: Ulf inn
hugpri - Mar 07)
Az, a pegasus segreant contourny Or in dexter chf a cross of 4
arrowheads conjoined at the points Arg, a gore Or. (D:
Dulcinea Steinhauser - Feb 98)
Az, a pile betw 2 crosses crosslet Arg. (D: Niam inghean
Dhuibhshithe - Dec 97)
Az, a quill bendwise sin Or & in dexter chf a cross patonce Arg. (D:
Bartholomew of Chelsea - Aug 83)
Az, a sea-horse Or & in chf 3 Bowen crosses Arg. (D: Mire O
Halowrane - Feb 07)
Az, a sword inv bendwise sin enflamed proper betw 2 Latin crosses
Arg. (D: Thomas Montgomery - Mar 83)
Az, a tower issuant from a base embat Or, in canton a crux stellata
Arg, in base a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Southkeep - Feb 83)
Az, a tree, in chf 3 Celtic crosses Arg. (D: Melandra of the Woods Mar 94)
Az, a tricorporate lion Or, in chf 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Arg. (D:
Michel Beaudran dAvignon - Apr 93)
Az, an armoured equestrian salient to sin & brandishing a sword in
the right hand Or, betw 3 crosses patonce 2 & one Arg, a chf
enarched rayonny Gu fimbriated Or. (D: Iijvan Aleichem Sep 73?)
Az, crusilly, a sword inv & sheathed Arg, entwined with a ribbon of
parchment Or, a chf erminois. (D: Udvarhelyi Barar Aeryck Jun 86)
Az crusilly Arg, in pale 2 horses courant Or. (D: Julian le Scot Jun 99)
Az crusilly fleury, a salt engrailed Arg. (D: Megen Winterford Jul 03)
Az crusilly flory, on a bend Arg five crosses flory Az. (B: Nahrun
Kabirun - Mar 93)
Az crusilly formy Arg, a falcon rising wings addorsed maintaining a
horseshoe inv Or. (D: Wojciech Bobrowski - Jan 00)
Az crusilly Latin fleury, a dolphin haurient Arg. (D: Marguerite
dAngers - Jun 08)
Az crusilly Or, a swan naiant to sin wings addorsed Arg. (D:
Xristina Viacheslavivna - May 08)
Az crusily, a bears head erased Arg collared Gu. (D: Ulrich Ruoff
von Weinheim - Aug 00)
Az crusily bottony Arg, chap Or, a wolf ramp guardant Arg. (D:
Roland Wlfraven - Apr 93)

576 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Argent (continued)

Az, on a bend betw 2 crosses crosslet Arg, 3 crescents Sa. (D: Ana
Beig de Rosslyn - Jul 06)
Az, on a bend betw 2 crosses crosslet, the foot plain, Arg, a war
hammer Sa, all within a bord dovetailed Arg. (D: Friederich
von Strassburg - Oct 89)
Az, on a bend betw 2 crosses gurgitee Arg, 3 battleaxes palewise
Gu. (D: Freydis Hakonardottir - Nov 85)
Az, on a bend betw 2 Latin crosses Arg, a sword Az. (D: Juliana
de Beverly - Oct 93)
Az, on a bend cotised Arg 3 thistles palewise proper, in chf a cross
of 4 lozenges Arg. (D: Fallan of Hathyrwyk - Jun 96)
Az, on a bend Gu fimbriated betw 2 crosses crosslet, a sword Arg.
(D: Cerdic of Colbridge - May 92)
Az, on a bend sin betw six Celtic crosses Arg 3 wolves ramp
contourny Sa. (D: Angharad of Bright Hills - Apr 98)
Az, on a bend sin invected betw 2 winged cruces ansatae Arg, a
wooden recorder proper. (D: Brenna Cathleen the Hwistlere Apr 89)
Az, on a fess betw 3 Celtic crosses Arg a dragon passant Az. (D:
Esa Southwick - Mar 05)
Az, on a fess cotised Arg a fess Gu, in chf 4 crosses formy Arg. (D:
Lambert de Sur - Aug 86)
Az, on a fess Or betw 3 Celtic crosses Arg, a trefoil fesswise Vt.
(D: Brian hUilliam - Jan 08)
Az, on a pale betw in chf 2 tau crosses Arg, in base a dove migrant
to chf Gu. (B: Saxus of Arunshire - Oct 89)
Az, on a pale Or betw 2 lions combattant & in chf 2 crosses flory
Arg, 3 fleurs-de-lys Sa. (D: tienne de Lyons - Sep 91)
Az, on a pile Purp fimbriated betw 2 patriarchal crosses crosslet, an
eagle disp Arg. (D: Sarra Chantel de Navarre - Jul 95)
Az semy of crosses crosslet fitchy the chiefmost arms couped plain
Arg, a double-headed eagle Or within a bord compony Gu &
Or. (B: John the Pursuwer - Sep 03) (For House Gold
Az, 2 batons in salt betw 4 crosses crosslet Arg. (B: Francesco
Gaetano Greco dEdessa - Jul 06)
Az, 2 chevronels Arg, overall a Latin cross fleury ctrch, all within a
bord dovetailed Arg. (D: Gilbert Rhys MacLachlan - Sep 02)
Az, 2 chevronels betw 3 cross crosslets fitchy Arg, a chf ermine.
(D: Ranulf of Waterford - Oct 91)
Az, 2 flaunches ermine, overall a cross estoile Arg. (D: Eilonwy de
Lyur - Jan 73?)
Gu, a bend Arg, overall a wivern disp head to sin, tail reflexed
behind, Sa fimbriated Arg, in base a cross patty Arg. (D:
Geoffrey the Grim - Jun 73?)
Gu, a bend betw six crosses crosslet fitchy Arg. (D: Howard, Duke
of Norfolk, Earl Marshal of England - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Gu, a bend betw six crosses crosslet fitchy Arg, for augmentation,
on the bend in chf an escutcheon Or charged with a demi-lion
its mouth pierced by an arrow within a double tressure flory
counter-flory Gu. (Augmentation of Arms: Howard, Duke of
Norfolk, Earl Marshal of England - Dec 94) (Important nonSCA arms)
Gu, a bend dovetailed betw 4 crosses bottony fitchy Arg all within a
bord Or. (D: Ivan Howard of Hightower - Sep 91)
Gu, a bend Sa, fimbriated, betw 2 crosses crosslet fitchy Arg. (D:
William de Corbie - Apr 85)
Gu, a chev betw 3 crosses crosslet Arg. (D: Cuhelyn Cam vap
Morcant - Jul 99)
Gu, a chev betw 3 Latin crosses fitchy, a bord Arg. (D: al-Sadiq
ibn Ahmad ibn Ibrahim - Aug 00)
Gu, a chev embat betw 2 chess-rooks Or & a Celtic cross Arg. (D:
Kieran Bren of Bannockburn - Mar 94)
Gu, a chev embat ermine betw 3 crosses bottony & a bord Arg. (D:
Degan of Coventry - Nov 01)
Gu, a chev embat ermine betw 3 Latin crosses bottony Arg, each
enfiled bendwise of a county coronet Or. (D: John FitzGerald
de Clare - Nov 99)
Gu, a chev inv Or & in chf a Maltese cross Arg. (D: Viktor von
dem Kleinflsse - Jan 91)
Gu, a chev rompu betw 2 crosses formy fitchy at all points & a
double-headed eagle disp Arg. (D: Adam de Lancastre Dec 89)

[Cross - As charge - Secondary - Argent]

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Argent (continued)

Gu, a cross betw in bend 2 Maltese crosses & in bend sin 2

crescents Arg, a bord Or. (B: Murchadh Garrioch - Mar 07)
(JB: Matheus le Vaus)
Gu, a dragon statant wings disp betw 3 Russian orthodox crosses
Arg. (D: Vitasha Ivanova doch - Mar 97)
Gu, a falcon belled & jessed & in chf 3 crosses couped Arg. (D:
Lucia de la Valette - Sep 03)
Gu, a gauntlet Sa, fimbriated Arg, holding a cross Arg & a book Sa,
fimbriated Arg. (D: Robert Godwin of Markmoor - Jun 76?)
Gu, a heart voided Or betw 3 Latin crosses fitchy & a gout, 3 & one
Arg. (D: Katheryn de Gonneville - Nov 07)
Gu, a lightning flash bendwise sin issuing from sin chf surmounted
by a tau cross Arg. (B: Eric of Telemark - Aug 82)
Gu, a pall inv barry Az & Arg betw 2 crosses moline & a ship Arg.
(D: Elena Erastova - May 94)
Gu, a snake erect betw in chf 2 Maltese crosses & on a chf Arg a
halberd bendwise Gu. (D: Chlotichilda Beorhtesdohtor
Wulfing - Sep 96)
Gu, a stag ramp maintaining a crux ansata Arg within a bord embat
Or. (D: Alisoun al-Bunni - Oct 87)
Gu, a stag springing & in chf, 3 crosses patty Arg. (D: Geoffrey de
Bradelei - May 88)
Gu, a winged stag ramp & in canton a cross bottony Arg. (D:
Danyelle of Farendale - Apr 83)
Gu, a wolfs head erased & in chf 3 Lithuanian crosses Arg. (D:
Vaisvilkas Lietuvos - Dec 91)
Gu, crusilly fitchy, a sea horse & a chf wavy Arg. (D: Marion
Howard - Sep 91)
Gu crusily bottony, a mouse sejant erect to sin, tail nowed Arg. (D:
Keridwen the Mouse - Oct 93)
Gu, on a bend betw 2 Celtic crosses patty Arg, 3 thistles proper. (D:
Ian Leslie of Kilgairen - May 88)
Gu, on a bend sin betw 2 crosses of Jerusalem Arg 3 crescents
palewise Gu. (D: Michael Acrensis - Jun 01)
Gu, on a bend sin bretessed Arg 3 towers palewise Sa, in dexter chf
a Latin cross swallowtailed Arg. (D: Davy Gunn of Scotland Jun 92)
Gu, on a pale betw in bend 2 swans rising palewise Arg, a swan
rising palewise Sa, in sin chf a cross swallowtailed Arg. (D:
Christiana Sinclaire - Sep 89)
Gu, on a pale bretessed betw 2 crosses crosslet in chf Arg a cross
crosslet in chf Gu. (D: Christopher Jameson - Aug 03)
Gu, on a pile betw 2 Latin crosses bottony Arg a falcon hooded Gu.
(D: Geoffrey Fauconnet - May 98)
Gu, 3 scarpes Or, overall a cross bottonny betw 4 horses ramp Arg.
(D: Cynthia Braithwaite of Sevenoaks - Feb 88)
Gu, 2 chevronels betw 2 equal-armed Celtic crosses & a lion
passant Arg. (D: John Rodrick of Clan Neil - May 98)
Gu, 2 chevronels inv, in chf a cross formy betw 2 lions combattant
Arg. (D: Dunstan t Sancte Petroces Stow - Apr 01)
Gu, 2 scarpes betw 2 Celtic crosses Arg. (D: Connor Cruimseach
MacIlvey - Apr 92)
Gu, upon a bend sin betw a staff entwined of 2 snakes addorsed & a
Russian Orthodox cross Arg, 3 pine cones proper. (D: Stephen
Alexeivitch Adashev - Aug 79?)
Or, on an eagle disp Sa a kleestengl, with a cross issuant to chf Arg.
(D: Silesia - May 99) (Important non-SCA arms)
Per bend Az & Sa, a bend raguly betw a sea lion Or & a cross
crosslet Arg. (D: Owain MacCabe - Jul 98)
Per bend Az & Sa, a vol & in chf 3 Celtic crosses Arg. (D:
Celeinion Caerleon - Feb 94)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend betw a cross crosslet & a sprig bendwise
Arg. (D: Ailith of Heronter - Sep 02)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend betw 4 crescents conjoined in cross at the
points & a cross clechy Arg. (D: ine inghean u Ghrobhtha Dec 05)
Per bend Purp & Vt, a bend betw a cross formy & a spur rowel Arg.
(D: Christopher Troweselagh - Jul 86)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a bend sin betw a compass star & a
patriarchal cross ctrch. (D: Geoffrey de Steele - Mar 98)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 crosses fleury Arg, a
rose vine Vt flowered Gu. (D: Aileen McDonagh - Apr 93)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, a raven disp perched atop an equal-armed
Celtic cross Arg. (D: Dafydd Gigfran ap Morgan - Aug 92)
Per bend sin Sa & Purp, a bend sin betw an ankh & a dragon disp
Arg. (D: Roland Nugent - Jun 95)

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Argent (continued)

Per bend sin Sa, crusilly Arg, & Arg, a gryphons head erased Arg
& 3 scarpes Sa. (D: Morgan MacLain o Loch Cairlinn Apr 89)
Per bend sin Sa crusilly patonce Or & Az, 2 legless dragons erect
respectant, tails entwined & 4 wolfs teeth issuant from sin
Arg. (D: Nakas Sandor - May 08)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a bend betw a cross moline & a pine tree
couped ctrch. (D: Richard of Rae Fen - Jun 84)
Per bend Vt & Az, a bend betw a celtic cross & a lymphad, sail
furled, Arg. (D: Rhodri Ewias - May 94)
Per chev Arg & Gu, a chev Sa betw 2 hawks belled & jessed Vt & a
latin cross Arg, a bord Sa. (D: Simon Hauoc - Nov 94)
Per chev Az & Gu, a chev betw 3 Latin crosses flory in chev & 2
rapiers in salt Arg. (D: Christien de Charlemaison - Oct 06)
Per chev Az & Gu, a chev Or betw 2 mugs & a cross patriarchal
Arg. (D: Juraj z Bratislavi - Jul 86)
Per chev Az & Gu, a pall inv Or betw 2 wolves statant contourny &
a Latin cross Arg. (D: Lchn mac Alsandair - Jun 98)
Per chev Az & Gu, on a chev betw 2 crosses formy & an eagle Arg
a pair of compasses Sa. (D: Wojciek z Krakowa - Jan 04)
Per chev Az & Sa, a chev betw 2 crosses formy fitched at the foot &
a wolfs head erased close Arg. (D: Wulfgar of East Anglia Feb 91)
Per chev Az & Sa, a chev ermine & in base a cross fleury, a bord
Arg. (D: Gwenhwyfar Dinas Emrys - Oct 96)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev betw 2 crescents & a cross of ermine
spots Arg. (D: Rhiannon of Lostwithiel - Feb 94)
Per chev Az crusily & Arg, in base a bear passant Sa. (D: Stephan
von Dringen - May 98)
Per chev enhanced Az & Arg, an antelope ramp Az & in chf 2
crosses flory Arg. (D: Juanice of the Shire of the Ruins Sep 89)
Per chev Gu, crusilly bottony Arg, & Arg, in base a cross bottony
within a laurel wreath Gu. (D: Dun Carraig - Apr 90)
Per chev Gu crusily fitchy Arg & Arg, in base a bear ramp Gu. (D:
Giraude Benet - Jul 01)
Per chev inv Sa & Gu, a maidens head couped proper, crined Or,
betw 3 ankhs Arg. (D: Cecelya Capelet - Sep 94)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a chev & in base a cross formy Arg. (D: Gwen
ferch Rhys - Jun 95)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a chev inv betw 4 Latin crosses botonny 3 & one
Arg. (D: Dorinda Courtenay - Dec 92)
Per chev throughout Gu & Sa, a horse salient to sin, in chf 2 Celtic
crosses Arg. (D: Mire Dromond - Oct 89)
Per fess Az & Gu, a cross & in canton a cross crosslet Arg. (D:
Cajetan Fitzpatrick - Feb 91)
Per fess Gu & Az, a fess embat betw 3 roses & a cross crosslet
fitchy Arg. (D: Damiana McDade - Feb 98)
Per fess potenty Sa & Arg, in base a chev Gu, in dexter chf a cross
fleury Arg. (D: Charles the Turbulent - Feb 85)
Per fess Purp & Az, a fess wavy & in chf a Passion cross betw a
decrescent & an increscent Arg. (D: Celestria of
Celtenhomme - Jan 03)
Per fess Purp & Gu, on a fess Or betw 3 crosses couped Arg & a
bee Or a heart Gu. (D: Beatrix de Montecassino - Sep 02)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a pale offset Gu betw in bend sin a standing
seraph & a cross of Jerusalem ctrch. (D: Seraphina
Sacheverell - Apr 03)
Per pale Az & Gu, a cup betw 3 crosses formy swallowtail Arg. (D:
Daniel Tuomaanpoika - Nov 00)
Per pale Az & Gu, a griffin Or betw 3 Maltese crosses Arg. (D:
Aron von Reichenstein - May 06)
Per pale Az & Gu, 2 lions combattant Or within an orle of Maltese
crosses Arg. (D: Mathias von Leuwenberg - Jun 99)
Per pale Az & Sa, a flanged mace bendwise sin betw 2 crosses
formy Arg. (D: Rudiger von Stuttgart - Aug 96)
Per pale Az & Vt, a lion ramp Or & in canton a Latin cross Arg. (D:
Leolin Gofar - Jul 99)
Per pale fleury-counter-fleury Vt crusilly couped & Arg, in sin a
bear ramp Sa. (D: David of Carillion - May 07)
Per pale Sa & Az all crusilly Latin, a lion ramp Arg. (D: Ulrich von
Zhringen - May 02)
Per pale Sa & Gu a seagull migrant & in chf a cross botonny Arg.
(D: Katharina von Straubing - Dec 90)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a stags head couped contourny betw 3 crosses
formy Arg. (D: Gareth Oswestry - Oct 93)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 577

[Cross - As charge - Secondary - Argent]

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Argent (continued)

Per pale Sa & Gu, a winged boar passant, wings addorsed, in dexter
chf a cross formy fitchy Arg. (D: Katharina Dietrich von
Villach - Jun 92)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 2 bridled horses combattant & in chf 3 crosses
moline Arg. (D: Andreas of Darach - Dec 05)
Per pale Sa & Vt, 2 swans rousant respectant, necks entwined, & in
chf 3 crosses bottony Arg. (D: Sigenoth the Blissful May 93)
Per pale Vt & Purp, an estoile betw in fess 2 crosses crosslet fitchy
Arg. (D: Sonya the Fair - Nov 97)
Per pall embat Arg, Sa & Gu, a cross formy quarterly embat Sa &
Gu, in base 2 crosses formy Arg. (D: Ceidrych the Innocent
ap Gryffydd - Oct 90)
Per salt Arg & Vt, a sword inv Sa betw 2 crosses fleury quadrate
Arg. (D: Brendan Mayhawke - Mar 86)
Per salt Az & Gu, a catamount ramp guardant Arg, semy of Maltese
crosses Sa, maintaining a harp Or, betw 3 Maltese crosses Arg.
(D: Tonis van Driele - Jan 99)
Per salt Az & Gu, a phoenix, head to sin, & in chf a cross patonce
Arg. (D: Seanna Severn - May 83)
Per salt Gu & Sa, 2 swords in salt betw 4 Celtic crosses bases to
center Arg. (D: Siobhn of Starkhafn - Dec 99)
Per salt Purp & Vt, a salt betw 4 celtic crosses Arg. (D: Catrona
Beanshinn - Jan 95)
Per salt Sa & Az, an eagle disp betw 3 Latin crosses flory, one & 2
Arg. (D: Damian von dem Blauwald - Oct 92)
Purp, a chev cotised betw 3 crosses formy Arg. (D: Alaric Liutpold
von Steinman - Jun 87)
Purp, a chev embat ermine betw 3 Latin crosses bottony Arg. (B:
John FitzGerald de Clare - Nov 99)
Purp, a chev Sa fimbriated betw 2 fleurs-de-lys & a cross potent
Arg. (D: Seth of Newcastle - Oct 00)
Purp, a cross potent betw 4 crosslets Arg. (D: Walter of Greenwalls
- Jan 73?)
Purp, a saltorel pointed surmounted by a cross pointed Arg within a
chain of hexagonal links in mascle, the 4 corner links
quadrilateral, Or. (B: Rosamunde von Muenstern - Apr 82)
Purp, a sea-lion Arg maintaining a torch flamed Or betw 3 crosses
fleury Arg. (D: Andrei Grigorievich the Tall - May 92)
Purp, a shuttle bendwise sin Or within an orle of Celtic crosses Arg.
(D: Eilidh nic Alpin of Dunollie - Mar 88)
Purp, a unicorn ramp betw 3 key crosses Arg. (D: Daniela da
Vicenza - Aug 02)
Purp, crusilly Latin Arg, on a double-headed eagle Or a Latin cross
Purp. (D: Casia Thessalonica apo Constantinopolios May 91)
Purp estencely Or, a bend sin betw a cross moline disjointed & a
sun in its splendor Arg. (D: Adriana Broussard - Feb 98)
Purp, on a bend sin Or betw 2 Lorraine crosses Arg 2 falcons
striking Sa. (D: Gilcolmun MacLeod - Aug 97)
Purp, on a pile inv betw 2 crosses of Cerdaa Arg a tortoise Vt. (D:
Ana Mara de Cerdanya - Jul 02)
Purp, on a salt Arg 4 sprigs of hyssop, stems to center, proper, in
chf a cross crosslet fleury concave Arg. (D: Philippa
Rookhaven - Jul 84)
Purp, 2 chevronels Or betw 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Arg. (D:
Angus mac Dhomhnuill - Oct 92)
Quarterly Az & checky Gu & Or, a cross & in dexter chf a Latin
cross Arg. (B: Randall Morgan - Sep 86)
Quarterly Az & Gu, a wyvern disp, wings inv, betw in chf 2 Latin
crosses, all within a bord Arg. (D: Simon de lEst - Dec 86)
Quarterly Az & Or, a cross ctrch, in canton a cross potent Arg. (D:
Richard of Kingsbury - Jan 94)
Quarterly Az & Sa, a wolf ramp reguardant betw 3 Maltese crosses
Arg. (D: Kai Qwythwolf - Nov 98)
Quarterly Az & Sa, 2 swords inv in salt Or, overall a Latin cross
patty Arg. (D: Ian Alexander - May 85)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a cross pointed throughout betw in bend 2
crosses formy & in bend sin 2 dragons passant all ctrch. (D:
Berand of Bangor - Nov 90)
Quarterly Gu & Or, a cross Arg betw 4 crosses of Jerusalem ctrch.
(D: David of the Vayle - Oct 02)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, 4 dragons passant Or each maintaining a Latin
cross pomelly at the foot Arg. (D: Richard Dragun - Apr 03)
Quarterly Gu crusily Latin Arg, & Vt, a chalice Or. (D: Wlfric of
Derneford - Nov 96)
578 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Argent (continued)

Quarterly Vt & Sa, a tree & in chf 2 crosses patonce Arg. (D:
Matthew de Beaumont - Sep 93)
Sa, a bend sin betw a Celtic cross & a unicorns head couped
reversed all Arg. (D: Ewan the Mad Wanderer - Aug 79)
Sa, a bend sin betw a Latin cross & a Greek Orthodox cross, all
Arg. (D: Peregrine Ignatius Dominic Augustine Doran Oct 76?)
Sa, a bend sin Gu fimbriated Arg, betw a Latin cross & an olive
branch bendwise sin Arg. (D: Kelson de la Croix - Jun 73?)
Sa, a chev checky Arg & Sa betw 3 Norse sun crosses Arg. (D:
Kenneth MacQuarrie of Tobermory - Jan 93)
Sa, a chev checky Gu & Arg betw 2 crosses crosslet & a dove
volant bendwise, wings addorsed Arg. (D: Adelheid von
Hohenstein - Oct 07)
Sa, a chev cotised betw a Celtic cross & an open book Arg. (D:
Kerydd Shay - Jul 92)
Sa, a chev inv enhanced & in base a cross couped rayonnant Arg,
all within a bord ermine. (D: David Trueheart - Jul 86)
Sa, a chev Or betw 2 crosses crosslet fitchy & a sin gauntlet
clenched Arg. (D: Gunther de Bohun - May 98)
Sa, a chev rompu Or betw 3 long crosses moline Arg. (D: Johann
Ludwig von Coburg - Aug 93)
Sa, a fess embat betw 3 Maltese crosses Arg. (D: Otto Jager Aug 04)
Sa, a fret Or betw 4 crosses patonce Arg. (D: Ceolfara t Mldune
- May 07)
Sa, a harp reversed betw 3 crosses of 4 ermine spots Arg. (D:
Failtigearna ingen u Artin - Aug 98)
Sa, a Japanese crane inv & disp, in base a cross Arg. (D: Randall
Morgan - Sep 86)
Sa, a lion dormant & in chf a celtic cross Arg. (D: Macsen Aelian y
ffyrdig - Aug 80)
Sa, a lion passant betw 3 Maltese crosses Arg. (D: Nemet Arpad May 02)
Sa, a lion ramp to sin, bearing in its forepaws a cross botonny, Arg.
(B: Christian du Glaive - Jun 89)
Sa, a pale chevronelly Or & Gu betw in chf a thistle, slipped &
leaved, & a cross crosslet fitchy Arg. (B: Todd of Golden
Keype - Aug 92)
Sa, a phoenix Arg rising from flames proper betw 3 crosses formy
Arg. (D: Mathieu de la Croix - May 00)
Sa, a reremouse betw 3 crosses formy fitchy Arg. (D: Damian
Crakebone - Aug 93)
Sa, a thistle Or an orle of crosses crosslet fitchy Arg. (D: Malcolm
the Archer - Dec 96)
Sa, a winged otter passant guardant betw in pale 2 crosses of ermine
spots Arg. (D: Rhyan Otter - Jan 92)
Sa, an escutcheon within an orle of crosses formy Arg. (D:
Maximillian Johann von Kleve - Feb 08)
Sa crusilly Arg, a horned demons head, in chf 3 fleurs-de-lys Or, a
bord ermine. (D: Jan Antheunis van Ghent - Jan 99)
Sa crusilly Arg, a horned demons head Or, a bord ermine. (D:
Martin le Mechant - Jan 99)
Sa, crusilly couped, a cracked goblet Arg within a bord Arg, semy
of escallops inv Sa. (D: Johan von Metton - Nov 88)
Sa crusilly fitchy Arg, a seaboar Or. (D: Martim Ruiz do Porto Apr 99)
Sa, crusily formy Arg, a bagwyn couchant Or. (B: Coleen Griswald
- Jul 86)
Sa, in bend a Cross of Jerusalem Arg & a bend sin bretessed Gu
fimbriated Arg. (D: Cormac MacGuin - May 82)
Sa, on a bend Or a bendlet nebuly Sa & in sin chf a cross crosslet
fitchy Arg. (D: Ulrich Hagenauer - Feb 86)
Sa, on a bend sin Gu, fimbriated, betw 2 crosses couped fitchy, a
bat palewise disp, all within a bord embat Arg. (D: Bryan
Mikhail Woodroffe - May 88)
Sa, on a bend sin Gu fimbriated Or betw 2 crosses clechy 3 crosses
clechy palewise Arg. (D: Vanya Betzina - Dec 07)
Sa, on a bend sin rayonny betw 2 Maltese crosses Arg 3 roses Az.
(D: Angus Mac Taggart - Nov 90)
Sa, on a bend wavy betw 2 crosses formy Arg 3 suns in their
splendor palewise Sa. (B: Tighearain Blackwater - May 03)
Sa, on a chev inv betw 3 crosses bottony one & 2 Arg 3 roses
proper. (D: Adriana la Bretonne - Apr 00)

[Cross - As charge - Secondary - Argent] to [Cross - As charge - Secondary - Azure]

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Argent (continued)

Sa, on a chev Or betw in chf 2 crosses crosslet fitchy & in base a

falcon wings elevated Arg, 4 decrescents Gu. (D: Lucius
Lowthyane - Jun 94)
Sa, on a fess betw a Latin cross & a wolfs head erased ululant
contourny Arg a mullet Gu. (D: Katherine Anne of County
Cork - Sep 95)
Sa, on a horse ramp betw 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Arg another Sa.
(D: Brian Creaven - Oct 94)
Sa, on a pale Or betw in chf 2 Maltese crosses Arg a sword Sa
entwined of a serpent Gu. (D: Giles Devon - May 83)
Sa, 2 bars embat, in base a cross couped triply parted, a bord Arg.
(B: Angela Sara Mara Daz de Valds - Feb 92) (For
Arashi Tetsuko)
Tierced per pall Purp, Gu, & Az, a sword inv betw 2 ankhs Arg. (D:
Kassandra Skysword - Aug 85)
Vt, a bear ramp contourny betw 3 crosses moline disjointed Arg.
(D: Niall mac Broin - Jul 07)
Vt, a bend cotised betw six crosses formy Arg. (D: Hywel ap Ieuan
- Sep 95)
Vt, a bend erminois & in chf a cross bottony fitchy Arg. (D: Brigit
O Nill - Dec 91)
Vt, a bend sin flory counter-flory, betw a cross fleuretty & a
unicorns head couped to sin Arg. (D: Eleanor of Waldren Apr 84)
Vt, a chev inv betw a Celtic cross & 2 wolves salient addorsed Arg.
(D: Patrick Connor ODonnell McPhelan - Aug 91)
Vt, a chev nebuly betw 2 natural tigers combattant & a cross
crosslet fitchy, all within a bord Arg. (D: Linnet of Hearts
Rest - Nov 91)
Vt, a chev rompu betw 3 Russian Orthodox crosses Arg. (D:
Anastasiia Sviatoslavova vdova Aleksandrova - Jan 08)
Vt, a chev throughout checky Sa & Arg betw 2 Maltese crosses & a
lion Arg. (D: Werner der Fromme - Aug 06)
Vt, a chev wavy Or betw 2 crosses potent & an alembic flask Arg.
(D: Annora Deorling - Feb 84)
Vt, a cross betw 4 crosses formy Arg. (D: Tangwystl of Seagirt May 05)
Vt, a fess dancetty ermine betw 3 crosses flory Arg & in chf a
seahorse erect Or. (D: Angharad of Chester - Feb 88)
Vt, a fess embat betw 3 Latin crosses fleury, all within a bord Arg.
(D: Katherine dAnjou - Aug 04)
Vt, a griffin passant Arg maintaining a harp Or betw 3 Celtic
crosses Arg. (D: Kathleen Mahony of Cork - Dec 99)
Vt, a mouse statant to sin, in chf 3 crosses botonny Arg. (D: Alys
Graye - Dec 93)
Vt, a pair of wings conjoined & in chf a Latin cross Arg. (D:
Cristina Angelini - May 07)
Vt, a pall Az fimbriated betw 3 crosses couped Arg. (B: Alarba
Bronwen Caradoc - May 84)
Vt, a stags head cabossed, betw the antlers a cross potent & a base
invected Arg. (D: Aedan macAirt Scellic Michil - Jan 00)
Vt, a tankard Or within an orle of crosses crosslet fitchy Arg. (D:
William of Woodland - Sep 73?)
Vt, a tau cross throughout & in chf a fox courant & a Maltese cross
Arg. (D: Hans Krger - May 07)
Vt crusily Arg, a sun throughout Or. (D: Alicia de Landelle Jul 74?)
Vt, in pale a sun Or betw 2 crosses crosslet, betw flaunches Arg.
(D: Sorcha de Glys - Mar 96)
Vt, on a bend betw a goutte & a Latin cross bottony Arg 3 roses Gu.
(D: Aldred Bertand - Aug 03)
Vt, on a bend sin Or betw a foxs mask & a Celtic cross Arg 3
quatrefoil knots palewise Vt. (D: C gan mhthair
MacMuircheartaigh - Sep 95)
Vt, on a chev betw 3 Maltese crosses Arg, 2 lions passant respectant
maintaining betw them a Maltese cross Sa. (D: Caradoc Llew
Du ap Morgan - Jan 85)
Vt, on a daisy Or, seeded Sa, betw in cross 4 Latin crosses another
Arg. (D: Catheryn dIvori of Kent - Feb 84)
Vt, on a pale betw 2 Latin crosses Arg a Latin cross Vt. (D: Wulfric
of Creigull - Jul 01)
Vt, on a pale engrailed betw 2 Latin Crosses Arg, a Latin cross Vt.
(D: Wulfric of Creigull - Dec 89)
Vt, on a pall betw 3 crosses crosslet Arg a lion Gu. (D: Lowrens of
Ross - Nov 03)

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Argent (continued)

Vt, on a pile raguly betw in base 2 crosses potent Arg, a brown bear
ramp contourny proper. (D: Patrick von Brandenburg May 98)
Vt, on a roundel betw 3 equal-armed Celtic crosses Arg a wolf
sejant ululant Sa. (D: Sythe Blackwolfe - Sep 06)
Vt, on a roundel Or betw in cross 4 crosses bottony fitchy Arg a
wolf ramp contourny Sa. (D: Katherine Mariana OMalley Aug 99)
Vt semy of Latin crosses flory Arg, a hare courant Or. (D:
Byrghitta of Abhainn Cach Ghlais - May 05)
Vt, 3 candles conjoined at the bases in pall inv Or, enflamed proper,
betw 3 crosses of ermine spots Arg. (B: Timothy Garraghan o
Leitrim - Aug 84) (For Pearhaven)
Vt, 2 bendlets Arg betw a lion ramp Or & 3 crosses crosslet fitchy
Arg. (D: William of Wroxeter - Feb 90)
Vt, 2 chevronels betw 3 crosses of ermine spots Arg, overall a lion
dormant Or. (D: Timothy Garraghan o Leitrim - Oct 83)
Vt, 2 scarpes Or betw a mouse statant contourny & a Celtic cross
Arg. (D: ile ingen u Riain - Apr 00)
* * * End * * *

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Azure

(Fieldless) A horseshoe ensigned with a cross couped fitchy Az.

(B: Jan Janowicz Bogdanski - Apr 08)
(Fieldless) A Latin cross Az issuant from betw the tines of a stags
attires Gu. (B: Rouland Carre - Apr 91)
(Fieldless) A shepherds crook bendwise Arg, overall a cross
crosslet fitchy Az. (B: Brian Crawford - Jan 08)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells to chf, overall a
cross of Calatrava. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Gold Falcon May 89)
Arg, a chev betw 3 crosses crosslet fitchy each sustained by a hand
fesswise Az. (D: William MacNaught - Jul 01)
Arg, a chev embat betw six crosses patonce, one, 2, 2, & one Az.
(D: Brice of Carlisle - Nov 07)
Arg, a dragon Gu & a winged unicorn Sa combatant, in chf a cross
of Santiago, a base rayonny Az. (D: Ian of Beinn Dhubh Nov 07)
Arg, a phoenix, head to sin, & in chf 3 crosses couped Az. (D:
Jasper the Galloglach - Mar 89)
Arg crusilly, a lotus blossom in profile Az. (D: Ceinwen Wen Feb 07)
Arg, crusilly fitchy, a key cross nowy pierced Az & a bendlet
enhanced Vt. (D: Rhys FitzGilbert - Jun 86)
Arg crusily saltirewise, on a chev Az 3 nettle leaves Arg. (D:
Phiala OCeallaigh - Jul 07)
Arg, on a bend betw 2 crosses of Jerusalem each with its center
cross a cross crosslet Az an oak sprig fructed Arg. (D:
Caranwyn Silveroak - May 03)
Arg, on a bend Gu betw a cross patonce Az & a frog Vt 3 scimitars
palewise Arg. (D: Diego Lopes de Toledo - Nov 05)
Arg, on a bend sin below a cross crosslet fitchy Az in dexter chf, in
chf a lions gambe palewise erased Or. (D: David de la
Croupe - Feb 89)
Arg, on a bend sin Sa betw a maltese cross & a sea unicorn erect to
sin Az, a sword proper. (D: Stefan of Scurlocktown - Mar 94)
Arg, on a fess embat betw 3 Maltese crosses Az a sword reversed
Arg. (D: Wilhelm von Ostenbrcke - Jan 04)
Arg, on a fess wavy betw 2 crosses flory Az a swan naiant Arg. (D:
Maria Elayne von Schwangau - Feb 80)
Arg, on a pale betw 2 crosses of Calatrava Az a crane in its
vigilance Or. (B: Calontir - Mar 97)
Arg, on a pale wavy betw 2 Latin crosses formy swallowtailed Az a
sea-unicorn Arg. (D: Viennet de la Mer - Jan 04)
Arg, sem of Celtic crosses Az, a lion sejant affront, dexter
forepaw raised, Gu, & a ford Sa & Arg. (D: Morwynna of the
Stormy Seas - Jan 81)
Arg, 3 bendlets enhanced & a cross moline fitchy Az. (D: Richard
deLacy - Dec 95)
Or, a bend sin enarched betw a cross gurgity Az & a thistle slipped
& leaved proper. (B: Laure Anne the Plaidweaver - May 98)
Or, a hand Sa & in chf 3 Latin crosses Az. (D: Aidan Mac
Dhubhghaill - May 03)
Or, in fess a sword inv Gu betw 2 Latin crosses bottony & in chf a
label Az. (D: Myrkjartan Liknarlauss - Aug 95)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 579

[Cross - As charge - Secondary - Azure] to [Cross - As charge - Secondary - Gules]

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Azure (continued)

Or, on a chev Gu betw 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Az, 3 mullets Arg.

(B: Kevin of Thornbury - Mar 99)
Or, on a cross betw 4 crosses bottony Az a horse ramp betw 4
crosses bottony Or. (D: Gerard Rupert Chamfleur - Oct 82)
Per bend Az & Arg, a bend betw a chasing hammer & a cross of
Cleves, all ctrch. (D: John Luke Malleolus - Sep 98)
Per salt Az & Arg crusilly pointed Az, 2 ferrets couchant, that to chf
contourny, Arg. (D: Riobard Suilleabhain - Dec 91)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, seme of Russian Orthodox crosses, a Russian
Orthodox cross Az. (D: Lee of the Lowlands - Aug 87)
Quarterly Or & Az, a cross flory betw in bend 2 others & in bend
sin six roses, all ctrch. (D: Marguerite de la Croix - Nov 85)
* * * End * * *

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Fur

(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells to chf, overall a

cross of Calatrava. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Gold Falcon May 89)
* * * End * * *

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Gules

(Fieldless) A cross potent betw 4 crosses Gu. (B: Holy Sepulchre,

Order of - Nov 98) (Important non-SCA badge)
(Fieldless) 2 dragons combatant Purp & Az maintaining a cross
formy Gu. (B: Antonio Giordano da Sicilia - Jul 04)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells to chf, overall a
cross of Calatrava. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Gold Falcon May 89)
A single Gu cross couped on any Arg background or in any way
that could be disp on an Arg background. (B: Red Cross Jul 06) (Important non-SCA badge)(The restriction includes
fieldless badges and is based on international treaty. See
Letter of Acceptances and Returns for details.)
Arg, a bend & in sin chf a cross formy Gu. (D: Edward de Villaret
- Aug 03)
Arg, a bend bevilled betw 2 crosses formy Gu. (D: Tomas mac
Aedain - Nov 07)
Arg, a bend sin Az cotised Vt, betw a cross patoncy & a chev inv
couped Gu. (D: George Armstrang - Jun 99)
Arg, a bend sin betw a stags head couped & 3 Latin crosses one &
2 Gu. (D: David Hert - Nov 97)
Arg, a bend sin Sa betw a cross crosslet fitchy & a mullet, all within
a bord Gu. (D: Nathan von Daritz - Aug 88)
Arg, a bend sin Vt overall a cross bottony Gu. (B: Gertraud von
Wuerzburg - Aug 01)
Arg, a bend Vt betw 2 crosses patonce Gu. (D: William le Younger
- Jan 03)
Arg, a chev Az betw 3 crosses formy Gu & a hand apaumy Sa. (D:
Theobald Oneglove - Aug 97)
Arg, a chev betw 3 crosses of Jerusalem Gu. (D: Basileios
Philanthropenos Philomathes - Jan 00)
Arg, a chev cotised Az betw 2 crosses formy & a stag springing Gu.
(D: Rowena of Swanwic - Sep 90)
Arg, a chev embat Sa & in base a Latin cross Gu. (B: Leanore
deVertearbors - Apr 87)
Arg, a chev enhanced & a base Az, overall a Maltese cross Gu,
fimbriated Arg. (D: Maolcholm Burnes - Aug 80)
Arg, a chev inv betw a thistle & 3 crosses crosslet 2 & one Gu. (D:
Geoffrey MacDhomhnuill - Jun 00)
Arg, a chev inv Purp betw a Patriarchal cross Gu & a 3-headed
thistle proper. (D: Alastair the Eastern Traveller - May 94)
Arg, a chev inv Vt & in chf a cross formy fitchy Gu. (B: Robert
Bedlam - Jul 03)
Arg, a chev inv Vt betw 3 crosses formy fitchy one & 2 Gu. (D:
Robert Bedlam - May 03)
Arg, a chev Purp betw 3 crosses formy Gu. (D: Antonio Giordano
da Sicilia - Dec 96)
Arg, a chev rompu & in chf 3 crosses moline Gu. (D: David
Lockhart - Jun 03)
Arg, a chev Sa, overall a cross crosslet fitchy Gu. (D: Alina de la
Watere - May 00)
Arg, a cross Az betw in bend a Maltese cross Gu & a tower Sa
within a bord Az. (D: Njll orvaldsson - Oct 05)
Arg, a cross betw 4 crosses formy Gu. (B: Georgia - Jul 06)
(Important non-SCA flag)

580 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Gules (continued)

Arg, a fess Vt betw 3 crosses bottony fitchy Gu & a griffin segreant

maintaining a sword Vt. (D: Alexandra de la Mer Verte Feb 00)
Arg, a fess wreathed Vt betw 3 moorcocks in fess & a patriarchal
cross Gu. (D: Lovell Hastings - Dec 82)
Arg, a fish-tailed demi-dog Vt maintaining a Celtic cross Gu & a
chf invected Az. (D: Dominic MacNamara - May 00)
Arg, a Norse serpent nowed Sa encircling in its upper loop a
Maltese cross Gu. (D: Reynard the Brown - Oct 82)
Arg, a pair of compasses & in base a cross bottony all within a bord
embat Gu. (B: Dun Carraig - Feb 02)
Arg, a pale Gu, in chf 3 Latin crosses fleury ctrch. (D: Deirdre
Marie of Leinster - Aug 90)
Arg, a pale Sa betw 2 crosses crosslet Gu, on a bord Sa an orle of
chain Or. (D: Gareth Gordon MacGunter - Apr 91)
Arg, a pall betw 3 Maltese crosses Gu. (D: Alan of Northcrest Jan 84)
Arg, a palm tree couped Sa & in base betw 2 Latin crosses fourchy,
on a point entee fleury Gu, a Latin cross fourchy Arg. (D:
Berold de Gilbert - Apr 88)
Arg, a peregrine falcon, wings addorsed & inv, sin talon upraised,
proper, debruised on the dexter talon by a rose Gu, barbed &
seeded proper, & in dexter chf a cross pattee Gu. (D: Stefan
von Halleck - Aug 79)
Arg, a phoenix Gu rising from flames Or betw in cross 4 Latin
crosses swallowtailed Gu. (B: William of Friedrichsburg Aug 94)
Arg, a stags head affronty erased, betw its attires a Celtic cross Gu,
in chf 2 bulls heads cabossed Sa. (D: Columb Buachalla Oct 07)
Arg, a trefoil slipped Az betw in chf 2 crosses swallowtailed Gu.
(D: Athelstan Saint Maur - Jun 86)
Arg, a wolfs head erased Az, collared Or, & in chf a Latin cross
Gu. (D: Philip de Bouillon - Jun 81)
Arg, an owl affronty & disp Sa betw in salt 4 Maltese crosses Gu.
(D: Ceallach of Saint Michaels Keep - May 90)
Arg crusilly flory Gu, a heron Az maintaining in its beak a fish Gu.
(D: Miguel Flores - Mar 04)
Arg crusilly Gu, on a bend cotised Az 3 bells palewise Or. (D:
Massimiliano Pontieri dal Sasso - Feb 02)
Arg crusilly Maltese Gu, a fess & a bord Az. (D: Robert
Makallastair - May 06)
Arg, 4 bendlets Sa in sin chf a Latin cross flory Gu. (D: Richard de
Camville - Aug 97)
Arg, in sin chf a tau cross Gu & a gore Sa. (D: Doug Petard May 99)
Arg, on a bend Az betw six crosses crosslet Gu, a lion dormant Arg.
(D: Meleri ferch Iasper ap Dafydd - Oct 96)
Arg, on a bend sin Az betw 2 crosses formy Gu, 3 crescents Or. (D:
Galen of Greybough - Oct 88)
Arg, on a chev Az betw 3 Latin crosses bottony Gu five oak leaves
palewise Or. (D: John of Blackmoor Woods - Oct 95)
Arg, on a chev Az betw 2 escallops inv & a cross humetty Gu, a
bezant. (D: Jacques-Yves Rene Claude du Plat - Sep 81)
Arg, on a cross couped & quarter-pierced Vt betw in bend sin 2
crosses bottony Gu, a cross bottony Gu. (D: Gilliane Atherley
- Aug 89)
Arg, on a cross Gu betw in chf a lion Sa & a cross moline Gu a
lotus-blossom affronty Arg. (D: Paul Andr Jacques Jun 96)
Arg, on a pale Sa betw a drawstring bag Az & Latin cross Gu, a
sword Arg. (D: Cedric fils de Guillaume - Sep 80)
Arg, on a salt Sa betw 4 crosses crosslet fitchy Gu 2 swords inv in
salt enflamed at the blades proper. (D: Stephen of Westmarch Jan 80)
Arg, 2 chevronels betw 3 crosses pomelly & a tower Gu. (D:
Donald of Saint Ives - Sep 03)
Arg, 2 chevronels Sa, overall a cross clechy Gu. (D: John Edward
Scot - Aug 06)
Arg, 2 horses combattant Sa & in chf a cross of 4 pheons conjoined
at the points Gu, overall a label of 3 points Sa. (D: Consuela
Maria de Leon - Mar 97)
Arg, 2 horses salient combattant Sa, in chf a cross of 4 pheons
conjoined at the points Gu. (D: Atalaya la Sanadora Mar 97)

[Cross - As charge - Secondary - Gules] to [Cross - As charge - Secondary - Multicolor]

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Gules (continued)

Bendy Arg & Sa, a decrescent Or, overall a cross bottony Gu. (D:
Valencia Carlota Maria de Granada - Jun 89)
Checky Arg & Sa, a tower enflamed & in sin canton a Maltese cross
Gu. (D: Galfrid Montrose - Aug 02)
Checky Arg & Vt, a dragon segreant Sa maintaining a Latin cross
Gu, on a chf Arg, 3 suns Sa. (D: Richard of Essex - Nov 94)
Ermine, a chev inv Purp betw a phoenix & a cross formy Gu. (D:
Renee Nix de Livingstone - Dec 03)
Ermine, on a bend sin Purp 3 lozenges palewise Arg & in dexter chf
a cross fleury Gu. (D: Danielle de la Roche - Sep 95)
Ermine, on a chev engrailed betw 3 Maltese crosses Gu a rose Or.
(D: Genevieve de Calais - Sep 06)
Erminois, on a chev Sa 3 mullets Or, in base a cross floretty Gu. (D:
Baldwin the Wanderer - Sep 92)
Gyronny Or & Sa, a lion ramp reguardant & in sin canton a cross
flory Gu. (D: Steffen von Ostdorf - Sep 03)
Or, a bend fusilly betw six crosses of Toulouse Gu. (D: Marcele de
Montsegur - Aug 06)
Or, a bend sin Purp betw a griffin ramp Gu, maintaining a bow Sa,
& a Celtic cross Gu. (D: Lochlainn Riain - Aug 92)
Or, a boar ramp & in chf 2 equal-armed Celtic crosses Gu. (D:
Brand Sturrock - Nov 92)
Or, a chev Sa betw 2 hunting horns & a cross of Santiago Gu. (D:
Laura Ynez Cazador de Guzmn - Jan 98)
Or, a Latin cross patonce betw in base 2 others Gu, all within a bord
embat Vt. (D: George mac Raibeart - Apr 88)
Or, a lion ramp to sin queue-forchee Gu, armed, langued, & orbed
Sa, & in chf 2 crosses fleury fitchy Gu. (D: Pierre Lyon
Goules - Sep 71?)
Or, a pall engrailed Sa betw 3 crosses fleury Gu. (D: Caterina
dEste da Venezia - Apr 00)
Or, a pall wavy Az, in dexter a cross patonce Gu. (B: Southe Banke
- May 81)
Or, a pink flamingo close contourny proper & in canton a Latin
cross Gu. (D: Felicia de Montbar - Oct 07)
Or, a sprig of holly Vt & in chf 3 crosses bottony Gu. (D:
Katherine de Hay - Jan 03)
Or, in salt 2 thistles proper, overall a cross crossletted of the upper 3
Gu. (D: Richard of Thistleshire - Jan 73?)
Or, on a lozenge ploy throughout betw 4 crosses pointed Gu, a
unicorns head couped contourney Or. (D: Ariel of Bards
Keep - Jun 91)
Or, on a pale Sa betw 2 crosses crosslet fitchy Gu, an eagles head
erased to sin, all within a bord rayonny ctrch. (D: Christopher
Morgan MacCathalain - Jan 91)
Or, 3 bendlets enhanced Sa & in dexter base a cross crosslet fitchy
Gu. (D: Ambrosine Darcy - Jul 84)
Or, 2 pallets Sa surmounted by a cross patonce Gu, in chf betw the
pallets a coronet Gu pearled Arg. (D: James the Tormentor Nov 06)
Or, within a cross of 4 cables fretted throughout, six cross crosslets
Gu. (D: Robin of Neath - Jan 87)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, in bend sin a chain throughout fracted Sa
betw a Latin cross patonce Gu & a standing balance Arg. (D:
Malachai von Riga - Jul 98)
Per chev Or & pean, a chev rompu betw 2 Maltese crosses Gu & a
bulls head cabossed Or. (D: Guillaume Bovier - May 96)
Per chev Sa & Vt, on a chev Or 3 Latin crosses Gu, in base a cobra
coiled affronty Or. (B: Michael die Zauberzunge von Essen Dec 04)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a fess embat Gu, masoned Arg, betw a Maltese
cross Gu & a dragon passant Arg. (D: Rodrigo Diego Ramos Jun 88)
Per pale & per chev Arg & Sa, a chev abased ctrch, in dexter chf a
cross crosslet, all within a bord Gu. (D: Elidir o Morgannwg Jan 83)
Per pale embat Sa & Arg, crusilly couped Gu, in dexter chf a
horses head couped Arg. (D: Edrik Beroldsson - May 89)
Per pale Vt & Sa, a wyvern erect to sin with an eagles head &
wings & lions forelegs Or, in sin chf a Maltese cross Gu
fimbriated Arg. (D: Morgan Haldane - Jul 84)
Purp, on a bend Or betw a cross botanny Gu fimbriated & a sun in
splendor Or, a serpent glissant wavy Gu. (D: Edmund Lindsey
- May 81)

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Gules (continued)

Quarterly: 1, France modern; 2, Quarterly Leon & Castile; 3, the

Union flag; 4, Gu on a salt Az thirteen mullets Arg; on an
inescutcheon paly Arg & Gu, a chf Az. (D: Alabama, State of
- May 99) (Important non-SCA arms)
Quarterly Arg & Gu, on a fess cotised Sa betw in bend 2 Maltese
crosses Gu 3 horses passant Arg. (D: Aylwin Watkyns Jul 02)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, surmounting a cross betw 4 crosses potent
ctrch a cross potent Gu. (D: Ealdreda Eardstapa - Nov 83)
Sa, on a cross Arg a sword betw in fess 2 crosses couped Gu, & on
a chf Or 3 escallops Sa. (D: Gilbert of Darkwood - Jul 86)
* * * End * * *

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Multicolor

(Fieldless) A bear sejant erect Or sustaining a cross crosslet fitchy

quarterly Arg & Vt. (B: James Andrew MacAllister - Apr 96)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells to chf, overall a
cross of Calatrava. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Gold Falcon May 89)
Counter-ermine, a bend sin Arg overall a cross formy ctrch. (D:
Thorfinn Halfblind - Jun 91)
Gu, 2 chevronels inv, in chf 3 Latin crosses fleury Or. (D:
Jonathan de Saint-Clair - Oct 06)
Gyronny of twelve Sa & Arg, a sun in splendor throughout Gu betw
in chf 2 crosses formy ctrch. (D: Lothar zer Sunnen - Feb 97)
Or, on a salt Sa betw in pale 2 Latin crosses Gu & in fess 2 Latin
crosses Vt, five bezants. (D: Karl von Quirnbach - Aug 87)
Per bend Arg & Az, betw 2 bendlets ctrch a Celtic cross formy per
bend Sa & Arg, all betw a bottlenosed dolphin embowed
bendwise & another embowed bendwise reversed ctrch. (D:
Cynthia Nicol of the Highlands - Oct 95)
Per bend sin Az & Or, a wyvern within an orle of crosses crosslet
ctrch. (D: Michael Wickwar - Dec 91)
Per bend sin Or & Az, a jesters cap betw 3 Tau crosses ctrch. (D:
Willelm de Whytemersch - Nov 01)
Per bend sin wavy Or & Az, a bend sin wavy betw 2 crosses
bottony ctrch. (D: Cordelia Colton - Feb 02)
Per chev Az & Or, a chev betw 3 crosses bottony fitchy ctrch. (D:
Andru Bruce - Mar 07)
Per chev Sa & Or, a chev betw five crosses bottonny fitchy, one, 2
& 2, ctrch. (D: Wilhelm von Fnfstadtgemeinden - Mar 89)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a chev Gu betw 3 tau crosses ctrch. (D: Teresa
Alentejana - Feb 91)
Per fess Az & Arg, a stag trippant to sin proper attired Or betw 3
crosses formy fitchy one & 2 ctrch Or & Az. (D: Peter
Makintare - Nov 06)
Per fess rayonny Az & Arg, a heart betw 3 crosses formy ctrch. (D:
Harald Isenross - Apr 89)
Per fess Sa & Arg, a fess betw 2 crosses swallowtailed, each
charged with a cross crosslet, ctrch. (D: Leothgar de Sithia Mar 82)
Per fess Sa & Or, on a pale betw 4 Celtic crosses, 2 Celtic crosses,
all ctrch. (D: Sean MacAhrt uiBriain - Jun 85)
Per fess Vt & Or, a seahorse maintaining a harp reversed betw 3
Celtic crosses ctrch. (D: Elizabeth FitzPatrick - Aug 94)
Per pale & per chev Vt & Arg, a chev & in chf 2 crosses crosslet
fitchy ctrch. (D: Rhys Vaughan Gowers - Oct 90)
Per pale Arg & Az, a chev inv & in chf a Latin cross ctrch. (D:
Sibn nic Ghiolla Phdraig - Jul 94)
Per pale Arg & Az, a cross formy & in chf a chevronell throughout
ctrch. (D: Nataal Dywyn - Feb 80)
Per pale Arg & Az, a fleur-de-lis betw 3 Latin crosses ctrch. (D:
Brandon of Calafia - Mar 02)
Per pale Arg & Az 2 chevronels in chf 2 crosses potent all ctrch.
(D: Benedict Beverly - Sep 95)
Per pale Arg & Purp, a lion ramp betw in fess 2 crosses crosslet
ctrch. (D: Pdraig Mac Madigan - Jul 93)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a double-headed eagle betw 3 Maltese crosses
ctrch. (D: Basil Rattenbury - Jan 96)
Per pale Az & Arg, a lion couchant guardant contourny Or
maintaining a sword Gu within an orle of Maltese crosses
ctrch. (D: Heinrich von Swartzenberg - Dec 01)
Per pale Az & Arg, a lion ramp, in chf in fess 3 crosses couped
ctrch. (D: Laura of Stafford - Nov 88)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 581

[Cross - As charge - Secondary - Multicolor] to [Cross - As charge - Secondary - Or]

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Multicolor (continued)

Per pale Az crusily Arg, & Arg crusily Az, a cross crosslet fitchy
throughout per pale Arg & Az. (D: Aron of Katharinenstadt Dec 85)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a talbots head erased betw 3 crosses formy
ctrch. (D: Varin of Rokkehealden - Jan 89)
Per pale Gu & checky Sa & Arg, a chev betw 3 latin crosses potent
ctrch Arg & Gu. (D: Tristan of Glastonbury - Jun 95)
Per pale Gu & Or, a chev betw 2 crosses crosslet & a dragon ramp
ctrch. (D: Kenneth Mordun MacDonald - Sep 92)
Per pale Gu & Or, a cross betw in bend 2 crosses crosslet ctrch. (D:
Robert Kenrick - Jan 08)
Per pale Gu & Or, crusilly of ermine spots ctrch, on a chev Az 2
stags salient respectant Or. (D: Anna Alicia Rheinhardt Jan 91)
Per pale Or & Gu, a chev inv surmounted by a chev per pale Gu &
Or, betw 3 Latin crosses ctrch. (D: Lloyd of Penrose Oct 92)
Per pale Or & Gu, a dragonfly volant en arriere betw 3 Maltese
crosses ctrch. (D: Oswin Attwater - Aug 99)
Per pale Or & Gu, a lions jamb bendwise sin sustaining a Latin
cross bendwise, ctrch. (B: Lloyd of Penrose - Aug 97)
Per pale Or & Gu crusilly formy ctrch, an eagle Sa. (D: Helmut
Kruger - Jan 08)
Per pale Or & Gu, on a chev betw 3 crosses formy, 2 crosses formy
palewise, all ctrch. (D: William of Wakefield - Sep 91)
Per pale Or & Sa, an eagle betw in bend sin 2 crosses couped all
within a bord ctrch. (D: engus Conchobhair - Dec 02)
Per pale Purp & Or, a demi-lion issuant from base & in chf 2
crosses pointed ctrch. (D: Patrick Domhnall ODea - Jan 91)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a bend sin betw 2 crosses couped & pierced
ctrch. (D: Juan Iigo de Navarra - Apr 98)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 battle axes, blades to center & in chf 3 Maltese
crosses all ctrch. (D: Michael de Multon - Apr 06)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 scimitars in salt & in chf a Latin cross ctrch.
(D: Kilian Bruce - Jun 97)
Per pale Sa & Or, a wolfs head caboshed betw 3 crosses crosslet
fitchy within a bord embat ctrch. (D: Donnchadh Pixley Mar 06)
Per pale Vt & Arg, an open book betw 3 Celtic crosses ctrch. (D:
Odriana vander Brugghe - Nov 01)
Per salt Arg & Az, an eagle disp, wings inv, betw 4 crosses formy
ctrch. (D: Conrad Friedrich von Troppau - Nov 87)
Per salt Or & Gu, a salt betw 4 crosses couped, all ctrch. (D: Alban
St. Albans - Aug 89)
Purp, a bend cotised Or, overall a cross patonce ctrch. (D: Mairin
of the East Isles - Aug 79?)
Quarterly Arg & Az, a rose betw five crosses moline 3 & 2 ctrch.
(D: Elisenda de Luna - Oct 01)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a lion ramp to sin betw in salt 4 crosses
bottonny ctrch. (D: Bohemund du Glaive - Feb 90)
Quarterly Az & Arg, a demi-lion Or betw 3 Latin crosses flory
ctrch. (D: Christian Robert von Wildhausen - Nov 05)
Quarterly Az & Or, a griffin passant Sa betw 3 crosses fleury ctrch.
(D: Steffan Glaube - Jul 03)
Quarterly Az & Or, a Maltese cross betw 4 others, 2 & 2, ctrch. (D:
Gilbert Ost Westley - Nov 90)
Quarterly Or & Az, an eagle disp betw 4 crosses formy fitchy, a
bord ctrch. (D: Johannes Gordon - Apr 99)
Quarterly Or & Sa, a cup Arg betw 3 crosses formy fitchy ctrch. (D:
Magnus Bruce - Nov 91)
Quarterly Or & Sa, an owl Gu betw 4 crosses clechy ctrch. (D:
Dietrich Lorenz Uhl - Jan 04)
Quarterly Purp & Sa, a seahorse contourny Or betw in bend 2
crosses of 4 lozenges Arg & in bend sin 2 crosses of 4
lozenges Or. (D: Zianna beguy urdina de Zabaleta - Oct 07)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, a fleur-de-lys betw 4 crosses flory fitchy ctrch.
(D: Marie Gautrot - Mar 01)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, surmounting a cross betw 4 crosses potent
ctrch a cross potent Gu. (D: Ealdreda Eardstapa - Nov 83)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, a cross crosslet throughout betw 4 crosses
couped, all ctrch. (B: Alexander Caithnes of Wyk - Jul 88)
(For Daingneach Uaine)
* * * End * * *

582 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Or

(Fieldless) An ibis rising wings disp Sa maintaining an ankh Or.

(B: Sancia Lafond Freyser de Cameron - Jan 00) (For
Shadiyah al-Tawilah)
(Fieldless) 2 spears in salt Purp surmounted by an equal-armed
Celtic cross flory Or. (B: Eoin MacLaren - Jan 95)
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells to chf, overall a
cross of Calatrava. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Gold Falcon May 89)
Arg, a cross erminy saltirewise Sa, surmounted by a cross erminy
Or fimbriated Sa. (B: Sylvanus Andere - Jun 73)
Arg, a cross potent betw 4 crosses couped Or. (D: Jerusalem Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, a dragon segreant Vt maintaining a Latin cross bottony Or. (D:
Minimoto Akataro - Oct 00)
Az, a bend chevronelly Or & Gu betw 2 crosses formy Or. (D:
Amelyn Dauncer - Feb 02)
Az, a bend sin wavy cotised Arg betw a cross fleury & an escallop
Or. (D: Gwendolen Elphinstone of Lands End - Jul 93)
Az, a Celtic cross Or sustained by a cubit arm issuant from dexter
base proper. (D: Honour Grenehart - Nov 93)
Az, a chev Arg, overall a Latin cross Or. (D: Thomas der
Kreuzfahrer - Jan 97)
Az, a chev ensigned with a Latin cross betw 3 annulets engrailed on
the outer edge Or. (D: Stephan of Churchton - Jan 05)
Az, a chev Gu fimbriated betw an arrow fesswise & a cross crosslet
fitchy Or. (D: Timothy McBride of Aran - Apr 95)
Az, a chev wavy betw 2 Celtic crosses & a thistle Or. (D:
Annabella Graham - May 01)
Az, a chev wavy Vt fimbriated betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Arg & a Latin
cross potent Or. (D: Thomas dOrleans - Nov 83)
Az, a cross cotised betw 4 crosses flory Or. (D: Krstna Mihaly Jan 05)
Az, a fess Arg betw 2 crosses gurgity Or. (D: Gwynneth
Sanquebarr - Oct 76?)
Az, a fess Gu fimbriated Or; in canton a cross-crosslet Or. (D:
Roderic of Basing - Aug 79)
Az, a fish hauriant vorant of a Latin cross, both Or. (D: Robert the
Pilgrim - Jan 73?)
Az, a nags head couped Arg, crined Sa, bridled Gu, betw 3 Maltese
crosses fitchy Or, within a bord vair. (D: Yani - Jan 73?)
Az, a owl striking to sin betw in cross 4 crosses couped Or. (D:
Francis de Chalfont - Dec 89)
Az, a pale betw 2 Maltese crosses Or. (D: Alfred of Chester Dec 82)
Az, a seawolf erect to sin betw 3 celtic crosses & a bord Or. (D:
adaoin n Fhaolin - May 91)
Az, a shakefork Arg betw 3 crosses bottony within an orle Or. (D:
Yolande Chastellain - Feb 97)
Az, a sun-wheel ensigning a curule chair Or. (D: Raymond the
Gruesome - Aug 77)
Az, a sword inv betw 2 Celtic crosses Or. (B: Gareth the Wanderer
- May 88)
Az, a tower Arg & in chf 3 crosses bottony within a bord embat Or.
(D: Robert de Rostok - Apr 94)
Az, a 2-headed lion ramp guardant to sin, in chf 3 crosses potent Or.
(D: Balian FitzGilbert - Jan 90)
Az, a unicorn salient contourny & in chf five crosses clechy Or. (D:
Sabrina Godolphin - Sep 06)
Az, a viol & in chf 3 crosses clechy Or. (D: Aimeric de Miraval Nov 05)
Az, a wolf passant regardant betw 3 crosses moline Or. (D: Svein
Njalsson - May 87)
Az, an antelope ramp betw in chf 2 crosses crosslet Or on a chf Arg
3 towers triple-towered Sa. (D: Joseph von Tyrol - Jun 95)
Az, an armored horses head couped Arg betw 3 crosses bottonny
fitchy Or. (D: Constanze van Leeuwarden - Jan 00)
Az, an eagle disp Or, beaked & membered Gu, maintaining in its
beak a Latin cross, betw in chf a sun & an increscent Or. (D:
Moldavia - Dec 03) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, an eagle disp Or, beaked & membered Gu, maintaining in its
beak a Latin cross fitchy Or & in its talons a sword & a sceptre
Arg, charged on the breast with an escutcheon quarterly 1.
Wallachia, 2. Moldavia, 3. Banat, 4. Transylvania, & on a
point pointed Az 2 dolphins urinant respectant Or. (D:
Rumania - Dec 03) (Important non-SCA arms)

[Cross - As charge - Secondary - Or]

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Or (continued)

Az, crusilly, a sycamore leaf & a chf nebuly Or. (D: Hokumori
Yoshiie - Oct 89)
Az, crusilly Latin Celtic flory Or, 2 winged lions sejant respectant
Arg. (D: Bryanna Marie Joyce Shannon - Sep 91)
Az crusilly moline, on a fess Or 3 annulets Az. (D: lfwyn t
Gyrwum - May 00)
Az, crusilly Or, a dove rising, wings disp, Arg, on a chf Or 3 roses
proper. (D: Donald Thomas Maxwell - Nov 88)
Az, crusilly Or, a hart at gaze within a double tressure Arg. (D:
Detlef von Marburg - Nov 90)
Az, crusilly Or, a lion & a lamb couchant respectant Arg & on a chf
Or 3 horned owls Az. (D: Gareth Tancred Wilfirth - Jun 85)
Az, crusilly patonce Or, a dove migrant bendwise sin Arg. (D:
Ceinwen merch Hugh - Sep 04)
Az crusily fitchy & 2 barbels haurient addorsed Or. (D: Bar,
Counts of - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, crusily Latin flory Or, a stork statant Arg. (B: Erika Segenlein Apr 84)
Az crusily Or, a standing seraph Arg haloed Or. (D: Christian
Darcy - Jul 07)
Az crusily (sometimes fitchy) & a covered chalice Or. (D: Galicia,
Kingdom of - Dec 94) (Sometimes there are only six
crosslets.)(Important non-SCA arms)
Az fretty & crusilly clechy Or. (D: Timotheos Vlastaris - Jul 97)
Az, on a bend Arg betw an estoile & a tau cross Or, a fleur-de-lys
Az. (D: Juliet Emeric - Dec 80)
Az, on a bend betw a sword Arg & a Latin cross Or a hound ramp
Sa. (D: Alain de La Rochelle - Sep 96)
Az, on a bend betw 2 crosses fleury Or 3 roses proper. (B: Fiachra
ni Ciardhubhin - May 96)
Az, on a bend cotised betw a sun in his splendor & 2 crosses
crosslet fitchy Or 3 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Isabeau de Mont
Saint Michel - Oct 95)
Az, on a bend sin Arg betw 2 crosses bottony Or 3 annulets Az. (D:
Nikolaos Demetriou ho Toxotes - Apr 91)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 Latin crosses clechy Or 3 musical notes
palewise Sa. (D: Lisette Cantalamesse - May 98)
Az, on a bend sin cotissed Or an increscent Sa, & in canton a
passion cross, ends formee, Or. (D: Aubrey von Stuffle Aug 79)
Az, on a bend sin engrailed Sa, fimbriated, betw a spiral hunting
horn & a cross crosslet Or, a sword inv proper. (D: Malcolm
Alberic - Jan 83)
Az, on a cross wavy Arg betw in chf 2 crosses crosslet Or five
fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Juliana Angelique dAvelaine - Aug 00)
Az, on a fess betw 4 crosses paty, 3 & one, Or, 2 more Az. (D:
Katrina Krger von Brandenburg - Jan 86)
Az, on a fess betw 3 Celtic crosses Or, a castle Az. (D: Owain ap
Rhys - Sep 96)
Az, on a pale Arg betw in chf 2 crosses couped Or, in pale a sealion,
erect & sin facing, Sa & a cross couped Az. (D: Demetrius
Sethero Eleom Potamo - Apr 88)
Az, on a pale Arg betw 2 celtic crosses Or, a wyvern maintaining a
claymore Gu. (D: Caoimhn Mac Rae - Aug 91)
Az, on a pile wavy betw in base 2 sets of 4 pheons conjoined in
cross, barbs to center, Or, a praying mantis tergiant Vt. (D:
Tiphanie dAquitaine - Nov 89)
Az, on a plate betw 3 crosses moline Or, a hawks head erased Sa, a
chf indented Arg. (D: Stephen Greyhawkes - Jun 89)
Az, 3 bendlets abased & in sin chf a cross fleury Or pierced Gu. (D:
Olwen ferch Cadfael - Jul 96)
Az, 2 pallets Arg, overall a Latin cross fleury & on a chf Or 2
garden roses Gu, slipped & leaved, stems crossed in salt, Sa.
(D: Teresa Chavez de Gascogne - Feb 86)
Az, 2 wolves combattant Arg maintaining a cross potent Or, a bord
embat Arg. (D: Leofsunu lfstanes sunu - Mar 05)
Az, upon a chev Sa fimbriated betw 2 garbs & a cross crosslet Or, 2
lions combattant Arg. (D: Aladric of Litchfield - Feb 82)
Counter vairy Sa & Arg, a monkey ramp regardant Vt & in chf a
cross crosslet fitchy Or. (D: Klaus von Eisenstein - Mar 04)
Gu, a bend counter-compony Az & Arg, betw a boars head couped
Or, armed & langued Arg, & a cross crosslet fitchy Or. (D:
Kevin of Lancaster - Aug 79?)
Gu, a bend sin cotised betw 2 crosses moline Or. (D: Alfretha of
Letheringsete - Mar 94)

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Or (continued)

Gu, a bend sin Sa fimbriated betw a sea-lion & a cross bottony Or.
(D: Alric Morgannwg - Apr 06)
Gu, a coney ramp contourny Arg & in chf 3 tau crosses Or. (D:
Gwynnedd or Dyffryn - Feb 07)
Gu, a cross betw 4 bezants each betw 4 crosses couped Or &
charged with another throughout Gu. (D: Constantinople,
Latin Empire of - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, a cross flory gyronny Sa & Or betw 4 crosses formy, on a chf
Or, 3 eagles heads erased Sa. (D: Kurt Michael Meyer
Wittman von Altenstein - Dec 87)
Gu, a fess betw six crosses crosslet Or. (D: Beauchamp - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, a fess checky Sa & Or, in chf 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Or. (D:
Alfred Wiles of Hereford - Apr 99)
Gu, a griffin segreant ermine maintaining in its dexter foreclaw a
cross of 4 lozenges Or. (D: Morgan ap Siarl - Aug 86)
Gu, a Paschal lamb passant proper betw 3 crosses crosslet Or. (D:
Karl Skarpi - Dec 04)
Gu, a rose betw 2 crosses flory & a mount issuant from base, all Or.
(D: Drusilla of Montrose - Feb 90)
Gu, a salt counter-ermine betw in pale a Celtic cross formy & a cup
inv bendwise Or. (D: Michael of Moria - Mar 08)
Gu, a staff bendwise sin betw a Celtic cross & an Irish harp, all Or.
(D: Thaddeus the Wandering Friar - May 85)
Gu, a unicorn couchant Arg, crined, & in chf 2 crosses moline Or.
(D: Gweneth of the Grey Dawn - Feb 84)
Gu, an antelope salient erminois betw in bend sin 2 crosses pommy
Or. (D: Edana Aldys Haukyns - May 85)
Gu, an arrow bendwise Or betw 2 bendlets Arg, betw in chf a tower
& in base a cross couped Or. (D: Julian Edward Farnsworth
of Falconmoors - Jul 86)
Gu crusilly Or, a Maltese cross & on a chf Arg 3 falcons belled &
jessed Sa. (D: Morien MacBain - May 02)
Gu crusily, a stag lodged Or, & a chf doubly enarched ermine. (D:
Daniel Eyesham of Tweed - Dec 84)
Gu crusily couped, a cross betw crosses couped each within an
annulet Or. (D: Constantinople, Latin Empire of - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, fretty Arg, a cross patonce Or within a bord Arg. (D: Caitlin
Davies - Oct 91)
Gu, on a bend betw six crosses Lorraine Or, a bow Vt. (D: Jadwiga
de Palanga - Oct 99)
Gu, on a bend sin betw a Latin cross bottony & a standing balance
Or, 4 decrescents palewise Gu, all within a bord embat Or. (D:
Doireann Fearghus Roberston - Jul 91)
Gu, on a chev Arg betw 3 Celtic crosses Or 3 escallops Sa. (D:
Cerfael Carreg of Aberdaron - Mar 02)
Gu, on a chev betw 2 Latin crosses bottony & a demi-sun issuant
from base Or, a chev Sa. (D: Amaranth Wolfsbane - Sep 96)
Gu, on a cross Or a cross Sa, in dexter chf a cross formy Or. (D:
Wulfgar von Regensburg - Jan 01)
Gu, on a lozenge Arg betw 4 Maltese crosses Or a falcon rising
wings addorsed Sa. (D: Rycharde de Bruce the Fowler Nov 99)
Gu, on a pale fitchy at the foot throughout betw in chf 2 crosses
patonce Or, a sword inv Sa. (D: Sesaidh mac Sesaidh Aug 84)
Gu, 3 bendlets enhanced Or crusilly palewise Gu & a cross crosslet
Or. (D: Basilia Kalamane - Jul 05)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, a lion ramp guardant Purp maintaining a cross
bottony, within an orle of chain Or. (D: Edmund of Hertford Sep 96)
Paly Sa & Arg, on a bend betw 2 Maltese crosses Or, a wolfs head
erased Gu. (D: Gaston Yvain De Dinan - Nov 98)
Pean, a phoenix Gu issuant from flames proper, overall a Celtic
cross Or. (D: Richard Wanderer - Nov 82)
Per bend Arg & Az, 2 bendlets ctrch, in sin chf a rose Gu, barbed &
seeded, slipped & leaved proper, & in dexter base 3 crosses
fleury Or. (D: Kirsten von dem Wald - Oct 79)
Per bend Arg & Gu crusily crosslet fitchy Or, on a bend Vt 3 snowy
owls guardant Arg & in sin chf a dragon ramp Gu. (D:
Gwyneth merch Megan - Nov 82)
Per bend Or & Gu, crusilly patoncy Or, in sin chf a demi-lion Sa,
collared Or. (D: Geoffrey of Coldingham - Nov 89)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a bend ctrch, in chf a Celtic cross Or. (D: Brian
O Riain - Jan 87)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 583

[Cross - As charge - Secondary - Or]

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Or (continued)

Per bend Sa & Az, a bend ermine betw 3 crosses bottony & 3
manatees naiant fesswise, a bord Or. (D: Caitlin Greyhawkes Aug 90)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a bend sin bevilled betw a cross crosslet & a
harp Or. (D: Sheelah Lockhart - Aug 85)
Per bend sin Purp & Sa, on a bend sin wavy betw 2 ankhs Or, 3
roses Gu. (D: Alethea la Sage - Nov 91)
Per bend sin Purp crusilly botonny & Or, an open book Or &
another Purp. (D: Mariana Constantina Bonamici - Oct 91)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a fox ramp to sin Gu maintaining a staff
topped with a cross clechy Or within a bord semy of crosses
clechy ctrch. (D: Renard Delacroix - Feb 06)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, a bend sin betw a cross clechy & a quill pen
bendwise sin ctrch. (D: Jemila del Lirio - Nov 91)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, a bend sin enarched Arg betw a cross of
Cleves & a shamrock ctrch. (D: Kathelyne de Leycester Oct 01)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a bend embat counter-embat Arg betw a Celtic
cross Or & a decrescent Arg. (D: Bran Mac Murchada Feb 92)
Per chev Az & Gu, a chev embat betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Arg & a cross
fleury Or. (D: Derrick von Mnchen - Dec 90)
Per chev Az crusilly Or, & Arg, in base a fleam Gu. (D: Jeanne
dAussay - Feb 86)
Per chev checky Vt & Or & Vt, a chev Arg & in base a cross potent
Or. (D: Mathias Haubrich - Jul 06)
Per chev embat Gu & Az, 2 horse heads couped & a heart ensigned
with a cross Or. (D: Ailionra inghean u Echmarchaigh Feb 00)
Per chev Gu & Sa, an eagle betw 3 crosses formy Or. (D: Dietrich
Karl von Andernach - Apr 02)
Per chev Gu & Vt, a chev & in base a Latin cross parted & fretted
Or. (D: Andrew of Cork - Dec 94)
Per chev inv Az & counter-ermine, a chev inv Or betw an iris Arg
& a cross crosslet Or. (D: Isabeau de Briquesart - Jan 85)
Per chev inv dovetailed Sa mullety Or & Gu, in chf a crescent & in
base 3 equal-armed celtic crosses pommety Or. (D:
Chrystiana Saint Ebremond - May 95)
Per chev Purp & Vt, a chev cotised betw 3 crosses of Jerusalem Or.
(D: Geoffrey of Wroxeter - Nov 00)
Per chev Purp & Vt, a chev embat betw 3 crosses flory Or. (D:
Catlin Leurona Sewell - Oct 01)
Per chev Purp & Vt, a pall inv ermine betw 2 equal-armed Celtic
crosses & a hound statant Or. (D: Colleen inghean Phattraicc
- Apr 02)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev rompu Arg betw 2 crosses pommetty & a
winged lion-dragon erect Or. (D: Kieran Forrestier - Oct 89)
Per chev Sa & Gu, a chev embat betw in sin chf a Latin cross Or &
in base a boar statant Arg. (D: Quentin le Boor - Mar 91)
Per chev Sa & Or, a chev embat ctrch & in dexter chf a crux ansata
Or. (D: Agravaine the Hunter - Aug 90)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a chev engrailed betw 2 Celtic crosses & a castle
Or. (D: Alianora of Aberdeen - Mar 85)
Per chev Sa semy of crosses moline Or & Or, in base a hinds head
erased Sa. (D: Molli Rose Kekilpenny - Apr 99)
Per fess Arg & Gu, on a double-headed eagle Sa nimbed
maintaining a sword & a Latin cross elongated to base, a cross
formy Or. (D: Beatrix von Kln - Apr 03)
Per fess Az & Arg, a fess wavy Vt betw in chf 3 equal-armed Celtic
crosses Or & in base a natural fountain Az. (D: Caoimhghin
ODalaigh - Jul 86)
Per fess Az & Purp, a fess Arg betw a mullet & a cross crosslet Or.
(B: Astra Christiana Benedict - Mar 83)
Per fess Gu & Sa, in pale a bear couchant & a cross couped
surmounted by a salt couped, all Or. (D: Tyrvar Hornblsari Aug 90)
Per fess Gu & Vt, on a fess rayonny Or 2 boars heads erased
respectant Sa, in base a cross formy Or charged with a cross
pointed Vt. (D: Kendrik Boise - Jun 91)
Per fess indented Az & Gu, a dance Arg betw a Latin cross fleury &
a pilgrims purse Or. (D: Jarucha Delamare - Oct 05)
Per fess indented Or & Sa, a fess dancetty betw a decrescent & a
cross of Jerusalem ctrch. (D: Stephen Augustin of the South
Downs - Sep 92)
Per fess Sa & Gu, a lions head erased betw 3 crosses formy Or. (D:
Edward of Lyonsmoor - Nov 94)
584 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Or (continued)

Per pale Az & Gu all crusilly fitchy, a dragon segreant Or. (D:
Peredur ap Tristan - Jan 93)
Per pale Az & Vt, a 2-headed bear Arg, statant erect affronty &
brandishing in either forepaw a scimitar Or, all betw in base 2
Latin crosses Or. (D: Tokokan of the Cumans - Jun 91)
Per pale chevronny Az & Arg ctrch, a lion passant guardant Gu
betw 3 crosses bottony Or. (D: Duncan of Long Drax Mar 98)
Per pale Gu & Az, a double-bitted axe betw in fess 2 Maltese
crosses Or. (D: Karl Olafsson - Mar 84)
Per pale Gu & Az, a winged wolf passant Arg betw 3 Latin crosses
Or. (D: Ragnall mac Amlab meic Thuathail - Sep 02)
Per pale Gu & Vt, a monster composed of the forepart of a raven &
the hindquarters of a rat disp Arg, in chf 3 Maltese crosses in
fess Or. (B: Meave de Clare - Feb 00) (For House
Per pale Sa & Az, 2 chevronels betw 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Or.
(D: Christian Darmody - Aug 89)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a domestic cat ramp guardant, in chf 2 Norse sun
crosses Or. (D: strr Hlfdanardttir - Aug 05)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a dragon dormant betw 2 bars betw 3 crosses
crosslet Or. (D: Tibors de Belmeis - Mar 84)
Per pale Sa & Or, a winged lion passant Gu, haloed & maintaining
in its dexter forepaw a long cross moline Or. (D: Edward of
Effingham - May 92)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a cup Arg & in chf 2 crosses hummetty Or. (D:
Robert Gladwin of Atholl - Aug 79?)
Per salt Or & Vt semy of patriarchal crosses Or, 2 kraken Vt. (D:
Mikhail Nikolaevich Kramolnikov - Jul 01)
Per salt Or & Vt semy of patriarchal crosses Or, 2 kraken Vt & for
augmentation, on an escutcheon overall Purp a cross of
Calatrava Or within a bord ermine. (Augmentation of Arms:
Mikhail Nikolaevich Kramolnikov - Apr 07)
Per salt Vt & Sa, a winged lion ramp betw 3 crosses patonce Or. (D:
Leonora Isabella Nicollini - Mar 91)
Purp, a bend Arg betw 2 crosses couped Or within a bord Arg. (D:
Robert of Worcester - Aug 03)
Purp, a chev Arg betw 2 Celtic crosses & a sun in splendor Or. (D:
Marie of Mere - Apr 05)
Purp, a chev cotised Arg betw 2 fasces, blades to sin, & a Latin
cross pometty Or. (D: Pawel of Gdansk - Nov 88)
Purp, a chev embat betw 2 crosses crosslet fitchy & a lions head
erased affronty Or. (D: Sorcha inghean u Mhaolin - Jul 01)
Purp, a horse ramp to sin Arg betw 3 crosses of Calatrava Or. (B:
Calontir - Apr 90) (For the Equestrian Guild of Calontir)
Purp, a lion ramp & in chf 3 crosses formy one & 2, a bord Or. (D:
Ludwig von Strassburg - Oct 98)
Purp, a lizard tergiant & in chf 3 Celtic crosses Or. (D: Mikhaila
von Dhaun - Nov 05)
Purp, a pall wavy betw 3 crosses of Toulouse Or. (D: Dominica
Bella Serafina Trioni - Feb 08)
Purp, a salt Vt, fimbriated, betw 4 equal-armed Celtic crosses Or.
(D: Ardgal ap Morgan OBrollachain - Dec 86)
Purp, a seahorse erect reguardant Arg & in chf 2 crosses pointed,
voided & interlaced Or. (D: Kiera Lann Haden - Oct 88)
Purp, a stags head cabossed, betw the antlers an equal-armed Celtic
cross Or. (D: Mathghamhain Mac Diarmada - Jun 93)
Purp, a tower Arg betw 3 equal-armed Celtic crosses Or. (D:
Kieran Chonnacht - Dec 91)
Purp, crusilly couped, a camel statant Or. (D: Nasir al-Tawil Sep 93)
Purp crusily Latin, a Bourchier knot, a bord Or. (D: Arwyn of
Leicester - Jul 07)
Purp, on a pale Sa fimbriated betw 2 Bowen crosses 4 Bowen
crosses Or. (D: Katharine de Mirabeau - Apr 04)
Purp, 3 chevronels braced & in chf a cross bottony, on a bord Or an
orle Az. (D: Arabella de Montacute - May 00)
Quarterly Gu & Sa all crusilly fitchy Or, a badger ramp Arg marked
Sa. (D: Jost der Luk - Jun 08)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a griffin segreant coward maintaining in its
dexter talon a Celtic cross & in its sin talon a sword inv Or.
(D: Degary Golafre of Pembroke - Jul 00)
Quarterly Sa & Vt, a heart betw in bend 2 vols & in bend sin 2
Celtic crosses Or. (D: Fiona of Vogelburg - Sep 03)
Sa, a bend bretessed betw 2 crosses crosslet fitchy Or. (D: Otto von
Gratz - Mar 95)

[Cross - As charge - Secondary - Or] to [Cross - As charge - Secondary - Purpure]

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Or (continued)

Sa, a bend cotised Arg surmounted by a wolfs head erased Gu, in

sin chf a cross potent Or. (D: Lothar von Wlfing - May 83)
Sa, a bend sin Gu fimbriated Arg overall a Latin cross fleury Or.
(D: Thomas de Carisbourg - Nov 02)
Sa, a chev betw 2 equal armed Celtic crosses & a tower, a bord Or.
(D: Taliesin Galloglach - Sep 93)
Sa, a chev Gu fimbriated Arg, overall a cross crosslet fitchy Or. (D:
Gabriel Talon - Oct 96)
Sa, a chev nebuly on the upper edge betw 2 unicorns heads erased
contourny & a cross crosslet fitchy Or. (D: Cynric t
Cingesbricge - Jun 95)
Sa, a cross Arg betw in bend a lion passant & a cross crosslet fitchy
Or. (D: Allen van Ore - Nov 73?)
Sa, a fess Arg betw a Latin cross bottony & a catamount couchant
Or. (D: Maire inghean ui Dheorain - Dec 98)
Sa, a fess embat betw 3 crosses bottony Or. (D: Olaf Wulfbrandt Jun 04)
Sa, a lion ramp to sin reguardant betw in bend 2 crosses potent
palewise, all within a bord embat Or. (D: Trey of Bedford Apr 82)
Sa, a pale erminois, betw 2 Celtic crosses Or. (D: Alastrina
McKeary - May 92)
Sa, a rainbow proper betw in chf 2 crosses crosslet fitchy & in base
a rose slipped & leaved Or. (D: Laurel Venustas di Firenze May 86)
Sa, a retort atop an athanor, in sin chf a cross moline, a bord Or. (D:
Luu Naran - Sep 95)
Sa, a Roman capital letter B betw 3 crosses botonny Or. (D:
Maridonna Benvenuti - Feb 03)
Sa, a thistle, slipped & leaved, betw in fess 2 equal-armed Celtic
crosses potent Or. (B: Uilleam MacUilleam of Gairloch Nov 89)
Sa, a wolf ramp Arg brandishing 2 swords betw 3 Celtic crosses Or,
a bord Arg. (D: Bran Cuilean mac Muirchiu ua Nill Nov 92)
Sa, a wyvern erect & in chf 2 Maltese crosses, a bord Or. (D:
Steffen Kerke van Lubeck - Nov 05)
Sa, an eagle betw 3 Latin crosses within a bord Or. (D: Drogo of
Caid - Dec 05)
Sa, an orle crusilly fitchy counter-crusilly fitchy Or. (D: Nicole
Sinclair - Mar 89)
Sa crusilly couped, on a bend Or a dog courant Sa. (D: Douglas
Henry - Nov 04)
Sa crusily fitchy Or, a serpent glissant palewise Arg & a chf embat
Or. (D: Balaan Espie - Jul 97)
Sa crusily Maltese, on a lozenge Or a Maltese cross Az. (D: Conor
Ceallaigh - Aug 00)
Sa crusily Or, a wyvern erect Arg. (D: Fearghus Cochrane Nov 04)
Sa, on a bend cotised betw 2 Celtic crosses Or, 3 shamrocks
palewise Vt. (D: Roghnach n Dhomhnaill - Aug 98)
Sa, on a bend sin engrailed betw 2 crosses of 4 lozenges Or a scarpe
Gu. (D: Lazaros Tagaris - Jan 05)
Sa, on a bend sin Gu, fimbriated, betw 2 crosses of Lorraine, a
fleur-de-lys palewise Or. (D: Philippe Gaspard de
Charbonneau - Jul 91)
Sa, on a triangle throughout betw 3 crosses couped Or, a tree
proper. (D: Morgan of the Gray Mists - Nov 86)
Sa, 3 chevronels braced & in chf a demi-wyvern betw 2 crosses of 4
fusils Or. (D: Morgana ferch Morgan - Feb 83)
Sa, 2 rapiers in salt Arg betw 3 Celtic crosses Or. (D: lfwine se
Pyttel - Jul 04)
Vt, a bend Sa fimbriated betw 2 crosses of Jerusalem Or. (D: Anne
Elizabeth - Feb 95)
Vt, a bend sin Arg, overall a cross bottony Or. (D: Lachlan Mac an
Toisich of Benchar - Nov 04)
Vt, a bend sin bretessed Arg betw a Celtic cross Or & a moon in her
plenitude Arg. (D: Caitrin Craig of Killarney - Sep 97)
Vt, a chev counter-compony Or & Sa betw a cross flory Or & a
leopard passant guardant Or spotted Sa. (D: Isabella Marjorie
DArques - Aug 97)
Vt, a chev ermine betw 3 crosses flory Or. (D: Faoln na Cairrce
mac Odhrin - Aug 04)
Vt, a chev fracted & in chf 3 crosses flory Or. (D: Jos Felipe
Sastre de Madrid - Mar 02)

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Or (continued)

Vt, a chev inv Arg betw a Celtic cross & a tree eradicated Or. (D:
Robert Robertson - Oct 03)
Vt, a chev rompu Arg betw 2 Celtic crosses & a brazier Or. (D: Sile
Linet OLoughlin - Jan 97)
Vt, a chev rompu betw 3 crosses formy in fess & a bicorporate lion
Or. (D: Richard Gilchrest - May 86)
Vt, a chevronel betw in pale 3 bezants 2 & one & a cross formy, all
within a bord Or. (D: Eofric of Soest - Dec 81)
Vt, a fess bretessee counter-ermine, overall a cross of St. Anthony
Or. (D: Jacinth of the Lions Gate - Jun 79?)
Vt, a horse passant contourny betw 3 crosses flory Or. (D: Tamiras
Nomadikos - Nov 04)
Vt, a natural demi-tiger couped contourny Arg marked Sa
maintaining an arrow bendwise & in chf 3 crosses formy Or.
(D: Genevote Villeneuve de la Flche - Aug 02)
Vt, a pale barry wavy Arg & Az, overall an equal-armed Celtic
cross Or. (D: Dafydd ap Owain ap Cadell Caer yn Arfon Oct 94)
Vt, a pall Arg betw a shamrock & 2 Celtic crosses Or. (D: Benedict
Finnian OBryan - Dec 82)
Vt, a pall inv betw 2 crosses of Cleves Or & a sword proper. (D:
Geoffrey dAyr of Montalban - Jan 76?)
Vt, a portative organ betw 3 Latin crosses Or. (D: Emma of
Abingdon - Oct 99)
Vt, a yale ramp Arg, armed & in chf 3 cross crosslets fitchy Or. (D:
Richard de Stanford - Oct 94)
Vt, an Egyptian phoenix counter-statant proper betw 3 ankhs Or.
(B: Yrj Kirjawiisas - May 80) (For Shu Gerh)
Vt, an oak tree couped betw 3 crosses couped, all within a bord
invected Or. (D: Jonkyn the Carver - Feb 94)
Vt crusily Latin Or, a hare sejant erect playing a straight trumpet
Arg. (D: Christopher Hare - Oct 97)
Vt, in chf 3 garbs of wheat, one & 2, Or & in base issuant from &
betw the attire of a stags head caboshed proper a Latin cross,
all within a bord Or. (D: Xena Baxter Wynthorpe - Oct 81)
Vt, on a bend betw 2 Russian Orthodox crosses reversed Or 2
cartwheels conjoined by an axle Sa. (D: Anya Mstislavlyaya Mar 00)
Vt, on a bend betw 2 straight-armed St. Brigids crosses Or, a laurel
wreath Vt. (D: St. Brigid - Apr 83)
Vt, on a bend sin Sa fimbriated Arg betw 2 crosses formy, a cross
formy palewise Or. (D: Ceawlin Silvertongue - Jun 98)
Vt, on a chev betw 3 crosses formy Or, 3 harps Purp. (D: Richenda
de Saint Clair - Aug 98)
Vt, on a fess Sa fimbriated betw an Irish Wolfhound couchant & a
Celtic cross, 3 mullets of six points irradiated Or. (D: Sen
Mrin - Nov 96)
Vt, on a lozenge betw 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Or an oak leaf Vt.
(D: Robin of Twyford - Apr 04)
Vt, 3 bezants in fess betw a cross couped & a base embat Or. (D:
Marco Massimi - May 86)
Vt, 2 bars wavy Arg betw 3 crosses of St. Brigid & a harp Or. (D:
Kathleen MacCarthy - Apr 98)
* * * End * * *

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Purpure

(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells to chf, overall a

cross of Calatrava. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Gold Falcon May 89)
Arg, a bend enarched Vt betw a cross flory & an iris bendwise Purp,
slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Elise Delacroix - Aug 98)
Arg, a bunch of grapes, slipped & leaved proper, within an orle of
crosses crosslet Purp. (B: Hokumori Yoshiie - Oct 89)
Arg, a chev rompu betw 3 crosses crosslet Purp. (D: Andrew
Silverhill - Feb 87)
Arg, a dragon passant betw five crosses 4 & one Purp. (D: Servita
Zola - Nov 02)
Arg, a longbow drawn with arrow nocked Sa betw 3 Celtic crosses
Purp. (D: Muireann Caitln ny Phelan - Mar 93)
Arg crusily fitchy Purp, a dragon segreant Gu, a bord embat Purp.
(D: Stephan Coeur de Dragon - Jul 01)
Arg, on a cross cotised Gu betw 4 crosses of 4 lozenges Purp a
sword inv proper. (D: Gerald of York - Nov 01)
Or, a delf voided Gu, surmounted by a cross formy voided, the ends
bretassed of 3 merlons Purp. (B: Geirr Ragnarsson - Jan 87)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 585

[Cross - As charge - Secondary - Purpure] to [Cross - As charge - Secondary - Sable]

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Purpure (continued)

Or, crusilly, in fess 2 lions ramp to sin Purp. (D: Michel le Jeune Apr 89)
Or crusilly Purp, a cock rising wings addorsed Sa. (D: Mol Rain
mac Sein - Jun 05)
Or, on a fess betw 3 Maltese crosses Purp a fox courant Or. (D:
Juliana Foxcroft - Sep 02)
Per bend Purp & Or, a bend pean betw a lion couchant & a cross
flory ctrch. (D: Angelique Marielle DuBois - Aug 92)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg crusily Purp, a spider Arg. (D: Elizabeth of
Rae Fen - Dec 07)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a long cross throughout Gu betw in bend 2
crosses of Cerdana Purp. (D: Vavirenc Vlasok - Jun 85)
* * * End * * *

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Sable

(Fieldless) A demi-lion couchant to sin Or maintaining an equalarmed Celtic cross Sa. (B: Mille ingen Bhrain Cadal Apr 01) (For Brenna dei Leoni la poetessa)
(Fieldless) A natural panthers face Arg enflamed proper, jessant of
a cross crosslet fitchy Sa. (B: Dulcinea Margarita Teresa
Velzquez de Ribera - Mar 07) (For House of the Cross and
(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells to chf, overall a
cross of Calatrava. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Gold Falcon May 89)
Arg, a bend per bend wavy Sa & Gu betw 2 crosses moline Sa, all
within a bord per bend wavy Sa & Gu. (D: Arlin
Throckmorton - Mar 85)
Arg, a bend sin Az overall a equal-armed Celtic cross Sa. (D:
Caelan ap Llwyd - Oct 95)
Arg, a bend sin betw 2 crosses crosslet fitchy Sa. (D: Melchior
Erasmi von Frankfurt - Jun 97)
Arg, a bend sin embat betw a cross crosslet & a decrescent Sa. (D:
Wolfgang van Zanten - May 06)
Arg, a bend sin Gu betw a lion & a cross potent Sa. (D: Wion
Neilson - Dec 04)
Arg, a bend sin Sa cotised Gu betw a pine tree couped proper & a
cross couped Sa. (D: Sigismund von Kiefertal - Jan 91)
Arg, a bendlet wavy Gu betw 2 bendlets wavy Az & in sin chf a
cross forme Sa. (D: Thomas von Holtzhausen - Aug 83)
Arg, a boar passant Az betw 3 crosses crosslet Sa. (D: Mark O
Crowly - Apr 05)
Arg, a cat sejant betw in pale 2 Norse sun-crosses, a sin tierce
raguly Sa. (D: Thora Wolframsdochter - Feb 98)
Arg, a chev betw 2 Maltese crosses & an axe Sa. (D: Bjarki
Magnsson - Apr 02)
Arg, a chev cotised Az betw 2 crosses crosslet fitchy & a cross
crosslet fitchy inv Sa, all within a bord Az. (D: Berengaria de
Chinon - Feb 89)
Arg, a chev engrailed Gu betw 2 crosses formy & a scorpion inv Sa.
(D: Eric Stroud - Sep 97)
Arg, a chev Gu betw 2 crosses crosslet fitchy & in pile 3 tilers nails
points conjoined all within a bord embat Sa. (D: Padruig
Maclennan - Oct 91)
Arg, a chev Or fimbriated betw 4 crosses bottony 3 & one Sa, a
bord Gu. (D: Magdalena Eskilsdotter - Feb 98)
Arg, a chev Purp betw 2 crosses formy & a reremouse Sa. (D:
Fathir von Trier - Apr 03)
Arg, a corbie & in sin canton a cross of Lorraine Sa. (D: Jules de la
Croix - Nov 03)
Arg, a cross bretessed Vt betw in bend 2 crosses Sa. (D: Osric atte
Bek - Nov 96)
Arg, a dragon sejant Gu holding in dexter a pen Sa, in dexter chf a
tower Az masoned Sa, in sin chf a stags head cabossed proper
& in base a cross patty Sa. (D: Alexander Rothdraca Aug 79?)
Arg, a fess counter-compony Or & Az betw 2 crosses formy & a
lozenge Sa. (D: Margit von Kreuznach - Dec 05)
Arg, a pall Az betw 3 crosses flory fitchy Sa. (D: Brccn mac
Gille Crst - Oct 03)
Arg, a pall betw a cross of Jerusalem Sa & 2 towers Gu. (D:
Gwenllian de Castell Coch - Jun 02)
Arg, a pall inv Purp betw 2 compass stars Gu & a Latin cross
bottony Sa. (D: Reviaka Rostovskoi - Jan 02)

586 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Sable (continued)

Arg, a pile bendwise throughout Gu betw a cross formy fitched at

the foot & a hawks head erased Sa. (D: Alfred Jenson of Mo Jun 87)
Arg, a raven & in chf 2 Celtic crosses Sa all within a bord Az. (D:
Thomas of Ravenglass - Jun 91)
Arg, a raven Sa maintaining in its claws a fetterlock Gu & in chf 2
crosslets potent Sa. (D: Miles Ravenslock dArcy - Feb 87)
Arg, a sea-lion Purp maintaining a cross bottony fitchy Sa betw 3
roses Purp. (D: Sofya Ioannovna Starokievskaya - May 92)
Arg, a sea-wolf ululant Gu betw 3 crosses formy fitchy all within a
bord Sa. (D: Wulfric Gylir - Mar 96)
Arg, a winged sea-lion erect to sin Gu, grasping a tau cross
bendwise sin Sa, distilling 3 gouttes de sang. (D: Padraic
Finbar OLeary - Feb 87)
Arg, a yale ramp to sin reguardant Gu, ermined Or, its tail entwined
in dexter chf about a cross crosslet fitchy Sa. (D: Turold of
Normandy - Nov 82)
Arg crusilly, an eagle rising to sin, wings addorsed, grasping in its
talons a staff Sa, a chf invected Gu. (D: Louis Lattimore Jun 91)
Arg crusilly formy Latin, a bulls head cabossed & a bord embat Sa.
(D: Torsten von den Schwartzenbullen - Sep 92)
Arg crusilly Sa, a bend Gu. (D: Genevieve la flechiere de Duram Sep 03)
Arg crusilly Sa, a dragon salient maintaining a bow Gu. (D:
Michael Addaf de Lessay - Oct 01)
Arg, on a bend betw 2 crosses potent Sa a bear ramp palewise Or.
(D: Heinrich Brummelbar - Nov 02)
Arg, on a bend enarched Gu betw 2 crosses formy Sa 3 standing
balances bendwise sin Or. (D: Helmut Kruger - Jul 00)
Arg, on a bend enarched Gu betw 2 crosses formy Sa 3 standing
balances bendwise sin Or. (B: Helmut Kruger - Jan 08)
Arg, on a bend sin Gu betw a tower & a cross pattonce Sa 2 lions
counter-passant guardant Arg. (D: Christoph Lowentrm von
Mark - Feb 81)
Arg, on a chev Arg fimbriated Vt betw 3 Celtic crosses fitchy Sa 3
apples Vt. (D: Malcolm of Applecross - Oct 99)
Arg, on a chev Az betw 3 crosses of 4 ermine spots Sa, 3
arrowheads inv palewise Or. (D: Roger Aylward Bagley Mar 97)
Arg, on a pile engrailed Az betw 2 crosses fleury Sa a fleur-de-lys
Or. (D: Christopher Rawlyns - Oct 91)
Arg, on a pile throughout betw 2 Maltese crosses Sa, a horse salient
Arg. (D: Conchobhar mac an Druaidh - Apr 07)
Arg semy of Celtic crosses Sa, a unicorns head erased Gu. (D:
Saraid of Donegal - Oct 97)
Arg semy of patriarchal crosses Sa, on a pile inv wavy Gu a natural
tiger passant reguardant Arg striped Sa, a bord ctrch Gu & Arg
semy of patriarchal crosses Sa. (D: Tatiana Nikonovna
Besprozvannyja - Dec 07)
Arg, 2 bendlets Az betw a unicorns head couped at the shoulder &
a cross couped Sa, all within a bord Az. (D: Mungo of the
Rock - Jun 90)
Arg, 2 chevronels betw 2 Celtic crosses & an eagle disp, head
facing sin, Sa. (D: lric Ravenshaw - Jan 97)
Gu, a bend sin Or, overall a Latin cross Sa. (D: Hermann Otto
Koehlermann - Jan 73?) (Deceased)
Gu, a cross ermine betw in chf 2 cross-crosslets fitchy Sa,
fimbriated Arg, overall a knobbed morgensterns head Or. (D:
DaLaorn Malon Fuegoh - Apr 81)
Or, a bend embat betw in sin chf a cross botonny & in dexter base 3
of the same, one & 2, all Sa. (D: Bernard the Brown Aug 79?)
Or, a bend sin betw a winged lion passant Gu & Celtic cross Sa. (D:
Geoffrey FitzAlain - May 83)
Or, a chev Az, in dexter chf a cross formy, a bord Sa. (D: Konrad
der Ruhige Br - Oct 91)
Or, a chev Az, in dexter chf a cross formy, a bord Sa, & for
difference a label couped Az. (D: Augustus der Ruhige Br Sep 96)
Or, a chev rompu Gu betw 2 crosses crosslet & a fleam Sa. (D:
Katherine de Shortall - Apr 90)
Or, a chev voided Gu betw 2 card-piques & a crux ansata, all Sa.
(D: Hugh ap Llewelyn - Feb 71?) (Deceased)
Or, a chevronel inv & a palet Gu betw 4 Celtic crosses each charged
with a salt couped Sa. (D: Ivan Stilanovich - Aug 79?)

[Cross - As charge - Secondary - Sable] to [Cross - As charge - Secondary - Vert]

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Sable (continued)

Or, a cross crosslet fitchy Sa betw a chev & a bar chequy Arg & Sa.
(D: Timothy of Edessa - Apr 89)
Or, a curragh proper sailed & tillered Gu, in chf 2 celtic crosses Sa.
(D: Ciaran Cluana Ferta - Feb 94)
Or, a dragon sejant to sin wings disp Az, maintaining in base with
its tail a Latin cross botonny Sa, a chf embat checky Sa & Arg.
(D: Mordeyrn Tremayne - Aug 98)
Or, a grenade Sa enflamed Gu betw 3 Celtic crosses Sa, a bord
dovetailed Gu. (D: Beartlaoi mac Mathghamhna - Apr 01)
Or, a pall inv cotised betw 3 crosses crosslet Sa. (D: Bohdan
Nepran - Sep 88)
Or, a pall Vt betw a cross of Lorraine inv Sa & 2 palets couped
pointed in chf Gu. (D: Kellemetlen rpd - Oct 96)
Or, a wolfs head erased betw 3 crosses crosslet fitchy all within a
bord embat Sa. (D: Cormac an Faoldubh - Jul 03)
Or, an eagle rising wings disp betw 2 scimitars addorsed in demiannulo betw 3 crosses pate quadrate Sa. (D: Wolfgang vom
Schwarzen Adler - Apr 06)
Or crusilly Sa, a boars head erased closed Gu. (D: Mairghead de
Chesholme - Jul 06)
Or crusilly Sa, a chev Gu. (D: Brienus Holebroc - Oct 01)
Or crusily, a unicorn passant Sa within a tressure Vt. (D: Miriam
de Mont Noir - Aug 97)
Or, on a chev Gu betw 2 boars combattant & a Maltese cross Sa
five fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Hugh Killingbury - Mar 04)
Or, on a fess embat counter-embat betw a war-hammer fesswise & a
cross crosslet Sa, 3 great helms affronty Arg. (B: Erik von
Kln am Rhein - Jun 86)
Or, on a lozenge within an orle of crosses clech Sa, a seahorse
erect Arg. (D: Tegan Blackheart - Apr 85)
Or, semy of Maltese crosses Sa a frog ramp Vt. (D: Isabella Dati Dec 02)
Or, 3 bendlets beviled enhanced Vt & in dexter base an ankh Sa.
(D: Thomas Nighthawk - May 83)
Or, 2 chevronels Vt, in base a Tau cross, a bord indented Sa. (D:
Nicolette von Zweiberge - Dec 97)
Or, 2 piles in point issuant from dexter chf Gu betw 2 crosses
crosslet fitchy Sa. (D: John Levet - Jun 95)
Paly of 4 Gu & Arg, a valknut betw 3 Thors hammers Sa. (D:
Gunnarr Egilsson - Apr 00)
Per bend Arg & Or, a swan rousant to sin, wings disp, betw in bend
2 crosses of ermine tails Sa. (D: Maurya Etain Sableswan Apr 89)
Per bend Az & Gu, a bendlet betw a griffin segreant Or & a cross
moline Sa, fimbriated Or. (D: Cristant Aelred Aelfwine Jul 80)
Per bend Or & Az, a bend counter-ermine betw a cross of 4 swords
conjoined at the points Sa & a sea-horse naiant Arg. (D: Fiona
McDonough of Stonehaven - Feb 84)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a bend sin Gu betw a cross bottony Sa & an
estoile Arg, within a bord Gu. (D: Damien Llewellyn Aelfric Nov 90)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a scarpe betw a Latin cross Sa & a whelk
shell palewise Arg. (D: Sarah Sedgemoor of Dunstanburgh Aug 79)
Per bend sin Arg crusily Sa & Or crescenty, on a bend sin Sa a
sword proper. (D: William Xanthos - Feb 00)
Per chev Arg crusilly formy Sa & Gu, an eagle Sa. (D: Baldewin
van Aaken - Jan 08)
Per chev Arg semy of Latin crosses Sa, & Arg, a chev Az & in base
an olive branch fructed proper. (D: Althaea della Terra di
Rugiada - Apr 86)
Per chev Or semy of Latin crosses Sa & Gu, a lion ramp paly Or &
Sa. (D: Gerhardt Johannes Liebknecht von Erfurt - Feb 96)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a chev inv & in chf a Russian Orthodox cross
Sa. (D: Ekaterina Iadorovna Kharlampieva - May 94)
Per salt Arg & Az, a salt ctrch betw in pale a Latin cross flory & an
axe reversed Sa & in fess 2 suns Or. (D: Merewyn of Brittany
- Mar 08)
Per salt Az & Arg, in fess a demi-lion couchant guardant to sin Or
betw 2 equal-armed Celtic crosses Sa. (D: Mille ingen
Bhrain Cadal - Sep 99)
Sa, a wolf ramp & in dexter canton a Latin cross betw 4 Latin
crosses all within a bord Arg. (D: Wulfric Peverel - Oct 90)

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Sable (continued)

Sa, chap, 3 passion nails conjoined at the heads in pall inv Arg &
in chf 2 crosses crosslet fitchy Sa. (D: Toranaka Yojiro Jan 81)
Tierced per bend Az, Or, & Arg, a cross fleury Sa. (D: Richard
Ravenglas the Pure - Aug 81)
Vt, on a chev betw 3 Maltese crosses Arg, 2 lions passant respectant
maintaining betw them a Maltese cross Sa. (D: Caradoc Llew
Du ap Morgan - Jan 85)
* * * End * * *

Cross - As charge - Secondary - Vert

(Tinctureless) 2 straight trumpets in salt, bells to chf, overall a

cross of Calatrava. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Gold Falcon May 89)
Arg, a bend sin betw six Celtic crosses formy Vt. (D: Seamus
Gilleasbuig - Jun 97)
Arg, a bend wavy Az betw a Latin cross Vt & an oak tree proper.
(D: Anna Beneyt atte Wode - Apr 98)
Arg, a chev embat Purp betw 3 crosses of 4 lozenges Vt. (D: Joan
Sutton - Aug 97)
Arg, a chev romp throughout betw 2 hawks bells & a cross of 4
mascles pometty Vt. (D: Kiara Wrynn of the Bells - Jun 01)
Arg, a fess wavy Az & overall a Celtic cross Vt. (B: Brnainn mac
Gilla Ptraic - Dec 03)
Arg, a fess wavy Az betw a knorr proper & a Celtic cross Vt. (D:
Brnainn mac Gilla Ptraic - Dec 03)
Arg, a lion ramp to sin Purp betw six crosses crosslet fitchy Vt. (D:
Elinor Phyllyppes - May 06)
Arg, a pall inv raguly betw 2 dragons jambes inv erased & a Latin
cross fitchy Vt. (D: James Stuart Thorne - Jun 04)
Arg, a skunk statant Sa, marked Arg, betw 3 crosses of Canterbury
Vt. (D: Deryk Augustine Anselm - Aug 89)
Arg, a stag trippant contourny proper, in chf 3 crosses bottony Vt.
(D: Thomas MacCruitn - Feb 95)
Arg, a tower Sa, the portal & ramparts enflamed proper, betw in
fess 2 crosses formy, all within a bord Vt. (D: William
Nighthawk of the Wastes - Apr 86)
Arg, on a chev betw 3 Celtic crosses Vt, a Celtic cross Arg. (D:
Randell Elinor Raye of Crianlarich - Nov 87)
Arg, on a cross betw in chf 2 crosses crosslet fitchy Vt, a cross
voided Arg. (D: Gareth of Wyke - Jul 92)
Arg, perched on an axe fesswise Sa a sparrow close contourny
proper, in chf a Latin cross Vt. (D: Douglas of Roteland Mar 81)
Arg, 3 chevronels braced & in base five mascles, conjoined in cross,
a chf invected, all Vt. (D: Liadaine of Cul Mor - Jan 87)
Or, a chev Sa, betw in chf a cross clech Gu betw 2 crosses clech
Vt, & in base a maunch Gu within a laurel wreath Vt. (D:
White Buck Forest - Jul 83)
Or, a delf Vt voided Or, at each corner a quatrefoil, overall a cross
alchee, all Vt. (D: Cordelia the Silent - Jul 74?)
Or crusilly Celtic, an oak tree eradicated Vt. (D: Caitriona ni
Shuileabhain Mhor - Aug 98)
Or, on a bend Sa 3 mullets palewise Or, in chf an equal armed
Celtic cross formy Vt. (D: Catrin MacCracken - Oct 97)
Or, on a lozenge betw in chf a cross fitchy & a holly leaf palewise
Vt a stag trippant Or. (D: John Hollingsworth of Lydbury Aug 81)
Or, on a pile betw 2 crosses of five lozenges Vt a sun in his
splendor Or. (D: Clare Michaels - Aug 94)
Or, on a pile raguly Sa betw in base 2 crosses formy Vt, a panther
ramp guardant Or spotted Sa maintaining a sword Or. (D:
Brynhilde Kristiana Emma von Kohlenfeld - Dec 06)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a bend ctrch & in sin chf a cross of Santiago Vt.
(D: Viola Carrara - Aug 05)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 serpents glissant palewise respectant ctrch,
overall a cross of Cerdana Vt. (D: Ariel Bruce - May 92)
Per pale Vt & Or, a sin gauntlet bendwise sin issuant from dexter
base Arg grasping a cross bottony Vt, & a chf Sa. (D: Ian the
Bane - Dec 83)
* * * End * * *

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 587

[Cross - As charge - Tertiary] to [Cross - Throughout - Uncharged - Plain line]

Cross - As charge - Tertiary

A single Gu cross couped on any Arg background or in any way

that could be disp on an Arg background. (B: Red Cross Jul 06) (Important non-SCA badge)(The restriction includes
fieldless badges and is based on international treaty. See
Letter of Acceptances and Returns for details.)
* * * End * * *

Cross - Throughout - Uncharged - Plain line

(Fieldless) A Latin cross nowy pierced erminois. (B: Muirdeach of

Carrigart - Aug 93)
Arg, a chf Sa & overall a cross Gu. (D: Templars, Order of the
Knights - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, a cross & in dexter chf a sword Gu. (D: London, City of Jun 95) (Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, a cross Az. (B: Finland - May 98) (Important non-SCA flag)
Arg, a cross Az betw 4 bunches of mulberries proper. (D: Juan
Rafael de Vuelazul - Jan 73?) (Deceased)
Arg, a cross Az betw in bend a Maltese cross Gu & a tower Sa
within a bord Az. (D: Njll orvaldsson - Oct 05)
Arg, a cross Az betw in bend 2 eagles disp & in bend sin 2 compass
stars Sa. (D: Erick Stormhawk - May 83)
Arg, a cross Az voided Or, in dexter chf a sword inv proper, in sin
base a pen palewise Az. (D: Bren Malokai the Wanderer Nov 77?)
Arg, a cross betw 4 crosses couped Gu. (B: Georgia - Jul 06)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Arg, a cross betw 4 crosses formy Gu. (B: Georgia - Jul 06)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Arg, a cross betw 4 fleurs-de-lys Purp. (D: Marie-Elisabeth de
Bretagne - Nov 02)
Arg, a cross betw 4 mullets & on a chf indented Az a pair of wings
disp inv Arg. (D: Colin Hugh ODuncan of Eagle Haven May 86)
Arg, a cross betw 4 nails points to centre Az. (D: Niccolo
Machiavelli - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, a cross conjoined to a bend sin within a bord Gu. (B: Edric the
Unsteady - Jan 83)
Arg, a cross doubly parted & fretted, on a chf Az 2 tankards Arg.
(D: Gilchrist Morgan - Mar 89)
Arg, a cross doubly parted & fretted Vt interlaced with an annulet
Purp, within & conjoined to an annulet Vt. (B: Seonaid of
Nairn - Sep 92)
Arg, a cross Gu. (B: England - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)
Arg, a cross Gu betw 4 Moors heads couped Sa. (D: Sardinia Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, a cross Gu overall on a bend Sa 3 skulls palewise Arg. (D:
Richard de Gascoigne - Sep 01)
Arg, a cross Gu surmounted by a seahorse erect, maintaining a
sword palewise, in sin chf a mullet, all within a bord Sa. (D:
Michail Viralier - Jan 87)
Arg, a cross gyronny Sa & Gu, betw in bend a decrescent & an
increscent Sa. (D: Alaric Friedrich von Rundstadt - Jul 88)
Arg, a Cross of Coldharbour Gu. (D: Henry of Coldharbour Aug 79) (A Cross of Coldharbour is a cross throughout,
conjoined with an annulet centered thereon.)
Arg, a cross parted & fretted Az betw 4 keys Sa. (D: Isabella of
Mathom Trove - May 04)
Arg, a cross parted & fretted Gu interlaced with an annulet Sa. (B:
Jasper Greensmith of the Seagirt Glen - Mar 84)
Arg, a cross parted & fretted Sa betw in bend 2 seahorses Vt & in
bend sin 2 thistles proper. (D: Katherine Elizabeth
MacGregor - Dec 85)
Arg, a cross parted & fretted within a bord Purp. (D: Brian
Kunaganos - Mar 85)
Arg, a cross Purp betw 4 roses Gu. (D: Emma Rose de Harfleur Mar 04)
Arg, a cross Purp betw in chf 2 eagles disp & in base 2 clay pipes
palewise Sa. (D: Desideratus of York - Dec 01)
Arg, a cross quarter pierced Vt & in bend 3 squirrels Sa. (D: Bero
Mace Carruthers - Jun 92)
Arg, a cross quarter-pierced Az ermined Arg, in bend 3 thistles Sa,
a bord Gu. (D: Duvessa MacSweeney of Cork - Dec 93)
Arg, a cross quarter-pierced Gu overall a straight trumpet bendwise
sin Sa. (D: Nigel of Southwood - Oct 02)
Arg, a cross quarter-pierced Purp betw five blue violets slipped &
leaved proper. (D: Ayesha de Warwick - Aug 81)
588 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Cross - Throughout - Uncharged - Plain line (continued)

Arg, a cross Sa. (D: Teutonic Order - Dec 94) (Important nonSCA arms)
Arg, a cross Sa betw in chf 2 compass stars & surmounted by a
demi-sun issuant from base Gu. (D: Dante Lizza da Benevento
- Apr 97)
Arg, a cross Vt & in dexter chf a harp Sa. (B: Stephen Bridewell Jun 05)
Arg, a cross Vt betw 4 bears statant Sa. (D: Jean-Phillipe Lours Dec 97)
Arg, a fess conjoined in chf with a demi-pale betw 3 mullets of six
points Gu. (D: Rene Fitz Garanhir - Nov 97)
Arg, a Latin cross throughout Sa, overall a griffin segreant within a
bord Gu. (D: Rothbeorht of Oak Knoll - Feb 87)
Arg, a wolfs head erased affronty Sa, on a chf Gu a cross Arg. (D:
John Blackwolf - Mar 93)
Arg estencelly, a wolfs head erased Gu within a Coptic cross
throughout Sa. (D: Margaret Raedwulf - Jul 99)
Arg, in dexter chf a cross throughout Gu, in sin base a greyhound
sejant reguardant, dexter forepaw raised Vt. (D: Orlando
Cavalcanti - Aug 79?)
Az, a cross Arg. (D: Greece - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, a cross Arg, overall in salt an anchor Or & an arrow inv Or. (D:
Beverly Hodghead - Jan 73?)
Az, a cross Arg, overall 2 crossed plumes in salt Or. (D: Ellen
Cross Quills - Jan 73?)
Az, a cross betw in bend an anchor palewise & a sword palewise
Arg. (D: Jon St. Vincent dOutremer - Apr 81)
Az, a cross conjoined with a salt Vt, fimbriated Or. (D:
Bartholomew of Barakas - Nov 81)
Az, a cross cotised betw 4 crosses flory Or. (D: Krstna Mihaly Jan 05)
Az, a cross ermine, in canton a crescent Or. (D: Charles de Cayeux
- Sep 00)
Az, a cross erminois & overall a lion ramp Arg. (D: Geoffrey de
Leon - Sep 92)
Az, a cross erminois, surmounted by a unicorn salient to sin Arg,
armed, betw in chf 2 mullets & in base 2 annulets Or. (D:
Emrys Cador - Jan 86)
Az, a cross Gu fimbriated Arg. (B: Iceland - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA flag)
Az, a cross Gu fimbriated, in canton a fleur-de-lys, within a bord
Or. (D: Childeric des Vosges - Oct 81)
Az, a cross nowy of a lozenge, pierced of a lozenge, & on a chf Or 3
lozenges Az. (D: Annora Steward - Dec 93)
Az, a cross Or. (B: Sweden - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)
Az, a cross Or, overall a mountain Arg issuant from base. (D:
William of Portsmouth - Jun 75?)
Az, a cross parted & fretted betw in bend 2 escallops inv & in bend
sin 2 decrescents within a bord Arg. (D: Morgan Jaussara de
Valletta - Apr 87)
Az, a cross triply parted & fretted betw in bend 2 wyverns statant,
all within a bord Or. (D: Catriona Ealasaid o Skye - May 89)
Az, a cross voided erminois, overall a griffin segreant Arg, all
within a bord erminois. (B: Elwynne Rowenna of Wentworth Dec 99)
Az, a Latin cross throughout & on a chf engrailed Arg a laurel
branch Vt. (D: Jannet nyk Donnachie - Jul 00)
Az, a tau cross throughout, triply parted & fretted, Arg betw a ram
& an ewe statant guardant respectant, both Or. (D: Fflur ferch
Ioseph - Aug 89)
Az ermined Or, a cross throughout gyronny Gu & Or. (D: Donngal
Eriksson - Apr 98)
Az, within the center quarters of a cross treble parted, 4 hearts,
points to center, Or. (B: Constance le Royer de la Tour Oct 99)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a cross Gu surmounted in base by a closed
book bendwise Or. (D: Eileen Fraser - Oct 92)
Bendy Or & Sa, a cross quarter-pierced ctrch. (D: Basil
Dragonstrike - Nov 80)
Counter-ermine, a cross Gu surmounted by an escarbuncle of eight
swords conjoined at the hilts Arg. (D: Iomhar Eoghainn Dec 83)
Ermine, a cross Az entwined with a vine Vt flowered Gu. (D:
Liesel von Langental - Jan 80)
Ermine, a cross cotised Purp. (D: Giovanni di Milano - Aug 93)

[Cross - Throughout - Uncharged - Plain line]

Cross - Throughout - Uncharged - Plain line (continued)

Gu, a cross Arg. (B: Denmark - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA

Gu, a cross Arg. (D: Italy - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, a cross Arg. (D: Malta, Order of the Knights of - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, a cross Arg. (D: Savoy - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, a cross Arg betw in bend 2 lions passant guardant crowned Or
in bend sin 2 unicorns passant proper gorged of a coronet
dancetty dependent therefrom a chain Or. (D: Newfoundland Jan 98) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, a cross Az fimbriated Arg. (B: Norway - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA flag)
Gu, a cross betw 4 escallops inv erminois. (D: Meriel Kennet Aug 00)
Gu, a cross betw 4 furisons Arg. (D: Serbia - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Gu, a cross betw 4 furisons Or. (D: Byzantine Empire - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)(Also the arms of Palaiologos)
Gu, a cross betw in bend 2 Maltese crosses & in bend sin 2
crescents Arg, a bord Or. (B: Murchadh Garrioch - Mar 07)
(JB: Matheus le Vaus)
Gu, a cross debruised by 2 claymores in salt, all voided Or. (D:
Duncan MacGregor - Feb 75)
Gu, a cross ermine betw in chf 2 cross-crosslets fitchy Sa,
fimbriated Arg, overall a knobbed morgensterns head Or. (D:
DaLaorn Malon Fuegoh - Apr 81)
Gu, a cross parted & fretted & in sin chf a dolphin naiant Or. (D:
Demelza of Tintagel - Feb 83)
Gu, a cross parted & fretted Arg interlaced with an annulet Or,
overall a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Iron Wood Loch - Jun 95)
Gu, a cross Sa, fimbriated Or, overall a pair of wings conjoined &
elevated Arg. (B: Walter Kempe of Falconhold - Feb 91)
(For House Falconhold)
Gu, a cross throughout parted & fretted Arg interlaced with an
annulet Or. (B: Iron Wood Loch - Aug 02)
Gu, a cross triply parted & fretted Or betw 4 lotus flowers affronty
Arg. (D: Veronique de Viennois - Sep 97)
Gu, an arrow broken & lashed together bendwise sin, & in canton a
cross fretted throughout Or. (D: Lionel Hildebrand - Oct 79)
Gu crusily couped, a cross betw crosses couped each within an
annulet Or. (D: Constantinople, Latin Empire of - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Gyronny Az & Or, a cross Vt. (D: Rulff Srensn - Sep 05)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, a cross Or & on a chf Gu 3 lighted candles Or.
(D: Hrodgar Hohenwolf - Apr 86)
Or, a cross & in dexter chf a griffin segreant Az. (D: Geoffrey of
Lakingahethe - Aug 98)
Or, a cross Az betw in bend sin a wolfs head erased & a fleur-delys Gu, a chf arched Az. (D: Maeve as Ceithir Uamhan Nov 85)
Or, a cross betw 4 escallops Gu, a bord Az. (D: Jam Recarediz Feb 07)
Or, a cross betw 4 mullets of eight points Az. (D: Albina Gherardi
- Sep 05)
Or, a cross cotised betw in bend 2 lions ramp to sin Sa. (D: Roger
of Dunwodeham - Nov 82)
Or, a cross cotised Sa, surmounted by a lion ramp Gu, within a bord
counter-compony Sa & Or. (D: Robert ap Llywellyn Feb 86)
Or, a cross Gu & overall a rams head cabossed Sa. (D: Irodion
Wdur af Carelen - Jul 96)
Or, a cross Gu betw 4 compass stars, a bord Sa. (D: tan ingen
Mhel su - Mar 99)
Or, a cross Gu overall a horses head couped Sa. (D: Melisant of
Exmoor - Mar 02)
Or, a cross portate pean, in dexter chf a goutte de sang. (D:
Guillaume di San Marino - Mar 89)
Or, a cross quarterly Gu & Sa & in dexter chf 2 rapiers in salt Sa.
(B: Drachenwald - Mar 04) (For Academy of Defense)
Or, a cross quarterly Sa & Gu. (B: Drachenwald - Aug 97)
Or, a cross Sa betw in bend 2 candles enflamed & in bend sin 2
keys wards to chf Gu all within a bord Sa. (D: Cristoforo
Montagna - Nov 03)
Or, a cross Sa cotised with eight demi-fleurs-de-lis, base toward
fess point, Gu. (D: Lorisse of Eagles Loffte - Sep 73?)

