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Examinations and Evaluations

Divemaster Exam
Students Name ____________________________ Date _________
Instructors Name __________________________ Score ________

Standards, Procedures and
The Recreational Dive Leader:
1. An effective dive leader will also always be an effective __________?
A. Captain
B. Instructor
C. Assistant Instructor
D. Role model
2. In promoting your business as a dive leader what type of marketing does
the SDI Code of Ethics prohibit?
A. Positive Marketing
B. Negative Marketing
C. Subliminal Marketing
D. Aggressive Marketing
3. What is the maximum depth limit for any SDI sport certified diver who
has taken the Deep specialty?
A. 100 feet
B. 80 feet
C. 130 feet
D. 150 feet


Divemaster Instructor Guide

The Definitive Resource for Divemasters

4. According to SDIs philosophy, an Instructor who is not on site

requests that the Divemaster complete Open Water Course training dives
before he arrives to speed a course completion. This Instructor is acting
A. In violation of standards
B. Incompetently
C. Irresponsibly
D. All of the Above
E. Properly
5. Direct supervision means that the Instructor is where during the dive?
A. In the immediate presence of the students.
B. On site and in control.
C. Exercising control through a certified assistant.
D. On the shore.
6. A student wishes to make a dive to a depth greater than any of his
previous experiences. The dive is within the limits of his certification.
The Divemaster is present at the site and during the dive, what actions
should the Divemaster take:
A. Refer the student to an Instructor for further instruction.
B. Allow the diver to complete the dive like any other.
C. Provide the diver with a briefing of what to expect and complete
the dive paying special attention to any difficulties or signs of anxiety
in the new diver.
D. Simply refuse to allow the diver to complete the dive.


Examinations and Evaluations

7. True or False: Being an effective salesman is a critical skill for the

Divemaster who hopes to be successful.
8. True or False: Dive tables cannot be used by SDI certified divers as the
primary method of calculating no-decompression limits.
9. Cylinders used with less than 40% Oxygen Enriched Air and filled
routinely by partial pressure must be ____________________________ and
_______________________, and properly _______________ in addition to
meeting all industry standards for compressed air cylinders.
A. O2 Cleaned, Compatible, Labeled
B. O2 Cleaned, Compatible, Filled
C. N2 Cleaned, Compatible, Labeled
D. N2 Cleaned, Compatible, Filled
10. How many students can an SDI Instructor teach during the
pool/confined water session of the Open Water Scuba Diver course
with one certified assistant?
A. 10 students.
B. 8 students.
C. 12 students.
D. Twice the number of students allowed without an assistant.


Divemaster Instructor Guide

The Definitive Resource for Divemasters

11. How many students can an SDI instructor teach during the pool/
confined water session of the Open Water Scuba Diver course if he is
assisted by 3 certified SDI Divemasters?
A. 14 students
B. 16 students
C. 12 students
D. Three times the number of students allowed without assistants
12. What is the depth limit for SDI Open Water Scuba Diver Course dive
numbers 1 & 2?
A. 40 feet
B. 60 feet
C. 50 feet
D. 20 feet
13. True or False: During a wreck dive for SDI Wreck certification, divers
may make a limited penetration under the supervision of a Divemaster as
long as they remain within the light zone.
14. Which of the following courses can be taught independently by an SDI
Divemaster? Mark all that apply.
A. Skin Diver
B. Inactive Diver Refresher Course
C. Underwater Navigation
D. DMs cannot teach any courses independently.


