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ZETA POTENTIAL.; Source: atpcoop

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Your doctor may very well
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Source :
Introduction | Flow of Life | Molecular
Reality | Pictures of Blood | Reversing
Heart Disease | The Protein Connection |
Learn to Test Yourself

Whenever we peer into the

microscope to look at living blood, we
inevitably come upon principles of
chemistry and physics looking back at
us. These principles are so core to
existence itself that it seems odd that
medicine has yet to incorporate these
concepts in its practice and medical
schools have yet to teach them to
medical students. But having said that, it
is also apparent that many who study in
the naturopathic field as well have missed
some of these ideas.
To that end, we felt it important to fully
share another excerpt from our book
“How You Rot & Rust” which we use as
pre-training for our basic biological terrain
& microscope class. Another section of
this website gives a “Rot & Rust Tour”
and if you have not been through it, you
may find some of the concepts of interest.
What makes this section so
important is that if you get the gist of what
is written here, you will discover keys to
the secret of reversing and eliminating
heart disease.
If you are a “live blood” microscopist
and have not taken a Biomedx training
program, then it is quite possible you are
about to learn in detail for the first time a
most fundamental aspect of the blood
which causes most of the pictures you
see to be.
With that said, let’s get started with a
little overview of some research that
will lead into our main topic of discussion.
Insights From the Stealth Pathogen

Lida Mattman is a researcher who has

written on the nature of these
microorganisms in a book entitled “Cell
Wall Deficient Forms – Stealth
Pathogens“. This refers to the little
microbial forms that show an ability to be
present one moment and not the next,
just like the microbial forms that come
and go in the blood. They have this
changeable stealth nature about them. In
the introduction to her book she recounts
the words of earlier researchers
regarding this topic.
In 1892 Wilhelm Zopf wrote that it was thought that only micrococcus
could produce micrococci, not rods or spirals, and similarly, spirals
could give rise to spirals only and not to rods and cocci, and fungi are
not able to pass through different stages. He stated that the old
theory now only has historical significance.

In 1899 Willibald Winkler, MD, found

remarkable deviations in forms, and
using carefully prepared pure cultures,
found that bacteria pass through
stages with markedly different
morphology. He stated his
observations would likely not be
accepted immediately.
100 years later these observations are
still not generally accepted by medical
A very insightful section of Lida
Mattman’s book discusses how changing
the terrain of the culture medium,
changes the developmental form of the
microbe. Examples: anthrobacter develop
rods, rather than spheres if peptone is
added to the glucose-mineral salts
medium; whether triangle forms or
ellipsoidal forms of yeast develop will
be dependent on the amino acid mix in
the medium; candida develops only
budding yeast cells when glucose is the
sole carbon source, but with soluble
starch, glycogen, or dextrin, there is
extensive filamentation; the presence of
simple ions can determine the shape of
an organism; for some fungi, mycelia
form only when zinc, copper and iron
cations are all present; excess zinc can
prevent fungal sporulations.
All of this leads back to the terrain. The
terrain is everything and it is the premise
behind How You Rot & Rust.
In the human body, many think of the
blood as a fluid, but it is more akin to a
suspension, i.e. solid particles are
suspended in a liquid.
In essence, blood is a suspension of

In colloid chemistry blood could easily be

thought of as nothing more than a
colloidal slurry and the principles that
apply to any colloidal slurry or suspension
also apply to the blood. The term most
apt to explain the ***coming together
of the red blood cells and the various
microbial forms in the blood is***ZETA
POTENTIAL. This relates to the
electrical charge around a colloid
(recac) . In the blood this is controlled by
pH and all the other elements found in
the “soup”.

All of life moves about with a constant

interplay between the forces of ions.
Ions are electrically charged atoms or
groups of atoms. Anions are the
negatively charged ions (nci) and are
created through an electron gain
(cteg) and cations are the positively
charged ions created through an
electron loss. In colloidal chemistry the
term used to discuss the charge around a
colloidal particle (cacp) is zeta potential.

