8th Grade, Project 3: Program Music, Romantic Era - Modern Era

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8th Grade, Project 3: Program Music, Romantic Era - Modern Era

State Standards: 26.B.4c, 25.A.3c

NAFME Standards: MU:Cr1.1.T.Ia, MU:Cr2.1.T.Ia, MU:Cr3.2.T.Ia, MU:Cr.1.C.IIa,
MU:Cr2.1.C.IIa, MU:Cr3.2.C.IIa, MU:Cr2.1.5a, MU:Cr2.1.4b, MU:Cr3.2.5a
Mastery Objective: Students will be able to compose and analyze a piece using multiple
instruments, sonic representations, and musical instructions.
Each phrase will have an analysis in this format:
(Example) 1. 6 measures. Mama whale is trying to find baby whale. The low notes are
the mama whale and the high notes are the baby whale. The phrase gets softer
because they can't find each other and are getting farther apart.
No limits! Compose whatever music you want, must be school appropriate.
Criteria for Success:

0-2 Points

3-4 Points

5 Points

1. At least 32 measures long,

at least 3 instruments, each
phrase numbered

Less than 32
measures AND only
1 instrument

Less than 32
measures OR only 2

At least 32 measures
long, at least 3

2. Describe the topic, or what

happens in the phrase, what
the phrase is about

Does not describe

the topic very well

Somewhat describes
the topic

Describes the topic

in detail

3. Describe how the notes

relate to the topic

Does not describe

how the notes relate
to the topic very well

Somewhat describes
how the notes relate
to the topic

Describes how the

notes relate to the
topic in detail

4. Describe how the musical

instructions (instruments,
dynamics, tempo, style,) relate
to the topic

Does not describe

how the musical
instructions relate to
the topic very well

Somewhat describes
how the musical
instructions relate to
the topic

Describes how the

musical instructions
relate to the topic in

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