Examinations and Evaluations

15. What is the minimum number of hours required in an SDI Open Water
Instructor Development Course (IDC)?
A. 50 hours
B. 100 hours
C. 40 hours
D. 10 hours
16. True or False: In the Open Water Diver Course, safety stops are not
recommended due to the shallow depth of the dives.
17. The category of Recreational Diving includes both _______________
and __________________.
A. Sport Diving and Commercial Diving
B. Technical Diving and Commercial Diving
C. Sport Diving and Technical Diving
D. Sport Diving and Scientific Diving
18. True or False: SDI was the first training agency to mandate the use of
19. ERDI provides specialized training for _________________ personnel.
A. Technical Diving
B. Public Safety
C. Commercial Diving
D. Scientific


Divemaster Instructor Guide

The Definitive Resource for Divemasters

20. True or False: To qualify as a TDI Divemaster, an individual must first

qualify as an SDI Divemaster, and must also possess a certification as a
TDI Technical Diver.
21. The two primary roles of the SDI Divemaster are Instructional
Assistant and _________________________.
A. Janitor
B. Cylinder Maintenance
C. Dive Supervisor
D. Babysitter
22. An SDI Assistant Instructor may independently teach approved
specialties after receiving ____________ in those specialties.
A. Help
B. An Overview
C. 25 Logged Dives
D. Training
23. A professionals behavior and performance should serve as a
_____________________ for others in the chosen field.
A. Role Model
B. Warning
C. Certification
D. Guide


Examinations and Evaluations

24. To maintain active membership, professional members

of SDI/TDI/ERDI must:
A. Remit annual dues.
B. Carry appropriate liability insurance where required.
C. Adhere to SDI/TDI/ERDI standards.
D. All of the above.
25. The SDI code of ethics states an individual should not be qualified
as an SDI diver unless those empowered to qualify the person would allow
them to buddy or teach ____________________.
A. Their Instructors
B. Their Loved Ones
C. Their Pets
D. Their Mechanic


Divemaster Instructor Guide

The Definitive Resource for Divemasters

Diving Physics:
1. True or False: A diver swimming against a current will use air at the
same rate as if there were no current.
2. Light rays _____________ or ______________ as they pass from one
media to another.
A. Bend, Bulge
B. Bulge, Defract
C. Bend, Refract
D. Defract, Bulge
3. Which of the following will not affect the transmission
of sound underwater?
A. Changes in Salinity
B. Changes in Temperature
C. Changes in Visibility
D. All of the Above
4. Water conducts heat away from a divers body approximately ______
times faster than air.
A. 4
B. 10
C. 18
D. 25


Examinations and Evaluations

5. If the volume of water displaced by an object weighs less than the object,
the object will be:
A. Positively Buoyant
B. Negatively Buoyant
C. Neutrally Buoyant
D. Comsmically Buoyant
6. As a diver ____________, the air in his BCD will expand, resulting in
increased buoyancy.
A. Descends
B. Ascends
C. Resends
D. Fins
7. An object weighing 107kg/236lb is placed in salt water. The object
displaces 127l/4.5cf of water. What is the buoyancy of this object?
A. 23.8kg/52lb positively buoyant
B. 23.8kg/52lb negatively buoyant
C. 20kg/45lb positively buoyant
D. 20kg/45lb negatively buoyant
8. Total force exerted by all sources of pressure is referred to as
________________ or ________________ pressure.
A. Ambient, Total
B. Absolute, Ambient
C. Total, Absolute
D. Complete, Ambient


Divemaster Instructor Guide

The Definitive Resource for Divemasters

9. The ambient pressure at 40m/132ft in seawater is

A. 3 bar/atm
B. 5 bar/atm
C. 6 bar/atm
D. None of the Above
10. True or False: According to Boyles Law, increasing pressure on a fixed
volume of gas will result in an increase in that volume of gas.
11. True or False: Boyles Law does not apply to air inside a scuba cylinder.
12. To maintain neutral buoyancy during descent, a diver must:
A. Add Air to His BCD
B. Vent Air From His BCD
C. Do Nothing
D. Kick Hard
13. A cylinderthat lasts a diver 1 hour at the surface will last him how long
at 40m/132ft? _____________________
A. 8 minutes
B. 10 minutes
C. 12 minutes
D. 14 minutes


