Feedback Form

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Feedback Form By Teacher

Please complete the questionnaire as it is a good way for me to gain feedback about the graphics
products and to see if they have met the audiences needs. Take the time to write constructive
feedback as this really helps.
1. Are the digital graphics of a good quality?
Additional comment: Some of the pictures that you have used in the portfolio were a little bit blurry,
try and look for good quality pictures.

2. Are there any errors in spellings/grammar?

Additional comment: The spelling is very good throughout. However, there is a minor mistake on the
homepage you have spelt the word Unit wrong on one of your buttons, this has been spelt Uint.

3. Is the navigation of the website fully functional?

Additional comment: Yes all of the buttons on the website worked fully functional.

4. Does the sound work on the animation on unit4 page?

Additional comment: Unfortunately the sound of the animation did not work as it starts playing,
with a few changes the sound started to work.

5. Is a clear and consistent style used throughout the digital portfolio?

Additional comment: The layout that you have used throughout the portfolio makes it clear and

6. Does the portfolio look professional and show off my ICT skills?
Additional comment: the layout that you have used throughout the portfolio is consistent as gives
your portfolio a professional look and shoed what you are capable of doing.

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