In blood, 1) the amount of the

suspended particles, 2) the pH of the
suspension, the 3) mix of anions and
cations, all determine the rheological
characteristics. Rheology is the word that
describes the study of the deformation and
flow of matter.Rheo is from Greek and it
means flow.
It is interesting to note how for thousands
of years Chinese medicine has always
dealt with the concept of flow. If you
don’t have flow then you must have
congestion. Therefore, f you have
congestion then you don’t have
flow.It’s the yin and yang of life. The up
and down of balance. The in and out of

History Long Suppressed

Way back in 1628, Harvey presented
his Thesis entitled “Motion of the
Heart and Blood in Animals”. He
stated: “The blood therefore required
to have motion, and indeed such a
motion that it should return to the
heart; for sent to the external parts of
the body, far from its fountain, as
Aristotle says, and without motion, it
would become congealed”. Another
way of looking at it is the principle of
flow. Harvey knew that disease induced
coagulation of the blood. However he
found peer pressure was so strong
against his ideas that he feared for his
In 1878, Herman von
Helmholtzestablished the
mathematical basis for the physical
chemistry covering the stability of
liquid-solid systems, including milk,
oil, emulsions, urine and blood. His
mathematical theory forms the basic
lawof zeta potential today.
There were many other individuals that
laid a foundation for the understanding
of zeta potential and its practical
application to health in the human
body. However, if you ask any medical
doctor like an oncologist or
cardiovascular specialist – to whom
these principles can be of critical
importance – about zeta potential, they
are apt to say they never heard that
term before. This is likely because a
study of zeta potential is not a part of
the curriculum in medical school.
However, anyone who begins a serious
study of biological terrain will encounter
the ***concept of zeta potential
because it is a ***basic principle
of the electrical properties of
life itself. And in one sense the
body is electric–or electrostatic.
In various industries the concept of zeta
potential is common knowledge. Zeta
potential plays a critical role in many
industrial processes. 1)The manufacture
of soap is one example. Water by itself
does not always clean as well as it could.
Sometimes the water needs to be made
wetter. How can you have wetter water
that becomes a better cleaner and
disperser of dirt on grungy dishes? By
***adding anionic surfactants to the
water thereby changing its charge. The
anionic soapy water does a better job
of getting between the cationic dirt
particles of the dirty dishes and
disperses the garbage.

2) The area of paints and pigments is

another example. Whether a quantity
of pigment added to a base paint will
coagulate and form a speckled mess
or disperse into trillions of tiny
particles each remaining separate and
discrete thereby leaving an even color,
depends almost entirely on the
electrical properties of the system.

3) In the industrial process of purifying

water in treatment plants, zeta
potential plays a crucial role. In order
to get out pollutants, the treatment
facility pours in a highly ***cationic
substances like **aluminum sulfate
which attracts the garbage to itself
thereby coagulating or flocculating out
the precipate (fop) . This floc becomes
heavy and drops to the bottom of the
holding tank thereby cleansing the
water.(Note that if they miscalculate
how much cationic aluminum to add to
the water, some of that will stay in the
water supply that arrives at your tap
and this aluminized tap water is
definitely not good for health as it
coagulates elements of your own body

In a general way of thinking which is overly simplistic, think of ***anions

as dispersers,

and cations as coagulators. ***Anions

disperse things, ***cations bring
things together. Further, you could
say anionic leans alkaline, cationic
leans acid.

