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AP Chem Assignment Sheet for May 16 20, 2016.


HW Due

Read Tie-dye Chemistry powerpoint on Schoology.

Bring in teacher notification form and parent permission slip.
Write your script for Magic Show. (one script per group)

Mon. 5/16

Check out these links.

The College Board has posted ONE version of the AP Chemistry exam on-line.
Many AP teachers across the country have worked out possible answers to this
released version of the exam.
Wear or bring your tie dye shirt to class for a class picture. :)
Read about cheminformatics and about the featured chemists in the field
(Raharshi Guha and Kevin Thelsen).

Wed. 5/18

Tues. 5/17

Fri. 5/20

Cheminformatics is the mixing of information resources to transform data into

information and information into knowledge, for the intended purpose of making
decisions faster in the arena of drug lead identification and optimisation.
Brown, F.K. Chemoinformatics, what it is and how does it impact drug discovery.
Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, 1998, 33, 375-384.

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