Examinations and Evaluations

14. If the pressure inside a scuba cylinder is 230bar/3381psi at 37C/98.6F,

and the cylinder is cooled to 14C/57F, what would be the resulting pressure
A. 212.9bar/3117psi
B. 205.3bar/2977psi
C. 155.8bar/2260psi
D. 144.8/bar/2100psi
15. A gas will move from an area of _________ concentration to
an area of ___________ concentration.
A. Lower, Higher
B. Higher, Lower
C. Faster, Lower
D. Higher, Slower
16. A diver has a Nitrox mix of 38%O2; what would be his maximum
operating depth so as not to exceed 1.5 bar/atm partial pressure O2?
A. 25.9m/85ft
B. 28m/92ft
C. 29.5m/97ft
D. 31.4m/103ft
17. Nitrogen is physiologically ____________; it is not used
or converted by the body.
A. Toxic
B. Inept
C. Dangerous
D. Inert


Divemaster Instructor Guide

The Definitive Resource for Divemasters

18. True or False: DCS occurs when the pressure gradient is too steep
during ascent, either because too much nitrogen has been absorbed at
depth, or because the ascent is too rapid.
19. True or False: The amount of gas being dissolved into or released from
a tissue compartment progressively slows as the pressure gradient narrows.
20. A tissue compartment is considered saturated after:
A. 3 half-times
B. 2 half-times
C. 6 half-times
D. None of the Above


Examinations and Evaluations

Diving Physiology:
1. Restful inhalation is controlled primarily by muscles of the:
A. Heart
B. Lungs
C. Diaphragm
D. Chest
2. Oxygen is carried throughout the body by:
A. Lymphocytes
B. Phagocytes
C. Hemoglobin
D. None of the Above
3. Decompression Sickness is caused by the formation of nitrogen
__________________ within the tissues of a divers body.
A. Molecules
B. Bubbles
C. Hydrocarbons
D. Polyps
4. Bubbles can form in a divers tissues as he ascends to the surface, if:
A. He stayed too long at depth.
B. He is low on air.
C. He ascends too quickly.
D. Both A & C


Divemaster Instructor Guide

The Definitive Resource for Divemasters

5. True or False: A prior occurrence of Decompression Sickness may

predispose a diver to a subsequent occurrence.
6. Type I DCS may be characterized by which of the following?
A. Weakness, Paralysis
B. Skin Rash, Localized Pain
C. Difficulty Breathing
D. None of the Above
7. True or False: If a bubble blocks blood flow to the brain, it will produce
a sudden stroke.
8. In first aid, a _____________ (sign) is an outward indication that can be
readily observed, while a __________ (symptom) is an internal indication
sensed by a patient.
A. Feeling, Sign
B. Sign, Feeling
C. Sign, Symptom
D. Symptom, Sign
9. If symptoms appear to be gone after oxygen administration, any diver
with suspected DCI should:
A. Take 2 aspirin.
B. Be evaluated by a qualified medical professional.
C. Go home and rest.
D. None of the above.


Examinations and Evaluations

10. The field neurological exam should be repeated every ____ to _____
minutes while the patient is awaiting professional medical attention.
A. 30, 60
B. 20, 40
C. 15, 30
D. 10, 20
11. A diver suspected of having DCI should be:
A. Taken to the nearest hyperbaric chamber.
B. Sent home and told to call his doctor.
C. Taken back into the water.
D. Taken to the nearest medical facility.
12. True or False: A diver will always experience early signs of oxygen
toxicity before the onset of convulsions.
13. Carbon monoxide is a byproduct of __________________ combustion
of a carbon-based fuel.
A. Complete
B. Incomplete
C. Subatomic
D. Neutral
14. The first aid for lung over-expansion injuries is the same as that for


Divemaster Instructor Guide

The Definitive Resource for Divemasters

15. If pain is felt in ears during descent:

A. Stop ascend a few feet, and equalize.
B. Continue to descend.
C. None of the above.
D. A & B
16. Discomfort in an air space during descent is a ____________________.
Discomfort in an air space during ascent is a ___________________.
A. Reverse Block, Narcosis
B. Narcosis, Reverse Block
C. Reverse Block, Squeeze
D. Squeeze, Reverse Block
17. When the nasal sinuses are clear, equalization occurs
_____________________ during respiration.
A. Spontaneously
B. Biologically
C. By Force
D. Irreversibly
18. ___________________ is most often caused when fluid enters the
airway and lungs, interrupting the respiratory process.
B. Squeeze
C. Drowning
D. Narcosis


