Field Experiencepp

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Field Experience


Rule 1

I learned that the days do and will get long. To solve that just
remember to have fun but also teach. I am there for the
students benefit and not really mine. Remembering that they
come first and that I am last.

Rule 2

Smile all times of the day because you never know if a student is
down and out. Even if I am having a bad day, wait until I get in
my car and let it out. Never let a student see me down because
to some extent they look up to me and admire me. So if they see
me cry they might think its okay too which sometimes it may be.

Rule 3

When a fight may occur be on the go and ready to solve and stop
the altercation at all times. Never put myself in harms way and
make sure if I am not an employee of that school do nothing no
matter what the case may be.

Rule 4

Make sure that you are the dictator of the class and that they
dont try and run you over. It was attempted a handful of times
during my observing and the teacher dealt with it great respect.
Hold your ground and make sure that my voice is heard.

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