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oy @@pr > batahiding Abstraction Encapautation CRCHOMC) Tightly encapaulaled clay Ds-A Relationship Hos—A Relationship Method Sygnakwe Overloadigg Overnidiag Method hidtag Akatic. - Conhol-floco ©©O@SCOOHS Instance ~ Contol--flocs %C) Conshnckorn @ coi (2) cohesion © aype-c i. @ _ watahidiag: : Outside perSon con’é acces our data, dhvecty thts called ( “pakahidiys* By unqg private modifier we can achteve “patahidigg's The mata advontage. of Datohidiag W Security: : Gr claw Account private double balances 3 Nokes Recommended modifier -for Dakamembern ty “private” @® Abstraction: Highlight ie Sek OF Fevitcer by hiding talernal tmplementation, 4 Called abstraction te; we hove. to highlight the Ack of Fewrees eshat coe ave. Offering and coe have to hide. talernal terplementakion debails . By wna, abiback clases oad taterfacer ce con tenplement abstraction: ‘the enaic advantages of absitraction ave, © Ge con achieve securiby an we are cok highlightyg our tleral tmplementation @ eohoncement calll become Nery) cory ad coithouk effeting outside person we Can able to choyge ouv tnlevnal implementation: @ sk tomprover matatainabilidy of the application fr At ® Encapsulation: Peete Groupiog functions and eenesponding dala into a styqte Capaule ts called Encapsulation: fu: © Brey ssava clan & aa encapsulated component ® Srey package ts an encapaulalion techaaun: Bebe a: ay TF 44 component foliocas bakahidteg and. absbraction % calle Encapsulation patoludng + abstrackioy ‘| Si clow Account < privale double balance ; oui ap | Publ double gusatoncecs hvlesne Dag Be é. & = — gee 1] validator —771_Gek galooce | 3s vetum balance ; ; [opdate Bale | public void setBolance Cdouble = 1/elidation Hhts-balarce. = balance; balonce) 3 3 bt ® pth Hidigg daka behind methods tthe central concept eo 8 Encapsulation - the main advontages of Encaprulation ave © we con achieve Securthy. Q® Enbancernent caill become vey envy ® Hainkainabrly ond moduloniby coll be tenproved: the main Leeateation | of Encoprulation ta 1b tacreases legal of the code aad shoes slocr down execution - A clos » Said bo be Tightly encapsulated U5 Every vowiable declared ar the prvale fe Clan Account ones double balance; puble. double gekBolarcec; “yearn boloace 55 5 & 8) which of the fallocsing ave. barely Encopaulaled clomes- clo A Aigntly | 2 4 prvale tat x=05 dom | F clau B extends A oc) a encom wk Gras eel rage clan © extends A la) encogs privale tat 2=30; cms |g > ahich of the Follociag clames ave “aghty éncaprulaled clau A x wk X= 105 clou 8 extends A z x private ink y= 205 3 clan c extends 6 x ft private ink 2=30; si Noke GF the parent woot Yghty encopaulaled , then No child cass & Lightly encaprulated ® G) 45-A-Relotiombip: @© Gs-A-Relationship able known a Taheritance @ fy wang etlerd epeod we con tnplemet Dn @) the main advartage of Gr-A-Reloionslap 8 Reusuolatliy of the. A Relationship - code fe clau P mic > = 3 3 Clau ¢ edkends P m2) < S 3 clay Test z public Akalie void enato (shigg ea op) ce © P pene P05 Pernt 5 PemeOX —> CE: Connck fied symbol: Aynbol: method m2¢ ) docation + Clau P @ C c=new ch emir, cme @ PP pences e695 PemiCds . Prmeld; X —S CEs cannot find Symbol Aymrbol: method 20> docotion: clos P Cc =neco PC); CEs incompatible types found: P Yeguived g © chatevey the parent has by default available te the child. Hence pavent class methods we can call on the. child clas Objects @) cohatever the child hos by default not available to the pave: Hence child specific methods crc can't call on the paren yeferen @) parent Yeference Con be wed to hold child clay object But by wag that vefrence axe have to call oy Parent Specific methods: tes By wang parent vefevence cae Coalt call child Specific methods. @ child reference Conte be wed bo hold parent claw object @ Multiple tahevitonce ty nok allowed tn Java. Sr Clow a z eS Clau B z 3 clon ¢ exteads AB my 4 G Cyclic tnhevitonce w not allowed tr Java Br claw B exlerds A £ BA) 4 it clon A ertends B £ 3 Ge yet tahevitonee cavoluing A Bt Clow a extends A z 4 SE Cyclic tnhevitance tavolueg A Notes Hultiple tnhevitonce tack possible tr Java, but thvoygh falersaces cae con tmplernent- A claw cant extend? macthar @ne claw ak a Kene- cohereo on talerface Con extend any M0 of talerfaces Simultaneously ant =) Han-A-Relations > Har-A-Relationship also known as compayinion Cory agavegation — there) 10 Specific, Keyooord bo implement this, but mostly we Ove. —_ kesjcoord >the man adonkage of Hos-A-Relalionship ty Reuauobiy Ee claw cay z Engine €=necs Sygirecy; 3 Cla eygne z 4 Engine Spectfic Funclionalty % “Clow car has Gagine veference“ —> the main Advantage OF Has-A-Relattombip 1 Rewsuabiliy. whereas its main Limitation t, Gb taccanes depen) behween the. Componets and cealer maintainance problens (@) Method Sgnatwes —> Hethod Sgpabuve conmks Of aame of the method end Bamenk ypes- Se puble void mi(-floak-f, char ch) “its Nelhod Sgrabwe a eat (float, chav 2) — © —> fin Jove vehuvabype w nak part of method Sgratwe. Compiler coill alooyys we method Sypateve cohile. vardlving method calls > Gilhin the Same claw boo methods esith the some Signahwe Nok alloced - atherwhe, are coill ot Complletine Ervor Ez claw det public void m(tnk i) z S Public te mi (tat rE) z Yehwn 105 3 Public stakic void main (shinge 3 og? a Fert Enea