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Carry out (a project). To complete, accomplish - he carried out the assignment.

To put into execution to carry out a plan.


Come up (e.g. somethings come up) if a problem comes up, it happens and needs to
be dealt with immediately
I'm going to have to cancel our lunch something's come up.


Come up with (have an idea) to think of something such as an idea or a plan

Is that the best you can come up with?


Fill someone in. To give someone details about something.

Did Sam fill you in about the new project?
My secretary will fill you in on the details.


Run out of (time/money). to use all of something and not have any left
Many hospitals are running out of money. They returned home from South Africa
when their money ran out.


Lay off (make redundant) to end someone's employment, because there is not
enough work for them
They've had to cut back production and lay off workers.


Set up (a business). to start something such as a business, organization, or institution

They have plans to set up an import business.


Step down (from a job). Resign from a job. The chairman was forced to step down due
to ill health.


Take on (new staff). To employ someone.

We're not taking on any new staff at the moment.

10. Turn down (an offer). To not accept an offer or request

How could you turn down such a fantastic job?
I don't believe it: he turned me down flat!
11. Turn up (late to a meeting) Appear.
She didn't turn up for class today. I've invited twenty people to my party but I don't
know if they will all turn up. I hope the taxi turns up soon.
12. Wrap up (a meeting). To finish something .We ought to wrap up this meeting and get
back to work.
13. Put off (a meeting). To postpone a meeting. I have a lot to do today, could we put off
the meeting until Monday? The concert's been put off until next month because the
singer's got a throat infection.
14. Call off (a meeting). To cancel a meeting. We dont need to meet, so if you dont
mind, could we call off the meeting? Tomorrow's match has been called off because
of the icy weather.
Cut these phrasal verbs out and give them (one per day) to the half of the class, they
think of a situation and will act out a role play to demonstrate to the other half of the
class in a way that it is totally clear what the phrasal verb means. They will have to
use the phrasal verb in their role play and NOT give the definition. Have fun!

Carry out (a project). To complete,

accomplish - he carried out the assignment.

To put into execution to carry out a plan.

Come up (e.g. somethings come up) if a
problem comes up, it happens and needs
to be dealt with immediately
I'm going to have to cancel our lunch
something's come up.
Come up with (have an idea) to think of
something such as an idea or a plan
Is that the best you can come up with?
Fill someone in. To give someone
details about something.
Did Sam fill you in about the new project?
My secretary will fill you in on the details.
Run out of (time/money). to use all of
something and not have any left
Many hospitals are running out of money.
They returned home from South Africa
when their money ran out.
Lay off (make redundant) to end
someone's employment, because there is
not enough work for them. They've had to
cut back production and lay off workers.
Set up (a business). to start something
such as a business, organization, or
They have plans to set up an import

Step down (from a job). Resign from a job.

The chairman was forced to step down
due to ill health.
Take on (new staff). To employ someone.
We're not taking on any new staff at the
Turn down (an offer). To not accept an
offer or request. How could you turn down
such a fantastic job? I don't believe it: he
turned me down flat!
Turn up (late to a meeting) Appear.
She didn't turn up for class today. I've
invited twenty people to my party but I
don't know if they will all turn up. I hope
the taxi turns up soon.

Wrap up (a meeting). To finish

something .We ought to wrap up this
meeting and get back to work.
Put off (a meeting). To postpone a
meeting. I have a lot to do today, could
we put off the meeting until Monday? The
concert's been put off until next month
because the singer's got a throat

Call off (a meeting). To cancel a meeting.
We dont need to meet, so if you dont
mind, could we call off the meeting?
Tomorrow's match has been called off
because of the icy weather.
1. How many projects have you carried out in the last 12 months? Which
is the best project you have ever carried out? The worst?
2. Where do you come up with your best ideas?
3. Have you ever had to say somethings come up and I cant make our
4. Someone has arrived late to class, fill them in about what we have
been doing.
5. If you run out of time when youre doing something, how do you deal
with the situation?
6. Are there any alternatives to laying off people? What do you think
about Coca-Cola Iberian Partners plans to close four of its 11 plants
and lay off 1,253 workers?
7. If you were to step down from your job, what would you do?
8. Do you think you will need to take on new staff in the near future?
9. Now that the European Central Bank has injected 400 billion euros
into the banking system to support lending, do you think it is a good
time to set up a business? Would you be brave enough to give up
your job and set up a business? What business would you not set up?
10.Are you the type of person who turns up late to meetings? What do
you think of people who always turn up late?
11.When would you turn down one million dollars? Job offers you have
turned down. An offer you have turned down and then regretted it
12.When is it a good time to wrap up a meeting?
13.When was the last time you put off a meeting? And why? Is it normal
in your line of business to put off meetings?
How often do you call off meetings, appointments?


1. How many projects have you ----------out in the last 12 months? Which
is the best project you have ever --------- out? The worst?
2. Where do you--------- up with your best ideas?
3. Have you ever had to say somethings -------- up and I cant make our
4. Someone has arrived late to class, fill them -------- about what we
have been doing.
5. If you --------- out of time when youre doing something, how do you
deal with the situation?
6. Are there any alternatives to -------- off people? What do you think
about Coca-Cola Iberian Partners plans to close four of its 11 plants
and ------ off 1,253 workers?
7. If you were to step --------from your job, what would you do?
8. Do you think you will need to ------- on new staff in the near future?
9. Now that the European Central Bank has injected 400 billion euros
into the banking system to support lending, do you think it is a good
time to ----- up a business? Would you be brave enough to give up
your job and ----- up a business? What business would you not -----up?
10.Are you the type of person who turns ------- late to meetings? What do
you think of people who always turn ------ late?
11.When would you turn ------- one million dollars? Job offers you have
turned ------. An offer you have turned ----- and then regretted it
12.When is it a good time to wrap ----- a meeting?
13.When was the last time you put ----- a meeting? And why? Is it normal
in your line of business to put ----- meetings?
14.How often do you call ------ meetings, appointments?

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