HABERMAS, J. 1989. Technology and Science As Ideology PDF

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136 THE ANALYSIS AND CRITIQUE OF MODERN soctETY spre gang we pi ap re hp dr ee ae re ce spear ane rine cit etc ite et ee ann pla plete sete renee np eter ici werden ta aces rd Fe ee a en ini srm e pane mi ne lnm deri ee ake ae ee teat ei cel eet reg chopra esas Seong cbc meena ra mea Seal tan eta nn ade Sn meena here a re rect on GE te Bee eeelpraicien eon fete ith Senet enna mesic Pier ra ee Paeeta tice Se easing pa ap pet yeet ions amen ee rami ie See a erie Seb Een tan ee neers SoS or ae rai cialis eet edd oP a er eee a pate dts eran eases Bee aeons neta wees gt te rer ied ped as Sh cement et fie fate Sera Tees oe ee ene Secicae Settee Se tee ram ch cco Tice death ay eofciee Cee ee ey eee ieee ete ce Seplcce yma leeds fo Chapter Eleven ‘TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE AS “IDEOLOGY” er Herr Merson servo bithdy Jay 19,1968 Max Weber inerodeced the concep of “rationality” in order to deine the form af capa economie sci, bourgeois private law and bueauerane authority. Rationalization mean, fst of al che extension ofthe areas of Society subect co the criteria of rational decison. Second, soil labo is fedostalized, mith the resale that erteria of instrumental acon also pen ‘ceat into other areas of life (urbanization of the mode of, eechaies ton of srnsport and communication), Both trend exemplify the Fype of purposiveatonal scion, which efers to ether the organization of means fc choice between altenatives. Planning can be egatded ab purposive: ‘tional action ofthe second order. It sine tthe etalihrent, improve ‘ment, o expansion of ystems of purposive tional action themscvs "The progressive “rationalization” of soc is liked to the incion- alization of scenic and technical development. To the extent that teh pology and soence permeate socal institions and thas wansform them, ld legiinazions are destroyed. The secslarcaion and “disenchantment” ‘of aeton-rieating worldviews of claral tradktion aa whole, ithe ob- ‘erie ofthe growing “rationality” of socal action. Herbert Mazcate hat taken these analyses a 4 point of departure in order ‘te demonstrate thatthe formal concepe of ratonalty--which Weber de ‘ved from the purposive zatonl action of the capita entrepreneur he indus wage labore the abstract legal person, andthe modeen adie ative offal and based on the cera of viene ae well a technology —- Ins specific substantive implications, Marcus is convinced that what Weber called “rationalization” relies not rationality a5 such but tthe i the fname of ratonaly, 2 specife form of unacknowledged polial domi ‘on. Beeause this srt of rationality extends tothe corect choice among strates, the appropiate application of technologes, and te eient ce tabshiment of systems (with presappoced ims in ge stustons), Fe 258 THE ANALYSIS AND CRITIQUE OF MODERN SOCIETY ‘aves the tot sda framework of interests in which satis ae chosen, technologies applic, and systems established, from the scope of reflection tnd rational rscomtraction, Moreover, this atioeaiy extends only tore Tisons of posible technical contol and therefor requires a ype of action that imply domination, whether of aature or of sary. By vive of i structure, porposve-ratinal action ithe exercise of contol Tht is why, in aecodance with this atonal, the “ratonalation” of the conditions flies synonyacus with te sttaonaizauoa ofa form of domination those pola character bosoms unrecognizable: the technical reason of 2 roca ystem of parposie rational scion does nor los is political con- feat Marcas eribque of Weber comes 0 the conclusion that the ver cong occ eaton peep olka Not ol the aplication ‘Tatinclogybartecinstogy tel donlpaon (of nt an wer-nthodes, Senos land, casting centre, Specie puro