Examinations and Evaluations

19. The physiological stress placed on a diver by cold conditions may be a

contributing factor for _______________________.
B. Hyperthermia
D. Narcosis
20. A hypothermic individual requires ____________, while a
hyperthermic individual requires _____________.
A. Dehydration, Hydration
B. Hydration, Dehydration
C. Cooling, Warming
D. Warming, Cooling
21. The brain relies heavily upon ___________ references to sense position,
balance, and direction of movement.
A. Cardinal
B. Tactile
C. Visual
D. Supersensory
22. A hood that is too tight can cause ____________________ due to
decreases in blood pressure and pulse signaled by the carotid sinus in
response to perceived increase in blood pressure caused by compression of
the arteries in the neck.
A. Heightened Awareness
B. Unconsciousness
C. Dyspepsia
D. Dysphasia


Divemaster Instructor Guide

The Definitive Resource for Divemasters

23. True or False: Excessive hyperventilation prior to a free dive may overly
suppress a divers urge to breathe, and may cause shallow water blackout.
24. True or False: A diver should immediately flush a jellyfish sting with
fresh water.
25. The _____________ of standard first aid applies to all marine
life injuries.
A. A, B, Cs
C. P, F, Os
D. Q,W,E,R,T,Ys


Examinations and Evaluations

Diving Equipment:
1. The mask restores normal vision underwater by creating a(n)
____________ between the eyes and the water.
A. Hydrogen Pocket
B. Air Space
C. Force Field
D. Vacuum
2. ________________ fins are worn over bare feet, and are intended for
warm water environments.
A. Open-Heel
B. Open-Toe
C. Split
D. Full-Foot
3. A _______ fitting on a first stage may be easily adapted to a
_________ fitting in order to accommodate a cylinder with a K Valve.
A. Yoke, DIN
B. DIN, Yoke
C. Yoke, DEN
D. DEN, Yoke
4. The first stage generally consists of two internal air chambers, the high
pressure chamber and the:
A. Medium Pressure Chamber
B. Low (or Intermediate) Pressure Chamber
C. The Piston Chabber
D. The Water Chamber


Divemaster Instructor Guide

The Definitive Resource for Divemasters

5. A _____________ downstream design helps to insure that a

mechanical malfunction in either the first or second stage of a regulator
will not cut off a divers air supply.
A. Upstream
B. 90 Degree
C. Fail-Safe
D. Ultra-Safe
6. In a normal breathing cycle, what causes the second stage
diaphragm to collapse?
A. Inhalation effort pulls the diaphragm in.
B. Elevation of intermediate pressure.
C. Inhalation reduces internal second stage pressure allowing water
pressure to push the diaphragm in.
D. Increasing ambient pressure.
7. True or False: The diver should always depress the purge button when
rinsing a regulator that has been removed from a cylinder.
8. Annual maintenance is required to keep regulators functioning properly
and to insure ease of breathing. Why is proper breathing resistance and
therefore proper maintenance important?
A. Poor breathing regulators can cause euphoria.
B. Diver experience.
C. Poor breathing regulators can cause CO2 buildup.
D. Failure to maintain regulator maintenance schedule will void warranties
for all pieces of equipment.


Examinations and Evaluations

9. Scuba cylinders are typically constructed of ____________ or

A. Magnesium, Steel
B. Magnesium, Aluminum
C. Steel, Aluminum
D. Steel, Composite
10.__________________ testing is periodically required on all scuba
cylinders to ensure that they may continue to be safely filled to their
service pressure.
A. Fail-Safe
B. Hydrostatic
C. Visual
D. Aerostatic
11. What types of dive plans mandate the use of a redundant gas supply?
A. On any dive so that the diver looks cool.
B. On dive plans which require the diver to be more self sufficient, such as
solo diving.
C. Any dive deeper than 60 feet.
D. Redundant gas supplies are never required, they are always an option.
12. True or False: Any weight system should allow the weights to be
quickly and reliably discarded in case of emergency.


