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Lesson Plan Template

Art Education Workshop Lesson Plan: ART 135


Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (please circle)

Print First and Last Names:
Shannon Myers
Elizabeth Row
Students will design a detailed Media and Techniques Workshop and Lesson Plan for college juniors and seniors with limited to
moderate exposure to
(1) painting/drawing, (2) electronic art, (3) sculpture/fibers, (4) ceramics/pottery, (5) printmaking, (6)
jewelry/metals, (7) photography, and
(8) collage/assemblage. The Lesson will be inspired by course content re the high school learner: pedagogical choices
(Patterson, 2011, p. 6); special education (Gerber & Guay, 2007); practice and theory (Bird, 2012); key ideas, techniques,
cultural contexts, and creative inspiration (Parks, 2015, p. 4); and assessment (Beattie, 1997).
Lesson Title*: Printmaking

Medium*: Printmaking

Big Idea*:Self Expression

in both Privacy and the
Lesson Overview (3 complete sentences)*: In this lesson students will review and learn about the art of Printmaking.
Students will learn why its essential to almost everyone and what sort of purposes it has in our everyday lives . Students will

explore the art process of printmaking and the different ways that students can do printmaking.
Key Concepts (3-4): What you want the students to

1. How art, privacy and the public are connected

and how they can be socially and culturally
2. How Privacy and the Public can be socially and
culturally constructed
3.How Printmaking can be used in everyday life

Essential Questions (3-4)*:

1. In what ways are art, privacy and the public connected and
used with self expression?
2. In what ways is privacy constructed? In what ways is
something made public?
3. In what ways might privacy affect both body and mind?
4. In what ways might public affect both body and mind?

Lesson Objectives of visual art content area (Excellent resource at What you want the students to do. *

Lesson Plan Template

1. The students will (TSW) be able to . . . Use Printmaking in the journals that they make
2. The students will (TSW) be able to . . .Talk about how and when they have seen/used Printmaking
3. The students will (TSW) be able to . . .Show how they used Printmaking in this lesson
National Core Art Standards: Visual Arts (4): Please
Identify and define visual art vocabulary that connect to the
list number and description of Anchor Standard.
concentration area(s), or medium(s)*:
1. Creating: 3. Refine and complete artistic work.
1. Printmaking- Printmaking is the process of making
2. Presenting: 6. Convey meaning through the
artworks by printing, normally on paper. Printmaking
presentation of artistic work.
normally covers only the process of creating prints that
3. Responding: 8. Interpret intent and meaning in
have an element of originality, rather than just being a
artistic work.
photographic reproduction of a painting.
4. Connecting: 11. Relate artistic ideas and works
2. Privacy- the state or condition of being free from being
with societal, cultural and historical context to
observed or disturbed by other people.
deepen understanding.
3. Public- in public, not in private; in a situation open to
public view or access; publicly
California Commission on Teacher
Lesson Activities and Procedures (Please be very specific by
Credentialing (CCTC) (2003-2004/2010) (3-5): Subject highlighting various techniques and materials. Also include
Matter Requirements for Prospective Art Teachers
individual roles of group members)*: 1. Allow students to enter and be seated (1:50-2.05)
2. Introduce Lesson (2:05-2:10) Shannon
Content Domains (pp. 23-29): Please check all that
3.Ask students to get homework and memos out (2:10)
apply and add number, letter, and description of
applicable benchmark.
4. Have students either in pairs or groups to share about
___Domain 1. Artistic Perception
reading and homework project (2:10-2:20) Shannon
X Domain 2. Creative Expression 2.2 c.
5. Have each pair or group report out to the rest of the class
Demonstrate knowledge of materials, tools, and
techniques used in printmaking (e.g., relief,
6. Go through essential questions and key concepts (2:30screenprinting, lithography, intaglio).
2:35) Elizabeth
X Domain 3. Historical and Cultural Context of the
7. Inform students about studio and what they will be doing
Visual Arts 3.1a. Demonstrate knowledge of how
(2:35-2:40) Elizabeth
visual art is used to communicate ideas or document
8. Show students the different options that they have to
experiences. b. Demonstrate knowledge of how visual work with, potato stamps, texture boards, ez cut, foam
art is used to express emotions and share
board, ect (2:40-2:50) Shannon

Lesson Plan Template

experiences (e.g., rites of passage, celebrations).