ahd ist of dom ons ot fed pom eoiny “subsequent and om Se oad ty er ie very censrncsor of he seoncl Speen Tedoegy ie abeaye 4 Pets prc in prose what a ssety and ts ing tee Teeth dew ts end hogs Sach spurge” ol Somsnatan ir nut” [Suthep othe vey form cal eason. ‘Asay a 1956 Norns fered in gate lece comer the == cdr phenomenon ttm inraly advance explores om Siioe ust let explosive and oppresve charac ané become Strut without polit donieaton tery daappesen: “domi Gone dependent only othe capschy and drive maintain wn extend the fron ava wiv" Domigation fr caomal in hat 9 sxe can be ‘Mina! wih a alow el mate gow o hee opr econ, coupled with ci and tea pros the asi of te ‘Goaton alow at he stn tn, he ve! the product ace con ‘Shares pote in relaon to ich ihe renstaons sad burdens fied on nda cem more andere venccomy ad atonal i Mares dent, te ojcecly sperfvos repression ca be 108 ocd ip We “mised eippeton of disoal the enormous SPP Taavel prodicion an ditbutos he depen of fe in {te simon indsingubable fasion of consracive and destucove scl IicerPorateicy howeves ths repression con Suopear fom tec ‘oun of th porulon Ssasc the leona of domination bat ‘SSumed pow charters rs the “coast inreaing produc ‘and domsos of manu whch kes tng meas meant "inna on of ho of roc ig om demic and technical progres supase all occa proportions From {Rtbensuntonaleamevort dws te oppommry fo eptmaor The thous tat elins of prodacon can be messed spun the pote ‘Srdeoped pratt cis prevented hea th exiningeaon of production pists thecvs atthe tcl eceary Ogaeacoal Technology and Science as “Ideology” — 239 form ofa rics ssi. Here “eatonlty” fn Weber’ seme, roms 4s Jans faces to longer only 3 ctl saat fo the derlopmene Teel ofthe fret of production ntti to which he objec super hous, tapeesave character of histori bul tations of production can be exposed Is abo tn apeloge sual though which hese se Feats of preducion cn be joted a unctona stated ame. ‘work Inde in ean toe splopricsercabliny “atonal” Weakened asa cite atdaed and deeraded os cerecue i the Src: whar can sll be sad fat best that sey “poor pos immed” he he stag ho cetera Selon ea! ae {fc of rout so ey ny soa i toe of production. Now they no Tonge funcion a the basi of a ce of revalingleinaton athe interest a politcal eigenen, bo be ome ata the base of egiumasion. Tote whe Mares coe of ‘st worlhistorially new But if thsi the cae, mst moc dhe rationality embeded in swtems of uposverasonal acon be understood ae specaly inte? Muse not the only af cence and ecology ise of tng edible ame varying res of loge and method have nrbed 2 ssn, Matos Aetveds and thercore rnntory pesca! Mace sewer the sfmate Ts pi of der crv rir cr nach oy ha ey serve concealment ors eivers of el poping, proce tent heorecalepeatonaum ene 1 conespond ta pel opengl ‘e'sdcae mehol atch let the tcemerecieare domes of ae th eto provide he pte cnet su wel onthe nena forte ene Imotecfecne domisaton Of man by tad bawdy the donation esate ‘Tedsy domination perpetaate snd exes uc oc oy taught bat = ad the et prvi the rest eghimaton of he pony als aon of te rca py of tg oe med efor miedo tt tee Tal ncr pou oat eer a beam te Sloe spree enlarges. jbecomior: OF i ad cree the produc of abot. Fecha ot tron prec rr ta cc pansy at amano ‘Sruecwla son fw opet onl tons neagye Weber “cationalzation” is not only a long-term proces ofthe transfor ‘nation of social structures but simukancooay “rationalization” in Feud’ ‘emte:the tru motive, the perperution of obecvlyebvolte domination, is concealed through the invocation of purposive rational imperatives, Thi invocation is possible oly because the rationally of roence and technology is immarendly one of cootol: the rationality of domination. ‘Marcuse owes tis concep, according to which modern science i @ hi torical formaton, equally fo Hassell