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My Elida,
My Mama
Adelere Adesina



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My Elida, My Mama

Adelere Adesina


to my sweet and beautiful mum, Elida

My Elida, My Mama

Adelere Adesina

One of the greatest treasures on earth is mother.

Whereas it is a great gift to have a mother, it is
eternal joy to have a mother that cares and loves.
Elida is not just my mother she is the core of my
life and my breath.


My Elida, My Mama

Adelere Adesina

A Little Comparison Will Do

A little comparison will do:
you are the Sun's magnificent raining
that brings forth lights for my path,
and sheds my love abroad
and makes my chloroplasts dance for joy
chloroplasts of passions for humanity
and tarries to feed my night
with echos of glories of moonly skies
in colourful paints of the dotting stars.
You are the sun, and all its beautiful touches
and beyond the sun in awe devotion.
A little comparison will do:
you are the fire of my hearth in winter
where with shivers like trembles of earthquakes
a thousand in the way of thousands of them
I come in a long, thick, covering cloak;
but with the most hopeless dimness of the night sky
and icy hands of the twin of death laid on me,
a little splinter of flicker you glimmered

Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

and reinforce with fires of no threat,

no, not even to threaten a fraid mutt,
but the sparkles of who lay hand on the hands
and raptures away my cold and lifelessness.
And this fire and hearth for my heart and embers for my
aye, each of the breath within me
and more than these you are.
A little comparison will do:
that you have no such comparison,
not among the men of earth; no
not among the stars flying in the night sky;
not so, not one.

Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

A Loving Love
Not the hearth that hearts heat for wintry nights,
nights when ghosts steals my sleep,
when sky's skin is removed from
and cold skeletons pour on me.
No, not this on earth
is like your warming hands on heart
that carries me into sweet oblivion,
places my head on the pillow
where ants have wings
and sands are beautiful clouds,
where your loving love hurries to eternity
and in ten folds cycle to and fro.

Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

A Moment
A moment with you is the claps of ephemeron
many of them,
uncountable as grains depthing oceans
who cease into eternal holds unfolding,
into eternity's chambers of awe.
A moment with you is heaven,
sweet tastes and delight lighting life,
bluey skies of arraying sparkles, littly stars
and awe still that steals my sight
away from this earth into lands of shadows,
in your hands of cuddles.
A moment with you is rapture
into glories greater golds than,
a moment, Mama.


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

A Petal
with a vein only, and a lymph of blood
and a flow of love
and a pigment of rain in bows of rays
and a scent of colours of hibiscusal rose,
and the jacarandiac fragrance scenting the nose
and the skin of sun's shine
you are, o love, you are.
with a heart only
and pristinity of the eternal sacredness,
and the blood of white moon,
blood that tastes like honey
and garment of skin that clothes secrets of bones
and greyness that nourishes wisdom's wanting


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

you are, o love, the petal.


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

Among the Forests

Among the tall forests at night
they, tall as gaints of the ancients,
with heads of canopies raised so high
my eyes run a thousand miles to behold
ends of whom touch the night sky
I look and deeply wonder thus:
What find you in my life
that you come as swift wind,
and unbreakable by trees
fir, oak and pine are
and lift me off the ground
to the summit of the branches,
who once stared at and bullied me;
as path for the inevitable sitting on leaves
by fairy hands beyond the flying mats
and fulfilling of dreams that once were sunk?


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

I have a tree amongst them,

those who reel on a pivot
in the skinly talking drum of the wind.
The same tree whose roots grave into you,
whose water and salt from your breast falls
yea, milk for the sole of my soul
whose bark on your back talls
whose pillar you have much been
yea, pillar that it should be you are
is now head of all trees in the forests.
Where is obeche? Has melodies of waves mahogany?
Is it not my leafy hands that clap to your winds
songs of love beyond the comprehension of the thrush?

Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

Breaths of Love
Into my nostrils, Mother,
great image of affection,
the flesh to whom I cling boldly,
and selflessly and deeply,
into my nostrils spare some breaths.
Even if I am most unworthy of them
and cannot be fit for the freshest air of you,
to smell the sweet scent of your garment,
my gracious queen,
spare me still some breaths, some of yours.
For the flab that I carry
belongs to you, mother;
and the earth that I wear
is dust from your sweet dust:
spare me some sweet breaths.
That my joy may reach heights
the eagle has not ever reached,


My Elida, My Mama

Adelere Adesina

where stars are still peeking

whose hands have there touched not,
nirvana of nirvanas- spare breaths of love.

Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

By the Words of the Books

By the words of the pages
who turn to and fro
in signs signified:
the water that flows in veins
and blood not feigns;
the beating of the heart
and the treat tender earth;
the joy of life
and the essence, living:
is a woman of glory;
and she,
she is.