___Domain 4. Aesthetic Valuing
X Domain 5. Connections, Relationships, and
Applications 5.2 d. Compare and contrast works of
art, probing beyond the obvious and identifying
content (e.g., psychological, metaphorical, cultural)
found in the symbols and images.
___Domain 6. History and Theories of Learning in Art
List all materials needed in the columns below.
EZ cut
Exacto Knives
Fun Foam

Anticipatory Set (beginning; example VTS)*: Have

examples of the project and what the students will be
doing and inspiration artist that can give ideas or
examples to inform the students artmaking

9. Have students work for a amount of time (2:50-3:30)

10. Show students video on how to bind book together
(3:30-3:33) Elizabeth and Shannon
11. Allow students time to bind book(3:33-3:40)
12. Once bound have students write a quote that mean
something special to them (3:40-3:45) Shannon
13. Have students leave book open and have them do a
gallery walk
14. Have students examine each other's work and give
feedback (what ifs and wows (3:45-3:50) [Closure]
Closure (ending; example ticket-out) *: Gallery walk with
comment cards, at the end of the studio so that students
can see each other's work and give what ifs and
positives feedback.

Lesson Plan Template

Formative Assessment strategy (of assigned readings

from Bird and Parks)*: Reading and examining
students reactions to readings in the beginning of the
class so that they can reflect on the thoughts of the
other students while they are doing their artmaking

Summative Assessment strategy (studio investigations):

Students will build a book and then using the process
printmaking they will print on their own pages to use later
for either journaling, scrapbooking, ect.

Please respond to the following questions thoroughly and in complete sentences.

1. What student prior knowledge will this lesson require/draw upon? This lesson will require the basics in design
knowledge, will touch on past journaling or scrapbooking experience, and will require the students to be open in
the making and execution of this project.
2. How will this lesson allow for/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways? This lesson will allow
them to follow instructions that could prove to be frustrating or difficult in ways, and it will also encourage
patience as designing the pages will prove to be repetitive.
3. How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning? Students can use this project through
the course of the class as a form of documentation.
4. How will you adapt the various aspects of the lesson for differently-abeled students? This lesson can be
adapted by instead of having the students make their own books students can use old books and alter them for
the needs of this lesson. Students can use only one type of printmaking methods so that they are not
overwhelmed by the amount of processes
5. What opportunities/activities will you provide for students to share their learning in this lesson? This lesson has
opportunities so that students can share their work at the start and it can be used throughout a semester/year
and the final project can be presented at the end or at least how it was used throughout the semester/year.

Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Resources/References (use APA; please identify):

As of right now the sources that were used were the ones about the Standards and the books, but more will be
coming I'm sure.
1)Parks, J. A. (2015). Universal principles of art: 100 key concepts for understanding, analyzing,
and practicing art. Beverly, MA: Rockport.
2) Art as Usual: Product Comparison: Easy Carve Printing Blocks. (n.d.). Retrieved May 03, 2016, from
3) Bird, M. (2012). 100 ideas that changed art. London, England: Laurence King.
4) Creating. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2016, from
5) DIY Foam Stamps - The Crafted Sparrow. (2013). Retrieved May 03, 2016, from
6) How to Make a Book. (n.d.). Retrieved May 03, 2016, from
7) MAKING A MARK. (n.d.). Retrieved May 03, 2016, from
8) Potato Stamp 101: How to Make Art with a Spud | The Postman's Knock. (2013). Retrieved May 03, 2016, from
9) Visual Arts. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2016, from
* Include this information during the peer Media and Techniques Workshop.
Some helpful links to new terms:
Anticipatory set:
Formative and Summative Assessment:
Silverstein, L. B. & Layne, S. (n.d.). Defining arts integration. Retrieved from

Lesson Plan Template

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