Molecular Reality
**Molecular compounds are composed
of various atoms with electrons
spinning in their orbits and is a mix of
anionic and cationic components. The
ratios of these anions to cations give
indications as to the valence of the
molecule or electrolyte. Theions of
both anionic and cationic electrolytes
may carry from one to four charges
and are accordingly designated
mono-, di-, tri-, or polyvalent type
When the electrolytes are negatively charged they are written as 1:1,
1:2, 1:3, 1:4 to indicate their ratios and their respective ionic strength.The

higher the ratio the more ionic

strength to increase zeta potential and
have a dispersionary effect. The right
ionic balance is good for humans.
When the electrolytes are positively charged they are
written as 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1. The higher
these ratios, the more ionic strength to
decrease zeta potential and coagulate,
agglutinate, flocculate, sludge and
downright clog up systems. The
wrong ionic balance is bad for
Molecular REALITY
Molecular compounds are composed
of various atoms with electrons
spinning in their orbits and is a mix of
anionic and cationic components. The
ratios of these anions to cations give
indications as to the valence of the
molecule or electrolyte. Theions of
both anionic and cationic electrolytes
may carry from one to four charges
and are accordingly designated
mono-, di-, tri-, or polyvalent type

When the electrolytes are negatively

charged they are written as 1:1, 1:2,
1:3, 1:4 to indicate their ratios and
their respective ionic strength.The
higher the ratio the more ionic
strength to increase zeta potential and
have a dispersionary effect. The right
ionic balance is good for humans.

When the electrolytes are positively

charged they are written as 1:1, 2:1,
3:1, 4:1. The higher these ratios, the
more ionic strength to decrease zeta
potential and coagulate, agglutinate,
flocculate, sludge and downright clog
up systems. The wrong ionic balance
is bad for humans.

Negative Charge – 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4.

Ratios indicate ionic strength. Higher
= more strength to increase zeta
potential. Good for humans.
Positive Charge – 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1.
Higher ratios here means more
strength to decrease zeta potential.

Bad for humans.

A lot of the processed foods with

chemical preservatives, pesticide
residue and additives are of a cationic
1:1, 2:1 nature. Bad for humans.
These foods have a natural zeta
potential lowering effect on the blood.
As it is, blood is naturally maintained
in a dispersed state that is just on the
verge of beginning to sludge. This is
required for an effective blood clotting
mechanism so if you cut yourself you
don’t bleed to death. The blood
clotting mechanism is associated with
the release and activation of
prothrombin-thrombin which is a
cationic polyelectrolyte. (Heparin on
the other hand is an anionic polyvalent
electrolyte dispersing agent and is
used medically to relieve intravascular
coagulation – though I should say we
can do this 100% naturally with an
understanding of this information).
Now with blood at a natural precipice
just ready to sludge, if we add
negative health items to our diet that
have a further sludging effect on our
blood, the situation for health begins
to deteriorate.


Back in the late 1960’s Thomas Riddick
who was an engineer and chemist,
wrote the book “Control of Colloid
Stability Through Zeta Potential”. It
was a masterful work which expressed all
the nuances of zeta potential within
colloidal systems and included insights
into working with cardiovascular disease
which we’ll talk more about later.
Riddick spent thousands of hours
researching how zeta potential is
influenced by the mix of pH factors
and electrolyte concentration in liquid
suspensions.Zeta potential fluctuates
up and down dependent on the pH, the
concentration of the electrolytes in the
liquid, and the specific conductance of
the liquid which relates right back to
the electrolyte concentration. We use
specific conductance as a measure of the
ability of a liquid medium to conduct
electricity. We measure specific
conductance on a scale called mho
(also called siemen).
One thing I found fascinating with
Riddick’s work was how zeta potential
plays a role in all of life. In “How You Rot
& Rust” elsewhere on this site, we
mention how the colloids can have an
urge to merge, how they merge and
what they form into is all a function of
the terrain to which they are exposed.
(And they can also have an urge to
disperse if charged properly.) Well
guess what? In the blood the terrain is
a mix or ratio of anions and cations
and other non-ionic substances. Two
of these non-ionic substances in the
body would be alcohol and sugar. Too
much here and you create a steric
hindrance – steric pertains to the
spatial relationships of the atoms in
molecules – which meansinterference
with ionic mobility and lessened zeta

