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The Generic Times

Federal Building

(Oklahoma City)--On April

19, 1995, a car bomb
exploded outside the Alfred P.
Murrah Federal building,
killing 168 people, 19 of
whom were children.
Two years after the
bombing of the Murrah
Federal Building in
Oklahoma city, Timothy
McVeigh was convicted of
murder and conspiracy
charges and sentenced to
death by lethal injection.

McVeigh, his friend Terry

Nicholas and several other
friends were responsible for the
I knew it was him from
the start, said McVeighs exgirlfriend Stephanie Barbetro,
he was always so secluded, so
violent. You could just see in
his eyes that he...was a ruthless
They were all domestic
terrorists longing to get back at
the U.S. government.
Investigators concluded that
McVeighs motivation for the
bombing came from the Waco
incident where a fire resulting
from an FBI

assault on a Branch
Davidian Compound near
Waco, Texas killed over eighty
McVeigh planned his
attack for the two-year
anniversary of the Waco
incident. A year before, in 1994,
he stocked up on ammonium
nitrate fertilizer to create the
bomb. In the end, the bomb
consisted of 5000 pounds of
ammonium nitrate fertilizer and
other parts that McVeigh and
Nicolas stole from a quarry in
Marion, Kansas.
On the morning of the attack,
McVeigh loaded the bomb onto
a rented Ryder Truck. Where

a rented Ryder
Truck. Where McVeigh and
Nicolas drove the vehicle to
the Murrah Federal Building
parking lot. They lit the fuse
then walked away.
McVeigh was
arrested 90 minutes later
when a cop saw that
McVeigh had an
unregistered gun. The cop
had originally pulled
McVeigh over for not
having a license plate.
While McVeigh was
in custody, his connections
with the bombing became
evident. His execution date
is for June 11, 2001.

Nicolas was convicted for

his role in McVeighs plan
December 4, 1997, then received
a lifetime prison sentence on
June 5.
Michael Fortier, a third
accomplice, received a 12-year
prison sentence and a $200,000
bond on May 27 after testifying
against McVeigh and Nicolas.
Even though those
responsible for the bombing are
being severely punished, the
attack has caused many
Americans to wonder whether
worse is to come.

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