Cross - Throughout - Uncharged - Plain line (continued)

Or, a cross triply parted & fretted Vt the center traits Sa all betw 4
aspen leaves stems outwards Vt. (D: Brigit Kelly - Feb 03)
Or, a cross Vt & a chf Gu. (D: Toirrdelbach Ua Mel Doraid Apr 97)
Or, a cross Vt fretty Arg betw 4 weavers tablets Az. (D: Anastasia
of the Oaks - Oct 99)
Or, within a cross of 4 cables fretted throughout, six cross crosslets
Gu. (D: Robin of Neath - Jan 87)
Per bend Az & Gu, a cross clechy throughout Or, in sin chf 4
lozenges ploye in cross Arg. (D: Raphael of Silverdale Jan 93)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a cross within a bord ctrch. (D: Stephan of
Caerleon - Jun 02)
Per fess Az & Gu, a cross & in canton a cross crosslet Arg. (D:
Cajetan Fitzpatrick - Feb 91)
Per fess counter-ermine & Gu, a cross Arg, overall an enfield
passant Or. (D: Sten Birgersson Elg - Mar 95)
Per fess Purp & Or, a cross ctrch. (D: Manus le Dragonier May 98)
Per fess Sa & Arg, a cross Gu. (D: Templars, Order of the Knights
- Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a cross parted & fretted & interlaced with an
annulet, all ctrch, in bend sin 2 eagles disp, heads to sin Arg &
Sa. (D: Siona of the Eagles Nest - Aug 86)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a cross Gu betw in chf 2 pairs of arrows inv in
salt ctrch. (D: Erann MacCoinnich - Aug 90)
Per pale Az & Sa, a cross of 4 pallets fretted with 4 barrulets, betw
in chf 2 mullets Arg. (D: Morgan of the Eagles Nest Feb 88)
Per pale Gu & Or, a cross betw in bend 2 crosses crosslet ctrch. (D:
Robert Kenrick - Jan 08)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a Latin cross throughout ctrch. (D: Trahearn ap
Candalo - Sep 06)
Per pale Sa & Or, a cross within a bord ctrch. (D: Matteo del
Oceano - Dec 88)
Per pale Vt & Gu, a cross betw 4 acorns Or. (D: Anna Elsbeth von
Zuberbuehler - Jun 98)
Per salt Az & Or, a cross quarter-pierced ctrch. (D: Jennifer of Cats
Leap - Sep 85)
Purp, a cross betw 4 hearts Arg. (D: Sarah Elizabeth - Dec 97)
Purp, a cross parted & fretted betw in chf 2 annulets Or. (B:
Rosaline Weaver - Aug 95) (For Penilond Maner)
Purp, a Latin cross throughout & in chf 2 unicorns heads erased
respectant Arg. (D: Kaun Steinrarson - Mar 04)
Purp, a Latin cross throughout Or, in sin canton a decrescent Arg.
(D: Mahee of Acre - Aug 00)
Purp, within a cross voided & cotised Or, a chess rook Arg. (D:
Alberecht von Heldenkreis - Sep 80)
Quarterly, 1 Az, 2 & 3 Arg, & 4 Gu, a cross Sa betw in dexter chf a
stags head cabossed Or, attired Arg, & in sin base 2 torches in
salt Arg, enflamed proper. (D: Maginfred Beorhtmaer Uhtric Aug 81)
Quarterly Arg & papellonn Sa & Arg, a cross Gu, in dexter chf a
leather boot proper. (D: Lavan Longwalker - Feb 84)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a cross ctrch. (D: Dafydd Blaidd - Jun 98)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, a long cross throughout Gu betw in bend 2
crosses of Cerdana Purp. (D: Vavirenc Vlasok - Jun 85)
Quarterly Arg & Vt, a cross ctrch betw 2 horses ramp Arg. (D:
Caron of Pinewood - May 06)
Quarterly Arg, Az, Vt, & Gu, a filletcross Or, overall an hourglass
proper. (B: Arwen Evaine ferch Rhys of Gwynedd - Aug 79)
(For Soothsayers Guild)
Quarterly Az & Arg, a cross ctrch & on a chf Sa 2 annulets
interlaced Arg. (D: Donovan Ravenhull - Nov 03)
Quarterly Az & Arg, a cross ctrch, overall 3 annulets interlaced Or.
(D: Clifford Bardric - Dec 82)
Quarterly Az & Arg, a cross flory issuant from base, a bord Or. (B:
William the Stout - Jan 99)
Quarterly Az & checky Gu & Or, a cross & in dexter chf a Latin
cross Arg. (B: Randall Morgan - Sep 86)
Quarterly Az & Gu, a chev Or & overall a cross clechy throughout
Arg. (D: John Angus West - Oct 96)
Quarterly Az & Gu, a cross Arg betw 4 compass stars Or. (D:
Geoffrey fitz Robert - Mar 04)
Quarterly Az & Gu, a cross counter-ermine fimbriated Arg. (D:
Jeannette Delacroix - Jan 97)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 589

[Cross - Throughout - Uncharged - Plain line]

Cross - Throughout - Uncharged - Plain line (continued)

Quarterly Az & Gu, a cross ermine, overall a lion ramp queue

fourchee Or. (D: Gerhardt the Bold of the Queens Woods Jun 75?)
Quarterly Az & Or, a cross betw in chf 2 cinquefoils & in base 2
towers, all ctrch. (D: Zoe Anastasia Dalassena de Flora Jul 88)
Quarterly Az & Or, a cross ctrch, in canton a cross potent Arg. (D:
Richard of Kingsbury - Jan 94)
Quarterly Az & Vt, a cross betw 4 hearts Or. (D: Iain Cinnsealach
- Jan 03)
Quarterly Az & Vt, a cross betw in bend 2 wolves heads erased
Arg. (D: edn mac Tigernin - May 07)
Quarterly Az & Vt, a cross Gu fimbriated & in canton a falcon Or.
(D: Richard Falconer - Jun 02)
Quarterly ermine & Az, a cross ctrch, quarter-pierced of the field.
(B: Stefan de Lorraine - Mar 80) (For Herman of Asher)
Quarterly ermine & counter-ermine, a cross throughout Or, overall
a tree eradicated, the crown bifurcated, proper, pierced by a
sword Sa. (D: Amayot of Aragon - Jan 82)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a cross betw 4 mascles ctrch. (D: Guillaume
de Cambrai - Sep 04)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a cross ctrch & a chf Sa. (D: Ysemay Sterlyng
- Aug 06)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a cross ctrch overall a pithon nowed erect
wings addorsed within a bord Or. (D: Josef de Gonneville Jul 85)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a cross quarter-pierced ctrch, in sin chf a fleurde-lys Az. (D: Guilliame Arnaut - May 84)
Quarterly Gu & Az, a cross Arg overall 2 axes in salt Or. (D:
Gwilim de Glamorgan - Jul 03)
Quarterly Gu & Az, a cross betw 4 martlets Or. (D: Gyrir
daaskald - Oct 05)
Quarterly Gu & Az, a cross Or overall a dragon salient maintaining
a sword enflamed Arg. (D: Lodin of Molde - May 98)
Quarterly Gu & Az, a cross within a bord Or. (B: Thorgrim
Bjornson - Jul 99)
Quarterly Gu & ermine, a cross ctrch. (D: Nathaniel Jonessone Jun 93)
Quarterly Gu & Or, a cross Arg betw 4 crosses of Jerusalem ctrch.
(D: David of the Vayle - Oct 02)
Quarterly Gu & Or, a cross betw in bend sin 2 eagles disp Sa. (D:
Robb le Rogue of Fairmont Highlands - Jun 85)
Quarterly Gu & Vt, a cross & in dexter chf a Great Horned Owls
head erased affronty Or. (D: Steffan yr Ysgolhaig - Mar 82)
Quarterly Or & Arg, a cross Az, overall a pair of rapiers in salt Gu.
(D: Diana Wiatt - Sep 93)
Quarterly Or & Gu, a cross surmounted by a bord, all ctrch. (D:
Siegfried Conrad Georg Heydrich - Dec 88)
Quarterly Or & Purp, a cross ctrch betw in bend 2 daisies Purp,
seeded Or, slipped Vt. (D: Alena Oakwood of Nottingham Feb 89)
Quarterly Or & Purp, a cross flory throughout ctrch. (B: Gerard du
Quartier - Jun 05)
Quarterly Or & Sa, a cross Gu betw 4 sin hands aversant ctrch. (D:
Guy Quartermain de Roncevalles - Oct 84)
Quarterly Or & Vt, a cross Arg, in dexter chf 3 cinquefoils one & 2
Vt, a chf embat per pale Vt & Or. (D: Manus Syme - Jul 01)
Quarterly Or & Vt, a cross Gu betw in bend 2 penguins close
respectant proper. (D: rkja Ottarsson j Tunsbergi Apr 07)
Quarterly Purp & Arg, a fillet cross & in dexter chf a heart, all
within a bordurelet ctrch. (B: Mindrakken van der Zilver Oct 80)
Quarterly Purp & Arg, a fillet cross & in dexter chf a heart, all
within a bordurelet ctrch. (B: Nina van der Zilver - Oct 80)
Quarterly Purp & Arg, a fillet cross ctrch betw in bend sin a pair of
scissors chased & a heart, both palewise, Purp, all within a
bordurelet ctrch. (D: Nina van der Zilver - Sep 80)
Quarterly Purp & Az, a cross parted & fretted & in dexter chf a
crescent Arg. (D: Dirk the Left-Handed - Sep 88)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, a cross betw 4 lozenges ctrch. (D: Sibyl
ODowd - Oct 07)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, a cross betw in bend 2 lions salient respectant
ctrch, overall a walking staff bendwise sin Vt. (D: Artorius
MacLachlan of Northumbria - Jul 86)

590 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Cross - Throughout - Uncharged - Plain line (continued)

Quarterly Sa & Arg, a cross Or betw in bend 2 eagles heads erased

Arg & in bend sin 2 towers Sa. (D: Maximilian de Morai Jun 86)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, surmounting a cross betw 4 crosses potent
ctrch a cross potent Gu. (D: Ealdreda Eardstapa - Nov 83)
Quarterly Sa & Az, a cross betw 4 crescents Arg. (D: Elyas de
Dunblan - Jun 05)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a cross Arg, on a chf ermine a mullet Sa. (D:
Chirhart Blackstar - Mar 83)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a cross betw 4 griffins combatant Or. (D:
Grimkell inn svarti - Jan 07)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a cross betw in bend 2 gondola prows reversed,
all within a bord Arg. (D: Marina Foscari - Feb 89)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a cross of Santiago throughout on a chf Arg 2
scorpions Sa. (D: Diego Sanchez Montoya de Cordoba May 96)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a cross triple-parted & fretted & in dexter chf a
halberds head reversed Arg. (D: Michelitto Antonio David
Carducci - Jul 93)
Quarterly Sa & Or, a cross ctrch & in canton an increscent Arg. (D:
Connor MacConmara - Jan 08)
Quarterly Sa & Or, a cross quarterly Or & Gu. (B: Drachenwald Jan 93) (Ensign)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, a cross botonny throughout ctrch Or & Sa betw
4 mullets of eight points ctrch. (D: Barbara ni Sheaghdha of
Tir Chonall - Jun 95)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, a cross Purp & overall a sun in splendor Or.
(D: Emma La Blanche - Mar 04)
Quarterly Vt & Az, a cross Arg betw in bend 2 hazel leaves Or. (D:
Chana al-Khadraa - Mar 04)
Quarterly Vt & Az, a cross betw in bend 2 seahorses respectant Or.
(D: Margiad Glan y Mor - Nov 91)
Quarterly Vt & Purp, a cross parted & fretted with an annulet Or.
(D: Ceinwen Haele Cynwyth - Mar 87)
Quarterly Vt & Sa, a cross betw in bend 2 suns Or. (D: Pamela
Dragen - Oct 90)
Quarterly Vt & Sa, a cross erminois. (D: Ivan Mikhailovich Feb 99)
Sa, a cross Arg. (B: Cornwall - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)
Sa, a cross Arg betw in bend a lion passant & a cross crosslet fitchy
Or. (D: Allen van Ore - Nov 73?)
Sa, a cross Az fimbriated Arg betw 4 eagles Or. (D: Brien de
Liedeberge - Apr 04)
Sa, a cross Gu, fimbriated Arg, betw in first & fourth quarters 2
wolves passant reguardant Arg & in second & third quarters 2
fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Robert Milne Stebbings - Aug 79?)
Sa, a cross Gu fimbriated Or overall a plate. (D: Aubrey Rainald Sep 95)
Sa, a cross gyronny Gu & Arg betw 4 reremice Arg. (D: Athalwolf
Tyrell - Sep 92)
Sa, issuant from a straight armed tau cross throughout betw in base
2 lozenges Arg, a demi-sun Or. (D: Evan MacGowan Dec 86)
Vairy Gu & Arg, a cross Az, overall a rose Or, the center thereof
charged with a crescent Sa. (D: Stevyn of Mossmoor Aug 79?)
Vairy Or & Sa, a cross cotised Arg. (D: Francis of Wurm Wald Feb 88)
Vt, a cross & on a chf Or, 3 hearts Gu. (D: William Chester of
Ackfordshire - Dec 90)
Vt, a cross Arg & in canton the Virgin holding the Child Or. (D:
Arthur, King - Dec 94) (attributed)(Important non-SCA
Vt, a cross Arg betw in chf 2 fleurs-de-lys Or, overall in base a
swan naiant to sin, all within a bord Arg. (B: Clarice deLay of
Rowanholt - Feb 82)
Vt, a cross Arg voided, a smiths hammer bendwise Sa overall. (B:
Gwydiaan am yGorlwyn - Aug 77?) (For House Smith)
Vt, a cross betw 4 crosses formy Arg. (D: Tangwystl of Seagirt May 05)
Vt, a cross betw in bend a triskele & a tower Or. (D: Robert James
Buchanan - Aug 03)
Vt, a cross checky Sa & Arg betw 4 cauldrons Or. (D: Ann du Bosc
- Jan 05)
Vt, a cross ermine betw 4 castles, each within a laurel wreath Or.
(D: Twae Linnes - May 93)

[Cross - Throughout - Uncharged - Plain line] to [Cross - Throughout - Uncharged - Complex line]

Cross - Throughout - Uncharged - Plain line (continued)

Vt, a cross triply parted & fretted & in sin chf a mullet Or. (D:
Branwen Nimblefingers - May 94)
Vt, a tau cross throughout & in chf a fox courant & a Maltese cross
Arg. (D: Hans Krger - May 07)
Vt, issuant from a straight tau cross throughout Arg, a demi-sun
throughout Or, & in base 2 shamrocks Arg. (B: Evan
MacGowan - Dec 86)
* * * End * * *

Cross - Throughout - Uncharged - Complex line

Arg, a celtic cross throughout betw 4 crescents Az. (D: Jedidiah

Larkin - Jun 91)
Arg, a cross bretessed Vt betw in bend 2 crosses Sa. (D: Osric atte
Bek - Nov 96)
Arg, a cross fleury fitchy throughout Sa betw 4 towers Gu. (D:
Cassandra Elissa Castellano de Cervantes - Apr 98)
Arg, a cross fleury throughout Sa, surmounted by a bear ramp
erminois, betw in bend sin 2 fleurs-de-lys Sa. (D: Bertrand
lOurs du Rivage - Sep 83)
Arg, a cross formy throughout Gu betw 4 eagles disp Sa. (D:
Gonzaga - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, a cross indented Vt, overall a daisy Az. (D: Anisah al Nuwwar
- Jul 95)
Arg, a cross potent throughout Sa & on a chf paly Or & Gu 4 towers
Sa. (B: Brut von Kln - Apr 07)
Arg, a cross wavy Purp, overall a unicorn passant Sa. (D: Angarat
OShannon - Mar 98)
Arg, a fret crosswise within a bord Sa. (B: Edward of Effingham May 82)
Arg, within a cross nowy pierced a triskele, a bord Sa. (D: Alys of
the Isles - Apr 05)
Az, a cross arrondi betw 4 roundels, a bord Arg. (D: lric Kyrri Feb 98)
Az, a cross engrailed erminois. (D: Elizabeth Feythe - May 01)
Az, a cross formy throughout & on a chf Arg, 3 hearts Gu. (D:
John Theophilus - Dec 87)
Az, a cross formy throughout Arg betw in bend 2 fleurs-de-lys Or,
entwined about the lower arm of the cross a snake, its head
issuant over the sin chf of the cross erminois. (D: Francois
duVent - Mar 97)
Az, a cross formy throughout Arg betw in bend 2 fleurs-de-lys Or,
entwined about the lower arm of the cross a snake, its head
issuant over the sin chf of the cross erminois, & in
augmentation in sin chf 3 mullets one & 2 Arg. (Augmentation
of Arms: Francois duVent - Mar 97)
Az, a cross nowy Arg within a bord compony Sa & Or. (D: Seamus
mac Dhuibhne - Nov 04)
Az, a cross of annulets braced throughout Or. (D: Aldric Greystone
- Nov 84)
Az, a cross parted & fretted interlaced with an annulet, on a chf
Arg, 3 annulets Az. (D: Jordan Ceridwen of Thorngill Nov 94)
Az, a cross patty throughout Or, overall a sun Gu. (D: James
Methodius - Nov 73?)
Az, a cross raguly Arg betw a harp Or & 3 geese rising wings
addorsed Arg. (D: lfgyfu hearpestre - Mar 05)
Az, a fillet cross raguly Or surmounted of a griffin counter-passant
Arg, within a bordurelet raguly Or. (D: Bohemund von
Greifshafen - Dec 80)
Az, a patriarchal cross throughout betw in base 2 bears combattant
Arg. (D: Nathon of Arindale - Jun 87)
Az, a tau cross throughout Arg, masoned Sa, betw 2 laurel wreaths
Or. (D: Pont du Nord - Oct 89)
Counter-ermine, a cross engrailed Gu, overall a crane rising, wings
elevated & addorsed, Arg. (B: Enoch Crandall mac Cranon Aug 89) (For Daoine Cud Filte)
Ermine, a cross formy nowy Vt & on a chf Sa 3 crosses of Lorraine
Arg. (D: Balthasar Yvon Charon - Apr 02)
Erminois, a cross formy throughout Purp. (D: Ciaran Gunn May 91)
Gu, a Coptic cross throughout, a bord Arg. (D: Cionaodh na
Cairrce mac Cosgraigh - May 06)
Gu, a cross engrailed gyronny Or & Sa. (D: Maghnus mac an
Ghabhann - Nov 98)
Gu, a cross quadrate by estoile, & in canton a mullet Or. (B:
Gerold Bright Angel - Jan 74?)

Cross - Throughout - Uncharged - Complex line


Gu, a fess invected conjoined with a demi-pale in chf invected Arg.

(D: Claus of Burzee - Jan 96)
Gu, a pale & a fess fretted with a mascle Arg, on a chf counterermine 2 roses Or. (D: Leif Haraldsen - Feb 89)
Or, a Celtic cross equal armed, quarterly pierced & throughout Vt.
(D: Morgana Swansdottir - Jan 73)
Or, a celtic cross formy throughout Sa, a bord Sa platy. (D: Grimr
af Vargeyjum - May 92)
Or, a cross engrailed Az. (B: Dante di Lucio della Luna - Nov 07)
Or, a cross lozenged within a bord Sa. (D: Alexander Barkov Jan 74?)
Or, a cross nebuly Gu, overall a butterfly disp Sa marked Or & Gu.
(D: Tirzah Ninian Vach - Feb 85)
Or, a cross parted & interlaced with an annulet Purp betw in chf 2
compass stars, their greater points wavy, Az. (D: Mara
Marguerite of House Morningstar - Dec 82)
Or, a cross raguly Sa overall a wolf passant Gu. (D: Anneke
Vaandrager - Sep 95)
Or, a salt Gu & overall a cross engrailed Vt. (D: Rosamund
Kilpatrick - Oct 03)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, a cross gringol ctrch. (D: Signe inghean
u Dhraighnein - Sep 04)
Per chev inv Gu estencel Arg & Purp estencel Arg, a Celtic cross
throughout betw in chf 2 doves volant contourny, wings
addorsed, Arg. (D: Jehane le Duv - Apr 94)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a cross patonce throughout betw 4 mullets ctrch.
(B: Mel Muire mac Nill hui Cholmin - Aug 02)
Per fess Az & Vt, a cross embat Arg betw in bend sin a seagull
volant wings elevated & addorsed proper & a natural sea-horse
erect contourny Arg. (D: Jeanette du Bois - Mar 05)
Per pale Arg & Az, a cross fusilly ctrch. (D: Rose Otter - Jun 00)
Per pale Arg & bendy-sin Az & Arg, a cross patty throughout ctrch
within a bord Sa. (D: Savannah Lee - Sep 71?)
Per pale Az & Arg, a cross formy throughout ctrch, in dexter chf a
sun Or. (D: Aase Jonsdatter - Jan 90)
Per pale Az crusily Arg, & Arg crusily Az, a cross crosslet fitchy
throughout per pale Arg & Az. (D: Aron of Katharinenstadt Dec 85)
Per pale Sa & Az, a Maltese cross throughout betw in base 2 lions
ramp addorsed, each queue-forchy & maintaining a rose, Arg.
(D: Gabriella della Santa Croce - Jun 90)
Per pale Sa & Or, a cross formy throughout ctrch. (B: Chagatai
Burilgi - May 06)
Potent, a cross fleury throughout Sa, surmounted in base by a
unicorn couchant Or crined Arg. (D: Fiona of the Darkwoods
- Jan 85)
Purp, a Coptic cross throughout betw 4 mullets Or. (B: Madoc
Arundel - Feb 02)
Purp, a Coptic cross throughout Or betw 4 natural dolphins in
annulo Arg a bord Or. (D: Eugenios Athanasiou - Sep 01)
Purp, a cross potent throughout betw 4 gyrons Or. (D: Simon Garth
- Sep 93)
Purp, a cross wavy Arg betw 4 roses Or, barbed & seeded proper.
(D: Steven Red Cloak - Oct 79)
Purp, 2 bars engrailed & 2 pallets engrailed fretted Arg. (D: Leah
Locksley - May 83)
Quarterly Arg & Az, a cross engrailed betw 4 suns ctrch. (D:
Wilricus Rudmann - Mar 05)
Quarterly Arg & Az, a mullet of 4 points throughout betw 4 mullets
of 4 points elongated to base ctrch. (D: Catherine Diana de
Chambry - Jan 92)
Quarterly Arg & Gu, a cross barby throughout ctrch, in canton a
garden rose Gu, slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Jessica the Steadfast
- Jan 73?)
Quarterly Az & Arg, a cross invected ctrch betw in bend 2 blonde
cherubs faces proper, winged Arg, & in bend sin 2 fleurs-delys Gu. (B: Silvia la Cherubica di Viso - Jul 05)
Quarterly Az & Arg, a cross invected ctrch betw in bend 2 sheaves
of arrows Or & in bend sin 2 fleurs-de-lys Gu. (D: Silvia la
Cherubica di Viso - Jul 05)
Quarterly Az & Vt, a cross fusilly betw 4 roundels Arg. (D: Conna
ingen u Chearbhaill - Apr 99)
Quarterly, barry Gu & Arg, & Vt, a cross clech throughout Or. (D:
Hildegarde die Blonde - Apr 85)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 591

[Cross - Throughout - Uncharged - Complex line] to [Cross - Throughout - Charged - Plain line]

Cross - Throughout - Uncharged - Complex line


Quarterly Gu & Arg, a cross pointed throughout betw in bend 2

crosses formy & in bend sin 2 dragons passant all ctrch. (D:
Berand of Bangor - Nov 90)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a cross fleury throughout betw in bend sin 2
lions combattant Or. (D: Ricciardo da Nicolosi - May 05)
Quarterly Gu & vairy Or & Gu, a cross lozengy throughout, in the
first quarter a stag courant above an oak leaf fesswise Or. (D:
Barbara-Katherine of Kenilworth - Jul 74?) (Deceased)
Quarterly Or & Sa, a cross paty throughout ctrch, overall a dragons
head erased Gu. (D: Godwin Alfricson - Mar 86)
Quarterly Sa & Or, a cross crosslet throughout ctrch betw in bend
sin a griffins head erased & another erased contourny Sa. (D:
Guido Martini of Trinacria - Feb 94)
Quarterly Sa & Or, a cross raguly betw 4 roundels all ctrch. (D:
Mynjon du Jardin - Aug 02)
Quarterly Sa & Vt, a cross patty throughout betw in bend a
unicorns head & a mullet, both palewise, all within a bord
Arg. (D: Anluan Trelaine - Nov 81)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, a cross crosslet throughout betw 4 crosses
couped, all ctrch. (B: Alexander Caithnes of Wyk - Jul 88)
(For Daingneach Uaine)
Quarterly Vt & Purp, a straight-armed Celtic cross throughout Arg
betw in bend 2 pawprints Or. (D: Seamus de Kirkpatric Sep 03)
Sa, a cross engrailed & in canton a roundel Arg. (D: Crispin Sexi Jun 06)
Sa, a cross raguly betw 4 lions passant guardant Or. (D: Charles
Robert Blackstone - Aug 03)
Sa estencel Or, a cross formy fitchy throughout Arg. (D: Hauoc
Bender - Feb 94)
Vt, a cross engrailed Arg overall a gurges Or. (D: Gregory of
Glencairn - May 02)
Vt, a cross fleury throughout betw in bend a lymphad, sails furled,
& a torque Or. (D: Gwennan Caoilfhionn n Chonnaill Dec 83)
Vt, a cross formy throughout Arg, cotised Or. (D: Wilhelm de
Tournai - Feb 90)
Vt, a cross parted & fretted interlaced with a mascle Arg, in dexter
chf a clarion Or. (D: Marie dAcre - Jan 85)
* * * End * * *

Cross - Throughout - Charged - Plain line

Arg, a cross Sa fretty Or within a bord Sa. (D: Angus Galbraith May 07)
Arg, masoned Sa, on a cross Gu a staff proper issuant therefrom in
chf 3 lilies Arg. (B: Michael Gerard Curtememoire May 82) (For Graystone Priory)
Arg, on a cross Az a vultures head couped Or, a bord Gu. (D:
Svipdagr of Lindisfarne - Dec 93)
Arg, on a cross Az an escallop inv Or, overall a bord embat ctrch.
(D: Madeleine FitzRobert de la Foret - Aug 87)
Arg, on a cross Az betw 4 roses Gu barbed Vt a cross flory Or. (D:
Emma Barrington - Jan 07)
Arg, on a cross Az betw in bend 2 cats sejant contourny Sa, a goblet
Arg. (D: Catriona Katla - Mar 95)
Arg, on a cross betw 4 columbine flowers Purp slipped & leaved Vt
a heart Arg. (D: Alisandre dAmbrecourt - Feb 02)
Arg, on a cross betw 4 needles Gu, a catamount ramp Arg. (D:
Siobhan Eliot - Dec 97)
Arg, on a cross betw in bend 2 fleurs-de-lys Sa a fleur-de-lys Arg.
(D: Patric de la Rose - May 01)
Arg, on a cross betw in chf 2 crosses crosslet fitchy Vt, a cross
voided Arg. (D: Gareth of Wyke - Jul 92)
Arg, on a cross betw in chf 2 estoiles Az in base an estoile Arg, a
bord Az. (D: Paul dEstoile - Jun 95)
Arg, on a cross cotised Az a heart Or pierced by a sword inv proper.
(D: Garth of Windhaven - Oct 82)
Arg, on a cross cotised Gu betw 4 crosses of 4 lozenges Purp a
sword inv proper. (D: Gerald of York - Nov 01)
Arg, on a cross cotised Sa five apples slipped & leaved Or. (D:
Azemar de Lyon - May 06)
Arg, on a cross Gu a cross of 4 ermine spots Arg, on a chf Sa a
tyger passant Arg. (D: Tangwystl ferch Dafydd - Jul 91)

592 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Cross - Throughout - Charged - Plain line (continued)

Arg, on a cross Gu betw in chf a lion Sa & a cross moline Gu a

lotus-blossom affronty Arg. (D: Paul Andr Jacques Jun 96)
Arg, on a cross per pale Az & Vt, a unicorn ramp Or, maintaining
over its shoulder a sword inv proper. (B: Garth of Windhaven
- Jan 85)
Arg, on a cross Purp a garb Or. (B: Daffyd of Emmett - Sep 97)
(For Evlyn Death)(Blanket permission to conflict with badge
with one CD granted 0507O)
Arg, on a cross quarter-pierced Vt 4 rams heads couped fesswise
Or. (D: Elyramere of Tymberlyne Heyghts - Jun 81)
Arg, on a cross Sa a cross potent (later floretty) Or & overall on an
inescutcheon Or an eagle disp Sa. (D: Teutonic Order,
Hochmeister - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, on a cross Vt a unicorn salient Arg & a bord Sa. (D: Niamh
inghean Chonchradha - May 07)
Arg, on a cross Vt betw in chf 2 hearts Gu a compass-star Or. (D:
Rhiannon o Goed Niwlog - Aug 83)
Arg, on a long cross throughout betw in base 2 lions combattant Sa,
a sword inv Arg, enflamed proper. (D: Balthazar Thornguard
- Feb 87)
Az, a cross Arg goutty Gu betw 4 demi-bears couped Arg. (D:
Dagr snbjorn Bjarnarson - Feb 07)
Az, a cross quarterly-pierced Arg, thirteen swords 3, 2, 3, 2, & 3
ctrch. (D: Medeiros do San Miguel - Jul 71?)
Az, ermined Arg, on a cross Arg a walnut wood mug proper,
headed Arg. (D: Berek von Langental - date?)
Az, ermined Or, on a cross Sa, fimbriated, an equal-armed Celtic
cross Or. (B: Susana of Dunstan - Aug 84)
Az, on a cross Arg a sword sustaining on its point a pair of scales
Sa, a bord embat Arg. (D: Philip ap Griffith - Jan 07)
Az, on a cross Arg a trefoil Vt, overall a bord ctrch. (D: Yngvildr
Ogursdttir - Sep 05)
Az, on a cross Arg another Gu. (B: Iceland - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA flag)
Az, on a cross Arg betw 4 arrows in salt points to center Or, a
drawknife Sa. (D: Harald Warrocker - Dec 05)
Az, on a cross Arg betw 4 laurel wreaths Or five martlets Gu. (D:
Saint Giles - May 97)
Az, on a cross Arg irradiated Or 3 roses in fess Gu. (D: Adelaide
Rose von Erfort - Jan 96)
Az, on a cross betw 4 leaves Arg a rose Gu. (D: Avelyn MacGregor
- Nov 01)
Az, on a cross betw in chf 2 boars statant respectant Arg a palm tree
Az. (D: Symeon ben Tobias - Sep 01)
Az, on a cross fleury throughout Or betw 4 lymphads Arg, five
wooden barrels palewise proper. (D: Marcus dOrleans May 05)
Az, on a cross nowy Arg a ram statant Sa. (D: Owen Blakshepe Apr 96)
Az, on a cross Or a mullet Az, within a bord embat Or. (D: Stefan
Sikorski - Dec 83)
Az, on a cross Or betw 4 hammers Arg five lozenges Az. (D:
Ingvar Erlingsson - Dec 00)
Az, on a cross quarter-pierced Or 4 acorns bendwise Gu, overall 2
swords in salt Arg. (D: Declan Mac Dockery - Aug 04)
Az, on a cross voided Arg, a lion couchant Or. (D: Thessala de
Lyons - Mar 89)
Az, on a salt Arg another gyronny Arg & Gu & overall on a cross
Arg another Gu. (B: United Kingdom - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA flag)
Az, semy-de-lys Arg, a cross Arg semy-de-lys Az & a chf Arg. (D:
Desire de Cambrai - Feb 89)
Ermine, on a cross Gu a seraph Arg. (D: Nathaniel Mendoza de
Guadalajara - Jan 04)
Ermine, on a cross quarterly Purp & Az a winged lion ramp, tail
nowed, maintaining a flamberge Or. (D: Octavian Athanasiou
of Constantinople - Nov 96)
Gu, a cross betw 4 bezants each betw 4 crosses couped Or &
charged with another throughout Gu. (D: Constantinople,
Latin Empire of - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, a fess Or overall on a pale Arg a cross patty elongated in pale
Sa. (D: Guy of Brackley - Jan 81)
Gu, a pale Arg, overall on a fess ctrch a goblet or. (D: William the
Wanderer - Aug 79?)

[Cross - Throughout - Charged - Plain line]

Cross - Throughout - Charged - Plain line (continued)

Gu, on a cross Arg a crown betw 4 triskeles Sa all within a bord Arg
pellety. (D: Asa beiskalda - May 07)
Gu, on a cross Arg another Az. (B: Norway - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA flag)
Gu, on a cross Arg betw 4 threaded needles bendwise sin Or, a
rapier Sa. (D: Christian Guillaume de Saint Clair - Jun 94)
Gu, on a cross conjoined with a salt Arg a sun Sa. (D: Rlich
Sturmveder - Feb 00)
Gu, on a cross cotised Or, five hazel nuts Vt nutted Arg. (D:
Alejandra Isabel Marn - Mar 95)
Gu, on a cross ermine betw 4 lions passant gardant Or a closed book
Gu. (D: Cambridge, University of - Dec 94) (Important nonSCA arms)
Gu, on a cross ermine betw 4 rabbits sejant Arg a cross Sa. (D:
Adriana von Grimme - May 03)
Gu, on a cross erminois betw 4 lions heads erased Or a cross Sa.
(D: Konrad von Grimme - May 03)
Gu, on a cross Or a cross Sa, in dexter chf a cross formy Or. (D:
Wulfgar von Regensburg - Jan 01)
Gu, on a cross Or a mullet Gu, on a chf indented Or 2 dragons
passant respectant Gu. (D: Paul Spyke - Feb 06)
Gu, on a cross Or five ladybugs Gu marked Sa. (D: Gabriella del
Falco - Dec 01)
Or, a cross Gu, fretty Or, & overall a shrew ramp reguardant Sa. (D:
Larissa the Shrew - May 87)
Or, a cross Vt fretty Arg betw 4 weavers tablets Az. (D: Anastasia
of the Oaks - Oct 99)
Or, a cross voided Sa surmounted by a rose Gu barbed & seeded
proper betw 2 goblets in bend sin Gu. (D: Giovanni di Sienna
- Aug 84)
Or, a cross voided Sa surmounted by a rose Gu, barbed & seeded
proper, betw 2 goblets in bend sin Gu, augmented with a
canton of Or, a key fesswise Gu within a bord embat Vt.
(Augmentation of Arms: Giovanni di Sienna - Jul 88)
Or, on a cross Az betw 4 mullets of six points pierced Gu a boys
head couped Arg, crined Or. (D: Martin the Fair Child May 80)
Or, on a cross betw 4 crosses bottony Az a horse ramp betw 4
crosses bottony Or. (D: Gerard Rupert Chamfleur - Oct 82)
Or, on a cross cotised Az, a Catherine wheel Or. (D: Kevin Ioseph
of Tregoenning - May 84)
Or, on a cross Gu, a dexter hand apaumy grasping another dexter
hand aversant, betw in chf 3 annulets interlaced & in base the
same inv, all Or; overall a bord invected ermine. (D:
Berengaria of Hythe - Aug 86)
Or, on a cross Gu five quatrefoils Arg seeded Or. (D: Helewys
Spynnere - Oct 07)
Or, on a cross nowy quadrate Vt a horse passant Or. (D: Moira of
Cloonlara - Sep 97)
Or, on a cross Vt a hawks leg erased a la quise belled & jessed
bendwise sin Or. (D: Jessimond of Greencrosse - Nov 03)
Or, on a cross Vt betw 4 hearts, points to center, Gu, 4 quills, points
to center, Or. (D: John Gareth Tailor - Jul 84)
Or, on a cross Vt five pegasi ramp Or within a bord Vt. (D: Oriana
Winterborne - Apr 85)
Or, 3 chevronels braced Gu betw a strung bow fesswise, string to
base, surmounted by an arrow bendwise inv, & a cross crosslet
fitchy, all Sa. (D: Meaghan Arsmith of Ludlow - Sep 88)
Per fess Az & Vt, on a cross Or a Catherines wheel Sa. (D:
Catherine Carnimirie von Westphalia - Oct 76?)
Per pale Vt & Gu, on a cross the fesswise arms couped Arg 4 roses
in pale Gu. (D: Juliana van de Rosengaert - Jan 05)
Purp goutty, on a cross Arg a garden rose Purp, slipped & leaved
Vt. (D: Krystyne McGowan of Rose Hill - Jun 93)
Purp, on a cross Arg a cross of Calatrava Purp, a bord Arg. (D:
Lyneya Allain - Mar 08)
Purp, on a cross Arg in cross a sword & a bow Sa. (D: Theodoric
Strongbow - Feb 94)
Purp, on a cross quarter-pierced Or, 4 lilies pendant checky Purp &
Arg, slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Elspeth Bibury - Jan 93)
Purp, on a cross Vt fimbriated a goutte Arg. (D: Tomasia Mariano
- Nov 00)
Purp, within a cross voided & cotised Or, a chess rook Arg. (D:
Alberecht von Heldenkreis - Sep 80)
Quarterly Az & Arg, on a cross ctrch a lioness head jessant-de-lys
Or. (D: Antoinette de la Croix - Aug 02)

Cross - Throughout - Charged - Plain line (continued)

Quarterly Az & Arg, on a cross Gu a crown betw 4 mullets of six

points, in canton a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Lochac - Jun 01)
Quarterly Az & Arg, on a cross Gu 4 mullets of six points & in
canton a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Lochac - Jun 01) (Ancient
Quarterly Az & Arg, on a cross Gu 4 mullets of six points Arg. (B:
Lochac - Jul 03)
Quarterly Az & Arg, on a cross Gu 4 roses & in canton another all
Arg. (D: Lochac, Princess of - Apr 87)
Quarterly Az & ermine, on a cross Gu betw in bend 2 crescents, a
rams head cabossed Arg. (D: Olwyn Gwallt Coch - Jun 88)
Quarterly Az & Gu, on a cross Arg the achievement of the
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (Quarterly Az & Gu, a cross Arg,
overall a sheaf of 4 banners Az, Gu, & Arg surmounted by an
open book Arg ensigned with a Latin cross Or; the escutcheon
within an open wreath formed of a laurel branch & a palm
frond Vt, in chf on a ribbon Az the words DIOS, PATRIA, &
LIBERTAD Or & in base on another Gu the words
REPUBLICA DOMINICANA Or). (B: Dominican Republic Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Quarterly Az & Vt, on a cross Arg a scorpion Gu. (D: Erik Viligisl
- Feb 95)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, on a cross Sa betw in bend sin 2 praying
mantises Vt a crane disp Arg. (D: Alrik Einar Thorvald Aug 84)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a cross Arg goutty de sang, a bord Arg. (D:
Tomas Waegmund - Jan 93)
Quarterly Sa & Vt, on a cross Or, an arrow inv Sa betw 2 crossescrosslet Vt, & a bord Or. (D: Morgan Rhys of Glastonbury Mar 94)
Quarterly Vt & Sa, on a cross Arg betw 4 plates, a lozenge Sa. (D:
Archibald Wynterbourne - Dec 93)
Sa, a cross Or goutty de sang betw 4 pilgrims scrips Or. (D: Maria
Taresa Ospital - Oct 03)
Sa, on a cross Arg, a sin hand couped at the wrist apaumy Az. (D:
Brian Dritar an Con - Jan 74?)
Sa, on a cross Arg a sword betw in fess 2 crosses couped Gu, & on
a chf Or 3 escallops Sa. (D: Gilbert of Darkwood - Jul 86)
Sa, on a cross Arg in cross a sword inv & an arrow Sa all within a
bord Arg. (D: William of Craucester - Jan 02)
Sa, on a cross Arg surmounted by a chevronel & another inv braced
ctrch 3 lozenges in fess Gu. (D: Tabitha de Lund - Jun 95)
Sa, on a cross betw 4 decrescents Or, five swans naiant Sa. (B:
Imran Yosuf le Scorpioun - Apr 85) (For House Illuminar)
Sa, on a cross betw 4 ermine spots Or another Sa. (D: Tor Tracir of
the Grey Wastes - Apr 84)
Sa, on a cross betw in bend 2 eagles heads couped & in bend sin 2
swords inv Arg, a cross raguly Gu. (D: Garret du Bouclier
Noir - Jan 87)
Sa, on a cross betw in chf a mask of comedy & a mask of tragedy
Arg, in pale 2 arrows palewise Gu. (D: Rupert the Persistent Apr 90)
Sa, on a cross cotised Or, a sun Gu. (D: Gaius Marcellus Liberius
Auklandus - Jul 80)
Sa, on a cross Gu fimbriated Arg a dragon segreant Or. (D:
Antonius Ambrosius - May 82)
Sa, on a cross Or, betw 4 lozenges Or, a cross Gu. (D: Siegfried
von Cochem - Jun 96)
Sa, on a cross Sa fimbriated betw 2 dexter hands in dexter & 2 sin
hands in sin a sun in its splendor Or. (D: Ceridwen Killian Apr 99)
Sa, on a cross voided Or a cartwheel Arg. (D: Keith of Kent Sep 04)
Vt, a cross Vt fretty & fimbriated Or. (B: Geoffri of Wareine Mar 85) (For T Wareine)
Vt, on a cross Arg, a cross Gu, overall a pegasus Arg & in canton an
increscent Or. (D: Diana Listmaker - Jan 73?)
Vt, on a cross quarterly Or & Arg ctrch per bend sin a fillet cross Sa
& overall on a roundel Gu a parrot proper betw (ten) mullets
in annulo Arg. (B: Dominica - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA
Vt, within a cross voided betw 4 eagles heads erased a mullet Arg.
(D: William MacLaren - Nov 07)
* * * End * * *

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 593

[Cross - Throughout - Charged - Complex line] to [Crown]

Cross - Throughout - Charged - Complex line

Arg, on a cross engrailed Sa a cross Arg. (D: Thomas Sinclair Aug 02)
Arg, on a cross invected Vt betw 4 acorns inv bendwise sin slipped
& leaved Sa a lioness sejant guardant Or. (D: Katherine la
Lionesse - Jan 96)
Arg, on a cross nowy patty throughout Sa, a plate, thereon a corbie
disp Sa. (D: Craig of the Chambers - Jan 76?)
Arg, on a cross quadrate betw in chf 2 annulets Az a compass star
Arg. (D: Matthew the Ponderer - Nov 94)
Az, on a cross embat & nowy Or a straight-armed Celtic cross
throughout Sa all within a bord embat Or. (D: Malachi Mac
Kenzie O Corrigan - Feb 03)
Az, on a cross formy nowy throughout betw in bend 2 fleurs-de-lys
Arg, a fleur-de-lys Az. (D: Michael du Mont - Dec 89)
Az, on a cross nowy cotised Arg, a trefoil slipped Vt. (D: Klement
St. Christoph - Nov 85)
Az, on a cross nowy Or a cinquefoil Gu. (D: Elizabeth de Foxle Jul 03)
Az, on a cross wavy Arg betw in chf 2 crosses crosslet Or five
fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Juliana Angelique dAvelaine - Aug 00)
Barry bendy sin Arg & Sa, on a cross nowy Or an eagle rising
contourny, wings addorsed Sa. (D: Roger Mighel de Ryes Apr 93)
Ermine, on a cross formy fitchy throughout Az a rose Arg. (B:
Taliesin de Morlet - Sep 02)
Gu, centered on a Celtic cross simple patty throughout Or, a thistle
proper. (B: Chlurain, Clan - Jun 73?)
Gu, on a cross nowy Or a stag trippant Sa, a bord Or. (D: Asonuma
Takeo - Sep 04)
Gu, on a cross nowy quadrate cotised Or a dragon passant & in chf
a mullet Gu. (D: Wyn Caradoc of Anglesey - Nov 96)
Gu, on a cross nowy quadrate Or, a fireball proper. (D: Elsa von
Thringen - Jan 93)
Gu, on a cross pate nowy throughout betw in bend a mullet of
eight points & a hammer & a sword crossed in salt Arg, a
trefoil Vt. (D: James ONeill - Dec 80)
Or, a cross nowy of a lozenge Az charged on the nowy portion with
4 lozenges in cross Or. (D: Kimbel Ross - Jan 02)
Or, on a cross engrailed Az betw 4 hearts Gu, a lion ramp
maintaining a sword Arg. (D: Lionel Gray the Gallant Jul 92)
Or, on a cross formy throughout Vt, an oil lamp Arg. (D: Eleanore
Godwin - Nov 97)
Or, on a cross nowy quadrate Az, a lioness head cabossed Or. (D:
Angelique de Roche - Sep 87)
Or, on a cross nowy quadrate betw in chf 2 shamrocks Vt, a
thunderbolt Or. (D: Aislinn Chaomhanach - Apr 99)
Per bend Gu & Sa, on a Celtic cross throughout Arg a sword inv Sa.
(D: George of Clan OCaine - Mar 84)
Per pale Arg & Or, on a cross nowy Purp a rose Arg barbed Vt &
seeded Purp. (D: Kateline Huntington - Jun 06)
Per pale Purp & Gu, on a key cross throughout Arg a county
coronet Purp. (B: Shajar al-Yaasmeen - Sep 94)
Purp, on a cross formy throughout Arg, in chf a rose proper. (D:
Christian de la Rose de Acre - Oct 06)
Purp, on a cross nowy Arg a heart Gu. (D: Evald Johannessen Jan 93)
Quarterly Arg & Or, on a cross engrailed Az a crescent Or. (D:
Dante di Lucio della Luna - Oct 05)
Quarterly Arg & Or, on a cross Sa irradiated Gu, a cross crosslet
fitchy Arg. (D: Nicolo della Scala - Feb 91)
Quarterly Az & Gu, on a cross nowy quadrate Arg a raven Sa. (D:
Branwen de Gray of Teokesberia - Dec 01)
Quarterly Az & Vt, on a cross nowed Or, a swan naiant Sa, all
within a bord Or. (D: Eowyn ferch Rhys - Nov 86)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, on a cross nowy Or a shamrock Vt, a bord Or.
(B: Madoc ap Meurig - Sep 04)
Quarterly Gu & Vt, on a cross nowy Arg an urn Sa, a bord Arg. (D:
Brigh Neassa OConnor - May 93)
Quarterly Sa & Vt, on a salt conjoined to a cross flory throughout
Arg, a garden rose blossom affronty Gu. (D: Laura Ellen du
Brandevin - Oct 88)
Quarterly Vt & Az, on a cross nowy Arg a bears head erased Sa.
(D: Bjorn Thorburn - May 87)

594 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Cross - Throughout - Charged - Complex line (continued)

Sa, on a cross engrailed Arg a lion passant Gu betw 4 leopards

faces Az & on a chf Or a rose betw 2 Cornish choughs proper.
(D: Thomas Wolsey, Cardinal, Chancellor of England Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Sa, on a cross nowy Arg, a compass star Gu. (B: John of Two
Towers - Sep 92)
Sa, on a cross nowy Arg a sprig of parsley Vt betw 3 mullets Sa & a
heart Gu. (D: Petroushka of Bohemia - Jan 83)
Sa, on a cross nowy Arg a wolfs head cabossed Gu, in dexter chf 2
axes in salt Or. (B: Alexander Makcristyne - Mar 05)
Sa, on a cross nowy Arg an Elder futhark rune Manaz Sa, all within
a bord Arg. (D: Thorsteinn Vandringsmann - Feb 08)
Sa, on a cross nowy formy throughout Arg, a maple leaf Gu, all
within a bord Arg. (B: Beli Bailey of Kintyre - Jan 91)
Sa, on a cross nowy Or a sin gauntlet Sa grasping a garden rosebud
fesswise Gu slipped & leaved proper. (D: Andreas
Linkshnder von Rosenfeld - Apr 91)
Sa, on a cross nowy Or a sun in splendor Sa, in sin chf an estoile Or.
(D: Uilliam MacMathgamna of Monaghan - Apr 94)
Sa, on a cross nowy quadrate Gu fimbriated betw in chf 2 phoenixes
a demons head couped Arg. (D: Lochlainn Clirigh Jul 05)
Sa, on a cross pate throughout Or surmounted by a roundel ctrch 4
fleurs-de-lys palewise Gu. (D: Guy le Provenal - Aug 83)
Sa, on a cross raguly Or a martlet Gu betw 4 pears Vt. (D: Kateryn
Lepton de Gilling - Dec 07)
Sa, within a cross formy throughout nowy pierced Or, a unicorns
head couped Arg. (D: Walter Bowman - Jul 91)
Vairy Or & Az, on a cross formy quadrate throughout Gu, a tortoise
tergiant palewise Or. (D: Genevieve Fehrmann - Dec 86)
Vt, on a cross, each arm nowy of a lozenge, Arg, 4 quatrefoils
slipped Vt. (D: Penelope O Sileabhin - Oct 88)
Vt, on a cross nowy betw in chf 2 goblets Or a heart Gu. (D: Emma
de Hasting - Mar 05)
Vt, on a cross nowy Or a shamrock Vt. (D: Padraighcine
hUrthile - Mar 81)
Vt, on a cross nowy quadrate Arg a rabbit sejant proper maintaining
a quill pen Sa. (D: Lettice Peyton of Ashdown - Dec 95)
Vt, on a cross quadrate Or a thistle proper. (D: Magdalena
Bischoptre - Oct 99)
* * * End * * *
Cross monogram: see Cross and Symbol
Cross of: see Arrangement - In cross and Cross
Crossbow: see Bow
Crow: see Bird


See also: Jewelry and Torse and Wreath

(Fieldless) A bear couchant Sa crowned of a coronet Or pearled
Arg. (B: Ardis Bluemantle - Jan 05)
(Tinctureless) A coronet embat. (Regalia: Society for Creative
Anachronism - Oct 98) (For Counts, Earls and Countesses)
(Tinctureless) A coronet with strawberry leaves. (Regalia: Society
for Creative Anachronism - Oct 98) (For Dukes and
(Tinctureless) A crown. (Regalia: Society for Creative
Anachronism - Oct 98) (For Royal Peers)
(Fieldless) A drinking horn palewise Arg enfiling a pearled coronet
Or. (B: Su of the Silver Horn - Dec 04) (Blanket permission
to conflict so long as coronet is different type)
(Fieldless) A harp crowned Gu. (B: Caitrona n Bhriain - Jul 96)
(Fieldless) A harp Or stringed Arg crowned proper. (B: Ireland Dec 94) (Important non-SCA royal badge)
(Fieldless) A Latin cross of bones Arg enfiled with a coronet Sa.
(B: Thorbrandr Olafsson - Jul 99)
(Fieldless) A natural demi-tiger salient Arg striped Sa issuant from
a pearled coronet Gu. (B: Tatiana Nikonovna Besprozvannyja
- Sep 07)
(Fieldless) A pantheons head erased Az semy of compass stars
Arg gorged of a pearled coronet Or. (B: Ghislaine dAuxerre Jun 03)


Crown (continued)

(Tinctureless) A quarter-sun saltirewise illuminated in chf

surmounted by a crowned scepter palewise betw 2 bats disp
grasping a scroll folded nebulywise to base inscribed
"SEMPER LITTERIS MANDATE", overall 2 straight
trumpets in salt. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Vesper - Aug 79)
(Fieldless) A ram statant Gu gorged of a ducal coronet Or. (B:
Aaron Graves - Dec 03) (JB: Alessandra Gabrielli)
(Fieldless) A shamrock Vt crowned proper. (B: Ireland - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA royal badge)
(Fieldless) A thistle crowned proper. (B: Scotland - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA royal badge)
(Fieldless) A torch Arg enflamed Gu enfiled of a pearled coronet
Or pearled Vt. (B: Rowen OCeallachain of Muscraidhe Apr 00)
(Fieldless) A trillium flower Arg crowned Or. (B: Ealdormere Jun 99) (For the Queen)
(Fieldless) A Tudor rose crowned proper. (B: England - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA royal badge)
(Fieldless) A 2-headed domestic cat sejant affronty, heads addorsed
Sa, gorged of a pearled coronet Or. (B: Uilliam mac Ailne
mhic Seamuis - Jan 06)
(Fieldless) A tyger ermine incensed Gu ducally crowned Or. (B:
Martino Michele Venri - May 07)
(Fieldless) A wolfs head erased Arg sustaining in its mouth a
ducal coronet points to dexter Or. (B: Chrystofer Kensor Jul 02)
(Fieldless) An anchor Arg enfiling a coronet bendwise sin Or
pearled Gu. (B: Uilliam mac Ailne mhic Seamuis - May 05)
(Fieldless) An apple Or slipped & leaved Vt crowned Arg. (B:
Brianna Magennis - Sep 00)
(Fieldless) In pale a crescent inv Arg & an Eastern crown Or. (B:
East, the - Apr 81) (For the Order of the Silver Crescent)
(Tinctureless) In pale a mullet of five greater & five lesser points &
in base a crown dancetty & a swallowtailed scroll crescentwise
bearing the inscription "constare", overall in salt 2 straight
trumpets, bells in chf. (Seal: Heralds Seals: Star - Jun 80)
(Fieldless) On a canton Or, in pale a crown of 3 points & a mullet
of five greater & five lesser points Sa. (Augmentation of Arms:
Sigmund the Wingfooted - Nov 88)
(Fieldless) On a hurt indented a natural leopard salient ermine,
gorged of a pearled coronet Sa. (B: Rhiannon ui Neill Jul 05)
(Fieldless) 3 ostrich feathers in pile Arg enfiling a crown Or the
quills surmounting (sometimes piercing, sometimes
surmounted by) a scroll Arg bearing the words ICH DIEN Sa.
(B: England, Heir Apparent of - Dec 94) (Important nonSCA badge)
Arg, a coney salient Gu gorged of a coronet Or within a bord
rayonny Gu. (D: Vasilla Anastasiia Krasnaia - Apr 07)
Arg, a cross formy Gu, in chf a pearled coronet, a base Sa. (B:
Antonio Giordano da Sicilia - Aug 05)
Arg, a crown of thorns Vt, barbed, a bord Sa. (D: Morwith
Blackthorn - Aug 99)
Arg, a crown within a laurel wreath Vt, all within a bord engrailed
Az. (D: Mists, Prince of the - Nov 82)
Arg, a crown within a rose leaf wreath Vt, all within a bord
engrailed Az, sem of roses Arg. (D: Mists, Princess of the Nov 82)
Arg, a fireball proper within a chaplet of roses, in chf an ancient
crown Az. (D: Sun, the - Apr 92) (Consorts arms)
Arg, a fireball proper within a laurel wreath, in chf an ancient crown
Az. (D: Sun, the - Apr 92) (Coronets arms)
Arg, a heart Gu & on a chf Az 3 mullets Arg, for augmentation, the
heart crowned proper. (Augmentation of Arms: Douglas Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, a natural panthers head erased close crowned within a bord
Sa. (B: Angharad Drakenhefd - Aug 85)
Arg, a pale Gu, overall a dragon passant Vt, in chf an ancient crown
Or within a chaplet of roses proper. (D: Middle Kingdom,
Consort of - Aug 89)
Arg a peacock in its pride Az gorged of a pearled coronet Arg betw
2 barrulets betw 2 spouted pots reversed Vt. (D: Roberto
Valason - Sep 04)

Crown (continued)

Arg, a serpent glissant palewise Az (sometimes Vt) (sometimes

crowned Or) vorant an infant (sometimes a demi-man) Gu.
(D: Visconti, Duke of Milan - Nov 02) (Important non-SCA
Arg, an elephant ramp Sa maintaining in its trunk a coronet Gu. (D:
Abd al-Hakim ibn Abd al-Rahman Shaddad al-Tomki Feb 97)
Az, a beardless winged unicorn salient to sin Arg, wings elevated &
addorsed Or, gorged of a crown indented of 3 points Gu, betw
in chf 3 mullets of eight points & in base 2 of the same in bend
sin Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Janeltis Karaine, Starfollower
- Dec 82)
Az, a claymore inv enfiling a coronet all betw 3 harps Or. (D:
Alaric Domhnullach - Nov 03)
Az, a crown within a laurel wreath Or, betw 3 crescents within a
bord embat Arg. (D: Caid - Feb 75?)
Az, a doe lodged Or gorged of a coronet & chained, on a chf embat
Arg a sun in splendor Gu. (D: Tsivia bas Tamara of
Amberview - May 99)
Az, a fess Arg semy of compass stars Az betw a coronet & a bear
statant Arg. (D: Gabrielle von Strassburg - Sep 03)
Az, a grey goose volant bendwise wings addorsed proper gorged of
a coronet Or. (D: Rorik Fredericsson - Dec 99)
Az, a kings head couped affronty & crowned Or. (D: Stockholm,
City of - Feb 06) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, a merman affronty reguardant maintaining in the sin hand a
trident, in chf a pearled coronet, all within a bord Arg. (D:
Tristan Alexander - Nov 01)
Az, a merman affronty reguardant maintaining in the sin hand a
trident, in chf a pearled coronet, all within a bord Arg, as an
augmentation, in the mermans dexter hand a targe Arg
charged with an escutcheon of Sa, a decrescent & a base
indented of 3 points Arg.. (Augmentation of Arms: Tristan
Alexander - Nov 01)
Az, a polar bear statant to sin Arg, crowned of a coronet dovetailed
Or, within an annulet, a chf embat Arg. (D: Rowan Beatrice
vom Kampfer - Jan 88)
Az, a royal crown Or the cap Gu. (D: Toleda, Kingdom of Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, a sin gauntlet clenched aversant bendwise sustaining a rose
slipped & leaved bendwise sin Arg, in chf a mural coronet, all
within an orle of chain Or. (D: Steffen Albert Rheinbauer Jun 05)
Az, a sun in his splendour Or within a laurel wreath Arg & in chf a
crown of 3 greater & 2 lesser points Or. (D: Atenveldt, King of
- Nov 84)
Az, a sun in his splendour Or within a wreath of roses Arg, barbed
& seeded proper, & in chf a crown of 3 greater & 2 lesser
points Or. (D: Atenveldt, Queen of - Nov 84)
Az, a swan naiant Arg crowned Or. (D: Sheryl of Thespis Jan 73?)
Az, a swan rousant contourny Arg, incensed proper, gorged of a
county coronet Or, & a bord wavy Arg semy of roses Gu,
slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Dulcia MacPherson - Dec 05)
Az, a sword proper enfiling in chf a coronet betw in fess 2 fleursde-lis Or. (D: Joan of Arc - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA
Az, a wolf ramp contourny Arg maintaining in his sin paw an axe
bendwise Arg hafted Or, a base Arg & in chf a ducal coronet
Or. (D: Chrystofer Kensor - Mar 08)
Az, a wolf ramp contourny Arg maintaining in his sin paw an axe
bendwise Arg hafted Or, a base Arg & in chf a ducal coronet
Or, for augmentation, on a canton Purp a cross of Calatrava &
a bord Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Chrystofer Kensor Mar 08)
Az estencel Or, an ounce passant Arg incensed proper gorged with
a ducal coronet Or. (B: Heather of Tyson - Mar 07)
Az, on a chev Or 3 triskeles Az, in base a coronet within an annulet
of chain Or. (D: Steinn Vikingsson - Mar 06)
Az, on a gauntlet aversant Arg a Lombardic letter R Az crowned, all
within a orle of chain Or. (B: Raim y Hynnddyl - Jun 06)
Az, on an open book Arg betw 3 crowns Or the words DOMINUS
ILLUMINATIO MEO Sa. (D: Oxford, University of Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, semy of crowns Or. (D: Arthur, King - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA arms)(attributed)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 595


Crown (continued)

Az, semy of roses, a lion ramp contourny Arg & in chf a coronet
Or. (D: Miriam bat Yehuda - Apr 92)
Az, 3 crowns Or. (D: Arthur, King - Dec 94)
(attributed)(Important non-SCA arms)
Az, 3 crowns Or. (D: Sweden - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA
Az vtu ploy ermine, a crescent & in chf a coronet Arg. (D: Caia
Snowden - Nov 03)
Checky Arg & Sa, a coronet & on a chf embat Or, 3 crosses Latin
bottony Gu. (D: Anton Tremayne - Apr 95)
Checky Az & Or, in pale 3 mastiffs courant Arg each gorged of a
coronet Gu. (B: Cun MacDaige - Jul 96)
Checky Az & Or, 3 mastiffs courant in annulo Arg each gorged of a
coronet Gu. (B: Cun MacDaige - Jul 96)
Checky Az & Or, 3 mastiffs sejant Arg each gorged of a coronet
Gu. (D: Cun MacDaige - Jul 96)
Checky Or & Arg, a lion ramp tail forked & nowed Sa, crowned
Gu, grasping in dexter forepaw a laurel wreath bendwise Vt.
(D: An Tir - Dec 81)
Checky Or & Arg, a lion ramp, tail forked & nowed Sa, crowned
Gu, grasping in dexter forepaw a wreath of hearts, points to
center, alternating with roses Gu, barbed & seeded proper. (D:
An Tir, Queen of - Dec 81)
Checky Or & Arg, a lions head cabossed Sa, crowned Gu. (B: An
Tir - Oct 82)
Counter-ermine, a griffin segreant Gu gorged of a ducal coronet inv
& on a chf indented Or 3 mullets Sa. (D: Kein MacEwan Nov 99)
Ermine vtu Az, a brown horse couchant contourny proper blazed
& stockinged Arg gorged of a pearled coronet & chained Arg.
(B: Betha of Bedford - Nov 02)
Ermine vtu Az, a brown horse couchant proper blazed &
stockinged Arg gorged of a pearled coronet & chained Arg.
(D: Betha of Bedford - Nov 02)
Gu, a bend sin checky Arg & Gu fimbriated Or betw 2 mermaids
proper crined & crowned Or each maintaining a shield &
trident Sa. (D: Moira Fennor of Argyll - Sep 02)
Gu, a chev embat ermine betw 3 Latin crosses bottony Arg, each
enfiled bendwise of a county coronet Or. (D: John FitzGerald
de Clare - Nov 99)
Gu, a column Arg crowned & its capital & base Or. (D: Colonna,
House of - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, a double-headed eagle crowned Arg. (D: Nemanjici, Kings of
Serbia - May 02) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, a rattlesnake coiled lozengy erminois & pean, rattled, armed,
langued, & wearing an embat crown Arg. (D: Lloyd von Eaker
- May 80)
Gu, a trillium flower affronty Arg, barbed Vt, within a laurel
wreath, in chf a coronet Arg. (D: Ealdormere - Nov 89)
Gu, a triquetra inv & in chf a crown Arg. (B: Ealdormere Sep 04)
Gu, an escarbuncle Arg within a laurel wreath & in chf a coronet
Or. (D: thelmearc - Sep 89)
Gu, an olive tree enfiling a coronet & in chf 3 triskeles Or. (D:
Deirdre inghean u Thighearnin - Nov 07)
Gu, in pale 3 crowns Or. (D: Arthur, King - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA arms)(attributed)
Gu, in salt 2 keys Arg & Or handles bound with a cord Gu wards
enwrapped by the infibulae of a Papal tiara in chf Arg
garnished Or. (D: Vatican - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA
arms)(Also the arms of the Papacy)
Gu, on a lozenge ploy Arg betw in chf 2 coronets Or, a mullet Sa,
a bord embat Arg. (D: Aquila Blackmore - Jan 08)
Gu, the crown of Charlemagne proper. (D: Holy Roman Empire,
Arch-Treasurer of the - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, 2 keys in salt Arg & in chf a crown Or. (D: York,
Archbishopric of - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, a carp naiant betw in chf 2 coronets & in base 2 bars wavy Gu.
(D: Lao Tao-sheng - Sep 93)
Or, a castle Sa & in chf 3 pearled coronets Purp all within a bord
pean. (D: Aster Peyton - Feb 02)
Or, a crown dancetty of 3 voided Vt within a wreath of roses
proper. (D: West, Queen of the - Jan 73?)
Or, a crown dancetty of 3 voided within a laurel wreath Vt. (D:
West, King of the - Jan 73?)

596 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Crown (continued)

Or, a domestic cat sejant affronty head to dexter Gu gorged with a

pearled coronet Arg & on a chf urdy Az 3 spools of thread Or.
(D: Ekaterina Vladimirovna - Nov 04)
Or, a ducal coronet betw five pine trees 2, 2, & one Sa within a bord
dovetailed Gu. (D: Alan Youngforest - Dec 01)
Or, a fox sejant guardant Sa & in chf a ducal coronet, all within an
orle of Wake knots in orle Gu. (D: Marsle of Dunbarton Sep 07)
Or, a foxs head contourny erased ducally crowned within a bord
embat Gu. (D: Katerina OCallaghan - Nov 06)
Or, a foxs head contourny erased ducally crowned within a bord
embat Gu & for augmentation on a canton Az, a sun in his
glory issuant from base Or, within a bord Arg. (Augmentation
of Arms: Katerina OCallaghan - Nov 06)
Or, a mullet of five greater & five lesser points Sa within a laurel
wreath Vt, in chf a crown of 3 points, all within a tressure Sa,
overall issuant from base a demi-sun Gu. (D: Ansteorra Dec 84)
Or, a mullet of five greater & five lesser points Sa within a wreath
of six roses Sa, barbed, slipped & leaved Vt, each rose charged
with another Or, seeded Sa, barbed Vt, in chf a crown
dancetty, all within a tressure Sa, overall issuant from base a
demi-sun Gu. (D: Ansteorra, Queen of - May 80)
Or, a pale bretessed betw 2 moorcocks close respectant Gu each
gorged of a coronet Arg. (D: Vostroi Ivanov Kievich Jan 01)
Or, a portcullis & in chf a pearled coronet, on a chf Az 3 flames Or.
(D: Iefan Colledig ap Dynfwal Abertawe - Apr 07)
Or, a quill pen bendwise sin Sa ribbed & enfiled of a coronet Gu
betw 2 Kendal flowers proper. (D: Melissa Kendal of
Westmoreland - Jul 96)
Or, a raven disp, wings inv, head to sin, Sa perched on an oak
branch leaved proper, in chf a ducal coronet, on a bord Sa a
chain Or. (D: Balder Longstrider - Jan 91)
Or, a tygers head erased Az, engorged with an Eastern Crown Arg;
on a chf Az a quill pen fesswise Or. (B: East, the - Aug 79)
(For the Tyger Clerk of the Signet Office)
Or, an anchor within a laurel wreath below a crown dancetty of 3
voided, all Vt. (B: West, the - Sep 71) (Ensign)
Or, an antique crown voided Vt surmounted by a sword Gu. (B:
West, the - Aug 82) (For the Kings Huscarls)
Or, an oxs head cabossed Sa crowned Or. (D: Mecklenburg, Dukes
of - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, in fess 3 pine trees eradicated Gu, overall a dragon passant
coward, all within a laurel wreath, in chf an ancient crown Sa.
(D: Drachenwald - May 93)
Or, in fess 3 pine trees eradicated Gu, overall a dragon passant
coward Sa, all within a wreath of roses Gu leaved Vt, in chf an
ancient crown Sa. (D: Drachenwald, Consort of - May 93)
Or, in pale a crown indented & a mullet of five greater & five lesser
points Sa, a sin tierce embat Gu. (B: Ansteorra - Mar 89)
(Kings battle flag)
Or, mullety of six points Az, in canton a coronet embat Sa. (B:
Elaina of Oaklawn - Jun 02)
Or, 2 pallets Sa surmounted by a cross patonce Gu, in chf betw the
pallets a coronet Gu pearled Arg. (D: James the Tormentor Nov 06)
Or, within a laurel wreath Vt, a crown of 3 points voided, Vt. (D:
West, the - Feb 70) (Registered to "King and Kingdom of the
Pean, a goats head erased & in canton a crown Or. (D: Dak
Ulfredsson - Nov 86)
Per bend Az & Arg, a maunch Vt charged in base with a harp & in
canton an Eastern crown Or. (B: East, the - Jan 80) (For
Queens Bard)
Per bend Az & Arg, a sword Vt, hilted Sa, debruised by a harp & in
chf an Eastern crown Or. (B: East, the - Jan 80) (For the
Kings Bard)
Per bend sin bendy sin Vt & Arg, & Arg, in sin base a brown wolfs
head, erased & affronty, proper, gorged of a coronet Or,
maintaining in its mouth a garden rose Gu, slipped & leaved
Vt. (D: Bearrach Aelwyn the Wolfhead - Apr 99)
Per bend sin Purp & Or, a crown & a heart ctrch. (B: Rebekka die
Blonde - May 89)
Per chev Arg & Vt, 2 fir trees eradicated Vt, each charged with a
coronet, & a hawk striking Arg. (D: Phillip of Ghent - Jul 07)


Crown (continued)

Per chev ermine & Az, in base in pale a coronet & 3 annulets
interlaced one & 2 Or. (D: Lile ni Mhordha - Dec 94)
Per chev inv indented Purp & Arg, in pale 2 fleurs-de-lys ctrch, that
in base enfiling a ducal coronet Arg. (D: Corisande de Burgh
- Nov 04) (? is the coronet really argent on the argent part fo
the field?)
Per chev inv Sa & Arg, a horn-crested helmet affronty & 2 wings
conjoined ctrch, in chf a ducal coronet Or. (D: Olaf
Askoldssonn - Nov 88)
Per chev Or & Purp, 2 fleurs-de-lys & a dragon passant gorged of a
pearled coronet within a bord embat ctrch. (D: Gwendolen
ferch Cadwaladr ap Rhys - Jun 01)
Per chev rayonny Or & Gu, 2 butterflies & a coronet dancetty ctrch.
(D: Venanza da Verona - Sep 89)
Per fess Az & Gu, in canton a crown Or. (B: Liechtenstein Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess enarched Arg & Vt, in pale an acorn, slipped & leaved,
proper & a coronet Arg. (D: Meagan ferch Meredydd May 90)
Per fess indented Az & Gu, in pale a sin wing & a pearled coronet
Arg. (D: Temur of the Kerait - Nov 03)
Per pale Arg & Az, 2 natural panthers combatant, tails nowed,
ctrch, each gorged of a crown embat Or, maintaining betw
them a rose Gu, barbed, seeded, slipped & leaved proper. (D:
Sharra de la Pradera Blanca - Nov 06)
Per pale Arg & lozengy Arg & Purp, 3 domestic cats ramp
contourny Sa crowned Or. (D: lfra Long - Jan 08)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a horses head couped Arg, crined of flames &
incensed proper, issuant from a ducal crown Or fimbriated Sa.
(B: Aonghais Dubh MacTarbh - Feb 07) (For Clan
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 natural panthers ramp addorsed tails nowed &
crossed, in base a county coronet, all within an orle of chain
ctrch. (D: Toirdhealbhach an Cat Dubh - Nov 06)
Per pale Arg & Vt, an oak leaf & an acorn inv ctrch, in base a
pearled coronet Or, all within a bord embat Purp. (D: Eiliueth
verch Llewelyn Sutor de Gwynedd - Oct 07)
Per pale Az & Or, a Russian firebird disp ctrch & in chf a coronet
Gu, a bord engrailed ctrch. (D: Katharina von der Waldwiese
- May 98)
Per pale Az & Or, a Russian firebird disp ctrch & in chf a coronet
Gu, all within on a bord engrailed 3 roundels ctrch. (B:
Katharina von der Waldwiese - May 98)
Per pale Az & Sa, a swan naiant reguardant, gorged of a coronet
embat, on a chf Or 3 hazelnuts Vt. (D: Jana von
Drachenklaue - Dec 93)
Per pale Gu & Purp, a unicorn passant regardant Arg crined betw 3
crowns Or. (D: Nerissa de Saye - May 98)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a ram ramp within a laurel wreath, in chf a
coronet Arg. (D: Gleann Abhann - Sep 98)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a ram ramp within a wreath of roses in chf a
coronet Arg. (D: Gleann Abhann - Sep 98) (For consort)
Per pale Or & Arg, in sin 2 keys in salt Arg & Or handles bound
with a cord Gu wards enwrapped by the infibulae of a Papal
tiara in chf Arg garnished Or. (B: Vatican - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Per pale Or & Az, a demi unicorn ramp to sin Arg, gorged of a
coronet Or, issuant from a base engrailed Arg. (D: Muirghein
ni Ghrainne - Dec 96)
Per pale Or & Vt, on a roundel per pale embowed counterembowed
Vt & Or, 2 scorpions in annulo ctrch & in chf a ducal coronet
Gu. (D: Hlutwige Wolfkiller - Jan 98)
Per pale Purp & Arg, a sea-dragon erect ctrch, gorged of a coronet
Or, within a bord ctrch. (D: Clea de Hnedoara - Nov 88)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a pale counter-compony Sa & Arg fimbriated, in
sin chf a bulls head cabossed Gu crowned of a coronet embat
Sa. (D: Darius of Jaxartes - Nov 04)
Per pale Sa & Arg, an antelope statant, in chf a pearled coronet
ctrch. (D: Bronwen o Gydweli - Jan 01)
Per salt Or & Az, a hurst of oak trees proper, to sin a pearled
coronet Or. (D: Heinrich Kreiner - Dec 00)
Per salt Or & Az, a hurst of oak trees proper, to sin a pearled
coronet Or, as an augmentation on a canton Sa a decrescent
Arg, a base indented of 3 points Arg. (Augmentation of Arms:
Heinrich Kreiner - Dec 00)

Crown (continued)

Per salt Sa & Arg, a falcon disp ctrch, in chf a ducal coronet Arg, all
within a bord Gu, charged in chf with a rose Arg. (D: Manfred
Kriegstreiber - Sep 92)
Per salt Sa & Gu, on a sun Arg an eagle with its dexter wing
disclosed Sa, in chf a coronet Arg. (D: Fionnghuala inghen ui
Chonchobhair - Jan 06)
Per salt Vt & pean, a dragon passant Or, gorged of a county coronet
Gu, in chf 3 mullets in chev Arg. (B: Rhiannon of the Isle Apr 98)
Purp, a coronet & on a chf Arg 3 roses Purp. (B: Ysabeau Cameron
- Jul 94)
Purp, a cross of Calatrava & in chf a crown within a bord Or,
overall a label throughout Arg. (D: Calontir, Crown Prince of
- Mar 85)
Purp, a cross of Calatrava, in chf a crown Or, within a wreath of
roses lying as on a bord Arg. (D: Calontir, Queen of Oct 84)
Purp, a cross of Calatrava, in chf a crown Or, within a wreath of
trillium flowers lying as on a bord Arg. (D: Calontir, Crown
Princess of - Oct 84)
Purp, a cross of Calatrava, in chf a crown, within in bord a laurel
wreath Or. (D: Calontir - Jan 84)
Purp, a heart voided Arg surmounted by a coronet Or all within a
bord rayonny Arg. (D: Jacyntha Elizabeth Argentarius Jan 95)
Purp, an Eastern Crown & in chf a label Or. (D: East, Crown
Prince of the - Oct 83)
Purp, an Eastern Crown & on a chf Or 3 roses Purp. (D: East,
Crown Princess of the - Oct 83)
Purp, an Eastern Crown within a wreath of roses Or, barbed Vt
seeded Gu. (D: East, Queen of the - Oct 83)
Purp, betw the tips of a vol bendwise sin Arg a ducal coronet
bendwise sin Or, in chf 3 hearts Sa fimbriated Arg. (D:
Mathghamhain MacAlpine - Nov 06)
Purp, on a tower Arg a dog ramp Purp & in chf a coronet Or. (D:
Gemma Delaroche - Nov 06)
Purp, within a laurel wreath Vt fimbriated Or, an eastern crown of 3
grand points tipped with pearls & 2 lesser points, all Or. (D:
East, the - Jan 73?)
Quarterly Arg & Vt, a coronet Or within an oak chaplet ctrch. (B:
Dafydd ap Gwystl - Mar 99)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, a dragon segreant crowned betw 3 mullets Arg.
(D: Rixa Eriksdottir - Jan 04)
Quarterly Purp & Gu, a natural seahorse Arg ducally gorged Or & a
bord embat Arg. (D: Brighid n Chailln of the Moors Feb 07)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, a griffin segreant to sin gorged of a pearled
coronet within a bord ctrch. (D: Sebastian Halyburton Feb 07)
Quarterly, the first & fourth quarters Az, 3 crowns Arg, the second
& third quarters Gu, 3 horses heads Or. (B: Henrik of Havn Sep 73) (Royal badge)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, a cross bottony ctrch, in chf a coronet Or. (B:
Dafydd ap Gwystl - Mar 99)
Sa, a bat-winged wolf ramp Or gorged with an embat coronet Sa &
in dexter chf a sun Or eclipsed Sa all within a bord embat Or.
(D: Astrith Alexandra - Jun 02)
Sa, a bird-winged pithon erect embowed-counterembowed Or
gorged of an ancient coronet Arg in chf 2 bells Or. (D:
Alessandra of Insula Draconis - Dec 01)
Sa, a compass rose Arg within a laurel wreath, in chf an ancient
crown Or. (D: Northshield - Jan 95)
Sa, a compass rose Arg within a wreath of roses, in chf an ancient
crown Or. (D: Northshield - Jan 95) (For consort)
Sa, a cross formy & in chf a coronet Or, a bord counter-compony Sa
& Arg. (D: Ryan von Gunterburg - Aug 93)
Sa, a dragon dormant to sin Or betw an increscent & a decrescent in
bend sin Arg, in chf a ducal coronet Or. (D: Branwen bean
Aaron - Oct 87)
Sa, a griffin passant Arg maintaining a rose slipped & leaved betw 3
Ducal coronets Or. (D: Tjorkill Kanne - Oct 96)
Sa, a lion couchant, its head a sun in splendour Or, in chf a ducal
coronet Arg. (D: Natalya de Foix - Apr 88) (Blanket
permission to conflict with device granted 0801C)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 597

[Crown] to [Cup - 1 - Argent]

Crown (continued)

Sa, a mullet of eight points, each point terminating in a shamrock,

in chf a crown fleury Or, all within a bord potenty quarterly
Arg & Vt. (D: Arrowyn of Emerald Moor - Aug 84)
Sa, a sea serpent ondoyant, in base a crown, a bord embat Or. (D:
Olaf Canceler - Sep 99)
Sa, a tyger erect affronty Or, pendant from each forepaw a metal
cuff & broken chain Sa, fimbriated Or & in chf a crown voided
betw 2 crowns Or. (D: Torgul Steingrimsson - Sep 86)
Sa, a wolfs head cabossed Arg & in chf a coronet Or, a bord Arg
semy of hawks striking Gu. (D: Kille Dere Silverwolf Oct 99)
Sa, a wolfs head cabossed Arg betw in fess 2 torches enflamed &
in base a coronet Or, all within an orle Arg. (D: Gwyn Hir ap
Gryffyd - Nov 06)
Sa, an annulet surmounted by 3 dragons claws in pall conjoined at
the tips Arg betw, as an augmentation, in pale in annulo an
Oriental dragon passant to sin & another passant inv & in fess
2 coronets Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Minowara Kiritsubo Dec 06)
Sa, an eagle disp guardant, betw its wings a sun, in base a ducal
coronet Arg. (D: Mittainne von Wald - Jun 07)
Sa, in pale a ducal coronet & a griffin segreant Or, maintaining 2
swords proper, all within an orle of chain Or. (D: Aaron Breck
Gordon - Feb 89)
Sa semy of decrescents Arg, a torch Or enflamed Gu & in chf a
coronet Or. (D: Nemania Brigans - May 07)
Vt, a dragon passant Or, gorged of a county coronet Gu,
maintaining an hourglass proper, in chf 3 mullets in chev Arg.
(B: Rhiannon of the Isle - Apr 98)
Vt, a hind salient Arg, unguled & in chf a Saxon crown, all within a
wreath of roses, lying as on a bord, Or. (D: Outlands, Queen
of the - Mar 89)
Vt, a lion sejant erect contourny maintaining in its dexter forepaw a
sword inv, in chf a coronet Or. (D: Simon MacLeod - Jul 00)
Vt, a sea-unicorn erect Arg, in chf a crown Or, & on a chf wavy Arg
2 fleurs-de-lys Vt. (D: Alix dAudincourt - May 83)
Vt, an oak leaf bendwise sin inv fructed & in base a county coronet
within a bord Arg. (D: Elaina of Oaklawn - Jun 02)
Vt, 2 claymores in salt surmounted by a third inv proper, enfiling a
ducal coronet Or. (D: Deaton Claymore - Sep 94)
* * * End * * *
Crozier: see Staff
Crusily: see Cross - As charge
Crustacean: see Arthropod


Arg, a crutch Sa within a bord Az. (D: Catriona the Lame Sep 91)
Gu, a crutch Arg. (B: Aran Darkhelm - Jan 98)
Gu, a crutch fracted, the chf piece bendwise Or. (B: Ammalynne
Sternjekrakki Haraldsdottir - Aug 81) (For House of the
Broken Crutch)
Gu, 2 crutches in salt betw in pale 2 doves disp Arg. (D: Aran
Darkhelm - Jun 92)
Per bend Purp & Arg, a crutch & a duck naiant ctrch. (B: Gerberga
of Ardennes - Feb 02)
Per pale Sa & Az, in salt a crutch Or & a sword inv proper, in chf a
pair of eyeglasses Arg, stringed Or. (B: Trimaris - Aug 84)
(For Order of the Grey Beard)
Purp, a cattail & crutch in salt within a bord wavy Arg. (D: Jane
Lynn of Fenmere - Apr 92)
* * * End * * *
Crux ansata: see Cross - As charge
Crwth: see Musical instrument - Harp
Cub - Bear: see Beast - Bear
Cub - Lion: see Beast - Cat
Cub - Wolf: see Beast - Dog
Cubit: see Arm

Cup - 1 - Argent

(Fieldless) A demi-stag issuant from a goblet Arg. (B: Ansitruda

Helgasdottir - Dec 91)

598 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Cup - 1 - Argent (continued)

(Fieldless) A domestic cat counter-passant Or, in sin base a goblet

inv bendwise sin Arg, spilling its contents Gu. (B: Mary
Margaret of Derby - Feb 80)
(Fieldless) A goblet sustained betw 2 talbots salient respectant Arg.
(B: Alys Montgomerie - Nov 00)
(Fieldless) A lion ramp contourny Or maintaining a goblet & a
sword inv Arg, within & conjoined to an annulet Or. (B:
Alastair Ronal Kester Aeyalweard - Aug 91)
(Fieldless) A tyger ramp maintaining a goblet Arg. (B: Jason
Michael of Andover - Feb 99)
(Fieldless) In fess a tankard fesswise sustained by a wolfs head
erased ululant Arg. (B: Corwin Silvertongue - May 07)
(Fieldless) In pale a demi-dragon contourny Sa issuant from a
tankard reversed Arg. (B: Amicia Theudoric la Sauniere Jul 06)
(Fieldless) On a chalice Arg a decrescent Sa. (B: Bright Hills Jul 03)
(Fieldless) On a chalice Arg, 3 mullets in chf Vt. (B: Dilan mac in
tsaeir - Jul 98)
(Fieldless) On a tankard Arg within & conjoined to an annulet an
anchor Sa. (B: Juan Alonso de la Vega - Nov 06)
(Fieldless) On a 2 handled tankard Arg a boar passant Gu. (B:
Magns Slembidjkn - Sep 00)
(Fieldless) Within a cupping-glass inv Arg fimbriated Sa, a rose
Purp, barbed & seeded proper. (B: Robin of Mannefeld Apr 82) (For House of the Sheltered Rose)
Az, a chalice & on a chf wavy Arg 3 anchors Az. (D: Bartholomew
Samuelson of Brente - Apr 94)
Az, a chalice Arg betw 2 piles inv Or. (B: Citadel of the Southern
Pass, the - Dec 89) (For the Order of the Calyx Honoris)
Az, a chalice Arg its stem surmounted by a dragon passant within a
bord potenty Or. (D: Edric of Saint Michaels Mount - Jun 95)
Az, a goblet Arg & in chf a rainbow banded Or, Gu, Az, & Arg. (B:
Cynthia FitzColline von Schlssel - Nov 82)
Az, a goblet Arg betw & maintained by 2 mermaids affronty erect
proper, tails crossed Or. (D: Duncan Loring - Jul 85)
Az, a goblet Arg, charged on the bowl with a crescent Az, within a
bord embat Arg. (B: Caid - Oct 87) (For lHonneur de la
Az, a goblet bendwise sin within a bord Arg. (B: Astra Christiana
Benedict - Nov 88) (For Aislynn Skyppe de Beaumont)
Az, a goblet inv bendwise Arg betw 3 boars heads erased Or, a
bord Arg. (D: Steffan Penhallow - Jan 96)
Az, a lotus goblet Arg & on a chf Arg 3 lotus blossoms inv
throughout Gu. (D: Dierdriana of the Misty Isles - Aug 79?)
Az, a pall inv Arg betw 2 axes respectant Sa, fimbriated, & a
foaming stein Arg. (D: Grimarr of Nordheim - Nov 82)
Az, a pall inv betw a chalice, a harp & 2 swords in salt Arg. (D:
Justin de Courteney - Oct 83)
Az, a tankard & on a chf triangular Arg a roundel Gu. (D: Mchel
of the East - May 05)
Az, a winged tankard Arg. (D: Angus MacNokard - Jun 03)
Az, a wolfs head erased betw in chf a goblet & 2 swords in salt
Arg, within a bord Or. (D: Diana ni Charvell - Dec 82)
Az, in pale a natural leopard courant Or, spotted Sa, & a mug Arg.
(D: Ole Fleetfoot - Sep 83)
Az, on a fess betw a sheathed scimitar fesswise & a mazer Arg 3
cushions lozengewise Vt. (D: Fatimah al-Zarqa al-Rakkasah
- Feb 04)
Az, on a fess betw in pale a goblet & a heart Arg a pair of hands in
pile couped Az. (D: Alix dOrleans - Jan 84)
Az, on a goblet Arg, a fret couped Gu. (B: Innilgard - Jan 87)
Az, on a goblet Arg a mullet of eight points Vt & on a chf Arg an
Arabic pen box Vt. (D: Mariam Albarran - May 05)
Az, 2 battleaxes in salt Or betw in pale a heart & a cup Arg. (D:
Gunndiarfr Magnsarson - Jan 06)
Az, 2 daggers inv in salt Or surmounted by a cup, a bord embat
Arg. (D: Cullen ONeill - Apr 98)
Az, 2 swords in salt Arg, quilloned Or, betw in pale a cat couchant
ermine & a chalice Arg. (D: Randal Dinadin - Jun 86)
Erminois, within & maintained by an eagles wing with a talon
issuant Sa, a goblet Arg. (B: Wulfhere Mannteufel - Aug 05)
Gu, a chalice & on a chf Arg a wingless wyvern Sa. (D: Yrsa
Draksdotter av Disavi - Jan 98)
Gu, a chalice betw flaunches Arg, each flaunch charged with a sprig
proper. (D: Cathryn of the Dark Glen - Sep 90)

[Cup - 1 - Argent]

Cup - 1 - Argent (continued)

Gu, a chev betw 2 swans naiant respectant & a goblet, all within a
bord indented Arg. (D: Ritchenda Angharad Elizabeth de
Chalfont - Jan 81)
Gu, a cracked goblet bendwise sin & a bord Arg. (B: Stephen of
Abbey Blackrose - Apr 92)
Gu, a tankard betw flaunches Arg each charged with a musical note
Sa. (D: Brigid OFarrell of Beckery - Sep 95)
Gu, 3 quarrels conjoined in pall Or & in chf a foaming beer stein
Arg. (D: Gerhardt von Rotbart - Dec 80)
Paly Gu & Or, a cat statant erect contourny guardant Sa maintaining
in its dexter paw a tankard & in its sin paw a sword bendwise
Arg. (D: Erich der Suchenwirth zum Schwarzenkatze Jul 05)
Per bend Az & Gu, a cross couped & a cup Arg. (D: Alcuin of
Threckingham - Aug 84)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a grape bunch Gu, slipped & leaved Vt, & a
goblet Arg. (D: Martiniana Vinokurova - Mar 93)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, a bunch of grapes slipped & leaved
proper, & a goblet inv bendwise sin Arg. (D: Alain de la
Vignerie - Mar 99)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, an anchor & a tankard ctrch. (D: Juan
Alonso de la Vega - Nov 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a lizard ramp & a mug ctrch. (D: Eric
McGuinniss - Apr 00)
Per bend sin Gu & Sa, a tankard, handle to sin, betw 3 escallops
Arg. (D: Jocelyn Alewife - Jan 89)
Per bend sin Purp & Arg, a bend sin dovetailed betw a goblet & a
mushroom couped ctrch. (D: Gabrielle Stuart of Invernez Jul 83)
Per bend sin Purp & Az, a bend sin Or betw a cup Arg & a bee
volant palewise Or. (D: Geraldine the Wanderer - Dec 83)
Per bend sin Purp & Sa, a goblet & an open book Arg. (D: Donnie
of Atenveldt - Nov 93)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, a tankard Arg. (D: Giles MacManus Jul 02)
Per bend sin Vt & Az, on a covered tankard, handle to sin, Arg, 2
halberds in salt Sa. (D: Amos MacAlpin - Apr 90)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Sa, a bend sin wavy betw a horse ramp to
sin & a chalice ctrch. (D: Una of Grimwith - Sep 05)
Per chev Arg & Az, a garden rose & a rosebud both Gu, slipped &
leaved Vt, in base a cup Arg. (D: Aerhynne FitzLewis of Glin Nov 82)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 demi-horses combattant Sa & a goblet Arg.
(D: Antonio di Marco - Mar 00)
Per chev Arg & Gu, 2 griffins passant respectant & a chalice ctrch.
(D: lfwine of Eoferwic - Mar 07)
Per chev Arg & Gu, 2 roses Purp & a goblet, a serpent nowed about
the stem, Arg. (D: Tatiana Patrovna Ilina - Nov 94)
Per chev Az & Gu, in chf a compass star betw 2 martlets volant
respectant & in base a goblet Arg. (D: Arabella Silvana Jul 87)
Per chev ermine & Az, 2 crosses formy Az & a chalice Arg, a chf
embat Az. (D: Martin aus Brandenburg - Sep 92)
Per chev Gu & Az, 2 axes bendwise sin reversed & a foaming
drinking horn Arg. (D: Olfr Rriks son - Jul 06)
Per chev Purp & Vt, 2 lions combattant Or & a chalice Arg. (D:
Ysabel Natalia Osorio de Len - Apr 00)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a goblet within a bord Arg. (D: Elinor du Pont Oct 88)
Per fess Az & Arg, in chf a goblet Arg & in base 3 strawberries
proper. (D: Giovanna da Correggio - Jan 04)
Per fess embat Arg & Az, a griffin sejant erect & a chalice ctrch.
(D: Alda Hrolfsdottir - Apr 87)
Per fess embat grady Az & chequy Or & Sa, a goblet Arg issuing 3
ears of barley Or. (D: Ealdred of Gwyntarian - Jan 85)
Per pale Az & Gu, a cup betw 3 crosses formy swallowtail Arg. (D:
Daniel Tuomaanpoika - Nov 00)
Per pale Az & Gu, a stags head Or issuant from a tankard Arg. (D:
Anndra Dyxsoun nan Creach - Dec 90)
Per pale embat Arg & Az, a triskelion of ravens wings Sa & a
tankard bendwise sin inv Arg. (D: Grimmund Blackwing Mar 93)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a chalice & a lion ctrch & on a chf Vt, 3 harps
Or. (D: Mchl Murchadha - Feb 07)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 staves in salt Or in chf a tankard Arg. (D:
Erasmus the Traveller - Sep 95)

Cup - 1 - Argent (continued)

Per pale Sa & Vt, a cup Arg & in chf 2 crosses hummetty Or. (D:
Robert Gladwin of Atholl - Aug 79?)
Per pale Sa & Vt, 2 wolves salient addorsed & in base a cup Arg.
(D: Eleanor Fitzgerald - Apr 98)
Per salt & per fess Vt & Or, in pale a goblet Arg & a swan naiant
Sa. (D: Lysandra Xantha - Jun 88)
Per salt Sa & Sa goutty dOr, a salt Az fimbriated betw in pale a
goblet & a heart fracted Arg. (D: Naomi von den
Katzenjammer - Jan 85)
Purp, a chalice within a bord wavy Arg. (D: Arianwen Esyllt
Gwynedd - Jan 93)
Purp, a chev inv betw a rose & a chalice Arg. (D: Rowan of
Needwood - Oct 07)
Purp, a goblet & in chf a crescent Arg all within a double tressure
Or. (D: Deborah of the Wastelands - Apr 94)
Purp, a goblet within an orle of gouttes Arg. (B: Mika Longbow Sep 95) (For House Longbow)
Purp, a phoenix & in chf a chalice all within a bord rayonny Arg.
(D: Durant Ramberti - Mar 04)
Purp, in pale an increscent & a goblet Arg. (D: Layla Shirin Mar 87)
Purp, on a beer stein Arg a bee Purp, a bord embat Arg. (D:
Percival de la Rocque - Sep 00)
Purp, on a chev betw 2 bunches of grapes & a goblet Arg, a
grapevine fructed proper. (D: Lasairfhona Muireann of
Amberwynne - Oct 88)
Purp, on a tankard Arg, a grenade Sa, flamed Gu. (B: Morgan
Conner - Jul 87)
Quarterly Or & Sa, a cup Arg betw 3 crosses formy fitchy ctrch. (D:
Magnus Bruce - Nov 91)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, a goblet Arg within a laurel wreath Or. (D:
Vinjar - Apr 02)
Sa, a chalice betw in cross 4 mullets of 4 points & a chf embat Arg.
(D: Sion Rhys of Badon - Jun 92)
Sa, a chalice within an orle Arg. (D: Frederic Badger - Aug 03)
Sa, a goblet betw in cross 4 mullets of six points Arg, in chf 3
bezants in fess. (D: Bariah ben Meir - Jan 89)
Sa, a goblet betw in fess 2 hearts Arg. (B: Tristan ap Howell Dec 82)
Sa, a goblet within a pair of wings conjoined Arg, a chf rayonny
ermine. (D: Wulfhere Mannteufel - Sep 89)
Sa, a tankard bendwise Arg foaming Or. (B: Lachlan McBean Dec 00)
Sa, a tankard sustained by a gloved cubit arm fesswise, a bord Arg.
(B: Corwyn Montgomery - Jun 01)
Sa, crusilly couped, a cracked goblet Arg within a bord Arg, semy
of escallops inv Sa. (D: Johan von Metton - Nov 88)
Sa goutty deau, a yale ramp to sin Or maintaining a chalice Arg.
(D: William of Waterford - Jul 04) (Blanket permission to
conflict with device with one CD granted 0512w)
Sa, in pale a heart bendwise sin rent, distilling 2 gouttes Gu,
fimbriated, & a chalice Arg. (B: Gareth of Bloodwine Gorge Aug 82)
Sa, in pale an arrow bendwise sin betw the 2 pieces of a broken
goblet, a fillet engrailed in chf, invected in base, & in chf a
label dovetailed, all Arg. (D: Aarond the Grey - Aug 79?)
Sa, in pale an eagle disp & a cup Arg, a bord Or. (D: Patricio de
Cordoba - Apr 97)
Sa, issuant from an open tankard Arg, a dexter arm embowed
reversed proper, grasping a sword fesswise Arg. (D: Kenneth
MacCintsacairt - Dec 85)
Sa, mulletty, in a cupping-glass inv Arg, a rose Purp, barbed &
seeded proper. (D: Robin of Mannefeld - Nov 77?)
Sa, on a chalice Arg a cross patty Gu. (B: East, the - Jan 74) (For
the Cooks Guild)
Sa, on a mug inv bendwise sin Arg an acorn Sa & on a chf embat
Arg a laurel wreath Sa. (D: Mugmort - Oct 82)
Sa, 2 arrows in salt surmounted by a mug bendwise sin inv Arg
charged with an acorn Sa. (B: Mugmort - Jun 83) (For the
Mugmort Company of Archers)
Vt, a bay caucasian centaur salient proper, holding in his dexter
hand a goblet flammant & in canton a decrescent Arg. (D:
Tristram of Ravensgate - Aug 79)
Vt, a chalice Arg containing flames Or. (D: Kathleen Erin-goburne-the-Bragh - Jan 74?)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 599

[Cup - 1 - Argent] to [Cup - 1 - Gules]

Cup - 1 - Argent (continued)

Vt, a chalice within an annulet betw 3 crescents Arg. (D: Etain

ingen an Aba - Oct 04)
Vt, a cup betw 3 mullets within an orle wavy Arg. (D: Alysoun
Jeuneterre - Aug 91)
Vt, a fret Arg, overall a pewter tankard proper, within a bord Or.
(D: Meghan Meddyglyn - Jan 81)
Vt, a goblet Arg a bord Arg, semy of shamrocks Vt. (D: Ladain n
Sheanachin - Nov 96)
Vt, a ray of the sun bendwise Or, in sin chf a chalice Arg. (D:
Pascal Brendan Merredy - Feb 96)
Vt fleury Arg, a bear passant Or holding a mug Arg, a bord Or. (D:
Stephen of Northfield - Sep 85)
Vt, in fess a rabbits head erased contourny & a tankard Arg. (B:
Artemas the Innkeeper - Jan 92) (For Inn of the Drunken
Vt, in pale a crescent inv & a chalice betw a chf & a base Arg. (D:
Abd al-Malik Hilal ibn Saqr al-Ibadi - Jan 95)
Vt, on a bend sin betw a glove clenched & a chalice Arg a rapier Sa.
(D: Archibald of Stoke on Trent - Jan 00)
Vt, on a chalice Arg 3 mullets in chf Vt, a bord embat Arg. (B:
Dilan mac in tsaeir - May 00)
Vt, on a chev Arg 2 swords Sa, in base a goblet, all within a bord
embat Arg. (D: Ddin MacKay na Aonaich - Aug 87)
Vt, on a fess betw a shamshir fesswise reversed, blade to base, & a
cup throughout Arg charged with 2 more, an Arabic penbox
Vt. (B: Daud ibn Auda - Nov 93)
* * * End * * *

Cup - 1 - Azure

(Fieldless) A chalice Az. (B: Summits, the - Mar 96)

(Fieldless) A goblet Az charged with an escallop inv Arg. (B:
Caitriona of Briarsmede - May 92)
(Fieldless) A goblet Az charged with 2 bars wavy Or. (B: Elfsea Jan 87)
(Fieldless) In pale a pomegranate slipped & leaved Vt seeded Gu
issuant from a tankard Az. (B: Alexandra Maria de Granada Oct 07)
(Fieldless) In pale a vulture close Sa perched atop a covered
tankard Az charged with a compass star of sixteen points Arg.
(B: Thomas DeGuy Bassard - Sep 07)
(Fieldless) On a beaker Az a dolphin hauriant Or. (B: Brangwain
nic Stiubhard - Jun 92)
(Fieldless) On a cup inv Az a plate. (B: lfgar Greggor of Vulpine
Reach - Aug 01)
(Fieldless) On a tankard Az a unicorns head erased Arg armed Or.
(B: Kathryn atte Unicorn - Feb 02) (For Inn of the Weeping
(Fieldless) On a tankard Az, 3 billets Or. (B: Cedric of Armorica Dec 95)
Arg, a chalice Az betw in bend sin 2 talbots heads erased Sa, all
betw 2 scarpes Vt. (D: Pedran Glamorgan - Oct 87)
Arg, a cup & a chf Az. (D: Guy du Puy - Jan 97)
Arg, a cup & on a chf indented Az, a sun in his splendour Or. (D:
Odette de Burgh - Mar 88)
Arg, a fess enhanced & in base a goblet Az charged with an Arabic
napkin Arg. (D: Ayisha bint Mujir - Feb 91)
Arg, a goblet bendwise sin, a goutte pendant from the lip, within a
bord Az. (B: Daighre mac Coileain o Cearbhaill - Jan 85)
(For House Mendicus)
Arg, in salt a wand slipped proper & a sword Gu quilloned Sa, betw
in fess a bezant charged with a pentacle Sa & a cup Az, & in
chf an eye Arg, fimbriated, irised pupilled, & radiant Sa. (B:
Middle, the - Dec 75) (For the Tarot Guild)
Arg, issuant from a goblet Az a garden rose Gu, slipped & leaved
proper, all within a bord counter-compony Az & Or. (D:
Adriana Lorelle - Oct 90)
Arg masoned Sa, a goblet Az issuant from a flame proper. (D:
Cined the Potter - Feb 94)
Arg, on a fess Vt betw in chf a sword proper sheathed & hilted, & in
base on a cup throughout Az 2 cups Or, the Arabic words "almasira wa al-sarfiya" Arg. (D: Nasr ibn Isa - Apr 94)
Arg, on a goblet Az an escallop inv Arg, all within a chaplet of
thorns Vt. (D: Caitriona of Briarsmede - May 92)
Arg, 2 palm trees, trunks crossed in salt, proper & in chf a chalice
Az. (B: Atenveldt, Barony of - Jan 91) (For Order of the
Azure Chalice of the Barony of Atenveldt)
600 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Cup - 1 - Azure (continued)

Gyronny Gu & Arg, a bears tooth Az. (D: Octa Bluetooth Feb 86)
Or, a bend sin Gu betw an olive branch proper & a goblet Az. (D:
Gerald Whitebeard - Jan 73?) (Deceased)
Or, a goblet Az within a bord Az semy of decrescents Arg. (B:
Alheydis von Krckhingen - Nov 04)
Or, a goblet inv & on a chf Az, 3 butterflies disp Or. (D: Kenneth
Edwards - Jul 88)
Or honeycombed Sa, a chalice Az a bord Sa. (D: Taliesin
Brynderw - Sep 01)
Or, on a tankard Az a rabbits head erased Arg & a chf embat Sa.
(D: Theodor von Oldenburg - Jul 05)
Per bend Az & Arg, an increscent & a chalice ctrch. (D: Beatrice
Elaine of the Oak Grove - Jun 91)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a tankard & a crescent ctrch. (B: Birna
Gunnlaugsdttir - Feb 06)
Per bend urdy Arg & Az, a bowl & a sin hand ctrch. (D: Elene
Kirchenknopf - Nov 01)
Per chev inv Or & Az billety Or, in chf a tankard Az. (D: Cedric of
Armorica - Dec 92)
Per fess Arg & Az, in pale an oak leaf bendwise & a goblet ctrch.
(D: Valmai Arcalien of Dernhealde - Aug 82)
Per salt Arg & Or, a cup Az & on a chf Sa 3 mullets of six points
Arg. (D: Cedrych Ladyman - Sep 91)
Tierced per pall inv arrondy Gu, Sa & Arg, in chf 3 daggers inv
proper & in base a cup Az. (D: Gimel of Glymmerholde Nov 91) (re-registered 9112T)
* * * End * * *

Cup - 1 - Fur

Arg, in pale a dragon passant Gu & a chalice pean. (D: Eleanor

Margaret Marchand - Mar 85)
* * * End * * *

Cup - 1 - Gules

(Fieldless) A lion contourny pean maintaining a tankard Gu. (B:

Lucentio Maccabbee Loredano - May 05)
(Fieldless) Issuant from a goblet Gu a demi-maiden in her modesty
proper, crined & holding in her dexter hand a hawks lure Gu.
(B: Taliesin O Sionnaigh o Pholl na tSionnaigh - Jun 93)
(Fieldless) On a chalice Gu a rams head caboshed Arg. (B:
Gleann Abhann - Jan 01)
Arg, a chev inv Az, overall a lion contourny pean maintaining a
tankard Gu. (B: Lucentio Maccabbee Loredano - May 05)
(For Ladnn mac Abbeth)
Arg, a chev Sa betw 2 thistles proper & a chalice Gu. (D: Talitha
de Barde - Jul 06)
Arg, a cross pointed raguly surmounted by an annulet Sa betw in
bend a standing balance & a goblet Gu. (D: Bartholomew
Didymus - Jun 82)
Arg, a cup Gu & on a chf Sa 3 escallops inv Arg. (D: Milicent de
Glastonbury - Mar 97)
Arg, a tankard Gu within a bord invected Sa. (D: Owen Revelstorm
- Mar 86)
Arg, in chf 2 eagles heads erased respectant Az, beaked Or, & in
base a tankard Gu garnished Or & issuant from flames proper.
(D: Dimitri Yaroslavich Aryelov - Sep 73?)
Arg, semy of pine trees couped Vt, a tankard Gu foamed Or. (B:
Eldred lfwald - Apr 98)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a chalice & in chf 3 gouttes Gu. (D:
Gwineth ferch Arthur - Nov 93)
Checky Az & Or, a cup inv Gu. (D: Simon Ivanovich - May 05)
Or, a covered crystal chalice betw flaunches Gu. (B: Red Spears Sep 95) (For Order of the Ruby Chalice)
Or, a double headed eagle per pale Sa & Gu, maintaining a goblet
Gu & a broken sword Sa, a bord per pale Sa & Gu. (D: Andr
de Montsgur - Dec 98)
Per bend debased Or & Gu, a cup & a fleur-de-lis ctrch, on a chf Sa
a bugle-horn reversed Arg. (D: Abelard Kif de Marseilles Aug 79)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a goblet Gu & a sword bendwise inv Arg.
(D: Phillip of Glastonbury - Nov 89)
Per fess embat Arg & Gu, a tankard Gu & a battering ram Or. (D:
Maximilian Trolle - Mar 04)

[Cup - 1 - Gules] to [Cup - 1 - Or]

Cup - 1 - Gules (continued)

Per fess Gu & Or, a wolf passant ululant Arg & a tankard inv
bendwise sin distilling a goutte Gu. (D: Eirik Asvaldsson Feb 95)
Per salt Arg & Gu, in pale a cup Gu & a castle Sa, masoned Arg
betw in fess 2 natural leopards heads erased respectant Arg,
spotted Sa. (D: Kasilda Kubasek - May 87)
Quarterly Or & Arg, a cup Gu. (D: Phelim Gervase - Jan 98)
* * * End * * *

Cup - 1 - Multicolor

(Fieldless) A covered cup per fess Arg & Or. (B: Kiena Munro Mar 02)
(Fieldless) A goblet per pale Gu & Arg charged with a lotus flower
affronty ctrch. (B: Alamanda de Claret - Jul 03)
(Fieldless) A goblet per pale Or & Sa sustained betw 2 talbots
combattant Or & Sa. (B: Alys Montgomerie - May 98)
(Fieldless) On a chalice per pale Or & Purp a wolfs head erased
Purp & a unicorns head erased Arg respectant. (B: Gunnarr
Brunwulf - Aug 94)
Az, on a 2-handled mug per pale Or & Arg, a dragon segreant Vt
bearing a sword Sa. (D: Pia Dragonsaver - Jul 86)
Per bend sin Or & Sa, a bird rising maintaining a cup ctrch. (D:
Accolon Shadowhawk - Apr 00)
Per bend Vt & Or, a sword bendwise sin inv surmounted by a
tankard reversed per bend Or & Vt. (D: Edwyn Beerslayer Feb 91)
Per fess wavy Az & Or, a mug ctrch. (B: Juraj z Bratislavi Oct 88)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a goblet charged with a lotus flower affronty all
within a bord ctrch. (D: Alamanda de Claret - Jul 03)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a goblet ctrch. (B: Leofwynn Wulfinga Apr 99) (JB: Eric Alard)
Per pale Arg & Vt, a chalice within a bord ctrch. (B: Forgotten Sea
- Sep 02)
Per pale Gu & Or, a goblet ctrch. (D: Ambrosia de Andalucia Aug 80)
Per pale indented Sa & Arg, a goblet ctrch. (D: Damian Wynter Aug 03)
Per pale Or & Gu, in salt 2 double-bitted axes, in base a tankard
ctrch. (D: Arii viligisl - Mar 04)
Per pale Or & Sa, a tankard ctrch, foamed proper, within a bord
embat ctrch. (D: Bothvar Bloodaxe - Sep 88)
Per pale Or & Sa, 2 flames voided & a chalice ctrch. (D: Brandan
Rudd Eriksen - Mar 88)
Per pale Sa & Arg, in pale a sword fracted chevronwise inv & a
chalice ctrch. (D: Michael OBeare - Jun 82)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 poleaxes in salt & in base a tankard within a
bord all ctrch. (D: Angus de Gordun - Oct 07)
Per pale Sa & Or, a goblet betw 3 pheons ctrch. (D: Deryk Archer Aug 03)
Per pale Sa & Or, a goblet sustained betw 2 talbots combattant
ctrch, a bord embat Gu. (D: Alys Montgomerie - Feb 00)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a goblet ctrch betw in fess a bowl Or flammant
proper & a chasing hammer inv Sa. (B: Ambros Celidonis Jun 85)
Per pale Vt & Or, a chalice within a bord ctrch. (D: Alvira
MacDonald - Jul 01)
Quarterly Az & Arg, a chalice betw in bend 2 compass stars ctrch.
(D: Jonathan Carver of Dover - Jan 03)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, in pale a chain fesswise ending in open
shackles & a tankard ctrch. (D: Andrew of Greyhorse Dec 01)
Vt, in fess an alembic flask, stem to sin, & a beaker, both per fess
Arg & Or. (D: Alan MacMillan - Nov 83)
* * * End * * *

Cup - 1 - Or

(Fieldless) A cup Or charged with in fess 3 oak leaves bendwise sin

Vt. (B: Marion del Okes - Nov 06)
(Fieldless) A demi-wolf Sa issuant from a goblet Or. (B: Amber
Stormwolfe - May 92)
(Fieldless) A goblet Or supported by 2 vested cubit arms in chev
inv within & issuant from an annulet Purp. (B: Carol of Tour
dYvoire - Aug 92)
(Fieldless) A griffin passant contourny wings close Gu maintaining
a goblet Or. (B: Cecelia Erwyn of Etterick - Aug 95)

Cup - 1 - Or (continued)

(Fieldless) A monkey ramp reguardant Vt maintaining a mug Or.

(B: Callistus Gill - Jan 06)
(Fieldless) A ram ramp Sa maintaining in its dexter hoof a flanged
mace Arg handled of wood proper & in its sin hoof a goblet
Or. (B: Manus Branduff of Ardmore - Jul 95)
(Fieldless) A wingless demi-dragon wielding 2 forks Sa issuant
from a tankard Or foaming Arg. (B: Konrad Matthias Jaeger Nov 97)
(Fieldless) In pale a phoenix Gu, issuant from a goblet Or. (B:
Miguel Sebastian da Oporto - Jan 07)
(Fieldless) On a tankard reversed Or a stafford knot inv Sa. (B:
Peter Mihailopoulos - May 91)
(Fieldless) 3 oak leaves stems conjoined in pall Gu surmounted by
a chalice Or. (B: Teleri Talgellawg - Nov 91) (For Celli
(Fieldless) 2 coneys ramp guardant respectant Arg, crowned &
sustaining betw them a goblet Or. (B: Kassandra NicKraken Sep 92)
(Fieldless) 2 dragons heads addorsed Vt issuant from a goblet Or.
(B: Leopold von Babenhausen - Nov 91)
Arg, a chalice Or, upon the dexter lip a honeybee proper. (B:
Melisande de Belvoir - Apr 76)
Arg, upon a pale endorsed Sa a chalice Or. (D: Phillip MacCailean
Cruitire an Chuillennaich - Aug 79?)
Az, a bend sin Arg betw in bend sin 3 mullets of 4 points elongated
to base palewise & a goblet Or. (D: Alvyn Eustace - Aug 81)
Az, a blonde mermaid erect proper maintaining in both hands a
goblet, & on a chf embat Or a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Tarnmist May 85)
Az, a chalice, on a chf Or 3 roundels Sa. (D: Geoffrey de
Montgomeri - Apr 00)
Az, a coney sejant erect affronty Arg, crowned, maintaining in its
dexter forepaw, raised to dexter, a goblet Or. (D: Kassandra
NicKraken - May 83)
Az, a goblet Or & in chf 2 hammers in chev Arg. (D: Dabhaidh
Orcheard - Dec 88)
Az, a goblet Or on a chf embat Arg 3 roses Gu. (D: Anne of
Carthew - Jan 94)
Az, a tankard bendwise sin inv, distilling gouttes, & a base Or. (D:
Seamus OFagan - Aug 89)
Az, a tau cross Sa, fimbriated, overall a lioness sejant, dexter
forepaw raised, & in dexter base a cup, all Or. (D: Leona di
Francesco - Aug 86)
Az, an opinicus sejant grasping in its dexter upraised forepaw a
goblet Or. (D: Leopold von Haskenberg - Nov 82)
Az crusily (sometimes fitchy) & a covered chalice Or. (D: Galicia,
Kingdom of - Dec 94) (Sometimes there are only six
crosslets.)(Important non-SCA arms)
Az, in chf a goblet fesswise Or. (D: Lorenzo Sansovino - Sep 97)
Az, in fess a mouse sejant erect contourny Arg supporting a chalice
Or. (D: Grace Emeline of Ravenswood - Oct 95)
Az, in pale a sword inv & a goblet Or betw a pair of flaunches
enhanced Sa, fimbriated Arg. (B: Garan Darkwolf of
Blackhelm - Jan 05)
Az, in salt a goblet betw 4 scorpions tails to center Or. (D:
Prospero de San Giuseppe Iato - Dec 95)
Az, masoned Arg, a goblet & a chf embat Or. (B: Citadel of the
Southern Pass, the - May 83)
Az, masoned Arg, a goblet within a laurel wreath & a chf embat Or.
(D: Citadel of the Southern Pass, the - Jul 80)
Az, masoned, 2 swords in salt Arg surmounted by a goblet Or. (B:
Citadel of the Southern Pass, the - May 83)
Az, on a chevronel Gu fimbriated Or seven bezants & in base a
chalice Or. (D: Miles Rupert Stuart - Nov 80)
Az, on a goblet Or a Latin cross-crosslet Sa, in chf 3 lozenges Arg.
(D: Michel lEvesque - Oct 96)
Az, semy of bees, a goblet betw flaunches Or. (D: Annora de
Braose - Nov 04)
Az, 2 eagles heads erased respectant & a goblet Or. (D: Kazimir
Konstantinov - Jan 08)
Bendy & per bend sin Az & Arg, a goblet within an orle Or. (D:
Brian du Val - Aug 01)
Ermine, issuant from a base embat Sa a dexter arm embowed,
vested Az, cuffed Arg, grasping a sword Or, crossed in salt
with a sin arm embowed vested Arg & cuffed Az, grasping a
wine cup Or. (D: Guillaume de Vinvert - Sep 73?)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 601

[Cup - 1 - Or]

Cup - 1 - Or (continued)

Gu, a chalice Or & in chf a pair of hands Arg. (D: Ernst Nuss von
Kitzengen - Jun 04)
Gu, a chalice Or & in chf 2 stirrups Arg. (D: Yngrr Yngvarsdttir
- Nov 01)
Gu, a chev inv ermine, in chf a covered cup Or. (D: Leofric
Willoughby de Broke - Nov 00)
Gu, a cup & overall a dagger fesswise point to sin within a bord Or.
(D: Zerach ben Avraham - Jan 08)
Gu, a dexter arm, armoured & gauntleted & issuant from sin Arg,
sustaining a chalice Or, from which issues a dragons tail Vt
fimbriated Arg. (D: Gregor ban Tymparum - Nov 00)
Gu, a dexter gauntlet fesswise proper sustaining a goblet Or. (D:
Harold of Pleasure - Jun 04)
Gu, a goblet betw 3 hounds courant in annulo widdershins Or. (D:
Esa Kirkepatrike - Apr 06)
Gu, a goblet Or & a chf triangular Or goutty de sang. (D: Lenora di
Felicie - Feb 96)
Gu, a goblet Or & in chf a mullet of eight points Arg, a bord
indented Or. (D: Eva MacCarthy - Apr 99)
Gu, a goblet Or within a bord Or semy of quatrefoils Gu. (D:
Isabetta del Gatta - Apr 08)
Gu, a goblet within a laurel wreath, in chf a bunch of grapes,
slipped & leaved, all within a bord Or. (D: St. Golias Sep 87)
Gu, a griffin passant to sin bearing in its sin talon a goblet Or. (B:
Nerissa Meraud de la Fontaine - Jul 87)
Gu, a lion queue-fourchy maintaining a tankard & on a chf embat
Or 3 towers Gu. (D: Waczlaw Rodaky - Apr 02)
Gu, a salt counter-ermine betw in pale a Celtic cross formy & a cup
inv bendwise Or. (D: Michael of Moria - Mar 08)
Gu, a tankard of beer Or, headed Arg. (D: Daniel de Tankard Jan 74?)
Gu, in pale a tyger ramp contourny reguardant maintaining a goblet
& a chev inv Or charged with five beehives Gu. (D: Voron
Gregorev syn Tsetseneviskii - Nov 05)
Gu, on a chev Arg 2 axes in chev heads to center Sa & in base a
tankard Or. (D: Magnus of the East - Jan 04)
Gu, on a tankard Or, banded & foaming Arg, a laurel wreath Sa, &
a chf per fess embat Az & Arg. (D: Roterde - Sep 96)
Gu, 2 axes crossed in salt Arg, in chf a chalice Or. (D: Jakys
Chesemonger - Jan 00)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, on a goblet within an orle Or a rose proper. (D:
Lasairfhona n Chon Chonnacht - Sep 97)
Gyronny arrondi Gu & Arg, a goblet Or within a laurel wreath Vt.
(D: Rising Waters - Feb 87)
Gyronny wavy Arg & Az, a cup & on a chf Or 3 crosses fleury Az.
(D: Maura MacLeod - Oct 99)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a goblet betw flaunches Or. (D: Walter of
Kentbridge - Aug 94)
Per bend nebuly Az & Gu, 3 crescents & a chalice Or. (D:
Morgaine of Donegal - Mar 99)
Per bend Or & Purp, 2 bunches of grapes conjoined proper & a
goblet with a goutte in chf Or. (B: Caid - Oct 96) (For the
Brewers Guild)
Per bend Or & Vt, an aspen leaf & a goblet counter-changed. (B:
Caerthe - Feb 97)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a goblet Or & a sword Gu. (D: Cadoc
Godeboldus - Jan 04)
Per bend Sa & Or, in bend sin a goblet fesswise Or, distilling a
goutte de sang, & a sandal Sa. (B: Loric of Winteroak Apr 91) (For the Brotherhood of Saint Pyr)
Per bend Sa & Vt, a lark rising wings elevated & addorsed Arg
carrying in its talons a tankard fesswise distilling a goutte Or.
(D: Germaine Silverbird of Staghurst - Dec 95)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, on a bend sin betw an eagle Sa & a goblet,
3 beehives palewise Or. (D: Gerhard Barbarossa - May 95)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, on a bend sin Arg betw a cup & a broad
arrow Or, 2 bendlets sin Az. (D: Mathild de Valognes Jun 06)
Per bend sin ermine & Sa, a bend sin ctrch & in sin base a goblet
Or. (D: Finella Genevieve Fionnbharr - Nov 86)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, a chalice & a bord Or. (D: Ursula the Saxon
- May 96)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, a bend sin betw a goblet & 4 mullets of 4
points in cross Or. (D: Morgan of Marionwood - Jul 84)

602 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Cup - 1 - Or (continued)

Per bend Vt & Or, a cup Or & a bunch of grapes Purp slipped Vt.
(D: Marta Bon - Jan 97)
Per chev Arg & Gu, in base a goblet Or. (D: Mary of Livermore Sep 71?)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev betw 2 winged dogs sejant respectant
each with a forepaw raised Arg & a goblet Or. (D:
Seachnasach O Braonin - Apr 01)
Per chev embat Or & Vt, 2 falcons close respectant jessed & a
goblet ctrch. (D: Gundric Fawkes - Nov 95)
Per chev inv Gu & Az, a chev inv betw a goblet inv distilling a
goutte, & in pile 2 gecko lizards statant addorsed, tails
entwined, Or. (D: Nicetas Lecapenus of Antioch - Jun 89)
Per chev inv Gu & Az, in pale a cross bottonny gyronny Arg & Sa
& a cup Or. (D: Tomas Fitzsimon of Oxford - Mar 88)
Per chev Or & Gu, 3 crosses fitchy in fess enhanced Sa & a cup Or.
(D: Ciaran of Kells - Mar 82)
Per chev Or & Sa, 2 roses Gu, barbed & seeded proper, & a cup Or.
(D: Sine Ealasaid Leanora Kyntire - Jun 83)
Per chev Purp & lozengy Arg & Sa, 2 dice Arg spotted Sa & a
tankard Or. (D: Ulrich Wrfel - Jan 97)
Per chev raguly Vt & pean, in chf in fess a chalice & an axe
palewise reversed Or. (D: Finn Normansson - Mar 89)
Per chev Sa & Gu, 2 suns & a chalice Or. (D: Nonnie Wlfraven Jan 06)
Per fess Arg & Vt, a raven volant Sa & a cup Or, a bord ctrch. (D:
Donald Harefoot - Mar 98)
Per fess embat Sa & Arg, in chf a chalice Or betw 2 daggers inv
proper & in base a paw print Sa. (D: Robert of Middleford Mar 87)
Per fess Gu & Az, 3 bees & a cup Or. (D: Katla in mikla Mar 01)
Per fess indented Gu & Sa, a dance Arg & in base a tankard Or. (D:
Deirdre the Wench - Nov 99)
Per fess Vt & Sa, a fess bretessed betw a chalice & a laurel wreath
Or. (D: Threewalls - Nov 02)
Per fess wavy Sa & Gu, in chf a goblet fesswise reversed Or. (B:
Margaret Anne of Somerset - Jan 92)
Per pale Arg & Az, 3 bars ctrch surmounted by a goblet & on a chf
Or 3 roses Az. (D: Rodney Joseph Klahs - Nov 84)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 lions ramp addorsed regardant ctrch, in chf a
goblet Or issuant therefrom a demi-sun Gu. (D: Alwin of
Chailewai - Apr 98)
Per pale Az & Purp, a goblet Or & in chf a dagger fesswise Arg. (D:
Eva Moray - Jan 04)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a chalice bendwise Or distilling a goutte Arg &
a bord nebuly crusilly ctrch. (D: Aurelia du Coeur Sincre May 03)
Per pale Gu & Arg, on a fess 4 crosses couped all ctrch, overall a
goblet Or. (B: Alfonso Chavez de Gascogne - Feb 86)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a chalice betw 2 pegasi combattant Or. (D:
Idonea dAubignie - Jan 85)
Per pale Gu & Sa, in pale a flame & a goblet & in chf a decrescent
& an increscent all Or. (D: Rhiannon ferch Eilonwy Mar 85)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a bend ctrch betw an aardvark courant Gu & a
goblet Or. (D: Anne of Narnia - Mar 73?)
Per pale Sa & Vt, 2 wolves combatant Arg maintaining betw them a
goblet Or, a bord Arg semy of Maltese crosses Sa. (D: Dougal
MacNeil - Jul 06)
Per pale Vt & Gu, a hound courant to sin maintaining a cup & on a
chf Or 3 clarions Gu. (D: Ruaidhri an Cu - Mar 99)
Per pall Or, Vt & Az, in fess a garb & a goblet Or. (D: Aldred de
lInconnu - Apr 90)
Per salt Az & Gu, a goblet Or. (B: Ladies of the Bay - May 80)
Per salt Vt & Sa, 2 wolves combattant, supporting a cup, in base a
fleam Or. (D: Hrolf Ulfsson - Oct 87)
Purp, a chalice Or, charged with a Cross of Calatrava Purp. (B:
Calontir - May 89) (For Queens Chalice)
Purp, a cup inv, its bowl pierced by an arrow fesswise, barb to sin,
all within a bord wavy Or. (D: Gytha of the Bows - Jun 87)
Purp, a drinking jack betw 2 barley stalks stems crossed in base, &
on a chf embat Or, 3 daggers inv Sa. (D: Jean Michel Guicard
- Nov 96)
Purp, a goblet & in chf 3 roses Or. (D: Jacquetta Edington of
Yorkshire - Aug 01)

[Cup - 1 - Or] to [Cup - 1 - Sable]

Cup - 1 - Or (continued)

Purp, a goblet Or & on a bord Arg an orle of ivy Vt. (D: Ava del
Mas - Sep 06)
Purp, a pale Gu fimbriated Or, overall issuant from a ringed Greek
wine cup a demi-annulet Or, enflamed Vt, fimbriated Or, in
base 3 bezants, one & 2, voided Purp. (D: Zarabeth Neudray
Ringcup - May 80)
Purp, a sheaf of arrows inv surmounted by a chalice Or. (B:
Hunters Home - Dec 93)
Purp, a sheaf of 3 spears surmounted by a chalice Or. (B: Hunters
Home - Dec 93)
Purp, a sin hand fesswise aversant proper sustaining a chalice Or
within a bord Arg. (D: Aedan MacCormac - Aug 93)
Purp, a winged goblet Or on a point pointed Arg a single-horned
anvil Sa. (D: Raphael Eckhart - Feb 97)
Purp, a wolf collared & chained Arg & a lion maintaining the chain
combattant, in chf a cup Or. (D: Marghet Asketilsdottir Mar 98)
Purp, fretty Arg, a goblet Or. (B: Ilsa von Westfal - Jan 94)
Purp, in fess a chalice betw 2 quatrefoils, & in base a key fesswise
Or. (D: Anya de Calais - Oct 76?)
Purp, on a chalice Or a crescent Sa & a chf Or. (D: Hannah of
Trimaris - Sep 03)
Quarterly Arg & Purp, a chalice Or betw 2 mullets Purp. (D:
Esclarmonde de Porcairages - Mar 02)
Quarterly Az & erminois, in dexter chf a goblet Or. (D: Carl of
Sutherland - Jul 82)
Quarterly Az & Gu, a chalice within an annulet Or. (D: Judith of
Osborn - Sep 86)
Quarterly Gu crusily Latin Arg, & Vt, a chalice Or. (D: Wlfric of
Derneford - Nov 96)
Quarterly Vt & Arg, a goblet Or betw & sustained at the stem by 2
lions sejant erect reguardant respectant Sa. (D: lvaro
Rodrigo de Len - Jul 00)
Quarterly Vt & Gu, a goblet betw 4 roundels Or. (D: Jean le
Montebank - Jun 91)
Sa, a chalice Or & a chf embat erminois. (D: Crispin del More Apr 07)
Sa, a cup Or & a base ermine. (D: Thomas delbroc - Oct 06)
Sa, a goblet inv within a bord embat Or. (D: Ivan of Kivachia Nov 82)
Sa, a goblet Or & on a chf Arg 3 roses proper. (D: Alicia Cambion
- Jan 07)
Sa, a sea-lion erect maintaining a goblet Or, a chf ermine. (D:
Arianwen Cyffaith of Caerleon - Jan 84)
Sa, a tankard Or foamed Arg within a laurel wreath within a bord
embat Or. (D: Isengau - Feb 02)
Sa, a winged chalice Or. (D: Uther vom Schwartzwald - Apr 99)
Sa chauss, a goblet bendwise sin Or. (D: Shereen al-Maghrebiyya
- Sep 02)
Sa, in bend a wolf ramp contourny & a tankard Or. (B: Wilhelm der
Wulf von dem Schwarzwald - May 05) (For House Goldwulf)
Sa, in pale a compass star elongated to base & a stirrup cup betw in
fess 2 crosses bottony Or, each cross charged with a cross
couped Az. (D: Katrin of the Hidden Orchard - Aug 83)
Sa, in pale a compass star elongated to base & a stirrup cup, within
a bord Or. (B: Katrin of the Hidden Orchard - Aug 83)
Sa, issuant from a maunch or, semee-de-lis Gu, lined Gu, a hand
supporting a goblet or, in canton an increscent Gu, fimbriated
or. (D: Elite de la Loire - Aug 79)
Sa, on a bend cotised betw a Viking longship reversed & a tankard
reversed Or a sword Gu. (D: Einar Andersson - Jul 06)
Sa, on a tankard Or a rose proper. (D: Giovanni Boccia - Feb 97)
Sa, on a tankard Or 2 scourges in salt Sa, a bord compony Gu & Or.
(D: Elisabetta of Sicily - Dec 97)
Vair, a natural tiger ramp Or marked Sa maintaining a tankard Or,
overall a bend sin Sa. (D: Jehan Yves de Chateau Thiery Jan 99)
Vt, a chalice within a laurel wreath & on a chf embat Or a mullet of
five greater & five lesser points Sa. (D: Turris Animarum Jul 94)
Vt, a chalice within a laurel wreath betw 3 suns Or. (D: Roaring
Wastes, the - Oct 83)
Vt, a hedgehog ramp proper grasping in dexter forepaw a sword Or,
hilted Sa, & in sin forepaw a foaming beer stein Or, headed
Arg. (D: Theodora von Igelheim - May 82)

Cup - 1 - Or (continued)