Terkey; E-micioy, 3 3 CEP mi(tIak) already defined tr Tart. Overloadiag — Fe cnethods ave said tobe veroaded eff both havias the same nome but different ageguerents. > fae donguage coe conte take hoo methods with Same Mame but different aguenents Ge: abs() fov tak bpe > abso; dobs() for loag ype > Aabs (1049; Aabs() for ahore ype —? Aabs (10); ' ‘ > Hence dack of overvloadiqg tq ‘Cl tacveases complexity Of the programming: Buk in Java hoo methods cotth som Nome and different agguments ts allowed and there mnethod ave. conridered as overloaded methods. : Br we con use absc> method -for int bype, Long type, float and double ype abs) —> abs(ioy, v ab’ (10-5); Y abs (oA); v Hawg Overload Concept ta yova, makes programmiqg Stenple- © Se claw este methods overloads z +} public void mic) | z | SOP (00-099"9, 5 | public void mnt (tat 7) | | 2 So-p(# Tak - og" 4 \3 public void mi (double d < oop (“double-ayg*); 3 2 public atatic void main Cshinge 3 op) z Fest benecs TREC; E-mi (to; ink ayy Enc y; no-ang Emu (19-5); double ays. 4 Ay a Ga overloading method yetolulion alcooays bakes Cove, by compiler bared on veference ype + Heace. overloading Ww abo canidered as Abate, Polymerphianr Car) Comptledine polymorphism Con) eanlybtadey, Cat (1)2 Automatic promotion In Gvevloadiag : ee oe 4 cohile performing overloading method vetolution Here ne method cath Specified aygument type Compiler coon'e vase ony error tenmedtolely First comptley Promoles that aygumert to the next level and checked for rnatched method: TS the match s available, then tk cottl be Conidered - Otherasne, once agaun procnoles that axgument to the next level onkil all possible promotion, still rnakched method trot available thea only Compiler rater enor Thy promotion of av guerent bype w called automatic Promotion ta overloading the. Follocog Ove Various possible automatic promotion fn Java byl. —> Short —> int log —> Float —> double choy Overloaded methods public. void mi(int 1) z S-o-pla (# tnt -avg); 3 public vord oni(float £) cen ( “float -ayg*y; 3 public. static yard mata (shigg C3 wat) z Tae b=nen Fak (> E-ent(to3 Tak - ag E-mu Co-ag. Float -ay; Eo (tary, Ink-avg. Een (tony; Foot -ag Eon (10.6), > Ce: Cannot fied Ayer 4 Aymbol: method mi (double) docation: clau Feat - Cone (its fee Claw ‘est Overloaded method, public void .oni( object o> z Soa \* So-pla(“Objeck veysion )5 3 public vaid (Shag Ay 5-o-pla (*shigg Version"), 3 Public atalic void mata (Shing f 3 agp) a fist Teneo fee(; Object a Emi (news Object >), 5 Obeck version. shigg toni ( Mcluyga 95 Shigg version. Feit (nui 5 —_ Shing VerStan . 3 co Gn cvedoading method verolution child coil gee hgh Prony Gohen Compared ith pavent @ ore catty: Fer Clow Gert : : Public void mi (Shing A) < 3 2 Soplo( Shing Version"); u — 3 Object 2 bi — f 3 7 © vod oi ( shingBuffey Ab) Sting ShggBusfer o 8 So-pla ( * shingtupte, veysion*); public abatic void maia (shiggc 3 ong) z fast b=neus Tese C); bo ( “darrga® D3 > shigg version. emi (aees SAgBuffer (" duvga')); ~7 Shing Buffer verston Emu (nutt); PSE! Ve Rvence bo mic) t ambiguous Shing Az null; E-mi(r), —> shag version ShiggBupte, Abs alls E-mu (Ab); > Sigg Buffer verSton- ) 4 P Clow Test zg Public. vod mai(tat t fat £) ces So-pla(« g Public void mt ( float $, tat 1) z Sola ( “float tat version" 3 3 Public static. void mata z Fert C=new Feat ¢ 5 Iat-$loat version ); Overloaded methods (shigg ¢ ey a) Emi (to, '0-8f)5 —> tt-$loat vevsion Em Conse, 10), > ¥l tm (lo,ioy- loak -Int_ version ~~? GEF SYeRvence bo mcd 1s aenbigucust ben (1o-ef, ise); > ce: ‘ SS? Cannot -fiad symbol - 3 Ok fie y bol 4 Synbol: method mu(f,£) docation: clou est Se claw Aaimal z 3 Clow nonkey extends Animal < 3 clo test z Public. void mi (Animal a) z 3 Soph (“Anmal version“); 2/3 blic_ void . 2 Public voi ni (Monkey m)> Bl ¢ 3 So-pin(“nontey version); 3 Public static vord main( smqge 3 om) : Fest b=necs Teak); © Antal osnecs Animal ¢ 9; Emi @; —> Animal vexsion- @ Monkey m=neco Monkey (5 Emits —> Monkey version ® Ammar a) = nee Monkey ¢), Een(aiy; > Animal version. 3 + an ovevloadigg , vethod vesaulion alegys takes ce by, Compl bared on the vefevence type : Ja overloading workeme object rever Play ny vol @) Qverriding z Gohatever the parent has by default available to the. child - DF the child % ack Aaisfied cotth pavent tmplementation: then child claw has Fleabtiy to vedefine bared on ths specific yequived sooy. this procew ws called overidigg and the parent clow method cohich h overriden w called Soveridea method” and child Clau method cahich ts overvidieg ts called “oueniding method fu: Clau p z public void nama (> z So-pla( 4 subbadaxmi* ); 3 clam c extends P z public void rary C x Solo (“caja [Fopry | séomaatha); Clout Gest Public Akatic void main (Shingc a axgs ) P pence poy PrmOneC) ; > Paveat melted C cane ec; Smarr: 7 child method in P penecs C635 Runtine object Perma ¢); —> child Nethod 3 3 Ga overtding, _ method verolution alcoayys takes cave by Svitbared On Runtime objeck- Hence overriding & abso conmdered as Runtime ~Pohyenorphism Gor) Byromnic polyrrerphtarn Gry datebiading Overviding method yverolution also known “ Lypomtc metiiod~ ~diypatch * Note: Gn overloading Yeference place vepy tmpotont a 4a Overeidigg vuntime object place the vole: Rules to follo cohile Overviding« Oh - ovewridigg method names and arguements musk be