weatse on the cist of European ‘elence and Heidegge’s dasructon of Western metaphysics. From the ta 240. THE ANALYSIS AND CRITIQUE OF MODERN SOCIETY terast poston Fnac Bloch har developed the viewpoint that the ration: “ley of modern science ss root distorted by capitals in such away {st rob moder technology ofthe innocence of 2 pure productive fore jut Marcse isthe ist to make the °polteal content of echrical eason” the analytes pint of departure fora theory of advanced cpialist sce. Because he not only develope tis wewpointphlesophically but also a- fempesto couoborate it tncugh soiologiel analysis, the difeliesiner- ‘atin this conception become vibl.Tsball ler ere to but one arbigity ‘Sentaned in MareaseS om conception. 1 the phenomenon on which Marcuse bases his cocial analysis i the peculiar futon of technology and domination, ‘and oppresion, rgd aot be inerpreted otherwise than as 2 World "project" a5 Marcuse Sein the language of Sartres phenomenology, cotaned inthe material a pod of thelogicef sence andteshnology and deterned by class nest Bd Ison sisaton, then seca! emandpation could not be conceived srsbout «complementary revolutionary warsformarion of scence and ech ology thensetves In several passage Marcas is temed co pursue this es of a New Seence i connection wit dhe promis, familias ia Jews ed Protetan mysticim of the resurrection offen sare” This theme, tte known for having povteated nt Sehling’s (and Bander) philosophy Via Swabian Pein, rumen Mares Faris Manuscripts, today consarues the cena though of Bloch philosophy, end in elected forms, alo d fect the mote secret oper of Waker Besar, Max Hoetheimer, and “Theodor W: Adorn, Irs aso preseoe in Maree thought ‘he pa wh am i ome hc one vt of thd ted Loner he peed and parodies nation of Meee ane ned te drone of maneva Hk which ends ro be ‘Raat tky ante ars whole Nsrrsctibaly compreended and mastered, sei trish tens sypazaer of prosuenon 4nd Geraci whidh sata Pre aie athe eansae Che sabordaing them themes of BEIPEtG Thus he al erarchy ere ah the soo eI hb the BS STEER cong the ceston of Pore uch igi eever ts al ik, ‘SSG Thee a very emerure of sence nt senate pies. is hypoiees, TOS Rae er taoonal Gace wosld deeop to an esertally dierent "peetemal foment spaced word omequndy science wos ere S*Estmanly free compen of strc ead exabloh eset erent fat In alogil lashion Marcuse envisages not nly clifferent modes of theory formaien but» iltent scene methodology in general. The tanscen- {faa fremework within which naere would be made the object of «new ‘Xperience would then no longer be the fanciona system of rstrumental ‘Sion The viewpoint of porble echnical control wonld be replaced by She of prsering, fostering, aod releasing the portals of nature “these ave vo kinds of mastery. 9 cepressive ad a liberating one”* To chis ‘ow ir mas be objected that moder sieace con be interpreted a bistor- “Tecnology and Sconce as “Ideology” 241 ically sigue projst only if a leet one alterative projec is thinkabl ‘Aud in sion a aerate New Ssence woul Lae to inde the crion of s New Technolozy. Thi sobering consideration Besse tsthaloy af baed at all on profes, on only be hace back to.3 "peor (cet of the human spaces a hole, snd not 0 oe that oul be Bion ‘ly serpased "Arnold Gehlen hs pointed ou in what ees to me conch fthion that heres an inane connection beoresn the technology known 9 ot lad he stucco puposverational action If we comprenead he behav isral ester of ston replated by ia own reais at te conjunction of {ato decison snd isshanentl stn, then we cn cece! the fist {ory ol ehnelogy Irom the pon of ew of he sep by ep objectration ol the slapens of that very sytem. nay cs tchwolopcl detlopment lends sc 0 Bing cep shou he bamen spss ba ake the tencanry compote de behavioral sytem of prpeie rationals Sion, which s