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Kalamazoo shooting

On Saturday, February 20th, Jason B. Dalton, age 45, drove around Kalamazoo,
Michigan shooting randomly at people. Dalton is married with two kids, has no history of mental
illness, and was not on medications or drugs. Dalton sat expressionless in his case briefing, and
the motive behind his killing rampage is still unknown. He now has 16 charges against him: six
counts of murder, two assault with intent to commit murder, and eight felony firearm violations.
The murders took place in three destinations. A father and son were killed outside a car
dealership, and four women were killed in a Cracker Barrel parking lot. A fifth victim at Craker
Barrel, a 14 year old girl, was initially pronounced dead at the scene and placed on a ventilator
while plans were made for organ donation, however, less than an hour later she squeezed her
mother hand and now remains in intensive care. Another woman was seriously injured outside
her home, but survived.
Jason Dalton was hired as an Uber driver less than one month earlier. In between each
of the destinations where he killed, Dalton picked up passengers who reported that he drove
erratically and dangerously. Some even called 911 once outside the car, but the company said
that there were no complaints against him before that day. Dalton bought the 9mm handgun he
used in the shootings earlier that same day, but 11 more rifles were found in his house.
President Obama has commented that it should be harder for people to obtain guns, so events
like this do not happen.
This event is connected to the Constitution, as the Second Amendment gives every
person in America the right to own a gun. This amendment has given Jason Dalton the access
he needed to kill six people and injure two more. This event also connects to Due Process
because the police had to follow rules and regulations in order to arrest Dalton, and these same
rules apply to everyone. Order and Security, under Rule of Law, also applies because citizens
should be safe in their daily activities. This was not the case last Saturday, as people were killed
doing everyday activities. Dalton was treated with Equal Application of the Law and has
unalienable rights even though he is on trial for one of the worst crimes imaginable.

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