matched Le; Method Sigrolwe. should be same. ® ole overriding the velurn bypes musk be same-this vule applicable abl (-4 version: Buk from 1S version on wards Co-varient vehwn Qype ave allowed. Accerding to tha child method velurn bype need mot be Some as parent enethod vreku bype ths child» oho. allocsed SD object ¥ L objeck| Shing | ShingBagfer [Gateaer ~ -- Y@®@ Number x® Shing *@) double + q L ‘Steger Object Tak Noles Co-vortent veh bype Concept w aot applicable for primitive ‘yp Br claue public abject mcd Yetum ull; 3 3 claw C exknds p zt Public Shigg MO Yehun null; 3 3 > Favac P-java v > Tavac -houvce 1-4 P-java x CEP micy we Cannot Override mi(> ta PS Alternptiqg bo we, (acompatible rehern ype found + Jove. long Shing Vvequtved : javo- long. object @ pwwale methods’ ave ot visible tr child classes, Hence overviding Concept w nok applicable for private methods But bared on our vegulvement, coe Con debine exactly Some, private, enethod tn child clau , tk w valid but tt w nat overriciag. fe Claw P z © Privale. void mc> 2 z g 3 é 3 3 4 clau ¢ extends P 3 2 privale void mic) ° 3 5 5 ( methods cannot be overriden ta child closer. ® Parent clam final " Buk a non-final methods Con be overviden OA fins fz Clow P public final void auc> z 3 3 Claw © extends P Public void mcd z 4 3 CEr ic) Inc! comok override MK) IAP 3 Overvider method W final, Sf: Clau ep public void mic) g s 3 clau c extends P z Public final vaid at) z 4 3 veld ® ce should override Paverk claws abibact methods ta child case to provide. tmplementation - Bet abshrack claw P public abshack void nurs 3 claw © exlends P Public: final void mc ¥ 3% 3 © A aon-abstrace method conbe oveniden a abstract to skop Qvailabitiy of parent class method wplemertation to the. child clam, @ fez Clams P public. void mate < 3 3 abshract clas extends P © abl obserack void auc); 3 the. Follocsiag modifiers coon keep ony veaiction WW overvidiag. @ Aynchvonized ® cative ® abicefy Summary : Final noA~final alostrack Ayackwoniged xy vt vit at on- final Final non-alostract non-pyrclwonized nave kaclfp v JT a hon-nalive fnon-shickfp @hile overidigg cocakerigg accen modifiers ave nok Allowed - Buk coe con trcveare- be claw P public. void mic? z 3 3 clau c extends P = void mic? z 34 3 GEr MCD fa € Canaok override mic) In Pj-allempling to Oui weakey accems privileges 7 ar public Public protected édefautt> private s ‘ L beth public protected | public Ldefoult > Pang protected ta Override public [prvole = defaate < pwokecled < public]. thi, rule a agplicable even cshile tenplementing talerface, method ako. cuhenevey oe ave implementag talerface methods Compulsory te should be declared ar public- Because every vlerfase. mdhed 1% oliogys public by debault ® fer talevface x z Votd mic; 3 Class P traplements x z void mic z 3 4 LE mic) ta P Comot tmplement | xX; altersptiag ko asbign Goeakey accers Privileges; coy public. cooa'e Df mcr 10 P declared an public then ce cantk get ony Compileline Error. cohile Overviding the size and level of checked &ceplions Ge Covt tacvease. Buk decreastga ws allocoed There ave no veshictiow for unchecked Sxeptions - Sacreaning ond decreonag oad both are allowed - YO Povent: public void mil) thos Exception. child + public void oi) thyoons. LEEception. X® Paveat # public. void mic Hhrocss LOGception child + publte vord mc) throa &ception- Y@ Parent? Public void mcd Haroon Exception: : chid = Puble void mic) x@ Pavent: Public. void mid child = Public void miC> throas Gcception- VG) Pavent: Public vod mil throws 2OException child + Public vord miC) throcs TleNot found éception, EOFExceptior X@ Paver: Public void micy throws Iokuception child + Public void mi() throws Inkerrupledé ception. Y@ Paveat: Puble void mic? child = Publre vord mic) throws Aritheneticéice ption , NullPoinbestcep Nole: gohile overriding decreasing accer modifiers wy aot allocoed But tnevending W allowed. cohtle overvidigg Incrensigg the Sig and level of checked exceptions’ Wot allowed but decreaning ty alloced Overniding corto. Akatic methods: © xe con't override a static method ar aor-akatic Clow P zt : public static. void mt) z 3 clau ceeds P z public void mic > 3 3 ces F eniC) Te Comat overide mic? ta P; Owrviden method 1 sali @ _ similady coe con't override a aon-skatic. method ab sratic ® Fy both: Parent and child clam methods ave static. then we coon! eet ony Compilelime Ervor- Ik Seer to be Orervidiag ts possible bul tk % not overviding sTEW method hidiag. Method hidiag 2 Sty exactly Some as overnding - cept the Follocsiag differences . Overriding Hethod hiding © Both Paient ¥ child methods 1 @ goth arent se child methods re non-Atalic ‘Qve. Akatic - © Method wslution vs alenyp @ Method veroluton aleogys take Cove by Camptler bared on vebevence type takes core by svt based on Runkine, object Gy iets cote Rualime @ IW conmdered on Palymorphtam Cory dyrarie. Atalic, poymorphism (ov) olymavphitar Cy) late bradt Complete polymorphvion (or) Pogyrrarel U if e @) Cady binding « Be clou P Public stalic votd mics z So-pla («parent ); 3 Claw c extends P é Public. Atatic void mic) z Sop ( *child*); 3 3 clay Feat z Public static void enain (shiggc 3 age) 2 P panecs POI; PreaiCds > Parent Coenen cc, Gc); —> child Ppreees ec ys Plenicy; > Paseat a] g FF both methods ave not static ther, rt coil become over method rerolution should be based on the Revtime Gbyeck - Hence th thin Cove the output 2 pavent child child - © Ge can override a vay- ogy method ith var- cu method Only ‘Tf we ove hag to ovewide & vay ag method cith normal method + Then tk citl become, overloadiog buk aoe overriding. fe LS 1H wrong & 5 clau? z public void mi(tnt.