So as dietary habits affect the levels of

anions, cations and other substances
in the bloodstream, the interplay of all
these things leads to an overall
measure of zeta potential. If zeta
potential goes down – that is the
charge between colloids decreases –
the colloids come together. If zeta
potential goes up the colloids
disperse. (Technically zeta potential is
measured by the millivolt reading
between colloids. This millivolt reading
is expressed as a negative (-) number.
The more (-) the reading, the greater
the zeta potential. In blood the onset
of agglomeration occurs at
approximately -15mv and maximum
dispersion is obtained at -100mv. )

Here is how Riddick illustrated the linking

together of various polymers – the
coming together of many different
molecules – that might occur when zeta
potential falls within various suspensions.

As I first viewed these images I

thought gee, these are the types of forms
that are often seen in blood. And sure
enough it is so because the blood is a
colloidal suspension directly under
the influence of anions, cations, and
non-ionic substances which all
influence the charge of zeta potential
and it is this charge which is the final
factor which influences the merging
together of the blood colloids.
Mysteries Yet to Unfold
As we discussed earlier, the variety of
developmental forms of microbes under
different terrain conditions is what Lida
Mattman observed. The driving factor is
the ionic and non-ionic mix or
concentration of the medium, and the
ultimate measurable control is zeta
potential. I do not doubt that multiple
microbial looking forms may arise within
equal measures of zeta potential, the
determining factor being the ionic/non-
ionic mix of the medium or terrain in
which the microbe exists.
When Guenther Enderlein made his
observations of the endobiont, he was
doing so from the framework of a
biologist. He observed the pleomorphic
nature of different fungal species in
culture by varying their terrain, and
observed the exact same type of forms
in the blood by varying its terrain. This
was all observation – and quite brilliant.
DNA testing did not exist to correlate the
theories. Today some preliminary work is
being done on the observed forms in the
blood and some of these things do not
seem to correlate with Enderlein’s
thought process. Then again there are
flaws in our knowledge of DNA. There
may be fungal links in the blood which will
be uncovered, as well as links to “stealth
Many mysteries are yet to unfold. What
we know for sure is that the terrain is
everything. When we are dead,
microbes in our body turn us back to
dust. When we are alive and view
living blood under the microscope, the
worse it looks, the worse off we are.
The faster it degenerates on a
microscope slide, the faster we are
degenerating internally. Underlying all
of this is the basic interplay of the
electron – anions and cations. The
measurement of their influence is zeta
potential. Increase zeta potential and
the blood looks and acts healthier,
decrease zeta potential and it’s just
the opposite.
Silent Clots
James Privitera, M.D., wrote the book
“Silent Clots – Life’s Biggest Killers“. He
would like to see live blood microscopy in
every emergency room to evaluate all
stroke and cardiovascular patients as well
as others with acute medical conditions to
determine the presence of clotting.
Clotting can clearly be seen in live
blood under the microscope through
platelet and red blood cell
aggregation. It is a clear sign that zeta
potential has fallen and life is

Studies that Dr. Privitera has conducted

are telling. Out of 45 patients studied with
circulatory complaints, all had
recognizable clots bigger than the size of
two red blood cells. 31 out of the 45 also
tested with abnormal cholesterol HDL
levels. In a study of 28 patients with
angina, 27 of those, or 96%, showed
significant platelet clotting.