Divemaster Instructor Guide

The Definitive Resource for Divemasters

13. True or False: The neoprene in a wet suit compresses as a diver

descends, resulting in increased buoyancy.
14. Local regulations may require that a dive team tow a ___________to
mark their position at the surface.
A. Boat
B. Buoy
C. Rope
D. Flag
15. When equipping new divers, what is the most common mistake made
by Instructors and Divemasters?
A. Using too much exposure protection.
B. Improperly fitting BCDs.
C. Overweighting.
D. Using inadequate or improper regulator systems.


Examinations and Evaluations

Using the US Navy Tables, complete

the following dive profile questions.
1. What is the NDL for a dive to 21.3m/70ft?
A. 30 Minutes
B. 40 Minutes
C. 50 Minutes
D. 60 Minutes
2. A diver in pressure group E plans a dive to 22.5m/75ft. What is his NDL
for this dive?
A. 17 Minutes
B. 20 Minutes
C. 23 Minutes
D. 32 Minutes
3. A diver in pressure group D wants to dive to 22.5m/75ft for 25 minutes.
How long must he remain out of the water in order to do this dive?
A. :50
B. 1:00
C. 1:10
D. 1:15


Divemaster Instructor Guide

The Definitive Resource for Divemasters

4. A diver completes 2 computer-based dives in 3 hours. As he starts his

third dive of the day he experiences computer failure. How long can he
dive to 24.4m/80ft dive on the Navy Tables?
A. :20
B. :30
C. Need more information about the previous dives.
D. The diver cannot switch from computer to tables without a
12 hour surface interval.
5. A diver does 39.6m/130ft for 10 minutes with 2:10 surface interval then
dives to 27.4m/90ft for 16 minutes. After a surface interval of 2:20 the
diver returns to 18.3m/60 fsw for 30 minutes. Can this final dive be safely
completed by recreational divers and if so what is the final pressure group?
A. This dive cannot be completed by recreational divers.
B. Yes, Group J
C. Yes, Group H
D. Yes, Group K


Examinations and Evaluations

Personal Dive Skills:

1. If a diver is unable to easily detach the regulator from the cylinder after
a dive, he has probably:
A. Made the cylinder strap too tight.
B. Forgotten to turn off the cylinder valve.
C. Failed to completely purge air from the lines.
D. B or C
2. Common types of entries include surf, _____________, controlled
seated, and back roll.
A. Giant-Stride
B. Mongoose
C. Jump-Over
D. Giant-Slalom
3. True or False: If buddies become separated underwater they should
Search underwater for no more than 3 minutes, then make a normal ascent
to surface to reunite with buddy. If buddy does not appear at the surface,
summon assistance.
4. True or False: Buddies should descend individually
and meet on the bottom.


Divemaster Instructor Guide

The Definitive Resource for Divemasters

5. A diver may want to allow a small amount of water into his mask in
order to ________________________.
A. Clear the sinuses.
B. Create homeostasis.
C. Clean it out.
D. Remove the fog from the lenses.
6. A properly weighted diver should be able to __________ simply by
exhaling deeply.
A. Ascend
B. Enter
C. Descend
D. Become Neutral
7. When buoyancy is properly adjusted, a diver is able to move through the
water in a ___________, _____________ position.
A. Streamlined, Vertical
B. Streamlined, Horizontal
C. Flat, Vertical
D. Flat, Horizontal
8. The process of re-positioning weight to achieve an effortless horizontal
swimming position is called
A. Sculling
B. Finning
C. Hovering
D. Trim