-- 2) z S-o-pla (“ Pavent*); 3 Clout C exterds P public. void mu (iat 1) 2 S-o-pla ( “child; 3 Clow Test z Public atatic void main ( Shing c 3 og) P p= neca C33 P-rai (10)5 —> Pavent: Ces ees C69; Cmi( 19); —» child P piznew CO; Pl mi (t0); —> Pavent 3 Gg are ove. declavigg child clas method alo as Vor-ayy ther tk gotll “become overridiag - Hence In thin Case the output parent child child overvidiag @-v-to. variables : > overridigg concept & nok applicable -for variables. —» Varlable verolution should be done by the compiler based on tre vefevence. kyPe fz clam ? P Pe ews int 4-888; 53 7 BER 4 © class c extends P £4 299° a 3 tt 4=999; class Test z public Atalic void evan (Shigg¢ 3 aygs) P p=neco PC; ee P , BF bo voriables 0 SOP (PX; 7 ened gees declaved an the nati Coenee C69; theve 4 A0 chagge tath Sop(ex; —>999 output P preneo Cor; 2 3 Sop (Px); 868 A Arfference. bekween Overloading % Overvidigg + _Propety overloading overvidiog Driethod Names dD Arguenents ) Rebun ype DAccen Modifiern 3) Hhrows clowse 2) pwuale, alte, Srna caethods: ) Hethed rerolutton must be Same must be some raat be different mut be Same atleast ovdey ) Cineludig order) No vestrictions- muark be Same caltl -4 version: But From 13 version oncards , Co-vorient vehambypes aho allowed: No veshictions Goeakertng Ww aot allowed No veshictions the size and level of checked Ggeptons are nok allowed bo Increone. But qe Can decrease: No veabicton for wachecked Geption- Can be overloaded: | cannot be overviden: logge Fakes Give | alaacys akes Cavs. by gent boued on by compiler bore auntie object: On Yeference bre Coraptletione Runtime paymorhiaon Goo Pynoatte esbyreehien pokyrnornven | Gey fate. binding Akalic. polyenorphtarn fiw andes bandon Consider the method deciavanon public tnt mi (tak 19 throws ‘oéxception Iild clases cakich methods Ge. ave alloced to declare. X (D public te ent (nt 1) Hrvocas &xceplon tncreasigg the level of checked Exceplions- CD pubte vod mi(long 1) throes G.cepton > Overloadieg X WD publte atalic tk mi (tae 1> throws Lotiception. > non-state mot possible to Atalic v (iv) public akatic final votd mi () trross Talevwupled Exceplion ad overloodigg X (VD privale abshrack tnt mt (tat 1) => coeakevieg x WD public abstract Aynchwontzed tak mnidint §) throor Zosxeplion- =o Ayodvworiged alothract: egal Combination - YYID public native wt mi(tat) thrown Avthemdiciception , NullPorkyEception , ClouiGort &ception- 7 by ovenidigg onchecked Geapions Noles af OY method call erecta by pelyrrewphien Covevondieg cor Overvidtag Cor) method hiding > such bye oF method call ave called polymorgite. method calls ® polyrnarphiaens one name oath rulliple forms. Ber obs(int) abs (log ) abs (double) there ave hoo [yes of poyrnorpans polyeroxphinon stale, pabyrenghien Qyrorme pdyrophnm ovendirg overloodigg rma hidiog ahee pillars of oops: @ Gnheritance @ pofyenovpriare @ Encapsulation Noles Gn overriding Oe he) ae Oe UG ncaa? vrehwn bype, sppature ytnvoon clause - -- eb cahereos tn overloadtgg Goe hove to conde Severed Hhigg! Uke ony method name b axguererts Method nome Should be coherean aygumenta should be different All the wernainig: (] Akate- control-Fl0o# clo Bare. < © [ise veto; )@ ® yy z EA 4 z SFITIO® 3 © @®| stalic zt 3 OLEATE @ 4 Procews : cohenever coe ave cxecubing a. Tava Class the Sollowigg sequence OF actor gill be performed ® Tdertificahon of skatic member from bop bo bottom Cabos) ® Execution of skalic variable adygrmerds % stale blocks Read indovecty @atput: 0 SB (REwO) | Gore only. SSB t=l0 (REP) 20 Jjea0 (REWD main method Read Andvectly cnile. only C-xtwo): Gf a vortoble tn Read Indirectly crleony Stale thea @e Ove not allowed to perfawn Read cee dwveetly Othevoote , we call fF Compil lebiene Creer SAG "legal Forwoavd Yeference. t= (RIWOD ilo (Rw) z @ Soph(iy; 3 2 Gutput: 19 Runte fxception : NoSuchHethodErroy : mata Be clams Test £ ® £ Sop); ——> l=0(RIW0) Cee Fl Fo @[FE TEP i, SS MGT end wre a) Atake block: Ak the time of clos loading Uf ee can't to perfown ong ackuihy then coe have to define that ackuipy cotthin the Akolte block Because Akatic blocks aill be executed akthe time of Clas loadigg- Gotthin a clam coe con toke any no-of Akalic blocks but all Hhere Blocks dill be execuked from bop to bottom © b:O Nolive libraries should be loaded atthe He of clam toadig _ coe hove to define this ockutby catthin the Atalte. block Be clom Tet o Akal, = Sydor-loadlibrogy C‘oatve tora, palh*); 3 4 Ext puble clam Object Privale Abalic. calive void vegistertlakives ¢ 9; akalic. z Yeglernabives y 3 aS oeay Gn eveyy SPBC Driver clam there wa Atolic block bo vegihlev Driver cot Drlver Monagey « Hence. cohile. loading Driver clam automaticaly Ragulenas cath Divertonager coll be perfavrned: Because of Hin Gx ave nak vequived Eo reRithey Driver claw expieitly ith DeéverHonager. Bx loss Driver ‘Akakic Register thls Diver caith Drverongger 3 3 8) without Uwigg maine) method ,25 tk possible to print Some emt to the console fos Yes, by ung Akatic. block- Fes clay Test < Atalic SOP (“Hello we con