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The Daily Blast Radius

New Discovery

This Evening Scientist Have Found a

New Species.
A mix
between an
Wolf and
This is Evening on May
25, 102,016 scientist have
discovered a new species
of animal that roams the
blast radius of the atom
bombed that was
dropped in 2016 almost

Actual Picture of a Crolf*

100,000 years ago today.

Scientist are
calling them
Crolves or
A Crolf is a mix between
an Wolf and an Crocodile,
this mix has taken around
100,000 years to develop.
Tourist saw the Crolf in

the center of the blast radius while taking the

"Blast Tour", and this is
their description as well
as scientist input. The
Crolf is approximately 40
feet long, 10 feet wide,
and 7 feet tall. The Crolf
has a strengthened coat
of skin underneath the
fur that is covering it's
body, it also has enlarged
and bulky muscles in its
tail, legs, body, and jaw
with an estimated bite
force of 8 tons. This is the

largest living land animal

known to mankind. What
allows the Crolf to be so
massive is it's constant
contact with radiation,
this allows for mutations
to occur within both a
wolf and a crocodile. This
brings in Darwin's theory
of evolution. If you don't
know the theory of evolution, it is the belief that
all life has come from a
common ancestor, so everything is related in
some way. But organisms

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have changed over time
due to small mutations,
this is why all organisms
are dierent, and since
the wolves and
crocodiles mated and
were vulnerable to radiation the time in which
mutations occurred were
quickened greatly, thus
the Crolf being so dierent from their ancestors.

The Crolf thrives in a very

brutal area where the radiation can kill a man in
seconds, but the Crolf
with its special layer of
tough skin can reflect this
radiation and continue to
thrive. The Crolves travel
in packs like wolves do
and can breath under radiated water like
crocodiles but for days at A Wolf in the year 2016*
a time. The Crolves feed
o of anything they can
find, even other Crolves if
the need arises. The defense mechanisms of the
Crolf are as follows: a
powerful tail whip, large
sharp teeth, fast running
speed, and ability to hide
easily, undeniable
strength, travel in groups,
and large size. The area
of land that the Crolf
roams is known as Las
Vegas in the 21st century,
it was full of citizens but
has become ground zero
for the blast and home
sweet home to the Crolf.

A Crocodile in the year 2016*

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