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Boiling Quiz Answer Key

1. The process that occurs when a liquid boils and turns into a gas is called _____.

2. What is steam?
Steam is a cloud of tiny droplets of liquid water in the air.

3. A big pot of water is boiling on a stove. The air in the kitchen is steamy. What
process is the direct cause of steam forming in the air?
a) vaporization
b) evaporation
c) condensation
d) melting

4. Explain why vaporization occurs.

At high temperatures, particles of a liquid gain enough energy to completely
overcome the force of attraction between them, so they change to a gas. The gas
forms bubbles that rise to the surface of the liquid and escape into the air.

5. The temperature at which a substance boils is called its _____.

boiling point

6. True or false: Vaporization is the same process as evaporation.


7. How can you tell just by looking at a liquid whether it is boiling?

You can tell whether a liquid is boiling by looking for bubbles in the liquid. If
bubbles are forming and rising to the surface of the liquid, then it is boiling.

8. True or false: A liquid must reach the boiling point to evaporate.


9. True or false: Gas bubbles rise to the surface of a boiling liquid because they
are hotter than the liquid.

10. Which of the following substances has the highest boiling point?
a) hydrogen
b) nitrogen
c) water
d) aluminum

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