print”); Gslen ent @; 3 3 Output: Hello Ge con print: ®D wotthout lusigg aia method % Akalic. block, 7 tk posstble. to print Some stalementy bo the corvole. ? Ad Yes. , Ex: claws Tet Abalic tak t=mi0); Public Akalie ink enic 9 z SOP( “Hello ce con print"); Ystem-exit (0); srekwrn 10; g 3 Outputs Hello we Can prat © Ext clo Tet - ‘abalic. Test E=mecs Test (95 Fakcd zt Sop (“Hello ae can priat™); GYsten extk (oy; $ 5 fe clam Tat 2 Akalic Tat b=nea Tert¢); = SOP ( “Hello L con print“); Yotem- exit (0); 3 3 Q without wring Soph, Gs tk possible to prink Some. Acatements to the Console. Ad Yes, & stenalolgg Facckonalty Of Sop cath our own clame Akebic ontrol take aabol flow ta parent ond Child Canes? eee eee an B: clam Gare < © [RHE )® bo (eenoy @ ake z [1® # ee mic); So-pla (“Base main method" >; OL Ri ke oH] z 3 OLRM 2; YQ jeocennoy 3 clam Derived extends Base. z © [Reale EE 05 )@ 2=0(@n0) @ Alice t Sop ( “ves; | &) e ES Public “Akahic void main Gingge3 =H] ® Sop (*omved wan’); |] @) 5 : & Oe AT) 2 + @ a t Sopa (“pssB"); y teo (ino) @ [Bete wey “207; Jo (R20) 5 )@) y- 3 @® yeoceaw> 15.5 Cetin» ¥0 (RtKo) 1 i=10 (RkWI@) > jovac. Derived. Java, Jao (RkW) Z L100 (RE) Bare-clam ——Devived.- class. Y=200( RK) @) > java Devtved <1 © Adentsfication of Atalic membem from pavert to child. C4 be 41). ® Geculion of static vorable omygrmerta stake block from Parent to child C412 bo 223 @ eeculion of child clas main method: Cas to 26] > Jowa Dertved J > java Bane @utput: 9 outputs O 838 858 oO 20 eSB Bare. main method DSB 200 = Derived main Noles @ cohenevey Ge ave looieg child clam then ca povert clam éail be loaded @® cohereos eshenever ce ave loadigg parent clos, child clasrer qon'tt be loaded @ tstence - conbrol- flows GB: clo Pavent zt OEE @ OF 4 3 Ohio] z Sop (“comhuctor*); \®@ 3 @ | public Akatic. votd mata( Stage 3 ays) z @) [Parent _p=necs Poveat(; S OBERT) z iso (RIWOD ees | © JS=0 (RtW0) ® L=l0 (REW) Os J = 20 (RH) () [Soph Cs20");|® 3 OGD) ® 3 procem? Gohenever Gwe. Ove Creating an object the ollocsigg Sea ce of events Gill be executed automatically © Adentipeation of inskance member from top to bottom ® fieculion of trstone variable ampyrmerts taskarce. blocks. ‘fom top bo bottom ® eecution Of Conahuckor- @utput: Fag STB Conshuckay Hatn method Note: atatic-corvol~floco ts one-bme acchuipy caktch should be, execuled at the time of claw loading ® cohereas tetonce-contvol floss ta not one-tme odtuby- Se call be executed Fo every object Creation tan cool floss I vet to dl Clow Parent tat t=l0; mild; ‘ S-o-p(“p7B"); Parent (7 z S-0-p (* parent. conswuctor"); 3 Public Atakic void main ( Smiggc 3 ag ) < Povent p=nec Pavent (9; S-orpla (“Pavent main); 3 P ublic void mic > € SOP (5); 3 tnt _Je20; 3 Class child extends Parent: £ tnt 2100; mace y S-0-p( “crrB"); 3 child C9 £ SOP (“child Conahuctor" ); Public static void mnain ( Shing C3 aap) child c=necs child 95 SO-p (“child main“); 4 public vod mac ) . w FOP (Y)5 3 So-p(“cste")s lak y= 200; >Java childes @® Procons whenever we Ove Creating child class objects the Following Sequence of events Guill be executed automatically. © Adentification of tnakance cnembeya -fiom Pavent to child. ® breeution of trrbance variable amtanments % trstonce blocks only ta g Porent clam ® Eecution of Paver clam Conductor © beecution of trakance vorable agents kk tarkonce. blocks ta child clam. @ Gecubon of child clos conhuclor Pre Pavent Conshuckor ° criB csre Child Conahuctoy Child mata Nokes © the most costly operakton ta java Ws object creation. Hence Uf there. & 0 spectfic vequivernent, then tka never Yecammended bo create object - ® Bf ogy method tmplerneskakion nok velaled bo Oy obyect then thot method compuloy should be decloved ax Atalie- @ over trrkance methods Akalte methods ave vecammended bo use. Notes axe Conte access aon PACOME COMI NELLY Fram AON. oven. becouse chile execulieg thak Atabic avea Ivn nog nok Ideahgy that tastoace. member- fe: clom Tat — ht [105 © [public Atatic vod man (sages agp) ee GE! Won-nkake variable 1 conmmot be vefevenced From Akatic context - fez public clo Gnitaligalion eee © [Prvale Akalic _Shigg mi (eg 5] 2 Sop(ryg); vehuen 9g 3 Fea aT] mem CP Dp yi @ OE] fE=1® © Be FPEC IO [Pete afake vo ran GgES OB s_ © [OB ECE “Os Nees Tatialgalion C5] % oe) meaull (RW) @) m=2 @) m3 met @ oulpet: 3 ; Ge: publi claw nitiatrgatons te Atalic Shing ont ( Shrtag, omg) Foph (rag); vyekuyn mg; 3 a Atalic shiag me mi(“* 95 z m=mi(“g*)5 5 atalic < mom ("3" 5 3 Publte state void mata ( Shieg c.3 oR) z 3 Object obj= ead Anihaltgaliona.¢ y, Gulput: Gukput: | as & (3) Conshuctors + Objeck Crention % aot enoygh Compulrayy coe should perfovmn tattiolization » then only that object Ws tn a posttion to Provide verpomse Properly qhenever we ove creakieg an objeck Sdme piece of code cuill be execuled autornakicaly to perform taitialtgalion- this ptece of code ti nothigg but Conshuctoy: Hence Hhe mata objectve of Comhuctoy ta to Pexform trikialrgation foy the object Ss clom Student 5 z Shing nome; Ine Yollao; Shudent ( striag name, tat vollao) ale 4 thin-name=nome; ES ag —a(ramerramt) — -— AgcaPhrsers §| the vollaa =votIno, : 3 Public take void main (Shigg 3 agg) z Student a= neco student Odea, 101); Student A2= near shident (vost, loa), Student Ae6o= nea Shident ( “ari, 660); ® Combuctor va wutance block: erecta neem ac The main puypore. Of