Poster Presentation Form: Title of The Three Day Event Add Your Abstract Here With All The Authors

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Title of the three day event

Add your abstract here with all the

Please type your abstract in 12 point Ariel

Narrow or a similar sans serif typeface.
The title should appear first, in capitals and
All authors should be listed, initials followed
by surname and centred.
The presenting author should be
The full postal addresses of the presenting
author should then follow, in italics, and
If the presenting author is not the
corresponding author, the
corresponding authors details should
then be given

If you want to submit more than one poster

abstract you can put them all in the box on
the right
Any other comments

General Indemnity
EuroSciCon reserves the right to change meeting content, timing, speakers or venue without notice. The event may be postponed or cancelled due to acts of terrorism,
war, extreme weather, industrial action, acts of God or any event beyond the control of EuroSciCon. If a situation arises we may endeavour to reschedule the event.
EuroSciCon cannot be held responsible for any cost, damage or expenses which may be incurred by the customer as a consequence of the event being postponed.
Expenses for speakers are paid only if they are agreed and authorised by EuroSciCon before confirmation of participation by the speaker and meet the criteria as
stated on the expense claim form.

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