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My philosophy on Educational Technology

There are so many reasons for using technology in the classroom it also has many benefits; for
example, saving time, providing a lot of sources of information, delivering the information to the
student much easier, and effort in the process of teaching and learning. In saying this I also
believe that each child is a unique individual who needs a secure, caring, and stimulating
environment in which to learn. We need to remember that the twenty first century learners are
more technologically sound, as a result it will be very effective to involve technology in there
This has therefore motivated me even more to include technology in the lessons that I will teach
come this 2016 academicals year. Living in the 21st century which is called the information age
where students are surrounded by technology and we are equipped in terms of information
literacy. My goal is to impart knowledge at the primary level and increase the passes GSAT,
grade four achievements etc. I will move with the revolution and expose my students to as much
technology as possible, technology such as epistemic games, Virtual classrooms, simulators and
global learning software. This will in turn help students to be intrinsically motivated and also
stimulate their passion for learning. This will also bring out lev vygotskys zone of
proximal development which describes the gap between a students ability to perform a task
under adult guidance and/or with peer collaboration and the students ability to solve the problem
I consider myself a mentor and guide for the students whom I will be teaching. When I play the
role of a guide, providing access to information rather than acting as the primary source of
information, the students search for knowledge is met as they learn to find answers to their

questions and this is in tandem with the constructivist view. I am also committed to provide
students with the opportunities to study things that are meaningful and relevant to their life and
interests. Technology will form the base of the lessons that I will teach and put the learner in
their comfort zone. I am a dedicated person and I will always strive to be the best educator that I
can be.

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