Conahuckor ta to perfor Initialization for the. Object ° Othevthan taittaltzation if ae aonk to Pe-form oy achvihy For even, Object, then woe should GP for tnatance. block. Both conatuctoy & tastonce block caill be eeculed for evens object Creation, buk tnitonce block FrSE followed by comabactar: Be clams Test a2 Akatic tat cout =o; Not Terk) econ see are ae Counk-+-+5 ohuclort Public static void ata ( Shing C3 Om) 2 eu MO-OF objectn Created #°+ Count J; 9 Tet b= recs Tak; Tek 2 = recs Takes SOP (“the MOF objects created #"4 count Dre 3 Bes clams Test “akalic. In count =0; < 3 public Akatic vord mata ( Shigg C2 ayy) z SOP (“The no-of abjecks Cealed:*+ Count ); Comt++; —> TE Wthe bet ure of trutance block “Tete E1= near Torte 5 Tek Ea=nees Teak ( 7; SO-p (“the ao-oF objects Crealed t+ count.); 3 Rules for defining coashuckors © the aame of the clam, name af the Combuctoy crust be Some.» ® Rehurabype concept ty nok applteable far Combuctoy , even vaid aho. Gy muntoke Uf aoe ove declaviog wetwnbype fov the combuctav ther Got Gone get O94 Comptletime (ord Rontine Gay , kia semply freaked an a method. Bz Clow Terk z void Teak ) z w Sop (“corubructor “) 5 % S treated as a method, but mot conibuctay- ~~ &) Hence tk tegak (but Shupid ) bo have a method chate name w Exaclly Some. os class name: ® The only applicable modifion for conuhuckors ave. public depaute Protected private TF we are uuiag ay othe. modifier, we coil! gt Ge Sayrg modifier xxx mot allowed hever es clow Test 6” claw Tek £ < Private Perk Akalic Test () z 2 3 3 _ IS GE! Modifier Atalic not allocsed heve. Singleton clams? (Gy prvale constructor = For ony sora clam If coe. are alloced to crake ory one object « such bype. of clame ave called Srggleton cloner - GD Runtime clom * © Achongendet (shucks bx) @ GuninemDefgate (exe ® gericetsaatoy > Creation of ouv 007 Stagleton clomes: Gwe. Con Creale uy oon Sipgteton Clones alo - By weg privale. Combhuckoy , Atatic variable , static method tse can tenplement Singletor Clones - _ Gs public clam Tes implements Cloneable £ Private static Tes b5 prvole Teak (9 z 3 Public atale ‘Test Getfostance¢ ) ou - ¥ (E==aull) Fences Testor; velun & ; 3 Public abject cloner t Yehwn tha 5 3 3 Tek biz Terk get Trstance( 73 tl Jest ta: Teak: get trstonce ¢ 4 is 3 Test $5 = fesb- gebtaakonce ¢ » bo. ' Fert Ejggt Tat Getiostance (>; cone? tf Corsbuctoy W not private + a a then outside person Con creale. object dtrectly by cally es Contractor “in thot case he Can Create rnullple ogeda alas and ox coil ens Sragleton nature: bl Fuk tiznccs Tae; 7O Terk ta = neeo TeakOrs t2 0) Fak bs 2c Tal ts oO) Cone ct FEE’ w aot private 8 then afer creation of First object outside pexson con vena LE cotth aull- method oar Fert b= Tak Get Trkoacet % a 0 Fext-& =nulls "30 Terk Ed= Terk getastonce (> Cone (i): DF coe ave Mok overriding clonecs method & Teak claw tenplements_cloanesblez ahen abject clam clonet> method caitl be execuled eahich provides alan 0. seperate, nea object Jat = deat gekAakonce (9; J.) t=O) Feat EX= (teat) E1-clonet 5 Bez Runtime. v= Ruatime- gekRuahmne¢; G Factor method Runtime ¥2= Runkine- Get Runtime (9; * ‘ ' ' Yioo Runlime viooz Ruslime get Ruahme¢ y Sop (vi == 2.95 true 7 How bo Geake oy owe doubleton clames? r Bz publte clas Tat tmplementa cloneable ee Akolic Fest by Privale Akalic Tek to; Privale Tesk¢ £ 3 Public atahe eat AetEuoncec y FCtr== null ?) Elenegs Fat; Yehun ts chee (Easqully bRY . else tnt c= Cink ) CMath-vondom ()-+0-5 d; (czs0) vyebuen E15 ehe veka £25 3 Public Object cloner 5 ad rekon thins 3 3 Terk 22 Tek. geldnatornce( % Tae d= Tek Getinskonce.¢ % Tak z2 ‘Fisk: getnatance O: Test A = Tak: getinatance ¢ > =2 =O ace FY Nole: ase con Cale bipleton, ~-- Lenton clame dhovase con create, BY Xxxkon clases alro>. Advantage of Stoglekon clomes: nslead af Gealigg multiple objects awe Con Yun ete Shoo Gaith oy One objeck. but Gutth multiple vebevencer- Hence. the. mato advorkoge. of Siagleton clam W Perfamonce. gaill be tmprored- Default Covbuctovs Boy Jawa. clom tacludigg abstract Clam conkaa combuctay Concepk Bf coe. ave nok cola OQ. Combuctoy then Comptley Gall geet: default conshuckor. Ef we ove Goring atleart one. coartuctey then Compiler Goon Generate default Comruckor Hence evey Joa claw Con Container etthey Progrommey Goritlen Combuctoy Cor) Compiler generated combuctor bul nak both Stenultaneously « . Protobype of default contractor ¢ ( Shuchue) = @ a w aleogy, n0-avg Combuctov © the accom enodifier of the debaulk combuckor © Some. or clon modifier: Cbuk tk ts applicable onty for public & default.) - ® GE Conkatns only one line. Ce; . Tk a no-a¥9 call Lo super clam consmuchoy Programmer code Compiler Gerevaled code Opes © chow “Test < = 3 Fuk(> < Auper( ys 3 : 5 S| programmer code. ® public frral clow Terk compiler guevaled code ©) public Final clam Feat = pute Feak C7 4 £ ‘uper( 9; 3 3 ® clams Tek @) clown ‘eat £ votd Text C9 ECD 5 ee } % void Tak( 7 <= ey 4 © clon Te @ clom tet z < Teak Ctat 1) Feak (tak 1) : z pe % _ _ _ 3 ® clown Tet ® clos Tak = Teak( > Teak > s z thn (10); HHA (1095 Teak (tnt 1) LeU) z 3 Aupery, 3 Cee 4 Programmer code. compiler Qenevaled code © choss teat © cow Tot £ a Gok Teak > £ —- Pa rian Oo; 3 gy The fivst line tevide evey Comhuctoy Should be auperC) (or) thi) , tf coe ave mot aoitiag anything then Comper Gatll aleogys Ploce