pearly oon he amas orp, dd projected them foe afer another ont the plane of technical isan heey wba ‘ening bet ofthe corresponding functions? At the nsions of the Spovr appara (hans abd ls) were augment und replaced lowed iy corey prusion (ofthe taman body), the Kanai of the sensory apparatus eyes cay and sin, ad Bally by the fencon ofthe gore ity comet (ihe nn echnolapea devlopent hi follows loge thet Cotreagonds tothe siucenre of purposive ravona ston regate bys comm ert, which int he Scare of wort Rea thi a pthc cavisge how a longer he orgaicton of hams eure does tot change anda long therefore 38 we have wo achicre alt preserston ‘rough sol labor and wi he i of means ha sbsose fr mot we ‘ll enoucerecholoy, ore partly ou thas, in avo of ‘ealtasnely diferent on ‘Marave bas in rod an aerate ata ro vance, bu i does ao sama of he Hes of 3 New Technology Ine of esting nature the ‘tj of pombe mca contol, we can cocouster her ssa opposing parte ina ponbeincracion. We can eck ov after rathr han a Exped astute. A the level ofan a8 yee incompleeiesubectty we on impute sje to sims ad plan cheno mbrly a ty to Senmmunkate with etre intend of merely proceing her ant contons Of severed communication, Aad te wea ara al enchaned subjecny fnmtre cao be sound wal ment communication sang theses {Sie rm domination bas eabed, sy tees ation. Only if nen coud commmnicace without Sompubion and cach cold re ‘pits himself inthe oer, could mankind posi rcogine mate ‘othe enbje nota deasm woud have iy ete Oter buts set ‘otic saakind els the Orker Bethataritmay te achiromens of technolgy which ae indspentble as eechy could stely ox be eubuste for by nwakened ature, The tena existing tclogy the projec of matuce 2s oposig pret instead of elec rf to am dcoaive sroctere of action: to symbolic reaction in dstncton to purpoweratonal aon. This meas, how ter, dat the to procs te projections of work and of language Les Poketel thc human secs 2 whole, and no ofan individual epoch, 2 {peste cow, or a surpanblestostom. The idea of @ New Scene wil Ter sand up fo lpia srsing any more than tht ofa New Technol ‘ey i indod wicne isto retain the meaning of modem sence iher- {hoy onewed 10 posible technical contol For this functon, as for ‘Setecical ropes in pera here no more “humane? sas Marcuse hime scems to doubt whether itis meaning celaie a a “projec te aon of science and technolo In many passages of One Dimensional Max, roatontnng tcmolopeal tonality means uly a carlormason ofthe ination Harewerk which would leave “tnouched the ores of prodacton az such. The structure of sce Terhmcal progress would be conserved, and ony the governing vals seule ange Now rales would be aralted te rescall solvable {asks The doen of thie progress would be nex bu the sanded of Tetowalty lf would remain unchanged “Tecnica, 3 nierse Of [Rramenclis, ay incense the wesc ax well the power of man. At the present stapes heispethapsioe pomelos over is ova sparta that Acer was before®” “Tha sentence reinstates the politcal innocence af he free of produc sion: Here Marcuse only eneving the cms defn ofthe elation {hp Bere the produce force snd the procrion rlsons. But 30 {ie he as far ror coming co gp withthe new conseliaton a hich fe aiming ashe was with the atrton thatthe productive forces are ‘horoaply erred nce poi implications. Wha singular about the “raonaliy" of scence an ecology that characterizes the grow: ihe pout of lf surpassing prodscve fore which comsneall treten {he nstroonal framework and the are tine, set the standat of eg fimaton forthe podasion tltons that rece ths potential The de “Kotany of tis asonaly cannot be adgustlyrereemed ether by hi {onan the concept or by returning tothe oehedox views nether the ‘Sola ofthe ong sn of sGeniictecnial progres orth of in ‘cence do jue, The mow see formulation of he mae a ques