In eighty percent of the heart attacks, the

individual does not experience prior chest
pain. If live blood microscopy were
performed as part of a routine check-
up, it seems likely this potential for
heart attack would be picked up
early.Dr. Privitera would like to know why
this method is not widely used and the
fact that it isn’t he finds utterly amazing.
Disease Reprieve
Dr. T.C. McDaniel, D.O., was 56 years
old many years ago and he was having
definite cardiovascular problems. His
heart was constantly skipping beats. He
went to the best heart experts in the field,
and they could not help him. He searched
for answers and then stumbled upon the
concept of zeta potential. It was a
revelation. Blood, which is a suspension,
begins to sludge as zeta potential falls,
and zeta potential is directly related to
the mix of anions and cations and
non-ions in that suspension. Armed
with this information, he mixed up and
took his own “anionic surfactant”,
drank more pure water, eliminated the
bad cations from his diet, and his
PVCs disappeared.
You’ll recall when we talked about
molecular reality that the anionic
substances with higher valence like 1:2
and 1:3 etc. have a greater dispersing
effect. So if one were to take a proper
amount of something like potassium
citrate which is a 1:3 electrolyte and
mix it in pure distilled or reverse
osmosis water and drink it up, that
would act like a dispersing agent for the
blood stream. And so it is.
Dr. McDaniel wrote a book “Disease
Reprieve – Living Into the Golden Years”
that illustrates the knowledge he
uncovered and how he has put it into
practice. Today as I write this at the end
of 2001, Dr. McDaniel is 87 years old and
is still active with a thriving
cardiovascular-renal practice. He shows
people how to eliminate cardiovascular
problems in their life. How to eliminate
kidney stones in about 5 hours without
any surgical intervention whatsoever, and
how to never have them return. This is
knowledge which is not taught in medical
school and is unlikely to be taught there
anytime soon. If your doctor has this
knowledge it is likely he learned it through
extra-curricular training like the type
Biomedx offers or from other more
“natural” health oriented outlets. Let me
give you some more insight on this

Once again I am going to be very

simple in this presentation, but the
knowledge and its application is very
powerful. First let me make a reference to
history. At the turn of the twentieth
century, heart attacks did not exist – at
least not in the medical books. Doctors
at that time never heard the word
coronary thrombosis. The first
reported heart attack occurred in 1896
and the condition did not even have a
name. Several years later the New
England Journal of Medicine did a write
up about this new and curious but very
rare condition and they called it
myocardial infarct.

Today half the population of America dies

from “cardiovascular disease”. What
happened during a 100 year time span
that so changed the picture? Here it is.…
• Processing of foods which reverses
natures ratios of potassium to sodium.
• Unnatural farming practices using
cationic herbicides and pesticides.
• Increased use of pharmaceutical
drugs, over 90% of which are strongly
• Increased use of sugar which inhibits
ionic mobility.
• Chlorination and flouridation of drinking
• Not drinking enough pure clean water
• The use of strongly cationic
aluminum cans for food and drinks.
• The use of cationic chemical
additives and preservatives in food.
• Exposure to thousands of cationic
chemicals in the environment.
• Increased consumption of cooked
animal protein.
• The consumption of homogenized
• The consumption of polyunsaturated
and hydrogenated oils.
Each of these things means the mix of
anionic and cationic forces in our bodies
is askew, in effect lowering blood zeta
potential and clogging things up. Add
them all up and you have cardiovascular
stress, unheard of 100 years ago, but
“normal” today.

Often times you may go to a
doctor and they tell you that you are
“normal”. Or your test results are
within “normal” limits. What they often
really mean is your test results are
“common”. That is to say, common for
a population that is increasingly going
our of balance with nature. Test
results that are common are often
times no where near “normal”. In fact
they can be so far away from normal
that it is no wonder that many
experience weight gain, diabetes,
heart disease, chronic fatigue, cancer
and other maladies in record numbers.

