Review Article Draft 2

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The American Biology Teacher

The Relationship of Birds and Theropod

Vincent Rivera

Fig 1. Diagram of an Archaeopteryx skeleton

Through research conducted, this review article displays an analysis of various
fascinating pieces of information regarding the relationship between birds and dinosaurs; in
particular theropod dinosaurs. This review will go over evidence that has been discovered over
the years that suggests birds and dinosaurs are descendant of the other another through fossil
evidence and comparative analysis. The review will go over a few traits that provide evidence of
the connection between the species, those being bone structure, the presence of feathers, wing
development and skeletal configuration.


One of the arguments that has come up in relation to dinosaurs and birds being linked
comes from a man named John Ostrom, a professor at Yale University during the 1970s. This
now revolutionary theory starts with a fossil of a small bird-like dinosaur known as
Archaeopteryx (meaning original bird or first bird in Latin) that served to prove Ostroms
point in his argument. His argument is a counter to a fellow scholar, Gerhard Heilmann, in which
he compared the fossil of Archaeopteryx was most similar in bone structure to dinosaurs found in
the coelurosaurian ancestry of theropods (Flannery, 1999). However, it was rejected due to
differences in the skeletons. This trait was the lack of a clavicle, which was the precursor to the
furcula in modern birds. This was an interesting denial since even when theropods besides
Archaeopteryx were discovered to have clavicles, it was left unquestioned. In order to prove his
point, he went on to point out each of the traits within Archaeopteryxs bone structure and
theorized that these parts were the makings of a prehistoric bird.

Fig 2. A variety of different theropod dinosaurs

To further understand the arguments surrounding this categorization, we should go over

how exactly dinosaurs are categorized in the fossil record. Based on certain traits evident in the
skeleton of the creature, dinosaurs are categorized into various scientific classifications. This
would include Kingdom, Phylum, Order and Suborder to name a few. In particular, we will be
looking at the dinosaurs suborder, as this distinction is the subject of debate. Archaeopteryx is
said to be similar to other theropod dinosaurs. Theropods, or Theropada is a suborder of

dinosaur that is noted by their bipedal posture, long tails and trend towards being carnivorous
(Rashid et. al, 2014). Famous dinosaurs such as Velociraptor and Tyrannosaurus Rex also belong
to this suborder. This theory is remarkable as it is often considered the starting point for all of the
various studies that led to the revelation related to dinosaurs and birds


Fig 3. An artists rendition of Sinosauropteryx prima

Further evidence of Ostroms claim eventually came in the form of a fossil that was
discovered in the Yixian Formation in the Liaoning province of China (Gibbons, 1996). The
skeleton of the creature, named Sinosauropteryx prima, indicated it was incredibly small,
potentially being a relative to Compsognathus. The creature was found in two pieces after being
sold by an individual and was put back together by a researcher studying other fossils at the time.
The main trait that was noted by researchers was the potential evidence for feathers in the fossil.
One article states the discovery as such upon analysis of the stone in the fossil; You could see at
the nape of the neck something that looks like downy feathers with a central stem, or rachis.

This squarely places the new Chinese fossil as being somewhere in between a modern bird and a
prehistoric dinosaur along with various other specialized specimen.


Fig 4. An artists rendition of a velociraptor with feathers

The now widely accepted theory in relation to dinosaur morphology is that dinosaurs had
feathers. The conclusion that they had feathers before developing wings or flight brings up
another question. Why have the feathers if they did not fly? These feathers were considered
shafted or protofeathers, meaning they lacked the structural capability to maintain the lift
needed for flight (Fucheng, 2006). One theory brought up by paleontologist Robert Bakker of
Casper College in Wyoming is that dinosaurs were not the cold blooded creatures they were
believed to be for years. They may have been warm blooded like modern birds and mammals.
Gibbons (1996) suggests that the feathers would act like downy fur and be used to trap body
heat. Another theory suggests that the feathers were not a downy covering for warmth during the
winter, but rather they were flashy, bright symbols of display that dinosaurs would use to attract a
mate. This kind of behavior is very common among birds such as peacocks, which are known for

the vividly colored feathers that males are adorned with. Like immaculate articles of clothing, the
bright colors are meant to display desirability to potential mates.


