Strategy Practice

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1. Most of (A) the flights to Florida was overbooked (B) since it was the
holiday season, and there (C) were heavy snowstorms predicted (D) in
the North.
To overbook to sell more tickets on a plane or reserve more rooms in a hotel
than there are places available:
Ex: The flight was heavily overbooked.
2. The customer (A) was advised (B) that he will fill out (C) the warranty
and that he should send it (D) directly to the manufacturer.
To fill sth out = To fill sth in
Warranty (n) a written agreement in which a company selling sth promises
to repair or replace it if there is a problem within a particular period of
SYN Guarantee
3. A problem it (A) has caused setbacks (B) and we have been forced to
change (C) the final date of completion if we want to avoid being (D)
Setback (n) a difficulty or problem that delays or prevents sth, or makes a
situation worse:
The team suffered a major setback when their best player was injured.
To penalize sb (for sth) to punish sb for breaking a rule or law by making
them suffer a disadvantage:
Ex: You will be penalized for poor spelling.
4.A lot of people have offered (A) to help (B) with the project; however, he
decided to do (C) it immediately and by itself (D).
5. The first group, which were (A) supposed to collect (B) the information,
finished doing (C) it last (D).
6. How could they knew (A) that the messenger was going to be late (B)
because of the poor (C) weather conditions (D)?

7. This telephone (A) wasnt as cheap (B) the other one, but it (C) works
much better (D).
8. Can we afford buying (A) another word processor, or should we (B)
consider renting one (C) to save (D) money?
9. Ive enjoyed meeting you (A) and your staff, and I (B) expect being (C) in
touch with you (D) soon.
To be/To keep with
To know what is happening in a particular subject or area:
It is important to keep in touch with the latest research.
10. They asked (A) a lot of questions, checked (B) their figures (C), and
came up with a best (D) solution.
To come up with sth [no passive] to find or produce an answer, a sum of
money, etc.:
She came up with a new idea for increasing sales.
11. I dont know where Klein may be (A) or what he might be doing, but he
should call (B) us before now to let (C) us know if (D) hes been
12. Im so happy to report (A) that the annual report to the Board, which
Jameson compiled it (B) by himself, shows (C) a fifteen percent growth
in production and a wider (D) profit margin.
To compile to produce a book, list, report, etc. by bringing together different
items, articles, songs, etc.:
We are trying to compile a list of suitable people for the job.
Profit margin (also margin)(n) the difference between the cost of buying
or producing sth and the price that it is sold for
13. Whoever plans the food (A) for the company picnic should order at least
two kinds (B) of salad, enough breads (C) for all the different
sandwiches, and plenty of (D) soda and iced tea.

14. Were planning on bringing (A) in an efficiency expert to help us avoid

to waste (B) so many supplies and so much (C) time, in order to cut
down (D) on overhead costs.
Supplies [pl.] (n) the things such as food, medicines, fuel, etc. that are
needed by a group of people, for example an army or expedition:
Our supplies were running out.
Overhead costs [only before noun] connected with the general costs of
running a business or an organization, for example paying for rent or
overhead costs
15. Limiting (A) the number of full-time employees who we have to pay
benefits for them (B), and using more (C) part-time people should
reduce (D) expenses considerably and increase profits.
Benefits [C, usually pl.] (n) an advantage that you get from a company in
addition to the money that you earn; money from an insurance company:
The insurance plan will provide substantial cash benefits to your family
in case of your death.
16. I (A) dont think it would be (B) harder (C) to keep control on
production if we move some plants out of the country that (D) to leave
things as they are.
17. Youve got to stop spending (A) so much money at (B) the mall and go
(C) to fancy restaurants if you want to save enough for that vacation
youve been planning on (D).
Mall = shopping mall (n)
A large building or covered area that has many shops / stores,
restaurants, etc. inside it
18. All of us (A) would like to see the world (B) in which (C) we dont have
hunger, war, or disease (D).
19. I dont know what it (A) is-a boy or a girl-but I think thats cutest (B)
baby I have ever seen (C), and Im sure you will agree (D).

Cute (adj.) (cuter, cutest) pretty and attractive:

Ex: A cute little baby
20. Because weve told you to expect (A) seeing (B) big ups and downs (C)
in the stock market, dont panic if your stocks have lost a lot of value,
and just wait (D) until things get better.
Ups and downs the mixture of good and bad things in life or in a particular
situation or relationship
Stock market (also market) (n)
The business of buying and selling shares in companies and the place
where this happens; a stock exchange:
To make money on the stock market. A stock market crash (= when
prices of shares fall suddenly and people lose money)
Value (n) how much sth is worth in money or other goods for which it can
be exchanged:
To go up / rise / increase in value

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