Vt, a salt Sa, fimbriated Arg, betw a demi-sun issuant from chf & a
chalice Or. (D: Hannah of the Four Corners - Sep 92)
Vt, a stags head cabossed Arg, orbed & attired of flames proper,
resting on its head a chalice Or. (D: Aengus mac Coll Jan 81)
Vt, a tankard bendwise Or, foamed Arg, betw in pale 2 billets
palewise, all betw 2 pallets Or. (D: Christopher Edward
Guilford - Feb 90)
Vt, a tankard Or within an orle of crosses crosslet fitchy Arg. (D:
William of Woodland - Sep 73?)
Vt, entwined about a chalice Or, a serpent head to sin Sa. (D:
Graffico de Drell - Jan 73?)
Vt, goutty dOr, in salt a goblet Or & a lily, slipped & leaved Arg.
(D: Morguen na Locha Soluis - Dec 88)
Vt, in chev 3 roundels betw in base a goblet & on a chf Or a serpent
nowed Gu. (D: Melissa of Greenbranch - Jan 84)
Vt, issuant from a can 2 wyrms heads addorsed Or. (B: Caerthan
Heraldic Symposium - Sep 81)
Vt, on a tankard Or a cross crosslet fitchy Vt. (B: William of
Woodland - Apr 86)
Vt, 2 recorders in salt proper, overall a goblet Or charged on the
bowl with a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Rieslingshire - Feb 75?)
* * * End * * *

Cup - 1 - Purpure

(Fieldless) A chalice Purp enflamed Or. (B: Saint Bunstable May 98)
(Fieldless) A goblet inv Purp. (B: Roana de Laci - Feb 05)
Arg, a chalice Purp & a dexter tierce embat Vt. (D: Valentine
Graye - Apr 03)
Or, a goblet Purp, jeweled proper. (B: Dorcas Dorcadas Sep 73?)
Per chev inv Or & ermine, in chf 3 bunches of grapes Purp, slipped
& leaved Vt, & in base a goblet Purp. (D: Meriel de
Blackwoode - Jul 84)
Sa, on a flame within a laurel wreath Or a cup Purp. (D: Saint
Bunstable - Nov 97)
* * * End * * *

Cup - 1 - Sable

(Fieldless) A chalice Sa. (B: Middle, the - May 00) (For the
Award of the Kings Chalice)
(Fieldless) A cup inv distilling a goutte Sa. (B: Jean le Montebank
- Jun 87)
(Fieldless) A wooden tankard proper charged with a sun in
splendor Or all within & conjoined to an annulet Az. (B:
Atenveldt, Kingdom of - Jul 02) (For the Brewers Guild)
(Fieldless) In salt a goblet & an arrow inv Sa, barbed Arg, fletched
Gu. (B: Simn de la Palma de Mallorca - Aug 89) (For the
Drunken Archers)
(Fieldless) Issuant from a goblet Sa a demi-maiden in her modesty
proper, crined Gu, holding in her dexter hand a goblet Sa. (B:
Taliesin O Sionnaigh o Pholl na tSionnaigh - Jun 93)
(Fieldless) On a chalice bendwise sin Sa a decrescent bendwise sin
Arg. (B: Frederic Badger - Jan 00)
(Fieldless) On a chalice Sa, a rams head caboshed Arg. (B:
Gleann Abhann - Jan 01)
(Fieldless) On a jack reversed Sa a harp betw 3 compass stars one
& 2 Or. (B: Tadhg mac Aodhin u Chonchobhair - May 95)
(Fieldless) On a tankard Sa, a deaths head Arg. (B: Philip the
Gravedigger - Aug 06)
Arg, a bend sin betw a cup & five roundels in cross Sa. (D:
Gregory Markham - Mar 97)
Arg, a cup Sa with ribbons issuant from its mouth Gu within an orle
of grapevine proper. (D: Ania Dahlbergh - Feb 96)
Arg, a goblet betw 2 pheons in chev Sa & on a point pointed Vt a
bowed psaltery Arg. (D: Donald Andrew MacDonald Apr 02)
Arg, a goblet Sa betw 2 roses Gu, barbed & seeded proper, & on a
chf Az a decrescent moon, betw the horns a mullet Arg. (D:
Ann Christopher of Cheshire - Apr 06)
Arg, a mug Sa charged with a sword Or, within an annulet within a
bord Gu. (D: Howard of Redstone - Mar 83)
Arg, a pall inv Az betw 2 cats salient respectant guardant & a
chalice Sa. (D: Catriona Nic Aoidh - Dec 93)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 603

[Cup - 1 - Sable] to [Cup - 2 or more]

Cup - 1 - Sable (continued)

Arg, a wooden goblet within an oak wreath fructed proper, betw 3

laurel wreaths Vt. (D: Murye Holt - Dec 80)
Arg ermined Vt, a squirrel ramp Gu maintaining a mug Sa within a
bord Vt. (D: Gustav Jamesson - Jan 03)
Arg fretty Az, a wooden cup bendwise proper. (D: Drusilla of the
Drunken Archers - Jun 98)
Arg, goutty de larmes, an otter statant erect maintaining a wooden
tankard proper. (D: Meadhbh ni Dhubhthaigh - Aug 99)
Arg, on a bend Az, betw a raven close & a goblet Sa, a sword Arg.
(D: Lancelin of Ravens Nest - Nov 82)
Arg, on a fess Gu betw a falcon disp & a cup Sa, 3 sexfoils pierced
Arg. (D: Bahiyyah bint Suhayl - Jun 99)
Arg, on a mug Sa a sword Or within a bord Gu. (B: Howard of
Redstone - Mar 83)
Arg, 2 dragons ramp respectant Vt sustaining a wooden chalice
proper. (D: Eilonra Fgn - Apr 98)
Arg, upon a tankard Sa, an acorn inv Or. (B: Trobere Oakseed Sep 88)
Az, chap Arg, a grape cluster Purp, leaved Vt, a chalice Sa, & a
sun Or. (B: Theodoric the Forgetful - Oct 82)
Checky Az & Arg, a tankard & on a chf embat Sa 3 natural
dolphins haurient Arg. (D: Astil Alysone Sandilands Apr 98)
Erminois, a salt triple-parted & fretted Vt, overall a chalice Sa. (D:
Andreana de Montfort - Aug 84)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, a tankard reversed & a bord Sa. (D: Davith of
Altenberg - Apr 07)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a chalice Sa within a bord embat Gu. (D:
Garrick of Shadowdale - Nov 93)
Gyronny Gu & Or, a chalice & on a chf Sa a dragon passant Arg.
(D: George von Gerolstein - Jul 07)
Lozengy Arg & Az, a chalice betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Sa. (D: Crispin
Robert Bcher - Sep 90)
Or, a chalice Sa, on a chf Purp a pair of shears & a quill pen
fesswise Arg. (B: Cainder ingen hui Chatharnaig - May 07)
(JB: Aurelia von Grein)
Or, a claymore inv issuant from a chalice Sa, a chf wavy Vt. (D:
William le Loup - Jul 01)
Or, a goblet betw five mullets in chev Sa & a base rayonny Gu. (D:
Beatrice Morgana - Nov 87)
Or, a goblet betw 2 chevrons Sa. (D: Alaric Ellicott - Feb 90)
Or, a mazer Sa grasped by a pair of hands fesswise Vt, within an
orle of acorns proper. (D: Elen Greenhand - Aug 90)
Or, a wooden goblet proper within 3 newts in annulo Az. (B: Eirik
Haarfager Gransson - Jul 91)
Per bend Or & Sa, a chalice & a garb ctrch. (D: Klaus
Weizenbrauer - Sep 97)
Per bend sin wavy Sa & Arg, a bend sin wavy betw a decrescent &
a chalice all ctrch. (B: Frederic Badger - Aug 03)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 natural dolphins naiant to sin chf Sa & a
mermaid Arg crined Sa maintaining in her sin hand a wooden
tankard proper. (D: Marco capitaneus - Feb 06)
Per chev engrailed Vt & Or, 2 roses Or & a goblet Sa. (D:
Margaret Anne of Somerset - Jan 92)
Per chev Sa & Arg, in chf 2 double-bitted axes in salt Arg & in base
a dagger fesswise reversed surmounted by a goblet Sa. (D:
Sean MacAoidh an Slaoightire - Oct 90)
Per chev Sa & Or, 3 decrescents one & 2 Or & a goblet Sa. (D:
Gwyneth of Avondale - Mar 08)
Per fess Or & barry wavy Arg & Az, a goblet & in chf 3 oak leaves
Sa. (D: Maria Theresa of San Georgio - Apr 86)
Per pale Arg & Or, a cup Sa betw in cross 4 roses Gu, all within an
orle Sa. (B: John Paul Blacklore - Sep 92)
Per pall inv Gu, Purp, & Or, 2 bunches of grapes Or & a chalice Sa.
(D: Owain ap Madog of Neath - Feb 99)
Quarterly Gu & Arg, a tankard Sa. (B: Caitlin hAodha Aug 97)
* * * End * * *

Cup - 1 - Vert

(Fieldless) A Cornish choughs leg erased a la quise bendwise sin

proper maintaining a goblet Vt. (B: Leona of Remington Feb 02)
Arg, chap ploy Vt, a rams head erased to sin Arg, a grape leaf
Or, & a chalice Vt. (D: Jean Jacques Luc Bennet - Feb 83)

604 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Cup - 1 - Vert (continued)

Arg, in pale a sprig of 3 holly leaves Vt fructed Gu conjoined to a

chalice Vt, a bord Sa. (D: Finnacn Dub - Apr 01)
Or, a Cornish chough Sa, beaked & membered Gu, maintaining in
its dexter talon a chalice, within a bord Vt. (D: Leona of
Remington - Mar 89)
Or, goutty-de-sang, a chalice Vt. (D: Gerrich de la Foy - Jun 96)
Per bend Or & Vt, a beer stein & a bear ramp contourny ctrch. (D:
Edward of Smoking Rocks - Sep 05)
Per chev Vt & Arg, in chf 2 griffins combattant each holding a
tankard & in base a tankard, all within a bord embat ctrch. (D:
Sorcha McNewell - Feb 94)
Per pale invected Vt & Arg, a yale ramp & a goblet ctrch. (D: Eric
Hawkwood - Apr 07)
Vt, chape ploye Arg, an axe bendwise sin Vt charged on the blade
with a mullet Or, a chalice Vt, banded Or, & a unicorn
couchant Arg, armed & gorged of a collar Or. (B: Illuminada
Eugenia de Guadalupe y Godoy - Aug 05)
* * * End * * *

Cup - 2 or more

(Fieldless) In salt 4 cups bases conjoined Gu. (B: Giovanni di

Sienna - Jun 00) (For Compagnie du Graal)
(Fieldless) 3 goblets conjoined in pall inv, bowls to center, Sa. (B:
Yarnvid - Jun 98)
Arg, a cat sejant to sin Sa betw 3 goblets Az, all within a bord Gu.
(D: Rowena MacLeod - Jun 84)
Arg, a chev betw 3 chalices inv Sa. (D: Sabine of Shernbourne Jul 99)
Arg, a falcon disp Gu betw 3 goblets within a bord embat Az. (D:
Ulf Rungrim - Jun 94)
Arg, a lions head caboshed betw 4 goblets in cross Sa. (D: Katya
Ulibak - Oct 84)
Arg, chap Az, in pale a mullet of 4 points & a tower Sa, in chf 2
goblets Or. (D: Rupert the Unwary - Aug 85)
Arg chap Az, 3 goblets 2 & one Gu. (D: Waldemar Stanislaw of
White Mountain - Sep 03)
Arg, chap Vt, 2 goblets Or & a horse ramp Sa. (D: Stephen
Caithnes - Oct 83)
Arg, fretty Az, a tower & in chf 3 tankards Gu. (D: Willem Daniels
- Apr 96)
Arg, on a bend sin Az betw 2 goblets Sa, 3 daggers Arg. (D:
Andred Fairhair - Mar 86)
Arg, on a pale Gu betw six goblets Sa a dragon ramp contourny
maintaining a wheel Arg. (D: Shane Drake Vale - Sep 02)
Arg, on a pall Vt betw 3 cups Sa, 3 rapiers points to center proper.
(B: Balthasar Yvon Charon - Feb 99) (For the House of the
Three Furies)
Arg, 3 goblets & on a chf triangular Az a demi-sun issuant from the
point, Or eclipsed Sa. (D: Mfanwy of Ceredigion - Oct 91)
Arg, 2 goblets in fess Vt within a bord Vt semy-de-lys Arg. (D:
Madelina de Lindesay - Sep 06)
Az, a chev Or & in chf 2 goblets Arg. (D: Isibel in kyrra - Jan 07)
Az, a fess bretessed Arg betw six covered cups Or. (D: Lorenzo
Gorla - Jan 08)
Az, a hand of Fatima couped betw 3 goblets Arg. (D: Suliman ibn
Jafar - May 84)
Az, a mandrake Arg betw 3 goblets Or. (D: Martin Andreas of
Windsor - Jul 97)
Az, a sword bendwise sin Arg betw 2 goblets Or. (B: St. Golias Sep 87) (For the Goliard Guard)
Az, a tower betw 2 tankards in fess & in chf a bar couped Arg all
within a bord compony Arg & Sa. (D: Julie Cambion Jan 07)
Az goutty dOr, in fess 3 cups & in chf a cloud Arg. (D: Frithuric
Ulman - Nov 99)
Az, in chf 3 cups inv in chev Or & in base 3 plates in chev. (D:
lfgar Greggor of Vulpine Reach - Aug 01)
Az, on a bend Or betw 2 tankards Arg, 3 warhammers Sa. (D:
Albrecht Kreiner - Sep 02)
Az, on a bend sin betw 2 goblets Or, an arrow inv Az. (D: Blaise de
Saint Thibaut - Jul 94)
Az, on a pale betw 2 mugs Arg, a unicornate natural seahorse Az.
(B: Atlantia - Jul 97) (For the Royal Brewer)
Az, 3 bars wavy Arg, overall a long sword inv proper & in chf 2
chalices Arg issuing rays of light Or. (D: Brandr Halfdanr Oct 84)

[Cup - 2 or more]

Cup - 2 or more (continued)

Az, 3 bezants in fess betw 3 cups inv in fess & a base Arg. (D:
Amyas Calcularius - Mar 89)
Az, 3 covered tankards Arg a bord Arg semy of pheons Gu. (D:
William Marchant - Dec 97)
Az, 3 cups & on a chf Arg 3 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Michelina da
Trento - Mar 04)
Az, 3 goblets & on a chf urdy Arg, 2 annulets conjoined Sa. (D:
Alejandro del guila - Dec 92)
Az, 3 mazers Arg. (D: Fearghus Slnaighear - Sep 98)
Az, 3 tankards & on a chf Arg a dragon passant Sa. (B: Amicia
Theudoric la Sauniere - Jul 06)
Az, 2 bottlenosed dolphins haurient respectant & in chf 3 cups Or.
(D: Ciana da Fortuna - Jul 06)
Checky Vt & Arg, 2 cups in fess Sa. (D: Anne Elizabeth of Surrey Jan 91)
Counter-ermine, a chev Or betw 3 cups & a chf embat Arg. (D:
Kelvin of Tynedale - Oct 94)
Gu, a cornucopia & in chf 3 cups Or. (D: Roxanne Brewer of Bath Mar 94)
Gu, a hop pole betw 3 tankards Or. (B: Humalasalo - Apr 99)
Gu, issuant from dexter & sin a dexter hand & a sin hand proper,
each maintaining a cup Or. (B: Serena Lucia of the
Peacemakers - Jul 84) (For Houshold of the Peacemakers)
Gu, on a bend betw 2 goblets Arg, a fleur-de-lys palewise Sa. (B:
Ceridwen ferch Owain - Apr 95)
Gu, on a bend invected voided betw 2 goblets, a quill pen Or. (D:
Catharine Wyndsford - Feb 90)
Gu, on a pale Arg betw 2 goblets Or a pine tree couped proper. (D:
Dana Callaghan of Fair Isle - Sep 03)
Gu, on a pale engrailed Or betw 2 tankards Arg 2 arrows in fess Vt.
(D: Robert the Doubtfull - Mar 95)
Gu, on a pile raguly, betw 2 cups Or, a sword inv Sa. (D: Conn
MacNeill - Aug 88)
Gu, 2 piles inv in point throughout Or betw 2 chalices & a bulls
head caboshed Arg. (D: Kvgr varsson - Jul 05)
Or, a bend sin pean, cotised, betw 2 chalices Sa. (D: Raymond von
dem Lwengrab - Mar 89)
Or, a chev embat Vt betw 3 cups Gu. (D: Brian Cullen of Ormond Nov 07)
Or, a chev Gu betw in chf 2 pairs of arrows inv in salt & in base 3
goblets one & 2 Sa. (D: Rupert the Unbalanced - Nov 04)
Or, a cross voided Sa surmounted by a rose Gu barbed & seeded
proper betw 2 goblets in bend sin Gu. (D: Giovanni di Sienna
- Aug 84)
Or, a cross voided Sa surmounted by a rose Gu, barbed & seeded
proper, betw 2 goblets in bend sin Gu, augmented with a
canton of Or, a key fesswise Gu within a bord embat Vt.
(Augmentation of Arms: Giovanni di Sienna - Jul 88)
Or goutty de sang, 3 cups Sa. (D: Rupert the Unbalanced Dec 90)
Per bend embat Sa & Gu, 2 goblets Arg. (D: Michael von
Kieselbach - Mar 94)
Per bend Gu & Az, a bend betw 2 tankards Or. (D: Clewin
Kupferhelbelinc - Oct 07)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend betw a goblet Or & a goblet Arg. (D:
Urcy Ravensholme - Mar 90)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, 2 goblets ctrch. (D: Irial of Dun Aengus Jan 88)
Per bend sin Gu & Purp, a bend sin Or betw a goblet Or & a goblet
Arg. (D: Thurstan Ravensholme - Sep 88)
Per bend sin Gu & Vt, 4 jeweled chalices in cross Or. (B: Philippe
Sinistre - May 87)
Per bend sin vairy Vt & Or & Gu, a raven contourny Sa & 3 cups in
bend sin Or. (D: Wulstan of Ravenswood - Apr 97)
Per bend sin Vt, semy of steins Or, & Arg, in sin base a tun proper.
(B: Jhondo Oakenshield - Sep 84) (For Wurmwald Brewers
and Drinkers Guild)
Per chev Az & Arg, a chev Gu betw 2 goblets Arg & a ship Az. (D:
Ginevra da Cunha - Sep 02)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 chalices Arg & a cluster of grapes, slipped &
leaved, proper. (D: Laurenz aus Waldum - Aug 87)
Per chev Az & Gu, a chev Or betw 2 mugs & a cross patriarchal
Arg. (D: Juraj z Bratislavi - Jul 86)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 goblets & a stags head caboshed ctrch. (D:
Christian van Ghendt - Aug 07)

Cup - 2 or more (continued)

Per chev Az & Sa, a chev embat betw 3 tankards Arg. (D: Alvar
Pacheco de Cadiz - Aug 93)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev rompu betw 3 chalices Arg, issuant from
each a demi-sun Or. (D: Godrich von Appenzell - Sep 92)
Per chev Az & Vt, a pall inv erminois betw 2 goblets & a bunch of
grapes slipped & leaved Or. (D: Maricela the Vintner Mar 93)
Per chev embat Sa & Or, 2 goblets in pile & a phoenix rising from
flames Gu. (D: Aidan Trevyn Avery - Aug 89)
Per chev Gu & Or, 2 mazers & a ring of keys ctrch. (D: Antoinette
de Bourgogne - Jan 00)
Per chev inv Az & Sa, a chev inv betw a portcullis & 2 goblets Arg.
(D: Stefan Grey of Kent - Oct 96)
Per chev Or & Az, 3 chalices ctrch. (D: Donald Mac Neil Oct 06)
Per chev Or & Gu, 2 cups & issuant from base a demi-sun ctrch.
(D: Tessa Tazzi - May 08)
Per chev Or & Vt, 2 chalices Vt & a flaming brazier within a laurel
wreath Or. (D: Bryniaid - Oct 95)
Per chev ploy Az & Arg, 2 chalices Arg issuing wildflowers Or &
a chalice issuing wildflowers Az. (D: Aelfhaelen Dracasi Mar 01)
Per chev Purp & Sa, 2 chalices Arg & a 3-headed wheat stalk Or.
(D: Carlos Xavier de Cadiz - Apr 04)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 3 goblets inv, one & 2, Or, in base a torteau. (D:
Peter the Uncertain - Jul 87)
Per chev Sa & Or, 2 cracked mugs Arg & a bear ramp brandishing a
sword Sa. (D: John the Bear - Dec 92)
Per chev Sa & Purp, 2 wedges of cheese & in pall 3 goblets
conjoined bases to center Or. (D: Fabio Ventura - Jul 06)
Per chev Sa & Vt, 2 tankards & a flame Or. (D: Pehr Fogtilain Jun 05)
Per chev throughout wavy Or & Purp, 2 cups Sa & a seal erect
ermine maintaining a double axe Or. (D: Hskuld
Thorleiksson - Mar 93)
Per fess Az & Gu, 2 chalices Arg & a dragon segreant Or. (D:
Suzanne Neuber de Londres - Jan 93)
Per fess Az & Or, in chf 3 chalices in fess Or, & in base 3 mullets of
six points Az. (D: Cecily Chamberlaine - May 85)
Per fess embat Arg & Sa, a trillium & 3 cups ctrch. (B: Joleicia of
Litchfield - Jan 98)
Per fess embat Purp & Vt, 3 goblets & a wolf statant Arg. (D: Odo
de Payens - Feb 98)
Per fess embat Sa & Or masoned Sa, a sword Gu betw in chf 2
goblets Or. (D: Igrayne Gwynedd - Aug 05)
Per fess Gu & Arg, 3 tankards reversed in fess & a rose ctrch. (D:
Sebastian LeFleur - Mar 96)
Per fess Sa & Or, 3 goblets ctrch. (D: Ottavia Fortunati - Jul 07)
Per fess wavy Gu & Vt, 3 cups Or & a castle triple-towered Arg.
(D: Eric Mulrooney - Feb 98)
Per pale Arg & Az, a mullet of 4 greater & twelve lesser points
betw in bend 2 tankards within a bord ctrch. (D: Hays of
Border Vale Keep - Jul 87)
Per pale Arg & Az, a salt engrailed ctrch debruised by a cushion,
betw in pale 2 goblets Or. (D: Emmeline Lambourne Feb 92)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 griffins combatant each maintaining a chalice
& a laurel wreath ctrch. (D: Grifphon Shadow - Jan 97)
Per pale Az & Gu, a camel couchant to sin betw 3 goblets Or. (D:
Madoch di Messina - Apr 91)
Per pale Az & Sa, a cat sejant guardant, dexter forepaw raised, betw
3 cups Arg. (D: Ariella of Devonshire - Jan 97)
Per pale Az & Sa, 3 cups Or. (D: Armand de Mortain - Mar 96)
Per pale Az & Sa, 2 cups ermine. (D: Eleanor Callaghan Oct 90)
Per pale Gu & Sa, 2 chalices & a bord Or. (D: Emelye O Mulvany Oct 03)
Per pale indented the points ending in roundels Sa & Arg, 2 goblets
ctrch. (D: Robin Telfer - Jun 95)
Per pale Or & Sa, 3 glaives fesswise in pale, blades to chf, the first
& third reversed, betw 2 goblets in bend ctrch. (D:
Christopher of Eoforwic - Sep 84)
Per pale Or & Vt, a serpent involved betw 3 cups ctrch. (D: Cian
Fitzwalter - Feb 04)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 605

[Cup - 2 or more] to [Die]

Cup - 2 or more (continued)

Per pale Purp & Or, a catamount salient Arg maintaining an annulet
Or, in chf 2 tankards ctrch. (D: Sigridr Thorbjarnardottir Apr 99)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a griffin segreant contourny reguardant betw in
chf 2 goblets Or. (D: Laurencius Legnano - Mar 08)
Per pale Sa & Or, 3 goblets ctrch issuing flames Gu. (D:
Lasairona inghean Ghibheannaigh - Aug 07)
Per pale Sa & Or, 2 tankards, handles in the flanks, ctrch. (D:
Morgan Conner - Jul 87)
Per pale wavy Az & Arg, 2 goblets ctrch, a chf wavy Or ermined
Az. (D: Anne the Shey - Jun 04)
Per pale wavy Purp & Or, 2 chalices in bend ctrch. (D: Michelino
di Gino Martini - May 07)
Per pall inv Vt, Az & Or, 2 cups Or & a tower Sa. (D: Ceridwen o
Aberystwyth - Aug 91)
Per salt Arg & Az, in pale 2 goblets Gu. (D: Eadric the Potter Dec 07)
Per salt Gu & Sa, in pale 2 harps & in fess 2 chalices issuant from
each a dagger inv Or. (D: Giuseppe Francesco da Borgia Sep 95)
Per salt Sa & Arg, a skull betw in cross 4 goblets all ctrch. (D:
Delphina the Mad - Jul 02)
Per salt Sa & Gu, in pale 2 roses Arg barbed & seeded in fess 2
covered cups Or. (D: Malak bint Aqil al-Husayn - Nov 96)
Per salt Sa & Or, in pale 2 mugs foaming Arg & in fess 2 monkeys
sejant respectant gardant Az. (B: Risi MacCracken Dec 06) (JB: Medb McLeod)
Purp, a chev fracted betw 3 chalices Arg. (D: Meadhbh ni
Loingsigh - Aug 95)
Purp, a maiden vested Or crined Gu betw 3 tankards Or. (D:
Onundr olfss Jhansson - Feb 04)
Purp, in fess 2 goblets & on a point pointed Or, a bunch of grapes
Purp, on a chf Or, a dachshund couchant Sa. (D: Maximillian
Wilhelm aus Weinheim - Apr 90)
Purp, 3 chalices within a laurel wreath Or. (D: Hunters Home Mar 05) (Ancient Arms)
Purp, 2 chalices & a mortar & pestle & on a bord Arg a grapevine
fructed proper. (D: Katerina Vignera da Salerno - Dec 95)
Quarterly Az & Arg, 4 goblets ctrch. (D: Galen of Black Diamond
- Apr 96)
Quarterly per pale wavy Or & Gu, in bend 2 ravens & in bend sin 2
goblets all within a bord, all ctrch. (D: Anthony Ravenscroft Jan 87)
Quarterly Purp & Arg, 4 goblets in salt, stems to center, ctrch. (D:
Euthymia Philobacchus - Aug 89)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, in bend 2 goblets Or. (D: Tomaso da Barbiano
- Nov 03)
Quarterly Vt & Az, in bend 2 goblets bendwise inv Or. (D: Cathan
the Undecided - May 90)
Sa, a chev inv Gu, fimbriated, betw 3 goblets Arg. (D: William of
Dover - Mar 88)
Sa, an estoile of eight rays betw 3 cups Arg. (D: tienne
Morningstar the Mercenary - Mar 98)
Sa, five tankards in salt & a bord Arg. (D: Karl the Meek and Mild
- May 90)
Sa, on a bend betw 2 mugs Or, a mace Sa. (D: James the
Tavernkeeper - Feb 92)
Sa, on a bend sin betw 2 chalices Or 3 Maltese crosses palewise Gu.
(D: Niall de Marseilles - Jun 07)
Sa, 3 cups in fess Arg within a bord Arg semy of cups Sa. (B:
Diane de Arnot - Jan 95) (For House Faringold)
Vt, a chev embat betw 3 goblets Or. (D: Rodrigo de Navarra Jan 00)
Vt, a fess embat betw 3 cups Arg. (D: Jamie MacLeod - Oct 90)
Vt, a pavilion betw in fess 2 goblets Or. (D: Sigrid Sigurdsdottir Oct 96)
Vt, on a bend betw 2 goblets Arg, 3 clusters of grapes palewise Vt.
(D: Corin Morgan - Oct 93)
Vt, on a chev betw 3 tankards Or 3 lions passant guardant Gu. (D:
Conor OBryan - Feb 02)
Vt, on a cross nowy betw in chf 2 goblets Or a heart Gu. (D: Emma
de Hasting - Mar 05)
Vt, on a pile betw in pile seven cups Or, a mermaid erect affronty
maintaining in her dexter hand a wine bottle & in her sin hand
a tray bearing 3 cups Vt. (D: Christianna MacGrain Jun 84)
606 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Cup - 2 or more (continued)

Vt, 3 goblets & a chf embat Or. (D: Cairell mac Cormaic Mar 04)
Vt, 3 goblets in pall bowls to center & on a bord Arg an ivy vine Vt.
(B: Konrad von Krixen - May 02)
Vt, 2 arms in armor embowed & interlaced Arg, each maintaining a
goblet Or, a bord embat Arg. (D: Alaric Gruenwolf - Sep 92)
Vt, 2 arrows in salt betw in fess 2 goblets, a bord Or. (B: Saint
Artemas - Jun 96)
Vt, 2 goblets in fess betw 3 mullets of eight points Or. (D:
Elizabeth Saint Clair - Jan 90)
Vt, 2 quill pens in salt Arg betw in fess 2 cups Or. (B: Saint
Artemas - Jun 92)
Vt, 2 quill pens in salt Arg within a laurel wreath, in chf 3 goblets
Or. (D: Saint Artemas - Apr 89)
Vt, 2 swords in salt betw in fess 2 goblets within a bord Or. (B:
Saint Artemas - Aug 01)
* * * End * * *
Cupping glass: see Bell and Cup
Cur: see Beast - Dog
Curlew: see Bird
Curs head: see Head - Beast - Dog
Cushion: see Pillow
Cygnet: see Bird
Cypher: see Symbol
Cypress: see Tree - Elongated shape
Daffodil: see Flower - Trumpet shape
Dagger: see Sword
Daisy: see Flower - Multipetaled
Dance: see Fess
Dances: see Fess
Dandelion: see Flower - Multipetaled
Dane - Great: see Beast - Dog
Date palm: see Tree - Palm tree shape
Deaths head: see Head - Human skull
Decrescent: see Crescent
Decrescent moon: see Crescent
Deer: see Beast - Deer
Delf: see Billet
Delphy: see Billet
Demi annulet: see Annulet and Rainbow
Demi beast: see Beast - Demi
Demi bezant: see Roundel - Demi
Demi dragon: see Monster - Demi
Demi eagle: see Bird - Demi
Demi fleur de lis: see Fleur de lys
Demi lion: see Beast - Cat and Beast - Demi
Demi monster: see Monster - Demi
Demi pegasus: see Monster - Demi and Monster - Pegasus
Demi roundel: see Roundel - Demi
Demi sun: see Sun - Demi
Demon: see Human figure
Dhow: see Ship
Diamond: see Jewelry and Lozenge
Dice: see Die


See also: Billet and Toy

(Fieldless) 3 dice one & 2 conjoined Arg spotted Sa. (B: Eldrich
Gaiman - Oct 04)
(Fieldless) 2 dice conjoined in pale Sa, marked Or. (B: Dathi
Thorfinnsson - Aug 91)
Arg, a die Gu marked Arg. (D: Kaleeb al-Akhdar - Jan 05)
Az, a shakefork betw a die Arg, marked Az, & 2 rapiers inv in pile
within a bord embat Arg. (D: Michael Wymarc - Jan 08)
Az, a swan naiant to sin Or, in base 2 bars wavy Arg, on a chf Or, 2
dice Az, spotted Or. (D: Salvius Cygnus Aureus - Apr 88)
Az, on a fess betw 3 dice Arg spotted Sa a staff proper. (D: John
Smith of Glasgow - Jul 91)
Az, 3 dice within a bord Arg. (D: Jnos of Cyddlain Downs Sep 91)
Gu, 3 square weavers tablets in bend Or. (D: Thora Sharptooth Sep 91)
Or, a bend sin invected Sa betw 2 dice Vt, spotted Arg, & a thistle
proper. (D: Edward Menteith - Sep 97)

[Die] to [Drinking horn]

Die (continued)

Pean, 2 dice in pale Arg spotted Sa. (D: Dathi Thorfinnsson Jul 86)
Per bend sin Purp & Arg, 2 dice ctrch. (B: Alicianne de Montfort of
Sprucewood - Oct 88)
Per chev embat Vt & Arg, 2 dice Arg & an eagle disp Sa. (D:
Mikhail Justinian - Nov 90)
Per chev Purp & lozengy Arg & Sa, 2 dice Arg spotted Sa & a
tankard Or. (D: Ulrich Wrfel - Jan 97)
Per fess Arg & Vt, a horse statant Sa & a die Arg, a chf enarched
Purp. (D: Karsten Pferdenarr - Dec 00)
Per pale Az & Arg, 3 dice bendwise sin ctrch. (B: Anna Francesca
Massone - Sep 03)
Per pale Az & Gu, an orle of dice Or. (D: Marietta da Firenze Sep 05)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a jesters cap & in base a pair of dice ctrch. (D:
Alexander Demetrius - Jun 99)
Per pale Gu & Az, an ear of wheat fesswise Or betw 3 dice Arg. (D:
Reignald Seymour of York - Jan 93)
Per salt Sa & Gu, 4 dice 2 & 2 Arg marked Sa. (B: Andrew
MacGregor - Sep 92) (For Niccolo Bartolomeo
Potenty Az & Or, on a bend Sa 2 dice Or. (D: Jonathan of Exeter Sep 93)
Sa, a jews harp inv Or within an orle of dice Or, marked Sa. (D:
Rabah az-Zafir - Oct 93)
Sa, 3 dice Or spotted Sa. (D: Aethelwyn Castrel of Arran Dec 90)
Vt, in pale 3 dice Arg betw flaunches checky Or & Sa. (D: Deiniol
filius Gwrgwst - Feb 05)
* * * End * * *
Digit: see Symbol
Dinosaur: see Reptile - Lizard
Dirk: see Sword
Distaff: see Tool - Textile
Dittany: see Plant - Herb
Dodo: see Bird
Doe: see Beast - Deer
Dog: see Beast - Dog
Dog - Sea: see Monster - Sea - Wolf
Dogs head: see Head - Beast - Dog
Dogwood blossom: see Flower - Rose
Doll: see Toy
Dolmen: see Architecture
Dolphin: see Fish - Dolphin
Dome: see Architecture
Dondril blossom: see Flower - Rose
Donkey: see Beast - Horse
Door: see Gate
Dove: see Bird
Doves head: see Head - Bird
Dragon: see Monster - Dragon
Dragon - Sea: see Monster - Sea - Dragon

Dragon scale

(Fieldless) A sheaf of arrows Or surmounted by a dragons scale

Purp. (B: Dragonsspine - Sep 99)
(Fieldless) A sheaf of 3 rapiers Sa surmounted by a dragons scale
Arg. (B: Dragonsspine - Dec 94) (For Order of the
Dragons Grace)
Az, five dragons scales in annulo, points outward, Or. (B:
Dragonsspine - Dec 89) (For the Order of the Scales of
Purp, a flame, in annulo five dragons scales points inward Or. (B:
Dragonsspine - Jun 94) (For the Order of the Guardians of
the Golden Flame)
Sa, 3 ken & 3 dragon scales conjoined in annulo, pointing outwards,
within a bord embat, all Arg. (D: Otagiri Tatsuzo - Oct 88)
* * * End * * *
Dragonfly: see Arthropod - Dragonfly
Dragons head: see Head - Monster - Dragon
Dragons jambe: see Leg - Monster
Dragonship: see Ship
Drake: see Bird
Drakkar: see Ship

Drinking cup: see Cup

Drinking horn

(Fieldless) A drinking horn palewise Arg enfiling a pearled coronet

Or. (B: Su of the Silver Horn - Dec 04) (Blanket permission
to conflict so long as coronet is different type)
(Fieldless) A lion-dragon erect Sa maintaining a drinking horn Or.
(B: Morgan Lyonel - Sep 92)
(Fieldless) 4 drinking horns interlaced in cross Arg. (B: Ragnar
Kaupmadr - Nov 94)
Arg, a bear passant Gu betw 3 drinking horns Az. (D: Kolbjorn
bjarki - Apr 08)
Arg, in salt a drinking horn & a feather all within an orle Gu. (B:
Alfred of Greyvale - Jul 02)
Arg, in salt a drinking horn & a sword inv per pale Sa & Gu, all
within a bord Gu & Sa. (D: Keira Gunnvorsdottir - Jul 89)
Arg semy of grape clusters, on a bend sin Purp 3 drinking horns
fesswise Or. (D: Giovanna di Piacensa - Aug 92)
Az, a bear sejant erect contourny maintaining a drinking horn betw
3 bees Or. (D: Federigo da Cadice - Sep 99)
Az, a bear statant erect affronty in chf 2 drinking horns Arg. (D:
Bjrn Plsson - Oct 01)
Az, a dexter hand bendwise sin proper, maintaining a drinking horn,
all within a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Bowmans Rest - Oct 86)
Az, on a fess betw in chf & in base a bow reversed betw a pair of
drinking horns Arg a shamshir reversed blade to base Az. (B:
Nasir ibn al-Khazzaz ibn Qadir - Apr 95)
Az, 3 drinking horns in annulo & a bord embat Arg. (B: orvaldr
rlfsson Vaksfjall - Sep 93)
Az, 3 drinking horns interlaced in a triskelion, pierced by their own
tips within a bord Arg. (B: Mikhail the Varangian - Nov 93)
Az, 2 drinking horns tips crossed in base & on a chf dovetailed Or 3
Maltese crosses Sa. (D: Bronislawa Mnsdotter Horn Jun 94)
Az, 2 drinking-horns embowed & erect in fess Arg. (D: Danika
Ymar of Peren - Nov 73?)
Ermine, a drinking horn Sa within a bord invected Gu. (D: Corwin
of Ely - Sep 92)
Gu, a drinking horn bendwise sin Arg. (D: Magnus Birchleg Aug 85)
Gu, on a bend sin Arg betw an arrow inv bendwise sin & a drinking
horn reversed Or a raven rising to sin Sa. (D: Erik Rafn
Berserkr af Haddeby - Nov 82)
Gu, on a fess Or, a Saracenic pen box Gu & in base a pair of
drinking horns Or. (D: Baybars ibn Abdallah al-Qasimi Mar 98)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, 3 drinking horns fretted in triangle Sa. (D:
Finnbogi lfkelsson - Mar 06)
Gyronny, Az & Arg, eight drinking horns in annulo, mouths to
center, ctrch. (D: Ragnar Kaupmadr - May 91)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, a dragons jambe issuant from base Az,
grasping a drinking horn fesswise Or. (D: Otto Langhorn von
Baden - Oct 88)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, a basilisk erect contourny Gu maintaining a
drinking horn Or. (D: Aleid van Deursen - Jan 96)
Or, a drinking horn inv proper, dependent therefrom a goutte de
sang. (B: Thorgeirr Eikinskjold - Feb 75?)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Az, a satyr passant contourny
maintaining a drinking horn Sa & 3 escallops bendwise sin inv
Arg. (D: Farquhar Gilanders - Nov 93)
Per bend sin rayonny Gu & Or, 2 drinking horns ctrch. (D: Eirkr
Snorrason - Jan 04)
Per bend sin Vt & Arg, a drinking horn inv bendwise sin Arg & a
horse salient contourny Gu. (D: Meadhbh nc Fhaoiltighearna
- Dec 93)
Per chev Gu & Or, 2 drinking horns Or & a leatherworkers head
knife Sa. (D: Oddr lfss the Tanner - Jan 02)
Per chev Gu & Sa, 2 drinking horns & a wolf sejant to sin Arg. (D:
Dregel Alewulf - Oct 92)
Per chev lozengy Arg & Gu, & Sa, 2 drinking horns fesswise,
mouths to center, & a bears head erased Or. (D: Alrik
Olesson - Apr 92)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 2 garbs & a drinking horn ctrch. (D: Darkin
Armorsbane - Apr 84)
Per chev throughout Arg & Az 2 ravens addorsed Sa & 3 drinking
horns in annulo Arg. (D: orvaldr rlfsson Vaksfjall Sep 93)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 607

[Drinking horn] to [Ermine spot]

Drinking horn (continued)

Per chev throughout Sa & Or, a sword inv Sa betw in chf 2 drinking
horns addorsed Or. (D: Colin Mac Chlurain - Aug 90)
Per fess Purp & Vt, a drinking horn palewise Arg. (D: feigr
Valgardsson - Aug 95)
Per pale rayonny Sa & Gu, in fess a chamfron betw 2 drinking
horns, the sin inv, Or. (D: Gabriel of Worsted - Dec 91)
Per pale Sa & Arg 2 drinking horns fesswise & a horned helm a
bord ctrch. (D: lfr Skallagrmsson - Aug 97)
Per pale Sa & Gu, in fess 2 drinking horns palewise addorsed Or.
(B: Wulf of the Two-Fisted Drinking Horn - Aug 79?) (For
the House of the Two-Fisted Drinking Horn)
Per salt Arg & Sa, in pale 2 drinking horns fesswise & in fess 2
dolphins haurient respectant ctrch. (D: Aelfred Gebeor Aug 91)
Purp, a boars head erased Arg betw 3 pairs of drinking horns
crossed in salt Or within a bord embat Arg. (D: Somhairle
Laidhigh - Aug 94)
Purp, in pale 2 quills in salt & a drinking horn fesswise reversed
distilling 3 gouttes, one & 2, all Or. (B: Thoron Ravenoak Mar 84)
Quarterly Az & Arg, a sin gauntlet fesswise aversant maintaining a
drinking horn Or. (D: Eric the Carver - Nov 93)
Sa, a bat-winged cat ramp to sin, wings addorsed Vt, fimbriated Or,
holding in its forepaws the strings of a drinking horn Arg. (B:
Su of the Silver Horn - Sep 02)
Sa honeycombed Or, a drinking horn Arg, a bord Or. (D: Turstin
Fngin - Sep 92)
Sa, in fess a drinking horn bendwise & a flower of 4 heart-shaped
petals saltirewise Arg, barbed Vt, seeded Sa, within a bord Arg
surmounted by another Vt. (B: Su of the Silver Horn Jan 03)
Sa, 2 drinking horns in salt Arg & in chf upon a plate a stags head
cabossed Sa. (B: Lyanna of Kerneough - Jun 86) (For Tylu
Kern yn Kerneough)
Tierced per pall inv counter-embowed in base Vt, Az, & Or, a
drinking-horn bendwise sin, a harp Or, & a wolf dormant
proper. (D: Nathan der Snger - Nov 80)
Vt, a bend sin Gu fimbriated Arg, betw a glass drinking horn of red
wine with a drop dependent therefrom, & a boot spurred &
rowelled, all proper. (D: Michael Rheodi - Oct 76?)
Vt, a doubly-curved drinking horn Arg, garnished, within a bord Or.
(D: Anna Georgievna of Kiev - May 87)
Vt, in fess an arrow betw a drinking horn & a drinking horn
reversed Arg, a bord Or semy of pheons Sa. (D: Eneas Mac
Concarrigy - Jul 04)
Vt, on a drinking horn Or a shamrock Vt. (B: Kristin Ailbe
Anmclaid - Jun 01)
Vt, 2 drinking horns in salt on a chf Arg 2 ravens close respectant
Sa. (D: Marion FitzWilliam - Jan 97)
* * * End * * *
Dromedary: see Beast - Camel
Drum: see Musical instrument - Drum
Drumstick: see Staff
Dryas flower: see Flower - Rose
Ducal coronet: see Crown
Duck: see Bird
Dulcimer: see Musical instrument - Dulcimer
Dumbeg: see Musical instrument - Drum
Dumbek: see Musical instrument - Drum
Dune: see Mountain
Eagle: see Bird
Eagles foot: see Leg - Bird
Eagles head: see Head - Bird
Eagles leg: see Leg - Bird
Ear: see Body part
Earthworm: see Reptile - Worm
Earwig: see Arthropod - Beetle
Eating fork: see Tool - Eating
Edelweiss: see Flower - Multipetaled
Egg: see Cartouche and Foodstuff
Eglantine: see Flower - Rose
Egret: see Bird
Elephant: see Beast - Elephant
Elephants head: see Head - Beast - Elephant
Elf bolt: see Pheon
608 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Elk: see Beast - Deer

Elks head: see Head - Beast - Deer
Elm: see Tree - Rounded shape
Embroiderers broach: see Tool - Textile
Emerald: see Jewelry
Endorse: see Pale
Enfield: see Monster - Enfield
Enflamed object: see Beacon and Candle and Fire and Grenade
and Lamp and Monster - Phoenix and Reptile - Lizard and
Engine: see Siege engine
Epinette: see Musical instrument - Dulcimer
Equatorium: see Tool - Astronomical
Equestrian: see Beast - Horse and Human figure
Equestrian gear: see Horseshoe and Saddlery
Equine: see Beast - Horse
Ermine - Beast: see Beast - Weasel

Ermine spot

See also: Field treatment - Ermined

(Fieldless) A cross of ermine spots Az. (B: Siobhn ng Fhloinn u
Donnabhin - Jul 00)
(Fieldless) A cross of ermine spots conjoined Vt. (B: Anastazia
Winogrodzka - Feb 91)
(Fieldless) A cross of 4 ermine spots conjoined Arg. (B: Darya
Kazakova - Oct 96)
(Fieldless) A cross of 4 ermine spots conjoined Gu. (B: An Tir Jul 99) (For the Western Region)
(Fieldless) A cross of 4 ermine spots conjoined Or. (B: Ivan
Geronovich - Oct 96)
(Fieldless) A cross of 4 ermine spots conjoined Sa. (B: Darya
Kazakova - Oct 96)
(Fieldless) A cross of 4 ermine spots per pale Gu & Sa. (B:
Maredudd Cethin - Jan 06)
(Fieldless) A mascle Arg surmounted by an ermine spot Gu. (B:
Brion Gennadyevich Gorodin - Aug 92)
(Fieldless) A winged turtle disp Arg, winged & maintaining in both
forepaws a trident fesswise Or, charged on the belly with an
ermine spot Sa. (B: Richard of Seahaven - Apr 84)
(Fieldless) An ermine spot Az. (B: Alinor de Narbonne Feb 04)
(Fieldless) An ermine spot Gu. (B: Odar ODorney - Dec 00)
(Fieldless) An ermine spot lozengy Purp & Arg. (B: Eduard
Halidai - Jul 92)
(Fieldless) An ermine spot Or. (B: Morwenn Ddu Wystl - Nov 95)
(Fieldless) An ermine spot Or & overall a fox courant Gu. (B:
Avery Austringer - Feb 97)
(Fieldless) An ermine spot Or within & conjoined at the base to a
stags attires Arg. (B: Berengaria Mordaunt - Feb 97)
(Fieldless) An ermine spot Sa. (B: Daimhn Sinna - Jun 02)
(Fieldless) An ermine spot Sa & overall a boars head couped close
Arg. (B: James Burnside - Jul 86)
(Fieldless) An ermine spot Sa surmounted by a sword bendwise sin
Or. (B: Medraut Beorhtwig - Feb 95)
(Fieldless) An ermine spot Vt. (B: Eleyne de Clermont - Sep 83)
(Fieldless) In salt an ermine spot Sa & a sword inv Arg. (B:
Richard of Alder Tree - Jan 04)
(Fieldless) On a cushion Arg, a cross of ermine spots Sa. (B:
Frederik Ludovicus van der Meer - Jan 85)
(Fieldless) On a stags head couped Or an ermine spot Sa. (B:
Phillip of the Golden Stag - Jun 92)
(Fieldless) On an ermine spot Sa, a crescent Arg. (B: Sean Owein
MacGrioghair - Aug 91)
(Fieldless) 3 ermine spots conjoined in pall Gu. (B: Ian of Loch
Naver - May 91)
(Fieldless) Upon a flame proper, an ermine spot Sa. (B: Alaric
Erskin - Jan 83)
Arg, a bunch of grapes Purp slipped & leaved betw 3 ermine spots
Vt, a bord Purp. (D: Dionysia of Nordskogen - May 96)
Arg, a cinquefoil Vt betw 3 ermine spots, a bord Sa. (D: Eils
inghean u Adhmaill - Nov 00)
Arg, a cross erminy saltirewise Sa, surmounted by a cross erminy
Or fimbriated Sa. (B: Sylvanus Andere - Jun 73)
Arg, a cross of ermine spots & a tierce Az. (D: Marisa Symmes of
Berewyk - Oct 06)
Arg, a cross of ermine spots Sa, on a chf Az 3 escallops Arg. (D:
James Byngham - Mar 00)

[Ermine spot]

Ermine spot (continued)

Arg, a cross of 4 ermine spots within a bord Sa. (B: Maurya Etain
Sableswan - Oct 99)
Arg, a mouse statant Sa betw 3 ermine spots Gu. (D: Ysolt la
Bretonne - Jan 98)
Arg, an enfield sejant, dexter forepaw upraised, & in chf 3 ermine
spots Sa. (D: Angharad ferch Gwydden Fychen - Aug 82)
Arg, an ermine spot & a dexter tierce embat Gu. (B: Yrsa
Gudrunardottir - Dec 96)
Arg, on a bend sin betw 2 ermine tails Az a pen inv Or. (D: Jason
of Riverstone - Jul 83)
Arg, on a chev Az betw 3 crosses of 4 ermine spots Sa, 3
arrowheads inv palewise Or. (D: Roger Aylward Bagley Mar 97)
Arg, on a chev inv Az betw 3 ermine spots one & 2 Sa, 3 suns Or.
(D: Donal Artur of the Silver Band - Sep 92)
Az, a bezant betw eight ermine tails in annulo, tails to center, Arg.
(B: Rhodri Longshanks - Nov 89)
Az, a cross patonce betw 4 ermine spots, tails outward in salt & on a
chf Arg 3 roses proper. (D: Alysoun Tobin - Nov 91)
Az, an ermine spot Arg, a bord Or. (B: Nina of the Lost Caverns Nov 00)
Az, 4 ermine spots in cross bases to center Arg each charged with a
roundel Az. (B: Constance de Montbard - Sep 01)
Az, 3 crosses of ermine spots one & 2 Arg. (B: Tangwystl ferch
Dafydd - Sep 92)
Gu, a castle Or surmounted by a lance Arg, in chf 4 ermine spots
Or. (D: Daimhn Ruaidh - Jan 00)
Gu, a sword betw 2 ermine spots & on a chf Arg a hanging balance
Gu. (D: Conan MacAindreis - Mar 02)
Gu, in pale a flame proper & an ermine tail betw in chev 2 ermine
tails Or. (B: Louise of Woodsholme - Jun 81)
Gu, 3 chevronels braced, in chf 3 ermine spots Or. (D: Edric
Winterboren - Sep 92)
Gu, 3 ermine tails conjoined in pall Arg betw 3 crescents horns
outward Or. (B: Rhodri Longshanks - Sep 91)
Gyronny of twelve Arg & Gu, an escarbuncle of ermine spots ctrch
Sa & Arg. (D: Ilse von Schnau - Jun 84)
Or, a bend sin betw 2 ermine spots Sa & overall a griffins head
erased Gu. (D: edn Mr Mac Donough - Jul 03)
Or, a chev Gu betw 3 ermine spots Sa. (D: Lukas Mesmer Aug 02)
Or, a cross clechy within an orle of ermine spots Sa. (D: Aileve of
Windhaven - Jul 96)
Or, a cross of 4 ermine spots Sa betw 4 gates Az. (D: Emelyne de
Crosseland - Jan 06)
Or, a popinjay rising wings disp Gu within an orle of ermine spots
Sa. (B: Iago Benitez - Jul 00)
Or, an ermine spot Sa enfiled of a salamander biting its tail, head to
sin, Gu. (B: Mark Feuergeist - Jan 82)
Or, an ermine spot within an annulet Sa. (B: Mikjal Annarbjorn Feb 85) (For Mikjalheim)
Or, an otter ramp guardant contourny betw in bend sin 2 ermine
spots Sa. (D: Kormk Tryggvason - Oct 92)
Or, on a cross formy Sa an estoile of 4 points Or, in base an ermine
spot Gu. (D: Bronwen of Glamorgan - Dec 96)
Or, 3 ermine spots & a chf invected Sa. (D: Rohais de Marcy Sep 92)
Or, 3 ermine spots in pale betw on 2 flaunches Sa, 2 seahorses
addorsed Arg. (D: Brenna MacGrioghair - Feb 89)
Or, 2 cats sejant & in chf five ermine spots in fess Sa. (D: Vittoria
Gabrielli - Apr 98)
Or, 2 dragons combattant & an ermine spot Gu. (D: Odar
ODorney - Dec 00)
Per bend Arg & Sa, six ermine spots per bend gemel ctrch. (B:
Loch Salann - May 82)
Per bend counter-embowed Sa & Gu, in sin chf an ermine spot Arg.
(D: Sebastian von Baden - Jul 81)
Per bend engrailed Arg & Az, a tree eradicated proper & a seahorse Arg within an orle of ermine tails ctrch. (D: Alix de
Godefroi - Nov 90)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a wolf statant & an ermine tail ctrch. (B: Eirik
Ulfhednar - May 89)
Per bend sin dovetailed Arg, semy of crosses of 4 ermine tails Purp,
& Purp, semy of crosses of 4 ermine tails Arg. (D: Aine
MacDomhnaill - Apr 89)

Ermine spot (continued)

Per chev Arg & Gu, 2 ermine spots & a wolfs head cabossed ctrch.
(D: Cyneswith aet Caldhaefen - May 85)
Per chev Arg & Vt, in cross 3 ermine spots Sa & a fleur-de-lys Or.
(B: Mary Grace of Gatland - Jun 02)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev betw 2 crescents & a cross of ermine
spots Arg. (D: Rhiannon of Lostwithiel - Feb 94)
Per chev flory at the top Sa & Or, in base 3 ermine spots, one & 2,
Gu. (B: Bogdan Ilich Volknoi - May 87)
Per chev inv Az & Arg, an escarbuncle Arg & 2 ermine spots Vt.
(D: Silka of Lostwode - Jun 00)
Per chev Or & Sa, 3 ermine spots ctrch. (D: Alisaundre Caledon Jan 90)
Per chev ploy Or & Purp, 2 ermine spots & a rose ctrch. (D:
Gabrielle Therese Gonneau - Sep 94)
Per chev throughout Gu & Arg, 2 ermine spots Arg & a 2 headed
eagle Sa. (D: Daniel Martel - Oct 97)
Per fess Arg & Sa, an ounce ramp guardant Gu incensed proper
betw 3 ermine spots ctrch. (D: Azelina of Exanceaster Feb 07)
Per fess Az & Gu, in fess 2 billets Or within ermine spots sans
nombre in annulo Arg. (B: Rhodri Longshanks - May 96)
Per pale & per chev Sa & Arg, in sin chf in pale 3 ermine spots, &
issuant from base a blasted tree ctrch. (B: Alaric of
Shadowood - Nov 82) (For House Shadowood)
Per pale Arg & Az, an ermine spot ctrch. (D: Melchior von Misen Sep 04)
Per pale Or & Az, on a pile throughout inv betw 2 ermine spots
ctrch, a unicorns head erased Arg, crined Sa. (D: Mariah
Angelique - Oct 87)
Per pale Purp & Or, an ermine spot ctrch. (B: Sara Charmaine of
Falkensee - May 99)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a crescent pendant, in chf 2 ermine spots ctrch.
(D: Thorfin Ragnar Sigurdsson - Jul 01)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a pall betw 3 ermine spots ctrch. (D: Sebastian
de Rolstoun - Apr 04)
Per pale Sa & Arg, an ermine spot ctrch. (D: Nicholas Demere of
the Oaken Staff - Oct 82)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a dragon segreant betw in chf 2 ermine spots Or.
(D: Wolfgang Adolphus Jger - Nov 92)
Per salt Arg & Sa, a salt ctrch betw in cross 4 ermine spots ctrch Gu
& Arg. (D: Gereint Scholar - Sep 86)
Per salt Az & Sa, an escarbuncle within an orle of ermine spots Arg.
(D: Aidan Macpherson - Aug 01)
Per salt Purp & Az, an equal-armed Celtic cross couped plain betw
in salt 4 ermine spots Arg. (D: Megan Brennan - Jan 92)
Purp, a horse ramp betw 3 ermine spots Arg. (D: Taramis ni
Dhuibhir - Sep 89)
Quarterly Az & Gu, six ermine tails in annulo, tails outward, Arg.
(B: Emrys Bethoc - Nov 89)
Quarterly Sa & Or, an eagle disp facing sin Gu betw 3 ermine spots
ctrch. (D: Frederich von Teufen - Dec 95)
Sa, a bar gemel betw in chf 3 ermine spots & in base five roundels
in cross Or. (D: Vernacci Armellini de Alario - Feb 00)
Sa, a cross of 4 ermine spots Or, in dexter chf a horn Arg, stringed
& lipped Gu. (D: Karl Silverhorn - Sep 73?)
Sa, a domestic cat passant Arg & in chf an ermine spot Or. (B:
Wilhelm Leopard der Schwarze - Apr 05)
Sa, a dragon ramp Arg betw 3 ermine spots Or. (D: Michael
MacAlpine - Sep 92)
Sa, a griffin passant Or winged Gu, in chf five ermine spots Arg.
(D: Hunydd verch Madyn Duy - Apr 05)
Sa, a harp reversed betw 3 crosses of 4 ermine spots Arg. (D:
Failtigearna ingen u Artin - Aug 98)
Sa, a winged otter passant guardant betw in pale 2 crosses of ermine
spots Arg. (D: Rhyan Otter - Jan 92)
Sa, an ermine spot within an annulet, all within a bord Or. (B:
Caryl de Trecesson - Dec 84)
Sa, in chf five ermine spots in fess Or. (D: Wilhelm Leopard der
Schwarze - Jun 87)
Sa, on a cross betw 4 ermine spots Or another Sa. (D: Tor Tracir of
the Grey Wastes - Apr 84)
Sa, on a pile inv ploy betw 2 groups of 4 ermine spots in cross
bases to center Or 4 ermine spots in cross bases to center Az.
(D: Catherine de Northewoode - Jun 04)
Sa, 3 ermine spots within an orle Or. (D: Elspeth Hagler - Jul 95)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 609

[Ermine spot] to [Escarbuncle]

Ermine spot (continued)

Vt, a bend sin Arg ermined Vt betw 3 ermine spots Arg. (D:
Edmund Sharpe - Feb 02)
Vt, a swan volant bendwise sin to chf, wings elevated & addorsed,
betw 3 ermine spots Arg. (D: Maria de la Flor - May 89)
Vt, an ermine tail, spotted of 3 compass stars Arg. (B: Jade of
Starfall - Jan 89)
Vt, 3 ermine spots in pall inv, tails outwards, Or. (D: Cynon
Yscolan ap Myrddin - Nov 90)
* * * End * * *
Ermine tail: see Ermine spot
Ermined: see Field treatment - Ermined
Escallop: see Shell - Escallop
Escallopy: see Shell - Escallop


See also: Compass rose and Estoile

(Fieldless) A cross formy Sa, overall an escarbuncle Arg. (B:
Maximillian Johann von Kleve - Jun 07)
(Fieldless) A demi-escarbuncle Arg. (B: thelmearc - Nov 03)
(Fieldless) A demi-escarbuncle Arg. (Augmentation of Arms:
thelmearc - May 04) (Standard augmentation)
(Tinctureless) A mullet inv voided surmounted by an escarbuncle
of five points. (B: Gwynaeth ferch Llewellyn von Westfalen Jul 83)
(Fieldless) A salt couped clechy surmounted by a cross clechy
gyronny Sa & Or. (B: Northshield - Jan 01)
(Fieldless) A snowflake Gu. (B: Wintermist - Aug 95)
(Fieldless) A snowflake per pale Or & Arg. (B: Ragnar Larsson of
the Ice Dragon Isles - May 91)
(Fieldless) A snowflake Vt. (B: Jamesina OShanahan - Jun 96)
(Fieldless) A spur rowel Sa, over all 4 spurshafts in cross, rowel
hubs to center, Gu. (B: Edrik Beroldsson - May 89)
(Fieldless) A stags head affronty erased winged Az gorged of a
chain pendant an escarbuncle Arg. (B: Wynterset - Jul 04)
(Fieldless) An escarbuncle Or. (B: Ginevra die Hohe - Jan 97)
(Fieldless) An escarbuncle per pale Arg & Az. (B: Miri ni
Raghallaigh - Jan 03)
(Fieldless) An escarbuncle Purp surmounted by an annulet Arg. (B:
Christian dHiver - Jun 89)
(Fieldless) An escarbuncle Vt each spoke terminating in a rose Gu.
(B: Octavio de Flores - Oct 05)
(Fieldless) On a snowflake Az a crescent Arg. (B: Tristana de
Winter - Mar 97) (For House de Winter)
(Fieldless) On a snowflake Az a fleur-de-lys Or. (B: Tristana de
Winter - Aug 96)
Arg, a chev Sa betw 2 adonis flowers & an escarbuncle Gu, all
within a double tressure Sa. (D: Muriella of Lions Gate Jul 86)
Arg, a griffin segreant to sin Az & on a chf embat Sa, 3 snowflakes
Arg. (D: Marion Gwendolyn Morgan - Aug 88)
Arg, a lion-headed merman betw 3 escarbuncles Az. (D: Maeve
MCrimmon - Nov 99)
Arg, an escarbuncle betw flaunches Sa. (D: Katel of Ipswich Aug 07)
Arg, an escarbuncle of six arms per fess Sa & Gu & in chf a mouse
statant Sa. (D: Kis Mria - Sep 05)
Arg, an escarbuncle of six holly leaves, fructed & within an orle
wavy Gu. (D: Moraig Anne Drummond - Nov 07)
Arg, an escarbuncle of spears offset deasil Gu. (D: Ferran de
Montfery - Nov 77?)
Arg, an escarbuncle, on a chf Az, 2 wheels Arg. (D: Lynn Chance
of Kent - Aug 89)
Arg, an escarbuncle Sa in sin chf & a gore Purp. (D: Brigit Mr
ingen hu Fhlaithbertaig - Jan 03)
Arg, an escarbuncle Vt each spoke terminating in a rose & a chf Gu.
(D: Octavio de Flores - Oct 05)
Arg, an escarbuncle within a bord engrailed Az. (D: Briana of
Blackthorn - Dec 90)
Arg, an escarbuncle within an orle of crescents Vt. (D: Genevieve
du Lac - Aug 90)
Arg, chappe Az, in salt 2 pilgrims staves within a laurel wreath Vt,
betw in fess a sun in his splendour & an escarbuncle Arg. (D:
Shasta - Jan 73?) (Disbanded)

610 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Escarbuncle (continued)

Arg, fretty Gu, an escarbuncle of seven caltraps joined at their

points within a bord Sa. (D: Moira Breanainn MacLochlainn Apr 89)
Arg, in estoile six crosses crosslet fitchy conjoined at the points Gu.
(D: Elspeth Schnee-Flamme - Mar 78?)
Arg, seme of snowflakes Sa & on a gore sin Az a sun Or. (D:
Catriona Elizabeth Snow - Jan 91)
Az, a basket Or, in chf 3 snowflakes Arg. (D: Morwydd Fyngwen Feb 86)
Az, a bezant betw eight ermine tails in annulo, tails to center, Arg.
(B: Rhodri Longshanks - Nov 89)
Az, a chev & in base, beneath a snowflake, a dragon passant, a chf
indented, all Arg. (D: Einar Isdrakon - Aug 79?)
Az, a chev betw 2 escarbuncles Arg & a fleur-de-lys Or. (D:
Christiana de Mandeville - Mar 00)
Az, a chev inv betw 3 snowflakes Arg, on a chf Or 3 flames proper.
(D: Mary of Tir Ysgithir - Jun 95)
Az, a fox ramp reguardant within an orle of snowflakes, on a chf
Arg, a flamberge fesswise Az. (D: Einhard of the White Winds
- Jun 90)
Az, a hart lodged reguardant & in chf a snowflake Arg. (B: Robin
Frawine - Feb 87) (For the House of the Snowy Lake)
Az, a lightning flash bendwise sin Or betw 2 snowflakes Arg. (D:
Zan Andreas - May 80)
Az, a snow lynxs head caboshed proper betw 3 snowflakes Arg.
(D: Ilyana Katerina Yosidovna - Jun 81)
Az, a snowflake Arg environed of a snake embowed biting its tail,
all within a laurel wreath Or. (D: Concordia of the Snows Aug 79)
Az, a snowflake betw 2 dragons heads addorsed, necks conjoined
in base, & a chf embat Arg. (D: Michael Dennison of Alnwick
- Mar 88)
Az, a tree blasted & couped Or betw 3 escarbuncles Arg. (D: Susan
of Forgotten Sea - Jun 89)
Az, an escarbuncle Arg & a base rayonny Or. (D: Christel Leake Mar 07)
Az, an escarbuncle betw 3 trilliums Arg. (D: Timothy Nicholls of
Clan McQueen - Apr 92)
Az, an escarbuncle Or & a bord Or semy of shamrocks Vt. (D:
Sibn ingen Chrtaig - Nov 02)
Az, an estoile, a snowflake, & a hill Arg. (B: Nordskogen May 83) (For the Order of the Silver Snowdrift)
Az, an hourglass betw 3 escarbuncles Arg. (D: Amalia van Bergen
op Zoom - Apr 04)
Az, in pale a bear passant & an escarbuncle Arg. (D: Gunnarr
sungr - Jul 07)
Az, in pall 3 lightning flashes Or betw 3 snowflakes, Arg. (B: Zan
Andreas - May 83)
Az, on a triangle inv concave throughout Arg a snowflake Sa. (D:
Vin Hmlinen - Aug 85)
Az, sem of snowflakes Arg, in canton a laurel wreath Or. (D:
Nordskogen - Oct 82)
Az, 3 snowflakes in bend within a double tressure Or. (D:
Berengaria de Montfort of Carcassonne - Sep 87)
Az, 3 snowflakes Or & a base nebuly Arg. (D: Madeleine de la
Neige - Aug 79?)
Az, 2 narwhals hauriant respectant, horns in salt, & in base a
snowflake Arg. (D: Wulfhild Thorarinsdottir - Feb 87)
Bendy sin Or & Az, an escarbuncle & a chf embat Arg. (D:
Contarina la Bianca - Jul 03)
Counter-ermine, a cross Gu surmounted by an escarbuncle of eight
swords conjoined at the hilts Arg. (D: Iomhar Eoghainn Dec 83)
Ermine, an escarbuncle Gu a bord embat Sa. (D: Balin Michael
Guiscard - Jul 97)
Gu, a laurel wreath Or, on a chf invected Arg 3 snowflakes Gu. (D:
Wintermist - Feb 91)
Gu, an escarbuncle & a chf indented Or surmounted by a fillet
dancetty floretty ctrch. (D: Soraya Evodia - Nov 83)
Gu, an escarbuncle Arg within a bord Or. (B: thelmearc Apr 90)
Gu, an escarbuncle Arg within a laurel wreath & in chf a coronet
Or. (D: thelmearc - Sep 89)
Gu, an escarbuncle of chain within & conjoined to an orle of chain
Or. (D: Navarre - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)


Escarbuncle (continued)

Gu, an escutcheon Arg & overall an escarbuncle Or. (D: Cleves,

Dukes of - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, in chf 3 bones & in base an escarbuncle of six arms Arg. (D:
Lot mac Grigair - Jul 06)
Gyronny Gu & Or, an escarbuncle & on a chf Sa 3 bezants. (D:
Earik MacSkellie - Aug 06)
Gyronny of twelve Arg & Gu, an escarbuncle of ermine spots ctrch
Sa & Arg. (D: Ilse von Schnau - Jun 84)
Or, a escarbuncle of chain throughout & a bord Gu. (D: Juan
Balthazar Tegero - Jul 03)
Or, an escarbuncle of six flory Az. (D: Lorna of Leeds - Aug 79)
Or, on a bend bretassy Az betw a boar ramp & an escarbuncle Gu, 3
pheons Arg. (D: Dafydd ap Bleiddudd - Apr 89)
Or, on a keystone Gu an escarbuncle Arg. (B: thelmearc Apr 90) (For the Order of the Keystone)
Paly Az & Arg, an escarbuncle within an orle Sa. (D: Sigrlin
Ravnsdottir - Nov 88)
Per bend Az & Sa, a sword bendwise inv throughout proper & in sin
chf a snowflake, all within a bord Arg. (D: Shana Morgana Jul 88)
Per bend Gu & Sa, an escarbuncle Arg & an escallop Or. (B:
thelmearc - Nov 05) (For thelmearc College of Scribes)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, 2 escarbuncles ctrch. (D: KatherinaTheresia von Franke-Hessian - Apr 82)
Per bend sin Purp semy of escarbuncles Arg & Arg, a dragonfly
Purp. (D: Parnell Aline Wynter - Dec 04)
Per chev Arg & Az, 3 snowflakes in fess & a wolfs head
contourney erased within a bord ctrch. (D: Gregory de
Montfort - May 92)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 coneys courant respectant & an escarbuncle
ctrch. (D: Emilia Mazzo de Novella - Apr 94)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 escarbuncles Arg & a stags head erased Gu.
(D: Claus de Saarbrucke - Feb 02)
Per chev Gu & Arg, on a chev inv Sa, 2 antlers addorsed, & in chf a
snowflake Or. (D: Lna Sigurdardottir - Jul 88)
Per chev Gu & Arg, 2 snowflakes Arg & an eagle owl proper. (D:
Sarah Kilpatrick - Jul 93)
Per chev inv Arg & Purp, a swan naiant Sa & 3 snowflakes Arg. (D:
Ginevra Francesca Pallucchini - Dec 92)
Per chev inv Arg & Purp semy of escarbuncles Arg, in chf a wyvern
disp Az. (D: Skameika Draikov - May 98)
Per chev inv Az & Arg, an escarbuncle Arg & 2 ermine spots Vt.
(D: Silka of Lostwode - Jun 00)
Per chev inv Sa & Az, a dragons head erased & 3 escarbuncles 2 &
one Arg. (D: Elsbeth Magdalena Drachenfels - Sep 04)
Per chev pean & Sa, a chev throughout & in base a snowflake Or.
(D: Caitlin MacCaba MacCullough - Apr 94)
Per chev Vt & Arg, in chf 2 swords, crossed at the tips, & in base an
escarbuncle within an orle of mullets, all ctrch. (D: Loric
Bane - Oct 86)
Per fess Arg & Az, a butterfly & a snowflake ctrch. (D: Louise
LaMotte - Jan 91)
Per fess Az & Or masoned Sa, in chf a snowflake Arg. (B:
Thorbjorn Wulfgrimmssnn - May 83) (For Castle Walls)
Per fess indented Az semy of escarbuncles & Arg, in base a Russian
Orthodox cross Gu. (D: Taisha Markov - May 07)
Per fess indented Purp & Or, in chf 3 estoiles in fess & in base an
escarbuncle ctrch. (D: Morgana di Sanpere - Mar 78?)
Per fess indented Vt & Arg, 3 snowflakes counter-changed. (D:
Jamesina OShanahan - Apr 94)
Per fess invected, Az & Arg, a snowflake & a laurel wreath ctrch.
(D: Anrhyfeddd - Jan 82)
Per fess nebuly Az & Arg, a swan volant Arg & an escarbuncle Az.
(D: Kamille Moffat of Annandale - Jun 95)
Per pale Arg & Sa, on a chev betw 2 roses & an escarbuncle, 3
gouttes, all ctrch. (D: Matheld Adela of Carlisle - Aug 89)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 3 escarbuncles ctrch. (D: Brighid n
Sheachnasaigh - Jul 02)
Per pale Az & Arg, an owl disp within a bord semy of escarbuncles,
all ctrch. (D: William of Questionable Intentions - May 88)
Per pale Az & Or, an escarbuncle betw in bend sin an increscent &
a decrescent ctrch. (D: Constantina von Ravenna - Mar 01)
Per pale Sa & Arg, an escarbuncle ctrch. (D: Anthony Reese Aug 94)
Per pale Sa & Arg, in pale 2 snowflakes Az. (D: Tristana de Winter
- Nov 90)

Escarbuncle (continued)

Per pale Sa & Gu, an escarbuncle & on a chf enarched Arg 2 frogs
tergiant fesswise respectant Vt. (D: Owyne of Clan Frog Dec 05)
Per pale Sa & Or, an escarbuncle ctrch. (D: Rodrigo Diaz Mendoza
- Nov 90)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a winged wolfs head couped contourny, wings
addorsed, within an orle of snowflakes Arg. (D: Ragnall of
Winterhill - Jun 93)
Per pale Vt & Or, on a chev betw 3 snowflakes five pine trees
couped, all ctrch. (D: Roderick of Charlo - Jan 73?)
Per salt Arg & Vt, in pale 2 escarbuncles Vt & in fess 2 lions
dormant respectant Or. (D: Kateryn de Develyn - Nov 89)
Per salt Az & Sa, an escarbuncle within an orle of ermine spots Arg.
(D: Aidan Macpherson - Aug 01)
Per salt Purp & Arg, in pale 2 snowflakes & in fess 2 fleurs-de-lys
all within a bord ctrch. (D: Megan de Guillaume - Nov 95)
Per salt Vt & Sa, seme of caltraps, in pale 2 escarbuncles Arg. (B:
Caitlin di Berrona - Sep 88) (For Stede Aquilonis)
Pily bendy Gu & Arg, an escarbuncle counter-ermine. (D: Konrad
von Greifswald - Mar 89)
Purp, an escarbuncle Arg. (B: Cerelia de Lacy of Sherborne Feb 83)
Purp, an escarbuncle Or, a bord Or semy-de-lys Purp. (D: Maria
Pagani - Jun 99)
Purp, on a bend betw 2 snowflakes Arg, 3 snowflakes Purp. (D:
Ingrid of the Blue Snows - Jul 92)
Purp, 3 escarbuncles Or. (D: Desirata Dupr of Dragonsfire Tor Aug 03)
Quarterly Arg & Az, a snowflake within a bord ctrch. (D: Severian
the Northumbrian of Saint Ninians Isle - Sep 94)
Quarterly Arg & Gu, an escarbuncle ctrch, debruised with a lozenge
Sa. (D: Leslie the Languid - Mar 75?)
Quarterly Arg & Or, a snowflake Az. (B: Oertha - Mar 87) (For
the Oerthan Order of Grace)
Quarterly Az & Gu, six ermine tails in annulo, tails outward, Arg.
(B: Emrys Bethoc - Nov 89)
Quarterly Purp ermined Arg, & Vt, a double-headed eagle disp & in
chf 3 escarbuncles Arg. (D: Veronica Brannick - Jun 93)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, an escarbuncle Arg within a bord Arg, masoned
Sa. (B: Lonely Tower, the - Sep 89)
Quarterly Sa & Purp, in bend 2 escarbuncles Arg. (D: Ophelia of
Bavaria - Oct 95)
Quarterly Sa & Vt, on a salt conjoined to a cross flory throughout
Arg, a garden rose blossom affronty Gu. (D: Laura Ellen du
Brandevin - Oct 88)
Sa, a bear sejant erect atop a mount & in chf 3 escarbuncles Arg.
(D: Nastassiia Ivanova Medvedeva - Nov 00)
Sa, a drakkar prow within a laurel wreath Or, all betw 3 snowflakes
Arg. (D: Holmrike - Feb 94)
Sa, a snowflake Arg. (B: Clovia Lumi - Jan 73?)
Sa, an eagle disp, head to sin, Arg, charged on the breast with an
escarbuncle Sa, a chf indented Arg. (D: Otto von Besenburg Aug 89)
Sa, an escarbuncle of six arms & on a chf Arg 3 escarbuncles of six
arms Sa. (D: Alexandria of Marinus - Jan 06)
Sa, an escarbuncle of spears offset deasil Gu. (B: Ferran de
Montfery - Nov 77?)
Sa, semy of snowflakes, on a chev inv Arg, an acorn Vt, capped
proper. (D: Aonghas macDhaibhidh - Jul 89)
Sa, 3 escarbuncles & a bord Or. (D: Ginevra die Hohe - Jan 96)
Sa, 3 snowflakes Arg & a ford proper. (D: Ragnar Larsson of the
Ice Dragon Isles - Sep 90)
Sa, 2 sea-dragons combattant & in chf a snowflake Arg. (B:
Charles of Saxony - Jan 84) (For Household of Niveum
Vt, a domestic cat salient & in canton a snowflake Arg. (D: Thelin
von Kallenbach - Mar 80)
Vt, a snowflake betw 3 Arctic terns volant to sin Arg. (D: Tiphaine
of Snowcroft - Nov 83)
Vt, a unicorn couchant to sin & in canton a snowflake Arg. (D:
Rowena ni Dhonnchaidh - May 87)
Vt, an escarbuncle Arg, a chf ermine. (D: Katherine Fitzwalter Jan 73?)
Vt, in bend 3 escarbuncles of six arms bendwise betw 2 wolves
statant Arg. (D: Dietrich Schneewolf - Feb 01)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 611

[Escarbuncle] to [Escutcheon]

Escarbuncle (continued)

Vt, on a pile throughout betw 2 snowflakes Arg, a rod Sa entwined

by a vine Vt. (D: Elysabet de Warren - May 88)
Vt, semy of snowflakes, a polar bear passant within a bord
engrailed Arg. (D: Ursula Aelswitha - Aug 87)
* * * End * * *
Escucheon: see Escutcheon


(Fieldless) An escutcheon Or. (B: Chandranath Mitra - Aug 03)

(Fieldless) An escutcheon within & conjoined to an annulet Arg.
(B: Meridies - Dec 96) (For Order of the Argent Shield)
(Tinctureless) On an inescutcheon a gore charged with an ermine
spot. (B: Richard of Seahaven - Mar 83)
Arg, a bend sin Vt betw an inescutcheon & an anvil bendwise sin
Sa, within a bord Vt. (D: Richard of Black Iron - Jun 82)
Arg, a chev inv Az, in chf a brown hen rising wings elevated &
addorsed proper, for augmentation in base on an escutcheon Sa
an decrescent & a mountain of 3 peaks couped Arg.
(Augmentation of Arms: Barbara Giomaria di Roberto May 98) (? blazon typo for "an")
Arg, a drop spindle Vt betw 3 escutcheons Az. (D: Kateline de
Locwode - Oct 04)
Arg, a knight armed cap--pie maintaining a mace & a shield
mounted on a boar passant Sa all within a bord Vt. (D:
Josserant de Troyes - Jan 03)
Arg, a salt Az overall an escutcheon charged with the Royal Arms
of Scotland. (D: Nova Scotia - Jan 98) (Important non-SCA
Arg, a sword betw in chf 2 escutcheons Vt. (D: Charles McJames
of Rodney - Jan 03)
Arg, a winged lion ramp & in chf 3 escutcheons Vt. (D: Taariq ibn
Akmal - Aug 03)
Arg, an oak sapling eradicated Sa, on a chf Az a mullet Arg, as an
augmentation, surmounting the trunk an inescutcheon Az
charged with 4 crescents conjoined in salt horns outward Arg.
(Augmentation of Arms: Eichling von Amrum - Mar 01)
Arg, in cross five escutcheons Az each charged with five plates in
salt all within a bord Gu semy of castles Or. (D: Portugal Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, in cross five escutcheons Az platy. (D: Portugal - Dec 94)
(The orientation of the escutcheons to dexter and to sinister
varied.)(Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, on a bend Az betw 2 escutcheons Sa, a bendlet Or. (D:
Christof Gately - Apr 91)
Arg, on a cross Sa a cross potent (later floretty) Or & overall on an
inescutcheon Or an eagle disp Sa. (D: Teutonic Order,
Hochmeister - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, on an escutcheon Az a bend Arg betw six fleurs-de-lis Or. (B:
Bosnia & Herzegovina - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)
Arg, on an inescutcheon Az betw 3 foxes courant Gu, a foxs mask
Arg. (D: Gabriela Silver Fox - Sep 94)
Arg, 3 escutcheons Gu. (D: Hay, Earl of Errol, High Constable of
Scotland - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Arg, 2 rapiers in salt Sa betw 3 escutcheons Gu, a bord Sa. (D:
Brendan Hay - Dec 92)
Az, a merman affronty reguardant maintaining in the sin hand a
trident, in chf a pearled coronet, all within a bord Arg, as an
augmentation, in the mermans dexter hand a targe Arg
charged with an escutcheon of Sa, a decrescent & a base
indented of 3 points Arg.. (Augmentation of Arms: Tristan
Alexander - Nov 01)
Az, a salt pomelly Arg betw 4 escutcheons, bases to center, Or. (D:
William of Wisby - Sep 93)
Az, an escutcheon of Fiji (Arg, a cross Gu betw (1) 3 stalks of
sugar cane palewise in fess proper, (2) a coconut palm proper,
(3) a dove rising wings elevated & addorsed Arg maintaining
in its beak an olive branch Vt, & (4) in bend sin a bunch of
bananas per bend Or & Vt stemmed proper & on a chf Gu a
lion passant gardant maintaining a cocoa pod(?) Or) & a
quarter of the Union Jack (Az, a salt gyronny Arg & Gu
fimbriated Arg surmounted by a cross Gu fimbriated Arg). (B:
Fiji - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)

612 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Escutcheon (continued)

Az, on a chf embat Arg a dragon couchant Az winged Sa, as an

augmentation the dragon maintaining betw its forefeet an
escutcheon Az charged with 4 crescents conjoined in salt,
horns outward Arg. (Augmentation of Arms: Bruce
Draconarius of Mistholme - Oct 95)
Az semy of escutcheons Or. (D: Chandranath Mitra - Nov 03)
Az, 3 inescutcheons Arg. (D: Swedish Guild of Painters - May 95)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Barry of ten Arg & Az, six escutcheons Sa each charged with a lion
ramp Arg. (D: Cecil, Baron of Burghley, counsellor to
Elizabeth - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Barry Or & Az, on a chf Az 2 palets betw 2 gyrons Or & overall an
escutcheon Arg. (D: Mortimer, Earl of March - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Barry Sa & Arg, an escutcheon Gu. (D: Claude le Champenois Apr 07)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, on an inescutcheon Gu a Dolmen Or. (D:
Mersi Stonegate - Sep 94)
Gu, a bend sin checky Arg & Gu fimbriated Or betw 2 mermaids
proper crined & crowned Or each maintaining a shield &
trident Sa. (D: Moira Fennor of Argyll - Sep 02)
Gu, a knight armed cap--pie mounted on a horse salient Arg,
brandishing a sword proper & maintaining a shield Az charged
with a patriarchal cross Or. (D: Lithuania, Republic of Jan 00) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, a lion ramp to sin, maintaining a sword fesswise & a shield, its
sin hindpaw resting on a sin facing helm, all within a bord
embat Or. (D: Coinneach Kyllyr of Kilernan - Apr 04)
Gu, a tyger salient within an orle of escutcheons Or. (B: Conrad
von Zuberbuehler - May 03)
Gu, an elephant passant trumpeting, on a chf raguly Arg 2 annulets
Gu, & for augmentation, in center chf an inescutcheon Sa
charged with an annulet Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Fiona
Averylle of Maidenhead - Oct 92)
Gu, an escutcheon Arg & overall an escarbuncle Or. (D: Cleves,
Dukes of - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, an escutcheon voided Arg. (D: John Balliol, King of Scotland Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, an Indian elephant passant Gu, winged Sa, for an augmentation,
on an escutcheon Az, a sun in glory & a bord Or.
(Augmentation of Arms: Hastini Chandra - Jun 99)
Or, on a chev Gu, betw a sun Az & an inescutcheon Gu 3 doublebitted axe-heads Arg. (D: Vahan Cynrhonyn - Aug 79?)
Or, on an eagle disp Sa an inescutcheon Arg all within a bord Purp
semy of crosses formy Arg. (D: Alaricus Simmonds Nov 93)
Or, 2 vols in fess, bases outward Sa, & for augmentation overall on
an inescutcheon Sa fimbriated an Arabic oil lamp Or.
(Augmentation of Arms: Michael the Black - Jun 06)
Per bend embat Az & Or, a madhu Or & an elephant passant to sin
Vt bearing a howdah Az. (D: Nagendra of Mogores - Sep 92)
Per bend sin Az & counter-ermine, in dexter chf an Arabian roc
volant to sin, wings addorsed Arg grasping in its talons an
elephant statant proper, in augmentation on an escutcheon per
pale Arg & Az a sun in splendor Or. (Augmentation of Arms:
Justin du Roc - Feb 97)
Per bend sin Az & Sa, a madu Arg, as an augmentation in canton a
sun in glory Or. (B: Justin du Roc - Jan 96)
Per bend sin Vt & Or, an inescutcheon & a lion dormant ctrch. (D:
Alfred Leopold Penders de Lige - Aug 84)
Per bend sin wavy Sa & Gu, on a bend sin wavy Arg, a ducal
coronet bendwise Sa & in dexter chf 3 passion nails inv
bendwise in bend sin Gu enflamed Or, & as an augmentation
an inescutcheon of Az, a demi-sun issuant from base Or within
a bord Arg. (Augmentation of Arms: Kathryn of Iveragh Feb 05)
Per chev Gu & Arg, in base a female centaur passant maintaining a
spear & shield Sa. (D: Helena de Orduuelle - Sep 02)
Per chev inv Az goutty deau & Arg, a Celtic cross Arg & 2 garden
roses in salt Gu, slipped & leaved Vt, for augmentation,
surmounting the roses where they cross, an inescutcheon Az
charged with 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns outward Arg.
(Augmentation of Arms: Leonora Morgana - Sep 01)

[Escutcheon] to [Estoile - 1]

Escutcheon (continued)

Per fess Arg & Gu, a fess & in dexter chf on an escutcheon Az
fimbriated Gu on a mountain of 3 peaks Arg 2 bars wavy Az &
in chf 3 mullets 2 & one Or. (B: Slovenia - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Arg & Gu, a fess Az overall on an inescutcheon Gu a
patriarchal cross Arg issuant from a trimount Az. (B: Slovakia
- Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess dovetailed Az & Arg, 3 escutcheons ctrch. (D: Guillaume
le Canard - Mar 87)
Per fess Gu & Az, a fess Arg overall an inescutcheon checky Gu &
Arg. (B: Croatia - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Gu & Sa, a salt Arg, & for augmentation, an escutcheon
overall Or charged with a pair of stags attires Sa.
(Augmentation of Arms: Mark Lasie of Westminster Mar 93)
Per fess Or & Gu, on a fess Az an arch of seven mullets Arg & in
canton the state arms (An escutcheon per fess enarched, per
pale Gu & Or & Az, a garb Or, a sheaf of weapons proper
surmounted by 2 banners in salt per fess Or & Gu, a fess Az, &
a horse courant regardant contourny Arg; the escutcheon
ensigned with 2 cornucopias in salt Arg & environed of a
wreath Vt bound with a ribbon per fess Or & Gu, a fess Az
charged with the words 19 DE ABRIL DE 1810;
Or). (B: Venezuela - Jul 06) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a chev betw 2 mullets of 4 points & a tower, all
within a bord ctrch, as an augmentation, surmounting the chev,
on an inescutcheon Vt, a stag salient Arg, surmounted by a
ducal coronet, a bord embat Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Artan
macAiln - Nov 98)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a griffin betw six feathers in annulo ctrch & for
augmentation, surmounting the griffin on an escutcheon Vt, a
wheel & a bord embat Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Ryan de
Caergybi - May 06)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a man armoured cap-a-pie maintaining in dexter
hand a sword & in sin hand a shield ctrch, on a chf Or a dragon
statant Sa. (D: Matheu de Merel - Apr 06)
Per pale: dexter, Gu, a bear passant to sin guardant Arg, on a chf
invected Az a crescent Arg; sin, Arg, the arms of the United
States. (D: Missouri, State of - May 99) (Important non-SCA
Per pale Gu & Arg, in pale a chevronel couped palewise & 2
crosses patty ctrch, as an augmentation, on an escutcheon Az,
2 bears passant erect addorsed reguardant Arg, each
maintaining a berdiche proper, in base an annulet Or.
(Augmentation of Arms: Jan w Orzeldom - Dec 93)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a pale betw 2 harps Or, for augmentation, in chf
on an inescutcheon Az 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns
outward Arg. (Augmentation of Arms: Caitrona n Bhriain Jul 96)
Per salt Or & Vt semy of patriarchal crosses Or, 2 kraken Vt & for
augmentation, on an escutcheon overall Purp a cross of
Calatrava Or within a bord ermine. (Augmentation of Arms:
Mikhail Nikolaevich Kramolnikov - Apr 07)
Purp, a Roman scutum Arg, ornamented Gu, betw in fess 2 towers
Or. (D: Correus Dracontius - Mar 90)
Purp, a winged female centaur salient contourny brandishing in her
sin hand a rapier Arg & in her dexter a shield Sa. (D:
Michallet du Dauphin - May 98)
Purp, on an inescutcheon Arg a double-bitted axe Sa, hafted proper,
within a bord engrailed Arg. (D: Humai al Rashida al
Baghdadiyya - May 94)
Quarterly: 1, France modern; 2, Quarterly Leon & Castile; 3, the
Union flag; 4, Gu on a salt Az thirteen mullets Arg; on an
inescutcheon paly Arg & Gu, a chf Az. (D: Alabama, State of
- May 99) (Important non-SCA arms)
Quarterly barry of eight Arg, Gu & Az, & Or, on an inescutcheon
Vt betw 2 staves palewise in bend sin Sa each capped by a
roundel pierced Arg, a mullet Or. (D: Hawaii, State of May 99) (Important non-SCA arms)
Sa, a chev erminois betw 3 escutcheons Arg. (D: Aleit
Pietersdochter - Sep 06)
Sa, an escutcheon vair within a bord engrailed Arg. (D: Etain of
Darach - Nov 06)

Escutcheon (continued)

Sa, an escutcheon within an orle of crosses formy Arg. (D:

Maximillian Johann von Kleve - Feb 08)
Sa, on a pale betw 2 escutcheons Arg a sword Sa. (B: Meridies Nov 97) (For the Order of the Sable Sword)
Vt, a fish salient, holding in dexter forefin a sword bendwise sin, &
in sin forefin a round shield, Arg. (D: James the Fisher Aug 79?)
Vt, a lion ramp affrontee Or orbed & armored Gu, grasping in its
forepaws & devouring the sin canton of an escutcheon Sa, a
bord Arg. (D: Alwyne the Sinistral - Aug 79)
Vt, a salt betw 4 escutcheons Or. (D: Kenric Bjarnarson - Feb 96)
Vt, an escutcheon & on a chf Or a cross patonce betw 2 feathers Gu.
(D: Brian Goodheart - Apr 94)
Vt, in bend 2 inescutcheons Arg, at the honor point an annulet Or.
(D: Siegfried das Wiltekind - Oct 82)
Vt, nine inescutcheons 4, 3, & 2 Arg, on a chf indented Or a laurel
wreath Vt. (D: Lydd - Sep 71?) (Defunct)
Vt, on a bend Or a straight trumpet Vt & in sin chf an escutcheon
Or. (D: Petronilla Goodwin - Apr 86)
Vt, on a pile wavy issuant from dexter chf Arg, a comet Purp, as an
augmentation, on an escutcheon overall Purp, a cross of
Calatrava within a bord Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Katrei
Grnenberg - Jul 07)
Vt, on a salt Or five quatrefoils slipped Vt & for augmentation, in
chf on an escutcheon Az 4 crescents conjoined in salt, horns
outward, within a bord Arg. (Augmentation of Arms: Laertes
McBride - Jun 06)
Vt, 3 escutcheons Or. (D: Brendan McNeill ONeill - Oct 02)
* * * End * * *
Estencely: see Sparks
Estoc: see Sword

Estoile - 1

See also: Escarbuncle and Mullet

(Fieldless) A demi-eagle disp Gu issuant from an estoile Or. (B:
Eirkr Mjoksiglandi Sigurarson - Aug 94) (JB: Astridr Selr
(Fieldless) A lions head caboshed Gu jessant-destoile Arg. (B:
John Emeris of Ellenar - Mar 81)
(Fieldless) A maiden proper, vested Vt, holding to her breast an
estoile of eight rays Arg. (B: Lazarus Artifex - Jul 93)
(Tinctureless) An estoile betw the horns of a crescent. (B: Richard
I of England - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA badge)
(Fieldless) An estoile of eight points within & conjoined to a
mascle Or. (B: Rose of Black Diamond - Jun 94)
(Fieldless) An estoile of five points Arg within an annulet Az. (B:
Genevra of Estolat - Aug 79)
(Fieldless) An estoile per pale Arg & Or. (B: Richenda de
Honneflo - Apr 06)
(Fieldless) An estoile per pall inv wavy Or, Purp, & Arg. (B:
Ceridwen merch Tudwal Penwyn - Nov 00)
(Fieldless) An estoile within & conjoined to an annulet engrailed
on the inner edge Arg. (B: Stromgard - Mar 04)
(Fieldless) An oak tree eradicated chequy Sa & Or, overall an
estoile Vt. (B: John of Blackwood - Nov 89)
(Fieldless) On an estoile Gu a rose Arg. (B: Manus MacDay Feb 04)
(Fieldless) On an estoile Purp a Chinese dragons head couped
close contourny Or. (B: Raymond de Caen - Aug 97) (For
Chastel de la Mer)
Arg, a falcon disp Sa, its wings encircling an estoile Gu, a bord
engrailed Sa. (D: Roland of Falcondale - Jun 76?)
Arg, a lymphad sails furled & oars in action Sa, pennoned & in
dexter chf an estoile Gu, all within a bord Sa. (D: Edric the
Unsteady - Mar 82)
Arg, a shepherds crook bendwise sin proper surmounted by an
estoile of 4 major rays & 4 minor dismembered rays Az. (B:
Briany Exeter de Baraine - Jul 81) (For House Ice Star)
Arg, an estoile & on a chf Az a fox passant Arg. (D: Ravasz Jnos
- Feb 03)
Arg, an estoile & on a chf double-arched Az a bow inv Arg. (D:
Rhwth Rhys of Eldatir - Feb 81)
Arg, an estoile gyronny of six Gu & Sa within a bord Sa. (B: Edric
the Unsteady - May 82)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 613

[Estoile - 1]

Estoile - 1 (continued)

Arg, an estoile of eight rays Sa within a bord Gu. (D: Secalemox

pen Tyrhon - Jan 73?)
Arg, an estoile within an orle of fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Isabelle
Marie de Fontevrault - Aug 00)
Arg, 3 piles in point Gu, overall an estoile, all within a bord Sa
charged with the words "Dignidad, Virtud, Honestad" Or. (D:
Dulcinea Margarita Teresa Velzquez de Ribera - Jun 92)
Arg, 2 hammers in salt betw in pale an estoile & on a point pointed
engrailed Gu an estoile Arg. (D: Louis Martel - Apr 88)
Az, a chocolate-point Siamese cat sejant erect proper upon a pine
bough leaved & fructed fesswise in base proper, in dexter chf
an estoile Arg. (D: Marjorie of Ruthiemurches - Jul 74?)
Az, a lion ramp reguardant Or, langued & armed Gu, the sin paw
maintaining an estoile of seven points Arg, on a chf arched
embat Or a shawm proper. (D: Jowell Toledero - Aug 76?)
Az, a sword inv betw 2 others in chev, all conjoined at the tips, each
pommeled of an estoille of eight points elongated to chf, & in
chf an estoille of eight points Arg. (D: Evan Aethalwald Jul 80)
Az, an estoile, a snowflake, & a hill Arg. (B: Nordskogen May 83) (For the Order of the Silver Snowdrift)
Az, an estoile Arg within a bord per salt Or & Arg. (B: Leonora
Simonetta dEste - May 01)
Az, an estoile of eight rays & on a chf Arg 3 gouttes Az. (D:
Branwen Ottersby - Dec 94)
Az, an estoile of eight rays & on a chf wavy Arg 3 roses Gu barbed
& seeded Arg. (D: Quenild of Mercia - May 02)
Az, an estoile of eight rays Or within 3 bottlenosed dolphins naiant
clockwise in annulo all within a bord engrailed Arg. (D:
Marina Ariadne ni Chlurain - Feb 82)
Az, an estoile of eight rays within an annulet & a bord all Arg. (B:
Isaac de Hugo - May 92)
Az, an estoile within a bord nebuly Or. (B: Aquaterra - Sep 02)
Az, an estoille within six dolphins naiant in annulo, all within a
bord Or. (D: Hillary Stormrider - May 80)
Az, entwined about a crescent Arg, a dragon Or, grasping for, in sin
chf, an estoile of eight points Arg. (D: Selene of the Sky Jan 74?)
Az, ermined Or, in pale a decrescent & an estoile of eight points
Arg. (D: Elenore Grailseeker - Aug 87)
Az, on a bend Arg betw an estoile & a tau cross Or, a fleur-de-lys
Az. (D: Juliet Emeric - Dec 80)
Az, 2 chevronels inv & in chf an estoile of eight rays Arg. (D:
Isaac de Hugo - Sep 83)
Az, 2 flaunches ermine, overall a cross estoile Arg. (D: Eilonwy de
Lyur - Jan 73?)
Barry Vt & Or, an estoile Sa pierced Arg betw 3 gouttes de sang.
(D: Basilia of Ravenspur - Jul 84)
Counter-ermine, an estoile Arg within a bord ermine. (D: Orendil
Aelfwine - Dec 92)
Ermine, on an estoile Or a tower Sa. (B: Eskalya - Jul 81) (For
the Chatelaines Star Keep Award)
Erminois, a stags head erased Sa & in chf an estoile of eight rays
Gu. (D: Marina Esmeralda de Murcia - Jan 97)
Gu, a bend sin cotised, in dexter chf an estoile of 4 greater & 4
lesser points Or. (D: Rose of Black Diamond - May 90)
Gu, a cross quadrate by estoile, & in canton a mullet Or. (B:
Gerold Bright Angel - Jan 74?)
Gu, an estoile Arg & in chf 3 roundels Or. (D: Richenda de
Honneflo - May 05)
Gu, in canton an estoile of nine points Or, & 3 lilies graftwise in
point from sin base Or. (D: Janice of Illwheirlaine - Jan 73?)
Gu, on a bend Or betw an estoile Arg within a laurel wreath & a
bendlet Or 3 bears passant fesswise Sa. (D: Bjorndal Apr 81)
Gu, on a keystone issuant from chf Az fimbriated a griffin segreant
Arg & in base an estoile of eight points Or. (D: Christopher
Thorne of Keystone - May 82)
Gu, 3 piles inv in point & in chf an estoile of eight rays Arg. (B:
Aldric of the Northmark - Aug 84) (For House Northmark)
Gu, within a laurel wreath proper 3 chevronels braced, in honor
point an estoile of eight points Or. (D: Canyons, the Aug 78?)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, an estoile of seven points Arg fimbriated Sa.
(D: Hieronymus Dernoma - Aug 76?)

614 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Estoile - 1 (continued)

Gyronny ermine & Or, an estoile Gu. (D: Sequora of Zagamar Jul 74)
Gyronny of six Az & Arg, an estoile of alternating straight & wavy
rays ctrch Or & Gu within a bord ctrch. (D: Marcia of Jarrow
Motte - Aug 82)
Gyronny wavy Sa & Arg, an estoile of seven rays Or, a bord wavy
Az. (D: Rosalind bint Mihrimah - Sep 92)
Gyronny-wavy of six, Sa mullety Arg, & Vt mulletty Or, an estoile
Arg. (B: Aiden Elfedur - Dec 85) (For House Lalaiel)
Or, a lion passant, in base an estoile, within a bord rayonny Sa. (D:
Ghyslaine Felinnoir - Apr 83)
Or, a lymphad Gu, sails furled, bannered fore & aft, the mast flying
a pennant to dexter Arg, the banners & each pennant charged
with an estoile of eight rays, in canton an estoile of eight rays
Sa. (D: Guy Darkestarre - Feb 83)
Or, an estoile pierced Purp within a bord Vt. (D: Richenza the
Confused - Dec 93)
Or, an estoille betw 3 dragons heads couped Sa. (B: Killian Bryce
- Nov 98)
Or, on an estoile Gu the letter "G" Or. (B: Genevieve Louise Magee
- May 85)
Or, seme of pellets, an estoile of five points Az. (B: Elwyn ferch
Alwyn - Feb 87)
Paly Vt & erminois, a stags head erased & in chf an estoile of eight
rays Arg. (B: Magnus Nauta - Sep 92)
Pean, a mullet of 4 greater straight & 4 lesser wavy points Or
surmounted by an eagle-winged wyvern passant to sin Az. (D:
Brianna Je Nell Aislynn of Blue Shadows - Jul 82)
Pean, an estoile betw 2 gussets Arg. (D: Drogo de Lac du Bourget Oct 88)
Per bend erminois & Gu, in chf an estoile of nine points Gu, & in
base a lily Or. (D: Ryn of Illwheirlane - Jan 73?)
Per bend Or & Sa, an estoile & a crescent ctrch. (D: Sorcha of
Ballycastle - Mar 96)
Per bend Sa & Vt, a bend rayonny betw a raven rising & an estoile
Arg. (D: Gwyneth Ceridwen ferch Brangwyn - Aug 84)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a bend sin Gu betw a cross bottony Sa & an
estoile Arg, within a bord Gu. (D: Damien Llewellyn Aelfric Nov 90)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, an arrow bendwise sin Sa fletched ctrch, in
dexter chf an estoile of eight rays Sa. (D: Remus Fletcher Aug 90)
Per bend sin Arg & Or, a griffin segreant to sin Sa, collared &
chained Or, & in base an estoile Sa. (D: Arbas an
Connachtach - Aug 84)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a tree blasted Az & an estoile Or. (D:
Daemon of Woadwood - Jul 79?)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, an estoile Arg & a goutte de sang. (B:
Larkin OKane - Oct 95)
Per bend sin Sa, & Arg semy of ivy leaves Vt, in dexter chf an
eagles leg erased at the thigh Or & in sin base an estoile Gu.
(D: Elsa von der Seekste - Oct 84)
Per bend sin Vt & Arg, an estoile of eight rays Arg & a mermaid
proper, crined Gu, brandishing a sword Sa. (D: Isolde da
Talamone - Sep 92)
Per chev Arg & Or, in base an estoile within an orle Purp. (D:
Kaaren Hkonsdotter - Nov 01)
Per chev Arg & Sa, an estoile Purp & a Dn dragon ramp Or. (B:
Raymond de Caen - Aug 90)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 2 ravens passant & an estoile within an orle, all
ctrch. (D: Duncan MacAlpin Shieldsbane - Sep 88)
Per chev inv Sa & Arg, a lute Or & an estoile Vt. (D: Muirgen
Kincaid - Jul 00)
Per chev rayonny Az & Vt, a lozenge below in dexter chf an estoile
& in sin chf an increscent, all Arg. (D: Brian of Green Hills Sep 73?)
Per chev Sa & Arg, an increscent & a decrescent Arg, & an estoile
Az. (D: Kathleen of Wuduholt be Secg - Dec 98)
Per chev Sa & Arg, in chf an estoile Or. (D: Sten av Norden Jan 73?)
Per chev Sa & Or, 2 fleurs-de-lys Arg & an estoile Gu. (D: Kalyn
dAutremont - Apr 81)
Per fess Arg & paly Gu & Arg, a fess & in chf an estoile betw 2
fleurs-de-lys Gu. (D: Giuliana di Benedetto Falconieri Aug 02)

[Estoile - 1]

Estoile - 1 (continued)

Per fess Az & Vt, a gull volant & in dexter chf an estoile Arg. (D:
Rone Dentillire de la Voile Rouge - date?)
Per fess engrailed Gu & Az, a demi-sun issuant from the line of
division Or, surmounted by a sword bendwise sin inv proper,
in dexter chf an estoile of eight rays Arg. (D: Aldric of the
Northmark - Jul 86)
Per fess indented Az & Gu, in pale a shofar, bell to sin, & an estoile
of eight rays Or. (D: Rivka bat Shmuel Alfasi - Jun 87)
Per fess indented Sa & Arg, an estoile throughout ctrch. (B:
Winters Gate - Jan 81)
Per fess Or & Gu, an estoile of eight rays within a bord ctrch. (D:
Milko Sanguineti - Apr 00)
Per fess wavy Az & Arg, in chf on a sun Arg a phoenix Az & in
base a griffin sejant, maintaining an estoile, Az. (D: Megan
Ramsey - Sep 85)
Per fess wavy Purp & Az, a sea-unicorn naiant, & in chf a
decrescent & an estoile Arg. (D: Cairistiona MacRorie of
Loch Sterness - Nov 84)
Per pale Arg & Vt, in fess enhanced an estoile Or betw &
maintained by the jaws of a griffin & a fox sejant respectant, a
base ctrch. (D: Griffith Foxstar - Nov 82)
Per pale Az & counter-ermine, a great horned owl affronty
maintaining in its dexter talon a scroll Arg, in dexter chf an
estoile Or. (D: Liane ODay - Jun 04)
Per pale Gu & Arg, in fess enhanced an estoile Or betw &
maintained by the jaws of a lion & a red fox sejant respectant
proper, a base ctrch. (D: Leona Foxstar - Nov 82)
Per pale Gu & Az, in pale a chev & an estoile pierced Or. (D:
Tristan FitzAaron - Jun 90)
Per pale indented Arg & Vt, 2 wings conjoined & in chf an estoile
ctrch. (D: Caitlin ni hArrachtain - May 83)
Per pale indented Sa & lozengy Gu & Arg, an estoile Arg & a lion
sejant erect reguardant tail nowed Sa. (D: Gwenfrewi ferch
Cadfael Caernarfon - Feb 96)
Per pale Or & Sa, an estoile within a bord ctrch. (D: Sebastian von
dem Schwartzwald - Feb 92)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a dolphin hauriant & in chf an increscent & an
estoile Arg. (D: Cristina Giuliana DellOnda - Oct 79)
Per pale Sa & Gu, an estoile & a demi-sun issuant from base Arg.
(B: Alessandro di Firenze - Jan 96)
Per pale Vt & Or, in fess a heron in its vigilance & sin facing & an
estoile of eight points, in base 2 barrulets wavy ctrch. (D:
Michaela of Herons Rest - Jun 89)
Per pale Vt & Purp, an estoile betw in fess 2 crosses crosslet fitchy
Arg. (D: Sonya the Fair - Nov 97)
Per pale Vt & Purp, an estoile within & conjoined to a crescent
bendwise sin Or within a bord Or mulletty of six points Sa. (D:
Minna Rose von Kroppe - Jan 06)
Per pall inv Gu, Sa, & Arg, a sword bendwise sin proper, a cross
potent Arg, & an estoile of eight rays Gu. (D: William Hygh of
Winyah - Feb 85)
Per salt Arg & Az, an estoile within a bord ctrch. (D: Beatrice
Caterina Fontanella - Dec 99)
Per salt Az & Or, in fess an estoile Gu & a fleur-de-lys Az. (D:
Genevieve Louise Magee - May 85)
Purp, a dragon ramp contourny & in sin chf an estoile of seven rays
Or. (D: Caroline of Anglesey - Jun 95)
Purp, a schnecke issuant from dexter chf Arg, in sin chf an estoile
Or. (D: Cicilia Tironi - Jul 01)
Purp, an estoile & a chf rayonny Or. (D: Francesca Carletti Aug 06)
Purp, an estoile of eight rays, on a chf indented Or 3 mullets of 4
points Purp. (D: Toirdhealbhach Mr mac Gille Mhuire Dec 04)
Purp, an estoile within an orle of tongues of flame Or. (D: Vashti of
the Flaming Tresses - Oct 88)
Quarterly Arg & Purp, a lozenge Sa betw in dexter chf 3 trefoils, 2
& one, & in sin base an estoile Purp. (D: Dubhessa
MacLochlainn - Sep 85)
Quarterly Arg & Purp, a manticore passant gardant Gu, its face
proper, bearing in its dexter forepaw a sword inv proper, in sin
chf an estoille Arg. (D: Aedwald of Glastonburh, Called the
Saxon - Oct 79)
Quarterly Arg & Purp, an estoile Or, a bord ctrch. (D: Theodora of
Edessa - Mar 98)

Estoile - 1 (continued)

Quarterly Az & Arg, an estoile of eight rays ctrch. (B: Quenild of

Mercia - Jan 02)
Quarterly Az & Vt, an estoille a bord embat Arg. (B: Trimaris Dec 96) (For the Order of the Argent Estoille of Trimaris)
Quarterly Gu & Az, an estoile Arg, a chf Or fretty Az. (D: Martina
de Bury - Aug 90)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, an estoile within a bord Arg. (D: Asselyna
Glendonwyn - Oct 02)
Quarterly Or & Arg, an estoile of 4 rays nowy Sa charged with a
plate, a bord Purp ermined Arg. (D: Aetheria the
Unremembered - Jun 91)
Quarterly Purp & Arg, an estoile Or betw 4 increscents ctrch. (D:
Ceridwen merch Tudwal Penwyn - Feb 00)
Sa, a bend Or betw an estoile & 3 decrescents Arg all within a bord
Or. (D: Jael al Gamal - Jun 91)
Sa, a human-breasted tricorporate lioness, each tail barbed &
nowed, & in chf an estoile of 4 greater & eight lesser points
Or. (B: Alexis Vladescu von Nettesheim - Apr 88)
Sa, a scorpion statant Or, in chf an estoile of five rays inv Arg. (D:
Cynthia Loganaich of Killeenen - Oct 90)
Sa, a sea-lion ramp Arg, in dexter an estoile Or, & a chf nebuly Arg.
(D: Caitlyn de Wyndmere - Aug 79)
Sa, a unicorn couchant reguardant to sin, in dexter chf an estoile, all
within a bord Arg. (D: Maeve ferch Morgan - Dec 84)
Sa, an estoile of eight rays betw 3 cups Arg. (D: tienne
Morningstar the Mercenary - Mar 98)
Sa, an estoile of eight rays within an orle Arg surmounted by a
demi-sun issuant from base Or. (D: Alessandro di Firenze Sep 92)
Sa, an estoile of 4 greater & 4 lesser points betw in chf 2 dragons
heads couped, addorsed & incensed, all within a bord engrailed
Arg. (D: Sithric Larsson - Oct 89)
Sa, an estoile of seven points in dexter Arg, issuant therefrom to sin
chf five bendlets Gu, Or, Vt, Az, & Purp. (B: Astalla of Three
Hills - May 92)
Sa, an estoile voided & a bord Arg. (B: Winters Gate - Dec 84)
(For the Order of the Estoile)
Sa, in base an estoile, a chf Arg. (D: Melisande de Belvoir Nov 79)
Sa, in chf 2 double-bitted axes in salt Or surmounted by a deaths
head Arg & in base an estoile Or. (D: Ian MacDuff - Aug 92)
Sa, issuant from sin chf a lightning bolt bendwise sin Arg
conjoining in dexter base an estoile of 4 greater & 4 lesser rays
or. (D: Kalven the Deranged - Aug 79)
Sa, on a cross nowy Or a sun in splendor Sa, in sin chf an estoile Or.
(D: Uilliam MacMathgamna of Monaghan - Apr 94)
Sa, on a fess Arg a dragon statant Sa & in dexter chf an estoile of
seven rays Arg. (D: Charles of Caernarvon - Oct 91)
Sa, on an estoile Or a Deaths head Gu. (D: Erik von Kampf Jun 73?)
Sa, on an octofoil Arg, an estoile of eight points, 4 greater, 4 lesser,
Gu. (B: Paul of Bellatrix - Sep 73)
Sa, 2 Bengal tigers combattant Or marked Sa, in chf an estoile, all
within a bord rayonny Or. (D: Morbran Two Tigers - Oct 93)
Tierced per pall inv Az, Arg, & Sa, a lions jambe bendwise erased
Or, an axe reversed Gu & an estoile Arg. (D: Byron de
Maccuswell - Aug 80)
Vt, a salt Gu fimbriated, surmounted by an estoile of eight points
pierced Or, all within a bord Or pelletty. (D: Aonarrach Faol
MagUidhir - May 85)
Vt, an estoile within a Bowen knot in cross Or. (D: Margery
Starseeker - Aug 79?)
Vt, on a bend Arg a wolf salient Gu, in sin canton an estoile Or. (D:
George of Gilgaur - Aug 79?)
Vt, on a plate betw 2 crescents Arg & an estoile Or a horses head
couped to sin Gu, all within an orle Or. (D: Athelyna Estrild
Nimblefingers - Nov 83)
Vt, on an estoile of five rays Or a triskele Purp. (D: Angharad
Albanes - Nov 00)
Vt, on an estoile of 4 greater & 4 lesser rays Arg a dagger inv Sa, all
within a bord Arg. (D: Ailonwy of Darkblade - Feb 84)
Vt, 3 goutes of flame conjoined in pall, surmounted by an estoile,
all Arg. (D: Jane Ascham - Aug 89)
* * * End * * *

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 615

[Estoile - 2 or more]

Estoile - 2 or more

See also: Escarbuncle and Mullet

(Fieldless) An eagle Sa, each wing charged with an estoile Arg. (B:
Wilhelm Meis - May 06)
Arg, a chev betw 2 estoiles Az & an eagle Sa. (D: Wilhelm Meis Mar 05)
Arg, a chevronel rompu Az betw 4 estoiles of 4 greater & 4 lesser
points, 3 & one, Gu, that in base pierced of the field. (D:
Celeste Lamuray de Provence - Feb 75?)
Arg, a natural rainbow proper betw 3 estoiles Sa. (D: Rowan
Woodring - Feb 96)
Arg, a pale Sa crescenty Arg betw 2 estoiles Sa. (D: Ariel of
Lindisfarne - Aug 83)
Arg, a salt Sa betw 3 estoiles 2 in fess & one in base Gu. (D:
Rowen ferch Rhys - Jul 01)
Arg, a wyvern sejant betw 3 estoiles Gu. (D: Elinor Salter Aug 05)
Arg estoilly, on a base Az a bear passant contourny Arg. (D: Lars
of Aquaterra - Dec 05)
Arg, on a cross betw in chf 2 estoiles Az in base an estoile Arg, a
bord Az. (D: Paul dEstoile - Jun 95)
Arg semy of estoiles, a fess cotised Purp. (D: Gisela Bosch von
Lbeck - Oct 93)
Arg, semy of estoiles Az, a pale betw 2 pegasi combattant Sa. (D:
Christopher Darras - Oct 85)
Arg, 2 bendlets Vt betw 2 estoiles Sa. (D: Judith Fiona Mac
Kiernan - May 90)
Az, a boot Arg betw 4 estoiles of 4 straight & 4 wavy rays, 3 & one,
Or. (D: Alasdair MacAuley - Sep 84)
Az, a catamount passant guardant Arg betw 3 estoiles within a bord
Or. (D: Ceatta o Gulcleth - Feb 85)
Az, a chev Arg cotised Or betw 3 estoiles Arg. (D: Asta Olafsdottir
- Nov 98)
Az, a chev betw 3 estoiles Or. (D: Edmund Middleton of York Jul 97)
Az, a comet bendwise sin inv betw 2 estoiles Arg. (D: Cinnion map
Liuelin map Higuel - May 98)
Az, a crossbow Or, on a fess bretassy Arg, 3 estoiles Gu. (D:
Edward Ashwell of the Crossbow - Jan 90)
Az, a domestic cat statant contourny betw 3 estoiles 2 & one Arg &
a chf wavy paly Or & Vt. (B: Gabriela Maria dei Clementini
dOrvieto - Jun 99)
Az, a griffin segreant & in chf 3 estoiles, all within a bord engrailed
Or. (D: Yseult de Lacy - Jan 96)
Az, a lion dormant Or betw in pale 2 estoiles Arg. (D: Estevana
dOrliens - May 05)
Az, a melusine with hands clasped at her breast Arg, crined &
tailed, & in chf 3 estoiles of eight rays Or. (D: Astridr Selr
Leifsdttir - Jul 91)
Az, a pegasus courant affronty with wings disp environed of seven
estoiles representing the constellation Orion, all Arg. (D: Arlin
of the Crystal Key - Jul 74)
Az, a quill pen Arg, in chf 3 estoilles Or. (D: Genevieve de Belleval
- Feb 98) (? blazon typo for "estoile")
Az, a reindeer statant within estoiles in annulo Arg. (D: Eleanor
Chantrill - Jan 06)
Az, a seahorse contourny & in chf 2 estoiles Arg. (D: Arianwen de
Trguier - Dec 96)
Az, a sealion betw 3 estoiles Or a chf wavy Arg. (D: Muirgheal nic
Dhonnachaidh - Aug 96)
Az, a unicorn counter-couchant Arg, collared Gu, armed & crined
Or, betw 3 estoiles Arg, all within a bord compony Vt & Or.
(D: Merewyn de Lyonesse - Jun 80)
Az, a weavers shuttle palewise Arg within a laurel wreath, in chf 2
estoiles Or. (D: Starhaven - Nov 88)
Az, a winged lion ramp guardant, wings disp, betw in cross 4
estoiles, all Or. (B: Ana Ashford - Jul 87)
Az, an open book betw 3 estoiles Or. (D: Allison of Carillion Aug 95)
Az, estoilly, a sun Arg. (D: Genevra of Estolat - Jun 75?)
Az estoilly, a wolf couchant to sin Arg. (D: Megan ODonnelly Dec 90)
Az estoilly Arg, in base a caravel Or. (D: Zoe du Murat - Dec 03)
Az estoilly Or, a unicorn ramp Arg charged on the shoulder with an
increscent Gu, a demi-sun issuant from base Or. (D: Aliena
Goodeve - Feb 98)

616 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Estoile - 2 or more (continued)

Az estoily Or, 2 seahorses Arg maned Or. (D: Padraig O

Maoilriain - Jun 95)
Az estoily, 3 bendlets enhanced & a winged stag ramp contourny
Arg. (D: Aylwin Graham the Flamehaired - Jun 95)
Az, in chf 4 chevronels inv & braced, & in base 3 chevronels braced
Or, environed of six estoiles of eight points Or, pierced Gu, the
lowermost within the center chevronel. (D: Johann Heinrich
Michael Siemon von Wernigerode - Nov 88)
Az, on a bend betw 2 estoiles Or, a unicorn passant Purp. (D:
Monica Eve le May - Jul 93)
Az, on a bend engrailed betw 2 estoiles Arg, five water bougets Az.
(D: Fionnbhrr Starfyr of the Isles - May 90)
Az semy of estoiles Or, a chev betw 3 martlets, a bord Arg. (D:
Genevire dAlsace - Feb 05)
Az, 3 estoiles & on a chf Or, 3 crescents Az. (D: Kaylitha
Rhiannon of Southhaven - Dec 88)
Az, 2 bendlets wavy betw 2 estoiles Arg. (D: Stella Silvana Dec 93)
Az, 2 estoiles & a unicorns head cabossed, within a bord Arg. (D:
Iver of the Black Bow - Sep 92)
Az, 2 estoiles in bend betw 2 bendlets Or. (D: Roderick of
Glaedenfeld - Jul 00)
Checky Arg & Sa, 3 estoiles of eight rays & on a point pointed Gu a
cross patonce Arg. (D: Margery of Crosgate - Mar 98)
Counter-ermine, 3 estoiles Or. (D: Giovanni Basilio de Castronovo
- Oct 02)
Ermine, a chev betw 3 estoiles Gu. (D: James of Wiverneweald Sep 97)
Gu, a tree eradicated within in annulo nine estoiles Or. (D: Susanne
of Woodwose Hall - Jan 73?)
Gu, a winged bull ramp guardant Arg betw 3 estoiles of eight rays
Or. (D: Rowan Berran McDowell - Apr 98)
Gu, estoilly, a rose Arg, barbed & seeded proper, within a bord
compony Arg & Sa. (D: Marie-Vronique de lEstoile May 89)
Gu, on a chev betw 3 estoiles Or 3 lozenges Sa. (D: Thomas
Lestrange - Feb 06)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, 2 estoiles & a mortar & pestle Gu. (D: Angus
MacElroy - Oct 92)
Gyronny arrondy Az, estoilly of eight points Arg, & Arg, an ogress
within a bord Sa. (D: Serena Arianwy Holmes - Feb 90)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, a dragon ramp Gu betw 3 estoiles Or, a bord Gu
estoilly Or. (D: Rhiannon Fitzgerald - Dec 92)
Gyronny Vt & Arg, each Arg gyron charged with an estoile Purp.
(D: Maren Rikarsdottir - Feb 07)
Gyronny Vt & Sa, an oak eradicated betw 3 estoiles Or. (D:
Berowne of Arden - Jun 75?)
Or, a falcon statant to sin, wings elevated & addorsed, Gu betw 3
estoiles Sa. (D: Maelon ap Prydydd of Carnach - Feb 88)
Or estoilly, an opinicus salient contourny, wings elevated &
addorsed, bearing in its beak a morningstar, & a gore sin all
Sa. (D: Renna of Battersea - Jan 86)
Or, in pale 3 estoilles Az 2 & one & a sheep statant Sa, all betw
flaunches indented Vt. (D: Collette Ewartburgh - Feb 98) (?
blazon typo for "estoile")
Or, 2 battle axes addorsed Sa, hafted proper, betw 3 estoiles of five
rays within a bord Vt. (D: Randall von Nordlichwald Apr 84)
Or, 2 estoiles & a unicornate wolf passant reguardant Sa. (D:
Arianna Ravenstar of Wolfwood - Aug 88)
Paly Vt & erminois, a stag trippant betw 3 estoiles of eight rays
Arg. (D: Magnus Nauta - May 92)
Party of six pieces Gu & Or, 3 swans naiant Or & 3 estoiles Gu. (D:
Elspeth OShea - Feb 00)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend bevilled betw 2 estoiles Arg. (D: Jeanne
Alwyn - Jun 98)
Per bend Sa & Sa estoilly Arg, on a bend Gu, fimbriated Or, a
sword inv Arg, in chf a sun in his splendour Or. (D: Reinwald
Sigbrand - May 86)
Per bend sin Arg ermined Gu & Gu ermined Arg, 2 estoiles Gu &
Arg. (D: Ellisif Thorgrimsdottir - Jan 96)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, 4 estoiles Arg & 3 gouttes de sang. (D:
Larkin OKane - Feb 95)
Per bend sin Az semy of estoiles & Or, a hawk volant Arg. (B:
Megan Rhys - Jun 96)

[Estoile - 2 or more]

Estoile - 2 or more (continued)

Per bend sin engrailed Arg & Az, 2 roses proper springing from a
single branch Vt & 2 estoiles Or. (D: Melisende Barlais
dOutremer - Mar 93)
Per bend sin Gu & Vt, an owl disp, wings fesswise, betw in pale 2
estoiles Arg. (D: Evan Garrett - May 92)
Per bend sin Vt & Gu, a panda bear sejant affronty proper, in chf 2
estoiles Or. (D: Una mannvitsbrekka - Oct 04)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a decrescent betw 3 estoiles of eight rays Arg.
(D: Cleste le Mercier - Oct 98)
Per bend wavy Sa & ermine, 3 estoiles Arg & in bend 3 quatrefoils
Gu, barbed Vt, seeded Or. (D: Isabelle Elaine of Salisbury Mar 84)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 estoiles of eight rays Az & issuant from base
a phoenix Arg rising from flames Or. (D: Larisa Mikhailovna
- Apr 08)
Per chev Az & Arg, 3 estoiles in chev Arg & on a torteau a
semiminim note Or. (B: Diana Brythonwen ferch Cynfarch ap
Cynan - Dec 84) (For House Starsong)
Per chev Az & Arg, 3 estoiles in fess Arg & a brown bear ramp
proper. (D: Jared the Potter - Jan 01)
Per chev Az & Vt, a vol betw 3 estoiles Arg. (D: Judith
Greanwood - Feb 06)
Per chev embat Vt & Arg, 2 estoiles & a ship reversed ctrch. (D:
Kendrick Shropshire - Jan 03)
Per chev inv Az estoilly Or & Arg, a pile inv Sa. (B: Morberie of
Tor Denly - Nov 96)
Per chev inv Sa & Vt, a tower betw in demi-annulo five estoiles all
within an annulet Arg. (B: Chimene des Cinq Tours - Jul 85)
Per chev Purp & Or, five estoiles in annulo Arg & a moose statant
guardant proper. (D: Ins de Avila - Nov 91)
Per chev Purp & Vt, in chf 3 estoiles in chev & in base a unicorns
head erased Arg. (D: Alyssa Elphinstone - Feb 94)
Per chev rayonny Az & Arg, 2 estoiles of eight rays Or & a tree
eradicated proper. (D: Rhonwen McBride - Feb 99)
Per chev Sa & Gu, 2 estoiles Or & a phoenix Arg. (D: Douglas
Fitzwilliam - Feb 94)
Per chev Sa estoilly Arg & Arg, in base a rose Sa barbed Vt &
seeded Gu, on a chf Arg a Greek androsphinx guardant Gu.
(D: Jean Paul tienne de La Chaise Dieu - Jun 95)
Per chev Sa estoilly Or & Purp, a bear statant Or. (D: Beorn se
Gildene - Sep 95)
Per chev throughout Arg & Gu, 2 estoiles Sa & an eagle disp Or.
(D: Alexandrina of Lorne - Mar 98)
Per chev throughout dovetailed Arg & Sa, 2 estoiles & a comet
ctrch a bord Gu. (D: Anna Estrella Scudiero - Jan 98)
Per chev throughout invected Or estoilly & Sa, in base a hawk disp
head facing to sin, Arg. (D: Alaric von Thurn - Apr 98)
Per chev throughout Purp & Arg, 2 estoiles Arg & a dragonfly Vt.
(D: Letia Thistelthueyt - Dec 01)
Per chev throughout Vt & Or, 2 estoiles & a sea-pithon erect &
nowed ctrch. (D: Anastasia Marina van der Zee - Sep 94)
Per chev Vt & Az, 2 estoiles & a winged scarab disp, maintaining
betw its wingtips a roundel Arg. (D: Arsenda of Calais Dec 05)
Per chev Vt & Or, 2 estoiles & a dragon passant within a bord, all
ctrch. (D: Sarah Jane Mander of Wenlock - Nov 90)
Per chev wavy Arg, estoilly Vt, & Vt, in base a rabbit sejant
guardant, armed with a stags attire, Arg. (D: Ottar Eriksson May 87)
Per fess Az & Arg, 2 estoiles & a griffin segreant all within a bord
invected, all ctrch. (D: Ulric Waveborne - Feb 85)
Per fess indented Arg & Sa, in chf a rose Gu, barbed & seeded
proper, environed of a serpent embowed guardant Vt & in base
3 estoiles Arg. (D: Leyla bint Nakhla al-Ghawazi - Dec 80)
Per fess indented Gu & Sa, 3 estoiles & 3 chevronels braced Arg.
(D: Duncan Lamhearradh Campbell - Sep 92)
Per fess indented Purp & Or, in chf 3 estoiles in fess & in base an
escarbuncle ctrch. (D: Morgana di Sanpere - Mar 78?)
Per fess indented Sa, estoilly Arg, & Arg. (B: Winters Gate Nov 80) (Standard)
Per fess indented Sa, estoily Arg, & Arg, in base a laurel wreath Sa.
(D: Winters Gate - Nov 79)
Per fess rayonny Arg & Sa, 3 estoiles ctrch Gu & Arg. (D: Angus
MacFee - Aug 88)
Per fess Sa & Arg, 2 estoiles & an eagles head erased ctrch, a bord
Az. (D: Taran de Montfort - Sep 97)

Estoile - 2 or more (continued)

Per fess Sa & Or, in chf five mullets of 4 straight & 4 wavy rays, 3
& 2, Arg & in base a dexter gauntlet bendwise sin Gu. (D:
Rhys of Septentria - Apr 87)
Per fess Sa, estoily Arg, & Vt, in chf a sun in splendor Or & in base
3 bezants. (D: Leonardo il Calamaro - Sep 90)
Per fess wavy Purp & Vt, in chf 3 estoiles & in base a mermaid in
her vanity Arg. (D: Melisenda dArgent - Mar 95)
Per pale & per chev Az & Arg, 3 estoiles ctrch. (D: Robert of
Starmount - May 83)
Per pale & per fess embat Or & Sa, in bend 2 swords Vt & in bend
sin 2 estoiles of eight points Arg. (D: Cormac MacKenna Feb 89)
Per pale Arg & Purp, in cross 4 estoiles ctrch. (D: Quataryna de
Montpelher - Aug 04)
Per pale Az & Arg, a cat sejant within estoiles in annulo ctrch. (D:
Elisabet Mathematika - Nov 90)
Per pale Az & Arg all semy of estoiles, an eagle disp within a bord
all ctrch Arg & Az. (D: Brendan of Dormansford - Sep 04)
Per pale ermine & counter-ermine, a unicorn courant Az, armed,
crined & unguled, betw in pale 2 estoiles Or, within a bord Az.
(D: Brianne of Greenlea - Feb 83)
Per pale Gu & Vt a swan rousant wings disp betw 3 estoiles Arg.
(D: Lena Solway - Dec 94)
Per pale pean & erminois, a dragon sejant guardant per pale Or &
Sa & in chf 4 estoiles Gu. (D: Richard Alain du Main Apr 86)
Per pale raguly Arg & Az semy of estoiles Arg, a raven rising to sin
wings addorsed Sa & a moon in her complement Arg. (D:
Elisabetta Gabrieli - Jun 96)
Per pale Vt & Az, an increscent Arg betw 3 estoiles Or. (D: Valeria
della Stelle da Firenze - Mar 00)
Per salt Az & Or, in chf an estoile of 4 greater & 4 lesser rays Arg,
in fess 2 natural panthers combattant Az & in base an estoile of
4 greater & 4 lesser rays Or. (D: Alethea bint Fahd ibn Akhtar
- Sep 91)
Per salt Gu & Sa, a griffin Or betw 3 estoiles Arg. (D: Isolde of
Ildhafn - Feb 03)
Per salt Purp & Gu, a salt Arg betw 4 estoiles Or. (D: Galiana
Branwen Clwyd - Feb 86)
Purp, a fess ermine betw 2 estoiles & a leopards head jessant-delys Or. (D: Madeleine Dulac dAgenais - Nov 00)
Purp, a peacock in its pride Arg the tail marked Vt, betw 3 estoilles
Arg. (D: Annais de Bordeaux - Aug 05)
Purp, a sea-lion Arg maintaining 3 arrows inv Or betw 3 estoiles
Arg. (D: Nikolai Grigorievich the Archer - May 92)
Purp, a sword grasped at the hilt by a hand & in chf 3 estoiles of
eight points Arg. (D: Leo Bertrand de Benton - Jun 03)
Purp estoilly, a sun in splendor within a bord Or. (D: Veronique
lAmie - Aug 95)
Purp, estoilly Or, in pale a moon in her complement & a dexter
gauntlet apaumy Arg. (D: Deormund Wulfscyld - Feb 86)
Purp, 3 estoiles in fess Arg betw 2 lions passant guardant contourny
Or. (D: Adelinde Petronelle David - Dec 96)
Purp, 2 flaunches Arg, 3 estoiles, one & 2, ctrch. (D: Victoria
Starwing - Aug 79?)
Quarterly Or & Gu, a cross fleuretty betw 4 estoiles, all ctrch. (D:
Magdalene de Lige - Jul 88)
Quarterly Sa & Arg, 2 estoiles Arg within a bord ctrch. (D:
Gwenllian ferch Gwilim - May 01)
Sa, a bendlet enhanced Arg betw in chf 3 estoiles with 4 greater
rays & center Or & 4 lesser rays Arg, & in base an astrolabe
Or. (D: Estienne des Estoiles - Jan 73?)
Sa, a fess rayonny betw 3 estoiles or. (D: Alexandra Tatiana
Feodorovna of Novgorod - Aug 79)
Sa, a fess wavy betw 2 estoiles Arg. (D: Francis Drake, Sir Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Sa, a gore & in chf 3 estoiles, 2 & one, Arg. (D: Kathleen Treanor
- May 83)
Sa, a hawk rising wings disp betw 3 estoiles Arg. (D: Gavin von
Abentrot - Mar 08)
Sa, a pair of wings Arg betw 3 estoiles Or. (D: Medb ingen u
Fhelin - Dec 03)
Sa, a pall inv betw in chf 2 estoiles Arg. (B: Padruig Aoghann
Uladh - May 84) (For Domus Plummeris)
Sa, a pall inv Gu fimbriated betw 3 estoiles Arg. (D: Baltasar
Mondragon - May 03)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 617

[Estoile - 2 or more] to [Ewer]

Estoile - 2 or more (continued)

Sa, a pile throughout betw 2 estoilles of eight points Or. (B: Grey
Niche - Apr 80)
Sa, a sword bendwise inv within an orle of estoiles Arg. (B:
Reinwald Sigbrand - Jan 88) (For House Saebelstern)
Sa, a tower betw in demi-annulo five estoiles, all within an annulet
Arg. (B: Chimene des Cinq Tours - Oct 80)
Sa, a winged lion courant to sin, wings elevated & addorsed, betw 3
mullets of 4 straight & 4 wavy points Arg. (D: Tezar of Aeolis
- Mar 87)
Sa, estoilly Arg, 3 cats heads cabossed Or. (D: Tofi
Kerthjalfadsson - Jan 87)
Sa, estoilly, astride a pegasus volant Arg, gorged of & trailing a
rope Or, a brown-haired boy grasping the rope, vested of a
brown tunic, proper. (D: Korwin Windrider - May 80)
Sa, estoilly of seven points, a bord embat Arg. (D: Fernando
Salazar y Perez - Jul 80)
Sa, estoilly Or, on a bend Az fimbriated Or, 3 sea-lions ramp
palewise Arg. (B: Colin de Wyndmere - Aug 79) (For House
Sa, estoilly Or, 2 griffins combattant Arg. (B: Jerimia von Braun Nov 89)
Sa, estoily Arg, a leopard passant guardant Or armed & langued Gu
above a mount Vt fimbriated Arg. (D: Chimene des Cinq
Tours - Mar 78?)
Sa, in bend 3 estoiles of eight points within 2 gemel bendlets wavy
betw a crescent & a lymphad reversed, all Arg. (D: Maeve of
the Lone Isles - Aug 79)
Sa, on a bend sin embat-counter-embat Arg, betw in chf 3 estoiles
& in base a quadrant Or, a scarpe Gu. (D: Iosif of Novgorod Aug 79?)
Sa, on a fess betw 3 estoiles Arg, an estoile Sa. (D: Conn Catha an
Dna - May 06)
Sa, on a pile Or betw in base 2 estoiles Arg a laurel wreath Vt. (D:
Grey Niche - May 83)
Sa, on a pile Or ermined Gu, betw 2 estoiles Or, a sword inv Sa. (D:
Robert de Rath - Aug 96)
Sa, semy of estoiles, a pegasus ramp to sin, all Or. (D: Andrea of
the Winged Horse - Jan 73?)
Sa, 2 lightning bolts in salt Arg betw 4 estoiles of eight points Or.
(D: Sean the Wayfarer - Jan 85)
Tierced in bend sin Sa, Arg & Vt, in bend a caltrap Gu betw 2
estoiles Or. (D: Szeven za Daemon - Jan 73?)
Vt, a chev Sa fimbriated betw 3 estoiles Or. (D: Fiona OMorain Sep 73)
Vt, a comet bendwise, head to chf, betw six estoiles Or. (D: Henri
La Grave - Aug 98)
Vt, a mill-rind betw in bend sin 2 estoiles Or. (B: Garanhir of Ness
- Feb 84) (For Ahab ibn Ben-Achmed)
Vt, a pair of wings conjoined Arg, in chf 3 estoiles Or. (D: Daegan
of Ravenswood - May 84)
Vt, a seax betw 2 estoiles wavy Arg. (D: Phillip of Dalarna Jan 74?)
Vt, on a bend sin betw 2 estoiles Or five decrescents palewise Az.
(D: Rhiannon of Seareach - Jan 95)
Vt, on a pile inv wavy betw 2 estoiles Arg another Vt. (D: Cecily
Nicole Keighley - Oct 95)
Vt, sem of estoiles Or, a female wolf ramp Arg, collared &
chained Or. (B: Fuiltigherne ni Ruadh OFinn - Mar 83)
Vt, 3 compass stars, the greater points wavy, within a bord invected
Arg. (D: Morgan Morningstar - Jan 87)
Vt, 2 estoiles & a tyger dormant Arg. (D: Fiare Arvida of Ocurin May 85)
* * * End * * *
Estoile - Charged: see Mullet - Charged
Estoilly: see Estoile
Ewe: see Beast - Goat


(Fieldless) A ewer per pale Or & Sa. (B: Ponte Alto - Apr 01)
(For the Servers Guild)
(Fieldless) A lidded ewer Or. (B: Angelica de Boullounger May 94) (For Nabila bint Najm)
(Fieldless) A pitcher Arg. (B: Miriam Meggett - Apr 01)
(Fieldless) A pitcher barry wavy Arg & Az. (B: Gregory of Grand
Sea - Sep 86)
618 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Ewer (continued)

(Fieldless) On a pitcher Arg a millrind Az. (B: Medb ingen

Domnaill u Somhairle - Jan 03)
Arg, a ewer Sa. (D: Khadija bint Umar - Feb 94)
Arg a peacock in its pride Az gorged of a pearled coronet Arg betw
2 barrulets betw 2 spouted pots reversed Vt. (D: Roberto
Valason - Sep 04)
Arg, a pitcher bendwise Az within a bord compony Az & Or. (D:
Telia Theagenous - Jun 04)
Arg, on a bend sin Az betw a mandolin bendwise sin, peghead in
chf, Gu, & an apothecary jar Vt voided Arg, a pair of
fetterlocks joined by a chain Arg. (D: Martha the Healer Mar 73?)
Az, a ewer bendwise within an orle Arg. (D: Zubaydah alBadawiyyah - May 04)
Az, a wine amphora Arg, in chf 2 bottlenosed dolphins hauriant
respectant Or. (D: Peter Mihailopoulos - May 91)
Az, on a pitcher Arg a millrind Az & on a chf Arg 3 millrinds Az.
(D: Medb ingen Domnaill u Somhairle - Aug 02)
Az, on a 2-handled jug fesswise reversed Arg, distilling a goutte
deau charged with a goutte de larme, a cross of Calatrava Az.
(B: Calontir - Jan 90) (For the Waterbearers Guild)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, on a pitcher Or a compass star Az. (D:
Gregory of Grand Sea - Dec 89)
Bendy sin Arg & Sa, a pitcher within a bord Gu. (D: Morgina atte
Wodelonde - May 05)
Gu, a ewer, spout to sin, within a bord Arg. (D: Michel of
Cedarwood - Mar 86)
Or, a pitcher reversed Vt & a bord Gu. (B: Nonna the Midwife May 03) (JB: Hroar sviandi)
Or, a pitcher Vt & a bord Gu. (D: Hroar sviandi - Dec 02)
Or, an apothecary jar Sa lidded within a bord indented Gu. (B:
Isabel de Estella - Oct 02)
Or, 2 bendlets sin Gu, overall a lion contourny Sa maintaining a
brown earthenware jug proper. (D: Franziskus von Bachheim
- Dec 97)
Per bend Az & Gu, a bend Arg surmounted by a vase Or. (D: Vasa
- Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Per bend sin Gu & Arg, an apothecary jar bendwise sin & a cross
bottony ctrch. (D: Magdalena Gdanska - Oct 06)
Per bend sin Gu & Az, a Sedum blossom Or, barbed & seeded Vt,
& a pitcher bendwise distilling 2 gouttes Arg. (D: Brenda y
Grochenyddes - Jun 84)
Per bend sin Gu & Vt, a bend sin betw an ewer reversed & a heart,
all within a bord Or. (D: Henry von Blud - Aug 83)
Per bend sin Or & Vt, a Russian Orthodox cross & an apothecary
jar ctrch. (D: Aleksandra Bogdanova - Dec 04)
Per chev abased Gu & Az, a Bengal tiger & a bear combattant, in
base an urn, all Or. (D: Deborrah Rodriguez Silva - Mar 84)
Per chev Az & Sa, 2 mortars & pestles Arg & an apothecary jar Or.
(D: Molle in le Willewys - Nov 01)
Per chev Sa & Az, a seahorse erect maintaining a pitcher, in chf a
crescent, all Arg. (D: Aveline de Roet - Aug 90)
Per chev Sa & Vt, a flat-topped arch Or masoned Sa & in base an
ewer reversed Or. (D: Aber of Western Seas - Aug 07)
Per fess Sa & Az, a mermaid per fess Or & Arg, in chf 2 pitchers
fesswise, their bases to center, each distilling a gout Or. (D:
Sechen Doghshin-Unegen - Nov 07)
Per pale Arg & Az, a pitcher Gu. (D: Morgan Cain - Aug 99)
Per pale embat Or & Vt, in fess a tree & a vase ctrch. (D: Thomas
Tarn Travis - May 90)
Per pale Sa & Vt, a lion sejant Or maintaining an ewer Az betw 3
plates. (D: Elise porteresse dyaue - Nov 05)
Purp, on an apothecary jar Arg a frog Vt. (D: Amye Elizabeth
Barrington - Apr 07)
Sa, a bend betw 3 pitchers, 2 & one, & an acorn Or. (D: Helyne
Brownberry - Aug 79?)
Sa, a pitcher within six mice couchant in annulo Arg. (B: Rise n
Ullachin - Apr 07)
Sa, a wolf passant & in chf 3 pitchers Arg. (D: Hyrim de Guillon Jun 02)
Vt, a pitcher & in chf a flame within a bord Arg. (D: Celestinus
MacCriomhthainn - May 95)
Vt, a pitcher bendwise distilling a goutte, all within a bord Arg. (B:
Elizabeth Creamer - Jun 90)
Vt, 3 pitchers flammant at the mouth Arg. (B: Celestinus
MacCriomhthainn - Dec 97)

[Ewer] to [Fan]

Ewer (continued)

Vt, upon a plate, 2 urns Az, & a base indented Or. (D: Richard of
Havn - Jan 76?)
* * * End * * *


(Tinctureless) A cats eyes, nose & whiskers. (Seal: Cherie Ruadh

MhicRath of Locksley - May 82)
(Fieldless) An eagles talon erased sustaining an eye Sa, irised Or.
(B: Timothy de Tindall - Dec 00)
Arg, a griffin segreant contourny Gu & in chf an eye Vt. (D: Philip
of Staffordshire - Aug 95)
Arg, a human eye lidded, chased Vt. (D: Cassandra of Bethlem Jun 72?)
Arg, an eye Gu irised Arg & on a chf Sa 3 double-bitted axes
palewise Arg. (D: Athanaric Redeye - May 02)
Arg, an eye Sa & a point pointed pommetty Gu. (D: Katerina de
los Puntos - Mar 88)
Arg, in salt a wand slipped proper & a sword Gu quilloned Sa, betw
in fess a bezant charged with a pentacle Sa & a cup Az, & in
chf an eye Arg, fimbriated, irised pupilled, & radiant Sa. (B:
Middle, the - Dec 75) (For the Tarot Guild)
Az, a human eye Arg irised Az, a bord engrailed Arg. (D: Ogga the
Soothsayer - May 94)
Az, a human eye Or, irised Az, on a chf Arg, 3 coneys heads erased
Sa. (D: Diego Esteban Manuel Luis Monteverde - Sep 88)
Az, a pall & in chf an eye Arg irised Az. (D: James David of
Argentias - Nov 07)
Az 3 eyes Arg, irised Vt. (D: Kelan Greeneye - Feb 98)
Gu, 2 chains in salt Or surmounted by an eye Arg irised Gu. (D:
Gorge Mau of the Damnd Alani Race - Nov 07)
Or, a dragons eye Gu. (B: Frederic of the West Tower - Jan 74)
Per bend Sa & Or, an increscent bendwise Or & a human eye Arg
fimbriated Gu irised Az. (D: Henorithal the Harmless Nov 07)
Per bend sin Or & Gu, an eye Arg, irised Az, betw in chf 3 mullets
in fess Gu & in base a crescent Or. (D: Rashid al Faqih Sep 88)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev cotised betw a pair of eyes Arg irised Az
& a bell Arg. (D: Isabeau of Forgotten Sea - Nov 07)
Per chev Az & Vt, a chev cotised betw a pair of eyes Arg irised Az
& a serpent nowed Arg. (D: Anton Raghelan - Nov 07)
Per chev invected, Sa a human eye shedding a tear Arg, & Gu a
castle Or. (B: Etienne Gerard Laudonniere - Aug 79) (For
Chateau de Larmes)
Per pale Arg & Sa, a standing balance ctrch in chf 2 pairs of eyes,
the dexter pair Sa irised Arg, the sin Arg irised Sa. (D: Jordan
Wolfram - Feb 00)
Per pale Az & Gu, a pair of eyes Or. (D: Aleyn Randwulf - Jan 03)
Per pale Az & Gu, an eagle disp & in chf 2 cats eyes Or, irised Sa.
(D: Martin Lewis - Jul 97)
Per salt Vt & Gu, a barrel helm affronty Arg, within the eyeslit a
cyclopean eye Arg irised Sa. (D: Hywel ap Riccerch Nov 07)
Purp, a double-bitted axe Or, debruised by an eye Arg, irised Az, all
within a bord Or. (D: Deron Creag Mhor - Jan 85)
Purp, 2 human eyes in fess betw 3 unicorns heads erased contourny
Arg. (D: Meghan of Caer Graeme - Nov 90)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, in chf 2 cats eyes Or pupilled Sa, a bord Arg.
(D: Tjrvi Fasthaldi - Aug 00)
Sa, a Celtic cross betw 4 eyes Arg irised Vt. (D: Rowan Bridget
Blackmoor - Jan 02)
Sa a chev inv Arg & in chf 2 eyes Arg irised Az. (D: Ragnarr
Ulfsson sax - Sep 04)
Sa, a fess Gu, overall a dragons eye Arg. (B: Balldrich Ballbarian
- Apr 73)
Sa, in pale an eye & a lotus flower affronty Arg. (D: Nadira bint
Rashid - Dec 02)
Sa, seven piles inv conjoined in point, surmounted at the points by
an eye, & embat in chf Or, on a chf Arg a lion passant Gu,
overall a fillet per fess Gu & Or. (D: John Emeris of Ellenar Nov 79)
Sa, 3 chevronels braced, in chf a pair of eyes Arg irised Az. (B:
Arik of Delftwood - Nov 04)
Sa, 2 cats eyes Vt pupilled Sa & fimbriated Arg. (D: Melisande
Shadow - Nov 77?)