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

Touching the lips of the heavens
like rainbow's long fingers,
but heavens of my innermost
is your carved smile.
It is crescent
that I behold
in this gentleness of night
within my heart's firmament,
when under the gripping oak
I supine my body
and forth finds my sight
the sweetness you give me.
Your smile touches my breath
in cresently sweetness
and makes my sad vapourise
and my mind smiles rainbowly, too.


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

From a Distance
From the distance of the soil to the sky,
we are much apart and sparse do meet.
Yet, not a closeness exists
between the gilling fin and water
as there is between our souls.
Thoughts alike; dreams alike;
one voice in four lips;
twenty fingers of one arm;
a blood in two hearts;
breathlessness of the second
in the same gasping breaths,
within the same loving arms,
between the same swiftness of time
yet, a distance so long, it collapses in love.
There is truly the sun
and the moon that queens my awe;
the stars do take my wonder,
do steal when I fall faintfully.


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

Yet, above these all

though of little distance away they are
when your distance away is in a bit compared
you take my awe of awes,
my wonder of wonders,
my love and all
and, from a distance ceased,
my every heartbeat.


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

In the Absence
In the absence of head,
I live on:
I see still, know great flavours of salt,
hear tunes of the harp, tunes of heavenly gaiety.
Yes, I live on, in you, Mother.
In the absence of heart,
I live on:
I love still, think deep wisdoms of sage,
feel music of the soul, songs of angelic cosmos.
Yes, I live on, in you, Mother.
In the absence of you,
I cease:
even if my ears catches the gossips of the dead,
even though my eyes sees tiptoeing of all ghosts,
I am steel as one of their kin, lifeless and hapless.


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

Jewel of Jewels
Is every mother, and you to me.
The anchor of my soul in the tempest,
yes, balance to my staggering and deladdering
and passion to my dreams of love and joy,
you are, have always been.
Is every mother, and you to me.
The ancient of stones in the deepest of Pacific,
o, in the most unshallow of Atlantic, the,
in the calmest rumbles of the India,
you are, have always been.
There is truly a jewel with which the man
takes the woman into his deepest bosom,
and the jewel you are takes me,
into the depths of motherliness.
O jewel of jewels, my priceless gold.


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

Let a Kiss
I want a space between us,
the distance of a motherly kiss
so I can fill from the spacious floor
the watery words I fetched from the ocean
and the fiery words I plucked from the sun
and the sweet'ning words I hon'y'd from the hive
till I brim the space to our face.
I want a space between us
that is so filled
and the little left fill you
with a kiss from royal mother
to her royal son,
the scarce kiss found on lips
of the sun of the sky
and the rose of the plants
and yours of the women.


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

More Letters
shall I by the wings of flying winds
send to your reading sight
all messages of words,
all words of letters.
Just listen to the pulses of winds,
of winds from waves of the seas,
whose water I have drowned writing
on barks of trees dancing to same winds.
The words are there, mother:
You are star, and galaxy in you is;
You are cause of lips agape,
of hearts beating blindly,
of tongues tasting solely sweetness,
hands writing loveliness always,
mouths singing celestial songs,
and windy messages bringing more letters.


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

That you are, who milks my soul
though grace has not you milk my lips
that you are and more the hand of my fillings,
of my mind's filled bowels
is my eterne awe.
That you ever run to comb my hair
and surrender for my life your last air
is a puzzle I comprehend not.
That you nurture my sadness to wealths
wealths of happiness like ocean's.
That you give magics of lights
in my bland night sky
and send my sweet delight here
from the wilderness it was devoured
gives me speechlessness to say
that you're my queen,
the crown of the first son,


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

and gladness of my heart

and the priceless worth
to always call as done, Mum.

Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

My Euphoria
All times does my heart ponder
and cease not to wonder
this truth, this very one:
euphor is you, o mother.
You are the cloth of my flesh
that tickles out my chills:
for the same that I giggle
relieves my sourly shaking skin.
You are the grass of my pasture
that greens always, always greens.
It is daylight's awe for me
the fruits of your night's labour.
When eclipses deprive world of day,
I shall not a fear have, not one.
For in you is a lamp of gladness,
a sweet love to light my paths.


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

On a Night
Walking a strange path on a night
when none is by my side, not one,
I saw vastness of confusions
that labyrinth has no plainness
as stone has no smoothness
you fairy my doom to ecstasy
and speak forth a prime cause
to hold your hands and fly away
from this vast blur.
On a night they forecast moonlessness
and fears of darkness darkens my soul
and songs of dirge my heavy thuds are
in this fearful walkway of cloudy damnness,
you fairy my doom to ecstasy
and speak forth a prime cause
to hold your hands and fly away
from this vast blur.