Examinations and Evaluations

9. True or False: A diver should use his arms to increase propulsion.

10. SDI students are taught to CYA in order to control the speed of their
Ascent. CYA is short for:
A. Computerize Your Altitude
B. Control Your Ascent
C. Computerize Your Ascent
D. Control Your Altitude
11. True or False: A diver experiencing a cramp in his foot or leg may be
able to relieve the cramp by grasping his fin tip, extending his leg, and
pulling the fin tip upwards, toward his torso.
12. The best way of handling an out of air emergency is the use of a(n)
________________ ______________.
A. Alternate Air Source
B. Surface Supplied Regulator
C. Dolphin to take the diver in need to the surface.
D. Emergency Gas Deployment System
13. If a regulator malfunction results in a free flow during a dive, a diver
should alert his buddy, and _____________ the dive.
A. Be Cautious for the Remainder of
B. Abort
C. Replan
D. Continue


Divemaster Instructor Guide

The Definitive Resource for Divemasters

14. The first step in assisting a tired diver back to the boat or shore is to
ensure that the diver is ______________________.
A. Not nauseous.
B. Positive about needing assistance.
C. Positively buoyant.
D. Neutrally buoyant.
15. True or False: When exiting the water onto a boat, a diver should
follow the procedure outlined in the briefing for that particular boat.


Examinations and Evaluations

Professional Skills:
1. In the _______________ a dive leader must gain attention, establish
the importance of the topic, outline key points, and identify learning
A. Introduction
B. Body
C. Summary
D. Attention Phase
2. True or False: Training aids are not important in academic presentations.
3. When demonstrating a skill in water, it is important to:
A. Perform the skill as quickly as possible.
B. Exaggerate each step in the skill.
C. Properly position students so they have a clear view
of the demonstration.
D. B and C
4. In re-demonstrating a skill to a student having difficulty,
a dive leader should:
A. Focus upon the things the student is doing correctly.
B. Identify the part of the skill causing difficulty.
C. Explain proper technique in a step-by-step manner.
D. All of the above.
5. True or False: The instructor is the only one who can finally
evaluate a students mastery of a skill.


Divemaster Instructor Guide

The Definitive Resource for Divemasters

6. Depth, visibility, surface conditions, current, surge, weather and boat

traffic are all important when evaluating a(n) _________________.
A. Divemaster
B. Dive Site
C. Cylinders Capacity
D. Instructor
7. True or False: It is always an indication that a diver is a novice if a he
appears unfamiliar with his equipment.
8. A diver thrashing around on the surface with no mask, and his regulator
out of his mouth:
A. Is probably just fooling around.
B. Is probably looking for his buddy
C. Is probably in need of immediate assistance.
D. None of the above.
9. The best approach to dealing with potential problems is _____________.
A. Denial
B. Prevention
C. Acceptance
D. Guilt
10. The DM should have in place ____________________________ for
activating EMS, summoning assistance, and coordinating medical evacuation.
A. Written Procedures
B. Verbal Procedures
C. Another Divemaster
D. A Qualified Diver


Examinations and Evaluations

11. In all searches, the safety of the ___________ takes precedence

over the search.
A. Rescuers
B. Survivors
C. Victims
D. Witnesses
12. Which of the following methods are appropriate for accounting for
your divers at the end of the dive?
A. Head count.
B. Equipment count.
C. Checking for empty seats on the boat.
D. A by name roll call.
13. The Technical DM is qualified to supervise technical divers up to the
level of his own ______________ and __________________.
A. Training, Number of Dives
B. Number of Dives, Equipment Qualifications
C. Training, Experience
D. Experience, Equipment Qualifications
14. True or False: The Technical DM should never adjust any cylinder
valve of a technical diver without the knowledge and approval of the diver.


Divemaster Instructor Guide

The Definitive Resource for Divemasters

15. While assisting an Instructor with a training program, he directs you to

perform an action which is a clear violation of SDI standards. You should?
A. Perform the task since the Instructor has a higher certification, he is
ultimately responsible.
B. Inform the Instructor that he is clearly wrong and refuse to do what he
has requested.
C. Ignore the request and inform the students that the Instructor is wrong.
D. Tactfully and discreetly inform the Instructor about his error and do not
complete the task.


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