super() keyssord- Cone(yt cotthia the combucter awe have bo we paper) Cov) thinc} In the. -fivst bine, ony: Tf we ave WRG ORycoheve ele. ae ell gee Compiletime ever Be clam teat FJeak CO) 2 S-o-pla (“ conshuctor ) 5 Auper(; 3 3 EE: “call to AuperC) musk be first stalemene tr comthuchoy” Se clam Feat ~ TeALC ) FOP (4 Hello" 5 Haws (1095, Teak (tak 1) z Ge: “call to that) must be. first Stakemek fr Conbractor @\ Cone cit? Bez clos Tent, Test) z Auper()5 thc; (eee 3 3 GE Call bo thiag > must be first stalement ta coubuctoy. Conclusions Ge Con we etthey auper(y (or thinc>, buk aot both Sterulkancously . Cone (titi)? wwe Con call consbucton divectly by puperC) and Hac) only trade combuctar. res Ge Conk Ure there diveck Conshuctor Calls fom oukstde of fhe Conhuctor+ Sz clow Text < TAC) z Aupey(); 3 Public void mic) z AupeyC )5, [3 3 . ce: Call to Auper¢) nuk be first slakcenent 19 Conshucter- Nolte: Auper()—>A call to aupey clam conbuctov Only, tewde. Contin Hin ©) A call to Current clam Comhuctoy Ge Con tre. oxgyeshere, { Aupey —> veference bo pavent except tn aka aver thin > veference to Current coun objeck Auperc 7 >. _ In Gnahucr: [7 A fist stabement thie) Only one, but rok both Stenultaneously. cotthin a clam coe. con take muttigle conmbuctom and all these Combuckors ave comidered as overloaded Conbuckova. Hence Conshuct Overloadieg W possible- fr claw Tet ¢ Teak) < tho Cop; Soph ( “no-ayg ty . 3 a Teak (ney thu (lo-5 ); overloaded Consbuctors. Sorpla( “tat-axge y- 3 Os Test (double d> | 2 FOP doutle ag 95 6D public. Atalic vold main Cshigg ¢ 9 op) z Ft bl=new Teak (I; —> Double- og tk - og 7 0-09 Tak ba=nec Teak (10>, —> Double-ay thk-ag Fuk b3=new Tak (10-5); > Double -c - 3 3 As Gnhevitonce overvidigg concepts are not applicable to the Consbuctova Buk Orerloadigg Concept ts applicable. ® Grey claw tn java tncludigg absbrack clam alno contain éomsbue Combuctor Concept: Buk tnberface, Cannot hove Combuctors Bez clown Feat Ge abstrack Claws Ta < z= Jako? Takod S < 3 4 4 3 valid valid Et talerface Feat Ext enum Tet = Tok? Teak) g 3 5 3 4 Gavolid valid @ we cont create an abject -for abstract clam, but abstract clown con Contain comtructoy: aohat ts the need ¢ fos TO Perfo tnittaltgation for the parent cows (obshract class) futance members ak parent level only «for the child clam obyect Ke; abstract claws combuctow aaill be crecuted bo perfomn tnikalgahion of child claw object Bu: attract claws Person 2 name; 8S height; y Person (name, age, hegght > £ thir. nome = nome, this age rage 5 thucheyght = height; 3 clom Sofhoare Bygincer exlends Reson Claw Student extends Person < z Anuper (nome, ae, heat ) Aasper (name, age hegght 2 3 ~ Be clas P br clan P z z public static void mic? PO £ z y _ 3 3 claw C edlends P clos C extends P a Clint 1> z public Atolic void mac) e z Auper: ce 3 . Y puble static void matn(shigcrag,) | public sake void man (styl 30 z 2 Ccenes CO, C cane C10); SmiOs Coane CO); ce: 3 ema 7; EEF Connot Find Symbol- 4 - Borbol: consmuctoy CC) - docatian : clam Cc: Cone (t)2 “Recursive method call” aleogyp @ RuntimeEcception’. gsheveous “Recuvsive. Comstrickey” tavocation wa Compileltre. Error Recuvsive. method call Recursive. Coucksy tavacation Clays Test clas Teat + | Spublie Atotic vord en? Pro o Ba) f macy, Fhci035 mac} “public Atalic void mac> ‘Test Ctat 1) rata} Sonic 5 Lancs Public atatic void main(Shigg 2 Public Atalte vod enain (shipg C9 ayy ) muicys Op) mca Hello dont, Gee Shock" 5 SFo-pla (* Hello"); Cope (ti)* clos P clan P clos P ei PO Pet 19 clo CewerdsP | § é £ 4 3 =) oo C exlends P clam ¢ extends P ag ios > compiler generated cod. 3 > conplegwentd ct co ca ‘ eve 5 ae Compiletime Gvort Camok find yro Syrrbol= Consmuctor PO docotion: clam Conclusions: — *@ OF the parent claw conta O44 conatructoy, Hen cshile Gortbgg chile Clow constucter coe have to take Special cave SOT Ghee c tae coating Oey aggument Corsbuctoy , then te i Highly recomended bo carte 0-499 consbuctor abo. Core (iii) . clam P z , PC throes Loéxception £ y clay C extends P z co le Compiler, Gerevaled code: —> £6? bnveported Exception 3 provperc ot Joxracia POEcephion to = ‘ult Combractor (a ae SP ce ave takigg conshuctor ta child clom or Ffolloan,are coon Be AY compllelime: Ervor CO) throws Loecception | tecopkon < Aupey (5 3 Conclusions: Of parent claw consbuctey Hhross Some checked Exception then child clam contructy Should throws the sume checked Exception or Tks Parent ® catia the consbructor If Hreve tw apy chance OF valnieg checked ception, then highly vecommended to hondle that Gceplion aithto the Consbuctor only by wong hey, cakch. Q cohtch of the follocsigg. Ib hue X© Then name of the combuckor need nok be some as Nome of the clam: X@ Rebwn bype concept t» applicable for combuctom: ©) ce con ure ary modifier for the conshuckor X@) we contt declare a conmbuctor explicitly as private: X@) ewe con develop a Siggletan class axthout unigg privale conbuckor. x © cattun clam ewe con boke akmost one. conshactor« © @® comeptler aul aloooys grevale defoult Consbuctor x (B) If we aye cok conhing 10-0) Contuctar then only compiler coil Generale default conshuckor- @ A claw con contain both pragrammer rehacn conuhutkor and Compiler gereraled Conkhuctoy Senultoneouly Xe) overloadigg concept W not applicable -for combucto. X@ Anhentance concept ws appheable for corrtuctorn but