Fig 5. A diagram of the bone structure of a modern birds wing

Another question comes to mind in relation to dinosaurs transformation. Why exactly

would dinosaurs begin to make this transition to become birds? Why would these creatures
develop wings? One theory brought up is that the flapping of wings in order to achieve upward
thrust first came from relatively harmless predatory movements of the arms that would be made
by creatures such as velociraptor (Gibbons, 1996). Over time as the dinosaurs began to develop,
this flapping would eventually provide lift and over millions of years of evolution, their bodies
adapted to fully accommodate this new change and allow for propelled flight. The added
mobility that flight would give these creatures is also an added bonus to this new form of
transportation, since food could often be scarce and prey began to become more vertical in its
movements as well.

Fig 6. An internal view of a birds bone
compared to a human bone

Bone structure is an
important factor to consider since
this trait becomes essential in
these creatures evolutionary
development. In order to fly, the
bones of birds evolved, becoming
partly hollow and containing various air cells within them. This adaptation made their bones
lighter, which means they had less weight to try and overcome in order to achieve flight and thus
had to use less energy (Kurochkin, 2006). If their bones were completely solid like other
animals, they would barely be able to fly without much larger wings or an inconceivably high
metabolism. This feature can be seen in the skeletons of theropod dinosaurs as well. In
comparison, mammal bones are typically shown to have parallel aligned canaliculi, making the
bones more dense and solid as a result (Rensberger, 2000). Hollow bones most likely began to
develop as dinosaurs became more airborne and put use to their feathers by developing wings.
Their initially clumsy method of propulsion would be refined over thousands of years into proper
flight as seen today.
Fig 7. The fulcula, highlighted in red in a birds skeleton

The skeletal structures of these animals also

provides some insight as to their inner workings. One of
the major differences between birds and theropod
dinosaurs are their tails. While bird tails are typically
short and come out into a fan of feathers, a theropod
dinosaurs tail is long and lizard-like, allowing for better
balance while running. Birds and theropods share a list
of similarities in their skeletal structure as well. This
includes a double-condyled dorsal joint, furcula (see Fig
7) and a posterior caudal vertebrae to name a few (Kurochkin, 2006). The furcula was an
interesting bit of the anatomy as it was not considered to initially be part of the theropod bone
structure until Ostroms theory came to light and these features were given official recognition.
The development of the tail from the long reptilian one of theropods to the shortened bird tail is a
significant event in bird evolution. Due to their bipedal posture, Rashid (2014) suggests that the
long tails of theropod dinosaurs were most likely used as a sort of counterbalance, presumably to
maintain posture and improve turning. It is hypothesized that the change in bone structure for the
tails to a more fan-like design came up in a remarkably short span of time by evolution standards
and developed in order to assist the newly airborne species achieve smoother flight. It is
comparable to the tail rudders on a plane, allowing the creature to have an easier time turning
while in mid-air.


Overall, the theory of dinosaurs and birds being related is a fascinating and now widely
accepted one that serves to shed some light on these fascinating prehistoric creatures. They are
creatures in the middle of a transition, creatures massive or minuscule whose features can be
seen in the birds of modern day. Sharing features such as lighter bones, similar bone structure
and even feathers, the two species seem much more similar than media would have one believe.
While there are a fair share of differences between the two, it is fascinating to observe these
changes, in order to get a better idea of how far these species have developed.

Flannery, M. (1999). Dinosaurs & Birds. The American Biology Teacher, 61(9), 701-705.
Fucheng, Z. , Zhonghe, Z. , & Dyke, G. (2006). Feathers and featherlike integumentary
structures in liaoning birds and dinosaurs. Geological Journal, 41(34), 395-404.
Gibbons, A. (1996). Paleontology - New Feathered Fossil Brings Dinosaurs and Birds Closer.

Science, 274(5288), 720-721.

Kurochkin, E.N. (2006). Parallel Evolution of Theropod Dinosaurs and Birds. Entomological
Review, 86(S1), S45-S58.
Rashid, D. , Chapman, S. , Larsson, H. , Organ C. , Bebin, A. , Merzdorf, C. , Bradley R. , &
Horner, J. (2014). From Dinosaurs to Birds: A Tail of Evolution. EvoDevo, 5(1), 1-16.
Rensberger, J. (2000). Fine Structure of Bone in Dinosaurs, Birds and Mammals. Nature,
406(6796), 619-622.
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