Eye (continued)

Vt, a falchion inv betw in chf 2 cats eyes Arg. (D: Mustafa
Kamaal of Antioch - May 92)
Vt, a pair of cats eyes in chev inv Or slitted Vt, a base indented Or.
(D: Charles Veitch - Feb 06)
Vt, a pall Or semy of pommes, in chf an eye Or. (D: Lester
Westrodwin - Aug 85)
Vt, an eye irradiated in base Or betw in chf 2 swords in salt Arg &
in base a horse statant Or. (D: Martin Alorak dElcar Aug 79)
Vt scaly Arg, 4 cats eyes in cross Or. (B: Alinor of Braeford Sep 93)
* * * End * * *


(Fieldless) A pair of eyeglass frames Sa. (B: Edward Glass Aug 02)
(Fieldless) A pair of eyeglasses Sa lensed Vt. (B: Leif Andersson Sep 02)
Arg, a pair of eyeglasses Sa lensed & on a chf Vt 2 boars heads
couped Or. (D: Leif Andersson - Jul 01)
Or, a pair of eyeglass frames Sa. (D: Edward Glass - Aug 02)
Per chev inv Sa & Arg, a pair of eyeglasses Or lensed Arg & a lit
candle Gu. (D: Genevieve de Eye - Sep 07)
Per pale Sa & Az, in salt a crutch Or & a sword inv proper, in chf a
pair of eyeglasses Arg, stringed Or. (B: Trimaris - Aug 84)
(For Order of the Grey Beard)
* * * End * * *
Facade: see Architecture
Facine: see Staff
Falchion: see Sword
Falcon: see Bird
Falcons head: see Head - Bird


See also: Shell - Escallop

(Fieldless) A fan conjoined in pale with another inv Arg, each
charged with a bears paw print that in base inv Sa. (B:
Matsudaira Kentarou Toshiyori - Jan 99)
(Fieldless) A fan conjoined in pale with another inv Arg, each
charged with a Japanese pine tree that in base inv Purp. (B:
Matsudaira Kentarou Toshiyori - Oct 95)
(Fieldless) An open fan Az. (B: Ysabell Graver - Sep 97)
(Fieldless) On a fan Or a hummingbird hovering Purp. (B:
Giulietta Cifala - Dec 07)
(Fieldless) On a fan Sa, a butterfly Arg. (B: Baga Aleea - May 90)
Arg, a fan Sa, on a chf Gu a compass star Or. (D: Ysabell Graver Aug 98)
Arg, on a fan inv Sa a tree Arg. (D: Hayashi Tarou Makoto Mar 05)
Az, in bend 2 open fans, bendwise sin & handles to center, that to
chf Or & that to base Arg. (B: Eleanora Valentina Beota Nov 89) (? name typo for "Beota")(For Casa del Colibri)
Az, on a fan Arg a roundel Gu. (D: Takeda Yoshinaka - Apr 98)
Az, 3 vanneaux Or. (B: Emrys FitzRainold de Venoix - Nov 99)
Ermine, 3 liturgical fans Gu. (D: Regina from Adiantum - May 96)
Gu, a feather fan Arg, handled Or. (D: Christiana Haberdasher Feb 97)
Or, a fan of five peacock feathers proper within a bord Purp. (B:
Geoffrey Jagger - Jul 88) (For House of the Lofty Manor)
Pean, a fan & on a chf Or 2 ravens rising to sin, wings elevated &
addorsed Sa. (D: Maria Isabel Elena Velsquz de Barcelona
- Jul 90)
Per bend Az & Or, a fan & whelk shell ctrch. (D: Bronwyn
Morgana MacPherson - Jan 87)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 3 open fans, each charged with a butterfly, all
ctrch. (D: Baga Aleea - Jan 90)
Per fess rayonny Az & Gu, 3 vanneaux Or. (D: Emrys FitzRainold
de Venoix - Mar 98) (Vanneaux are winnowing fans.)
Per pale embat Arg & Vt, a rapier inv Sa & in pale 3 fans Arg. (D:
Bastian de la Salle - May 99)
Per pale Purp & Vt, a fan within an orle of mullets of 4 points Or.
(D: Alessandra Bentivegna da Faenza - Aug 98)
Purp, a fan betw 3 hummingbirds hovering Or. (D: Giulietta Cifala
- Dec 07)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 619

[Fan] to [Feather - Argent]

Fan (continued)

Purp, 3 fans one & 2, handles to center, Arg each charged with a
heart Sa. (D: Ember of Vatavia - Jun 07)
Quarterly Sa & Az, in pale a fan conjoined with another inv Arg,
each charged with a bears paw print that in base inv Sa. (D:
Matsudaira Kentarou Toshiyori - Jan 99)
Sa, a kuwagata helm crest & in chf a fan inv of five bamboo leaves
within a hexagon voided Arg. (D: Nakagawa no Ienobu Dec 86)
* * * End * * *
Fang: see Tooth
Fasces: see Axe
Fauchard: see Sword
Fawn: see Beast - Deer

Feather - Argent

See also: Field treatment - Plumetty and Pen

(Fieldless) A feather fracted in chev Arg. (B: Romula Rethe of the
Cleftlands - Aug 97)
(Fieldless) A peacock feather Arg. (B: Antonio Alexandre Dias de
Navarra - Nov 06)
(Tinctureless) A quill bendwise sin within a roundel. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: Silver Quill - Jan 76)
(Fieldless) In fess an ostrich feather sustained by a wolf ramp Arg.
(B: Ealdormere - Jan 04)
(Fieldless) In salt a quill pen Arg & a sword inv proper surmounted
by a recorder Or. (B: Middle Marches, the - Nov 83) (For
the Order of the Gilded Reed)
(Fieldless) 3 ostrich feathers in pile Arg enfiling a crown Or the
quills surmounting (sometimes piercing, sometimes
surmounted by) a scroll Arg bearing the words ICH DIEN Sa.
(B: England, Heir Apparent of - Dec 94) (Important nonSCA badge)
(Fieldless) 2 feathers crossed in salt Arg. (B: Solveig
Throndardottir - Apr 02)
Az, a bend sin betw a bird disp & a feather bendwise sin, within a
bord Arg. (D: Hereward Bannerbane - Dec 92)
Az, a bend sin engrailed betw a feather & an oak tree eradicated
Arg. (D: Tova Egeskjold - Jul 87)
Az, a chev rompu ermine betw 2 wolves heads couped respectant
& a feather Arg. (D: Rivka bat Yehudah - Aug 06)
Az, a feather bendwise & in sin chf a martlet volant Arg. (D:
Grinne inghean Shadna - Jul 06)
Az, a feather fesswise Arg. (B: An Dubhaigeainn - Mar 93) (For
the Order of the Silver Feather)
Az, a quill & on a chf Arg a dove disp affronty Az. (D: Francis of
the Silver Quill - Jan 82)
Az, a quill bendwise sin Arg betw 2 harps Or. (D: Gwendolyn ferch
Llewelyn - Jun 84)
Az, a quill pen Arg interlaced with a fret couped, a bord Or. (D:
Chrtienne de Haverington - May 00)
Az, a salt couped Or, overall a feather inv Arg. (D: Simon Justus Sep 99)
Az, a sword bendwise inv proper, surmounted by a dexter arm Arg
fesswise, vested Gu, fimbriated, cuffed & maintaining a quill
Arg. (D: Roberto Prospero de Ruyter Northkirk - Aug 77?)
Az, a tabby cat sejant Arg, striped Sa, its dexter forepaw raised &
maintaining a quill, on a chf embat Arg 2 quills addorsed Sa.
(D: Tamara Devereaux - Oct 82)
Az, a triangle inv interlaced with 3 quills in triangle, the whole
forming a star of David Arg. (D: Rachel of Israel - Feb 75?)
Az, a wolfs head cabossed betw 2 feathers inv & a feather fesswise
reversed & on a bord Arg six grenades Gu enflamed Or. (D:
Quintin Phelan - Feb 02)
Az, an open book Or, in chf a quill fesswise Arg, all within a bord
embat Or. (D: Jocelyn Chamberlain - Jan 88)
Az, 4 feathers fretted Arg. (B: Aelfgifu of the Hazel Thicket May 88)
Az, in salt a quill & a lute Arg, stringed Sa. (B: Caid - Aug 79)
(For Troubadours Guild)
Az, in salt 2 feathers Arg, a bord Or. (D: Annette Rapaille Jun 05)
Az, on a bend sin betw a feather bendwise sin & a feather inv
bendwise sin Arg 4 mullets palewise Az. (D: Gerald Kendall Jul 01)
620 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Feather - Argent (continued)

Az semy of swords inv, a feather bendwise Arg. (D: Cecil the

Silent - Feb 99)
Az, 3 peacock feathers Arg issuant from in base a fleur-de-lys Or.
(D: Julianna Fiorentini - Mar 00)
Az, 2 ostrich feathers addorsed & a base wavy Arg. (B: Richard de
Montbrai - May 83) (For House de Montbrai)
Az, 2 ostrich feathers addorsed betw 2 bars, the bar in chf indented
to base, Arg. (D: Richard de Montbrai - May 83)
Gu, a chev ploy Or betw 3 ostrich plumes Arg, a bord Or. (D:
Grainne MacAvery - Dec 95)
Gu, a feather betw 3 swords inv Arg. (D: Tristan vom Schwarzwald
- Feb 01)
Gu, a feather fan Arg, handled Or. (D: Christiana Haberdasher Feb 97)
Gu, a harp Or pierced by a quill bendwise sin Arg, a chf Arg fretty
Gu. (D: Marthen of Kells - May 86)
Gu, in pall inv 3 feathers conjoined at the quill Arg. (B: Nakano
Zenjirou Tadamasa - Feb 02)
Gu, on a fess betw 2 quills fesswise with points to sin Arg, a shoe
Gu. (D: Seaxburh Blaeceage Aldhemesdottir - Sep 83)
Gu, semy of quill pens Arg. (D: Anne la Grisa - Jun 02)
Gu, semy-de-lys Or, in fess an ostrich plume & an ostrich plume inv
Arg. (D: Gabriel de Glastonbury - Jul 89)
Gu, 2 merlin feathers in pile, points crossed in nombril point, Arg.
(D: Salina of the Dale - Jun 73?)
Or, a dragon volant to sin inv Vt, bellied Az, impaled by a goose
quill Arg. (D: Benjamis Francis of Rescoge - Jul 74?)
Or, a tyger passant Az maintaining a quill Arg. (B: East, the Jul 74) (For the Chronicler)
Pean, a tower Arg, issuant from its battlements 2 plumes pendant to
base Arg. (B: Guillaume di San Marino - Mar 89)
Per bend Arg & Az, a compass-star Az & in bend a feather Arg & a
fretted zither Or. (D: Miriel dEstoile - Oct 85)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a rose Gu, slipped & leaved Vt, & a quill Arg.
(D: William Arkham - Mar 87)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a feather & a wolf sejant contourny ululant
ctrch. (D: Igrainne Silver Feather - Aug 92)
Per bend Sa & Vt, a bend Or betw 3 dolphins naiant fesswise in
bend & 3 quills palewise in bend Arg. (D: Yorick of Yarmouth
- Mar 89)
Per bend sin Az & Gu, a decrescent & a feather bendwise sin Arg.
(D: Ekaterina Borisovna Kievskaia - Nov 00)
Per bend sin Az & Vt, a peacock feather bendwise sin & a seahorse
Arg. (D: Ameera al-Sarrakha - Feb 07)
Per bend sin Sa & Gu, on a bend sin cotised betw a decrescent & 3
ostrich plumes palewise in bend sin Arg, a needle, point to
base, Sa. (D: Margaret Elizabeth Peyton de Lascaux Dec 88)
Per bend sin Vt & Sa, 2 feathers palewise Arg. (D: Codric Magee Mar 00)
Per chev Arg & Vt, a chev ploy Sa betw 2 vines & a feather
bendwise sin ctrch. (D: Adelheid Achtsnicht - Dec 01)
Per chev Az & Arg, 2 quills in salt & a laurel wreath ctrch. (D:
Saint Monica - Jun 89)
Per chev Az & Gu, a chev betw 2 quills in chev & a foxs mask
Arg. (D: Zachary Fairfax - Sep 83)
Per chev embat Arg & Gu, a natural dolphin naiant embowed Sa &
a quill palewise Arg. (D: Padraic MacLochlan o Loingsigh Jul 88)
Per chev inv Az & Vt, in salt a quill Arg & a krummhorn Or. (D:
Guillaume de Valgruen - Nov 77?)
Per chev Purp & Arg, 2 feathers in chev & an apple ctrch. (D:
rennach Mac Conchoille - Feb 97)
Per chev Sa & Arg, 2 feathers inv in chev & a tower ctrch. (D:
Domnico Bonaugurio - Nov 93)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev betw 2 feathers & a falcon passant Arg.
(D: Cian Gillebhrath - Jan 93)
Per chev Sa & Az, a chev rompu betw 2 feathers Arg & an owl disp
Or. (D: Talan the Night Owl - Feb 94)
Per fess Az & Arg, an ostrich plume fesswise reversed Arg & a
smiths hammer Sa. (D: Kateryn Lanark - Jun 95)
Per fess Az & Sa, in pale a snowy owls head caboshed Arg & in
salt a straight trumpet bell in chf Or & a quill Arg. (D: Seamus
of Gallhaven - Aug 85)
Per fess indented Sa & Gu, in base in fess 3 scrolls fesswise, each
pierced by a quill Arg. (B: Bridge, the - Mar 84)

[Feather - Argent] to [Feather - Multicolor]

Feather - Argent (continued)

Per pale Az & Vt, in pile 3 feathers conjoined at the tips Arg. (D:
Katherine Xavier - Feb 07)
Per pale Or ermined Purp & Purp, a feather Arg. (D: Hrefna
karlsefni - Nov 01)
Per salt Arg & Purp, 2 roses Purp barbed & seeded proper & 2
feathers bendwise sin Arg. (B: Rhiannon Amber ferch Morgan
ap Maredudd - Aug 07)
Per salt Gu & Sa, 4 feathers Arg. (D: Alric the messenger Mar 05)
Purp, a bend indented betw a quill pen bendwise & a clarion Arg.
(D: Melisend de Chartres - Sep 93)
Purp, a feather bendwise Arg. (B: John Chandler - Mar 06)
Purp, a feather bendwise sin Arg & 4 fleurs-de-lys conjoined to the
points of a base indented Or. (D: Oriana de Poitou - Feb 07)
Purp, a unicorns head erased betw in cross 4 feathers Arg. (D:
Dianaim ingen Eochada - Aug 02)
Purp, in fess a seax inv edge to dexter & a peacock feather
embowed to sin Arg all within a bord Arg ermined Purp. (D:
Marlena of the Sands - Mar 85)
Purp, 2 feathers in salt Arg, in chf a German flute fesswise affronty
Or, all within a bord Arg. (B: Duncan Brock of Greyfeather Apr 86)
Quarterly Arg & Sa, 2 feathers fracted in chev Arg. (B: Romula
Rethe of the Cleftlands - Sep 96)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, in pale 2 feathers fesswise Arg. (D: Margaret
Cochrane - Apr 96)
Sa, a chrysanthemum blossom of eight petals sans sin chf petal,
within 3 feathers in annulo counter-clockwise Arg. (D:
Takaoka Midori - Jan 83) (Mon)
Sa, a feather bendwise sin within a bord embat Arg. (D: Simon le
Mor - Oct 05)
Sa, a pale Arg surmounted by 2 quills bendwise sin in pale, overall
an orle of pairs of quills in salt ctrch. (D: Sean crivain Feb 83)
Sa, a peacock feather issuant from base within a bord Arg charged
with an orle Purp. (B: Cristobal degli Glicine che Mangia
Uome - Jun 86)
Sa, eight feathers in annulo conjoined at the shaft within a chaplet
graminy Arg. (B: Cristiania le Fey - Mar 05)
Sa, in salt an artists paintbrush inv & a quill pen Arg & in chf a bell
Or. (B: Lucia Bellini - Jan 07) (For Casa Bellini)
Sa, 3 ostrich feathers Arg each with its quill transfixing a scroll Arg
bearing the words ICH DIEN Sa. (B: Edward the Black Prince
- Dec 94) (Shield for Peace)(Important non-SCA badge)
Sa, 3 quill pens in pile Arg & a bord rayonny gyronny Or & Gu. (D:
Cellach Mac Faoitigh - Aug 02)
Vt, a bend sin raguly Or betw an open book & an open scroll
surmounted by a quill fesswise Arg. (D: Mikhail Dmitri Joel
de Maison - Nov 85)
Vt, a feather bendwise sin betw 2 massacres Arg all within a bord
Arg semy of increscents Sa. (D: Hugh Silverfeather - Sep 90)
Vt, a magpie proper maintaining in its dexter talon a feather Arg.
(D: Eleanor of Pica - May 07)
Vt, 2 feathers in salt Arg & issuant from base a demi-sun Or. (D:
Aurora Astore - Dec 92)
Vt, 2 quills crossed in salt within a orle Arg. (D: Elinor Annora
ferch Llewelyn - Aug 85)
* * * End * * *

Feather - Azure

See also: Field treatment - Plumetty and Pen

(Tinctureless) A quill bendwise sin within a roundel. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: Silver Quill - Jan 76)
(Fieldless) An ankh & a feather conjoined at base in chev inv Az.
(B: Aletheia Isidora of Philae - Apr 98)
Arg, a feather Az. (B: Moses von dem Falken - Dec 90) (For
House Blue Feather)
Arg, a merman maintaining in his sin hand a feather Az, a ford
proper. (B: Ulrich Rickher - Aug 07)
Arg, a swan disp Sa within a laurel wreath Vt, in chf a feather
fesswise a bord wavy Az. (D: Glynn Rhe - Mar 98)
Arg semy of feathers bendwise sin, a merman Az. (D: Ulrich
Rickher - Jan 02)
Arg, 2 feathers in salt betw 4 crescents Az. (D: Brianna of Locksley
- Nov 85)

Feather - Azure (continued)

Or, a bar gemel enhanced Gu betw a quill fesswise reversed & 3

gouttes Az. (D: Wolf Federwei - Jan 82)
Or, a bend sin Purp betw a quill issuant from an inkwell Az & a
fountain. (D: Hilary Anne of the Blossoming Mere - Aug 83)
Or, 2 lynxes ramp guardant addorsed Gu, in chf 3 ostrich feathers
bendwise sin Az. (D: Perrin Ghelincx - Apr 97)
Per chev Arg & Az, in chf 2 quills & in base an ankh within an
annulet ctrch. (D: Rosemary the Nightingale - Jun 83)
Per fess Az & Arg, a cow statant Arg marked Sa & a feather
fesswise reversed Az. (D: Joshua MacDonald - Mar 02)
Per fess wavy Arg & Sa, 2 feathers in chev inv, crossed at their tips,
Az & a candlestick Arg, the candle enflamed Or. (D: Revekka
Alexandrovna Dobriye Ruki - Mar 88)
Quarterly Arg & Or, a feather bendwise Az within a bord embat Gu.
(D: Gavin Mag Aonghusa - Jul 03)
* * * End * * *

Feather - Fur

See also: Field treatment - Plumetty and Pen

(Tinctureless) A quill bendwise sin within a roundel. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: Silver Quill - Jan 76)
* * * End * * *

Feather - Gules

See also: Field treatment - Plumetty and Pen

(Fieldless) A feather fesswise Gu. (B: An Crosaire - Dec 03)
(Tinctureless) A quill bendwise sin within a roundel. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: Silver Quill - Jan 76)
Arg, a feather bendwise sin Gu, a bord wavy Az. (B: Andrew
Quintero - Jan 00)
Arg, a feather Gu banded Sa within a bord Vt. (D: Morwen or
Llyn - Jul 90)
Arg, in salt a drinking horn & a feather all within an orle Gu. (B:
Alfred of Greyvale - Jul 02)
Arg semy of delves pierced Sa, 3 feathers in fess Gu. (D: Gareth
the Eccentric of Saint Albans - Oct 90)
Arg, 2 feathers conjoined in pile Gu enflamed Or & in chf a
pawprint Sa. (B: Anna Genevieve of Ancyra - Jul 02)
Barry pily Sa & Arg, 3 feathers in pile Gu. (D: Batrix du Lac Noir
- Oct 93)
Or, a bend raguly Sa betw an oak tree proper & a feather bendwise
Gu. (D: Gwenhevare of Dunnaskea - Mar 96)
Or, a chev Az betw a key fesswise, a quill bendwise sin, & a tower
Gu. (D: Gottfried von Beringen - May 82)
Or, a chev rompu Az betw 2 Heneage knots Sa & in salt 2 ostrich
plumes Gu. (D: Manfred Schtze aus Augsburg - May 93)
Or, a feather, on a chf Gu a pair of manacles Or. (D: Hans the
Gentle - Jan 96)
Or, a plume Gu betw flaunches Purp. (D: Arabella Thorne Jul 01)
Or, in fess 3 feathers palewise Gu. (B: Hawks Hollow - May 07)
Or, 2 feathers in cross Gu within a bord chequy Sa & Arg. (D:
Sextus Plinius Callidus - Nov 88)
Or, 2 feathers in salt & on a chf Gu, a Manx cat passant Or. (D:
Mwynwen ferch Dingarth - May 93)
Per chev Arg & Az, 2 quill pens in chev Gu & a sealion regardant
maintaining by the blade a sword Or. (D: Griogair Loganach
a Bhnuillt - Mar 98)
Per chev Az & Or, 2 laurel wreaths Or & a pair of feathers in salt
Gu. (D: Lofty Mountain - Jun 91)
* * * End * * *

Feather - Multicolor

See also: Field treatment - Plumetty and Pen

(Fieldless) A feather per pale Or & Sa. (B: Nadezhda Toranova Dec 02)
(Tinctureless) A quill bendwise sin within a roundel. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: Silver Quill - Jan 76)
(Fieldless) Issuant to chf from a torteau charged with a bezant
pierced Sa 3 feathers Gu, Or, & Sa. (B: Drachenwald Jun 82) (For the Order of the Panache)
Per chev Arg & Sa, 3 ostrich plumes inv within a bord ctrch. (D:
Sigeweard Wildeorlic - Aug 92)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a feather bendwise ctrch Gu & Or. (D: Hinach
ben Josef - Feb 92)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 621

[Feather - Multicolor] to [Feather - Sable]

Feather - Multicolor (continued)

Per pale Arg & Gu, a griffin betw six feathers in annulo ctrch. (D:
Ryan de Caergybi - May 03)
Per pale Arg & Gu, a griffin betw six feathers in annulo ctrch & for
augmentation, surmounting the griffin on an escutcheon Vt, a
wheel & a bord embat Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Ryan de
Caergybi - May 06)
Per pale Arg & Sa, in salt an artists brush, bristles to base, & a quill
ctrch. (D: Antoinette Louise de la Fort de Compigne Oct 88)
Per pale Az & Arg, in fess 2 feathers palewise ctrch. (D: Tomas
MacSeumas an Ceard - Apr 88)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a quill bendwise sin within a bord ctrch. (D:
Bruce Cwilliam Alexander - Mar 83)
Per pale Sa & Arg, in salt a quill & a sword inv & on a chf 2
wolves heads caboshed all ctrch. (D: Donato el Lobo Mar 85)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 quills conjoined in pile ctrch, a chf Gu. (B:
Society for Creative Anachronism, Chronicler of the Nov 80)
Per pale Sa & Or, a griffin segreant contourny within an orle of
feathers ctrch. (D: Merouda Pendray - Dec 93)
Per pale Sa & Or, 3 chevronels braced, in chf 2 feathers in chev inv,
within a bord, all ctrch. (D: Gwenddoleu Idonea of the White
Dove - Jan 84)
Sa, a pale Arg surmounted by 2 quills bendwise sin in pale, overall
an orle of pairs of quills in salt ctrch. (D: Sean crivain Feb 83)
* * * End * * *

Feather - Or

See also: Field treatment - Plumetty and Pen

(Tinctureless) A quill bendwise sin within a roundel. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: Silver Quill - Jan 76)
(Fieldless) A scorpion Gu sustaining to chf a feather fesswise Or.
(B: Dorinda Scorpione - Jan 03)
(Fieldless) In salt a key inv Az & a peacock feather Or marked Az.
(B: One Thousand Eyes - Feb 99)
Arg, a dumbek Vt conjoined in base to 2 Moors arms embowed
counterembowed proper, in chf a peacocks feather Purp eyed
Or. (B: Osol Altan - May 05)
Az, a bend ermine betw a harp & in fess a quill palewise & an
inkwell Or. (D: Michael of Hawkwood - Jul 80)
Az, a cross Arg, overall 2 crossed plumes in salt Or. (D: Ellen
Cross Quills - Jan 73?)
Az, a quill bendwise sin Or & in dexter chf a cross patonce Arg. (D:
Bartholomew of Chelsea - Aug 83)
Az, a sword palewise surmounted by 2 quills in salt, on a chf Or, an
eagle volant Az. (D: Marco Palladio di Soncino - date?)
Az, in pale a deaths head & 2 quills in salt, all within a bord embat
Or. (D: Philip the Apparently Harmless - Aug 88)
Az, in pale an open book & 2 feathers in salt, on a chf invected Or 2
escallops Az. (D: Cordelia Scriven - Feb 92)
Az, in pile a rapier proper betw 2 feathers Or. (D: Michael Mcphe May 02)
Az, on a bend cotised betw a feather bendwise & a scimitar
bendwise inv fracted Or, 2 half-moon knives palewise inv Az.
(D: Ibrahim ibn Abih al-Thaalibi - Aug 92)
Az, on a pale Arg betw a mullet & a quill Or 3 sprigs of parsley Vt.
(D: Rosemary Petsley - Nov 80)
Ermine, a feather bendwise Or, enflamed Gu. (B: Flaming
Gryphon, the - Jan 87) (For the Order of the Gryphons
Gu, a swan naiant & in chf 3 feathers bendwise sin Or. (D:
Elizabeth de Nevell - Sep 02)
Gu, in annulo twelve feathers, quills to center, Or, marked Sa. (B:
Catriona de Brynton - Apr 91) (For House of the Pheasant
Gu, on a bend rayonny betw a drop spindle & a feather bendwise
Or, 2 compass stars palewise Sa. (D: Rayah bint Yousef Nov 07)
Lozengy Arg & Purp, 2 feathers in salt Or. (D: Eduard von
Schnberg - Sep 92)
Or, chausee Az, a cat sejant affronty Az, collared Or, betw in base 2
peacock feathers Or. (D: Taj al Hadiya - Mar 89)
Per bend Az & Gu, a unicorn salient & in salt a threaded needle
point in chf & a quill Or. (D: Caitlin MacGregor - Mar 85)
622 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Feather - Or (continued)

Per fess wavy Az & Vt, a bottle-nosed dolphin embowed to sin

proper holding in its mouth a quill Or. (B: Marina Ariadne ni
Chlurain - Oct 82)
Per salt Purp & Vt, an apple within in pale 2 feathers in annulo Or.
(B: Dmitri Alexandrovich Liadov - Nov 95)
Purp, a feather bendwise Or within a bord erminois. (D: Mercedes
de Calafia - Sep 04)
Purp, a peacock feather betw 3 gouttes, all within a bord Or. (D:
Philomela of Phoenicia - Nov 89)
Purp, an ostrich plume Or. (B: Dshiv Luciana dAvignon Nov 89)
Purp, in pale 2 quills in salt & a drinking horn fesswise reversed
distilling 3 gouttes, one & 2, all Or. (B: Thoron Ravenoak Mar 84)
Quarterly Gu & Purp, a feather bendwise Or. (D: Antoine de
Breton - Dec 03)
Sa, an ostrich feather transfixing an escroll fesswise betw in bend
sin 2 mullets Or. (D: Ieuan Gower - Apr 06)
Sa, in pale a skull Arg & a peacock feather fesswise reversed Or.
(B: Angelique Isabeau Pregrin Du Bois - Jul 05)
Sa, in pile a rose slipped & leaved Arg & a feather Or. (D: Anora
Marchaunt - Apr 04)
Sa, 3 ostrich feathers Or each with its quill transfixing a scroll Arg
bearing the words ICH DIEN Sa. (B: Edward the Black Prince
- Dec 94) (Shield for Peace)(Important non-SCA badge)
Vt, a bend sin Sa fimbriated betw a feather bendwise sin & a
hammer palewise Or. (D: James Arthursson - May 82)
Vt, a feather bendwise & in sin chf an increscent Or. (D: Emma
Wen of Painscastle - Dec 04)
Vt, a swallow volant betw 3 feathers Or all within a bord invected
Arg. (D: Sarra Moore - Oct 02)
Vt, in pale 2 feathers, tips crossed in salt, & an open book Or
charged with the capital letters "C" & "M" Sa. (D: Cibella
Monmouth - Feb 07)
Vt, on a pile Arg a tomato worm rearing proper, on the lines of the
pile 2 quills crossed at the nibs Or. (D: Diane of Beechwood Jul 79?)
* * * End * * *

Feather - Purpure

See also: Field treatment - Plumetty and Pen

(Fieldless) A peacocks plume palewise Purp. (B: Emelyn Pacok Jan 00)
(Tinctureless) A quill bendwise sin within a roundel. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: Silver Quill - Jan 76)
Arg, 3 peacock feathers conjoined in base proper & on a chf Purp a
carrot Or leaved Vt. (D: Randal Carrick - Jul 02)
Arg, 3 plumes conjoined in pile Purp betw 2 ravens addorsed & a
raven disp head to sin Sa. (D: Ragnhildr of Dragons Laire Jan 05)
Per chev engrailed Arg & Purp, 2 feathers & a mermaid ctrch. (D:
Mairgreg ingen Chailtigirn - May 08)
Per chev ermine & counter-ermine, a feather fesswise embowed
Purp & a fleur-de-lys Or, a bord embat Purp. (D: Sbastien de
Caen - Apr 93)
* * * End * * *

Feather - Sable

See also: Field treatment - Plumetty and Pen

(Fieldless) A quill bendwise sin Sa enfiling an annulet Arg. (B:
Olwynn ni Chinnidigh - Sep 04)
(Tinctureless) A quill bendwise sin within a roundel. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: Silver Quill - Jan 76)
Arg, a chev cotised Gu & in chf a quill fesswise reversed, all within
a bord Sa. (D: William of Thetford - May 89)
Arg, a feather a bord Sa. (D: Aubrey Sparewe - Apr 97)
Arg, a feather bendwise sin Sa & a gore sin Az. (D: Jocelyn de
Lutterwurth - Jun 94)
Arg, a feather bendwise sin Sa within a bord nebuly Gu. (D:
Ruaidhri Blackfeather - Feb 91)
Arg, a feather inv betw a claw reversed, & a claw Sa. (B: Rowena
of Avalon - Oct 00)
Arg, a peacock feather proper & a gore Az ermined Or. (D: Alena
Vladimirovna - Sep 93)
Arg, a peacock plume issuant from base proper & in chf a bar
dancetty Vt. (D: Christianna Weislea - Feb 87)

[Feather - Sable] to [Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line]

Feather - Sable (continued)

Arg, a pentaskelion of peacock feathers proper within a bord wavy

Purp. (D: Malcolm Rorie Rowntree - Jul 97)
Arg, a sheaf of 3 peacock feathers proper, tied Or. (D: Adelicia
Marie dArgent - Aug 97)
Arg, a torteau & 2 feathers one & 2, a bord Sa. (D: Isobel
MacCaffery - Aug 92)
Arg, an ostrich plume Sa issuing from in base a mullet of six points
Or fimbriated & lined Sa, charged with a torteau encircled by a
torse Or fimbriated Sa. (D: Phillipe of the House of Cruzan Mar 78?)
Arg, in base 2 bars wavy Az, overall a ravens feather palewise Sa.
(B: Thescorre - Jan 85) (For the Order of the Ravens
Arg, in pale 3 feathers bendwise Sa. (B: Blackhawk - Feb 87)
Arg, on a chev wavy betw 3 pairs of quills in salt Sa, a wolf passant
guardant Arg. (D: David Keth of Ercildoun - Jul 87)
Arg, 3 feathers in pile Sa & on a chf dovetailed Az a cat dormant
Arg. (D: Bronwen ORiordan - Nov 01)
Or, a dragons head caboshed Vt betw 2 peacock feathers in pile
proper. (D: Victoria Rohrbach - Jan 99)
Or, a fan of five peacock feathers proper within a bord Purp. (B:
Geoffrey Jagger - Jul 88) (For House of the Lofty Manor)
Or, a spiral trumpet fretted with an ostrich plume bendwise sin Sa.
(B: Karen Olivet - Feb 00)
Or, ermined Vt, a quill issuant from a mount Sa. (B: Keridwen of
Montrose - May 83) (For Durus Domus)
Or, on a wooden tub, betw 2 peacock feathers crossed in base
proper a laurel wreath Or. (D: Caldarium - Mar 82)
Or, sem of quills Sa, a bend sin engrailed Az. (D: Jeanne Tenneur
de Bec - Jan 84)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a skull & a feather bendwise ctrch. (D:
John of Brownwood - May 96)
Per bend sin counter-ermine & Arg, a bend sin Vt & in sin base a
quill bendwise sin Sa. (D: Devin Phelan ODonnabhain Feb 87)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, a spiral trumpet & an ostrich plume bendwise
sin ctrch. (D: Karen Olivet - Feb 00)
Per pale Or & Gu, a feather bendwise Sa. (B: Gurn
Valdsardttir - Jul 03)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a pile issuing from dexter to fess point Arg, in
fess 2 grey goose quills bendwise, that to dexter inv proper, a
chf Az. (D: Paul of Cambridge - Aug 79?)
Per pall inv Sa, Arg & Az, a lions head erased Arg, a quill
bendwise Sa, & 3 mullets, one & 2, Or. (D: Amber Dore de
Lyons - Nov 85)
Vt, a vair bell Or, overall a ravens quill bendwise sin proper. (D:
Catherine of Greenfields - Jul 81)
* * * End * * *

Feather - Vert

See also: Field treatment - Plumetty and Pen

(Fieldless) A feather fesswise reversed Vt. (B: na inghen u
Gairbhne - May 98)
(Fieldless) A feather Vt surmounted by a lily Or. (B: Catrona of
Black Isle - Sep 92)
(Tinctureless) A quill bendwise sin within a roundel. (Seal:
Heralds Seals: Silver Quill - Jan 76)
Arg, a feather within a bord embat Vt. (D: Geoffrey Cheriton May 01)
Arg, a phoenix contourny Purp rising from flames proper, within an
orle of feathers conjoined Vt. (D: Kalida Rudaya - Oct 92)
Arg, a sheaf of peacock feathers proper & on a chf Sa 2 rapiers in
salt proper. (D: Raffaella di Contino - Mar 04)
Arg, on a bend sin betw 2 quills bendwise sin Vt, a popinjay volant
to sin Arg. (D: Damhnait Reynard - Dec 85)
Arg, 2 arrows in salt surmounted by a feather Vt, a bord embat
Purp. (D: Cecelia Wrenne - Feb 05)
Arg, 2 peacock feathers in pile, tips crossed, proper & a chf Vt. (D:
Mary Rose de Burgon - May 06)
Ermine, 3 peacock feathers bendwise sin Vt, a bord Purp. (D:
Victoria of Alfriston - Feb 98)
Gyronny of twelve Arg & Az, a quill Vt & a scroll in salt within a
bord Or. (D: Vorlin or Gwig - Jul 85)
Or, a peacock feather bendwise sin Vt debruised by a decrescent
Az. (B: Siobhan of Cloverdell - Sep 85)

Feather - Vert (continued)

Or, on a pale of 3 lozenges betw 2 peacock feathers Vt, 3 human

eyes Arg, irised Gu. (B: Rosalinda Gertrude Kesselheim Oct 07)
Or, 3 peacock feathers in pile proper, a bord Sa. (D: Maridonna
Dolce da Perugia - Jul 05)
Per bend sin Or & Arg, a Javanese peacock feather bendwise sin &
a Javanese peacock contourny, tail spread, Vt marked proper.
(D: Anna Ophelia Holloway - Apr 07)
Per bend sin Sa & Arg, a hawk disp fesswise reversed Arg & a
peacock feather bendwise sin Vt. (D: Barnabas Thorns Aug 02)
Per chev Sa & Arg, a peacock feather Vt betw 3 mullets of eight
points ctrch. (D: Alicia de Mersey - Sep 94)
Per fess indented Arg & Az, 2 ostrich feathers in salt Vt & an open
scroll fesswise Arg. (D: Khalil ibn Yusuf al-Balansi - Jan 05)
Per fess indented Arg & Vt, a griffin dormant maintaining a feather
Vt & a mullet of nine points Arg. (D: Ceridwen ferch
Cadwaladr - May 96)
* * * End * * *
Feathered serpent: see Monster - Other and Reptile - Snake
Feet: see Clothing - Footgear and Leg - Human and Leg - Monster
Feline: see Beast - Cat
Femur: see Bone

Fer a loup

See also: Crescent

(Fieldless) A fer-a-loup per pale Az & Arg. (B: Fredrich
Gerebrand - Jun 04)
(Fieldless) A fer-a-loup per pale Gu & Sa. (B: Elspet Byndelase Feb 04)
(Fieldless) A fer-de-loup inv Or. (B: Ulfarr MacDhughaill Jan 93)
Arg, in pale a wolfs head erased Gu & a fer-a-loup Sa. (B: Robin
of Mannefeld - Aug 90) (For House Redwolf)
Or, a fer-a-loup inv & on a chf embat Gu, 3 goblets Or. (D: Symon
de Ipswich - Jan 07)
Per pale Sa & Az, a fer-a-loup inv within an orle Or. (D: Ulfarr
MacDhughaill - Oct 92)
Per salt Gu & Or, a fer-a-loup inv Sa. (D: Rognvaldr bassi Sep 02)
Sa, a fer-a-loup inv Arg. (B: Frederich Karl Kyburg - Apr 07)
Sa, 2 chevronels inv & in canton a fer-a-loup inv bendwise, & as an
augmentation a triskele in base Arg. (Augmentation of Arms:
Frederich Karl Kyburg - Oct 07)
Sa, 2 chevronels inv & in canton a fer-a-loup inv bendwise Arg. (D:
Frederich Karl Kyburg - Oct 07)
Vt, a fer-a-loup Arg enflamed on the upper edge proper. (B:
Grimwulf the Hairy - Nov 92)
Vt, seme of fers-a-loup inv Arg, a panther incensed erminois. (D:
Grimwulf the Hairy - Jul 87)
* * * End * * *
Fer de moline: see Millrind
Fern: see Plant - Fern
Ferret: see Beast - Weasel
Fers a loup: see Fer a loup

Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line

See also: Field division - Barry

(Fieldless) A fess within & conjoined to a triangle voided Sa. (B:
Gerolda Torstensdottir - Feb 94)
(Fieldless) 2 annulets interlaced issuant from a barrulet arched
couped, overall a quill pen palewise Sa. (B: Megara di
Alessandra - Nov 97)
(Fieldless) 2 annulets interlaced issuant from a barrulet arched
couped, overall a sword Sa. (B: Megara di Alessandra Aug 83)
Arg, a bar enhanced Gu, overall 3 arrows inv in salt & in pale Or.
(D: Michael Fenwick of Fotheringhay - Aug 80)
Arg, a barrulet debased Gu, a chf barry Arg & Gu. (B: Keradwc an
Cai - Oct 82)
Arg, a fess Az betw a rainbow Gu, Arg, Az, Or & Purp, clouded Az,
& a heart Gu. (B: Sundragon - Jan 06)
Arg, a fess Az betw a raven Sa & a wolf sejant ululant Gu. (D:
Hrafnlfr inn Grenski - Oct 06)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 623

[Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line]

Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line (continued)

Arg, a fess Az betw a triple-arched bridge & a tower Vt. (D: Anne
of Corbridge - Jun 81)
Arg, a fess Az betw 3 mullets & a lions head erased Gu. (D:
Robert of Strathconan - Jul 02)
Arg, a fess Az betw 2 mullets of 4 points & a decrescent Sa. (D:
Sthmaith na bhFeadh - Jun 04)
Arg, a fess Az, ermined Arg, betw 3 pine trees couped Sa & a
butterfly Az. (D: Theodora von Schmetterlingswald - Feb 87)
Arg, a fess betw 3 arrows bendwise Vt. (D: William of the Forest Jun 03)
Arg, a fess betw 3 horses heads couped Az. (D: Anthun Breathnach
- Oct 99)
Arg, a fess betw 3 ravens Sa. (D: Scandln Cel mac Lonin Apr 03)
Arg, a fess betw 2 lutes fesswise reversed Vt. (D: Kateline
Condron - Oct 99)
Arg, a fess chequy Arg & Gu, in base a Lacys knot Gu. (D:
Richard of Blackhill - Mar 78?) (The Lacys knot is drawn as
per Boutell, not Parker.)
Arg, a fess checky Az & Arg overall a fox sejant contourny proper.
(D: Piero Antonio Volpe - Oct 02)
Arg, a fess conjoined in chf with a demi-pale betw 3 mullets of six
points Gu. (D: Rene Fitz Garanhir - Nov 97)
Arg, a fess counter-compony Or & Az betw 2 crosses formy & a
lozenge Sa. (D: Margit von Kreuznach - Dec 05)
Arg, a fess embowed-counterembowed Az & in canton a laurel
wreath Vt. (D: Thamesreach - Jul 98)
Arg, a fess enarched per pale Az & Vt betw 3 torteaux each charged
with a goutte Arg. (D: William Mitchell Mackenzie - Feb 96)
Arg, a fess enhanced & in base a goblet Az charged with an Arabic
napkin Arg. (D: Ayisha bint Mujir - Feb 91)
Arg, a fess Gu. (B: Belarus - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)
Arg, a fess Gu betw 2 griffins segreant addorsed Vt & a tower Sa, a
bord Gu. (D: Eric of Kelton - Dec 94)
Arg, a fess per fess Vt & Gu betw a dragon passant Vt & a leek Gu.
(D: Rhiannon Bjornsdottir - Jul 92)
Arg, a fess Purp betw a dragon ramp contourny & a shamrock Sa.
(D: Tuathflaith inghean ui Thighearnain - Feb 99)
Arg, a fess Sa betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Edward Blosseville de
Monreale - Sep 02)
Arg, a fess Vt betw 3 crosses bottony fitchy Gu & a griffin segreant
maintaining a sword Vt. (D: Alexandra de la Mer Verte Feb 00)
Arg, a fess Vt betw 3 lanterns Sa. (D: Cellach Cosnocht macCuain
- Jan 00)
Arg, a fess Vt betw 2 mullets Purp & a decrescent Az. (D: Claudia
of Houndsford - Apr 96)
Arg, a heron rising wings disp betw a chevronel throughout & a bar
Az. (D: Flann ua Donndubin - Jun 08)
Arg, a swan disp & facing sin Sa gorged of a chain Or, overall a
fess counter-compony Az & Or. (D: Gregory of Loch Swan Dec 96)
Arg, a swan disp & facing sin Sa, overall a fess counter-compony
Or & Az, in chf a label Az. (D: Jonathon of Loch Swan Jun 06)
Arg, a thistle proper betw in pale on a chevronel throughout
conjoined to a bar abased Vt a decrescent & a compass-star Or.
(D: Megan Andoniel of Glengalen - May 81) (re-registered
Arg crusilly Maltese Gu, a fess & a bord Az. (D: Robert
Makallastair - May 06)
Arg ermined Az issuant from a fess 2 trefoils Sa. (D: Rohese de
Fairhurst - Jun 95)
Arg, ermined Gu, a fess Sa masoned Arg. (D: Timothy Stonewall Sep 73?)
Arg, semy of acorns proper, a fess Vt, in base an oak branch inv
proper. (D: Judith Anne of Durmast - Nov 93)
Arg semy of estoiles, a fess cotised Purp. (D: Gisela Bosch von
Lbeck - Oct 93)
Az, a fess Arg betw 2 crosses gurgity Or. (D: Gwynneth
Sanquebarr - Oct 76?)
Az, a fess Arg, ermined Az, betw a ferret statant Arg & a demi-sun
issuant to base Or. (D: Orric Longtooth - Nov 89)
Az, a fess betw a demi-lion ramp issuant from the fess & a chess
rook Or. (D: Marcellus Capoziello da Napoli - Jun 98)

624 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line (continued)

Az, a fess betw six crescents Arg. (D: lffld t Wemor Apr 00)
Az, a fess betw 3 leopards faces Or. (D: Pole, De la, Earl of
Suffolk - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, a fess betw 3 martlets Arg. (D: Thomas Flamanc of Kelsale Jun 03)
Az, a fess betw 3 trefoils & a lions head cabossed Arg. (D:
Flannacn Duinnn - Jun 02)
Az, a fess betw 2 dogs statant respectant & a shark naiant all within
an orle Arg. (D: Francesca Teresa Giani - Sep 07)
Az, a fess betw 2 greyhounds courant & a spiral hunting horn Or.
(D: James of Leycester - Oct 01)
Az, a fess betw 2 seals counter-dormant Arg. (D: Demian OBoirne
- Nov 81)
Az, a fess checky Or & Gu betw 3 axes Or. (D: Alexander
Makcristyne - Mar 05)
Az, a fess cotissed Arg, overall a wyvern salient to sin reguardant,
tail nowed, Gu. (D: Garrick the Silent - Jan 84)
Az, a fess counter-vairy Gu & Or betw 2 plates, overall 2 swords in
salt Arg. (D: Felan of Edinburgh - Aug 84)
Az, a fess ermine betw a broken tip-less sword proper & a mullet of
4 points Arg. (D: David of Dragon Run - Jan 80)
Az, a fess erminois betw a rose slipped & leaved & a bear ramp Or.
(D: Anne of the Golden Rose - Jan 73?) (Deceased)
Az, a fess Gu fimbriated Arg betw a drawn bow & arrow to sin & 2
quill pens in salt Or. (D: William McNaughton - Mar 97)
Az, a fess Gu fimbriated Or; in canton a cross-crosslet Or. (D:
Roderic of Basing - Aug 79)
Az, a fess Or & in dexter base a mullet of twelve points Arg. (B:
Nauru, Republic of - Jan 00) (Important non-SCA flag)
Az, a fess Or betw 3 wiverns Arg. (D: Fulk de Wyvern - Sep 73?)
Az, a fess Or, overall a dexter tierce triangular Sa. (B: Bahamas Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Az, a fess Sa, fimbriated, betw 3 martlets volant, all within a bord
Arg. (D: Rowena of Loxton - Apr 89)
Az, a fess wreathed Or & Gu betw six roses Or. (D: Silvia
Wilkinson - Sep 04)
Az, a statue of a boot erased below the knee Arg, masoned Sa,
resting on a bar & in chf a label of 3 points, both Arg. (D:
Ozymandias the Superfluous - Jul 74?)
Az, a tower betw 2 tankards in fess & in chf a bar couped Arg all
within a bord compony Arg & Sa. (D: Julie Cambion Jan 07)
Az, above a fess abased a roundel echancree 2 & one forming 3
axe-heads conjoined, all Or. (D: Ynir Cadwallen - Jan 73?)
Az, 2 pumas heads conjoined at the neck per pale wavy ermine &
counter-ermine below a fillet Arg. (B: Richard of Seahaven Aug 79?)
Bendy, paly, barry, bendy sin Arg & Az, a fess Az, goutty deau.
(D: Damian of Silvertere - Jul 79?)
Bleu cleste, a fess Sa fimbriated Arg. (B: Botswana - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Ermine, a fess cotised fleury on the outer edge Az. (D: Margaret
Hepburn of Ardrossan - Aug 03)
Erminois, a fess Arg, overall a stags head erased Gu. (D: Matthew
of Deermore - Jan 73?)
Erminois, a fess Gu betw 3 boars heads couped close Sa. (D:
Thomas the Black - Apr 02)
Gu, a dance Arg cotised Or. (D: Katherina Weyssin von
Regenspurk - Dec 07) (Blanket permission to conflict with
device granted 0712w)
Gu, a fess Arg. (D: Austria - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA
arms)(reregistered 9509)
Gu, a fess Arg. (B: Latvia - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)
Gu, a fess Arg & overall a lion ramp Or, all within a bord Arg. (D:
Aylwin Vinter - Feb 08)
Gu, a fess Arg, overall, issuant from flames of fire proper a phoenix
Sa orbed & beaked Or. (D: Eugen von Ostmark - Jun 75?)
Gu, a fess betw six crosses crosslet Or. (D: Beauchamp - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, a fess betw 3 delfs all within a bord Arg. (B: Taran the
Wayward - Jul 03)
Gu, a fess betw 2 mullets pierced, all within a bord Or. (B:
Matthew of Battle - Feb 08)
Gu, a fess checky Sa & Or betw 4 snail shells Arg. (D: Ealasaid an
Dubhghlais - Jun 92)

[Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line]

Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line (continued)

Gu, a fess checky Sa & Or, in chf 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Or. (D:
Alfred Wiles of Hereford - Apr 99)
Gu, a fess ermine betw 3 coneys statant Or. (D: Catalina de
Segovia - Oct 07)
Gu, a fess erminois betw 3 moose passant Or. (D: Iyrid Bielke Oct 01)
Gu, a fess Or. (B: Spain - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA
Gu, a fess Or betw 3 frogs Vt. (D: Satan - Dec 94)
(attributed)(Important non-SCA arms)
Gu, a fess Or overall on a pale Arg a cross patty elongated in pale
Sa. (D: Guy of Brackley - Jan 81)
Gu, a fess paly Arg & Vt betw a demi-sun issuant from the fess & a
heart Or. (D: William Hedge - May 89)
Gu, a fess per fess Or & Arg betw 3 bees & a rams head cabossed
Or. (D: Ulivetta Ubriachi - Jan 06)
Gu, a pale & a fess fretted with a mascle Arg, on a chf counterermine 2 roses Or. (D: Leif Haraldsen - Feb 89)
Gu, ermined, a fess Arg betw 3 ravens close Sa. (D: Raven Fraser Jul 86)
Gu ermined Or, a fess Sa fimbriated betw 3 stags trippant contourny
Or. (D: Petr Petrovich Chekrygin - Aug 93)
Gu, 2 keys inv in salt Or, overall a fess checky Arg & Sa. (B:
Cathal MacEdan na Faeled - Mar 83)
Lozengy Arg & Gu, on a fess Sa a war hammer Arg. (D: Ximon
Martillo de Cordoba - Mar 06)
Lozengy Arg & Vt, a fess, a bord Sa. (D: Carol Jane Ravenridge Jan 99)
Lozengy Sa & erminois, a fess Gu fimbriated Or. (D: Thora
Haakonsdottir - Aug 84)
Or, a barrulet, in chf a pentaskelion of chevrons, all Vt. (D:
Konstantin the Red - Oct 76?)
Or, a cross crosslet fitchy Sa betw a chev & a bar chequy Arg & Sa.
(D: Timothy of Edessa - Apr 89)
Or, a fess Az, overall a lion ramp Gu wearing the hood & tippet of a
teaching master Sa, turned up & tasseled ermine. (D: Mark of
Glastonbury - Jan 73?)
Or, a fess betw a heart Sa & a heart Gu all within a bord Sa. (D:
Dmitri Kazimirovich - Feb 94)
Or, a fess checky Arg & Az. (D: Stewart, royal house of Scotland Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, a fess checky Arg & Az, for augmentation, the fess within a
double tressure flory counter-flory Gu. (Augmentation of
Arms: Stewart, royal house of Scotland - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Or, a fess Gu & overall a wildcat ramp contourny gardant Sa
marked Arg within a bord Gu. (D: Iain Clth-lamhach
MacThomaidh - Sep 92)
Or, a fess Gu betw 3 fleurs-de-lys & a castle Az. (D: Amice of
Castleton - Oct 96)
Or, a fess of rustres conjoined triply cotised plain Vt. (D:
Byrhtwynn t Cwenagrfan - Apr 02)
Or, a fess pean betw six annulets Az. (D: Mikjal Annarbjorn Jan 98)
Or, a fess Purp betw 3 leopards faces Sa. (D: Lynnette Cantwell May 96)
Or, a fess Purp betw 3 thistles proper & a sea-serpent ondoyant Vt.
(D: Breacnait of Inverness - Dec 01)
Or, a fess Sa, overall a butterfly ermine. (D: Anne of Caerdydd Jul 79?)
Or, a fess Sa overall a fret couped Vt. (D: Nigel Mac Suibhne Nov 02)
Or semy of crescents, a fess Purp a bord Purp crusily couped Or.
(D: Tatiana Marana Melville - Jan 97)
Paly of six Or & Sa, a fess ctrch. (D: Steingrim Stallari - Jun 72)
Pean, a cat courant Arg & in chf a barrulet couped Or within a bord
Arg masoned Sa. (D: Brianna di Girgenti - Aug 90)
Pean, a fess betw 3 mortars & pestles Or. (D: Mariota de la Moor Dec 04)
Pean, a fess doubly cotised Or. (D: Thomas of Eastbrook May 83)
Pean, an Irish wolfhound courant Arg, in chf a barrulet couped Or.
(B: Domnhnall of Glenfiddich - Aug 90)
Pean, an Irish wolfhound courant Arg, in chf a barrulet couped Or,
within an bord Arg, masoned Sa. (D: Domnhnall of
Glenfiddich - May 88)

Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line (continued)

Per bend Arg & Purp, a fess ctrch. (D: John Chandler - Jan 04)
Per fess Arg & Az, a fess ctrch & in chf 3 alder leaves bendwise Vt.
(D: Charles le Verdier - May 05)
Per fess Arg & Az, a fess Vt & in chf 3 hearts Gu. (D: Una Logan May 04)
Per fess Arg & Az, an armoured arm palewise embowed &
maintaining a sword bendwise inv Sa, naissant from a fess
barry wavy Az & Arg. (D: Culann Mac Cruimein - Aug 89)
Per fess Arg & Gu, a fess & in dexter chf on an escutcheon Az
fimbriated Gu on a mountain of 3 peaks Arg 2 bars wavy Az &
in chf 3 mullets 2 & one Or. (B: Slovenia - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Arg & Gu, a fess Az. (B: Russian Federation - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Arg & Gu, a fess Az overall on an inescutcheon Gu a
patriarchal cross Arg issuant from a trimount Az. (B: Slovakia
- Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Arg & Gu, a fess Vt. (B: Bulgaria - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA flag)
Per fess Arg & paly Gu & Arg, a fess & in chf an estoile betw 2
fleurs-de-lys Gu. (D: Giuliana di Benedetto Falconieri Aug 02)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a fess betw a wolf statant & a stags head, all
ctrch. (D: Morgan MacDowell - Oct 89)
Per fess Arg & Vt, a fess & on a dexter tierce Gu in chf 2 sheathed
sabres inv in salt surmounted by a sheathed jambiya & belt
with fastenings Arg. (B: Oman - Sep 95) (Important nonSCA flag)
Per fess Az & Arg, a fess Gu betw a mastless drakkar Arg & a
castle triple-towered Az. (D: Rhianna Kirsten of Dunwick Jan 85)
Per fess Az & Arg, a fess Sa. (B: Estonia - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA flag)
Per fess Az & Gu, a fess Arg. (B: Yugoslavia - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Az & Gu, a fess Arg, overall a mullet Gu fimbriated Or. (B:
Yugoslavia, Socialist Republic of - Dec 03) (Flag)(Important
non-SCA flag)
Per fess Az & Purp, a fess Arg betw a mullet & a cross crosslet Or.
(B: Astra Christiana Benedict - Mar 83)
Per fess Az & Vt, a barrulet Arg, overall on a plate voided Sa a
mullet of seven points Arg. (D: Elgil Mardil of Dor-Mallos Sep 81)
Per fess Az & Vt, a barrulet betw in bend sin a tower & 2 towers
joined by a single-arched bridge Arg. (D: David of
Chancellorbridge - Sep 07)
Per fess Az & Vt, a fess Arg betw a sun in splendor & a portcullis
Or. (B: Atenveldt, Kingdom of - Feb 05) (For High Sheriff)
Per fess Az & Vt, a fess Or betw 3 mullets in fess Arg & a winged
lion passant Or. (D: Connor MacSeamus ONeal - Dec 88)
Per fess Az & Vt, a fess wavy cotised wavy Arg. (D: Myfanwy
Glanmorfa - Jan 05)
Per fess bleu-celeste & Vt, a fess Arg fimbriated Gu, in chf 12
mullets 3, 4, & 5, & in dexter chf a decrescent Arg. (B:
Uzbekistan - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess embowed counter-embowed Sa & Purp, a fess embowed
counter-embowed betw a mullet of 4 points & a crab tergiant
inv Arg. (D: Patrick Shannon of Newhall - Oct 88)
Per fess enarched, per pale Gu & Or & Az, a garb Or, a sheaf of
weapons proper surmounted by 2 banners in salt per fess Or &
Gu, a fess Az, & a horse courant Arg. (D: Venezuela Mar 07) (important non-SCA armory)
Per fess enarched, per pale Gu & Or & Az, a garb Or, a sheaf of
weapons proper surmounted by 2 banners in salt per fess Or &
Gu, a fess Az, & a horse courant regardant contourny Arg atop
a base Vt. (B: Venezuela - Mar 07) (important non-SCA
armory)(Ancient Arms)
Per fess Gu & Arg, a fess Az. (B: Serbia - Dec 03)
(Flag)(Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Gu & Arg, a fess Or betw five fleurs-de-lys 3 & 2 ctrch.
(D: Jean Xavier Devereaux - Mar 93)
Per fess Gu & Az, a fess Arg. (B: Luxemburg - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Gu & Az, a fess Arg. (B: Netherlands - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA flag)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 625

[Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line]

Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line (continued)

Per fess Gu & Az, a fess Arg overall an inescutcheon checky Gu &
Arg. (B: Croatia - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Gu & Or, a fess Az. (B: Armenia - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA flag)
Per fess Gu & Sa, a fess Arg. (B: Yemen - Sep 95) (Important
non-SCA flag)
Per fess Gu & Sa, a fess Arg betw 2 griffins passant & an aspen leaf
inv Or. (D: Ranthulfr Asparlundr - Oct 90)
Per fess Gu & Sa, a fess Arg, overall a dexter tierce triangular Vt.
(B: Sudan - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Gu & Sa, a fess cotised betw 2 griffins passant Arg & a
ring Or jeweled Arg. (D: Gevehard von Baden - Jul 05)
Per fess Gu & Vt, a fess Arg. (B: Hungary, Republic of - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Gu & Vt, a fess Az fimbriated Arg. (B: Gambia - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Gu & Vt, a fess betw 3 mullets Or. (D: Henry de Bracy Mar 06)
Per fess Gu & Vt, a fess betw 3 trees couped & a stag salient Or.
(D: Rowan of Galway - Jul 03)
Per fess Gu & Vt, on a dexter tierce triangular conjoined to a bar Sa,
a pall fesswise & to dexter a boars tusk environing 2 fern
leaves in salt Or. (B: Vanuatu - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA
Per fess Or & Gu, a fess Vt. (B: Lithuania - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA flag)(re-registered 9509W)
Per fess Purp & ermine, a fess ctrch betw a dragon passant Arg & a
dragon passant to sin Purp. (D: Georgii Kornilevich
Neumyvakin - Sep 89)
Per fess Purp & Or, a bar ctrch betw a sword bendwise sin proper
enfiled of an annulet Arg & a double-headed eagle disp Sa
maintaining in its talons a serpent Vt. (D: Franz von
Corgymonde - Nov 81)
Per fess Purp & Vt, a fess betw in chf a decrescent betw 2 mullets &
in base a mullet Arg. (D: Anabella Makmyllane - Apr 02)
Per fess Sa & Arg, a fess betw 2 crosses swallowtailed, each
charged with a cross crosslet, ctrch. (D: Leothgar de Sithia Mar 82)
Per fess Sa & Arg, chauss Gu, issuant from a fess Az a demi-sun
Or. (B: Antigua and Barbuda - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA
Per fess Sa & Gu a fess conjoined in chf with a demi-pale betw 2
unicorns heads couped respectant & a phoenix disp head
facing sin Arg. (D: Jaric de lIle Longe Sault - Feb 92)
Per fess Sa & Or, a fess Gu. (B: Germany - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA flag)
Per fess Sa & Vt, a fess & in chf a demi-sun Gu. (B: Malawi Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Sa & Vt, a fess Arg, overall on a dexter tierce triangular Gu
a mullet of seven points Arg. (B: Jordan - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Sa & Vt, a fess Arg, surmounted by a tower Or. (D: Graa
da Alataia - Dec 83)
Per fess Sa & Vt, a fess Gu fimbriated, overall 2 spears in salt Arg
surmounted by an oval shield Gu, in pale a plate betw 2 deers
hoofprints Arg all betw flaunches Sa. (B: Kenya - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Sa & Vt, a fess, in canton a roundel Arg. (D: Mieszko
Zielnski - Apr 98)
Per fess Vt & Az, a fess Arg. (B: Sierra Leone - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Vt & Az, a fess Or. (B: Gabon - Sep 95) (Important nonSCA flag)
Per fess Vt & Gu, a fess Arg, overall a dexter trapezoid Sa. (B:
Kuwait - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Vt & Gu, a fess Or. (B: Ethiopia - Sep 95) (Important
non-SCA flag)
Per fess Vt & lozengy Vt & Or, a fess & in chf a woolsack Arg. (D:
Kra sindri - Dec 07)
Per fess Vt & Or, a fess Sa fimbriated Arg, overall on a dexter tierce
triangular Gu a mullet Or surmounted by a book Arg
surmounted by a hoe & an automatic rifle in salt Sa. (B:
Mozambique - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Vt & Purp, a fess ermine betw a natural leopard passant Or
& another sejant to sin Arg both marked Sa. (D: Giovanni
Giuseppe Gherardo Monteverde - Mar 02)
626 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line (continued)

Per fess Vt & Sa, a fess Arg, in chf a bezant. (D: Aelfgar Redbeard
- May 83)
Per fess Vt & Sa, a fess Arg, overall a dexter tierce Gu. (B: United
Arab Emirates - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Vt & Sa, a fess Arg surmounted by an arch within a wreath
environed of 2 scimitars crossed at the hilts tips in base Gu. (B:
Afghanistan - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Vt & Sa, a fess Arg surmounted by an arch within a wreath
environed of 2 shamshirs crossed at the hilts tips in chf Or. (B:
Afghanistan - Nov 99) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Vt & Sa, a fess betw 2 dragons heads erased addorsed Arg
& an annulet Or. (D: Christian MacLellan - Apr 05)
Per pale Arg & Az, a fess cotised betw 4 compass stars 2 & 2 all
ctrch. (D: Aodhn Cearbhaill - Oct 01)
Per pale Arg & Az, a fess ctrch. (D: Robert Conyers - Oct 02)
Per pale Arg & Az, a fess wavy cotised ctrch, overall 2 swords in
salt Or. (B: Atlantia - Dec 07) (For Award of the Vexillum
Per pale Arg & Vt, a fess & overall a frog sejant affronty ctrch. (B:
Ancilla the Packrat - Sep 81)
Per pale Az & Arg, a fess & overall a roundel, all ctrch. (D:
Edwina Galen - Apr 87)
Per pale Az & Sa, in pale a bar & a rose palewise, slipped & leaved,
Arg. (D: Catrin ferch Dafydd - Feb 89)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a fess Sa, betw 3 crescents ctrch. (D: George
Michael Edmunson - Jul 91)
Per pale Gu & Or, a falcons head erased to sin Sa, beaked Gu,
within a laurel wreath, in chf a fillet ctrch. (D: Falconcree Dec 82)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a fess ermine betw 3 bulls heads cabossed Or.
(D: Kendrick Magnusson - Feb 91)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a unicorn ramp Arg overall a fess Or. (D: Ciar
ingen Irial - Oct 01)
Per pale Or & Sa, a fess Arg. (D: Dante Alighieri - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Per pale Purp & Arg, a fess betw 2 chevrons ctrch. (D: Elric ap
Madog - Apr 92)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a fess cotissed ctrch. (D: Gabrielle Tara
Dwenwyn - Jan 84)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a fess ctrch & in chf a barn owl disp proper. (D:
Dorthea Eulenfreund - Jun 83)
Per pale Vt & Or, a fess surmounted by a heart ctrch. (D: Sion
Gwyrddcalon ap Rhydderch - Aug 84)
Per salt Sa & Vt, a fret & in base a bar couped Arg. (D: Julienne la
tamuse - Nov 02)
Potenty Arg & Vt, a fess Gu, overall a female figure proper, vested
& crined Sa, maintaining in the dexter hand a sword & in the
sin an open book, both Or. (D: Ian Saint Clair - Oct 86)
Purp, a fess Arg. (B: Latvia - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)
Purp, a fess barry Arg & Sa betw 3 larks Arg. (D: Aeschine Larke Sep 99)
Purp, a fess checky Purp & Arg betw 2 unicorns combattant & a
rose Arg. (D: Edmund of Western Seas - Jun 91)
Purp, a fess cotised Arg betw 2 lions statant respectant guardant & a
lions head cabossed Or. (D: Leo Winthrop of the Torn
Surcoat - Feb 86)
Purp, a fess enarched Arg betw 2 roses Or & a thimble Arg. (D:
Julianna Peri de Novellara - Jan 92)
Purp, a fess ermine betw 2 estoiles & a leopards head jessant-delys Or. (D: Madeleine Dulac dAgenais - Nov 00)
Purp, a fess ermine betw 2 hunting horns reversed & a coney
courant Arg, a bord ermine. (D: Elizabeth OHart - Sep 93)
Purp, a fess Or betw 2 eating forks in salt & a sheep statant Arg. (D:
Charles the Zealous - Dec 84)
Purp, a fess Or overall a decrescent Arg. (B: Masala al-Raqqasa Jul 02)
Purp, in pale a bar vair & a catfish fesswise inv Or. (B: Jararvellir May 84) (For the Fermented Guild of Jararvellir)
Quarterly Or & Purp, a fess ctrch. (B: Ines Alfn - Aug 04)
Quarterly Sa & Or, a fess wreathed Gu & Arg. (D: Robert
Carmichael - Sep 01)
Quarterly Vt & Gu, a fess Or & overall a unicorn ramp to sin Arg.
(D: Ysabelle Stewart - Sep 04)
Sa, a fess & in chf a wood sorrel blossom within an annulet Arg.
(D: Washizu Isaburo Nobuhide - Apr 02)

[Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line] to [Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Argent]

Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Plain line (continued)

Sa, a fess Arg betw a Latin cross bottony & a catamount couchant
Or. (D: Maire inghean ui Dheorain - Dec 98)
Sa, a fess Arg fretty Az betw 3 swans naiant Arg. (D: Ceinwen
ferch Rhuel - May 99)
Sa, a fess Arg, overall a Heneage knot within an orle of rope ctrch.
(D: Ericus the Silverhand - Jan 92)
Sa, a fess Arg scaly Az betw a chest & a ring of keys Arg. (D:
Germaine Jambert lInnocente - Sep 97)
Sa, a fess betw a scimitar fesswise inv & an Arabic pen-box
fesswise Arg. (D: Sayf al Qamar Tarik ibn Abdul - Aug 83)
Sa, a fess betw 3 seahorses naiant Arg, crined & tailed Or. (D:
Meriel FitzWilliam - May 04)
Sa, a fess checky Az & Arg betw 4 boars passant contourny Arg.
(D: Scott of Settmour Swamp - Dec 07)
Sa, a fess checky Or & Gu betw in chf 3 anchors & in base a wolfs
head Arg. (D: Wulfric Tyrrell - Jan 96)
Sa, a fess checky Or & Gu betw 2 mullets Arg. (D: Donnchad ua
Cathin - Jun 04)
Sa, a fess cotised & in chf a lion dormant Or. (D: Aleyd Lubeck Sep 03)
Sa, a fess enarched Or & in base a bezant. (D: Sine Fergusson of
Kintyre - Dec 01)
Sa, a fess ermine. (D: William de Cameron - Aug 03)
Sa, a fess erminois, in chf 2 bears passant addorsed Or, breathing
flames of fire proper. (D: Johannes von Bern - Mar 88)
Sa, a fess Gu, overall a dragons eye Arg. (B: Balldrich Ballbarian
- Apr 73)
Sa, a fess lozengy Arg & Az betw 3 annulets Or. (D: Ellen de
Lacey - Oct 04)
Sa, a fess Or betw 3 compass stars & a foxs mask Arg. (D:
Malcolm MacAngus of Kinross - May 97)
Sa, a foot couped & in chf a bar Arg. (D: Emma Barfoot - Jun 05)
Sa, seven piles inv conjoined in point, surmounted at the points by
an eye, & embat in chf Or, on a chf Arg a lion passant Gu,
overall a fillet per fess Gu & Or. (D: John Emeris of Ellenar Nov 79)
Tierced per fess Az, Or & Arg, in chf a scimitar fesswise reversed,
edge to base, Or. (D: Gayan the Nomad - Oct 80)
Vairy in pale Gu & Or, a fess Sa, overall a sword within a bord Arg.
(D: Wolfgang of Three Needles - Mar 92)
Vt, a fess Arg ermined Vt betw a hand fesswise couped at the wrist
& a foot couped Arg. (D: mann Cathmoga - Sep 95)
Vt, a fess Az, overall a sprig of 3 leaves bendwise sin Arg. (B:
Galn-Schol of Eirmeathe - Oct 76) (For House Arborea)
Vt, a fess betw 3 acorns Or. (D: Muirenn ingen Dara - Feb 02)
Vt, a fess betw 3 roundels one & 2 Or, a bord invected erminois.
(D: Christobella of Tideswell - Mar 95)
Vt, a fess checky Sa & Or betw a sun in splendor Or & a decrescent
moon Arg. (D: Katerina Elizabeth de Clisson - Jul 97)
Vt, a fess cotised Or betw a dented great helm affronty & a tree
eradicated & felled, Arg. (D: Deryk fan it Fryskwld Sep 89)
Vt, a fess enarched betw 3 roses & a bord Or. (D: Briana of
Donegal Keep - Apr 94)
Vt, a fess Gu fimbriated Arg betw a male griffin couchant Or & an
increscent Arg, all within a bord Or. (D: Cigfa wniadyddes May 94)
Vt, a fess or, in chf 3 bezants fesswise Or, in base a becket statant
proper. (D: Thomas von Langenfeld - Oct 79)
Vt, a fess Sa fimbriated surmounted by a domed mosque of one
minaret, in canton a decrescent Or. (D: Afra bint Tamir alSahrahwayyiah - May 98)
Vt, a fess vairy Or & Sa betw 3 dragons segreant guardant each
maintaining a spear Or. (D: Godfrey Baldwin Maul - Nov 98)
* * * End * * *

Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Argent

See also: Field division - Barry

(Fieldless) A demi lion ramp to sin Az issuant from a bar bretassy
couped Arg. (B: Joella of Blue Lions Keep - Dec 89)
(Fieldless) A fess couped, engrailed to chf, invected to base, in chf
a cubit arm palewise maintaining a bottle, all Arg. (B: Kylson
Skyfyre - Jun 90)
(Fieldless) In pale a duck naiant conjoined to a bar wavy couped
Arg. (B: Margaida da Gama - Nov 06)

Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Argent (continued)

Az, a dance Arg betw 2 natural seahorses respectant & a handbell

Or. (D: Birgitta Andersdotther - Jan 04)
Az, a dance Arg, overall a unicornate natural seahorse Or. (B:
Atlantia - Jun 01) (For LAcademie Atlantienne de la Danse)
Az, a dance betw 3 swans naiant within a bord Arg. (D: Valrie la
Rousse - May 94)
Az, a dance betw 2 fleurs-de-lys & a compass-star Arg. (D:
Susannah Northwind - Feb 86)
Az, a dance enhanced betw in chf 3 mullets of seven points & in
base an owl contourny Arg. (D: Guernen Cimarguid Nov 96)
Az, a fess bretessed Arg betw six covered cups Or. (D: Lorenzo
Gorla - Jan 08)
Az, a fess double-arched betw a plate & a triple-towered castle Arg.
(D: Anastacia Marie Travarra - Oct 82)
Az, a fess dovetailed betw 2 boars heads couped close Arg. (D:
Ivar Tordenskiold - Aug 90)
Az, a fess embat-counter-embat betw an anteater statant & 3
marigolds, all Arg. (D: Matilda FitzRichard of Lochaven Jan 86)
Az, a fess enarched, embat on the lower edge, betw 3 crosses formy
fitchy & a wolfs head erased Arg. (D: lfstan of Calontir Apr 99)
Az, a fess engrailed betw a poodle statant & 2 needles in salt Arg.
(D: Stephanie Lilburn - Jun 07)
Az, a fess invected betw five natural seahorses 2, 2 & one, Arg. (D:
Arielle Beaumaris - Feb 89)
Az, a fess of five lozenges betw a compass star & a tower, all within
a bord Arg. (D: Katharine de Chauny - Jan 90)
Az, a fess wavy & in chf a rapier surmounted by 2 needles in salt
Arg. (D: Marguerite fileresse de saie - Feb 08)
Az, a fess wavy & in chf a roundel Arg. (D: Isabelle Fisher Jul 99)
Az, a fess wavy Arg & in dexter chf a narwhal naiant embowed
contourny Or. (D: Edyth Miller - Mar 03)
Az, a fess wavy Arg betw a mullet Or & a coney sejant erect Arg.
(D: Anne of Aylesford - Aug 05)
Az, a fess wavy Arg, overall an anchor Or. (D: Patricia Philomena
de Saint Clment - Jan 95)
Az, a fess wavy Arg surmounted by a sea-lion erect ctrch betw 4
annulets in salt Arg. (B: Storvik - Feb 84) (For the Company
of the Silver Silkie)
Az, a fess wavy betw a rapier fesswise & a dolphin haurient Arg.
(D: Ameke Tode - Oct 07)
Az, a fess wavy betw 3 compass stars Arg. (D: Fona n
Chiardubhin - Jun 96)
Az, a trident Or betw in base 2 dolphins haurient respectant, overall
a fess wavy Arg. (D: Angus of Loch Leven - Jan 05)
Az, above a fess abased & engrailed on its lower edge, a snow
goose Arg. (D: Kaththea of the Citadel, the Daft - Apr 73)
Counter-ermine, a fess embat Arg masoned Sa. (D: Orson die
Grosse Mauer - Aug 80)
(Dark) A mountain of 3 peaks issuant from base, the peaks in bend,
& in chf a barrulet beviled arrondi, all within an annulet. (B:
Takaguma Ishiyama no Sadomoni Bashi - Feb 81)
(Household mon)(For Clan Ishiyama)
Gu, a dance Arg cotised Or. (D: Katherina Weyssin von
Regenspurk - Dec 07) (Blanket permission to conflict with
device granted 0712w)
Gu, a dance betw 3 lozenges Arg. (D: ra Eirksdttir - May 05)
Gu, a fess embat Arg masoned Sa betw 3 laurel wreaths Arg. (D:
Stonecroft - Oct 03)
Gu, a fess fusilly betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Damian dAntioche
- Feb 98)
Gu, a fess invected betw a natural tiger passant guardant & a
scimitar fesswise, blade to chf, Arg. (D: Brayden Avenel
Durrant - Jun 91)
Gu, a fess invected conjoined with a demi-pale in chf invected Arg.
(D: Claus of Burzee - Jan 96)
Gu goutty, a fess nebuly Arg. (D: Johanna Dorlandt - Oct 05)
Gu, naissant from a fess wavy Arg, a blonde demi-mermaid disp
maintaining in dexter hand a double-bitted battleaxe bendwise
sin proper, & in base a dragon passant Arg. (D: Daenn
Fjalornsson - Feb 83)
Or, a bishops crozier Gu & overall a fess embat Vt. (D: Katryn de
Abbeneye - Dec 07)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 627

[Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Argent]

Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Argent (continued)

Per fess abased Gu & Vt, a fess abased wavy Arg. (B: Seychelles Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Az & counter-ermine, a fess wavy Arg betw a sun in
splendour Or & a decrescent moon Arg. (D: Morwynna Cryw
- Dec 89)
Per fess Az & Sa, a fess dovetailed betw a foxs mask Arg & 2
foxs paw prints in fess Or. (D: Arielle Tharsis of Foxlea May 86)
Per fess Az & Sa semy of lozenges, a fess embat Arg & in chf a
laurel wreath Or. (D: Brakendelve - Oct 96)
Per fess Az & Vt, a dance & in chf a salmon naiant Arg. (D:
Suzanne de lOuest - May 94)
Per fess Az & Vt, a fess bretessed betw a lion couchant guardant
grasping in its forepaws a quatrefoil slipped & leaved, & 2
hawks lures conjoined by a Hungerford knot Arg. (D:
Isabella de Boyce - Jun 00)
Per fess Az & Vt, a fess dancetty Arg, overall a ram salient Or. (D:
Lothar vom Bergenwald - Sep 88)
Per fess Az & Vt, a fess dancetty to chf Arg, in chf a melanistic
gyrfalcon proper & in base a stag statant at gaze ermine, attired
& unguled Or. (B: Nonna Treheyl of Kernow - Mar 78?)
(For House of Revian)
Per fess Az & Vt, a fess engrailed Arg, overall a sea-lion erect Or.
(B: Rutker van Schiedam - Nov 81)
Per fess Az & Vt, a fess potenty to chf & in chf 2 bird-headed
pithons coiled gurgewise respectant, tails entwined, Arg. (D:
Aescferth Wolfsonne - Jul 84)
Per fess Az & Vt, a fess wavy Arg betw a plate charged with a
compass-star Gu & an argonaut shell Arg. (D: Dimitri
Mosheloff - Nov 83)
Per fess Az & Vt, a fess wavy betw in chf 3 mullets of six points
one & 2 & in base a cat couchant guardant Arg. (D: Nichole
dAudrieu - Mar 04)
Per fess Az & Vt, a fess wavy cotised wavy Arg. (D: Myfanwy
Glanmorfa - Jan 05)
Per fess dancetty counter-ermine & Sa, a bar dancetty Arg & in
base a bat disp Or. (D: Faustina von Schwarzwald - Aug 81)
Per fess embat Vt & Arg, a bar bretessed Arg & a tower within a
laurel wreath betw in fess 2 towers Vt. (D: Torvald - Oct 90)
Per fess Gu & Az, a fess embat betw 3 roses & a cross crosslet
fitchy Arg. (D: Damiana McDade - Feb 98)
Per fess Gu & Purp, a dance Arg. (B: Alexandria OFogarty Feb 04)
Per fess Gu & Purp, a fess engrailed on the upper edge & invected
on the lower edge betw 3 fleurs-de-lys & a dolphin haurient
Arg. (D: Mgwynn Attewode - Mar 08)
Per fess Gu & Sa, a fess embat Arg betw a hound courant Arg,
spotted Sa, & a compass star Or. (D: Kathryn Donnerstag Aug 89)
Per fess Gu & Sa, a fess embat-counterembattled & in base an
eagles head erased Arg. (D: Gerold the Bald - Feb 03)
Per fess Gu & Vt, a fess dancetty Arg betw a mullet of seven points
Or & a bezant. (B: Canyons, the - Jan 89) (For the Cantonal
Per fess indented Az & Gu, a dance Arg betw a Latin cross fleury &
a pilgrims purse Or. (D: Jarucha Delamare - Oct 05)
Per fess indented Az & Sa, a fess dancetty & in base a compass-star
Arg. (D: Alfric Northwind - Sep 83)
Per fess indented Gu & Sa, a dance Arg & in base a tankard Or. (D:
Deirdre the Wench - Nov 99)
Per fess pean & Gu, a fess wavy Arg & in base 3 grenades Or. (D:
Wolfgang Sebastian Kolhammer - Jan 06)
Per fess Purp & Az, a fess wavy & in chf a Passion cross betw a
decrescent & an increscent Arg. (D: Celestria of
Celtenhomme - Jan 03)
Per fess Purp & Vt, a fess embat betw a moon in her plenitude & a
she-wolf passant contourny Arg. (D: Brianna Wulfbeald May 03)
Per fess Sa & Az a fess wavy Arg betw 3 crescents & a dolphin
naiant Or. (D: Dervilia OShannon - Dec 93)
Per fess Sa & Az, a fess wavy betw 2 decrescents Arg. (D: Guy de
Bealmont - Feb 04)
Per fess Sa & Gu, a fess embat counter-embat betw an eagles head
erased & a tower Arg. (D: Romanus Castelyn - Nov 04)
Per fess Sa & Or, a fess wavy Arg & in chf a bee Or. (D: Wilthein
Wisbram - Jun 01)
628 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Argent (continued)

Per fess Sa & Vt, a fess wavy Arg betw 3 armored arms fesswise
embowed, each brandishing a hammer Or. (D: Tth Istvn Mar 93)
Per fess Sa & Vt, a fess wavy Arg, in chf a mullet of eight points
Or. (D: Americ of Seashire - Jan 92)
Per fess Sa estencelly Arg & Vt, a fess dancetty Arg. (D: Rosaline
Hiver - Aug 06)
Per fess Vt & Az, a fess wavy Arg & in chf a crescent Or. (D:
Miana n Chonnagin - Sep 92)
Per fess Vt & counter-ermine, a fess potenty, in chf a ferret statant
Arg masked Sa. (D: Aleksina Taisiya Rogvolodovna Aug 95)
Per fess Vt & Gu, a fess embat betw a mullet of seven points & 4
lozenges in cross Arg. (D: Sarah Fletcher - Jul 81)
Per fess Vt & Sa, a fess bretessed Arg. (D: Caradoc de Tisbury Sep 05)
Per fess wavy Arg & Az, a raven volant affronty proper & a bar
gemel wavy Arg. (D: Gwydion of Lochlann - Aug 79?)
Per pale Az & Gu, a dance betw 3 decrescents Arg. (D: Adeliza
Caldern - Sep 95)
Purp, a fess bretessed, in chf an eagle disp Arg. (D: Albrecht Keller
von Zrich - Sep 00)
Purp, a fess fusily Arg betw 3 torches Or. (D: Magdalena de
Hazebrouck - Jan 95)
Sa, a Celtic cross & in base a bar wavy Arg. (D: Tamar Oqropiri May 07)
Sa, a fess dancetty, Arg betw in chf 3 apples, leaved, proper, & in
base a grenade Arg, flamed proper. (D: Gwenneth ni Gallighir
- Jul 81)
Sa, a fess dancetty Arg betw 3 hammers Or. (D: Otes Dackes Apr 07)
Sa, a fess embat & in chf 2 towers Arg. (D: Roland de Ruthven Jan 96)
Sa, a fess embat Arg betw a billet fesswise & a saltorel couped Or.
(D: Philip of Pennskeep - Oct 79)
Sa, a fess embat betw 3 Maltese crosses Arg. (D: Otto Jager Aug 04)
Sa, a fess indented Arg betw in chf 3 red apples leaved & stemmed
proper, & in base a bombshell Arg. (D: Gwenth de Galigare Aug 79)
Sa, a fess wavy Arg, in chf a mullet of 4 points Or. (B: Lucia
Bellini - Nov 00)
Sa, a fess wavy betw an owl disp & a turtle all within a bord Arg.
(D: Ihone Munro - Apr 02)
Sa, a fess wavy betw 3 lions passant, a bord Arg. (D: Janos der
Kleine - Oct 92)
Sa, a fess wavy betw 2 estoiles Arg. (D: Francis Drake, Sir Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Sa, in pale an arrow bendwise sin betw the 2 pieces of a broken
goblet, a fillet engrailed in chf, invected in base, & in chf a
label dovetailed, all Arg. (D: Aarond the Grey - Aug 79?)
Sa, 3 lozenges conjoined in fess within an orle Arg. (D: John Blod
- Aug 03)
Vt, a dance & in chf a centaur statant guardant, maintaining a spear
Arg. (D: Ruppert Horn - Feb 97)
Vt, a dance & on a chf Arg 3 oak leaves Vt. (D: Elizabeth
Oakewood - Sep 90)
Vt, a fess dancetty betw 3 hearts & a laurel wreath Arg. (D:
Cortlandtslot - Mar 02)
Vt, a fess embat Arg, masoned Sa, betw 3 hammers Or. (D: Ancel
FitzCharles - Feb 87)
Vt, a fess embat betw 3 cups Arg. (D: Jamie MacLeod - Oct 90)
Vt, a fess embat betw 3 Latin crosses fleury, all within a bord Arg.
(D: Katherine dAnjou - Aug 04)
Vt, a fess wavy Arg betw 2 mullets & a garb Or. (D: Frirekr
Elfski Jonasson - Aug 84)
Vt, a fess wavy betw 4 leeks, 3 & one, Arg. (D: Ceridwen ferch
Dafydd ap Cradog - Jan 91)
Vt, a fess wavy in chf 3 griffins segreant Arg a base wavy barry
wavy Arg & Gu. (D: Rhys ap Gwilym - Aug 99)
Vt, a wall Arg betw in chf 2 crossbows & in base 2 swords in salt,
all within a bord Or. (D: Zachariah of Westlake - Dec 94)
Vt, in fess 2 cranes in their vigilance & in base a bar wavy Arg. (D:
Gabrielle Lucie de Noves - Apr 82)
Vt, in pale a seadragon naiant & a bar wavy Arg. (B: Eric
Silverhart - Jun 83) (For Household Hic Draconis)

[Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Argent] to [Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Multicolor]

Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Argent (continued)

Vt, issuant from a fess abased engrailed invected Arg a dexter lions
jamb bendwise sin maintaining a sword bendwise Or. (B:
Lyondemere - Aug 82) (For the Lyondemere Levy)
* * * End * * *

Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Azure

See also: Field division - Barry

(Fieldless) A demi-dragon issuant from a bar wavy couped Az. (B:
Trystan de Beaumaris - Dec 89)
Arg, a fess dancetty, fleury in chf, Az betw a frog sejant Vt & daisy
Az, slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Gabrelle Cynara Prouste Jan 80)
Arg, a fess dovetailed Az betw 4 lozenges & a bears paw-print Gu.
(D: Timm Brenherz - Jan 05)
Arg, a fess embat-counterembattled Az betw 2 ravens Sa & a thistle
proper. (D: Fergus Mac Thomais - Oct 03)
Arg, a fess engrailed betw 2 lilies Az. (D: Aisha bint Khalil alHerati - Mar 95)
Arg, a fess engrailed to chf Az betw 2 dolphins Vt, finned & spined
Gu, & a wolf ramp Sa. (D: Kenelm Reimund of the Plains Nov 89)
Arg, a fess nebuly Az & in chf a raven disp Sa. (D: Mayken de
Houtman - Dec 04)
Arg, a fess wavy & in dexter chf an escallop Az. (D: Morgan fitz
Arthur de Grey - Jan 91)
Arg, a fess wavy Az & overall a Celtic cross Vt. (B: Brnainn mac
Gilla Ptraic - Dec 03)
Arg, a fess wavy Az betw a knorr proper & a Celtic cross Vt. (D:
Brnainn mac Gilla Ptraic - Dec 03)
Arg, a fess wavy Az betw 3 pairs of holly leaves fesswise conjoined
to sin & fructed proper. (D: Margaret of Hollingford Sep 03)
Arg, a fess wavy Az betw 3 seebltter Gu. (D: Mariss Ghijs Jan 05)
Arg, a fess wavy Az surmounted by a pine tree couped Gu all betw
3 laurel wreaths Sa. (D: Ealdnorwuda - Mar 03)
Arg, a fess wavy betw 3 triskelions arrondi one & 2 Az. (B:
Trimaris - Apr 81) (Flag)
Arg, a fess wavy betw 2 wolves courant within a bord Az. (D:
Wolfgang the Rhinelander - Jun 87)
Arg, issuing from a bar abased & wavy Az, a mountain peak Or
surmounting a demi-sun Gu, in canton a decrescent Vt. (D:
Barok-Baran - Jan 74?)
Arg, 2 bendlets Gu overall a fess wavy Az. (D: Charles Templar Apr 03)
Ermine, a fess wavy betw 3 dolphins Az. (D: Daniel of Falling
Rocks - May 92)
Or, a fess wavy Az betw 3 wolfs heads erased contourny Sa, on a
chf Az, 3 butterflies Or. (D: Carlos Lobo - Jul 04)
Or, a fess wavy Az, in chf a falcon rising Sa. (D: Elisabeth von
Rttgen - Jan 97)
Or, a fess wavy Az, overall a tree blasted & eradicated within a
bord embat Sa. (D: Wolfgang von Heimbach - Apr 94)
Per bend Vt & Or, a 2-towered castle ctrch, illumined Gu, betw in
chf a laurel wreath Or & in base a barrulet wavy Az. (D:
Fettburg - Aug 79?)
Per fess Arg & Or, a fess wavy Az betw a seagull migrant to chf &
a mullet Sa. (D: Martha the Well-Loved - Nov 86)
Per fess Or & Arg, a dance Az betw 2 escallops Gu & a crescent
Az. (D: Gerald Saunders - Apr 98)
Per fess wavy Az & Arg, in base a bar wavy Az & overall in salt 2
scythes Or. (B: Aidan Aileran OComhraidhe - Jun 91) (For
House Silver Scythe)
Sa, a fess wavy Az fimbriated & in chf 3 annulets Arg. (D:
Margaret Holbrook - Jun 96)
Sa, a fess wavy Az, fimbriated Arg, betw 3 compass-stars Arg & a
Merlin falcons head reversed erased proper. (D: Aster of
Caer-Myrddin - Aug 79?)
* * * End * * *

Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Fur

See also: Field division - Barry

Arg, a fess engrailed pean betw 3 pellets. (D: Yosef ben Lazar Aug 88)
Arg, a fess wavy ermine betw 3 roundels Sa. (B: Boncueur Apr 76)

Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Fur (continued)

Az, a dance ermine betw a harts head cabossed & 2 escallops Or.
(B: Duncan MacDuff - Sep 05)
Az, a fess bretessed ermine betw 3 mice statant Or. (D: tienne the
Inepte - Nov 87)
Az, a fess engrailed ermine betw 2 garden roses in annulo
widdershins slipped & leaved Arg. (D: Gisela Blodwen
Madoc - Sep 90)
Az, a fess of five lozenges Or, ermined Gu, betw a compass star & a
seal naiant to sin Arg. (D: Diana of the Tulips - Dec 89)
Az, a fess wavy Or ermined Az & in chf 3 thistles Or. (D: Safiye
bint Kara Sunllah - Feb 07)
(Dark) A mountain of 3 peaks issuant from base, the peaks in bend,
& in chf a barrulet beviled arrondi, all within an annulet. (B:
Takaguma Ishiyama no Sadomoni Bashi - Feb 81)
(Household mon)(For Clan Ishiyama)
Gu, a fess bretessed ermine surmounted by a horseshoe inv Or. (D:
Phillip of Arindale - Nov 85)
Or, a fess wavy ermine betw 3 torteaux. (B: Boncueur - Apr 76)
Paly Purp & Arg, a dance counter-ermine. (D: Estrill Swet Mar 06)
Per fess Gu & Sa, a fess of 3 lozenges ermine. (D: Walter de Clare
- Nov 01)
Vt, a dance ermine betw a crescent pendant & a winged bear
passant Or, & a bord ermine. (D: Fiona nic Ferrall OCahan Jun 93)
Vt, a fess bretessee counter-ermine, overall a cross of St. Anthony
Or. (D: Jacinth of the Lions Gate - Jun 79?)
Vt, a fess dancetty ermine betw 3 crosses flory Arg & in chf a
seahorse erect Or. (D: Angharad of Chester - Feb 88)
* * * End * * *

Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Gules

See also: Field division - Barry

Arg, a crane standing on one foot betw in fess 2 roses proper & in
chf a fess fusilly Gu. (D: Isengrim dAnvers - Oct 90)
Arg, a dance betw 2 fleurs-de-lis Gu. (D: Sean OFogarty Apr 96)
Arg, a dance Gu, in base a dragon passant Vt. (D: Magnus Ian
Maclean - Nov 97)
Arg, a fess bretessed Gu betw 3 mullets of 4 points & a bell Sa. (D:
Darius of the Bells - Apr 98)
Arg, a fess rayonny Gu betw a garden rose bendwise sin Sa, slipped
& leaved Vt, & a sheaf of arrows Sa. (D: Godwin Blackrose Oct 92)
Arg, a fess wavy betw a tree couped & a tree couped & inv Gu, a
bord Sa. (D: Russell de Crauforde - Aug 92)
Arg, a fess wavy Gu betw 2 cauldrons & an anvil Sa. (D: Garwed
Cadburiensis - Jul 82)
Arg, a fess wavy Gu overall a wooden shepherds crook proper. (D:
Esther bat Moshe - Jan 03)
Arg, a lion-headed triton naiant to sin maintaining a paintbrush
palewise & in chf a bar, dovetailed to chf, all Gu. (D:
Guillaume Lion de Mer - Oct 86)
Or, a fess embat counter-embat Gu betw 2 arrows inv in salt Sa & a
pine tree Vt. (D: Robert de Fletcher the Duelist - Mar 83)
Or, a fess potenty betw 3 gazelle heads erased contourny Gu & a
tree blasted & eradicated Sa. (D: Gisle Barrentree - Jan 91)
Or, a fess wavy Gu & in base a dolphin haurient to sin Az. (D:
Eowulf the Innocent - Aug 90)
Or, a fess wavy Gu, overall a griffin within a laurel wreath Sa. (D:
Griffinsmark - May 06)
Paly wavy Arg & Sa, a fess wavy Gu. (D: Toki Redbeard Mar 08)
Per fess Arg & Sa, a fess embat Gu, masoned Arg, betw a Maltese
cross Gu & a dragon passant Arg. (D: Rodrigo Diego Ramos Jun 88)
Per fess Or & Az, a fess embat Gu betw 2 mullets & a lions head
jessant-de-lys ctrch. (D: Alfrik Thorvaldsson - Oct 82)
Per fess Sa & Arg semy-de-lys Sa, a fess of 3 lozenges Gu & in chf
a lion dormant Arg. (D: Yseult de Montagu - Nov 05)
* * * End * * *

Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Multicolor

See also: Field division - Barry

Arg, a fess wreathed Az & Gu. (D: Carmichael of that Ilk May 99) (Important non-SCA arms)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 629

[Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Multicolor] to [Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Or]

Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Multicolor


Az, a fess wreathed Or & Gu betw 2 bars gemel dancetty Arg. (D:
Michal MacAveely - May 84)
(Dark) A mountain of 3 peaks issuant from base, the peaks in bend,
& in chf a barrulet beviled arrondi, all within an annulet. (B:
Takaguma Ishiyama no Sadomoni Bashi - Feb 81)
(Household mon)(For Clan Ishiyama)
Gu, a fess engrailed checky Arg & Az cotised plain Arg. (D:
Aindreas mac Ghille Fhionntaigh a Ghaoithe Airgid Feb 91)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a fess dancetty betw in pale an arrow
fesswise & an arrow fesswise reversed, all ctrch Or & Gu. (D:
Owen Arbalista - Dec 82)
Per fess Arg & Gu, a fess embat counter-embat ctrch, in chf a
reremouse Sa. (D: Vladimir Zhaba - Dec 95)
Per fess Az & Arg, a fess fusilly ctrch. (D: Joshua the Pilgrim Mar 95)
Per fess indented Arg & Az, a dance fleury at the points ctrch & in
base a fleur-de-lys Arg. (D: Rainulf Falconet - Aug 96)
Per fess indented Arg & Vt, a fess dancetty betw & conjoined to
five quatrefoils barbed ctrch. (D: Anne St. Augustine de Rome
- Feb 83)
Per fess indented erminois & pean, a dance ctrch Sa & Or, in chf 3
frogs tergiant disp Vt. (D: Mora Naturalist of Blackmarsh Jul 89)
Per fess indented Or & Sa, a fess dancetty betw a decrescent & a
cross of Jerusalem ctrch. (D: Stephen Augustin of the South
Downs - Sep 92)
Per fess Or & Az, a fess fusily betw 2 roses ctrch. (D: Magdalena
Angelica von Regensburg - Apr 07)
Per pale Arg & Az, a dance betw 3 fleurs-de-lys ctrch. (D: Galeran
Chanterel - Jun 99)
Per pale Arg & Az, a fess wavy cotised ctrch. (B: Atlantia Nov 99) (Ensign)
Per pale Arg & Az, a fess wavy cotised ctrch, overall 2 swords in
salt Or. (B: Atlantia - Dec 07) (For Award of the Vexillum
Per pale Arg & Vt, a dance ctrch. (D: Juliana Spencer - Apr 06)
Per pale Az & Or, a fess wavy, cotised wavy, ctrch, each Az trait
charged with a gull disp Arg. (D: Breock of Whitby - Nov 86)
Per pale Gu & Arg, a fess dancetty cotised ctrch. (D: Dafydd ap
Donal ap Gwilym - Oct 84)
Per pale Sa & Or, a dance & in chf a mullet of five greater & five
lesser points ctrch. (B: Ansteorra - Jun 05) (For Guild of
European Dancers)
Per pale Vt & Arg, a dance ctrch & in dexter chf a decrescent Arg.
(D: Gareth Westmoor - Dec 93)
Sa, a fess wreathed Gu & Or betw 2 bezants. (D: Sven Eriksen Jul 89)
Vt, a fess wreathed Arg & Sa betw a mullet of nine points voided &
interlaced & an open book Arg. (D: Abul-Qasida Ibrahim ibn
Said al-Jasur - Sep 88)
Vt, a fess wreathed of Or & pean betw 2 suns in splendour Or. (D:
Anthea Maecenas - Aug 88)
* * * End * * *

Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Or

See also: Field division - Barry

(Fieldless) On an escallop Gu a dance Or. (B: Helena Gereman Dec 92) (For House Dancing Clam)
Az, a bar wavy Or surmounted by an arum lily Arg. (D: Aultain
Moire OLinnala - Aug 79)
Az, a chev betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Or & a compass star Arg, in chf a
bar embat Or. (D: Korwin Freawine of Maeldun - Jan 91)
Az, a dance betw 3 semiminims Or. (D: Helene al-Zarqa Oct 04)
Az, a fess abased indented to chf & in chf on a bezant within a
laurel wreath Or a thistle Gu. (D: Lochmorrow - Feb 84)
Az, a fess dancetty Or within a bord indented Or, semy of hurts. (D:
Christopher Leyland DEyncourt - Feb 89)
Az, a fess dovetailed betw a hound courant & a tower Or. (D:
Elaine de Charvigne - Mar 85)
Az, a fess embat & in chf a catfish naiant contourny, a bord Or. (B:
Jararvellir - Sep 93)

630 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Or (continued)

Az, a fess embat Or betw 3 crosses formy & a rose Arg within a
bord Or. (D: Jane Katherine Beaumont of Cottingham Jan 96)
Az, a fess engrailed ermine betw a demi-sun issuant from the fess
Or & a crescent Arg. (D: Stjerne-Odd Srensen - Nov 01)
Az, a fess invected Or betw 3 unicorns heads couped Arg armed
Or. (D: Katerina de Turenne - Feb 85)
Az, a fess invected Or betw 2 lotus blossoms in profile Arg. (D:
Eliada of Thun - May 93)
Az, a fess wavy betw a demi-roundel Or & a goutte Arg. (D:
Alexander Robison - Dec 01)
Az, a fess wavy betw 3 mullets of eight points Or, in chf a crescent
Arg. (D: Eridano Auri - Mar 08)
Az, a fess wavy Or betw a dove migrant & five escallops 3 & 2 Arg.
(D: Gwendolen Penbryn - Aug 95)
Az, a sword Or betw in fess 2 garden roses Arg, slipped & leaved
Vt, in chf a bar indented Or. (D: Tressa Helana Beaumaris Feb 86)
Az, a winged fish volant bendwise & in base a bar wavy Or. (B:
Katalena of Owlsherst - Jan 08)
Az, a wolf ramp Arg, overall a dance Or. (D: Borek Vitalievich
Volkov - Jan 98)
Az, in pale a lynx couchant guardant Arg & a bar couped rayonny
counter-rayonny Or. (D: Catriona Mairi Ann nic Ghriogair Jan 84)
Az, in pale a rams head couped at the shoulder contourny Arg & a
barrulet wavy Or. (D: Alberich Peregrinator - Mar 81)
Checky Az & Arg, a dance Or & overall a frog Vt. (D: Josette
Claudin Duran - Feb 98)
(Dark) A mountain of 3 peaks issuant from base, the peaks in bend,
& in chf a barrulet beviled arrondi, all within an annulet. (B:
Takaguma Ishiyama no Sadomoni Bashi - Feb 81)
(Household mon)(For Clan Ishiyama)
Ermine, a fess invected Or, wreathed & fimbriated with ivy vines
Vt. (B: Eadlyne Blackmaene the Lacrimose - Jul 82)
Gu, a dance betw 3 hawks bells Or. (D: Bridget of St. Katherine Oct 03)
Gu, a fess bretessed betw 3 gouts & an amphora Or. (D: Gabrielle
van Nijenrode - Oct 92)
Gu, a fess bretessed Or betw a horse ramp & a sledgehammer Arg.
(D: Berndt der Khne - Aug 03)
Gu, a fess wavy cotised Or, overall a unicorn ramp contourny & on
a chf Arg 3 arrows fesswise Gu. (D: Kenelm Rogan - Jan 95)
Per fess Az & Vt, a barrulet engrailed counter-invected Or, overall a
sea-horse erect Arg, saddled & bridled Gu, crined Or. (D:
Michael Searider - Jun 80)
Per fess Az & Vt, a fess indented to chf Or, in chf a laurel wreath
Vt, fimbriated Or. (D: Three Hills, the - Jan 91)
Per fess Az & Vt, a fess wavy Or betw a portative organ & a
dogwood blossom Arg, seeded Vt. (D: Cecily of Elfhollow Apr 89)
Per fess Az goutty deau & Vt, a fess indented to chf in base an
annulet Or. (B: Endless Hills - Aug 99)
Per fess Gu & Az, a dance & in base 3 roundels Or. (D: Umm Jibril
Munisa bint al-Nadr - Feb 06)
Per fess Gu & Az, a dance flory Or. (D: Konstanza von
Brunnenburg - May 96)
Per fess Gu & Az, a fess wavy betw a bakers peel fesswise Or
charged with 3 manchets Gu & a wagon wheel Or. (D: Hans
Van Hoorn - Feb 05)
Per fess Gu & Sa, a dance betw a laurel wreath & on a flame Or a
rock Gu. (D: Loch Ruadh - Nov 93)
Per fess Gu & Sa, a fess embat betw 3 open padlocks & a dragons
head erased contourny Or. (D: Tostig Locksbane - Sep 91)
Per fess Gu & Sa, a fess wavy betw 3 dolphins haurient Or. (D:
William MKillroy - Jan 07)
Per fess Gu mullety Or, & Vt, a dance & in base a terrestrial sphere
Or. (D: Romas the Mapmaker - Mar 93)
Per fess indented Gu & Purp, a dance betw 2 gouts Or. (B:
Meridies - Sep 92) (For the Kingdom dance guild)
Per fess indented of 3 points Sa & Az, a dance betw 3 crescents & a
lion dormant Or. (B: Ekaterina von Pferdberg - Aug 90)
Per fess indented Sa & Az, a dance betw 3 crescents & a sun, Or.
(D: Ekaterina von Pferdberg - Aug 90)

[Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Or] to [Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Vert]

Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Or (continued)

Per fess indented Sa & Az, a dance Or betw six roundels in annulo
Or voided Gu all within a bord Or. (D: Bo of Baile na Scolairi
- Mar 94)
Per fess indented Sa & Gu, a dance betw 2 mullets of 4 points Or.
(D: Branwyn Guilford - Oct 84)
Per fess indented Sa & Gu estencely, a dance Or. (D: Isabeau
Quiquandon - Oct 00)
Per fess indented Vt & Az, a dance & in base a laurel wreath Or.
(D: Tris - Sep 97)
Per fess Purp & Az, a fess wavy Or. (D: Charles of Giggleswick Aug 02)
Per fess Sa & Gu, a dance Or & in chf 2 mullets Arg. (D: Egan
mac eda - Oct 02)
Per fess Sa & Gu, a fess embat counter-embat betw 3 fleurs-de-lys
all within a bord embat Or. (D: Friedrich der
Halsabschneider - Aug 91)
Per fess Sa & Gu, a fess embat, in chf 3 crescents Or. (B: Ciaran
MacDarragh - Feb 92)
Per fess Sa mullety Arg, & Gu, a fess rayonny Or. (D: Leborcham
Cinncorad - Jul 96)
Per fess Sa mullety Or & Az, a dance & in base a sun Or. (D:
Wolfgang Dracke - Nov 01)
Per fess Vt & Sa, a dance betw 3 triquetras Or. (D: Laurie of Terra
Pomaria - Nov 01)
Per fess Vt & Sa, a fess bretessed betw a chalice & a laurel wreath
Or. (D: Threewalls - Nov 02)
Per fess wavy Gu & Az, issuant from a barrulet wavy a chevronel
dancetty Or, & in base a crescent betw the horns of another
Arg. (D: Rahlina del Norte - Oct 80)
Per fess wavy Or & Az, 3 boars heads erased Gu & a bar wavy Or.
(D: Robert Brockman - Jan 03)
Per pale & per fess indented Purp & Vt, a fess dancetty, the points
ending in shamrocks Or. (D: Bridget Casey - Sep 88)
Per pale Gu & Sa, a dance Or, in base 3 holly leaves conjoined in
pall inv Arg. (D: Connla Yellowclaw - Jul 90)
Purp, a dance cotised Or. (B: Huette Aliza von und zu hrens und
Mechthildberg - Mar 07)
Purp, a fess embat Or within a bord ermine. (D: Cija of the Roses Sep 71?)
Purp, a fess flory counter-flory Or. (B: Anor dAnjou - Jul 99)
Purp, a fess raguly betw in chf 3 dumbeks & in base a nude demimaiden issuant from base maintaining in both hands a snake,
all Or. (D: Sylvanus the Drummer - Apr 91)
Sa, a fess embat betw 3 crosses bottony Or. (D: Olaf Wulfbrandt Jun 04)
Sa, a fess fusily Or betw 2 swords in salt & vol Arg, a bord Or. (D:
Angus Dugald MacLeod - Aug 95)
Sa, a fess invected on the upper edge betw 2 wolves combatant & a
wolf passant Or. (D: Rhys of Vakkerfjell - Oct 07)
Sa, a fess invected Or, in base a bear passant Arg, a chf ermine. (D:
Giovanna Costanza - Mar 93)
Sa, a fess rayonny betw 3 estoiles or. (D: Alexandra Tatiana
Feodorovna of Novgorod - Aug 79)
Sa, a fess wavy & in dexter chf a tower Or. (B: Ben Dunfirth Apr 95)
Sa, a lion-headed torque & in chf a bar raguly Or. (D: Brand
Faragar the Frank - Oct 83)
Sa, a sea-serpents head issuant from a bar abased, engrailed to chf,
invected to base, Or. (B: Grimarr of Nordheim - Nov 83)
Sa, platy, a bar embat abased Or betw in chf a castle & in base 3
pheons Arg. (D: Richard the Alchemist of Wales - Mar 81)
Vt, a dance Or betw 3 daisies proper. (D: Michaela della Isola Dec 95)
Vt, a fess embat counterembattled betw a foi & a bulls head
caboshed Or. (D: Lothar Freund - Jul 93)
Vt, a fess of 3 conjoined fusils Or. (D: Elena Bertholmeu May 03)
Vt, a fess rayonny Or, in chf 2 batons in salt Arg. (D: Jean tienne
of the Barony of the Flame - Sep 89)
Vt mullety, a dance Or. (D: Tore av Uddevala - Sep 97)
* * * End * * *

Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Purpure

See also: Field division - Barry

Arg, a dance enhanced Purp. (B: Anne Fawnhaven - Jun 86)

Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Purpure (continued)

Arg, a fess embat betw a halberd fesswise reversed & a rose Purp.
(B: Olaf Wulfbrandt - May 02) (JB: Katherine dAnjou)
Per fess checky Gu & Arg & Arg, a dance Purp & in base a pheon
Gu. (D: Angelina Crispiana dAvignon - Jul 95)
* * * End * * *

Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Sable

See also: Field division - Barry

(Fieldless) A hawk perched on a bar raguly couped, the hawk
maintaining in the dexter claw a mug, Sa. (B: Alarice
Blackhawk - Aug 94)
Arg, a bar embat betw a winged horned demon sejant erect affront
chased Sa & a laurel wreath Vt, all within a bord Sa. (D: Grey
Gargoyles, the - Apr 80)
Arg, a fess embat betw 3 goats passant & a roundel Sa. (D: Rachel
the Goatwoman - May 98)
Arg, a fess embat Sa betw 3 eagles disp Gu. (D: Aquila Ashley
Maddox - Jun 95)
Arg, a fess fusilly Sa & in chf 2 quatrefoils saltirewise Vt. (D:
Fjorleif in heppna - Apr 08)
Arg, a fess urdy-counter-urdy betw in chf 2 natural salamanders
statant respectant & in base a compass star Sa. (D: Grimaud
dAsterisque Noir - Jul 85)
Arg, a fess wavy Sa betw in chf 3 foxs masks Gu & in base a rose
Sa. (D: Daniel of Starkhafn - Aug 85)
Arg ermined Az issuant from a fess 2 trefoils Sa. (D: Rohese de
Fairhurst - Jun 95)
Arg, goutty de sang, a fess dancetty Sa betw 2 sin feet, reversed &
couped, Gu. (B: Wrm Wald - Feb 88)
Ermine, a scarab tergiant Vt beneath a fillet embat Sa. (D: Feirefiz
ag Zygmund - Aug 79)
Or, a dance Sa. (D: Marcus Tullius Calvus Cambrensis - Jun 99)
Or, a dance Sa betw 3 spur rowels Gu all within a bord Sa. (D:
Jean Guy de Bayeux - Dec 95)
Or, a fess bretessed Sa betw 2 triskelions & a falcon disp, head to
sin, Gu. (D: Gavin MacFergus - Dec 91)
Or, a triquetra inv & a fess wavy abased, a bord Sa. (D: Melane
Isidora of Blackwater - Nov 98)
Or, 3 annulets interlaced 2 & one & a fess wavy abased, a bord Sa.
(D: Galene Leonilla of Blackwater - Oct 98)
Or, 3 piles in point Gu, surmounted by a raven volant, in base a fess
embat & abased Sa. (D: Mael Marden - Jul 88)
Per fess Arg & Gu, a fess engrailed Sa betw 4 roses 3 & one ctrch
barbed Vt seeded Arg. (D: Eilina in kafa - Nov 04)
Per fess Gu & Arg, a fess embat Sa betw a demi-sun Or issuant
from the line of division & a laurel wreath Gu. (D: Llyn Arian
- Nov 88)
Per fess Or & Arg, a fess embat Sa betw 3 reremice disp Gu & a
tower Sa. (D: Aelfric of Dorcestre - Nov 89)
Vt, a fess wavy Sa fimbriated Arg, & in chf a lion couchant Arg.
(D: Douglas Brownbeard of Hvitamyrr - Sep 73?)
* * * End * * *

Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Vert

See also: Field division - Barry

Arg, a fess bretess Vt betw 3 pinecones, stems to chf, & a pine tree
eradicated proper. (D: Geoffrey FitzKenneth of Pinewood Apr 06)
Arg, a fess engrailed on the upper edge Vt, overall a unicornate
natural seahorse, erect & sin facing, Az, spined, finned &
horned Or. (D: Alastair Kincaid - Jul 88)
Arg, a fess wreathed Vt betw 3 moorcocks in fess & a patriarchal
cross Gu. (D: Lovell Hastings - Dec 82)
Arg, a peacock plume issuant from base proper & in chf a bar
dancetty Vt. (D: Christianna Weislea - Feb 87)
Or, a dance Vt betw 3 wolves heads cabossed Gu. (D: Marcus
Redwolf - Jan 97)
Or, a fess bretessed betw a harp Vt & a lion couchant pean. (D:
Briana Morgan of the Valley - Jun 99)
Or, a fess of rustres conjoined triply cotised plain Vt. (D:
Byrhtwynn t Cwenagrfan - Apr 02)
Paly Az & Arg, a dance Vt. (D: Engraia de Madrigal - Jan 08)
Per fess Az & Arg, a fess wavy Vt betw in chf 3 equal-armed Celtic
crosses Or & in base a natural fountain Az. (D: Caoimhghin
ODalaigh - Jul 86)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 631

[Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Vert] to [Fess - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent]

Fess - 1 - Uncharged - Complex line - Vert (continued)

Sa, a fess wavy Vt fimbriated & in sin chf a mullet of eight points
Or. (B: Johann Grauenwolf - Mar 04)
* * * End * * *

Fess - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent

See also: Field division - Barry

Az, a fess Arg fretty Vt betw 3 mullets pierced Arg. (D: Emma de
Lastone - Dec 01)
Az, a fess Arg goutty de larmes betw 2 fleurs-de-lys & a rose Arg,
barbed & seeded proper. (D: Cline Doucerain - Jan 94)
Az, a fess Arg semy of compass stars Az betw a coronet & a bear
statant Arg. (D: Gabrielle von Strassburg - Sep 03)
Az, a fess Arg, 3 keys fesswise in pale ctrch. (D: Wilhelm von
Schlssel - Sep 71?)
Az, on a abased fess Arg a bar Gu, overall to dexter ten mullets in
annulo Or. (B: Cape Verde - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA
Az, on a fess Arg a sheaf of five banners each bearing Az a fess Arg
surmounted by on a triangle Arg fimbriated Or issuant from
five volcanoes Vt issuant from the sea in base Az a wooden
pole proper ensigned with a liberty cap Gu irradiated Or &
environed in chf with the words 15 DE SET DE 1821 in demiannulo Gu & in chf a natural rainbow throughout proper. (B:
El Salvador - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Az, on a fess Arg, a sprig of rosemary reversed Vt flowered Purp, a
bord Arg. (B: Madelein Ceris de Toulouse - Nov 93)
Az, on a fess Arg a sun in splendor Or. (B: Argentina - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Az, on a fess Arg a triangle bleu celeste charged with a liberty cap
Gu irradiated straight Arg betw rising out of the sea in base Az
five volcanoes Vt & in chf a natural rainbow throughout
proper, the triangle environed by the words REPUBLICA DE
Nicaragua - Jan 08) (Important non-SCA flag)
Az, on a fess Arg betw a crescent & 2 scimitars in salt Or a lotus
flower in profile Az. (D: Erin of Atenveldt - Jan 08)
Az, on a fess Arg betw 3 dragons passant Or a dragon passant Gu.
(D: Evan ap Llywelyn of Caernarfon - Jan 84)
Az, on a fess Arg betw 3 pots Or, 3 bunches of grapes Purp slipped
& leaved Vt. (D: Lucia filia Fausti - Nov 02)
Az, on a fess Arg betw 3 trefoils slipped & a crescent Or, a lion
couchant Gu. (D: Ciaran Kirriemuir Androssoun - Nov 88)
Az, on a fess Arg betw 2 stags passant respectant & a stag passant
Arg 3 bells Az. (D: Kirstyn Mansfeld - May 05)
Az, on a fess Arg cotised Or 3 annulets Az. (D: Una Orcadiana Apr 02)
Az, on a fess Arg five mullets in salt Az. (B: Honduras - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Az, on a fess Arg, 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Az, in chf a hinds head
erased Arg, ermined Az. (D: Aislinn of Cravenhest - Apr 90)
Az on a fess Arg 2 golpes betw 3 crosses patty Gu. (D: Geoffrey of
Chadhunt - Jan 73?)
Az, on a fess betw a lozenge & fleur-de-lys Arg, an Arabic pen-box
Az. (B: Nadrah bint Lulu al-Qadisi - Nov 99)
Az, on a fess betw a sheathed scimitar fesswise & a mazer Arg 3
cushions lozengewise Vt. (D: Fatimah al-Zarqa al-Rakkasah
- Feb 04)
Az, on a fess betw 4 mullets of 4 points, 3 & one, Arg, 2 roses Az,
barbed & seeded proper, all within a bord embat Or. (B:
Agatha of Tintagel - Nov 99)
Az, on a fess betw in chf & in base a bow reversed betw a pair of
drinking horns Arg a shamshir reversed blade to base Az. (B:
Nasir ibn al-Khazzaz ibn Qadir - Apr 95)
Az, on a fess betw in pale a goblet & a heart Arg a pair of hands in
pile couped Az. (D: Alix dOrleans - Jan 84)
Az, on a fess betw 3 billets fesswise Arg, an arrow, point to sin, Az.
(D: Nicholas Landsman - Dec 86)
Az, on a fess betw 3 Celtic crosses Arg a dragon passant Az. (D:
Esa Southwick - Mar 05)
Az, on a fess betw 3 crescents Arg a comet Az. (D: Temair Brecc
inghen Choluim - Jan 02)
Az, on a fess betw 3 dice Arg spotted Sa a staff proper. (D: John
Smith of Glasgow - Jul 91)
Az, on a fess betw 3 dragonflies Arg 3 frogs Vt. (D: Nicole de
Merle - Aug 03)

632 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Fess - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent (continued)

Az, on a fess betw 3 fish Arg a fish Gu. (D: Osanna de Fries May 00)
Az, on a fess betw 3 mullets Arg a rose Gu. (D: Constance de
Colligny - Jun 07)
Az, on a fess betw 3 swallows volant Arg 3 roses proper. (D:
Cecille de Beumund - May 96)
Az, on a fess betw 3 thistles Arg a laurel wreath Az. (D: Tr
Medin - Oct 02)
Az, on a fess betw 3 unicorns passant Arg 3 trees Az. (D: Isolde
Jane of Glen - Mar 05)
Az, on a fess betw 2 axes fesswise Arg an axe fesswise reversed Az.
(D: lfr yrison - Nov 01)
Az, on a fess betw 2 harps Arg, 3 marigolds slipped & leaved
proper. (D: Muirean nic Ruaidhri - Aug 79)
Az, on a fess betw 2 mullets Arg, a mastiff statant Sa betw 2 mullets
Az. (D: Werner Barg - Feb 07)
Az, on a fess betw 2 swords in salt & 2 staves in salt Arg, a hurt. (B:
Benedict Alorak dElcar - Aug 79) (For the Household of
Az, on a fess cotised Arg a fess Gu, in chf 4 crosses formy Arg. (D:
Lambert de Sur - Aug 86)
Az semy of musical notes, on a fess Arg a triquetra Az. (D:
Meadhbh inghean mhic Aoidhghein - Dec 07)
Az, upon a fess Arg, a moles paw print Sa. (B: Aithine nic Merril Aug 79)
Checky Vt & Or, on a fess Arg a boar statant to sin Vt. (D: Aneirin
y Bwyall - Mar 02)
Counter-ermine, on a fess Arg a wolf couchant Sa. (D: Wulf the
Traveller - Apr 95)
Gu, a pale Arg, overall on a fess ctrch a goblet or. (D: William the
Wanderer - Aug 79?)
Gu, ermined Arg, on a fess Arg a peregrine falcon disp Gu. (B:
Brann Morgan Dunmore of Galloway - Mar 78?) (For House
Gu, on a fess Arg a cartouche fesswise Gu voided Arg. (D:
Michael the Dane - Jan 73?)
Gu, on a fess Arg a cedar proper. (B: Lebanon - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Gu, on a fess Arg betw a sun & a castle Or, 2 fleurs-de-lys Sa. (B:
Ardanroe - Aug 95)
Gu, on a fess Arg betw 4 recorders, 3 & one, Or, a kris reversed Sa.
(D: Sean Angus MacDuinnchinn - Jul 91)
Gu, on a fess Arg betw 3 increscents Or, a catamount passant Sa.
(D: Aislinn ni Chearbhaill - Jan 98)
Gu, on a fess Arg 3 mallets palewise Gu, a bord Arg. (B: Cadell
Blaidd Du - Feb 05)
Gu, on a fess betw a cinquefoil & a fleur-de-lys Arg 2 cinquefoils
Gu. (D: Odillia Marguerite du Parc - Nov 03)
Gu, on a fess betw 3 candles Arg flammant proper the Hebrew word
"chai" Az. (D: Miriam bat Shimeon - Jun 96)
Gu, on a fess betw 2 lozenges Arg an Arabic penbox Sa. (B: edn
mac Suibne - Oct 03)
Gu, on a fess betw 2 quills fesswise with points to sin Arg, a shoe
Gu. (D: Seaxburh Blaeceage Aldhemesdottir - Sep 83)
Gu, on a fess cotised Arg a willow Gu. (D: Yang Liu - Dec 00)
Gu semy of flames, on a fess Arg a salamander passant contourny
Sa enflamed proper. (D: Sean Dryw - Oct 03)
Lozengy Arg & Az, on a fess Arg fimbriated Sa a cross crosslet
fitchy betw 2 oak leaves Az. (D: lfr Ljtarson af y Apr 02)
Per fess Az & Purp, on a fess flory counter-flory Arg a lozenge Vt.
(D: Elaine of Elswicke - Apr 93)
Per fess Az & Sa, on a fess Arg, a Viking longship Sa. (D: Eirik
Grlokkr - Mar 93)
Per fess Az & Sa, on a fess betw 2 wolves heads couped Arg a
torch palewise Sa enflamed proper. (D: Rodrigo Hernandez
de Toledo - Dec 97)
Per fess Az & Vt, on a fess Arg a conical hat Sa. (B: Lesotho Mar 07) (important non-SCA armory)
Per fess Az & Vt, on a fess Arg betw 2 single-arched bridges Arg
masoned Sa & a badge ramp Arg marked Sa, a laurel wreath
Vt.. (D: Skerjastrond - Sep 07) (? typo for badger)
Per fess Az & Vt, on a fess Arg 3 hunting horns Sa a canton Or. (D:
Rolland of Hunters Home - Sep 01)

[Fess - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent] to [Fess - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Azure]

Fess - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent (continued)

Per fess Gu & Az, on a fess Arg a mullet irradiated straight Or

within a wreath Vt within the words REPUBLICA DEL
PARAGUAY in annulo Sa within an annulet Az within an
annulet Gu. (B: Paraguay - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA
Per fess Gu & Sa, on a fess Arg an eagle disp contourny Or. (B:
Egypt - Dec 94) (The eagle is highly stylized, and some of the
argent shows through; its tail is surmounted by a pair of laurel
sprigs in chevron inverted, and it holds in both claws a white
scroll bearing Arabic writing in gold.)(Important non-SCA
Per fess Gu & Sa, on a fess Arg betw 3 mullets in fess the words
Allahu akbar in Arabic Vt. (B: Iraq - Sep 95) (Important
non-SCA flag)
Per fess Gu & Sa, on a fess Arg 2 mullets Vt. (B: Syria - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Gu & Sa, on a fess betw 2 alligators statant Arg an alligator
statant Sa. (D: Georg von Staufenberg - Sep 04)
Per fess Gu & Sa, on a fess betw 2 flanged maces fesswise Arg,
another Gu. (D: Percival Beaumont - Jul 93)
Per fess Gu & Vt, on a fess Arg a crown & to chf an arc of seven
mullets all in annulo Or. (B: Tajikistan - Sep 95) (Important
non-SCA flag)
Per fess Purp & Vt, on a fess betw a greyhound courant & a cat
sejant Arg a popinjay proper. (D: Elspeth of Foxden - Jan 02)
Per fess Sa & Az, on a fess Arg a heart Gu & in base an arm
fesswise embowed vested Or. (D: Anne Gyldensleve Mar 06)
Per fess Sa & Gu, on a fess Arg betw a 2-headed demi-eagle disp
issuant from the fess & a tower, both Or, 3 anchors Gu. (D:
Kathleen ODubhghaill - Jul 85)
Per fess Sa & Vt, on a fess Arg 3 ravens contourny regardant each
perched atop a branch Sa & in base a laurel wreath Arg. (D:
Ravenwood - Oct 04)
Per fess tenn & Vt, on a fess Arg a roundel tenn. (B: Niger Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess tenn & Vt, on a fess Arg a wheel of Asoka Az. (B: India Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Vt & fusilly Vt & Arg, on a fess Arg 3 roses Gu, barbed &
seeded proper, & in chf 2 cockatrices passant addorsed, tails
entwined Arg. (D: Anne Embrey - Mar 84)
Per fess Vt & Gu, on a fess Arg, on an escutcheon betw in chf six
mullets of six points in arch Or & in base a ribbon Arg
delineated & charged with the words UNIDAD PAZ
JUSTICIA Sa a tree couped proper & overall a dexter tierce
triangular Az. (B: Equatorial Guinea - Sep 95) (Important
non-SCA flag)
Per fess Vt & Gu, on a fess fimbriated with the Arabic words
ALLAHU AKBAR twenty-2 times in Kufic script Arg a sheaf
of a decrescent, a sword blade, & an increscent crossed at the
base betw in fess a decrescent & an increscent & in chf a
tashdid Gu. (B: Iran - Sep 95) (A tashdid is essentially a
"w", made from two crescents conjoined in fess.)(Important
non-SCA flag)
Per pale Gu & Sa, on a fess Arg 3 Maltese crosses Sa. (D: Malachy
Thorrson - Nov 06)
Per salt Az & Arg, on a fess Arg a trident Gu within a laurel wreath
Sa. (D: Teufelberg - Oct 81)
Purp, a fess Arg, six trefoils ctrch. (D: Phillip Sprague - Aug 79)
Purp, on a fess Arg 3 decrescents Vt. (D: Lochlain Mac
Donnabhin - Feb 94)
Purp, on a fess betw 2 mullets Arg a crocodile tergiant fesswise
contourny Vt. (D: Shajar al-Rakkasa - Nov 01)
Purp, on a fess cotised Arg a cup betw 2 hawks bells Purp. (D:
Kisaiya Zingara - Mar 02)
Purp, on a fess cotised Arg betw 3 church bells Or 3 Lacy knots Az.
(D: Kateryn Arabella of Inverness - Sep 02)
Sa, a fess Arg fretty Az betw 3 swans naiant Arg. (D: Ceinwen
ferch Rhuel - May 99)
Sa ermined Or, on a fess Arg a ram charging Gu. (D: Daniel of the
Downs - Dec 71)
Sa honeycombed Or, on a fess Arg, 3 golpes. (D: Marcus the
Vintner - Sep 88)
Sa, on a fess Arg a dragon statant Sa & in dexter chf an estoile of
seven rays Arg. (D: Charles of Caernarvon - Oct 91)

Fess - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Argent (continued)

Sa, on a fess Arg a wolf courant Sa, in base a compass star Arg. (D:
Eirik Svartulf - Oct 92)
Sa, on a fess Arg an Arabic pen-box Az. (D: Tahira of Carolingia Jun 00)
Sa, on a fess Arg betw six swords inv 4 & 2, a lion dormant Az. (D:
Crispin dArdenne - Sep 97)
Sa, on a fess Arg betw 3 compass stars Or a dragonfly Sa. (B:
Edana of the Vineyards - Sep 94)
Sa, on a fess Arg betw 3 crescents Or a simurgh close Gu. (D:
Jannat Raushana al-Rumiya - Jan 95)
Sa, on a fess Arg 3 swans rousant Sa. (D: Roswitha of Suanesfeld Sep 00)
Sa, on a fess betw a Latin cross & a wolfs head erased ululant
contourny Arg a mullet Gu. (D: Katherine Anne of County
Cork - Sep 95)
Sa, on a fess betw 4 roses Arg, 3 & one, barbed Vt, seeded Gu, a
brock statant to sin Sa. (D: Llewellyn Judde of the Marches Jul 90)
Sa, on a fess betw 3 estoiles Arg, an estoile Sa. (D: Conn Catha an
Dna - May 06)
Sa, on a fess betw 2 phoenixes Arg, a phoenix Sa. (B: Cyriac
Grymsdale - Oct 02)
Sa, on a fess betw 2 shamshirs fesswise reversed & inv Arg, a third
Sa. (B: Brendan mac Artuir - Nov 93)
Sa, on a fess cotised Arg 3 mascles Sa all within a bord Arg. (D:
Yoshitomi Toshio - Sep 03)
Sa, on a fess cotised Arg 3 mullets of eight points Az. (D: Enna
van Leuven - Apr 02)
Vt, on a bar betw a horse salient & 3 decrescents Arg five almonds
proper. (D: Charlene Chakaydia - Aug 79?)
Vt, on a fess Arg 2 billets Sa, a base rayonny Arg. (D: Mchl mac
Donnchaid - Nov 02)
Vt, on a fess Arg 2 saltorels throughout, each surmounted with a
Celtic cross, all Sa. (D: Johanna Dudley - Aug 79)
Vt, on a fess betw a shamshir fesswise reversed, blade to base, & a
cup throughout Arg charged with 2 more, an Arabic penbox
Vt. (B: Daud ibn Auda - Nov 93)
Vt, on a fess betw a sunburst & a sunburst inv Arg, 2 hummingbirds
rising to sin wings addorsed Az. (D: Sukayna bint Salim Jan 03)
Vt, on a fess betw six mascles fesswise Arg, 3 mullets Sa. (D:
Mire inghean Dhnchin mhic Oisdealbhaigh - Jun 98)
Vt, on a fess betw 3 broad arrowheads inv Arg a lion statant
contourny Sa. (D: Taliesin of Archenfield - Oct 91)
Vt, on a fess betw 3 roundels Arg, a turtle statant contourny Az. (D:
Bebhinn inghean Dhuibh - Feb 00)
Vt, on a fess betw 3 towers Arg a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Castlemere
- Feb 83)
Vt, on a fess betw 3 trees Arg, a fox passant Gu. (D: Alys of
Foxdale - Jul 92)
Vt, on a fess betw 2 lyres Arg, a lion of Saint Mark passant
guardant Gu. (D: Marcello Antonio Cattarossi da San Marco Sep 98)
Vt, on a fess cotised Arg a greyhound courant Sa. (D: John the
Brittle - Feb 03)
Vt semy of comets, on a fess Arg a closed book Vt. (D: Eva Goch Jun 01)
* * * End * * *

Fess - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Azure

See also: Field division - Barry

Arg, a fess Az fretty Arg betw a raven close Az & a weavers
shuttle fesswise proper, threaded Gu. (D: Ulrich der Blaurabe
- Aug 84)
Arg goutty, on a fess Az a bridge of 2 spans Arg. (D: Aidan
Ransford - Sep 04)
Arg, on a fess Az a lion passant Or all within a bord Az. (D:
Richard of Durnford - Sep 02)
Arg, on a fess Az betw a bridge & a seal couchant reguardant Sa 3
grenades Arg. (D: Firmin Sewell - Apr 96)
Arg, on a fess Az betw a fox passant & a rapier Gu a mullet Arg.
(D: William Makwillie - Apr 05)
Arg, on a fess Az betw a single-arched bridge & a seal couchant
reguardant Sa 3 grenades Arg. (D: Firmin Sewell - Sep 07)
Arg, on a fess Az betw 4 towers Sa, 3 & one, a lymphad Arg. (D:
Marco Andrea Vendramin Veneziano - Feb 92)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 633

[Fess - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Azure] to [Fess - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Gules]

Fess - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Azure (continued)

Arg, on a fess Az betw 3 cinquefoils pierced Gu, a griffin statant

Arg. (D: Beautrice Hammeltoune - Jun 98)
Arg, on a fess Az betw 3 dumbeks Purp a lit Arabian lamp Or. (D:
Johannes of Artemisia - Nov 99)
Arg, on a fess Az betw 3 martlets, close & sin facing Gu, a dragon
passant Or. (D: Martin Dragonette - May 89)
Arg, on a fess Az betw 3 mullets & a mountain Sa, a winged boar
courant Arg. (D: Sanchia the Sly - Jun 91)
Arg, on a fess betw a wolfs head erased & another erased, reversed
& inv Az, a snowflake Arg. (D: Donal Winterwolf - Aug 85)
Arg, on a fess betw 3 hunting horns reversed Az stringed & banded
Gu, a palm tree couped Arg. (D: Baldred Elphinstone of
Torwood - May 92)
Arg, on a fess betw 3 roses Az, barbed & seeded proper, a dog
couchant gardant Arg spotted Sa. (D: Theresa Martil Nov 04)
Arg, on a fess betw 2 arrows fesswise reversed Az, a Wake knot
Arg. (D: Arianwen Megan McBride of Arainn - Feb 92)
Arg, on a fess cotised Purp a sin cubit arm fesswise contourny Arg
maintaining an apple Gu slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Wernherus
Rudemann - Feb 07)
Arg semy of hurts, on a fess Az betw 2 swords fesswise Sa an eagle
disp Arg. (D: Christoffer Jager der Adler - Jul 01)
Bendy paly barry bendy sin Arg & Az, on a fess Az goutty deau a
sword reversed Arg. (D: Daniel the Defender of Silvertere Aug 79?)
Checky Sa & Arg, on a fess Az a lyre Arg. (D: Demetria degli
Stasi - Aug 99)
Gu, on a fess Az a plate. (B: Laos - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA
Or, a sword inv Gu surmounted by a bar enarched Az charged with
2 mullets Arg, in base 2 Oriental poppies, their stems entwined
about the swords point, Gu, seeded Sa, slipped & singly
leaved Vt. (D: Sara Celeste - Jul 80)
Or mulletty, on a fess Az a roundel betw an increscent & a
decrescent Or. (D: Aine OMurghesan - Nov 98)
Or, on a fess Az an arrow reversed Or, overall a Madonna lily
stalked & leaved proper. (D: Susana of Dunstan - Feb 82)
(The arrow points to dexter.)
Or, on a fess Az betw 3 roses Gu a boars head erased Or, orbed &
langued Gu. (D: Raedwald of Boarhunt - Aug 79?)
Or, on a fess Az betw 2 wolves passant counter-passant Gu 3
fireballs Or. (B: Atenveldt, Kingdom of - May 08)
Or, on a fess betw 3 tygers heads erased Az, an open book Or. (B:
East, the - Jul 88) (For University of the East Kingdom)
Or, on a fess betw 2 lions statant Az a closed scroll Or. (D: Miguel
de Majorca - Oct 99)
Or, on a fess betw 2 sexfoils Az, a chalice Or. (D: Zubaydah bint
Ghazi al-Qasim - Jun 98)
Or scaly Sa, on a fess Az a catfish Or. (B: Jararvellir - Jul 92)
(For the Order of the Golden Scales)
Per fess Or & Gu on a fess Az an arch of seven mullets Arg. (B:
Venezuela - Nov 99) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Or & Gu, on a fess Az an arch of seven mullets Arg & in
canton the state arms (An escutcheon per fess enarched, per
pale Gu & Or & Az, a garb Or, a sheaf of weapons proper
surmounted by 2 banners in salt per fess Or & Gu, a fess Az, &
a horse courant regardant contourny Arg; the escutcheon
ensigned with 2 cornucopias in salt Arg & environed of a
wreath Vt bound with a ribbon per fess Or & Gu, a fess Az
charged with the words 19 DE ABRIL DE 1810;
Or). (B: Venezuela - Jul 06) (Important non-SCA flag)
Sa, on a fess Az, fimbriated, betw a sheathed shamshir fesswise inv
& a crescent Arg, a Saracenic pen-box Or. (D: Mansur alSuuban ibn Mudarris - Nov 82)
Sa, on a fess Az fimbriated betw 3 dolmens a dragon passant Arg.
(D: Corwin MacCamie - Sep 02)
Vair, upon a fess Az, a 2-handled curriers knife Arg. (D: Jeremea
Gerber - Mar 88)
* * * End * * *

634 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Fess - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Fur

See also: Field division - Barry

Gu, on a fess ermine 3 compass roses Gu. (D: William Addemere Jun 00)
* * * End * * *

Fess - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Gules

See also: Field division - Barry

Arg ermined Az, on a fess betw 3 wolves passant Gu, an arrow Arg.
(D: Cillian MacClure - Apr 98)
Arg, on a fess betw 3 eagles jambes erased a la quise Gu a boars
head couped close Arg. (D: Dag of the Bridge - Feb 05)
Arg, on a fess betw 2 lightning bolts fesswise Gu a compass star
Arg. (D: James of Wintermist - Sep 98)
Arg, on a fess betw 2 oak leaves fesswise, the lower reversed, Gu, a
plate. (D: Bethoc the Unhomed - Feb 85)
Arg on a fess Gu betw a base & a chf Az a cartouche Arg charged
with an escutcheon of the state arms of COSTA RICA (Per
fess the sky & the sea proper, rising from an island fesswise
throughout Vt 3 volcanos in fess proper betw in chf an arch of
seven mullets Arg & in base a square-rigged ship, on the
horizon betw the dexter & central volcano a like ship proper &
to dexter a demi-sun issuant from the line of division Or). (B:
Costa Rica - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Arg, on a fess Gu betw a cat passant guardant contourny & a cat
passant guardant Sa a needle fesswise Arg threaded Sa. (D:
Genevieve Darroch - Dec 03)
Arg, on a fess Gu betw a falcon disp & a cup Sa, 3 sexfoils pierced
Arg. (D: Bahiyyah bint Suhayl - Jun 99)
Arg, on a fess Gu betw 4 mullets of six points 2 & 2 Az, another
Arg. (D: Leif Storbocki - Jul 85)
Arg, on a fess Gu betw 3 brown bears ramp proper a sin hand
apaumy Arg. (D: Sergei Stepanovich Bezrukev - Sep 99)
Arg, on a fess Gu betw 3 bunches of grapes Purp slipped Vt 3
fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Victoria Anthoinette Sauvignon Dec 03)
Arg, on a fess Gu betw 3 trees Vt 3 cranes in their vigilance Or. (D:
William Crane le Forestier - Aug 02)
Arg, on a fess Gu betw 2 ravens volant, wings addorsed, Sa, 2
mallets palewise Arg. (D: Thjodulf Grimsson - Jan 89)
Arg, on a fess Gu 2 boars heads erased Arg, overall a boars head
erased Sa. (D: Roget du Callet - Aug 86)
Az, a fasces Or bound & the axe Arg overall on a fess Gu 3 mullets
Or. (D: Jules Mazarin, Cardinal - Dec 94) (Important nonSCA arms)
Az, on a fess Gu fimbriated a roundel Arg charged with a mullet
throughout Gu. (B: Korea, North - Sep 95) (Important nonSCA flag)
Az, on a fess Gu fimbriated, in pale 2 spears fesswise reversed & a
staff fesswise Or surmounted by an oval shield fesswise per
pale wavy Sa & Arg charged with 2 rows of billets ctrch
surmounted in dexter chf by a feather tassle inv & pendant
from each end of the staff a feather tassle inv Az. (B:
Swaziland - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Az, on a fess Gu the temple of Angkor Wat Arg. (B: Cambodia Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Checky Gu & Or, on a fess Gu a lion dormant Arg. (D: Bertana of
Cissanbyrig - Sep 04)
Ermine, on a fess Gu a lion passant guardant Or. (D: Randall of
Hightower - Jan 73?)
Gu, 2 elephants statant respectant, trunks elevated & crossed in salt,
on a chf Arg 3 roses Gu seeded Arg barbed Vt & on a base Arg
a rose Gu seeded Arg barbed Vt. (D: Nadrah al-Zarqa May 04)
Lozengy Arg & Sa, on a fess Gu five lozenges Or. (D: Ynes Garcia
- Feb 07)
Or fretty Az, on a fess Gu 3 bezants. (D: Tola kntir - Sep 06)
Or, on a fess betw a lion ramp & in salt 2 thistles Gu a horse passant
to sin Arg, crined Or. (D: Marcail Steuert - May 82)
Or, on a fess betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Gu a falcon Or. (D: Alyenora
Brodier - Jul 06)
Or, on a fess Gu betw 3 bears heads caboshed Sa 3 Thors
hammers Or. (D: Thorbjorn Bjarnarson - Jul 01)
Or, on a fess Gu betw 3 swords palewise Sa, 3 hearts Or. (D:
Tristan of Lancaster - Nov 88)

[Fess - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Gules] to [Fess - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Or]

Fess - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Gules (continued)

Per fess Arg & Sa, on a fess Gu a lion couchant, in base a

decrescent Arg. (D: Aziza al-Labua bint Ibrahim ibn Rashid
al-Rahhala - Feb 07)
Per fess Arg & Sa, on a fess Gu a scimitar blade to chf & in base a
snake involved Arg. (D: Chaninai al-Zarqa bint Ibrahim ibn
Rashid - Aug 02)
Per fess Arg & Sa, on a fess Gu betw an eagle disp Sa & a castle
Arg, a hawks bell with jesses Or. (D: Wilhelm von Freiburg Jun 84)
Per fess Az & Vt, on a fess Gu a mullet of eight points betw the
horns of a decrescent Arg. (B: Azerbaijan - Dec 94)
(?)(Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Or & chequy Sa & Or, on a fess rayonny Gu, a lion passant
coward Or. (D: Aislinn di Tanaleone - Aug 88)
Sa, on a fess Gu fimbriated a wyvern statant Arg. (D: Seamus of
Vulpine Reach - Apr 06)
Sa, on a fess Gu fimbriated betw 4 bars humetty a roundel betw 2
ravens respectant Or. (D: Helgi hrafnfir - Feb 04)
Sa, on a fess Gu fimbriated betw 4 lozenges ploy, 3 & one, 2
lozenges ploy Or. (D: Miguel Antonio Fernandez de Chaves
- Mar 08)
Sa, on a fess Gu fimbriated betw 3 fleurs-de-lys a lion passant
guardant Arg. (D: Connor Sinclair - Jan 03)
Vt, on a fess Gu fimbriated Arg a mullet Or. (B: Suriname Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
* * * End * * *

Fess - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Multicolor

See also: Field division - Barry

Per fess Vt & Or, on a fess in pale a dragon passant & a dragon
passant to sin, all ctrch. (D: Barddn Baird MacRiordan Aug 88)
Per pale Arg & Az, on a fess betw 3 annulets, 3 crosses crosslet, all
ctrch. (D: Maliusha Sepukhovicha - Jul 00)
Per pale Arg & Vt, on a fess ctrch a rat statant contourn panniered,
gorged, & being led on a chain, by a frog statant contourn, all
ctrch. (D: Ancilla the Packrat - Apr 81)
Per pale Az & Arg, on a fess betw 4 mullets, 2 & 2, 3 mullets, all
ctrch. (B: Michael Kennethson - Apr 88)
Per pale Gu & Arg, on a fess 4 crosses couped all ctrch, overall a
goblet Or. (B: Alfonso Chavez de Gascogne - Feb 86)
Per pale Or & Purp, on a fess 2 fleurs-de-lys, all ctrch. (D: SkaldBragi Bragason - Nov 83)
Per pale Sa & erminois, on a fess ctrch a unicorn Arg & a dragon
Vt, bellied & winged Gu, combattant. (D: Krisztina
Holgyasszony - Dec 87)
* * * End * * *

Fess - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Or

See also: Field division - Barry

Arg, on a fess Or fimbriated a mullet of five greater & five lesser
points Sa. (B: Ansteorra - May 80) (For the Order of the
Star of Merit of Ansteorra)
Az, a wolf sejant Arg overall on a fess Or 3 ravens Sa. (D:
Kristiane de Chanc - Aug 03)
Az crusilly moline, on a fess Or 3 annulets Az. (D: lfwyn t
Gyrwum - May 00)
Az, on a fess betw a harp & a harp reversed Or a shamrock fesswise
Vt. (B: Brian hUilliam - Jan 08)
Az, on a fess betw 4 crosses paty, 3 & one, Or, 2 more Az. (D:
Katrina Krger von Brandenburg - Jan 86)
Az, on a fess betw 3 Celtic crosses Or, a castle Az. (D: Owain ap
Rhys - Sep 96)
Az, on a fess betw 3 crescents Or, 3 martlets Az. (D: Nyilas
Tiborch - Jun 04)
Az, on a fess betw 3 laurel wreaths Or, a lymphad Az. (D: Ynys
Fawr - Nov 89)
Az, on a fess betw 2 catfish counter-naiant Or a laurel wreath Vt.
(D: Jararvellir - Nov 81)
Az, on a fess betw 2 catfish counternaiant Or a laurel wreath Vt, as
an augmentation on a canton Arg a pale Gu overall a dragon
passant Vt. (Augmentation of Arms: Jararvellir - Feb 95)
Az, on a fess Or a fox courant to sin Az. (D: Nyven Fiak - Sep 04)
Az, on a fess Or a standing balance Sa, in chf 3 mullets Arg. (D:
Zoltan Pokany Evo of Pescht - Jan 07)

Fess - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Or (continued)

Az, on a fess Or betw 3 Celtic crosses Arg, a trefoil fesswise Vt.

(D: Brian hUilliam - Jan 08)
Az, on a fess Or betw 3 foxes ramp to sin Arg a strung longbow Sa.
(D: Renard de lArc - Sep 85)
Az, on a fess Or betw 2 bees proper 2 mullets of eight points Az.
(D: Jullienne of Caldrithig - Mar 05)
Az, on a fess Or betw 2 broad axes fesswise blades to base Arg, a
boars head erased close Sa. (D: Thorvald Halfdanarson Aug 84)
Az semy of wolfs pawprints Arg, on a fess Or an arrow reversed
proper, flighted Vt. (B: Allen of Wolfhou - Oct 06) (JB:
Blitha of Wolfhou)
Az, upon a fess cotised Or a tilting spear, point to sin, Vt. (D:
Walter of the Watch - Jul 74?)
Counter-ermine, on a fess betw 3 eagles heads couped Or, a wolf
courant contourny counter-ermine. (D: Johann Wolf Blut Jan 93)
Gu, fretty, on a fess Or a lymphad Gu. (D: Lyelf the Lame Nov 91)
Gu, on a fess betw a galley reversed Or & a sword inv proper, 3
pellets. (D: Michaelis Aurelius - Jul 96)
Gu, on a fess betw in chf the phrase "there is no strength & power
but that of the Almighty & the All-powerful" in Arabic Kufic
script, & in base 3 fleams Or, a domed mosque of one minaret
betw a pair of drinking horns Gu. (D: Ali al Ahmed Abdullah Jan 02)
Gu, on a fess betw 3 lions heads cabossed Or an iguana statant Vt.
(D: Heinrich Alaric Friedrich von Kreissmann - Nov 80)
Gu, on a fess betw 2 open books & a harp Or, 3 equal armed Celtic
crosses Sa. (D: Dafydd ap Rhys - Dec 86)
Gu, on a fess double-cotised Or, 3 clarions Sa. (D: Romuald le
Petit - Jan 73?)
Gu, on a fess Or, a Saracenic pen box Gu & in base a pair of
drinking horns Or. (D: Baybars ibn Abdallah al-Qasimi Mar 98)
Per fess Az & Gu, on a fess betw 3 dolphins Or an arrow Az. (D:
Simon Fisc - Nov 04)
Per fess Az & Or, on a fess betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Or & a sprig of 3
maple leaves slipped Vt a lion passant guardant Or. (D:
Quebec - Jan 98) (Important non-SCA arms)
Per fess Az & Sa, on a fess Or a bridge double-arched & towered
Sa. (D: Robin of Mightrinwood - Jan 81)
Per fess Gu & Vt, on a fess Or a mullet Sa. (B: Ghana - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Per fess Gu & Vt, on a fess Or an achievement of BOLIVIA (2
rifles bayonets fixed crossed in salt by 2 more proper
surmounted by a sheaf of six banners per fess Gu & Vt, a fess
Or, surmounted by 2 cannon barrels in salt proper, surmounted
by a cartouche charged with a landscape proper within a bord
per chev Or & Az mullety Or charged in chf with the word
BOLIVIA Gu). (B: Bolivia - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA
Per fess Purp & Gu, on a fess Or betw 3 crosses couped Arg & a
bee Or a heart Gu. (D: Beatrix de Montecassino - Sep 02)
Per fess Vt & Purp, on a fess betw 2 keys fesswise Or, 2 scorpions
tergiant addorsed tails entwined Sa. (D: Battista de Lagos Mar 00)
Purp, on a fess Or a black panther couchant coward proper. (D:
Melinda of Voranthl - Apr 81)
Quarterly Gu & Az, on a fess Or 3 bees Sa. (D: Fineamhain an
Einigh inghean ui Chonchobhair - Jun 05)
Quarterly Gu & Sa, on a fess Or a griffin dormant Gu. (B: Cathal
MacEdan na Faeled - Nov 86)
Sa crescenty, on a fess Or 3 crescents Sa. (D: Dharr ibn Abu alNasir al-Mawsili - Jul 04)
Sa, on a fess betw a dragon passant & a unicorn ramp Or, a salt
swallowtailed Gu. (D: Nikolai Grigorovich Nabokov Jun 92)
Sa, on a fess cotised Or a lozenge Sa. (B: Black Diamond Aug 81)
Sa, on a fess Or, a serpent nowed Gu, in chf 3 decrescents Arg. (D:
Isolda de Chasteaulin - Feb 88)
Sa, on a fess Or a wolf statant Gu. (B: Caressa de Marchena Dec 99)
Sa semy of Catherines wheels, on a fess Or a winged lion passant
Gu. (D: Katherine Aylwyn de Chaliers - Mar 99)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 635

[Fess - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Or] to [Fess - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Vert]

Fess - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Or (continued)

Vt, on a fess betw six compass stars 3 & 3 Or, a brown bear ramp
proper. (D: Tmhus mac Aonghuis - Oct 98)
Vt, on a fess betw 3 crescents Or, a lion passant guardant contourny
Az. (D: Luigsech n Ifearnin - Oct 93)
Vt, on a fess betw 3 eagles heads erased contourny Or, 3 fleurs-delys Sa. (D: Cowan MacConaill - Apr 94)
Vt, on a fess betw 3 lyres Or, a dragon passant Vt, breathing flames
Gu. (D: Dafydd Llantrisant - Feb 97)
Vt, on a fess betw 3 thistles Or, a griffin statant Sa. (D: Caithlin de
Corwyn - Jan 84)
Vt, on a fess betw 2 catamounts sejant erect gardant Or as many Gu.
(D: Fritha of Caer Bannog - Jan 80)
Vt, on a fess betw 2 pairs of rapiers in salt Or a domestic cat
couchant Sa. (D: Caitrina Gordon - May 03)
Vt, on a fess betw 2 wolves statant Or a wolf statant to sin Sa. (D:
Ciaran MacDarragh - Sep 90)
Vt, on a fess cotised betw 2 cats couchant Or a cat couchant Sa. (D:
Moira Dickson - Mar 04)
Vt, on a fess Or betw an oak leaf fesswise & a round buckle Arg, 3
acorns proper. (D: Grace Childes - Mar 98)
Vt, on a fess Or surmounted by a dexter tierce triangular Gu 2
mullets Sa. (B: So Tom and Prncipe - Sep 95) (Important
non-SCA flag)
Vt, on a fess Or 3 lozenges above 2 hearts Gu. (D: Lynnor of the
Bridge - Jan 73?)
* * * End * * *

Fess - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Purpure

See also: Field division - Barry

Arg, on a fess Purp betw 3 dragons heads erased Az, 3 cinquefoils
Arg. (D: Branwen ferch Rhael - Oct 97)
Arg, on a fess Purp 3 billets Arg. (D: Elizabeth Hansdaatter Jan 04)
Arg semy of triple-towered castles Vt, on a fess Purp a lion passant
Arg.. (D: Aleanore of Conwy - Dec 04)
Checky Or & Gu, on a fess Purp a cross fleury betw a pair of
drinking horns Or. (D: Hamdun al-Rashid the Toe - Jan 07)
Ermine, on a fess betw 3 roses Purp a cubit arm fesswise contourny
Arg maintaining an apple Gu slipped & leaved Vt. (B:
Wernherus Rudemann - Feb 07)
Or, on a fess betw 3 Maltese crosses Purp a fox courant Or. (D:
Juliana Foxcroft - Sep 02)
Or, on a fess betw 2 roundels Purp, 3 bezants. (D: Stephen de
Raymond - May 88)
Or, on a fess Purp betw 4 rosebuds Gu, slipped & leaved Vt, 3 &
one, a unicorn couchant regardant Arg & crined Or. (D:
Sorren of Misham - Mar 82)
Plumetty Arg & Sa, on a fess Purp a brock statant Arg. (D: Duncan
Brock of Greyfeather - Apr 86)
* * * End * * *

Fess - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Sable

See also: Field division - Barry

Arg, a bend sin cotised in base Gu, overall in chf a barrulet
embowed Sa charged with five mullets of six points Arg. (D:
Acelin de Renard - Aug 78?)
Arg, on a fess betw a castle Sa & a bristlecone pine tree proper, 3
coneys couchant to sin Arg. (D: Eveleen the Unnoticed Mar 81)
Arg, on a fess betw a dragon couchant reguardant Sa & a sword Gu,
a unicorn passant Arg. (D: Morgan MacNeil of Clan Fergus Aug 82)
Arg, on a fess betw 2 domestic cats sejant & another couchant Sa, 3
fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Gavin of Brockton - Dec 07)
Arg, on a fess betw 2 horses courant to sin Sa, a horse courant to sin
Arg, overall a bord ctrch. (D: Morgan the Wanderer Sep 89)
Arg, on a fess betw 2 swords fesswise Sa, a dragon passant Arg. (D:
Peregrine Mac Leod - Jul 92)
Arg, on a fess cotised betw the Arabic script "al-mulk" & "lillah"
Sa, the Arabic script "abd-al-Malik Husam ibn Khalid" Arg.
(D: al-Haadi abd-al-Malik Husam ibn Khalid - Apr 93)
Arg, on a fess cotised embat on the outer edges betw 3 leopards
faces Sa 3 crescents Arg. (D: Avery Westfall - Mar 01)
Arg, on a fess cotised Sa, 3 plates. (D: Bedwyr Danwyn - May 97)

636 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Fess - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Sable (continued)

Arg, on a fess Sa, a crown of 3 points betw 2 mullets Arg. (B:

Meridies - Oct 99) (Flag)
Arg, on a fess Sa betw a Bengal tiger passant proper & a bell Or,
fimbriated Sa, an arrow reversed Or. (D: Roxane of Barnby
Moor - Oct 81)
Arg, on a fess Sa betw 3 cinquefoils Az pierced Or a horse courant
Arg. (D: Collette de Harecourt - Oct 02)
Arg, on a fess Sa betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Gu a bottlenosed dolphin
Arg. (D: Elionor de Calais - Jan 02)
Arg, on a fess Sa betw 3 leopards faces caboshed Gu, 3 trefoils
slipped Or. (D: Brandub Mag Oireachtaigh - Aug 98)
Arg, on a fess Sa betw 2 laurel wreaths Gu 3 chevronels braced Or.
(D: Ce Mr - Apr 02)
Arg, on a pomme, a crescent inv Or above a rolled bookroll
fesswise proper; on a fillet Sa five plates. (D: Baelric from
Bernica - Aug 79)
Arg semy of hearts Gu, on a fess cotised Sa a capital letter M Arg.
(B: Madeleine Rose de Cardeville - Aug 05)
Checky Or & Arg, on a fess Sa a maunch Arg. (B: An Tir Sep 01)
Ermine, on a fess cotised Sa 2 crescents Arg. (D: Thomas Tanner
of Ely - Jan 03)
Erminois, on a fess cotised Sa 3 horses heads couped Or. (D:
Juliana de Beaujeu - Aug 02)
Erminois, on a fess Sa 3 edelweiss Arg within a bord Gu. (D: Karl
der Gnger - Feb 94)
Gu, on a fess Sa fimbriated betw 2 annulets, five mullets pierced
Or. (D: Matthew of Battle - May 06)
Gu, on a fess Sa fimbriated Or a bezant. (B: Arik Alton - Jun 83)
Or, a fess Sa semy of compass stars Or, betw 3 brown hawks rising,
wings disp & inv proper. (D: William Bray Slayforth Feb 97)
Or, on a fess betw five roses Sa a boar passant Or. (D: Parthalon
McKean the Bold - Jul 91)
Or, on a fess Sa betw 4 tassels Gu, a lute in profile reversed Or. (D:
Sunara al Badawiyya - Feb 98)
Or, on a fess Sa betw 3 pellets, a scorpion fesswise Or. (D: Khalid
ibn Haroun al-Aqrab - Apr 89)
Or, on a fess Sa five fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Ysabeau Angelline de
Challon - Feb 05)
Or semy of oak leaves Vt, on a fess Sa an owl Arg. (D: Vlaug
Mrkjartansdttir - Mar 05)
Per fess Az & Arg, on a fess Sa betw a tree couped & a griffin
segreant reguardant ctrch, 2 mullets of 4 points Arg. (D:
Arwyne of the Gilded Helm - Jul 74?)
Per fess Gu & Arg, on a fess Sa betw 3 roses Or seeded Gu, barbed
Sa & a pomegranate slipped & leaved Gu seeded a crocodile
statant Or. (D: Isabella of York - Oct 02)
Per fess Gu & Vt, on a fess Sa fimbriated the Arabic character siin
Arg. (D: Lorraine of South Downs - Oct 96)
Quarterly Arg & Gu, on a fess cotised Sa betw in bend 2 Maltese
crosses Gu 3 horses passant Arg. (D: Aylwin Watkyns Jul 02)
Vair, on a fess Sa 3 seeblatter Or. (D: Michel von Schnsee Feb 02)
Vt, on a fess Sa fimbriated betw a natural tiger passant guardant & a
harp 3 mullets of six points irradiated Or. (D: Brendan
OMoran - Feb 96)
Vt, on a fess Sa fimbriated betw an Irish Wolfhound couchant & a
Celtic cross, 3 mullets of six points irradiated Or. (D: Sen
Mrin - Nov 96)
* * * End * * *

Fess - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Vert

See also: Field division - Barry

(Fieldless) On a bar couped Vt a lions paw escallop Or. (B:
Lyondemere - Sep 01)
Arg, on a fess betw a chf indented & a base indented Vt a Maltese
spaniel passant guardant betw 2 estoiles Arg. (D: Maria
Catarina da Taranto - Jul 80)
Arg, on a fess betw 3 lyres Vt, a horse passant to sin Arg. (D:
Elspeth Turberville - May 92)
Arg, on a fess betw 3 martlets Vt an elephant statant Arg a bord Vt
estencely Arg. (D: Riona Gillian McAllister - Aug 97)
Arg, on a fess betw 3 trees Vt 3 mullets Arg all within a bord Sa.
(D: Ailleann inghean Roibeirt Fhrancaigh - Mar 02)

[Fess - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Vert] to [Fess - 1 - Charged - Complex line]

Fess - 1 - Charged - Plain line - Vert (continued)

Arg, on a fess betw 2 boars statant Vt, a boar statant Arg. (D:
Ainmere ua Glaiss - Dec 04)
Arg, on a fess betw 2 frets couped Vt a hind statant reguardant Arg.
(D: Maegwyn verch Bledyn - Feb 03)
Arg, on a fess betw 2 horses passant Vt a dragon passant Arg. (D:
Vaska of Westumbria - Apr 02)
Arg, on a fess humetty betw the Arabic words "al-izz wa al-baqa"
& "wa al-zafar bi-il-ada" Vt, a scimitar, blade to chf, Arg. (D:
Haroun ibn al Dhib al Abyadh - Jan 90)
Arg, on a fess Vt, a needle reversed Arg & in chf a crow Sa. (B:
Anne of Crowhurst - Mar 94)
Arg, on a fess Vt betw in chf a sword proper sheathed & hilted, & in
base on a cup throughout Az 2 cups Or, the Arabic words "almasira wa al-sarfiya" Arg. (D: Nasr ibn Isa - Apr 94)
Arg, on a fess Vt betw 3 dolphins naiant Purp a horse couchant Arg.
(D: Antonia da Troina - Nov 96)
Arg, on a fess Vt betw 3 oak leaves Sa, a unicorn couchant Arg. (D:
Eric de Northwode - Jan 90)
Arg, on a fess Vt betw 3 wolfs paw prints Sa, a wolf statant
guardant Arg. (D: Kendra Legh - May 98)
Arg, on a fess Vt cotised Sa a lute fesswise reversed edge on proper
& in base a boars head erased contourn Gu. (B: H. A. M. M.
S., Brotherhood of - Apr 81)
Counter-ermine, on a fess Vt fimbriated & cotised 2 martlets volant
respectant Or. (D: Siobhan nic Eoin - Oct 97)
Or, on a fess betw 3 shamrocks Vt, those in chf in chev inv, a
shamrock Or. (D: Zelma of Thistletor - Mar 03)
Or, on a fess betw 2 chevronels Vt, 3 lilies Arg. (D: Elizabeth de
Lisle - Feb 99)
Or, on a fess Vt a castle Or. (D: Juliana van Ardenburg - Oct 02)
Or, on a fess Vt betw 3 escallops inv Sa, a seahorse naiant to sin Or.
(D: Ebba la Rousse - Nov 86)
Or, on a fess Vt betw 3 hammers Sa a sword reversed Arg. (D:
Aldberct the Smith - Jan 94)
Or, on a fess Vt betw 3 oak leaves bendwise sin proper, an arrow
Or. (D: Gangenrath Woodwender of the North March Oct 76?)
Or, on a fess Vt betw 2 red foxes passant guardant each maintaining
in its dexter forepaw a holly leaf fructed proper, a fox passant
guardant maintaining in its dexter forepaw a holly leaf Or. (D:
tan Dhomhunullach - May 95)
Per bend Gu & Arg, on a fess Vt betw a marigold blossom Or & a
rose Gu, barbed & seeded proper, a unicorn couchant Arg. (D:
Constance Gervaise - Oct 79)
* * * End * * *

Fess - 1 - Charged - Complex line

See also: Field division - Barry

(Fieldless) On a bar fleury at the ends per fess Vt & Sa, 3 plumes
palewise Arg. (B: Brg ingen rennaigh - Nov 06) (JB:
Lucien de la Rochelle)
(Tinctureless) On a fess wavy betw in chf 2 straight trumpets in salt
& triskeles sans nombre a crown of 4 points. (Seal: Heralds
Seals: Triskele - Mar 03)
Arg, on a dance betw 2 broken dragons teeth Vt another Arg. (B:
Middle, the - Aug 91) (For Award of the Dragons Teeth)
Arg, on a dance Gu betw 3 wolves heads one & 2 Sa, 4 claymores
inv proper. (D: Ciar McRobbie - Feb 96)
Arg, on a fess embat betw 3 Maltese crosses Az a sword reversed
Arg. (D: Wilhelm von Ostenbrcke - Jan 04)
Arg, on a fess embat counter-embat betw an axe fesswise reversed
& an axe fesswise Vt a bird disp Arg. (D: Cian mac Con Ro Apr 02)
Arg, on a fess embat counter-embat Vt betw 2 sprigs of heather
bendwise sin fructed proper a cat sejant to sin Arg. (D:
Heather of Sutherland - Jun 83)
Arg, on a fess embat Vt betw 2 mullets Sa a greyhound courant
Arg. (D: Ursula Woodsholme - Sep 06)
Arg, on a fess engrailed on the upper edge Az 3 deaths heads Arg,
a bord Az. (D: Tristan le Sauvage - Aug 95)
Arg, on a fess engrailed to chf Sa, an eagle volant Arg, in chf a
torteau. (D: Taliesin David Concannon - Jun 91)
Arg, on a fess indented Gu a wolf ramp contourny betw the halves
of a broken chain issuant from the flanks Arg. (B: Gunnarr
skld orvaldsson - Jun 02)

Fess - 1 - Charged - Complex line (continued)

Arg, on a fess invected Az betw 2 trefoils slipped Vt, a rainbow Or.

(D: Johanna Wendover - Aug 86)
Arg, on a fess invected Vt betw 3 fireballs Sa, enflamed proper, a
dragon passant Or. (D: Trystan de Beaumaris - Nov 89)
Arg, on a fess rayonny Gu, 3 pitchers Or. (D: Alexander the Potter
- Jun 95)
Arg, on a fess wavy Az, a whelk pierced by an arrow fesswise point
to sin Arg. (B: Ladan of Seahaven - Mar 00)
Arg, on a fess wavy Az betw a label throughout dovetailed & a
triskele Az a crown of five points, each point tipped with a
mullet Arg. (D: Trimaris - Jul 04) (For the Prince)
Arg, on a fess wavy Az betw a pomme & a patience flower proper,
slipped Vt, a pike naiant Arg. (D: Gwendolyn Oftputupon Nov 77?)
Arg, on a fess wavy Az betw 2 pairs of swords inv in salt Sa, a
Bengal tigers head cabossed Or, marked Sa, betw 2 compass
stars Arg. (D: Wolfram van Westervelt - Jul 89)
Arg, on a fess wavy betw in pale 2 triskeles Az, a crown of five
points, each point ensigned of a mullet, betw in fess 2 roses
Arg, all betw five roses, 2, 2 & one, Az. (D: Trimaris, Queen
of - Jun 88)
Arg, on a fess wavy betw in pale 2 triskeles Az, a crown of five
points, each point ensigned of a mullet, betw in fess 2 roses
Arg, all betw five roses, 2, 2 & one, Az differenced by a label
throughout dovetailed Sa. (D: Trimaris - Dec 03) (For the
Princess of Trimaris)
Arg, on a fess wavy betw 3 natural dolphins Az a rose Or, barbed
Arg & seeded Az. (D: Susan of Dublin - Apr 98)
Arg, on a fess wavy betw 2 crosses flory Az a swan naiant Arg. (D:
Maria Elayne von Schwangau - Feb 80)
Arg, on a fess wavy betw 2 triskeles Az a crown of five points, each
point tipped with a mullet, Arg, betw overall a laurel wreath
ctrch. (D: Trimaris - Nov 82)
Arg, on a fess wavy betw 2 turtles tergiant & a laurel wreath Vt, a
snowflake Arg. (D: Mynydd Coron - Apr 87)
Arg, on a fess wavy Gu betw 3 Thors hammers Sa a shark naiant
Arg. (D: Thjothrekr Eiriksson - Jun 97)
Arg semy of acorns, on a fess engrailed Sa a decrescent Arg. (D:
Liesl Helmschmiedin - Aug 05)
Az, a crossbow Or, on a fess bretassy Arg, 3 estoiles Gu. (D:
Edward Ashwell of the Crossbow - Jan 90)
Az, a fess embat Or fretty Sa. (D: Caitlin de Courcy - Oct 92)
Az, on a fess embat betw 3 mullets of eight points Arg a badger
statant Az. (D: May Wynn - Mar 04)
Az, on a fess embat betw 3 mullets of 4 points Or, 3 hurts. (D:
Harold von Rheinfelden - Jan 87)
Az, on a fess embat counter-embat Arg, a castle Sa. (D: Ian
Grandchamp - Aug 98)
Az, on a fess embat-counterembattled betw 2 pairs of swords
crossed in salt & a mullet Arg, a barrulet Az. (D: Corwyn
ODomhnaill - Feb 88)
Az, on a fess engrailed Or betw 2 lions heads erased addorsed & an
acorn Arg, a bar Az. (D: Andrew Lyon of Wolvenwood Jun 85)
Az, on a fess invected Arg betw a lioness courant & a tower issuant
from base Or, a compass star elongated to base Gu. (D: Kiara
o Ddinas Emrys - Oct 92)
Az, on a fess invected betw 3 church bells Arg, a hare couchant to
sin Sa. (D: Aislinn Darkhair - Nov 89)
Az, on a fess invected in base Or, betw in chf a sun in splendour Or
betw 2 clouds, & in base a dolphin naiant Arg, 2 oak trees
couped proper. (D: Eric Earth-Friend - Oct 80)
Az, on a fess invected on the upper edge betw 2 mullets of eight
points & a sturgeon naiant Arg, a laurel wreath Vt. (D:
Frosted Hills - Feb 94)
Az on a fess invected Or 4 shamrocks Vt. (D: Anne of Ayr Jun 91)
Az, on a fess nebuly Arg a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Mists, Province of
the - Jan 73)
Az, on a fess nebuly betw an open book Arg, leathered Or, & a
serpent nowed erect Or 3 shamrocks Vt. (D: Catriona of
Rathcroghan - Nov 80)
Az, on a fess rayonny Arg a drakkar Sa sailed Gu. (D: Alfric
Rolfson - Feb 91)
Az, on a fess wavy Arg a bridge of 3 spans Sa, in chf 3 mullets of
eight points Or. (D: Anton von Strassburg - Sep 07)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 637

[Fess - 1 - Charged - Complex line]

Fess - 1 - Charged - Complex line (continued)

Az, on a fess wavy Arg, a sea serpent ondoyant-emergent Vt, in

base a church bell swinging to sin Arg. (D: Richaldo of
Tintinnabula - Aug 79?)
Az, on a fess wavy Arg a sun in his splendor Gu & in chf 3 mullets
Arg. (D: Alastar Oftegon - Oct 96)
Az, on a fess wavy Arg betw 3 dolphins haurient Or a rose Gu. (D:
Lyneue la Sawyere - Nov 01)
Az, on a fess wavy betw a compass & a sheaf of 3 arrows Or 3
trefoils Vt. (D: Colin Wynthorpe - May 85)
Az, on a fess wavy betw an increscent & a sin wing Arg a fess wavy
Sa, a bord Arg. (D: Elenore Spyrling - Sep 95)
Az, on a fess wavy Gu fimbriated Arg a marten courant proper, in
chf a mullet of six points Or. (D: Slavonia - Jan 00)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Ermine, on a fess bretessed Vt a lion dormant Arg. (D: Hans
Medebruwer - Dec 01)
Ermine, on a fess embat & counter-embat betw six fleurs-de-lys
Purp, a griffin passant queue-fourchy Arg. (D: Isolde of
Beaumaris - Jul 96)
Ermine, on a fess wavy Az a dolphin naiant Arg. (D: Robert
MacFlandry of Dundee - Aug 79)
Erminois, on a fess wavy Az betw 3 fish urinant Gu, 3 annulets Arg.
(D: Leonia of Midhurst - Jan 93)
Gu, a fess embat counter-embat ermine fretty Az betw 2 garbs & a
stag springing Or. (D: Monika Abendschoen - Nov 00)
Gu, a fess of 4 lozenges Arg, each charged with a cross couped Sa,
a chf embat Arg. (D: Ljubljana Kovaca - Dec 88)
Gu, on a fess dovetailed Or a broad axe reversed & inv Sa. (D:
Lodwig von Neusohl - Jan 05)
Gu, on a fess embat Arg betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Or an alligator statant
contourny Sa. (D: Morgan de Vanne - Jul 01)
Gu, on a fess fracted & enhanced in sin Or to sin a fox passant
reguardant Gu, overall a bordurelet ctrch. (D: Lasguaard
Aglanar, called Red Fox - Feb 80)
Gu, on a fess indented Arg a brown ferret passant proper. (D:
Nicholas Kenington - Sep 97)
Gu, on a fess indented to chf betw a mullet & a decrescent Arg, a
quill pen its nib to dexter Gu. (D: Vildan el-Taalebatun Sep 05)
Gu, on a fess invected Or, a rose Gu. (D: Elizabeth of Vakkerfjell Sep 87)
Gu, on a fess raguly Arg betw 3 annulets Or a chain throughout Sa.
(D: Wulfbrand Lurkr - Mar 84)
Gu, on a fess rayonny Arg betw 2 arrows fesswise reversed Or 3
roses proper. (D: Roise inghean ui Ruaidhri - Jul 02)
Gu, on a fess rayonny Arg 3 torteaux. (D: Arganhell merch Briauc
- Sep 05)
Gu, on a fess rayonny betw 3 hawks lures Or, a harpy disp Sa
fleshed proper. (D: Lucrezia Malatesta - Jan 94)
Gu, on a fess wavy betw a bear statant contourny & a mountain Arg
a laurel wreath Gu. (D: Caer Draeth - Aug 95)
Gu, on a fess wavy betw 2 geese, volant to sin, Arg, a bar wavy Az.
(D: Brian of Bowmans Rest - Dec 87)
Lozengy ermine & Az, on a fess nebuly Or, 3 estoiles Sa. (D: Alys
of the White Cliffs - Sep 86)
Or, a cross flory Sa & overall on a bend Gu another engrailed Or
charged with 3 grenades Sa flammant proper, for
augmentation, on a chf wavy Arg a palm tree betw a disabled
ship & a ruinous battery all issuant from waves of the sea all
proper, for second augmentation (posthumous), on a fess wavy
overall Az the word TRAFALGAR Or. (Augmentation of
Arms: Horatio Nelson, Viscount Sir - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Or, on a dance Sa betw 3 roses Az, 3 mullets pierced Or. (D: Agnes
Daunce - Mar 95)
Or, on a fess dovetailed Gu a drawknife Or. (D: Abrahe aragoa Sep 06)
Or, on a fess embat counter-embat betw a war-hammer fesswise & a
cross crosslet Sa, 3 great helms affronty Arg. (B: Erik von
Kln am Rhein - Jun 86)
Or, on a fess embat Sa a laurel wreath Or. (D: Stelton Wald Feb 97)
Or, on a fess embat Vt betw 2 clusters of grapes crossed in salt at
the stems & a sprig of heather proper a laurel wreath Or. (D:
Heatherwyne - Jan 80)

638 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Fess - 1 - Charged - Complex line (continued)

Or, on a fess indented Vt a natural salamander passant Or. (D:

Olekh of Rowany - Dec 01)
Or, on a fess nebuly Vt betw 4 hurts, 3 & one, each charged with a
trefoil Arg, a griffin segreant Or. (D: Brusi Anderson of the
Shetlands - Mar 86)
Or, on a fess wavy cotised betw 3 laurel wreaths Az, a trout naiant
Or. (D: Cragdon on the Water - Jun 98)
Or, on a fess wavy Vt a cinquefoil Or. (D: Maddelena Jessamyn de
Piemonte - Jun 89)
Per fess Az & Gu, on a fess wavy Or a sea-serpent ondoyant Sa. (D:
Ormar Traherne - May 93)
Per fess Az & Vt, on a fess wavy Arg a cat sejant contourny
guardant Sa, in chf a plate. (D: Simonis Karatas - Jul 00)
Per fess Az & Vt, on a fess wavy Arg, a feather reversed Sa. (D:
Caitrona inghean ui Chionaodha - Sep 04)
Per fess Az & Vt, upon a dance Arg a salmon naiant Gu, finned Sa,
& in base a laurel wreath Or. (D: Frozen Mountain - Nov 91)
Per fess counterermine & Sa, on a fess embat counterembattled Arg,
a wolf courant Sa, in base a crescent Arg. (D: Monte
Blackwolf - Nov 88)
Per fess Gu & Sa, on a fess embat counterembattled Or betw 2 cats
passant Arg, a cat passant to sin Sa. (D: Alexander Tair Gwal
Garreg - Nov 87)
Per fess Gu & Sa, on a fess engrailed Arg betw 2 lozenges ploy Or,
a crescent Gu. (D: Anthea of Isenfir - Jan 95)
Per fess Gu & Vt, on a fess embat Or 3 suns Sa. (D: Mathias
Mendel - Jun 02)
Per fess Gu & Vt, on a fess rayonny Or 2 boars heads erased
respectant Sa, in base a cross formy Or charged with a cross
pointed Vt. (D: Kendrik Boise - Jun 91)
Per fess Sa & barry wavy Az & Arg, on a fess wavy Or a demi-seaserpent haurient issuant from base, Gu. (D: Raibeart
Lachlaness MacGhille-Mhaolain - Jul 81)
Per fess Vt & Gu, on a fess embat counter-embat Or, a raven disp &
sin facing Sa, in chf 2 mullets of 4 points Or. (D: Bors of
Lothian - Feb 90)
Per fess Vt & Sa, on a fess rayonny Or, a mullet of eight points Sa.
(D: Eric of the Misty Hills - Jul 94)
Per fess Vt & Sa, on a fess wavy Arg, a dragon dormant Vt. (D:
Gwenhwyvar Lann ni Ruaidhri - Feb 90)
Per fess wavy Az & Vt, in base on a bar wavy Arg a barrulet wavy
Az, & overall a bow palewise reversed or. (D: Diana of
Meadowbrook - Aug 79)
Per pale Arg & Az, on a fess wavy cotised ctrch a crown vallery Or,
overall a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Atlantia - Jul 81)
Per pale Arg & Az, on a fess wavy cotised ctrch a crown vallery Or,
overall a wreath of roses proper. (D: Atlantia - May 04) (For
Consort of Atlantia)
Per pale Arg & Az, on a fess wavy 2 hearts ctrch. (D: Camilla von
Cuxhaven - Sep 89)
Per pale Gu & Az, a fess of 4 mascles Arg. (D: Talesya Beaulieu Apr 90)
Per pale Gu & Sa, on a fess embat counterembattled Or, a lions
head erased per pale Gu & Sa. (D: Claas Jongkrijger de
Leeuw - Nov 91)
Purp, on a fess bretessed Arg betw six acorns Or 3 oak leaves
fesswise Vt. (D: Arabella McQuharg - Aug 07)
Purp, on a fess dovetailed betw 2 pegasi passant reguardant Arg, 3
roses Gu. (D: Genevive Ravencrest - Jan 98)
Purp, on a fess embat Arg 2 wildcats salient respectant guardant Sa.
(D: Ulrich von Retelsdorf - Jan 02)
Quarterly Sa & Gu, on a fess wavy betw 3 wolfs heads couped
Arg, a dragon dormant reguardant Vt. (D: Ian Fitz Patric Oct 07)
Sa, a fess of 3 lozenges Arg each charged with a mullet Az, a bord
Arg. (D: Ilsebet Jeghersche - Jul 04)
Sa, on a dance Arg a cats head couped close Az. (D: varr
helluflagi - Sep 03)
Sa, on a fess bretessed betw 3 chamfrons Or, a dragon passant Purp.
(D: Giuliana Dragonetti - Aug 05)
Sa, on a fess dovetailed Arg a wolfs head Gu. (D: Yllaria of
Wildewode - Sep 96)
Sa, on a fess embat Arg a portcullis Sa in chf 3 mullets of 4 points
Arg. (D: Robert of the Misty Marsh by the Sea - Oct 01)
Sa, on a fess engrailed Arg a fess Vt. (D: Nils Olafsson - May 86)

[Fess - 1 - Charged - Complex line] to [Fess - 2]

Fess - 1 - Charged - Complex line (continued)

Sa, on a fess nebuly Arg an increscent, a crescent & a decrescent

Gu. (D: Gwili of Fallingtower - Jan 81)
Sa, on a fess wavy Az fimbriated a mermaid in her vanity Arg. (D:
Rochelle de la Mer - Feb 07)
Sa, on a fess wavy betw 3 annulets & a crab Or 2 olive branches
stems to center Sa. (D: Laila Hannesone - Jul 05)
Sa, on a fess wavy betw 3 sin batwings Arg, a horse couchant
reguardant Gu. (D: Adiva the Berber - Feb 89)
Sa, on a fess wavy Or betw in chf 3 escallops & in base a mullet
Arg, a fish naiant Vt. (D: Hrothgar Fiscabana - Aug 94)
Vt fretty Or, on a fess embat Arg 3 cinquefoils Az seeded Or. (D:
Eyba ndirsdatter Skram - May 03)
Vt, on a dance Or 3 martlets contourny Vt. (D: Meabh Donn Mar 94)
Vt, on a fess of 3 fusils Arg, 3 fleurs-de-lis Sa. (D: Jolitte Marie
Catherine Tollmache - Jun 95)
Vt, on a fess wavy Arg a bar gemel wavy Az, overall in salt 2
pilgrims staves Or & in chf a flame proper. (D: Tarver the
Pole - Apr 84)
Vt, on a fess wavy betw 2 dragons passant Or a dragon passant Vt.
(D: Leopold von Babenhausen - Nov 90)
Vt, within a fess nowy voided a garb of five stalks of wheat Or. (D:
Antonia Martn de Castilla - Oct 07)
* * * End * * *

Fess - 2

See also: Field division - Barry

(Fieldless) A duck ramp Arg, billed & membered Or, in base 2
barrulets wavy couped Az. (B: Aelflaed of Duckford Nov 80) (For House of Duckford)
Arg, a bar gemel Az betw 2 francisques fesswise, the one in chf
reversed, Sa. (D: Daniel the Bard - Jan 73)
Arg, a bar gemel Gu betw 3 fir trees couped Sa. (D: Perrin del
Bosc - Nov 00)
Arg, a bend Sa surmounted by a tower Az & in base 2 bars wavy
Sa. (D: Isabeau of Stormhaven Keep - Apr 92)
Arg, a crescent pendant, a decrescent & an increscent one & 2, in
base 2 barrulets wavy couped Sa. (D: Zebeeba al-Kharqaa Sep 04)
Arg, a demi-hare erect proper issuant from a cooking pot Sa betw 2
bars wavy Az. (D: Judith Fletcher of Wellow - Oct 02)
Arg, a goad fesswise Sa entwined of a grapevine fructed proper,
betw 2 bars Vt betw in pale 2 Catherines wheels Sa. (D:
Kathryn Goodwyn - date?)
Arg, a goutte de poix betw 2 bars wavy Az. (D: Luke of Iron Bog Oct 98)
Arg, a horse courant Sa betw 2 bars Purp betw 3 roses Sa. (D:
Angharad Drakenhefd - Jan 06)
Arg, a Mogen David betw 2 bars Az. (B: Israel - Dec 94) (A
Mogen David is a mullet of six voided and
interlaced.)(Important non-SCA flag)
Arg, a natural panther passant Sa betw 2 bars Purp betw 3 roses Sa.
(B: Angharad Drakenhefd - Jan 06)
Arg a peacock in its pride Az gorged of a pearled coronet Arg betw
2 barrulets betw 2 spouted pots reversed Vt. (D: Roberto
Valason - Sep 04)
Arg, a turtle fesswise Vt betw 2 bars wavy Az betw 3 gouttes Sa.
(D: Anna Tarr - Mar 07)
Arg, an anchor Sa betw 2 bars wavy Az, in chf a goutte Sa. (D:
Joscelin Tarr - Mar 07)
Arg, betw 2 barrulets Sa a thylacine couchant gardant proper, orbed
& langued Gu, all betw in pale 2 lotus heads Az. (D:
Thylacinus Aquila of Dair Eidand - Oct 79)
Arg goutty de sang, a penguin statant affronty head to dexter Sa
bellied Arg & in chf 2 bars Purp. (D: Irena of Tir Ysgithr Jun 07)
Arg, in base 2 bars wavy Az overall a penannular brooch open to
base Sa. (B: Thescorre - Oct 04) (For Order of the Broche)
Arg, in base 2 bars wavy Az, overall a ravens feather palewise Sa.
(B: Thescorre - Jan 85) (For the Order of the Ravens
Arg, in chf a barrulet gemel beviled arrondi & issuant from base a
wave reversed Sa. (D: Ishiyama Namban Tadashi - Jul 82)
Arg, in chf a barrulet gemel bevilled arrondi & issuant from base a
wave reversed, all within a bord Sa. (B: Ishiyama Namban
Tadashi - Jul 82)

Fess - 2 (continued)

Arg, in pale an eagles toe fesswise couped Sa & 2 bars wavy Az.
(B: Thescorre - Oct 04) (For Order of the Black Talon)
Arg, 2 bars & in chf 3 mullets Gu. (D: George Washington Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)(Also the arms of the
District of Columbia)
Arg, 2 bars Az & overall a winged lion ramp guardant Gu. (D:
John de Montainville - Oct 02)
Arg, 2 bars betw 3 mullets of six points pierced Sa. (D: Torfin
Locke of Cayley - Jul 96)
Arg, 2 bars embat betw in pale 3 swords fesswise Sa. (D: Philip
von Remagen - Sep 95)
Arg, 2 bars Gu & six martlets 3 2 & one Sa. (D: Scott Mac Alister Jan 02)
Arg, 2 bars Gu, overall a scowling brown bears head cabossed
wearing a Norman conical helmet proper. (B: Harald of
Bears Haven - Aug 80) (For House Bears Haven)
Arg, 2 bars Vt overall 2 piles in point inv Gu. (D: Barbara de
Bayard de Montchesne - May 98)
Arg, 2 bars wavy, on a chf wavy Sa a moon in her plenitude Arg.
(D: Martino del Oceano - May 91)
Arg, 2 dances Purp betw 2 swans naiant Sa. (D: Derdriu ingen
Mhurchadha - May 00)
Az, a bar gemel engrailed Arg betw 2 otters statant Or. (D: Randal
of Camusferna - Sep 90)
Az, a bar gemel engrailed betw in pale to sin 2 compass stars Arg.
(D: Mirrah of the Dark Chambre - Dec 80)
Az, a bar gemel wavy Arg betw a demi-sun & a compass star Or.
(D: Victor the Wanderer - Mar 07)
Az, a bar gemel wavy betw in chf 3 mullets of seven points & in
base a pine tree eradicated Or. (D: Aleksandra Ivanovna
Nemka - Dec 84)
Az, a bezant betw 2 dances Arg. (D: Jean Clare - Dec 96)
Az, a fox sejant & in chf 2 barrulets wavy couped Arg. (D:
Merricke MacDonald - Dec 04)
Az, a laurel wreath Or surmounted by a triple-towered castle with
lowered drawbridge, the central tower cupolaed & pennoned to
sin Arg, in base 2 barrulets wavy Or. (D: Elfsea - Dec 82)
Az, a pale Arg surmounted by 2 dances ctrch. (D: Wolfgang
Williamson - May 00)
Az, a Saxon feogh rune betw 2 bars Or. (D: Gareth de Bailli Apr 97)
Az, a sea-horse reguardant Or, in base 2 barrulets wavy Arg. (D:
Hallds Steinarsdttir - Sep 92)
Az, a swan naiant to sin Or, in base 2 bars wavy Arg, on a chf Or, 2
dice Az, spotted Or. (D: Salvius Cygnus Aureus - Apr 88)
Az, a unicorns head couped Arg armed & crined Or betw 2 bars
wavy ermine. (D: Verena Marre - Jan 96)
Az, a wolf passant ululant betw 2 bars & in chf 3 roundels Arg. (D:
Cynwrig the Wanderer - Feb 92)
Az, in pale the letter "S" & 2 bars wavy Arg. (B: Abell Shlaine Feb 07)
Az, mullety, 2 bars Arg betw 3 dragons couchant to sin, wings
elevated, Or. (D: Ormr Ragnarsson - Jun 91)
Az, 3 ducks passant in fess betw 2 bars wavy Arg. (D: Anne-Marie
lAmasseresse - Aug 94)
Az, 2 bars Arg & in chf 3 bezants. (D: Michael of Safita - Jan 03)
Az, 2 bars Arg, on a dexter tierce triangular Gu a mullet Arg. (B:
Cuba - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Az, 2 bars dancetty betw in pale 3 comets fesswise, heads to sin, Or.
(D: Miyoshi Suisei-ko - Aug 86)
Az, 2 bars Gu. (D: Ragusa (Dubrovnik, Republic of) - Jan 00)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Az, 2 bars Or, overall an owl disp Arg. (D: sta Vagnsdttir Jan 07)
Az, 2 bars wavy Arg betw 3 sea serpents glissant palewise Or. (D:
Cecily Clervaus - Jul 02)
Az, 2 bars wavy Arg, overall a laurel wreath Vt, a chf nebuly Arg.
(D: Gwyntarian - Mar 83)
Az, 2 bars wavy betw 3 herons Arg. (D: Abell Shlaine Mar 04)
Az, 2 bars wavy enhanced & in base a whelk Arg. (D: Ladan of
Seahaven - Nov 98)
Az, 2 ostrich feathers addorsed betw 2 bars, the bar in chf indented
to base, Arg. (D: Richard de Montbrai - May 83)
Gu, a butterfly & in base 2 bars wavy, on a chf Arg 3 decrescents
Gu. (D: Elizabeth atte Blacksterre - Feb 05)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 639

[Fess - 2] to [Fess - 3]

Fess - 2 (continued)

Gu, 3 roses in fess betw 2 bars engrailed Arg, each charged with a
barrulet Gu. (D: Clare Fitzwilliam - Feb 89)
Gu, 2 bars dancetty braced Or, betw 3 fleurs-de-lys & a rabbit
statant Arg. (D: Katherine dArgentigny - Jul 86)
Gu, 2 needles in salt Or, threaded, betw 2 bars wavy Arg, each bar
charged with an alewife naiant Sa. (D: Eowyn Eilonwy of
Alewife Brook - Aug 84)
Gyronny Gu & Arg, in pale 2 bars & a sheep couchant regardant
contourny Sa. (D: Geoffrey Blesedale - Sep 07)
Or, a bar gemel enhanced Gu betw a quill fesswise reversed & 3
gouttes Az. (D: Wolf Federwei - Jan 82)
Or, a bar gemel wavy Az. (D: Fiona Randal of Avanmore Nov 00)
Or, a carp naiant betw in chf 2 coronets & in base 2 bars wavy Gu.
(D: Lao Tao-sheng - Sep 93)
Or, a dolphin Vt finned & beaked & in base 2 bars wavy Purp. (B:
Kathalyn Nimet - Oct 04) (Blanket permission to conflict with
badge with one CD granted 0510K)
Or, a triangle inv Gu betw in fess 2 pallets couped & in pale 2 bars
couped Sa. (D: Chinua Temur - Mar 90)
Or, in pale a man statant affronty, vested of a Norman helm, bearing
a double-bitted battleaxe bendwise & a kite shield, & in base 2
bars wavy Gu. (B: Namron - Jul 88)
Or, on 2 bars Az 3 doves 2 & one Arg. (D: Averill Messinger Apr 00)
Or, 3 hurts one & 2 & in chf 2 bars wavy Az. (D: Charles of
Eoforwic - Mar 03)
Or, 2 bars dancetty Vt. (D: Tuan Taico the Necromancer Sep 71?)
Or, 2 bars dovetailed on a chf Purp, a crescent betw 2 mascles Or.
(D: Beatrice Maria Malatesta - Jun 95)
Or, 2 bars Gu. (D: Oldenburg, Dukes of - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Or, 2 bars Gu betw six billets Az. (D: David ap Llewellyn Feb 81)
Or, 2 bars Sa & overall a phoenix Gu. (D: Isabel Benet - Apr 04)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, 2 bars embat ctrch, in base a lily Or. (D:
Maelgwyn y Trafeiliwr - May 88)
Per bend sin Sa & Or, a fig leaf ctrch, in base 2 bars wavy Sa. (D:
Knut Eldfimr - Nov 84)
Per fess Arg & Sa, an eagle betw 2 bars wavy ctrch. (D: Viviane
dAgincourt - Aug 04)
Per fess Sa & Arg, an annulet betw 2 bars dancetty ctrch. (D:
Fionnghuala Leasa na Linne - Apr 89)
Per fess Sa & Gu, a bar gemel Arg. (D: Brunissende Dragonette de
Brocliande - Jan 07)
Per fess wavy Arg & Az, a raven volant affronty proper & a bar
gemel wavy Arg. (D: Gwydion of Lochlann - Aug 79?)
Per fess wavy Arg & Az, 2 bars wavy Az & an escallop inv Arg.
(D: Ingemar de la Watere - Apr 92)
Per fess wavy Arg & Sa, 2 barrulets wavy betw in chf 2 swans
naiant respectant & in base a dragonfly, all ctrch. (D: Sine
Gillian nic Pharlain - Aug 84)
Per fess wavy Az & Arg, 2 bars wavy ctrch betw a decrescent Arg
& a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Nahrun Kabirun - Nov 89)
Per fess wavy Or & Az, in chf a fox courant proper, in base 2 bars
wavy Or. (D: Cadwallon Rudd - Jul 01)
Per fess wavy Or & Az, in chf a pine bough leaved & fructed proper
& in base 2 bars wavy Arg. (B: Cadwallon Rudd - Jul 01)
Per fess wavy, per pale Or & Gu, & Az, 2 fleurs-de-lis Gu & Or & a
bar gemel wavy Arg. (D: Thomas of Aberfoyle - Sep 73?)
Per fess wavy Sa & Arg in chf 2 decrescents Or & in base 2 bars
wavy Az. (D: Maurice van Rijn - Aug 97)
Per fess wavy Vt & Arg, in pale a millrind Or & 2 bars wavy Az.
(D: Antonio di Casa dAqua - Aug 84)
Per pale Arg & Gu, all goutty, 4 mascles in cross, in base 2 bars
wavy, a chf invected, all ctrch. (B: Ysabella Celestina
Manrique de Palma - Apr 06)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 2 bars wavy ctrch betw in bend a harp Gu & a
dagger Arg. (D: Randal the Malcontent - Sep 97)
Per pale Az & Arg, 2 bars dancetty flory counterflory ctrch. (D:
Adrienne Crescentia de la Fere - Apr 89)
Per pale Az & Sa, a castle Arg betw in pale an eagle disp & 2
barrulets wavy couped Or. (D: Maelgwn McCain - Aug 94)
Per pale Gu & Az, 2 bars enarched betw 4 annulets, 3 & one Or. (D:
Mathieu Chartrain - Nov 96)
640 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Fess - 2 (continued)

Per pale Gu & Or, a falcons head erased to sin Sa beaked Gu betw
2 bars ctrch. (B: Falconcree - Sep 02)
Per pale Or & Sa, a crescent betw 2 bars wavy ctrch. (D: Brandon
of Tipperary - Mar 84)
Per pale Or & Sa, 2 dragons combattant betw 2 bars embat to base
ctrch. (D: Milo FitzLyon - May 86)
Per pale Purp & Or, 2 dragons sejant respectant & in chf 2 bars
wavy all ctrch. (D: Amye Goldwyn - Jul 06)
Per pale Sa & Arg, a bar gemel wavy ctrch, overall a double rose, &
in base a goutte Gu. (D: Marguerite de Rada y Silva Sep 86)
Per pale Sa & Arg, 2 greyhounds dormant respectant betw 2 bars all
ctrch. (B: James Beckett of Westmorland - Dec 01)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a dragon dormant betw 2 bars betw 3 crosses
crosslet Or. (D: Tibors de Belmeis - Mar 84)
Per pale Sa & Gu, in fess an increscent & a decrescent conjoined
betw 2 bars Arg, each bar charged with a barrulet wavy per
pale Gu & Sa. (D: Afshin Darius - Apr 06)
Per pale Vt & Arg, 2 bars ctrch, on a chf Sa 3 crosses bottony Arg.
(D: Paterick Burke - Apr 01)
Per pale Vt & Or, in fess a heron in its vigilance & sin facing & an
estoile of eight points, in base 2 barrulets wavy ctrch. (D:
Michaela of Herons Rest - Jun 89)
Purp, a dance cotised Or. (B: Huette Aliza von und zu hrens und
Mechthildberg - Mar 07)
Purp, a vol betw 2 bars Arg each charged with a barrulet Sa. (B:
Spiaggia Levantina - Sep 99)
Purp, on a cross moline Arg a cross couped Purp & in base 2 bars
wavy Arg. (B: Rafael Diego de Burgos - Jun 83) (For Casa
de Morado)
Purp, 2 bars engrailed & 2 pallets engrailed fretted Arg. (D: Leah
Locksley - May 83)
Purp, 2 bars wavy Arg overall a mermaid proper crined &
maintaining a trident inv bendwise Or. (D: Zebeeba alKharqaa - Oct 01)
Quarterly Az & Arg, 2 bars Sa. (D: Gurr of Colanhomm Jul 05)
Quarterly Sa & Purp, a griffin segreant double queued Arg, in chf 2
bars wavy Or. (D: Gauselin the Lost - Mar 93)
Sa, a bar gemel betw in chf 3 ermine spots & in base five roundels
in cross Or. (D: Vernacci Armellini de Alario - Feb 00)
Sa, a griffin segreant to sin & in base 2 bars dancetty Or. (D:
Wilhelm Johannes Rieger - Jul 82)
Sa, a moneybag within 2 bars couped fretted with 2 pallets couped
Arg. (D: Kamiizumi Jirou Munenori - Sep 95)
Sa, 2 bars embat, in base a cross couped triply parted, a bord Arg.
(B: Angela Sara Mara Daz de Valds - Feb 92) (For
Arashi Tetsuko)
Vt, a massacre & in chf 2 bars dancetty Arg. (D: Galiena
Berengaria von Lothringen - May 87)
Vt, betw 2 bars, a lion ramp to sin Or, charged upon the shoulder
with a star of David Vt. (D: Eyana bat David - Apr 76?)
Vt, in pale a lozenge & 2 bars wavy couped Arg, a bord indented
Or. (D: Paul Jameson of Sutton - Apr 99)
Vt, 2 bars wavy Arg betw 3 crosses of St. Brigid & a harp Or. (D:
Kathleen MacCarthy - Apr 98)
Vt, 2 bars wavy Arg, overall a seahorse Or, armed & finned on the
tail Gu, within an orle of Catherine wheels ctrch. (D: Katerina
Razin - Apr 88)
Vt, 2 bars wavy Arg semy of holly leaves Vt. (D: Michael of
Aquitaine - Mar 97)
* * * End * * *

Fess - 3

See also: Field division - Barry

Arg, a dolphin embowed naiant Gu, in base 3 barrulets wavy & on a
chf Az 2 boat oars in salt Arg. (B: Alisoun MacCoul of
Elphane - Oct 81) (For Company of Watermen)
Arg, a stags head erased Gu within a laurel wreath Vt, in base 3
barrulets wavy Az. (D: Saint Georges - Sep 07)
Arg, in chf 3 bars Az. (D: Ruarcc the Blind - Jan 03)
Arg, 3 bars Az betw a cat sejant erect & a cat sejant erect contourny
Sa. (D: Marion the Black - Jan 99)
Arg, 3 bars Az, overall a horse ramp contourny Sa. (D: Ladislaus
Dosa - Dec 06)

[Fess - 3] to [Field division - Barruly]

Fess - 3 (continued)

Arg, 3 bars Gu betw a gauntlet aversant fesswise reversed & a sin

gauntlet fesswise Sa. (D: Ealasaid nan Oighean - Jul 97)
Arg, 3 bars wavy, a pale Az. (B: Bethc ingen Mael Fchn
Fynletyr - Oct 05)
Arg, 3 water bougets & in chf 2 bars wavy Az. (D: Jaquelinne
Marguerite de la Ryver - Apr 07)
Az, a tower Arg, surmounted by 3 bars wavy ctrch, all within a bord
Arg. (B: Bards Keep - Feb 86)
Az mulletty Or, 3 bars Arg. (D: Aurelia von Falkenstein - Jun 01)
Az, on a mountain of 3 peaks Or, a Cross of Jerusalem Gu; in base 3
bars engrailed to chf & invected to base Arg. (D: Geoffrye
Thomas du Chateau Versoix - Aug 79)
Az, 3 bars & in chf 3 mullets Arg. (D: Torcail Gilleghaolain Aug 96)
Az, 3 bars dancetty & in chf a sun Or. (D: Tannis of Tir-y-Don Jan 76?)
Az, 3 bars wavy Arg, overall a long sword inv proper & in chf 2
chalices Arg issuing rays of light Or. (D: Brandr Halfdanr Oct 84)
Az, 3 bars wavy betw a swordfish & a swordfish contourny Or. (B:
Jararvellir - Aug 95)
Az, 3 dolphins haurient one & 2, in chf 3 bars engrailed to chf &
invected to base, all within a bord Or. (D: Kerry of Clairidge Jul 86)
Gu, in pale 3 bars wavy & a demi-sun issuant from base Or. (D:
Christina of Eastley - Apr 84)
Gu, 3 bars Or. (D: Cameron of Lochiel - Dec 94) (Important nonSCA arms)
Or, a scallop shell distilling 3 gouttes Az & in base 3 barrulets Vt.
(D: Maddelena of Alsace - Jan 87)
Or, 3 barrulets Gu. (B: Vietnam, Republic of (South Vietnam) Dec 03) (Flag)(Important non-SCA flag)
Or, 3 bars wavy & overall on a bend sin Sa 3 suns Or. (D:
Zephaniah ha-Levi - Oct 06)
Or, 3 bars wavy Az, overall a falcon disp Gu within a bord embat
Sa. (D: Eckerich Rothvalken von Stromburg - Feb 92)
Or, 3 bars wavy Gu. (D: Drummond, Earl of Perth - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Per fess Arg & Vt, in pale 3 bars Gu & 2 foxes passant in pale Arg.
(D: Pierre de Noves - May 80)
Per fess embat Sa & Or, a bears head erased & 3 bars wavy couped
ctrch. (D: Bernard ben Moshe ha-Kohane - Feb 08)
Per fess wavy Az & Arg, issuant from the line of division a lion
ramp Or, in base 3 bars wavy Az. (D: Ragna Dzintara of
Amberhall - May 82)
Per fess wavy Gu & Arg, in pale a stalk of wheat fesswise Or & 3
bars wavy Vt. (B: Trobere Oakseed - Nov 88) (For House
Per pale Arg & Az, 3 bars ctrch surmounted by a goblet & on a chf
Or 3 roses Az. (D: Rodney Joseph Klahs - Nov 84)
Per pale Arg & Sa, 3 bars ctrch. (D: Thomas Edward Dudley Apr 02)
Per pale Arg & Vt, 3 bars lozengy ctrch. (D: Rhys Pwyll ap
Maelgwyn - May 87)
Per pale Purp & Arg ermined Vt, 3 bars ctrch & in canton a winged
ferret sejant erect Arg. (D: Aidan MacAlpin - Mar 02)
Per pale Purp & Arg, in base 3 barrulets wavy ctrch, in dexter a
tower issuant from the upper barrulet Arg, in sin chf a laurel
wreath Vt. (B: St. Michaels Keep - Aug 81)
Per pale Purp & Az, a pegasus segreant & in base 3 bars wavy Arg.
(D: Rowena MacLachlan of Caithness - Sep 00)
Per pale Sa & Gu, a swan naiant contourny & in base 3 bars wavy
Arg. (D: Jean Baylard - Apr 94)
Per pale Sa & Gu all semy of flames Or, 3 bars embat Arg. (D:
Peregrine the Illuminator - Sep 95)
Per pale Sa & Gu, 3 bars couped Arg & overall a sword inv Or. (B:
Brann Muighe Tuireadh - Jan 07)
Per pale Sa & Or, 3 bars ctrch. (D: Melchior Hebenstreit Mar 06)
Purp, a tree eradicated & in base 3 bars wavy Arg. (D: Erik of
Oakstream - Apr 85)
Quarterly Vt & Gu, a raven contourny & in base 3 bars Arg. (D:
Oissne na Cenn mac Baiscind - Feb 06)
Sa, a bar couped betw 2 bars all within a bord Arg. (D: Yamata
Jirou Hisatsura - Aug 99)

Fess - 3 (continued)

Sa, a lanthorne & in base 3 barrulets wavy Or. (B: Mary Margaret
of Derby - Jul 74?)
Sa, 3 bars Gu fimbriated Or, overall a horse salient to sin Arg. (D:
Rolanda Rossner - Dec 98)
Sa, 3 bars wavy & in chf an otter statant regardant Arg. (D:
Alheydis von Riga - Feb 08)
Sa, 3 bars wavy betw 3 cranes in their vigilance all within a bord
Arg. (D: Jehan du Lac - Aug 90)
Sa, 2 winged stags combattant, each maintaining a halberd, & in chf
3 bars Or. (D: Vigbrand of Scandia - Nov 83)
Vt, 3 bars vair, overall a golden Dryas flower proper. (D:
Freyjarthe na Barra - Jan 80)
* * * End * * *

Fess - 4 or more

See also: Field division - Barry

Arg, a winged lion passant guardant, wings disp, Sa, maintaining in
its dexter forepaw a human skull Arg, betw 2 bars gemel Vt.
(D: Harvey the Blind - Jul 86)
Arg, five barrulets wavy betw 3 laurel wreaths, all Az. (D:
Riversmeet - Feb 85)
Arg, five bars Sa, a martlet volant & an orle of martlets Az. (D:
Elizabeth Stafford Parr Pembroke - Apr 92)
Arg, 4 barrulets wavy & overall a dolphin uriant Az. (D: Amanda
of Cawdor - Feb 75?)
Arg, 4 bars Az, overall on a canton Arg a sun in splendor Or. (B:
Uruguay - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Arg, in chev five lozenges palewise Sa betw 4 barrulets Gu. (D:
Johannes Peregrinus - Aug 80)
Arg, 2 bars gemel flory-counter-flory & a base Az. (D: Franois
Henri Guyon - Jun 95)
Arg, 2 bars gemel Gu & Or fimbriated, in base a double-peaked
mountain couped at the base Sa & in canton a roundel tierced
per pale Sa, Or & Gu. (D: Michael the Lost - Apr 73?)
Arg, 2 eagles disp Sa betw 2 bars gemel Purp. (D: Adelbert von
Strassburg - Jun 87)
Az, a fess wreathed Or & Gu betw 2 bars gemel dancetty Arg. (D:
Michal MacAveely - May 84)
Az, six bars wavy Or, on a pile Arg in pale a hawk rising, wings
elevated & addorsed, & a Spanish galleon Gu. (D: David
Hawkwood - Aug 86)
Az, 3 fleurs-de-lys in fess betw 2 bars gemel wavy Or. (D: Mary
Matilda dEath - Oct 84)
Barry of nine Az & Arg, on a canton Az a cross Arg. (B: Greece Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)
Barry of thirteen Gu & Arg, a canton Az mullety Arg. (B: America,
United States of - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)
Gu, five bars Arg & on a canton Az a mullet Arg. (B: Liberia Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Gu, 2 bars gemel Arg, overall a leaf fesswise, & a chf invected Or.
(D: Branwyn Chainsmith - May 83)
Or, a pomegranate bendwise sin inv Gu betw 2 bars gemels Az. (D:
Daveed of Granada - Nov 86)
Per fess Gu & Sa, on a bezant betw 2 bars gemel Or, a horse passant
Sa. (D: Arik Alton - Mar 85)
Sa, 4 bars Or, overall on a bend Arg a bumblebee statant close
proper bestriding a spear Sa. (B: Christopher of Hoghton May 82)
Sa, on a fess Gu fimbriated betw 4 bars humetty a roundel betw 2
ravens respectant Or. (D: Helgi hrafnfir - Feb 04)
Vt, a harp & in base five barrulets within a bord Or. (D: Siglinde
Harfnerstochter - Jan 91)
Vt, 3 bars gemelles Arg within a bord ermine. (D: Dublin OGuinn
Silverwolf - Jan 87)
Vt, 2 bars gemel betw a hen Arg & a garb Or. (D: Naomi Sharpe of
Four Mile Farm - Jan 85)
Vt, 2 bars gemels & in chf a lion passant Arg. (D: Fredeburg von
Katzenellenbogen - Jul 06)
* * * End * * *
Fetterlock: see Manacle and Saddlery
Field division - Barruly: see Field division - Barry

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 641

[Field division - Barry - Plain line - Argent] to [Field division - Barry - Plain line - Azure]

Field division - Barry - Plain line - Argent

See also: Fess

Arg, five bars Sa, a martlet volant & an orle of martlets Az. (D:
Elizabeth Stafford Parr Pembroke - Apr 92)
Arg, 4 bars Az, overall on a canton Arg a sun in splendor Or. (B:
Uruguay - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Arg on a fess Gu betw a base & a chf Az a cartouche Arg charged
with an escutcheon of the state arms of COSTA RICA (Per
fess the sky & the sea proper, rising from an island fesswise
throughout Vt 3 volcanos in fess proper betw in chf an arch of
seven mullets Arg & in base a square-rigged ship, on the
horizon betw the dexter & central volcano a like ship proper &
to dexter a demi-sun issuant from the line of division Or). (B:
Costa Rica - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Arg, 3 bars Gu betw a gauntlet aversant fesswise reversed & a sin
gauntlet fesswise Sa. (D: Ealasaid nan Oighean - Jul 97)
Az, a chf per fess Gu & Arg & a base per fess Arg & Gu. (B:
Thailand - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Az, 2 bars Arg, on a dexter tierce triangular Gu a mullet Arg. (B:
Cuba - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Barry & per pale Arg & Gu, in pale 3 bears passant Sa. (D: Androu
Weaver - Jan 05)
Barry Arg & Az, a bend ctrch within a bord Vt. (D: Kezia von
Holzenhaus - Nov 89)
Barry Arg & Az, a lion ramp queue-forchy Gu crowned Or. (D:
Luxemburg - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Barry Arg & Az, a spiral hunting horn of 3 spirals reversed Or. (D:
Nikolaj Zrogowacialy - Jan 91)
Barruly Arg & Az, an orle of martlets Gu. (D: Valence, Earl of
Pembroke - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Barry Arg & Az, on a bend Sa 2 open books palewise Or. (D:
Thomas de Grey - Mar 99)
Barry Arg & Az, 3 harps Gu. (D: Mire of Birmingham - Dec 90)
Barry Arg & Gu. (D: Hungary, Ancient - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Barry Arg & Gu, a lion Sa within a bord Gu. (D: Barrett of
Muchelney - Aug 03)
Barry Arg & Gu, a naked man manacled on each wrist, lengths of
broken chain pendant, & a length of broken chain at his feet,
all proper. (D: Bari the Unfettered - Jan 73?)
Barry Arg & Gu, a salt Sa, overall a mullet of 4 points Or. (D: Olaf
Thorwynsson - Mar 86)
Barry Arg & Sa, a boars head erased impaled on a stick issuant
from base all within a bord Gu. (D: Snorri Haraldsson Oct 02)
Barry Arg & Sa, a Latin cross Or, surmounted at each tip by a
mullet of six points Gu, within a bord Gu. (D: Thomas the
Mute - Jan 80)
Barry Arg & Sa, a martlet volant Az. (B: Elizabeth Stafford Parr
Pembroke - Dec 95)
Barry Arg & Sa, a moon in her plenitude Az. (D: Doniphan non
Sequitur - Aug 79?)
Barry Arg & Vt, a grenade Gu enflamed proper within a bord Sa.
(D: Hugo Bugg - Dec 07)
Barry Arg & Vt, a sun Or & on a chf Vt 3 crescents inv Or. (D:
Anne Greye - Dec 95)
Barry Arg & Vt, perched on a sin hawking glove fesswise to dexter
vair tasseled Gu, a hawk tergiant, its head facing dexter, Sa
armed & orbed Gu. (D: Kristen von der Hand-Falk Aug 77?)
Barry Az & Arg, a mole ramp Sa. (D: Andrew of York - May 83)
Barry Az & Arg, on a pale endorsed Gu 3 grenades Or. (D: Karl
Tynken - Aug 86)
Barry Az & Arg, 3 gouttes dOr one & 2. (D: Berach mac Arailt
Oicc - Nov 02)
Barry Az & Arg, 2 pike haurient Gu. (D: Ivar Hakonarson Sep 02)
Barry Az & Arg, 2 yales combatant Or. (D: Tristan le Chantecler
de Champaigne - Sep 06)
Barry Gu & Arg, 3 trees eradicated Vt within a bord Sa. (D: Barry
McFadyen - Nov 89)
Barry of eight Arg & Sa, a cross moline fitchy Gu. (D: Giceline de
Molay - Aug 87)
Barry of eight Arg, Gu & Az, in canton the Union Jack. (B:
Hawaii, Kingdom and Republic of - May 99) (Important nonSCA flag)

642 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Field division - Barry - Plain line - Argent (continued)

Barry of eight Gu & Arg, each Gu bar charged with 2 ducks naiant
Arg. (D: Oliva van Meteren - Jan 08)
Barry of 4 Arg & Gu, each trait charged with a ferret statant
contourny ctrch. (D: Klan Klansson - Jan 03)
Barry of 4 Az & Arg, on a pale Gu, a spoon, bowl to chf, Arg. (D:
Arlis Behrendsdohtor - Jan 89)
Barry of 4 Vt & Arg, a dunghill cock & a bord Gu. (D: Michael
Batcok - Oct 93)
Barry of 4 Vt & Arg, on a cross formy quadrate Or a bears head
cabossed Gu. (D: Arnbirn Bassi Dansson - Jul 04)
Barry of fourteen Gu & Arg, on a quarter Az betw the horns of a
decrescent a mullet of fourteen points Or. (B: Malaysia Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Barry of nine Az & Arg, on a canton Az a cross Arg. (B: Greece Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)
Barry of six Gu & Arg, a sun in his glory Or. (D: William Allan Jan 73?)
Barry of ten Arg & Az, six escutcheons Sa each charged with a lion
ramp Arg. (D: Cecil, Baron of Burghley, counsellor to
Elizabeth - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Barry of thirteen Gu & Arg, a canton Az mullety Arg. (B: America,
United States of - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA flag)
Barry Sa & Arg, a mullet of 3 points pallwise throughout Or. (D:
Michel le Blanc - Mar 86)
Barry Sa & Arg, an escutcheon Gu. (D: Claude le Champenois Apr 07)
Barry Sa & Arg, on a pile Az a mullet Arg. (D: Dionisia de Boys Jul 01)
Barry Vt & Arg, a horse ramp within a bord Sa. (D: Ruarc Stot Jul 85)
Barry Vt & Arg, a horses head couped Or & a bord Sa. (D: Eric
the Horseman - Mar 07)
Barry Vt & Arg, a sheaf of 3 arrows Gu. (D: Cline de Frontenac Mar 91)
Barruly Vt & Arg, in pale a sun in splendour Or & a dragon
couchant to sin reguardant, wings elevated & addorsed, Sa. (D:
Michael Caithness - Feb 84)
Gu, five bars Arg & on a canton Az a mullet Arg. (B: Liberia Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per bend Sa & barry Arg & Purp, the sin half of a fleur-de-lys
bendwise issuant from the line of division Arg. (D: Emoni de
la Fre - Apr 07)
Per bend sin barry Sa & Arg & Arg, a bend sin Gu & in base a
garden rose bendwise sin slipped Sa. (D: Delon de la Rose
Noire - Jul 89)
Per bend sin Sa & barruly Arg & Sa, in dexter chf an oak tree
eradicated Or, leaved Vt, fructed of 3 acorns Or. (D: Elom
Eikinskjaldi - Mar 81)
Per bend sin Sa & barry wavy Az & Arg, in dexter chf, six bezants,
3, 2 & one. (D: Lydia Arundel an Gernowes - Feb 97)
Per chev barry Az & Arg & Vt, in base a Catherines wheel Or. (D:
Marco dei Caprioli - Nov 04)
Per fess Az & barry Arg & Az, in chf a thistle Or betw a pair of
clenched gauntlets Arg. (D: Graham MacRobert - Apr 98)
Per fess wavy Sa & barry wavy Arg & Az, a mermaid erect to
dexter proper, armored & maintaining a crossbow Arg. (D:
Morgan of Calafia - Apr 99)
Per fess wavy Sa & barry wavy Arg & Az, in chf 3 increscents Arg.
(D: Sign Jlinnardttir - Dec 95)
Quarterly, barry Gu & Arg, & Vt, a cross clech throughout Or. (D:
Hildegarde die Blonde - Apr 85)
Quarterly barry of eight Arg, Gu & Az, & Or, on an inescutcheon
Vt betw 2 staves palewise in bend sin Sa each capped by a
roundel pierced Arg, a mullet Or. (D: Hawaii, State of May 99) (Important non-SCA arms)
Quarterly wavy Or & barruly Sa & Arg, in bend a dragon salient to
sin Vt & a griffin sejant to sin, sin forepaw raised, Gu. (D:
Algorn of the Forest - Oct 82)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Barry - Plain line - Azure

See also: Fess

Barry Az & ermine. (B: Beautrice Hammeltoune - Nov 98)
Barry Az & Or, a Catherine wheel Gu. (D: Caterine Barr de
Venoix - Jul 98)

[Field division - Barry - Plain line - Azure] to [Field division - Barry - Complex line - Argent]

Field division - Barry - Plain line - Azure (continued)

Barry Az & Or, on a pile Gu fimbriated Arg a sun in his splendor

Or. (D: Emrys Montgomery - Feb 94)
Barry Or & Az, a cat sejant contourny Sa. (D: Muirgel ingen Gilla
Comgaill - Sep 01)
Barry Or & Az, on a bend sin Sa 3 escallops Arg. (D: Marioun
Golightly - Sep 03)
Barry Or & Az, on a chf Az 2 palets betw 2 gyrons Or & overall an
escutcheon Arg. (D: Mortimer, Earl of March - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Barry Vt & Az, issuant from base 2 demi-bears erect respectant &
in chf a crescent Arg. (D: Ursuline de Grennan-Barrett Aug 79?)
Per chev Az & barry of 8 Or & Az, in chf 2 double roses Or, barbed
Vt. (D: Muireall of Rosebarrie - Sep 83)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Barry - Plain line - Fur

See also: Fess

Barry erminois & Sa, a bend embat & a bord Vt. (D: Gotschalg
Sudermann - Feb 02)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Barry - Plain line - Gules

See also: Fess

Barry & per pale Or & Gu, on a chf triangular Vt a crescent Or. (D:
Rnn mac Magnusa - Aug 02)
Barry Gu & Or, a chicken Sa. (D: Else Hnrvogt - Dec 04)
Barry Gu & Or, 3 eagles in pall disp, wings inv, heads to center, all
within a bord embat Sa. (D: Basil von Kln - Nov 84)
Barry of six Gu & Or, the sin half of a fleur-de-lys Sa. (D:
Hartmann Rogge - Mar 95)
Barry Or & Gu, 3 antlers conjoined at their bases in pall inv, a bord
rayonny Sa. (B: Bretislava Jerbek - Mar 99)
Barry vair & Gu. (D: Coucy, Les Sires de - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Gu, 3 bars Or. (D: Cameron of Lochiel - Dec 94) (Important nonSCA arms)
Sa, 3 bars Gu fimbriated Or, overall a horse salient to sin Arg. (D:
Rolanda Rossner - Dec 98)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Barry - Plain line - Multicolor

See also: Fess

Barry & per chev throughout pean & erminois. (D: Ulrich Krieger
- Jan 03)
Barry & per pale Arg & Vt, a cross crosslet fitchy Sa. (B: Aengus
Stiubhard Mac Dhughaill - Jun 05)
Barry & per pale Az & Or, a triangle Arg masoned Sa within an
arch Arg. (D: Iestyn or Wlad Bell - Oct 84)
Barry & per pale Sa & Or, a wing terminating in a hand maintaining
a sword all within a bord Gu. (D: Herman Mandel - Feb 03)
Barry Az & Arg, ctrch per salt, a Scotch thistle slipped & leaved
proper. (D: Megan of Thistledowns - Mar 75?)
Barry bendy Arg & Purp, a reremouse disp Or. (D: Vratislav
Netopier - Jun 89)
Barry bendy Gu & Arg, a griffin segreant & a chf Az. (D: Durand
Rdwin - Aug 89)
Barry bendy Gu & Or, 3 fleurs-de-lys in bend within a bord Sa. (D:
Winther der Trwe - Apr 03)
Barry bendy sin Arg & Sa, on a cross nowy Or an eagle rising
contourny, wings addorsed Sa. (D: Roger Mighel de Ryes Apr 93)
Barry bendy sin Gu & Or, on a chf Arg 3 saltires couped Gu. (D:
Michael of Essex - Mar 97)
Barry of eight & per pale Or & Gu, an eagles head erased Sa. (D:
Holtmar of Wyrhtenatun - Aug 81)
Barry of eight per pale ctrch Arg & Az, a sea serpent counternaiant
Vt, vorant a caravelle proper. (D: Fedelm ni Uidhir - Aug 79)
Barry of 4 Az, Arg, Vt, & Or, a pale Gu & in canton a mullet Or.
(B: Central African Republic - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA
Barry of 4 Gu, Az, Or, & Vt. (B: Mauritius - Sep 95) (Important
non-SCA flag)
Barry of 4 per bend sin Or & Vt, semy-de-lis ctrch. (D: Jason
MacRuairidh the Seolvertunged - Feb 88)

Field division - Barry - Plain line - Multicolor (continued)

Barry of seven Vt, Or, Gu, Sa, Gu, Or, & Vt, overall on a dexter
tierce triangular Arg fimbriated Sa, a mullet Gu surmounted by
a bird of Zimbabwe Or. (B: Zimbabwe - Sep 95) (Important
non-SCA flag)
Barry of six Sa, Or, & Gu, on a plate a crested crane proper. (B:
Uganda - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Barry of twelve per pale Az & Arg, a leopard salient to sin coward
Or. (D: Esteban de Asturias - Sep 73?)
Barry pily Or & Az, a Catherine wheel & on a chf Gu, 3 compass
stars, elongated to base, Arg. (D: Katrine the Outlandish Nov 89)
Barry pily Sa & Arg, 3 feathers in pile Gu. (D: Batrix du Lac Noir
- Oct 93)
Bendy, paly, barry, bendy sin Arg & Az, a fess Az, goutty deau.
(D: Damian of Silvertere - Jul 79?)
Bendy paly barry bendy sin Arg & Az, on a fess Az goutty deau a
sword reversed Arg. (D: Daniel the Defender of Silvertere Aug 79?)
Bendy-barry Arg & Vt, a base rayonny Gu. (D: Erik of Northhold Mar 85)
Lozengy barry ermine & Gu. (D: Ronald of Flaming Hall Oct 81)
Per pale barry Or & Arg ctrch, on a pale Az a boars head erased
Arg. (D: Christian MacTaggart - Mar 81)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Barry - Plain line - Or

See also: Fess

Barry of eight Sa & Or, an eagle disp Gu within a bord Or. (D:
Reinhard von Stettin - Feb 88)
Barry of six Or & Sa. (D: Barry Goldsson - Jan 73?)
Barry Or & Sa. (D: Gonzaga - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA
Barry Or & Sa, a reremouse disp betw 3 anchors Gu. (D: Yiannis
Damianos Draco - Jul 87)
Barry Or & Sa, on a chf triangular Arg a wolf passant guardant
contourny Sa. (D: scwynne t Bodanhamme - Apr 07)
Barry Or & Vt, on a closed book palewise Purp a pair of eyeglass
frames Or. (D: Esperanza Halevi - Aug 02)
Barry Sa & Or, a crancelin Vt. (D: Saxony - Dec 94) (A crancelin
is a bend engrailed on the upper edge the points trefly; it is
usually enarched.)(Important non-SCA arms)
Barry Sa & Or, a falcon descending upon a falconers gauntlet, both
Arg. (D: Michael of Armach - Jun 73?)
Barry Vt & Or, an estoile Sa pierced Arg betw 3 gouttes de sang.
(D: Basilia of Ravenspur - Jul 84)
Barry Vt & Or, on a pile Sa a thunderbolt Or. (D: Roiberd Mor
Barra - Nov 00)
Per pale embat barry Sa & Or & Vt, in sin a dragon sejant erect Arg.
(D: Karolyi Attila Laszlo - Jan 92)
Sa, 4 bars Or, overall on a bend Arg a bumblebee statant close
proper bestriding a spear Sa. (B: Christopher of Hoghton May 82)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Barry - Plain line - Purpure

See also: Fess
There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Barry - Plain line - Sable

See also: Fess
There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Barry - Complex line - Argent

See also: Fess

Arg, 4 barrulets wavy & overall a dolphin uriant Az. (D: Amanda
of Cawdor - Feb 75?)
Az, a tower Arg, surmounted by 3 bars wavy ctrch, all within a bord
Arg. (B: Bards Keep - Feb 86)
Barry dancetty Arg & Az. (D: Yaacov ben haRav Elieser Mar 07)
Barry dancetty Az & Arg, a mascle Or. (D: Aislinn de Valence May 85)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 643

[Field division - Barry - Complex line - Argent]

Field division - Barry - Complex line - Argent (continued)

Barry engrailed Arg & Az, on a salt cotised Gu a covered saltcellar

Arg. (D: Mary Garrett of Seasalter - Mar 91)
Barry engrailed Az & Arg, a sea lion contourny, a bord Or. (B:
Seleone - May 96)
Barry engrailed Az & Arg, a sea-lion contourny Or sustaining a
laurel wreath Vt. (D: Seleone - May 96)
Barry engrailed Az & Arg, in salt five towers within a bord Or. (D:
ine Dhuin Bhuidhe - Aug 00)
Barry engrailed Az & Arg, on a pile inv pean, a unicorns head
couped Arg. (D: Elspeth the Shy - Dec 95)
Barry indented Arg & Az, a red foxs mask proper within a bord Sa.
(D: Reynard des Montaignes - May 83)
Barry indented of eight Arg & Vt, a bezant within a bord Or. (D:
Ciaran of Beresruth - Oct 82)
Barruly undy Arg & Az, a kraken Sa. (D: Jon Searider - Jan 73?)
Barry wavy Arg an Az, a dogs pawprint inv Or. (B: Houndsford Nov 95)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a bord Sa semy of broadarrows points to
center Or. (B: Mairi filia Andreas - Feb 05)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a brunette mermaid affronty proper, dexter
hand raised, & a chf wavy counter-ermine. (D: Alexandra
Idonea - May 86)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a chalice & in chf 3 gouttes Gu. (D:
Gwineth ferch Arthur - Nov 93)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a cross crosslet Sa, on a chf Az, 3 anchors
Arg. (D: Angelique del Mar - May 88)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a cross Gu surmounted in base by a closed
book bendwise Or. (D: Eileen Fraser - Oct 92)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a demi-lobster tergiant disp Gu. (B: Sean
FitzWallace - Jan 83)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a dragon segreant & in chf 3 fleurs-de-lys
Gu. (D: Griffith Dragonlake - Aug 92)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a dragons head couped & in base 3 gouttes
Sa. (D: Dominic Seymour - Oct 02)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a heart & a bord Gu. (B: Robert MacAlister
of Leslie - Mar 08)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a narwhal naiant to sin Purp within a bord
dovetailed Vt. (D: Clara MacMillan - Nov 94)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a pair of compasses Or supported by a lion
ramp Gu. (D: Tmas Terlach Fraser - Aug 91)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a ram ramp within a bord Sa. (D: Lawrence
the Rampant of Rams Isle - Sep 92)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a sea-goat passant Sa, horned Or. (B:
Dietrich Wenceslas von Brandeis - Dec 83) (For House
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a seahorse erect to sin within a laurel wreath
Or. (D: River Haven - Feb 86)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a ship contourney proper sailed Or & a chf
counter-ermine. (D: Seth Flann MacDougal - Nov 97)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a ship Gu & a chf wavy Sa mulletty Or. (D:
Aengus Stiubhard Mac Dhughaill - Jun 05)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a sun within a bord Or. (B: Fridrikr
Tomasson av Knusslig Hamn - date?)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a talbot passant within a laurel wreath Or.
(D: Houndsford - Mar 94)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a tower Gu. (B: Isles, the - Nov 89)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a tower issuant from base Sa. (B: Geoffrey
Geometer - Nov 86) (For Freehold Turris Nimborum)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a tower Or issuant from a mount Vt, in chf a
laurel wreath Or. (D: Turm an dem See - Nov 88)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, a tower within a laurel wreath Gu. (D: Isles,
the - Aug 79)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, an oak tree eradicated within a laurel wreath
Sa. (D: Altenberg - Jan 97)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, issuant from base a demi sun Or on a chf the
Union Jack augmented with a coronet Or. (D: British
Columbia - Jan 98) (Important non-SCA arms)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, on a bend Sa cotised Gu a wolfs head
cabossed palewise Arg. (D: Eoghan Caireallin - Feb 03)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, on a chf Gu 3 garbs Or. (D: Gudrun in
spaka - Feb 03)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, on a chf Sa a heart Gu fimbriated Or. (D:
Nicolette Douglas of Lanark - Dec 82)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, on a chf wavy Az a laurel wreath Or betw 2
towers Arg. (D: Bards Keep - Dec 91)

644 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Field division - Barry - Complex line - Argent (continued)

Barry wavy Arg & Az, on a chf wavy Vt 3 estoiles Arg. (D:
Coemri nEithne - Nov 93)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, on a pale Vt an iris slipped & leaved Arg.
(D: Arielle de Brabazon - Sep 83)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, on a pall Gu, 4 linden leaves palewise Arg.
(D: Kilde Jurgenstochter - Dec 88)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, on a pile Arg a raven rising wings disp
holding a crossbow bolt Sa. (B: Rosamund of the Misty
Meadows - Oct 95) (For House Ravenstream)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, on a pile Or a lymphad, sails set & oars in
action Gu. (D: Seumas MacAonghuis MhicDhubhshith Jun 93)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, on a pile throughout Sa in pale a crescent
pendant & a wolf sejant ululant Arg. (D: Alfric gylir Sep 03)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, on a pile wavy Gu a salmon naiant & an
osprey passant close Arg. (D: Koppel fun Baurieux - Dec 81)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, on a pitcher Or a compass star Az. (D:
Gregory of Grand Sea - Dec 89)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, on a triangle throughout Sa betw 3 mullets a
thistle Or. (D: William Magnusson - Oct 82)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, 3 dragonflies Or. (D: Antonia di Battista Aug 02)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, 3 fleurs-de-lys one & 2 Gu. (B: Griffith
Dragonlake - Aug 92) (For House Dragonlake)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, 2 flaunches Vt. (B: Drachenwald - date?)
(For the Sojourners Company)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, 2 oars in salt proper & a bord Sa. (D:
Alberic of Seawall - Dec 92)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, 2 sea unicorns combattant within a bord Gu.
(D: Etta von Felsenstrand - Jul 03)
Barry wavy Arg & Az, 2 sea-horses respectant crossed in salt Vt.
(B: Elspeth Islay of Glen Meara - Aug 96)
Barry wavy Arg & Gu, a wyvern erect maintaining an axe & on a
chf wavy Sa 3 crosses patonce Arg. (D: Oswyn t Mldune May 07)
Barry wavy Arg & Gu, a wyvern erect maintaining an axe within a
bord Sa. (D: Draguin atte Maeldun - Jan 91)
Barry wavy Arg & Purp. (B: Kit Fox - May 06) (For Kytte de
Barry wavy Arg & Purp, a shamrock betw 3 decrescents Vt. (D:
Kateline de Hawkesford - Jul 92)
Barry wavy Arg & Sa, a castle within a laurel wreath Or. (D: Ben
Dunfirth - Jan 91)
Barry wavy Arg & Sa, a seahorse naiant to sin Az. (D: Judith
Darkwater - Jun 86)
Barry wavy Arg & Sa, a wyvern statant reguardant, tail sufflexed,
within a bord Vt. (D: Ariadne Flaxenhair of Dragons End Jul 88)
Barry wavy Arg & Vt, a cow couchant guardant Or & a chf Sa. (D:
Fridemunt von Kostenz - May 99)
Barry wavy Arg & Vt, a sea-unicorn contourny Az. (D: Maire
OShannon - Jan 95)
Barry wavy Arg & Vt, on a bend sin Purp 3 hawks bells Or. (D:
Debra of the Shattered Crystal - May 85)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, a butterfly & a chf Or. (D: Juliana
dAvignon - Oct 92)
Barruly wavy Az & Arg, a demi-bezant. (B: Beotram of the
Northwinds - May 85) (For Household of the Golden Lodge)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, a dolphin haurient to sin Gu. (D: Alaric fitz
Madoc - Aug 90)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, a dragonfly Vt. (B: Katerine Fitzwilliam Sep 06)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, a frog bendwise sin Vt. (D: Magdalena
Engraia de la Huerta - Jan 06)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, a horses head erased pean crined Or. (B:
Ceridwen Maelor verch Gruffydd - Jul 92)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, a mermaid Or tailed Vt maintaining in her
dexter hand an amphora Or. (D: Lijsbet van tsHertogen Bosch
- Oct 04)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, a phoenix disp sin facing Gu & in chf an
eight-pointed mullet Arg. (D: Astrach yo Zhar-Ptitsa Jan 76?)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, a scorpion palewise & on a chf wavy Or, an
Egyptian sphinx Az, faced Arg. (D: Marguerite Isadora de
Riva - Aug 88)

[Field division - Barry - Complex line - Argent]

Field division - Barry - Complex line - Argent (continued)

Barry wavy Az & Arg, a sea unicorn erect Sa & on a chf Arg 3
roses Sa. (D: Bronwyn Dawntreader - Apr 88)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, a sea-dragon erect Or, its tail supporting a
hammer bendwise Sa. (D: Davin Kinnard MacAilean Jun 90)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, a swan rousant Sa, beaked & membered Gu,
& a gore sin Purp. (D: Cymber of the Darkwater - Apr 88)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, a swan rousant Sa, beaked & membered Gu,
gorged of a comital coronet Or, & a gore sin Purp.
(Augmentation of Arms: Cymber of the Darkwater - Jan 90)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, a tower conjoined to dexter with a wall, both
issuant from a mound, in dexter chf a laurel wreath, all Sa. (D:
Ar n-Eilean-ne - Nov 89)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, a triquetra inv Or interlaced with an annulet
Sa. (D: Duibheasa inghean Fhionnghaile - May 07)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, a triskele within a bord Or. (B: Trimaris Feb 96) (For Order of the Trimarian Gratitude)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, an eagle disp Or within a laurel wreath Vt.
(D: Aarquelle - Jul 88)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, in bend 3 ships contourny proper, sailed Gu.
(D: Christofano Vecchione - Jan 92)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, in pale an orca contourny proper & a conch
shell fesswise reversed Or. (D: Katherine la Juste de la Mer Apr 92)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, on a bend Gu 3 towers triple-towered
palewise Or. (D: Miguel Esteban Franco de Los Rios Oct 95)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, on a chf Arg 3 crosses crosslet fitchy Sa. (D:
Bella Caterina Malatesta - Mar 03)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, on a pale Gu a dolphin embowed betw 2
fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Bronwyn Glendower - May 83)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, on a pale Or 3 mullets Az. (D: Maxen
Dawel ap Morgan - Jun 93)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, on a pile Vt a tree eradicated, a bord Or. (D:
Grainne inghean Dhonnchadha - Dec 98)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, on an inescutcheon Gu a Dolmen Or. (D:
Mersi Stonegate - Sep 94)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, 3 bezants. (B: Fiore Pescara - Sep 97)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, 3 towers Or. (B: Edwinna of Hawks Bluff Feb 96)
Barry wavy Az & Arg, 2 seahorses respectant Or. (D: Ceara ingen
ui Chellaig - Jan 99)
Barry wavy Az & Vt, a winged mermaid disp Arg. (D: Alexandra
of Cats Heart - Mar 81)
Barry wavy Gu & Arg, a pegasus salient to sin Sa. (D: Ginevra da
Ravenna - Jan 02)
Barry wavy of eight Arg & Az, upon a pile Vt a sea-unicorn
passant, tail elevated above its head, Arg, armed & finned Or.
(D: Oralea Giddian - Jul 84)
Barry wavy of eight Arg & Vt, on a chf Az 4 piles inv Sa, tipped &
fimbriated Arg. (D: Wilhelm of Bothnia - Jan 73?)
Barry wavy of eight Az & Arg, a perch haurient embowed Or
pierced by a spear inv bendwise sin Sa. (D: Janez Per! Nov 81)
Barry wavy of 4 Arg & Sa, a heart Gu, within a bordurelet Sa. (B:
Julie of the Blackwater - Apr 81)
Barry wavy of ten Arg & Az, an African lion passant erect playing a
Scottish bagpipe proper within a bord Gu. (D: William
Blackfox - May 81)
Barry wavy Sa & Arg, a trident head Gu. (B: Darkwater - Nov 99)
(For Order of the Defenders of Darkwater)
Barry wavy Vt & Arg, a brown stags head erased proper. (D:
Rowena of Arundel - Oct 98)
Barry wavy Vt & Arg, a lions-paw escallop Or. (B: Lyondemere Sep 81)
Barry wavy Vt & Arg, a triskele within a bord Or. (B: Trimaris May 96) (For Order of the Emerald Sea)
Barry wavy Vt & Arg, a unicorns head couped Sa, armed, orbed &
crined, & a chf wavy Or. (D: Dagonell Collingwood of
Emerald Lake - Aug 87)
Barry wavy Vt & Arg, 3 gouttes de sang. (D: Wilfried Rudiger
Quellenmann - Aug 86)
Per bend barry wavy Az & Arg, & Arg scaly Vt, a sea-wolf Or. (D:
Dimitra of Samarkand - Oct 92)
Per bend Or & barry wavy Az & Arg, in sin chf a laurel wreath Vt.
(D: Wessex Mere - Feb 96)

Field division - Barry - Complex line - Argent (continued)