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

The Books Tell

The books tell of a mother
who gives her life
for the dreams of her son;
tales and myths
that have a living legend,
her whose hands butter me,
whose love captures my soul
away from drowsiness of life,
whose pearls she sells to feed me,
the reality of all fantasies,
the light for my path,
burning candle in the midnight.
The books tell of her love,
unconditional, pristine,
archangelic, godful.
The descriptions of vivid rooting
of the trees of the forests of the Earth
of love of breathlessness,
all written in gold ink:


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

the writings tell of her love,

of her existence and her being,
she who by the name I call
sweet name sweeter than honey in the mouth
is Mother, my mama in joy, in sorrow,


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

The Morning
The morning has come:
the crow rises faster
than the pace of the shining sun;
the morning star smiles
side by side sunny rays,
o gracious Venus, how orangeous!
The wind of the sea sweeps the night away,
and air of ripeness for sleep breathes out.
In the course of all these,
the morning clouds gather
and a thunder burped,
lightning running to ends of the earth.
Bands of colours, beams of wonders,
the richness roars loud, rainbow's richness.
In the course of all these,
the sun still shines;
the moon still glistens;
the stars still wink seductively
but pristine is this love for them
the clouds still chain.


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

In the course of all these,

your face is painted by heavenly hazes;
your skin is the rainbow's complexion;
your heartbeat thunders and roars proudly
for your morning rain is about to reign,
and a morning kiss from to a son.


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

The Rain
The rain brought a message,
each thousandth of a drop of each thousand of thousands.
Shall I not read it into your hears?
Her love is a seed,
one planted in the richest desert
and grows and makes desert tropic
and gives life to his dry heart, lively humid.
Her love is a tree,
one rooted in volcano's icy lava
and leaves and fruits volcano's magma
and gives life to his hot heart, lively coolness.
I played in this awe, in this code,
in this word of the rhythm of the rain.
Now tell I you the rain said,
You love me so, as do I.


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

What Have You Done

have you
to my heart
When I was away in the cosmopolis,
with the dilution of memories
by the machine clanging, away
all that I have known of the hamlet
and our love, mama,
your love has never
wane in a breath,
not once seized, not once dying.
have you
to my heart
endrawing to you


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

Of a Smiling Heart
The face of beauty
and heart large, mama,
the words of sweetness
and upcurves of your lips:
all enthrall my mind.
The end of these:
I smile in my heart,
a beautiful smile.


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

Morning's Chorus
By twitters of the sparrow,
Morning has come,
gale and gay;
morning has come
with strengths of a woman,
of a woman of soft,
of the pristine,
by character of goodly acts
on the stage of a beautiful heart.
Morning has come
in choruses high
of pitchface white
and melokiss wide.
Morning has come
in mama's tap
to spring to day


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

the firstson's night.


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

Beyond the Cup

Beyond the cup of desires
your love overflowing pours.
Beyond the jar of ointment
your care overrunning pours.
The rising of my breath
and passion of my drumming heart,
you are the wonder of life
and, in a breath, breeze.
You are the ray of the sun,
the morning calling to my hale,
the sky lusting lustre of hearty day,
and thundering love in toil's storm.


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

A Milk Unforgotten
that I got from your heart
and the constant beat of it,
that has the value for growth
and of knowledge and comfort,
that is the beauty of my childhood
and the sweet remembering when holding
is the milk
from you given,


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

The Vamper
My soul was once damaged,
reeking into night's loud rose fragrances
with foulness so strong I left it
caged there in a bottle beside a creek.
I left it and wandered into fogginess of dawns.
You sought my night
and brought my sole
and repaired my mind,
unbottled my joy;
you didfound my dawn
and removed my fog
and returned my soul,
you vamped all my sores.


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

Within My Heart
An image of you that does not fade:
same white face that whitens my paleness,
same gold hair that goldens my colourless,
same soft skin that softens my hardness,
same ma ma that mothers my childness.

Within my heart still flows

the milk of your rich breasts
that feed me daily, fills me
with great goals and greatness;
within the same still flows
your blood of unalloyed passion,
that brings me delights infinitely,
o sweet blood that enlifens me.


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

Within Walls of Heart

We have a peaceful ride
all in our gracious heart,
where wintry snows fall
in haste of disappearing warmth
and volcanic balls roll
in swift unappearance of cold
and both harshness loses gression
in the presence of beating oneness.
Within walls of heart,
we are just one, Mum,
with the incessant love
that wins over every brievity of time
and tramples the ecstasy of death on grave.
There we are,
where we are songs of love
and echoes within walls,
eternal echoes of loveliness.


My Elida, My Mama

Adelere Adesina


Adelere Adesina

My Elida, My Mama

Dear Reader, I cannot appreciate you enough for reading this

beautiful book. Well, such a strong love exists between the
mother and the son in fact, among one another in the
family. That is one such joy in being a part of existence.
Thanks once again.
You can as well get four other poetry books that are written
by me. They are:

Love on the Pine

The Grey

Hair and

Love and Lovers Vol. 1

Dark Romance Volume I



My Elida, My Mama

Adelere Adesina


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