In a perfect world with the right

concentration of electrolytes “rce”
which is in perfect balance for the
blood “pbfb”, the blood will have a
specific conductance (SC) reading of
12,000 micromhos. Specific
conductance for blood or urine is a
measure of the conductivity level
“mcl”(how well the fluid conducts
electricity) and is measured with
conductivity meters. The reciprocal of
conductivity which is “resistivity” is
also often used. The kidneys job is to
make sure blood stays at the 12,000
micromho level. If the right proportion of
dietary electrolytes were being consumed
along with adequate water intake, the
urine SC would reflect this 12,000 level.
This would tell you the kidneys are
cruising at a 1 to 1 concentration factor
and they are not doing one bit more work
than they need to do.Now if an
individual starts to lessen water
intake, drinks water too high in
mineral concentration, consumes too
many of the items listed above, then
the kidney is going to have to increase
concentration levels and the urine will
reflect this in a higher SC. A SC
reading of 24,000 micromhos reflects a
doubling of effort by the kidneys. A
36,000 SC is a triple work load. As you
can see, this leads to kidney stress. We
have seen people coming into clinics and
they pin the needle on the SC
meter.Levels of 40,000 micromhos and
beyond. These individuals are heart
attacks waiting to happen.And guess
what, it is not unusual.
The key to cardiovascular health and
reversing heart disease is to understand
everything that passes your lips is a
potential stress on your system. The
more it comes from the above list, the
more stress it is. That stress in
electrical terms is one of excess
cations and the potential for lowering
zeta potential. When that starts to
happen, blood elements start to stick
together, clots start to form, and
trouble begins. This trouble would be
reflected in the picture of blood under the
microscope and a simple reading of urine
SC would correlate the picture and
quantify the trouble. Increasing urine SC
relates to decreasing zeta potential in the
blood. Clinically we might use a few other
tests but the solution is to increase water
intake and the levels of anionic
substances in the body.

Dr.McDaniel discovered long ago

that if an individual could keep their urine
SC to the 12,000 micromho level, watch
their dietary intake of foods (which SC
could also be tracked), and possibly
supplement with an appropriate
anionic electrolyte mix, then heart
disease, renal problems and kidney
stones would be non-existent. Imagine
that – no more heart attacks, infarctions,
arrhythmias, kidney stones, lithotripsy, or
deep venous thrombosis – cardiovascular
and renal problems solved. Are you likely
to hear about this soon in the mainstream
media or medical press? As long as
“experts” with political and monetary
interests are in control, don’t hold your
breath waiting.

In discussing heart disease it would

not be proper to not let you in on some
vital information beyond what we are
saying here. And that is this; most people
consume far too much cooked animal
protein. Since the 1940’s, Dr. Lothar
Wendt of Germany has been telling
professionals through many published
reports that the problems inherent in
poor health have a huge basis in the
over consumption of cooked animal