Per bend sin Arg & barry engrailed Arg & Az, a bend sin, in chf a
tower Purp. (D: Wybke vom Drachenfeld - Oct 85)
Per chev abased Arg & barry wavy Az & Arg, 2 satyrs passant
respectant, each maintaining a trident, & in base a laurel
wreath Gu. (D: Barren Sands - Jan 85)
Per chev Arg & barry wavy Arg & Az, a pall inv Vt betw 3 rams
heads cabossed Gu. (D: Osgot of Corfe - Feb 87)
Per chev Az & barry wavy Arg & Vt, in chf 2 natural tigers jambes
erased Arg marked Sa. (D: Fearghus OShannon - Nov 95)
Per chev barry wavy Arg & Az, & Or, in base a puffin close proper.
(B: Harvey the Blind - Jan 86)
Per chev barry wavy Az & Arg, & Gu, 2 sea-lions & a ship Or. (D:
Matteo Alessandro Ulisse Rugieri - Jun 96)
Per chev Sa & barry wavy Arg & Gu, in chf 2 woolpacks Arg. (D:
Catherine Loxley of Tirnewydd - Nov 91)
Per fess Arg & barry wavy Az & Arg, in pale a swan naiant Sa & a
laurel wreath Vt. (D: Afon Araf - May 82)
Per fess Arg & barry wavy Gu & Arg, a dragon couchant Gu. (D:
Gwenllian verch Gruffydd - Dec 01)
Per fess Az & barry wavy Arg & Az, in fess a hunter statant
affronty maintaining a gunstock brown, atop a peninsula Vt
issuant from dexter, & a demi-sun issuant to chf from the line
of division Or. (D: Michigan, State of - May 99) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Per fess engrailed Az & barruly-wavy Arg & Az. (D: Britta
Atlantica - Oct 73?)
Per fess engrailed Sa & barry engrailed Arg & Az, an astrolabe Arg
& a pair of compasses inv Or. (D: Daoud al-Bodmani Feb 92)
Per fess Gu & barry wavy Arg & Az, in pale a lion sejant & a
dolphin hauriant Or. (D: Hannah of Montengarde - Aug 80)
Per fess Or & barry wavy Arg & Az, a goblet & in chf 3 oak leaves
Sa. (D: Maria Theresa of San Georgio - Apr 86)
Per fess Sa & barry wavy Az & Arg, on a fess wavy Or a demi-seaserpent haurient issuant from base, Gu. (D: Raibeart
Lachlaness MacGhille-Mhaolain - Jul 81)
Per fess Vt & barry wavy Arg & Az, in chf 3 laurel wreaths Arg.
(D: Aquaterra - May 89)
Per fess wavy Arg & barry wavy Az & Arg, a galleon proper sails
set Sa. (D: Otto the Confused - Jul 96)
Per fess wavy Arg & barry wavy Az & Arg, a sword betw in chf 2
hearts Gu. (D: Robert MacAlister of Leslie - Jul 07)
Per fess wavy Arg & barry wavy Az & Arg, in chf a Norse suncross Sa. (B: Mary Taran of Glastonbury - Oct 07) (JB:
duin of Skye)
Per fess wavy Arg & barry wavy Az & Arg, in chf a tower Sa
enflamed proper. (D: Elaine Ladd - Oct 84)
Per fess wavy Arg & barry wavy Az & Arg, in chf 3 wyverns sejant
Gu. (D: Cecily of Whitehaven - Aug 99)
Per fess wavy Arg & barry wavy Gu & Arg, a crescent in chf & a
bord Gu. (D: Ivan Ulrickson - Sep 93)
Per fess wavy Az & Arg, issuant from the line of division a lion
ramp Or, in base 3 bars wavy Az. (D: Ragna Dzintara of
Amberhall - May 82)
Per fess wavy Az & barry wavy Arg & Az, a swan naiant upon the
line of division & in chf 3 roses Arg. (D: Enid Aurelia of the
Tin Isles - Oct 83)
Per fess wavy Az & barry wavy Arg & Az in chf a mullet of eight
points & an increscent Or. (D: Robyrt of Watersyde - Jul 98)
Per fess wavy Az & barry wavy Arg & Az, in chf a rue flower Or,
seeded Vt, all within a bord wavy Arg. (D: Mariana Silversea
- Oct 87)
Per fess wavy Az & barry wavy Arg & Az, in chf a wolf couchant
Arg, maintaining in its dexter paw a sheaf of arrows, all within
a bord Or, semy of hammers Vt. (D: Sigurd Stormrider of
Wolves Haven - Apr 87)
Per fess wavy Az & barry wavy Arg & Az, in chf 2 doves volant
respectant Arg. (D: Fiona Arthur - Jul 97)
Per fess wavy, barry wavy Arg & Az, & Or, in base a hart ramp Sa.
(D: Morgana le Coeur - Aug 92)
Per fess wavy Gu & barry wavy Arg & Az, in chf a sun in his
splendour Or. (D: Niall Muineachan - Sep 84)
Per fess wavy Or & barry wavy Az & Arg, a phoenix contourny Gu
rising from flames proper issuant from the line of division. (D:
Alexandre Christophe von der Klinge - Sep 92)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 645

[Field division - Barry - Complex line - Argent] to [Field division - Bendy]

Field division - Barry - Complex line - Argent (continued)

Per fess wavy Or & barry wavy Az & Arg, a sea lion, tail reflexed
over its head, Sa. (B: Wealdsmere - May 97)
Per fess wavy Purp & barry wavy Arg & Az, in chf 2 pine trees
Arg. (D: Suzanna di Bosco - Oct 83)
Per fess wavy Purp & barry wavy Az & Arg, a demi-horse salient,
issuant from the line of division, betw in chf a mask of comedy
bendwise & a mask of tragedy bendwise sin Arg. (D: Gillian
Constance Brothwell of Durham - Jan 84)
Per fess wavy Sa & barry wavy Arg & Az, in chf 3 mullets of six
points, one & 2, Arg. (D: Alyssa Dorianna - Jun 83)
Per fess wavy Sa, mulletty Arg & barry wavy Arg & Az, in base an
annulet Or. (D: Cristiaern Nichulasson - Nov 89) (reregistered 9001K)
Per fess wavy Vt & Arg, in pale a millrind Or & 2 bars wavy Az.
(D: Antonio di Casa dAqua - Aug 84)
Per pale & barry wavy Arg & Sa, on a chf triangular Sa, a sealion
naiant Or. (D: Ia Anna Kazimova - Apr 90)
Per pale wavy barry wavy Arg & Az & Vt. (B: Aquaterra Mar 03)
Per salt Or & barry wavy Arg & Az, in pale 2 fountains. (D:
Cinaeth mac Lachlan - Jul 92)
Quarterly barruly wavy Arg & Az & Arg, on a bend sin Sa betw 2
roses Or a rapier Arg. (D: John Michael Thorpe - Oct 05)
Quarterly barry wavy, Arg & Sa, & Gu, a blonde mermaid disp
proper betw in bend sin 2 compass-stars Sa, fimbriated Arg.
(D: Meaghan Ariadne Morcheartaigh - Feb 83)
Quarterly per fess wavy, barry wavy Az & Arg, & Sa. (D: Malyn
Edwardis - Jan 07)
Quarterly Sa & barry wavy Arg & Az, an Arabian lamp enflamed
Or. (D: Richard Lawson of the Lake - Sep 83)
Sa chap barry wavy Arg & Az, a crane statant maintaining a key
atop a mount Arg. (D: Eleanora Stewart - Apr 06)
Vt chap barry wavy Az & Arg, a vixen sejant guardant contourny
Arg. (B: Carolingia - Dec 90) (For the Borough of Felding)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Barry - Complex line - Azure

See also: Fess

Az, six bars wavy Or, on a pile Arg in pale a hawk rising, wings
elevated & addorsed, & a Spanish galleon Gu. (D: David
Hawkwood - Aug 86)
Barry wavy Az & Or, a Doric column Arg. (B: Bridge, the Mar 84) (For the Order of the Pillar)
Barry wavy Az & Or, a heart within a bord embat Gu. (B: Sergio
dello Scudo Bianco - Oct 92)
Barry wavy Az & Or, a sea bear erect Arg. (D: Leifr Beorn
Hrolfsson - Aug 98)
Barry wavy Az & Or, in pale a towered bridge of 2 arches & a heart
Gu. (D: Sergio dello Scudo Bianco - May 89)
Barry wavy Az & Or, 3 merlions in pall tails to center entwined
Arg. (D: Roxane la Lionne Blanche - Apr 91)
Barry wavy ermine & Az, on a chf Purp issuant from the line of
division a demi-sun Or. (D: Thierry dOutremer - May 00)
Barry Wavy Or & Az, a natural sea-turtle Vt & a bord Az. (D:
Issabell Annabella Aliot - Aug 94)
Barry wavy Or & Az, a spearfish naiant embowed contourny Arg &
a chf wavy Gu. (D: Cristobal de Luson - Feb 06)
Barry wavy Or & Az, 2 swans naiant respectant & a lozenge Arg.
(D: Sarmasia Lakadaimoniote - May 95)
Per bend Or & barry wavy Or & Az, a heron volant bendwise wings
addorsed Az. (D: Annys of Trimaris - Nov 01)
Per chev, barry wavy of ten Or & Az, & Arg, a red fox sejant
proper. (D: Gregoire Reynard de Bourgogne - Aug 78?)
Per chev Purp & barry wavy Or & Az, 2 clay pots & a whelk Arg.
(D: Aasni Ragnhildsdotter - Jan 08)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Barry - Complex line - Fur

See also: Fess

Barry wavy ermine & Sa. (D: Eldrich Gaiman - Jun 06)
Barry wavy Vt & Arg ermined Vt. (D: Daimhn Sinna - Mar 02)
* * * End * * *

646 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Field division - Barry - Complex line - Gules

See also: Fess

Barry wavy Gu & Or, a pegasus salient to sin Arg. (D: Donal
MacAyre of Gorabh - Mar 85)
Barry wavy Gu & Or, on a pale endorsed Az in chf a whelk shell
Or. (D: Julian Gwyn of Glan Claer - Aug 84)
Barry wavy Or & Gu, a phoenix Arg within a laurel wreath Vt. (D:
Loch Thioram - Sep 92)
Barry wavy Sa & Gu, in salt a belaying pin & a sword Arg. (D:
Dianna Wyndalan of Kidwelly - Jul 80)
Or, 3 bars wavy Gu. (D: Drummond, Earl of Perth - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Per fess wavy Or & barry wavy Gu & Or, a laurel wreath Vt & a
bord per pale Vt & Gu. (D: Rudivale - Oct 93)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Barry - Complex line - Multicolor

See also: Fess

Barry dancetty & paly Az & Arg, an annulet & on a chf Gu in sin a
sword hilt inv with blade stub Arg. (D: Giulianno Giovanni
Lapcevic - Aug 81)
Barry wavy & per pale Az & Arg, a bord Vt. (D: Constance
Beauchamp - Feb 89)
Barry wavy & per pale Az & Arg, 2 wyverns combattant Gu. (D:
Thomas Hickson - Aug 88)
Barry wavy of eight Vt & Arg, ctrch per pale, 2 towers & on a point
pointed Or a cluster of grapes Purp, slipped & leaved Vt. (D:
Evah Marguerita Palma de Yuste - Nov 84)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Barry - Complex line - Or

See also: Fess

Barry engrailed Or & Vt, a cartouche pointed in chf & base ctrch.
(D: Juana Isabella de Montoya y Ramirez - Oct 79)
Barry nebuly Sa & Or, on a bend Gu a sword inv Or. (D: Bryce
MacLaren - Oct 94)
Barry wavy Purp & Or, a winged dolphin haurient & on a chf Arg 3
decrescents Purp. (D: Edine Fairfield - Jan 94)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Barry - Complex line - Purpure

See also: Fess
There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Barry - Complex line - Sable

See also: Fess
There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Bendy

See also: Bend

Arg, ermined, five scarpes Gu. (B: Orm Skjoldbidig - May 81)
Arg, 3 bendlets wavy Az overall a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Lyndhaven
- Apr 96)
Az, 3 bendlets & overall an eagle disp Or. (D: Giovanni Boccaccio
- Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Az, 3 bendlets wavy Arg. (D: Genevieve dEvreux - Jun 99)
Barry bendy Arg & Purp, a reremouse disp Or. (D: Vratislav
Netopier - Jun 89)
Barry bendy Gu & Arg, a griffin segreant & a chf Az. (D: Durand
Rdwin - Aug 89)
Barry bendy Gu & Or, 3 fleurs-de-lys in bend within a bord Sa. (D:
Winther der Trwe - Apr 03)
Bendy & per bend sin Az & Arg, a goblet within an orle Or. (D:
Brian du Val - Aug 01)
Bendy & per bend sin engrailed floretty at the points Arg & Vt,
sem-de-lis bendwise ctrch. (D: Gafyn Meridudd - Dec 83)
Bendy & per bend sin Or & Gu, a bord engrailed Sa. (D: Patrick of
the Isles - Dec 71?)
Bendy & per bend sin Sa & Or. (D: Alain of Litteldale - Jun 00)
Bendy & per pale Or & Sa, on a chf Vt a fleur-de-lys betw 2 mullets
Or. (D: Katerina Isabella di Firenze - Nov 88)
Bendy & per pale Sa & Arg. (D: Sofonisba Alberti - Dec 97)
Bendy & per pale Sa & Or, 2 griffins segreant addorsed their tails
nowed together Vt. (D: Nicolas de la Hale - Sep 02)

[Field division - Bendy]

Field division - Bendy (continued)

Bendy Arg & counter-ermine, 3 hawks striking Az. (D: Dnes Imre
Kovcs - May 89)
Bendy Arg & Sa, a decrescent Or, overall a cross bottony Gu. (D:
Valencia Carlota Maria de Granada - Jun 89)
Bendy Arg & Sa, a wingless griffin within a bord Vt semy of
anchors inv Or. (D: Gervais Delamare - May 96)
Bendy Arg & Vt, a natural seahorse, erect & sin facing, betw in fess
2 cinquefoils, a base fleury Or. (D: Rowena Robusta of
Charryng Tower - May 88)
Bendy Arg & Vt, on a chf Purp 3 sexfoils Arg. (D: Naadirah bint
Ali - Jul 04)
Bendy Arg semy of roses Sa & Gu. (D: Johanna von Nrnberg Sep 02)
Bendy Az & Arg, a cogwheel Sa & overall a quill pen bendwise sin
Or. (D: Robert the Skeptic - Aug 87)
Bendy Az & Arg, a sin wing terminating in a hand Sa sustaining an
axe bendwise Gu. (B: Herman Mandel - Aug 05)
Bendy Az & Arg mullety of six points Az, a bord Or. (D: Stergar
of Wessex - Jan 94)
Bendy Az & Or, 3 reremice Gu. (D: Karl Faustus von Aachen Apr 01)
Bendy dovetailed Gu & Or, 2 wings, conjoined in lure, Arg, overall
2 axes inv in salt Sa. (D: Daniel Blackaxe - Jan 87)
Bendy embat grady Az & Arg, a heart sundered in bend sin
dancetty Or. (D: Erika von Goldenherz - Aug 71?)
Bendy ermine & Sa. (D: William de Greyhope - Aug 06)
Bendy Gu & Arg, a bord Az. (D: Stephan le fiz Ricard - May 02)
Bendy Gu & Arg, a pale ctrch. (B: John the Bearkiller - Oct 76)
(For the House of the Candy Merchants)
Bendy Gu & Arg, a stag ramp erminois. (D: Phillip of the Golden
Stag - Oct 88)
Bendy Gu & Arg, a Turks head affronty couped proper impaled
upon a spearhead couped Sa. (D: John of Coventry - Feb 89)
Bendy Gu & Or, a horses head couped within an orle Sa. (D:
Morgana de Leon - Oct 87)
Bendy Gu & Or, 3 frogs Sa. (D: Fulk the Bald - Feb 04)
Bendy of eight Or & Sa, a pair of tongs Gu. (D: Gene the Black Dec 96)
Bendy of six Arg & Az, a calygreyhound ramp guardant Or. (D:
Arin Sturrock of Appin - Jul 86)
Bendy Or & Az, a bear ramp Sa, on a chf Az 3 escallops Or. (D:
Beatrice SantAnastasia Silvani - Aug 92)
Bendy Or & Az, a bord Gu. (D: Burgundy, Ancient - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Bendy Or & Az, a wolfs head erased ululant contourny Gu
maintaining in its mouth an egg Arg, on a chf Or 3 eagles Gu.
(D: Eginolf von Basel - Nov 07)
Bendy Or & Az, on a chf Gu 3 bears jambes bendwise couped one
& 2 Or. (D: Elwisia Mouche de Voujeaucourt - Mar 02)
Bendy Or & Gu. (D: Walraven van Nijmegen - Nov 98)
Bendy Or & Gu, a bend sin ctrch. (D: Annys de Vernun of
Kettering - Oct 89)
Bendy Or & Gu, an alaunts head Sa erased, orbed Gu, sin facing.
(D: Charles Bradford - Jun 75?)
Bendy Or & Sa, a chf Or, overall a mandrake Purp, leaved Vt. (D:
Alraun of Brownmoor - Jan 73)
Bendy Or & Sa, a cross quarter-pierced ctrch. (D: Basil
Dragonstrike - Nov 80)
Bendy Or & Vt, a lion salient contourny queue-fourchy Sa within a
bord Sa semy of escallops inv Or. (D: Julianna Maria
Wilhelmina von Metten - Nov 92)
Bendy Or & Vt, a sprig of ash bendwise sin Sa. (D: Torunn
Egilsdotter Ask - Jan 97)
Bendy, paly, barry, bendy sin Arg & Az, a fess Az, goutty deau.
(D: Damian of Silvertere - Jul 79?)
Bendy paly barry bendy sin Arg & Az, on a fess Az goutty deau a
sword reversed Arg. (D: Daniel the Defender of Silvertere Aug 79?)
Bendy per bend sin wavy ctrch Gu & Or, in bend a hunting horn inv
& a hunting horn reversed Sa. (D: Ian Cornelius Rubicundus Jul 80)
Bendy Purp & Arg, a bord ermine. (D: Nicolas de Villiers Aug 04)
Bendy rayonny of six Or & Gu, a bear statant to sin Sa. (D: Ignacia
la Ciega - Nov 03)

Field division - Bendy (continued)

Bendy Sa & Arg, a cross patte Gu within a bord Sa. (D: Alric of
Castleburg - Oct 81)
Bendy Sa & Arg, a double-headed eagle Az & a bord embat Gu.
(D: Friedrich von Bayern - Dec 05)
Bendy sans nombre Arg & Vt, on a pale engrailed Az 3 harps Arg.
(D: Mary Elizabeth Hathaway - Dec 91)
Bendy Vt & Arg, on a chf embat grady Az, a sea-lion naiant Or. (D:
Ilse vom Rhein - Jun 91)
Bendy Vt & Or, overall a double-headed eagle disp Sa, in base a
hunting horn Purp. (D: Wolfram von Zauberwald - Dec 89)
Bendy wavy Arg & Az, a laurel wreath Or within a bord Sa, sem
of griffins segreant Or. (D: Beau Fleuve - Jan 83)
Bendy wavy Az & Or, on a chf Arg 3 laurel trees proper. (D:
Mathilda von Lindenwald - Sep 07)
Bendy wavy Gu & Arg, a bridge of one arch Sa a bord Vt. (B:
Middleford - Mar 97)
Bendy wavy Gu & Arg, a bridge of one arch Sa within a laurel
wreath Vt. (D: Middleford - Sep 84)
Bendy wavy Gu & Or, 3 doves volant Arg, a chf Purp. (D:
Wendolyn y Breuddwydwr - Jul 81)
Bendy-barry Arg & Vt, a base rayonny Gu. (D: Erik of Northhold Mar 85)
Paly bendy Arg & Sa, a demi-greyhound passant Az. (D: Antonio
Tolumello da Sicilia - Jul 97)
Paly bendy Arg & Sa a hanging balance Gu. (D: Simon Sinneghe Oct 98)
Paly bendy Arg & Sa, a nine-armed menorah & a bord Or. (D:
Alicia Boccaccio da Venezia - Aug 02)
Paly bendy Arg & Sa, a sword bendwise sin sustained by a hand
issuant from an eagles sin wing fesswise Gu. (D: Ulfrikr inn
Hrafn - Aug 05)
Paly bendy Arg & Vt, a double-headed eagle disp & on a chf Sa 3
chalices Arg. (D: Konrad von Krixen - May 99)
Paly bendy Az & Arg, a dolphin hauriant Gu & on a chf Arg a
trident Sa. (D: Gunther von Lindenwald - Oct 02)
Paly bendy Az & Arg, a swan naiant wings elevated & addorsed &
on a chf Sa a sword fesswise Or, hilted Arg. (D: Erich Rotbart
von Mittenwald - Nov 97)
Paly bendy Or & Gu, a ferret sejant erect within a bord embat Arg.
(D: Stevyn Gaoler - Dec 93)
Paly bendy Purp & Arg, a falcon rising, wings elevated & disp,
maintaining in its dexter talon a lily, all within a bord Or. (D:
Shoshonnah Jehanne ferch Emrys - Apr 86)
Paly bendy Sa & Or, a griffin segreant contourny Vt. (D: Galen
MKenezie - Mar 01)
Paly bendy Vt & Arg crusily Purp. (B: Kthe Willig von Mainz Nov 82) (For George Philip von Gafia)
Per bend Arg & bendy Purp & Arg, in chf a dragon courant
bendwise Purp. (D: Angelica of Bohemia - May 89)
Per bend Arg & bendy Purp & Arg, in sin chf 3 roses proper. (D:
Odille le Sage - Nov 89)
Per bend bendy Arg & Az & Arg, in base 3 oak leaves in bend Vt.
(D: Karel of Silfren Mere - Mar 07)
Per bend bendy Arg & Gu & Sa, a sin hand Arg. (D: Aaron
MacGregor - Dec 01)
Per bend bendy Az & Or & Az, in base a cross crosslet Arg. (D:
Hugh Montagud - Sep 96)
Per bend bendy Az & Or, & Az, in base 3 crosses of 4 mascles Arg.
(D: Lars Eriksson - Feb 97)
Per bend, bendy Or & Gu, & Sa, in base betw the tips of 2 wings
conjoined in lure tips downward Arg a mullet of six points
pierced Or. (D: Bryn Eamonn - Nov 82)
Per bend Sa & bendy Arg & Sa, a bend sin ctrch. (D: Dmitrii
Zhirov - Feb 05)
Per bend Sa & bendy Or & Sa, in sin chf a bezant charged with a
cross of ermine spots Vt. (D: Magnus Schatan - Jan 95)
Per bend sin Sa semy-de-lys Or & bendy Gu & Arg, in chf a dragon
ramp maintaining a sheaf of arrows Or. (D: Stefan von
Drachenfels - Dec 96)
Per bend Vt & bendy Or & Gu, in sin chf a mullet Or. (D: Maxim
Davidovich Krasny - Jan 92)
Per bend wavy Az & bendy wavy Arg & Az, in sin chf a cross
crosslet flory Arg. (D: William of Weir - Nov 80)
Per bend wavy, bendy wavy Arg & Az, & Or, in dexter base a hind
lodged Gu. (D: Keridwen of Misty Falls - Nov 82)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 647

[Field division - Bendy] to [Field division - Bendy sinister]

Field division - Bendy (continued)

Per bend wavy Or & bendy wavy Az & Arg, in chf an oak leaf inv
conjoined at the stem with an acorn all bendwise proper. (B:
Wealdsmere - Mar 06) (For Sergeants of Wealdsmere)
Per chev Vt & bendy Or & Sa, in chf 2 shovels Or. (D: John
Gardener of Barley Marsh - Dec 94)
Per fess Az & bendy Sa & Arg, a stag at gaze Arg. (D: Gianni
Arcieri - May 98)
Per fess bendy Arg & Az & Vt, in base a branch bendwise sin Or.
(D: Juliana Mowere - Dec 99)
Per fess Vt & bendy Or & Purp, in chf a crescent Or. (D: Triq ibn
Jelal ibn Ziyadatallah al-Naysbr - Jun 96)
Per pale & bendy Sa & Or, 2 palets Gu each charged with a sword
Arg. (D: Wolfram Eck - Oct 91)
Per pale bendy Az & Arg & Gu, an eagle, wings disp & inv Or
within a bord ctrch. (D: Mark von Neumannsgrund - Jul 89)
Per pale bendy Or & Gu, & Sa, an amphisbaena statant per pale Sa
& Or. (D: Gaufrid Kelson von Heidelberg - Sep 92)
Per pale bendy Or & Vt & Or, 2 stags springing respectant Sa & on
a chf embat Sa 3 suns Or. (D: Gryffith FitzWilliam - Nov 04)
Per pale Or & bendy Gu & ermine, a label Sa. (D: Cei Myghchaell
Wellinton - Aug 85)
Pily bendy Gu & Arg, an escarbuncle counter-ermine. (D: Konrad
von Greifswald - Mar 89)
Pily bendy Or & Vt, a natural chameleon Gu. (D: Vespacia
Capricornica Kareliae - Oct 86)
Pily bendy Sa & Or. (D: Raymond the Mild - Jan 73?)
Pily bendy Vt & Or, a stags attire bendwise sin Gu. (B: Outlands,
the - Dec 89) (War ensign)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Bendy sinister

See also: Bend sinister

(Fieldless) A tower bendy sin Or & Vt. (B: Rorius Domhnall
Kithwall - Jun 93)
Arg, 3 scarpes enhanced Az & a gryphon sejant wings elevated &
addorsed Sa maintaining in its dexter claw a hawks bell Gu.
(D: Ian Andrew MacConacher - Nov 90)
Az, 3 scarpes Arg & overall a lion ramp crowned Or. (D:
Folkunga, House of (Ancient) - Aug 95) (Important non-SCA
Barry bendy sin Arg & Sa, on a cross nowy Or an eagle rising
contourny, wings addorsed Sa. (D: Roger Mighel de Ryes Apr 93)
Barry bendy sin Gu & Or, on a chf Arg 3 saltires couped Gu. (D:
Michael of Essex - Mar 97)
Bendy sin & per bend Az & Arg, 2 narwhals hauriant respectant
horns crossed in salt Gu. (D: Godwine of Sherborne - Jul 97)
Bendy sin & per bend Az & ermine. (D: Pariselle Chouet Jun 02)
Bendy sin Arg & alternately Sa & Gu, on a chf Sa a Saracenic pen
box reversed Arg. (B: Robin of Rhovanion - Sep 94)
Bendy sin Arg & Az, a lion counter-ermine, a bord ermine. (D:
Thomas Ian Kelson of Greyholt - Jun 91)
Bendy sin Arg & Az, in bend sin 2 wolfs heads erased contourny
Gu. (D: Wolfram Brant - Jan 00)
Bendy sin Arg & Gu, a cross potent ctrch. (D: Donn the Bald Apr 96)
Bendy sin Arg & Gu, a sword bendwise inv & in sin chf a thistle
Purp. (D: Andrew Buchanan - May 93)
Bendy sin Arg & Gu, on a pale Az a unicorn ramp Arg. (D: Johann
Mathern - Jun 94)
Bendy sin Arg & Gu, 3 unicorns ramp Sa. (D: Gino Rossi Jan 03)
Bendy sin Arg & Sa, a pitcher within a bord Gu. (D: Morgina atte
Wodelonde - May 05)
Bendy sin Arg & Vt, a vine bendwise throughout wavy Sa,
flowered with a rose Gu. (D: Esobella Rowena Erwyn Ross Oct 90)
Bendy sin Az & Arg, a tierce Az. (D: Diarmait mac Domnaill Apr 07)
Bendy sin Az & Arg, 3 leaves conjoined in pall Vt. (D: lfwyn
Webbestre - May 00)
Bendy sin embat Or & Gu. (D: Eustace FitzJames - Oct 91)
Bendy sin Gu & Arg, a bear ramp, a chf embat Sa. (D: Aron
Niedzwiedz - Dec 98)

648 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Field division - Bendy sinister (continued)

Bendy sin Gu & Arg, betw the horns of a decrescent a mullet Sa.
(D: Estrella de los Confines - Dec 92)
Bendy sin Gu & Arg, on a Thors hammer Az, a demi-sun Or. (D:
Eric Thoralfsson - Oct 94)
Bendy sin indented Sa & Or, a rabbit salient contourny & on a chf
Arg 3 Stars of David Vt. (D: Protais of Verona - Sep 00)
Bendy sin nebuly Arg & Sa, a phoenix erminois, enflamed Or. (D:
Fritz Bare - Feb 92)
Bendy sin nebuly Az & Arg, a torteau within a bord Gu. (D:
Darius of the Broken Blades - Oct 89)
Bendy sin of eight Az & Or, a unicorns head erased to sin Arg, its
horn enfiled of a chaplet palewise of clove pinks slipped &
leaved proper. (D: Rachel von Baeker - Dec 83) (Deceased)
Bendy sin of eight Gu & Arg, in pale a hammer fesswise & an anvil
Sa. (D: Nestor Svaerdsmet - Jul 83)
Bendy sin of 4, Gu & Or, a Colorado Blue Spruce tree proper. (D:
Patricia of the Northern Manor - Feb 80)
Bendy sin of 4 Vt, Arg, Purp & Arg. (D: Brenna the Disinherited Jul 88)
Bendy sin of six Az & Arg, in bend six roses alternately Arg & Gu
barbed & seeded proper. (D: Elspeth the Semstress of Dunkeld
- Dec 02)
Bendy sin Or & Az, a fox Gu & a wingless griffin Arg combattant.
(D: James of Carinthia - Nov 01)
Bendy sin Or & Az, an escarbuncle & a chf embat Arg. (D:
Contarina la Bianca - Jul 03)
Bendy sin Or & Gu, a canton Sa. (D: Alan Fairfax - Jul 99)
Bendy sin Or & Gu, a canton Sa, for augmentation the canton
charged with an annulet Or. (Augmentation of Arms: Alan
Fairfax - Jul 99)
Bendy sin Or & Gu, an oak leaf bendwise Sa. (D: Cynthia of
Oakenwode - Oct 03)
Bendy sin Or & Gu, on a sun Sa in salt a sword inv proper & a pair
of scissors inv Or, bladed Arg. (B: Eowyn Rebekah of
Windhaven - Dec 85)
Bendy sin Or & Sa, a stork statant to sin Arg, beaked & membered
Gu. (D: Tearlach the Unwashed - May 88)
Bendy sin Or & Sa estencely Or, a winged lion ramp Arg. (D:
Deanna della Penna - Feb 07)
Bendy sin Or & Sa, 3 piles issuant from sin Gu. (D: Geirrr in
vforla - Feb 06)
Bendy sin Sa & Arg, a greyhound couchant to sin reguardant Gu.
(D: Fiona MacNicol - Apr 88)
Bendy sin Sa & Arg, an equal-armed Celtic cross Gu. (D: Seamus
Albanach Mac Roibeirt - Sep 99)
Bendy sin Sa & Arg, on a chf Or a pair of wings conjoined in lure
Gu. (D: Isabella Mea Caterina dAngelo - Jan 07)
Bendy sin Sa & Gu. (D: John FitzArnulf de Lithia - Sep 05)
Bendy sin Sa & Gu, a bear statant erect affront, grasping in its
forepaws a halberd bendwise Arg, the bears jaws embrued
Gu. (D: Hagar Hagarson the Bear - Jan 81)
Bendy sin Sa & Gu, on a mullet Or a fountain. (B: John FitzArnulf
de Lithia - Sep 05)
Bendy sin Sa & Or, a horses head cabossed & wearing a chamfron
Gu. (D: Damiana da Firenze - Jul 00)
Bendy sin Vt & erminois. (D: C Chonnacht Tighearnin Jan 05)
Bendy sin Vt & Or, a hawk striking to sin within an orle Arg. (D:
Tvorimir Danilov - May 03)
Bendy sin Vt & Or, a wolf ramp within an orle Arg. (D: Ioan
Kendrick - Jan 02)
Bendy sin Vt & Or, in pale 2 frogs sejant Az. (D: Gislain
Provencher - Aug 93)
Bendy sin wavy Arg & Az, six salmon hauriant Purp. (D:
Anastasiya Mikhailovna Mysheva - Nov 91)
Bendy sin wavy of ten Gu & Or, a swan naiant Sa. (D: Brianna the
Black Swan - Jun 84)
Bendy sin wavy Or & Purp. (B: Bjolfr Standali Vilmundarson Sep 92)
Bendy sin wavy Sa & Arg, a hawk disp, belled Or, jessed Vt. (D:
Aethelhelm Hafoc - Jun 84)
Paly bendy sin Arg & Gu, 3 crescents conjoined in pall inv, points
outward & throughout, Sa. (D: Feran Blackthorn - May 88)
Paly bendy sin Az & Arg, a cross flory within an orle Or. (B:
Christian Darmody - Jun 92)

[Field division - Bendy sinister] to [Field division - Checky - Argent - and gules]

Field division - Bendy sinister (continued)

Per bend Az & bendy sin Arg & Az. (D: Sigeric of Ravenestone Jul 96)
Per bend bendy sin Sa & Or, & lozengy Or & Sa, in chf a raven
rising to sin, wings elevated & addorsed, Arg. (D: Eric Ravn Nov 90)
Per bend Or & bendy sin Arg & Sa, in sin chf a griffin segreant Gu.
(D: Alastair ap Maelgwyn - Feb 92)
Per bend Purp & bendy sin Or & Purp, a bee & 3 fleurs-de-lys in
bend Or. (D: Eufemia Serafina da Bergamo - Apr 98)
Per bend sin Az & bendy sin of six Or & Vt, in dexter chf a brazier
Arg, filled with flames of fire proper. (B: Katherine von
Schlosserwald - Jul 87) (For House Yew Bend)
Per bend sin, bendy sin Gu & Or, & Az, a horse passant to sin Sa &
a sword Arg. (D: Shawn of Stagira - Aug 85)
Per bend sin bendy sin Vt & Arg, & Arg, in sin base a brown wolfs
head, erased & affronty, proper, gorged of a coronet Or,
maintaining in its mouth a garden rose Gu, slipped & leaved
Vt. (D: Bearrach Aelwyn the Wolfhead - Apr 99)
Per bend sin counter-ermine & bendy sin Or & Sa, in dexter chf 3
roses Or. (D: Constance of Graymore - Dec 90)
Per bend sin Or & bendy sin Gu & Or, in chf a wyvern contourny
wings disp Sa. (D: Seumas Camshronach an Lochabair Mar 95)
Per bend sin Or & bendy sin Sa & Or, in dexter chf a bull passant to
sin Az, maintaining a halberd bendwise Sa. (D: Angus Mac
Owen - Dec 88)
Per bend sin wavy Az & bendy sin wavy Or & Az, in dexter chf a
mullet of six points Arg. (D: Keridwen Bowen - Dec 86)
Per chev paly bendy sin Sa & Arg, & Az estencely Arg. (D:
Gerard de Lisieux - May 98)
Per fess Arg & bendy sin Az & Arg, on a demi-eagle issuant from
the line of division Sa a mullet Or. (D: Sebastian Wolfgang
von Bayern - Jan 08)
Per fess, bendy sin Az & Or, & Sa, in pale an eagle disp, wings inv
Sa & a lion ramp Or. (D: Emory von Stuttgart - Jan 91)
Per pale Arg & bendy-sin Az & Arg, a cross patty throughout ctrch
within a bord Sa. (D: Savannah Lee - Sep 71?)
Per pale Az & bendy sin Or & Sa, a chf wavy ctrch. (D: Quirin von
Strassburg - Nov 89)
Per pale bendy sin Or & Gu, & Arg ermined Vt, on a chf embat Az
3 sin cubit arms, fists clenched, Arg. (D: Friedrich von
Konigsburg - Nov 93)
Per pale bendy sin Or & Vt, & Or, in sin a lion Vt, a chf Sa. (D:
Bartholomew of Suffolk - May 96)
Quarterly bendy sin Sa & Arg & Az. (D: Cathan the Tinker Feb 96)
* * * End * * *
Field division - Chape: see Field division - Per chevron and Pile
Field division - Chausse: see Field division - Per chevron inverted
and Pile

Field division - Checky - Argent - and azure

Checky Arg & Az, a bend Or & overall a wolf ramp Gu. (B:
Wilihelm Roderick FitzLovel of Kerr - Nov 95) (For Red Wulf
Checky Arg & Az, a bend sin betw a dragon & a double rose Gu
barbed Vt. (D: Gwyon Pengrych - Feb 03)
Checky Arg & Az, a cross flory issuant from base & on a chf Or, 3
roses Gu. (D: William the Stout - Mar 93)
Checky Arg & Az, on a pale Sa 3 crosses crosslet Arg. (D:
Margrethe Anelsesls - Oct 94)
Checky Arg & Az, on a salt Or an anvil Sa. (D: Luther
Ambossfaust - Feb 94)
Checky Az & Arg, a bend Gu, overall a boar ramp Or. (D: John
Mordredson - Dec 84)
Chequy Az & Arg, a chess rook Or within a bord erminois. (D:
Roberto de Jerez - Nov 89)
Checky Az & Arg, a cross patriarchal bottony & a bord dovetailed
Or. (D: Mathias Broussard le Caignon - Jan 96)
Checky Az & Arg, a dance Or & overall a frog Vt. (D: Josette
Claudin Duran - Feb 98)
Checky Az & Arg, a dolphin naiant to sin proper. (D: Muireadhach
OhEidhneachin - Feb 91)

Field division - Checky - Argent - and azure (continued)

Checky Az & Arg, a lyre & in chf 3 mullets one & 2 Sa. (D:
Domingo de Valencia - Jan 02)
Checky Az & Arg, a sea serpent ondoyant Sa. (D: Sebastian de
Hythe - Feb 07)
Checky Az & Arg, a tankard & on a chf embat Sa 3 natural
dolphins haurient Arg. (D: Astil Alysone Sandilands Apr 98)
Checky Az & Arg, a wyvern erect Gu within a laurel wreath in orle
Or. (D: Wyvern Cliffe - Dec 91)
Checky Az & Arg, an owl Or & on a chf Az a plate betw 2 mullets
Arg. (D: Katherine Margaret von Schnberg - Sep 92)
Checky Az & Arg, five corbys disp in salt, heads to sin Sa. (D:
Isolde Corby - Dec 97)
Chequy Az & Arg, in pale a sword palewise & a chev inv
throughout Or. (D: Joseph Moonchaser - Jun 90)
Checky Az & Arg, on a bend Arg fimbriated Sa 3 hearts palewise
Gu. (D: Morris Fiaich - Sep 03)
Checky Az & Arg, on a bend engrailed betw 2 double roses Gu 3
fans palewise Or. (D: Alyna Wolfstan - Sep 94)
Chequy Az & Arg, on a chf Or, 4 foxs masks Gu. (D: William
MacFie - Jun 87)
Checky Az & Arg, on a lozenge throughout erminois a fusil
throughout in pale of the field. (B: Cadwalladyr Stone of
Stonecroft - Jan 80) (Household badge)
Chequy Az & Arg, 3 swords palewise inv in fess Or. (D: Wolfgang
Krause - Oct 87)
Checky Az & Arg, 2 harps reversed in bend sin & a bord Gu. (B:
Collawyn Lughaidh O Cearbhaill - Oct 90)
Gyronny Or & chequy Az & Arg, a spider tergiant palewise Sa & in
chf a faceted gem fesswise betw 2 others in chev Gu. (D:
Jevon Fairbairn - Sep 88)
Per bend Sa & checky Arg & Az, in sin chf a flame of fire proper
within a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Starkhafn - Jun 80)
Per chev checky Az & Arg & Arg, in base a mullet Az. (D: Adela
de Warren - Jul 86)
Per fess checky Az & Arg, & Az, in chf 2 tridents in salt Or, in base
a dolphin naiant Arg. (D: Ian MacKynnes - Sep 84)
Per fess Sa & checky Az & Arg, in chf an hourglass fesswise per
fess Arg & Or framed Arg. (D: thelflda Boscher Nov 06)
Per pale Arg & checky Az & Arg, to dexter a card pique Az. (D:
Thrbjrn Assa - Jan 92)
Quarterly checky Az & Arg, & Arg, a jesters bauble bendwise sin
Gu. (D: Angus Ian MacDougel - Jun 93)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Argent - and fur

Checky Gu ermined Arg & Arg, a unicorn ramp & a base Sa. (D:
Nikolaus von Erlach - Dec 05)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Argent - and gules

Chequy Arg & Gu, a griffin sejant, forepaw raised, within a bord
Sa. (D: Morgan ap Wynne - Aug 88)
Checky Arg & Gu, a legless wyvern disp & a chf Sa. (D: Blase di
Angelo - Jul 06)
Chequy Arg & Gu, a thistle slipped & leaved, within a bord Sa. (D:
Magnus Blackthorne - Aug 89)
Checky Arg & Gu, a tower & in chf a hawks bell Sa. (D: Randal
Fitz Alan the Redowtable - Mar 97)
Checky Arg & Gu, a wolf passant within a bord Sa. (D: Grace of
Fairhaven - Nov 95)
Checky Arg & Gu, an eagle disp facing to sin Or & a bord Sa. (D:
Johann Bohrer von Elsass - Dec 93)
Checky Arg & Gu, on a chf triangular Sa a cross of Jerusalem Arg.
(D: Aethelred of Ambrevale - Mar 95)
Chequy Arg & Gu, on a dexter gore Or, a Celtic cross Gu. (B:
Bogdan Ilich Volknoi - Dec 88)
Chequy Arg & Gu platy, a needle bendwise sin, point to base, Sa.
(B: Lind Rachael Fessel of the Falconshield - Dec 87) (For
the Beadworkers Guild)
Checky Arg & Gu, 2 griffins combattant & in base an annulet, on a
chf Sa 3 annulets Arg. (D: Regenweald Acleah Beorthram Sep 93)
Checky Gu & Arg, a bear ramp in chf 2 paw prints Sa. (D:
Zachariah de Kane - Dec 97)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 649

[Field division - Checky - Argent - and gules] to [Field division - Checky - Argent - and sable]

Field division - Checky - Argent - and gules (continued)

Checky Gu & Arg, a catamount couchant Sa. (D: Katharina

Alexandra Zrinski - Sep 91)
Checky Gu & Arg, a compass Sa & on a chf Arg a cross Sa. (D:
Hugh Prescott - Apr 94)
Checky Gu & Arg, a crossbow & on a chf Sa, 3 elfbolts inv Arg.
(D: Nicholas Merrick - Jul 92)
Chequy Gu & Arg, a dagger & arrow inv in salt Or, overall a wolfs
head cabossed Sa. (B: James Galen MacGrew - Jul 91) (For
House Wolfs Keep)
Checky Gu & Arg, a decrescent Sa. (D: Angus MacGregor May 92)
Checky Gu & Arg, a frog salient Vt. (D: Gaston de lAbbaye Dec 90)
Checky Gu & Arg, a horse ramp contourny, on a chf Sa a sheaf of
arrows inv betw 2 laurel wreaths Arg. (D: Schutzheim Jan 93)
Checky Gu & Arg, a laurel wreath & a bord wavy Sa. (D:
Castellum Montanum - Apr 93)
Checky Gu & Arg, a lion ramp Sa charged on the shoulder with a
thistle Arg & on a chf Sa 3 spur rowels Arg. (D: Thomas
MacBriar - Oct 01)
Chequy Gu & Arg, a pair of wings conjoined & on a chf triangular
Sa, an increscent Arg. (D: Teric Gwynedd - Dec 89)
Chequy Gu & Arg, a ram passant to sin Sa, maintaining with the sin
foreleg a bill bendwise Or. (B: Guillaume le Fort - Jul 87)
Checky Gu & Arg, a slug guardant contourny Sa. (D: Justinian the
Sluggard - Aug 98)
Checky Gu & Arg, a star of David a bord Purp. (D: Hannah
Hadassah Hamil - Sep 97)
Checky Gu & Arg, a sword inv Or, overall an eagles head erased
Sa. (D: Wulfric Adler - Apr 98)
Checky Gu & Arg, a talbot sejant Sa. (B: Megan Laine - Mar 91)
Checky Gu & Arg, a viol betw 3 horses heads couped Sa. (D:
Mare Catrine Macleod - Mar 04)
Chequy Gu & Arg, a winged stag salient guardant to sin Sa. (D:
Gwythyr Hartwing - Sep 86)
Chequy Gu & Arg, on a lozenge Az a sheeps head cabossed Arg.
(D: Maritsa Milovich - Mar 87)
Checky Gu & Arg, on a pale Sa a trident, in chf 3 mullets one & 2
Arg. (D: Gwyn O Glan-y-Mr - Dec 96)
Checky Gu & Arg, on a roundel Az 2 spoons in salt Arg. (B:
Leticia Troischesnes - Mar 02)
Checky Gu & Arg, 3 maunches Sa. (D: John of Hrgerisfjrr May 99)
Checky of five traits Gu & Arg. (D: Croatia - Jan 00) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Per bend checky Arg & Gu & Sa, in base a pair of smiths tongs
betw 2 mallets Arg. (D: Caoimhe Raghalligh - Feb 92)
Per chev Arg & chequy Gu & Arg, 2 crosses crosslet Gu & a wolf
ramp reguardant Sa. (D: Aedilwulf Cachelove aet Warwic Apr 90)
Per fess checky Gu & Arg & Arg, a dance Purp & in base a pheon
Gu. (D: Angelina Crispiana dAvignon - Jul 95)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Argent - and multicolor

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Argent - and or

Checky Or & Arg, a chess rook & on a chf Sa 3 bezants. (B: An Tir
- Aug 85) (For Gamesmaster)
Checky Or & Arg, a dexter tierce Sa. (B: An Tir - May 98)
Checky Or & Arg, a goose within 4 arrows lying as on a mascle Sa.
(B: An Tir - Mar 92) (For Order of the Grey Goose Shaft)
Checky Or & Arg, a goutte de sang. (B: An Tir - Mar 83) (For the
Order of the Goutt de Sang)
Chequy Or & Arg, a lion queue-fourchy couchant Sa, gorged of a
wreath of roses & hearts Arg, within a bord Sa. (D: An Tir,
Crown Princess of - May 89)
Chequy Or & Arg, a lion queue-fourchy couchant to sin Sa, gorged
of a coronet Arg, within a bord Sa. (D: An Tir, Crown Prince
of - May 89)

650 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Field division - Checky - Argent - and or (continued)

Checky Or & Arg, a lion ramp tail forked & nowed Sa, crowned
Gu, grasping in dexter forepaw a laurel wreath bendwise Vt.
(D: An Tir - Dec 81)
Checky Or & Arg, a lion ramp, tail forked & nowed Sa, crowned
Gu, grasping in dexter forepaw a wreath of hearts, points to
center, alternating with roses Gu, barbed & seeded proper. (D:
An Tir, Queen of - Dec 81)
Checky Or & Arg, a lion ramp, tail forked & nowed, Sa, grasping in
its dexter paw a laurel wreath proper. (B: An Tir - Jan 74)
Chequy Or & Arg, a lions head caboshed within a bord Sa. (B: An
Tir - Nov 87)
Checky Or & Arg, a lions head cabossed Sa, crowned Gu. (B: An
Tir - Oct 82)
Checky Or & Arg, a lions jambe bendwise inv erased Sa. (B: An
Tir - Mar 83) (For the Order of the Jambe de Lion)
Checky Or & Arg, a lions sin jambe erased sustaining a bow
fesswise Sa. (B: An Tir - Feb 97)
Checky Or & Arg, a triskelion of arms proper, garbed Sa, each hand
grasping a quill pen Gu. (B: An Tir - Nov 88) (For the
College of Scribes)
Checky Or & Arg, on a fess Sa a maunch Arg. (B: An Tir Sep 01)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Argent - and purpure

Checky Arg & Purp, a chf embat Sa. (D: lfwynn of Witebi Feb 04)
Checky Arg & Purp, a heart Gu, on a chf double-arched Sa an ankh
Arg. (D: Aimara Baratzuri - Mar 06)
Checky Arg & Purp, in fess a sin fist & a dexter fist each sustaining
an annulet Sa. (D: Basarab the Wary - Jan 96)
Chequy Arg & Purp, on a pomme a pithon erect Arg, all within a
bord Gu. (D: Onuphrius Dru Overende - Aug 89)
Chequy Purp & Arg, a cross formy Or surmounted by a heart Gu.
(D: Geoffrey MacInnes - Feb 86)
Checky Purp & Arg, a domestic cat couchant Sa within a bord Vt.
(D: rfhlaith Broinnfind nic Bhriain - Jan 93)
Chequy Purp & Arg, a lions face jessant-de-lys & in chf 3
crescents Or. (D: Constancia Luiza de Almada - Mar 88)
Checky Purp & Arg, a standing balance Or within a laurel wreath
Vt. (D: Wynandremer - Oct 04)
Checky Purp & Arg, on a bend Arg 3 trees palewise Sa. (D: Kaie
Tor of Blakwode - Apr 02)
Checky Purp & Arg, on a chf Sa a horse courant Arg. (D: Henil
von Berg - Aug 03)
Checky Purp & Arg, on a cross formy quadrate Gu a fleur-de-lys
Arg. (D: Magdalen La Brave - Dec 98)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Argent - and sable

Checky Arg & Sa, a bird rising, wings disp, & a bord Gu. (B:
Amata Quentin Motzhart - May 08)
Checky Arg & Sa, a boar passant Gu & a bord Vt semy of
penannular brooches Or. (B: Torlough MacTormagh Apr 94)
Checky Arg & Sa, a bord Vt. (B: Miguel of St. Katherine Dec 03)
Checky Arg & Sa, a coronet & on a chf embat Or, 3 crosses Latin
bottony Gu. (D: Anton Tremayne - Apr 95)
Checky Arg & Sa, a double-headed eagle disp Or maintaining in
each talon a sword palewise surmounting a wing, in chf 3
mullets Gu. (D: Roland Wortman - Oct 98)
Checky Arg & Sa, a dragon sejant contourny, wings disp Az. (B:
Mordeyrn Tremayne - Jan 93)
Checky Arg & Sa, a dunghill cock Purp maintaining a crampon Or.
(D: Andris Lwenstein - Nov 04)
Checky Arg & Sa, a heart & a chf Gu. (D: David of Rottweil Feb 98)
Checky Arg & Sa, a mullet of 4 points Az. (B: Tmmn Dallas
Sare - Jan 92)
Checky Arg & Sa, a tower enflamed & in sin canton a Maltese cross
Gu. (D: Galfrid Montrose - Aug 02)
Checky Arg & Sa, a wingless wyvern gliding in fess maintaining in
sin forepaw a laurel wreath betw 3 apples Gu. (D: Appledore Jul 85)

[Field division - Checky - Argent - and sable] to [Field division - Checky - Argent - and vert]

Field division - Checky - Argent - and sable (continued)

Checky Arg & Sa, an apple tree fructed proper & on a chf Or 3
apples Gu. (D: Robert of the Appletree - Jan 92)
Chequy Arg & Sa, on a chf embat Or, 3 crosses bottonny Gu. (B:
Anton Tremayne - Apr 95)
Checky Arg & Sa, on a lozenge Gu a dragonfly Arg. (B: Iseulte of
the Red Cliffs - Apr 06)
Chequy Arg & Sa, on a pale Gu 3 crosses formy Arg. (D:
Wolfgang Monnich von Luppin - Dec 05)
Checky Arg & Sa, 3 estoiles of eight rays & on a point pointed Gu a
cross patonce Arg. (D: Margery of Crosgate - Mar 98)
Checky of eight, Arg & Sa, on a bend Gu 3 increscents Arg. (D:
Caterina da Monticello - Aug 79)
Checky of nine Sa & Arg, 4 crows migrant Sa. (D: Richard Crowe
- Sep 06)
Checky Sa & Arg, a bear ramp contourny betw 3 Jews hats Gu. (D:
David ben Benjamin - Jan 03)
Checky Sa & Arg, a bend sin Az. (D: Annora Wallace - Oct 05)
Checky Sa & Arg, a bend Vt. (D: na ingen Ragnaill - Nov 01)
Checky Sa & Arg, a bulls head cabossed Gu. (B: Darius of
Jaxartes - May 02)
Checky Sa & Arg, a duck & a bord Gu. (D: Rainald Slater Mar 04)
Checky Sa & Arg, a heart within an orle Or. (D: Gisella Cur Jul 05)
Checky Sa & Arg, a horse couchant to sin Or. (D: Katherina von
Lehmann - Aug 90)
Checky Sa & Arg, a horses head couped within a bord Gu. (D:
Guy of Castle Kirk - Feb 84)
Checky Sa & Arg, a knight armed cap-a-pie mounted upon a horse
courant to sin a bord embat Or. (B: Meridies - Mar 97) (For
the Companionate of the Kings Lancer)
Checky Sa & Arg, a rams head couped Az. (D: Angus Ramsay Jan 03)
Checky Sa & Arg, a rose & in base 3 gouttes, a bord embat Gu. (D:
Vanya Shakhmatnikov - Aug 98)
Checky Sa & Arg, a salt parted & fretted Or. (D: Geoffrey de
Blenkinsopp - Jun 83)
Checky Sa & Arg, a sea-lion erect Gu. (D: Ivar Krigsvin - Feb 86)
Checky Sa & Arg, a sea-monsters foot erased to sin Gu. (B: Ivar
Krigsvin - Feb 86)
Chequy Sa & Arg, a sun in its splendour Or within a bord wavy Gu.
(D: Felix the Just of Rams Ey - Sep 89)
Checky Sa & Arg, in base in pale a deaths head & 2 bones in salt
Gu. (D: Edward the Chaste - May 95)
Checky Sa & Arg, in chf 2 chessrooks Gu. (D: Sten Halvorsen Aug 79?)
Chequy Sa & Arg, in pale a wolf passant & a wolf passant to sin
Gu. (D: Wolfgang the Gameman - May 90)
Checky Sa & Arg, on a chev cotised Gu 3 mullets Arg. (D:
Cassandra Grey - Mar 93)
Checky Sa & Arg, on a chf Gu a water bouget Or. (D: Durnhardt
of Altenau - Dec 81)
Checky Sa & Arg, on a fess Az a lyre Arg. (D: Demetria degli
Stasi - Aug 99)
Checky Sa & Arg, on a pale Az an arrow Arg. (D: Jevan the
Fletcher ap Cenydd - Jun 92)
Checky Sa & Arg, on a pile Az a chess rook Arg. (D: Rand
Hawkyns - Mar 04)
Checky Sa & Arg, on a plate a spider bendwise sin Sa. (B: Adelicia
Marie dArgent - Aug 97)
Checky Sa & Arg, 3 chess rooks Gu within a bord Vt. (D: Galen
MacByrne - Jun 95)
Checky Sa & Arg, 3 roses one & 2 proper, overall a rapier inv Or.
(D: Antonio Fioretto - Jan 95)
Or, chap checky Arg & Sa, a sword Sa. (D: Peter of Stratford May 83)
Per bend sin Arg & checky Arg & Sa, on a bend sin Gu a sword inv
Or, in chf an elephants head cabossed Sa. (D: Bohmond le
Sinistre - Jul 99)
Per bend sin Gu & checky Sa & Arg, in dexter chf in pale a fleurde-lys & 3 billets fesswise Arg. (D: Menken Brechen Apr 82)
Per chev checky Sa & Arg & Arg, on a chev Gu a chevronel Arg, in
base a seahorse Sa, tailed Vt. (D: Rand Wulfesege - Feb 91)
Per chev checky Sa & Arg, & Az, in base a sword inv issuant from
a mount Arg. (D: George Grey Knowles of the Hill - Jul 90)

Field division - Checky - Argent - and sable (continued)

Per chev checky Sa & Arg & Sa, a chev Or & in base a foxs head
couped Arg. (D: Boleslav Ragnarsson - Apr 05)
Per chev Gu & checky Sa & Arg, a compass star & in chf 2 cardpiques Or. (B: Augustine von Freiburg - Feb 06)
Per chev Gu & checky Sa & Arg, a cross formy fitchy & in chf 2
card-piques Or. (D: Augustine von Freiburg - Feb 06)
Per chev inv Sa & chequy Sa & Arg, in chf a trefoil within &
conjoined to an annulet Arg. (D: Joseph of Silver Oak Jul 89)
Per fess chequy Sa & Arg & Gu, in pale a demi-eagle disp, wings
inv, head to sin Gu & 3 bezants, 2 & one. (D: Caroline
Morfran Sile O Griobhtha - Oct 88)
Per fess Gu & checky Sa & Arg, in chf 2 arrows inv in salt
surmounted by a goats head cabossed Arg. (D: Ivar Volosatoi
- Nov 96)
Per fess Sa & checky Sa & Arg, in chf an owl close guardant
maintaining a chess rook in its dexter upraised talon Arg. (D:
Cormac Jacobo de Vega - Jul 84)
Per pale checky Arg & Sa, & Vt, a crab & in chf 2 fish naiant
contourny Or. (D: Robin Huxley of Lands End - Apr 93)
Per pale Gu & checky Sa & Arg, a chev betw 3 latin crosses potent
ctrch Arg & Gu. (D: Tristan of Glastonbury - Jun 95)
Per pale Gu & chequy Sa & Arg, a heart ctrch. (D: Caoilfhionn
Maire Caitlin ONeill - Mar 90)
Per salt Vt & chequy Sa & Arg, in pale a chess rook & 2 arrows inv
in salt Arg. (D: Robin Longfellow - Jun 88)
Quarterly Gu & checky Sa & Arg, a bears head erased Or. (D:
Roger fitzRolf Le Normand - Sep 98)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Argent - and vert

Checky Arg & Vt, a dragon segreant Sa maintaining a Latin cross

Gu, on a chf Arg, 3 suns Sa. (D: Richard of Essex - Nov 94)
Checky Arg & Vt, a horses head couped Sa. (D: Elizabeth Karien
of the Four Winds - Oct 76?)
Checky Arg & Vt, a tower per pale Sa & Az, the battlements
enflamed proper. (D: Curteis FitzOsbern de Abergavenny Sep 93)
Checky Arg & Vt, a weeping willow tree blasted Sa. (B: Robert
Hightower of Meridies - Jun 05) (For House Black Willow)
Checky Arg & Vt, a wolf ramp & a chf Sa. (D: Randwulf aet
Blacwulveslea - Aug 01)
Checky Arg & Vt, a wyverns wing Gu. (B: Wyverfeld - Nov 06)
Checky Arg & Vt, 2 hares combattant Gu. (D: Ricardo de
Montague - Sep 94)
Checky of nine panes Vt & Arg, 4 frogs Vt. (D: Isabel de Triana Mar 01)
Checky Vt & Arg, a bend sin betw a decrescent & 3 mullets Sa. (D:
Collin de Montfort - Jun 91)
Checky Vt & Arg, a hedgehog statant Sa. (D: Francois
Lagrosseteste de Lamorlaye - Aug 79?)
Checky Vt & Arg, a partisan bendwise surmounted by a snail shell
reversed Or. (D: Lucas Otto Gustav Oswald Stefan - Jan 86)
Checky Vt & Arg, a pink flamingo close proper. (D: Eleanor
Taylor - Sep 98)
Checky Vt & Arg, in chf a heart & in base 3 mullets, one & 2, Gu,
betw flaunches Sa. (D: Genevieve de Montfort - Nov 94)
Chequy Vt & Arg, on a bend sin Gu a sackbut Or. (D: Davide
Michelotto - Feb 87)
Checky Vt & Arg, on a bend sin Sa 3 lions passant reguardant
palewise Arg. (D: Siobhan Ruadh ni Mhathghamhna Jan 99)
Checky Vt & Arg, on a chf Arg 4 roses proper. (D: Clare Garland
- Jun 08)
Chequy Vt & Arg, on a chf triangular Arg a swan rising, wings
elevated & addorsed, Sa. (D: Henry of Longhouse - Aug 87)
Checky Vt & Arg, on a pale Arg a beacon Sa flamed Gu. (B: John
Trevor of Chinon - Jun 00)
Checky Vt & Arg, on a pale Az a bear ramp Arg. (D: Edmund
Alekonner - Oct 04)
Checky Vt & Arg, 2 cups in fess Sa. (D: Anne Elizabeth of Surrey Jan 91)
Per bend Arg & checky Vt & Arg, in sin chf an anvil Sa. (D:
Santiago de Monte Verde - Oct 07)
Per bend sin checky Arg & Vt & Vt, in sin base 4 bezants in cross.
(D: Talwyn Devana - Sep 88)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 651

[Field division - Checky - Argent - and vert] to [Field division - Checky - Gules - and or]

Field division - Checky - Argent - and vert (continued)

Per bend sin, checky Vt & Arg, & Arg, a bend sin Gu & in base an
annulet Vt. (D: Grimric the Obnoxious - Aug 86)
Per bend sin checky Vt & Arg, & Arg, a bend sin Vt, in base a swan
naiant Sa. (D: Joseph Cameron Blackswan - Sep 97)
Per fess Sa & checky Arg & Vt. (D: Rowan Westwood - Apr 06)
Per salt Arg & checky Vt & Arg, in chf a raven rising wings
addorsed Sa. (D: Robert of Ravenshill - Jun 05)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Azure - and fur

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Azure - and gules

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Azure - and multicolor

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Azure - and or

Checky Az & Or, a bend cotised Gu. (D: Merigold the Mirthful Nov 96)
Checky Az & Or, a cup inv Gu. (D: Simon Ivanovich - May 05)
Checky Az & Or, a lion sejant erect guardant Gu, on a chf Or a
thistle proper. (D: Kennyth de Warenne - Apr 83)
Checky Az & Or, a single-headed chess knight & a chf Gu. (D:
Michael de Logan - Jul 96)
Checky Az & Or, an eagle disp within a bord Arg. (D: Miles
Blackmoor - Jul 01)
Checky Az & Or, in pale 3 mastiffs courant Arg each gorged of a
coronet Gu. (B: Cun MacDaige - Jul 96)
Checky Az & Or, on a chev Sa 3 standing balances Or. (D: Jason
Kynslay - Apr 98)
Checky Az & Or, on a chf Sa a griffin statant to sin Arg. (D:
Robert of Avon - Sep 73?)
Checky Az & Or, 3 lions ramp, one & 2, Or, fimbriated Sa. (D: Lev
Trizoob - Nov 73?)
Checky Az & Or, 3 mastiffs courant in annulo Arg each gorged of a
coronet Gu. (B: Cun MacDaige - Jul 96)
Checky Az & Or, 3 mastiffs sejant Arg each gorged of a coronet
Gu. (D: Cun MacDaige - Jul 96)
Checky Or & Az. (D: Warenne, Earl of Surrey - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Checky Or & Az, a bend Gu, overall a sea unicorn erect, the top
half & fins Arg, the lower Vt. (D: Trevor Stewart of
Renfrewshire - Jul 82)
Checky Or & Az, a chev ermine. (D: Warwick, Earl of - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Checky Or & Az, a chev Sa betw 3 roses proper. (D: Bartholomew
Hightower of Canterbury - Mar 99)
Chequy Or & Az, a cooking pot Sa, on a chf Arg, 3 trivets Sa. (D:
Renate Koven - May 90)
Checky Or & Az, a tower within an orle Sa. (D: Arius Helmcleaver
- Jan 85)
Checky Or & Az, on a pale Gu a lion ramp Or. (D: Joseph of
Clairidge - Jul 86)
Per bend Az & checky Or & Az, a cross of 4 lozenges Or. (D:
Heinrich von Stuttgart - Aug 03)
Per chev Az & checky Or & Az, a chev & in chf a pair of wings
Arg. (D: Keina le Bleu - Aug 06)
Quarterly Gu & checky Az & Or, a plumed great helm facing to sin
Arg. (D: Mikhail Karten - Nov 85)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Azure - and purpure

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Azure - and sable

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

652 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Field division - Checky - Azure - and vert

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Fur - and fur

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Fur - and gules

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Fur - and multicolor

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Fur - and or

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Fur - and purpure

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Fur - and sable

Checky Sa & ermine. (D: Sybille la Chatte - Jul 04)

* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Fur - and vert

Checky counter-ermine & Vt, a water-bouget within an orle Arg.

(D: Guillermo Juaquin Prez Barrios - Sep 83)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Gules - and multicolor

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Gules - and or

Checky Gu & Or, a bear statant erect Sa. (D: Morven of Carrick Apr 86)
Checky Gu & Or, a chess rook within a bord Sa. (D: Joshua Frost Aug 93)
Checky Gu & Or, a falcon disp & a chf ermine. (D: Owain ap
Tegwared - Nov 92)
Checky Gu & Or, a lily Arg within a bord wavy Az. (D: Renate
Hildegerter - Sep 90)
Checky Gu & Or, on a chev Sa five crosses formy Arg. (D: Klaus
von Mainz - Dec 01)
Checky Gu & Or, on a fess Gu a lion dormant Arg. (D: Bertana of
Cissanbyrig - Sep 04)
Chequy Gu & Or, on a lozenge fesswise throughout Sa, a griffin
passant Arg. (D: Rurik Vladimirovich Zhilnikov - Sep 89)
Checky Or & Gu, a bird rising contourny Sa maintaining a lightning
bolt bendwise sin Arg all within a bord Sa. (D: Gottfried von
Kln - Apr 02)
Checky Or & Gu, a plate overall a natural panther passant Sa. (B:
Mordraut Freyulf - Jul 95)
Checky Or & Gu, a quarter Sa. (D: Sunn Hrafnsdttir - Jan 00)
Checky Or & Gu, a sagittary passant Sa. (D: Manus OKean Jun 99)
Chequy Or & Gu, a tower Arg atop a mount Vt, in chf 3 gunstones.
(D: Maximillian von Strassburg - Nov 89)
Checky Or & Gu, a triskelion of snail shells within a bord Sa. (B:
Ealasaid an Dubhghlais - Dec 92)
Checky Or & Gu, a winged ewe courant holding a dagger Sa. (B:
Tanarian Brenaur ferch Owain fab Bran - Jan 94) (For
Teulu Prenaur)
Checky Or & Gu, a wolf ramp Arg within a bord Sa. (B: Ein
hEochaidh - Jul 04)
Checky Or & Gu, on a bend Gu 3 ivy leaves Or. (D: Luciana
Maria Novella Di Carlo - Jun 98)
Checky Or & Gu, on a fess Purp a cross fleury betw a pair of
drinking horns Or. (D: Hamdun al-Rashid the Toe - Jan 07)
Checky Or & Gu, six hawks bells in orle, tops to center, Arg. (D:
Christine de Waughe - Jan 91)

[Field division - Checky - Gules - and or] to [Field division - Chevronelly]

Field division - Checky - Gules - and or (continued)

Checky Or & Gu, 3 ravens in annulo biting each others tails & a
bord Sa. (D: Cerdic Peregrine - Dec 03)
Party of six pieces Gu & Or, 3 swans naiant Or & 3 estoiles Gu. (D:
Elspeth OShea - Feb 00)
Per bend sin wavy Sa & checky Or & Gu, in canton a wolfs head
erased contourny Arg. (D: Feln MacFergus - Jun 95)
Per chev checky Or & Gu & Gu, in base an elephant statant Arg.
(D: Uther McDermot - Aug 07)
Quarterly Az & checky Gu & Or, a cross & in dexter chf a Latin
cross Arg. (B: Randall Morgan - Sep 86)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Gules - and purpure

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Gules - and sable

Checky of twenty Sa & Gu, a boars head cabossed Arg. (D:

Ranulf of the North Country - Sep 71?)
Checky Sa & Gu, a fleur-de-lys betw 3 African lions ramp Or. (D:
Ronald Wilmot - Mar 83)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Gules - and vert

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Multicolor - and multicolor

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Multicolor - and or

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Multicolor - and purpure

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Multicolor - and sable

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Multicolor - and vert

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Or - and purpure

Checky Purp & Or, on a chf Sa a cross patonce Arg betw &
sustained by 2 lions sejant erect respectant Or. (D: Rowland
Baker - Sep 05)
Per chev Purp & checky Purp & Or, on a chev Arg 3 roundels Purp.
(D: Cathelina delle Vigne - Feb 08)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Or - and sable

Checky Or & Sa, a horse passant with a rider armed cap-a-pie Gu.
(B: Brand Faragar the Frank - Oct 93)
Checky Or & Sa, a salt raguly Gu. (B: Domingo Diaz de la Vega y
Martin - Oct 95)
Checky Or & Sa, an escallop Az. (D: Karl von Kugler - Nov 82)
Checky Or & Sa, on a bend Or fimbriated 3 fleurs-de-lys palewise
Gu. (D: Wolfker der Jger - Dec 98)
Checky Sa & Or, a fox sejant to sin within a bord Gu. (D: Rowan
Keele - Jun 04)
Checky Sa & Or, a seawolf erect Arg. (D: Brand the Black Sep 00)
Checky Sa & Or, a seawolf erect Arg, as an augmentation on a
canton Gu a trillium flower Arg. (Augmentation of Arms:
Brand the Black - Sep 00)
Checky Sa & Or, a torteau. (B: Kathleen Allen - Sep 86)
Checky Sa & Or, in pale a chess rook & a chev inv Arg. (D:
Riccardo della Torre dAvorio - Jan 93)
Checky Sa & Or, on a bend cotised Gu 3 sea-lions erect palewise
reguardant Or. (D: Ellen Aergod seo Freothuwebbe - Aug 84)

Field division - Checky - Or - and sable (continued)

Checky Sa & Or, on a bend sin Gu 3 annulets Arg. (D: Daene of

Saint Matthews - Nov 00)
Checky Sa & Or, on a chf Gu 3 fleurs-de-lis Or. (D: Bryce de
Byram - Apr 98)
Checky Sa & Or, on a pile wavy throughout issuant from sin Gu a
greyhound courant Or. (D: Gervais le marinier de Narbonne Dec 03)
Per bend Or & checky Or & Sa, a bend & in chf a mullet of 4 points
Gu. (D: Katherine of Wintermist - Apr 08)
Per bend sin checky Sa & Or & Gu, in sin base a wyvern in annulo
Arg. (D: Ugo Dracul - Jan 02)
Per chev checky Sa & Or & Purp, in base a unicorn ramp contourny
Arg gorged & fettered of a broken chain Or. (D: Cristeane
Regan MacNab - Dec 98)
Per fess embat grady Az & chequy Or & Sa, a goblet Arg issuing 3
ears of barley Or. (D: Ealdred of Gwyntarian - Jan 85)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Or - and vert

Checky Or & Vt, a bulls head cabossed, a bord Sa. (D: Siriden
ua Nill - Apr 95)
Checky Or & Vt, a pile throughout Arg surmounted by a fleur-delys Sa. (D: Roland de Trevieres - Sep 83)
Checky Or & Vt, a talbot ramp tail nowed & a bord Gu. (D:
Donnchad mac Canacin - Apr 99)
Checky Vt & Or, a bear ramp contourny ermine. (D: Birna
Valthjfsdttir - Aug 01)
Checky Vt & Or, a cat couchant affronty Arg. (D: Eleanor of
Warenne - May 98)
Checky Vt & Or, on a fess Arg a boar statant to sin Vt. (D: Aneirin
y Bwyall - Mar 02)
Checky Vt & Or, on a lozenge throughout Or 2 wooden clubs in salt
proper. (D: Terrance the Brave - Mar 92)
Checky Vt & Or, 3 chevronels Sa. (D: Sitric McConnaill - Sep 99)
Checky Vt & Or, 2 lions combattant, each tail nowed & a mouse
couchant, an orle of roundels Arg. (D: Eoghan g Mac
Labhrainn - Feb 98)
Per bend checky Vt & Or & Az, a Bengal tiger ramp Arg marked Sa
& a horse ramp Arg. (D: Ceara inghean Leoghin - Nov 03)
Per bend sin checky Vt & Or & Or, a bend sin Gu & in base an ivy
vine bendwise sin Vt. (D: Clara Luisa da Livorno - Jul 05)
Per chev checky Vt & Or & Vt, a chev Arg & in base a cross potent
Or. (D: Mathias Haubrich - Jul 06)
Per salt checky Or & Vt, & ermine, a salt ctrch within a bord Sa.
(D: Giuseppe Casazza - Dec 84)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Purpure - and sable

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Purpure - and vert

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Checky - Sable - and vert

Checky Sa & Vt, a scorpion disp queue fourch Or. (D: Josiah
Scorpious - Oct 79)
* * * End * * *
Field division - Chequy: see Field division - Checky

Field division - Chevronelly

See also: Chevron

Arg, 3 chevrons Gu. (D: Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis,
Cardinal de - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Chevronelly & per pale Arg & Gu, a tyger ramp Sa. (D: Vladimir
Ivanovich Kurgan the Untrained - Jul 94)
Chevronelly & per pale Az & Arg, a cameleopardel trippant pean.
(D: Alexander Kinney - May 84)
Chevronelly Arg & Az, a lion ramp to sin & a bord Or. (D: William
of Lochmere - Aug 93)
Chevronelly Arg & Az, 3 pheons in pall, points to center, Gu. (D:
Archibald Bowyer - Jul 88)
Chevronelly Arg & Gu, a hound passant Sa. (B: Madoc Arundel May 86) (For the Guardians of the Crossroads)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 653

[Field division - Chevronelly] to [Field division - Gyronny - Argent - and azure]

Field division - Chevronelly (continued)

Chevronelly Arg & Gu, a wyvern segreant to sin Sa. (D: Gavin
Brangane - May 89)
Chevronelly Arg & Vt, in pale 3 crosses patonce Or. (B: Raimondo
Ricchi detto il Lemosino - Oct 05)
Chevronelly Arg & Vt, 2 horses salient addorsed within a bord Sa.
(D: Tams of Esfenn - Jul 92)
Chevronelly Az & Arg. (D: Rebecca Silver - Dec 99)
Chevronelly Az & Arg, a serpent glissant palewise Gu holding in its
mouth an apple slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Aofe n Aodhagin Aug 93)
Chevronelly Az & Or, a dragon couchant contourny wings elevated
& addorsed Vt. (D: Guenivre du Dragon Vert - Apr 92)
Chevronelly Az & Or crusilly formy Az. (D: Muirgheal Mag Raith
- Jan 04)
Chevronelly erminois & pean. (D: Lancelot of Windhaven Sep 05)
Chevronelly Gu & Arg, on a pale Sa an eagles head erased Arg.
(D: Paul Adler - Dec 03)
Chevronelly inv Arg & Az, on a sun Or betw 3 dragons dormant,
those in chf respectant, Sa a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Mathom
Trove - Feb 80)
Chevronelly inv Az & Arg, a rams head caboshed & a bord Sa. (D:
Ruadhan mac an Gobhann mhic Dhomhnuill - May 07)
Chevronelly inv Az & Or, a harp within a bord Gu. (D: Edouard
dAubigny - May 91)
Chevronelly inv Gu & Arg, a male griffin segreant Or & on a chf
embat Az, 3 mullets of seven points Or. (D: Ariel ap Gryffyn Dec 84)
Chevronelly inv Or & Az, on a pile Sa an octofoil Or. (D: Dennet
de Beynac - Jun 95)
Chevronelly inv Or & Sa, a pile ctrch Gu & Or. (D: Hrodr-Navar
Hakonsson - Jul 85)
Chevronelly inv Or & Sa, 2 labrys Arg & a wingless dragon ramp
Gu. (D: Kormak Ivanson - Sep 94)
Chevronelly inv Purp & Or, a kestrel rising, wings addorsed, jessed
& belled, & on a chf Arg a fleur-de-lys Purp. (D: Catarina
Ginevra Falconieri - Aug 94)
Chevronelly Or & Az, 3 wolves heads erased Gu. (D: Edward atte
Flynt - Sep 00)
Chevronelly Or & Gu, a thistle & on a bord Sa 3 crosses crosslet
fitchy Arg. (D: Todd of Golden Keype - Aug 92)
Chevronelly Or & Gu, an eagle Sa & a base embat Vt. (D: Juan
Bautista Pone - Mar 08)
Chevronelly Or & Sa, a pale Purp. (D: Dermod U Nill - Jul 85)
Chevronelly Or & Sa, on a pale Az 3 roses & on a chf Arg 3 equalarmed Celtic crosses Az. (D: Ewein Padelford - Feb 96)
Chevronelly Purp & Or, on a chf Arg 2 ounces statant reguardant
addorsed, tails entwined, breathing flame Sa. (D: Brianna
Vivina O Choda - Dec 06)
Chevronelly Purp & Or, on a chf Or 3 birds disp Sa. (D: Morgan
Emrys - Aug 96)
Chevronelly raguly Az & Or, a crescent betw 3 birds migrant to
base Sa. (B: Randal Sinclair Hawkins - Jun 00)
Chevronelly Sa & Arg, on a chf Vt a drinking horn Arg. (D: Su of
the Silver Horn - Jan 03)
Chevronelly sans nombre Arg & Gu, a spearhead Sa. (D: Richard
of Rideja - Oct 76?)
Chevronelly Vt & Arg, a bord Gu. (D: Giano Balestriere Apr 07)
Chevronelly Vt & Arg, a cats head cabossed within a bord embat
Sa. (D: Rory mac Feidhlimidh - Aug 89)
Chevronelly Vt & Arg, a lion ramp queue forchy Or, on a chf Sa 3
mullets of 4 points Or. (D: Siegfried von Siegen - Jul 94)
Chevronelly Vt & Arg, a mullet of eight points, alternately straight
& wavy, Sa. (D: Melissande Aefensteorra - Jun 86)
Chevronelly Vt & Arg, on a chf indented Sa a badger statant Arg.
(D: Dareios Rossos the Vigilant - Jul 02)
Chevronelly Vt & Arg, on a pile Az a dolphin naiant embowed
counter-embowed Arg. (D: Aumaria Vaillant - Oct 91)
Chevronnelly & per pale Gu & Or, a bulls head couped & a bears
head couped respectant within a bord Sa. (D: Ulrik Skytte Oct 06)
Per chev Az & chevronelly Arg & Az, a stags head erased &
affronty Or, environed in chf by 3 compass stars in fess Arg.
(D: Bridget O Fearghail - Nov 86)

654 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Field division - Chevronelly (continued)

Per chev chevronelly Or & Az, & Az, 2 swords in salt surmounted
by a spear Or. (D: Gunther Garr - Jun 93)
Per chev chevronelly Or & Gu, & Or, in base a ship in full sail Gu,
all within a bord embat Sa. (D: Robert of Ferness - Sep 91)
Per chev Sa & chevronelly Or & Gu, in chf 3 suns Or. (D: Eowyn
Rebekah of Windhaven - Sep 83)
Per chev Vt & chevronelly Arg & Az, in chf an escallop inv Arg
betw 2 dolphins haurient respectant Or. (D: Alysia Gabrielle
de Fougres - Feb 91)
Per pale & chevronelly Arg & Gu, an escallop within a bord Or. (D:
Michael de la Mare - Jul 88)
Per pale & chevronelly Arg & Sa, a torch Gu inflamed proper & a
chf rayonny Gu. (D: Tristan der Fackelttrger - Jan 91)
Per pale & chevronelly Az & Arg, a torch Sa enflamed betw 2
compass stars Or. (D: Viviane dAguillon - Sep 93)
Per pale & chevronelly Gu & Or, an eagle disp, wings inv, & on a
chf Az 3 patriarchal crosses bottony Or. (D: Alwyn von
Breitscheid - Jan 91)
Per pale & chevronelly inv Gu & Arg. (D: Eadan Munro - Sep 99)
Per pale & chevronelly inv Sa & Arg, a pink flamingo volant
proper, wings addorsed proper. (B: Eliot Hawkes - Nov 87)
Per pale chevronny Az & Arg ctrch, a lion passant guardant Gu
betw 3 crosses bottony Or. (D: Duncan of Long Drax Mar 98)
Per pale wavy & chevronelly Or & Vt. (D: Walthari von Harx Jul 85)
Per pall inv Sa, Arg, & chevronelly Gu & Arg. (D: Josse Gler Jan 97)
* * * End * * *
Field division - Fusilly: see Field division - Lozengy
Field division - Gurgity: see Gurges

Field division - Gyronny - Argent - and azure

Arg, betw 4 piles conjoined in salt Az as many thistles proper. (D:

Duncan Bog Cameron - Aug 79?)
Gyronny Arg & Az, a bull ramp within a bord embat Sa charged
with stars of David Arg. (D: Rom ben Yosef del Castillo del
Toro Negro - Aug 93)
Gyronny Arg & Az, a daisy Gu within a bord Or. (D: Elizabeth
Lyon Gardener - Nov 91)
Gyronny Arg & Az, a double-headed eagle & in base a stags head
cabossed Or. (D: Conn mac Eoghain - May 07)
Gyronny Arg & Az, a fleur-de-lys Sa & a bord ctrch. (B: Thomas
du Lac - Oct 93) (For House of the Open Door)
Gyronny Arg & Az, a key cross Vt. (D: Leta da Padova - Apr 05)
Gyronny Arg & Az, a monster statant consisting of the body & head
of a lion, issuant from its back a goats head guardant, tailed of
a serpent all Or, within a bord ctrch. (D: David de Saxby Nov 91)
Gyronny Arg & Az, a mullet of 4 points ctrch. (B: Morberie of Tor
Denly - Sep 84)
Gyronny Arg & Az, a purse Or within an orle of roundels
alternately Az & Or, each charged with a cross couped of the
field. (D: Magdalena Asmarit di Venezia - Feb 89)
Gyronny Arg & Az, a rustre Sa. (D: Vladisla Nikulich - Nov 02)
Gyronny Arg & Az, a whelk, bell in chf, Or. (B: Tir-y-Don Jun 88) (For Order of the Whelk)
Gyronny Arg & Az, crusily ctrch. (D: Melianne dAvignon May 83)
Gyronny, Arg & Az, each Arg gyron charged with a cross crosslet
fitchy Vt, & a bord ctrch. (D: Edmund Pethlton - Aug 79)
Gyronny Arg & Az, eight borage flowers in annulo within a bord,
all ctrch. (D: Aithne Luighseach Darithne - May 92)
Gyronny Arg, & Az mullety Arg, a crescent Or. (D: David the
Lightgatherer - Mar 78?)
Gyronny Arg & Az, on a chf wavy Or 3 fountains. (D: Myfanwy of
Oakwell - Nov 86)
Gyronny Arg & Az, on a mullet of eight points Gu a wyvern
passant Or. (D: Thomas-Edmund de Warrick - Jul 80)
Gyronny Arg & Az, 2 wolves ramp & a sun in his splendor Or. (D:
Michael Constantine - Jun 04)
Gyronny arrondy Az & Arg, 2 seahorses respectant tails crossed in
salt Or. (B: Karsten Pferdenarr - Dec 00)
Gyronny arrondy Az, estoilly of eight points Arg, & Arg, an ogress
within a bord Sa. (D: Serena Arianwy Holmes - Feb 90)

[Field division - Gyronny - Argent - and azure] to [Field division - Gyronny - Argent - and gules]

Field division - Gyronny - Argent - and azure (continued)

Gyronny arrondi of six Az & Arg, a roundel ctrch. (D: DofinnHallr Morrisson - Aug 93)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a bat disp maintaining a fasces Gu, wearing a
barrel helm Sa. (D: Rinaldo of Blackhaven - Jan 87)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a bord semy of roundels ctrch. (D: Anson
Gleowyn - Sep 90)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a chalice Sa within a bord embat Gu. (D:
Garrick of Shadowdale - Nov 93)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a cross potent betw in pall 3 fleur-de-lys ctrch.
(D: Anebairn MacPharlaine of Arrochar - May 80)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a domestic cat statant Or within a bord Gu. (D:
Skorri Einarsson - Jan 05)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a hawk disp head facing sin wings inv within a
bord Gu. (D: Ian of the Red Hawk - Feb 92)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a hawk statant close Sa, hooded & jessed,
within a bord Gu. (D: Aleksandra de Acciptre - Jul 84)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a hawk striking on a bord Sa 3 decrescents
Arg. (D: Ladain n Dheirdre Chaomhnaigh - Jan 98)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a laurel wreath Or within a bord Or, semy of
roundels Sa. (D: Saxon Moor - Dec 91)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a pegasus salient, wings disp, & on a chf Or 3
quatrefoils Az. (D: Katrina Silvermaker - Aug 83)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a phoenix Or within a bord Gu semy of doublebitted axes Or. (D: Aldred of Ascalon - Feb 92)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a salt dovetailed ctrch, issuant from base a
demi-sun in splendour Or. (D: David Nevill - Nov 88)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a sea griffin erect, wings elevated & addorsed
Or within a bord ctrch. As an augmentation, a canton Gu
charged with a sun in his splendor Or. (Augmentation of Arms:
Alwyn Stewart - Jan 91)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a sea lion erect Or, within a laurel wreath Vt.
(D: Adamestor - Apr 98)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a sea-griffin erect Or within a bord ctrch. (D:
Alwyn Stewart - Jul 86)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a smiths tongs & a hammer in salt Sa betw in
pale 2 flames Gu. (D: Guy de Montferrat de la Meslaye Dec 81)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a spider extended Sa. (D: Hagar Bodyguard Mar 78)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a vol Or. (D: Kristrr Bjarnarson - Mar 98)
Gyronny Az & Arg, a yellow-billed loon naiant proper. (B:
Wilowen of Stuarts - Feb 90)
Gyronny Az & Arg, an open book Or bound Sa. (D: Cormac
Longstrider - Jun 00)
Gyronny, Az & Arg, eight drinking horns in annulo, mouths to
center, ctrch. (D: Ragnar Kaupmadr - May 91)
Gyronny Az & Arg, five fleurs-de-lys in cross Gu. (B: Guy de
Montferrat de la Meslaye - Jan 84) (For La Maison de la
Gyronny Az & Arg, 4 compass stars Arg. (D: Gerhard Helmbrecht
von Offenbach - Jun 98)
Gyronny Az & Arg, on a chf Gu 3 Maltese crosses Arg. (D: Turvon
Kuznetsov - Jan 03)
Gyronny Az & Arg, on a pomme an anchor Or. (D: Richard of the
Isle - Feb 81)
Gyronny Az & Arg, on a sun Or in cross 4 mullets of 4 points Sa.
(B: Branwyn fer Corran - Oct 81)
Gyronny Az & Arg, on a sun rayonn Or betw in pall 3 mullets of 4
points ctrch in pale a mullet of 4 points & a unicorns head Sa.
(D: Branwyn fer Corran - Oct 81)
Gyronny Az & Arg, on each gyron a quatrefoil ctrch. (D: Bess
Haddon of York - May 91)
Gyronny Az & Arg scaly Sa. (D: Peter Byron Fletcher - Dec 96)
Gyronny of eight Arg & Az, upon a plate enflamed proper, a
dolmen Sa. (D: Guinevere de Bremble - Aug 78?)
Gyronny of fourteen Az & Arg, a decrescent Gu charged with a
bear ramp to sin Arg. (B: Llwyd Emrys - Jan 90)
Gyronny of fourteen Az & Arg, a lozenge Or within an annulet Or
estoily Az. (D: Aldeyn von Ltringen - Jul 91)
Gyronny of six Arg & Az, a pall surmounted by a pall inv ctrch,
charged with a mullet of six points fesswise gyronny of six Az
& Arg, within a bord Gu. (D: Rafe Edelstein - Jan 82)
Gyronny of six Arg & Az, a tricorporate lion Gu. (D: orfinn
Hrolfsson - Jan 85)

Field division - Gyronny - Argent - and azure (continued)

Gyronny of six Az & Arg, an estoile of alternating straight & wavy
rays ctrch Or & Gu within a bord ctrch. (D: Marcia of Jarrow
Motte - Aug 82)
Gyronny of sixteen Az & Arg, a unicorn ramp & in chf a laurel
wreath Or. (D: Unicorn, the - Aug 84)
Gyronny of ten Arg & Az, each gyron charged with an arrow point
to center, all ctrch. (D: Coinneach Mac an Leigh - Mar 94)
Gyronny of twelve Arg & Az, a quill Vt & a scroll in salt within a
bord Or. (D: Vorlin or Gwig - Jul 85)
Gyronny of twelve Az & Arg, a mullet of eight points within a bord
Or. (D: Catheryn Cameron Stewart Morgan - Jun 84)
Gyronny wavy Arg & Az, a cup & on a chf Or 3 crosses fleury Az.
(D: Maura MacLeod - Oct 99)
Gyronny wavy Az & Arg, a jesters head affronty proper, bearded
Gu, vested quarterly Or & Vt, belled erminois. (D: Thorbrand
the Red - Sep 92)
Gyronny wavy Az & Arg, a shark bendwise Gu. (B: Sleyman
Khaym - Dec 98)
Gyronny wavy of six Az & Arg, 3 keys palewise inv Or. (B:
Richard Randolf - Mar 85) (For Household of the Dizzy Key)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, 3 piles conjoined at the line of division,
issuant respectively from chf, from dexter chf & from dexter,
Az & in sin base a cats paw print Arg. (D: Cristine of
Winchelsea - Aug 88)
Per pale & per salt Az & Arg, a pegasus passant contourny Or. (D:
Gwendolyn Arwen des Etoiles dOr - May 98)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Argent - and fur

Gyronny Az ermined Arg & Arg, 3 acorns proper. (D: Roderick O

Rinne - Dec 91)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Argent - and gules

Gyronnny Gu & Arg, eight roses ctrch. (D: Samuel le Medier Apr 06)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, a cross of Toulouse Sa. (D: Vlksha Iakovleva Mar 04)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, a double-headed eagle disp Sa. (D: Andrei de
Sevastopol - Jan 73?)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, a dragon segreant to sin Sa, winged & bellied
Or, maintaining a halberd Az, within a bord ctrch. (D: Helmut
Wolfgang von Drache - Aug 85)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, a drakkar sail set betw 2 clarions in pale Sa.
(D: Hrothgar Thorgrimsson - Jul 94)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, a hawks head erased Sa within a bord ctrch.
(D: Eoin Caimbeul - Feb 98)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, a rhinoceros head couped Sa. (D: Filippo de
Sancto Martino - Sep 01)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, a unicorn & a ram ramp combattant, each
maintaining a scimitar, Sa. (D: Elias Barbarossa von
Zweibrcken - Dec 88)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, a winged bear ramp Sa collared Or & a bord
dovetailed Sa. (D: Bjorn hrsvartr - Apr 02)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, a winged heart, wings disp inv, Sa. (D:
Morgan dAntioche - Feb 91)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, an arrow Sa, a bord ctrch. (D: Aelfric of the
Black Arrow - Nov 94)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, eight daggers points to center ctrch & a bord
Sa. (D: Theodor Hans Lochner - Apr 02)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, in pale a bear passant & a double-bitted axe
within a bord Sa. (D: Killian McDuff - Dec 92)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, on a pellet a decrescent Arg. (D: Freydis
Olafsdottir - Oct 96)
Gyronny Arg & Gu, 2 wings conjoined in lure Or within a bord
gyronny Sa & Or. (D: Arlen of Guildford - Jul 91)
Gyronny Arg, semy-de-lys Gu, & Gu, a winged cat sejant affronty,
wings disp Sa. (D: Franoise Katze - Jan 91)
Gyronny arrondi Gu & Arg, a cross of Santiago Or within a bord
Sa. (B: Rising Waters - Oct 92) (For Order of the Protectors
of the Chalice)
Gyronny arrondi Gu & Arg, a cross of Santiago within a bord Sa.
(B: Rising Waters - Oct 92) (For Award of the Warriors of
the Chalice)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 655

[Field division - Gyronny - Argent - and gules] to [Field division - Gyronny - Argent - and sable]

Field division - Gyronny - Argent - and gules (continued)

Gyronny arrondy Gu & Arg, a fire arrow Or enflamed proper

flighted Or, within a bord embat Sa. (B: Rising Waters Jan 95)
Gyronny arrondi Gu & Arg, a goblet Or within a laurel wreath Vt.
(D: Rising Waters - Feb 87)
Gyronny arrondi Gu & Arg, a lion salient within a bord embat Sa.
(B: Rising Waters - Dec 92) (For Rising Waters Honour
Gyronny arrondi Gu & Arg, a spider Or within a bord Sa. (B:
Rising Waters - Oct 92) (For Order of the Golden Spider)
Gyronny arrondi Gu & Arg, a spider Sa within a bord Or. (B:
Rising Waters - Oct 92) (For Award of the Spider)
Gyronny arrondi Gu & Arg, a tower Sa, on a chf Or 3 laurel wreaths
Sa. (D: Havenholde - Jul 93)
Gyronny arrondy of six Gu & Arg. (D: Cerdic Weyfare - Feb 96)
Gyronny arrondy of six Gu & Arg, a wolf ramp Sa winged Arg
maintaining a sword inv proper. (D: Conal hAirt - May 00)
Gyronny Gu & Arg, a bears tooth Az. (D: Octa Bluetooth Feb 86)
Gyronny Gu & Arg, a bull passant guardant Or within a bord Sa.
(D: Aurelio di Baldasare - Dec 07)
Gyronny Gu & Arg, a camel ramp Or maintaining a laurel wreath
bendwise Vt. (D: Desert Sands - Jul 03)
Gyronny Gu & Arg, a Chinese dragon involved in annulo guardant
Sa, scaly, spined & the face Or. (B: Helmut Wolfgang von
Drache - Sep 83)
Gyronny Gu & Arg, a dragon couchant wings elevated Az, in chf a
compass star Or. (B: Sciath ingen Chuain - Jul 99)
Gyronny Gu & Arg, a merman, bow in dexter & arrow in sin hand,
tail raised to sin, ctrch. (D: Colin of Duntamknackan Jun 76?)
Gyronny Gu & Arg, a raven close to sin Sa, armed & membered Or.
(D: Morgan ni Lochlainn - Aug 88)
Gyronny Gu & Arg, an anvil standing upon a square block Sa. (D:
Samuel the Steadfast - Apr 87)
Gyronny Gu & Arg, eight quavers ctrch Arg & Az. (D: Thomas
Haworth - Oct 05)
Gyronny Gu & Arg, in pale 2 bars & a sheep couchant regardant
contourny Sa. (D: Geoffrey Blesedale - Sep 07)
Gyronny Gu & Arg, on a chf Or 3 lozenges Sa. (D: Kalin
mjoksiglandi - Dec 05)
Gyronny of six arrondy Gu & Arg, 3 greyhounds passant in annulo
Sa. (D: Hakon of Jorvik - May 92)
Gyronny of six from dexter chf Arg & Gu, a puffin close proper.
(D: Alyson Ariana Allyn ferch Rhys - May 86)
Gyronny of six from dexter chf Gu & Arg, a thistle Az. (D: Ann
Lesslyn of Silvermist - Sep 87)
Gyronny of six Gu & Arg, on each Arg gyron a mullet Vt. (D:
Dennis the Gillie - Jun 94)
Gyronny of six per pale Arg & Gu, a hexagon Sa within a bord
ctrch. (D: Michael Kennethson - Apr 88)
Gyronny of six per pale Arg & Gu, a unicorns head couped
contourny & on a chf Sa, a plate in sin chf. (D: Murdock
Cameron - May 92)
Gyronny of six per pale Gu & Arg, a fools hood of 2 ears affronty
Sa. (B: Tamar of Highmoor - Mar 90)
Gyronny of sixteen Arg & Gu, a domestic cat sejant & on a chf Sa a
decrescent & an increscent Arg. (D: Ceridwen of
Cahercommaun - Jul 91)
Gyronny of ten from dexter chf Arg & Gu, a pegasus ramp Sa,
winged, crined & unguled Or. (D: Aislynn Haldana Cadell Jun 81)
Gyronny of thirty-2 Gu & Arg, a torteau. (B: Japan - Dec 03)
(Important non-SCA flag)(Naval Ensign)
Gyronny of twelve Arg & Gu, an escarbuncle of ermine spots ctrch
Sa & Arg. (D: Ilse von Schnau - Jun 84)
Gyronny of twelve Gu & Arg, in pale a fools cap Purp & a laurel
wreath Vt. (D: Narrental - Dec 92)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, on each Arg gyron a turtle Vt. (D: Adelheid
Lilje - Jan 08)
Gyronny wavy Gu & Arg, a lioness dormant coward Or. (D: Anor
de Winchester - Dec 83)
Gyronny wavy Gu & Arg, in chf 2 roses ctrch. (D: Sean Michael
MacKay - Dec 90)
Per bend sin Vt & gyronny Arg & Gu, in dexter chf a griffins head
erased Or. (D: Sven the Stormdriven - May 85)
656 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Field division - Gyronny - Argent - and gules (continued)

Per pale & per salt Arg & Gu, on a pall Sa a bezant. (D: Yngvarr
grfeldarskld - Jul 07)
Per pale & per salt Gu & Arg, 3 boars statant in annulo Sa. (D:
Aelfwyn of Longwood - Apr 97)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Argent - and multicolor

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Argent - and or

Gyronny Or & Arg, issuant from a maunch Az a falconers gauntlet

Sa grasping a lure Gu. (D: Elspeth Yseult Fitzalden - Jun 81)
Per pale & per salt Arg & Or, a unicorn trippant Sa, crined Gu. (D:
Aryana Silknfyre - Nov 80)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Argent - and purpure

Gyronny Arg & Purp, a heart Sa charged with a wolfs paw print
Arg. (B: Rustique de Suard - Jan 06)
Gyronny Arg & Purp, a unicorn ramp, on a bord Sa 3 plates. (D:
Domenico Barbiere da Mantova - Jul 01)
Gyronny Arg & Purp, eight fleurs-de-lys in annulo ctrch. (D:
Bohemir of Esclavonia - Nov 96)
Gyronny arrondi of six Arg & Purp, a catamount statant guardant to
sin, on a chf Sa 3 feline pawprints Arg. (D: Valerian
Hildebrand - Oct 95)
Gyronny embat Purp & Arg, a bezant. (D: Robert Hallwarden Jan 73?)
Gyronny of six Purp & Arg, a mullet of six points Az. (D: Selivia
de lEstoile - May 84)
Gyronny of six Purp & Arg, a mullet of six points Az within a bord
ctrch. (D: Kelly de lEstoile - May 84)
Gyronny of sixteen Arg & Purp, a sun throughout Or charged with a
thistle proper within a bord Vt. (D: Myfanwy ferch Elys Oct 83)
Gyronny Purp & Arg, a Bourchier knot throughout Gu, a bord Sa.
(B: Eugenius Magnus ap Llwyd - Sep 96)
Gyronny Purp & Arg, a cross crosslet ctrch. (D: Anora Frayne of
Winward - Aug 83)
Gyronny Purp & Arg, a heart Sa. (D: Rustique de Suard - Apr 97)
Gyronny Purp & Arg, each Arg gyron charged with a cross couped
Vt, a bord Az. (D: Aodh Magnusson - Jul 93)
Gyronny Purp & Arg, on a chf Sa 2 escallops inv Arg. (D: Lyneya
de Aston - Mar 05)
Gyronny Purp & Arg, on a lozenge Or, a compass star gyronny Arg
& Purp. (D: Raffaelle de Mallorca - Sep 96)
Gyronny wavy Purp & Arg. (D: Eugenius Magnus ap Llwyd Sep 96)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Argent - and sable

Gyronny Arg & Sa, a cross formy Gu within a bord ctrch. (D:
David de Clermunt - Jan 05)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, a cross moline & a bord Gu. (D: Marke von
Mainz - Jul 91)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, a dolphin haurient within an orle Gu. (D:
Labhran mac Iain Ghlinne na Guineach - Sep 98)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, a fret Vt. (D: Brianna of Kilkenny - Dec 96)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, a hawks leg, erased at the thigh, Gu, belled &
jessed Or. (D: Hawkyn Fitzgerad - Jul 88)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, a heart counter-changed Gu & Arg. (D:
Moriah MacLachlan - May 94)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, a heart Gu betw eight acorns in annulo ctrch.
(D: Pagan Graeme - Jun 07)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, a quill pen fesswise dependent on a strap
conjoined to its center, a fleece Or, & on a chf Az 2 rapiers
crossed in salt Arg. (D: Aonghus Camshrn Mac aChlirich Jan 94)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, a roundel Sa voided & fimbriated Arg. (D:
Ushi Kerai Tokoyo No Kokuo - Jan 80)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, a tyger ramp erminois incensed Gu within a
bord ctrch. (D: Eoin Scott na Daingniche - Jun 85)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, a unicorns head couped at the shoulders Gu
within a bord ctrch. (D: Rathulfr the Least - Dec 84)

[Field division - Gyronny - Argent - and sable] to [Field division - Gyronny - Argent - and vert]

Field division - Gyronny - Argent - and sable (continued)

Gyronny Arg & Sa, a wolfs head couped contourny Gu, a bord
ctrch. (D: Drogo Fitz William - Dec 92)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, an acorn inv Or. (B: Rivenoak - Dec 88)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, an estoile of seven points Arg fimbriated Sa.
(D: Hieronymus Dernoma - Aug 76?)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, in chf a torteau. (D: Torin of Hyrcania Oct 80)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, in chf a torteau as an augmentation, upon the
torteau a dragon passant Arg. (Augmentation of Arms: Torin
of Hyrcania - Apr 99)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, in cross 4 roses proper. (D: Laura Rydal of
Grasmere - Jun 89)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, issuant from base 2 snakes palewise interlaced
respectant Gu. (D: Barak ben David - Aug 02)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, 3 crosses formy within a bord ctrch. (D: Raffe
Pencestre - Jul 92)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, 3 quatrefoils ctrch. (D: Alycanna Morgaine Aug 85)
Gyronny Arg & Sa, 2 estoiles & a mortar & pestle Gu. (D: Angus
MacElroy - Oct 92)
Gyronny arrondi Arg & Sa, a roundel within an orle Or. (D: Garr
Gunnarsson - Oct 04)
Gyronny arrondi Arg voided Sa, & Sa. (D: Rod Grey, the
Arbitrator - Apr 73?)
Gyronny arrondy of six Sa & Arg a mallet & an ax in salt Gu. (D:
Thorfinnr Sleggja - May 98)
Gyronny arrondi of six Sa & Arg, a triskelion of dragons heads Or
betw six roundels in annulo ctrch. (D: Einarr Skallagrmsson Nov 06)
Gyronny arrondy Sa & Arg, a mullet of 4 points pierced Or. (D:
lfwin Lorimar - Jan 91)
Gyronny of six palewise Sa & Arg, a wolfs head erased contourny
Or. (D: Wulfgar der Krieger - Mar 93)
Gyronny of six per pale Sa & Arg, an opinicus sejant erect, wings
elevated & addorsed, Or, within a bord Gu, charged with 3
acorns, slipped & leaved, fruit to chf, Or. (D: Stefanie of Sun
Dragon - Dec 88)
Gyronny of six raguly Sa & Arg, a Bengal tigers head caboshed
proper. (B: Michael MacNaughton of Loch Ness - Mar 83)
(For the Brotherhood of the Stalking Tiger)
Gyronny of six Sa & Arg, an oak leaf Gu. (D: Gareth Kenwrick Jan 02)
Gyronny of six Sa & Arg, 3 oak leaves in pall inv Vt fructed Or. (D:
Rutger van Groningen - Oct 97)
Gyronny of sixteen Arg & Sa, a griffin segreant to sin reguardant
Purp, maintaining in its fore talons a rebec proper. (D:
Deborah ferch Rhys - Aug 90)
Gyronny of sixteen Arg & Sa, a salamander statant regardant Gu
enflamed Or & a bord ctrch Sa & Or. (D: Johannes Vagus Jun 02)
Gyronny of sixteen Arg & Sa, an annulet within a bord Az. (B:
Minamoto Genkuro Kagetane - May 04) (For Kevin of
Sentinels Keep)
Gyronny of sixteen Arg & Sa, 4 annulets in cross Az. (D:
Minamoto Genkuro Kagetane - Aug 03)
Gyronny of ten Arg & Sa, on each gyron a dagger, blade to center,
ctrch. (D: Iestyn ap Cadfael ap Ianto ap Danno ap Richard ap
Owen ap Rhys or Cwm - Sep 92)
Gyronny of twelve Sa & Arg, a sun in splendor throughout Gu betw
in chf 2 crosses formy ctrch. (D: Lothar zer Sunnen - Feb 97)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, a bird close contourny Gu. (D: Duff MacKellar
- Oct 98)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, a bord ctrch. (D: Wulfgar Neumann - Sep 02)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, a compass star within a bord Gu. (D: Mitchell
MacBain - Apr 88)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, a decrescent Vt. (D: Arqai Nerin - Jul 07)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, a dragon ramp Gu, armed & webbed Vt. (B:
Bela of Eastmarch - Jun 76) (For the Free Company of
Gyronny Sa & Arg, a dragon ramp Gu betw 3 estoiles Or, a bord Gu
estoilly Or. (D: Rhiannon Fitzgerald - Dec 92)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, a dragons jambe issuant from base Az,
grasping a drinking horn fesswise Or. (D: Otto Langhorn von
Baden - Oct 88)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, a griffin segreant, a bord Gu. (D: Loys
dAramits de Loire - Jan 98)

Field division - Gyronny - Argent - and sable (continued)

Gyronny Sa & Arg, a mullet ctrch. (B: Anna af Aarnimets Apr 97)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, a mullet of eight points betw eight others in
annulo, all ctrch. (D: Endymion Meilichos - Oct 90)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, a rose within an orle Gu. (D: Elspeth Cameron
- Aug 86)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, a salt of chains Vt. (D: Guy of Alderney Jul 91)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, a wyvern passant Gu winged Or maintaining a
sheaf of arrows inv & a bow Or, a bord Gu. (D: Ian Lindsay
Macrae - Apr 05)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, an equal-armed celtic cross Vt. (D: Catairiona
n Fhlannagin - Oct 94)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, each Arg gyron charged with a Catherines
wheel Gu. (D: Ginevra dAltieri - Oct 92)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, in pale 3 ferrets statant to sin Gu within a bord
ctrch. (D: Maximilian Geist - Mar 89)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, on a chev Purp fimbriated 3 mullets Or. (D:
Danica Nemanjavia - Feb 02)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, on a lozenge Gu a sword inv Or. (D: Tostig
atte Scelga - Apr 02)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, on a pellet 2 shamshirs in salt Arg, hilted Or.
(D: Haerraich the Cossack - Jan 73?)
Gyronny Sa & Arg, 3 crescents inv Gu. (D: Iror of Crystal Mynes Mar 04)
Gyronny wavy Sa & Arg, an estoile of seven rays Or, a bord wavy
Az. (D: Rosalind bint Mihrimah - Sep 92)
Gyronny wavy Sa & Arg, an orle counter-compony Vt & Arg. (D:
Carson Wynne - Nov 94)
Per pale & per salt Arg & Sa, six hearts in annulo ctrch. (D:
Rachael dAmour - Mar 91)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Argent - and vert

Gyronny Arg & Vt, a bear ramp maintaining an ax Or & on a chf Sa

2 bees Or. (D: Kilian the Black - Mar 08)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, a Continental panther ramp reguardant Sa,
gorged & incensed Gu. (D: Badouin MacKenzie of Balfour Dec 06)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, a foxs head erased to sin Or, a bord ctrch. (D:
Telse Diederik - Apr 00)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, a griffin sejant reguardant, foreleg raised, wings
disp, Sa. (D: Ashera MacLeod - Jul 85)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, a horse head couped Sa within eight acorns in
annulo ctrch. (D: Kiera of Silverwood - Aug 90)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, a horse ramp contourny Gu within an orle Or.
(D: Gwydion ab Aeddan - Aug 93)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, a knarrar & a bord Az. (D: Drfinna
Knarrarbringa Vilhjlmsdttir - Apr 00)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, a quatrefoil ctrch. (D: Brigida Henne Rtin May 98)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, a raven disp, wings inv, Sa, within a bord ctrch.
(D: Brendan Morgansbane - Jun 89)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, a stags head couped contourny Az. (D:
Gormlaith Una ODoyle - Oct 97)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, a tankard reversed & a bord Sa. (D: Davith of
Altenberg - Apr 07)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, an orle Sa. (D: Frithiof Sigvardsson Skgge Sep 96)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, eight oak leaves conjoined in annulo ctrch. (B:
Brianna Yseulte Wynman - Jan 90)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, in bend a mallet & a wood chisel, blade to base,
both bendwise sin Or. (D: Adam Fairamay - Dec 05)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, on a chf Or 3 cats pawprints Vt. (D: Lofsige
Caoimh - Jan 94)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, on a goblet within an orle Or a rose proper. (D:
Lasairfhona n Chon Chonnacht - Sep 97)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, on a lozenge pean a sprig of lilies of the valley
Arg. (D: Eilidh MacMurtrie - Mar 85)
Gyronny Arg & Vt, 3 drinking horns fretted in triangle Sa. (D:
Finnbogi lfkelsson - Mar 06)
Gyronny arrondi Arg & Vt, a hedgehog statant proper within a bord
embat Sa. (D: Dagr Bollason - Sep 04)
Gyronny arrondy Arg & Vt, a raven Sa within a bord Sa semy of
roundels Or. (D: Njall Randvesson - Nov 07)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 657

[Field division - Gyronny - Argent - and vert] to [Field division - Gyronny - Azure - and sable]

Field division - Gyronny - Argent - and vert (continued)

Gyronny of eight from dexter chf Vt & Arg, in pale a mullet Gu & a
demi-sun issuant from base Gu. (D: Kormakr Thordarson of
Jorvik - May 87)
Gyronny of six Arg & Vt, 3 wooden portcullises proper. (D:
Katherine the Patient - Jan 91)
Gyronny of six from sin chf Vt & Arg, 2 snakes entwined in a
Bouchier knot, heads in chf & addorsed Sa, & in base a hawks
bell Vt & another Arg. (D: Griffith the Everchanging Jan 85)
Gyronny of six Vt & Arg, a sun within a bord rayonny Or. (D:
Mikhaela Straif - Nov 82)
Gyronny Vt & Arg, a bear statant erect affronty Sa, on a chf
invected Gu 2 roses Or, barbed & seeded Vt. (D: Alfred
Humfrey Mihell - Jun 92)
Gyronny Vt & Arg, a brown stag trippant guardant contourny
proper. (D: Andree mac Byrne - Jan 98)
Gyronny Vt & Arg, a griffin segreant within a bord ctrch. (D:
Gwydion Cinhil Kirontin - Aug 79?)
Gyronny Vt & Arg, a horse ramp Or within a bord ctrch. (D:
Ashial Kljin - Apr 05)
Gyronny Vt & Arg, a Latin cross nowy pierced Sa. (D: Peter fra
Marstal - Sep 88)
Gyronny Vt & Arg, a natural leopard sejant within a bord Or. (D:
Eliana Fraser - Dec 04)
Gyronny Vt & Arg, a sealion statant Purp. (D: Genevieve Duran Sep 87)
Gyronny Vt & Arg, each Arg gyron charged with an estoile Purp.
(D: Maren Rikarsdottir - Feb 07)
Gyronny Vt & Arg, on a chf Sa 3 Maltese crosses Arg. (D:
Sebastiano Francisco de Valencia - Nov 05)
Gyronny Vt & Arg, 3 cats herissony Or. (D: Maria Gundesindo de
Leon - Aug 06)
Gyronny Vt & Arg, 3 lizards tergiant conjoined in annulo Or. (D:
Toms Niallagin - May 99)
Gyronny Vt & Arg, 3 reremice Gu, a bord Sa. (D: Dubheasa
inghean Dubgaill - Jan 05)
Gyronny Vt & Az, a mullet of six points within eight mullets of six
points in mascle Arg. (D: Domenica Farnese - Sep 80)
Per fess Sa & gyronny from the fess point Arg & Vt, a cross alise
fitchy Or. (D: Famr Bek - May 96)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Azure - and fur

Gyronny Arg ermined Az & Az, a caltrop within a bord Or. (D:
Marie Solange Chantal de Sainte Genevive - Aug 96)
Gyronny arrondy widdershins Az & ermine, five lozenges palewise
in salt Or. (D: Walter de Plympton - Nov 89)
Gyronny arrondi widdershins ermine & Az, a cross crosslet Calvary
Or within a bord gyronny Az & Or. (D: Christopher
Sigismund Olafsson - Oct 83)
Gyronny Az & ermine, 2 sea-lions erect regardant addorsed within
an orle Or. (D: Aithne Lassarina Anderson of Shadowskeep Nov 84)
Gyronny Az & erminois, a bord ctrch. (D: Vera z Czezecze Jul 86)
Gyronny ermine & Az, each gyron charged with a needle point to
center ctrch Az & Arg. (D: Eils n Bhraonin - Jun 00)
Gyronny wavy ermine & Az. (D: edn mac Bheathain - Sep 02)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Azure - and gules

Gyronny Az & Gu, a dexter hand couped apaumy Or. (B:

Atenveldt, Kingdom of - Jul 81) (For Office of the
Gyronny Az & Gu, a key cross Or. (D: Ian Bruce MacRae Jan 83) (A key cross looks like the Cross Cleche shown in
Elvin plate 8, figure 39.)
Gyronny Az & Gu, on a heart Or a double-bitted axe palewise Gu.
(D: Voldar Badaxe - Jan 85)
Gyronny Gu & Az, a lions head cabossed Or within a bord Arg.
(D: Arther Bargate of Lands End - Nov 86)
Gyronny of six Gu & Az, a reremouse disp within an annulet
enflamed Or. (B: Eric of Telemark - May 85)
* * * End * * *

658 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Field division - Gyronny - Azure - and multicolor

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Azure - and or

Gyronny arrondi of six Az & Or, a demi-sun issuant from base Gu.
(D: Adeliz Argenti - Jul 04)
Gyronny arrondy of six Or & Az, a stoats head erased proper a
bord embat Sa. (D: Svein Bjarnarson - Nov 97)
Gyronny arrondy Or & Az. (D: Ottar Hrafnsson - May 98)
Gyronny Az & Or, a cross Vt. (D: Rulff Srensn - Sep 05)
Gyronny Az & Or, a garb within an orle Gu. (D: Robin Johnstone Dec 03)
Gyronny Az & Or, a pellet surmounted by a sword Arg, within a
bord Sa. (B: Finnvarr de Taahe - Nov 82)
Gyronny Az & Or, a quatrefoil saltirewise within a mascle Vt. (D:
Leannan MacNaboe - Nov 90)
Gyronny Az & Or, a salt raguly ctrch. (D: Douglass Petryewood Sep 90)
Gyronny Az & Or, an oak tree eradicated proper & a bord ctrch. (D:
Guillaume de la Vallee de lOuest du Lac Sal - Apr 92)
Gyronny Az & Or, an open book Gu betw 4 hearts in cross ctrch.
(D: Genevieve Penrose - Aug 92)
Gyronny Az & Or, an opinicus statant Gu. (D: Fiammetta Attavanti
- Sep 91)
Gyronny from chf Az & Or, a patriarchal cross ctrch. (D: Owain de
Lore - May 82)
Gyronny of six Az & Or, a bord ctrch. (D: John Paul Devereaux Mar 01)
Gyronny of six from dexter chf Az & Or, a cat dormant betw 3
fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Anastasia de Vaucouleurs - Oct 92)
Gyronny of sixteen, Az & Or, a bezant. (D: Tamsin of the Raven
Tresses - Mar 78?)
Gyronny of sixteen Az & Or, a mailed sin fist Arg within a bord
ctrch. (D: Ragnar Ironhand - Jan 87)
Gyronny of twelve Or & Az, a monkey ramp guardant Gu. (D:
Etain la Gamine - Aug 85)
Gyronny Or & Az, a brown sandstone tower proper, portaled &
lighted Or. (D: Peregrine Anorial of the Further Isles Oct 76?)
Gyronny Or & Az, a Celtic cross Arg, fimbriated Sa. (D: Gormflait
Suiban ni Cuallachta - Jan 73?)
Gyronny Or & Az, a dragon segreant Arg. (D: Brychan Tammas Jan 96)
Gyronny Or & Az, a mullet of eight points Gu within a bord
dovetailed ctrch. (D: William Michael Kelrickson - Jan 94)
Gyronny Or & Az, an eagle disp Arg within a bord engrailed ctrch.
(D: Primus Gavius Falconius Britannicus - Sep 05)
Gyronny Or & Az, eight butterflies in annulo ctrch. (D: Julianne
Journ - Jul 07)
Gyronny Or & Az, on a chf Arg 3 rooks wings Sa. (D: Juliana de
la Rokele - Dec 02)
Gyronny Or & Az, on a sun Gu a lions head cabossed Or. (B:
Aelfred Halvdan of Holdene - Mar 86)
Per fess gyronny of sixteen in cross, Az & Or, & Vt, on a roundel
Sa fimbriated in pale a horses head couped & a coronet
showing 3 Latin crosses Or. (B: Henrik of Havn - Oct 81)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Azure - and purpure

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Azure - and sable

Gyronny Az & Sa, in pale a standing balance, its arm bendwise sin
& maintaining in the sin pan a weight, & 2 arrows in fess
conjoined at the points Arg. (D: Samuel Zetetic the Skeptic Jan 07)
Gyronny Az & Sa, on a plate a pegasus salient Az. (D: Walter de
Witte - Apr 81)
Gyronny of twelve Sa & Az, a mascle & on a chf Arg a unicorn
courant regardant Sa. (D: Regan Lowry the Loner - Jun 80)
Gyronny Sa & Az, a delf Or pierced of the field. (D: Jeanne of
Audierne - Jul 81)
* * * End * * *

[Field division - Gyronny - Azure - and vert] to [Field division - Gyronny - Gules - and or]

Field division - Gyronny - Azure - and vert

Field division - Gyronny - Gules - and multicolor

Field division - Gyronny - Fur - and fur

Field division - Gyronny - Gules - and or

Gyronny Az & Vt, on a mullet of eight points Arg an eagles head

erased Gu, beaked Sa. (D: Ellen Winterbourne - Aug 80)
* * * End * * *
Gyronny erminois & pean. (D: Adelheid von Katzenellenbogen Jan 00)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Fur - and gules

Gyronny ermine & Gu, a battle-axe & a seax in salt Sa within a

bord ctrch. (D: Dirk Addisson - Oct 87)
Gyronny ermine & Gu, a swan naiant contourny, wings elevated &
addorsed Or. (D: Gretchen Gwynhwyfar - Jun 99)
Gyronny erminois & Gu, a rabbit couchant Arg, a bord raguly ctrch.
(D: Marlana of Bards Keep - Oct 91)
Gyronny Gu & ermine, a bear & a lion ramp addorsed Or. (D: Rolf
Sewardson - Nov 97)
Gyronny Gu & ermine, a cobra erect tail nowed Vt. (D: Livia
Alexandra Severa - Jun 07)
Gyronny Gu & ermine, a domestic cat dormant to sin Sa. (D: CareCheri of the Fallen Stars - Jan 73?)
Gyronny Gu & ermine, a lion dragon erect Or. (D: Richard of the
Silverdawn - Mar 90)
Gyronny Gu & erminois, a foxs mask Arg within a bord ctrch. (D:
Seumas Sionnach Geal - May 92)
Gyronny Gu & pean, a bord ctrch. (B: Sovny Barcsi Jnos Jun 82)
Gyronny of eight Arg ermined Gu, & Vt, 4 swords in annulo points
to center Sa. (D: Mocholla MacDhaibhidh - Feb 97)
Gyronny pean & Gu, a griffins head, erased & sin facing, Or
within a bord ctrch. (D: Morgan Griffin - Jan 90)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Fur - and multicolor

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Fur - and or

Gyronny ermine & Or, an estoile Gu. (D: Sequora of Zagamar Jul 74)
Gyronny ermine & Or, in pale a demi-annulet of chain Vt
surmounted by a rose Gu, barbed & seeded proper, the chains
conjoined in annulo to the leaves of a thistle Purp, slipped &
leaved Vt. (D: Yvonne Elizabeth of Leyster - Mar 83)
Gyronny Gu ermined Or, & Or, on a roundel pean a fleur-de-lis inv
Or. (D: Brendan O Corraidhe - Dec 84)
Gyronny pean & Or, in bend sin a lion ramp reguardant contourny
& a lion ramp reguardant Gu. (D: Colin Campbell de Leith May 02)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Fur - and purpure

Gyronny Arg, ermined Purp, & Purp, a cross flory gyronny Purp &
Arg within a bord ctrch. (B: Jadwiga Marina Majewska Jan 90)
Gyronny of ten Purp & ermine, a lion ramp to sin triple-queued Or,
within an orle engrailed on the outer edge & invected on the
inner edge, ctrch. (D: Karl Helweg - Jan 87)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Fur - and sable

Gyronny Sa & ermine, on a plate an anchor fouled Az. (D: Jean

Mathieu dvreux - Apr 96)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Fur - and vert

Gyronny ermine & Vt, a crux ansata Or. (D: Mary the Melodious
Lady of Flanders - Jul 71?)
Gyronny of six palewise Vt & erminois, in pall 3 dexter arms,
flexed & conjoined at the shoulders, each hand grasping a
dagger, Arg. (D: Ternon de Caerleon - May 87)
Gyronny raguly of 4 issuant from dexter chf ermine & Vt. (D:
Cwenhild of Cydllan Downs - Jul 99)
* * * End * * *

Gyronny Gu & lozengy Az & Or. (D: Sveinn Thorbrandsson Feb 99)
* * * End * * *
Gu, 3 piles in point, issuant from dexter chf, sin chf, & base, Or,
each charged with a cinquefoil Sa. (D: Kedric Messerschmidt
- Sep 89)
Gyronny arrondi of six Or & Gu, an orle Sa. (D: Snorri Hallsson Apr 06)
Gyronny arrondy Or & Gu, a bears paw print Sa charged with a
Thors hammer Or. (D: Bera Thorbjarnardttir - Sep 97)
Gyronny arrondy Or & Gu, a gunstone. (D: Muiredach OSiadhail
- Jan 96)
Gyronny arrondi Or & Gu, a wolfs head cabossed Sa. (D: Wulfere
Ironshield - Apr 83)
Gyronny Gu & Or, a bear ramp Arg within a laurel wreath Vt, a
bord ermine. (D: Cte du Ciel - May 93)
Gyronny Gu & Or, a brock ramp Az brandishing an axe fesswise
Sa. (D: Conal Brockgorm of Drumnacrogha - Aug 90)
Gyronny Gu & Or, a chalice & on a chf Sa a dragon passant Arg.
(D: George von Gerolstein - Jul 07)
Gyronny Gu & Or, a compass star Sa. (B: Craig of the Glyn Sep 90) (For Wythfed Ffordd House)
Gyronny Gu & Or, a dragon passant Az. (D: Sciath ingen Chuain Jul 99)
Gyronny Gu & Or, a dragon passant coward within a bord Sa. (B:
Drachenwald - Dec 02) (For the Kings Guards)
Gyronny Gu & Or, a fleur-de-lys Arg a bord checky Sa & Arg. (D:
Alisoun Ashling - Jan 96)
Gyronny Gu & Or, a greyhound statant contourny Sa. (D: Lettice
Atwode of Sandhyll - Feb 94)
Gyronny Gu & Or, a lions head cabossed, on a chf Arg 3 towers Sa
masoned Or. (D: Thomas of Calais - Dec 98)
Gyronny Gu & Or, a lozenge ctrch. (D: John Michael Midwinter Oct 00)
Gyronny Gu & Or, a raven contourny reguardant & an orle Sa. (D:
Rasmus Ravnssen - Apr 06)
Gyronny Gu & Or, a triangular triquetra Sa. (D: Huginn
Hrothgeirsson - May 88)
Gyronny Gu & Or, a 2-headed serpent erect, nowed palewise in a
true lovers knot, the head to chf sin facing, Az. (D: Megan
Gwendylon - Apr 88)
Gyronny Gu & Or, a vulture close Sa. (D: Serlo of Litchfield Dec 85)
Gyronny Gu & Or, a winged lion ramp contourny Sa. (D: James of
Nayland - Feb 03)
Gyronny Gu & Or, an escarbuncle & on a chf Sa 3 bezants. (D:
Earik MacSkellie - Aug 06)
Gyronny Gu & Or, an oak leaf Sa. (D: Eleanor Elspeth Selwin Jan 93)
Gyronny Gu & Or, eight Latin crosses in annulo ctrch. (D:
Thorvaldr of Gates Edge - Jan 01)
Gyronny Gu & Or, 4 roses Or & 4 holly leaves slips to center Gu.
(D: Elizabeth of Rivenstar - Nov 03)
Gyronny Gu & Or, on a cross formy nowy quadrate ctrch a tower
Arg. (D: Aneirin Arkwright - Sep 92)
Gyronny Gu & Or, 2 unicorns combattant, that to dexter Arg, that to
sin Sa. (D: Robyn Aelfwyn of Anglesey - Aug 89)
Gyronny of eight Or & Gu, a rose Arg barbed & seeded proper. (B:
Iain Alisdair Padruig Seamus Andrea Stilbhard MacMhurich
de Rannocha - Aug 79)
Gyronny of six bevilled Or & Gu, a mullet of six points Arg within
a bord charged with six roses, all ctrch. (D: Katherine Maghee
de Chantre - Aug 89)
Gyronny of six issuant from base Gu & Or, a wolfs paw print Arg.
(D: Nicholas Wolfmar - Feb 88)
Gyronny of six Or & Gu, a harts head erased within a bord Sa. (D:
Kathryn Blackhart - Aug 89)
Gyronny of sixteen Gu & Or, a Celtic cross Az. (D: Padric O
Mullan - Jun 99)
Gyronny of sixteen Or & Gu, a roundel Or fimbriated & on a chf Sa
a lightning bolt Or. (D: Tiberius Iulius Rufus - May 07)
Gyronny of twelve Gu & Or, an emmet (ant) Sa. (D: Daffyd of
Emmett - Mar 87) (Blanket permission to conflict with device
with one CD granted 0507O)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 659

[Field division - Gyronny - Gules - and or] to [Field division - Gyronny - Or - and sable]

Field division - Gyronny - Gules - and or (continued)

Gyronny Or & Gu, a brown mare ramp proper. (D: Philadelphia

Brown - Jun 06)
Gyronny Or & Gu, a cartouche Arg & overall a dragonfly Sa. (D:
Catalina Caminante - Apr 05)
Gyronny Or & Gu, a double-bitted axe Arg, a bord ctrch. (D:
Llwyd Emrys - May 98)
Gyronny Or & Gu, a roundel within eight roundels in annulo, all
ctrch. (D: Gildarron Pathlighter - Sep 73?)
Gyronny Or & Gu, a seal-flippered sea-horse erect Vt. (D:
Tearlach the Profane - Oct 90)
Gyronny Or & Gu, a star of David ctrch. (D: Sandovar of Palestine
- Jun 73?)
Gyronny Or & Gu, a white tigers head caboshed proper. (D:
Alonzio of the Peacemakers - May 81)
Gyronny Or & Gu, in fess a dove volant to sin, wings elevated &
addorsed, Arg & a serpent glissant erect Sa. (D: Bethoc
Higgins - Oct 88)
Gyronny Or & Gu, on an oak leaf Vt an acorn Or. (B: Robert
Braithwaite of Sevenoaks - Jan 87) (For the Household of
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Gules - and purpure

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Gules - and sable

Gyronny Gu & Sa, a bears head couped within a bord Arg charged
with eight crosses patty fitchy Sa. (D: Bjorn av ttsidenfjord Aug 84)
Gyronny Gu & Sa, a horse salient to sin atop a single-horned anvil
reversed Arg. (D: Jacques dAymonet - Jun 85)
Gyronny Gu & Sa, on a chev throughout Or a cross moline notched
of all 4 of the field. (D: Cathal MacEdan na Faeled - Feb 80)
Gyronny of eight, Gu & Sa, a lozenge ctrch. (B: Cathal MacEdan
na Faeled - Oct 79) (For Clann na Cichul)
Gyronny of eight Gu & Sa, 2 winged wolves combatant Or. (D:
Cedric of Mercia - Aug 78?)
Gyronny of six Sa & Gu, a bicorporate lion Or. (D: Martel
Slugslayer - Nov 82)
Gyronny of six Sa & Gu, a boar-faced goats head erased to sin Or,
armed Arg, within a bord engrailed Or, semy of trefoils Vt. (D:
Caprus uaSeaghdhe - May 82)
Gyronny of twelve Sa & Gu scaly Arg, on a lozenge Arg a dragon
ramp Sa. (D: Asta Thorvaldsdottir - May 84)
Gyronny Sa & Gu, a fret couped within a bord Or. (D: Stephen
Trahern - Oct 88)
Gyronny Sa & Gu, a phoenix Or, issuant from flames proper. (D:
Jessica Llyrindi of Northmarch - Mar 75?)
Gyronny Sa & Gu, a rams head erased affronty within an annulet
Or. (D: Gerald Grimmwald of Bavaria - May 86)
Gyronny Sa & Gu, a winged mountain lion courant bendwise sin to
base, wings elevated & addorsed, Or. (B: Tera Dragonstaff Jun 88)
Per pale & per salt Gu & Sa, a trillium Arg within a bord embat Or.
(D: Meirwen uerch Owein - May 89)
Sa, 4 piles conjoined in cross enarched gurgewise clockwise Gu,
fimbriated Or. (D: Hroar Bjarnarson - Oct 79)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Gules - and vert

