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Embryo Clay Model Questions


red-totipotent blue-pluripotent black-multipotent
2. No it would not successfully implant because it still has the ZP and the cells in
the morula havent yet formed trophoblast cells which are those that have the enzyme
able to burrow in the uterine lining. At the blastula stage, the embryo will implant into the
uterine wall.
3. Stem cells first differentiate at the beginning of the blastula stage, right after the
morula stage.
4. During the blastula stage, stem cells generate embryonic cell lines and
pluripotent cells are the cells that are present at the blastula stage.
5. endoderm- innermost layer, forms gut and inner organ tissue
ectoderm- outermost layer, forms skin, brain and nervous system tissue
mesoderm- middle layer, muscle system, skeletal system and circulatory system tissue

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