This protein, of a cationic

nature, if it is not dispersed through
sufficient enzyme digestive activity,
can end up getting stored deep into the
body (enzymes are anionic dispersing
agents and discussed in depth later).
Over-storage of this animal protein leads
to problems:
• The protein stored in the blood
causes a reduced micro-circulation
and contributes to thrombosis.
• The protein stored on the basal
membranes of capillaries and on the
walls of arteries causes
• The protein stored inside the heart
muscle causes cardiomuscular
disease and heart attacks.
• The protein stored on the filters of
the kidneys causes kidney disease.
• The protein stored in the liver blocks
the only exit of the LDL cholesterol
from the blood stream. Cholesterol
that can’t leave the bloodstream
through the liver contributes to
• The protein stored on the
membranes of body cells causes
• The protein stored in the breasts of
women contributes to the
development of breast cancer.
• The protein stored in the prostate
contributes to prostate cancer.
Dr. Dean Ornish, on one page of his book
“Program for Reversing Heart Disease”,
stated that in animal studies, even a low-
fat diet that is high in protein can promote
the formation of coronary artery
blockages. What does that tell you? Low
fat diets are absolutely meaningless for
cardiovascular protection, but protein
consumption is critical.
Going further, we should state that
clots themselves, though indicative of
a falling zeta potential and probable
excess protein concentration, do not
themselves cause heart attacks. Back
in 1967 Dr. Georgio Baroldi proved that
heart attacks occur in areas of the
heart muscle different from the area of
the clot in the coronary artery. The
body builds natural bypasses around
clots. What Dr. Wendt showed was that
the excess of consumed animal
protein stored in the interstitial of the
heart muscle is the actual cause of the
heart attack. This excess protein storage
results in a locally elevated acid level
which kills the cells of the heart muscle
from the inside. This dying of cells is
what is called a heart attack.
What we know of zeta potential is that
when the forces of cations are stronger
than anions, things stick together. If the
heart is a target it’s a problem.
Dumping Your Stored Proteins
The process of dumping these excess
protein stores, along with dispersing other
garbage in the body, is one of getting
increased levels of anionic electrolytes
into the body. One of the clinicians I work
with is George Atkeson. He is a people
tester. He likes to discover where
people’s balance lay. When individuals
come in with elevated SC readings and
altered pH levels, he often suggests
trying a diet of acid fruit in the morning
and shifting to no starch vegetables in the
afternoon along with drinking a lot more
water. (The acid fruit is simply that which
tests acid on a pH meter but actually is
very alkalizing due to high potassium
content. No starch veggies means just
that, no starch – low sugar.)
Now look at this diet. It is high in
anionic electrolytes, and the lack of
sugars (starch) means low levels of
the non-ionic substances that might
cause steric hindrance. This means that
cations have a good chance of getting
dispersed. And that is exactly what
happens. George monitors specific
factors to gauge proteins coming out
in the urine, and lo and behold, they
are very high, often accompanied
initially with high SC readings.
So here we have individuals
consuming no protein whatsoever, and
yet they are eliminating proteins like
crazy (not to mention many other things
like stored toxins that are finally getting a
chance to get dispersed and released.)
What happens then? All sorts of good
things that begin taking the body back to
a natural balance. Blood pressures go
back to normal, cholesterol levels drop,
allergies dissipate, insulin resistance
disappears. Yep, you read that right,
diabetics can become un-diabetic. It is
all possible when understanding the
problem of excess protein storage
which ultimately is understanding
anionic and cationic influences.
Excess stored cationic substances –
proteins, toxins, salts (insulin is a salt)
– when released through appropriate
means, is exceedingly healthy and
helps the body maintain balance.
Much More to Say
There is so much more to say about
these topics we find it hard to find a
natural stopping point. There have been
grievous errors committed upon the
health of the population through
ignorance, ego and interests of greed.
Now just because we discuss animal
protein here does not mean it should not
be consumed. The body when balanced
has a tremendous capacity to handle a
lot - including cooked animal protein.
(The exception would be children under
age 12, they should never consume
meat - nor milk - because they do not
have the digestive capacity for this heavy
protein until about the age of 12.)
One of the biggest problems we have
with meat these days is the abundance
of vegetable oils fed to farm animals to
fatten them up. It was learned long ago
that if you want to make a pig fat, feed it
corn oil. Want to make the pig lean,
feed it coconut oil. Because of bad
science propagated up to meet specific
agendas, polyunsaturated vegetable oil
has been king of the grocery store
shelves. It is wreaking havoc with
people’s health.
Note: mothers milk is 55% saturated
fat. Does that tell you something? The
body needs fat, yes even saturated fat
The best saturated fat easily obtained
is by using coconut oil. People that
have started to supplement their diets
with coconut oil and eliminating canola,
corn and other vegetable oils have found
themselves slimming down. They are
likely also making their circulatory
systems healthier. However, coconut oil
has been removed from most grocery
store shelves. If you want an interesting
research project, do a search for the
research of Ray Peat, PhD and coconut
oil. You could also search out the Weston
Price research

Introduction | Flow of Life | Molecular

Reality | Pictures of Blood | Reversing
Heart Disease | The Protein Connection |
Learn to Test Yourself

Tags: zeta potential !

Prev: How You Rot & Rust; Source:; Highlights that "pH"
controls the speed of all Bio Chemical Reactions of the Body!Note : The information
contained herein is for informational purposes only. You may want to print ATP
MEDICAL LITERATURE and other educational documents that we have and give it
them to your doctor. Your doctor may very well be grateful that you did.
Next: A "New" Biology; Source:; Highlights the medicines derive
from the work of Günther Enderlein and THAT ATP acts as the transducer of
energy from the fourth dimension into LIFE!
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