Gyronny Gu & Vt, a spiral hunting horn reversed Arg. (D: Nicaret
Grindal de Foix - Jun 84)
Gyronny Gu & Vt, a sprig of 2 oak leaves, fesswise reversed,
fructed to dexter, Arg within a bord embat Or. (B: Eadwyn
Inhold - Mar 97)
Gyronny Vt & Gu, a dove rising reguardant disp bearing in its beak
a sprig of leaves within a bord Or. (D: Adela de Mandeville May 86)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Multicolor - and multicolor

Barry Az & Arg, ctrch per salt, a Scotch thistle slipped & leaved
proper. (D: Megan of Thistledowns - Mar 75?)
Gyronny from dexter base Az, Or, Gu, Arg & Vt. (B: Seychelles Nov 99) (Important non-SCA flag)
660 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Field division - Gyronny - Multicolor - and multicolor


Paly Or & Purp, ctrch per salt. (D: Jeannie of Portland - Jun 73?)
Per gyronny Arg, Az, Gu & Sa, a dexter hand apaumy, couped at
the wrist & fingers spread, Or, charged with a flame Gu. (D:
Barbara of Vandelalven - Jun 73?)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Multicolor - and or

Gyronny of eight, Or, Gu, Or & Az, a crossbow proper. (D:

Heinrich Armbrster - Jun 82)
Gyronny of six Or & chequy Arg & Sa, 3 chrysanthemums in pall,
stems to center, Purp, slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Jrgen Mumm
- Mar 88)
Gyronny Or & chequy Az & Arg, a spider tergiant palewise Sa & in
chf a faceted gem fesswise betw 2 others in chev Gu. (D:
Jevon Fairbairn - Sep 88)
Or, 4 piles, points conjoined in cross Gu, Vt, Sa, & Az, overall a
mullet of 4 points Arg. (B: Marie du Lys Argent - Jun 76)
(For Bayt Alderbaran)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Multicolor - and purpure

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Multicolor - and sable

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Multicolor - and vert

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Or - and purpure

Gyronny arrondi Purp & Or, a maiden vested, arms raised Arg, a
bord ctrch. (D: Rory ua Riada - Sep 92)
Gyronny Or & Purp, a dragon segreant & a bord Arg. (D: Emrys
Dragon - Feb 00)
Gyronny Or & Purp, a duck close Arg betw 4 quatrefoils, one on
each Purp gyron, Or. (D: Gustavus Seevogel - Jul 86)
Gyronny Or & Purp, a sun Gu, a bord Az crescenty Or. (D: Alexia
del Mare - Nov 97)
Gyronny Purp & Or, a bulb of garlic Arg. (D: Myfanwy Crisiant
ferch Dafydd - Feb 92)
Gyronny Purp & Or, a castle within a bord Gu. (D: Baldwin
Einarsson - May 85)
Gyronny Purp & Or, a dove volant Arg within a bord semy-de-lys
ctrch. (D: Grania Erann MacBride - Nov 89)
Gyronny Purp & Or, a dragons head Arg issuant from flames Az.
(D: Hallkell surtr - Oct 03)
Gyronny Purp & Or, an annulet Sa & on a chf Arg 3 shamrocks Vt.
(D: Haakon Thorgilsson - Mar 92)
Gyronny Purp & Or, each Or gyron charged with a daisy Az. (D:
Margaret MacIain of Lochwood - Jun 98)
Gyronny Purp & Or, eight church bells in annulo ctrch. (D:
Johanna von den Glocken - Nov 88)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Or - and sable

Gyronny from canton Or & Sa, to sin a dolphin haurient Arg. (D:
Anton Hjen - Nov 80)
Gyronny from chf Sa & Or, a winged lion passant & a demi-sun
issuant from chf Gu. (D: Ann Kathryn McClure - Jan 90)
Gyronny of six from base Sa & Or, issuant from base a demiroundel Gu. (D: Morag Campbell of Glenbourne - Jun 82)
Gyronny of six Or & Sa, a laurel wreath Arg surmounted by a
wyvern disp Gu. (D: Solus Mor - Aug 85)
Gyronny of sixteen Sa & Or, a tower Arg charged with a laurel
wreath Vt, all within an orle Arg. (D: Endeweard - Jan 87)
Gyronny of ten Sa & Or, a lion ramp to sin regardant within an orle
Arg. (D: John Paul Blacklore - Sep 92)
Gyronny of twelve Or & Sa, a Celtic cross within a bord Arg. (D:
Baldwin Giffard - Aug 95)
Gyronny Or & Sa. (D: Campbell, Duke of Argyll - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)

[Field division - Gyronny - Or - and sable] to [Field division - Lozengy]

Field division - Gyronny - Or - and sable (continued)

Gyronny Or & Sa, a bord embat Vt semy-de-lys Or. (D: Rgnach of

Argyll - Jul 96)
Gyronny Or & Sa, a lion ramp reguardant & in sin canton a cross
flory Gu. (D: Steffen von Ostdorf - Sep 03)
Gyronny Or & Sa, a phoenix Gu betw eight roundels in annulo
alternately Sa & Or. (D: Angelline la chaeniere de Murat May 08)
Gyronny Or & Sa, a triskelion gammadion in annulo within a bord
Gu. (D: Michael the Eccentric - Mar 87)
Gyronny Or & Sa, a wolfs head cabossed Arg, on a chf Gu 3
crescents Or. (D: Alasdair Iain Caimbeul - Nov 90)
Gyronny Or & Sa, a wyvern erect contourny Gu, a chf ermine. (D:
Ian Campbell of Glen Mor - Sep 96)
Gyronny Or & Sa, eight roses in annulo ctrch Or & Gu. (D: Rs n
Shein - Mar 97)
Gyronny Or & Sa, on a bend Gu in chf a Maltese cross Arg. (D:
Guillaume de Clarent - Mar 01)
Gyronny Or & Sa, on a chf per pale Sa & Or 3 crosses crosslet
fitchy ctrch. (D: Kevin Langdon - Aug 84)
Gyronny Sa & Or, a bear sejant erect Arg, a bord ctrch. (D:
Thorkell Bjornsson - Dec 98)
Gyronny Sa & Or, a comet bendwise Arg. (D: William the Heretic
- Jul 93)
Gyronny Sa & Or, a cross crosslet fitchy within a bord ctrch. (D:
Angele Marie de Savigny - Oct 06)
Gyronny Sa & Or, a crux ansata ctrch. (D: Alberi de Garenne Jan 91)
Gyronny Sa & Or, a delf voided ctrch. (D: Friedrich of Stormhill Apr 91)
Gyronny Sa & Or, a lozenge within a bord Az. (D: Brigid of
Kincarn - Jan 02)
Gyronny Sa & Or, a natural panther couchant within a bord Arg.
(D: Stephanie of Garrows Loch - Apr 90)
Gyronny Sa & Or, a phoenix Az rising from flames within a bord
Gu. (D: Teyrnon ap Trahaern - Aug 93)
Gyronny Sa & Or, a stag trippant guardant contourny Gu gorged of
a coronet Arg within a bord Gu. (D: Hrokr of Ealdormere Aug 95)
Gyronny Sa & Or, in chf a key bendwise wards to base Or & a key
bendwise sin wards to base Sa, in base a cross formy ctrch. (D:
Erik von Wildflecken - Feb 07)
Gyronny Sa & Or, on a lozenge Gu a wolf sejant ululant Or. (D:
Feln Caimbeul - Apr 06)
Gyronny Sa & Or, on a sun Arg 2 swords in salt Sa & a bord Arg.
(D: Guy Rand Gallandon - Mar 04)
Gyronny wavy of six Or & Sa, a bord Sa. (B: Namron - Feb 81)
(For Protector of Namron)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Or - and vert

Gyronny arrondi Vt & Or, an apple tree eradicated Sa fructed Or a

bord Sa. (D: Brianna Magennis - Apr 97)
Gyronny Or & Vt, a chf vairy Arg & Sa. (D: Ariella of Thornbury Jan 00)
Gyronny Or & Vt, a dagger inv Sa. (B: Thaddeus the Brown Jul 84) (For House Darkblade)(JB: Siobhan ONeill)
Gyronny Or & Vt, a duck disp, head to sin, Arg, on a chf Gu, 3
fleurs-de-lis Arg. (D: Guillermo da Firenze - Apr 89)
Gyronny Or & Vt, a heart Gu within a bord ctrch. (D: Siobhan
ONeill - Jul 84)
Gyronny Or & Vt, a mortar & pestle ctrch. (D: Rivka bat Shaul Jan 95)
Gyronny Or & Vt, a Thors hammer Sa. (D: Bjorn Egilsson May 01)
Gyronny Or & Vt, a winged stag trippant within a bord Sa. (D:
Cailean Gruagdhubh - Jan 93)
Gyronny Or & Vt, an axe Gu within arrowheads in annulo ctrch.
(D: Brian Longtooth - Sep 92)
Gyronny Or & Vt, on the gyrons eight ears of wheat conjoined at
the centerpoint ctrch. (D: Felene of Scotia - Mar 81)
Gyronny Or & Vt, 3 bears ramp Sa. (D: Valeria Sergi - Jul 04)
Gyronny Vt & Or, a cross botonny ctrch. (D: Clare Isibel
Sadhachn - Sep 93)
Gyronny Vt & Or, a dexter fist erased Gu. (D: Chrystofer
Larchmont - Oct 82)

Field division - Gyronny - Or - and vert (continued)

Gyronny Vt & Or, a double-headed eagle Gu & a bord ctrch. (D:

Wilhelm van Utrecht - Mar 07)
Gyronny Vt & Or, a ferret bendwise sin contourny Arg. (D:
Aleksandr Bogoliubskii - May 91)
Gyronny Vt & Or, a hand & a bord Sa. (D: Lothar Rosenstill May 02)
Gyronny Vt & Or, a horse salient Sa, a bord Sa semy of Celtic
crosses Or. (D: Samhthann ni Ghiolla Mhuire - Jul 01)
Gyronny Vt & Or, a pheon Gu within a bord indented Sa. (D:
Martin de Bayeux - Oct 88)
Gyronny Vt & Or, a snowy owls head erased affronte proper. (D:
Serena Lucia of the Peacemakers - Jul 80)
Gyronny Vt & Or, a unicorns head couped & on a chf Sa 3 feathers
bendwise sin Arg. (D: Katerine Radford of Dreywick Jul 00)
Gyronny Vt & Or, a wolf ramp, in chf 3 barrels palewise Gu. (D:
Ulfr Raude - Sep 00)
Gyronny Vt & Or, 4 towers Or. (D: Ivan Krasavets - Sep 95)
Gyronny Vt & Or, in pale a plate & a wolfs head caboshed Arg.
(D: Lupo de Luna - Apr 00)
Gyronny Vt & Or, semy of roundels ctrch, a sheaf of maces Sa. (D:
Arwen MacDougal - Jun 92)
Per bend sin Sa & gyronny from the line of division Or & Vt. (D:
Marguerite Lofftus - Jun 87)
Per pale & per salt Or & Vt, a chev betw 2 sheaves of arrows Sa &
a falcon passant, wings addorsed Gu. (D: Peregrine Falconer
of Greenbriar - Apr 93)
Per pale & per salt Vt & Or, 3 bunches of grapes & a bord Purp. (D:
Denis de Dijon - Dec 94)
Per salt & per fess Vt & Or, in pale a goblet Arg & a swan naiant
Sa. (D: Lysandra Xantha - Jun 88)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Purpure - and sable

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Purpure - and vert

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Gyronny - Sable - and vert

Gyronny of six Vt & Sa, in annulo 3 garbs betw 3 crosses crosslet,

one & 2, Or. (D: Etienne du Neve - Feb 84)
Gyronny Sa & Vt, a doe lodged guardant Arg betw 4 acorns in cross
Or. (D: Aethelthryth of Acleah - Sep 83)
Gyronny Sa & Vt, a fools cap Arg. (B: Sionyn Muirgen ni
Dhomnall - Jul 88)
Gyronny Sa & Vt, a maple leaf bendwise Arg, veined Vt. (D:
Myfanwy ferch Tangwystl - May 87)
Gyronny Vt & Sa, an oak eradicated betw 3 estoiles Or. (D:
Berowne of Arden - Jun 75?)
Gyronny Vt & Sa, in salt a spear Or, headed Arg, surmounted by a
claymore proper, in base a bezant charged with a Lacy knot Sa.
(D: Colm Cormaic - May 81)
Gyronny-wavy of six, Sa mullety Arg, & Vt mulletty Or, an estoile
Arg. (B: Aiden Elfedur - Dec 85) (For House Lalaiel)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Lozengy

(Fieldless) An ermine spot lozengy Purp & Arg. (B: Eduard

Halidai - Jul 92)
Arg chausse lozengy Vt & Arg, a frog ramp Az. (D: Grecia
Tavernier - Mar 99)
Fusilly Arg & Az, on a pale Or a rebec Gu. (D: Giancarlo Amati di
Fogliano - Jul 80)
Gyronny Gu & lozengy Az & Or. (D: Sveinn Thorbrandsson Feb 99)
Lozengy Arg & Az, a chalice betw 3 fleurs-de-lys Sa. (D: Crispin
Robert Bcher - Sep 90)
Lozengy Arg & Az, a hound passant regardant & a chf Sa. (D:
Sigismund Schmidt - Sep 03)
Lozengy Arg & Az, a hummingbird rising to sin, wings addorsed
Vt. (D: Valaric Dalicieux - Nov 92)
Lozengy Arg & Az, a mascle Sa & on a chf Az 2 swans naiant Arg.
(D: Isabeau dAndrea - Mar 94)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 661

[Field division - Lozengy]

Field division - Lozengy (continued)

Lozengy Arg & Az, a pall Or. (D: Caitlin an Carrig - Nov 80)
Lozengy Arg & Az, a stag trippant Or, a chf wavy ermine. (D:
Constans von Wrttemberg - May 91)
Lozengy Arg & Az, a wyvern passant Or, on a chf Gu 3 plates. (D:
Roderick Montclaire - Jan 84)
Lozengy Arg & Az, in pale 3 owls disp betw 2 flaunches Or, each
charged with a maple leaf lozengy Arg & Az. (D: Geileis
Frisale - Sep 93)
Lozengy Arg & Az, on a fess Arg fimbriated Sa a cross crosslet
fitchy betw 2 oak leaves Az. (D: lfr Ljtarson af y Apr 02)
Lozengy Arg & Az, on a pale Az a dragon segreant Arg. (D: Sibyl
Draeger of Quietwood - Mar 92)
Lozengy Arg & Az, on a pale Vt 3 trefoils inv Arg. (D: Brg ingen
Bethin - Aug 00)
Lozengy Arg & Az semy of hop cones stems to chf, on a lozenge
Or a spearhead Sa. (D: Murdoch Macfarlane - Jun 08)
Lozengy Arg & Az, 3 grenades Or. (D: Aelfgar Tawel ap Llewelyn
- Nov 96)
Lozengy Arg & Az, 2 brown bears ramp reguardant proper, on a chf
Gu 3 crosses couped Or. (D: Thorbjorn Kristiansson Apr 01)
Lozengy Arg & Az, upon a chf indented Gu, 3 plates. (D: Roderick
Dubh Macrae of Kintail - Mar 78?)
Lozengy Arg & Gu. (D: Monaco - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA
Lozengy Arg & Gu, a dexter gauntlet palewise & on a chf rayonny
Sa, a sword reversed proper. (D: Morgaine Meuran
Airgiodachan - Oct 88)
Lozengy Arg & Gu, a doe lodged & on a chf Sa 2 arrows inv in salt
Arg. (D: Alethea Charle - Mar 91)
Lozengy Arg & Gu, a hawk contourny & on a chf Sa 3 tankards
reversed Arg. (D: Aaron Hawksmoor - Feb 02)
Lozengy Arg & Gu, a lions head couped contourny Or & on a base
Sa a dagger fesswise Or. (D: Isabeau FitzLyon - Jul 01)
Lozengy Arg & Gu, a unicorn ramp to sin, tail fourchy, Sa. (D:
Aideen the Audacious - May 88)
Lozengy Arg & Gu, on a chf Sa an otter statant Arg. (D: Thomas
Foxhall of Gravesend - Feb 00)
Lozengy Arg & Gu, on a fess Sa a war hammer Arg. (D: Ximon
Martillo de Cordoba - Mar 06)
Lozengy Arg & Gu, 2 bears combatant Sa within a bord Or. (D:
Svetokhna Nikolaevna doch - Dec 04)
Lozengy Arg & pean, a bat-winged horse, tusked as a boar, ramp to
sin, wings elevated & addorsed, Gu. (D: Seisyll LeStrange of
Strangeholt - Jun 90)
Lozengy Arg & Purp, a dragon segreant Gu maintaining a gittern
palewise Sa, on a point pointed Arg a cauldron Sa. (D:
Elisabeth priod o Dafydd - Apr 92)
Lozengy Arg & Purp, a griffin sejant, dexter foreleg raised, wings
elevated & addorsed, Sa. (D: Philippa Grey - Dec 89)
Lozengy Arg & Purp, on a chev Or, 3 goblets Purp. (D: Anna
Mackenzie - Aug 97)
Lozengy Arg & Purp, 2 feathers in salt Or. (D: Eduard von
Schnberg - Sep 92)
Lozengy Arg & Sa, a chev & in base a roundel Purp charged with a
triskelion of legs Arg. (D: Katharine of Wotton-under-Edge Jan 91)
Lozengy Arg & Sa, a chf Gu. (D: Rowen Cloteworthy - Feb 05)
Lozengy Arg & Sa, a griffon passant Gu, on a chf Sa 3 decrescents
Arg. (D: Shariya bint Badr - Jun 94)
Lozengy Arg & Sa, a horses head couped Vt. (D: Tatiana
Nikitovna Alekseeva - Apr 98)
Lozengy Arg & Sa, a pall inv betw 2 ravens rising respectant, wings
elevated & addorsed, & a wolfs head, erased & sin facing, all
Or. (D: Wolfram von Dietzenbach - Jun 90)
Lozengy Arg & Sa, in cross 4 orange trees fructed proper. (D:
Katrina of the Groves - Apr 03)
Lozengy Arg & Sa, on a bend cotised Or, 3 crescents Az. (D:
Juliana of Avon - Feb 08)
Lozengy Arg & Sa, on a bend Or a cat salient betw 2 dumbegs
palewise Gu. (D: Eabha inghean Domhnaill - Mar 05)
Lozengy Arg & Sa, on a chev Gu 3 caltraps Or. (D: Sigurd of
Encboergaard - Sep 73)
Lozengy Arg & Sa, on a fess Gu five lozenges Or. (D: Ynes Garcia
- Feb 07)
662 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Field division - Lozengy (continued)

Lozengy Arg & Sa, on a pile Vt a weeping willow tree eradicated

Or. (D: Lefled Willoughby - Jun 05)
Lozengy Arg & Sa, 3 scarves knotted in triskelion Gu. (B: Gwilym
y Griffwn - Mar 84) (For the Guild of St. Genesius)
Lozengy Arg & Sa, 2 peacocks respectant, martletted & in their
vanity, Gu. (D: Philipa Suzanne of Andover - May 90)
Lozengy Arg & Vt, a boars head couped & on a chf Sa 2 pairs of
crampons crossed in salt Or. (D: Katrine Eberly - Oct 95)
Lozengy Arg & Vt, a chf Vt. (D: Eleonor von Lbeck - Jun 96)
Lozengy Arg & Vt, a dexter tierce indented Az. (D: Owen Stott Oct 89)
Lozengy Arg & Vt, a fess, a bord Sa. (D: Carol Jane Ravenridge Jan 99)
Lozengy Arg & Vt, a pall wavy Az fimbriated Or. (B: Three Rivers
- Sep 07) (For Three Rivers Players)
Lozengy Arg & Vt, in fess 2 elm leaves Gu. (D: Sign Torfadttir Jan 06)
Lozengy Arg & Vt, on a chf embat Or, 3 thistles, slipped & leaved,
proper. (D: Alasdair MacDhonnchaid - Aug 88)
Lozengy Arg & Vt, on a chf indented Purp 3 roses Or barbed Vt
seeded Gu. (D: Valentina Barrow - Sep 07)
Lozengy Arg & Vt, on a pale Arg a scaling ladder Sa. (D:
Constantine FitzPayn - Mar 93)
Lozengy Az & Arg, a cats face Or marked Sa & a chf Or. (D:
Catlin Lindsay - Jun 95)
Lozengy Az & Arg, a Continental panthers head erased Vt,
vomiting flames Gu, armed Or. (D: Deborah Hirczy Dec 06)
Lozengy Az & Arg, a delf Sa. (D: Vittorio Maria del Fabbro May 85)
Lozengy Az & Arg, a dragon volant within a bord embat Or. (D:
Siubhan ni Coinneach - Oct 85)
Lozengy Az & Arg, a falcon stooping to sin Or. (D: Robert of
Falcons Craig - Jan 90)
Lozengy Az & Arg, a horse ramp contourny Gu. (D: Elizabeth
Hawkwood of Northumberland - Dec 95)
Lozengy Az & Arg, a lions head cabossed Gu, on a chf Arg 3
crosses formy Sa. (D: Gunther Friedrich von Bodenheim Feb 00)
Lozengy Az & Arg, a phoenix Gu rising from flames proper, a bord
Or. (D: Magdalen of Cheshire - Aug 95)
Lozengy Az & Arg, a pine branch bendwise sin, proper, in dexter
chf a bird migrant sinisterward in fess, in sin base an owls
head cabossed, both Arg. (D: Elisabeth Arborea - Jan 76?)
Lozengy Az & Arg, a wolf ramp contourny queue-fourchy Or. (D:
Connor MacTavish - Nov 92)
Lozengy Az & Arg, flaunches Az each charged with a compass-star
Arg. (D: Gnther von Sachsenhausen - Jan 97)
Lozengy Az & Arg, in pale 3 horses salient Or. (D: Maria of
Oxenford - Nov 84)
Lozengy Az & Arg, in salt five gouttes de sang. (B: Robin Stryker
Fortunatus - Jun 92) (For Bloody Harlequins)
Lozengy Az & Arg, on a bend Sa 3 Wake knots Or. (D: Mikael
McCue - Aug 95)
Lozengy Az & Or, a hand Arg. (D: Kenric Manning - Sep 00)
Lozengy Az & Or, a sword inv Arg hilted overall a wolfs head
erased contourny Sa. (D: Llawryn ap Gruuffydd ap
Cadwaladr - Aug 96)
Lozengy Az & Or, on a lozenge Arg in salt an axe & a handsaw
both Sa hafted proper. (D: Elisabeth Thielmann - Oct 07)
Lozengy Az & Or, on a pale Arg a purple iris slipped & leaved
proper. (D: Giovanna Maria Hunyadi di Ghiberti - Jul 80)
Lozengy Az & Or, on a pile fesswise reversed throughout Arg 2
bars dancetty Az. (D: Karin von Heim - Oct 82)
Lozengy Az & Or, on a pile throughout dovetailed Sa, a seagriffin
Arg maintaining a halberd Or. (D: Lothaire de la Glace Jun 87)
Lozengy barry ermine & Gu. (D: Ronald of Flaming Hall Oct 81)
Lozengy bendwise Arg & Az, on a chf Gu 3 seebltter Or. (D: Jost
von Aichstadt - May 08)
Lozengy bendwise Az & Arg. (D: Bavaria - Dec 94) (Important
non-SCA arms)
Lozengy bendwise Gu & Or, on a chf Sa 3 oak slips fructed Or. (D:
Marc Beaucoeur - Mar 84)

[Field division - Lozengy]

Field division - Lozengy (continued)

Lozengy bendwise Sa & Or. (D: Teck, Dukes of - Dec 94)

(Important non-SCA arms)
Lozengy bendwise sin Sa & Or. (D: Teck, Dukes of - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Lozengy counter-ermine & ermine, on a bend Arg an ermine spot
betw 2 bells, all palewise Az. (B: Dominica Leontyne du Lac Jun 93) (For Yasmin the Mysterious)
Lozengy couped in fess Or & Gu, a wolf sejant within a bord Sa.
(D: Athelwulf Wulfsson - Mar 88)
Lozengy ermine & Az, on a fess nebuly Or, 3 estoiles Sa. (D: Alys
of the White Cliffs - Sep 86)
Lozengy ermine & Sa, an owl statant guardant to sin, wings disp, on
a chf Gu, five annulets fretted in fess Or. (D: Patricia of
Wyvernwood - Feb 89)
Lozengy erminois & pean, a Bengal tigers head cabossed Gu. (B:
Khaalid al-Jaraad - Mar 97) (For Robyn Leofwyn)
Lozengy fesswise Gu & Or, a dragonfly Sa. (D: Gwendolyn of
Aaron Isles - Nov 98)
Lozengy Gu & Arg, a chess rook & in chf 2 pheons inv Sa within a
bord embat grady Or. (D: John of Crimson River - Oct 06)
Lozengy Gu & Arg, a double rose Sa barbed & seeded Or & a bord
embat Sa. (D: Domhnall C Chaille - Sep 94)
Lozengy Gu & Arg, a dragon sejant affronty head facing sin wings
disp Vt. (D: Catherine Ainsdale of Lancashire - Mar 95)
Lozengy Gu & Arg, a gauntlet aversant issuant from dexter base
sustaining a printers ball inv Sa. (B: Doria Tecla - Aug 97)
Lozengy Gu & Arg, a rose Az slipped & leaved Vt, the stem
surmounted by 2 almonds in chev inv Or. (D: Rosamond
MacMurrough of Wexford - Mar 86)
Lozengy Gu & Arg, an eagle disp facing sin within a bord embat
Sa. (D: Raphael de Mont Saint Michel - Sep 90)
Lozengy Gu & Arg, an eagle disp Or, & on a chf Arg, 3 seeblatter
Vt. (D: Friedrich Wolfgang von Unterstein - Feb 87) (A
seeblatt is a stylized leaf.)
Lozengy Gu & Arg semy of keys palewise wards to dexter base, a
chf Sa. (D: Anne of Framlingham - Nov 00)
Lozengy Gu & Or, a gardenia Arg, leaved Vt, within a bord ermine.
(D: Diana of Dymock - Jan 90)
Lozengy Gu & Or, a natural seahorse contourny Sa. (D: Hugh the
Little - Mar 97)
Lozengy Gu & Or, a raven within a bord Sa. (D: Arnra hrafn
lfsdttir - Oct 95)
Lozengy Gu & Or, a sea serpent ondoyant Sa. (D: Ulrich Velkener
- Feb 07)
Lozengy Gu & Or, on a chev Az a lion sejant Or. (D: Mairead
Regane - May 94)
Lozengy Gu & Or, on a pale Arg 3 lions ramp Gu. (D: Annen
Swartzwalt - Feb 02)
Lozengy Gu & Or, on a pale Sa, a dexter gauntlet appaumy Arg.
(D: Karl Adler der Reisender - Jun 88)
Lozengy Gu & Or, on a pile Gu a dragon segreant Or. (D: Iseault
Blaecstan - Nov 91)
Lozengy Gu semy-de-lys Arg & Arg, a lion couchant Or. (D:
Leofwynn of Leodridan - Apr 03)
Lozengy Or & Arg, on a pale counter-ermine a dexter gauntlet
apaumee Or, & in chf a rainbow of 3 bands, Gu, Or & Az. (D:
Gabriel Pharzuph - Aug 79)
Lozengy Or & Az, a cat couchant guardant contourny Arg. (D:
Klare metten Katten - Jul 01)
Lozengy Or & Az, a mask, comic to dexter, tragic to sin, per pale
Arg & Sa, features ctrch. (D: Lorin of the Dual Masque Mar 86)
Lozengy Or & Az, a sheep salient maintaining a drop spindle,
threaded of its own wool, Arg. (D: Etaoin of Lough Gara Jul 89)
Lozengy Or & Az, on a chf Sa 3 crosses fleury Or. (D:
Jacquemette de Chaponay - Jul 01)
Lozengy Or & Az semy of linden leaves ctrch. (D: Efa Gath fach Apr 03)
Lozengy Or & Gu, an oak leaf bendwise inv Vt. (D: Jesca
McCutchen - Feb 92)
Lozengy Or & Gu, ermined Or, on a chf indented Or a cat couchant
Purp. (D: Jadwiga Marina Majewska - May 88)
Lozengy Or & Gu, in pale 3 cannons reversed, mounted on ships
carriages, on a chf Sa 3 bezants. (D: Angus Olyver - Nov 07)

Field division - Lozengy (continued)

Lozengy Or & Gu, on a pale Or fimbriated Vt, 3 roses proper. (D:

Jehan Fitz Alan - May 98)
Lozengy Or & Gu, 2 lions combattant Arg, on a chf rayonny Sa, a
harp Or. (D: Alaric of Phoenix Fens - Jan 90)
Lozengy Or & pean, on a chev Az fimbriated a chess rook Arg, a
bord Gu. (D: Stefan le Courteys - Sep 95)
Lozengy Or & Purp, a dolphin urinant Gu. (D: Serena da Riva Aug 02)
Lozengy Or & Purp, a spider & in chf 3 decrescents Arg. (D:
Clarice dOuessant - Oct 90)
Lozengy Or & Purp, on a pale dovetailed Gu, a margarite, slipped
& leaved, Or, all within a bord dovetailed Gu. (D: Megan de
Grinstead - Aug 89)
Lozengy Or & Sa, a dexter glove bendwise sin inv Vt grasping a
plate enflamed to chf Gu. (D: Rupert Iain MacDuff - Feb 83)
Lozengy Or & Sa, on a chf enarched Vt 3 chess rooks Or. (D:
Wilhelm von Wittenberg - May 05)
Lozengy Or & Vt, a chf Sa. (D: Elizabeth of Hadley Hall Feb 01)
Lozengy Or & Vt, a gondola prow Sa. (B: Beatrice Lumini Nov 01)
Lozengy Or & Vt, a pale wavy Purp. (D: Rhieinwylydd verch
Gwasdewi Goch - May 03)
Lozengy Or & Vt, a patriarchal cross flory Gu. (D: Renaud de
Launay - Apr 00)
Lozengy Or & Vt, a 3-tiered natural fountain Arg. (B: Alexandria
Wright - Jun 05)
Lozengy Or & Vt, a wolfs pawprint within an orle Arg. (D: Refr
inn draumspaki - Sep 06)
Lozengy Or & Vt semy of patriarchal crosses Or. (B: Mikhail
Nikolaevich Kramolnikov - Apr 07)
Lozengy Or & Vt, 2 owls addorsed & a cross crosslet fitchy Arg.
(D: Tonwen verch Gruffydd - Apr 02)
Lozengy Purp & Arg, a fish-tailed sea-talbot erect contourny
guardant Or. (D: Bbinn Corcra - Jan 95)
Lozengy Purp & Arg, a fleur-de-lys & a fleur-de-lys inv conjoined
Or. (D: Crisiant Angelus - Jul 89)
Lozengy Purp & Arg, a horses head erased Or. (B: Serlaith Rad
- Oct 85)
Lozengy Purp & Arg, a Maltese cross within a bord Or. (D:
Konrad Korb of Orkney - Jan 92)
Lozengy Purp & Arg, a mullet of eight points within a bord potenty
Or. (D: Leonidas Titus - Nov 07)
Lozengy Purp & Or, a cross formy fitchy Arg. (D: Seth Williamson
of Exeter - May 97)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, a basilisk erect contourny Gu maintaining a
drinking horn Or. (D: Aleid van Deursen - Jan 96)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, a boot Gu. (D: Elizabeth Ryan of Rosewood Oct 86)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, a Celtic cross Or, a bord engrailed Gu. (D:
Edward Dowe of Ayrshire - Apr 98)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, a chev inv Gu. (D: Gerhart von Altenberg Apr 03)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, a chev Or. (D: Brangwayna Morgan - Oct 99)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, a cross Or & on a chf Gu 3 lighted candles Or.
(D: Hrodgar Hohenwolf - Apr 86)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, a griffin segreant to sin Vt, its wings & forelegs
Or. (D: Elspeth ferch Caradoc - Nov 89)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, a harp within an orle Or. (D: Katherine
Stanhope - May 88)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, a jesters cap & a bord Gu. (D: Amata Quentin
Motzhart - Apr 92)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, a lion ramp guardant Purp maintaining a cross
bottony, within an orle of chain Or. (D: Edmund of Hertford Sep 96)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, a lions head Purp jessant-de-lys Or. (B:
Edmund of Hertford - Oct 97)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, a rat ramp Gu. (D: Brice le Raton - Jul 89)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, a sword inv Or surmounted by a pair of wings
conjoined Gu. (D: Christopher Erickson - Jan 87)
Lozengy Sa & Arg, an owl Or within a looped leather belt, buckled
& knotted proper. (D: Alexander the Desert Dweller Jan 92)
Lozengy Sa & ermine, a baton sin Gu. (D: Edward Zifran of Gendy
(the Bastard) - Jan 74?)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 663

[Field division - Lozengy] to [Field division - Paly]

Field division - Lozengy (continued)

Lozengy Sa & ermine, a Gendy flower Gu. (D: Alma Tea av de

Telemark - Aug 79)
Lozengy Sa & erminois, a fess Gu fimbriated Or. (D: Thora
Haakonsdottir - Aug 84)
Lozengy Sa & Gu, a hart ramp Arg. (D: Earl of Morris - Sep 97)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Lozengy Sa & Or, a bear ramp Arg sustaining a banner per fess Az
& Gu. (D: Richard Conchobhair - Oct 01)
Lozengy Sa & Or, a dragon passant to sin Arg. (D: Arria Maior May 90)
Lozengy Sa & Or, a pale Gu, overall a bat Arg. (D: Sabatino
Galante - Jul 04)
Lozengy Sa & Or, a pile issuant bendwise from sin base Gu. (D:
Bjlfi Thodarson - Oct 89)
Lozengy Sa & Or, a spoon Gu. (D: Mirgrg ingen mic Gillebrath
- Jan 99)
Lozengy Sa & Or, a yale ramp & issuant from base a demi-sun Gu.
(D: Richard Makreith - Sep 95)
Lozengy Sa & Or, on a chf triangular Purp a lions head caboshed
Or. (D: Timothy Kyle - Jan 93)
Lozengy Sa & Or, on a pale Purp a unicorn ramp Arg. (D:
Gabrielle Elisabeth Chantereau - Dec 89)
Lozengy Vt & Arg, a brown bear ramp, maintaining in its dexter
paw a sword proper, all within a bord Gu. (D: Bruttus
Bernhardt - Jan 85)
Lozengy Vt & Arg, a crane in its vigilance & on a chf Or 3
escallops Sa. (D: Gaerwen of Trafford - Apr 97)
Lozengy Vt & Arg, a mastiff couchant Or, collared Gu. (D: Colin
Attewood - May 89)
Lozengy Vt & Arg, a rose Purp & a bord Arg. (B: Tamar bint
Ephraim al-Haaika - Nov 91)
Lozengy Vt & Arg, on a chf Arg 2 roses Purp, slips nowed together
in a Wake knot proper. (D: Tamar bint Ephraim al-Haaika Sep 91)
Lozengy Vt & Arg, 3 roses Sa barbed & seeded Or within a bord
Gu. (D: Catrin ferch Madog - Mar 01)
Lozengy Vt & Arg, 3 ships Sa. (D: Eskil Eskilsson rn - Aug 92)
Lozengy Vt & Arg, 2 chess rooks in pale Sa. (D: Egon von dem
Schwarzwald - Sep 96)
Lozengy Vt & Arg, 2 ravens rising respectant wings addorsed
within an orle Sa. (D: strdr Oddsdttir - Sep 03)
Lozengy Vt & erminois. (D: Jhone de Wodecote - Aug 03)
Lozengy Vt & Or, a rabbit statant & in chf 3 hawks bells Arg. (D:
Aurelia dOuessant - Oct 90)
Lozengy Vt & Or, an alphyn passant Purp. (D: Alyson
Throckmorton - Jul 91)
Lozengy Vt & Or, an owl Arg perched atop & sustaining a
drawstring pouch fesswise Gu. (D: Anton von Heidelberg Dec 03)
Lozengy Vt & Or, on a pale Sa 3 pheons Or. (D: Augustyn von
Brixen - Jul 07)
Lozengy Vt & Or, on a pale Vt, in pale a harp Or & a sword Arg.
(D: Armand Baird - Sep 88)
Or, a maple leaf lozengy Arg & Az. (B: Geileis Frisale - Sep 93)
Per bend Arg & lozengy bendwise sin Arg & Vt, in sin chf a badger
ramp Sa marked Arg. (D: Aonghus MacThorcadail - Feb 97)
Per bend Arg & lozengy Vt & Arg, in sin chf a quaking aspen tree
couped Vt. (D: Geoffrey of Mara - Jul 88)
Per bend Az & lozengy Arg & Vt, in sin chf a unicorn dormant Arg.
(D: Ceinwyn of Greenchapel - Jan 87)
Per bend bendy sin Sa & Or, & lozengy Or & Sa, in chf a raven
rising to sin, wings elevated & addorsed, Arg. (D: Eric Ravn Nov 90)
Per bend sin Arg & lozengy Arg & Gu, a bend sin Sa & in chf a
griffin contourny Gu. (D: Elrich the Wanderer - May 96)
Per bend sin Arg & lozengy couped Gu & Arg, in dexter chf a crab
passant Gu. (D: Hatekayama Masamoto - May 88)
Per bend sin Az & lozengy Vt & Arg, in dexter chf a mullet of 4
points Or. (D: Niall Mr mac Cernaich - Jun 07)
Per bend sin lozengy Arg & Vt & Arg, in sin base a pair of musical
notes in bend conjoined Sa. (D: Meraud de Bariea - Oct 95)
Per bend sin lozengy Az & Arg & Gu, an enfield ramp contourny &
2 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Edward le Neve - Jun 98)
Per chev Az & lozengy Arg & Sa, betw 2 horses combatant a mullet
of 4 points elongated to base Arg. (D: Rolland Ian
Macpherson - Oct 06)
664 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Field division - Lozengy (continued)

Per chev lozengy Arg & Sa & Purp, in base a fleur-de-lys Arg. (D:
Michal Almond de Champagne - Aug 99)
Per chev lozengy Or & Sa, & Gu, a chev Arg, in base a dragon
sejant Or. (D: Caitlin Angharad FitzHenry - Dec 92)
Per chev lozengy Sa & Arg & Sa, a chess knight Arg. (D: Joseph
Angus Wilson - Sep 01)
Per chev lozengy Sa & Arg & Vt, in base 2 weavers shears, inv &
fretted in salt, Or. (D: Phillip de Dampierre - Dec 87)
Per chev Or & lozengy Sa & Or, in chf 2 lions combattant Gu. (D:
Ulric de Dalyhel - May 98)
Per chev Purp & lozengy Arg & Sa, 2 dice Arg spotted Sa & a
tankard Or. (D: Ulrich Wrfel - Jan 97)
Per chev Vt & lozengy Purp & Arg, in chf a horse couchant Or,
crined Sa. (D: Serlaith Rad - Sep 85)
Per fess Arg & lozengy Az & Or, in chf a rat passant Sa. (D:
Nicodemus Radomirow - Jan 05)
Per fess lozengy Gu & Arg, & Sa, in chf a lion sejant to sin coward
& in base 3 quill pens in fess Or. (D: Jean-Pierre de Lyon Nov 93)
Per fess lozengy Sa & Arg, & Arg, a lute fesswise reversed Or & a
gunstone. (D: Yonatan vom Schwartzfleck - Aug 05)
Per fess Or & lozengy Vt & Or, in chf 2 towers Vt. (D: Sheri Lynn
of Emerson Lake - May 89)
Per fess Sa & lozengy Arg & Az, in chf a lion dormant to sin Or.
(D: Eoin Mac Cana - Apr 02)
Per fess Sa & lozengy Gu & Or, in chf a sea-lion naiant, haloed Or.
(D: Lyell Leslie of Inian Isle - Oct 87)
Per fess Sa & lozengy Vt & Arg, in chf 2 demi-horses combattant
Arg. (D: Morgaine Rhys ap Gruffydd - May 96)
Per fess Vt & fusilly Vt & Arg, on a fess Arg 3 roses Gu, barbed &
seeded proper, & in chf 2 cockatrices passant addorsed, tails
entwined Arg. (D: Anne Embrey - Mar 84)
Per fess Vt & lozengy Vt & Or, a fess & in chf a woolsack Arg. (D:
Kra sindri - Dec 07)
Per pale Arg & lozengy Arg & Purp, 3 domestic cats ramp
contourny Sa crowned Or. (D: lfra Long - Jan 08)
Per pale indented Sa & lozengy Gu & Arg, an estoile Arg & a lion
sejant erect reguardant tail nowed Sa. (D: Gwenfrewi ferch
Cadfael Caernarfon - Feb 96)
Per pale Sa & lozengy Gu & Or, a cross formy ctrch. (D: Anna
Elisabeth von Gelsenkirchen - Feb 86)
Per pall inv Vt, Az, & lozengy Or & Az, in chf 2 weeping willow
trees Or. (D: Anne von Schneverdingen - Jun 05)
Per salt Gu & lozengy Gu & Or, in chf a dragon segreant Arg. (D:
Morgana Isolde of Ander Hall - Jul 84)
Quarterly Arg & lozengy Or & Sa, a double-bitted axe bendwise sin
Gu betw 2 anvils Sa. (D: Gavin Llewellyn Wycliffe - Jul 96)
Quarterly lozengy Or & Purp & Purp, 4 triquetrae inv Arg. (D:
Morin Muir - Mar 00)
Quarterly lozengy Purp & Arg, & Arg, a cock close contourny, sin
claw raised, Gu. (D: Frederick Sebastian Valentine - Jan 94)
Sa chauss ploy lozengy Arg & Gu, a Thors hammer Or. (D:
Elgar of Stonehaven - Nov 97)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Paly

See also: Pale

Arg, six palets Gu & a chf Az. (D: United States - Dec 94)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Barry dancetty & paly Az & Arg, an annulet & on a chf Gu in sin a
sword hilt inv with blade stub Arg. (D: Giulianno Giovanni
Lapcevic - Aug 81)
Bendy, paly, barry, bendy sin Arg & Az, a fess Az, goutty deau.
(D: Damian of Silvertere - Jul 79?)
Bendy paly barry bendy sin Arg & Az, on a fess Az goutty deau a
sword reversed Arg. (D: Daniel the Defender of Silvertere Aug 79?)
Gu, 2 pallets Or, overall a spear & an oar in salt Arg. (B: Gerolt ap
Edward - Jun 04)
Or, a pallet Gu betw 2 pallets Vt. (D: Eibhlin nic Dhmhnuill Jun 99)
Or, 4 palets Gu. (D: Aragon - Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Or, 4 palets Gu, overall a bend Az. (D: Majorca - Feb 05)
(Important non-SCA arms)
Paly Arg & Az, on a bend Gu 3 pheons inv Or. (D: William of
Llanwarne - Nov 02)

[Field division - Paly]

Field division - Paly (continued)

Paly Arg & Az, 2 flaunches Vt, semy of key crosses Or. (D: Kira
de Saint Gilles - Dec 88)
Paly Arg & Gu, a bend ctrch, in sin chf a crab Sa. (D: Roxanne
Crabbe - Feb 00)
Paly Arg & Gu, a drakkar prow Sa. (B: Storvik - Jan 94)
Paly Arg & Gu, a gryphon passant guardant Purp. (D: Mva in
raudha Steingrmsdttir - Jun 94)
Paly Arg & Or, in bend 3 fleurs-de-lys palewise Sa. (D: Jocelyn
Crokehorn - Aug 81)
Paly Arg & Purp, a pegasus passant Or. (D: Violetta Bellafiori Feb 05)
Paly Arg & Sa, a dragons head couped Or, breathing flames
proper, within a bord Or. (D: Eadweard the Kraken - Dec 85)
Paly Arg & Sa, in pale a crescent inv & a goutte Gu. (D: Gwilenhin
ap Fflewddwr - Dec 96)
Paly Arg & Vt, on a bend Sa fimbriated Or 3 elephants statant Arg.
(D: Rodrigo Falcone - Apr 00)
Paly Arg & Vt, on a chf Vt 4 feathers bendwise sin Arg. (D: Fithir
Gormlaith MacMurrough - Oct 89)
Paly Arg & Vt, 2 arms counterembowed & interlaced within a bord
embat Sa. (D: Christophe Lejeune - May 07)
Paly Az & Arg, a dance Vt. (D: Engraia de Madrigal - Jan 08)
Paly Az & Arg, an escarbuncle within an orle Sa. (D: Sigrlin
Ravnsdottir - Nov 88)
Paly Az & Arg, on a chf Arg 2 frets Az. (D: Ellen of York Sep 04)
Paly Az & Arg, on a delf Sa a griffin segreant Or. (D: Alexandros
Kaloethes - Sep 99)
Paly bendy Arg & Sa, a demi-greyhound passant Az. (D: Antonio
Tolumello da Sicilia - Jul 97)
Paly bendy Arg & Sa a hanging balance Gu. (D: Simon Sinneghe Oct 98)
Paly bendy Arg & Sa, a nine-armed menorah & a bord Or. (D:
Alicia Boccaccio da Venezia - Aug 02)
Paly bendy Arg & Sa, a sword bendwise sin sustained by a hand
issuant from an eagles sin wing fesswise Gu. (D: Ulfrikr inn
Hrafn - Aug 05)
Paly bendy Arg & Vt, a double-headed eagle disp & on a chf Sa 3
chalices Arg. (D: Konrad von Krixen - May 99)
Paly bendy Az & Arg, a dolphin hauriant Gu & on a chf Arg a
trident Sa. (D: Gunther von Lindenwald - Oct 02)
Paly bendy Az & Arg, a swan naiant wings elevated & addorsed &
on a chf Sa a sword fesswise Or, hilted Arg. (D: Erich Rotbart
von Mittenwald - Nov 97)
Paly bendy Or & Gu, a ferret sejant erect within a bord embat Arg.
(D: Stevyn Gaoler - Dec 93)
Paly bendy Purp & Arg, a falcon rising, wings elevated & disp,
maintaining in its dexter talon a lily, all within a bord Or. (D:
Shoshonnah Jehanne ferch Emrys - Apr 86)
Paly bendy Sa & Or, a griffin segreant contourny Vt. (D: Galen
MKenezie - Mar 01)
Paly bendy sin Arg & Gu, 3 crescents conjoined in pall inv, points
outward & throughout, Sa. (D: Feran Blackthorn - May 88)
Paly bendy sin Az & Arg, a cross flory within an orle Or. (B:
Christian Darmody - Jun 92)
Paly bendy Vt & Arg crusily Purp. (B: Kthe Willig von Mainz Nov 82) (For George Philip von Gafia)
Paly Gu & Arg, a bears head cabossed Sa. (D: Bjorn Sigurdsson Mar 85)
Paly Gu & Arg, an owl passant wings disp inv Sa brandishing an
axe palewise Or. (D: Ragnar Karlson - Sep 91)
Paly Gu & Or, a cat statant erect contourny guardant Sa maintaining
in its dexter paw a tankard & in its sin paw a sword bendwise
Arg. (D: Erich der Suchenwirth zum Schwarzenkatze Jul 05)
Paly Gu & Or, a reremouse Sa charged on the breast with a Thors
hammer Arg, & on a chf Sa a sword Arg. (D: Ellisif
Bjarnardottir - Apr 94)
Paly Gu & Or, in salt a spear proper headed Sa & an oar proper. (D:
Gerolt ap Edward - Jun 04)
Paly Gu & Or, on an escallop inv Sa, a tau cross Or. (D: Tigar of
Toddington - Nov 98)
Paly Gu & Or, 3 towers in fess Sa. (D: Angela Sara Mara Daz de
Valds - Nov 90)
Paly Gu & Or, 2 double-headed eagles disp & a Maltese cross Sa.
(D: Brut von Kln - Jan 99)

Field division - Paly (continued)

Paly of eight Or & Sa, a chevronel betw 3 whippets courant Gu. (D:
Enriqueta Isabel de Reyes y Mora - Mar 81)
Paly of eight Vt & Arg, on a chf triangular Vt a laurel wreath Arg.
(D: Branswatch - May 81)
Paly of 4 Gu & Arg, a valknut betw 3 Thors hammers Sa. (D:
Gunnarr Egilsson - Apr 00)
Paly of 4 Gu & Or, 3 roses Arg barbed Vt & seeded Gu & on a
trimount Sa, a crescent Arg. (D: Vettoria Giovanna Cristina
de Monte - Jan 07)
Paly of 4 Or & Az, 2 mullets & a decrescent ctrch. (D: Liriel
Correll of Tuatha Keep - Dec 87)
Paly of 4 Sa & Or, a pheon & on a chf Vt, 2 hunting horns reversed
Or. (D: John Kelton of Greyhorn - May 89)
Paly of 4 Vt & Or, an oak tree eradicated fructed within a bord all
ctrch. (D: Albreda of Lough Ree - Dec 90)
Paly of six Or & Az, a bend sin ctrch & a bord Gu. (D: Arlie
Markeson - Jul 97)
Paly of six Or & Sa, a fess ctrch. (D: Steingrim Stallari - Jun 72)
Paly Or & Az, a human head affronty Arg, crined & bearded Sa, the
beard ornamented with bells Or. (B: William Montagu du Vert
- Oct 86) (For Wilhelm Klingelbart)
Paly Or & Az, an orle of pomegranates Gu slipped & leaved Vt. (D:
Alexandra Maria de Granada - Mar 05)
Paly Or & Az, in dexter chf a tower Arg. (D: Dugall Ailean macic Lathurna - Feb 90)
Paly Or & Purp, ctrch per salt. (D: Jeannie of Portland - Jun 73?)
Paly Or & Sa. (D: Atholl, Earl of - Mar 03) (Important non-SCA
Paly Purp & Arg, a chev ctrch. (D: Ardovino Dragonetti - Nov 07)
Paly Purp & Arg, a dance counter-ermine. (D: Estrill Swet Mar 06)
Paly Sa & Arg, a boars head affronty couped Gu. (D: Robert
Leigh vom Hengsthof - May 96)
Paly Sa & Arg, a dragon maintaining a double-bitted axe & in base
a heart enflamed Gu. (D: Bovarr of Dreiburgen - Apr 02)
Paly Sa & Arg, a horses head contourny erased Or collared Gu. (B:
Ceinwen ferch Rhys ap Gawain - Mar 02)
Paly Sa & Arg, a spider Purp. (B: Lodowick of Grays Inn May 97)
Paly Sa & Arg, on a bend betw 2 Maltese crosses Or, a wolfs head
erased Gu. (D: Gaston Yvain De Dinan - Nov 98)
Paly Sa & Arg, on a chf Vt 2 rapiers inv in salt Or. (D: Jane Nora
Carrik - Jan 96)
Paly Sa & Or, a natural panther passant in base a crescent inv Arg, a
chf ermine. (D: tan Liath - Sep 97)
Paly Sa & Or, a wingless dragon passant on a chf Gu 4 castles Or.
(D: Richard Eagle Eye - Jan 87)
Paly Sa & Or, on a heart Gu a flame Or charged with a fist affronty
Sa. (D: Galin Flamebeard - Jan 93)
Paly sans nombre Az & Arg, on a bend sin engrailed betw a
hemispheric astrolabe & an equatorium Or 3 estoiles Gu. (D:
Alfred of Durham - Feb 82)
Paly Vt & Arg, a bee volant en arriere within a bord Or. (D:
Elspeth ni Conchobhair o Ciarraighe - Feb 87)
Paly Vt & Arg, on a bend sin Purp a compass star palewise Arg. (D:
Eleanor of Orkney - Apr 04)
Paly Vt & Arg, on a chf Arg 3 trefoils Purp. (D: Michael of Galicia
- Apr 01)
Paly Vt & Arg, on a chf indented Purp 3 fleurs-de-lis Arg. (D:
Andrew McClaine - Sep 94)
Paly Vt & Arg, 2 owls in pale disp Or. (D: Mathias Stryaebjorn Apr 81)
Paly Vt & Arg, 2 wyverns erect respectant Sa & on a chf Az 3
mullets Arg. (B: Iamys MacMurray de Morayshire - Jun 03)
Paly Vt & erminois, a stag trippant betw 3 estoiles of eight rays
Arg. (D: Magnus Nauta - May 92)
Paly Vt & erminois, a stags head erased & in chf an estoile of eight
rays Arg. (B: Magnus Nauta - Sep 92)
Paly wavy Arg & Az, 4 roses 2 & 2 Or. (D: Rosa da Murano Jan 04)
Paly wavy Arg & Az, on a pale wavy Vt a water bouget, overall a
laurel wreath Or. (D: Groen Leira - Mar 92)
Paly wavy Arg & Sa, a castle triple-towered Gu. (B: John of
Coventry - May 88) (For Castle of the Lost)
Paly wavy Arg & Sa, a fess wavy Gu. (D: Toki Redbeard Mar 08)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 665

[Field division - Paly] to [Field division - Per bend - Argent - and azure]

Field division - Paly (continued)

Paly wavy of twelve Sa & Arg, a star of David Or. (D: Israel ibn
Jacob - Jan 73?)
Per bend paly Arg & Az & Az, in dexter base a unicorns head
couped Arg. (D: Saerlaith nic Uilliam OCeallaigh - Jun 90)
Per bend paly Or & Sa & Gu, a bend & in base betw the horns of a
decrescent a mullet Or. (D: Zaneta Angiolieri - Jul 05)
Per bend Sa & paly Gu & Or, a double-bitted anvil Or. (D: Stephen
of Forth Castle - Feb 02)
Per bend sin embat paly Az & Arg & Sa, in base a cross crosslet
voided Arg. (D: Keira Featherstone - Jan 96)
Per bend sin paly Az & Or & Arg, in base a thistle Gu. (D:
Gwendolen McIver - Nov 98)
Per chev inv Az & paly Or & Vt. (D: Mathilda Harper - Jun 05)
Per chev inv Vt & paly Vt & Arg, a chev inv, in chf a round buckle
Or. (D: Brendan Mad - Apr 98)
Per chev paly bendy sin Sa & Arg, & Az estencely Arg. (D:
Gerard de Lisieux - May 98)
Per fess Arg & paly Arg & Sa, in canton a rose, a bord Sa. (D:
Sarah Wydville - Mar 08)
Per fess paly Az & Arg, & Arg, in base a wolfs head couped Sa.
(D: Leidhrn Leidlfsdttir - Sep 92)
Per pall Arg, Gu, & paly Arg & Sa, a pall Sa & in chf a thistle
proper. (D: Ariel de Courtenay - May 94)
Per salt Arg & paly Arg & Az, in pale 2 lutes bendwise sin Az. (D:
Tomas Luis Rodrigues de Segovia - May 92)
Per salt Arg & paly Or & Gu, in chf a compass star & in base a
crescent Sa. (D: Pagan lOsarro de Montpeller - Feb 95)
Purp, 3 palets Or, overall 2 flaunches Arg each charged with a
falcon Sa. (D: Eleonora Vittoria Alberti di Calabria Dec 92)
Quarterly: 1 & 4 paly of six Or & Sa, a bend ctrch; 2 & 3 quarterly
Arg & Gu, a cross bottony ctrch. (D: Maryland, State of May 99) (Important non-SCA arms)
Sa, 2 pallets wavy Or. (D: Nigel Mac Neal - Nov 98)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Argent - and azure

Per bend Arg & Az, a bear ramp Sa & a Paschal lamb passant Arg
maintaining a wooden staff proper flying a banner Purp. (D:
Diamante da Berra - Nov 05)
Per bend Arg & Az, a bend betw a corbie close Sa & a wolfs head
contourny Arg, a bord Sa. (D: Branwen ferch Bleiddud Apr 99)
Per bend Arg & Az, a bend ctrch betw a rose Az, barbed, seeded,
slipped & leaved proper, & a unicorn couchant Arg, armed &
collared, Or. (D: Angharad of the Blue Rose - Jan 84)
Per bend Arg & Az, a bird Sa & a wolfs head erased contourny
Arg. (D: Roland Winter - Jan 05)
Per bend Arg & Az, a brown bear passant bendwise proper & in salt
a double-bitted battle-axe & a hammer Or. (D: Wilhelm
Karlsson - May 83)
Per bend Arg & Az, a cat sejant guardant Sa & a rose Arg barbed
Vt. (D: Muriel Buchanan - Jan 05)
Per bend Arg & Az, a compass-star Az & in bend a feather Arg & a
fretted zither Or. (D: Miriel dEstoile - Oct 85)
Per bend Arg & Az, a conical tower erminois. (D: Margherita di
San Gimignano - Jul 74?)
Per bend Arg & Az, a curs head erased to sin per bend Az &
ermine. (B: Agnese Canigiano - Dec 87)
Per bend Arg & Az, a dragon salient Sa & a rams head cabossed
Or. (D: Michael Ludovicus Dub - Sep 03)
Per bend Arg & Az, a fret ctrch. (D: Liadain ingen Fhailbe Jun 07)
Per bend Arg & Az, a galley with sails furled, oars in action Sa,
pennanted Gu, & a sun Or eclipsed Az. (D: Burke Kyriell
MacDonald - Jul 85)
Per bend Arg & Az, a gryphon segreant to sin ctrch. (D: Stephan of
Yorke - Jun 91)
Per bend Arg & Az, a lion ramp ctrch Gu & Or a bord ctrch. (D:
Robert the Bald - Feb 97)
Per bend Arg & Az, a Maltese cross within a bord ctrch. (D:
Dianne of Winchelsea - Mar 83)
Per bend Arg & Az, a moth disp within a tressure ctrch. (D: Bevin
of a Thousand Songs - Oct 81)
Per bend Arg & Az, a mountain lion ramp proper. (D: William
MacQueen of MacQueen - Dec 80)
666 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Field division - Per bend - Argent - and azure (continued)

Per bend Arg & Az, a mullet of eight points ctrch, a bord Sa semy
of quatrefoils Arg. (D: Kyneburh Boithuile - Apr 99)
Per bend Arg & Az, a natural panthers head couped Sa & a wolfs
head couped Arg. (D: Vincetta de Jarvain - Nov 06)
Per bend Arg & Az, a pale endorsed Sa. (D: Saer Bane - Dec 01)
Per bend Arg & Az, a pheon & a griffin passant ctrch. (D:
Rhiannon verch David ap Madyn - Mar 07)
Per bend Arg & Az, a ram ramp to sin ctrch. (D: Duncan Saxthorpe
of Alnwick - Mar 89)
Per bend Arg & Az, a rose Purp barbed Vt & a lions head affronty
erased Or. (D: Linda del Lago - May 94)
Per bend Arg & Az, a sea serpent embowed counter-embowed
ctrch. (D: Liadain Meredydd - May 92)
Per bend Arg & Az, a sea-cat gardant Az & a brunette mermaid in
her vanity proper. (D: Hermione Delamar - Dec 03)
Per bend Arg & Az, a sin hand & a Maltese cross ctrch. (D: Seanne
Alansyn - Feb 01)
Per bend Arg & Az, a swan naiant ctrch & on a chf Az 3 roses Arg.
(D: Alisandre Isabeau de la Chapelle - Dec 90)
Per bend Arg & Az, a thistle, slipped & leaved, proper & a needle
bendwise, threaded & eye to chf, Arg. (D: Alison of the Many
Isles - Apr 90)
Per bend Arg & Az, a winged cat salient & a decrescent ctrch. (D:
John Lindsay - Nov 04)
Per bend Arg & Az, a wolf sejant erect reguardant contourny Sa & a
lion sejant erect reguardant Arg. (D: Caitrona of Dreiburgen
- Jun 97)
Per bend Arg & Az, an Arabian lamp & an anchor fouled of its
chain ctrch. (D: Katriona of Glenkirk - Jun 85)
Per bend Arg & Az, an arrow bendwise inv Gu & a bezant. (D:
Leonard of Orange - Oct 90)
Per bend Arg & Az, an elephant statant contourny Or atop its back a
tower Sa. (D: Thomas de Keth - Dec 02)
Per bend Arg & Az, an increscent & a thistle bendwise ctrch. (D:
Douglas Greythistle of Lanark on Clyde - Nov 90)
Per bend Arg & Az, an oak tree eradicated environed of in chf five
mullets of 4 points in demi-annulo, all within a bord ctrch. (D:
Morwyn MacDonald of Strathclyde - Feb 89)
Per bend Arg & Az, an owl rising, head to dexter, wings elevated &
addorsed, a bord embat ctrch. (D: Mire n Chonaill - Jul 98)
Per bend Arg & Az, betw 2 bendlets ctrch a Celtic cross formy per
bend Sa & Arg, all betw a bottlenosed dolphin embowed
bendwise & another embowed bendwise reversed ctrch. (D:
Cynthia Nicol of the Highlands - Oct 95)
Per bend Arg & Az, in bend sin 2 crosses crosslet within a bord, all
ctrch. (D: Gwyneth of Lindesfarne - Aug 88)
Per bend Arg & Az, in bend 2 roses ctrch. (D: Gerelt of Lockeford Apr 86)
Per bend Arg & Az, in chf a garden-rose in bend Gu, slipped &
leaved proper, barbed Gu, & in base 3 fleurs-de-lis in bend
Arg. (D: Marie du Lys Argent - Aug 78)
Per bend Arg & Az, on a bend betw 2 Lacy knots ctrch, a rose
proper. (D: Adriana nc an Leagha - May 93)
Per bend Arg & Az, 3 gouttes de sang in bend & a trillium inv Arg
charged with a torteau. (D: Isabeau Marguerite Deschamps Oct 07)
Per bend Arg & Az, 3 harps reversed & a dragon segreant ctrch. (D:
Torin Ironbrow - Aug 98)
Per bend Arg & Az, 2 bendlets Az & 3 mullets of six points Or. (D:
Brian Sigfridsson von Niedersachsen - Dec 05)
Per bend Arg & Az, 2 bendlets ctrch, in sin chf a rose Gu, barbed &
seeded, slipped & leaved proper, & in dexter base 3 crosses
fleury Or. (D: Kirsten von dem Wald - Oct 79)
Per bend Arg & Az, 2 dolphins ctrch. (D: Roghnach MacLeod Jul 93)
Per bend Arg & Az, 2 honeybees Az & 2 honeybees Or. (D:
Rhonda the Bee-Taymer - Sep 92)
Per bend Arg & Az, 2 mullets ctrch, on a chf dovetailed Vt 3
lozenges Arg. (D: Norinna OShaughnessy - Dec 91)
Per bend dovetailed Arg & Az, a hinds head erased & a unicorns
head erased ctrch. (D: Elspeth Hinds - Apr 98)
Per bend embat a plomb, Arg a 3-headed thistle proper & Az an
Irish harp Gu, stringed & fimbriated Or. (D: Eideard Slaighter
Feusagach - Feb 72?) (Deceased)
Per bend embat Arg & Az, an escallop & 2 arrows inv in salt ctrch.
(D: Anastasia Volkova - Jul 89)

[Field division - Per bend - Argent - and azure] to [Field division - Per bend - Argent - and or]

Field division - Per bend - Argent - and azure (continued)

Per bend embat Arg & Az, 2 crosses potent ctrch. (D: John Anborn
the Blue - Jan 87)
Per bend embat Arg & Az, 2 enfields ctrch. (D: Johanna atte Gate
- Jul 96)
Per bend engrailed Arg & Az, a dove volant & an escallop ctrch.
(D: Eleanor Deyeson - Oct 89)
Per bend engrailed Arg & Az, a tree eradicated proper & a seahorse Arg within an orle of ermine tails ctrch. (D: Alix de
Godefroi - Nov 90)
Per bend engrailed Arg & Az, a wolfs head cabossed Sa & a mullet
of 4 points Arg. (D: Danielle Katherine La Fontaine Oct 88)
Per bend potenty Arg & Az, a rose & a dolphin naiant ctrch. (D:
Ainbthine inghean Bheoaodha - Dec 04)
Per bend potenty Arg & Az, in bend 3 fleurs-de-lis palewise Az &
in bend 3 triskalions of armored legs Or. (D: Cushag an Ellan
Vannin - Jan 81)
Per bend raguly Az & Arg, a tree couped Arg & a horse salient Sa.
(D: Katarina Daniilova doch Sergeeva zhena - Oct 03)
Per bend rayonny Arg & Az, a fleur-de-lys Az & a crescent Or. (D:
Clia Emeriau de Morgan - Mar 90)
Per bend urdy Arg & Az, a bowl & a sin hand ctrch. (D: Elene
Kirchenknopf - Nov 01)
Per bend wavy Arg & Az, a dragonfly bendwise Az & a dragonfly
bendwise inv Or, all within an bord wavy ctrch. (D: Edana of
the Vineyards - May 88)
Per bend wavy Arg & Az, a heart & a tower ctrch. (B: Sterling de
la Rosa - Dec 04)
Per bend wavy Arg & Az, in sin chf an anchor Sa. (D: Valentine
Blake - May 01)
Per bend wavy Arg & Az, semy of roses Or, in sin chf a rose Az,
seeded Or. (D: Katheryn Radford of York - Feb 90)
Per bend wavy Arg & Az, 2 seahorses ctrch. (D: Isabella Luisa de
la Vega - Jul 88)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Argent - and fur

Per bend Arg & counter-ermine, a hawk rising Sa, a bord ctrch. (D:
Stephen Hawkins of Eforde - Jun 00)
Per bend Arg & counter-ermine, a sun in its splendour Gu & a
decrescent Arg. (D: Agafon Albwin - Jan 88)
Per bend Arg & ermine, a bend Gu & in sin chf an acorn Vt. (D:
Sedeke Edye - Apr 06)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Argent - and gules

Per bend Arg & Gu, a bend fusily betw 2 hearts ctrch. (D: Isadora
dEste - Nov 93)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a bend raguly ctrch betw a raven disp Sa & a
boar ramp to sin Arg. (D: Brandubh FitzGerald - Nov 90)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a bull salient & a decrescent within a bord
embat ctrch. (B: Stierbach - Apr 08) (For Award of the Bull
and the Crescent)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a bull salient & a decrescent within a bord
embat ctrch. (B: Stierbach - Aug 92)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a fox sejant to sin & an escallop inv, all within
a bord ctrch. (D: Elen Llwynog Coch - Apr 89)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a great helm ctrch within a bord embat Sa. (D:
Karl Kriegerhelm - Jan 91)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a hawk trussing a duck Gu & in bend 3 roses
Or seeded Vt. (D: Helen Hawksworth - Aug 01)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a keystone Sa charged with a chalice Or. (D:
Robin MacLeer - Oct 91)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a phoenix ctrch, rising from flames Or. (D:
Leutpold Kampmann - Sep 92)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a rose Gu, slipped & leaved Vt, & a quill Arg.
(D: William Arkham - Mar 87)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a seadog ramp ctrch. (D: Elena Edgar Mar 00)
Per bend Arg & Gu, a squirrel ctrch, on a chf Gu 3 hazelnuts Arg.
(D: John of Hazelmere - Jan 83)
Per bend Arg & Gu crusily crosslet fitchy Or, on a bend Vt 3 snowy
owls guardant Arg & in sin chf a dragon ramp Gu. (D:
Gwyneth merch Megan - Nov 82)

Field division - Per bend - Argent - and gules (continued)

Per bend Arg & Gu, 4 hearts in cross conjoined at the points ctrch
& in base a horseshoe inv Or. (D: Angharad of Nankivel Jun 85)
Per bend Arg & Gu, in base five annulets in bend Or. (D: Jeanne
Anne la Bonnetire - Apr 07)
Per bend Arg & Gu, in fess a cross couped Arg & an apple tree Vt,
fructed Arg. (D: Claire de la Mer - May 92)
Per bend Arg & Gu, 3 camellias Gu slipped & leaved Vt & a Latin
cross bottony Arg. (D: Camilla Fante da Ferrara - Sep 04)
Per bend Arg & Gu 2 mascles ctrch. (D: Dante de Felice Dec 94)
Per bend Arg & Gu, 2 mullets of eight points ctrch Sa & Arg. (D:
Stevyn le Reven - Jul 97)
Per bend embat Arg & Gu, a cross clechy Gu. (D: Gareth Grey de
Wilton - Sep 07)
Per bend rayonny Arg & Gu, a brown eagles wing proper & a
decrescent Arg. (D: Krystyna Czartoryska - Apr 91)
Per bend rayonny Arg & Gu, a pomegranate Gu slipped & leaved
Vt, & an increscent Arg. (D: Cline dAlisandre - Aug 98)
Per bend wavy Arg & Gu, a rose Purp barbed Vt & a flask Arg. (D:
Maria Cristina de Cordoba - Aug 99)
Per bend wavy Arg & Gu, 2 roses ctrch. (D: Brianna of Wessex Sep 93)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Argent - and multicolor

Per bend Arg & bendy Purp & Arg, in chf a dragon courant
bendwise Purp. (D: Angelica of Bohemia - May 89)
Per bend Arg & bendy Purp & Arg, in sin chf 3 roses proper. (D:
Odille le Sage - Nov 89)
Per bend Arg & checky Vt & Arg, in sin chf an anvil Sa. (D:
Santiago de Monte Verde - Oct 07)
Per bend Arg & lozengy bendwise sin Arg & Vt, in sin chf a badger
ramp Sa marked Arg. (D: Aonghus MacThorcadail - Feb 97)
Per bend Arg & lozengy Vt & Arg, in sin chf a quaking aspen tree
couped Vt. (D: Geoffrey of Mara - Jul 88)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Argent - and or

Per bend Arg & Or. (B: Anne Cathryn of Wicken Bonhunt Sep 06)
Per bend Arg & Or, a bend Az betw a bow bendwise & an oak tree
couped Sa. (D: Ariel Ebon - Jul 92)
Per bend Arg & Or, a bend betw 3 hearts 2 & one Gu. (D: Ana
Cristina de Aragn - Jul 04)
Per bend Arg & Or, a bend embat Az betw a mullet of six points &
2 gouts Gu. (D: Heinrich Wolfhart - Feb 86)
Per bend Arg & Or, a bend engrailed Vt & in sin chf a butterfly
dismembered Gu. (D: LoAleene Penrith - Aug 81)
Per bend Arg & Or, a bend Gu, overall a dragon ramp Vt, within a
bord embat Az. (D: Morgan Alyn Alwyn - May 84)
Per bend Arg & Or, a bend Purp & overall a spiked mace Sa. (D:
Colwin of Oakwood - May 86)
Per bend Arg & Or, a bend Sa betw a Scotch broom plant stalked &
leaved proper & a unicorns horn bendwise erased Az. (D:
Desire de Brus - Apr 86)
Per bend Arg & Or, a bend Vt betw a heart & an axe bendwise inv
Sa. (D: Irwine MacLeod - Mar 90)
Per bend Arg & Or, a bend Vt, overall a butterfly dismembered
throughout Gu. (B: LoAleene Penrith - Dec 82)
Per bend Arg & Or, a hawk striking wings disp Sa tailed & a
triquetra Gu. (D: Morgan mac Melin - Sep 03)
Per bend Arg & Or, a sheep statant to sin Vt within a bord embat
Sa. (D: Edelin of Sussex - Feb 90)
Per bend Arg & Or, a swan rousant to sin, wings disp, betw in bend
2 crosses of ermine tails Sa. (D: Maurya Etain Sableswan Apr 89)
Per bend Arg & Or, a swan rousant to sin wings disp Sa betw in
bend 2 fireballs Gu. (D: Stephan Sableswan - Nov 90)
Per bend Arg & Or, a tree inv proper within a bord embat Sa. (D:
Ian MacDonald of Connacht - Jun 91)
Per bend Arg & Or, an oak twig fesswise, dependant therefrom a
single leaf & an acorn, all Purp. (D: Caitlin nic Leod May 87)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 667

[Field division - Per bend - Argent - and or] to [Field division - Per bend - Argent - and vert]

Field division - Per bend - Argent - and or (continued)

Per bend Arg & Or, on a bend Vt betw an increscent Gu & a scythe
with head in base & blade to sin proper, a garb palewise Or.
(D: Margaret of Radclyffe - Jul 85)
Per bend Arg & Or, 2 crescents Gu, a bord charged with the words
"Verdade Honra E Sobretudo" Arg. (D: Gcauo Diego
Ramiri - Jul 00)
Per bend Arg & Or, 2 swans disp, wings inv, Gu each armed &
maintaining a scimitar ctrch within a bord rayonny Gu. (D:
Raimar of Ferndale - Dec 91)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Argent - and purpure

Per bend Arg & Purp, a bend ctrch & in sin chf 3 trefoils Vt. (D:
Geillis inghean Phil u Shiriden - Jun 08)
Per bend Arg & Purp, a black Diana filigree butterfly & a humpbacked orb weaver spider proper. (D: Diana the
Dreamweaver - Feb 81)
Per bend Arg & Purp, a cauldron & 3 hearts ctrch. (D: Brigh
McGavin - Jan 06)
Per bend Arg & Purp, a dove close & a dove close contourny, a
bord embat all ctrch. (D: Brita MacGregor - Sep 98)
Per bend Arg & Purp, a fess ctrch. (D: John Chandler - Jan 04)
Per bend Arg & Purp, a hummingbird rising Vt & a honeysuckle
blossom affronty Arg. (D: Elizabeth Anne DeRaet - Jul 97)
Per bend Arg & Purp, a mullet ctrch & a chf wavy Az. (D:
Caiterina nic Shamuis - Mar 90)
Per bend Arg & Purp, a salt flory conjoined with 4 crescents, horns
inward, & a dove volant, all ctrch. (D: Ljudmilla von
Knigsberg - Oct 87)
Per bend Arg & Purp, a sprig of 3 gillyflowers Purp slipped Vt & a
decrescent Arg. (D: Giovina Mancuso - Oct 01)
Per bend Arg & Purp, in bend sin 2 fish naiant in annulo ctrch. (D:
Mahliqa bint Ali - May 02)
Per bend Arg & Purp, 2 cats faces jessant-de-lys ctrch. (D:
Caterine Sybille de Montmorillon - Nov 87)
Per bend indented Arg & Purp, a bulls head cabossed Sa & a
dragon dormant Arg. (D: Calum Raarsach mac Leoid Apr 98)
Per bend raguly Arg & Purp crusily flory Arg. (D: Grace Gambel Aug 91)
Per bend rayonny Arg goutty Purp & Purp goutty Arg, an increscent
Purp & a heart Arg. (D: Rhieinwen Cyfarwydd ferch
Angharad - Apr 96)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Argent - and sable

Per bend Arg & Sa, a bat-winged lion ramp Sa, & a lyre Or. (D:
Charles de Joscelynne - Nov 94)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a bend betw a falcon statant close Gu & 2
swans naiant to sin Or. (D: Karena del Falco - Feb 88)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a bend betw 2 hawks talons couped inv ctrch.
(D: Talon of the Shadowed Loch - May 92)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a bend ctrch & in sin chf a cross of Santiago Vt.
(D: Viola Carrara - Aug 05)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a bend Gu betw a dove Sa & another reversed
Arg. (D: William of Kyngesburye - Aug 90)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a bend wavy Az betw an axe reversed & a
tower ctrch. (D: Richard Thomason - Sep 92)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a cat salient contourny ctrch. (D: AElfthryth
Fey - Apr 98)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a chain of 3 links bendwise sin & a bord ctrch.
(D: Lachlan mac Nachdan - Apr 98)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a coney ramp contourny ctrch. (D: Philippos
Kuniklos - Aug 06)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a cross crosslet fitchy ctrch & a chf embat Sa.
(D: Aileen OShea - Dec 07)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a cross formy & a pheon ctrch. (D: Eadric the
Wild - Feb 99)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a flame Az & an arrow bendwise Arg. (D: sa
Helgulfsdottir - Jan 08)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a hawk stooping & a skull ctrch. (D: Bla Ks
- Nov 02)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a heart Gu & a lightning flash bendwise Arg.
(D: Joseph the Hunter - Oct 76?)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a hound ramp & a hound ramp contourny ctrch.
(D: Matheus hundamar - Feb 03)
668 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Field division - Per bend - Argent - and sable (continued)

Per bend Arg & Sa, a hurst betw in bend sin 2 acorns ctrch. (D:
Berek Chlodwigssohn - Jan 83)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a kris inv bendwise sin betw six roses ctrch. (D:
Gwynaeth Pembroke - Feb 02)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a Latin cross Vt & a cats head cabossed Arg.
(D: Cristofre de Hastings - Feb 07)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a laurel wreath bendwise ctrch. (D: Loch
Salann - May 80)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a raven close Sa & a bord ctrch. (D: Ciaran
Bran - Jun 97)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a rose & a chf Gu. (D: Annanias Fenne May 02)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a scythe & a die ctrch. (D: Ichabod the Tall Feb 91)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a shoe Gu charged with a wolfs head caboshed
Arg. (B: Aarnimets - Jan 98) (For the dancing guild)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a sword bendwise throughout Gu betw 2 rods of
Aesculapius ctrch. (D: William Read of Alnwick - Feb 95)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a unicorn ramp & a hawk stooping contourny
ctrch. (D: David Drzislav - Jul 98)
Per bend Arg & Sa, a yale ramp Gu spotted & maintaining a sword
Or. (D: Sechequr Qara - Jul 05)
Per bend Arg & Sa, an eagle rising, wings elevated & addorsed,
ctrch, maintaining in both talons an arrow bendwise inv Or.
(D: Iestyn ap Sais - Nov 88)
Per bend Arg & Sa, an oak leaf ctrch & on a chf Sa 3 acorns Or. (D:
Lloyd of the Stoney Oak Forest - Jun 84)
Per bend Arg & Sa, in fess a penner & inkhorn ctrch. (B: Loch
Salann - Apr 87) (For Woodcrafters Guild)
Per bend Arg & Sa, in sin chf a fleur-de-lys Vt. (D: Rosalind
Bennett - May 02)
Per bend Arg & Sa, in sin chf a serpent nowed Sa. (D: Michel du
Serpent Noyr - Jan 73?)
Per bend Arg & Sa, mailly ctrch. (B: Tristian of Hags Head Nov 89) (For Zengi al-Znassi)
Per bend Arg & Sa, six ermine spots per bend gemel ctrch. (B:
Loch Salann - May 82)
Per bend Arg & Sa, 3 hawks bells in bend & a spear bendwise
ctrch. (D: Ananda of the Bells - Sep 94)
Per bend Arg & Sa, 3 pallets betw 2 sunbursts, all ctrch. (D: Elaine
Darkenlight of the Silver Sea - Sep 86)
Per bend Arg & Sa, 3 roses proper & 3 bees Or. (B: Sanchia de
Illora - Feb 06)
Per bend Arg & Sa, 2 falcons heads erased ctrch. (D: James
Blackhawk - Jul 83)
Per bend Arg & Sa, 2 rolled scrolls bendwise betw 2 frogs ramp, all
ctrch. (D: Thaddeus Zhukow - Jan 87)
Per bend Arg & Sa, 2 torches ctrch. (D: Genevieve de Mowbray of
Lions Rest - Dec 84)
Per bend Arg & Sa, 2 wolf-paw prints inv ctrch. (D: Wolf Dietrich
von Rgen - Dec 83)
Per bend embat Arg & Sa, a lion ramp Gu & a unicorn ramp Arg.
(D: Robin MacLaine - Jun 89)
Per bend embowed counter-embowed Arg & Sa, a cross formy & a
dragon ramp ctrch. (D: Petrus von Burghausen - Feb 94)
Per bend embowed counter-embowed Arg & Sa, a cross formy
ctrch. (B: Petrus von Burghausen - Mar 94)
Per bend indented Arg & Sa, a fleur-de-lys Az & a lions head
cabossed Arg. (B: Rhieinwylydd verch Einion Llanaelhaearn Dec 07)
Per bend indented Arg & Sa, a heart Gu & a rose Arg. (D: Alina
Mitchell - Feb 97)
Per bend potenty Arg & Sa, a cross patoncy Or, overall a griffin
segreant Vt. (D: Miguel Francisco de la Vega - May 87)
Per bend rayonny Arg & Sa, a dragon segreant Purp & a skull Arg.
(D: Fiona MacLeod - Aug 99)
Per bend rayonny Arg & Sa, 2 unicorns heads erased contourny
ctrch. (D: Scott of Golden Rivers - Dec 95)
Per bend wavy Arg & Sa, 2 crosses formy ctrch. (D: Tighearain
Blackwater - Feb 00)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Argent - and vert

Per bend Arg & Vt, a bend betw 2 shamrocks ctrch. (D: Finn
OCollan - Dec 00)

[Field division - Per bend - Argent - and vert] to [Field division - Per bend - Azure - and argent]

Field division - Per bend - Argent - and vert (continued)

Per bend Arg & Vt, a black swans head erased at the neck proper
& a Fidelis knot Arg. (D: Macsen Fidelis - Oct 80) (A
Fidelis knot is a square knot opened into a heart shape.)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a brown bear passant proper & a cross fleury
Arg. (D: Jehanne de Nimes - Nov 04)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a Celtic cross & a pegasus salient to sin ctrch.
(D: Sabrina Morna - Mar 78?)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a Celtic harp proper & a sword bendwise Or.
(D: Maighread niChairtheigh - Nov 82)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a cross paty Sa & in salt a lute affronty & a
sword Or. (D: Karl of Berg Rheinstein - Apr 85)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a dragon salient Vt & a rams head cabossed
Or. (D: Huet Dub - Sep 03)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a falcon striking Sa & a mouse ramp contourny
Arg. (D: Taran the Wayward - Jul 99)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a harp reversed & an ivy leaf inv ctrch. (D:
Wentlian Harper - May 04)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a hazel sprig & a round tower ctrch. (D:
Jacques Dirlonde of Outremer - Aug 79?)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a heart within an orle Gu. (D: Anne Fraser Oct 01)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a manatee bendwise sin embowed to sin Gu.
(D: Eldrydd Rhuddlan - Aug 86)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a pile bendwise inv throughout & overall a
cucumber leaf bendwise sin all ctrch. (D: Allene Wendell
Montgomery - Feb 08)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a raven volant bendwise Sa & an angora goat
salient Arg within a bord embat ctrch. (D: Alexandria of
Mazzara - Oct 03)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a shamrock & a Celtic cross ctrch. (D: Pdraig
Rad Maolagin - Apr 01)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a single-horned anvil Sa. (D: Leonardo
Giovanni - Sep 02)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a thistle proper & a crossbow Arg. (D: Mr
inghean Rossa - Nov 01)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a tree couped voided betw 4 mullets, 2 & 2, all
ctrch. (B: Steven Shirebourne - Dec 84)
Per bend Arg & Vt, a unicorn passant, head lowered, Gu. (B:
Ceridwen Dafydd - Sep 85)
Per bend Arg & Vt, an eagles leg bendwise sin Sa & a sheep
passant contourny Or. (D: Duncan the Shepherd - Jul 98)
Per bend Arg & Vt, an embroiders quill & 3 acorns ctrch. (D:
Joanna Dorcas de la Tuneshende - Dec 00)
Per bend Arg & Vt, in chf 3 passion nails palewise in bend Sa, & in
base a daisy blossom proper. (D: Cristofana di Lorenzo Feb 04)
Per bend Arg & Vt, in cross a roundel betw 4 crescents, horns
outwards, all ctrch. (D: Eleanor de Montfort of Atlantia Mar 07)
Per bend Arg & Vt mullety of 4 points Or, in sin chf a hummingbird
hovering contourny Gu. (D: Tamsina of Norwich - Dec 07)
Per bend Arg & Vt, on a bend Sa 2 crosses formy palewise Arg. (D:
Mari ingen Briain meic Donnchada - Jul 91)
Per bend Arg & Vt, semy of swords Arg, in sin chf a warwagon
bendwise proper. (D: Albert the Artesian - Jun 88)
Per bend Arg & Vt, six octofoils in bend 3 & 3 ctrch, all pierced Or.
(D: Carol of Bellatrix - Sep 71?)
Per bend Arg & Vt, 2 dragonflies ctrch. (D: Eleanor dAvignon Aug 93)
Per bend dovetailed Arg & Vt, a dove migrant bendwise Az & a
sprig of mint Or. (D: Katharine Campbell - Jun 88)
Per bend dovetailed Arg & Vt, 2 owls rising to sin, wings elevated
& addorsed, heads to sin, ctrch. (D: Arianwen ferch Gawaine Aug 87)
Per bend embat Arg & Vt, 2 stags springing ctrch. (B: alt Andreas
von Sohren - Dec 01)
Per bend rayonny Arg & Vt, an acorn slipped & triply leaved proper
& a double-bitted axe Or. (D: Angharad Ryfedd ferch
Gwenllian Dda - Oct 82)
Per bend wavy Arg & Vt, 2 trefoils ctrch. (D: Ioan Muirgheasa
of Strikkenwoode - Jul 04)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Azure - and argent

Per bend Az & Arg, a bear sejant erect & a drawn bow & arrow
bendwise reversed ctrch. (D: Dulcia Sabine - Aug 97)

Field division - Per bend - Azure - and argent (continued)

Per bend Az & Arg, a bear statant & a mullet of six points ctrch. (D:
Arthur FitzRobert of Wiverneweald - Nov 98)
Per bend Az & Arg, a bend betw a chasing hammer & a cross of
Cleves, all ctrch. (D: John Luke Malleolus - Sep 98)
Per bend Az & Arg, a bend betw a roundel & 4 mullets in bend
ctrch. (D: Aelis dArgent - Dec 86)
Per bend Az & Arg, a bend betw 2 compass stars within a bord all
ctrch. (D: Ceinwen of Lands End - Aug 91)
Per bend Az & Arg, a bend ctrch betw a nude winged maiden Arg
& a rose proper, slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Rowena
Montgomery McMichie - May 93)
Per bend Az & Arg, a bend ctrch betw a sun in his splendor Or & 3
arrows 2 & one Sa. (D: dam Caomhnach - Jul 04)
Per bend Az & Arg, a block plane & a viol bendwise ctrch. (D:
Aleyn Kynyd ap Rhys - Jan 06)
Per bend Az & Arg, a compass star ctrch. (D: Ghislaine dAuxerre
- Dec 92)
Per bend Az & Arg, a covered salt-cellar, the salt shedding on both
sides, & a menorah ctrch. (D: Mordecai Salzer - Aug 91)
Per bend Az & Arg, a cross couped & a Thors hammer ctrch. (D:
Turgeis Hakonsson - Jun 92)
Per bend Az & Arg, a cross flory Arg & an anchor Vt. (D: Gerard
de Saint-Thomas - Mar 04)
Per bend Az & Arg, a cross moline Gu, overall a claymore
bendwise proper. (D: Soras of An Alltan - Nov 79)
Per bend Az & Arg, a cross moline Gu, overall a claymore
bendwise proper, in chf a label throughout ctrch. (D: Michael,
Younger of An Alltan - Nov 79)
Per bend Az & Arg, a harp Or & 3 roses proper. (D: Theresia diu
Harpfrn - Aug 99)
Per bend Az & Arg, a hawk disp guardant ctrch. (D: Gunnarr
haukr - Oct 03)
Per bend Az & Arg, a hawk rising & a hawks bell ctrch. (D: Brian
OSeabhac - Jun 83)
Per bend Az & Arg, a horse ramp contourny ctrch. (D: Isolde of
Hawksholme - Jul 01)
Per bend Az & Arg, a Latin cross voided & ctrch. (D: Angelique de
La Croix - Dec 86)
Per bend Az & Arg, a maunch Vt charged in base with a harp & in
canton an Eastern crown Or. (B: East, the - Jan 80) (For
Queens Bard)
Per bend Az & Arg, a mullet Arg & a tulip bendwise Az, slipped &
leaved Vt. (D: Tangwystl Angharad verch Rhys - Aug 02)
Per bend Az & Arg, a natural tiger passant guardant Arg marked Sa
& a garden rose slipped & leaved bendwise Az. (D: Sean
Kelson - Jun 91)
Per bend Az & Arg, a pair of calipers & an harp ctrch. (B:
Delftwood - Sep 93) (For Orde van de Blauwe Spoel)
Per bend Az & Arg, a pile bendwise inv throughout ctrch, overall a
tree eradicated Gu within an orle ctrch. (D: Ulrich
Eichenschild of Prussia - Feb 08)
Per bend Az & Arg, a sea wyvern bendwise ctrch, on a chf Or 3
mullets Purp. (D: Ayesha bint Daud ibn Daud al-Kabir Feb 08)
Per bend Az & Arg, a sun Or & a galleon Purp. (D: Simn Santiago
de Crdoba - May 92)
Per bend Az & Arg, a sword Vt, hilted Sa, debruised by a harp & in
chf an Eastern crown Or. (B: East, the - Jan 80) (For the
Kings Bard)
Per bend Az & Arg, a tower Arg & a lymphad Sa all within a bord
Sa crusilly plain Or. (D: Cathal MacLean - Aug 02)
Per bend Az & Arg, a tower Or & a pheon inv Gu, within a bord Sa.
(D: Vladimir Vladimirovich Vladimirov - Jan 88)
Per bend Az & Arg, a unicorn ramp to sin, a bord engrailed ctrch.
(D: Jaime the Scot of Clan Neil - Jul 97)
Per bend Az & Arg, a unicorns head couped contourny betw 3
mullets of 4 points, a bord embat all ctrch. (D: Sabine
Wyndburne - Dec 98)
Per bend Az & Arg, a white-haired monks head couped & a
cottontail rabbit sejant proper. (D: Baldard of Northumbria Jun 83)
Per bend Az & Arg, an eagle striking to sin, wings elevated &
addorsed, Or & a Lebanon cedar proper. (D: Jamal Damien
Marcus - Sep 02)
Per bend Az & Arg, an increscent & a chalice ctrch. (D: Beatrice
Elaine of the Oak Grove - Jun 91)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 669

[Field division - Per bend - Azure - and argent] to [Field division - Per bend - Azure - and gules]

Field division - Per bend - Azure - and argent (continued)

Per bend Az & Arg, an increscent ctrch. (D: Dierdre Breffsdottir Aug 79?)
Per bend Az & Arg, in bend enhanced a mullet of 4 points Or & a
jasmine flower, both palewise, & in base a nightingale close
perched upon a flowering cherry branch fesswise, all proper.
(D: Mairi-Kathleen nic Lauren - Mar 80)
Per bend Az & Arg, in bend sin a dove volant fesswise Arg & a rose
Gu, barbed & seeded proper within a chaplet graminy of
cornflowers & marigolds proper. (D: Kathleen Cuileann Jul 79?)
Per bend Az & Arg, in bend 3 roundels ctrch. (B: Sebastiano
Manetti - Aug 06)
Per bend Az & Arg, in bend 3 triquetras bendwise inv betw 2
dragons in bend sin ctrch. (D: Alexander the Blue - Jun 07)
Per bend Az & Arg, in sin chf a doves head erased Arg. (B: James
Addison of Woolpit - Apr 82)
Per bend Az & Arg, in sin chf 3 dolphins in pale, & in dexter base a
fleur-de-lys, all ctrch. (D: William Castellan - Jul 90)
Per bend Az & Arg, 3 hawks volant Arg & 3 more Az. (D: Medlan
ferch Olwen - Feb 95)
Per bend Az & Arg, 3 quatrefoils in bend Arg & a wolf couchant
contourny Gu. (D: Aelfwynn of Wulfden - Jan 93)
Per bend Az & Arg, 3 torches palewise in bend sin ctrch. (D:
Karen Stevenson - Jun 85)
Per bend Az & Arg, 2 needles bendwise ctrch. (D: Eleanor of Saint
Bunstable - Nov 03)
Per bend Az & Arg, 2 open penannular brooches palewise, pins to
base, ctrch. (D: Cliodhna ni Bhriain - May 85)
Per bend dovetailed Az & Arg, a trefoil & a rose ctrch. (D:
Caroline O Cainnigh - Sep 85)
Per bend embowed Az & Arg, in dexter base 3 shamrocks Vt. (D:
Fiona of Annandale - Aug 99)
Per bend embowed counter-embowed Az & Arg, 2 bears paws
couped aversant ctrch. (D: Gillian MacLachlan de Holrode Jul 06)
Per bend engrailed Az & Arg, a dragon dormant & 3 needles ctrch.
(D: Alix Tiberga of Aachen - Jul 96)
Per bend engrailed Az & Arg goutt-de-larmes, in sin chf a lion
ramp Or. (D: Daniel the Stormpraiser - Feb 84)
Per bend nebuly Az & Arg, a duck disp Or & a fleur-de-lys Vt. (D:
indle Diarmada - Mar 06)
Per bend nebuly Az & Arg, a heart & a decrescent ctrch. (D: Ulrich
von Wulfskuhl - Sep 91)
Per bend nebuly Az & Arg scaly Sa. (D: Uthyr Peregrine Sep 83)
Per bend potenty Az & Arg, a warhammer bendwise sin Arg, hafted
Sa. (D: Odo Schwinghammer - Dec 98)
Per bend rayonny Az & Arg, a laurel wreath Arg & a pine tree Vt.
(D: Wittanhaven - May 93)
Per bend wavy Az & Arg, a bear ramp & an axe bendwise inv ctrch.
(D: Bjorn Berserk of ABakki - Jan 82)
Per bend wavy Az & Arg, a turtle ctrch. (D: Elizabet Fergus
Morrison - Nov 99)
Per bend wavy Az & Arg, 2 increscents ctrch. (D: Aithne of
Eagles Crag - Jan 91)
Tierced per bend Az, Or, & Arg, a cross fleury Sa. (D: Richard
Ravenglas the Pure - Aug 81)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Azure - and fur

Per bend Az & counter-ermine, a bend engrailed & in sin chf an

escallop Arg. (D: Alix du Mont sur la Mer - May 88)
Per bend Az & ermine, a duck rising, wings addorsed Or & a garb
Az. (D: Bryan of Duckford - Oct 93)
Per bend Az & Or ermined Az, 2 flames counter-changed. (D:
Colleen Campbell - Aug 91)
Per bend Az & pean, on a bend Gu fimbriated a fleur-de-lys
palewise Or. (D: Amadis dAquitane - Jan 84)
Per bend enarched Az & ermine, a talbots head erased Arg & 2
roses Az. (D: Vincenza di Leonardo - Dec 04)
Per bend wavy Az & counter-ermine, a bend wavy betw a rose Arg
& a heart Or. (D: Susan of the Golden Heart - Feb 91) (The
bend is very narrow.)
* * * End * * *

670 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Field division - Per bend - Azure - and gules

Per bend Az & Gu, a bend Arg surmounted by a vase Or. (D: Vasa
- Dec 94) (Important non-SCA arms)
Per bend Az & Gu, a bend betw 2 horses heads couped reversed
Arg. (D: Gaylen the Smiling - Nov 80)
Per bend Az & Gu, a bend counter-embat betw an eagle disp, wings
inv, & a tower Or. (D: Wilhelm von Oldenburg - Jan 85)
Per bend Az & Gu, a bend Or betw a quill pen bendwise Arg & a
money bag Or. (D: Eduard Ostlnder - Jan 98)
Per bend Az & Gu, a bend Or betw 3 arrows in pale fesswise
reversed & a mariners whistle palewise Arg. (D: William
Fletcher of Carbery - Dec 05)
Per bend Az & Gu, a bend Or, in sin chf 2 horses heads addorsed &
conjoined at the neck Arg. (D: Ammaerlin de Montrose et
Chardonnay - May 81)
Per bend Az & Gu, a bendlet betw a griffin segreant Or & a cross
moline Sa, fimbriated Or. (D: Cristant Aelred Aelfwine Jul 80)
Per bend Az & Gu, a bendlet Vt fimbriated Or betw a unicorns
head couped Arg & a dragons head erased to sin Or. (B:
Kaththea of the Citadel, the Daft - Apr 73)
Per bend Az & Gu, a cross clechy throughout Or, in sin chf 4
lozenges ploye in cross Arg. (D: Raphael of Silverdale Jan 93)
Per bend Az & Gu, a cross couped & a cup Arg. (D: Alcuin of
Threckingham - Aug 84)
Per bend Az & Gu, a cross formy Or. (D: Edmund Cavendish Aug 98)
Per bend Az & Gu, a decrescent Arg & a brunette womans head
couped at the shoulder proper. (D: Theodora Tedaldi Sep 97)
Per bend Az & Gu, a double-bitted thrusting axe & in sin chf a
mullet Or. (D: William of Tintagel - Oct 81)
Per bend Az & Gu, a dragons head couped contourny & a bord
Arg. (D: Ceara McMillan - Mar 02)
Per bend Az & Gu, a goat Arg & a spinning wheel reversed Or. (D:
Marian Elizabeth Wollenschlger - Jun 05)
Per bend Az & Gu, a lynx couchant guardant & on a chf Arg 3
fleurs-de-lys Az. (D: Cristina Stolte - Mar 04)
Per bend Az & Gu, a portative organ Arg. (D: Arend Adler Oct 01)
Per bend Az & Gu, a shinbone bendwise betw 2 mallets Arg. (D:
Konrad der Bildhauer - Aug 79)
Per bend Az & Gu, a tower Or & in chf 3 bezants. (B: Morgur the
Wise of Acre - Mar 81) (For House Acr)
Per bend Az & Gu, a unicorn salient & in salt a threaded needle
point in chf & a quill Or. (D: Caitlin MacGregor - Mar 85)
Per bend Az & Gu, an eagles head erased & a horses head erased
contourny Or. (D: Vinzenz Bach - Nov 01)
Per bend Az & Gu, 4 tree stumps eradicated 2 & 2 Arg. (D: Giles
Branche - Jan 03)
Per bend Az & Gu, in bend sin a blond mermaid proper, tailed &
maintaining a trident bendwise, & in bend 3 mahi-mahi fish
naiant to sin Or. (D: Edward Drakenfeld - Jul 89)
Per bend Az & Gu, in bend sin a domestic cat sejant affronty & on a
bend Arg, 3 hearts palewise Gu. (D: Katrina von dem
Schwarzwald - May 89)
Per bend Az & Gu, in bend sin a moon in her complement Arg, & a
phoenix Or. (D: Livia of Ravenswode - Dec 85)
Per bend Az & Gu, in bend sin a needle bendwise, eye to base,
environed of its thread, Arg, & flames of fire Or, all within a
bord per bend Arg & Or. (D: Cheri Dalyell McDowell Oct 89)
Per bend Az & Gu, in pale 3 lions dormant Or. (B: Rodrigo de
Vargas - May 98)
Per bend Az & Gu, in salt a sword & an arrow inv, in chf a compass
star elongated to base Arg. (D: Ivor Grubb - May 96)
Per bend Az & Gu, in sin chf a cat sejant guardant Or. (D:
Lyonnete Haccemus - Jul 06)
Per bend Az & Gu, on a bend cotised Or 4 wagon wheels proper.
(D: Eleanor Elizabeth Burgar - Aug 03)
Per bend Az, & Gu semy of oak leaves, in sin chf a trefoil knot
interlaced with an annulet Or. (D: Fiachra mac Domhnaill May 04)
Per bend Az & Gu, 3 annulets interlaced 2 & one Or. (D: Doreen
Dragonet of Darkstone Castle - Sep 93)

[Field division - Per bend - Azure - and gules] to [Field division - Per bend - Azure - and sable]

Field division - Per bend - Azure - and gules (continued)

Per bend Az goutty dOr & Gu goutty dOr, a fleur-de-lys Arg. (D:
Camilla de Hurland - Jan 93)
Per bend dancetty Az & Gu, a bend indented betw 2 rams heads
cabossed Arg. (D: Dougal of the Golden Hill - May 92)
Per bend embat Az & Gu, a Mogan David Arg, & an armillary
sphere Or. (D: Gershom ibn Zabara - Aug 79)
Per bend embat Az & Gu, a unicornate lions head Or & a garden
rose bendwise Arg slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Alessa Elrica
Attenborough - Jan 81)
Per bend nebuly Az & Gu, 3 crescents & a chalice Or. (D:
Morgaine of Donegal - Mar 99)
Per bend nebuly Az & Gu, 2 harts trippant Or. (D: Gideon of
Thescorre - Nov 98)
Per bend wavy Az & Gu, a bend wavy Arg betw a demi-sun issuant
from sin chf & a mullet of eight greater & lesser points Or. (D:
Uilliam mac an Ruaidh - Dec 91)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Azure - and multicolor

Per bend Az & bendy sin Arg & Az. (D: Sigeric of Ravenestone Jul 96)
Per bend Az & checky Or & Az, a cross of 4 lozenges Or. (D:
Heinrich von Stuttgart - Aug 03)
Per bend Az & lozengy Arg & Vt, in sin chf a unicorn dormant Arg.
(D: Ceinwyn of Greenchapel - Jan 87)
Per bend Az & paly bendy Purp & Arg, in sin chf a salamander
tergiant embowed counter-embowed Or enflamed proper. (D:
Adina von der Heide - Mar 97)
Per bend Az & vairy Sa & Arg, in sin chf six mullets Or. (D:
Richard the Poor of Ely - Oct 87)
Per bend wavy Az & bendy wavy Arg & Az, in sin chf a cross
crosslet flory Arg. (D: William of Weir - Nov 80)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Azure - and or

Per bend Az & Or, a boars head couped close & a garb ctrch. (D:
Anne Magnus Scriba - Sep 87)
Per bend Az & Or, a Celtic cross & a swepe ctrch. (D: Wilkin le
Fleming - Oct 91)
Per bend Az & Or, a fan & whelk shell ctrch. (D: Bronwyn
Morgana MacPherson - Jan 87)
Per bend Az & Or, a fleam & a chessrook ctrch. (D: Alene Athdara
- Aug 79?)
Per bend Az & Or, a lion ramp ctrch, a bord Gu. (D: Jean-Michel
de Leon - Oct 98)
Per bend Az & Or, a lizard tergiant bendwise & a crow ctrch. (D:
Mairi Johnston - Oct 07)
Per bend Az & Or, a range of 3 organ pipes & a Wake knot ctrch.
(D: Elfrida Scholastica Eliensis - Feb 94)
Per bend Az & Or, a seagull rising Arg & a laurel wreath Vt. (D:
Southern Shores - Jan 73?)
Per bend Az & Or, a sun in splendor & an axe bendwise ctrch. (D:
Axel Andersson - Oct 83)
Per bend Az & Or, an apple, slipped & leaved, & a wolfs paw print
ctrch. (D: Wulfgang von Altmhl - May 85)
Per bend Az & Or, in bend sin a tower within a laurel wreath Arg &
3 fountains in bend. (D: Saint Aldhelm - Apr 91)
Per bend Az & Or, in bend 3 mullets of 4 points Gu betw in bend
sin a harp seal couchant guardant Arg & an Emperor penguin
statant affronty, head to dexter, proper. (D: Daphne of
Penguinroost - Sep 83)
Per bend Az & Or, in pale an eagles head erased & a sun ctrch. (D:
John of Calderwood - Sep 86)
Per bend Az & Or, in sin chf a butterfly bendwise, wings elevated
& addorsed, Or. (D: Leanna Elaine du Ciel - Aug 82)
Per bend Az, mulletty Arg, & Or, an increscent Arg & a fortress
with 2 minarets Sa. (D: Rashid al Ras at Tinnin - May 81)
Per bend Az mulletty Or & Or, a unicorn passant, head lowered,
Gu. (B: Adrienne Morgaine de Beaumont - Sep 85)
Per bend embat Az & or, a Cross of Jerusalem & a bulls head
cabossed ctrch. (D: Walter of St. Jacobs - Aug 79)
Per bend embat Az & Or, a madhu Or & an elephant passant to sin
Vt bearing a howdah Az. (D: Nagendra of Mogores - Sep 92)
Per bend embat Az & Or, 2 sprigs of oak bendwise fructed ctrch.
(D: Geraint ap Llewelyn - Aug 89)

Field division - Per bend - Azure - and or (continued)

Per bend engrailed Az & Or, a sun in splendor & an escallop inv
ctrch. (D: Renate de la Beche - May 06)
Per bend rayonnee inflamed Az & Or, in chf a battleaxe bendwise
Arg, & in base a heart Gu. (D: Robert of Peebles - Aug 79)
Per bend rayonny Az & Or. (D: Valerianus Magnus - Dec 99)
Per bend rayonny Az & Or, a harp & a laurel wreath ctrch. (D:
Caer Galen - Jul 81)
Per bend wavy Az & Or, a mermaid proper, tailed & playing a
transverse flute Arg, & a rose Gu, slipped & leaved Vt. (D:
Rose OShaughnessy - Oct 87)
Per bend wavy Az & Or, a natural dolphin naiant embowed & a
needle bendwise threaded counter-changed. (D: Eibhln
inghean Roibeird - Oct 00)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Azure - and purpure

Per bend Az & Purp, a bend Arg betw 3 bees Or & 3 gouttes Arg.
(D: Annalies Maria von Marburg - Nov 01)
Per bend Az & Purp, a bend bevilled, a chf invected Arg. (D:
Faoileann inghean Tighearnaigh - Oct 04)
Per bend Az & Purp, a bend dancetty Or betw a lit candle in a flat
candleholder & a basket Arg. (D: Tiernan Dugrais - Jul 02)
Per bend Az & Purp, a mullet of 4 points elongated to base Arg &
an open book Or. (D: Rhys ap Thomyn - Sep 06)
Per bend Az & Purp, on a bend Arg 3 feathers reversed Sa. (D:
Miriam Hauke - Feb 06)
Per bend Az & Purp, on a bend betw 2 natural dolphins naiant
bendwise Arg a natural dolphin naiant Purp. (D: Jean de
Montaigne - May 97)
Per bend Az & Purp, on a bend betw 2 owls statant to sin Arg, a
comet, head to base, Sa. (D: Anastacia of Starfall - Oct 87)
Per bend Az & Purp, on a bend betw 2 roses Arg an arrow proper
flighted Sa. (D: Angelina de Cicco - Nov 07)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Azure - and sable

Per bend Az & Sa, a bear ramp & 3 axes Arg. (D: Uther the Dark Dec 05)
Per bend Az & Sa, a bend Arg betw a sun in his splendor Or & a
decrescent Arg. (D: Diana of the Veil - Oct 91)
Per bend Az & Sa, a bend Arg, overall a phoenix Or rising from
flames Gu. (D: Cana Mac an Abdadh - Jul 99)
Per bend Az & Sa, a bend betw 2 bears paw prints Arg. (D:
Matthew Beare - Feb 97)
Per bend Az & Sa, a bend bretessed & in sin chf an oak tree Arg.
(D: Brian de Northwode - Jul 86)
Per bend Az & Sa, a bend bretessed betw 2 bears ramp Arg. (D:
Gunter Brummbr von Schwarzberg - Jun 92)
Per bend Az & Sa, a bend embat counter-embat Arg betw a lions
head erased & 2 artists brushes in salt Or. (D: Kendra of
Kents Wood - Jan 92)
Per bend Az & Sa, a bend raguly betw a sea lion Or & a cross
crosslet Arg. (D: Owain MacCabe - Jul 98)
Per bend Az & Sa, a bend raguly, cotised plain within a bord Arg.
(D: Ruter Rotbart von Rothenberg - Aug 89)
Per bend Az & Sa, a bend wavy Arg. (D: Herbert von Kalden Oct 01)
Per bend Az & Sa, a compass-star of sixteen points elongated to
base within a bord Arg. (B: Brandon DArindel - Mar 97)
Per bend Az & Sa, a dragon segreant Or & a wolf ramp contourny
Arg. (D: Gerold von Drachenhhle - May 99)
Per bend Az & Sa, a pegasus ramp Arg within a bord
countercompony Arg & Sa. (D: Karl Sturmfeuer - Jul 89)
Per bend Az & Sa, a shark naiant to sin Arg. (B: Sean of Elmhurst Dec 96)
Per bend Az & Sa, a square of 4 double-pointed knitting needles Or.
(B: Zeresh la Tricoteuse - Jul 91)
Per bend Az & Sa, a stags attires Arg. (D: Guinevere Whitehorn May 98)
Per bend Az & Sa, a sun Or & a sword Arg. (B: Elizabeth MKena
OBannon - Jun 05) (JB: Dante McGavin)
Per bend Az & Sa, a sunburst, clouded Arg & rayed Or, & a
thunderbolt Arg. (D: Karsten von Meissen - Apr 94)
Per bend Az & Sa, a sword bendwise inv throughout proper & in sin
chf a snowflake, all within a bord Arg. (D: Shana Morgana Jul 88)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 671

[Field division - Per bend - Azure - and sable] to [Field division - Per bend - Azure - and vert]

Field division - Per bend - Azure - and sable (continued)

Per bend Az & Sa, a unicorn ramp, a bord Arg. (D: Tomas
Pancaldo - Jun 01)
Per bend Az & Sa, a unicorns head couped Arg, armed & crined, &
2 double-pointed knitting needles in salt Or. (D: Zeresh la
Tricoteuse - Jul 91)
Per bend Az & Sa, a vol & in chf 3 Celtic crosses Arg. (D:
Celeinion Caerleon - Feb 94)
Per bend Az & Sa, a wolfs head couped contourny within an orle
of decrescents Or. (D: Domnall mac Faltigeirn - Jul 07)
Per bend Az & Sa all goutty deau, a snake involved in annulo Or.
(D: Denise of Amberley - Sep 99)
Per bend Az & Sa, an eagle disp & in base a flame all within an orle
Arg. (D: Larn MacCearnaigh - Jan 96)
Per bend Az & Sa, an increscent moon Arg & a Wake knot
bendwise throughout Or. (D: Antolin el Tunant de Treburgos
- Oct 97)
Per bend Az & Sa, in bend 3 decrescents Arg. (D: Anna la Claire Nov 06)
Per bend Az & Sa, in chf a plate betw 4 4-pointed compass-stars, 2
& 2, Arg, & in base a sun Or, in fess point a pellet fimbriated
& charged with a cross Or. (B: Kathryn of Iveragh - Nov 77)
(For the House of the Fervent Kip)
Per bend Az & Sa, in pale a European white birch leaf betw the
attire of a stags head caboshed Arg. (D: Heldur J Karu May 81)
Per bend Az & Sa, on a bend Arg 3 flames proper. (B: Starkhafn Oct 81)
Per bend Az & Sa, on a bend betw a sun Or & a plate, a comet, head
to base, Gu. (D: Kieran von Rottenbuch - Dec 87)
Per bend Az & Sa, on a bend wavy betw 2 increscents Arg, 3 suns
Az. (D: Maeve FitzRobert of York - Apr 06)
Per bend Az & Sa, on 3 delfs conjoined in bend Arg 3 feathers
bendwise Sa. (D: Leonard of Dartmoor the Elder - May 92)
Per bend Az & Sa, six mullets of eight points & an oak tree
eradicated Arg. (D: Avice de Haliach - Oct 06)
Per bend Az & Sa, 3 scarpes enhanced Arg. (D: Cyrus of
Alexandretta - Nov 93)
Per bend Az & Sa, 2 anchors Or. (D: Fedelm Dub - Mar 04)
Per bend rayonny Az & Sa, a mullet & a fleur-de-lys Arg. (D:
Richenda de Lis - Oct 88)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Azure - and vert

Per bend Az & Vt, a bat-winged dragon-tailed griffin segreant betw

3 roundels Or. (D: Brett of Altavia - Dec 07)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bell within an orle Or. (D: Eleanor Hardyng
de Northhampton - Feb 96)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend & in sin chf a seagull volant to sin Arg.
(D: Megan of the Shore - Jun 84)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend Arg betw a horses head erased
contourny Or maned Arg & a rams head erased Arg armed Or.
(D: Caiterna ingen Ruaidr - Sep 02)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend Arg crusilly pommety palewise Gu betw
2 roses Arg. (D: Honnore Chuquet - Mar 08)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend betw a cross crosslet & a sprig bendwise
Arg. (D: Ailith of Heronter - Sep 02)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend betw a lion double-queued each queue
nowed Arg & an eagle rising contourny wings addorsed Or.
(D: Asshelin Chrystal - Nov 03)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend betw a lion ramp, maintaining in its
dexter forepaw a sword bendwise, & an oak tree eradicated Or.
(D: Irmele Schfferin von Grnsberg - Jun 81)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend betw 4 crescents conjoined in cross at the
points & a cross clechy Arg. (D: ine inghean u Ghrobhtha Dec 05)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend cotised betw 2 triskeles Arg. (D: Rhys ap
Morgan ap Martin - Mar 04)
Per bend Az & Vt a bend embat counter-embat Arg betw a lions
head erased & a water bouget Or. (D: Sonyn de Lyons Aug 91)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend raguly on the upper edge & in sin chf a
hawks head erased Arg. (D: Brandan Wanderer von
Arnswold - Jun 08)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend raguly Or betw 2 towers Arg. (D:
George Frank McKenzie - Oct 04)

672 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Field division - Per bend - Azure - and vert (continued)

Per bend Az & Vt, a bend wavy betw a mermaid in her vanity Or &
a claymore bendwise inv Arg. (D: Robert Haddock - Mar 06)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bend wavy betw 2 holly leaves bendwise Arg
fructed Or. (D: Ruaidhri Mac Cuilleann - Jan 01)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bendlet betw a dragon passant Or clutching a
claymore & a thorn branch flexed-reflexed Arg. (D: Bryan
Dragonsword - Aug 79)
Per bend Az & Vt, a bendlet Or; overall a sword fracted in 2 places
Arg. (D: Arinbjorn Niallson Langtaler a Chnuic Guirm Aug 79)
Per bend Az & Vt, a boars head couped close & 3 more in bend Or.
(D: Edward Winterbourne - Nov 93)
Per bend Az & Vt, a Bowen knot within a bord Or. (D: Aethelwynn
Thraedgyld - Jan 83)
Per bend Az & Vt, a carp haurient embowed contourny Or, in sin
chf 3 roundels 2 & one Arg. (D: Robin le Sautreour May 05)
Per bend Az & Vt, a falcon striking Arg within a bord countercompony Sa & Arg. (D: Duncan Tiercel MacLeod - May 91)
Per bend Az & Vt, a hawks head erased & a wolfs head erased
Arg. (D: Gavinus Lupus - Jul 00)
Per bend Az & Vt, a legless wyvern disp within a bord Or. (D:
Gwenllyan verch Morgan - Sep 03)
Per bend Az & Vt, a mullet of 4 greater & eight lesser points Arg &
a bear ramp contourny Or. (D: Rhys MacArthur - Aug 00)
Per bend Az & Vt, a natural seahorse within a bord engrailed Or.
(D: Francesca di Firenze - Apr 89)
Per bend Az & Vt, a seahorse erect Arg & a chf Or. (D: Rhiannon
filia Catell - Oct 07)
Per bend Az & Vt, a sun Arg eclipsed Sa & a lion ramp contourny
Or. (D: Karika Cigani - Nov 96)
Per bend Az & Vt, a sun in splendor & a drakkar Or. (D: Ottar
Finsson - Jun 94)
Per bend Az & Vt, a tower within a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Salt
Keep - May 86)
Per bend Az & Vt, a wolf ramp reguardant & a bord indented Arg.
(D: Ulf de Fribois - Oct 02)
Per bend Az & Vt, an astrolabe within a bord embat Or. (D:
Aleksandr the Traveller - Jun 95)
Per bend Az & Vt, an Irish harp betw 3 triskeles Or. (D: Eithne ni
Cheallaigh Thir Chonaill - Jul 92)
Per bend Az & Vt, in bend sin a Celtic cross Arg & a seahorse Or.
(D: Arnault de Marseilles - Feb 90)
Per bend Az & Vt, in pale 2 trident heads, hafts conjoined Or. (D:
Richard Stewart - Aug 93)
Per bend Az & Vt, in sin chf 2 fleur-de-lys in bend & in dexter base
an escallop inv Arg. (D: Bronwyn Morgan the Embroiderer Apr 98)
Per bend Az & Vt, on a bend Arg 3 apples palewise Gu. (D:
Jenovefa z Jablonn v Podjeted - Nov 96)
Per bend Az & Vt, on a bend betw a mullet of eight points & a lion
Arg a thistle palewise proper. (D: Aonghus an Leomhann
MacFhionghuin Sgithaich - May 96)
Per bend Az & Vt, on a bend engrailed Arg betw six mullets of six
points Or a foxs head erased Gu. (D: Gabriel ap Morgan ap
Hywel - Apr 85)
Per bend Az & Vt, on a bend Or 3 falcons palewise Gu. (D:
Meliora Deverel - Apr 08)
Per bend Az & Vt, on a bend Sa, fimbriated, betw a ring with 3 keys
pendant & an open book Arg, a needle, point to chf, Or,
threaded Arg. (D: Elizabeth Latham - Aug 87)
Per bend Az & Vt, on a bend sin wavy Or an arrow inv Sa. (D:
Grimarr Steinfirzki Dagsson - Dec 96)
Per bend embat Az & Vt, 3 gouttes deau & a garb Or. (D: Aldgyth
aet Fennholme - Oct 90)
Per bend indented Az & Vt, 3 mullets Arg & a sword proper. (D:
Connall Ruadh Ceallaigh - May 00)
Per bend indented Az & Vt, 2 lozenges within a bord Arg. (D: May
of ye Wolde - Aug 05)
Per bend wavy Az & Vt, 3 bendlets wavy & in chf a harp Arg. (D:
Thalia Woodhall - Mar 96)
* * * End * * *

[Field division - Per bend - Fur] to [Field division - Per bend - Gules - and azure]

Field division - Per bend - Fur

Per bend embat ermine & Or, a sea-dragon erect, the tail elevated &
nowed, Vt, bellied Arg. (D: Aonghas from Applecross Nov 82)
Per bend ermine & Az, a dog-tailed sea-dog ramp to sin, grasping a
quill Or, all within a bord potenty per bend Az & Or. (D:
Murdoc of Armagh - Dec 85)
Per bend ermine & counter-ermine, a bear ramp Gu. (D: Brichnicht
of Briarwood - Oct 92)
Per bend ermine & counter-ermine, a boar passant per bend Sa &
Arg. (D: Ian MacBaird - Jul 84)
Per bend ermine & counter-ermine 2 bendlets ctrch Sa & Arg. (D:
Armand de Montfort Lyons - Sep 88)
Per bend ermine & Or, an hourglass Az. (D: Michael of Alwington
- Dec 95)
Per bend ermine & Purp, 2 unicorns heads couped ctrch. (D:
Theophania Ivey of Carisbrooke - Feb 85)
Per bend ermine & Vt, a dragon passant Sa & a laurel wreath Arg.
(D: Drakenmere - May 07)
Per bend ermine & Vt, a tower ctrch. (D: Amalric de Mannia Jul 05)
Per bend erminois & Gu, in chf an estoile of nine points Gu, & in
base a lily Or. (D: Ryn of Illwheirlane - Jan 73?)
Per bend erminois & pean, on a bend Vt 3 wake knots Or. (D:
Philip Fitzraymond - Jan 87)
Per bend pean & Arg, a bend bevilled Az betw an increscent Arg &
a spider inv in base Sa. (D: Mariana de Santillana - Dec 99)
Per bend pean & erminois. (D: Abel Parnell le Guide - Dec 96)
Per bend sin Vt ermined Arg & Arg ermined Vt, 2 horses passant to
sin ctrch Arg & Vt. (D: Eva van Oldebroek - Jun 04)
Per bend wavy pean & or, a caravelle reversed & seven scarpes
wavy ctrch. (D: Ethan ben Elezar - Aug 79)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Gules - and argent

Per bend embat Gu & Arg, in sin chf a sun within a snake involved
Or. (D: Merced Maggiesbane of Hove - Jul 90)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a bend Sa betw 2 wolves sejant ululant ctrch.
(D: Feln MacCearbhaill - Mar 98)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a boar courant Az. (D: Madog Cochfarf Aug 95)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a compass rose & a bull salient within a bord
embat ctrch. (B: Stierbach - Nov 01)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a compass rose & a bull salient within a bord
embat ctrch. (B: Stierbach - Apr 08) (For Award of the
Silver Compass)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a compass star elongated to base & a
patriarchal cross calvary orthodox botonny ctrch. (D: Leonid
Groznye Petrovich Kievnaya - Jan 80)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a cross potent Or & a hawk volant to sin, wings
addorsed, maintaining a sheaf of lilies Az. (D: Genoveva von
Vogelsang - Sep 92)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a lion dormant Or & a harp Sa. (D: Cerdic
Charles - Jul 07)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a lions head cabossed Or within a bord
rayonny ctrch. (D: Jehane Catterill - Nov 91)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a martlet & a tower ctrch. (B: Gallavally Jan 96)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a mullet Or & an axe bendwise reversed Gu.
(B: Edwyn de Forbes - Jun 84)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a pair of shears bendwise inv Sa. (D: Katrn
Edhvardhardttir - Jan 92)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a pile bendwise inv throughout ctrch. (D: Roy
des Cascades - Feb 08)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a standing balance Arg & a rose proper. (D:
Portia Montesorri - Mar 98)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a thistle blossom ctrch. (B: Richard dubh
MacCrimmon - Nov 92)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a thistle ctrch. (D: Richard dubh MacCrimmon
- Jan 92)
Per bend Gu & Arg, a wolf courant Sa betw in pale 2 arrows
palewise ctrch. (B: Ivan of Summergate - Apr 07)
Per bend Gu & Arg, on a fess Vt betw a marigold blossom Or & a
rose Gu, barbed & seeded proper, a unicorn couchant Arg. (D:
Constance Gervaise - Oct 79)
Per bend Gu & Arg, 3 harps Arg & 3 roses proper. (D: Gwenfrewi
ferch Gwillym Rhoslyn - Jan 98)

Field division - Per bend - Gules - and argent (continued)

Per bend Gu & Arg, 3 mullets bendwise in bend ctrch. (D: Tncos
Jnos - Apr 91)
Per bend Gu & Arg, 2 fleurs-de-lys ctrch. (D: Rachel Kirk Dec 01)
Per bend Gu & Arg, 2 rapiers in salt Arg & a caravel proper sailed
Or. (D: Damian Blackthorne of the Sea - Jul 02)
Per bend Gu & Arg, 2 roses slipped, their stems issuant from the
line of division ctrch & a chf Arg. (D: Anastasia della Rossa Jun 07)
Per bend Gu & Arg, 2 Russian Orthodox crosses in bend Arg &
another Sa. (D: Anastasia Aleksandrovna Andreeva - Aug 87)
Per bend indented Gu & Arg, a mullet Arg & a tree eradicated
proper. (D: Paulina of the Northwood - Nov 99)
Per bend potenty Gu & Arg, a sun in his splendour & a cap of
Mercury Az winged Arg. (D: Edmund Renfield Wanderscribe
- Sep 73)
Per bend raguly Gu & Arg, 3 bones bendwise in bend sin & a fleam
ctrch. (D: Lawrence Taillefer the Leech - Apr 85)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Gules - and azure

Per bend dovetailed Gu & Az, 2 apples Or. (B: Nigellus le Haie Mar 93)
Per bend embat Gu & Az, issuant from sin chf a demi-sun Or. (D:
Nigellus le Haie - May 83)
Per bend embat, Gu & Az, 2 war-scythe heads bendwise, issuant
from chf the point to sin, & issuant from dexter the point in
base, Arg. (D: Charles Greenlimb - Jan 73?)
Per bend engrailed Gu & Az, a sun & a sea-dog Or. (D: Faolan
MacConmara - Jul 94)
Per bend Gu & Az, a bend betw 2 tankards Or. (D: Clewin
Kupferhelbelinc - Oct 07)
Per bend Gu & Az, a bend dovetailed ermine betw 2 decrescents Or.
(D: Brigit MacDonald of Murligan - Mar 99)
Per bend Gu & Az, a bend Or betw a cat sejant guardant dexter
forepaw raised & 2 needles crossed in salt Arg. (D: Margaret
Catteshull of Meriden - Nov 01)
Per bend Gu & Az, a bend Sa, fimbriated, betw a sword palewise
inv surmounted by a quill pen bendwise sin & a unicorns head
erased Arg. (D: Sean Lewis OConnor - Apr 90)
Per bend Gu & Az, a bend wavy betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D:
Aveline des Ferrires - Nov 07)
Per bend Gu & Az, a bull passant contourny within a bord embat
Arg. (D: Uilliam an Tarbh Baile na hAbhann - May 95)
Per bend Gu & Az, a cross crosslet Or & another Arg. (D: Eleanor
Colwell of Gloucester - Sep 84)
Per bend Gu & Az, a horses head couped contourny within a bord
embat Arg. (D: Robert of Vannerwick - Jan 93)
Per bend Gu & Az, a reindeers head couped & collared Or & a
castle Arg. (D: Alexandra Ketillaug of Kastelholm - Aug 92)
Per bend Gu & Az, a rose Arg & a strung bow & arrow bendwise
reversed Or. (D: Innogen Mac Leod - Apr 99)
Per bend Gu & Az a rose betw 3 suns Or. (D: Francesco della
Rosa - Jan 95)
Per bend Gu & Az, a sun in splendour Or & in bend 3 swans naiant
Arg. (D: Svea the Shortsighted - Mar 84)
Per bend Gu & Az, a sword palewise inv proper, its hilt surmounted
by a pig-faced basinet Arg. (D: Crinn Lionel Rengarth Aug 88)
Per bend Gu & Az, a unicorn passant, head lowered, Or. (B:
Tristan Keck - Jun 86)
Per bend Gu & Az, on a bend Arg 3 lions heads palewise erased
Az. (D: Fearghus Reamhar mac Maoil Domhnaich mhic
Thoirdhealbhaigh - Jul 07)
Per bend Gu & Az, on a bend raguly Or, an arrow inv Sa. (D:
Aodhfin Seibert - Jan 94)
Per bend Gu & Az, 3 fleurs-de-lys in bend Or. (D: Helevisa de
Horsmonden - Feb 02)
Per bend Gu & Az, 2 dragons segreant addorsed & in base a mullet,
a bord embat Or. (D: Melcher Lloyd of Hawkwood - Feb 05)
Per bend Gu & Az, 2 hammerhead sharks naiant in annulo Arg. (D:
Pascual de la Mar - Jun 06)
* * * End * * *

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 673

[Field division - Per bend - Gules - and fur] to [Field division - Per bend - Gules - and sable]

Field division - Per bend - Gules - and fur

Per bend embat Gu & ermine, a swans head erased Arg & a laurel
wreath Vt. (D: Pont Alarch - Sep 91)
Per bend Gu & ermine, a winged unicorn ramp wings disp Arg,
armed, crined, unguled & chased Or. (B: Margherita di San
Gimignano - Dec 03)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Gules - and multicolor

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Gules - and or

Per bend embat Gu & Or, in base a hammer bendwise inv Sa. (B:
Aonghas Mac Labhruinn de Brus - Jun 03)
Per bend embat Gu & Or, in bend sin a hide erminois & a hide
counter-ermine. (D: Geoffrey Soulspeeder - Jun 90)
Per bend Gu & Or, a bend ctrch & in sin chf 3 escallops inv Or,
overall a laurel wreath Vt. (D: Pilgrims Reach - Aug 88)
Per bend Gu & Or, a bend raguly abased Sa. (B: Arnwulf
thelreding - Jun 94)
Per bend Gu & Or, a bend wavy pean betw 2 dragons involved
ctrch. (D: Draco Rivenoak - Sep 99)
Per bend Gu & Or, a bird & a longship oars shipped ctrch. (D:
Gaukr mjoksiglandi - Dec 04)
Per bend Gu & Or, a fleur-de-lys & a cat sejant ctrch. (D:
Genevive de Versalais - Mar 05)
Per bend Gu & Or, a lion ramp Sa within a bord engrailed Az. (D:
Matthias Sean Cameron - Mar 88)
Per bend Gu & Or, a pan-pipe Or & a sprig of rosemary proper. (D:
Elspeth of Northumbria - Apr 84)
Per bend Gu & Or, a reindeer statant to sin Sa, in chf a mullet Arg.
(D: Micheal of the Daugava - Jun 87)
Per bend Gu & Or, a scorpion inv & a sword ctrch. (D: Tiberius
Trebatius Secundus - Feb 07)
Per bend Gu & Or, a seahorse contourny ctrch Arg & Vt. (D:
Mathilda Fleming - Jan 08)
Per bend Gu & Or, an eagle rising, wings elevated & addorsed, & a
wolf salient to sin ctrch. (D: Arnwulf thelreding - Jul 84)
Per bend Gu & Or, in bend sin 3 crosses crosslet fitchy ctrch. (D:
Magdalen Ainslee MacNeil - May 88)
Per bend Gu & Or, 3 acorns & a tree ctrch. (D: Damien MacGavin
- May 86)
Per bend Gu & Or, 2 cats sejant ctrch Or & Sa. (D: Beate
Wittmaier - Nov 01)
Per bend Gu & Or, 2 unicorns heads within a bord, all ctrch. (D:
Veronique le Gris - Mar 87)
Per bend indented Gu & Or, a sun & a crescent horns to sin chf
ctrch. (D: Bryn OGrady - Feb 06)
Per bend indented Gu & Or, on a chf Az, a pale Arg betw 2 fleursde-lis Or. (D: Louis le Blanc lou Boumain - Jan 74?)
Per bend wavy Gu & Or, a sun ctrch. (D: Chinua Al-Naran Nov 02)
Per bend wavy Gu & Or, a torch Or & a quill pen bendwise Sa. (D:
Mary Rachel de Marmoutier - Apr 94)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Gules - and purpure