Camot be Overvtden - x2 Ovewriding Concept ws applicable for Comshuctovs buk aot overk ooday, x® the -first tine. ta evegy Comtructor Should be Aupeve > alesgys. x ® The First bine. tm every Combuckor Should be etthey Aupercy Cavs Hh) ond Y we ave not cova agythigg then compiler call cleo Place thc. x6) Ge Con Ure Aapec) ond this( > apycoheve *® Only Concrele loser can contain Conbuckom but aot absbrack clones x@® Inkecface Con Contain Comsbuctovs. x Recuysie Conshuctay tavocatton ts Aleooys Rontine Exception . x8) OF the Parent clam coruhuctor thvoan Some Unchecked 6ceptton then Compfilacrgs evens child clom conshructoy Should Hhyoygh the Same unchecked ceptions ¥ @) nore of the. cabove: CA ©) ype cortege Pavent clom reference can be. wed to hold child clan objeck- fe: object O=nees sting C*Dugga’; Fankevface veference con be ured to hold tmplemented class Objects - Runnable v= necs thread (>; Lt Lz new Arg lak; &: Object 0 = nea Shing Ceduygat >; Shing Buffer b= (Shigg Buffer Jo, Protoljpe Of “ype Caskgg s object [object reference clam [intevface ~ vebevence class tobevface variable Compiler's checkiag 1 : athe. type of d’ and 'c’ must have. Some velatonship. (etther Parent to child (ory child to parent (or) same bype:)- Othercoise we aoill get compiletme Error Sag Ce: (acoaverttble ‘pypes founded bype vequived +c bype Be claw Fat © publ Akalic void main (hing C3 og) z Obct a sneco Shigg Cdayga’y; a ShiyButfer th = (Shien Buffer) 0; Ber claws “est are Akakic vod main (Shing 2 gp) = Shing A= ne shigg C* Dugas Shing Buffer ab= (shigg Buffer A; —> Get incanvertible bypen a Found: javaclong: Shing 3 vequived : java-lagg- Shaggy But Comptlerh checkiqg-2 + {c’ should be either some (or) derived bype OF al. Otherqne ce. Guill get Compilehme Eror Sqyieg CE tacompatable bypes found: ¢ Yequaveds A Ks Object o= neo shing C *duyga'y; Shing Buffer Ab= (shrqgBuffer Jo; valed be: Shing A= nea Shing Cidnga Ds ShingBuffer b= Cobject JA; —> Ce: tncompalible bypes Found :java-lanq- object vequived + jova: Logg. shiqgBuffer Runtine checking by SvHe “mS the underyiag object type of d’ must be Aame Car) Dertved type OF 'c’- othevamne e cotll Get Runkmebception Saying Closscubbcephe RE: ClamCoskEception byt o= meno shigg (“duyga); ShingBuffer Ab= Cshiqg Buffer 03 >Re + Ret Clamcantécception s Shigg Cont be cout to shiggBeffer. IP fx: Object aa Bares Based oN SN Deri Deva Devs Dev Dev d = nee Deva); Object © = (Basea)ds Des ds= (Ders}0; —>R-€: Clascostéxceplion Deru du= (@areard; cer Dery d5= (Barer )ds > Cea {Objeck 0 = (Barer) (Cobject ) (nees Derived (9) 5 CEI + tacompalible types found + Based vequiveds Deri GEr22 Inconvertible. bypes Found + Der requived = Bayet > da fypecastigg coe ave wot Creating complelyy sepevale independent Object just axe ave Crealigg onothey ype Of vefevence for the. exishag Object - Bi shigg A= necs Shing C¥duyga";_ Shing 4 objec 0. . is Object 0 (object A; ugg Compavable ¢- Soph (A=); hue mee Compavable ¢= (Compavable Ja 5 Bt ca c= new C20; P pee > => (“pe ent*>, emi(); —F cari | CEN) (cy) -(94-> CatMY cgmia > Cectzm")5 ™A0) —> Ccremat Cceincey + sey; > Ce: > Comeok find Symbol eg mo > Cease"): Agebol: method m3¢ > MC) a> Carma"), location: clas ¢ CP (cerncer)) <0; > Casont CP Ce) (e))-ma¢y3 x (PED @))- 305% be C cane Co, A —>micp Cmic); oc z Sop CHaty, (€8)c)-mi¢y; ( (A) (@re2}-mie75 Fe B sm) a zg “pe 3 S-0-p (*B"); . ce) aS SOP (*er); OB) af evey method & the Atatic: then Cosnew CO} Coie; ee ((8r¢)- M10; >B ear ((8 9-195 —A Ce znens CO; Aviat [=6665 SOp(c-t); ass S07 (((8)¢)-1D; > 934 Sop ( (cay (8)¢))-1); > 666 > Fall variables ov atatic Hen oo chagge In Gukpat ang P ‘ Bo (e338; 4 > 12868; C) couptiag : tthe degree of dependengy behoeen the components & called coupliag- &: com A clom 8 clam ¢ é £ ‘ate tat (265; | bake tatj= comic; | PARE abake tak enc 3 3 velurn Dek; clas D z Atalic tat k2l05 3 the dependency behoeen the above Components 4 high: Hence these Components are said to be bghtly Coupled coith each other. ‘Tightly coupliag ty never vecommended. Because ik how the Follocoieg Servioun dinadvonkoger: © % veduces morctainabiliy of the apply: ® Gotthout Ffectig Yemainigg Components coe Cont modify oy Component Hence enhancement caill become voy ‘opperet difficult @ 2 doant promote vewuabiliy of the code Note: loosly Coupling is Aleaguy Gos Pragramming practice Coheston: For every Component ase have bo define a clear csell defined Fuackonaltly Such type Of Component Said tobe follow hygh Cohexion- “ : “otal sewiet “ logia validation Gnbox. Compose. logia-pp — validabefentet: Hart du; Ploy “tow cohenton “ “High coheston * > High Cohesion aleogys vecommended. Because. t& has Feveral advantages « : © catthout effecting vemainigg component toe con mols ony Component. Hence enhancement sill become very cary. @ ‘Dk temproves maintainahiliy of the application @ i promotes veusuobitly of the code te; eshenevey validation ty vequived ae Con veure, the some volidale Sewlet coithout ‘veanriting.. Ip Myc Fromehork follocs high Coheton- Myc hyp Cohesion Model viecs Contvolley Model: meont for Busines lagre vieca# meant fy Prerentation logie. Controllers meant for co-ardinalion ackvity Hence fov evey Component. a clear cell defined fuackionaltl ts defined «Hence tk ty sad to be olloco “high Cohesion" y

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