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Formal Lesson Plan Template


Pima Course:

Subject: Reading

Content Standard:
Choose ONE standard. Be
sure to write out the entire
standard, not just the number.

Learning Objective:

Anticipatory Set:

Choose ONE objective

that leads toward
mastery of the standard
Must be specific,
measurable, and
Must have at least two
parts: learning and
Sometimes called a
"hook" to grab the
student's attention
Focuses student
attention on the
objective and the
purpose of the lesson
Activates prior
Requires ACTIVE
ALL learners

Using effective and varied
strategies, the teacher
provides information for
students to gain the concept,
strategy, or skill.

Demonstrate and show
examples of what students
are expected to do (how to
solve the problem, answer the
question, do the activity etc.).

Check for

Various strategies that

are ongoing throughout
the entire lesson.
Enables teacher to

Topic: Main Idea & details

Grade Level: 3rd

Duration of Lesson: fourthfive minutes

Description of Plan
3. RL.1 Standard: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text,
referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answer. (Arizona State Standards:
Reading Literature)
Objective: Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how
they support the main idea. (Arizona State Standards: Reading Informational text:

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The focus of this anticipatory set is to have the students identify the main idea and
supporting detail on page 173 of their text. First, the teacher has the students read page
192 in their textbooks. Than the teacher uses a model to explain how the details in the
web support the main idea. Next the teacher asks students to explain how identifying the
main idea and details in different parts of Yippee Yay! helps them understand the
selection. Finally the teacher asks students how they can tell what the main idea of a
story is and how they know? ( Harcourt, Trophies, p. 172, 173 7 192 )


The teacher tells the students what the main idea of the selection is. The teacher asks
the students to tell him/her what the supporting details are. The teacher uses the
document camera to show the students the graphic organizer, which has the main idea in
the center and the supporting details drawn out on each side.


The teacher then writes the main idea of the paragraph, on page 172, on her copy
of the graphic organizer and fills in the supporting details. As the teacher is doing
this he/she is asking the students to tell him/her what each part is.


The teacher walks around the room checking the students notebooks to see if the
students have filled it out correctly. The teacher also has students show him/her what
they have written on their white boards first and then has them write those parts in their
notebook webs. He/she also has the students read the selection aloud before they
proceed to writing those parts on their whiteboards.


Formal Lesson Plan Template

determine whether ALL
students have "gotten it."

Guided Practice:
An opportunity for each
student to demonstrate new
learning by working through
an activity or exercise with the
teachers guidance.


Actions or statements
made by teachers AND
students that summarize
lesson objectives.
Essential for helping
students integrate ideas,
make sense out of what
has just been taught,
and to improve their
chances of retention and
Must be done BEFORE
Independent Practice

Independent Practice:
AFTER proper closure, it is
important to provide time for
additional practice. It may be
group or individual work in
class or it might be


The formative and/or
summative assessments that
are aligned with the objective.




How you will reach diverse
learners by varying the:



21st Century Learning:
Includes technology as well
as the 4 Cs: Critical Thinking,
Creativity, Collaboration, and

The teacher than has the students read further in the text and asks them to create
another graphic organizer which shows the main idea and supporting details of the
passage on that page or pages.


The teacher has the students tell him/her what the lesson was about. The teacher asks
the students why they think this is an important concept for them to know and how they
will use this concept again.


The teacher has the students make another graphic organizer for another part of the
story or for a different story and then asks them to fill in the main idea and supporting
details for that story.


The teacher checks for understanding by looking at the students independent graphic
organizers to see if the students have learned the concept. When the students are asked
what the main idea or supporting details of a paragraph is they hold up their whiteboards
with the answer written on them. The teacher checks each whiteboard to ensure that the
students are understanding the concepts that he/she is presenting.


The teacher has students use whiteboards before writing in their notebooks. The teacher
has those students who are struggling do one part at a time, first find the main idea, then
one supporting detail, then another supporting detail. The teacher checks the graphic
organizers of those students who are struggling to ensure that those students have
understood the concept.


If the students are reading a story on the internet the teacher checks with them to see if
they can tell him/her what the main idea and supporting details of that story is.


List of Materials, Handouts and other Supplemental Documents: Document camera, one drawing of the graphic organizer,
whiteboards, dry erase markers, pens, pencils, notebooks, and textbooks.

Formal Lesson Plan Template

Arizona Department of Education, Standards & Assessments, Arizona K-12 Academic Standards, English Language Arts/Literacy
Gibbons, Gail: Harcourt Trophies: A Harcourt Reading Language Arts Program, Harcourt, Inc. Sea Harbor Drive, Florida, p. 172,
173, & 192
Tucson Unified School District, CE Rose Elementary, Curriculum, Scope and Sequence, Quarter 3,

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