Ton scons rome tobe the oiowig: hdl pr pla pri nema ag the ranean of Teese et Liman innmac ches amma eanone reFom ‘SHIM eoee Ce may wl mir arte macy he tech Seat eet sch ince, owen ual en=tea vl. seep Seley, An com compute cp ee eal apa 2 ghaSisurns econ canbe nen ce wolf we py See Ray Hows whe ics bone hr cal or fae Technology and Science as “Ideology” 243 Sl alain cmacibs mci clteroic holaky— Te difcaly, which Marcuse has only obscured withthe notion ofthe polis! content of techoeal reason, sto determine in + extegorialypre= ‘Sse manner the meaning ofthe expansion ofthe rational form of science and technology, ey the rationality enbodied in systems of purposive: ‘tional action, tothe proportion of fe form, ofthe “hstorca toaligy™ (of Hfewoeld. Ths the same proces that Weber meant 0 designate and explain atthe rationalization of society. T belive that other Weber nor ‘Marcuse has satisfactorily acconmted fort. Therefore I shoal like to at- tempt to reformulate Weber's concept of rationalization in another frame ‘of relerence in order ro discuss on this new basis Marcuse ciigue of We bes at wel a hie thens ofthe double fanetion of sentife technical prog eas (as productive fore and as ideology). 1am proposing an icerpretasee Scheme that, a the fora ofan essay cam be intoduced but noe seriously ‘alidted with regard ois uly. The historical peneraizatione this seve Daly co clarify di scheme and ate no subsite fr is sient substan By means ofthe concept of rationalization” Weber atempted to graep the repercussions of seat technical progress onthe nsitonal framework ‘of scites engaged in “modernization.” He shared this interest wh the ‘lsscal socologel tradition in genera, vehowe pats of polar concept all revolve about the same problem: how to conse «conceptual model of the instiwsional change brought about by the extension of subsystems of DPurposiverationa acon. Status and contract, Gemeinchaft and Cesel chat, mechanical and organic solidarity, informal and formal goups, pri ‘mary and secondary groups, calure and ciizacon, adtional and bar ‘esucete authority seal and sear associations, itary and dust ose status roup and clast—allof there pace of concept epreeatas ‘many stems to grep he srucutl change ofthe insitonal framework ‘of traditional scey on the wa) to becoming a modern one. Even Pa tones catalog of posible alternatives of value orientations belong inthe [sto these attempts, although he would not admit Parsons cai that bis lat ayntemaciclly repcaents the decisions berween erative aluer ‘onemtations that most be made by the subject of any action whatsoever, ‘eqacdless of the pancular or bstorcal context. Buti on examines the His one can scarcely overlook che historical station of the inquiry on Which sated, The four par of Remavve value orienttions, fect verse vera, ‘arcarom verte neem, ‘Borpmon ere schon ‘desc erm pectic, Which ar supposed to ake into acount al posible fundamental decisions, tre tailored fo an anayss of one hietoncl proces. ln act hey define the 44 THE ANALYSIS AND CRITIQUE OF MoDERS sociETY telive dimensions ofthe modification of dominant atiudes in the tats ‘Son from wadional to modem society. Subsystems of purpoive-asonal {evion do indeed demand orientation to the postponement of gratiScation, Tinea! norms individual achievement and active mastery and specie ind analytic latioships, rather than © the opposite orientations. la order to sformulate what Weber called “rasonaratio,”1 shoul ke to go beyond de succve approach that Parone shares with Weber and srapots eke atl eon sball ake a ey ating pon the lament dutnvon between work and eration. Gr wcd’ or porte nova eon werd ihr instrument con rational coe ox tei conjunction. frame Sco 9 ‘helo tech es based enpiealhoowledye sever case they

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