Per bend Gu & Purp, a bend betw a dragon passant reguardant Arg
& a threaded needle bendwise Or. (D: Elspeth of Stillwater Oct 05)
Per bend Gu & Purp, a bend raguly & in chf a rustre Or. (D:
Konrad der Treue - Feb 91)
Per bend Gu & Purp, in chf 3 mullets of eight points & in base a
decrescent Arg. (D: Shirin al-Adawiya - Dec 03)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Gules - and sable

Per bend embat Gu & Sa, in base 3 arrows fesswise Or. (D: Juliana
verch Hoell - Mar 05)
Per bend embat Gu & Sa, in sin chf a thistle blossom within a bord
Arg. (D: Donnabhan Keegan Bothwell - Jan 89)
Per bend embat Gu & Sa, on a chf Or 3 roses Gu, barbed & seeded
Vt. (D: Gareth Aldershaw - Oct 98)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a basilisk & on a chf Or, an arrow reversed Sa.
(D: Howard of Bright Hills - Oct 93)
674 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Field division - Per bend - Gules - and sable (continued)

Per bend Gu & Sa, a bear passant bendwise sin & in canton a mullet
of six points Or. (B: Konrad Mailander - Aug 05)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend & in sin chf a Thors hammer Arg. (D:
Wulfstan Thordarson - Jun 92)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend betw a goblet Or & a goblet Arg. (D:
Urcy Ravensholme - Mar 90)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend betw a sun in its splendor & a lions head
cabossed all within a bord Or. (D: Alina Marie de
Valenciennes - Aug 02)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend betw a winged lion passant guardant to
sin & a raffia-covered wine bottle Or. (D: Christopher of
Lions Nest - Oct 83)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend betw 3 arrows fesswise in pale Arg & a
bell Or. (D: Cynyr ab Aneirin - Oct 02)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend betw 2 armored arms embowed Arg. (D:
Gavine Armestrang - Jan 07)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend bevilled betw 2 estoiles Arg. (D: Jeanne
Alwyn - Jun 98)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend cotised betw 2 garden roses bendwise,
slipped & leaved, Or. (D: Teresa von Asselen - Jun 89)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend ermine betw a lion ramp & 3 fleurs-delys Or. (D: Elizabeth of Grey Castle - Sep 94)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend Or betw 2 roses Arg. (D: inara beguy
urdina - Aug 01)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bend raguly ermine betw a falcon Arg & 3
mullets of 4 points elongated to base 2 & one Or. (D: Gavin
MacIntyre - Feb 92)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a bird of paradise rising wings disp Or & five
mullets forming the constellation of the Southern Cross Arg.
(B: Papua New Guinea - Sep 95) (Important non-SCA flag)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a cross formy & on a chf Arg a fleur-de-lys betw
2 roses Gu. (D: Stephan of Atenveldt - Nov 07)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a daisy proper betw 3 mullets Or. (D: Ardena
Wildflower - Sep 94)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a dragon passant & an anvil Arg. (D: Una von
Rabenwald - Feb 06)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a goblet betw flaunches Or. (D: Walter of
Kentbridge - Aug 94)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a hand mirror Arg. (B: William Jakes - Sep 98)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a hawk rising Or & a wolfs head ululant, erased
& facing to sin, all within an orle Arg. (D: Beverly Blackpool
- Aug 87)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a horse ramp & a sword bendwise inv Arg. (D:
Gwendolyn Morna OShaughnessey - Sep 91)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a kraken bendwise Or. (D: Katerine la Petita
dAvignon - Oct 05)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a Latin cross betw in bend 2 decrescents Arg.
(D: Eric of Chester - Aug 00)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a lion dormant contourny tail nowed within a
bord embat Or. (D: Eadweard Ungearu - Jan 91)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a mermaid in her vanity betw in bend 2 roses
Arg. (D: Randaln Kirchendahl - Feb 00)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a mullet & a crescent inv Arg. (D: Srn mac
Duinn - Feb 08)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a mullet of eight interlocking mascles & a bord
potenty Arg. (D: Athelstan of Tilbrook - Jan 95)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a natural leopards head erased Arg spotted Sa a
bord dovetailed Arg. (D: Aislinn merch Guincatan - Jun 96)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a phoenix rising from flames & a praying mantis
statant Or. (D: Harold of Pucklechurch - Nov 97)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a rogacina doubly crossed & fourchy Arg. (D:
Vitus Polonius - Nov 05)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a sheaf of arrows inv, on a chf Or a horse
courant contourny Vt. (D: Sara Littel of Denby Dale Dec 00)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a sun Or held in sin base by a cupped sin hand in
profile fesswise couped proper, all within a bord Or. (D:
Brendan mac Artuir - Jan 02)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a unicorns horn palewise betw in fess a bear &
a bull combattant Arg. (B: Erik Loren Elcara - Aug 83) (For
Huw Iago)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a winged lion ramp guardant & a bord Arg. (D:
Guilliaume Lavet - Sep 07)
Per bend Gu & Sa, a wyvern disp Arg maintaining a sword fesswise
proper betw in chf 2 roses Arg barbed & seeded Or. (D:
Gunnar Jrgensen - Mar 95)

[Field division - Per bend - Gules - and sable] to [Field division - Per bend - Or - and azure]

Field division - Per bend - Gules - and sable (continued)

Per bend Gu & Sa, an eagle disp, wings inv, & on a chf Or, 3
crosses patty Sa. (D: Conrad von Altmark - Jul 84)
Per bend Gu & Sa, an eagles leg contourny erased a-la-quise Arg.
(B: Ivo Blackhawk - Oct 06)
Per bend Gu & Sa, an elephants skull affronty Arg. (D: Gamli
ikollr - Feb 97)
Per bend Gu & Sa, an escarbuncle Arg & an escallop Or. (B:
thelmearc - Nov 05) (For thelmearc College of Scribes)
Per bend Gu, & Sa bezanty, a bend embat & in chf a serpent nowed
Or. (D: Dafydd Morrison - Oct 92)
Per bend Gu & Sa, in bend sin a horse salient contourny betw 2
crescents Arg. (D: Sine Gregdoghter - Nov 91)
Per bend Gu & Sa, on a bend Arg 4 crosses formy palewise Gu. (D:
Alexander of Mons Tonitrus - Jan 06)
Per bend Gu & Sa, on a bend Arg 3 ravens rising palewise Sa & in
sin chf a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Fodh gin - Jan 07)
Per bend Gu & Sa, on a bend betw a crescent & a natural seahorse
bendwise Or, 3 trefoils Vt. (D: Arven Atwater - Dec 92)
Per bend Gu & Sa, on a bend betw a talbot ramp & a hunting horn
Or, a log Sa. (D: Geoffrey Blackstone Stephen - Jul 99)
Per bend Gu & Sa, on a bend Or 3 griffins segreant palewise Sa. (D:
Katharina von Marburg - Jul 06)
Per bend Gu & Sa, on a Celtic cross throughout Arg a sword inv Sa.
(D: George of Clan OCaine - Mar 84)
Per bend Gu & Sa, on a roundel ctrch fimbriated a compass star
throughout Or. (D: Rurik Siegfriedsson of Ringsted - Oct 82)
Per bend Gu & Sa, 2 bezants. (D: Fujiwara Kanesada - May 06)
Per bend Gu & Sa, 2 Latin crosses raguly Arg. (D: Morann of
Conamara - Jul 00)
Per bend Gu & Sa, 2 spears in salt & a sword Arg, hilted of leather
proper. (D: Edric the Forester - Oct 81)
Per bend Gu & Sa, 2 unicorns heads couped addorsed Or, that in
chf contourny. (D: Elayne Frampton - Oct 91)
Per bend Gu & Sa, within the horns of an increscent a human skull
facing dexter Arg. (D: Ordoo de la Corua - Jul 03)
Per bend raguly Gu & Sa, in pale a roundel & a wolf sejant to sin
ululant Arg. (D: Kerryk Wolfram - Sep 95)
Per bend rayonny Gu & Sa. (D: Cathyn Fitzgerald - Nov 02)
Per bend rayonny Gu & Sa, 2 sewing needles bendwise Arg. (B:
Diorbhail n Ruaidhri - Sep 92) (For House Snthadan
Per bend rayonny Sa & Gu, a reremouse & a wolfs head erased
Arg. (D: Bathevulf von Drakenburg - Jul 03)
Per bend wavy Gu & Sa, 3 candles in fess flammant Arg. (D:
Angelika Kunstler - Feb 94)
Per bend wavy Gu & Sa, 3 lozenges in bend sin within a bord Arg.
(D: Alisaundre of Greyhame - Oct 92)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Gules - and vert

Per bend Gu & Vt, a bend betw an arm, issuant from the bend &
embowed in chev inv maintaining a sword inv Arg & 2 wheels
in bend Or. (D: Liam MacFarlane - Nov 89)
Per bend Gu & Vt, a bend ermine cotised Or. (D: Matteo de
Aragon - Jan 05)
Per bend Gu & Vt, a dragonfly & a hammer Arg. (D: Nazarius
Orlandi - Mar 07)
Per bend Gu & Vt, a turtle salient contourny Or. (D: Juana de
Alburquerque - May 93)
Per bend Gu & Vt, on a bend wavy Or 3 standing balances palewise
Sa. (D: Ayisha bint Ata - Dec 95)
Per bend wavy Gu & Vt, a sun Or & a lotus blossom in profile
slipped Arg. (D: Isabel Attwater - Apr 99)
Per bend wavy Gu & Vt billety Or, in dexter chf an Arctic foxs
mask & on a chf indented Arg a barrulet wavy Az. (D:
Northwest Territories - Jan 98) (Important non-SCA arms)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Multicolor

Bendy sin & per bend Az & Arg, 2 narwhals hauriant respectant
horns crossed in salt Gu. (D: Godwine of Sherborne - Jul 97)
Bendy sin & per bend Az & ermine. (D: Pariselle Chouet Jun 02)
Per bend & per fess Vt & Arg, a wolfs head couped & an oak leaf
bendwise Arg. (D: Genefe Wizsilberlin - Dec 07)

Field division - Per bend - Multicolor (continued)

Per bend & per pale Sa & Gu, a sword bendwise sin proper. (D:
Sydail ap Allain - Jan 81)
Per bend barry wavy Az & Arg, & Arg scaly Vt, a sea-wolf Or. (D:
Dimitra of Samarkand - Oct 92)
Per bend bendy Arg & Az & Arg, in base 3 oak leaves in bend Vt.
(D: Karel of Silfren Mere - Mar 07)
Per bend bendy Arg & Gu & Sa, a sin hand Arg. (D: Aaron
MacGregor - Dec 01)
Per bend bendy Az & Or & Az, in base a cross crosslet Arg. (D:
Hugh Montagud - Sep 96)
Per bend bendy Az & Or, & Az, in base 3 crosses of 4 mascles Arg.
(D: Lars Eriksson - Feb 97)
Per bend, bendy Or & Gu, & Sa, in base betw the tips of 2 wings
conjoined in lure tips downward Arg a mullet of six points
pierced Or. (D: Bryn Eamonn - Nov 82)
Per bend checky Arg & Gu & Sa, in base a pair of smiths tongs
betw 2 mallets Arg. (D: Caoimhe Raghalligh - Feb 92)
Per bend checky Vt & Or & Az, a Bengal tiger ramp Arg marked Sa
& a horse ramp Arg. (D: Ceara inghean Leoghin - Nov 03)
Per bend lozengy Vt & Arg & Or, a boar passant Sa. (D: Thomas of
Ravenhill - Jan 01)
Per bend paly Arg & Az & Az, in dexter base a unicorns head
couped Arg. (D: Saerlaith nic Uilliam OCeallaigh - Jun 90)
Per bend paly Or & Sa & Gu, a bend & in base betw the horns of a
decrescent a mullet Or. (D: Zaneta Angiolieri - Jul 05)
Per bend wavy, bendy wavy Arg & Az, & Or, in dexter base a hind
lodged Gu. (D: Keridwen of Misty Falls - Nov 82)
Per pale & per bend Vt & Arg, in bend sin 2 swords inv Sa. (D:
Gareth of Tirnewydd - Feb 92)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Or - and argent

Per bend Or & Arg. (B: Cormac Mr - Jan 05)

Per bend Or & Arg, a bend Az betw a natural panther couchant & a
wolf passant Sa. (D: Alain de Bastien - Jul 86)
Per bend Or & Arg, a bend betw 2 eagles disp respectant, that in sin
inv, Sa. (D: Aldwyn of Thymeswood - May 81)
Per bend Or & Arg, a gillyflower Purp slipped & leaved Vt & a
human footprint Sa. (D: Sely Bloxam - Jan 03)
Per bend Or & Arg, a tree blasted & eradicated Az. (D: Melodia de
Okhurste - May 06)
Per bend Or & Arg, an oak tree couped proper within a bord
counter-ermine. (D: Gytha of the Quiet Wood - Sep 93)
Per bend Or & Arg, entwined about a sword Az a serpent Vt, head
to sin & pierced by the point, imbrued Gu. (D: Hans von
Bremen - Jan 73?)
Per bend Or & Arg goutty-de-sang, a raven stooping Sa transfixed
by an arrow bendwise inv Gu. (D: Erilandus Arcanus Jun 96)
Per bend Or & Arg, in bend sin 2 wings elevated & addorsed Az &
a vine of ivy bendwise couped Vt. (D: James Carlisle Almy Mar 90)
Per bend Or & Arg, on a quiver of arrows Sa, flighted Gu, a heart
Arg. (D: Brandr the Ironhearted - Mar 91)
Per bend Or & Arg, semy of hearts Sa, a bend & in sin chf a heart
Gu. (D: Dragija the Dalmatian - Sep 88)
Per bend Or & Arg, 2 cherries & 2 hurts. (B: East, the - Apr 75)
(For the Wenches Guild)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Or - and azure

Per bend embat, Or & Az, a heart Gu & in bend 3 candles in flat
candlesticks palewise enflamed Or. (D: Trey of Woodlyn Aug 79)
Per bend engrailed Or & Az, an open book Purp & a harp Or. (D:
Constance Sayer - Mar 07)
Per bend, Or, a dragons head couped Purp, & Az 3 bezants. (B:
East, the - Sep 73) (For Chancellor of Exchequer)
Per bend Or & Az, a bend Arg betw a popinjay & a knorr ctrch. (D:
vangr Ragnarsson - Apr 05)
Per bend Or & Az, a bend cotised ctrch betw a sword Sa & a rose
Arg, barbed & seeded proper. (D: Katharine Attryde May 06)
Per bend Or & Az, a bend counter-ermine betw a cross of 4 swords
conjoined at the points Sa & a sea-horse naiant Arg. (D: Fiona
McDonough of Stonehaven - Feb 84)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 675

[Field division - Per bend - Or - and azure] to [Field division - Per bend - Or - and purpure]

Field division - Per bend - Or - and azure (continued)

Per bend Or & Az, a bend of mullets abased Arg & a sin tierce Az.
(B: Bosnia and Herzegovina - Dec 03) (Flag)(Important
non-SCA flag)
Per bend Or & Az, a coney courant bendwise & a Wake knot
bendwise ctrch. (D: Caitlin nic Raighne - Jul 01)
Per bend Or & Az, a cross formy Sa a bord ctrch. (B: Konrad der
Ruhige Br - Jun 92)
Per bend Or & Az, a dragon segreant Vt & a unicorn ramp to sin
Arg. (D: Tigernach mac Cathail - Sep 07)
Per bend Or & Az, a dragon volant & a hammer bendwise ctrch.
(D: Johann der Feuerwehrmann - Mar 84)
Per bend Or & Az, a dragonfly Vt & a turtle Or. (D: Brice
Longarm - Sep 04)
Per bend Or & Az, a maple tree Vt & an open book-scroll Arg. (D:
Moses ben Eldad - Apr 76?)
Per bend Or & Az, a stags attire Gu & a foxs head caboshed Arg.
(D: Kirsten von Reehe - Apr 84)
Per bend Or & Az, an anchor entwined with a dolphin descending
ctrch Sa & Arg. (D: Roberta Nicol MacLeod - Sep 84)
Per bend Or & Az, in bend sin a dragon ramp to sin & a lion ramp
guardant ctrch. (D: Judith of Acre - Jan 90)
Per bend Or & Az scaly Arg, a wooden dragon headed staff proper
& a rams horn reversed Or. (D: Zophar Dragon - Apr 97)
Per bend Or & Az semy of crescents ctrch. (D: Luther Anshelm Oct 95)
Per bend Or, mulletty Az, & Az, in base a drakkar Or. (D: Sven
Thjostarsson - Jan 88)
Per bend wavy Or & Az, a bend wavy ctrch. (D: Lachlan of
Cromarty - Apr 08)
Per bend wavy Or & Az, a tower Sa issuing a flame Gu, & a laurel
wreath Or. (D: Dun Traigh - May 98)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Or - and fur

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Or - and gules

Per bend debased Or & Gu, a cup & a fleur-de-lis ctrch, on a chf Sa
a bugle-horn reversed Arg. (D: Abelard Kif de Marseilles Aug 79)
Per bend embat grady Or & Gu, in sin chf a martlet Sa. (D: William
de Molay - Apr 08)
Per bend indented Or & Gu, on a roundel Az a cockatrice erect Or.
(D: Godewyn Crackesheld - Apr 07)
Per bend Or & Gu, a boar passant & an eagles head erased ctrch.
(D: Seras Macabhaird - Nov 93)
Per bend Or & Gu, a bow bendwise, fully drawn with an arrow
bendwise sin, all within a bord ctrch. (D: Bartholomew of
Dartford - Jan 89)
Per bend Or & Gu, a Celtic cross Gu & an ash tree Arg. (D:
Allistair MacMitchell - Nov 96)
Per bend Or & Gu, a chf Sa. (D: Timothy of Shaftesbury - Jan 08)
Per bend Or & Gu, a deer trippant Arg betw 2 roses ctrch. (D: Rs
n Lochlainn - Mar 94)
Per bend Or & Gu, a dragon passant & a lions jambe erect erased
ctrch. (D: Armand de Sevigny - Dec 71)
Per bend Or & Gu, a flute palewise ctrch. (D: Muirenn n Ailbe Aug 99)
Per bend Or & Gu, a hawk disp Gu & a boar-spearhead Arg. (D:
Lorenz der Jger - Feb 92)
Per bend Or & Gu, a horse ramp contourny ctrch. (D: Otger of
Aquaterra - Jan 06)
Per bend Or & Gu, a hound salient ctrch. (D: Nothmund
Houndswain - Jun 95)
Per bend Or & Gu, a lymphad Sa & a mermaid Or. (D: Eochaidh
MacPheadarain - Dec 99)
Per bend Or & Gu, a natural panther salient Sa betw in bend sin a
mullet of 4 points elongated to base Vt & another Arg. (D:
Meghan Kendra of Blackwood - Aug 86)
Per bend Or & Gu, a raven Sa & 3 musical notes Or. (D: Medb
Dinfeichn - Jun 98)
Per bend Or & Gu, a sun ctrch. (D: Dagmar von Zeitz - Aug 02)
Per bend Or & Gu, a wyvern disp betw in pale a sword & an olive
branch, both fesswise, all ctrch. (D: Darius Tranquillus Oct 86)
676 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Field division - Per bend - Or - and gules (continued)

Per bend Or & Gu, crusilly patoncy Or, in sin chf a demi-lion Sa,
collared Or. (D: Geoffrey of Coldingham - Nov 89)
Per bend Or & Gu, in bend sin a fleur-de-lys & an axe bendwise
inv, blade to sin, ctrch. (D: Francesca Laura di Firenze Jul 88)
Per bend Or & Gu, in sin chf 2 European black alder trees couped
proper. (B: Ella du Vergne - Mar 82) (For Chez le Vergne)
Per bend Or & Gu, on a bend Arg fimbriated Sa betw an oak leaf
Gu & a sun Or 3 mullets palewise Sa. (D: Henry Fox of Oak
Hill - Jul 07)
Per bend Or & Gu, on a bend Sa betw a double rose Gu & an open
book Arg, a baton Arg. (D: Hroswitha of Helmsdale Mar 86)
Per bend Or & Gu, semy of gouttes ctrch, a unicorn passant, head
lowered, Sa. (B: Ceinwen Haele Cynwyth - Oct 85)
Per bend Or & Gu, 3 arrows in pale fesswise points to dexter & a
drum ctrch. (D: Arwen Southernwood - Jun 85)
Per bend Or & Gu, 2 falcons disp ctrch & a chf dovetailed Gu. (D:
Catherine of Faulconridge - Dec 91)
Per bend rayonny Or & Gu, a rose & an angel ctrch. (D: Rosaline
Gunn - Mar 96)
Per bend rayonny Or & Gu, a wolf salient Sa & an anvil Or. (D:
Wulf Feuerschmied von Bern - Nov 86)
Per bend rayonny Or & Gu, 2 mullets of eight points ctrch. (D:
Fiammetta di Antonio di Donato Adimari - Dec 95)
Per bend wavy Or & Gu, a pomegranate slipped & leaved & a bee
ctrch. (D: Alix MacAlpine - Nov 01)
Per bend wavy Or & Gu, semy-de-lis Or, in sin chf a rose Gu. (D:
Catherine de la Rose - Apr 87)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Or - and multicolor

Per bend Or & barry wavy Az & Arg, in sin chf a laurel wreath Vt.
(D: Wessex Mere - Feb 96)
Per bend Or & barry wavy Or & Az, a heron volant bendwise wings
addorsed Az. (D: Annys of Trimaris - Nov 01)
Per bend Or & bendy Gu & Or, a demons head couped affronty Gu
wearing an arming cap Sa. (D: Sveinn Harfari - Oct 02)
Per bend Or & bendy sin Arg & Sa, in sin chf a griffin segreant Gu.
(D: Alastair ap Maelgwyn - Feb 92)
Per bend Or & checky Or & Sa, a bend & in chf a mullet of 4 points
Gu. (D: Katherine of Wintermist - Apr 08)
Per bend Or & checky Vt & Or, in sin chf an eagle rising, wings
addorsed Sa, & on a chf Vt 3 broad arrows Or. (D: Jonathan
Yeatts - Aug 91)
Per bend wavy Or & bendy wavy Az & Arg, in chf an oak leaf inv
conjoined at the stem with an acorn all bendwise proper. (B:
Wealdsmere - Mar 06) (For Sergeants of Wealdsmere)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Or - and purpure

Per bend indented Or & Purp, a golpe charged with a mullet

throughout & an increscent Arg. (D: Diana dAvignon Jan 91)
Per bend Or & Purp, a delf marked as a nine man morris board
ctrch. (D: Matthew Aelfwine the Silent - Apr 96)
Per bend Or & Purp, a griffin salient ctrch. (D: Owain Draig Ryfel
- Jan 91)
Per bend Or & Purp, a hawk close to sin Gu & a wolf sejant ululant
Arg. (D: Madawc of the Hawk - Oct 90)
Per bend Or & Purp, a thistle proper & a stags attire bendwise Or.
(D: Catriona Isabel MacFarlane - Mar 95)
Per bend Or & Purp, a triquetra & a rose bendwise ctrch slipped &
leaved Vt. (D: Lucia Magna - Mar 08)
Per bend Or & Purp, in sin chf a sword bendwise Arg, hilted Sa, its
blade enflamed Gu, issuant from base a demi-sun Or. (D:
Patrice Franoise van Brussel - Jan 88)
Per bend Or & Purp, 2 bunches of grapes conjoined proper & a
goblet with a goutte in chf Or. (B: Caid - Oct 96) (For the
Brewers Guild)
Per bend Or & Purp, 2 irises slipped ctrch within a bord per bend
Purp & Or, fretty ctrch. (D: Ursula dArcy - Sep 88)
Per bend Or & Purp, 2 linden leaves in bend sin, stems issuant from
the line of division, within a bord ctrch. (D: Winifred de
Schyppewallebotham - Apr 89)

[Field division - Per bend - Or - and purpure] to [Field division - Per bend - Purpure - and argent]

Field division - Per bend - Or - and purpure (continued)

Per bend Or & Purp, 2 lozenges ctrch. (D: Amy of the Wilde Mar 01)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Or - and sable

Per bend embat Or & Sa, a heart & a cross patonce ctrch. (D:
Guido il Moro - Feb 97)
Per bend Or & Sa, a bear ramp ctrch. (D: Ursula Beaumont Jan 87)
Per bend Or & Sa, a bears paw print Sa & a mouse ramp Arg. (D:
Rhys ap Gwylym Tatershal - Jul 00)
Per bend Or & Sa, a bend dovetailed betw 2 fleurs-de-lys ctrch. (D:
Morag Ameredith - Nov 88)
Per bend Or & Sa, a bend Gu ermined Or betw a Cornish chough
proper & a tower Or. (D: Michael Treighie - Sep 03)
Per bend Or & Sa, a bend per bend Az & Arg betw 2 wolfs
pawprints ctrch. (D: Garan Darkwolf of Blackhelm - Jan 05)
Per bend Or & Sa, a chalice & a garb ctrch. (D: Klaus
Weizenbrauer - Sep 97)
Per bend Or & Sa, a double-headed eagle Purp & a lightning bolt
bendwise Or. (B: Gaius Valerius Corvinus - Dec 06)
Per bend Or & Sa, a dragon passant guardant Gu & a castle Arg.
(D: John of Brinton - Jan 97)
Per bend Or & Sa, a dragon ramp ctrch within a bord Gu. (D:
Arthur Kinsman - Aug 02)
Per bend Or & Sa, a dragon ramp Gu within a bord ctrch. (D:
Zachariah von Marksburg - Feb 85)
Per bend Or & Sa, a goose close, head lowered, Sa, & a fox ramp
reguardant, maintaining a dagger, Or. (D: Daniel Hidefox May 85)
Per bend Or & Sa, a goose counter-statant, wings elevated, head
lowered, Arg. (B: Beyatah Robakovna - Dec 80) (For House
Per bend Or & Sa, a honeybee rising & a honeysuckle blossom
distilling 2 gouttes ctrch. (D: Alessandra Alegretti - May 86)
Per bend Or & Sa, a rose Az, barbed & seeded proper, & an anchor
Arg. (D: Erzebet von Schachendorf - Oct 82)
Per bend Or & Sa, a sun in splendour Vt & a bunch of grapes
slipped & leaved Or. (D: Isabella de Bordeaux - May 08)
Per bend Or & Sa, a sword betw 2 roses in bend sin ctrch. (D:
Peregrine Benedict de Steele - Aug 90)
Per bend Or & Sa, a tournament lance Vt betw in fess 2 trees ctrch.
(D: Eleanor of Ashley - Sep 83)
Per bend Or & Sa, a tower Gu & a tree blasted Arg. (D: Roulant
Marat - Jan 07)
Per bend Or & Sa, a trefoil & a mace ctrch. (B: Artemisia Nov 04) (For Order of the Trefoil and Mace)
Per bend Or & Sa, a unicorns head, couped & sin facing, betw 3
mullets, all ctrch. (D: Mark of Gilnockie - Dec 86)
Per bend Or & Sa, an anvil betw 2 bees ctrch. (D: Fritz von dem
Bienenstocke - Mar 93)
Per bend Or & Sa, an axe bendwise & a plumed helmet ctrch. (D:
Volstagg Helmcleaver - Aug 79)
Per bend Or & Sa, an estoile & a crescent ctrch. (D: Sorcha of
Ballycastle - Mar 96)
Per bend Or & Sa, an increscent Gu & a compass-star Arg. (D:
Conchobhar mac Melin - Jan 95)
Per bend Or & Sa, 4 roundels, 2 & 2, ctrch. (D: Duncan
macAllister - Dec 94)
Per bend Or & Sa, in bend sin 2 calla lilies stems issuant from the
line of division ctrch. (D: Celainn n Neachtain - Apr 98)
Per bend Or & Sa, in sin chf a pair of wings distilling a goute Gu.
(D: Kieran MacLeod - Jan 97)
Per bend Or & Sa, on a bend Gu betw a natural panther dormant Sa
& a peacock close 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Katerine Morgane
de Montrevel - Apr 06)
Per bend Or & Sa, on a compass star per bend Purp & Arg, a
lozenge Sa. (B: Lucrezia da Diamante Nero - Jan 00)
Per bend Or & Sa semy of broadarrows Or, on a bend Vt a sword
inv Or, in chf a bear ramp Sa. (D: Bernard von Budweis Dec 98)
Per bend Or & Sa semy of hearts ctrch, a skull Arg. (D: Bralluc
Blackheart - Mar 94)
Per bend Or & Sa, to dexter a pumpkin, its vine knotted to sin in
trefoil triply leaved proper. (D: Briony Blaslagen - Mar 81)

Field division - Per bend - Or - and sable (continued)

Per bend Or & Sa, 2 lyres ctrch. (D: Antoine DAubernoun Dec 90)
Per bend Or & Sa, 2 suns eclipsed of the field ctrch. (D: Drogo the
Forgetful - Aug 87)
Per bend potenty Or & Sa, in bend sin 2 Ionic columns in bend & 2
garbs in bend, all ctrch. (D: Demetria Nichole - May 89)
Per bend rayonny Or & Sa, 2 eagles rising wings addorsed ctrch.
(D: Erik von Winterthur - Oct 03)
Per bend rompu Or & Sa, a wolfs head, erased & sin facing, ctrch.
(D: Wolfram von Grymwst - Mar 89)
Per bend trefly Or & Sa, a reremouse Sa & a castle Arg. (D:
Rudolphus Heydenreich - Mar 02)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Or - and vert

Per bend embat Or & Vt, a martlet Gu. (D: Andrew of Doune
Castle - Apr 00)
Per bend Or, a morningstar Sa, & Vt, in bend 2 bog beasts ramp
Arg. (D: Domric the Sober - Aug 79?)
Per bend Or & Vt, a bear ramp & an anchor ctrch. (D: Anlon
MacMatha - May 91)
Per bend Or & Vt, a beer stein & a bear ramp contourny ctrch. (D:
Edward of Smoking Rocks - Sep 05)
Per bend Or & Vt, a bend vairy of one trait bendwise sin Or & Vt,
in sin chf a borage flower Az, slipped & leaved Vt. (D: Astrith
of Swansvale - Jul 82)
Per bend Or & Vt, a bend wavy Az fimbriated Arg, overall 3 daisies
slipped & leaved proper. (D: Kathryn of Brookshyre Apr 75?)
Per bend Or & Vt, a clarion & a church bell ctrch. (B: Gwyneth of
Dragons Keepe - Apr 84)
Per bend Or & Vt, a cross of Canterbury & a falcon, perched to sin
& belled, ctrch. (D: Audrey Adelicia of Canterbury - Jul 89)
Per bend Or & Vt, a hare salient contourny ctrch. (D: Marguerite
Chartier - Apr 97)
Per bend Or & Vt, a hart lodged ctrch. (D: Ginevra del Carmine Jan 87)
Per bend Or & Vt, a koala ramp guardant maintaining a branch of
eucalyptus proper. (D: Alyson of Islay - Jul 74?)
Per bend Or & Vt, a peacock in his pride Arg. (D: Jumanah bint
Nur al-Zarqa - Feb 04)
Per bend Or & Vt, a scythe Sa & a garb Or. (D: Arnulf von Cilli Dec 99)
Per bend Or & Vt, a thistle ctrch. (D: Charles William Drummond May 98)
Per bend Or & Vt, an acorn inv slipped & leaved proper & an owl
Arg. (D: Ladan ingen ui Shgdae - Mar 99)
Per bend Or & Vt, an aspen leaf & a goblet counter-changed. (B:
Caerthe - Feb 97)
Per bend Or & Vt, an eagle striking & a roundel ctrch. (D: Aonghus
Marchand - Dec 04)
Per bend Or & Vt, in base 3 acorns bendwise Arg. (D: Mairsil
inghean Aindriasa - Mar 06)
Per bend Or & Vt, in bend sin 2 fructed grapevines bendwise ctrch.
(D: Dietrich von den Weinbergen - Dec 88)
Per bend Or & Vt, 2 butterflies counter-changed. (D: Kendra
Lianne - Feb 86)
Per bend Or & Vt, 2 linden leaves in bend sin stems issuant from
the line of division ctrch. (D: Katerina of the Debatable Lands
- Jan 08)
Per bend Or & Vt, 2 towers ctrch. (D: Gwyndlyn Caer Vyrddin Jan 97)
Per bend Or, sem of shamrocks, & Vt, in bend abased 3 roses Or.
(D: Rose Briara of Glendwry - Oct 82)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Purpure - and argent

Per bend dovetailed Purp & Arg, 2 quill pens bendwise ctrch. (D:
Ariel Giboul des Montagnes - Jul 92)
Per bend indented Purp & Arg, 2 roses ctrch, barbed Vt, seeded of
hearts ctrch. (D: Kathleen of Thorne Rose - Apr 91)
Per bend Purp & Arg, a bend betw 2 pomegranates slipped &
leaved ctrch. (D: Elisava of Arkhangelsk - Oct 07)
Per bend Purp & Arg, a butterfly bendwise, wings addorsed Or & 2
strawberry leaves in bend Vt. (D: Sine Immey - Apr 88)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 677

[Field division - Per bend - Purpure - and argent] to [Field division - Per bend - Purpure - and vert]

Field division - Per bend - Purpure - and argent


Per bend Purp & Arg, a crutch & a duck naiant ctrch. (B: Gerberga
of Ardennes - Feb 02)
Per bend Purp & Arg, a decrescent & a pegasus ramp ctrch. (D:
Breccnat nic Diarmada - Oct 90)
Per bend Purp & Arg, a dexter gauntlet Arg grasping a tongue of
flame fesswise proper & a natural panther passant reguardant
Sa. (B: Zacharias Flamebeard of Eastmark - Dec 91) (For
House Zacharias)
Per bend Purp & Arg, a dragonfly Arg & 3 broad-arrows Vt. (D:
Marie de Kerimure - Feb 07)
Per bend Purp & Arg, a moon in her plenitude & a feathered serpent
glissant bendwise reversed ctrch. (D: Albra Katerine Marie
Isabelle Bautiste - Mar 82)
Per bend Purp & Arg a plate & a dragons head couped contourny
Sa. (D: Svana raux - Apr 96)
Per bend Purp & Arg, a unicorn ramp & a hurst of fir trees ctrch.
(D: Helena Da Silva - Jan 97)
Per bend Purp & Arg, an angel affronty & a hawk close to sin ctrch.
(D: Anne of Neath - Aug 88)
Per bend Purp & Arg, in sin chf a martlet Arg within a tressure
ctrch. (D: Blanch von Burnestow - Oct 82)
Per bend Purp & Arg, 3 mullets of six points fesswise Arg & 3
violets, slipped & leaved, proper. (D: Avril Boulle - Apr 90)
Per bend Purp & Arg 2 reremice ctrch. (D: Vladislav of Trgoviste Nov 91)
Per bend Purp & Vt, on a bend invected betw a unicorns head
couped contourny & a fleur-de-lys Arg 3 crosses swallowtailed
palewise Purp. (D: Dante de Blois - Apr 00)
Per bend wavy Purp & Arg, a mouse ramp guardant & a fleur-delys ctrch. (D: Bianca di Rienzi - Jun 91)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Purpure - and azure

Per bend Purp & Az, a bend betw a double-bitted axe & an arrow
inv both bendwise Or. (D: Leif the Wanderer - Apr 00)
Per bend Purp & Az, a bend betw a stags head cabossed Arg & a
rose Or. (D: Philip Andrew Gawaine of Devon - Jan 91)
Per bend Purp & Az, a bend wavy betw an increscent & a dragonfly
Arg. (D: Niamh inghean Fhearghail - Mar 05)
Per bend Purp & Az, a domestic cat sejant with a ball of yarn betw
the forelegs & in chf a mullet Or. (D: Alys de Trois Rivieres Jul 85)
Per bend Purp & Az, a fleur-de-lys within a double tressure Arg.
(D: Odette de Saint Remy - Oct 05)
Per bend Purp & Az, a marguerite slipped Or, banded upon the stalk
with a ribbon Arg. (D: Elisabeth of Lincolnshire - Mar 96)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Purpure - and fur

There are no items under this heading.
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Purpure - and gules

Per bend Purp & Gu. (B: Giovanna Luigia di Milano - Feb 04)
Per bend Purp & Gu, a bend wavy betw a heart & a roundel Or. (D:
Madeline Victoria of Marden - Jan 96)
Per bend Purp & Gu, a dragons head couped Or & a wolfs head
couped contourny Arg. (D: Cananan MacGrath - Dec 93)
Per bend Purp & Gu, a griffin passant to sin Arg. (D: Katren
Fitzgerald - Oct 91)
Per bend Purp & Gu, a mullet bendwise sin betw the horns of a
crescent bendwise, all within a bord Arg. (B: Electra de Flora
- Nov 88)
Per bend Purp & Gu, in bend sin a mullet bendwise sin betw the
horns of a crescent bendwise & a cinquefoil, all Arg. (D:
Electra de Flora - Nov 88)
Per bend Purp & Gu, on a bend indented flory on the outer points
betw 2 wrens close Or, 3 columbines Purp, slipped & leaved
Vt. (D: Mirianna Wrenne of Ravenswood - Mar 89)
Per bend Purp & Gu, on a bend invected betw 2 owls Arg a cat
couchant Sa. (D: Tiura Katzensteiger - Oct 01)
Per bend wavy Purp & Gu, a lily, slipped & leaved, Arg & a
horseshoe inv Or. (D: Mary Elizabeth Silvana - Jul 87)
* * * End * * *
678 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Field division - Per bend - Purpure - and multicolor

Per bend Purp & bendy sin Or & Purp, a bee & 3 fleurs-de-lys in
bend Or. (D: Eufemia Serafina da Bergamo - Apr 98)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Purpure - and or

Per bend embat Purp & Or, a mullet & in bend 2 fleurs-de-lys
palewise ctrch. (D: Gytha Raecliffe of Dalenworth Keep Oct 81)
Per bend Purp & Or, a bend pean betw a lion couchant & a cross
flory ctrch. (D: Angelique Marielle DuBois - Aug 92)
Per bend Purp & Or, a butterfly Or & 3 columbines Purp slipped &
leaved Vt. (D: Brigit Chamshrn - Aug 03)
Per bend Purp & Or, a cross of St. Brigid & a castle ctrch. (D:
Bridget Lucia Mackenzie - Jun 99)
Per bend Purp & Or, a cross of St. Brigid & a castle ctrch & for
augmentation, flying from the dexter tower a banner Az
charged with 4 crescents conjoined in salt horns outward Arg.
(Augmentation of Arms: Bridget Lucia Mackenzie - May 07)
Per bend Purp & Or, a harp ctrch & in sin chf a mullet Or. (D:
Sichelgaita von Halstern - Sep 04)
Per bend Purp & Or, a unicorn couchant & a wyvern erect
contourney breathing flames ctrch. (D: Neeve de Burgh Mar 97)
Per bend Purp & Or, 2 thistles ctrch. (D: Uluric Gilcrist - Aug 03)
Per bend urdy Purp & Or, a bend betw 2 mullets, all ctrch. (D:
Cassandra n Shaimus - Jul 86)
Per bend wavy Purp & Or, a dexter & sin gauntlet aversant palewise
ctrch. (D: Roland Algernon de St. Cyr - Nov 85)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Purpure - and sable

Per bend enarched Purp & Sa, a bend enarched betw 2 lozenges
Arg. (D: Meadhbh inghean u Dhonnabhin - Dec 97)
Per bend Purp & Sa, a bat-winged jackal ramp Or. (D: Ingolf of
Clontarf - Feb 89)
Per bend Purp & Sa, a bend wavy cotised betw 2 swords in salt & 3
fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Henri le Juif - Feb 08)
Per bend Purp & Sa, a bezant within a mascle Or. (D: Natasha
Ekaterina Bierlovna - Jan 91)
Per bend Purp & Sa, a monster composed of the body of a wolf &
the torso of a man, passant & maintaining in both hands a
spear palewise, betw 2 crescents inv in bend sin, all Arg. (D:
Ciaran Tison - Mar 90)
Per bend Purp & Sa, a salt betw 4 crescents Arg. (D: Gerard
FitzGerald - Feb 92)
Per bend Purp & Sa, a sun Arg, a base Or. (D: Ysabel de SaintMalo - Aug 06)
Per bend Purp & Sa, a winged cat ramp to sin within a bord
engrailed Arg. (D: Aoibhell ferch Cyllyn o Benrhyndeudraeth
- Jun 88)
Per bend Purp & Sa, a winged tower Arg. (D: Renata Rouge Feb 05)
Per bend Purp & Sa, 3 fleurs-de-lys one & 2 & a griffin segreant all
within a bord Arg. (D: Eric Grenier de Labarre - Mar 97)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Purpure - and vert

Per bend embat Purp & Vt, a lyre Arg & 3 triangles voided
interlaced in bend Or. (D: Elspeth Sinclaire the Rogue Jan 07)
Per bend Purp & Vt, a bend Arg betw 3 fleurs-de-lys & a horse
ramp Or. (D: Elisabeth Christianne de Calais - May 00)
Per bend Purp & Vt, a bend Arg betw 2 wine amphorae Or. (D:
Eustachia de Westwic - Feb 99)
Per bend Purp & Vt, a bend betw a cross formy & a spur rowel Arg.
(D: Christopher Troweselagh - Jul 86)
Per bend Purp & Vt, a bend betw a dove volant & a sun in his
splendor Or. (D: Aine ni Sheachnasaigh - Apr 91)
Per bend Purp & Vt, a bend betw eight fleurs-de-lys Or. (D:
Jordana Aveline of Erroll - Dec 99)
Per bend Purp & Vt, a bend dovetailed betw a horseshoe & a wolfs
pawprint Or. (D: Gilyan Alienora of Clonmacnoise - Sep 98)
Per bend Purp & Vt, a griffin sejant erect Or within a bord engrailed
Arg. (D: Aylwyn of Griffinholme - Mar 93)
Per bend Purp & Vt, a harp reversed Or, the forepillar charged with
3 thistles proper. (D: Debra MacKenzie - Mar 99)

[Field division - Per bend - Purpure - and vert] to [Field division - Per bend - Sable - and azure]

Field division - Per bend - Purpure - and vert (continued)

Per bend Purp & Vt, a lightning bolt bendwise & a rabbit ramp Arg.
(D: Jacques Lambert - Apr 04)
Per bend Purp & Vt, a unicorn couchant & a 4-leaved shamrock
saltirewise slipped Arg. (D: Patricia Galway - Oct 01)
Per bend Purp & Vt, a yales head couped Arg. (B: Cyneburh t
Suhamtune - Mar 00)
Per bend Purp & Vt, an aeolus Arg & a harp Or. (D: Aurelia von
Grein - Mar 04)
Per bend Purp & Vt, on a bend Arg 3 thistles Vt headed Purp. (D:
Isabel de Roys - Mar 07)
Per bend Purp & Vt, 3 dragonflies & a dragon contourny Arg
breathing flames proper. (D: Nastasiia Rosenzweig - Jan 07)
Per bend wavy Purp & Vt, a bend wavy betw a bustard rising & a
fleur-de-lys Or. (D: Celeste Courtenay de Montmorency Jul 00)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Sable - and argent

Per bend indented Sa & Arg, a lozenge ctrch. (B: John de

Somerville - Jun 88)
Per bend indented Sa & Arg, in sin chf a decrescent Or within a
bord Gu. (D: Elspeth y Gweledydd - Aug 88)
Per bend indented Sa & Arg, 2 broken sword hilts ctrch. (D: Grym
Beckum - Sep 95)
Per bend, Sa, an African elephants head Arg, couped close, & Arg,
guttee de sang, a dexter forearm palewise clenched & mailed
Sa. (D: Tomascz the Hammerhand - Aug 79)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a bear ramp betw 3 swords ctrch. (D: Willem
Herbertson - Jan 94)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a bend ctrch betw a ring of 3 keys Or & a
dragon passant Gu. (D: Christiana Ailitha - Aug 02)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a bend ctrch, in chf a Celtic cross Or. (D: Brian
O Riain - Jan 87)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a bend embat counter-embat erminois betw a
bee volant erect Or & a bottle Vt. (D: Arthemal Haricourt
Oldecastille - Nov 83)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a castle & a corbie close contourny ctrch. (B:
Morgaine FitzStephen - Nov 98) (For La Companie du
Chateau Corbeau)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a castle & a crow close contourny ctrch. (B:
Morgaine FitzStephen - Jan 98)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a Celtic cross & a bord ctrch. (D: Baldric du
Cros - Sep 07)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a closing nail bendwise sin Arg. (D:
Christopher Starling - Dec 04)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a cornucopia Or effluent proper. (D: Yeke
Delger - Nov 03)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a crane volant wings addorsed ctrch. (D:
Marared Llangarron - Jul 97)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a daisy & a caltrap ctrch. (D: Edane van Tiel Dec 03)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a decrescent & a hound dormant ctrch. (D:
Aleksander Regulanka - Feb 06)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a demi-sun issuant sin from the line of division
Or. (D: Reiner von Radewormwald - Aug 79?)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a dragon ramp contourny & a castle, a bord
ctrch. (D: Barbara of Forgotten Sea - Mar 94)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a drakkar ctrch within a bord rayonny Gu. (D:
Trygge frm Holmgrd - Aug 93)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a falcons jambe erased a la quise belled &
jessed Arg & an acorn inv slipped & leaved proper. (D:
Peregrine Rose Falconer - Mar 05)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a feather & a wolf sejant contourny ululant
ctrch. (D: Igrainne Silver Feather - Aug 92)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a fleur-de-lys inv Or & 2 thistles slipped &
leaved proper. (D: Duncan MacAlpin the Lost - Nov 97)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a fox statant Or & a bears head caboshed Gu.
(D: George Geoffrey of Exeter - Jan 97)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a goblet Or & a sword Gu. (D: Cadoc
Godeboldus - Jan 04)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a mask of comedy & a mask of tragedy ctrch.
(D: Aleksandra Nikolaijevna Myshka - Jul 88)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a moon in her plenitude Arg, & a shamrock Vt.
(D: Arianwen Bire - May 91)

Field division - Per bend - Sable - and argent (continued)

Per bend Sa & Arg, a mushroom erased Arg & 3 cinquefoils in bend
abased Gu, pierced Or. (D: Guillym Avery of Royse Mar 78?)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a pair of barnacles ctrch. (D: Brigit N
Sheachnasaigh - Apr 01)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a paw print & a natural panther ramp ctrch. (D:
Gillian de Kokerham - Apr 03)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a plate & a raven close reguardant Sa. (D:
Vladislav of Mag Mor - Sep 88)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a roundel ermine & a tree proper. (D: Falk
Elphegh McCrorey - Aug 98)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a savage Gu maintaining a sword inv Arg,
hilted Sa, the blade enflamed Gu. (B: Thomas ap Llewellyn Dec 06)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a sword Arg, hilted Sa, the blade enflamed
proper, betw in bend sin 2 mullets of eight points ctrch. (D:
Thomas ap Llewellyn - Nov 82)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a unicorn ramp to sin within a bord, all ctrch.
(D: Rhiannon Elandris of Glyndyfrdwy - Jan 85)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a winged unicorn courant & a dragon couchant
to sin ctrch. (D: Fleur de Valais - Feb 88)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a wolf statant & an ermine tail ctrch. (B: Eirik
Ulfhednar - May 89)
Per bend Sa & Arg, a wolfs head cabossed betw in bend sin a
sword bendwise inv & a sword bendwise, all ctrch. (D:
Brandolf Abelard - Feb 85)
Per bend Sa & Arg, an ankh Arg & a rose bendwise slipped &
leaved proper within a bord ctrch. (D: Kytte Anna atte Rose Jan 96)
Per bend Sa & Arg, an apple Or & a sun in splendor Gu. (D:
Damiano dAlessandro - May 93)
Per bend Sa & Arg, an hourglass ctrch. (D: Ian Domhnall May 83)
Per bend Sa & Arg, an increscent & a double-boled birch tree
eradicated ctrch. (D: Augusta Long - Apr 92)
Per bend Sa & Arg, an increscent bendwise Arg & an arrow
bendwise sin inv proper headed Sa fletched Purp. (D: Isabella
Feliciano da Fiume - Jan 05)
Per bend Sa & Arg delphy Az, in chf a lightning-bolt bendwise Arg.
(D: William the Recorder - Jan 76)
Per bend Sa & Arg, in bend sin 3 scorpions ctrch. (D: Godwin
Blacke of Rye - Nov 87)
Per bend Sa & Arg, in bend 3 mullets of eight points betw in bend
sin 2 swans naiant ctrch, the swans breathing flames proper.
(D: William of the Flaming Swan - Aug 82)
Per bend Sa & Arg, in sin chf a swan naiant Arg. (B: Meridies Sep 83) (For the Goslings Guild)
Per bend Sa & Arg, on a bend betw 2 wolfs heads couped, 3 Celtic
crosses, all ctrch. (D: Norn O Donnabhan - Feb 89)
Per bend Sa & Arg, on a roundel a horse ramp contourny, a bord
ctrch. (D: Torgan Gal - Nov 94)
Per bend Sa & Arg, 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg & a tygers head erased
contourny Gu. (D: Anastasia Rubleva - Dec 98)
Per bend Sa & Arg, 2 cinquefoils pierced ctrch. (D: Anneke
Lyffland - Aug 06)
Per bend Sa & Arg, 2 dexter hands each grasping a broken sword
bendwise, ctrch. (D: Guy Lestrange - Jul 91)
Per bend Sa & Arg 2 swans naiant & a bord ctrch. (B: Meridies Dec 96) (For Order of the Cygnet)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Sable - and azure

Per bend Sa & Az, a bend betw a boar passant Or & in base 4 plates
in salt within an annulet Arg. (D: Rudhraighe OHagan May 88)
Per bend Sa & Az, a bend betw a harp & a eagle rising to sin, wings
elevated & addorsed Or. (D: Robert Spenser of Bristol Nov 93)
Per bend Sa & Az, a bend bevilled betw 2 flames Arg. (D: Gavan
MacBane - Oct 06)
Per bend Sa & Az, a bend bretessed betw 3 fleurs-de-lys & 3 bears
ramp contourny Arg. (D: Aidan of Kingswood - Feb 06)
Per bend Sa & Az, a bend ermine betw 3 crosses bottony & 3
manatees naiant fesswise, a bord Or. (D: Caitlin Greyhawkes Aug 90)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 679

[Field division - Per bend - Sable - and azure] to [Field division - Per bend - Sable - and or]

Field division - Per bend - Sable - and azure (continued)

Per bend Sa & Az, a bendlet Arg, in sin chf in pale a flame proper
Or & a plate. (D: Kubista der Bohnestiel - Jul 81)
Per bend Sa & Az, a dexter human footprint within a bord Arg. (D:
Jon the Tall - Aug 00)
Per bend Sa & Az, a fret betw in fess a sackbut palewise & an
increscent Arg. (B: Dorian Longwind of Neumes - Aug 81)
Per bend Sa & Az, a griffin segreant & on a chf Arg 3 crescents Sa.
(D: Rowen Killian - Jul 99)
Per bend Sa & Az, a pair of shears bendwise sin inv Arg. (D:
Christine nic Andrew - Jan 91)
Per bend Sa & Az, a pegasus counter-volant & in base a mullet of
seven points Arg. (D: Aleana or Gorwydd Serennog Jan 81)
Per bend Sa & Az, a plate & overall an eagle disp Or. (D: Fiona
inghean Dubhghaill mhic Nill - Jul 05)
Per bend Sa & Az, a sword inv bendwise sin betw 3 compass stars
elongated to base Arg. (D: Jamala al-Badawiyya - Sep 97)
Per bend Sa & Az, a sword inv betw 2 butterflies in bend Arg. (D:
Learbhean nighean Thoirrdhealbhaich - Apr 96)
Per bend Sa & Az, a wolf sejant ululant contourny Arg. (D: Madoc
Wyth - Dec 04)
Per bend Sa & Az, an owl betw 3 lozenges Arg. (D: Adrian
FitzEdric - Dec 94)
Per bend Sa & Az, on a bend wavy Arg 3 caltraps palewise Sa. (D:
Dougal MacFinlay - Oct 92)
Per bend Sa, & Az semy of roses Arg, in sin chf a swan naiant Arg.
(D: Frances Elizabeth Devereux - Oct 90)
Per bend sin Sa & Az, a wolf ramp & in chf 3 increscents Arg. (D:
Owen MacPherson - May 08)
Per bend urdy Sa & Az. (D: Vittorio Mezzadri - May 05)
Per bend wavy Sa & Az, a comet bendwise inv & a comet bendwise
Arg. (D: Bianca da Bari - Jan 08)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Sable - and fur

Per bend Sa & ermine, a bend cotised Or, & in sin chf a fleur-de-lys
Arg. (D: Ann of Conisborough - Nov 84)
Per bend Sa & ermine, in sin chf a wolverine statant to sin Arg. (D:
Anora of Wolverhampton - Apr 90)
Per bend wavy Sa & ermine, 3 estoiles Arg & in bend 3 quatrefoils
Gu, barbed Vt, seeded Or. (D: Isabelle Elaine of Salisbury Mar 84)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Sable - and gules

Per bend counter-embowed Sa & Gu, in sin chf an ermine spot Arg.
(D: Sebastian von Baden - Jul 81)
Per bend embat Sa & Gu, a thistle slipped & leaved Arg. (B:
Theresa de Foxton - Jun 87)
Per bend embat Sa & Gu, a tree eradicated & a bear passant Or. (D:
Stephan de Bosc - Mar 98)
Per bend embat Sa & Gu, in bend sin 2 swords crossed in salt & a
deaths head Arg. (D: Thorvald of Dragonsfjord - Jun 85)
Per bend embat Sa & Gu, 2 goblets Arg. (D: Michael von
Kieselbach - Mar 94)
Per bend rayonny Sa & Gu, a dragon segreant Or & a dove volant to
sin, maintaining in its beak an olive branch Arg. (D: Astrid
von Drachenfels - Nov 83)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a bend betw an ax & an ax inv reversed Arg. (D:
Olaf the Strong - Mar 95)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a bend betw 2 rustres Or. (D: Adnr Dunnigan Sep 93)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a bend bevilled Arg. (D: Adalasia Serena May 04)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a bend cotised betw 2 lions Arg. (D: Malachi
Morgan - Jan 02)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a bend double-bevilled betw an increscent & a
demi-sun in splendour issuant from base, all Or. (D: Alanric
of Gloucester - Oct 85)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a bend embat counter-embat Arg betw a
lightning bolt bendwise Or & an owl Arg. (D: Dsir of
Attillium - Sep 91)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a bend Or & in sin chf a wolfs head erased Arg
within a bord Or. (D: Toms Mauricio de los Reyes - Sep 05)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a bend wavy Or & in chf a dogwood blossom
Arg. (D: Tressach mac Domnaill - May 03)
680 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Field division - Per bend - Sable - and gules (continued)

Per bend Sa & Gu, a bendlet Or betw a wolfs head erased Arg & a
tower Sa, fimbriated Or. (D: Ulrich von Matanuska - Jan 80)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a bord Or. (B: Helena de Argentoune - Dec 06)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a bow bendwise string to base & a hawks head
erased Or. (D: Eric Haukeseye - Feb 03)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a caduceus Arg & a compass-star Or. (D: John
Budriss the Healer - May 81)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a Celtic cross betw in chf 2 hearts Arg. (D:
Angus MacPherson - May 95)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a crescent & a sword, a bord Or. (D: Malcolm
Maclein - Sep 98)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a demi-wolf salient erased maintaining a spear
palewise Arg, hafted & within a bord rayonny Or. (D:
Hathawulf the Spearbreaker - Nov 89)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a ferret statant & a mullet Arg. (D: Stella de
Ravenscar - Oct 06)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a griffin segreant Arg within an orle Or. (D:
Wiglaf Vidarsson - Jun 94)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a Latin cross formy betw in bend sin 2 roundels
Arg. (D: Martin of Rivenstar - Feb 96)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a simurgh volant bendwise Or. (D: Helena de
Argentoune - Sep 05)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a swan rousant contourny & in chf 3 fleurs-delys Arg. (D: Jehanne de Wodeford - Aug 99)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a thistle & a castle Arg. (D: Juliana nic
Lachlainn - Jan 93)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a triple-towered castle betw in pale a mullet Arg
& a sun Or. (D: Elanor of Eccleshall - Sep 84)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a unicorn passant, head lowered, ermine. (B:
Cei Myghchaell Wellinton - Feb 86)
Per bend Sa & Gu, a winged natural panther ramp erminois, winged
Arg. (D: Arthur FitzRichard - Jan 91)
Per bend Sa & Gu, an open scroll & a musical note Or. (D: Marcus
the Quiet - Dec 02)
Per bend Sa & Gu, in bend sin a phoenix, head to sin, Arg & a
Celtic cross, all within an orle Or. (D: Randal MacDougal Apr 89)
Per bend Sa & Gu, on a bend cotised Or, 3 bears ramp palewise Sa.
(D: Duftach Scott the Bastard - Apr 98)
Per bend Sa & Gu, on a pale ermine 3 hearts Gu. (D: Robert de
Bayeux - Dec 94)
Per bend Sa & Gu, 2 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D: Gabrielle de Luxton Dec 02)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Sable - and multicolor

Per bend Sa & barry Arg & Purp, the sin half of a fleur-de-lys
bendwise issuant from the line of division Arg. (D: Emoni de
la Fre - Apr 07)
Per bend Sa & barry bendy Arg & Az, a bendlet Gu fimbriated betw
a wolf passant Arg & an Irish harp Sa. (D: Caedmon Gordon Jun 82)
Per bend Sa & barry wavy Arg & Az, a pegasus salient Arg. (D:
Marisse vanden Berghe - Feb 04)
Per bend Sa & bendy Arg & Sa, a bend sin ctrch. (D: Dmitrii
Zhirov - Feb 05)
Per bend Sa & bendy Or & Sa, in sin chf a bezant charged with a
cross of ermine spots Vt. (D: Magnus Schatan - Jan 95)
Per bend Sa & checky Arg & Az, in sin chf a flame of fire proper
within a laurel wreath Arg. (D: Starkhafn - Jun 80)
Per bend Sa & paly Gu & Or, a double-bitted anvil Or. (D: Stephen
of Forth Castle - Feb 02)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Sable - and or

Per bend engrailed Sa & Or, 2 horses courant to sin regardant ctrch.
(D: Diana of the Dragon Isles - Oct 84)
Per bend indented Sa & Or, 2 caltrops ctrch. (D: Stefan Hochreiter
- Jan 96)
Per bend potenty Sa & Or, a unicorns head erased Arg armed Or &
a tau cross Sa. (D: Teka Turmanov - Sep 01)
Per bend potenty Sa & Or, 2 tau crosses ctrch. (B: Teka Turmanov Sep 01)
Per bend Sa & Or, a bend betw a mallet & a shamrock ctrch. (D:
Garfield av Kunningheim - Aug 86)

[Field division - Per bend - Sable - and or] to [Field division - Per bend - Vert - and argent]

Field division - Per bend - Sable - and or (continued)

Per bend Sa & Or, a compass-star ctrch. (D: Llywellyn ap Madog Dec 82)
Per bend Sa & Or, a double-bitted axe & a horses head couped
ctrch. (D: Estevan Corleone Blackrune - Apr 93)
Per bend Sa & Or, a dove volant bendwise & a tower, ctrch. (D:
Dovina Serpentsheart - date?)
Per bend Sa & Or, a dragonfly & an anchor ctrch. (D: Ricard
Lemarignier - Jan 06)
Per bend Sa & Or, a fleur-de-lys Or & a grozing iron fesswise Gu.
(B: Alianor atte Red Swanne - Mar 08) (For Chastelle de
Furneux)(JB: Marc dAubigny)
Per bend Sa & Or, a fleur-de-lys Or & a lozenge Gu. (B: Marc
dAubigny - Feb 06)
Per bend Sa & Or, a flexed arm bendwise sin proper, upon a gloved
hand Vt, a crow close Sa. (D: Gnther von Stein - Feb 90)
Per bend Sa & Or, a garden rose bendwise slipped & leaved Arg &
a dragon sejant erect contourny Sa. (D: Danny Bloodaxe Mar 92)
Per bend Sa & Or, a Latin cross fleury & a heart, a bord ctrch. (D:
Hauk Maclean - Dec 00)
Per bend Sa & Or, a lion ramp to sin ctrch within a bord Gu. (D:
Phelan MacDermott - Apr 89)
Per bend Sa & Or, a mushroom ctrch. (D: Gregory the Vyl Sep 92)
Per bend Sa & Or, a rose Or & 2 crescents Sa. (D: Martin de la
Rosa - Oct 02)
Per bend Sa & Or, a seahorse erect contourny bendwise ctrch. (D:
Seraphina Brugari - Jan 99)
Per bend Sa & Or, a sun & a decrescent ctrch. (D: Gwydion ap
Myrddin - Jan 94)
Per bend Sa & Or, a sword bendwise inv throughout betw six
compass stars, one & 2, & 2 & one, all ctrch. (D: Hildebrand
von Tiel - Aug 84)
Per bend Sa & Or, a wolf passant ctrch. (D: Snorri inn hvi Aug 06)
Per bend Sa & Or, a wolf ramp Arg & a sheaf of arrows Sa. (D:
Magns Daggson gylir - Apr 02)
Per bend Sa & Or, an increscent bendwise Or & a human eye Arg
fimbriated Gu irised Az. (D: Henorithal the Harmless Nov 07)
Per bend Sa & Or, in bend sin a goblet fesswise Or, distilling a
goutte de sang, & a sandal Sa. (B: Loric of Winteroak Apr 91) (For the Brotherhood of Saint Pyr)
Per bend Sa & Or, in bend 3 quill pens bendwise sin counterchanged. (D: Robert atte Quill - Nov 00)
Per bend Sa & Or semy-de-lys Sa, a talbot passant Or. (D: Avice
dAquitaine - Aug 99)
Per bend Sa & Or, 3 crosses bottony in bend & 3 pheons inv in bend
ctrch. (D: Geoffrey of Warwick - Feb 00)
Per bend Sa & Or, 3 hawks bells & a hawks lure ctrch. (D:
Rosalin of Faulconbridge - May 93)
Per bend Sa & Or, 3 roses in bend betw in bend sin a sun & a raven
close, all ctrch. (D: Manfred von Ravensburg - Mar 88)
Per bend Sa & Or, 2 spiders ctrch. (D: Margate verch Llywelyn Sep 04)
Per bend Sa, mulletty of six points Or, & Or, crescenty Sa, a date
palm tree couped Gu. (D: Damara Narrissa - Feb 83)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Sable - and purpure

Per bend Sa & Purp, a decrescent & a mullet Arg. (D: Niccolina
the Wanderer - Feb 05)
Per bend Sa & Purp, a female centaur passant to sin regardant,
helmed, brandishing a sword & a shield Arg. (D: Mercedes de
la Zouche of Cartagena - Apr 91)
Per bend Sa & Purp, a sword betw six mullets 2 2 & 2 Arg. (D:
Tommaso Valeriano - Oct 03)
Per bend Sa & Purp, a tree & a fleur-de-lys Arg. (D: Gaston du
Bois - Mar 98)
Per bend wavy Sa & Purp, a bend wavy Or, in chf a compass star
Arg. (D: Rhyllian of Starfire Retreat - Jan 87)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Sable - and vert

Per bend indented Sa, mulletty Arg, & Vt, in dexter base an
increscent Arg. (D: Breck della Scala - Aug 88)

Field division - Per bend - Sable - and vert (continued)

Per bend Sa & Vt, a bend indented & in sin chf a tree couped Arg, a
base wavy barry wavy Arg & Vt. (D: Tancred the Gray Dec 95)
Per bend Sa & Vt, a bend Or betw a compass star & 4 wolfs heads
in bend couped Arg. (D: Galina Petrsdottir - May 93)
Per bend Sa & Vt, a bend Or betw 3 dolphins naiant fesswise in
bend & 3 quills palewise in bend Arg. (D: Yorick of Yarmouth
- Mar 89)
Per bend Sa & Vt, a bend rayonny betw a raven rising & an estoile
Arg. (D: Gwyneth Ceridwen ferch Brangwyn - Aug 84)
Per bend Sa & Vt a Bengal tiger ramp Or marked Sa & in sin chf a
grenade Or. (D: Diarmait ua Dhuinn - Jun 91)
Per bend Sa & Vt, a fist armored Or sustaining a trumpet fesswise
Arg. (D: Caradoc ap Robert MacConnechy - Oct 94)
Per bend Sa & Vt, a greyhound passant & a base Or. (D: Rycharde
Muir - Apr 07)
Per bend Sa & Vt, a griffin couchant Arg. (D: na inghen u
Gairbhne - Jan 94)
Per bend Sa & Vt, a lark rising wings elevated & addorsed Arg
carrying in its talons a tankard fesswise distilling a goutte Or.
(D: Germaine Silverbird of Staghurst - Dec 95)
Per bend Sa & Vt, a mortar & pestle within a bord Or. (D: Tamarra
de Romany - Sep 89)
Per bend Sa & Vt, a mullet & a wolfs head erased contourny Arg.
(D: Randal James of Lewis - Mar 01)
Per bend Sa & Vt, a swans head embowed erased at the shoulder
Arg, beaked & gorged of a collar Or, & a tower Arg. (D:
Isobel des Tourelles de la Seine - May 80)
Per bend Sa & Vt, a sword Arg impaling on its point a demi-sun Or.
(D: Jacobus Greene - Dec 90)
Per bend Sa & Vt, an acorn within a bord Or. (D: Fredric lAvare Apr 87)
Per bend Sa & Vt, in bend sin 3 crosses formy Or. (D: Eric von
Wald - Oct 90)
Per bend Sa & Vt, on a bend Arg betw a sun & a crescent Or, an
arrow inv Sa. (D: Jason the Fletcher - Sep 00)
Per bend Sa bezanty & Vt, in base a hare ramp reguardant Or. (D:
Rilint Neufang - Nov 01)
Per bend wavy Sa & Vt, a mullet & a pegasus passant contourny
Arg. (D: Marguerite Doussaint - Mar 98)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Vert - and argent

Per bend dovetailed Vt & Arg, an acorn inv slipped & leaved Or &
a raven Sa. (D: Raven vom Swartewolt - Mar 96)
Per bend invected Vt & Arg, a tree eradicated ctrch. (D: Mavis
MEncrogh - Apr 07)
Per bend rayonny Vt & Arg, 2 horses heads couped ctrch. (D:
John Lyttleton - Feb 92)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a bend betw a cross moline & a pine tree
couped ctrch. (D: Richard of Rae Fen - Jun 84)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a bend engrailed betw a hare salient & 2 frogs
sejant, a bord engrailed, all ctrch. (D: Raylene of the
Whispering Woods - Jul 86)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a compass star ctrch & in sin chf a griffin Or.
(D: Thomas of Billingham - Apr 88)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a crescent & a 2-headed serpent wavy erect,
heads respectant, ctrch. (D: Emrys Miles - Dec 86)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a dog passant contourny betw in bend sin 2 sets
of 3 mullets 2 & one ctrch. (D: William Shipley - Apr 97)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a domestic cat couchant guardant Arg & 3
wooden drop spindles in bend proper threaded Vt. (D: Aurore
de Flandres - Sep 97)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a fox sejant guardant Arg & a rowan branch
bendwise fructed proper. (D: Rowena of the Rownwood Feb 97)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a lion dormant within an annulet ctrch. (D:
Alysaundra ferch Llewelyn - Oct 85)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a martlet & a cluster of grapes ctrch. (D:
Martelle von Baecker - Aug 79) (re-registered 7910M)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a Norse sun cross Arg & an anchor Sa. (D:
duin of Skye - Mar 01)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a seal sejant erect to sin ctrch. (D: Haleric
Poleskowna - May 81)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a sheaf of arrows inv & a horse passant ctrch.
(D: Catyln OSullivan - May 08)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 681

[Field division - Per bend - Vert - and argent] to [Field division - Per bend - Vert - and or]

Field division - Per bend - Vert - and argent (continued)

Per bend Vt & Arg, a sprig of 3 ivy leaves, stem nowed, ctrch. (D:
Annor of Gleninagh - May 94)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a stag springing & a trefoil bendwise ctrch. (D:
Ciarn Din Raidh - Jan 97)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a tambour Arg, framed of wood, & a wooden
drop spindle proper threaded Vt. (D: Marion Weaver of the
Wilde Woode - Jun 93)
Per bend Vt & Arg, a tower ctrch. (D: Gilchrist MacNaughton Nov 02)
Per bend Vt & Arg, all semy of lucy bendwise sin inv, a boar ramp
to sin ctrch. (D: Charles Buchanan - Feb 00)
Per bend Vt & Arg, an eagle owl ctrch. (D: Pietari Pentinpoika Uv
- Jun 91)
Per bend Vt & Arg, an increscent & a blackthorne sprig within a
bord ctrch. (D: Stevyn of Beinn nam faoghla - Oct 91)
Per bend Vt & Arg, an Irish harp Or & a tulip blossom Gu. (D:
Grania Moore - Dec 94)
Per bend Vt & Arg, an open scroll & a lions gambe erased fesswise
ctrch. (D: Joshua Dennesson - Dec 07)
Per bend Vt & Arg, in pale 3 fleurs-de-lys ctrch. (D: Brendan ap
Morgan - Jul 96)
Per bend Vt & Arg, issuant from the line of division 2 trefoils ctrch.
(B: Hedvig Kettuin - Jun 99)
Per bend Vt & Arg, on a bend Az, a hand appaumy couped & in chf
a crescent Arg. (D: Bianca Allegri da Vicenza - Jan 87)
Per bend Vt & Arg, 2 fleurs-de-lys & a bord ctrch. (D: Nicolette
dAvranches - Dec 03)
Per bend Vt & Arg, 2 swords ctrch. (D: Alexander of Douglasshire
- May 87)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Vert - and azure

Per bend sin wavy Vt & Az, 2 wolves sejant ululant Arg. (D: Gilli
feilan - May 08)
Per bend Vt & Az, a bend betw a bear passant Or & a mountain
peak issuant from dexter base Arg. (D: Floeda fram Beran
Beorh - May 83)
Per bend Vt & Az, a bend betw a celtic cross & a lymphad, sail
furled, Arg. (D: Rhodri Ewias - May 94)
Per bend Vt & Az, a bend betw a thistle & a harp Or. (D: Senaid
inghean Sheathain - May 98)
Per bend Vt & Az, a bend bevilled Arg betw 2 maple leaves Or. (D:
Gwynneth Wenche of Wight - Sep 06)
Per bend Vt & Az, a bend bretessed betw a compass star & an axe
bendwise Arg. (D: Raur ttarsson - Oct 03)
Per bend Vt & Az, a bend dovetailed betw an axe blade to sin, & an
anchor Or. (D: Odinkar of Westumbria - Nov 96)
Per bend Vt & Az, a bend invected on the upper edge & engrailed
on the lower edge betw an escallop & a natural seahorse Or.
(D: Patricia Matthis - Mar 97)
Per bend Vt & Az, a bend Or betw a recorder bendwise & a quill
pen bendwise Arg. (D: Alana Caernarfon - Nov 03)
Per bend Vt & Az, a bend Sa fimbriated betw 3 apples Or. (D:
Rhiannon of Lough Derg - Apr 04)
Per bend Vt & Az, a bendlet Or, surmounted by a bouquet of 3
garden roses slipped & leaved Arg. (B: Richard Ravenglas the
Pure - Dec 81) (For Maison Rosette)
Per bend Vt & Az, a decrescent & an increscent Or. (D: Amelye
van Deventer - Jun 03)
Per bend Vt & Az, a dragon ramp, wings elevated & addorsed, Or
& a skull affronty Arg. (D: Merlina Gitano del Sacromonte Feb 85)
Per bend Vt & Az, a horses head couped within a bord Or. (D:
Tessa Boncheval - Nov 00)
Per bend Vt & Az, a horseshoe & a broken snaffle bit chevronwise
Arg. (D: Nem inghean Dochartaigh - Feb 04)
Per bend Vt & Az, a mortar & pestle Or & a panpipe Arg. (D:
Ellen MacDonall - Apr 06)
Per bend Vt & Az, a mullet of 4 points per bend Or & Arg betw in
bend sin a stag salient Or & a natural dolphin urinant bendwise
Arg. (D: Roibeard Mac Oscair - May 07)
Per bend Vt & Az, a quill of yarn & a loaf of bread Or. (D: Emma
Miner - Mar 05)
Per bend Vt & Az, a rams head erased contourny & a hedgehog
ramp Or. (D: Perote Campbell - Jan 04)

682 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Field division - Per bend - Vert - and azure (continued)

Per bend Vt & Az a seawolf naiant contourny bendwise sin Or. (D:
Giovanni Francisco de Valencia - Nov 96)
Per bend Vt & Az, a sun in his splendor Or & a moon in her
plenitude Arg. (D: Mire Dooley - Oct 07)
Per bend Vt & Az, a sword proper surmounted by a horses head
couped Arg gorged of a collar Or, chased Sa. (D: Enawynne
Olwen - Aug 82)
Per bend Vt & Az, in bend sin 3 tulip-poplar leaves Or. (D: Viviana
Fiorentina - Nov 03)
Per bend Vt & Az, in bend sin 2 horses heads couped & addorsed
Arg. (D: Gustav von Silberwald - Dec 04)
Per bend Vt & Az, in chev 2 horseshoes, interlaced & with points to
chf, Or. (D: Blanche de Calais - Mar 88)
Per bend Vt & Az, on a bend Arg betw a garb of wheat Or & an
anchor Arg 2 lions passant Sa. (D: Thomas de Cassel Jul 80)
Per bend Vt & Az, 2 cats salient within a bord indented Arg. (D:
Fridha av Bergen - Sep 07)
Per bend wavy Vt & Az, a hart counterspringing Arg, environed of
a laurel wreath Or. (D: Buckston-on-Eno - Aug 79)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Vert - and fur

Per bend potenty Vt & ermine. (D: Thomas of Waverly - Feb 75?)
Per bend Vt & counter-ermine, a bend betw 2 garbs Arg. (D: Adela
Ote - Apr 92)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Vert - and gules

Per bend Vt & Gu, a bend betw a mouse sejant erect & a pair of
manacles, the chain fracted Arg. (D: Cecilia Manetti da
Firenze - Jan 98)
Per bend Vt & Gu, a bend ermine betw a fleur-de-lys & a lions
head erased Or. (D: Charite Julienne du Bois - Jan 86)
Per bend Vt & Gu, a boars head erased within a bord embat Arg.
(D: Gregor Wilhelm - Dec 94)
Per bend Vt & Gu, a frog ramp Or. (D: Annes Clotilde von
Bamburg - Dec 99)
Per bend Vt & Gu, a griffin segreant Arg a bord ermine. (D: Ulrich
von Rothenburg - Mar 94)
Per bend Vt & Gu, a sheep passant reguardant ermine. (D: Jane
Fitzgerald - Apr 92)
Per bend Vt & Gu, in cross a spoon & a spoon fesswise reversed
Arg & a pomegranate slipped & leaved Or. (D: Joia de
Tarleton - Oct 07)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Vert - and multicolor

Per bend Vt & bendy Or & Gu, in sin chf a mullet Or. (D: Maxim
Davidovich Krasny - Jan 92)
Per bend Vt & plumetty Vt & Or, a bend Arg & in sin chf a double
horned anvil Or. (D: Cormac OGowan - Jul 96)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Vert - and or

Per bend embat Vt & Or, in chf 2 mullets in bend Arg. (D:
Rikharr inn Vegandi Svansson - Jul 99)
Per bend rayonny Vt & Or semy of sprigs Gu, in sin chf a ram ramp
Arg. (D: Aurora Ashland of Woolhaven - Aug 95)
Per bend Vt & Or, a crescent inv Or & a thistle proper. (D: Rowan
Ramsay MacDiarmaid - Oct 86)
Per bend Vt & Or a cross bottony Or & a heart Gu. (D: Noel le
Bocher - Aug 91)
Per bend Vt & Or, a cup Or & a bunch of grapes Purp slipped Vt.
(D: Marta Bon - Jan 97)
Per bend Vt & Or, a domestic cat sejant affronty Arg & a rowan
sprig & blossom proper. (D: Amber Grimalkin - Oct 85)
Per bend Vt & Or, a harp Or & a stags attires Sa. (D: Seamus mag
Uidhir - Mar 07)
Per bend Vt & Or, a horses head erased Arg & 3 quavers Sa. (D:
Anneleyn Pferdehirt - Nov 01)
Per bend Vt & Or, a Latin cross Or & a thistle Gu, slipped & leaved
Vt, a chf Or. (D: Selina Marie Sinclair - Mar 98)
Per bend Vt & Or, a screech owl counter-close proper. (D: Elaine
dHibou - Jul 80)

[Field division - Per bend - Vert - and or] to [Field division - Per bend sinister - Argent - and azure]

Field division - Per bend - Vert - and or (continued)

Per bend Vt & Or, a sheaf of arrows Or & an anvil Sa. (D:
Dnchadh mac an Gabhann - Jul 05)
Per bend Vt & Or, a sword bendwise sin inv surmounted by a
tankard reversed per bend Or & Vt. (D: Edwyn Beerslayer Feb 91)
Per bend Vt & Or, a tower ctrch. (B: Fettburg - Jan 05) (For the
Per bend Vt & Or, a 2-towered castle ctrch, illumined Gu, betw in
chf a laurel wreath Or & in base a barrulet wavy Az. (D:
Fettburg - Aug 79?)
Per bend Vt & Or, a wooden drop spindle proper threaded Arg & a
brown dog sejant guardant proper. (D: Vivian of Silverlake Nov 07)
Per bend Vt & Or, on a bend Gu betw a sun Or & 3 roses proper 4
shamrocks bendwise sin Or. (D: Anna Greenkeep of Emporiae
- Apr 92)
Per bend Vt & Or, on a bend Sa 3 fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Stevyn de
Rouen - Jan 03)
Per bend Vt & Or, 3 decrescents Or & a fox passant gardant Gu. (D:
Avilina Andreu - Dec 02)
Per bend Vt & Or, 2 lyres ctrch. (D: Caryl Olesdatter - Jul 92)
Per bend Vt & Or, 2 oak leaves in bend sin conjoined at the stems
ctrch. (D: Ecaterina Amber of Tospenwood - Oct 84)
Per bend wavy Vt & Or, a mullet of eight points Arg & an annulet
Az. (D: Pdraig connell - Dec 85)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Vert - and purpure

Per bend Vt & Purp, a bend betw a handbell & a bulb of garlic Arg.
(B: Wenefred of Hay on Wye - Oct 98)
Per bend Vt & Purp, a bend erminois betw a hind salient & a
compass star Or. (D: Isabeau Guion dAnjou - Feb 99)
Per bend Vt & Purp, a bend Or betw a unicorn ramp Arg, armed, &
an astrolabe Or, charted Gu. (D: Geoffrey of Salisbury Aug 89)
Per bend Vt & Purp, a bulb of garlic, a bord embat Arg. (D:
Wenefred of Hay on Wye - Oct 98)
Per bend Vt & Purp, a coney couchant & an orle Arg. (D: Brigia
in kollramma - Feb 08)
Per bend Vt & Purp, a dragon segreant & 3 fleurs-de-lys Or. (D:
Sosanna Drakere - Sep 04)
Per bend Vt & Purp, a griffin ramp Arg charged on the shoulder
with a trefoil inv Vt. (D: Gryffyn Dunham - Aug 95)
Per bend Vt & Purp, a tyger salient & 2 rapiers in salt Or. (D: Aude
de la fontainne - Feb 07)
Per bend Vt & Purp, an elephants head cabossed Or. (D: Salih of
Aksary - Feb 01)
Per bend Vt & Purp, in bend sin 3 mullets Arg. (B: Ulrich von
Landstuhl - Nov 00) (JB: Ysabel Natalia Osorio de Len)
Per bend Vt & Purp, on a bend cotised betw 2 fleurs-de-lys Arg 3
thistle heads palewise proper. (D: Brangwayna MacKinnon Feb 03)
Per bend Vt & Purp, 2 horses heads couped Or, crined Arg. (D:
Jantije Goudenpaard - Aug 94)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend - Vert - and sable

Per bend embat Vt & Sa, a sprig of 4 holly leaves bendwise sin
within a bord Arg. (D: Magdalen de Feo - Sep 99)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a bend Arg betw a stags head caboshed Arg & a
garb Or. (D: Rafael Tramontano - Oct 96)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a bend Arg betw 2 lions couchant Or each
maintaining a sword Arg. (D: Agnes Moray - Sep 04)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a bend bevilled fesswise Or, betw an eagles
head erased Arg, armed Or, & a double-bitted axe bendwise
inv Arg, hafted Or. (D: Thorman Arvidsson - Nov 89)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a bend embat counter-embat Arg betw a Celtic
cross Or & a decrescent Arg. (D: Bran Mac Murchada Feb 92)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a bend indented on its upper edge Or, betw a
laurel wreath Arg & an English oak eradicated proper. (D:
Steppes, the - Oct 76)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a bend indented to chf & overall an oak wreath
fructed Or. (B: Steppes, the - May 80)

Field division - Per bend - Vert - and sable (continued)

Per bend Vt & Sa a bend indented to chf & overall an unstringed

harp Or. (B: Steppes, the - Dec 90) (For the Bard of the
Per bend Vt & Sa, a bend indented to chf Or. (B: Steppes, the Jul 89)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a bend Or betw an axe & an axe inv reversed
Arg, all within a bord Or. (D: William Kyle of the Wilderness Apr 87)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a Bengal tiger ramp Or marked Sa & an open
scroll Or. (D: Reinmar von Aue - Aug 95)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a bull statant within an orle of thorn vine Arg.
(D: Icorigas filius Cunacenni - Feb 06)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a decrescent betw 3 estoiles of eight rays Arg.
(D: Cleste le Mercier - Oct 98)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a dragon disp & a bord Arg. (D: Draco le Blanc
- Mar 05)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a greyhound passant & a base Or. (D: Katharin
Ann Muir - Apr 07)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a gull migrant to chf Arg & a wheel Or. (D:
Fionn Cinnide of Dun na nGall - Jun 06)
Per bend Vt & Sa, a Russian Orthodox cross & a bear ramp Arg.
(D: Grigorii Borislav Kuropatva syn - Jul 01)
Per bend Vt & Sa, an eagle rising contourny wings elevated &
addorsed maintaining in its claws a roundel Or. (D: Meliora
Rhydderch - Feb 99)
Per bend Vt & Sa, an owl affronty & on a chf Arg 3 hunting horns
Sa. (D: David Cooper of Tynedale - Jun 94)
Per bend Vt & Sa, in pale 3 boars heads couped close Or. (D:
Dietrich von Hessen - Jul 03)
Per bend Vt & Sa, on a bend Arg, 3 natural sea-horses palewise
Purp. (B: Niamh ingen Maoln - Oct 05)
Per bend Vt & Sa, on a bend Arg, 3 sea-horses palewise Purp. (D:
Niamh ingen Maoln - Oct 05)
Per bend Vt & Sa, on a bend betw 2 domestic cats salient guardant
Arg, a strung bow, string to base, Sa. (D: Kevin Devin
OQuine - Dec 90)
Per bend Vt & Sa, on a bend betw 2 wolves statant Arg, 3 roses Gu
betw 2 bendlets Gu. (D: Ursula Sturludttir - May 99)
Per bend Vt & Sa, on a plate a horses head contourny couped Sa.
(D: Meaghan ferch Rhys - Dec 95)
Per bend Vt & Sa, on a roundel Or a dragon statant to sin Sa. (D:
Luneta Scharnweber - Nov 02)
Per bend Vt & Sa semy of hearts Arg. (D: Walter Robin - Jul 00)
Per bend Vt & Sa semy of pheons inv, a bend embat counter-embat,
in sin chf a lyre Or. (D: Arianna Morgan - Apr 98)
Per bend Vt & Sa, 3 roses in bend Arg. (D: Bronwyn McKay
Kellough - Mar 98)
Per bend Vt & Sa, 2 standing balances Or. (D: Aliotte Collesson Sep 92)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend sinister - Argent - and azure

Per bend sin, Arg a sin dragons wing erased Az, & Az a pair of
spears bendwise sin Arg. (D: James Greyhelm - Sep 71?)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a bat-winged frog segreant to sin Vt
maintaining an open scroll Arg. (D: Magge Nettlewood Dec 02)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a bear ramp to sin Sa & a mullet of eight
points Or. (D: Jocelyn de Biers - Jan 89)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a bend cotised ctrch, overall a pegasus
segreant Sa. (B: Adrianna de Tarente - Dec 88)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a bend sin betw a compass star & a
patriarchal cross ctrch. (D: Geoffrey de Steele - Mar 98)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a bend sin Gu betw a cross bottony Sa & an
estoile Arg, within a bord Gu. (D: Damien Llewellyn Aelfric Nov 90)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a bend sin wavy ctrch betw a dolphin naiant
bendwise sin Vt & another facing sin & inv, Arg, on a chf Vt 3
escallops Or. (D: Allesandra Francesca Karina del Bochetto Aug 86)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a brown hawk stooping to sin proper. (D:
Tomas Wormwood - Feb 05)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a brown rabbit statant regardant proper & a
mullet of six points Or. (D: Matlens Litovka - Jul 07)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a bulls head cabossed & on a chf Sa, 3
fleurs-de-lys Arg. (D: Galen the Traveller - Oct 93)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 683

[Field division - Per bend sinister - Argent - and azure]

Field division - Per bend sinister - Argent - and azure


Per bend sin Arg & Az, a bunch of grapes ctrch. (D: Eirene
Zaridina - Aug 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a compass star ctrch. (D: Arianwen
OTighearnain - Jan 90)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a dove volant wings elevated & addorsed &
a Great Dane statant to sin ctrch. (D: Mire Catherine
FitzGerald - Nov 90)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a dragon contourny & a unicorn ramp ctrch.
(D: Wolfgang Eckhart - Sep 98)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a dragonfly Vt & a honeysuckle blossom
Or. (D: Danielle de Marseille - Feb 07)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a drakkar proper sailed & pennoned Gu & a
Thors hammer Arg. (D: Tryn of Iron Bog - Dec 04)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a drawn bow & arrow reversed betw 3
mullets ctrch. (D: Lorenzo il Confuso - Feb 98)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a foxs head erased to sin Gu & an oak tree
eradicated Or. (D: Reynard Ambrosius - Mar 73?)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a foxs mask & a trebuchet ctrch. (D:
Thierry Ingeniator - Apr 87)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a garden rose bendwise sin, slipped &
leaved, Az & a goutte deau. (D: Rose the Riotous - Dec 91)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a horse ramp ctrch & in chf 3 hurts. (D:
Miriel Crawford - Jul 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a Latin cross bottony & a griffin segreant
within a bord potenty, all ctrch. (D: Rycherd of Caistron Jul 91)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a lion passant to sin & a dragon passant
within a bord invected ctrch. (D: Magdalene Wilhelm Jun 84)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a lion ramp ctrch, a bord engrailed ctrch.
(D: Owen of Calontir - Apr 98)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a lion ramp guardant contourny & a bord
fleury ctrch. (D: Alfredo Gabriel Halcn - Sep 92)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a maunch within a bord ctrch. (D: Alistar
of Brienne - Nov 81)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a mullet & an acorn slipped & leaved,
ctrch. (D: Anne of Ridgehaven - Oct 84)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a pair of lips Gu & 3 increscents Arg. (D:
Saundra the Incorrigible - Mar 93)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a rose & a horse ramp contourny, a bord
ctrch. (D: Deborah of Arundel - Jun 94)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a rose proper & a garb Or. (D: Elizabella
Marchant - Jun 05)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a scarpe betw a Latin cross Sa & a whelk
shell palewise Arg. (D: Sarah Sedgemoor of Dunstanburgh Aug 79)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a seraphs head proper & a Celtic cross
Arg. (D: Lilliard Boudicea Devorguila - May 93)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a sheaf of 3 wheat stalks & an escallop
ctrch. (D: Phillip MacGregor - Apr 00)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a spider tergiant & a quill pen bendwise sin
ctrch. (D: Medb the Spinner - Dec 88)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a squirrel sejant erect contourny & a Lacy
knot ctrch. (D: Elizabeth MacMurich - Oct 98)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a sunflower Or, a bord ctrch. (D: Teresa
Gabriela de Montoya y Sevilla - Dec 90)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a swan naiant to sin & a fleur-de-lis ctrch.
(D: Jackline Blanc des Cygnes Bleus - Jun 91)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a sword betw in fess 2 triquetras ctrch. (D:
Blaec le Dering - Sep 00)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a tailless cat sejant guardant right forepaw
raised & a fleece countercharged. (D: sta Jorundardottir Nov 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a tankard & a crescent ctrch. (B: Birna
Gunnlaugsdttir - Feb 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a thistle ctrch. (D: Catelin Mackinsagart Jun 98)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a tower & a bord Sa. (D: Medwyn Rhyfedd
- May 92)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a tree eradicated ctrch. (D: Theresa of Clan
Neil - Jul 97)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a tree Vt & chess knight Or. (D: Richard
Clerke of Rowanwood - Nov 99)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a triquetra within a bord ctrch. (D: Rainillt
Dering - Sep 00)
684 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Field division - Per bend sinister - Argent - and azure


Per bend sin Arg & Az, a unicorn forcene to sin Az & a fret couped
Arg. (D: Morgaina Sarai la Fonce - Jan 73)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a willow tree eradicated Vt & a llamas
head couped contourny Arg. (D: Edward of Willowwood May 93)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a wolfs head erased to sin & a needle
bendwise sin ctrch threaded Sa. (D: Cera in Fheda - Feb 07)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a wyvern erect ctrch. (D: Banbn Ua
Donnuban - Mar 97)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, a wyvern statant, wings addorsed, Az & in
bend sin 3 casks palewise Or. (D: Susan of Bryn Gwlad May 87)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, an anvil Sa & a quill pen bendwise sin Or.
(D: Thorbjorn inn Mikligerzki - Aug 92)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, an arrow bendwise sin Sa fletched ctrch, in
dexter chf an estoile of eight rays Sa. (D: Remus Fletcher Aug 90)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, an axe head & a wolfs head erased to sin
ctrch. (B: Chrystofer Kensor - Sep 85) (For House Winter
Per bend sin Arg & Az, an elk statant to sin & a lotus blossom in
profile ctrch. (D: Simon Rodbeorhting - Oct 95)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, an iris & a dove close to sin ctrch. (D:
Alisande of Fenny Drayton - Feb 90)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, fretty Arg, a bend sin betw a compass star
Sa, charged with an annulet Arg, & a cat couchant guardant Sa.
(D: Gilmoure Gylbard - Oct 87)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, fretty Or, in chf a double rose Az, barbed &
seeded proper, a bord Sa. (D: Ian Gordon of Glen Awe Jan 87)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, in bend sin 3 butterflies bendwise sin Az.
(D: Ailleann inghean Fhiodhbhuidhe - Jul 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, in bend 3 cinquefoils ctrch. (D: Katrein
Adler - Nov 02)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, in bend 3 equal-armed Celtic crosses ctrch.
(D: Kathleen MacLaughlen - Oct 05)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, in bend 3 fleurs-de-lys ctrch. (D: Gaston
Dalstein - Apr 04)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, in bend 3 gouttes palewise ctrch. (D:
Anastasya Vasilyevna Katayeva - Nov 81)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, in dexter chf a skylark close perched upon a
wheat stem fesswise arched issuing from the line of division
proper, & in sin 4 piles throughout conjoined in point Or. (D:
Lisette de la Sonsierr - May 85)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, in dexter chf 3 violets Purp conjoined,
stemmed & leaved Vt & in sin base a squirrel sejant, holding a
nut Or. (D: Jeannette Louise McCullough - Jan 84)
Per bend sin Arg & Az mullety Or, a bend sin Gu charged in sin chf
with a sun Or, in dexter chf a Great Horned Owl proper. (D:
Erik of Nant-y-Derwyddon - Sep 84)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, on a bend sin betw an eagle Sa & a goblet,
3 beehives palewise Or. (D: Gerhard Barbarossa - May 95)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, six sprigs of lavender in annulo ctrch. (D:
Lavendar of Lorne - Aug 79)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, 3 acorns proper & 2 smiths tongs in cross
handles interlaced Arg. (D: Brendan Ackbourne - Nov 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, 3 piles conjoined at the line of division,
issuant respectively from chf, from dexter chf & from dexter,
Az & in sin base a cats paw print Arg. (D: Cristine of
Winchelsea - Aug 88)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, 3 thistles, slipped & leaved, & a lynx
couchant guardant ctrch. (D: Anastasia Katherine aus Speyer
- Mar 90)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, 2 crosses formy ctrch. (D: Dietrich von
Vogelsang - Mar 88)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, 2 eagles disp ctrch. (D: Airbertach
Deoraidh - Oct 86)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, 2 lizards tergiant in annulo heads in fess
ctrch Vt & Or within a bord ctrch. (D: Lasairfhona inghean
Uilliam na Seoltadh - Sep 03)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, 2 slippers ctrch. (D: Alessandra Beatrice
Desiderio - Sep 93)
Per bend sin Arg & Az, 2 trees ctrch within a bord Gu. (D: Bevin
Kilbride - Nov 95)

[Field division - Per bend sinister - Argent - and azure] to [Field division - Per bend sinister - Argent - and gules]

Field division - Per bend sinister - Argent - and azure


Per bend sin Arg, goutt de larmes, & Az, a sword Or enfiled with
an annulet Gu. (D: Marika NicLachlainne na Gunn - Jan 81)
Per bend sin Arg, mulletty voided & Az, a horse counter-salient Sa,
the sin hind pastern Arg. (D: Jill Blackhorse - Dec 80)
Per bend sin dovetailed Arg & Az, a rose bendwise sin, slipped &
leaved, ctrch Purp & Arg. (D: Zaina of the Roses - Feb 89)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Az, a decrescent & a mullet ctrch. (D:
Crystal Corazn del Len Borbn - Mar 94)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Az, a frog ramp to sin & a trapezoidal
psaltery bendwise sin ctrch. (D: Alyce Rene of Montauban Aug 89)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Az, a rapier bendwise inv ctrch, overall a
heart ctrch Gu & Arg. (D: Michael Patrick Morgan - Nov 99)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Az, a satyr passant contourny
maintaining a drinking horn Sa & 3 escallops bendwise sin inv
Arg. (D: Farquhar Gilanders - Nov 93)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Az, 4 gouttes-de-sang in cross & 3
compass stars Or. (D: Ylaire Jacqueline de Montrivel Aug 02)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Az, 2 crosses of 4 lozenges ctrch. (D:
Alice de Durham - Jun 01)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Az, 2 rabbits statant ctrch. (D: Marion
MacCorkle - Jan 96)
Per bend sin embowed to base Arg & Az, in chf a raven rising
wings elevated & addorsed Sa. (D: Lonn ua Conaill Dec 04)
Per bend sin engrailed Arg & Az, a sprig of 3 cherries proper. (B:
Angus le Todde Mac Donnell - Nov 99)
Per bend sin engrailed Arg & Az, 3 sprigs of 3 cherries proper & a
comet bendwise sin inv Arg. (D: Angus le Todde Mac Donnell
- Nov 99)
Per bend sin engrailed Arg & Az, 2 roses proper springing from a
single branch Vt & 2 estoiles Or. (D: Melisende Barlais
dOutremer - Mar 93)
Per bend sin indented Arg & Az, a rose Gu barbed Vt & a swan
naiant contourny Arg. (D: Lisabetta Webster - Apr 96)
Per bend sin invected Arg & Az, a rose proper & a heart Arg. (D:
Isabella of Caer Mear - Mar 92)
Per bend sin nebuly Arg & Az. (B: Cleftlands - Dec 85)
Per bend sin nebuly Arg & Az, a 3-headed thistle proper & a
lymphad Arg. (D: Margaret of Galashiels - Apr 94)
Per bend sin nebuly Arg & Az, issuant from each projection of the
line of division a flame proper, in canton a laurel wreath Vt.
(D: Cleftlands - Aug 79?)
Per bend sin raguly Arg & Az, a dragon passant, wings disp & inv,
& an increscent ctrch. (D: Bjrn Thegjandi Grimnisson Jun 92)
Per bend sin raguly Arg & Az, a lute fesswise, neck to sin, proper,
& 3 arrows, 2 in salt debruised by another fesswise, Arg. (D:
Daniel de Hales - Oct 85)
Per bend sin rayonny Arg & Az, a cat statant contourny Gu & a
compass star elongated to base Arg. (D: Hanna Lore an dem
Fenn - Feb 96)
Per bend sin wavy, Arg, a rowan branch proper, & Az, a celtic cross
Arg. (D: Karina Haakonsdottir - Aug 79)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Az, a frog Vt & a cattail slipped & leaved
Arg. (D: Anna By the Water - Jun 08)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Az, a quill pen bendwise sin Sa & an
arrow inv bendwise sin Arg, within a bord ctrch. (D: Iain
MacCoinnich - Sep 90)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Az, a thistle Purp slipped & leaved Vt & a
gauntlet clenched Arg. (D: Gregor Davidson - Jan 07)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Az, a winged torch, wings elevated &
addorsed, & a winged bull ramp ctrch. (D: Adin Tinkar May 89)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Az, 2 bearded axes in salt Sa & 3 Thors
hammers Or. (B: varr Brynjlfsson - Feb 03) (JB:
Ragnarr Gunnarsson)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Az, 2 laurel wreaths ctrch. (D: Galebeare
- Jan 01)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Az, 2 natural seahorses ctrch. (D: Vanora
Wulfstan - Dec 87)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Az, 2 winged torches, wings elevated &
addorsed, ctrch. (B: Adin Tinkar - May 89)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend sinister - Argent - and fur

Per bend sin Arg & ermine, a bend sin & in dexter chf a skeletal
hand fesswise reversed Sa. (B: Ismenia OMulryan - Aug 02)
(JB: Cosmo Craven the Elder)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend sinister - Argent - and gules

Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a bend sin countercompony Or & Az betw
a phoenix rising Gu & a gauntletted fist maintaining a sword
palewise Arg. (D: Brian McGee - May 87)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a bend sin embat Sa betw 2 foxes masks
ctrch. (D: Derek Fairhair - Jul 87)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a bend sin Sa. (D: Medve Arszlan Jan 96)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a Boreas affront Sa & a rat couchant Arg
vested of a hood Sa. (D: Gwendolyn the Rat Keeper - Apr 81)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a bulls head cabossed & a heart ctrch. (D:
Torquil McLeod - Sep 91)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a caduceus Sa & a mortar & pestle Arg. (D:
Jonathus Yuebanc - Aug 96)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a compass star ctrch. (D: Tiberius Marius
Montanus - Feb 07)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a cross crosslet & a falcon belled & jessed,
all ctrch. (D: Samus of Dragonsspine - Oct 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a cross formy & a mullet ctrch. (D:
Grimbaldus Bacon - May 95)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a demi-pegasus volant issuant from the line
of division Sa, a mullet of eight points & an arrow inv
surmounted by a decrescent Arg. (D: Cyrie Evaine Deloraine
- Oct 80)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a dragon ramp to sin Az & a double-bladed
axe Arg. (D: Bors of Uri - Aug 82)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a grape bunch Gu, slipped & leaved Vt, & a
goblet Arg. (D: Martiniana Vinokurova - Mar 93)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a heart & a tower ctrch. (D: Jrgen
Peredur - Nov 91)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a hemlock tree & an owl contourny, ctrch.
(D: Henry of Bedrule - Sep 96)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a lyre Sa & a seahorse sejant Or. (D:
Robert Herring - Jan 91)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a quill pen bendwise & a billet fesswise,
ctrch. (B: Edward of Guildford - Jan 93)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a raven close to sin Sa & 3 pheons inv in
bend sin Or. (D: Angus Dewar MacMathathain - Apr 84)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a rose slipped & leaved proper & on an
artists palette Arg a paintbrush bendwise sin Sa. (D: Anne of
Walnut Grove - Jul 01)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a Saint Brigids cross within a laurel wreath
ctrch. (D: Crois Brigte - Sep 00)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a swan naiant Sa & another Arg. (D:
Angelique du Cygne Blanc - Feb 83)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, a wolf ramp to sin Sa, on a chf Gu 3 quill
pens bendwise Arg. (D: Hrlfr Brynjlfsson - Jun 98)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, in bend an increscent & a boars head
erased ctrch. (D: Gaela of Radclyffe - Nov 80)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, in bend sin a chain throughout fracted Sa
betw a Latin cross patonce Gu & a standing balance Arg. (D:
Malachai von Riga - Jul 98)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, in bend sin five hearts bendwise sin ctrch.
(D: Nita of Forgotten Sea - Jun 04)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, 2 Bowen crosses ctrch. (D: Christopher of
Canterbury - Aug 94)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, 2 pallets ctrch & overall a swan Sa,
incensed proper. (D: Bohemond of Salisbury - Jun 92)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, 2 portcullises ctrch. (D: Brendan Mac an
tSaoir - Mar 91)
Per bend sin Arg & Gu, 2 quill pens bendwise sin ctrch. (D:
Edward of Guildford - Jan 93)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Gu, a honeysuckle flower slipped &
leaved Vt & a hummingbird rising Or. (D: Caitriona Keavy ni
Ainle - Dec 07)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Gu, a tree eradicated Gu. (D: Anne the
Quiet - Aug 90)
Per bend sin engrailed Arg & Gu, a flamberge & a lion ramp ctrch.
(D: Hrothgar Rogan - Nov 91)
Per bend sin indented Arg & Gu masoned Arg. (D: Cuiln
Cinnide - Jan 05)
Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 685

[Field division - Per bend sinister - Argent - and gules] to [Field division - Per bend sinister - Argent - and sable]

Field division - Per bend sinister - Argent - and gules


Per bend sin potenty Arg & Gu, a cooking pot Sa & a closed book
Or. (D: Kendra Bergette von dem Krutergarten - Jan 85)
Per bend sin rayonny Arg & Gu, a portcullis Gu & a penguin close
to sin proper maintaining a sword Arg. (D: Andrs el Rojo Oct 04)
Per bend sin rompu Arg & Gu, in sin base a pomegranate slipped &
leaved Arg, seeded Gu. (D: Katherine Lynten of CaerLeon Aug 87)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Gu, a mullet Sa & a rapier bendwise sin
Arg, a bord Sa. (D: Brigid MacGowan - Sep 97)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Gu, a sea lion Sa & a sun Or. (D:
Waldemar hamarhandar - Apr 06)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Gu, in cross 4 domestic cats sejant ctrch.
(D: Kaln Sigvaldakona - Aug 06)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend sinister - Argent - and


Per bend sin Arg & barry engrailed Arg & Az, a bend sin, in chf a
tower Purp. (D: Wybke vom Drachenfeld - Oct 85)
Per bend sin Arg & checky Arg & Sa, on a bend sin Gu a sword inv
Or, in chf an elephants head cabossed Sa. (D: Bohmond le
Sinistre - Jul 99)
Per bend sin Arg & lozengy Arg & Gu, a bend sin Sa & in chf a
griffin contourny Gu. (D: Elrich the Wanderer - May 96)
Per bend sin Arg & lozengy couped Gu & Arg, in dexter chf a crab
passant Gu. (D: Hatekayama Masamoto - May 88)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend sinister - Argent - and or

Per bend sin Arg & Or, a bend sin Gu betw a wolfs head couped
contourny Sa & a tree proper. (D: Wilhelm der Wulf von dem
Schwarzwald - Aug 95)
Per bend sin Arg & Or, a bend sin Sa betw in dexter chf a scimitar
fesswise reversed inv Az & in base a crescent Vt. (D:
Mahmud Ali ben Sinan - Feb 84)
Per bend sin Arg & Or, a bend sin Vt betw a boars head couped
close & an oak tree eradicated proper. (D: Samuel of
Grimbourne - Feb 88)
Per bend sin Arg & Or, a dragons head issuant from base Gu, a chf
indented Az. (D: John of Skye - May 87)
Per bend sin Arg & Or, a griffin segreant to sin Sa, collared &
chained Or, & in base an estoile Sa. (D: Arbas an
Connachtach - Aug 84)
Per bend sin Arg & Or, a Maltese cross within an orle Vt. (D:
Seymour the Skeptic - Feb 96)
Per bend sin Arg & Or, a quill pen bendwise Vt distilling a goutte
de sang. (D: Damaris MacRobb - Jul 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Or, in bend a juniper tree couped proper & a
spider tergiant bendwise sin Sa. (D: Genvre la Tisserande Sep 87)
Per bend sin Arg & Or, 3 dexter hands in bend sin & a lion ramp
Gu, a bord Sa. (D: amonn mac Alaxandair - Jan 08)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend sinister - Argent - and purpure

Per bend sin Arg & Purp, a bend sin erminois betw a chess rook Az
& a conch shell fesswise Arg, all within a bord erminois. (D:
Muirgheal Cinnsealach - Nov 87)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, a bunch of grapes slipped & leaved
proper, & a goblet inv bendwise sin Arg. (D: Alain de la
Vignerie - Mar 99)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, a bunch of grapes slipped & leaved proper
& 2 needles in salt Arg. (D: Cateline la broderesse - Feb 00)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, a comet bendwise sin betw 2 crescents
ctrch. (B: Shajar al-Yaasmeen - Jan 03)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, a fleur-de-lys within an orle ctrch. (B:
Everett of Seven Jays - Sep 85)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, a harp Vt & a straight trumpet bendwise
sin Or. (D: Michael Belanger - Apr 93)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, a raven migrant bendwise sin Sa & a
fireball Arg. (D: Fiacc mac eda - Mar 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, a serpent nowed Sa & a harp Arg. (D:
Anna of Skye - Dec 88)
686 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Field division - Per bend sinister - Argent - and purpure


Per bend sin Arg & Purp, a tower Vt & an anchor Or. (D: Angus
James MacDonald - Aug 97)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, a tree blasted & eradicated ctrch Sa & Or,
in dexter chf a mullet of 4 points Sa. (D: Lucia del Canto
dIvrea - Jan 85)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, a unicorn ramp ctrch within a bord Sa.
(D: Chrystal Connaghty - May 94)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, an escallop inv Gu & a narwhal embowed
to base Arg. (D: Actaeone Courtney of the White Meadow Apr 86)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, an iris Purp slipped & leaved Vt & in
bend sin 3 bees bendwise Arg. (D: Katrina von Rosenberg Jun 04)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, in bend 3 mullets of 4 points palewise
within a bord ctrch. (D: Imric Snowspear - Apr 82)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, 2 cats sejant ctrch Sa & Arg. (D: Morina
Felix - Dec 97)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, 2 chess rooks ctrch. (D: William
Blackstone - Sep 04)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, 2 lions couchant bendwise sin heads to
base within a bord ctrch. (D: Tanglwyst de Holloway Jun 94)
Per bend sin Arg & Purp, 2 swans naiant to sin ctrch. (D: Morgan
of Huntington - Nov 89)
Per bend sin dovetailed Arg, semy of crosses of 4 ermine tails Purp,
& Purp, semy of crosses of 4 ermine tails Arg. (D: Aine
MacDomhnaill - Apr 89)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Purp, a natural seahorse erect & sin
facing & a hawk striking ctrch. (D: Dalln Caradoc of
Caernarvon - Aug 88)
Per bend sin flory counter-flory Arg & Purp, a hurst of fir trees
couped proper & 3 bezants. (D: Madeleine Moinet dit
Boismenu - Jul 96)
Per bend sin potenty Arg & Purp, a tree eradicated Sa & a unicorns
head erased to sin Arg. (D: Rhys Britannicus Sagittarius Sep 85)
Per bend sin raguly Arg & Purp, 2 foxs heads cabossed ctrch. (D:
Alexis von Brake - Apr 87)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Purp, a horse ramp Sa & a sun Arg. (D:
Alexandria OFogarty - Apr 99)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend sinister - Argent - and sable

Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a bend sin cotised betw 2 lions sejant
respectant all ctrch. (D: Juliana Harp - Jul 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a bend sin Gu betw a tower & a bear ramp
ctrch. (D: Mariana Christina - Dec 83)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a bend sin plain bendy sin wavy of 4 traits
Az & Arg betw 2 ravens contourny ctrch. (D: Elfreda of
Ravensbrook - Feb 91)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a bend sin rayonny Gu betw a tree proper &
a gauntlet aversant Arg. (D: Nathaniel Lennox - Nov 07)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a bird disp & a boar statant within a bord
ctrch. (D: Aidan of Aran - Apr 02)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a cauldron Sa & a double-bitted axe Arg.
(D: Alven Roeys - Sep 03)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a compass star Or & a bord ctrch. (B:
Martyn Ashton - May 03)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a cross formy fitchy ctrch, in canton a
roundel Az. (D: Gfstan Gerhard - Apr 01)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a cross moline ctrch & a chf embat Gu. (D:
John Edward - Sep 94)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a deaths head ctrch & in base an olive slip
fesswise reversed fructed Arg. (D: Timothy Rees - Jul 91)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a demi-panther guardant & a demi-panther
inv guardant, both issuant from the line of division & ctrch,
incensed proper. (D: Mihangel Dafydd or Aran - Sep 92)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a demi-weasel & a demi-weasel inv
reversed both issuant from the line of division ctrch. (D:
Hrodolf Gullskeggr - Jan 07)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a falcon disp head to sin, within a bord, all
ctrch. (D: Romulus di Falco - Apr 84)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a goat-horned winged serpent erect
contourny, tail nowed ctrch. (D: Gytha Katludottir - Jul 91)

[Field division - Per bend sinister - Argent - and sable] to [Field division - Per bend sinister - Argent - and vert]

Field division - Per bend sinister - Argent - and sable


Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a goblet Gu & a sword bendwise inv Arg.
(D: Phillip of Glastonbury - Nov 89)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a harp within a bord ctrch. (D: Bryne
Fletcher - Aug 91)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a heart ctrch, on a chf Vt a pair of shears
blades to dexter Or. (D: Marion Ravendel - Jul 00)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a heart Purp & a goutte deau. (D: Joan of
Brookside - Dec 91)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a horse salient & 3 daggers ctrch. (D: Leo
Darkhorse - Sep 92)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a Latin cross clechy Gu & 3 swords inv Or.
(D: Elden the True - Aug 92)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a lymphad, sail furled, & a sea-stag erect
ctrch. (D: Randwulf Aylen - Aug 87)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a mullet & a Maltese cross ctrch. (D:
Daniel of Twin Moons - Apr 08)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a prickly pear flower Gu seeded Or, leaved
of acanthus Vt. (B: Ivan Gregorivich - Oct 82)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a raven close ctrch betw 4 roundels 2 & 2
ctrch Az & Arg. (D: Fekete Holl Nomi - Sep 95)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a raven Sa within a bord dovetailed ctrch.
(D: Oweyn Hudson - Oct 00)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a raven volant & an oak tree eradicated
ctrch. (D: Thoron Ravenoak - Feb 84)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a rose & a sparrowhawk migrant bendwise
ctrch. (D: Aislinn Avia of the Sparrow Hawk - Sep 87)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a sexfoil ctrch. (D: Francis of Hexham Jun 90)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a single-arched bridge ctrch. (D:
Alexandria Dalassene Kourkouaina - Oct 01)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a skull & a feather bendwise ctrch. (D:
John of Brownwood - May 96)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a skull Sa jessant-de-lys Gu & an eagles
foot erased inv Arg maintaining a torteau. (D: Damianus
Petrolino - Oct 92)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a stag springing bendwise sin & a wolf
courant bendwise sin ctrch. (D: Rapheal the Rogue - Jan 84)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a swan naiant betw 3 roundels ctrch. (D:
Caterine de Cign - Jul 01)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a sword bendwise sin & another bendwise
sin inv ctrch. (D: Gerhardt von Reutlingen - Nov 91)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a Thors hammer & a wolf ramp ctrch. (D:
lfr sleggja Bjarnarson - Oct 02)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a tower conjoined in pale with a tower inv,
its sin battlements broken, ctrch. (D: Bran de Tintreak May 81)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a tree blasted Az & an estoile Or. (D:
Daemon of Woadwood - Jul 79?)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a unicorn ramp ctrch, a chf Gu. (D: Ellen of
the Scholars - Apr 93)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a unicorn ramp to sin Gu & a Samoyed
sejant to sin Arg. (D: Guillena Oriana - Feb 82)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a winged trumpet ctrch all within a bord
embat Vt. (D: Gabriel of Maccuswell - Jun 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, a wolfs head cabossed, a bord ctrch. (D:
Joseph le Pykard - Nov 98)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, an anchor & a tankard ctrch. (D: Juan
Alonso de la Vega - Nov 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, an otter ramp contourny Purp maintaining a
compass star Or. (D: Martyn Ashton - Dec 96)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, an owl affronty Sa & a lamp reversed Arg,
enflamed Or. (B: Sebastian de Grey - Jul 87) (For Owlwycke
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, in bend sin 3 lozenges bendwise sin
conjoined throughout ctrch. (B: Gwyneth Banfhidhleir Aug 84)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, in bend 3 pairs of lozenges bendwise sin
conjoined in bend sin ctrch. (D: Aelfrike Ryngewevyre Mar 91)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, in bend 2 hawks rising addorsed, wings
disp, ctrch. (B: Anika Gael Quicksilver - Aug 84) (For
Caellyn Shadowhawk)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, in dexter chf an elks skull caboshed Sa. (D:
Bjorn Rhys - Nov 87)

Field division - Per bend sinister - Argent - and sable


Per bend sin Arg & Sa, in pale 3 towers ctrch. (D: Perrin le Breton
- Jun 98)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, 3 roses in bend betw 2 bendlets, all ctrch.
(D: Anna Herold von Ossenheim - Apr 86)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, 2 butterflies ctrch. (D: Mathias Blackwell Sep 07)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, 2 hands, couped & fracted palewise, ctrch.
(D: Sweyn Halvhand Arnsson - Jan 89)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, 2 lozenges ctrch. (D: Kyrstyan of Saint
Joan - Nov 92)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, 2 roundels ctrch & on a chf Gu 3 tai-chi
fesswise proper. (D: Margarite McBridin - Dec 03)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, 2 serpents glissant palewise ctrch. (D:
Gunnar Ormsson of Normandy - Sep 92)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, 2 spiders ctrch. (D: Gabryelle of Lochmere
- Mar 92)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, 2 swords in salt & a Celtic cross ctrch. (D:
Dalln Donnabhin - Aug 02)
Per bend sin Arg & Sa, 2 tau crosses ctrch. (D: Henri dArtois Aug 98)
Per bend sin Arg crusily Sa & Or crescenty, on a bend sin Sa a
sword proper. (D: William Xanthos - Feb 00)
Per bend sin Arg, fretty Sa, & Sa, in bend a raven volant to sin & a
lightning flash bendwise sin surmounted by a turtle tergiant
palewise Arg. (B: Alanna of Ravenwood - May 87) (JB:
Sean de Carew)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Sa, an eagle Sa within a bord ctrch. (D:
Konrad von Strassburg - Feb 06)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Sa, in bend 2 wolves ramp combattant
ctrch. (D: Matthew de Wolfe - Feb 89)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Sa, in canton a cinquefoil & on a bord
Gu 3 cinquefoils Arg. (D: Malkyn Sharowe - Oct 07)
Per bend sin indented Arg & Sa, 2 skunks statant & marked ctrch.
(D: William Fidgett - Sep 92)
Per bend sin rayonny Arg & Sa, a gryphon statant to sin Sa & a
gryphon statant Or. (D: Galen Ciallmhar of Connaught May 82)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Sa, a bend sin wavy betw a horse ramp to
sin & a chalice ctrch. (D: Una of Grimwith - Sep 05)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Sa, a clenched sin gauntlet ctrch, a bord
embat Gu. (D: Thomas de Bohun - Jul 86)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Sa, a clenched sin gauntlet ctrch within a
bord Gu. (B: Thomas de Bohun - Dec 86)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Sa, a thistle bendwise & an increscent
bendwise ctrch. (D: Finnguala ingen Daud - Jun 99)
Per bend sin wavy Arg & Sa, a unicorn ramp ctrch, on a chf Sa, 3
roses Arg. (D: Thrainn Jrngrmsson - May 88)
Tierced per bend sin Arg, Az, & Sa, a comet fesswise reversed Or.
(D: Thomas of Hassard - Oct 79) (re-registered 8010W)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend sinister - Argent - and vert

Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a bend sin Az, in dexter chf a spear & a
round-headed mace in salt surmounted by a plant pod, all
surmounted by a Basotho shield brown. (B: Lesotho - Sep 95)
(Important non-SCA flag)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a bend sin Or betw a swan statant, wings
elevated & addorsed, Sa & 3 bezants, one & 2. (D: Jeanne de
lle du Cygne Noir - Dec 81)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a boar passant & a tower ctrch. (D: Jhann
brotamar - Sep 02)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a boars head couped Sa & an open book
Arg. (D: Hugo Blackthorne - Jan 93)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a Celtic cross ctrch & in chf a hawk migrant
Sa. (D: Eden Elisabeth McNab Sommerhawke - Jul 90)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a Celtic cross within & surmounting
shamrocks palewise in annulo ctrch, in chf a hawk migrant Sa.
(B: Eden Elisabeth McNab Sommerhawke - May 91)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a cross formy Gu & a thistle Arg. (D:
Thomas Loch - Oct 02)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a crow Sa & an hautboy bendwise sin Arg.
(D: Mr Bran - Jun 08)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a fasces betw in chf 3 roses Gu & in base a
mullet Arg. (D: Wolfgang Stern von Rappenwil - Jan 07)

Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008) 687

[Field division - Per bend sinister - Argent - and vert] to [Field division - Per bend sinister - Azure - and argent]

Field division - Per bend sinister - Argent - and vert


Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a foxs mask Gu & hawks bell Or. (D:
Dunja Fuxfell - Jul 96)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a lion ramp guardant ctrch. (D: Grgoire
dchauffour - Mar 01)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a lizard ramp & a mug ctrch. (D: Eric
McGuinniss - Apr 00)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a pine tree couped proper & a wolfs head
cabossed Arg. (D: Waldre Kenwolf - Aug 83)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a rat ramp Sa & a hand Arg. (D: Rodrigo
Bernardez - Nov 01)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a reremouse disp inv Sa. (B: Martn de
Suero y Tresguerras - Nov 91)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a rose Sa & a cat salient guardant Arg. (D:
Uilleam Mackintosh - Aug 95)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a rose within a bord ctrch. (D: Diana Della
Rosa di Pergola - Aug 92)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a serpent nowed & a heart fracted palewise
ctrch. (D: Andre Snow Rose - Oct 91)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a tower Gu & a laurel wreath Arg. (D:
Crimson Citadel, the - Sep 93)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a triquetra & a bord embat ctrch. (D:
Alasdair Mac Roibeirt - Dec 99)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, a wolf statant contourny & a wolf statant
ctrch, a chf pean. (D: Alastair Maclennan - Feb 98)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, an annulet within & conjoined to 4 pheons
in salt, barbs outward, all ctrch. (D: Hans Orwig - Aug 88)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, an ash tree eradicated & a spearhead
bendwise sin ctrch. (D: Eshton Spearcrafter - May 89)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, an eagle rising to sin & a compass star ctrch.
(D: Phelan ab Emrys - May 84)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, an oak leaf palewise & a bottlenosed
dolphin naiant ctrch. (D: Sheelagh OKyan - Nov 89)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, an oak tree proper & a double-bitted axe
bendwise sin Or. (D: Berthelm Bradhurst - Jul 86)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt mulletty ctrch. (D: Morgan of Atlantia Jan 06)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, on a bend sin Gu betw an acorn inv Vt & a
decrescent, five mullets bendwise conjoined in bend sin Arg.
(D: Leila Angwin of the Silver Stallion - Aug 92)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, 3 annulets in bend sin ctrch. (D: Giana
Gabriella da Milano - Jan 03)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, 2 bars embat ctrch, in base a lily Or. (D:
Maelgwyn y Trafeiliwr - May 88)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, 2 batons sin ctrch. (D: Kendra Grey Aug 86)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, 2 Catherine wheels ctrch. (D: Alanna
Margaret Rennaut - Mar 93)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, 2 Celtic crosses ctrch. (D: Tamlin Somerled
- Mar 99)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, 2 fleurs-de-lys ctrch. (D: Nicolette Lugdun
- Feb 03)
Per bend sin Arg & Vt, 2 owls affronty within a laurel wreath all
ctrch. (D: Owlsherst - Dec 04)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Vt, a Long-eared Owl to sin proper & a
tower Arg. (D: Helena of Owls Keep - Nov 85)
Per bend sin embat Arg & Vt, 3 oak trees, 2 & one, & a falcon disp,
all ctrch. (D: Percival Scotus Peregrinus - Nov 89)
Per bend sin embowed to base Arg & Vt, a sprig of 3 oak leaves
ctrch fructed to chf proper. (D: Luveday von Regensburg Jan 03)
Per bend sin engrailed Arg & Vt, a phoenix facing sin Gu & a
natural dolphin naiant Or. (D: Sorcha Ruadh - Mar 07)
* * * End * * *

Field division - Per bend sinister - Azure - and argent

Per bend sin Az, a bears head erased Arg, & Arg, in bend sin 3 fir
trees palewise Vt. (D: Robear du Bois - Aug 79)
Per bend sin Az & Arg. (D: Sabine Berard - May 02)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a bear statant contourny & a dolmen ctrch.
(D: Arthur Bayn - May 04)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a bell Arg & a rose inv Az barbed, seeded,
slipped, & leaved Vt, a bord Gu. (D: Rise n Ullachin Oct 99)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a bend sin betw a kestrel Or & a rose
proper. (D: Gwyn ap Gwyn - Aug 01)
688 - Twelfth SCA Ordinary, through September XXXXII (2008)

Field division - Per bend sinister - Azure - and argent


Per bend sin Az & Arg, a bend sin betw 2 dragons dormant to sin,
tails coward, within a bord, all ctrch. (D: Edward
Dragonslayer - Aug 88)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a bend sin ctrch & in dexter chf a seagull
disp bendwise Arg. (D: Aaron de Mantel - Jan 84)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a bend sin counter-ermine betw a scorpion
statant & a card-pique ctrch. (D: Ivan Ivanov syn Dmitriev Aug 98)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a bend sin raguly betw 2 owls ctrch. (D:
Coenric of Scarborough Marsh - Jul 91)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a butterfly bendwise & a heather sprig
ctrch. (D: Mara Cameron of Lochaber - May 83)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a Celtic cross Arg & a wolf salient Sa. (D:
Christian Blackwolfe - Aug 94)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a Celtic cross fitchy & an escallop ctrch.
(D: Avenel Kellough - Feb 86)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a comet bendwise sin & a laurel wreath
ctrch. (D: Greyhope - Aug 06)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a compass star within a bord ctrch. (D:
lfwine Wdfara - Jul 90)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a decrescent & a mullet ctrch. (D: Isabella
de Burnham - Sep 02)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a dragon segreant ctrch maintaining in its
sin claw a bezant. (B: Sabine Berard - May 02)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a duck volant, wings addorsed Arg & a
tower under construction, on its roof a building crane, Sa. (D:
Robert Carpentarius - Aug 88)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a fess dancetty betw in pale an arrow
fesswise & an arrow fesswise reversed, all ctrch Or & Gu. (D:
Owen Arbalista - Dec 82)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a fish-tailed demi-wolf erect Arg, tailed Vt,
spined Gu, maintaining betw its paws a broken lance bendwise
sin inv Arg. (D: Dusan Jakovic Vovkaj - Jun 86)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a fleur-de-lis Or & a rose Gu. (D: Torbjrn
Davidsson Stlklinga - Jul 96)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a fleur-de-lys & a butterfly within a bord all
ctrch. (D: Genevive Barberel - Sep 04)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a fleur-de-lys & a tower ctrch. (D:
Augustin von Schaffhausen - Feb 98)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a griffin sejant contourny Arg & a sprig of
heather proper. (D: Isaac MacDaniel - Feb 95)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a horse salient Arg & 3 horseshoes in bend
sin Az. (D: Ponce Rodrigo de Loronha - Sep 99)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a horses head & a horses head inv
reversed both issuant from the line of division ctrch. (D:
Hildegard von Garmisch - Jan 07)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a key palewise, wards to chf, ctrch. (D:
Anna Elizabeth von Irmtraut - Apr 99)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a lion ramp to sin & a fleur-de-lys ctrch
within a bord counter-compony Arg & Gu. (D: Jules Ren de
Lyon - Aug 95)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a monster with the forequarters of a pegasus
& the hindquarters of a dragon sejant erect ctrch. (D:
Ekaterina Filippiia - Apr 06)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a mullet of eight points Or & a scorpion
statant bendwise Gu. (D: Raynor of the Glen - Feb 87)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a mullet of 4 points & a lymphad ctrch. (D:
Philip Sinclair - Feb 97)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a narwhal haurient bendwise sin & a
peacock contourny within a bord embat ctrch. (D: Aoife Finn Apr 07)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a pegasus courant betw in pale 2 acorns, all
ctrch. (B: Peregrine the Seeker - Dec 96)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a quill pen bendwise sin Or & a recorder
bendwise sin Sa. (D: Theodore Digenes Ducas - Jun 84)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a rabbit salient ctrch. (B: Hibrida Longhair
- Feb 85)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a rose ctrch. (D: Doireann O Fhloinn May 93)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a roundel Arg charged with a gurges & a
lute bendwise sin Az. (D: Cu Ulad MacGryphon - Feb 87)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a roundel Sa fimbriated Arg & a hound
salient contourny Sa. (D: Katherine dArmagh - May 95)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a sin gauntlet betw in pale 2 swords
fesswise reversed ctrch. (D: Milian Tallon - Sep 92)

[Field division - Per bend sinister - Azure - and argent] to [Field division - Per bend sinister - Azure - and gules]

Field division - Per bend sinister - Azure - and argent


Per bend sin Az & Arg, a sun in splendor Or & a fox passant Az.
(D: Lidia de Ragusa - Jul 06)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a swan naiant to sin Arg & an oak tree
proper. (D: Robert the Lost - Jun 98)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a sword palewise inv betw in bend 2 harps,
all within a bord ctrch. (D: Ayesha of the College of No
Mountain - Nov 88)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a thistle & a shamrock ctrch. (D: Maire
Quinn - Oct 92)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a triple-towered castle Arg & 3 broadarrows Gu. (D: Alessandro von Florenz - Feb 07)
Per bend sin Az & Arg, a unicorns head couped at the shoulders
Arg & a garden rosebud bendwise sin Purp, slipped & leaved
Vt. (D: Thirza Leonovna D

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