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Concept Pitch


Our Idea is of a surreal story showing
bullying in a school environment,
with a focus on the music, and a
narrative structure rather than a
musical performance, with miming or
lip syncing.

The purpose is to create a story that
shows emotion and pain and other
feelings that come with bullying,
without making bullying to prominent
within the story, or too blatant as
most anti-bullying media is.

Key Content
The story of the video is about a boy
who is being bullied and is struggling
to cope. The ending is left ambiguous
to whether he flies of dies.

Target Audience
Our target audience is anyone, There
is nothing explicit on show, however
its more the idea, this is a bit dark,
but it is supposed to be thought
provoking, and is instead told as a
dramatic story, that is not meant to
be taken lightly.

To promote a band who doesn't get
as much representation in the media
anymore. I (Cameron) really enjoy
this band and Jamie is Warming up to
them because of this project.
I felt like I had a lot of things I felt
when I listened to this video and
decided to make a story that touched
on these thoughts.

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